LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. RECEIVED BY EXCHANGE Class CONTRIBUTIONS TO ORIENTAL HISTORY AND PHILOLOGY No. IV THE WITNESS OF THE VULGATE, PESHITTA AND SEPTUAGINT TO THE TEXT OF ZEPHANIAH BY SIDNEY ZANDSTRA SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY, IN THE FACULTY OF PHILOSOPHY COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY NEW YORK 1909 THE WITNESS OF THE VULGATE, PESHITTA AND SEPTUAGINT TO THE TEXT OF ZEPHANIAH CONTRIBUTIONS TO ORIENTAL HISTORY AND PHILOLOGY No. IV THE WITNESS OF THE YULGATE, PESHITTA AND SEPTUAGINT TO THE TEXT OF ZEPHANIAH BY SIDNEY ZANDSTRA SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY, IN THE FACULTY OF PHILOSOPHY COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK 1909 Copyright, 1909 BY THE COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY PEESS Printed from type. Published May, 1909 THE TUTTLE, MOREHOU6E A TAYLOR COMPANY. NOTE. No complete examination of the relation of the chief Versions of the Old Testament to the original Hebrew has been made with especial reference to the Book of Zephaniah. Dr. Zandstra has in the following Essay supplied this want with much care and discretion. RICHARD GOTTHEIL. May 20th, 1909. 205723 CONTENTS. Chapter Introduction, I. The Vulgate, II. The Peshitta, III. The Septuagint, - IV. The Interdependence of the. Versions, - 1-6 - 6-17 - 18-24 - 24-35 - 35-38 V. Departures from Massoretic Tradition and Variants from Consonantal Text, - 38-45 VI. Conclusion, - - 45-47 Appendix I. Difficulties in the Hebrew Text, - 4749 Appendix II. Conjectural and Higher Criticism of the Text, - 49-52 INTRODUCTION. I. It is proposed in the following pages to study the text of Zephaniah in the light of the ancient primary versions. This study was undertaken largely to become familiar with Old Testa- ment Criticism a field of which it is peculiarly true that orien- tation is possible only at first hand. The choice of so short a text is vindicated by the almost unanimous verdict of scholars that the work of the translators of these versions is very uneven in quality. It is in fact still a moot question whether the Minor Prophets were translated into Greek by one individual or by many ; and the arguments that have been advanced 1 to show that the Peshitta is not really a deliberate translation, but rather the final stereotyped form that traditional renderings of various origins assumed, have never been satisfactorily met. The reasons for the choice of this particular text are two. (a.) Though the Hebrew of Zephaniah presents many difficulties, no complete study of its text corresponding to such work as has been done on Micah by Ryssel 2 seems ever to have been made, (b.) In critical commentaries it always occupies a subordinate place among the Minor Prophets, and in textual studies it is entirely overshadowed by the more important books of the division of the Canon to which it belongs. 3 This neglect, whatever its explanation may be, makes Zephaniah a good choice for a textual study. As it would be fatal presumption for one to ignore the work of prede- cessors, whether it bore directly or indirectly on one's theme, it 1 Perles, Meletemata Peschittoniana, 1859, p. 48. a Ryssel, Untersuchungen uber die Textgestalt und die Echtheit des Buches Micha, 1887. aSchwally's Das Such Zephanja, Z.A.T.W. (1885), pp. 183 ff., is the only separate commentary outside of the well-known English and German critical series accessible to the general student. Bachmann has written specifically about the text of Zephaniah in an article entitled Zur Textkritik des Propheten Zephanja, S.K. (1894) ; his article is, however, but a statement of conclusions, and it is characterized by a most reckless spirit of conjecture. Here and there a brief note on some proposed emendation is to be found ; cf. Z.A.T.W. (1885), pp. 183 ff. and Z.A.T.W. (1891), pp. 185 f., 260 ff. 2 The Text of Zephaniah. goes almost without saying that all available sources of informa- tion have been carefully examined and freely laid under tribute. That which is presented, while based on original investigation, has thus also of necessity the virtue of being a more or less com plete digest of the work of others. 1 II. Because Old Testament Criticism is still for many reasons a wilderness through which each one must in large part blaze his own trail, it seems necessary to preface the statement of the method chosen in this examination by some more general remarks that shall not only explain it, but also justify its use. (A.) The thesis that all extant Hebrew sources for the text of the Old Testament, both in manuscript and in print, go back to a first century archetype, was first advanced by Lagarde in 1863. The chief supports of this thesis are the remarkable uniformity that is found in the manuscripts on the one hand, and the sup- posedly large number of corruptions in the text on the other. These two phenomena are mutually exclusive in an ancient docu- ment that has been accurately transmitted from its autograph, and their conjunction in this case is said to demand a comparatively late date for the common source to which all manuscripts and printed editions converge. The date of this hypothetical archetype is fixed in the first century by certain external characteristics that the text presents and by known facts in Jewish History. 3 Strack, who about thirty years ago could pass over this view in silence, 3 states in his article on the Text of the Old Testament in 1 A bibliography has not been prepared because complete lists of the literature that must be consulted abound. Berger (Histoire de la Vulgate pendant les premiers siecles du moyen dge), Swete (The Old Testament in Greek) and Nestle (Urtext und Ubersetzungen der Bibel, reprinted in the Real-Encyclop'adie fur protest. Theologie und Kirche) are practically exhaustive as far as the general literature is concerned. To the commentaries mentioned in Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible (article Zephaniah) those of Marti and Driver must be added ; in the miscellaneous literature Ehrlich (Mikrd Ki-Pheschut6, III, pp. 456-463) may well be included. This last work is written in Hebrew, but a German translation of the passages discussed is given. 2 In a few characteristic paragraphs (Symmicta, II, pp. 120, 121), intended primarily to show that this thesis was entirely original with himself, Lagarde incidentally gives a brief account of how it had been received by scholars up to 1880. It appears that Ols- hausen had independently reached a very similar view through a different process of reasoning. Cf, further Swete, Introduction to the Old Testament in Greek, pp. 313-320 ; W. R. Smith, Old Testament in the Jewish Church, p. 56 ; Driver, Notes on the Hebrew Text of Samuel, pp. xxxix ff. 8 Lagarde, Symmicta, II, p. 120. Introduction. 3 Hastings 1 Dictionary of the jBible that it is accepted by most moderns. He himself does not accept it, but holds that the cus- tom of consigning manuscripts that had been damaged by the tooth of time, by fire, or by water, or that were found to contain more than a certain number of mistakes, to the so-called genizah, which was generally a room in the cellar of a synagogue, is suffi- cient to explain all the 1 phenomena. This thesis, whether true or not, offers striking proof that the present Hebrew text gives but scant aid in tracing its own history beyond a certain point, or in fixing its earliest form. Moreover, there are but few manuscripts, of which none are very old, and textual types the chief material for the criticism of texts are thus not to be found. 1 But it is a cardinal principle of criticism that to recover the true text of an ancient document it is first necessary to know its history ; and that manuscripts, although the text which they contain is undated and unlocalized, generally furnish the primary data for reconstruct- ing this history with the help of versions, which serve in a sec- ondary capacity to fix the time and place of origin of the differ- ent textual types that the manuscripts present. In the Old Tes- tament, however, there are no types of text in regard to which versions can be made to indicate a choice, but they themselves become the principal data. Instead of being called on to show from which particular type of two or more existing types it was made, a version must surrender the text on which it was based, in order that it may then be decided whether that text agrees with or differs from the single Hebrew textual type. Because a version must thus itself yield the text from which it was made, Old Testament Criticism is complicated by all the variable factors necessarily connected with translation and translators. (B.) Languages are for the most part so different in genius that translation from one into another is often impossible without theft 1 Ginsburg's new ' Edition of the Hebrew Bible according to the Massoretic Text of Jacob Ben Chayim ' (British and Foreign Bible Society, August, 1908) contains the results of a collation of 71 manuscripts and 19 early printed editions. The editor has presuma- bly used everything that seemed worth using in this latest edition and yet there are at most but 27 manuscripts and 9 early printed editions of the Prophets cited. The earliest of the manuscripts is dated 916 A. D. Although sixth century dates have been defended for certain manuscripts, that of the Pentateuch from circa 820-850 (Or. 4445) and the Karaite synagogue manuscript of the Latter Prophets, 'written 827 years after the destruc- tion of the Temple,' i. e., 895 A. D., are generally regarded as the oldest. 4 The Text of Zephaniah. from the thought of the first or assault upon the idiom of the second. The vagaries of translators are also all but incalculable. In testing one's retranslation of a reading the dividing line between the necessary use of the Hebrew text for guidance and prejudicial dependence upon it is hard to locate. Because he cannot entirely penetrate the structural difference of the two dead languages, the critic is inclined to find variants where none exist ; and in obvious disagreements he is apt to make too little allowance for the translator whose mental processes he cannot sufficiently follow, and whose knowledge and ability he cannot accurately gauge. Enough has been said to show that the "peculiarities of each translator, the character of his translation, and the knowledge of both languages displayed " by him infor- mation in regard to these matters can of course be gained only by comparisons both within and beyond the limits of the book being studied 1 are determining factors in the evaluation of his version. It is also evident that the large factor of ignorance by which the critic is necessarily handicapped establishes in all doubtful cases a strong presumption in favor of the agreement of the current Hebrew with the source of a version. 2 (C.) The necessity of freeing the text of each version from inner corruptions by tracing it as far back as possible is patent. Neither the Vulgate, Peshitta nor Septuagint can, however, be carried back to the time of their origin, 3 and it is therefore neces- sary to seek such help as early quotations can give. The mutual relation of the versions has an important bearing on their value as witnesses, and consequently the presence or absence of inter- dependence must be established. 1 In the case of the Septuagint these comparisons are much facilitated by the excel- lent concordances available, but with the Peshitta the work is most difficult because of the lack of these helps. Dutripon's Concordantiae Bibliorum Sacrorum Vulgatae Editionis can be used with great advantage together with a Hebrew concordance. 2 Of the three equations Version <: Massoretic Text, Version = Massoretic Text and Version > Massoretic Text, the possibilities of the second must be exhausted before the others can present themselves. Ryssel assumed that the Massoretic Text was preferable to the Septuagint ; Frankel tried always to make the Massoretic Text equal the Septua- gint ; Streane held that the Septuagint was better than the Massoretic Text (cf. Stek- hoven, De Alexaandrijnsche Vertaling van het Dodekaprofeton, p. 121; Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible, IV, p. 731 b ). Frankel's results are therefore in so far forth the most dependable. 8 It is not definitely known when the Septuagint and the Peshitta originated ; and although Jerome translated Zephaniah about 393 A. D., the date of the manuscripts used by him is unknown. Introduction. 5 III. The method of procedure adopted in the present inquiry is based on the above considerations. The history of the versions has been separately discussed to locate and establish the best obtainable text of Zephaniah in each. The equivalents, which are obviously due to the character of the translation or to linguistic necessity, and those which must, because of the absence of evi- dence to the contrary, be ascribed to the characteristics or nuances of the translator, have been grouped together, and for the Vul- gate presented in a summary, for the Peshitta and Septuagint exhibited in toto. The question of interdependence has been considered, and such readings as have demanded individual con- sideration have been discussed. Thus the versions have been summoned to show cause why they should be regarded as aids in the criticism of the text of Zephaniah, and not rather as worthy monuments of ancient interpretation. Whether they vindicate their value for criticism or not, they can help to fix the history of the Hebrew text only to the time when the earliest of them was made. Beyond this point, if the text obtained does not commend itself as a true copy of the autograph, external criti- cism by the help of translations must yield to Conjectural Criti- cism. A tree only the top of which is visible above some obstruc- tion illustrates quite accurately what can be known of the text of Zephaniah. The angles of convergence must indicate where the continuation of the trunk is, and where branches and trunk join. The present investigation thus resolves itself into a test of the Hebrew transmission at three points, the exact location of which is unknown. This somewhat anticipatory statement has, it is hoped, outlined with sufficient clearness the general trend of the discussion and vindicated the method employed. IV. The little that the Hebrew text in editions and manu- scripts offers may be at once presented. 1 I 1 rvpm R. JTpSn , cf. Peshitta; pDK R. j'DK, due to the accidental joining of the strokes for i and final j . I 4 iKtf K. (3 MSS.) Dtf, cf. Septua- gint. run R. Kim, error due to the forgetfulness of a scribe who carried his copy in his memory from clause to clause ; n i Kittel's text is used as a basis ; B. = Baer and Delitzsch ; G. =Ginsburg (not his latest edition of 1908); T. = Thiele; W. = Walton's Polyglot; M. = Massoretic Notes; R. = De Rossi's Collations ; K. = Kennicott's Collations as cited by R. 6 The Text of Zephaniah. R. n&O , to avoid possible confusion due to asyndeton. I 6 r\UJ R. rnu, error of vision. I 6 i#p:j G. B. wpi . I 8 ontfn by R. ontyn SD Sy , error of memory, cf. I 4 . I 12 r\^3 R. DV3 , cf. Septu- agint. I 16 D^y R. D^n , error of hearing, frequent with gut- turals. 2 1 itfKnpnn B. nstehpnn. 2 2 p;j T. W. -pnD; D-\DU clause (3) omitted, R. (6 MSS.), K. (8 MSS.), homoioteleuton. 2 4 niEhr B. mtfnr . 2 7 onntf M. orratf (G. does not point this word). 2 9 S U R. DTI, error of memory, cf. I 4 ; OITT W. DN3\ 2 12 '3in R. mn, cf. Peshitta. 2 14 np_ B. np ; ^D3 M. ^D3. 2 16 1T M. iiyKi, odd expression, occurring here only, changed to the usual one. 3 1 runiD G. B. ntnn . 3 2 x 1 ? R. xbi , cf. I 4 ; ^K R. SKI, cf. I 4 . 3 4 D^ma T. o-mia. 3 9 naj; 1 ? R. na^Si , cf. I 4 . 3 10 ^ia rn omitted, R. (IMS.), K. (1 MS.), cf. Septuagint and Peshitta. 3 14 T?jn B. 'iSjji . 3 15 p-K R. ^K, error of memory, cf. I 4 ; s K 8 , as well as other readings peculiar to this man- uscript (3 17 ), come from this source. The Old Latin of Zephaniah has not survived, 1 and consequently it cannot be directly deter- mined how much of it, if anything, has passed into the Vulgate either originally through Jerome himself, who sometimes con- sciously, and perhaps more often unconsciously, incorporated its readings, or through subsequent confusions due to their transmis- sion side by side. In the belief that they would be of interest, and, perhaps, even of importance in this connection, a collection of quotations from the early Latin Fathers was made. 3 It was 1 There seems to be a manuscript in the Vatican which contains the last eight verses of the Old Latin of Zephaniah ; cf. Swete, Introduction to the Old Testament in Greek, p. 97. 2 After the collection was completed it was found that a similar collection had already been published ; cf. Journal of Theological Studies, 1903, p. 76. The results of these two independent examinations are in substantial agreement. 12 The Text of Zephaniah. rather disappointing to find that only a few of the Latin ecclesi- astical writers before the middle of the fifth century were cited in the critical editions of their works as having referred to Zephaniah. In Tertullian only an allusion to the dies irae was to be found. A single clause occurs in Nolan us: l llb JExterminati sunt omnes qui exultati fuerant auro et argento. Vulgate: disperierunt omnes involuti argento. This can be regarded only as an expansive allusion to Zephaniah. Cassian quotes a clause, the thought of which is of such a nature that divergence in its expression is practically impossible except in particles : I 12b Qui dicunt in cordibus suis, non faciet Dominus bene, sed neque faciet male. Vulgate: Qui dicunt in cordibus suis : non faciet bene domi- nus, et non faciet male. More than a third of the book can be recovered from Cyprian, Augustine and Tyconius. 1 For the purposes of comparison that which seems to be genuine Old Latin has been here placed between the Vulgate and the Septuagint. 1 The Liber de Divinis Scripturis sive Speculum is here regarded as the work of Augustine, to whom it is attributed by its editor for the Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasti- corum Latinorum, Vienna Academy. It is, however, by many attributed to an unknown author. Augustine's capriciousness in quotation is abundantly sustained. His text agrees with that of the Vulgate in five passages, I4h.7a- nb t 2 i-3, ssa-ia-isa. F Or 21.3 and 312 he has also quoted the Old Latin. His two quotations of 2 11 are so mingled that he must have quoted from memory in both cases. Augustine (1). Praevalebit dominus adversus eos et exterminabit omnes deos gen- tium terrae, et adorabunt eum unus quisque de loco suo, omnes insulae gentium. Augustine (2). Horribilis Dominus super eos, et exterminabit omnes deos terrae, et adorabit eum vir de loco suo, omnes insulae gentium. Vulgate. Horribilis Dominus super eos, et attenuabit omnes deos terrae; et adora- bunt eum vir de loco suo, omnes insulae Gentium. The Vulgate. 13 VULGATE. (I 8 ' 3 ) Congregans congre- gabo omnia a facie terrae, dicit Dominus : Congregans hoininem, et pecus, congre- gans volatile eoeli, et pisces marls : et disperdam homines a facie terrae (P) Silete a facie Domini Dei : quia juxta est dies Domini quia praeparavit Dominus hostiam, sanctificavit voca- tos suos. (l llb ) Disperierunt omnes i n v o 1 u t i argento. (list- i4a) Aedificabunt domos, etnon habitabunt: et planta- bunt vineas, et non bibent vinum earum. Juxta est dies Domini magnus. (I 14b - 16 ) Vox die! Domini amara, tribula- bitur ibi fortis. Dies irae dies ilia, dies tribulationis et angustiae, dies calamitatis et miseriae, dies tenebrarum et caliginis, dies nebulae et turbinis, dies tubae et clan- goris super civitates munitas, et super angulos excelsos. (Ii7b- isa) Et effundetur san- guis eorum sicut humus, et corpora eorum sicut stercora. Sed et argentum eorum, et aurum eorum non poterit liberare eos in die irae Dom- ini. (2i-8) Convenite, congre- gamini gens non amabilis: Priusquam pariat jussio quasi pulverem transeuntem diem, antequam veniat super vos dies furoris Dom- ini. Quaerite Dominum, OLD LATIN. (!, Cyprian) Defectlone deticiat a facie terrae dicit Dominus, deficiat homo et pecudes, deficiant volucres caeli et pisces marls et au- feram iniquos a facie terrae. (V, Cyprian) Metuite a facie Domini Dei, quoniam prope est dies ejus; quia paravit Dominus sacriflcium suum, sanctificavit vocatos suos. (l llb , Speculum) Disperierunt omnes qui exaltantur in argento [et auro]. (lb. ", Cyprian) Aedificabunt domos et non inhabitabunt, et insti- tuent vineas et non bibent vinum earum, quia prope est dies Domini, (li^-is, Specu- lum) Vox diei domini amara et dura constituta, dies po- tens, dies iracundiae dies ille, dies tribulationis et necessi- tatis, dies infelicitatis et ex- terminii, dies tenebrarum et tempestatis, dies nubis et cali- ginis, dies tubae et clamoris super civitates firmas et super angulos excelsos. (I 17b> 18a , Speculum) Et effundam san- guinem eorum sicut limum, et carnes eorum sicut stercus 1 bourn et argentum et aurum eorum non poterit liberare eos in die irae domini. (2i-3, Speculum) Convenite et congregamini populus in- disciplinatus, priusquam emciamini sicut flos prae- teriens priusquam super- veniat super vos dies iracun- diae domini. Quaerite dom- SEPTUAGINT. 1 stercora in another place. dirb Trpoff&irov rijs 7775, Kvpios. 'ExXiTT^Tw avdp(t)iros Kal KTT?)Vr) ^XlTT^TW TO. 7TC- Teivd TOV ovpavov Kal ol TTJS da\dS K\r}TOVS O.VTOJ. (l llb ) .... (i}\o0pti0Trjffa,v Trdvres ol dpyvpiy. (Ii3b.i4a) Kal ov /j. avrais ' Kal KaTas /86Xj3tra. Kai rb dpyvpiov avruv Kal rb xP vff tov avrGiv ov IJ.T] dtivyrai %\t(rdai av~ TOVS tv ijiJ-tpa dpyijs Kvpiov. (2 1 * 8 ) Svvdx^re, 6-rjTe rb fdvos rb irpb TOV yevtffdat v/ Trpb TOV yfdpav dv/Jiov Kvpiov. (Tare Tbv Kvpiov irdvTes Tairei- 14 The Text of Zephaniah. VULGATE. omnes mansueti terrae, qui judicium ejus estis operati: quaerite just urn, quaerite mansuetum : si quomodo ab- scondamini in die furoris Domini. (2i3_35a)Et extendet manum suam super Aquilo- nem, et ponet Specio- sam in solitudinem, et in invium, et quasi desertum. Et accubabunt in medio ejus greges, omnes bestiae Gen- tium : et onocrotalus, et eri- cius in liminibus ejus mora- buntur : vox cantantis in fenestra, corvus in superlimi- n a r i, quoniam attenuabo robur ejus. Haec est civitas gloriosa habitans in confiden- tia: quae dicebat in corde suo: Ego sum, et extra me nonest aliaamplius: quomodo facta est in desertum cubile bestiae? omnis, qui transit per earn, sibilabit, et move- bit manum suam. Vae pro- vocatrix, et redempta civitas, columba. Nonaudivitvocem, et non suscepit disciplinam : in Domino non est confisa, ad Deum suum non appropin- quavit. Principes ejus in medio ejus quasi leones rugi- entes : judices ejus lupi ves- pere, non relinquebant in mane. Prophetae ej us vesani , viri infideles : sacerdotes ejus polluerunt sanctum, injuste egerunt contra legem. Domi- nus Justus in medio ejus non faciet iniquitatem. (38) expecta me, dicit Dominus, in die resurrectionis meae in futurum, quia judicium meum ut congregem Gentes et colli- gam regna : ut effundam su- per eos indignationem meam, OLD LATIN. inum omnes humiles terrae, aequitatem operamini, et justitiam quaerite, et respon- dete ea , ut protegamini in die irae domini. (2i3-35a ) Tycon- ius) Et extendet manum suam in Aquilonem et ponet illam Nineve exterminium sine aqua in desertum, et pascen- tur in medio ejus greges omnes bestiae terrae. et chameleontes, et hericii in laquearibus ejus cubabunt, et bestiae vocem dabunt in fos- sis ejus, et corvi in partis ejus quoniam cedrus altitude ejus. Civitas contemnens quae habitat in spe, quae dicit in corde suo Ego sum, et non est post me adhuc ! Quomodo facta est in exterminium pas- cua bestiarum ! Omnis qui transit per illam sibilabit, et movebit manus suas. O in- lustris et redempta civitas, columba quae non audit vo- cem, non recepit disciplinam. in Domino non est connsa, et ad Deum suum non adpro- pinquavit, principes ejus in ea ut leones frementes, judices ejus ut lupi Arabiae non re- linquebant in mane, profetae ejus spiritu elati viri contemp- tores, sacerdotes ejus profa- nant sacra e t conscelerant legem. Dominus autem Justus in medio ejus, non faciet in- justum. 1 SEPTUAGINT. vol 7775, Kplfjia e"p7ife Xeipa avrov eirl fiopbav .... Kal #77iavLffpJbv, vo/J-rj dfiplwv; iras 6 diairopev6/j,vos Si 1 avrrjs r) 7r6Xts, 77 TTC- purrepa OVK elff^Kovffe r)S ' O$K fS^aro iratSelav, iri rf Kvplfp OVK eTrcTrot^et, Kai irpbs rbv Qebv avrijs OVK tfyyicrev. 01 apxovres avrijs ws \VKOL TIJS 'Apa/3/as, ovx vireKlirovTO els TO irput 01 irpotpTjrat avTijs irvVfj.aTo6poi, avdpes Kara(ppovT]Tai ' iepeis avrrjs f3ef3-r)\ovv, TOV elff- dej-ai. 'Ej> tuae et non adjicies exaltari et ser-viant ei sub jugo uno ; a ^ amplius in montesancto meo. finibus flummum Aethiopae , Et derelinquam in medio tui adferenthostiasmihi. Inillo 7ra " TW J' populum pauperem, et ege- die confunderis ex omnibus ffov i & v fyrtpyffas ets fyt num : et sperabunt in nomine adinventionibus tuis, quas 3rt rbre irepieXu airb .oouaJj^ao . I 11 * . ^V ft ^ Ain "" ^" * A . I 11 * Am. *oZ ? . I 12 P Am. Us.* P?. I 15 * l?co ?? _Am. fecofo. I 15 * |J^I P. P^l. I 17 * U 1*1 -Am. UJ] ^1^. I 18 * gold and silver Am. silver and gold. 2 2 * Pr^o(3) U. M. Pr^ . 2 9 - 10 - 13 - 14 - 16 * "^-4.1^0-.] U". M. omit both alephs, Am. omits the first. 2 9 * U^ Am. tt^X 2 n * ^X^l U. ^X 1 !?. 2 12 Am. v cJJ additional. (3 7 - 8 break in Am.) 3 11 ^-r- Am. U.* U. M. *-^. 3 17 * h^r^ M. ^r^. 3 19 -M. U. Us. Am. * v ociZZoi^ ? \i] oi^as. 320 jy[ jj. Us. Am. add at the beginning of the verse * ^a-^-l 001 U^^ ouo . 3' V OOUJL^^_U. M. Am. * v ooi-J.^ . The readings to be preferred according to the rules formulated above have been starred. With one exception the variants are of no importance, consisting either in omissions and additions of , ?, and ^, or in differences of spelling. In 3 19 - 20 the collation gives a reading which commends itself as original. The text obtained from these different lines of transmission contains inner-Syraic corruptions, and these must therefore be very early. In I 9 Po. 1 The rules here formulated agree substantially with those given by Rahlfs (Z.A.T.W., 1889, pp. 161-210) , though much less positively stated. 2 Assemani, Bibliolheca Orientalis, IV. 3 Cf. Berg, The Influence of the Septuagint upon the Peshitta Psalter, New York, 1895. Cf. Migne, Patrologia Graeca, LXVI, p. 241. 22 The Text of Zephaniah. has corrected one of these by reading sf 01 ^i^ for ^pqi * i, SP . The others are l^*- for i^^ (2 11 ) ; IH^ (pointed Ij^ in W.) for 1-=^ (2 14 , cf. Brockelmanrf s Lexicon Syriacum, p. 258 b , and Ez. 17 3.-^. ^ , for )^oi (3 ? c f. i"). V. Bar Hebraeus cites Zephaniah in the following verses, quoting at most a clause though generally only a word: 1 I 1 , I 2 , I 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 , I 8 , I 10 ' 10 , I 11 - 11 , I 17 , 2 7 - 7 , 2 12 , 2 13 , 2 14 - 14 ," 2 15 , 3 4 , 3 5 , 3 9 , 3 15 . In I 11 one of the three codices collated by Moritz agrees with Am. in omitting the final o of cjoZ? . J n 2 7 , where the editions all have ] *v>i^> ? Bar Hebraeus seems to have read i-^- i-aurs (i n ripa maris). This may be an explanation of the geographical location of Askalon; some connection with the S^n of 2 5 - 6 ' 7 is not unlikely. The remainder of his citations agree with the text of the editions. The scholia have no textual value, being either on the vocaliza- tion of words or of an interpretative character. Quotations of Zephaniah must be exceedingly rare in early Syriac religious literature, because a patient search of many indices and footnotes yielded only a few allusions to Zephaniah by Ephraem Syrus in his poetical Homilies, and two partial quotations of the same verse (3 9 ) by Aphraates, in which he does not differ from the accepted text. 2 VI. The translation of Zephaniah, while literal, is not slavish, and its style is smooth and flowing. The similarity of Hebrew and Syriac in idiom and vocabulary was evidently of great help to the translator ; but still the Peshitta, as the Vulgate, falls far short of that accuracy of detail and consistency in translation which gives a version its chief value for Textual Criticism. The data which show the general character of the translation, and which thus, though of little or no importance per se, indicate where possible variants may be looked for and where not, may be at once collected and dismissed from further considera- tion. 3 1 Cf. Moritz, Oregorii Bar Hebraei in Duodecim Prophetas Minores Scholia, Leipzig, 1882. 2 It was impossible to find out whether the recension of Jacob of Edessa made in 704-5 was still extant; cf. Swete, Introduction to the Old Testament in Greek, p. 116, n. 4; and Ryssel, Untersuchungen uber die Textgestalt und die Echtheit des Buches Micha, p. 173. s Cf. Introduction; the Syriac readings are always mentioned first. The plus and minus of the Peshitta in regard to Vau are not noted; it is added about forty times and not once omitted. / Of THE I UNIVERSITY V or '""fa* Peshitta. 23 I* | *1 *1^ ma (always except in Ez.). I 4 ? additional (name of the Chemarim with the priests = name of the Chemarim with that of the priests). ! 6 Va (2) additional. T Part. = part, and looi (cf. l a , 3 5 , part.^impf.). l 6 ^ (2) additional. I 6 ^ ^<* = :DJ nnKD (cf. Is. 59 13 ). I 7 Ur* 1r^=ni7V ^1N (only in the Minor Prophets and Ez.). I 7 0=0 (cf. 3 20 , few). I 7 ^iol=anpn (cf. Jer. 12 3 ). I 8 Part.=part. and looi w ith ? (cf. 2 15 ). I 11 ^^o^= (of. 3 1 , > 1-05 oi^oo* ooi uOu^O=VtJFI mn s DV D'lp a^ip (the changes here are for the sake of clearness). 1" 1M=ni3^ (cf. 1 18 =1>^05). I 17 Impf. with ?=i consecutive with perf. I 18 Gold and silver = silver and gold (cf. Am.). I 18 jj^ajoo ^a^? ^nSnaj ]K n^D (this is perhaps a good interpretation, but not a very exact translation, cf. I 9 ll"^ ^aok- ^offiXs ^ jnsDn^^nn). I 18 Part.=impf. 2 4 vor^P ?i-*'l 3 =ninnE;K . 2 6 Part, with ^ part, construct. 2 9 ^^ i-^-^i? 5^=^ Vn. 2 9 looLi additional. 2 9 ' 5 ^-lr ia -'i^^ additional. 2 11 ^o^o^^nSK (for theological reasons). 2 12 minus suffix and HDH . 2 14 l^aiQ^j Ueu^ = s u in^n . 2 14 J?i its houses =in its capitals. 2 14 01Q -^ j^na . 2 16 jua^j? ^SnSizziaijy SD . 2 15 oioJ and i^opo additional (due to the fact that the following verses were referred to Nineveh). 3 1 I&JL^ additional (interpretative). 3 1 ^a*-=n:rn (this is read as the name of the prophet because of the interpretation just men- tioned [2 16 J; the order of the words is changed for the same reason). 3 2 ? additional. 3 5 V ^ 1 3a ^= l ?ij; jnr *6i . 3 6 AS^4 =1D27J. 3 6 Part, with ?=part. 3 6 -^> ^o=" l ?aD = pKO (cf. 2 6 ). 3 7 ?=!jK . 3 7 ^^^ additional (interpretative). 3 7 j^j^cVa nty ^3. 3 8 p] ^0^05 ^Dip. 3 8 ^^ additional (this verb is inserted to guard against ambiguity). 3 8 h-^=Djfl=a|H (cf. I 16 ). 3 9 ^-r-Or)O-av. (>) Evident cor- ruptions of all kinds abound: I 12 dya&OTronJo-ei (dya^OTroi^o-r;), I 14 Taxwv) and raxvvr) (ra^eux), 2 4 SieaTracr/xoo^and Biecnrap/^evr) 2 5 K/OITWI/ (KpryTwv), 2 7 KaraXvTrots (KaraXotVots) , 3 8 e^e'Xcn 3 6 KarcWa (/carcWao-a). (c) The sporadic readings of single or of related manuscripts are numerous : spelling, 'lov&W ('lovSa) ; mood, I 7 vXa/?eicr0at (evXa/?er0e) ; tense, 1 s eKXeiTrera) (eKXiTreVa)) ; number, 3 B avraij/ (avr^s), I 3 eKXtTreroxrav (e/cXiTreTco) ; person 2 1 i)/xas (v/xas), 3 6 e^cpTyttaxrav (c^epry/xwo-w) ; case, I 6 Sw/xcuri (Sw/xara) ; preposition, I 10 OTTO (cTrt'), I 10 eKKevTowTwv (aTTo/cevTowTcov) , 2 2 eX^etv (cTTcX^etv) ; syno- nyms, I 16 tcr^vpds (o^vpds), dSt/cuxs and dvo/xoxs (dcreySetixs) ; words of similar appearance, 3 12 TroXw (TT/DCIVI/), 3 6 tixfrOrjcrav (rj^avLcrO^a-av) , 3" Trpovxy? (TT/OOO-^S); additions, I 4 ev (before Jerusalem), 3 2 av7/o-CTat em^av^s efrrat (cf. Joel 2 11 ' 31 , Hab. I 7 ). 3 a OVK ovSe. 3 4 01 icpcis tepcis. 3 6 &o8eveo-0ai, SioSeveiv. 3 8 8ta Trapa. It is with equivalents of which these are representative that the elusive Hesychian recension may sometime be connected, unless indeed the view that it was a new version now lost ultimately prevail. 1 Comparatively few variants remain, after B's readings have been accepted in all the cases that belong to this class. VI. Lucian had a double purpose in revising the Septuagint text. He wished to improve its Greek and at the same time make it conform more nearly to the original. His reverence for the Sep- tuagint sometimes led him to place two translations side by side. In supplying lacunae he made use of the translations of Aquila, Symmachus, and Theodotian. His text also has interpolations that serve only to indicate the nexus of the thought or to make an obscure passage clearer. He seems to have allowed himself to introduce only minor changes for the sake of better Greek. An occasional removal of stiffness by a slight change of construction, and the sub- stitution of a singular for a plural predicate with a neuter subject, of a more familar word or form for one less familar, of one com- pound verb for another, and of a simple for a compound verb or vice versa, as far as now known, mark the extent of his literary revision. It is evident that there are no absolute criteria for detecting his merely literary changes, and therefore many variants of which one or the other is perhaps due to him belong to the class of which illustrations have already been given. ( V.) Cor- rections according to the Hebrew and interpretative additions may, however, be identified with more or less certainty. Accord- ing to Stekhoven the following readings are Lucianic: l a iravra additional; I 3 TO. trKavSaAa o-vv rots dcre/Jecrtv; I 4 TO>V )8aa\t/w., /u-era ran/ tepetov additional; I 6 Kara TOV Mc'X^o/x; I 12 TOVS Aeyovras; I 17 KXD; 2 a ^/xcpas additional ; 2 s ^T^crare SiKawxrw^v ^TT/crare irpaor-qra Kat vra; 2 13 ve/XTycrcrat ; 2 15 eycvcro; 3 s \\vTpo)fJivrj ; 3 1 * 3 20 ov additional. To these may be added: I 1 eyeVero; I 18 Svv^rai; 2 13 KTvu>, fjioV) airoXu*, 6rfys, -r- 'lovSa 1 ; 3 6 * cts avi(T0r)/ fjLav<*)avto-p,ov) ; I 18 o-vvreXctav Kat 2 1 (rvvd^drjTe. Kat o*w8e'^>yTe; 2 3 Kpt/xa, Kat aTroKptVeo^e avra; 2 4 eo-rat; 2 B TrdpotKOt Kpryrtuv; 2 6 Kp^rry; 2 9 Kat Aa/xao^Kos, w? 2 14 ws ^a/xatAcovTCS ; 3 1 w 17 e7rt<^av^s Kat a7ro\e\VTp(afievr) TroAts, ^ 7Tpto*Tepa; 3 3 XvKOt T^5 'ApayStas ; 3 6 ev 8ta^>^opa, ycovtat avraiv; 3 8 cts fjfjiepOLV dvao"Tao"co>s p,ov cts fAaprvpiov ; 3 9 on TOT p,eTaoTpi^o"o*av fits yeveav avr^s; 3 10 CK Treparwv Trora/xoiv 'At^tOTrtas otcrovo-t ^vo-tas ;u,ot; 3 18 ws ev ^epa eopr^s, ovat. VIII. In the passages represented in these collections the text of B. is for the most part confirmed; and its readings, except 1 In the course of transmission an obelus has evidently fallen out before The one before 'Iotf5a is perhaps due to the fact that in some manuscripts a new line was begun with this word, for the diacritical marks were repeated before the first word of a new line. The Septuagint. 31 such as are about to be individually considered, may be at once adopted in preference to their alternates. 1 B All the evidence goes to show that /cat TOVS Trpotr/cvvowras was absent from the original text of the Septuagint, and these words must be deleted from B. I 9 In omitting CTTI Travras B. seems to have no better support than 40 and 239. Field and the Syro-Hexaplaric text disagree. It is necessary to insert this in B. The Syro-Hexaplaric omission of @cov is not explained by a note, but that this word was in the original Septuagint is attested by the Vulgate. 2 2 The last clause is asterisked in the Syro-Hexapla. In the preceding clause OvpSv is added with opyrfv (^Kjnn), and in the clause asterisked o/oyJ/s seems to have been read for Ovpov. There seems to have been some confusion between these clauses the initial words of which are the same. At least "aberant igitur haec a ' Septuaginta ' " does not at once follow, especially as the Old Latin preserved in the Speculum omits the second of these clauses and retains the third. The same omission is suggested by a corrector of Cod. Sinaiticus ( c - b ). These clauses are peculiarly liable to omission by homoioteleuton, as 233, Cod. Toletanus and several Hebrew manuscripts demonstrate. In view of this fact, and more especially because of the evident confusion, it seems unnecessary to delete either one clause or the other. 2 7 The Syro-Hexapla misrepresents Origen in 'suggesting that his fifth column read airo TT/OOO-WTTOU wuiv -f- 'lov&x X . The obelus must be placed before the first word. These words were perhaps incorporated into the text by someone who did not understand the absolute use of /caraAveiv in the sense of to lodge. 3 5 ' 6 According to the Syro-Hexaplaric notes and text Origen's fifth column read: Kpifjua. avrov Swcret * eis <<*>? /cat OVK a.7TKpvf3rj /cat OVK cyvw (06pa -r- /caT(T7ra<7a VTrepr;- 06pa) . The original Septuagint for n^ is thus unknown, but ev aTratTT/o-et /cat OVK eis vet/cos dStKiav h 8ia06pa must be deleted. 3 8 D;N is represented in the Syro-Hexapla, but according to Field it was not represented in Origen's fifth column. It is absent from the Old Latin. As 0v/x,os and 0/0717 translate ^x, pin, DJN, rn3p and non indifferently, it was impossible to translate literally where three of these words occur together without repeating one or the other of them. One Greek word thus sometimes represents two Hebrew words (cf. Is. 13 13 , Jer. 4 8 , Zeph. 2 a ), and this may well be the case here. 3 10 The clause 7rpocr8e'o/>uu iv Steo-Trap/xeVoi? /xov is to be deleted because it is absent from the Hexaplaric text and the Old Latin of the Speculum. 3 12 The reading vTroAij^o/xat is an early inner-Greek corruption for i}7ro\i\l/ofjicu. The text of the Cambridge Manual Septuagint, which is based on a facsimile edition, is to be preferred to that of H. P., which represents a copy of B. made by the Dutch Septuagint editor, L. Bos. Where the Manual contains T instead of B. (3 9b -3 20 ), H. P. is to be preferred, and so xxu ^o-o/xat (3 19 ) and on (with , 3 20 ) are to be inserted. oAe'0/>evo- (2 11 ) should be eoAo- The Septuagint. 33 0/oevo-e (cf. 3 7 ). iraiSiav (3 a ) should be TraiScutv (cf. 3 7 ). aXwvos (2 9 ) must be corrected to dA.os (Putamus dA.os inter pretatos, id est^ sails ; sed ab imperitis, qui 0i/x,o>vtav, Aoc es, acervum, frumenti vel frugum, putaverunt, pro oAos additis duabus litteris, o> et v, quasi ad consequential^, frugum, aXwvos, Aoc es, areae positum Jerome) . As there seem to be no quotations of Zephaniah in the early Greek Church Fathers, the New Testament Apocrypha, the New Testament, Josephus, Philo or the Old Testament Apocrypha, no earlier text than that now established can be obtained. IX. The readings of the Septuagint which illustrate the general character of the translation without proving differences of text can now be presented. From these it will be seen that the Septuagint has no general characteristics which it does not share with the Peshitta or the Vulgate, or with both. 1 1 s K\efyu cKAtTreTo) ^ fpx *]DK (Est. 9" and * 73 19 seem to indi- cate that forms of ]io were read here; cf., however, DtK *]DK (I 8 ), where the verb was undoubtedly regarded as in the 3d person. The absence of a translation for SD makes it entirely uncertain what the Septuagintist read in his text). 1 s ircrara e|iy (collec- tive) ; dvo/xovs D1K (this is a change for theological reasons rather than an inner-Greek corruption from dv0/>o>7rous [cf. I 17 , avOp- TTOVS DIK]. It is unnecessary to suppose that the Septuagintist had either D'yeh D1K [G. A. Smith] or [Gratz] D'KBn in his text). I 4 ovofuiTa DE? (collective) ; KM additional. I 5 Sw/xara nUJ (cf. * 129"). I 6 aTTo nnD; KOL TOVS p) ^rowras lK?p3 X 1 ? ItfKl (the Greek and Hebrew differ in regard to the verb-form to be used with the negative) ; dn-cxo/Aecous TOV Kvpiov int^"n (the participial form is again retained; for the sake of clearness the suffix is translated by its logical antecedent, cf. Jer. 8 3 ). I 7 vAa/?er0 DH (cf. Zech. 2 17 ); Ova-uiv avrov rUT (cf. 2 14 , avr^s). I 8 Kal lora* ..... KOL e/cSt/cTjo-w s mp)l .... mm (the Septuagintist does not seem to have understood the Hebrew tense consecution) ; BhaSD (collective). I 9 TrpoVvXa jnso (cf. I 12 ) ; eov additional be- tween "JIK and its suffix (these words were thought to refer to the temple, and by this addition the reference is brought out 1 Because the translator of Zephaniah seems to have known no law but caprice in his translations of the article, these have not been referred to ; for the same reason there are but few references to tenses. 34 The Text of Zephaniah. more clearly). 1" e^p^e'vot ^DJ (cf. II Sam. 24 12 ) ; cv rrj run (cf. 3 16 ). I 12 Xv X vov rnu (cf. I 9 ). I 13 ev avrats additional. I 14 Initial on and Kat additional (interpretative). I 18 Kat o-TrovS^v nSn3J }K (^r^rai, Jer. 15 8 ). 2 2 opyrjv *]K pin (cf. Is. 13 13 and Jer. 4 8 , passages in which 0v/xos translate f]X pin . In 3 8 Dyr seems to have been omitted in translation because the Septuagintist's supply of synonyms was exhausted). 2 3 rairtwoi ^y (= Si, 3 1S ) ; OTTWS^^SIK. 2 4 Kat additional; eKpt^T/o-erat niBnr (the construc- tion is changed to avoid the resumptive suffix). 2 5 dXXo7(ra>, I 8 - 9 ; the change of tense is interpretative). 2 8 ovetSto-^ovs r\3in (cf. 1 1S ) ; e/xeyaXwovro iVun (= e/xeyaA.w0*7avvjo-cTat N1U (cf. Joel 2 31 , Hab. I 7 ) ; TWV eOv&v additional (this addition cor- responds to the change from gods to kings in the Peshitta). 2 14 KCU' (4) and avnjs (4) additional; OrjpLa TI/S y^s 'U irrn (the Septuagint has the phrase as it occurs in Gen. I 24 , cf . * 79 2 ) ; Orjpia ;ptW n^nS pin. 3 2 Kat additional. 3 3 ev Dips (cf. 3 1M7 ). 3 3 w? (2) additional. 3* Kat additional. 3 6 e^ep^/xwo-o) ^nninn (cf. 2 7 ). 3 6b and 2 13 are good illustrations of free and literal translation. 3 7 Kat additional ; ^o\oOpvO'rfT ni:r (the re. was added under the influence of the preceding verbs) ; TrdVra oo-a SD . 3 8 VTro/xavov /xov ^ 13H ; dvaa-- /x.ov ''Dip ; ets (rvvaycoya? e0i/cov rov cts Se^acr^at ^SacrtXet? rov tK^eat ^p 1 ? D'U ^DX 1 ? (^ao-tXets is a contraction for jSooiXe&t?) ; minus S D^T (cf. 2 2 ). 3 9 yXwoxrav HSt^; Travra? D^D (cf. I 7 , 2 8 ) ; vyov DDiy (change of figure). 3 10 CK Treparwv TTOTO/AWV 'At0tO7rtas 1^13 nn: 1 ? 13^D (cf. 2 15 ). 3 13 Kat additional, mxtf is taken as the Interdependence of the Versions. 35 subject of the preceding, not of the following, verb ; Kv avrovs Tina JW (the part, in this phrase never has an object, cf. Is. 17 a , etc.; cf. also 2 6 , 3", I 7 , 2"). 3 14 Bvyarep 'leppv- Stm?' (perhaps the change is due to the following w cf. Gen. 36 81 B.) ; 0X775 rr}? KapSuxs OVD (cf. I 13 ). 3 17 ev o-ot }:np:j (cf. 3 3 , 3 16 ); object pronoun additional (2). 3 19 Xe'y Kvptos additional. 3 19 oi/o/xacrrovs Dfc? (3 20 idem). additional ; eW>7riov V OHAPTEK IV. THE INTERDEPENDENCE OF THE VERSIONS. I. The Peshitta is of Post-Christian origin, and in New Testament times the Septuagint was already so well established that it was quoted as authoritative. The wide popularity that the Septuagint enjoyed would tend to cause many of its phrases, expressions and interpretations to pass into current use, and some of these may have been unconsciously adopted by the makers of the new version. As they were not entirely familiar with Hebrew, it is natural that they should consult the existing version when in doubt. The two translations continued to exist side by side as ecclesiastically recognized versions, and correction of the one by the other is therefore not impossible, especially since many Greek ecclesiastics were resident in Syria for a longer or shorter time. That the Peshitta and Syro-Hexapla may have influenced each other mutually is shown by the case of Bar- Hebraeus, who is known to have used them both. The probability of interdependence, either initial or subsequent, thus established is so strong that the Septuagint and the Peshitta cannot be regarded as independent witnesses when they agree together against the Hebrew. 1 In Zephaniah the influence of the Septua- 1 This principle is of course invalid when the two versions follow a common tradition that can be located in the Aramaic Targum. The Targum of Zephaniah is, however, so paraphrastic that it gives little aid to Textual Criticism. That which it offers can here be conveniently collected:! 6 DD^D is interpreted as idols. I 9 "1J1 J^IH is explained as those who walk in the laws of the Philistines. 2* The imperatives are rendered by words having the root idea of assemble. 2 14 The Targum adds K3iy to ^Ip . 3 1 PHIID nJOID . 3 DD^ is represented by ^fQ 3" The obscure clause of this 1 verse is inter- preted by the captivity of my people ivhich was taken captive. 36 The Text of Zephaniah. gint on the Peshitta (or vice versa, cf. 3 10 ) can be discerned in several places. I 7 0^0 evAa/?eto-0 (Syro-Hexapla, a^-*?). I 11 Hwoi dpyv/oio) (Syro-Hexapla ^Nn4Sn). I 12 ^0019040^, ^ft . K ara- povovvra P? l^> ojJflj^o a-*lsA.l__ S1 and Hab. I 7 ) ; t-^aJ eoAo- Opevo-t. 2 14 ^oiJJ UQ-^* Qypia. ^vyja-u. 3 1 l^^r- eTri^avrjs (Syro- Hexapla, 1^^-t- 1 ) ; l^Q-r 3 aTroXfXvTpupivri (Syro-Hexapla, l^-t-s). 3 s t-1 (2) additional pdcrOe (?) ; . 3 8 Kat rvpiov. 3 9 r* ir-^^ VTTO Cvyov Iva. 3 10 The Septuagint and the Peshitta both omit s vi} ra nnj;. 3 18 ^.oov^ additional avTovs addi- tional. 3 17 ^^r* /catvicio-e NO-^J ^] is due to the Septuagint Siopvy/Aao-iv. The Peshitta has hardly any demonstrable departures from the Massoretic tradition which it has not derived from the Septuagint. That the Peshitta has influenced the Septuagint in some of the instances cited, while not impossible, is still extremely doubtful. There is, however, to be found in many Greek manuscripts a very early translation of the obscure phrase in 3 10 (7rpoo-8e'o/xcu ev &e- o-TrapjuteVots /AOV) ; perhaps this belonged to the original Septua- gint, but was omitted under Syriac influence. In at least some Interdependence of the Versions. 37 of the readings cited the Peshitta seems to have influenced the Syriac translation from the Septuagint (cf. 2 1 , 3 1 ). II. Jerome lamented the fact that in his day the world ' was divided between three opposing texts of the Septuagint.' 1 It was his purpose in his translation to get behind the Septuagint back to the "Hebrew verity"; and though he frequently reminds his reader that his work is not condemnatory of the ancients, 2 he is not slow to point out wherein and how they erred. As the pur- pose of Origen was similar to his own, he was naturally a great admirer of the Hexapla. His use of it can readily be illustrated by a few quotations : 2 7 Quod autem legitur in ' Septuagintam ' a facie filiorum Juda, obelo praenotavimus, nee in Hebraeo enim, nee apud ullam fertur interpretatum. 3 9 Ubi nos interpretati sumus reddam populis labium electum, pro electo 4 Septuagintes ' dixerunt in generationem ejus, ut subaudiatur, terrae. Et hinc error exortus est, quod verbum Hebraicum BARURA, quod Aq. et Theo. electum, Sym. Mundum interpretatus est, 'Septuagintes' legerunt BADURA. 8 3 18 Miror autem Aq. et ' Septuaginta ' in eo loco ubi diximus: congregabo quia ex te erant, pro erant interpretati voluisse vae, sive ot, quod semper Aq. non pro plangendo, sed pro vocando et inclamando ponit. There are only a few passages in the Vulgate which seem to indicate direct dependence on the Septuagint. Nomina and 6v6fjuara (I 4 ), silete and evXafttLo-Oe (1 7 )> transeuntem and Tropcvo/xevov (2 2 ), et attenuabit and /cat eoA.o0/oaxrei (2 11 ), the additions of quasi and d>s (3 3 ), expecta and vTro'/xeii/ov (3 8 ), and the addition of the same suffix (3 9 ) may all be accidental. Columba (3 1 ) may not be due to the Septuagint ircpto-Tcpa, for in Jer. 25 38 Jerome makes the same mistake. Corvus (2 14 ) is, however, an intentional agree- ment with the Septuagint against the Hebrew of his day (Quod 1 Totus orbis hac inter se trifaria varietate compugnat. Preface to Chronicles. 2 Obsecro te lector ne laborem meum reprehensionem existimes antiquorum. 9 In Zephaniah none of the minor Greek Versions are extant in manuscript, and only fragments contained in quotations such as these have been recovered. The longest of these fragments is one from Symmachus, preserved by Theodore of Mopsuestia : (3 10 ) TrtpaOev irorafjiuv ''AiBioirtas iKer&jovrd /we TKVO. T&V 8iev vir' 1 tfwv tvty- Ks=\J, (Mic. I 4 ). 3 18 ut non ultra habeas Sy fiKtyn (* L ?j; n&u?n, cf. Lev. 19 7 ). 3 20 in tempore quo congregabo ^3p AP3 (f AP?). See further under (c) 2 2 , 3 1 ' 1 , 3 20 . (5) ! 6 >onn\sn D5Sn (cf. Vulgate, supra). I 11 ojo^nnij (*naru). 2 14 V^H* 3in (^l 1 ?)- 3 n Kinn DVD is connected with what precedes and not with what follows. See further under (c) I 11 , 2 a , 3 1 , 3 8 , 3 19 . (c) I 1 TOV TOV xovo-i 'Bho p (the Septuagintist has interpreted 'J^O 1 3 patronymically as the following mov seems to show). I 11 rv)v KaraKCKo/x/oieVr/v ^roDH (* i^nDQn) ; kfjioiuOrj npnj (there are two similar roots of which one means * to be like', the other, to destroy). I 12 /u,eV>7 (cf. Vulgate and Peshitta) nS&u: (there are two roots SKJ, of which one means * to redeem ; the other, to pollute) ff (cf. Vulgate). mrn (this form may be a * noun subject 40 The Text of Zephaniah. of nyntf, 3 2 ; or a participle from nr, to oppress). 3 3 'Apa/?ias anj; (* 3lj, cf. Jer. 25"; in Hab. I 8 the Septuagint bas the same reading, and in Jer. 5 6 ecus TWV ofciW represents rn3ij? = rr:i iy). 3 (cf. Peshitta) ItfS (i#7; cf. Yulgate, supra). 3 12 nnKtf is taken as the subject of the preceding verb by the Septu- agint. 3 16 epct Kvpos "iraK?. (* lOK" 1 was read and KV/HOS was inter- pretatively added, cf. 3 19 ). 3 19 ev o-ot eve/cei/ o-ou ipyo ho fitf (* }fiK W?S) ; T^V KTTTTLe^vr}v (cf. Peshitta) j^n (cf. Mic. 4 8 ' 7 , Gen. 32 33 ; there are two roots yStf of which the y is represented in Arabic by Dad and Ta respectively; the one may mean, to oppress-, the other, to limp. The former is found in the Old Testament only in the noun ySv, rib ; but the Septuagint suggests very plausibly that the word here and in Mic. 4 6 - 7 be taken from the root that has the meaning of to oppress. Barth [ Wurzeluntersuchungen . . . , uu pp. 39, 40] suggests the Arabic J^ as the cognate of the word here used). 3 19 h rw Kai/ow orav eto-Sc'lo/xat '^p '"W? (f AP?, of. Vulgate). (d) These readings, so far as they are not at once condemned by internal evidence, are suggestive for the interpretation of the text. Whether they are wrong or right, they shed additional light on the translations and translators. They also indicate the gradual crystallization of the tradition that grew up around the text, for departures from it decrease in the versions in the order of their rise. II. The readings of the versions so far considered either agree with the current consonantal text, or else data are lacking to show that the text of which they are severally the translation varied from it. It is still necessary to consider the equivalents in regard to which there is positive evidence of disagreement. Many variants are by the context or by parallel passages shown to be due to the intentional or unintentional faithlessness of the translators to their copies, or to the defective character of the exemplars which they used. Those that are not thus condemned will represent each version's actual contribution to the textual criticism of Zephaniah. (1) Most of the variants are reducible to the addition, omis- sion, transposition, or change of single letter?. Variants from Consonantal Text. 41 (a) I 14 tribulabitur rm (I 1 *, I 17 and especially Am. 3 11 show that *[n]iY was read; the rendering by the future is interpretative, cf. Am. 3", idem). 2 14 robur e/wa my (*n ; Ty, cf. Pr. 21", Jer. 5 1 68 ; this change may be due to the punctuation of the preceding nnK which Jerome adopted). 3 1 provocatrix HfcOlD ( Quod signi- ficantius Hebraeice dicitur *MARA, id est, TrapairiKpaivov$ D>:n (OTV, this word is always so rendered in the Peshitta, when it occurs in connection with lytf). See further under (c) 2 a - 2 , 3 1 , 3 7 - 7 , 3 17 . (c) I 8 OLKOV "J3 (confusion between JVD and "ft is frequent; O'KOS = ', Jer. 16 16 , Ez. 2', I Chr. 2 10 ; vloi=no, Gen. 45", Ex. 16", Jos. 17 17 , 18 16 , Hos. I 7 ). I 9 e/M0a\fji>v a.vTrjs (cf . Peshitta) miyD (f n^ryo) ; eToi/xaov (cf. Peshitta) opOpicrov tyOaprai ira(ra ^ eTri^vXXts avrwv IDOtfn |3K omVSy ^73 in^ni^n (cf . the Vulgate rendering of the two verbs ; * orviSSy SD in^nt^n opt^n pn) 3 9 ets ycveav avr^s mna (* nTna)^ 3 12 evXaprjOTjo-ovTat, ion(* 1DH, cf. I 7 and Ne. 8"; 0. = ! is due to this reading). 3 17 firdu vw (* rnsr; KCUVW? (cf. Peshitta) nn' (f E^Hn"). 3 18 TOVS o-wrerpt/x/xevovs ^JOD ( D"pp ; with erov in the Greek text, ^3n, cf . Ex. 5 16 ) ; 3 18 ovac rn (f 'in, cf. 2 5 ) ; rts nfe/D (f KET" % n). 42 The Text of Zephaniah. (2). There are a few readings which suggest a somewhat greater difference of text than those just considered do. 1* ovojjLara iKtf (oty, perhaps this is due to the DK? in the context, or to either Hos. 2 19 or Zech. 13 a ). 3 18 d>s ev ^e/oa (cf. Peshitta) Qvja-ovrai DHtf 3 (* B'0^?rj ; for the sake of variety this was rendered by a passive, since DT\DJy occurs in the immediate context). 3 20 (3). The words in the versions for which there is no equiv- alent in the Hebrew are, as has already been indicated, evident expansions of an interpretative character. Where the Hebrew text is fuller than that reflected by a version, explanation is not so easy. The only word not represented in the Vulgate is mD (2 6 ). Except where it is dependent on the Septuagint (I 14 , 2 a , 2% 3 10 ?), the Peshitta text is as full as the Hebrew text with but a single insignificant exception (2 12 , a suffix and a demonstrative pro- noun omitted). There are only a few places in which the Septu- agint has no equivalent for words to be found in the Hebrew text. Decision as to whether these words convict the Septuagintist of omission or illustrate the "growth of the Massoretic Text" must from the nature of the case be largely subjective. From the time of Luther scholars have remarked a tendency on the part of the translators of the Septuagint to omit what they did not under- stand. The translator of Zephaniah must be charged with omis- sion on this score. 1* Dp D'lDDn . Chemarim occurs in only two other places in the Old Testament. In one of these the Septuagint transliterates it (II Kgs. 23 5 ), and in the other its translation is the result of a transparently inappropriate etymology (maji KM Ka0o>s Kpavav avrdv, Hos. 10 6 ). It is thus entirely probable that this (and the following) word was omitted because it was not understood. I 6 . The only argument that can be advanced in regard to D'lnntfon (2) is stylistic. It seems to make the construction rather awkward. Cod. Q omits D'jntfjn (2) ; this may be the Hesychian reading, for Cod. Q is an Egyptian manuscript. This disagreement in the Septuagint makes it difficult to determine which word, if either, is additional in the current Hebrew. 2 s . A desire to make the construction uniform may account for the omission of lute and the suffix of infltfn. The mis- Variants from Consonantal Text. 43 reading of nup, by which the Peshitta was led astray, seems to have caused the omission of the third uppu. This verse is a good illustration of how the Septuagint influenced the Peshitta. 3 10 . '13 nanny. The meaning of these words is not clear, and it is therefore more probable that they were omitted by the Septuagintist than that they were interpolated into the Hebrew subsequent to the time of translation. If 7rpoo-8e'o/xai lv Sieo-Tra/o/Ac- vots fiov, as has already been suggested, was in the original Septu- agint, it was later omitted under Syriac influence. may be a corruption for Tr/aoo-ei^o/xai (cf. Ju. 13 8 ). ev fjiov seems to represent 'Jfisp? (cf. II Chr. 18 18 ), which agrees closely with the reading that the Yulgate seems to suggest (filii dispersorum meorum "^ \^). (4). In the three passages that remain to be considered the Hebrew is difficult, and help from the versions would be very welcome. I 3 , et ruinae impiorum erunt V*4-*'V^ |A1 ]A^oculo Ka l do-^cv- ricrova-Lv ol cure/Jets D'yenn n m^EODrn. The versions all agree as to D"ych (cf. Peshitta, Num. 16 ao ), but each one gives it a dif- ferent grammatical government. They also agree in regard to the root htiD (cf. Septuagint, Ez. 21 20 ), though not in regard to the form of it here to be read. The n, which is difficult, is not represented in the Septuagint or Yulgate, and the Peshitta seems to have read it as the first person imperfect of nnx. Jerome wrote among other things in regard to these words, pro quo Sym. interpretatus est, et scandala cum impiis, ut subaudiatur, con- gregabuntur, sive deficient' Quinta autem ed., et infirmitas cum impiis deficiet. It would seem from this quotation that Jerome knew of the r\K in the text, and that the Vulgate translation is supposed to do justice to it. Though it is quite certain that this troublesome word is not represented in the Septuagint, it is impossible to determine what the Greek does represent. Perhaps the first word was read as a perfect with vau conversive; on this supposition the Hebrew has sometimes been corrected. The witness of the versions is contradictory and entirely inconclu- sive. 2 6 . Eteritfuniculus maris requies pastorum, et caulae pecorum 44 The Text of Zephaniah. 7rot/mW KCU /jiavSpa Trpo/Jarw |l3f niTUl D'JH HID nu O'H Whether n^n or nrrn was read by the translators, it is impossible to determine. The Vulgate has omitted mo and read nnj for nu (requies is the constant translation of nnj). The Peshitta has interpreted the verse freely in accordance with its reading of mD (Crete) adopted from the Septuagint. DTI Snn is not represented in the Septuagint; the order of nu and mj is reversed; mj is read as a proper name; irot/mW translates D^n (cf. 2 14 iroipvui=; D'Yiy; at vofuu TO>V woi/xva>v=D'jnn 111 JO, Am. l a , seems to indicate that 7rot/AV6o>v must be corrected to Troi/xeVwv) . Perhaps the addi- tion of TT}S 0a\d? ^t/xwna dAds fl^D mDDl SlIH pK^DD. Jerome read p.Eto, and acerviis dependent on Olivia (Siccitas, quod Hebraeice MAMASAC; . . . MEM si mutetur et DALETH accipiatur, easdem litteras habet quas et Damascus ; . . . 0i//,) and the Assyrian (karu). oXos must, as has already been indicated, be read for dAon/os. While witnessing to the orginality of the current Hebrew, the versions give absolutely no help in its interpretation. OHAPTEE VI. CONCLUSION. Everything in the versions that seemed to have a bearing on the criticism of the text has now been presented with as much fulness as it seemed to warrant. The nature of the material con- sidered makes differences of opinion in regard to its proper dis- tribution inevitable, but the necessity for some such scheme of classification as has been adopted will hardly be denied. The departures of the Vulgate from the Massoretic tradition which have been noted have no special merit, and of the readings in which it bears positive witness to a difference between its "Urtext" and the present Hebrew not one is worthy of con- sideration. In every case its witness to the text on which it is based (cf. I 14 - 2"), or the witness of that text itself (cf. S'^is unreliable. The Peshitta, when it is independent of the Septua- gint, disagrees with the Massoretic tradition very infrequently, and the few variants that it offers are no more worthy of accept- ance than are those of the Vulgate. So far as it can be con- trolled, the testimony of these two versions is in favor of the accurate transmission of the Hebrew from the time of their origin. This conclusion would perhaps need some revision, if the numerous non sequiturs due to the process of translation could be eliminated. To possess the manuscript or manuscripts used by the translators would therefore be of considerable advan- tage to Textual Criticism. 46 The Text of Zephaniah. If the recovery of the sources of the Vulgate and the Peshitta is a thing to be desired, the possession of the source of the Septu- agint is positively a sine qua non for the full understanding of the history of the Hebrew text of Zephaniah, for this translation is but a sorry equivalent for its original. It was not made by one who had a "genius for translation", for his general inaccuracy seems to have been even greater than his lack of knowledge, unless indeed he attempted to cover his ignorance by manipulat- ing his text. Many of his translations call vividly to mind the hit or miss achievements of a school-boy whose pensum stands between him and the play-ground. Luther accused the Septua- gintists, as a body, of "disdaining to speak the letters, words and style". To show the justice of this criticism as far as Zephaniah is concerned, one need only to remove the numerous faulty or wrong translations and interpretations from the Greek text; for hardly a verse will then remain intact. A comparison of the possible with the impossible variants in the consonantal text that it definitely supports shows that the attitude which must be maintained toward the Septuagint of Zephaniah is one of general distrust. It rarely agrees with the Massoretic text, where that text is difficult ; but the alternates which it suggests are generally even less acceptable. 1 It cannot be appealed to as an infallible authority on hapax legomena, nor can the Hebrew lexicon be enriched by the meanings of rare words that it sup- ports. Since the testimony of the Septuagint as to its source is so unreliable, its value for Textual Criticism is much less than it might be in view of the comparative nearness of its " Urtext " to the autograph. It is especially unfortunate in this case that the Septuagint does not speak with a more certain voice either in condemnation or confirmation because of the difficulties which the Hebrew presents. 2 The only general conclusion warranted by the facts is that the Septuagint offers no conclusive evidence that the " Lagardian archetype" was not the text on which it for B^IT (3 17 ) has gained wide acceptance, and yet against this possibly correct reading three positively wrong readings of T or "| must be balanced in this book. (i,2,3). 2 The difficulties in the Hebrew and in the interpretation of Zephaniah are briefly pre- sented in Appendix I. Difficulties in the Hebrew Text. 47 also was based. As far as the possibility of showing the con- trary by external evidence goes, the present Hebrew text may well be that of the autograph of Zephaniah, 1 for the few parallels in thought and diction with other parts of the Old Testament to be found in the book are of no critical value (I 6 Jer. 8 2 ; 1" Jer. 48 11 ; I 13 Am. 5 n ; I 18 Ez. 7 lfl ; 2 8 Is. 16', Jer. 48 ae - 48 ; 2 14 - 1& Is. 13, 21 - 22 , 34 11 , 47 8 - 10 ; 3 4 Ez. 22 28 ; 3 10 Is. I 18 ), and the versions offer not a single reading which absolutely demands acceptance. APPENDIX I. THE " DIFFICULTIES" IN THE HEBREW TEXT OF ZEPHANIAH. The words and phrases included in this list have occasioned a great deal of discussion. It may be safely affirmed that in regard to them nothing is certain. l a 'JDK ^DK. The infinitive absolute is from a different root than the finite verb. (sjDKK, Wellhausen; *]?', Nowack; cf. * 104", Mi. 4 B ). I 9 rK. The word stands between two nouns (r\K 'n^Eon, Oort). I 5 D\j?3tfan D'mntfon. The juxtaposition of these two participles is awkward. (Some would omit the former, while others prefer to delete the latter). Ehrlich (Mikrd Ki Pheschuto, III, p. 456) suggests that the use of different formulas of swearing is indi- cated by "a j?3Bfo and "h yzwi ; the former referring to the s n form, the latter to the ^K form. I 9 |r2D hy jSin. The Targum seems to connect the words with the custom of the Philistine worshippers of Dagon, I Sam. I 6 ; cf. Trumbull, The Threshold Covenant, 2d ed., p. 117. Ehrlich (p. 457) translates: die in denVorzimmern herumscharwenzelen. He thinks that sycophants are referred to, and that they are com- pared to dogs leaping up and down at the threshold of their master. I 14 nnn. This word must be read as a participle (IHDD, Well- hausen). 1 The protests of Conjectural Criticism and Higher Criticism do not properly fall within the limits of the present inquiry, but a few remarks which seem not entirely uncalled for have been added in Appendix II. 48 The Text of Zephaniah. I 14 "11:2:1 rm in rnrr or Sp. The grammatical relation of these words to each other and to what precedes is obscure. (The con- jecture of Gratz is rather heroic, 113:0 niir nirr ^p). 1 17 DnS. The exact meaning of this word is unknown (cf. Job 20"). 1 18 nSmj. nSrVj is the ordinary form. 2 1 iKhpi itfuhpnn. The meaning of the words is unknown. pDJ is also uncertain (the Aramaic *|DD means turn pale). 2 a D1D3 with an infinitive occurs only here (in Is. 17 14 and 28* it is used with a noun), and the pleonastic use of S with this con- junction is found nowhere else in the Old Testament. 2 8 The word ^n seems to be feminine in this verse ; in the next verse it is masculine, rnj is found only in this verse; the usual form is m*O. niD is a hapax legomenon of doubtful meaning (Ehrlich, nyi?). 2 7 It is not clear to whom the suffix of orr 1 ?;? refers (D^n hy, Wellhausen). 2 9 p$DD and niDD are hapax legomena, and the meanings usually given to the words are conjectural. 2 11 The tense of nil is difficult and its meaning is obscure. 2 14 nip nrw o ^DU nn p^na intf* Sp? Ehrlich suggests that the 3 of 3in is due to dittography, and he translates the first five words: es pfeift lustig zum Fenster hinein, zum Loch an den Pfosten. 3 1 In HK1D the is hard to explain. 3 8 1D1J is by many regarded as a hapax legomenon (cf . Septua- gint), others take the word as a denominative from DiJ (cf. Nu. 24 8 , Ez. 23 24 ). 3 4 ni1J3 is a hapax legomenon as to form. 3* 11V3 is a hapax legomenon. 3 7 "U1 Sj seems to hang in the air. (It has been proposed to read n^jJD with the Septuagint, to change rn:r to ino% and to take hy s nip) in the sense of command, Lagarde.) 3 10 'injj is a hapax legomenon. 'ysna ? 3 17 "3 a^irv. A direct object for the verb seems necessary OTO, cf. * 21 7 ). 3 18 There are two roots to which uu may be referred; of these one means to be grieved, the other, to be removed. The two Criticism of the Text. 49 translations offered by the Revised Version illustrate the extreme obscurity of this verse. 3 19 nx-niyy is unusual (Gratz suggests that n^D be added, cf. The grammatical governments of unwi is not clear (Noldeke proposed to delete the final D of D'nDfr and to take Dntfa as its object. APPENDIX II. THE CONJECTURAL TEXTUAL CRITICISM AND HIGHER CRITICISM OF THE TEXT OF ZEPHANIAH. I. No one can say what may or may not happen to a text transmitted in manuscript, and therefore not even the wildest conjecture can be dismissed as impossible; but it is equally true, even though the contrary seems to be implied in the confident assertions of some, that the fact that Zephaniah may have expressed a thought in a certain form or written a sentence in a certain way does not actually prove that he did so write or express it. The relative plausibility of the readings which it has been pro- posed to substitute for those in the current Hebrew can be more or less accurately gauged. In Appendix I the conjectures that have something positive to recommend them have already been noted. A free reconstruction of the text obtained by raising poetical measure 1 or the demands of a fantastic theory 3 into a canon of Textual Criticism has hardly more validity than have the results of an entirely arbitrary change, transposition and recombination of letters. 3 The changes which show only what 1 Much study has been devoted to Hebrew poetry in the last two decades. Miiller (Die Propheten in Hirer ursprunglichen Form; Strophenbau und Responsion), Konig (Stilistik, Rhetorik, Poetik) and Sievers (Studien zur Hebraischen Metrik) have contributed largely to the recent popularity of this subject. The latest attempt to recast Zephaniah in poetical form was contributed by Fagnani to the Harper Memo- rial Volumes (1908). a Cheyne (Critica JBiblia, in loc.) has changed 2* to read: D'BO HIIT 1 ? DTJp I 1 ? Uni. He has the following note in support of one of his changes: is required as a parallel to lS though represented only by } in IBhpl. ' Bachmann(^wr Textkritik des Propheten Zephanja, S.K ; 1894) has emended to read : m^D .... HD33 vh 'UH- 50 The Text of Zephaniah. the critic thinks Zephaniah ought to have said can with safety be dismissed from serious consideration. 1 II. This free Conjectual Criticism of the text gives much support to and gains much help from the Higher Criticism, which dissects an ancient document according to subjective standards of style and thought-cogency. The integrity of Zephaniah has often been denied. The following summary condensed from the article Zephaniah by J. A. Selbie in Hastings' Dictionary of the J3ible needs very little comment. 2 Keunen was inclined to regard 3 1 *- 90 as post-exilic on account of differences both in tone and situation from the rest of the prophecy. Stade denied to Zephaniah 2 1 - 8 - 11 and the whole of chapter 3. Wellhausen (com- pare Nowack) suspected 2 2 - 3 , rejected 2 8 " 11 and treated chapter 3 as a later supplement added in two stages (1-7 and 8-20). Budde (followed by Cornill, Einleitung, 3d edition) admitted 2 1 ' 1 , 3 1 " 6 ' 7 ' 8 ' 6 ' 11 " 18 as in harmony with Zephaniah's situation; he rejected 2 4 " 16 mainly because Israel appears as the victim, not as the per- petrator of wrong ; he excluded 3 9 ' 10 as breaking the connection between 3" and 3" ; he declared 3 14 " ao to be a later lyrical epilogue. Schwally allowed to Zephaniah chapter 1, 2 13 ' 16 and perhaps 2 1 ' 4 , holding 2 6 " 1 * to be exilic and chapter 3 post-exilic, though 3'" T may be Zephaniah's. G. A. Smith denied to Zephaniah 2 8 " 11 , 3 9 ' 10 and 3 14 " 30 . Driver remarked that 2 11 seemed to be somewhat out of place and that 3 14 " 20 is somewhat doubtful, though the ' question remains whether it is sufficiently clear that the imagina- tive picture was beyond the power of Zephaniah to construct.' Davidson defended the genuineness of chapter 2 as a whole, but considered it quite possible that it had been expanded in various places; he allowed that 3 10 should possibly be omitted, but other- wise 3 1 " 13 appeared to him to be genuine, although they might suggest that the passage was later than chapter 1 ; in 3 14 " 20 he recognized quite a different situation from the rest of the book. Konig would apparently accept the whole of the book except the title which refers the prophecy to the days of Josiah. This paragraph is an unintended, though on that account no less positive, refutation of the method by which such conflicting 1 D^TJ? for Dmy and v^OY for niBP (2' 4) are of this kind. 2 The article Zephaniah in the Encyclopaedia Bibllca contains a similar summary by Driver. Criticism of the Text. 51 results are achieved. One can hardly repress the thought that a great deal of these " assured results" is due to the endeavor of each latest critic to justify his rediscussion of the subject by presenting something different from that which his predecessors have said. It would seem from this paragraph that the book in its present form is but a sorry piece of patchwork ; and yet the writer of the article Zephaniah in Smithes Dictionary of the Bible expressed the opinion that "the chief characteristics of this book are the unity and harmony of the composition, the grace, energy and dignity of its style, and the rapid and effective alternations of threats and promises." The critics themselves being wit- nesses, there is not a single verse which Zephaniah could not have written, and therefore one who is not anxious to father any- thing new can defend the integrity of the book by choosing his "authorities" with discrimination. The writer is free to con- fess that he is interested in the whole text, which may be Zepha- niah's Zephaniah, rather than in that part of it which in the opinion of each critic a Zephaniah, who was on the plane of religious evolution which he thinks his age had attained, who possessed the mentality with which he is pleased to endow him, and who wrote as he himself would have written under similar cir- cumstances, could or ought to have produced. The arguments and counter-arguments advanced for and against the genuineness of the many verses discussed are all singularly pointless and are invalid to overthrow the presumption established in favor of the integrity of the book by the mere fact that some one gave it its present form ; for to that man's mind the book was a unit and the ease with which critics brush aside the arguments of critics demonstrates that an unbiased Higher Criticism can not show that the man in question was not the Zephaniah to whom the book has so long been attributed. Arguments based on the style of a writer known only through his works are notably precarious, even though he has left extensive literary remains. The psycho- logical law of the Association of Ideas utterly condemns all argumentation based on thought development alone, for it shows that no combination or contrast of ideas even abrupt change from threat to promise is impossible. Zephaniah has left at most fifty-three verses ; it is surely absurd to build up one's conception 52 The Text of Zephaniah. of the man out of the first eighteen that are assumed to be his, and to use the conception of his style and capacities thus gained as a standard to determine which of the remaining verses he could and which he could not have written. Judged by present standards, strong arguments can be advanced to show that 3'' 5b originally stood between the two halves of I 13 : (a). In the present text it is difficult to determine where the arraignment of Nineveh ends and that of Jerusalem begins. The Peshitta has actually referred 3 1 to Nineveh, and the present chapter division of the Septuagint shows that 2 15 was referred to Jerusalem by its author. (b). The nexus between the second and third clauses of 3 6 does not seem to be very close, but 3 Bc in that it would emphasize the absolute hopelessness of Nineveh's condition would be an admir- able conclusion to 2 15 . (c). 3 1 continues in the style of I 11 and 3 2 " 5b contain the full charge on which the punishment threatened in I 12b is based. The ipsi dixerunt of the critics have no greater objective validity than those for this transposition have. A detailed dis- cussion of all the points involved in this seemingly endless dis- cussion would lead far into the theory of Israel's religious development, whose exigencies seem to demand such excisions (2 3 - 11 , 3 8 " 11 ) as are not based on purely subjective considerations, and therefore the reader who seeks for arguments of this kind to support his belief in the integrity of the book must be left to find them in the works of such champions as each verse or verse- group has found. 1 i The present tendency to find wholesale interpolations in the Prophets has been dis- cussed by Vos (The Eighth Century Prophets, Presbyterian and Reformed Review, 1898). x VITA. The writer was born in Meedhuizen, Province of Groningen, Holland, Janu- ary 25, 1883. He received his primary education in the Public Schools of Chicago, 111., and was graduated from Hope College, Holland, Mich., with the degree of Bachelor of Arts in 1903. He attended the sessions of the Princeton Theological Seminary during the years 1903-1907, receiving the Degree of Bachelor of Divinity in 1907. He was the Newberry Scholar of the Board of Education of the Presbyterian Church from 1904 to 1907. From 1907 to 1909 he was a student in Columbia University, one year as a Fellow in Semitic languages. While in Columbia University he attended Old Testa- ment lectures in Union Theological Seminary, New York.