HP . Stt 8t. IRYPORT! REESE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Received Accession ; *&. "' .. HARMONY OF THE FOUR GOSPELS IN GREEK, ACCORDING TO THE TEXT OP HAHN. NEWLY ARRANGED, WITH EXPLANATORY NOTES, EDWARD ROBINSON, D. D. LL. D. Professor of Biblical Literature in the Union Theological Seminary, New- York Author of a Greek and English Lexicon of the New Testament, Biblical Researches in Palestine, etc. etc. BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY CROCKER AND BREWSTER. LONDON: WILEY AND PUTNAM. 1845. .JOHN r. TROW AND oo. j>BiTBRa, ?3 ANN 8TRXXT. Entered, according to Act of Congreae, in the year 1845, by EDWARD ROBJKSON, in the Clerk'* Office of the District Court of the Southern District of New- York. IT siv PREFACE. THE experience of many years has not failed to impress upon the minds of most Biblical teachers, the advisableness of permitting the Harmony of the Gospel History to occupy a prominent place among the earliest studies of a Theological Seminary. The sim- plicity of the language, the interest and importance of the events, and also the very difficulties, real or alleged, with which the sub- ject is environed, all mark this portion of the Word of God as particularly adapted for introducing the youthful student into the principles and practice of Biblical Interpretation. If the study of the Harmony be rightly carried out, there is thus laid a broad and solid ground-work, on which afterwards to erect a substantial and enduring structure of Biblical Science, " built upon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner-stone." In furtherance of these general views, no less than two editions of Archbishop Newcome's Harmony have formerly appeared in this country ; one of them under my own superintendence. These have already been long out of print, so that for some years it has been very difficult to obtain copies. Under these circumstances, and by the advice and request of leading Professors in several of our Theological Seminaries, as well as from a feeling of necessity in the case of my own pupils, I was led to turn my attention to the supply of this acknowledged want. It soon, however, became apparent, that, rather than to engraft the changes and additions, which seemed necessary, upon any former work, it would be easier, and perhaps better, to prepare a new one. The present volume, accordingly, was undertaken with these impressions ; and it is now given to the public, as a new and independent work, in IV PREFACE. the hope and with the prayer, that it may be found useful in its place, and thus aid in promoting the cause of Theological Education. The public, however, will naturally be slow to expect any great amount of novelty in a work of this kind, on a subject which has been before the ablest minds of the Church during many centuries. Yet, in the lapse of centuries, and even of years, there is a con- stant progress in the discovery or observation of new facts and circumstances, bearing upon the social and also the physical history of the Hebrews and other ancient nations. These all serve to enlarge the circle of Biblical knowledge ; they add to the appara- tus and means of the Interpreter and Harmonist; and thus enable him often to shed new light upon topics which before were dark or doubtful. It may also be truly said, that in no former period, perhaps, has there been accumulated a greater amount of such facts and of such progress, than in the almost seventy years which have elapsed since the original publication of Newcome's Harmony. Hence, in a similar work issued at the present day, the scholar may justly require, that it shall exhibit the results of all these later investigations into language, manners and customs, history, geography, and the like, so far as they are well-founded ; and thus become, to a certain extent, the representative of the present state of Biblical science in this particular department. Such, accordingly, has been my aim in the preparation of this volume. I have also every where endeavoured faithfully to judge and write, according to the impressions left on my mind by a per- sonal inspection of most of the scenes of the Gospel History ; a privilege enjoyed, I believe, by no previous Harmonist. If then the scholar shall find little or nothing of positively new matter in these pages, he will yet find, I trust, some new views r and also some new illustrations of old views, which are nowadays assailed. This is true especially in respect to the transactions during the last six months of our Lord's life and ministry ; and the remark applies more particularly to the identification of the city Ephraim and the return of Jesus from that place through Perea ; to the important Passover question ; and to the mode of harmon- i/ing the several accounts of the Lord's resurrection and its accom- panying incidents. All these and other like topics are discussed PREFACE. in the Notes; to which the reader is respectfully referred. The notation of place in connection with every section, though not wholly a new feature, is yet much more definitely carried out. The general uses and advantages of a Harmony, and the par- ticular objects aimed at in the present volume, are specified at the close of the Introduction to the Notes. A list of the most impor- tant Harmonies heretofore published, is given below. In the printing of the Text, which was very difficult, and in the correction of the proofs, great assistance has been rendered by two of my pupils, Messrs. W, C. French and A. H, Guernsey, themselves practical printers. That the labour bestowed upon this work may not be in vain, but may be blessed of God to the furtherance of the study of his Word, is the sincere prayer of the Author. E, ROBINSON, UNION THEOLOGICAL, SEMINARY,) New- York, July, 1845, y LIST OF HARMONIES. The following List comprises only the most important works of this class. For a more complete account of the literature of this department, the reader is re- ferred to the following works : FABRICIUS, Biblioth. Graca, ed. HARLES, T. IV. p. 880 sq. WALCH, Biblioth. Thcol. IV. p. 863 sq. HASE, Das Leben Jesu, 27. 2te Ausg. TATIAN the Syrian, ahout A. D. 170, compiled a work entitled : to diet Tcoxra^ow. This is lost; and the Latin version, so called, is regarded as spurious. See Biblioth. Patrr. Max. L. B. 1677. T. II. p. 203-12. Fabric. Cod. Apocr. N. T. I. p. 377. Mill Prolegom. in N. T. Lips. 1723. p. 38. Neander Kirchengesch. I. p. 764. AMMONIDS of Alexandria, ahout A. D. 220, is said also to have prepared a work called Uftporfo, in like manner lost. A. OSIANDER, Harmoniae Evang. Libri IV, Gr. et Lot. fol. Basil. 1537, 1561. CORN. JANSEN, Concordia Evang. fol. Lovan. 1549. Antv. 1554. etc. Mechl. 1825. 8vo. 2 Tom. R. STEPHANDS, Harmonia Evang. fol. Par. 1553. J. CALVIN, Harmonia ex tribus Evangelistis composita, adjuncto seorsum Joanne* fol. Genev. 1553, and often. VI LIST OF HARMONIES. M. CHEMNITII (Chemnitz) Harmonia quatuor Evangg. quam P. LYSERUS et J. GERHARDUS, is continuavit, hie perfedt. fol. Hamb. 1704. 3 Tom. The portion by Chemnitz was first printed at Frankf. 1593, etc. G. CALIXT, Quatuor Evangg. Scriptorum Concordia, 4to. Halberst. 1624, etc. Pub- lished without the author's consent. T. CARTWRIQHT, Harmonia Evang. etc. 4to. Amst. 1627, 1647. J. LIGHTFOOT, Harmonia, Ordo, et Chronicon N. T. in Opp. ed. Leusden, fol. Tom. IL p. 1. Ultraj. 1699. English: Harmony, Chronicle, and Order of the N. T. fol. Lond. 1655. Works, by Pitman, 8vo. Vol. III. Lond. 1822. B. LAMY, Harmonia s. Concordia quatuor Evangg. 12mo. Par. 1689. Cjmmentar. in Harm. 2 Tom. 4to. Par. 1699. J. CLERICUS (Le Clerc), Harmonia Evangelica, etc. fol. Amst. 1699. TOINARD, Evang. Harmonia Gr. et Lot. fol. Par. 1707, posthumous. French : Har- monie ou Concorde Evang. suivant la methode et avec les notes de feu M. TOINARD, Par. 1716. % F. BORMANN, de Harmonie, ofte Overeenstemminge der vier h. Evangelisten, 4to. Amst. 1712, 1739. J. R. Rus, Harmonia Evang. etc. Jena 1727-30. 3 Tom. in 4 Vol. J. A. BENGEL, Richtige Harmonie der vier Evangelisten, 8vo. Tub. 1736, 1747, 1766. J. MACKNIGHT, Harmony of the Four Gospels, 4to. 2 Vols. in 1. Lond. 1756, 1763, and often. J. PRIESTLEY, Harmony of the Evangelists in English, 4to. Lond. 1777. W. NEWCOME, Harmony of the Gospels in Greek, etc. fol. Dublin 1778. Reprinted, 8vo. Andover 1814, 1834. J. J. GRIESBACH, Synopsis Evangelior. Matlh. Marc, et Lsucae, etc. 8vo. Halae 1776, 1797, 1809, 1822. J. WHITE, Diatessaron, etc. 8vo. Oxon. 1800. H. PLANCK, Entwurf einer neuen synopt. Zusammenstellung der dreyersten Evangg. u. 8. to. 8vo. Gutting. 1809. DE WETTE ET LUCKE, Synopsis Evangelior. Matth. Marc, et Lucae, etc. 4to. Berol. 1818. G. C. MATTH AE i, Synopse der vier Evangg. nebst Kritik u. s. w. 8vo. Gutting. 1826. H. N. CLAUSEN, Quatuor Evangg. Tabulae synopticae, etc. 8vo. Havniae (Copen- hag.) 1829. M. ROEDIGER, Synopsis Evangelior. Matth. Marc, et Lucae, etc. 8vo. Halae, 1829, 1839. R. CHAPMAN, Greek Harmony of the Gospels, etc. with Notes, 4to. Lond. 1836. V. REICHEL, Quatuor sac. Evangelia in pericopas harmon. chronologice ordinatas dispertita, etc. 8vo. Prag. 1840. J. GEHRINGER, Synoptische Zusammenstellung des Gr. Textes der vier Evangelien. 4to. Tab. 1842. CONTENTS AND SYNOPSIS OF THE HARMONY CONTENTS. MATT. MARK. LUKE. JOHN. Sect. TABLE for finding any Passage in the Harmony. Page, xvii PART I. i EVENTS CONNECTED WITH THE BIRTH AND CHILDHOOD OF OUR LORD. TIME : About thirteen and a half years. 5 1. Preface to Luke's Gospel. 1 1,1-4 2. An Angel appears to Zacharias. Jerusalem. 1 1,5-25 3. An Angel appears to Mary. Nazareth. 2 1,26-38 4. Mary visits Elizabeth. Jutta. 2 1,39-56 5. Birth of John the Baptist. Jutta. 3 1,57-80 6. An Angel appears to Joseph. Nazareth. 4 1, 18-25 7. The Birth of Jesus. Bethlehem. 4 2,]-7 8. An Angel appears to the Shepherds. Near Beth- lehem. 5 2,8-20 9. The circumcision of Jesus, and his presentation in the Temple. Bethlehem. Jerusalem. 5 | 2, 21-38 10. The Magi. Jerusalem. Bethlehem. 6 2, 1-12 11. The flight into Egypt. Herod's cruelty. The re- turn. Bethlehem. Nazareth. 6 2, 13-23 2, 39. 40 12. At twelve years of age Jesus goes to the Passover. Jerusalem. 7 2, 41-52 13. The Genealogies. 8 1,1-17 3,28-38 PART II. ANNOUNCEMENT AND INTRODUCTION OF OUR LORD'S i PUBLIC MINISTRY. TIME : About one year. 14. The Ministry of John the Baptist. The Desert. The Jordan. 10 3, 1-12 1,1-8 3, 1-18 15. The Baptism of Jesus. The Jordan. 12 3, 13-17 1,9-11 3, 21-23 Vlll SYNOPSIS OF THE HARMONY. CONTENTS. MATT. MARK. LUKE. JOHN. Sect. Page. 16. The Temptation. Desert of Judea. 12 4, 1-11 1, 12. 13 4, 1-13 17. Preface to John's Gospel. 14 1, 1-18 18. Testimony of John the Baptist to Jesus. Bethany beyond Jordan. 14 1, 19-34 19. Jesus gains Disciples. The Jordan. Galilee ? 15 1, 35-52 20. The Marriage at Cana of Galilee. 16 2, 1-12 PART III. OUR LORD'S FIRST PASSOVER, AND THE SUBSEQUENT TRANSACTIONS UNTIL THE SECOND. TIME : One year. 21. At the Passover Jesus drives the Traders out of the Temple. Jerusalem. 17 2, 13-25 22. Our Lord's discourse with Nicodemus. Jerusalem. 18 3, 1-21 23. Jesus remains in Judea and baptizes. Further tes- timony of John the Baptist. 18 3, 22-36 24. Jesus departs into Galilee after John's imprisonment. 19 25. Our Lord's discourse with the Samaritan woman. Many of the Samaritans believe on him. Shechem or Neapolis. 20 4, 12. 14, 3-5. 1, 14. 6, 17-20. 4,14. 3, 19.20. 4,1-3 4,4-42 26. Jesus teaches publicly in Galilee. 21 4, 17 1, 14. 15 4, 14. 15 4,43-45 27. Jesus again at Cana, where he heals the son of a No- bleman lying ill at Capernaum. Cana of Galilee. 21 4, 46^4 28. Jesus at Nazareth ; he is there rejected, and fixes his abode at Capernaum. 22 4, 13-16 4, 16-31 29. The call of Simon Peter and Andrew, and of James and John, with the miraculous draught of fishes. Near Capernaum. 23 4, 18-22 1, 16-20 5, 1-11. 30. The healing of a Demoniac in the Synagogue. Capernaum. 24 1, 21-28 4, 31-37 31. The healing of Peter's wife's mother, and many others. Capernaum. 24 8, 14-17 1, 29-34 4, 38-41 32. Jesus with his Disciples goes from Capernaum throughout Galilee. 25 4, 23-25 1, 35-39 4, 42-44 33. The healing of a Leper. Galilee. 26 8, 2-4 1, 40-45 5, 12-16 34. The healing of a Paralytic. Capernaum. 26 9,2-8 2, 1-12 5, 17-26 35. The call of Matthew. Capernaum. 28 9,9 2, la 14 5,27.28 PART IV. orra LOKD'S SECOND PASSOVER, AND THE SUBSEQUENT TRANSACTIONS UNTIL THE THIRD. TIME: One year. 36. The Pool of Bethesda ; the healing of the infirm man ; and our Lord's subsequent discourse. Jeru- tnlcm. 29 37. The Disciples pluck ears of grain on the Sabbath. On the way to Galilee ? 31 18,1-8 8,83-88 6, 1-5 6, 1-47 SYNOPSIS OF THE HARMONY. IX CONTENTS. MATT. MARK. LUKE. JOHN. Sect. Page 38. The healing of the withered hand on the Sabbath. Galilee. 32 12, 9-14 3,1-6 6,6-11 39. Jesus arrives at the Sea of Tiberias, and is followed by multitudes. Lake of Galilee. 32 12, 15-21 3, 7-12 40. Jesus withdraws to the Mountain, and chooses the Twelve ; the multitudes follow him. Near Caper- naum. 33 10,2-4 3, 13-19 6, 12-19 41. The Sermon on the Mount. Near Capernaum. 34 5,1-8,1 6, 20-49 42. The healing of the Centurion's servant. Caper- naum. -4C 8,5-13 7, 1-10 43. The raising of the Widow's son. Nain. 41 7,11-17 44. John the Baptist in prison sends Disciples to Jesus. Galilee : Capernaum ? 41 11,2-19 7, 18-35 45. Reflections of Jesus on appealing to his mighty Works. Capernaum ? 42 11,20-30 46. While sitting at meat with a Pharisee, Jesus is anointed by a woman who had been a sinner. Capernaum ? 43 7,36-50 47. Jesus, with the Twelve, makes a second circuit in Galilee.' 44 8,1-3 48. The healing of a Demoniac. The Scribes and Pharisees blaspheme. Galilee. 44 12, 22-37 3, 19-30 11,14.15. 49. The Scribes and Pharisees seek a sign. Our Lord's 17-23 reflections. Galilee. 45 12, 38-45 11, 16. 50. The true Disciples of Christ his nearest relatives. 24-36 Galilee. 47 12, 46-50 3, 31-35 8, 19-21 51. At a Pharisee's table, Jesus denounces woes against the Pharisees and others. Galilee. 47 11,37-54 52. Jesus discourses to his Disciples and the multitude. Galilee. 48 12, 1-59 53. The slaughter of certain Galileans. Parable of the barren Fig-tree. Galilee. 50 13, 1-9 54. Parable of the Sower. Lake of Galilee : Near Ca- pernaum? 51 13, 1-23 4, 1-25 8, 4-18 55. Parable of the Tares. Other Parables. Near Ca- pernaum ? 54 3,24-53 4,26-34 56. Jesus directs to cross the Lake. Incidents. The tempest stilled. Lake of Galilee. 55 8, 18-27 4,35-41 8,22-25 9, 57-62 57. The two Demoniacs of Gadara. S. E. coast of the Lake of Galilee. 57 8,28-34 5, 1-21 8,26-40 58. Levi's Feast. Capernaum. 59 9) 1 9, 10-17 2, 15-22 5, 29-39 59. The raising of Jairus' daughter. The woman with a bloody flux. Capernaum. 60 9, 18-26 5,22-43 8,41-56 60. Two blind men healed, and a dumb spirit cast out. Capernaum ? 63 9, 27-34 61. Jesus again at Nazareth, and again rejected. 63 3,54-58 6,1-6 62. A third circuit in Galilee. The Twelve instructed and sent forth. Galilee. 64 9, 35-38 0,1.5-42 6,6-13 9,1-6 63. Herod holds Jesus to be John the Baptist, whom he M had just before beheaded. Galilee ? Perea. 66 4, 1. 2. 6, 14-16. 9,7-9 T> 6-12 21-29 SYNOPSIS OF THE HARMONY. CONTENTS. MATT. MARK. LUKE. JOHN. Sect. Page 64. The Twelve return, and Jesus retires with them across the Lake. Five thousand are fed. Caper- naum. N. E. coast of the Lake of Galilee. 67 14, 13-21 6, 30-44 9, 10-17 6, 1-14 65. Jesus walks upon the water. Lake of Galilee. Gennesareth. 7C 14, 22-36 6, 45-56 6, 15-21 66. Our Lord's discourse to the multitude in the Syna- gogue at Capernaum. Many Disciples turn back. Peter's profession of faith. Capernaum. 71 6,22-71 7, 1 PART V. FROM OUR LORD'S THIRD PASSOVER UNTIL HIS FINAL DEPARTURE FROM GALILEE AT THE FESTIVAL OF TABERNACLES. TIME: Six months. 67. Our Lord justifies his Disciples for eating with unwashen hands. Pharisaic Traditions. Caper- naum. 74 15, 1-20 7,1-23 68. The daughter of a Syrophenician woman is healed. Region of Tyre and Sidon. 76 15, 21-28 7, 24-30 69. A deaf and dumb man healed ; also many others. Four thousand are fed. The Decapolis. 77 15,29-38 7, 31-37 8,1-9 70. The Pharisees and Sadducees again require a sign. [See 49-] Near Magdala. 78 15,39 8, 10-12 71. The Disciples cautioned against the leaven of the 16,1-4 Pharisees, etc. North-east coast of the Lake of Galilee. 78 16, 4-12 8, 13-21 72. A blind man healed. Bethsaida (Julias). 79 8, 22-26 73. Peter and the rest again profess their faith in Christ. [See 66.] Region of Cesarea Philippi. 79 16, 13-20 8,27-30 9, 18-21 74. Our Lord foretells his own death and resurrection, and the trials of his followers. Region of Cesarea Philippi. 80 16, 21-28 8, 31-38 9,22-27 75. The Transfiguration. Our Lord's subsequent dis- 9, 1 course with the three Disciples. Region of Cesa- rea Philippi. 81 17, 1-13 9, 2-13 9, 28-36 76. The healing of a Demoniac, whom the Disciples could not heal. Region of Cesarea Philippi. 83 17, 14-21 9, 14-29 9,37-43 77. Jesus again foretells his own death and resurrection. [See 74.] Galilee. 85 17,22.23 9,30-32 9,43-45 78. The Tribute-money miraculously provided. Caper- naum. 85 7,24-27 9,33 79. The Disciples contend who should be greatest. Je- sus exhorts to humility, forbearance, and brotherly love. Capernaum. 85 8,135 9,33-50 9,46-50 80. The Seventy instructed and sent out. Capernaum. 88 10, 1-16 81. Jesus goes up to the Festival of Tabernacles. His final departure from Galilee. Incidents in Sa- maria. 89 9,51-56 ,8-10 82. Ten Lepers cleansed. Samari a. 89 17, 1M9 SYNOPSIS OF THE HARMONY. CONTENTS. MATT. MARK. LUKE. JOHN. Sect. Page PART VI. THE FESTIVAL OF TABERNACLES, AND THE SUBSEQUENT TRANSACTIONS UNTIL OUR LORD'S ARRIVAL AT BETH- ANY SIX DAYS BEFORE THE FOURTH PASSOVER, TIME .- Six months less one week. r ** 83. Jesus at the Festival of Tabernacles. His public teaching. Jerusalem. 91 7,11-53 8,1 84. The Woman taken in Adultery. Jerusalem. 92 8,2-11 85. Further public teaching of our Lord. He reproves the unbelieving Jews, and escapes from their hands. Jerusalem. 95 8, 12-59 86. A Lawyer instructed. Love to our neighbour de- fined. Parable of the good Samaritan. Near Jerusalem. 9^ 10, 25-37 87. Jesus in the house of Martha arid Mary. Bethany. 9< 10, 38-42 88. The Disciples again taught how to pray. Near Jerusalem. 95 11,1-13 89. The Seventy return. Jerusalem? 95 10, 17-24 90. A man born blind is healed on the Sabbath. Our Lord's subsequent discourses. Jerusalem. 96 91. Jesus in Jerusalem at the Festival of Dedication. 9,1-41 10, 1-21 He retires beyond Jordan. Jerusalem. Bethany beyond Jordan. 98 - 10, 22-42 92. The raising of Lazarus. Bethany. 99 11, 1-46 93. The counsel of Caiaphas against Jesus. He retires from Jerusalem. Jerusalem. Ephraim. 100 1,47-54 94. Jesus beyond Jordan is followed by multitudes. The healing of the infirm Woman on the Sabbath. Valley of Jordan. Perea. 101 9,1.2 0, 1 13, 10-21 95. Our Lord goes teaching and journeying towards Je- rusalem. He is warned against Herod. Perea. 101 13, 22-35 96. Our Lord dines with a chief Pharisee on the Sabbath. Incidents. Perea. 102 14, 1-24 97. What is required of true Disciples. Perea. 103 14, 25-35 98. Parable of the Lost Sheep, etc. Parable of the Prodi- gal Son. Perea. 104 15, 1-32 99. Parable of the Unjust Steward. Perea. 105 16, 1-13 100. The Pharisees reproved. Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus. Perea. 105 16, 14-31 101. Jesus inculcates forbearance, faith, humility. Perea. 106 17, 1-10 102. Christ's coming will be sudden. Perea. 107 17, 20-37 103. Parables: The importunate Widow. The Phari- see and Publican. Perea. 107 18, 1-14 104. Precepts respecting divorce. Perea. 108 9, 3-12 ,2-12 105. Jesus receives and blesses little Children. Perea. 109 9, 13-15 ,13-16 .8, 15-17 106. The rich Young Man. Parable of the Labourers in the Vineyard. Perea. 109 9, 16-31) 0, 1-16 , 17-31 8, 18-30 Xll SYNOPSIS OF THE HARMONY. CONTENTS. MATT. MARK. LUKE. JOHN. Sect. Page. 107. Jesus a third time foretells his Death and Resurrec- tion. [See 74, 77.] Perea. 112 20, 17-19 10, 32-34 18,3134 108. James and John prefer their* ambitious request. Perea. . 112 20, 20-28 10,35-45 109. The healing of two blind men near Jericho. 113 20, 29-34 10, 46-52 18, 35-43 19,1 110. The visit to Zaccheus. Parable of the ten Minae. Jericho. 114 19, 2-28 111. Jesus arrives at Bethany six days before the Pass- over. Bethany. 115 11, 55-57 12,1.9-11 PART VII. OUR LORll'S PUBLIC ENTRY INTO JERUSALEM, AND THE SUBSEQUENT TRANSACTIONS BEFORE THE FOURTH PASSOVER. TIME : Five days. 112. Our Lord's public Entry into Jerusalem. Bethany, Jerusalem. 116 21, 1-11. 11, 1-11 19, 29-44 12, 12-19 14-17. 113. The barren Fig-tree. The cleansing of the Tem- ple. Bethany, Jerusalem. 118 21,12.13. 18.19 11,12-19 19, 45-48 21,37.33 1 14. The barren Fig-tree withers away. Between Beth- any and Jerusalem. 119 21, 20-22 11,2026 115. Christ's authority questioned. Parable of the Two Sons. Jerusalem. 120 21, 23-32 11,27-33 20, 1-8 116. Parable of the wicked Husbandmen. Jerusalem. 121 21, 33-46 12, M2 20, 9-19 117. Parable of the Marriage of the King's Son. Jeru- salem. 123 22, 1-14 118. Insidious question of the Pharisees: Tribute to Cesar. Jerusalem. 123 22, 15-22 12, 13-17 20, 20-26 119. Insidious question of the Sadducees: The Resur- rection. Jerusalem. 124 22, 23-33 12, 18-27 20, 27-40 120. A Lawyer questions Jesus. The two great Com- mandments. Jerusalem. 126 22, 34-40 12,23-34 121. How is Christ the Son of David ? Jerusalem. 126 22, 41-46 12, 33-37 20, 41-44 122. Warnings against the evil example of the Scribes and Pharisees. Jerusalem. 127 23, 1-12 12,38.39 20.45.46 123. Woes against the Scribes and Pharisees. Lamenta- tion over Jerusalem. Jerusalem. 128 23, 13-39 12,40 20,47 124. The Widow's mite. Jerusalem. 129 12, 41-44 21,1-4 125. Certain Greeks desire to see Jesus. Jerusalem. 129 12, 20-36 126. Reflections upon the unbelief of the Jews. Jeru- salem. 130 12,37-50 127. Jesus, on taking leave of the Temple, foretells its destruction and the persecution of his Disciples. Jerusalem. Mount of Olives. 131 34, 1-14 13, 1-13 21,5-19 128. The signs of Christ's coming to destroy Jerusalem, and put an end to the Jewish State and Dispen- sation. Mount of Olives. 132 34,15-43 13, 14-37 31,30-36 129. Transition to Christ's final coming at the Day of Judgment. Exhortation to watchfulness. Para- SYNOPSIS OF THE HARMONY. CONTENTS. MATT. MARK. LUKE. JOHN. Sect. Page. bles: The ten Virgins. The five Talents. Mount 24 43-5 1 of Olives. 135 25,' 1-30 130. Scenes of the Judgment Day. Mount of Olives. 137 25, 31-46 131. The Rulers conspire. The supper at Bethany. Treachery of Judas. Jerusalem. Bethany. 137 26, 1-16 14, 1-11 23,1-6 12,2-8 132. Preparation for the Passover. Bethany. Jeru- salem. 139 26, 17-19 14, 12-16 22, 7-13 PART VIII. THE FOURTH PASSOVER ; OUR LORD'S PASSION ; AND " THE ACCOMPANYING EVENTS UNTIL THE END OF THE JEWISH SABBATH. TIME : Two days. 133. The Passover Meal. Contention among the Twelve. Jerusalem. 141 26,20 14,17 22,14-18. 24-30 134. Jesus washes the feet of his Disciples. Jerusalem. 142 13, 1-20 135. Jesus points out the Traitor. Judas withdraws. Jerusalem. 142 26, 21-25 14, 18-21 22, 21-23 13, 21-35 136. Jesus foretells the fall of Peter, and the dispersion of the Twelve. Jerusalem. 144 26, 31-35 14, 27-31 22, 31-38 13, 36-38 ICOR. 137. The Lord's Supper. Jerusalem. 145 26, 26-29 14, 22-25 22,19.20 11,23-25 138. Jesus comforts his Disciples. The Holy Spirit JOHN promised. Jerusalem. 145 14, 1-31 139. Christ the true Vine. His Disciples hated by the world. Jerusalem. 147 15, 1-27 140. Persecution foretold. Further promise of the Holy Spirit. Prayer in the name of Christ. Jerusalem. 148 16, 1-33 141. Christ's last prayer with his Disciples. Jerusalem. 149 17, 1-26 142. The agony in Gethsemane. Mount of Olives. 150 26, 30. 36-46 14, 26. 32-42 22, 39-46 18,1 143. Jesus betrayed, and made prisoner. Mount of Ol- ives. 151 26, 47-56 14, 43-52 22, 47-53 18, 2-12 144. Jesus before Caiaphas. Peter thrice denies him. Jerusalem. 153 26,57.58. 14,53.54. 22, 54-62 18,13-18. 69-75 66-72 25-27 145. Jesus before Caiaphas and the Sanhedrim. He declares himself to be the Christ ; is condemned and mocked. Jerusalem. 155 26, 59-68 14, 55-65 22, 63-71 18, 19-24 146. The Sanhedrim lead Jesus away to Pilate. Jeru- salem. 151 27, 1. 2. 15, 1-5 23, 1-5 18, 28-38 147. Jesus before Herod. Jerusalem. 158 11-14 23,6-12 148. Pilate seeks to release Jesus. The Jews demand Barabbas. Jerusalem. 158 27, 15-26 15, 6-15 23,13-25 18,39,40 149. Pilate delivers up Jesus to death. He is scourged and mocked. Jerusalem. 160 27, 26-30 15, 15-19 19,1-3 150. Pilate again seeks to release Jesus. Jerusalem. 161 19,4-16 151. Judas repents and hangs himself. Jerusalem. 161 27, 3-10 ACTS 1,18.19 152. Jesus is led away to be crucified. Jerusalem. 162 27, 31-34 15, 20-23 23, 26-33 JOHI* 19, 16. 17 153. The Crucifixion. Jerusalem. 163 27, 35-38 15, 24-28 23,33.34. 19, 18-24 38 XIV SYNOPSIS OF THE HARMONY. CONTENTS. MATT. MARK. LUKE. JOHN. Sect. Page. 154. The Jews mock at Jesus on the Cross. He com- mends his Mother to John. Jerusalem. 164 27,39-44 15,29-32 23,35-37. 39-43 19, 25-27 155. Darkness prevails. Christ expires on the cross. Jerusalem. 165 27, 45-50 15, 33 37 23, 44-46 19, 28-30 156. The vail of the Temple rent, and graves opened. Judgment of the Centurion. The Women at the Cross. Jerusalem. 166 27, 51-56 15, 38-41 23,45. 47-49 157. The taking down from the Cross. The burial. Jerusalem. 166 27, 57 61 15, 42-47 23,50-56 19, 31-42 158. The Watch at the Sepulchre. Jerusalem. 168 27,62-66 PART IX. OUR LORD'S RESURRECTION, HIS SUBSEQUENT APPEAR- ANCES, AND HIS ASCENSION. TIME : Forty days. 159. The Morning of the Resurrection. Jerusalem. 169 28,2-4 16,1 1 60. Visit of the Women to the Sepulchre. Mary Mag- dalene returns. Jerusalem. 169 28,1 16, 2-4 24,1-3 20,1.2 161. Vision of Angels in the Sepulchre. Jerusalem. 170 28,5-7 16, 5-7 24,4-8 162. The Women return to the City. Jesus meets them. Jerusalem. 170 28,8-10 16,8 24, 9-11 163. Peter and John run t6 the Sepulchre. Jerusalem. 171 24,12 20, 3 10 1 64. Our Lord is seen by Mary Magdalene at the Sep- ulchre. Jerusalem. 171 16,9-11 20. 11-18 165. Report of the Watch. Jerusalem. 172 28, 11-15 166. Our Lord is seen of Peter. Then by two Disciples 1 COR on the way to Emmaus. Jerusalem. Emmaus. 172 15,5. 16, 12. 13 24, 13-35 1 67. Jesus appears in the midst of the Apostles, Thomas 1 COR. being absent. Jerusalem. 173 15,5. 16, 14-18 24, 36-49 20, 19-23- 168. Jesus appears in the midst of the Apostles, Thomas being present. Jerusalem. 174 20, 24-29 169. The Apostles go away into Galilee. Jesus shews himself to seven of them at the Sea of Tiberias. MATT. Galilee. 175 28, 16 21, 1-24 1 70. Jesus meets the Apostles and above five hundred ICOB. Brethren on a Mountain in Galilee. Galilee. 176 28, 16-20 15,6. 171. Our Lord is seen of James; then of all the Apos- ACTS ire*. tles. Jerusalem. 176 1,3-8 5,17. 172. The Ascension. Bethany. 177 ACTS 1,9-12 16, 19.20 24,50-53 JOHN 173. Conclusion of John's Gospel. 177 20,30.31. 21,25 CONTENTS OF THE NOTES Sect. Page INTRODUCTION. . 179 PART I. c 1-6. Miscellaneous. . 180 7. Our Lord's Nativity. . ., .,!>. . ... . 181 10. The Magi, etc. . .. ' . 183 13. The Genealogies. ... . 183 PART II. 14-20. Miscellaneous. :- ... -V' 187 PART III. 21. The Cleansing of the Temple. . . . . .-.. ' .; 192 41. The Sermon on the Mount. . . . ^ . . .*.. . 192 42-48. Miscellaneous. . . . .-..-*;. ' .; ~ ..?. U; V 193 49. Three days and three nights. . '-' . *. '. . ** ; r.i';: . 194 51-56. Miscellaneous. . . . . . . ,{< i . j. 194 57. The two Demoniacs of Gadara . . ,,^ , ; -- ; .v -'^ fe ; . 195 58-66. Miscellaneous. . . . . . ... * * ^ 195 PART V. 67-75. Miscellaneous. . . . . ... .196 80. The Seventy sent out. Whither? . . . . " 197 81, 82. Miscellaneous. . . . . .'-.. .197 PART VI. INTRODUCTORY NOTE : Order of John and Luke. . . . . 198 83-90. Miscellaneous. . . 202 XVI CONTENTS OF THE NOTES. Sect. Page. 91. Festival of Dedication. ... . 203 93. The city ofEphraim. Where? . .203 94-108. Miscellaneous. % .-.'.. 205 109. The blind men at Jericho. .... 205 111. Our Lord's arrival at Bethany. . . 206 PART VII. INTRODUCTORY NOTE: Schedule of Days. . 207 112-126. Miscellaneous. . . 208 127-130. Our Lord's discourse on the Mount of Olives. . . 208 131. The Supper at Bethany. . ; *-- -- . 210 132. The first Day of unleavened Bread. . . .211 PART VIII. INTRODUCTORY NOTE. THE PASSOVER. 211 " I. Time of killing the paschal Lamb. . . . 211 " " II. Time of eating the Passover. . . 212 III. Festival of unleavened Bread. . . .212 IV. Other paschal Sacrifices. The first-fruits. The Khagigah. . "... ..v . . 213 " " V. The paschal Supper. . . . .214 " VI. Did our Lord, the night in which he was betrayed, eat the Passover with his Disciples? . 214 " " VII. Examination of passages in John's Gospel. . 216 VIII. Early historical Testimony. . . . 223 133-143. Miscellaneous. .. ._. .224 144. Peter's denials of Christ. . 225 145-157. Miscellaneous. .' f - . .226 PART IX. INTRODUCTORY NOTE. Order of events. ..... 228 159. Miscellaneous. . 230 160. Visit of the Women. Sun-rising. . . . 230 161,162. Miscellaneous. .. 231 163. Peter and John in the Sepulchre. ...... 232 164. Our Lord's appearance to Mary Magdalene. Use of TIQWTOV and voreQov. . 232 166-169. Miscellaneous. ... . . . . . . 233 170. Our Lord's interview with his Disciples on a Mountain in Galilee. . . 233 171. Other appearances of Jesus. . . . . . . . 234 172. The Ascension. 234 TABLE FOR FINDING ANY PASSAGE IN THE HARMONY. MATTHEW. Chap. Verse. ISect. Page. Chap. { Verse. Sect. Page. Chap. Verse. Sect Page. i. T-T7 13 8,9 xiii. 1-23 54 51-53 xxii. 41-46 121 126, 127 18-25 6 4 24-53 55 54,55 xxiii. 1-12 122 127 ii. 1-12 10 6 54-58 61 63" 13-39 123 128, 129 13-23 1] 6,7 xiv. 1,2 63 66 xxiv. 1-14 127 131, 132 iii. 1-12 14 10-12 3-5 24 19 15-42 128 132-135 13-17 15 12 6-12 63 66,67 43-51 129 135, 136 iv. 1-11 16 12, 13 13-21 64 67-69 XXV. 1-30 129 136, 137 12 24 19 22-36 65 70,71 31-46 130 137 13-16 28 22,23 XV. 1-20 67 74-76 xxvi. 1-16 131 137-139 17 26 21 21-28 68 76 17-19 132 139, 140 18-22 29 23.24 29-38 69 77,78 20 133 141 23-25 32 25,26 39 70 78 21-25 135 142, 143 v. 1-48 41 34-36 xvi. 1-4 70 78 26-29 137 145 vi. 1-34 41 36-38 4-12 fl 78,79 30 142 150 vii. 1-29 41 38-40 13-20 73 79,80 31-35 136 144 viii. 1 41 40 21-28 74 80,81 36-46 142 150, 151 2-4 33 26 xvii. 1-13 75 81-83 47-56 143 152, 153 ' 5-13 42 40 14-21 76 83,84 57,58 144 153, 154 14-17 31 24,25 22,23 77 85 59-68 145 155, 156 18-27 56 55,56 24-27 78 85 69-75 144 154, 155 28-34 57 57,58 xviii. 1-35 79 85-88 xxvii. 1,2 146 157 ix. 1 57 59 xix. 1,2 94 101 3-10 151 161, 162 2-8 34 27,28 3-12 104 108,109 11-14 146 157, 158 9 35 28 13-15 105 109 15-26 148 159, 160 10-17 58 59, 60 16-30 106 109-111 26-30 149 160,161 18-26 59 60-62 XX. 1-16 106 111,112 31-34 152 162, 163 27-34 60 63 17-19 107 112 35-38 153 163 35-38 62 64 20-28 108 112,113 39-44 154 164 X. 1 62 64 29-34 109 113, 114 45-50 155 165 2-4 40 33, 34 xxi. 1-11 112 116-118 51-56 156 166 5-42 62 64-66 12,13 113 119 57-61 157 167, 168 xi. 1 62 66 14-17 112 118 62-66 158 168 2-19 44 41,42 18,19 113 118 xxviii. 1 160 169 20-30 45 42,43 20-22 114 119, 120 2-4 159 169 xii. 1-8 37 31 23-32 115 120, 121 5-7 161 170 9-14 38 32 33-46 116 121-123 8-10 162 170, 171 15-21 39 32,33 xxii. 1-14 117 123 11-15 165 172 22-37 48 44,45 15-22 118 123, 124 16 169 175 38-45 49 4. 46 23-33 119 124, 125 16-20 170 176 46-50 50 47 34-40 120 126 XVlll TABLE FOR FINDING ANY PASSAGE IN THE HARMONY. MARK. Chap. Verse. Sect. Page. Chap. Verse, j Sect. Page. Chap. Verse. Sect. Page. i. 1-8 14 10,11 vii. j 24-30 68 76 xii. 41-44 124 129 9-11 15 12 31-37 69 77 xiii. 1-13 127 131, 132 12,13 16 12,13 viii. 1-9 69 77,78 14-37 128 | 132-135 14 24 19 10-12 70 78 xiv. 1-11 131 137-139 14,15 26 21 13-21 71 78,79 12-16 132 | 139, 140 16-20 29 23,24 22-26 72 79 17 133 141 21-28 30 24 27-30 73 79, SO 18-21 135 142, 143 29-34 31 24,25 31-38 74 80,81 22-25 137 145 35-39 32 25 ix. J 74 81 26 142 1 150 40-45 33 26 2-13 75 81-83 27-31 136 144 ii. 1-12 34 26-28 14-29 76 83,84 32-42 142 150, 151 13,14 35 28 30-32 77 85 43-52 143 152, 153 15-22 58 59,60 33 78 85 53,54 144 153, 154 23-28 37 31 33-50 79 85-87 55-65 145 155, 156 iii. 1-6 38 32 X. 1 94 101 66-72 144 154, 155 7-12 39 32,33 2-12 104 108 XV. 1-5 146 157, 158 13-19 40 33,34 13-16 105 109 6-15 148 159, 160 19-30 48 44,45 17-31 106 109-111 15-19 149 160, 161 31-35 50 47 32-34 107 112 20-23 152 162, 163 iv. 1-25 54 51-53 35-45 108 112,113 24-28 153 163 26-34 55 54 46-52 109 113,114 29-32 154 164 35-41 56 55,56 xi. 1-11 112 116-118 33-37 155 165 V. 1-21 57 57-59 12-19 113 118,119 38-41 156 166 22-43 59 60-62 20-26 114 119, 120 42-47 157 167, 168 vi. 1-6 61 63 27-33 115 120, 121 xvi. 1 159 169 6-13 62 64-66 xii. 1-12 116 121-123 2-4 160 169, 170 14-16 63 66 13-17 118 123, 124 5-7 161 170 17-20 24 19 18-27 119 124, 125 8 162 170 21-29 63 66,67 28-34 120 126 9-11 164 171, 172 30-44 64 67-69 35-37 ; 121 126, 127 12,13 166 172, 173 45-56 65 70,71 38,39 122 127 14-18 167 173, 174 vii. 1-23 67 74-76 40 123 128 19,20 172 177 LUKE. 1-4 1 1 5-25 2 1,2 26-38 3 2 39-56 4 . 2,3 57-80 5 3,4 1-7 7 4 8-20 8 5 21-38 9 5,6 39,40 11 7 41-52 12 7,8 1-18 14 10-12 19,20 24 19 21-23 15 12 23-38 13 8,9 1-13 16 12,13 14 24 19 14,15 26 21 16-31 28 22 31-37 30 24 38-41 31 24,25 42-44 32 25 V. VII. VIII. 1-11 29 23,24 viii. 26-40 57 57-59 12-16 33 26 41-56 59 60-62 17-26 34 26-28 ix. 1-6 62 64-66 27,28 35 28 7-9 63 66 29-39 58 59,60 10-17 64 67-69 1-5 37 31 18-21 73 79,80 6-11 38 32 22-27 74 80,81 12-19 40 33,34 28-36 75 81-83 20-26 41 34 37-43 76 83,84 27-30 41 36 43-45 77 85 31 41 38 46-50 79 85,86 32-36 41 36 51-56 81 89 37-49 41 38,39 57-62 56 55,56 1-10 42 40 X. 1-16 80 88 11-17 43 41 17-24 8!) 95,96 18-35 44 41,42 25-37 86 94 36-50 46 43 38-42 87 94,95 1-3 47 44 xi. 1-13 88 95 4-18 54 51-53 14,15 48 44 19-21 50 47 16 49 45 22-25 56 55,56 17-23 48 44,45 TABLE FOR FINDING ANY PASSAGE IN THE HARMONY. XIX LUKE CONTINUED. Verse. | Sect. Page. Chap. Verse. \ Sect. | Page. Chap. Vorse. J Sect. Page. 24-28 49 ~46 " xix. 29-44 112H16-118 xxii. 54-62 144 153-155 29-36 49 45,46 45-48 113 119 63-71 145 155, 156 37-54 51 47,48 XX. 1-8 1155120,121 xxiii. 1-5 146 157, 158 1-59 52 48-50 9-19 116 121-123 6-12 147 158 1-9 53 50 20-26 118 123, 124 13-25 148 158-160 10-21 94 101 27-40 119 124, 125 26-33 152 162 22-35 95 101, 102 41-44 121 126, 127 33, 34 153 163 1-24 96 102, 103 45,46 122 127 35-37 154 164 25-35 97 103 47 123 128 38 153 163 1-321 98 104, 105 xxi. 1-4 124 129 39-43 154 164, 165 1-13 99 105 5-19 127 131, 132 44-46 155 165 14-31 100 105, 106 20-36 128 132-135 45 156 166 1-10 101 106 37,38 113 119 47-49 156 166 11-19 82 89 xxii. 1-6 131 137-139 50-56 157 167, 168 20-37 102 107 7-13 132 139, 140 xxiv. 1-3 160 169, 170 1-14 103 107, 108 14-18 133 141 4-8 161 170 15-17 105 109 19,20 137 145 9-11 162 171 18-30 106 109-111 21-23 135 142. 143 12 163 171 31-34 107 112 24-30 133 141 13-35 166 172, 173 35-43 109 113,114 31-38 136 144, 145 36-49 167 173, 174 1 109 114 39-46 142 150, 151 50-53 172 177 2-28 110 114,115 47-53 143 152, 153 . JOHN. 1-18 1 17 14 ix. 1-41 90 96,97 xviii. 13-18 144 153, 154 19-34 18 14,15 X. 1-21 90 97,98 19-24 145 155 35-52 19 15 22-42 91 98,99 25-27 144 154, 155 1-12 20 16 xi. 1-46 92 99; 100 28-38 146 157, 158 13-25 21 17 47-54 93 100, 101 39,40 148 159 1-21 22 18 55-57 111 115 xix. 1-3 149 160 22-36 23 18,19 xii. 1 111 115 4-16 150 161 1-3 24 20 2-8 131 138 16,17 152 162 4-42 25 20,21 9-11 111 115 18-24 153 163, 164 43-45 26 21 12-19 112 116-118 25-27 154 165 46-54 27 21,22 20-36 125 129, 130 28-30 155 165 1-47 36 29-31 37-50 126 130 31-42 157 166-168 1-14 64 67-69 xiii. 1-20 134 142 XX. 1,2 160 169, 170 15-21 65 70 21-35 135 142, 143 3-10 163 171 22-71 66 71-73 36-38 136 144 11-18 164 171, 172 1- 66 73 xiv. 1-31 138 145, 146 19-23 167 173, 174 2-10 81 89 XV. 1-27 139 147 24-29 168 174 11-53 83 90,91 xvi. 1-33 140 148, 149 30,31 173 177 1 83 91 xvii. 1-26 141 149, 150 xxi. 1-24 169 175, 176 2-11 84 92 xviii. 1 142 150 25 173 177 12-59 85 92-94 2-12 143 151-153 ACTS. 3-8 11711176 9-12 172 177 18, 19 | 151 1 161, 162 xi. XV. 1 CORINTHIANS. 23-25 I 137 I 145 5 1 166 172 5 | 167 I 173 xv. 6 I 170 I 176 7 171 176 NOTE. In the Text, brackets [ ] are used to mark Words and Clauses not sup- ported by the best authorities. PART I. EVENTS CONNECTED WITH THE BIRTH AND CHILDHOOD OF OUR LORD. TIME : About thirteen and a half years. 1. Preface to Luke's Gospel. LUKE I. 1 4. noM.ol sn8%EiQr]Gav dvaTd%aG&ai difyqGiv nsQl TCOV nsnA.ijQOcpOQt][ji8- 2 vmv iv fjfilv nQaypaTwvJ xaxh naQsdoGav r^uv ol an aQxqg avtonrcu xal vnijQs. 3 Tai yBv6(JLBvoi TOV koyov sdo^s xdpoi, Tra^xoAovtf^xoTt avw&ev naciv dxQifioi)g 9 4 xa&s<*rjg GOI yQoiipai, xQariGze t'oqpf^f, ' iva imyvqs Tiegl tuv xatijffl&tjs "koycov vrjv aaydhsiar. 2. An Angel appears to Zacharias. Jerusalem. LUKE I. 525. 5 "EfivsiQ iv rcu$ fjfieQais 'HQadov iov fiaGiklwg trig 'lovdaiag legevg rig ovo^ani Za%aQiag e IqiypeQiag '^fitd, xal ij yvvi] avtov x TOO? &vyav?QWV 'Aagwv, xal 6 TO ovofia avrfg 'EhodfieT. 7 Haav 8s dixcuoi dpcpoTSQOi wnmov lov &eov, no- I Qevopevoi Iv ndaaig laig Ivrokaig xcu dixaicopaGt TOV XVQIOV a^finroi. Kal ovx T\V avtoig rsxvov, xa&ovi f] 'EhGafisr TJV GTeiQa, xat a^oiSQOi ftQofispqxoveg iv 8 raig qpsQaig avtav TIGOLV. "Eywwo de Iv rep isQateveiv avTOV Iv iy vd%ei rr^g 9 IfpqpsQiag avTov svavzivov &eov, ' tiara TO s&og t^g isQateiag Ukaxevov ftvpiaGat 10 eigeh&wv sig tov vabv vov XVQIOV ' x nav to nlij&og r^v toy Aov nQogev%6fivov II gjoo iy WQK TOV flvfudpaTog ' "Qcp&t] ds avTty ciyy&og XVQIOV, eGTwg ex Sefywv 12 TOV &vGiaGTr]Qiov TOV fivpidpaTog ' xat iTaqd^ri Za%aQiag idav, KCU cpofiog 13 InsrtSGEv in avTov. Eine ds agog avrbv 6 ayy&og ' M g)0|3ov, Za%aQia SIOTI EigqxovG&r] q dsrjGig GOV, x r\ yvvq GOV 'EhGafieT yzvvriGti vlov GOI, x< 14 xaheGSig TO ovopa avTov 'Imdvvqv- Kal >O.I %aQa GOI xai dyakkiaGig, x 15 TtoMol in} Ty yevG8i avTov ^aQ^GOvtai. "EGTUI yag peyag Ivamov rov XVQIOV xal olvov xt GMEQa ov pi] nift ' x nvsvpaTog ayiov n^G^GSTat, en ix xodiag 16 (iqTQbg avTov. Kal noKkovg TWV viav 'iGQafa iniGT^tysi inl mgiov TOV &sbv 1 2 EVENTS CONNECTED WITH [PART I. LUKE I. 17 avrdiv. Kal avrbg nQoslEvGerai tvwmov avrov Iv ffftvftan xal dvvdftEi'HIiiov, ImGrQ/ipai xaQdiag narfQwv im rsxva, xal dTTEi&ETgsvcpQovqGEidixaiwv, sioifid- 18 acu xvQicp ).abv xarsGXEvaGpt'vov* Kal sins Za%aQtag nQog rov ajf&ov ' xara ri YvcoGopat rovro ; fy<*) fdq E(UI. nQEGpvtqg, xal f] y\)vf\ pov nQofiffiyxvia sv raig 19 qpfyue avrrjg. Kal dnoxQi&Eig b ayy&o$ dmv avzcp if to eifii TtaQEGrqxwg EvcoTiiov TOV &eov, xal dnEGidlqv hal.'iJGai TiQog GE xal 20 G&at GOI ravTa. Kal I8ov t EGQ Giunwv xal ^7 dvvdpevog hakqGat, d%Qi q ywrjTai ravra, drtf mv ovx sniGTEVGag rolg \6yoig ^ou, oinvEg 21 tig TOV xaiQOv avroiv. Kal TJV o labg ngogdoxoiv vbv Za%aQiav, xal E 22 iv i<$ %QOV%EIV aviov Iv 1$ vacp. 'E&k&cov ds ovx rjdvvaro hakyGai avioig * xal inlyv&Gav, on onraGiav sojQaxsv Iv r(p vac!} xal avzbg l\v diavevav avroTg, xal 23 dif^EVE xwyog. Kal lyevsTO opa, 2S '/oxT^qp, or/.ov dav'td ' xai ro ovopa rljg aaQ&svov MaQtdp. Kai Eigsl.\)(av 6 dyyeJiog nQog avrtjv EITIS ' %aiQS, xE^aQirofif'vt] ' o xi'Qiog fisra GOV ' 29 GV Iv fvvai^iv. 'H 8s idovoa disraQay^ Inl rep Aoy

GEi naQa rep $E(p nav ffipa. Etne de MaQidp ' idov, TJ dov^rj XVQIOV * vevoiro fioi xara rb Qqpd GOV. Kal dnij.&ev an aviyg b ayyelog. 4. Mary visits Elizabeth. Julia. LUKE I. 3956. 39 'jJvaaraGct ds MaQiap Iv raig r^tQcug ravraig tnoQEv&t] etg rqv OQEIVJJV per a 40 anovdqg, V nohv'Iovda. Kal eig^.Oev sig rov otxov Za^aqtov x 17. Comp. Mai. 3, 23 eq. b 33. Comp. Mic. 4, 7. 3, 4, 5.] LUKE I. 41 Ttjv *Ehaa@T. Kal tytvETO cog qxovaev r\ 'Ehadfisr TOV aanaG^ov Tijg Magi'ag, IGXIQT^GE ib ftQsqpos V Ty xoilia avTtjg" xal Irrkrja&r] avEvpaTO? ayiov ij 'Ehad- 42 for, ' xal dvscp&vrjGS qxnvy (4Eydly xal sJnsv ' ttt&fljfi&ii GV Iv yvvai^i, xal evko- 43 yrifjLEvog 6 xagnog Tjjg xoil.iag GOV. Kal nro#f [401 TOVTO, iva slfty q MTIJQ TOV 44 XVQIOV [4ov TiQog (48 ; 'Idov yaQ, cog lysvero r\ qtov?j TOV aomeofjuti GOV sis TO, cord 45 [4ov, EGxiQTtjGEV Iv d^a^ioiGEi TO ^Qtysog iv IT} xodia f4ov. Kal ftaxaQia r\ TZIGTSV- 46 GaGa, OTI edrai tefatcoGis zoig lelalifft^oftf avry nagcx. xvyiov. Kal SITIS 47 Magidfi ' psyakvvei r\ \pv%rj f4ov IQV XVQIOV, ' xal tffakMaGe to nvvvpu. (4ov lm 7$ 48 x^tqpi r(J GCOTJJQI [4ov, ' on InffiksifJEv lal Ttjv TaTiEwcoGiv t^g dovtys avTov. tdov 49 ya.Q, ano TOV vvv paxaQiovGi [48 naGai at ywsai OTI InoiqGe [401 peyafoia o tiv~ 50 vaTog, xai ayiov TO ovo[4a avTov ' xai TO 8^.8og avTov eig ysveag 51 (pofioV(4WOl$ aVTOV. 'EnOiqGS XQaTOS Iv @Qa%lOVl aVTOV ' dlEGXOQTltGEV V 52 vovg diavola xaQdiag avTcov. Ka&Eihs SwaGTag ano -dQOVtov xai 53 TaTisivovg. TlEivwvTag IvEnkrjGEv afatifi* xal n"kovTovvTag Qa7tGTEil*.e xsvovg- 54 55 'AvTEkdpETO 'iGQafa naidbg amov, pvrjG&tjvai l^Eovg ' (xa&cog $c&q GTifQpaTi avTov Eig TOV aiara.* "Eptwt ds MaQiap GVV avTy cogsl pqvag TQEig, xal VTZEGTQS\PEV slg TOV olxov 5. Birth of John the Baptist. Jutta. LUKE I. 5780. 57 Ty ds 'EhGajlsT ITT^G^ o %Qwog TOV TEXSIV avTiyv, xal tyEvvTjGEv vlov. 58 Kai qxovGav oi TIEQIOIXOI xai 01 Gvyysvsig avTfjg, OTI IftEyahvvs xvQiog TO Efaog 59 avTov [4ET y avTtjg, xal GVVE%UIQOV avTy . Kal tysvsTO lr T^ oy^or^ qpeQa, rfk&OV 7TEQITE[4EIV TO rtaidlOV ' XO,l IxdkoVV UVTO S7TI T(p OVO[4aTl TOV fiaTQOg UV- 60 TOV Za%aQiar. Kal dnoxQidEiGa y MTIJQ avTov EITTEV ' ov%i, ak"ka xkrj&iJGETai 61 'Iwavvrfg. Kal zlnov nQog avrfv ' OTI ovdsig EGTIV lr Ty GvyyEVEia GOV, og xafai- 62 rat Tcp ovopaTi TOVTQ . 'EvEVEvov ds Tfp na.TD\ avTov, TO TI av ftskot xaletG&ai 63 avTov. Kal aiT^Gag ntvaxidiov fyQatye IJffW 'Icodvvqg O*T TO ovo[4a av- 64 TOV. xai E&avpaaav ndvTEg. ^VEM^TI ds TO GTO[4a avTov naQa%Qrj[4a xal r\ 65 yl.MGGa avTov, xal sldltt svloycov TOV &EOV. Kal E^EVETO Inl ndvTag yofiog TOW TiEQioixovvTag avTOvg ' xal EV ohy Ty oQEivy Ttjg 'lovdaiag diE^a^EiTO ndvTa TO. 66 Qr^ctTa Tavza. Kal E&EVTO ndvTsg oi dxovGavTsg EV Ty xaqdla avT&v "kfyov- 67 rsg ' TI aQa TO naidiov TOVTO EGTai ; xal %EIQ XVQIOV %v [4ST avTov. Kal Za- 68 %aQiag o naTrjQ avtov Irrlfo&i] nvEv^aTog dyiov, xal nQoetyjnvOi "ktymv' Evko- yrjTog xvQiog o ftsog TOV iGQaq)*, OTI ETiEGXEtyaTO xai ETIOI^GE IVTQCOGIV Tq> A(p 69 avTov ' xal T^EIQS xfyag GcoTTjQtag r\\uv Iv T(p oi'xco 4 avid TOV aaidbg avTov, 70 ' xa&ag &dkqGE dta GTO[iaTog TMV ayiwv TCOV an aiwvo$ nQOCpqTcZv UVTOV, 7172 ' GMTTjQiav 5 SX&QWV r\[i^v xal Ex%EiQog ndvTcov TCQV ^IGOVVTWV fyag, ' yioiiJGai 73 eJLeoff [4ETa TWV naTSQnv fycov xal [4vtjG\)tjvai Sia&ijxtfi ay tag avTov, f OQXOV ov 74 &[40GE TiQog '^fiQaap TovnaTEQa ffttw * b TOV dovvai fyiv ' dcpoficog EX %EiQog TWV 75 fy&Qmv fjfiocv QVG&EVTag haTQEVEiv avTcp ' Iv OGIOTIJTI xal dixaioGvvy tvantov 54, 55. Comp. Is. 41, S. 9. Gen. 22, 16 sq. b 73. Gen. 22, 16 sq. 4 EVENTS CONNECTED WITH [PART I. LUKE I. 76 aviov naoag tag r^^Qag [TJJ co3J] fjfunv. Kai GV, natdiov, TtQocpTJTqg vtyiGTOv x^thyffj?' HQOTZOQEVGT} yag JJQO nQogconov XVQIOV, ETOipaGai bdovg avTOv, 77 78 I TOV dovvai yvwGiv ffj/KIJQUtf TO) \ct.q> aviov iv dcptGEi dfiaQTioJv aviwv f dia 79 G7&dy%va l^sovg &EOV fjpwv, iv olg ItiEGxfyaTO fjfidg dvaio^t] i% vtyovg, ' ini- *yavui roTg iv GXOTM xa) Gma ftardzov xa&qfiwoig, zov xazevfrvvcu tovg nodag 80 jjpav eig odbv dQ^vrig. To ds naidiov qv^ave xal IxQazaiovro nvtvpavi ' xai TIV iv raig tQ^fioig ewg ri^ag aradsi&ag O.VTOV ngbg tov ' 6. An Angel appears to Joseph. Nazareth. MATTH. I. 1825. 18 Tov ds 'ITJGOV XQIGTOV f] yt'vv^Gig ovrcog ijv. MvyGTEv&EiGijg yag Ttjg TQog avTov MaQiag TO) '/cocj^g), jtolv TJ GVVE^&EIV avTovg, svQe&t] Iv 19 fyovGa EX nvEVfiaTog ayiov. '/coffjygp de b dvtjQ avTtjg, dixaiog av xal [AT] &s- 20 \cov avTqv TzaQadEtyfiaTiGaij l^ov^O'tj hd&Qa dnoUvGai UVT^V. TavTa ds av- iov Ev&vfiq&EVTog, idov, ayyzhog XVQIOV xai OVUQ Icpavrj avzo? hfycov ' '/coff^qp, vlbg 4 avid, jiri (fo^jj&^g naQakafalv MaQiap i\\v yvvaixd GOV TO yaq iv aviq 21 ysvvij&ev EX nvEv^aiog EGTIV ayiov TE^szat de vlov, xal xalEGEig TO ovoua avTov 22 'IrjGOvv ' avTog yaq GUGEI TOV %abv avTov anb TWV dfiaQTiwv avT&v. TOVTO de ohov ytyovEv, Iva nlqQw&fi TO Qq&tv vno TOV XVQIOV did TOV nQOcpfrov \lyov- 23 iog ' a idov t % TtaQ&wog iv yaGTQi E$EI xal TS^ETat vlov, xal xalsGovGt TO ovopa 24 avTov 'Eftpavovrjl., o EGTI [4E&EQ[4T]VEv6[4vov, ^Etf fywv b &Eog- 4iyEQ&Elg ds b 'lajGycp dab TOV vnvov ETIOI^GEV cog rrQogtTa^Ev avTW b ayy&og XVQIOV xal 25 naQ&aps ir\v yvvaixa aviov, ' xal ovx iyivmGXEv avTi]v, sag ov ETEXE TOV vibv avirig TOV TZQWTOTOXOV, xal ExdlsGE TO ovofia avzov 7. The birth of Jesus. Bethlehem. LUKE II. 17. 1 'Eyivtio ds iv iaig riptQaig Ixet'vatg, Qfjk&e doypa naQa KaiGaQog u4vyov- 2 atov, anoyQayeG&ai naGav i\v oixovfiwqv. ^4vTTj TJ anoyQaqiri nQarq iytvsio 3 tyenovevovTog ir t g 2vQiag KVQTJVIOV. Kai STIOQEVOVTO ndvTsg dnoyQdyeG&ai, 4 exoGTog Eig i\v idiav nokiv. 'Avsfiri ds xal '/cocr^qp anb tijg ra).d.aiag, f'x no- lEtng Na&QET, Eig ir t v 'lovdaiav, Eig nohv Jaiid, r^ig xidtTrui BqOliEep, dia 5 TO slrai aviov | oixov xal naigiag dav'td, ' dnoyQaipaG&ai ovv MaQtap T 6 nEfAVTjGTEVfAEVfl avity yvraixi, OVGQ fyxv(p. 'EytvETO de iv rep Hrui avTOvg xr, 7 inlriG&riaav al r^ifQai TOV TEXEIV avirjv. Kai ETEXE TOV vtbv avrtjg TOV TTQW- TOTOXOV, xal EGTtaQydvoDGev avibv xal dvzxhvEv avTov iv TQ qpamj, diOTt ovx r t v aifTOig lonog iv rcj 23. Is. 7, 14. 6, 7, 8, 9.] OUR LORD'S BIRTH AND CHILDHOOD. 5 8. An Angel appears to the Shepherds. Near Bethlehem. LUKE II. 820. 8 Kai noifts'veg rjGav Iv TTJ %coQa irj avTrj dyQavkovvTsg xal yvkaGGOvTeg qpv- 9 "kaxag tijg vvxTog em ity noipvyv avTwv. Kal idov, ayy&og XVQIOV cWcrz^ av- 10 101$, xal do%a XVQIOV nsQi&apipev avrovg ' xal I cpofitj&rjGav yofiov pfyav. Kal sinsv avToig 6 ayyslog firj (po@eio&8 idov ydq, evayyeMfoftcu vpiv %aQav pe- 11 yd'kriv, qms sGTai navn i<$ Aaqlr on Irs fifty vpiv ofyfQov ffoor^, oc Ian XQI- 12 (jibg xvQiog, lv nolzi david. Kal tovvo vpiv TO Grjftsiov ev 13 lanaQyavcopwov KtlfUVO? Iv cpdvvr'. Kal e^aiqivrjg lylvwo GVV vcp a 14 &og Grganag OVQUVIOV, aivovvrcov rbv &ebv xal fayovtwv ' do%a Iv vtyi 15 ^(p, xal sm ytjg eiQ^v?] ' Iv av&Qwnoig evdoxia. Kal lye'veTo, tag anri'k&ov an avrwv elg ibv ovQavbv ol ayyEkoi, xal ol ar&QVHtot ol aoquvsf slnov agog ak- hfaovg ' 8is^&K)f4Sv dq sag B?]&fae[4 xal idwftsv TO Qtjpa TOVTO TO ysyovog, o b 16 xvQiog tyvKtQiaev r^fiiv. Kal fyftov GnevGavTsg xal dvevQOv TIJV T8 MaQiaft xal 17 rbv 'laGqq) xal TO pQsyog xsipevov Iv TTJ (pdwy. 'IdorTsg ds disyvcoyiGav mol 18 TOV QtjfiaTog TOV hahq&svTog avroig negl TOV naidiov TOVTOV. Kal ndvrsg ol dxovGavTeg l&avpaGav itso} TWV hakq&s'vTwv vnb TWV notpw&v TTQog avrovg. 19 f H ds MaQiap ndvTa GVVETTJQKI TO. Q^fiaTa TavTa GVfi@dM.ovGa h Tq xagdia av- 20 TJjg- Kal VTiSGTQSipav oi noiplvsg do%doi>Teg xal alvovvTsg TOV ftsbv inl no.- GIV oig r]xQVGav xal eldov, xa&ag &afa]&r] yiQog avTOvg. 9. The circumcision of Jesus, and his presentation in the Temple. Bethlehem, Jerusalem. LUKE II. 2138. 21 Kal OTS Iji^Gd-ijGav qpfQcu oxrco TOV yiEQiTspsiv avtov* xal ixtf&i] TO ovo- (ia avTOv 'IqGovg, TO xkvj&sv vnb TOV ayy&ov TTQO TOV Gv^r^fp&rjvai avrbv iv [TTJ xodia. 22 Kal OTS InkrjG&iiGav at rjpsQai TOV xa&aQiGpov avrwv, xaTa TOV vo- 23 pov MavGt'ag avfyayov avTov sig 'IsQOGolvpa, naQaGTiJGai TQ> xvQicp, ' ysyQanTai iv vopcp XVQIOV ' b on nav O.QGEV Siavoiyov pqTQav ayiov TOJ 24 xkrj&riGSTai,) ' xal TOV dovvai fivGiav xaTa TO siQiftievov Iv voficp XVQIOV," 25 TQvyorav rj dvo vEOGGOvg nfQiGTBQcov. Kal idov, ?jv av&Qwnog iv '

zri avrov xal i t v avTcp TiGpsvov vnb TOV nvevpaTog TOV ayiov, prj ideiv ftdvaTor, no\v % i'dy TOP XQI- 27 GTOV XVQIOV. Kal r/k&sv Iv TGJ nvevpaTi slg TO ISQOV xal Iv TCXJ dgayaytiv Tovg yovsig TO naidiov 'IqGovv, TOV noiqaai avrovg xara TO ei&iGUk'vov TOV vopov 28 neol avTov, ' xal aiiTog Id^aTO avib sig Tag dyxdhag avTov t xal sv^oyrjGS TOV 29 &sbv xal sins * vvv ano^.vei<; TOV dovkov GOV, 5tWora, xara TO Qijpd GOV Iv i- 30 31 Qt'jviQ' OTI sldov ol ocp&atyoi [tov TO GG)Tr t Qi6v GOV, 'o ijTotpacag xaTa 21. Gen. 17, 12. Lev. 12, 3. b 23. Ex. 13, 2. Comp. Num. 8, 16. 17. c 24 Lev. 12, 6. 8. EVENTS CONNECTED WITH [PART I. LUKE II. 32 G)7iov ndvT&v TWV ^aav, 'g/oa? els aTzoxdlvipiv e&vcav xal do^av laov GOV 'fcga- 33 qL Kal r f v 7a?v xaQdtur dudiOfurjtoL Kal J f v "Avva. ago- (ptjn^ ftvydrriQ avovfa, Ix gpt-X^ '^c^Q, v sGzq Indva) ov l\v TO naidiov* 'Idovzeg ds TOV aGzsga t^uQ^Gav %aQav 11 fjiEydkriv Gcpodga. Kal D.&ovzsg eig T\V otxiav eldov TO natdiov ptzd Magias Ttjg [iqTQog avzov, xal neGovzeg nQogsxvvqGav avzcp, xal dvofeavTfg TOV$ &rj- cavQOvg avTuv n^ojgtpftyxm avzcp daya, %gvabv xal ItfmPOf xal GpvQvav. 12 Kal %nt]naTiG&tvzeg xaz' OVUQ, py dvaxdpijjai fiQog 'IlQwdqv, di cd3.r t g bdov slg t 11. The flight into Egypt. Herod's cruelty. The return. Bethlehem, Nazareth. MATTH. II. 1323. 13 'Ava.ftoWGtt.vT&v de avzcoy, idov, aYf&og XVQIOV (pairsTat xaz ovag 7(j> fy egrets nagdhafie TO natdiov xal tr t v prjTtga avrov, xa) q-eife tig At- 34. Comp. Is. 8, 14. b 6. Mic. 5, 1. :0, 11, 12.] OUR LORD'S BIRTH AND CHILDHOOD. 7 MATTH. II. yvTtrov, xal IG&I sxsl, sag av sinco GOI ' p&Uf jag 'HQwdqg fytsiv to naioiov, 14 TOV anolJaai avto. '0 ds fytQ&tW naQ&afis TO naioiov xal tr t v pqtt'Qa avtov 15 wxtog, xal dvsxwQrjGM sig A'fyvntov xal qv sxst tcog t^g ts^svt^g 'I/Qwdov, iva 7zhf]Q03&ri TOQijO'fV vno tov KtfQiOV dia TOV 7tQoq>qTOv).tyovTog' a i% dlyvntov 16 sxdksGa TOV vlov pov. Tors 'HQwdyg idcov, on Ivenafy&q vno TKIV s&vpcodq \ivLV xai anoGTEilae aveils ndvzag ioug naidag tovg iv xal Iv Tract 101$ OQI'OIS ocvrfft vwo dn-Tovg %al xaTWTfQco, xara tov %QOVOV, ov 17 ^xp//?oo(js THXQO. twv [tdyow. TOTS InkriQOj&q TO $q&& vnb 'hgeftiov TOV TIQO- 18 cprjTOV UyovTog TsfavtrfGavTog de TOV PlQwdov, idov, ayyf."kog XVQIOV xat OVCLQ 20 qiaivsTaiTcp '/ccxjiyqp iv Alyvntty ' fa'y&v fysQ&etil naQakafis TO naioiov xal i\v prjTfQa avrov, xal TIOQUVOV elg yip 'IcQafa ' TedvijxaGi yaQ ol TJTOVVTS$ i\v ipv- 21 ftp tov naioinv. '0 ds ifSQ&ty TzaQ&afis TO naidiov xal trp pqTSQa avtov, 22 xal fa&ev elg yijv '/o^iopU '^4xovGag de, OTI '4Q%&aos fiaatlievsi lal TTJ$ 'lovdaiag dvTi 'Hgcadov TOV naTQog Icpo^&ij exsi dns^eiv %QTJ- LUKE II. 39, 40. ls dt xat ovaQ av^KtQr^^v tig 39 Kal cog eT&sGav anavtct ta xata tov 23 TO. f^f'otj tJjg ra).daiag' Kat (k&oov vopov XVQIOV, VTzeGTQEtyav elg tyv Fa- xaTcpx^Gtv slg nohv Af ^G\nivr^v Na^a- htkaiar, sig TTJV nohv avtafv Na^a- QM ' 07i(og Ti^Qco&y TO ()r t \)v 8ia TWV 40 QST. To ds naidiov T]v'ai>s xal SXQU- , OTI Na^coQalog X^&^GS- taiovTO nvsvfiaTi, n^Qovfjisvov V xal STZSQ&tGJVTa avtovg. 'E^iGtavto ds ndvtsg ol dxovovTfg avtov snl 48 TIJ GVVSGSI xal tafg anoxqiGSGiv IX.VTOV. Kal idovtsg aviov Qenldyyoav, xal TiQog avtov y ^tr^Q avtov sins tsxvov, ti snoitjGag r^iv ovtcog ; idov, 6 na- 49 TTfQ GOV xayo) odwapsvoi s^Tovfisv GS. Kal sins nQog avtovg ' TI OTI S^TSITS 50 ^t ovx fids-its, oti sv toig TOV natQog IJLOV dsl sivai ps ; Kal avtol ov Gvvi'xav a 15. Hos. 11, 1. b 18. Jer. 31, 15. Comp. Jer. 40, 1. 23. Heb. Is. 11, 1. Comp. Is. 53, 2. Zech. 6, 12. Rev. 5, 5. 8 EVENTS CONNECTED WITH [PART I. LDKE II. 51 ib ffifia, o sld^Gev avToig. Kal xars^rj per avT&v xa fo&ev sig xal l\v vnoTKGGopevog avTOig. Kal % [*TJTT]Q avTOv diST^QEi ndvia TO. 52 TavTa kv TY} xctgdin avrliig. Kal 'IrjGOvg TtQoexome Gocpia xcu faixla xal 13. The Genealogies. MATTH. I. 117. LUKE III. 2338, inverted. mfffcoff 'IijGov XQIGTOV, 38 Tov &EOV, vov '^4dd[4, lov %&, tov vlov 3 j4@()ad[A. 37 'Evmg, ' TOV Kai'vdv, rov Ma/LeJLfijJyl, TOV 'laQtS, TOV 'Evw%, TOV Ma&ovad- 36 >t, ' TOV Adutfa TOV Nws, TOV 2fy, TOV '^4(>(pa%dd, TOV Kai- 35 vdv, ' TOV 2a1id, TOV 'Efa'Q, TOV (T>aXx, TOV 'Payav, TOV 2s~ 34 QOV%, ' TOV Na%wQ, TOV 0dga, TOV TOV 'hadx ' 'lacta* '^^adf*, TOV 'laadx, TOV J TOV J /axo)|3' '/axca^ $8 TOV 'lovdav xat Tovg add- 33 TOV 'lovda, TOV Cage's, TOV ' 3 yovg avTOv. 'lovdas ds lywvriGS TOV TOV ^a^u, TOV 'dptvaddf}, l TOV ZaQct fx vq$ Odfiag 8$ ds eysvvrjffe TOV 'EGQwp' 'EG- 4 Qi- Jiianov ds TOV ad&cpov avTOv TETQaQ^ovvrog tyg 'iTOVQaiag xal Tga^mviTidog %(o- 2 gag xal Avcaviov trig Wjft Ai^g ieiQa()%ovvTog, ' snl aQ%itQt tytvevo Q^a &eov snl 1 *Ev ds tuts fjfjitQaig 1 ^Qyji lov svayyfhiov 'Iwdvvqv tov Za%atQiov sxeivaig nctQaylvwca 'Iqaov XQIGTOV, vlov TOV 3 vlov ev rj tQrjpcp. Kal 6 fianiiGirig, 4 Qeov iymro 'Iwdvvrjg fader eig naaav ir t v TKQI- iv iq (QWW @ci7Z7iow it> ry fQr^cp xcu XWQOV TOV 'logddvov 2 Tyg'lovdatagixcuhfywv xrjQvaawv pdnTiGpa fte- XTJQVGOWV pdnTiapa ps- fiSTavotiTS' *fl"fixs yaq Tavoiag fig ucpeaiv cLfjiaQ- Tavoiag eig ayeaiv v\ ftaaifeia TUV ovQavwv. 2 TIWV wg y^yganTai lv 4 TIOJV, ' ag 3 OvTog ya.Q BGTIV 6 Qrj&tiig Toig 7iQOTjTaig' a idov, fiifikcpkoytov vno 'HcniovTOv TtQoyri- yw dnoGT&lco TOV ay- yiQoq>TjTov)>fyovTog' b (pa)- TOV IfyovTog ' b cpwvi] yeJ(.6v pov TIQO TiQogco- vy fiowviog iv Ty fgr]- iv rj (QnW nov Gov,ogxaTaaxsvdGi fj> vToipdGaTe TJJV Mv i\v odov xv- t\]v Mv ffov [ilfiTiQOG&w XVQIOV, ev&eiag JIOIMTS QIOV tv&etag nottire Tag 3 aov] ' qiavf] fioavrog Iv 5 Tag TQi'fiovg avrov. Tla- 4 TQi'fiovg airov. MTOS TJJ tQW<& * b STOtpaGaTe cot. ydQay$ nfyQud fa- de o 'Iwdvvrts sty TO tv- TIJV bdbv XVQIOV ' ei>&t- Tat, xai aav OQOS xac topa ttvTov dnb TQI^WV ag noieiTt Tag TQifiovg flovvbg xapfiov xai a)vr)v dtQ- 6 avTOV.Hv de 'Iwdvvtjg xai edrat ra cxoba parivrjv ne(H T^V oGyvv ivfcdvpsvog TQI% ag xaptj- wdtiav xal al avTOv ' rj & n>0(j)t] av- lov xal tuvrjv deQpaTi- 6 fig bdovg leiag ' xal o 2. Mai. 3, 1. Is. 40, 3. b 3 etc. Is. 40, 3 sq. 14.] ANNOUNCEMENT OF OUR LORD'S MINISTRY. 11 MATTH. III. MARK I. LUKE III. iov TIV dxQidsg xal jteAt vr\v TTSQ}. ir t v oGcpvv av- lai naGa GaQ% to 5 dyQiov. TOTE e^snoQev- iov xal F.G&ICOV dxgidag QIOV iov &eov. sio TtQog aviov 'JtQOGO- 5 xai fifh dyniov. Kal hvpa xalrtaGarj'Jovdata eZenoQeveTo TTQog aviov naca q ' lovSaia xal naGa q nsQi^Qog %wQa xal ol ' IsQOGolvfiiiai, xal tfianii- 6 iov 'loQddvov, ' xai ffia- nvio ndvteg Iv icp 'logdavfl noia^y vri nii^ovio Iv 7

cor lov- OTI dvvaiai o &wg ex icov liQmv iov- 9 icov eysiQai isxva 1$ 'sf@Qadn. "HSq 10 iwv eyeiQai isxva IQJ '^jlQadp. *H8y ds xal i\ d%ivq TiQog i\\v Qi^av imv 8s xai TI a^ivri nQog irjv Qi^av i%&rjvai TOV ovgavov, xal Idov, avs(p%&T]Gav G^o^vovg TOVS OVQU- 22 ' xal xaTaffivai TO nvsv- avTcij ol ovgavoi, xal vovg xal TO avevpa agsl pa. TO ayiov s2ds TO nvsvpa TOV &sov nsQiGTSQav xaTafiawov sidst, wgsl xaTafiaivov agsl ntQi- 11 In aviov. Kal qxovrj in avrbv xal GTeQav,xalQ%6juievovF.n iyevsto Ix T&V ovqa- ovgavov ysvsG&ai 17 avTov. Kal idov, gx- vav ' GV el b vlog pov b cav GV el b vlog fiov b vq tx TWV ovqavav "kl- ayanr^bg^ iv cp evdoxrj- J'^TO^, fv Gol qvdo- yovGa' ovTog IGTIV b GK- xr t Ga. vlog fiov b ayanriTogy iv 2 J Kal avTog i\v b 'Iq- (} svdoxrjGa. Govg agel ezav TQidxovra 16. The Temptation. Desert of Judea. MATTH. IV. 111. MARK I. 12, 13. LUKE IV. 113. 1 Tore 6 'Iqaovg a.vr\- 12 Kal sv&vg TO nvtvpa 1 'Iqaovg ds nvsvpatog %&t] elg Tt t v tQtjpov vnb avTov IxfidMsi eie Tyv ayiov nbjQtjg vneGTQS- lov nrevpaTog, TISIQU- 13 sQtjfjiov. Kal tjv [Ixsi] yev dab TOV 'loQddvov, vnb TOV dtafl6- iv TJ} tyi'my r^^ctg tea- xal ^yTO ev TJ> rrvev- 15, 16.] OUR LORD S PUBLIC MINISTRY. 13 MATTH. IV. lov. Kal vqGTEVGag fas- gag 7EGGaQaxov7a xal vvxTag VG7EQOV MATTH. IV. Kal nQog).&(X)v avTojt o cov 817IEV el vibg tl TOV ftsov, , iva ol "ki&oi OVTOI O.QTOI yl- '0 8s dnoxQi&Eig lns ' ys- ovx in aorcp potx** IJGE- 7ai b dv&QODTTog, alX in} na.vii Qrjpa- 71 IxTIOQEVOpSVCp SlO, GTOf4a70S &EOV. Tors trcLQaliafifidnt avibv b dia.j^o'kog fig tip ayiav noliv, xa) IGT^GIV avzbv im 70 nveQvyiov 7ov ISQOV, ' xat hfyei auzcp ei vibg zi 7ov &EOV, flake GEO.V- ort 7oig sp] GOV, XOCf m %IQK)V aQOVGlGE, [ifaoTS TTQOg- TiQog M&ov 7ov noSa GOV. "Eyy b 'IGOvg' nakiv MARK GUQUXOVTa, vog vnb 7ov Ga7avd, Xal TJV H87O. 703V tov, xal ol ayy&oi xovovv LUKE IV. sig 7rjv 2 ' vno 7ov xai ovx scpa- ysv ovdsv Iv 7aig ^e- Qaig ixsivaig, xal GVV- aVTGJV VG7EQOV 87l8lVaGE. 3 Kai EirtEv av7(p b didpokog si vibg El 70V &EOV, 1718 70) M-ftco 70VT(p, IVa 4 ywt]7ai d^Tog. Kal Govg agog av7ov ktycov on ovx in aQ7cp ftovcp tJG7ai b dv- -&QK)7zog, d),X Im nav7\ 9-rr \ V J \ > Kai rjyaysv avrov Eig Xat 8G7t]GEV aVTOV 8711 70 7Z7QVyiOV 7ov IEQOV xal slnsv avTcp ' el vibg EI 7ov -&&OV, flaks Gav7ov 8V78V&EV xd- 10 70)' f ytyQoarcu yd(j' b on 7oig ay- y&oig avTov IviE^EiTai Treyl GOV, 7ov 11 GE, xa 071 n aQOVGL GS, flTjTZOTE 12 >U'x>oj> 7ov Tiodix. GOV. Kal aviov Ao? slg OQog vtyqlbv ).iav, xou GIV avToi TtaGag rag y.al ii\v do^a 7ctvTa Tidrra GOI 7ov xai 10 lav 11 IxTieiQaGSig XVQIOV 7ov &EOV GOV. &Etg slnsv avzcp b 'IqGovg ' 071 7ai' C OVX IxTlEIQaGEtg XVQIOV 70V &- 5 6v GOV. Kal dvayaywv ai'7ov b dtd- flo^og Eig OQog vipr^bv 8di%8v avzcp 6 iv GTiypri %QOVOV. Kai SITZEV b didpol.og- Gol 5oacrca 7qv / u ravvriv anaGav xal ti]v do^av 07i Ifiol 7zaQadSo7at, xal q> lav 7 ACO, dldcdpl VLVll]V GV OVV lav xwrfGyg ivwniov [AOV, 8G7ai GOV nd- 8 ca. Kal dnoxQi&sig avTcjj EITTEV b 'IrjGovg ' [vnays OTIIGCO pov, GaTavd '] uov, Gazava' ytyoantai ydo'^ xv- ytyQanxai nQogxwr^GEig XVQIOV TOV QIOV TOV &80V GOV TIQOgXVVrjGEig XOl &80V GOV, XO.I ai>TCp [lOVCp kaTQEVGSig. avTcp fiovco hazQEvGEig. TOTE dcpiq- 13 Kal GW7\8Gag ndvTa GIV avTov b didfiokog ' xal idov, dyye- b didfiohog dnEGTtj an O.VTOV "hoi 7TQog7]7>&ov xal diyxovovv avTo). xaigov. 7tQog^vvr t G^g fioi. TOTS b 'ItjGovg ' vnaye OTIIGCO ' d 4. Deut. 8, 3. 7 etc. Deut. 6, 16. b 6 etc. Ps. 91, 11. d 10 etc. Deut. 6 5 13. 14 ANNOUNCEMENT AND INTRODUCTION OF [PART II. 17. Preface to John's Gospel. JOHN I. 1 18. 1 2 'Ev aQ%Q rjv 6 loyog, xal 6 "kbyog r ( v nQog TOV &eov, xal &ebg l\v 6 loyog. OvTog 3 rp> ev aQxq nQog rbv &eov. UdvTa 6V avTov ay&ro, xal /to^? avTov fyeveTO ov- 4 5 de ev, o yeyovev. 'Ev avTq ra// TJV, xal TJ 007 \v to oj Iv T$ GXOTICC gpatW, xal rj Gloria avTO ov xaTsliapev. 'Eylvzro av- 7 &QG)7io$ ansffTalpi'vog naga &eov, ovofia avroi 'Iwdvvrjg oviog rfi&ev eig fiaQ- 8 rvQiav, iva itaQWQqGi] TTSQI vov cp&Tog, ivct ndvisg niGTevGWGi di* avtov. Ovx 9 r\v sxeivng TO cpwg, alX iva ^aQTVQ^Gy neol TOV cpcuTos. J Hv TO cpwg TO alrj- 10 &lVOr, (fODTl^Sl nOLVTO. aV&QODTTOV, eQ%6[ASVOV Eig TOV XOGflOV. 'Ev TO) XOG[*(p 11 ?j', xal 6 xoGfiog 6V avTOv fyeveTo, xal 6 xoGfiog avTov ovx fyvm. Eig TO. idia 12 ^X^e, xal ol 18101 avTov ov iretQ&afliMr. OGOI ds skafiov UVTOV, vdmxev avToig 13 QovGiav Ts'xva &eov ysvG&ai, Toig TTIGTEVOVGIV eig TO ovopa UVTOV, ' ol ovx e' aipdrcov ovds Ix ftelfyaTog GaQxbg ovds lx &&qpaTog dvdgog, aM! Ix &EOV 14 tyerrrj{hiaQiGaiG)v, ' xal riQwr^Gav avTov xal elnov avTcjj TI ovv fianTi- 26 fp ff, el GV ovx el b XQiGTog OVTB y Fft.iag OVTB b Tr^ogjjyr^ ; y ^nsxQi&tj avTOig b 'I&dvvqg Ifytov' tyw [ia7tTico ev vdaTi, ptGog tie vprnv tGTijxev, ov i'fteig ovx 27 o'oare, f avTog IGTIV b bniGmnov fQ%6[ievog, og epriQOG&e'v pov ye'yovev, ov fyw ovx 28 eifil afyog, iva IVGCO UVTOV TOV ifidvra TOV vnodfjfiaTog- Tavra ev Bq&avia fyeveTO 29 ntQavTOu'IoQddrov,onov r\v 'loDdvvqg @ajiTia>v. Ty enavQiov $\snei [o ' Tot'Iijaovv tQ^opevov nQog avTOv t xal foyer tde, b dpvbgTov &eov,b aiQ 23. Is. 40, 3. 17, 18, 19.] OUR LORD'S PUBLIC MINISTRY. 15 JOHN I. 30 iqv dpaQTiav TOV xoGftov. OvTog SGTI, nsol ov fyw sinov bnicco [tov SQ^ETai 31 avfy, og S^TIQQG&^V pov jeyovsv, OTI nQWTog pov qv. Kdyw ovx %dsi v avTov Xr iva cpavtQw&y TOC> 'Icgaty, dia TOVTO i{k&ov fyw sv T<$ vdaTi fianTi^wv 32 Kai l[iaQTVQtjGEv 'ladvvtjg fa'yav ' on TE&saftai 10 nvsvfia xaTafiaivov cog av | ovQavov, xal Eftsivsv fiV amov. Kuyw ovx %deiv avzov alX 6 s [AS @a7iTieiv iv vdart tttfyfe ftoi dnw lq> ov av 18%$ TO xatafiaivov x pivov In avrov, ovrog IGIIV o fianvi^wv sv 4 Kayw w^axa, xai [tEpaQivQqxa, on ovios IGTW 6 vlbg TOV fisov. 19. Jesus gains Disciples. The Jordan. Galilee ? JOHN I. 35-52. 35 36 Tr[ tnavQiov ndhv tirtJflHi b 'Iwdvvr]$ xai x iwv //^zwj' KVTOV dvo. Kcu 37 l^^sijjcus r

cog 5xr^. "*Hv '4vdQa$, b adekyb IlsTQOv, sig ex ttov dvo i&v axovGavtav nctQU. 'I&dvvov xal axoho 42 a^TQ). EVQIGXEI ovuog TTQwrog rbr adskcpbr tov i'diov 2i(towa, x hfyEi avrcp ' 43 EVQTjxapEv tov MEGGiav (o IGII [A,s&EQiAt]VEv6[AEvov XQiGTOg}- Kai fy'aysv avtov TIQOS 7ov ' IqGOvv. Ifi^sipag deawc*) b 'ItjGOvg sine' GV si 2i(4(av, b vibg 'lava, 44 0}'x}?{h/0Q Kqqag (o IQU^VEVETCH TlEiQog). Ty inavqiov fj&&T]GEr l&h&EW sig iqv Falilaiav, xai SVQIGXEI tf>ft.innov xcu llysi a.vv<$ b 'IijGovg axolov&ei 45 pot. 7 Hv ds b ilinnog ano BrftGaidd, x iijg nofoag '^IvdQEOv xal UETQOV. 46 EvQiGXEt tbilmnoq ibv^Na^ava^l xal Ityu avrq ov EyQaips MwvGJJg sv 1$ vo^ 47 xal ol ngocpiJTai, tVQtpt&ft&, ' fyoovv rbv vibv TOV 'loDG^ffjTOvaabNa^aQET. Kai slnev avTcp Na&avafa ' ex Na&QST dvvaTai 11 aya&ov sivat ; ta/et avT(p 48 (Itt'hnnog EQ%OV xcu i'ds. Eidsv b 'ItjGovg TOV Na&avarjk fQ^opsvov JTQOS avrovj xal MyEi TZEQI avTov i'ds, aky&wg ' iGyaqMTqg, sv ^ dohog ovx SGTI. 49 Aiyti avT<$ Na&avar^ ' no&sv f< yivnGxsu; ; ansxQi&q 'IqGovg xal slnsv avTcjj ' 50 7r(>o TOV GS (Mhnnov ywvqGai, ovTa vno TTJV cvxrjv, sidov GS. 3 AnsxQi&ri Na- ftavaty xal kfysi avT<$ ' Qafifii, GV si b vlbg TOV &sov, GV si b fiaGilsvg TOV 'iGQafa. 51 "AnMQi&ri 'IijGOvg xal sinsv avTfx2,(V(g>'' xal yveyxar- '&g 8e tyMGaio 6 aQ^irgixkivog 10 vdaiQ olvov ysyevjjfjievov, (xal ovx %dei HO&EV SGTIV, ol de diaxovoiridsiGav, ol TjVTkijxozeg .TO 10 vdcoQ,) qxavet rbv vvpyiov b aQ^irqixkivog ' xal Agyft avrqj ' nag fiQ&zov tov xahbv olvov II&IJGI, xal OTavps&vG&coGijioTeibv&dGGa' ov 11 QTfxag lov xal.bv olvov tag OLQII. Taviqv inoirfis ITJV aQ%rjv i&v Gtjuei'ow b 'IrjGovg Iv Kava iijg Fa^aiag, xal IcpaveQWGS iqv do%av aviov ' xal IniGiev- cav elg aviov ol pa&qial aviov. 12 MeiaiovTO xaifftij elg KaaeQvaovfi avibg xal ^ ufailQ aviov xal ol adelyol aviov xal ol fjta&ijial aviov, xal Ixsi eftsivav ov noM.ag r^nE PART III. OUR LORD'S FIRST PASSOVER, AND THE SUBSEQUENT TRANSACTIONS UNTIL THE SECOND. TIME : One year. 21. At the Passover Jesus drives the Traders out of the Temple. Jerusalem. JOHN II. 1325. 13 J\^cu fyyvg qv to yzaG%a IGJV 'lovdaimv, xat dvt'fii] sig 'IfQOGo^v^a 6 'IrjGovg. 14 Kal evQi-v Iv iti ISQW lovg nw'kovviag fioag xal TiQofiaia xc TtfoiGieQag xw 15 iovg MQftaiiGiag xa&rjpevovg. Kal notr^ag tpQayeM.tov x Gjotiiw ndviag l&fiakev Ix iov. iegov, to. is. KQofiaia. xal lovg $6ag, xat iwv 16 ^ 10 MtQp* xat lag iQan^ag i7tv aQais, ravra Ivrsv&ev {Jirj TIOIEITS iov OMOV iov naiQog pov olxov f[4- 17 noQiov* 'EitvrjGdijGav ds o! ^taO'Tjral aviov, on yfyQapfiwov toifa** o 18 iov oTxov oov xaiatyaysivii [is- ^TzexQitfrjGav ovv ol 'lovdaloi xat slnov 19 it arjpilov deixvvEig THAW, oil lavia noitig ; '^TTEXQiOrj o 'Irjcovg xal flnsv av- 20 ioTiy' IvGaie iov vabv lovtov, xoc) Iv IQIGIV fytQatg iyeQw aviov. Elnov ovv ol 'lovdaioi ' i?GGa()dxovia x< * ersGiv qpxo^o^//^^ 6 vabg ovrog, xat GV if 21 IQIGIV TjfA.tQaig fyfQttg aviov ; 'Extivog ds skeys fn-gl iov vaov iov Gcopaiog. av- 22 iov. * OTS ovv JjytQ&ri fx yfix^wr, IfivrJG&rjGav ol [ta&rjiai aviov t on lovio f'Afj'f, x). IniGievGav 1% yQacpy x 1$ \6yw\ M slnw b 'IrjGovg. 23 'Qg ds l\v Iv loig ' leQOGokvpoig Iv 1$ nvLGyu iv iy soQiy t no^ol IniGievGaf 24 tig 10 wopM avrov, fttaQOvvieg aviov ia Grjf^teia, a tnoifi- Aviog ds o 'Iq- 25 Govg ovx ITTIGTEVGEV saviov avioig dta ib aviov yiMwrxeif ndviag, ' xal on ov %QEiai> f7/y, iva ng [AaivtjGri nQl iov av&WTiov avibg Iv TO) a 17. Ps. 09, 10. 3 18 FROM OUR LORD'S FIRST PASSOVER [PART III. 22. Our Lord's discourse with Nicodemus. Jerusalem. JOHN III. 121. 1 ffv ds av&Qconog Ix TWV ftaQiGaicov, Nixodqpog ovopa avTw, aQ%&v TOJV 2 'lovdaicov ' ' ovTog ^.#s nQog avTov vvxTog xal sine v avjoj on dnb &EOV &fav&ag didaGxalog ' ovdelg yaQ Tavra TO. GTjpeia dvvarai not- 3 ELV, a GV notEig, tav py j. 6 &ebg pST avTov. 'AlnexQi&q 6 'IqGovg xal slnsv avTqj ' dprjv dpqv A^co GOI, lav prj Tig yEvvy&ij avco&sv, ov dvvarai ideiv irp 4 fiaadeiav IQV -&eov. AsyEi TIQOS avzov 6 Wixodqfjios nw$ dvvarai av&Qanog yEvvq&ijvcu ysQ&v wv ; p?] dvvajai sis irjv xoikiav r?je WTQOS &.VTOV SEVTEQOV 5 sissl&sib xal ftmfirptH; J j4nsxQi&q 6 'ftptovf' ai*Jjvdpqv}.fy(nGoi,fcir(*r] rig yEvvtj&ri 1% vdccTog x ftrevpaTOs, ov dvvazai efcei&aTf sis ity fiaadEiav TOV 6 &eov. To fef&yqfutw ex TIJS GCHQHOS OOLQ^ son, xat to yeyennjpetov e'x TOV 7 nvEvparos nvsvpd Ian. M// ^Kfftao^f, on slnov GOI dsi vpag yEvvq&rfVai 8 avoj&Ev. To nvEVfia onov &&EI avsi, x T\V ymvqv avTov axovEis, a/l/L' ovx oldag, no&fv egxerai xaJ nov vTrdyei ' ovrag Ian nag 6 ysywvrm&vog e'x tov 9 nvEVfiarog. 'AnexQibri Nixodquog y.al slasv av7(p nwg dvvarai ravTa yEvt- 10 a&ai ; ^TiEXQi&rj b 'IrjGovg xul EITIEV avTqj GV el 6 didaGxahog TOV 'iGgafa, xctl ] 1 TavTa ov yivwGXEig ; 'Anty apqv Xeyo GOI, OTI o oidapev lakovfiEv xal o eotQci- 12 xa^Ev paQTVQOvpEv, xai irp> iiaqrvQiav r^mv ov lapfidvETS. El TO. iniytict. EITZOV viuv xal ov niGTEveTe ' nag, iav SITHO vpiv TO, InovQavia, TUGTEVGETS ; 13 Kal ovdsig avafiffiyxEv sis TOV OVQUVOV, si fit] b EX TOV OVQUVOV xctTafldg, b vlbg 14 TOV (it>&QQ)7TOV, 03V EV 1Q) OVQCCVO}. K.OLI Xa&wg MfOVGtjg VlpWGE TOV btylV EV TQ 15 iQTjfjicp,* ovTOjg vtyw&rjvciidEiTov vi ov TOV dv&Qconov, ' iva nag o TZIGTSVOW sis uv- 16 TOV pi] dnokqTai, alX 'ly% w? ': lp> ya.Q novrjQa avrmv TO, tQya. Hag yaQ b rpavJia fuffsi TO gjwtf, xat ovx ffgjtMM ngbg TO (f0) EGTIV El 23. Jesus remains in Judea and baptizes. Further testimony of John the Baptist. JOHN III. 22-36. 22 Mez TOLvta fafav b 'IqGovs x,i 01 na&tjTal 'UVTOV sig TJJV 'lovdaiav yqv, 23 xat exet ditTQifie per UVTUV xal iftdnTt&v. *Hv de xal 'Imdvvqs @a7iTia)v iv vi iyyvg TOV 2^A('jU, on v8aTa nolla yv e'xei- xat naQeyivovTO xal e'jjJa- * 14. Comp. Num. 21, 8 sq. 22, 23, 24.J UNTIL THE SECOND. 19 JOHN HI. 24 25 nri^ovro ovna) yaQ l\v ^e^fiBvog Eig rrjv cpvhaxqv 6 'ladvvyg. 'EyzvEro ovv 26 (jff^aff EX TOOJ> (ta&qT&v 'ladvvov fierce, 'lovdaiav TTSQ] xa&aQiGftov. Kal r/A- &ov ngbg rbv 'l&dvvijv xat slnov avrqj Qd^i, og l\v psra GOV nsgav rov 'loQSdvov, co GV fiE(4aQrvQ^xag, ids, ovrog fianri&i, xai ndvrEg EQ%ovrai agog 27 avrov. *daexgtfrq 'Iwdvvyg xai einev ov dvvarai av&gwno<3 ^a^dveiv ov8sv, 28 lav IJI/TI \ dedopevov avr^ x rov OVQCIVOV. AVIQI vfieig pot paQrvQeite, ort dnov ' ovx slfil yca 6 XQIGTO$, aP.X' on anetiTatywos tfu epTiQoa&ev I xtVov. 29 '0 lywv ity vvpcpqv vv^iog eaiiv, 6 ds gjtlo? TOV vvpyiov, 6 eatTjxws xcu axovav avvov, %ctQa %a.iQi dia xr\v yowijv vov vv^iov ' avir] ovv 7} %aQa r\ 30 31 f4ij TtenhyQarai. 'Extivov tisT av<*dviv, ips ds &azTovG&cu. '0 avw&ev tQ%6[JiEvog Indvco ndviwv IGTIV ' o coV x tys yr^g x rye y^s ffrt xaJ i x trig 32 y^ff AaiL * o x rov ol'Qavov iQ^o^evog tndvu narrow eari, ' xat o aco^axs xat 33 ^xot', rovro paQrvQsT, xa/ 7^ pagrvQiav avrov ovdsig ha[A@dvei. '0 Aa/3coy 34 avrov xr\v ^agrvQiav iaygdyiGW, ori 6 &eb$ d^&r t g IGTIV. "Ov jag dneGTeil.f.v 6 -&EOS, ra QrifjLara rov -&EOV hafai' ov yaQ Ix p.s'rQOV didwGiv o &8o$ ro TTVEV- S5 36 f4,a. '0 narijQ ayana rbv vlbv xal ndrra dzdcoxsv iv rq %tQt avrov. '0 ni- Grevcov Eig rbv vlbv / ^ca^ aimvtov, 6 ds dasi&cov rip v/a5 ovx otyerai yL/l' i] oQyri rov &ov (JIEVEI in avrov. 24. Jesus departs into Galilee after John's imprisonment. MATTH. IV. 12. MARK I. 14. LUKE IV. 14. 12 3 ^4xovGag 8s b 'I^Govg, 14 Msra ds rb naQaSo- 14 Kal mE'GrQEipEv b on 'Iwdvviig TtaQEdo&q, &7]vai rbv 'ladvvqv fa- 'Irjaovg Iv ry dvvdpei dv8%o*Qi]GEV Eig Tt\v Fa- &EV 6 ' IqGOvg Eig rjjv rov nvEv^iarog dg ir\v hikaiav. Fahkaiav Fa^aiaVy MATTH. XIV. 35. MARK VI. 1720. LUKE III. '19, 20. 3 ''0 yaQ 'HQtndrjg xQarrj- 17 Amoq yaQ b 'Hgadyg a- 19 '0 ds'HQadrjg b rsrQaQ- Gag rbv 'Icadvvrjv sdrjGEv noGreil.ag IxQdrrjGE rbv y^g, l^E^ofiEvog vri av- avrbv xal s&Ero Iv cpv- 'lacivvTjv y.ca tdtjGEvav- rov ylccxj dia 'HQmdidda rqv rbv Ivcpvhaxy dia'HQW- rrig yvvaixa i- rov ddslcpov avrov xl ddsl.fpov avrov. Mnnov rov ddslcpov av- nsQl ndvrav vAx^. rbv dnoxrsivai Ityofirj- yvvaixa rov ddzhcpoii &TI rbv oykov, on ag 19 o"ov. *H ds 'HQoodiag IVEI%EV avrta xal r^E^ev av- avrbv sfyov- 20 rbv dnoxrE ivai * xai ovx rjdvvaro. '0 yaQ'IlQcodqg IcpofiMTO rbv 'Iwdvvqv, sidwg avrov dvdQa dixaiov x( ayiov ' xai GWErr.QEi avrov, xai dxotGag avrov no)Jka snoiet, xal fjdilwg avrvv 20 FROM OUR LORD'S FIRST PASSOVER [PART III. JOHN IV. 13. 1 'Qs ovv Efva o xvQiog, on yxovaav ol aQioaioi, on 'Iqoovg nl.Eiovag 2 rag noiEt xal jtanT&i, ij '/wawiptf, 1 (xai'Toiys'Irjaovg avTog ovx ffidnntsv, a 3 01 fia&qral avrovj} ' agpJyxe TJJV 'lovdatav xal dnr^&s ndhv Eig ir\v Fal 25. Our Lord's discourse with the Samaritan woman. Many of the Samaritans be- lieve on him. Shechem or Neapolis. JOHN IV. 442. 4 5 "Edei ds avTov difQ%ea&ai dta 7% 2a[taQiag. *B(fttt(a ovv Eig nohv rrjg 2apaQiag ^'OfiEvrjv 2v%aQ, nlqviov TOV-%UQIOV, o ZdcoxEv '/xw/2 '/03(y//qp r$ 6 viw avTov. ^Hv ds xe* m\fi\ tov 5 /axw'|3. 6 ovr 'Iqaovs Xxo77(xoa? f'x vrjg 7 odomoQiag ixa&t&ro ovToag sm ry nrflq - WQO. Ip cogii Mt]. "EQ'^xai yvvq 8 x ri]$ 2attKQeia$ avr^aui vdcoQ. Mysi avTij 6 'Iqaovif dog [toi nteiv, (01 9 yaQ fta\>t]T(u avrov an).r^v&iaav ig i\v nohv, iva tQoyag ayoQaaaai.) Ai- yei ovv avTop r\ yvvy v\ ^afiaQshig ' nag ov 'lovdaiog QJV TIOLQ tpov ntstv alzeig ovaqg yvvaixog ^afiaQEindog ; (ov yctQ Gvy^QKtviai 'lovdaioi ^apaQEiratg.) 10 ^TTE'AQi&rj 'Iqaovg xt elnev avTrj ' ei r^dstg i^v doiQsav TOV &sov %al rig tanv 6 iJyav sol dog pot TIIEIV cv av ijTyaag avTov, xal t5wxy av COL vdtoQ ^coy. 11 Atfti avrcp q yvvfi' XVQIS, ovre avTXtjfia fyetg, xcu TO cpQWQ tan 12 ovv fyeig to vdaQ TO wv ; My ov ^EI^OIV d TOV naTQog iJjMwy J /xco/9, og XEV T\\LIV TO CpQSOLQ XCU OLVTOg % CiVTOV tlllE Xttt 01 VlOl O.VTOV XCtl TO. 13 OLVTOV ; '^TTEXQI&II 'Iqaovg xat EJTTEV avrri ' nag 6 nivav tx TOV tdctTog TOVTOV 14 diipqffEi 7idl.iv, ' bg d' av niift EX TOV vdaTog, ov fj'co 6 > ooo"co O.VTM, ov fty diipqarj Eig TOV aiwva ' A/L TO vdcoQ o dwaco avTqj, yerrjGETai EV ai'Tcp nr^tj vdaTog 15 aM.opt'vov Eig ^aqv aiaviov. AsyEi TtQog ai'Tov y yvvri ' XVQIS, dog fioi TOVTO 16 TO vdajQ, ivn pi] dnpa, pqdf fQ^copcu Iv&dds avrfoiv. Asyn O.VTIQ 6 'Iqaovg' 17 vnayE, ycovqaov TOV avdQa aov xai &&s Ev&dds. '^TIEXQI&TJ r\ jvfq xal UTIEV 18 oi'x f/w dvdQd. h'yEi avzri o 'Jqffoi'g' xaXoa? tmag' on aidQO. ovx f/co. fltv- TE yaQ uid(tag tG%Eg, xai vvv ov fysig, ovx ton aov y^ TOVTO dty&eg E"QTJ- 19 xtttf. jltyti avTcp r\ fvvr\ ' XVQIE, -OewQW, OTI nQOCf^rrjg e2 ov. 01 ypcov iv rcj OQEI TovToi TiQogExirrjGav, xcu i'fttig P.^fre, OTI tv ' 21 lonv o Toriog, onov dsi TiQogxvvnv. Atyi avTrj 6 ' Irjoovg ' yvvai, TTIOTEVOOV JMOI, on tQ%Tai wort, OTE OVTE iv zo OQEI rovro) OVTE EV ' lEQOGohvfAOig TTQogxwtjOETB 22 T(0 TlUTQl. 'T[4ig TTQOgXVVtlTE OVX OldaTE' 7/jUfjV TlQOgXVVOVfiEV o'dafAEV OTI 23 r f oojTTjQta EX TWV 'lovdaiwv EGTIV* *A\X EQXETCU co(>a xal vvv EGTIV, ore 01 a).tj9ivol' TTQogxvvjjTal nQogxvvrjoovoi TQ> noai>\ iv nvEvpan xal dfyOEia' xal 24 yuQ o nariiQ Totnvrovg fiywi Tovg TtQogxvvovvTag UVTOV. .IlrEVfta o Oto$, xal 25 Tovg TtQogxvvovvTag avTov iv k&VfUttl xal ttbf&euit dti TtQogxvvEiv AtyEi av~ id} ;} yvvi}' o?3, OTI Meooiag t()^rar, 6 JiEyopEvog XQiOTog' otav tlQt] IxEl- 26 vogj rj7ffof r^iv ndvTa. Atyti avTij 6 'Ifjoovg ' t j'w tipt, 6 ).OL\V>V ooi. 27 Kal inl TOUFW 7 t JiOov oi paOyral avTov, xal &av(*aov, on pEia ywatxbf 28 f ).d).i ' oMg ptvroi elns ' TI q*W i] TI ArtP.aV [LET avrrjg ; *Alfya ovv T^V vdqiuv avzrjg i] yw// xai dnt^OEv Eig Tijt> nohv xal 25, 26, 27.] UNTIL THE SECOND. 21 JOHN IV. 29 ' dsvTS, idtrs av&g&nov, og slm poi ndvia, oca, tnoi'rjaa' \trpi oviog IGHV b 30 31 XQUJTOS } 'E^fadov ex if ft flOAfro? xcu r^ovio TTQog aviov. 'Ev ds iq pe- 32 ia%v rftcnow aviov oi pttftptoj l.tyovisg' (jaflfM, (pays. '0 ds inv avioig' 33 fyTOv. Kal avibg xe yo ?/ $KGiksi(t iav QGOTKI. b xaiQog xal /*yj'i- IdidaGxw Iv laig Giva- ovQavnv. XEV ^ fiaGtfeia iov &eov ' ywyalg aviav do%a6- HEiavoiis xt TTiGizv- jJizvog vno ndvitav. eis Iv IK* E 27. Jesus again at Cana, where he heals the son of a Nobleman lying ill at Caper- naum. Cana of Galilee. JOHN IV. 46 54. 46 H1.&8V ovv [6 'IqGOvg'] ncCkiv tg TTJV Kava iqg rahkaiag, onov tjtO/fO* TO 47 vdo)Q oli'ov. xl ifV Tig ^dtAfxo?, ov b vicg fjvd'ifvei, tv KanfQvaovjji. Oviog dxovGag, on *Jr t Govg fai EX TTJS 'lovdaiag fig ir t v FaW.aia avibp xJ rjQWTa aiiov, iva xT^5 x* W&rgttM aviov iov vtov 48 anoQvriGxtiv. Elnsv ovv b ' Irpovg nQog aviov' lavfirj Gratia xalifyai a 22 FROM OUR LORD'S FIRST PASSOVER [PART III. JOHN IV. 49 ov firj niG7EvGt]7s. Alfti ngbg avtbvo ftaaihxos' X%F, ^ma^tj&i nglv 50 anoftavEiv TO naidlov fjiov. Afyei avtqj b 'IqGovg, TIOQEVOV b vlog GOV jj. xal ETIIGTEVGEV 6 av&Qanog 7$ loycp, op etnev ctvim 'IqGovg, xal tvoQevefo. 51 'Hdq ds av7ov xa7afiaivov7og oi dovl.oi av7ov aTTt'^rrjaav av7w xal a.ni]yyeika.v 52 ).fyovT$ ' on 6 naig GOV 77. 'ETIV&STO ovv nag av7cov XT\V coQav, iv y TSQOV Zaxfi" xaleinov avicp' on %&e$ aQav spdopyv a^^xfiv avrbv 6 53 "Eyvw ovv 6 natriQ, on Iv Ixeirrj ry ca^, Iv ?] finer avtu) 6 'Iqaovt;' on o 54 vto$ GOV fj- xa * sniGTEVGW avrbg xa) rj oixia avrov oA?/. Tovzo nu.'kiv devte- QOV Grjfisiov InoitjGsv o 'IqGOvg &&av ex xl^g 'lovdaiag ei$ TIJV Fah^aiav. 28. Jesus at Nazareth; he is (here rejected ; and fixes his abode at Capernaum. LUKE IV. 1631. 16 Kal fa&ev els i\v TVa^a^'r, ov Ip Te&Qapfis'vos ' xat elgrjl&s xara TO too- &bg avT(p Iv 7% rj^Qn TUV Gapfldtav eig ir t v avvctywyfiv, y.ou dvtGTr] dvayvcovai. 17 Kai ETzedo&q avrct) fliftkiov 'Hffaiov TOVTTQO^TOV xcu dvnnTv^ag 10 18 I-VQS lov tonov ov ip> yfj / oa//|UVov ' a Trvsvpa xvoiov ITT f^ttt', ov tivexsv pe zvayyel.t6at.6&ai m(a%oig, dmaicd. fie [iaGaG&ai iov$ GvvrETQififitvovg vrjv xaQdiav,] xj/oi;at ai%[Att).a)Toi$ dcf/eGiv xal TvcpkoTg dvdpfa'ipiVj dnoGzeilai \i- 19 '20 ftQavapwovg Iv dyBGSi, ' xijQv%ai f.navTOv XVQIOV ds xroV. Kal mv^ag TO fliffliiov dnoftovs r(p v7ir]Qsrrj txd&iae, xcu ndvvnv iv vy cvvnymyri ol ocp&alfiol 21 fjGav UTEVI^OVTES avrc!). "HQ^UTO ds Myziv TiQog avtovg ' on G^EQOV nExtf- 22 Qoarai ^ YQfiKpt] ctviri Iv tolg WGIV vfimv. Kai navrsg ff^aQtvQOvv avrm, xai exl 701$ kooig 7tjg aQi70$ 7oT$ IxnoQEvoptvoig EX TOI; 23 avTov, x kteyov' ov% ov7o$ G7iv o ve oa ; <* 1 ns TIQOS avrovg' ndv7wg EQEITS (JLOL 7r}v TiaQa^o^v 7avujv ' targe , fteQanEVGOv Gsavzov ' oca yxovGafiEV yEvopsva Iv 7ij KaTiEQvaovft, noirpsov xal cade Iv TTJ 7ia.7Qidi 24 o"ov. EITZE ds' dptjv ?.tya) vpiv, 071 ovdeig nQocpfon? ^Kffe EG7iv EV 7y na.- 25 7Qidi av7ov. 'En dly&siag ds A^'w vfjiiv, nollai MQtu n7cov t 27 'Hl.iag, EI [*t] f/V 2dQE7i7a T^S,' 2i8uvog TiQog yvvctixa MQav. b Kal JiEnQol IIGO.V in\ 'Ekiaaatov 7ov ^ogj/Jrov Iv TO> 'iGQafi xal ovdslg afauv 28 exa&aQiG&tj, ei M Nsefiav b 2vQog. c Kal inl^G^Gav ndiwg ^i^ov Iv 7% 29 Gvvayayri dxovov7Eg TVT. Kal dvaG7av xal fyayov avtbv tag 7qg oyovog 7ov oqovg, iy ov ij noltg ai>7wv (pxodo 30 Elg70xa7axQr i fiviGai av7ov av7og da MATTH. IV. 1316. diE^&cov dia (AEGOV av7&v lnoQ8ve70. 13 Kal xaral.incbv T//V A^a^aoeV, &Qwv 31 Kal xaiijlfav t ig KanEQvaovp, tig KaTffQvaovfi 7tjv na- 7qg Iv OQtotg ZapovJ.tov 14 xal NeyOaleiii' iva nlt]QO)^ fa&ev ton 'HGaiov TOV TTQO^OV ti 17, 18. IB. 61, 1. Comp. Is. 58, 6. b 25, 26. 1 K. 17, 1. 9. 27/ 2 K. 5, 14. 28, 29.] UNTIL THE SECOND. 23 MATTH. IV. 15 tog*' yr\ Zafiovl-wv xal yj\ NeyOakeip, bdbv -da^dGG^s, fifQav TOV 3 IoQddvov t 16 Fahkaia T&V e&vmvy ' 6 kabs b xa&fyevos iv GxoTei side cpws pfya xal TOIS iv %wQTas apqii- avrov, d^i^d^ovTas vov ikftovTug G ^IJGTQOV els rjf ftdkaG- dfttyifiliiGTQov Iv TIJ &a- c&ai avTois ' G&V qGav yaQ ahels- haGG^ %Gav ya.^ afaeis. xal enkijGav TO. nhoi 8 6&ai avTa. 'Idwv de^i'pcov UKTQOS TiQogmsGS TOig yovaGi TOV 'It]Gov 9 JLeyvf '|A# an {*ov, on dv\Q dpaQTco^os elfii, xvQie. Bdpfiog yaq neQWG%ev avTov xal ndvTag Tovg GVV avTcp inl TIJ ayqct, TMV l%&v- 10 wv, rj Gvv&afiov, ' 6pQLm de xal 'Idxafiov xal 'ladwyv, vlovg Zefie- daiov, o'l %Gav xoivojvol 19 Kal iJyei avTOig ' devTe 17 Kal elnev avToig o 'Irj- T(p 2yi&vi* xal tins oniGG) ftov, xal noi^- covg ' devte OMUMi [*ov, TTQOS TOV Stpmvtt 6 'Iij- Gm vpas akieig dv&Qco- xal noir^m vpag 'yeve- covg py qpoftov ' dnb 20 now- Ol fie evQtwg G&ai dkieis dv&QCdTHov. TOV vvv av&Qconoi'S eGiQ aty&Tfs TO, dixTva ^xo- 18 Kal ev&tcos dyt'vTes TO. faygtov. j 21 lov&yGav avTO). Kal dixTva avrcov yxokov- TTQO^ag I xei&ev e iStv'al- 19 dqGav avT$. Kal nqofiag exei&er lovg dvo ddelcpovs, 'Idxafiov TOV TOV btiyov eldev 'Idxafiov TOV TOV Zefie- Zt^tdaiovxari(advvi]VTbvddel(fbvav- daiov xal 'Imdvvqv TOV ddekqjbv av- Tov,iv TO* n^oioci [teTa Zefiedatov TOV no.- TOV, xat, avTovg iv T(p n"koi(p TQOS avTwv xaTaQTi^ovTas Ta dixTva 20 Ti^ovTag TO, dixTva ' xal a 14 sq. Is. 8, 23. 9, 1. 24 FROM OUR LORD'S FIRST PASSOVER [PART III. MATTH. IV. MARK I. LUKE V. avztov' xa/ exdleaev exaiUtfW avzovg. xat ll^Kal xazayayovTEg vet, 22 avTovg. Olds tvdtcog dcpt'vze g TOV szaztQa av- nfaia km rfa d(fvzfg TO nl.olov xat TMV Zffizo'alov lv TO? Tsg anavza 7ov naztQa avzwv TJXO- rrZotqp fiEza TWV pia&a- cav avzcp- lo&hpraf avzy. TUV dnljl.&ov onion avTov. 30. The healing of a Demoniac in the Synagogue, Capernaum. MARK I. 2128. LUKE IV. 3137. 21 KOI dgnoQEvovTai dg Kanfqvaov^' 31 xat i]v dttidffxcof avtovg h tolg y.ni Evfttag 101$ adfiflaaiv fitfsl&wv ig 32 ao^^aai. Kal i&filiqGaorfo em T 22 T//J> Gvvayayfjv edidaaxe. Kal e% . dida^y avrov, OTI h k^ovala l\v o l.oyog avrov. avTOvg cog k^ovaiav fyow xt 23 ovx co ol 7Q&pfJiaTf4. Kal T\V kv 33 Kal kv TJ Ty G way coy ft avrcav av&Qcanog kv 6vva.y&yri i\v av&Q(anog fywv fivsvftaTi axa&aQTcp, y.ai avwQa^s daifioviov axa#(>ror, xat 24 ' JL/j'OM' ta, iL t][Aiv xat GQI, 'IrjGov 34 (pavy fisyah^ ' hfyow ' ea, 11 ijpiv xat NaaQT]V8 ; faftsg anoltocu r^ag' col, 'IqGov Na&Qqvs ; fafteg a^roXfi- 25 oldd GE Tig t7, 6 aywg lov &eov. Kal cat r^ag oldd GS Tig el, 6 ayiog TOV kTieTifirjGEv avTqi o.'lijffovf Mywv' qp- 35 &EOV. Kal ktiETipTjGEv avr<^ o 3 Irj- 26 pw&rjii xt e^ekOe k% avzov. Kal covg l.fycov ' (pifAW&ijTi xat Jf h&E 1| av avtbv TO nvevpa TO axd- avtov' xal Qiipav avTov TO xcuxgd^df cpwvri ntyakq Qljk- elg TO [AE'GOV Qtfi&ev an avrov 27 tier k% avTov. Kal k&a^i^&ijGav 36 fJidipttf avTov> Kal eyeveTO wgie Gvtyvew TiQog avrovg Im ndvTag, %al GWE^dlovv yiQog dl.- il ear i TOVTO ; Tig 17 dida- hfiovg ftfyorrtf ' Tig o "koyog ovrog ; fr\ rj xaivq avrtj ; OTI xar k^ovGtav on kv k^ovGia xal dvrdpei xat ToTg nvevfiaGi Toig dxa&aQTOig ToTg dxa&aQTOig MEvpaGi, xat IniTUGGEi, xat vnay.ovoi'Gtv avTw ; 37 ^ovrat ; Kal t&noQEVETO fyog 28 'E^qlOs de TJ axo^ avzov wOvg tig avzov eig ndvTa ronov Tr t g o).rjV Tijv atQiX&QOV Tqg Fahhaiag. QOV, 31. Th2 healing of Peter's wife's mother, and many others. Capernaum. MATTH. VIII. 1417. MARK I. 2934. LUKE IV. 3841. 14 Kal i).0uv o 'JyGovg 9 #at tvOiwe exrjff av- 38 'jhmunaf tie x rtjs eig zip oixiuv IJtzQOv vaftofr^ t$t).&6vreg ft- cwaftoyqe tifrfiOev elg elde Tfjv nev&Quv av- Qov tig TIJV oiniav 2i- TIJV oixiav 2'iftcovog. rov @i-p).qutvi]v xat nv- puvog xat 'dvtiQtov f*e- nev&eQa de rov -1V//W- tit, Vuxeo'ffot; xt '/coaV- vog ijv awf^ofAt'rtj JIVQE- 30 vov. 'II Of aer&tQU 2V- T(j> ^fyaAq), xat ^(xu'rj/- xaztxeizo nvQt'o- aav avibv aeQt avrijg. 30, 31, 32.] UNTIL THE SECOND. 25 MATTH. VIII. MARK I. LUKE IV. 15 Kal rjtyaro rjxsv 40 ffttdtijxortt ctvttfff. dv- ctvzqv o nvQerbsevOto)!;, VOVTO^ da rov r^iov TJCIV- xat 5f/;xoVft avroT^. Tf^, oaoi s7%ov da&e- 16 'Oi'/ 32 'Otyiag ds yfvofjtsrqs, ore vovvTttg VOGOIQ noixi- tdv o fy.toi;, fgpf()ov n()b<; ?./?, i t yayov y.av avTcp dai^ori^o^s- avzbv navrat; vvvs xa- nQog aviov' o de ivl ' xa ft- xo<; ortag xa jSccXs T TTVi-vfiotTa Xo/o), 33 dat[Aono[Aevov$' XCM // xal ndvras tovg xxw? jro'A^' o?.^ tniovrrflptvij 41 avzovg. 'E^r^eto $8 e%ovvac IdtQVLnsvGW 34 ^VTTQOS r^vdi'QKV. Kal xal daipovia dnb no\- 11 onwg nkqQwOri ib QIJ- f (IfQiinevae nofaovg x- Xooy '/Qu^ovra x)J./j'oy- IQV xwtf fyovfas 770ixi).ai$ za * or/. Aw, xa&aQia&qTi. ir t v yeiQa i^aio aviov fo'ymv -Ot').G3, xa&UQi- 42 Kal tlnoviog avrov tv~ eincov' ^>f'P.w, xa&uQi- a&qn. xal ev&ttw fxa- fttms anl^Ev an av- aQ-qri. xal wOt'wg rj 'OaQia&ij avTov i] Mnqa. tov ^ h'nQa, xal ixa- Itvqa, anrj^ev an av- 43 ftaoiGOtj. Kal ffj^Qi- tov. fiijo~ci^Evo$ avrcp EvOt'cag 4 Kal Jityei avtco 6 'ly- 44 l^a).sv avtbv ' xal XK- 14 Kal avtbg nanffyyEifav o(ta, prfdevl f infiS' yet aviu)' OQK, fujdevl avrc!) prflsn slntiv >L- vnays, asavtov (tifli* **$$' t&X v*aft t laaTTEl&dwdEt^ovGEav- IfQtt, xal nQog- GEavzbv dtftov 7^5 ifQtt, tov Tfp if get, xal TiQogl- to dwQOV, o TTQog- xui jTQogtrfyxs TIEQI tov rvyxe TZEQI tov xa&agi- fta^s McovafjS, tig pag- xa&aQiGftovGOV, angog- G(AOV GOV, xa&cog tvgiov avzoig* state Mmva^g, tig pag- ta& Mwvaijs V 45 tvQiov avtoig* '0 de 15 tvQiov avioig lt).Q(uv ygSato MIQVGGEIV noU.a to xal diayrjfiiLeiv tov Xo'yo*', gts avtov y xal ovrifflorto oyloi no\\o\ [jt^y.tti avrbv SvvaGttai (pavEgug tig axovtiv xat "OegantveGOat vn avtov noliv tii&faif akX E$W fv ((ifaoig 16 dno tuv aaOeniwv avtwv. ^fvtbg da tonoig if, xal tjg%ovTO ngbg avibv yv vno%(agV, lai affievat dpaQriag, 22 fiovog 6 4 Kal idg ds b idg evftvpqGEig avT&v svOecog smyvovg b 'Iq- loug elrtEv ' iva it vpeig ev~ Govg ico Tivevfian avrov, ev OTI ovrcog avTOt diakoyi- ^oviai ev savToig, elnsv avTOig ' 11, lavia dia- ).oyita{)'8 ev lalg xaQdi- 5 Ti yaQ ecnv EVXOTIUTS- 9 aig VJJLWV ; Ti SGTIV 23 ^o^, slnelv dyt'uvTai evxoncoieQOv, EITIEIV icjj Got at dpaQTiai, ? eineiv av- avTovg' i ev iais dia- cot a apaQTiat, r e- CK.QOV GOV Ti SGIIV svxo- TZGJTEQOV, elneiv ' dys- mviai GOI at GOV, /} sinew ' 6 "lv a lov xQappaiov xai TTE- sidqis, on 10 Qindrei; Iva ds sid/jrs, 24 jfft 6 vlbg on QovGi'av t%si b vlbg lov avOqwnov enl rfjs 7^tf dcpttvai dfiaQTtag' lou uvftQwnov em itjg yqg acptwat "Iva ds sid/jie, on QovGi'av e^Ei ovlbg lov dv&QWTiov tm ijjg 7^1? dcpie'rat 28 FROM OUR LORD'S FIRST PASSOVER UNTIL THE SECOND. [PART Hi. MATTH. IX. MARK II. LDKE V. (TOTS l.tytt rip nctQct- (l.fysi Tip naQahvTixqj *) (MTZE TO) 7ia.Qa).t hrfAEvcp') l.VTtxqj ') fysQOtls KQOV 11 ' sol fa'fco ' fysiQai xcu col Ifya) ' fye /(/, xal GOV ti]y xl.itrjv xat vna- UQOVTOV xQafifiaiov GOV aQctg TO xhviSior GOV 7 Kal fysn&sis dnl^.&sv 12 GOV. Kal ifffQO-q ev~ 25 Kal anQa^fAa dva- sig *ov olxov lavtov. &*(>}$ xal aQasTov xQafi- GZOIS IVWTZIOV aiiajv, Ivavriov aqag iff o) xaTtxsiTO, dm^ev sis tov oiy.ov 8 'JdoVTSS 8s 01 0%1-Oi Ca^T tSlGTO.- 26 &SOV. Kdl fXGTdGlS l&avfiaGav xal idda- G&ai ndvTag xal do^d- s).afisv dnarTas, xal cav TOV &sbv TOV dovTM tsiv TOV Osbv /.fyovTas ' ldo$aov TOV \)sov xal lav TOtavTijv TOIS OTI ovdt'noTS OVTGJS i- snkqG&qGav gjo'^or, ie- dopsv. yovTes ' OTI tidopEv na- 35. The call of Matthew. Capernaum. MATTH. IX. 9. MARK II. 13, 14. LUKE V. 27, 28. 9 Kui naQaycov o 'ly- 13 Kal lr { M>e nd\iv 27 A'f fiETa TUVTU l GOVS txsi&sv tfdsv dv- TiaQcx. ir\v &Q037iov xa&rifievov sal x) ntig o oy}.og to Tslwnw, MctT&atov nQog CIVTOV, x/ sdida- psvov sal TO Jiffopsvov, xt tiff i av- 14 GXSV CLVTOVS. Kai aagd- xat elaev avT$ axo- TfJ* dxo).ov&si pot. xal y' axolovfai U N 1 7 E "R- S I T T J; V *1 A W W Jb <1 JL PART IV. OUR LORD'S SECOND PASSOVER, AND THE SUBSEQUENT TRANSACTIONS UNTIL THE THIRD. TIME : One year. 36. The Pool of Bethesda; the healing of the infirm man ; and our Lord's subsequent discourse. Jerusalem. JOHN V. 147. 1 JjjLSTO, tavta i\v voQtt] tcov 'lovdaicov, xa} dvt'pij 6 'Iqaovg els ' 2 "Eat i ds EV tolg 'fEQOGokvpoig inl ty nQoftatixy xokvfjpq&Qa, 3 'EpQa'iGtl BqOsGdd, izsvte Gtoas s%ovGa. 'Ev tavtaig xaisxeiro vwv aG&wovviwr, TvgiP.wy, ^wP.oo*', |v/{>a5y, Ixdexopk'vwv ir\v tov vdarog 4 'Ayy&Qs y^ xctra XCUQOV xart'fiaivev lv ty xokvpfiri&Qa xa! ttaQttGGe TO o ovv TIQUZOS tfjfiae pera Ti t v TaQa^v rov vdaros vyiris /j'tVero, <>5 dfaors 5 xatefyero voGfyaTi. 'Hv 8s ?tg uvftQoynog Ixfl TQtdxovra xcti oxzca fay xal yvov^, on nolvv ijdij yt*ia&cu ; avztp o aviq o Kai sidtcog IffoetO vyiqs \v ds cd 6 fV ty aG&EViia. Tovtov id wv o \ 7 %Qotov fysi, fa'yEi avzcj) ' #*).i XVQIE, aV&QGJTZOV OVX t^CO, IVd, OZO.V tttQfitftdy tO 8 fifj&Qav ' iv (p ds (J%O[ACU syco, u)J>o$ TIQO ifiov 9 'Irfiovg fyliQtu, KQOV tov ttQuffi 6 iw$QK>Ttodfifiazov auzov xai 10 fxMvy ty r^Qn. Eksyov ovv ol 'Jovdaioi 11 ovx tfl ffflW 'vco Gdfipatov IGTIV ' avtolg' o noif^ag fte vytlj, ovr FROM OUR LORD'S SECOND PASSOVER [P A RT IV. JOHN V. ~k ** r _ ~ > > > t O 17 xifivai, oil ravia InoiBi Iv Gaffidzq. '0 de 'IqGovg dnexQivaio avzotg 18 nazr t Q jiov tag aQzi tQyd&Tai, xaj'oo %ofia. z/m tovio ovv fidUov ttf- lovv avzbv ol 'lovdaiot Offoxretftftt, on ov fiovov tl.ve ib aa^nrov, dRd xal 19 naitQct i'dtov iteye ibv vhoV, IGOV lavzbv TTOIWV 1$ &($, '^nexQivazo ovv 6 'Itpovg xcxl tiTiev avioig- dptjv apqv A/j'ca vu.lv, ov dvvaiai b viog noitiv ay savzov ovde'v, lav ^ n $Uwr ( TOP naitQa noiovvia ' a yaQ dv Ixstros 20 Taiira xa 6 vib$ bfioiwg noisl. '0 ya.Q Aarr t Q yulei ibv vlbv xal navra GIV av7qj, a avibg noiu, x) fiet^ova tovrav 8et&i ai>T$ ^j', ira vpt 21 fMfifre. "QgnsQ yag 6 narr^ tyigei rovg VSXQOV$ xl tuonoiu, ovia xa) 6 22 ting org &&ei faonoiei. Ovde yuQ b naifo XQIVEI ovdwa, v.M,a 23 naaav dt'dfoxs tcp v/q, ' Iva navies npaffi lov viov, xaOwg HUWGI 24 o fit] Tifiwv ibv vlbv ov npa ibv naitga ibv nt'ftipavia aviov. Afyw V(MV, OIL 6 ibv l.oyov pov axovoav y.al niGTevtov T(J nfyipavii pe fysi aiaviov xf elf xQi'aiv ovx ^gerai, aV.a fteiafitfrjxEv lx lov Qavdiov tig ir t v 25 corjv. Ufup dptjv Afj'co vpiv, on Q%srai aya, xa vvv BGTIV, ois ol vsxQol axov- 26 aoriai itjg cpcovqg lov viov lov &SQV, xat ol dxovaavieg ZyGovTat. *QentQ ya.Q b narriQ fyei ^co^ Iv Baviqt, oviug t^coxfi xat T

, iva 35 vpfig GW&/JIS. 'Exeivog i t v b kvyvog b xai6[Avog %al yaircov, vptig de ijQ&faccTt 36 tStjt&faaiftpM TTQog WQKV Iv ia? qwzl aviov. 5 Ej'w df f/w ii t v paQivQt'av fiti^G) lov 'Icodvvov' id yaQ Qya, d t^ojxi' poi b nair t Q, Iva itl.eiwoa avzd, avzd ia 37 fyj', fyoo noioj, paQZVQEi Tii-Qi ffiov, on b nairfQ [AS dntaralxi- ' xi 6 ntpyas ps nairiQ aviog nfpaQzvQTjxe TifQl tfiov. ovzs qxavtjv aviov dxqxoais nu>nozt t 38 ovre fldog aviov caoxaT, ' xal ibv P.o'yoy avzov ovx fyeie (Jtvovza Iv vptv, on 39 ov dntGiedev IxeZvog, iovzcp vpeig ov niGztveie. 'EQttfare tag yQaydg, on vpeig doxtize Iv aviaig w^? ai&vtov fyeiv, xal fxnvai tiGtv al ^aQivQovotu nfol 40 41 fviov' xal ov -O&eie &&tiv nQog pe, iva (o/ t v t^ie. dnav nagd dv\)Qtov oi-x fyeie tv lav- 43 TO^. 'Eyw llqliv&a Iv TD? bvnuian lov natQog pov, xal ov lafifldrete ps' id* 44 ttP./toff XOp '^ T( ? bvofjian rbg ibv rrofffa ' 29. Comp. Dan. 12, 2. 37.] UNTIL THE THIRD. 31 JOHN V. 46 b xa7T]yoQwv vpcov MOJVG^S, sis ov vfAtts r^.nixazs. El yag STTIGZSVSZE 47 sTTiGzsvszs av fftoi' nsQl yaQ ipov sxfwos syQaipsv. Ei ds zois sxsivov paGiv ov mGzsvszs, nag zois eptois (juaGi TIIGZSVGSZS ; 37. The Disciples pluck ears of grain on the Sabbath. On the way to Galilee? MATTH. XII. 18. MARK II. 2328. LUKE VI. 15. 1 ' 'Ev fxstvoj 7QJ xaiQCp 23 Kai lytvszo nagano- 1 'Eytvszo ds sv caftpi vOtj b 'fqaovs zols IGl dia 7WV GTZOQl- ol de [taOqzai av- %avzo zilksiv Gzdyvag 2 xal ea- tyoj avity ' 2 Tivss ds zwv idsj 7i TZOIOVGIV Iv 70is slxov avzois ' 7i *; , o ovx o ovx ees UQZOVS 71JS ,7IQO&G8GJS skttfis xai scpays xai tdcoxs xai ovs ovx 'tesGzi (paystv iois psz' avzov, ovs ovx si [tr] 70is IsQSVGij xal s%SG7i (paysTv si fit] JMO- sdaxe xal 70is GIV av- i 7CO ovx avrtp tos , ovds avzovj si [it] i*H ovx avfyvnta iv iw vo- ), c on rofe o 6 dvatziol SiGi ; ^t'ym ds vpiv, OZL 7ov IzQOv [isl- 27 Kal sfaytv av70is' 70 7 (ov SGzlv co5f. El ds Gafiflazov dia zbv av- P, 11 8G7IV sis- &QW710V fJ'H 70, OV% 6 ), xal ov ftvGiav^ av&Qconos dia zb Gafi- 8 zoi'S dvaiziovs- KVQIOS IGTIV b vlbs 7ov dv- ydn IGZI zov Gafifidzov a^coTOf xai 7ov Gafl- 6 vlns 7ov dv&ncoTiov. Ba ov. 5 Kal av7oTs' on tGziv vs xal zou @dzov. a 1. Deu . 23,25. 6 5. Num. 28, 9. 10. 18. 19. b 3. 1 Sam. 21, 17. d 7. Hos. 6, 6. 32 FROM OUR LORD'S SECOND PASSOVER [PART IV. 33. The healing of the withered hand on the Sabbath. Galilee. MATTH. XII. 914. MARK III. 16. LUKE VI. 611. 9 Kal nsia8a* IXEI&EV, 1 Kai Ei^rfiftE na).iv Eig 6 EytvEio dsxaifvsttQcp 10 aviwv. Kal Idov, dv- sxsi d % W-TO^ l^qoau- ibv aV iqv i\v i\v %EiQa utvqv fywv irjv %iQit. xal didaGXEtv. xal tjV fyodv. xal sntjow- 2 Kal TiaQEiijoovv avrov, EXEI dvQQoanog, xal i] aviov l.fyovieg' EI 1013 GafflaGi &*Qa- %(:/IQ aviov q dsfya l\v EI E^EGII loig GappaGi TTEVJEI ttvtor, iva xarjy- 7 ^r t nd. HaQEiyoovv ds OEQaTiEveiv ; iva xazq- 3 yooi']G(n'GW aiiov. Kai aviov ol yQauuanii; xat 11 yoQt'jGMGiv aviov. '0 ds P.t'j'ft TW dv&QQanfp ity 01 ( I*aQiGaloi, EI EV iqj flrtEV avioT^ ' ifa EGrai EZrjQituusvqv t%ovu iqv E$si TiQofiatov iv, xal 4 H*GOV. Kai ).f yet avio^ ' 8 aviov. Avzoy^t,', 9 avaGiag EGITJ. EITIEV GafipaGi xaAoa^ TZOIEIV. GvUvnovpEVog ETZI iq ovv o Ir t Gov$ TIQOG av- 13 TOIE l.fysi iqj dv\}Q(O7icp' ncancoGEi TP^ xaQdiag av~ zoi'C EXTEIt'OV 1T(V %ti()d GOV. 1G3V, Ityfl 1U) dvftQWTlCH ' 11 EZEGIl xal ik'iive, xal dno- EXIEIVOV ii]v %ti(>d GOV. aya&onoiifiai ;y xxo- itf r\ xal t^tiEivE, xal dnoxa- nou t Gai ; tyv^ * lEGid&rj rj %HO aiiov 10 ^ dno\tGai ; Kai 14 Ol ds oa- EXTEIVOV n t v ^QH GOV. avrou f$t).06vi, oneot; diarav GV(J^OV).IOV tnoi- 6 ds tnoir t atv ovita, OLVIOV dnoliEGcoaiVi ovv xai aviov, oiKag xai anoxaiEGiafti] r\ aviov dnol.tGWGi. %UQ avrnv [rj'///c,] ojj,' 7 aOrjGavdtoiaSyXal diil.dl.ovv TTQLH dtt.fiove, ii uv 39. Jesus arrives at the Sea of Tiberias, and is followed by mullitudeF.La/i-e of Galilee. MATTII. XII. 15-21. MARK IIL 7-12. % % 9 v ^ * * r *" * ' 15 ds J/ ( Goi'g JTOIV arr^oaQTjGfv hai o Jipjotf arf%(OQT]n8 f'/.tiOtv' '/(ii i.yo).ov07jfsav uufjf n- IQJV fiaOrjiuv aviov 38, 39, 40.] UNTIL THE THIRD. 33 MARK III. 8 ano Trig 'lovdaiag ' xal ano ' lEQOGokvftwv xal ano trig 'Idovpalag KOI negav TOV 'loQodvov ' xal ol nsol TVQOV xal 2(,do)va, n^rj&og nokvy dxovGavTEg oaa 9 inotei, fa'&ov ngbg avTov. Kal EMS Toig na&qTaig avrov, Iva nhoiaQiov 10 xaQTEQij avTcp dia TOV o%).ov, ivo. pi] #>Ujf3aHT(* avTov. TIo'D.ovg yaq 11 nsvGEv, wgrs Inminiuv avvcp, iva UVTOV aifjcovzcu, oaoi efyov fidtiTiyag' Kal i a nvev^arcx. ia axd&ctQTa, orav O.VTOV I&SMQEI, TtQoglmnrw avTcy xal MATTH. xii. sxQa^e "kiywiu. ' on av si 6 vlog TOV 16 Kcu Inen'iiqGsv avroig, iva pq 12 <&EOV. 'Kai jroAAa InETifia avroig, 17 cpavEQW avrov yzoiqGMGiv. Qtttog wa fitj avrbv cpavEQOv noifaaGi. alijQwd'Ji TO gq&sv dice, 'IfGaiov TOV 18 TZQoyqTov UyovTog ' a idov, 6 aaig [iov, ov ygsno'a, 6 ayan^Tog pov, tig ov svdoxqGEv TI ipvffl (AOV ' &jJGm TO nvsvftd pov in avrov, xai XQIGIV ToTg E&VSGIV 19 anayy&Ei. Ovx IQLGEI ovds xQavyaGsi, ovds OMOVGEI Tig Iv TaTg nkaTSiaig irp 20 qwnp CCVTOV ' xdhtpor GVVTSTQI^EVOV ov xaTsd&i, xal "kivov TV(f6^ievov ov 21 GfisGEi sag av ixfiakq sig rixog T^V t&UHV. Kal T$ 6y6fttt*t avTov e&vq ilntovai. 40. Jesus withdraws to the Mountain, and chooses the Twelve ; the multitudes follow him. Near Capernaum. 13 14 MARK III. 1319. LUKE VI. 1219. Kal dvafiaivei sig TO oQog xal fTQog- 12 'EyevsTO ds Iv raig r^lgaig TavTaig, ovg rj&Ehev avTog ' xal e^jjh'&ev eig TO oQog )V nQog avTov. Kal Enoii]GS xal r^v diavvxTSQEvow sv TTJ , iva oi>Gi [AST avTOVf xal iva 13 TOV &EOV. Kal OTS fysvsTO fyega nQog- 15 anoGT&kri avTovg xyQVGGEivJ xal S%EIV ecpojvrjGS Tovg (ta&qTag OVTOV, xal l^ovGiav&EQanEVEiv TagvoGovgxallx- lxfa%d{48vog an avT&v dcodsxa, ovg 16 fidkkEtvTa daipovia. Kal Ine&qxE TOJ xal dnoGTokovg wvo- MATTH. X. 2 4. ^ipwvi ovopa USTQOV ' 14 paGE, ' 2i[4(nva, ov xal 2 Tuv ds dcadsxa dnoGTo- 17 xal 'Idxwfiov TOV TOV cbvopaGS I!ETQOV, xal l.wv TO, ovopaTa IGTI Zsfisdaiov xal 'loodvvrjv 'Av^Qtav TOV ddskcpbv TOV ddskcpbv TOV 'laxa- avTov, 'Idxcofiov xal fiov ' xal InB&qxfv av- 'Iwdvvqv, tfrlhnnov xal ToigbvopaTaJBoavsQysg, 15 BaQ&ohopaiov, ! MaT- o IGTIV, viol pQovTijg ' &alov xal xal 'Iwdvvqg 18 xal 'Avdysav xal CPt- fiov TOV TOV t/ 3 6 adsJiffbg avTov ' &thn- "kinnov xal Baq&o^o- xal 2d^cova TOV xa^ov- [taTov xal MaT&aiov 16 fjisvov ^rfl.mTriv, ' 'lovSav- xal Oapav xal 'Idxco-- 'laxafiov xal 3 Iovda v fiov TOV TOV 'Ahyaiov, 3 iGxaQiMTijv, og xal ys- xal OaddaTov xal 2i- VETO TavTa' 6 ksyopsvog TI&TQog xal ^vdQsag 6 adskybg av- TOV' 'Idxcofiog b TOV nog xa ag xal MaT&aiog 'Idxcofiog b TOV 'Atyaiov xal A&$- fiaiog b intxliq-d'eig Gad- TOV a 18. Is. 42, 1 sq. Comp. Is. 11, 10. 5 34 FROM OUR LORD'S SECOND PASSOVER [PART IV. MATTH. X. MARK III. 4 daiog ' 2i[ia)v 6 xavaviiqg xal 'lovdag 19 ' xcu 'lovdav ' iGxaQiwiyv, og xal o ' iGxaQicoiTjg, 6 xal aaQadovg aviov. naQtdaxEv aviov. LUKE VI. 17 Kal xaiafidg fiEi aviwv EGit] im IOTIOV nsdivov ' xal oy\og pa&qiuv aviov xal nKri&og no"kv lov "kaov dno naGyg ir t g 'lovdaiag xal 'IfegotKMCJl^p xal iijg naQaliov TVQOV xal ^iduvog, ol fyftov dxovaai O.VTOV xcu ia&tjvai ano ruv 18 VQGOW avtwv,* xai ol btf.ovfjiwoi vno nvsvpdvcov axa&aQTmv ' xcul&SQanevovTO. 19 Kal nag 6 o%l.o$ I^TSI aniEG'&a.i avrov, oil dvvapig TICLQ avrov J^/TO, xa idzo 41. The Sermon on the Mount. Near Capernaum. MATTH. V. 1. VIII. 1. LUKE VI. 2049. ds rov$ ofoovg avlftri sig to OQog ' xal xa&iGaviog avrov 2 &ov avTcjj oi fia&tiTcu aviov. Kvudvoi- 20 Kai avrbg InaQag tovg %ag ib crofia aviov IdidaaxEv avrovg povg avTov eig vovg fia&qiag avrov 3 Asyojy paxdQioi ol yrzco/ot T(p nvev- efays' fjtaxaQioi ol TZTCO^OI, oil vpe- fiavi, oil avitov IGIIV i] ftctaifaia IKIV itqa iaiiv i\ faaikua. lov &EOV. 4 ovQavav. MaxaQioi ol nw&ovvieg, 21 MaxaQioi ol newwvieg vvv, on %oq- 5 on aviol yrciQax^&ijGovTai. Maxd- laa&Tjaeo&E. MaxaQioi ol xlaiovtsg QIOI ol ngasig, on aviol xlqQoropiy- vvv, on ysldaeje. 6 covai ii\v pjv. & MaxaQioiolnewwrisg 7 xal ditywvisg iqv dixaioavvijv, on aviol ^OQiaa^aoviai. MaxaQioi, ol 8 ifarjiiovsg, on aviol &et]&riGoviai.. MaxaQioi ol xa&agol iy xagdia, 9 on aviol lov &ebv oipoviai. MaxaQioi ol EIQTJVOTZOIOI, on aviol viol 10 -&EOV xlri&riGoviai. MaxaQioi ol dediaypwoi tvexsv dixaioavvrjg, on avnxtv SGIIV f] fiaGileia iav ovQavwv. 11 MaxaQioi laie, oiar oveidiamaiv 22 MaxaQioi IGIS, oiav fiiGTj6iv vftag vpag xal dim^oDGi, xal EITMOGI ndv ol dv&Q(O7toi xal orav dcpOQiGWGiv novriqbv Qr^a xatf vpmv tyevdopevoi, vfjiag xal oveidiGWGi xal IxfidlwGi 10 12 tvexEv tfiov. XaiQEis xal ayallia- ovopa vpcov wg yzovtjQov tvExa lov c&E\oii o piG&bg vfiwv nolvg iv loig 23 vlov lov dv&Q(6nov: XaQijis iv ovQavoig- ovrca yap idia^av iov$ sxEivr} iy r^eQa xal GXIQI^GUTS' idov riQocpqiag lovg nqo vpav. ydg, o pio-frog vpuv nolvg iv iy ov- qavcp ' xaia lavia yog Inoiow TOIS 24 nQoyrjiaig ol naitQsg aviav. ID.TJV oval vfiiv loig nhovGioig, on dnt^sis irp not.- 25 QaxtyGiv vpoiv. ' Oval vpw, ol (finEnl.r]Gptvoi, on nsivaGSis. Oval vplv, ol y- 28 IwrtEg vvv, on nev&qGEie xal xlavGeie. Ovai, oiav xalmg vpag EMWGI adviEg ol av&Qmnoi xara vaviu yaQ inoiovv roig \pevdo7iQoyrjiatg ol naiKQE$ avimv. MATTH. V. 13 'Tpfig tare ib a^ag iris yrj$' tav ds ib A.a? ^oo^ay^, iv ztVi aAid^f sis ovdev iG^vei in, el HTJ pJuj&tjvai ejw xou xaianaTsiG&ai vnb imv 5. Comp. P. 37. 11. 22. 29. I 41] UNTIL THE THIRD. 35 MATTH. V. 14 av$QK>7iwv. 'Tpsfg sGts to gxx> tov xoGpov. ov dvvatai nohg xQvffivai 15 iffofw oQovg xsiftsvrj. Ovds xaiovGi l.vyvov xai ti&saGiv avtov vnb tov 16 podiov, dlX snl tqv "kvyviav, xal Idpnsi naGi toTg iv ty oixia. Ovtco hap- ipdtG) TO (jpCO VfiWV SLinQOG&SV tCOV dv&QCOnODV, 07103$ idcOGlV V(JLG)V IV, XaAa 17 sQya xal do^aGcoGi tov natlga vpcov tov iv tolg ovQavoig. MIJ vofiiGTjts, on ri"k&ov xatahvGai tov vopov ?J tovg nQocprjtag' ovx fa&ov xatahvGai, edict. 18 nhriQwGai. '^prjv jag fa'yco vfiiv, ecog av naQ&dri o ovgavbs xcw ^ y^, iwta sv 19 ?J fua xeQaia ov ^ naQs'k&ri ano tov vopov, sag av ndvta ylvritcu. tt O? sav ovv hvGr} (iiav toiv IVTO^WV tovtcov twv skK%iGtG)v %al didder} ovto) tovg av&Qco- Tzovg, ild%iGto$ xhrj&rJGStai Iv ty fiaGikeia twv ovQarmv og 5' av noitjGy xal 20 didd^y, ovtog ulyag xkq&rfGStat Iv ty fiaGfaict. twv OVQKVCQV. Aiy& ya.Q vpiv, on lav pr} TTEQIGGSVGYI r\ dixaiOGvvr] vpcnv nfoiov twv yQappatsow xt (PaQiGaiwv, 21 ov ptj Eigs^&ijts elg tr t v fiaGdeiav twv ovQCtvmv. 'HxovGate, oti IQQK&I] toTg 22 aQ%aioig m& ov yovevGeig og 5' av yovsvGri; evo%o$ eGtai trj xgfon* *J?yoa ds Xfiyw vp.iv, on nag o OQY&pevog to} ad&qxp avtov ei'xjj, evo%og eGtai ty XQIGSI og d* av einy t$ adelqitp avtov (5ccx, evo%og EGtai tqj cvvedQicp' og d* av 23 star} pmge, svo%og iGTat eig tty ysevvav tov nvQog. *Eav ovv nQogysQug to d&Qov GOV inl to fivGiaGt^Qtov, niauii fuHjeVfa oti 6 adshyog GOV %ei ti xata 24 GOV dqieg lxei to dwgov GOV sfiTiQOG&ev tov &vGiaGtt]Qiov, xa) vnays tiQcotov, 25 8ia'D.ciyri&i tcp adetyaj GOV, xal tots ik&tnv ngogysQe to dcogov GOV. "lafti svvowv tcp avtidixcp GOV ta%v, smg otov si Iv ty odcp pet avtov \nr\noti Ge naQadcp o avtidwog t$ XQitfi, xal o XQitrjg GS naqao'q) to? mtrftfoq, x sis 26 yvlaxqv l&ij&ijari. Wfl^f Hyao GOI, ov py l^&yg sxsl&sv, sms av dnoo'tyg tov 27 28 sG%aTov xodQavtqv. 'HxovGats, oti i.QQs&tj \tolg aQ%aioi$] - b ov poi^svGeig. 'jEyca de Ityto'vfuv, oti nag 6 filsnwv yvvama agos to sni&vfjtiJGai avtrjg, ydy epofavosv 29 avtqv Iv tq xaQdia avtov. El ds 6 ocp&alfiog GOV 6 defybg cxavdaM&i G, e%e1i avtov xal fidks ano GOV ' GvpysQEi ydg GOI, Ira dno^tai sv tcnv n&wv 30 GOV, xal 1*11 olov to Gtapd GOV fft.tidy eig ylwvu.v. Kal el % ds%id GOV %slQ GXUV- daM&i GS, exxoipov avtyv xal fidls dnb GOV GVfKp^QSi ydq GOI, iva dno^tai 31 w twv ^MfiZcoj' GOV, xal pr] ohov to GM^d GOV ^.ij&y sig yesvvav. 3 EQQS&r] 8s, c 32 on og av dno'hvGq tyv yvvawa avtov, dotta avty dnoGtaGiov. 'Eyw ds A/pw vfiiv, oti og av dno^vGy tqv yvvaixa avtov nagsxtbg hoyov noQvsiag, noisT 33 avzqv poi%aG&ai' xai og sav dno).shv[jis'vt]v ya^Gri, [40t%atai. Tldkiv qxovGatf, on SQQS&II toig aQ%aioig ovgavcp, oti &Qovog SGtl 35 tov &sov ' /M/Jrs Iv tr} yjj, oti vnonodiov SGti twv nodwv avtov firsts sig ' 36 (yo/Lt'jua, oti nohg son tov psydlov fiaGds'ag ' fifos sv ty xsqia^y GOV bf 37 oti ov dvvaGai filav tQiya favxyv p&aivav notiJGai. "EGtco ds b loyog vpwv 38 val val, ov ov to ds nsQiGGov tovtwv sx tov novtjQov SGtiv. 'HxovGats, oti 39 SQQKd"tj' e b(p&al.[j.bv dvtl by&alpov xai odovra dvtl odovtog. *Eyai qovxog GOV 10 Ipdnov xal 7ov %i7G)ra xai lov %i7avd GOV ha^sir, dyeg av- ^ xm^vG^g. 41 TO? xal 70 tfuz7iov. Kal ogtis GS ayyaQEvaet, piliov w, vnaye fiE7 av- 42 7ov dvo. To) ai7ovv7i GB diSov, x 30 77am de 70) ai7ovv7i GS diSov, xcw 7ov &s).ov7a O.TIO GOV 8aveiGaG&ai ano 7ov a*QOV70$ 7a oa ^ anai- 43 fi?j a7tOG7Qayfis. 'HxovGa7S, 071 IQ- 7Ei. Qs&y* ayanr>Gig 7ov TI^GIOV cov t 44 xai [UGJGeig 7ov IX&QOV GOV. 'Eyw 27 'AlX vpw yLtyoo lolg axovovGiv aya- .iv ' ayanwB 7ov$ ty&Qovg aa7S 7ovg I%\)QOV$ vfiuv, xaylcaff noi- 7ovg xa7ctQ(0[isvovg 28 she 7oTg IJIIGOVGIV vpag, xAa> aoiei7S 7oTg (UGOVGIV vpag, y.a.1 7iQogv%eG&e vnlq 7wv Inri- Qea6v70)v vpag xal di GMOVIWV vfiag 45 oTicag ye'vqG&s viol 7ov naigog vpwv 7ov iv ovQavoTg ' 071 lov faiov avTOv ava78^ei em novr^ovg xa aya&ovg, xat PQ%ei Inl Sixaiovg xal adixovg. 46 'Eav yaQ ay 0.71^7 s 7ovg ayan&viag 32 Kal a ayanwz rovg vpag, 7iva [UG&bv fywe ; ov%l xal vnag t noia vpiv %aQtg IGII ; xal jag 47 01 7&wvai 70 av70 noiovGi ; Kal ol a[iaQ7col.ol lovg ayanwviag av- iav aGTiaGJjG&s 7ovg addyovg 33 7ovg ayan&Gi. Kal lav aya&o- vpuv povov, 71 rteQiGGov yioii7e; noirj7E 7ovg aya&onoiovv7ag vfj.ag, ov%t xai 01 l&vixol OV703 noiovGiv ; yioia vpiv ^dqig IGTI; xal yaQ ol 34 afiaQ70D^ol 70 av7o JTOIOVGI. Kal lav davEit]78 na(j g d%aQiG7ovg xal 48 "EGEG&E ovv vpsig t&uot, wgnsQ o 36 FIVSG&S ovv oix7iQ[toreg, xa&tag xal na7T]Q vpwv o Iv 7oig ovQavoTg 7&8iog 6 IGTI. VI. 1 TlQOgfy878 7f]V dlXaiOGVVTJV VftUV fit] 710I8LV ([tKQOG&eV 7WV 70 Qea&tjvai av70tg- fide //jfye, piaQov ovx fye7e naQtt 7$ narol vftwv T

xgvnity xal b naiyQ GOV, b fihenow Iv ity XQV- 5 nity, avios dnodcoGSi Got iv 1$ cpavsQcp. Kal orav fTQogsv^y, ovx say cognsQ ol i' on cpdovGiv iv iaig cvvaymyaTg xal Iv iaig ycoviaig rcov nkaisiwv gsvxsG&ai, oncog av cpavcoGt. ioig av&Qwnoig* dpyv Xf^co vpiv, on 6 a,7TE%ovGi lov fjtiG&ov avTKiv. 2v ds OTctv nQog^v^ tif&&6 sig 70 rafiieiov GOV, xai xfeiGag x\v &VQUV GOV nQogsv^cu iq> aavQi GOV *{$ sv tcp XQVTITCO' xal 6 7 natriQ GOV, 6 fiklntov iv raj xQvnvq>, aaodcaGEi GOI Iv rep yaveQcp. IJQogv%6- fisvoi. ds $ patTohoytjGiiTE, agneQ ol l&vixot' SOXOVGI ya.Q, on iv rj? nolvloylq. 8 avTwv sigcMovG&iyGovTai. M.r} ovv O^IOIGD&^TS avroig olds yc&Q 6 aar^Q vpoJv, 9 (ov %Qsiav fysTs, TZQO tov vfiag aliiJGCii avtov. Ovvwg ovv fTQogsv%SG&s vpsTg ' 10 ndisQ ripav 6 iv voTg ovQavolg, ayiaG&foa) to ovopd GOV ' ' I^&STOD i\ 11 GOV ysvq&qrG) 10 &&TI pd GOV cog iv OVQMVCJJ xcu inl it^g y^g* ' lov agiov 12 lov imovGiov dbg r^JLiv GrjftSQOV xcu aysg TH/LIV icx. cxpsd^aia fftitnv, tag xcu 13 ijftEig acpispsv ioig ocpedsTaig fycov ' xal pr] efas**ptfl$ ruiag sig nsiQctGfiov, ahka QVGO.I ripa.? anb lov TiovtjQOv. \on GOV icnv % fictGdsia xal q dvvaptg xal r\ 14 do J slg lovg alavag a^v.^ 3 Eav ya,Q ayyts ioig av&Qconoig 10. naQaniw- 15 JMT aviwv, ayrjGSi xal vpiv 6 nair}Q v\i&v 6 ovgdviog iav ds p] ayijis roTg av&QWTioig ice naQamcoftaia avrav, ovds b naiiy) vpav ayyGSi ra 16 fiara vpcov. "Orav ds vi]Gisvriis, py yivsGds, wgnsQ ol vnoxQiiai, dqiavt'^ovGi yag ia nQogmna avrcov, oncog cpavcoGi ioig av&QOJTtoig 17 apyv yU'yeo vpiv, on anfyovGi lov [itG&bv aviwv. 2v ds VTJGTSVCOV a?isi\pai GOV 18 ir\v xscpatyv xal 10 nQogmnov GOV vfyai, ' onng fir] yavyg ioig vriGisvwv, aMa i<$ naiqi GOV iq iv iq> xQvmq ' xai b naifa GOV, b 19 i$ xQV7iT$, anodcoGSi GOI [iv 1$ yavsQw]. My &i]GavQisTS vpTv *&rjGavQOvg im iqg yrig, onov Gtjg xal @QcoGig ayav%si, xcu onov vkinioLi diogvGGOvGi x< 20 xlienrovai' -dtjGavQi&TS ds .vfiiv &T]GavQovg iv OVQKVO), onov ovis Gtjg ovis 21 ^QtoGig acpavi&i, %al onov xhiniai ov dioQVGGOVGiv ovds MTTTOVGIV. "Onov 22 yaQ ianv b &t]Gav()bg v^imv, ixsT SGICU xcu r\ xagdia vftav. '0 kv%vog lov GCO- fiaiog EGnv b 6cp&a).p6g iav ovv b bqs&atyog GOV an"kovg y, olov 10 ocopd 23 GOV ycoTSivbv SGTCU. ' iav ds b bcp&atyog GOV novi]Qog y, o'kov 10 Gcopd GOV GXO- 24 invov sGrai. si ovv 10 (pong 10 iv Gol Gxoiog SGTI, 10 Gxorog noGov ; Ovdslg dvvaiai dvGl xvQioig dovksvsiv ' y yaq lov eva piGyGSi xai lov ZiSQOvayanyGsi' y svbg av&QsTai xal TOV STSQOV xaiaygovyGSi. ov dvvaG&s &scp dovhsvsiv xal 25 papava. Ait*, lovio ^eyw vfiiv ' py pSQiftvats iy yv%y vpcov, ii cpdyyzs xal ii niyis ' [tyds rcw Gcopan vpav, ii ivdvoyG&s. ov%l y tyv%y nfaiov SGII lyg iQocpyg, 26 xal 10 (yw//a lov ivdvpaiog ; 'E/^tatyars slg ia nsisiva lov ovQavov, on ov GTtsiQOVGiv ovds -&SQiovGiv ovds GwdyovGiv slg ano&yxag' xal b naiyq t 27 6 ovQaviog TQeysi avid. ov% vpsig paMov diacpegsis avicov; Tig ds J v 28 jMF^fjMvcaj' dvraTai nqog&sivai im lyv yhxiav aviov nyyvv sva ; Kal TTsgl ivdv- parog ii ftt^iftvaie ; xaiapddsTS ia xQiva lov aygov, nag av^dvsi ov xonia 29 ovds vy&si ' Asyco ds vpiv, on ovds 2oJ.ofMnv iv naGy iy do%y aviov nsQisfidlsio FROM OUR LORD'S SECOND PASSOVER [PART IV. MATTH. VI. 30 G>g & 70V7MV. El ds 70V %OQ70V 70V dfQOV, GlfafQOV OV7O. Xal UVQIOV 1$ vov paUopsvov, 6 Vsbg ovrag dpcpie'vvvGiv, ov noily paUov vpag, o 31 Mrj ovv fiQi^vtJGt]TE, J.fyov7g- 7i cfd^ojfiEv rj 71 mofifv TJ ii 32 ' 71&.V70. yctQ 7av7a. 7a s&vr} enlist, olds ?aQ b rtaiijQ vpKtv 6 ovgdviog, 071 33 mfa* 7ov7a>v dndv70Dv. Z?]7ei7s ds ngwov ify ftacdeiav lov &EOV xa< irp 34 dwaioavvTjv avrov ' xae zavra navra 7iQog7^&^GS7ai vpTv. My GJJ7S elg ir\v avQiov ' r t fag avQtov pSQipvfaei ra eavrfa a^xsroy zg xaxta av7tjs. LUKE V i. VII. 1 My XQIVE7S, iva firj xQi&fa. 37 Kai py xQivere, xt ov py xQi&tjre * 2 'Ev ^ yct.Q xQi'[ia7i xQivere, xQifrqae- firj xara5tx^r, xal ov [it] 38 tf rj xa 39 ov XCU V7lQW%Vv6pVOV daffOVGlV 1$ 10V XoJiTTOV V[4O)V. 7$ v(uv. Elne de ovy\ afKf07QOi ig fio&vvov 40 7l GOVV7CU ; OVX EG71 [ia&r)7r]$ V7lQ 70V dldaGXaliOV CLV70V ' XCt,7r]QTlG(*E~ vo$ de nag KG7CU cog o didaGxalog av- 3 Ti 8s pleneig 10 xagyog 70 lv 7$ 41 7ov. Tt ds filenzig 70 xaQyog TO ev oq)&a).[iQ} 7ov 5fP.qpov Gov t ir\v ds iv 7(p oqj&atym 7ov ddslcpov GOV, 7\v 70) Gcp oy&alfica doxbv ov xaravoug ; ds doxbv 7qv ev 1$ idiqt 4 *H nmg Qig 7$ atielitpty GOV a(pg, 42 xa7avoig ; Ixftdlm 70 xaQtpog ano 7ov og?^X- JMOV GOV ' xcu idov, fj doxbg lv 7$ 5 6 dcp&a'kiiK) 7ov dddyov GOV. CCV70Vg 70tg 41.] UNTIL THE THIRD. 39 xcu es nvQ 20 "A^aye, dno TWV uaQnwv amwv ini- 21 yvwGG&& avTovg. Ov nag 6 Wyow MATTH. VII. 13 6 vofiog Kal ol nQoyqtai. Efc&fiete did ttjg Gtfvqg nvkyg' oti r\ nvli/i Kal svQv^coQog i] bdbg f] dndyovGa dg t\\v dnafaiav, Kal nol'koi 14 eiGiv ol igQ%6pvoi 6Y avtJjg. Ti Gtwt] i\ nvhq Kal t&hfifitvi] % bdbg 15 ^ dndyovGa dg t\v faqv, Kal bkiyoi eiolv svQiGKOvtsg 'javtr^v. ds dnb twv \pvdonQocpT]70)v, oitivg sQ%ovtai nQog vpdg Iv nQofjdtWV, SGOO&SV ds IGI /.VKOt aQ- LUKE VI. 16 naysg. 'Ano TWV KaQncov avtwv ini- 44 "ExaGtov ydg dsvdQOv IK tov idiov yvwGG&s avtovg. nfoi cv'k'klyovGiv KaQnov ywwGKEtai ' ov yaQ e'J aKav- dnb aKav&wv Gtacpvkqv rj dnb tQi- fiav GV^ItyovGi Gwa, ovds IK fidtov 17 fiokcov GVKa ; ovtm ndv ds'vdQOV dya- tQvywGi Gtacpvkrjv. KaQnovg Ka"kovg noisi, to ds 43 Ov ydg Icti dsvdQov KaVov noiovv dsvdQov KaQnovg novtjQovg KXQnov GanQov, ovds dsvdQov GanQov 18 noisi. Ov dvvatai dsvdQov dya&ov noiovv KaQnbv Ka'kov. KaQnovg novqQovg noislv, ovds dsv- 45 aya&og av&Qwnog SK tov aya&ov doov canQov KaQnovg Kahovg noisiv. i &t]GavQOv tr^g KaQdlag avtov nQOcps- 19 fldv dsvdQov pi] noiovv KaQnbv Kal.bv QSI to dya&ov, Kal b nov^Qog dv&Q(o~ nog IK tov novijQov KaQdiag avtov nQO(psQi to IK ydg tov nsQiGGSvpatog tijg KaQdiag Acdet to Gtojjia avtov. fiaaikdav t&v ovQavav dkX b noi&v 22 to <&&rjpa TOV natQog [iov tov iv ovQavoTg. Ilohkol SQOVGI [401 sv SKsivfl ty fjfAEQft ' KVQi, KVQi, ov tty G


%ov, xal EQ%rai' xal rq> dov).q> fiov ' noiijGOV rovro, 9 xal noist. '^xovGag ds ravra b 'IrjGovg l&avfiaGEV avrov, xal GrQa- (pslg rep axolovdovvri a fine ' ta'yw vfilv, ovds Iv rqj \ 6 ' xal Myav ' xvQie, b nafg fiov tai iv ry oixia naQakvtixog, dswcog 7 @aGan6pei>og. Kal ta'yft avzai 6 'IrjGovg' eyoa D.&WV faQanevGco av- 8 i6v. Kal dnoxQi&elg b sxaTovraQ^og e/ov, xal EQ- %srai' xal 1$ dovh(p fiov noltjGor 10 lovtOy xal noiEi. 3 ^4xovGag ds b 'IrjGovg l&avpaGS xal tine roig axokov&ovGiv ' apyv Af'yca vfAiv, ovds Iv Ity 'iGQaTjl. TOGaVTTjV niGTIV EVQOV. 1 1 Aifto ds vpiv, on noM.ol ano dvaro- Aajy xal dvGpwv %%OVGI xal dvaxh&rj- aovrai pEra ^figaan xal 'Icaax xal '/axcajS Iv TJJ (taGifaia v&v ovQavuv, 12 i oc 8e viol rqg fiaaifaiag Ixf&q&rjGov- tai eig TO oxorog TO i^cnrsQOv ' IXEI tGrai b xlav&fibg xal b favynog twv 13 odoVrojf. Kal elnev b ' J^Govg T^ exarovTUQ^ vnaye, xal tag iniGrsv- oag ywriQrircQ GOI. xat id&q b ncug avrov Iv TJJ ttQa txeiv%. 10 Kul vfioGTQtyavTfS ol tig lov olxov EVQOV rbv 8ov\ov vyiaivovra. 42, 43, 44.J UNTIL THE THIRD. 41 43. The raising of the Widow's son. Nain. LUKE VII. 1117. 11 Kal lysvsTO Iv TTJ s%rjg, ETTOQEVETO elg nohv xakovpe'vqv Natv, xal GVVSTZOQEV- 12 OVTO avTqj ol na&qTal aviov Ixavol xal ofoog noM?. *Q$ 8s rfffiae TTJ nvkrj rijg nofawg, xal iSov, l^Exopi&To TE&vrjxwg, vlbg povo^Ev^g Ty prjTQl avTov, KCU 13 avTrj %foa, xal oylog trig noleng Ixavbg \fpi\ GVV avTrj. Kal idav avTqv b 14 XVQIOS ianlafflvia&ri in ccvry xal slnsv avrij ' firj xkaie. Kal rrQQesl&mf tjyato Ttjg GOQOV - ol 8s paGTccovte$ satijaav. Kal BITIS ' veaviGxe, Gol Ifyw, 15 Kal avsxd&iGev b VSXQO? xal %Q%aTO laltiv, xal idmnsv avtbv rrj 16 tov. *E\ajls 8s cpofiog anavzag, xal I86%aov rbv ftebv kfyovreg OIL 17 rrjg pfyag tyrfftqiai Iv fyiv, xal oti InscxKiparo b &ebg vbv laov avrov. b Ao'/off oviog Iv ohrj iy 'lovdaia nsol avtov xal Iv adarj i av- Kal 44. John the Baptist in prison sends Disciples to Jesus. Galilee: Capernaum? MATTH. XI. 219. LUKE VII. 1835. 8s 'Iwdvvrjgj dxovGag Iv iq> IB Kal dnfyyEdav 3 I(odvvy ol pa&q- dEGpCQTqQlfp TO, SQ^a TOV XQIGTOV, 19 Tal aVTOV HEol TldvTCOV TOVTWV. Kal TTEptyag 8vo iwv pa&qicov aviov nQogxaksGapEvog 8vo nvag TOJV 3 ' slftsv avTcjj ' GV el b lQ%6pEvog, pa&Tjrwv aviov b 'Icodvvqg 20 psvog, r] alhov 7iQog8oxcopEV ; 8s fiQog aviov ol dv8QEg elnov 'loodvvqg b dneGTakxEv fyag ytQog GS Atj'coy * GV EI b 21 alkov TtQogSoxwpEv ; 3 Ev aviy 8s 1% WQK l&EQanEVGE noM.ovg anb voGcovxal paGTiycov xal Tivevpaicav novr^wv, xal Tvyhoig no'k'koig 22 tyaQiGaio TO ^E'TTEIV. Kal ano- 4 Kal dnoxQi&Eig b 'ItjGovg elnzv av- xQi&slg b 'IijGovg einev avioig ' no- ioTg ' noQEV&EVTsg anayyE&ais '/oo- QEv&zvTEg anayye&aiE, 'Icodvvrj, a E*- 5 dvvrj, a axovsrs xal fih'nsis TV- SETS xal TjxovGais on ivcplol dva- gjAo dva^ETtovGi xal ^co"kol neqina- IOVGI, tertQol xa&aQiovTai xal xooqpot dxovovGiy vsxQol lysiQOViai xal yrico- 6 %ol svayyehit.oviai-*' Kal paxaQtog 23 xal paxagiog lGiiv f og lav EGTIV, og lav pi] GxavSahiG&fi Iv spot. 24 SahG&y Iv Ipoi. 7 TOVTMV 8s noosvopEvcov r^Q^aio b iwv ayyskwv 'ladvvov, r^aio htysiv 'IrjGovg "klyeiv ioTg o%kotg neo\ 3 Icodv- TtQog iovg o%hovg fTEgl 'Icodwov ' it VOV ' 11 l%fo&T Eig T7]V EQTjpOV #- l^E^^.V&aTS Eig TTjV EQTjflOV -&EaGa- Gati-O-ai ; xdkapov VTTO dvspov Gafavo- G&ai ; xdhapov vno avt'pov Galsvops- 8 psvov ; 'A'M.a ii l%fa&ETS iSsiv ; av- 25 vov ; 3 ^4Ma it l^E^.v&aie &QWTIOV Iv pahaxotg tpaiioig rjpcpi- av&Qwnov Iv palaxoig ipaiioig r] 5. a Comp. Is. 35 3 5 sq. 6 {&E7IOVGI, i, TTEQITiaTOVGl, JiSTZQOl xwqjol dxovovGi, Gxav- 8s FROM OUR LORD S SECOND PASSOVER [PART IV. MATTH. XI. Evov ; idov, ol TO. fialaxd cpOQOvv- TEg EV ToTg oixotg rav fiaG&lmv EIGIV. 9 *A\l.u. il l<*fa&TE idEiv ; TTQO^TJJV ; vai, Zfc'yo) vfuv, teal TIEQIGGOZEQOV TIQO- 10 (prjTov. Ovrog ya.Q tan, nEol ov ytyqanTai.* Idov, tya dnoGTs'Ma) TOV ayy&ov pov ngo nQogwnov GOV, os xazaGXEvaGEi ti]v bdov GOV ep- 11 TtQOG&zv GOV. 'Apiv fe'yw vfiiv, ovx Iv yEWTjToTg yvvaixnv psi- Iwdvvov rov fianTiGTOv' 6 ds g EV 71J ^OiGl^Eia VG3V 0V- 12 Qavav pEi(av aviov EGTW. *Ano ds VG3V JjfAEQMV 'iwdwOV TOV 7] fiaGdEia. rmv za} aQTtd^ovGw av- 13 ity. ndvzsg yaQ ol nQO^rai xcu 6 vopog tug 'Icodvvov nQOEcpytEVGav. 14 Kcu EI t^tlfize d^aG&cu, avtog EGTIV 15 'Htiag o ft$J.coj> QXG&ai. b '0 fywv 16 tora dxovEiv, dxovETa. Ti'vi ds 6- fioicoam rqv ywEav ravTqv ; opoia, SGVI naidioig iv dyoQaig xa&Tjfizvoig xcu TiQogqowovGi roig iraiQOig avvuv 17 'xcu hfyovGiv' r^v^GafiEv v{MV t xal ovx tt>Q%rjGaG&s' i&QiptjGatis* v^lv, xcu 18 ovx IxoipaG&e. ''Hl.&E ya.Q ' [lyrE IG&IGJV [A^TE niv&v, xai 19 daiponov E%EI. *D.&Ev 6 vibg rov IG&IWV xal TZIVMV, xal ' idov, dv&QG)7iog ydyog xal oivonoiqg, ishavaiv ).(av. Kal Idixaiw&y 17 Gocpia dno avTijg. LUKE VII. ; Idov, ol Iv inatiGficp EV- xal iQvcpii vndQ%ovTEg 26 fiaGil.Eioig EIGIV. 'dttd ii &ate idEiv ; rrQoyfoqv ; vai, VfUV, Xai 71EQIGGOTEQOV 27 OvTog EGZI, TiEQl ov ^'QaTizai '* idov, lyw dnoGZEMw tov ayj'e^oV pov TIQO TiQogwrtOV GOV, og xazaGXEvaGEi trp 28 Mv GOV EflTlQOG&EV GOV. Alfto yaQ av EV yEvvqzoTg yvvaixwv 'Iwdvvov TOV fianTiGTOv EGTW ' ds fjllXQOTEQOg EV T7J ia TOV &EOV fiEi^mv avzov EGTI. 29 (Kal nag o labg dxovGag xal ol MO.I IdixaiaGav TOV ftsbv 30 Tsg TO fidnTiGpa 'Iwdvvov ol tyaQiGaioi xai ol vofiixoi tr\v TOV &EOV Tj&ET1]GaV Eig EUVTOVg, [IT] 31 fianTtG&wTEg vri avTov.) Tivi ovv bfioicoGco Tovg dv&Qanovg Ttjg yEveag 32 TavTyg ; xalTiviEiGlvopoioi; "Opotoi E.LGI naidioig Toig EV dyoQa xa&r^l- voig xal noogyowovGiv dMfaotg xai l.lyovGiv ' rjv^Ga[iEv vfiiv, xai ovx (OQxrjGaG&E' IftgrivriGanEV vpiv, xal 23 ovx IxkavGaTE. 'Ehfav&s j'(3 ' vrig b fianTiGTqg [urjTS CLQTOV fJl^TE olvOV 711VG3V, XO.I MEETS' 34 viov E%EI. 'Ekfav&sv b vlbg TOV dv&Qunov EG&IWV xal nirojv, xal MEETS' idov, dv&QUTiog ydyog xal olvonoTJjg, qptXo? reP.cavcay xal dpaQ- 35 Tca/Lwy. Kal Idixatcoftr] q (joqpt'cc dno TMV T/xvo)v avzqg 45. Reflections of Jesus on appealing to his mighty Works. Capernaum? MATTH. XL 20-30. 20 Tore %Q%aTO bveid%Eiv Tag nofaig, iv atg iytvovTO al nfaiGTai dvvdfiEig avrov, 21 ort ov pETEvotjGav Ovai GOI, XoQa&v, ovai GOI, Bq&Gaiddv ort ' Iv TVQQ* xal wvi tyvovro al ovvdpeig al yevopsvai V vpiv, ndlai av Iv caxxo) xal 10 etc. Mai. 3, 1. 14. Mai. 4, 5. 45, 46.] UNTIL THE THIRD. 43 MATTH. XI. 22 [tstsvorjGav. Ilkqv hsyco vpiv ' TVQOJ xal Gideon dvsxtotsQov sctai sv fjpsQ^ 23 XQiGEug, 0} vfiiv. Kal GV, KaTiSQvaovfi, y tag tov ovQavov vipco&siGa, SODS adov xatafiifiaG&rjGri ' oil EL Iv ^odopoig sysvovto al dwdpsig at ysvopsvai iv 24 GOI, spsivav av pfyQi tr^g G^EQOV. Z2A?/y tayca vpiv, oti yrj JZodopcov dvsxto- tSQov tGtai Iv fys'Qa xgiGScog, T] GOI. 25 3 Ev Ixsivqt ity xaiQqj anoxqi&sig 6 'IrjGovg slnsv ' s^opo^oyovpai GOI, tov OVQO.VOV xccf trig pi$, OTI anf'xQvtyas ravra ano aocpcov %al 26 KOI ansxcti.v\f)as avra vtjnioig. Nal t 6 navriQ, on ovrmg lylvwo svdoxia 27 XQO6&W GOV. ndvva fioi ?zaQd6&rj vao lov narQog pov xcu ovdslg rwsxei tov viov, si ny 6 TTCCT^Q oids tov TiartQa ilg tatYtrcoffxti, si firj 6 vlbg 28 %al cp sav fiovkqrai o vlbg aaoxcdviticu. /Jsvrs rtQog ps ndvr$ ol xoniavres 29 xal necpoQTiGpsvoi' xayto avanavGco vpag. ^QCCTS tov fyyov pov l(p vpag xcu pd&ETE O.TI spov, on yiQaog Eifii xal taneivog trj xagSict' KCU EVQ^GETS dvd- 30 navGiv raig \pv%aig vpcov. e O yag Jryoff fiov XQIJOTOS xcu TO qogtiov pov 46. While sitting at meat with a Pharisee, Jesus is anointed by a woman who had been a sinner. Capernaum? LUKE VII. 3650. 36 ^HQGjza ds rig avtov iwv (paQiGaiojr, iva qdyri [AST avrov ' xai figEk&av elg 37 ity oixiav tov (fraQiGaiov dvExM&y. Kal idov, yvvq Iv tq nohsij rJTig l\v a teokogj imyvovGcty on dvdxsiTai Iv tq oixia tov 0ctQiGaiov, 38 ctQov fivQOv ' xal GtaGa naga. tovg jiodag avrov bniGa xkaiovGa, r @Qt%eiv tovg nodag avtov totg ddxQVGi ' xal taig &QII trjg xEcpahtjg avtyg 39 paGGe, xal xatEcpilzi, tovg nodag avtov, xal t^siqjs tcp (jivQcp. 'idcov 8s 6 Gaiog 6 xaksGag avtov EITZEV Iv savtqj ks'ymv ovtog si ijv 40 dvj tig xal notanri TJ ywq, qtig antstai avtov, oti apaQrwhog Gti. Kal ano- XQi&slg b 'IqGovg sine nqog avtov ' 2ipmv t tyto GOI ti linsiv. b ds qp^ffi * didd- 41 Gxaks, sins. 4vo XQEwysikstai rjGav davEiGty tivr b sig layette dqvaQia 42 TisvtaxoGia, b ds stEQog jiEvtyxovta. My fyovrow ds avtav dnoSovrai, dpcpo- 43 tsQoig fyaQiGato. tig ovv avtwv, ctW, ntelov avtov tyafojott; *AnoxQi&iig ds b 2ipc>)V siTisv vnokafApavG), oti ql to nlsTov fyaQiGato. b ds SMSV avtw 44 oQ&ag sxQivag. Kal GtQacps'ig agog r\v yvvaixa toj 2iptovi sept] ffoeneis vav- tt]v tijv yvvouxct ; sigfa&ov GOV Eig tr t v oixiav, vdcoQ sal tovg nodag [tov ovx sdaxag' avtt] ds toig ddxgvGiv S@QE%S pov tovg nodag xal taig &QI%I [tijg 45 xeqpa/l^*] avtyg s<*epa%s. 0/l^a poi ovx sdcoxag avtri ds, ay yg slgijk&ov, 46 ov Siskins xatacpikovGd pov tovg nodag. *E1aic$ t\v xstpa^v pov ovx Tj 47 avtq ds [ivQep yksiips pov tovg nodag. Ov %aQiv, Ifya Goi, ayiwvtai al a tiai avtqg at nolJkai, oti ^aTi^GS no'kv M ds oJufOf dyistai, bhiyov ayana. 48 49 EXne ds avtrj dcpicovtai GOV al apaQtiai. Kal qQ^avto ol Gvvavaxsipsvoi 50 ht'ysiv sv savtoig' tig ovtog SGtiv, og xal apagtiag dcpiqGiv ; Elns ds agog ij\v yvvawa' TJ niGtig GOV GSGOUXS GS' nogsvov slg 44 FROM OUR LORD'S SECOND PASSOVER [PART IV. 47. Jesus, with the Twelve, makes a second circuit in Galilee. LUKE VIII. 13. 1 Kai e'ymro iv 1$ xadelffis, xal avvog dicadsvs Kara noliv xal xaftqv 2 xal EvayyEh&pEvog tip fiaadeiav vov &EOV, xal ol dadsxa GVV avTcp ' xal yvvawtg nvsg, cu IJGUV tE&EQansvpEvai 0,710 nvEvpdiav novqQwv xal aG&EVEicov, 3 MaQia, ?/ xcd^queVf Maydal^, agp' ^ daipovia snia Q&tjlv&si, ' xc 'Imdvm, yvvti Xova tmtQonov 'Hgadov, xal 2ovadi>va, y.al Megai aoMai, aiiiveg diy- xovovv avrcp ano iwv 48. The healing of a Demoniac. The Scribes and Pharisees blaspheme. Galilee. MARK III. 19-30. 19 20 Kai Q%ov7cu sis olxov f xa< ror^erou ^aAty o^o?, JffT ^u^ dvraa&ai aviovg 21 jUJ^Tfi a^roy qpa^ry. Xctt axovda^Tf? ot ^^' avzov l%fa&ov KQ&.IIIGO.I aviov ' on MATTH. XII. 2237. LDKE XL 14, 15, 1723. 22 TOT 7TQO$qvS%&r] CtVTCp [Aevog, tvylbs xal xtoqpoV, xat TZEVGEV O.VTOV, ooT zo^ TvqpAoy xt 14 Kcu r t v ey^d^oav daiftonov, xal 23 xcagjoy xctf ^.Ar>' xat fifariEiv. Kai avjo qv xcagpoy lyevsro ds tov dai- tidvT$ ol oyloi xat tlsyov poriov %&&6rtoc, tidlqasv b xcogpoV ' OVTOS lativ b vibg MARK in. xat l&avfiaaav ol o$oi. 24 david ; Ol ds (paQi- 22 Kai ol 'yQa^fiafEig ol 15 Tiveg de tj arnmv el- oaioi dxovaavTsg elnov dnb 'hgoao^v^mr Kara- nov ovTog ovx ixpdM.ei to, fidvTE g efayov ' onBttir %ovii i&v EI fit] EV t($ ^Efiovl 3f, xr OTI iv IxfidttEi TO, oni twv icp ag%ovTi i&v dat-po- 17 Avrbg ds Etdug aviaiv 25 datporlwr. Eldwg ds b viwv IxfidttEi ia daipo- ra diuro^fia rag iv&vpqGEig 23 via. Kai nQogxafacd- avrotg- naoa Elnw avroig ' pEvog aviovg iv naga- iff savir t v Tiaaa fiaGihtia [IEQI- fiolaig E^EV avzoig" ca tQr^ovzai, xal olxog G&EiGa xatf Bavirig IQIJ- nag dvvatai Garavag 18 im olxov nimzi. El ds fiovrat, xai Tiaca nolig catavav ExfidMsw ; xa) 6 Gaiavag Icp lav- % oixia fiEQiG&EiGa xa&* 24 Kai lav ftaGifaia l(p ibv diEpEQiG&q, nmg eavttjg ov aia&r^GETai. eavTqv HEQIG&$, ol dv~ oraOrjGETai f] flaailiEia 26 Kai EI b aaiavag ibv varai cia&rpai % PUGI- avrov ; on fa 7Tf, eV GaTavav IxfldMiu, l(p 25 ta/a ixEivt]' xal lav ol- BEE^E^OV}. lxpdM.Eiv pe euvrbv IpEQiG&T}' nag xia Icp iavitjv fAEQiatiq, 19 ra datpona. ovv GTa&rjGErai f] fiaGi- ov dvvarai craOtjrai r\ Iv BEE).&@OV}. 27 l.Eia avrov ; Kai ei fyu 26 oixia Ixetvtj ' xal EI oca- radaipovta, o/rio/ t^ca? Iv BsEli&flovli IxfidMo) tavag dveott] Icp lavrbv iv tivi txjftxMovcn ; diet TO, daipona, ol viol xa) fUpiQ&nu, ov dvva- rovto xQiral vpw av- 47, 48, 49.] UNTIL THE THIRD. 45 MATTH. XII. MARK III. LUKE XI. iai Gia&tjvai, dM.d ie- 20 iol eooviai, El de ev hog 8%si. dax 1 ho* id daipovia, id daipovia, ecp&acev i ecp v[4ag 17 @aGiheia lov &ov. 27 OvdEig dvvaiai id Gxevq 21 "Oiav 6 ic lov i6%vQov, Eigek&oav 7ihi6[ievog cpvhaGGy eig i\v oixiav aviov, eaviov avhrfv, ev diaQTiaGat, lav ^ riQca- Icil id v7iaQ%ovia av- iov ibv IG%VQOV dr t 6y 22 lov ' indv de 6 16%VQO~ xal lois it]v oixiav av- iQog aviov Ineh&wv lov diaQ7iaGi. vix^Gy aviov, ity navo- aviov aiQei, ly y xal id Gxvha 23 aviov diadldoGiv. '0 pr] v(uv, on &)v pi efiov xai tpov IGII, xal 6 JM^ Gvvdywr jwer' epov loig av- iwv av&QGWMVy xai at ^ de lov nvev- 29 @ha6<$'r]iAiai, oGag av @haG(ft]^GOi)Giv ' ovx GCprjfirjGri eig ib nvEvpa ib ayiov, ovx e%ei dcpeGiv eig loig av- 30 ibv aiava, dM' evo%6g IGIIV aiowiov xgiGewg. "On 32 &QOMtsH. Kal og av eheyov ' nvev^a dxd&aqiov e%ei. May hoyov xaid lov vlov dv&Qwnov, d(pe&^Giai avicp og d 3 av ei'nq xaid lov nvevfiaiog lov dyiov, 33 ovx dcpe&rjGeiai avim ovis Iv lovicp icp aiwvi ovis ev ify [tehhovii. *H noirj- Gais ib devdQov xahov, xal ibv xaQTibv aviov xahov ?J noirjaais ib dt'vdQOv GttTiQov, xai lov xaQTiov aviov GUTIQOV ' ex yaQ lov xaqnov 10 devdQOv yiva>Gxs- 34 iai. fswyftaia e^idvwv, nmg dvvao&s aya&a haheiv, novrigoi ovisg ; ex yaQ 35 lov TzeQiGGEVfiaiog ijjg xaQdiag 10 Giofia hahsi. ( dya&bg dv&Qconog Ix lov dya&ov &T]GavQOv [iijg xagdiag~\ ex@dM.ei id dya&d ' xal b novriQog dv&Qconog 36 Ix lov novviQOv &ijGav(>ov ex@dh7.ei nov^d. de'yco de vfA.iv, on nav Qiq(jia dgyov, o lav hahrjGcaGiv oi dv&QOJTioi, drtodaGOVGi nzol aviov hoyov ev ypsQa 37 'Ex yaQ i&tv hoyotv GOV dixaico&^Gy, xal ex imv did lovio aviol 28 eGoviai xgnai. El de ev Tivevfiaii &ov a'j'ca Ix aQa ecp&a6v Icp vpdg r\ 29 @aGiheia lov &ov. *H dvvaiai iig sigd- sig ir t v oixiav lov xal id Gxsvq aviov diagndGai, lav ^ nQwiov dfori ibv iGfv- QOV, xal i6ie i\v oixiav 30 aviov diaqnaGei ; '0 pq GJV fl1 [A,OV Xai IfAOV SGii ' xal b jU^ cvvdywv 31 [AE1 IfAOV 6XOQ7ZI&L did 28 lovio hsyw vfiiv ' naGa, nvia oil ia loig vloig og tf av 49. The Scribes and Pharisees seek a sign. Our Lord's reflections. Galilee. MATTH. XII. 3345. LUKE XI. 16, 2436. 38 Tois dnexQi&rjGav itveg iwv 16 "EiSQoi de neiQa&visg crmzlov nag yQafifiaiecav xal (fiaQiGaioov htyovisg ' aviov efyjiovv 1% ovQavov. diSaGxahe, -Oehopev dno GOV ffqpsiov 39 ideiv. '0 de dnoxQi&elg elnsv avioig' 29 Twv de o%hcov ena&QOi^ofisrodv %Q%aio yeved novrjQa xal noi%atig Gi]fiiov heyeiv r\ yevsd avit] novr t Qd IGII' GTJ* smtyisi' xai Gqptfov ov do&qGeiai [AeZove7Tii]ieT,xal6t][47ovovdo&w6S'fai 46 FROM OUR LORD'S SECOND PASSOVER [PART IV. MATTH. XII. LUKE XI. avTy, el I*TI to GqpeTov 'Iowa TOV avty, si $ to GtjpEiov 'loDvd TOV 40 nQocpfoov. "QgnEQ ya.Q i\v 'lowdg EV 30 nQoyrjTOv. KaftagyaQ fysvETo'Iwvdg TTJ xoih'a TOV xfoovg TQEig fjpf'QO'g GI^EIOV toig FionvUmgf ovTtog EGTUI xal TQEtg vvxTag* ovT&g EGTai 6 vlbg xal 6 vlbg TOV dv&Qwnov rjj yevsa rov dv&Q(onov EV T% xaQdia TJjg yjjg TavTT]. 41 TQEig fjfisQas xcu TQBIS vmtag. *Av- 32 "Avfyts NWEVI dvavTrjGovTcu iv dQE$ Nivsvirai avaGTriGoviat ev rift rj XQIGEI JUSTW ir t g yevf.cis ravrrjs XQI'GSI fisra rtjs yevsa$ TUVTTJS xat xat xaTaxQivovGiv avTqv, on |U- xaTaxQivovGiv avTTJv, on [iE7v6t]Gav iworiGav EIS ib xtJQvypa 'loova ' b xai ei$ TO xfovypa *Ia)va' b xcu idov, 31 idov, nfatov 'Iowa caSf. 42 nfoiov 'Iwva ads. BaoihcGa VOTOV VOTOV EyEQ&rJGEzai Iv ry XQIGEI lysQ&r t GETai EV ty XQIGEI fiEra iijg i&v dvdQ&v iijg yzvEag tawrig xal yEVEOLg ravzqs xai xataxQWEi aviyv, xaraxQivEi avvovg, on rik&w Ix Tcay on ri^&Ev EX lav nEQanvv tyg y5J$ nEQaTav rrj$ pig dxovGcu irp dxovGai iqv Goyiav ^okopcavog >c xal ^o^ofimvog ' c xal t'flov, nte iov IdoVy nfaiov SokofJiwvog wds. 33 pwvogwdE. Ovdele ^ kv%vov difjag Etg XQV7ITTJV Vl&llGlV QV$E V710 1QV podlOV, cdX em i\iv %v%viav, iva ol EigaoQEvopsvoi ro cpfyyog 34 '0 "kfyvog rov Gwparog IGTIV b ocp&ahfiog orav ovv b b GOV an'kovg \, xal o\ov 10 Gwfid GOV qxoTEivov IGIIV ' Irtdv de 35 novtjQog ^, xal TO Gupd GOV GXOTEIVOV. 2x6aEi ovv t firj to qpca? 36 70 EV Gol GXOTOg EGTW. El OVV tb m GWpd GOV O^OV (fWTEWOV, fj,rj fyov t\ [4Qog GXOTEIVOV j EGTai (pmTEivbv o).ov y tag orav b "kv^vog tfl aGTQany qpcoTt'^g ere. 43 "OTav de TO dxd&agrov avEvpa 24 "Orav to dxd&aQTOV nvEv^a. E^&rj l%&&ri dno TOV a.v#Qwnov, diE f Q%ETat dnb TOV dv&Qanov, d(tQ%ETai di* di dvvdQcov tonwv ^IJTOVV dvdnav- dvvdQWV toncov QIJTOVV dvdnavGtv, 44 GIV, xal ov% EVQIGXEI. TOTE fa'yEi ' xal ^ EVQIGXOV IfyEi ' vnoGTQtym dg slg TOV olxov pov, O&EV 25 7ov otxoV JMOV, O&EV E&il&ov. KM Kal ilQov EVQIGXEI G%old- &&bv EVQIGXEI GEGaQcopwov xal xs~ ovTa, GBGaQ&pEvov xal xExoGpypevov. 26 XOG^IJIEVOV. Ton- noQEVETat xai 45 TOTE noQEVETai xal naQakapfidvEt naQa^a^dvEi laTa ETEQU flE&' EUVTOV ETltOL ITEQOt. nVEVpaTK tlOVtjQOTEQa C(XV70V, XOt novrjQOTEQa eavrov, xal slgE^&ovTa XUTOIXEI EXEI' xal ytvEtai td xaToixEi EXEI' xal yivstai ta lo^ara 7oy dv&Qwnov EXEIVOV %EiQOva 70V dv&QWflOV IxElVOV ^EtQOVa T&V flQCOTCOV. fiQUTuv. ovToog EGTUI xal T% ywEa 27 'E^'vsTO 8e EV T$ tavt-Q TV novyQa. TavTa t B7idQaGa Tig yvvq ywvtjv Ix TOV ofiov E!TIEV avT 28 rj paGTUGaod Ge, xal paGToi, ovg l&fiaGa Avtog de tint ol dxovovTEg TOV Myov tov &EOV xal yvldcGovTig 40 etc. Jon. 2, 1. [1, 17.] b 41 etc. Jon. 3, 4. 5. 42 etc. 1 K. 10, 1 sq. ! I DO '- ' /f, 50, 51.] UNTIL THE THIRD. 47 *m 6 50. The true Disciples of Christ his nearest relatives. Galilee. i r MATTH. XII. 4650. MARK III. 31-35. LUKE VIII. 1921. 46 "En ds avtov lalovv- 31 "Eq^ovtai ovv q pytr t Q 19 flaQeywovto ds nQog iog toTg oyjkotg, idov, avtov xal ol dd&yol avtov % t#t**jQ xal ol r\ fiijtyQ xal ol ddekcpol avtov, xal EO) sGiatsg dd&yol avtov, xal ovx avtov ElGtqxEiGav $;<, dnzGtKikav ngog avtov rfivvavto Gvvtv%eiv av- fytovvtsg avtqj hal.fi- c2 ycovovvtsg avtor. Kal icp diet, rbv oyhov. 47 cat. Bins ds tig avTcp ' Ixd&qto ofoog TIEQI av- 20 Kal idovj fj pfoqQ GOV ^al iov sinov ds avvqt ' anriyy&ri avtty, lieyoy- ol ddskcpoi GOV |ca idov, y pforiQ GOV xal vow' i\ [iqTtjQ GOV xal sGTTJxaGi, fyrovvTt'g GOI ol ddekcpoi GOV $-00 ,n~ ot< dd&cpoivov sGirfi 48 lalfiGai. '0 ds dno- 33 TOVGI GS. Kal dnexQi- |w IdeTv GS xQi&elg sine top slnvvri ftr} avtoig Ifywv tig 21 '0 ds avrctj ' rig IGVIV f] ^rt]Q IGIIV r\ (trJTijQ pov ol ngbg avtovg ' ftov, xal tiveg SIGW ol ddekcpoi [tov ; 49 adshyoi iiov ; Kal ex- 34 Kal reivag tqv %si()a avrov nsQifileydfisvog xvxZo) Inl rovg [ta&qTag av* tovg Tisgl avtov x$^- tov SITISV ' idov, % \nr\- ftsvovg hfyei ids, ^ \nr\- triQ fiov xal ol adehcpoi trig fiov xal ol ddshcpoi 50 fiov. "Ogtig yaQ av norf- 35 fiov. *0g yaq av noiqGy Gift to &s^(jia tov n&- to &ekr]pa rov &eov, Kal adekcpoi pov ovtoi tq6$ [tov tov Iv ovQavoi?, ovtog adshyog pov xal SIGIV ol tov hoyov tov avrog [4ov adshcpbg xal ddsl.^ fiov xal [tfjtqQ &eov dxovovteg xat EGtlv. IGTI. H nowvvtsg avtov. 51. At a Pharisee's table, Jesus denounces woes against the Pharisees and others. Galilee. LUKE XI. 3754. 37 *Ev ds T(p "kahfiGai fjQwta avtov (PaQiGaiog ttg, onwg aQiGt^Gy nag avtqj. 38 eigsk&wv ds avs'aeGsv. '0 ds (paQiGaiog idwv l&avpaGsv, oti ov nQ&tov Ifia- 39 mia&y ago tov aQiGtov. Ein& ds 6 xvQiog TiQog avtov' vvv vfisig ol (PaQiGaToi to S^CO&EV tov notriQiov xal tov nivaxog xa&ayi&ts, to ds SGCD&SV vpav ys'pei 40 aqnayrig xal TiovyQiag. *AcpQOVg, ov% 6 noi^Gag to S^CO&EV xal to 41 IffOfijGe ; ' n\\v ta Ivovta dote iterifJioGvvriv * %al idov, ndvta xa&aga 42 EGtiv. 3 AlX oval vpiv toi$ (PagiGaioig, on dnodsxatovts to fjdvoGfiov xal to nfyavov xal nav kd%avov, xal naQt'Q%EGd'E tqv XQIGIV xal tqv aydntiv tov &EOV. 43 tavta edsi noirJGat, xdxsiva fju] dcpisvai. Ovai vfuv toig aQaGaioi, vnoxgitai' oti EGts cog ta ia td adrfka, xal ol dv&Q&noi ol TtEQinatovvtsg endvco QVK oi'daGiv. 48 FROM OUR LORD'S SECOND PASSOVER [PART IV. LUKE XI. 45 *AnoxQi&t}g ds 11$ rcav vopixav "kfyei avTaj didaGxahs, ravra Mycov xal ypdg 46 vpQi&ig. c ds sins ' xal vfiTv roTg vofitxoig ovai, on (pOQTisrs rovg dv&Q(onovg qiOQTia dvgfiaGraxra, xai avroi In rav daxrv^wv vpwv ov nQogtyavsrs 1014 47 yooiioig. Oval vpiv, on otxodofieirE ra pvypEia rwv nQoqujrcov, ol ds 48 V(IK>V dne'xrEivar avrovg. "Ago. fiaQTVQEirs xal GWEvdoxEirs loig EQ naTfQmv vpaJv, 07i avTOi fiev anixTEivav avrovg, i'fieig de oixodofieire aviav 10. 49 prypfict- dta TOVTO xal f] ffotpia tov -&eov stnw ' anoGrstio elg avrovg ngo- 50 qp//r? xal anoarolovg, xal 1% avrav anoxTevovai xal Ixdico^ovaiVy ' iva Ixty- tri&r^ to alpa ndvrmv iwv TiQOCprjTwv, ro fx%vv6[ievov ano xaiafiotijg xodjuov, 51 ano trig ysvEag laviyg, ' ano tov alpaiog "A$zk img rov analog Za%aQiov, rov dno^ofikvov fisia^v TOV ftvaiaGTyQiov xal tov ofxov* vai, lfyieg ^QEVGUI n Ix TOV Giofiarog aviov, iva xai^OQ^GmGiv avrov. 52. Jesus discourses to his Disciples and the multitude. Galilee. LUKE XII. 1-59. 1 3 Ev olg IniGvvax&stGwv TWV pvQiddow rov ofoov, agrs xaranaretv a rioj^aro "kfyew agog rovg pa&qrag avrov nqwrov ' nQogfyere savroig ano rijg 2 fynqg r&v (PaQiGaiwv, qng BGrlv vnoxQiGig. Ovdev 8s Gvyxexahvfinwov lorir, 3 o ovx dnoxa^vcp^Gerai,, xal xgvnror, o ov yvcoG&^Gerai' *Av\? nv ooa Iv rjj Gxorla einare, ev rep , a dsi Einsiv. 13 Ifine de rig avrrp ex rov o%\ov didaGxals, elne ro) a^eAgxp 51. Gen.4,8. 2Chr.24,20sq. 52.] UNTIL THE THIRD. 49 LUKE XII. 14 PET ffiov i]]v xhtjQOvofJiav. '0 ds SITTSV avi$' av&Q&ne, rig ps 15 dixaGrqv TJ [tQtGiqv Icp vpag ; EITTS ds nQog avrovg ' bgars xal CCTTO rrjg 7l).OVl*iag ' OTl OVX iv rty 7TQIGGVIV tlVl f] (^ avrOV BGriV X TtoV 16 vnaQftovrav avrov. Elne ds naQafioVjv TtQog avzovg Itywv dvOQconov nvog 17 nhovGiov V(poQjjGv f] %coQa ' xal flu/toy/fwo Iv savTcp fa'ycov ' ri noiqaw ; on 18 ovx S%GO nov Gvvd^o) rovg x&Qpovpov- Kcu tfw roi/ro nottjaco ' xa lag ano&faae xe fiei^orag 0&odopr]G60 t xai ovvd^co IxsT ndvra ra 19 pov xal TK aya&d pov,* xal ZQW rfj tyvffi /MOV i/^i^f^, fyeis noM.a dya 20 eig KTJ] nol.kd ' dranavov, (jpays, nls, svcpQaivov. E7ne ds avrdp 6 ftsoe ' acpgov, ravry TTJ vvxrl tip tyVffl* GOV anawovGiv ano GOV ' a ds fooifAaGas, livi G- 21 rat ; Ovicng o &qGctv()ia)r savrcp xca pr] ei$ &ebv TikovTwv. 22 Ems ds TTQOS rovg [ia&qrdg airov dia, TOVTO vfiiv A/yca, [*rj [leQififUTS 1% 23 tyvffl vpoovj 11 cpdyrjTS, p^ds rq) GwpaTi, TL IvdvGqG&e. *H ipv%)j nfoiov IGTI 24 7% TQOv ydpwr, iva &&6vrog 37 xal xQovGarTog sv&sag dvoi^cnGiv ctvTqj. Maxd^ioi ol dovhoi ixeTvoi, ovg sk&av b xvQtog VQr>Gi yQr t yoQOvvTCX.g ' d t u^v Zt'j'ca vfiTv, OTI ffSQi^t&G&tott xa) 38 avaxkivsl avxovg xai 7taQ).\)cov diaxov)iGi avToTg. Kai fav sk&rj iv T.IJ dsiMt- QK (fv^axy xal Iv ry rgfVtf cpvhaxri &&$ xal wgr} OVTCD, paxaQioi-flGiv ol dovhoi 29 ixeiroi. TOVTO ds yiyio"xer(P, on i r t dsi b ofaoosGaoTIp, noia COQK b xX/ffT^ 40 SQ%SZCU, fygyyoQiio'ev av xal ovx .av dcpljxe diOQvyr { vai tbv oJxov avTOv. Kal v(*ig ovv yivG& HOipoi, on q V, TTfQIGGOTfQOV 49 50 avTov. fll'Q fy.&ov pakiiv Eig t^v y^v, xatrt th'Aca, eiqdq av>jq)&)] ; 51 ds fyo) fia7iri6\}7 t J'Oti, xat nag Gi'VfXOfxai, t(ag ov t&EGQri ; /JOXSITE, on 52 nctQeyeroftijv Sovvcu Iv ry yg ; ov%(, P.t^ca vfitv, alX t] 8tafiQiGfi6v. "EGOVTCU yctQ ano tov vvv nsvrs iv own sn dutfitfttQiafUroi, TQHg sal foal xal dvo tal TQIGI. 53 /]iciifiEQiG&>'fGi-zai nctTiig l(f vim xal vibg Inl TKX.TQI, ^T^O im QvyctTQi xal x^t 1 - enl Tqv VV^TIV avTyg xal 'iy*gp?/ tm Tip 54 "EltyE ds xal ToTg otf.oig ' oTav idqTE T\V rsy&rjv avaT&JkovGav dnb dvGfiav, 55 Ev&t'ag MyETE' o[A@Qog EQ^ETKI' xai yiveTai ovzw. Kai orav VOTOV nvsovTa, 56 l.syETE ' OTI xavGav tGTai ' xai ylvETai. ' TnoxQiTai, TO nQogconov T7;g y~]g xai 57 TOV ovQavov oidaTS doxipdEiv, TOV ds xatQov TOVTOV nag ov doxipd&TE ; Ti ds 58 xal dcp' savTwv ov XQITETE TO dixaiov : '&g j'/a> vndyeig fiETa TOV dvTidixov aniiQEiv avrv a ptv S7TEGS TiaQa 11\V bd6v ' xal faQ-era asreiva xal xaizyaysv avrd. iov ff TO Iv tTTEGS, xal fafte ia nETEtva [lov ovQarov] xal xaiz- avio. "AM.o ds s 87TEGSV Sat ICt dy, OTIOV ovx ?/ YTJV moJJ.jp>' xal sv&f&s (%- dia TO fit] %iv 6 GKEIQOJV TOV GaEtQai TOV GTIOQOV aviov. xal iv T(p GTIEIQEW avzbv o [4tv EasGE aagd i\v b8ov, xal xazsaaTfj&rj, xal id EJTEGEV Em TO nETQwdfg, aszEivd TOV ovQavov oaov ovx Er/s yf^v nok- 6 xaiiyaysv avzo. Kal Miv ' xal Evfli'atg QavE- EZEQOV EXEGEV sal ir\v Tf/Xfi 8id TO [it] fyfiv ae'zQav, xal cpvsv t%ij- j'^i" foiov 8s 6 fid frog y^g' ffiiov 8s QOLV^TI 8id TO f^tt] E%etv wzog Exavpa- dvaztfl.avzog Ixavfia- Ix^dSa. , xai 8id TO pri TifTi)^, xai 8id TO pi] 7 Kal EZEQOV E71EGEV fV jM/cro) TCOV dxavQtov, xal ai dxav&at > ' / avzo. 8 Kal tzEQOV ETIEGEV elg Tt t v y^v i\v dyaQi'iv, xai cpvfv faoi- qGE xanaov Ixazovza- nl.aGiova. Tavia b f/coj/ Ktza dxoiEtVy a- XOVtTOJ. 9 3 Enr$aj xal dvefirjGav ai dxavOai xal GVVE- r.Jti xai xaQaov 8 ovx ESuxE. Kal 9 '0 %Ktv cora dxovEiv y d- xoi't'rw. 10 Kal ETTEGIV tig irp yrfl xalt'iVy xal iSidov nov dvapaivovTa xal avdvorza, xal E(J)EQEV EV ToidxovTa xal *EV srj- xovza xai EV sxazov. 9 Kal ElEyev \avzoig}' b fywv cora dxoviv f d- ol 10 "Ozs 8s lyt'vsTO xaza- 52 FROM OUR LORD'S SECOND PASSOVER [PART IV. MATTH. XIII. MARK IV. LUKE VIII. tlnov avrcp' povat;, rjQwiqaav avibv ol pa&ijTat aviov It- ha- ol neol aviov ovv iQig yovisg, itg ffj/ ^ noLQa- 11 leig avzoi^ ; '0 ds ano- dadexa rr t v naQapolrjV. 10 fioki] avirj ' '0 ds tlnev XQt&iig slnev aviolg' 11 Kdi tteyzv aviolg ' vfiiv i^iv dtdoiai f /vuvai id on i'fAiv dt'doiai yvtavai dtdoiai yvwvai to [AV- ^iv6ir t Qia iUfi fiaGtfai'ag ia (ivffrr t Qin itj$ fluffi- (Sir^iov i^ ficiffdeias rov &tov, 101$ ds koi- faias iwv OVQCLVWV, fx'- lov $ov' fxm'O/? ds iioi$ Iv 12 voig de ov dtdorai. "Og- tolg HGJ Iv 71$ yaq f%i, do & foetai ^.a/V ra ndvta auto), xai neQiaaev&rj- GETCU' ogtig ds ovx ?/, xal o fyei 13 ffEtat an O.VTOV. AIOL tovzo ev cm ov fiMnovai 12 wa ^novtfg fih'naai iva ftttnovzes p/ xal dxovovrts ovx axoi- xal pq idwGi, xal dxoi- rzaxsi xal axovovttg ovffir, ovds Gvviovtii. ovteg axovmai xal 14 Kal dvanl.rjQOviai av- ffvviwffi ' * (kjjmn Im- 70t T] rtgtHpiptia 'Haai- (Tr^fc'^cajf, xal dcpB&ri avtoT$ ra ov, TI fa'yovaa'* axoj dxovffere, xal ov [tq ffvvrJTe, xal jtt.eaovT$ fife'ipEre, xal ov 15 'Enayvv&r} yaQ r\ xaQdia lov l.aov TOVZOV, xal zotg ei lov koyov lov i- caviw au&waiv. dia avTov" oviog tariv cnaQHtvov ev T/V XKQ- b nagd i\v bdbv ana- 16 tiaif avtuv. Kal ov- 13 Ot de tat ilajg. 17 Ov yaQ i-Gii XQVKTOV, o ov yavfQOV yEVTjGETat, ovds dnoxQvcpov, o ov yvw- 18 G-fryGSiai xal Eig yatEQov 8^.0 rj. Tieis ovvy nag dxoveT' og yi 8%%, do&qGEiai avTfy, xal og av pq f/;/, xal b doxEi 8%Eiv aQ&^GEiaian aviov. i\ av an aviov. 54 FROM OUR LORD S SECOND PASSOVER IV. 55. Parable of the Tares. Other Parables. Near Capernaum? MATTH. XIII. 2453. 24 A).\riv naQafiotyv naQS&TjXEv avroig Ifycav - m^oia&q TJ paadeta TWV OVQU- 25 v).oi TOV oixodzanotov tlnov avrcp* XVQIE, ov%i xaVov GtttQpa EGneioag Iv rm a^ j'(>4> ; no&tv ovv %EI id- 28 via ; '0 ds squj tfv*o& * I^&QOS av&QW7to$ TOVTO enoiqaev. ol ds dovl.oi lilnov 29 avTqj' &t').Et$ ovv a7i&&6vTE$ ffvlit$Mfttf avid; '0 ds tyy ov' pfaoTe GV).).E- 30 yovTsg ta ^dvia fxoi^waqTS afia avrol^ TOV GITOV. "AytTS. avvavl*dvG&ai dpcpoTEQa nfyoi TOV dsQtanou' xal lv xa/ooJ TOV &eQiatiov tQw TOI GvHt^UTE TIQWTOV TO. ffttfUt XCU dtjGClTE (X.VTO, sfc dtGfiUS, 7IQO$ TO avrd' TOV ds GITOV GvvaydyzTE. d^ Tyv dnoO/jxTiv /wot;. MARK IV. 2634. 26 Kai MXftv ovTGts IGT]V % fyounLiia TOV fisov, tog lav av&QWTTog $d)*r[ TOV cno- 27 QOV ini Trig yft ' xal xa&Evdq xal tyetQijTat VVXTU xal yfujgver, xal 6 28 fft.aGTavrj xal pTjxvvqTai, co ovx oldev avTog. ^4vTOpdi.T] yaQ y y 29 nQuzov %OQTOV, dia GTa%vv, elra 7i).r^Qt] GITOV sv TQJ GTa%vi. "Oia-v ds o xaQTiog, evOi'ag anoGi tM.ti TOV MATTH. XIII. dQtTlUVOV, OTl TZaQtGTIJXEV 6 {^EQlG^Og. 31 *A\\r[V nctQafio).ijv naQS&qxEv avrolg 30 Kal tteyE' Tin OfioiwGtouEv TT^V f!a- bfioia EGTIV rj fiaGt).ia TWV Gilziav TOV &EOV ; // lv noia naQa- xo'xxo) GwdrtEwgj ov l.afiav 31 ^oAy 7TaQttfid).*tg Ikafai avToig rbv Aoyor, xa&wg i]dv- 35 naQaftolyg ovx &d).fi avrotg ' oruag 34 rarro dxovt-iv. XcoQ*ig ds naQ(tflo).ijf TO ntj&iv dia TOV nQnyfoov ovx &ata< avrotg xar tdiav de Tots * dvoi^G) Iv naQafiolatg TO [ta&rjTatg avrov tn&ve ndrra. a/70 xoGfiov. 35. Pi. 78, 2. 55, 56.] UNTIL THE THIRD. 55 MATTH. XIII. 36 TOTS dyslg *ovg ofiovg ijl&sv fig iqv oixiav 6 'IqGovg. xal avity oi [taOtfTal aviov "hsyovisg* cpydnov r^iv ir\v TJ aQctfioktjv itav 37 iov dyQov. ' O ds dnoxQi&s}g sinsv avioTg ' 6 GTTSI'QWV TO xakbv GntQfta sffnv S8 b vibg TOV dv&Qconov ' b ds dyQog sffiiv 6 xoGpog * 10 ds xa/.bv GniQpa, OVTOI c9 SIGIV oi viol iffi @aGiA.siag' id ds fy^dvid SIGIV ol viol vov novr^Qov' '6 8s fx9(>oV, o GTisiQag avTct, SGTIV o didfiolog ' 6 ds &QiG[40 Gvvr&eia lov aiuvog 40 SGTIV ' ol ds tiegiGTal ifyyeXot eiatv. "QoxfQ ovv Gvlhysrai ra ftfaV xa/ nv^i 41 xaraxaisTcu' ovrcog sGrat iv ty Gvvv&sia TOV aicovog loviov- 'jdaoat&tf 6 vlbg toy av&QtoTiov iovg dyyskovg avrov, xat GvM.t'%ovGiv x r/Jc.- fiapduiaf 42 avrov navia ia Gxdvdaha xat iov$ noiovviag ir t v dropiav, ' xctt fla).ovGiv av- IOVQ si$ ir\v X&.\JLIVQV lov nvQog ' sxsi SGTCU 6 KJtfci?0/iog x 6 ^Qvy^bg i(hv odov- 43 lav. Tois ol dixaioi ix).a[Aif)OVGiv, (og 6 TJMOQ, sv ITJ ftaGiksia TOV naTQog avTwv. 44 6 fycov COT dxovsiv, dxovsTG). ndhv 6 t uoia IGTW r\ fictGiteia iwv OVQUVCOV Taj j'(>(p> o^ si'Qcov dv\)()G37iog sxQVfys, xcti dnb iij$ avTov vndysi xal ndvia OGK fyst nal.si xcct dyoQa^si ibv 45 Tldkiv bftoi'a fGziv I] ficutdtfat TWV OVQOLVOJV dvdQtoncp ffATiOQCp, ^TOVVTI xal.ovg 46 p#Qf*Qtae og SVQWV tra nolvit^nv [tKQyaQiTqr, dns).{)a)v nsTTQaxs ndvia. OGK 47 t/Vf, %ai tfl'6(Xtff(9 aviov. Ilakiv ofioia SGTIV t] fiaGifeia iwv oi'Qaroov Gayrivri 48 filr>&iGri etg ir\v fidlaao'av xal x navibg ytvovg 6 way ay ov Gift ' t^v, OTS fn^- QcoOi], dvafitfidaavTeg tnl ibv alyial.bv xal xa&iffavisg Gvvsls^av id uahd ei$ 49 dyys Ta, id ds Ganqd l?ca ffiakov. Oviwg SGTCU Iv iy Gvvisl.sia lov atavog ' ISsfavGoviai ol ayy&oi, xai ayoQiovGi iovg novt]Qovg sx [ASGOV iwv dtxaiwr, 50 'xoc) fiahovGiv avTOvg stg iqv xdpivov lov rtvqog' sxsT SGICU 6 xlavfipbg xal 6 ^Qvyfjiog IK>V odovTcov. 51 sli-ysi avioig b 'IrjGovg'-Gvvtixais lavxa ndvia; Myovciv aviq> ' vai,%VQis. 52 ' 5' sJnsv avioTg ' did iovio nag yQa^fjiai^vg pa&tjisvds'ig tig i\v fiaGiltiav IGJV ovQavtov o^ioibg SGTIV dv&Qcancp oixodsGnoiy, ogiig sxfidhksi sx TOV O'tjoav- QOV avTov xaivd xat nal.atd. 53 Kal syt'rsTO, OTS STslsGSv b 'ItjGovg idg naQafioldg laviag, fisiiJQSv sxsi&sr. 56. Jesus directs to cross the Lake. Incidents. The Tempest stilled. Lake of Galilee. MATTH! VIII. IS 27. MARK IV. 3541. LUKE VIII. 22-25. IX. 57-62. 18 'Jdwv ds b 'Jhjoove 35 Kal P./^a ai'ToTg sv 22 Kal fyweio iv pia noV.ovg oy}.ovg nsnl fxsirrj ifi ipqM o^-m? lav fysQav, xal avibg ai'ibv* tntevGsv an- ysvops'vqg ' ditl.Ocopsv Irt'fiq tig nloiov xal oi tlQtlv sig ib ntQav. sig ib nsQar. iiadqial aviov- xal tins nQog a-viovg' dit'lOcafAsv sig ib ntQav lijg lifJLv^g ' MATTH. VIII. LUKE IX. 19 Kal nQogskQwv tig ^Qa'puaisvg sinsv 57 'Eywsio ds noQSvopwav aviav avity' dtddsxal.?, dxv\ovQi]6w o"0f, sv i\i cdqj, tins iig ngbg aviov 20 bnov tdv dntQ^r^ Kai It'ysi avicp axoAoi'^^dca Got, onov dv 56 FROM OUR LORDS SECOND PASSOVER [PART IV. MATTH. VIII. LUKE IX. 6 'lyvovg ' at dl(07ZExf-g qwlsovg 58 XI-QIE. Kal tinev avto) 6 ' at dlwnfxeg qwfaovg fyoi'Gi xal ra ntttwet tov ovQavov xataGxij- vcoGEig ' o ds flog tov dr&QO)7iov otx 59 fytt, TTOV tr t v xCpalr t v x7.Z(p ' Xl'QIE, tov anfifaTv x tfdipai rbv 22^oi;. '0 ds 'It]$ elnw aviM a%o7.ov&Ei pot, y.vt.1 &.\l)ai TOV$ savzKtv 6v ds antl&av tkdfftUit rr t v fiaai 61 faiav TOV &eov. EITZE ds xal ITCQOS' xo?.ot;^/y(Toa cot, 7JQMTQV ds 7llTQ8\lj6r jUOt ^0r$(7t>f TOti,' f/V 10V G2 ?/7fc 5f 7T()o<; ttvroy o 'Irjaovg ' oi'dii^ tnifial.wv t\ in UQOTQOV y.al pirflw etV 7 oniao) sv&tr&f eonv paadtia* tov ftzov. MATTH. VIII. MARK IV. LUKE VIII. ififfdrti avT$ 36 Kal dcpwrwibv o%).ov 22 x TO 7l).OlOV fjXpliQvfoj- THtQCtlMfjfidvOVGIV av- 23 Hl.ZOVJWV 8s 23 cctv avzqj oi pu&qtsu tov, wg i t v 24 avtov. Kal tdov, asi- xal d).).a ds nloia i t v Gf^bg pfyag I yere TO Iv TIJ 37 psf alrov. Kal yivs- &a).daa^ cot,'Z TO ri).oi- rat laikaip dv^ov jue- ov xaJivmeo&at vno y?.jy id ds KVfidta TWV xvfidtav ' avibg in tfi alley fig TO nloior, 25 3t txdGevfa- Kal TTQOS- wgre avrb "fly j'fjUt^f- ol fia&qrsti 38 c&ai. Kai r t v aviog mi CUVTOV qaav. ttVTCOV Ktpvmtot* Y.U.I lalla\p avt^ov fig ii t v Jup*iJ9 t xcc) avrenlq- QOVVTO xal Ixndvvtvor. aviov xi'Qie, GWGOV OL Kal avTOig' ii dei- loi IGTE, bliyomaioi ; 26 r^dg, tm to TTQOQ- 24 xstpalainv xa&ti'dav xal dieyei'QovGiv ovtor, xt -Ifyovatv ai'Ttp' di- daGxal?, ov ptlei GOI, IOTS tftgOflfl 7ZTi'[tqGE 29 DTI anollvfAE&a ; Kai rortf dyt'fioifxai TJJ t>- dieytQOtlg Inntfaptl up 8s Qav aviov It-' ^mrrara, Imdtavct, ^- ollvpifra. b de eyeo- flugfTiertuqaeTtp > xat TW x?.i'5oji'tToi t'6*- rog- xul fnavaavro, xal Oi 8e GIWTZU, fie- xal t b avFpog, xal fyfalO yctli^rrj 40 Kal tfnev aviotg ti tittloi IGTS 25 KITTE Se avroTg ' nnv ta- 41 OVTW ; ncog ovx t/ETE TJIGTIV ; Kal rtv /} marts ty/cuv; gio- ecpofii'jftqGav yofiov /4- fltjOtVTfg df t&avpaaav, tftav- y(tr, xal tltyor Tryng dl- Ifynvrtg n(tbg dll^lovg' l^otrtf ' nora- It'lovg ' 7/V UQU otroV TiV ( ovrvg tour, on 56, 57.] UNTIL THE THIRD. 57 MATTH VIII. JlOg EG71V OV70g, 071 XOl ol dvEpot xai vnaxovovGiv av7(p ; MARK IV. SG7W, 071 XOl 6 xai r\ ftdl.aGGa vnaxov- OVGIV av7(p ; LUKE VIII. Xa 70lg vEfAOig 87T17UG- GEIXUI iq> vdarij xai vnaxovovGiv avion ; 57. The two Demoniacs of Gadara. S. E. coast of the Lake of Galilee. MATTH. VIII. 2834. IX. 1. 28 Kal &0OJTI avTo) 1 sis TO asgav, -els 7t]V #oa- QO.V MARK V. 121. LDKE VIII. 2640. Kal lfl.&09 EI? ib 26 Kal xaTtnlsvaav tig rys -fraXaffff^tf, rijv ss avT(p dvo 2 Sai[iovi6[ievoi, (ix TGJV l Mav, Fa- vav Kal l^sJi- gav avrcij sx iov 27 * e.GTtv two. n'koiov GSV avrcp Ix TGJV [try- psimv av&Q&nog iv diet 7tjg odov ixsivqg. 3 ntevptan a tp sx SE avtqj Inl ^vtriGev av- 71$ sx tys efye Saipona xai fttiov ovx xou iv oixia ovx alX iv roig og ffysv Iv rolg \ivri\jLtt.Gi xou OVTS O^VGEGIV oidilg rfiv- 4 VUTO avrov S^GOLI, ' diet 10 aviov no"D,axig xal dkvGEGi'.dedsG&ai xal diSGna- VTJ avTov rag akvGetg, xal Tag rtidag 5 xal ovdiig avibv IG%VS dapaGai. Kal dianavzog, jvvxibg xal i][AQag, iv roTg pvrjfjiaGi xal iv toig ,OQSGIV rp xQa^cov 6 xal xaiaxoTiTcov savrbr M&oig. 'Idwv fie IQV 'lyGOvv ano paxgo&sv Edgars 29 Kal idov, sxga^av Xe- xal TiQogexvvTjGev av- 28 'Iduv ds tbv 'IqGovv xal aoi, yovieg ' 11 r^uv xal Goi y 7 TO), ' xal vie tov ftsov ; rjk&ss code TIQO xaiQOv fi oai f]fj.ag ; [4K 70 ns ' ii spot xal 9 Kal avaxQu^ag 7iQoge7iGtv O.VT<$ xal cpcovfi psydliq j VIE 7ov -&EOV Eins, 7$$fiol xal GOI, *Iq- ^OJ GE GOVj vis 7ov &sov 7ov 70V &&9V, [1$ [IE puffttri- V\(J1670V ; dtOftai GOV, jU7/ yao awcp $eJUhi IO'JIVEV- 29 ps jjaGaviGrig.naQiflytue 7ov av&Qconov. yuQtq) 7irvf*a7i7maxa- fiaQTCp QehOEiv ano 7ov TToV.oig . /a^ iQOtOtg Gwr^TidxEi av7oy, xat idsfffitiTO akvGEGi xai ntdatg havv7o vno 7ov 30 daipovog Eig 7ag Igfyovg. *ErttjQa- -7^GE ds aviov 6 'Ir^GOvg hs'yav ' 7i GOI G7iv ovoiia ; 6 ds EITTS ' leysav ' on MARK v. av7ov ' 11 GOI ovopa ; av7o) xal Ifysi av7o) I.E j'eooy oropd 10 fioi, O7i noMoi G[*Ev. Kal naQ- 31 8cuft6ria aoM.a Eigrjk&Ev sis av7ov Exdfai av7ov sioJiJid, iva pj av- Kal tfBQtxdJilt av7ov, iva 7ovg d7ZOG7ihj f|oa 7r t g %&3Qag. av70ig tig 8 58 FROM OUR LORD'S SECOND PASSOVER [PART IV. MATTH. VIII. MARK V. LUKE VIII. 30 7 //i> 6s [AaxQav an av- ll j flv ds lxi KQog t$ 32 T /fr ds lxi tcov ayi-li} %oi'(}(ov nol- OQi aytlr] %OIQ(OV [t- QCOV ixavav 31 >Uoj> /Soffxoftt^. 01 ds 12 ydlr] fioGxouevi]. Kul Iv tq OQS i xal naQxd- daiportg naQxd).ovv naQtxdlsGav avtov low avtov, iva imtql- avtbv Ityovtzg ' el ex- \ndvtzg] ol daipovsg yy avtoig els fo'yovteg- m^iipov ypHs elsel&eiv. v dneh&fl* els fty Is TOVS %O<'QOV$, Iva Is avioig. 32 aye'^v TO)V%OIQWV. KM 13 avzovg els&&a>l*ev. Kal tlnw avtois ' vndyMS. IntTQfifjev aviois ev&e- ol ds t&Q6vTte unfa- co? 6 'Ir]GOv$. xat e'^- 33 &ov els ^n v *$&W T v ftovtu toe 7ivvpaTa ta ds TU daipovta uno tov %otQcor. xa\ Idov, togpq- uxd&aQra e&jk&ov els avOQwnov dgty.Qov el$ Of. naGO. 1} dy&.t) [rcoy rove %OIQOV$ dig- xal vdaGtv. %&4Oi), xal inviyovro Iv S3 01 ds ftoGy.ovTg 14 ty &a1(iGGr[. 01 ds 6- 34 eqityov, xal anf.l.&ov- Gxovrsg avroi'S i'yvyov ds ol fi6axoi>Tg to re$ els TIJV nohv an- xal anriyydav els i\v yovog syvyov xal jfffl&av ndvia xal aohv xal tig rovg a- yeikav ig IT\V nohv xal ta icov daifion&ps- yQOvg' xai e%rfi&ov ideiv, t 35 els tovg ayQovg. 'E ' vnaye elg tov ol- l&lrilvQtt ta daiyovta, elvcu alv xvv GOV n()bg tovs aovg, xal dvdyyet- avtcjj. an&vas de avtbv b 'Itjaovg 57, 58.] UNTIL THE THIRD. 59 MARK V. LUKE VIII. hov avToig, oGa aoi o xvQtog nsnoiqxe 39 1.tyo&v ' VTTOGTQE^E rig iov owov GOV 20 xal fab'qGS GS. Kal d7?q).&E xal xal diqyov, OGa foofyal GOI 6 -Osog. ^Q^aro XIJQVGGSIV EV ty Jxa7i6).i, Kal anrft.9& xatf okqv irp nokiv OGa ETToltjGEv avroy o 'IrjGOvg' xal xqQVGGwv, OGU ETTOIIJGEV avicp 6 yidvjsg $&avfttto*. 'IqGOvg. MATTH. IX. MARK V. LUKE VIII. 1 Kal Eftfidg Eig to 21 Kal diansQaGavros 40 'Eys'rsTO ds Iv TQ") n'kolov diETifQaGE, xal TOV 'IqGov iv 7$ stlicncp vnoGTQfipat tov 'Iq- lik&w stg irp idiav yrdhr ei$ to neQar, GVV- GOVV, dnEdQaro avTOv nohv. fyn oy}.og nokvs In 6 o%ko$ ^Gav yctQ ndv- ov KOI \v naga rfv -frdhaGGav. 58. Levi's Feast. Capernaum. MATTH. IX. 1017. 10 Kal lyEV70 avrov draxEipsvov sv 7y 01- xia, xai idov t xai TqGov xal roig pa- avrov. LUKE V. 2939. 29 Kai ETTOiqGS [AEydkTjv jJEvig avrcp Iv lift oixia aviov xai hvg xal dM.av, ol r t Gav > s ~ / 11 Kal ol aQiGatoi toig avrov ' dia il V EG&IEI 6 didaGxa- MARK IT. 1522. 15 Kal tysvETO Iv 1$ xaraxeiG&ai aviov Iv ry oixia avzov, xai no).- hoi TEkavai xal GVVaVt'XflVTO xal ioig faTg avrov qGav yaQ voi. noM.oi, xai ijxol.ov&q- 16 Gav avTcp. Kal ol ^gap- 30 Kal tyoyyv^ov ol xai ol ( baQiGaioi EG&tOVTa a iwv lEkwvtov xai voig teg' 8ia il avrov ' ii on v&v xa\ d^aQ7tt)).av EG- xal lovg avroig. ov %QEiav TWV TEaVOJV Xtt xal 12 '0 ds 'IijGovs dxovGag 17 TTIVEI; Kal dxovGag 6 'IrjGovg fa'yEi avroig ov %Qiav fyovGiv ol IG%V- OVTE$ iarQOv, dlX ol xaxcog fynvTEg. ovx r^- &ov xalt'Gai dtxaiovg, vs [_is Kal dno- %OVGIV 01 iaTQov, od.X ol xaxag 13 fyoi'Tfg. IIoQEv&i'vTEg $8 pd&ETE, 11 EGTiV &EOV &&w xal ov &v- ci'av* ov fag fa&ov dixaiovg, alX 31 TTQOS avzovg Ov %QEI- av fyovGiv ol vyialvov- TE$ iargov, dM! ol xa- 32 xuig %OVT$ ovx ifa}- kv&a xafa'cai dtxai'ovg, dV.a dpaQTcohovg ig 13. Hos. 6, 6. Comp. 1 Sam. 15, 22. 60 FROM OUR LORD'S SECOND PASSOVER [PART IV. MARK II. 18 Kal IIGVLV ol fia&rjral 'Iwdvvov xal ol aQiGaZoi V^GTSVOV- MATTH. ix. rsg. xal SQ^OVTUI xal LUKE v. 14 TOTS izgogt'()%ovTai "ktyovGiv ai>T(a 8ia TI ol 33 Ol 8s sinov yrgbg av- avTctj ol na&rjTal J /eo- fia&rjTal 'Icndrvov xal TOV 8ia it ol pa&T]- dvvov l.tyovTsg- 8ia iL ol iwv aQiGai(av vtj- Ta\ 'Icodvvov VTJGTSVOVGI ig xal 01 aQiGaioi GTSVOVGIV, ol 8s GO] pa- ttvxva xal 8sijGig noi- noU.d, ol 8s &J]TCU ov V^GTEVOVGI ; ovrTat, 6//o/co^ xat ol i GOV ov v TJGTEV- 19 Kal tfnev avrois o'lq- TQJV (DaQiGaimv ol ds 15 OVGI; Kcu uner avtoTg ffotv ^ dvvavTat ol col ea&iovai xa) nivov- 6 'lyGovg' pi] dvvavTcu viol vov vitpycovog, Iv 34 GIV ; '0 ds tine nQO$ ol vloi TOV MfAifGiJvos o vvptyiog [AST avrwv avrovg* p.tj dvvaG\)s fiev&fir, t(f OGOV [AST IGTI, vrjGTSvstv ; OGOV lovg vlovg lov vvfiya)- avrav IGTIV 6 vvpyioe ; %QQVOV pstf savrwv e- vo$, Iv cp 6. vvptplos [AST* %OVGI TOV vv[i(pior t ov avTcov SGTI, aotijoai vi]- 20 dvvavTai vijGTevsiv s- 35 GTSVSIV ; 'ElevGOVTcu ds tie fjfUQfUj tevGOvzai ds rip/gai, Jiptgou, xal OTOLV anag- oiar anctQQq an av- OTO.V aftKQ&y an CIVTOJV &y an avTwv o vvp- TWV o vvpcpiog, xoct TOTS 6 vvpyiog, xf TOTS vrj- (flog, TOTS VTJGTSVGOVGIV WJGTSVGOVGIV. GTSVGOVGiv sv xVfl vr\ Iv Ixsivaig 16 Ovd'eie ds ini- 21 fjpfga. Ovdeig inl^r^a 36 "E).sys 8s xf fidU.si $atp).ijpa ftdxovg gdxovg ayvdcpov smood- ngb$ avTovg OTI ovdeig uyrdyov sm ifiaTicp na- TITSI Inl ipariy na).aiq> inifl).t]i*a Ifiart aigfi yag TO n\r\- si $s ^jj, aigsi TO nki\- imfldM.ei enl avTov ano TOV QM^a avTov TO xaivov na^aiov si ds p.itfs, xat a\ %tTgov G%i- TOV nalaiov, xm %IQOV TO xaivbv o%isi, xat rqJ 11 apa fiverou. Ovdspdl- 22 G^Gfta yivsrai. Kal nalaity ov fft^qpcam 7,ovGiv olvov vtov fig ovdslg fidM.si olvov vtov Ini^tjpa TO ano TOV aGxovg nalaiovg- si 8s slg aGxovg nalaiovg' 37 xouvov. Kal ov8tlg ^'/.- M7 f > QrflwvTai oiaaxot, si 8e JM^, Q^GGEI 6 olvog Aet olvov vt'ov sig aaxoirg %al 6 olvog ix%ehai t xal 6 vtog Tovg aoXovft xat trtUuuovf si 8s pttfe, ol aGxol anolovvTW o dlvog exyttTCU xt ot Q'&i o vsog on-og Tovg d).).a pdMovGtv olvov aGxol anolovvTai ' a?.- adxoi'ff, xal avrbg fx%v- vsov sig aGxovg xaivovg, la olvov vt'ov sig aGxovg ftqGSTai xal ol doxol xal anyoTSQOi 6vvii\- xatvovg ftt.ijTtov. 38 anokovviai' a\\a olvov govvTai. vlov sig doxovg xatvovg 39 f&T]Teor, xal apqdrtgot GvvTyoovvTai. Kal ovSug mwv nal.aiov svOtwg ti&si vtov >L73'^' 6 nalaibg XQTjGTOTfgog SGTIV. 59. The raising of Jairus' daughter. The woman with a bloody flux. Capernaum. MATTH. IX. 18-26. MARK V. 22-43. LORE VIII. 41-56. 18 Tavra avrov \a\ovv- 22 Kal toov, tg%STai 41 Kal Idov, fadsv avtJQ, iof avTOigj i8ov, tf^ur tig TV* aQiiGvvaymytov, cp oi-o/ia '/deigos, xal 59.] UNTIL THE THIRD. 61 MATTH. IX. MARK V. LUKE VIII. tig &&(av 7iQogxvvi ovopan 'JdftQog xal avrbg UQ%G)V ryg Gvva- avry, l.tyav ' ori q &v- idav avzov ninri nQog }W2% vnr t Q%e' xal TTE- aQn srsfav- 23 vovg nodag avtov, ' xai cav naQa rovg no8ag ukka Ik&cbv 7ii- naQf.xdkz i avrbv noM.d, rov 'Ir t Gov naQxd).i &g t\v %eiQ(i GOV en Ifyav otirbftiydrQiov avrbv ig&i}iv tg rov avrt]v t xal f//(TT/. IJLOV la^drms /fr wa 42 olmv aviov, ' on &vyd- lm\}fi$ airy rag IIJQ [tovoyevys %? avrcp 19 Kal 24 ^aerai. Kal anrikQs UVTIJ aTTtftvyGxev. Ir o 'Iqaovg jjxo- (*ET avrov, xcu ?/xo^.ov- de T(J vndyeiv avrov ol avrcp, xal ol &i avT

Ga dcodsxa hr}, QVGEI aiparog STJ] da- a^arog ano rcor 5co'- 26 dexa, ' xal nofoa. not.- dexa, i^ig iargolg TiQog- ftovGa vno jroPJ.oay IKZQWV, xal danavij- arahwGaGa olov rbv GaGa TO, TiaQ avr^g Tidvra, xai lA^dfv fiiov ovx IG%VGV vn dM.a [AiiM,ov tig rb %tiQOv ovdevbg 27 Ik&ovGa, ' dxovGaGa oniG&w, ntQi rov Y^ffoi', Ik&ov- 44 ' rjiparo TOV xQaGnt'dov Ga iv 1$ ofity oniG&w, r^aro tov rov iftariov avrov. ii\paro rov ipariov av- rov ipariov avrov ' 21 ^P.fj'g yaQ Iv Kavry 28 TOV. "Efoys yaQ" on lav (JLOVOV aycopai rov xav rmv l^arimv avrov luariov avrov, Ga&rjGO- aipco^af, Gto&^GOfiai. 22 pai. Kal i&aQq r/ yvvri 29 Kal ev&scog l^r^dv&)] i\ xal naQa%Qrn*a a.no rtjg wgag Ixsivr^g. ^ni\ TOV <*Wi**OG avrrjg, xal fj'i'oo rep Gapart, on. 30 iarai dnb r?jg (laGr^'og. Kal ev&t'ag o '/jyaoiv tmp>ovf Iv savrqj rqv t% avrov dvvapiv Qelftovaav, iniGrQa- 45 Kal tinev 6'hjGovg- rigb yzlg fV rtf) ofim tlf j'e * rig pov qiparo aipdpsvog pov. ; aQvov^'rcov 31 rwv iftariwv ; Kal sfayov av?a> ot ds ndvrwv 7ne v 6 fltrgog xal ol fisr avrov fTkeatie rov oy\ov avrov IniGrdra, ol oy}.oi GvvtyovGi GS, xal liytif rig pov GS xal ano&'kifiovGi, xal l.fyeig" rig 32 tjijjaro ; Kal neQif^nero idtiv rr t v 46 6 dipdpevog fiov ; '0 ds 'JtjGovg fi- 33 rovro 7iou]GaGav. 'II ds yvvr\ qpo^- nev fyaro uov rig- fyoa yaQ tyvwv &iGa xal TQtfUWta, fldvia o ytyovzv 47 Svvapiv l&h&ovGav an ffiov. 'Idov- iTi airy, fa&s xal riQogt7iGv avrcj} Ga 8s f] yvrrj, on ovx MATTH. ix. xal ziTiEv avrco naGav i&a&e, TQipovua i^.&s 22 'O 8s 'JrjGovg IrnGrga- 34 r\v dhtj&fiav. '0 8s i- xal nQog7iGovG(t avrcp t cpeig xal idav avrqv i- 7ivavr^' -&vyar( Q, ^ ni- 8t* ijv airtav qiparo av- ne ' &d()Gi, OiyarfQ % Grig GOV Gf GOJXK GB vn- rov, dnr^'i).v avrqj yziGrig GOV GSGWXK Ge. ay eig fior^v, xal "G&I Ivconiov navrbg rov ano rr t g paavifos l.aov, xal a>s id&i] FROM OUR LORD S SECOND PASSOVER [PART IV. MARK V. 35 GOV. "En avTov lalovvrog tQ%ovTai 48 ano TOV OTI fj GOV an l&ave. frdqaet, ii In 49 GWXS GS LUKE VIII. '0 ds Tl TllGTig GOV GK- 7TOQ8VOV Eig flQrjVrjV. "ETl 36 GxvD.Eig lov dtdaGxalov ; '0 ds 'ItjGOvg v#0) dxovGug TOV loyov avTov lalovvTog tQ%Tai Tig naQa TOV aQWGvvayayov lljmv avi($' OTI 7 f P * (**] TOVTO' xal sins do&^vui avTy 55 avzyg, Ttg VTJGE Kal xal vfGTi] xat avTqg TJ naig, l- TO nvtvpa xal dofttjvai yaffiv. Kal ol yorsis avTtjg' 6 di avroig ^dsvl finfiv TO 59, 00, 61.] UNTIL THE THIRD. 63 60. Two blind men healed, and a dumb spirit cast out. Capernaum? MATTH. IX. 2734. 27 Kai. naQuyovn exfiOev rep 'Ir { Gov r^xo^ov^Gav avrcp dvo rvqtkoi 28 xal IfyorTES ' &j?tfo? faa?, vis dav'18. 'Eldovn ds sig rtjv oixiav avrqi ol rvq)).oi, xai tiyei avroig b 'IqGovg ' niGrevere, on tivrapai rovro 29 GUI; "kfyovGiv avrcT)' vat, XVQIS. Tors fyaro rwv oyftafyicov avrcov l.t'ycav ' 30 Kara r\v niGnv vpcov yevqOyTGj vpiv. Kai dvefy^Gay avTwv ol oyttalnoi. 31 xat Irs^Qi^Garo avroig b 'It]Goi>$ MyW 6(>7e, ^diig y^'oadxtTca. Ol ds ifeJUfrfotirfff SiEyijfUGav avxov iv oX?/ TJ j'J Ixfiry. 32 Airtfavftl f'lfo^OjWiVoaj', idov f TTQogiiveyxav KVTCO a*&QfDnbrxwV avrov yi- 3 vorrat. Ov% ovrog EGnv b n'xrwr, b vibg MaQiag ; ddilqbg ds ' xai IWGIJ xai Iov8a xai xa\ ovx SIG^IV al ddelcpal avrov (ads TiQog q^ag ; xal iGxavdaki^ovro Iv 4 avrcp. jEP.gj'e ds avroTg b 'Irfiovg ' on ovx SGri 7TQO(p^rr t g anpog, el fiq Iv rrj narQidi avrov xal Iv roTg Gvy- 5 ysrsGi xai Iv t\[ oixla avrov. Kal ovx qdvvaro Ixel ovdepiav dvvapiv ei jury bhiyoig Kal l&T, rovg tag avzov] tdcoxev av- tolg diivafiiv xal &ov- oiav Inl ndvia ra datpovta xai rocovg lV. Kal U7IS~ o 'ItjGovg naqay- TOV \lov xal iaG&ai Tovg xov tig Tag ^wvag vfiwv, 10 ' fir] nt'igav tig odbv firfis dvo %i7uvag(ii]di!vnodf]- IkdjjETE, dcOQtaV doTE. MARK VI. 9 My xir]Gr]G&E %QVGOV 8 Kai naQriy/ti^tv avToig, iva [iT]dtv aiotoGiv tig odov, ti fit] Qafidov /jyr. EigtQydfitvoi de 13 tig Tr]v olxiav danaGaG&e u.vn\v. Kcu, lav fiev J vpav in avrqv ' lav de fir] J i'a, ij ttQfvtj 3 Kal tint nQog avTOvg ' firfitv aintTt tig Tt]v bdoVj flt'jTE Q0.$OOV fir'jTS flT]TE UQTOV (ll'jTS fii]TS dra dvo fyiv. 11 UVTOV lanv. . tr * > ^ t / 4 Kai tig r\v av oixiav ti*t').ftr]Tt t tXEl flkVtTS xal exti&ev ' // oiWa aj/'cr, vpuv fiQog i'fiug. f] 62.J UNTIL THE THIRD. 65 MATTH. X. MARK VI. LUKE IX. 14 cpTJTaj. Kal bg lav fitj 1 1 Kal OGOI av pi] dQow- 5 Kal OGOI av py ds^covrat d^rjTai vpag (tyds dxov- row vpdg pqds dxov- viA.dg,l^Q)[6[JiEvoid7ibTijg ay Tovg koyovg vfunv, i%- G&GIV vpav, IXTZOQSVO- aotewg fatfaft xal TOV Q%6pevoi Trjg oixiag pevoi sxsi&sv IxTivd- XOVIOQTOV anb TWV no- Ttjg Tiohsmg IxEivqg IK- %ctve TOV %ovv TOV vno- d fia&rjTri, iva yt'vqTai cog b didaGxahog avrov, xal b dovkog mg 6 xvQiog avTov. EI TOV oixodG7ioTi]v BEE^E^ov^ E7ixd).Gav, noGco pdl'kov Tovg oixiaxovg avTov ; 26 Mq ovv q>o(tri&iJT8 avTovg. ovdlvydg SGTI, xxahv[j[*vov,bovx d 27 xal XQVTZTOV, o ov yvcoG&qGETai. *O \syrn vpiv EVT^ GXOTICC, EinaTS EV 28 xal o Eig TO ovg dxovETE, X^QV^UTE Ini TWV dc^fjiaToav- Kal \ir\ (po^lG\)s dnb TWV dnoxTEivovTcov TO GWfia, TTJV ds tyv%qv (4% dwapEvcov dnoxTEtvai ' cpofiTj&ijTe 29 ds [Aakhov TOV dwdpsvov xai tyv%rjv xai Gwpa dnol.Gai lv yEEvvri* Ov%i dvo GTQOv&ia aGGaQiov nwfaiTai ; xal EV s| avTwv ov 7iGirai Inl i\v yijv dvsv TOV 30 aaTQog vfiwv' vficov ds xai al TQi^sg Trjg xEtyahijg naGai ^Qi&p^fiEvai EIGI. 31 32 M.TI ovv (poprftrjrf rzoM.cov GTQOV&IWV diacpEQETe vpEig. Ildg ovv ogng bpo^OY^GEi lv Iftol EfiTiQOG&Ev Tcov dv&QOJTicov, bpokoyTjGO) xdyol TOV dv&Qconov ol olxiaxol avTov.* '0 ydmv naTEQa ij f*i]- 36. Comp. Mic. 7, 6. 9 66 FROM OUR LORD'S SECOND PASSOVER [PART IV. MATTH. X. rsQa vnfQ Ifis ovx e an ftov d%iog * xal b vlbv q ftvyarvqa vnfQ Ifis ovx 38 Ian fiov dtog' xal og ov kanfiavEt rov aravgbv avrov xai dxokov&fl bniaa) 29 /*ov, ovx tan fiov d^iog. '0 EVQMV i\v tyv%yv avrov anoksaei avrqv xal 6 40 dnofa'aag rr t v ipv^v avrov tvExsv Ifiov evgr^aei avrrjv. '0 ds^ofisvog vfiag fas 4 1 dfyerai ' xal b eps de^ofievos dfyeTai vov anoaiEi^avrd pe. ' O tiQOCf^v ei$ ovofia TZQoyrjiov pia&bv nQOcpyzov A^frat xal 6 42 dixaiov ei$ ovopa dixaiov pia&bv dixaiov ^iperai. Kal o$ lav noticy tva TGJV fiixgwv TOVTWV norr^Qiov \pv%QOv fiovov ei$ ovopa paftyTov, aprjv tayco v^lv, ov fit] dnottiari tov [ua&bv avrov. XI. 1 Kal fyevEzo ore Ir&eaev b 'Iqaovs diardaaow toig dadexa fia&qraie avrov, lieziflri IXI&EV TOV Siddaxeiv xal xrjQvaaeiv iv taig noleaiv avzav. MARK VI. LUKE IX. 12 Kal l&l.&ovres ixijQvaaov, iva ps- 6 'E&Qxofiwoi ds di^ovro xara rag 13 ravorjawaf xal daipovia ^oHa xupag vayyE}.i6[iEvoi xal QffiaMov xal faeicpov &ai($ no).- Tievovrsg navza%ov. lovg d(JQag. Kal xal lk&6vTg anrflyztiav TO) axovGavrsg ol patirjTal avTov xai qgav TO TiTMpa avTov xa xav avTO Iv 64. The Twelve return, and Jesus retires with them across the Lake. Five thou- sand are fed. Capernaum. N. E. coast of the Lake of Galilee. MARK VI. 3044. LUKE IX. 1017. 30 Kal GvvdyovTai ol dnoGToloi TiQog 10 Kal vnoGTQtipavTEg ol CCTTOGTO^OI TOV 'IqGovv xal anriyyEikav avzcp diiffrjGavTO avTcp OGa Inot'qGav. Tzdvia, xai OGa EaroitjGav xai OGa 31 Idida^av. Kal sltiEv avzoig- dsvTE vfAEig avTol xaz idiav eig sQTjpov TOTJOV xal dvanavEG&s bhfyov. r^Gav yag ol IQ%O[IEVOI txal ol VTidyovrsg no)J<.oi t xal ovds (faytiv yvxaigovv. MATTH. XIV. 13 21. MARK vi. LUKE ix. JOHN VI. 1-14. IS Kal dxovGag o 32Kai an^&ov Eig 10 Kai naQaha- I METO, Tavra an- 'IrjGOvg dv%wQr]- tQijitov TOTIOV TOJ ficov avrovg VTIE- ^&EV 6 *lriGOvg GEV IXEI&EV BV fikoicp xaz idiav. %caQriG xai idiav ntQav Trig &a- 7i7.oicp Eig fQiftjiov 33 Kal ?dov avTOvg sig TOTTOV EQqpov ^aGGr t g Trig raki- Tonov xaz idiav. vnayovTag [ot o%- Trol.EKtg xal.ovftE- "kaiag^ Trig TiBe- xal dxovGavTEg ol Xot], xal intprto- vqg Bq&Ga'idd. 2 giddog xal r t xo- o%koi rjxohov&q- Gav [avrov] nok- 11 01 ds o$.oi tyvov- kov&si avTco ov- Gav avzcp jrefj hoi ' xal TIE^I] ano Tsg r t xo^ovdriGav hog nolvg, OTI aftO TODV 7ZOAE03V. 7iaGG)V TG)V 710- aVTty. tOJQCOV [aVTOV^ Ta GijfiEia, a Inoim. 3 711- TWV aG&EVOVVTOOV. 3 ^4f- jjk&s ds tg TO OQog 6 *In- avTovg xal Gvvfjl&ov TTQog avTov. 68 FROM OUR LORD S SECOND PASSOVER [PART IV. fici- JOHN VI. 4 Govg, xal sxst sxd&qio fisid iwv [Aa&rjiwv aviov. J Hv ds iyyvg TO nda%a, r\ SOQ- MATTH. XJV. MARK VI. LUKE IX. 1JJ 1WV 'lot'tiai'aV. 14 Kal s^sJi&cov 34 Kal IZsk&wvllKal ds^dpsvog 5'EndQag ovv o [6 'IrjGovg] slds sltisv [6 'IijGovg] aviovg eia^et av- xal no^vv ofoov, xal lolg nsol avioig, xai s&s- avioig, on i^av lovg at)- cog nqofiaia [At] fyoviag aviwv. f%ovia noi^va ' ag idio. xai i]Q%aio dida- GXSIV aviovg noT.- 35 Jid. Kal Tjdr] coQag 12 ' // ds lovg oqp- xctt ^- , oil no- Ing oy).og Q%e- 10.1 nQog avzov, 15 av- avim ol fia&rjiai aviov kfyovisg ' SQTjflOg SGI IV 010- nog xai TJ coga 7q o aviov Oil G11V dnol.vGOv lovg ofoovg, iva antk- tfovieg eig Tag isg ds ol dudsxa siTiov aviqi ' dno- "kvGOv lov ofyov, n iva elg lag fiag xal lovg d- tor GIV savioig liaia. SV o lonog xai TJOIJ i COQU no\l.i\ dno- ).VGOV aviovg, iva dnsk&oviEg sig lovg xvxAcp - xai xoojtta? sav- loig aQiovg ' 11 yaQ ydytoGiv ovx 16 '0 ds 'ItjGOvg 37 fyovGiv. '0 ds d- 13 EITTE ds fiQog Einsv avioig ' ov noxQi&slg EMEV aviovg ' dois av- ioig vftsig cpaysiv. ^ ^ / xai 10 vg, yQovg xaialvGODGi 6 ovioi ; Tovio tie xal EVQWGIV ini- sksys nstQa^oav r v T j / j \ ^ jv, on woe aviov aviogyaQ ionq> ydsi, 7 noisTv. av- toig vpeig yaytlv. nog- vaQitov UOTOI ovx O.QXOVGIV avzoif t Iva sxaGiog av- IKIV @Qa%v 11 >La- dq- diaxoGiwv xat per avioig 17 Ot tie MyovGiv 38 yilv ; '0 ds avi \ * > 18 aVTOVg y.MGl- ag ava (X.V87Z8GOV 71QO.- 15 1VL. GVfATZOGia GVJ1710- Gta, snl rep %ka)Qqj GICU TTQCiGldl, O.VO, SXCIZOV GUV OVTOD XCtt CiVS- oay vovg ntvrs 41 za. Kal "ka$wv iovg nwrs O.Q- tovg xat tovg dvo t%&vag, avafil.8- tyag slg tov OVQU- xa vovg dvo l%$vag ava- sig tov ovqavov GS' xat xkaGag I5caxe toig fia&rj- taig tovg agtovg, ol 8s tolg ofooig. 20 Kal Kcpa- yov ndvtsg, Kal xarexkaGe tovg agtovg xat edidov toig pa&qtaTg avtov, iva naQa- &WGIV avtoTg' xai tovg dvo fy&v- ag ept'QiGS na.Gi. 42 Kal ecpayov ndv- teg xat IQAafiwv ds rovg nwzs, aQrovg Y.VU, tovg dvo i^&vag, avafiksipagEigtbv OVQUVOV evhoyq- cev avtovg' xal xatexhaGS xa 8- didov toig [ta&q- taig naQati&evai top Elm ds 6 IqGovg' tovg > ~Jfc> avaTTSGSlV. TjV OS %OQiog no'tivg iv VCp TOTlCp. 11 v Ekafie ds rovg aQtovg 6 xal tog pa- , oi ds [ta- toig ava- xeipsvoig opoiwg xal x tav oipa- QIWV OGOV rftskov. 17 yov, Kal sya- 12' &g Gav, "ktyei tolg avtov' xat riqav to TIB- QIGGEVOV tcov xAa- cpdtwv, dadsxa xoywovg nlfoeig. 43 xa r^av x tcov 5oo5fixa xoqpt- vovg nlfaeig, xal ano tmv fydvwv. 21 01 ds SG&iovtsg 44 Kal i]Gav oi ya- yovteg tovg aQ- dvdQsg ags ng%ilioi%m- og yvvouxtov xcct tovg nevtaxig%i hoi ardgeg. QiGGSVGavta 13 Iva [ly ti aTiokqta riyayov ovv xc to TIE- lysfitGav dcodexa QiGGevGav avtoig Koyivovg KO- tav IK twv dcadsKa. aQtmv tmv KQI- &IVG)V, a 8718QIG- GSVGS toig H 7 HGav yaq wgel lOxodW'. L avd()eg nsvtaKig- ovv oi dvdQsg tov %ihoi. aQi&pbv wgsl TZSV- 14 taxig%t1(.ioi. Oi OVV dv&QCOTlOl, IdoVtEg 87101TJG8 G1](ASIOV 6 3 Ii}Govg, s^ov ' oti ovtog sGtiv d> 6 noowhtwg 6 70 FROM OUR LORD'S SECOND PASSOVER [PART IV. 65 ( Jesus walks upon the water. Lake of Galilee. Gennesareth. MATTH. XIV. 2236. MARK VI. 4556. 22 Kal Ev&sojg qvdyxaGEv [6 '/^- 45 Kal Ev&EOjg jjvdyxaGe Tovg pa- covg] Tovg fia&rjrag [aviov~\ Efi- ftyrag aviov tftf^tu ig *o nkoiw ffivai Eig TO ntolov xal aQOafSt* xal nQodyziv tg TO asQav agog avTov Eig TO atQav, (ag Brj&aaiddr, Zwg avzog anoM- ov anolvGri tovg o%- 46 ay TOV ofiov. Kal dao- JOHN VI. 1521. 23 ).ov$. Kal ano'kvaas va^dftevos avvoig an- 15 ' Iqaovg ovv yvovg, on 7ovg o$ov$ avtfij] V fatter eltf TO OQO*; TTQOG- pfiJ.ovaiv lQ%so&ai x< TO oQog HUT idiav nqog- sv^aa&at. OQndfy.iv avrov, iva noirjGcoGiv avtov fiaai- Ma, dvE%a)Qi]aE ndl.iv etV 47 Kal 16 70 oQogavzbg juo'yoff. 'Q$ ds fffopttifi [tovos btyiag yevoptvqg r\v TO ds 6\pta fftrno, XT- 24 TfV WEI. To ds Til.01- nlotov Iv ftf'ffQ) TIJS ^- f^ijaav oi jucct^iat av- ov ?fdfj fiffov rqg &a- Idaaqg ' xal avxog po- tov Im iqv ftdlaaaav ' bdaaqg rjv, @aaavt6p- 48 vog sal vyg y^g. Kal 17 xal tfipdvTeg eig TO vov vno 7av xvpdroov' sldev avrovg fiaffan&ns- 'nl.olov f^ovro nfQav T\V ya0 IvavTiog 6 ave- vovg EV xty Ekavvsw ' i\v r^g ftahaGaqg Eig Ka- 25 pog. TETUQTTJ ds cpv- yaQ 6 dvEfiog Ivavzlog nEQvaovp. xal axoTta laxy ir t g vvxTog anifl.&s, avtoig. xal nsol TETUQ- rfit\ tyqwei, xal ovx TiQogaviovg [6 'Iqaovg] rqv cpvkaxrjv rijg vvxrbg &q).i>&i nQog avTovg b TtEQinarwv im rrjg &a~ EQ^srai nQog avrovg 18 'Iriaovg, ' r\ IE fidlaaaa 26 Idaaqg. Kal idovrsg nEQinvLvav sal 7ijg &a- avf'fiov /ieyaXov TTVEOV- UVTOV oi pa&ijral inl kdaaqg xal ift\ nag- 19 tog diifl'EtQEio. 'E).T]).a~ rijv ftdkaaaav nEQina- 49 &.&EIV avzovg. 01 ds xozEg ovv wg czadiovg 7.ovi>Ta, TttQd%&t]aav, idovTEg avrbv fiEQina- \Eixoai7itviEii TQtdxovra ^.EyoviEg' on ydvra- tovvta Inl r^g #aAao*- -&co()ovGi TOV 'Iqaovv Gfia EGTI' xai drzo TOV Gqg Zdo^av (pdvTaGfia nEQinazovvTa ETII T^g 27 (po^ov EXQa^av. Ev&Eag elvai, xal dvEXQa^av. ftalaGGyg xal iyyvg tov 8e E^dlrjGEv avzoig b 60 TldviEg yo avrbv sJdov n^oiov ytvopsrov, xal 'Iqaovg \fycov ' &aQ- xal ETaQa%&T]Gav. xal 20 Efpopfj&ijGav. '0 ds JLE- OEIZE, fy& Eifii ' pr] (jpo- Ev&Ewg DidlrjGe HEX JEI avTOig tyto slm, 28 PEIG&E. '^aoxQifalg de avruv xal Myi avzoTg' 21 py yofltiG&e. *H&E\o% aviq) b TltTQog f7a' ftaQGEite, tyw sipi' ny ovv "kafaiv avzbv Eig TO XVQIE, si av el, XE^EVGOV 51 (fofiEtG&e. Kal avffij aloiov, xal Evftt'mg TO ps aQos GE &frEiv sal agog avTovg sty TO nloiov iytvvio sal t^g 29 T vdaza. '0 de eiasv ' aloiov ' xal ExoaaGsv y? eif %* varjyor. t).0s. xal xaTufiug dao 6 avepog. xal Mav Gwyxav sal 65,66.] UNTIL THE THIRD. 7 1 MATTH. XIV. MARK VI. IG%VQOV ECpofiq&r]' xal aQ- 31 llymv ' XVQIE, GaJGOVips. Ev&s'cag ds 6 'IqGOvg ExiEivag ir t v ZEIQU- EnskdpEio aviov, xal kfysi avia)' ohyontGiE, tig 32 11 IdiGiaGag ; Kal Epfidviwv aviav Eig ia nloiov IxonaGEv 33 o avspog. Ol ds iv 1$ filottp ikQdvieg rzQogExvvtjGav aviqj hfyoviEg' akii&wg &EOV vlbg tl. 34 Kal diartEQaGavisg rfi&ov Eig iqv 53 Kai 35 p]v FEvvi]GaQ8i. Kal imyvovisg av- yrp FEvvyGaQei ' xal ibv ol dvdQsg lov IOTIOV Ixeivov 54 oav. Kal f|e&#ettwf avrwv ix lov *anlGiikav sig okqv ii\v TTEQI^QOV n"koiov " ev&scog iniyvovisg aviov, IxEivqv, xal nQogyvEyxav avio) ndv- 55 ' nEQidQapovrsg o^v i\v 36 iag lovg xaxwg fyoviag ' xal nags- IXEIVTJV, %Q%avio inl ioig : xdlovv aviov, iva povov dtyaviai lovg xaxtig syoviag 7iQicp?QEiv, onov lov XQaffnsdov lov ipaii'ov aviov' 56 t^xovov, on exsi to~n. Kal onov av xal OGOI qipavio, disawO-qoav. EigenoQEVEio Eig xcopag ?j nolsig rj aygovg, tv laig ayoQaig EII&OVV lovg aG&svovviag, xuu naQExdkovv aviov, iva xav lov xQaGTitdov lov Ipaiiov aviov aijjwviai ' xal OGOI av qniovio aviov, law&vio. 66. Our Lord's discourse to the multitude in the Synagogue at Capernaum. Many disciples turn back. Peter's profession of faith. Capernaum. JOHN VI. 2271. VII. 1. 22 Ty laavQiov b ofoog 6 sd~ir]xfiiv TOV O.QTOV ex TOV ovQavov, alX 6 naTi'iQ pov didcoGiv vpiv TOV UQTOV ex TOV OVQUVOV 33 iov akq&ivov. '0 yctQ (tQiog TOV -&eov larlv 6 xaTaflaivwv 1% TOV ovQavov xai 34 (orjv didovg TO? xoGfity- Elnov ovv TiQog avTov ' xvQie, ndvTOTe dot; yfiiv TOV 35 KQTOV TOVTOV. EiTis de avToTg o 'IrjGOvg ' eyw etfii 6 aQTog Trjg ^(otjg ' 6 tQ%6- fievog TZQog fie ov [it] neivaG^ xal 6 niGTevav eig Ifie ov fir] diytjari TKOTIOTB 26 37 aPJ.' elnov vfiii\ oil xat o)^axar ps x ov fiiarsi'STE. Ilav, o didaai poi 6 38 naTriQ, TTQOS ffis %%>, xcii TOV fQ^ofisfOv TTQog jUg ov fiTj fxj3aP.co eco ' OTI xara- jSfpjyxa f'x TOV OVQUVOV, ov% iva now TO &&r][i(x, TO Ipov, aHa TO QthyM TOV 39 nsfityavTog fie. TOVTO de effTt TO ftefyfia TOV ff/p^wrof fie [naxQos]* iva nav o dt'daxs juot, fit] anoT-SGCo f avTOv, aM.a dvaGT^Gca CCVTO Iv Ty sV^a 40 TOVTO yOLQ EGTl TO &&T]fl(X, TOV TTSfllpCiVTOg [If , IvO. 710.$ -&e03QWV TOV VIOV mGTevav etg avTov fyq ^Gi^v CLIMVIOV, xa dvaGTqGOD avTOv f^ca rj lG%UTr} 41 'Eyoyyv&v ovv ol ^lovdaioi neQl avTov, OTI elaev ' fyw eipi 6 ctQTog 6 xa 42 'x TOV OVQUVOV, ' xat j&eyov ' ov% ovTog IGTIV 'IrjGovg 6 vibg 'IwG^gi, ov otdafiev TOV fiaTfQa xat Tr t v ptjTJQa; nwg ovv fa'yei ovTog' on tx TOV ovQavov 43 xara|3f^xa ; '^TTexgi&T] ovv 6 'IqGOvg xa< efaev avroig ' prj yoyyv&Te, fieT 44 aHjJ/lcoj'. Ovdelg dvvaTai l^&eiv TiQog fie, lav firj 6 TiaTrjQ 6 ns'fiipag fie D.XVGT] 45 avTov, xa I yoa dvaGTrJGw avxov iv TTJ fcr/ar?^ ypfQa. "ESTI yeyQannsvov iv TOig TZQoap^Taig * a xctt KGOVTCH ndvTeg didaxTol &eov nag ovv 6 dxovGag TraQa 46 TOV naTQog xal fia&wv sQ^srai ngog fie ' ov% OTI TOV naTfQa Tig lojQaxev, el 47 pi] 6 coy naQa TOV fteoVj ovTog ewQaxe TOV naTtoa. '^fir^v dfiqv Af'/oo ifiiv, 6 48 49 yiiGTevcav elg eps e%si fc^y aiwviov. 3 EyLeyo) vfuv, edv fiij (pdyyTe TIJV caQxa TOV viov TOV 54 av&Qionov xal nir\it aviov TO aifia, ovx fyeTe aqv ev eavToig, ' T^coycor juov TTJV GaQxa xal niv&v fiov TO aifia fyei faqy aicovtov, xal /ca dvaGTqGw avTov 55 TJJ w^aTy rjfieQn- 'H ?UQ aaQ% fiov dty&cog IGTI ftQWGig, xal TO aifid fiov dlr]- 56 dag IGTI noGtg. '0 TQwymv fjiov i\\v ffaQxa xal nivcav fiov TO aifia Iv efiol 57 fiKvei xdyw ev avT($. Ka&wg dneGTede fie 6 &E(OQijie lov vlov iov dv&QWTiov dvafiaivovia onov qv 10 TIQOIEQOV ; To nvsvfid IGII ib t,G)onoiovv t 17 Gagfe ovx eoqpetar ovdw* ia Qfyaia, a yco AaAw vpTv, 64 TTvevftd Ian x fo>^ lanv. *A1 slaw s | vptov iivsg, ol ov TIIGISVOVGIV. %dei jag e'5 uQ%n 'x lov naiQog pov. 'x loviov Tiokkol anfa&ov iwv 67 [ta&iiimv aviov slg ia oniGw xcu ovxsn psi aviov TifQiSTtdiovv. Einsv ovv 6 68 'Irfiovg loig dadexa [it] x vfisig &&ere vndy&iv ; 3 An^^r\ ovv avity ^ificov 69 rtiiQog ' xvQie, aQog iiva dnekevGopE&a ; gfyaia co5jff alcoviov e%eig ' xal fjpsig TtETtiGisvxaitev taQiGaioi l.fyovreg- 2 Oovreg ano ' legoGoMpcov. Kal idov- reg nvag vwv pa&qrwv avrov xo(- 3 vais %Qai, TOVT IGIW avinioig, la&iovzas UQTOVS ' (ol yaq aQiaaioi xcc! ndvres ol 'lovdatoi, lav firj nvyn^ nymvrai iag /a^a^, ovx IG&IOVGI, xQarovvTEg i\v nctQcidoaiv rear 4 nQG@V78Qa)i> ' xat ano aj'o^as, lav firj ftajiiiacovrai, ovx IG&IOVGI" xal aU.a noMd lartv, a naQ&afiov XQarelv, |3a- 5 7iTiapov$ noTqqiav xa< ^earwv xal %alxia)v xal xhvav ) fneira IneQWT&aiv avrov ol x lyvTEVGEv b Haifa [tov b ovQaviog, fx^co&^GEiaC. "Atytis aviovg' odqyoi EIGI ivykol ivyl.Kiv ' ivcflbg ds ivyl,bv lav odrjyy, dpcpoiEQoi Etg fio&vvov MARK vn. 15 asaovvTai. 'j4aoxQi&Elg ds b IJeiQog 17 Kal ois Eig^&Ev sis olxov ano lov aviw- ygaGOv i?]v naga- o$ov, IftrjQMttof avibv ol 16 ^ol^v iavit]v. '0 ds 'IijGovg EITTEV 18 aviov nsol iijg naqa$ol.~.g. Kal >L- 17 axfMjv xal vpsig dovvEioi EGIS ; Ov- ysi avioig OVIGD xal vfisig aGvvEioi IGIS ; ov voni?, on nav ib Z^OJ&EV EignoQEvo^Evov Eig ibv av&Qconov ov TTW VOEIIE, on nav i EignoQEvofievov sig 10 Giopa sig ii\v xoikiav %a)Qt a 4 etc. Ex. 20, 12. Comp. Ex. 21, 17. Deut. 5, 16. 76 FROM OUR LORD S THIRD PASSOVER [PART V. MATTH. XV. MARK VII. 18 xal Eig dcpEdQava IxfidMerai ; ret, de 19 ovmrai avrov xoivaGai ; on ovx fxaoQEvo^Eva EX rov Groparog fx rqg eigaoQEvsrai avrov Eig rqv xaQOiav, xagdiag l^fQ^rai, xdxslva xoivoi rov H' eig wp xodiav xal Eig rov 19 av&Qwnov. 'Ex yaQ trig xaQdtag QS'Q- dyedQ&va IxnoQEverai, xa&agi^ov %ovrai diakofiafiol novqgoi, yovoi, 20 ndvra ra Pgrnpaia. "Elsys de- on poi%fiat, noQveiai, xlonai, tysvdo- TO Ix rov av&Qwnov IxnoQevopEvor, 20 pagrvQiat, ^UapjjpMM, Tavrd Ion 21 eWyo xoivot rov av&Qconov. "Eata- ra xoivovvra rov av&Qawov ro ds &sv yaq IK rrjg xaQdias rwv av&Qw- avinroig tfy&fmpim ov xowot rov nwvoidiaJ.oyiatAoloixaxoltxnoQevov- 22 rat, poixsicu, aoQveiai, qpoVot, ' xlionat, yileove&ai, novijgiai, dohoe, dastyeia, 23 6cp&a).[ib$ novqQog, {Hut0fijf4it} vnEQrjcpaviaj dyQoavvr]. TIdvra ravra ra novrjQa eaaj&EV IxTiOQEverai xat xowoi rov 68. The daughter of a Syrophenician woman is healed. Region of Tyre, and Sidon. MATTH. XV. 2128. 21 Kal 24 ra MARK VII. 2430. Kal txei&sv dvaarag aatjJL&sv tig TVQOV xal 2i8wvo$. xal elg oixiav ovdsva ovx id yvwvat' xa 25 '^xovaaaa yaQ yvvq neol avrov, q efys ro dvydtQiov avrijg nvEvpa dxd EXEJ&EV b ^IriGovg dvs- ra HSQIJ TVQOV xal 2i~ 22 dojvog. Kal idov, yvvq Xavavaia ano r&v OQIOJV exEivwv IxQavyaGEV avroj Is'fovGa' l*s, XVQIS, vis david % -&vydrriQ pov daifiovi^srai. '0 ds ovx UTTS- avry ^oyov ' xal nQogslfiovrsg 26 nodag avrov. ^Hv ds q yvvr} ol [i&frqrai avrov ^o)'rcoj> avrbv >Le'- 2vQO(poivixiGGa r<$ yovrzg' dnolvcov avrrp, on xQa&i 24 oniG&Ev quay. ' ds dnoxQi&Etg 7- nEV ovx dnEGrdkijv el [it] fig ra TiQofiara ra dnolcalora o*xov 7o*- 25 QarjL 'H de D.&ovGa TTQOZSXVVEI 27 avrqt ItyovGa' XVQIS, fioyftsi fiot. 26'Ods dnoy.QiQiig Efaev ovx &m xa- Jibv l.aftEiv rov aQrov rwv rs'xvmv xal avrov, iva rb daifwviov IK rqg covg avrqg. * /~\ ^ ' Ode j ano rwv avff* a(fsg tiQUTov %OQ- ra rs'xva' ov yaQ xa\6v lafiEiv rov uQrov roar Tt'xvtav xal 27 fial.Eiv roig xvvaQioig. 'H de sins ' 28 ftalsiv rmg xvvaQioig. 'H df dnexQi- raf, xvQie ' xal yaQ ra xvvaQta BG&IEI &rj xal Ifysi avr$ ' rai, XVQIE ' xal ra xvvaQia vnoxdrw r^g rqant- EG&IZI anb roiv \pi%is Traga T7]v ftdkaGGav Tijg Pah- kaiag - KOI dvafiag sig TO OQog f'xa- &IJTO SKEI. MARK VII. 3137. VIII. 19. Kal ndhv s&h&wv IK TCOV OQI'COV TVQOV xal 2idcovog fa&e nqog ir^v ftdkaGGav Ttjg Fahlaiag dva 32 TWV OQIODV dEKaTTofacog. Kal GIV ai>Tcp Kcocpbv poyikakov, KOI 33 naQctxakovGiv avTov, wot Ini&y avTcp TIJV %MQtt. Kal avrbv ano tov o%kov xcer idiav '^ake, vovg daxrvkovg avtov slg ra 34 CIVTOV, xal nrvGag r^aro rrjg ylooGGyg avvov, ! Kal avafiksipag etg TOV ov- 35 QK.VOV G7wa%s xal kfyei avrcp' Icpcpa&d, o IGTI, 8iavoi%&qn. Kal UVTOV at dxoai, xca ilv&rj 6 dsGftbg ir\q ykcoGGqg avvov, xctf Kal dieGTs&ato avroTg, iva pqdevl SITZWGW OGOV ds avrbg , fial^ov TIEQIGGOVSQOV IMJQVGGOV. Kal vrnQTreQiGGmg B xalwg navra nenoiriw xct vovg xwcpovg noisi dxovsw xal tovg savrav %al.oi>g, rvcphovg, akakovg MATTH. XV. 30 Kal TTQogrjk&ov avrcp ofyoi noMol e%ovTeg xoxjpoiv, xi;Hov?j y.al sreQOvg nolkovg, xal SQQityav avtovg naga rovg 31 rov 'IqGOv ' xal s&EQaTtevGev avrovg, ' ojgre vovg ofoovg ftavfJidGai fi'L xaxpovg hakovvrag, xvhkovg vyieig, ftcokovg aeQinaTOvvrag, KOI wylovg tag ' Kal Ido^aGar ibv -&Z.QV 'iGQarjL MARK VIII. 1 3 Ev txeivatg raig fytQaig, nofinoHiov o%hov ovrog Kal pij fywicov it MATTH. xv. (pdyooGi, nQogKakeGa^vog [o '/jy- 32 '0 ds 'IijGOvg nQogKalsGafiwog rovg covg'] rovg fta&rjTag avtov MyEi av- avrov sins ' GTT^a^vl^Ofiai 2 toTg ' Gn^ayyvi^onai t.m tovofyov, oti lal rbv o%lov, on %dt] rifjLfQai TQSig ' flOl, Kal OVK fyoVGl Tl Kal dnohvo'ai avTovg vqGTftg ov &S).K), [trjTTOTe tKkv&wGiv Iv Ty odq). 33 Kal "kfyovGiv avT ofocp. Kal ztyov naviEg Kai E%OQiaG&t]Gav ' Kal ijQav i%&vdia o\iya ' Kal Ev\oyrjGag sine 10 TIEQIGGEVOV iwv yJ.aGfidiav, 87T1K 8 TiaQa&Eirat Kal avid. "Eyayov de 38 GnvQidag tlifaetf. 01 ds G&iovig Kal t^OQiaG&^Gav ' Kal ygav TZEQIG- GEvpaia K^aGfidiwr, snia 9 ^Hcav ds ol qayoviEg aQiGaia)v Kal ano iijg v[At]g iwv fyaQiaatwv Kal 7 2addovKaiikinnov rjQcora rag xcopag KaiGageiag pevov xaranovag, GVV- rovg fia&ijrag: avTov At'- r^g paxaQios ei, 2ifA sGiai ta- Ivpsvov iv ioT$ ovQa- 20 wig. Tors diSGi&aio 30 Kal Insiiptjasv avioig, 21 '0 ds eavriitqaag avioig ioig pa&T]TaT$ avrov, ira piidevt keymai ntol iva [itjdsvl etnmat-v, on aviov. IOVIQ Iff7iv 6 XQIGTOS- 74. Our Lord foretells his own death and resurrection, and the trials of his followers. Region of Cesar ea Philippi. MATTH. XVI. 2 128. MARK VIII. 3138. LUKE IX. 2227. 21 3 Ano 1615 riQ^aio o 31 Kal %Q%aio diddo'xsw 22 Elntov' on dei lov 'IqGovg deixvvsiv 101$ aviovg, on dsT lov vlbv vlbv lov av&Qwnov [j.a&t]iaTg aviov, on lov av&QcoTiov noM.a 'notta aa&siv x! ano- dsi avibv ansl.&siv slg na&iv xal anodoxifta- doxi[4ao'&tjvai anb iav 'IsQOGolvfJia xal nol.'ka ff&jvat anb iV UQ- %iQt'a)v xal YQafifiatecov xal OiflUQfov %iQ&wv xal iv yga^ xaldnoxiav&qvai Hairy [taitmv xal anoxiav&ln- IQII% i][AQa IfeQ&yvai. xiav&ijvai xal 1% iQiiq vai xal ftfia iQig i^il- 22 yptQa eyeQ&Jjvat* Kal 32 Qag avao'ttivai ' ^ xal naQoijffia ibv "koyov l).d- aQogliapofisvog avibv o A Kal nQogkafiopevog avrov 6 Ht'iQog i}Q%aio Ininpav aviqt Mywv ' Ilsigog i^aio enmpciv aviqj. tfaag (Joi f XVQIS, ov JM// earai GOI S3 '0 ds IniGiQayslg xal idwv iov$ 23 tovio. ' ds aiQacpeig elae icp padtjidg aviov Ineii'fitjGe vy IIsiQcp vnays, oniffco pov, aaiava Mywv ' vnays. onitia) juov, aurara, /MOV 7, on ov ygoveig on ov yQOVi$ ia lov faov, alia ra ia lov &eov, ak\a ia nuv dv&QU- 34 iwv dv&Qwnmv. Kal nwv. pwo$ ibv oylov avv loig 74, 75.] UNTIL THE FESTIVAL OF TABERNACLES. 81 MATTH XVI. MARK VIII. LUKE IX. 24 TOTS 6 'lyff.ov? si- iov slnsv avioig' ogiig 23 "Ete ye, 8s TIQOS ndviag ' TIE loig pa&qiaig av- fiefai OTTIGCO pov &&eiv, si' tig fSUf OTntfco pov iov' EI rig &&&i oniGO) anaQrtjada&G) saviov, sk&siv, aaaQvqGcia&a) (iov Ih&siv, anaQvi]- xai aQaia) iov Giav- savior, %al aQaica iov savrov, xal a- QOV aviov xal axo- Giavgov aviov iov GiatQov av- 35 lov&siia fioi. "OgyctQ rjpfQav xdi dxokov- 25 pot. *0g yaQ av fishy aviov caGai, dnohs- fishy iqv ifjvffiv aviov aviov Ga- 6 si aviqv og d' av caGai, dnohsGsi aviqv ' og 5' av dnohsGy iqv avrov tvsxsv Ipov xt \fjv%rjv aviov svsxsv \fjv%rjv aviov tvsxsv s- iov svayyskiov, \ov- tpov, oviog GCOGSI aviyv. fiov, si'QrjGSi aviqv. log] GCOGSI aviyv. 26 Ti yag acpsfaiiai av- 36 Ti yaQ ayshyGSi av- 25 Ti yag coysksiiai av- sav iov xo- fiQanov, sav KS^dr^Gy figaaog xsgdyGag iov ohov xSQdrjGri, iqv iov xoGpov ohov xai XOGVIOV ohov, savibv ds ds tyv%i]v aviov tyfAKa- fyfM&dy ir^v ipv%yv fir} ; rj 11 daGSi dv&QOJ- 37 aviov; % 11 dcoGSi av- 27 ipVYijg aviov / Mshhsi 38 ir t g \pvv7ig aviov ; Og 26 0^ yaQ o vlog iov av&Qta- yag av STtaiG^vv&y ps vis xai Toi*^ Ifiovg Jio- nov Q%SG&at iv iq do^r} xal lovg spovg "koyovg yovg,ioviovb vlog iov av- iov naiQog aviov [isia sv iy ysvza laviy irj fiQconov S7zaiG%vvfiqGF- IK>V ayy&.av aviov, xott . poi%a).idi xal a^aQ- lai, oiav shfiy Iv 1% d6%y IOTS dnodcoasi sxaGicp Tco?.(p, xcu 6 vibg iov aviov xal iov aaiQog xaia HjV flQa$iv aviov. av&Qwnov sfraio'Yvv&i]- xai lav dviav Gsrai avTov, oiav^ s).- fiq sv iy 8oy iov naigbg aviov fisia iwv dyyskcdv lav iIX.l ayiav. Kai shsysv 28 *A[M]V Af j'O) v{uv, sitii avioig dprjv hsya vpiv, 27 4pn ds i'fiTv nveg lav ads sGiaiar, oil SIGI nvsg lav ads siGiiivsg lav ads sc oiiivsg ov pi] ysvGaviai stfiqxoiav, oinvsg ov py lav, o2 ovpq fiavdiov, tag av i'daGi ysvcaviai fiavdiov, sag fiavdiov, sag av i'daot iov [vibviov av&Qanov av idaGi ir\v fiao'ihsiav iqv fiaGihsiav iov fisov* SQ^O^EVOV. sv 1% fiaGi- iov fisov skqkv&viav sv hsla aviov. dvvdpsi. 75. The Transfiguration. Our Lord's subsequent discourse with the three Disciples. Region of Cesarea Philippi. MATTH. XVII. 113. MARK IX. 213. LUKE IX. 2836. 1 Kai pstf fasQag l| 2 Kai pstf fasQag ! 28 'Eys'veio de fisia 6 'IqGovg aaQahaftfldvsi b 'IqGov$ 'koyovg ioviov$ f 11 FROM OUR LORD S THIRD PASSOVER [PART V. MATTH. XVII. iov USIQOV xai 'Idxco- ov xal 'Icodvvqv iov dds7.qibv aviov, xal dv- a(f,EQEi aviovg sig oQog 2 vtyrfl.ov xai idiav. Kal G&EV avicov, xai ib TTQogconov aviov cog b fy.iog, id ds Ifidita aviov iylvsio "kzvxd cog 3 10 (pcog. Kai idov, coqp- &i]Gav avioTg McovGtjg xal 'Hl.iag, [4i aviov 6vM.al.ovvi Eg. MARK IX. iov US'IQOV xal iov 'Id- xcofiov xal 'Icodvvr ( v, xal dvayeoEi aviovg sig o- Qog viprj^bv xai idiav ' Xai fiEIEflOQ- fynooG&Ev av- 3 iav, ' xal id ifjidiia aviov EysvEio Giil.fiov- ia, l.svxa Mav cog %icov, LUKE IX. bxico, xal laficov HEIQOV xal 7co- dvvqv xal 'Idxcofiov dvt- fir] Eig 10 OQog TTQogsv- 29%aG&ai. Kal iytvzio iv iqj 7?Qogsv%EG&ai aviov 10 E?dog iov avrov treQov, xaJ 6 ifia- aviov favxbg 30 . Kal idov, ov dvvaiai fovxuvai. 4 Kai coqov)^ avioig 3 H- Mag ovv MWVGEI' xal ijGav cvMahovvieg 1$ 'irjGov. dvo 31 aqs xal 'HMag, ' 01 oqp- &E'vig iv d6%q '&tyov itjv E^odov aviov, i}v 32 (7P.^. C ds UsTQog xal ol GVV aviq} tfiav ftefteqnipfoot vnvcp. yo^GaviEg ,ds [stdov ir t v do^av aviov xal lovg dvo drdQag lovg GVVE- 33 Gicoiag aviqj. Kal eyt'- 4 3 j4noxQi&tg ds o Us- 5 Kai [anoxQi&Eig b III- VEIO iv iQog EITIE iqj 'Ir^GOv' iQog htyEi K Qaffii, xal.ov EGHV cods sivar xal , xalov IGIIV sJrai' si cods Go [.iiav xai cxrjvag iQEig, GOI xai McovGET piav xal [iiav 6 xal 'Ifkia [iiav. Ov 11 i]Gav 5 ^Hlia. "Eii aviov Aa- lovviog, idov, veqj&y 7 yag Zxcpopoi. Kal iyl ' av- EX lovg ' xal idov, trig oviog EGIIV b vlog fiov cp Evdo- o ayanrjiog, EV xijGa' aviov dxovsis. C Kal dxovGavisg ol pa- ETTEGOV im avitov xal 7 &t]Gav GcpodQa. Kai b 'JtjGOvg xal UTIEV 8 xal ft*] yofjEiaOe. 'EnoQaviie de G\)ai aviovg dn aviov, zlnEv b Ilt'TQog TiQog iov 3 IqGovv ' iniGidia, xa- ^OV G11V TjfAUg tods El- vai ' xal ffou GXTJ- vag iQEig, \ilu.v Gol xal fjiiav MCOVGEI, xal 'Hkia, ptj sidag o fty&ty E7iiGxidov- 34 Tavia ds avTOv >Lfc- Ga avioTg' xal fa&s yoviog iytvsio vEcpsJiTj EX itjg vsy&qg xal ineGxiaGEv avtovg oviog EGIIV lyoptj&qGav ds iv 1$ b vlog fiov b dy analog IxEivovg Eigs^sTv tig 8 aviov dxovsiE. Kal 35iqv vscp&qv. Kal i^dmva 7rEQt^.E\pdfivoi vq iytvEio EX iqg OVXEII ovdtva sldov, ak- >La iov 'Iqaovv povov fys MyovGa ' a olios IGIIV b viog fiov b dya- Tiijiog' aviov dxovsie. Kal Iv 7$ yEVEG&ai ir t v 36 yoovTjv SVQE'&IJ b 'ItjGovg povog. Kal avzol iafytjaav xal ovdsvl 5 etc. Comp. I Pet. 1, 17. 1 75, 76.] UNTIL THE FESTIVAL OF TABERNACLES. 83 MATTH. XVII. rovg ocpftakfAOvg avrwv ovdeva si- dov, si fir] rbv 3 Ii]GOvv [torov. 9 Kai xarafiaivoviajv avimv x rov OQOvg, EVETE&aro avroig 6 'Iq- Govg "ktywv ' (Aydsvi Einqrs TO OQapa, t'wg ov 6 vibg rov d 10 nov x VEXQCOV dvaGiy. Kai Et rrjGav aviov ol [ta&qrai avzov LUKE IX. lav Iv sxetrats ' i ovv o GIV, Oil "HIlOLV 81 &&&V 7TQW10V ; 11 '0 ds 'IqGovg anoxQi&iis slaw av- lOig ' 'HllttS jJllv tQ%8T(X,l TtQCOTOV, XOU 12 dnoxaraGTqGe i ndvia - Atj'oo ds vpw, on 'Hlia.? rfiri fa&e, xcu ovx W- yvwGav avrov, alX effo/^tfof iv av- tcp oGa yQ&ijGav ovT(o xcu o vlbg 13 TOV aV&QCOTlOV (A&fal 7iaG%lV V71 TOTS Gvvqxav ol uviolg. ovdev MARK IX. 9 KaTafiaivovTwv ds avrav ano rov , diSGTE&aro avroTi;, iva pqdEn a Eldor, si [*t] oiav vibg rov av&Qconov EX 10 araGrf t . Kai rbv loyov I nQog savrovg avfytovyT&e, ri 11 10 V VMQWV ava.Gir t vai. Kai QGJTCOV aviov Uyovizg- on 01 yQaupaiEii;, on \HMav di 12 TiQwiov ; '0 ds anoxQi&p}$ EITIEV av- rolg" 'fluids ftsv il&av TIQWIOV ano- xa&iGia Tidvia" xa\ nwg lal lov vlbv rov dv&QcoTiov, Iva 13 Tid&ri xai l^ovdEvcodfi ; 'A'k'ka tiyco vpiv, on xf 'HMag ft.ql.v&.e, xal Inoi- avro) oaa aviov. 76. The healing of a Demoniac, whom the Disciples could not heal. Region of Cesarea Philippi. ,16 rov. Kai i rovg MATTH. XVII. 1421. MARK IX. 1429. 14 Kai &&6rtcof avrwv 14 Kai Ik&av TTQCK? rovg rbv o'/l.ov, [ta&rjTag tldsv oylov nohvv TTfQl aviovg xal 15 yQawareig Gvfyzovvia$ avrolg. Kai nag 6 o%lo$ idav aviov IZs&afi- av- ri aviovg ; 17 Kai anoxgi&Elg sig x vrq dv&QG37iog, yovv- lov oylov EITIE- didd- trxctta, fas yxa rbv vlov pov TTQOS GS, fyovra 18 nvevpa alalov. Kai OTTOV av avrbv xarald- fa, QI^GGEI aviov KOI dcpQi&i, xal IQI&I rovg odovrag aviov xal J^- LUKE IX. 3743. 37 'Eys'vsro ds Iv ry s ruwQa, xarsl&ovrav av- rwv anb rov ogovg, GvvtjvrijGEv avicjj nokvg. 15 ^gzdoi' aviov ' xat li ywv XVQIS, IMqaov pov rbv vtov, on GEkqvid&rai yial xaxoSs 7iaG%ei ' nol- ldy.ig yaq TTITZTEI elg ib nvg, xai noU.dng tig ib 16 v8wQ- Kai nQogrjvEyxa 38 Kai tdoVj dvtjQ ano rov o%hov dvEfloqGS dtdaGxal.E, dso- rov vov nov, on S9 yEvijg EGri fioi x itiov, TfVEVfia "kanfidvEi avior, V.OLI Qalvpvqs x^offi, xat 84 FROM OUR LORD'S THIRD PASSOVER [PART V. MATTH. XVII. MARK IX. LUKE IX. avrov roig pa&qraTg Qaiverai. Kal elnov dcpQov, xat poytg dno- GOV, xat oi'x rfivvri&ri- roig pa&qraig GOV, iva %WQ& an avrov Gwrol- Gav avrbv ftsQanevGai. avro txfidkcoGi, xat ovx 40 fiov avrov. Kal Ideq- 17 y ^4noxQi$etgds b'JrjGovg 19 iGyvaav. '0 ds dnoxQf- &r t v rcov na&qrcov GOV, elnev ' co j'f vs a aniGrog &iig avroTg Atycf co iva fxftd1i(oaiv ai'ro, xat xat dieGTQapLtwr], ^co? yj'f aniGrog, tag TTOTS 41 oi'x rjdvvtj&qaav. 'Ano- JIOTS sGOfiat jMt^' I'/icoy ; ^o? v/iwtf sGOftai ; tag xQi\}e}g de 6 'IqGovg eJ- Zag note avQoficu v- norz av&onou fyt&r; yrev eo ywsa aniGiog par ; cptQETE poi avrbv cpeQETS avrbv riQog fi8. xat 9ttfftg>dfififv'rj l twg ca5e. 20 Kal rjveyxav avrov nqog nore EGOIUU TTQog avrov. x< idav avrov, xal avQofJiai sv&i-cijg ro TTVEV^CX, EGTZKQa^ev avrov ' xai nQogayays code rbv vlov 21 TIBGWV inl rqg y^g IxvMsro acpQi^cov. Kal 42 GOV. *En ds 7ZQogeQ%o- l7i7]ocorrjGS rbv narfQct. avrov ' TioGog /(>o- fisvov avrov FQO^SV av- vog tcriv, cog rovro ysyovev avrco ; b ds rbv rb daipoviov xat 22 fine ' natdio&ev f xat no^dmg avrov xat GvvG7iaQa%ev. fig nvQ F^a?. xat tig vdara, iva avrov ' a^./L' ei n dvvaGat, porj&ijG 23 Tuiag. C 8e 'IqGovg ewev avra) ro, ei dvvaGai 24 fidvra dvvara rco mGrevovrt. Kal ev&scng xQci^ag b narriQ rov naidiov [tera daxQvcov ekeye ntGrevco [xvQie] fiorj&ei 25 jitov r$ aniGria. 'Idtov ds b 'Irpovg, on imcvvrQf^u oy}.og, IjTeri^rjGe rco 18 Kal Ismifapm avrca b nvevpari rw axa&aQ- 'ErMifiipn ds b *[r]Govg, xat %fj).\}ev an rep, Isycov avrcp - ib rep nvevpari rcjj axa- avrov rb daipoviov, xat nvev^ia ro alakov xat tfa'pTQ), xat laGaro rbv l&eQanev&q b nalg ano xcogpor, eyco GOI eniraG- naida xat dnt'dcoxev av- 19 ir t g coQag exeivqg. Tore CTOJ e'^Z^c eg avrov, rbv rep narol avrov. TiQogel&ovreg ol fia&rj- xat ^xm elgtl&ijg elg 43 'E^en^GGOvro ds ndv- ral rco 'IqGOv xar idiav 26 avrov. Kai xQci^av xat reg im ry ^fya/U/o- tlnov ' dia ri rjfieig ovy. nolla Gnaqu^av avrov rqn rov &eov. qdvvri&iinev exjSaXftf Qfjlfa. xat fye'vero 20 avro ; '0 8s 'IrjGovg togel vexQog, eagre noMovg fayeiv, on dne&arev. iiTitv avroig- dia rqv 27 '0 tie 'IqGovg xQarfoag avrov rr t g dniGrlav vficov. dpqv j'a^ P./yco vfuv, %etQog r^'eiQev avrov xat diwm;. lav fyqre ntGrtv cog xoxxov Givdnecog, *8 A!at efctli&orra avrov fig dlxov ol tQtlre rco oQei lovrcp' nerd^r^i. iv- pa&qral avrov tnrjQcoTcov avrov xar' rev&ev f'xti, xat fttraf^(J9f(U, xat idiav on ^fitTs ovx ijdvrij&rjpev ex- 21 ovdsv dtivvaryoei vptv. Tovro df TO 29 ^aiftV avro; A'? untv avrotg' rov- ovx exnoQSverai, ei M iv ftQog- ro rb p'vog (v ovdevl dvvarai f'JeA- xat vTjaieia. fair, fi M b nQogev^ xat rtjGreta. 77, 78, 79.] UNTIL THE FESTIVAL OF TABERNACLES. 85 77. Jesus again foretells his own Death and Resurrection. [See 74.] Galilee. MATTH. XVII. 22, 23. MARK IX. 3032. LUKE IX. 4345. 22 ^vaGTQsqjOftt'vav ds 30 Kai sxei&ev Q&Qov- WTIdvitov iv iy rakdai'a, res nagenoQevovio dia IMV inl naGiv oig 1!]$ FaW.aiag ' xal ot>x GSV b 'IrjGovg, dine nobs q&efav, iva ilg p yraQaxsxahvfAfts- 32 oerai. 01 ds fyvoovv ib vov an avrcov, iva fir] Qijfta, KOI tyofiovvTO av- aiG&wvrai avib xt tov eneQcoirjGai. lyofiovvio i$**itj^ avrq) b /jycro^ ' a^aye Qw&tQOt eiGiv ol viol. 27 "Iva ds firj GxavdaliGcopsv avtovs, TZOQSV&^S ei$ ir t v QakaGGav pahs ayxiGTQOv, l lov avafidvia nqwiov !%&vv aQOV KM avoi^ag ib Giopa aviov, evQrJ ' i-Afivov "kafiwv dbg avioig avn spov %al GOV. xa 79. The Disciples contend who should be the greatest. Jesus exhorts to humility, forbearance, and brotherly love. Capernaum. MATTH. XVIII. 135. MARK IX. 3350. LUKE IX. 4650. 1 3 Ev sxsivy iy 33 Ka\ Iv irf ot'x/gj yevo- 46 Eigijk&e ds dialoyi- ol fta&nTa} fievos iayQwrct aviovg ' epos Iv avioig, ib ife av 'ITJGOV kfyovieg' lig 11 Iv iy bdcp ngbs sav- 47 ei'rjpei^cov aviwv. '0 ds SGilv Iv 1% 34 iovg dteloyfceG&e ;. 01 'IqGovg idav ibv dial.oyi- a iwv ovQavwv ; ds BGICOTIUV agbs a).X^- cpbv itjg xaQdias aviwv, FROM OUR LORD'S THIRD PASSOVER [P A RT V. MARK IX. 35 lovg yaQ diEh'x&qGav Ir zy b8m, zig fiEifav. Kal xa&iGag lycovrjffE zovg dcodsxa xal Myzi avzoig' si' zig &&H nQcorog tlvai, 'sazai ndvzcov MATTH. xvni. xai ndvzcov didxovog. LUKE ix. 2 Kal nQogxalEGapEvog b 36 Kal laficbv naidiov E- IqGovg naidiov Hazy- ffztjasv avrb Iv fisGcp av- natSiov, EGII]GEV avrb GEV avib Iv ftt'am avzcov zcov, xal IvayxaliGa^- 48 naQ savzcp ' xal slnsv 3 xai EtnEv ' dptjv IJyco vog avzb Einsv avzoig ' avzoig ' bg lav d&yzai vpiv, Eav [irj Gzoacpijze 37 bg lav sv zcov zotov- zovzo zb naidiov snl zcp xai ywriG&e cog za nat- zav naidtcov d&qzai bvofiazi pov, Ips dfye- dia, ov fit] agtithfteeig Inl zy bvopazi pov, Ips zai' xal bg lav IfiE Se- zqv paGtfaiav zav ov- dtyszai ' xal og lav Ips ^zai, dfyszai zbv dno- 4 Qavwv. "Ogzig ovv za~ dsfyicu, ovx Ifis de%E- GZEilavzd //. 6 yaQ /- neivcoGTi savzbv cog zb zai, dl.ld zbv UTIOGZEI- xQozEQog Iv Traaiv vpiv naidiov zovzo, ovzog 38 lavzd (JIF.. 'j4ttexQt&t] V7iaQ%cov, ovzog EGzai EGZIV o fiEi^cov Iv zq ds avzoj 'Iwdvvijg IE- 49 pfyag. 'AnoxQidtig ds paGtlEia zcov OVQUVCOV ' ycov ' diddaxal.s, Eido- 6 'Icodvvqg dnw ' im- 5 xai og lav dt'tyzai nai- pEv ziva Iv zcp bvoftazi Gzdza, EidofAtv ziva ttit diov zoiovzov ev snl z$ GOvlxfidM.ovTadainovut, zip bvopazi GOV Ixfid).- ov6^azifiov,lfied8 f ^Ezai. bg ovx dxo).ov&si ijfuv ' lovza za dai(iovia, xal xal IxcokvGapEv avzov, IxoilvGafisv avzov, bzi 39 bzi ovx dxolov&Ei r^iiv. '0 ds 'IqGOvg ovx dxol.ov&Ei [*&' jy- EITTE ' pq xcolvEzs avzov. ovdslg yaQ IG- 50 pay. Kal sins tiQog ztv, og noirJGEi dvvapv Inl zcjj bvopazi avzov b 'lyoovg ' fttj [tov xai dvvrjGszai zayv xaxoloytjGai ps: xcolvEZE ' bg yag ovx 40* Og yaQ ovx EGZI xatf r^cov, vnfQ qptov EGZI xatf 41 IGZIV. Og yaQ av noziGq v^ag nozrJQiov fycov IGZIV. vdazog Iv bvopazi bzi XQIGZOV IGZE, MATTH. xviii. dfiqv Ifyco ipiv, ov [ty dnoleGy zbv 6*0g d y av GxardaMari tva zcov fit- 42 fiiG&bv avzov. Kal bg av cxav- XQCOV zovzcov, zcov niGZEvovzcov Etg dah'Gr} tva zcov pixQcov zcov niGzsvov- IfiE, GvpytQEi avzcp, iva XQefiaG&y zcov Eig sfis, xa).6v lanv avzcp fia).).ov t fiv).og bvixog Eig zov ZQa%qlov avzov si nEQixEizai li&og pvltxbg nsgl zbv xal xazanovziG&q Iv zcp nsldyEi ztjg ZQd%r f lov avzov xal flffHiijTai sig zyv 7 ^aldo'O'rjg. Oval zcp xoffpcp dnb zcov 43 QdlaGGav. Kal lav GxavdaW^q GS Gxavddl.cnv dvdyxq yaQ IGZIV H\)EIV r\ %EI'Q GOV, dnoxoyov avztjV xa).6v zu axdroala ' nlyv oval zcp dv&Qconcp GOI IGZI xvllbv stg zqv sxsivcp, di ov zb Gxdvdalov tQ%szat. TJ zdg dvo %ETQag fyovza at 8 El 8e i] %EIQ ffov r\ b novg GOV o"xav- zr t v ysfvvav, Eig zb nvQ zb 8a).t'si GE, sxxotyov avza xal fldl.s dnb 44 ' OTTOV 6 Gxco).t]% avzcov ov ZEJ.svza xal GOV' xalovGoi IGZIV sigel&siv slg ZTJV 45 TO nvQ ov GJiivvvzai* Kal lav b novg %co).bv TI xvM.ov, tj dvo %siQag ij GOV Gxavdali^rj oe, dnoxotyov avzov ' 44. Comp. Is. 66, 24. 79.] UNTIL THE FESTIVAL OF TABERNACLES. 87 MATTH. XVIII. MARK IX. dvo nodag fyovza {ttrftijvai Eig to nvQ xal.ov IGTI GOI EigE^dEtv tig tr^v ^cor t v TO aicoviov. %wkov, q Tovg dvo nodag fyovta fft.ij- 46 tiqvaiEig Tt]vyi f Evvav,EigTb nvQ to a*fa elg GE, 'Qsls avtov xal fidhs a.7ib GOV ' irp fiaodeiav rov fieov, TJ dvo ogp- xakov 0W Ian povocpOalpov elg TIJV tfalpovg fyorra fliq&JjiHtt eig irp lgtl&w t TI dvo ocp&cdpovg 48 ft*mns* rov ittQOf, ' onov 6 axwJi^ f&q&qvcu as vr t v ytwvav tov avrwv ov vekevia xat TO nvQ ov 49 Gfiwvvrcu. Has yu.g nvol ahG&t]GE- 50 fat, %al naaa &VGLO. all ahG&r^Gsrat. Kakov 10 alag ' lav ds alag avalov yevijTai, Iv tivi avvb O.QTV- GSTS ; fysrs Iv savtoTg akag, xai etQ^vevsre Iv oJU^Aot^. MATTH. XVIII. 10 'OQCITS, pi .%ai:a(fQOvrjG}]'T8 svbg i&v [MXQMV rovroav Afc/ca yag vpiv, on ol ayyz'koi avimv Iv ovQavoig dianavTog filznovGi 10 nQogwnov tov narQog fiov 11 12 tov Iv ovQavoig.' 7 flk&E yaQ o vibg TOV av&QWTiov ccoaai to anokahog. Ti tioxEi ; lav ft*qitd Tin avdQWTicp sxarov trQoffawx, x n^aanjft^ EV ej av- ' ov%l aqislg TO, Ivvevr^ovTaswea Inl to. OQTJ noQEV&sig fjywt TO 13 vov ; Kai lav ffaftm EVQEIV avzo, 6MJJ9 tffm vniv, OTI %aiQi In avTcp 14 snl ToTg IvvEvqxovTasvvKa TOig ^ TTEnhaviipEvoig. OvTwg ovx EGTI (A77QOG&EV TOV TTCMQOg VpCOV TOV Iv OVQaVOig, IVK aTTO^Tai Eig TCOV [MXQWVTOV- 15 TCOV. 'Eav ds a^aQTr^GJj Eig as o udthpos GOV, vnays xal S).E^OV avTov pETa%v 16 GOV xca avTov povov ' a lav GOV axovGy, txtQtotjaUf TOV ddshyov GOV ' ' lav ds |M// axovGi], TraQala^s pETa GOV ETI tva r t dvo, iva inl croftaTog dvo paQTVQav 17 /J TQICOV 6Ta&fi nav ffi(j,a. b 'Eav ds naQaxovGrj avtcov, ELTIS ty IxxhqGia. lav ds 18 xal ti\q IxxfajGtag nuQaxovGri, SGTCO GOI wgnEQ o l&vixbg xal b Tskcovqg. *A\M\v yLeyoa vpiv, oGa lav dqGrjTS in] Tijg yqg, EGTai dEdspeva Iv TOJ ovQavqj xal OGK 19 lav IvGrjTS Inl T?jg fig, SGTai folvpsva Iv T$ ovQavcp. Ildhv A/yoo vpiv, OTI lav dvo vn&v av[4 EIGL dvO TQEig GVV^^SVOl Eig TO EfiOV OVOpa, EXEl El[4l Iv H&GOJ aVTWV. 21 TOTS TTQogs^&wv avrqi b UsTQog Etas XVQIE, noadxig af4aQT^Gi Eig Ips 6 22 adstyos pov xal aqpTjcyoa avT^ ; sm snTaxig ; Aiyzi avtq b 'IrjGovg ' ov, ta'yoo 23 T(p. Kal lav J Ixei vlbg eiQtjryg, enavaTtuvGSTai in auibv qsiQijvq vpny si 7 dz prfle, qp' vpag dvaxd^a. 'Ev aviy ds Ty oixia psveTS SGtiiovTeg xal TTIVOV- Tzg TO, TiaQ avzdjv m u%iog ya.Q b tQydTqg TOV JAIG&OV avTov IGTI " fitj pETapaivETE 8 1% oixiag tig olxiav. Kal Eig qv d' dv nohvEigfQ^a&s xal dt%covTai vpag, IG&IETE 9 T naQaTiQtpEva vpiv, ' xal &Qa7ZEVET8 Tovg iv aviq aG&EVEig, xal M^ETS av- 10 Toig' fyyixEV l

xal anode? xaOr^rai fiETEtoijGav. !Dj t v 15 TvQ(p y-cu 2ibwvi dvEXTOTEQOv tGTai iv Tq xQiasi, q vfiiv. Kal crv, KanEQvaovp, y 16 tag tov ovQavov vtyaj&EiGa, tTuv vpag ipe d&ETEi' 6 tie ipe dOtTuv d&STEi TOV lavxd I*E. 4. Comp. 2 K. 4, 29. 80, 81, 82.] UNTIL THE FESTIVAL OF TABERNACLES. 89 81. Jesus goes up to the Festival of Tabernacles. His final departure from Galilee. Incidents in Samaria. JOHN VII. 210. 2 3 ^Hv 8s tyyvg TJ SOQTTJ iwv 'lovdaimv, r\ GxrjvoTiqyta. Elnov ovv ngbg avrov ol dSehcpol avrov perdfiy&i evreu&ev xal vnays eig rqv 'lovSaiav, tva xal ol [ta~ 4 &qrai GOV &ew()i']GG)Gi ra fyya GOV, a noielg. Ovdiig ya,Q Iv xQvnrcp 11 noiei xal fyrei avrbg ev naQQijGia eivai. el ravra noieig, yaveQcoGOv Geavrbv rep 5 6 xoGfttp. OvSl yaQ ol ad&yol avrov STIIGTSVOV eig avrov. Afyu ovv avToig 6 'IrjGovg o XCUQOS 6 Ipbg OVTTCO naQEGiw, b ds xatQog 6 vptTSQOS TIUVTOIZ IGTIV 7 hoifiog. Ov dvvarai b xoGpog [UGEIV v^as, Ipe 8s [tiGzi, oil fya [^CCQTVQW neal 8 CIVTOV, on ra SQ^O, avrov TzovrjQci IGTW. 'Tpsig avafiqie eig ryv SOQIIJ* yw ovnoo avafiah'G) elg i\v SOQTIJV ravryv, on b xaiQog b fybg OVTTCO Tr 9 10 rat. Tavta ds eurow avroig sftsivsv Iv rj Faki'kcf.in. 'fig 8s ttrtftijaav ol a yol ai'Tov, rove xal avtbg avtfiq elg ity ioQiqv, ov cpavsgug, al.% cog Iv LUKE IX. 5156. 51 'Eftftto 8s Iv vw GVfin\riQOVG#cu rag fyfQag irjg aval^ipEoog avzov, xal avrbg 52 to jiQogwnov avrov IGT^QI^S tov TtOQeveG&ai ig 'IsQOVGakrifj. Kal a ayylov$ TIQO nQogmnov avrov xal noqEvQwrsg tiffa&ot elg xwf 53 rwv, . Kal ovx I8t'%avro avrov, on rb TtQogconov avrov 54 TJV rtOQSvopwov elg 'legovGahfy. 3 J8ovreg 8s ol pa&iiral avrov 'Idxafiog xal 'losdvvrjg elnov xvQte, &&ei? einm^ev TIVQ xaraffivai ano rov ovQavov xal 55 dvaloJGai avrovg, cog xai 'Hkiag etioi^Ge ; ^rgacpelg 8s iJisrifitjGSV avroig xal 56 elnev ovx oiSate, oiov nvevparog lars vpeig ; '0 yaQ vlbg rov dv&QcoTiov ovx fade ijjv%ag av&QancQv artofa'aeu, dlka crcocrat. Kal enoQev&jjGav elg arfyaf XCOfMJV. * 82. Ten Lepers cleansed. Samaria. LUKE XVII. 1119. 11 Kal iysveto Iv rcjj TTOQSvsG&ai avrov elg 'leQOVGaMjp, xal avrbg di^Q-^ero 8ia 12 fiKGOv 2apaQelag xal Fahkaiag. Kal eigt(%ope f vov avrov et'g riva 13 rrjGav avrc^ 8wa henQol dvd^eg, ol sGrqcav noQQca&ev xal avrol r^av cpcovyv 14 hfyovreg 'IqGov miGtdra, &8t]GOv fyag. Kal idav elnev avroig ' l7ii8eiare eavrovg rolg leQevGi. xal fyevero Iv rw vndyeiv avrovg, Ix 15 GUV. Elg 8s l| avzcov idav, on id&rj, vnsGrQetye pera cpavijg 16 rov &eov xal sneGev enl nQogamov naya rovg no8ag avrov ev%aQiGrcov 17 xal avrbg i\v 2a^taQeiri]g. 'daoxQi&elg 8s b 'IqGovg elnev ovyl ol 8exa ixa&a- 18 QiG&qGav ; ol 8s Ivvsa nov ; Ov% evQ8&r]Gav vnoGrgsifjavreg Sovvai 86%av rty 19 ^e^, el fir] b dMoyevqg ovrog ; Kal elnev avrcp' dvacrag yroQevov % 'along GOV GSG&XS ae. 12 PART VI. THE FESTIVAL OF TABERNACLES, AND THE SUBSEQUENT TRANSACTIONS UNTIL OUR LORD'S ARRIVAL AT BETHANY SIX DAYS BEFORE THE FOURTH PASSOVER. TIME : Six months less one week. 83. Jesus at the Festival of Tabernacles. His public teaching. Jerusalem. JOHN VII. 11 53. VIII. 1. 11 Ui ovv'Iovdaioi t^yzovv avtbv Iv ty f.oQiy xal ekeyov nov iaiiv IxfTrog ; 12 Kal yoyyvGuog nolJvg neql avtov ty Iv toig ofioig. ol per efafov ' oti dya&og 13 sGtiv. cuUUx ds '&eyov ov ' ak"ka nl.ava tbv oyhov. Ovdfis jticVroi ' 14 lkd).i 7i()l avTOv dia tov (popov iwv 'Joi'dat'cov. *HSt] ds ir t g soQTtjg 15 avfftq o 'fijffovg eig to legbv xal tdidaaxe. Kal r&atywbf ol 'lovdaToi l.tyor- 16 teg nag ovrog ftdpftata olds [ir] [tffjia&rjxwg ; '^TIE^QI&IJ ovv avrolg o 'Iq- 17 aovg xal EITTEV ' i\ tfitj didaffl ovx sanv ifi^, a.\\a tov rreptyartoe fie ' ' lav tig &&% to dkr i fjitt. avtov noislv, yvtoaetat TTZQI r?jg dida%ijg, notfQov ex tov 18 tatir, J tyu an snavrov Aa^w. '0 ay lavtov Awylaiy ti]v do^uv tr\v loiav o ds fytav trjv du^av tov nK(Jt\pavtog avtov, ovtog a\t]&r t g tati, xal adixia Iv 19 avtoj ovx tativ. Ov Mwvaijs dtdwxev vpiv tov voftov ; x< ovdug e 20 aotti tov vofiov. ti jue fyteTte anoxtttrai ; Wrttxffth? 6 o%)iog xal sins ' 21 viov t%ag ' tig as tytet dnoxteivai ; l^rtxprfi; 6 'Iqaovg xal sJnev avtoig ' fv 22 | Qyov tnoiiiGa, xal ndvteg &avfidets ' dia tovto. McavGyg dt'8(axfv i'f.uv tip neQitOfjtrjV, (ov% oti Ix tov MwvGtmg SGttv, dkX fx tmv frattQMV,) xal iv 23 GaffidtM neQitt'fivete av&Qwnov* El neQitoprjv laufldvei avOQwnog lv Gafipd- t(p, iva prj kv&ii 6 *>6[*o$ MwvGtwg, fpol %oldte, oti okov avftQuwov vyij fjrotqGa 24 25 lv cappdtqp ; MJJ xQivete xar oyiv, dM.a tr t v dtxaiav XQIGIV xQivate. *Ektyov ovv tivsg Ix tuv ' ItQOGohvfutwv ov% ovtof tGtiv, ov frjtovGtv dnoxtetvai ; 22. Lev. 12, 3. 83.] THE FESTIVAL OF TABERNACLES. 91 JOHN VII. 26 I xal i'ds, naqbr t Gia lalst, xal ovds v avTcp llyovGt ' [trjnoTS dlrj&wg syvcoGav ol 27 aQ%ovTzg, oil ovTog IGTIV [O&TI&QJS] 6 XqiGTog ; ' alia TOVTOV oi'dapsv no&sv 28 IGTIV 6 ds XQKJIOS OTUV eQfflTai, ov&* ywcoaxft no&sv EGTIV. "Exga&v ovv iv 7m ifQqj didaGxcov 6 'IqGovg xal JUyoW naps oidars, xal oidars no&v eipi' xal an ipavTov ovx. llifiv&a, all EGTIV dlq&ivbg 6 ntptyag [*, ov vpEig ovx 29 30 oi'daTE- 'jj'oo oJda avTov, on naQ avzov eipi, xaxsivog pe antaTfiksv. 'JSjif- lovv ovv avrov niacai, xai ovdug tnlftaJisv In avxbv i\v %IQU, on ovnaQio~aioi tov ofoov yoyyv^oviog neol avrov rawa, xat ansffredav ol (fraQiaaioi xat 01 dQ%ieQig vnqQ/TUSt wa mdacoaiv avTov. 33 Elnsv ovv b 'Iqoovg ' n [UXQOV %QOVOV pstf VftVfV elm, xa * vndyw nqog tbv 34 nsfiipavrd [is. Zt]TrjG8TK JM, xat ov% zvQrJGers xf onov zifii yco, vpeig ov dv- 35 vaG&s D.&tiv. Elnov ovv ol'Iovdaioi ngog savrovg' nov ovvog Gdai, on r][A.ig ov% evQ^GO^v avTov ; [*)] eig tr\v diaGTZOQav tcov 36 7iOQvG\)ai xat 8tdaGXtip vovg v E).)^vag ; Tig IGTIV ovrog b P.o/o?, ov sine, 0710V flU tt), V4ig OV 37 'Ev ds iy 6%di:ri qpfQa 777 pfydkri tqg soQTijg CKFr^xtt 6 'IqGOvg xai sugars Ae- 38 j'cov Idv Tig diipn, fQ^bG&w Tigog [te xt nivTO). * THGTEVWV ig ^u, xa&wg 39 inv TI yQayrj, nora^ol f'x iijg xodiag avrov QEVGOVGIV vdatog ^avvog* TOVTO ov e^l.'kov ).apfidriv ol 7iiGTvovteg ig 40 OVTMO yaQ TJV irvv[ta dyiov, on b 'IqGovg .ovdt!?i(o Ido^aG&T]. Uo^ol ovv Ix TOV 41 bylov dxovGavTg rbv Ibyov eteyov ' ovwg IGTIV dlq&ug b nQoyfoyg. "Allot i'fayov ' ovrog IGTIV b XQiGvog. allot ds sl^'ov ' pr} yag x itjg Falilaiag b 42 XQiGTog 8Q%Tai ; Ov%l i] yQayq tmv y OTI fx TOV Gm^arog Javid xal anb 43 Bri&lMH iig XCOJM?J?, onov r\v avi, QiGTog SQ^erai ; b %iG[Aa ovv v T

4 ' l.syovGiv aviqj' didaGxal-E, a\Jii\ ^ yvvti xaiEdijcp-On In 5 Ev ds Ttjj vopco ^Io3VGr t g qpiv EVEiEikaio idg loiaviag >! 6 11 fayig Tovio ds Efayov nsigd^oviEg aviov, iva S%(OGI xaiijyoQEiv aviov. 6 7 de 'IrjGOvg xdi&) xvtyag, iqj daxiv). iQMzwvTEg avrdv, dvaxvipag Eins ngbg aviovg ' o dvapugirjiog vptov 8 9 iov Xiiffpy in aviy jSAfc'rw. Kal ndkiv xdio) xvtyag ffgaysv ig it]v yrfv. 01 ds axovGaviEg xai vno ir^g GvvsidiJGEcag l^Eyxoptvoi l<*r'jQ%ovio fig xatf tig, UQ- %dpsvoi dno icov nQEG^vifQcov Hag iwv Iffftdtcav ' xal xaTf>Lf/g3t^^ povog 6 *Iq- 10 aovg xal r\ yvvq lv psG(p EGiaGa. Dvaxvipag ds 6 'IrjGOvg xal pqdsra QsaGd- pEvog n\r\v iqg yvvaixog sinsv aviy f] yvv^ nov EIGIV IXEWOI ol xarfflOQoi GOV ; 11 ovdsi'g GE xaisxQivEv ; 'H ds finsv ovdsis, XVQIE. Eins ds ai/iy o lf(o GE xaiaxQivw. noQEvov xal pijxsn 85. Further public teaching of our Lord. He reproves the unbelieving Jews, and escapes from their hands. Jerusalem. JOBN VIII. 1259. 12 TJakiv ovv o 'ftjUOve avTOig tJu&rpS jUjw fya el^i TO qxng rovxoafiov' 6 dxol.ov&uv fpol ov [*T] nsQinartjaei lv J axoria, akX eei TO (pag iffi co//. 13 Einov ovv avrqj ol ifQ(p' xat ovdiig IniaGfv avrov, on ovnco l).q),v&i f] w(j aviov. 21 Elntv ovv nu).iv aliolg o 'fqoovg' fyw vndyw, xal (tjTtjasre pe, xal eV TJ apaQTia vpoiv drtodattfofrs ' onov ifw vndyoa vpsfg ov dvraa&s 22 *E).ryov ovv ol 'lovdafoi' pqn dnoxiEt'Ei eavroV, on X^itt' onov f'yw 23 vptig ov dvvaG&e D.Ottv ; Kal EJnev afoot?' vpEtg tx IQJV xarto sort, f'yw c arm tipi' vpei? ix iov xoopov IOVTOV w*, fyw ovx etpl fx iov xoffpov * 5. Lev. 20, 10. Comp. Deut 22, 21. b 18. Deut 17, 6. Comp. Deut 19, 15. 84,85.] UNTIL OUR LORD'S ARRIVAL AT BETHANY. 93 JOHN VIII. 24 TOVTOV. Elnov ovv vpiv, on dno&avsiG&s Iv Taig dpaQTiaig vftcov' lav yaQ 25 [MJ niGTEVGijTE, OTI e'j'w sifti, dno&avEiGds Iv Taig dpaQTiaig vpcov. "Eteyov ovv civic*}' GV rig sJ; xal slnsv avTolg 6 'Iqaovy ir^v aqfflv o, 11 xal Acdeo vfuv. 26 Ilolla fyw nQi vpwv laksiv xal XQIVSIV ' alX 6 nfyyag ps alij&qs Ian, xetyoa, 27 a r^xovGa naQ avTov, TavTa ktya) els TOV xoGpov. Ovx fyvaaar, on TOV 28 naTfQa avToTg shysv. Einsv ovv avToig o 'TyGovg ' orav vyajaqre tor vlov TOV avftQWTiov, TOTS yvo*38&&3 t on lyw eifiL xat an ipavTov noiw ovStv, alka 29 xatfoai,' ldida%8 pe o TIKT^Q pov, TavTa A?.ca, ' xal o nt'pijjas pe [AST Ipov 6Tiv' ovx acfyxs p povov 6 ?ztm/(?, OTI f^co TO, ageffTa avzaj noiw ndvTOTS. 30 31 To/via avTov JtoZotWo^, nollol IniGzwaav efe avTov. "Ekeyw ovv o 3 lq- Govg TIQOS Tovg 7T7itGZEvxoTa$ avTty lovdaiovg * lav vpelg [teivqTE Iv T(p ^.oj'Q) 32 TK> Ipa), afaj&we [la&ijTat pov IGTS, ' xal yvwGEG&s T?JV alrjdeiav, xt ^ A^- 33 i9fm &tt&t$&oet vfia>,\ '^ney.Qi&qGav avTcp' GntQfia^^oad^, iGpevxal ovdevl 34 dedovfovxait* TZMTTOTE- 7tv>g GV )Ji$- OTI o qGovg ' f*f]v t-v .ca vfiiv, OTI nag noiwv TTJV ftctQTiav 35 IGZI TT^ JxfictQTtaf. '0 ds dovkog ov [ttvsi iv Ty oixia ttV TOV aiava' 6 vib$ 36 pwei ig TOV aiwva. 'Edv ovv o vlbg v^.dg fiisv&eQwai], OVTIOS &ev&Qoi faea&e. 37 Olda, OTI GTTt'Qpa ^fgaeift F.GTS- P,A fyjiefot [U dnoxTtivai, OTI b "koyog b t^bs 38 ov ^co(ifr v VIMV. /j'oa o ca(;axa naQa TO) nctTQi fjiov ^.akw ' Y.O.I v^ig ovv o 39 t'oaprt'xccTfi naQa TM naTol vpwv noteiTS. 'sJnsxQi&TjGCtr xal slnov avTcp 6 naT^Q ripwv 'sJpQadp IGTI. ityfi avTolg b 'Ir t GOvg' 8i Ttxva TOV W^acc/4 ^T, 40 Ta tQya TOV '^^Qad^t ITZOIZITE dv. Nvv ds ^TEITK [ts dnoxTHivat, dv&Qcanov, og Tqv akij&Eiav vfA.iv P.^.aA^xa, qv ijxovGa naQa TOV &KOV ' TOVTO 's4@Qaa[A ovx 41 InoirjGSv. 'TfAelg noieiis TO. sQya TOV nuTQdg vpcov. Einov ovv avT<$' r^jiEig x 42 noQvsiag ov j^w^ij/^a tva narsQa fyopEv, TOV &EOV. EmEv ovv avTolg. o 3 J.rjGOvg' EI b dEog naTr t Q vpav r t v, fyandTS dv IpE' lyn yaQ f'x TOV -OEOV l%qk- 43 &ov xal 77x00 ovds yctQ an ffiavTov llfav&a, AX* ixeivog ps dntGTSil.E. Aiu. TI T\V "kalidv T\V tftfp ov yivcoGXETS ; OTI ov dvvaG&s dxovsiv TOV koyov TOV 44 Iftov. 'TfisTg x TOU narQog TOV StaftoXov IGTS xat Tag IniOvfiiag TOV naTQog re noieiv. IxEirog dv&QwnoxTovog rp an aQyjjg xa< iv TTQ dJiJJ&ti'a ov% , on ovx SGTIV dlij&Et.a Iv aviit). oTav /.a?.?J TO tyEvdog, ex TWV idi'avkatei, 45 on tyEVGTqg EGTI xai b narr^Q avTov. Eyw ds OTI Tqv dk^\)Eiav J.t'j'co, ov ni- 46 GTEVETt' ^01. Tig e'lf t'juooj' &fy%Ei [*E nEQi diiaQTiag ; si ds d&q&eiuv Atj'ca, did 47 TL vuElg ov niGn-vETS (401 ; av fx TOV -QEOV Ta QqpaTa TOV ftsov dxovsi' did 48 TOVTO vpEig ovx dxovETE, OTI Ix TOV &EOV ovx EGTJ*. 3 ^nEXQi^r]Gav ovv ol *Iov- daioi x) slnov avTty ov xaAooi,' Af'j'o^fy fang, OTI 2a[AaQiTi]g si GV xal 49 riov %> ; 'j4nsxQ('&q 'IqGovg ' f'j'ca daipoviov ovx fc^ca, dhhd Tifuy TOV 50 [jiov, xal vftsig aTtfid^ETE (is. 3 Eyxac ; Elaev avroig 6 'Iqaovs 59 afiriv Itym Vf4.lv, TIQIV '^{loaap yevtaQou lyu eifii. 7 HQav ovv tiftovs, Iva civ 71 avtov ' 'Iqaovg ds MQvflij xal Qrjl&ev ix tov IEQOV di&& alunov xJii]QOvo[itJ6G) ; '0 de 'sins agog avzov Iv ty vopm TI fty 27 nrai ; nun; avayivmGxeig ; '0 ds dnoxQiOin.; i7iV ' a ayanrfisig XVQIOV TOV aov % ol.rjs rijg ttcu&iaf GOV xal J ofajg tt^s \pv^g GOV xal 28 GOV xai <; ol.qg vTfi diavoiag GOV, xai TOV TI^GIOV GOV cos Gavtov. Elite ds 29 avTw - oQ&ajg ansngl&qs ' vovro noiet, xcu WT$ avTov xal n^yag ImQlviSf dntfi&ov, dq>svTg rj 31 ydvovTa. Kara GvyxvQiav ds Isgsvs ng xaTe'fiaivtv iv IT\ odqi Ixsivy, xal tdcov 32 avrov dvTiTiaor^dfv. 'OftotlBf ds xal sfsviTqg, ywopwog xaza TOV TOTZOV, 33 ll&cov xal idcov avTinaQr^&e. 2oyiaQ8tTt]S ds Tig odsvav ?]P.x> XUT avTov, xai 34 lda>v avTov lanltLflHaOy. Kal tfg0fel&do%iov xal iaepel.q&ri avTov. Kal wl ii\v UVQIOV IS dvo dqvdQta tdnxe T$ fravdoy^i xal iimv avT$ ' unftAq&q 36 KQogSanavriGr-g, ?7^ * v 7< P hMptgfM&if.lU dnodcoGto ooi. Tig ovv TOVTWV TCOV 37 TQIIOV doxtl GOI 7i).qGiov yEyovsvai TOV fiinEGOVTog ig Tovg ^GTcig ; ' ds alntv ' o noir t Gag TO &EOS per aviov. dnw ovv avrcp 6 'IrjGovg' KOQEVOV xal GV, 87. Jesus in the house of Martha and Mary. Bethany. LUKE X. 38-42. 38 'Eytvsro de Iv T$ noQtvsGOai avrove, xal avTog eigJfl.Osv tig xupijv nni 39 yvvii M iis ovopari MugOa vntdQaTO avrbv fig TOV olxov avr^g. K($dfa nsnl noM.d ' svbg 8& GTI XQ 8l/a ' ds Tt]v dya&qv [tEQida E^sl.Qazo, r t zig ovx drpaiQE&t^GSzai an 88. The Disciples again taught how to pray. Near Jerusalem. LUKE XI. 113. 1 Kai iylvzvo EV rep eJrai avrbv Iv TOTIG) tin nQogstyofJizvQv, ag Inavtiaro, sins iig itov na&TjTwv avrov TtQog avvov ' XVQIE, dida^or r^tas 7?QOSEi>%6&ai, x 2 y,ai 'Jwdvvrig Idtda^e TOV$ f,ia{^^7ag avrov. Eine ds avxolg ' orav fa'yEte ' ndrfq rjuwr o ?V toig ovQavoig, ayiaG&fao!) to ovopd aov * 3 fiaGtfaia GOV ' yEvrj&qTO) TO ^^^^.d GOV cag tv ovQavcp xcct lm tijg ylqg * zbv 4 aQzov WIGOV tov iniovGiov didov r^lv to xatf ^Qav xal dqseg fyiv rag afjiaq- n'ag Jj/iwy, xa< yaQ avzol dytepev navzl ttyt&ttrzi r^uv ' xal (irj Eigevt'y^g f][*.dg ov ' cdJka QVGai r^iag ano tov TZOVIJQOV. Kal tins, TiQog avtovg ' tig s%si Qa tyaKkiaGato tw nvEv^ati o 'IqGovg %al EITTEV Qoiioloyovpai GOI, ndtEQ, XVQIS TOV oi>Qavov xal Tijg y^g, OTI dnsxQvipag tavza a.no Gocpcov xal GVVETWV %al dnsxdlvipag r avza] vqntoig. vat, o> nazr$, OTI ov- 96 FROM THE FESTIVAL OF TABERNACLES. [PART VI. LUKE X. 22 Tcog fytt'ETO Evdoxt'a [ITIQOG\)EV ffoV' Kal GTQacpeig fTQog Tovg ua&ijrag Eins' fiavra [toi naQsdo&q vno TOV naTQog fiov ' xai ovftsti; yivaaxst, Tig win 6 viog, el ft// b naTTJQ, xal Tig IGTIV 6 nan fa, EI py b vide, xal cp lav ^ovJitftat 6 vibe ~3 dnoxalvtyai. Kcu GTQaqtEig TiQog Tovg pa-0'tjTag xaz* t5mv ff;re* peatdtQUH ol 24 bcp\^a),fiol ol fikeiTovTfG, & ^Iwfft*. sltyco yai) i'fitv, OTI noJJiot BQOtyjjifU y.ai fiaGfalg f^&lfmtf (dfcy, a t'/tti? (UftMf^ xat orx ctdof, xat axovcyat, xat ovx qxovaav. 90. A man born blind is healed on the Sabbath. Our Lord's subsequent dis- courses. Jerusalem. 1 2 JOHN IX. 141. X. 121. a< naQtiy&v slSev avQQwnov ivylov f'x gnffii, ii avrov 3 iycp).b$ j'T?;v>i/; ' 4 TOV, OL^JL iv a 5 6 "Oiav Iv xa tnotyas tjQnjG(ti' aviv o ovTog rj ol yovsTs avtov, iva ' ovrs oviog ijftajfW ovie ol yovtig av- tot. SQ^K iov -freov iv avrtp. 'Eus dti fQyd^f G&ai TO. co$ r^fQa fGTiv nQ%eTai vv$, ore ovdtis dvvaia KQ6fqp oa, (pmg dpi tov Koopov. Tavra tlawv v Ix TOV mvaarog, y.al lntS ibv nVov inl TOV TOV , ' xat eJnev otvrqJ vtrce/a, -i'i/;at eiV T//V (o CQptpBvsvcu anEGTal.pt'vos'). anr^Ev ovv xt IviipaT 8 fifa'TMav. 01 ovv ytitovtS xat oi x^foo^ovyrf? OLVTOV TO TTQOTfQOv, on 9 ?]v, tteyov ' ov% oviog IffTiv b xaVfyevog xf nQoganwv ; *A)J.oi i-teyov OTI ovrog 1 fVrty. aM.oi dt' on opoioe avTtij lartv. IxtTvog fi^yW ort sy* 1 * 10 11 *E).eyov olv avT(p' n&g avsai^&TjGuv GOV ol o^&alpoi ; Ldfime^^if ixtfrof xa elaev' av&QooTiog l.eyopsvog 'JrjGOvg nrfkov inolqas- xal safyQiae pov Tovg oq>- xat f?^fc' ftof v^aye V TA/V xolvfjfiq&Qav TOV JS&AOp xat vfycu- 12 ant-lQav ds xa nijjdpevog faffllty*. Elnov olv avTqj ' nov EGTIV Ixtwog ; 3L*yw" ovx o?5a. 13 14 *4yovoiv avTov TiQog Tovg aQtaaiovg, TOV TTOTS Tvcplov. ^Hv de 15 ore Tor ^r//Loy Inofyaev b 'jfyffovp xae >-tQ)^fv ITOV roitf byftalpovg. ovv rjQWTCov al'Tov KCU ol (DnQiGcuioi, nag avt'f&eyev. b 8s tlnev avrolg ' 16 ine&ijx* pov Inl Tovg 6q>&a).fiOvCj xal inipdpqv, xai jSXt'^o). *Efayov ovv ix TWV aQi6atojv Tivt'g' OVTO$ b av&Qmnog ovx CGTI TTCXQU. TOV &EOV, OTI TO adfl- flaTov ov T1]QE4. dM.oi eteyov ' nag duvaTcu avdQwnog dpvtQTwlbg Toiavza 17 Gratia. aoiEiv ; xal G^iGpa ip EV avTOig. stfyovGi TO> Tvcphcp ndhv GV TI Myug neol avTov, OTI tjvoi%t GOV Tovg b^Oalpovg ; b de dnEv ' on 18 EGTIV. Ovx IniGTEvoav ovv ol 'lovdatoi nEQl O.VTOV, OTI Tvykog ijV xal 19 \IJEV, t(og Ta. Kal OTUV Ta tdia rtQofiaTa Ixpdlrj, avTwv TiOQEVETai, xal Ta HQofiaTa avTco axolov&i, OTI o'i'daGi TIIV 5 avTov. 'AD.oTQim ds ov pi] dxolov&iiGCOGiv, alia cpsv^ovTai an avTov, OTI ovx 6 oidaGi lav alloTQiwv TIJV (pwvrjv. TavTijv TIJV naQoiplav EinEv avToig b 'Iq- 7 covg ' IxEiroi ds ovx syvcoGav, TWO. qv, a lldlEi avToTg. EinEv ovv ndliv av- Toig b 'IrjGovg' d^v dprjv Ityto vpiv, OTI lyco t^tii TJ &vQa TWV TTQo 8 TldvTEg, OGOI nqb Ifiov rjl&ov, xllnTai *IG\ xallriGTai' all' ovx qxovGav 9 TO, TTQofiaTa. 3 Eyco dpi ?; &VQO, ' di Ipov Idv Tig ft&lfrq, ccoQrjGETai, xal 10 EigzlEVGETai xal ^ElEVGETai,xal vopqv EVQrjGEt. e O xlz7iTJ]g ovx o%Tai, si [trjiva 11 xls'ipy xal VvGy xal anol^ s'/oa ql&ov, Iva ^r t v %COGI xal TIEQIGGOV fywGtv- ' a 31. Comp. Prov. 28, 9. 13 98 FROM THE FESTIVAL OF TABERNACLES [PART VI. JOHN X. tlfU 6 noifiTjv 6 xa\6g. o notfiTjv o xa"kog TTJV tyryqv aviov II&JJGIV in\Q ioov nQofid- 12 icov' 6 [MG&coibg ds xal ovx eoj> TioifirjV, ov ovx Eial id nqoftaia "8ia, &ECOQEI tov hvxov Q%6[Avov, xal dq>iJ]Gi id nQofiaia xal qevyei ' xal 6 "kvxog a 13 avra xai GXOQTTI^EI TO. TiQofiaia. '0 ds fiiGftwibg cpEvysi, ort iiiG 14 xat ov fis).i aviqj neyl iwv rzQofidnav. 'JEyw elpi 6 noifiijv 6 xaXo?, xat ytrca- 15 ffxa) ra ffia xcu yivwaxonai vno TWV fpwv, ' xadwg ym&GXU ps o tHftlfj xyto 16 yivojGXG) lov jrartQa, xal irp> ipv^v fiov ii&rjfii vnfQ iwv nqofidiav. Kal a?Ja TiQofiaia. fjfoo, a ovx EGTIV x i^g av)Jj$ tavrr^ xdxsivd [is dsi aj'ayar, 17 xat irig cpmvjjg fiov GLXOVGOVGI, xal fEvrjGETai fila noinvri, elg noijtrp- Aia. lovio 18 6 nairiQ fis dyana, on f'yto Ti{hfft**l* tyv%fo f*ov, tva, ndJiiv kdfica avrfv. Ovdsig avir t v an epov, d^X j'co u$iya avryv an IpavTOv QovGiav fyco , xal l^ovGiav %(o Ttakiv hafisw ajjiriv. ravrt^r ir t v ivio^v Qafiov lov naigog pov. 19 2%iG[ta ovv ndhv tylvwo lv rots 'lovSai'oig dia iov$ "koyovg loviovg. 20 *Eteyov ds nolkol 1 1 avrwv ' daifionov %i xal iia.ivs.iai ' ii aviov dxovsie ; 21 *x^iipi &eyov ' lavia id QrjfiKia ovx SGII daifiovi&fitvov ' ft/; daiporiov dvvarat dvoiystv ; 91. Jesus in Jerusalem at the Festival of Dedication. He retires beyond Jordan. Jerusalem. Bethany beyond Jordan. JOHN X. 2242. 22 23 'Eyevsio ds id tyxaivia Iv lolg 'IfQOGO^Vfioig, xal %eipwv ?jr, ' xal neQisndm 24 6 'IrjGovg i> 16) IEQCO Iv 1% Gioa ^okopwvog. 'ExvxkcaGav ovv aviov ol 'lov- daiot xal zteyov avio) twg note i\v y>v%tjv r^wv aiQi-ig ; si GV el 6 25 tins rjiuv naQQ^Gia. ^nsxQi&q avioig o 'IijGovg ' slnov VIHV, xal ov ia s Qya, a syoj noiw w iq> ovofian lov jraiQog fiov, lavia paQTVQsi TIEQI Ifiov. 26 *AK vftsig ov TiiGieveTe ov yaQ IGIE ix iwv nQofidimv iwv efimv, xa&ag slnov 27 vvJiv. Td TiQofiaia id Ifid iqg cpwrijg pov dxovsi, xaj'w ymwdxco avid, xal 28 dxol.ov&ovGt /MO/, ' xaj'co fca^y aianov didafu avioTg' xal ov py dnol.wviai tig 29 lov aicova, xal oy% aQTidcsi ng avid ex ir t g %eiQog pov. '0 naifa /4ov, og dtduxs fioiy fi8i^(ov Tzdviwv IGTI, xal ovdslg dvvaiai aQna^siv sx il]g %iQog lov 3031 naiQog pov. 'E'j'ca xal o nairjQ ti> tGpsi'. 'EfiaGiaGav ovv ndhv M&ovg ol 32 'lovdaioi, iva h&aGWGtv aviov. '^TiEXQifltj avioTg o 'IqGovg* nolld xald fQ 33 tdei^a vfilv Ix lov naiQog pov ' did nolov aviwv tQyov kt&dsis fie ; ' &T]Gav avity ol 'Jovdaioi \fyovisg nQ\ xalov SQJOV ov hQdo[isv GE, 34 TifQl fft.aGcptjfiiae, xat on GV dv&Qmnog (ov noulg GEUVIOV &EOV. avioTg o 'IrjGovg' orx toil ysyQa^tvov Iv ioj vopcp vftwv'* lyu ttnu, 35 IGTS ; Ei IxEivovg sine -Oeovg, fTQog ovg o "koyog lov {tsov tyivsio, xat ov dvvaiai 36 Jiv^vat / J'(><]PV' ov o naiijQ ifliaGt xat dntGiiri.iv Eig ibv xoGftov, 37 P.tyerc * on plaacptjfieig, on slnov vlog rov fteov /jUt ; Ei ov now id tQya lov 34. Ps. 82, 6. Comp. Ex. 22, 7 sq. 91, 92.] UNTIL OUR LORD'S ARRIVAL AT BETHANY. 99 JOHN X. 38 naTQog pov, py TZIGTEVETS pot. El ds noim, xdv Ipol py ftiGTivr^tt f TOig rziGTEVGaTE, iva yvcoTE xal TIIGTEVGTJTE, oil Iv spol b naTrjQ, xaya iv ?9 3 Et]Tovv ovv7Tal.iv avTov yiaGai' xal Qql.&ev lx ttjZYStQOe avT&v. 40 Kal dfir^&s ndkiv fisgav TOV 'loQddvov Eig TOV Toftov, OTIOV T^V 'Icadvvqg TO 41 TIQWTOV @anT%cov, xal SPEIVEV sxsl. Kal 7ioM.ol r^&ov nQog avTov xal Eteyov ' oil 'Imdvvrjg psv Gypsiov IrtoiyGEv ovdtv, ndvra ds t OGCC EITIEV 'Iwdvvqg TIEQ] 42 tovtovj akri&ri l]v. Kal sniGtEVGav noM.ol lxei ELS avrov. 92. The raising of Lazarus. Bethany. JOHN XL 146. ds tig OLG&BVWV, s4daQO$ ano Bq&aviag, x TTJG xco/^^? Magias 2 MaQ&ag Tijg ddslcpljs avTqg. 7 Hv ds Magia r\ dlsfyaGa TOV XVQIOV fivQcp xal xpd<~aGa TOV$ nodag avrov Taig &QI&V avrfg, qg 6 ddEkybg Adt,aqog 3 ^TtsGTsdav ovv al a^fZqpat agog avrbv "ktyovGai' XVQIS, ide, ov cpifaig, 4 'sfxovGag ds b 'IqGOvg EITIEV ' avrq r\ O.G&KVSIU. ovx EGTL TiQog ftdvaTov, dM! 5 VTTEO TYIS [do^ijg TOV &Eov, Ivcx. So^aG&ri b vlbg TOV &sov 81* avTijg.. 'Hydna df 6 6 'IqGOvg TJ]V IMaQ&av %al TWV ddslcpyv avztjg xdi TOV ^id^aQor. 'Qg ovv 7 yxovGEV, on aG&EVEi, TOTE (JLKV EfiEivev w a) l\v TOTicp dvo fjfiSQag. "EntiTcx. 8 TOVZO IfyEi ToTg fia&rjTaTg- dyapsv Eig Tt]v 'lovdaiav ndhv. A ol pa&qTai' Qafifii, vvv E^TOVV GE h&aGat, ol 'lovdaiot, y.al adhv vndyEtg lxei; 9 'AnmQi&ri 'hjGovg' ov%i dmdsxd EIGIV COQUI Ttjg ri^Qag ; Idv Tig nsQmaTri Ir 10 Tq fjfAEQa, OV 7ZQOgx6rtTEl,OTl TO Cpwg TOV XOGfAOV TOVTOV ^ETZEl' ' ECCV ds Tig 7TEQI- 11 naTy iv Tr> VVXTI, nQogxoTiTet, OTI TO cpwg ovx EGTIV iv avTcp. TavTa EITTE, xal (ASTa TOVTO heysi avToTg ' dd^aQog b cpikog THIWV XGxoifitjTai akl.a 12 iva l^vnviGm aviov. Elnov ovv ol (jiadtjTal avTOv XVQIE, EI xsxoi'prjTai, 13 GETai. EIQ^XEI ds b 'IqGovg nEQi TOV Vavdrov avrov" EXEIVOI ds sdo^av, OTI 14 TIEQ] Tqg xoifji^Gsojg TOV VTTVOV MyEi. TOTS ovv Ewsv avToTg b 'IqGovg naQQq- 15 Gin' Ad^aQo? dn8&avs, 1 xal %aiQO) dt* vpdg, iW TZIGTEVGJJTE, OTI ovx 16 IxsZ' d%X dya)[iEv agog avTov. Elnw ovv Qmpdg, b kEyo/usvog /lidvfiog, Gvppa&qTaig ' dycovsv xal fjftfiS, iva ano&dvGjfiw fiET avTov. 17 'El&wv ovv b 'IrjGOvg SVQSV avTov TEGGaQag r^Ji^ag jjdq fyovTa sv T<$ 18 19^Hv ds fj Bq&avia iyyvg TWV ' IsQOGolvpcov cog dno GTetdttnv dExaTrs'vTS' ' xal nokliol fx TWV *IovdaiTcp' MaQia ds Iv TC!J otxqi txa&e&ro. Elnw ovv r\ Mdg&a nQog TOV 'IqGovv ' XVQIS, EI qg cods, b ddslcpog pov ovx dv BTE&vqxEi ' 22 23 dMa xal vvv olda, OTI, OGU av aiTt]Gy TOV ftsov, dcoGSi GOI b ftsog. JttyEt 24 avTri b 'IqGOvg ' dvaGT^GETai b ddskcpog GOV. AifKi avTy MaQ&a ' o?da, OTI 25 dvaGTTJGSTai, Iv TYJ dvaGTaGEi Iv TTJ EG^dTy tffieQa. EITIEV avTy b 'IqGovg ' fyoo 26 Eifii r\ dvaGTaGig xal y 0077 ' o mGTEvcov Eig sps, xdv ano&dvq, ^GETai, ' xal nag b K>V xal TIIGTSVWV Eig sps ov pt] ano&avri Eig TOV aicova. niGTEvsig TOVTO ; 27 Aei avTo) vai, XVQIE' f^oa nEniGTSvxa, OTI GV si b XQiGTog, b vibg TOV &EOV, 100 FROM THE FESTIVAL OF TABERNACLES [PART VI. JOHN XI. 28 o sis tov xoGftov fQ%6(j.svos. Kal lavia slnovca d/ir^Os xal scf^vr^s Maqiav 29 77/y ddskcpqv avirjs Id&ga slnovca' o SidaGxakos na.qf.GTi xal qpeom as. 'Exsivij cog %XOVGSV, tVBigsrfU layv xal sQ^siai TTQOS aviov. Ovnco .8s s^^v&si 6 'Jfy- 31 GOVS sis irjv xcopqv ' a/U' l\v Iv ic? ZOTTQ), onov vm^vTijGsy avrqj y MaQ&a. 01 ovv 'Jovdaioi ol oviss us* avirjs w 1% oixia xal naQapv&ovfisvoi aviijv, idovrfs tip MaQiav,oiiia%ta)s avsGiq xcttiqi.$9f t Jjxolov&rjGav avry MyorTe 32 tig 10 pvripetov, Iva xkavGy exet. *H ovv MctQia cas fa&ev onov rp o idovaa avTov eneaev fig iov$ nodas CCVTOV MyovGa. avrqt' xv(>te, el tjs co5f, 33 ovx ay oa/ftm fiov 6 adekpof. J 'Iqaovg ovv a>s rider aviijv xlaiovGav xa) tovg Gvvel&ovTas avzy 'lovdaiovs x^aioviag, tfef^LTjcwro *<$ nvevfian xal IraQa- 34 }-ev savrbv ' xcu sins' nov vs&teixate avrov ; Uyovciv avrty' XVQIS, tg%ov xai 35 36 ids. 'EddxQVGev 6 'IijGovf. "Eteyov ovv ol 'Jovduloi i'ds, nag leftist avTOV. 37 Tivfs St s$ avzwv slnov' ovx ^vvaxo ovros o avoids iovg oqi&alpovs tov 38 rvqpJloi; noiqacu, iva xal OVTOS pi] UTTO&dvr} ; 'IqGovs ovv ndhv f^Qifj.m^svos lv lavrco tQ%stttt fie 10 nvqpsiov. r^v de GTifaaiov, xai M&og sntxsiTo in avT(*>. 39 Atysi o 'IiiGovg ' aQars ibv M&Of, ltf# avTcp r\ ddskcpt] TOV TS&rqxoros MaQ- 40 &a ' XVQI?, qdi] osi' TSTaQraios yaQ SGH. Atyu avry 6 'IrjGovs' ovx slnov Got y 41 orf, lav TUGTSVGris, otpsi i^v do^av lov &sov ; 7 Hgav ovv lov M&ov [ov l\v 6 ve&vqxas xsipwos]' o 8s 'Iqaovs fas iovs ocpftalfiovs avo* xal sins- THITSQ, 42 sfyaQiGTw GOI, OTI i'jxovGas fior. 'Eya ds qdsw, on ndviors pov dxovsis ' H dia lov oykov ibv nsQisGiKtia slnov , Iva niGisvGWGiv, ozi GV [is antGistiag. 43 44 Kal iavra slnwv qimvy ^eeyaij/ sxQavyaGS' ytdaQ, dsvQo l^oa. Kal ej^~ &sv 6 is&vqxws, dsdsfisvos iovs nodas xal rdg %siQots xsiQtais y xal r\ oiptg ctviov covdaQicp TTSQisdedsio. ^dt'ysi aviolg o IrjGOvs ' ^vcars aviov xai acpsis vndysiv. 45 IJoM.ol ovv sx iG>v 'lovdaimv ol sk&ovres TTQOS ir t v Magiav xal -frsacdpsvoi, 46 a inofyasv [6 '///ffoUs, 1 ], tniGtsvGav sis aviov. Tivfs ds e aviwv dnr^&ov TZQOS iovs ftttQiGaiove xal slnov aviois, SXOITJGSV 6 'Ir t Govg. 93. The counsel of Caiaphas against Jesus. He retires from Jerusalem. Jerusalem. Ephraim. JOHN XL 4754. 47 Zwrflayov ovv ol aq^iSQslg xal ol tyotQiacuot aw&qiov, xal i&syov ' ti noiov- 48 psv ; oil ovrog o avOQwnog nolJka Gypsia noist. 'Eav dyajpsv aviov OVTW, ndvitg TIIGTSVGOVGIV sis avzov xal sfovGOvrai ol 'Papaioi xal O.QOVGIV r^imv xal 49 lov lOTiov xal 10 s&rog. fiig 8s us i avTav, Kaidyas, ^f(>tiv MV lov eviav- 50 lov txsivov, slnsv avioig ' vfisis ovx otdais ovdsv, ' ov8f 8ialoyisG&e, on ovp- ffHUi fan', iva fI 9 - ar&Q[ia<; ds Ix^aJiJiOfjisvovs *!< Kai rfeovaiv dno avarol.wv xa dvGftwv, xal anb fioQoa xal VOTOV, xal dvaxh&r t GOVTai iv vy 30 paaftag; TOV &eov. Kal I8ov, da\v tG^aToi, ol SGOVTUI nQwroij xai EIGI nQw- 701, ol tGOviai %G%azoi. 31 Ev avry ir^ n^Q a nQOgfa&ov rivsg aQiGaioi kfyovTeg avzq> s&l.&s xal 32 noQEvov Ivtev&ev, on 'IfQadqs #). (Tfi dnoxrewai. Kal imev avvoi' noQv- &evT$ einars -rj dl.unexi tavrr^ ' idov, IxpdHa daifiona xal id 33 fffjfieQOV xai avQiov, xal vq TQITTJ tsteiovnai. IHijv 8ei /ufc aQiGaiovg "ktywv ' si e&Gn rty Gaftfldzqt fteQansvEtv ; 45 Ol dti t]Gv%aGaV xal Endafioftsvog idnaTO avrbv xal an&vGE. Kal dnoxQt&slg TTQog avTOvg sins ' tivog vfunv ovog ^ fiovg sig (pQtaQ ffinsGEirat, xal ovx EV&EWS 6 dvaGnaGEi avrov iv ir( rfpsQa-tov Gaflftdrov ; Kai ovx iG%vGav avzanoxQt&7pai 7 avrox nQog lavta. "EteyE de nQog tovg xExhyntvovg naQa^o).r t v, fntftcav ncag 8 Tag nQMTOxhiGiag ifyMfOHO, \fycov nQog avrovg- oiav xl.rjQrjg vno nrog tig ydpovg, fir] xaraxh&qg sig TJJV nQO)TOxhGiav, b pynors ivnporEQog covy xextyfie- 9 vog vn avrov, 'xal D.&uv 6 GS xal avzbv xaMcag fQEi Got' dbg TOVTO) ronov 10 xal TOTE aQ^rj [is* aiGyvvrjg rov EG%atov vonov xark'xEiv. 'A\X orav fiOQEv&slg dvdnsGat Eig TOV %G%aTov tbnov, iva orav Ai^J/ o xcxX^xca^ GE, aoi ' g/tlf , nQogavdfiti&i drcorEQOv ' TOTC tarat aoi do|a tvwmov Teor avvavaxEi- 11 ptvmv aoi. "On nag b vtyiov eavrbv ransivm&rfaErai, xat b ransn'div eavTov 12 vtym&TjGETai. 'Eksye de xal TM xextyxon avrov' oiav noting aQiatov 1} dstnvov, tovs cptiovf aov [iijde rovg ddelyovg aov (irjds TOIV 35. Corapu Pfl. 69, 26 [85]. Jer. 12, 7. 22, 5. b 8. Corap. Prov. 25, 6. 96, 97.] UNTIL OUR LORD'S ARRIVAL AT BETHANY. 103 LUKE XIV. ysitovag nlovaiovg, [ifaoTS xal avtoi as dvtixahsacoai, xal yfappJi aoi avtano- 13 dopa. WxX" otav noiyg doyjv, xdlsi 7itca%ovg, dvani]QOvg, %colovg, tvcplovg, 14 ' xal (laxaQiog say, oti ovx fyovatv dvtaTzodovvai aoi ' dvtaTTodo&rjastai ydg aoi 8v ty dvaaidasi TCOV dixaicov. 15 ^xovaag ds 11$ tcov avvavaxsifie'vcov tavta slnsv avion paxaQiog, og cpdys- 16 tai OLQIOV Iv tfj fiaailsia tov -&EOV. '0 8s slnsv avrcp ' av&QcoTiog rig ITZOIIJGS 17 deTavov fjifya xal exdkeae nolJkovg. Kal dnt'aTede tov dovhov avrov ry WQK lov 18 dsinvov Einslv roig xexh]pwotg' Q%ea{), on i' t Sii STOipd Ian navva. Kal TjQ^avTO dno judg naQawfia&ai ndvvsg. 6 nQttTog zlnev avrw ' dyQov qyoQaaa 19 y.a.1 fya avdyxriv s&l'&eiv xal ideiv aviov ' IQWTG) GE, S%E (48 naQriTijpwov. Kal 8T8Qog 817TS ' ^wy^ fio&v iffOQaaa TTBVTS xal noQEvopai doxtpdaai avid ' I QWZW 20 d, t^g ^ naqqirinwov. Kal 8T8Qog tins ' yvvvuxct. fytffia xal dia TOVTO ov 21 dvvapat ll&siv. Kal naQayevofisvog 6 dovkog bc&VOf dnfyyEike zTOV xa&iaag tytjtyi'^st tqv Sandvr}v, si s%si ta noog 29 dnaQTiafAov ; Iva pj nots ftsvTog avtov Os^'kiov xal py layvovtog Ixtsfa'aai, 30 ndvtsg oi -&scoQOvvTsg aQ^rnvtai spnai^siv avtcp ' "keyovtsg' on ovtog o d 31 nOy r{Q%aTO olxodo^mv xal ovx i'a%vasv sxtsksaai. *H tig fiaadsvg, Gv^ctksiv STtQm fiaadsi sig notefiov, ovyl xa&laag TTQCQTOV ftovkevstat, si dvva- tog sativ sv dsxa %ilidaiv drtavtijaai tty [.ista sixoai %iliddcov ejftOftffvq STT av- 32 tov ; El ds p'ffs, sti avtov TTOQQCO ovtog, TiQsafisiav aTioatsikag sgcota ta 33 SIQ^V. Ovtmg ovv nag e| vpcav, og ovx dnotdaa'stat, ndai toig savtov 34 %ovaiv, ov dvvatai pov slvcu fta&'rjt'qg. Kalbv to a'kag lav 8s to dkag pco- 35 Qav&q, sv tin dgtv-dqastai ; Ovts sig yqv ovts sig xoriQiav sv&stvv sativ fidlkovaiv avto. '0 fywv cot a dxovsiv, axovsto* FROM THE FESTIVAL OF TABERNACLES [PART VI. 98. Parable of the Lost Sheep, etc. Parable of the Prodigal Son. Perea. LUKE XV. 132. 1 Hear 8s fyyifrvTsg avTcp advTeg ol Tilwvai xal ol dftaQTwkol dxovsiv avTov. 2 Kai dieyoyyvZor ol ( DaQiaaioi xal ol yQapfiaTtig htyovTeg' on ovrog 3 ).ovg TTQogdfyszai xal owsaGfot avToig. Eine 8s ngbg avTovg rip 4 Tavzrp fcyw Tig av&Qwnog 1% vpcov f/wv sxaTov nQofiara xal dnol.tGag Iv * avTwv ov xaTaleinei TO. IvvsvrfXOVTasrvt'a Iv t\\ fQ^fico xal TTOQEVSTUI im TO 5 anolakog, tons VQTJ avTO ; Kal EVQOOV t7ZiTi\}r t 6ir fTil rots 1 caiwoiv SCIVTOV %aiQqag 16 exeurtfi' xal 7in\pw avTov fig Tovg dyQovg avTov fioGxsir %oiQOvg. Kal fne- <&v(iei ytfiiGai vrjvlxoiMav avrov dnb TWV xeQaTiav, &v yG&iov ol %otQoi t xal 17 ovSslg kdtdov avrqi. Elg KCLVTQV ds faGmt tlns noaoi pia&ioi TOV naTQog pov 18 TiEQiGGevovGiv aQTow, lyoo 8e hfjcp aaoMiVfUU. 'AvaaTag noQfVGO^ai nQog TOV TiaTtQa fiov xal tpw avi(p ' TrdreQ, fyaQTOV tig TOV ovQavbv xal kvwmov GOV 19 ' OVXSTI eifil diog x\ri&r t vai vlog oov ' tttitijvov pe wg tva TUV jtMCT^iW aor. 20 Kal dvaardg rik&e TtQog TOV nattQU lavTov. sri 8s avTov fiaxQav dnfyovTog, d8ev avrbv b naiijQ avTov, xal ianlay'/vlG&ri xal &QO(t bjtBfttUff fni TOV 21 Tqdpi^ov avTov xal xaTeqjl^GSV avTov. Etne 8s avTM b vlog- ftdrtQ, i^iaQTOv 22 eie fov oi>Qavbv xal ivwmov GOV xal OVXS'TI fifil dztog i&tj&ijvai vlog GOV. Efas 8e b naTrjQ TtQog Tovg 8ovkovg avTov- QevfyxaTE Tr t v GTo)j t r T\V aqifap xal lv8vGaT8 avTov, xal 8oTe SaxTvhov etg TIJV %EtQa avTov xal vnoSijictTa eiV Tovg 23 ?i68ag, ' xal ivfyxavTeg TOV [IOG%OV TOV GITSVTOV fltGaTS, xal (fdkffclte fvcfoar- 24 #a>fcey* on ovTog b vlog fiov vexQog %v xal dvt'^rjGe, xal ^oP.oa/.wff ip xal 25 evQt&tJ- xal ijQ^avTo evyQaivsG&at. J Hv 8s b vlbg UVTOV b TTQfGpvTtQog iv ayQw 26 xal (bg tQ%6pevog qyyiGG TIJ oixia, yxovae Gvpqxaviag xal %OQWV. Kal TiQogxa).*- 27 Gdpevog iva TWV naititov Irtvv&dveTO, TI etq Tavra. '0 8s tlntv avrtjj OTI b d8elq,6e GOV Jx, xat e&vGtv b naifa GOV TOV poo^o* TOV GIIEVTOV, on vyiai- 28 vovTa avTov an&afav'. 'QQyia&ti 8i xal ovx i t ih).tv tigd&tiv. b ovv naTr ( Q av- 29 TOV Qd&wv aaQSxd).et avTov. '0 8s anoxQi&tlg tine TQ> naiQi' i8ov, TOGavza. 98,99,100.] UNTIL OUR LORD'S ARRIVAL AT BETHANY. 105 LUKE XV. sTTj dov^Evm GOI xal ovdsnois IrtoJiyv GOV naQijk&ov, xal Ipol ovdsnois sdayxag 30 sQicpov, iva fisia imv cp&cov pov svcpQav&G) ois ds 6 vlog GOV oviog t b xaia- qaywv aov ibv fiiov fiEia noQvwv, faftsv, s&vGag avify ibv [IOG%OV ibv GIIEVIOV. 31 ds EITZEV avity' iwvov, GV ndviois fisi Ipov si, xal ndvia ia ipa GO. IGIIV 32 ' EvcpQav&Jjvai ds V.GLI xagyvai sdsi, ovi 6 adslcpos GOV ovrog VSXQOS qv xcu avt- xoi 99. Parable of the Unjust Steward. Perea. LUKE XVI. 113. ds xal TTQOS rovs '[Aa&qras aviov' av&Qwnog rig l\v nhovGiog, og xt ovrog dief&tj&q avrcp a>g diaGKogm^ow ra vnaQ^ovra avrov. 2 Kal (fmv^Gag aviov dnw avrop it rovio axovco neQl GOV ; anodog tov hoyov 3 itjg olxovofjiiag GOV' ov yctQ dvvqGy en oixovofiew. Elns ds iv savrcp 6 olxovo- [iog ' ti noiriGm, on 6 xvQiog fiov atpaiQSirai ity omovofJLiav an epov ; 4 ov% iG%vG3, InaiTEiv aiGyyvofjiai. "Eyvmv ii aoirjGw, iva oiav 5 oixovoplag, dQwzai fie eig lovg oi'xovg aviwv. Kal ngogxateGdiJievog eva waGiov iwv XQSOJcpEikeTwv rov XVQIOV savrov sfays iq> rtQcoicp ' noaov otysilsig 6 iop xvQicp (J.ov ; '0 ds slnev sxarbv fidiovg ihaiov. xal sJaev avrcp' ds%ai GOV 7 10 yQanna xal xa&iGag ia%s(og yQatyov nwirixovia. "Ensna SISQCQ SITTR GV ds TIOGOV ocpe&eig ; o ds siner sxairbv xogovg GIIOV. xal kfyei aviop * ds%ai GOV zo 8 ygdnna xal yQwtyov bydorixovia. Kal mfivEGsv 6 xvQiog ibv oixovofiov iijg ddi- xiag, on cpgoripoog lnoit]G8v on ol viol lov aiwvog loviov 9 iovg vlovg lov qpooTO? eig it]v feveav i\v saviwv eiGt. Kdyw vfiiv Asyoa noi- iJGaie savTQig cptiovg e'x lov [Aapwva iijg adwiag, iva, oiav Ixhinqie, dQcoviai 10 i'fiag eig lag aicoviovg Gxqvdg. '0 niGibg EV &.a%iGi($ xal lv noM.($ niGiog EGII, 11 xal b lv i"ka%iGi(*) adwog %al lv no'k'k^ adwog IGIIV. El ovv lv im 5/ 12 va niGiol ovx lysvEG&E, ib dhy&ivbv iig v\ilv TTIGIEVGEI ; Kal si lv 13 niGiol ovx lys'vsG&e, ib V^SIEQOV iig v^lv dcaGei ; Ovdslg oixsiqg dvvaiai dvol xvQiotg dovhsveiv rj yag ibv Eva [MG^GSI xal ibv EISQOV dyanriGEi, q svbg %8iai xal lov SIEQOV xaiayQovtjGEi. ov dvvaG&s #() dovhsvsiv xal fiaficova. 100. The Pharisees reproved. Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus. Perea. LUKE XVI. 1431. 14 "Hxovov ds lavia ndvia xal ol l- 23 nov ^A^Qadfji. ant&ars ds xat 6 7ihovGios t xat Iraqii]. Kal lv i($ ady TOVS 6(p&aA.povs avrov, vna.Q%a)v Iv paadvoig, oQn rbv 'j4pQaa[i dnb 24 xat Aa^agov Iv roig xoknoig avrov. Kal avrbg ywvrjaag elne ndreQ iksriGov lie xai nspipov Jld^aQOv, iva pdtyri to dxQor rov daxrvkov avrov vdatog 25 xf xaraipv^ IT\V fawaadv juov, on bdw^iiai Iv ry g?Aoyt raviy. EITZS ds } j4@Qad[A ' rexvoVj [ivrjG&yzi, oil a.n&afieg GV 10. aya&d GOV Iv vy ^coy GOV, xa) 2 6 Ad^aqog opoiag ra xaxd vvv ds ode TiaQaxafoitaij GV 8s odvvaGai. Kal Inl rovTOig fiera^v r^Jimv xat vpav %aGpa fitya EGTrjQixrai, onajg ol i"&v ttQog vpag pr] dvvwvrai, p^ds ol ixeiOev TTQog i^ 27 Bine ds' IQWTCO ovv Ge, ndtQ, Iva 7i^\pr^g avrbv slg ibv olxov rov narQog pov 28 I ^oo yaq 7T8vre dd&yovg bn&g diapaQrvQTjrai avroig, iva py xal avrol &-&COGIV 29 elg rbv ronov rovrov rijg fiaGavov. Atyu avrqj ^^Qadp,- fyovci M&'vGsa xal 30 rovg TtQOCpqrag axovGaracav avrutv. '0 ds tfner ov%(, ndreQ 3 ^4($()ad[i, dkX 31 Idv rig dnb VEXQWV aoQevdy nQog avrovg, peravotjGOVGiv. Eins ds avrcp' el Mavaewg xal \rrnv nQoyrjrcov ovx dxovovGiv, tovds lav rig] ex vexgwv d 101. Jesus inculcates forbearance, faith, humility. Perea. LUKE XVII. 1-10. ds nog rovg pa&iirdg ' dvevdexrov Ion rov jtc^ &&eTv ra cxavdala 2 oval de, di' ov Q%erai. AvGire'kel avrcp, el f^v^og onxbg MQixeirai neol rbv rgd^jiov avrov xal -SQQinrai el$ rqv ftdlaGGav, ?} Iva Gxavda^iGrj tva rwv 3 [uxQoiv rovrwv. nQogfyere savroig. edv ds dfiaQry elg GS 6 ddekcpog dor, 4 ImriwGov avrcp, xal edv peravorjGri, ayeg avrq>. Kal edv enrdxig rijg r^f dfiaQrri elg GS xal enrdxig rijg fjpfQag emGrQttyri nQog ce leywv peravow a 5 6 ceig avrcp* Kal elnov ol d.noGro'koi rep XVQIW * nQog&eg rjiuv niGrtv. Elns de o xvQiog el e'v/ere, niGriv wg xoxxov Givdneag, elt'ye re dv rij ovxanivq 7 ravrq ixQ^^ri xal yvrev&tjn ev rift ftalaGGri, xal vnqxovGev dv vfuv. Tig de | vpav dovJiOv e%ow dgorQiwvra TJ noipaivovra, og eigehftovrt ex rov dyQOv 8 eyei' 'ev&emg naQeh&av dvdneGai ; ' dM ovyl IQEI avrcp ' erotpaGov, ri del- TtvTjGO), xal neQi^wGdpevog [diaxovfi jior, ewg ydya xal aim, xal perd ravra 9 qdyeGai xal nieGat GV ; My %aQiv e%et, TQ> dovl(p exei'vqi, on InotijGS rd dta- 10 ra%&evra ; ov 5oxw. Ovrm xal vpeTg, orav nonjGtjre ndvra rd diara%&tvra i>[uv, Ifyere' on dovloi d%Qeioi eGftev on, o wyetiopev noirjaai y 4. Comp. Lev. 19, 17. 18. 101, 102, 103.] UNTIL OUR LORD'S ARRIVAL AT BETHANY. 107 102. Christ's coming will be sudden. Perea. LUKE XVII. 2037. 20 'EneQwzij&elg de vnb zcov $aQUJcii(oir, noze sQ%erai % paGikeia TOV &eov, dne%Qi&ri avzoig xal elnev ' ovx, eQ%ezai q fiaGiheia TOV &eov 21 asms, ' qvde sgovaiv idov, code, %, idov, exei' idov yaQ, r\ fiaGikeia TOV &eov 22 IvTog vpwv IGTIV. Bins de yiQog Tovg fia&rjzdg' IkevGOVTai rjpeQai, ore sm&vfAtjGeze fuav TCOV ypeQcov TOV vlov TOV dv&QcoftOV idelv, xai ovx 23 24 Kal IQOVVIV vpiv * idovjwds, %, Id&Vfixet' fir] an&ti'Tjve, pijds dica^rjrs. yctQ ri aGTQanri r\ avrQcinTovaa x iijs va ovgavov eig tip vri OVQO.VOV 25 ovxwg sffzcu [xct<] 6 vibg TOV av&Qconov iv iy tj^Qa aviov. HQWTQV ds 26 avxov rrpvUla aa&ew xat anodoxiftaa&ljvai a.no z^tf yeveas ravrrjs. Kal lysvEzo sv rctig fysQaig IVae, ovzcog saiai xai Iv tcug r^ilQaig tov vlov TOV av~ 27 -&Q(O7iov. "HG&IOV, smvov, tydnovv, i^syani^ovTO, ci^Qi t]S jftMsjoaff efarjl.-d'e NCOS sis 28 Ttjv xificoTov, xat fa&sv o xaTaxl.vG[A,b$ xcu aTtcofaaev anavTag.* 'Opoicog Kal cjg tytvETO Iv TOU$ q[4,eQaig Awx ' qv&iov, snivov, iffOQa^ov, inwhovv, lyvTevov, 29 (XMoSoiiovv ' y de ^BQO, J^X^e .X/COT ano 2od6[tc*v, e@QE%e nvQ xal fteiov an 30 ovQavov xai aTiuteaev anavTag'^ Kara TavTa swat $ %[*()<* o vibs tov dv- 31 &QWJIOV anoxakvTiTezai. 'Ev Ixeivy Tq ri^Qa o$ satai snl TOV dcopaTog xal ta oxevr] avTOv Iv Ty olxia, firj xaTafiaTO) CLQUI avid' xal o Iv TCp dyQty OfMUOf**j 32 33 STZiffTQEipdio) sig TO, oniao). MV^OVEVBTB Tijg yvvaixbg z/oaz. c *0g lav ^ijT^ar] trp> tyvfflv avTOv a&aai, dnoltasi avt^v ' xal os iav d 34 tooyovr]G8i avTrjv. Alym vplv ' TavTri Ty vvxtl eaovTai dvo Im xlivqg 35 slg TiaQakqy&r'jo'ezaij xal o siEQog dcpE&tjaeTai. 4vo sGorrai d^&ovGai Inl TO 36 avT 6 ' rj pia 7iaQalt](p&i^GSTai, xal rj szsQa dys&rjGSTai. [/4vo wovTai sv v z(p 37 ayQty ' elg aaQahqty&irJGSTai, xal 6 KteQog dV In avzoig ; Alya vpiv, ozi aoirjGei t^v exdixrjGiv avzcov iv zd^ei. b vlbg TOV dv&QcoTiov ik&wv aga evQi\Gei T^V JTIGTIV inl Ttjg yrjg ; 27. Gen. 7, 4. 7. b 29. Gen. 19, 15 sq. c 32. Gen. 19, 26. FROM THE FESTIVAL OF TABERNACLES [PART VI. LUKE XVIII. 9 Elite, ds xal no/g vivas lovg mnoi&biag iy eavioig, oil elal dixaioi, xal 10 l%ov&Evovviag lovg "koinovg iqv naQafiotfv laviqv ' av&Qwnoi dvo dvKpTjGav 1 1 sis to IEQOV 7iQO$v%aG&ai ' o fig aQiaaiog xal 6 iQog i&avqg. '0 a- QiaaTog oia&el$ nQog savibv lavia 7iQogt]v%io ' o & og, Ev^aQtaim aoi, oil ovx ifu agnzQ ol lomo\ iwv dv&Qojnav, aQnayeg, ddixoi, poi^ol, t} xal cog 12 oviog 6 tslowtp. Nqaisvo) dig lov aa^drov t dnodexaia ndvia ova xTco^uat. 13 Kal 6 c&UoVf/f paxQO&Ev ecriag ovx %&efav ovds lovg ocp&atyovg sig ibv oi'Qavbv IfiaQai, dlX eivnisv elg 10. ciij&og aviov Itymv ' b &eog, Hida&rjii 14 juot rep dpaQialcp. Afyv* v^uv t xaiefir] oviog dedixaimpk'vog ig ibv olxov av- lov nag exivov ' oil nag 6 vipwv eavibv ia7Tivco&^ffiai f b ds ICITZEIVWV eav- ibv 104. Precepts respecting Divorce. Perea. MATTH. XIX. 312. 3 Kal OQp&jl&o* aviaj ol (fragicaioi 7iiQaovig aviov xal ).fyovrg aviqj ' si %auv dv&Qwncp dno\vGai ir t v MARK X. 212. Kal nQogeldoviEg Qagiaaioi l Qaiqaav aviov, a E>IV dvdgl yv- vaixa dnokvaai, ntQdovig aviov. fvvaixa aviov xaid ndaav aliiav ; 3 C ds dnoxQi&iig slntv avioig ' ii IvEiE&aio MavGijg ; Oi ds dnoaiaaiov y^>at/;at, xal 5 dnohvGai. c Kal dnoxQi&flg b 'It]~ 4 '0 de d7ioxQi&ig elnzv avioig' ovx, covg inv avioTg''nQog iqv GXJUJQO- dv f yvG)i, OIL b Tioirjaag an aQ%ijg dg- xagdiav vpwv ZyQaipEv v^iiv iqv Iv- 5 GBV xai &1J1.V 7zoir]av aviovg ; a Kai 6 io^v lavir^v- dno ds a inV i'vExzv loviov xaiafafyfi dv- UQGEV xal &tj1(.v iq yvvaix aviov ' xal EGoviai ol dvo ig aaQxa fiiav. b 6 &gie OVXEII IGI dvo, d'k'ka 0ctQ% pia. o ovv b fttog avvkfyv&v, dv&Q&nog pi] 7 %wQilia). AlyovGiv avity ' ii ovv aviovg loviov xaiafatyft dv&Q(D7Tog ibv naitQa aviov xal ir t v [tqifoa, xal 7iQogxoM.T]&qGiai agog 8 rqv yvvaixa aviov ' xal GOviai ol dvo ig G.aQxa piav. b , v dv&Qconcov xcu siGiv vvov%oi, oi7ivsg Evvov%ivav sav7ovg dia tr[v iav 7(av ovQavcov. 6 dvvdpsvog %GJQEIV 105. Jesus receives and blesses little Children. Perea. MATTH. XIX. 13-15. MARK X. 13-16. LUKE XVIII.' 1517. 13 TOTS Tzgosqvk'x&q av- 13 Kal TtQogt'cpEQOv av' 15 TlQog^eQOv ds av- rctj ncudia, Iva rag %ei- rq> naiSia, iva ayjjrcu tcp xal to, pQeyr}, iva Qctg ifu&rj avroig xal avvwv' ol ds fia&rjral avtwv unir[iv.i' idov- ol ds pa- In^ri^icov totg nQogys- teg ds oi [Aa&rjTcu In- av- 14 QOVGIV. 'Idmv ds 6 ^lr\- 16 STiprjaav avioig. '0 ds 14 loig. '0 ds 'IrjGOvg oovg r^avaxT^GS xal el- 'Iqaovg 7TQogxaleGd[iF.- tlmv ' aysTS ra nai- fasv avroig ' ayeTS ra vog avta sinev acpeze to. dia, xal fit] xmlvevs av- naidia eQ%G&ai TiQog jraidia $()%EG&ai TtQog, ia &&EIV TTQogfts' rcov jit, xal ^ xcoAvfTe av- fiscal fit] ^co^vEie avid' yag loiovrcnv sarw 77 id ' IKV yaQ loiovimv 'vwv yaQ toiovicov IGVIV ftaodiKX lav ovQavKtif. larlv r\ fiaGtfaia TOV j\ fiaaifaia tov ftsov. 15 Kai sm&stg avToig rag 15 &eov. 'Apty "ksym vpTv, 17 *Aivr\v \lyco v(iiv, og lav %si()ag snoQSv&q IxeT- og lav [it] dkfytai irjv fir] denial i\v ftaaifai- &&>. fiaadeiav rov &EOV cog av TOV -&EOV wg natdiov, naidiov, ov ft^ Etgs^&ri ov pri sig&&ri sig avtrjv. 16 Eig aviqv. Kal ivay- avrd, rt&sig rag %iQag in avid, ^vZoyet avzd. 106. The rich Young Man. Parable of the Labourers in the Vineyard. Perea. MATTH. XIX. 16 30. ,, v , 01 T ^_ TTTTT ' _ vv , MARK X. 1731. LUKE XVIII. 1830. XA. 1 16. 16 Kal idoV) Eig nQogzk- 17 Kal IxTTOQevofievov 18 Kal ITUJQCOTTJGS iig wv E^TTEV a.vTca - didd- avTOv Eig odov, TiQog- avrbv aQ%(v kfyav ' dya&e, 71 dya- dQafiwv Eig Kal yovvns- didaGxahs dya&s, 71 , wa s%03 eo- 7T]Gag av7ov ETZijQwia TioirJGag ^wtjv aiwviov 17 fa aicoviov ; '0 ds EITISV av7ov diddaxahs ay a- 19 x^QOvofi^GK) ; EMS ds av7(p ' 71 [AS heysig aya- &E'J ri notrjGa, Iva ' 19 a fit] Eig 6 tfsog. Tag 20 Tag iv7ohag oJ- 110 FROM THE FESTIVAL OF TABERNACLES [PART VI. MATTH. XIX. MARK X. LUKE XVIIL noiag ; 6 de 'IrjGovg el- evTol.dg oidag a fiij dag ' a TIB' TO' & ov cpovevGeig- fuotjpwnp" pt] cporev- tpovevayg' fj,rj ov fioi^evGeig' ov xke'- 077?" \peig ov ipevdopaQTv- tyevSouaQTVQyGrig ' ^ Ttpa TOV naTSQa aov 19 Q^Geig- f Ttfia TOV net- aTToaTSQTJarig ' Tifia TOV xal TTJV nqrtQa aov. rsQa xal TIJV [MjTSQa. naxtQct aov xal rijv \ut\- xai- ayanriGSig tor nkr^- 20 TBQCX.. '0 de anoxQi&iig Gtov GOV to? aeavTov. EJTZEV avTeo' didaGxal.e, 21 '0 ds s7ns'' 20 Atysi 'avtqj o veavi- ravra ndvra lla|a- ' ndvTa tavra lyv- firjv x veorr^rog pov. pr^v x veortjTog pov. x veotijTog 2 TO ds 'IqGOvg Ififilsipag 22 'Axovaag ds ravra 6 fiov 11 en VGteQw ; avTqj JfldaqGev CLVTOV 'Iijaovg elnev avrq) ' en 21 "Eyrj - avToj 6 'Iqaovg' xai elnev auto)' tv GOI w aoi fainer ndviajoaa. el ftekeig i&eiog sivat, . vGTeQei' vnaye, OGCC e- fyeig, Trco^aor, xal did- vTraye, TKO^GOV GOV ra %eig TKO^GOV x< Sbg dog nTM%oig, xf t%ms v7idQ%ovraxaldbg7TT(o- rolg arco^ots' xat Jff frtiaavQOvlvoiQavqf xal %oig, xal e^eig &qGavQov &ijGavQOv ev OVQO.VU)' devQO, Kxokov&ei poi. ev ovQttvcp ' xa.i 8evQO, xcu devQO, dxohov&ei 23 '0 ds dxovGctg 22 axolov&ei pot. 3 4xov- poi, agag TOV GzavQOv. neQilvnog eyevero' Gag de 6 veanGxog TOV 22 '0 ds GtvyvaGag stri TQ) ya^ nhovGtog \6yov dnfa&e Ivnov- ^.o'yco pevog ' l]v yaQ e%wv XZTJ- vog 23 para noM.d. '0 ds 23 para nok\oL. Kal n- 24 'Idwv de avvbv o ' 'IqGOvg eiTie toig pa&J]- Qifikeipdpevog 6 'IqGovg neqi\vnov yevopevov el- icdg avTOv ' dpyv lly& "klyei toig na&rjraig av- Tie nwg dvgxolag ot v[uv,oTt dvgxokotg nkov- TOV' nwg dvg-xokwg ot ra xQTjftara fyovieg Giog elge^evGezai eig TIJV ra xQrjfiara fyovreg elg eigekevGovrai eig T//V fiaGtheiav twv ovgav&v. ryv ft&qfafa* TOV &eov ftaufautf TOV &eov. 24 eigekevGOVTai. 01 de paftijftu e&a[i[}ovvTO em Toig "koyoig avTov. o de 'JrjGovg ndhv dnoxQi&elg /.tyet avTOig' Texva, najg dvgxokov tGTi, Tovg aenoi&oTag em Toig ^Qjj^taGtv 24 Ildhv de ta'yoj vfuv, elg TTJV paodeiav TOV evxoTt&reQov IGTI, xd- 25 &eov eigek&eiv. Evxo- 25 EvxonojreQov ydg BGTI, prjlov dia TQvnrjpaTog awTeQov IGTI, xdpfoov xdpqlov tita TQvpahag Qacfidog diek&eiv, tj dia Ttjg TQvpahag tl^g Qacptdog eigeh&ew, rj nlovGtov eig ti\v fiaGi- (tacpidog diek&eiv, TJ nkovGtov eig Tyv fiaGi- "kdav TOV &eov eigel- nl.ovGiov eig ity $OLGI- faiav TOV &eov eige).- 25 &eiv. '4xovGavTeg de ).eiav TOV &eov eigel- 26 &t TV. Elnov de 01 axov- 01 [Aa&TjTal fl^en^G- 26 &eiv . 01 de neQiGGws GavTeg ' xal Tig dvva- GOVTOGTeg' e^en^GGOVTO, leyovTeg 27 TUI ato&qvcu ; '0 de e]- * 18 etc. Ex. 20, 12 sq. Lev. 19, 18. .106.] UNTIL OUR LORD'S ARRIVAL AT BETHANY. Ill MATTH XIX. MARK X. LUKE XVIII. tig a.Qa dvvarai (icotfij- nQog savrovg' xal tig n&' ia ddvvaia naga 26 vai ; 'Ef^^sipag ds 6 27 dvvarai Gcofiijvai; 'Ep- dv&QConoig dvvaid IGII 'ItjGovg M7iv avioig ' fikaipag ds avioig 6 3 Iq- naga icjj naqa dv&Qcoaoig tovio Govg ia'y**' naqa dv- ddvvaTOV IGTI ' naQa ftQcoTTotg ddvvarov, al.% ov naqa iqt 8s -frscp ndvra dvvara. {tsar ndvia yaQ dvvaid ton naqa 27 TOTS anoxQi&iig o 28 "H^aio 6 II^Qog 28 EITTE ds 6 FltTQog TIKTQO$ slnev avrq' I- "kfynv avvcp idov, r^ieig idov, r^fiel dov, fat-is acpt^a^ev acpfaapev ndvra xa< mivrct, xal advta, %cu yxohov&tf- , 29 rixolov&qGafjiev GOL *A- 29 GCH^KV GOI. '0 ds Gap.w GOI ' ti OLQCL sGTai TtoxQi&itg ds 6 'ITJGOVS avTolg ' affjp> ^fyco vplv, 28 r^iiv ; 'Ods'IqGovg ei- tlnev apyv Atyco Vfuv, OT tovdeig IGTW, o$ acpq- nsv avvoig ' apijv hsya) ovdetg KGTIV, og acpijxsv XEV oixtav TJ yovslg ?} bri vftsig oi axo- oixiav i] ddekfpovs r\ a- adskqiovg ^ yvvaixcx, // g pot iv iq dehyag fj narsQa q [MJTS- rwra tvexsv i^g fiaGi- a, ovav xa- QK % yvvaXxoi rj zexvcc q 30 keiag lov ^ov, ' og ov o vibg iov av&Qco- ayQovg tvExev spov xcu py anohdfiri nol.\v(.n1vL- nov sal- &QOVOV dofyg 30 rov svayyshiov, ' lav (tt] ctova iv tcp xatQaj tov- avTov, %a&iGG&s xat Aft? sxazovTanlaGtova tcp xal Iv im aimvt rq> vpeig inl Scodexa &QO- vvv iv 1$ xaigtp TOVTC*) lQ%opev(p (oqv aiwnov. vovg, KQivovTsg tag dco- oixiag xott ddekcpovg xal dexa yvkag IQV 'iGQarjL adekcpag xal p^TSQag xal tsxva xal aygovg 29 Kal nag ogng acpijxev /MT di&yfiav, ttfu Iv ity almn rop lg%opiivq) oixiag i? ddskcpovg ^ 31 ^oj^ aiaviov. Tlokkoi ds sGOvvai adskcpag r} 9ia*(m tj sG%aTOt, xal sG^azoi rtQWTOi. ttijvfa* rj yvvaixa rsx- va TI ayQovg i-'vsxsv IQV ovo^arog ftov, sxatovTankaGiova kfystai xal 30 viov xkqQoroprjGsi. Ho^ol ds eaovvat nQWTOi sG^aioi, xal sG^aroi XX. 1 f Ofjioia yaQ lanv r\ flcto&Wt TWV ovQavwv av&Qtoa^ oixodsGaorri, ogtig 2 l^q'h-d'ev wftoi ffiQot'l' [AiG&wGaG&ai f^ydzag eig lov annskcnva aviov. 2v[Acp(n- vfaag ds iJLBia iwv sQyaiwv sx drjvaQiov xr\v jjpsQav, ansGisdsv avrovg eig rbv 3 afMi&ldva avrov. Kal l^El&mv no\ tqfaiyt wQav sidsv a'k'kovg sGTW7ag Iv ty 4 ayoQu agyovg' ' xdxetvoig sirtsv * vnaysTS xal vpeig sig rbv apTtehwva, xal o sav 5 y dixaiov, 8&7ovg moi^ag, 70ig fiaGzaGUGi 70 fidgog irjg rjf 13 xal 7ov xavGODva. '0 ds dnoxQi&flg einsv svl O.VTOJV' sraTQE, oi>x ddtxw GE' 14 ovyc dyvaQiov ovveqiuvrjadg poi ; ^QOV to obv xal vnays. &f1m ds rovico 1$ 15 fa/7co dovvai caff xal dot'. *H ovx $90x1 fim noiyGai o &&( lv tolg tpoig ; i] 16 6 6(p&ak[i6g GOV novqQog EGTW, on f'^to aya&og sifii; Ovzcag faovratol ea%arot xal ol ngcozoi sG^aroi. noMol ydq SIGI xtyToi, okiyoi ds Ixhexroi. 107. Jesus a third time foretells his Death and Resurrection. [See 74, 77.] Perea. MATTH. XX. 17-19. ' MARK X. 3234. LUKE XVIII. 3134. 17 Kal avafiaivcov b 32 7 Haav ds ev ij\ bdw 31 slg ' IsQOGolvpa avafiaivovTeg ig 'leQO- dexa sins jtQog \iovg dmdsxa vokvpa, xal r\v TiQodymv xa? idiav sv avrovg b 'Iqaovg, xal l&a^om'TO xal dxo- 1% bdo) xal dnsv avroig ' kov&ovvreg Ifpofiovvro. xal TtaQahafioav na.\iv jovg dtidexa r^avo avroig Mysiv .va fieli- 18 idov, dvafiaivopEv elg 33 on idov dva^aivofisv eig idov, dvaftaivopev si$ xal b vibg c IsQOGo^v^a y xal b vlbg ' IsQOGohvfia, xal re).s- dv&Qanov nagado- tov dv&Qwiiov naqa- GftqaEtai ndvia ra ye- roig dQ%ieQEvai doftrjasTaiioigaQXiEQev- ^Qafif^s'va dice, TMV nqo- xal yQapparevGi' xal GixalroigyQafiparevGi' gp^rcoy T(J vicp TOV av- xaTaxQivovo'iv avtbv xal xaraxgivovGiv av- 32 &Qt>m9v. IlaQado&tj- 19 &a)>d.7cp t ' xat naQadw- rbv ftavaTcp, xal naqa- cerai ya^ roig s&vwt, GOVGIV avrbv rolg s&ve- duGovGiv avrbv roig xal f[inai%&qGav7g dnox7Evov- dvaG7^GS7ai. n7VGOVGiv av7cp, xal a7tox7Evovaiv avrov xal 7% 7% 7Q17TQ f](*Qa avaG7T]ae7ai. 34 Kai avroi oi>dfV70V7(ov cvvijxav, xal r t v 70 70V70 xexQVfifAwov an awmv, Kal ovx fytvmaxov 7a 108. James and John prefer their ambitious request. Perea. MATTH. XX. 2028. MARK X. 3545. 20 To7B nOTl,&Ev avTcp f] nfotjQ 35 Kal nQognoQvov7ai av7o) 7- 7 b de 'IijGOvg einev avioig' ib [Aev noi^- QIOV, o eym nlixo, nieG&e, xal TO 40 anG&rjGeG&e- ib de xa&iGai ex de- |tooy [AOV xal J evcovvfAcov ovx toftt I[AOV dovvai, ak% olg ^ 41 Kai dxovGavieg ol vaxieiv rtegi 'laxwfiov xat Iwavvov. 42 '0 de 'ItjGovg nQogxaheodfAevog avrovg he'yei avioTg* oi'daie, on ol doxovvieg aQ%eiv icav e&vtiv xaiaxvgievovGiv av- imv, xal ol [Aeydhoi aviuv xaie%ovGid~ 43 OVGIV avi&v* Ov% OVTOD de eGiai Iv v[Aiv ' aAA,' o lav ftehq yeveG&at [Aeyag 44 Iv vfAiVj eaiai VIACOV didxovog ' xal og av ftekri V[A(OV ysvtG&ai TtQcoiog, eGiai 45 ndvKav dovhog' xai yaQ b vlog lov dv&Q(onov ovx ?jA#e diaxovtj&ijvai, aMa diaxoviJGai xal dovvai iqv ipv^v aviov kviQOv dvil MATTH. XX. 2934. 29 Kal exnoQevofAevmv aviav oc.no 'IeQi%co, 109. The healing of two blind men near Jericho. MARK X. 4652. LUKE XVIII. 35-43. XIX, 1. 46 Kal e f Q%ovTai eig '/- 35 'Eyeveio de iv tcp avtcp o 30 hog no\vg. Kal ldov t dvo ivyhol xa&rjfAevoi naQa ir\v bdov, dxov- cavieg on 'IijGovg na- heyov- xa xnoQevofAe- lyyi&iv aviov eig '/- Qi%w, ivyhog ng exd- xal i&v [Aa&qiwv av- &qio naga ir\v odbv lov xal o%kov Ixavov, b 36 nQogauwv. 'dxovGag vlbg Tipaiov, BaQii- de o%hov dianoQevo[Ae- [Aaiog b ivcphog, Ixd&ij- vov envv&dvero, 11 eiri 10 naga iqv odbv ngog- 37 iovio. 'Anriyyeikav de 47 aiiav- Kal dxovGag, avicp, on 'IijGOvs o on 'ItjGovg b Nam- Na&Qalog Qai6gevnv,ri()%aioxQd- 38 Kal IfiorjGe hlytov ' 15 114 FROM THE FESTIVAL OF TABERNACLES [PART VI. MATTH. XX. MARK X. LUKE XVIII. isg' &srjGov ri(Jiag, xv- ^siv xal l.sysiv b vlbg dot', vis 4 avid, 31 QIS, vibg dav'id. '0 ds /lav'id, 'Irjaov, ULS'IJGOV 39 pe. Kal ol ofiog imTiftijUUr av- 48 ju. Kal snfn'pwv aviq snsilftODV avi(p, . iva vote, Iva GieonqGMGiv. nolkoi, iva Gicon^arj' o tttmtfai* avibg de ol ds fJH^ov sxQa^ov ).s- 8s noHw [tdkkov sxQa- nol.'hq) fid^.ov sxga^sv * yorT$ ' &ir t Gov fjfia?, %sv ' vis dav'td, stiqaov vis david 32 XVQIS, vlbs Jav'id. Kal 49 pe. Kal crag 6 *lv\- 40 2va&t}g ds o ' crag b 'Iqaovg IcpwvTj- aovg, finer avibv qpco- SX&SVGSV amor asv aviovg, rq&qvai. xai ycovovGi vai TTQog avzov ' tov tv(pl6r, Myovreg 50 ai>7(p ' -&dQGt, fystgai ' gjcoj'ii GS. ' ds TO ifidiiov aviov dvaGTag Qog lov 'IqGovv. xat sins'' 51 Kal dnoxQi&ng h'ysi ti fts'leie noirjGco vpiv ; avzqt 6 'JqGOvg ' ii &s'- ds aviov 33 AtyovGiv vro5 xvQie, 7.eig noiqGoa GOI ; b ds 41 aviov ' Jitytnv TI GOI iva avot%&K)Giv fjftwv ol ivqilbg tfnsv aviq ftting noirjaoj ; b ds 34 dcp&alnoi. 2n1.ayyvi- Qa^ovvi,ivadva^ipa). fins' XVQIS, iva dva- G&Mgdsb'IrjGoi'grjyaTO 52 '0 ds 'IrjGovg ffafvaviw' 42 {ttfipw. Kalb'ItjGovg iwv bcf&alpav aviwv vnays, TJ niGiig GOV GS- t7nfv'ai>Tcp' dvdfil.sipov ' xal ev&img dvf'j&eifjav caxK GS' Kal sv&scag r t niGiig GOV GeGGJxe GE- avT(nvol6(p&al[A.oi'xal dv^l^s^air^olov\>ei 43 Kal TiaQafQr^a dr- avicp. iqj 'IrjGov sv 113 bdcp. ff&qips, xal y.u.i nag b laog idwv tdaxsv aJrov TCJJ XIX. 1 Kal eigsl.&av dir^sio ir t v 110. The visit to Zaccheus. Parable of the ten Minae. Jericho. LUKE XIX. 228. 2 Kal idov, dvijQ bvopaii xakovpevog Zax%aiog' xat ai'ibg l\v a 3 xat oviog r\v nl.ovGiog. Kal styiei tdslv TOV 'IijGovv, Tig SGTI, xf ovx r t dvvaTO 4 dnb TOV o%).ov, on lift ftixia [uxQog r t v. Kal nQodQapwv spnQOG&sv dvffiij 5 im GvxopOQtav, iva idy aviov, on Ixsivqg Tj[ifM.s ditQ^fG'&ai. Kal cog faftev Inl iov Tonov, dvafiktyag b 'IijGOvg eldsv aviov xal fJne ngbg aviov ' Zax%ate, 6 GnevGag xaidfiq&i' GJJfiSQov yaQ Iv 1$ oi'xq) GOV dsi ps psirai. Kal onsvGag 7 xaifftr] xal vnede'^aio aviov %aiQwv. Kal idoviff anavisg dtsyoyyv^ov Ifyov- 8 ieg ' on naga dfAUQKa^ dvdgl eigfa&e xaiakvoai. 2ia&iig ds Zax%aiog nQog iov XVQIOV idov, ia rjpiGT] KUV vnaQ%6vitov pov, XVQIS, didtopi roig 9 yioig' xat ** iwog n lGvxoq>dvitjGa, dnodidoifii leiQanlovv. Elnt ds ngbg aviov ( 'JijGOvg on G^SQOV GwiTjQia 1$ oixy iovi(p lyivsio, xa&on xal avibg 10 vibg '4flQadp lanv r]X^ JOQ b vlbs iov dv&Qwnov fyiyGai xal GWGai ib anoltolog. 110,111.] UNTIL OUR LORD'S ARRIVAL AT BETHANY. 115 LUKE XIX. 11 Wxotwyrro? ds avTav TavTa TZQog&slg sine naQafiolrjv dia to lyyvg avTov sJvai 'IsQovGa^f.1 Kal doKSiv avTovg, on attQa^QijfUt ptMsi y fiaGilsia TOV &sov 12 dvayaivsG&ai. EITISV ovv dv&QWTiog tig evysvys MOQSV&T] sig %GiQav paKQav, 13 hafisiv savTcp fiaGiksiav Kal vnoGTQZipai. KaksGag ds dsKa dovkovg savTov tdcoKSV avrolg dsKa pvdg Kal s ins aQog avTovg ' nQayfiaTSVGaG&s tag SQ%opai. 14 01 ds nohiTai avTov fyuaow avTov, Kal ansGTEilav HQKj$*iav OTTIGCO aviov 15 "ksyovrsg ' ov &&OIASV TOVTOV fiaGilevGcu l

etyov anoxsiftsvyv ev GovSaQim. ydq G6, on av&QMTtog avGT^Qog si' aiQig y o ovx s&qxag, xat &8()%ei$, o ovx 22 sGTTSiQag. Aiyti 8s avrqj IK TOV ffrofiarof GOV XQIVM GS, TIOVTJQS dov).s %Ssig, on sj'w iiv&Q TQaTis^av, xal lya UNof GVV 24 roxcp av sTTQa^a KVTO ; Kal ToTg ffaQt tinsv ' aqars. an avTov T\V firav 25 '/.al dots TQJ Tag dexa pvag s%ovn. Kal swov avTty' y.vQis, e%st dsxa pvag. 26 Afyw yuQ v[iiv, OTI navn T(p S%OVTI do&qGSTai, ano ds TOV ft/y fyovTog xat o 27 fc^t aQ&rJGSTai an avTov. Iltijv Tovg fy&Qovs pov sxsivovg, Tovg pr] ftslrjGav- Tag jwe fiaGdsvGai in avzovg, dyaysTs wde xcf xarff nolJ.ol slg ' 56 x iijs %MQ<*$ ago TOV 7id$%a, iva dyviGWGiv savTOvg. 'Efaovv ovv TOV 'Iqaovv, xai slsyov per dllrilwv iv TCJJ ISQCO sGzqy.o-rsg' TI doxsi vuiv, on ov ^ '&&% sig 57 TTJV KOQTIIV ; JMxsiGav ds xal ol aQ%iSQig xat ot ftaQiGaloi IvTolqv, iva, fdv Tig yvty nov SGTI, \JLY^VV * ' < >, n. > * c / . / V 12 jt rj ETzavQiov o/Ao ^oAvi 1 , o E/.&ODV sig TTJV EOQTTJV, axovGavfsg on 3 li]Govg Eig 'Jf^odoAfjua, MATTH. XXI. 111. 1417. MARK XI. 111. LUKE XIX. 2944. 1 Kal OTE rflyiGav Eig 1 Kal OTE iyyit,ovaiv 29 Kal E^EVETO V ^.a- 2 ua&t]Tag* It'ycdv avTolg' TOJV [ia&j]T(ov UVTOV 30 ftynav avTov ' einwv aoQEv&r]TEEigTt]vx(^fii]v 2 ' xal "ktyEi avTOig vnd- vndyETS slg ITJV XUTE- iriv dntvavTi vpwv, xal yETB Eig TIJV xwftrjv Tqv vavTi xto/i^j', lv y Eig- ' JST8 OVOV xaTEVaVTl VftOJV ' Xat ITOQEVOptEVOl EVQTjGETS c, xal nwkov Ev&swg EignoQEvofjiEvoi nwkov dsdEfiEvov, lq> hvaavTeg Eig avTijv EVQTJGETE noo- ov ovdEig nwnoTE dv- [101. )>OV fiEdtfiEVOV, ECp OV &Q037HDV Ixd&lGE' Av- ovdelg dv&Qwnuv xsxd- oavrsg UVTOV dyaysTe. &ixs ' hvaavTEg avTov 3 Kal lav TIV 3 dydyvte. Kal lav Tig 31 Kal lav rig vpdg IQW- vuiv eittv Tij fQEire OTI vpTv eirzq ' TI notEiTS ia did TI METS ; ov- , ~ / ~ V < > > ~ 9 o xvoiog avTwv '/QEtav TOVTO ; einais ' on o Toig (QEITS cct/rq) OTI kyii" ev&eotg de dao~ xvQiog avzov %QEiav $~ b xvQiog avtov %QEiav 6 o-TEUei avrovg. TIo- yu' xal evfa'ag aMv 32 fyei. 112.] OUR LORD S PUBLIC ENTRY INTO JERUSALEM. 117 MATTH XXI. Qsv&svieg ds ol lal xal noiqGavisg xa- & K7Z rflayov aviov nqog 'IqGOvv, xal ii leg eaviav ia lal ibv nwhov Inefii- ftaGav lov 'ItjGovv. JOHN XII. 14 EVQMV ds b 'ItjGovg bvaQiov Ixd&i- SGIl idov, ovov xal ibv nwhov, xal sfis&Tjxav endva) aviwv ia Ifiaiia av- icov ' xal snsxd&iGev IndvG) aviwv. MATTH. XXI. 4 Tovio ds o"kov ytyovev, iva 10 Qi]Q-lv dia lov nQocpfjiov Ifyov- cev in avio, 5 log a ! einaie iy ftvyaiol 2iwv idov, 15 vov ' a f py cpofiov, b fiaGihevg GOV s f Q%eiai GOI, ngavg b flaGihevg GOV xal imfisfiqxwg enl ovov xal nwhov, Inl ncohov ovov. vlbv vno^vyiov. MARK XL LUKE xix. 8 '0 ds nteiGiog o%- 8 Tlohkoi ds ia ipd- 36 IJoQevofttvov ds hog eGiQWGav sav- iia aviwv SGIQCO- aviov vneGiQcov- iwv ia iftdiia Iv Gav elg iqv bdov vvoviaipdiiaav- ifi bd$ ' akhoi ds ahhoi ds Gioifid- iwv iv irj bdqj' 13 ' Zkafiov ia fiaia sxoniov xkdftovg dag sxoniov ex 37 *EyyiC,oviog ds av- IK>V (poivixwv xal dnb iwv dtvdQcov imv dsvdQwv xal lov rfiri nQog iy l%ijk&ov eig vndv- xal IGIQCOVVVOV iv iGTQcavvvovEigirjv xaiafiaGei lov o- IIJGIV avicp, 9 rr/ bdco. Ol dso%- 9 bdov. Kal ol nQO- Qovg i yeyQa^ifitva xal TO.VTCK, f.noitjGav 17 avTcjj. 'EpaQTVQEi ovv o o$og o ft<>, OTI, lav ov- 41 TOI GiwnrjGoaGiv, ol "ki&oi xex^ajoyzat. Kai wg fyyiGsr, idojvTijv nohv 42 In avTTi, ' "kfywv ' OTL H eyvag Kai GV, xaiys Iv TYJ r^ga GOV TavTrj, TO, 43 eiQqvTjv aov ' i>vv ds IxQvfiq ano ocp&atyuv GOV. "Oil r^ovGiv ypt-Qai Itii as, xat MQifia'kovGiv ol $%&QOI GOV %a.Qaxd GOI xa nEQixvxkojGovGi GS xt awefcowti 44 GS ndvTO&ev, 'xa< Idaupiovai GS x ra Texva GOV Iv dot, xat ovx dyqGOVGtv Iv col li&ov sal "ki&($, dvtf wv ovx eyvmg TOV KOIQOf TTJG iataxoatie GOV. MATTH. XXI. MARK XI. 10 Kai elt;s).&6vTO$ avTov si$ 'Ie- 11 Kai eistjl&ev sis 'hgoGolv^a o 'Iq- QOG6).v(ia fGeiG&q naca ^ aohs M- isQtp xal 16 "hfyovTag ' toGavva TO? vl(*j /lavid, ty'avaxTtiGuv ' xat einov avTqj ' axoveig TI OVTOI hfyovGiv ; o ds 'ItjGOvg Ayt avTOtg' vai' ovdenoze an/ycare,* on ex GTopaTog vTjnt'cov xal tirjla^ovTcov xar^n'tfco aivov ; 17 Kai xaTahnav avTOvg iffl&ev MARK xi. fjto Tqg nol.emg elg Bq&aviav, xal 11 btyiag ijdq ovcyg Tr t e WQUC, sq1i- eT. &ev elg Btj&arut* fisra TUV 113. The barren Fig-tree. The cleansing of the Temple. Betharfy^ Jerusalem. Second Day of the Week. MATTH. XXI. 12, 13. 18, 19. MARK XI. 1219. 18 IlQmias #fi inavdymv sig TTJV no- 12 Kai rjj snai'Qiov e'JeA &OVT cov av- 19 \iv InsivaGe. Kai idav GVXTJV fiiav 13 TOO? ano Bq&aviag inebaae. Kai sal trig oSov ft&sv in avrfv, xal idojvGvnjv naxQo&sv, fyovGav gwUa, ovSev SVQBV Iv avT^, si ^7 yMa po- fa&EV, si UQU svQrjGst TI Iv avTq - x/ vov. xal Afyet avrj [AIJXKTI sx GOV XUQ- fa&wv fn avTyv ovdev SVQSV ft pj nog ysvijrai sig TOV aiwva ' xal e'Jjy- qpvHa * ov yap ijv xaiQog avxmv. i] xal ayoQa^ovTas Iv TO) IsQcjj, dyoQa&vtas w TQJ ieQqj, xal Tag TQam^ag TWV xal Tag TQane^ag TMV xoMvfiiGTcov xollvfiiGTwv xaTSGTQE- xal Tag xa&tdQag TWV nw'kovv- tye, xal Tag xa&tdQag TWV Tag nsQiGTeQag xaTtGTQ\ps' nalovvTcov Tag TTS- 16 ' xal ovx tfcpieVj iva Tig dievfyxri Gxsvog dia TOV ISQOV. 13 ' y.al hsyst 17 Kal sdidaaxs "ktywv av- 46 ' Ifycav avToig avToig ' ytyQctnTai ' a 6 TOig ' ov ffyftuteu ' a ore nTai ' a 6 otxog pov ol- oixog fiov olxog TTQogsv- 6 oJxog pov olxog ngog- xog TTQogsv^g BGTW, v- vpslg ds sv%rjg xhrj&rJGSTai naai psTg ds avTov moirfi&.T InotrJGaTS Gnrj- TOig S&VSGW ; vpeig ds 47 cnr^aiov kyGTav. Kal laiov IriGTav. InoirjGaTe UVTOV n 0vx, n Tisv avToig ' a^/qv ^.fc'yoo vfiiv, lav sfflTS 22 i^jJQavrai. Kal dnoxQi&slg 6 'Iqaovg niGTiv xal [A,IJ diaxQi&qTEy ov povov TO 23 hsysi avToTg ' S%STS TIIGTIV &sov. 'Apty rfg Gvxrjg TioirJGBTe, dMa xav T(p OQEI yaQ taya) vpiv, OTI og av si'ny T($ OQEI a 13 etc. Is. 56, 7. Comp. Jer. 7, 11. 120 FROM OUR LORD'S PUBLIC ENTRY INTO JERUSALEM [PART VII. MATTH. XXI. MARK XI. 10V1CC) EinqTE ' aQ&rjii xai filrj&qii iovi(p ' aQ&qn xai filq&ijii sis ir t v 22 sis tijv &d).aaaavj yEvrjaEiai. Kal ftdlaGaaVj xal pij diaxQi&y Iv rj ndvia oca av aiitjGqis Iv iy nQog- xaQdi'a aviov, dM.d niGiEVGi], on a Evyr} niGiEvovies, IfysG&E. liyi yivEiai, EGiai avicp o lav Einy. 24 diet, lovio "klyw vfuv t ndvia OGadv 25 nQOSV%6pvoi aiiEiG&E, niGisvEiE, on hafifidvEiE' xal eGiai vfiiv. Kal orav aTTjxqiE nQOSv%6[Avoi, dcpiEiE, EI it t%i xaid nvos ' Iva xal 6 naiijQ vfiav b 26 Iv rots ovQavois dcpy vfAiv id naf)aniw^.aia vptov. El de vpEis ovx dcpisie, ov- ds b nai^Q vficav 6 EV 101$ OVQUVOIS dcpqGEi ia 115. Christ's authority MATTH. XXI. 23-32. 23 Kal &&6vn avtcp ig 10 IEQOV TlQOefa&OV &.V- 1$ diddaxovTi ol d()%i- QEl$ Xttl 01 TlQEGpviEQOl iov l.aov hfyovTES ' iv noia l^ovGia lot/via jtoieig ; xal it's GOI dco- X8 ivjv QovGiav laviriv ; 24 'j4fzoxQi&i$ de 6 3 Iq- covg dnev avioTs >.irjoGj vfidg xayco $va, ov lav tiriTj xayco vpiv EQGJ, iv noin Qovaia lavra aoio*. 25 To pdniiapa 'Icodvvov no&ev r\v ; J OVQUVOV, T] 5 uv&Qconcov ; ol ds didoyitovio TIUQ eaviois IfyovTEg lav : eincofjiev ej OVQHVOV, IQEI jjpTv ' 9ta ii ovv ovx 26 ImotEvaaie avtcp ; 'Eav 103V questioned. Parable of the Two Sons. Jerusalem. Third Day of the Week. MARK XI. 2733. 27 Kal EQ%oviai ndliv iS 'lEQOGokvpa. xal Iv iqt IEQQ nEQinaiovvios aviov EQ%oviai nQog aviov ol dQ%iQEis xai ol yQannaiEig xai ol 28 nQEGfiviEQOi, ' xal Ae- yovGiv avicp" Iv noia l^ovGia iavia noisis ; xal lig GOI iqv l^ovciav VTIJV da)Xv, iv a lav- LUKE XX. 18. Kal lye'vEio Iv [iicc EXEIVWV, aviov ibv Iv t6j IsQcjj xal EV- 29 ia noiys; '0 8s ' Gav 01 aQ%iQis xai 01 GVV 101S , ' xal E!- nov nQog avibv JiE'yov- ies' fine fjfuv, Iv noia l^ovGia iavia * * r ' t] IIS EG11V OOVS av- ig Se slnE ngog fQ(oii]GOi) rtmv, yoflovpe&a iov navies y^ - iov 'Judvvjjv (ay iois' snEQOMtjGco vfias 3 xayco iva hoyov xal aviovg dnoxQi&rjie[ioi,xal EQM xdym eva hoyov, xal EI- vpiv, Iv noia l^ovoia 4 naie fioi. To ^dniiGfia 30 iavia noim. To fid- 'loidvvov ej oi'^arol' TJV, nit-Gf4K 'Imdvvov 1% ov- 5 rj | dv&Qconcov ; 01 de QUVOV TJV, 7] ej av&Qio- cvv&oyiGavio nQog lav- now; dnoxQi&qie fioi. iovg l.tyoviEg' on lav 31 Kal lloyi^ovio nqbs EtnwftEv t% ovQavov, eaviovg hfyoviss ' lav IQEI- did ii ovv ovx Ini- ovQavov, 6 aievaaie avnj) ; 'Ear de i' did ii ovv ovx em- Einmftev 1% dv&Qwnuv, nag .6 labs xaiah&d aei fads* nsneiapE'vos 32 aievaaie avicp / lav einotftev I J av&Q<6- ncov ' lyoftovvio ibv Icitv 'Iwdvvqv liaov * anavies yaq el- 7 ytjiqv elvat. Kal dne- 115, 116.] UNTIL THE FOURTH PASSOVER. 121 MATTH. XXI. MARK XI. 27 riQocpqzrjv. Kal dno- %ov tor 'I 'JijGov s2- 33 tag nQQ^zrig %v. Kal dnoxQi&svzsgkfyovGizcp 'IrjGOv' ovx o'idapsv. xal 6 'IrjGOvg daoxQi&slg ksysi avzoig ' ovds syw LUKE XX. svai no- o 'IrjGovg 28 nov ovx oidapsv. scpij avzoig xal avzog' ovds sya) Afc/co vfiiVj sv noia noim. Ti 8 &sv. Kal elnsv avzoig' ovds syoj JLeyod vpiv, sv noia s%ov- aia zavza noiw. vpiv, sv noicx. l^ovai'a rcivra noiw. fiov. Kal ds vpiv doxei; nog stys imva dvo xal TTQogek&av 7$ rtQWTcp sins ' vmvov, vnays arjpeQov, Igyd^ov s 2930'0 ds anoxQi&slg slnsv ov &&&>' VGTSQOV ds psTafts}.r]&slg TtQogsh&mv ity dsvTSQCp smsv cogavimg. 6 ds dnoxQi&slg sinsv ' syco, XVQIS ' x 31 ovx aTiijk&s. Tig sx t&v 8vo snoiqGs to &ski][j,a iov naxQog ; AiyovGiv avv<$' 6 TiQWTog. Atyst aviolg 6 'IqGovg ' a-iir^v ^eyco vfuv, OTI ol ishwvai xal at noQvat 32 nQodyovaiv vjiag sig tr^v fiaGtlsiav rov &ov. 7 Hk&s yaQ nQog vpag 'ladwyg Iv 65(p dixaioGvvqg, Kal ovx STZiGTSVGars avrtj} ' ol ds ishwvai, Kal at noQvai ini- GrsvGav avtc*) ' vpslg ds idovrsg ov pSTS[4s).ij&i]re VGTSQOV, TOV niGTSVGai avtcij. 116. Parable of the wicked Husbandmen. Jerusalem. MATTH. XXL 3346. 33 xovGais. - TJV ogrig - CpVTSVGSV d(47Tsh&lLaG&T]Gsiai' V ov ^ dv neGrj, 45 yUxfoJcret aviov. b Kal dxovcavieg ol aQ^ttQeig xal ol aniGaiot, idg naQa- fiolug aviov fyvuGav, on neol av- * 42 etc. Pa. 1 18, 22. b 44 etc. Comp. IB. 8, 14 sq. Zech. 12, 3. Dan. 2, 34 sq. 44 q. avioig sine 11 OVV EGII 10 7^jM- [tSVOV 10V10 ' a Att>07 OV dnsdoxifiaGav ol olxodo- fiovviEg, oviog lyEvrj&t] eig xeyalTjv yowiag ; iov &eov xal LUKE xx. 18 Ildg b rreGwv en Ixeivov iov Oov Gvv&laG&qGeiat ' ly ov I 19 neG'd, JuxpqGEi aviov. b Kal Gav ol aQXtfQeTg xal ol in avibv ids r 116, 117, 118.] UNTIL THE FOURTH PASSOVER. 123 MATTH. XXI. MARK XII. LUKE XX. 46 Twv ta/fi. Kal fyrovv- 12 Kal I^TOVV avTov xga- avTy iy WQM, xal Icpo- Tsg avrbv HQaTTjGai TrjGai, xal lyoprj&qGav firj&7]Gav TOV kaov E- Icpo^&rjGav Tovg o/- TOV ofyov ' fyvcoGav yaQ, yvcaGav ydq, oil hovg, ETiEidrj wg aQOCprj- on nqbg avTovg TTJV avTovg tip TTJV avwv sfyov. fiaQafiolqv tins, xal d~ TavTyv sins. 117. Parable of the Marriage of the King's Son. Jerusalem, Third Day of the Week. MATTH. XXII. 114. 1 2 Kai anoxQt&sls o 'Irjaovg nakiv SIJIBV avvolg Iv na.Qafio'kaig hfycov eo/^oiw- i, o$n$ lrtoft]iAsva,"xal TidvTa EToipa ' SSVTS elg Tovg ydpovg. 01 ds dp&qGav- 6 Teg aTzrjk&ov, 6 per slg TOV i'diov dyQov, o ds sig i\v ipnoQiav avzov. 01 df 7 "homoi xQKTrjGcivTEg Tovg dovkovg avTOv V^QIGKV xcu dnXTivav. 's4xovGctg ds o paGikevg dbQyiG&q xal rrsppag TO, GTQaTEvpaTa O.VTOV aTKnfaGs Tovg yoveTg 8 ixebovs, HOI i\v tfohv avrav eritTQijGS. TOTE Ayt Toig dovkoig CCVTOV 6 [isv 9 ydftog sroipog IGTIV, ol ds xexA^fW oix ijaav a%ioi. UOQEVEG^E ovv inl Tag 10 dit%68ovg TG>V odcor, xa oGOvg av EVQIJTE, xa"k&GaT& Eig Tovg ydpovg. Kal SE/.- &6vTsg ol dovkoi IXEIVOI Eig Tag odovg Gvvrjyayov ndvTag OGOvg EVQOV, 11 TE xctt dya&ovs' xa ITT^G^ 6 ydpog dvaxEipwow. ElgEk&cnv ds 6 'O'EaGaG^ai Tovg dvaxsifAsvovg sidsv Fxft av&Qwnov ovx IvdEdvpsvov 12 yd t uov. Kal "hsyEi avTcp' sTafQE, nag Eigrjk&sg cods ftr] fycov svdvfia ydpov ; o 13 ds lyipco&T]. TOTE E^TZEV 6 fiaGdevg ToTg diaxorotg dfoavTsg avTov nodag xa) %EiQag aQaTE UVTOV KCU IxftdlsTS Eig TO GxoTog TO I^MTSQOV ' EXEI EGTUI o %"kav- 14 -{tyto? xa< 6 figvynbg TWV odovTwv. Ilol.kol yaQ EIGI xkyTOi, bliyoi ds fx 118. Insidious question of the Pharisees: Tribute to Cesar. Jerusalem. Third Day of the Week. MATTH. XXII. 15-22. LUKE XX. 2026. 15 TOTE noQSv&tvTEg ol (fraqiGaloi Gvp- . 20 Kal naQaTriQir^avTE fiovhov skafiov, oncog MARK XII. 1317. tyxa&STOvg V avTOV nayidEvawGiv ev 13 Kal a.noaT&'kovGi vovg savTovg dixaiovg 16 JLoyq?. Kal dnoGTek- rtgbg avTov Tivag TMV eJvai, wa tnildpciWTai I.OVGIV avTM Tovg pa- (fraQiGaicov xal TWV avTov loyov, Eig TO >&r]Tag avTwv [AETCC lav 'HQwdiavwv, iva avTov Ttagadovvai avTov Ty l.fyovTsg ' 14 dyQEVGWGi l.oym. 01 ds ag^y xat TTJ QovGia TOV oi'dapEv, ll&ovTEg heyovGiv av- 21 rfl'spovog. Kal QTI dkri&iig EI xal TTJV TCJJ ' didaGxal.s, oi'dafisv, Tqaav avTov 124 FROM OUR LORD'S PUBLIC ENTRY INTO JERUSALEM [PART VII. MATTH. XXII. MARK XII. LUKE XX. bdbv TOV &EOV iv aty- oil dJ.rj&rjg el, xal o diddcxafa, o'dapfv, on diddcxetg, xal ov p&ei aoi nfQ\ ovSevog ' OQ&wg kfyzig xal didd- GOI ftfpl ovdsvog ' ov yaQ fifenEig sis ftQog- GXEig xai ov l.a(jfiavig ov yaQ ptiaEig ig nQog- cojiov av&Qanav, dlX nQogconov, eUX' in dlq- 17 mnov dr&QQjnow. Bins in dktj&eiag iqv odbv -&iag iqv b8bv 1011 ovv TIHW, TL aol doxei ; lov &EOV diddaxEig. 22 &eov diddaxsig. S^SGTI Sovvat xqvGov e^SGTi XTJVGOV Kaiaagi 18 KaiGCCQi, ^ ov ; Fvovg Si dovvai, ?J ov ; dapev, rj 23 vai, ^ ov ; g ii\v novriQiav 15 ^ d^^v ; '0 ds eidwg 7ieiQde- avTwv TIJV VTZOXQIGIV efae nQog avrovg ' ti ps 19 re, vnoxQirai; Mt&eQa- dnw avtolg ' ii fie net- 24 nsiQd&Te ; deleave ftot 7 fioi TO vopiGpa, iov Qa^Eie ; cpSQEiE [toi dtj- dtjvaQiov' livog %si Et- XTJVGOV. ol d tiQoerpey- 16 VUQIOV, iva *dco. 01 de xova xai ETZtyQaqi^v ; 20 xav avToj dyvaQiov. Kai qvEyxav. xal //yi av- dnoxQi&V7$ ds EITIOV livog r\ i- lolg ' iivog % EIXWV av- 25 Kaiact()o$. '0 d EITTEV jlmyQacpri; ITJ xcu f] imyQayri ; ol avrois' dnodoiE loivvv 21 AtyovGiv aviw ' KaiGa- 8f zlnov avity ' Kaica- ia KaiactQOG KaiGctQi, Qog. iQi %fyi avroTg ' 17 gog. Kal dffoxQi&Eig xcuia lOu&Eovicp &ECIJ. dnodoiEovv ia Kaiaa- b 'Iqaovg EITIEV avioig' 26 Kai ovx ia%VGav i Qog KaiaaQi, xal id lov dnodois id Kaiaagog fisa&ai aviov 22 -&EOV itp &($. Kal d- KaiGaQi, xai ia lov waviiov lov /aov, xai xovaavisg l&avpaaav, &EOV 7(J &$. xal - ftavpaGaviEg in\ iy xal dtyEviEg aviov an- ftavpaaav tn avicp. anoxQiGi aviov EGI- 119. Insidious question of the Sadducees: The Resurrection. Jerusalem. Third Day of the Week. MATTH. XXII. 2333. MARK XII. 1827. LUKE XX. 2740. 23 3 Ev Ixsivy 7T/ itfUQa 18 Kal (Q^oviai 2ad- 27 nQoge^&ovif? ds it- 7iQogrj).&ov aviuj ad- dovxaioi Tigbg aviov, 01- t'g iuv 2addovxai(ov, dovxatoi, 01 kfyoviEg [ir] iivegtiyovaiv dvaGiaoiv ol dvnkt yoviEg dvdoia- tivai dvdaiaaiv, xal py slvai ' xal InqQwirj- oiv firj ?vai, 24 InqQwiqaav aviov ' >U'- oav aviov IfyoviEg ' 28 oav aviov ' yoviEg ' dtdaGxa).E,M(X)v- 19 ' didaGXtdf, Mavaqg - dtddaxalE, Mating E- aqg elntv - a lav ng d- yQaysv r^lv^ on idv yQaipsv t^iv, lav itrog tno&dvy ^// fyav it'xva, iivog ddE^ybg dno&dvy ddslybg dno&dvq fyuv tmyaf*p()VGtibddlq)bg xal xaiatinq yvvaixa yvvalxa, xal ovrog diEx- aviov itjv yvvaixa av- xal it'xva py aqpj, iva vog dno&dvQ, ira 7ov,xaldvaGT^GiG7iQ- l.dpr} b ddtlcpbg aiiov b ddEJ.ybg aviov pa t$ idfalyw aviov. t? { v yvvaixa aviov xal yvvawa xal antQfJta. rqJ antQua iq ddelyy av~ 24 etc. Deut. 25, 5. 119.] UNTIL THE FOURTH PASSOVER. 125 MATTH. XXII. MARK XII. LUKE XX. 25 ^Hoav ds TZUQ fair en- 20 ddslycp avrov. 'Enra 29 rov. 'Enra ovv ddslcpol to. adetyoi* xal 6 TTQW- ddskcpol %Gav ' xal b rpav ' xal b nQ&rog rog yanqGag srehevrijvs' aQwrog ela$s yvvawa, lafav yvvaixa dne- xal M e%(nv aneQpa xal aTzo&vrJGxmv ovx SO ftavsv arsxvog. Kal dtyrjxs rqv yvvaixa av- 21 dcpijxs GTit'Qpcc. Kal 6 eJiafisv o dsvrsQog ryv rov rep adzltyty avrov. dsvrsQog ekafiev aviyv yvvouxa.) xcu ovzos uni- 26 'O^oimg xat 6 dsvTEQog xal ansftavE, xai ovds 31 ftavev avexvog. Kal Y.U.I o TQivog, (o$ vwv avios acpljxs dJts^ia" b TQWOS ekafiev avryv 27 &niu- TwfeQOv ds ndv- xal o IQITOS oa?ctvra>. wgavvcas 8s %al oi sn- io)v ane&avE xal r\ ywf\. 22 Kal ekafiov avrqv oi kn- id ' ov xaTshnov vmva td, xai ovx dcprjxav 32 xal dns&avov. T' Tidvrsg avrov. 39 avrqj -devrsg ds nvsg rav yQa^aremv slno 40 xahwg sinag. Ovxe'n ds srokpmv ertEQCorav avrov ovdsv a 31 etc. Ex. 3, 6. 126 FROM OUR LORD'S PUBLIC ENTRY INTO JERUSALEM [PART VII. 120. A Lawyer questions Jesus. The two great Commandments. Jerusalem. Third Day of the Week. MATTH. XXII. 3440. MARK XII. 2834. 34 01 ds aQiGaioov ITITJQCOTJJGEV 35 Kal dnoxQi&slg b 41 Elas ds nQog aviovg 42 aviovg b 'IrjGOvg ' JLS- 'IqGOvg J&Eys, didaGxcov ncog ItyovGi ibv XQI- ywv ' 11 vpiv doxsi nsQl sv icv IEQO~) nwg Myov- GIOV vlbv davtd rival ; iov XQIGIOV ; itvog vlog GIV ol yga^aiEig, on b 42 Kal avibg A 'avid ).fyei IGII ; MyovGiv avicp XQiGibg vlog SGII dav- Iv flifttiq) \^a\^K)v ' c sJ- 43 iov Javid. Aiyn av- 36 id ; Avibg yaQ Javid niv b xvQtog iw XVQIC$ iotg' ffcog ovv Javid Iv flniv sv rqJ Jtrsvpan pov xd&ov ex dtttcov nvsvpan XVQIOV aviov T(p dyico c sfasv b xv- 43 /uov, ' tcog dv tico iovg 44 xafai; ktycov' c ' slnev Qiog 1$ XVQI'CP pov xd- fy&QOvg GOV vnonodiov b XVQIOS rep xvqicp pov' &ov Ix de%toJi> pov, twg 44 icov nodcov GOV. /Javid 37 etc. Deut. 6, 4, 5. b 39 etc. Lev. 19, 18. c 44 etc. Ps. 110, 1. 120,121,122.] UNTIL, THE FOURTH PASSOVER. 127 MATTH. XXII. MARK XII. xd&ov lx 8s%ia)v pov, av #oa tovg 8%&Qovg SODS CUV #00 tOVg 8%&QOVg 60V V7l07l6dlOV tWV 710- 60V V7T07l68lOV ItoV 710- 37 8$ VIO$ (LVtQV 8671V QLOV ' xai, no&sv vlog avtov EGTI ; Kai 6 Tiohve o%kog yxovev avtov 122. Warnings against the evil example of the Scribes and Pharisees. Jerusalem. Third Day of the Week. MARK XII. 38, 39. LUKE XX. 45, 46. 38 Kal s'keysv avtolg Iv tr^ 8ida%fi 45 'Axovovrog ds Ttavrbg tov avrov ' fihsTiETe aTib v&v yqa^fx.- 46 sfae rs'coVj TWV ftehovTOMf lv 6To).aig neQi- naiEiv xal a67ia6fiovg sv ralg ayo- 39 QdTg ' xal TTQcoTOxa&edQiag Iv raig avvov ano iv yQapparscov, vwv Iv 6TohaTg xal ydovvrwv a67ia6[tovg Iv vaig ayoQcug xal TIQW- toxa&edQiag Iv raig 6vvayw)'aTg xal r 7iQOM 'oxh6iag Iv rolg dstnvoig. 6vvaycoyaTg xal 7iQO)i;oxki6iag Iv voig dsinvoig. MATTH. XXIII. 112. 1 2 TOTS 6 'IrjGovg &ctt.?]6e roig ofooig xal roig pa&tjTaig avtov 3 Mo)'v68(ag xa&edQag Ixd&wav ol yQafipaTeig xal ol (PaQiaaioi. Uavra ovv O6a ' Inl rijg av i7ico6iv vfitv TIJQEIV, TO, loja. avrwv i*ri noieite ' xa Tzoieirs ' xaza 4 "ktyovGi yaQ xal ov noiovai. /4eG[ivov6i jag cpOQtia fiaQsa xal dvgfiwraxra, xal STmi&s'aGiv inl vovg apovg vwv av&QcoTMav ' TCJJ ds daxrvkcp avtwv ov &l- 5 LOVGI xivrJGai avrd. Udvta ds ia 8Qya aviwv noiovGi TtQog to -Qea^vai roTg dv&QOJTioig. nhatvvovGi 8s ta cpvhaxtrjQia avtwv xal [tsyal.vvov6i ta xQa67rsda 6 lav IfJiaticov avtwv ' gjdovtyt te Tr\v nQooroxhiGiav Iv toig deinvoig xal tag TTQCO- 7 toxa&edQiag Iv tai? Gvvayo&yaTg ' xal tovg a67za6fAOvg Iv vaTg ayogaig xal xa- 8 teiG&at vno tcov dv&QancQV Qaffii, gaffi. 'Tpeig s prj xty&qTe gaffi*. slg ydg 9 E6tiv vpwv 6 xa&rjyrjt'qg [6 XqiGtog} jravisg 8s vpeig dSshcpoi tGts. Kal aateQa ju^ xahwrjts vpcov ml tijg yijg 8ig ydq IGTIV 6 aattjQ vpwv, 6 iv toT$ 10 ovQavoig. Mrjds xX^^zs Ka&iftiftai' sig yaQ vfiwv scmv 6 xa&qyqtijg, 6 XQI- 11 12 Gtog. '0 ds [48iwv vpwv &Gtai v^wv Sidxovog. "Ogng 8s vipwGzi lavtov, xal ogng TatiEivwGet, savrov, 128 FROM OUR LORD'S PUBLIC ENTRY INTO JERUSALEM [PART VII. 123. Woes against the Scribes and Pharisees. Lamentation over Jerusalem. Jerusalem. Third Day of the Week. MATTH. XXIII. 13-39. MARK XII. 40. LUKE XX. 47. 14 Oval ds vpiv, yQafifia- tstg xal aQiGaioi, vno- 40 01 xatEG&iovtEg rag ol- 47 01 xatEG&iovGi rag 01- xQirat, on xatEG&istE xiag twv fflQ&v xal xiag tav fflgwv xal ngo- tdg otxiag twv ffiQwv, nQocpaGSi fiaxQa nQog- yaGEi fiaxQa xal TtQoyaGEi paxQa sv^opsvoi ' ovtoi htyov- %ovtai' ovtoi nQogEv%6[*Evoi did tov- tai nEQiGGOtEQov xQtpa. TiEQiGGOtEQOv 10 IfysG&S TZEQlGGOtE- 13 QOV xQifia. Oval vptv, yQappatsTg xal tyaqiGcuoi, vnoxQizal, on xysters ir\v fiaGi- faiav VGJV OVQCLVWV {*7TQOG&ev twv av&QMTioav ' vpelg yaQ ovx ig8Q%EG&s, ovds 15 fovg eigEQ%o[iBrovg ayiETS sigEh&Eiv. Oval vpiv, yQapparEig xal 0aQiGaToi t vnoxQitai, OTL nsQidysTE T7]v ddhaGGav xal tr\v ^ijQav f noifjGai Eva ngogfavTov ' 16 xat OTav ytvijvai, TIOISME avwv vlbv yesW^ff dinkotEQOv vpoJv. Oval vpiv, odrj- yo\ Tvqplot, ot ley owes ' og av opoari lv rq> vacp, ovdsv IGIIV ' og d* av ofioGri iv 17 zq> XQVGW rov vaov, oqiellet. MotQol xal tvcploi' rig yaQ fJLEi^mv eariv, 6 %QV- 18 GO$, 'TI o vaog o ayidfav rbv %QVGOV ; Kai' og lav Ofj-OGrj EV i($ *&vGiaGTi]()icp, 19 ovdev EGTW og d' av ofioay lv i<$ daQcp 7q> Indvw aviov, oqtefliei. Mngol xal 20 TvqpJIoe* ti yog ntl^ov, TO dmQOv, ^ to &vGiaGtrjQiov to ayid&v to dojQov ; '0 ovv OfioGag EV top &vGtaGTt]Qicp opvvEi lv avtw xal lv naGi tolg indvco avtov 11 22 ' xal o opoGag lv t

xa&ijpevcp Indvco 23 avtov. Oval vpiv, yQappatEig xal agi- 33 rratEQmv vpav. ^Oqpe/ff, ysvvrjpata fytdvav, nwg yvyqre dnb t^g xQiGeoog tijs 34 yeevvrjg ; Jia rovro, itiov, eym aaoV fiahoviow eig 10 gruiatog aviqg anavia ibv fiiov, ov 44 yao(pv).dxiov. Ildvieg y^ ex lov efyev, l^aAe. ^isQiGGevoviog avioig sfia'kov ' avit] ds ex ir ( g vGieQrJGewg aviyg ndvia OGU efyev efialev, okov ibv filov aviijs. 125. Certain Greeks desire to see Jesus. Jerusalem. Third Day of the Week. JOHN XII. 2036. 20 *HGav ds nvsg "Ehlyvsg ex iwv dvaficuvovicov, Iva TTQogxvv^GODGir sv itg , xa 21 OVTOI ovv nQogr}).dov 22 avibv Myovisg ' XVQIS, ftehofisv ibv 'Iqaovv idsiv. "EQ%siai tyfamnog xal 23 r(J 3 ^4vdQsa ' xal ndliv '^4vdQsag xal tfrilmnog "kfyovai i(p 'lyGOv. '0 ds ' drtEXQivaio avTOig Izycov Ihfavdsv f] ca^>a, iva do^aG&y 6 vtbg lov 24 *A\w[V dfATjV Xeyoa v[uv, lav ipi b xoxxog lov GITOV JISGMV. sig itjv yijv dao&dvy, 25 avibg povog [ulvei lav ds dno^dvy, nohvv xagnov cpsQSi. ? ydav ITJV tyv%}]v aviov ano\KGi avrrjv, xal b (JUGWV irjv tyvfflv aviov Iv iqj xoGficp iovicp dg a 36. Gen. 4, 8. 2 Ghr. 24, 20-22. b 38. Comp. Ps. 69, 26. Jer. 12, 7. 22, 5. c 39. Comp. Ps. 118, 26. 17 130 FROM OUR LORD'S PUBLIC ENTRY INTO JERUSALEM [PART VII. JOHN XII. 26 co^? aiwviov yv).d%Ei avTr t v. 'Eav ffiol diaxovtj tig, tpol dxolov&EiTG), xal OTZOV fifii iya, >x ^ xa * o Stdxovog b ifibg earai xal lav rig ffiol diaxovr}, r/fijj- 27 GEI avTov 6 MBtfa, Nvv rj tyv%q pov TETaQaxTai xal TI Einoa ; ndrtQ, aaiaov 28 fis ex T^g atQag TavTqg ; aM.a dia TOVTO fa'&ov fig TIJV WQUV TavTtjv. HdifQ, 86%aGov GOV TO ovopa. fa&Ev ovv qtmvi] Ix TOV OVQUVOV xal f.do^aaa xal ndhv 29 do$dau). '0 ovv o^og o sarwg xal axovaag eileye faortrp ysyovivai. coUftl 30 l).eyov a.yyko$ avzcjj fakd).iix8v. 'dnsxQi&q 6 'Iqaovg xal flnsv ov dt' fys 31 avrt] T\ (fmvfj yJWWj aM.a di* vpag. Nvv XQIGI$ Ian vov xocrjuoy rovrov vvv 32 6 &Q%03V lov xoapov tovrov ixfkq&faBTW e%G)' xwj'oa lav ityco&a Ix ir^ ytj$, 33 ndviag tixvaco TTQOS ffiavrov. TOVTO ds l#4 ffqfu&***> noicp -davdrcn r^eV.ev 34 aTZO&vrjGXEiv. '^rzexQi&ij avzq) o ofoog' rjfisig r^xovGa^isv Ix TOV vofiov, OTI o XQiGTog fisvei els TOV aiwva-* xal nag ov Xjf&6t OTl ^* vipm&ijiHJu TOV vibv TOV 35 av&Qtonov ; Tig EGTIV ovxog 6 vibg TOV dv&Qwnov ; Einev ovv avTOig 6 'Iqaovg' tTi [MXQov XQOVOV TO (pwg petf vftav EGTI. m^fffareTr^ o$ TO qxng e%STe t iva firj Gxoria vfiag xaTald^y xal b nKQinainv iv TIJ GxoTia ovx olde, nov vnd-yet. 36 !< "/ioo TO g e%e7e f auSTev&is eig TO qpwj?, vlu viol cpcoTog vevijGQe. Tavza >Lcc- 6 'It]GOV, Xal U71&&WV XQV@I] O.71 126. Reflections upon the unbelief of the Jews. Jei^usalem. Third Day of the Week. JOHN XII. 3750. 37 ToGavTa 8e avTOv GiftiEia n^noir^oTog ZHTTQOG&W avTcov, ovx ITIIGTSVOV eig 38 avTov, ' iva b "koyog 'Haa'iov TOV nQoyfoov n^Q(o&y, ov tins' b XVQIS, Tig ini- 39 arevae TY[ dxoij i^imv ; xal 6 fiQa%iwv XVQIOV iivi Jhttxc&Vtp&i] ; Aivt. TOVTO ovx 40 qdvvavTO TiiGTSveiv, on aod.iv imw 'Haa'tag ' c TeTvylmxe v avTwr Tovg 6y&a)L~ fiovg xal 7ieno3QG)XEv OVTUV T^V xaQdiav, iva M ftcMft Toig oy&alfioTg yul 41 VOTJGWGI T% xagdia xal IniGTQay&Gi xal MoFUfUtt avToig. TavTa efasv 'Hamas, 42 ore elds r\v do%av avTOv, xal lldkijae nsgl avTov. d "Opcog pe'vTOi xal Ix TCOV aQ%6vT03v noMol snioTevGav elg UVTOV, dV.a dia Tovg ftaQiGaiovg ov% 43 yot-r, iva pr] anoavvdywyoi yt'vcovTai ' fydnriGav yu.Q Ti]v do%av TWV d 44 nallov, faeQ TTJV 86%av TOV &eov. 'Irjaovg de EXQU^S xal dnw b 45 tpe ov nurtevei eig Ipe, /LP.' sis fbv TrspipavTd fie ' xal b &S, fyw ov xQivu avTov ' ov yaQ jjl&ov, iva XQIVOJ TOV xoGftov, a^A* iva a<6aLoyo?, ov AaJl^aa, Ixeivog XQIVEI avTov iv TIJ lo%dTr} JHtt^a ' on eyw i% (fiavTOv ovx >La>L^Tos ftoe IvTotyv edwxe, ti 50 unto xat it X>U](T(. Kal olda, OTI TJ eVroA// avTov fat] aiwnog low. a ov* X/Lo) fyu, xa&mg ef^xe poi b naTfa, OVTOJ XaXw. 34. Comp. 2 Sam. 7, 13. Pa. 39, 30. 37. 110. I > 38. U. 53, 1. c 40. Is. 6, 10. d 41. Is. 6, 1 sq. 126, 127.] UNTIL THE FOURTH P A SSOVER. 131 127. Jesus, on taking leave of the Temple, foretells its destruction and the persecution of his Disciples. Jerusalem. Mount of Olives. MATTH. XXIV. 114. Kal e<~s}.&(nv 6 'Iq- Govg InoQSvsro ano lov ISQOV, HOI nQogr[k&ov ol [ia&t]ral aviov sni- rag oixodo- ov Tivra iav- P.f 700 vfuv, ov acps&ij ads M&og li&ov, og ov xa- Third Day of the Week. MARK XIII. 1-13. 1 Kai IxnoQSVopsvov aviov lx lov ISQOV, faysi aviq) slg iwv iia&qrwv aviov ' didaGxaks, ids, noranol li&oi xal no- lov ISQOV. '0 ds 2 ranal oixodopai. Kal vg sin sv avioig' b'lqGovg nsv avrcp * rag rag [isyakag oixodo- fidg ; ov $ dcps&rj M&og snl MQcp, og ov ^ xa- Ka&?]f48- 3 talv&fi' Kal xa&rjps- vov ds aviov snl rov vov aviov sig 10 oQog oQOvg iwv skaiwv, nqog- avrcp ol pa- xar y idiav hs- yovisg ' sins fyiv, nors ravra sGiai ; xal ii rb aqpsiov iltf Grjr]Govffi. ds dxovsiv xal dxoag no- q nvia ovncasGzl rov ISQOV, sntjQWTWv av- iov xar idiav IlsiQog xai laxcoflog xat Icodv- 4 vijg xal 'dvdQsag ' sins TUJLIV, nors ravia serai ; xai, ii 10 G^f4Si"ov, oiav ltsM.i[i ndvra ravia GVV- 5 rslsiG&ai ; '0 ds 'Irj- Govg dnoxQi&s}g avioig ijQ^aro l.systv ' [LK\ rig vfJiag 6 Uollol yag sni rep bvopan' [AOV A/- yovis g ' on sycn sipi ' y.al noHovg nkavjjGov- 7 GIV. Oiav ds axovGijTS nofe'povg xai dy.oag no- ovnw LUKE XXI. 519. 5 Kai nvGJV ksyovrav nsgl rov Isgov, on l.i- &oig xahoig xal dva-&r r paGi x8x6G[M]iai, sins ' 6 ravra, a &SO)QSITS, - sv aig ovx snl OS ov d8 nois, ovv lavia Y.VU ii 10 Gysiov oiav iavia n'kavri&riis. nolkoi yag sni iqj bvo- Isyovisg ' on b xaigbg xa 9 is oniGco aviwv ' Oiav y.a xaiaGiaGiag, pr t si yaq rav- 7 n 8 10 islog. ' yag s&vog j'( s&vog Inl s&vog KCU flaGthsia Inl fiaGiksiav ' xal sGovrai l.tpol xal xa alX ovx sv&tag rb 10 r&og. Tors, slsysv av- snl s\)vog roig, sysQ&rJGsrai s&vog snl 8a- snl s&vog xal xal sGOviai 11 Inl fiaGikslav o8iG(Jio xara lonovg, rs 01 xara ronovg 132 FROM OUR LORD'S PUBLIC ENTRY INTO JERUSALEM [PART VII. MATTH. XXIV. MARK XIII. LUKE XXI. Ao/juo) xal GeiGfiol xara xal sGovrai. hpol xal xa) hpol xal lotpol 8 Toriovg. ndvra 8s rav- 9 raga^at. 'Ag^ai a8i- SGOVTUI ' yoprjTQa re to. aQM codt'vcov. vwv ravra. . X a G^eia an OVQK- MARK XIII. 12 VOV (lEydltt. SGTai. 77(JO 9 ptinsTS 8s vfisTg savrovg nagaSm- 8s TOVTOW miviwv tmfialovGiv f, n&v fit { ngo^^Tav fm&OflfftJplU' ' ov yag IGTS vpzig ol 15 fj'oa yuQ 8aaco vpiv crofia xa) ^. TO MEVfia TO ayiov. coyiav, % ov SVV^GOVTCH ov8s avnarri MATTH. XXIV. MARK XIII. 01 aVTMeiflSVOl VfAlV. 9 TOTS nctQadcoGOVGiv v- 12 UaQaSaGst 8e aft&cpbg 16 IlaQado&rjGSG&s 8s xa< fiag sig ftJuipiv, xcti nno- a.8e%.v. 13 '0 8s vno^ii'ag ztg re- 13 o 8s vno^teivag sig rs- 18 ' xal &pl% FX rr t g xeya- 7.og, ovTog Gw&JJGETai. "kog,ovTogGG)&fiGiTcti. ti^g vptov ov [*t] dno).rj- 14 Kai xr]Qv%&r]GeTat, rov- 10 Kal tig \ndvTot. TO, t&vrj 19 rat ' iv r j vnofiovi ro rb evayy&iov rfjg 8ei nQWTov xTjQV%&ijvai vfJimv xr^GaaOs rag w ofy TJ oj'- TO Evayy&.iov. yv%ag vpwv. tig fiaQTVQiov TIUGI jotg t&veGi ' xai rore rj^ei rb rtlog. 128. The signs of Christ's coming to destroy Jerusalem, and put an end to the Jewish State and Dispensation. Muunt of Olives. Third Day of the Week. MATTH. XXIV. 1542; MARK XIII. 1437. LUKE XXI. 2036. 15 "Oiav ovv "8r}T8 rb 14 *0rav8f i8qrsrb fi8t- 20 "Otar 8s foqre xrxAot- rye tQqfua- Ivypa T^* tip7/ia>0ea>f, fieV^y t'^o 128.] UNTIL THE FOURTH PASSOVER. 133 MATTH. XXIV. MARK XIII. LUKE XXI. G(ng, 10 Qrfosv dux, [TO Qrj&sv vno davit]), trp ' IzQOVffaki'jft, TOTS TOV TTQoqiiJTOv,* TOV nnotyiJTov^] a sGTwg yvwTS, OTI fyyixsv ^ TOTicp ayi'cp, (o onovovdei, (6 dvaywoj- 21 fQ/j^coGig avTrjg. TOTS fOttftt,) GXCOV VOSITCO,) TOTS ollv ol EV Ty 'lovdafa ysvys- 16 ' TOTS ol Iv Ty 'lovdaia Ty 'lovdaia (psvyeTwaav TWGav sig TO, oQr] ' xal (pt-vyiiTWGar in} Ta OQIJ ' 15 V TO, o$q' '0 di sal 17 o ETii TOV daftaTog [it] TOV doiftaios [tq xaTa- xaTvtfictirt-ico aQai TU fiaTG) fig Tt]v oixiav, %O)QCUS fit] Ix TIJS olxiae avTov ' prfis slss^&sroit UQUI TI 22 aav sis CLVIJJV. " ex Ti oxiat; avTov ' leai xixrCG)<; avrat 16 y.a.1 o /V TO 18 xal 6 iv TOI wfQi} (ATI sin- ^ sniaTQeipaTG) sis fa 23 Ta TO, ysyQa^itva, Ov- GTQSlfjOiTG) OniGCO UQCil OTTl'ffCO (X.QCt.1 TO Iftd'TlOV Oil ds Taig tV yCtGTQl l- 19 T(t -ifjiuTia avTov. Ovut 17 avTov. Ovai ds TaT^ iv %ovGctis ucu tuls ftrfl.ct.- df Taii; iv 1'a.GTQi l%ov- yaaTyl %ov6ai xal ^ovGaig iv fxeivaig tats aaig xal rats ftifka,ov- Tttls ^^atovGais Iv ^fU-'Qaig' SGTUI yctQ a- caig ev ixstvais Taig fjfit- lusivais teas jftsfy&ts* vdyxq [tsydlt] inl tr^ 20 Qai.g.nQogEvxsG&sd ) iva 18 nQogev^sG&s dt', iva py xai H.TI ywrjTcu riyvyri v[4av ywr t Tai TJ tftrfy vfiav 24 Kal %si[toi)vo$, 1*^8 Iv Gafipd- 19 %et(jiwi>oS' *Eoo*tt&f*Q jtqjmijmt xal 21 Tcp/'EcFTai yaQTOiS'&l.i- alt][4eQailxtivai&}.iipig. hwTtG&rjGOVTai f Is tyiS ftypfo], oia ov ytyo- 'old ov yt'yovs TotavTt] TO. TO. S&VTJ ' xal 'hQOv- vsv an d()%rj xoGfiov tots an OLQ^S XTIGSCOS, r t g Gakyp BQTCII naTOv^Lt- TOVVVV, Ovd* OV [ATI yivy- SXTlffSV 6 &t9fi ICOS TOV Vlj V7TO &VO)V,a%Ql Tll.t]- 22 TaL Kal si pi] e'xoXo^co- vvv, xal ov ^JLI] ysvqTai. QW&WGI xaigol s-frriov. &r^Gav al fyeQai sxsi- 20 Kai t-l pr] XVQIOS Exohoflto- vai,ovxavl(Jco&t]7iaGa as vets fjpeQas, ovx av SGCo&tj naGa GaQ%' dia dii Tovg sxlexzovg xol.ofia &q- 'cdgl*' a).).a dta iovs txlexTOvg, ous e'?8- 23 Goi'Tai at Jffuifcu fxurai. TOTS Bar its 21 le%aTO,fxol6@(idGS Tag J^ttjwtf. Kal TO- v[4ir KiTTt] ' idov, tide b XQIGTOJ % cods ' TS mv Tig v\uv einq ' idov, cods 6 XQI- 24 fit] 7iiGTVGr{Te. ^EveQ&i](JovT.ai yciQ GTog, i\' idov, sxsi' /*// maTsvsTS. ifjEi'do%QiGTOi xal ipsvdoTTQOcprjTai, xal 22 'EysQ&rfiovTai yag ipsvd6%oiGTOi xal dwGovGi abasia peydla xal TtQaTa, tyevdonQoyijTai, xal dcoGovai aqpEia cagTS ji^ai'^Gai, el dvvaTov, xal Tovg xal ttgt&a ngbs 7o dnonlavav, si 25 Ixl.sxTovg. 'Idov, TTQOSiQ^xa vuiv. 23 dvvaiov, xal TOVS sxP.f xTOvg. 'Tpeigdf 26 'Eav ovv SITTCOGW vfiiv idov, Iv T$ ^ftwrire' I8ov, TTQOsi'Qyxa vfuv ndvTa. tQWW *OT i' ill] l^&rjTS' idov, tv 27 TO is Tapeioig ' [irj TIIGTSVOIJTS. Qfm$ yaQ q aaTQani] e'J^jaWM ano dva- TOJ.WV xal (faivsTai f'o)S dvGfjunv, ovTcog zaTai xal TJ naQovGia TOV vlov 28 TOV dv&QMTiov. "Onov yaq lav y TO TiTwpa, Ixei Gvt>a%&tjGOVTai ol dsTOi. a 15 etc. Deut. 9, 27. FROM OUR LORD'S PUBLIC ENTRY INTO JERUSALEM [PART VII. MATTH. XXIV. MARK XIII. LUKE XXI. 29 Ev&tcog ds fiETa i\v 24 'A.1X Iv IxEivaig Taig 25 Kal EGTUI cr^Eia Iv r r &)Jil>lV TWV fjflEQCOV I- rjftt f QOUS, [4ETCi Tt]V &).l- P./V Xf GE^Vrj Xttl d- xswow 6 r^iog GXOTI- \piv sxEivyv, 6 r}\iog GXO- GTQoig, xal Inl rH^ y7 t i G&rJGETai, xal r\ fftA^fi? TiG&t]GETai,xalfjGEh'jvr] ovvoyi] l&vwv EV dno- ov dcoGEi TO yfyyog av- ov dcoGEi TO (pfyyog av- Qia, r^ovG^g vtjS, xai ol aartQ^g TIE- 25 irjg t ' xai ol aattQte tov 26 xat Gcikov, ' 0.710 TOV OVQK- OVQdVOV EGOVTCU EXTll- 7O3V aV&QCOTZWV O.710 oi<; GO,- faqfttytfattf ty oixov- 30 10.1. a Kai TOTE yavq- ^Ev&^GovTai. a fts^ al yo.Q GETUl TO G^flElOV TOV TWV OVQaVMV I'lOV TOV dv&QWTZOV kv TCp OVQUVqj ' GOVTttl* xai TOTE xoipovTai no.Go.i al yvhal Trig ytjg, xal 26 Kal TOTE 27 Kal TOTE TOV vibv TOV o\povTai TOV vlbv TOV Qtyovtai TOV vlbv TOV EQ^OpSVOV dv&QWTZOV lQ%6[tSVOV EV dr&QUTTOV tQ%6[iVOV If mi TWV vEtyEktov TOV vEqjE^aig (AETO, dvvdpEwg vECp&ri fiETa dvvdfiEwz oi'Qavov fiETa dwdftEwg 27 yioMrjg xal 86%T]<;, f xal 28 xat do%q$ 7io).k7jg. W^- 31 xal dofyg nol^s. Kal TOTE dnoGTEkEi TOVS yopevcov ds TOVTODV j't'- a.TioGTE'kETTovga.yy&ovQ ayy&ovs avToi>, xal vEG&ai dvaxvtyaTS xal avTOv [*ETa Gul.myyos imavvd^Ei Tovg EX^E- InaQaTS Tag yojvqg fiE^aktig xal xTovg UVTOV Ix TWV TEG- i'fimv, 81011 ETTIGVTU^OVGI TOVg lx)*E- GUQOV dvt[AO)V O.71 O,- 1] aTlol.VTQCOGig XTovg avzov EX TWV TEG- XQOV yH]g twg CCXQOV ov- GaQcov dvs'ftav an a- 28 Qavov. 3 Ano ds Tyg XQOV ovQavoJv tcog a- Gvxtjg pd&ETS TIJV no.- 29 Kal EITZE 32 XQOJV avTtov. 'Anb 8s Qafiohrjv OTav avTtjg avTOig* 'idsTE Tt\v avxyv T^g Gvxrjg pd&ETE T\V rfiri 6 xhddog analog ' xal ndvTa TO. naqa^o^v OTUV ifi)] ywrjTai xal Ixyvrj TO, 30 ozav 7iQO^d\taGiv 6 xl.ddog avTijg yevijTai qpvPJ.a, fittfawfe, OTI ^.movTEg dtp analog xal TO. yMa iyyvg TO titQog EGTIV. YIVWGXETE, oTitjdr] fyyig txcpvrj, yivwGXETE, OTI WOvTQj xul v(jitlg t OTav 31 TO &tQog EGTIV. Ovreo 33 iyyvg TO ftiQog. OVTU TavTa idqTE y0juev, xal vpEfg, orav xal vfiETg, OTUV idqTE YIVCOGXETE* OTI tyyvg fG- TavTO, yivofisva, nuvTUTavTUrfivcoGXETE, 30 TIV Inl -OvQatg. *Ap\v GXET*, OTI tyyvg EGTII OTI tyyvg IGTIV im Qv- yLf'yw vpiv, OTI ov jtc^ r\ paaifoia TOV QEOI. C4 Qaig. 'Aprjv ?.tyo) vfAiv, naQ&&rj rj yEVEU avTT], 32 'Afitj? ^./yo) vpiv, on oi> ov pi] naQ&ftrj f] yEvsa pfyQ'S ov ndvTa TO.VT&. /&, ovtwg 38 sGtai xal % naQOVGia lov vlov tov av&Qanov. "QgnfQ yaQ ?]Gav iv taig rj[48Qcu tcug TTQO tov xaraxlvGpov iQwyovtsg xal nivwisg, ya^ovTreg xal 39 Ixyafti'&vveg, ayqi ^g r^Qag stgfjk&e Note slg ity xificorov,* ' xai ovx leo? rik&sv o xaTaxhvGpbg xal T^QBV anavTag oincog SGICU xal i\ 40 tov vlov tov av&Qcoaov. Tots dvo BGovtai Iv tty elyQco 6 fig 41 fidvstat, xui 6 sig acpistai. AVQ fthj&ovGOU Iv tqj pvkwvi' ju/iet tai, xcti HIM acpisrat. MARK XIII. LUKE XXI. 33 B^STTRtSj ayQvnvtits, xal nqogsv- 34 ngogfysts ds savtoig, %eG&8' ovx oi'dats yaQ jrots 6 xai- &WGIV i'fiav al xuQdiai Iv 34 Qog SGtiv. ( Qg av&Qwnog ano^- xa.1 lAt&q xcu fieQi^vaig [tog acpEig tr^v olxiar avrov, xou xcu aicpvidiog Icp 3 vficig ST dovg toig dovkoig avtov tr\v s^ov- 35 QCL exsivq. 'Qg nay\g ya.Q I Gioiv , xcu sxKGtcp to eQyov av- lal Tidi'tcig tovg y.a.&ri^vovg ln\ tov, xal tq> -&vQ(OQc!j evstsikato, nQoganov naGqg tr^g MATTH. xxiv. 35 iva yQWooy. FQ^O- 36 j%. 'Ayyvnvtits ovv 42 rQTjyOQSZtS OVV, OTl OVX QSITS OVV' OVX OldtttS S1> TlCM'tl X(X.lQ(j) d0[4- oidats, noia ca^ 6 xv- ya.Q TIOTS 6 xvQiog t^g voi, iva xata^iaj&rjts Qiog vftcov eQ%stai. oixi'ag SQ^stai, oi^s q Ixqvyeiv tavra ndvta. pSGovvxtiov % ahexto- tec, n&"kovt(x. 36 Qoywviag TJ TZQMI' [it] ek&uv l<*aicpvt]g svQy xal Gta&7jt>ai 37 vfiag xa&evdovtag. ^A ds VJJLIV hfyco, naGi G&SV tov vlov tov av~ 129. Transition to Christ's final coming at the Day of Judgment. Exhortation to watchfulness. Parables : The Ten Virgins j The Five Talents. Mount of Olives. Third Day of the Week. MATTH. XXIV. 4351. XXV. 130. 43 'Exeivo ds yivwGMte, oti, si %dsi 6 oixodG7Toti]g, noin yvlaxy o xJ.S7itr]g SQ%S- 44 tai, syQrffOQqGsv av, xat, ovx av siaGS diOQvyqvai tr^v oixlav avtov. Aia tovzo xal vfASig yivG& stoiftoi' oti y OJQM ov doxzirs o vlog tov av&Qconov Q%stai. 45 Tig aQa iGtlv 6 niGtog dovkog xal (pgotipog, ov xatsGtqGsv 6 xvgiog avtov im 46 trig ftsQansiag avtov, tov didovai avtoTg tr t v tgo^v iv xaiQcjj ; Maxdqiog 6 47 dovkog sxtivog, ov &&wv 6 xvQiog avtov evQrJGSi noiovvta ovtoog. ^A\n\v tiyot 48 vpTv, oti sal aaGi toig vnaQ%ovGiv avtov xataGtqGei avtov. 'Eav ds siny 6 a 38. Gen. 7, 4 sq. 136 FROM OUR LORD'S PUBLIC ENTRY INTO JERUSALEM [PART VII. MATTH. XXIV. 49 xaxbg dov).og exetvog EV TTJ xaQdia aviov %QOVI&I 6 xvgtog juov &&eTv - ' xal UQ^ijTai ivnieiv iovg Gvvdovlovg avzov, ia&trj ds xal rn'ry (.two, ioiv fie&v6vT(ov' 50 ' t t ^i, 6 xvQiog TOV dovlov txttVov ev jjfitQa, 77 ov ngogdoxa, xai ev eoow, $ ov 51 yiVtoGXei, f Xal dl%OTO[lTJGei Cil'TOV, XOl 10 flfQOg aVIOV [teiO. TWV VnOXQlTWV &Tj- GSI ' x*r sGTat o xkav&ftog xai b ^Qvyfibg iwv odovTWV. XXV. 1 Tore opOMfcftfferfci ?/ {tos&iu>t i&v OVQO.VWV dtxa naQ&woi$, ainres Aa- 2 flovaai rag haftTiddas aviwv l^r^&ov els iSindvtijaw tov vvfiqttov. Ilt'vTS ds \ ds dvo, (y ds tv 16 sxdaTtp xara irjv tdiav dvvapw xal dned/i^Gev ev&t'cag. TIoQEv&e}g ds o ia. ne'vie rdlavia kafiwv eigydGaio ev avzolg xal tnoitjaev a"D.a nsvze id\avia. 17 18 'Qgavrwg xal o TO. dvo exeptitpn xal avibg aH dvo. '0 ds TO ev "kafitov vt.m\&wv 19 ojov^ev ev iy yq xal dntxQvipe TO aQ-yvQiov TOV XVQIOV avzov. Met a ds %QOVOV no- 20 JLVV SQ%ETai o xvQiog iwv dovlwv exi-ivuv xal Gvvaiyei per avzwv io'yoy. Kal tiQog- ek&av o ia nwie idlavTa lafav aQogr^eyxev alia ntVTe idlavia Itymv 21 nevrs Tarawa pot naQbdaxag tde, aM.a ntvie TalavTa IxfQdtjGa en avzoig. " avTtp o xvQiog avzov" EV, dovl.e aya&e xal nusii' em btiya yg niaiog, lot 22 J.oov ce xaTaGTtJGco etgel&e elg ITJV %agav TOV XVQI'OV aov. IlQoge^&oav ds xal 6 ia dvo lakavia "kafimv eine' xvgie, dvo ia.1a.via. pot naQsdwxag' ide, ati.a dvo 23 rdlavia ixdt-QTjGa en avioig. *Eyr\ aviq 6 xvQiog ai'iov ev, fiovle dfa&e xal niGTK ln\ b\iya r^g niaiog, em noM.wv Ge xaTaGryGo* eigel&e elg itjy %aQav 24 lov XVQIOV GOV. TlQoge).&a)v ds xal b ib ev idlaviov ettitjqxag elite xvQte, eyvtav Ge, OTI Gx^Qog el av&ownog, &eQio*v onov ovx eGttetQog, xal Gvvdymv o&ev ov 25 dteGXOQmGag ' xal (pofiq&elg dnek&av exQVtya 10 idkavibv GOV ev rjj yj tde , 26 fyeig ib GOV. 'j4noxQt&elg de 6 xvQiog aviov elnev aviqt- novice dov).e xal bxvrjQe, qdeig, on OeQifa onov ovx ecneiQa, xal Gvvdyto o&ev ov tiieGxoQnusa ; 27 *Edei ovv ae fialelv ib UQ^VQIOV ftov loig iQanetfiaig xal el&uv eya> exofUGa- 28 fitjv av ib tfibv GVV ro'xff). *AQaiB ovv an aviov ib idJiaviov xal doie Tct6a7d(>,xcut8o3X&Td[toti:p(X7tiir 36 xat snoTiaaTS ps' %wos fyqv, xa a\mffdftri^' ' yvnvog, xal 37 rjG&8vr]Ga, xdi e'flre eig TIJ avkrjv TOV aQ%isQO)g, 2 VODGIV. Eksyov ds' ^u/ ev TOV fayoptvov Kai'dya ' Trj SOQTIJ, p^noTS &6- 4 xal GvvsfiovlsvGavTO, QvfiogsGTai TOV l.aov. IV a TOV 'llJGOVV $0>Up xai dnoxTSiroDGiv. Eksvov ds' un ev 6 Tov ds 'Jqaov yevo- fiwov fv Bq&avia, iv olxia 2incavog TOV >Lf- 7 TTQOV, ' tiQO$rfi&ev avicp xa xaTt%eev en TIJV xeya- Iriv avTOv dvaxeipevov. 3 Kal ovTog avTov Iv iv Trj oixia TOV feTTQOV, avTov ?/P.- fyovaa 'dldpa- GTQOV fivQOV, vdgdov ni- ;* xal TO akdfia- GTQOV XaT?%EV UVTOV XUTO. Trjg MMA^fii 4 ds oixia ex TOV 8 'Idovveg ds ol tl 4 *HGav ds Tivsg dyava- xTovvTeg tiQog savTovg ' sig TI ij uTzcot.eia xai ^tyovTsg ' sig TI TI 9 avTi] ; rjdvvaTO yaQ TOV- TO [TO HVQOV} TTQa&qvai 5 ytvovtv ; ydi'vato xal do&jjvai TOVTO TO [AVQOV vat indvco TQiaxoGiwv dqvaQimv xai do&qvat Toig TiTw^olg- xai fvs- m r^*^ f /o ~ y " f/-\ c * ivovg os o 6 pQificavTO avTrj. U 0s 'Irjaovg elnev avTOig ' it xonovg TZUQ^STS TIJ yv- vaixi ; tqyov yaQ xaJiov naQt%eTS ; xa^ov i( 1 1 eiQyaGaTO eig tpe. TIdv- 7 siQ'yaGaTO ev spot. TJdv- TOTS ytoQ Tovg JITO)%OVS TOTS fysTB p&tf BaVIWV' IflS %8Tt ds ov ndvTOTe t^r. ' orav 12 Bal.ovoa yaq UVTIJ TO UVTOVS fv noirjaai' f^* TOVTO im TOV 8 ds ov ndvtoTe fyeTe. *0 ' TI V ' a o avTov 5 dtdorai' diaTi TOVTO TO (iVQOV Ol'X ETZQd&l] TQia- y.ooiwv dqvuQiwv xai 6 ldo&r]7iT(0%oTg; Elnsdf TOVTO, oi'% OTl 7tQl 7COI' avT(p, jjv xai s xal r pe rovg xai, 7 ev. Efnev ovv 6 'Iq- Govg ' uqxg UVTTJV ' els TT t V T^fQaV TOV aapov ftov 8 avT ndvTOTS fytTe petf sav- za>* ( , f'^te ds ov ndvroTt //or, TO cage? 131, 132.] UNTIL THE FOURTH PASSOVER. 139 MATTH. XXVI. MARK XIV. 13 IvTayiaGtti pe InoiqGEv. *A\Ji\v ksya) nQO&afis pvgiGai pov TO Gmpa slg TOV vpiv, onov lav xijQv%&y TO svayy&iov 9 IvTatyiaGpov. 'Apty ta'yw vpiv, onov TOVTO Iv oAfo TOJ xoGpcp, lalq&qGETai av xqQvx&y TO Evayyshov TOVTO sis xai b InoiqGEv avTq, okov TOV xoGpov, xai b InoirjGEv avTq sis nvtjfioGvvov avTijg. hahq&rjGFTai Eig [tvijfio- LUKE xxn. 14 Tors noQSV&slg Eig TOJV 10 GVVOV avTtjg. Kal 67bv- 3 Elgr^&s ds GaTavag sig dwdexa, 6 keyofiEvog dag b ' iGxaQicoTrjg, fig 'lovdav TOV Inixa^ovfAS- Jovdag 'iGxaQKOTtjg, TWV dcodsxa, dnfjk&s vov 3 lGxaQi(oTtjv y ovTa Ix 15 ^o^ Tovg dg^iEQEig ' el- nQog Tovg a,Q%iEQEig, iva TOV aQi&pov TOJV dads- ns' TI &&ET8 poi dov- 11 naQadcpavTovavToig.Oi 4 xa. Kal dnEh&mv cvvs- vai, xdya vpiv naqa- ds dxovGavzsg l%dQqGav, Jid^ijGS Toig aQftiSQEVGi avTo ; 01 ds s- xai, snt^si^avTO avTfy xai TOig GTQaTtffOig TO avTcp TQtaxovTa agyvgiov dovvai ' xai nwg avTov nagadcp av- 16 a^yvQia. Kai dno TOTE S^TEI, nwg svxaiQtag 5 Toig. Kai l%dotjGavxai I^TSI svxaiQiav, iva av- avTov naQadcp. GVVS&EVTO avTcp aQyv- TOV naQadty. 6 QIOV dovvai. Kal l%w- xal lf{TEt svxaiQiav TOV naQadovvat UVTOV avTOig O.TSQ ofyov. 132. Preparation for the Passover. Bethany. Jerusalem. Fifth Day of the Week. MATTH. XXVI. 1719. MARK XIV. 1216. LUKE XXII. 713. 17 Ty ds nQcazy TWV 12 Kai Ty nQWTq qftsQa 7 Hh&s ds ij qpsQa TCOV Qogfa&ov ol TWV dtyfiwv, GTS TO nda- dtyfiwv, Iv J sdsi &vs- u Taj 'IrjGov A- %as&vov, "kfyovGiv avTcp 8 G&ai TO naG%a. Kal yovTsg avTCp' ol fia-d"TjTal avrov' nov dnsGTsds USTQCV xai nov ftsheig dnsl&ovTS g ETO.I- 'Iwdvvrjv slnwv no- -&&Etg STOifiaGm[A,sv GOI fiaGcofisv, iva tyayqg TO QEv&t-VTEg STOtfiaaaTE yaysiv TO naG%a ; 13 naG%a ; Kal dnoGTE^.- r^lv TO naG%a, Iva (pd- tei dvo TWV pu&lftw* 9 ywpEv ' Ol ds sinov av- 18 ' avTov xai fa'yEi avTOig ' TO? ' nov &&sig sTOipd- ds Einsv ' vndyETE els vnaysrs slg TIJV nohv, 10 ccofisv ; ' ds slnsv av- Tqvnokiv nQog Tovdsiva xai dnavTTJGEi vfuv av- TOig' idov, Eigs}.&6vTCQv xai EinaTS avT&t ' b di- -&Q(anog xEQapiov vda- vpav Eig T^V nohv, GVV- daGxahog Jisysi ' b xai- Tog fiaGTa^wv ' axol.ov- avTtjasi vfiiv dv&QW- Qog fiov lyyvg IGTI' nQog 14 &qGaTE avrcp, * xai onov nog xEQapiov vdaTog GS 770100 TO naGYa UETU sav sig&'&Ti, sinais Tcp paGTa^onv' axokovOt]- TG)v fia&rjTwv fAOV. oixodsGnozri, on o di- GUTS avTcp Etg TTJV 01- daGxalog 7.eyee* nov xiav, ov EignoQEvsTai. IGTI TO xaTakvfJia, onov TO nd- 11 Kal IQEMS T(p oixods- a%a [AETa TMV [ta&qTav fiov (fid- GnoTq Tr^g olxiag ' "kfysi GOI b didd- 15 yw ; Kal avTog i'fiiv dsi^si dvd- axahog ' nov IGTI TO xaTa\v(ia t onov 140 PREPARATION FOR THE FOURTH PASSOVER. [PART VII. LUKE XXII. MARK XIV. yatov filya IGTQOD{U!VOV, Ezoipov I- TO nda%a fisra TK>V 16 xei STOipaGaie yfiiv. Kal lrj).&ov 12 g)ayoj ; Kaxeivos vpiv ov oi fja&qTai avTov, xai rfk&ov Big MATTH. XXVI. 19 Kal Inoi'qaav ol pa- &TITCU cog GWTa%ev av- ToTg b ItjGovg, xai TI- TO 7tdG%a. av pov avdyai- XCU SVQOV xa&ag elnev xcu TO not.- 13 xei STOtfAaGCiTE. "&OVTSS ds evoov MQ^XEV avToig, xal TO PART VIII. THE FOURTH PASSOVER; OUR LORD'S PASSION; AND THE ACCOMPANYING EVENTS UNTIL THE END OF THE JEWISH SABBATH. TIME : Two days. 133. The Passover Meal. Contention among the Twelve. Jerusalem. Evening introducing the Sixth Day of the Week. MARK XIV. 17. Kal oipiag LUKE XXII. 14-18. 24-30. 14 Kal ors iyKvtvo ij WQU, avtneae xal ol dwdexa anoGio'koi avv MATTH. XXVI. 20. 20 (Jtyiag ds ysvopsvyg avsxsvro jit7 TOO? den- tgtraj pera vwv dw- dsxa. dsxa. 15 Kal sins 16 Ijn&vftia 7i&vfJii]6a VOVTO ib Tidff^cx, cpayew petf vpwv TTQO TOV pe na&eiv yoo yaQ vftiv, on ow&vi ov pr] qpayca J avzov, t?cog orov nlijQCofiy svty 17 TOV ftsov. Kal d<*d[Avos notrigiov v%aQ(GTrjoa$ elns ' JM@678 TOVTO xal dia- 18 psQiGais savroig ' Afyoo yaQ v[uv, on ov fit] nico ano rov yEvvr^aTog i /lov, erne OTOV y fiaGifaia rov -&EOV s^fty. 24 'EjBfSlo ds ual cptiovEMia iv stilus, to tis avvwv doxei stvai 25 C ds slnsv avvois ' ol $aa&tiQ vwv i&vwv XVQISVOVGIV av7K>v, %al oi l^ovaid- 26 OVTQS avTcov VQy8Tai. xakovvrai. 'TpeTg ds ov% ovicag' dlX 6 pe(ow Iv v\nlv 27 ^^(7x^03 oo? o vscnveQos, xal o fjfOVfASVOf co$ 6 diaxovoov. Tig jag fifi^cov ; 6 dvaxifivoSj ^ o diaxov&v ; ov%l o ttvaxeipwog ; i yea ds sifu sv [48G(p vpav cog 28 6 diaxovcov. 'Tpeig ds IGTS ol diapspwiixoreg per tpov Iv rolg 29 30 ' xayoo diari&epcu vpiv, xa&me fas&sto pot o jrattjQ ftov /paoiJiefav, ' iva l xou nivrjTS sal vijg tgtanf^s f*ov iv vfi paGifaia pov xal xa&iG^a&s snt rag dwdexa cpvkag tov ' THE FOURTH PASSOVER AND THE EVENTS [PART VIII. 134. Jesus washes the feet of his Disciples. Jerusalem. Evening introducing the Sixth Day of the Week. JOHN XIII. 120. 1 UQO 8s iijg eoQiqg lov 7iaG%a Eidwg b 'IqGovg, on llfiv&Ev aviov f] WQU, Iva peiafir] ex lov xoGpov loviov frgbg ibv naitQa, dyanfiaag lovg tdiovg lovg Iv 2 iqp xoGpcp Eig is'kog fjydnqGEv aviovg. Kal dsinvov ysvoptvov, lov 8ia@6l.ov 7/OJy pep/.qxoTog tig ir^v xaQ8iav 'Iov8a ^ipajvog'lGxaQiwiov, iva aviov TiaQaSw, 3 i Ei8mg b 'lijGovs, on ndvia 8i'8(oxEV aviqj b naifa Eig idg j^eiQae xai on dnb 4 &EOV Qtjh&E xai nQog ibv &ebv vndyM, ' tyeiQEiai Ix lov Ssinrov xai 5 ia ifiarfa, xai haBmv h'vnov 8t&a)GEv saviof tlia 8d).fai v8coo eig ibv r s xai t]Q^aio viniEiv lovg noftag iwv pa&qrwv xai IxpddGEiv iqj faviiqj, q> TJV 6 SiE^wdfisvog. *En%sTai ovv TtQog ^ipcova HKIQOV xai Jifyei avity IxsTvog' xvots, 7 GV fiov viniEig lovg noftag ; '^nexQid'q 'IqGOvg xai tlriEv avidp ' o tya) noiw, GI> 8 ovx o28ag UQII, yvojGrj 8s pEid lavia. ^Jfyei aviqt TltiQog ov |U// vityqg lovg n68ag pov eig ibv alwva. dnexQi&ri aviop b 'fqGovg lav ptj vityw GE, ovx 8%Eig 9 pEQog pEi epov. sliysi avioj 2ipwv Tlergog' XVQIS, py lovg n68ag pov povor, 10 a).).a xai lag %i(>ag xai ITJV xsyalijv. Akyzi avicp b *IriGovg' b ).E).ovperog ov %QEiav e%Ei $ zoi;^ nbftag nipaG&ai, a/L>L' ZGII xa&aQog o)*.og' xai vpsig xa- 11 ftaQoi IGIE, aP./L' oi'%1 ndviEg. "Ht8ei yaQ ibv naQa8i8ovia aviov' 8id lovio 12 EIXEV ov%i TidviEg xa&aQOi IGIE. "Ois ovv sviips lovg no8ag aviav xai j&afiE id ipdiia aviov, dvansGwv ndhv EITTEV avioig ' yivoiGXEiE, 11 TTETioiqxa vpiv ; 13 'Tpeig qxDvtiTE ps- b 8i8aGxalog xai b xvQiog, xai xahog I^ffrt' slpl ydq. 14 El ovv iyw evtipa vpaiv lovg 7io8ag, b xvQiog xai b 8i8aGxahog, xai vpsig byei'lsie 15 alilifiMv viniEiv lovg n68ag. Tttdfotfpa yaq tScoxa vpiv t iva, xa&ug yw 16 InoirjGa vpiv, xai vpsig noitjie. *Avjrp> dpqv P.t'j'co vpiv, ovx EGII 8ovhog pEi^wv 17 lov XVQIOV aviov, ov8s dnoGio'kog pei^wv lov ni'pipaviog aviov. El lavia 18 oiSaif, paxaQiol IGIE, lav notyiE avid. Ov nep] ndvi&v vpwv Mym' syw ol8a ovg l<*&s%dpr]v dlX Iva T\ yQa(pt] ^rP.^oo^J' 11 6 iQcoywv psi Ipov ibv aQiov 19 ITI^QEV lii Ips iqv nisQvav aviov. 'Andgn ^t'yoj vpiv TTQO lov ysvsG&ai, Iva, 20 oiav ywriiai, niGisvariie, on iyw Etpt. 'Apqv dpqv P.e'yco vpiv b lav nva neptyw, Ipf happdvet, b 8s Ips happdvwv hapfidvEi ibv ntpifjavid 135. Jesus points out the Traitor. Judas withdraws. Jerusalem. Evening introducing the Sixth Day of the Week, MATTH. XXVI. 21-25. MARK XIV. 18-21. LUKE XXII. 21-23. JOHN XIII. 21-35. 21 Kal iaOioviuv 18 Kal amxfipe'vuv 21 Tavia einuv b aviav tlntv d- aviav xai ea&iov- 'Itjaovg liaQdx&t] Hqv JU'yw vfuv, on TWV elnev b 'Iq- t$ nvevpan xai elf e| VHMV actQa- aovy d^v Ityu 2lW.r t v iSov, r\ j^eiQ tfiaQivQtjGe xai Stoat* pe. vpiv, on eig *5 rov aoQaditov- elnev ' dpqv dptjv 18. P. 41, 10. 134, 135.] UNTIL THE END OF THE JEWISH SABBATH. 143 MATTH. XXVI. MARK XIV. LUKE XXII. JOHN XIII. nagadcaGsi tog ps fiST Ifiov I- A^cu vpiv, on slg fie, 6 SG&ICOV (1ST ni TygT^aTisfyg. l vpwv 22 Kal Iv- 19 tyov. 01 ds JJQ- 23 Kal avTol fa- 22 dwGsi pe. Tiovfisvoi GcpodQa %avTO lvaiG&ai %avTO GV^IJTSIV nov ovv sig fa^avTO bfyew av- xal liyuv avTcp ngbg savTovg to hovg ol T

L- 23 iivog /U'ya. XVQIS ; fifoi eym ; l.tor nQaaoetr. de Ix 24 aviov Iv tip xolnq) rov 'Iqaov, ov fydfia o 'Iqoovg. Nsvet ovv Tovrcp 2i[icav TlkTQog nv&sa&at, iig av eiq, nsol ov 25 ta'yfi. 'EmneGwv ds lutivog inl to GTTJ&OS TOV '2t]Gov klyei MATTH. XXVI. MARK XIV. aV7(p ' XVQIS, Tig BGTIV ; 23 '0 ds anoxQi&sig tfnev 20 '0 ds anoxQi&Mg SMEV 26 '^noxQi'veTai o 'Jrioovg o lufidtyag [AST" fpov iv aviolg fig x TOW da- Ixtlvog laviv, Q> lya* fid- rqj TQvf&iep 7r]v WIQCL, dexa, 6 IftfiaTZTOperog tyag TO tyotftiov, inidto- 24 oviog fis TiaQadcoGEi. '0 fisr tpov fls to rQvf&iov. GCO. l*lv vibg TOV dv&Qcnnov 21 '0 psv vibg TOV dv&Qca- LUKE xxn. vndysi, xa#oo ylyQct- nov vndyei, xa& dv-&Q(an(p I &(>wnov naQadidoTai' dv&Qconov aaQadtdoTai" di' ov nayadid xakbv r\v avTOp, si ovx xahbv %v avTqj, si ovx sysvvri&t] 6 av&Qwnog fyswti&ij 6 uvOQtonog sxsivog. JOHN xin. 25 sxsivog. '^dnoxQi&slg dt 26 xal f 'lovdag, 6 naQadidovg avTov, SETTS' TO ipmfibf didwGiv 'lovda prjTi 700 C(]E*C, gappi ; ^sysi avrop' 27 '/(jxa^/oar^. Kal pSTa TO GV siTtag. TOTS sigr^&sv fig sxswov b aaTavdg. "ityei ovv avTty 6 'IijGovg' o noisig, 28 nofycov rd%iov. TOVTO ds ovdsig fyvw TWV dvaxsipevoov, agog TI smsv avTqj. 29 Tivss yaQ Idoxovv, east TO ykwGGoxopov sfysv 6 'lovdag, OTI hfysi avTqj b 'Iq- Govg" dyoQUGOv, cay %QSiav fyofisv sig TI^V SOQT^V^ ^ ToZg nTW^otg iva T\ Sep. 30 31 Aafiwv ovv TO ifnofuo* sxslvog sv&s'wg l<*fa&sv l\v ds vv%. ""Ore ovv e Jleyei 6 'IqGovg ' vvv sdo^da&i] b vibg TOV dv&Qwaov, xal b &sbg sdo^aG&t] Iv 32 avTtp. El b &sbg Ido^da&q Iv avTcjj, xal b &sbg du^aGsi avTov sv eavity, xal S3 sv&vg do^aGSi avTov. Tsxvi'a, STI [UXQOV [tetf v^Ktv upi" ^TJT^GSTS fi 9 xal xa- ftwg slnov TOig 'lovdaioig OTI, onov vnayco e'yw, vfuXg ov dvvaG&s ik&siv, xal 34 vpiv ^7> &QVI- 'EvTotfv xaivrjv did a pi vpiv, iva dyanaTe dttfaovg, xa&wg r-5 fydrtrjGa vpag, iva xal vpsig dy attars dMfaovg. 3 Ev TOincp yvwGOVTai on spol pttftytW IGZS, lav dydnqv ifflre iv 144 THE FOURTH PASSOVER AND THE EVENTS [PART VIII. 136. Jesus foretells the fall of Peter, and the dispersion of the Twelve. Jerusalem. Evening introducing the Sixth Day of the Week. JOHN XIII. 3638. 36 Atysi avrcp 2i{jL zpol kv i^ vvxrl ictvi' on tanTai'* na- Tao) vov xa TO (is nQod% ds edeTj&ip Tie^l GOV, iva firj exfaixq r\ ni 'ItjGovg- lyw Eifu r\ bdbg xal ^ dltj&eia xal rj co^' ovdslg EQ^Eiai ngbg ibv na- 7 IE'QU, EI (til Si Efiov. El EyvcoxEtiE [is, xal ibv naisqa [iov EyvcoxEirs dv ' xa] 8 anagn yivcaGxszs aviov xai EWQaxuis aviov- AtyEi avi(*j ( l>&innog ' XVQIE, 9 deT^ov Tffiiv iov narfQCt, xa) aQxslrifuv. Atyti awe? 6 '/^aoiu,' TOGOVTOV ^o- rov petf i'fjimv sipi, xal owe fywntas ^ue, 3>uifrt ; 6 scoQaxug e/ie ingtou TOT 10 rrariipa, xa ^ro^ trv Xf'ya? * 5fijoy ^r^ TO^ nat^Qcx. ; Ov m&ieyeifj on t j'co V TQJ iwar^t xa o narijQ Iv tpoi EGTI ; ia QtjfiaTa, a j'( XXoa vjuri', a^' Ipavrov 11 ov AotAco ' 6 5 TiaTiJQ, o EV ffiol fiwow, avibg TIOIEI TO, SQ^'CL. Uia^eveTE pot, OIL eyw EV rep TICLIQI xai 6 nai^Q EV Efioi' el ds JM//, dia ia fQya avxa. 12 pot. '^[iqv apyv h'yco vfiiv, o TIIGTEVOW Eig Efts ra EQya, a f'yoa ^rotca, jrof//'(T, xal fiEi^ova vovzcov nonfat, oil fyco TiQog TOV naiEQa pov 13 Kal oftt av aiTyGrjie EV vq> 6v6[*aTi [AOV, TOVTO rro/^dto, iva doaG\)rj 6 14 15 EV Tto vlcp. 'Edv 11 alzrjGrjE EV ity ovopari pov, yoo nou'iGCo. 3 Eav dyanaTE [*E, 16 tag EVTokas rag E^tag triQi'iGaiE. Ka\ Eyw EQMTTJGCO ibv naiEQa, xal aM.ov aaQa- 1 T -/.JiTjTov daaEi vfuv, iva pE'vy [AE& vpwv Eig ibv aicova ib nvEvpa tijg abj&eiae, o 6 xoGpog ov dvvaiai lafiEiv, on ov &EWQET avib ovds yuwoxei avio ' vpEig dt 18 j'trcoVxFTfi ai'io, on nag 3 vpiv pe'vEi xal EV vfiiv EGiai. Ovx aqpjjtyco vfiag oQya- 19 vovg ' EQ%o[iat agog vfiag. "Ezi IMXQOV, xal o xoGpog (A.E OVXE'TI &E(QQEI, vfiEig dt 20 dEcoQEiTE /<, on lya ^oo xal vpEig ty'jGEG&E. *Ev EXEIV^ iiq ^QK yvcoGEG&s i'fiEtg, 21 on f/oa EV 101 naiQi fiov xal vpsig EV ffiol xayw EV vpTv. '0 sywv lag Ev fiov xal ir^tov avrdg, Ixsivog EGIIV 6 dyan&v fie' 6 ds dyanwv ps dyanr^ 22 vno lov TraiQog pov, xal f'/ca dyaTrqca) avibv xa} tpyavuja) avrcp epavro*. avio) 'lovdag, ov% 6 'iGxaQicoTqg XVQIS, 11 ylyovEv, on r^iv [itM.Eig Ef 23 GECLVIOV xal ov%l iq> xoGftoi ; '^TIEXQI&TJ 'IqGOvg xal EITJEV avTqj ' EUV ng dyana ttf, lov 16yov juov rrjQirjGEi, xt o 7iair t Q [4ov dyanffiEi aviov, xal TiQog avibr 24 &VGO[*E&a xal povijv na.Q aviqj noujGOftEv. '0 pq dyanwv ps lovg "koyovg uov ov irjQti' xl 6 koyog, ov axovEis, otx EGIIV Ef^og, d).7.d lov nepnpanoe fit 25 26 naiQog. Tavia XiXitXiyxa vpiv naQ vfiiv [IEVCOV ' 6 ds naQaxlyiog, ib nvEVfia ib dviov, o nEfityEi 6 naifa EV ity ovofiaii JMOV, EXEivog vpag didd&i ndvia xdi 27 vnofivr'^Ei vfidg ndvia, a slnov vfuv. EIQI'JVJJV dyiqfu vfiTv, EtQr^tjv ITJV EW didojfAi VPIV' ov xa&wg 6 xoGfiog didcoai.v, f'yco didufii vfiiv. pj IUQUGGEG^G) 28 vfiwv TI xagdia fi^ds dEihaico. 'Hxovaais, on yoj sinov vfiiv vndfto xal ?Q- yrofiai nQog vfidg. si TjyandiB [is, fyaQyTE dv, on aoQEvofiai TtQog ibv naitQa ' 29 on 6 naTTjQ [iov fiEi^mv fiov EGII. Kal rvv e*QT]xa vfiiv no\v yEvtaftai, Iva, orar 30 yevtjiat, ntGTEvarjiE. Ovxt'n no^d Aa^'ao) [IE tf v[imv ' EQ^erai yaQ 6 iov xo- 31 atiov aQ'/ OJV, xal EV Efiol ovx E%EI ovdtv dlX Iva yvcp o xoafiog, on dyano* ibr xal xa& "Hdti vpEig xa&agoi laie did ibv loyov, or v[4iv. Msivais iv spot, xdyw Iv vptv. xa&ag to xhrjfia ov dvvaiai cp/QEiv ay laviov, lav pr] psivq Iv iy dfj,n&q>, ovicog ovds vpsig, iav pi] 'Eyco sipi rj annskog, v[48ig ra xfofaata. 6 [twmv Iv e^ioe xwycc) Iv avxcp, ourog gjsQsi xctQTibv nokvv on ^togis fyov ov dvvaa&s noiziv ovdsv- 6 'Eav (JLTJ tig pewy Iv tpoi, ffft.q&ij f ca, cag vb xkijpa, xou s^ijQdv&ij t xal avvnyov- 7 civ avia xat sis nvq fiall.ovai, xal xaieTai. 'Eav fwrrpi sv ifiol xal ra QrjfjtarfU 8 fjiov iv v(jiiv [iuv^ o lav &&ifZ6?tUfq886&e t xal yevqaeTai vfuv. 'Evroviq lo- %da&jj b narriQ juou, iva XO.QJIOV nolvv (ffyifit, xa yevrjGSG&e Ifiol pa&ijTat. 9 Ka&wg rfldnriGl ps 6 ftaifa xwyoa iflwnfist. vpag, pfltctH iv ty ayanr^ ry spy. 10 'Boy rag Ivtohdg pov TtiQtjdifiSi psveizs Iv 777 oydnq pov, xa&wg lycb tag Iv- 11 Tolag TOV naTQog pov fffJ^MUf xa) psvm avzov Iv ry aydnri. Tavra 12 ipiv, iva r\ %aQa y Ipq Iv upiv peivy xai y %aQa vpav fid^cotffl. Amr[ larlv 13 jy lfjLr^ivce.aya.7ta.T dkkfaovg,xa&(x)g fffdnqGa vftdg. Mel^ova ravTtjg aydnriv ovdeig 14 8^ei,ivarigi^vipi^v avrov -fry VTZSQ rwv cpi'kwv aviov. 'TpeTg cf-i).oi pov ZGTS, lav 15 troupe, oGa lyw irtsjjijffuu v^iv. OVXKTI vftdg P.sj'oo dovkovg, on, b dovkog oi?x olds, ii Tiotsi aviov o xvQiog ' vpdg ds siQijxa cpikovg, on ndvia, a ijxovoa 16 nctQa lov naiQog (JLOV, lyvwQiGa vpiv. Ov% vpsig ps l<~ek8<*aG6e, dkX j'oa vpa$, xat 8&i]xa vpdgj iva vptig vTrdyqis xal xaQnbv cps't^is xi 6 vpwv [levy, iva 0,11 dv aii^GJjis ibv aa,i9Qa Iv i&) bvopaii pov, dqj 17 18 vpiv. Tavza Iviekloiiai vpiv, iva dyandis a.l.'kri'kovg. El b x6apos vpdg 19 [MG81, yiVCQGXEIS, Oil IflS JTQWTOV V(lO)V ^8f4.lG^8V- El SX 10V XOG[40V $18, XO- Gftog dv ib iSiov l[i8ig ds [iaQTVQ8iT8, on art aQylqg [isi Ipou sais. a 25. Ps. 69, 5. 148 THE FOURTH PASSOVER AND THE EVENTS [PART VIII. 140. Persecution foretold. Further promise of the Holy Spirit. Prayer in the name of Christ Jerusalem. Evening introducing the Sixth Day of the Week. JOHN XVI. 133. l 2 Tavia fahdlyxa ifuv t iva pq GxavdahG&ljiE. 'AnoGvvaywyovg vftdg aP.A' EQ%iai V *i\nr\v. Nvv ds vndycn 6 ngbg ibv TifpifjavTci [is, xal ovdslg 1% vptov IQCOTK pe ' nov vndyEig ; ' AX' on 7 ravra le^dlrjxa vpiv, ij May TreTi^tJQcaxev ifiwv T^V xaQdiav. y A] f'/ca ir^v vfiTv ' avpcptQet vpiv, ira eyoa a7i&&a>. lav yaQ ^ an&&cn, o ovx l^evffstai TZQOS vpag ' lav ds noQev&toj ns^iipm avrbv ngbg vpag. 8 Kal Ik&av Ixeivo? elef^et rov xofffiov TIEQ} apaQn'ag xal Tiegl dixaioavvqg xal 9 10 TT?Q} xoiGEmg. Ilepl apaQTiag ptv, on ov matsvovGiv elg Ifts' TTEQI dixaioov- 1 1 vqg df, on rtQog ibv nartQa fiov vndyw xal ovxsn &EOOQEITS fis ' nQl ds XQIGEW?, 12 on b u.o%tov lov xoGfiov rovrov xEXQirai. "En noTJka E%x eifu povog, ozt 6 TIKTIJQ {*? ^ov icvi. TavTa vpw, Iva, iv ipol UQrjvtp fyqTS. Iv i($ xoGpcp ftkiipiv 8%sre yco vsvixqxa tov 141. Christ's last prayer with his Disciples. Jerusalem. Evening introducing the Sixth Day of the Week. JOHN XVII. 126. 1 Tavra lldltjGSv 6 'IqGovg, xat IntJQs tovg bcp&alpovs avtov 8i$ tov oi'Qavbv xal E^Tts- TidteQ, &ij).v&8v y WQU' do^aGov GOV tov vlov, Iva xal 6 vlos GOV 2 8o%aGr[ GS* ' xa#oot,* fdwxae avtco s^ovGiav acuhft /, iva 4 as tov IJLOVOV OLlrffrivov &ebv y.cu ov amotn^ag 'Iijaovv XgiGtov. 3 Eyw GS Ido- 5 ^ava Inl trig ylr t g to sgyov ItsfoicoGa, o dzdawdg jttot iva noti$0at ' ' xat vvv do%a- o~6v [is GV, TrdteQ, naQO, Gsavtcp ty do^y, y etyov TIQO tov tov XOG^OV swat naQa 6 GOI' 'EcpaveQWGa GOV TO bvofjiatolg av&QCQ7ZOig,ovs dedcoxag poi EX tovxoGftov. 7 Gol qaav, xa). ffiol avtovg dsdaxag, xal tov \6yov GOV tsttjQrjxaGi. Nvv 8 oti ndvta, oGa dt'dwxdg fioi, naga. GOV EGtiv oti ta ofyata, a dsdcoxdg dsdwxa avTQig, xou avtol skafiov xal syvwGav dkrj&ws, oti naQa GOV 9 xal ETiiGtsvGav, OTI o~v [48 ansGtBikag. Eyco TISQI avtwv f^oarca ov TTEQI tov 10 xoff/uov IQCOTW, dkka negl cav dtdcoxdg poi, OTI GOI slot' xal ta ipa ndvta od 11 IGTI xal ta Ga spa, xal dsdo^aGfiai EV avtolg. Kal OVXETI EifM iv t(*) xoGfMp, xal ovwi EV zrp xoapcp slot, xal /co agog o~e sQ^opai. ndtzQ ayis, ttfarjaov av- 12 tovg Iv to? bvonati GOV, (p dsdcoxdg poi, iva COGIV EV xa&wg itfttiG. "Ots UST avtcov EV tq> xoGficp, lyw IttJQovv avtovg Iv tty bvo^ati GOV ovg uoi Etyvka^a, xai ovdsig | avtcov dtKoksto, 8i [tr] 6 vlog ttjg dncoksiag, iva 17 13 yQacpq Tilrioco&ri'^ vvv ds TiQog GS EQ^opai, xal tavta ^a^.c5 Iv tqj xoGpcp, iva 14 gvaxTt tr\v %aQav tr\v Ipfyv yiETi^QcopEvtjv EV avtoig. 'Eyw dEdajxa avtoig tov hoyov GOV ' xal 6 XQGpog E^IG^GEV avtovg, oti ovx siolv lx tov XOG^OV, xa&wg 15 eyco ovx eipl tx tov xoGfiov. Ovx SQCOTCJJ, iva dgyg avtovg sx tov XOG^OV, cd 16 iva tt]Q^Gyg avtovg ex tov novr^ov. 3 Ex tov xoGpov ovx SIGI, xa&ag lyca ex 17 tov XOG^OV ovx ei[ii. 'AyiaGOv avtovg EV ty dkrj&sia GOV 6 "koyog b Gog dkr]- 18 &Eid SGTI. Ka&ag eps a7iEGT8i}.ag Eig tov XOG^OV, xayoa antatEika avtovg sig 19 tov xoGpov. Kal vn?Q avtwv 700 dyia^m tftavtov, iva xal avtol WGIV fryuuffU' 20 voi EV dkrj&sia. Ov TIEQI tovtav ds SQCQta) [tovov, akka xai TISQI twv TZIGTEVOV- a 12. Comp. Ps. 41, 10 [9]. 109, 8. 17. 150 THE FOURTH PASSOVER AND THE EVENTS [PART VIII. JOHN XVII. 21 TOV dia TOV "koyov avrav sig /*, ' iva ndvtzg tv WGI, xa&ag GV, TIUTEQ, \v quo) xctyoa k v aoi, iva xal avzol h r^uv tv caaw, iva o xoGuog niGTEVGrj, OIL GV jttt 22 an>Eikag. Kal j'oa ir\v do^av, qv dtdwxdg pot, dtdwxa avToig, Iva, WGIV IV, 23 xa&wg Tjpsig ev EG^EV, ' eyoa kv avioig xal av kv spot, iva OJGI IV, xal iva yivco ~ t ir o lr]~ fig %G)QIOV Evening introducing tho Sixth Day of the Week. MARK XIV. 26, 3242 LUKE XXIL 26 Kal vfivqaavze g 39 Kal l t&jpi&ov sig TO o- JOHN XVIII. 1 Tavra Qog TOJV ekaioav. s&og sig TO oQog GVV Toig 32 Kal avTov fiavr, toig %WQIOV, OVTO ovo- lov&qaav ds av- fjia rE&aquavtj ' T(p xai ol fia&q- 40 Tai avTov. PEVO- xal hfysi- TOig pa- psvog ds snl TOV &r]Taig avvov, ov dnsk&mv xa&iaaTE twg avTov ' (ads, TQJIOV tfnsv av- ToTg' 7iQogEv%E- rov , onov r t v ei$ ov eig- avrbg xal rai avTov. a&e jit// sig MARK XIV 37 Kal naQalafimv TOV TllTQOv xal Tovg 33 Kal naQalappdvEi TOV IleTQOv xal dvovlovg Ze^EdaiovrJQ^aTO^VTiEia&ai 'Idxwfiov xal 'ludwyv [istf savTOv' 38 xal ddqpovEiv. TOTS /Leyfit avroig ' ns- xal jfjQ^aTO Ix&a^sia&ai xal ddq- QiJivnog IGTIV r\ tyvyji [*ov zwg -&avd- 34 UOVEIV- Kal fayst avToig ' ney&vnog TOV ' psivaTS code xal IGTIV rj tyv%T] pov 0)g QavaTov ' fisiva- [AST IflOV. TS ttds XOl fQYiyOQ^TS. LUKE XXII. v 35 Kal nQO&Qwv [UXQOV 41 Kal avTog snsGSv lal Tijg yr}g ' xal an avTwv ngog^v^TOj iva, si dv- jiohjv, xai &eig TO. VUTOV IGTI, naQllO^ an 42 ra nQogr t v^io ' 36 avTov 7} MQtt. Kal &- pov, fl dv- ysv d^a t 6 naTr^, rrcerep, el $OV\EI varov IGTI, naQEWtra) ndvTa dvvaTa aoi ' naq- veyxEtv TO an ffiov TO noTTjQiov Vyxe TO norrjQiov &.TI TO an Iftov' nV^y //;, 39 Kal nQOEl&wv [iixQO tnsGEv tal nQogmnov av- TOV nQogsv%6psvog xal 142, 143.] UNTIL THE END OF THE JEWISH SABBATH. 151 MATTH. XXVI. MARK XIV. LUKE XXII. IOVTO n^rjv ov% co fyov lovio ' dlX ov il 10 &&t](ta [tov, alia 10 f j'w {fcftoo, d).X cat,' ov. 7 xhloa, dM.a ii cry. -13 ahv ysvt'a&co. *Q(p&t] fit avida ayyt&og an ov- 44 Qavov iviGyvtov aviov. Kal fevdfievos sv dyowia SKievsGTSQor 77Qog)]v%eTO. ty&eto ds o IdQwg aviov cagsl &QOft04 al^aiog xaia- fiaivovisg snl ir t v yrp. 40 Kal BQ%iai TiQog 37 Kal t()%eiai Kal SVQI- 45 Kal avaaiag 0,710 Tt\^ (jLa&riiag Kal KV- GXEI avrovg xa&evdor- nQOfevfflf, Ikdrnv TiQog avrovg xa&vdov- lagj^aD^'m^TlKiQ^' lovg pa&rjTag [aviov], lag, ^al kfysi i<$ Til- ^ipwv, xa&evdstf ; ovx EVQEV aviovg 7Q(p ' oviwg ovx IG%V- 'iG^vaag piav WQUV yqri- vovg ano iijg oars piav wQav ywyogq- 38 yoQqaai ; FQiffOQeiTS 46 ' xal tlnw avroig ' ii 41 Qa, Kal 6 viog lov dv&Q&nov idov, naqab'io'oiai 6 vlbg lov d naQadidoiai sig %KiQag apaQiwhav. nov eig idg %siQa? iwv d^ 46 'EysiQSG&s, aympzv ' idoi, fyywsv 6 42 'EysiQsa&s, ayco^v ' idov, 6 dovg ps r 143. Jesus betrayed, and made prisoner. Mount of Olives. Evening introducing the Sixth Day of the Week. JOHN XVIII. 212. 2 "Hidei ds KOI 'lovdag, 6 naQadidovg aviov ; lov IOTTOV, on noM.aKig ovvfy&i] o 3 'Iqaovg IKSI peia imv nafrrpwv aviov. ' ovv 'lovdag lafimv ir\v onsiQav Kal IK imv dQ%ieQ8G)v Kal (PaQiaaiwv VTtr^siag Q%eiai EKEI pera cpavwv Kal "ka\ina- 152 THE FOURTH PASSOVER AND THE EVENTS [PART VIII. eig toiv dwdexa, y,at pez uvrov 7to/.vg fiei xat |tUcay no TWV UQ- 'lovdag, elg iwv dcadexa, aviov g ' 4 ' 5 T 6 lyw flnev avroig ' riva avzoig 6 'Irfiovg avzcor. 'Qg ovv Fldhv ' MATTH. XXVI. 47-56. MARK XIV. 43-52. LUKE XXII. 47-53. 47 Kal sn avzov "ka- 43 Kal Ev&t'wg, en av- 47 "En ds avrov \a"kovv- kovviog, idov, 'lovdag, 10 v kdkovviog, naqayi- rog, idov o%kog, xai b vsrai 'lovdag, eig coV icov dwdsxa, xal [isi aviov nolvg pszd fia- xai |tUooy naQa aQ%iQe(ov xal IGJV fiait'wv xal iwv JOHN XVIII. ovv, Eidajg ndvia id lQ%6pva in aviov, el ';4nEXQi&rj6av avzoj ' ITJOOVV ibv Na^coQaiov. > eiaii'jXEi ds xal 'lovdag, b naQadidovg aviov, 7 elnsv avioig' on yw eifu' dnrjk&ov eig id bniaw xal snsaov %apai. ovv aviovg enriQcaiijaE iiva tyiEiis ; ol ds einov ' 'Iqaovv ibv 8 ^nsxQi&rj b 'Iqaovg ' Einov vfuv, on eyco sipi ' EI ovv fps fyiEiie, dqjeie lov- 9 lovg vndysiv. ( Iva n).rjQco&ij b "koyog, ov einev ' on ovg dtdcoxdg uoi, ovx dntafaca e% avzwv ovdsva.) MATTH. XXVI. MARK XIV. 48 '0 ds naQadidovg aviov f d(x>XEv av- 44 Jedcaxei ds b naQadidovg aviov 49 aviog Ian' XQairjaais aviov. Kal avrog Ian' xQaiqaaiE aviov xal MARK xiv. dnaydyEiE dacpakag. V- LUKE XXII. * ^ >r wv 47 xai rflyias zcpj avicp "kfyei ' Qaffii, 'Iqaov cpdrjaai xal xai- 48 aviov. '0 ds 'Iq- JOHN xvin. aviov. aovg EIKEV avicp 12 e H ovv s lovda, ydqpaii xal 6 ibv vibv lov dv- xal ol Ine^a^ov 46 01 ds ens^a/.ov ftQwnov naQa- iwv 'lovdaiar idg %eiQCtg snl ibv In avibv idg 49 didwg ; 'IdoviEg avv&afiov ibv '!TJ- 'Irjaovv xal IXQU- %iQag avicov xal ds ol nfQl avibv aovv xal edqaav 51 irjaav aviov. Kal ixQaiqaav aviov. ib iao^Evov Einov 10 avibv. - idov, Eig IGJV field aviqj XVQIS, si ovv IIsiQog 'Irjaov ixieivag 47 Eig dsng iwvna- naid^ofiEv iv \JLGL- dns- QEairjxozav ana- 50 %aiQa ; Kal end- adftEvog iqv ftcc- ia&v Eig ng el; %aiQav tnaias ibv lov dq%ie- 71QOS& > 3 Jt]ao elne'%aiQe, yaffil' 50 avrov. '0 ds'Itj- elnev , scp o nd- Qi; rons 71QOS&- anaae itjv fia- %aiQav aviov, xal nazd^ug ibv dov- JLOV lov aQXiEQtug Qtcog xal dqn/.tv dytil.ev avzov ib avzov to 52 ojrior. Tore X- yet avi$ b 'Iq- aviwv ibv dovhov dyetl.ev avzov ib ib detiov. ovg 51 ' xai enaiGE lov lov dQ%iQea)g dovkov xal dne- xoipev aviov zb w- iiovib debtor. 1,1 JtoV. ds ovofia TQ> dov- lq> Mdtyoe. El- de b llnev ovv 6 '1 143, 144.] UNTIL THE END OF THE JEWISH SABBATH. 153 a MATTH. XXVI. Govg ' dnoaiQStyov GOV i\v fid^aiQav sig ibv ionov avi^g' ndvisg yaq ol "kafibvisg [j,d%aiQav sv pa^aiQa dno- 53 "hovviai. a ^H doxsig, on ov dwapai aQii nagaxahsGai ibv naifya pov, xai naQaGTTJGSi pot nksiovg rj dcadsxa 54 "ksystovag ayyskwv ; Tlwg ovv n^Q cpai, on ovioi) dsi ysvs- MARK xiv. 55 G&ai ; 'Ev sxsivy iy coQa 48 Kai dnoxQt&sig o sinsv b 'ItjGovg loig Govg slnsv avioig ' cog Inl tyGiyv snl fJia%ai- pSTa pa^aiQGav xal xal l-vhoM Gvhha- 49 "kmv 0-vM.afisiv ps ' fislv (is ' xatf Ji(A.KQav fjfte'Qav sv icp xal ovx sig 10 no- ITJQIOV, o dsdooxs LUKE XXII. JOHN XVIII. 'IriGovg sinsv ' Id- is smg loviov ' xai dtydftsvog lov (oiiov aviov la- caio aviov- ni(o avio; LUKE XXII. 52 EITZS ds b 'IrjGOvg lovg in aviov 10V ISQOV cog inl " nqog vfiag [AEI diddo~xo)v, 53 hcov ' xa& fysQav bviog ' (IS ' flOV flS& VfMMV SV ICp IsQcp ovx s^sislvais idg %siQag tn sps'. a)j av- Kal dcpsvisg it] vfioav ianv f] aga xal ibis aviov ndvisg scpvyov. TJ s^ovGia lov tl ndvisg a- 51 Kal sig ng vsaviGxog yevisg avibv scpvyov. qxohov&si avicp nsQifs^psvog cwdbra Inl 52 yvpvov ' xai xQaiovffiv aviov ol vsaviGxoi. '0 ds rijv Gird ova yvjivbg scpvysv an sv icp xal ovx sxQaifoais ps. 56 TOVTO ds o\ov ysyovsv, iva nhqQw&wGiv aiyga- 50 144. Jesus before Caiaphas. Peter thrice denies him. Jerusalem. Night introducing the Sixth Day of the Week. MATTH. XXVI. 57, MARK XIV. 53, 54, LUKE xxn 54 _ 62 JoHNXVlII.13 IS, 58, 6975. 66-72. 2527. 57 Ol ds xQairJGav- 63 Kal dnriyayov 54 2vlka$6visg ds 13 Kal isg ibv 'IIJGOVV dnriyayov nQog Kaidyav ibv aQ- %isQsa. onov ol xal ol 'GVV- lov aviv xa aviov vav 7<*Q "Av- navisg 01 aQ%is- Qsig xal ol ngs- GfiviSQoi xal ol yga^ifjiaisig. TOV 58 1 os IIsTQog fjxohov&si xai aviov sig ibv oJxov lov aQ^iSQSoag. Kaidya, og > \ ~ y UQftlSQSVg TOV SVl- 14 aviov sxsivov. ^Hv ds Kaidcpag on GV[A(f)Qi sva dv&QooTTOv dno- hsG&ai vnfQ lov 15 "kaov. paxQO&sv ^xoZov-54 '0 ds ITsiQog r\- fisi ds icp 52. Comp. Gen. 9, 6. 20 154 THE FOURTH PASSOVER AND THE EVENTS [PART VIII. MATTH XXVI. av7cp dno paxQO- MARK XIV. LUKE XXII. JOHN XVIII. tcog av- eig 7tjv av- xai o '/v(OG7og aQyiQi xa rep eg b ds pa- IxeTvog i\v avtyv 7ov 16'aQ%iSQea)g. '0 ds IIsTQog eiarfaei nqbg 7% &VQCX, e% > / OVX Hut. ds nQO$e1i&6v7eg ol r (jTMTtf elnov 7Cp TI&7QCp ' ttAf]- xal GV I J v- ~l I ^ V" fiv os i* [lK>Vn7QOg G7(X)g xal degpaivofie- vog. elnov ovv av7(p' firj xal GV ex 7 / / ov anexotye Tie- 7QOg TO O3710V ' ovx eyw oe eldov 144, 145.] UNTIL THE END OF THE JEWISH SABBATH. 155 MATTH. XXVI. MARK XIV. LUKE XXII. JOHN XVIII. TWV si' xalyaQri e aviojv &l m xal ijv xal yaQ Fah~ sv icp xfacp psi hahd 6ov dfaov 7<* Fahlaiog 7, 60 laiog saitv. El- 27 avion ; Tldliv 74 (7 TIOISI. Tore xal q hahd GOV as ds 6 TlsiQog* ovv rjQvqaaio o %Q%aio xaia&s- 7 1 opoid&i. '0 ds av&QMTZS, ovx Ilsigog' xal v- (j,aiisiv xal Ojte- %Q%aio dva&sfia- oida o hs'ysig* ftsong d).sxia>Q '- vvsiv ' on ovx ol- ii^siv xcw bfjivvziv ' da tov av&QODTtov. oil ovx oida lov av&Qmnov xai ev&soog aAx- 72 loviov, ov ktysis. Kal Ix SSVISQOV dkwiwQ qpoa- vqas. x dvspvfo&'r] o 61 GS IIKIQOS 10 Qypa, o SITISV avicpo'IqGOvs' onnglv cparrjGai dig (IE iQig. xcu inifia'l.wv LUKE xxn. 60 xae naQa%Qq[*a, sit o IlsiQos iov Qij(Aaio$ lov 'ItjGOv si- avicp' oil TTQIV (pwviJGai IQ}$ fts. xat fJfiX- IJw id.avG& m- Kal GiQa- cpst$ 6 XVQIOS iveflfatye iq) IJsrQcp, xtu vn^vr^- G&T] o TIliQog lov hoyov lov XVQIOV, a$ unsv av- 1$ ' on TTQIV 62 iQig. Kals&k&wv fcjco [6 sxlavGS aviOV i 71SQI icp 145. Jesus before Caiaphas and the Sanhedrim. He declares himself to be the Christ ; is condemned and mocked. Jerusalem. Morning of the Sixth Day of the Week. JOHN XVIII. 1924. 19 '0 OVV d()%tSQSV$ TjQC011]GS 10V It]GOVV 7TSQI 1WV 20 diSa%ijg aviov. 3 j47iXQi'&t] aviqj 6 'irjGovg' tyco lyta ndvzois Idida^a sv Gwaywyri xal Iv iup /(?&), onov navies oi 'lovdatoi 21 GvvsQ%oviai, xocl fv XQVTTTCO IkdhrfGa ov8lv ' ' 11 pe fneQtoiag ; ITTSQCOI^GOV iovg 22 dxqxooiag, 11 sti&qaa avioig' ids, ovioi otdaaiv, a elnov lya. Tavia ds av- iov sinoviog sig ia>v VTHIQSICOV naQSGirjxag t^coxe QaniGfia iq> 'Iqaov sincor. 23 ovzwg UTtoxgivQ icjj aQ%iSQEi ; 3 ^4asxQi&q avion o 'IrjGovg* si xaxcog IkdkrjGa, 24 (jiaQivQ^GOv TISQI lov xaxov, si ds ntKJLatg t 11 ps dsQSig ; 'stfntGisifov ovv avrov o **Avvag dsdsfisvov TiQog Kalacpav lov aQ^iSQsa. LUKE XXII. 6371. 66 Kal wg lyzvsio fjfieQCt, tfvrfy&q ib TTQSG^VTBQIOV lov kaov, yQappaisig, xal dvriyayov aviov sig ib GvvsdQtov savimv ' MATTH. XXVI. 5968. 59 Oi ds aQ%iSQSig xal oi TTQSG^VTSQOI %al ib GvvtdQiov olov i^iovv ipsvdo- fiaQivQiav xaia lov 'ItjGOVj oncog 60 aviov fiavaicoGcoGi' xal ov% SVQOV. xal TroHooy ipsvdopaQivQow nQogsk- ftoviav ov% SVQOV. VGISQOV ds TTQog- 61 ek&ovisg dvo ifjsvdopaQivQsg f slnov is xat MARK XIV. 5565. 55 Oi ds aQ^iSQsTg xal o).ov ib GVVI- dgiov lrjidw xaia lov 'Iqcov IUCCQ- ivQiav sig ib -&araimGai aviov, xal 56 ov% fVQiGX&v. IJo).lol yaQ s^svdo- paQivgovv xai aviov, xal Jaai ai 57 fiaQivQiai ovx tjGav. Kai itrsg dra- Gidvisg sifjsvdopaQTi'Qovv xai av- 156 THE FOURTH PASSOVER AND THE EVENTS [PART VIII. MATTH. XXVI. ovTog sq)ij- dvvapai xazalvGai TOV rabv TOV &EOV xal diet TQIWV fjfiEQwv avTov. MARK XIV. 58 rov IfyovTEg OTI avTov fa'yoviog' OTI lyw xaTa).vGco TOV VaOV TOVTOV TOV %IQOnOlt]TOV, Xal did TQKUV TjfAEQWV okkov d%IQO- 59 noiijTOV oixodoprJGa). Kal ovds ov- 62 Kal dvaGTag 60 TOO? IGIJ qv TI paQTVQia avioiv. Kal vg Einev avTqj ' ovdsv dnoxQi- dvaGTag b dg^iEQEvg Eig pEGOv TTJGS TOV 'llJGOVV '0 ds 'ly- 61 ovd f v ; ii OVTOI aov xal dno- ana xal ovdsv b dQ%iQEvg E!- vaio' nar.iv b GE Qvg InrjQcoTa aviov xal LUKE XXII. 67 ' IfyovTEg ' si GV el b av d b XQI- XgiGTog, EITIE fjpiv. tin? ds avToig' lav vptv t- i OVTOI aov xara- 63 t /-\ $*. > U OS GI- aovg 7TEV iog, iva rjpiv inqs, si GV s2 b XgtGTog, b vlbg ~ ~ j / >~ ? i u ~ 64 TOV vfov. jfsyEi avTip GTog, o viog TOV b 'IrjGovg- GV tlnag. 62 TOW; '0 de 'lyoovg yiEV ov vfiiv, tov viov x y.al yea eipi ' xa o- 68 lav ds xal F^aiTjJdca, ov V VIOV TOV O.V- [IT] a7lOXQl&t]T (401 Vj d- Ix dE^icov xa- 69 nokvGyTE. '^dno TOV vvv Tijg dvvdpEwg KGiai b vlbg TOV dv&Q(a- snl TWV TOV OVQUVOV. xai GS ' 11 ETI liaQTVQWv ; ids, vvv TJ- y.ovGaTS ii\v {fl.aGq>T]- r>6 piav avTov. ' ii vfilv do- XEI; ol ds dnoxQi&EVTEg tlnov vo%og ftavaTOV 7 IGTI. Tors IvtnTVGav v TOV ovgavov. TTjg dvvdftEoag TOV &EOV. 65 TOTE b dpyiEQEvg difQ- 63 '0 ds dQ%iEQSvg diaQQ/j- 70 Eilnov dl ndvTEg ' GV ' " ia IfiaTia avTov ag Tovg %iTQ%avTO 63 Kal ol dtdQEg ol avv- ti TO KQogarzov avrov xal ixoldyiGav avTov ' 08 of de (QQaniGav ' XQIGTE', iig tow b nai- GUf G ; Ttvsg funivEiv avTco xai t^ovTEg TOV nQixal.v7ZTiv TO nQog- Ive'nai^ov avzqj anov avTov xal xol.a- 64 TEg, ' xai qptery avToy xal kfyftv TEg awlv ezvnTOv av- avTty' nQoyijTEVGOv. TOV TO nQogowov xdi xal ol vnriQtjai Qani- f/r^^torcor aviov yU'j'o* 1 - avTOV ffia).).ov. TEg' ^oqp^revffor, rV GVGTaGiaGTOOV 8e8s[AVO$j OITIVSS Gqpov, fayofisvov BaQafi- . iv TTJ GTOLQZI cpovov 17 fiai>. 2vvriy(Jivwv ovv av- 8 Kal avafiorjGag 6 ofyog TWV siTisv avTOig o Tlikd- aiTMG&ai, Marcos aei snoisi log ' Tiva &&STS a.Tio'kv- 9 ' O 8s 77/Aazo? anexQi&ri JOHN xvm. era) vfiiv ; BaQafifiav ; $ avTOig ksywv ' ftshsTe 39 fiovheG&e ovv vfuv 'IqGOvVj TOV heyopsvov dnokvGa) vpiv TOV @a- anohvGco TOV 18 XQiGTOv^HiSsiyaQjOTi Gikea TWV 'lovSaiwv ; TWV 3 lovSaiwv ; 8ia y&ovov naQsScoxav 10 'EyivwGxs yaQ, OTI Sia 19 avTov. Ka&qpevov 8s cp&ovov naQaSeSwxeiGav UVTOV ol a avTov im TOV agog 'avTov v\ yvvr\ aviov My ova a. GOI %ai T(jj> 8waicp zxeivq) ' no'k'ka. yag sna&ov GJJ^IEQOV xaT OVUQ 81 av- MARK xv. LUKE xxm. JOHN xvm. 20 TOV. 01 8s aQ- 11 Oi 8s dpjiSQeTg 18 3 ^4vsxQa%av 8s 40'ExQavyaGav ovv %iQtig xal ol aveaeiGav TOV o%- nannkri&ei Myov- naliv ndvTsg U- JTQSGfivTeQOl S7TSI- lov, IVO. [iaM.OV Tg' aiQS TOVTOV y yOVTSS' (Itj TOV- cav Tovg ofiovg, TOV BaQafflav anokvGov ds r^iiv Tov,aMaTovBaQ- iva aiTrjGwvTai anolvGy avzoig. TOV BaQaffiav a@pav. %v 8s 6 TOV BaQaffiav, 19 05*119 %v 8ia GTa- TOV 8s 'Iqaovv GIV TWO, ysvops'vrjv anoteGWGiv. Iv TTJ Met xal yovov 21 'AnoxQi- 20 elg (fvla^v. Ildliv ovv 6 TIildTog ftelg 8s 6 fjysfAwv eJnev MARK XT. iriQogsywvijGe ftslmv a- avToig'Tiva&t&eTedfzo 21 '0 8s TIikaTog CMOXQI- 21 nokvGai TOV 'IqGovv. Oi TWV Svo drtohvGO) v(uv ; &slg adhv slnsv avTOig ' 8s Inscpwvovv I 22 01 8s SITIOV ' BaQafifidv. T\ ovv &&STS norf- GTavQWGov, Akysi avTOig 6 TIikdTog' "crw ov heyeTS fiaadsa 22 amov. c TI ovv noiriaco 'IijGOvv, 13 TWV 'Iov8aiwv ; 01 8s ns nQog avrovg ' TI yaQ TOV ksyofievov XQIGTOV ; bMttUf exQa^av ' GTO.V- Y.OLY.OV ITZOIIJGSV ovTog ; MyovGiv avTcp ndvTeg ' 14 QWGOV avTov. '0 8s ov8sv airiov ftavdiov 23 GTavQW&^Tw. '08srjye- TldaTog skeysv avTOig' EVQOV iv avTcp - naiSev- 160 THE FOURTH PASSOVER AND THE EVENTS [PART VIII. MATTH. XXVII. MARK XV. LUKE XXIII. scprj 11 yaQ xaxbv ii yaQ xaxbv inoii]Gv ; Gag ovv avibv ; ol ds nQiG- ol ds nsQiGGwg exga- 23 01 ds snsxsivio %av ' GiavQG)Gov avTov. fisydlaig aiiovpsvoi av- ibv GiavQm&ijvai, xal xaTiG%vov al qmval avi&v xal i)jv loig %t'votg. AIQ exfa'j&i] b dyQog exeivog dygbg aifiaiog Zmg irjg 9 GIJUEQOV. TOTS Bn^Qw&ri to Qq&lv dia 'IfQSftiov rov nQoyrjtov }JyovTog 10 TltrV TOV TETlllSVOV 0V ACTS I. 19 ndvia in Gnldyyva aviov. Kai yvm- oibv lytvEio ndci loTg xaioixovGtv ' legovGakfy, ngie xl.q&yvai 10 t- giov Jxetro 1% idia diafa'xiq) aviaiv d, iovi ecu %wQio xa tt.710 VIGJV 10. XCU tov uyqov lov xa&a 0VfeV|0 152. Jesus is led away to be crucified. Jerusalem. Sixth Day of the Week. MATTH. XXVII. 3134. MARK XV. 2023. JOHN XIX. 16, 17. 31 Kai ore lvsaail*av 20 Kai OTS Ivsnat^av av- 16 naQ&afiov ds lov l&dvGav aviov irp GOVV xal xal Ivi'SvGav 17 Kai aviov ia l^aiia ia idia, xal QayovGiv aviov, Iva GiavQWGWGiv aviov. ii]v dvGav QedvGav aviov afAvda xctl Ive- aviov ia Ifidna aviov, xal anrflayov av- lov ei$ 10 GiavQWGai. lov GiavQOV aviov 32 3 E%SQ%6pvoi ds VQOV 21 Kai ayyaQtvovGi nagd- 26 yovid nva 2i'pwva Kv- grivaiov, tQ^opevov an ayQOV, iov naitqa *A- lov 2Xfitova ' iov- iva a GiavQov aviov. lel~dvdQov xal 'Povyov, Iva aQri iov aiavqbv aviov. LUKE XXIII. 26 33. Kai ca$ antyayov av- iov, snila^ofievoi 2i(A(X)- vog iivog KvQqvaiov IQ- ^ojtieVov an ayqov Ine- &qxav avrip iov Giav- gbv ysQEiv ontG&ev iov 27 J /^(70i'. 'Hxolov&si de avicp no\.v alrftoe TOV 28 ).aov xal yvvaixav, al xal Ixoniovio xal l&Qyvovv aviov. 2iQa 29 laviag xlateie xal Inl ia itxva vfiav. "On idov, jovial fatQai, h alg IQOVGI [taxdgiai al Gieigat xal xodiat, al ovx fyevvrjGav, xal paGioi, ot ovx 30 l&fiaGav. b Toie ao^oviai Ifyeiv loig oQeGi ' nsGeie Icp f^ag, xal icig fiowotg 31 xMyotTe wag* "On el lv 1$ vyQ$ IvXq? lavia aoiovGiv, iv 32 11 ytvriiai ; *Hyovio ds xal eitQOi dvo xaxovQyoi avv av- MATTH. XXVII. MARK XV. T(j) avaiQ^vai. 3i Kai IMvTeg tig 22 Kai ytQOvaiv av- MKal oie anr^ov lonov teyoptvov iov Inl FolyoQa Inl iov ionov lonov, o eon pe~ iov xalov^vov OeQpqvevopevov KQaviov XQUVIOV ionog. o ait leyouevog xQaviov 34 ionog, ' tduxav JOHN XIX. i&ft.9w els ibv lefOfievov XQan- ov ionov , yo&a, 9. Zech. 11, 12 eq. Comp. Jer. 32, 6 sq. b 29. Comp. Is. 54, 1. c 30. Hos. 10, 8. 152, 153.] UNTIL THE END OF THE JEWISH SABBATH, 163 MATTH. XXVII. 711EIV 0% vov ' %cu yEvvftEvog ovx MARK XV. 23 Kal l8l8oVV avity TllElV G^VQVIG{A,8VOV TTIEIV. oivov 6 8s ovx i&afie. 153. The Crucifixion. Jerusalem. Sixth Day of the Week. MATT. XXVII. 35-83. MARK XV. 24-28. LoKB Jf5? L 33) JOHN XIX. 1824. O"*, Oo. 25 *PIv 8s wQa IQI- S3 ExsT EGiavQCO- 18 "Onov aviov e- ITJ, xat sGiavga)- Gav aviov xcu GiavQWGav, xal 38 TOTS GiavQOvv- 27 aav aviov. Kal vovg xaxovQyovg, per avxov yUotv rat GVV awe!) dvo GVV avroj) GTKV- ov fisv sx ds^icav, dvo t, slg IK QOVGI dvo A^cyrac, ov 8s ej OLQIGTB- kvrev&Ev, v xat slg sva x ds^icov xctt 34 QWV. '0 8s 'Iq- 8s rbv ' . tva IJ Evavvfiav covg Eleys' ad- 28 avTov. IEQ, aqg avioig' ov yaQ oi'SaGi, ii xa 24 elo aVOfAODV . Kal 10 ia 8s v- av- 23 01 ovv aiai, oie EGiav- ibv '/- ra pzia 8s ia Ifidna av- Govr, Ekafiov ia iov maiia aviov, xai 35 i. TJV 8s b %iic*)v aooacpog, 24 IK iwv dvoD&sv vcpavibg 81' ohov. EZnov ovv nqog od&fa>v$ p aviov, ' \lv 10 24 pdUovTEs 34 y.JJfiQov ETT avid, EGiai. (wa lov ' b ia ipaiia pov savioig, xai ETIL iov iftaiiGftov i*ov 36 $$a\ov v.l/riQOv'] xat xa&rjfiEvoi l- ia %ai ETii, ibv yQap- fiarswv eleyov allovg fomasr, savibv ov dv- df xal ol aQyovveg ovv avioig Ifyovtsg fGcoae, s I, xara- fidrco vvv anb TOV GTav- QOV, xal niGTSvGOfAW 43 avTcp. IltTzoi&ev fm TOV &soV QVGaG&w vvv av- TOV, si&iilsi avTo 44 To 3' avTo xal ol lr}- \GTOI GVGTavQco&s'vTsg avTor. - 32 rarai GWGai. '0 XQI- eat-rov, t ovrog IGTIV 6 XQI- GTOS, o tov &EOV txls- Grog, 6 fiao~ilevg TOV 36 xTog. 'Evenai^ov df av- 'laga^l, xaTafidja) vvv TCJJ xal ol GTQanwTai, anb TOV GravQOv, iva nQogeQ^opsvoi xal oog idcopsv xal niGTSvacofisv. 37 nQogcpegovTsg av7

V 'lovdatnv, 39 GGJGOV GSUVTOV. Etg 8e Tcor xQSftaG&evTGJv xa- XOVQJWV ffilaGtpfasi av- TOV Is'yav si av el b 40 XQIOTOS, auaov Gsavwv xal quag. '^TtoxQi&sle d* b fTSQog insTi^a avTqj le- 41 ywv' ovde (po^ av TOV Osov, OTI ev 7$ avTcp xQipaTi s2 ; Kal tjfisignsvdixaiW 42 a%ia yu.Q u>v BTiQa^afjier anola^dvofisv ' ovTog de ovdev atonov snQa^s. Kal 43 tAe/ tty '/TJGOV' fttrjG&rjTi /lot 1 , xvQts, orav tJL&gg tv rf/ ^aGilei'a GOV. Kal \avTqj b 'Iqaovg ' dfiyv Ifym do/, Gt'^SQOv /uer' Ffiov say Iv T ' on ftsoveifu vlog. xal ol avvsaTavQcopi'voi avTcp cbvsidi&v avTOv. 43. Comp. Ps. 24, 7. 8. 154, 155.] UNTIL THE END OF THE JEWISH SABBATH. 165 JOHN XIX. 25-27. 25 EiGrfaeiGav 8s naga rco GravQcjj TOV 'IqGOv r\ ^T^Q UUTOV xal f] adelqitj Tijg 26 ft^rQos avTov, MdQia i] TOV Kkmna, xal Magia TI H/tafdahpni. 'IqGovg ovv i8av xr\v [tlfrfya xal TOV fia&qTrjV naQeGTMTa, ov rjydna, ksyei ry pqTQl avTov ' 27 yvvai, i8ov, 6 vlog GOV. EiTa heyst rcj) [ta&ijTri ' i8ov, r\ 6 155. Darkness prevails. Christ expires on the Cross. Jerusalem. Sixth Day of the Week. MATTH. XXVII. 4550. MARK XV. 3337. LUKE XXIII. 44-46. 45 'Ano ds MTqg agag 33 FEVO^lvr^ ds ague 44 7 Hv 8s cogel Qa XT?/, inl na- txtijs axoro? fytvitQ xal Gxotog eylvwo Icp cav rt]v yiqv emg wQag Icp okqv i]]v yi\v smg olyv ri]v yyr tag??J, b 1 1 avTKtv xai hafiwv fx ye/ffrtf Gnoyyov 29 Siipa. 2xevog ovv sxei- Gnoyyov, nhjGag ts o- o%ovg, aeQt&ets re %a- TO o%ovg [ASGTOV ' ol 8s %ovg x(unQi&ig xaT-d- A^MQ?, wro-r/fw aviov n^Gavreg Gnoyyov o- 49 ^tqj, enon&v avTov. 01 hfywv ' liters, i'dcopev, %ovg xal vGGanq) TTSQI- 8s loinol eksyov ' ayeg, ei SQ^erai 'H"kiag xa&s- tievreg TtQogijvEyxav av- i'Saipev, si SQ%srai 'Hhi- keiv avrov. LUKE xxm. TOV TCJJ GTopaTi. ag Gcoawv avTov. MARK xv. 46 Kal cpcov^Gag 30 ayiwv rflegdi], 53 *xal Qsl&ovTsg sx VMV fUUffUitOP jusza r^y fysQaiv avrov sigrik&ov si$ rfv aylav nohv y.al evecpaviG&y- 39 '75coy ds o XEVVVQI&V o 47 'Idav ds o sxaTovraQ- 54 oav nol.hoig. '0 5 f'xa- jr^ear^xoa? s'5 wavTiag %o$ to yevoperor sdo- ccJ 01 jMCT ctvTOv, DTI OVT03 x(jd%ag Jaff zoy ^oj' yLiyajj' TT]QOVVT$ TOV %71VSVGSV, S^TTEV ' aty- OVTWg aV&QOJTTOg 0V- 'Iqaovv, idovzsg vbv a- &<$ 6 av&Qwnos ovzog 48 tog dixaiog l\v. Kcu nav- Gfiov xai to. ysvofisva, viog t]v &EOV. ieg ol Gav aqpoS^a o la- Kai fattyto- 50GX.Kal idoi, og 7ov V.VLI to '7cocr/;g), avtbg spa- frr t tVGE tqj J /J/- 58 GOV. Ovtog ton \tri6ato to tov 3 2i]GOv. tots 6 nddtog d:rodo- tb Gcopa. 44 tov 'IijGov. '0 ds Ilddtog i&avpaasv, si rfiri Tfix/l^^Xfi * XCCf vog tov KsvtvQiowa trjGSv avtoVj si nd'kai dnl- 45 {jars. Kal yvovg dno tov KEVtVQIGJVOg sd(X)Q1]GatO to GWfia top 59 Kal lafimv to 46 Kal o*a)[ia b '/ooff^ aivdova Kai Ka&s- Ivstvh^sv avtb kav avtov svsi- "kriGB tq oivdovi, avtov i 7 o i\v vov IK ag } ev6%yu.cov ov- v7iQ%(ov, v^Q - hevzqg, og xai ya&og %ai dtxai- avTog rfi TTQogds- 51 og, ' (oviog ovx fiaai -&EOV ) tavta tov IIi- Idtov b ' j dnb ag, a tov 'ITJGOV, KE- KQi'upzvog ds did tov (pofiov tonv lovdaicav, iva aQij to Gcopa tov s /jy- GOV' KOI STIStQElpEV 6 Tlikdtog. fy&tv 7 \ 7 ^ OVV Kai ?/0 tO tOV 'I^GOV. tiO 'xat sfrt]Kv avtb Iv to~j Kaivqj av- tov v ty xat 7700?- li&ov fiB- tov nstQag, STll tT]V &V- tOV (4V1](A.EIOV. rp psvog Kai ty TiQa^si av- toav,) dno '^QI- pa&ai'ag Tzofewg tcov 'lovdaicov, og Kal avtbg tyv fia- tov ftsov 'frcov top Ilddtcp qtiJGato to tov 'Itjaov. 39 7 m&s ds Kal Ni- Kodqpog, b Ik&wv nQog tov IlJGOVV VVKtbg tO TlQCOtOV, (p- QWV [uyfta GfJivQvqg KOI d- 40 loqg (ag litQag SKatov. "E).a- fiov ovv to ao5 ( wa tov 3 2qGOv Kai sdyaav avtb 53 Kal Ka&J.av av- 6&ovioig pstd tav to lvtvh%sv av- aQODfidtcov, xa- tb aivdovi, KOI 'fro^g s&og satl avtb Iv toig 3 Iovdaioig lal^Evtcp, 41 svtacpid&iv. 7 Hv OV OVK TjV OvdsTHO ds SV top ovdstg KEiftsvog. ds SV onov ^a sv tqj a 36. Ex. 12, 46. Ps. 34, 20. b 37. Zech. 12, 10. 168 EVENTS UNTIL THE END OF THE JEWISH SABBATH. [PART VIII. JOHN XIX. ' 42 Mjncp nvqpeiov xatvov, iv <$ ovSwco ovdslg Irt&tj. 'Exsi ovv dia TJJV GXSVTJV TOJV 'lovdat&Vf OTI fyyvg lp 10 nvypeiov, E&IJXKV TOV 'Iqcovv. MATTH. XXVII. MARK XV. LUKE XXIII. 61 *Hv ds EXEI MaQia tj 47 'H ds MaQia ^ Mayda- 55 Karaxolov&rjGaGcu de jMTa/Scc?.//*'^ xcu fj ak'kri ^vri xcu MaQia 'Iwatj xai yvvaixsg, ainvsg q- MctQia, xa&jji*tfai ani~ l&fWQovv, nov ii&erai. aav cvrekql.v&viat av- varn TOV tdyov. top x tij l&eaGavro TO 56 xcti &)$ ITK&IJ TO Goa^a avTOV. ^noGTQtipaGcu ds qtoifAaGar MQOJ- fiara V.QLI (IVQCX. xat TO fisv GotfiftaTov T]Gv%aGav xazcc TJJV 158. The Watch at the Sepulchre. Jerusalem. Seventh D.iy of the Week, or Sabbath. MATTH. XXVII. 6266. 62 Tjj ds inttVQioVj rJTig larl [IETO, TTJV naQaGxsvqr, Gvvfy&rjGctv ol aQ%iQT$ 63 ol (PaQiaaiQi ngog UiJidtov^ MyovTeg" y.vQie, tpnja&ijpsr, OTI Ixswog 6 nldtog 64 f ins v en f day * pera TQtig r^tQag fy&QOpcU, K&SVGOV ovv aGcpcdiG&fjvai TOV Tciyov tag vys VQiTtje fjfUjHify ^TTOTS &&ortfe oi pa&ijvou OIVTOV [yvxTog] xXe'- ipOJGlV aVTOV Y.CILL *7TG)Gl TQ9 haOJ. ^Q&t] OLTIO TWV V8XQWV ' XOil 8GTUI r\ icfOLII] 65 rrJidvij %eiQg oidaTs. Ol ds aoQSV&wtse rfGcpttliGavTo TOV TOV Mftov fieTa Tr { g PART IX. OUR LORD'S RESURRECTION, HIS SUBSEQUENT APPEARANCES, AND HIS ASCENSION. TIME : Forty days. 159. Morning of the Resurrection. Jerusalem. First Day of the Week. MARK XVI. 1. t diaysvopwov lov Ga^drov MaQia % Maydahyvr] xal Magia q iov J /xeo- fiov xal -ZayLotytJ? rflOQaGav a^caftara, wa &&OVGCU dketywGw aviov. MATTH. XXVIII. 24. 2 Kcu idov, GeiGfjibs iylvsio psyas ayy&og jag XVQIOV xarafiag J OVQUVOV ngog- 3 sli&cnv ansxvhGS vov li&ov ano TJJS ftvQag xat ixd&rjTO STidvco avrov. 7 Hv ds 4 ri idsa avTOv a$ aGrgccTii] xat TO wdv^a. aviov favxov a>$el yuav. 'Ano ds tov aVTOV SGSlG&IJGaV 01 Tt]QOVVVSS XCU lyWOVZO W?f VSXQOl. \ 160. Visit of the Women to the Sepulchre. Mary Magdalene returns. Jerusalem. First Day of the Week. MATTH. XXVIII. 1. MARK XVI. 24. LUKE XXIV. 13. JOHN XX. 1, 2. 1 'Oips ds Gafifid- 2 Kcu Mav nqwi 1 Ty ds [ua vwv 1 Ty ds (Jim tcov tear, iy srtiqw- tij$ pta$ oafi[ld- aafifidtcov OQ&QOV oafifidicov MctQia els piav tow Q%ovTai inl fia&sog rikftov Inl TI Maydakijvi] SQ- fy.&s 10 pvypeTov, dva~ to f4v^fJLK, fpsgov- %STCU TIQWI crxo- MaQta rj Mayda- vstt.avro$ tov %- GUI a qroipaGctv vias eti OVGTJQ sis xal TI a^Tj 3 liov. Kai steyov dQafiara, V.VLI 11- . to pviipeiov, xctl ia &ea)Qr]Gcu TIQOS savzds' ti's vsg GVV avrcug. fihsnei tov "ki&ov tov idcpov. a7ioxv}.iGEi riiuv ZEvQOV ds lov M- riQpwov s'x lov lov li&ov x itjs &ov dnoxexvh- 22 170 FROM OUR LORD S RESURRECTION [PART IX. MARK XVI. LUKE XXIV. 4 &vQag TOV [ivqpeiov ; Kal dva[tt.fya- 3 apevov ano TOV punflttim ' xal eigeh- aai -&EGDQ ova w, on anoxexv\i(STai o -frovvai oi>% EVQOV 10 aoo^a TOV XVQIOV M&og ' qv yaQ [tfyag oxjpoo^a. Iqaov. JOHN XX. 2 TQI'XEI ovv xal HQ%STCU yiQog ^ipwva THrQov xal TtQog tov alloy pa&qTrjv, ov equlei o 'Iqaovg, xal Ityei avTOig ' r^av TOV XIQIOV Ix TOV pvqfieiov, xui ovx otdapsv, TIOV e&qxav avvov. 161. Vision of Angels in the Sepulchre. Jerusalem. First Day of the Week. MARK XVI. 57. 5 Kal eisek&ovcrai i$ TO p>qniov eldov veavicxov xa&rjpevov iv ioig aiotyv lev- xr t v ' xal 6 aav. '0 8a MATTH. XXVIII. 57. 5 3 j4noxQi&elg de o ayys- log elne Taig yvvai^i- (MI q)ofieia&e vpeig ' ol- 3a ydg, on 'Iqaovv TOV GOVV TOV vov 006*6 ' ids, 6 TOTlOg, 0710V 7 e&yxav avTov. LUKE XXIV. 48. 4 Kal iylveTQ iv T$> avTag TTEQI TOVTOV, xal idov, aidgeg dvo Int-arrjaav avTaig iv eo&i'iaeaiv doTQanTov- -5 aaig. 'Efifpofiav ds yc- vopevwv avT&v xal xh- vovaav TO TTQoganov eig Trp yr^Vj elnov agog av- Tag' TI ^TeiTe TOV wvTa peTa TWV ve- 6 xQttv ; Ovx eaTiv ade , TOV OVX SffTIV avTov xai T(p OTI TTQodyf.i v- fjidg eig TIJV Fahlaiav ixeT avTov oipea&e, xa- elnev vftiv. xal aTavQca&rjvai xal Tq TQITQ 8 rai. Kal lfivi t (J&r t (jav TWV wg fldlr^aev i'ftiv tTi 7 coV iv TJ Falilaia ' le- ywv OTI del TOV vlbv TOV dvi 6 Ovx SGTIV o 'Iqaovg dntjVTTjaev avTaTg Itywv %aiQ8Te. at ds tiQogel&ovaai exQarqaav avtov 10 Tovg nodag xal nQogexvvijaav UVTOJ. TOTS le'yei avaig 6 'Irjaovg ' ptj 161, 162, 163, 164.] UNTIL HIS ASCENSION. 171 MATTH. XXVIII. , dnayysilais roTg ddshcpoig pov, iva a7i&&coGiv sis i\v FaW.aiav, otyovrai. LUKE XXIV. 911. 9 Kcu vTTOGiQs'ipaGai ano lov f&Tjftsiov falffftikOft ravia ndvia roTg 10 Kai naGi 101$ koiTTOig. "'Hcav ds ij Maydatyvq Magia Kal 'Icodvva Kal 'Jaxcofiov nal al koinal GVV aviaig, cd 'Iksyov nobg lovg anoGib\ovg ravra. 11 Kal scpdvrjGav SVGJTTIOV aviwv w$u "kr^og ra Q^fiara avrav, xa\J]niGiovv aviaig. 163. Peter and John run to the Sepulchre. Jerusalem. First Day of the Week. JOHN XX. 310. v ovv o rHiQog xal o allog [lafhjJTJf, xal TIQ^OVIO d$ ib ds ol dvo b^iov ' KCU 6 aklog na&qirjs TTQOsdQaps td%ior rov '5 x ifi.'&s TiQcozog ig to [tvqiAelov. Kcu LUKE XXIV. 12. {&STISI xsi'psva ia o&ovia' ov ptvvoi 12 '0 dt USTQOS araGtag 6 "EQ%ercu ovv 2i[icor IJsrQog a.xo'kQv&wv sigfjl&ev sig 10 fivr^uov xcu &SCOQSI ia b&ovia 7 Ketfttta ' ual TO Govddgiov, o r t v Inl CCVTOV, ov psia iwv o&ovicov xsipsvov, dlhd 8 Ivrervhypsvov eig era ionov. TOTS ovv eigrjl&s xal 6 dkkog [la&rjtrjg, o ek&wv nQwiog sig ib iivr][A.slov, Kal anijJi-d's nQog sav- 9 Kal tide Kal STTIGISVGSV oMnm yaQ qdsiGav ttjv ibv &avpdmv ib ye- 10 Ygtngf^f t on dst avibv x VSXQWV araGrrjvai. 3 An- yovog. jjk&ov ovv nod.iv nobg saviovg ol 164. Our Lord is seen by Mary Magdalene at the Sepulchre. Jerusalem. First Day of the Week. JOHN XX. 1118. 11 MaQiaSssiGTyKei TTQogib [ivrjiteiovKhaiovGa S%G). wg ovv exhaie, 12 eiV ib pvqpsiov, ] xal &SCOQSI dvo dyy&ovg Iv IsvxoTg Ka&s&pwovg, ?va agog 1% 13 Ksyakri KOI iva ngbg voig TTOGIV, onov fxazo ib Gcopa iov'IriGOv. Kalkfyovair aviy Ixswor yvvai, ii xlaisig ; Xfyto avtoig' on fjQav ibv Kvgiov pov, Kal ovy. MARK XVI. 9 11. 14 oida, nov e&rjxav avrov. Kal iavia 9 3 ^4vaGiag ds TTQCOI TiQwiri Gaftfiaiov slnovGCt 8fftgtt(j)r} sig ia bniaa) Kal iydvri TiQwiov Magia irj Maydali]vf t , &SCOQSI ibv 'IrjGovv sGtwia, Kal ovx g)' ?/? IK^^KSI STiia daifwvia. 15 fidet, on b 'IqGovg sari. Afyn aviq b 'IqGOvg ' yvvcu, 11 Klaisig ; n'va f jy- isig ; IKSIVT] doKovGa, on b KijnovQog SGII, A?/t avify ' KVQIS, si GV 16 aviov, SITIS jwoj, nov s&?jKag aviov ' xa/ca avibv agco. Atysi avry b 17 MaQia. GiQacpsTva EKSIVTJ fa'ysi KVicp ' ga^ovvi (b Ifysiai, didaGxals). avir} b 'IrjGovg' ^ (Jiov uniov ovnco ya^ dvapt'pijKa ngbg ibv naitga [PART IX. JOHN XX. noQEvov tis nqog Tovg dds^ovg [Jiov xal sine avTOig dvafiaiva agog TOV MARK XVI. [40V XUl TiaTEQU VfAtoV XUl -&EOV [AOV 10 'EXEIVTJ noQEv&Eiaa anriyyEike. T'oig per 18 xal &EOV vpcov. *EQ%ETai MaQia q avTov ysvoftilvoig, nev&ovai xal xlai- Maydai.qvqdTzay'y&l.ovo-aToigna&T]- 11 OVGI. KdxEivoi dxovGavTEg t OTI JJ iaig, on ewQaxe TOV XVQI ov xal TavTa xat l&ed&q vn avTijg, qmaTTjaav. eJnfv airy. 165. Report of the Watch. Jerusalem. First Day of the Week. MATTH. XXVIII. 1115. 1 1 IIoQEvopBVtov ds avrmv, idov, iivlg vys xovatcodiag lldovtss ds TJJV 12 anrj'yyedav rolg OQ%i9Qfvoev anavra ta yevofisva. Kal Gwa%&tvTg peTa tar jiQEGpvTSQow, ovfi^ovhov TE lafioviEg, aQjvQia ixava sdaxav roig GTQ ax no? aig 13 ! IfyovTEg ' EinarE, on oi pa&r]7al avrov rvxTog &&6rt6f Exhsipav avrbv qnwv 14 xo(jMto i MfVooj'. Kal lav axova&y rovro ETII rov tflEftovoe, r^sig nsiaofiEv avtbv 15 xal vpag afiQi t uvovg noiyaopEV. 01 ds "kafiovTsg ten. aQyvgia Inoiijaav tag idi- dd%&t]Qar. xal discpqfiiG&rj 6 hoyog owzog TiaQa 'lovdaioig [*t%Qi 166. Our Lord is seen of Peter. Then by two Disciples on the way to Emmaus. Jerusalem. Emmaus. First Day of the Week. 1 COR. XV. 5. LUKE XXIV. 13-35. 5 cogptty Kr t (pa ' 13 Kal idov, dvo 1% avTav TJGUV TIOQEV- MARK XVI. 12, 13. opsroi Iv avry ry ypsQct tg xwfiqv ans- 12 M.ETO. OE ravra dvolv J avrcov JIEQI- %ovaav Giadiovg s^xovia anb 7f- IcpavEQw&t] iv ETSQa [AOQcpri, 14 QovGakfy, y ovopa 'Eppaovg. Kal g^ayQov. avrol oopXotw figbg aM.Jji.ovs nfQi- ndvrwv TK>V uvfi^s^xoTtov rovrw. 15 Kal tyweTO Iv rep ofidEiv avTOvg xal ovfyTEiv, xal avzbg b 'ItjGovg lyyfoag 16 GVVETTOQEVETO avTolg' ol ds bcp&al.fioi avT&v EXQarovvTO TOV [At] fjityvwvai av- 17 TOV. Bins ds agog ctvtovg ' rivsg ol loyoi ovtoi, 18 ntQinavovwEg, xai EGTE GXV&QWTIOI ; 'dnoxQi&Etg ds 6 Etg, Q) ovopa elnE TiQog avzov GV porog naQOixtig Iv 'lEQOVGahtjfi xal ovx fyvotg ia 19 Iv avTq iv raig TjfieQaig ravraig ; Kal elnEv avroig' nola; ol ds slnov avT' ia ntQ\ 'IrjGov TOV Na^ooQaiov, og I^EVETO avrjQ ttQOcpqTqg, dvvaTog Iv EQ^CO xal 20 Xdyw evavTiov TOV &EOV xal navTog TOV laov- oncagTE jraQEdcaxav avTov oi aQ%ifQEtg xal ol aQ%ovTEg r^imv eig XQi'pa ftavdrov xal laTavQWGav 21 'Hfieig oe finio[*tv, OTI avrog IGTIV b [i&luv IvTQOVG&ai TOV 7%i vavta sdsi na&siv TOV XQKJTOV xai 27 Eigsk&siv tig ti]v do^av avrov ; Kai aQ^dpsvog ano JVToovcrtcac; xctt ano 28 TWV TTQoqiqrcov dujQfi^vsvsv uvTOig f,v 7ia$aig zai$ yQacpaTg TO. TTEQI avrov. rffyiaav ei$ ii\v xcoprjv, ov STTOQEVOVTO, xai avrbs nQogenoieiTO TIOQQWTEQW no- 29 Q8V8a&ai. Kai 7iciQ@idGavto &.viov %syovTe$ ' \IUVQV [tstf THIWV, oil nQog 30 tanlqav law Kai xwhxsv r\ fyfya. y.al sfctyftftt rov iinvcu GVV avrois. Kai sysvsTO Iv rep xaTaxki&rivai avrov [AST avvcov, hafiav TOV agrov 31 xldaas BTiEdidov avxoig. Avi&v ds diJjvoi%&qGav ol ocp&atyol xa< 32 avTOv ' XA avTog acpavTog syevETO an avrwv. Kai EITTOV nobs alkfaovs ' ov%l rj xaQdia fywv. xaiopwq \v iv rutiv, &$ lldhei fyiv iv rj bdqj xal co 33 ?^iv rag yQaydg ; Kai dvaGrdvteg avry t J ojQa vnsarQEipav Eig 34 xal EVQOV ovvq&QOiGusvovg vovg fadextt %a\ rovg GVV avtoig ' "kfyovvag ' OTI MARK xvi. rfli'Q&t] b XVQIOS orrcog xat coqpxh/ 13 KdxEivoi dnEl&ovTEg an^ynlav toig 35 2ipcon. Kai avzol sfyyovvto ra Iv ETTlGTEVGaV. i bdo) HVLl K 167. Jesus appears in the midst of the Apostles, Thomas being absent. Jerusalem. Evening following the First Day of the Week. MARK XVI. 1418. 1 COR. XV. 5. JOHN XX. 1923. 14 "TGTSQOV avaxfiftt'voig 5 slra toig dcadexa. 19 OvGqg ovv oipiag iq avroig 7oTg wdsxa ecpa- LUKE XXIV. 36 49. n^Q a ^w^f> f'j K t KoU JOHN XX. 15 Kal sfaw avToTg- no- idov, yca dTtoaz&hw 21 Etnev ovv avroig b'lq- tvies T^V %eTQa fiov etgTr^r 26 Tifevodv avrov, ov ftq TTIGTSVGO). Kai. petf qut'Qag OXTCO naCkiv qGav t) 'IqGOv' XVQIS, ovrog ds TI ; Afyzi av7(p b 'ItjGOvg' lav 176 FROM OUR LORD'S RESURRECTION [PART IX. JOHN XXI. 23 #$.0) [AEvsiv, swg Q%opai, ii ngog as; GV dxohov&Ei fioi. 3 E<*~])*&Ev ovv o loyog ovrog Eig lovg adehcpovg, on 6 pa&ijrfs IxEtvog ovx dno&vrjGXEi. xal ovx EITTEV afoot 6 'IqGovg, out ovx dno&v^GXEi, alX ' lav aviov &tl(o ft&rair, tag EQ%O- fiai, ii TTQog as ; 24 Ovrog EG7iv o pa&rjTTjg 6 paQTVQQJv tiEQi TOVTOJV xal yQatyag Tavra, xat o"8a- fiev, on aiTj&rjg IGTIV f] paQTVQia aviov. 170. Jesus meets the Apostles and above five hundred Brethren on a Mountain in Galilee. MATTH. XXVIII. 16-20. 1 COR. XV. 6. 16 slg TO OQog, ov Ird^aro avtoig o 6 "EnsiTa cocp&i] s 17 'IqGovg. Kal tdovreg avtov nQogs- ad&yoig t ov 6 fiE7a nollag vawag fafQag. 01 fiev ovv GvvEJ.\>6v7Eg enrjQwwv av7ov 7 Eg xvQis, si iv 7$ %Qovcp TOVTcp dnoxa&iGtdvEig TJJV paGiteiav zqi 7 Elm ds nQog avTovg ov% vpav EGTI yvwvai %Qovovg q xatQovg, ovg 6 8 S&E70 Iv 7iQ idia l^ovGia. *A\\a. lrj\{jG\}s dvvafuv EnEl&ovTog 7ov ayiov nvevpa- tog l(f vfjtag, xal SGEG&S pot fiaQ7VQEg EV 7S ' IsQOvaatiip xal iv ndaq iy 'lov- taia xat HapaQEia xal tots IG^UTOV 7ijg y^. 170, 171, 172, 173.] UNTIL HIS ASCENSION. 177 172. The Ascension. Bethany. LUKE XXIV. 5053. 50 'E^fyays ds avrovg ijeo sag sis Bq&aviav, xal snaQCtg rag %siQag av- MARK XVI. 19, 20. lov svhoyt]GSv aviovg. ACTS I. 9 12. 19 '0 [4sr ovv xvQiog [is- 51 Kal syevsio iv icp sv- 9 Kal lavia sinwv @3.- ia to 'kv.\r[GVLi avioig "koysiv aviov avtovg, novtwv avtwv avslrj(f&^ si$ tov OVQC*,- disarm] an avrwv xal xat vecp&r] v vov, xai BMa&tasv IK avs^Qsro sis fbv ov- avvov anb rwv ocp&ak- d%lQ)V TOV &SOV. QCtVOV. 10 ^MV aVTWV. Kal G0 dieriovveg qaav ei$ tov ovQavov TiOQSvoftsvov avTov, xal idov, ardgss dvo naQSiGvfaetffav avroig iv 1 1 iG&rin ^svxj, ' o xf eiTiov avSgeg Fakikaioi, vi saryxaTS tftfflijaornf eig xov ovqavov ; ovvog o : 'Iqaovg 6 ava^g^&iig dcp v^mv slg ibv ovQavbv OVTCOS khev- asiai, ov tQOTtov E&edGaa&s avrov LUKE XXIV. TlOQEVOfiSVOV 1$ 10V OVQaVOV. 52 Kalavrol nQogxvrqGavteg aviov VTIK- 12 TOTS vntGTQSipav sig ' IsQovaa^t]fi aiQtyav sig ' IeQOvaod.qp psta %a$ag anb OQOVS vov xakovpwov skcuwrog, 53 payctjb??' xat year Sianavibg sv i&) o SGIIV syyvg ' IsQOvo~akfy, alvovvisg xal svloyovvrsg ibv fyov odor. MARK XVI. 20 'Exswoi ds s%sh&6v7sg sxr]Qv%av navia%ov, lov XVQIOV avvSQyovvtog xal [iov sfiaiovvTog diet iwv STiaxohov&ovvTwv 173. Conclusion of John's Gospel. JOHN XX. 3031. XXI. 25. 30 TIo'D.a i*.lv ovv xal ak'ka aijpsia saoirjGsv b 'fyaovs svmmov IMV 31 avrov, a ovx SGTI yvyQaftpk'va sv 1$ fiifihicp lovicp' lavia ds ylyQaniai, iva TtiGtsvGrjTs, oil b 'IqGovg SGIIV b XQiGtog, 6 vlbg lov &sov, xal iva fw^y s%qis iv ity bvopaii aviov. JOHN XXI. 25 "EGII 8s xcu H noM.d, OGCX, InolriGsv b '/^crovff, aura sar yQacpyrat ev, ovds avibv olfiai lov NOTES ON THE HARMONY OF THE FOUR GOSPELS INTRODUCTION. THE following Notes relate chiefly to questions which arise as to the mode and order of harmonizing the narratives of the four Evangelists ; and touch only incident- ally upon other topics. The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke, along with many diversities, have never- theless a striking affinity with each other in their general features of time and place. But, when compared with John's Gospel, there is seen to be a diversity no less striking between them and the latter, not only in respect to chronology, but likewise as to the part of the country where our Lord's discourses and mighty works mainly occurred. The three speak only of one Passover, that at which Jesus suffered ; and from this it would follow, that our Lord's ministry continued at most only about six months. John expressly enumerates three Passovers, and more probably four, during Christ's ministry ; which therefore must have had a duration of at least two and a half years, and more probably of three and a half. Again, Matthew, Mark, and Luke place the scene of Jesus' public ministrations chiefly in Galilee j whence he goes up to Jerusalem only just before his death. John, on the other hand, narrates the miracles and discourses of our Lord as occurring principally at Jerusalem, on various former occasions as well as at his last visit. The first difference is at once set aside by the remark, that although the three Evan- gelists do expressly mention only one Passover, yet they do not any where, nor in any way, affirm, or even imply, that there were no more ; while the testimony of John is express and definite. And further, the incident, narrated by all the three writers, of the disciples plucking ripe ears of grain as they went through the fields, necessarily presup- poses the recent occurrence of a Passover during our Lord's ministry, different from the one at which heeuffered ; and this is further confirmed by Luke's mention of the o-/?/?- IQV devTegongwrov in the same connection. See Matth. 12, 1. Mark 2, 23. Luke 6, 1. See also Notes on 25, 37. This difference being thus satisfactorily explained, the existence of the second differ- ence is of course accounted for. If John is right in enumerating several Passovers^ 180 OUR LORD'S BIRTH AND CHILDHOOD. [PART I. he is right in narrating what took place at Jerusalem on those occasions. But, more than this, we find in the other Evangelists several things in which they too seem to allude to earlier visits and labours of Jesus in the Holy City. So the language in which our Lord laments over Jerusalem, as having rejected his efforts, Matth. 23, 37. Luke 13, 34. So too the mention of Scribes and Pharisees from Jerusalem, who seek to catch him in his words, Matth. 4, 25. 15, 1 ; and, further, his intimate relations with the family of Lazarus, Luke 10, 38. 39; comp. John 11, 1. 2. See, generally, Neander's Leben Jesu, p. 384 eq. 3te Ausg. For these reasons, I do not hesitate to follow, with most Commentators, the chro- nology of John's Gospel, and assign to our Lord's ministry four Passovers, or a duration of three and a half years. The second of these Passovers, which is less certain than the rest, and depends on the interpretation of John 5, 1, will be considered in its place ; see Note on 36. The Gospels, and especially the first three, can in no sense be regarded as method- ical annals. It is therefore difficult, and perhaps impossible, so to harmonize them, in respect to time, as in all cases to arrive at results which shall be entirely certain and satisfactory. There is often no definite note of time ; and then we can proceed only upon conjecture, founded on a careful comparison of all the circumstances. In such cases, the decision must depend very much upon the judgment and taste of the Harmonist; and what to one person may appear probable and appropriate, may seem less so to another. It is the aim of the present work, not so much to ascertain and fix the true and precise chronological order, (although this object is not neglected,) as to place side by side the different narratives of the same events, in an order which may be regarded as at least a probable one. In so doing I may hope to exhibit the legitimate uses of a Harmony, and accomplish a threefold purpose, viz. to make the Evangelists their own best inter- preters; to show how wonderfully they are supplemental to each other in minute as well as important particulars; and in this way to bring out fully and clearly the fun- damental characteristic of their testimony, UNITY IN DIVERSITY. PART I. EVENTS CONNECTED WITH THE BIRTH AND CHILDHOOD OF OUR LORD. 1-13. 1. The short Preface of Mark, and the longer one of John, do not belong here, but in Part II. They both include a reference to the preaching of John the Baptist; but none at all to the infancy of Jesus. 2. The vision of Zacharias is assumed by some as having occurred on the great day of Atonement, the tenth of the seventh month. But on that day the high-priest himself officiated, entering into the holy of holies ; Lev. 16, 3. 29. 32-34. Zacharias was an ordinary priest of the class of Abia, one of the twenty-four classes instituted by 1-7.] NOTES. YEAR OF OUR LORD'S BIRTH. 181 David for the service of the temple, which relieved each other in succession every Sabbath j see 1 Chr. 24, 3-19. 2 Chr. 8, 14. Joseph. Ant. 7. 14. 7. Their service included the daily burning of incense on the altar of incense in the first or outer sanctuary; and this was what Zacharias was now doing; Luke 1, 9. Ex. 30, 6-8. 1 Chr. 23, 13. It follows, that no inference whatever can hence be drawn as to the year, or season of the year, when the vision took place. Nor is it said how long a time elapsed between the vision and Elizabeth's conception ; the expression (isia ds rainag tag yfiegag in v. 24 being quite indefinite. 3. The sixth month here refers back, not to the vision, but to the conception of Elizabeth; see v. 36. 4. The conjecture of Reland is probably correct, viz. that 3 Iov8A ag^oyrt T&V daipovluv, i.e. the prince of demons. Luke 2, 11 Iv nohi^avid (the proper name being itself definite), i. e. not a city of David, but the city, as in English David's city, Heb. ^"n TS. Acts 8, 5 ti? noJiiv TTJS 2afia^dag, i.e. the city (metropolis) of Samaria; see v. 14. Hence, in the passage before us, according to the analogous English idiom, we may render the phrase kogrri t&v 'lovdaicw by the Jews* festival; which marks it definitely as the Passover. Similar and illustrative is the phrase in John 6, 4 : r\v ds tyyv? 10 naaxa, t) koQiri iGtv 'lovtiaUov. See Hengstenberg's Christol. II. p. 565. 3. It is not probable, that John means here to imply that the festival was indefinite or uncertain. Such is not his usual manner. The Jewish festivals were to him the measures of time ; and in every other instance they are definitely specified. So the Passover, John 2, 23. 12, 1 ; even when Jesus does not visit it, 6, 4 ; and also when it is expressed only by rj koQtri, 4, 45. 11, 56. 12, 12. 20. al. So too the festival of Taber- nacles, f) kopTi) ruv '/. rj axrjvoiiriyla 7, 2 ; and of the Dedication, T iyxalvia 10, 22. This is all natural in him ; for an indefinite festival could afford no note of time. 36.] NOTES. THE FESTIVAL IN JOHN V. 4. The plucking of the ears of grain by the disciples ( 37 and Passover had just been kept; which tallies accurately with this visit of our Lord to Jerusalem. 5. This kogxri could not have been the festival either of Pentecost or of Tabernacles next following our Lord's first Passover. He returned from Judea to Galilee not until eight months after that Passover, when both these festivals were already past; see Note on 25. That it might by possibility have been the Pentecost after a second Passover not mentioned, and before that in John 6, 4, cannot perhaps be fully dis- proved ; but such a view has in itself no probability, and is apparently entertained by no one. At any rate, it also would give the same duration of three and a half years to our Lord's ministry. 6. Nor can we well understand here the festival of Purim, which occurred on the fourteenth and fifteenth of the month Adar or March, one month before the Passover; see Esth. 9, 21. 22. 26-28. Against this the following considerations present them- selves : (a) The Jews did not go up to Jerusalem to celebrate the festival of Purim. The observance of it among that people throughout the world consisted solely in read- ing the Book of Esther in their synagogues on those days, and making them " days of feasting and joy and of sending portions [dishes] one to another and gifts to the poor;" Esth. 9, 22. Jos. Ant. 11. 6. 13. Reland Antiqq. Heb. IV. 9. But the "multitude" John 5, 13, seems to imply a concourse of strangers at one of the great festivals. (6) It is very improbable, that Jesus would have gone up to Jerusalem at the Purim, to which the Jews did not go up, rather than at the Passover, which occurred only a month later. His being once present at the festival of Dedication (John 10, 22) is not a parallel case ; since he appears not to have gone up for that purpose, but this festival occurred while he remained in or near Jerusalem after the festival of Tabernacles, John 7, 2 sq. (c) The infirm man was healed on the Sabbath, John 5, 9 ; which Sab- bath belonged to the festival, as the whole context shows, John 5, 1. 2. 10-13. But the Purim was never celebrated on a Sabbath ; and, when it happened to fall on that day, was regularly deferred ; see Reland 1. c. 7. The main objection urged against taking this togvri as a Passover, is the circum- stance, that in such case, as our Lord did not go up to the Passover spoken of in John 6, 4, but only at the subsequent festival of Tabernacles in John 7, 2 sq. he would thus have absented himself from Jerusalem for a year and six months; a neglect, it is alleged, inconsistent with his character and with a due observance of the Jewish law. But a sufficient reason is assigned for this omission, viz. " because the Jews sought to kill him," John 7, 1. comp. 5, 18. It obviously had been our Lord's custom to visit the Holy City every year at the Passover ; and because, for the reason assigned, he once let this occasion pass by, he therefore went up six months afterwards at the festival of Tabernacles. All this presents a view perfectly natural; and covers the whole ground. Nor have we any right to assume, as many do, that our Lord regularly went up to Jerusalem on other occasions, besides those specified in the New Testament. In this instance, the most ancient view is that which interprets IO^TTJ of a Passover. So Irenaeus in the third century : " Et posthac iterum secunda vice adscendit [Jesus] l n diem Paschae ia Hierusalem, quando paralyticum, qui juxta natatoriam jacebat 192 FROM THE SECOND PASSOVER UNTIL THE THIRD. [PART IV. xxxviii annos curavit;" adv. Haer. 2. 39. The same view was adopted by Eusebius, Theodoret, and others; and in later times has been followed by Luther, Scaliger, Grotius, Lightfoot, Le Clerc, Lampe, Hengstenberg, etc. Cyril and Chrysostom held to a Pentecost, as also the Harmony ascribed to Tatian ; and so, in modern times, Erasmus, Calvin, Beza, Bengel, etc. The festival of Purim was first suggested by Keppler (Edogae Chronicae pp. 72, 129 sq. Francof. 1615) ; and at the present day this is the only view, aside from the Passover, that finds advocates. Those who hold it, as Hug, Neander, Olshausen, Tholuck, Meyer, (Liicke and De Wette leave the ques- tion undecided,) regard John 6, 4 as having reference to the second Passover during our Lord's ministry; which thus becomes limited to two and a half years. See, gener- ally, Hengstenberg's Christol. II. p. 561 sq. Neander's Leben Jesu, 3te Ausg. p. 434, Anm. Lucke Comm. ilb. Joh. in loc. II. p. 1 sq. 37. The circumstances here narrated show that a Passover had just been cele- brated; see Note on 25. The aa^aTov dsvTtQOTiQtaTov was probably thejirst Sabbath after the second day of the Passover or of unleavened bread ; that is, the first of the seven Sabbaths reckoned between that day and Pentecost ; see the Lexicons, also Scaliger Emendat. Tempp. VI. 557. Our Lord would seem to have hastened away from Jerusa- lem ; for which a reason is found in John 5, 16. 18. 40. The appointment of the Twelve follows here according to Mark and Luke Matth. 10, 2-4 gives their names, as having been already appointed. Lebbeus, called also Thaddeus by Matthew and Mark, is the same as Jude the brother of James in Luke. The epithet o ^wr^g, Zealot, is the Greek translation of 6 xavavlir]? derived from Heb. K3J5, Aram. "JN3J5. See the Lexicons. 41. The Sermon on the Mount follows here, in accordance with the order of Luke. The correctness of this order so far as it respects Matthew, depends on the question : Whether the discourse as reported by the two Evangelists is one and the same, and was delivered on the same occasion ? This question is answered at the present day by interpreters, with great unanimity, in the affirmative ; and mainly for the following reasons. 1. The choice of the Twelve by our Lord, as his ministers and witnesses, furnished an appropriate occasion for this public declaration respecting the spiritual nature of his kingdom, and the life and character required of those who would become his true followers. Luke expressly assigns this as the occasion ; and although Matthew is si- lent here and elsewhere as to the selection of the Apostles, yet some passages of the discourse as reported by him, seem to presuppose their previous appointment as teach- ers ; see Matth. 5, 13. 14. 7, 6. 2. The beginning and the end of both discourses, and the general course of thought in both, exhibit an entire accordance one with the other. 3. The historical circumstances which follow both discourses are the same, viz. the entrance into Capernaum and the healing of the Centurion's servant The main objection which has been felt and urged against the identity of the two discourses, is the fact, that Matthew's report contains much that is not found in Luke, 37-42.] NOTES. THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT. 193 while, on the other hand, Luke adds a few things not found in Matthew, as vv. 24-26. 38-40. 45 ; and, further, his expressions are often modified and different, as in vv. 20. 29. 35. 36. 43. 44. 46. But this objection vanishes, if we look at the different objects which the two Evangelists had in view. Matthew was writing chiefly for Hebrew Christians ; and it was therefore important for him to bring out, in full, the manner in which our Lord enforced the spiritual nature of his dispensation and doctrine, in oppo- sition to the mere letter of the Jewish law and the teaching and practice of the Scribes and Pharisees. This he does particularly, and with many examples, in Matth. 5, 18-33. 6, 1-34. Luke, on the contrary, was writing mainly for Gentile Christians ; and hence he omits the long passages of Matthew above referred to, and dwells only upon those topics which are of practical importance to all. In other respects, the discourses, as given by the two writers, do not differ more than is elsewhere often the case in different reports of the same discourse. Compare Matth. 24, 1-42 with Mark 13, 1-37 and Luke 21, 5-36 j also Matth. 28, 5-8 with Mark 16, 6-8 and Luke 24, 5-8. See also Note on 15. Augustine, in order to avoid the like difficulty, supposed that our Lord first held the longer discourse in Matthew before his disciples on the top of the mountain; and after- wards descended and delivered the same in the briefer form of Luke to the multitudes below ; De consensu Evangelistarum, II. 45. But this is unnecessary ; and the order of circumstances would seem rather to have been the following : Our Lord retires to the mountain and chooses the Twelve; and with them descends to the multitudes on the level place or plain, where he heals many. ( 40.) As they press upon him, he again ascends to a more elevated spot, where lie can overlook the crowds and be heard by them; and here, seating himself with the Twelve around him, he addresses himself to his disciples in particular and to the multitudes in general. See Matth. 5, 1. 2. Luke 6, 20; also Matth. 7, 28. Luke 7, 1. The mountain where these events took place, was doubtless some part of the high ground on the west of the Lake of Tiberias, not far from Capernaum. The Romish church has the tradition, that the singular hill called Tell Hattin,or Kurun Hattin, was the spot; and that hill is hence known to travellers as the Mount of Beatitudes. But this eminence is seven or eight miles distant from the probable site of Capernaum ; which seems inconsistent with Matth. 8, 5. Luke 7, 1. And further, this tradition is cur- rent only among foreign Latin monks, and cannot be traced back, even among them, beyond the twelfth century ; while the Greek church, which has been native upon the soil from the earliest centuries, knows nothing of it; and has indeed no tradition what- ever connected with the Sermon on the Mount. See Bibl. Researches in Palestine, III. p. 240. 42. In Matthew, the Centurion seems to come in person to Jesus ; in Luke, he sends the elders of the Jews. This diversity is satisfactorily explained by the old law-maxim : Quifacit per alium, facil per se. Matthew narrates briefly ; Luke gives the circum- stances more fully. In like manner, in John 4, 1, Jesus is said to baptize, when he did it by his disciples. In John 19, 1, and elsewhere, Pilate is said to have scourged Jesus; certainly not with his own hands. In Mark 10, 35, James and John 25 194 FROM THE SECOND PASSOVER UNTIL THE THIRD. [PART IV. come to Jesus with a certain request; in Matth. 20, 20, it is their mother who prefers the request. In 2 Sam. 24, 1, God moves David to number Israel ; in 1 Chr. 21, 1, it is Sa- tan who provokes him. 44. Matthew places this narrative after the sending out of the Twelve, Matth. 11, 1.2. This appears to be too late ; for during their absence John was beheaded; see Mark 6, 30. Matth. 14, 13. The order of Luke is therefore retained. Our Lord was probably at or near Capernaum ; comp. 45. 48. The order of Mark is here resumed, who places these transactions next after the appointment of the Twelve, omitting the Sermon on the Mount and other inter- vening matters. The narrative of Luke is obviously parallel; although given by rn'm in a different place. See Introd. Note to Part VI. p. 199. 49. The specification in Matth. 12, 40, that Jesus should be "three days and three nights" in the sepulchre, seems at first view not to harmonize with the accounts of his burial and resurrection. From these latter it appears, that he was laid in the tomb before sunset on the sixth day of the week or Friday, and rose again quite early on the first day of the week or Sunday; having lain in the grave not far from thirty-six hours. See 159, 160, and Notes. This accords with the usual formula which our Lord em- ployed in speaking of his resurrection, viz. that " he should rise on the third day;" Matth. 16, 21. 20, 19. Mark 9, 31. 10, 34. Luke 9, 22. 18, 33. etc. Equivalent to this is also the expression, "after three daysl will rise again," Matth. 27, 63. Mark 8, 31. John 2, 19. etc. This latter idiom is found also in John 20, 26, where eight days is put for a week. So too in German, the expression : nach drey Tagen, " after three days," is always the same as: am dritten Tage, "on the third day," the day after to-morrow; and acht Tage, " eight days," is the more common phrase instead of eine Woche, "a week." In the present instance, Matth. 12, 40, the apparent difficulty arises from the form of the expression " three days and three nights," which our Lord uses here, and here alone, because he is quoting from Jonah 2, 1. [1, 17.] The phrase is doubtless in itself equivalent to the Greek yt^^/u^ov, a day and night of twenty-four hours. But the Hebrew form rnb^b ntubtti^ DW nujbtti three days and three nights, was likewise used generally and indefinitely for three days simply; as is obvious from 1 Sam. 30, 12. 13, and the circumstances there narrated. Such also is manifestly the case here. 51. The order here connects back with Luke 11, 36, in 49. Jesus receives the invitation of the Pharisee iv & TW Aw^o-at, while he was speaking. See Introd. Note to Part VI. p. 199. 52. Luke c. 12 is directly connected with the preceding by the phrase iv olj, mean- while. 53. The order is here fixed by v. 1. 54. The order here depends on Matth. 13, 1 ; the intervening events in 51-5? being supplied by Luke. The place may be Capernaum ; but this is not certain. 44-61] NOTES. 195 56. Mark here fixes the order of time, "the same day at evening." The incident of the Scribe and of another disciple, which Matthew gives definitely here, is related by Luke in a wholly different connection without any note of time. It is transferred hither, because it is of such a nature that it cannot well be supposed to have occurred twice. The conversation takes place, as our Lord was on his way from the house (Matth. 13. 36) to the boat. 57. Origen says that a city reyyeva anciently stood on the eastern shore of the lake of Tiberias, Opp. IV. p. 140. Gadara was a larger city, whose district or jurisdic- tion apparently extended to the lake, and included Gergesa. In Matth. 8, 28, Griesbach and Knapp read rtQaffyvuv, and Scholz rctdaQyvuv. Mark and Luke speak of only one demoniac ; Matthew of two. Here the maxim of Le Clerc holds true : Qui plum narrat, pandora complectitur ; qui pandora memorat, plura non negat. Something peculiar in the circumstances or character of one of the persons, rendered him more prominent, and led the two former Evangelists to speak of him particularly. But their language does not exclude another. A familiar example will illustrate the principle. In the year 1824, Lafayette visited the United States; and was every where welcomed with honours and pageants. Historians will describe these as a noble incident in his life. Other writers will relate the same visit as made, and the same honours as enjoyed, by two persons, viz. Lafayette and his son. Will there be any contradiction between these two classes of writers ? Will not both record the truth ? See Bibliotheca Sacra, 1845. No. I. p. 169. 58, 59. The call ofLevi or Matthew is placed by the three Evangelists imme- diately after the healing of the paralytic in Capernaum; see 34, 35. Very naturally too, they all three connect with his call an account of the feast which he afterwards made for Jesus ; in order to bring together and present at once all that was personal to Matthew. But from Matth. 9, 18, it appears, that while our Lord was reclining and dis- coursing at that feast, Jairus comes to beseech him to visit his daughter lying at the point of death ; and Jesus goes with him. Now this transaction, according to Mark and Luke, did not happen until immediately after the return from the eastern shore of the lake. Hence the narrative of the feast is also to be transferred to this place ; and that too with the more certainty, because the Twelve appear to have also been present at it; see Matth. 9, 10. Mark 2, 15. 63, 64. While the Twelve are absent preaching in the name of Christ, Herod causes John the Baptist to be beheaded in the castle of Machaerus at the southern ex- tremity of Perea, near the Dead Sea ; Jos. Antiq. 18. 5. 2. In consequence of the preaching of the Apostles, Herod hears the fame of Jesus; is conscience-smitten; and declares him to be John, risen from the dead. The disciples of John come and tell Jesus; and the Twelve also return with the same intelligence; upon which Jesus retires to the northeastern coast of the lake, not far from the northern Bethsaida or Julias; see Bibl. Res. in Palest. III. p. 308. All these events seem to have taken place near together. 196 FROM OUR LORD'S THIRD PASSOVER, ETC. [PART V. Matthew and Mark narrate the death of the Baptist in explanation of Herod's de- claration. The account of his imprisonment is transferred to 24. According to John 6, 4, the Passover was now at hand, viz. the third during our Lord's ministry. John therefore had lain in prison not far from a year and six months ; and was beheaded about three years after entering upon his public ministry. See Note on 25. 65, 66. From the region of the northern Bethsaida or Julias, the disciples embark for Bethsaida of Galilee, Mark 6, 45 ; or for Capernaum according to John 6, 17. They land on the plain of Gennesareth, Matth. 14, 34. Mark 6, 53. The next day the mul- titudes follow in boats to Capernaum seeking for Jesus, and find him there ; John 6, 24. 25. 59. It follows as a necessary conclusion, that Capernaum was on or near the plain of Gennesareth; most probably at its northeastern extremity. For the topography of this region, see Bibl. Res. in Palest. III. p. 288 sq. comp. p. 282 sq. In John 7, 1, a reason is assigned why Jesus did not go up at this time to the Passover mentioned in John 6, 4. This was the third Passover during his ministry. PART V. FROM OUR LORD'S THIRD PASSOVER UNTIL HIS FINAL DEPARTURE FROM GALILEE AT THE FESTIVAL OF TABERNACLES. 67-82. 67 sq. The order of events, as far as to 79 inclusive, is in accordance with both Matthew and Mark ; with whom Luke also coincides, so far as he touches upon the same transactions. 68. Jesus retires from Galilee, first to the region of Tyre and Sidon, then to the Decapolis, and afterwards to the district of Cesarea Philippi. All these were districts not under the jurisdiction of Herod ; whose domain included Galilee and Perea. Not improbably Jesus may have withdrawn from Galilee at this particular time, because the attention of Herod had been thus turned to him after the death of John the Baptist ; and perhaps too on account of Herod's temporary presence in that province, by which his own personal danger would naturally be increased. See Note on 63, 64. 69. The Decapolis was on the S. and S. E. of the Lake of Tiberias. Our Lord in returning from Tyre and Sidon had probably passed through Galilee. The feeding of the four thousand obviously look place in the Decapolis; since Jesus immediately afterwards passes over the lake to Magdala on its western shore. 72. The healing of the blind man at the northern Bethsaida, is related only by Mark. It took place on the way from the eastern shore of the lake toward Cesarea Philippi. 65-82.] NOTES. 197 74. The fieia vgsig fjpegag of Mark 8, 31, is equivalent to the rfi tgiTr\ f][*s(>ct of Matth. 16, 21. Luke 9, 22. See Note on 49. 75. On Matth. 17, 12, see Note on 18, 80. The sending out of the Seventy obviously took place at or near Capernaum ; see vv. 13. 15. It comes therefore here in its order, before our Lord leaves Galilee to go up to the festival of Tabernacles. The words peia ravia, in v. 1, refer to the general series of events narrated in the preceding chapter; not to v. 51 sq. in particular. The incident of the Scribe, which there follows (v. 57 sq.) was in fact much earlier; see in 56 and Note. According to Luke 10, 1, the Seventy were to go to every city and place, whither our Lord himself would come. To what part of the country, then, were they sent? Not throughout Galilee ; for Jesus apparently never returned to that province ; and besides, both himself and the Twelve had already preached in all the towns and villages. Not in Samaria ; for he merely passes through that district without making any delay Possibly into some parts of Judea, whither our Lord himself afterwards came; but more probably along the great valley of the Jordan and throughout the populous region of Perea, which our Lord traversed and where he taught, after the festival of Dedication, and as he for the last time went up to Jerusalem ; see John 10, 40. Matth. 19, 1. Mark 10, 1. Luke 13, 22. In accordance with this view, the return of the Seventy took place in Jerusalem or Judea, not long before the festival of Dedication ( 89); immediately after which festival Jesus withdrew into Perea to follow up their labours, John 10, 40 sq. See Introd. Note to Part VI. p. 199. Our Lord's instructions to the Seventy have a striking resemblance to those given to the Twelve ; see in 62. 81. Our Lord evades the hypocritical urgency of his relatives; and afterwards goes up to the festival more privately; that is, with less of public notoriety and without being followed as usual by crowds. The journey mentioned in Luke 9, 51 was obviously his last journey from Galilee to Jerusalem ; and v. 53 shows that he was passing on rapidly and without delay. In both these circumstances, Luke accords with John ; and the two accounts are therefore properly arranged together. See more in Introd. Note to Part VI. p. 198. 82. The healing of the ten lepers evidently connects itself with the same journey ihrough Samaria ; and is narrated by Luke out of its proper order. Compare the incident of the Scribe and another, Luke 9, 57 sq. and see Note on 56. 198 FROM THE FESTIVAL OF TABERNACLES, ETC, [PART VI. / I PART VI. THE FESTIVAL OF TABERNACLES, AND THE SUBSEQUENT TRANSACTIONS UNTIL OUR LORD'S ARRIVAL AT BETHANY six DAYS BEFORE THE FOURTH PASSOVER. 83111. INTRODUCTORY NOTE. IN this interval of time, from the festival of Tabernacles to our Lord's last arrival at Bethany, we encounter one of the most difficult portions of the whole Gospel Harmony. According to John's narrative, Jesus, after leaving Galilee to go up to the festival of Tabernacles in October (John 7, 10), did not return again to Galilee; but spent the time intervening before the festival of Dedication in December, probably in Jerusalem, or, when in danger from the Jews, in the neighbouring villages of Judea ; John 8, 59. Luke 10, 38 sq. Had Jesus actually returned to Galilee during this interval, it can hardly be supposed that John, who had hitherto so carefully noted our Lord's return thither after each visit to Jerusalem, would have failed to give some hint of it in this case also, either after c. 8, 59, or after c. 10, 21. But neither John, nor the other Evangelists, afford any such hint. Immediately after the festival of Dedication, Jesus withdrew from the machinations of the Jews beyond Jordan; whence he was recalled to Bethany by the decease of Lazarus; John 10, 40. 11, 7. He then once more retired to Ephraim ; and is found again at Bethany six days before the Passover; John 11, 54. 12, 1. Matthew and Mark contain no allusion at all to the festival of Tabernacles ; nor do we find any express mention of it in Luke. Yet Luke 9, 51 is most naturally referred to our Lord s journey at that time; and it implies also that this was his final departure from Galilee; see Note on 81. Luke and John are therefore here parallel. The circumstances of danger, which had induced Jesus during the summer to retire from Galilee in various directions (see Note on 68), as well as the approach of the time when "he should be received up," are reasons of sufficient weight to account for his having transferred, at this time, the scene of his ministry and labours from the north to Jerusalem and Judea, including excursions to the country on and beyond the Jordan. In regard to the transactions during the whole interval of time comprised in this Part, Matthew and Mark are silent; except where they relate that our Lord, after his departure from Galilee, approached Jerusalem for the last time through Perea and by way of Jericho, where he was followed by multitudes ; Matth. 19, 1. 2. 20, 29. Mark 10, I. 46. With the transactions recorded by these two Evangelists during this last approach, Luke also has some things parallel; Luke 18, 15-43. The arrival at Beth- any is common to the three ; and in this they all accord with John ; Matth. 21, 1. Mark II, 1. Luke 19, 29. John 12, 1. 12 sq. There exists consequently no difficulty in harmonizing Matthew and Mark, and BO much of Luke as is parallel to them (18, 15 sq.) with John. But in Luke, from c. 9, 51. INTROD.] NOTES. ORDER OF JOHN AND LUKE. 199 where Jesus leaves Galilee, to c. 18, 14, where the record again becomes parallel with Matthew and Mark, there is a large body of matter peculiar for the most part to Luke, and relating prim.a facie to the time subsequent to our Lord's departure from Galilee. How is this portion of Luke's Gospel to be arranged and distributed, in order to har- monize with the narrative of John ? The difficulty of course does not exist in the case of those Harmonists, who, like Calvin, Griesbach, and others, attempt to bring together only the first three Evangelists. Those Harmonists who have likewise included John's Gospel, have hitherto gener- ally, and perhaps universally, assumed a return of our Lord to Galilee after the festival of Tabernacles; and this avowedly in order to provide a place for this portion of Luke's Gospel. But the manner in which it has been arranged, after all, is exceedingly various. Some, as Le Clerc, insert nearly the whole during this supposed journey ; Harm. Evang. p. 264 sq. Others, as Lightfoot, assign to this journey only what pre- cedes Luke 13, 23 ; and refer the remainder to our Lord's sojourn beyond Jordan, John 10, 40 ; see Chron. Temp. N. T. Opp. II. p. 37, 39. In like manner Schleiermacher, Neander, Olshausen, and others, assume a return to Galilee before the festival of Dedication ; but differ greatly in their distribution of this part of Luke. See Schleierm. Schrifien des Luk. p. 161 sq. Neand. Leben Jesu, p. 538. 3te Ausg. Olshaus. Comm. I. p. 571 sq. 3te Ausg. If now we examine more closely the portion of Luke in question (9, 51 18, 14), we perceive, that although an order of time is discoverable in certain parts, yet as a whole it is wanting in exact chronological arrangement. This indeed is admitted, at the present day, by all Harmonists and Commentators. It would seem almost, as if, in this portion peculiar to Luke, that Evangelist, after recording many of the earlier transactions of Jesus in Galilee, in accordance with Matthew and Mark, had here, upon our Lord's final departure from that province, brought together this new and various matter of his own, relating partly to our Lord's previous ministry in Galilee, partly to this journey, and still more to his subsequent proceedings, until the narrative (in c. 18, 15) again becomes parallel to the accounts of Matthew and Mark. Such, for example, is the inci- dent of the Scribe and of another in Luke 9, 52 sq. an occurrence of such a nature that we cannot well suppose it to have happened twice, and which Matthew narrates at Capernaum, on the occasion of our Lord's first excursion across the lake; see 56. The sending forth also the Seventy evidently took place at or near Capernaum, c. 10, 1 sq. see 80 and Note. The transactions narrated in c. 10, 17 11, 13, have marks of chronological connection ; and the scene of them is obviously Jerusalem or its vicinity; see 86-89 and Notes. The healing of a demoniac and the consequent blasphemy of the Scribes and Pharisees in Luke 11, 14. 15. 17 sq. is parallel with the same events in Matthew and Mark, which these two Evangelists describe as having occurred in Galilee ; see 48 and Note. With this passage again Luke 11, 37-54 is immediately connected by the words eV ds t& lalf\vai, see 51 and Note. The transition to the next chapter (c. 12) is made by the phrase iv oig y marking proximity of time; 52 and Note. And, further, the words nagrjaav ds iivsg Luke 13, 1, show that the conversation there given (vv. 1-9) immediately followed. The remainder of this portion of Luke, c. 13, 10 18, 14 (with the exception of c. 17, 11-19, which obviously connects itself with the journey 200 FROM THE FESTIVAL OF TABERNACLES, ETC. [PART VI. in c. 9, 51), contains absolutely no definite notation of time or place ; nor any thing indeed, to show, that the events happened in the order recorded, or that they did not take place at different times and in different parts of the country. The only passage to which this remark does not perhaps fully apply, is c. 13, 22-35. For these reasons, like Newcome, I have distributed Luke 9, 51 10, 16, and 11, 14 13, 9, (as also 17, 11-19,) in Parts IV, V, as already specified, among the transactions of our Lord's ministry in Galilee, between his second Passover and his journey to the fes- tival of Tabernacles. The remainder of this whole portion of Luke, viz. c. 10, 17 11, 13, and 13, 1017, 10, as also 17, 2018, 14, remains to be disposed of in the present Part. With many leading modern Commentators, I prefer here to follow the narrative of John, and infer that our Lord did not again return to Galilee after the festival of Tabernacles. So Liicke, Tholuck, Hengstenberg, De Wette, Meyer, and others ; see their Commentaries on John 1. c. also Hengstenb. Christol. II. p. 567. On this princi- ple, therefore, the present Harmony is constructed. Hence, Luke 10, 17 11, 13 is inserted between the festival of Tabernacles and that of Dedication ; see the particu- lars in the Notes on 86-89. More difficult is it to assign the proper place for Luke 13, 10 17, 10 ; the trans- actions recorded in which all cluster around or follow c. 13. 22, where Jesus is repre- sented as travelling leisurely through the cities and villages towards Jerusalem. Now this journey cannot have been the same with that in Luke 9, 51 and John 7, 10 ; because there Jesus went up privately, while here he is accompanied by multitudes, Luke 14, 25. Nor can it have been a later journey from Galilee ; for that in Luke 9, 51 was the final one. Nor indeed were the Jews accustomed to go up from the country to Jeru- salem at the festival of Dedication ; see Note on 91. Lightfoot Hor. Heb. in Joh. 10, 22. Besides, Luke 13, 22 stands in connection with the warning received by our Lord against Herod, vv. 31-33 ; which under the attendant circumstances cannot well be regarded as having been given in Galilee ; much less in Jerusalem, as Lightfoot supposes ; Chron. Temp. N. T. Opp. II. p. 39. But Herod was lord also of Perea ; and in that province he had imprisoned and put to death John the Baptist ; Joseph. Ant. 18. 5. 2. It would therefore be natural, that our Lord, who had been less known in that region, and who now appeared there, followed by multitudes, should receive warning of the danger he was thus incurring. Hence, I have ventured to assign this part of Luke (13, 10 17, 10) to that period of our Lord's life and ministry, which was passed in Perea after the festival of Dedication. Our Lord first withdrew soon after that festival from the plots of the Jews into Perea. ' He went away again beyond Jordan, into the place where John at first baptized ; and there he abode. And many resorted unto him" and believed; John 10,40-42. How long Jesus remained in that region before he was recalled by the death of Lazarus, can be only matter of conjecture. In that interval Lightfoot places all this part of Luke after c. 13, 22; see Opp. II. p. 39. In this I am unable to accord with that profound scholar; because the language of John does not necessarily imply that our Lord at thie time made any journey or circuit in Perea itself. At least it could not then and there be said of him in any sense, that "he went through their cities and villages, teaching, and journeying towards Jerusalem," Luke 13, 22; for he had just departed from Jerusa- INTROD.] NOTES. ORDER OF JOHN AND LUKE. 201 lem, and was recalled to Bethany by a special message from the sisters of Lazarus, John 11, 3. 7. All this would seem to imply rather, that Jesus remained during this ex- cursion, at least mainly, in the district " where John had baptized ;" so that Martha and Mary knew at once where to send for him. It follows also as a natural inference, that this first sojourn beyond Jordan could not well have been a long one, nor probably have occupied more than a few weeks out of the four months intervening between the festival of Dedication and the Passover. After the raising of Lazarus, Jesus again retired from the machinations of the Jews to "a country near to the wilderness, into a city called Ephraim, and there continued with his disciples;" John 11, 54. The Evangelist John records nothing more of his movements, until he again appears in Bethany six days before the Passover; John 12. 1. But the expression used by John as to his sojourn at Ephraim, (xaxct disjQifa [IEJU TWV [ta&qrwv UVTOV, there he passed the time,) does not preclude the idea of excursions from that place, nor of a circuitous. route on his return to Bethany and Jerusalem at the Passover. Now Matthew, Mark, and Luke, affirm expressly, that on this return Jesus went up to Bethany from Jericho ; : and the two former narrate, as expressly, that in thus reaching Jericho he had come " into the coasts of Judea by the farther side of Jordan," where great multitudes followed him, and he healed them and taught then), as he was wont; Matth. 19, 1. 2. Mark 10, 1. With all this the language of Luke 13, 22 accords perfectly: " And he went through the cities and villages, teaching, and journeying to- wards Jerusalem;" as does also the mention of the multitudes in Luke 14, 25. With this too accords Luke 13, 31-35, including the warning against Herod and our Lord's reply ; as also the touching lamentation over Jerusalem, where Jesus was so soon to perish. With this accords, further, the fact, that the narrative of Luke subsequent to the portion in question, viz. Luke 18, 15 sq. is parallel with that of Matthew and Mark . during this same journey ; see 105-109. After long consideration, therefore, I do not hesitate to refer Luke 13, 22, with the transactions and discourses of which it forms the nucleus, mainly to a journey of our Lord through the populous region of Perea, on his return to Bethany after sojourning in Ephraim. There may also have been excursions from that city to the neighbouring villages of Judea, or even to the Jordan valley. This city Ephraim I hold to be proba- bly identical with Ephron and Ophrah of the Old Testament; and therefore apparently represented by the modern Taiyibeh, situated nearly twenty Roman miles N. N. E. of Jerusalem, and five or six Roman miles N. E. of Bethel, on the borders of the desert which stretches along on the west of the Dead Sea and the valley of Jordan; see Note on 93. It occupies a lofty site ; and from it one overlooks the adjacent desert, the Jordan with its great valley, and the mountains of Perea beyond, with the Saracenic castle er-Rubud, near 'Ajlun, in the northern part of Perea, bearing about N. E. Even at the present day the hardy and industrious mountaineers of this place have much in- tercourse with the valley, and till the rich fields and reap the harvests of Jericho ; see Bibl. Res. in Palest. II. p. 121. p. 276. It was therefore quite natural and easy for our Lord, from this point to cross the valley and the Jordan, and then turn his course to- wards Jericho and Jerusalem ; while at the same time he exercised his ministry among the cities and villages along the valley and in the eastern region. Thither, indeed, he 26 202 FROM THE FESTIVAL OF TABERNACLES, ETC. [PART VI. not improbably had sent before him the Seventy disciples (see Note on 80) ; and some parts of the same district he himself had already visited. I have therefore inserted the whole of Luke 13, 11 17, 10, perhaps for the first time, after the mention of our Lord's sojourn at Ephraim ; as belonging naturally to that pe- riod and to this return-journey through Perea. And then it only remained to let Luke 17,20 18, 14 follow directly afterwards; because there is no mark nor authority for placing it any where else ; and because too it immediately precedes, and thus connects with, that portion of Luke which is subsequently parallel to Matthew and Mark. Not that I would by any means assert, that all the events and the discourses of our Lord here given, are recorded by Luke in their exact chronological order; for this portion of his Gospel presents very much the appearance of a collection of discourses and transac- tions in themselves disconnected. Yet, as there are no marks nor evidence, internal or external, by which to arrange them differently, it seems hardly advisable, on mere con- jecture, to abandon the order in which they have been left to us by Luke himself. If it be objected, that this arrangement crowds too many incidents and discourses into this journey through Perea, the reply is not difficult. Matthew and Mark confine their previous narratives chiefly to Galilee; and give comparatively little of what took place later in Perea. Luke, besides recounting the like events in Galilee, has a large amount of matter peculiar to himself, without any definite notation of time and place ; and it is therefore not unnatural to suppose, that an important portion of it may relate to this last journey. Again, there is room for allowing to this journey in Perea an in- terval of time, amply sufficient for all these transactions, and indeed many more. If we assume, that our Lord's first sojourn beyond Jordan, his return to Bethany, and the sub- sequent departure to Ephraim, occupied even two months, (which is a large allowance,) there still remained nearly two months before the Passover, in which to make excur- sions from Ephraim, and also traverse leisurely the distance through Perea to Bethany, requiring in itself, at the utmost, not more than five days of travel. If now we compare the transactions thus spread out over these two months (or not improbably over a longer interval,) with those recorded during the following six days next before the Passover (see Part VII), we shall hardly be very strongly impressed with the idea, that too much in proportion is thus allotted to this journey. 83. Jesus had now been absent from Jerusalem a year and six months, since his second Passover. 86, 87. Our Lord had left the temple, and apparently the city ; John 8, 59. The healing of the blind man occurred later; see Note on 90. While thus absent from the city, and yet in its vicinity, Jesus visits Bethany and is received by Martha and Mary. That visit is placed by Luke in immediate connection with the incident of the lawyer and the parable of the Good Samaritan ; which therefore are inserted here. The scene of that parable also implies, that it was spoken in the vicinity of Jerusalem and Bethany. 88. Jesus repeats on this occasion the same model-form of prayer taught in the Sermon on the Mount, 41. Luke's order is here retained ; as there is no evidence by which to assign any other. 83-93.] NOTES. CITY OF EPHRAIM, ETC. 203 89. Luke relates the return of the Seventy in immediate connection with their appointment (Luke 10, 1-16), evidently by anticipation. Their appointment appears to have been one of our Lord's last acts in Galilee ; and they went forth, probably into Perea and elsewhere, while he proceeded to Jerusalem ; see Note on 80. Their return to him at or near Jerusalem, is therefore here placed as Iat6 as may be, before the festival of Dedication. 90. With the healing of the blind man the discourse in John 10, 1 sq. stands in immediate connection ; see c. 9, 40. And in the words of our Lord, John 10, 26, spoken at the festival of Dedication, there is a direct allusion to the figurative representation of the shepherd and his sheep in the same discourse. This implies that the same audience was then present, at least in part; and consequently, that the discourse in question had been delivered not long before. For these reasons the healing of the blind man would seem also to have taken place near the beginning of the festival of Dedication, or at least not long before. 91. The festival of Dedication, ra tyxalna, was instituted by Judas Maccabeus to commemorate the purification of the temple and the renewal of the temple-worship after the three years' profanation by Antiochus Epiphanes. It was held during eight days, commencing on the 25th day of the month Kislev, Heb. "&03, which began with the new moon of December. See 1 Mace. 4, 52-59. 2 Mace. 10, 5-8. Josephus calls it (pomx, i. e. festival of lights or lanterns, and speaks of it as a season of rejoicing; Antiq. 12. 7. 6, 7. It was celebrated by the Jews, not at Jerusalem alone, like the great festivals of the law ; but at home, throughout the whole country, by the festive illumin- ation of their dwellings; see Lightfoot Hor. Heb. in Joh. 10, 22. According to John's narrative, Jesus was now at Jerusalem, not because the Jews were accustomed to go up thither at this festival, but because he had remained in the vicinity since the festival of Tabernacles ; see Introd. Note to Part VI. p. 200. The place " where John at first baptized" (10, 40) was Bethany beyond Jordan, or Bethabara in the Textus receptus ; see John 1. 28. Nothing more is known as to its situation. On our Lord's sojourn here, and also the probable length of it, see Introd. Note to Part VI. pp. 200, 202. 93. As the Sanhedrim had now determined, in accordance with the counsel of Caiaphas, that Jesus should be put to death, he therefore withdraws from Jerusalem to a city called Ephraim "near to the wilderness;" John 11, 54. This place has never yet been identified with any modern site. The following comparisons and combina- tions may perhaps throw some light upon it. This city Ephraim ('.Eqp^ouju, lE'qp^) is doubtless the same with the Ephraim or Ephronof 2 Chr. 13, 19, Heb. I^BS in Keri, fhBS in Chethib, Sept. 'Eyguv, which place Abijah king of Judah, after his great battle with Jeroboam, took from the latter along with Bethel and Jeshanah. It was therefore a strong place, and lay not far remote from Bethel. So too Josephus relates, that Vespasian marched from Cesarea to the hill- country, subdued the toparchies of Gophna and Acraba with the small cities (noUxvioi) Bethel and Ephraim ('JE'qp^afy), and then proceeded to Jerusalem ; Jos. B. J. 4. 9. 9. 204 FROM THE FESTIVAL OF TABERNACLES, ETC. [PART VI. The same is also doubtless the Ephron (^Ecpquv} of Eusebius and Jerome; which the former places at eight, and the latter (correcting Eusebius) at nearly twenty Roman miles, north of Jerusalem ; see Onomast. art. Ephron. Bethel, according to Eusebius and Jerome, was twelve Roman miles from Jeru- salem towards the north ; and its remains exist there at the present day ; Onomast. art. Bethel. Bibl. Res. in Palest. II. p. 127. Ephraim or Ephron, then, being in the twen- tieth mile from Jerusalem, was seven miles beyond Bethel. Bat Ephraim, according to John 11, 54, was "near to the wilderness" or desert; and the only desert in that region is on the east of Bethel, viz. the desert of Judea lying on the west of the Dead Sea and the valley of the Jordan, and extending northwards at least as far as to the parallel of Shiloh, if not farther. Ephraim was also a place of strength, like Bethel. All these combinations point definitely and distinctly to the lofty site of the modern et-Taiyibeh, situated two hours northeast of Bethel and six hours and twenty minutes north-north-east of Jerusalem, (reckoning three Roman miles to the hour,) adjacent to and overlooking the broad tract of desert country lying between it and the valley of the Jordan ; a position so remarkable and commanding, that we cannot suppose it to have been left unoccupied in ancient times; see Bibl. Res. in Palest. II. p. 121-124. This then was the Ephraim or Ephron of both the Old and New Testaments. There was another similar name in the Old Testament, viz. Ophrah in Benjamin, Heb. 8rnB3, Sept. 3 Eygadd, Josh. 18, 23. 1 Sam. 13, 17. This was apparently the Aphra (AyQu) of Eusebius and Jerome, situated Jive Roman miles east of Bethel ; Onomast. art. Aphra. The question suggests itself, whether perhaps Ophrah and Ephron ("i^S^, 1^85) were any thing more than different forms of the same name belonging to one and the same place ? This would seem not improbable ; since both forms have the same general signification, fawn, fawn-like, from the noun *nB3> a fawn; the one being simply the feminine form of the noun, and the other taking the very common termination ^i. The same idea is favoured, too, by the like analogy in the Hebrew forms for Shiloh, viz. h'^tti and 'j'ftittS ; this latter being found in the gentile noun ^^O Shilonite, and in the Greek 2ilovv of Josephus ; see Gesen. Heb. Lex. art. hVilB no. 2. So likewise in the forms rtba Giloh and i&ia Gilonite; compare also *risn Hazor and "("HSri Hezron, Josh. 15, 25. Further, the great laxness and variety of manner with which Hebrew names are written in Greek, leaves ample room for supposing such an identity. Thus another Ophrah OTW) in Manasseh is written in the Sept. * Eq>qtt&a, Judg. 6, 11. 8, 27. 32. 9, 5; and by Josephus 9 Exfgav t Antiq. 5. 6. 5. Lastly, the position assigned to Ophrah by Jerome, viz. five Roman miles east of Bethel, is from the nature of the country applicable only to the same Taiyibeh above described. The coincidence of all these circumstances leaves little room for doubt, that Ophrah and Ephron of the Old Testament and Ephraim of the New were all identical, and are all represented by the modern Taiyibeh. This then was the place to which our Lord withdrew. For our Lord's sojourn in Ephraim, and his return thence through Perea to Bethany, see Introd. Note to Part VI. p. 201 sq. 93-109.] NOTES. THE BLIND MEN AT JERICHO, ETC. 205 94. Matthew and Mark, having omitted all mention of our Lord's presence and teaching in Jerusalem at the festivals of Tabernacles and of Dedication, as likewise of the raising of Lazarus and other events, now resume their narrative by relating, that after Jesus had left Galilee he approached Jerusalem, as the Passover drew nigh, by passing through the country beyond Jordan. The negav rov "logdavov of Matthew is explained by the dice rov TIEQOIV rov *Iogdavov of Mark ; comp. Sept. ed. Breiting. in Josh. 1, 14. 15, where we have tdcoxe Mwvarg nsoav rov "logdavov, and I'&wxs Muvffrjc fv TW nsQav rov 'logftavov. Both Evangelists speak of the great multitudes thai fol- lowed Jesus. Luke 13, 10-21 is inserted here, because it immediately precedes, and is thus con- nected with, the notice of our Lord's journeying towards Jerusalem in Luke 13, 22 ; see 95 and Note. 95. For the reasons why Luke 13, 22 is arranged in this connection, see Introd. Note to Part VI. pp. 200, 201. For the appropriateness of this arrangement, so far as it respects vv. 31-35, see the same Note, p. 200. The lamentation over Jerusalem, in v. 34 arises naturally from the mention of that city in v. 33. In Matth. 23, 37 sq. the same lamentation is repeated in connection with our Lord's denunciation of the Scribes and Pharisees in Jerusalem. Luke's phrase oi' |U?i (if. l'dr t re x. r. L is explained by the ov prj [ts idr t rs ctnagri x. r. L of Matthew, im- plying that he was now about to withdraw from the world, and that Jerusalem, which then rejected him, would not again behold him and enjoy the privilege of his presence, until compelled by his glorious manifestation to acknowledge him as the true Messiah. 96-103. These sections are placed here for the reasons assigned in the Introd. Note to Part VI. p. 202. 104. This section properly comes in here before 105, where Luke is again parallel with Matthew and Mark. 107. This transaction probably occurred in Perea ; as Jesus had not yet arrived at Jericho. The word avufialvto is used of any journey to Jerusalem or Judea ; see Luke 2, 4. John 7, 8. 12, 20. Acts 18, 22. 108. In Matthew it is the mother of James and John who makes the request ; in Luke it is the two disciples themselves; see Note on 42. 109. Mark and Luke here speak of one blind man ; Matthew of two. The case is .similar to that of the demoniacs of Gadara ; see Note on 57. More difficult is it to harmonize the accounts as to the place where the miracle was wrought. Matthew and Mark narrate it as having occurred when Jesus was departing from Jericho (fXTioQevo^vov avrov ano !/fyio>) ; while Luke seems to describe it as happening during his approach to the city (& ru> tyyl&iv avrov els e /g/w). Several ways of solving this difficulty have been proposed. 1. The language of Mark is : xal Corral sig'lsgixKi, " they came to Jericho." This, it is said, may be understood as implying, that Jesus remained some days at least in 206 FROM THE FESTIVAL OF TABERNACLES, ETC. [PART VI. Jericho, where he would naturally visit points of interest in the vicinity; as, for example, the fountain of Elisha, a mile or more distant. The miracle therefore may have been wrought, not when he was finally leaving Jericho for Jerusalem; but when he was occasionally going out of, and returning to, Jericho. So Newcome, Harm. Note on 108. 2. The verb tyyl&w, it is said, may signify not only to draw near, but also to be near, i. q. syyvg slvai. Hence, the language of Luke may include also the idea expressed by Matthew and Mark, i. e. while he was still near the city. So Grotius, Comm. in Matth. 20,30. Passow in his Lexicon gives a like definition: nahe seyn, nahe kommen, sich nahern, i. e. to be near, to draw near ; but neither he nor Grotius brings forward any references to classic authors in support of such a meaning. Indeed, it is very doubtful, whether this definition can be fully sustained by classic authority. Yet in the New Testament and Septuagint there are passages, which go to imply such a usage. Thus, Luke 19, 29 wg ijyyuFfK tig Bri&(fayr t xal Btfoaviav, while we read in Matth. 21, 1 ore riyyivav slg 'isgovolvfia, xal yk&ov slg Brj&cpayy ngbg TO ogog t&v iKai&v, implying that they had already arrived at Bethphage .find Bethany. So trop. Phil. 2, 3 [if-XQl &avarov ryyure, he was nigh unto death. The usage of the LXX is more definite; as they often put eyyl&iv for Heb. Si-i^, even of place. So of Naboth's vineyard, 1 K. 21, 2 on iyyl^wv ovTog TW ot'xw pov, because it is near unto my house. Also Deut. 21, 3, q Trohg f) iyyl&vaa TO> iQavfiatly, the city next [nigh~\ unto the slain man, v. 6. 22, 2 ; and trop. Jer. 23, 23. Ruth 2, 20. 2 Sam. 19, 42. These instances seem sufficient to bear out the proposed interpretation in Luke; which is also adopted by Le Clerc, Doddridge, Pilkington, and others. Nor is this method of explanation "made useless for the purpose of reconciling the Evangelists, by Luke 19, 1," as Newcome asserts. In connection with Jericho, Luke first of all relates this striking miracle ; then goes back and mentions that Jesus " entered and passed through Jericho ;" and lastly records the visit to the house of Zaccheus, apparently within the city. Luke 19, 1 therefore is not more at variance with this view respecting the miracle, than it is with the visit to Zac- cheus. It is a passing announcement of a general fact, in connection with which other more important circumstances are related, but not in the order of time. 3. Less probable than either of the above is the solution of Lightfoot and others, who assume that Jesus healed one blind man before entering the city, and another on departing from it. See Lightfoot Chron. Tempor. in N. T. Opp. II. p. 42. 111. The phrase x T% %wQag John 11, 55, does not refer to the region of Ephraim ; for then it must have read ex jainy? zuQot?. Besides, those coming from that vicinity would hardly have made such inquiries. The phrase therefore signifies from the coun- try, generally, as distinguished from Jerusalem ; compare in Luke 21, 21. " Six days before the Passover" is equivalent to " the sixth day" before that festival ; see Note on 49. As our Lord ate the paschal supper on the evening following Thursday, (which evening was reckoned in the Jewish manner to Friday,) the sixth day before it was Saturday or the.Jewish Sabbath. On that day, then, Jesus came to Bethany ; probably after a Sabbath day's journey. Compare Matth. 12, 1 ; also 37. John 12, 2-8, where the supper at Bethany is described, is postponed in accordance with the order of Matthew and Mark ; see Note on 131. INTROD.] NOTES. SCHEDULE OF DAYS. 207 PART VII. OUR LORD'S PUBLIC ENTRY INTO JERUSALEM, AND THE SUBSEQUENT TRANSAC- TIONS BEFORE THE FOURTH PASSOVER. 112132. INTRODUCTORY NOTE. THE Jewish day of twenty-four hours was reckoned from sunset to sunset ; as is still the case in oriental countries. The paschal lamb was killed on the fourteenth day of Nisan towards sunset ; and was eaten the same evening, after the fifteenth day of Nisan had begun ; Ex. 12, 6. 8, and Introd. Note to Part VIII. Oar Lord was crucified on the.day before the Jewish Sabbath, that is, on Friday, Mark 15, 42; and as he had eaten the Passover on the preceding evening, it follows that the fourteenth of Nisan fell that year on Thursday, reckoned from the preceding sunset. Hence, the sixth day be- fore the Passover, when Jesus came to Bethany, was the Jewish Sabbath or Saturday (see Note on 111) ; and the transactions of the following week, comprised in Parts VII and VIII, may be distributed according to the following Schedule ; which agrees in the main with the Schema of Lightfoot ; see Hor. Heb. in Joh. 12, 2. xl >>! SCHEDULE OF DAYS. o a 9. 7. SAT. reckoned from preced. sunset. The Jewish Sabbath. Jesus arrives at Bethany, John 12, 1. 10. 1. SUND. from preced. sunset. Jesus makes his public entry into Jerusalem, 112 ; and returns at night to Bethany, Mark 11, 11. On this day the paschal lamb was to be selected, Ex. 12, 3. 11. 2. MOND. from preced. sunset. Jesus goes to Jerusalem; on his way the incident of the barren fig-tree. He cleanses the temple, 113; and again returns to Bethany, Mark 11, 19. 12. 3. TUESD. from preced. sunset. Jesus returns to the city; on the way the disciples see the fig-tree withered, Mark 11, 20. Our Lord discourses in the temple, 115-126; takes leave of it; and, when on the Mount of Olives j on his way to Bethany, foretells his coming to destroy the city, and pro- ceeds to speak also of his final coming to judgment, 127-130. 13. 4. WEDN. from preced. sunset. The rulers conspire against Christ. On the eve of this day, (i. e. the evening following Tuesday,) our Lord had partaken of the supper at Bethany; where Mary anointed him, and where Judas laid his plan of treachery, which he made known to the chief priests in the course of this day. Jesus remained this day at Bethany. 14. 5. THURSD./ro?3 preced. sunset. Jesus sends two disciples to the city to make ready the Passover. He himself repairs thither in the afternoon, in order to eat the paschal supper at evening. 208 THE FIVE DAYS PRECEDING THE FOURTH PASSOVER. [PART VIL SCHEDULE OF DAYS CONTINUED. az c 15. 6. FRID. frompreced. sunset. At evening, in the very beginning of the fifteenth of Nisan, Jesus partakes of the paschal supper; institutes the Lord's Sup- per; is betrayed and apprehended; 133-143. He is brought first before Caiaphas, and then in the morning before Pilate; is condemned, crucified, and before sunset laid in the sepulchre; 144-158. J6. 7. SAT. The Jewish Sabbath. Our Lord rests in the sepulchre. 17. 1. SUND. Jesus rises from the dead at early dawn ; see 159 and Note. i 112. The time is specified in John 12. 12. The other Evangelists do not notice the fact, that Jesus had remained at Bethany the preceding night. 113. Mark 11, 11. 12 specifies the time very exactly. On the cleansing of the temple, see Note on 21. Luke 21, 37. 38 is inserted here, because in Luke's order it is only retrospective; being placed after our Lord's discourses on the Mount of Olives, when he had already taken leave of the temple, to which he returned no more. 114-130. These sections include the numerous discourses and transactions of the third day of the week. 114. The account of the withering away of the fig-tree might in itself well be connected with the preceding Section. But according to Mark 11,20, this occurrence took place on the subsequent day. 123. In Matthew, verses 13 and 14 are transposed, as in the best editions. 125. This incident of the Greeks is inserted here on the third day of the week, rather than on the first, because of John 12, 36 ; which implies that Jesus afterwards appeared no more in public as a teacher. He immediately takes leave of the temple. 126. The Evangelist John here gives his own reflections upon the unbelief of the Jews. From v. 44 we are not to understand, that Jesus, after having left the temple, returned and uttered this additional discourse. It is rather the vivid manner of the Evangelist himself; who thus introduces Jesus as speaking, in order to recapitulate the sum and substance of his teaching, which the Jews had rejected. 127-130. See, on the topics of these Sections, an article by the author of this work, in the Bibliotheca Sacra, 1843, No. III. pp. 531 sq. 127. Our Lord takes leave of the temple, to which he returns no more ; at the same time foretelling its impending destruction. On his way to Bethany, he seats him- self for a time upon the Mount of Olives, over against the temple, where the city was spread out before him as on a map; and here four of his disciples put to him the ques- tion, " When shall these things be ?" According to Matthew they add : " And what th 3 sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world ?" They were still in darkness ; 112-130.] NOTES. 209 and believed, like the other Jews, that the Messiah was yet to go forth as an exalted temporal prince, to subvert the then present order of things, to overthrow their enemies and subdue all nations, and thus restore pre-eminency and glory to the Jewish people, and reign in peace and splendour over the world ; see Luke 24, 21. Acts 1, 6. This was the expected coming and the end of the world, or present state of things, referred to in Matth. 24, 3; as also in Luke 17, 20 sq. 19, 11. See Bibliolh. Sacra, 1. c. pp. 531-535. Jesus does not directly answer the question of the four Apostles; but speaks of deceivers and calamities and persecutions, that should arise. His language here is strictly introductory to the next Section. 128. That the "abomination of desolation" Matth. 24, 15 etc. refers to the Roman armies by which Jerusalem was besieged and destroyed, is shown conclusively by Luke 21, 20. The subsequent desolation and calamity spoken of in Matth. 24, 29-31 and the parallel passages, I refer to the overthrow and complete extirpation of the Jewish people fifty years later under Adrian; when they were sold as slaves and utterly driven out from the land of their fathers. See Munter's Judischer Krieg, Leipz. 1821 ; translated by W. W. Turner in the Biblioth. Sacra, 1843. No. III. p. 393 sq. Comp. ibid. p. 550 sq. The figurative language of these verses is similar to that of many passages in the Old Testament, which refer to civil commotions and historical events; comp. Is. 13, 9 sq. 19, 1. 5 sq. 34, 2. 4 sq. Ezek. 32, 2. 7. Ps. 18, 7-14. 68, 1 sq. etc. See Biblioth. Sac. 1843, No. III. p. 545 sq. Further, Luke 21, 28 shows decisively, that it can- not have reference to the general judgment of the great and final day ; and the same ap- pears also from the limitation to " this generation," Matth. 24, 34 and the parallel passages. Matth. 24, 36-42 connects itself directly with what precedes, see v. 36 ; and refers likewise to the overthrow of the Jewish people and dispensation ; comp. Luke 17, 20-37. But with v. 42 of Matthew, all direct reference to the Jewish catastrophe terminates. This appears from the nature of the language ; and also further from the fact, that thus far both Mark and Luke give parallel reports ; while at this very point their reports cease, and all that follows belongs to Matthew alone. This goes to show, that the dis- course of our Lord up to this point is to be regarded as a whole, which is here com- pleted ; having reference to his coming for the overthrow of Judaism. At this point a new topic is introduced. 129, 130. Our Lord here makes a transition, and proceeds to speak of his final coming at the day of judgment. This appears from the fact, that the matter of these Sections is added by Matthew after Mark and Luke have ended their parallel reports relative to the Jewish catastrophe ; and Matthew here commences, with v. 43, the dis- course which Luke has given on another occasion, Luke 12, 39 sq. This discourse in Luke has reference obviously to our Lord's final coming; and that it has here the same reference is apparent from the appropriateness of the subsequent warnings, and their intimate connection with Matth. 25, 31-46; which latter all interpreters of note agree in referring to the general judgment. See Biblioth. Sac. 1. c. p. 553 sq. 27 210 THE FIVE DATS PRECEDING THE FOURTH PASSOVER. [PART VII. 131. On the fourth day of the week the chief priests and others, after deliberation, came to the formal conclusion to seize Jesus and put him to death ; Matth. 26, 3. 4. etc. As the means by which this purpose was aided and accomplished, the first three Evangelists narrate the treacherous intent of Judas; which again two of them intro- duce by describing the circumstances under which it arose during the supper at Bethany. According to Matthew and Mark this supper would most naturally seem to have taken place on the preceding evening ; that is, the evening which ushered in, and was reckoned to, the fourth day of the week. John's order would apparently assign it to the evening after the day on which Jesus came to Bethany. As in the accounts of this supper itself) neither of the Evangelists has specified any note of time, we are left to infer from other circumstances, whether it more probably took place on the evening after the Sabbath, as John seems to imply ; or, on the even- ing following the third day of the week, in accordance with Matthew and Mark, after our Lord had taken his final leave of the temple. The following are some of these circumstances. 1. The formal determination of the chief priests to put Jesus to death, was made early on the fourth day of the week, Matth. 26, 1-5. Mark 16, 1. etc. It was not until afterwards that Judas came to them with his proposal of treachery, which they received with joy, Matth. 26, 14. Mark 16, 10. 11. etc. 2. Matthew and Mark narrate the supper as the occasion which led to the treachery of Judas. Stung by his Master's rebuke, he is represented as going away to the chief priests and offering to betray him. This act would then seem to have been done under the impulse of sudden resentment ; and this view of the matter receives also some sup- port from his subsequent remorse and suicide. All this accords well with the order of Matthew and Mark. But if the supper took place on the evening after Jesus came to Bethany, then Judas had already cherished this purpose of treachery in his heart for nearly four days without executing it; and that too while our Lord was daily teaching in the temple, and there was abundant opportunity to betray him. Such a supposition, under the circumstances, is against probability. 3. The language of Matthew, TOTS noQsv&dg v. 14, seems necessarily to connect the visit of Judas to the chief priests immediately with the supper, which therefore must have taken place on the preceding evening. On the other hand, it would be very natural for John to anticipate the time of the supper and narrate it where he does, in order there to bring together and complete all that he had to Bay further of Bethany ; which indeed he mentions no more. There is no sufficient reason for supposing, with Lightfoot and others, that the sup- per in John is a different one from that in Matthew and Mark. The identity of circum- stances is too great, and the alleged differences too few, to leave a doubt on this point. Matthew and Mark narrate it as in the house of Simon the leper ; John does not say where it took place, but he speaks of Lazarus as one of those who reclined at the table, implying that the supper was not in his own house. It was not, and is not now, cus- tomary in the East, for females to eat with the males; and therefore Lazarus, in his own house, would have been the master and giver of the entertainment. In the two former Evangelists, the woman anoints the head of Jesus; in the latter his feet ; yet neither 131,132.] NOTES. THE SUPPER AT BETHANY, ETC. 211 excludes the other. Matthew and Mark do not here name Mary ; nor have they any where else mentioned her or Martha or Lazarus. Nor do they in this connection name Judas ; whom we know as the fault-finder only from John. 132. " The first day of unleavened bread " is here the fourteenth of Nisan ; on which day, at or before noon, the Jews were accustomed to cease from labour and put away all leaven out of their houses ; Ex. 12, 15-17. Lightfoot Opp. I. p. 728 sq. Hor. Heb. in Marc. 14, 12. On that day towards sunset the paschal lamb was killed ; and was eaten the same evening, after the fifteenth of Nisan had begun ; at which time, strictly, the festival of unleavened bread commenced arid continued seven days. In* popular usage, however, the fourteenth day, being thus a day of preparation, was spoken of as belonging to the festival; and therefore is here called the "first" day That such a usage was common, appears also from Josephus ; who, having in one place expressly fixed the commencement of the festival of unleavened bread on the fifteenth of Nisan, nsfimrj ds xal Ssxdxrj dia$%T(xt ir t v iov Haff%a fj iwv u'Cy^wv eoQTrj, Antiq. 3. 10. 5, speaks nevertheless in another passage of the fourteenth as the day of that fes- tival : v.al trfg rwv a^vfiav evaxaa^ r^EQag TSffffaQsgy.ctidsxdTy AMV&MOV fir]v6g (y.aru 8k r t (jLug Niaav\ B. J. 5. 3. 1. comp. Ant. 11. 4. 8. In this way, further, the same his- torian could say, that the festival was celebrated for eight days: SOQTIJV ayoptv tcp r^f- Qag OXTOI, ir\v TUV cc^i'ftwv Ktyo^v^v, Jos. Ant. 2. 15. 1. On this fifth day of the week, as the circumstances show, our Lord, after, sending Peter and John to the city to prepare the Passover, himself followed them thither with the other disciples, probably towards evening. On the Passover in general, see Introd. Note to Part VIII. PART VIII. THE FOURTH PASSOVER; OUR LORD'S PASSION; AND THE ACCOMPANYING EVENTS UNTIL THE END OF THE JEWISH SABBATH. 133158. INTRODUCTORY NOTE. THE PASSOVER. As the events of our Lord's Passion were intimately connected with the celebration of the Passover, it seems proper here to bring together, in one view, those circum- stances relating to that festival, which may serve to illustrate the sacred history. A more complete article upon this whole subject, (of which the following Note is an abstract,) was published by the author of these Notes in the Bibliotheca Sacra for. August 1845, p. 405-436 ; to which the reader is referred. I. Time of killing the Paschal Lamb. The paschal lamb (or kid Ex. 12;5) was to be- selected on the tenth day of the first month, Ex. 12, 3. On the fourteenth day of the same month, (called Abib in the Pentateuch, and later Nisan, Deut. 16, 1. Esth. 3, 7,) the lamb thus selected was to be killed, at a point of time designated by the expression ?j between the two evenings, Ex. 12, 6. Lev. 23, 5. Num. 9, 3. 5; or, as is 212 THE FOURTH PASSOVER AND THE CRUCIFIXION. [PART VIII. elsewhere said, ttSsiSri Kirs wa, at evening about the going down of the sun, Deut. 16, 6. The same phrase, t^a'nSrt "pa, is put for the time of the daily evening sacri- fice, Ex. 29, 39. 41. Num. 28, 4. The time thus marked was regarded by the Samari- tans and Karaites, as being the interval between sunset and deep twilight; see Reland de Samar. 22, in Diss. Misc. T. II. Trigland. de Karaeis c. 4. So also Aben Ezra ad Ex. 12, 6. But the Pharisees and Rabbinists, according to the Mishnah (Pesach. 5. 3), held the first evening to commence with the declining sun, Gr. deity nQw'ia, and the second evening with the setting sun, Gr. deity oylct. Hence, according to them, the paschal lamb was to be killed in the interval between the ninth and eleventh hour, equivalent to our three and five o'clock p. m. That this was in fact the practice among the Jews in the time of our Lord, appears from the testimony of Josephus : Ilaaxa xode?Tou, xa# 5 rjv -frvovai fiev uno ivvuir t q wQuq ^XQ L svSwdirig, Jos. B. J. 6. 9. 3. The daily evening sacrifice also was offered at the ninth hour or three o'clock p. m. Jos. Antiq. 14. 4. 3. Pesach. 6. 1. comp. Acts 3. 1 et Wetstein in loc. So the Greek deity. Hesych. deity ngwi'a, rj fie-c UQIVTOV wgct' deity oyl(x f 77 nsgl dvcriv fjUov. Eustath. ad Od. 17. p. 285, 77 o/// deity, 10 Tie^l rjUov dvafir^' deity TIQWICC, to sv&vg The true time, then, of killing the Passover in our Lord's day, was between the ninth and eleventh hour, or towards sunset, near the close of the fourteenth day of Nisan. II. Time of eating the Passover. This was to be done the same evening. " And they shall eat the flesh in that night, roast with fire, and unleavened bread, and witli bitter herbs shall they eat it," Ex. 12, 8. The Hebrews in Egypt ate the first Pass- over, and struck the blood of the victims on their doorposts, on the evening before the last great plague ; at midnight the Lord smote all the first-born; and in the morning the people broke up from Rameses on their march towards the Red Sea, viz. " on the fifteenth day of the first month, on the morrow after the Passover," Num. 33, 3. It hence appears, very definitely, that the paschal lamb was to be slain in the after- noon of the fourteenth day of the month; and was eaten the same evening; that is, on the evening which was reckoned to and began the fifteenth day. III. Festival of unleavened Bread. From Ex. 12, 17. 18, comp. Deut 16, 3. 4; and from Lev. 23, 6, comp. Num. 28, 17 ; it appears, that the festival of unleavened bread began strictly with the passover-meal, at or after sunset following the fourteenth day, and continued until sunset at the end of the twenty-first day. Comp. Jos. Ant. 3. 10. 5. We have already seen that it was customary for the Jews, on the fourteenth day of Nisan, to cease from labour at or before mid-day; to put away all leaven out of their houses before noon ; and to slay the paschal lamb towards the close of the day ; see above and Note on 132. Hence, in popular usage, the fourteenth day very naturally came to be reckoned as the beginning or first day of the festival, Matth. 26, 17. Mark 14, 12; and Josephus also could say, that the festival was celebrated for eight days ; see Note on 132. It is hardly necessary to remark, that in consequence of the close mutual relation between the Passover and the festival of unleavened bread, these terms are often used interchangeably, especially in Greek, for the whole festival, including both the paschal INTROD.] NOTES. THE PASCHAL SUPPER AND SACRIFICES. 213 supper and the seven days of unleavened bread; see Luke 22, 1. John 6, 4. Acts 12, 3. 4. Jos. Ant. 2, 1. 3. comp. B. J. 5. 3. 1. IV. Other Paschal Sacrifices. 1. In Num. 28, 18-25 5 it is prescribed, that on the first and last days of the festival, the fifteenth and twenty-first of Nisan, there should be a holy convocation, in which " no manner of servile work" should be done. And on each of the seven days, besides the ordinary daily sacrifices of the Sanctuary, there was to be "a burnt offering unto the Lord; two young bullocks, and one ram, and seven lambs of the first year;" also a meat offering, and " one goat for a sin-offering." The first and last days of the festival, therefore, were each a day of convocation and of rest, and hence were strictly Sabbaths; distinct from the weekly Sabbath, except when one of them happened to fall upon this latter. 2. On the morrow after this first day of rest or sabbath, that is, on the sixteenth day of Nisan, the first fruits of the harvest were offered, together with a lamb as a burnt- offering ; Lev. 23, 10-12. This rite is expressly assigned by Josephus, in like manner, to the second day of the festival, the sixteenth of Nisan ; Antiq. 3. 10. 5. The grain offered was barley ; this being the earliest ripe, and its harvest occurring a week or two earlier than that of wheat ; Jos. 1. c. Bibl. Res. in Palest. II. p. 99. Until this offering was made, no husbandman could begin his harvest ; nor might any one eat of the new grain ; Lev. 23, 14. It was therefore a rite of great importance ; and in the time of our Lord and later was performed with many ceremonies. See Biblioth. Sacra, 1. c. p. 408. Comp. Lev. 2, 14-16. Jos. Ant. 3. 10. 5. Lightfoot Hor. Heb. in Joh. 19, 31. Reland Antiqq. Sac. 4. 3. 8. 3. There was also another sacrifice connected with the Passover, known among the later Hebrews as the Khagigah (HJPJiri) ; of which there are traces likewise in the Old Testament. It was a festive thank-offering, (d^a^ttj hit, Engl. Vers. peace-offering,) made by private individuals or families, in connection with the Passover, but distinct from the appointed public offerings of the temple. Such voluntary sacrifices or free- will offerings were provided for and regulated by the Mosaic law. The fat only was burned on the altar (Lev. 3, 3. 9. 14); the priest had for his portion the breast and right shoulder (Lev. 7, 29-34. 10, 14); and the remainder was eaten by the bringer with his family and friends in a festive manner, on the same or the next day; Lev. 7,16-18. 22, 29. 30. Deut. 12, 17. 18. 27. 27, 7. These private sacrifices were often connected with the public festivals, both in honour of the same, and as a matter of convenience; Num. 10. Deut. 14, 26. 16, 11. 14. comp. 1 Sam. 1, 3-5. 24. 25. 2, 12-16. 19. They might be eaten in any clean place within the city (Lev. 10, 14. Deut. 16, 11. 14) ; but those only might partake of them, as likewise of the Passover, who were themselves ceremonially clean; Num. 18, 11. 13. John 11, 55. comp. Num. 9, 10-13. 2 Chr. 30, 18. Jos. B. J. 6. 9. 3. Such voluntary private sacrifices in connection with the Passover seem to be implied in the Old Testament, in Deut. 16, 2. 2 Chr. 30, 22. 24. 35, 7-9 ; see more in Biblioth. Sacra, I. c. p. 409 sq. Hence, as being a sacrifice, thus connected with a festival, these private free-will offerings were themselves called, at least by the later Hebrews, by the name Khagigah (Siaw), a festival; a word strictly synonymous with the earlier 5ft ; see Buxtorf 's Lex. sub voc. The earlier Rabbins connect the Khagigah directly with THE FOURTH PASSOVER AND THE CRUCIFIXION. [PART VIII. Deut. 16, 2, as above; Pesach. fol. 70. 2. Lightfoot Hor. Heb. in Joh. 18, 28. There was, however, some difference of opinion among them, as to the particular day of the paschal festival, on which the Khagigah ought to be offered, whether on the fourteenth or fifteenth ofNisan; but the weight of authority was greatly in favour of the fifteenth day ; Lightfoot 1. c. Yet the later accounts of the mode of celebrating the paschal supper seem to imply, that a Khagigah was ordinarily connected with that meal. In- deed, mention is made of a " Khagigah of the fourteenth day," so called in distinction from the more important and formal ceremonial Khagigah of the passover festival ; which latter was not regularly offered until the fifteenth day, when the paschal supper had already been eaten. The former was then a mere voluntary oblation of thanks- giving, made for the purpose of enlarging and diversifying the passover-meal. See Lightfoot Ministerium Teinpli 13. 4. id. c. 14. Reland Antiqq. Sac. 4. 2. 2. V. The Paschal Supper. For a full account of this meal, both in its original institu- tion and as it was probably celebrated in the time of our Lord, see Biblioth. Sacra, 1. c. p. 411 sq. That the Jews in the course of ages had neglected some of the original pre- cepts, and also introduced various additional ceremonies, is evident from the manner in which our Lord celebrated the supper, as narrated by the Evangelists. What all these additions were, we have no specific historical account from cotemporary writers ; yet the precepts preserved in the Mishnah and Talmud of Jerusalem, (compiled in the third century from earlier traditions,) probably refer to the most important of them, and serve to throw light upon some of the circumstances connected with the institution of the Lord's Supper. See the tract Pesachin c. 10. Lightfoot Minist. Templi c. 13. Hor. Heb. in Matth. 26, 26. 27. Othon. Lex. Rabb. p. 504 sq. Werner de poculo Benedict, in Ugolini Thesaur. T.XXX.Wetstein in Matth. 1. c. See too Biblioth. Sac. 1. c. p.411sq. According to these authorities, four cups of red wine, usually mingled with one fourth part of water, were drunk during the meal, and served to mark its progress. The jirst was merely preliminary, in connection with a blessing invoked upon the day and upon the wine; and this corresponds to the cup mentioned in Luke 22, 17. Then fol- lowed ablutions, and the bringing in of bitter herbs, the unleavened bread, the roasted lamb, and also the Khagigah of the fourteenth day, and a broth or sauce (n&v-iri) made with spices. After this followed the instructions to the son etc. respecting the Passover; and the first part of the Hallel, or song of praise, Pss. 113. 114, was repeated. Thesecond cup was now drunk. Next came the blessing upon each kind of food, and the guests partook of the meal reclining; the paschal lamb being eaten last. Thanks were then returned, and the third cup drunk, called fi^ari bis, the cup of blessing; comp. TO noTr^tov rt^ svloyicti; 1 Cor. 10, 16. The remainder of the Hallel, Pss. 115-118, was now repeated and the fourth cup drunk; which was ordinarily the end of the celebration. Sometimes Siffth cup might be added, after repeating the great Hallel, Pss. 120-137. The institution of the Lord's Supper probably look place at the close of the proper meal, immediately before the third cup, or cup of blessing, which would seem to have made part of it; comp. 1 Cor. 10, 16. VI. Did our Lord, the night in which he was betrayed, eat the Passover icilh hi* Disciples? Had we only the testimony of the first three Evangelists, not a doubt upon this question could ever arise. Their language (see 132) is full, explicit, and de- INTROD.] NOTES. DID JESUS EAT THE PASCHAL SUPPER? 215 cisive, to the effect, that our Lord's last meal with his disciples was the regular and or- dinary paschal supper of the Jews, introducing the festival of unleavened bread, on the evening after the fourteenth day of Nisan. Mark says expressly, 14, 12: ore TO naa%a s&vov, when THEY killed the Passover ; which, whether the subject offiHw be the Jews or be indefinite, implies at least the regular and ordinary time of killing the paschal lamb. Luke's language is, if possible, still stronger, 22, 7 : " Then came the day of un-' leavened bread, iv r\ tdst ^vsa&ai TO nacr/a when the passover MUST be killed, i. e. ac- cording to law and custom. This marks of course the fourteenth day of Nisan; and on that same evening our Lord and his disciples sat down to that same passover-meal, which had thus by his own appointment been prepared for them, and of which Jesus speaks expressly as the Passover, v. 15. Philologically considered, there cannot be a shadow of doubt, but that Matthew, Mark, and Luke, intended to express, and do ex- press, in the plainest terms, their testimony to the fact, that Jesus regularly partook of the ordinary and legal passover-meal on the evening after the fourteenth of Nisan, at the same time with all the Jews. When, however, we turn to the Gospel of John, we seek in vain in this Evangelist for any trace of the paschal supper in connection with our Lord. John narrates indeed (c. 13) our Lord's last meal with his disciples; which the attendant and subsequent cir- cumstances show to have been the same with that, which the other Evangelists describe as the Passover. Upon just that point John is silent; but from this silence the inference can never be rightfully drawn, that this last meal was not the Passover; any more than John's similar silence in respect to the Lord's Supper warrants the conclusion that no such rite was ever instituted. John, as all admit, wrote his Gospel as a supplement to the others ; and hence, in speaking of this last meal, he narrates only such circumstances as had not been fully set forth by the other Evangelists. He does not describe this meal as being the Passover, nor make any mention of the Eucharist, because this had been done, in both cases, in the most explicit manner, by Matthew, Mark, and Luke. In this way the difference of the two reports of the same occasion, is satisfactorily accounted for. But there are a few expressions in John's Gospel, in connection with this meal and especially with our Lord's Passion, which taken together might, at first view and if we had only John, seem to imply, that on Friday, the day of our Lord's crucifixion, the regular and legal Passover had not yet been eaten, but was still to be eaten on the even- ing after that day. The following are the passages. a) John 13, I ngo ds T% eoQTijg TOV crcto^a. This form of expression, it is said, shows that our Lord's last meal with his disciples took place before the Passover, and could not therefore itself have been the paschal supper. b) John 18, 28 " And they themselves [the Jews] went not into the judgment-hall, lest they should be defiled, M' iVa cpdyuvi TO Trao^a, but that they might eat the Pass- over." From this last phrase, it appears, as is averred, that the Jews were expecting to partake of the paschal supper the ensuing evening; and of course had not eaten it already. c) John 19, 14 r t v ds nagaffitwr] TOV navxa. This " preparation of the passover," being the day on which Christ suffered, necessarily implies, it is alleged, the day before the passover-meal; which of course was to b,e eaten that evening 216 THE FOURTH PASSOVER AND THE CRUCIFIXION. [PART VIII. d) John 19, 31 yv yag fuyaty y r^iga Ixuvov tov tra/?/5azot>. The next day after the crucifixion being the Jewish Sabbath, and that Sabbath being " a great day," we must infer, it is argued, that it was thus called "great" because it coincided with the first day of the festival or fifteenth ofNisan, and was thus doubly consecrated. These four are the passages mainly urged. Some other considerations are brought forward as auxiliary. e) In John 13, 27-30, when Jesus said to Judas, " That thou doest, do quickly," some of the disciples supposed this to mean, " Buy that we have need of for the feast." Now as this was said apparently near the close of the meal, it follows, as some urge, that the passover-meal was yet to come. /) To the same effect, it is said, is the circumstance, that on the day of the cruci- fixion the Sanhedrim was convened, sat in judgment upon Jesus, and delivered him over to death, a public judicial act, which according to the Talmudists was unlawful upon the Sabbath and upon all great festival days. See Lightfoot Hor. Heb. in Matth. 27, 1. Jahn Bibl. Archseol. II. ii. p. 309. De Wette Archreol. 218. It is apparent, that the whole inquiry relates simply to the time of the Passover. According to all the four Evangelists, our Lord was crucified on Friday, the day before the Jewish Sabbath ; and his last meal with his disciples took place on the preceding evening, the same night in which he was betrayed. The simple question, therefore, at issue is, Did this Friday fall upon the fifteenth day ofNisan, or upon the fourteenth ? Or, in other words, did our Lord on the evening before his crucifixion eat the Passover, as is testified by the first three Evangelists; or was the Passover still to be eaten on the evening after that day, as John might seem to imply ? This question has been more or less a subject of discussion in the church ever since the earliest centuries ; chiefly with a view to harmonize the difficulties. It is only in recent years, that the apparent difference between John and the other Evangelists, has been urged to the extreme of attempting to make it irreconcilable. VIII. Examination of Passages in John's Gospel, etc. Admitting, as we must, and as we have already seen (p. 215), that the testimony of Matthew, Mark, and Luke, is too definite and explicit to be in any way set aside or modified, let us examine more closely the passages in John ; and thus see, whether they may, or may not, without vio- lence and without any strained interpretation, be so understood, as to remove all appear- ance of discrepancy. John obviously wrote his Gospel as supplementary to the other three. He had them then before him, and was acquainted with their contents. He was aware that the other three Evangelists had testified to the fact, that Jesus partook of the Passover with his disciples. Did John believe, that their testimony on this point was wrong j and did he mean to correct it? If so, we should naturally expect to find some notice of the correc- tion along with the mention of the meal itself, which John describes, as well as they. Indeed, that would have been the appropriate and only fitting place for such a correction. But John has nothing of the kind ; and we are therefore authorized to maintain, that it was not John's purpose thus and there to correct or contradict the testimony of the other Evangelists; and if not there, then much less by mere implication in other places and connections. INTROD.] NOTES. THE PASSOVER: PASSAGES IN JOHN'S GOSPEL. 217 A) John 13, 1 ngb ds -ir t g eoT% tov nav/a, see p. 215. a. -Here something may depend on the import of the word tog-iy, of which the proper and only signification (likeHeb. an) is festival, not feast; that is, it implies everywhere a yearly ttay or days of festive commemoration ; never a single meal or entertainment. So in Num. 28, 16. 17, where the paschal supper, prepared on the fourteenth of Nisan and eaten at evening, is distinguished from the festival, Heb. an, Sept. lo^rnj, which began on the fifteenth and continued for seven days. See further Luke 2, 41. 22, 1 ; also the Lexi- cons and Concordances of the New Testament and Septuagint. Some interpreters take the phrase ngb T% kogtfs as qualifying the action expressed in v. 4, thus making of these four verses one sentence, as in the editions of Grieebach and Knapp. But the sentence thus formed is exceedingly involved and intricate, wholly unlike John's usual jnanner, and that without any necessity. The second ddug (v. 3) is in no sense a resumption of the first; and strict grammatical construction certainly requires v. 1 to be made independent. All this is admitted even by De Wette, the strenuous opposer of any conciliation between John and the other Evangelists ; and is particularly urged by Liicke and Meyer, who on the general question take the same side with De Wette. We find accordingly v. 1 marked as independent in the editions of Mill, Wetstein, Bengel, Hahn, Lachmann, Tischendorf, and others; and likewise so regarded by a host of leading commentators. The force of ngb tijg eogrfg being thus limited to v. 1, it may there qualify either sldwg x. T. A. or the words ug -ittog yyanyafr nvTovg. If we take it as qualifying eldwg, then the sense is : "Jesus, knowing before the fes- tival of the Passover, that his hour was come," etc. comp. John 12, 23. Matth. 17, 9. 22 sq. 20, 17-19. al. In this way the passage has no bearing whatever upon the pre- sent question as to the Passover. So Meyer, with emphasis. If, on the other hand, ngb T% eoT% be regarded as qualifying fig rtlog ^yanr^n nvTovg, it it equivalent to TO TTQOSOQTIOV, the time immediately before the festival, and refers to the commencement (at evening) of the fifteenth day of Nisan, as the first or opening day of the festival of unleavened bread, distinct from the mere paschal supper; see Num. 28, 16. 17, cited above. The phrase ngb T% sogrfg is in that case equivalent to the Engl. festival-eve, and here marks the evening immediately before the kog-iri or festival proper; on which eve, during the supper, our Lord " manifested his love for his disciples unto the end," by the touching symbolical act of washing their feet. So in Philo ngotog-iiov is i. q. nagacrxsvrj, de Vita contempt, p. 616. The follow- ing remarks of Lticke are to the point : " As John wrote for Greeks and other readers unacquainted with the Jewish mode of reckoning time, and is here directly speaking only of the preparation of the meal and what preceded it,^-while the preparation of the. passover-meal did actually take place on the fourteenth of Nisan, the true ngowgnov, he therefore could very properly use the expression ngb TTJ? iogxr^ TOV ndaja without intending to say, that the meal itself was eaten on the fourteenth day. At any rate. the word ngo is here too indefinite and relative, to draw from it the inference, that the meal described was eaten on the evening which followed the thirteenth and began the fourteenth of Nisan." Comm. zu Joh. 13, 1. 28 '218 THE FOURTH PASSOVER AND THE CRUCIFIXION. [PART VIII. In any case, therefore, this passage does not require us to admit the inference which some have drawn from it. B) John 18, 28 AA' iva cpaywffi TO nourxct, see p. 215. b. This passage is perhaps the strongest of all. To bring out from it, however, the inference, that on the day of the crucifixion the paschal supper had not yet been eaten, the expression yaytiv TO navx** must be taken in the limited sense, to eat the paschal supper; and this, it is affirmed, is the true and only usage of the phrase elsewhere in the New Testament. This last assertion is correct; for, besides the present instance, the expression yaytiv TO 7cavx<* occurs only five times in the New Testament, viz. Matth. 26, 17. Mark 14, 12. 14. Luke 22, 11. 15; and but once in the Greek version of the Old Testament, viz. 2 Chr. 30, 18; in all which passages the context limits it necessarily to the paschal supper. But it by no means hence follows, where the phrase is used generally and without the mention of any restrictive circumstances, that there also it must be taken in a like limited sense. The word nav^a, at least, is not always so taken. In the New Testament the word is found in no less than three main significations : a) The paschal lamb ; Mark 14, 12. Luke 22, 7. metaph. 1 Cor. 5, 7. 6) The paschal meal; Matth. 26, 18. 19. Luke 22, 8. 13. Heb. 11, 28; and so five times in the phrase yayiiv TO naa%a, as above cited. e) The paschal festival, comprising the seven days of unleavened bread; Luke 22, 1 y BOQTTJ zwi> OL&HUV rj hyofisvrj naaxot. 2, 41 coll. 43. Matth. 26, 2. John 2, 13. 6, 4. 11, 55. al. As now there is nothing in the circumstances nor in the context of John 18, 28, to limit the meaning of TO nuvxa in itself either to the paschal Iamb or paschal meal, we certainly are not bound by any intrinsic necessity so to understand it here in the phrase cpaysir TO naff/a. If, on the other hand, we adopt for it in this place the wider sense of paa- 'Jial festival, two modes of interpretation are admissible. 1. The first mode takes TO nuaxa in its literal and widest sense of passover festival ; but modifies the force of cpayiiv. In this way the phrase cpayuv TO nttG%u iay be un- derstood as put, in a loose popular usage, instead of the common noiflv TO Tiao^a, to keep or celebrate the passover. The Hebrew exhibits a like phraseology in respect to this very festival; 2 Chr. 30, 22dWrt rs::tf ISi'Hri-riK sfcs&n and they did eat the festival seven days. So the Seventy at least understood it, as is manifest from their version: xal ffvvfTEfaffav Tr]V eooTrp TUV nv(j.an> kma tftupvs, and they fulfilled (kept) the festival of unleavened bread seven days. 2. The second mode retains cpaytlv in its literal acceptation ; takes ndffxa still in its widest signification ; but assigns to the latter, by metonymy, the sense of paschal sa- crifices, that is, the voluntary peace-offerings and thank-offerings made in the temple Curing the paschal festival, and more especially on the fifteenth day of Nisan, called in later times Khagigah ; see p. 213 above. That the word naaxot, in the general sense of festival, is susceptible of such a metonymy, is apparent from Hebrew analogies. So according to modern interpreters, in the same passage, 2 Chr. 30, 22 *wia festival, by meton.feative-ojferings; where the next clause specifies the kind of sacrifices, viz. peace- offerings ; see the Lexicons of Simonis, Gesenius, etc. So too an, the common word for festival ; c. g. Ps. 118, 27 BTVasa an-nox bind the sacrifice (festive-offering) with cords, etc. Ex.23, 18. Mai. 2, 3. The same metonymy is found likewise in the INTROD.] NOTES. THE PASSOVER: PASSAGES IN JOHN'S GOSPEL. 219 Talmud, where it is asked: fi&3 ^ata what is the Passover ? and the reply is: fibs the peace-offerings of the Passover, that is, the Khagigah. Rosh Hashshana 5. 1. See Reland Antt. Sac. 4. 3. 11. It is manifest, that both the above methods of interpretation are founded on fair analogies ; and that either of them relieves us from the necessity of referring the phrase in question to the paschal supper, and thus removes the alleged difficulty. The chief priests and other members of the Sanhedrim, on the morning of the first day of the festival, were unwilling to defile themselves by entering beneath the roof of the Gentile procurator ; since in that way they would have been debarred from partaking of the sacrificial offerings and banquets, which were customary on that day in the temple and elsewhere ; and in which they, from their station, were entitled and expected to participate. This view receives some further confirmation from the circumstance, that the de- filement which the Jews would thus have contracted by entering the dwelling of a hea- then, could only have belonged to that class of impurities, from which a person might be cleansed the same day by ablution ; the tal" 1 "&*&a ablutions of a day, so called by the Talmudists. See Lev. 15, 5 sq. 17, 15. 22, 6. 7. Num. 19, 7 sq. Maimonid. Pesach. 6. 1. Lightfoot Hor. Heb. in Joh. 18, 28. Winer Realw. II. p. 377. If now TO nua/a in John 18, 28 was truly the paschal supper, and was not to lake place until the evening after the day of the crucifixion, then this defilement of a day could have been no bar to their partaking of it; for at evening they were clean. Their scruple, therefore, in order to be well-founded, could have had reference only to the Khagigah or paschal sacrifices offered during the same day before evening. See Bynaeus de Morte J. C. 3. 1. p. 13. C) John 19, 14 rjv de nagccaxevi] TOVTTOHTXCC, see p. 215. c. Does this Tiagaffxevrj refer, as usual, to the Jewish Sabbath, which actually occurred the next day? or does it here refer to the first day of the festival of the Passover per se, as distinct from the Sabbath V It is only on the latter supposition, that the passage can be made in any way to conflict with the testimony of the other Evangelists. The Greek word nagaffxEvrj is elsewhere found five times in the New Testament. viz. Matth. 27, 62. Mark 15, 42. Luke 23, 54. John 19, 31. 42. Mark defines it to be the Tigoffafipcnov, fore-sabbath, the day or hours immediately preceding the weekly Sabbath and devoted to preparation for that sacred day. No trace of any such observ- ance is found in the Old Testament. Yet the strictness of the law respecting the Sab- bath, which forbade the kindling of fire and of course the preparation of food on that day (Ex. 35, 2. 3. comp. 16, 22-27), would very naturally lead to the introduction of such a custom. After the exile, the nQOffafifiaTov is once mentioned in the Apocrypha, Judith 8, 6. In later times, f\ not@aJ nqo Tai;z% naQavxevji uno wgag twaryg. But in, 220 THE FOURTH PASSOVER AND THE CRUCIFIXION. [PART VIII. process of time, the same Hebrew word came in popular usage to be the distinctive name for the whole day before the Jewish Sabbath, that is, for the sixth day of the week or Friday; Bereshith Rabba 11. Buxtorf) Lex. p. 1659 sq. Compare also the German Sonnabend for Saturday. Nor was the use of the Hebrew word for the Greek term naQuay.svi] confined to the Jews; for the like Syriac form, jLso^ is found for Tiaqaffxevrj in the Syriac version of the New Testament; and in like manner, the corresponding Arabic word, ib.jjiJI, is given in the Camoos as an ancient name for Friday; see Golius p. 1551. Freytag III. p. 130. We are therefore entitled to infer, that ij 7ioiQaaxvi} : that is, the na^affxev^ of the weekly Sabbath, became at an early date among Jews, Syrians, and Arabs, a current appellation for the sixth day of the week. Compare also the very peculiar phraseology of Matth. 27, 62. The reasons which operated to introduce a ngoauftpaiov, or preparation for the Sabbath, did not exist in the case of the other festivals, on which the preparation of food was not forbidden ; Ex. 12, 16. Nevertheless, what had become customary in respect to the Sabbath, would naturally be imitated in other cases ; and accordingly, after the exile, we find mention of the ngovov [trivia, eve of the new-moon, Judith 8, 6. In the Tal- mudists, a passover-eve, riGSh yS>, is likewise spoken of ; Buxtorf Lex. p. 1765. But what this could well have been, so long as the Passover (paschal supper) was regularly celebrated at Jerusalem, it is difficult to perceive. The eve (3^9) before the Passover festival could have included, at most, only the evening and the few hours before sunset at the close of the fourteenth of Nisan ; like the primary usage in respect to the TigoaaftfiaTov, as we have just seen. But according to all usage of language, both in the Old and New Testament, those hours and that evening were the Passover itself, and not its preparation ; unless indeed the paschal rneal and its accompaniments be called the preparation of the subsequent festival of seven days; which again is contrary to all usage. It would seem most probable, therefore, that this mode of expression did not arise until after the destruction of the temple and the consequent cessation of the regular and legal passover-meal ; when of course the seven days of unleavened bread became the main festival. But even admitting that a passover-eve (ribisri 3^9) did exist in the time of our Lord ; still, the expression could in no legitimate way be so far extended as to include more than a few hours before sunset. It could not have commenced apparently before the ninth hour, when they began to kill the paschal lamb; seep.211 sq. On the other hand, the Hebrew term Kna^nsj, for which the Greek nuQaaxtvri stands in the New Testa- ment was employed, as we have seen, as a specific name in popular usage for the whole sixth day of the week or Friday, not only by the Jews, but also by the Syrians and Arabs. Hence, when John here says: 1}V ds nctgaffxtvij iov nua^ix, dipa ds wgel txi//, there is a twofold difficulty in referring his language to a preparation or eve of the reg- ular Passover ', first, because apparently no such eve or preparation did or could well then exist; and secondly, because, it being then the sixth hour or mid-day, the eve or time of preparation (supposing it to exist) had not yet come, and the language was therefore inapplicable. But if John be understood as speaking of the weekly nagaffiuyq or nitoauppuw, which was a common name for the whole of Friday, then the mention of the sixth hour was natural and appropriate. INTROD.] NOTES. THE PASSOVER: PASSAGES IN JOHN'S GOSPEL. 221 We come then to the conclusion, that if John, like Mark in c. 15,42, had here defined the phrase in question, he would probably have written on this wise : rjv ds nagaffttmt] iov Ttaff%a, o s<7Tt nQOfjafifiaxov TOV noicr/a, that is, the paschal Friday, the day of pre- paration or fore-sabbath which occurred during the paschal festival. In a similar man- ner Ignatius writes, acififiuTov tov nacr^a, Ep. ad Phil. c. 13 ; and Socrates also, ad(3fia- tov 1% eoQTijg, Hist. Ecc. V. 22: And further, in the only other two instances where John uses the word nagaffxsvrj, he applies it to this very same day of our Lord's cruci- fixion, and in this very same sense of the weekly nagaffxtvr), preceding the weekly Sabbath; John 19, 31.42. D) John 19, 31 rjv yv.Q (ityulr) f\ fjfisga exslvov 1011 (rafifionov, see p. 216. d. Here, as is alleged, it is the coincidence of the first festival day with the Sabbath, that made the latter a " great" day. This would certainly be the effect of such a coincidence ; but the Sabbath of the Passover would also be still a " great" day, even when it fell upon the second day of the festival. The last day of the festival of Tabernacles is called " that great day;" though in itself not more sacred than the first day ; John 7, 37. comp. Lev. 23, 33-36. So K^pE N")J3, the calling of assemblies, Is. 1, 13, is rendered fysga ps/ah] by the Seventy, implying that in their estimation any day of solemn convocation was a great day. The Sabbath, then, upon which the sixteenth of Nisan or second day of the festival fell, might be called "great" for various reasons. First, as the Sabbath of the great national festival, when all Israel was gathered before the Lord. Secondly, as the day when the first fruits were presented with solemn rites in the temple ; a ceremony paramount jn its obligations even to the Sabbath ; see above p. 213. Lightfoot Hor. Heb. in Joh. 19, 31. ,Reland. Antiqq. Sac. 4. 2. 4. p. 227. Thirdly, because on that day they began to reckon the fifty days before the festival of Pentecost, Lev. 23, 15 sq. In all these circumstances there is certainly enough to warrant the epithet " great" as applied to the Sabbath on which the sixteenth of Nisan might fall, as compared with other Sabbaths. There exists, therefore, no necessity, and indeed no reason, for supposing, that John by this language meant to describe the Sabbath in question as coincident with the first paschal day or fifteenth of Nisan. E) John 13, 27-30; see p. 216. e. Here the words: " Buy what we have need of tlgjrjv eoQTr,v for the festival," have been misunderstood, by taking koQvri for the paschal supper, a signification which is quite foreign to it; see p. 2 17 above. The disciples thought Judas was to buy the things necessary for the festival on the fifteenth and following days. If now our Lord's words were spoken on the evening preceding and introducing the fifteenth of Nisan, they were appropriate ; for some haste was necessary, since it was already quite late to make purchases for the next day. But if they were uttered on the evening preceding and introducing the fourteenth of Nisan, they were not thus appropriate ; for then a whole day was yet to intervene before the festival. This passage therefore confirms, rather than contradicts, the testimony of the other Evangelists. F) There remains the objection, that a public judicial act, like that by which Jesus was condemned and executed, was unlawful upon the Sabbath and on all great festival days; see above, p. 216./ This consideration has, at first view, some weight, and has 222 THE FOURTH PASSOVER AND THE CRUCIFIXION. [PART VIII. been often and strenuously urged; yet it is counterbalanced by several circumstances which very greatly weaken-tts force. The execution itself took place under Roman authority; and therefore does not here come into account. And as to the proceedings of the Sanhedrim, even admitting that the prohibitory precepts already existed, (which is very doubtful,) yet there are in the Mishna and Gemara other precepts of equal antiquity and authority, which actually direct aud regulate the meeting and action of that body on the Sabbath and on festival days; see Mishn. Sanhedr. 10. 4. Gemar. Sanhedr. 10. Tholuck Comm. zu Joh. p. 304 sq. 6te Aufl. But besides all this, the chief priests and Pharisees and Scribes, who composed the Sanhedrim, are every where denounced by our Lord as hypocrites, ' who say, and do not; who bind heavy burdens upon others, but themselves touch them not with one of their fingers;' Matth. 23, 1 sq. Such men, in their rage against Jesus, would hardly have been restrained even by their own precepts. They professed like- wise, and perhaps some of them believed, that they were doing God service ; and re- garded the condemnation of Jesus as a work of religious duty, paramount to the obliga- tions of any festival. Nor are other examples of such a procedure by any means wanting. We learn from John 10, 22. 31, that on the festival of Dedication, as Jesus was teaching in the temple, "the Jews took up stones to stone him." On the day after the crucifixion, which, as all agree, was a Sabbath and a {: great day," the Sanhe- drim applied to Pilate for a watch ; and themselves caused the sepulchre to be sealed, and the watch to be set; Matth. 27, 62 sq. A stronger instance still is recorded in John 7, 32. 37. 44. 45 ; where it appears, that on the last great day of the festival of Taber- nacles, the Sanhedrim having sent out officers to seize Jesus, "some of them would have taken him, but no man laid hands on him;" so that the officers returned without him. to the Sanhedrim, and were in consequence censured by that body. The circum- stances show conclusively, that on this last great day of that festival, the Sanhedrim were in session and waiting for Jesus to be brought before them as a prisoner. Nor was it merely a casual or packed meeting, but one regularly convened ; for Nicodemus was with them, v. 50. And finally, according to Matth. 26, 3-5, the Sanhedrim, when afterwards consulting to take Jesus and put him to death, decided not to do it on the festival. Why? because it would be unlawful? Not at all; but simply "lest there should be an uproar among the people." But when, through the treachery of Judas, ihis danger was avoided, the occasion was too opportune not to be gladly seized upon e.ven on a great festival day. All these considerations seem to me to sweep away the whole force of this objec- tion ; on which Scaliger and Casaubon, as also Beza and Calov, laid great stress ; and which Liicke has again brought forward and urged with no little parade. Such then is a general review of the passages and arguments, on the strength of which the alleged discrepancy between John and the other Evangelists in respect to this Passover has usually been maintained. Nothing has here been assumed, and nothing brought forward, except as founded on just inference and safe analogy. After repeated and calm consideration, there rests upon my own mind a clear conviction, that thm: i. nothing in the language of John, or in the attendant circumstances, which upon fair interpretation requires or permits us to believe, that the beloved disciple either intended INTROD.] NOTES. THE PASSOVER: HISTORICAL TESTIMONY. 223 to correct, or has in fact corrected or contradicted, the explicit and unquestionable testimony of Matthew, Mark, and Luke. VIII. Early Historical Testimony. Some circumstances in the early history of the Christian church seem to favour the idea, that among the primitive teachers, those who were most familiar with the writings and views-of the Apostle John, held to the belief that our Lord did celebrate the regular Passover with his disciples on the even- ing before his crucifixion. The question which we have been discussing, seems to have first arisen in connection with the great passover controversy, in the latter part of the second century. The churches of Asia Minor, gafhered chiefly from Jewish converts, continued the keeping of the Passover on the evening after the fourteenth of Nisan, simultaneously with the Jews; and made this the central point of their celebration of our Lord's passion and resurrection, on whatever day of the week it might occur. But the Western churches, formed mostly from Gentile converts, discarded the Passover ; and celebrated annually the resurrection of our Lord on a Sunday, and observed the preceding Friday as a day of penitence and fasting. The advocates of the course pursued by the Western churches, took the ground, that " the last meal of Jesus with his disciples was not the Passover ; since according to John's Gospel Christ partook of it on the thirteenth of Nisan ; while on the following day, which was the appointed time for the Jewish Passover, he offered up himself as the true sacrifice for mankind, of which the Passover was the type ;" see in Chron. Pasch. I. p. 13. ed. Dindorf. On the other side, Polycarp testified that he had once cele- brated the regular Jewish Passover with the Apostle John ; and Polycrates, bishop of Ephesus, in an epistle to Victor bishop of Rome, appealed to the testimony of the Apostles John and Philip, arid that of other bishops and teachers, " that all kept the day of the Passover on the fourteenth according to the Gospel j" Euseb. Hist, Ecc. V. 24. It is hence evident, that the teachers and churches of Asia Minor, among whom John had lived and taught, celebrated the Passover on the evening after the fourteenth of Nisan, in agreement, as they held, with the example of John himself, and XT TO svayy&tov, " according to the Gospel ;" a phrase which can have reference only to that single celebration of the Passover, which, according to Matthew, Mark, and Luke, our Lord held with his disciples the evening on which he was betrayed. We are therefore entitled to draw from the language of Polycrates this inference, viz. that he and those before him in Asia Minor, who had been familiar with John and other Apostles, had no belief that John's Gospel contained anything respecting the Passover at variance with the testimony of the other Evangelists. See the subject more fully treated in Biblioth. Sac. 1. c. p. 428 sq. Conclusion. It has been the object of this Note to show, that upon all grounds, both of philology and history, the conclusion is valid and irrefragable, that the testimony of John in respect to the Passover need not be, and is not to be, understood as conflicting with that of Matthew, Mark, and Luke. In the face of evidence so decisive, it is pain- ful to find professed teachers of the Bible pressing the alleged difficulty to an extreme, in order to overthrow the authority of Holy Writ ; and declaring ostentatiously, that " the important contradiction between John and the other Evangelists remains firm, and all attempts to remove it are false !" De Wette Handb. zu Job. 13, 1. 224 THE FOURTH PASSOVER AND THE CRUCIFIXION. [PART VIII. For a review of other proposed methods of conciliation, and for the literature of the subject, the student is referred to the author's article above mentioned, in the Biblioth. Sacra, for Aug. 1845, p. 405-436. See also Winer's Realw. art. Pascha, II. p. 239 sq. 133. For the cup mentioned by Luke in v. 17, see the preceding Introductory Note, p. 214. The contention among the disciples had apparently occurred quite recently, perhaps even in the guest-chamber while taking their places at the table. That they were prone to yield to such a spirit, is evident from the instances recorded in 79 and also 108. Our Lord on this solemn occasion reproves them ; especially by the touching act of washing their feet; see 134. The aorist tyivsTo Luke 22, 24, is to be rendered as the pluperfect ; see Note on 145. 134. The washing of the disciples' feet by their Lord and Master was an impres- sive lesson, that they should live in harmony and love and humility one with another. The occasion of this act was their previous contention, as related by Luke in 133. Compare Luke 24, 26 sq. with John 13, 16 sq. John's narrative is supplementary to that of Luke ; and therefore he does not speak of the contention itself, because the latter had already described it. On the phrase ngo -ty? eogrfg TOV natrxa, v. 1, see above in Introd. Note, p. 217. The phrase ddnvov yevopevov v. 2, is here equivalent to "supper being come," or " during supper ;" see v. 4 and v. 12. The time of the action was probably after they" had taken their places at table, and before they had partaken of the proper meal ; per- haps between the first and second cups of wine ; see p. 214 above. 135. The sequence of the transactions during the supper appears to have been the following : The taking of their places at table ; the contention ; the first cup of wine ; the washing of the disciples' feet and reproof ( 133, 134) ; the pointing out of the traitor ( 135) ; the foretelling of Peter's denial ( 136) ; institution of the Lord's Supper ( 137), etc. Luke's order differs from that of Matthew and Mark, in placing by anticipation the institution of the Eucharist before the pointing out of the traitor, etc. He was apparently led to this by the mention of the first cup of wine, vv. 17. 18. After- wards he returns and narrates the previous circumstances. In the present section, Jesus first declares that one of the twelve shall betray him ; they in amazement inquire, "Lord is it I? is it I?" and Peter makes a sign to John leaning on Jesus' bosom, that he should ask, who it was. John does so ; and Jesus gives him privately a sign by which he may know the traitor, viz. the sop. The amazement and inquiry still continuing, Jesus gives the sop to Judas; who then conscience- smitten, but desiring to conceal his confusion, asks as the others had done, "Lord, if it I ?" Jesus answers him, and he immediately goes out, before the institution of the Eucharist; comp. John 13, 26 sq. For John 13, 28. 29, see Introd. Note, p. 221. 136. Mark says, " Before the cock crow twice? v. 30 ; the other Evangeliits have simply, " Before the cock crow ;" sec Note on 144. 133-144.] NOTES. PETER'S DENIALS, ETC. 225 137. The institution of the Lord's Supper took place obviously at the close of the passover-ineal, and in connection with the " cup of blessing," or third cup, which ter- minated the rneal proper; comp. 1 Cor. 10, 16, and see p. 214 above. With this view accords the fierce TO dsntv^aai of Luke 22, 20 and 1 Cor. 11, 25. Matthew and Mark speak of Jesus as breaking the bread eafriovTav amwv, which implies nothing more than " during the meal," while they were yet eating ; and does not require the institu- on of the bread to be separated from that of the cup. 142. Matthew relates that our Lord went away thrice and prayed. Mark speaks of his going away twice only, but mentions his coming again the third time, v. 41 ; and therefore accords with Matthew. According to Luke, Jesus goes away and prays, and an angel strengthens him ; after which he prays the " more earnestly," v, 44. The three Evangelists, therefore, agree in their narratives. 143. Jesus advances to meet the crowd, and declares himself to be the person whom they sought. At the same time Judas, in order to fulfil his bargain, comes np and salutes him with a kiss. 144. An oriental house is usually built around a quadrangular interior court; into which there is a passage (sometimes arched) through the front part of the house r closed next the street by a heavy folding gate, with a smaller wicket for single persons, kept by a porter. In the text, the interior court, often paved or flagged, and open to the sky, is the crt-A??, where the attendants made a fire; and the passage beneath the front of the house, from the street to this court, is the ngoavhov or nvkwv. The place where Jesus stood before the high priest, may have been an open room or place of audience on the ground-floor, in the rear or on one side of the court ; such rooms, open in front, being customary. It was close upon the court ; for Jesus heard all that was going on around the fire; and turned and looked upon Peter; Luke 22, 61. Peter's fast denial took place at the fire in the middle of the court, on his being questioned by the female porter. Peter then, according to Matthew and Mark, re- treats into the passage leading to the street (jrwUty, ngoavhov), where he is again questioned, and makes his second denial. Luke and John do not specify the place. The Evangelists differ in their statements here, as to the person who now questioned him. Mark says the same maid, 77 naidlffxt], saw him again (nuhv}, and began to question him, v. 69; Matthew has A^, another maid, v. 71; Luke writes TO?, another person, or another man. av&gamog,v. 58; while John uses the indefinite form 7roj>, they said. As, according to Matthew "(v. 71) and Mark (v. 69), there were sev- eral persons present, Peter may have been interrogated by several. The third denial took place an hour after, probably near the fire, or at least within the court, where our Lord and Peter could see each other; Luke 22, 61. Here Matthew and Mark speak of sevetal interrogators, Luke has aUog rtc, and John specifies the servant of the high priest. The three denials are here placed together for convenience, although during the intervals between them the examination of Jesus was going on before the high priest ; the progress of which is given in 145. 29 226 THE FOURTH PASSOVER AND THE CRUCIFIXION. [PART VIII. Mark relates that the cock crowed twice, vv. 68.72; the others speak only of his crowing once. This accords also with their respective accounts of our Lord's prophe- cy; see 136. The cock often crows irregularly about midnight or not long after ; and again always and regularly about the third hour or day-break. When therefore " the cock-crowing" is spoken of alone, this last is always meant. Hence the name afoxTOQocpavloi, cock-crowing, for the third watch of the night, which ended at the third hour after midnight; Mark 13, 35. Mark therefore here relates more definitely; the others more generally. 145. This examination by Caiaphas, John 18, 19-23, took place eoon after Peter's first denial; see 144. Not improbably the high-priest again withdrew, after having sent off messengers to convoke the Sanhedrim, which met at early dawn. Luke 22, 66. Luke 22, 63-65 is transposed, in accordance with Matthew and Mark. The aorist aniatsifav in John 18, 24, is to be rendered by the pluperfect: "Annas had sent him," etc. Such a use of the aorist is not unfrequent, where an earlier cir- cumstance is inserted afterwards, Matth. 14, 3. 4. '26, 48. Luke 22, 24 ; or also in rela- tive clauses, Luke 19, 15. 24, 1. John 11, 30. Acts 1,2. See Winer Gramm. 41. 5. Buttmann 137. 3. n. 1. Kuhner Ausf. Gramm. 444. 146. On John 18, 28, see Introd. Note, p. 218. 149. The^Aa/i^ xoxxivy of Matth. 27, 28, and theifiauov Tiogyvgovv of John 19, 2. are put for the paludamentum or military cloak worn by officers; see Adam's Rom. Antiqq. p. 371. The terms xoxxivog coccus-dyed, crimson, and noyvpvQovg purple, seem to be nearly synonymous; just as in English purple-red and crimson are often inter- changed. So Hor. Sat. II. 6. 102 "rubro cocco tincta vestis," which in v. 106 is " ves- tis purpurea." 150. On the phrase nagaaxtvri TOV nav/a, v. 14, see the Introd. Note, p. 219. In the same verse, the expression &(>a ds w?t IXTT? does not accord with the w T/TT? of Mark 15, 25 ; see in 153. But the wpa rgliij of Mark, as the hour of the crucifixion, is sus- tained by the whole course of the transactions and circumstances ; as also by the fact stated by Matthew, Mark, and Luke, that the darkness commenced at the sixth hour, after Jesus had already for some time hung upon the crops ; see 155. init. The read- ing IXTTJ in John is therefore probably an early error of transcription for ryhrj (g"' Cor I"}. Indeed, this last reading is found in Cod. Bezae and Cod. Reg. 62, as well as several other authorities ; BO that its external weight is marked by Griesbach as nearly or quite equal to that of the common reading; while the internal evidence in its favour is certainly far greater; see Griesbach and Wetstein in loc. The suggestion of some commentators, that John here computes the hours from midnight, seems to be without any historical foundation. The time also which would thus result, viz. sunrise, would be much too early for the course of events. 151. Judas repented, it would seem, as soon as he saw that Jesus was delivered over to be crucified. Till then he had hoped, perhaps, to enjoy the reward of his treachery, without involving himself in the guilt of his Master's blood. 145-155.] NOTES. 227 According to Matthew (v. 5), Judas " strangled" i. e. hanged himself, anfySotro. Luke says in Acts 1, 18, "falling headlong (ng^vrjg ysvoptvog) he burst asunder." These two accounts are not inconsistent with each other; the rope breaking, the fall might easily be such as to cause the bursting of the abdomen. In Acts 1, 18 txTrjffaro is to be rendered : he gave occasion to purchase, was the occa- sion of purchasing. For such an usage, see Heb. 2, 10. Matth. 27, 60. John 3, 22 coll. 4, 1. 2. Rom. 14, 15. 1 Cor. 7, 16. 1 Tim. 4, 16. etc. The quotation in Matth. 27, 9. 10, is found, not in Jeremiah, but in Zech. 11, 12 sq. The reading 'ifQfpiov is therefore most probably an early error of a transcriber, misled by a reminiscence of Jer. 18, 1 sq. The Syriac version, the earliest of all, as also sev- eral other versions and manuscripts, have simply dia tov nQoyytov, which is apparently the true reading. Other later authorities read Zu%uQiov. See Wetstein and Griesbach in loc. -152. Jesus bore his cross at first; but he being probably faint from exhaustion, Simon was compelled to bear it after him. The o|o fiTa%ol.r<<; fis^i/fitrov of Matthew 27, 34, is the same with the e nagctaxEvi] of Luke himself. It was according to custom among the Jews, that the bodies of persons publicly executed should be taken down and buried before sunset. So Joseph. B. J. 4. 5. 2 : fyl tug racpctg ngovoiav noiovpivtov, atgje xal joi-g ex PART IX. ouu LORD'S RESURRECTION, HIS SUBSEQUENT APPEARANCES, AND HIS ASCENSION. 159173. INTRODUCTORY NOTE. A FULL discussion upon this part of the Gospel History, embracing a review of the main difficulties in the way of harmonizing the accounts of the four Evangelists, wag published by the author of these Notes, in the Blbliotheca Sacra for Feb. 1845, p. 162 sq. To this the student is referred for a more complete examination of the subject. It is no doubt true, that more of these apparent difficulties are found in this short portion of the Gospels, than in almost all the rest. This has its cause in the circum- stance, that each writer here follows an eclectic method, and records only what apper- tained to his own particular purpose or experience. Thus many of the minor and con- necting facts have not been preserved ; and the data are therefore wanting to make out a full and complete harmony of all the accounts, without an occasional resort to something of hypothesis. Had we all the facts, we may well rest assured, that this part of the sacred history would at once prove to be as exact, as consistent, and as complete, as any and every other portion of the Word of God. The general results of the investigations upon which we are now entering, may be presented in the following summary view of the events and circumstances connected with our Lord's resurrection and ascension, in the order of their occurrence. The resurrection took place at or before early dawn on the first day of the week ; when there was an earthquake, and an angel descended and rolled away the stone from the sepulchre and sat upon it ; so that the keepers became as dead men from terror. At early dawn, the same morning, the women who had attended on Jesus, viz. Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, Joanna, Salome, and others, went out with INTROD.J NOTES. ORDER OF EVENTS. 229 spices to the sepulchre in order further to embalm the Lord's body. They inquire among themselves, who should remove for them the stone which closed the sepulchre. On their arrival they find the stone already taken away. The Lord had risen. The women knowing nothing of all that had taken place, were amazed; they enter the tomb, and find not the body of the Lord, and are greatly perplexed. At this time Mary Magdalene, impressed with the idea that the body had been stolen away, leaves the sepulchre and the other women, and runs to the city to tell Peter and John. The other women remain still in the tomb ; and immediately two angels appear, who announce unto them that Jesus is risen from the dead, and give them a charge in his name for the Apostles. They go out quickly from the sepulchre, and proceed in haste to the cily to make this known to the disciples. On the way Jesus meets them, permits them to embrace his feet, and renews the same charge to the Apostles. The women relate these things to the disciples ; but their words seem to them as idle tales, and they believe them not. Meantime Peter and John had run to the sepulchre, and entering in had found it empty. But the orderly arrangement of the grave-clothes and of the napkin, convinced John that the body had not been removed either by violence or by friends; and the germ of a belief sprung up in his mind, that the Lord had risen. The two returned to the city. Mary Magdalene, who had again followed them to the sepulchre, remained standing and weeping before it; and looking in she saw two angels sitting. Turning around she sees Jesus ; who gives to her also a solemn charge for his disciples. The further sequence of events, consisting chiefly of our Lord's appearances, pre- sents comparatively few difficulties. The various manifestations which the Saviour made of himself to his disciples and others, as recorded by the Evangelists and Paul, may accordingly be arranged and enumerated as follows : 1. To the women returning from the sepulchre. Reported only by Matthew. See 162. 2. To Mary Magdalene, at the sepulchre. By John and Mark. 164. 3. To Peter, perhaps early in the afternoon. By Luke and Paul. 166. 4. To the two disciples going to Emmaus, towards evening. * By Luke and Mark. 166. 5. To the Apostles (except Thomas) assembled at evening. By Mark, Luke, John. and Paul. 167. N. B. These five appearances all took place at or near Jerusalem, upon the first day of the week, the same day on which the Lord arose. 6. To the Apostles, Thomas being present, eight days afterwards at Jerusalem. Only by John. 168. 7. To seven of the Apostles on the shore of the Lake of Tiberias. Only by John. 169. 8. To the eleven Apostles and to five hundred other Brethren, on a mountain in Galilee. By Matthew and Paul. 170. 9. To James, probably at Jerusalem. Only by Paul. 171. 10. To the eleven at Jerusalem, immediately before the ascension. By Luke in Acts, and by Paul. 171. Then follows the ascension. 172. 230 THE RESURRECTION AND ASCKNS1ON. [ PART IX. 159. The women had rested on the seventh day, according to Luke 23, 56; and the Sabbath being past (diaysvoptvov) Mark relates (v. 1) that they brought spices to anoint the body. This purchase would seem to have been made in the evening after the Sabbath ; since Mark proceeds in v. 2 to narrate what they did early the next morning. In that case Luke (I. c.) speaks of the spices by way of anticipation. Or, ii with some, we follow Luke and regard the spices as having been purchased before the Sabbath ; then the yyogaauv of Mark 16, 1 is to be rendered in the pluperfect, as in the English version ; see Note on 145. This however is less in accordance with the