af 5t COr iTISTRY UNIV JFORNIA THE SILICATES IN CHEMISTRY AND COMMERCE THE SILICATES IN CHEMISTRY AND COMMERCE INCLUDING THE EXPOSITION OF A HEXITE AND PENTITE THEORY AND OF A STEREO-CHEMICAL THEORY OF GENERAL APPLICATION BY DR. W. ASCH AND DR. D. ASCH TRANSLATED, WITH CRITICAL NOTES AND SOME ADDITIONS. BY ALFRED B. SEARLE AUTHOR OF "THE NATURAL HISTORY OF CLAV" ** BRITISH CLAYS, SHALES AND SANDS " "CEMENT CONCRETE AND BRICKS" ETC. ETC. ^, R. A R Y^s> COU.LGE Oi ; ,cn S , TY OF CM-tFORNtM U W ' ^ '- NEW YORK D. VAN NOSTRAND CO. TWENTY-FIVE PARK PLACE 1914 . * CONTENTS INTKODUCTION PAGE The Chemistry of Carbon and Silicon . . . . . 1 SECTION I. Historical Review of Existing Theories concerning the Constitution of the Aluminosilicates and other Silicates . . 3 The theories of Berzelius, Smithson, and Dobereiner. The theories of Wartha, Haushofer, Safarik. Tschermak's Felspar Theory. The concep- tion of the acid nature of aluminosilicates by Bonsdorff, Scheerer, Ber- zelius, Bodecker, Odling, Wartha, and Brauns. The acid nature of alumina in aluminosilicates according to Vernadsky and the attempts made by him to devise a general Chemical System of aluminosilicates. Modern theories of aluminosilicates, including those of Rammelsberg, Groth, Clarke, Tschermak, Sawtschenko, Goldschmidt, BombiccL Brauns, Mellor and Holdcroft, Vernadsky, Pukall, Morozewicz and Dalkuhara. SECTION II. Critical Examination of Existing Theories concerning Alumino-silicates Are the aluminosilicates salts of the silicic acids ? Are the alumino- silicates double salts ? Are the aluminosilicates molecular combinations ? Are the aluminosilicates isomorphous mixtures ? Are the alumino- silicates complex acids or the salts of such acids ? The chemical nature of the complex acids and their salts as shown by chemical and physio- chemical investigations. Ostwald's definition of double salts and com- plexes and the behaviour of silico-molybdates and sulpho-molybdates in aqueous solutions. The course of reaction in the formation of complex acids according to Blomstrand and Friedheim. The disadvantages of Blom- strand and Friedheim's theories. The facts for and against the complex nature of the aluminosilicates. The results which follow from the various theories concerning aluminosilicates. Clarke's formulas for alumino- silicates. The constitution of Phakelite according to Groth, Rammels- berg, Thugutt, and Vernadsky. The constitution of Potash Felspar according to Tschermak, Groth, Clarke, Thugutt, Rammelsberg, Wartha, Vernadsky, Zulkowski, Haushofer and Mellor and Holdcroft. The results of the foregoing critical examination and the possibility that the opposi- tion of some hypotheses to the complex nature of the aluminosilicates is only superficial. SECTION III. A Hypothesis concerning the Bonding of the Atoms in Aluminosilicates and Allied Compounds . . . .. . .30 Two new radicals Hexite and Pentite. A structural chemical representa- tion of the complex aluminosilicic acids and their anhydrides based on the use of hexite and pentite radicals of silicon and aluminium. viii CONTENTS PAGE The Consequences of the "Hexite-Pentite Theory," and the Facts . 38 I. The Reactions during Double Decomposition . . 38 Lemberg's researches. II. The Genetic Relationship between the various Aluminosilicates 40 The researches of Lemberg, Thugutt, and Friedel. The Pseudomor- phous processes. Table showing the changes observable in alumino- silicates in nature. III. The Possibility of a Chemical System of Aluminosilicates 47 The Clintonite group. The Mica group. The Scapolite group. The Orthochlorite group. The Tourmaline group. The Felspars. IV. The Variable Chemical Behaviour of part of the Aluminium in Kaolin, Nepheline, and in the Epidotes . . 51 The variable chemical behaviour of part of the hydroxyl in the Topazes and of the aluminium in the Granites. V. The Minimum Molecular Weight of Aluminosilicates . 56 The minimum molecular weight of aluminosilicate in connection with Lemberg's researches. The minimum molecular weight in connection with Thugutt's work on potash, felspar, the mesolites, and the sodalites. VI. The Constitution of Andesite . . ,- . . 62 VII. The Possibility of Isomerism . . . 63 Basic Isomerism. Ring Isomerism. Isomerism in potash and soda felspars. Two isomeric sodalites. VIII. Water of Crystallisation and of Constitution; Basic and Acid Water . . . . . 65 The structural formulae of the Zeolites : Laumontite, Thomsonite, Hydronephelite, Heulandite, Epistilbite, Stilbite, Faujasite, Scoleszites, Foresite and Natrolite, etc., according to Clarke, Friedel, Mallard, Rhine, Damour, Sommerfeldt, van Bemmelen, Doelter, Henry, and others. IX. Prognoses . . . . 73 Base Prognoses. Ring Prognoses. The theoretically possible Arden- nites. The theoretically possible Sapphirines. The structure of How- lite, Avasite, Milarite, Ptiolite, and Mordennite. X. The Constitution of the Complexes of Molybdenum and Tungsten 78 a- and /3-Complexes of Molybdenum and Tungsten. Evidence in sup- port of the structural chemical representation of molybdic and tungstic complexes. The results of researches by Friedheim and his associates. The action of molybdic acid on various vanadates and of vanadates on molybdates. The action of molybdic acid on various phosphates. The action of molybdic acid on arsenates. The genetic relationship between the various vanadinomolybdates. The most stable types of vanadinomolybdates and aluminosilicates. The genetic relationship between a- and /S-phospho-molybdo complexes. The genetic relation- ship between the arseno-molybdates. The different behaviour of the compounds 2 R 2 O V 2 O 5 4 WO 3 and 4 R 2 O 3 V 2 O 6 12 WO 3 to- wards acids in the light of Friedheim's and the Hexite-Pentite theories. The constitution of "the Silicotungstates. The isomeric silicotungstic acids and silicotungstates. The dimorphism of the potash salt K 2 O 2 H 2 O SiO 2 12 WO 9 7 H 2 O in the light of the Hexite-Pentite theory. CONTENTS ix PAGE Systematic Review of a Series of /3-Complexes of Molybdenum and Tungsten . . . . . ... 96 Aluminomolybdates R 2 O A1 2 O 3 10 MoO 3 . Borotungstates 2 R 2 O B 2 O 3 10 WO 8 . Silicotungstates 4 R 2 O SiO 2 10 WO 3 . Platino- molybdates 4 R 2 O PtO, 10 MoO 3 . Platinotungstates 4 R 2 O PtO 2 10 WO 3 . Alummomolybdates 3 R 2 O - A1 2 O 3 . 12 MoO 3 . Chromomolyb- dates 3 R 2 O Cr 2 O 3 12 MoO,. Borotungstates 4 R 2 O B,,O 3 . 12 WO 3 Silicomolybrlates 2 R 2 O SiO, 12 MoO s . Silicomolybdates 4 R 2 SiO 2 12 MoO 3 . Silicotungstates 4 R 2 O SiO 2 12 WO 8 . Zirkono- molybdates 2 R 2 O ZrO 2 12 MoO,. Titanomolybdates 2 R 2 O TiO 2 12 MoO 3 . Phosphotungstates 2 R 2 O P 2 O 5 12 WO 3 . lodomolybdates 5 R 2 O I 2 O 7 12 MoO 3 . Phosphomolybdates R 2 O* P 2 O 5 15 MoO,. Manganomolybdates o R 2 O Mn O 3 16 MoO 3 . Phosphomolybdates 3 R 2 O P O 5 16 MoO*. Phosphotungstates 6 R O P 2 O 5 16 WO 3 . Phosphomolybdates 3 R 2 O P ? O 5 18 MoO E . Phosphotungstates 6 R 2 6- P 2 O 5 18 WO 3 . Arsenomolybdates 6 R 2 6 As 2 O 5 18 MoO 3 . Phos- phomolybdates 7 R 2 O P 2 O 5 20 MoO 3 . Phosphotungstates 6 R 2 O P 2 O 5 20 WO 3 . Arsenomolybdates 3 R 2 O AsoO 5 20 MoO 3 . Phos- phomolybdates 7 RoO PO, 22 WO 3 . Phosphomolybdates 6 R 2 O Pj,O 8 24 MoO s . Phosphotungstates 3 R 2 O P 2 O 5 - 24 WO a . XI. The Constitution of Clays . . ... 102 The theoretically possible aluminosilicic acids. Hydrates and An- hydrides. Isomeric aluminosilicic acids. Water of crystallisation and of constitution. The minerals of the Allophane group as examples of hydro-aluminosilicates. The water of crystallisation and of constitu- tion in the minerals of the Allophane group. The maximum of water of constitution in minerals of the Allophane group. Formulation of a series of analyses of washed clays. The acid character of the clays shown by their chemical properties. The unitary nature of clays according to C. Mene. The behaviour of clays towards concentrated sulphuric acid. " Clay substance." The constitution of clays according to Forch- hammer. The value of " rational analyses " according to Mellor and Holdcroft, Seger, Brongniart, and Malaguti. Definition of " disdyna- mtsed " and " dynamised " substances. Vitrification of clays. Second- ary valencies of oxygen in clays. Effect of heat on clay, according to Rieke, and Mellor and Holdcroft. Polymerisation of Alumina. The chemical changes occurring in the burning of clays. Isomerism and Polymerism of Kaolin. The H.P. theory and the Facts. Pukall's re- searches on Kaolin. The behaviour of Pukall's sodium s-kaolinates to- wards carbonic acid and towards hydrochloric acid. Mellor and Hold- croft's researches on Kaolin. The melting point of clays and other aluminosilicates. Relation between Melting Point and Composition of Clays. Mineralisers. Plasticity. A new theory of plasticity. The Colour of Bricks. XII. Ultramarines . . . < . . . . 136 Historical Review. A new theory of the ultramarines. Two kinds of hydroxyls in hydro-aluminosilicates of the type H 12 H 4 (Si Al Al Si), viz. a and s-hydroxyls. The replaceability of hydrogen in the a-hydroxyls by acid residues. The curious property of the compounds Na 8 H 4 (Si Al Al Si) discovered by Silber. The ultramarines as A- and 2-aluminosilicates. The role of the group S.,O 7 in ultra- marines. Sulphonates. The Sulphonates as Chromophores. The changes in the intensity of colour (Schiitz). The relationship between colour and constitution (R. Nietzki and others). The Hexite-Pentite Theory of Ultramarines and the facts. Theoretically possible ultra- marines. New formulse calculated from analyses of ultramarines. Aluminosilicates from which ultramarine cannot be made. Ultra- marines of different colours, and their constitutions. Isomeric ultra- marines. The behaviour of ultramarines towards salt solutions. The behaviour of ultramarines at high temperatures. The Sulphonate groups A 2 : CONTENTS PAGE and the colour of ultramarines. The behaviour of ultramarine towards acids. The maximum contents of base in ultramarines. The minimum molecular weight of ultramarine compounds. The minimum molecular weight of " Ultramarine blue," according to Guckelberger. The ultra- marines as definite, single chemical compounds. Analogy between ultramarines and sodalites, XIII. A New Theory of Hydraulic Binding Materials and particularly of Portland Cements . . . . . . 153 Critical and Historical review of existing theories. Vicat's theory. Fuchs' theory. Winkler's theory. Feichtinger's theory. The hypo- theses respecting free lime in Portland Cement. The influence of Fuchs' theory on Heldt, on Chatoney and Rivot, and on the investiga- tions made in order to ascertain the constitution of the Portland cements. The theories of Le Chatelier, Newberry Bros., Kosmann, Jex, Erd- menger, Hardt, Schonaich-Carolath, Schott, Zsigmondy, Meyer- Mahlstatt, and Rohland. The microscopical examination of clinker. Portland cements as definite, single chemical compounds. The chemical constitution of Portland cements. The role of the s-hydroxyls in the compound H 20 (Si Al Al Si) in the synthesis of Portland cements. Hydro- and anhydro-basic side-chains. The course of reaction in the formation of Portland cements and the influence of the time and tem- perature of the burning. Sintered and fused cements. The changes which take place during the granulation of slags and the production of slag-cements. Lunge's research on granulated and non-granulated slags. Allen and Shepherd's criticisms. The constitution of slags. A new theory of hardening. The new theory and the facts. The role of " soluble " silica in the hardening of cements. The causes of hardening of Portland cements. Zulkowski's theory of hardening. The conse- quences of the new theory of Portland cements and the facts. New formulae calculated from analyses of Portland cements. Stoichiometric representation of the absorption of water by cement. Regular increase of water-content on hydration of cements. The results of Feichtinger's researches on certain hydraulites : silicate-water, calcium hydroxide water, and water of crystallisation. Feichtinger's researches as evidence for the non-existence of free lime in Portland cements. The possibility of regenerating certain hardened cements and Feichtinger's researches thereon. Hydration and evolution of heat. Ostwald's thermo-chemical investigations on cements. The transition of primary types into secondary ones in Portland cements and Feichtinger's researches thereon. The separation of lime in hydraulites in accordance with certain stoichio- metrical laws. The hardening power of hydraulites after removal of definite proportions of the lime. The maximum contents of silicate- water and calcium hydroxide water. The second setting of previously hardened masses which have been re-ground. The cause of " soluble silica " in hydraulites. The behaviour of hydraulites towards strong acids. The possibility of isomerism in cements. Prognoses of the pro- portions of chalk and clay in the Taw mixture. A new solution of the Sea water problem. The value of cements which contain no a-hydroxyls, especially for maritime work. Prognoses of ultramarine cements. XIV. A New Theory of the Porcelain Cements as used for Dental Fillings . . . . . ... 19^ The first porcelain cement (Fletcher's). The use of porcelain cements in dentistry (Morgenstern). The chemical composition of porcelain cements. The properties of an ideal dental stopping (Miller). The value of a scientifically-founded theory of porcelain cements for the pro- duction of dental stoppings. Laboratory tests on porcelain cements. The superiority of porcelain cements over ivory and natural dental enamel so far as resistance to acids is concerned, and the use of this in solving the problems of the course of reaction in the hardening of such cements. Critical review of the various theories of hardening of porce- lain cements. The chief cause of failure of porcelain cements according CONTENTS xi PAGE to Jung and Morgenstern. Kulka's, Rawitzer and Apfelstadt's theories of hardening. Are porcelain cements single, definite chemical com- pounds ? The composition of porcelain cements as shown by Patent Specifications. A physio-chemical theory of the hardening of porcelain cements. The chemical constitution of porcelain cements. The role of the s-hydrogen in hydro-aluminosilicates in the^ synthesis of porcelain cements. The difference between Portland and porcelain cements. The acido- and baso-philism of aluminosilicates. The acidophilism of the a- and s-hydrogen. The different binding power of fluorine in topazes. The acido- and baso-philism of the artificial zeolites studied by Gans. The amphochromatophilism of Kaolin (Hundeshagen). The acido- and basophilism of kaolin in the production of colour lakes. The acido- and baso-philism of kaolin as deduced from the constitution of the ultra- marines. The physico-chemical reactions during the hardening of porcelain cements. The A- and S-porcelain cements. The course of hydration. The course of condensation. The constitution of the hardened A- and S-cements. The lamellar hardening of dental cements. The consequences of the theory and the facts. Calculation of formulae from analyses of porcelain cements. The absorption of water during hardening must be in stoichiometric proportions. Prognoses of silicate, basic and crystallisation water in porcelain cements. The progressive hydration of porcelain cements. Factors which affect the time of hardening of porcelain cements. The high resistance of porcelain cements to acids explained by the new theory of hardening. The toxic action of A-cements on the dental nerve-substance (pulpa). The non- separation of base from A-cements by the cement acid. Two kinds of zinc phosphate cements : A- and S-zinc phosphate cements. Miller's and Black's physiologico-chemical experiences with A- and S-zinc phosphate cements and the consequence deducible therefrom. The hardened A- cements as " slumbering volcanoes." Cause of neurotropy found in alumino-phosphoric acids and Ehrlich's theory. Definition of neuro- tropy. The facts in favour of Ehrlich's theory of the chemical nature of toxines. The chemical relationship between nerve-fibres and alumino- phosphoric acids. Mordanting animal fibres. Siem's and Dollken's researches on aluminous poisons. Does the acid reaction of an aqueous solution of a metallic salt imply hydrolysis, i.e. the presence of a free acid ? The proof of non-hydrolysis of a series of solutions with metallic salts with an acid reaction by means of conductivity determinations and spectrum analysis. Practical experiences of the physiologico-chemi- cal action of A-cements. Researches made with a view to reducing the poisonous nature of A-porcelain cements by empirical rules and the value of such rules. Pawels' direct proof of the poisonous action of strong acids on the pulpa by means of experiments on animals. Tech- nical demand for improvements in A-cements. Dental decay as the cause of diseases of other organs. The proper method of reducing the poisonous action of the porcelain cements containing strong acids. Practical physiologico-chemical experience of S-cements. XV. A New Theory of Glass, Glazes, and Porcelain . . . 236 The chemical constitution of glasses. Isomerism in glasses. Explanation of cause of variable depression of the zero point in thermometers made of certain glasses. y com pl exes as glasses and their useful properties. The behaviour of glasses towards water and acids. Devitrification. The chemical constitution of coloured glasses. Witt's theory. The H.P. theory and the facts. Calculation of formulae from a series of analyses of glasses, glazes, and porcelains. XVI. The Hexite-Pentite Theory as a General Theory of Chemical Compounds . . . . . . 255 A. The H.P. Theory and the Composition of the Metal-ammonias and allied Chemical Compounds . . . . . . 256 The disadvantages of existing structural formulae of the metal-ammonias, cyanides, etc., according to Kohlschiitter. Werner's theory of molecular compounds. xii CONTENTS PAGE B. The H.P. Theory and "Water of Crystallisation" . . . 259 The valency of oxygen. The molecular weight of water. Water-hexite arid pentite. Hydro-aluminosilicates. Hydro-f'errosulphates. The water of crystallisation in alums. The water of crystallisation in chromo- sulphuric acids. C. The H.P. Theory and the Dissociation Hypothesis of Arrhenius . 266 D. The H.P. Theory and the Constitution of Simple Acids . . 268 Salts offthel'acids H 2 - H 4 (PO 3 ) fi , H H 4 (PO 3 ) S , and H 12 H,(PO 3 ) 16 . Salts of the general formula 2 Pv"O 3 Na 2 O 3 P 2 O 5 aq. Hexite for- mation of niobic and tantalic acid. Hexite and Pentite formation of tungstic acid. Hexite and Pentite formation of the oxygen free acids. E. The H.P. Theory and the Carbon Compounds . . . 271 Carbon and Silicon Hexites and Pentites devoid of oxygen. Chromium hexites. F. The H.P. Theory and the Constitution of the Chemical Atoms : The Archid Hypothesis . . .. . . 273 The consequences of the Archid Hypothesis and the Facts. (a) The Valencies of the chemical atoms. Atoms with constant and variable valencies. The valency of nitrogen. The valency of carbon. The minor valencies of carbon. (6) Homologous series of atoms, (c) The cause of radio-activity and the work of the alchemists. SECTION IV. The Conversion of the H.P. Theory into a Stereo-chemical Theory and the Combination of the latter with the Modern Theory of the Structure of Crystals ... . .281 (a) Critical Review of Existing Stereo-chemical Theories . . 281 The Hypotheses of van't Hoff and Le Bel. The stereo-chemical theories of Wernerv-and Hantzsch, Schrauf, Fock, Groth, Hunt, Tutton, Herz, Doelter and Vufriik, Vogt, van't Hoft', and Becke. (6) The Modern Theory of the Structure of Crystals and the Possi- bility of Combinations of the same with Structural Chemical Theories ..... . 285 (c) Stereo-hexites and pentites, or a Stereo-chemical Theory . . 286 (d) The Hexite-Pentite Law . . . . . 289 (e) Combination of the Stereo-Hexite-Pentite Theory with Modern Theory of Structure of Crystals . . . 289 (/) The Stereo-Hexite-Pentite Theory and the Facts . . 290 A. Dimorphism and Polymorphism and Hauy's Law r . . 290 The cause of dimorphism in compounds with the empirical formula FeS 2 . Discussion between Berthollet and Hauy. Mitscherlich on Hauy's law. Geuther's representation of the dimorphism of CaCO 3 . Lehmann on Hauy's law. B. Isomorphism in the Light of the S. H.P. Theory . . . 294 The geometric constants of isomorphous compounds. The isomorphism of minerals of the Felspar group and Tschermak's theory. Schuster's optical examination of plagioclase. The structure of albite and anorthite CONTENTS xiii PAGE according to Clarke and Groth. Isomorphism and the theories of Jannasch and Clarke. The structure of felspars in the light of the H.P. theory. The cause of isomorphism in various groups of silicates according to Retgers. The influence of Tschermak's felspar theory on the structural representation of chemical compounds. Fock's mixed crystals of the ammonium salt (NH 4 ) 2 O S 2 O 5 H H 2 O with salts of the general formula R"O S 2 O 5 i H 2 O. Rammelsberg's protest against the general applica- tion of Tschermak's felspar theory. The theories of isomorphous mixtures and the facts opposed to it. Retgers' attempt to produce mixed crystals from the salts KH 2 PO 4 and (NH 4 )H 2 PO 4 . Tammann's researches on hexa- penta- and the 16-phosphoric acids. Isomorphism of minerals of the epidote group. Sehultze's research on the production of mixed crystals from PbMoO 4 and PbCrO 4 . Berthollet's views and the theory of isomor- phous mixtures. The discussion between Proust and Berthollet and the result of modern work. C. The Dependence of the Geometric Constants on the Side-chains . 305 The influence of the water of crystallisation in the form of crystals. The crystalline forms of urano-acetate according to Rammelsberg and to the S.H.P. Theory. Muthmann and Becke's topical parameter and the dis- tance of molecules from each other in a crystal. The influence of the side- chains on the crystalline form of benzene derivatives, according to Groth. The Structural Formula of Benzene according to the S.H.P. Theory . 309 The unequal values of the six hydrogen atoms in benzene. Ladenburg's views on the disadvantages of Kekule"'s formula for benzene. Glaus' formula for benzene. Armstrong's and von Baeyer's centric formula for benzene. The stability of benzene and hydrated benzenes in the light of the H.P. theory. The relationship between the compounds of the aromatic and aliphatic series. D. The Optical Properties of Crystals and the S.H.P. Theory . . 312 The relationship between crystalline forms and physical properties. Enantiomorphic crystals. Abnormal optical behaviour of the alums. The cause of circular polarisation in some crystals according to Groth. The production of circular polarisation by means of sheets of mica (Reusch). The dependence of circular polarisation on chemical constitution. The circular polarisation of organic compounds with asymmetric carbon atoms according to van't Hoff and Le Bel. The optical behaviour of pure and mixed alums according to Brauns. Sohncke's explanation of the cause of circular polarisation. The cause of circular polarisation in the light of the S.H.P. Theory. E. The Dependence of the Geometrical Constants on the Temperature 316 Formation of calcite from aragonite, according to Rose and Klein. The change in crystalline form on increase of temperature, according to Leh- mann. F. Molecular Volumes and the S.H.P. Theory . . 317 Summary and Conclusions . ... \ . 318 The H.P. Theory and its critics. The value of the H.P. Theory. The value of the S.H.P. Theory. The aim of Science. Bibliography of references mentioned in text . . . . . 328 Appendix . . . . . . . 340 Formulae and Analyses . ; v . . . 341 Formulse calculated from Lemberg's experiments. Calculation of Formu- lae of the Topazes. Calculation of Formulae of the Epidotes. Calculation of xiv CONTENTS FAGE Formulae of the Granites. Calculation of Formulae of the Mesolites. Cal- culation of Formulae of the Clintonites. Calculation of Formulae of the Micas. Calculation of Formulae of the Scapolites. Calculation of For- mulae of the Orthochlorites. Calculation of Formulae of the Tourmalines. Calculation of Formulae of the Felspars. Calculation of Formulae of Clays. Behaviour of a Series of Dried Clays towards Sulphuric acid (Bischof). Calculation of Formulae from analyses of Ultramarines. Calculation of Formulae from analyses of Portland cements. Bibliography of references in Appendix . . . . 437 PREFACE IN the year 1903, the Faculty of Philosophy in the University of Gottingen proposed the following thesis in connection with the Benek Bequest : A critical examination, based on experimental evidence, is to be made of such chemical compounds as cannot be satisfactorily explained by the usual means. This examination should also take into special consider- ation the extent to which the introduction of molecular additions is of importance in the formation of such compounds, and whether it is possible to devise a complete systematic arrangement of such compounds. Under the motto : " HdvTct (0eo?) fjiTp(t) Kai apiOfjLw KOI (rraOjuLw &eTae " the authors submitted a thesis which forms part of the present volume, viz. pp. 1 to 102 and the Appendix. The solution of the problem was admittedly incomplete, inasmuch as only a single branch of the subject the silicates was taken into consideration. For this reason the Faculty did not grant the first prize to this thesis, but readily granted the second prize " in recognition of fruitful labours leading to a single theory covering a very important group of complex compounds." In this way an established theory the Hexite-Pentite Theory was devised for one highly important group of complex compounds the silicates. With this theory in mind, it was only natural to apply it to a series of silicates of technical and commercial value, such as the ultramarines, Portland, slag, dental and other siliceous cements, glass, glazes, porce- lain, etc., in order, if possible, to elucidate their constitution. This has been effected since the original thesis was first written, and the results are published in the following pages. Commencing with the assumption that Nature has formed all sub- stances in accordance with monistic laws, the Hexite-Pentite Theory has also been applied to the study of the structure of other complexes as well as to that of solutions of the simpler acids, etc., and it has also been employed, in connection with the constitution of organic com- pounds, to form a bridge between organic and inorganic chemistry. XV xvi PREFACE In order to take into consideration the positions which atoms occupy in space (a factor which is omitted from most theories of chemical structure) the Hexite-Pentite Theory has also been developed, in combination with the modern theory of the structure of crystals, into a stereo-chemical theory. The German edition of this work was published late in 1911, but for some unexplained reason almost every reviewer of that edition failed to appreciate the advantages which may be derived from this theory, and with a few exceptions they have overlooked the fact that the Hexite-Pentite Theory as distinct from older ones is concerned especially with inorganic chemistry, and that it has the following characteristics : The Hexite-Pentite Theory is a general and unitary theory ; it is based on a single truth i.e. on a natural law found by inductive reasoning ; it leads par excellence to prognoses, and therefore permits of deductive reasoning the combination being a clear sign of a true theory and it is, in addition, based on the methods of the most famous classical chemists. Moreover, it comprehends the best of the existing theories or explains their deficiencies, and is, above all, a definitely stereo-chemical theory. To enter into a complete reply to the various critics would occupy too much space in the present volume, and as the publication of the present edition has occupied more than a year on account of the additional matter required much of which is due to the kind sug- gestions of the translator the authors have decided to publish the greater part of their reply to critics in a separate volume to be issued shortly under the title " The Structure of Matter." At the same time it will be noted that the chief criticisms have been met in the present edition, though the following are conveniently noted in the Preface rather than in the text. A number of critics adopt the remarkable view that the compre- hensiveness and unitary nature of the Hexite-Pentite Theory are a disadvantage ! This is specially the case with C. H. Desch 736 , Allen and Shepherd 737 , C. Doelter (" Handb. d. Mineralchemie "). Yet comprehensiveness and unitary nature are essential characteristics of any general theory. No less an authority than Berthollet has declared that the advantage of a general over a special theory is that the former has certain characteristics, which are precisely the ones possessed by the Hexite-Pentite Theory. In Gmellin-Kraut's " Handb uch " and other classical text-books it is admitted that the object of investigation is to produce a complete theory of chemistry from which all natural laws affecting chemical reactions can be predicted or explained. In short, PREFACE xvn the comprehensiveness of the Hexite-Pentite Theory is a positive advantage and an indication of its truth. The earliest opponents to a unitary nature or monism in chemistry were the French investigators Laurent and Gerhardt. Mendelejeff and his associates, on the contrary, are in favour of a monistic theory. Blomstrand, Ostwald, Nernst, Markownikoff and many other well- known chemists have often pointed out the fallacy of the conception of the existence of molecular compounds, and these scientists are therefore in favour of a unitary view. One of the reasons why a portion of the present work was granted a prize by the Faculty of the Univer- sity of Gottingen was that in it the investigation leads to a unitary conception of the silicates. One of the most valuable features of the Hexite-Pentite Theory is that it effectively disposes of the necessity for any dualistic conception of matter. The classification of matter into chemical compounds and the so- called isomorphous mixtures or solid solutions, as is so commonly done at the present time, leads to the conclusion that there are some excep- tions to natural laws. Yet when an exception is found to a natural law this is only an indication that the terms in which the law is ex- pressed must be altered so that it may include the apparent exception. Where this cannot be done the " law " must be regarded as imperfectly understood. As Spinoza has remarked, " No sane man will believe that Nature is limited in her powers and that natural laws are of limited and not of general application." The correctness of Spinoza's teaching is clearly shown by the small results which have been obtained from the application of the dualistic or pluralistic theory of matter, i.e. by regarding certain complex compounds as mixtures. Thus, W. J. Miiller and J. Konigsberger 779 , in studying the work of Day and his associates in Washington and of Doelter in Vienna, point out that notwithstanding the skill and expense involved, " the results of these investigations do not appear to be commensurate with the labour involved." Miiller and Konigsberger attribute this to the absence of analogy between the materials investigated and those used in other branches of chemistry, but the Hexite-Pentite Theory shows that there is an abundance of analogies, and that the true reason for the paucity of results of theoretical value from the Washington and Vienna Insti- tutes is to be found in the erroneous pluralistic view of matter which is held by those in charge. The constitution of Portland cement has been the subject of investi- gation for nearly a century, without any definitely satisfactory result. This is due to precisely the same cause the persistent maintenance xviii PREFACE of a pluralistic or mixture theory and the neglect or repression of all information or suggestions to the contrary. The attitude of many supporters of the mixture theories of Portland cements is far from scientific, and notwithstanding the abundance of proof of a chemical nature in favour of the Hexite-Pentite Theory, those in favour of a pluralistic conception of chemical substances still pin their faith to the very slender microscopical evidence on which their theories are based. One extraordinary " result " of following out the mixture theory in the case of Portland cement is in the experience of two French engineers Chatony and Rivot (see p. 156 in the text) at whose instance extensive maritime works were constructed. The panic amongst French and other constructional engineers which resulted from the destruction of these structures can better be imagined than described ! The pluralistic conception of chemical substances has also been the cause of a number of serious accidents and bad results in medical chemistry. Thus, in the opinion of the authors, the pathology of many diseases such as diabetes, cancer, tuberculosis, etc., must remain very incomplete, and the nature and causes of these complaints must be completely misunderstood, so long as the pluralistic conception of matter is maintained. An interesting example of this is found in the toxic action of certain dental stoppings which are fully described in the following pages. So firmly has the mixture theory been held that the opposition to these toxic cements was almost devoid of results, and this theory still exerts a considerable amount of influence, notwith- standing the fact that the authors have not merely shown the causes of the toxic action, but the way to prevent it, and have placed perfectly satisfactory and non-poisonous dental cements, made in accordance with the Hexite-Pentite Theory, on the market. The continued maintenance of the pluralistic conception of matter in medicine is, therefore, even more dangerous than it is in industry. Among the various critics, it is pleasing to turn from those who have reviewed the first edition of this book in a careless or partial manner to greater scientists like Wilhelm Ostwald 780 , who states, " The authors commenced with an explanation of the constitution of the clays and allied substances, but passed on from one branch of chemistry to another until they have eventually been able to illuminate an astonishingly large number of different facts, all of which are regarded from the same point of view." That so able a chemist as Ostwald should describe the present work in such glowing terms is particularly gratify- ing to the authors, more especially as Ostwald had the opportunity, as a student of Lemberg's, of knowing the remarkable pains which Lemberg took in the prosecution of his investigations studies which PREFACE xix have proved invaluable as a source of experimental evidence with which the Hexite-Pentite Theory is in complete agreement. Ostwald even goes so far as to state that " as an observer for many years of the production and development of many scientific theories and works I cannot avoid declaring the present one as most unusual. Let us give a hearty welcome to these young and energetic investigators and assure them that the further results of their work will be watched with the greatest interest." In this connection it is interesting to recall the regret which Landolt expressed that his friend Kekule did not live long enough to see this new triumph of his Benzene Theory, for the Hexite-Pentite Theory may be very definitely regarded as an extension and development of the Dalton-Kekule teaching. In a letter, Landolt also expressed his definite opinion that, sooner or later, the Hexite-Pentite Theory must be taken up by chemists in every branch of the subject. The remark- able results which followed the synthesis of various scents, anaesthetics, dyes, etc. all of which are primarily due to the Kekule Theory are strong evidence in favour of the Hexite-Pentite Theory, for Kekule's theory is essentially a part of the Hexite-Pentite Theory. Ehrlich's Side-chain Theory is, in a similar manner, another part of the Hexite-Pentite Theory, and the enormous value of Ehrlich's theory in physiological chemistry is already recognised by specialists in this subject. . It is also interesting to observe that the facts which have led to the Guldberg-Waage Theory are also direct consequences of the Hexite- Pentite Theory. Even Newton's law of gravitation has an interesting connection with the Hexite-Pentite Theory. The subject of colloids, which is attracting a large amount of attention at the present time, is exceptionally well illuminated by the Hexite-Pentite Theory, and the authors had intended to include a considerable amount of information on this subject in the present work. The amount of space occupied would be so great as to make the present volume inconveniently large, however, and would so seriously delay its publication that this subject must be dealt with in a subsequent volume. The reader's attention is, however, called to the subjects of cements and coloured glasses discussed somewhat fully in the present volume for hitherto the constitution of these has usually been ex- plained in terms of colloids. Such an explanation is highly individual- istic and cannot be applied to cements or glasses as a whole, so that it cannot be regarded as a really scientific hypothesis. By means of the Hexite-Pentite Theory, on the contrary, the cause of the colour of xx PREFACE certain glasses is explained in a manner precisely analogous to that in certain coloured organic compounds, wherein the colour is known to be due to the arrangement of the atoms. In preparing this English edition, the authors have had the inestim- able advantage of the assistance of a well-known authority on clays and other silicates, and they hereby wish to express their indebtedness to him, not only for the manner in which he has executed the transla- tion, but also for his kindness in making numerous and valuable suggestions and criticisms and for the various additions (printed in smaller type for their better distinction) due to his special knowledge of the subject. THE AUTHORS. July, 1913. THE SILICATES. Introduction The Chemistry of Carbon and Silicon THE remark has frequently been made that, whilst the study of carbon compounds has reached a high state of development, comparatively little attention has been paid to that of other elements. A large number of chemists are engaged in studying the chemistry of carbon because the methods of investigation have been worked out more thoroughly than those for other elements ; because the inter- pretation of the results is clearer, and because many carbon com- pounds, such as the organic dyestufTs and more recently the artificial scents, have proved to be of enormous technical value. The majority of chemical theories put forward in recent years are based on the characteristics of carbon compounds and are modified, abandoned, or again become generally recognised, without the chemis- try of other elements having any appreciable influence upon them. There can be little doubt that if the study of other elements had reached as high a state of development as that of carbon, not a few facts would have been discovered which would lead to other constitu- tional formulae and to fresh hypotheses and theories ; it is, indeed, probable that at least as many new laws would be formulated as have resulted from the widespread investigation of the chemistry of carbon. These additional laws and generalisations should be of even greater value, inasmuch as they would be based upon a wider knowledge. Many industries should derive considerable benefit from the results of a more thorough study of inorganic chemistry, and new products or even new industries would probably result. The carbide industry and that of the rare earths owe their existence to an increased study of this branch of chemistry. Other industries such as those concerned in the production of artificial gems, inorganic colours, the manu- facture or employment of cement, clay, ultramarine, glass, etc. are capable of extensive development through the application of scientific investigation to the materials used in them. Whilst carbon has a special interest on account of its being the 2 INTRODUCTION essential constituent of all organic substances, its analogue, silicon, should be no less interesting as it forms the chief material in the earth's crust. It probably plays a far more important part in the natural processes of the inorganic world than carbon does in the realm of organic substances. A moment's thought will show the immense variety of chemical reactions and the enormous scale on which they occur in the upper layers of our planet. The form of the earth's surface, the character of the mountain ranges, volcanic eruptions and the phenomena of solution and decomposition are all related to such characteristics of the widely distributed aluminosilicates as their hardness, fusibility, heat-conductivity, resistance to pressure, etc. These characteristics are closely related to the composition and the chemical nature of the elements concerned, particularly silicon. How great an interest a knowledge of the structure of these compounds possesses, is shown by the manner in which mineralogists and chemists study the crystallographic, physical and chemical properties of rocks and by the great variety of theories which have been formulated in order to give some idea of the constitution of these remarkable com- pounds. In spite of great intellectual effort and innumerable experiments only a small proportion of which have been published which have been made to draw this subject from its obscurity, little progress has been made, and the silicon compounds, in spite of the fact that they occur in enormous quantities and are most widely distributed, must be included amongst those substances of whose constitution very little is known. For this reason it is thought that a fresh attempt to illuminate this subject by investigating it in a purely experimental manner, as distinct from the more theoretical considerations of other scientists, may not be without value. HISTORICAL SURVEY OF EXISTING THEORIES Section I Historical Survey of the various Theories regarding the Constitution of the Aluminosilicates and other Silicon Compounds THE scientific study of the constitution of the silicates commenced in the first decade of the nineteenth century when Berzelius 1 * Smithson 2 and Dobereiner 3 simultaneously (1811) regarded the silicates as salts of silicic acid or silica. Previous to this, the role played by silica was, in spite of the researches by Bergemann, Klaproth, etc., far from clearly understood. The silicates were regarded as complex mixtures of various oxides and as peculiar substances quite distinct from other salts. Very few suggestions as to their true character can be found in the earlier literature ; they remained outside the general development of scientific knowledge, as Tachenius who regarded the silicates as salts of silicic acid endeavoured to show in the seventeenth century. 4 Although the suggestion that the silicates are salts of silicic acid or silica was made simultaneously and independently by Berzelius, Smithson and Dobereiner, as already mentioned, the chief credit must be given to Berzelius ; Smithson contented himself with stating that minerals do not differ from artificially prepared compounds, and that the composition of the silicates can only be understood by regarding them as salts, and quartz as an acid. Dobereiner 5 worked on purely speculative lines, and argued that as silica forms salts with bases, the oxide of silicon, Si0 2 , should be termed " silicic acid." f Berzelius expressed himself much less decidedly, though his meaning was equally clear. 6 He stated that when two oxides combined, one must be regarded as electro-negative, and suggested that the nomen- clature of such oxides could be distinguished from that of the salts. Several years later he classified silica compounds into bi-silicates, tri- silicates, etc. according to the proportion of oxygen in the silica and the base, and made some very clear suggestions regarding the formation * References to authorities are given in the Bibliography at the end of this volume. f The term suggested by Dobereiner, viz. " Kieselsaure/' is that used in Germany at the present day, there being no exact equivalent in German to the English word " silica." The word " Kieselsaure " thus represents both " silica " and " silicic acid," the latter term expressing its meaning exactly, though seldom used excpet where the acid nature of the substance is specially under consideration. A. B. S. 4 HISTORICAL SURVEY OF EXISTING THEORIES of the complicated salts of silica. At that time he was so convinced of the acid nature of silica that he believed that no mineralogist acquainted with the chemistry of the period could have the slightest doubt that silica was a true acid. He maintained as Smithson had done before him that double salts existed in silicates containing A1 2 3 and Fe 2 3 , and pointed out the analogous nature of the alums in which silica is replaced by sulphuric acid. He also regarded the spinels as salts in which A1 2 O 3 plays the part of an acid. These sug- gestions were at once accepted by scientists. By great industry, Berzelius largely extended our knowledge of silicates. The discovery of isomorphism by Mitscherlich and the investigations of Bonsdorff and Rose two pupils of Berzelius con- firmed their master's theories and made it possible to provide simple formulae for a number of silicates. Through the use of a formula which for silica was written as Si0 3 , Si0 2 , or SiO a great simplification occurred, though for the silicates as a whole the expression of the results of chemical analyses by formulae did not fulfil expectations. 7 In 1846 Laurent 8 suggested that the silicates are not salts of a single, but of several silicates. He had proved the existence of several tungstic acids and presumed the existence of several silicic acids of different chemical compositions analogous to ortho- and meta-phos- phoric acid. This hypothesis was accepted by scientists as soon as the value of the " Type theory " had become generally recognised. Be- tween 1855 and 1865 it was in great favour, and it is still held by some chemists. About the time mentioned, Fremy's work on tin-acids was published, and from this arose the idea of poly-silicic acids and anhy- drides, which was readily adopted. This hypothesis has been pub- lished at various times and from various points of view by Fremy 9 , St. Hunt 10 , and Wurtz 11 , its clearest and most accurate form being due to Wurtz. Various modifications of it have been used in theoretical investigations by several scientific writers with greater or less effect, and there is in existence a long series of treatises, each more or less independent of the others, forming complex combinations of old and new work, by Woltzien 12 , Golowkinski 13 , Odling 14 , Streng 15 , Lawrow 16 , Schiff 17 , Bodecker 18 , Stadeler 19 , and others. The chief result of all these researches is to indicate that the theories put forward do not de facto suffice to render the constitution of the silicates clear. So far as they are concerned, the problem remains unsolved in spite of the large amount of work done in connection with it. A great advance was made by Damours 20 , who was the first to suggest that the water in many silicates is of the nature of " water of constitution," i.e. it is an integral ingredient of the salt (silicate) itself. The importance of this observation was pointed out by Lau- rent 21 , Bodecker 22 , and Rammelsberg 23 , and its application has greatly increased the significance of the formulae of many silicates. More recently, Clarke 24 has endeavoured to explain the behaviour of a HISTORICAL SURVEY OF EXISTING THEORIES 5 series of hydrous aluminosilicates the zeolites at high temperatures by means of structural formulae. Many silicate formulae have been further simplified by the employ- ment of microscopical analysis. 25 There still remained, however, a very large number of silicates whose constitution cannot be ascertained by means of the numerous investigations and exact analytical methods previously mentioned. This state of affairs naturally led to further attempts to ascertain the constitution of the silicates, and numerous new theories were formulated. Thus, Wartha 26 , Haushofer 27 , and Safarik 28 endeavoured in 1873-4 to explain the chemical nature of the silicates by means of structural formulae . These attempts, which were based on theories of the structure of carbon compounds, did not lead to any definite result and had no appreciable influence on the development of theories relating to silicates. The felspar- theory published by Tschermak 29 in the " Transactions of the Vienna Academy," in 1865, on the contrary, was of great im- portance, but was only accepted by scientists after it had been dis- cussed for several years.* This theory, which assumes that some of the felspars are formed by the mixture of two substances albite and anorthite is well supported by a large number of analyses, and was undoubtedly of great value at the time it was introduced. It not only facilitated the systematisation of a large number of analyses, but explained the relationship between certain physical characters and the chemical composition of several silicates. In Tschermak's theory the purely chemical functions of the silicates are not considered ; this is its great weakness, and for this reason this theory was only accepted by scientists for want of a better interpretation of the results of innumerable analyses of felspars. This difficulty existed until quite recently, for in Mineralogy there are a number of similar theories in which the chemical characteristics of the compounds concerned are entirely disregarded, as in the ordinary theories of the chemical nature of Scapolite 30 , Mica 31 ' 32 , Tourma- line 33 , etc. Towards the end of the " 'seventies " very few ideas on the con- stitution of silicates were promulgated, the work done at that time being chiefly in the direction of increasing the number of observed facts and improving the "observation material" from which conclu- sions might be drawn with greater accuracy and safety than hitherto. Such researches as these made it possible for Vernadsky 34 to publish his interesting treatise on "The Sillimanite Group and the role of Aluminium in Silicates . " A considerable time before Vernadsky, several authorities had agreed that aluminium in silicates has the characteristics of an acid ; some presuming the existence of complex * Special attention is directed to Reference No. 29 in the Bibliography at the end of this volume. 6 TSCHERMAK'S AND VERNADSKY'S THEORIES silicoaluminic acids whilst others believed that aluminium in the aluminosilicates plays the same role as silicon. Bonsdorf 35 , as the re- sult of investigations on hornblendes containing alumina in which the proportions of Si0 2 and A1 2 3 vary, reached the conclusion that silicon and aluminium each play the same role. Scheerer 36 confirmed this view of Bonsdorff's. The view that aluminium in the natural silicates has an acid character was also held by Berzelius 37 , Bodecker 38 , arid Odling 39 . Wartha 40 was the first to publish this hypothesis in a clear form, but he afterwards paid more attention to structural formulae and ceased to develop this theory. About the same time, Brauns 41 attributed an acid character to aluminium in natural silicates, but instead of the ordinary formula, A1 2 3 , he preferred A10 2 . Vernadsky endeavoured to show that aluminium plays the same role as silicon in the aluminosilicates and that from the latter complex acids (silicoaluminic acids) may be produced. Earlier observations and experiments on aluminosilicates and the chemical changes occur- ring in Nature completely confirmed this view. At first, Vernadsky sought to base a chemical classification of the aluminosilicates on his theory, but this could be applied to only a small number of com- pounds. Most of the aluminosilicates, such as felspar, mica, etc., could not be brought within any scheme he could devise, and though he repeatedly declared that the so-called " mixture theories " have little real value from a chemical point of view, he believed that it was unwise to abandon them. Vernadsky 's 42 structural formulae have consequently done little towards solving the problem of the constitution of the silicates. The present theories as to the constitution of aluminosilicates appear, with the exception of that of Vernadsky, to be combinations of older theories. The existence of various ortho-, meta-, and other silicic and poly-silicic acids, and of simple and double salts of these, is generally accepted, and to some extent structural formulae have been allocated. The theories of Rammelsberg 43 , Groth 44 , Clarke 45 , Tscher- mak 46 , and others are of this kind. Those of Sawtschenkow 47 and, more recently, of Goldschmidt 48 , differ somewhat, as they are based on the idea that the above-mentioned silicates cannot be explained by the foregoing theories. The researches of Bombicci 49 and Brauns 60 , which are based on purely hypothetical considerations, are quite different from those previously mentioned. The recognition of the acid nature of clays is rapidly gaining general acceptance. Kaolin behaves in many ways precisely like an acid, displacing carbon dioxide in carbonates, chlorine in chlorides, etc., and Mellor and Holdcroft 708 consider it to be aluminosilicic acid (kaolinic acid). These writers, like Vernadsky, classify the alumino- silicates according to the ratio of A1 2 O 3 to Si0 2 and distinguish them as alumino-raoTio-, alumino-Alt\ 1=^=0 = Si O/ A X Si = O O = Si Si = OK OK C. Some aluminosilicates, viewed in the light of existing theories, are extremely puzzling even when they are not highly complex. The formula of ardennite, 126 10 MnO V 2 5 5 A1 2 3 10 Si0 2 5 H 2 0, is thus described by Groth : " This formula though based on only a few analyses indicates such a complex structure that it is highly probable that further investigation will lead to its simplification." This declaration was made by Groth because he was not in a posi- tion to find a simpler formula which would agree with the theories mentioned. D. Another consequence of the current theories is that in many experimental researches no analyses are calculated into formulae, the usual view being that the substances are not true compounds, but " isomorphous mixtures." It is clear that many interesting character- istics are overlooked in the absence of formulae. Lemberg 127 is typical of many other investigators who do not express their results by means of formulae. The Result of the Critical Examination and the Possibility that the Objections raised to the Sixth Hypothesis are unreal A critical examination (pp. 8-26) has shown that the alumino- silicates and such complex compounds as the silicotungstates, the phosphotungstates, etc. are closely related substances ; it has shown, moreover that, in all probability, both these groups of compounds may be regarded as members of a single class. With regard to their constitution, this examination only shows that 30 A HYPOTHESIS RESPECTING ATOMIC BONDS the structure of every compound is not yet known. The previous theories on the constitution of the aluminosilicates cannot be regarded as satisfactory, as notable objections can be raised against each, and none of them is capable of logical application to the interpretation of the chemical nature of the aluminosilicates as a whole, nor can any of them be used for a systematic classification. At the same time, it should be noted that the conception of the aluminosilicates as complex acids or salts agrees well with the facts. So long as no better theories are available the sixth hypothesis must claim precedence, in spite of the objections to it already indicated. It is, however, not improbable that these objections are only apparent and that they would be completely overcome if the manner in which the atoms in the anhydrides of the aluminosilicates are bound to each other were known. By the use of a suitable hypothesis for the structure of these anhydrides, a confirmation of this statement may be found. The authors of this present volume have actually formulated such a hypothesis, and its nature and the conclusions which may be drawn from it form the subject-matter of the following pages.* Section III A Hypothesis to show the Bonding of the Atoms in the Aluminosilicates and related Chemical Compounds i A. Two New Radicals Hexite and Pentite 1. Hexite IF six molecules of Si(OH) 4 unite together, splitting off water and retaining the quadrivalency of the silicon so as to form a "closed ring," the following constitutional formula is produced : (OH), Ji" 2 (OH)=S/ ,(OH)=Si) Si = (OH) \/ Si (OH) 2 Formula I. * In sections I and II the authors have followed Vernadsky : " Uber die Gruppe des Sillimanits und die Rolle der Tonerde in den Silicaten " (Bull, der Moskauer Gesdl- schaft der Naturforscher, 1891, 1, 1-100). TWO NEW RADICALS 31 If six molecules of water are split off from formula I, the constitu- tion shown in formula II is produced : II Si /\ O = Sif 7 ^jSi = O O = Sil ISi = O \/ Si & Formula II. Formula I is shown in abbreviated form by means of the following symbols : (OH), H 2 II II II .(OHj-^-fOH), (OH), H:, Formula III. Formula IV. Formula V. And formula II by the symbol : | Si | Formula VI. In the following pages these abbreviated forms will be used in place of formulae I and II. If six molecules Al(OH) 3 unite together to form a "ring" after losing six molecules H 2 O, but retaining the tri valency of the aluminium, formula VII is obtained : Al OH HO A3, 7 ^Al OH O HO AL /Al OH O \/ Al OH Formula VII. 32 TWO NEW RADICALS By the removal of three molecules of H 2 from formula VII the anhydride 3 A1 2 O 3 is produced. Instead of formula VII, the symbols OH HO /\ OH HO lJ OH or H I H /\ H Al O H H or H Formula VIII. Formula IX. X Formula X. may be used, the atomic complex 3A1 2 3 being then represented by \ Formula XI. The radicals indicated by the symbols in formulae VI and XI are termed "Hexite," 6 Si0 2 being known as "Silicon hexite " and 3 A1 2 O 3 as " Aluminium hexite." For Silicon hexite and Aluminium hexite the respective symbols Si and Al will also be employed. The hydrates of these hexites such as : 6 H 2 6 Si0 2 , 4 H 2 O 6 Si0 2 , 3 H 2 3 A1 2 O S , etc., are termed " Hydrohexites." II. Pentite If five molecules of Si(OH) 4 or A1(OH) 3 form " rings " in a manner similar to hexite, the following structural formulae are produced : (OH), (OH), II H 2 H 2 Si ^>=(OH) 1 1 H 2 H 2 = Si>= )H), (OH), II formula XII. Formula XIII. Formula XIV. OH OH H H OH OH 1 i + |AI)> TT TT &- Formula XV. Formula XVI. Formula XVII. A HYPOTHESIS RESPECTING ATOMIC BONDS 33 If the appropriate number of H 2 molecules is removed the anhy- drides Formula XVIII. Formula XIX. are obtained. The meaning of the symbols and formulae XII-XIX is clear from the statement made with regard to hexite ; in addition, the sign -f in formulae XV, XVI, etc. indicates that an even number of these radicles must be present, as such an expression as \ (5 A1 2 O 3 ) (Formula XIX) is impossible with existing conceptions of molecules. The ring-forming polymerisation-products represented by formulae XVIII and XIX are termed " Pentite," that corresponding to Si(OH) 4 being referred to as " Silicon pentite," that corresponding to A1(OH) 3 as " Aluminium pentite," and the hydrates : 5 H 2 O 5 SiO,, 3 H 2 5 SiO 2 , J (5 H 2 5 A1 2 3 ), etc., as " Hydropentites." The pentites of silicon and aluminium will be indicated by the symbols : Si and Al, respectively. B. The Representation of the Chemical Structure of the Complex Alumino- silicic acids and their Anhydrides by means of the Silicon and Aluminium Pentites and Hexites. The silicon and aluminium hexites and pentites just mentioned, provide the " building stones " or nuclei for the acids and anhydrides under consideration. With their aid the mode of formation of the acids appears to be in accordance with the following rules : (a) The hydrohexites or hydropentites of aluminium unite with those of silica or vice versa, the two neighbouring hydroxyl groups in the or^Ao-position in these rings splitting off the elements of water, two other OH-groups, also in the ortho-position in the silicon ring, losing their hydrogen atom and forming free H 2 O. By this means : 1. From one aluminium hydrohexite and two silicon hydrohexites, viz. from 3H 2 - 3A1 2 O 3 and 6H 2 O 6SiO 2 , is obtained the formula : (OH), OH (OH) 2 This may be expressed in four abbreviated forms : 34 STRUCTURAL FORMULAE FOR ALUMINOSILICIC ACIDS (OH) 2 OH (OH), It I (OH),= (OH) 2 = = (OH) 2 =(OH). (OH) 2 OH (OH) 2 = =H$ 6 (Si Al Al Si)=8 H 2 6 A1 2 3 10 Si0 2 Tyy-l Si y~ = HJ (Si Al Al Si)=5 H 2 6 A1 2 3 10 Si0 2 5. ' | Al | Si | Si | Al | = H 6 (Al Si Si - M) = 8 H 2 6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 ~\/\/\/\/ I II II I I I 6. Al Si | Si Al | = Hg (Al Si Si Al) = 4 H 2 6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 I I I 7. <^A1 1 Si J Si \~\/\/ = H a (Al S"i & Al) = 6 H 2 5 A1 2 0, 12 SiO, STRUCTURAL FORMULAE FOR ALUMINOSILICIC ACIDS 37 8. Si Al \ / y^x = H 4 Al;-S A i 12 H 2 3 A1 2 3 18 Si0 2 t 2 3. 2 .5 Na 2 O . 3K 2 O 6 Al 2 3 - 16 SiO 2 4. 3Na 2 O 2. 5K 2 O 6 Al 2 3 - 16 SiO 2 5. 3 .5 Na 2 O 2K 2 6 Al 2 O 3 - 16 SiO 2 6. 5Na 2 0. 5K 2 6 Al 2 3 - 16 SiO 2 7. 1 .5K 2 . 4MgO 6 Al 2 3 - 16 SiO 2 8. 2K 2 3. 5MgO 6 A1 2 3 16SiO 2 9. 2 .5K 2 3MgO 6 Al 2 O 3 - 16 SiO 2 10. 3K 2 O 2. 5MgO 6 Al 2 3 - 16 SiO 2 11. 1 .5K 2 4 CaO 6 Al 2 3 - 16 SiO 2 12. 2K 2 O 3. 5 CaO 6 Al 2 3 - 16 SiO 2 13. 2.25 K 2 O 3.25 CaO 6 Al 2 3 - 16 SiO 2 From all these thirteen compounds he could only obtain a replace- ment of the atoms outside the brackets : NaK 10 (ST- Al-Si- Al Si), and the alumina-silica ratio remained constant. A large number of analogous phenomena might be mentioned, but as they all lead to the same conclusion, the following will suffice. Thus, the silicate (0.5 Na 2 2.5 CaO 3 A1 2 3 18 Si0 2 17 H 2 0) 2 ( / \ =jNaCa 2 . 5 Al^Sl 17 H 2 * x sV 40 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY is converted by a six weeks' treatment at 100 with KC1 (see Appendix, Table I, No. 39a) into the compound / /Six K S O 3 A1 S 3 18 SiO, 13 H 2 = K, Al(-S"i 13 H 2 0. V W This potassium salt is converted by a fortnight's treatment at 100 with sodium chloride solution into the sodium salt (see Appen- dix, Table I, No. 39b) / Six 3 Na 2 3 A1 2 3 18 Si0 2 16 H 2 O = Na 6 Al^-Si . 16 H 2 0. V \Y The potassium salt k H S 3 K 2 3 Al a O, 18 SiO a H 2 = K, - v x after a week's treatment at 100 with sodium chloride solution is con- verted into the sodium salt (see Appendix, Table I, No. 39f ) 3 Na 2 3 A1 2 3 18 SiO 2 - 8 H 2 = Na \ i I 8 H 2 0. The sodium salt (see Appendix, Lemberg's Expts., Series B (c) f / .Six (3 Na 2 - 3 A1 2 3 15 Si0 2 7J H 2 0) 2 =] Na e ( Alf Si 7.5 H 2 [ V W is converted after a hundred days' treatment with potassium chloride solution at 200 into the potassium salt f / A (3 K 2 - 3 A1 2 3 15 Si0 2 1J H 2 0) 2 =] K 6 j Al(-Si 1 1J H 2 [ \ x sv and the sodium salt 3 Na 2 O 3 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 6 H 2 = Na 6 (Si Al Si) 6 H 2 by a three weeks' treatment at 100 with potassium chloride solution (see Appendix, Table II, No. 45a) into the potassium salt 3 K 2 3 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 H 2 = K 6 (Si Al Si) H 2 0, etc., etc. II The new hypothesis implies a genetic relationship between the various aluminosilicates ; under suitable conditions they must be mutually convertible. GENETIC RELATIONSHIPS 41 Thus the silicate 3 Na 2 3 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 = Na 6 (Si Al Si), can change into the silicates (a) 3 K 2 3 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 = K 6 (Si - Al Si), (b) 3 MgO 3 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 = Mg 3 (Si Al Si), and (c) 3 CaO 3 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 = Ca 3 (Si Al - Si), the sodium being replaced by potassium, magnesium or calcium. A conversion of the substance 3 Na 2 3 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 = Na.($ Al Si), into the compounds (a) 3 Na 2 3 A1 2 3 10 Si0 2 = Na 6 (S~i Al Si), (b) 3 Na 2 6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 = Na 6 (S_i - Al Al Si), (c) 3 Na 2 6 A1 2 O 3 10 Si0 2 = Na 6 (Si Al Al Si), can be effected, in case (a) by the conversion of the silicon hexite into pentite, in (b) through the addition of an aluminium hexite and in (c) by the simultaneous transformation of the silicon hexite in (b) into the corresponding pentite. In this manner a series of changes in aluminosilicates prepared artificially by Lemberg, Thugutt and others, and the numerous naturally occurring changes which have been observed may be clearly represented. Thus, Lemberg (see Appendix, Series B) : 1. By the action of caustic soda solution of various concentrations on the silicates : (a) 3 Na 2 3 A1 2 3 - 12 Si0 2 6 H 2 O = Na 6 (Si Al Si) 6 H 2 0, (b) 6 Na 2 6 A1 2 O 3 12 Si0 2 = Na 12 (Si Al Al - Si), (c) 6 H 2 -6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 6*H 2 = H 12 (Si Al Al Si) 6 H 2 0, obtained, from the (a) compound, the substance 6 Na 2 O 6 A1 2 O 3 12 Si0 2 15 H 2 = Na 12 (S A i Al Al &) 15 H 2 0, from (b) the substance 8 Na 2 O 6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 7 H 2 = Na 16 (S A i Al Al Si) 7 H 2 0, and from (c) the silicates 6 Na.O 6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 15 H 2 = Na 12 (Si Al Al &) 15 H 2 and 8 Na 2 6 A1 2 3 12 SiO 2 - 7 H 2 O = Na^Si Al Al Si) 7 H 2 ; 2. By treating the silicates (see Appendix, Lemberg Series B). (a) 6 Na 2 6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 = Na 12 (Si Al Al Si), (6) 3 Na 2 3 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 6 H 2 O = Na 6 (S A i Al Si) 6 H 2 0, and (c) 3 K 2 3 A1 2 3 18 Si0 2 / = K 6 ( v 42 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY with sodium silicate, he obtained from (a) and (6) the substance f / /SiO (3 Na 2 3 A1 2 3 15 Si0 2 7J H 2 0) 2 = \ Na 6 Al Si H, 15 H 2 0, 1 V X Si'J and from (c) the compound 3 Na 2 3 A1 2 8 12 Si0 2 6 H 2 = Na 6 (S A i Al - Si) 6 H 2 O ; 3. From the silicate (0.5 Na 2 2.5 CaO 3 A1 2 3 18 Si0 2 20 H 2 0) 2 =- by treatment for fifteen months at 100 with 20 per cent, sodium carbonate solution he obtained the compound (see Appendix, Table II, No. 44) (/ /Si\ Na 6 Alf Si V X SI/ and by treatment for two months at 100 with a 25 per cent, solution of sodium silicate, the substance 3 Na 2 3 A1 2 3 - 12 Si0 2 6 H 2 O = Na 6 (S A i Al Si) - 6 H 2 ; 4. From the silicates : 6 H 2 O 6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 6 H 2 = H 12 (Si Al Al Si) 6 H 2 O, 6 Na 2 O 6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 = Na 12 (Si Al Al Si), 6 Na 2 O 6 A1 2 O 3 18 SiO 2 12 H 2 ,= Na 12 (Si Al - Si Al Si) 12 H 2 0, 3 Na 2 3 A1 2 O 8 12 SiO 2 6 H 2 = Na 6 (Si Al Si) 6 H 2 0, 3 K 2 3 A1 2 3 12 SiO 2 = K 6 (Si Al S A i), and 2 -15H 2 0, 3K 2 3 A1 2 3 18 Si0 2 . / , / S K = K 6 (Ale-Si I v by treatment with a mixture of sodium chloride and caustic soda (see Appendix, Lemberg Series A) he obtained a " sodalite " : (6 Na 2 O 6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 ) 4 NaCl 4 H 2 = Na 12 (Sll M M Si) 4 NaCl - 4 H 2 ; 5. From 3 K 2 3 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 = K 6 (Si Al Si), and / \ 3 K 2 3 A1 2 3 18 Si0 2 = K 6 Al^Si V \QV GENETIC RELATIONSHIPS 43 he obtained the " sodalite " (6 K 2 6 A1 2 8 12 Si0 2 ) 2 KC1 8 H 2 = K 12 (Si - Al Al Si) 2 KC1 8 H 2 O, by treatment with a mixture of potassium chloride and caustic potash. 6. From the silicates : 6 H 2 O -6 A1.0, 12 SiO 2 6 H 2 = BC^Si - Al Al Si) 6 H 2 0, 6 Na 2 6 A1 2 3 18 Si0 2 12 H 2 == Na 12 (Si Al Si Al Si) - 12 H 2 0, 3 Na 2 3 A1 2 O 3 12 Si0 2 6 H 2 = Na 6 (Si Al Si) 6 H 2 0, 3K 2 3 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 = K 6 (Si Al Si), 3 Na 2 3 A1 2 3 18 SiO a = Na 6 ( Al^S'i X S A 3K 2 3 A1 2 3 18 Si0 2 and a mixture of sodium sulphate and caustic soda he obtained the " sodalite " (6 Na 2 6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 ) 2 Na 2 S0 4 6 H 2 = Na 12 (Si Al Al Si) 2 Na 2 S0 4 6 H 2 ; 7. From the compounds : 6 H 2 -6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 6 H 2 = H 12 (Si Al Al S'i) 6 H 2 0, 6 Na 2 6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 = Na 12 (S A i Al Al Si), 3 Na 2 3 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 6 H 2 = Na 6 (S A i Al Si) 6 H 2 0, 3 K 2 3 A1 2 3 12 SiO a = K 6 (Si Al Si), 3 Na 2 3 A1 2 3 18 Si0 2 and sodium silicate he obtained the " sodalite " (6 Na 2 O 6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 ) 2 Na 2 Si0 3 8 H 2 = Na 12 (S A i - Al Al Si) 2 Na 2 Si0 3 8 H 2 O ; 8. From the silicates : 6 H 2 O -6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 6 H 2 O = H 12 (Si Al Al Si) 6 H 2 0, 3 Na 2 3 A1 2 3 12 SiO 2 6 H 2 = Na 6 (Si Al Si) 6 H 2 0, 3K 2 3 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 = K 6 (S A i Al Si), and a mixture of sodium carbonate and caustic soda he obtained the " sodalite " 3 (6 Na 2 O 6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 ) 4 Na 2 C0 3 30 H 2 O = {Na 12 (Si Al Al Si)}, 4 Na 2 CO 3 30 H 2 0. 44 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY From these researches of Lemberg's a genetic relationship between the compounds of the five following types : 1. S A i Al Si, 2. Si Al Al SX 3. S A i Al S A i Al Si, 4. Al^Si and X Si /* 5. Al^Si Si can be traced. This is shown in the folio whig Table : Table showing the Results of Lemberg's Researches (a) Series 1. Si Al . S A i > Si Al Al Si. (6) Series 2. Si Al Al Si / S A i Al S A i >-Al\^Si Si Si Al^~Si -> S A i Al - S A i X S'i (c) Series 3. /% / o: N Si ~^^S A i-Al-Si (d) Series 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. Si Al Si Al Si ^^ S A i Al S A i > Si Al Ai Si Al^Si The experimental researches of Thugutt produce analogous results : By digesting kaolin 139 (a) 6 H 2 6 A1 2 8 12 SiO. 6 H 2 = H ia (S A i Al Al Si) 6 H 2 0, GENETIC RELATIONSHIPS 45 with 2 per cent, caustic potash solution at 192-202 he obtained a compound (6) 6 K 2 6 A1 2 O 3 18 Si0 2 18 H 2 = K 12 (Si M - Si Al Si) - 18 H 2 ; with 1 per cent, caustic soda solution, a compound (c) 6 Na 2 6 A1 2 3 16 Si0 2 10 H 2 = Na 12 (Si Al S'i Al - S7) -10 H 2 0; with a mixture of caustic potash and potassium silicate two products (d) 3 H 2 O 6 Kj.0 6 A1 2 3 15 Si0 2 6 H 2 = H 6 K 12 (Si Al Si Al Si) 6 H 2 0, (e) 3 K 2 3 A1 2 3 10 Si0 2 aq. = K.(Si Al Si) aq. From the above-mentioned experimental researches of Thugutt a genetic relationship may be shown between the compounds of the types : (a) Si Al Al Si, (6) Si Al Si Al S A i, (c) Si Al Si - Al Si, (d) Si Al Si Al Si, (e) Si Al Si. From these results it follows that compounds of type (a) may be converted into those of type (&), (c), (d), and (e). Friedel has, however, found that compounds such as S A i Al Al Si can also be converted into those of other types. By treating muscovite : 4 H 2 2 K 2 6 A1 2 O 3 - 12 SiO, = H 8 K 4 (S A i Al Al Si), with a mixture of potassium silicate and potassium carbonate, Friedel 140 obtained the compound A i0 2 = K 6 (^ S A i) V \fc/ 3 K 2 - 3 A1 2 8 - 18 SiO Interesting conversions of aluminosilicates have also been observed in Nature (pseudomorphous processes) ; these give results analogous to the experimental researches just mentioned. Analcime 141 3 Na 2 O 3 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 = Na 6 (S A i Al Si) can change into muscovite 4 H 2 2 K 2 6 Al,0 8 12 Si0 2 = ft j 4 (& Al - Al Si), and prehnite 12 CaO 6 A1 2 0, 18 Si0 2 6 H 2 O == Ca 12 (Si Al S'i Al Si) 6 H 2 O. 46 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY The silicates : 6 Na 2 O 6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 (nepheline) = Na 12 (Si Al Al Si), 3K 2 3 A1 2 3 12 SiO a (leucite) = K 6 (Si Al Si), 6 Na 3 6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 4 NaCl (sodalite) = Na 12 (S A i Al Al Si) 4 NaCl, 3 CaO 3 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 12 H 2 (laumontite) = Ca 3 (S A i Al Si) 12 H 2 may all change into analcime 142 3 Na 2 3 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 = Na(Si - Al Si). In Nature, orthoclase 143 / /S A K 3 K 2 3 A1 2 3 18 Si0 2 = K 6 Ai(~Si I v x sr has also been found to change into 6 H 2 6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 6 H 2 (kaolin) = H 12 (Si Al Al Si) - 6 H 2 3 Na 2 3 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 (analcime) = Na(Si Al Si) 6Na 2 6 A1 2 3 18 Si0 2 12 H 2 (natrolite) = Na 12 (S A i-Al-SVAl-S A i)-12 H 2 2 H 2 8 CaO 6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 (epidote) = H 4 Ca 8 (Si Al Al S'i) 3 H 2 3 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 (pyrophillite) = H 6 (Si Al Si) 3 Na 2 3 A1 2 8 18 Si0 2 (albite) = Na / , a 6 | Al^-Sl I 4 H 2 2 K 2 6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 (muscovite) = H 8 K 4 (Si Al Al Si). Natural orthoclase 144 is formed from 3 CaO 3 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 (laumontite) = Ca,(Si Al Si), 3 Na 2 O 3 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 (analcime) = Na 6 (Si Al S*i), 3 K 2 O 3 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 (leucite) = K 6 (Si Al Si), and 12 CaO 6 A1 2 3 18 Si0 2 (prehnite) = Ca 12 (Si Al - S'i Al S'i). Leucite 145 3 K 2 3 A1 2 8 12 Si0 2 = ,(Si - Al Si), may be changed into nepheline : 6 Na 2 O 6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 = Na l2 (Si Al A! Si), and nepheline into natrolite : 6 Na 2 6 A1 2 3 - 18 Si0 2 12 H 2 = Na 12 (Si Al Si Al Si) 12 H 2 0, etc., etc. Table showing the Natural Changes of the Aluminosilicates 1. Si-Al-Si- -^^^^^ * Si Al Si Al Si 2. Si-Al-Ai-Si-Z^? 1 '^' 8 }^' 8 ' - > Si Al Si CHANGES IN ALUMINOSILICATES IN NATURE 47 S'i .sr Si Al Al S*i -Si > "Si ^ Si Al Si 3. Air- Si > Si Al S A i Al Si 4. Si - Al - Si * A^ Si-Al-Sl-Al-Si " X $ In consequence of the great variety of silicates, the various products formed from them by the action of the weather are naturally very numerous. The members of the felspar group are particularly dis- tinguished by the multiplicity of their products. For instance, potash-felspar is converted, on weathering, into kaolin, whilst other weather-products (in the formation of which water as well as air is necessary) are muscovite and epidote, with, less frequently, chlorite and zeolite. Lime felspar, on weathering, forms calcareous zeolite (chabasite, phillippsite, desmine, heulandite, and, less frequently, laumontite, skelezite, etc.). Soda felspar forms sodic zeolites (anal- cime, natrolite, etc.). The scapolite minerals, on active weathering, produce epidote, albite, biotite or muscovite and, finally, kaolin. The tourmalines are seldom affected by the weather, but if so they produce mica, chlorite, etc. Some zeolites (analcime, laumontite, prehnite) are converted into felspars on exposure to the weather. The zeolites may also be converted into other zeolites, as natrolite into prehnite, analcime into natrolite, and chabasite into natrolite. The researches of Lemberg, Thugutt, and Doelter have shown that zeolites are easily converted into other compounds by addition to, subtraction from, or replacement of, some of their constituents. Vernadsky 713 has observed that when granite is fused, aluminosili- cates (e.g. anorthite) and orthosilicates (e.g. olivine) are produced, as in the researches of Doelter and others. The granites may also be formed by a reverse reaction from orthosilicates and aluminosilicates at a high temperature. Granites are also converted into mica, chlorite, minerals of the nepheline group, clays, etc. All these changes are in accordance with the second consequence of the new hypothesis, and the existence of a genetic relationship between the various aluminosilicates may now be regarded as a fact which is established beyond dispute. The nature of this relationship can also be satisfactorily explained by the proposed theory. Ill The hexite-pentite hypothesis renders possible a system of com- plete chemical classification of the aluminosilicates on the basis of their nature as complex anhydrides. 48 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY In order to see how far the consequences of accepting this theory agree with the facts, it was decided to calculate the formulae of a large number of the analyses of aluminosilicates published in Hintze's " Handbuch." As some atoms or atomic groups can be replaced by analogous ones e.g. the atoms K, Na, Li or Ca, Mg, Fe", or the atomic groups A1 2 O 3 , Fe 2 3 , Cr 2 3> Mn 2 3 , etc., or Si0 2 , Ti0 2 , etc. it was con- sidered desirable to make the calculation of the formulae in such a manner that, instead of calculating the number of atoms of each substance separately, the replaceable substances were taken together in groups, thus : Si,Al 2 (Ca, Na 2 , K 2 )0 18 6 H 2 (desmine), 146 (Si 2 5 ) 2 Al(Li, Na, H) (petalite), 147 (Si, Ti) 6 12 (Fe, Mn) (Na, K), (neptunite). 148 This method of simplifying the calculation is due to Berzelius 149 , who recommended its use not for all cases, but for those in which the constituents of a substance bear no simple relation to each other. Gerhardt 150 , who undertook a re-formulation of the silicates, did not follow the suggestion of Berzelius, but added the various bases (such as lime and magnesia) together, even when they bore a simple relation to each other. The authors of the present volume prefer, however, to adopt a grouping which more closely resembles that of Berzelius. By this means it is possible to convert the true formula * the interpretation of which is almost impossible on account of the presence of a number of substances in small quantities into a formula which is simpler, and in many cases but not all to produce a formula which may be interpreted with ease. In re-arranging the formulae, the authors have endeavoured to keep as near to the true formula as possible, so as to obtain results as quantitative as well as merely qualitative value. In many instances this led to apparently complex formulae, but even these may be represented atomically. Calculations, by this means, of the formulae from a large number of analyses of clintonite, mica, scapolite, orthochlorite, tourmaline, and felspar, showed that many compounds of this group may be arranged quite systematically, according to the type to which they belong. The results of this calculation of the formulae from the analytical figures are given in the Appendix. The following types are selected because a large number of the compounds previously men- tioned will be found to fit them. * The conversion of all the analytical figures into molecular ratios is termed the "true formula" as distinct from the approximate formula due to the simplification proposed. CALCULATION OF FORMULAE 49 A. Types of the Clintonite Group * I. R Si R =6 R 2 O 8 6 Si0 2 , II. R-Si-R = 5R 2 3 - 6Si0 2 , III. Si-R-R^-Si = 6 R 2 3 12 SiO 2 , IV. Si-R-RT-Si = 5 R 2 3 12 Si0 25 V. Si R Si R Si = 6 R 2 8 18 Si0 2 , VI. Si-R -Si -R -Si = 6 R 2 3 16 Si0 2 , VII. R Si R Si R = 9 R 2 3 12 Si0 2 , VIII. R-Si-R-S A i-R = 8 R 2 O 3 12 Si0 2 , IX. Srr-R = 9R 2 S - 6Si0 2 , * xX> X. { Si(-R ) t =15 R 2 8 12 Si0 2 . B. Types of the Mica Group S'i ft Si = 3 R 2 8 - 12 Si0 2 , SI-R- Si = 3 R 2 8 - 10 Si0 2 , .A Rr~Si = 3 Ra0 8 - 18 Si0 2 , Si &-Si = 3 R 2 3 - 15 SiO a , X Si R-Si- R = 6 R 2 8 - 6 Si0 2 , R - S A i - R = 5 R 2 3 - 6 Si0 2 , S A i-R- R -Si = 6 R 2 3 - 12 SiO 2 , Si-R- R Si = 6 R 2 O 3 - 10 Si0 2) Si-R- R Si = 5 R 2 3 - 12 Si0 2 , S A i-R- Si R Si = 6 R 2 3 - 18 Si0 2 , Si-R- Si R -Si = 6 R 2 3 - 16 Si0 2 , Si-R- Si R S A i = 5 R 2 O 3 - 18 Si0 2 , R-Si- R -Si-R = 9 R 2 3 - 12 Si0 2 , I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII. XIII. XIV. Si - R Si R Si R ST= 9 R 2 3 20 SiO 2 . * In the Appendix the types are arranged in the order of the R 2 O 3 present ; on the present page they are placed according to their relationship with respect to their chemical structure. SO CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY C. Types of the Scapolite Group I. S A i R Si =3 R 2 3 12 Si0 2 , II. Si R Si =3 R 2 3 10 Si0 2 , III. Si R R Si =6 R 2 3 12 Si0 2 , , IV. Si R R S A i =5 R 2 3 12 Si0 2 , V. Si R Si R Si =6 R 2 3 18 Si0 2 , VI. Si R S A i R Si =6 R 2 3 16 Si0 2 , VII. Si R Si R Si =5 R 2 3 18 Si0 2 , VIII. Si R Si Si R Si =6 R 2 3 22 Si0 2 , IX. Si R Si Si R Si =5 R 2 3 22 Si0 2 , X. Si-R-Sl-R-Si-R-Sl=9 R 2 3 20 Si0 2 , XI. R^-Si = 3 R 2 3 15 Si0 2 . X Si D. Types of the Orthochlorite Group I. Si R Si =3 R 2 3 12 Si0 2 , II. Si R Si =3 R 2 3 10 Si0 2 , III. R^Sl = 3 R 2 3 18 Si0 2 , X Si IV. R^-Si = 3 R 2 3 15 Si0 2 , X Si V. R Si R =6 R 2 O 3 6 Si0 2 , VI. ?'Si*R =5R 2 3 - 6Si0 2 , VII. S'i R R S'i =6 R 2 3 12 Si0 2 , VIII. Si R R Si =6 R 2 O 3 10 Si0 2 , IX. Si R R Si =5 R 2 3 12 Si0 2 , X. S'i R Si R Si =6 R 2 3 18 Si0 2 , XL Si-R-Si-R-Si = 5 R 2 3 18 Si0 2 , XII. Si R S'i R Si =6 R 2 3 16 Si0 2 , XIII. R S'i R Si R =9 R 2 3 12 Si0 2 , XIV. R Si R Si R =8 R 2 3 12 Si0 2 , XV. Si R S'i Si R Si = 5 R 2 3 22 Si0 2 . E. Types of the Tourmaline Group I. R S'i R Si R = 9 R 2 3 12 Si0 2 , II. R S'i R S A i R = 8 R 2 3 12 Si0 2 , III. R-Si-R = 5R 2 3 - 6Si0 2 . DIFFERENTIAL BEHAVIOUR OF ATOMS 51 F. Types of the Felspar Group I. Si R Si Si R Si = 6 R 2 O 3 24 Si0 2} II. Si R S A i Si R Si = 6 R 2 3 22 Si0 2 , III. Si R Si Si R Si = 6 R 2 O 3 20 Si0 2 , IV. Si - R Si Si R Si = 5 R 2 3 24 Si0 2 , V. Si R Si Si R Si = 5 R 2 3 22 Si0 2 . A large number of aluminosilicates may be arranged according to the authors' system (see Appendix). Whether this classification is suitable for all aluminosilicates can only be ascertained by means of more analyses and by calculating more formulae. IV The structural formulae devised by the authors show that the aluminium and silicon atoms in an aluminosilicate do not always behave the same in chemical and physico-chemical investigations. Under certain circumstances some of these atoms behave differently from the remainder, and the same is true of the monovalent and divalent elements in these compounds. It not infrequently happens that the hydroxyl groups which form the "water of constitution" in the aluminosilicates are replaced by the halogens : fluorine, and chlorine. The structural formulae show that, in the latter case, halogen atoms may be united in various ways in a single aluminosilicate and that these atoms must produce different chemical or physico-chemical properties according to their position in the whole molecule. A few examples will make this clearer. In type I I i i i i i 1. \ of the aluminium, 2. J of the silicon, 3. J of the base or hydroxyl groups or the substitutes Cl, Fl, etc. must clearly behave differently from the other f . In type II II. II I I II = /\/\/\/\ = I| Si | A1|A1 Si the aluminium and silicon must behave in a manner analogous to those in type I, but J of the base (or the hydroxyl groups and their substitutes) behaves differently from the remainder. 52 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY In type III ill. only J of the silicon will behave differently from the remainder. In type IV IV. _AAA YYY" 1. J of the aluminium, 2. J of the silicon, 3. J of the base (or the hydroxyl groups or their substitutes) behave differently from the rest. In types V and VI V. I l l I I /\/\/\/\/\ "I Si | Al| Si | Al| Si |" 'YYYYY VI. I /\/\/\_J Si 6 Al 12 24 Fl 3 (OH) 9 , Si 6 Al 12 24 Fl 4 (OH) 8 , Si 6 Al 12 24 Fl 12 . In agreement with this assumption, it has been found by actual analysis that there is a definite maximum proportion of fluorine no topaz being known which contains a larger percentage than the Stadler variety. There also appears to be a minimum, as no topaz is known which contains less than eight atoms of fluorine to six atoms of silica. This interesting result is most easily explained by stating that fluorine atoms which are united to silicon, but not to aluminium (see the structural formula of the Stadler topaz), are easily replaced by hydroxyl under natural conditions, or that J of the fluorine behaves differently from the remainder. The probability of the authors' structural formula for topaz is also confirmed by the chemical investigations of Rammelsberg, who observed that on heating topazes to redness, part of the fluorine escapes as silicon fluoride and part as aluminium fluoride. Further investigations must show that the ratio of the fluorine lost in the form of silicon fluoride to that lost as aluminium fluoride is 1 : 2. The prognoses of types V and VI are partially confirmed by a re-calculation of the analyses (see Appendix) of a number of granites 129 by K. H. Schnerr. This re-calculation gives the following formulae : 20 jo 90 jo 90 jk 10 90 i o 5^2^ 90 $ ^ t 90* II I II I II ^ I II I z i == /\./\./\./\./\ =1 o y /\./\./\ r J Si I R I Si j R I Si L| l0== \Si_| R | Si | R [Si/ =1 II i ll I ii 90 i H i 90 9 1 9 1 9 10 90 TO " ^ 2 " 2 " 2 ^ 2 18 RO 6 R 2 3 18 Si0 2 16 RO - 6 R 2 8 16 Si0 2 A. B. These agree with the theory that J of the aluminium behaves differently from the remainder. The aluminium atoms indicated by dots may be replaced by Fe= ; compounds of type A may contain a maximum of 4 Fe 2 O 3 . Although Schnerr refers to granites in which the whole of the * It is convenient to represent the atomic groups OR"\ O,\ >0, _o>R', -Or (r=pl') by 2, 1 and respectively (see also p. 166) 56 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY aluminium has been replaced by iron, experience shows that the atoms indicated by dots are the ones most easily replaceable by iron. It happens that those aluminium atoms in the granites which are the most easily replaceable by iron are the very ones which, in the epidotes, are incapable of substitution, and a closer study of the structural formulae of these two groups of substances leads to the conclusion that the epidotes are acid salts whilst the granites are basic ones. The presence of a base weakens the attraction between the silicon and aluminium ring radicles, and thereby facilitates the substitution of the aluminium by iron at the points indicated. The consequences of the authors' hypotheses mentioned in this section agree with the experimental results of other investigators. From the hexite-pentite hypothesis it follows that there must be a minimum molecular weight for the aluminosilicates. Thus, the formulae of the compounds Na 2 A1 2 3 2 Si0 2 , Na 2 A1 2 O 3 3 Si0 2 , must be at least sextupled, and those of Na 2 A1 2 3 6 Si0 2 , Na 2 A1 2 3 5 Si0 2 , and Na 2 O A1 2 3 4 Si0 2 , must be at least tripled, in order that they may be represented in accordance with the new theory. How does this agree with the facts ? In many cases the theoretically minimum molecular weight may be ascertained from an analysis of the substance or from certain definite considerations. In this connection, one of a series of silicates : / A (a) 0.5 Na 2 O 2.5 CaO 3 A1 2 3 18 Si0 2 20 H 2 = R 6 | Al Si I 20 H 2 O V X Si' examined by Lemberg (see Appendix, Table II) is interesting. By treating the silicate (a) with salt solutions, Lemberg obtained the following compounds : .A I. 3 K 2 3 A1 2 3 18 Si0 2 H 2 = K 6 | Ab V X Si> / A\ II. 3 K 2 3 A1 2 3 18 Si0 2 13 H 2 = K 6 ( Al^-Si I 13 H 2 0, V X Si' (/i Al(-Si 1 8 H 2 0, x sV CONSTITUTION OF THE MESOLITES 57 IV. 3 Na a O 3 A1 2 3 18 Si0 2 16 H 2 = NaJ Al^-Si | 16 H 8 0. By treating silicate (a) with alkali he obtained V. (3 Na 2 O 3 A1 2 3 15 Si0 2 7.5 H 2 0) 2 / * X_\ Na 6 j Al^-Si \ X Si/ and from the latter and potassium chloride the substance VI. (3 K 2 - 3 A1 2 3 15 Si0 2 1.5 H 2 0) 2 = Kefil^l) V X Si/ 15 H 2 0, 3H 2 0. In the case of the compounds I, II, III, IV, and the silicate (a) from which they are derived, the minimum molecular weight may be found from the analyses ; the formation of compound V from silicate (a) and of VI from V are quite inexplicable if a smaller molecular weight than is required by the hexite-pentite theory is assumed for compounds V and VI. A second instance of interest in this connection is the mode of formation of the potassium salt 3 K 2 3 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 H 2 = K 6 (Si - Al - Si) H 2 0, from the sodium salt Na 2 A1 2 3 4 Si0 2 2 H 2 0, as observed by Lemberg (see Appendix, Table II). This can only be understood if the molecular weight of the original material the sodium salt is tripled ; the theoretically minimum molecular weight is then indicated. The number of instances in which the theoretically minimum molecular weight may be ascertained from analysis is somewhat large, as may be seen from the authors' re-calculation of the formulae of a large number of silicate analyses. From the numerous examples available, the new formulae of the mesolites (see Appendix) may be mentioned here. Formulae of the Mesolites (a) 2 Na 2 4 CaO 6 A1 2 O 3 18 Sip, -15 H 2 0^ = Na 4 Ca 4 (Si Al Si M Si) 15 H 2 0, (6) (1.5 Na 2 5.5 CaO 6 A1 2 3 18 Si0 2 22 H 2 0) 2 ^ = {Na 3 Ca 6 . 5 (Si AL Si Al Si)} 2 44 H 2 0, (c) (Na 2 3.5 CaO 6 A1 2 3 17 Si0 2 15 H/)), = {Na 2 Ca 3 . 5 (Si Al Si Al Si)} 2 30 H 2 0, (d) (2 Na 2 3.5 CaO 6 A1 2 O 3 17 Si0 2 15 H 2 0) 2 = {Na 4 Ca 3 . 5 (Si M Si Al Si)} a 30 H 2 0, 58 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY (e) 2 Na 2 4 CaO 6 A1 2 3 16 Si0 2 12 H 2 = Na 4 Ca 4 (Si Al Si Al Si) 12 H 2 0, (/) 2 Na 2 3 CaO 6 A1 2 3 16 Si0 2 -15 H 2 0^ = Na 4 Ca,(Si Al Si Al Si) 15 H 2 0, (g) 2.5 Na 2 3 CaO 6 A1 2 3 16 Si0 2 20 H 2 = Na Ca,(Si Al - Si Al Si) 20 H 2 0, (h) 1.5 Na 2 3 CaO 6 A1 2 3 15 SiO^ 18 H.O = Na 3 Ca 3 (Si Al Si Al Si) 18 H 2 0, (*) 2.5 Na 2 3 CaO 6 A1 2 3 15 Si0 2 13 H 2 O = Na 5 Ca 3 (Si - Al - Si Al Si) 13 H 2 0. In all the above mesolitic silicates, with the exception of (e), analysis indicates the theoretically minimum molecular weight, and there is no need to doubt that the real minimum agrees with the theoretical one, as otherwise the genetic relationship which is known to exist between these and other members of this group would be inexplicable. It is, moreover, particularly interesting to observe that Thugutt 130 has, by an entirely different method, reached conclusions regarding the minimum molecular weight of certain aluminosilicates which agree, almost without exception, with the authors' theory. Thugutt's conclusions are also of special value because they are based on the results of actual experiments. On the basis of his previously mentioned researches, Thugutt suggests the following constitutional formula : 2 K 2 Al 2 Si 3 10 K 2 A1 2 4 12 Si0 2 which is equivalent to : 3 K 2 O 3 A1 2 0, 18 Si0 2 = K e ( S A i' the following for nepheline hydrate : 4 (2 Na 2 Al 2 Si 3 10 Na 2 Al 2 4 ) 15 H 2 corresponding to : 12 Na 2 12 A1 2 3 24 Si0 2 15 H 2 = {Na 12 (Si Al Al Si)} 2 15 H 2 O, and the following for potash mica : (a) K 6 H 6 Al 12 Si 18 60 = 3 K 2 3 H 2 6 A1 2 3 18 SiO 2 = K 6 H 6 (Si Al Si Al Si), (6) K 4 H 8 Al 12 Si 18 60 = 2 K 2 4 H 2 6 A1 2 3 18 Si0 2 = K 4 H 8 (Si Al Si Al Si). In some silicates the theoretically minimum molecular weight is double that found by Thugutt. Thus, he attributes to potash nephe- line the formula : 2 K 2 Al 2 Si 3 10 K 2 A1 2 4 , CONSTITUTION OF THE SODALITES 59 which, if doubled, gives : 6 K 2 6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 = K 12 (Si Al Al Si). The same is true of Thugutt's constitutional formula for potash mica : H 2 K 2 Al 4 Si 6 20 H 2 A1 2 4 , which, if doubled, gives : 2 K 2 4 H 2 6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 = K 4 H 8 (Si - Al Al &). Equally interesting in this connection are the so-called sodalites.* According to Lemberg's 131 and Thugutt's 132 researches, these are not atomic, but true molecular compounds. This view is opposed to that of other investigators. It is highly probable, from the results of Lemberg's and Thugutt's experiments, that the sodalites are deriva- tives of the sodium nepheline hydrates, and that they are so constituted that a portion of their " water of crystallisation " appears to be replaceable by various salts. If this is really the case, on decomposition they must be capable of forming products which are identical with those from sodium nepheline hydrate. Thugutt's researches have shown that, in reality, one-third of the sodium and one-third of the alumina can be removed from the sodalite in the form of aluminate of potash. Natrolite may be formed by the action of potassium carbonate solution, chloride of sodium (or whatever salt may be added) being set free. Thus, the blue chlorosodalite from the elaolite-syenite from Ditro decomposes in accordance with the equation : 3 Na 2 Al 2 Si 2 8 - 2 NaCl + 2 K 2 C0 8 + 6 H 2 O = 2 Na 2 C0 3 + 2 NaCl + 2 (K 2 Al 2 Si 3 10 3 H 2 0) + Na 2 Al 2 4 . (Of. the analogous behaviour of nepheline hydrate, p. 61.) As a result of this reaction, Thugutt considers that the formula of chlorosodalite should be : 2 Na 2 Al 2 Si 3 10 Na 2 Al 2 4 2 NaCl, but as it is a derivative of sodium nepheline hydrate, whose constitu- tional formula is 8 Na 2 Al 2 Si 3 O 10 4 Na 2 Al 2 4 15 H 2 0, this being confirmed by its reaction with potassium carbonate Thugutt's molecular weight of chlorosodalite should be at least quad- rupled ; its constitutional formula then becomes : 8 Na 2 Al 2 Si s O 10 4 Na 2 Al 2 O 4 8 NaCl. If 4 Na 2 SO 4 replaces the 8 NaCl, the constitutional formula of the sulphatosodalite or norsean is obtained ; if the 8 NaCl is replaced by 4 Na 2 S 2 that of ultramarine results, and so on. Thugutt has artificially prepared a large number of analogous substances and has allotted molecular weights to them, as shown in the following Table. * Another means of representing the constitutional formula of the sodalites atomically is possible and is discussed in connection with the ultramarines (p. 152 et seq.). 60 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY Thugutt's Sodalite Series 133 12 Na 2 2 (6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 ) 8 NaCl 4 H 2 0, 12 Na 2 2 (6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 ) 6 NaBr, 12 Na 2 O 2 (6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 ) 6 Nal - 6 H 2 O, 12 Na 2 2 (6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 ) 8 NaC10 3 2 H 2 O, 12 Na 2 2 (6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 ) 3 Na 2 0. B 2 3 8 H 2 O, 12 Na 2 2 (6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 ) 2 Na 2 I 2 5 . 10 H 2 0, 12 Na 2 2 (6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 ) 8 NaC10 4 4 H 2 0, 12 Na 2 2 (6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 > 4 Na 2 C0 3 12 H 2 0, 12 Na 2 O 2 (6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 ) 3 Na 2 C0 3 18 H 2 0, 12 Na 2 O 2 (6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 ) 4 Na 2 Si0 3 16 H 2 O, 12 Na 2 2 (6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 ) .3 Na 2 Si0 3 15 H 2 0, 12 Na a O 2 (6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 ) 4 Na 2 S0 4 12 H 2 0, 12 Na 2 2 (6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 ) 3 Na 2 S0 4 12 H 2 0, 12 Na 2 2 (6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 ) 3 Na 2 Cr0 4 - 15 H 2 O, 12 Na 2 2 (6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 ) 3 Na,Se0 4 12 H 2 0, 12 Na 2 2 (6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 ) 3 Na 2 Mo0 4 21 H 2 0, 12 Na 2 2 (6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 ) Na. 2 W0 4 13 H 2 0, 12 Na 2 2 (6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 ) 2 Na 4 P 8 5 12 H 2 0, 12 Na 2 2 (6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 ) 8 NaN0 3 6 H 2 0, 12 Na 2 O 2 (6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 ) 3 Na 2 P 2 5 18 H 2 0, 12 Na 2 O 2 (6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 ) 4 Na 2 HP0 4 14 H 2 0, 12 Na 2 2 (6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 ) 2 Na 4 P 2 7 14 H 2 0, 12 Na 2 2 (6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 ) 3 Na 2 - Aso0 5 - 14 H 2 0, 12 Na 2 2 (6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 ) 3 Na 2 S 2 3 9 H 2 0, 12 Na 2 O 2 (6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 ) 8 NaOH 4 H 2 0, 12 Na 2 2 (6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 ) 6 Nal 9 H 2 0, 12 Na 2 O 2 (6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 ) 8 HCOONa, 12 Na 2 2 (6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 ) 6 CH 3 COONa 3 H 2 0, 12 Na 2 2 (6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 ) 3 Na 2 C 2 O 4 18 H 2 O. The minimum molecular weight of any member of this series may be ascertained from an analysis of the substance, as in the two follow- ing sodalites : 12 Na 2 O 2 (6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 ) 3 Na 2 - B 2 3 8 H 2 and 12 Na 2 O 2 (6 A1 2 O 3 12 Si0 2 ) Na 2 W0 4 13 H 2 0. The hexite-pentite theory formulated by the authors of the present volume gives the same molecular weight. Moreover, if the salt- content (in molecules) of a sodalite is represented by m2 and the water- content (in molecules) by nH, the constitution of these substances may be ascertained from the following formula : {Na 12 (Si Al Al Si)} 2 m2 , nH. For some micas, Thugutt 134 suggests constitutional formulae with a different molecular weight from that implied by the hexite-pentite theory. Thus, he attributes to two potash micas the formulae : K e H 3 Al 12 Si 18 O eo H 6 A1 6 12 = 4.5 K 2 4.5^H 2 9 A1 2 3 18 Si0 2 , K fl H 6 Al 12 Si 18 60 H 6 A1 6 12 = 3 K 2 6 H 2 9 A1 2 3 18 Si0 2 , CONSTITUTION OF THE SODALITES 61 whilst the authors of the hexite-pentite theory prefer : 3 K 2 3 H 2 6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 = K,H 6 (Si Al Al - Si), and 2 K 2 4 H 2 O 6 A1 2 O 8 12 Si0 2 = K 4 H 8 (Si Al Al Si). This contradiction is more apparent than real, and the fact that J of the aluminium in these compounds behaves differently from the remainder is equally well shown in the authors' formulae. Indeed, there appears to be no important reason why Thugutt should not substitute the formulae : K e H 2 Al 8 Si 12 40 H 4 A1 4 8 , and K 4 H 4 Al 8 Si 12 40 ' H 4 A1 4 8 , for those he has selected, and so obtain formulae which give the same molecular weight as those suggested by the authors. Another apparent contradiction to the authors' theory is the nepheline formula calculated by Thugutt from a series of analyses in Hintze's " Handbuch." In this calculation, notwithstanding that he has represented nepheline hydrate and potash nepheline by formulae in which the alumina-silica ratio is 1 : 2, and the great probability that in nepheline itself this ratio is also 1 : 2, Thugutt selects the formula : K 2 Na 8 Al 10 Sin0 42 = K 2 4 Na 2 5 A1 2 3 11 Si0 2 ; and in accordance with the reaction of this substance with alkaline carbonates he gives 8 Na 2 Al 2 Si 3 10 4 Na 2 Al 2 4 3 K 2 Al 2 Si 3 10 , as the constitutional formula. This formula is quite inexplicable by the hexite-pentite theory. As a matter of fact, the nepheline analyses by Hintze 135 do not yield a formula in which the alumina-silica ratio is 1:2. Several analyses approach very closely to the formula : K 2 4 Na 2 - 5 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 = K 2 Na 8 (Si Al Al Si). Analyses Molecular Calculated Weights Composition XXIII XXV XXIV K 2 O = 94 5.98% 5.66o/ 4.76% 5.05% 4 Na 2 = 248 15.77% 15.71% 15.97% 16.35% 5A1 2 3 = 510 32.45% 32.66% 32.06% 33.28% 12SiO 2 = 720 45.80% 45.23% 45.53% 45.10% 1572 100.00% It is conceivable that the decomposition products of nepheline must be the same as those of nepheline hydrate, as its constitution is analogous, even though it contains a different alumina-silica ratio. Thus, the consequences of the hexite-pentite theory do not, as regards minimum molecular weight, contradict the facts. 62 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY VI The conclusion has already (see pp. 22 to 26) been reached that, of all the theories devised for showing the constitution of the alumino- silicates,the one which agrees best with the facts is that which assumes that these compounds are complex acids and their corresponding salts. It has also been shown that, by the use of the hexite hypothesis respecting the arrangement of the atoms, most of the objections to the " complex acid theory " disappear. Thugutt's discovery that part of the aluminium behaves differently from the remainder and that of P. Silber that in nepheline J of the sodium behaves differently from the other | are not only explicable, but are direct consequences of the theory. A complete classification of a large number of alumino- silicates is also rendered possible ; the felspars, micas, scapolites, etc. need no longer be regarded as belonging to different groups of minerals, but may be considered all to belong to a single class of compounds. They can only be conceived as salts of a definite series of alumino- silicic acids, and the " mixture theory " may be abandoned. Only the behaviour of andesite now remains unexplained, and even this will become clear if the following constitutional formula based on the hexite-pentite theory is used : Na Na Na I I ! i: Si Al j Si \/\/\/ Ca Ca Ca I I I /\/\/\ I Si I Al Si) Na Na Na 3 Na 2 3 CaO 6 A1 2 3 24 Si0 2 . A glance at this structural formula of andesite shows that it will react with NaCl as shown by the following equation : Na Na Na Na Na Na III I I I /\/\/\ Al Si Si | Al| Si | VVV s/\/\/ I I I III Na ISa Na Ca Ca Ca+6NaCl = + 3 CaCl 2 III Na Na Na I I ii I I I N* Na Na Na I I I Na Na Na THE POSSIBILITY OF ISOMERISM 63 The complex is decomposed and the re-formation of andesite by means of CaCl 2 (double decomposition) is impossible. The conception of the aluminosilicates as complex acids thus agrees excellently with experimental results. VII From the structural formulae already given it follows that two kinds of isomerism 136 * are possible : 1. An isomerism resulting from a different, yet still symmetrical, arrangement of the basal atoms, or " Basis-isomerism," and 2. An isomerism due to the ring radicles, or " Ring-isomerism." A few examples will make this clearer : From the compound two isomers are possible : I. Basis isomerism / K/Al/Si V From the compound H 4 Na 6 (Si Al Si), two basis-isomers are also possible : Na Na Na H Na H III III H /\/\/\ . H Na /\/\/\ Na H I|s^M H Na _|siJ ^N_ Na Na Na Na H Na H I. II. * For Literature with reference to Isomerism in inorganic compounds see No. 136 in Bibliography. 64 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY II. Ring isomerism From compounds with an alumina-silica ratio of 1:2, two ring- isomers are possible : 5i|Al[Al|Si| /\/\/\/ Al | Si I Si Al | \/\/\A/ I. II. From the derivatives of this type, analogous ring-isomers produce a secondary type : | Si | Al| All Si I <"Af|Si Si|1fN \/ \/ X \/\/ ' I. II. ,/\ etc. iv. Crystallographic and chemical investigations have already indicated the actual existence of isomeric aluminosilicates. Thus, potash felspar \? is already known in two forms, viz. as orthoclase (monoclinic) and microcline (triclinic). Soda felspar, / Si K Al^Si V \T is also known to occur in the two forms of sodium orthoclase (mono- clinic) and albite (triclinic). The following results of work by Thugutt confirm the existence of ring-isomers : In the previous Section it was shown that the con- stitutional formula of the sodalites is based upon {Na 12 (Si Al Al Si) } 2 m 2 n H. Hence the existence of a second series of sodalites with the formula {Na 12 (Al Si Si Al)} 2 m 2 nH, is theoretically possible. As a matter of fact, Thugutt has discovered two chlorosodalites with a different behaviour towards calcium chloride, although the chemical composition of both is identical. The artificially prepared hydrogen sodalite behaves towards calcium chloride in a manner quite different from that of the natural sodalites from Arendal, Ditro, Miask, and Turkestan. VARIOUS KINDS OF COMBINED WATER 65 The artificial variety, on treatment with calcium chloride solution, yields a calcium chloride-sodalite according to the following equation : 3 (6 Na 2 6 A1 2 3 12 SiO 2 4 NaCl) + 22 CaCl 2 = 3 (6 CaO 6 A1 2 3 12 SiO 2 ) 4 CaCl 2 + 48 NaCl. With natural sodalites, on the contrary, the equation is : 2 (6 Na.O 6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 4 NaCl) + 12 CaCl 2 = 2 (6 CaO 6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 ) + 32 NaCl. It is, at present, impossible to say which formula belongs to either of the two isomers. ^ Further researches will show how far these prognoses of the theory are confirmed in this respect by the facts. VIII Water may be present either as " water of crystallisation " or " water of constitution, " the latter being acid- or base-water. The " acid-water " may be of various kinds : part of the hydroxyl groups may be united to the aluminium hexite or pentite, the remainder to the silicon hexite or pentite. This may be seen from the following formula, in which the different kinds of water are indicated by , ft, y, and S, respectively : (ft) () (0) (OH) 2 OH (OH) i II 1 (7) HO Ca\ 'V\/\/Ca- OH (r) (ft) HO/ Si Al Si \OH (0) (ft) H0\ \ . /OH (0) (7) HO Ca/ \/ v \/ \Ca- OH (7) (OH), OH (OH) i 08) w (ft 6H 2 (5). Since Damour first drew attention to the change in the behaviour of the water in hydrous aluminosilicates or zeolites at higher tempera- tures, this subject has been studied by various investigators (see p. 4, last line) and particularly by Clarke. Of the zeolites examined by Clarke 138 , those relevant to the present purpose are laumontite, thomsonite, hydronephelite, heulandite, epistilbite, stilbite, faujasite, scolecite, foresite, and natrolite. The Structural Formulae of the above-mentioned Zeolites, based on their behaviour at high temperatures (after Clarke) I. Laumonite Al 4 (Si0 4 ) 5 Si 3 8 Ca 2 H 8 4 H 2 = 4 H 2 2 CaO 2 A1 2 3 8 Si0 2 4 H 2 0. II. Thomsonite Al 4 (Si0 4 ) 6 Ca 3 (AlH 2 2 ) 2 H 4 3 H 2 = 4 H 2 O 3 CaO 3 A1 2 3 6 SiO, 3 H 2 0. 66 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY These structural formulae were suggested by Clarke from a study of the dehydration experiments of Damour, Hersch, and others, which showed that -f- of the water must be regarded as " water of con- stitution." III. Hydronephelite Al 3 (SiO 4 ) 3 -Na 2 H-3H 2 O == \ (2 Na 2 H 2 3 A1 2 3 6 Si0 2 6 H 2 0). IV. Heulandite Al 4 (Si0 4 ) 3 (Si 3 O 8 ) 3 Ca 2 H 8 6 H 2 = 4 H 2 O 2 CaO 2 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 6 H 2 0. V. Epistilbite Al 4 (Si0 4 ) 3 (Si 3 8 ) 3 Ca 2 H 8 6 H 2 O = 4 H 2 2 CaO 2 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 6 H 2 O. Epistilbite is stated by Clarke to have the same composition as heulandite, but the water in it appears to be more strongly bound. VI. Stilbite Of the same composition as epistilbite and heulandite ; behaves like heulandite on fusion, but sometimes forms anorthite. VII. Faujasite Al 4 (Si0 4 ) 4 (Si 3 8 ) 2 Na 2 CaH 8 15 H 2 O = 4 H 2 Na 2 CaO 2 A1 2 3 10 Si0 2 15 H 2 0. VIII. Scolecite Al 4 (Si0 4 ) 6 Ca 2 H 8 2 H 2 = 4 H 2 2 CaO 2 A1 2 3 6 Si0 2 2 H 2 0. IX. Foresite Al 4 (Si0 4 ) 6 CaH 8 H 2 = 4 H 2 CaO 2 A1 2 3 6 Si0 2 H 2 0. X. Natrolite Al 2 (Si0 4 ) 3 Na 2 H 4 = 2 H 2 Na 2 A1 2 3 3 Si0 2 . The Structural Formulae of Laumontite, Thomsonite, etc., according to the Hexite-Pentite Theory The structural formulae suggested by Clarke, when rearranged in accordance with the hexite-pentite theory, yield constitutional formulae in which the results of Clarke's researches may also be seen, as follows : I. Laumontite Clarke's formula multiplied by f gives : THE CONSTITUTION OF THE ZEOLITES 67 6 H 3 3 CaO 3 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 6 H 2 O = H 12 Ca 3 (Si Al Si) 6 H 2 caOH ca caOH .(H0) = (HO) = = (OH), = (OH), 6H 2 O ca = Ca caOH ca caOH II. Thomsonite Clarke's formula multiplied by 2 gives : 8 H 2 6 CaO 6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 6 H 2 O = H 16 Ca 6 (S A i Al Al Si) 6 H,0 HOCa-OH OHCa-OH ,(HO) = .(H0) = A HO Ca-OH =(OH) 2 Si I -6H 2 =(OH) 2 A OH Ca-OH III. Hydronephelite Clarke's formula multiplied by 4 gives : 4 Na 2 2 H 2 6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 12 H 2 == H 4 Na 8 (ST Al Al Si) 12H 2 O Na H H Na I I I I Na /\/\/\/\ Na Na- Si Al Al Si 12H 2 I I I I Na H H Na Ring- and Base-isomers of this composition are clearly possible. IV. Heulandite Clarke's formula multiplied by f gives : / /A 6 H 2 3 CaO - 3 A1 2 3 - 18 Si0 2 9 H 2 = H 12 Ca 3 l Al^-Si 1 9 H 2 O ca (OH) ca (OH) 2 = 9H 2 O ca ca -- Ca 68 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY V. Epistilbite Epistilbite, according to Clarke, has the same composition as heulandite, but the water is more strongly bound. Possibly epistilbite has the following structural formula : OH Oca HO Si caO~\/ Al __/OH I Oca OH 9H 2 OH Oca ca = i Ca as in this the water would be bound more strongly than in heulandite. VI. Stilbite Clarke's formula multiplied by f may be expressed thus : / /Six 6 H 2 - 3 CaO 3 A1 2 3 18 Si0 2 9 H 2 = H 12 Ca 3 l Al~Si 1 9 H 8 0. V X Si Stilbite is either analogous to heulandite or epistilbite or it is an isomeric product of heulandite with the following formula : (OH) 2 ca ca- (OH) Si Al \' I (OH),. 9 &/\ ca = J Ca (OH) 2 |JX 'ca (OH) 2 ca VII. Faujasite Clarke's formula multiplied first by f and then by 2 gives : (6 H 2 1.5 CaO 1.5 Na 2 3 A1 2 3 15 Si0 2 22.5 H 2 0) 2 - 2 45 H 2 THE CONSTITUTION OF THE ZEOLITES 69 (OH), Oca // ONa (W (OH). y ^. Oca (OH), ONa 45H 2 O VIII. Scolecite Clarke's formula multiplied by 3 gives : 12 H 2 O 6 CaO 6 A1 2 3 18 Si0 2 6 H 2 = H 24 Ca 6 (Si Al Si Al Si) 6 H a O OH (OH), OH Ca OH OH (OH), II I \/ I II HO-Ca, A /\ /\ X\ /\ ,Ca-OH HO i ca = J Ca Al | Si |~ H .6H 2 I X\ I i, OH (OH), OH Ca OH OH (OH), OH Scolecite is of special interest, inasmuch as it must contain all the four different kinds of theoretically possible water. IX. Foresite If Clarke's formula is tripled it gives : 12 H 2 3 CaO 6 A1 2 8 18 Si0 2 - 3 H 2 = H 24 Ca 3 (S A i Al Si Al Si) 3 H 2 OH Ca OH OHOHCa OH OH OH Ca OH V I N/ J \/ (OH), = (OH), = = (OH), = (OH), 3H 2 (OH), OH (OH), OH (OH), 70 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY Foresite contains all the four kinds of water theoretically possible. X. Natrolite Clarke's formula, if multiplied by 6, leads to one which is impossible according to the hexite-pentite theory, as compounds with an alumina- silica ratio of 1 : 3 cannot have more than 12 R 2 O. This does not necessarily prove an objection to the theory, as Clarke, in publishing his formula for natrolite, definitely pointed out that the character of the water in this compound is doubtful. Further investigations will show that this compound only contains 6 molecules of " water of constitution." The Hexite-Pentite Theory and other Zeolites Part of the prognosis of the theory put forward by the authors of this volume is completely confirmed by the facts ; it will, therefore, be of special interest to enquire whether other investigations of zeolites such as fractional determination of water will lead to the same conclusions as to the existence of water in four different forms of combination in such compounds as scolecite, foresite, etc. A number of investigators, following the researches of Friedel, E. Mallard and E. Rhine 733 , have concluded that the zeolites form a remarkable class of substances which differ from the hydrates. The work of A. Damours, who showed that water can be partially absorbed by dehydrated zeolites re-combined, supports this conclusion. There is a general impression that the loss of water from zeolites does not follow the laws of Dalton and Proust, though this view is in direct contradiction to the experiments of Clarke. This view has been specially supported by J. M. van Bemmelen 717 , E. Doelter 783 , F. Rinne 718 , and Sommerfeldt 719 , but A. Johnson 720 adopts the contrary view and maintains that the evolution of water is not, in principle, different from that of normal hydrates. J. M. van Bemmelen regarded the combination of water in zeolites as similar to that in silica jellies. Doelter regards it as " adsorbed." E. Rinne has found, in the case of heulandite and desmine, that definite changes in the water-content are accompanied by equally definite changes in the optical character of these substances. According to him, in heulandite and desmine an equilibrium is formed at all temperatures and the loss of water is dependent on external circum- stances such as atmospheric pressure and temperature. The belief that loss of water by zeolites does not follow stoichio- metrical laws is, without doubt, based on an error. Clarke, for instance, has conclusively shown that, in the case of heulandite, the loss of water is quite in accordance with these laws and that in the case of desmine the same regularity is highly probable. The apparent irregularities are due to the use of too small molecular weights for these THE CONSTITUTION OF THE ZEOLITES 71 compounds, whereby the regularity of the loss may be overlooked. That this is the case with heulandite has already been shown. That it applies equally to desmine is not difficult to prove, as follows : Desmine has the general formula CaO A1 2 3 Si0 2 5 H 2 0. According to the H.P. theory, part of the water shown is " water of constitution" and the remainder is "water of crystallisation" (p. 65), the structural formula being : 6 H 2 6 CaO 6 A1 2 3 6 Si0 2 4 (6 H 2 0). It is clear that a whole series of water-separation phases may occur, such as : 1. Conversion of two hexites into pentites. 2. Conversion of the remaining hexite into pentite. 3. Separation of four pentites. 4. Separation of four hydroxyl groups. There are at least ten phases of water-separation which lead to forms differing from each other in crystallographic and optical charac- ters. In short, the researches of Klnne, rightly considered, really agree with the consequences of the H.P. theory. The compounds A. (CaO A1 2 3 Si0 2 5 H 2 0) 6 B. (CaO A1 2 3 Si0 2 - 4 H 2 0) 6 C. (CaO-Al 2 3 -Si0 2 -3H 2 0)e D. (CaO A1 2 3 Si0 2 2 H.O), E. (CaO A1 2 3 Si0 2 H 2 0) F. (CaO-Al 2 3 -Si0 2 ) 6 are distinguished by their different optical and crystallographic properties ; the compounds A, B, and C being monoclinic, D appears to be rhombic, E still more clearly rhombic, and F (which has no water of constitution) is amorphous. Sommerfeldt considers that the zeolites, unlike the hydrates, lose water continuously, and regards them as solid solutions. He has applied the law of Ch. Henry and the second law of thermodynamics to zeolites by integration, and the substitution of logarithms for natural numbers in the formula : (1) U = RT'd(ln^) C 72 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY in which the concentration of the water in the solid and vaporous form is represented by c' and c. He devised a second formula in which at least two temperatures are known and are proportionate to the maximal tensions of the water vapour and that of the water occluded in unit volume of the substance, namely c' 2 : c 2 . The heat of combina- tion may, in this way, be calculated. From the formula thus obtained (2) U= +4-584 log. (^!_jjt)-j!-T, Calories, \ Cj_ C a 7 -L2 -LI it is possible to ascertain whether the usual laws of thermodynamics are applicable to zeolites. If, for instance, the vapour tension of the occluded water c' and the heat of combination U in the formula (2) are sufficient, the zeolites may be regarded as solid solutions. E. Sommerfeldt has determined calorimetrically the evolution of heat, 7, following the absorption of water by analcime, and obtained, as the result of three tests, the values 1520, 1710, and 1635 Cals. for the heat of combination of 1 molecule of water, i.e. an average of 1622 Cals. From the percentage of water by weight which a sample of analcime lost on being heated from 20 to TC., whereby it is in equilibrium with the water vapour, the maximum temperature of which can be ascertained from G. Friedel's researches, the heat of combination U may be found to be approximately 8530 Cals. This disagreement shows that the formula (2) cannot be applied to zeolites. Hence, according to E. Sommerfeldt, zeolites cannot be solid solutions ; he regards them as adsorption products. This conclusion of Sommerfeldt's is only partially correct, as the disagreement of the value found with that calculated merely shows that the zeolites are not solid solutions. It does not show that the water is adsorbed, i.e. combined in non-stoichiometric proportions. Indeed, the authors of the present volume have previously shown that the available experimental material only indicates that the zeolites do not differ essentially from other hydrates. The objection may be raised that the chief characteristic of zeolites their ability to re-combine with water of crystallisation, as shown by Damour, whereby they are distinguished from other compounds con- taining water of crystallisation is inexplicable in terms of the H.P. theory. This anomaly is, however, merely superficial. The power of combining with water has been exhaustively shown, elsewhere, to be due to : 1. The number of hydroxyl groups belonging to the water of crystallisation, and 2. The nature of the base in compounds (salts). The more hydroxyl groups a compound contains, the closer is its relationship to ring- water. In saline compounds the combining power of the ring-water is also dependent on the nature of the base. Some complex acids have a close relationship to ring-water and therefore PROGNOSES 73 crystallise with a relatively large number of water-rings. The sodium salts of these acids contain less water of crystallisation, the potassium salts still less ; hence the water of crystallisation in the sodium com- pounds is more strongly combined than in the analogous potassium salts. It is, in fact, probable that the calcium group (O.Ca.OH) near the OH-groups in zeolites causes the water-rings which have been separated to re-combine. This property of re -combination so charac- teristic of zeolites cannot properly be made a reason for separating these compounds from others containing water of crystallisation, and forming a separate class of compounds of a so-called " zeolitic character." IX The hexite-pentite theory proposed by the authors enables prog- noses of the chemical composition of the aluminosilicates to be made. Two kinds of prognoses must be clearly distinguished : 1. Those founded on the proportion of base in the compound (Base-prognoses) and 2. Those involving the presence of ring radicles (Ring-prognoses). 1. Base-prognoses From a study of formulae of the type Si Al Al Si = 6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 , it is possible to predict that 1. Compounds having such a formula can at most contain 10R 2 0, and that 2. From formulae of this type the composition of an enormous variety of salts can be predicted, including normal, acid, basic or mixed salts, some already known and others the existence of which has yet to be proved. By replacing the hydroxyl groups by halogens a further series of compounds is theoretically possible. Thus, the existence of the following compounds of this type is readily conceivable ; the same is true of other formulae : ,__M a I- ;; |Si|Al|Al|Si| ~ 2. |Si|Al|Al|Si ~ \/\/ JNa ~\/\/\/\/ Na Na Na Na K K (Normal Salt) (Anhydric Salt) Na H H Na Li H H Li I I i I I I I I 4. ^|Si|Al|Al|SiC^ 2 2 Na H E[ lia Li Et i Li (Acid Salt) (Acid Salt) CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY K 2 Na Na K 2 II I I II rr- 5. *~|Si|Al|Al H 2 = :, Na Na K 2 (Normal Salt) 6. Ca K K Ca I I II Li2== YV Ca K K Ca (Normal Salt) 7 - Si Al Al M g=l A A \/\/\/ Mg Na 2 H H Na 2 (Acid Salt) Na Na Na Na I I I I =Mg o HO-Mg-f 'HO-Mg- Si Al Al Si v/ Na Na Na (Basic Salt) , Mg-OH ) Mg-OH Na 9. 2 (HOMg) = 2 (HOMg) = Na 2 H H Na 2 II I I II /\/\/\/\ Si I Al | Al I Si \/\/\/\/ Na 2 H: li Na 8 (Acid and Basic Salt) = (MgOH) 2 = (MgOH) 2 Ba H H Ba 2 (HOMg OMg) = / \/ \/ \/ \= (Mg OMgOH) 2 2 (HOMg- OMg) = xxx/x/x/ = (Mg OMgOH) 2 II 1 1 II Ca H H Ca (Acid and Basic Salt) (CaOH) 2 Na Na II 1 1 (CaOH) 2 II 11. 2 (HO-Mg-0-Mg-0-Mg) = 2 (HO-Mg-0-Mg-0-Mg)= (CaOH) 2 K = (Mg-0-Mg.O-Mg-OH) 2 = (Mg-0-Mg-0-Mg.OH) 2 (CaOH) 2 2. Ring-prognoses From each primary type of formula, a series of secondary com- pounds may be devised. Thus, from the primary type : Si Al Al Si PROGNOSES 75 the secondary (a) Si A! Al Si, and (6) Si Al Al Si, may be produced ; from the primary : Si Al Si Al Si the secondary : (a) Si Al Si Al Si, (6) Si Al Si Al Si, (c) S A i Al Si Al Si, (d) Si Al Si Al Si, etc. It has already been shown that a portion of the aluminium in epidote is replaceable by Fe=. From the formula for tourmaline (see Appendix) it may be concluded that part of the aluminium in aluminosilicates is replaceable by boron. If it be admitted that the aluminium in hexites and pentites may be replaced, in whole or in part, by elements capable of forming sesquioxides and this view is highly probable and is supported by many analyses the constitution of a large number of compounds may be represented. An interesting series of prognoses may be based on the properties of the mineral " ardennite," 151 in which part of the aluminium is replaced by vanadium. The composition of this mineral is shown by the formula : 10 MnO V 2 5 5 A1 2 3 10 Si0 2 5 H 2 0, which may be derived from : Si R R Si the structural formula being : \ Si I Al I Al I Si ^= 5 H a O = 10 RO V 2 5 5 A1 2 3 10 Si0 2 -5 H 2 O. \ A /< The positions indicated by dots show the vanadium atoms in the aluminium hexite. Vanadium hydrate is Vd Hi (OH) 5 , hence the trivalency of the dotted positions. It is highly probable that other " ardennites " will be found, in- cluding the following : 1. =< Si| Al Al! Si >=-aq. = 12R 1 0-2V 1 0.-4Al I O i -10SiO i -aq. 76 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY 2. I Si I Al Al | Si |_ * aq. = 12 R 2 V 2 6 5 A1 2 8 12 Si0 2 aq. ~ \/\ /\ /\/~ II I I II II III III II = /\/'\/"\/\ = 3. Si Al |A1 | Si I = -aq. =14R 2 0-2 V 2 5 -4Al 2 3 -12Si0 2 -aq. =\A./\./\x = II III III II etc. The replacement of the silicon by allied elements, such as titanium, zirconium, tin, etc., is also possible, and a further large variety of compounds becomes conceivable. For instance, in the formula (a) Al Si Al, the aluminium atoms may be replaced by those of boron to produce (6) B - Si B. If the silicon in (b) is replaced by Sn B - Sn - B, may be produced. In a similar manner, by replacing aluminium and silicon in substances of other types, a large number of borosilicates, aluminostannates and borostannates become theoretically possible. Few such compounds are known actually to exist ; among others is nordenskioldite 152 f 6 CaO 6 B 2 3 6 SnO a = Ca 6 (B Sn B). Apart from those aluminosilicates whose constitution has already been described under the term " a-complexes," there is a smaller series the " /^-complexes " which must be represented somewhat differently, though they are quite analogous to those previously mentioned. These include sapphirin 153 5 MgO 2 Si0 2 6 A1 2 3 . The constitution of this compound needs some explanation, as it has already (p. 35) been suggested that a silicon hexite can, at most, unite with three Al. Hence the formula : PROGNOSES 77 R 10 (A1 Si 2 Al) ; R 2 = Mg. Sapphirin must, in fact, be regarded as a salt of an acid derived from the hydrate : Si S= (OH),, >0 Si = (OH) 3 and from two hydro-aluminium-hexites by the removal of the elements of water. Theoretically, a sapphirin corresponding to I _ I Si : | Al y~ Si : |~AT V I ~l R 8 (Al.Si 2 -Ai); R 2 = Mg, is possible, and, as a matter of fact, an analysis by Damour 154 and another by W. Schluttig 155 suggest a sapphirin corresponding to 4 MgO 2 SiO a 5 A1 2 3 . If the aluminium in sapphirin is replaced by Fe = , Cr = , Mn E= , B = , etc, and the silicon by Ti, Zr, Sn, etc., a large number of new substances will be formed. Howlite 156 : Si : [B" V I I R 8 (B Si 2 B) aq. = 4 CaO 2 Si0 2 5 B 2 3 aq., * In this structural formula, the oxygen atoms are omitted for the sake of greater clearness. 78 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY and Avasite 157 : I __| Si : | Fe )>- Si: I I H 8 (Fe Si, Fe) 5 H 2 = 4 H 2 2 Si0 2 5 Fe 2 3 5 H 2 0, are of this nature. Theoretically, another class of ^-complexes is also possible, viz. those producible from the hydrate Al = (OH), >O Al = (OH), and forming silicon hydrohexites and hydropentites in the manner previously described. Compounds of the following types may thus be obtained : ii:ft" , nA \ \/~~ Al:lJL/" \ I \ - II / /\ / " Ai:|siL ^ : |_SL>= o \/ II The constitution of the silicates 2 CaO - KOH A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 (milarite) 15 ', RO A1 2 3 - 10 Si0 2 - 5 H 2 (ptioHte) 159 , RO A1 2 3 - 10 Si0 2 7 H 2 (mordennite) 160 , etc., thus becomes clearer. If the molybdenum and tungsten complexes are truly analogous to the aluminosilicates, they must be constituted in an analogous manner. Assuming that, on the one hand, molybdic and tungstic acids and, on the other hand, vanadic, phosphoric, arsenic, and antimonic acids form hexa- and penta-radicles (hexites, pentites, hydrohexites and hydropentites) analogous to the acids of silicon and aluminium, complexes of molybdenum and tungsten together with their compounds must exist or be capable|of production, which may be termed a- and MOLYBDIC AND TUNGSTIC COMPLEXES 79 /5-complexes ; in other words it must be possible to conceive a large number of molybdic and tungstic complexes whose constitution may be ascertained from the hypothesis just mentioned. It is clear that the chemical properties of the compounds should agree with the structural formulae assigned to them. That they do so is shown below. It is now necessary to consider what vanadium molybdates are theoretically possible. a-Vanadomolybdic anhydrides Mo-V- M5-V- V Mo Mo V = 3 = 3 = 6 V 2 6 - V 2 5 - V 2 5 - 12 10 G MoO 3 , Mo0 3 , Mo0 3 , V Mo V = 5 V 2 3 - 6 Mo0 3 , Mo V V- Mo = 6 V 2 5 - 12 Mo0 3 , Mo- V- V- Mo = 6 V 2 5 - 10MoO 3 , Mo- V- V- Mo = 5 V 2 5 - 12 MoO 3 , Mo-V- Mo V Mo = 6 V 2 5 - 18 Mo0 3 , Mo- V- Mo V Mo = 6 V 2 5 16 Mo0 3 , Mo-V- Mo V Mo = 6 V 2 5 - 15 Mo0 3 , Mo- V- Mo -V M = 5 V 2 5 - 18 Mo0 3 , V-Mo- V- Mo V -9 V 2 5 12 Mo0 3 , V-Mo- V- Mo V = 8 V 2 5 - 12 Mo0 3 , V-Mo- V- Mo V = 8 V 2 5 10 Mo0 3 , /Mo V^-Mo = 3 V 2 5 18 Mo0 33 X Mo Mo^V X V = 9 V 2 5 - 6 Mo0 8 , etc. etc. From the existence of /?-aluminosilicates it may be concluded that the existence of analogous /2-vanadomolybdates is also theoretically possible. These are formed (1) from the hydrate : ViEE(OH) 4 >0 and molybdenum hydrohexites or hydropentites, and (2) from Mo M (OH), >0 Mo m (OH) 5 , 80 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY and the corresponding ring-radicles of vanadic acid. In the first case the following hydrates are produced : I: w; A Mo V: Mo H 12 (Mo V 2 Mb) (b) V : Mo >- ____ s H 10 (Mo V, Mo) (c) A 1 M^ 1 \7 /\= iv/r/-\ II II Mo : V : \y Mo \/ = ' Mo : V : Mo \ f II \ 1! / II ' }\= =V : Mo =V : Mo 1 10 H 2 V,0 5 18 Mo0 8 10 H 2 V 2 5 15 MoO, (e) 1 1 Mo : V : Mo Mo : V : MO H 16 (Mo 2 >V 2 V 2 l> ^ T j> "7 1* s c8 ^ O 'o ' Q* O o tt CO q9 ws CO"* (M " CO . co . S" all cs O o^ q 1 . . &J . W O * * . q pf lq U5> -Og- 10 ifs i o qj |iV o" ^o 4' oF I HH . &o; TO pq tj"^ 03 B CO > 4^ CO ga o C-J 1 N : IS 1 g OQ W ^ o^o . 1 | 3 coo 6?? |I 1 J2 * * *~^. IQ Ki ^ (2 q, t3 q e , 2 -"co CO CO . CO . X o q m *r"S 0? pf 1 o! I i o q| q! 1 I o cS *"5 us l? : So 5>' ^ (M RN g (NH 4 )V0 3 + J Mol. MoO 3 with 2> o I 1 I MOLYBDIC AND TUNGSTIC COMPLEXES 83 Q (M 1 1 C J ? 4 q " > >" q 1 o q "*"^S q O N 4 M w g w" 1| o 6 o 5^ tl O I CO ' O B S m i i q l W g s s O p o 6 s O 1 & 1 co + 1 M cf CO 1 4 P^ w i *i (M W * n co g c cT o | CO co C? * *-*3 bsT ^ ^ ! 03 > 6 > > | 4 Q 5 .2 w" O HH* 1 g ^H & The Solution of (NH 4 )V0 3 +MoO 3 gives by simple evaporation M 1 | 'S eg O I Product CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY ft o 3 ^5 I I I O 5 > 'o I s "cS a i i ^ 7 ? f CJ GO co ^H f^ 9 CO CO m (M ^H (M (N U9 FH pH O O kO ^ q q. (M > > 4 ^ ^-^ -5 q o o M kJP w ** o 1 q! CO . W | s 1 S J 1 1 I" g, I M (M i o:| CO W TH ? q CM 1 B 8 I 4 w K H q q q o q ^ s o (M n 1 g 4 M w g. (N 4 i n ^3* ^*** *O (M ^o i^ CO bO 1 III ! n s^= 6 C leo I 4 i J1 ^H S ^ fl d w *S ^ O ^^ i! CO " (M 10 U9 q q l! *+H O IJ s w* g 4 M B g 4 w Ma O M ^ 4 CO IQ P^ c^ 10 86 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY O q W CO 10 co O q 2- 4s ev ft w ^ q q <0* 1-t 4 09 M M M O, q o II i 1 d O i | V18MoO 3 W 00 n pf co Q 1 9 i 00 i-H i 1 CO"" 1? 7 o" o; i 1 *8 4 ' Q 6 pT PH pT o ^i w \i M 6 q q cT ffi ^* "* CO M M M CO CO (N CO j- CJ w d o 9 1 i i 1 | 9 i o O) CO rt< o O 00 ^ o O 11 O . O 7O '""' O ^* O o dw O HH d qtf d M " qW i 42 S ^ PjS pT **? pT pj'S pT ^2 s s 6 w 4 6 " CO 4 4 4 M 4 c5 i' o CO >o 10 10 CO 10 1 1 Reacting nbstances 1 PH "3 ^ +0 1 +d 11 P< i +0 * O Q g 1 + P "3 He) co 4 saturated \ Mo0 3 lo- ll 03 I B a M M w M 3 2. 1 MOLYBDIC AND TUNGSTIC COMPLEXES 87 10 o H ! i o CO 1 i W 4 S 1O % *6 << K m HH w Q 6" O co Q 03 o qoq * m | 3 a M7s2 o o lo 1 ! CO d "B o;w q 03 J? o>- ro w M >O en* * *fl tc* 1O OQ 1O 1 m << . q and e" must be analogously constituted. MOLYBDIC AND TUNGSTIC COMPLEXES 89 As these substances are also shown in the Summary of Tables A, B, C, and D a* = a, b" = b 7 = b, c 77 = c, d 77 = c 7 , e 77 = h, there is a definite actual relationship between all the vanadomolyb- dates mentioned in Tables A, B, C, D, and E. It is obvious that there can only be one theory which explains all these vanadomolybdates satisfactorily. The authors' hexite-pentite theory does this, and, what is more, it enables the existence of this relationship to be predicted. A study of the following structural formulae of these vanadomolybdates leads to the surprising result that a large number of the theoretically constructed compounds of this group are actually in existence, and it is to be expected that the remaining vanadomolybdates which are theoretically possible will be discovered sooner or later. The vanadomolybdates just mentioned clearly possess the following structural formulae : . /./*h (2 R 2 - V 2 6 6 Mo0 3 ) 3 = R 12 V^-Mo (a, a 77 ), 7 R 2 3 V 2 6 18 Mo0 3 = R 14 (v^-Mo I (c, c"), / /M A CK (5 R 2 2 V 2 5 - 12 MoO.K.5 = B J V^-Mo 1 (b, b 7 , b 77 ), V X l&/ (3R 2 0-V 2 5 -6Mo0 3 ) 3 = R 18 (vr-Mo) (a 7 ), V XT*/ (R 2 V 2 O 5 3 Mo0 3 ) 6 = R 12 (Mo V Mo V Mo) (d), (2 R 2 V 2 5 3 Mo0 3 ) 6 = R 24 (Mo V Mo V Mo) (d 7 , ej, (3 R 2 2 V 2 5 6 Mo0 3 ) 3 = R 18 (Mo V Mo - V Mo) (f), (2 R 2 2 V 2 5 5 Mo0 3 ) 3 = R 12 (Mb V Mo V So) (g), (3 R 2 2 V 2 5 4 Mo0 3 ) 3 = ~R l6 (Mo V V Mo) (e 77 , h), (4 R 2 3 V 2 5 5 Mo0 3 ) 2 = R 16 (Mo V V -Mo) (i), (5 R 2 4 V 2 5 6 Mo0 3 ) 2 = R 20 (Y Mo V Mo -V) (k), (R 2 V 2 5 Mo0 3 ) 6 = R 12 (V M A o V) (1), (2 R 2 V 2 5 4 Mo0 3 ) 3 = R 12 (Mo V Mo) (c 7 , d 77 ). 90 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY The objection may be raised to the conception of the a-vanadomo- lybdates as salts of complex acids : viz. the ratio of the acid components (V 2 5 : Mo0 3 ) must remain unchanged when the acids are treated with salts such as NaCl, KC1, etc., and the only substitution which can take place is by means of monovalent elements such as Na, K, etc. With the vanadomolybdates, however, this is not always the case. For instance, it may be seen from Table A, that the compound (a') 5 (NH 4 ) 2 4 V 2 5 - 6 Mo0 3 14 H 2 0, on treatment with KC1 is converted into (&') 3 K 2 - 2 V 2 O 5 4 Mo0 3 7 H 2 0. The acid anhydride ratio in (a') is 2 : 3 and in (&') it is 1 : 2. From the same Table it follows that (c') 3 K 2 (NH 4 ) 2 3 V 2 5 5 Mo0 3 9 H 2 0, on treatment with KC1 is converted into (d f ) 3 K 2 2 V 2 5 4 Mo0 3 7 aq. In (c') the ratio of V 2 O 5 : Mo0 3 =3 : 5 and in (d') I : 2. In this connection it should be borne in mind that notwith- standing the undoubted existence of free complex acids of Mo and W, such as the silicotungstate SiO 2 12 WO 3 , silicomolybdate Si0 2 12Mo0 3 , phosphomolybdate P 2 O 5 24MoO 3 , etc. Friedheim and his associates endeavoured to regard molybdic and tungstic complexes as salts of related acids ; they conceived the idea that they might be double salts and had hopes that this would suffice to explain the remarkable conversions they had observed. And yet these reactions are by no means so puzzling as may, at first sight, appear. Only the a-complexes of the aluminosilicates can be distinguished by a certain durability, e.g. 5.5 R 2 6 A1 2 3 16 Si0 2 (p. 39), in Lemberg's series. Whatever salts are allowed to act on the com- pounds in this series the aluminasilica ratio remains constant. In the a-components of the molybdic and tungstic complexes this is not always the case ; they are, to some extent, unstable. The aluminosilicates are not all of equal stability. Of all the numerous types previously mentioned, SVA1-A1-SX the kaolin type, is the most stable. It is well known that the action of various natural (geological) processes is to convert the various alumino- silicates into compounds of the kaolin type. The great stability of compounds of the kaolin type is also shown by a series of fusion experiments by Doelter 168 , who found that MOLYBDIC AND TUNGSTIC COMPLEXES 91 1. Laumontite : Ca 3 (Al Si Al) 12 H 2 0, at a sufficiently high temperature, loses silica and water, forming anorthite : Ca 6 (S A i Al Al Si). 2. On fusion, natrolite : Na 12 (Sl - Al - Si Al - Si) - 12 H 2 0, produces Na 12 (Si Al Al Si), silica and water. 3. On fusion, scolecite : H 24 Ca 6 (Si Al Si Al Si) 6 H 2 0, yields Ca,(Si Al Al Si), silica and water. If the vanadomolybdates and vanadotungstates are true analogues of the aluminosilicates, the most stable of the a-compounds must be Mo V V Mo, and W-V-V-W. This is actually the case, for Friedheim has shown that (a) 6 Na 2 3 V 2 5 6 W0 8 , on boiling with WO 3 , is converted into () 6 Xa0 3 V 2 6 12 W0 8 , and on fusing ft the a-compound W V V W, remains behind. On studying the puzzling transformations of the vanadomolyb- dates in the light of the hexite-pentite theory, it will be seen that the less stable a-compounds are converted into the highly stable Mo V V Mo. The conversion of (a') into (&') and (c') into (V) may be represented as follows : V Mo tf - Mo - V -> Mo V - V Mo , (') (&') Mo V V Mo -- > Mo V V Mo . (O (*') 92 CONSTITUTION OF MOLYBD1C & TUNGSTIC COMPLEXES No double decomposition can result from the action of KC1 on (a') or (c'), because these substances are unstable in solution, as may be found from their behaviour when attempts are made to crystallise them from such solution. The ratio V 2 5 : Mo0 3 in compounds of the type Mx> . V . V . Mo is not affected by reactions involving double decomposition. The most stable type of compound may be represented by Mo X Mo deduced from the conversion of (a") and (&") into (c") (Table E). No less interesting is Table F, all the compounds of which, with the exception of 6 K 2 4 P 2 5 9 Mo0 3 4 H 2 0, may be accurately represented by hexite-pentite formulae, thus : (a) (2 R 2 P 2 O 5 4 Mo0 3 ) 3 = Ri 2 (Mo P Mo), (6) 4 R 2 3 P 2 6 10 Mo0 3 = R 8 (Mo~ P Mo), (c) (R 2 0-P 2 5 -2Mo0 3 ) 6 = R 12 (Mo P P Mo), (d) (4R 2 O-3P 2 5 -9Mo0 3 ) 2 = R 16 (]\io P Mo P Mo), (e) 7 R 2 5 P 2 5 16 Mo0 3 = R 14 (Mb P M A o P Mo), (/) (4R 2 0-3P 2 6 -4Mo0 3 ) 3 = R 24 (P Mo P Mo P), (9) (2R 2 0-P 2 5 -5Mo0 3 ) 3 (/MCA P^-Mo X Mo/ (g f ) (5 R 2 2 P 2 5 10 MoO,) l . B = R 15 | P^-Mo | ^Mo/ (f) (3R 2 0-P 2 6 -5MoO ) - R (V ; 3 ; 3 rv 18 i Jr\. \ ^ : (,ax P 2 ^-M X M A () 2.5R 2 O-P 2 5 -24Mo0 3 = (t") (3 R 2 - P 2 5 24 Mo0 3 ) = Altogether this series affords one of the most interesting confirma- tions of the hexite-pentite theory, and the advantages of grouping together these substances on the basis of their analogous mode of GENETIC RELATIONSHIPS OF ARSENOMOLYBDATES 93 formation are readily understood. Friedheim, on the contrary, suggests the following, particularly with regard to the compounds (c), (d), (e), and (/) : " Only compound (c) of the previously unknown substance the simplest of all those which contain phosphoric and molybdic acids is of a simple nature . . . the other substances are undoubtedly mix- tures." Friedheim regards the compounds (d), (e), and (/) as " mixtures " simply because he could not otherwise explain their composition ! The Table is, therefore, only of value in so far as it shows a relationship between the a- and /3-phosphomolybdate complexes ! Table G leads to the same conclusions as the others. The sub- stances in it may clearly be expressed in the light of the hexite-pentite theory as follows : (a) (2 R 2 As 2 5 4 Mo0 3 ) 3 = Ri 2 (Mo As Mo), (a') (3 R 2 As 2 5 4 Mo0 3 ) 3 = Ri 8 (Mo As - Mo), (b) (R 2 O As 2 6 2 Mo0 3 ) = R 12 (M A Q As As Mo), (c) (R 2 O As 2 6 6 Mo0 3 ) 8 = R 6 (3R 2 0- As 2 6 -6Mo0 3 ) 3 (d) (2R 2 0-As 2 5 -5Mo0 3 ) 3 = R 12 ( As^-Mo |'Mo> As^-Mo / / .5==Rl 5 |AsH (e) 5 R 2 As 2 6 16 Mo0 3 (s\ 1V1U As 2 ^-jMo X /Mr. Of further interest in connection with the hexite-pentite theory are the series of salts 170 produced by the action of V 2 5 on potassium-, sodium- and ammomum-paratungstates : 1. 2 R 2 V 2 6 4 W0 3 , 2. 4 R 2 O 3 V 2 5 12 W0 3 . Of these, the first is immediately decomposed by acids even in the cold with separation of almost the whole of the tungstic acid. On evaporation with hydrochloric acid, the tungstic acid is precipitated 94 CONSTITUTION OF SILICOTONGSTATES quantitatively in as complete a manner as in ordinary tungstic salts, though in this instance it is rendered impure by the co-precipitation of vanadic acid. Compounds of the second series are not affected by acids. Friedheim has endeavoured to show that the action of acids on the compounds in the first series brings about a separation of tungstic acid because they have, as one of their constituents, a paratungstate which behaves in the same manner. He therefore suggested the following equation : (2 R 2 O V 2 5 4 W0 3 ) 3 = 5 R 2 12 W0 3 + R 2 3 V 2 5 . ( Paratungstate ) The compounds of the second series he expressed as shown below, because the meta-tungstic acids behave in an analogous manner : 4 R 2 3 V 2 5 12 W0 3 = 3 (R 2 4 W0 3 ) + & 2 3 V 2 5 . ( Me t atungs tate ) Friedheim himself raised the following objection to his own con- ception of the molecular structure of the compounds of the first series 171 : "The aqueous solution of the compound 2 R 2 V 2 5 4 WO 3 yields no precipitate on the addition of barium chloride or silver nitrate, but on evaporation with the first of these reagents the corre- sponding barium salt is formed; with silver nitrate a red solution, which changes after a time to a purple-reddish crystalline compound of the corresponding silver salt, is produced, and, if the solution is con- centrated, the salt crystallises out in red needles." It is scarcely likely that the compounds 2 R 2 V 2 O 5 4 W0 3 contain the components shown by such a formula, as the latter does not indicate a substance which will form easily soluble barium and silver salts. In another research, Friedheim regards these compounds atomically, though even then it is scarcely possible to see, from Fried- heim's structural formula (p. 21), that the bonds between the vanadium and the tungsten are different in the second group from what they are in the first. Yet this difference is at once observable in the following structural formulae based on the authors' hexite-pentite theory : W W -\/y\/ w v w I II I I I 6 R 2 O - 3 V 2 6 12 W0 3 4 R 2 3 V 2 5 12 WO 3 . Valuable confirmation of the authors' theory is also found in the interesting researches by Marignac 172 on the silicotungstates. His formula (Si0 2 12 WO 3 ) at once suggests hexite. For the compound 4 H 2 Si0 2 12 WO,, DIMORPHISM OF POTASSIUM SILICOTUNGSTATE 95 the hexite-pentite theory shows three isomers to be possible, viz. : 1. 2. /\ w /\= W w \/ W \/ 3. I I ,/\ W Marignac prepared two isomeric acids and two isomeric series of salts having the formula 4 R 2 Si0 2 12 WO 3 . The " water of constitution " in the free acids and in some of the salts may be demonstrated in a very accurate manner, as the acids 4 H 2 Si0 2 12 WO 3 29 H 2 O lose 25 mol. H 2 O at 100% another 6 mol. between 150 and 220, and are completely dehydrated at 350. Hence, 8 mol. H 2 O may be regarded as the " water of constitution " as shown in the structural formula : W / W \ The calcium salt, 2 CaO 2 H 2 O Si0 2 12 W0 8 22 H 2 0, loses 16 mol. H 2 at 100, and it also contains 8 mol. H 2 as " water of con- stitution." This may be expressed thus : (OH), KO-Ca A HO W :Si (OH) 2 /\_Ca-OH W OH (H0) 2 = x/ \/=(OH) 2 (OH) 2 (OH) 2 The potassium salt 2 K 2 O 2 H 2 Si0 2 12 WO S 7 H,0 occurs in thick prisms and pearly hexagonal plates. Its dimorphism may be explained by the use of the following formula : l. TT H K .] A / w|:Si: V \/ \ i 1 L \-H V /-H H I 2. K K H /\_i W :Si \/ i K The silicotungstates may also be regarded as representing the /3-complexes which, in molybdic and tungstic compounds, are so much 96 ^-COMPLEXES OF MOLYBDENUM AND TUNGSTEN more stable than the a-complexes. The /3-complexes usually yield free acids and the salts are not easily converted into compounds of other series, but will crystallise from their aqueous solution without any decomposition. The acid component ratio also remains unaffected by reactions involving a double decomposition. Theoretically, the following compounds may exist : V 4 R 2 Si0 2 10 W0 3 , and Marignac also prepared compounds of this series. The following formulae for molybdic and tungstic /5-complexes are derived from compounds mentioned in Dammer's " Handbook " : /3-complexes (a) R 2 (Mo A1 2 Mo), (6) R 4 (W B 2 W), (c) R 8 (Wj Si W), (d) R 8 (Mo-Pt-Mo), (e) R 8 (W Pt W). (a) R 2 (Mo A1 2 Mo). K 2 A1 2 3 10 Mo0 3 15 H 2 (Parmentier 173 ). (b) R 4 (W-B 2 -W). 2 BaO B 2 3 10 W0 3 16 H 2 (Klein 174 ). (c) R 8 (W-Si-W). 4 H 2 O Si0 2 10 W0 3 3 H 2 (Marignac 175 ), 3(NH 4 ) 2 -SiO 2 -10W0 3 - 9 H 2 4(NH 4 ) 2 O -Si0 2 -10W0 3 - 8H 2 O, 2 H 2 2 K 2 Si0 2 10 W0 3 8 H 2 O, 4 K 2 Si0 2 10 W0 3 17 H 2 0, 4Ag 2 -Si0 2 -10W0 3 - 3H 2 0, 4 BaO Si0 2 10 W0 3 22 H 2 0. (d) R 8 (Mo-Pt-Mo). 4 Na 2 Pt0 2 10 Mo0 3 29 H 2 (Gibbs 176 ). (e) R 8 (W-Pt-W). 4 (NH 4 ) 2 PtO 2 10 W0 3 12 H 2 O (Gibbs 177 ), 4 Na 2 O Pt0 2 10 W0 3 25 H 2 O, 4 K 2 Pt0 2 10 W0 3 12 H 2 0. /3-COMPLEXES OF MOLYBDENUM AND TUNGSTEN 97 (a) R,(Mo A1 2 Mo), (b) R e (Mo Cr 2 Mo), (c) R 8 (W B 2 W), (d) R m (Mo Si Mo), (m = 4.8) (e) R 8 (W Si; W), (/) R 2 (Mo Zr Mo), (g) R 2 (Mo Ti Mo), (h) R m (W-P 2 -W), (m = 2.4) (t) Ri (Mo - 1 2 Mo). (a) R 6 (Mo Ai 2 Mo). 3 (NH 4 ) 2 A1 2 3 12 Mo0 3 20 H 2 (Parmentier 178 ), 3 K 2 A1 2 3 12 MoO, 20 H 2 0, 3 Na 2 A1 2 3 12 Mo0 3 22 H 2 0. (b) R 6 (Mo Cr 2 Mo). 3 (NH 4 ) 2 Cr 2 3 12 Mo0 3 20 H 2 O (Struve 179 , Parmentier 180 ), 3 K 2 Cr 2 3 12 Mo0 3 20 H 2 O (S.), 3 Na 2 Cr 2 3 12 Mo0 3 21 H 2 (S.). (c) R 8 (W-B 2 -W). 2 K 2 2 H 2 B 2 3 12 W0 3 16 H 2 (Klein 181 ), 4 K 2 B 2 3 12 W0 3 21 H 2 0, K 2 3 BaO B 2 O 3 12 W0 3 28 H 2 O. (d) R m (Mo Si Mo) ; m = 4.8. 2 H 2 Si0 2 12 Mo0 3 24 H 2 (Parmentier 182 ), 2 H 2 Si0 2 12 Mo0 3 30 H 2 (Asch 183 ), 2(NH 4 ) 2 O Si0 2 12 MoO 3 8 H 2 (P.), 2 K 2 Si0 2 12 Mo0 3 14 H 2 O (P.), 2 K 2 Si0 2 12 Mo0 3 16 H 2 (P.), 1.5 K 2 0.5 H 2 O SiO 2 12 Mo0 3 1.35 H,O (A.), 2 Na 2 O Si0 2 12 Mo0 3 21 H 2 O 1.5 Na 2 0.5 H 2 Si0 2 12 Mo0 3 16.5 H 2 0, 2 Ag 2 O Si0 2 12 Mo0 3 12 H 2 O, 1.5 Ag 2 O 0.5 H 2 Si0 2 12 Mo0 3 10.5 H 2 O, 4 Ag 2 O Si0 2 12 Mo0 3 15 H 2 0, 2 MgO Si0 2 12 Mo0 3 30 H 2 0, 2 BaO Si0 2 12 Mo0 3 24 H 2 0, 2 CaO Si0 2 12 Mo0 3 24 H 2 0. (e) R e (W Si W). 4 H 2 Si0 2 12 W0 3 22 and 29 H 2 (Marignac 184 ). 4 H 2 Si0 2 12 WO 3 20 H 2 0, 4 (NH 4 ) 2 Si0 2 12 W0 3 16 H 2 O, 2 (NH 4 ) 2 . 2 H 2 . Si0 2 . 12 W0 3 6 H 2 O, 98 ^-COMPLEXES OF MOLYBDENUM AND TUNGSTEN 4 K 2 0- Si0 2 - 12 W0 3 20 H 2 0, 2K a O 2 H 2 0- Si0 2 - 12W0 3 7 H 2 0, 2K 2 O 2 H 2 O- Si0 2 - 12W0 3 16 H 2 0, 3K 2 O 5 H 2 O-2 (Si0 2 - 12W0 3 ) 25 H 2 0, 4Na 2 ' SiO 2 - 12WO 3 7 H 2 0, 2Na 2 O 2 H 2 0- Si0 2 - 12WO 3 10 H 2 0, 2Na 2 O 2 H 2 0- Si0 2 - 12WO 3 11 H 2 0, 2Na 2 2 H 2 O- SiO 2 - 12WO 3 18 H 2 0, 3 (2 Na 2 O 2 H 2 O- Si0 2 - 12WO 3 13 H 2 0) Na 2 O 3 H 2 O- Si0 2 - 12 W0 3 14 H 2 0, Na 2 3 BaO- Si0 2 - 12WO 3 28 H 2 0, 2MgO 2 H 2 O- Si0 2 - 12WO 3 16 H a O, 5CaO 3 H 2 O-2 (SiO 2 12 W0 3 ) 47 H 2 0, 2CaO 2 H 2 0- Si0 2 - 12WO 3 20 H 2 0, 2CaO 2 H 2 O- Si0 2 - 12WO 3 22 H 2 0, 4 BaO Si0 2 - 12 WO 3 27 H 2 0, 2BaO 2 H 2 O- SiO 2 - 12 W0 3 14 H 2 0, 4 Na 2 N0 3 , 2 BaO 2 H 2 Si0 2 12 W0 3 22 H 2 0. (/) R 2 (Mo Zr Mo). 2 (NH 4 ) 2 O ZrO 2 12 Mo0 3 10 H 2 (Pechard 185 ), 2 K 2 Zr0 2 12 Mo0 3 18 H 2 0. (g) K 2 (Mo Ti Mo). 2 K 2 Ti0 2 12 MoO 3 20 H 2 O (Pechard 186 ), 2(NH 4 ) 2 O-Ti0 2 -12M0 3 10 H 2 0, 2 K 2 Ti0 2 12 M0 3 16 H 2 0. (h) R m (W-P 2 W); m P 2 5 12 W0 3 - 42 H 2 (Pechard 187 ), 2 (NH 4 ) 2 P 2 5 12 WO 3 - 5 H .0, K 2 O P 2 O 5 12 W0 3 - 9 H .0, 2 Na 2 O P 2 5 12 WO 3 - 18 H 2 o, Li 2 O P 2 5 12 W0 3 - 12 H ,0, T1 2 P 2 5 12 WO 3 - 4 H ,0, Ag 2 P 2 5 12 W0 3 - 8 H 2 0, 2CuO P 2 5 12 WO, 11 H A 2ZnO P 2 5 12 W0 3 - 7 H .0, 2PbO P 2 5 12 W0 3 - 6 H .0, 2MgO P 2 5 12 WO 3 - 10 H 2 o, 2CaO P 2 5 12 W0 3 - 19 H A 2SrO P 2 5 12 W0 3 - 17 H 2 o, 2 BaO P 2 5 12 W0 3 - 15 H 2 0. 2.4. (t) R 10 (Mo I 2 Mo). 5 (NH 4 ) 2 I 2 O 7 12 Mo0 3 12 H 2 O (Blomstrand 188 ), 9 K 2 H 2 O 2 (1,07 12 MoO 3 ) 24 H 2 0, 5 NaoO I 2 7 12 Mo0 3 26 HoO, 5 Na 2 I 2 7 12 Mo0 3 34 H 2 0, ^-COMPLEXES OF MOLYBDENUM AND TUNGSTEN 99 5 Li 2 5 Li 2 5 CaO 4 CaO 4 SrO Na 2 O I 2 7 I 2 O 7 I 2 7 I 2 7 I 2 O 7 9 BaO Na0 2 (I 2 7 2 MnO 3 Na 2 I 2 7 R 2 12 Mo0 3 12 Mo0 3 12 Mo0 3 12 Mo0 3 12 MoO 3 12 MoO 3 ) 15 H 2 0, 18 H 2 O, 26 H 2 0, 21 H 2 0, 20 H 2 0, 28 H 2 0, 12 Mo0 3 32 H 2 0. (/Mo P/M-o ^Mo K 2 P 2 5 15 Mo0 3 (Rammelsberg 189 ). (a) R 3 (&) (c) R, ( / M \ \^$} *'K| B.f (/*); V \w/ m = 1.2. V ^MW (a) 5 (NH 4 ) 2 O Mn 2 3 16 Mo0 3 12 H 2 (Struve 190 ), 5 K 2 Mn 2 3 16 MoO 3 12 H 2 0. 3(NH 4 ) 2 Mo 3 (NH 4 ) 2 2 BaO (NH 4 ),0 6 (NH 4 ) 2 3K 2 2 H 2 4 K 2 O 5 H 2 CaO 3 BaO (a) R 6 P 2 6 16 MoO 3 14 H 2 (Kehrmann 191 (c) R n /P 2 ^w]; m = 6.i: P 2 O 5 16 W0 3 69 H 2 (Kehrmann 192 ), P 2 5 16 W0 3 16'H,0 P 2 5 16 W0 3 xH 2 0, P 2 3 16 W0 3 2H 2 0, P 2 5 16 W0 3 16 H 2 O, P 2 5 16 WO, 19 H 2 0, P 2 5 16 WO 3 3H 2 0, P 2 5 16 WO, xH 2 0. / ^\ * (b) (c) (J.TJAJ> P 2 /Mo (3 x) Na,0 P 2 5 18 Mo0 3 (25 + x) H 2 (Finkener 193 ). *(*>\MO) Mo\ /Mb-, m = 6, 14. 3(NH 4 ) 2 O P 2 5 -22Mo0 3 9 H 2 O (Gibbs 201 ), 3 (NH 4 ) 2 O P 2 5 22 Mo0 3 12 H 2 (Rammelsberg 202 ), 3K 2 O P 2 5 -22Mo0 3 (R.), 5 K 2 O H 2 2 (P 2 O 5 22 MoO 3 ) 21 H 2 (R.), 7 Ag 2 P 2 5 22 Mo0 3 14 H 2 (G.). ^, 6,8,14. P 2 5 22 WO 3 7 H 2 (Kehrmann 203 ) and 2 K 2 P 2 O 5 22 W0 3 6 H 2 O (Gibbs 204 ), (Freinkel), 3 (NH 4 ) 2 O P 2 O 5 22 W0 3 - 21 H 2 O (G.), 4 BaO P 2 5 22 W0 3 41 H 2 (G.), 7 K 2 P 2 5 22 WO 3 x H 2 (K. and Fr.), 7 BaO P 2 5 22 W0 3 59.5 H 2 O (Sprenger, K. and Fr.), 3 BaO 4 Ag 2 P 2 5 22 W0 3 x H 2 (K. 205 ). *"(!> etc. etc. These substances have seldom, if ever, been prepared synthetically, though their occurrence in Nature is well known under such widely different names as " Minerals of the Allophane Group," " Clays," and " Kaolins." They have been formed out of the most diverse materials, such as micas, felspars, chlorites, etc., by removal of the base, hydra- tion and subsequent removal of the water under definite conditions.* These acids are seldom found in a chemically pure state, but usually contain small proportions of the original base. Hence some of them may, rightly, be termed strongly acid salts. Their formulae have seldom been calculated from analyses, as these materials have usually been regarded as 4 ' mixtures . ' ' The formulae cal- culations of some minerals of the allophane group 215 (see Appendix) showed that these substances are hydro-aluminosilicates (with a small lime content) of the type Al Si Al and Al Si Al. From the analyses, the following formulae were calculated : 1. 0.5 CaO 6 A1 2 3 6 Si0 2 32 H 2 0, 2 0.5 CaO 6 A1 2 3 6 Si0 2 38 H 2 0, 3. 0.75 CaO 6 A1 2 3 6 Si0 2 32 H 2 0, 4. 0.25 CaO 6 A1 2 3 5 Si0 2 32 H 2 0, 5. 0.75 CaO 6 A1 2 3 6 SiO 2 42 H 2 0. Part of the water present is in the form of " water of crystallisa- tion " and part as " water of constitution." It is not possible to state a priori how much water exists in either or both these forms, but the maximum proportion of " water of constitution " which is possible may be predicted on theoretical grounds, as in the two following structural formulae : I ii I _/\/\/\_ Al I Si Al I I Al I Si I ii I Maximum of H 2 O-Mols. Maximum of H 2 O-Mols. (6) (5) * The various theories as to the origins of clays are described in the translator's "British Clays" 70 Si R R Si", 2. Si R Si R Si > Si R R Si, 3. Si-R-Si ->Si-R-R-^, 4. Si R M R S'i > Si R R Si, /Si 5. R-Si ->Si-R-R-Si, 6. Si R Si R Si > Si R R Si, 7. Si R R Si > Si R R Si. The above examples which may be increased indefinitely show conclusively that clays are really converted into the highly stable compounds stated. The alumina-silica ratio is approximately 1 : 2 which cannot be a mere coincidence and the supposition that clays contain a " clay substance " separable by acids though erroneous is a very natural one. Mellor and Holdcroft 708 consider that clays are decomposed by sulphuric acid in another manner, viz. with separation of silica and the formation of aluminium sulphate. This view is highly improbable, as an almost constant ratio of A1 2 3 and Si0 2 has been found in the solution by numerous investigators, and this constancy is the founda- tion of the theory of the so-called " clay substance." 108 THE CONSTITUTION OF CLAYS Forchhammer 219 appears to have been the first to express any doubt as to the unitary nature of clays. He supposed that in sulphuric acid he had found a valuable " solvent " for clays and regarded that portion which entered into solution as " clay " and the remainder as " un- decomposed felspar." From time to time, doubts have been expressed* as to the value of the so-called " rational analysis," but the remarkable resistance of clays to strong acids is the chief reason why Forch- hammer's conception of " clay substance " is still maintained, though modern chemists represent it by a different formula. Forchhammer 's theory of clays is now of merely historical interest and must be abandoned as inconsistent with the facts. [With it, the rational analysis must also be abandoned, at any rate as far as the usual interpretation of its results are concerned, f] There is, at the present time, no fact known which is not compatible with the unitary chemical nature of clays as opposed to the view that they are mixtures. [This statement must be taken to refer to " purified " clays, for many materials are commonly termed " clay " which obviously contain other constituents. Thus " boulder clay " contains limestone and other stones, loams contain sand which may be removed by simple washing, and many " clays " contain rock-debris of a nature clearly distinct from clay. Unfortunately, some of these obviously " non-clay " materials are in so fine a state that they cannot be perfectly separated by elutriation or similar mechanical processes. It does, however, appear to be true that, quite apart from the hexite-pentite theory, the essential constituents of clays are definite alumino- silicates.] Minerals of the allophane group are characterised by the ease with which they are decomposed by acids. Other hydro-aluminosilicates, including several clays, are only readily decomposed by dilute acids after they have been heated very strongly. The reason for this difference in the behaviour of substances which, according to the authors' hexite-pentite theory, are analogous, can only be explained in the following manner : " Disdynamised " and " Dynamised " Compounds It has been shown, in connection with the tungstates (p. 95), that the presence of a base weakens the bonds in the ring-radicles of com- plexes. Thus, tungstovanadates with a small content of base are not decomposed by acids, but in those richer in base a precipitate of tungstic acid readily forms when they are treated with acids. The bonds between the ring-radicles of complex substances may also be weakened in other ways, such as by an increase in the proportion of " water of constitution " or " water of crystallisation " or by subjecting the substance to a high temperature. Compounds in which the chemical relationship between the ring- * Seger investigated this subject and recommended it under the title of "rational analysis " for relatively pure clays, but found it unsatisfactory for the clays used for the manufacture of bricks, tiles, cement, etc. Brongniart and Malaguti 220 did not question the " undoubted advantages of rational analysis," but saw in the results obtained an uncertainty " which compels us to draw conclusions with very great care." f Additions and comments by the translator which cannot conveniently be in- serted as footnotes are printed in smaller type. EFFECT OF HEAT ON CLAY 109 radicles is weakened by these means so that the substance becomes readily decomposable by dilute acids, are said to be " disdynamised " in order to distinguish them from the " dynamised " substances which resist the action of dilute acids. The reason why minerals of the allophane group are readily decomposed by dilute acids is now clear : in them the relationship between the silicon- and aluminium-hexites has been weakened by the presence of a high proportion of combined water. Clays usually contain only " water of constitution " ; on heating to vitrification they are disdynamised and then behave like the analogous minerals of the allophane group. [The vitrification point of a clay is that temperature to which it must be heated in order that sufficient fusion may occur for most of the pores in the clay to be filled with fused matter, yet without the material losing its original shape to any appreciable extent. In most clays there appears to be no single temperature at which this occurs to the exclusion of others ; the material becomes vitrified gradually throughout a range of temperature which sometimes extends over 400 C., though some clays vitrify com- pletely in a very few moments after the fusion of some of their constituents has com- menced. This property of vitrification is extremely important in the technical appli- cation of clays ; further information about it will be found in the translator's " British Clays, Shales, and Sands." 706 It is, however, possible that this range of vitrification is due to difficulties in maintaining a perfectly constant temperature for a sufficiently long time. If, as Doelter has suggested, the vitrification point is definable as that at which fusion is first observed to commence, and if, further, in accordance with A. Stock's investigations, which showed that the vitrification point and the true melting point of a silicate are identical and that vitrification occurs on heating perfectly pure crystal- line chemical compounds, then it should be possible to produce a completely vitrified mass by maintaining the material for a sufficiently long time at the lowest temperature at which fusion can be observed to occur. The cost and difficulty of doing this with reasonably large masses of clay are very great, as the conductivity of the material is so low, but so far as the translator's own experiments go, and in so far as he has been able to find other similar experimental evidence, there are good reasons for believing that the apparent range of vitrification or of fusion is merely a result of the extra- ordinarily low conductivity of clay and of the high temperature at which fusion occurs. Could clays be fused at temperatures as easily observed as those used in studying the melting points of many organic compounds, there is great probability that pure clays would be found to have a sharply defined melting point. As it is, the only means of effecting vitrification or fusion within a reasonably short time consists in raising the temperature considerably above that which would be necessary if time were no con- sideration. In other words, the term " range of vitrification " indicates a practical experience even if it may lead to the erroneous assumption that clays differ from other definite chemical compounds in not having a sharp, well-defined melting point.] In order to understand the nature of the state of disdynamisation produced when clays are heated to vitrification, it is necessary to assume that oxygen has two kinds of valency primary and secondary and that the bonding of the ring-radicles is due to both the primary and the secondary valencies of oxygen. If the proportion of base or combined water in the compound is increased, the secondary valencies are set free either partially or completely according to the proportion of base or water. On increasing the temperature, the bound secondary affinities are also partially or completely liberated, according to the temperature to which the substance is heated. It is conceivable that as soon as the secondary valencies are set free, a looser bond must exist between the ring-radicles of the complexes concerned. 110 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY At the vitrification temperature, the nascent secondary oxygen valencies of the disdynamised clay molecules at once begin to be liberated, and this may readily lead to the formation of polymerisation products. If the temperature increases, the liberation also increases, and when it is complete the whole of the material is reduced to a molten state. It is clear that as the temperature rises, the polymerisa- tion increases, and this is, necessarily, followed by an increase in density. When the mass is completely fused, the point of maximum density will have been reached. [Some highly interesting investigations by R. Rieke 707 on the temperature at which certain clays lose their " combined water " are worth special attention. This investigator followed Le Chatelier's observation that if a sample of kaolin is slowly heated there is a point at which the temperature ceases to rise for some minutes, after which it again rises steadily. If the temperature and duration of the heating are plotted as ordinates and abscissae, the graph produced will show a marked flattening about 500 C. Rieke examined 10 kaolins, 8 plastic fireclays, 6 non-refractory clays (red-burning), and 2 shales, and in each case he found that a marked absorption of heat occurred and was shown by the flattening of the graph at a temperature of 500 to 580 C. The purer the clays, the more noticeable is this break in the rise of tem- perature. In clays containing much free quartz the absorption of heat is obscured by the reactions which the quartz undergoes at the temperatures mentioned, and the more complex graphs of the impure clays may be further affected by the reactions of other compounds present. Rieke also found that the loss of water corresponded to the flattening of the heat- ing curve; a notable evolution of water commences at 450 C., and almost the whole of the water is removed at a temperature of 550 to 600 C., though for its complete expulsion prolonged heating at a higher temperature appears to be necessary. The rate of evolution of water is not regular, and diminishes rapidly when most of the water has been removed. It is increased by reducing the pressure of the air surround- ing the clay. Mellor and Holdcroft 708 have independently confirmed Rieke's observations with respect to china clay, and have concluded that the " china clay molecule " must have its OH-groups placed symmetrically. They accept a slight modification of Groth's formula,* viz. : HO HO More recently, Mellor has examined crystalline kaolinite in a similar manner and finds its behaviour is identical with that of the purest Cornwall china clay. Unlike the authors of the present volume, Mellor and Holdcroft conclude that the " clay molecule " is decomposed into its constituent oxides alumina and silica at 500 C.,f and consider that the formation of sillimanite at higher temperatures (1200 C.) is a confirmation of this in accordance with the equation : A1 2 3 + Si0 2 = Al 2 Si0 5 . They agree that polymerisation of the alumina occurs (with evolution of heat at 800 C.), but have published no formula for the polymerisation-product. In other words, they regard the latter as though it were the simple non-polymerised substance when (according to them) it reacts at 1200 C. with the silica to form sillimanite. * The views of the authors of the present volume as to the distribution of the OH-groups are described at greater length in the later sections on Ultramarine, Portland Cements, and Porcelain Cements and the following formulae are also criti- cised on p. 116. t See p. 113. BURNING CLAYS 111 W. Pukall 710 has suggested the formula : OH HO Si O O Al OH HO Si O O Al OH OH and in opposition to all other writers indicates a double bond between the silicon atoms. From what has been stated on previous pages, however, the bond between the silicon atoms must contain oxygen. The view that a direct connection exists between the silicon atoms is also held by Simmonds 721 , who studied the action of hydrogen at high temperatures on lead meta-silicate, to which is usually assigned the formula : He reached the conclusion that both oxygen atoms cannot occupy similar positions, and suggested the following formula for this silicate : Si Si Si O O O O O O II II R O O R Simmonds thus suggests that the silicon atoms are connected directly with each other and not through the medium of oxygen atoms. Manchot and Keiser 722 were unable to confirm Simmonds' observation on lead silicates, and rightly argue that silicon compounds in which the silicon atoms are directly connected with each other must evolve hydrogen when treated with hydrofluoric acid and then with alkali, yet this reaction never occurs with the silicates now under consideration. Manchot 723 uses this argument in criticising Pukall' s formula, and adds that such a double bond would imply that kaolinic acid would be more easily decomposed by alkalies than by other silicates with a single bond, whereas kaolinic acid is very resistant to alkalies. Singer 724 has also criticised Pukall's formula unfavourably and has pointed out that a double silicon bond, like a double carbon bond, is a source of weakness in a com- pound rather than one of strength. The re-combination of water with the dehydrated kaolin is also of interest as throwing further light on the constitution of the molecule. Mellor and Holdcroft (I.e.) found that even in an autoclave at 300 C. under a pressure of 200 atmospheres the dehydrated china clay only absorbed 2-5% of water. Rieke found that a Bohemian kaolin, which had been heated at 500 C. until all the water had been removed, could only be made to re-combine with 1-1% of water. The very small proportion of re- combination which occurs is a further proof of the remarkably high stability of the anhydride Si Al Al Si, as pointed out by the authors of the present volume.] Burning Clays [" Burning " is a term used to indicate the heating of articles made of clay under industrial conditions in kilns or ovens in order to give them the characteristics desired in pottery, bricks, tiles, etc. It differs from simple heating (or calcination) in that the clays have been formed into articles of the desired shape and in that the heating must usually be prolonged and the rise in temperature must be very slow so as to avoid the splitting and cracking of the goods. This explanation is necessary, as the shape of the articles and the speed of the heating are important determinants of the character of the heated material. In " burning," clays are never supposed to be heated to such an extent as to cause them to fuse sufficiently for loss of shape to occur. When this happens they are " over- burned."] So long as clays are regarded as mixtures of quartz, undecomposecl felspar and " clay substance," no satisfactory explanation of what occurs during the burning is possible. The great difference in the effect of dilute acids on raw and burned clays makes it obvious that some 112 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY definite chemical reactions must occur during the burning. The nature of these reactions has, hitherto, been inexplicable. From a " mixture," all kinds of simple and double salts might be formed, and these cannot be adequately examined. Yet a correct understanding of the burning process is not only of academic value, but of great practical importance. Hence, the hexite-pentite theory should be of great assistance in in- dicating the chemical reactions which take place on burning. These reactions may be stated in terms of the Disdynamisation Theory (p. 108) as follows : 1. On heating a clay to vitrification, part of or all the " water of constitution " is evolved. Secondary valencies of some of the oxygen atoms are set free, but the clay itself retains its unitary chemical nature and is not decomposed into its constituent oxides. 2. If the temperature exceeds that necessary for vitrification, the free valencies liberate themselves and form polymerisation products, the clays eventually fusing either partially or completely. Hence fused clays must possess properties chemically different from those which have been merely vitrified. The density of fired clays must also be higher than that of vitrified clays. 3. Vitrified clays must be more easily attacked by acids than un- vitrified ones. [This " consequence " is erroneous, as explained below.] [In this connection, the extensive use of vitrified (stoneware) clays in the manu- facture of acids and in the construction of appliances (stills, etc.) in which hot acids are used is important. General experience appears, at first sight, to be in direct con- tradiction to the authors' statement in this paragraph, as vessels made of clay which has been vitrified are usually found to be amongst the most powerful resistants to all acids except hydrofluoric. It is probable, however, that polymerisation products and the presence of these and of fused material of a highly resistant nature may be the cause of this anomaly, the term " vitrified " used in the text being understood to refer to clays which have only been heated to the lowest temperature at which vitrification can possibly occur, and not to a temperature at which polymerisation products are formed. If this is the case and the disdynamic action is stopped on polymerisation or partial fusion, the apparent anomaly is destroyed and the authors' theory becomes conformable to general experience.] The observations of Mellor and Holdcroft 708 and others show that clay which has been heated to a certain temperature is (in accordance with the theory) more readily attacked by acids than that which has not been heated. It is also a well-known fact that on further heating at a still higher temperature a material is produced which is resistant to acids (in contradiction to the theory). Such polymerisation as occurs will, however, make the heated clay resistant to acids. In this connection it must be remembered that the polymerisation brought about by disdynamisation is itself a dynamisation and so increases the resistance of the material to chemical influences. The rise of tempera- ture can, in fact, only have a complete disdynamic action when no polymerisation occurs. This fact was overlooked by the authors until it was pointed out to them by A. B. Searle, and this oversight is the cause of the erroneous conclusion reached in Consequence 3 of the theory. ISOMERISM AND POLYMERISATION OF KAOLIN 113 4. The so-called ''decomposition" (p. 107) by concentrated acids is merely a disdynamisation. The observation of R. Rieke that, on burning clays, their tempera- ture does not rise steadily, but remains constant for a long time, not- withstanding the increased temperature of the kiln, may be explained in terms of the new theory if the constant temperature occurs at the sintering point of the clay. The statement made by Desch that clays heated to 700 can easily add calcium silicate, calcium aluminate, or calcium hydrate may be explained by the new theory of burning stated below. The behaviour of the silicate molecule towards acids also depends on the number of aluminium hydro xyl groups in the molecule. This must always be borne in mind when studying this subject, and is therefore dealt with exhaustively in the following chapter. There can be no doubt that the rise in temperature exerts a dis- dynamising action on clays, and that in consequence of this action molecular changes are produced in addition to such polymerisation as may occur. This is particularly the case with kaolin, as will be seen on reading the following chapter. If the theory is extended in this manner it will be found to be in complete agreement with the observed facts. It is not then necessary, as Mellor and Holdcroft suggest, to assume that, on heating, clays are decomposed into free silica and alumina and that a re-combination of these oxides occurs on further heating. The investigations of Richter, Bischof, Jochum, Rieke and others have shown that the fusing point of clays is greatly influenced by the impurities, such as quartz, alkalies, etc., present. A theory of burning to be satisfactory must take this into consideration. This consideration of the burning process may be allowed to suffice as an explanation of the decomposition of slightly heated clay by acids and its greater resistance after heating at a higher temperature. At the same time, this theory of burning leads to no conclusions with regard to certain properties of kaolin which are described in the following chapter. It may, therefore, be necessary to modify the application of the Disdynamisation theory to burning, as further facts are observed. The Isomerism and Polymerisation of Kaolin From the formula 6 H 2 6 A1 2 3 12Si0 2 (kaolin) two isomeric substances may be formed. * * If a rule is made to name the central core first and then the side chains, the acid A may be termed di-h-alumino-di-h- silicic acid, and the acid S di-h-silico-di-h- aluminic acid. Hence the salts of the ,4-acid and all silicates with a central aluminium core may be termed aluminosilicates, whilst the salts of the $-acid and all compounds with a central silicon core may be termed silicoaluminates. I CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY III I I I I 114 Al I Si j Si Al I I I I I A. S. A number of derivatives of these two acids in which pentites replace hexites are theoretically possible : y\/\/\/v _AAA/'\ Si Al Al Si and I Al j Si I Si I Al L \/ A'. S'. Si ~ and In accordance with the foregoing nomenclature these acids may be termed : A' Di-p-alumino-di-h-silicic acid. A" Di-h-alumino-di-p-silicic acid. |' Di-p-silico-di-h-aluminic acid. S" Di-h-silico-di-p-aluminic acid. The acids with central aluminium rings may be shortly termed a- kaolinic acids, and those with central silicon rings as s-kaolinic acids. Two, three or more molecules of the acids A, A', or A" and of the acids S, S' or S" may lose certain molecules of water and then unite to form polymerisation products. Thus, the following compounds are possible : /\/ Si Al Al Si Si Al Al \AA A 2 Si ISOMERISM AND POLYMERISATION OF KAOLIN 115 /\/\/\/\ i /x/ YY x I Al Si I Si I \/\/\/\ III! /\/\/\/ I Al | Si I Si | Al \/\/\/\ etc. etc. On polymerisation, separation of water can only occur in two analogous rings, as in the centre of the S' 2 or the side rings of the S" 2 compounds. Between the a- and s-kaolinic acids and their salts there must be a genetic relationship, as they can be converted into each other. This transformation may be represented as follows : I. Conversion of the a-kaolinic acid into s-kaolinic acid : a-kaolinic acid. a-kaolinic acid. a-kaolinic acid. s-kaolinic acid. 3-kaolinic acid. II. Conversion of the s-kaolinic acid into a-kaolinic acid Al Si Si Al a-kaolinic acid. 5-kaolinic acid. -kaolinic acid. a-kaolinic acid. a-kaolinic acid. 116 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY In an analogous manner the polymerised a-kaolinic acids may be converted into polymerised s-kaolinic acids and vice versa. In the chapter on Ultramarines and Porcelain cements two kinds of hydroxyl groups in kaolinic acids are described : termed a- and s- hydroxyls, respectively. The former the hydroxyls of the aluminium rings are acidophillic, and the latter the hydroxyls of the silicon rings are basophillic. The kaolinic acids both simple and poly- merised appear to contain more s-hydroxyls and less a-hydroxyls ; the s-kaolinic acids, on the contrary (both simple and polymerised), contain more a-hydroxyls and less s-hydroxyls. These variations in the number of a- and s-hydroxyls of the a- and s-kaolinic acids must result in these acids having a different relationship to other acids and a different solubility in acids. The more a-hydroxyls a-kaolinic acid contains, the more soluble must it be in acids, or in other words, the s-kaolinic acids must usually be more soluble in acids than the analogous isomers or a-kaolinic acids. As the degree of polymerisation must diminish with a-hydroxyls, it follows that, cceteris paribus, the polymerised kaolinic acids must be less soluble in acids than the non-polymerised ones. From the theory it follows that the anhydrides of the a-kaolinic acids have the lowest degree of solubility in acids, and therefore the greatest resistance to acids. If the plasticity of clays is a function of the water of constitution (see p. 65) it follows that : 1. The a-kaolinic acids can generally have a higher degree of plasticity than the s-kaolinic acids, as the former contain more water of constitution. 2. The polymerised kaolinic acids have, cceteris paribus, a lower plasticity than the non-polymerised ones. The a- and s-kaolinic acids must also differ from each other in physical characters, such as density, resistance to reagents, etc., as well as in chemical structure. There is another interesting consequence of the new theory as applied to kaolinic acids : In the salts of the kaolinic acids, such a compound as I II II ! '\/\_ 8 Na 2 6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 , Normal sodium s-kaolinate. must have the sodium united to the silicon ring (i.e. s-sodium) more strongly than the a-sodium attached to the aluminium ring ; i.e. in this compound half the sodium must be more strongly united than the remainder. It is also probable, on a priori grounds, that this sodium salt will behave differently towards different acids ; the stronger acids can remove the whole of the sodium (both a- and s- sodium), but the weaker acids can only remove the a-sodium. PUKALUS EXPERIMENTS ON KAOLIN 117 The Hexite-Pentite Theory and the Facts The available experimental material is in entire agreement with the theory developed in the preceding pages. In this connection the work of (a) W. Pukall 710 and (b) Mellor and Holdcroft 708 on kaolinisa- tion is of special value. The Study of Kaolinisation by W. Pukall 710 W. Pukall has endeavoured to prepare kaolin synthetically, and from a mixture of 18-75 of quartz, 24-38 of aluminium hydrate, 150 of caustic soda and 75 c.c. water heated in a silver crucible until the mass became stiff, he obtained a product which, on washing, yielded a white, crystalline substance which melted at Seger cone 7 (about 1270), i.e. the temperature at which salt glazed ware is glazed. Zettlitz kaolin or English china clay when melted with ten times its weight of common salt at 950 C. evolved water and hydrochloric acid and combined with sufficient soda (28%) to be comparable to Na 2 O A1 2 3 2 Si0 2 . Both these kaolins are converted into a crystal- line substance. Multiplying the formula just mentoned by 6, the following com- pound : 6 Na 2 6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 12 H 2 0, is formed ; it may be the salt of either an a- or an s-kaolinic acid. From Pukall's investigations it appears highly probable that the salt he obtained is a polymerised sodium s-kaolinic acid of the following formula : 12H 9 I 6 Na 2 6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 12 H 2 O. As the ratio A1 2 3 : Si0 2 in the salt obtained by Pukall is the same as that in kaolin, he endeavoured to remove the Na 2 O and to obtain the free acid, i.e. the " kaolin." For this purpose he used two methods : by treatment with (a) carbonic acid and (b) hydrochloric acid. The results of these two experiments, whilst in agreement with the H.P. theory, were quite different : the carbonic acid, as a weak acid, only removes the a-sodium and converts the Si-hexites into pentites ; the 118 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY hydrochloric acid, as a strong acid, removes the whole of the a-sodium and half the s-sodium, as may be seen from the following : a. THE BEHAVIOUR OF PUKALL'S SODIUM S-KAOLINATE TOWARDS CARBONIC ACID The sodium di-s-kaolinate (6 Na 2 6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 12 H 2 0) of the above-mentioned structure was heated in a Soxhlet's apparatus for 264 hours with carbonic acid in order to remove the soda, and by this means Pukall obtained a substance corresponding to the formula 12H 2 2 Na 2 4 H 2 10 Si0 2 6 A1 2 3 12 H 2 0. The analyses made confirm this formula : Na 2 H 2 A1 2 3 SiO 2 Calculated 7.63 17.76 37.68 36.94 Found 7.10 19.95 37.49 36.82 The carbonic acid converts the Si-hexite into Si-pentite as already described. The feebly acid carbonic acid can only remove the acido- phillic aluminium rings, and not the strongly basophillic Si-rings. b. THE BEHAVIOUR OF PUKALL'S SODIUM S-KAOLINATE TOWARDS HYDROCHLORIC ACID Pukall also endeavoured to remove the Na 2 in the sodium salt above mentioned by means of a stronger acid, for which purpose he selected hydrochloric acid. The sodium salt dissolves in this acid and is obtained, on treatment with ammonia, in the form of a voluminous white precipitate corresponding to Calculated Found . (R 2 4 H 2 0.5 Na 2 O ... 1.77 . 2.15 0.5 (NH 4 ) 2 1.48 1.26 12 SiO 2 12 SiO 2 41.16 42.07 6A1 2 3 ) 2 6 A1 2 3 34.99 36.33 32 H 2 0. 20 H 2 0. 20.58 20.00 PUKALL'S EXPERIMENTS ON KAOLIN 119 Pukall did not determine the proportion of Na 2 and (NH 4 ) 2 and suggested the following formula : 3H 2 A1 2 3 2Si0 2 Calculated 19.57 36.91 43.47 Found 20.00 36.93 42.07 The hydrochloric acid, being a strong acid, removes some base from the sodium salt, yet a small proportion of the base still remains. It is probable that the hydrochloric acid removes half the s-sodium ; the remainder being replaced by NH 4 . It has already been shown that the chemical and physical properties of any s-kaolinic acid must differ from those of any a-kaolinic acid, and an acid s-kaolinate must differ still more widely from " kaolin " (a- kaolinic acid). As a matter of fact, Pukall has proved that kaolin is different from the kaolinate inasmuch as the former only loses its water on heating to redness, but the latter parts with half its water at temperatures below 350 C. and the remainder on heating to redness. Other properties of these two substances also confirm the view that they require different structural formulae. Kaolin, for example, is very plastic on account of the many OH-groups it contains. The number of OH-groups in the acid kaolinate is much less and part of them are replaced by basic groups. Hence, it is not surprising that Pukall should find this salt to be less plastic than kaolin.* When PukalTs salt is mixed with quartz and felspar it forms a very lean mixture, and on heating this to 1370 a beautiful, white, translucent porcelain is produced. If the same salt is mixed with free silica and alumina the mixture is not plastic, though kaolin, when similarly treated, retains its plasticity. Moreover, this mixture does not produce a true porcelain on burning. Pukall has also prepared the above-mentioned sodium salt of s-kaolinic acid by another method. On boiling and then fusing kaolin with caustic soda and a little hydrated alumina, and then washing the product, a white crystalline mass is obtained which Pukall has shown to be the above-mentioned sodium s-kaolinate. This method is of great theoretical importance, as it shows a definite genetic relationship must exist between the a-kaolinic acid and the s-kaolinic acid ; one being converted into the other under certain conditions. This agrees with the results obtained by Mellor and Holdcroft and discussed in the next section. Pukall has, further, made the interesting discovery that if silica and alumina are heated with an excess of a very strong alkali solution the compound produced (#A1 2 3 2#SiO 2 ) always has the same molecular ratio of alumina and silica, no matter whether the silica and alumina are free or in a combined state. * For notes on the relationship between plasticity and chemical constitution, see page 133. 120 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY II The Study of Kaolin by Mellor and Holdcroft 708 Mellor and Holdcroft have studied the structure of kaolin by means of the purest china clay obtainable, this kaolin having a com- position approximating very closely indeed to the formula : A1 2 3 2 Si0 2 2 H 2 0. The result of their investigations leads to the conclusion that in all probability china clay is an a-kaolinic acid with a structure represented by the formula * : II I I II Si 2 H 2 6 A1 2 3 12 SiO 2 10 H 2 0. This a-kaolinic acid is converted on heating to 500-600 C. into a derivative of s-kaolinic acid, as shown in the following diagram : At a higher temperature (800-900 C.) the s-kaolinic anhydride is poly- merised with a liberation of heat, and at a temperature of 1100-1200 the polymeric anhydride of the s-acid is converted into a polymeric anhydride of the a-kaolinic acid with absorption of heat. In this way the genetic relationship between the 6-- and the a-kaolinic acid previously discovered by Pukall is confirmed. The changes just mentioned are based on the following con- siderations : 1. The heating curve plotted by Mellor and Holdcroft for pure kaolin shows, at temperatures above 500 C., a reduction in the rate at which the temperature rises, and this is doubtless due to the occur- rence of an endothermic or heat-absorbing reaction. At 900 C. a feeble exothermic reaction occurs, and between 1000 and 1200 another strong endothermic reaction takes place. These three " critical temperatures " are due to f : (a) The conversion of the a-kaolinic acid into the anhydride of s-kaolinic acid. (b) The polymerisation of the anhydride of the s-kaolinic acid. (c) The conversion of the polymerised anhydride of the s-kaolinic acid into a polymerised anhydride of the a-kaolinic acid. * Mellor and Holdcroft's formula is given on p. 110. t Mellor and Holdcroft's interpretation of these results is given on p. 122. MELLOR & HOLDCROFrS EXPERIMENTS ON KAOLIN 2. If this conversion of the a-kaolinic acid into an anhydride of the s-kaolinic acid really does take place at a temperature of 500-600C. as stated above, it follows that the product formed by heating kaolin to this temperature must be more readily soluble than the original kaolin. This interesting consequence of the H.P. theory has been independently and experimentally confirmed by Mellor and Holdcroft, who found that the dehydrated kaolin is more active than the kaolin from which it was prepared, and its solubility in acetic, hydrochloric and nitric acids is greater than that of the unburned kaolin. It is probable that the anhydride of the s-kaolinic acid formed at 600 C. becomes partially hydrated when under the influence of these acids, and the acidophillic OH-groups (the a-OH-groups) thus formed, and twice as numerous as the OH-groups in the a-kaolinic acid mole- cule, will make the product more closely related to acids and will simultaneously increase its solubility in acids. 3. A glance at the structural formulae of the simple and poly- merised a- or 5-kaolinic acids shows that : (a) The polymerised anhydrides of the a- and s-kaolinic acids must have a greater resistance to acids than those which are not poly- merised. (b) The greatest resistance to acids must be shown by the anhy- drides of the polymerised a-kaolinic acids, and (c) The s-kaolinic acids and their anhydrides must split off alumina more readily than silica, when treated with acids. These consequences of the H.P. theory are all confirmed by Mellor and Holdcroft 's experiments ; the following being of special interest : Samples of china clay, which had been maintained at various temperatures, were shaken mechanically, with hydrochloric acid of specific gravity 1-165 diluted with an equal volume of water, for two hours, and the proportions of alumina and silica dissolved were then determined. Pure hydrated alumina and pure hydrated silica were similarly treated. The results are shown in the following Table : Kaolin. Alumina. Silica. Tempera- ture. Loss on Heating. Soluble Matter. Loss on Heating. Soluble Matter. Loss on Heating. Soluble Matter. % SiO, %. AJ.O, % % % % % 100 12.64 0.08 0.12 16.00 2.60 600 1.37 0.16 0.16 2.45 42.96 1.36 700 0.62 0.12 0.98 2.41 20.40 1.36 800 0.56 0.12 0.68 1.58 7.84 1.24 1.12 900 0.23 0.12 0.20 1.65 5.92 0.43 0.76 1000 0.25 0.06 0.16 0.05 0.00 0.05 0.68 (at 1200) 122 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY It will be observed that the solubility of the alumina in the china clay after heating to 600 is only slightly higher than that in the clay heated to 100. It appears as if the conversion of the a-kaolinie acid into s-kaolinic acid commences at this temperature. At 700 there is a notable increase in the proportion of soluble alumina ; at higher temperatures the solubility of the alumina appears to diminish so that at 8QO C. it is only 0-68 ; at 900 it is still lower, and, at 1000, the solubility of both silica and alumina is very small. The solubility of the alumina in china clay does not agree entirely with the conclusions previously expressed (see Section I, p. 120) in which it was stated that the conversion of the a-kaolinic acid into the anhydride of the s-kaolinic acid occurs at 500-600 C., but the above Table clearly offers a general confirmation of the theory inasmuch as it shows an increased solubility in hydrochloric acid as the temperature to which china clay is heated is increased. 4. The specific gravity of the s-kaolinic acids must, clearly, differ from that of the a-kaolinic acids and the investigations of Mellor and Holdcroft have shown that this is the case, the specific gravity diminishing as the conversion of the a- into the s-kaolinic acid takes place. The Table below shows that at 600 the specific gravity of the clay is distinctly lower than at 110. At high temperatures the polymerisation which occurs and the formation of the polymerised anhydride of a-kaolinic acid must necessarily result in a series of increases in the specific gravity of the material. Mellor and Holdcroft have (without recognising the true nature of the compounds with which they were dealing) determined the specific gravity of the various a- and s-kaolinic acid derivatives, as shown in the following Table : Temperature. 110 600 700 800 900 1000 Specific Gravity. 2.615 2.473 2.469 2.497 2.560 2.734 Hence the various consequences of the H.P. theory as applied to the kaolinic acids are in complete agreement with the facts. Mellor and Holdcroft have endeavoured to explain the three critical temperatures (500-600, 800-900, and 1100-1200), mentioned above, which are recognisable on heating kaolin, and the abnormal behaviour of dehydrated kaolin to wards acids, on the assumption that (a) between 500 and 600 the substance loses all its water and is decomposed into free silica and alumina, (6) polymerisation of the alumina occurs at 800-900, and (c) the free silica and alumina re-com- REVIEW OF MELLOR & HOLDCROFTS EXPERIMENTS 123 bine at 1100-1200. This explanation of Mellor and Holdcroft's is highly improbable, and is contradicted by their experimental results. Thus, the Table showing the solubility of kaolin, alumina, and silica which have been heated to various temperatures (supra) shows that at 700 only 0-98 per cent, of the alumina presumably set free from the china clay is dissolved, whilst 20-4 per cent, of the hydrated alumina is dissolved under similar conditions. To suggest that this low solu- bility is due to the alumina being in the nascent state is to make the whole experiment quite inexplicable, as alumina definitely known to be in this state has a still higher solubility. In any case, such a difference in solubility as Mellor and Holdcroft suppose is quite incomprehensible, and their assumption that the alumina from the clay is more readily converted into an insoluble modification than that existing when hydrated alumina is heated is untenable, as the difference in solubility is far too large. Moreover, such an assumption is unnecessary, because, as already explained, the hexite-pentite theory gives a much simpler interpretation which is in closer agreement with the facts. The hygroscopicity of china clay, alumina and silica which had been heated to various temperatures has also been determined by Mellor and Holdcroft. The values obtained appear to be in opposition to the assumption that china clay is dissociated into free alumina and free silica at 500-600. The hygroscopicity was determined by standing the materials for 24 hours at 25 over 10 per cent, sulphuric acid and noting the increase in weight ; this was considered to be due to the water vapour absorbed. The following results were obtained by these investigators : Temperature. Percentage of water absorbed. China Clay. Alumina. Silica. 110 0.71 18.35 600 0.33 9.80 15.93 700 0.31 10.33 15.34 800 0.37 10.75 12.85 900 0.34 9.19 3.96 1000 0.04 0.01 0.00 The low hygroscopicity of china clay compared with that of silica and alumina (600-900) is extremely puzzling if it is assumed that the clay dissociates into free silica and alumina on heating. But in the light of the H.P. theory this is readily understood. If china clay were to dis- sociate as Mellor and Holdcroft assume, the product should have a much higher hygroscopicity than it possesses. Another interesting investigation of Mellor and Holdcroft is their attempt to produce hydrous china clay from the dehydrated (heated) material. Samples of china clay which had been maintained for a long CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY time at 600-640 and still contained 1-04 per cent, of water (approxi- mately 1 molecule of H 2 0) were heated with water in an autoclave at 300 C. under a pressure of 200 atmospheres. The product, dried over P 2 5 in vacuo, showed a loss on ignition of 3-63 per cent, (approxi- mately 3-5H 2 0), the dehydrated china clay thus absorbing 2-5 per cent, or 2-5 molecules of water. This behaviour may be predicted from the Hexite-Pentite theory. The Melting Points of Clays and other Aluminosilicates [Technically, the melting point of certain aluminosilicates is of great importance. Especially is this the case with clays used for the manufacture of furnace linings and other refractory goods exposed to very high temperatures.] The melting point of a substance has long been recognised as closely related to its chemical constitution, and C. Bischof 727 was the first to establish the existence of such a relationship. Unfortunately, his conclusions have been found to be incorrect in detail, but this does not prejudice his position of priority in this important subject. [The fact should not be overlooked that the determination of the melting point of clays is so difficult that reliable conclusions based upon it are almost impossible of attainment in the present state of knowledge. What is usually termed the "melting point" is merely the point at which the influence of heat is sufficient to cause the bending of test pieces of an arbitrarily chosen shape (that of Seger Cones). Clays do not appear to have any definite melting point, but, on heating, the amount of fused matter gradually increases, partly by the direct action of the heat and partly by the chemical action of the fused material on that which remains. Thus, a clay which is maintained for a sufficiently long time at a comparatively low tempera- ture will show a similar amount of fusion or vitrification to another clay which has been raised to a higher temperature for a much shorter time. This fact is extensively used in the manufacture of stoneware, paving bricks and other articles of vitrified clay, as the loss of shape at a given temperature on prolonged heating is far less serious than when a higher temperature is employed for a much shorter time. In the manufacture of glazed goods, on the contrary, it is found that a little gloss, i.e. a more complete fusion, is obtained by means of a more rapidly rising temperature to which the goods are exposed for a comparatively short time. Hence, it is precisely because clays behave as if they were composed of a refractory skeleton, the pores of which are, on heating, gradually filled with a glassy material, that the manufacture of stoneware, porcelain, etc. becomes possible. If clays melted uniformly the result of heating them in kilns would not be the wares mentioned, but glasses and glazes. It would remove much obscurity and many erroneous conclusions if the term "melting point" in the literature of clays and clay- working were replaced by the term softening point. The tests of the so-called melting point of clays and the temperatures associated with Seger Cones do not refer to the true melting point at all, but merely indicate the effect of the total forces acting on the material and resulting in a certain change in shape. This change is brought about by the production in the mass of a certain amount of fused or partially fused material and is the resultant of several forces, the individual influence of which it is extremely difficult to calculate. The generally accepted view of the phenomena observed in the melting point of clays is that they point to the fusion of the least refractory materials in the clay occurring first, this being followed by the gradual fusion of the remainder by the fused portion. This view is confirmed by the fact that clays do not appear to have a definite melting point like crystalline compounds, but a "range of fusion" such as is found on heating heterogeneous mixtures. In view of the H.P. theory, it is not impossible that the low conductivity of clay for heat may lead to erroneous conclusions respecting the fusing points of articles made of clay by preventing the heat reacting on the interior of the mass. The results of prolonged heating at lower temperatures appear to confirm this view. To decide whether a clay has a sharp melting point (like a single chemical compound) or a MELTING POINTS OF CLAYS, ETC. 125 "melting range" (like a heterogeneous mixture) it would be necessary to keep it for a sufficiently long time at the lowest temperature at which any fusion appears to occur. The time required is so great that the cost of such tests becomes prohibitive, but until they have been made it is not logical to assume that the apparent behaviour of clays is necessarily opposed to their being definite chemical compounds and not mixtures. It is, moreover, not impossible that the progressive decomposition of the molecules containing substituted elements may make what are really true compounds behave as heterogeneous mixtures, though the former suggestion appears to afford a more probable explanation.] That a close relationship does exist between the melting point and chemical constitution of a compound cannot be denied, and this being the case, the following statements are direct consequences of the H.P. theory : 1. Clays are usually kaolinic acids which have undergone a partial polymerisation. In the theoretically possible compound : I I Si I Al I Al I Si */V\ II I I 18 H 2 18 A1 2 3 36 Si0 2 , one or more hydrogen atoms may be replaced by K, Na, Ca, Mg, Fe, etc. ; one or more aluminium atoms may be replaced by Fe, Mn, Cr, Co, etc. ; one or more silicon atoms may be replaced by Ti, Zr, etc. By such replacements compounds would be produced containing very small percentages of certain elements which would, nevertheless, have a marked influence on the melting point. It is obvious that this influence must be different with different elements. Not only must bases have a different effect on the melting point from that exerted by acids, but the various bases and acids will vary in their individual influence. Hence, the melting point of the material will be affected according as K, Na, Ba, or Ca, etc. replaces one or more hydrogen atoms, and whether a portion of the aluminium is replaced by Fe or Cr or Mn, etc., or whether Ti or Zr is substituted for part of the silicon. Other variations in the melting point will occur according as a portion of the hydrogen, aluminium or silicon is replaced by analogous substances. In all these cases the melting point is a periodic function of the atomic weight of the substituting element, i.e. there must be a definite relationship between the change in the melting point and the atomic 126 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY weight of the replacing element. As the atomic weight increases, the melting point of the clay may rise or fall. 2. Clays and aluminosilicates have varying A1 2 3 : SiO 2 ratios. With any variation in the proportion of alumina or silica the melting point of the clay must also rise or fall. 3. The melting points of isomeric aluminosilicic acids and of the corresponding salts must differ from each other. (See " Basis and Ring Isomerism," p. 63.) The H.-P. Theory and the Facts The available experimental evidence is not sufficient to prove completely the foregoing consequences of the H.P. theory regarding the relationship of the melting point and the chemical constitution of clays. Such facts as are known, however, are confirmatory of the theory. Consequence 1 (p. 125) It follows from the theory that the melting point of a clay must depend on the nature of the elements which replace some of the H, Si or Al in the theoretically pure kaolinic acid or clay. Opposed to this theory is the law of Bischof and Richter 726 which states that " equiva- lent amounts of fluxes have an equal influence on the melting point of any clay in which they occur." [In order to obtain a numerical expression of this law, Bischof re-calculated the analyses of the clays he examined so as to show their molecular proportions, and arranged these as a formula of the type O aA! 2 O 3 6SiO 2 , in which the amount of base is constant, the two variables being the silica and alumina. Considering these variables alone, he suggested that the refractoriness of a clay might be represented by a coefficient or quotient (FQ). According to Bischof : a 2 Fire resistance Quotient (Bischof) FQg = ~r*] According to this law, it follows that equivalent amounts of potash, soda, ferric oxide, etc. should have an equal influence on the melting point of clays containing them. The following compositions of clays may be taken as an illustration : 0.5 K 2 0- 9.5 H 2 6A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 , 0.5 Na 2 O 9.5 H 8 6 A1 2 O 3 12 Si0 2 , 0.25 K 2 0.25 Na 2 9.5 H 2 6 A1 2 3 12 SiO 2 , 10 H 2 5.5 A1 2 3 0.5 Fe 2 3 12 Si0 2 , 10 H 2 5.5 A1 2 3 0.5 Mn 2 3 12 Si0 2 . These contain the same amount of fluxes, viz. 0-5 molecules, and should all have the same melting point. Actual determinations of the melting points of these clays show that this is not the case. RELATION BETWEEN MELTING POINT & COMPOSITION 127 In direct opposition to Bischof and Richter's law are the extensive studies of Jochum 728 on a series of fireclays in connection with Seger Cones. The data obtained by Jochum are summarised in the following Table : No. SiO a Al,0 3 Fe a 3 CaO MgO K a o Na,0 Total Fluxes Kefractorineas in Seger Clones 1. 53.32 44.15 0.56 0.28 0.23 0.51 1.58 36 2. 52.24 43.43 0.87 0.32 0.35 1.54 35 3. 52.50 45.22 0.81 0.54 0.50 1.85 35 4. 52.74 45.81 1.00 0.15 0.05 0.54 1.74 36 5. 52.50 46.25 0.35 0.47 0.13 0.32 1.27 36 6. 52.33 45.81 1.30 1.43 2.73 35 7. 53.11 44.63 2.34 0.86 0.65 0.22 4.07 35-36 8. 52.74 46.00 1.07 0.23 0.24 1.54 35 TiO 2 9. 53.35 44.13 0.89 0.28 1.34 1.11 3.62 35 10. 53.35 43.35 0.83 0.24 1.43 2.50 35 11. 51.45 45.23 0.55 0.30 0.41 1.78 3.03 35 12. 51.57 45.70 1.31 0.86 0.77 2.94 35 13. 51.57 45.90 1.13 0.24 0.09 0.60 2.06 35 14. 51.90 46.10 1.14 0.24 0.09 0.60 2.07 35-36 15. 51.43 45.57 1.31 0.89 0.77 2.97 35 16. 55.00 40.60 2.86 1.30 Di ff. 4.16 35 17. 57.00 37.00 3.66 0.57 1.77 6.00 35 18. 58.19 39.37 0.85 0.09 0.41 1.14 2.49 34 19. 52.34 40.11 2.54 0.25 0.91 3.87 7.57 33 20. 52.92 39.16 2.57 0.18 1.24 3.55 7.54 30 21. 52.48 39.16 2.55 0.18 1.23 3.52 7.48 32 22. 52.90 38.40 4.80 2.40 0.80 1.00 9.00 32 A glance at this Table will show the invalidity of Bischof and Richter's law. This is particularly noticeable with respect to clays Nos. 6, 7, and 8. The total percentage of fluxes in No. 6 clay is 2-73, in No. 7 clay 4-07 and in No. 8 clay 1-54, but the refractoriness of all three clays is the same (cone 35). Indeed, the clay with the lowest pro- portion of fluxes (No. 7) has, if anything, a higher degree of refractori- ness than the other two. The figures in connection with clays No. 17 and 18 are even more striking. Clay No. 17 contains 6-00 of fluxes whilst No. 18 contains only 2-49, yet the refractoriness of No. 17 is a Seger cone higher than No. 18, i.e. cone 35 as compared with cone 34, whereas, according to the Bischof -Richter law, No. 17 should be con- siderably more fusible than No. 18. In the case of clays No. 19 and 21, the composition is practically identical, but the refractoriness is different. [Seger 730 has pointed out that the Bischof-Richter law is only applicable to clays containing a very small proportion of basic oxides, i.e. to the most highly refractory clays, and that it is quite useless for second-grade fireclays and clays used for building purposes. Richter 730 found that the form in which the silica is present in a clay, i.e. whether combined or in the free state, has a profound influence on the melting point. Hence, as Seger has pointed out, the resistance of clay to heat does not depend on the com- position of the material as a whole, but on the compounds present in it and on their state of aggregation. This fact has been repeatedly confirmed and is well known to all 128 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY manufacturers of refractory goods. Indeed, the remarkable variations in fireclay deposits are a daily source of anxiety to those using them. For this reason, and because he regarded the variety of minerals present in most clays as rendering abortive all consideration of the melting point of any clay as a whole, Seger 730 insisted that it is first necessary to free the clay as far as possible from sand, silt, and other impurities by washing, and then to study the melting point of the purer product thus obtained. He therefore applied Bischof's Quotient to that portion of the clay which is sufficiently fine to be washed out by a current of water flowing at the rate of 0. 1 8 mm. per second (i.e. on the nearest approach to " pure clay " obtainable on mechanical elutriation of a commercial clay and termed by him " clay substance," but more accurately clayite in the case of china clay by J. W. Mellor 708 , and pelinite in the case of plastic clays by A. B. Searle 732 ). With this purified material Seger obtained results which agreed much better with the actual fusion tests. As, however, serious discrepancies still existed even among the higher-grade clays Seger eventually suggested the following formula applied to the clayite or pelinite above mentioned, and not to the material as a whole : Fire-resistance Quotient (Seger) FQ g = (a+b) 5. This formula, though applicable to a larger number of clays than Bischof's, is, like the latter, extremely limited in its application and is far from reliable, and Seger 30 25 -20 -ft -ID -05 \ \ \ \ * s.c, 2 25 3 3-S FIG. 1. Lud wig's Chart 4-5 5 55 6 himself found several fireclays and kaolins in regard to which it proved impossible to obtain an agreement between his formula and the results of actual fusion tests. That Seger recognised this is clearly shown in the following statements in his " Collected Papers " : " Both Bischof's and my coefficients only give approximate figures, as the fusion of clays involves several important physical factors which must inevitably be omitted from any method of calculation." "It is unwise to attach much importance to any coefficient, because it cannot include the variations in the size of the grains of clay, this factor being quite as important as the composition of the material. Thus, silica in an extremely finely divided state acts energetically as a flux, but coarser silica in- creases the heat resistance of some clays to which it is added ! " Seger also laid great stress on the irregularity of composition observed in clays, and declared them to be " not homogeneous, but merely mixtures of various minerals of which the largest proportion is * clay substance.' " " Hence, any figure which it is claimed represents the melting point based on the composition of the material can only be rough approxima- tions." When Seger's quotient is applied to the analyses shown in the Table on page 127, the results obtained are so conflicting that it is impossible to trace any direct con- RELATION BETWEEN MELTING POINT & COMPOSITION 129 nection between Seger's quotient and the Seger cone numbers in the last column of the Table. It is, however, only fair to observe that the temperatures indicated by these Seger cones are not the true melting points of the clays, but only the " softening points," and Bischof has shown there is no simple law connecting the temperature at which Seger cones bend with that at which they melt. A method of calculation similar to those of Bischof and Seger, but differing in the manner of its representation, is that of T. Ludwig 706 , who assumed that the fluxes in a clay are in the form of a solid solution with the clay as a solvent, and arranged the composition of a clay as a formula with alumina as unity thus : x RO A1 2 O 3 y SiO 2 , plotting x as ordinates and y as abscissae. Ludwig obtained a chart (Fig. 1) in which the diagonal lines represent the limits of the Seger cones marked thereon, so that the " melting point " of a clay is represented in terms of these cones. This chart is in close agreement with the experimental observations of many fireclays and kaolins, but is entirely unreliable for clays in which the total fluxing oxides exceed 6 per cent. Ludwig attributed its failure to the heterogeneous nature of clays and to the irregular distribution of the fluxes in them. The relationship between the composition of clays and their melting point has also been investigated by H. Seger 730 , who studied the melting point of mixtures of silica and alumina and of silica and kaolin to which sufficient felspar was added to keep the alkali-content of the various mixtures constant. Seger found that mixtures of free silica and alumina behave in a manner similar to mixtures of kaolin and pure quartz-sand, so far as the melting points are concerned. In both cases the larger the proportion of silica the lower the melting point, until a material is obtained with a molecular ratio of 1 A1 2 O 3 : 17 SiO 2 , after which the addition of more silica increases the melting point until practically pure silica is obtained. These results are summarised in the curve shown in Fig. 2 (see also p. 132). That some definite relationship does exist between the composition and the softening point of clays is shown by the existence of a regular series of Seger cones. These are composed of mixtures of pure kaolin with marble, felspar, and quartz in atomic proportions, the whole being reduced to an exceedingly fine powder. Not- withstanding the fact that the purest possible materials are used in the manufacture of these cones, no definite general formula has been found for connecting the fusing point of these cones with their composition. Seger laid special emphasis on the un- desirability of attempting to correlate the Seger cones with definite temperatures. " I permit the preparation of a scale of comparison between my cones and definite temperatures," he wrote, " with the greatest unwillingness, more especially as I have found no means of comparison for the highest cones." Seger's caution and modesty are well known, so that it is interesting to note that later investigations have proved that, with trifling exceptions, all the cones above No. 10 correspond very closely to definite temperatures, provided that the rate and other conditions of heating are favourable and constant, but that slight variations in the condition of heating cause serious discrepancies in the behaviour of the cones. It should, however, be noted that Seger's cones do not show the melting points of the mixtures composing them, but only the resultant of the various forces which cause them to bend to a definite extent. Whether there is any relationship capable of simpler expression numerically between the bending temperatures of Seger cones and their true melting points remains to be proved. Meanwhile, in view of the misuse of terms in the literature of the subject, too much emphasis cannot be laid on the fact that Seger cones merely indicate the softening points of the materials of which they are made. These softening points, together with the molecular composition of the cones, are shown in the Table on the next page. 130 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY SEGER CONES AND TEMPERATURES Estimated Temperature C. Cone No. Molecular Composition K,0 CaO Al,0, SiO, 1320 11 .25 .58 1 10 1350 12 .21 .50 1 10 1380 13 .19 .53 1 10 1410 14 .17 .39 1 10 1435 15 .14 .33 1 10 1460 16 .13 .29 1 10 1480 17 .11 .26 1 10 1500 18 .10 .23 10 1520 19 .09 .20 10 1530 20 .08 .18 10 p 21 .07 .15 10 22 .06 .14 10 *- 23 .06 .13 10 24 .05 .12 10 25 .04 .11 10 1580 26 .04 .10 10 1610 27 .02 .03 10 1630 28 10 * 28* 9 1650 29" 8 * 29* 7 1670 30" 6 1690 31 5 1710 32f 4 1730 33 3 1750 34 2.5 1770 35 2 1920 40 * These cones are not manufactured, as their Estimated Temperatures lie too close to neighbouring cones, and are somewhat irregular, t Pure silica behaves like cone 32. It will be observed that there is a fairly regular difference in temperature between consecutive cones, but this is not sufficiently constant for any simple law to be found from a graph of the cone numbers and temperatures. Simonis 706 has studied mixtures of kaolin, quartz, and felspar in connection with Seger cones and found that the felspar acts as a constant and neutral flux. He also concluded that the softening point of such a mixture might be represented numerically by a " refractory index," using the symbols k for the percentage of kaolin, s for that of quartz, and / for that of felspar. According to Simonis, if k is greater than f the " refractory index " will be R = | / + 60. For bodies high in silica, in which J 2g o is greater than Tc, the " refractory index " is IT k f + 60. The value of this " refractory index " in terms of Seger cones is given in the accompanying Table : Refractory index . . 17.5 22.6 28 33.7 39.2 44.6 50 57.6 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 26 Refractory index . . 65 72 80 89 102 114 127 141 Seger cone 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 RELATION BETWEEN MELTING POINT & COMPOSITION 131 It will be observed that there is no simple relationship between Simonis' Refractive Index and the corresponding Seger Cones. In short, the Bischof-Richter law, together with the various modi- fications of it and the other attempts to correlate the melting points of clays with their chemical constitution here noticed, which are not in accordance with the H. P. theory, is shown by the above evidence to be erroneous. Further investigations must show that, in accordance with the H.P. theory, the true melting point of a clay (not the " softening point ") is a periodic function of the atomic weight of the replacing elements. [That this relationship has not been f ound is, in part, due to the difficulties experi- enced in melting the purer and therefore the most refractory clays, and also to the very widespread belief that clays are heterogeneous mixtures and not true chemical compounds. The general evidence in favour of the H.P. theory is, however, so strong as to make this consequence of it highly probable, even though the experimental evidence at present available in respect of melting points is of little or no assistance. In due time the various germs of truth in Bischof's and other theories will emerge from the obscurity in which they have so long lain, in consequence of the non-existence of a correct theory as to the constitution of clays and allied substances.] It is highly probable that the melting point will be lowered by the substitution of elements of higher atomic weights. Such an effect has been observed by G. Jantsch 729 in other complexes with the general formula : 3Mo-X 2 3 -6N 2 5 -24H 2 0, where Mo = MgO MnO NiO CeO ZnO, and X 2 3 = La 2 3 Ce 2 O 3 - Pr 2 O 3 - Nd 2 3 - Sm 2 3 Gd 2 3 . This is shown in the following Table : Mg Mn Ni Ce Zn La 113.5 87.2 110.5 101.8 98.0 Ce 111.5 83.7 108.5 98.5 92.8 Pr 111.2 81.0 108.0 97.0 91.5 Nd 109.0 77.0 105.6 95.5 88.5 Sm 96.2 70.2 92.2 83.2 76.5 Gd 77.5 72.5 63.2 56.5 The divalent manganese appears to behave in an exceptional manner which cannot, at present, be explained. Consequence 2 (see p. 126) The melting point of silicates containing no alumina increases with the silica-content. Thus, bisilicates fuse at a higher temperature than monosilicates, and trisilicates are more difficult to fuse than bisilicates. In most cases, the physical properties of complex substances differ from those of their constituents. This is also the case with alumino- silicates in which, according to the researches of C. Bischof, a lower fusing point accompanies a higher silica-content, the aluminosilicates which are rich in silica being more fusible than those relatively poor in silica. 132 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY A glance at Fig. 2, which shows the results obtained by Seger 730 on mixtures of pure silica and alumina (see p. 129) shows : 1. An increase in the proportion of silica is accompanied by an increased fusibility. 2. The melting point, or more strictly the softening point, di- minishes with an increase in the proportion of silica until the mixture with a ratio A1 2 3 : SiO 2 = l : 15 is reached, after which there is a change in the direction of the curve until a ratio 1 : 17 is reached, after which an increase in the proportion of silica is accompanied by an increase in the melting point. u red/2 Os I 23456 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 /4 15 IB 17 IB 13 20 21 22 23 24 25 Mols.SiOz. FIG. 2. Relation of Softening Point to Composition (Seger) The flattening in the curve indicates the formation of a compound, and as glasses are known with a ratio of A1 2 O 3 : SiO 2 = 2 : 36, the curve appears to indicate the existence of a secondary type of such a glass. The compound A1 2 O 3 , 17 Si0 2 would then have a high molecular weight and the following structural formula : Si | Si | Si | \/ \/ A1 2 A1 2 A A | Si | Si | Si \/\/\/ Consequence 3 (see p. 126) No experimental evidence is available for proving the correctness or otherwise of this consequence of the H.P. theory, but further investiga- THE CAUSE OF PLASTICITY 133 tions of clays and aluminosilicates will, in all probability, lead to the definite confirmation of this theory. In connection with the foregoing observations the behaviour of the so-called mineralisers 1 may be mentioned. The ones most generally used are the chlorides of calcium, magnesium, manganese, aluminium, and silicon, the fluorides of calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium and silicon, the tungstates of potassium and lithium, the borates of mag- nesium, calcium and sodium, the phosphates of potassium, magnesium, etc. These mineralisers appear, in many cases, to form sodalitic com- pounds with silicates (see Socialites p. 59) and, on adding a mineraliser to a compound or mixture, the melting point of the substance is con- siderably reduced. Mineralisers play an important part in the synthesis of various minerals and without them some minerals cannot be produced. The Cause of Plasticity in Clay Before concluding this chapter, a few words may be added on the plasticity of clay. The authors agree with Seger 221 in terming those substances plastic which possess the power of absorbing and retaining fluids in their pores in such a manner that the mass may be given any desired shape by kneading or pressure, this shape being retained after the pressure has been removed. It is a further condition that if the fluid is removed, the substance shall retain its shape unchanged. A number of theories 221 * have been formulated to explain the causes of the plasticity of clays.* The authors of the present volume consider those theories are the most probable which assign the chief cause of plasticity to the " water of constitution " in clays. From this it follows that : A. The more OH-groups a clay contains in the form of " water of constitution," the more plastic must it be. B. By separation of the OH-groups on an increase in temperature of the clay, or by the replacement of hydrogen by a base, the plasticity must be reduced or completely destroyed. These consequences of the theory are fully confirmed by facts. Thus, Seger 221 found that if a cream or slip made of clay and water is allowed to settle and the clear water decanted, the pasty sediment will be so stiff that it can bear the weight of a glass rod without the latter sinking into it. If, however, to the water used for making the slip a few drops of caustic soda, sodium carbonate solution or water-glass are added, so that the water is rendered feebly alkaline, a remarkable change occurs. The slip becomes considerably thinner and more fluid, * The chief of these are summarised in " British Clays, Shales, and Sands." 706 134 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY part of the material settles immediately to the bottom as a solid substance and the supernatant liquid requires a very long time before it becomes clear. If, now, a few drops of acid are added to the mass, it becomes so stiff that the vessel in which it is contained may be inverted without spilling the contents. On drying to a definite volume, the acidulated mass will be found to be much more plastic than the original clay and the alkaline mass will have lost almost all its plas- ticity. It is highly probable that in Seger's experiment, the prolonged action of water or acids on the clay had effected a partial separation of the alkalies it contained, whereby an increase in plasticity resulted, due to the cause indicated in Conclusion A above 2213 . By the action of alkali, a partial substitution of H by the alkali may also occur and, as indicated in Conclusion B, this is the reason the plasticity is reduced. E. v. Sommaruga 222 has shown, by analysis, that aluminosilicates of the alkalies and alkaline earths lose part of their base on washing. In agreement with Conclusion B, there is the further fact that clays lose their plasticity at high temperatures, at which the water of con- stitution is also driven off. The fact that some hydrous-aluminosilicates, such as the zeolites, are non-plastic is not in opposition to the above theory as to the cause of plasticity, as the introduction of a definite proportion of base so as to form a salt and zeolites are true salts completely destroys the plasticity. [The term plasticity, as ordinarily used, includes so many other properties that the interpretation of experimental results is extremely difficult. Moreover, no generally accepted method of measuring plasticity has yet been devised, all those now in use being open to several objections, the chief of which is that they measure some property closely allied to plasticity such as tensile strength, adhesion, viscosity, binding power, etc., but not the plasticity itself. Again, Drs. W. and D. Asch make no mention of the close connection between the colloidal material present and the plasticity of clays, nor do they explain how it is that quartz, calcium fluoride and a number of other substances of widely different constitution and composition have been found by Flett, Atterberg and others to be plastic when in a sufficiently finely divided state. If it is really a fact that extremely finely divided silica which is free from con- stitutional water can become truly plastic, the hexite-pentite theory will require modification. In the present state of knowledge it is, however, extremely difficult to decide whether the substances just mentioned do become truly plastic or whether they merely become more cohesive. Several investigations, including those by Rieke 707 , have shown that the loss of plasticity when a clay is heated is not proportional to the loss of " water of constitu- tion." A certain amount of plasticity remains, even when all the water has been re- moved from the clay, provided that the removal has been effected at a low tempera- ture. For this reason Rieke and others have concluded that the loss of plasticity on heating is due to the physical rather than to the chemical nature of the clay. An equally correct conclusion and one which is, moreover, in conformity with the hexite- pentite theory, is that the loss of " water of constitution " is accompanied by poly- merisation phenomena which materially reduces the plasticity and necessarily involves a lack of proportionality between the loss of water and of plasticity when the clay is heated, especially as, under such conditions, the plasticity is lost at a greater rate than the "water of constitution." The reader interested in this subject will find further details in the translator's " British Clays, Shales, and Sands," in which the conclusion is reached that the plasticity is partly due to the extreme smallness of the clay particles, partly to the shape, texture, and physical nature of these particles, and only slightly to their chemical composition. THE COLOUR OF BURNED CLAY 135 Considering the great stability of the clay molecule, it certainly appears to be quite as likely that the action of a few drops of acid or alkali on a considerable weight of clay may be due to the colloidal material in clay as to any change in the chemical com- position of the clay molecule of the nature suggested above. Moreover, it is difficult to understand why china clays and kaolins should be so slightly plastic compared to ball clays yielding such remarkably similar results on analysis, unless plasticity origin- ates largely in the physical, rather than in the chemical nature of clay. This may, of course, be due to somewhat different chemical structure (isomerism or polymerism) and the hexite-pentite theory is a priori in favour of such an explanation as accounting for the physical differences. The whole subject of plasticity is, however, so complex, that no definite theory as to its cause has yet been found which will satisfy the whole of the facts. Under these circumstances, the theory suggested by Drs. W. and D. Asch takes its place amongst the numerous other serious attempts to ascertain the cause of this very elusive property of clays. In the opinion of the translator, however, the present application of the hexite-pentite theory to plasticity is attempting too much. The hexite-pentite theory is so valuable in its relation to the chemical composition of clays that it would be a pity to prejudice its acceptance by prematurely extending its application. When more is known of the nature of plasticity, it is not improbable that the value of this theory, in regard to plasticity, may be much greater than now appears to be the case. The Colour of Bricks and other Articles of Burned Clay The red colour of building bricks is usually attributed to the presence of free ferric oxide in the burned clay ; that of Staffordshire " blue " bricks and clinkers is generally considered to be due to the production of a ferrous silicate by the reducing action of the kiln gases on the ferric oxide in the burned clay. It is, however, a curious fact that the best red bricks cannot be made by adding ferric oxide to a clay, though the use of this substance does produce a low grade of red brick with a very irregular colour. Moreover, ordinary " red oxide of iron " dissolves readily in hydrochloric acid, but the colour of a finely-ground red brick is not removed by cold acid, nor can such a powder be completely bleached even by boiling with hydrochloric acid for several hours. Again, the clay used for blue Staffordshire bricks produces goods of a bright red colour if burned in an oxidising atmosphere, the blue colour being only formed when reducing gases are present. If the temperature of the kiln has not been excessive, and the atmosphere is made strongly oxidising, the blue colour is replaced by a bright red one, this transformation of blue and red and vice versa being capable of being repeated indefinitely as long as the temperature is care- fully regulated. The generally accepted opinion that a simple ferrous silicate is the cause of the " blue " colour is not borne out by synthetic ferrous silicates, the colours of the latter being quite different. These facts all point to the colour of bricks being due to an aluminosilicic anhy- dride containing iron in such a form that it can be readily converted from the ferric to the ferrous state and vice versa. The structure of silicates in which the colour is due to a chromophore group containing a metallic oxide is described in greater detail in a later section on " Coloured Glasses," in which the state of combination of the metal is explained by the aid of the H.P. theory. Seger 730 and others have exhaustively investigated the relationship between the iron contents of numerous clays and the colours of the bricks obtained therefrom, but have not been able to find any definite correlation between the two. In many instances clays which contain 5 per cent, or more of iron calculated as ferric oxide, burn to a pale buff or primrose tint, whilst other clays with only 3 per cent, of iron oxide produce bricks of a strong dark red colour. The lower-grade fireclays and other buff- burning clays do not contain less iron than red-burning clays, but they must contain it in a different form. There is evidence in support of the view that in buff-burning clays the iron is chiefly in the form of pyrites, whilst in red -burning clays it is in the form of a ferrosilicic or ferro-alumino-silicic acid, analogous to clay in which one or more of the hydrogen atoms have been replaced by an atom of iron. Seger also found that clays rich in alumina as well as iron, usually burn to a buff rather than to a red tint. It is interesting to note, in this connection, that if a red-burning clay is washed with dilute hydrochloric acid a large part of the colouring matter will be removed, and if the clay is then dried and burned it will be of a yellowish red colour. No treat- 136 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY ment with acid has yet been found, however, which will remove all the iron without destroying the clay. If buff-burning clays are brought into momentary contact with flame in the kiln a reddish tint will form on their surface, as though a portion of the combined iron were set free as ferric oxide. No satisfactory explanation of this phenomena has yet been published, as the amount of red substance formed is too small for analysis ; the pro- duction of such " flame-flashed " goods is, however, well known to all makers of fire- bricks. If chalk is mixed with a red-burning clay, the bricks produced at temperatures below about 800 C. are red, but above this temperature the chalk reacts with the iron compound and the bricks are quite white and might be supposed to be quite free from iron. The nature of this white compound of lime, iron and clay has never been ascer- tained, but in the light of the H.P. theory it would appear as if the lime had destroyed the chromophore group forming a new ferruginous silicate and so had deprived the iron of its colouring power. The whole subject of the colour of burned clays is of great technical importance, but hitherto it has been subject to so many assumptions which have passed as explana- tions that very little scientific investigation has been made. Clay workers have been content to accept the assumption that the red colour of certain bricks is due to the free ferric oxide in the clay without troubling to ascertain how it is that 5 per cent, of iron oxide is without effect on the colour of the raw clay and yet produces such an intense colour when the clay is burned. That some change must occur in the combina- tion of the iron is obvious and the view published some years ago by the translator of the present work, that a large proportion of the iron occurs in the form of ferrosilicic acid (?nontronite, H 4 Fe 2 Si 2 O 9 ) which, on heating, is decomposed into water, silica and free ferric oxide, certainly agrees with a number of the important properties of red- burning clays. Whether the iron is in the form of a ferrosilicic acid or of a substituted group in an aluminosilicic acid it is, at present, almost impossible to determine ex- perimentally.] XII The Ultramarines Historical Review Since 1828, many fruitless attempts have been made to ascertain the true cause of the colour of the ultramarines. Those investigators who consider ultramarine to be simply a " mixture " or a " solid solution " have, naturally, endeavoured to find a " colouring principle," the nature of which varies according to the various authors. Thus, according to Gmelin 246 and Breunlin 246 , the " colouring principle " of ultramarine is sulphur ; Eisner 247 , Kressler 248 , Guyton Morveau 249 , Priikner 250 , and Varrentrapp 251 consider it to be iron sulphide, but Brunner 252 has contradicted this by producing a blue from materials quite free from iron, which colour is in every respect equal to that produced from ferruginous clays. According to Unger 253 , the blue colour of ultramarine is due to nitrogen compounds, but Biichner 254 has disproved this by showing that " ultramarine " contains no nitro- gen. Stein 255 has suggested that ammonium sulphide, mixed with the ground mass in a state of " molecular fineness," is the colouring matter of "ultramarine," and Rohland 256 has stated that "ultramarine" contains a " colour-carrying substance," or chromophore, whose composition he has not published. On the contrary, those investigators who consider the ultramarines to be definite chemical compounds seek for the source of the colour in HISTORICAL REVIEW OF ULTRAMARINES 137 the arrangement of the smallest particles of this compound, i.e. they regard the colour of ultramarine either as a constitutional property or seek its origin in definite atomic complexes which form definite chemical compounds with the essential constituent (silicate) of the ultramarines. Among others in the first class is included Hitter 257 , who considers that " there can be no question of a colouring principle, as the whole of the ultramarine forms a chemical compound because, as previously shown, one form of such substances may be colourless, yet may, under certain conditions, be converted into a coloured compound without the introduction of any new substance a comparatively clear indication that here, as everywhere, the colour is due to the arrange- ment of the " smallest particles." R. Hoffmann 258 is one of those who consider that the cause of the colour is to be found in definite radicles contained in the ultramarine. He has referred frankly and clearly to sulphonates which can add or lose sodium, oxygen, and sulphur, forming various colours. 259 " These changes occur in a similar manner to those in the side chains of organic compounds ; addition, substitution, and subtraction changes may occur without destroying the combination with the silicate molecule." It is clear that Hoffmann's conception of the constitution of ultramarine is the one which most closely resembles that of the authors of the present volume. In this connection, the following extracts from Hoffmann's inter- esting work on ultramarine are of value : 26 " for the present it is sufficient to state that the formation of green and blue ultramarines and their behaviour towards various reagents confirm the view that the sodium added in the form of oxide must be more firmly united to the elements of the kaolin than is the sulphide, and that it alone takes part in the further conversion of white into blue and green ultramarine. Consequently, it is possible to distinguish a silicate side from a sulphide side in the ultramarine molecule without in any way disturbing the combination of the elements as a whole." Hoffmann 261 was also the first to claim the chemical individuality of ultramarine and to confirm this by means of microscopical investiga- tion. 262 He was also the first to show that it is not correct to speak of one ultramarine, but rather of ultramarine compounds ; he en- deavoured to classify these into those " rich in silica " and those " poor in silica." The view that there are several ultramarines and that some, at least, of these are chemical compounds, has been independently adopted by Phillipp 263 , Szilasi 264 , Heumann 266 , Guckelberger 266 , etc. At the same time, it should be noted that Hoffmann has doubted the chemical individuality of several ultramarines, including " ultramarine green." " Ultramarine green " is generally understood not to have the properties of a chemical compound. 267 It is considered to be either a mixture of ultramarine blue and a yellow substance or as ultramarine blue to which sodium sulphide, etc. has adhered. 138 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY For this reason Guckelberger 268 examined " ultramarine green " microscopically and found it to be a perfectly uniform, transparent, sea-green substance. No traces of blue particles or of those inter- mediate between green and blue were discernible. Hence, Guckelberger concluded that " ultramarine green " is a single chemical compound. It is surprising to find that, as early as 1878, B. Hoffmann 269 expressed an opinion on the nature of the bond of the sulphur-group in the ultramarines which is very similar to that of the authors of the present volume. He also expressed the belief that part of the oxygen in the silicate molecule is replaceable by sulphur. " The existence of a sodium silico-aluminate in which that part of the oxygen which is in closer combination with sodium can be replaced by sulphur such silico-sulphonates behaving like free sodium monosulphonate (from which higher sulphonates may be produced by combination with sulphur and loss of sodium, without the silicosulphonate being decom- posed) would be sufficient to explain the formation of ultramarine by the ordinary method of preparation and also its chemical behaviour towards other substances." R. Hoffmann 734 endeavoured to find satisfactory structural formulae for white ultramarine, siliceous blue ultramarine, etc., and for this purpose made use of the silicate formulae proposed by K. Haushofer 736 to obtain the following : Na O Al > Si S Na Na Al Si Na White ultramarine. Al < Si S S Na Si O O A] Na O Al Si /0\ ' Si O O 0_Al<0\s! Siliceous blue ultramarine. S Na Hoffmann admitted, however, that these formulae were more fantastic than probable. THE CONSTITUTION OF ULTRAMARINES 139 A New Ultramarine Theory The formulation of the authors' new hexite-pentite theory of the constitution of the silicates, and the existence of an extensive literature of ultramarine, naturally suggest the application of the theory to the ultramarine compounds. The absence of a general theory of the composition of the silicates appears to be the chief reason why the key to the chemical constitution of the ultramarines has not yet been obtained, in spite of the innumerable experiments which have been made. For example, the following hydro -aluminosilicate : 1111 till H 12 H 4 (Si Al - Al S A i), contains two kinds of OH-groups : 1. Aluminium hexite hydroxyl (or a-hydroxyl). 2. Silicon hexite hydroxyl (or s-hydroxyl). The four a-hydroxyls must obviously behave differently from the twelve 5-hydroxyls. As a matter of fact, the hydrogen in the a- hydroxyls is readily replaced by monovalent acid radicles such as N0 2 Cr0 2 OH, S0 2 OH, etc. The hydrogen of the s-hydroxyls is, on the contrary, more easily replaced by basic groups. In the hexite-pentite theory of ultramarines, the a-hydroxyls play a special part. The substitution of acid radicles for hydrogen in the a-hydroxyls is specially noticeable as a characteristic property of the compound Na 8 H 4 (Si Al Al Si) first observed by Silber for which no explanation has, hitherto, been obtainable. On heating a mixture of kaolin with an excess of soda, to redness, and washing the calcined product with water, Silber obtained the com- pound : (Si 2 Al 2 Na 2 8 ) 6 = Na 12 (Si Al Al Si). If this substance is treated with dry hydrochloric acid gas at 150, one-third of the sodium separates out as sodium chloride and there remains the compound : Na H H Na I I I I Na /\/\/\/\_ N a Si Al Al Si I i I Na H H This compound, contrary to the original substance, possesses the remarkable property of not replacing its sodium by silver when treated with a solution of silver nitrate. Instead of replacing the sodium, the silver is precipitated as oxide. Silber 223 gives this substance the formula Si 6 Al 6 Na 4 23 , but he has 140 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY undoubtedly overlooked the presence of hydrogen in it. The separation of Na by the action of HC1 can only occur when the Na is replaced by H, for a temperature of 150 is much too low for OH-groups to separate in the form of water. On the assumption that in the a-hydroxyls the hydrogen can be replaced by acid radicles, the behaviour of the compound Na 8 H 4 (Si- Al Al Si) with AgNO 3 may readily be explained. By loss of Ag 2 and H 2 the compound : N0 2 N0 2 I I O O I I I N0 2 N0 2 is formed. If this view is correct, a maximum of four atoms of silver can be separated for each twelve atoms of silicon. The correctness of this consequence of the theory must be proved experimentally. The above theory permits the prediction that the hydrogen in the a-hydroxyls may be substituted by the most varied monovalent inorganic or organic acid radicles, and that in all compounds of the Si Al Al Si type, only four of these acid radicles can be taken up. The aluminosilicates in which the hydrogen of the a-hydroxyls can be substituted by monovalent acids or acid radicles may conveniently be represented by the terms A -aluminosilicates or 2-aluminosilicates. The mode of formation of the .4 -aluminosilicates may be made clear by means of a few examples. The production of these compounds may be explained as due to splitting off the elements /OH of water. Thus, from 2 or 4 mols. S0 2 =3 11 \/ II 4 4 etc. etc. The Al may be partially or completely replaced by the sesquioxides Fe"', Cr'", Mn'", Ce"', etc., and the Si by Sn, Ti, Zr, etc., whereby the number of these basic salts is largely increased. Some of these basic salts with definite hydro- or anhydro-basic side- chains (viz. when R"=Ca, Mg) are manufactured on a large scale and are sold commercially in a finely-powdered state under the name of " Portland Cement." (It would be more correct to use the plural form " Portland Cements.") These Portland cements certainly contain 3 chains ; their maxi- mum content of base remains to be found. Good samples appear never to exceed a maximum corresponding to 6 side-chains. Apart from this, these cements appear to contain a little alkali (in the aluminium hexite), a little water (probably basic), and small quantities of such salts as K 2 S0 4 , K 2 CO 3 , Na 2 SO 4 , CaSO 4 , etc., but only as impurities. The following are typical examples of Portland cements : (2)(2) OK OK (2)(2) II I I II 4= 4= = 4 C + 0.5 CaSO + 0.5 Na(K)CO, 4 ONa ONa 4 2 H 2 24 CaO 8 MgO K 2 Na 2 6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 +2. 5 OK 5 Si Al Si + 0.5 NaCl 20 CaO 16 MgO K 2 3 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 + 0.5 NaCl. '\/\/\/' 168 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY + 0.5 K 2 S0 4 5 39 CaO 3 A1 2 3 15 Si0 2 + 0.5 K 2 S0 4 , etc. etc. (b) The Reactions occurring in the formation of Portland Cements, and the influence of the time of heating and the temperature on the Products Portland cements may be made by burning the most widely different clays with definite quantities of lime or calcium carbonate. The ratio of lime to clay naturally varies with the latter. Hitherto, the proportion of lime and clay has been fixed empirically, i.e. it has been arranged according to a definite rule (termed the hydraulic modulus) for each kind of clay. As, according to the authors' theory (p. 102), the clays are merely aluminosilicic acids, the reactions which occur in the burning of cement are obvious, and consist chiefly in replacing the s-hydrogen in the clay by anhydrobasic groups. This cannot be so readily observed in the commercial manufacture of these cements, as silica, alumina, lime, alkali, etc. (in the form of impurities in the coal), are added to the materials in the original mixture and produce other types than those here described in detail. To obtain some idea of the influence of the temperature and dura- tion of the heating it is necessary to use the dynamisation theory (p. 108). According to this, the oxygen valencies which are in a satur- ated state in the raw material are set free when the clay, etc. is heated to its vitrification point. If the heating is prolonged or the temperature rises much above that needed to produce vitrification, polymerisation products are formed and the free oxygen valencies again become partially or completely bound. If the heating is still further prolonged or the temperature is raised until the material melts, an increase in the density of the basic silicates present may be observed. At the melting point of the material, the polymerisation attains a maximum ; the maximum density must, of necessity, be reached simultaneously. This change in density under the influence of heat has been repeatedly observed by various investigators as well as by the authors of the present volume. From these considerations it follows that the activity of the basic salts (which is due to the liberation of secondary oxygen valencies at the vitrification temperature of the material) is diminished or even destroyed on prolonged heating at a temperature approaching the melting point. 303a THE CONSTITUTION OF SLAGS 169 Both consequences of the theory (a) the increase in density on prolonged heating, attaining of a maximum at the melting point, and (b) the diminution of activity or ability to hydrate are fully con- firmed by the facts. In confirmation of the second consequence of the theory, the following facts may be cited : A properly burned cement, if crushed to powder and then mixed with a suitable proportion of water, readily hydrates at the ordinary temperature. This property of cement diminishes on prolonged heating at the vitrification point and, in some cases, ceases entirely when the cement is fused. If the temperature is raised much above the melting point, further reactions may occur, the polymerised molecule breaking up into its original constituents i.e. into single cement molecules or decom- position occurs within the cement molecule itself. In the former case, useful cements are produced. Schmidt and linger have prepared crystalline Portland cements from such fused substances by means of the electric arc. Sauer has investigated the optical properties of these crystals. When crushed and mixed with water they set rapidly, with an appreciable development of heat. This theory of the formation of polymerisation products of alumino- silicates (including calcium aluminosilicates) at high temperatures, provides a simple explanation of several facts wilich have hitherto proved puzzling. Among several others : The Eeactions which occur on granulating furnace slags and the formation of Silicate Cements from them 303b are thereby explained. The raw materials from which iron is obtained are the iron ores. In addition to iron, these contain other earthy constituents such as lime, silica and alumina. The object of smelting these ores with coke in furnaces is to separate the metallic iron from the other materials and to remove the latter in a fluid state as slags. In order that the slags may possess the necessary fluidity, the lime must bear a certain ratio to the silica and the alumina, and great care is exercised by iron-smelters to ensure that this ratio is maintained. In most cases, the proportion of lime in the raw iron ores is too low and an addition of limestone is, therefore, made. Under favourable conditions, the molten iron and slag separate readily in the furnace on account of the great difference in their specific gravities, and are allowed to flow separately out of the furnace at two different levels. The slag carries off all the lime, silica and alumina in the form of a calcium alumino- silicate. If the slag is " quenched," by allowing it to fall into cold water, a material is obtained which, if crushed to a fine powder and mixed with alkaline solutions (lime-water, etc.), hardens to a strong mass. The material which has not been granulated does not possess this property. The simplest explanation for this difference in behaviour between 170 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY slags which have been granulated and others is that the latter are polymerised, whereas the quenched or granulated slags undergo an " entpolymerisation," i.e. a breaking up into single cement molecules. Against this view it may be argued that these slags are only mixtures and not chemical compounds, but no satisfactory proof has been found in support of this objection. On the contrary, it is obvious that the manner in which these slags are produced is neither irregular nor capricious, but is in accordance with definite " laws," their com- position only varying in the several works because of differences in the iron ores used. Hence, if an iron ore of constant composition is used in a given works, the composition of the slags will also be constant. This conse- quence of the authors' new theory of the constitution of slags is adopted by Jantzen 304 , who supports it by the following analyses of furnace slags from the Buderus Iron Works in 1888 to 1890, 1893, 1895 and 1899 : Si0 2 AljO, F,0, FeO MnO CaO CaSO 4 CaS MgO Alkalies 1888-90 35.20 10.02 0.21 0.55 0.30 47.10 1.56 2.17 1.20 (not determined) 1893 34.50 10.90 0.18 0.64 0.46 47.44 1.44 1.99 1.36 1895 34.23 10.28 0.33 0.64 Trace 48.26 1.87 2.07 1.13 1899 35.40 10.45 v , ' 0.37 46.74 1.72 1.81 1.20 0.91 This remarkable regularity in the composition of the slags during so long a period cannot be a mere coincidence. It is far more character- istic of a definite law, such as is only observed in connection with the formation of definite chemical compounds. Allen and Shepherd 737 deny that this constancy of composition is due to the reason stated and regard it as caused by the constant com- position of the mixture charged into the furnace. They endeavour to support their contention by stating that many minerals have been found in such slags, and protest against speculations on the structural chemical nature of substances of which the molecular weight is un- known. The obvious reply to such a criticism is that it is quite beside the point. There is no evidence in support of the view that the com- position of the slags is dependent on that of the charge, except in so far as all chemical reactions require certain proportions of raw materials before they can occur. The fact that the charge is constant, or variable within certain limits, is not incompatible with the formation of definite chemical compounds. The further allegation that such slags contain many minerals is not supported by facts. Jantzen, who arrived at the same conclusion as the authors of the H.P. theory, concerning the slags he examined, must have reached a widely different conclusion if the slags had really con- tained numerous minerals. If Allen and Shepherd insist on regarding slags as a kind of " glass," i.e. as a mixture, it is difficult to see how they can explain satisfactorily the results of Lunge's experiments (pp. 160 and 171) on the behaviour of granulated and ungranulated slags with alkalies. It would be a most THE CONSTITUTION OF SLAGS 171 remarkable coincidence if such slags behaved so completely in accord- ance with the H.P. theory, if this theory were quite erroneous. With regard to the determination of the molecular weight of the constituents of slags, it is one of the advantages of the H.P. theory that (as has been previously pointed out) it furnishes for the first time a fully established hypothesis concerning the minimum molecular weight which a substance can possess when in the solid form. The determination of this minimum has been impossible hitherto, as no method yet known not even the physico-chemical ones used for soluble compounds is applicable to solids. The published molecular weights are, as the present writers have shown elsewhere, only applic- able to substances in gaseous form or in solution, and cannot be used for substances in a solid state. The charge of lack of knowledge of molecular weight of the compounds concerned cannot, for this reason, be urged in opposition to the H.P. theory. Previous theories as to the nature of furnace slags have led to most puzzling results. The theory that the chief constituent of these slags is a definite chemical compound is confirmed by the fact that analytical results obtained by Jantzen agree well with the formula : 26 CaO 1.5 MgO 0.25 FeO 0.25 MnO 3 A1 2 3 18 Si0 2 CaS 0.5 CaS0 4 An experimental proof of the authors' views of the constitution of furnace slags is to be found in an investigation of slowly cooled and of granulated slags by Lunge 305 , who obtained the following results : 21.5 CaO 0.5 MgO 2 H 2 6 A1 2 O 3 10 Si0 2 CaS , \\ / \/ \ ii \ j 3=<(si] Al | Al|sT>=3 CaS I V II \/\/ II ' CaO Calculated 47.46 Foundin \(a) 47.17 Granulated slag )(b) 47.14 Foundin l (a) 46.38 Ungranulated slag/ (6) 46.40 MgO 0.78 CaS 2.82 A1 2 3 23.93 Si0 2 23.60 H 2 1.41 t 0.73 1.82 24.36 23.38 1.06 0.72 0.73 1.82 24.20 23.60 1.25 0.84 0.81 1.79 24.64 23.29 1.21 0.98 0.81 1.79 24.82 23.50 1.17 1.10 Unattacked by caustic soda or sodium carbonate. 172 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY The experiments from which these results were obtained are shown in the following Table : Nature of Treatment Dissolved out of granu- lated slags Dissolved out of ungranu- lated slags iSiO, % Al,0, % Mol. SiO, to 1 Mol. Al,0, SiO, % A1,0 S % Mol. SiO, to 1 Mol. Al,0, I. Boiled for 2 hrs. with 30 per cent caustic f soda solution \ 6.93 6.93 1.09 0.88 2.30 2.12 1.92 1.80 3.53 3.00 3.52 3.52 1.26 1.15 1.19 1.14 5.94 2.57 2.33 3.43 3.53 2.63 2.74 4.12 4.81 4.91 4.40 1.9 0.72 0.40 1.15 1.03 1.25 1.13 1.47 1.08 1.23 1.37 7.25 7.25 1.76 1.48 2.68 2.87 2.49 2.74 4.25 4.46 4.46 4.40 4.68 4.70 5.06 5.08 6.39 6.34 0.15 0.17 0.13 0.15 0.12 0.11 0.31 0.28 1.91 1.91 II. Boiled for 2 hrs. wfth 10 per cent caustic/ soda solution . \ III. Digested for 6 hrs. on a water bath/ with 10 per cent caustic soda solution \ IV. Boiled for 2 hrs. with 5 per cent caustic/ soda solution \ V. Digested for 6 hrs. on a water bath] with 5 per cent caustic soda solution 1 > >j ft VI. Boiled for 2 hrs. with 5 per cent sodium/ VII. Heated for 6 hrs. on a water bath with f 5 per cent sodium carbonate solution \ It will be observed that a 30 per cent, solution of caustic soda attacks both kinds of slag so strongly as to resemble the effect of fusing them with soda. For this reason no importance should be attached to the fact that rather more is dissolved from the ungranulated slag than from the other. The relative behaviour of both slags towards 10 per cent, caustic soda solution should be noted, especially the fact that the granulated slag is the more soluble of the two. On comparing the structural formulae of the two slags 3=<(siJAl|Al|Si V3-CaS Granulated Slag. Ungranulated Slag. CaS. THE HARDENING OF PORTLAND CEMENTS 173 this difference is easily understood. Through the combination of a large number of cement molecules to form a combined molecule the strength of the bonds of the alumina in the ungranulated slags is greatly reduced. On the other hand, it appears as if the combination of several silicate molecules, to form a single large one, weakens the bond in the pentites ; otherwise, no explanation can be given for ungranulated slags giving up 4 to 5 times as much silica to sodium carbonate solution as do granulated slags. (c) A New Theory of Hardening Various theories of hardening are stated briefly in the Bibli- ography. 3059 - None of them are entirely satisfactory, hence the need for a fresh hypothesis based on the hexite-pentite theory. In the following formulae is shown the composition of various hydrated hexites, derived from one which is capable of taking up hydroxyl progressively, i.e. at different intervals of time : I I I ii _/\ _/\_ _X\_ _/\_ IxF fxl 6XO a H 2 O'6X0 2 2H 2 0'6X0 2 I I I II 3H 2 0'6XOj 4H 2 O*6XO 2 5H 2 O'6XO 2 6H 2 O-6X0 2 d e f g The conversion of a into 6, b into c, c into d, and so on, is accom- panied by an increase in the volume of the molecules concerned, so that the molecular volume of b is greater than that of a ; that of c is greater than that of 6, and the compound g has the largest molecular volume of the whole series. In converting the compound a into b, b into c, and so on, the separate molecules in each group take up definite positions relative to each other, so that between b, c, d, e, etc., definite attractive, or more correctly molecular, forces are bound to exist. Assuming the molecules to be in the form of minute spheres, the last statement may be expressed graphically by the following diagrams : b Molecules c Molecules d Molecules Each addition to the molecule of water in the form of hydroxyl groups, 305b with a corresponding increase in the size of the molecule, is termed a hydration phase. It is clear that any substance which is sub- mitted to a sufficient number of hydration phases must set and harden, because with the increase in the molecular volume the space between the various molecules must diminish and their mutual attraction or molecular force must correspondingly increase. Hence, every substance 174 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.R THEORY which can take up water progressively, i.e. which can undergo a series of hydration phases, must be a hydraulite (see footnote p. 153). Experience has shown that if the first hydration phases follow each other rapidly, either no hardening occurs or what little hardening takes place is very feeble. These facts may be explained in accordance with the new theory, by stating that if the hydration phases follow each other rapidly, the spaces between the molecules are too large, or at any rate much larger than when the hydration occurs more slowly. If this explanation is correct, it should be possible to treat substances which hydrate rapidly and do not harden in such a manner (as by applying pressure) that the molecules are brought nearer together. The facts prove that when this is done, the substance sets and hardens, thus fully confirming the theory. Quicklime is a typical example of a material with rapid hydration phases, and when it is slaked it falls completely to powder with a considerable development of heat and the evolution of clouds of steam. According to Knapp 306 , however, very finely ground quicklime when mixed with water in a suitable, tightly closed vessel produces, after several hours, a material which is harder than ordinary black- board chalk. From the foregoing statements, the following conditions and characteristics of good hydraulites may be deduced : 1. The earlier hydration phases must occur at sufficiently long intervals. 2. The material must undergo a large number of hydration phases. Of several substances, under similar conditions, the one which under- goes the most hydration phases will eventually be the hardest and the most dense. 3. The smaller the distance between the molecules of a hydraulite during the first hydration phases, the harder and denser will be the mass produced. The New Theory of Hardening and the Facts I. According to this theory, setting must be prevented if the particles of hydraulite are too far apart, as when too much water is used. 307 An excess of water may also bring about too rapid an addition of OH-groups and this, according to the new theory, must have a detrimental effect. II. It also follows from the theory that the smallness of the hydrau- lite particles must play a special part in setting and hardening. The smaller the particles the easier and more rapid will be the hydration ; the larger the particles the more difficult will it be to hydrate them. A definite degree of fineness is, therefore, an essential condition of hydration, and it is theoretically, as well as practically, necessary to regulate the intervals of time between the hydration phases (i.e. the rate of combination with water) by means of the fine- ness of the particles of cement. THE HARDENING OF PORTLAND CEMENTS 175 III. According to Knapp 308 , anhydrous magnesia (prepared by calcining magnesium chloride) absorbs water with no development of heat and with extreme slowness, a stony mass is produced with a hard- ness somewhat greater than that of marble. The lighter, more porous magnesia (obtained from the hydrous carbonate) combines rapidly with water and finally forms a porous, talc-like mass. Richter 309 maintained finely powdered, anhydrous calcium nitrate at a white heat for six hours in a platinum crucible and obtained a vitrified porcelain-like mass, with a clearly defined crystalline texture on the fractured surface. When ground with water this crystalline CaO sets like cement. If the lime is insufficiently heated it is found to crack badly on cooling. Allen and Shepherd 737 state that only large pieces of fused lime are indifferent to water, and that finely powdered, fused lime does not differ from ordinary quicklime. This " fact," which requires con- firmation as it contradicts the results of Richter's investigations, is used by Allen and Shepherd as evidence against the H.P. theory. These critics consider that the reduced reacting power of the burned material is not due to polymerisation, but to the size of the pieces, i.e. to the surface area. If this were really the case, calcium aluminosilicates (cements) must behave exactly the same when burned hard or soft, provided that the material is ground to the same degree of fineness in both cases. Direct experiments show, however, that this is not the case. These interesting instances of isomeric lime and magnesia are readily understood in the light of the authors' theory ; both the MgO from magnesium chloride and the crystalline CaO are polymerisation products which have hydration phases like the hydraulites and harden in a similar manner. According to the authors' theory, the cause of disintegration in some materials is due to hydration phases following each other too rapidly, owing to the material not having been properly burned. In this connection it must be admitted that disintegration may also be due to other causes. For instance, Michaelis 310 attributes the cracking or " expansion " of cements to a subsequent increase in volume, this being due to three causes : first and foremost to a high percentage of lime, second to the presence of calcium sulphate, and, finally, to irregular particles and coarse grains in the cement. That too high a percentage of lime may bring about the destruction of the mass is a simple inference from the authors' theory, as lime and alkalies effect an intense and rapid hydration, and a sufficiently large proportion of lime will cause the hydration phases to follow each other very rapidly. An irregular distribution of coarse and fine grains in the cement, resulting in disintegration, may be explained in terms of the authors' theory because, as already mentioned, a fine powder is hydrated more 176 CONSEQUEiNCES OF THE H.P. THEORY rapidly than a coarser one and forces differing in intensity are thereby set to work in various portions of the material, with the result that the latter is broken up. The harmful effect of gypsum or plaster of Paris in silicate cements is described later. IV. Quartz crushed to an impalpable powder and then levigated, will not form a hard mass with lime and water. 311 Opal, similarly treated, hardens slowly, but well. Calcined silica, such as that obtained in silicate analyses, when mixed with lime, hardens rapidly but badly. According to the authors' theory, lime effects a hydration of the opal and calcined silica, so that they harden ; but, as lime does not behave in this way towards quartz, with the last-named substance no hardening occurs. According to Winkler 312 , if a mixture of three parts of quartz and one part of lime is strongly heated and the sintered mass is then crushed with six times its weight of lime and a suitable quantity of water, the mass hardens slowly and strongly. It is clear that in this case a series of hydration phases occurs at long intervals. V. The authors' dynamisation theory also explains why it is necessary for most silicates to be heated to redness before they will harden in water (like Portland cements), or with lime and water (like puzzolans). In the case of clays it has already been shown that, on heating them to redness, or on causing them to combine with a base, the bond between the hexites or pentites of silicon and aluminium is weakened, and, for this reason, such silicates precipitate gelatinous silica when treated with dilute acids. The authors' theory agrees with the discovery of Fuchs that only those silicates harden which contain " soluble silica," with the one difference that the " soluble silica " plays absolutely no part in the hardening process. Different silicates must be heated 314 to very different temperatures or for various periods before they will harden with lime and water. For some of them a short heating to redness is sufficient ; others must be strongly heated for a considerable time, and others must be almost melted. According to Fuchs, the following substances harden with lime and water after they have been sufficiently heated at a suitable temperature : felspars, leucite, various magnesium silicates such as talc and steatite, analcime, natrolite, clays, etc. All these silicates harden because the heating and subsequent treatment with lime and water produce hydration phases in the manner already explained. The cause of the hardening of " trass " and " puzzolans " with lime and water may be explained in an analogous manner. The trasses and puzzolans are simply clays, and only differ from ordinary clays in the alterations they have undergone in consequence of volcanic action. In the course of time these substances may again lose their free secondary valencies. Such trasses or puzzolans are improved by being heated to redness. THE HARDENING OF PORTLAND CEMENTS 177 A considerable number of hydraulites of the most widely different composition have already been prepared. Thus, various aluminates, ferrites, ferromanganese oxides and silicates, borates, calcium sul- phates, etc., have marked hydraulic properties. A further study of the hardening of these compounds must eventually lead to the proof of the existence of hydration phases. VI. The Causes of Hardening of Portland Cements. If a definite silicate cement is selected, e.g. the compound 4= Si Al Al Si the following substances may be formed from it : -f 2 Ca(OH), (2) +4 Ca(OH) 2 etc. etc. If the hydration occurs as indicated in the above formulae at definite intervals and with a definite increase in volume, hydraulites are pro- duced in accordance with the authors' theory. The absorption of water does actually occur in this manner, as will be explained in the next chapter ; Zulkowski 315 has experimentally proved the increase in volume. He treated ground slag with water, and obtained a flocculent 178 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY mass and a deposit of a sandy nature. The volume of the deposit increased in process of time. The microscopical appearance of this ground slag after treatment with water differed but little from that of the dry (untreated) material. The action of alkaline fluids was much more energetic. The volume of the deposit was three to five times that of the original slag-powder. Under the microscope the appearanceof the material gradually changes, and after several months the original, small, glassy grains were no longer observable, their place being taken by much larger, irregular rounded grains or masses. In the case of Portland cement, water alone will effect a change in shape similar to that which occurs with slag-meal and alkaline solu- tions. Zulkowski was the first to point out these changes in shape and volume in the case of silicate cements, and in these changes he saw the true cause of the hardening of hydraulic materials. The hardening itself he explains as follows : " The cement grains which, at the commencement, lie over and amongst each other and without any definite relationship to each other, combine chemically with the water present in the pores ; from them is produced a new substance, a hydrosilicate, the material thereby changing its shape and increasing in volume. The particles which expand in this manner occupy all the available space, lie closely together, increase continually in volume, and eventually convert the whole of the original loose particles into a compact mass." [W. Michaelis (Chem. Zeit., 1893, 17, 982) has suggested that hardening is mainly due to the formation of a colloidal calcium hydrosilicate. According to Desch 709 , " this theory so well explains the phenomena observed and is in such good accordance with the results of microscopical investigation of cements during and after setting that it must be held to contain the greater part of the truth." Desch further adds that " the course of events when Portland cement is mixed with water may be described as follows : The essential hydraulic constituent is alite, which is a solid solution of three components. The action of the water is, at first, confined to the alite, which is partly decomposed, the aluminates being first hydrolysed. The solution thus pro- duced is supersaturated and soon deposits tricalcium aluminate partly in colloidal form and partly in crystals, according to the amount of water in the mixture, a larger proportion of water favouring crystals and a smaller one the formation of a gel. The excess of lime remains in solution or a part may be deposited as crystals of calcium hydroxide. This corresponds to the ' initial set.' " The action of the water on the calcium silicate contained in the alite is much slower, and when hydrolysis occurs the calcium silicate is separated in colloidal form. The gel produced forms a coating round the particles and prevents further action. The colloidal matter is easily seen in a polished and etched specimen, and its definitely colloidal nature may be shown by immersion in a dye such as eosin. Colloidal sub- stances adsorb dyes, but crystals do not do so." Desch attributes the hardening of cement which has been hardened and re-ground to the large proportion of non-hydrated matter present in all cements, owing to the slowness of the hydration. The suggestion of W. Michaelis that the hardening of cements is due to their colloidal nature cannot per se be regarded as of more than limited value, even when supported by the statement of C. Desch that it " is in such good accordance with the results of microscopical investigation." It does not coincide with the results of Feichtinger's studies of hydration, given on another page, nor with the thermal in- vestigations of Oswald and the multitude of facts which have been published in support of various other theories, and is therefore inapplicable to any general theory relative to cements. There is an analogy between the action of water on cements and on colloids, as has been pointed out on a previous page, and any theory (if FORMULA OF PORTLAND CEMENTS 179 correct) must therefore be capable of extension to organic cements in which hydrosols are converted into hydrogels, forming cementitious substances, just as inorganic cements pass through definite hydration phases into stone-like masses. Bone-substance, which is essentially a highly basic calcium carbo-phosphate (p. 271), is probably derived from an organic cement whose hardening phases are analogous to those of Portland cement.] The Consequences of the New Theory of Portland Cement and the Facts From the foregoing theory of the chemical constitution of the Portland cements and the corresponding hardening theory, a series of interesting consequences may be inferred, the value of which may be proved by means of the experimental material available. From the theory it follows that the calculation of the formulae of Portland cements from their analyses must lead to compounds, the existence of which is theoretically possible. The calculation of the formulae from a series of cement analyses fully confirms this conse- quence of the theory ; the high content of bases is particularly notice- able in some analyses. Whether the whole of the base is in actual combination is doubtful ; further investigations are needed to decide it. The formulae calculated from cement analyses (see Appendix) are shown in the following Tables : (a) n MO 3 R 2 O 3 - 12 Si0 2 - 2. Al,0, Fe,0, CaO MgO K,0 Na,O SO, CO, H,0 I. 24 MO 3 R 2 3 12 SiO 2 2 1.50 .50 26.00 1.00 0.25 0.25 0.5 3 2 II. 34 MO 3 R 2 3 12 SiO 2 2.00 .00 34.00 III. 35 MO 3 R 2 3 12 SiO 2 2.00 .00 35.00 k IV. 36 MO 3 R 2 3 12 SiO 2 2 2.00 .00 36.00 0.50 0.5 V. 37 MO 3 R 2 O 3 12 SiO 2 2 2.00 .00 36.00 1.50 0.5 VI. 37 MO 3 R 2 O 3 12 SiO 2 S 2.00 .00 36.25 1.25 0.5 VII. 37 MO 3 R 2 O 3 12 SiO 2 S 2.25 0.75 36.00 2.00 1.0 VIII. 38 MO 3 R 2 O 3 12 SiO 2 S 2.25 0.75 38.00 0.50 0.5 IX. 39 MO 3 R 2 O 3 12 SiO 2 S 2.00 1.00 38.25 1.25 0.5 X. 39 MO 3 R 2 O 3 12 SiO 2 2 2.50 0.50 39.00 1.00 1.0 (b) n MO 3 R 2 3 10 Si0 2 . Al,0, Fe,0, CaO MgO K,0 Na,0 SO, CO, H,0 XI. 29 MO 3 R 2 8 - 10 SiO 2 XII. 34 MO 3 R 2 O 3 10 SiO 2 XIII. 35 MO 3 R 2 O 3 10 SiO 2 3.00 2.25 2.25 0.75 0.75 29.0 31.5 32.5 2.5 1.5 0.5 0.5 _ __ 2 (c) n MO 3 R 2 O 3 18 Si0 2 . v j. |lAl,0, Fe,0, CaO MgO K,O Na,0 SO, CO, H,0 XIV. 52 MO 3 R 2 O 3 18 SiO 2 XV. 54 MO 3 R 2 O 3 18 SiO 2 S 2.25 3.00 0.75 52.00 53.75 1.25 ___ 1 __ ___ 180 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY (d) n MO 3 R 2 3 15 SiO 2 2. Al a O, Fe,0, CaO MgO K t o Na,O SO, co, |H,O XVI. 20 MO 3 B 2 O 3 15 SiO 2 S 2.00 1.00 22.0 1.0 0.25 0.25 0.50) 3.0 1 XVII. 21 MO 3 R 2 O 3 15 SiO 2 S 2.00 1.00 22.0 0.5 0.50 1.0 2 XVIII. 21 MO 3 R 2 3 15 SiO 2 S 2.00 1.00 22.5 1.0 0.25 0.25 0.50 2.5 1 XIX. 22 MO 3 R 2 O 3 15 SiO 2 S 2.00 1.00 22.0 0.5 0.25 0.25 0.50 0.5 2 XX. 24 MO 3 R 2 O 3 15 SiO 2 - S 1.50 1.50 26.5 .5 0.25 0.25 4.0 2 XXI. 25 MO 3 R 2 O 3 15 SiO 2 S 1.50 1.50 27.0 1.5 0.25 0.25 4.0 2 XXII. 39 MO 3 R 2 O 3 15 SiO 2 S 2.50 0.50 36.0 2.5 0.50 0.50 1.00 O.SMnO XXIII. 42 MO 3 R 2 O S 15 SiO 3 S 2.00 1.00 42.5 .5 0.50 0.50 0.50 2.5 2 XXIV. 45 MO 3 R 2 O 3 15 SiO 2 S 2.50 0.50 45.0 .0 1.00 XXV. 45 MO 3 R 2 O 3 15 SiO 2 S 2.25 0.75 44.0 1.0 0.25 0.75 1.00 XXVI. 46 MO 3 R 2 O 3 15 SiO 2 S 2.25 0.75 45.5 .0 0.50 XXVII. 46 MO 3 R 2 O 3 15 SiO 2 S 2.25 0.75 46.0 .0 1.00 (e) n MO - 6 R 2 3 12 SiO 2 2. A1,O, Fe,0, \C&0 MgO K,0 Na,o| SO, CO, H,0 XXVIII. 92 MO- 6 R 2 3 12 SiO 2 2 | 5 1 I 89 6 -1- 1 3 |10 (f) n MO - 6 R 2 O 3 18 Si0 2 2. Fe,0, | CaO | MgO | K,O |Na,O | SO, CO, XXIX. 38 MO - 6 R 2 O 3 18 SiO 2 S 3.5 2.5 40.0 _ 0.5 0.5 2 2 XXX. 39 MO 6 R 2 O 3 18 SiO 2 S 3.5 2.5 40.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 2 2 XXXI. 74 MO 6 R 2 O 3 - 18 SiO 2 S 5.0 1.0 71.0 6.0 3 8 XXXII. 76 MO 6 R 2 O 3 18 SiO 2 S 5.0 1.0 72.0 5.0 1 4 XXXIII. 90 MO 6 R 2 O 3 18 SiO 2 S 5.0 1.0 86.0 8.0 4 10 (g) n MO 6 R 2 3 16 Si0 Fe,0, CaO MgO K,O Na,O SO, CO, XXXIV. 36MO-6R 2 3 -16Si0 2 -2 6 35.50 3.50 1,0 2.00 30 XXXV. 38MO-6R 2 3 -16Si0 2 -2 6 35.75 3.25 0.50 0.50 1.5 1.50 36 0.5 0.5 XXXVI. 39MO-6R 2 3 -16Si0 2 -2 6 34.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.0 0.5 0.5 XXXVII. 39MO-6R 2 3 -16Si0 2 -2 6 35.75 3.25J 0.50 1.00 1.5 1.00 30 0.5 0.5 XXXVIII. 40MO-6R 2 3 -16Si0 2 -S 6 34.75 3.25 0.75 1.00 0.5 0.25 0.5 0.5 (h) n MO 5 R 2 O 3 18 SiO 2 . 2. Al,0, | Fe,0, | CaO JMgO | K,O [N%0 j SO, | CO, |H,O XXXIX. 44 MO 5 R 2 3 18 SiO, S XL. 50 MO 5 R 2 O 3 18 SiO 2 S 3.5 4.0 1.5 1.0 44.5 50.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.5 0.5 1.0 o 2.5 (i) n MO R 2 3 12 Si0 2 . Al,0, Fe,0 s CaO MgO K,O Na,O SO, CO, H,O XLI. 30 MO - R 2 3 12 SiO 2 0.75 0.25 29.5 0.5 XLII. 32 MO R 2 3 - 12 SiO 2 0.75 0.25 32.0 XLIII. 34 MO R 2 O 3 12 SiO 2 1.00 33.5 0.5 XLIV. 39 MO R 2 O 3 - 12 SiO 2 1.00 39.0 The water which enters into combination must, in any case, be capable of representation by stoichiometrical figures, i.e. in molecules. That this can be done is seen from the following examples : HYDRATION OF PORTLAND CEMENTS 181 I. Von Teicheck 316 has studied the hydration of a Portland cement of the formula 45 MO 3 R 2 3 15 SKX / 45 MO = 44 CaO 1 MgO, \ 3 Ra o 3 = 2.25 A1 2 3 0.75 Fe 2 3 , R;0= 0,75 Na 2 0.25 K 2 (see Appendix, Analysis XXV). Al 5V ^ 5 After 21 or 30 days 14-44 per cent, of hydration-water was found, which, according to theory, represents the addition of 36 mols. of water, as shown in the following equation : 45 MO 3 R 2 3 15 Si0 2 R' 2 SO 4 + 36 H 2 O = 18 MO 9 H 2 3 R 2 O 3 15 SiO 2 + 27 M(OH) 2 -f R 2 S0 4 In this case, the chief products of the reaction may be represented by: (1) (1) 4- 27 M(OH) 2 The percentage of water represented by the above formula is 14*21, which is in sufficiently close agreement with that found by experiment. II. Zulkowski 317 produced a cement by burning, at a white heat in a Seger furnace, a mixture of lime and Zettlitzer kaolin, the latter having a composition corresponding to A1 2 O 3 2Si0 2 2H 2 O. His results suggest one of the two following formulae for the cement he prepared : 4= 4= 5 5 II II '\/V\/\ =4 o Si|Al|Al Si' \/\/\/\/ II II 5 5 36 CaO - 6 A1 2 O 3 12 SiO !=4 C or I AI| si |_; \/y- 4 36 CaO 6 A1 2 3 12 SiO 182 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY Zulkowski studied the hydration of this compound by reducing it to a powder, mixing it with water and forming balls ; these set when warmed gently for a quarter of an hour and became quite hard after one and half hours. These balls were then placed in water and were found to have become much harder after the lapse of several months. Zulkowski also found that a given cement after 7 days contained 16-19% and after 30 days 17-05% of hydration- water. According to theory, 36 mols. of water should enter into combination according to the following equation : 36 CaO 6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 + 36 H 2 H0(l) OH /\/\/\/\ OH (1) 28 Ca(OH) 2 * (1)OH H0(l) The value 16-19% calculated from this formula agrees sufficiently well with the amount found by experiment. C The hydration of cements must take place very gradually. In determining the amount of water entering into combination during the hardening it is, therefore, necessary to be able to trace a gradual increase in the proportion of water in the material. This is confirmed by the results of a series of hydration experiments by Feichtinger 319 , who studied the behaviour, towards water, of the following hydraulic materials : 3=< Si 3= ^ 2 3 21 MO 3 R 2 3 - 15 Si0 2 2f 22 CaO 3 R 2 O 3 15 Si0 2 2J (Analysis XVIII, Appendix) (Analysis XIX, Appendix) 1 (B) 2 (c) * 4000.8 gms. of the hardened cement mass contain 18x36 = 648 gms. water or 4000 8 =16>19 per cent * water - t 2=2.5 R'COs + 0.5 R 2 SO 4 +H 2 O. j 2=0.5 MgCOs + 0.5 R 2 SO 4 + 2 H 2 O. HYDRATION OF PORTLAND CEMENTS 183 4 4 3 3 Si Al Si Al Si go -2 4 4 4 44 CaO 5 R 2 3 18 Si0 2 2* 26 CaO 6 R 2 3 18 SiO 2 -2f (Analysis XXXIX, Appendix) (Analysis XXX, Appendix) 3 (A) 4 (D) Samples B, C and D were Bavarian hydraulic limes, obtained by burning marl ; A was a Portland cement. The sample D con- tained 13 mols. free lime (as shown by Feichtinger's experiments), but in the other silicates the whole of the lime was in a combined state. The hydration experiments were carried out as follows : a small quantity of cement was placed in a suitable vessel and weighed accu- rately. It was then mixed with a little water and was afterwards immersed in water. To determine the amount of water which had entered into combination, the samples were dried at 100 C. and the increase in weight was attributed to the combined water. Calcium hydrate only loses all its water at a red heat ; at 300 C. only a portion of it is removed. According to Feichtinger, the silicate- water is also driven off at this temperature. By determining the proportion of water evolved at 300 C. and deducting it from the total combined water, the difference shows the proportion of water in combination with the lime. The following Tables which are based on Feichtinger's researches show the manner in which the water was evolved. In Table I : <7=the total weight of water which combines with 100 parts of cement in time t. s=the weight of water which is evolved at a red heat from 100 parts of the mixture of cement and water at 300 C, i.e. water combined with the silicate. g s= the weight of water which is evolved at red heat from 100 parts of the mixture of cement and water, i.e. water com- bined with lime as Ca(OH) 2 . * 2=1.5 R"CO 3 +1.5 R 2 CO 3 +0.5 R 2 SO 4 +2.5 H 8 O. t 2=2 R*CO 3 +0.5 Na 2 SO 4 +13 CaO + 2 H 2 O. 184 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY Table I 1(B) 2(C) MA) ( 4)D t g s gs 9 8 9 s 9 8 9 8 9 8 9 * Immediately after mixing with water. 1.28 1.28 0.61 0.61 0.99 0.99 6.79 1.40 5.39 After 4 hrs. 1.67 1.67 0.71 0.71 1.41 1.41 7.80 2.42 5.38 , 20 2.08 2.08 1.14 1.14 2.29 1.60 0.69 8.26 3.08 5.18 , 3 days 3.42 3.42 1.82 1.82 5.62 3.80 1.82 8.87 3.30 5.57 , 7 3.85 3.85 2.15 2.15 6.58 4.76 1.82 11.20 4.20 7.00 , 14 4.46 4.46 2.63 2.63 7.96 5.90 2.06 11.80 4.64 7.16 , 18 5.00 4.40 0.60 2.84 2.84 8.45 6.20 2.25 11.86 4.60 7.26 , 21 5.84 4.50 1.34 3.46 3.46 8.91 6.43 2.48 12.75 5.30 7.45 , 24 5.89 4.42 1.47 4.36 4.36 10.40 6.60 3.80 13.68 5.60 8.08 , 28 6.86 4.46 2.40 4.90 4.30 0.60 10.52 6.50 4.02 13.92 5.82 8.10 , 35 7.68 4.52 3.16 5.56 4.25 1.31 11.43 6.63 4.80 14.30 6.18 8.12 , 42 8.30 4.48 3.82 6.20 4.30 1.90 11.35 6.60 4.75 14.68 6.60 8.08 , 49 8.92 4.40 4.52 7.08 4.20 2.88 11.50 6.58 4.92 14.50 6.56 7.94 , 56 9.13 4.46 4.67 7.34 4.25 3.09 11.60 6.64 4.96 14.73 6.60 8.13 , 80 9.50 4.40 5.10 7.40 4.20 3.20 11.56 6.60 4.96 14.65 6.56 8.09 In Table II : MJ ^i> M2 an d MS are the molecular weights of the hydraulic binding materials. y=the number of molecules of water which combine with /UL, /z 1? etc., parts of cement in time t. Mi> e ^ c -> parts of the mixture of cement and water at 300, i.e. water combined with the silicate. y cr=the number of molecules of water which are only evolved at a red heat from/*, Mi> etc -> parts of the mixture of cement and water, i.e. water combined with lime as Ca(OH) 2 . Table II M=2777.4 /ii=2659.4 /* 2 =4585 ^3=4327 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (A) 4(D) t 7 * > > 5 p 4.2 14.4 16.7 18.2 20.8 20.9 8.1 16.3 19.2 19.4 19.4 19.4 * 2 = 4 RCO 8 + 0.25 Na 2 SO 4 + 2 H 2 O. 3 R,O 3 = 1.5 A1 2 O S 1.5 Fe 2 O 3 . 4 RCO 3 = 2.5 CaCO 3 1.5 MgCO 3 . 1 2 = 3 RCO 3 + 0.5 R 2 SO 4 + 2 H 2 O. 3 R a O 3 = 1.5 A1 2 O 3 1.5 Fe 3 O 3 . 3 RCO 3 = 2 CaC0 3 MgCO 3 . ACTION OF ACIDS AND ALKALIES ON CEMENTS 191 TABLE VII lli eS fl II 41.36 38.12 37.48 39.56 43.84 41.13 40.90 36.13 37.10 36.80 42.30 41.70 22.5 19.4 21.2 21.3 20.9 24.0 16 12 16 15 26 27 24 21 22 24 44 26 8 9 6 9 18 12 23.45 19.30 21.59 22.29 22.27 23.14 2860.8 2777.4 2659.4 3090.9 4585.0 4327.0 13 19.0 14.5 16.5 19.0 29.0 29.0 Table VII is of special value, as it allows the inference that the following products have been formed by the action of carbonic acid on the hydraulites F, B, C, E, A and D : 1 8CaO-3Al 2 3 -12SiO s F. 9CaO-3Al 2 O 3 -15Si0 2 B and E. 6CaO-3Al 2 3 -15Si0 2 . C. ' = 1 18 CaO 5 A1 2 3 18 SiO s A. 12 CaO 6 A1 2 D. 1 18 Si0 2 A glance at the above structural formulae shows that the separation of CaO must be in accordance with quite definite laws. Hence it follows from the structural formulae A and D that : 1. The lime is combined more strongly with the middle hexite and cannot be so easily separated as it can from the side hexites, and 192 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY 2. In the neighbouring positions 2 and 3, the lime is more feebly bound than in the positions 1 and 4. It appears to be unlikely that the 2 side-chains in the compound A are in neighbouring positions (2, 3). A comparison of the structural formulae B, C and E shows that the lime in positions 1 and 3 in the pentites is more strongly combined than in position 2. The possibility that the lime in C forms a 2 side-chain in position 2 is improbable. Schott 326 studied the reaction of a cement : 42 CaO 3 R 2 3 15 SiO, 2*. Molecular Weight=3974.4 G. 137.4 parts of cement hardened by (NH 4 ) 2 CO 3 gave : CaC0 3 MgC0 3 CaS0 4 CaO Fe 2 3 A1 2 3 Si0 2 H 2 Insol. Total. 79.20 2.90 1.30 15.10 4.30 4.50 22.70 6.10 1.30 137.40 57.56 2.10 0.98 10.99 3.14 3.28 16.53 4.44 0.98 100.00% These results lead to the formula : 11 CaO Fe 2 3 2 A1 2 3 15 SiO 2 31 CaC0 3 1.5 MgC0 3 0.5 CaS0 4 14 H 2 O Calcd. 11.34 Found 10.99 2.95 3.14 3.75 3.28 16.68 16.53 57.06 57.56 2.32 2.10 1.25 4.64 0.98 4.44 0.98 (Insol.) (9H 2 + 32.5 RC0 3 - ^ (1) OH OH 9 CaO 3 R 2 3 15 Si0 2 ) 2 Ca(OH) 2 + 3 H 2 O + 0.5 CaS0 4 H. 2.5 RCO 8 0.5 CaSO 4 2 H 2 O. 2.5 KC0 3 = 1.5 MgCOs + 0.5 K.CO, + 0.5 Na 2 CO 8 . 3 B 2 O S = 2 A1 2 O 3 Fe 2 O 8 . PROGNOSES RELATING TO CEMENTS 193 The structural formula H suggests a comparison with the formula B previously given. The decomposition, so far as the separation of lime is concerned, occurs in a similar manner ; this can scarcely be a mere coincidence. More hydration phases occur under the action of alkaline carbonates of certain concentration than with water alone. Hence, in such cases, the cement masses must attain a greater hardness, as Schott has shown experimentally. It is, therefore, very important to ascertain the nature of the action of carbonic acid on hardened mortar, as a clear conception of the changes which occur to cement mortars hardening in air may then be obtained. The secondary hardening of cements allowed to set in air must be chiefly referred to the action of carbon dioxide and moisture in the air. As the cement mortar, in such a case, undergoes a large number of hydration phases which follow each other very slowly, storing in air ought to give a harder product than is obtained by storage underwater. J In a hydraulite of the composition 5 5 II II 4=/\/\/\ == 4 4 oJSi|^Al|SiJ =4C '\/ 5 it is possible to remove a portion of the lime by means of hydrochloric, carbonic or other dilute acids, or of dilute ammonium carbonate solution. The following compounds may be produced in this manner : 3 3 II II CJSi| Al|Si]^ 3 o 2 oII|Si|Al Si C 2 o etc. 1. 2. 3. These compounds may, in the presence of water or dilute alkalies, undergo a series of hydration phases. Hence, if a portion of the lime is removed from combination with the cement by means of dilute acids, it must, to a certain extent, retain its hydraulic properties. Fremy 327 has experimentally removed a portion of the lime from hydraulic limes, and has treated the residue with dissolved lime, with the result that the mixture hardened. Zulkowski 328 repeated Fremy 's experiment, and found that as much as 14 per cent, may be removed from some Portland cements without destroying the power of the residue to harden when mixed with water. 194 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY Such hydraulites as I Si | Al | Al | Si cannot contain more than 8 molecules of silicate-water, but, in addition to this, A can have a theoretical maximum of 20 Ca(OH) 2 , or 20 H 2 which is driven off at a red heat. B, under similar circumstances, cannot have more than 16 mols. Ca(OH) 2 , or 16 H 2 O volatilised at a red heat. In other words, there is for each cement molecule a maximum proportion of silicate-water and of calcium hydroxide water. This statement is also true of all analogously constituted silicate cements. It will be interesting to observe how far this inference from the theory is supported by the facts. If a hardened mass of cement containing free basic lime-salts is crushed, it will harden into a stony mass if mixed with a suitable quantity of water or dilute solution of alkali. These lime-salts are particularly likely to be present where hydration is effected by the action of alkali-free or acid-free water. As the number of hydration phases in such partially decomposed silicates is large, especially in the presence of a little alkali and water, it should be possible to produce materials or articles of great hardness from such silicates. Schott 329 has experimentally obtained a second setting and harden- ing by mixing a pulverised hardened cement mass with water. M As the bond between the aluminium hexite and the silicon hexites is weakened by heating aluminosilicates and by their combination with lime, it should be possible to observe that when the material is treated with dilute acids, a separation of lime and of gelatinous silica occurs, as in clays (p. 107). This is actually the case, and Fuchs made this fact the basis of his cement theory. N If hydraulic limes are treated with concentrated hydrochloric, sulphuric, or other acids, it should be possible to observe a decom- position of the silicate molecule in addition to the separation of the PORTLAND CEMENTS AND SEA WATER 195 lime. The silicate molecules, being derivatives of clays, must be resolved into compounds of the type S A i-Al-Al-sX Si-Al-Al-Sl, or sVAT-H-Si (see p. 107). So far as the authors are aware, no experiments to prove this have yet been made. From the theory, the possible existence of isomers of the silicate cements may also be inferred. Thus the compounds are isomeric. Up to the present these isomers have not been investi- gated. Good hydraulites ought only to be producible by mixing hydro- aluminosilicates (clays) with limestone or chalk in theoretical stoichio- metric proportions, the ash of the fuel (alumina, silica, lime and alkali) used being also taken into consideration. As a matter of experience it is well known that for each mixture only definite proportions of clay and lime can be used to produce good cements. These proportions are usually found empirically, but the formulae given by the authors show that these empirical proportions agree with the ones theoretically the most suitable and that the empirical proportions are scientifically correct. Q A New Investigation of the Sea Water Question Schuljatschenko 330 correctly states that it is very difficult to ascertain accurately the cause of the destruction of masonry exposed to the action of the sea ; i.e. whether it is due to the pro- perties of the bonding material (cement), to external influences such as sand, to incorrect proportions of the materials used in the concrete, to the porosity or to the low density of the cement blocks, etc. There can be no doubt that all these factors have some influence, but the facts seem to show that, in many cases, the chief cause of the decomposition of maritime masonry is the action of sulphur compounds. That this inference is generally true is shown by the fact that a large number of 196 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY investigators have, for many years, endeavoured to ascertain what substances are formed by the action of calcium sulphate on cements. It is generally agreed that Portland cements contain compounds of lime and alumina, and Candelot 331 and Michaelis 332 have concluded that, by the action of gypsum or plaster of Paris on hardened cement masses, certain calcium sulpho-aluminates are formed, and that these are one of the causes of swelling of cements. Schott 333 also investi- gated the action of gypsum (plaster of Paris) on normal Portland cement and on analogous cements in which the alumina is replaced by iron oxide. In both cases he noticed that decomposition occurred, so that the formation of a calcium sulpho-aluminate or sulpho-ferrate appears to be probable. Schott did not, however, agree with the investigators just named that the swelling action of gypsum (plaster) is due to the formation of sulpho-aluminates or sulpho-ferrates. Le Chatelier 334 , on the contrary, is in favour of the formation of a definite calcium sulpho-aluminate and, like Deval 335 , endeavoured to ascertain the action of various sulphates on cements containing various propor- tions of alumina. Rebuffat 336 also found that there is a number of different calcium sulpho-aluminates. He doubted, however, whether the destruction of maritime masonry could be referred to the formation of these com- pounds. Here again, it should be noticed, the swelling and disinte- grating effects which occur when gypsum (plaster) is present in the cement were also attributed to the last-named substance. The chief description of the disadvantages of sulphates on cements is that of Schiffner 337 , who had collected a number of instances in which the decomposition was unquestionably due to the action of sulphur com- pounds on the hardened cement masses. Some of these interesting examples may be mentioned here : 1. In the walls of a railway tunnel, the effects of some destructive action were observed. The mortar came out of the joints in the form of a milky fluid and carried with it all the sulphate, so that the cement was considered to be bad. It was only after a very careful examination that it was found that the overlying rocks contained sulphurous lignite which became oxidised to sulphates, the latter causing the destruction of the cement. 2. In a concreted gallery in a mine in Alsace-Lorraine the walls became moist and porous in parts. The greater portion of the structure was in exceptionally good condition, so that it was im- possible to blame the cement, but in some portions boil-like swellings appeared, the mortar becoming semi-fluid and the joints loose. A closer examination showed that the nature of the water in the neighbourhood of the gallery contained calcium and magnesium sulphates in sufficient quantities to effect a partial decomposition of the concrete. 3. According to Grauer, cracks and characteristic white crystals PORTLAND CEMENTS AND SEA WATER 197 appeared in the joints of a sewer built of bricks laid in cement. In this instance the sulphates were introduced by the sewage. 4. According to Le Chatelier, defects appeared in the cement used in the Paris fortifications because this was quite close to the famous gypsum beds. In this instance the sulphuric acid in the cement rose from 0.4 to 3.75 per cent. 5. In a tunnel near Almeria (Spain) the mortar swelled a few months after it had been finished. The sulphuric acid content rose from 0.3 to 2.3 per cent. The ground water contained 2 g. calcium sulphate and 1 J g. magnesium sulphate per litre (or 140 and 105 grams per gallon respectively). 6. A railway viaduct, which passed through a clay deposit con- taining gypsum and through gypsum beds, suffered seriously because the drainage water was saturated with gypsum. These instances are sufficient to show the serious action of sulphur compounds on cement, and the question arises as to whether any information may be gained from a study of the constitution of the cements, or from the observations and experiments which have been made, whereby this action may be explained, and, if possible, prevented. The reader may be surprised to learn that this question can be answered in the affirmative in the following manner : If water is allowed to act on a typical Portland cement such as : 4 OK OK 4 II I I II oo f 01 1 Al Al Si I c 6 kX ~ A ' * YY 4 OK KOK4 A. a hard, cement mass with the formula (2) OH OH (2) I I + x Ca(OH) 2 + 2 (2) B. is formed. From the formula B it may be seen that the silicate of the hardened cement contains a-hydrogen (marked with a +), and on p. 140 it was shown that the a-hydrogen tends to be replaced by monovalent acid radicles such as SO 2 OH, SO OH, etc. In this manner all kinds of A- and Z-aluminosilicates such as the ultramarines (p. 140 et seq.) may be formed. If the cement mass B comes into contact with solutions of salts such as gypsum, it is by no 198 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY means improbable that 2-aluminosilicates will be formed. High temperatures are unnecessary, as Thugutt has shown that the formation of the 2-aluminosilicates (sodalites) may take place at low tempera- tures in the presence of solutions of suitable salts. As the formation of these substances is accompanied by a change in volume, it is clear that the hardened cement, such as B, must crack if its hydrogen is replaced by acids or acid radicles (p. 152) and that it may be completely destroyed. Hence it follows that the authors' cement theory permits the prediction that the action of sulphates on cement will be accompanied by disastrous results. The possibility of the disintegration of maritime masonry by the action of the sulphates of calcium, magnesium, etc., in the sea water is thereby explained. There now remains the question as to whether this serious action of sea water can be, in any way, prevented. In cases where the destruc- tion of the cement work is exclusively confined to the action of the sea water, the most satisfactory solution of the problem will be found in the use of cements in which no a-hydroxyls can be formed, i.e. cements of the types : AlSi, X All-Si and AU-S Si (p. 189) If this inference from the theory can be proved experimentally and the practical observations and experimental results previously men- tioned almost amount to such a proof an interesting and important practical result would be obtained from purely theoretical reasoning, and would form a notable step in the direction of a solution of the " sea- water problem." R From the theory it follows that, from clays containing a-hydroxyls, compounds must be producible which contain both hydraulites and A- or 2-aluminates or ultramarines, i.e. pigments with hydraulic pro- perties such as : CONSTITUTION OF THE PORCELAIN CEMENTS S 199 = (2) etc. (2) SO, S0 2 ONa ON It will be interesting to learn whether this prognosis can be proved by the actual production of such substances. XIV A New Theory of the Silicate or Porcelain Cements Certain kinds of transparent silicate cements, which are conveni- ently known as porcelain cements, have been used for some years as dental-stopping materials. The first of these porcelain cements was discovered and patented in 1878 by T. Fletcher 338 , but it did not fulfil his anticipations and rapidly fell out of use. 339 An interval of 25 years appears to have elapsed before any other porcelain cements were produced, and these were of a different composition. Those placed on the market in 1904 by Ascher and others were heartily welcomed as new discoveries in dentistry, and they rapidly attained great popularity on account of their valuable characteristics. It may be here pointed out that the porcelain cements appear likely not only to replace the zinc phosphate cements and amalgams, but also the burned enamels and the " queen " of stoppings gold in practical dentistry ! Morgenstern has expressed himself as follows respecting these new stopping materials : 34 " Porcelain cement, when properly selected and prepared, sets to form a mass with a remarkable resemblance to natural teeth, both in colour and transparency and possessing a gloss which is confusingly like that of natural dentitic enamel. These stoppings have no objectionable features, and in no way harm the teeth, and they have a great advantage over gold and the burned enamels in that they save the dentist thousands of hours of work and greatly economise his health and power. They save the patients many a painful hour and have great pecuniary advantages." Porcelain cements consist of two ingredients a powder and a fluid. According to Sanderson, Fletcher's powder was composed of aluminium hydrate, zinc oxide or magnesia and a basic zinc silicate. The powders 200 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY of the new porcelain cements consist chiefly of calcium alumino- silicates. The fluids of the new cements differ from that of Fletcher chiefly in their consistency. Fletcher's fluid was a syrupy solution of alu- minium phosphate in phosphoric acid, whilst the newer ones are less syrupy and consist chiefly of alumina and phosphoric acid. There was, until recently, a cement of which the powder resembled that of Fletcher and consisted chiefly of calcium aluminosilicate and zinc oxide. The fluid had a consistency resembling that of Fletcher's fluid, but was chiefly composed of alumina and phosphoric acid with a large pro- portion of zinc oxide. It differed from Fletcher's cement because it was a practicable, dental-stopping material. On mixing the silicate powder with the fluid, there is immediately formed a transparent mass which is at first plastic in distinction from the earlier zinc phosphate dental cements but rapidly becomes quite hard. The powder of the new cements contains the same constituents as the Portland and slag cements, but instead of the fluid being pure water or alkaline water, acids (aluminophosphoric acids), or solutions of acid salts (aluminophosphates), are employed. From a scientific point of view it is highly important that an investigation should be made with a view to ascertaining the constitu- tion of the porcelain cements in order to solve a number of physical and chemical problems in connection with their setting. This investiga- tion appears to be all the more necessary when the available experi- mental results and the theories already formulated are critically examined. If the new hexite theory proves of use in this investigation, it will not only add to the value of the theory itself, but will clear many problems of enormous and pressing importance in surgery and particu- larly in dentistry. The ijew silicate cements with the exception of those containing a large proportion of zinc oxide both in the powder and in the fluid portion have one serious drawback : they have a destructive action on the nerves (pulpa) of the teeth. For this reason there has long been a dispute as to the best means of preventing this poisonous action. In regard to this and to several other problems e.g. the best methods of testing the durability, density and hardness of such cements, both in the laboratory and in the mouth much remains to be done. It is, however, clear, that in all investigations of this kind, a knowledge of the constitution of the cements and of the changes which take place during their setting, must be of the greatest importance. The porcelain cements must possess a number of very definite characteristics, such as unchangeableness of shape and size in the mouth, resistance to the action of saliva, etc., if they are to fill a useful place in applied dentistry. Miller 341 considers that an ideal dental stopping should have the following characteristics : LABORATORY TESTS ON PORCELAIN CEMENTS 201 1. Sufficient hardness so as not to be worn away unduly by mechanical forces in the mouth. 2. Unchangeability in saliva, food-stuffs and other decomposition products (chemical indestructability). 3. Constancy of form and volume when placed in the teeth. 4. Low heat conductivity, so that any changes in the temperature of the mouth are not transmitted to the nerves of the teeth. 5. A high degree of plasticity in order that the stopping may be water-tight and may properly fit the teeth. 6. Colour as similar as possible to that of the teeth. 7. Absence of detrimental action on the tooth material, nerves, mucous membrane and the general health. 8. Easy manipulation. 9. Minimum sensitiveness to moisture. 10. Adhesiveness to the tooth- wall. 11. Antiseptic, at any rate during fitting. 12. Easy removal, if necessary. The possibility of producing ideal stopping materials depends chiefly on a knowledge of the chemical constitution and on a clear understanding of the reaction which occurs during the hardening of these substances. If no scientific basis no scientifically grounded theory of the porcelain cements is possible, the manufacturers of these substances can only work in an arbitrary manner in attempting to improve the quality. To do this is, however, risky, as it is possible that some manufacturers may even produce inferior products instead of " improvements " ; the final material may, in fact, be worse than the original one, though it may be sold as " greatly improved." In one case a porcelain cement was so much " improved " that it was eventually agreed that the material made five years previously was by far the " best," and the manufacturers were obliged to forego their " improvements " and to use the older recipe ! A large amount of theoretical, and especially of experimental work, has been done in connection with porcelain cements, but it cannot be said that this has made the most important properties, such as the poisonous nature of some of these cements, more comprehensible. The solution of this problem of poisoning undoubtedly one of the most important is made particularly difficult by the absence of any well- established theory, and even more serious are the effects of false and purely speculative theories and especially of wrong explanations and faulty interpretations of experimental results. In this connection the litmus experiment of Rawitzer 348 is pecu- liarly typical. This investigator endeavoured to show, by means of strips of paper soaked in blue litmus solution, that the porcelain cements containing zinc oxide are poisonous, whereas their innocuous- ness has been proved by laboratory tests and is obvious from a study of their chemical constitution. Rawitzer appears to have overlooked the fact that a substance may turn blue litmus red and yet may not be 202 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY prejudicial to health ; it all depends on the amount of acidity present. A substance may even be acid and yet may not have any detrimental action on the teeth. For instance, concentrated hydrochloric acid is unquestionably a violent poison, but dilute hydrochloric acid is, on the contrary, an internal medicine of great value. Yet both solutions turn blue litmus red ! Litmus alone cannot give any clue as to the amount of acidity, and is, therefore, useless for determining poisonous qualities. Rawitzer had not, apparently, a clear view of the meaning of the term " acid reaction," and was but partially informed with regard to the structure of the hardened cement masses ; consequently he had an erroneous idea of the physico-chemical reactions occurring during the hardening. The absence of more definite knowledge of the nature of the porcelain cements has led to several false and meaningless investiga- tions by Dreschfeld 342 , Strumpel 343 , Robert Richter 344 , and Kulka 345 . These have been criticised by Schreiber 346 . For instance, Dreschfeld, Strumpel and Richter 347 digested the raw cement (composed of a solid aluminosilicate and a fluid containing alumino-phosphoric acid and aluminophosphate of zinc) with water for various periods of time. According to the length of this digestion a proportionate quantity of the uncombined cement would be decom- posed, the result being a partial splitting up of the cement mass into its components. These acid-reacting decomposition products were titrated and regarded as "free phosphoric acid " by the investigators named. Yet what is the use of showing the presence of acid in the decomposition products of a substance which is known to have an acid as one of its original constituents ? The same authors also studied the action of freshly mixed (and therefore uncombined) cements on various colourless solutions as well as solutions of aniline dyes, fruit juices (bilberry juice), etc. They regarded a cement which produced no colour in the presence of aniline dye-stuffs as perfect ! Yet it is clear that even the " densest cement," in a fresh (unhardened) state, must necessarily form a compound of an intense colour if such cements form a lake by combining with the dye- stuff. It is a well-known fact that a valuable series of aniline lakes are produced from aluminosilicates and certain basic aniline dye-stuffs ; is it reasonable to suggest that, because an aluminosilicate forms a lake with a certain aniline dye-stuff, it is, therefore, unsuitable as a dental stopping ? Kulka falls into a similar error in his experiments, and he appears to have paid no attention to the physico-chemical reactions of harden- ing in his studies, although Morgenstern 349 and Schreiber 350 had called attention to them. Morgenstern was, therefore, induced to issue a warning in regard to the experiments of Kulka and to the general manner in which investigations on silicate cements are carried out. In this warning Schreiber joined. Both these authorities believe that it may be safely assumed that Kulka would never have carried out LABORATORY TESTS ON PORCELAIN CEMENTS 203 his experiments on imperfectly hardened cements if he had been clear as to the constitution of these substances and the changes in their physical and chemical properties which occur during the different hardening phases. As Morgenstern 351 rightly says : " It is incorrect to stop the various chemical and mechanical processes in cements prepared for experi- mental purposes before the hardening is complete. The cements so treated lose very valuable properties and lead to erroneous results. " If this were a matter of purely theoretical or academic interest I should not write about it, but would modestly express my contrary opinion. This is, however, a case where the conclusions are of great practical and technical importance, and Kulka's theories may have a most important influence on the use of silicate cements in dentistry and on their production by the manufacturers. It is because I am con- vinced that this influence may be profitless and even harmful that I feel right to call ' Halt ! ' to those colleagues who are following these new paths." Morgenstern himself treated the cements with chemical agents from half to three hours after hardening. He agrees, however, that he could not, in this way, definitely ascertain the true properties of the cements he examined : "I treated," he says, 352 " my cements with water at 35 C. for one-half to three hours, and found that their adhesion, durability, density and resistance to acids and alkalies were such that the results obtained cannot be regarded as showing the inherent good characteristics or their value as dental stoppings." Morgenstern 353 rightly says that in many of his experiments Kulka paid too little attention to the time required for hardening the cements : " Before commencing his special experiments, he (Kulka) treated his cement fillings (30 minutes after they had set) with a mixture of saliva and water and allowed them to remain in it for seven days, the fluid being renewed occasionally. He found that some cements showed no change, others a little change, and others again were much altered, and that one cement was completely destroyed. These changes in structure and hardness are good evidence that the different cements take different times to complete hardening." As Kulka, in his researches, did not pay any attention to the hardening phases in his cements, he found, as Morgenstern has shown, that as great a loss of material occurred when the cement was treated with a 0.5 per cent, solution of lactic acid as is only produced in three weeks in a properly hardened cement. Schreiber 354 has pointed out the interesting fact that Kulka's phosphate cements possessed no adhesion, so that Kulka's conclusions based on too early a treatment of the cements with saliva, i.e. before they had properly hardened must, necessarily, be erroneous. As a matter of fact, Kulka covered the ends of small pieces of ivory with cement, and after an hour's standing placed them in saliva- water, where they remained for six days. At the end of this period he found " to his 204 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY astonishment " that the ivory could be completely withdrawn from the cement covering with comparative ease. From this experiment Kulka drew his erroneous conclusions. Another serious omission in the records of experiments mentioned on the last two pages is that none of the investigators named mentions the proportion of powder to fluid which he used in his tests. Hence it is not difficult to understand that, as Schreiber 355 has shown, under apparently identical conditions a cement mass x is, according to one investigator, only ^ih as resistant as the mass y ; according to another investigator it is only Jth as resistant as the same mass y ; according to a third it has the same resistance to acids as y, and, finally, a fourth reports it as being more resistant than y ! Clearly, these different men have worked with cements of widely differing degrees of hardness and therefore with very different proportions of powder to fluid. Schreiber has correctly stated, in regard to this remarkable result of the study of these experiments with silicate cements : " Are not these results significant ? Can any reliance be placed on experiments which give such contradictory results ? It is impossible to believe that any substance can behave so differently in analogous experiments." In spite of Morgenstern's warning and Schreiber's severe criticism, Kulka has continued to pay no attention to the hardening phases and other important properties of the silicate cements. In his latest work on the possibility of chemical and pathological actions of cement stoppings 356 he endeavours to determine the acidity of various silicate masses shortly after they have been produced, i.e. during the first stages of hardening. This is a very important problem ; yet how does Kulka attempt its solution ? He mixes the powder with the fluid and, either at once or after 20 to 40 minutes, during which the mass is kept at a temperature of 35, he grinds it to a fine powder. He then treats about 1 g. of this powder with 150c.c. distilled water for 24 to 48 hours. At the end of this period the powder is removed by filtration and the liquid titrated with rr potassium hydrate. The alkali neutralised is expressed in terms of " free phosphoric acid." A further study of this so-called " quantitative determination " of the ** free phosphoric acid " shows that this method is not merely objectionable, but is entirely erroneous because : 1. By adding a larger quantity of water to the finely powdered but unhardened cement mass, and especially if it is also stirred con- tinuously for 24 to 48 hours, not only is the cement decomposed, but, in the case of cements in which the fluid is a solution of zinc salts, these salts separate out as new constituents ! Acid decomposition products of the most varied nature enter partially into solution. On titrating the filtrate assuming that it can be titrated (see 2 below) what is really determined is the proportion of substances which are, to a large extent, of secondary origin and are not contained in the original material ! CRITICISM OF EXISTING THEORIES 205 2. It is entirely wrong in principle to titrate acid-reacting solutions of metallic salts (zinc salts of aluminophosphoric acid) and to determine the " free acid " by means of the amount of potassium hydrate required, because many solutions of metallic salts react like acids, but contain no trace of free acid. Copper sulphate, cobalt chloride, nickel sulphate, etc., are typical in this respect. 3. None of the fluid portions of silicate cements contained free phosphoric acid, but phosphoric acid combined with alumina, i.e. aluminophosphoric acid and their zinc salts. These complex aluminophosphoric acids and their salts have entirely different chemical and physiological properties from those of free phosphoric acid and must not be confused with it. This is the more important as the alumina, as will be shown later, plays a very important part in the physiologico-chemical action of these acids. Yet Kulka, in his determination of the " free acid," entirely over- looks this alumina and regards the cement fluid as consisting of " orthophosphoric acid " in which one atom of hydrogen has been replaced by a base. This view is quite erroneous and unfounded. Under these conditions it is not surprising that Kulka's " deter- minations of acidity," in various silicate masses, led him to regard what are known in practice as highly poisonous cements as " harmless " and those which are entirely free from danger as " the most poisonous." From the experiments of Morgenstern, Kulka and others it was discovered that the porcelain cements have a far higher resistance to acids than have ivory 357 and the enamel of natural teeth. 358 This fact is of special importance inasmuch as it provides the key to the constitution of the silicate cements. It is also important to observe that some of these cements possess this high resistance even before they are fully hardened ! This fact also provides means for studying the course of reactions which occur during the hardening and in this way excludes a priori a number of hypotheses which will be mentioned presently. Critical Examination of various Hypotheses concerning the Course of Reaction during the Hardening of the Porcelain Cements Experimental results are available from which it is possible to learn the course of the chemical reactions which occur in the hardening of porcelain cements. It is clear that so long as no scientific and well- founded theory was put forward, these results must remain in the background. Several of these hypotheses must, however, be aban- doned, if the high resistance of the half -hardened cement to acids is to be taken into consideration. Jung 359 was one of the first to endeavour to explain the chemical changes which result in the hardening of the porcelain cements. He first assumed that the powders are " chemical compounds of silica, alumina, lime," etc., but found an "important error" in the com- position of these cements and was led to conclude that, on mixing the 206 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY powder with the fluid, a separation of lime and magnesia in the form of calcium and magnesium phosphate i.e. a separation of readily soluble substances must occur. " The solubility of these substances in acids," says Jung, " may be reduced by the admixture of alumina, silica, etc., but it can never be removed altogether." The proved slight solubility of the porcelain cements in acids is clearly opposed to the separation of lime and magnesia as just sug- gested. Morgenstern 360 also appears to have discovered the same " import- ant error " as Jung. " We know," he says, " that the general chemical composition of the cements is due to their calcium and magnesium contents, and that the reaction between the powder and the fluid results in the formation of calcium and magnesium phosphates, which are known to be readily soluble in acids. This naturally leads us to fear that dental stoppings made of such cements cannot have much resistance to the acids present in the human mouth . ' ' Yet Morgenstern has, himself, shown the great resistance of these cements to acids, and has further demonstrated that the reactions which take place during hardening must be different from those mentioned in the above quotation. 357 ' 358 Kulka 361 , in 1909, published a theory concerning the chemical reactions occurring during the hardening of porcelain cements, accord- ing to which the action of the acid on the powder produces successively primary, secondary and tertiary calcium phosphates. This theory is, however, opposed to the resistance of the silicate masses to acids which Kulka has, himself, proved 1 Schreiber 362 has severely criticised Kulka's theory, and has rightly demanded that any theory of the hardening of a cement must neces- sarily explain why the calcium compounds produced do harden. Any theory to be satisfactory must, for example, explain why a cement fluid which has been diluted with water effects a more rapid hardening than the concentrated fluid, and so forth. For this fact the Kulka theory affords no explanation. Rawitzer 363 has also attempted to explain the course of the re- actions which produce a hardening of the porcelain cements ; but his suggestion that the phosphoric acid in the cement fluid causes the precipitation of the whole of the silica in the aluminosilicate powder in an insoluble form is directly opposed to general experience with regard to the behaviour of aluminosilicates. Moreover, silica pre- cipitated in an insoluble form from aluminosilicates must usually be in the form of a gelatinous mass, yet in porcelain cements this form is not produced. Somewhat more noteworthy is the hardening theory suggested by Apfelstadt 364 , who considers the powder to be composed of a mixture of alumina and clay. On mixing this powder with the fluid, the alumina combines with the "free phosphoric acid" in the latter, A1 2 (P0 4 ) 2 being precipitated. This precipitate " cements the previously formed ARE PORCELAIN CEMENTS MIXTURES? 207 aluminium phosphate and the clay substance together." This investi- gator also attributes the poisonous action of the silicate cements to the presence of " free phosphoric acid." His theory affords no explana- tion of the great resistance of the fully hardened cements to acids. It is well known that clay substance is resistant to acids, yet the alumina and the " cemented aluminium phosphate " must be readily soluble in acids. What, also, is to be said about the lime and mag- nesia ? To this question, Apfelstadt's theory affords no answer. Moreover, the expression " cemented " is by no means a clear one. In short, Apfelstadt gives no satisfactory explanation of hardening, and his opinion that porcelain cements are mixtures of alumina and clay substance is without foundation. From the foregoing pages it will be readily understood how feeble and unsatisfactory are the theories criticised and that the investiga- tions hitherto made have led to no results of importance. Hence there are reasons for supposing that an application of the H.P. theory of silicate constitution to the hardening of porcelain cements is not with- out interest. Before attempting this, however, it is desirable to enquire whether the porcelain cements, as such, are single chemical compounds, as it is only then that they can be elucidated in the light of the silicate theory. As the result of numerous investigations made by them in the manufacture of porcelain cements and of their studies of such cements as are now obtainable commercially, the authors of the present volume have reached the conclusion that these substances are really single chemical compounds, chiefly calcium aluminosilicates. The chief reason for supposing them to possess this unitary character is the manner in which they are produced : useful cements can only be made from clays (hydro-aluminosilicates) and lime or other bases mixed in definite stoichiometric proportions and heated to redness. It is also impossible to separate a porcelain cement into different ingredients by mechanical treatment, such as washing with an inert fluid. Such fractions as are obtained in this manner all have the same composition. The unitary character of these compounds is confirmed by the following : It might be supposed that the silicate powder is composed of mixtures of calcium aluminate and calcium silicate or calcium aluminate and aluminosilicate, or of silica, calcium aluminate and aluminosilicate. These constituents could then be readily separated on account of their different specific gravities. But no such separation is possible ! The high resistance to acids of such mixtures in the form of half -hardened cements, as found by Morgenstern and Kulka, would be inexplicable. The contrary is really the case ! Furthermore, the presence of some constituents, such as calcium aluminate or calcium silicate, is thereby excluded, as these products, even after being heated 208 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY to redness, readily absorb C0 2 from the air. On mixing a given porcelain cement with the cement acid an evolution of C0 2 should therefore be observable, but this is not the case. The objection may be raised that a study of the Patent Specifica- tions leads to the conclusion that many porcelains cannot be single compounds. Thus 0. Hoffmann (German patent No. 199,664, Kl. 30h of 7th April, 1907) claims a " Method of producing dental cements characterised by the use of aluminosilicates alone or in admixture with other substances." A suggestion of the non-unitary character of porcelain cements is also given in Rawitzer's German patent, No. 196,510, Kl. 30h of 20th November, 1905, in which he claims " the production of a dental cement-powder for transparent dental stoppings which is to be mixed with phosphoric acid before use." This powder is made by " mixing heated but unfused aluminium silicate A1 2 O 3 Si0 2 with a previously melted mixture of calcium aluminum oxide and silica." The study of commercial porcelain cements made by the manu- facturers previously indicated show beyond all doubt that their dental cements were not made according to this recipe ! For instance, a " cement " which contained a large proportion of precipitated aluminosilicate was entirely useless as a dental cement on account of the ready solubility of the precipitated aluminosilicate in acids, and the ready decomposition of the " cement " by acids. The ordinary porcelain cement made by the same manufacturer is, like all other cements of clay, very resistant to acids, so that these cements cannot contain a large proportion of precipitated aluminosilicate. There is no doubt that the various porcelain cements do contain admixtures of salts (basic and acid) and, possibly, small quantities of precipitated aluminosilicate, these being added to give certain definite characteristics to the material and to regulate the time of setting and hardening. It is also well known that only in the rarest cases are the recipes in the Patent Specifications correct for making commercial products. For instance, the patentee of the well known Rostaing cement was the first to use zinc phosphate for dental purposes. Yet Rostaing was, after Jung's 365 recommendations, so careful and took such pains to express himself so broadly and in such an incomprehensible manner that it has not, so far, been found possible to produce a cement having all the properties possessed by Rostaing's own preparation by follow- ing the directions in the Patent Specification. Hence the Patent Specifications cannot be regarded as being opposed to the unitary nature of the porcelain cements. A physico-chemical Theory of the Hardening of Porcelain Cements In formulating a theory of the hardening of porcelain cements, the following matters must receive special attention : (a) The chemical constitution of the porcelain cements. ARE PORCELAIN CEMENTS MIXTURES? 209 (6) The attraction of aluminosilicates for acids and bases.* ' (c) The physico-chemical progress of the hardening. (a) The Chemical Constitution of the Porcelain Cements It has already been shown that a hydro-aluminosilicate of the formula II I I H 20 (Si-Al-Al-Si) contains two kinds of hydroxyls : a- and s-hydroxyls ; the former playing the most important part in ultramarines and the latter in Portland cements. In Portland cements the hydrogen of s-hydroxyls the s-hydrogen may be substituted by monovalent basic groups, viz. R" OH, R" O R" - OH, etc., where R"=Ca. These are termed " hydrobasic groups " and according to the number of R"-atoms are indicated by (1), (2), etc. By separation of the elements of water in two neighbour- ing, i.e. ortho-hydrobasic, side-chains, the anhydrobasic groups : - R"\ -O - R" O - R"\ t O R"/ O R' O R"/ are formed and are distinguished according to the number of R"-atoms by 2, 3, 4, etc. (p. 166). The porcelain cement powders differ from the above silicate cements inasmuch as they contain only a few silicate side-chains ; and the number of R"-atoms is 1. The following are typical porcelain cements : R'O 6 A1O 6 Si0 R"0 6 A10 5 Si0 2 R'O 3 Al 0* 10 Si0 23 2 23 jo__/ \/ \/ \/ \ 1 10= |Si|Al|Al|Si| =1 o etc. 4R"O-6Al 2 3 -12SiO 2 These porcelain cements also differ from other silicate cements in that they only form transparent, stone-like masses when mixed with certain acids, viz. aluminophosphoric acids, or such of their salts as have a certain composition, to be mentioned later. * The authors of the present volume use the term acido- or baso-phile (from philos =fond of) for any substance which has an attraction for an acid or basic dye-stuff. A. B. S. 210 CONSEQUENCES OF- THE H.P. THEORY The Attraction of the Aluminosilicates for Acids and Bases The acido- and baso-philism of the aluminosilicates must be specially considered, as this property of the aluminosilicates plays an important part in the reactions under consideration. For example, in the hydro-aluminosilicate I I il I H 12 (Si Al Al S A i), both the a- and s-hydroxyls are acido- and baso-philic, i.e. the a- hydrogen and the s-hydrogen may be substituted by monovalent acid and basic radicles. There is a great difference between the degree of acido- and baso-philism * of these hydrogen atoms : the a-hydrogen atoms are strongly acidophilic and only feebly basophilic, but the 5-hydrogen atoms are strongly basophilic and are only feebly acido- philic. These properties of hydro-aluminosilicates, which are very im- portant in connection with the reactions which occur in the hardening of cements, may be further shown in the following : 1 . The topaz molecule Fl FL Fl il I Fl F1 2 Fl must, if the foregoing hypothesis is correct, have the monovalent fluoric acid radicle strongly bound to the aluminium radicle and only feebly to the weakly acidophilic silicon radicle. In any case the fluorine must be bound more strongly to the aluminium radicle than to the silicon radicle. The fact that the topazes contain at least 8 fluorine atoms, shows that when natural changes occur the fluorine splits off from the silicon ring and not from the aluminium one, i.e. the fluorine is bound more strongly to the aluminium than to the silicon ring, as the theory implies. 2. The relatively feeble basophilism of the a-hydroxyls and the strong basophilism of the s-hydroxyls are shown by the interesting studies of Gans 367 on the " artificial zeolites " or " permutites." Gans found that the aluminosilicates showed a variation in the strength of the bond between them and the alkalies and alkaline earths, the bases in some cases being readily and completely replaced by * See footnote on p. 209. ACIDO- AND BASO-PHILISM 211 others, whilst in others, substitution could only be effected with difficulty. Gans inferred (in agreement with the theory stated above) that the readily replaceable alkalies and alkaline earths are combined with alumina, those bases which are replaced with greater difficulty being attached to the silicon. In other words, he concluded that the a- hydroxyls are feebly basophilic and the s-OH groups are strongly basophilic. Gans has applied this ready replaceability of the a-bases of the aluminosilicates in an ingenious and practical manner. For instance, in the sodium silicate A, viz. : Na Na Na Na I I I I Na /\/\/\/\_ Na ** | Si | Al| All Si | ~~ Na Na Na ISTa A. the a-sodium must be readily replaced on treatment with aqueous solutions of Ca, Fe", Mn, etc., forming B, viz. : Na R" I I N ia B. R"=Ca, Fe, Mn, etc. Conversely* the compound A may readily be formed by treating B with an aqueous solution of sodium chloride. The great technical importance of such properties of the a-bases is obvious. Thus, by suitable treatment of the sodium silicate A with water, it can remove calcium and magnesium bases from solution, i.e. it can be made use of in softening hard water. The a-bases may also be used for other industrial purposes, e.g. to replace potassium in molasses and syrups in the sugar industry by sodium or calcium. For this reason the following patents (see Siedler 368 ) are interesting : (a) An invention for treating water for domestic and technical purposes, distinguished by filtering the water through hydrous alumino- silicates, whereby the undesired bases such as iron oxide, manganese oxide, lime, magnesia, etc., are replaced by others which are desirable or at least harmless. (b) An invention for replacing the potash, in sugar syrups and molasses, by other bases, distinguished by filtering the said syrups and CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY molasses through aluminosilicates, whereby an exchange of bases occurs, the potassium in the syrups being replaced. 3. The acido- and baso-philism of the aluminosilicates are also shown by their amphichromatophilism, i.e. their relation to both acid and basic dye-stuffs, as has been shown by Hundeshagen 369 in the case of kaolin. Concerning this, Hundeshagen wrote : "A peculiar form of amphichromatophilism is observable in kaolin, which behaves as though the silica and alumina could act independently towards dye- stuffs. The influence of the silica is by far the strongest, and it is to this that clay owes its very basophilic character ; almost equal, in fact, to that of amorphous silica. At the same time there is a weaker, yet still distinct, oxyphilism which is completely analogous to the oxy- philism of free alumina." Hundeshagen therefore considers that in the kaolin molecule there are both alumina-hydroxyls (=a-hydroxyls) and silica-hydroxyls (=s-hydroxyls). 4. The acido- and baso-philism of kaolin may also be observed in the colours known as "kaolin-lakes," which are formed by the action of kaolin on acid and basic dye-stuffs. The basophilism is stronger than the acidophilism, so the kaolin lakes with basic dye-stuffs play a highly important part in technology of lakes, whilst kaolin-lakes containing acid dye-stuffs have a much feebler colouring power and are, technically, of much less importance. 5. According to Hundeshagen, the acido- and baso-philism of kaolin are due to the fact that kaolin can withdraw acids from acid solutions and bases from alkaline ones. 6. The acidophilism of the a-hydroxyls of kaolin is shown by the constitution of ultramarine, and particularly from the behaviour (observed by Silber) of the compound : Na 12 (Si-Al-A A l-S A i) towards HC1 and that of the product thus formed, Na 8 H 4 (Si-Al-Al-Si), towards AgN0 3 , as well as by the formation of the sodalites (p. 152). The somewhat strong acidophilism of the a-hydroxyls and the very strong basophilism of the s-hydroxyls are of importance in connection with physio-chemical reactions which take place during the hardening of the porcelain cements, as described in the next section. (c) The Physio-chemical Eeactions occurring during Hardening The hardening of porcelain cements is physio-chemically analogous to that of other silicate cements, such as Portland and slag cements, the molecules undergoing a series of hydration phases, just as do those of Portland cement (p. 173). The porcelain cements are also " hydrau- lites " (p. 174), but, unlike the Portland and slag cements, they only harden in the presence of certain acids. If the powdered portion of a THE HARDENING OF DENTAL CEMENTS 213 porcelain cement is more basic than usual, acid salt solutions may induce hydration phases. Two classes of porcelain cements may, conveniently, be dis- tinguished : 1. Porcelain cements of which the fluid portion is acid acid cements or ^.-cements. 2. Porcelain cements of which the fluid portion is an acid salt solution * saline or E-cements. The 2-cements have several advantages over the A -cements. The chemical reactions involved in hardening porcelain cements consist chiefly of two parts : (a) Hydration, and (6) Condensation, or formation of an acid or salt with simultaneous loss of water. (a) Hydration Hydration consists, as in the hardening of Portland cement, in a series of hydration phases as shown in the following example : 10== Si I All All Si I _ 4 RO 6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 (a) I I = SiAlAlSi I I RO 2 H 2 . 6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 (b) 1 I \/ Si I Al I Al I Si I I I I 1 o == /\/\/\/\ ==1 o r J Si | Al | Al | Si] =io I I I I I I 4 RO 3 H 2 6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 4 RO 4 H 2 6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 (c) (d) 4 RO - 5 H a O 6 A1 2 3 12 SiO, (e) * Although the term ' ' acid salt solutions ' ' is used for convenience, it should be under- stood that acid-reacting salts are really meant, and not the true acid salts which con- tain H-ions. Solutions of metallic salts are known (p. 228), which do not appear to contain H-ions and yet have an acid reaction. Even if the acid reaction of these fluids is referred to the presence of H-ions, or if these ions should be found in some of them, there still remains a large difference between a porcelain cement containing free acid and one containing an acid salt, par- ticularly when the physiological action of the cement is considered. CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY 111 \/\/\ SilAllAl Si I! I I II ! /\/\/\/\ - 1 o _ ' I I I I _ i o /-\\ _ I _ /I \ II I I II II I I II 4 RO 6 H 2 6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 4 RO 10 H 2 6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 (*) (g) This large number of hydration phases is accompanied by a notable development of heat, particularly at the beginning. (b) Condensation As soon as the hydration assisted by the acid or acid salt solution ceases, the second stage of hardening condensation commences. If the fluid portion of the cement is a complex acid, as shown by the acidophilic a-hydroxyls, water will be separated and the acid radicle will attach itself to the silica molecule. On account of the somewhat strong acidophilism of the a-hydroxyls on the one hand and the very strong basophilism of the s-hydroxyls on the other, it is highly probable that acids will attach themselves to the silica ring without any separation of base from the silica side of the molecule. The constitution of a hardened mass of an -4-cement will, thus, be : m A A According to this constitution, if, for instance, A is an alumino- phosphoric acid, such a substance must be a strongly acid salt of a triple acid. The addition of a complex acid to a cement powder is by no means a neutralisation of the former in the ordinary sense of this word, although on account of its insolubility the hardened mass may react neutral to litmus. There is, in fact, a large number of substances which, being insoluble, react neutral to litmus and yet are, constitu- tionally, acids. Kaolin is a typical substance of this kind. A hardened 2-cement has probably an analogous constitution : aq. THE HARDENING OF DENTAL CEMENTS 215 A completely saturated substance of this kind is, therefore, analogous to Thugutt's sodalites (p. 60) and the E-ultramarines whose mode of formation has been shown in previous pages to be due to the formation of condensation products. The ^4-cements, on the contrary, are analogous to the ^4 -ultramarines (p. 140). These structural formulae indicate that a molecule of a cement may be combined with four molecules of acid or of 2, but this can only be the case occasionally. The above structural formulae for fully saturated dental cements are only for a given case, as the structure of these substances must, naturally, vary with the ratio of powder to fluid. Some of these cements may, for example, have the formula (1)= (1)= OH OH others contain an excess of acid (2) or of uncombined A or 2. The constitution of hardened cements of other compositions may be regarded as analogous. The physio-chemical reactions occurring during hardening are thus clearly shown by means of this theory. On the physical side, the following may be added : If the cement mass is regarded as a sphere composed of different layers as in Fig. 3, 370 the hardening takes place from the circum- ference towards the centre. The outer layer a hardens without any external pressure, but in the case of 6, any expansion is opposed by the harden- ing outer layer a. The same occurs with layers c and d, only they cannot expand so much. Hence the hardness and density of the mass must increase as the interior is approached and the outermost layer must be the softest. An examination of phos- phate cements confirms this view, the outer portion of an old dental stopping being more or less worn, whilst the interior is found to be much harder. Consequences of the Theory and the Facts A From the theory it follows that the formulae calculated from the analyses of the porcelain cements must be arranged to represent compounds whose existence is theoretically possible. Unfortunately, very few analyses of porcelain cements have been published. The 216 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY investigations of the authors 371 have shown that the powders contain approximately CaO A1 2 3 Si0 2 6-12% 38-50% 40-44% One analysis leads to the formula ca ca /\/\_l Al|Si)>=l (Ca=JCaO) ~ 3 CaO 6 A1 2 3 10 Si0 2 Loss on ignition Calcd. 11.20 40.80 40.60 8.00 Found 12.10 38.19 40.60 8.23 The 6-12% CaO in the porcelain cements shows that the powder contains fewer R" side-chains than the Portland cements. This relatively small proportion of CaO also explains the great resistance of these cements to acids, as experiments with complex acids have shown that the power of the molecule for combining with a base increases inversely as the amount of base present (pp. 94, 108, 262, 263, 265, etc.). The non-separation of this CaO by the action of the fluid portion of the cement may also be regarded as being due, in all probability, to the acidophilism of the Al- and the basophilism of the Si-rings. B The absorption of water during hardening must be capable of being represented stoichiometrically, as it is in Portland cements. The hardened mass must contain various forms of combined water : water as R" OH, water in the form of OH-groups attached to the silicon ring and " water of crystallisation." Of these, the maximum amount of water combined with R" and with silicon respectively must a priori be capable of prediction. No direct determinations of these forms of water have been published. C The hydration of the porcelain cements must proceed gradually like that of the Portland cements. It must, therefore, be possible to prove a gradual growth of the various OH-groups by determining the amount of water in the porcelain cements at various periods during the hardening. This consequence of the theory was confirmed, in the case of Portland cements, by a series of hydration experiments by v. Teicheck and others (p. 180), but no such determinations have, as yet, been made with porcelain cements. THE HARDENING OF DENTAL CEMENTS 217 D The duration of the various hydration phases is a very interesting subject. In the case of the porcelain cement powders, with their relatively low content of base, the duration of the hydration phases must, cceteris paribus, depend on the following factors : 1. The constitution of the silicate molecule. 2. The acidity of the cement acid. 3. The temperature at which the hardening occurs. 4. The proportion of water in the cement fluid. 5. The physical conditions of the cement powder. As regards the first factor the constitution of the silicate molecule it is clear that the various silicate molecules must hydrate at different rates. As an increase in the acidity of the cement fluid must increase the speed of hydration, it is clear that, cceteris paribus , those porcelain cements of which the fluids contain more acid must harden more rapidly than those with a less acid fluid. As, on the contrary, the hydration begins more readily when the basic content of the silicate molecule is increased, a reduction of the acidity of the cement fluid must effect a corresponding increase in the basic content of the silicate molecule if a definite rate of hardening is to be reached. The temperature at which the hardening occurs exercises an important influence on the rate of hardening, the higher the tempera- ture the quicker the hardening, and vice, versa. The extent to which the rate of hardening is increased by a rise of (say) 10 in temperature must be determined by direct experiment. For a definite acidity in the fluid portion of the cement, the rate of hardening must naturally depend on the proportion of water in the fluid : the larger the proportion of water the more rapid the hardening, and vice versa, as in the former a quicker, and in the latter a slower hydration occurs. The ability of the silicate molecule to undergo hydration also depends, cceteris paribus, on the physical condition of the cement powder : the coarser the powder the slower and feebler the hydration, the finer the texture the greater its reactability. This consequence of the theory is fully confirmed by experience. With some ^4 -cements the hardening is so rapid that the powder must contain coarse grains as well as fine ones in order to reduce the rate of hardening within convenient limits, or special instructions must be issued to users that the fluid must be added in small quantities and very slowly. There is a possibility, in the case of some of the slower 2-cements, of so regulating the rate of hardening that at blood heat (37 C.) they harden at a normal rate and can thus be used for dental purposes. This is effected by arranging the size of the grains in the powder and the concentration of the fluid portion of the cement. 218 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY At the ordinary temperature, the 2-cements usually harden more slowly than the JL-cements, and a number of writers have considered this to be a defect in the E-cements. As a result of this slower harden- ing of the E-cements they contain uncombined 2 (i.e. uncombined, feebly acid salts) in solution for a longer time after the commencement of the hardening than do the ^t-cements, and, consequently, they have an acid-like reaction towards litmus for a longer period. This has led to the false conclusion that the 2-cements are detrimental to the pulpa. In reaching this conclusion the following have been overlooked : 1. That the dental cements should not harden at the ordinary temperature, but at blood heat, and this is, as already shown, the temperature at which they harden best. 2. No importance can be attached to the suggestion that these cements are harmful to the pulpa, as the reddening of litmus by them is not due to a strong A -acid, but to a weakly 2-acid salt solution. E It also follows from the theory, that the hardening of a porcelain cement must occur in a series of phases. This consequence of the theory is fully confirmed by practical experience. Morgenstern 372 has shown that, in most cements, the first hardening is followed by molecu- lar changes, which in some cases are completed within 3 hours, but in others are not fully completed in 24 hours. In confirmation of this is the fact, proved by Morgenstern, that the strength of these cements increases if, after the first period of 3 to 24 hours, they are kept out of contact with air or moisture. Wege 373 has also distinguished two stages in the hardening of porcelain cements. 1. The setting stage, which, according to Wege, "lasts 15 to 20 minutes. If it takes place at blood heat, it is accompanied by a marked evolution of heat owing to the rapidity with which the physio- chemical changes occur. During this stage these cements become so hard that they may be cut and polished. At ordinary room temperature the hardening takes place much more slowly. " The sensitiveness of the freshly mixed cement to moisture and to saliva is characteristic of the first stage of the hardening of a porcelain cement. It is, therefore, necessary to perform the operation of tooth-stopping in such a manner that all saliva is excluded until the cement is hardened." 2. The stone-forming stage commences " after 15 to 30 minutes (at blood heat). The chemico-physical reactions which occur during this second stage of the hardening are less energetic than those in the first stage, and the heat evolved is so small as to be scarcely measurable." 11 The mass in the second stage is less sensitive to moisture and saliva. This sensitiveness which shows itself by ' killing ' any cement TOXIC ACTION OF J-CEMENTS 219 mass mixed with saliva diminishes more and more until it eventually ceases completely. " The c stone-forming ' process may be completed in a few hours or it may take 2 to 3 days, different cements varying considerably. It is during this second stage that the cement attains its maximum hardness and density." Schreiber 374 , in his critical studies, has also repeatedly called attention to the various phases of hardening of the porcelain cements. The inference from the theory that the hardening of the porcelain cements occurs in a series of phases is thus in agreement with the facts. It is clear that, previous to the " stone-forming " stage, the hardening of the porcelain cements may be hindered by the action of water, alkalies, and diluted acids, and it is a serious error, in studying the resistance of these cements to acids and alkalies, to treat them with these reagents before the stone-forming stage of the hardening is com- pleted. As already mentioned, Morgenstern and Schreiber have clearly shown the nature of this error in a series of experimental studies made by them. F In the light of the H.P. theory, the fact that porcelain cement masses have a higher resistance to dilute acids than is possessed by ivory or the enamel of natural teeth is explicable. The acid in the fluid portion of the cement does not decompose the silicate molecule ; it does not cause the separation of any bases which can form easily soluble salts with phosphoric acid or aluminophosphoric acid. The acid in these cements only assists the hydration of the silicate molecule and adds itself to the latter. Dilute acid, if it does not act on the hardened molecule, may, if it has as great an affinity for the silicate molecule as the cement acid, effect a further hydration and may replace it, though this is seldom the case, with dilute lactic and acetic acids. This indicates that the cement mass is not readily attacked by acids, a fact which has been proved experimentally. The Toxic Action of the ^-cements in the Light of the New Theory From what has been written in the foregoing pages, the constitu- tion and properties of the porcelain cements must, undoubtedly, be regarded as new members of the great class of silicate compounds. It is therefore desirable, in the light of the H.P. theory, to find an answer to a question which is both theoretically and practically of the greatest importance. It has been stated that some porcelain cements have a serious disadvantage in that they cause dangerous inflammation and destroy the nerves (pulpa) of the teeth, with all the consequences which follow these actions. For several years there has been a bitter fight as to whether the toxic character of these silicates may be prevented. The chief difficulty in solving this problem appears to lie in the lack of knowledge of their CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY constitution and the course of the reactions during the hardening of the material. Moreover, the question as to the toxic action of porce- lain cements containing strong acids the A -cements are the only ones which have been found to affect the pulpa is purely a physio- logico-chemical one, and yet no one has endeavoured to answer it with the assistance of physiological chemists and their discoveries of toxines, although this would seem to be a conditio sine qua non to any satisfactory solution. The following lines contain the results of an effort to ascertain the cause of the harmful action of some cements and to find a means of preventing it. This effort is based on a consideration of the constitu- tion and the reactions occurring in the hardening of ^.-cements and on a study, of the manner in which the toxines have been found to react physiologically. In studying the causes of the toxic action of the A -cements the following consequences of the theory are important : 1. The action of the acids in the fluid portion of the A -cements the aluminophosphoric acids results, primarily, in the hydration of the silicate molecule, i.e. in the formation of a-, s- and basic-hydroxyls. The combination of the acid with the molecule is a secondary result, and is due to the acidophilic OH-groups. The cement, prepared by mixing the powder and the fluid together into a plastic mass, is at once forced into the dental cavity under con- siderable pressure. It is, therefore, clear that it must contain a considerable amount of free aluminophosphoric acid which may gradually find its way to the pulpa. 2. According to the theory, which is based on the fact of the strong basophilism of the silicate ring and the weak acidophilism of the alumina ring, it follows that, in all probability, the free alumino- phosphoric acid will not cause the separation of the least particle of base. This highly probable consequence of the theory becomes a certainty when the repeatedly observed high resistance to acids of the un- combined or incompletely combined A -cements is taken into considera- tion. This consequence of the theory, which is in complete agreement with the observed properties of the cement masses, is of great import- ance in studying the causes of the toxic action of the ,4-cements. Thus, it might be assumed that the 6-12% lime in the A -cement powders would be separated on mixing the powder with the acid fluid, and that if the lime present reached a definite proportion it might, in this way, completely prevent the toxic action of the acid owing to the combination of the acid and lime. From both the theory and the observed behaviour of the ^4-cements towards acids it follows that no such separation of the base can occur. The improbability of any separation of lime being brought about by the aluminophosphoric acid on simply mixing the silicate powder and the acid fluid together, is confirmed by the behaviour of highly TOXIC ACTION OF ^-CEMENTS basic cements which have been hardened by treatment with acid, such as the zinc phosphate cements, the powdered portion of which contains 90% of zinc oxide. In commerce, as may readily be seen from a study of the literature of the subject, there are two kinds of zinc phosphate cements : (a) Those in which the fluid portion contains a strong, free acid ; and (6) Those in which the fluid portion contains a considerable amount of a stronger base, e.g. zinc oxide. The difference is shown in the following Table, due to H. Paschkis : Composition of Zinc Cements Name " Fluid Portion " Contains Poulson fluid no zinc Entrop Ash ,, Griinbaum little zinc Poulson Rostaing crystalline fluid much zinc It is clear that these two kinds of zinc phosphate cement may have different chemico-physiological properties. In this connection it is interesting to notice that one of the most famous workers Miller, Professor of Dentistry at Berlin University 376 comments on the repeatedly observed destruction of pulpse by zinc phosphate cements (p. 232), whilst another equally famous operator Prof . Black 377 has observed no such destruction by zinc phosphate cements. These contradictory opinions can only be explained by assuming that Miller used cements containing free acid, whilst Black used those in which the fluid portion contained salts. Other operators have also reported contradictory results, some recommending the use of a protective medium below the cement stopping and others advising the direct use of zinc phosphate cement as providing the most suitable protection for the pulpa. 378 The destructive action, on the nerves, of zinc phosphate cements containing strong acids in a free state in the fluid portion can only be explained by supposing that not merely the 6-12% of base in porcelain cements, but even the 90% of base in the zinc cement powder, cannot prevent the destructive action of the free acid on the nerves at the moment when the mass is introduced into the cavity in the tooth. This surprising fact admits of a complete explanation : the harden- ing of a cement is essentially a slow physio-chemical process and it cannot, by the time the mass is introduced into the cavity, have proceeded far enough for the neutralisation of the strong acid to effect the separation of the base. This behaviour of the highly basic zinc 222 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY phosphate cements thus affords a further confirmation of the im- probability of any separation of the base by the action of the cement acids on silicate powders so poor in basic material as are the A -cements at the moment of their introduction into the dental cavity. 3. In the light of the H.P. theory, the fully hardened A -cements are really " sodalites " (p. 214). The acid is added to the silicate molecule because of the acidophilism of the a-hydroxyls. Experience has shown that this acidophilism of the silicate molecule is never strong, and in the case of acid dye-stuffs the " lakes " produced are, technically, of minor importance. There is a danger on account of the low acidophilism of the a- hydroxyls, that after a long time a separation of free acid may occur and the pulpa be destroyed, the A -cements thus resembling a sleeping volcano which may start its destructive action at any moment. According to the new theory, the completion of the hardening of the A -cements need not prevent the acid in them from acting detri- mentally. Definite reports made by various practical dentists show that the deleterious action has been observed a long time after the " stopping " had been inserted ; in some instances after an interval of a whole year. In one case, disease of the pulpa, resulting in the death of the patient, set in more than a year after a shallow cavity had been stopped with ^4-cement. The toxic action of the A -cements has now been shown to be due to that of the free aluminophosphoric acid present. The question arises as to whether this toxic action can be proved by chemico-physio- logical experiments in which these free acids are compared with other toxic substances. The answer to this question forms the subject of the following section : The Causes of the Neurotropism of Aluminophosphoric Acids (Ehrlich's Theory) The term " neurotropism " was suggested by Ehrlich 379 to in- dicate the poisonous action of any material on nerve-substance. Before it can be stated that a given substance is, theoretically, a neurotrope it is necessary to understand why modern physiological chemists consider that neurotropism is the result of chemical action. The famous physiologist and bacteriologist, P. Ehrlich, was the first to suggest that only those chemical substances are neurotropic which form a definite chemical compound with the nerve-fibres 380 (side-chain theory). Erhlich reached this conclusion as a result of his study of the so-called vital colour processes. Ehrlich has shown that the various dye-stuffs become localised in the organism according to their chemical constitution. For instance, methylene blue has a special attraction for living nerve-fibres ; other dye-stuffs are chiefly retained by the fatty organs and still others by the substance forming the kidneys. As the theory of the chemical combination of the toxines is of fundamental importance if a satisfactory theory which will explain the THE CAUSES OF NEUROTROPISM 223 observed properties of porcelain cements is to be obtained, it is neces- sary to mention briefly those facts having any bearing on the theory which have been observed by all well-known physiological chemists. Ehrlich's theory is confirmed by the following facts : 1. Analysis of cases of poisoning by toxines. It is well known, for instance, that when toxines are introduced directly into the blood- stream they rapidly disappear. 381 The rapid combination of injected toxines with the blood has also been observed by von Behring 382 , A. Knorr 383 , Bomstein 384 , de Croly 385 and others. 2. The investigations of von Behring 386 on tetanus afford a special confirmation of the theory of the chemical combination of the toxines. If animals which are peculiarly liable to tetanus are inoculated with tetanus poison, this is found in all the organs except the central nervous system. In other words, the poison is only feebly combined in the organs first mentioned, but it enters into definite chemical combination with the nerve-substance and cannot then be detected. The following fact also supports Erhlich's theory : Knorr has drawn up a '* Scale of Sensitiveness to Tetanus," and finds that the poisonous dose for a hen is 200,000 times that for a horse, the amount being calculated in grammes of poison per gramme of animal weight. Hens have been found by Kitasato to be practically immune from tetanus. The very slight sensitiveness of hens as compared with horses may be explained by Ehrlich's theory as due to lack of combining power. This is confirmed by the experiments of Metschnikoff 387 , Azakawa 388 , and of Fermi and Pernossi 389 , which show that insensitiveness to certain poisons is accompanied by the easy recognisability of the toxine in the organism for a long time after its introduction. 4. The well-known experiment of Robert Koch 390 is a particularly valuable confirmation of the theory of the chemical combination of the toxines. Koch wished to sterilise infected animals with corrosive sublimate, but found that the largest practicable doses had no influence on the parasites, the animals being killed more easily than the para- sites. This can be readily understood in the light of Ehrlich's theory ; the sublimate is organotropic, but not parasitotropic, i.e. it forms definite chemical compounds with the substances forming the important organs of the infected animals, but has no chemical action on the cells of the parasites. 5. Low's experiments on the action of oxalic acid on plants, is another interesting and valuable confirmation of Ehrlich's theory. Oxalic acid is well known as a powerful poison to both animals and plants, and its action was found by Low to be due to its forming definite compounds with lime salts. Hence, according to Low, oxalic acid is only poisonous to those plants whose cells contain lime salts, and it can have no poisonous action on plants, the cells of which are free from calcium compounds. Low has fully proved by direct experi- 224 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY ments that plants which contain no lime salts are not poisoned by oxalic acids. Further important confirmation may be found in the results of a large number of experiments, all of which are fully indicative of the production of definite chemical compounds. 391 Amongst others, Pasteur's Immunisation Therapy, Behring's Serum Therapy (Diphtheria serum), Chemicotherapy, the work of Koch and Uhlenhut on the use of atoxyl in the cure of malaria, and the chemical treatment of infectious diseases (syphilis) by Ehrlich and Hata all yield therapeutic results in support of Ehrlich's side-chain theory. There can, therefore, be no doubt that the theory of the chemical combination of the toxines is fully established. If it is desired to explain the neurotropism of the ^1-cements (i.e. the poisonous action of the aluminophosphoric acids on nerve-sub- stance) it must be clearly shown that these substances form definite chemical compounds with the nerve-fibres. In order to do this it is clearly necessary to : 1. Have a clear idea of the chemical constitution of the nerve- fibres, and 2. Produce facts which show the existence of a chemical relation- ship between the aluminophosphoric acids and the nerve-fibres. I. The Chemical Constitution of the Nerve-fibres The nerve-fibres, like all other animal fibres such as wool and silk, belong to the proteins, 392 i.e. to those substances whose constitutions have been so admirably studied by Emil Fischer and his students. These investigators 393 claim that it has been positively proved that the proteins contain amino-acids, the same fundamental substances appearing in the most widely differing proteins, but in very varying proportions, so that one or other amino-acid may be entirely wanting. This constitution of the proteins is reminiscent of the aluminosilicates which also contain a few fundamental substances combined in the most varied proportions. For instance, in the pro- teins, the following amino-acids are found : glycoeol, d-alanine, Z-leucine, d-glutaminic acid, amino-oxysuccinic acid, diaminoacetic acid, etc. As the complete hydrolysis of proteins by acids and alkalies always yields the same results, E. Fischer and his associates concluded that the amino-acids in them are not secondary, but are an integral part of the protein molecules. Hence the proteins are complex acids and must behave towards acids and bases in a manner analogous to other complex acids. As a matter of fact, the albumens are usually represented as multiple acid bases and multiple basic acids, i.e. they have a marked baso- and acido-philism and form compounds with both acids and bases. This ability of the albumens to combine with acids and bases has been investigated by several methods. 394 THE CAUSES OF NEUROTROPISM 225 II. The Chemical Relationship between the Nerve-fibres and the Aluminophosphoric Acids If it may be accepted as a definite fact that the nerve-fibres, like animal fibres generally, are chiefly proteins (amino-acids), it is clear that such substances may form definite compounds with either simple or complex acids, especially as Friedheim and his associates have found, as the result of a large number of experiments, that complex acids can not only combine with bases, but also with other acids, and other chemists have proved the existence of amino groups. That the facts fully confirm the possibility suggested by theory is shown by the mordanting of animal fibres by sesquioxide compounds such as aluminosulphates (alums), aluminoacetates, etc., i.e. by the various complex alumino-acids. 395 The properties of the alumino- phosphates such as the existence of aluminophosphates with very different proportions of phosphoric acid and alumina, which can pass into one another ; the impossibility of replacing the alumina by other bases by double decomposition ; the masking of the phosphoric acid by alumina in agriculture, etc. show that their constitution is analogous to that of the aluminophosphates and aluminoacetates, and there can be no doubt that they have a special chemical relationship to the nerve-fibres. In short, the aluminophosphoric acids are, in accordance with Ehrlich's theory, neurotropes or nerve poisons. It is very probable that the proteins, like the aluminosilicates, have a cyclic constitution, i.e. they apparently consist of N- and C- hexites and pentites. The combination of animal (nerve) fibres and the complex alumino-acids the corrosives is most probably analo- gous to that of the complex acids : two neighbouring OH-groups in the animal fibre combining with two similar (ortho) OH-groups in the alumino-acid with loss of water. The resultant complex can then, in an analogous manner (i.e. on losing water), unite with dye-stuffs, the combination of these being thus effected by means of the OH-groups in the alumino-acids. From this it follows that only dye-stuffs with ortho-hydroxyl groups can combine with alumino-acids and can be used as dyes. This interesting consequence of the theory has been fully confirmed by the experiments of C. Liebermann and St. Kon- stanecki 396 , who have shown that the only oxyanthracinones which are fixed dyes are those containing two ortho-hydroxyl groups. C. Liebermann has converted non-dyeing colours into strong dyes by the introduction of two ortho-hydroxyl groups, particularly in the case of fluorescines, eosines, 397 malachite green, 398 fluorines, 399 oxyaurenes, 400 etc. What can be said in regard to the physiologico-chemical action of the 2-cements ? The experience of Black and Schreiber with S-phosphate cements shows that the 2-silica cements are non-poisonous to the nerves of the teeth. The plastic mass of Z-cement does not contain free alumino 226 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY phosphoric acid, but an acid saturated with zinc oxide, i.e. a zinc salt, which must, naturally, behave in a different physiologico-chemical manner towards the nerves. According to Ehrlich's theory, all toxic action is excluded in the case of 2-cements, as investigations on the dyeing of animal fibres show 401 that, in the absence of mordants, the colour can only be fixed on wool and silk when the dye-bath is acid, i.e. only when the dyestuff-acid is in a free state. From this it follows that only free acids have any action on the nerve-fibres, salts being inert in this respect ; in other words, solutions of zinc salts can form no definite chemical compound with nerve-fibres, i.e. they are not neurotropic. It is very remarkable that, according to Siem's investigations, 738 complex compounds of aluminium (sodium alumino-lactate), when injected subcutaneously into animals, are found to be highly poisonous. On injecting relatively large doses of these compounds into the blood, death occurred after seven to ten days. The daily subcutaneous in- jection of small quantities into dogs, cats and rabbits, caused death within three to four weeks after the introduction of a total weight of 0.25 to 0.30 grammes A1 2 3 per kilog. of animal weight. The fact discovered by Dollken 739 in repeating Siem's experiments is even more interesting. Dollken confirmed Siem's conclusions and also found that, in accordance with the H.P. theory, these poisonous aluminium compounds are essentially nerve poisons. He found that in animals which had died from injections of these substances the nerve- roots were degenerated and that marked changes had occurred in the nerve-cells. The central nervous system is the part most affected by these poisonous aluminium compounds ; the outlying nerves not being appreciably affected. Siem and Dollken have also shown that it is a further characteristic of aluminium poisoning that time is required before any symptoms of poisoning are observable. Neither investigator noticed any acute symptoms of poisoning, even when large doses were administered. This experience is a complete agreement with the symptoms accom- panying poisoning by silicate cements of the " A " type, in which, as previously stated, the action of poison does not make itself observable until after weeks, months, or, in some cases, more than a year. The objection may be raised that, according to the H.P. theory, neutral salts of complex alumino-acids and particularly sodium alumino-lactate, should be wcw-poisonous, as the harmlessness of the zinc aluminophosphates (i.e. of the 2-cements) was thus explained. This objection is not well taken, as it is necessary to remember that some salts, like the sodium compounds of complex acids, readily dissociate and their anions can then enter into reaction. For this reason the feebly dissociable zinc salt possesses advantages over the free acids. Moreover, it is especially important to observe that Siem used extremely dilute solutions, whilst the fluid portion of the 2-cements is highly viscous and is thus different from the ^4-cements. The prob- THE ACID REACTION OF Z-CEMENTS 227 ability of extensive dissociation or decomposition of the fluid portion of the 2-cements in hollow teeth is very remote. It should also be noted that, apart from any particular theory, there can be no doubt that free acids can combine with nerve-substance far more readily than can salts, and from this point of view the Z-cements must be more advantageous than the A -cements for physiologico- chemical purposes. The objection may be raised that the fluid portion of the 2-por- celain cements is very concentrated, and that the acid reaction is due to a hydrolysis of the salt, i.e. that these salts must contain free aluminophosphoric acid, even if only in small quantity. This objection is quite erroneous, as the acid reaction of metallic salts is not neces- sarily a sign of hydrolysis, because many metallic salts (including nickel sulphate, manganese chloride and copper sulphate) which, hi aqueous solution, react strongly acid may be shown, on physio- chemical grounds, to be quite free from hydrolysis. As the question whether the acid reaction of an aqueous solution is a definite sign of the presence of free acid has not been clearly answered, an attempt is made, in the folio whig lines, to deal with it in accordance with the experimental material available. Does the Acid Reaction of an Aqueous Solution of an Acid Salt always indicate Hydrolysis and the Presence of Free Acid ? The non-hydrolysis of a number of acid-reacting solutions of metallic salts may be shown : (a) By determining their coefficient of conductivity, and (b) By spectrum analysis of the solution. (a) Conductivity Determinations The following simple means of determining whether a salt is hydro- lysed in aqueous solution is due to Ostwald. If the molecular con- ductivity of a solution of one gramme-molecule of a salt in 1024 litres of water at 25 C. is represented by yui 02 4 an d the conductivity of the same weight of the salt in 32 litres of water at the same temperature is represented by ^ 82 , from the difference A between these two numbers it can at once be seen whether the substance is hydrolysed or not. If, for instance, the difference A is approximately 20, no hydrolysis has occurred, but if A is considerably above 20, a hydrolysed salt is present. 402 A number of salts, such as nickel sulphate, cobalt chloride, man- ganese chloride, copper chloride and copper nitrate, when in aqueous solutions react like acids, yet the value of A shows that according to Ostwald 's rule they are not hydrolysed, as may be seen from the following Table, 403 in which no number is significantly above 20. 228 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY Conductivity Difference Salt A Nickel sulphate 18.6 Manganese chloride 18.5 Cobalt chloride 18.2 Copper chloride 20.5 Copper nitrate 18.6 Copper sulphate also has an acid reaction, yet the determination of the conductivity of a number of aqueous solutions of copper sulphate show, according to Ostwald 404 , that this substance is not hydrolysed. Ostwald has shown that the conductivity increases steadily with the dilution of the solution, and from this and from the conductivity of an infinitely dilute solution he concludes that solutions of copper sulphate contain Cu- and S0 4 - ions, but no H- ions. (b) Spectrum Analysis According to Knoblauch 405 and Nernst 406 , spectrum analysis affords a very delicate method for showing the constancy, or otherwise, of the constitution of a substance. If the absorption spectrum of a solution of the substance changes with the concentration a change must have occurred in the constitution of the substance. According to Nernst 407 , innumerable tests have shown that a very small change in the consti- tution is readily shown by the difference in the absorption spectrum. If acid-reacting solutions of metallic salts, such as copper sulphate, underwent the slightest hydrolysis this could be detected by the change in the absorption spectrum, so that by examining the spectrum of solutions of different strengths it is possible to ascertain whether the slightest hydrolysis has taken place. Acid-reacting copper sulphate which, according to its conductivity, is not hydrolysed in aqueous solution, has also been spectroscopically examined by several investigators, including P. Glan 408 , H. W. Vogel 409 , and Knoblauch 410 . Glan and Vogel found that the solid and dissolved substances both have the same absorption spectrum, so that no change in its constitution and therefore no hydrolysis occurs when acid- reacting copper sulphate is dissolved in water. Knoblauch dissolved half a gramme-molecule of copper sulphate in 0.37 litres of water and an equal quantity in 325 litres of water ; the character of the spectrum of both these solutions was identical and Knoblauch therefore concluded that in neither case did water effect any hydrolysis of the salt. In these ways, the best methods of physical chemistry have shown that a number of acid-reacting metallic salts are not hydrolysed when in aqueous solution, i.e. they do not contain any free acid. The objection may be raised that (a) Carrara and Vespignani in measuring the rate of saponification of methyl acetate at 25 C. by THE ACID REACTION OF Z-CEMENTS 229 means of copper sulphate, and (b) Davis and Fowler by inverting sugar with copper sulphate solution, 411 have shown quantitatively that the hydrolysis of the copper sulphate does occur and that the investiga- tions of these scientists, at first sight, appear to show a slight though definite hydrolysis. These experiments must, nevertheless, be re- garded as useless, as Donnan 412 , who first introduced them, found that they were by no means free from objection inasmuch as they contradict the results of conductivity determinations. They are specially erroneous as their authors worked on the false assumption that the saponification or inversion was effected exclusively by hydrogen-ions. If this assumption were correct it must follow that : 1. The inversion of the sugar must increase with the dilution of the acid, as the number of the H-ions increases as the solution becomes more dilute. Precisely the opposite is the case : the inversion pro- ceeding more rapidly with the stronger acid. 413 2. The rate of inversion must be reduced by adding neutral salts of the acid used, as this would reduce the number of H-ions. Yet according to Nernst the opposite is the case : the presence of an equivalent amount of potassium salt of the given acid increasing the rate of inversion by about 10 per cent. 3. Salts which react acid to indicators must also invert sugar, as they should (on the assumption named) contain H-ions. Yet H. Ley 414 has observed that many salts which react acid to indicators behave like neutral salts as regards sugar. 4. Salts which contain no H-ions should never invert sugar, yet H. Ley and others 415 have found that many so-called neutral salts, e.g. chlorides of strong bases, invert sugar to a small yet measurable extent . The contradiction between practice and the theory that H-ions are necessary for the inversion of sugar was explained long ago, Arrhenius 416 having shown that other ions greatly increase the action of the H-ions. If, however, the inversion of sugar may be effected or increased by other ions it is clearly useless to employ this method to ascertain what hydrolysis (if any) has taken place in a given solution. The above-mentioned facts are also opposed to the assumption that sugar inversion can only occur in the presence of H-ions, as Ley and others have effected it in complete absence of these ions. If, on the other hand, it is agreed that anions may influence the inversion, it is impossible to understand why the inversion cannot be due to the S0' 4 - ion in the copper sulphate, as two absolutely unexceptionable methods electrical conductivity and spectrum analysis have shown the non- hydrolysis of the solution. There can be no doubt that there are some metallic salts which react like acids and yet do not contain a trace of free acid. Hence the acid reaction of the Z-cement fluids cannot be used as an argument for the presence in them of free acid ; in other words, the acid reaction of the Z-cement fluids does not in any way imply the possibility of a chemical combination of the cement fluid and the nerve-fibres. 230 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY The physiologico-chemical properties of the A- and 2-cements fully agree with the properties which have been observed in practice. Practical Experiences with A- and --cements in regard to their Physiologico-chemical Behaviour The numerous experiments already referred to leave but little doubt that the -4-cements are nerve-poisons and that the Z-cements are harmless. In the year 1904 or 1905, shortly after the silicate cements had been placed on the market, several attempts were made to prevent the poisonous action of the A -cements. For this purpose Selowsky 417 , Hentze 418 , Sachs 419 , Bruck 420 , Detzner 421 , Scheuer 422 , Escher 423 and others recommended that : 1. A very thick cement mixture should be used so that any excess of poisonous acid in the fluid would eventually combine with the excess of powder. 2. Before inserting the cement, a neutral material should be introduced into the dental cavity, so as to prevent the acid from reaching the pulpa. In spite of the most careful use of these protective materials, dental literature contains many reports of destroyed pulpse and of some deaths due to the acid. Thus, in 1906 the following (German) dentists reported cases of poisoning and the uselessness of a stiff paste and of protecting pieces : Heinsheimer 424 , Silbermann 425 , Reissner 426 , and in 1908, Schreiber 427 . In 1909 Baldus 428 confirmed this view. Of the many (German) dentists who in 1909 reported deaths due to pulpa poisoning caused by A -cements, only the following need be mentioned : C. Wolff, Aachen 429 , Marx 430 , Horstmann 431 , Schulte 432 , Gerhardt, Leipzig 433 , Wild 434 , Albrecht 435 , Peckert 436 , Stein-Mann- heim 437 , Gunzert 438 and Port 439 . Of these, Wild alone found 30 deaths due to ^4-cements. Still more recently, Feiler 440 has reported that in spite of the greatest care, 11 cases of poisoning occurred, and enquired whether it was right to use silicate cements of so dangerous a nature to patients. " I must say that to me each case is a peculiarly unpleasant memory, so that I am constantly asking myself whether we are justified in using a material which, in spite of the greatest care and skill, places the patient in so much danger." Feiler has also reported a fatal case following the use of an A- cement as follows : " The following incident, told to me by Privy Councillor Partsch, is worth careful consideration. I take the following from the official medical report : ' On the 16th December, 1906, a year after the stopping of a superficial cavity in the right upper incisor with original Ascher's silicate cement, R. G. (22 years of age) began to suffer indefinable pains in the right side of his face, and several days later a pronounced swelling of the right cheek and of the upper and lower PHYSIOLOGICAL BEHAVIOUR OF PORCELAIN CEMENTS 231 eyelids was observed ; fever also commenced. On the 20th December an elastic swelling, very sensitive to the touch, was easily observable ; the teeth were very painful when pressed, and a similar swelling near the fossa cannia was seen. The temperature rose to 40 C. with the pulse at 120. General condition much disturbed ; no mental symptoms. The dentist trepanned two, whereupon pus discharged from the pulum cavum, the swelling increased around the roots of the teeth and con- tained an evil-smelling pus. In the evening the temperature was still 38.5C.; the pain somewhat reduced. Next day, a general improvement. On the 23rd and 24th no pain experienced ; patient taken in closed carriage to the dentist for further treatment. On the 25th he made a long journey unknown to the doctor. On the 26th headache re- commenced and on the 27th the doctor was sent for and found con- siderable feverishness and headache, but no trouble with the mouth, apart from three vomitings. The doctor diagnosed influenza, but the symptoms increased daily, the lid of the right eye swelled, the eye- ball was protruded ; general mental symptoms observable ; the pulse sank to 56 and became irregular, the knee reflexion was unsatisfactory, and considerable deep hyperaesthesia of the legs was found. " On the 4th of January an operation showed that the processes had extended through the fissura orbitalis inferior to the eye-socket, and notwithstanding a wider opening it was impossible to prevent the spread of the processes. The temperature fell for a short time, but on the 7th of January it rose to 40.4 C., with feverish shivering, and remained fairly constant with increasing brain disturbance until the exitus letalis on the 18th of January." Schreiber 441 in 1910, after reporting a whole series of fresh deaths from diseased pulpse due to the use of A -cements, wrote in strong terms condemning the impracticability of the preventive methods recom- mended. Freund 442 , of Breslau, encouraged the use of ^4-cements, and attributed the toxic action of some specimens to the presence of arsenic and not to the free acid. A year later (in 1909), 443 after some unfortunate experiences with -4-cements, he openly joined those who accept the acid theory and discussed the question as to who were responsible for these {C accidents " the manufacturers who guaranteed their products to be harmless, or the dentist. Lartschneider 444 distinguishes between an irritation of the pulpa and destroying it. Under the term " pulpa irritation " he groups all the cases in which pain is felt soon after the insertion of the cement. In most cases the pain soon ceased, but in some instances it continued for several hours. He has observed these symptoms in 6 to 8 per cent. of his patients. They were often quite independent of the depth of the cavity, and many of the worst cases were those where no trouble was anticipated. He noticed that young, delicate, anaemic patients suffered most, and considered that the fatal cases might be due to anaemia. 232 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY Robert Richter 445 also attributes the harm done by these cements to the presence of arsenic, and points out the seriously poisonous nature of this material. He goes so far as to suggest that the A- cements should always be labelled as " poison." Schreiber 446 also regarded the A -cements as poisonous, and urged that they should be scheduled accordingly. He also suggested that in the case of an " accident " the dentist should be held to be legally responsible. It is interesting to observe that most investigators consider that the poisonous action is due to the free acid. A. Masur 447 reports observations made by the Breslau dentists on the destruction of the pulpa a short time after the use of A -cements, the patients suffering from acute periodontitis. Masur also considers that the cause of the symptoms observed is to be found in the cement acid. Reissner 448 also attributes the periostitis observed by him to the action of free acid. Silbermann 449 definitely assumes that the detrimental action of the ^4-cements on the pulpa is due to the acid they contain, and has endeavoured to prove this assumption experimentally. Later, he considered that the arsenic in the cements was the cause of their toxic action, but " the difference observed in the pulpa after the application of arsenic and of an Ascher's stopping, which had resulted in peri- odontitis," led him to conclude that the damage was done by the acid in the cement and not by the arsenic. Moreover, arsenic-free A- cements have the same toxic action as others ; hence it is not generally agreed that the acid is the poisonous ingredient. Kulka 450 has pointed out that, according to Miller 451 , the destruc- tion of the pulpa (p. 221) is by no means unusual with zinc phosphate cements, and is apparently due to the phosphoric acid in the cement fluid. Kulka accepts this suggestion and also the similar one made by Ottolenguis 453 ; he also considers it possible that the free acid removes lime from the tooth-ivory and affects the pulpa by partial destruction of the dentine. Feiler 454 does not accept this view, as he found that on drilling through the stopping the dentine above the pulpa was unaffected, and that no lime had been removed from it ; he does, however, agree that the detrimental action of the A -cements is due to the free acid present, and refers to Pawel's 455 work in support of this. Pawel found, by actual experiments on animals, that the acid in these cements can penetrate thick layers of dentine and can then damage the pulpa. According to Feiler, the chemical irritation of the excess of acid affects the vitality of the pulpa through pores or channels in the dentine and destroys its power of resistance to bacteria. The latter are thus able to pass through the channels in the dentine and to enter the blood- stream, thus bringing about violent processes, the intensity of which depends on the virulence or pathogenity of the germs present. The destruction of the pulpa which results from the use of porcelain PHYSIOLOGICAL BEHAVIOUR OF PORCELAIN CEMENTS cements containing free acids is attributed to the strong acids in the cement fluid by the following (additional) authorities : Biel 456 , Hentze 457 , Sachs 458 , Bruck 459 , Apfelstadt 460 , Schreiber 461 , Wege 462 , Schachtel 463 , etc. Lartschneider 464 has expressed a doubt as to the action of free acid in A -cements on the pulpa. He placed small pellets of cotton- wool saturated with the fluid portion of these cements (i.e. with cement-acid) in the cavities in infected teeth and closed the cavity with a Fletcher's cap. In some instances temporary pain was ex- perienced by the patient, but it ceased after a few hours. In no case did he find any appreciable destruction of the pulpa or any periostitic symptoms, even though some of these " acid fillings " were retained in the teeth for nine weeks. This investigation is of value, but it does not invalidate the " acid theory " for the following reasons : 1. Symptoms are, in many cases, only observed after a very long time, sometimes as much as a year or more after the introduction of the stopping, and the observations made by Lartschneider were made in too short a time for the action of the acid to become noticeable. In this connection the experience of another dentist Albrecht 465 is interesting. Albrecht was one of the first to use A -cements extensively, and he could not understand why so many of his colleagues complained of their deleterious action. More recently, however, he has realised that several " accidents " are due to old cases, the damage to the pulpa taking some months before it became noticeable. Two cases in particular, in which he filled quite shallow cavities with A -cements, resulted in the destruction of the pulpa and in periodontitis after more than a year, have made him pessimistic with regard to these cements. The eventual destruction of the pulpa in the cases quoted by Lartschneider is, therefore, by no means excluded. 2. The plastic silicate mass is pressed into the dental cavity under considerable pressure, whereby the free acid may the more readily penetrate the pores or channels in the dentine and so reach the pulpa. If a pellet of cotton- wool saturated with acid is used, there is little or no pressure exerted, and the acid cannot so readily reach the pulpa : it may, in fact, combine with the Fletcher cement. 3. It is not impossible that only certain people are sensitive to the action of the aluminophosphoric acids, and that in his experi- ments Lartschneider had patients who were not likely to develop pulpitis. If the harmlessness of the aluminophosphoric acids is assumed, to what is the destruction of the pulpa due ? Moreover, Pawel has shown the harmful action of strong acids on the pulpa by direct experiments on animals as previously noted (p. 232). The most direct proof that the toxic action of the A -cements is solely due to the free acid they contain is found in the 2 -cements, which only differ from the former in the substitution of a salt for the 234 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY free acid, yet are found in practice as well as in theory to be perfectly harmless. No sooner had the poisonous nature of the A -cements been realised than an urgent demand was made for their improvement in such a manner that they should lose their toxic action completely. Thus Heinsheimer 466 has stated that " Beautiful and valuable though the Ascher cements are, they have one property which is absolutely neces- sary to remove, viz. the toxic action on the pulpa. Otherwise, these almost ideal materials must be discarded. These views are held by a number of my colleagues, and I may frankly say that this serious dis- advantage is not due to the use of too soft a mixture or to badly prepared material." Greve expresses himself to the same effect : " Some of the new silicate cements produce excellent results under suitable conditions, but an improvement is essential. If this cannot be effected they will never attain the popularity which has been prophesied." The warnings of Heinsheimer, Greve and others are all the more significant when it is remembered that, according to Pfaff 467 , diseases of the pulpa are the cause of other diseases of important organs particularly of the eyes and ears. Thus, deposits of decomposed matter on the pulpa, diseases of the pulpa itself and of the membranes sur- rounding the fangs, frequently cause neuralgia of the trigeminus, or neuritis ascending to the ganglion gasseri (Karewski). The clinical observation that the eyes are affected in many diseases of the teeth has been made by numerous ophthalmologists. Acute pulpit is, peri- ostitis and empyemia of the antrum highmori are stated to be the causes of many eye complaints by Alexander, Keyser, Wacher, Lardin, Birch-Hirschfeld and others. Pagenstecher and Vossius have also reported numerous cases. Amongst other diseases of the eyes which have their origin in defective teeth are changes in the optic nerves and in the retina ; inflammation of the cornea and of the conjunctiva, or of the whole eye-ball ; diminished sensitiveness in the apparatus for accommodation and in the iris, affections of the muscles which move the eye-ball and eyelids, diseases of the tear-glands and ducts. These have been observed by Decaisne, Blank, Schmidt, Schulek, Wedl and others. The manner in which these diseases are brought about must be sought in the nerves and in the mucous lining of the mouth ; the latter extends to the jaw from the ostium pharyngeum tubce. to the drum of the ear, so that inflammatory processes in the mouth may also extend their action for a considerable distance. Otitis media and the related ascending neuralgia may also be due to diseases of the teeth, according to Boke, Ziem and Winkler. Greve 468 , in 1906, attributed the poisonous nature of the A -cements to their irrational composition. He considered that the composition of the silicate powder does not permit it to neutralise the cement acid, and he attributed the dangerous irritation of the pulpa to an excess of free acid. It has been shown that in the highly basic zinc phosphate RELATIVE DIFFUSIBILITY OF A- AND 2-CEMENTS 235 cements (p. 221) the use of less acid will not avoid the danger, because no separation of the base has occurred by the time the plastic mass is placed in the cavity. Nevertheless, Greve's work is important because he showed the value of bases for reducing the poisonous nature of A- cements. The right way to destroy the poisonous nature of the silicate cements is shown, both by theory and practical experience, to consist in saturating the cement acid with a strong basis before the fluid portion of the cement is mixed with the powder ; in other words, by the conversion of -4-cements into 2-cements. W. and D. Asch 469 , in 1908, published the results of some experi- ments with a transparent 2-cement, i.e. with a silicate cement in which the fluid portion consists of an acid-reacting salt solution. Use of this cement in practical dentistry appears to be highly satisfactory : the mass proved, in accordance with theory, to be perfectly harmless to the pulpa. The practical experiences of Oppler 470 , Wege 471 , Schach- tel 472 , Schreiber 473 , Baldus 474 , etc., with this cement have further confirmed its absolute harmlessness. Baldus has used this cement for more than a year, Wege and Schreiber for several years. Schachtel has laid this cement on almost translucent pulpae, which were very painful at the time of the opera- tion, but after a long time no harmful symptoms could be observed. Oppler has brought this cement into direct contact with the free pulpa, yet though the patients were under observation for a long time, he observed no irritating symptoms, a result which, according to Schreiber, is incredible if A -cements are used. Hence, practical experience is in full accord with theory in regard to the absolute harmlessness of the 2-cements, just as both are agreed as to the essential poisonous nature of the A -cements. The 2-cements have, in their physiologico-chemical relations, other advantages over the ^4-cements. It is open to argument whether an excess of cement fluid diffuses more rapidly through the dental capil- laries and into the pulpa more rapidly when it is in the form of a solution of a salt or an acid. The facts established by Graham 740 afford valuable evidence in this connection. According to Graham, the acids and acid salts diffuse more rapidly from a mixture of basic, neutral and acid fluids than do the basic and neutral ones. The fluid portions of the A -cements which are usually free, or practically free aluminophosphoricjacids diffuse, cceteris paribus, more rapidly than the 2-cements, as the latter are usually saturated with bases. Should an excess of the fluid portion of the S-cements eventually diffuse towards the pulpa, it is by no means improbable that during this time it would come into contact with cement powder and so would become fully neutralised. In this way the slow diffusibility of fluid portions of the 2-cements is a great advantage, for physiologico-chemical purposes, over the more readily diffusible portion of the A -cements. When it is remembered that in the commercial 2-cements the fluid is highly viscous, whilst in the ^4-cements the fluid is very mobile, it is 236 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY clear that, cceteris paribus, the Z-cement fluid must diffuse more slowly than that of the A -cements, and therefore the former cements are preferable to the latter. XV A New Theory of Glasses, Glazes,* and Porcelains A definite part of the silicates known as glasses, glazes and porce- lains are, without doubt, definite chemical compounds in the structure of which hexites and pentites play an important part. Some of the " glasses " are compounds of simple acids, others, like most glazes and the porcelains, are, in so far as they are single chemical compounds, complex acids or the corresponding salts. Dumas 475 considered that glass has as definite a composition as certain minerals or that it is a mixture of certain silicates ; the glasses he examined corresponded to the formula Na 2 CaO 4SiO 2 , but, as Berthier 476 has shown, a higher silica content in the glass makes it harder and less fusible, whilst lime increases its resistance to chemical influences ; Benrath 477 regards as " glasses " those silicates which correspond to the general formula RO 2 Si0 2 . It is important to observe that it was Benrath who showed that the most suitable composition for all useful glasses (excluding optical ones) lies within the limits of Na 2 CaO 6 Si0 2 and 5 Na 2 7 CaO 36 Si0 2 , in which Na may be replaced by K and Ca by Pb. The occurrence of the figure 6 and its multiples is highly significant. Zulkowski 741 has studied the relationship between the chemical composition and the physical properties of glass, and, for certain specimens prepared by him, he suggests the following empirical formula : M' 2 M"0 6 Si0 2 , and the following structural formula : /0-SiO-SiO-O-SiO-OM' MX X SiO SiO O SiO OM' In this manner Zulkowski regards glasses as definite chemical compounds. At the same time, he regards the refining stage in the manufacture of glass as a chemical process and not, as is customary, as a purely physical one in which the dross particles are separated on account of their higher specific gravity. That the 6 SiO 2 in the above formula plays an important part in glasses is recognised by Zulkowski, and based on the investigations of Schwarz, which showed that the resistance of glasses to the action * Glazes are carefully prepared mixtures of minerals which are applied to articles in order to impart a glossy surface or glaze, the covering material being melted into a kind of glass by heating the article in a kiln or suitable oven. Opaque glazes are termed enamels, but both words are used somewhat loosely. THE CONSTITUTION OF GLASSES, ETC. 237 of 10 per cent, hydrochloric acid reaches a satisfactory value with glasses of the character examined by Zulkowski. The investigations of Stas and others have also shown that glasses only become resistant to the action of water when their composition is in accordance with the above formula. It is also of interest to observe that Zulkowski has studied glasses with 5 Si0 2 in the molecule to which he attributes an analogous formula. In reality, it is not the number 6, but a multiple of this number which is essential, and glasses containing 36SiO 2 are particularly important. Thus, the normal composition of glass is stated by Fischer 742 to be : 5 Na 2 7 CaO 36 Si0 2 , 5 K 2 7 CaO 36 SiO,, 5 K 2 7 PbO 36 Si0 2 . Normal glasses of the following formulae have also been reported : 743 6 K 2 2 PbO 2 ZnO 2 BaO 36 Si0 2 , 3 Na 2 3 K 2 3 PbO 3 CaO 36 Si0 2 , 3 Na 2 3 K 2 6 PbO 36 Si0 2 . It cannot be said that the three latter formulae represent the mini- mum molecular weights, as formulae can be constructed from the same data with less than 36 Si0 2 . Yet if the above formulae are regarded as representing the minimum molecular weights, then glasses must clearly have at least 36 molecules of Si0 2 in each glass molecule. There are many people who believe that glasses are not single chemical compounds, but mixtures or solid solutions. Zulkowski holds the opposite view, and has drawn attention to the experiments of Mylius and Foerster 744 , which show that glasses are not mixtures, but true chemical compounds. Zulkowski regards glasses as acid di- silicates, because he is not in a position to give a formula similar to those suggested by the H.P. theory. Of special interest is the composition of alabaster-glass, which, according to Zulkowski, is not a double silicate, but a pure potassium meta-silicate which belongs to the siliceous glasses. The composition of this glass he represents by K 2 0, 8 Si0 2 . It is highly probable that this glass has a molecular weight at least four times as large as corre- sponds to the above, i.e. that the true formula contains 32 SiO 2 . In addition to those glasses which may, possibly, be regarded as simple silicates, there are the glazes and porcelains which may be regarded as fused aluminosilicates or salts of other complex silicates, such as salts of borosilicic acid. Zulkowski also considers that " on fusing 4 SiO 2 , 2 B 2 O 3 with one molecule of CaC0 3 and one molecule of soda, the product is not a glassy mixture, but a homogeneous glass." He attributes to the material obtained in this manner a structural formula analogous to that which he assigns to normal glass. Assuming that the minimum weight of the chemical compounds 238 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY known as " glass " corresponds to a formula with 36 Si0 2 and that this substance is an acid with the constitution 11 14 H a O 36 Si0 2 , in which the positions marked with a -f are either direct bonds between the Si-hexites or are those to which dibasic or sesquioxide-forming elements may be attached, by means of this constitutional formula many hitherto puzzling properties of the " glasses " may be explained. It should be observed that in this formula the maximum of OH-groups is shown. A series of acids with fewer OH-groups is theoretically possible ; from these a series of salts can be produced as in the case of the complex acids. The following lines deal with some properties of " glasses " which are explicable by means of this theory : 1. Schott 478 has examined " best Thuringian glass " with a com- position corresponding to 8 Na 2 K a O 4 CaO A1 2 O, 36 Si0 2 Calcd. 16.05 3.04 7.25 3.30 70.36 Found 16.01 3.38 7.24 3.00 69.02 (0.42 Fe 2 3 and 0.26 MgO) in a threefold manner, viz : (a) After two years' exposure to air, (b) After heating to 100 C., and (c) After heating to the softening point. The glasses were carefully cleaned with water, alcohol and ether, dried by prolonged standing over sulphuric acid, weighed before and after treatment with water and finally after heating in an air bath at 150 C. The loss of weight was calculated to milligrammes per sq. cm. Experiment I : Loss of weight in water 3-5 mg. at 150 C. 0-8 mg. After heating in water the glass appeared to be unchanged, but after heating in an air bath the whole surface became covered with very fine cracks, but no flakes were split off. Experiment II : Loss of weight in water 2-5 mg. at 150 C. 0-8 mg. The cracks produced in the air bath were very fine and could scarcely be seen with the naked eye. Experiment III : Loss of weight in water 1-8 mg. at 150 C. 0-6 mg. In this case no cracks could be observed even with a lens. THE CONSTITUTION OF GLASSES, ETC. 239 From the results of these experiments it follows that the constitu- tion of the glasses tested must differ, and it should be specially noted that heating this glass to its softening point had notably improved its quality, as is shown by Experiment III. If it is assumed that the dibasic elements and the sesquioxide are strongly bound, but that the alkali-atoms are labile, the following isomers of the original formula may be conceived ; these appear to confirm the three foregoing experiments : =Na, =Na 2 =Ca =Ca =Na, Na a Na a Na a B. Na a Na 3 Na a II II II K- X V S Si I Si I Si Ca= Na a = fa a Na a Na a C. It is very probable that, in Experiment III, the compound A is formed, as this has a symmetrical distribution of the atoms in the molecule which would account for its greater stability than the compounds B and C. It is here assumed that on storing or heating the glasses examined, only the alkali-atoms change places, the dibasic and Al-atoms not being affected. This assumption is justified by the fact, proved by Weber, that very little depression* is shown by thermometer glasses which contain potassium, but no sodium. If this depression is due to a * When some kinds of glass are used in the manufacture of thermometers, these instruments are found, in course of time, to indicate lower temperatures than they should do. This is referred to as the "depression" of the thermometer; it is com- monly understood to be due, in some way, to the chemical composition of the glass employed. 240 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY rearrangement of the alkali-atoms within the molecule, those glasses which contain sodium, but no potassium, should show no depression at all. Experiments made by Schott 480 show that this is actually the case. Thus, glass w r hich contains unmixed alkali (i.e. a pure potash-lime glass) when used for thermometers shows a much smaller error owing to changes in volume than a glass containing mixed alkalies (i.e. con- taining both potash and soda). Thus, a glass which contains unmixed alkali 745 showed, after a given time, a depression of only 0-04, whilst a glass containing mixed alkali had a tenfold depression, viz. 0.40. It is a well-known fact that thermometers made of glass containing both potash and soda are erroneous on account of this depression, whilst those made of potash alone are quite satisfactory ; this was first pointed out by Weber in a lecture before the Prussian Academy of Science, in December, 1883. 2. It is a well-known fact that the behaviour of various kinds of glass under the heat of a glass-blower's lamp varies greatly : one kind of glass (window glass) turns matt and rough shortly after it has become hot, whilst the glass made in the Thuringian Forest can with- stand repeated heating and cooling, and may be blown into various shapes and re-melted without showing any signs of physical change. Schott's 481 experiments on Thuringian glass have shown that it has the following composition : 8.25 Na 2 1.25 K 2 0.25 MgO 4.25 CaO A1 2 3 36 SiO, Calcd. 16.21 3.72 0.37 7.54 3.23 68.93 Found 16.01 3.38 0.27 7.38 3.38 67.74 An analysis of the sand used in its manufacture showed : SiO a A1 2 3 Fe 2 3 CaO MgO K 2 Na 2 91.38 3.66 0.47 0.31 Trace 2.99 0.50 Schott therefore assumed that this glass owes its valuable properties to the alumina it contains, this being derived from the sand. He has confirmed this by preparing various glasses synthetically from pure quartz to which various quantities of alumina were added, and found that the latter enabled the glass to be worked satisfactorily in the blower's lamp whilst the former left much to be desired. The value of alumina has also been confirmed on the large scale ; the addition of felspar or alumina to a glass mixture invariably improved the working qualities of the glass. Seger 746 , also, made exact experiments on the action of alumina in glass mixtures, and has shown that it increases the fusibility of the mixture and that the tendency to de vitrify is reduced. Weber, in an exhaustive treatise on " Depression Phenomena in Thermometers," has stated that alumina is highly important in the manufacture of glass : it increases the fusibility and makes it easier to work. Schott has also repeatedly observed that the tendency to crystallise or devitrify, shown by many glasses with a high percentage of alkaline THE CONSTITUTION OF GLASSES, ETC. 241 earths, may be diminished by the addition of alumina. This peculiar property of small amounts of alumina (2% to 3%) is readily understood in the light of the H.P. theory of the constitution of glasses ; it is due to the bonding of the silicon hexites by the Al-atoms. Definite com- plexes are formed and may be conveniently termed y-complexes. The presence of very small proportions of one substance in another has frequently a very marked effect on the latter. Thus, Marignac 484 has shown the enormous influence of 2 per cent, of silica in silico- tungstates ; W. Asche 485 and Parmentier have shown the equal importance of 2 per cent, of silica in the silico-molybdates, and it is very probable that the small amounts of Ce 2 3 in the rare-earths used for gas-mantles, 486 phosphoric acid in the blood, and carbon, tungsten and other " impurities " in steel play a highly important part in the characteristics of these substances. 3. Forster 482 and Kohlrausch 483 have independently proved experimentally that glass is attacked by pure water more strongly than by acids. Forster has also found that a given glass will lose the same weight when treated with sulphuric, hydrochloric, nitric or acetic acid, of either one-thousandth of the normal,* or ten times the normal strength. With concentrated acids, Forster found the action to be weaker than with more dilute ones. This property may be explained in the light of the H.P. theory, as follows : The water causes primary alkali to become separated from the molecule, and this, to some extent, reacts in a secondary manner on the hexite and partially converts it into pentite, as the authors of the present volume have frequently observed in studying the complex salts. With acids, on the contrary, only the acid-water reacts and causes a partial separation of the alkali in the glass. This alkali is at once neutralised by the acid and so is prevented from having any secondary action. In this manner the more powerful action of water, as compared with acids, may be explained. 4. The cause of the phenomenon known as " devitrification " was, until quite recently, extremely puzzling and has not been ascertained with certainty. For instance, Zulkowski considered that devitrifica- tion is due to the presence of subsidiary silicates. Thus, a glass made from a mixture corresponding to the formula : 9 Na 2 + 10 CaO + 60 SiO a , is stated by Zulkowski to be : 8 (CaO Na 2 6 SiO 2 ) + 2 (CaO 4 Si0 2 ) -f Na 2 4 Si0 2 True glass. Subsidiary silicates. The glass is thus regarded by Zulkowski as composed of 8 molecules of normal glass with 2 molecules of calcium tetra-silicate and 1 mole- * "Normal acid " is of such a strength that 1 c.c. of it will exactly neutralise 0-040 gramme of NaOH or 0-053 gramme of Na 2 CO 3 , hence 1 c.c. of " one- thousandth normal " or milli-normal acid will exactly neutralise 0-000040 gramme NaOH and 1 c.c. of " ten times normal " acid will neutralise 0-400 gramme NaOH or the equivalent weight of any other alkali. 242 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY cule of sodium tetra-silicate. These subsidiary silicates are, according to Zulkowski, the cause of devitrification. In the opinion of the authors of the H.P. theory, the experiments of M. Groger 748 throw a special light on the subject of devitrification and lead to the true causes of this phenomenon. Groger examined a devitrified bottle glass made in the works of the Austrian Glasshiitten- gesellschaft at Aiissig. It consisted of crystalline nodules which, on fracture, were composed of radial fibres of a matt greenish-white tint. In these nodules completely transparent, dark green masses are embedded. Groger analysed both the transparent masses and the less transparent devitrified portions and found that their chemical com- position was identical and corresponded to the general formula : 2.5 R 2 O 4.5 RO A1 2 3 15 Si0 8 , 0.25 K S 2.25 Na 2 O 0.25 MgO 3.5 CaO 0.5 MnO 0.25 FeO A1 2 0, 15 SiO, Theory : 1.64 9.75 0.70 13.70 2.48 1.24 7.13 63.36 Found in devitrified portion : 1.52 9.76 0.61 13.38 2.49 1.39 7.73 63.79 Found in transparent portion : 1.45 9.78 0.73 12.81 2.47 1.39 7.42 64.39 In this manner Groger confirmed the statement of Pelouze that the devitrified portions are of the same composition as the glass itself, and also that of Benrath in which the errors in the view previously held, that a devitrified glass is more siliceous than a normal glass, were exploded. Groger also investigated the physical and chemical properties of both portions in order to ascertain the cause of the devitrification. He showed that the two portions differed considerably in both physical and chemical properties. For instance, the transparent portion is much more fusible than the devitrified portion. Again, when treated with concentrated hydrochloric acid the devitrified portion was almost dissolved completely, whilst the transparent portion remained unattacked. From this, Groger con- cluded that the devitrified portion consisted of two different substances and endeavoured to separate them by digesting for twelve hours with concentrated hydrochloric acid. Both portions the soluble and the insoluble were analysed and conformed to the following formulae : For the soluble portion : 10.25 RO 0.75 R a O 0.12 Si0 2 . For the insoluble portion : 1.75 RO - 2.25 R,0 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 . These figures were deduced from the following data : 0.25 FeO 9.5 CaO 0.5 MgO 0.75 Na 2 12 SiO a Theory 1.35 39.80 1.49 3.48 53.88 Found 1.16 39.30 1.33 3.57 52.89 0.27 MnO 0.36 K 2 THE CONSTITUTION OF GLASSES, ETC. 0.25 FeO 0.25 MnO CaO 0.25 MgO 2 Na 8 0.25 K,0 A1 2 0, 12 SiO, Theory 1.67 1.65 5.20 0.92 11.53 2.18 9.48 67.37 Found 1.88 2.60 5.83 0.73 11.27 1.28 9.44 66.97 In the light of the H.P. theory, the devitrification of this mass is readily explained. The clear portion consists of a perfectly stable penta-compound which, in time, parts with a simple silicate and is converted into a hexa-compound. Groger interpreted his results in a similar manner and considers that the devitrification is due to an unmixing of the glassy mass. In other words, devitrification is not a molecular change, such as occurs when amorphous arsenic acid is converted into the crystalline modification (Pelouze), but the con- version of an unstable compound into a stable one by the separation of a definite constituent. This conclusion agrees completely with the interesting results obtained by O. Schott 749 in the microscopical examination of numerous de vitrified products. Schott found that de vitrified glasses contain crystals of wollastonite (calcium silicate), and the existence of this substance as an integral part of devitrified glass is shown in the above analysis. As far back as the year 1900, Zulkowski 741 endeavoured to refer the properties of glass to its chemical constitution and found that, at that time, the only properties to which glass manufacturers and others paid much attention were of an aesthetic nature, such as the shape of the articles made, and the colour, transparency and light refractivity power of the glass. The chemical properties of glass, i.e. its resistance to weather, water and various chemicals, had scarcely been studied at all, and Zulkowski very wisely pointed out that many articles of a domestic or aesthetic nature, to say nothing of the innumerable technical and optical articles made of glass, and those used in the experimental sciences, require that glass should possess not only certain physical properties, but the still more important chemical ones, and yet the study of the latter has been almost entirely neglected. Nevertheless, the chemical structure attributed to glass by Zul- kowski does not sufficiently explain the various properties which have been mentioned in the present chapter, whereas the H.P. theory does explain them satisfactorily. The Chemical Constitution of Coloured Glasses Coloured glasses of the most varied tints may be prepared by means of suitable preparations of copper, silver, gold and kon, and attempts to learn the chemical constitution of these glasses have been made by numerous chemists. Zulkowski, for instance, regards them as mixtures of various silicates, one of which contains the colouring 244 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY oxide. Thus, according to him, the ferrous oxide in a glass is contained in a silicate of the following formula : /\ Si n O S n_i< /Fe or Si n O in 1 -ONaNaO S Fe >Si n 2n _i The constitution of coloured glasses is of extreme importance, both scientifically and artistically. The most widely adopted view is that glasses are colloids and that the colouration is of a colloidal nature. That the source of the colour of glasses is analogous to that of organic compounds does not appear to have been suggested, and it is therefore of great interest to consider it with the assistance of the H.P. theory. When this is done the surprising conclusion is reached that coloured glasses possess a structure analogous to that of the organic dye-stuffs and that the colour of the glass is due to the chromophore groups and salt-forming groups in accordance with the theory which Witt devised for organic dye-stuffs. Glasses do not belong to a single class, but, as their analyses indicate, to several classes of compounds, some of which are simple and others highly complex. This may be readily observed in the following types of glasses : 8 R 2 6 RO 36 SiO, A. 8 R 2 2 RO A1 2 S 36 SiO, B. 4 R 2 RO 6 B 2 8 24 SiO, C. (3 R 2 7.5 B 2 8 6 SiO,) 2 etc, D. THE CONSTITUTION OF GLASSES, ETC. 245 In the positions marked -f not only acid groups, but also groups of metallic oxides (in either -ous or -ic form) may enter. The intro- duction of such acid or metallic oxide groups may conveniently be termed central acidising or central metallising and the groups them- selves may be termed centralisers. All these centralisers have an important influence on the rings, as will be shown later. At the moment, however, the metallic central- isers are the most interesting, as they give to compounds containing them the property of absorbing certain selected rays of light, i.e. the metallic centralisers are excellent chromophores. The structure of these chromophore groups may be explained as follows : The positions marked + in the foregoing structural formulae are supposed, for the moment, to be occupied by CuO. One of these positions may then be represented by : Si /\ O Cu /\ O V Si This group may lose oxygen and so be converted into the group B. 246 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY On further reduction, group B forms the group : Si- O Cu Cu O Si c. Group C can also part with oxygen or copper. Group B is the chromophore group which, on reduction, forms the leuco-group C. The latter, on oxidation, again forms the chromophore group B. If, during this re-oxidation, a little of the separated metal remains unoxidised, a coloured glass will be obtained in which small quantities of free metal occur simultaneously with the chromophore group. Decolouration by reduction and re-colouration by oxidation have been repeatedly observed in organic dye-stuffs. It was first pointed out by C. Grabe and C. Liebermann 750 , who found that all the coloured organic compounds which they examined became colourless on reduction. The reduction may cause the direct addition of hydrogen without the loss of any element from the molecule, or it may be effected by the simple removal of oxygen from the compound. Besides the chromophore groups, the side-chains have also an important influence on the colour. In coloured glasses these side- chains are of a basic nature, and, in accordance with Witt's theory, these glasses should be classified as " basic colours." Witt's Theory. According to 0. N. Witt 751 , the colour of aromatic compounds is due to the simultaneous presence of a colour group or chromophore, and of a salt-forming group. The chromophore is more active, i.e. it produces a stronger colour, when the dye is a salt than when it is in the state of either a free acid or a free base. In organic dyes and colours, the colour-substances must contain chromophore centralisers such as are required for coloured silicates by the H.P. theory. Such colour-substances are typified by some dyes containing the so-called triphenylmethane group. The oxidation products of the compounds : /C,H 4 NH Z xC 6 H 4 NH 2 eCH 4 NH 2 C(OH)^C 8 H 4 NH 2 \C 6 H 4 NH 8 \C,H 3 (CH 8 ) NH, Paraleucaniline. Rosaniline. THE CONSTITUTION OF GLASSES, ETC. and the substances 247 C 6 H 4 NH t NH 2 I \C,H 4 NH HC1 and /C,H 4 - NH, C C,H 4 NH 2 \CeH,CH 8 - NH HC1 are basic dyes on account of the basic groups, though the materials from which they are prepared paraleucaniline and rosaniline are colourless. The structure of these colours may, according to the H.P. theory, be written as follows : NH, NH, These new structural formulae are in as complete agreement with the properties of these substances as the ones generally seen in text- books and have, in addition, the following advantages : 1. They show a complete analogy with the coloured glasses, inasmuch as both the organic compounds and the glasses are shown to contain chromophore centralisers ; in the former case, carbonic centralisers. 2. As distinct from the usual structural formulae, the new ones show definite symmetry, which makes the new formulae more probably correct than the older ones. 3. The difficulties connected with difference in behaviour between the central ring and the two others in the older formulae do not occur in the new formulae, as in the latter the groups are arranged differently. There are many other instances in which this difficulty, encountered when the text-book formulae are used, is avoided by the employment of the new formulae. With the assistance of the H.P. theory in combination with that of 248 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY Witt, the possible existence of the following coloured glasses containing copper may be predicted : Type A. B. C. D. E. F. G. I. 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 R 2 0- R 2 0- R 2 O- R 2 0- R 2 0- R 2 0- R 2 0- 6 R'O 10 R'O 12 R'O 16 R'O 17 R'O nR'O nR'O 3 Cu 2 3 Cu 2 3 Cu 2 3 Cu 2 O 3 Cu 2 2 Cu 2 Cu 2 36 Si0 2 36 Si0 2 - 36 Si0 2 36 Si0 2 36 Si0 2 36 Si0 2 36 Si0 2 H. p(8 R 2 nR'O 36 Si0 2 ) + q(8 R 2 nR'O Cu 2 36 Si0 2 ) Type II. A. 6 R 2 4 R'O Cu 2 B 2 3 36 SiO B. p(6 R 2 O 4 R'O Cu 2 B 2 3 36 Si0 2 ) + q(6 R 2 4 R'O B 2 3 - 36 Si0 2 ) Type III. A. 7 R 2 7 R'O Cu a O A1,O, 36 Si0 2 + 7 R 2 7 R'O A1 2 3 - 36 Si0 2 + Cu, B. p(7 R 2 7 R'O Cu 2 A1 2 3 36 Si0 2 ) -f q(7 R,0 7 R'O A1 2 3 - 36 Si0 2 ) -f- rCu a , etc. etc. These three types of glass must obviously differ in their properties. The glasses in the first group are simple silicates, those in the second group are the Gamma Complexes, in which the copper is more strongly combined than in group I. In the third group the glasses are also Gamma Complexes, in which free metallic copper occurs in addition to the copper in combination. [The existence of coloured glasses containing other metals in place of copper and of a completely analogous constitution is equally possible.] The H.F. Theory and the Facts Only one glass in the first group mentioned above has yet been prepared, namely Porpora,* which, according to Zulkowski 752 , corre- sponds to the formula : 8 R 2 17 R'O - 3 Cu 2 36 Si0 2 . * Porpora glass is defined as a glass which has a rusty red colour by reflected light and a purple-blue colour by transmitted light, the colour being due to a small proportion of copper added to the batch. THE CONSTITUTION OF COLOURED GLASSES 249 The analysis of this glass when re-calculated, in accordance with formulae suggested by the H.P. theory, is as follows : 6.25 Na,O 1.75 K,O 4.5 CaO 10.5 PbO IFeO 1 MnO 3Cu 2 O 36SiO 2 Theory 6.57 2.79 4.27 39.74 1.22 1.20 7-28 36.91 Found 6.31 2.60 4.31 39.06 1.29 1.50 7.89 35.80 Trace A1 2 3 Zulkowski has also analysed a glass belonging to the second group and known commercially as Copper Ruby. This analysis corresponds to the formula : 6 R 2 4 R'O 0.5 Cu 2 B 2 3 36 Si0 2 3.25 K,O 2.75Na,O O.SSnO 0.75MnO 1.75 PbO ICaO 0.5Cu,0 B,0, 36SiO f Theory 9.10 5.07 1.99 1.59 11.62 1.67 2.12 2.08 64.76 Found 9.11 5.13 2.16 1.91 10.71 1.52 1.63 2.53 64.80 Traces of FeO A1 2 3 MgO Zulkowski has also analysed aventurine, a glass belonging to the third group. Part of the copper in aventurine glass is in the free state, but if all the copper is considered to be in combination the analysis corresponds to the formula : 7 R,0 7 R'O - Cu,0 Al.O, 36 SiO, 1.5 K,O 5.5Na,O O.SPbO 0.25 FeO 5CaO 1.25 MgO Cu,0 Al0 36SIO, Theory 4.19 10.15 3.22 0.53 8.33 1.49 4.25 3.03 64.71 Found 4.46 10.22 3.07 0.68 8.74 1.57 4.90 2.16 64.52 The structural formulae of these glasses when arranged in accordance with the H.P. theory are as follow : Porpora glass 323 11 OL Si I Si Si Cu 2 Cu 2 Cu 2 I I Si Si Si "\/\/\/" II II II 333 250 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY Copper Ruby glass I II I Aventurine glass Cu 2 II II A large series of facts which have, hitherto, been inexplicable is in complete agreement with these structural formulae. For example : (a) On comparing the structure of the ruby glass with that of the porpora, it is clear that the chromophore >Si Cu 2 Si<' in the ruby glass is in the first y-complex, whilst the corresponding chromophore groups in the porpora glass are combined with a simple polymerised silicate. From the H.P. theory, a masking of the Cu 2 in copper ruby glass may be predicted, i.e. this oxide will not be recognised by ordinary tests so readily as it is in the porpora glass. This interesting conse- quence of the theory is found to be in complete agreement with the experimental evidence. According to Rose and Hampe 753 , cuprous oxide and silver nitrate react as follows : 3 Cu 2 O -f 6 AgN0 3 4- 3 H 2 = 2 Cu 2 H 3 N0 6 -j- 2 Cu(N0 8 ) a + 6 Ag. Zulkowski 752 used this reaction in his studies of the copper ruby and porpora glasses and found that whilst the porpora glass effected a separation of metallic silver in accordance with the equation, the copper ruby glass showed no such separation, even after many weeks. (b) From the structural formulae of these three glasses it follows that only the aventurine contains free metallic copper. The facts fully confirm this consequence of the theory. For example, Wohler found THE CONSTITUTION OF COLOURED GLASSES 251 that on placing this glass in a solution of mercuric chloride it became white and copper entered into solution a clear sign of the presence of metallic copper. It might, of course, be argued that cuprous oxide, which is also present in aventurine glass, would produce the same result, but this argument has been met by Zulkowski 752 , who treated the powdered glass with an ammoniacal solution of copper. In the presence of metallic copper the reaction with this solution would be Cu + CuO = Cu 2 0, and the solution must be decolourised. Zulkowski placed a weighed quantity of finely powdered aventurine glass in a test tube and then added an ammoniacal solution of copper sulphate in such an amount that the metal in it was equal to one-quarter of the copper in the glass. The tube was then sealed and heated on a water bath. After 15 hours the deep blue colour of the solution was entirely discharged, thus proving beyond all doubt that aventurine glass contains free copper. Zulkowski has also shown by similar tests that porpora and copper red glasses contain no free copper. In the case of porpora the colour of the solution was not affected in the least nor was the tint of the glass changed, even after three years. The test was not so prolonged with the copper red glass, but even after several weeks the colour of the solution was not changed in the least. These tests show beyond all question that the porpora and copper red glasses contain no free metallic copper, but that it is present in aventurine glass. They also shatter the opinion, commonly held, that the colour of the two glasses first named is due to their ability to dissolve metallic copper and re- tain it in solution in its metallic state. (c) The structural formulae of porpora, copper red and aventurine glasses also show that the colour is due to a definite chromophore group and not merely to dissolved cuprous oxide as is frequently stated. The investigations made by Seger 754 on coloured cuprous glasses are in full agreement with this consequence. This investigator showed that an alternately reducing and oxidising atmosphere is necessary in the production of these glasses, and that the difficulties in manufacture were not so much due to the glass itself as to the correct atmosphere in the furnace. Seger found that the same glass-mixture would produce all shades, from black, through brown, to bright red or yellowish green, and that different parts in the same melt would vary enormously in colour, according to the nature of the gases which entered the crucible ; that some melts would be of good colour whilst others of the same batch would be quite devoid of red and would, instead, be black or grey. All these variations show that red glass must have a definite chemical constitution, that it must contain certain chromophore groups, and not be merely a solution of copper or cuprous oxide. Seger confirmed this view when he added 1 percent, of cupric oxide to a glass correspond- ing in composition to 3 Na 2 3 CaO 3 B 2 3 15 Si0 2 . 252 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY This mixture was placed in a porcelain crucible which was then placed in a platinum one. The platinum crucible was fitted with a porcelain lid through which protruded a porcelain tube of small bore. On heating the crucible to 400 to 500 and passing a stream of hydrogen or carbon monoxide through the tube, the copper oxide was reduced, but the glass did not fuse ; it merely formed a red clinker. On raising the temperature to 950 and continuing the stream of reducing gas, the metallic copper previously formed disappeared, the particles dissolving in the molten glass, and the colour of the glass changed from red to a greenish grey. On powdering this grey glass and re-heating with white glass to which a little oxidising agent, such as 1 per cent, iron oxide, tin oxide or a sulphate like gypsum, had been added and sub- stituting a stream of air for the former reducing gas, Seger obtained a red glass. He explained this phenomenon by supposing that the oxygen con- verted the black metallic copper * into red cuprous oxide and the latter gave the glass its red colour. Seger suggested the three following equations as showing what occurred with different oxidants : 2 Cu + Fe 2 3 = Cu 2 + 2 FeO 2 Cu + Sn0 2 = Cu 2 + SnO 2 Cu + S0 3 = Cu 2 + S0 2 . The correctness of the last equation is confirmed by the voluminous development of gas during the fusion. The red glass thus formed may clearly be represented by the following formula : B Si > Cu 2 < Si B in which it is assumed that only a portion of the glass contains the chromophore shown. Otherwise, the proportion of cuprous oxide would have to be higher than that actually present. The phenomena observed by Seger are in complete conformity with the consequences of the application of the H.P. theory to coloured glasses. (d) It has, hitherto, been impossible to understand why coloured glasses should contain such small quantities of free metallic con- stituents. Not only can this fact now be explained, but it is a direct consequence of the H.P. theory. * Strictly, this is not metallic copper at all, but the leuco-compound or the reduced leuco-compound (p. 246). ARE GLASSES SOLID SOLUTIONS? 253 (e) According to the theory there is a definite maximum for the metallic constituents to which the colour of glasses, etc., is due. This maximum is not exceeded in the glasses mentioned on preceding pages, and further investigations will only show that it must not be exceeded. It is highly probable that glasses containing silver and gold are completely analogous to those containing copper, but to prove this it will be necessary to re-calculate the analyses of these glasses and to consider their characteristics and properties with the aid of the H.P. theory. In reviewing the German edition of the present work, C. Desch 736 urged that the use of " definite formulae " for glass and porcelain is unjustifiable. This is not surprising, as Desch has so strongly com- mitted himself to the view that cements, glasses and porcelains are all " solid solutions." Of various theories, that one is most likely to be correct which explains the most facts and permits the prediction of the most properties, and on this basis the H.P. theory, like all others, must be judged. The authors of the H.P. theory have never suggested that the structural formulae they assign to various substances are in any sense " final," and they readily admit that they must be altered whenever other formulae which correspond with more proper- ties are discovered. Meanwhile, the fact that, at present, they explain more properties than any other formulae yet devised is a sufficient reason for the formulae deduced from the H.P. theory. Moreover, so far as the authors of this theory are aware, there is, at present, no real ground for doubting the correctness of their conclusions. On the other hand, what good does it do to assume that glasses are mixtures or solid solutions ? Such a view, which is held by many chemists, including all the chief critics of the H.P. theory, does not in any way advance the cause of science, because it fails to explain more than a very small proportion of the facts, whilst an enormously large number of them are fully explicable in accordance with the H.P. theory. Under these circumstances, is it too much to say that the deductions from the H.P. theory approximate far more closely to the true structure of the substances concerned than do the " mixture " and " solid solution " hypotheses ? It should be observed that in this volume the authors have made no attempt to show that all commercial glazes, glasses and porcelains are definite chemical individuals, though, without doubt, many of them are such. In the following pages the analyses of a number of glasses, glazes, and porcelains have been calculated into the molecular form, those materials being selected which, on account of their excellent physical and other properties, appeared likely to consist of definite chemical compounds. This calculation of the formulae should prove of value in the further study of these materials. 254 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY Formulae of Glasses, Glazes, and Porcelains The following analyses of three Jena glasses are taken from Hovestadt's book on the subject : (a) Jena glass 3 III has the following composition : 3 Na 2 O 3 CaO 0.25 A1 2 3 0.75 B 2 3 12 Si0 2 Calcd. 16.07 14.52 2.20 4.53 62.67 Found 16 16 2 4 62 (b) Jena glass 6 III has the following composition : 3 Na 2 0.5 K 2 0.75 A1 2 3 0.25 B 2 8 15 SiO, Calcd. 15.18 3.84 4.17 2.84 73.97 Found 15 5 5 2 73 (c) Jena glass 13 III has the folio whig composition : 1,5 K 2 2.5 ZnO B 2 O 3 10 Si0 2 Calcd. 13.86 19.91 6.86 59.37 Found 15 20 7 58 (d) The composition of a glass highly prized for champagne bottles, analysed by Maumene 487 , is : 4 CaO 2 Na 2 - 0.25 K 2 0.25 A1 2 3 0.75 Fe 2 3 12 Si0 2 Calcd. 18.05 9.98 1.89 2.05 9.66 58.37 Found 18.60 9.90 1.80 2.10 8.90 58.40 According to F. Fischer 488 , the composition of the glaze ordinarily used for porcelain corresponds to the formula : RO 1 to 1.25 A1 2 O 3 10 to 12 Si0 2 . The folio wing Tables have been calculated from various analyses of porcelain and porcelain glazes published by Seger 489 . I. Formulae of Porcelain Glazes 1 SiO, | TiO, | Al,0, Perec Fe,0 ntage o CaO I MgO K,0 NajO H a O Mole E,O|E,O, culea EO, H,0 Sources of glazes 1. 73.24 13.97 0.31 2.57 0.51 4.81 1.71 3.83 2.0 2 18 3.0 Berlin porcelain glaze (old, prob- ably of Dr. Eis- ner's period). 2. 76.11 14.61 0.66 1.44 0.42 2.99 3.03 1.23 1.5 2 18 1.0 Pegmatite glaze from L. Sazerat in Limoges. 3. 74.99 14.80 0.37 1.09 0.36 4.31 3.49 0.65 2.0 2 17 0.5 Porcelain glaze from Limoges (per Held & Co., Mayence). 4. 64.96 12.74 0.80 8.78 1.95 2.30 9.19 3.5 2 17 8.0 Japanese porce- lain glaze from Arita. No. 2. 5. 61.97 12.92 0.39 9.59 4.17 1.12 9.91 3.5 2 16 8.5 Japanese porce- lain glaze from Arita. No. 1. 6. 64.88 1.39 14.33 1.39 10.09 1.55 5.61 4.5 2 15 Chinese celadon (FeO) glaze. FORMULA OF PORCELAIN GLAZES II. Formula of Porcelains 490 255 No SiO, Al,0, Per F ej 3 centage MgO of K,0 Na a O H 2 O E 4 O Mole R.O, culea SiO a H a O Source of the Porcelains 1. 63.95 25.59 0.69 0.54 2.07 0.98 6.62 0.5 3 12 4.0 Soci6te anonyme de Hal (Belgium). 2. 63.07 24.67 0.59 0.40 4.25 7.00 0.5 3 12 4.5 Berlin porcelain, 187 7 Alk. 3. 63.48 25.00 0.51 1.06 2.26 1.19 6.76 0.5 3 12 4.0 A. Hache & Pepin, CaO Schalleur, Vierzon. 4. 60.53 26.37 0.75 0.69 2.95 1.44 6.39 0.5 3 12 4.0 L. Sazerat, Limoges, CaO body for heavy porcelain. 5. 60.42 26.47 0.52 1.37 2.75 1.60 7.19 1.0 3 12 5.0 L. Sazaret, Limogea, CaO ordinary body 6. 76.75 18.44 1.17 0.02 4.23 0.17 0.5 3 18 Japan IV, Biscuit of CaO egg-shell porcelain. 7. 71.31 19.74 0.73 0.17 4.04 0.1 4.01 1.0 3 18 3.0 Japanese Body II. CaO 8. 71.60 18.71 1.19 4.16 0.18 4.68 1.0 3 18 4.0 Japanese Body III. &org. Subst. 9. 65.79 23.51 0.31 1.59 2.01 1.73 5.89 1.0 3 15 4.5 Guerin & Co. (Body CaO for figures). 10. 69.32 23.64 0.83 0.86 2.66 1.82 5.98 1.0 3 15 4.5 Guerin & Co. (su- CaO perior body). 11. 65.61 23.07 0.65 0.80 2.94 2.72 4.50 1.0 3 15 3.5 Guerin & Co.) (su- CaO perior body). 12. 66.00 22.59 0.36 1.68 2.71 1.80 5.59 1.0 3 15 4.0 Guerin & Co. (ordin- CaO ary body). 13. 64.52 22.07 0.97 2.10 1.35 3.13 5.60 1.0 3 15 4.0 J. Poyat, Limoges CaO (ordinary body). 14. 66.78 22.70 0.55 0.97 1.07 1.51 6.07 0.5 3 15 4.5 Carlsbad Body I. CaO 15. 65.17 23.63 0.51 1.09 2.92 0.90 5.98 0.5 3 15 4.5 Carlsbad Body II. CaO 16. 64.28 23.49 0.87 1.77 1.11 3.07 5.48 1.0 3 15 4.0 J. Poyat, Limoges CaO (superior body). 17. 66.97 20.92 0.64 2.06 2.75 0.41 5.43 1.0 3 16 4.0 A. Hache & Pepin CaO (superior body). 18. 52.94 28.91 0.48 3.99 1.7 0.68 9.12 2.0 6 18 10.0 Sevres, Body for CaO 2.48 table-ware. 0.17 C0 2 MgO 19. 74.53 16.09 1.03 0.06 4.37 1.19 2.83 1.0 2 15 2.0 Japanese Body I. CaO 0.25 MgO , From a study of the foregoing formulae it will be seen that there is a great probability of the hexites or pentites playing an important part in the structure of the substances under consideration. XVI. The Eexite-Pentite Theory as a General Theory of Chemical Compounds The following facts make it appear probable that the new hexite- pentite, or more briefly the H.P. theory, which originated in connection with the aluminosilicates, is capable of application as a general theory of chemical compounds. 256 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY A. The H.P. Theory and the Composition of the Metal-ammonias and the Belated Compounds The H.P. theory appears to be of special value with regard to the constitution of the metal-ammonias and the related compounds. In Gmelin-Kraut's " Handbuch " (1909. V, p. 337) a number of compounds termed metal-ammonias are described, and from the empirical formulae there given, the following may be selected as being likely to contain hexite or pentite radicles : [Co(NH 3 )J 2 Cl 4 (PtCl 6 ) J H 2 0, [Co(NH 3 ) 6 ] 2 (PtCl 6 )Cl 4 2 H 2 0, [Co(NH,).][Cr(CN).], [Co(NH 3 ) 6 ][Fe(CN) 6 ) 3 [Co(NH 3 ) 6 ][Co(CN) 6 ], [Co(NH 3 ) 5 ][Fe(CN) 6 ] - 1 J H 2 O, [Co(NH 3 ) 5 ][Co(CN 6 )], [Co(NH 3 ) 5 N0 2 ] 3 [Co(N0 2 ) .] [Co(NH 3 ) 4 NO 2 ]S0 4 H 2 0, [Co 2 2 (NH 3 ) 10 ](NH 3 ) 4 2 H 2 0, etc. Of special interest are the compounds : f /Co 2 NH(NH 3 ) 8 "| x L\Co 2 NH(NH 3 ) 8 J A ' X = N0 3 , Br, a, etc. Co 4 (NH 3 ) 10 (N0 2 ) 12 H 2 0, Co 4 (NH 3 ) 20 (N0 3 ) 10 , Co 4 (NH 3 ) 10 (N0 2 ) 12 H 2 0, Co 2 (NH 3 ) 10 (S0 4 ) 2 C0 3 4 H 2 0. Also the compounds : 2 Na 2 Co 2 3 5 N 2 3 H 2 0, 3 Na 2 Co 2 3 6 N 2 3 H 2 0, and the cobalt oxalates : Na 3 (NH 4 ) 3 Co 2 (C 2 4 ), 7 H 2 0, K 3 Na 3 Co 2 (C 2 4 ) 6 6H 2 0, K 5 Na 19 Co 8 (C 2 4 ) 24 - 32 H 2 0, etc. The hexites clearly play an important part in the following com- plexes of nitric acid, prepared by Oppenheim 491 : K 4 Ni(N0 2 ) 6 , K 2 BaNi(N0 2 ) 6 , K 2 SrNi(N0 2 ), K 2 CaNi(N0 2 ) 6 , K 2 PbNi(N0 2 ) and Ba 2 Ni(N0 2 ),, from which it is impossible to substitute another metal for the Ni by any of the ordinary methods of double decomposition. The following penta-compounds : K 3 Cu(N0 2 ) 5 , K 3 Zn(N0 2 ) 5 -6H 2 and K 3 Hg(N0 2 ) 5 H 2 0, also prepared by Oppenheim, are interesting, inasmuch as they show that three-fifths of the OH-groups in pentanitrites behave differently from the others. Hexites clearly occur, also, in the following compounds prepared by Soenderop 492 : 2 (K 2 Co 2 Cy 12 )HgJ 2 , Hg 3 Co 2 Cy 12 K 6 Co 2 Cy 12 , Hg 3 Co 2 Cy 12 Na 6 Co 2 Cy lz , K 3 CoCy,, Na 3 CoCy 6 2 H 2 0, (NH 4 ),Co 2 Cy 12 H 2 0, (NH 4 ) 6 Co 2 Cy 12 HgCy 2 H 2 0. METAL-AMMONIAS AND RELATED COMPOUNDS 257 The hexites also play an important part in the yellow and red ferrocyanides, K 4 Fe(CN 6 ) and K 3 Fe(CN 6 ) and in the double salts FeCl 3 3 KC1, CdCl 2 4 KC1, etc. * The number of compounds whose composition indicates the possi- bility of hexites and pentites playing an important part is very large, and all attempts to represent these atomically have hitherto proved unsatisfactory. 493 For some of them, structural formulae have been devised, as Erlenmeyer's 494 and Friedel's 495 formulae for the ferro- cyanides ; Blomstrand's 496 formulae for ferrocyanides and metal- ammonias ; Jorgensen's 497 formulae for the metal-ammonias and Remsen's 498 for the double salts. Kohlschutter 499 has shown that the defects in all these suggested formulae are due to their limited applic- ability ; instead of a broad general principle, these formulae are only related to special compounds, and it is not infrequently found that they do not apply to apparently closely related compounds. A. Werner 500 was one of the first to call attention to the repeated occurrence of the number 6 in inorganic compounds and to utilise this in the formulation of a theory of molecular compounds in which an attempt was made to construct structural formulae. [Werner discovered a remarkable series of optically active compounds of cobalt and chromium, whose activity he traced, in this case, to the hexavalency of the elements in question. He regarded an element as possessing, in addition to its usual or " principal " valencies, what he designated " auxiliary " valencies, i.e. a land of fractional valency capable of effecting the union of otherwise independently acting molecules like NH 3 and H 2 O. For the present purpose it will be convenient to distinguish between these two types of valency, though the manifestation of the latter is understood by Werner to be independent of units, being variable within wide limits with the nature of the atoms combined and the external physical conditions. Under the influence of both principal and auxiliary valencies, the components of a complex molecular compound arrange themselves into zones around the central element. The first zone comprises a maximum of four or six univalent atoms or groups, this number going by the name of " co-ordination number," and each additional component of the complex is relegated to the second zone, where it takes upon itself certain peculiarities in behaviour, notably that of mobility and consequent tendency to ionisation. For instance, the structure of the well-known complex CoCl 2 6 NH 3 was formerly written Cl NH 3 NH 3 - NH 3 Co NH 3 NH 3 - NH 3 Cl, a representation at once unwieldy and inadequate, though consistent with the then prevalent ideas of valency. Werner, however, regards it as possessing the structure : [ NH 3 NH 3 Co NH 3 in which the ammonia molecules are united with the cobalt atom by auxiliary valencies and comprise a first zone (usually marked by square brackets), whilst the two ionisable chlorine atoms fall into a second. The six constituents of the first zone may be supposed to be arranged symmetrically around the metallic atom, so as to be situated at the corners of a regular octahedron (Fig. 4), the position of the chlorine atoms remaining undefined by Werner. Other groups than NH 3 may be included in the first zone, in which case it is easy to see that isomerism becomes possible with compounds of the type A ~l Me B *_ Xn 258 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY This hypothetical tetrahedral grouping permits the prediction of the possibility of two isomers, whose space formulae are not superposable ; both such substances should therefore be optically active. By submitting to resolution certain compounds of the two types : tA I" A 2 Co en 2 ~| Co en. I and I w in which A or B represents Cl, Br, NH 3 , NO 2 , SCN or H 2 O and en=ethylene diamine or two molecular radicles NH 3 , Werner obtained isomers with a very appreciable rotation. In one isomer containing a single atom of cobalt, a specific rotation of 200 was obtained, whilst another with two cobalt atoms gave the very high value of 840. Some of these compounds maintain their optical activity unchanged in solution for several months, others exhibit a phenomenon akin to muta-rotation. The sub- stitution of certain components of the complex by different groups sometimes produces racemisation, whilst in others the activity is preserved. A few of these complexes give a very considerable rotary dispersion. The peculiar feature about the chromium com- pounds is that the value of the rotary power always lies about 150 below that of the corresponding cobalt compound, indicating that the metal must play the master-role in the production of the activity. In his book, "New Ideas on Inorganic Chemistry " (translated by Hedley), Werner fully states the evidence in favour of his theory so far as it could be produced at the time when his book was published.] NH 3 FIG. 4. Werner 501 states that : " If, in accordance with (his) proposed structural formulae, the elementary atoms forming the molecules have their valencies saturated, they must, nevertheless, have some un- saturated valencies, as only in this way is it possible to explain how the apparently saturated molecules can unite with each other to form molecular compounds. It was formerly the general belief, and even now this same view is largely held, that the structure of molecular compounds is unprovable as they consist of the combination of the molecules to form complexes quite apart from the relationship of the atoms concerned. Recent discoveries have, however, shown that this combination of molecule with molecule seldom, if ever, occurs, and that, even in molecular compounds, the combination is really between definite atoms. Hence, it is possible to devise structural formulae for the so-called molecular compounds in the same manner as for the valency compounds." WATER OF CRYSTALLISATION 259 The difference between the valency compounds and the molecular ones is due, according to Werner's co-ordination theory, to the valency compounds being derived from compounds in which the chief valencies are saturated, whilst the molecular compounds are formed by satura- tion of minor valencies. According to this theory the molecular compounds should be less stable than the valency compounds, yet this is by no means always the case : a very large number of the so-called molecular compounds being amongst the most stable substances known ! The representation of the constitution of the compounds under consideration by means of the H.P. theory overcomes the difficulty introduced by the use of major and minor valencies, as in Werner's theory, as the H.P. theory is one of valency compounds and not of molecular ones and is in full agreement with the high stability which has been observed. B. The H.P. Theory and the so-called "Water of Crystallisation" The frequent occurrence of 6 and 5 H 2 O molecules in compounds containing " water of crystallisation " suggests that this water may be in the form of hexites or pentites and may thus form the foundation of a theory to explain the occurrence of water of crystallisation. The view that the H 2 0-molecules can form hexites and pentites requires a higher valency for oxygen than that usually ascribed to it. Various writers have shown that oxygen has, at times, a higher valency than 2, and the physical properties of water confirm this. Thomsen 502 has pointed out that the water molecules of salts often separate in pairs at the same temperature, from which he concluded that either the water molecules are arranged symmetrically about the molecule of the salt or the molecular weight of water is double that of steam. The latter view requires oxygen to have a valency greater than 2. A number of other investigations imply that water is capable of becoming polymerised. Thus, Paternos' experiments 503 suggest that the molecular weight of water in acetic acid is 18 or 36, according to the solidifying temperature of the mixture. According to Eykmann 504 , water in paratoluidine has one-half, but in phenol the full normal molecular pressure. Walker 505 has measured the heat of liquefaction of ice in ethereal solution and concludes that the molecular weight of water is 36. Ramsay and Aston 506 consider that water and some other substances containing hydroxyl, such as alcohol, acids, etc., are molecular aggregates when in a fluid condition. [W. R. Bousfield and T. Martin Lowry 771 have advocated the view that liquid water is a ternary mixture of " ice molecules," " water molecules," and " steam molecules," these three varieties being perhaps identical with Sutherland's 772 " trihy- drol." Armstrong 773 has added to this theory the conception of isomeric molecules, of equal size, but different structure. Moreover, Tamman 774 has prepared at least four polymeric forms of ice : dihydrone" V) = OC with H/ X H 260 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY H\ /OH " hydronol " >O< H/ X H and BO forth. Such extensions as these have been found to be necessary, in order to explain the experimental data that have been accumulated in recent years, and must now be regarded as essential parts of the theory of the constitution of water. Even steam, so long considered as a uniform material that could be represented accurately by the much-beloved and greatly over- worked formula H 2 O, has been shown by the careful measurements of Bose 776 to be a mixture of simple and polymerised molecules, e.g. H 4 O 2 2 H 2 O the proportion of the substance in the simpler form being reckoned at 91 per cent, in the neighbourhood of the boiling point.] Kohlrausch and Heydweiller 507 and H. Ley 508 have found that the electrolytic dissociation of water is greatly increased on raising the temperature. The " acidity," which is very feeble at the ordinary temperature, increases to such an extent that at 100 C. it is almost equal in strength to that of phenol. This 509 is clearly shown in the following Table, in which t is the temperature, d the degree of dissocia- tion and K the affinity coefficient : t d K 0.35 10- 7 0.12 10- 14 10 0.56 10- 7 0.31 10- 14 18 0.80 10- 7 0.64 10- 14 34 1.47 - 10- 7 2.20 10" 14 50 2.48 10- 7 6.20 10~ 14 The strength (K) of the water increases considerably in the interval between and 50, and at 100 has a value at least a thousand times that at zero. This enormous increase in the strength at higher temperatures is explicable on the assumption that polymerisation occurs in the sense of the H.P. theory. Assuming that oxygen has a higher valency than 2 and that water can form polymerisation products, the constitution of water- hexite and water-pentite may be represented graphically by : \/ 6 H 2 5 H 2 which may be abbreviated to H or H or to A and -. Such compounds may then be represented in more complex ones as follows : ii T ii 2 Si | Al | Si C I 1 i I 1 9 H 2 3 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 4 H 2 H. WATER OF CRYSTALLISATION 261 The bonds between the rings in this aluminosilicate are loosened by the manner in which the cyclic water (or water of crystallisation) is attached, and the position and mode of attachment of the water of crystallisation weakens or destroys the bonds between the base and the remainder of the molecule. The Theory and the Facts I. Hydro-aluminosilicates The structural formulae shown below may be derived from the hydro-aluminosilicates given on page 105. I II I _/\/\/\_ Ill I i I \/\/\_, ,__ /\/\/\_, All Si | All |Al|Si|Al| or A1 Si Al --\/\/\/ ' \/\/\/~' ~\/\ I II I I II I I II H? 2 (A1 S A i Al) 4 H H H? 2 (Al Si Al) 4 H - 2 H I Al Si Al| or XV J > HJ,(A1 Si Ai) 6 H I II I I II I .x\/\/\_, _/\/\/\. |A1 Si All or I All Si All II J_ |_ H 10 (Al-Sl- Al) -4H-H. The position of the various water-rings implies (in agreement with theory) that these aluminosilicates are readily decomposed by acids. 510 A further study of these compounds must show that the easily separable water the cyclic water must be attached with varying degrees of strength. II. Hydro-ferrosulphates 0. Kuntze 511 has studied the loss of water undergone by a mineral of the composition 6 Fe,0 3 18 SO, 62 H,0 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY at different temperatures. If the results obtained by him are calculated into formulae, they agree surprisingly well with the structural formula : Fe _ l as may be seen from the following figures : Calcd. Found 40H 2 20.48% 21. 04% split off at 105 C. 8H 2 4.07% fr.UO /o }, ,, 110 2H 2 1.030/0 0.790/0 130 8H 2 4.090/0 4,060/0 140 4H 2 2.050/0 2.38% ,, ,, red heat 6 Fe 2 3 27.30% 26.86% 18 SO, 40.950/0 39.01% A1 2 3 0.27% Insoluble 1.79. This shows that the water pentites are split off at 105, the weakly bound "water of constitution" of the S0 3 side-chains at 110, the more strongly bound " water of constitution " of the middle S0 3 -ring at 130, the remainder of the " water of constitution " of the S0 3 side- chains at 140, and the " water of constitution " of the iron-ring and the remainder of the water of the middle S0 3 -ring at red heat. III. The Water of Crystallisation in the Alums In the light of the above theory of water of crystallisation, the alums possess the following structural formula : iiii 3 K 2 12 H 2 O 3 R 2 8 12 S0 3 10 H. From this structural formula it follows that : 1. Five-sixths of the water (the hexite water) must be bound more loosely than the rest. 2. The bond between the rings on the one part, and between the rings and the base on the other, must increase with the amount of water split off. These consequences of the theory agree with the facts, as Van Cleef 512 has shown that the gradual and steady loss of water molecules which occurs in the alums when the heating is continued after five- sixths of the total water have been removed, is very noticeable. Recoura 513 and Whitney 514 have found that on heating chrome-alum WATER OF CRYSTALLISATION IN ALUMS 263 at 1 10 to constant weight, a new alum with new properties is obtained. This new compound is readily soluble in water, but, unlike the true alums, is not precipitated by barium chloride, i.e. the new compounds contain no S0 4 -ions ; the bond between the S0 3 and Cr 2 O 3 is strength- ened by the loss of H. Water-free chrome alum may clearly occur in two isomeric forms as shown in the following structural formulae : I til S Cr |s|" \/~~ A. Ortho compound. It is interesting to note that the free acids of this chrome alum have been prepared by both Recoura and Whitney. A glance at the structural formulae of the compounds A and B shows that these substances behave very differently in both chemical and physical properties. The basic or H-atoms in the ortho-compound are more easily separated than those in the para-compound. As a matter of fact, the ortho-compound (the green modification) has a measurable electrical conductivity, whilst the yellowish brown or para- compound shows no such conductivity. The lowering of the freezing point of the green acid (A compound) is 0.24, that of the yellowish brown or B compound is 0.07. Accord- ing to Whitney the green modification can be converted into the yellowish brown one which, in aqueous solution, has the appearance of absinthe. It gelatinises after a few days. IV. The Water of Crystallisation of Chromo -Sulphuric Acids According to the new theory of water of crystallisation enunciated above, the two chromo-sulphuric acids studied by Recoura,* namely : 12 H 2 6 Cr 2 3 18 SO 3 96 H 2 (violet chromo-sulphuric acid) and 12 H 2 6 Cr 2 O 3 18 S0 3 36 H 2 O (green chromo-sulphuric acid) must have the following structural formulae : fl 1 V I fl II j jl j )l <= /\/\/\/\/\ > == /\/\/\/\/\ == <= | S | Cr | S | Cr S ~ > J S | Cr | S | Cr | S | = VVVVV VY x ii x j j Violet Chromo-sulphuric acid. Green Chromo-sulphuric acid. A. B. * When chromic hydrate is dissolved in sulphuric acid the solution is at first green, but after a while changes to violet and deposits violet-blue, regular octohedra to which is ordinarily assigned the formula Cr 2 (SO 4 ) 3 15 H 2 O, the proportion of water being some- what uncertain. In the corresponding salts, the green variety gradually changes to violet at ordinary temperatures when in solution, but on boiling the violet changes rapidly into the green variety. It is generally stated that the green variety does not crystallise, and there is good reason to suppose that it is colloidal. A. B. S. 264 CONSEQUENCES OF THE H.P. THEORY I ii or A glance at the structural formulae of the compounds A, B and C will show that the A compound must be less stable than B and C as it contains more water hexites. The Cr and S rings of the B and C compounds must be more strongly bound than those in compound A . This consequence of the theory is confirmed by the discovery of Recoura, that the addition of barium chloride to the violet solution produces an immediate precipitate, whilst the green solution, when similarly treated, undergoes no apparent change. The theory also explains the following behaviour of the green acid : In the air it appears to remain unchanged for several years, but its aqueous solution is very unstable and. on the addition of barium chloride, only a weak precipitate forms even after an hour. In time, a more labile bond is formed between the rings of the acid by the addition of water hexites. If the nature of the separation of the water hexites in the A compound is compared with that of the ferrosulphuric acid, a definite analogy is observed. Here, also, the water hexites in the chrome and middle S0 3 -rings are more firmly bound than the water hexites in the side S0 3 -rings. On heating to 90, or more rapidly when boiled, the violet acid, or A compound, forms a green solution the composition of which, as Recoura's experiments have shown, has nothing in common with the solid green acid. The fact that the colour of a compound can be changed by the addition of water to its molecule, closely agrees with the view that a change of colour may occur in a dilute aqueous solution on account of the combination of water hexites or pentites. Recoura has studied the chemical reactions of the solution in a thermo-chemical manner. If increasing amounts of sodium are added to the green solution, the heat evolved on the addition of an amount of sodium equivalent to one-sixth of the sulphuric acid of the sulphate will be equal to the heat evolved when sodium combines with an acid, whereas all other proportions of sodium evolve much less heat. From this it follows that on boiling a compound of the type S Cr S Cr S it is converted into the penta-compound S Cr S Cr S with resulting separation of three molecules of sulphuric acid. On treating the green sulphate S Cr - S Cr S with BaCl 2 a very stable compound of the type S Cr Cr S is formed, as already noticed in connection with other complexes, and according to Recoura only one- fifth of the penta-acid is precipitated. WATER OF CRYSTALLISATION IN ACIDS 265 If the mixture of green penta-acid is allowed to stand a long time, the penta- is converted into the violet hexa-acid. The penta-acid has not yet been prepared. Whitney has tested Recoura's results by modern physio -chemical methods and has fully confirmed them. Attention may also be directed, in this connection, to the hydrates of the cerium, praesodymium and neodymium sulphates studied by Roelig 515 . For instance, a concentrated solution of cerium sulphate at 25 forms the duodecihydrate Ce 2 (SO 4 ) 3 12 H 2 O ; between 30 and 40 C. the octohydrate Ce 2 (S0 4 ) 3 8 H 2 0, and at temperatures above 74 the pentahydrate Ce 2 (S0 4 ) 3 5 H 2 O. The structural formulae of these acids, according to the H.P. theory, are : fi i ii i ii it i it i ii ii i ii i ii "III SjOe| SJCeJ S |^ l!| S |Ce| S J OeJ S jjl I] S]Ce[SjCeJ SjII I 1 I IJ I I] H I II I II II I II I II "Duodecihydrate." "Octohydrate." "Pentahydrate." That the bond between the rings and the base is weakened by the addition of water radicles hexite and pentite is shown by the following facts : 1. According to an article in the "Papierzeitung" 516 , two-thirds of the acid in a saturated solution of aluminosulphuric acid (366 g. aluminium sulphate per litre) may be neutralised with trinomial caustic soda solution, a permanent precipitate being formed. If the original solution is diluted ten times, only as much base is taken up as will correspond to one- third of the sulphuric acid. From this it follows that in a concentrated solution all the H-atoms of the acid may be replaced by a base, but in a dilute solution only half of these atoms can be so replaced. The structural formula of the aluminosulphuric acid under con- sideration is : -AAAAA= "| 8 I All S | All S |~~ * Ag 2 . Of the possible compounds of this series, Rammelsberg prepared the following : a :b : c 1. 3 MgO 6 UO. 9 (CH 3 CO) 2 12 H rhombic 0.7468 : 1 : 0.5082 3MnO -6U0 8 -9(CH 3 CO) 2 0-12H 0.7536:1:0.4957 II. 3 MgO -6U0 8 -9(CH 3 CO) 2 0- 7H 0.8946:1:0.9924 3ZnO -6U0 8 -9(CH 3 CO) 2 0- 7H 0.8749:1:0.9493 3 NiO 6 UO 3 9 (CH 3 CO) 2 7 H 0.8670 : 1 : 0.9500 3CoO -6U0 3 -9(CH 3 CO) 2 0- 7H 0.8756:1:0.9484 III. 3MnO 6UO i -9(CH,CO),0- 6 H! 0.6330:1:0.3942 3CdO -6U0 8 -9(CH 3 CO) 2 0- 6H 0.6289:1:0.3904 IV. 3CaO -6U0 8 -9(CH 3 CO) 2 0- 6H 0.9798:1:0.3865 3SrO -6U0 3 -9(CH 3 CO) 2 0- 6H 1:0.3887 V. 3 (NH 4 ) 2 6 U0 3 9 (CH 3 CO) 2 1 : 0.4708 3 K 2 O 6 U0 3 9 (CH 3 CO) 2 O 1 : 1.2830 3Ag 2 O -6U0 3 -9(CH 3 CO) 2 1:1:5385 The results of crystallographic investigations of these urano- acetates are in remarkable agreement with the S.H.P. theory. The theoretical possibility of two series (A and B) of these urano- acetates is confirmed by the existence of two series of compounds (III and IV) with 6 H and with a different a : b : c ratio. If the series I and II are compared it will be seen that on the loss of 5 H the c-axis is largely increased, being, in fact, almost doubled. A specially interesting example of the change in the geometrical constants effected by adding or subtracting side-chains is found in the humite series studied by Penfield and Howe, to which attention has been drawn by P. Groth 657 , who assigns to them the folio whig structural formulae : Prolektite [SiO J Mg [Mg(F. OH)], Chondrodite [Si0 4 ] 2 Mg 3 [Mg(F. OH)] 2 Humite [Si0 4 ] 3 Mg 5 [Mg(F. OH)], Clinohumite [SiOJ 4 Mg 7 [Mg(F. OH)], From the composition of these minerals it follows that each member of the series differs from the previous one by Si0 4 Mg 2 . The addition of this group always effects a definite change in the c-axis whilst the parameter a : b remains practically unchanged. The geometrical constants of these compounds are : Prolektite Monocl. prism. 1.0803 Chondrodite 1.0863 Humite Rhomb, bipyr. 1.0802 Clinohumite Monocl. prism. 1.0803 3 x 0.6287 90 0' 5 x 0.6289 90 0' 7 X 0.6291 9 x 0.6288 90 0' INFLUENCE OF SIDE-CHAINS ON CRYSTALLINE FORM 307 There is here a surprising regularity which may be expressed in the form of a " law " : the c-axes of these minerals are in the ratio of 3:5:7:9. According to the S.H.P. theory, and assuming the fluorine to be replaceable by OH, the formulae of these compounds are : Prolektite 18 MgO 6 SiO a 6 H 2 Chondrodite 15 MgO - 6 SiO 2 3 H 2 O Humite 14 MgO 6 Si0 2 2 H 2 O Clinohumite 13 MgO - 6 Si0 2 1 J H 2 (approx.) The structural formulae of these compounds will then be : 3 1J 1 A A oo po_/\_oo QO_/\_OO QO. Si aq, 00 00 '"* 00 00 * 00 3 ==Z 3 ='=3 3 = ! = " ,.! Si Si II I! II II 3 1J 1 J Prolektite. Chondrodite. Humite. Clinohuniite. In the compounds of the above series, the addition to or separation of MgO only occurs in the direction of the c-axis. It is, therefore, clear why only the c-axis undergoes a regular change, the ratio a : b re- maining practically constant. Of special interest are the topical parameters suggested by W. Muthmann 763 and F. Becke 764 for comparing the chemical and crystallo- graphic properties of substances. These topical parameters are a combination of the crystallographic parameter with the molecular volume ; they are derived from the spatial relations of the substances concerned and show the relative distances of the molecules from each other. W. Muthmann has determined the topical axial ratios of the following salts, to which he assigns the formulae : KH 2 P0 4 (NH 4 )H 2 P0 4 KH 2 As0 4 NH 4 H 2 As0 4 and considers that the OK- or ONH 4 -groups, the residual atom and the OH-groups are attached to the P atoms symmetrically in the chief plane of symmetry. J. H. van't HofF 65 endeavoured to explain the data obtained by W. Muthmann by means of the following structural formula : K HO P OH O 308 CONSEQUENCES OF STEREO-HEXITE-PENTITE THEORY in which the vertical line represents the main axis c. The substitution of NH 4 for K increases the length of this axis, whilst the substitution of As for P effects changes in the dimension in every direction. This formula of van't Hoff's does not permit the data obtained by Muth- mann to be predicted, nor does it show any relationship between analogous phenomena. In accordance with the H.P. theory, Muthmann 's formulae should be multiplied by 6, so as to give : A. (KH 2 P0 4 ) 6 = 3 K 2 6 H 2 3 P 2 5 B. (NH 4 H 2 PO 4 ) 6 = 3 (MH 4 ) 2 6 H 2 3 P 2 O 6 C. (KH 2 As0 4 ) 6 = 3 K 2 6 H 2 3 As 2 5 D. (NH 4 H 2 As0 4 ) 6 = 3 (NH 4 ) 2 6 H 2 3 As 2 5 In each case the formula represents the minimum molecular weights. The structural formulae of the salts should be as follows : R represent- ing K or NH 4 , the bonds with dots indicate OK-groups and the bonds without dots the OH-groups. X \/ 3 R 2 6 H 2 3 X 2 5 This structural formula permits the following predictions to be made : 1. The space between the molecules must increase or dimi- nish in the same or almost the same proportion in all directions within the crystal, if P as a whole is replaced in the ring by As or, conversely, As by P, as the bond between the vertical and the horizontal axes is influenced in the same manner. 2. The space between the molecules can only change in the direction of a single axis, viz. the vertical or main axis, if, in a phospho- or arseno-salt, potassium is replaced by ammonium or vice versd, as these atoms are attached in the direction of the vertical axis. It is remarkable how fully the investigations of Muthmann confirm the consequences of the S.H.P. theory. According to Muthmann the space between the molecules is increased in all directions in the crystal in almost exact proportion, if the phosphorus in the phospho-salts mentioned above is replaced by arsenic. The increase is practically the same with ammonium and potassium, but if the potassium atom in potassium phosphate or arsenate is replaced by an ammonium atom, the centres of gravity of the units composing the crystal become more widely separated solely in the direction of the main axis. STRUCTURAL FORMULA OF BENZENE 309 The Structural Formula of Benzene according to the S.H.P. Theory From a study of the crystalline form of the benzene derivatives, P. Groth 659 has discovered " laws " which are reminiscent of the humite, phosphate and arsenate series previously described. The crystallo- graphic investigation of a series of benzene derivatives has shown that there are certain atoms and atomic groups which replace hydrogen in benzene and its derivatives whilst only slightly altering the crystalline form, so that the form of the new substance may be compared with the original one. The change is of such a nature that, e.g. in rhombic sub- stances, the ratio of two parameters (a : b) remains almost constant (with the small difference which all isomorphous bodies show, as is the case with the humite series), whilst only the third axis the c-axis undergoes a notable change in value. The atomic groups OH and N0 2 act in this manner. It is probable that the substitution of a hydrogen atom by these groups in benzene and its derivatives occurs in the direction of the c-axis . An energetic reaction accompanies the substitu- tion of a hydrogen atom in benzene and its derivatives by Cl, Br and CH 3 which systematically changes the crystalline system into a less regular one. This may be due to substitution in the direction of the a- or 6-axis and not in that of the c-axis. A large number of other examples might be given to show that the addition of side-chains to (or their separation from) the molecule results in a change in the geometrical constants of crystalline substances. In connection with the foregoing arguments a few words respecting the structure of benzene according to the S.H.P. theory are of interest. The structural formula of benzene * deduced from the S.H.P. theory resembles the " diagonal formula " of Glaus 660 , viz. : H C H C C H C H but one fact deserves prominence : according to the S.H.P. theory the six hydrogen atoms in benzene do not all behave alike, J of them (on the c-axis) acting differently from the rest (on the a- and 6-axes). This consequence of the S.H.P. theory agrees with Groth's discovery * The reader who wishes to refresh his memory will find an excellent statement of the ordinary theories of the constitution of benzene in " Organic Chemistry," by W. H. Perkin and E. Stanley Kipping, and in most text-books on organic chemistry. A. B. S. S10 CONSEQUENCES OF STEREO-HEXITE-PENTITE THEORY that if the hydrogen atoms on the c-axis are substituted only these are changed, whereas substitution of the hydrogen atoms in the a- and b- axes is accompanied by a notable change in the system of crystallisa- tion. If, on the contrary, all the hydrogen atoms in benzene are assumed to be alike, Groth's discovery becomes inexplicable. There is a more direct proof that one-third of the hydrogen or carbon in benzene behaves differently from the rest in chemical reactions, viz. the results of the investigations of Stohmann 661 and his associates on the heat of combustion of the aromatic compounds and their hydration products. These showed that the heat- values change continually in the decomposition of di-hydro compounds, whilst the increase in energy on the entrance of the first two hydrogen atoms in the benzene ring is notably greater ; i.e. one-third of the carbons in benzene behave differently from the rest. That Kekule's formula for benzene needs modification is also clear from the following : Ladenburg 662 was the first to point out that Kekule's formula CH CH"' .YJH CH v CH CH implies the existence of at least four bi-substitution products. 663 Of these, three are the derivatives at the points (1, 2), (1, 3) and (1, 4), including the assumed symmetry of the positions (1, 3) and (1, 5). There is also at least one series of derivatives in the position (1, 6), as this position is notably different from the position (1, 2) on account of the double bond between the carbon atoms in the position (1, 6). Glaus 664 therefore suggested the following formula for benzene : CH CH \3 CH CH He argued from this that there are two kinds of valencies in benzene, viz. (a) those in compounds produced from the periphery of the hexagon, and (b) those formed from the diagonals of the hexagon. From this structural formula which resembles that suggested for benzene by the S.H.P. theory the existence of only three di- substitution products of benzene is explained, and this number is that actually found by experiment. Another formula which represents the structural formula of benzene STRUCTURAL FORMULA OF BENZENE 811 in a manner very similar to the S.H.P. theory is the centric formula devised by Armstrong 665 and v. Baeyer 666 : H H C H C C H C H which is really a modification of Claus' formula. Von Baeyer has also proposed a centric formula with spatial representation. Ladenburg's prism formula H H C H C C H C H was one of the first stereo-chemical formulae for benzene. Other stereo- chemical formulae have been devised by R. Meyer 668 , Thomsen 669 , Sachse 670 , Schmidt 671 , Vaubel 672 , Hermann 673 , Diamant 674 , etc. It has frequently been pointed out in the foregoing pages that the bond between the units of hexite and pentite radicles is weakened by the addition of side-chains (see p. 216, etc.). From this it follows that benzene and its derivatives must be more stable than hydro- benzene and the hydro-derivatives of benzene. This consequence of the theory is confirmed by the facts. The hydro-derivatives of benzene have been shown by the investigations of v. Baeyer to differ consider- ably from those which are not hydrated. For instance, di- and tetra- hydro-derivatives were shown to have a marked olefine character. Thus, phthalic acid is completely resistant to potassium permanganate solution, but the di-hydrophthalic acids are oxidised by it. The benzene nucleus is not sensitive to hydrobromic acid and oxidising agents, but this resistance does not exist in the hydro-benzenes. The stability of benzene which has been proved experimentally is in direct contradiction to Kekule's formula. 675 That a close relationship exists between compounds of the aliphatic 312 CONSEQUENCES OF STEREO-HEXITE-PENTITE THEORY and aromatic series (c/. p. 270), as may be inferred from the S.H.P. theory, has been proved by the work of Schiff 676 , Lessen and Zander 677 , Horstmann 678 and Briihl 679 . From this it must be seen that the formation of hydro-derivatives of olefinic and aromatic compounds is analogous. D. The Optical Properties of Crystals and the S.H.P. Theory The physical properties of crystals are well known 680 to bear a very close relationship to their morphological characters. Light, heat and electricity operate in complete agreement in crystals, and the crystal systems arrange themselves in the same manner. This may be used as an argument in favour of grouping according to the optical, thermic, magnetic and other properties of crystals. Hence, if the optical properties of a crystal are known, it may be stated that each geometrical plane of symmetry of a crystal is also a physical one and that two crystallographic equivalent directions have also a physical relationship.* There are, however, exceptions to this rule : some crystals, for instance, are regular and their physical properties indicate no isotropic construction. In this connection the optical characters of crystals are frequently curious. An interesting example of this is found in the alum crystals : as substances which crystallise regularly they should be optically isotropic, but Brewster 681 showed in 1816 that the alums have a double refraction. Biot 682 , who has still further studied these characteristics of the alums, confirms this view; The double refraction of the alums has also been studied by Reusch 683 , E. Mallard 684 , F. Klocke 685 , Brauns 686 and other observers. Several explanations have been offered to account for their abnormal behaviour. The ordinary theory of crystalline structure neither affords an explanation nor does it give anything whereon one may be founded. Mallard 687 endeavoured to explain the anomaly crystallographically by assuming a special structure of the alum crystals, and regarded them as consisting of several individuals of lower symmetry than that of the whole crystal. Although several mineralogists have expressed their sympathy with this view, others, such as F. Klocke 688 , disagree with it. Klocke considered that the optical anomalies of the alums are due to a " state of tension," but he regards the question as still open. No less interesting is the cause of the rotation of the plane of polarised light shown by some crystals ; there is ample reason for re- ferring this to the chemical constitution of the crystals. This hypo- * Von Federow has recently prepared a Table, comprising no less than 10,000 substances, the crystals of which have been adequately measured by skilled crystallo- graphers. By means of this Table, von Federow declares it is possible to identify any substance included in it when the crystals have been properly measured. The Table is not available for general use, but in the hands of Prof. Federow it has proved very successful. A brief account of Federow's theory is given in Tutton's " Crystallography and Practical Crystal Measurement" (Macmillan). A. B. S. OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF CRYSTALS thesis is confirmed by the enantiomorphism of the circular polarising substances. [Enantiomorphous crystals are those which have the same relation to each other as an object has to its mirror-image, as will be seen by holding the sketch of crystal I before a mirror, when the darkened faces, a, 6, will appear as in the sketch in crystal II viewed directly, and vice versa.} I. U. Enantiomorphous Crystals. As early as 1848, Pasteur 689 , in studying optically active tartaric acid and the optically inactive racemic acid, discovered this relationship between crystalline form and optical activity. Groth also regards optical activity as entirely due to the structure of the smallest particles of circular polarising crystals. He considers that if this optical property is characteristic of the crystal molecule itself, the solution must be saturated in order to produce optical rotation; as, unless the particles in solution have a complexity comparable to that of the crystalline molecules, no separation of the substance in a crystalline state can possibly occur. With many substances, however, this is not the case ; for instance, solutions of sodium chlorate show no optical rotation, but only those crystals whose forms are such that they are mirror-images of each other. An apparently complete proof of this view is found in the interesting observation of Reusch 690 on the production of circular polarisation in mica plates. According to Reusch, if a large number (12-36) of uniform thin plates of bi-axial mica are laid one above another so that the plane of the (vertical) optical axis of each plate is turned to the right through an angle of 120 with respect to the plate below it, this combination of plates turns the plane of polarisation of a vertical beam of light to the right, the combination behaving, in a polarisation apparatus, in a manner similar to a plate of dextro-rotatory quartz cut vertically to the axis. If the mica plates are turned through an angle of 120 in the opposite direction, the combination is laevo-rotatory. Pasteur's discovery respecting the crystalline forms of optically active tartaric acid and the inactive racemic acid, the fact that some substances only show circular polarisation effects when in the solid state, and the property of the mica sheets discovered by Reusch, all show that there is undoubtedly a relationship existing between optical activity and the structure of crystals, though it has not yet been proved that optical activity is entirely produced by the peculiar struc- 314 CONSEQUENCES OF STEREO-HEXITE-PENTITE THEORY ture of such crystals. The fact, pointed out by Groth, that some substances only rotate the plane of polarisation when in the solid form, is not a complete proof, as on entering into solution equivalent amounts of laevo- and dextro-rotatory substances may be formed and so make the solution inactive. As a matter of fact, Groth has found that a solution of NaC10 3 in which laevo- and dextro-rotatory crystals of this substance are dissolved, can deposit both laevo- and dextro- rotatory crystals. If the optical activity is entirely conditioned by the peculiar crystal- line form of some substances, enantiomorphous crystals, such as the regular tetrahedric or trapezoidal hemihedric substances, should necessarily have the power of circular polarisation. This is not the case. For instance, L. Wulff 691 has shown that lead, barium and strontium nitrates, in spite of the regular tetrahedric form of their crystals, i.e. their enantiomorphous constitution, have no effect on the plane of polarisation either in the solid or dissolved state. A further series of substances whose crystalline form is that of the trapezoidal hemihedric substances did not show any optical activity when examined by WulfL This fact implies that the cause of the property of circular polarisation must be dependent on the chemical constitution of the crystal nuclei, quite apart from the physical structure of the crystal ; optically active substances must not only be enantiomorphous, but must have a definite chemical structure. For instance, lead, barium and strontium nitrates are truly enantiomor- phous, but they do not possess the structure of optically active sub- stances and they are, therefore, optically inactive. Hence it is neces- sary to enquire what chemical structure is essential to render enantio- morphous substances optically active. It is probable that the optical anomalies of some regularly crystal- lisable substances are of a constitutional nature, and if the chemical factors, such as those which cause the optical abnormalities of the alums, could be discovered, it is not improbable that these factors would be the causes of circular polarisation. The following facts show that chemical structure has an undoubted influence on the optical properties of crystals : Mallard, in his studies of the zeolites, has observed that, on pro- longed heating, these slowly change their optical properties in con- sequence of the steady loss of their water of crystallisation, i.e. by changes in the side-chains, until finally the crystal has the properties of the anhydrous substance. This condition continues if a re- absorption of water is prevented, as by embedding in Canada balsam ; but if the temperature reached has not been excessive and the crystal is allowed to cool in moist air it will regain its water almost completely, and, simultaneously with this, its optical properties. In this way Mallard has found a direct proof for the dependence of the optical characters on the chemical constitution. In the case of circularising substances, it is noteworthy that Le OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF CRYSTALS 315 Bel 692 and van't Hoff 693 discovered, almost simultaneously, the fact that all organic compounds which rotate the plane of polarisation of light contain asymmetric carbon atoms, i.e. carbon atoms in which each of the four valencies is saturated with a different group of atoms. As it has been observed that all organic substances which are optically active contain one or more asymmetric carbon atoms, it appears probable that the source of optical anomalies and of circular polarisa- tion may be due to this asymmetry or to an asymmetrical substitution of the side-chains or of the hexite and pentite in some substances. From this it follows that a potash alum of the structural formula -A A/ = I S I Al I S 3 K 2 12 H 2 - 3 A1 2 0, 12 SO, 10 H will have a normal optical behaviour, i.e. it must be isotropic. If, however, part of the potassium is replaced by sodium, lithium or a similar metal, or if part of the aluminium is replaced by Fe'", Cr"', Mn'", etc., or if part of the sulphur is replaced asymmetrically by selenium, the crystalline form remaining unchanged, i.e. regular, these substances will be optically aniso tropic. In an analogous manner the source of circular polarisation may be considered as due to the chemical structure of enantiomorphous substances. It is not surprising that Brauns 694 has shown experimentally that, as a matter of fact, the pure alums are optically isotropic, but the mixed ones are double refracting, i.e. anisotropic. According to Brauns, all crystals of pure potash-alumina-alum and ammonia- alumina-alum are optically isotropic, but those crystals which are produced from solutions of the mixed substances are optically different and show a double refraction. Crystals obtained from a solution containing equal weights of ammonia- and potash-alum show, according to Brauns, a very strong double refraction, are full of irregular cracks, and, on removing them from the solution, they fall to pieces. On representing the structure of such an alum by the NH 4 -groups being marked + and the potassium atoms its asymmetric structure is clear and the abnormal optical behaviour of this alum, the irregular cracks in it, and the falling to pieces of the crystals on removing them from the solution are rendered explicable. 316 CONSEQUENCES OF STEREO-HEXITE-PENTITE THEORY It is noteworthy that Brauns has observed faint circular polarisa- tion phenomena, in consequence of which it is highly probable that such asymmetric substitution is the cause of the optical activity of a number of enantiomorphous substances. As a matter of fact, the micas from which Reusch built his optically active compounds are silicates in which both the side-chains and the aluminium hexites and pentites are composed of different constituents which are often asymmetrically arranged in the molecule (see " Micas " in Appendix). Some substances, such as quartz, are optically active and, without exception, possess enantiomorphous crystalline forms. Their structural formulae, as derived from ultimate analyses and other studies, must be asymmetric if this theory of circular polarisation is correct and of general application. The Bravais-Frankenheim theory of crystalline structure does not indicate the enantiomorphous forms. Sohncke sought for the source of optical rotation of some crystals and of the appearance of these in enantiomorphous forms in an inner structure of the same, which is similar to Reusch J s mica arrangement. The theory of crystalline structure may be enlarged in this direction. The optically active crystals consist, according to him, of step-like lamellae which are optically bi-axial and do not show double refraction in the axis of rotation, but show circular polarisation effects. The S.H.P. theory may also be enlarged in the same sense. The units may be so arranged that a series of double pyramids (see P and P', pp. 286 and 287) P, P', P", P'" . . . with the surfaces ABDE, A'B'D'E', A"B"D"E" ... are produced. These double pyramids P, P', P" . . . have axes AD, ATX, A" D" . . . BE, B'E', B"E" . . . arid are so placed that each of their axes in the base forms an angle of 120 in the direction of the movement of the hands of a clock, or vice versa with the corresponding axes of the next base, i.e. AD with A'D', A'D' with A"D", A"D" with A'"D'". In the first case dextro-, and in the second laevo-rotatory crystals are produced, provided that the crystals are also chemically asymmetric. The S.H.P. theory thus provides a single explanation for the cause of circular polarisation in both organic and inorganic compounds. E. The Dependence of the Geometrical Constants on the Temperature The bonds between the nuclei of the radicles (i.e. the hexites and pentites) and between the radicles and the side-chains are loosened by the addition of bases, water of constitution and of crystallisation and on raising the temperature. Hence, on altering the temperature the geometric constants must be influenced, as they have a close relation- ship to the valency-forces. The consequence of the theory is also confirmed by the facts. Mitscherlich 695 , G. Rose 696 , F. de Filippi 697 , Frankenheim 698 and others have shown that when aragonite is heated to a suitable MOLECULAR VOLUMES 317 temperature it is converted into calcspar. Hauy 699 has also observed that on heating aragonite to a dull red heat it falls to powder, and Haidinger 700 represented this process as a conversion of aragonite into calcspar. G. Rose 701 has shown that calcite and also aragonite are formed from warm solutions of CaC0 3 and that, at higher temperatures, only calcite is formed. C. Klein 702 has made the interesting observa- tion that a plate cut from aragonite in a direction vertical to the principal axis becomes optically monoaxial and has a negative double refraction when heated, i.e. the plate assumes the characteristic properties of calcspar when warmed. The changes of the crystalline forms of substances on raising their temperature has been observed in numerous cases by O. Lehmann 703 , who has examined two groups of polymerised substances, of which : 1. The members of one group are converted, with absorption of heat, into another modification ; on cooling, the original form (en- antio tropic modification) is reproduced and heat is evolved. 2. The members of the other group are stable and labile modifica- tions which differ from the enantiotropic substances and are not converted into other forms on alteration of the temperature. F. Molecular Volumes and the S.H.P. Theory It follows from the S.H.P. theory that the molecular volumes of analogously constituted substances cannot be identical, as the affinities between the various nuclei must differ from each other. An interesting confirmation of this consequence of the theory is found in the results of investigations of the molecular volumes of a series of alums by O. Petterson 704 , which are shown in the following Table : Sulphate Alums Mol. Vols. Selenate Alums Mol. Vols. Differ, between Vols. KiH 4 (S-Al-.) 10 H 541.6 K 6 H 24 (Se-Al-Se) 10 H 568.0 26.4 (NH 4 )OHJ 4 (S-A1-S) - 10 H 552.2 (NH 4 )H 4 (Se-Al-Se) 10 H 578.6 26.4 Rb 8 H 4 (S-Al-S) 10 H 551.0 RbH 24 (S-(>S) 10 H 542.2 KH 24 (Se-Al-Se) 10 H 571.0 28.8 (NH 4 ) 6 H| 4 (S-Cr-S) RbgH 4 (S-Cr-S) 10 H 10 & 553.6 554.6 (NH 4 ) 6 Ho 4 (Se-Al.Se) RbH 4 (Se-Al-Se) 10 Bt 10 H 577.4 576.8 23.8 22.2 T1H 24 (S-(>S) 10 H 554.2 TlH 2 4 (Se-Al-Se) r 10 H 576.6 22.4 From this Table it may be seen that not only are the molecular volumes of different alums not identical, but that there is a striking regularity in the difference in the molecular volumes caused by the substitution of selenium for sulphur. Summary and Conclusions IN the foregoing pages an attempt has been made to obtain a glance at the structure of the silicon compounds . After a critical examination of existing theories which have been proposed for the representation of the structure of the aluminosilicates and the silicates generally, it has been found that the conception of the aluminosilicates as complex acids or salts of complex acids agrees best with the facts. The reactions of the aluminosilicates can only be understood if both alumina and silica are regarded as playing similar roles in the silicates, i.e. the roles of acids. A number of properties appear, however, to contradict the theory of the aluminosilicates as complex compounds, and this conception does not enable any systematic arrangement to be made of all the aluminosilicates in spite of the undoubted genetic relationship between them. It is very surprising that scarcely any of the critics of the German edition of this work have paid any attention to the main thesis that the silicates, or more correctly the aluminosilicates, should be classed with the complex acids. Yet it is stated quite definitely on page 30 : " It is, however, not improbable that these objections (i.e. to the sixth hypothesis) are only apparent, and that they would be completely overcome if the manner in which the atoms in the anhydrides of the aluminosilicates are bound to each other were known. By the use of a suitable hypothesis for the structure of these anhydrides a confirmation of this statement may be found. The authors of this present volume have actually formulated such a hypothesis, and its nature and the conclusions to be drawn from it form the subject-matter of the following pages." On page 62 it is stated that: "The conclusion has already (see pp. 22 and 26) been reached that, of all the theories devised for showing the constitution of the aluminosilicates, the one which agrees best with the facts is that which assumes that these compounds are complex acids and the corresponding salts." On page 63 it is stated that : "The conception of the alumino- silicates as complex acids thus agrees excellently with the experi- mental results." On pages 79-102 it is shown that the molybdenum and tungsten complexes, i.e. the complex acids and their salts, are par excellence true analogues of the aluminosilicates and agree perfectly with structural formulae which are fully analogous to those used for the alumino- silicates. 318 SUMMARY 319 The foregoing quotations, and the present work as a whole, show clearly that, quite apart from the hexite-pentite theory, the view that aluminosilicates are complex acids and salts is the foundation on which a knowledge of the constitution of these substances must be based. Yet this fact, as already remarked, does not appear to have been noticed by a single critic. Thus, in a review by J. J. P. 766 it is stated that : "The conception of hexite and pentite radicles (ring-compounds with 5 or 6 Al- or Si-atoms and a number of 0-atoms) is the foundation of a systematic study of the silicates." Stremme 767 commences with the view that the hexite-pentite theory is the sole foundation of the present volume, and then reaches the remarkable conclusion that the chief difficulty in mineral chemistry the explanation of the extraordinarily great variations in the com- position of the silicates becomes " playfully easy," "it is only necessary to introduce new hexite and pentite groups into existing combinations." He then stated that : " In not a single case is it shown that even one silicate must necessarily contain a hexite or pentite group." In reply to this criticism, which completely overlooks the complex nature of the aluminosilicates, it may be well to remark that the H.P. structural formulae of the aluminosilicates have been devised in accordance with definite rules, and in no case have " new hexites or pentites " been introduced in a haphazard manner. The proof that the aluminosilicates have the constitution indicated by the H.P. theory (i.e. that they contain hexites or pentites of silicon and aluminium which are arranged in accordance with definite laws) has been published in the customary scientific manner, as everyone who will read it impartially must admit. The theoretically possible formulae were first set down, and the consequences deducible from them were then compared with the available experimental evidence. Stremme terms this " not proved," and his contention might be sound if the experimental evidence did not agree with the logical conclusions from the theory. As a matter of fact, the agreement is remarkably close. If Stremme or any other critic can find a better method of testing a theory than the one adopted in the present volume, he would render an inestimable service to mankind if he would publish it. The method adopted by this critic to show the " worthlessness " of the H.P. theory could be easily used to upset the most firmly- established theories. For example, on what foundations are the atomic theory, the benzene theory and the theory of dissociation based ? Surely they have been accepted as the result of entirely analogous methods of argument to those used in the present volume ! C. H. Desch 736 has overlooked the fact that the main foundation of this exposition of the constitution of aluminosilicates is the fact of their complex nature, inasmuch as he states that " the felspars, the hardening of cements, the hydra tion of zeolites . . . are dealt with exclusively from a structural chemical point of view." 320 SUMMARY A further criticism of Desch's views will be found on reference to the Name Index. Allen and Shepherd 737 also appear to have completely overlooked the fact that the complex nature of the aluminosilicates is the essential basis of the constitution attributed to them by the authors of the H.P. theory,. and it appears strange to them that the structure of the complex compounds of tungsten, vanadium and molybdenum should also be described in the present volume. It is, nevertheless, very remarkable that Allen and Shepherd have overlooked this fact, or even that they could overlook it, as they specifically refer to "an excellent review of previous theories of the structure of silicates and a proof of their insufficiency " contained in the present work. Yet in this review it is clearly shown that the starting point of any theory of alumino- silicates must be based on their complex nature. It is the neglect of this which leads Allen and Shepherd to oppose the application of the new theory to Portland cements. If they had only seen that the aluminosilicates are complex acids or the corresponding salts, they must have realised the a priori probability of the existence of highly basic calcium aluminosilicates, i.e. they must have reached a concep- tion of the constitution of Portland cements which agrees with the one herein published. If a theory shows the possible existence of these substances, and all their properties agree with the structural formulae which are based on the theory, there is no reason to doubt the correct- ness of the constitutions thus formulated. Manchot 775 , alone of all the critics, refers to the complex nature of the aluminosilicates. From his statement "It is in any case worth consideration whether it can be proved that among the silicates as in other branches of chemistry the number 6 plays so special a part " it follows that he considers that the new theory cannot in any way be regarded as properly supported by facts. This critic should, however, state, at the earliest opportunity, how large must be the mass of facts in support of a theory before he would consider that theory established. If his attitude in his own researches may be regarded as satisfactory to himself, he will doubtless be interested to refer to an investigation he made in 1905 into the constitution of silicides and published in the "Annalen der Chemie," 1905, 3J$, 356-363. In this instance this investigator did not hesitate to state that these compounds form hexites, notwithstanding that he had only a single fact upon which to rely for his conclusion, viz. the behaviour of these substances towards hydrofluoric acid. Yet when he comes to review the German edition of the present work, he considers that the innumerable facts and the whole mass of available experimental evidence are not sufficient to establish the hexite formation of the silicates ! The number and importance of these facts and the manner in which this critic uses his own experimental results in criticising the constitutional formulae of the silicates quietly passing over in silence those which may happen to agree with the theory he is criticising is highly significant (see p. 273). SUMMARY 321 The H.P. theory is the first one enabling structural formulae to be devised in agreement with the conception of the aluminosilicates as complex compounds, which is free from the drawbacks of the earlier theories, is capable of being used in the systematic arrange- ment of all the silicates and also enables a series of properties of the aluminosilicates to be predicted a priori, which have, so far as they have been investigated experimentally, been fully con- firmed. Thus the structural formulae of the silicates devised by means of the H.P. theory have led to the remarkable prediction that all the aluminium and silicon atoms in the aluminosilicates will not behave exactly alike when examined chemically and physio-chemically, and that atoms occupying certain positions in the molecule will behave differently from the rest. This consequence of the theory is fully confirmed by the available experimental material, and particularly by the work of Thugutt, Silber and others. The agreement between the minimum molecular weights which may be inferred from the H.P. theory and those found experimentally is also important, particularly as regards the results obtained by Thugutt on a series of aluminosilicates such as orthoclase, nepheline, and the sodalites. Considerable importance also attaches to that consequence of the H.P. theory which states that chemical compounds may contain various kinds of combined water " water of constitution " and " water of crystallisation " the first being acid- water and the second basic-water, and to the agreement of this consequence with the facts ascertained experimentally such as Clarke's studies of the zeolites. The H.P. theory is not only applicable to the representation of the structure of the aluminosilicates, but to the complex acids generally. According to the investigations of Gibbs, Blomstrand, Pechard, Parmentier, Kehrmann, Friedheim and others, complex acids are produced by the union of one acid with another, e.g. of molybdic acid with vanadic, phosphoric, antimonic or arsenic acid; and of aluminic acid with phosphoric, vanadic, molybdic, sulphuric or tungstic acid. By means of the H.P. theory the structure of all the various complex acids and their salts can be shown on a priori grounds. This theory also shows that a genetic relationship must exist between the various complex acids of the same class, e.g. between all the aluminosilicates, all the aluminophosphates, all the aluminosulphates, and between all the salts of the complex acids of the same class. As a matter of fact, such a relationship does exist, as may be seen on examination of the available experimental results. It is specially important to observe the fact that the addition of a basic or other side-chain weakens the bonds of the nucleus, and that the most stable types of the complex acids are those in which the ratio of the acid-forming atoms is 1 : 1 ; thus, the most stable aluminosilicates 322 SUMMARY are those with a ratio of A1 2 3 : Si0 2 =l : 2 ; the most stable vanado- tungstates are those in which V 2 5 : WO 3 =1 : 2. The H.P. theory is also of value in ascertaining the constitution of several aluminosilicates of great technical importance, such as clays, ultramarines, Portland cements, slag cements, porcelain cements, etc. The clays are of great technical value because they are a raw material used in the production of pottery, cement, ultramarines, etc., and they are also of great theoretical importance because they constitute some of the various aluminosilicic acids whose existence may be inferred from the H.P. theory. The behaviour of clays towards strong acids (the so-called " rational analysis "), the cause of the plasticity of clays and the changes which occur on burning may all be explained by means of the H.P. theory. Innumerable investigations have been made in order to ascertain the constitution of the ultramarines. The H.P. theory supplies a hypothesis from which the structure of the whole of the theoretically possible substances of the ultramarine class may be derived ; a large number of these compounds are already known to exist. On the other hand, no ultramarines have yet been found which, according to the theory, are theoretically impossible (such as those in which A1 2 3 : Si0 2 = 1:6). The ultramarine theory, based on the more general H.P. theory, is in entire agreement with the experimental results of the valuable work of Hoffmann, Heumann, Philipp, Szilasi, Gmelin and others. The experimental work of Guckelberger on the minimum molecular weight of some ultra- marines is in remarkable agreement with the H.P. theory and is fully confirmatory of the theoretical inferences from it. Innumerable attempts have also been made to ascertain the structure of Portland, slag, porcelain and other silicate cements and especially to explain the reactions which occur during the hardening of these cements. These and other problems find a clear and simple solution when once the structure of the silicates has been ascertained by means of a suitable theory. As a matter of fact, the H.P. theory has led to conceptions of the structure of cements which not only agree with experimental observations, but also permit of very full prognostications in regard to the possibility of solving the great problem of the use of cement in sea-water and coastal masonry. The new H.P. theory has proved to be of special value in ascertain- ing the structure of the porcelain (dental) cements, i.e. those compounds which are both theoretically and practically important on account of their extended use in dentistry. The poisonous action of some of these cements has been studied, and the H.P. theory shows which portion of these cements has a toxic action and it indicates how their poisonous nature may be destroyed and the cements rendered quite harmless. To solve this obviously physiological chemical problem it is necessary to study the toxines generally in order to ascertain the nature of their actions and the SUMMARY 323 causes of the poisoning. Ehrlich's theory of the toxines on the one hand and the H.P. theory on the other combine to solve the problem of the poisonous nature of many porcelain cements and show clearly which of the available cements are toxic, or at least risky, and which are harmless. The aluminosilicates, generally speaking, cannot be satisfactorily studied because of their great resistance to reagents, few of the ordinary methods of investigation being available. Yet, by means of the H.P. theory, it is possible to produce a theory of such general application that, with the aid of modern methods of investigation, the constitution of all the silicates may be ascertained. For instance, the results of physical and chemical researches on the silico-molybdates by W. Asch are in complete agreement with the H.P. theory. This agreement between the facts and theory is very striking in the case of the alums and chromo-sulphuric acids which have been specially studied in a chemico-physical manner by Recoura and Whitney. There can be no doubt that Nature has formed all substances according to monistic laws. Hence the probability of the H.P. theory being extended so as to make it applicable as a general chemical theory. An attempt thus to enlarge the scope of the H.P. theory, though made on only a small scale, has led to a new theory of acids, new views on the constitution of solutions and new views of the structure of carbon compounds. The H.P. theory itself does not take cognisance of the fact that atoms exist in space; consequently it required extension and com- bination with the modern theory of the structure of crystals in order to convert it into a general stereo-chemical theory. This has been accom- plished to the extent that, by means of the " hexite-pentite law " (p. 289), the stereo-hexite-pentite theory (abbreviated to " S.H.P." theory) is capable of development into a general theory of chemical compounds. The S.H.P. theory has proved to be of great value ; it helps to explain many puzzling properties of crystals, confirms Hauy's law of relationship between crystalline form and chemical composition, permits the prediction of isomers of chemically allied substances (Mitscherlich) and solves the problem of the structure of the so- called isomorphous mixtures. Thus, the H.P. theory may be compared to a bridge between the realms of organic and inorganic chemistry, and the S.H.P. theory to an indivisible bond between chemistry and the allied sciences of physics and crystallography. The S.H.P. theory appears to be particularly valuable when it is compared with existing theories of the constitution of chemical compounds. It is then seen that many modern theories are, in a sense, only portions of the new theory and may be inferred from it. In a review of the German edition of the present work by Stremme 767 324 SUMMARY the following remark occurs : "In short, an attempt is made to develop a Chemistry of Silicon corresponding to that of Carbon such as has so frequently been attempted by others." As a matter of fact, the view that Nature forms substances in accordance with monistic laws, permits many applications of the results of the study of organic compounds (including their structural formulae) to inorganic substances. The critic must therefore ascertain what beneficial results (if any) have resulted from the present investigation and whether previous investiga- tions are completely analogous to it. He is compelled to deny the analogy if he compares the results of this investigation with previous ones. In order to show this more clearly, two investigations of the relationship between the compounds of silicon and carbon, both of great importance to a study of the structure of silicates, may here be critically examined, viz. that of A. Safarik 768 and that of W. Ver- nadsky 769 . A. Safarik has endeavoured to find a complete analogy between silicates and organic compounds and has assumed that the silicates are open or closed ring-compounds such as are found in the aliphatic and aromatic compounds of carbon. This analogy between silicon and carbon, the former being a constituent of the inorganic crust of the earth and the latter the foundation of all organic nature, " thus assumes a new and deeper significance." In addition to this analogy there is, according to Safarik, a difference between the compounds of silicon and carbon inasmuch as in the silicates silicon is bound to silicon through oxygen and the polyvalent metals, whilst in the organic compounds there is a direct bond between carbon and carbon. A glance at Safarik's formula shows at once that it differs greatly from those derived from the H.P. theory. The necessary explanatory support is lacking for Safafik's theory of the silicates, and for this reason it cannot be applied to the silicates as a whole. An important disadvantage of his structural formula is due to the fact that it is not based on any natural law and that it contains a dualism, the origin of which may be found in the present dualistic con- ception of organic chemistry, viz. the division of organic compounds into an aliphatic and an aromatic series. The result is that this theory, notwithstanding its derivation from organic chemistry, has not led Safaf* ik very far. The poor result which he has obtained in applying organic theories to inorganic compounds caused Safaf ik to make the following remarks : " The most natural means of bringing inorganic chemistry into unison with the fundamental theories of the present time is that which has led to such remarkably successful results in organic chemistry ; each single element must be examined in such a manner as has been the case with carbon or, as Erlenmeyer so pregnantly observed, we must have as many chemistries as there SUMMARY 325 are elements. To attempt this work would be to commence a task of incredible magnitude." From these words it is clear how little satisfaction Safarik obtained from his researches, and the authors of the present volume are equally unable to accept the view that the problems of the structure of chemical compounds can ever be solved by simply studying the elements in a systematic manner. They incline more to the opinion that if the present conception of the structure of organic compounds cannot be applied to inorganic substances, then this very inapplicability is the best proof that the generally accepted theory of organic structures is not so devoid of objection that it cannot, with advantage, be modified. The possibility or otherwise of applying a theory which appears to be satisfactory for one element to others is one of the best tests of the value of such a theory. W. Vernadsky has also endeavoured to devise structural formulae for silicates which bear some resemblance to those of organic chemistry. He assumed the existence of two radicles in aluminosilicates : one with an open or chlorite ring and the other with a closed or cyclic chain (mica ring). The constitution of these rings is shown by the following formulae : OH OH /\ /\ O O Si 0=Si Si=0 4 A \/ \/ Al Al Chlorite Ring. Mica Ring. According to Vernadsky these rings remain unaltered in most chemical reactions, this property being highly characteristic of the aluminosilicates. The compounds with a mica ring are, according to this investigator, much more strongly characterised than minerals with a chlorite ring. As the durability of the rings is characteristic of cyclic chemical compounds, and experience in organic chemistry shows that this durability is exceptionally high in heterocyclic compounds, Vernadsky considered that it might be assumed that minerals containing mica contain heterocyclic rings, i.e. rings composed of several elements. Vernadsky has had no specially satisfactory results from this 326 SUMMARY theory because, as he himself admits, it is necessary to limit the applica- tion of the theory to the simplest and best known compounds, and because he persistently adheres to an entirely unnecessary dualism, inasmuch as he divides silicates into two groups : one containing those which are undoubtedly chemical compounds and the other comprising the so-called physical combinations. Vernadsky's theory is thus inapplicable as a general theory of silicates and also as a monistic chemical theory of general application. This short statement with regard to important attempts to apply the theories current in organic chemistry to the elucidation of in- organic structures must suffice to show that there is no parallel between such an application of existing theories and the H.P. theory developed in the present volume. Hence, before the H.P. theory can be discarded or regarded as of no importance, those who criticise it must disprove the statements made and must show that a still larger number of facts can be fairly used in support of a new theory which, so far as those concerned with the writing and translation of the present volume are aware, has not yet been published. The ineffectiveness of all the noteworthy existing theories has, it is believed, been conclusively shown in the foregoing pages. The H.P. theory leads by quite different means from those hitherto used to the " benzene-ring theory " which has proved so advantage- ous in studying the constitution and properties of carbon compounds. It is scarcely necessary to state that Werner's co-ordination law is, in some respects, a part of the S.H.P. theory. If a=6=c=l and a=|8=y=90 , this produces Werner's octohedron, to the corners of which are attached the molecules of various metal ammonias and allied substances. It is a strong confirmation of the S.H.P. theory that Werner's co-ordination law has solved a number of puzzling problems in connection with the metal ammonias and allied substances, that its inferences have been fully confirmed by experiment, and that Werner's theory has proved of value in the development of a system- atic arrangement of the compounds concerned. Arrhenius' "Dissociation Hypothesis." van't Hoff's "Theory of Solutions," and the Kinetic Theory of Gases are all, in a certain sense, capable of being regarded as consequences of the S.H.P. theory. It is particularly important to note that, by the combination of the S.H.P. theory with the modern theory of the structure of crystals, a great step towards the object of all investigation has been made, and some approach has been effected to the time when it will be possible to show the true relationship between crystalline form and chemical composition. This object will, clearly, be attained as soon as it is possible to ascertain the exact relationship between the geometrical constants (a : b : c and a, /3 and y) and the chemical constants, and to predict both from the structural formula. De Bois-Reymond 705 has no doubt that these problems will be SUMMARY 327 solved as soon as structural chemistry and crystallography unite, and he has written the following : " We see, in imagination, Structural Chemistry reaching out her hand to Crystallography ; we see the atoms with their measured valencies filling spaces of definite shapes, and forming the tools employed in building crystals." BIBLIOGRAPHY 1, Berzelius, Essai sur la nomenclature chim., Journ. de phys. 73, 269, 1811 ; Hahn, Entwickelung der Ansichten iiber die chemische Konstitution natiirlicher Silicate, Zeitschr. f. ges. Naturw. N. F. B. 1874, jo, 299. 2, Smithson, On the com- position of zeolites, Phil. Trans. 1811, 176. 3, Ddbereiner, Vermischte chemische Bermerkungen, Schweigg. Journ. f. Chem. 2, 1811, 331. 4, Kopp, Geschichte der Chemie 3, 1845, 9-10. 5, Dobereiner, I. c. 1811, 2, 331-2 ; Dobereiner also published these views in tJie first (1811) edition of his Anfangsgriinde der Chemie (2. AufL, Jena 1819, 206, 315). 6, cf. Berzelius, Versuch, durch Anwendung der elektrochemischen Theorie und chemischen Proportionslehre, ein rein wissenschaftliches System der Mineralogie zu griinden, Schweigg. Journ. f. Chem. u. Phys., 11-12. Bd. ; Rose's Gedachtnisrede auf Berzelius, Abhandl. d. Berl. Akad. 1851, 20; cf. also Berzelius' chem. Mineralsyst., Rammelsberg, Niirnb. 1847, 13. 7, see Gerhardt, t)"ber die Formeln der natiirlich vorkommenden Silicate, Journ. f. prakt. Chem. (4) 135, 44. 8, Laurent, Rech. sur la tungstate, Ann. chim. et phys. (3) 21, 1847, 54-5, and Sur les silicates, Compt. rend. 1846, 23, 1055 et seq. ; Methode de Chimie, P. 1854 ; Gerhardt, Introd. a 1'etude de Chimie, P. 1848, 349. 9, Fremy, Rech. sur les silicates, Compt. rend. 40, P. 1856, 1149; Rech. sur 1'etats isomer de 1'acide silic., Compt. rend. 1867, 64, 245 et seq. 10, St. Hunt, On constit. and equival. vol. of some min. spec., Am. J. Sc. (2) 16, 1853, 203 et seq. ; On a Natur. Syst. in Mineralogy, Trans. R. Soc. of Canada 3, 1886, 31 ; Un systeme chim. nouveau, Tr. par. Spring. 1889, 51. 11, Sur 1'oxyde d'ethylene, consid. comme un lien entre la chimie inorgan. et organ., Ann. chim. et phys. (3) 69, 1863, 369 ; Legons de philos. chim. 1864, 180 et seq. 12, WOltzien, Sys- temat. tfbersicht der Silicate, Gieben 1864. 13, Golowkinski, tJber Silicate, Abhandl. d. Universitat zu Kasan (in Russian), 1861, Nr. 2. 14, Odling, On ortho and meta- silicates, Phil. Mag. (4) 18, 1859, 368. 15, Streng, "tfber die Zusammensetzung einiger Silicate, N. Jahrb. 1865, 410. 16, Lawrow, "tfber Metalloxyde von der Formel Mt 4 H 6 O& und Mt 2 H 4 O 4 , Russ. Jahrb. 1860, i, 129. 17, Schiff, XJber ein. Siliciumverb., Ann. d. Chem. u. Pharm. 4, 1864-5, 27. 18, Boedecker, Die Zusammensetzung der natiirlichen Silicate, Gottingen 1857. 19, Stadeler, tJber die Zusammensetzung des Lievrits, Journ. f. prakt. Chem. 1866, 99, 73. 20, Damour, Nouv. rech. sur la Compos, de 1'euclase, Compt. rend. 40, 1855, 942. 21, Laurent, Ann. chim. et phys. 1847, 2J, 54. 22, Boedecker, 1. c. 9-10. 23, Rammelsberg, tlber die chemische Konstitution der Silicate, Zeitschr. d. Deutsch. geol. Ges. 1869, 115. 24, F. W. Clarke, Die Konstitution der Zeolithe, Zeitschr. f. anorg. Chem. 7, 267. 25, See Fischer, Krit. mikrosk. min. Studien I-III, 1869-73. 26, Wartha, tTber die Formulierung der Silicate, Liebigs Ann. 162, 1873, 330 ; his first work was published in 1868, in Hungarian. 27, Haushofer, XJber die Konstitution der natiirlichen Silicate, Liebigs Ann. 169,^ 1873, 131 ; Die Konstitution der natiirlichen Silicate, Braunschweig 1874. 28, Safarik, tJber die chemische Konstitution der natiirlichen chlor- und wasserhaltigen Silicate, Prague 1874, in den Abhandl. d. Bohm. Ges. d. Wiss. (6) 7. 29, Tschermak, Feldspatstudien, Sitzungsber. d. Wiener Akad. d. Wiss. 1865. Notes on the chemical Constitution of the plagiocl. Feldspars are also given in Pogg. Ann. 1869, 138, 162 ; Sitzungsber. d. Wiener Akad. d. Wiss. 1869. 145, 921 ; Pogg. Ann. 1869, 138, 162 ; Rath, Pogg. Ann. 1871, 143, 461, etc. They are regarded as " morphotropic " mixtures by Brogger, Groths Zeitschr. 10, 498, and Arzruni, Phys. Chemie der Krystalle 1892, 282. Opposed to Tschermak' s Theory are Fouque and Michel-Levy, Min. microgr. 1879, 204 ; Bull. soc. min., Paris 1881, 4, 63 ; Compt. rend. 1882, 94, 93 ; the theories and investigations of M. Schuster, Sitzungsber. d. Wiener Akad. d. Wiss. 1879, 80, 192 et seq. favour Tscher- mak' s theory. 30, Tschermak, Sitzungsber. d. Wiener Akad. d. Wiss. 1883, 88, 1142 ; Mineral. Mitteil. 1894, 465. 31, Tschermak, Sitzungsber. d. Wiener Akad. d. Wiss. 1887, 78, 56 ; F. W. Clarke, Am. Journ. Sc. 1889, 38, 384 et seq. 32, Tschermak, I. c. 78, Nov. 1878 ; Groths Zeitschr. 3, 504. 33, Rammelsberg, Berl. Akad. 1869, 604 ; Pogg. Ann. 1870, 139, 379, 547 ; Mineralchemie 1875, 539 ; 1886, 239 ; Riggs, Am. 328 BIBLIOGRAPHY 329 Journ. 1888, 35, 50 ; Wiilfmg, Tschermaks Mitteil. N. F. 1888, 10, 162 ; Scharitzer, Grotha Zeitschr. 1889, 15, 354 ; Jannasch, Ber. d. Deutsch. chem. Ges. 1889, 107 ; Groths Tabellar. ttbers. d. Mineral. 1889, 107. 34, W. Vernadsky, tTber die Sillimanitgr. und die Rolle des Aluminiums in den Silicaten, Bull. d. russ. Ges. d. Naturf. 1891, Nr. 1, 1-100 (in Russian). 35, Bonsdorff, Main ayant pour objet de demontrer 1'an- alogie de compos, des minereaux, qui cristal. a la man. de 1'amphibole ; Ann. chim. et phys. 20, 1822, 28-9. 36, Scheerer, XTber die chemische Konstitution der Augite ; Pogg. Ann. 1847, 70, 545-54. 37, Berzelius, Neues chem. Minerals., iibers. von Ram- melsberg 1847, 223. 38, Boedecker, 1. c. 370, 1859. 39, Odling, L c. 370. 40, Wartha, Liebigs Ann. 1873, 170, 338. 41, Brauns, Die chemische Konstitution der Silicate (Tonerdesilicate) 1874, 6. 42, W. Vernadsky, Zur Theorie der Silicate, Zeitschr. f. Krystallogr. u. Mineral. 1901, 34, 37-66. 43, Rammelsberg, Zeitschr. d. Deutsch. geol. Ges. 1869 ; Mineralchemie 3. Aufl., 1875, etc. 44, Groth, Tabellar, tubers, d. Mineral., 4. Aufl., 1898. 45, Clarke, The Chemical Structure of Nat. Silicates, Amer. Chem. Journ. 10, 1888, 120 et seq. 46, Tschermak, Die Aufgaben der Mineralchemie, Mineral. -Petrogr. Mitteil. 1871, 93 and numerous other works. 47, Sawtschenkow, "tfber die Formul. der Silicate, Russ. Jahrb. 1881, 4, 290. 48, Goldschmidt, Chem.- mineral. Betrachtungen, Zeitschr. f. Krystallogr. 18, 1889, 25. 49, Bombicci, La teoria d. assoziazioni d. silicati miner., Bol. 1868. 50, Brauns, Die chemische Kon- stitution der tonerdehaltigen Silicate 1874. 51, Doelter, ttber Glimmerbildung, Mineral. -Petrogr. Mitteil. 10, 1886, 67 ; Chem. Mineral. 1890, 185 ; tlber kiinstliche Bildung des Muscovits, N. Jahrb. 1888, 2, 178 ; Roth, Allgem. chem. Geol. i, 1879, 376 etc. 52, Lemberg, Zeitschr. d. Deutsch. geol. Ges. 1883, 576 ; 1887, 559. 53, Rosenbusch, Mikr. Physiogr. j, 1885, 360. 54, Rosenbusch, I.e. 2, 1887, 82-3. 55, Brogger, Miner, d. Siidnorw. Augitsyenite etc. 2, 1890, 223. 56, BrOgger, I. c. 234. 57, Friedel, Bull. soc. Miner. Fr. 13, 1890, 183. 58, Brogger, 1. c., also Brogger u. Backstrom, Mineral, d. Granatgr., Zeitschr. f. Kryst. 18, 1890, 219 et seq. 59, Clarke, Studies in the Mica Group., Amer. Journ. S. (3) 34, 1887, 131 ; Researches on the Lithia Micas, Bull. U. S. Gol. Surv. No. 24, 1887, 11 ; Theory of the Mica Group, Amer. Journ. Sc. (3) 38, 1889, 384. 60, Groth, Tabellar. Ubers. d. Mineral. 1898. 61, Tscher- mak, Sitzungsber. d. Wiener Akad. d. Wiss. 1873, 78, 16. 62, Sauer, "Cber eine eigen- tumliche Granulitart, Zeitschr. d. Deutsch. geol. Ges. 1886, 704. 63, Gorgeu, L c. 1887, 12-18. 64, Gorgeu, I. c. 1887, 12-18. 65, Clarke, Theory of the Mica Group, Amer. Journ. Sc. (3) 38, 1889, 392. 66, Clarke u. Schneider, Experim. upon the Con- stitutions of Silicates, Amer. Journ. Sc. (3) 40, 1890, 413. 67, Schulten, I. c. ; Friedel et Sarrasin, Repr. de 1'albite, Compt. rend. 1883, 97, 291. 68, St. Claire Deville, Repr. de la levyne, Compt. rend. 1862, 54, 324-7. 69, Bombicci, La teor. d. assoc. appl. alia const, d. sil., Bol. 1868. 70, Mallard, Bull. Soc. Miner. 9, 1886, 85. 71, Lemberg, I. c. 1883, 586. 72, Doelter, N. Jahrb. f. Mineral. 1890, 1. 73, Naumann, "tfber Molekiilverbind. 1872 ; Tschermak, Lehrb. d. Mineral. 1889, 249 ; Doelter, Chem. Mineral. 1890, 10. 74, Doelter u. Hunak, Synthet. Studien, N. Jahrb. f. Mineral. 1884, i, 160 ; 1890, i, 124, 128-37. 75, Rammelsberg, Mineralchemie 1875, 411 et seq. 76, Knop, Zeitschr. f. Krystallogr. 1885, 77. 77, Wolcott Gibbs, On Complex Inorganic Acids, Amer. Journ. Sc. (3) 14, 1877, 61 ; Amer. Chem. Journ. 1879, J, 1 ; Researches on Complex Inorg. Acid., Amer. Chem. Journ. 1879, I, 217; 1880, 2, 217, 281 ; 1881, j, 317, 402 etc. 78, Ostwald, Zur. Dissoziation der Elektrolyte, Zeitschr. f. phys. Chem. 1889, 3, 596, 599, 612 et seq. ; Kistiakowski, Wasserige Ldsungen von Doppelsalzen, Journ. d. russ. physikal.-chem. Ges. 22, 1890, 412 (in Russian). 79, Sobolew, Uber einige phys. Eigenschaften der Phosphor- 12- Wolf ramsaure, Zeitschr. f. anorg. Chem. 12, 16-38 ; W. Asch, Dissert., Berlin 1901. 80, Sobolew, I. c. 81, Fremery, Dissert., Freiburg i. B. 1884. 84, Friedheim, Zeitschr. f. anorg. Chem. 1892, 275. 85, Blom- strand, Zeitschr. f. anorg. Chem. 1892, i, 14. 86, Kehrmann, I. c. 87, Sprenger, Journ. f. prakt. Chem. (2) 22, 418. 88, Michaelis, Graham Otto, Lehrb. 2, 1132. 89, Blomstrand, I. c. 90, Friedheim, Z. c. 91, Pufahl, Ber. d. Deutsch. chem. Ges. 1884, 217 & Dissert., Leipzig 1888. 92, Pufahl, I.e. 93, Klein, Compt. rend. 99, 35. 94, Marignac, Compt. rend. 55, 888 ; Ann. chim. et phys. (3) 69 ; Journ. f. prakt. Chem. 94, 336 et seq. 95, Friedheim, Zeitschr. f. anorg. Chem. 1894, 11. 96, Sprenger, Journ. f. prakt. Chem. (2) 22, 418 ; see also Kehrmann u. Freinkel, Ber. d. Deutsch. chem. Ges. 24, 2327. 97, Kehrmann, Zeitschr. f. anorg. Chem. i, 428, 435. 98, Friedheim, Ber. d. Deutsch. chem. Ges. (1) 23, 1510 ; Zeitschr. f. anorg. Chem. 6, 287. 99, Zeitschr. f. anorg. Chem. 6, 287. 100, Friedheim, Zeitschr. f. anorg. Chem. 1894, 4, 286. 101, Friedheim, Beitr. zur Kenntnis der komplexen Sauren, Ber. d. Deutsch. chem. Ges. 1890, 1505, 2600 ; Friedheim u. Schamatdlski, Die sog. Phosphorvanad., ibid., 1530 ; Rothenbach, tTber Doppels. des Wolframs und Vanadins, Ber. d. Deutsch. chem. Ges. 1890, 3050; v. Euler, Dissert., Berlin 1895 et seq. 102, Friedheim u. Schamatolski, 330 BIBLIOGRAPHY Ber: d. Deutsch. chem. Ges. 1890, 1533. 103, Vogt, Studien over stagger. St. 1884, 177 et seq. 104, Fouque et Michel Levy, Synthes. des min. 1882, 52 et seq. ; Vogt, I. c. 1884, 50, 128 ; Doelter, I. c. ; N. Jahrb. 1888, 2, 178 ; Brdgger, Die Mineral, d. Siidnorw. Syenitgeb. usw. 1890, 2, 406, 410 ; Doelter u. Hussak, 1. c. ; N. Jahrb. 1884, J, 171, 35-6 ; Gorgeu, I. c. 1885, 28, 32 ; S-te. Claire Deville et Cavon, Nouv. mode de prod, etc., Ann. chim. et phys. (4) 5, 1865, 112 ; Prochas, Ka., tlber den Basalt von Kollnitz, Sitzungsber. d. Wiener Akad. d. Wiss. 92, 1885, 29 et seq. 105, Reprod. d. min. 1880, Hautefeuille. 106, Lemberg, Zeitschr. d. Deutsch. geol. Ges. 1876, 546 ; 1888, 639. 107, P. Silber, Ber. d. Deutsch. chem. Ges. 1881, 14, 941 ; Thugutt, Zur Chemie der Alumosilicate, N. Jahrb. 1894-5 ; Beil.-Bd. 9, 557. 108, Thugutt, I.e. 109, W. Vernadsky, I.e. 110, See p. 5, Gesch. "Cberbl. Ill, ibid. 112, ibid. 113, Clarke, I. c. ; see also F. W. Clarke u. George Schneider, Die Einwirkung von Ammoniumchlor. aufverschiedene Silicate, Zeitschr. f. anorg. Chem. 23, 135-45 ; 24, 139-47; 29, 338-52. 114, Clarke, cf. Hintze, Handb. d. Mineral., p. 591. 115, ibid. 116, Clarke, Zeitschr. f. anorg. Chem. 29, 338. 117, Groth, Tabellar. "Obers. d. Mineral. 1898, 128. 118, Rammelsberg, 1. c. ; see also Brauns, Chemische Mineralogie 1896, 439. 119, Thugutt, I. c. ; N. Jahrb. 564. 120, Vernadsky, I. c. 121, Tschermak, Mineral. Mitteil. 1871, 2, Heft. 122, P. Groth, I.e. 156; Brauns, I.e. 444. 123, Clarke, I. c. und Groth, I. c. 154. 124, Thugutt, I. c. 125, Vernadsky, Zur Theorie der Silicate, Zeitschr. f. Kryst. u. Mineral. 1901, 34, 61. 126, Groth, I. c. 120. 127, Lemberg, Zeitschr. d. Deutsch. geol. Ges. 1876, 1883, 1885, 1887. 128, P. Jannasch and J. Locke, Zeitschr. f. anorg. Chem. 6, 168. 129, K. H. Schnerr, Dissert., Miinchen 1894. 130, Thugutt, N. Jahrb. ; Beil.-Bd. 9, 1895, 554-624 ; Mineralchem. Studien, Zeitschr. f. anorg. Chem. 2, 123. 131, Lemberg, Zeitschr. d. Deutsch. geol. Ges. 1876, 601-4, 615-6 ; 1883, 582-6 ; 1885, 969 ; 1887, 626-8. 132, Thugutt, Mineralchem. Studien, Zeitschr. f. anorg. Chem. 2, 123. 133, Thugutt, N. Jahrb. ; Beil.-Bd. 9, 554-624. 134, Thugutt, 1. c. 567. 135, Hintze, Handb. 867-8. 136, For Literature on Structurisomerism in inorganic cpds. see A. Sabanejeff, Zeit. f. anorg. Chem. 17, 480; A. Werner, Zeitschr. f. phys. Chem. 12, 35 & 14, 506 ; G. Tamann, Journ. f. prakt. Chem. (2) 24, 417 ; Zeitschr. f. phys. Chem. 6, 122 ; Hantzch, Ann. d. Chem. 292, 340 & 296, 100-11. 137, Thugutt, Beil.-Bd. 9, 1895, 554-624 (Metamerism of the Sodalites). 138, F. W. Clarke, Die Konstitution der Zeolithe, Zeitschr. f. anorg. Chem. 7, 267-74. 139, Thugutt, N. Jahrb. ; Beil.-Bd. 9, 595 (Compounds a and b) ; Zeitschr. f. anorg. Chem. 1892, 135 ; Analysis No. ga relates to c. and No. 10 to d. 140, Friedel, Action des alcalis sur la mica, B. J. M. F. 1890, 13, 133-4. 141, Roth, Allgem. Geol. J, 1879, 408 ; Sauer, Mineral, u. petrogr. Mitteil. aus d. sachs. Erzgeb., Zeitschr. d. Deutsch. geol. Ges. 1885, 450. 142, Roth, 1. c. J, 344, 347 ; Sauer, I. c. 1885, 291 ; 2, 1887, 82, 83, 86 ; BrOgger, Mineral, d. Siidnorweg. Syenitgeb. 1890, 2, 223-9. 143, Roth, 1. c. 1879, 300 ; Rosenbusch, Mikr. Phys. d. Mineral., 2. Aufl., 1885, 5-7 ; Gurow, Geol. Unters. des Gouv. Poltawa 10, 1888, 485-7 (in Russian) ; Sauer, "Dber Riebeckit, Zeitschr. d. Deutsch. geol. Ges. 1888, 147 ; Catherein, "Dber Staurolith, Zeitschr. f. Krystallogr. in, 1882, 246. 144, Roth, 1. e. i, 1879, 400-4 ; Hussak, ttber Leucit- pseudokr., N. Jahrb. 1890, J, 168. 145, Brauns, Chem. Mineral. 1896, 413. 146, Groth, 1. c. 166. 147, ibid. 161. 148, ibid. 161. 149 and 150, cf. Gerhardt, Uber die Formulierung der naturlich vorkommenden Silicate, Journ. f. prakt. Chem. 1835, 4, 45. 151, Groth, I.e. 120. 152, ibid. 113. 153, ibid. 113. 154, cf. Rammelsberg, Mineralchem. 1875, 687. 155, Schluttig, Dissert., Leipzig 1884. 156, Groth, I. c. 127. 157-160, ibid. 161, Euler, Dissert., Berlin 1895, 57. 162, ibid. 36. 163, ibid. 40. 164, ibid. 65. 165, Friedheim, Ber. d. Deutsch. chem. Ges. 24, 1174. 166, Fried- heim, Zeitschr. f. anorg. Chem. 1894, 4, 286. 167, Friedheim, Zeitschr. f. anorg. Chem. 1892, 2, 346, 347. 168, Doelter u. Hussak, Synth. Studien, N. Jahrb. 1884, J, 160 ; 1890, J, 124, 128-32 ; Doelter, Allgem. chemische Mineral., Leipzig 1890. 169, Friedheim, Ber. d. Deutsch. chem. Ges. (1) 23, 1528. 170, Friedheim, Ber. d. Deutsch. chem. Ges. (1) 23, 1510 ; Zeitschr. f. anorg. Chem. 6, 287. 171, Friedheim, Ber. d. Deutsch. chem. Ges. (1) 23, 1510. 172, Marignac, Compt. rend. 55, 888 ; Ann. chim. et phys. (3) 69 ; Journ. f. prakt. Chem. 94, 336. 173, Parmentier, Compt. rend. 94, 1713. 174, Klein, Compt. rend. 99, 35. 175, Marignac, 1. c. 176, Gibbs, Ber. d. Deutsch. chem. Ges. 1877, 1384. 177, ibid. 178, Parmentier, Compt. rend. 94, 1713. 179, Struve, Journ. f. prakt. Chem. 61, 457. 180, Parmentier, Compt. rend. 94, 1713. 181, Klein, Compt. rend. 99, 35. 182, Parmentier, Compt. rend. 92, 1234 ; 94, 213 ; Theses present, a la Facult. de Sc. de Paris, M. F. Parm. 1882. 183, W. Asch, Dissert., Berlin 1901. 184, Marignac, I.e. 185, Pechard, Compt. rend. 117, 788-90. 186, ibid. 187, Pechard, Compt. rend. 109, 301. 188, Blomstrand, Zeitschr. f. anorg. Chem. 1892, 1. 189, Rammelsberg, Ber. d. Deutsch. chem. Ges. 10, 1776. 190, Struve, Journ. f. prakt. Chem. 61, 466. 191, Kehrmann, Ber. d. Deutsch. chem. Ges. 20, 1811. BIBLIOGRAPHY 331 192, Kehrmann, Zeitschr. f. anorg. Chem. I, 428, 435 ; Kehrmann u. Freinkel, Ber. d. Deutsch. chem. Ges. 24, 2327. 193, Finkener, Ber. d. Deutsch. chem. Ges. 1878, 1638. 194, Gibbs, Amer. Journ. 2, 217. 195, Pufahl, Ber. d. Deutsch. chem. Ges. 1884, 217 ; Dissert., Leipzig 1888. 196, Mach, in Friedheim's paper in Zeitschr. f. anorg. Chem. 2, 314. 197, Debray, Compt. rend. 66, 704. 198, Pechard, Compt. rend. log, 301 ; no, 754. 199, Gibbs, Amer. Journ. 2, 217. 200, Debray, Compt. rend. 78, 1408. 201, Gibbs, Amer. Journ. 3, 317. 202, Rammelsberg, Ber. d. Deutsch. chem. Ges. 10, 1776. 203, Kehrmann u. Freinkel, Ber. d. Deutsch. chem. Ges. 24, 2327. 204, Gibbs, Amer. Journ. 2, 217. 205, Sprenger, Journ. f. prakt. Chem. (2) 22, 418. 206, Gibbs, Amer. Journ. 3, 317. 207, Finkener, Ber. d. Deutsch. chem. Ges. 1878. 208, Kehrmann, Ber. d. Deutsch. chem. Ges. 20, 1811. 209, Hundeshagen, Fr. 28, 14. 210, Pechard, Compt. rend. 100, 754; 109, 301. 211, Gibbs, Amer. Journ. 2, 217. 212, Sprenger, Journ. f. prakt, Chem. (2) 22, 418. 213, Brandhorst u. Kraut, Ann. 249, 373. 214, Kehrmann, Zeitschr. f. anorg. Chem. j, 428, 435. 215, Shinzo Kassai, Die wasserhaltigen Aluminiumsilicate, Dissert., Miinchen 1896. 216, Vernadsky, Zur Theorie der Silicate, Zeitschr. f. Kryst. u. Mineral. 1901, 34, 37-66. 217, C. Mene, Bull, de la societe industr. de la Mulhouse, Aprilheft 1863 ; Dingl. Polyt. Journ. 1863, ijo, 47. 218, Bischof, Dingl. Polyt. Journ. 169, 455. 219, Forchhammer, Pogg. Ann. 35, 351. 220, Brongniart u. Malaguti, Journ. f. prakt. Chem. 31, 135. 221, Seger, Gesammelte Schriften, p. 424. 22 la, Theories as to the causes of the plasticity of clays together with the literature of these theories have been published by H. Rosier, N. Jahrb. f. Mineral., Geol. u. Palaontol. ; Beil.-Bd. 15, 231-393 ; Dissert, von H. Rosier, Stuttgart 1902. 222, Sommaruga, Dingl. Polyt. Journ. 1865, 383. 223, Silber, I. c. 224, M. Schutz, Zeitschr. f. phys. Chem. 9, 1892, 1097. 225, R. Nietzki, Verhandl. des Vereins zur Beforderung d. GewerbefleiGes 1879, 58, 231. 226, G. KriiB u. S. Oecono- mides, Ber. d. Deutsch. chem. Ges. 16, 1883, 2051 ; G. KriiB, Ber. d. Deutsch. chem. Ges. 1885, 18, 3426 ; Zeitschr. f. phys. Chem. 1888, 2, 312 ; Ber. d. Deutsch. chem. Ges. 1889, 22, 2065. 227, H. W. Vogel, Berl. Akad. Ber. 1887, 715. 228, E. Koch, Wied. Ann. 1887, 32, 167. 229, Zelter, D. R. P. Nr. 228 of 2. Juli 1877 ; Dingl. Polyt. Journ. 1878, 230, 500. 230, Hoffmann, Engl. Pat. No. 3737 of 9. Oktober 1877. 231, J. Philipp, Liebigs Ann. 1876, 184, 151. 232, Gmelin, Schweigg. Jahrb. d. Chem. u. Phys. 1828, 24, 364. 233, R. Hoffmann, Liebigs Ann. 1874, 194, 10. 234, Heumann, Liebigs Ann. 1879, 199, 263. 235, J. Philipp, Liebigs Ann. 1876, 184, 132. 236, Szilasi, Liebigs Ann. 251, 97. 237, Heumann, ibid. 199, 253. 238, Knapp u. Ebell, Dingl. Polyt. Journ. 1878, 229, 76. 239, Gmelin, Schweigg. Jahrb. d. Chem. u. Phys. 1828, 24, 364. 240, C. Stolzel, Liebigs Ann. 1856, 97, 35. 241, Eisner, Journ. f. prakt. Chem. 1841, 24, 393. 242, Guckelberger, Liebigs Ann. 1882, 213, 208. 243, Ritter, Dissert., Gottingen 1860, 50. 244, R. Hoffmann, Ultramarin, Braunschweig 1902. 245, Gmelin, Schweigg. Jahrb. d. Chem. u. Phys. 1828, 24, 360. 246, Breunlin, Liebigs Ann. 1856, 97, 297. 247, Eisner, Journ. f. prakt. Chem. 24, 384. 248, Krebler, ibid. 26, 106. 249, Guy ton Morveau, Ann. d. Chem. 34, 54. 250, Priickner, Journ. f. prakt. Chem. 23, 257. 251, Varrentrapp, Pogg. Ann. 1840, 49, 521. 252, Brunner, Dingl. Polyt. Journ. 100, 266. 253, Unger, Ber. d. Deutsch. chem. Ges. 5, 17. 254, Biichner, ibid. 7, 989. 255, Stein, Journ. f. prakt. Chem. 1871, in, 38. 256, Rohland, Zeitschr. f. angew. Chem. 1904, Heft 19. 257, Ritter, 1. c. 258, Hoffmann, I. c. ; Liebigs Ann. 1878, 194. 259, Hoffmann, Ultramarin, Braunschweig 1902, 136. 260, Hoffmann. 1. c. 261, R. Hoffmann, Reports by the Jury of the Exhibition, London 1863, 71, and Notizen fur die Jury der Weltausstellung zu Wien 1873 ; Wagners Jahrb. 1873, 377 et seq. 262, cf. Wagners Jahrb. d. Chem. Technol. 1873, 19, 377 et seq. 263, J. Philipp, Annal. d. Chem. 1876, 184, 132. 264, Szilasi, I. c. 265, Heumann, L c. 266, Guckel- berger, I. c. 267, cf. Guckelberger, I. c. p. 183. 268, Guckelberger, I. c. p. 187. 269, R. Hoffmann, Liebigs Ann. 1878, 194, 1. 270, Vicat, cf. A. W. Hoffmann, Amtl. Ber. d. Wien. Ausst. 1873, 3, Abt. I, 583 ; Ann. chim. et phys. 1818, 5, 387. 271, Fuchs, Gesammelte Schriften, Miinchen 1829, 113. 272, Pettenkofer, Dammer, Handb. d. Chem. Technologie, Bd. 1, 1895, p. 696. 273, Feichtinger, Bayer. Kunst- u. GewerbebL 1858, 69. 274, Winkler, Dingl. Polyt. Journ. 152, 109 ; 154, 57. 275, Feichtinger, Dingl. Polyt. Journ. 174, 437. 276, Winkler, Journ. f. prakt. Chem. 1856, 461. 277, Richter, Zur Kenntnis des Portlandzements, Tonind.-Ztg. 1903, Nr. 20. 278, Fremy, Compt. rend. 67, 1205. Reagents used for proving the presence of free lime in clinker are, I. Water: Winkler, Chem. Centralbl. 1858, 482 ; Le Chatelier, Bull, de la soc. chim. 41, 377 ; Levoir, Rec. des trav. chim. des Pays-Bas. 1886, 59 ; Zulkowsky, Chem. Ind. 1901, 290 ; 2. Water-}- carbonic acid : Feichtinger, Dingl. Polyt. Journ. 174, 437 ; Winkler, Chem. Centralbl. 1858, 482 ; Levoir, 1. c. 1886, 59 ; 3. Dilute acids : Fremy, Compt. rend. 67, 1205 ; Schott, Dingl. Polyt. Journ. 202, 434 ; Laudrin, Compt. rend. 96, 156, 379, 332 BIBLIOGRAPHY 841, 1229 ; Hauenschild, Tonind.-Ztg. 1895, 239 ; Zulkowsky, Tonind.-Ztg. 1898, 285 ; 4. Lime-water: Laudrin, Compt. rend. 96, 156, 379, 841, 1229 ; Le Chatelier, Bull, de la soc. chim. 41, 377 ; 5. Sodium Carbonate : Feichtinger, Bayer. Kunst- u. Gewerbebl. 1858, 69 ; Schott, Dingl. Polyt. Journ. 202, 434 ; 6. Potassium Carbonate : Oddou. Manselle, Gaz. ital. 25, 101 ; Feichtinger, Bayer. Kunst- u. Gewerbebl. 1858, 69 ; 7. Ammonium Carbonate : Feichtinger, ibid. ; 8. Ammonium Chloride : Knapp, Dingl. Polyt. Journ. 265, 184 ; Tomei, Tonind.-Ztg. 1895, 177, Hauenschild, Tonind. Ztg. 1895, 239 ; Wormser, Tonind.-Ztg. 1900 ; 9. Ammonium Hydroxide : Tomei, Tonind.-Ztg. 1895, 177 ; 10. Ammonium Acetate : Tomei, ibid. ; 11. Ammonium Oxalate : Wormser, Tonind.-Ztg. 1900 ; 12. Sodium Hydroxide : Hardt, Tonind.-Ztg. 1900, 1674 ; 13. Magnesium Chloride : Knapp, Dingl. Polyt. Journ. 265, 184 ; 14. Calcium Chloride : Levoir, Rec. des trav. chim. des Pays-Bas 1885, 55 ; 15. Sulphuretted Hydrogen : Steuer, Tonind.-Ztg. 1899, 1604 ; 16. HCl in Alkalies : Feichtinger, Dingl. Polyt. Journ. 174, 437 ; 17. Iodine and Bromine in Alkalies : Hardt, Dingl. Polyt. Journ. 175, 208 ; 18. NH^Cl in Alkalies : Michel, Journ. f. prakt. Chem. 33, 548; 19. NH^NO 3 in Alkalies: Winkler, Dingl. Polyt. Journ. J75, 208 ; 20. Mg(NO s ) 2 in Alkalies : Zulkowsky, Zeitschr. d. niederosterreich. Ingenieurvereins 1863 ; 21. AIC1 5 in Alkalies : Wormser u. Spanjer, Tonind.-Ztg. 1899, 1785 ; 22. Water-glass : Heldt, Journ. f. prakt. Chem. 94, 129 ; 23. Glycerin : Hardt, Tonind.-Ztg. 1900, 1674 ; 24. Sugar solution : Heldt, Journ. f. prakt. Chem. 94, 129 ; Levoir, Rec. des trav. chim. des Pays-Bas 1886, 59 ; Parsons, Deutsche Topfer- u. Ziegler-Ztg. 1888, 585 ; Masson, Journ. Amer. Chem. Soc. 16, 733 ; Rebbufat, Tonind.-Ztg. 1899, 782, 823, 883, 900 ; 25. Ox-blood : Mason, Journ. Amer. Chem. Soc. 16, 733. 279, Sehuliatschenko, Dingl. Polyt. Journ. 194, 355. 280, Michaelis, Tonind.-Ztg. 1900, 860. 281, Jordis u. Kanter, Zeitschr. f. angew. Chem. 1903, 462-8, 485-92 ; Hardt, Tonind.-Ztg. 1900, 1674. 282, Jordis u. Kanter, I. c. 283, Heldt, Studien iiber die Zemente, Journ. f. prakt. Chem. 1865, 207. 284, Sehuliatschenko, Tonind.-Ztg. 1901, 25, 1050, 1053. 284a, The cause of setting is said to be the formation of aluminates, and that of hardening to be the production of certain silicates, by Michel, Journ. f. prakt. Chem. 1886, 33, 548 ; A. Meyer, Bull. Boucarest 1901, Nr. 6. On harden- ing, the following silicates are formed : 1. CaO SiO 2 H 2 O according to Le Chatelier, Bull, de la soc. chim. 1885, 42, 82 ; Jex, Tonind.-Ztg. 1900, 1856-1919 ; A. Meyer, Bull. Boucarest 1901, Nr. 6 ; Zulkowski, Broschiire 1901 ; 2. 4 CaO 3 SiO 2 H 2 O according to Laudrin, Compt. rend. 1883, 96, 156, 379, 841, 1229 ; 3. 5 CaO 3 SiO 2 H 2 O according to Michaelis, Journ. f. prakt. Chem. 100, 257,-303 ; 4. 3 CaO 2 SiO a H 2 O according to Michaelis, Verhandl. d. Vereins zur Bef order, d. Gewerbefl. 1896, 317 ; 5. 2 CaO SiO 2 H 2 O according to Rebbufat, Tonind.-Ztg. 1899, 782, 823, 853, 1900 ; A. Meyer, Bull. Boucarest 1901, Nr. 6 ; Erdmenger, Chem.-Ztg. 1893, 982 ; 6. 3 CaO SiO 2 H 2 O according to Rivot & Chatoney, Compt. rend. 1856, 153, 302, 785 ; 7. SiO 2 H 2 O according to Kuhlmann, Compt. rend., Mai 1841 ; 8. The formation of calcium hydrosilicates was assumed by Berthier, Ann. chim. et phys. 22, 62 ; Fremy, Compt. rend. 60, 993 ; Lieven, Archiv. f . d. Naturk. v. Livland, Estland, u. Kurland 1864, 4, 45 ; Michaelis, Topfer- u. Ziegler-Zgt. 1880, 194 ; 9. A mixture of basic, neutral and acid silicates was assumed by Heldt, Journ. f. prakt. Chem. 1865, 94, 124-61 ; 10. The formation of silicates without any statement as to their formulae was assumed by Vicat & John, Ann. chim. et phys. 5, 387 ; Feichtinger, Bayer. Kunst- u. Gewerbebl. 1858, 69 ; Winkler, Chem. Centralbl. 1858, 482 et seq. 284b, Jordis. u. Kanter, Zeitschr. f. angew. Chem. 1903, 462-8, 485-92. 285, Le Chatelier, Compt. rend. 94, 867 ; Bull, de la soc. chim. 41, 377 ; 42, 82. 286, Newberry, Tonind.-Ztg. 1898, 879. 287, Kosmann. Tonind.-Ztg. 1902, 1895 ; 1895, 237. 288, Jex, Tonind.- Ztg. 1886, 1919 ; 1900, 1856. 289, Erdmenger, Tonind.-Ztg. 1879, Nr. 1, 19, 20, 49 ; Chem.-Ztg. 1893, 982 ; Dingl. Polyt. Journ. 218, 507. 290, Hardt, Tonind.-Ztg. 1900, 1674. 291, Schonaich-Carolath, Chem. Centralbl. 1866, 1062. 292, Schott, Dingl. Polyt. Journ. 202, 434. 293, Zsigmondy, Chem. Centralbl. 94, 1064. 294, Meyer- Mahlstatt, Protok. d. Vereins d. Portlandzem.-Fabr. 1901. 295, Rohland, Zur Frage iiber die Konstitut. d. Portlandzem., Zeitschr. f. Baumaterialienkunde, Nr. 6, 1901, 20. For further information on Constitution of Clinkers see Fremy, Compt. rend. 60, 993 ; Sehuliatschenko, Dingl. Polyt. Journ. 194, 355 ; Michel, Journ. f. prakt. Chem. 93, 548 ; TSrnebohm, Kongr. d. internation. Verb. f. Materialpr., Stockholm 1897 ; Rebbufat, Gaz. chim. ital. 28, Teil II ; Zulkowski, Chem. Ind. 1901, 290 ; Leduc, Sur la Dissociation des produits hydraul., Sept. 1901 ; Rivot u. Chatoney, Compt. rend. 153, 302, 785; A. Meyer, Bull. Boucar. 1901, Nr. 6; Tonind.-Ztg. 1902, 1895; Ludwig, Tonind.-Ztg. 1901, 2084; Richardson, Tonind.-Ztg. 1902,. 1928; Michaelia, Versamml. d. Vereins d. Portlandzem.-Fabr. 1903 ; Winkler, Journ. f. prakt. Chem. 67, 444 ; Dingl. Polyt. Journ. 775, 208 ; Heldt, Journ. f. prakt. Chem. 94, 129, 202-37 ; BIBLIOGRAPHY 333 Laudrin, Compt. rend. 96, 156, 379, 841, 1229 ; Foy, Ann. ind. 1887, 90. 296, Le Chatelier, Compt. rend. 94, 867. 297, Tornebohm, Kongr. des internation. Verb. f. Materialienpr., Stockholm 1897. 298, Richardson, Baumaterialienk, 1903, Heft 11, 150 ; Tonind.-Ztg. 1903, Nr. 58. For further information on the use of the microscope in the study of the constitution of Portland cement see W. Michaelis, Der ErhartungsprozeB der kalkhaltigen hydraul. Bindemittel, Dresden 1909, also Keisermann, Der Port- landzement, seine Hydratbildung und Konstitution, Kolloidchemische Beihefte. Bd. I, 1910, Keisermann endeavoured to ascertain the constitution of Portland cement by microscopical crystallographic methods with the aid of aniline dyes as selective staining agents. He concluded that clinker is probably a conglomerate of dicalcium silicate and tricalcuim aluminate in the proportion of 4 (2 CaO SiO 2 ) + 3 CaO A1 2 O 3 . Keisermann (1. c.) and O. Schmidt (Der Portlandzement, Stuttgart 1906, 29) state that there are now in existence about 28 theories of the constitution and hydratisation of cements. 299, Schott, 1. c. 300, Zulkowski, Zur Erhartungstheorie d. natiirl. u. kunstl. hydraul. Kalkes, Berlin 1898, 45 ; Sonderabdr. a. d. Zeitschr. Chem. Ind. 1898. 301, Lunge, Tonind.- Ztg. 1900, 763-5 ; Zeitschr. f. angew. Chem. 1900, 409. 302, Schott, I. c. 303, Michaelis, Die hydraulischen Mfirtel 1869, 193. 303a, Theories of the process of burning have been published by Knipp (On burning the cohesion of the silica is reduced), Osterr. Zeitschr. f. Berg- u. Hiittenwesen 1865, Nr. 40 u. 41 ; Mann (Burning draws the smallest particles close together), Tonind.-Ztg. 1877, Nr. 26 u. 30; Michaelis (Burning produces a state of physical tension in the molecule), Journal f. prakt. Chem. 100, 257-303 ; Erdmenger (E. considered this state of tension to be partly chemical), Tonind.-Ztg. 1878, 232, 250, 259, 378. Theories respecting the cause of " dead-burned " cement have been published by : Fremy, Pettenkofer, Schonaich-Carolath who attributed it to the formation of a silicate, Chem. Centralbl. 1866, 1062 ; Vicat and many others attribute it to the production of a fluid (molten) material, Ann. chim. et phys. 1820 ; Michaelis has shown by experi- ments, that Vicat's view is erroneous, Tonind.-Ztg. 1892, 124, 403 ; Schuliatschenko attributed this phenomenon to physical causes, Chem. News 1869, 190 ; Hewett to an allotropic modification of normal cement, Tonid.-Ztg. 1899, 211 et seq. 303b, The follow- ing papers have been published on slag cements : Eisner, Dingl. Polyt. Journ. 106, 32 ; Ott, ibid. 208, 57 ; Huck, Polyt. Centralbl. 1870, 778 ; Pelouze and Fremy, Berg- u. Hiittenm. Ztg. 1872, 335 ; Bodner, ibid. 1874, 262 ; Wood, ibid. 1878, 432 ; Bosse, Tonind.-Ztg. 1885, Nr. 41 ; 1886, Nr. 9 ; Manske, Zeitschr. d. Vereins d. Ing. 1885, 921 ; Herrmann, Deutsche Topfer- u. Zeigler-Ztg. 1886, Nr. 5 ; Schumann, Deutsche Bauztg. 1886, 4 ; Tonind.-Ztg. 1886, Nr. 5 ; Farinaux, Tonind.-Ztg. 1886, Nr. 18-20 ; Stahl u. Eisen 1886, Nr. 1 ; Ausfiihrl. iiber Schlackenz. nach Tetmajer in Tonind.-Ztg. 1885, Nr. 36 ; 1886, Nr. 22 and Deutsche Topfer- u. Ziegler-Ztg. 1887, Nr. 26 ; Knapp, Dingl. Polyt. Journ. 265, 184 et seq. 304, Jantzen, Tonind.-Ztg. 1903, Nr. 32. 305, Lunge, I. c. 305a, Theories of hardening : i. Physical reactions (crystallisations) the cause of setting, according to Wolters, Dingl. Polyt. Journ. 1874, 214, 392 ; Le Chatelier, Bull, de la soc. chim. 1885, 42, 82 ; Tonind.-Ztg. 1892, 1032 ; Levoir, Rec. des trav. chim. des Pays-Bas 1886, 59 ; Erdmenger, Chem.-Ztg. 1893, 982 ; Rebbufat, Tonind.-Ztg. 1899, 782, 823, 853, 900. 2. The solidification or coagulation of the colloids produced on mixing the cement with water is the cause of setting according to Hauerschild, Wochenschr. d. niederosterr. Gew. -Vereins 1881, 271. 3. Erdmenger has suggested that the dis- integrated lime forces the gelatinous material, produced by the action of water, into the pores or voids and so causes the hardening of the mass, Tonind.-Ztg. 1881, 782, 823, 883, 900. 4. Hardening is attributed to drying by Heldt, Journ. f. prakt. Chem. 1865, 94, 124-61 ; Erdmenger, Tonind.-Ztg. 1880, Nr. 1, 42. 305b, A hydration of the com- pounds occurring in clinker is said to occur, by Fuchs, Gesammelte Schriften, Miinchen 1829, 113 ; Knau6, Wiirttemb. Gewerbeblatt 1855, Nr. 4 ; Rivot u. Chatoney, Compt. rend. 153, 302, 785 ; Schuliatschenko, Chem. News 1869, 190 ; Knapp. Dingl. Polyt. Journ. 1887, 265, 184 ; Perrodil, Dingl. Polyt. Journ. 1885, 255, 76 ; Le Chatelier, Bull, de la soc. chim. 1885, 42, 82 ; Zulkowsky, I. c. 300, Knapp, Dingl. Polyt. Journ. 1871, 202, 524. 307, cf. Knapp, ibid. p. 573. 308, ibid. p. 518. 309, Richter, Zur Konstit. der Portlandz. Tonind.-Ztg. 1903, Nr. 120. 310, Michaelis, Die hydraul. M6rtel, p. 577. 311, Winkler, Journ. f. prakt. Chem. 1856, 67, 444. 312, Winkler, I.e. 313, Heldt, Journ. f. prakt. Chem. 1865, 94, 129. 314, Fuchs, I. c. 277. 315, Zulkowski, tfber den Wahren Grund der Erhartung der hydraulischen Bindemittel, Chem. Ind. 1898, 99 ; (see also 31 la). 316, Von Teicheck, Chem. Ind. 1901, 445. 317, Zulkowsky, Chem. Ind. 1901, 372. 318, Zulkowsky, Chem. Ind. 1898, 101. 319, Feichtinger, Dingl. Polyt. Journ. 1859, 40-61, 108-18. 319a, "Dber die quantitative Bestimmung des freien Kalkhydrats im erharteten Zement N. Ljamin, Tonind.-Ztg. 1899, 230 ; Schuliats- chenko, Uber das Calciumhydrat in dem erharteten Portlandzement, Verhandl. 334 BIBLIOGRAPHY d. Vereins Deutsch. Portlandzem.-Fabr. 1899 of 23. and 24. Febr. ; Jahresber. d. chem. Techn. 1898, 44, 727. 320, Michaelis, 1. c. 321, Feichtinger, I. c. 322, Ostwald, Rigasche Ind.-Ztg. 1883 ; Fischer, Handb. d. Technol. 1893, 829 et seq. The development of heat by cement during hardening has also been shown by Hardt u. Meyer, Tonind.-Ztg. 1895 ; Hardt, Tonind.-Ztg. 1901, 1157. 323, Feich- tinger, Dingl. Polyt. Journ. 1859, 57. 324, Feichtinger, ibid. 40-61, 108-18. 325, Schott, Studien iiber den Portlandzement, Dingl. Polyt. Journ. 1871, 202, 436-40. 326, Schott, I. c. 327, Fremy, Compt. rend. 67, 1205. 328, Zulkowsky, Sonderabdr. 1898, 49. 329, Schott, I.e. 330, Schuliatschenko, Ber. der Meerwasserkommiss., Tonind.-Ztg. 1903, 1227. 331, Memoires ayant trait aux proprietes des cimenta, Paris 1890. 332, Michaelis, Tonind.-Ztg. 1892, 115 ; Deutsche Topfer- u. Ziegler-Ztg. 1896, 329. 333, Schott, Protok. d. Vereins Deutsch. Portlandzem.-Fabr. 1893 u. 1894. 334, Le Chatelier, Tonind.-Ztg. 1901, 1281, 1332 ; 1902, 105. 335, Deval, Bull, de la Societe d'Encouragement 1900, Tonind.-Ztg. 1902, 913, 1081. 336, Rebbufat, R. Ace. d. Science di Napoli 1896 ; Tonind.-Ztg. 1901, 270 u. 1335 ; 1902, 1793. 337, Schifmer, Tonind.-Ztg. 1903, 1943. 338, cf. Sanderson, Dental Record, February, 1908. 339, Das Phenakit im Vergleich zu Asche's kunstlichem Zahnschmelz, Berl. zahnarztl. Halbmonatsschr. 1908, Nr. 18. 340, Morgenstern, Osterr.-Ungar. Viertel- jahrschr. f. Zahnheilk. 1905, H. 1, p. 515. 341, Miller, Lehrbuch der konservierenden Zahnheilkunde, published by Dieck, Leipzig 1908, 25. 342, Dreschfeld, Chemistry of Translucent Cement, Brit. Dent. Journ. 1907, 1061 ; Deutsche zahnarztl. Ztg. 1908, Nr. 207, 1. 343, Striimpel, Deutsche zahnarztl. Wochenschr. 1908, Nr. 46. 344, Robert Richter, Deutsche Monatsh. f. Zahnheilk. 1910, H. 6, p. 422. 345, Kulka, Osterr.-Ungar. Vierteljahrschr. f. Zahnheilk. 1907, Oktoberheft ; Deutsche zahnarztl. Ztg. 1909, Nos. 2 and 3. 346, Schreiber, Kritische Studien der jiingsten Arbeiten iiber Silicatzemente, Deutsche zahnarztl. Wochenschr. 1909, Nr. 3 ; Fortsetzunng der kritischen Studien der jiingsten Arbeiten iiber Silicatzemente, Deutsche zahnarztl. Wochenschr. 1909, Nos. 15 & 16. 347, Robert Richter, Weitere Erfahrungen und Versuche mit Silicatzementen, Deutsche Monatsh. f. Zahnheilk. 1910, H. 6, p. 414. 348, Rawitzer, Korrespondenzbl. f. Zahnarzte 1908, H. 4 ; Deutsche Monatsh. f . Zahn- heilk. 1909, H. 4. 349, Morgenstern, ZeitgemaBe Betrachtungen iiber Silicatzemente, Deutsche Monatsh. f. Zahnheilk. 1908, H. 4 ; Falsche Bahnen fur die Zementunter- suchung, Osterr. Zeitschr. f. Stomatol. 1908, Februarheft. 350, Schreiber, I. c. 351. Morgenstern, Osterr. Zeitschr. f. Stomatol. 1908, Februarheft, p. 33. 352, ibid. p. 35, 353, ibid. p. 35. 354, Schreiber, Kritische Studien, Deutsche zahnarztl. Wochenschr, 1909, Nr. 3. 355, Schreiber, ibid. 356, Kulka, Uber die Moglichkeit chemischer bzw., pathologischer Wirkungen von Zementf., Osterr.-Ungar. Vierteljahrschr. f. Zahnheilk. 1911, H. 1. 356a, Schreiber, Erwiderung auf Dr. Kulkas neue, chemische Experi- mentalstudien, Zahnarztl. Rundschau 1911, Nr. 21, p. 780. 357, Morgenstern, Vier- teljahrschr. f. Zahnheilk. 1905, 520. 358, Kulka, Deutsche zahnartztl. Ztg. 1908, Nr. 181, p. 4 ; Schreiber, Berl. zahnarztl. Halbmonatsschr. 1908, Nr. 18. 359, Jung, Die Zahnzemente, Zahnarztl. Rundschau 1904, Nos. 45 & 47. 360, Morgenstern, Untersuchung der Silicat- und Zinkphosphatzemente unter besonderer Beriicksich- tigung ihrer physikalischen Eigenschaften, Osterr.-Ungar. Vierteljahrschr. f. Zahnheilk. 1905, H. 1, p. 515. 361, Kulka, Deutsche zahnarztl. Ztg. 1909, Nos. 2 and 3. 362, Schreiber, Deutsche zahnarztl. Wochenschr. 1909, Nos. 15 and 16. 363, Rawitzer, I. c. 364, Apfelstadt, Deutsche zahnarztl. Wochenschr. 1906, Nr. 52. 365, Jung, I. c. 366, Korrespondenzbl. f. Zahnarzte 1881, 67 & 311. 367, Gans, Chem.-Ztg. 1907, Nr. 28 ; Jahrb. d. Kgl. Preub. geol. Landesanst. f. 1905, 26, 1 ; ibid. 1906, 27, 63 : a further paper by Seidler, criticising Gans' work is given in Zeitschr. f. angew. Chemie 1909, 1019. 368, cf. Siedler, Zeitschr. f. angew. Chemie 1909, 1019. 369, Hundeshagen, Zeitschr. f. angew. Chemie 1908, 2405. 370, cf. W. and D. Asch, Die Grundbedingungen zur Herstell. widerstandsfahiger Silicatfiill. Deutsche zahnarztl. Ztg. 1909, Nos. 16 and 17. 371, Jung, I. c. 372, Morgenstern, Osterr.-Ungar. Vierteljahrschr. f. Zahnheilk. 1905, H. 1, p. 535. 373, Wege, Zur Frage betreffend die Ursache des Absterbens der Pulpa unter Silicatzementen usw., Deutsche zahnarztl. Wochenschr. 1908, Nr. 39. 374, cf. Schreiber, 1. c. 375, cf. Scheffs Handb. d. Zahnheilk. 1909, 2, 110. 376, Miller, Handb. d. konserv. Zahnheilk. 1909, 61. 377, Black, Millers Handb. 2, 110. 378, Schreiber, tiber giftige und giftlose Phosphat- und Silicatzemente, Deutsche zahnarztl. Wochen- schr. 1910, Nr. 1. 379, P. Ehrlich, Uber den jetzigen Stand der Chemotherapie. Vortrag, gehalten vor der Deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft am 31. Oktober 1908, Berichte d. Deutsch. chem. Gesellschaft 1909, I, 21. 380, cf. P. Ehrlich, I. c. 21. 381, cf. Goldberg, Centralbl. f. Bakt. u. Parasitenkde. 1899, 25, 547. 382, E. Behring u. A. Knorr, Zeitschr. f. Hyg. 1893, 13, 407. 383, A. Knorr, Munch, med. Wochenschr. 1898, 8, 12. 384, Bornstein, Centralbl. f. Bakt. u. Parasitenkde. 1898, 23, 785. 385, BIBLIOGRAPHY 335 de Croly, Arch. Sc. biol. St. Petersburg 1898, 6, 189. 386, Behring, Deutsche med. Wochenschr. 1898, 181. 387, Metschnikoff, Annales de 1'Inst. Pasteur 1897, n, 801 ; 1898, 12, 81, 233. 388, Azakawa, Die Basis der natiirlichen Immunisierung des Huhnes gegen Tetanus, Centralbl. f. Bakt. u. Parasitenkde. 1898, 24, 166 & 334. 389, Fernis u. Pernossi, Uber das Tetanusgift, Zeitschr. f. Hyg. 1894, 16, 385. 390, cf. auch P. Ehrlich, 1. c. 21. 391, cf. P. Ehrlich, Toxine und Antitoxine, Munch, med. Wochenschr. 1903, Nos. 33 and 34 ; Uber die Konstitution der Diphtheriegifte, Deutsche med. Wochenschr. 1898, 598 ; Zur Kenntnis der Antitoxin wirkung, Fortschr. d. Medizin 1897, Nr. 3 ; Gesellsch. d. Charitearzte, Sitzungsber. J, 11 ; Berl. klin. Wochenschr. 1898, Nr. 2. 392, cf. Fischer, Handb. d. chem. Technol. 1893, 1015. 393, cf. Emil Fischer, Untersuchungen iiber Aminosauren, Polypeptide und Proteine 1899-1906, Berlin 1906, Verl. Julius Springer. 394, cf. O. Cohnheim, Uber das Salzsaurever- bindungsvermogen der Albumosen und Peptone, Zeitschr. f. Biol. 1896, 33, 489 ; St. Bugarsky u. L. Liebermann, Uber das BindungsvermSgen eiweiBartiger Korper usw., Archiv. f. d. ges. Physiol. 1898, 72, 51 ; K. Spiro u. W. Pemsel, Ueber Basen und Saure- kapazitat des Blutes und der Eiweifikorper, Zeitschr. f. physikal. Chemie 1898, 26, 233 etc. 395, cf. Fischer, Handb. d. chem. Technol. 1893, 1013. 396, Annalen d. Chemie 1887, 240 & 245. 397, Berichte d. Deutsch. chem. Gesellschaft 1901, 34, 2299 ; 1902, 35, 1782. 398, ibid. 1902, 35, 230; 1903, 36, 2914. 399, ibid. 1904, 37, 1171. 400, ibid. 1901, 34, 1026 & 1031. 401, Fischer, Handb. d. chem. Technol. 1017. 402, Levy, Zeitschr. f. physikal. Chemie 1899, 232. 403, Zeitschr. f. physikal. Chemie 1899, 248. 404, Ostwald, Lehrb. d. allgem. Chemie 1903, 2, 770. 405, Wied. Annalen d. Phys. u. Chem. 1891, 43, 775. 406, Nernst, Theoret. Chemie, Stuttgart 1893, 284. 407, Nernst, 1. c. 408, P. Glan, Wied. Annalen d. Phys. u. Chem. 1878, 65. 409, H. W. Vogel, Monatsber. d. Berl. Akad. d. Wissensch. 1878, 409. 410, Knoblauch, L c. 411, Abegg, Handb. d. anorg. Chemie 2, 566. 412, cf. Abegg. I.e. 413, cf. Nernst, Theoret. Chemie 1893, 433. 414, H. Levy, Zeitschr. f. physikal. Chemie 1899, 213. 415, H. Levy, L c. 416, cf. Nernst, I. c. 435. 417, cf. Selowsky, Deutsche zahnarztl. Wochenschr. 1905, 445. 418, Hentze, ibid. 1906, 895. 419, Sachs, Deutsche Monatsh. f. Zahnheilk. 1907, 171. 420, Bruck, ibid. 1907, 74. 421, Detzner, Deutsche zahnarztl. Wochenschr. 1906, 87. 422, Scheuer, Zeitschr. f. Stomatol. 1907, 212. 423, Escher, Deutsche zahnarztl. Wochenschr. 1908, 738. 424, Heinsheimer, ibid. 1906, 609 & 690. 425, Silbermann, ibid. 1906, 692. 426, Reissner, ibid. 1906, 709. 427, Schreiber, Berl. zahnarztl. Halbmonatsschr. 1908, Nr. 18. 428, Baldus, ibid. 1909, 460. 429, ibid. 1909, 261. 430, Marx, ibid. 413. 431, Horstmann, ibid. 432, Schulte, ibid. 433, Gerhardt-Leipzig, ibid. 460. 434, Wild, ibid. 435, Albrecht, ibid. 634. 436, Peckert, ibid. 437, Stein-Mannheim, ibid. 438, Gunzert, ibid. 439, Port, ibid. 440, Feiler, Ber. a. d. konserv. Abt. d. zahnarztl. Inst. d. kgl. Univ. Breslau, unter Leitung von Prof. W. Bruck, Deutsche Monatsh. f. Zahnheilk. 1910, H. 6, p. 437. 441, Schreiber, Uber giftige und giftlose Phosphat- und Silicatzemente, Deutsche zahnarztl. Wochenschr. 1910, Nr. 1. 442, Freund-Breslau, ibid. 1908, Nr. 24. 443, Freund, ibid. 1909, Nr. 17. 444, Lartschneider, Osterr.-Ungar. Viertel- jahrschr. f. Zahnheilk. 1907, H. 3, p. 412. 445, Rob. Richter, Zahnarztl. Rundschau 1909, Nr. 27. 446, Schreiber, Deutsche zahnarztl. Wochenschr. 1910, Nr. 1. 447, A. Masur, ibid. 1905, 282. 448, Reissner, ibid. 1906, 709. 449, Silbermann, ibid. 1906, 692. 450, Kulka, ibid. 1906, 801. 451, Miller, Lehrb. d. konserv. Zahnheilk., 4. Aufl. 452, Kreis, Faesch, Schweizer Vierteljahrschr. f. Zahnheilk. 1905, H. 1. 453, Otto- lengui, Dental Review 1903. 454, Feiler, 1. c. 443. 455, Pawel, Deutsche Monatsch. f. Zahnheilk. 1909, 277. 456, Biel, Deutsche zahnarztl. Wochenschr. 457, Hentze, ibid. 1906, 895. 458, Sachs, Deutsche Monatsh. f. Zahnheilk. 1907, 181 ; Scheffs Handb. 2, 1, 480. 459, Bruck, Deutsche Monatsh. f. Zahnheilk. 1907, 74. 460, Apfelstadt, Deutsche zahnarztl. Wochenschr. 1906, 103 ; Deutsche Monatsh. f. Zahn- heilk. 1909. 461, Schreiber, Berl. zahnarztl. Halbmonatsschr. 1908, Nr. 18 ; Deutsche zahnarztl. Wochenschr. 1909, Nr. 3 ; ibid. Nos. 15 & 16 ; Z. R. 1910, Nr. 1 et seq. 462, Wege, Deutsche zahnarztl. Wochenschr. 1908, Nr. 39. 463, Schachtel, Deutsche zahnarztl. Wochenschr. 1908, Nr. 33. 464, Lartschneider, I.e. 411. 465, Albrecht, Deutsche zahnarztl. Wochenschr. 1909, Nr. 31. 466, Heinsheimer, Deutsche zahnarztl. Wochenschr. 1909, 609. 467, Pfaff, Die Zahnheilkunde in ihren Beziehungen zu den Naturwissenschaften. 468, Greve, Zur Chemie der Silicatzemente 1906, 823. 469, W. and D. Asch, Wie miissen Silicatzemente zusammengesetzt sein, daB ein Absterben der Pulpa unter ihnen vollkommen ausgeschlossen ist ? Deutsche zahnarztl. Wochen- schr. 1908, Nr. 10. 470, Oppler, Berl. zahnarztl. Halbmonatsschr. 1908, Nr. 12. 471, Wege, Zur Frage betreffend die Ursache des Absterbens der Pulpa unter Silicatzementen, sowie einige Worte iiber Phenakit, Deutsche zahnarztl. Wochenschr. 1908, Nr. 39. 472, Sohachtel, Zum Thema " Silicatzemente," ibid. 1908, Nr. 33. 473, Schreiber, 336 BIBLIOGRAPHY L c. 474, Baldus, Deutsche zahnarztl. Wochenschr. 1909, Nr. 20. 475, cf. Fischer, Handb. d. chem. Technol. 1893, 734. 476, ibid. I. c. 477, ibid. 1. c. 478, O. Schott, tiber das Eindringen von Wasser in die Glasoberflache, Zeitschr. f. Instrumentenkde. 1889, 9, 86. 479, cf. Sitzungsber. d. Ver. z. Beforderung d. Gewerbefleifies 1888, 177. 480, ibid. 481, Schott, ibid. 1887 (4th December) ; Sprechsaal 1888, 125. 482, Forster, tTber die Einwirkung von Sauren auf Glas, Unters, a. d. phys. techn. Reichsanst. Zeitschr. f. angew. Chemie 1893, 33, 299. 483, Kohlrausch, Annalen d. Physiol. u, Chem. 1891, N. F. 44, 577-622. 484, Marignac, Compt. rend, de 1'Acad. des Sc. 55, 888 et seq. 485, W. Asch, Dissert., Berlin 1901. 486, see also a theory of the radiation from incandescent mantles by Foix, Compt. rend, de 1'Acad. des Sc. 145, 461-3. 487, Maumene, Dingl. Polyt. Journ. 1870, 795, 267. 488, F. Fischer, Handb. d. chem. Technol. 1893, 795. 489, Seger, Gesammelte Schriften. 490, cf. Seger, I. c. 491, Oppenheim, Dissert., Berlin 1900. 492, Soenderop, Dissert., Berlin 1899. 493, cf. Kohlschiitter, Zur Konstitution anorganischer Verbindungen, Habilitationsschr., Munchen 1902, 91. 494, Erlenmeyer, Lehrb. d. organ. Chemie 1867, 142. 495, Friedel, Compt. rend, de 1'Acad. des Sc. 104, 495. 496, Blomstrand, Chemie der Jetztzeit 1869. 497, Jorgensen, Journ. f. prakt. Chemie 2, 41, 42 & 45 ; Zeitschr. f. anorgan. Chemie 4, 5, 7, n, 13 et seq. 498, Remsen, Amer. Chem. Journ. n. 499, cf. Kohlschiitter, I. c. 16. 500, A. Werner, Zeitschr. f. anorgan. Chemie 3, 8, 9, 14, et seq. ; Lehrb. d. Stereo- chemie, Jena 1904 etc. 501, Werner, Lehrb. d. Stereochemie 318. 502, Thomsen, Thermochemische Untersuchungen, Leipzig 1883, 3, 181. 503, Paternos, Berichte d. Deutsch. chem. Gesellschaft 1888, 21, 3180. 504, Eykmann, Zeitschr. f. physikal. Chemie 1889, 4, 510. 505, Walkers, Zeitschr. f. physikal. Chemie 1890, 5, 194. 506, Zeitschr. f. physikal. Chemie 1900, 15, 981. 507, Kohlrausch u. Heydweiller, Wied. An- nalen d. Phys. u. Chem. 53, 209. 508, H. Ley, Zeitschr. f. physikal. Chemie 1889, 250. 509, H. Ley, 1. c. 510, cf. Hintze, Handb. d. Mineralogie 1827 ; Groth, Tabellarische Uber- sicht 1889, 102. 511, 0. Kuntze, Amer. Journ. Sc. 1899, 8, 119-21; Zeitschr. f. Krystallogr. u. Mineralog. 34, 201. 512, Van Cleef, Journ. f. Chem. u. Pharm. 23, 58. 513, Recoura, Bulletin de la Soc. chim. 17, 934 on ; Revue scientifique 1896, 6, 65 ; Jahresber. lib. d. Fortschr. d. Chemie usw. 1898, 887 et seq. 514, Whitney, Zeitschr. f. physikal. Chemie 1896, 20, 40-67. 515, R6lig, Dissert., Munchen 1898. 516, Papier-Ztg. 1891, 16, 2126. 517, Gittelson, Dissert., Berlin 1899. 518, Nernst, Theoret. Chemie, Stuttgart 1893, 370. 519, cf. Zeitschr. f. physikal. Chemie 1887, 481. 520, cf. Men- delejeff, Zeitschr. f. physikal. Chemie 1887, I, 273 ; Pickering, ibid. 1890, 6, 10 ; Graham Annalen d. Chemie u. Pharmazie 123, 90 ; Pfeiffer, Wied. Annalen d. Phys. u. Chem. 1885, 25, 240. 521, A. Werner, tTber den Zustand der Metallsalze in wasseriger Losung, Zeitschr. f. anorgan. Chemie 1893, 3, 294 ; Neue Anschauungen auf dem Gebiete der anorganischen Chemie, Braunschweig 1905 ; Zur Theorie der Basen, Berichte d. Deutsch. chem. Gesellschaft 1907, 40, 4133. 522, Abegg u. Bodlander, Die Elektro- affinitat, ein neues Prinzip der chemischen Systematik, Zeitschr. f. anorgan. Chemie 1899, 20, 453 ; Die Valenz und das periodische System, Versuch einer Theorie der Molekularverbindungen, ibid. 1904, 39, 330 ; "tfber Komplexsalze, Zeitschr. f. Elektro- chemie 1899, 5, 1. 523, Euler, Arkiv f. Kemi och Mineral. K. Svensk. Vetensk. Akad. Stockholm 1904, i, 203. 524, Hantzsch, Zeits. f. physikal. Chemie 1907, 61, 307. 525, Lowry, An Application to Electrolytes of the Hydrate Theory of Solutions, Trans. Farad. Soc. 1905, 2, 197. 526, Tournier d'Albe, The Application of the Electron Theory to Electrolysis, Chem. News 1907, 95, 28 ; Engineering 1907, 83, 87. 527, cf. E. Baur, Von den Hydraten in wasseriger Losung, Ahrens Samml. 8, Nr. 12, 1903. 528, V. Kohlschiitter, Berichte d. Deutsch. chem. Gesellschaft 1904, 37, 1153-71. 529, Vaillant, Ann. chim. phys. 1903, 28, 213-92. 530, R. J. Caldwell, Proc. Roy. Soc. London 1906, 87, 290. 531, H. E. Armstrong & J. A. Watson, Proc. Roy. Soc. London 1907, 586. 532, E. H. Rennie, A. J. Higgin & W. F. Cooke, Journ. Chem. Soc. 1908, 93, 1162. 533, A. Werner, Zeitschr. f. anorgan. Chemie 1893, 3, 294. 534, Tammann, t)ber die Isomerie der Metaphosphate, Zeitschr. f. physikal. Chemie 1890, 123. 535, Gluhmann, Dissert., Berlin 1899. 536, Marignac, tlber die Niob-Verbindung, Annalen d. Chemie 1864, Suppl. 4, 273 ; tJber Tantalverbindungen, ibid. 350. 537, Hallopeau. Compt. rend, de 1'Acad. des Sc. 123, 180-2. 538, Bredig, Zeitschr. f. physikal. Chemie 1894, 13, 191. 539, Berthelot, Compt. rend, de 1'Acad. des Sc. 1880, 91, 191. 540, cf. Albrecht Rau, Die Grundlagen der modernen Chemie, eine historischphilosophische Analyse, Braunschweig 1877, H. 2, 391. 541, Rosenheim, Zeitschr. f. anorgan. Chemie 11, 175-222 & 225-48. 542, Buttlerow, Compt. rend, de 1'Acad. des Sc. 53, 145. 543, O. Low, Journ. f. prakt. Chemie 33, 321. 544, E. Fischer u. F. Passmore, Berichte d. Deutsch. chem. Gesellschaft 22, 1, 3591. 545, Kekule, Bulletin de la Soc. chim. 1865, 104 ; Annalen d. Chemie 137, 129 ; Lehrb. d. organ. Chemie 2, 493 etc. 546, V. Meyer, Die Thiophengruppe, 'Braunschweig 1888. 547, cf. J. Stark, Die Valenzlehre BIBLIOGRAPHY 337 auf atomisch-elektrischer Basis, Jahrb. d. Radioaktivitat u. Elektronik 1908, 5, 124. 548, Curie, Rev. gen. des sciences, 30. Jan. 1899. 549, Becquerel, Compt. rend, de 1'Acad. des Sc. 1901, 133, 977. 550, Rutbeford & Soddy, Phil. Mag. 1902, 4, 370. 551, H. Re, Compt. rend, de 1'Acad. des Sc. 1903, 136, 1393. 552, J. Stark, Jahrb. f. Radioaktivitat u. Elektronik 1904, 77. 553, Hantzsch, Zeitschr. f. physikal. Chemie 1910, 72, 362. 554, J. V. Braun, Neue Forschungen iiber den Weschsel der Valenz auf dem Gebiete der organischen Verbindungen, Jahrb. f . Radioaktivitat u. Elektronik 1904, 56. 555, Gomberg, Berichte d. Deutsch. chem. Gesellschaft 33, 3150 ; 34, 2726 ; 35, 1822, 2397, 3914 ; 36, 376, 3927 ; Amer. Chem. Journ. 25, 317. 556, Nef, Annalen d. Chemie 270, 276 ; 280, 291 ; 287, 265 ; 298, 202 ; 309, 126 ; 318, 137. 557, Schafer, Bedeutung der Absorption fur chemische Probleme, Jahrb. d. Radioaktivitat u. Elek- tronik 1910, 276. 558, Hantzsch, Berichte d. Deutsch. chem. Gesellschaft 1909, 42, 966. 559, Collie & Tickle, Journ. Chem. Soc. 75, 710. 560, Baeyer u. Villiger, Berichte d. Deutsch. chem. Gesellschaft 34, 2679, 3612 ; 35, 1201. 561, Werner, ibid. 34, 3300. 562, Kehrmann, ibid. 32, 2610 ; 34, 1623. 563, Gomberg, ibid. 34, 2730. 564, Walden. ibid. 34, 4185 ; 35, 1764. 565, Walker, ibid. 34, 4115. 566, Sackur, ibid. 35, 1242. 567, Cohen, ibid. 35, 2673. 568, Soddy, Journ. of the RCntgen Soc., February 1906 ; Jahrb. f. Radioaktivitat u. Elektronik 1906, 1-23. 569, Van't Hoff, Die Lage der Atome im Raume, Braunschweig 1877. 570, Le Bel, Bull. soc. chim. (2) 22, 337. 571, J. Wislicenus, Die raumliche Anordnung der Atome in organischen Molekiilen, Leipzig 1887, Tagebl. der Naturforscherversamml. in Wiesbaden 1887. 572, E. Fischer, Ber. d. Deutsch. chem. Gesellschaft 23, 2114 ; ibid. 24, 3997 et seq. 573, Ad. Baeyer, Ann. Chem. 246, 53 ; 248, 1 & 281 ; 250, 224 et seq. 574, Werner u. Hantzsch, Ber. d. Deutsch. chem. Gesellschaft 23, 1, 1243 ; 25, 1904 ; see also Werner, Zeitschr. f. anorg. Chemie 1893, 267 ; 1895, 153, 328 ; 1897, 21, 28 et seq. 575, Goldschmidt, Ber. d. Deutsch. chem. Gesellschaft 1890, 23, 2163 ; 1891, 24, 2547 ; 1892, 25, 2573. 576, E. v. Meyer, Geschichte der Chemie 1895, 308. 577, For further information on the subject of stereo-chemistry see A. Hantzsch, GrundriB der Stereochemie, Breslau 1893 ; Auwers, Die Entwickelung der Stereochemie, Heidelberg 1890 ; C. Bischoff, Handbuch der Stereochemie 1894 ; Werner, Lehrbuch der Stereochemie, Jena 1904. 578, A. Schrauf, Zeitschr. f. Krystallogr. 1894, 9, 265-77 ; ibid. 481-5 ; N. Jahrb. f. Mineral. 1886, J, 234. 579, Fock, Zeitschr. f. Krystallogr. 1892, 20, 76-84 & 434-44. 580, Becke, Tschermaks mineral, u. petrogr. Mitteil. 1890, n, 253-9. 581, Arzruni, Phy- sikalische Chemie der Krystalle, Braunschweig 1893, 315-7. 582, P. Groth, Physika- lische Krystallogr., Leipzig 1895, 242. 583, P. Groth, I.e., p. 242. 584, Becke, Zeitschr. f. Krystallogr. 1892, 20, 253-62. 585, Becke, Tschermaks mineralog. u. pstrogr. Mitteil. 1890, 253-9. 586, R. Brauns, Chemische Mineralogie, Leipzig 1896, 226. 587, Bravais, Memoires sur les systemes par des points distribues regulierement sur un plan ou dans 1'espace, Paris 1850. 588, Frankenheim, Pogg. Ann. 1856, 97, 337 ; 1867, 732, 632. 589, Sohncke, Gruppierung der Molekule in den Krystallen eine theoretische Ableitung der Krystallsysteme, Pogg. Ann. 1867, 732, 75 ; Entwicke- lung einer Theorie der Krystallstruktur, Leipzig 1879 ; Ableitung der Grundgesetze der Krystallographie aus der Theorie der Krystallstruktur, Wied. Annalen 1882, 16, 489 ; Elementarer Nachweis einer Eigenschaft parallelopipedischer Punktsysteme, Zeitschr. f. Krystallogr. 1888, 13, 209 ; Erweiterung der Theorie der Krystallstruktur, Zeitschr. f. Krystallogr. 1888, 13, 426. 590, Frankenheim, Pogg. Ann. 1856, 97, 338. 591, Sohncke, Pogg. Ann. 67, 132, 75. 592, P. Groth, Physikalische Krystallographie 248. 593, Groth, I. c. p. 252. 594, Groth, Tabellarische Ubersicht, p. 80. 595, Groth, I c., p. 87. 596, Arzruni, Physikalische Krystallographie 35-8. 597, Erasmus Bartholin, cited in v. Kobell's Gesch. d. Mineral. 1864, 404. 598, Hauy, Traite 1801, 4, 337 ; Rome de 1'Isle 1783, I, 517. 599, Vernadsky, Gelehrt. Anz., Univ. Moskau, naturwisenschaftl. Abteil. 1891, H. 9. 600, Steno, 1669; Hauy, Traite 1801, 2, 59, 406 et seq. 601, G. vom Rath, Pogg. Ann. 1868, 733, 507 ; J35, 437 ; 1869, 138, 550. 602, v. Lasaulx, Zeitschr. f. Krystallogr. 1878, 2, 253. 603, Schuster, Tschermaks mineralog. u. petrogr. Mitteil. 1878, i, 71. 604, Mallard, Bull. Soc. fr. de mineral. 605, Arzruni, I.e., 41. 606, P. Groth, Tabellarische Ubersicht 1889, 37. 607, G. vom Rath, N. Jahrb. d. Mineral. 1887, i, 198. 608, Mallard, Bull. Soc. fr. de mineral. 1890, 13, 172. 609, Hauy, Journ. des mines au IV, 1796, 3, Nr. XV, 28. 610, Hauy, Traite 1801, 3, 129. 611, Levy, Ann. of phil. 1825 (2) 9, 140; Shepard, Amer. journ. sc. 1846 (2), 2, 250. 612, Des Cloizeaux, Bull. Soc. fr. de mineral 1886, 9, 184; Hidden, Amer. journ. sc. 1888 (3), 36, 272. 613, Hautefeuile, Ann. chim. phys. 1865 (4), 4, 129. 614, Rome de 1'Isle, 1783, i, 289-94. 615, E. Mitscher- lich, Abhandl. Akad. Berlin 1822-3, 43-8 ; Ann. chim. phys. 1823, 24, 264. 616, O. Lehmann, Zeitschr. f. Krystallogr. 1877, i, 28 : Gernetz, Compt. rend. 1884, 98, 144 ; Muthmann, Zeitschr. f. Krystallogr. 1890, 17, 337. 617, Muthmann, ibid. 342. 618, 338 BIBLIOGRAPHY Ch. Friedel, Compt. rend. 1891, 112, 834 ; Engl, ibid. 866. 619, Magnus, Pogg. Ann. 1854, g2, 308 ; 1856, gg, 145. Knapp, Journ. pr. Chem. 1888 (2), 38, 54. 620, Van- noccio Bringuccio, 1540 ; Arzruni, 1. c., p. 38. 621, Rome des 1'Isle, Pyrite martiale lamelleuse et en cretes de cq., 1783, 3, 252 ; Arzruni, L c., p. 38. 622, Groth, Tabel- larische XJbersicht p. 21. 623, Hauy, Traite de mineral. 1801, J, 162. 624, Berthollet, Essai de statique chimique, Paris 1803, J, 438. 625, Mitscherlich, Ann. chim. 1821, ig, 411. 626, Mitscherlich, XTber Kdrper, welche in zwei verschiedenen Formen krystal- lisieren, read before the Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin, 26th June 1823. 627, Geuther, Ann. Chem. 1883, 218, 288. 628, O. Lehmann, Molekularphysk. 2, 398-415 ; Zeitschr. f. Krystallogr. 18, 463. 629, G. Rose, Zeitschr. d. Deutsch. geolog. Ges. 20, 621 ; Groth, N. Jahrb. d. Mineral. 1871, 228. 630, Groth, I. c., p. 231. 631, Schuster, XJber die optische Orientierung der Plagioklase ; Tschermaks mineralog. u. petrogr. Mitteil. 1880, 3, 117-284 ; Wien. akad. Sitzungsber. 1879-80, Abt. J, 192. 632, Ram- melsberg, Pogg. Ann. 1850, 80, 450. 633, Rammelsberg, 1. c. 1850, 81, 140 ; 1870, 139, 332. 634, Schuster, Wien. akad. Sitzungsber. 1879-80, J, 192 ; Tschermaks mineralog. u. petrogr. Mitteil. 1880, 3, 117-284. 635, Schuster, I.e. 636, Groth, Tabellarische Ubersicht p. 153. 637, Groth, I.e., p. 154. 638, Groth, I.e., p. 117. 639, Groth, 1. c., p. 118. 640, J. W. Retgers, Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Isomorphismus, Zeitschr. f. phys. Chemie 1890, 6. 641, Fock, Zeitschr. f. Krystallogr., Leipzig 1888, 79. 642, Rammelsberg, Pogg. Ann. 1854, gi, 321-54. 643, Tschermak, Wien. akad. Sitzungsber. 1883, 88, Abt. J, 1142; see also Groth, Tabellarische "Cbersicht, p. 157. 644, Scharitzer, N. Jahrb. f. Mineral. 1884, 2, 143. 645, Arzruni, 1. c., p. 283. 646, Rammelsberg, N. Jahrb. f. Mineral. 1884, 2, 67. 647, Arzruni, I. c., p. 278. 648, Arzruni, L c., p. 284. 649, Retgers, Zeitschr. f. phys. Chemie 1889, 3, 536 and 554. 650, Retgers, L c. 1890. 5, 449. 651, H. Schultze, Ann. Chem. Pharm. 1863, 126, 49. 652, Wyrouboff, Bull. Soc. fr. de mineral. 1890, 13, 85. 653, Topsoe, Sitzungsber. d. Akad. Wien. 1872, 66, Abt. 2, 15. 654, Berthollet, Essai de statique 1803. 655, E. v. Meyer, Geschichte der Chemie 1895, 160. 656, Rammelsberg, Sitzungsber. Akad. Berlin 1884, 857. 657, P. Groth, Tabellarische XTbersicht 1898, 119. 658, Groth, I. c. 659, Groth, Pogg. Ann. 1870, 141, 31-43 : Ber. d. Deutsch. chem. Ges. 1870, g, 449 ; N. Jahrb. f. Mineral. 1871, 225. 660, Claus, Theoretische Betrachtungen und deren Anwendung zur Systematik der organischen Chemie, Freiburg 1867. 661, Stohmann, Journ. f. pr. Chemie 43, 1 ; 48, 447. 662, Ladenburg, Ber. d. Deutsch. chem. Ges. 2, 140. 663, W. Marckwald, Die Benzoltheorie, Samml. chem. u. chem.-techn. Vortr. v. B. Arens, 2 Bd., H. 1, p. 2. 664, Claus, Theoretische Betrachtungen und deren Anwen- dung zur Systematik der organischen Chemie, Freiburg 1867 ; Ber. d. Deutsch. chem. Ges. 15, 1405. 665, Armstrong, Journ. Roy. Soc. 51, 284. 666, v. Baeyer, Ber. d. Deutsch. chem. Ges. ig, 1797; 23, 1272; 24, 2687; Liebigs Ann. 245, 118; 251, 258 ; 256, 1 ; 269, 169 etc. 667, Ladenburg, Ber. d. Deutsch. chem. Ges. 2, 140. 668, R. Meyer, Ber. d. Deutsch. chem. Ges. 15, 1825. 669, Thomsen, ibid, ig, 2944. 670, Sachse, ibid. 21, 2530. 671, Schmidt, Wien. Monatsh. n, 28. 672, Vaubel, Journ. f. pr. Chemie 44, 137. 673, Hermann, Ber. d. Deutsch. chem. Ges. 21, 1949. 674, Diamant, Coth. Chem. Ztg. 18, 155. 675, Marckwald, I. c., p. 34. 676, Schiff, Liebigs Ann. 220, 278. 677, Lessen u. Zander, Liebigs Ann. 225, 109. 678, Horstmann, Ber. d. Deutsch. chem. Ges. 20, 766. 679, Briihl, ibid. 27, 1065. 680, Neumann-Zirkel, Elemente der Mineralogie 1897, i, 276. 681, Brewster, Edin. Philos. Trans. 1816. 682, Biot, Memoires de 1'Acad. des sciences 1841, 539, 725. 683, Reusch, Pogg. Ann. 1867, 618. 684, E. Mallard, Explicat. des phenomenes optiques anomaux de substances cristallisees, Ann. des mines 176 ; Zeitschr. f. 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Gewerbefleisses in Preussen, 1888, 149 ; Tonind.-Ztg. 1886, Nos. 14, 15. 747, Zulkowski, Die Chem. Industr. 1899, 284. 748, M. Groger, Dingier Polytech. Journ., 1881, 297-302. 749, O. Schott, Dingier Polytech. Journ., 1875, 151. 750, C. Grabe and C. Liebermann, Ueber d. Zusammenhang zwisch. Molekularconstit. u. Farbe b. organ. Verbind., Ber. d. deutsch. chem. Ges., 1868, I, 106. 751, O. N. Witt, Z. Kenntn. d. Baues ii. d. Bild. farb. Kohlenstoffverbind. Ber. d. deutsch. chem. Ges., 1876, i, 522. 752, Zulkowski, Ueber d. Natur. emig. Kupferglaser. Chem. Industr., 1897, 134. 753, Cf. Chem. Industr., 1900, 357. 754, H. Seger, Tonind. Ztg., 1890, 671; Jahresber. d. chem. Technol., 1890, 762. 755, Manchot, Ztschr. f. angew. Chemie, Heft 30, 17th May, 1912. 756, Manchot, Ber. d. deutsch. Chem. Ges., 1910, 2603. 757, M. Herz, Samml. chem. Vortrage IV. Heft 10. 758, J. L. Vogt, Die Silicat schmelzlosungen, 140; Z. f. Elektrochem., 1903, 9, 852; Ber. d. 5. Internat. Kongr. f. angew. Chemie, Berlin 1903, I, 70. 759, Doelter and Vucnik, Zentralbl. f. Mineral, 1904. 760, Doelter, Physik. chem. Mineral, Leipzig, 1905, 137. 761, J. H. van t'Hoff, Vorles. iiber theoret. ii. physik. Chem., 2, 65. 762, Berthollet, Gilbert's Annal. d. Physik. 1811, Bd. 39. 763, W. Muthmann, Z. f. Kryst., 1894, 22, 525. 764, F. Becke, Anz. k. Akad. Wien. 1893. 765, J. H. van t'Hoff, Vorlesungung 1899, II, 148. 766, Chemisch Weekblad No. 30, 27th July, 1912. 767, Stremme, Chemiker Ztg. 1912, 65, 609. 768, A. Safarik, Ueber die chem. Konstitution d. natiirl chlor. u. fluorhaltig. Silicate, Bohmische Ges. d. Wissenschaften 1874, Athanol. 6, Folge 7. 769, W. Ver- nadsky, Zur Theorie d. Silicate, Ztschr. f. Krystal. u. Mineral, 1901, 34, 37-66. 770, A. Stock, Ber deutsch. Chem. Ges. 1909, 42, 2059, 2062. 771, T. M. Lowry and W. R. Bousfield, Trans. Faraday Soc. 1910, 6, 15. 772, Sutherland, Phil. Mag. 1900 (v) 50, 460. 773, Armstrong, Proc. Roy. Soc., 1908, A, 81, 80. 774, Tamman, Zeit. physik. Chem. 1910, 72, 609. 775, Bose, Zeit. fur Elektrochem. 14, 270. 776, W. Asch, I. c. 777, D. Asch, Dissert. Berlin, 1903. 778, Fr emery, Dissert. Freiberg, 1884. 779, W. J. Miiller and J. Konigsberger, Zeits. fur angew. Chemie, 1912, 1273. 780, W. Ostwald, Zeits. f. hys. Chemie, 81, Heft 4. APPENDIX CALCULATION OF FORMULAE FROM THE RESULTS OF LEMBERG'S EXPERIMENTS * A. Production of a series of Sodalites with the general formula m Na 2 (6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 ) m' Salt n H 2 or the formula Na 12 (Si Al Al Si) m'2 n H 2 (a) The following compound (6 Na 2 6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 ) 4 NaCl 4 H 2 =Na 12 (Si Al Al S A i) 4 NaCl 4 H 2 O is the final product of the action of a 20 per cent, solution of caustic soda saturated with sodium chloride on the following silicates : 6 H 2 6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 6 H 2 (Kaolin from Karlsbad) = H 12 (Si Al A Si) 6 H 2 6 Na 2 6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 (Elaolite from Brevig) = Na 12 (Si Al Al Si) 6 Na 2 6 A1 2 3 18 Si0 2 12 H 2 (Brevicite from Brevig) = Na 12 (Si Al Si Al S A i) 12 H 2 3 Na 2 3 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 6 H 2 (Analcime from Fassthal) = Na 6 (Si Al Si) 6 H 2 3 K 2 3 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 (Leucitefrom Vesuvius) = K 6 (S A i Al Si) 3 K 2 3 A1 2 3 18 Si0 2 (Orthoclase from Striegau) the reagent and silicate being treated at various temperatures (100, 180 to 190 C.) for various periods ranging from 74 hours to six months. Theory. 4 4f 4g 4c 4d 4a 3Na 2 18.51 19.02 18.65 19.35 19.04 18.53 18.57 3A1 2 3 30.45 31.63 31.81 31.61 30.70 30.84 30.73 6SiO 2 35.82 35.14 36.32 36.66 36.02 36.42 36.78 2 NaCl 11.64 10.71 11.22 11.32 10.22 10.22 10.23 2H 2 3.58 2.61 0.94 1.14 3.60 3.13 3.25 CaO 0.30 0.63 0.14 0.49 0.25 100.00 99.41 99.57 100.08 99.72 99.63 99.81 * * Zeitschr. d. Deutsch. geol. Gesellsch. 1876-85. 2 Cf. pages 60, 61 and 140 of this volume. Cf. Lemberg, 1. c. 1883, p. 582. 340 LEMBERG'S EXPERIMENTS 341 (b) After two months' action, at 100, of 15 and 12 per cent, solutions of caustic potash saturated with potassium chloride on the silicates * 3 K 2 - 3 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 (Leucite from Vesuvius) = K 6 (S A i Al Si) / >A 3 K 2 O 3 A1 2 O 3 18 Si0 2 (Orthoclase from Striegau) = K 6 I Al Si I V W LEMBERG obtained the sodalite (6 K 2 6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 ) 2 KC1 8 H 2 = K 12 (Si Al Al Si) 2 KC1 8 H 2 0. Theory. 6c 6a 3K 2 O 25.77 24.72 23.84 3A1 2 3 27.96 27.47 27.10 6Si0 2 32.89 32.31 32.26 KC1 6.80 7.34 7.00 4H 2 6.58 7.80 8.22 CaO 0.30 100.00 99.94 99.42 (c) The silicates f 6 H 2 6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 6 H 2 O (Kaolin from Karlsbad) = H ]2 (Si - Al Al Si) 6 H 2 6 Na 2 6 A1 2 3 18 Si0 2 12 H 2 (Brevicite from Brevig) = Na 12 (S A i - Al Si - Al Si) 12 H 2 O 3 Na 2 3 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 6 H 2 (Analcime from Fassthal) = Na 6 (Si Al Si) 6 H 2 3 K 2 3 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 (Leucite from Vesuvius) = K 6 (Sl Al S A i) 3 Na 2 3 A1 2 3 18 Si0 2 (Albite from Viesch) = Na e 3 K 2 3 A1 2 3 18 Si0 2 (Orthoclase from Striegau) * Lemberg, 1. c. 1883, p. 587. t Lemberg, I. c. 1883, pp. 579, 580. 342 LEMBERG'S EXPERIMENTS If a 20 per cent, solution of caustic soda, saturated with sodium sulphate, is used at various temperatures (100, 180-190) for different periods (74 hours to six months) only the following sodalite is formed : (6 Na 2 6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 ) 2 Na 2 S0 4 6 H 2 = Na 12 (Si - Al Al Si) 2 Na 2 S0 4 6 H 2 0. Theory. 3 3f 3a 3b 38 3c 3d 3Na 2 17.75 17.96 17.75 17.72 17.77 17.39 17.11 18.53 3A1 2 3 29.20 30.00 30.24 29.44 29.55 29.66 29.01 30.04 6Si0 2 34.35 34.31 34.03 14.78 34.29 35.14 35.27 34.74 Na 2 S0 4 13.55 11.82 13.22 12.65 11.80 12.63 11.21 9.33 3H 2 5.15 5.70 5.02 5.35 5.89 4.90 6.25 5.88 CaO 0.35 0.40 0.20 0.20 100.00 100.14 100.26 99.94 99.70 99.72 99.05 98.72 (d) Three to five grammes of the following silicates : * 6 H 2 6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 6 H 2 (Kaolin from Karlsbad) = H 12 (Si Al Al Si) 6 H 2 6 Na 2 6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 (Elaolite from Brevig) = Na 12 (Si Al Al Si) 3 Na 2 3 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 6 H 2 (Analcime from Fassthal) = Na 6 (Si M - Si) 6 H 2 3 K 2 3 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 (Leucite from Vesuvius) = K 6 (Si - Al Si) 3 Na 2 3 A1 2 3 18 Si0 2 (Albite from Viesch) = Na,( Al^Si) V \0i/ were mixed with 40 g. of the sodium silicate Na 2 Si0 2 8 H 2 0, which had been melted in its own water of crystallisation and the mixture heated at 200 for 100 hours in a digester. The excess of sodium silicate was then washed out with cold water. An analysis of the residue corresponded to the compound (6 Na 2 6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 ) 2 Na 2 Si0 3 8 H 2 = Na 12 (Si Al Al - S A i) 2 Na 2 Si0 3 8 H 2 O. Theory. 3 3c 3e 3f 3g 4 Na 2 23. 71 22. 61 23 .30 23.34 21. 03 21.70 3 A1 2 3 29. 27 29 ,31 28 .69 29.16 29. 60 29.25 7 Si0 2 40. 15 40, ,30 39 .43 40.15 40. 52 40.84 4 H 2 6. 87 6 ,68 6 .88 6.38 7. 49 6.94 CaO .90 100.00 98.90 99.20 99.03 98.64 99.73 * Lemberg, I. c. 1885, pp. 961, 962. LEMBERG'S EXPERIMENTS 343 (e) The silicates 6 H 2 6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 6 H 2 O (Kaolin from Karlsbad) = H M (Si Al - Al Si) 6 H 2 3 Na 2 3 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 6 H 2 O (Analcime from Fassthal) = Na e - (Si - Al Si) 6 H 2 O 3 K 2 3 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 (Leucite from Vesuvius) = K 6 (S A i Al Si) were treated with a 15-20 per cent, solution of caustic soda saturated with sodium carbonate at various temperatures (100, 180-190) and for different periods ranging from 74 hours to six months.* Analyses of the products gave the following formula : 3 (6 Na 2 O 6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 ) 4 Na 2 C0 3 30 H 2 = {Na 12 (Si - Al - AJ Si)} 3 ' 4 Na 2 C0 3 30 H 2 0. Theory. 5 5b 5c 9Na 2 18.38 18.23 17.17 18.13 9 A1 2 2 30.22 30.84 29.18 29.47 18 Si0 2 35.55 34.82 35.50 35.27 2 Na 2 OC 3 6.96 7.13 6.96 6.58 15H 2 8.89 8.68 9.40 9.18 CaO 0.30 0.10 0.40 100.00 100.00 98.84 99.03 B. A Series of Changes in Aluminosilicates based on Lemberg's Experiments. (a) The action of caustic soda solution of various concentrations (30 per cent, and 56 per cent.) at 100 for various periods ranging from 72 hours to 14 days on the following silicates : (1) 3 Na 2 3 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 6 H 2 (Analcime from Fassthal) = Na 6 (Si Al S A i) 6 H 2 0f (2) 6 Na 2 6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 (Elaolite from Brevig) = Na 12 (Si Al Al Si)J (3) 6 H 2 6 A1 2 3 12 SiO 2 6 H 2 (Kaolin from Karlsbad) = H ]2 (Si Al Al - Si) - 6 H 2 gave the following results : From Compound 1 was obtained the substance : 6 Na 2 6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 15 H 2 = Na 32 (S A i Al A! Si) 15 H 2 from Compound 2 the substance : 8 Na 2 6 A1 2 O 3 12 Si0 2 7 H 2 O = Na 16 (Si Al Al Si) 7 H 2 * Lemberg, I. c. 1883, pp. 583-4. t Lemberg, 1. c. 1883, p. 579, Expt. 2. j Lemberg, L c. 1885, pp. 960-1, Expts. 2c. and 2d. Lemberg, L c. 1883, p. 579, Expt. 1 ; I.e. 1885, p. 960, Expt. 2b. 344 LEMBERG'S EXPERIMENTS and from Compound 3 the silicates : 6 Na 2 6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 15 H 2 = Na 12 (Si Al Al Si) 15 H 2 8 Na 2 6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 7 H 2 = Na 16 (Si Al Al Si) 7 H 2 Theory. 1 2 6Na 2 6A1 2 3 18.84 31.01 18.30 31.13 18.87 31.35 12 Si0 2 15H 2 36.47 13.68 36.52 14.59 36.28 13.39 100.00 100.54 99.89 Theory. 2b 2c 2d 8Na 2 25.38 26.05 25.29 24.99 6A1 2 3 31.32 31.42 31.05 31.16 12 Si0 2 7H 2 CaO 36.85 6.45 36.25 6.87 36.63 5.71 1.08 36.12 6.36 1.02 100.00 100.59 99.76 99.65 (b) On treating the silicates : (1) 6 Na 2 6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 (Elaolite from Brevig) = Na 12 (Si Al - M Si)* (2) 3 Na 2 3 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 6 H 2 (Analcime from Fassthal) = Na 6 (Sl Al Si) 6 H 2 f (3) 3 K 2 3 A1 2 3 18 Si0 2 (Orthoclase from Striegau) in the state of a molten glass with aqueous solutions of sodium silicate, Na 2 O 2 2 Si0 2 aq. of suitable concentration, at various temperatures (100, 200-210) for various periods (78 hours to five months) the following substance (3 Na 2 - 3 A1 2 3 15 Si0 2 7J H 2 0) 2 \ \Sv 15H 2 was produced from Compounds 1 and 2, and the compound 3 Na 2 3 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 6 H 2 = Na 6 (S A i Al Si) 6 H 2 from the silicate 3. * Lemberg, 1. c. 1883, p. 608, Expts. 35 and 36. t Lemberg, I. c. 1885, pp. 992-3, Expts. 42 and 43. J Lemberg, I. c. 1885, pp. 993-4, Expt. 47. LEMBERG'S EXPERIMENTS 345 Theory. 35 36 42 43 3Na 2 O 12.18 12.80 12.64 12.90 12.27 3 A1 2 O 3 20.04 20.95 20.64 20.54 19.35 15 SiO 2 58.94 57.10 57.67 57.78 59.35 7JH 2 8.84 8.68 8.79 8.78 9.03 0.47 0.30 100.00 100.00 100.04 100.00 100.00 Theory. 47 3Na 2 O 14.09 14.01 3 A1 2 3 23.20 22.80 12 Si0 2 54.54 54.36 6H 2 8.17 8.53 100.00 99.70 (c) The silicate 3 Na 2 3 A1 2 3 15 SiO 2 7J H 2 * formed from the analcime from Fassthal, after a three weeks' treatment with potassium chloride solution at 100 and a further treatment] for 100 hours at 200, gave the compound (3 K 2 3 A1 2 O 3 15 Si0 2 1 J H 2 0) 2 3H 2 Of Theory. 42a 43a 3 K 2 18.62 19.05 18.64 3A1 2 3 20.19 20.79 20.25 15 Si0 2 59.40 58.92 59.90 1 J H 2 1.79 1.24 1.21 100.00 100.00 100.00 (d) The behaviours towards acids of the following silicates : (1) 0,5 Na 2 O 2,5 CaO - 3 A1 2 3 18 Si0 2 17 H 2 (Stilbite from Berufjord) * NaCa 2 , 2'5 i -17H 2 Ot Si (2) 0,5 Na 2 2,5 CaO 3 A1 2 O 3 18 Si0 2 H 2 (Desmine from Farsern) Si = NaCa 2 , 5 AlSi - 20 H 2 (3) 0,5 K 2 2 Na 2 O 2,5 CaO 5 A1 2 O 3 18_Si0 2 -^8H 2 (See- bachite from Richmond) = KNa 5 Ca 2 , 5 (Si- M Si Al - Si) -28 H 2 0|f * Lemberg, 1. c. 1885, p. 992, Expts. 42 and 43. f Lemberg, /. c. 1885, pp. 992-3, Expts. 42a and 43a. J Lemberg, Z. c. 1885, pp. 987-8. Lemberg, I. c. 1885, pp. 989, 990, 993. || Lemberg, I. c. 1885, pp. 972, 977-8. 346 LEMBERG'S EXPERIMENTS (4) 0.5 K 2 2.5 Na 2 2 CaO 5 A1 2 0< lite from Acireale)= KNa 5 Ca 2 (Si Al Si 18 SiO 2 Al Si) 28 28H 2 (Hersche- H 2 0,* and their derivatives are shown in the following Tables I, II, III and IV, in which V = Lemberg's Experiment Number. S = The silicates used. A = The salt solutions employed. Z = The duration of the experiments. T = The Temperature. P = The Products obtained. Table I V. 8. A. Z. T P. 39 a 0.5 NajO'2.5 CaO'3 A1,O, ) 18 SKV17 H 2 O I KC1 solution 1.5 Mths. 100 3 K 2 O'3 AlsOa'18 Si0 2 '13 H 2 39 b 3 K 2 O'3 A1 2 O 3 '18 SiO 2 '13 H 2 O Naa 14 Days 100* 3 Na 2 0'3 A1 2 O 8 -18 SiO 2 '16 H 2 O 39 c 3 Na 2 O'3 A1 2 O 3 '18 SiO 2 '16 H 2 O Nad 1355 Hrs. 210-220 3 Na 2 0-3 AljOj'18 Si0 2 '8 H 2 O 39 d 3 Na 2 0'3 Al a O 3 '18 SiO a '16 H 2 O (Na 2 0- Si0 2 +NaCl) ., 75Hrs. 195-205 3 Na 2 0'3 A1 2 3 '18 SiO 2 '8 H 2 O 39 g 3 Na a 0'3 Al a 3 '18 Si0 2 '16 H 2 O (Borax+NaCl) 78 Hrs. 200-210 3 Na 2 0'3 A1 2 O S '18 Si0 2 '8 H 2 O 39 h 3 Na a O'3 A1 2 O 3 -18 SiO a '16 H 2 O (Borax +NaCl) 78 Hrs. 200-210 3 Na 2 O'3 AI 2 3 '18 Si0 2 '8 H 2 O 39k 3 Na a O'3 AI a O 3 '18 SiO a '16 H 2 O (Na 2 HP0 4 +NaCl) ,. 74 Hrs. 220 3 Na 2 O'3 A1 2 O S '18 Si0 2 '8 H 2 O 39 e 3 Na a 0'3 A1 2 3 '18 Si0 2 '8 H 2 O Ka .. 75 Hrs. 200 3 K 2 O'3 A1 2 3 18 SiO 2 'H 2 O 391 3 Na 2 O'3 AljO 8 -18 Si0 2 '8 H 2 O KC1 78 Hrs. 210-215 3 K 2 O'3 A1 2 O 3 -18 Si0 2 'H 2 O 391 3 Na 2 O'3 A1 2 O 3 '18 SiO 2 '8 H 2 O KC1 ., 79 Hrs. 210 3 K 2 O-3 AI 2 O,'18 Si0 2 'H 2 O 39 f 3 K 2 0'3 Al 2 Oa'18 SiO^'HsO NaCl 6 Days 100 3 Na 2 O'3 A1 2 O,'18 Si0 2 '8 H 2 O Theory. 39 0.5 Na 2 1.66 1.40 2.5 CaO 7.53 7.43 3 A1 2 3 16.26 16.48 18 SiO 2 58.09 57.97 17 H 2 16.46 16.20 K 2 0.52 100.00 100.00 Analyses Theory. 39a 3K 2 14.82 14.30 3 A1 2 3 18 SiO 2 16.09 56.78 16.34 57.21 13H 2 O 12.31 12.85 Theory. 39b 3Na 2 10.00 8.89 3 A1 2 3 16.45 16.72 18 Si0 2 58.07 58.14 16H 2 15.48 15.47 CaO 0.78 100.00 100.70 100.00 100.00 Lemberg, I. c. 1885, pp. 976, 979. LEMBERG'S EXPERIMENTS 547 Theory. 39c 39d 39g 39h 39k 39f 3Na 2 10 .84 10 .61 10 .94 11. 27 11.07 10.74 10.81 3A1 2 3 17 .84 17 .56 17 .99 17. 74 17.56 18.21 17.71 18 Si0 2 62 .94 62 .56 62 .54 62. 22 62.68 62.32 62.87 8H 2 8 .38 9 .27 8 .53 8. 77 8.69 8.73 8.61 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 Theory. 39e 39i 391 3 Na 2 16.73 16.66 16.87 16.63 3 A1 2 3 18.10 18.15 18.00 18.72 18 SiO 2 64.09 64.27 63.89 63.41 H 2 O 1.08 0.92 1.24 1.24 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 The experiments shown in Table I indicate a replacement of the mono- and di-valent elements and a variation of the water in compounds of the type Table II V. S. A. z. T. P. 40 a 0.5 Na 2 O'2.5 CaO'3 A1 2 8 '18 Si0 2 '20 H 2 O KC1 sol. 1 Month 100 3 K,O'3 A1 2 0,'18 Si0 2 '13 H 2 40 b 3 K 2 0'3 A1 2 S '18 SiOj'13 H 2 O NaCl .. 14 Days 100 3 Na 2 0'3 A1 2 O,'18 Si0 2 '16 H 2 40 c 3 Na 2 O-3 A1 2 O 2 '18 Si0 2 '16 H 2 NaCl ,. 1029 Hrs. 210-220 3 Na 2 O'3 A1 2 O S '18 Si0 2 '8 H 2 40 d 3 Na 2 O'3 A1 2 8 '18 Si0 2 '16 H 2 (Na 2 0-2SiO,+NaCl) .. 74 Hrs. 220 3 Na 2 0-3 A1 2 S '18 SiO 2 '8H 2 O 40 f 3 Na 2 O'3 A1 2 3 '18 Si0 2 '16 H 2 O (Borax +NaCl) ,. 186 Hrs. 210-220 3 Na 2 O'3 A1 2 3 '18 Si0 2 '8 H 2 O 40 e 3 Na 2 O'3 A1 2 S -18 Si0 2 '8 H 2 O KC1 .. 79 Hrs. 210" 3 K 2 O'3 A1 2 O S '18 SiO 2 -H 2 O 40 g 3 Na 2 0-3 A1 2 8 '18 Si0 2 '8 H 2 O KC1 .. 79 Hrs. 210-220 3 K 2 O'3 A1 2 O 3 '18 Si0 2 'H 2 O 44 0.5 Na 2 0'2.5 CaO'3 A1 2 0,'18 Si0 2 '20 H 2 O 20%Na 2 CO, ,. 15 Mnths. 100 3 Na 2 0'3 A1 2 S '15 SiO 2 '7i H 2 O 44 a 3 Na 2 0'3 A1 2 8 '15 Si0 2 '7i H 2 O Ka ,. 100 Hrs. 200" 3 K 2 O'3 A1 2 S '15 SiO 2 'li H 2 45 0.5 Na 2 O'2.5 CaO'3 AJ 2 S '18 Si0 2 '20 H 2 O 25%Na 2 0'Si0 2 ,. 2 Mnths. 100 3 Na 2 0'3 A1 2 8 '12 Si0 2 '6 H 2 O 45 a 3 Na 2 O'3 A1 2 8 '12 SiO 2 '6 H 2 O Ka .. 3 Weeks 100 3 K 2 O'3 AI 2 0,'12 Si0 2 'H 2 O Analyses Theory. 40 0.5 Na 2 1.60 0.91 2.5 CaO 7.31 7.60 3 A1 2 O 3 15.96 16.18 18 Si0 2 56.36 56.62 20 H 2 O 18.77 18.63 K 2 0.24 100.00 100.18 348 LEMBERG'S EXPERIMENTS Theory. 40a 3 K 2 14.82 14.42 3 A1 2 3 16.09 15.83 18 SiO 2 56.78 56.81 13 H 2 O 12.31 12.94 Theory. 40b 3 Na 2 O 10.00 9.74 3 A1 2 3 16.45 16.35 18 SiO 2 58.07 57.09 16 ELO 15.48 16.82 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 Theory. 40c 40d 40f 3 Na 2 10.84 10.63 11.12 11.46 3A1 2 3 17.84 17.62 17.83 17.73 18 Si0 2 62.94 62.48 62.08 61.87 8H 2 8.38 9.27 8.97 8.94 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 Theory. 40e 40g 3K 2 16.73 17.18 17.11 3A1 2 3 18.10 18.51 18.39 16 SiO 2 64.09 62.77 62.95 H 2 1.08 1.54 1.55 Theory. 44 3Na 2 3 A1 2 3 15 Si0 2 12.18 20.04 58.94 11.84 19.79 59.93 7iH 2 8.84 8.44 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 Theory. 44a 3K 2 18.62 18.19 3A1 2 3 20.19 20.21 15 SiO 2 59.40 60.90 liH 2 1.79 0.70 100.00 100.00 Theory. 45 3Na 2 O 14.09 13.72 3A1 2 3 23.20 22.14 12 Si0 2 54.54 55.26 6H 2 8.17 8.88 100.00 100.00 Theory. 45a 3K 2 21.26 20.78 3 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 H 2 23.09 54.30 1.35 22.54 55.53 1.15 100.00 100.00 From the results shown in Table II it will be seen that there occur : 1. A substitution of the mono- and di-valent elements of compounds of the type and a substitution of mono-valent elements in compounds of the types Si) (S\ Al^-Si I and R 6 (Si Al * & X Si/ LEMBERG'S EXPERIMENTS 2. A conversion of the compounds of the type 349 l Si into those of the types R 6 AlSi and R 6 (Si Al Si) 3. A change in the water-content is observable in some cases. Table III. V. S. A. Z. T. P. 26 a 0.5 K 2 0'2 NajO'2.5 CaO'5 A1 2 0, \ 18 SiO 2 '28 H 2 O / KC1 Solution 2 Mtbs. 100 5 K 2 O'5 AlaOj'18 Si0 2 '24 H 2 26 b 0.5 K 2 0'2 Na 2 O-2.5 CaO'5 A1 2 0, \ 18 SiOj'28 H 2 O / (8%K a CO+15%Ka) .. 70Hrs. 200-210 5 K 2 O'5 A1 2 O,'18 SiOj'24 H 2 26 c 5 K 2 O'5 A1,O S '18 SiO 2 '24 H 2 O NaCl ,. 20 Days 100 5 Na,0'5 A1 2 3 '18 Si0 2 '27 H 2 O 26 d 26 f 26 e 5 K 2 O'5 A1 2 O 8 '18 SiO 2 '24 H 2 O 5 K 2 O'5 A1 2 O,'18 SiO 2 -24 H 2 O 5 Na,0'5 A1 2 O,'18 SiOj'10 H 2 O (15%NaCl+5%Na 2 CO,).. (15% NaQ+5% Na 2 CO) ,. KC1 150 Hrs. 150 Hrs. 100 Hrs. 200-210 200-210 200-215 5 Na 2 O'5 A1 2 S '18 Si0 2 '10 H 2 O 5 Na 2 O'5 A1 2 O,'18 SiO 2 '10 H 2 5 K 2 O'5 A1 2 0,'18 SiO 2 'H 2 O 26 g 5 Na 2 O'5 A1 2 0,'18 SiOj'10 H 2 O KC1 ,. 100 Hrs. 210 5K 2 0-5Al 2 0,'18Si0 2 -H 2 Theory. 26 0.5 K 2 2Na 2 2.5 CaO 1.94 5.09 5.78 2.00 4.92 5.89 5 A1 2 3 18 Si0 2 21.04 44.54 21.66 44.30 28H 2 21.61 21.23 Analyses Theory. 26a 26b 5K 2 18.87 18.85 18.65 5 A1 2 3 20.48 20.43 20.49 18Si0 2 43.35 43.75 44.21 24H 2 17.30 16.96 16.65 100.00 99.99 100.00 100.00 100.00 Theory. 26c 5 Na 2 5 A1 2 3 18 SiO 2 27H 2 12.98 21.44 45.23 20.35 12.89 21.27 45.44 20.40 100.00 100.00 Theory. 26d 26f 5Na 2 14.91 14.98 14.98 5A1 2 3 24.52 24.68 24.33 18 Si0 2 51.92 51.59 52.05 10H 2 O 8.65 8.75 8.64 100.00 100.00 100.00 Theory. 26e 26g 5 K 2 22.62 21.86 21.64 5 A1 2 O 3 24.54 25.87 25.31 18 Si0 2 51.97 51.70 52.49 H 2 0.87 0.57 0.56 100.00 100.00 100.00 350 LEMBERG'S EXPERIMENTS Table IV V. S. A. Z. T. P. 27 a 0.5 K,O'2.5 Na 2 O'2 CaO'5 A10 S \ 18 SiOj'28 H a O f KC1 Solution 1 Mth. 100" 5 K,O'5 Al 2 0a'18 Si0 2 '24 H0 27 b 0.5 KjO'2.5 Na,O'2 CaO'5 A1 2 S ) 18 SiOj'28 H 2 O f (15%KC1+8%K 2 C0 3 ) .. 150 Hrs. 210-220 5 K 2 O'5 A1 2 2 -18 SiOt'16 H 2 O 27 c 5 KjO'o A1 2 3 '18 SKV24 H 2 O NaCl ., 18 Days 100 5 Na 2 0-5 A1 2 O S '18 Si0 2 '27 H 2 O 27 d 5 Na 2 O'5 A1 2 O 3 '18 SiO 2 '27 H 2 O (15%NaCl+5%Na 2 C0 3 ) 170 Hrs. 210-220 5 Na 2 0'5 Al 2 O s -18Si0 2 '10H 2 O 27 e 5 Na 2 O'5 A1 2 3 '18 SiO 2 '10 H 2 O KC1 .. 75 Hrs. 200-210 5 K 2 O'5 A1 2 3 '18 SiO 2 'H 2 O 27 f 5 K 2 0'5 A1 2 3 '18 Si0 2 'H 2 O NaCl ,. 10 Days 100" 5 Na 2 O'5 A1 2 S '18 SiO,'10 H 2 Analyses Theory. 27 0.5 K 2 O 1.94 1.27 2.5 Na 2 2CaO 6.40 4.55 6.76 5.05 5A1 2 3 18 SiO 2 28H 2 O 21.03 44.49 21.59 21.27 44.12 21.57 Theory. 27a 5K 2 18.87 18.67 5 A1 2 3 20.48 20.41 18 Si0 2 43.35 44.08 24H 2 17.30 16.84 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.04 Theory. 27b 5K 2 20.02 19.55 5A1 2 3 21.72 21.96 18 Si0 2 45.99 46.34 16H 2 O 12.27 12.15 100.00 100.00 Theory. 27d 27f 5Na 2 14.91 14.97 14.86 5 A1 2 3 24.52 24.52 24.44 18 SiO 2 51.92 51.96 52.16 10H 2 O 8.65 8.55 8.54 Theory. 27c 5Na 2 12.88 12.50 5 A1 2 3 21.44 21.28 18 Si0 2 45.33 45.68 27H 2 20.35 20.54 100.00 100.00 Theory. 27e 5K 2 22.62 21.57 5 A1 2 3 18 Si0 2 24.54 51.97 25.20 52.74 H 2 0.87 0.49 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 From the results given in Tables III and IV there is clearly a substitution of the mono- and di-valent elements in the type R 10 (Si AT Si Al Si) and in one case (Table IV, No. 27d) a change in the water-content, (e) The formation of compounds of the type * 5.5 R 2 6 A1 2 O 3 16 Si0 2 = R u (Si Al Si Al Si). On treating two molecules of K 2 O Si0 2 with one molecule of H 2 K 2 O A1 2 3 LEMBERG obtained the substance 0.5 Na 2 5 K 2 6 A1 2 O 3 16 Si0 2 = NaK 10 "(Si Al Si Al Si) f * Lemberg, I. c. 1876, pp. 574-5. t Expt: 1, L c. p. 574. LEMBERG'S EXPERIMENTS 351 On treating this silicate for a further period of 7 or 18 days at the ordinary temperature with variable quantities of solutions of sodium chloride, potassium chloride, etc.,* LEMBERG obtained compounds whose analyses corresponded to the general formula 5.5 R 2 6 A1 2 3 16 SiO 2 = R u (Si Al Si Al Si) 16 Si0 2 (Expt. 2b) 16 Si0 2 (Expts. la, Ig, 2a, 2c) 16Si0 2 (Expts, lb, If, 2d) 16 SiO 2 (Expts. Ic, le) 16Si0 2 (Expt. Id) 16 Si0 2 (Expt: 2) 16 Si0 2 (Expt. 4b) 16 Si0 2 (Expts. 4a, 4c) 16 Si0 2 (Expt. 4d) 16Si0 2 (Expt. 4) 16 Si0 2 (Expts. 3a, 3b, 3c) 16 Si0 2 (Expt. 3d) 16 Si0 2 (Expt. 3). Na 2 4.5 K 2 6 A1 2 3 2Na 2 3.5 K 2 6 A1 2 3 2.5 Na 2 3K 2 6A1 2 3 - 3Na 2 O 2.5 K 2 O 6 A1 2 3 3.5 Na 2 O 2K 2 6 A1 2 O 3 5Na 2 O 0.5 K 2 O 6 A1 2 3 1.5 K 2 4 MgO 6 A1 2 3 - 2K 2 3.5 MgO 6 A1 2 3 2.5 K 2 O 3 MgO 6 A1 2 3 3K 2 2.5 MgO 6 A1 2 3 1.5 K 2 O 4 CaO 6 A1 2 3 2K 2 O 3.5 CaO 6 A1 2 3 2.25 K 2 3.25 CaO 6 A1 2 3 - Theory. 1 0.5 Na 2 O 1.50 1.83 5K 2 22.67 22.75 6A1 2 3 29.52 29.38 16 Si0 2 46.31 46.04 100.00 100.00 Theory. 2b Na 2 3.02 2.55 4.5 K 2 O 20.56 21.21 6A1 2 3 29.75 30.60 16 Si0 2 46.67 45.64 100.00 100.00 Theory. la Ig 2a 2c 2Na 2 3.5 K 2 6.12 16.25 6.41 16.00 6.67 15.40 5.98 16.37 5.91 16.79 6A1 2 3 16 Si0 2 30.22 47,41 29.99 47.60 29.88 48.05 30.40 47.25 30.30 47.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 Theory. lb If 2d 2.5 Na 2 7.72 7.54 7.52 7.54 3K 2 14.04 14.12 14.03 14.71 6A1 2 3 30.46 29.74 30.00 30.00 16 Si0 2 47.78 48.60 48.45 47.75 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 * In the cases mentioned the salt solutions were of a definite concentration. The salts were: NaCl-, KC1-, MgCl a -, CaCl a -, (NaCl+KCl)-, (MgCl 2 -f-KCl)-, (CaCl a +KCl). 352 LEMBERG'S EXPERIMENTS Theory. Ic le Theory. Id 3 2.5 6 16 Na 2 O K 2 A1 2 3 Si0 2 9.33 11.79 30.71 48.17 8.97 11.89 30.12 49.02 8.78 12.10 30.13 48.99 3.5 Na 2 10 2 K 2 9 6 A1 2 3 30. 16 Si0 2 48. .97 .57 96 50 11.19 8.95 30.29 49.57 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 Theory. 2 Theory. 4b 5 0.5 6 16 Na 2 K 2 O A1 2 3 Si0 2 16.07 2.43 31.73 49.77 15.60 3.21 31.20 49.99 1.5 K 2 7. 4 MgO 8. 6 A1 2 3 32, 16 Si0 2 51, 52 54 68 26 7.94 8.33 32.29 51.44 100.00 100.00 100 .00 100.00 Theory. 4a 4c Theory. 4d 2 3.5 6 16 K 2 O MgO A1 2 3 Si0 2 9.89 7.36 32.22 50.53 10.03 6.97 31.72 51.28 10.01 7.03 31.60 51.36 2.5 K 2 12. 3 MgO 6. 6 A1 2 3 31, 16 Si0 2 49. 19 23 76 82 11.59 6.37 31.69 50.35 100.00 100.00 100.00 100. 00 100.00 Theory. 4 3 K 2 2.5 MgO 6 A1 2 3 14.43 5.12 31.32 13.72 4.94 31.80 16 Si0 2 49.13 49.19 100.00 99.65 Theory. 3a 3b 3o 1.5 K 2 O 7.28 7.75 6.42 7.32 4 CaO 11.57 11.07 12.14 10.99 6 16 A1 2 3 Si0 2 31.60 49.55 30.91 50.27 31.20 31.00 50.24 50.79 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.10 Theory. 3d Theory. 3 2 3.5 K 2 CaO 9.61 10.02 8.81 10.10 2.25 K 2 10. 3.25 CaO 9. 76 26 10.87 9.22 6 16 A1 2 3 Si0 2 31.29 49.08 31.03 50.06 6 A1 2 3 31. 16 SiO 2 48. 13 85 30.64 49.23 100.00 100.00 100.00 99.96 THE TOPAZ GROUP 353 The Topaz Group The following analyses of the Topazes conform to compounds of the type Al - Si Al = 6 A1 2 3 6 SiO 2 and to the following formulae : (a) SieAluO* F1 8 , (b) Si 6 Al 12 25 . 5 Fl 9 , (c) Si 6 Al 12 25 F1 10 , (d) SieAl^O^gFl^, (e) Si 6 Al 12 24 F1 12 . SiOj A1 2 3 Fl Total Source Analyst (a) Si 6 Al 12 26 Fl 8 . Theory 33.97 57.74 14.34 106.05 I 34.24 57.45 14.99 107.37 Schneckenstein Berzelius 1 * XII 34.36 57.74 15.02 107.12 Finbo Berzelius 2 XXII 34.01 58.38 15.06 107.45 Brazil Berzelius 3 (b) Si 6 Al 12 25 . 5 Fl 9 . Theory 33.62 57.14 15.97 106.73 XXIV 33.73 57.39 16.12 107.24 Brazil Rammelsberg 4 XXV 33.15 57.01 16.04 106.20 Pikes Peak Hillebrand 6 (c) Si 6 Al 12 25 Fl 10 . Theory 33.25 56.55 17.56 107.36 IV 33.35 56.53 17.69 107.57 Altenberg Klemm 8 V 33.23 56.20 17.37 106.80 Altenberg Klemm 7 VI 33.38 56.32 17.26 106.96 Altenberg Klemm 8 XIV 33.72 56.10 17.20 107.02 Finbo Klemm 9 XV 33.57 56.30 17.00 106.87 Finbo Klemm 10 XVI 33.64 56.24 17.12 107.00 Finbo Klemm 11 XVIII 33.68 56.36 17.11 107.15 Miask Klemm 18 XIX 33.19 56.72 17.09 107.00 Miask Klemm 13 XXI 33.24 57.02 17.64 108.73 Tasmania Sommerland 1 ' (d) Si 6 Al 12 24 . 5 Fl n . Theory 32.93 55.97 19.12 108.02 III 33.53 56.54 18.62 108.69 Schneckenstein Rammelsberg 15 X 32.28 55.86 18.28 106.42 Zinnwald Rammelsberg 1 ' XI XX 33.27 33.56 56.76 56.28 18.54 18.30 108.67 106.14 Schlaggenwald Adun-Tschilon Rammelsberg 17 Rammelsberg x 8 * References to the Literature are given on p. 438 et eeq. 2 A 354 THE EPIDOTES The Epidotes The following analyses of the Epidotes conform to compounds of the type Si Al Al Si = 6 A1 2 3 12 Si0 2 or to the general formula : 4 H 2 0- (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) 16 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 CaO H 2 H 2 H 2 H 2 O H 2 H 2 H 2 H 2 H 2 2 (6 R 2 - 16 CaO 16 CaO 16 CaO 16 CaO 16 CaO 16 CaO 16 CaO 16 CaO 16 CaO 3 12 Si0 2 ) 2 Fe 2 3 2.25 Fe 2 3 2.5 Fe 2 O 3 - 2.75 Fe 2 O 3 3Fe 2 3 - 3.25 Fe 2 3 3.5 Fe 2 3 3.75 Fe 2 3 4 Fe 2 3 (12 R 2 3 = 10 A1 2 3 9.75 A1 2 3 9.5 A1 2 3 9.25 A1 2 O 3 9A1 2 3 - 8.75 A1 2 3 8.5 A1 2 O 3 8.25 A1 2 3 8 A1 2 3 mFe 2 3 nAl 2 3 ). 24 SiO 2 . 24Si0 2 . 24Si0 2 . 24 Si0 2 . 24Si0 2 . 24 SiO 2 . 24Si0 2 . 24 Si0 2 . 24Si0 2 . Si0 2 A1 2 0, Fe a O s CaO H a O FeO Total Source Analyst (a) 4 H 2 16 CaO 2 Fe 2 3 10 A1 2 O 3 24 Si0 2 . Theory 38.44 27.21 8.54 23.90 1.91 100.00 III 39.18 26.52 8.21 23.89 2.20 100.00 Zoptau Nanke 1 * XVI 38.42 26.62 8.72 23.66 2.46 99.88 Sustenhorn Stockar-Escher 2 XVII 38.43 26.18 8.77 24.13 2.46 99.97 Sustenhorn Stockar-Escher 3 XX 37.66 27.36 8.90 23.90 2.33 100.15 Caverdiras Stockar-Escher* XXI 38.08 27.74 8.27 23.53 2.04 99.66 Maggiatal Stockar-Escher 5 XXII 38.28 27.53 8.66 22.87 2.41 99.75 Formarzatal? Stockar-Escher 6 XLIV 37.92 27.90 9.10 22.81 2.02 99.75 Pargas Wilk 7 (b) 4 H 2 16 CaO 2.25 Fe 2 O 3 9.75 A1 2 3 24 Si0 2 . Theory 38.28 26.43 9.57 23.81 1.91 100.00 XIV 37.96 26.35 9.71 23.77 2.02 99.81 Guttannen Stockar-Escher 8 XV 38.13 26.42 9.74 23.30 2.02 99.61 Guttannen Stockar-Escher 9 XXXIV 37.87 24.72 9.96 23.10 2.82 0.36 100.14a Mainland Heddle 10 (c) 4 H 2 O 16 CaO 2.5 Fe 2 O 3 9.5 A1 2 O 3 24 Si0 2 . Theory 38.13 25.65 10.59 23.72 1.91 100.00 XIII 38.99 25.75 9.99 23.76 2.05 0.61 MgO 100.16 Guttannen Scheerer 11 XLI 38.84 25.45 10.88 22.62 2.41 100.20 Arendal Richter 12 (d) 4 H 2 O 16 CaO 2.75 Fe 2 3 9.25 A1 2 3 24 Si0 2 . Theory 38.00 24.90 11.60 23.62 1.88 100.00 _ i _ LIII 37.47 24.09 10.60 22.19 2.24 2.81 99.40 Achtenskoi Hermann 1 3 LIX 38.20 24.62 12.20 21.59 2.16 0.57 MnO 99.846 Rowe, Mass. JA. G. Dana 14 (e) 4 H 2 16 CaO 3 Fe 2 3 9 A1 2 3 24 Si0 2 . Theory 37.84 24.12 12.61 23.54 1.89 100.00 VIII 38.60 23.08 12.34 24.17 1.88 0.95 101.02 Sulzbachtal Mauthner 15 IX 36.90 24.36 12.40 23.54 2.01 0.72 lOO.OOe Sulzbachtal Laspeyres 18 XXXII 38.26 24.75 11.07 23.63 2.26 0.56 100.53 Quenast Renard 17 XXXVII 37.32 22.85 11.56 22.13 2.93 1.86 99.32d Arendal Hermann 18 a Inch 0.54 MnO 0.77 MgO. 6 Inol. 0.07 MnO. * For references see p. 438. c. Inch 0.13 MgO 0.37 Alkalies. d Incl. 0.77 MgO. THE GRANITES 355 SiO, A1.0, Fe 2 8 CaO HO FeO Total Source Analyst (f) 4 H 2 O 16 CaO 3.25 Fe 2 O 3 8.75 A1 2 O 3 24 Si0 2 . Theory 37.70 23.37 13.601 23.45 1.881 100.00 IV 38.37 22.09 13.77 22.90 2.11 99.24 Sulzbachtal v. Drasche 19 VI 37.83 23.43 13.3l| 23.47 2.06| 0.48 100.58 Sulzbachtal Ludwig 80 (g) 4 H 2 16 CaO - 3.5 Fe 2 O 3 8.5 A1 2 O 3 24 Si0 2 . Theory 37.55 22.61 14.60 23.36 1.88 100.00 V XXX LVIII 37.83 36.71 37.04 22.63 22.61 22.99 14.02 14.47 14.19 23.27 23.67 24.09 2.05 1.92 2.16 0.93 0.62 100.73 100.00 100.47 Sulzbachtal "Bourg d'Osians" Hereroland Ludwig 21 Laspeyres 22 Wulf 23 (h) 4 H 2 16 CaO 3.75 Fe 2 3 8.25 A1 2 O 3 24 Si0 2 . Theory 37.40 21.861 15,59 23.28 1.87 100.00 VII 37.11 21.90| 16,00 23.19 2.03 100.23 Sulzbachtal Rammelsberg 24 (i) 4 H 2 16 CaO 4 Fe 2 O 3 8 A1 2 3 24 Si0 2 . Theory 37.27 21.11 16.56 23.1911.87 __ 100.00 _ XXIII 37.65 20.64 16.50 22.32 2.06 0.49MnO 100.12 Traversella Scheerer 25 XXVIII XXIX XXXVII XL 37.56 37.35 38.76 37.59 20.78 22.02 20.36 20.73 16.49 15.67 16.35 16.57 22.70 22.54i 23.71 22.64 2.09 2.35 2.00 2.11 0.29 MgO 0.44 MgO 0.41 MgO 99.91 99.93 101.67 100.05 "Bourg d'Osians" "Bourg d'Osians" Arendal Arendal Scheerer 26 Stockar-Escher 27 Rammelsberg 2 8 Scheerer* 9 The Granite Group A number of Granites examined by K. H. Schneer may be expressed by the general formula : 18 RO 6 R 2 3 18 Si0 2 and 16 RO 6 R 2 3 16 Si0 2 as may be ascertained from the following Table : % Molecules No. CaO FeO MnO A1.0, Fe 2 0, SiO a H,0 || CaO FeO MnO A1.0, Fe,0,|siO,|H,O Theory 33.25 1.22 6.92 21.72 36.89 1 33.59 1.17 7.44 20.94 36.56 17.5 0.5 2 4 18 Theory 32.12 1.82 0.60 6.88 21.59 36.68 0.31 2 32.36 1.91 0.48 7.35 21.58 36.33 0.48 17 0.75 0.25 2 4 18 0.5 Theory 32.12 2.43 6.88 21.59 36.68 0.30 3 31.51 2.88 7.07 22.51 35.97 0.25 17 1 2 4 18 0.5 Theory 33.52 1.25 0.61 12.39 13.88 37.73 0.62 4 33.55 1.68 0.28 11.99 14.79 37.53 0.48 17.25 0.5 0.25 3.5 2.5 18 1 Theory 34.22 1.25 13.36 12.57 37.96 0.64 5 34.01 1.71 0.54 13.29 13.01 37.52 0.53 17.5 0.5 3.75 2.25 18 1 Theory 32.46 3.85 16.37 8.56 38.76 6 31.98 4.46 0.57 16.29 8.73 37.96 0.22 16.25 1.75 4.5 1.5 18 Theory 32.05 2.74 13.72 14.60 36.89 7 32.73 2.54 13.73 14.03 37.18 15 1 3.75 2.25 16 356 THE MESOLITES The The following analyses of the (a) S Al - Si Al S = 6 A1 2 3 15 Si0 2 , (b) Si Al Si Al Si = 6 A1 2 3 16 Si0 2 , (a) Mesolites of the type Sf Al Si Al Si = 6 A1 2 3 15 Si0 2 , Source Analyst 1 9 MO 2(6A1 2 O 3 - 15 SiO 2 ) 36H 2 O 9MO = 3Na 2 6CaO Antrimolite Bengune Thomson 2 11 MO 2 (6 A1 2 O 3 15SiO 2 ) 26H 2 O HMO = 5Na 2 O 6CaO Eisenach Luedecke (b) Mesolites of the type Si -Al - Si Al Si = 6 A1 2 3 16 Si0 2 Source Analyst 3 10 MO - 2 (6 A1 2 O 3 16 SiO 2 ) 30 H 2 O 10MO=4Na 2 O-6CaO Sandy Cove, N.S. Marsh 4 11 MO 2 (6 A1 2 O 3 16 SiO 2 ) 40 H 2 O HMO = 5Na 2 O-6CaO Caranja Isle Thomson 5 12 MO 2 (6 A1 2 O 3 16 SiO 2 ) 24 H 2 O 12MO = 4Na 2 O-8CaO Harringtonite Thomson (c) Mesolites of the type Si Al Si Al - Si = 6 A1 2 3 17 Si0 2 Source Analyst 6 9 MO 2 (6 A1 2 O 3 17 SiO 2 ) 32 H 2 O 9 MO = 2 Na 2 O 7 CaO Iceland Fuchs & Gehlen 7 11 MO 2 (6 A1 2 O 3 17 SiO 2 ) 30H 2 O 1 1 MO = 4 Na 2 O 7 CaO Iceland Breidenstein (d) Mesolites of the type Si Al Si Al Si = 6 A1 2 3 18 Si0 2 1 Source Analyst 8 12 MO- 2(6 A1 2 O 3 - 18 SiO 2 ) 30H 2 O 12MO = 4 Na 2 O 8 CaO Niederkirchen Riegel 9 10 11 12 13 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 9 99 9 99 9 99 9 99 9 Tirol Antrimolite / Bengune \ Skye Skye Fuchs & Gehlen Heddle Heddle Heddle Heddle THE MESOLITES 357 Mesolites Mesolites conform to the following types : (c) Si Al Si Al Si = 6 A1 2 3 (d) Si Ai S*i Al Si = 6 A1 2 3 or the general formula m MO 2 (6 A1 2 3 15 Si0 2 ) n H 2 0. 17 SiO, 18 SiO, SiO, Al,0, CaO Na,0 H,0 MgO Total Theory VII 42.92 43.47 29.18 30.26 8.01 7.50 4.43 4.10* 15.46 15.32 0.19 FeO 100.00 100.94 Theory II 43.50 43.83 29.57 29.04 8.12 7.84 7.49 7.80 11.31 11.75 z 100.00 100.26 or the general formula m MO 2 (6 A1 2 3 16 Si0 2 ) nHoO. Si0 2 A1,0 S CaO Na a O H,0 MgO Total Theory XXXII 44.98 45.39 28.68 28.09 7.87 7.55 5.81 5.28 12.66 12.71 0.49 K 2 O 100.00 99.51 Theory XXXIX 42.58 42.70 27.14 27.50 7.45 7.61 6.87 7.00 15.96 14.71 100.00 99.52 Theory XI 44.95 44.84 28.65 28.48 11.21 10.68 5.80 5.56 10.11 10.28 100.00 99.84 or the general formula m MO 2 (6 R 2 3 17 Si0 2 ) nHoO. SiO, Al,0 8 CaO Na,0 | H,0 MgO Total Theory XXVI 46.83 46.58 28.10 27.57 9.00 9.10 2.84 3.64 13.83 13.17 0.03 100.00 100.14 Theory XXIII 45.90 45.78 27.54 27.53 8.82 9.00 5.58 5.03 12.15 12.30 0.31 K,O 100.00 100.13 or the general formula m MO 2 (6 A1 2 3 18 SiO 2 ) n H 2 O. SiO, Al,0, CaO Na,0 H,0 MgO Total Theory V VIII IX XIII XIV 46.76 46.65 46.04 47.07 45.98 46.70 46.72 26.49 27.40 27.00 26.23 26.18 26.62 26.70 9.70 9.26 9.61 9.88 10.78 9.08 8.90 5.37 4.91 5.20 4.89 4.54 5.39 5.40 11.68 12.00 12.36 12.24 13.00 12.83 12.92 100.00 100.22 100.21 100.31 100.48 100.63 100.64 * Determined by Thomson as K a O. 358 THE CLINTONITES Source Analyst 12MO2(6A1 2 O S -18 SiO 2 )-30H 2 O 12MO = 4Na 2 O-8CaO 14 Skye Heddle 15 NaalsjO Berzelius 16 NaalsjS Heddle 17 Naalsjo Fuchs and Gehlen 18 Naalsjo Durscher 19 StromO E. E. Schmid 20 Berufjord S. v. Waltershausen 21 Iceland Fuchs and Gehlen 22 Iceland Fuchs and Gehlen 23 Iceland E. E. Schmid 24 Iceland Lemberg 25 Port George, N.S. How 26 Port George, N.S. How 27 Cape Blomidon Marsh 28 Atacama, Chili Darapsky 29 14MO2(6 Al 2 O 8 -18SiO 2 H4H 2 O 14MO = 3Na 2 0-llCaO Fritz Island, Pa. Sadtler The The following analyses of the minerals of the = 5R,O a - 6Si0 2 , 12 Si0 2 , 6 Si0 2 , 12 Si0 2 , Si = 6 R,0 a 16 Si0 2 , 18 Si0 2 . A. B. C. D. E. F. R R R R Si Si & si- Si- Si- R. R. R Si R Si Si Si R R R -R 2 ^3 = 5R 2 3 = 6 R 2 3 - 6 R 2 3 6R 2 3 6R 0, A. Compounds of the type R . Si R = 5 R 2 3 6 Si0 2 j Source Analyst 1 12M02 (5 Al 2 3 -6Si0 2 )-12H 2 12MO = 8FeO -4MgO St. Marcel Kobell 2 13MO-2 (5 Al 2 O 3 -6 SiO 2 )-9 H 2 O 13MO = 10FeO-2.5 MgO-0.5 MnO Leeds, Canada Hunt B. Compounds of the type R si Si R = 5 R 2 3 12 Si0 2 Source Analyst 3 13MO-2(5 Al 2 O 3 -12SiO 2 )-llH 2 o| 13MO = 9.25FeO3.75 MgO St. Marcel Damour THE CLINTONITE GROUP 359 SiO, Al,0, CaO Na 2 O H,0 MgO Total Theory 46.76 26.49 9.70 5.37 11.68 100.00 XV 46.26 26.48 10.00 4.98 13.04 100.76 XVII 46.80 26.50 9.87 5.40 12.30 100.87 XVIII 46.80 26.46 9.08 5.14 12.28 99.76 XIX 47.00 26.13 9.35 5.47 12.25 100.20 XX 47.50 26.10 9.15 4.57 12.80 100.12 XXI 47.40 27.05 9.16 4.69 12.69 0.06 101.05 XXII 46.41 26.24 9.68 4.46 13.76 0.01 100.97 XXIV 46.78 25.66 10.06 4.79 12.31 99.60 XXV 47.46 25.35 10.04 4.87 12.41 100.13 XXVII 47.13 26.52 10.36 4.50 12.59 101.12 XXVIII 45.96 26.69 9.48 5.09 12.78 100.00 XXIX 46.66 26.48 9.63 4.83 12.25 99.85 XXX 46.71 26.68 9.55 5.68 11.42 100.04 XXXI 45.89 27.55 9.13 5.09 12.79 0.48 K 2 100.93 XXXVI 46.74 25.99 9.11 5.23 12.41 99.48 Theory 43.39 24.59 12.37 3.73 15.92 _ 100.00 XXXIII 43.29 25.02 12.15 3.40 16.01 99.87 Glintonite Group * Clintonite group conform to the following types : G. Sl = 7.5 R0 6 Si0 23 H. R Si R S A i R = 8 R 2 3 12 Si0 2 , Jk J. SI^-R = 9R 2 3 - 6Si0 2 , X R K. R Si R Si R = 9 R 2 3 12 Si0 2 . or the general formula m MO 2 (5 R 2 3 6 Si0 2 ) n H 2 0. SiO, A1 2 0, Fe,0, FeO MnO MgO CaO H,O Total Theory IX 26.74 25.75 37.89 37.50 ~ 21.40 21.00 z 5.94 6.20 - 8.03 7.80 100.00 98.25 Theory XXXI 26.12 26.30 36.99 37.10 ~ 26.11 25.92 1.28 0.93 3.62 3.66 - 5.88 6.10 100.00 100.01 or the general formula m MO 2 (5 R 2 3 12.Si0 2 ) n H 2 0. SiO, A1 2 8 Fe 2 0, FeO MnO MgO CaO H 2 * Known in Germany as the Sprodglimmer or "brittle micas." Total Theory XI 26.23 37.27 25.50 38.13 24.27 23.58 5.11 5.19 7.22 6.90 100.00 99.30 360 THE CLINTONITE GROUP C. Compounds of the type R- Si R = 6R 2 3 6Si0 2 Source 4 10 MO 2(6 B 2 O 3 6 SiO 2 ) - 10 H 2 O 10MO = 7FeO-3MgO 12 R 2 3 = 8.75 A1 2 3 3.25 Fe 2 O 3 Kossoibrod. 5 6 11 MO 2(6 R 2 3 6 Si0 2 ) 10 H 2 O 11 MO 2(6 R 2 O 3 6 Si0 2 ) 10 H 2 O 11 MO = 5 MgO 5.5 FeO 0.5 CaO 12 R 2 3 = 11.25 A1 2 3 0.75 Fe 2 O 3 11 MO = 4.75 MgO 0.25 MnO 5.5 FeO 0.5 CaO 12 R 2 O 3 = 11.5 A1 2 O 3 0.5 Fe 2 O 3 St. Marcel Shetland 7 11 MO - 2(6 A1 2 3 6 Si0 2 )- 12 H 2 O HMO = llFeO St. Marcel. 8 12MO-2(6Al 2 3 -6Si0 2 ) 12MO = 12FeO Kossoibrod. 9 12 MO 2(6 A1 2 O 3 6 SiO 2 )- 10 H 2 O 12 MO = 1 1.5 FeO 0.5 H 2 O Gumuch-Dagh 10 11 12 MO 2(6 A1 2 O 3 - 6 SiO 2 ) 10 H 2 O 12 MO 2(6 A1 2 O 3 - 6 SiO 2 ) - 12 H 2 O 12 MO = 10.5 FeO 1.5 MgO 12 MO = 7.75 FeO 4.25 MgO Grippe, He de Groix Zermatt. 12 12 MO 2(6 A1 2 O 3 - 6 SiO 2 ) 12 H 2 O 12 MO = 9.75 FeO 2.25 MgO Pregratten. 13 13 MO 2(6 A1 2 O 3 - 6 SiO 2 ) 12 H 2 O 13 MO = 11.75 FeO 0.75 MgO 0.25 MnO 0.25 CaO Gumuch-Dagh. 14 13 MO - 2(6 A1 2 3 - 6 SiO 2 ) 12 H 2 O 13 MO = 11. 75 FeO -0.75 MgO -0.25 MnO 0.25 CaO Gumuch-Dagh. 15 13 MO 2(6 A1 2 O 3 - 6 SiO 3 ) 12 H 2 O 13 MO = 7.5 FeO 0.5 MnO 5 MgO Shetland. 16 15 MO - 2(6 A1 2 O 3 - 6 SiO 2 ) 11 H 2 O 15MO = 12FeO-3MgO Kossoibrod. D. Compounds of the type R Si Si R =6 R 2 3 12 Si0 2 Source Analyst 17 18 10MO-2(6R 2 O 3 *12SiO 2 )- 19MO-2(6Al 2 3 -12SiO 2 ) 8H 2 14H 2 10 MO = 6 FeO 3 MnO 0.5 MgO 0.5 CaO 12 R 2 O 3 =11 A1 2 O 3 1 Fe 2 O 3 19 MO = 15.5 FeO 3.5 MnO Lierneux Natic,Rh. Island Renard Jackson E. Compounds of the type Si Al Si Al- Si = 6 A1 2 3 16 Si0 2 Source Analyst 19 13MO-2(6Al 2 O 3 -16SiO 2 )-12H 2 O 13 MO = 12.5 FeO 0.5 MgO Venasque Damour THE CLINTONITE GROUP 361 or the general formula m MO 2 (6 R 2 3 6 Si0 2 ) n H 2 0. Analyst | Si0 8 A1 2 8 Fe a 3 FeO MnO MgO CaO H,0 Total Hermann Theory XXVI 24.52 24.54 30.39 30.72 17.71 17.28 17.17 17.30 , 4.08 3.75 6.13 6.38 100.00 99.97 Suida Theory X 25.79 26.03 41.11 42.33 4.29 4.09 14.19 14.32 __ 7.16 7.30 1.00 0.35 6.46 6.56 100.00 100.98 Heddle Theory XXI 25.91 25.36 42.21 41.74 2.87 3.90 14.05 13.93 0.64 0.92 6.84 6.82 1.00 0.90 6.48 6.57 100.00 100.14 Delesse Theory VIII 24.39 24.10 41.47 40.71 ~ 26.83 27.10 z ~ 7.31 7.24 100.00 99.15 Erdmann Theory XXIV 25.64 24.96 43.59 43.83 ~ 30.77 31.21 ~ ~ ~ 100.00 100.00 Smith Theory XXVIII 24.41 24.10 41.50 39.80 27.69 27.55 0.30 (K 2 O+Na 2 O) 6.40 6.50 100.00 98.25 Renard Theory XIII 24.59 24.90 41.78 40.36 25.45 26.17 ___ 2.05 2.54 - 6.13 6.23 100.00 100.23 Damour Theory VI 24.93 24.40 42.38 42.80 19.33 19.17 5.88 6.17 7.48 6.90 100.00 99.44 A. Sipocz Theory IV 24.39 24.90 41.46 40.99 0.55 23.78 24.28 3.05 3.33 7.32 7.82 100.00 101.87 L. Smith Theory XXIX 23.47 23.94 39.90 39.52 27.58 28.05 0.58 0.52 0.98 0.80 0.46 0.45 7.03 7.08 100.00 100.36 L. Smith Theory XXX 23.47 23.20 39.90 40.21 27.58 27.25 0.58 0.98 0.95 0.46 0.83 7.03 6.97 100.00 99.41 Heddle Theory XX 24.53 24.47 41.70 41.34 0.38 18.40 18.52 1.21 0.91 6.81 6.80 0.30 7.35 6.98 100.00 99.70 Kobell Theory XXVII 23.03 23.01 39.15 40.26 27.64 27.40 3.84 3.97 6.34 6.34 100.00 100.98 or the general formula m MO 2 (6 R 2 3 12 Si0 2 ) n H 2 0. SiO, A1 2 3 Fe 2 8 FeO MnO | MgO CaO H 2 Total Theory XVIII 40.52 40.55 31.58 30.80 4.50 3.82 11.99 12.46 5.99 6.51 0.57 0.45 0.79 1.29 4.06 4.12 100.00 100.00 Theory XXXII 33.64 33.20 28.59 29.00 26.07 25.93 5.81 6.00 0.24 __ 5.89 5.60 100.00 99.97 or the general formula m MO 2 (6 R 2 O 3 16 Si0 2 ) n H 2 0. SiO, A1 2 0, Fe 2 0, FeO MnO MgO CaO H 2 Total Theory XII 44.87 44.79 28.60 29.71 21.03 20.75 0.46 0.62 5.04 1 100.00 4.93 1 100.80 THE CLINTONITE GROUP F. Compounds of the type Si ft Si ft Si = 6 R 2 3 18 Si0 2 Source Analyst 20 17 MO2(6 A1 2 O 8 -18 SiO 2 )-16 H 2 O 17MO = 11.5FeO-5.5MnO Ottre Damour 21 17 MO2(6 A1 2 O 8 -18 SiO 2 )-16 H 2 O 17 MO- 11.5 FeO - 5.5 MnO Ottrf Damour G. Compounds of the type i R = 7.5R 2 O X R 6Si0 Source Analyst 22 29 M02(7.5 R 2 O 3 -6 SiO 2 ) 12H 2 = 19.75MgO-8.25CaO-lFeO 15R 2 3 =14.5Al 2 3 -0.5Fe 2 3 I Manzoni Sipocz H. Compounds of the type R Si R Si R = 8 R 2 3 12 Si0 2 Source Analyst 23 24 12MO-2(8R 2 O 3 -12SiO 2 ) 12H 2 24 MO-2(8 A1 2 O 8 -12 SiO 2 ) 14H 2 O 12MO = 10FeO-2MgO 16R 2 O 3 =llAl 2 3 -5Fe 2 8 24 MO = 24 FeO Natic, Rh. Island Natic, Rh. Island Hermann Whitney J. Compounds of the type Source Analyst 25 26 30MO-2(9R 2 O 3 -6SiO 2 ) 6H 2 30MO-2(9R 2 O 3 -6 SiO 8 ) 6H 2 30MO = 21.5MgO-8.5CaO 18 R 2 O 3 =17.5 A1 2 O 3 -0.5 Fe 2 O 8 30 MO = 21. 5 MgO-8.5 CaO 18R 2 O 3 = 17.5Al 2 O 3 -0.5Fe 2 O 3 Ural Ural G. Wagner O. Schieffer- deeker K. Compounds of the type R Si 6 Si R = 9 R 2 3 12 Si0 2 Source Analyst 27 28 29 20 MO-2(9 A1 2 O 3 -12 SiO 2 ) 24H 2 22 MO-2(9 A1 2 O 3 -12 SiO 2 ) 16H 2 O 25MO-2(9Al 2 O 3 -12SiO 2 ) 20 H a O 20 MO = 15.5 FeO-3.5 MgO 0.5 MnO 0.5 CaO 22 MO = 21 FeO- 1 MgO 25 MO = 19.5 FeO 5.5 MgO Kaisersberg Hetzschen Kossoibrod v. Foullon Schroder Bonsdorff THE CLINTONITE GROUP or the general formula m MO 2 (6 R 2 3 18 Si0 2 ) n H 2 O. 363 SiO, A1,0 S Fe,0, FeO MnO Mgo CaO H,O Total Theory XIV 44.16 43.52 25.04 23.89 __ 16.93 16.81 7.98 8.03 ___ 5.89 5.63 100.00 97.88 Theory XV 44.16 43.34 25.04 24.63 16.93 16.72 7.98 8.18 z 5.63 5.66 100.00 98.53 or the general formula m MO 2 (7.5 R 2 O 3 6 SiO 2 ) n H 2 0. SiO, A1|0 S Fe,0, FeO MnO MgO CaO H,0 Total Theory 11* 18.95 18.75 38.94 39.10 2.10 3.24 1.89 1.62 20.80 20.46 12.16 12.14 5.16 5.35 100.00 100.66 or the general formula m MO 2 (8 R 2 3 12 Si0 2 ) n H 2 O. SiO, Al,0, Fe,0, FeO MnO MgO CaO H,0 Total Theory XXXIV 32.89 32.68 25.63 26.38 18.28 18.95 16.45 16.17 1.82 1.32 4.93 4.50 100.00 100.00 Theory XXXIII 28.51 28.27 32.30 32.16 ~ 34.20 33.72 0.13 4.99 5.00 100.00 99.28 or the general formula m MO 2 (9 R 2 3 6 Si0 2 ) n H 2 O. SiO, Al,0 3 Fe,0, FeO MnO MgO CaO H,0 Total Theory 17.87 44.30 1.99 21.35 11.81 2.68 100.00 Vllf 17.42 44.18 3.53 20.61 11.95 2.61 100.30 Theory 17.87 44.30 1.99 21.35 11.81 2.68 100.00 Vlllf 17.70 43.60 2.90 20.90 11.50 2.50 99.10 or the general formula m MO 2 (9 R 2 3 12 Si0 2 ) n H 2 O. SiO, Al,0, Fe,0, FeO MnO MgO CaO H,O Total Theory 28.64 36.52 22.20 0.71 2.78 0.56 8.59 100.00 II 28.48 36.86 21.88 0.97 2.80 0.59 8.09 100.36 Theory 28.15 35.89 29.55 0.78 5.63 100.00 I * 28.04 36.19 29.79 1.25 0.20 5.88 100.35 Theory 27.38 34.91 26.69 4.18 6.84 100.00 XXII 27.48 35.57 27.05 0.30 4.29 6.95 101.64 * Brandisite t Xanthophyllite 364 THE MICA GROUP The The following analyses of the minerals of the A. Si R Si = 3 R 2 3 10 SiO 2 , B. Si - R Si = 3 R 2 3 12 Si0 2 , /Si C. R-Si = 3 R 2 3 15 Si0 2 , D. R-Si = 3 R 2 O 3 18 Si0 2 , x s A i E. R-Si-R = 5R X Si A x s A i R-Si-R = 5R 2 3 - 6Si0 2 , A. Mica of the type Si R - Si = 3 R 2 3 10 Si0 2 Source 20 MO 2(3R 2 3 - 6H 2 O 10 Si0 2 ) 20 MO 6 R 2 3 = 16.5 MgO = 4.5A1 2 O 3 - 3.5 K 2 O 1.5Fe 2 O 3 Biotite Chester, Mass. B. Mica of the type S A i R Si = 3 R 2 3 12 Si0 2 Source 6MO-2(3R 2 3 -12Si0 2 ) 28MO-2(3R 2 O 3 -12SiO 2 ) 6H 2 32 MO 2 (3 A1 2 O 3 12 SiO 2 ) 2H 2 O 6MO=1.5FeO-2MgO-2K 2 0-0.5Na 2 O 6R 2 3 =5A1 2 3 -1V 2 3 28 MO = 23 MgO 2 FeO 3 K 2 O 6R 2 O 3 = 5.5 A1 2 O 3 0.5 Fe 2 O 3 32 MO = 26.5 MgO 2.5 K 2 O 3 Na 2 O Roscoe- lite Biotite Colorado Moravicza Edwards, N.S. C. Mica of the type /SI R~Si = 3R 2 3 - 15Si0 2 X Si Source 115 MO 2 (3 R 2 O 3 15 SiO 2 ) 20 H 2 15 MO = 15 MgO 6 R 2 O 3 = 3.5 Fe 2 O 3 2.5 A1 2 O 3 Biotite Vermont D. Mica of the type A R; Si = 3 R 2 3 18 Si0 2 Source 39 MO 47 MO 2(3R 2 3 -18Si0 2 ) 6H 2 2 (3 A1 2 O 3 18 SiO.) 1H 2 O 39 MO = 32 MgO- 7 K 2 O 6 R 2 O 3 = 3 A1 2 O 3 3 Fe 2 O 3 47MO = 3 FeO 17 MnO 21 MgO 3 CaO 3 K 2 Biotite Herschenberg Pajoberg THE MICA GROUP 365 Mica Group Mica group conform to the following types : F. Si R R Si = 5 R 2 3 12 Si0 2 , G. Si -R Si R Si - 5 R 2 3 18 Si0 2 , H. R - Si R = 6 R 2 3 6Si0 2 , J. Si R - R Si = 6 R 2 3 10 Si0 2 , K. S A i R R Si = 6 R 2 3 12 Si0 2 , L. Si R Si R Si = 6 R 2 3 16 Si0 2 , M. Si R Si R Si = 6 R 2 3 18 Si0 2 , N. R Si R Si R = 9 R 2 O 3 12 Si0 2 , 0. Si R Si R Si R T = 9 R 2 S 20 Si0 2 . of the general formula m MO 2 (3 R 2 3 10 Si0 2 ) n H 2 0. Analyst SiO 8 A1 2 0, Fe,0 8 FeO CaO MgO K 2 O Na 2 O H 2 O Total Pisani Theory 39.95 15.28 7.99 21.97 10.95 3.86 100.00 CLXX 39.55 15.95 7.80 22.25 10.35 4.10 100.00 or the general formula m MO 2 (3 R 2 3 12 Si0 2 ) n H 2 O. Analyst SiO s Al,0 8 Fe 2 0, FeO CaO MgO K,0 Na 2 H 2 Total Genth Theory- 57.43 56.74 20.34 19.62 6.00V 2 3 7.78V 2 3 4.31 3.84 3.19 2.63 7.50 8.11 1.23 0.94 100.00 99.66 Rumpf Theory XLIV 40.73 40.16 15.87 15.79 2.26 2.53 4.07 4.12 ~ 26.03 26.15 7.98 7.64 0.37 3.06 3.58 100.00 100.34 Crawe Theory CLI 40.35 40.36 17.15 16.45 29.70 29.55 6.58 7.23 5.21 4.94 1.01 0.95 100.00 99.48 or the general formula m MO 2 (3 R 2 3 15 Si0 2 ) nH 2 0. Analyst Si0 2 AljO 8 j Fe 2 O 3 FeO CaO MgO K a O Na 2 H 2 O Total Thomson Theory CLXXII 50.34 49.08 7.13 7.28 15.67 16.12 16.79 16.96 10.07 10.28 100.00 99.72 or the general formula m MO 2 (3 R 2 3 18 Si0 2 ) n H 2 0. Analyst SiO a A1.0, Fe 2 8 FeO CaO MgO K 2 O NajO H S O Total Bromeis Theory XXIII 43.27 42.89 1 6.13 6.09 9.62 10.59 25.64 25.09 13.18 13.15 0.36 2.16 2.30 100.00 100.47 Igelstrom Theory CX 38.63 38.50 10.94 11.00 3.86 3.78 3.00 3.20 15.01 15.01 5.04 5.51 21.58MnO 21.40MnO 1.94 1.60 100.00 100.00 366 THE MICA GROUP E. Micas of the type R -Si R = 5R 2 3 -6Si0 2 1 Source 8 6.5 MO 2 (5 A1 2 3 6H 2 6 SiO 2 ) 6.5MO = 4.5CaO 1.5 FeO -0.5 MgO Margarite Peekskill F. Micas of the type Si R R Si = 5 R 2 3 12 Si0 2 Source 9 3 MO 2 (5 A1 2 3 12 SiO 2 ) 3 MO = 1 FeO 0.5 MgO 1.5 K 2 O Pinitoid Weinheim 9H 2 10 5 MO 2(5A1 2 3 12 SiO 2 ) 5 MO = 1 MgO- 1.5K 2 O-2.5Na 2 O Friebenreuth 9H 2 11 6 MO 2 (5 A1 2 3 12 SiO 2 ) 6 MO = 2 MgO 3.5 K 2 O 0.5 Na 2 O Muscovite Unionville, 8H 2 O Pensylv. 12 6 MO 2 (5 R 2 O 3 12 SiO 2 ) 6 MO = 1 MgO 0.5 CaO 3.5 K 2 O Pinitoid Gleichinger 11 H 2 1 Na 2 O 10 R 2 O 3 =9.5 A1 2 O 3 0.5Fe 2 O 3 Fels 13 7 MO 2 (5 A1 2 O 3 12 Si0 2 ) 7 MO =4 FeO 0.5 MgO 2 K 2 O Chemnitz 7H 2 0.5 Na 2 O 14 20 MO . 2 (5 R 2 O 3 12 SiO 2 ) 20 MO = 9.5 FeO 6.5 MgO 1.5 CaO Biotite Adamello 2.5Na 2 O 10R 2 O 3 =6 A1 2 O 3 4Fe 2 O 3 15 22 MO 2 (5 R 2 3 12 SiO 2 ) 22 MO = 21 MgO 1 FeO ?> Westchester 48 H 2 O 10 R 2 O 3 = 8 A1 2 O 3 2 Fe 2 O 3 16 23 MO 2 (5 R 2 O 3 12 SiO 2 ) 23 MO = 22 MgO 1 FeO M Westchester 50 H 2 O 10R 2 3 = 8A1 2 3 - 2Fe 2 3 17 24 MO 2 (5 R 2 O 3 12 SiO 2 ) 24 MO = 23 MgO 0.5 FeO 0.5 NiO M Culsagee 44 H 2 10 R 2 O 3 = 8.5 A1 2 O 3 1.5 Fe 2 O 3 Mine G. Micas of the type Si R Si R"- Sf = 5 R 2 3 18 Si0 2 Source 18 4MO- 2(5A1 2 3 - 18 SiO 2 ) 4 MO = 1 FeO 0.5 MgO 2 K 2 O Hygro- Rheinpfalz 20H 2 O 0.5Na 2 philite 19 7 MO- 2 (5 R 2 O 3 18 SiO 2 ) 7 MO = 1 MnO 1 MgO 5K 2 O Muscovite Heidelberg 6H 2 10 R 2 O 3 = 9.5 A1 2 O 3 0.5 Fe 2 O 3 20 8 MO- 2(5R 2 3 - 18 SiO 2 ) 8 MO = 5.5 MgO 0.5 CaO 2 K 2 O Gongylite Yli-Kitka- 12H 2 O 10R 2 O 3 =8.5A1 2 O 3 - 1.5Fe 2 O 3 jarvi 21 25 MO- 2(5R 2 3 - 18 SiO 2 ) 25MO = 12.5FeO-5CaO-0.5MgO-4.5K,O Biotite Brevik 4H 2 2.5 Na 2 O 10R 2 3 = 7Fe 2 3 -3Al 2 3 22 34 MO- 2 (5 R 2 3 18SiO 2 ) 34 MO =25 MgO 4 FeO 5K 2 O Karosulik 12H 2 10R 2 3 =8.5 A1 2 3 - 1.5Fe 2 3 23 40 MO- 2(5R 2 3 - 18 SiO 2 ) 40 MO = 11.5 FeO 23 MgO 5 K 2 O M Tschebarkul 2H 2 O 0.5 Na 2 O 10R 2 O 3 = 8Al 2 3 -2Fe 2 O 3 24 50 MO - 2 (5 A1 2 O 3 34H 2 18 SiO 2 ) 50 MO = 41.5 MgO 8.5 FeO Milbury THE MICA GROUP or the general formula m MO 2 (5 R 2 3 6 Si0 2 ) n H 2 0. 367 Analyst Si0 2 A1 4 3 Fe a 3 FeO CaO MgO K a O Na z O H,0 Total Chatard Theory XVIII 32.32 32.73 45.78 46.58 4.84 5.12 11.32 11.04 0.90 1.00 4.84 | 100.00 4.49 1100.96 or the general formula m MO 2 (5 R 2 3 12 Si0 2 ) n H 2 0. Analyst Si0 2 A1 2 3 Fe a 3 FeO CaO MgO K 8 Na a O H a O | Total Cohen Theory III 50.44 50.82 35.72 35.93 ~ 2.53 2.92 ~ 0.70 0.41 4.93 4.13 0.08 5.67 5.68 100.00 99.99 v. Ammon Theory IV 48.68 49.08 34.49 34.75 ~ z ~ 1.33 0.85 4.78 5.40 5.24 5.30 5.48 5.35 100.00 100.73 Chatard Theory C 47.30 46.60 33.50 32.39 2.54 ~ ~ 2.63 2.01 10.81 10.39 1.02 0.54 4.73 4.81 100.00 99.28 Hilger Knop Theory V Theory 45.92 45.24 46.26 47.77 30.90 29.96 32.76 32.65 2.55 3.16 0.32P 2 5 9.25 8.94 0.89 1.44 1.27 1.15 0.64 0.49 10.17 10.13 6.04 5.86 1.98 2.15 0.99 1.50 6.32 6.24 4.06 4.19 100.00 99.79 100.00 101.00 Baltzer Theory LIII 36.41 36.43 15.47 14.40 16.19 16.71 17.30 17.40 2.12 1.66 6.57 6.87 5.94 5.54 0.03 100.00 99.04 Konig Theory CXXXVIII 33.22 33.35 18.81 17.78 7.38 7.32 1.66 2.11 19.01 19.26 __ ___ 19.92 19.87 100.00 99.69 Konig Theory CXL 32.52 33.03 18.43 17.38 7.23 7.41 1.63 1.44 - 19.87 20.16 20.32 20.90 100.00 100.32 Chatard Theory CXXXII 33.24 34.00 20.01 20.36 5.54 4.91 0.82 0.42 21.23 21.71 0.86NiO 0.57N1O 18.30 18.50 100.00 100.47 or the general formula m MO 2 (5 R 2 3 18 Si0 2 ) . n H 2 0. Analyst Si0 2 Al a 8 Fe 2 3 FeO CaO MgO K 8 Na,0 H,0 Total Sch wager Theory II 56.08 56.64 26.49 26.68 1.87 1.68 0.22 0.52 0.29 4.88 5.33 0.80 0.64 9.36 9.13 100.00 100.73 Knop Theory 55.41 56.37 24.86 24.22 2.05 2.09 1.82MnO 2.5 MnO ~ 1.03 0.83 12.06 12.61 0.03 2.77 2.41 100.00 101.06 Thoreld Theory 55.11 55.22 22.12 21.80 6.12 4.80 0.32MnO 0.72 0.77 5.62 5.90 4.80 4.46 0.45 5.51 5.77 100.00 99.49 Muller Theory XCIX 39.59 39.38 5.60 6.65 20.53 19.89 16.50 16.43 5.13 5.47 0.73 0.56 7.75 7.86 2.84 2.81 1.33 1.39 100.00 100.44 Kobell Theory CLXXVII 41.21 41.00 16.55 16.88 4.58 4.50 5.49 5.05 19.08 18.86 8.97 8.76 4.12 4.30 100.00 99.35 Zellner Theory cxx 38.72 38.49 14.63 14.43 5.73 5.44 14.85 14.75 , 16.50 16.35 8.42 8.12 0.50 0.53 0.65 0.89 100.00 99.00 Crossley Theory CLXXI 35.62 35.74 16.82 16.42 10.09 10.02 27.38 27.44 10.09 10.30 100.00 99.92 368 THE MICA GROUP H. Micas of the type R Si R = 6 R0, 6 SiO Source 25 1MO- 2(6A1 2 O 3 - 6 SiO 2 ) 2H 2 O 1 MO = 0.25 MgO 0.25 K 2 O 0.25 Na 2 0- 0.25 H 2 Lesleyite 26 2 MO- 2(6A1 2 O 8 6 SiO 2 ) 5H 2 2 MO = 1.75 K 2 O-0.25 H 2 O N 27 6MO- 2(6R 2 3 - 6 SiO 2 ) 7H 2 6MO = 5CaO- 1 Na 2 O 12 R 2 O 3 = 11.75 Al 2 O 3 -0.25Fe 2 O 3 Margarite Nikaria J. Micas of the type Si R R Si = 6 R 2 3 10 Si0 2 Source 28 29 4 MO 2 (6 A1 2 O 3 10 SiO 2 ) . 10 H 2 O 30 31 4 MO 2(6 A1 2 O 3 10 SiO 2 ) 10 H 2 O 4 MO 2 (6 A1 2 3 10 Si0 2 ) 10 H 2 O 4 MO 2 (6 A1 2 O 3 10 SiO 2 ) 10 H 2 O 4 MO = 0.5 CaO 0.5 MgO -1K 2 O 2 Na 2 O 4 MO =0.5 CaO 0.5 MgO 1K 2 O . 2 Na 2 O 4 MO=0.5 CaO 0.5 MgO 1K 2 O 2Na 2 4 MO=0.5 CaO 0.5 MgO 1K 2 O 2Na,0 Muscovite Ebendaher K. Micas of the type Si R R Si = 6 R 2 2 12 SiO, Source 32 33 4 MO 2 (6 R 2 O 3 12 SiO 2 ) 4 MO 2 (6 A1 2 3 12 SiO 2 ) 8 H 2 O 4MO = 4K 2 O 12 R 2 O 3 = 9.5 Al 2 O 3 -2.5Fe 2 O 3 4 MO =0.5 CaO 0.5MgO-3Na 2 O Micarelle Paragonite M. Campione 34 > 4MO = lK 2 O-3Na 2 O n M. Campione 35 4 MO 2 (6 A1 2 O 3 12 SiO 2 ) 9 H 2 O 4 MO = 3.5 K 2 O 0.5 Na 2 O Muscovite Unionville 30 > 4 MO = 3.5 K 2 O 0.5 Na 2 O n " 37 > > 4 MO = 3.5 K 2 O 0.5 Na 2 O Wiesenthal 38 4 MO = 0.5 K 2 O 3.5 Na 2 O Paragonite Borgofrance 30 4 MO =0.5 K 2 O 3.5 Na 2 O n Colle Blasier 40 > > 4 MO = 0.5MgO-3K 2 O-0.5Na 2 O Muscovite Culsagee Mine 41 4 MO 2 (6 A1 2 3 12 SiO 2 ) 10^,0 4MO = 4K 2 O Vallee de 1'Evel 42 5 MO 2(6 A1 2 O 3 12 SiO 2 ) 8 H 2 O 5MO = 0.5MgO-0.5CaO-0.5FeO 3 K 2 O 0.5 Na 2 O Bengal THE MICA GROUP of the general formula m MO 2 (6 R 2 3 6 Si0 2 ) nH 2 0. Analyst Si0 2 A1 2 3 Fe 2 3 FeO CaO MgO K 8 Na 2 H 2 Total Genth Theory 35.42 60.19 0.51 0.76 1.13 1.99 100.00 XI 35.68 60.29 0.72 0.29 0.41 0.96 1.78 100,13 Sharpless Theory 32.69 55.56 7.46 4.29 100.00 V 33.59 55.41 7.43 4.30 100.73 Smith Theory 29.65 49.39 1.65 11.55 2.55 5.19 100.00 IX 30.22 49.67 1.33 11.57 Trace 2.31 5.12 100.22 or the general formula m MO 2 (6 R 2 3 10 Si0 2 ) n H 2 0. Analyst Si0 2 A1 2 8 Fe 2 0, FeO CaO MgO K 8 NaaO H,0 Total Smith & Brush Theory CII 41.82 40.29 42.65 43.00 1.30 0.98 1.01 0.69 0.62 3.27 3.94 4.32 5.16 6.27 5.00 100.00 100.32 Theory cm 41.82 39.64 42.65 42.40 1.60 ~ 0.98 1.00 0.69 0.70 3.27 3.94 4.32 5.16 6.27 5.08 100.00 99.52 > Theory CIV 41.82 40.21 42.65 41.40 1.30 ~ 0.98 1.11 0.69 0.70 3.27 3.25 4.32 4.26 6.27 6.23 100.00 99.21 Theory CV 41.82 40.96 42.65 41.40 1.30 ~ 0.98 1.11 0.69 0.70 3.27 3.25 4.32 4.26 6.27 6.23 100.00 99.21 or the general formula m MO 2 (6 R 2 3 12 Si0 2 ) n H 2 0. Analyst SiO 2 A1 2 3 Fe 2 O s FeO CaO MgO K 2 O Na,0 H 2 Total Massalin Theory 45.21 30.42 12.56 11.81 _ _ 100.00 I 45.00 30.00 12.60 12.40 100.00 Rammelsberg Theory 47.34 40.24 0.92 0.66 6.11 4.73 100.00 II 46.81 40.06 Trace 1.26 0.65 Trace 6.40 4.82 100.00 Lemberg Theory 46.65 39.64 3.04 6.01 4.66 100.00 IV 46.17 40.29 3.09 5.53 4.92 100.00 Genth Theory 45.21 38.42 10.32 0.97 5.08 100.00 XCVII 45.86 37.61 0.59 0.31 0.55 10.40 0.80 4.74 100.90 Konig Theory 45.21 38.42 10.32 0.97 5.08 100.00 XCVIII 45.73 37.10 1.30 0.34 10.50 0.88 4.48 100.33 Sauer Theory 45.21 38.42 10.32 0.97 5.08 100.00 XVIII 45.71 38.64 9.53 0.90 5.17 100.00 Cossa Theory 46.61 39.61 1.52 7.02 5.24 100.00 VII 46.67 39.02 2.01 1.36 6.37 4.91 100.34 Theory 46.61 39.61 1.52 7.02 5.24 100.00 VIII 46.68 39.88 1.06 0.84 6.91 5.08 100.45 K6nig Theory 45.69 38.75 0.63 8.92 0.98 5.13 100.00 XC 45.62 35.93 2.93 = 1.87A1 2 3 0.34 9.40 0.71 4.93 99.86 Delesse Theory 44.72 38.01 11.68 5.95 100.00 XLVIII 45.22 37.85 Trace 11.20 5.25 99.52 Blau Theory 44.93 38.19 1.12 0.87 0.62 8.80 0.96 4.49 100.00 LXXXI 45.57 36.72 0.95 1.28 0.21 0.38 8.81 0.62 5.05 99.93 2 B 370 THE MICA GROUP Source 5 MO 2(6 A1 2 O 3 12 SiO 2 ) 8 H 2 O 7 MO 2(6 A1 2 O 3 12 Si0 3 ) 12 H 2 O = 0.5MgO-0.5CaO-0.5FeO 3 K 2 O-0.5 Na 2 O = 4K 2 O-lMgO 12 R 2 O 3 =11 A1 2 O 3 -1 Fe 2 O 3 = 0.5CaO-2.5MgO-3.5K 2 O 0.5 Na 2 O Muscovite East Indies Horrsjoberg Maryland Si Si L. Micas of the type R Si = 6 R 2 O 3 16 SiO 2 Source 46 4 MO 2(6 A1 2 O 3 16SiO 2 ) 4 MO = 0.5 FeO 3 K 2 O 0.5 Na 2 O Killinite Branchville 8H 2 O 47 5MO-2(6A1 2 O 3 - 16 Si0 2 ) 5 MO = 1.5 FeO 1 CaO 0.5 Li 2 O ,, Killiney 8H 2 O 2K 2 Hill 48 5 MO 2(6 R 2 O 3 - 9H 2 16 SiO 2 ) 5 MO = 1 MgO 2 K 2 - 2 Na 2 O 12 R 2 O 3 = 10 A1 2 O 3 2 Fe 2 O 3 Muscovite Oravicza 49 6MO-2(6R 2 O 3 - 16 SiO 2 ) 6 MO = 0.5 MgO 5.5 K 2 O tf Striegau 10H 2 12R 2 O 3 =lFe 2 3 'llAl 2 3 50 6 MO 2(6 A1 2 O 3 22 H 2 16SiO 2 ) 6 MO = 1.5 FeO 0.5 CaO 1 MgO 3K 2 Killinite Killiney Hill 51 6MO-2(6A1 2 O 3 - 16SiO 2 ) 6MO = 1.5FeO 1.1 MnO 0.5 CaO t > 22 H 2 0.5 MgO- 2.5 K 2 52 7 MO 2(6 A1 2 3 10H 2 16 SiO 2 ) 7 MO =0.5 FeO 2.5 MgO - 4 K 2 O Muscovite Grube Him- melsfiirst 53 7 MO 2(6 A1 2 O 3 16 SiO 2 ) 7 MO = 1.5 FeO 0.5 CaO 2 MgO Hygro- 20 H 2 O 2 K 2 O 1 Na 2 O philite 54 8 MO 2(6 A1 2 O 3 16 SiO 2 ) 8 MO = 2 FeO 1 CaO 0.5 MgO n 20 H 2 O - 0.25 K 2 O - 1 Na 2 O 55 12MO-2(6A1 2 O 3 - 16SiO 2 ) 12 MO = 1 CaO 3.5 MgO 4.5 K 2 O Paragonite Fenestrelle -6H 2 O 3Na 2 56 26MO-2(6R 2 O 3 - 16SiO 2 ) 26 MO =0.5 CaO 18.5 MgO 7 K 2 O Biotite Zillerthal 3H 2 12R 2 O 3 =8Al 2 3 -4Fe 2 O 3 57 27 MO 2(6 R 2 O 3 - 16 SiO 2 ) 27 MO = 1 FeO 0.5 CaO 25.5 MgO West- 40H 2 O 12 R 2 3 =8.5 A1 2 3 - 3.5 Fe 2 O 3 chester 58 29MO-2(6R 2 3 - 16 SiO 2 ) 29 MO = 1.5 FeO - 27.5 MgO ,, 60 H 2 O 12R 2 3 =9Al 2 3 -3Fe 2 O 3 59 30MO-2(6R 2 O 3 - 16 SiO 2 ) 30 MO = 1 1 FeO -12.5 MgO 5 K 2 O > Renchthal 6H 2 1.5Na 2 - 12 R 2 3 =10 A1 2 O 3 2 Fe 2 O 3 60 30MO-2(6A1 2 3 - 16 SiO 2 ) 30 MO = 21.5 FeO - 8.5 MgO > Monroe 28 H 2 61 32MO-2(6R 2 O 3 - 16 SiO 2 ) 32 MO=31.5 MgO 0.5 FeO M Calsagee 32H 2 12 R 2 3 = 10 A1 2 O 3 - 2 Fe 2 O 3 Mine 62 32MO-2(6R 2 O 3 - 16 SiO a ) 32 MO =31. 5 MgO 0.5 FeO JM 64H 2 12 R 2 O 3 = 10 AI 2 O 3 2 Fe 2 O 3 63 34MO-2(6R 2 3 - 16SiO 2 ) 34 MO = 33.5 MgO 0.5 FeO ft 60$ 2 12 R 2 O 3 = 10 A1 2 O 3 2 Fe 2 O 3 64 35 MO 2(6 Al a O 3 16 Si0 2 ) 35MO = 21.5FeO-lCaO-11.5MgO Rio de 34 H 2 1K 2 Janeiro THE MICA GROUP 371 Analyst SiO, Al,0, Fe,0, | FeO | CaO MgO K,0 Na,O H,0 Total Sipocz Theory LXXXII 44.93 45.71 38.19 36.57 1.19 1.12 1.07 0.87 0.46 0.62 0.71 8.80 9.22 0.96 0.70 4.49 4.83 100.00 100.67 Igelstrom Theory LXXIII 43.88 43.41 34.18 35.17 4.87 4.62 . 1.22 1.40 11.46 10.90 ~ 4.39 4.50 100.00 100.00 Chatard Theory XCIII 42.75 42.21 36.35 34.55 1.03 2.03Cr 2 O 3 0.83 0.47 2.96 3.13 9.77 9.16 0.92 0.82 6.42 6.77 100.00 100.17 or the general formula m MO 2 (6 R 2 3 - 16 Si0 2 ) n H 2 0. Analyst SiO, Al,0, Fe a 3 | FeO CaO MgO K,0 Na,0 H,0 Total Dewey Theory 52.79 33.65 0.99 7.76 0.86 3.95 100.00 VII 53.47 32.36 0.79 0.42 0.17 0.72 MnO 7.68 0.44 4.07 100.16 Mallet Theory 52.53 33.49 2.95 1.53 5.14 0.42 Li 2 O 3.94 100.00 III 52.89 33.24 3.27 1.45 4.94 0.46 Li 2 O 3.67 99.92 Kjerulf Theory 50.88 27.03 8.47 1.06 4.98 3.29 4.29 100.00 XXIV 50.88 26.69 8.48 1.19 4.52 2.72 4.19 98.67 Riepe Theory 48.99 28.62 4.08 0.52 13.20 4.59 100.00 XIX 49.27 28.69 2.89 0.42 13.91 4.77 99.95 Lehunt Theory 48.03 30.62 ?2.70 0.70 1.00 7.05 9.90 100.00 I 49.08 30.60 2.27 0.68 1.08 6.72 10.00 100.43 Blythe Theory 47.98 30.59 1.77MnO 2.69 0.70 0.50 5.88 9.89 100.00 II 47.93 31.04 1.26MnO 2.33 0.72 0.46 6.06 10.00 99.80 Scheerer Theory 50.05 31.91 ___ 0.94 __ 2.61 9.80 4.69 100.00 XV 47.84 29.98 2.91 1.12 0.05 2.02 9.48 1.72 TiO a 4.40 99.52 Killing Theory 48.36 30.81 2.72 0.71 2.02 4.73 1.56 9.07 100.00 IV 48.60 32.82 2.76 0.84 2.37 4.08 1.32 8.83 101.62 Laspeyres Theory 47.28 30.14 3.54 1.38 1.47 5.79 1.53 8.87 100.00 I 48.42 32.06 3.26 1.15 1.72 5.67 1.36 9.02 102.66 Cossa Theory 47.33 30.17 1.38 3.45 10.43 4.58 2.66 100.00 IX 47.96 31.03 1.07 3.42 10.44 4.08 2.41 100.41 Varren- Theory 39.54 16.81 13.17 __ 0.58 15.24 13.55 1.11 100.00 trapp XLVI 39.85 16.07 13.21 0.42 15.60 13.68 1.17 100.00 Brush Theory 37.02 16.72 10.80 1.39 0.54 19.65 13.88 100.00 CXXXVII 37.10 17.57 10.54 1.26 0.56 19.65 0.43 13.76 100.87 Chatard Theory 34.25 16.37 8.56 1.93 __ 19.62 19.27 100.00 CXXXIX 34.40 16.63 8.00 2.11 19.30 19.03 99.47 Killing Theory 36.73 19.52 6.12 15.23 _ _ 9.57 8.99 1.77 2.07 100.00 VI 37.67 18.79 6.48 15.28 9.72 8.93 1-92 2.33 101.12 Pisani Theory 34.69 22.11 27.96 __ 6.14 9.10 100.00 CLXIV 34.98 21.88 28.44 6.24 9.22 100.76 Cooke Theory 37.42 19.87 6.23 0.70 __ 24.55 11.33 100.00 CXXXIII 37.58 19.73 5.95 0.58 25.13 11.09 100.06 Chatard Theory 33.64 17.88 5.59 0.63 _ 22.08 20.18 100.00 CXXXI 33.77 17.56 5.61 0.50 22.48 20.30 100.22 Konig Theory 33.59 17.85 5.60 0.63 _ _ 23.45 18.88 100.00 cxxx 33.93 17.38 5.42 0.50 23.43 0.35 NiO 19.17 100.18 C.v.Hauer Theory 32.47 20.70 26.17 0.95 7.77 1.59 10.35 100.00 cxxv 32.33 20.47 ,26.25 0.85 7.75 2.02 10.33 100.00 372 THE MICA GROUP M. Micas of the type Si R Si R Si = 6 R 2 3 18 Si0 2 Source 65 5 MO 2(6R 2 3 - 18SiO 2 ) 5 MO = 0.5 CaO 4.5 K 2 O Micarelle 3H 2 12 R 2 3 = 9.5 Al 2 3 -2 Fe 2 O 3 -0.5 Mn 2 O 3 66 6 MO 2(6 A1 2 O 3 18 SiO 2 ) 6 M0 = 2 FeO 1.5 MgO 2 K 2 O Killinite Killiney 18H 2 0.5 Na 2 Hill 67 6 MO 2(6 A1 2 O 3 18SiO 2 ) 6 M0 = 1.5 FeO 1 MgO 3 K 2 O n Dalkey 19H 2 O 0.5 Na 2 O 68 7 MO 2(6 A1 2 O 3 18SiO 2 ) 7 MO=0.5 FeO 3.5 MgO 3 K 2 O Muscovite Tamsweg 10H 2 O 69 26 MO 2(6 R 2 O 3 18Si0 2 ) 26 MO = 12 FeO 5.5 CaO- 5 K 2 O Biotite Brevik 4H 2 O 3.5 Na 2 O; 12 R 2 O 3 = 9.5 Al 2 O 3 -2.5Fe 2 O 3 70 29 MO 2(6R 2 3 - 18 SiO 2 ) 29 MO = 23.5 MgO 4.5 K 2 O 1 Na 2 O M Laacher 12 R 2 O 3 = 8.5 A1 2 O 3 3.5 Fe 2 O 3 See 71 36 MO 2(6R 2 O 3 - 18 SiO 2 ) 36 MO = 35.5 MgO 0.5 FeO Magnet 86H 2 12 R 2 O 3 =9.5 A1 2 O 3 2.5 Fe 2 O 3 72 37 MO 2(6A1 2 3 - 18SiO 2 ) 37 MO = 15.5 FeO 2 MnO 19.5 MgO Prefiburg 12H 2 73 39 MO 2(6R 2 3 - 18Si0 2 ) 39 M0 = 33 MgO 1 CaO 5 K 2 O M Vesuvius 2H 2 12 R 2 O 3 = 9 A1 2 O 3 3 Fe 2 O 3 N. Micas of the type R Si R Si R = 9 R 2 3 12 Si0 2 1 Source 74 12MO- 2(9 A1 2 O 3 12H 2 12 SiO 2 ) 12 M0 = 2 FeO 0.5 MnO 9.5 CaO Margarite Tokowaja 75 76 29 MO- 29 MO- 2(9 R 2 3 10H 2 O 2(9R 2 3 10H 2 O 12 SiO 2 ) 12 Si0 2 ) 29 MO = 1 .5 FeO 21 MgO 1.5 K 2 O 5 Na 2 O ; 18 R 2 O 3 = 17.5 Al 2 O 3 -0.5Fe 2 O 3 29 MO = 1.5 FeO 21 MgO 1.5 K 2 O . 5 Na 2 O ; 18 R 2 O 3 = 17.5 A1 2 O 3 -0.5 Fe 2 O 3 Willcoxite Shooting Creek Cullakenee Mine 0. Micas of the type Si R * Si R Si R Si = 9 R 2 3 20 Si0 2 1 Source 77 4MO- 2(9 R 2 O 3 24H 2 20 SiO 2 ) 4 MO = 0.5 FeO 0.5 MgO 2.5 K 2 O 0.5 CaO; 18 R 2 O 3 = 17.5 Al 2 O 3 -0.5Fe 2 O 3 Hygro- philite Nil St. Vincent 78 6MO- 2(9 R 2 3 18H 2 O 20 Si0 2 ) 6MO = 5.5K 2 O-0.5H 2 O 18R 2 3 = 17Al 2 3 -lFe 2 3 Lesleyite 79 7MO- 2(9A1 2 3 - 20 SiO 2 ) 7 MO = 2.5 CaO 3 MgO 1.5 K 2 O Muscovite Dobrawa 15 H 2 80 8MO- 2(9R 2 3 - 16H 2 20 SiO 2 ) 8MO = lMgO-7K 2 O 18 R 2 O 3 = 16 A1 2 O 3 2 Fe 2 O 3 " Mt.Leinster Carlow 81 9MO- 2(9 R 2 O 3 20 SiO 2 ) 9 MO = 1 CaO - 2 MgO 4 K 2 O 2 Na 2 O Botriphinie 16 H 2 18 R 2 O 3 = 15.5 A1 2 O 3 2.5 Fe 2 O 3 82 9MO- 2(9R 2 3 - 20 Si0 2 ) 9 MO = 1 CaO 2 MgO - 4 K 2 O 2 Na 2 O n Vanlup 16H 2 18 R 2 O 3 = 15.5 A1 2 O 3 2.5 Fe 2 O 8 83 9 MO 2(9 R 2 8 20 SiO 2 ) 9 MO = 3 MgO 5 K 2 O 1 Na 2 O t St. Etienne 12H 2 O 18 R 2 O 3 = 17 A1 2 O 3 1 Fe 2 O 3 THE MICA GROUP 373 or the general formula m MO 2 (6 R 2 3 18 Si0 2 ) nH,0. Analyst SiOj AljOa Fe 2 0, FeO CaO MgO K,0 Na,0 H,0 Total Ficinus Galbraith Theory II Theory IV 53.56 54.60 52.28 50.45 24.03 23.60 29.63 30.13 7 8 .93 .60 1.96Mn 2 O 3 1.60Mn 2 O 3 3.48 3.53 0.69 0.80 1.45 1.09 10.49 11.20 4.55 4.81 0.75 0.95 1.34 1.20 7.84 7.58 100.00 101.60 100.00 98.54 Theory V 51.59 50.11 29.23 29.37 2.58 2.23 0.34 0.95 1.03 6.73 6.71 0.74 0.60 8.18 8.03 100.00 98.42 Kobell Theory XXXIII 53 52 .71 .52 30.43 30.88 0.89 0.80 3.48 3.82 7.02 6.38 ~ 4.47 4.60 100.00 99.00 Miiller Theory C 36.82 36.08 4 4 .32 .99 25.92 25.98 14.73 14.28 5.25 5.43 8.02 7.96 3.69 3.68 1.22 1.31 100.00 99.71 Bromeis Theory XXII 43 43 27 02 17 16 .37 .85 11 11 .22 .63 18.83 19.11 8.07 8.60 1.24 1.16 z 100.00 100.36 Konig Theory cxxxv 33 33 06 28 14.84 14.88 6.12 6.36 0.55 0.57 21.74 21.52 23.69 23.90 100.00 100.51 C.v.Hauer Theory XLV 38 38 26 13 21 21 82 60 19.77 19.92 13.81 13.76 2.51 MnO 2.61 MnO 3.83 3.98 100.00 100.00 Bromeis Theory LIV 39.71 39.75 16.88 15.99 8 8 82 29 1.02 0.87 24.26 24.49 8.64 8.78 = 0.67 0.75 100.00 98.92 or the general formula m MO 2 (9 R 2 3 12 Si0 2 ) nH 2 0. Analyst SiO, A1 2 0, Fe,O, FeO CaO MgO KjO Na,O H,0 Total Jewrechow Theory XV 34.26 34.02 43.68 43.33 3.42 3.02 12.67 13.11 0.84 MnO 1.05 MnO 5.13 5.34 100.00 99.87 Kdnig Theory I 29.48 28.96 36.56 37.49 1.64 2.22 1.26 2.46 17.20 2.88 ( 17.35 2.46 ( 3.34 5.73 3.68 4.00 100.00 100.69 M Theory II 29.48 29.50 36.56 37.56 1.64 2.22 1.40 2.42 - 17.20 2.88 < 17.20 2.42 ( 3.34 5.24 3.68 3.32 100.00 100.02 or the general formula m MO 2 (9 R 2 3 20 Si0 2 ) n H 2 0. Analyst SiO a A1 2 3 Fe 2 8 FeO CaO MgO K,0 Na,O H,0 Total Renard Theory III 47.33 47.02 35.19 34.82 1.58 2.57 1.41 0.68 0.55 0.20 0.79 0.52 4.63 4.60 0.18 8.52 8.35 100.00 98.94 Roepper Theory VIII 46.66 47.02 33.71 33.27 3.11 2.84 z ~ 10.05 9.97 ~ 6.47 6.71 100.00 99.79 Boricky Theory XXX 48.91 48.74 37.42 37.96 z 2.85 2.63 2.44 2.41 2.87 3.07 5.51 5.45 100.00 100.26 Haughton Theory LVIII 44.96 44.64 30.57 30.18 5.99 6.35 0.75 0.72 12.33 12.40 5.40 5.32 100.00 99.61 Heddle Theory LI 45.24 45.10 29.80 29.90 7.54 7.87 0.03 MnO 1.06 0.62 1.51 0.72 7.09 7.84 2.34 2.56 5.43 5.51 100.00 100.15 Theory LIV 45.24 45.43 29.80 29.65 7.54 8.33 0.02 MnO 1.06 0.79 1.51 1.70 7.09 6.94 2.34 2.27 5.43 5.29 100.00 100.42 Delesse Theory XLVII 46.67 46.23 33.71 33.03 3.12 3.48 __ __ 1.94 2.10 9.14 8.87 1.21 1.45 4.21 4.12 100.00 99.28 374 THE SCAPOLITE GROUP Source 84 85 86 10 MO 2(9 R 2 O 3 20 SiO 2 ) 4H 2 14 MO 2(9 A1 2 O 3 20 SiO 2 ) 11 H 2 O 14MO-2(9AI 2 O 3 -20SiO) 2 11H 2 O 10 MO =4 K 2 O 3.5 Na 2 O 2.5 MgO 18 R 2 O 3 =17.5 A1 2 3 0.5 Fe 2 O 3 14 MO = 1 .5 FeO 2 BaO 0.5 CaO 4 MgO 4.5 K 2 O 1.5 Na 2 O 14 MO = 1.5 FeO - 2 BaO 0.5 CaO 4MgO-4.5K 2 O-1.5Na 2 O Muscovite Zillertal Pfitschtal New Formulae for the The following analyses of the minerals A. Si R Si =3 R 2 3 10 SiO B. Si - R Si =3 R 2 3 - 12 Si0 2 , /Si C. R^Si - 3 R 2 3 - 15 Si0 2 , Vi D. R Si - Si R =5 R 2 3 12 Si0 2 , E. Si R Si R S A i = 5 R 2 3 18 Si0 2 , A. Scapolites of the type Si & Si = 3 R 2 3 10 Si0 2 Source Analyst l 6 MO 2(3 R 2 O 3 10 SiO 2 ) 6 MO = 3 MgO 2.5 K 2 O 0.5 H 2 O Algerite Crossley 6H 2 O 6 R 2 O 3 =5.75 A1 2 O 3 0.25 Fe 2 O 3 Franklin N.J. 2 9 MO 2(3 A1 2 O 3 10 SiO 2 ) 9 MO = 4.25 CaO 4.25 Na 2 O 0.5 H 2 O St. Lawrence Rammels- 2H 2 O Co., N.S. berg 3 9MO-2(3Al 2 O 3 -10SiO 2 ) 9 MO = 5.75 CaO 2.75 Na 2 O Arendal Wolff 0.5H 2 - 0.25 MgO - 0.25 K 2 O 4 9MO-2(3Al 2 O 3 -10SiO 2 ) 9 MO = 6 CaO 2.25 Na 2 O 0.25 K 2 O Arendal D amour 4H 2 O 0.5H 2 O 5 HMO-2(3Al 2 O 3 -10SiO 2 ) 11 MO = 7.75 CaO 1.5 Na 2 O Mais j 6 G. v. Rath 2.5H 2 O 0.25 K 2 O- 1.5 MgO 6 12 MO 8(3 R 2 O 3 10 SiO 2 ) 40 H 2 O 4 CaCO 3 12MO = 10K 2 O-2MgO 24 R 2 3 = 23 A1 2 O 3 1 Fe 2 O 3 Algerite Franklin N.J. Hunt 7 23 MO 8(3 A1 2 O 3 10 SiO 2 ) 23 MO = 12 CaO 10 Na 2 O 1 K 2 O Gulsj6 Hermann - 2 H 2 O 3 CaCO 3 8 22 MO 8(3 A1 2 O 3 10 SiO 2 ) 22 MO = 12 MgO 10 K 2 O Algerite Crossley 26H 2 0-4CaC0 3 ) 24 R 2 3 = 23 A1 2 3 - 1 Fe 2 O 3 Franklin N.J. 9 36 MO 8(3 A1 2 O 3 10 SiO 2 ) 36 MO = 22 CaO 9 Na 2 O 2 K 2 O Mais j 5 G. v. Rath 12H 2 O-lCaCO 3 3 MgO 10 30 MO 8(3 A1 2 O 3 10 SiO 2 ) 30 MO = 20 CaO 10 Na 2 O Kupfermine Lacroix 2H 2 O-1 CaS0 4 THE ORTHOCHLORITE GROUP 375 Analyst SiOj AlaO, Fe 2 0, FeO CaO MgO K a O Na,0 H,0 Total Schafhautl Theory XXXVI 47.72 47.05 35.49 34.90 1.59 1.50 ___ 1.98 1.95 7.47 7.96 4.32 4.07 1.43 1.45 100.00 98.88 Rammels- berg Theory XL 43.39 43.09 33.19 32.79 5.51 BaO 5.91 BaO 1.95 1.85 0.56 0.23 2.88 2.90 7.28 7.61 1.68 1.42 3.56 4.26 100.00 100.35 Rammels- berg Theory XLI 43.39 42.90 33.19 32.40 5.51 BaO 5.82 BaO 1.95 2.40 0.56 0.80 2.88 2.87 7.28 7,47 1.68 1.73 3.56 3.02 100.00 99.41 Scapolito Group of this group conform to the following formulae : F. Si R . Si Si R Si =5 R 2 3 22 Si0 2 , G. R Si Si R H. Si R Si R Si J. Si R Si R Si K. Si R S A i Si R Si L. Si R Si R Si R Si = 9 R 2 3 20 Si0 2 . or the general formulae (a) m MO 2 (3 R 2 3 10 Si0 2 ) n H 2 0, (b) m MO 8 (3 R 2 3 10 Si0 2 ) n H 2 p CaC0 3 (or p CaS0 4 ). = 6 R 2 3 12 Si0 2 , = 6 R 2 3 16 Si0 2 , = 6 R 2 3 18 Si0 2 , = 6 R 2 3 22 Si0 2 , SiO a Al,0, Fe.0, FeO | MgO CaO K 8 O Na z O H a O NaCl CaCO, CO, a Total Theory LXXXIa 52.21 52.00 25.52 25.42 1.74 1.54 - 5.22 5.39 10.22 10.38 5.09 5.27 100.00 100.00 Theory XCII 50.88 50.73 25.95 25.40 - ~ 10.09 10.24 11.17 11.09 1.91 1.96 ___ 0.09 100.00 99.60 Theory XXX 51.14 50.91 26.07 25.81 0.75 0.43 0.58 13.75 13.34 1.00 0.85 7.26 7.09 0.38 0.41 __ 100.00 99.74 Theory XXXVI 50.17 50.30 25.58 25.08 14.05 14.08 0.98 1.01 5.83 5.98 3.39 3.25 . 100.00 99.70 Theory XLII 48.63 47.24 24.81 24.69 Trace 2.43 2.18 17.59 16.84 0.95 0.85 3.77 3.55 1.82 1.72 ___ 100.00 98.07 Theory LXXX 50.81 49.82 24.84 24.91 1.69 1.85 0.85 1.15 2.37 2.20 9.95 10.21 Trace 7.57 1.86 1.74 100.00 99.45 Theory XLV 53.52 52.94 27.29 27.64 0.30 0.25 MnO 9.36 9.10 1.05 0.54 6.91 6.89 0.40 0.66 1.47 1.50 100.00 99.72 Theory LXXXI 50.03 49-96 24.45 24.41 1.68 1.48 5.00 5.18 ___ 9.80 9.97 _ 4.87 5.06 4.17 4.21 100.00 100.27 Theory XLI 49.68 49.36 25.33 25.33 __ 1.24 1.05 12.75 12.47 1.95 1.51 5.77 5.81 2.24 2.42 1.04 1.35 100.00 99.35 Theory CXV 52.41 52.62 26.72 26.42 Trace z ~ 12.84 13.11 0.45 6.77 6.62 0.39 0.43 0.87 SO 3 0.79 SO 8 __ __ 0.10 100.00 100.54 376 THE SCAPOLITE GROUP B. Scapolites of the type -R-S A i = 3R 2 3 -12Si0 2 Source Analyst 11 9 MO 2(3 A1 2 O 3 12 SiO 2 ) 9 MO =4.25 CaO 4.25 Na 2 O 0.5 K 2 O Mizzonite Rath 12 13 9 MO 15 MO 2(3 A1 2 O 3 1H 2 O 4(3 A1O 3 3NaCl 12SiO 2 ) 12 SiO 2 ) 9 MO=4.25 CaO 1.75 K 2 O 1.5 Na 2 O 1 MgO 0.5 H 2 O 15 MO = 9 CaO 5.5 Na 2 O 0.5 K 2 O Dipyre from Pouzac St.Lawrence Co., N.S. H. Schulz Lemberg C. Scapolites of the type /s R Si = 3 R 2 3 15 Si0 2 14 15 Source Analyst 8 MO 10 MO 2(3 Al 2 a 2(3 A1 2 2 4H 2 O 15 SiO 2 ) 15 SiO 2 ) 8 MO =4.5Na 2 O - 2.5 CaO 0.5 MgO 0.5 K 2 O 10 MO =5.5 MgO 3 K 2 O 0.75 FeO 0.25 Na 2 O 0.5 CaO Marialite, Pianura Couseranite, Pouzac G. v. Rath Pisani D. Scapolites of the type R"- Si - Si - RT= 5 R 2 3 12 Si0 2 Source Analyst 16 10MO-2(5A1 2 3 - 12 SiO 2 ) 10 MO = 10 CaO Stansvik Lagus Olckonen 17 10MO-2(5A1 2 3 - 2H 2 12 Si0 2 ) 10MO=9CaO-lNa 2 O Clay Co., N.C. Berkley 18 11MO-2(5A1 2 O 3 - 2H 2 12 SiO 2 ) HMO = 10CaO-0.5K 2 O 0.5 Na 2 O Pargas Wolff 19 11MO-2(5A1 2 3 - 17H 2 12 SiO 2 ) HMO = 4MgO-3CaO 3 K 2 O 1 Na 2 O Wilsonite Bathurst, Canada Selkmann 20 12MO-2(5A1 2 O 3 - 12 SiO 2 ) 12 MO = 12 CaO Stansvik Lagus Olckonen 21 14MO-2(5A1 2 O 3 - 12 SiO 2 ) 14MO = 12CaO-1.5Na 2 O 0.5 K 2 O Ersbyite, Pargas N. Norden- skiold 22 15MO-2(5A1 2 O 3 - 12 SiO 2 ) 15MO = 13CaO-2Na 2 O Baikalsee Hermann 23 15MO-2(5A1 2 O 3 - 12 SiO 2 ) 15 MO = 13 CaO -1 MgO 0.5 K 2 O 0.5 Na 2 O Mejonite from Vesuvius G. v. Rath 24 18MO-2(5A1 2 O 3 - 14H 2 12SiO 2 ) 18 MO = 15.5 CaO 2.5 MgO 10R 2 O 3 = 8.5Al 2 O 3 -1.5Fe 2 O 3 Atheriastite, Arendal Berlin THE SCAPOLITE GROUP 377 or the general formulae (a) m MO 2 (3 R 2 3 12 SiO 2 ) n H 2 0, (b) m MO 4 (3 R 2 3 12 Si0 2 ) n NaCl. SiO, Al,0, Fe 2 s FeO MgO CaO K,0 Na,0 H,0 NaCl CaCO, CO, ci Total Theory XVI 55.38 54.70 23.52 23.80 z 0.22 9.15 8.77 1.82 2.14 10.13 9.83 0.13 ~ ~ - 100.00 99.59 Theory XXIII 55.08 53.97 23.41 23.68 z -^ 1.53 1.40 9.10 8.76 6.29 6.43 3.56 3.55 1.03 0.98 ~ ~ - - 100.00 98.77 Theory XCIV 55.69 55.04 23.67 23.62 z - ~ 9.75 9.38 0.91 0.73 6.59 6.29 0.28 3.39 3.69 ~ - ~ 100.00 99.03 or the general formula m MO 2 (3 R 2 3 15 Si0 2 ) n H 2 0. SiO, Al,0, Fe,0, FeO MgO CaO K,0 Na,O H,0 NaCl CaCO, CO, Cl Total Theory XVIII 62.11 62.72 21.12 21.82 z z 0.69 0.31 4.83 4.62 1.62 1.15 9.63 9.37 Z z 100.00 100.00 Theory XXV 58.37 58,33 19.85 20.20 - 1.75 1.90 7.14 7.20 0.90 0.99 9.15 8.82 0.50 0.76 2.34 2.35 ~ - - 100.00 100.55 or the general formula m MO 2 (5 R 2 3 12 Si0 2 ) n H 2 0. SiO, Al,0, Fe 2 0, FeO MgO CaO K,0 Na 2 H a O NaCl CaC0 3 CO, Cl Total Theory LXVHI 47.68 47.60 33.77 33.50 - - z 18.55 17.20 ~ __ ___ 100.00 98.30 Theory LXXVIII 47.03 47.54 33.31 34.03 - - 16.46 17.23 2.02 1.82 1.18 1.02 100.00 101.64 Theory LIX 45.95 45.10 32.55 32.76 - 17.87 17.84 1.50 0.68 0.99 0.76 1.14 1.04 100.00 98.18 Theory CXIII 41.88 41.26 29.66 30.31 - 4.66 4.20 4.89 5.34 8.20 7.43 1.80 1.97 8.91 8.83 100.00 99.34 Theory LXIX 45.98 45.60 32.56 32.60 - 21.46 23.40 z z 100.00 101.60 Theory LVII 44.02 44.26 31.17 30.37 - 0.15 20.54 20.17 1.43 1.15 2.84 2.75 100.00 98.85 Theory LXXVa 43.48 43.35 30.80 30.52 0.95 ~ 21.98 21.59 z 3.74 3.74 __ 100.00 100.15 Theory XIII 43.56 42.55 30.85 30.89 0.41 1.21 0.83 22.02 21.41 1.42 0.93 0.94 1.25 __ 100.00 98.46 Theory XXXVIII 38.23 38.00 23.02 24.10 6.37 5-60 - 2.65 2.80 23.04 22.64 6.69 6.95 ___ _ 100.00 100.09 378 THE SCAPOLITE GROUP E. Scapolites of the type Si R Si R Si = 5 R 2 3 18 Si0 2 Source Analyst 25 HMO 2(5R 2 O 3 - 18SiO 2 ) H MO = 9 CaO 4.5 Na 2 O 0.5 K 2 O Mais j 6 SipOcz 26 HMO 2(5R 2 O 3 - 18 SiO 2 ) 14 MO = 6 CaO 3 K 2 O 3 MgO-1 Na 2 O Tiree F. Heddle HH 2 . 1 FeO ; 10 R 2 O 3 =9 A1 2 O 3 1 Fe 2 O 3 27 32 MO 2(5A1 2 O 3 18SiO 2 ) 32MO = 31CaO-lMgO Storgard Norden- 10H 2 skiold 28 8 MO 2(5 R 2 O 3 18SiO 2 ) 8 M0=3.5 K 2 2.5 CaO 2 MgO Bolton, G. v. Rath 10H 2 O-3CaCO 3 ) 10 R 2 O 3 =9.5 A1 2 O 3 0.5 Fe 2 O 3 Mass. F. Scapolites of the type Si R S A i Si R Si = 5 R 2 3 22 Si0 2 Source Analyst 29 12 MO 2(5R 2 O 8 - 22 SiO 2 ) 12 MO = 6.5 Na 2 O 5 CaO 0.5 MgO Coquimbo Jannetaz 10H 2 O 10R 2 3 =9Al 2 O 3 -lFe 2 3 30 15 MO 2(5Al 2 O a 22SiO 2 ) 15 MO = 3 MgO 6 CaO 6 Na 2 O Bamle Vogt G. Scapolites of the type R Si Si R = 6 R 2 3 12 Si0 2 Source Analyst 31 11 MO 2(6A1 2 O 8 - 12SiO 2 ) HMO = llCaO Helsingfors Wilk 32 11 MO 2(6A1 2 O 8 - 12SiO 2 ) HMO = llCaO Pargas Norden- 2H 2 skiold H. Scapolites of the type Si R Si R Si = 6 R 2 3 16 Si0 2 Source Analyst 33 9 MO 2(6R 2 S 16SiO 2 ) 9 MO = 6 CaO 3 Na 2 O 12 R 2 O 3 Petteby Hartwall 2H 2 = 11.5Al 2 O 3 -0.5Fe 2 O 3 34 10 MO 2(6A1 2 3 16SiO 2 ) 10 MO = 4.5 MgO 4 K 2 O 1 CaO Bathurst, Hunt 12H 2 O 0.5Na 2 Canada 35 13 MO 2(6R 2 3 - 16 SiO 2 ) 13 MO = 10.5 CaO 1.5 Na 2 O-0.5 K 2 O Diana,Lewis Hermann 0.5H 2 O; 12R 2 O 3 =--11.5Al 2 O 3 -0.5Fe 2 O 3 Co., N.S. 36 13 MO 2(6A1 2 3 16SiO 2 ) 13MO = llCaO-2Na 2 O Ersby Hartwall 1H 2 Herdberg 37 HMO 2(6 A1 2 O 3 16SiO 2 ) 14 MO = 5 CaO 4 MgO 4 K 2 O Bathurst, Hunt 21 H 2 1 Na 2 Canada 38 17 MO 2(6A1 2 3 16 SiO 2 17 MO = 14.5 CaO 2 Na 2 O 0.5 K 2 O Laacher See Rath 1H 2 39 18 MO 2(6 R 2 O 3 16 SiO 2 ) 18 MO = 15.5 CaO 1.5 Na 2 O 1 MgO Bolton, G. v. Rath 3H 2 O 1 2 R 2 O 3 = 1 1 A1 2 O 3 1 Fe 2 O 3 Mass. THE SCAPOLITE GROUP 379 or the general formulae (a) m MO 2 (5 R 2 3 18 Si0 2 ) n H 2 0, (b) m MO 2 (5 R 2 3 18 SiO 2 ) n H 2 0. p CaC0 3 . Si0 2 Al,0, Fe,0, FeO MgO CaO K 8 Na,O H,0 Nad CaCO, CO, Cl Total Theory XLIII 53.86 52.48 25.44 25.56 - 0.39 ___ 12.57 12.44 1.17 0.79 6.96 6.52 0.61 0.58 SO 3 0.14 0.27 100.00 99.78 Theory XXIX 49.52 48.92 21.05 22.10 3.67 3.16 1.65 1.51 2.75 2.77 7.70 7.75 6.47 6.06 1.42 1.28 5.77 5.69 0.54 MnO 100.00 99.78 Theory LV 42.06 41.25 19.86 20.36 z 0.78 0.54 33.80 33.58 z ~ 3.50 3.32 100.00 99.05 Theory CVI 50.97 49.99 22.87 23.01 1.89 1.64 - 1.89 1.73 3.30 3.35 7.76 7.09 0.35 4.25 4.23 7.07 7.80 ___ 100.00 99.19 or the general formula m MO 2 (5 R 2 3 22 Si0 2 ) n H 2 O. SiO 2 Al,0, Fe,0, FeO MgO CaO K,0 Na,O H,0 NaCl CaCO, CO, Cl Total Theory LXXVII 57.38 57.40 19.95 19.60 3.48 3.40 0.43 0.40 6.09 6.20 Trace 8.76 8.80 3.91 3.41 __ ___ 100.00 99.21 Theory XXXIX 58.82 59.66 22.73 22.65 2.67 2.60 7.49 7.32 - 8.29 8.13 ~ z - 100.00 100.36 or the general formula m MO 2 (6 R 2 3 12 Si0 2 ) nH 2 0. SiO, Al,0, Fe,0, FeO MgO CaO | K a O Na 2 H 2 NaCl CaCO, CO, Cl Total Theory LXX 43.90 43.63 37.32 36.93 - ~ ~ 18.78 18.37 - ~ - - - 100.00 98.93 Theory LIII 43.43 43.83 36.91 35.43 - - ~ 18.57 18.96 z - 1.09 1.03 - 100.00 99.25 or the general formula m MO 2 (6 R 2 3 16 SiO 2 ) n H 2 0. SiO, Al,0, Fe 2 O FeO MgO CaO K a O Na 2 o| H a O NaCl CaCO, CO, Cl Total Theory LXVII 51.46 51.34 31.44 32.27 2.15 1.91 9.01 9.33 - 4.98 5.12 0.96 1.00 100.00 100.97 Theory CXII 47.97 47.60 30.58 31.20 ~ z 4.50 4.19 1.40 0.95 9.39 9.30 0.77 0.88 5.39 5.43 z z z z 100.00 99.55 Theory LXXXVI 49.10 47.94 30.00 30.02 2.05 2.60 0.26 MnO z 15.04 14.41 1.20 0.73 2.38 2.20 0.22 0.31 ___ z z 100.00 98.47 Theory LXV 49.20 48.87 31.37 31.05 __ 15.79 15.94 3.18 3.25 0.46 0.61 __ z z 100.00 99.62 Theory CXI 43.64 43.55 27.82 27.94 0.20 3.63 3.81 6.36 6.50 8.55 8.37 1.41 1.45 8.59 8.61 ___ z 100.00 100.43 Theory 46.32 45.13 29.53 29.83 - 0.13 19.59 18.98 1.14 1.40 2.99 2.73 0.43 0.41 100.00 98.61 Theory CV 45.09 44.40 26.35 25.52 3.76 3.79 0.94 1.01 20.39 20.18 0.51 2.18 2.09 1.29 1.24 - 100.00 98.74 380 THE SCAPOLITE GROUP J. Scapolites of the type R Si R Si = 6 R 2 3 18 Si0 2 Source Analyst 40 2MO-2(6A1 2 O 3 -18S10 2 ) 2 MO = 1.5 Na 2 O 0.5 H 2 O St. Lawrence Rammels- 6H 2 Co., N.S. berg 41 3 MO 2(6 A1 2 O 3 18 SiO 2 ) 3 MO = 1 CaO 1 Na 2 O 0.5 MgO Bolton, Hermann 2H 2 O 0.5 K 2 O Mass. 42 14 MO 2(6 A1 2 O 3 18 SiO 2 ) 1H 2 14 MO = 10 CaO 2.5 Na 2 O 0.5 FeO 0.5 K 2 O 0.5 MgO Boxborough Becke 43 14MO-2(6Al 2 O 3 -18SiO 2 ) 14 MO -8 CaO 3.5 MgO 2 Na 2 O Glaukolite Berge- 4H 2 0.5 K 2 O Baikalsee mann 44 14MO-2(6Al 2 3 -18Si0 2 ) 14 MO = 8.5 CaO 2.5 MgO 2 Na 2 O tt Giwar- 4H 2 0.5 MnO 0.5 K 2 O towsky 45 15MO-2(6Al 2 3 -18SiO 2 ) 15MO = llCaO-4Na 2 Obernzell Fuchs 2H 2 bei Passau 46 17 MO 2(6 A1 2 O 3 18 SiO 2 ) 17 MO = 12 CaO 3 Na 2 O 1.5 MgO Bolton, Wolff 2H 2 O 0.5 K 2 O Mass. 47 18MO-2(6R 2 3 -18Si0 2 ) 18MO = 13.5CaO-3.5Na 2 O- 1 MgO Hirvensalo M 2H 2 12 R 2 3 =11.5Al 2 3 -0.5Fe 2 O 3 48 18MO-2(6Al 2 3 -18SiO 2 ) 18 MO = 14 CaO 3.5 Na 2 O 0.5 MgO Drothem Berg 4H 2 49 18 MO 2(6 A1 2 O 3 18 SiO 2 ) 18 MO = 15.5 CaO 2.5 Na 2 O Bolton, Thomson 13H 2 Mass. 50 19 MO 2(6 A1 2 O 3 18 SiO 2 ) 19 MO = 14.5 CaO 2.5 Na 2 O Bucks Leeds 4H 2 - 1.5 MgO 0.5 K 2 Co., Pa. 51 19 MO 2(6 A1 2 O 3 18 SiO 2 ) 19 M0 = ll CaO 4 MgO 2 Na 2 O Perth, Hunt 7H 2 2K 2 Canada 52 20MO-2(6R 2 O 3 -18SiO 2 ) 20MO = 14CaO-6Na 2 Bolton, Wurtz 12 R 2 O 3 = 11.5 A1 2 O 3 0.5 Fe 2 O 3 Mass. 53 20MO-2(6R 2 O 3 -18SiO 2 ) 20 MO = 14 CaO 5.5 Na 2 O 0.5 K 2 O Arendal G. v. Rath 1H 2 O 12 R 2 O 3 = 11.5 A1 2 O 3 0.5 Fe 2 O 3 54 22MO-2(6R 2 O 3 -18SiO 2 ) 22 MO = 18 CaO 2 Na 2 O 1.5 MgO Bolton, M 2H 2 0.5 K 2 O ; 12 R 2 O 3 =11A1 2 O 3 - 1 Fe 2 O 3 Mass. 55 HMO-2(6R 2 3 -18Si0 2 ) 1 1 MO = 10 CaO 0.5 MgO 0.5 K 2 O Hesselkulla Hermann 3 Na 2 C0 3 12 R,O, = 11.25 A1 2 O 3 0.75 Fe 2 O 3 56 12MO-2(6Al 2 3 -18SiO 2 ) 12 MO = 12 CaO Obernzell Fuchs -6 Had bei Passau 57 15 MO 2(6 A1 2 O 3 18 SiO 2 ) 15 MO = 12 CaO 2.5 Na 2 O - 0.5 K 2 O Ersby Lemberg 2H 2 O-lNaCl THE SCAPOLITE GROUP 381 or the general formulse (a) m MO 2 (6 R 2 3 18 Si0 2 ) n H 2 0, (b) m MO 2 (6 R 2 3 18 Si0 2 ) p Na 2 C0 3 (or p Nad). Si0 2 A1 Z 8 Fe 2 0, FeO MgO CaO K 2 Na 2 H 2 NaCl CaC0 8 CO, Cl Total Theory XCIII 60.10 59.29 34.05 34.78 z 0.07 0.11 2.59 2.31 3.26 3.31 Z - 0.20 100.00 100.07 Theory cm 52.56 51.68 29.79 29.30 z 0.49 0.78 13.63 13.51 1.14 0.94 1.61 1.46 0.88 0.82 0.15MnO z - z 100.00 99.80 Theory CVIII 51.19 50.53 29.00 29.31 0.85 0.49 0.47 0.46 13.27 13.37 1.11 1.23 3.68 3.91 0.43 0.54 ~ - 0.21 100.00 100.05 Theory LXXII 51.25 50.58 29.03 27.60 0.86Mn 2 O 3 0.10 3.32 3.72 10.63 10.27 1.11 1.27 2.94 2.97 1.72 1.73 100.00 99.11 Theory LXXIII 50.96 50.49 28.88 28.12 0.40 FeO 0.84MnO 0.60 MnO 2.36 2.68 11.23 11.31 1.10 1.00 2.93 3.10 1.70 1.79 100.00 99.49 Theory II 50.42 49.30 28.57 27.90 z z z 14.38 14.42 ~ 5.79 5.46 0.84 0.90 - z z 100.00 97.98 Theory C 49.26 48.79 27.92 28.16 0.32 ~ 1.37 1.29 15.33 15.02 1.07 0.54 4.24 4.52 0.81 0.74 - z z 100.00 99.38 Theory LII 48.41 48.15 26.29 25.38 1.79 1.48 z 0.90 0.84 16.94 16.63 0.12 4.86 4.91 0.81 0.85 - z z 100.00 98.36 Theory XLVII 48.25 46.35 27.34 26.34 0.32 - 0.45 0.54 17.51 17.00 0.32 4.85 4.71 1.60 1.60 0.99 ResU - 100.00 98.17 Theory XCIX 46.54 46.30 26.37 26.48 ~ - 18.71 18.64 3.34 3.64 5.04 5.04 ~ m z z 100.00 100.08 Theory LXXXV 47.68 47.47 27.02 27.51 1.32 1.20 17.93 17.59 1.04 1.40 3.42 3.05 1.59 1.48 z z 100.00 99.70 Theory CX 46.97 46.30 26.62 26.20 3.48 3.63 13.39 12.88 4.08 4.30 2.70 2.88 2.76 2.80 z 100.00 98.99 Theory CI 47.29 47.67 25.66 25.75 i.75 2.26 - z 17.16 17.31 8.14 7.76 z z - - 100.00 100.75 Theory XXXII 46.93 46.82 25.48 26.12 1.74 1.39 0.26 17.03 17.23 1.02 0.97 7.41 6.88 0.39 0.33 z z - z 100.00 100.00 Theory CIV 45.79 45.57 23.79 23.65 3.39 3.38 1.27 1.23 21.37 20.81 1.00 0.63 2.63 2.46 0.76 0.78 - - - z 100.00 98.51 Theory L 49.40 49.49 26.25 26.06 2.74 2.65 0.25 MnO 0.46 0.36 12.81 12.89 1.07 0.80 4.25 4.50 z - - 3.02 3.00 100.00 100.00 Theory III 49.01 49.42 27.78 27.50 z z 15.25 15.25 7.96 7.83 - 100.00 100.00 Theory LXIII 49.62 49.30 28.12 26.99 15.44 15.59 1.08 0.69 3.56 3.48 0.83 0.66 1.35 1.35 z - 100.00 98.06 382 THE SCAPOLITE GROUP K. Scapolites of the type Si R Si Si R Si = 6 R 2 3 22 Si0 2 Source Analyst 58 14MO-2(6R 2 3 -22SiO 2 ) 14 MO = 7.5 CaO 4 K 2 O 2.5 MgO Bolton, Mass. G. v. Rath 12 H 2 12 R 2 O 3 =11.5 A1 2 O 3 - 0.5 Fe 2 O 3 59 18MO-2(6Al 2 O 3 -22SiO a ) 18 M0 = 9 CaO 7 Na 2 O - 1 K 2 O St. Lawrence 4H a O IMgO Co., N.S. 60 20 MO 2 (6 A1 2 O 3 22 SiO 2 ) 20 MO = 10 Na 2 O 9 CaO 1 K 2 O Monzoni Kiepen- heuer 61 20 MO 2 (6 A1 2 O 3 22 SiO 2 ) 20 MO = 7.5 Na 2 O 7 CaO 3.5 MgO Dipyre,Breno Salomon 4H 2 O 1 K 2 1 H 2 O 62 14 MO 2 (6 A1 2 O 3 22 SiO 2 ) 2NaCl 14 MO = 10 CaO 3 Na 2 O 1 K 2 O Steinhag Wittstein 63 14MO-2(6Al a O 3 -22SiO 2 ) 14 MO = 8.5 CaO - 0.5 K 2 O 5 Na 2 O French Creek, Genth 4H 2 O-3CaCO 3 Pa. 64 15MO-2(6Al 2 3 -22SiO 2 ) 2H 2 O-2NaCl 15 MO = 8.5 CaO 6.5 Na 2 O Pargas Rammels- berg 65 15MO-2(6Al a 3 -22SiO 2 ) 2H 2 O-2NaCl 15 MO = 9 CaO 4 Na 2 O 2 K 2 O " 66 15 MO.- 2 (6 A1 2 O 3 22 SiO 2 ) 15 MO = 9.5 CaO 4.5 Na 2 O 1 K 2 O St. Lawrence n 4 NaCl Co., N.Y. L. Scapolites of the type -R-Si = 9 R 2 3 20 Si0 2 Source Analyst 67 68 16MO-2(9Al 2 3 -20Si0 2 ) 18 H 2 24MO-2(9Al a O 3 -20SiO 2 ) 16 MO =9 CaO - 4 Na 2 O 1.5 MgO 1.5K 2 O 24 MO = 20.5 CaO - 2.5 Na 2 O 1 FeO Saleix, Ariege Vesuvius Grandeau Gmelin 69 70 26 MO 2 (9 R 2 O 3 20 SiO 2 ) 6H 2 O 22 MO 2 (9 A1 2 O 3 20 SiO 2 ) 4 CaCO 3 26 MO = 21 CaO- 5 K 2 O 18 R 2 3 = 15 A1 2 O 3 3 Fe 2 O 3 22 MO = 19.5 CaO - 2.5 Na a O Bolton, Mass. Vesuvius Muir Gmelin THE SCAPOLITE GROUP 383 or the general formulae (a) m MO 2 (6 R 2 3 22 Si0 2 ) n H 2 0, (b) m MO 2 (6 R 2 O 3 22 Si0 2 ) n H 2 p NaCl (or p CaC0 3 ). SiOj AI,0, Fe 2 0, FeO MgO CaO K,0 Na 2 H a O NaCl CaCOa CO, | Cl | Total Theory CVIa 52.75 52.20 23.42 24.03 1.60 1.71 z 2.00 1.80 8.39 8.06 7.51 7.40 0.37 4.33 4.43 z z 100.00 100.00 Theory LXXXIX 52.72 52.25 24.44 23.97 Trace ~ 0.80 0.78 10.06 9.86 1.88 1.73 8.67 8.70 1.43 1.20 z 100.00 98.49 Theory VII 51.95 52.19 24.08 23.54 ~ ~ ~ 9.92 9.61 1.85 2.11 12.20 12.65 z z - z 100.00 100.10 Theory VIII 52.71 52.74 24.44 23.98 0.40 ~ 2.79 2.77 7.83 7.43 1.88 1.86 9.28 9.00 1.07 1.18 z - 100.00 99.36 Theory VI 54.76 54.87 25.39 25.32 z ~ ~ 11.62 11.63 1.95 1.50 3.86 3.86 z 2.42 2.15 - 100.00 99.33 Theory LXXXIV 52.08 52.30 24.15 23.68 0.58 0.05 12.70 12.36 0.93 0.77 6.11 6.29 1.42 1.50 - 2.61 2.63 100.00 100.16 Theory LXI 54.04 53.32 24.91 24.67 ~ ~ 9.69 9.84 9.46 9.12 0.73 0.73 - - 1.48 1.73 100.31* 99.41 Theory LXII 53.43 53.32 24.60 24.08 - ~ 10.13 9.60 3.78 3.93 6.23 6.31 0.72 0.71 1.43 1.71 100.32* 99.66 Theory XCI 52.93 52.90 24.38 24.95 - - 10.59 10.54 1.87 1.53 8.03 8.10 2.83 2.33 101.63* 100.35 or the general formulse (a) m MO 2 (9 R 2 3 20 Si0 2 ) n H 2 0, (b) m MO 2 (9 R 2 3 - 20 Si0 2 ) n CaCO, SiO, A1,O 3 Fe,0 s FeO MgO CaO K,0 Na,O H,0 NaCl CaCO, CO, a Total Theory XXVII 43.54 44.08 33.50 32.85 z z 1.09 1.18 9.14 9.17 2.56 2.68 4.49 4.43 5.88 6.20 100.00 100.59 Theory X 42.78 43.80 32.72 32.85 z 1.28 1.07 z 20.46 20.64 2.76 2.57 z z 100.00 100.93 Theory XCVIII 38.94 37.81 24.83 25.10 7.78 7.89 z 19.07 18.34 7.63 7.30 1.75 1.50 z z z z 100.00 97.94 Theory IX 40.80 40.80 31.21 30.60 - 22.37 22.10 z 2.63 2.40 z - 2.99 3.10 z 100.00 100.00 * The excess above 100.00 in the Theory-Total in Nos. 64, 65 and 66 is due to the oxygen - equivalent of the chlorine being included in the figures in the Na 2 column. A. B. S. 384 THE ORTHOCHLORITE GROUP The The following analyses of the minerals A. Si R Si =3 R 2 3 10 SiO B. Si R Si ^x sl C. Rf-Si = 3 R 2 3 12 SiO 2> 2> 3 R 2 3 15 Si0 2 , D. Ni E. R - Si F. Si-R R R = 3 R 2 3 18 Si0 25 = 5 R 2 3 6 Si0 2 , Si = 5 R 2 3 12 Si0 2 , A. Orthochlorites of the type Si R Si = 3 R 2 3 10 Si0 2 Source 22 MO 2 (3 A1 2 3 10 SiO 2 ) 16 H 2 31MO-2(3R 2 3 -10Si0 2 ) 26 H 2 O 32 MO 2 (3 R 2 O 3 10 SiO 2 ) 24H 2 34 MO 2 (3 A1 2 O 3 10 SiO 2 ) 26 H 2 43MO-2(3R 2 O 3 -10Si0 2 ) 8H 2 O 22 MO = 12.5 FeO 7 MgO 1 CaO 0.5 MnO 0.5 K 2 O 0.5 Na 2 O 31 MO = 27 MgO 3.5 FeO 0.5 CaO ; 6R 2 3 = 5Al 2 3 -lFe 2 3 32 MO = 30 MgO -2 FeO; 6 R 2 O 3 =5.5 A1 2 O 3 0.5 Fe 2 O 3 34 MO = 31 MgO -3 FeO 43 MO = 40.5 MgO 2.5 FeO ; 6 R 2 O 3 =5 A1 2 O 3 1 Cr 2 O 3 Ortho- chlorite Delessite Orthochlorite (Clinochlorite) Orthochlorite M Bishops Hill St. Cyrus, Scotland Kupferberg Zillertal Webster, N.C. B. Orthochlorites of the types Si R Si = 3 R 2 3 12 Si0 2 Source 6 25 MO- 2 (3 R 2 3 - 12 Si0 2 ) 25 MO = 25 MgO Lennilite Petham, - * 22H 2 O 6R 2 3 = 5Al 2 3 -lFe 2 O 3 Mass. 7 33 MO- 2 (3 R 2 3 12Si0 2 ) 33 MO = 19MgO-6FeO-7CaO-lK 2 O Orthochlorite Corry- 28H 2 6 R 2 O 3 = 5.5 A1 2 O 3 0.5 Fe 2 O 3 (Pennine) charmaig 8 33 MO- 2 (3 R 2 O 3 12 Si0 2 ) 33 M0 = 31 MgO 1 FeO 1 CaO Orthochlorite Bissersk 28H 2 O 6 R 2 O 3 = 5.5 A1 2 O 3 0.5 Cr 2 O 3 9 36 MO- 2 (3 A1 2 3 - 12 SiO 2 ) 36 MO = 31.5 MgO 1.5 FeO-1.5 K 2 O w Tilly Foster 24H 2 !Na 2 O-0.5Li 2 O Mine, N.Y. 10 38 MO 2 (3 R 2 3 12 SiO 2 ) 38 MO = 37 MgO -1 FeO > Itkul Sea 28H 2 6 R 2 O 3 = 4.5 A1 2 O 3 1.5 Cr 2 O 3 11 38 MO- 2 (3 R 2 O 3 12 Si0 2 ) 38 MO = 38 MgO M Calumet 38H 2 O 6 R 2 O 3 = 5.5 A1 2 O 3 0.5 Fe 2 O 3 Falls, Can. 12 39 MO- 2 (3 R 2 3 12 SiO 2 ) 39 MO = 39 MgO > Texas, Pa. . 30H 2 6 R 2 O 3 =4.5 A1 2 O 3 -0.5 Fe 2 O 3 - 1 Cr 2 O 3 THE ORTHOCHLORITE GROUP Orthochlorite Group of the orthochlorite group conform to the following types : 385 G. Si R Si R Si H. Si R Si J. R-Si-R JA.. fel * -LV * _tv Si R Si = m L. Si R R Si M. Si R Si R Si N. Si-R-iSi-R-Si = 0. R Si R S A i R P. R S A i R Si - R 5R 2 3 18 Si0 2 , 5R 2 3 22Si0 2 , 6R 2 3 6Si0 2 , 6R 2 3 10 Si0 2 , 6R 2 3 12 Si0 2 , 6R 2 3 16 SiO a , 6R 2 3 18 Si0 2 , 8R 2 3 12 SiO 2 , 9 R 2 a 12 SiO* or the general formula m MO 2 (3 R 2 3 10 Si0 2 ) n H 2 0. Analyst Si0 2 A1 2 8 Fe 2 3 Cr z 3 FeO MnO CaO MgO K,0 Na 2 O H 2 Total Heddle Theory LXIX 34.89 35.41 17.79 18.08 0.48 z 26.16 26.47 1.03 0.61 1.34 1.01 8.14 8.77 1.37 0.98 0.90 0.52 8.38 8.03 100.00 100.36 Theory V 32.45 32.69 13.79 13.44 4.33 4.40 6.81 6.62 z 0.76 0.86 29.20 28.77 z 12.66 13.25 100.00 100.03 Kobell Theory III 33.17 33.49 15.51 15.37 2.23 2.30 0.55 3.98 4.25 33.17 32.94 11.94 11.50 100.00 100.40 Briiel Theory XXIII 32.12 31.47 16.38 16.67 ~ 5.78 5.97 0.11 33.19 32.56 12.53 12.43 100.00 99.21 Genth Theory CLX 31.53 31.45 13.40 13.08 3.99 4.16 4.74 4.88 0.17 42.56 43.10 0.06 0.16 NiO 3.78 3.29 100.00 100.35 or the general formula m MO 2 (3 R 2 3 12 Si0 2 ) n H 2 0. Analyst SiO a A1 2 3 Fe 2 s Cr 2 8 FeO MnO CaO MgO K,0 NajO H 2 Total Gooch Theory III 41.07 41.27 14.55 15.19 4.56 4.14 28.53 28.25 11.09 11.32 100.00 100.17 Heddle Theory LXII 33.78 34.31 13.16 13.64 1.88 0.36 z 10.13 10.31 0.23 9.19 8.97 17.83 18.14 2.20 1.36 0.13 11.83 12.41 100.00 99.76 Hartwall Theory CXI 36.83 37.00 14.36 14.20 1.94 1.00 1.84 1.50 1.43 1.50 30.69 31.50 z 12.91 13.00 100.00 99.70 Schlaepfer Theory CXXVII 35.38 36.18 15.04 14.34 0.28 z 2.65 2.88 0.38 Li 2 O 0.42 Li 2 30.95 31.26 3.46 3.09 1.52 1.99 10.62 10.31 100.00 100.75 Hermann Theory CXIII 34.42 34.64 10.97 10.50 5.46 5.50 1.72 2.00 ~ 35.38 35.47 12,05 12.03 100.00 100.14 Hunt Theory CXVIII 33.61 33.28 13.09 13.30 1.87 1.92 - - 35.47 35.50 - 15.96 16.00 100.00 100.00 Smith und Brush Theory CXLIV 34.03 33.26 10.84 10.69 1.89 1.96 3.60 4.78 36.87 35.93 - 0.35 12.77 12.64 100.00 99.61 2 c 386 THE ORTHOCHLORITE GROUP Source 13 39 MO 2 (3 R 2 O 3 30 H 2 O 12Si0 2 ) 39 MO = 39 MgO 6 R 2 O 3 = 4.5 A1 2 O 3 -0.5 Fe 2 O 3 - !Cr 2 O 3 Orthochlorite Texas, Pa. 14 39 MO 2 (3 R 2 O 3 32H 2 12SiO a ) 39 MO = 37 MgO -2 FeO 6 R 2 O 3 =5.5 A1 2 O 3 -0.5 Fe 2 O 3 Zillertal 15 39 MO 2 (3 R 2 O 3 - 32 H 2 O -12Si0 2 ) 39 MO = 37 MgO -2 FeO 6 R 2 O 3 = 5.5 A1 2 O 3 0.5 Fe,O 3 " 16 39 MO 2 (3 R 2 O 3 32 H 2 O 12 SiO 2 ) 39 MO = 37 MgO -2 FeO 6 R 2 O 3 = 5.5 A1 2 O 3 0.5 Fe 2 O 3 NaBfeld 17 39 MO 2 (3 R 2 3 32 H 2 12 SiO 2 ) 39 MO = 37 MgO -2 FeO 6 R 2 O 3 = 5.5 A1 2 O 3 0.5 Fe 2 O 3 99 Zermatt 18 39MO-2(3R 2 3 32 H 2 12Si0 2 ) 39 MO = 37 MgO -2 FeO 6 R 2 O 3 =5.5 A1 2 O 3 0.5 Fe 2 O 3 99 ' 19 39 MO 2 (3 R 2 3 32 H 2 12Si0 2 ) 39 MO = 37 MgO -2 FeO 6 R 2 3 =5.5 A1 2 3 0.5 Fe 2 O 3 99 20 40 MO 2 (3 A1 2 O 3 30 H 2 O 12 SiO 2 ) 40 MO = 37 MgO -3 FeO Binnenthal 21 40 MO - 2 (3 A1 2 O 3 30 H 2 O 12SiO 2 ) 99 99 Zermatt 22 40 MO 2 (3 A1 2 3 30 H 2 12 SiO 2 ) 99 99 99 23 40MO-2(3A1 2 O 3 30 H 2 12 SiO 2 ) 99 99 99 99 24 40 MO 2 (3 R 2 O 3 30H 2 12 SiO a ) 40 MO = 38.5 MgO 1.5 MnO 6 R 2 O 3 = 5.5 A1 2 3 0.5 Fe 2 O 3 9* Pojsberg 25 43 MO 2 (3 A1 2 O 3 30 H 2 O 12Si0 2 ) 43 MO = 25.5 MgO 17.5 FeO Diabantite Landes- freude 26 45 MO 2 (3 R 2 O 3 30H 2 O 12SiO 2 ) 45 MO = 36MgO-7FeO-l MnO-lNa 2 O 6 R 2 O 3 = 5 A1 2 O 3 - 1 Fe 2 O 3 Orthochlorite Sealpay C. Orthochlorites of the type /Si R^-Si = 3 R 2 3 15 Si0 2 Source 27 32 MO 2 (3 A1 2 O 3 15 SiO 2 ) 42 H 2 O 32MO = 29MgO-3FeO Orthochlorite North Burgess, Can. 28 32 MO 2 (3 R 2 O 3 15 SiO 2 ) 54 H 2 O 32 MO = 32 MgO 99 Culsagee 6R 2 O 3 = 5Al 2 O 3 -lFe 2 O 3 Mine, N.C. 29 99 99 99 99 32 MO = 32 MgO 99 99 6R 2 3 =5Al 2 3 -lFe 2 3 30 39 MO 2 (3 A1 2 3 15 SiO 2 ) 20 H 2 O 39 MO = 32 MgO -7 FeO 99 Traversella 31 48 MO 2 (3 A1 2 3 15 SiO 2 ) 38 H 2 O 48 MO = 44 MgO 99 Beautyhill 2 FeO 1 CaO - 1 MnO 32 53 MO 2 (3 A1 2 3 15 SiO 2 ) 36 H 2 O 53 MO =47 MgO -6 FeO 99 Zermatt 33 99 99 99 ' THE ORTHOCHLORITE GROUP 387 Analyst SiO, A1 2 0, Fe a O, Cr,O s FeO MnO CaO MgO K,0 Na,0 H,0 Total Smith and Theory 34.03 10.84 1.89 3.60 36.87 12.77 100.00 Brush CXLV 33.30 10.50 1.60 4.67 36.08 0.35 Alk 13.25 99.75 Rumpf Theory 33.60 13.10 1.83 3.36 34.57 13.48 100.00 XXIV 34.24 12.64 1.64 3.35 0.30 34.86 14.44 101.15 Ludwig Theory XXV 33.83 12.95 2.25 3.02 34.94 13.11 100.10 Telek Theory XXI 33.44 13.72 3.40 3.26 32.99 12.71 99.52 Schlaepfer Theory XLVII 34.06 11.75 1.92 0.69 2.78 33.90 0.39 2.45 13.08 101.02 v. Fellenberg Theory XLIV 33.12 13.25 1.52 0.60 4.69 34.04 12.87 100.09 v. Hamm Theory XLVI 33.71 12.55 2.74 3.40 0.66 34.70 12.27 100.03 Marignac Theory 33.58 14.27 5.04 34.52 12.59 100.00 XLVIII 33.95 13.46 0.24 6.12 33.71 12.52 100.00 Theory XXXVIII 33.36 13.24 0.20 5.93 34.21 12.80 99.74 Theory 33.58 14.27 5.04 34.52 12.59 100.00 XXXIX 33.40 13.41 0.15 5.73 34.57 12.74 100.00 Wartha Theory XLIII 32.51 14.55 4.96 34.01 14.07 100.10 Hamberg Theory 33.73 13.14 1.87 2.53 __ 36.08 12.65 100.00 LXXXVIII 33.71 13.80 1.64 2.28 35.88 13.11 100.75 Liebe Theory 29.56 12.57 25.86 20.94 11.08 100.00 II 29.37 12.00 25.63 0.33 21.01 11.27 99.28 Heddle Theory 30.40 10.77 3.38 10.60 1.50 30.40 1.52 11.43 100.00 LXI 30.41 11.58 2.34 10.71 1.19 30.63 0.01 1.31 11.74 99.92 or the general formula m MO 2 (3 R 2 3 15 Si0 2 ) n H 2 0. Analyst SiO, Al,0 3 Fe 2 0, Cr z 3 FeO MnO CaO MgO K,O Na z O H a O Total Hunt Theory 39.61 13.47 4.75 25.53 16.64 100.00 cxx 39.30 14.25 4.41 25.73 16.93 100.62 Chatard Theory 38.12 10.80 3.38 27.12 20.58 100.00 CLVIII 38.29 11.41 1.95 0.32 0.25(Ni, Cop 26.40 21.25 99.87 Clarke & Theory 38.12 10.80 3.38 27.12 20.58 100.00 Schneider CLIX 38.13 11.22 2.28 0.18 0.48 NiO 27.39 20.47 100.15 Marignac Theory 39.51 13.44 11.06 28.09 7.90 100.00 LIV 39.81 12.56 11.10 28.41 7.79 99.67 Heddle Theory 35.11 11.94 2.81 1.38 1.09 34.33 13.34 100.00 LXV 34.73 12.44 2.68 1.17 1.60 34.10 13.10 99.82 Max Theory 33.51 11.39 8.01 35.00 12.09 100.00 Donnell XL 33.64 10.64 8.83 34.95 12.40 100.46 Merz Theory XLI 33.26 11.69 7.20 35.18 12.18 99.51 388 THE ORTHOCHLORITE GROUP D. Orthochlorites of the type Rr-S A i = 3 R 2 3 18 Si0 2 X Si Source 34 46 MO 2(3A1 2 O 3 18SiO 2 )- 22H 2 O 46 MO =39 MgO -7 FeO Orthochlorite Traversella 35 36 48 MO 50 MO 2(3A1 2 3 2(3A1 2 3 18 SiO 2 ) - 18S10,)- 24H 2 O 26H 2 O 48MO=35MgO-6FeO-3CaO 3 Na 2 O 1 K 2 O 50MO=40MgO-10FeO Hillswick Traversella 37 38 50 MO 59 MO 2(3A1 2 3 2(3A1 2 3 18SiO 2 )- 18 SiO 2 ) 46H 2 64H 2 O 50 MO = 42 MgO -8 FeO 59 MO = 32.5 MgO-26.5FeO > Diabantite North Elms- ley, Can. Holletal 39 63 MO 2(3A1 2 3 18 SiO 2 ) 44H 2 O 63 MO = 53 MgO -10 FeO Orthochlorite Zermatt 40 ft j> ? > E. Orthochlorites of the type R S A i R = 5 R 2 3 6 Si0 2 Source 41 24 MO 2 (5 A1 2 O 3 6 SiO 2 20 H 2 O 24MO = 16.5MgO-7.5FeO Orthochlorite Chester, Mass. F. Orthochlorites of the type Si R R Si = 5 R 2 3 12 Si0 2 Source 42 12MO-2(5R 2 3 -12SiO 2 ) 28H 2 12 MO = 8MgO-2.5CaO-lMnO-0.5K 8 10 R 2 O 3 =6.5 A1 2 O 3 3.5 Fe 2 O 3 Hullite Kinkell 43 22MO-2(5Al 2 3 -12Si0 2 24H 2 22 MO = 21 MgO 0.5 CaO 0.5 FeO Orthochlorite Markirch 44 29MO-2(5R 2 3 -12SiO 2 38 H 2 29MO = 29FeO 10 R 2 O 3 = 9 A1 2 O 3 1 Fe 2 O 3 Chamosite Schmiedefeld 45 33MO-2(5R 2 O 3 -12SiO 2 ) 32H 2 33 MO = 17.5 MgO- 11 FeO 4.5 CaO 10R 2 3 = 7Al 2 3 -3Fe 2 3 Chloropite Chloropitschiefer von Koditz 46 34MO-2(5R 2 O 3 -12SiO 2 ) 34 H 2 O 34 MO = 20.5 MgO 12.5 FeO 1 CaO 10 R 2 O 3 = 8,5 A1 2 O 3 1.5 Fe 2 O 3 Delessite Friedrichsroda 47 36 MO-2(5 Al 2 O 3 -12SiO 2 ) 36 H 2 O 36 MO = 33 FeO 3 MgO Chamosite Chrustenic 48 38 MO-2(5 Al 2 O 3 -12SiO 2 ) 32H 2 38 MO = 35 MgO -3 FeO Orthochlorite Newlin, Pa. 49 40MO-2(5R 2 O 3 -12SiO 2 ) 32 H 2 O 40 MO = 40 MgO 10 R 2 O 3 = 8.5 A1 2 O 3 1.5 Fe 2 O 3 ?> Alatal 50 40MO-2(5R 2 3 -12Si0 2 ) 32H 2 O 40 MO = 40 MgO 10 R 2 O = 8.5 A1 2 O 3 1.5 Fe 2 O 3 Achmatowsk THE ORTHOCHLORITE GROUP 389 or the general formula m MO 2 (3 R 2 O 3 18 Si0 2 ) n H 2 0. Analyst. SiO a Al 2 o s Fe a Oi 1 Cr 2 0j | FeO MnO CaO MgO K0 Na,0 H,0 Total Marignac Theory LV 41.28 41.34 11.70 11.42 ~ ~ 9.63 10.09 29.82 29.67 ~ 7.57 7.66 100.00 100.18 Heddle Theory LXXVIII 39.39 39.81 11.16 11.43 ~ ~ 7.88 7.97 0.26 3.06 2.80 25.53 25.65 1.71 1.20 3.39 3.15 7.88 7.91 100.00 100.18 Marignac Theory LIII 38.84 38.45 11.01 11.75 ~ ~ 12.94 12.82 ~ 28.76 28.19 __ 8.45 8.49 100.00 99.70 Hunt Theory CXIX 36.88 36.70 10.45 10.96 ~ 9.84 9.36 28.69 28.19 14.14 14.31 100.00 99.52 Liebe Theory V 30.29 29.85 8.58 9.07 ~ ~ 26.75 26.60 18.23 17.92 16.15 15.81 100.00 99.25 Schweizer Theory XXXVI 33.73 33.82 9.56 9.32 ~ ~ 11.24 11.30 - __ 33.10 33.04 __ 12.37 11.50 100.00 98.98 Theory XXXVII 33.07 9.69 11.36 32.34 12.58 99.04 or the general formula m MO 5 (5 R 2 3 6 Si0 2 ) n H 2 0. Analyst Si0 2 A1.0, Fe 2 8 Cr 2 3 FeO MnO CaO MgO K 2 Na 2 H 2 Total Pisani Theory CXXIV 21.81 21.40 30.91 32.30 16.36 15.80 20.00 19.90 10.91 10.90 100.00 100.30 or the general formula mMO 2(5R 2 3 - 12S10, nH 2 0. Analyst Si0 2 A1 2 3 Fe 2 3 Cr 2 s FeO MnO CaO MgO K 2 |Na 2 o| H 2 Total Heddle Theory II 38.45 38.59 17.71 17.34 14.95 15.97 1.90 1.56 3.74 3.94 8.54 8.65 1.25 0.67 - 13.46 13.48 100.00 100.20 Delesse Theory 37.94 38.39 26.87 26.54 0.94 0.59 z 0.74 0.67 22.13 22.16 z - 11.38 11.65 100.00 100.00 Loretz Theory III 27.22 27.00 17.35 17.00 3.02 4.00 39.47 39.00 z z z ~ 12.94 13.00 100.00 100.00 > Theory IV 29.07 29.06 14.41 14.04 9.69 9.27 - 15.99 15.96 5.08 5.02 14.13 13.95 11.63 11.64 100.00 98.94 Pufahl Theory IV 29.18 28.79 17.57 16.74 4.86 4.83 18.24 18.30 - 1.13 0.98 16.61 16.62 12.41 12.25 100.00 100.21 Boricky Theory VI 25.69 25.60 18.20 18.72 42.40 42.31 - 2.14 2.13 - 11.57 11.24 100.00 100.00 Leeds Theory CXXXVII 30.96 30.62 21.92 21.73 0.42 ~ 4.64 5.01 30.09 29.69 0.11Li 2 O 0.14 12.39 12.26 100.00 99.98 Marignac Theory L 30.49 30.01 18.36 19.11 5.08 4.81 33.88 33.15 __ 12.19 12.52 100.00 99.60 ' Theory XCI 30.49 30.27 18.36 19.85 5.08 4.42 - - 33.88 33.13 ~ 12.19 12.54 100.00 100.25 390 THE SCAPOLITE GROUP Source 51 40 MO 2(5 A1 2 O 3 12 SiO 2 ) 32H 2 40 MO = 23.5 MgO 16.5 FeO Orthochlorite Gumuch, Dagh. 52 40 MO 2(5 A1 2 O 3 12 SiO 2 ) 34H 2 40 MO = 22 MgO- 18 FeO Sept-Lacs 53 40 MO 2(5 R 2 O 3 12 SiO 2 ) 40 MO = 38 MgO -2 FeO Jf Borostyanko 34 H 2 O 10R 2 O 3 =9Al 2 3 -lFe 2 O 3 54 40 MO 2(5 A1 2 O 3 12 SiO 2 ) 40 MO = 38 MgO -2 FeO 99 Alatal 40 H 2 O 55 40 MO 2(5 A1 2 3 12 SiO 2 ) > > ,, 40 H 2 O 56 41 MO - 2(5 R 2 O 3 12 SiO 2 ) 41 MO = 37 MgO -4 FeO M Montafun 34H 2 10 R 2 O 3 =9.5 A1 2 O 3 0.5 Fe 2 O 3 57 41 MO 2(5 A1 2 O 3 12 SiO 2 ) 46H 2 41MO = 34FeO-5MgO- 1 CaO 1K 2 Metachlorite Buchenberge bei Elbingerode 58 42 MO 2(5 A1 2 O 3 12 SiO 2 ) 42 MO = 38 MgO 4 FeO Orthochlorite Culsagee Mine, 32 H 2 O N.C. 59 42MO-2(5Al 2 O 3 -12Si0 2 ) 42MO = 41.5MgO-0.5FeO Amity, N.Y. 34H 2 60 42MO-2(5Al 2 3 -12Si0 2 ) 42 MO = 21 MgO -20 FeO M Foundry Run, 46H 2 - 1 Na 2 Georget, D.C. 61 46 MO 2(5 A1 2 O 3 12 SiO 2 ) 46 MO = 24 MgO 22 FeO M St. Gotthard 28 H 2 O 62 46 MO 2(5 A1 2 O 3 12 SiO 2 ) 46 MO = 33 MgO 12 FeO 1 CaO > Zillertal 38 H 2 O 63 47MO-2(5R 2 O 3 -12Si0 2 ) 47 MO = 33.5MgO-12.5FeO-lMnO >f Loch Laggan 36H 2 10 R 2 O 3 = 9.5 A1 2 3 0.5 Fe 2 O 3 G. Orthochlorites of the type Si E Si R S A i = 5 R 2 3 18 Si0 2 Source 64 42 MO 2(5 R 2 O 3 36 H 2 18 Si0 2 ) 42 MO = 42 MgO 10 R 2 O 3 = 7.5 A1 2 O 3 2.5 Fe 2 O 3 Lennilite Lenni 65 44 MO 2(5 R 2 3 34H 2 18SiO 2 ) 44 MO = 37.5 MgO 3.5 FeO 3 CaO 10 R 2 O 3 = 7.5 A1 2 O 3 2.5 Fe 2 O 3 &? Berlauite Berlaubach bei Budweis 66 44 MO 2(5R 2 3 - 40 H 2 18 SiO 2 ) 44 MO = 28.5MgO 14 FeO 1.5 CaO 10 R 2 O 3 =7.5 A1 2 O 3 2.5 Fe 2 O 3 Euralite Kiperjarvi 67 44 MO 2(5 R 2 3 58 H 2 O 18 SiO 3 ) 44 MO = 37.5 MgO 3.5 FeO 3 CaO 10 R 2 3 = 7.5 A1 2 3 2.5 Fe 2 O 3 ., [ Berlauite Berlaubach bei Budweis 68 53 MO 2(5 R 2 3 48 H 2 18Si0 2 ) 53 MO = 53 MgO 10 R 2 O 3 = 7 A1 2 O 3 3 Fe 2 O 3 Ortho- chlorite Snarum 69 54 MO - 2(5 A1 2 3 48 H 2 O 18 SiO 2 ) 54 MO = 53 MgO- 1 FeO Ploben 70 56 MO 2(5 R 2 3 54 H 2 O 18 SiO 2 ) 56 MO = 33 MgO 18 FeO 2 CaO -1 MnO 1.5Na 2 O-0.5K 2 O;10R 2 O 3 = 9Al 2 O 3 -lFe 2 O 3 Delessite Elie, Fife- shire 71 57 MO 2(5R 2 O 3 - 48 H 2 O 18 SiO 2 ) 57 MO = 57 MgO 10 R 2 O 3 =7 A1 2 O 3 2.5 Cr 2 O 3 0.5 Fe 2 O 3 Ortho- chlorite Texas, Pa. 72 57 MO 2(5R 2 3 - "-.48 H 2 O 18.Si0 8 ) 57 MO = 57 MgO 10 R 2 O 3 = 7 A1 2 O 3 2.5 Cr 2 O 3 0.5 Fe 2 O 3 n THE ORTHOCHLORITE GROUP 391 Analyst Si0 2 A1 2 3 Fe 2 8 Cr 2 3 FeO MnO CaO MgO K 2 O Na 2 H 2 Total L. Smith Theory 27.88 19.75 23.01 18.21 11.15 100.00 CXIV 27.20 18.62 23.21 17.64 10.61 97.28 Marignac Theory 27.44 19.44 24.70 16.77 11.65 100.00 LX 27.14 19.19 24.76 16.78 11.50 99.37 Szilasi Theory 30.04 19.15 3.34 3.00 31.71 12.76 100.00 XVI 30.45 18.96 3.70 2.21 32.20 12.79 100.31 Jannasch Theory 29.73 21.06 2.97 31.37 14.87 100.00 LI 29.31 21.31 0.07 3.24 31.28 0.43 14.58 100.22 Theory LII 29.59 24.82(Al 2 O 3 +FeO) 31.46 0.30 14.73 100.90 Wartha Theory 29.57 19.91 1.64 5.91 30.41 12.56 100.00 XXXII 29.44 20.98 2.00 5.60 30.31 12.29 100.62 List Theory 23.65 16.76 40.22 0.93 3.28 1.55 13.61 100.00 I 23.78 16.43 40.37 0.74 3.10 1.38 0.08 13.76 99.64 Genth Theory 29.73 21.06 5.94 31.38 11.89 100.00 CLVI 29.48 22.22 0.70 5.30 0.17 30.99 0.11(]S iCo)O 11.63 100.60 Sipocz Theory 30.20 21.40 0.76 34.81 12.83 100.00 cxxv 30.28 22.13 1.08 34.45 12.61 100.55 Clarke Theory 25.57 18.11 25.57 14.92 1.09 14.70 100.00 CLI 25.45 17.88 24.98 15.04 0.67 14.43 98.45 Varren- Theory 26.14 18.52 28.76 17.43 9.15 100.00 trapp XXXIII 25.37 18.50 28.79 17.09 8.96 98.71 Tscher- Theory 26.69 18.91 16.02 1.04 24.47 12.87 100.00 mak XXXI 26.30 19.80 15.10 1.00 24.40 12.40 99.00 Heddle Theory 26.42 17.79 1.47 16.52 1.30 24.59 11.91 100.00 LXXV 26.25 19.22 1.67 16.44 1.02 24.35 11.67 100.62 or the general formula m MO 2 (5 R 2 O 3 18 Si0 2 ) n H 2 0. Analyst Si0 2 A1 2 8 Fe 2 3 Cr 2 O 8 FeO MnO CaO MgO K 2 Na 2 H 2 Total Gooch Theory II 38.21 38.03 13.53 12.93 7.08 7.02 0.50 29.72 29.64 11.46 11.68 100.00 99.80 Schrauf Theory II 36.88 37.25 13.05 13.75 6.83 6.86 ~ 4.31 4.02 z 2.86 2.81 25.62 25.77 10.45 9.82 100.00 100.28 Wilk Theory 34.41 33.68 12.18 12.15 6.37 6.80 16.06 15.66 1.34 1.34 18.16 17.92 z - 11.48 11.49 100.00 99.04 Schrauf Theory 34.35 34.38 12.16 12.69 6.36 6.33 4.00 3.71 - 2.67 2.59 23.85 23.79 z 16.61 16.79 100.00 100.28 Rammels- berg v. Drasche Theory LXXIX Theory XII 34.07 34.88 34.64 34.63 11.27 12.48 16.35 17.13 7.57 5.81 1.14 1.61 33.45 34.02 34.00 33.38 13.64 13.68 13.87 13.93 100.00 100.87 100.00 100.68 Heddle Theory IX 30.22 30.69 12.84 12.83 2.24 1.63 18.14 18.32 0.99 1.00 1.56 1.59 18.46 18.60 0.65 0.57 1.30 1.11 13.60 13.77 100.00 100.11 Genth Theory CXLII 33.34 33.20 11.02 11.11 1.24 1.43 5.88 6.85 z z 35.19 35.54 0.38 Alk z 13.33 12.95 100.00 101.46 Dieffen- bach Theory CXLVI 33.34 33.04 11.02 11.09 1.24 1.33 5.88 5.91 z z 35.19 34.30 0.38 Alk z 13.33 12.81 100.00 98.86 392 THE ORTHOCHLORITE GROUP Source 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 58MO-2(5Al 2 3 -18SiO 2 ) 48 H 2 60MO-2(5R 2 3 -18SiO 2 ) 48H 2 61MO-2(5R 2 O 3 -18SiO 2 ) 48H 2 61 MO 2(5 A1 2 O 3 18 SiO 2 ) -44H 2 63MO-2(5R 2 O 3 -18SiO 2 ) 52 H 2 O 63MO-2(5R 2 3 -18Si0 2 ) 52 H 2 O 65MO-2(5Al,0 3 -18SiO 2 ) 44 H 2 6 58 MO = 56 MgO -2 FeO 60 MO = 54 MgO 5 FeO 1 CaO 10 R 2 O 3 = 9 A1 2 O 3 1 Fe 2 O 8 61 MO = 60 MgO- IFeO 10R 2 O 3 =5Al 2 3 -5Cr 2 3 61 MO = 55 MgO -6 FeO 63 M0 = 60 MgO 2 FeO 1 CaO 10 R 2 O 3 = 8.5 A1 2 O 3 1.5 Cr 2 O 3 63 MO = 60 MgO 2 FeO 1 CaO 10 R 2 O 3 =8.5 A1 2 O 3 - 1.5 Cr 2 O 3 65 MO = 58 MgO 5 FeO 1 CaO 0.5 K 2 O 0.5 Na 2 O Ortho- chlorite Zdjar-Berg Hillswick Green Valley Cal. Zillertal Texas, Pa. Tilly Foster Mine, N.Y. H. Orthochlorites of the type Si R Si Si R Si = 5 R 2 3 22 Si0 2 Source 80 42 MO 2(5 R 2 O 3 22 SiO 2 ) 42 M0 = 33 MgO 8 FeO 1 CaO Epichlorite Harz 36 H 2 10R 2 O 3 = 6.5 A1 2 O 3 3.5 Fe 2 O 3 81 46 MO 2(5 Fe 2 O 3 22 SiO 2 ) 46 MO = 46 FeO Cron- Pfibram 50 H 2 O stedtite 82 51 MO 2(5 R 2 O 3 22 SiO 2 ) 51 MO = 48.5 MgO 2.5 FeO Lennilite Kremze 48 H 2 O 10R 2 O 3 = 9Al 2 3 -lFe 2 8 83 52MO-2(5R 2 3 -22Si0 2 ) 52MO = 44MgO-5CaO-2.5FeO-0.5 NiO Ortho- Texas, Pa. 52 H 2 O 10 R 2 O 3 = 8 A1 2 O 3 2 Cr 2 O 3 chlorite 84 60 MO 2(5 R 2 3 22 SiO 2 ) 60 MO = 51 MgO-3 K 2 O-3 FeO-3 Na 2 O w Taberg 24H 2 10 R 2 O 3 = 8.5 A1 2 O 3 1.5 Fe 2 O 3 85 60 MO 2(5 R 2 O 3 22 SiO 2 ) 60 MO = 32 MgO 27 FeO 1 CaO Diabantite Farmington 44 H 2 O 10 R 2 O 3 = 8.5 A1 2 O 3 1.5 Fe 2 O 3 Hills 86 60 MO 2(5 R 2 O 3 22 SiO 2 ) 60 MO = 32 MgO - 27 FeO 1 CaO n n 44 H 2 O 10 R 2 O 3 = 8.5 A1 2 O 3 1.5 Fe 2 O 3 87 69 MO 2(5 R 2 3 22 SiO 2 ) 69 MO = 41.5 MgO 27.5 FeO 99 Trillochtal 52 H 2 10R 2 3 =8Al 2 3 -2Fe 2 3 88 72 MO -2(5Al 2 3 -22Si0 2 ) 72 MO = 47 MgO 25 FeO 99 Landes- 56 H 2 freude 89 72 MO 2(5 A1 2 O 3 22 SiO 2 ) M 56 H 2 O 90 72 MO 2(5 A1 2 O 3 22 SiO 2 ) > > Grafenwart 56 H 2 O 91 73 MO 2(5 A1 2 O 3 22 SiO 2 ) 73 MO = 66 MgO -7 FeO Ortho- Zermatt 54 H 2 O chlorite 92 74 MO 2(5 R 2 O 3 22 SiO 2 ) 74 MO = 66 MgO 6 CaO 2 FeO 99 Unst 64 H 2 O 10R 2 3 = 6Al 2 3 -4Cr 2 3 93 75 MO 2(5 R 2 O 3 22 SiO 2 ) 75 MO = 73 MgO -2 FeO Zermatt 58 H 2 O 10R 2 O 3 =9Al 2 3 -lFe 2 3 94 79 MO 2(5 A1 2 O 3 22 SiO 2 ) 79 MO = 46.5 MgO 32.5 FeO Diabantite Reinsdorf 50 H 2 O THE ORTHOCHLORITE GROUP Analyst Si0 2 Al a O s Fe 2 3 CTjOs FeO MnO CaO MgO K,0 Nao H a o Total K.v. Theory 33.60 15.87 2.24 34.85 13.44 100.00 Hauer XIV 33.51 15.42 2.58 34.41 13.21 99.13 Heddle Theory 32.35 13.76 2.39 5.39 0.83 32.34 12.94 100.00 LXVIII 32.55 13.95 0.97 5.28 0.16 0.79 32.78 0.48 0.06 13.17 100.19 Melville Theory 31.92 7.54 11.25 1.06 35.46 12.77 100.00 CLXII 31.74 6.74 11.39 1.23 . 0.18 35.18 0.49 NiO 13.04 99.99 Kobell Theory 32.71 15.44 6.54 33.32 11.99 100.00 XXII 32.68 14.57 5.97 0.28 33.11 1.02 Resid. 12.10 99.73 Pearse Theory 31.71 12.73 3.33 2.11 1.12 35.23 13.75 100.00 CXLVII 31.31 12.84 2.98 2.46 0.82 35.02 0.45 NiO 13.20 99.08 Pearse Theory 31.71 12.73 3.33 2.11 1.12 35.23 13.75 100.00 CXLVIII 31.86 13.75 2.15 2.31 1.27 34.90 0.22 NiO 13.98 100.44 Breiden- Theory 31.83 15.03 5.30 0.82 34.19 0.69 0.46 11.68 100.00 baugh CXXVI 32.33 14.56 5.29 1.04 33.74 0.87 0.54 12.02 100.39 or the general formula m MO 2 (5 R 2 3 22 Si0 2 ) n H 2 0. Analyst SiOa | Al a 3 Fe a O, CTj0 3 FeO MnO CaO | MgO K a O Na,0 H a O Total Rammels- berg Theory I 40.85 40.88 10.26 10.96 8.66 9.72 z 8.91 8.96 - 0.87 0.68 20.43 20.00 Z 10.02 10.18 100.00 100.38 Field Theory IX 31.24 31.72 18.93 18.51 39.19 39.46 10.64 11.02 100.00 100.71 Schrauf Theory 39.38 38.88 13.70 13.45 2.39 3.22 2.68 2.55 - 0.45 28.95 28.57 z 12.90 12.75 100.00 99.87 Garret Theory CXLIII 37.77 37.66 11.68 11.82 4.35 3.60 2.57 2.50 4.01 4.11 25.17 24.98 1.06N1O 0.67NiO 13.39 13.58 100.00 98.92 Paltauf Theory LXXXVI 38.24 38.04 12.56 12.62 3.48 2.53 ~ 3.13 2.93 0.51F1 0.48 29.55 29.45 4.09 4.17 2.69 2.73 6.26 6.25 100.00 99.71 Hawes Theory VIII 33.76 33.24 11.08 11.07 3.07 2.26 24.86 25.11 0.41 0.72 1.11 16.37 16.51 0.25 10.14 9.91 100.00 99.87 Theory IX 33.76 33.68 11.08 10.84 3.07 2.86 24.86 24.33 0.38 0.72 0.73 16.37 16.52 0.33 10.14 10.02 100.00 99.69 Liebe Theory VI 31.61 31.25 9.77 10.03 3.83 3.47 z 23.70 23.52 - 19.83 19.73 11.21 11.37 100.00 99.37 n Theory III 31.63 31.69 12.22 12.22 21.56 21.26 ~ 22.52 22.05 z 12.07 12.47 100.00 99.69 Theory IV 31.63 31.38 12.22 11.89 ~ 21.56 22.72 z z 22.52 22.91 12.07 10.91 100.00 99.81 " Theory VII 31.63 31.56 12.22 12.08 ~ 21.56 21.61 z 22.52 22.44 12.07 11.78 100.00 99.47 Piccard Theory XLII 33.94 33.54 13.12 13.39 - ~ 6.49 6.62 z 33.94 33.56 12.51 12.38 100.00 99.49 Heddle Theory LXIV 32.46 32.31 7.52 7.50 - 7.49 7.89 1.77 2.08 z 4.13 3.83 32.46 32.15 ___ ___ 14.17 14.25 100.00 100.01 v. Fellen- berg Theory XLV 33.73 33.97 11.73 11.66 2.04 2.49 1.84 1.81 37.32 37.60 13.04 13.57 100.00 101.10 Liebe Theory 30.14 30.27 11.64 11.16 . ' 26.70 26.94 - 21.24 21.22 10.28 10.20 100.00 99.79 394 THE ORTHOCHLORITE GROUP J. Orthochlorites of the type R Si R = 6 R 2 3 6 SiO 2 Source 95 18 MO 2 (6 Fe 2 3 22 H 2 O 6 Si0 2 ) 18 MO = 18 FeO Cron- stedtite Kuttenberg K. Orthochlorites of the type Si R R Si = 6 R 2 3 10 Si0 2 96 Source 16MO-2(6R 2 101 26 MO 2(6 R 2 O 3 10 SiO 2 ) 30 H 2 O 26 MO = 24 FeO -2 MgO 12R 2 3 = 8Al 2 3 -4Fe 2 3 Thuringite Harper's Ferry 102 26 MO 2(6 R 2 O 3 10 SiO 2 ) 30 H 2 O 26 MO = 24 FeO -2 MgO 12R 2 3 =8Al 2 3 -4Fe 2 O 3 M Schmiede- feld 103 26 MO 2(6 R 2 O 3 10 SiO 2 ) 30 H 2 O 26 MO = 23.5 FeO 2 MgO 0.5 Na 2 O 12R 2 3 = 8 A1 2 3 4Fe 2 3 Harper's Ferry 104 26 MO 2(6 R 2 O 3 10 SiO 2 ) 30 H 2 O 26 MO = 23.5 FeO 2 MgO 0.5 Na 2 O 12 R 2 O 3 = 8 A1 2 O 3 4 Fe 2 O 3 > 105 27 MO 2(6 Fe 2 O 3 10 SiO 2 ) 24 H 2 O 27 MO = 19 FeO 7 MgO 1 MnO Cron- stedtite Pfibram 106 27 MO 2(6 R 2 O 3 10 SiO 2 ) 30 H 2 O 27 MO = 23.5 FeO - 2.5 MgO 1 MnO 12 R 2 O 3 = 8 A1 2 O 3 - 4 Fe 2 O 3 Thuringite Hot Springs 107 28 MO 2(6 R 2 O 3 10 SiO 2 ) 32 H 2 O 28 MO = 28 FeO 12 R 2 O 3 =9.5 A1 2 O 3 2.5 Fe 2 O 3 Zirmsee 108 29MO-2(6Fe 2 3 -10Si0 2 ) 32H 2 O 29 M0 = 20 FeO 7 MgO 2 MnO Cron- stedtite Pfibram 109 29MO-2(6Fe 2 3 -10Si0 2 ) 32 H 2 O > > 110 30MO-2(6R 2 3 -10Si0 2 ) 28 H 2 O 30 MO = 23 MgO 6 FeO 1 MnO 12R 2 O 3 =10.5A1 2 O 3 - 1.5Fe 2 O 3 Klementite Vielsalm 111 30 MO 2(6A1 2 3 10 SiO 2 ) 32 H 2 O 30 MO = 27.5 FeO -1 MgO 1 Na 2 O 0.5 MnO Daphnite Penzance 112 30MO-2(6R 2 3 -10Si0 2 ) 32 H 2 O 30 MO = 21. 5 FeO 8.5 MgO 12 R 2 O 3 =11 A1 2 O 3 1 Fe 2 O 3 Ortho- chlorite Diillen 113 30MO-2(6Fe 2 3 -10Si0 2 ) 38 H 2 30 MO = 23 FeO 6 MgO 1 MnO Cron- stedtite Pfibram 114 34 MO- 2(6 R 2 8 -10810,) 32H 2 34 MO = 22 MgO- 12 FeO 12 R 2 O 3 = 1 1 A1 2 O 3 1 Fe 2 O 3 Ortho- chlorite Washing- ton, D.C. 115 36MO-2(6R 2 O 3 -10SiO 2 ) 28H 2 36 MO = 15.5 MgO 16 FeO 0.5 MnO 12 R 2 O 3 = 10.5 A1 2 O 3 1.5 Fe 2 O 3 M Steeles Mount, N.C. THE ORTHOCHLORITE GROUP or the general formula m MO 2 (6 R 2 O 3 6 Si0 2 ) n H 2 0. 395 Analyst Si0 2 A1 2 0, Fe 2 0, Cr 2 0, FeO |MnO CaO MgO K a O Na 2 H0 Total Rosam Theory VI 16.62 17.34 44.32 43.05 29.92 30.27 0.16 9.14100.00 9.18100.00 or the general formula m MO - 2 (6 R 2 3 10 Si0 2 ) n H 2 0. Analyst Si0 2 A1 2 S FezOa Cr 2 0, FeO |MnO CaO MgO K.O Na,0 H 2 Total Konig Theory CXXXIV 32.32 32.80 26.10 26.07 10.77 9.80 - 17.25 17.70 13.56 13.75 100.00 100.12 ?> Theory CXXXIII 31.29 31.35 21.27 21.58 16.67 14.17 ~ z 16.68 16.67 14.09 14.45 100.00 98.22 Woitschach Theory V 27.01 27.06 19.52 19.56 12.60 11.71 - 29.17 28.91 ~ 0.63 0.38 1.35 1.18 ~ 9.72 9.73 100.00 98.53 Gintl Theory CXXXVIII 29.38 29.89 27.47 30.87 3.92 - 8.81 9.17 ~ ~ 16.64 17.53 2.32 2.41 0.83 11.46 11.60 100.00 102.30 Theory CXXXIX 29.38 29.90 27.47 27.59 3.92 3.12 8.81 9.17 ~ 16.64 17.10 2.32 2.33 0.58 11.46 11.51 100.00 101.30 Keyser Theory VI 23.98 23.21 16.31 15.59 12.79 13.89 - 34.53 34.51 ~ 0.36 1.60 1.26 0.08 0.41 10.79 10.59 100.00 99.97 Smith Theory III 23.98 23.55 16.31 15.63 12.79 13.79 - 34.53 34.20 ~ z 1.60 1.47 ~ 10.79 10.57 100.00 99.21 Theory VII 24.01 23.58 16.32 16.85 12.80 14.33 33.85 33.20 0.09 z 1.60 1.52 0.62 0.46 10.80 10.45 100.00 100.48 95 Theory VIII 24.01 23.52 16.32 16.08 12.80 - 33.85 32.18 ~ z 1.60 1.68 ~ 0.62 10.80 10.48 100.00 Ludwig Theory V 22.76 22.21 ~ 36.43 37.49 - 25.96 25.28 1.35 1.20 5.31 5.23 - ~ 8.19 8.27 100.00 99.68 Smith Theory IX 23.77 23.70 16.17 16.54 12.68 12.13 - 33.29 33.14 1.41 1.16 1.98 1.85 0.32 (K. O,Na 2 O) 10.70 10.90 100.00 99.74 Gintl Theory V 23.25 22.65 18.77 18.92 7.75 8.12 - 39.06 38.49 - ~ 11.17 10.78 100.00 98.96 Steinmann Theory I 21.59 22.45 34.55 58.85 (Fe 2 O 3 +FeO) 25.91 2.55 2.89 5.04 5.08 10.37 10.70 100.00 99.97 Kobell Theory II 21.59 22.45 34.55 35.35 25.91 27.11 2,55 2.89 5.04 5.08 10.37 10.70 100.00 103.58 Klement Theory 27.04 27.13 24.13 24.70 5.41 5.84 ~ 9.73 9.72 1.69 1.98 - 20.73 20.52 11.36 11.35 100.00 101.24 R.v.Zeynek Theory 23.46 23.62 23.92 22.26 38.70 38.97 0.67 0.98 0.29 0.78 1.09 0.28 1.21 1.10 11.26 11.16 100.00 99.75 v. Giimbel Theory V ' 24.26 23.56 22.69 22.35 3.23 4.25 31.30 30.43 0.23 6.87 6.75 O.lOAlk 11.65 11.49 100.00 99.16 Janowsky Theory IV 20.78 21.30 33.26 32.34 28.70 29.23 1.23 1.25 4.15 4.51 __ 11.88 11.90 100.00 100.53 Clarke and Schneider Theory CL 24.99 25.40 23.36 22.80 3.33 2.86 ~ 17.99 17.77 0.25 - 18.33 19.09 - - 12.00 12.21 100.00 100.38 Genth Theory CLXI 24.78 24.90 22.12 21.77 4.96 4.60 ___ 23.79 24.21 1.14 1.15 - 12.81 12.78 - ~ 10.40 10.59 100.00 100.00 396 THE ORTHOCHLORITE GROUP 1 Source 116 36 MO 2 (6 R 2 O 3 10 SiO 2 ) 36 MO = 22 MgO 14 FeO Orthochlorite Lude 32 H 2 O 12 R 2 O 3 =11.5Al 2 O 3 -0.5Fe 2 O 3 ,, 117 36 MO 2 (6 R 2 O 3 10 SiO 2 ) 36 MO = 22 MgO 14 FeO n 32 H 2 O 12 R a O a = 11.5 A1 2 O 3 0.5 Fe 2 O 3 118 37.MO-2(6R 2 137 38MO-2(6R 2 3 -12Si0 2 ) 34 H 2 38 MO = 31 FeO 6.5 MgO 0.5 CaO 12 R 2 O 3 = 10 A1 2 O 3 2 Fe 2 O 3 Meta- chlorite Bvichenberge b. Elbingerode THE ORTHOCHLORITE GROUP 397 Analyst Si0 2 A1 2 3 Fe 2 8 1 Cr 2 O, FeO MnO CaO MgO K 2 Na a O H 2 O Total Heddle Theory LXXIII 24.40 23.92 23.86 22.98 1.62 1.11 ~ 20.50 19.54 0.28 2.45 17.90 17.26 ~ 11.72 11.78 100.00 99.32 Theory LXXIV 24.40 24.66 23.86 23.19 1.62 0.64 20.50 20.58 0.29 0.40 17.90 17.79 11.72 12.12 100.00 99.67 Obermayer Theory CXXIII 24.35 23.84 23.80 25.22 1.62 2.81 17.53 17.06 20.29 19.83 12.41 11.90 100.00 100.66 Pasani Theory CXXI 24.79 24.00 25.29 25.90 ~ z 14.88 14.80 23.14 22.70 ~ 11.90 11.90 100.00 99.30 or the general formula m MO 2 (6 R 2 3 12 Si0 2 ) n H 2 0. Analyst SiO, | AljOs | Fe 2 8 | Cr 2 O, FeO MnO CaO MgO K 2 Na,0 | H 2 | Total , Chatard Theory 34.32 21.81 11.41 14.26 5.58 0.74 11.98 100.00 CLVII 34.22 21.53 12.41 .12(Ni.Co)o 14.46 5.70 0.51 11.85 100.80 Websky Theory 28.53 17.17 11.09 26.39 6.99 0.55 9.28 100.00 I 28.43 16.60 11.43 26.21 7.25 0.37 0.36 9.31 99.96 Loretz Theory 30.46 17.26 13.54 15.24 4.16 8.89 1.31 9.14 100.00 II 30.56 16.57 13.02 15.51 4.14 8.97 0.36 1.18 1 9.08 99.39 (Delesse Theory 31.43 15.58 17.46 3.93 0.60 19.21 11.79 100.00 I 31.07 15.47 17.54 4.07 0.46 19.14 11.55 99.30 Traube Theory 27.75 22.61 1.54 30.52 2.15 1.54 13.89 100.00 X 27.12 22.40 2.13 30.19 2.23 1.54 13.45 99.06 v. Giimbel Theory 27.99 19.41 9.33 27.99 0.69 5.05 1.83 7.71 100.00 IV 27.50 18.15 10.80 28.02 0.60 5.13 1.66 0.44 7.50 99.80 Delesse Theory 29.33 19.74 8.14 14.67 0.57 15.07 12.48 100.00 III 29.45 18.25 8.17 15.12 0.45 15.32 12.57 99.33 1 Loretz Theory 27.55 14.63 13.77 24.12 8.80 0.90 0.59 9.64 100-00 I 27.10 14.64 14.80 23.85 8.78 0.52 0.56 9.69 99.94 Theory 28.44 14.10 15.80 12.80 1.10 14.64 0.92 1.22 10.98 100.00 III 29.10 14.31 14.87 13.27 1.00 15.08 0.60 1.09 10.77 100.09 K. v. Hauer Theory 28.35 24.10 28.35 7.87 _^_ 11.33 100.00 XVII 28.02 23.84 28.60 8.09 11.45 100.00 Sandberger Theory 25.86 21.98 43.32 1.08 7.76 100.00 I 26.45 21.25 44.24 1.06 7.74 100.74 Rammelsberg Theory 25.24 17.88 5.61 37.24 4.56 9.47 100.00 IV 24.78 18.69 6.45 36.17 Trace 4.52 9.09 99.70 C. Schmidt Theory 24.90 21.16 37.35 4.14 12.45 100.00 II 25.23 19.97 37.51 4.39 12.90 100.00 Erlenmeyer Theory 26.07 20.32 2.90 28.69 11.59 10.43 100.00 VI 25.72 20.69 4.01 27.79 11.70 10.05 99.96 ff Theory 26.07 20.32 2.90 28.69 11.59 10.43 100.00 VII 25.99 4.13 27.60 11.93 10.13 Chatard Theory 28.68 22.35 3.13 5.75 27.90 12.19 100.00 cxxxv 29.43 22.0 I A" 5.64 28.46 12.40 99.42 Theory 28.68 22.35 3.13 5.75 27.90 12.19 100.00 CXXXVI 29.59 22.1 1.33 5.77 28.54 12.40 99.81 Zeynek Theory 24.36 17.2 5.4 37.75 0.47 4.40 10.36 100.00 II 24.2S 17.8 4.6-J 37.85 0.57 4.26 0.09 0.30 10.19 100.04 398 THE ORTHOCHLORITE GROUP 1 Source 138 39 MO 2 (6 A1 2 O 3 12 SiO 2 ) 30H 2 O 39 MO = 25 FeO- 14MgO Ortho- chlorite Grabener Wiesen 139 39MO-2(6R 2 O 3 -12SiO 2 ) 34 H 2 O 39 MO = 25 MgO- 12 FeO- 1 K 2 O 1 Na 2 O; 12 R 2 O 3 = 10.5Al 2 O 3 -1.5Fe 2 O 3 Fuschertal 140 39 MO 2 (6 R 2 O 3 12 SiO 2 ) 36 H 2 O 39 MO - 19 MgO 20 FeO 12 R 2 O 3 = 10.5 A1 2 O 3 1.5 Fe 2 O 3 H Zillerthal 141 39 MO 2 (6 Fe 2 O 3 12SiO 2 ) 36 H 2 O 39 MO = 31. 5 FeO -6.5 MgO- 1 MnO Cronsted tite Pfibram 142 40MO-2(6R 2 3 -12Si0 2 ) 36 H 2 40 MO = 19 MgO -21 FeO 1 2 R 2 O 3 = 1 1 A1 2 O 3 1 Fe 2 O 3 Ortho- chlorite Zillertal 143 41MO-2(6R 2 O 3 -12SiO 2 ) 40 H 2 41 MO = 37 MgO -4 FeO 12 R 2 O 3 = 11.5 A1 2 O 3 0.5 Fe 2 O 3 Culsagee Mine, N.C. 144 41MO-2(6R 2 O 3 - 12SiO 2 ) 40 H 2 O 41 MO = 37 MgO -4 FeO 12 R 2 O 3 = 11.5 A1 2 O 3 0.5 Fe 2 O 3 n M 145 41MO-2(6R 2 O 3 -12SiO 2 ) 40 H 2 O 41 MO = 37 MgO -4 FeO 12 R 2 O 3 = 11.5 A1 2 O 3 0.5 Fe 2 O 3 " 146 42MO-2(6Al 2 3 -12Si0 2 ) 36 H 2 42 MO = 21 FeO 19 MgO 1 K 2 O 0.5 MnO 0.5 CaO f> Ben Derag 147 42MO-2(6R 2 3 -12Si0 2 ) 38 H 2 42 MO = 26 MgO -16 FeO 12 R 2 O 8 = 11.5 A1 2 O 3 0.5 Fe 2 O 3 H Aacherkoppe 148 43 MO 2 (6 R 2 O 3 12SiO 2 ) 34H 2 43 MO = 25 MgO -18 FeO 12 R 2 O 3 = 11.5 A1 2 O 3 0.5 Fe 2 O 3 H St. Gotthard 149 43MO-2(6R 2 O 3 - 12SiO 2 ) 34 H 2 O 43 MO = 32 MgO 10.5 FeO 0.5 MnO 12R 2 O 3 = llAl 2 3 -lFe 2 3 Portsoy 150 43MO-2(6Al 2 O 3 -12SiO 2 ) 36 H 2 O 43MO = 32MgO-llFeO Zillertal 151 43MO-2(6A1 2 O 3 -12 SiO 2 ) 36 H 2 O > M > 152 43 MO 2 (6 R 2 O 3 12SiO 2 ) 38H 2 O 43 MO = 22 MgO 20 FeO 1 CaO 12 R 2 O 3 = 1 1.5 A1 2 O 3 0.5 Fe 2 O 3 n Massa- schlucht 153 43 MO 2 (6 R 2 O 3 12 SiO 2 ) 40 H 2 O 43 MO = 19.5 MgO 22 FeO 1 CaO 0.5MnO;12R 2 O 3 = 11.5Al 2 O 3 -0.5Fe 2 O 3 M Girdleness 154 44 MO 2 (6 R 2 O 3 12 SiO 2 ) 30 H 2 O 44 MO = 22 MgO 22 FeO 12R 2 O 3 = 11.5Al 2 O 3 -0.5Fe 2 O 3 ZiUertal 155 44MO-2(6Al 2 3 -12Si0 2 ) 34H 2 44 MO = 40 MgO -4 FeO H Grochau 156 46MO-2(6Al 2 O 3 -12SiO 2 ) 24H 2 ' 46 MO = 20.5 MgO 25.5 FeO M Guistberg 157 48 MO 2 (6 R 2 O 3 12 SiO 2 ) 38 H 2 O 48 MO = 33 MgO 14 FeO 0.5 MnO O.SCaO; 12R 2 O 3 =11.5 Al 2 O 3 -0.5Fe 2 O 3 n Fethaland 158 51MO-2(6A1 2 O 3 - 12SiO 2 ) 32H 2 O 51MO = 31MgO-16FeO-2CaO-lK 2 O 0.5 MnO 0.5 Na 2 O Craig an Lochan M. Orthochlorites of the type Si R S A i R Si = 6 R 2 3 16 Si0 2 Source 159 160 32 MO- 41 MO 2 (6 R 2 a 36H 2 O 2(6R 2 O a 52H 2 O 16 Si0 2 ) 16Si0 2 ) 32 MO = 30 MgO -2 FeO 12 R 2 O 3 = 6.5 A1 2 O 3 1 Fe 2 O 3 -4.5Cr 2 O 3 41 MO = 29.5 MgO 10 FeO 1.5 CaO 12 R a O,= 11.5 A1 2 O 3 - 0.5 Fe 2 O 3 Ortho- chlorite Delessite Norrbotten Dumbuek THE ORTHOCHLORITE GROUP 399 Analyst Si0 2 A1 2 3 Fe 2 0, Cr 2 3 FeO MnO CaO | MgO K,0 NajO H,o Total K. v. Theory 25.82 21.93 32.26 10.03 9.96 100.00 Hauer XVIII 26.08 20.27 32.91 10.00 10.06 99.32 Vuylsteke Theory 26.75 19.89 4.46 16.06 18.57 1.74 1.15 11.38 100.00 XIX 27.03 20.07 4.72 16.47 18.90 1.22 0.72 11.78 100.91 Klement Theory 25.72 19.13 4.29 . 25.72 13.58 11.56 100.00 XXIX 25.84 19.58 4.42 25.99 13.57 11.34 100.74 D amour Theory 21.89 29.06 34.33 1.07 3.93 9.81 100.00 III 21.39 29.08 33.52 1.01 4.02 9.76 98.78 Klement Theory 25.52 19.89 2.84 26.80 13.46 11.49 100.00 XXX 25.84 19.58 2.13 28.05 13.57 11.34 100.51 Genth Theory 27.79 22.64 1.55 5.56 28.56 13.90 100.00 CLIII 27.56 22.75 2.56 5.43 28.47 0.30(Mn,Ni,Co)0 13.80 100.87 Chatard Theory 27.79 22.64 1.55 5.56 __ , 28.56 13.90 100.00 CLIV 27.28 22.11 2.50 5.43 28.38 0.41 (Mn, Ni, Co)O 14.50 100.57 Theory 27.79 22.64 1.55 5.56 28.56 13.90 100.00 CLV 27.17 22.35 2.71 5.43 27.73 0.26 (Mn, Ni, Co)O 14.36 100.00 Heddle Theory 25.11 21.34 26.35 0.62 0.40 13.25 1.63 11.30 100.00 LXXI 24.72 21.57 0.62 26.16 0.47 0.45 12.86 1.73 0.05 10.89 99.52 Jacobs Theory 25.86 21.07 1.43 20.68 18.68 12.28 100.00 VIII 25.53 20.49 1.68 0.08 20.85 0.15TiO 2 0.06 18.60 0.07 0.09 12.26 99.86 Rammels- Theory 25.71 20.95 1.43 P 2 5 23.14 17.85 10.92 100.00 berg XXXIV 25.12 22.26 1.09 23.11 17.41 10.70 99.69 Heddle Theory 26.59 20.72 2.95 13.96 0.83 23.64 11.31 100.00 LXXVI 26.71 20.42 3.47 13.99 0.73 23.90 11.17 100.39 Kobell Theory 26.74 22.72 14.71 23.77 12.06 100.00 XXVI 26.51 21.81 15.00 22.83 12.00 98.15 n Theory 26.74 22.72 14.71 23.77 12.06 100.00 XXVII 27.32 20.69 15.23 0.47 24.89 12.00 100.60 Fellen- Theory 25.03 20.39 1.39 ^_ 25.03 0.97 15.29 11.90 100.00 berg XXXV 24.85 20.70 1.00 25.00 0.60 15.31 0.45 Ti0 2 12.05 99.96 Heddle Theory 24.53 19.97 1.36 27.04 0.60 0.95 13.28 __ 12.27 100.00 LXXVII 24.77 20.16 1.38 27.38 0.61 0.90 13.34 12.05 100.59 Egger Theory 25.28 20.59 1.42 27.80 15.45 9.48 100.00 XXVIII 26.02 20.16 1.07 28.08 0.44 15.50 9.65 100.92 Bock Theory 27.88 23.70 5.58 30.99 11.85 100.00 IX 28.20 24.56 5.27 30.94 12.15 101.12 Igelstrom Theory 25.03 21.28 31.92 14.25 7.52 100.00 LXXXIII 25.00 20.60 32.00 14.30 7.60 99.50 Heddle Theory 24.96 20.33 1.39 17.48 0.61 0.49 22.88 11.86 100.00 LXX 24.30 20.86 3.57 16.72 0.55 0.50 22.20 11.55 100.25 Theory 24.39 20.73 __ 19.51 0.59 1.96 21.00 1.59 0.52 9.77 100.00 LXXII 24.29 21.15 0.10 18.74 0.80 1.66 21.03 1.29 0.56 10.08 99.70 or the general formula m MO 2 (6 R 2 3 16 Si0 2 ) n H 2 0. Analyst SiO a AljO, Fe s O, Cr a O s FeO MnO CaO MgO K,o Na,0 H,O Total Sanderson Theory LXXXVII 35.42 34.49 12.23 12.40 2.95 3.14 12.64 13.46 2.66 3.28 z 22.14 21.83 __ 11.96 11.85 100.00 100.45 Heddle Theory VII 31.52 32.01 19.25 18.87 1.31 1.18 11.82 12.09 Trace 1.37 1.39 19.36 19.64 - - 15.37 15.46 100.00 100.64 400 THE ORTHOCHLORITE GROUP Source 161 48 MO 2 (6 A1 2 O 3 16 SiO 2 ) 48 MO = 43 MgO -5 FeO Ortho- Brosso 32 H 2 O chlorite 162 48MO-2(6RoO 3 -16SiO 2 ) 48 MO = 48 MgO > Westchester, 40 H 2 6 12R 2 O 3 =10Al 2 O 3 -1.5Fe 2 O 3 -0.5Cr 2 O 3 Pa. 163 48MO-2(6R 2 O 3 -16SiO 2 ) 48 MO = 48 MgO t 40H 2 12 R 2 O 3 = 10 A1 2 O 3 -1.5 Fe 2 O 3 -0.5 Cr 2 O 3 164 49MO-2(6R 2 O 3 -16SiO 2 ) 49 MO = 47 MgO -2 FeO Zoutpansberge 46H 2 12 R 2 O 3 = 11.5 A1 2 O 3 0.5 Fe 2 O 3 165 51MO-2(6R 2 O 3 -16Si0 2 ) -40H 2 51 MO = 26 MgO 21 FeO 4 MnO 12 R 2 O 3 =9.5 A1 2 O 3 2.5 Fe 2 O 3 " Dannemora 166 51MO-2(6R 2 O 3 -16SiO 2 ) 51 M0 = 26 MgO 21 FeO 4 MnO J? 40H 2 12 R 2 O 3 =9.5 A1 2 O 3 2.5 Fe 2 O 3 167 52 MO 2 (6 A1 2 O 3 16 SiO 2 ) 52 MO = 23 MgO 29 FeO St. Christophe 44 H 2 O 168 53 MO 2 (6 A1 2 O 3 16 SiO 2 ) 53 MO = 46 MgO -7 FeO > Blair Athol 46 H 2 O 169 53MO-2(6R 2 3 -16Si0 2 ) 53 MO=52.5 MgO 0.5 FeO >? Achmatowsk - 46 H 2 O 12 R 2 O 3 = 11 A1 2 O 3 1 Fe 2 O 3 170 55 MO 2 (6 R 2 O 3 16 SiO 2 ) 55 MO = 51 MgO 2 FeO 2 Na 2 O 5> Westchester, 50H 2 12 R 2 O 3 = 11 Al 2 O 3 -0.5Fe 2 O 3 -0.5Cr 2 O 3 Pa 171 55 MO 2 (6 R 2 O 3 16 SiO 2 ) 55 MO =52 MgO 2 FeO 1 CaO > > 40 H 2 12 R 2 O 3 = 11 Al 2 O 3 -0.5Fe 2 O 3 -0.5 Cr 2 O 3 172 55MO-2(6R 2 O 3 -16SiO 2 ) 55 MO = 53 MgO -2 FeO f )f 48 H 2 O 12 R 2 O 3 =9 A1 2 O 3 2 Fe 2 O 3 1 Cr 2 O 3 173 56 MO 2 (6 R 2 O 3 16 SiO 2 ) 56 MO = 53 MgO -3 FeO ?> Itkul Sea 42 H 2 12 R 2 3 = 10 A1 2 3 2 Cr 2 3 174 56 MO 2 (6 A1 2 O 3 16 SiO 2 ) 56 MO = 54 MgO -2 FeO ff Schischimsker 44H 2 Berge 175 56MO-2(6Al 2 O 3 -16Si0 2 ) 56 MO =54 MgO -2 FeO 5 44H 2 176 56 MO 2 (6 A1 2 O 3 16 SiO 2 ) j> )} 44H 2 177 58 MO 2 (6 A1 2 O 3 16 SiO 2 ) 58 MO = 29 MgO-29 FeO > Glacier d'Ar- 40 H 2 O gentieres 178 58 MO 2 (6 R 2 O 3 16 SiO 2 ) 58 MO = 58 MgO n FluB Iremel 42 H 2 O 12 R 2 O 3 = 1 1 A1 2 O 3 1 Fe 2 O 3 179 61 MO 2 (6 A1 2 O 3 16 SiO 2 ) 61 MO = 54 MgO 3.5 FeO 2 CaO tt Texas, Pa. 52 H 2 O 1.5K 2 N. Orthochlorites of the type Si R Si R Si = 6 R 2 O 3 18 Si0 2 Source 180 181 182 18MO- 23 MO- 36 MO- 2 (6 R 2 3 42H 2 O 2 (6 R 2 3 34H 2 O 2 (6 A1 2 O 3 26H 2 O 18 SiO 2 ) 18 SiO 2 ) 18 SiO 2 ) 18 MO = 10.5 MgO 4.5 CaO 3 FeO 12R 2 3 = 7Fe 2 3 -5Al 2 3 23MO = 21,5FeO-1.5Na 2 12 R 2 O 3 =9 Fe 2 O 3 3 A1 2 O 3 36 MO = 20 MgO -16 FeO Hullite Melano- lite Epi- phanite Carnmoney Hill Milk-Row Quarry, Mass. Wermland THE ORTHOCHLORITE GROUP 401 Analyst Si0 2 Al,o, Fe 2 3 Cr 2 FeO MnO CaO MgO K 2 Na 2 O H0 Total Damour Theory 33.10 21.10 6.21 29.64 _ 9.95 100.00 LVI 33.67 20.37 6.37 29.49 10.10 100.00 Graw Theory 32.56 17.30 4.07 1.29 32.56 12.22 100.00 CXXVIII nri 31.34 17.47 3.85 1.69 33.44 12.60 100.39 Theory CXXIX 32.56 31.78 22.71 32.56 33.64 __ 12.22 12.60 100.00 100.73 Yvan Riesen Theory 31.86 19.47 1.33 2.39 31.21 _ 13.74 100.00 cxv 32.38 18.79 0.80 2.39 31.64 14.15 100.15 Erdmann Theory 28.05 14.15 5.84 22.09 4.15 15.19 10.53 100.00 LXXX 27.83 14.23 5.34 22.53 3.21 15.42 0.36 0.27 10.19 99.38 Jf Theory 28.05 14.15 5.84 22.09 4.15 15.19 10.53 100.00 LXXXI 27.89 14.30 5.96 21.21 5.43 0.43 14.42 0.17 0.23 10.30 100.34 Marignac Theory 27.65 17.63 30.07 13.25 11.40 100.00 LIX 26.88 17.52 29.76 13.84 11.33 99.33 Heddle Theory 30.40 19.38 7.98 29.13 13.11 100.00 LXVI 30.30 19.40 8.23 0.37 29.10 13.07 100.47 Ortraann Theory 31.15 18.19 2.59 0.58 , 34.05 13.44 100.00 XCIV 31.31 18.34 2.10 0.77 34.25 0.06 0.17 13.33 100.33 Schlaepfer Theory 29.96 17.52 1.25 1.18 2.25 31.85 1.94 14.05 100.00 CXXXII 30.11 18.31 1.16 1.55 2.11 0.31 Li,0 31.89 0.37 1.99 14.14 101.94 Neminar Theory 30.98 18.11 1.29 1.23 2.32 0.90 33.56 11.61 100.00 cxxx 31.08 18.85 1.55 1.09 2.33 0.81 33.50 11.53 100.74 Clarke and Theory 29.83 14.26 4.97 2.36 2.24 32.93 13.41 100.00 Schneider CXXXI 29.87 14.48 5.52 1.56 1.93 33.06 0.17NIO 13.60 100.19 Hermann Theory 30.31 16.09 4.81 3.40 33.45 11.94 100.00 CXII 30.58 15.94 4.99 3.32 33.45 12.05 100.33 Herzog N.v Theory 30.77 19.62 2.31 __ 34.61 12.69 100.00 Leuchtenberg XCVIII 30.60 19.63 2.02 34.41 12.76 99.42 ,, Theory 30.77 19.62 2.31 34.61 12.69 100.00 XCIX 30.33 19.85 2.43 0.11 34.64 12.73 100.09 Lagorio Theory 30.77 19.62 2.31 34.61 12.69 100.00 C 30.61 19.52 0.30 2.53 34.20 12.53 99.69 Brun Theory 27.00 17.21 29.36 16.31 10.13 100.00 XLIX 26.60 18.02 29.67 15.85 9.98 100.12 Hermann Theory 30.58 17.87 2.55 36.96 12.04 100.00 CX 30.80 17.27 1.37 37.08 12.30 98.82 Pearse Theory 28.47 18.15 3.73 1.66 32.02 2-09 13.88 100.00 CXL 28.62 18.37 0.37NiO 3.73 1.45 32.13 1.97 14.02 100.00 or the general formula m MO 2 (6 R 2 3 18 Si0 2 ) n H 2 0. Analyst Sio, A1 2 0, Fe 2 O, Cr 2 O, FeO MnO CaO MgO K,0 NatO HO Total Hardmann Theory 39.75 39.44 9.39 10.35 20.61 20.72 3.98 3.70 Trace 4.64 4.48 7.73 7.47 - 13.90 13.62 100.00 99.78 Wurtz Theory II 35.07 35.24 4.97 4.48 23.38 23.13 ~ 25.14 25.09 ~ 1.51 1.85 9.93 10.21 100.00 100.00 Igelstrom Theory 37.22 37.10 21.09 21.13 ~ 19.85 20.00 Trace 13.78 14.03 8.06 7.83 100.00 100.09 2 D 402 THE ORTHOCHLORITE GROUP Source 183 44MO-2(6R 2 3 -18Si0 2 ) 42 H 2 44 MO = 44 FeO 1 2 R 2 O 3 = 10 A1 2 O 3 - 2 Fe 2 O 3 Chamo- site Schmiedefeld 184 48MO-2(6R 2 O 3 - 18SiO 2 ) 48 H 2 48 MO = 30 MgO 17 FeO 1 MnO 12R 2 3 = 10Al 2 3 -2Fe 2 3 Ortho- chlorite Cape Wrath 185 48MO-2(6R 2 O 3 - 18SiO 2 ) 60 H 2 O 48 MO = 34.5 MgO -11.5 FeO 2 CaO 12 R a O 8 = 11.5 A1 2 O 3 0.5 Fe 2 O 3 Deles- site Bowling Quarry, Dumbarton 186 49 MO 2 (6 R 2 O 3 18SiO 2 ) - 56 H 2 49 M0 = 32.5 MgO - 15 FeO 1.5 CaO 12 R 2 3 = 10.5 A1 2 3 1.5 Fe 2 3 " Long Craig, Dumbarton 187 49 MO 2 (6 R 2 O 3 18SiO 2 ) 44 H 2 49 MO = 48 MgO -1 FeO 12 R 2 O 3 = 11.5 A1 2 O 3 0.5 Fe 2 O 3 Ortho- chlorite Ckyn 188 52MO-2(6R 2 3 -18Si0 2 ) 52 H 2 52 MO = 50 MgO 1 CaO 1 FeO 1 2 R 2 O 3 = 1 1 A1 2 O 3 1 Fe 2 O 3 Markich 189 54 MO 2 (6 R 2 O 3 18SiO 2 ) 30H 2 54 MO = 53 MgO -1 CaO 12R 2 O 3 = 10.5A1 2 O 3 - 1.5Fe 2 O 3 H Schischimsker Berge 190 54 MO 2 (6 R 2 O 3 18SiO 2 ) 30 H 2 O 54 MO = 53 MgO- 1 CaO 12 R 2 O 3 = 10.5 A1 2 O 3 1.5 Fe 2 O 3 " 191 57MO-2(6A1 2 O 3 - 18SiO 2 ) 46H 2 O 57 MO = 53 MgO -4 FeO " 192 68MO-2(6R 2 O 3 - 18SiO 2 ) 42 H 2 6 58 MO = 50 MgO -8 CaO 12R 2 O 3 =10.5A1 2 O 3 - 1.5Fe 2 O 3 > 193 58M0 2 2(6R 2 3 -18Si0 2 ) 46 H 2 O 58 MO = 58 MgO 12R 2 O 3 = 8.5A1 2 O 3 - 1 .5Fe 2 O 3 -2Cr 2 O 3 " Ufalejsk 194 58MO-2(6R 2 3 -18Si0 2 ) 46 H 2 58 MO = 58 MgO 12 R 2 3 = 8.5 A1 2 3 -1.5 Fe 2 O 3 -2 Cr 2 O 3 n tt 195 58MO-2(6R 2 O 3 - 18SiO 2 ) 46 H 2 O 58 MO = 58 MgO 12 R 2 O 3 = 8.5 A1 2 O 3 -1.5Fe 2 O 3 -2 Cr 2 O 3 " " 196 58MO-2(6R 2 O 8 - 18SiO 2 ) 46 H 2 O 58 MO = 58 MgO 12 R 2 O 3 = 8.5 A1 2 O 3 -1.5 Fe 2 O 3 -2 Cr 2 O 3 " Bilimbajewsk 197 59MO-2(6R 2 O 3 - 18SiO 2 ) 48 H 2 59 MO = 59 MgO 12R 2 3 =10Al 2 3 -2Fe 2 3 Texas, Pa. 198 59 MO 2 (6 R 2 O 3 18SiO 2 ) 48 H 2 59 MO = 59 MgO 12R 2 3 = 10Al 2 3 -2Fe 2 3 Willimantic, Conn. 199 60MO-2(6R 2 O 3 -18SiO 2 ) 48 H 2 O 60 MO = 55 MgO - 4 FeO 1 CaO 12 R 2 O 3 = 11.5 A1 2 O 3 0.5 Fe 2 O 3 i> Kariaet, Greenland 200 62 MO 2 (6 R 2 O 3 18SiO 2 ) 52 H 2 O 62 MO = 54 MgO-2 FeO-4 CaO-1 K 2 O 1 Na 2 O ; 12 R 2 O 3 = 9 Al 2 O 3 -3 Cr 2 O 3 Unst 201 62MO-2(6AU) 3 -18Si0 2 ) 46 H 2 O 62 MO = 61 .5 MgO 0.5 FeO Mauleon 202 62MO-2(6R 2 3 -18Si0 2 ) 48 H 2 62 MO = 62 MgO 12R 2 3 =9Al 2 3 -3Fe 2 3 > Achmatowsk 203 62 MO 2 (6 R 2 O 3 18SiO 2 ) 48 H 2 62 MO = 62 MgO 12 R 2 O 3 = 9 A1 2 O 3 3 Fe 2 O 3 n 204 63MO-2(6Al 2 O 3 -18SiO 2 ) 48 H 2 63 MO = 53 MgO 8 FeO - 2 CaO tt Kariaet, Greenland 205 64 MO 2 (6 A1 2 O 3 18 SiO 2 ) 48 H 2 64 MO = 60 MgO -4 FeO " Achmatowsk 206 64 MO 2 (6 A1 2 O 3 18SiO a ) 48H 2 " THE ORTHOCHLORITE GROUP 403 Analyst SiO, A1 2 S Fe,0 3 Cr 2 3 FeO MnO CaO | MgQ K a o Na,0 H,0 Total Loretz Theory 29.08 13.79 4.33 42.62 10.18 100.00 IV 29.00 13.00 6.00 42.00 10.00 100.00 Heddle Theory 31.49 14.87 4.67 17.85 1.03 17.49 12.60 100.00 LXVIII 31.03 14.85 5.73 17.42 1.00 0.36 17.42 12.48 100.29 it Theory 31.70 17.22 1.17 12.16 1.64 20.25 15.86 100.00 VI 32.00 17.33 1.19 12.45 1.57 20.42 15.45 100.41 M Theory 31.11 15.43 3.46 15.55 1.21 18.73 14.51 100.00 VIII 30.93 15.32 3.16 15.31 0.38 1.38 18.65 14.69 99.82 Gintl Theory 34.85 18.93 1.29 1.16 30.97 12.78 100.00 XIII 35.31 18.28 1.26 0.83 31.61 13.26 100.55 van Theory 33.21 17.23 2.46 1.11 0.86 30.74 14.39 100.00 Weryecke II 32.84 17.34 3.29 1.04 0.75 30.48 14.44 100.18 Komonen Theory 35.12 17.40 3.90 0.90 33.92 8.75 100.00 xcv 34.99 17.15 3.39 1.42 34.49 8.56 100.00 M Theory 35.12 17.40 3.90 0.90 33.92 8.75 100.00 XCVI 34.23 16.31 3.33 1.75 35.36 8.68 99.66 Hermann Theory 32.62 18.49 4.35 32.02 12.52 100.00 XCVII 32.35 18.00 4.37 32.29 12.50 99.51 Clarke and Theory 32.36 16.05 3.59 . 6.71 29.96 11.33 100.00 Schneider CI 32.27 16.05 4.26 0.28 6.21 29.75 11.47 100.29 Herzog von Theory 32.14 12.90 3.57 4.53 34.54 12.32 100.00 Leuchtenberg CII 33.12 13.56 2.29 4.19 35.77 12.65 101.58 )t Theory 32.14 12.90 3.57 4.53 34.54 12.32 100.00 cm 32.35 13.29 2.00 4.19 35.04 12.62 99.49 N. v. Zinn Theory 32.14 12.90 3.57 4.53 34.54 12.32 100.00 CIV 33.31 12.60 2.30 4.04 35.62 12.62 100.49 M Theory 32.14 12.90 3.57 4.53 34.54 12.32 100.00 CVI 32.50 13.20 2.30 4.00 35.60 12.60 100.30 Hermann Theory 32.13 15.15 4.76 35.10 12.86 100.00 CXLI 31.82 15.10 4.06 0.90 0.25 NiO 35.24 12.75 100.12 Burton Theory 32.13 15.15 4.76 35.10 12.86 100.00 CXLIX 31.86 15.80 4.77 0.30 34.30 12.72 99.75 Hammer- Theory 31.76 16.95 1.19 4.23 0.82 32.35 12.70 100.00 schlag CXVI 30.34 16.86 1.86 4.53 0.61 31.82 0.37 12.70 99.09 Heddle Theory 30.19 12.83 6.38 2.01 3.13 30.19 1.32 0.87 13.08 100.00 LXIII 29.89 12.93 5.97 1.96 3.54 29.93 1.16 0.97 13.27 99.62 Delesse Theory 31.99 18.13 1.18 36.44 12.26 100.00 LVIII 32.10 18.50 0.60 36.70 12.10 100.00 Struve Theory 31.29 13.30 6.95 35.93 12.53 100.00 XCII 31.64 13.54 5.83 0.05 36.20 12.74 100.00 Theory 31.29 13.30 6.95 ___ 35.93 12.53 100.00 XCIII 31.52 13.96 6.12 0.05 35.68 12.67 100.00 Janowsky Theory 30.62 17.34 8.16 1.59 30.04 12.25 100.04 CXVII 30.32 17.90 7.71 1.28 29.88 12.28 99.37 Kobell Theory 31.14 17.64 4.16 34.60 0.85(Resd.) 12.46 100.00 LXXXIX 31.14 17.14 3.85 0.53 34.40 12.20 100.11 Varrentrapp Theory 31.14 17.64 4.16 34.60 0.85(Besd.) 12.46 100.00 XC 30.38 16.97 4.37 33.97 12.63 98.32 404 THE ORTHOCHLORITE GROUP 0. Orthoehlorites of the type R Si R Si R = 8 R 9 0o 12 SiO, Source 207 40 MO 2(8Fe 2 O 3 - 12 SiO 2 ) 44 H 2 O 40 MO = 40 FeO Cronstedtite Cornwall 208 41 MO -2(8A1 2 O 8 - 12SiO 2 ) 40H 2 O 41 MO = 31 FeO -10 MgO Thuringite Lake Superior P. Orthoehlorites of the type R S A i R Si R = 9 R 2 3 12 Si0 2 209 210 211 212 213 214 Source 16 MO 2(9 A1 2 O 3 12 SiO 2 ) 34 H 2 O 28MO-2(9R 2 O 3 -12SiO 2 ) 30 H 2 O 30MO-2(9R 2 3 -12Si0 2 ) 42 H 2 33MO-2(9R 2 O 3 -12SiO 2 ) 36H 2 37MO-2(9Al 2 O 3 -12SiO 2 ) 34H 2 O 40 MO 2(9 Fe 2 O 3 12 SiO 2 ) 46H 2 16 M0 = 14 MgO 1 CaO 1 FeO 28 MO = 25 FeO -3 MgO 18R 2 3 = 15Al 2 3 -3Fe 2 3 30 MO = 28 FeO -2 MgO 18 R 2 O 3 = 7-5 Fe 2 O 3 10.5 Al 33 MO = 31 FeO -2 MgO 18R 2 3 =12Al 2 3 -6Fe 2 3 37 MO = 24 MgO 13 FeO 40 MO = 40 FeO FeO P 3 3 U 2 O 3 Rumpfite Aphrosiderite Thuringite St. Michael Weilburg Schmiedefeld 3 P 3 3 Orthochlorite Chester, Mass. Cronstedtite Cornwall New Formulae for The following analyses of the minerals A. R Si R =5 R 2 O 3 6 Si0 2 , B. R S A i R Si R = 8 R 2 3 12 Si0 2 , A. Tourmalines of the type R Si R = 5 R 2 3 6 Si0 2 Source Analyst * 4 RO 4(5 R 2 O 3 6Si0 2 ) 4MO = 0.5MnO- 1.5Li 2 O-l Na 2 O-0.5K 2 O Elba Rammelsberg 4H 2 0.5 H 2 O ; 20 R 2 O 3 =16 A1 2 O 3 4 B 2 O 3 4 RO 4(5 R 2 O 3 6 SiO 2 ) 4 MO =0.5 CaO 2 Li 2 O 1.5 Na 2 O Rumford Riggs 9H 2 20 R 2 O 3 = 15.5 A1 2 O 3 4.5 B 2 O 3 5 MO 4(5 R 2 3 - 6 SiO 2 ) 5 MO = 1 MnO-0.5 CaO-1.5 Li a O-1.5 Na 2 O Paris Rammelsberg 4H 2 0.5 K 2 O ; 20 R 2 O 3 = 15.5 A1 2 O 3 4.5 B 2 O 3 5 MO 4(5 R 2 O 3 5H 2 6 SiO 2 ) 5 MO = 1 MnO-0.5 CaO- 1.5 MgO 1 Li 2 O 1 Na 2 ; 20 R 2 O 3 = 16 A1 2 O 3 4 B 2 O 3 Schaitauka 5 MO 4(5 R 2 O 3 6 Si0 2 ) 5MO = 1.5FeO-0.5MgO-lLi 2 O- 1.5 MnO Elba n 5H 2 1.5 Na 2 O ; 20 R 2 O 3 = 15 Al 2 O 3 -5 B 2 O 3 5 MO 4(5 R 2 O 3 6 SiO 2 ) 5 MO = 0.5 MnO-0.5 CaO-2 Li 2 O 1 Na O Schiitten- Scharizer 10H 2 1 K 2 ; 20 R 2 3 =15.5 A1 2 O 3 4.5 B 2 O 3 hofen 6 MO 4(5 R 2 O 3 6 SiO 2 ) 6 MO = 1.5 FeO-1.5 MnO-0.5 CaO-0.5 Li 2 O Brazil Jannasch 7H 2 O 2 Na 2 O ; 20 R 2 O 3 = 15 A1 2 O 3 5 B 2 O 3 and Calb 6MO-4(5R 2 O 3 6 SiO 2 ) 6 MO = 1 FeO 1 MnO 0.5 CaO 2 Li 2 O H Riggs 8H 2 O 1.5Na 8 O ; 20R 2 O 3 = 14.5 Al 2 O 3 -5.5 B 2 O 3 * See references on p. 441 THE TOURMALINE GROUP 405 or the general formula m MO 2 (8 R 2 O 3 12 Si0 2 ) nHoO. Analyst 1 SiO Al,0 3 Fe t 3 Cr a 8 FeO MnO CaO MgO K,o Na,0 H,0 Total Flight Penfield and Sperry Theory VIII Theory X 18.77 18.55 22.28 22.35 25.25 25.14 33.36 32.75 37.54 38.57 35.25 34.39 6.18 6.41 10.33 10.13 11.14 11.25 100.00 100.00 100.00 99.54 or the general formula m MO 2 (9 R 2 3 12 Si0 2 ) n H 2 O. Analyst SiO a Al a o s Fe a 3 ' Cr a Oa FeO MnO CaO MgO K,0 Na,0 H,0 Total Firtsch Theory 31.48 40.12 1.57 1.22 12.23 13.38 100.00 I " 30.75 41.66 1.61 0.89 12.09 13.12 100.12 Sand- Theory 24.36 25.89 8.13 30.45 2.03 9.14 100.00 berger III 24.63 25.25 8.50 30.61 1.82 9.19 100.00 L. Smith Theory 21.94 16.32 18.28 30.72 1.22 11.52 100.00 I 22.05 16.40 17.66 30.78 0.89 0.14(K 2 O'Na,O) 11.44 99.36 Kammels- Theory 21.74 18.48 14.47 34.30 1.21 9.78 100.00 berg II 22.35 18.39 14.86 34.34 1.25 9.81 101.00 L. Smith Theory 24.90 31.71 16.21 16.60 10.58 100.00 CXXII 25.06 30.70 16.50 16.41 10.62 99.29 Flight Theory 17.94 35.87 35.87 10.32 100.00 VII 17.47 36.76 36.31 0.09 10.09 100.72 the Tourmaline Group of this group conform to the following types : C. R Si R Si R = 9 R 2 3 12 Si0 2 . or the general formula m MO 4 (5 R 2 O 3 6 Si0 2 ) n H 2 SiO> B,0, AUG. Fe,0, FeO TiO, MnO CaO MgO Li.O Na,0 K,0 H,0 Fl Total Loss on Ignition Theory XX 39.76 38.85 7.71 9.52 45.06 44.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98 0.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 .24 .22 1.71 2.00 1.30 1.30 2.24 2.41 0.00 0.70 100.00 101.17 .__ Theory LXVIII 39.15 38.07 8.54 9.99 42.99 42.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.35 0.76 0.56 0.00 0.07 .63 .59 2.53 2.18 0.00 0.44 4.40 4.26 0.00 0.28 100.00 100.29 Theory LXII 39.01 38.19 8.52 9.97 42.83 42.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.92 1.94 0.76 0.45 0.00 0.39 .22 .17 2.52 2.60 1.27 0.68 1.95 2.00 0.00 1.18 100.00 101.20 Theory XXXI 39.00 38.26 7.57 9.29 44.20 43.97 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.92 1.53 0.76 0.62 1.62 1.62 0.81 0.48 1.68 1.53 0.00 0.21 2.44 2.49 0.00 0.70 100.00 100.70 Theory XIX 38.97 37.71 9.45 9.99 41.41 41.89 0.00 0.00 0.97 1.38 0.00 0.00 2.88 2.51 0.00 0.00 0.54 0.41 0.82 0.74 2.52 2.40 0.00 0.34 2.44 2.60 0.00 0.50 100.00 100.47 Theory VIII 37.94 38.49 8.28 8.25 41.66 41.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.35 0.00 0.00 0.94 0.60 0.74 1.82 0.00 0.00 1.58 1.68 1.64 1.32 2.48 2.14 4.74 4.61 0.00 0.43 100.00 100.00 Theory XLII 37.63 37.05 9.13 9.09 39.98 40.03 0.00 0.00 2.82 2.36 0.00 0.00 2.78 2.35 0.73 0.47 0.00 0.32 0.40 0.60 3.24 3.18 0.00 Trace 3.29 3.23 0.00 1.15 100.00 99.83 Theory XXXVIII 38.18 37.39 10.18 10.29 39.22 39.65 0.00 0.00 1.91 2.29 0.00 0.00 1.88 1.47 0.74 0.49 0.00 0.00 1.59 1.71 2.47 2.42 0.00 0.25 3.83 3.63 0.00 0.32 100.00 99.91 406 THE TOURMALINE GROUP Source Analyst 9 6 MO 4(5 R 2 O 3 6 SiO 2 ) 6 MO = 1 FeO 1 MnO 0.5 CaO 2 Li 2 O Auburn Riggs 9H 2 1.5 Na 2 ; 20 R 2 O 3 = 14.5 Al 2 O 3 -5.5 B 2 O 3 10 6 MO 4(5 R 2 O 3 6 Si0 2 ) 6 MO = 2 FeO-0.5 CaO 2 Li 2 O 1.5 Na 2 O 9H 2 20 R 2 O 3 = 14 A1 2 O 3 6 B 2 O 3 11 7 MO 4(5 R 2 O 3 6 SiO 2 ) 7 MO = 1 .5 FeO-0.5 CaO 4 MgO 1 Na 2 O N. Issetsk Cossa 5H 2 20 R 2 O 3 = 11.5 A1 2 O 3 -5.5 B 2 O 3 3 Cr 2 O 3 12 7 MO 4(5 R 2 3 6 SiO 2 ) 7MO = 1.5FeO-1.5MnO-0.5CaO- 1.5Li 2 O Brazil Jannasch 6H 2 2 Na 2 O ; 20 R 2 O 3 = 14.5 A1 2 O 3 5.5 B 2 O 3 and Calb 13 7 MO 4(5 R 2 3 6 SiO 2 ) 7 MO = 1.5 FeO- 1.5MnO-0.5CaO-2 Li 2 O M Riggs 8H 2 O 1.5 Na 2 O ; 20 R 2 O 3 =14.5 A1 2 O 3 5.5 B 2 O 3 14 7 MO 4(5R 2 3 - 6 SiO 2 ) 7 MO = 3.5 FeO - 1.5 Li 2 O 2 Na 2 O Rurnford M 8H 2 O 20 R 2 O 3 = 14.5 A1 2 O 3 5.5 B 2 O 3 15 8 MO 4(5 R 2 O 3 6 Si0 2 ) 8 MO = 3 FeO 0.5 MnO 1 MgO 2 Li 2 O Brazil Rammelsberg 4H 2 O 1 .5 Na 2 O ; 20 R 2 O 3 = 14 A1 2 O 3 6 B 2 O 3 16 8 MO 4(5 R 2 O 3 6 SiO 2 ) 8 MO = 4 FeO-0.5 MnO 1.5 Li 2 O 2 Na 2 O Auburn Riggs 9H 2 20 R 2 O 3 = 14.5 A1 2 O 3 5.5 B 2 O 3 17 8 MO 4(5 R 2 O 3 6 SiO 2 ) 8 MO = 2.5 FeO-1.5 MnO-2 Li 2 O 0.5 K 2 O Schiitten- Scharizer 10H 2 1.5 Na 2 O ; 20 R 2 O 3 = 15.5 Al 2 O 3 -4.5 B 2 O 3 hofen 18 10 MO 4(5 R 2 O 3 6 Si0 2 ) 10 MO = 3 FeO-0.5 MnO-4 MgO-0.5 K 2 O M. Bisch Sommerland 2H 2 2 Na 2 O ; 20 R 2 O 3 = 14 A1 2 O 3 6 B 2 O 3 19 10 MO 4(5R 2 3 - 6 SiO 2 ) 10 MO -7. 5 FeO- 1.5 MgO- 1 Na 2 O Saar Rammelsberg 3H 2 20 R 2 O 3 = 14 A1 2 O 3 6 B 2 O 3 20 10 MO 4(5 R 2 3 6 SiO 2 ) 10MO = 6.5FeO-lMgO-0.5MnO- 1 Li 2 O Goshen w 5H 2 O 1 Na 2 O ; 20 R 2 O 3 = 13 A1 2 O 3 7 B 2 O 3 21 10 MO 4(5 R 2 3 6 Si0 2 ) 10 MO = 8 FeO 1 MgO 1 Na 2 O Auburn Riggs 8H 2 20 R 2 O 3 = 13 A1 2 O 3 7 B 2 O 3 22 10 MO 4(5 R 2 3 6 SiO 2 ) 10 MO = 7 FeO- 1.5 MgO- 1.5Na a O Paris 8H 2 20 R 2 O 3 = 14.5 A1 2 O 3 5.5 B 2 O 3 23 10 MO 4(5 R 2 3 6 Si0 2 ) 10 MO = 7.5 FeO -1.5 MgO- 1 Na 2 O Alabaschka Jannasch 8H 2 O 20 R 2 O 3 = 13.5 A1 2 O 3 6.5 B 2 O 3 and Calb 24 12 MO 4(5R 2 O 3 - 2H 2 O 6 Si0 2 ) 12 MO = 8.5 FeO-0.5 MnO -2 MgO-0.5 Na 2 O 0.5 H 2 O ; 20 R 2 O 3 = 12 A1 2 O 3 8 B 2 O 3 M Rammelsberg 25 12 MO 4(5 R 2 3 6 Si0 2 ) 12 MO = 8.5 FeO 1.5 MgO 2 Na 2 O Mursinka Jannasch 6H 2 20 R 2 O 3 = 14 A1 2 O 3 6 B 2 O 3 and Calb 20 12 MO 4(5 R 2 3 6 Si0 2 ) 12 MO = 4.5 FeO 5.5 MgO 0.5 CaO Stony Riggs 8H 2 1.5 Na 2 O ; 20 R 2 O 3 = 13.5 A1 2 O 3 6.5 B 2 O 3 27 12 MO 4(5 R 2 3 6 Si0 2 ) 12 MO = 6 FeO 4 MgO 2 Na 2 O Piedra Jannasch 8H 2 20 R 2 O 3 = 13 A1 2 O 3 6 B 2 O 3 1 Fe 2 O 3 and Calb B. Tourmalines of the type R Si R Si R = 8 R 2 3 12 Si0 2 Source Analyst 28 7 MO 2(8R 2 3 - 12 Si0 2 ) 7 MO = 3 FeO 0.5 CaO 1 MgO 0.5 K 2 O Waldheim Sauer 6H 2 O 2 Na 2 ; 16 R 2 O 3 = 14 A1 2 O 3 2 B 2 O 3 29 13 MO 2(8 R 2 3 12 SiO 2 ) 13 MO = 2 FeO 1 CaO 9 MgO 1 Na 2 O Monroe Rammelsberg 6H 2 16 R 2 O 3 = 11.5 A1 2 O 3 4.5 B 2 O 3 30 14 MO 2(8R 2 O 3 - 12 Si0 2 ) 14 MO = 5 FeO 0.5 MnO-0.5 CaO-6.5 MgO Elba 5H 2 O 1.5Na 2 O; 16 R 2 O 3 = 11 A1 2 O 3 5 B 2 O 3 31 14 MO 2(8R 2 O 3 - 12SiO 2 14MO = 4.5FeO- 1.5 CaO 7 MgO-1 Na 2 O Tamatave Jannasch 6H 2 O 16R 2 O 3 =10A1 2 O 3 -4.5B 2 O 3 - 1.5Fe 2 O 3 and Calb THE TOURMALINE GROUP 407 Si0 2 B 2 3 A1 2 S Fe 2 o s FeO Ti0 2 MnO CaO Mgo Li 2 o Na 2 K 2 H 2 o Fl Total Loss on Ignition Theory LXIV 38.02 38.14 10.14 10.25 39.03 39.60 0.00 0.30 1.90 1.38 0.00 0.00 1.87 1.38 0.73 0.43 0.00 Trace 1.58 1.34 2.45 2.36 0.00 0.27 4.28 4.16 0.00 0.62 100.00 100.23 4.09 Theory LXV 38.16 37.85 11.10 10.55 37.84 37.73 0.00 0.42 3.82 3.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.51 0.74 0.49 0.00 0.04 1.59 1.34 2.46 2.16 0.00 0.62 4.29 4.18 0.00 0.62 100.00 100.39 Theory XXXII 36.91 36.79 9.84 9.51 30.06 30.56 11.70Cr 2 3 10.86Cr 2 O 3 2.77 2.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 Trace 0.72 0.72 4.10 4.47 1.59 1.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 Trace 2.31 2.25 0.00 0.65 100.00 100.08 Theory XLI 37.68 37.40 10.05 10.74 38.69 39.02 0.00 0.00 2.82 2.35 0.00 0.00 2.79 2.57 0.73 0.60 0.00 0.20 1.17 1.33 3.25 3.59 0.00 0.29 2.82 3.08 0.00 0.98 100.00 102.15 z Theory XXXIX 37.48 36.91 9.99 9.87 38.49 38.13 0.00 0.31 2.81 3.19 0.00 0.00 2.77 2.22 0.73 0.38 0.00 0.04 1.56 1.61 2.42 2.70 0.00 0.28 3.75 3.64 0.00 0.14 100.00 99.42 3.62 Theory LXIX 37.21 36.53 9.93 10.22 38.23 38.10 0.00 0.00 6.51 6.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.32 0.00 0.34 0.00 0.00 1.19 0.95 3.21 2.86 0.00 0.38 3.72 3.52 0.00 0.16 100.00 99.81 3.31 Theory 37.86 XXXVI 38.06 11.02 10.09 37.55 37.81 0.00 0.00 5.68 5.83 0.00 0.00 0.93 1.13 0.00 0.00 1.05 0.92 1.58 1.30 2.44 2.21 0.00 0.42 1.89 2.23 0.00 0.70 100.00 100.70 Theory LXVI 36.39 36.26 9.70 9.94 37.37 36.68 0.00 0.15 7.28 7.07 0.00 0.00 0.90 0.72 0.00 0.17 0.00 0.16 1.14 1.05 3.13 2.88 0.00 0.44 4.09 4.05 0.00 0.71 100.00 100.28 - Theory VII 35.99 36.38 7.85 8.12 39.50 39.77 0.00 0.00 4.50 4.17 0.00 0.00 2.66 2.83 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.50 1.54 2.33 1.93 1.17 0.93 4.50 4.29 0.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 - Theory XXXIV 36.87 36.86 10.74 10.56 36.56 36.72 0.00 0.00 5.53 5.66 0.00 0.00 0.91 0.66 0.00 0.34 4.10 3.92 0.00 0.00 3.17 3.57 1.20 1.11 0.92 1.16 0.00 0.61 100.00 101.17 Theory X 35.97 36.11 10.47 11.64 35.67 35.46 0.00 0.00 13.49 13.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.28 0.00 0.00 1.50 1.52 0,00 0.00 0.55 0.98 0.00 0.09 1.35 1.26 0.00 0.41 100.00 100.92 Theory LVIII 36.18 36.22 12.28 10.65 33.31 33.35 0.00 0.00 11.75 11.95 0.00 0.00 0.89 1.25 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.63 0.75 0.84 1.56 1.75 0.00 0.40 2.26 2.21 0.00 0.82 100.00 100.07 Theory LXVII 35.04 34.99 10.20 9.63 34.76 33.96 - 14.02 14.23 - 0.06 0.15 0.97 1.01 Trace 1.51 2.01 0.34 3.50 3.62 0.00 100.00 100.00 2.17 Theory LXIII 35.09 35.03 9.34 9.02 36.04 34.44 1.13 12.28 12.10 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.24 .46 .81 0.00 0.07 2.27 2.03 0.25 3.50 3.69 0.00 100.00 99.89 2.30 Theory XXVIII 35.32 35.41 11.14 10.14 33.78 33.75 13.25 13.42 Trace 0.17 .47 .57 ~ 1.52 2.08 0.34 3.53 3.41 0.28 100.00 100.57 Theory XXVII 35.76 36.19 13.88 12.79 30.40 30.40 15.20 15.59 0.88 0.54 ~ .98 .88 0.77 1.04 0.47 1.11 1.11 0.76 100.00 100.76 Theory XXIX 34.35 34.88 9.99 8.94 34.07 34.58 - 14.62 14.40 0.27 0.24 0.20 .43 1.32 ~ 2.96 2.70 0.05 2.58 2.87 0.51 100.00 100.96 Theory XLIV 35.30 35.56 11.12 10.40 33.75 33.38 7.94 8.43 0.55 0.04 0.69 0.53 5.39 5.44 Trace 2.28 2.16 0.24 3.53 3.63 0.00 100.00 100.36 2.86 Theory XLIII 34.24 34.73 9.96 9.64 31.53 31.69 3.81 3.18 10.28 10.14 0.30 0.16 0.36 3.81 3.47 2.95 2.85 0.15 3.42 3.44 0.47 100.00 100.58 or the general formula m MO 2 (8 R 2 O 3 12 Si0 2 ) n H 2 0. Si0 2 B 2 O 3 Al,0, |Fe 2 3 | FeO Ti0 2 MnO CaO MgO Li 2 o Na 2 o K 2 H 2 o Fl Total Theory 36.64 3.55 36.33 5.49 _ 0.71 10.18 3.15 1.19 2.76 100.00 III 36.35 4.61 35.76 4.78 0.41 SnO 2 0.47 10.01 3.89 1.22 2.87 99.67 Theory 39.38 8.59 32.07 3.94 1.54 9.84 1.69 2.95 100.00 LIII 39.01 8.95 31.18 4.07 1.81 9.90 1.82 0.44 2.82 100.00 Theory 38.13 9.24 29.71 9.53 0.94 0.74 6.87 2.46 2.38 100.00 XVII 38.20 9.03 30.02 9.93 0.58 0.74 6.87 2.19 0.25 2.29 0.15 100.15 Theory 37.19 8.12 26.34 6.20 8.37 2.16 7.23 1.60 2.80 100.00 LXXIII 35.48 9.49 25.83 6.68 7.99 1.22 Trace 2.03 6.90 1.92 0.29 2.58 0.33 100.74 408 THE TOURMALINE GROUP Source Analyst 32 15 MO 2(8 R 2 3 12SiO 2 ) 15 MO = 4.5 FeO 1 CaO 8 MgO 0.5 K 2 O Haddam Rammels- 4H 2 1 Na 2 O ; 16 B 2 O 8 = 11.5 A1 2 O 3 4.5 B 2 O 3 berg 33 15 MO 2(8 R 2 3 12SiO 2 ) 15 MO = 2 FeO 0.5 CaO-11 MgO-1.5 Na 2 O Eibenstock it 6H 2 O 16 R 2 O 3 =11.5 A1 2 O 3 4.5 B 2 O 3 34 16 MO 2(8 R 2 3 12 Si0 2 ) 16 MO = 6 FeO 0.5 CaO 8 MgO 0.5 K 2 O Snarum ?> 4H 2 O 1 Na 2 O ; 16 R 2 O 3 = 11 A1 2 O 3 5 B 2 O 3 35 16 MO 2(8 R 2 3 12 SiO a ) 16 MO = 0.5 FeO-1 CaO-14 MgO-0.5 Na 2 O Gouverneur H 5H 2 16 R 2 O 3 = 11.5 A1 2 3 4.5 B 2 O 3 36 17 MO 2(8 R 2 3 12 SiO 2 ) 17 M0 = 0.5 FeO-2 CaO-13.5 MgO-1 Na 2 O ,, Riggs 8H 2 16 R 2 O 3 = 10.5 A1 2 O 3 5.5 B 2 O 3 37 18 MO 2(8 R 2 O 3 12SiO 2 ) 18 MO = 0.5 FeO-2.5 CaO-14 MgO-1 Na 2 O Dekabb M 8H 2 O 16 R 2 O 3 = 11 A1 2 O 3 5 B 2 O 3 38 19 MO 2(8 R 2 O 3 12SiO 2 ) 19 MO = 4.5 FeO-2.5 CaO-11 MgO-1 Na 2 O Pierrepont If 8H 2 O 16 R 2 O 3 = 10 A1 2 O 3 6 B 2 O 3 C. Tourmalines of the type R - S A i R Si R = 9 R 2 3 - 12 Si0 2 Source Analyst 39 3 MO 2(9 R 2 3 12SiO 2 ) 3 MO = 0.5 MnO-0.5 MgO-1 Na 2 O-l K 2 O Rozna Rammels- 5H 2 18 R 2 O 3 = 14 A1 2 O 3 4 B 2 O 3 berg 40 5 MO 2(9 R 2 O 3 12Si0 2 ) 5 MO = 2.5 FeO-0.5 MnO-0.5 MgO-1.5 Na 2 O Campol Engel- 5H 2 O 18 R 2 O 3 = 13.5 A1 2 O 3 4.5 B 2 O 3 mann 41 8 MO 2(9 R 2 O 3 12 SiO 2 ) 8 MO = 3.5 FeO- 0.5 MnO- 1.5MgO-lLi 2 O Chester- Rammels- 5H 2 1.5 Na 2 O ; 18 R 2 O 3 = 13.5 Al 2 O 3 -4.5 B 2 O 3 field berg 42 10 MO 2(9 R 2 O 3 12 Si0 2 ) 10 MO = 5.5 FeO 1.5 MnO-1 MgO-1.5 Na 2 O Sarapulka H 3H 2 O 0.5 H 2 O ; 18 R 2 O 3 = 11.5 A1 2 O 3 6.5 B 2 O 3 43 10MO-2(9R 2 3 - 12 Si0 2 ) 10 MO = 5.5 FeO-1 MnO-1.5 MgO-1.5 Na 2 O Elba M 4H 2 0.5 K 2 O ; 18 R 2 O 3 = 13 A1 2 O 3 5 B 2 O 3 44 11MO-2(9R 2 O 3 - 12Si0 2 ) 11 MO = 8 FeO 0.5 MgO 2.5 Na 2 O Buchw. Jannasch 8H 2 O 18 R 2 O 3 = 13.5 A1 2 O 3 4.5 B 2 O 3 and Calb 45 11MO-2(9R 2 3 - 12SiO 2 ) 11 MO = 9 MgO 1.5 Na 2 O 0.5 CaO Maryland Gill 8H 2 18R 2 O 3 =12.5A1 2 O 3 -4.5B 2 O 3 - 1 Cr 2 O 3 46 11MO-2(9R 2 3 - 12SiO 2 ) 11 MO = 4.5 FeO 0.5 CaO 4 MgO- 2 Na 2 O Tamaya Schwarz 9H 2 18 R 2 O 3 = 12.5 A1 2 O 3 5.5 B 2 O 3 47 12MO-2(9R 2 O 3 - 12 SiO 2 ) 12 MO = 6.5 FeO-0.5 CaO-3.5 MgO-1 Na 2 O Langenb. Rammels- 3H 2 O 0.5 K 2 ; 18 R 2 3 = 12 A1 2 O 3 6 B 2 O 3 berg 48 12MO-2(9R 2 O 3 - 12SiO 2 ) 12 MO = 6.5 FeO 0.5 CaO 4 MgO 1 Na 2 O Krumrn ,, 3H 2 O 18R 2 3 =13A1 2 3 -5B 2 3 49 12MO-2(9R 2 O 3 - 12 SiO 2 ) 12 M0 = 9.5 FeO 0.5 CaO 1 MgO 1 Na 2 O Andreasb. ,, 4H 2 18R 2 3 =12A1 2 3 -6B 2 3 50 12 MO 2(9 R 2 O 3 - 12SiO 2 ) 12 MO = 7.5 FeO-0.5 CaO-2.5 MgO-0.5 K 2 O Bovey 4H 2 1 Na 2 O ; 18 R 2 O 3 = 11.5 Al a O 3 6.5 B 2 O 3 Tracey 51 12MO-2(9R 2 O 3 - 12SiO 2 ) 12 MO = 7 FeO 0.5 CaO 2.5 MgO 1 MnO Krumm 5H 2 1 Na 2 O ; 18 R 2 O 3 = 12.5 Al 2 O 3 -5.5 B 2 O 3 52 12 MO 2(9 R 2 O 3 12 SiO 2 ) 12 M0 = 1.5 FeO-0.5 CaO-8.5 MgO-0.5 K 2 O Texas ,, 6H 2 O 1 Na 2 O ; 18 R 2 O 3 = 13 A1 2 O 3 5 B 2 O 3 63 12MO-2(9R 2 O 3 - 12 SiO 2 ) 12 MO = 8 FeO - 0.5 CaO 2 MgO 1.5 Na 2 O Brazil Biggs 8H 2 O 18R 2 3 =13A1 2 3 -5B 2 O 3 54 12MO-2(9R 2 O 3 - 12 SiO a ) 12 MO = 7.5 FeO 1 MnO 1.5 MgO-0.5 K 2 O Schutten- Scharizer 9H 2 1.5 Na 2 ; 18 R 2 O 3 = 14 A1 2 O 3 4 B 2 O 3 hofen THE TOURMALINE GROUP 409 SiO B a o, AlgO s Fe a o a FeO TiO MnO CaO MgO Li,o Nao K,0 H,o Fl Total Loss on Ignition Theory LV 37.81 37.50 8.25 9.02 30.80 30.87 8.52 8.54 z z 1.47 1.33 8.40 8.60 z 1.63 1.60 1.23 0.73 1.89 1.81 100.00 100.00 Theory II 38.50 37.75 8.40 9.14 31.36 30.86 - 3.85 4.36 ~ - 0.75 0.88 11.76 11.62 z 2.49 2.27 0.30 2.89 2.82 100.00 100.00 ____^ Theory XXV 37.20 37.22 9.02 9.73 28.98 30.00 11.16 11.16 ~ - 0.72 0.65 8.26 7.94 - 1.60 1.13 1.21 0.53 1.85 1.64 0.55 100.00 100.55 Theory XLVII 38.91 38.85 8.49 8.35 31.70 31.32 z 0.98 1.14 ~ - 1.51 1.60 15.13 14.89 0.84 1.28 0.26 2.44 2.31 ~ 100.00 100.00 z Theory XLIX 38.00 37.39 10.14 10.73 28.26 27.79 0.10 0.95 0.64 1.19 2.96 2.78 14.25 14.09 Trace 1.64 1.72 0.16 3.80 3.83 Trace 100.00 100.42 Theory LII 37.37 36.88 9.06 10.58 29.12 28.87 0.93 0.52 0.12 3.63 3.70 14.54 14.53 Trace 1.61 1.39 0.18 3.74 3.56 0.50 100.00 100.83 Theory L 36.09 35.61 10.50 10.15 25.57 25.29 0.44 8.12 8.19 0.55 Trace 3.51 3.31 11.03 11.07 Trace 1.55 1.51 0.20 3.63 3.34 0.27 100.00 99.93 2.69 or the general formula m MO 2 (9 R 2 3 - 12 Si0 2 ) n H 2 0. SiO a B 8 o, Al,0, Fe 2 0, FeO TiO, MnO CaO MgO Li,0 JNa,C > K,0 H.OJ Fl Total Theory IX 41.75 41.16 8.10 8.93 41.40 41.83 1.03 0.95 0.58 0.61 0.41 1.80 1.37 2.73 2.17 2.61 2.57 1.19 100.00 101.19 Theory XV 40.57 39.26 8.86 9.40 38.80 38.33 5.06 4.51 1.00 1.12 0.56 1.02 2.61 2.43 0.38 2.54 2.41 0.61 100.00 99.46 Theory LVII 39.01 38.46 8.51 9.73 37.29 36.80 6.83 6.38 0.96 0.78 1.63 1.88 0.81 0.72 2.52 2.47 0.47 2.44 2.31 0.55 100.00 100.55 Theory XXX 38.24 38.30 12.06 11.62 31.15 31.53 10.52 10.30 2.83 2.68 1.06 1.06 2.47 2.37 0.33 1.67 1.81 0.80 100.00 100.80 Theory XVIII 37.35 37.14 9.06 9.37 34.41 34.15 10.28 10.52 1.84 1.87 1.56 1.68 0.32 2.41 2.30 1.22 0.75 1.87 1.90 0.47 100.00 100.47 Theory XXXIII 35.77 35.50 7.80 8.34 34.20 34.39 - 14.30 14.26 Trace Trace 0.50 0.51 Trace 3.85 3.43 3.58 3.34 0.77 100.00 100.54 Theory XLV Theory XXXV 37.83 36.56 36.96 36.34 8.25 8.90 9.86 10.87 33.49 32.58 32.72 32.22 4.00 Cr 2 0, 4.32Cr 2 3 0.79Fe 2 3 8.30 8.31 0.09 Trace 0.74 0.75 0.72 0.79 9.46 9.47 4.10 3.92 Trace 2.44 2.22 3.18 3.14 0.13 0.22 3.78 3.74 4.16 3.89 0.06 100.00 99.70 100.00 99.70 Theory IV 37.09 37.24 10.79 11.02 31.53 31.63 12.06 11.64 ___ ~ 0.72 0.62 3.61 3.65 ~ 1.60 1.93 1.21 0.82 1.39 1.45 100.00 100.00 Theory V 37.05 36.43 8.98 9.82 34.11 34.12 - 12.04 11.58 - 0.72 0.44 4.12 3.84 - 1.59 1.36 0.30 1.39 2.11 100.00 100.00 Theory I 36.28 36.06 10.56 11.11 30.84 30.34 17.23 17.40 - 0.11 0.71 0.72 1.00 0.78 ~ 1.56 1.36 0.58 1.82 1.54 0.85 100.00 100.85 Theory XXI 36.77 37.94 11.60 10.72 29.96 30.22 ___ 13.79 13.82 - 0.40 0.71 0.50 2.55 2.62 ~ 1.58 1.39 1.20 0.65 1.84 1.74 0.45 100.00 100.45 Theory XII 36.42 36.25 9.71 10.27 32.24 32.21 12.75 12.82 1.80 1.50 0.70 0.40 2.53 2.32 1.57 1.43 0.46 2.28 2.34 0.64 100.00 100.64 Theory XLVII 37.81 38.45 9.17 8.57 34.82 34.56 2.84 2.98 0.09 0.73 0.71 8.93 9.11 1.62 2.00 1.23 0.73 2.84 2.80 100.00 100.00 Theory XL 35.68 34.63 8.65 9.63 32.86 32.70 0.31 14.27 13.67 0.12 0.69 0.33 1.98 2.13 0.08 2.30 2.11 0.24 3.57 3.49 0.06 100.00 99.52 Theory VI 34.95 35.10 6.78 7.09 34.65 35.10 .. 13.10 13.36 0.08 SnO 2 1.72 1.48 1.46 0.98 ~ 2.26 1.92 1.14 0.88 3.94 4.01 __ 100.00 100.00 410 THE TOURMALINE GROUP Source Analyst 55 13 MO 2(9 R 2 3 5H 2 12SiO 2 ) 13 MO = 7 FeO-0.5 MnO-3.5 MgO-1.5 Na 2 O 0.5H 2 O; 18R 2 O 3 =12A1 2 O 3 - 6B 2 O 3 Dekalb Rammels- berg 50 13 MO 2(9R 2 3 - 6H 2 12 SiO 2 ) 13 MO = 1.5 FeO 10 MgO 1.5 Na 2 O 18 R 2 O 3 = 12 A1 2 O 3 6 B 2 O 3 Zillertal 5 57 13 MO 2(9 R 2 3 6 H 2 12 SiO 2 ) 13 MO=4 FeO 1 CaO 7 MgO 1 Na 2 O 18R 2 3 =12A1 2 3 -6B 2 3 St. Gott- hard > 58 13 MO 2(9 R 2 3 6H 2 12SiO 2 ) 13 MO = 1.5 FeO-0.5 CaO-10 MgO-1 Na 2 O 18 R 2 O 3 = 12.5 A1 2 O 3 5.5 B 2 O 3 Orford n 59 13 MO 2(9 R 2 O 3 8H 2 O 12 SiO 2 ) 13 MO = 2 FeO -0.5 CaO-9 MgO-1.5 Na 2 O 18 R 2 O 3 = 12 A1 2 O 3 6 B 2 O 3 Monroe Riggs GO 14 MO 2(9 R 2 O 3 4H 2 O 12 Si0 2 ) 14 MO = 0.5 FeO-1 CaO-11 MgO-1.5 Na 2 O 18R 2 3 =12A1 2 3 -6B 2 3 Dobrawa Raminels- berg 61 14 MO 2(9 R 2 3 6H 2 12 Si0 2 ) 14MO = 2.5FeO-lCaO-9MgO-1.5Na 2 O 18R 2 3 =13A1 2 3 -5B 2 3 Godhaab - 62 14 MO 2(9 R 2 3 7H 2 12 Si0 2 ) 14 MO = 3 FeO 1 CaO 8 MgO 2 Na 2 O 18 R 2 3 = 12 A1 2 3 5 B 2 3 1 Fe 2 O 3 Ohlapian Jannasch 63 HMO 2(9R 2 3 - 8H 2 O 12SiO 2 ) UMO = 1.5FeO- 1 CaO-10MgO-1.5Na 2 O 18 R 2 O 3 = 12.5 A1 2 O 3 5.5 B 2 O 3 Orford Riggs 64 14 MO 2(9R 2 3 - 8H 2 12Si0 2 ) 14 MO = 7 FeO-0.5 CaO-4.5 MgO-1.5Na 2 O 0.5 H 2 O ; 18 R 2 O 3 = 12.5 Al 2 O 3 -5.5 B 2 O 3 Haddam " 65 15 MO 2(9R 2 3 - 5H 2 12SiO 2 ) 15 MO = 4 FeO-0.5 CaO-9.5 MgO-1 Na 2 O 18 R 2 O 3 = 12 A1 2 O 3 6 B 2 O 3 Kragerfi Rammels- berg 66 15 MO 2(9 R 2 3 6H 2 O 12SiO 2 ) 15 M0 = 3.5 FeO-1.5 CaO-8 MgO-2 Na 2 O 18 R 2 O 3 = 11.5 A1 2 O 3 6 B 2 O 3 -0.5 Fe 2 O 3 Snarum Jannasch and Calb 67 15 MO 2(9R 2 3 - 8H 2 12SiO 2 ) 15 MO = 4.5 FeO-1.5 CaO-8 MgO-1 Na 2 O 18 R 2 O 3 = 12 A1 2 O 3 6 B 2 O 3 Baffins- land Riggs 6S 16 MO 2(9R 2 O 3 - 4H 2 12 Si0 2 ) 16 MO = 7.5 FeO-0.5 CaO-6.5 MgO-1.5Na 2 O 18R 2 3 =12A1 2 8 -6B 2 3 Unity Rammels- berg 69 20 MO 2(9 R 2 3 7H 2 12Si0 2 ) 20 MO = 0.5 FeO-4 CaO-15 MgO-0.5 Na 2 O 18 R 2 O 3 =11.5 A1 2 O 3 6.5 B 2 O 3 Hambg. Riggs The Fel- The following analyses of the minerals of the A. Si R S A i Si R Si = 5 R 2 3 22 Si0 2 , B. Si R Si Si R Si = 5 R 2 3 24 Si0 2 , C. Si R Si Si R Si = 6 R 2 3 20 Si0 2 , A. Felspars of the type Si R Si Si R Si = 5 R 2 3 22 Si0 2 1 Source 1 3 MO 5 R 2 O 3 22 SiO 2 3MO = 1 5 Na 2 O-0.5 CaO-0.5 MgO 0.5 K 2 O Oligoclase Cape Wrath 1H 2 O 5R 2 O 3 =4.75 A1 2 O 3 0.25 Fe 2 O 3 2 4 MO 5 R 2 O 3 22 SiO 2 4MO = = 1.5 Na 2 O 1.75 CaO 0.5 MgO Andesine Ale bei 2H 2 O 0.25K 2 O Lima 3 4 MO 5 A1 2 3 22 SiO 2 4MO = 1.75 Na 2 O 1.75 CaO 0.25 MgO w Marmato bei 1 H 2 O 0.25 K 2 O Popayan THE FELSPAR GROUP 411 SiO, B,0, A1.0, FejO, FeO Ti0 2 MnO CaO MgO Li 2 o Na 2 K0 H 2 Fl Total Loss on Ignition Theory 36.42 10.60 30.95 12.74 0.90 3.54 2.35 2.50 100.00 LI 37.07 9.70 31.86 12.55 0.51 3.49 2.04 0.30 2.48 0.31 100.31 Theory 37.97 11.05 32.28 2.85 10.55 2.45 2.85 100.00 XIV 38.51 9.52 32.65 2.80 0.36 0.16 10.46 2.13 0.37 3.04 0.36 100.36 Theory 37.14 10.87 31.57 7.43 1.44 7.21 1.60 2.80 100.00 XVI 38.00 10.32 31.41 7.23 1.31 7.27 1.43 0.28 2.75 100.00 Theory 37.84 10.09 33.51 2.84 0.74 10.51 1.63 2.84 100.00 LIX 38.33 9.86 33.15 2.88 0.77 10.89 2.81 100.21 Theory 37.38 10.80 31.78 3.74 0.73 9.35 2.40 3.74 100.00 LIV 36.41 9.65 31.27 3.80 1.61 Trace 0.98 9.47 2.68 0.21 3.79 99.87 3.59 Theory 38.09 11.08 32.38 0.95 1.48 11.64 2.46 1.92 100.00 XIII 38.09 11.15 32.90 0.66 1.25 11.79 2.37 0.47 2.05 0.64 101.37 Theory 36.81 8.93 33.89 4.60 .43 9.20 2.38 2.76 100.00 LXXII 37.70 7.82 34.26 4.42 .25 9.51 2.00 0.43 2.61 100.00 Theory 35.87 8.70 30.48 3.98 5.38 .39 7.97 3.09 3.14 100.00 XI 35.69 9.84 30.79 3.65 5.46 0.86 Trace .54 8.12 2.53 0.27 3.12 101.95 Theory 36.92 9.85 32.69 2.77 .44 10.26 2.38 3.69 100.00 LX 36.66 10.07 32.84 2.50 0.23 Trace .35 10.35 Trace 2.42 3.78 Trace 100.42 Theory 35.51 9.47 31.42 12.42 0.69 4.43 2.29 3.77 100.00 LVI 34.95 9.92 31.11 11.87 0.57 0.09 0.81 4.45 Trace 2.22 0.24 3.62 100.35 2.41 Theory 36.63 10.66 31.14 7.33 0.71 9.67 1.57 2.29 100.00 XXIV 37.11 9.29 31.26 7.58 0.80 9.43 1.78 0.32 2.43 100.00 Theory 36.00 10.48 29.32 2.00 6.30 2.10 8.00 3.10 2.70 100.00 XXVI 35.64 9.93 29.41 2.90 6.56 1.10 Trace 1.65 8.00 3.03 0.16 2.94 101.32 Theory 35.85 10.43 30.47 8.07 2.09 7.97 1.54 3.58 100.00 LXXI 35.34 10.45 30.49 8.22 0.40 Trace 2.32 7.76 Trace 1.76 0.15 3.60 100.49 2.88 Theory 35.23 10.29 30.02 13.25 0.69 6.38 2.28 1.76 100.00 LXX 26.29 9.04 30.44 13.23 1.02 6.32 1.94-|-K 2 1.72 100.00 Theory 35.26 11.12 28.72 0.88 5.49 14.69 0.76 3.08 0.00 100.00 XLVI 35.26 10.45 28.79 ^^_ 0.86 0.65 5.09 14.58 Trace 0.94 0.18 3.10 0.78 100.37 spar Group. Felspar group conform to the following types D. Si R Si Si R Si = 6 R 2 2 22 SiO 2 , E. S A i R Si Si - R Si = 6 R 2 3 24 Si0 2 . or the general formula m MO 5 R 9 0, 22 SiO 2 n H 2 0. Analyst Si0 2 A1 2 8 Fe 2 s FeO CaO MgO K 8 O Na 2 H,o Total Heddle Theory LXVI 64.38 64.54 23.63 24.04 1.95 2.31 1.37 1.21 0.97 0.77 2.29 2.59 4.53 4.13 0.88 0.84 100.00 100.43 Raimondi Theory XCV 62.98 63.20 23.12 24.00 1.91 1.50 - 4.68 4.36 0.95 0.72 Trace 4.43 4.20 1.93 1.90 100.00 99.88 Deville Theory CIX 63.32 63.85 24.43 24.05 z ~ 4.69 5.04 0.47 0.38 1.12 0.88 5.20 5.04 0.87 0.76 100.00 100.00 412 THE FELSPAR GROUP Source 4 4 MO 5 A1 2 O 3 22 SiO 2 4 MO = 2.25 Na 2 1.25 CaO 0.5 K 2 O Oligoclase Mer de Glace 5 4MO-5R 2 3 -22Si0 2 4 MO = 2.25 Na 2 O 1.5 CaO 0.25 K 2 O Rispond 1H 2 6 4MO-5Al 2 O 3 -22Si0 2 4 MO = 2.5 Na 2 O 1 CaO 0.5 K 2 O Vesuvius t > t> > Freiberg 8 > M Marienberg 9 4 MO 5 A1 2 O 3 22 SiO 2 M Arendal 1H 2 10 4 MO 5 A1 2 O 3 22 SiO 2 4 MO = 2. 75 Na 2 O 0.75 CaO 0.25 MgO Danviks 0.25K 2 || Tulb 11 4 MO 5 B 2 O 3 22 SiO 2 4 MO = 2.75 Na 2 O 0.75 CaO 0.25 MgO ff Rottchen 0.25 K 2 O ; 5 R 2 O 3 = 4.75 A1 2 O 3 -0.25 Fe 2 O 3 12 4 MO 5 A1 2 O 3 22 SiO 2 4MO = 3Na 2 O-lCaO Ariege 13 Culsagee, N.C. 14 5MO-5R 2 O 3 -22SiO 2 5 MO = 1.75 Na 2 O 2.5 CaO 0.75 K 2 O > Neurode 5 R 2 O 3 = 4.75 A1 2 O 3 0.25 Fe 2 O 3 15 5MO-5Al 2 3 -22SiO a 5 MO = 2 Na 2 O 2 CaO 0.5 H 2 O-0.25 MgO M Aberdeen 0.25K 2 16 >f > 5 MO = 2 Na 2 O 2.5 CaO 0.5 K 2 O Hierro 17 > > 5MO = 2Na 2 O-3CaO Campo maior 18 > ) 5 MO = 2.25 Na 2 O 2.25 CaO 0.5 K 2 O y9 Rosetown, N.J. 19 5 MO 5 A1 2 O 3 22 SiO 2 ff Pytterlaks 1H 2 O 20 5 MO 5 A1 2 3 22 SiO 2 Andesine Pikruki 1H 2 21 5 MO 5 A1 2 O 3 22 SiO 2 5 MO = 2.25 Na a O 2.5 CaO 0.25 K 2 O n Sardinia 22 5 MO 5 A1 2 O 3 22 SiO 2 5 MO = 2.5 Na 2 O 1 CaO 0.75 FeO Oligoclase KjSrrestad 1H 2 0.5 H 2 O- 0.25 K 2 O 23 5 MO 5 A1 2 O 3 22 SiO 2 5 MO = 2.5 Na 2 O 2 CaO - 0.25 K 2 O t> Ditr6 1H 2 0.25H 2 24 5 MO 5 A1 2 O 3 22 SiO 2 5 MO = 2.5 Na 2 2 CaO 0.5 K 2 O M Com j os, Colorado 25 5 MO = 2.5 Na 2 2 CaO 0.5 H 2 O M Anna-See 26 > 5MO = 2.5Na 2 O 2.25 CaO 0.25 K 2 O H M. Mulatto 27 t t> > Knader 28 > > 5 MO = 2.75 Na 2 O 1.5 CaO 0.5 MgO > Chester, 0.25 H 2 Mass. THE FELSPAR GROUP 413 Analyst SiO a Al0, Fe 8 0, FeO CaO MgO KO Na 2 H a o Total Delesse Theory LVII 63.27 63.25 24.44 23.92 z 3.36 3.23 0.32 2.25 2.31 6.68 6.78 100.00 99.91 Heddle Theory XLIX 62.15 61.85 21.61 21.70 3.77 3.37 0.20Mn 2 O 3 3.95 4.13 0.09 1.11 1.63 6.57 6.95 0.85 0.37 100.00 10U.29 G. v. Rath Theory XLIX 63.22 62.36 24.42 23.38 2.68 2.88 2.35 2.66 7.43 7.42 0.13 100.00 98.83 Kersten Theory VII 63.22 62.97 24.42 23.48 0.51 z 2.68 2.83 0.24 2.35 2.42 7.43 7.22 ~ 100.00 99.69 M Theory XXXIV 63.22 63.20 24.42 23.50 0.31 z 2.68 2.42 0.25 2.35 2.22 7.43 7.42 ~ 100.00 99.32 Dirvell Theory LXXVIII 62.68 63.53 24.22 24.05 z 2.66 2.60 2.33 1.86 7.36 8.02 0.85 0.90 100.00 100.96 Berzelius Theory XCII 63.28 63.70 24.45 23.95 0.50 z 2.01 2.05 0.96 0.65 1.13 1.20 8.17 8.11 z 100.00 100.16 Bothe Theory XVI 63.14 63.16 23.18 22.14 1.92 2.51 2.01 2.07 0.48 0.65 1.12 1.34 8.15 8.13 z 100.00 100.00 Laurent Theory LIII 63.70 62.60 24.62 24.60 2.70 3.00 0.20 z 8.98 8.90 z 100.00 99.40 J. L. Smith Theory 63.72 24.61 2.70 8.97 100.00 CXXXII 64.12 24.20 0.14 2.80 9.28 100.54 Konig Theory II 61.00 61.54 22.40 22.36 1.85 1.75 z 6.47 6.23 ~ 3.26 2.82 5.02 4.91 z 100.00 99.61 Heddle Theory LXX 62.61 62.53 24.19 23.52 1.28 5.31 4.97 0.47 0.37 1.11 1.32 5.88 6.19 0.43 0.60 100.00 100.78 Schnorf Theory CLIII 61.66 60.99 23.82 23.98 0.90 z 6.54 6.46 . 2.19 2.08 5.79 5.44 z 100.00 99.85 Merian Theory LII 62.20 61.81 24.04 24.45 ~ z 7.92 8.04 0.34 0.59 5.84 6.19 z 100.00 101.42 Kemp Theory CXXXIV 61.61 61.12 23.81 23.90 ~ z 5.88 5.80 z 2.19 2.58 6.51 6.78 ~ 100.00 100.18 Struve Theory cm 61.09 60.90 23.60 24.32 ~ 5.83 5.78 2.20 1.87 6.46 6.51 0.82 0.62 100.00 100.00 n Theory LXXXIII 61.10 60.90 23.60 24.32 ~ z 5.83 5.78 z 2.18 1.87 6.46 6.51 0.83 0.62 100.00 100.00 Dupare Theory LIV 61.88 62.65 23.91 24.19 ~ z 6.56 6.28 z 1.11 1.24 6.54 6.48 100.00 100.84 Dirvell Theory XC 61.50 61.80 23.77 25.11 2.52 2.50 2.60 2.38 z 1.09 0.97 7.22 7.18 1.30 1.60 100.00 101.54 Fellner Theory XXXVI 61.60 61.68 23.80 23.95 - z 5.23 5.35 1.10 1.09 7.22 6.99 1.05 1.05 100.00 100.27 G. v. Rath Theory CXXVIII 61.57 61.88 23.79 24.18 - z 5.22 4.79 2.19 2.50 7.23 6.95 100.00 100.30 > Theory XXXVII 62.68 63.05 24.32 23.61 5.31 5.28 7.36 7.82 0.43 0.24 100.00 100.00 Petersen Theory XLI 61.84 62.84 23.89 23.53 - 5.91 5.50 - 1.10 1.15 7.26 7.65 z 100.00 100.67 Haughton Theory LXIV 61.84 62.40 23.89 23.60 - - 5.91 5.62 1.10 1.66 7.26 7.04 ___ 100.00 100.40 Jackson Theory CXLIII 62.05 62.00 23.98 24.40 3.95 3.50 0.94 0.70 _ 8.02 8.07 1.06 1.00 100.00 99.67 414 THE FELSPAR GROUP Source 29 5 MO 5 A1 2 O 3 22 Si0 2 5 MO = 2.75 Na 2 O 1.5 CaO-0.5K 2 O-0.25H 2 O Oligoclase Monnoir, Canada 30 5 MO 5 R 2 3 22 Si0 2 5 MO = 2.75 Na 2 O-1.5 CaO-0.5 H 2 O-0.25 K 2 O " Cragie 31 5 MO 5 A1 2 O 3 22 Si0 2 5 MO = 2.75 Na 2 O-1.5 CaO-0.5H 2 O-0.25 MgO Chester, 1H 2 Mass. 32 5 MO 5 A1 2 3 22 Si0 2 5 MO = 2.75 Na 2 O-1.5 CaO-0.5 FeO-0.25 K 2 O M Kyffhauser 1H 2 33 5 MO 5 A1 2 3 22 Si0 2 5 M0 = 2.75 Na 2 1.75 CaO 0.25 MgO M Moland, 1 H 2 - 0.25 K 2 O Arendal 34 5 MO 5 A1 2 3 22 Si0 2 5 MO = 2.75 Na 2 O 1.75 CaO 0.25 FeO N Arendal 0.25 K 2 35 5 MO 5 A1 2 3 22 Si0 2 5 M0 = 2.75 Na 2 O 2 CaO 0.25 K 2 O n 1H 2 36 5 MO 5 A1 2 3 22 Si0 2 Rhiconieh 37 Fredriks- varn 88 M - 5 MO = 2.75 Na 2 O 2.25 CaO Alausi 39 M N 5 MO = 3 Na 2 O 0.5 CaO 1.5 K 2 O m Ditro 40 M 5 MO = 3 Na 2 2.75 CaO 0.25 K 2 O Tvedestrand 41 ,r~ H Orenburg 42 M 5MO = 3Na 2 O 2 CaO M Perlenhardt 43 M M M Itterby 44 M 5 MO = 3.25 Na 2 O 1.25 CaO 0.5 MgO n H 45 >f tf f> 5 MO = 3.25 Na 2 O 1.75 CaO n JestreKjorre- stadb.Bamle 46 M M >? n Cragie Bukler 47 6 MO 5 R 2 O 3 1H 2 22 Si0 2 6 MO = 2 Na a O-2.25 CaO-1 MgO-0.75 K 2 O 5 R 2 O 3 = 4.5 A1 2 O 3 0.5 Fe 2 O 3 Jamaica- Mts. Can. 48 6 MO 5 A1 2 O 3 22 Si0 2 6 MO = 2.25 Na 2 O-3 CaO-0.5 MgO-0.25 K 2 O 9t Santorine 49 6 MO 5 R 2 O 3 22 SiO 8 6 MO = 2.5 Na 2 O 1.5 CaO 1 K 2 O 0.5 MgO Buxburn 1H 2 0.5 H 2 O ; 5 R 2 O 3 =4.75 A1 2 O 3 0.25 Fe 2 O 3 50 6 MO 5 A1 2 O 3 22 Si0 2 6 MO = 2.5 Na 2 O 2.25 CaO-1 MgO-0.25 K 2 O ft Gebel 2H 2 Duchan THE FELSPAR GROUP 415 Analyst Si0 2 A1 2 0, Fe 2 3 FeO CaO MgO K,0 Na,0 H,0 Total Hoffmann Theory 61.29 23.68 , 3.90 2.18 7.91 1.04 100.00 CXLIV 62.05 22.60 3.96 1.80 7.95 0.80 99.91 Heddle Theory 61.93 22.73 3.94 1.10 8.00 0.42 100.00 LXXI 61.58 22.00 4.19 1.52 8.27 0.54 99.66 Jackson Theory 62.05 23.98 3.95 0.94 8.02 1.06 100.00 CXLIII 62.03 24.40 3.50 0.70 8.07 1.00 99.67 Streng Theory 61.11 23.61 1.66 3.89 1.09 7.80 0.84 100.00 XII 60.94 24.22 1.66 3.94 0.95 7.65 0.79 100.15 Dirvell Theory 61.39 23.72 4.56 0.46 1.09 7.93 0.85 100.00 LXXXIII 61.84 24.77 4.20 0.30 0.88 8.14 0.50 100.63 Theory 62.68 24.22 2.66 2.33 7.36 0.85 100.00 LXXVII 63.53 24.05 2.60 1.86 8.02 0.90 100.96 Konig Theory 61.28 23.68 5.19 1.09 7.91 0.85 100.00 CXIV 60.69 24.24 0.71 4.63 1.28 7.75 0.85 100.15 Haughton Theory 61.81 23.87 5.24 1.10 7.98 100.00 LXXV 61.88 24.80 4.93 0.98 8.12 100.71 Pisani Theory 61.81 23.87 5.24 1.10 7.98 100.00 LXXXVII 62.25 24.80 0.25 4.90 0.80 7.80 0.20 101.00 Siemiradzki Theory 62.08 23.98 5.92 , 8.02 . 100.00 CXXIV 61.58 25.30 6.08 8.14 101.10 Fellner Theory 59.43 22.97 1.96 6.35 8.37 1.62 100.00 XXXV 60.28 22.40 1.17 0.09 6.37 8.44 1.61 100.36 Scheerer Theory 61.75 23.86 4.58 1.10 8.71 100.00 LXXXVI 61.30 23.77 0.36 4.78 1.29 8.50 100.00 G. v. Rath Theory 61.75 23.86 4.58 1.10 8.71 100.00 CXVII 60.34 24.39 0.18 5.56 0.73 8.44 0.33 99.97 Theory 62.04 23.96 5.26 8.74 100.00 XV 62.18 23.52 5.33 8.97 100.00 Jannetaz Theory 62.04 23.96 5.26 8.74 100.00 XCV 63.19 23.52 4.81 9.01 100.53 Berzelius Theory 62.23 24.04 3.29 0.94 9.50 100.00 XCIII 61.55 23.80 3.18 0.80 0.38 9.67 99.38 G. v. Rath Theory 61.98 23.95 4.61 9.46 100.00 LXXXIX 61.91 23.68 4.45 9.64 100.00 Haughton Theory 61.98 23.95 4.61 9.46 100.00 LXXII 62.00 23.20 4.71 9.20 100.00 Hunt Theory 59.26 20.16 3.59 5.66 1.80 3.16 5.57 0.80 100.00 CXLVII 58.60 21.10 2.88 5.40 1.84 3.08 5.51 0.80 99.21 Fouque Theory 60.52 23.39 7.71 0.92 1.07 6.39 100.00 LI 59.70 23.20 0.40 7.90 1.00 0.80 6.60 99.60 Heddle Theory 59.34 21.78 1.80 3.77 0.90 4.23 6.97 1.21 100.00 LXIX 59.53 21.05 1.81 3.63 0.88 4.73 7.23 1.88 100.74 Delease Theory 59.71 23.07 5.70 1.81 1.06 7.01 1.64 100.00 CXLVIII 58.92 22.49 0.75 0.60MnO 5.53 1.87 0.93 6.93 1.64 99.60 416 THE FELSPAR GROUP B. sVR-Si-Si-R- Felspars of the type Si = 5 R 2 3 24 Si0 2 Source 51 4 MO 6 A1 2 O 3 24 SiO 2 4MO = 2.25Na 2 0.5 CaO 0.75 K 2 O Oligoclase Lessines 1H 2 0.5 MgO 62 4MO-5R 2 3 -24Si0 2 4 MO = 2.75 Na 2 - 0.75 CaO - 0.5 K 2 O M Old Meldrum 63 5MO-5Al 2 3 -24SiO 2 5MO = 2.25Na 2 O 2.5 CaO 0.25 K 2 O ; Furth 64 5 MO = 2.5 Na 2 O 1 CaO 1 K 2 O 0.5 MgO M Hartenberg 55 , 5 MO = 2.5 Na 2 O 1.5 CaO 0.75 H 2 O m Visembach 0.25K 2 56 ,, 5 MO = 2.5 Na 2 O 1.5 CaO 1 K 2 O , t Pierrepont, N.S. 57 5 MO = 2.75 Na 2 O-0.75 CaO-1 K 2 O-0.5 MgO ?> Ajatskaja 5 R 2 O 3 =4.5 A1 2 O 3 0.5 Fe 2 O 3 58 5MO-5R 2 O 3 24Si0 2 5 MO = 2.75 Na 2 O 1.5 CaO 0.5 H 2 O M Coyle, 0.25K 2 Aberdeen 59 5MO-5Al 2 O 3 -24Si0 2 5 MO = 3 Na 2 O - 0.75 CaO-1 K 2 O-0.25 MgO n Pico de Teneriffe 60 M 61 5 MO 5 A1 2 O 3 24 SiO 2 1H 2 5 MO-3 Na 2 O 1 CaO 0.5 K 2 O 0.5 H 2 O " Badenweiler 62 5 MO 5 A1 2 O 3 . 24 SiO 2 5 MO = 3 Na 2 O 1.5 CaO 0.5 K 2 O ' Wittichen 63 > > M Gaggenau 64 .> > 5 MO = 3.25 Na 2 O 1 MgO 0.75 K 2 O Laacher See 65 5MO = 3.25Na 2 1.25 CaO 0.25 MgO n Coromandel 0.25 K 2 66 5MO-5Al 2 O 8 '24SiO 2 5 MO = 3.25 Na 2 O -1.5 CaO 0.25 K 2 O n Veltlin 67 Niedermendig 68 M Itterby 69 ,- (Granite) 70 M Lairg 71 5 MO 5 A1 2 O 3 24 SiO 2 5 MO = 3.5 Na 2 O 0.5 CaO 0.75 K 2 O Pico de 0.25 MgO Teneriffe 72 5 MO = 3.5 Na 2 O 0.75 CaO 0.5 K 2 O n Arendal 0.25 MgO 73 5 MO = 3.5 Na 2 O 0.75 CaO 0.75 K 2 O " Boden 74 5 MO = 3.5 Na 2 O 1.25 CaO 0.25 K 2 O n Danbury, Conn. THE FELSPAR GROUP 417 or the general formula mMO 5R 9 0, 24S10. n H 9 0. Analyst | SiO s Al,0, Fe,0, FeO CaO MgO K,O NajO H,0 Total Delesse Theory LXI 64.66 63.70 22.91 22.64 0.53 1.28 1.44 0.90 1.20 3.17 2.81 6.27 6.15 0.81 1.22 100.00 99.69 Heddle Theory LXVIII 64.75 64.67 21.78 22.18 1.80 1.44 z 1.89 1.89 0.02 2.11 1.54 7.67 7.64 0.15 100.00 99.53 v. Giimbel Theory XXXI 63.92 64.40 22.64 23.07 z 0.27 6.21 5.61 1.04 0.96 6.19 5.85 100.00 100.16 G. v. Rath Theory XIV 63.30 63.50 22.42 21.81 0.66 ~ 2.46 2.32 0.88 0.95 4.13 3.65 6.81 6.84 100.00 99.81 Delesse Theory XXIII 64.69 63.88 22.91 22.27 3.77 3.45 1.06 1.21 6.96 6.66 0.61 0.70 100.00 98.68 Penfield and Sperry Theory CXL 63.08 63.76 22.34 22.67 0.41 3.68 3.05 4.12 3.60 6.78 6.89 0.40 100.00 100.78 Francis Theory CXI 62.45 61.06 19.92 19.68 3.48 4.11 1.82 2.16 0.87 1.05 4.07 3.91 7.39 7.55 - 100.00 99.52 Heddle Theory LXVII 63.95 63.54 21.54 21.45 1.78 1.86 3.73 3.88 0.23 1.04 1.07 7.57 7.64 0.39 0.44 100.00 100.11 Delesse Theory CXLIX 63.11 62.97 22.35 22.29 1.84 2.06 0.44 0.54 4.11 3.69 8.15 8.45 100.00 100.00 > Theory CL 63.11 62.54 22.35 22.49 1.84 2.18 0.44 0.41 4.11 4.54 8.15 7.84 100.00 100.00 Wollemann Theory XXIV 63.55 63.22 22.51 22.95 2.47 2.50 ~ 2.07 1.93 8.21 8.12 1.19 1.36 100.00 100.35 Hebenstreit Theory XXV 63.52 62.90 22.50 22.23 3.71 4.45 ~ 2.07 2.09 8.20 8.48 100.00 100.15 Seneca Theory XXVIII 63.52 63.63 22.50 22.52 3.71 3.85 0.44 2.07 2.29 8.20 8.39 - 100.00 100.12 Fouque Theory XIX 63.66 63.50 22.55 22.10 0.30 1.77 1.80 3.11 3.40 8.91 8.90 100.00 100.00 Pisani Theory CXXI 63.86 64.00 22.63 23.50 3.10 2.72 0.44 0.60 1.04 0.77 8.93 9.00 0.16 100.00 100.75 G. v. Rath Theory XLVI 63.74 64.58 22.58 23.08 3.72 3.49 ~ 1.04 0.62 8.92 8.98 100.00 100.75 > Theory XVII 63.74 63.06 22.58 23.27 3.72 4.16 ~ 1.04 0.62 8.92 8.93 100.00 100.04 Lemberg Theory XCIX 63.74 63.38 22.58 22.98 3.72 3.62 ~ 1.04 0.55 8.92 9.10 0.37 100.00 100.00 G. v. Rath Theory CXIII 63.74 63.83 22.58 22.58 3.72 3.42 1.04 1.02 8.92 8.86 100.00 100.15 Heddle Theory LXXIII 63.74 62.81 22.58 22.92 0.16 3.72 4.25 0.08 1.04 0.84 8.92 8.53 0.29 100.00 99.88 Delesse Theory CLI 63.28 63.81 22.43 21.98 1.23 1.10 0.44 0.66 3.09 2.99 9.54 9.46 100.00 100.00 Hagen Theory LXXVI 63.56 63.51 22.51 23.09 1.85 2.44 0.44 0.77 2.07 2.19 9.57 9.37 100.00 101.37 Kerndt Theory IV 63.17 61.66 22.38 22.56 0.35 0.40 MnO 1.84 2.02 0.10 3.09 3.08 9.52 9.43 ~ 100.00 100.00 Smith and Brush Theory CXLI 63.71 63.76 22.56 22.56 z 3.09 3.09 z 1.04 0.55 9.60 9.72 0.26 100.00 99.94 2 E 418 THE FELSPAR GROUP Source 75 5 MO 5 AljjO, 24 SiO 2 5MO = 3.5Na 2 O 1.25 CaO 0.25K 2 O Oligoclase Telemarken 76 5 MO 5 A1 2 O 3 24 SiO 2 1H 2 5 MO = 3.5 Na 2 O 1.5 CaO Srnin 77 5 MO 5 A1 2 O 3 24 SiO 2 5 MO = 4 Na 2 O 0.75 CaO 0.25 K 2 O M Turin 78 6 MO 5 A1 2 O 3 24 SiO 2 6 MO = 2. 75 Na 2 O 2.25 CaO 0.5 FeO Kyffhauser 0.25MgO-0.25K 2 O 79 6 MO = 3.25 Na 2 2.75 CaO - Alagnon 80 6MO = 4Na 2 O-2CaO Pargas C. Felspars of the type Si R Si Si R Si = 6 R 2 3 20 Si0 2 Source 81 5MO-6Alo0 3 -20SiO 2 5 MO = 1.75 Na 2 O-2.75 CaO 0.25 MgO Andesine St. Raphael in 1 H 2 "0 0.25 H 2 O Esterelgebirge bei Trejus 82 5MO-6Al 2 3 -20SiO 2 5 MO = 2 Na.O 2.75 CaO 0.25 K 2 O M Dubnick 4H 2 83 5MO-6Al 2 3 -20SiO 2 5MO = 2Na 2 O-3CaO M Adamelle- Gebirge 84 5 MO 6 R 2 O 3 20 SiO 2 5 MO = 2.25 Na 2 O-2.5 CaO-0.25 MgO Descaberado 6 R 2 O 3 = 5.5 A1 2 O 3 0.5 Fe 2 O 3 Chico 85 6 MO 6 A1 2 O 3 20 SiO 2 6MO=4.75CaO-1.25FeO Labradorite Silicite, Antrim 1H 2 86 6 MO 6 A1 2 O 3 20 SiO 2 6MO = 1.25Na 2 0-3.25CaO-0.75K 2 O ,, Lakonien 3H 2 0.5MgO-0.25H 2 O 87 6MO-6R 2 O a -20SiO 2 6 MO = 1.25 Na 2 O 4 CaO 0.5 MgO tt Nicolosi 0.25 K 2 O ; 6 R 2 O 3 =5.5 A1 2 O 3 -0.5 Fe 2 O 3 88 99 99 99 6 MO = 1.25 Na 2 O 4.25 CaO 0.5 H 2 O n Kiew 6 R 2 O 3 =5.75 A1 2 O 3 0.25 Fe 2 O 3 89 6 MO 6 A1 2 O 3 20 SiO 2 6 MO = 1.25 Na 2 O 4.25 CaO 0.5 K 2 O Andesine Tunguragua 90 6MO-6R 2 O 3 -20Si0 2 6 MO = 1.25 Na 2 O 4.5 CaO 0.25 MgO Labradorite Lhama 6 R 2 O 3 =5.75 A1 2 3 0.25 Fe 2 O 3 91 6 MO 6 A1 2 O 3 20 SiO 2 6MO = 1.5Na 2 3.5 CaO 0.75 FeO Andesine Recsk b. Erlau 2H 2 0.25K 2 O 92 6MO-6Al 2 O 3 --20SiO 2 6 MO = 1.5 Na 2 O 4.5 CaO Muretto Pass 93 6MO-6Al 2 O 3 -20SiO 2 2H 2 6 MO = 1.75 Na 2 O 3 CaO 0.75 K 2 O 0.25MgO-0.25H 2 O Odenwald 94 6MO-6Al 2 3 -20Si0 2 6 MO = 1.75 Na 2 O 3.25 CaO 0.75 H 2 O Oberstein 3H 2 0.25K 2 95 6MO-6R 2 O 3 -20Si0 2 6 MO = 1.75 Na 2 O 3.5 CaO 0.5 H 2 O > ChateauRicher, 0.25 K 2 O; 6 R 2 O 3 =5.75A1 2 O 3 -0.25 Fe 2 O 3 Canada 96 6 MO 6 A1 2 O 3 20 SiO 2 6 MO = 1.75 Na 2 O 4 CaO 0.25 K 2 O > Le Prese 97 99 Hohe Wald, Odenwald THE FELSPAR GROUP 419 Analyst SiO, A1 2 0, Fe,0, FeO CaO MgO K,0 Na,0 H,o Total Pisani Theory LXXXVIII 63.71 65.30 22.56 23.00 3.09 2.42 z 1.04 0.70 9.60 9.65 0.20 100.00 101.27 C. v. Hauer Theory XXXIII 63.46 63.16 22.49 23.16 z 3.70 3.00 ~ 0.17 9.56 9.72 0.79 0.79 100.00 100.00 Rocholl Theory XLVII 63.62 62.52 22.53 22.40 - 1.85 2.29 ~ 1.04 1.19 10.96 10.78 100.00 99.18 Streng Theory XI 60.76 60.01 21.52 21.66 - ~ 5.32 5.15 0.42 0.68 0.99 1.37 7.19 7.06 2.28 2.59 100.00 100.08 Fouque Theory LIX 62.46 62.40 22.12 22.80 - ~ 6.68 7.00 ~ 0.50 8.74 8.40 100.00 101.10 Bonsdorff Theory CI 62.34 62.03 22.08 21.34 1.00 ~ 4.84 4.86 z 10.74 10.77 100.00 100.00 or the general formula m MO 6 R 2 3 20 Si0 2 n H 2 0. Analyst Si0 2 Al,0 3 Fe,0, FeO CaO MgO K,0 Na 8 H a O Total Deville Theory 56.96 29-04 7.31 0-47 5.15 1.07 100.00 LVII 57.01 28.05 7.53 0.39 0.12 5.47 1.43 100.00 K. v. Hauer Theory 54.91 28.00 __ 7.05 1.08 5.67 ^_ 100.00 XXXVII 55.61 28.64 7.00 1.55 5.59 101.63 Val. San Theory 57.04 29.09 7.98 5.89 100.00 Valentino XLIX 56.79 28.48 8.56 0.34 6.10 0.24 100.51 Domeyko Theory 56.33 26.33 3.75 6.57 0.47 6.55 100.00 XCII 55.30 26.50 4.30 6.20 0.60 6.70 99.60 Thomson Theory 54.90 28.00 4.12 12.17 0.81 100.00 LXXVI 54.80 28.40 4.00 12.40 0.60 100.20 Delesse Theory 54.04 27.56 8.19 0.90 3.18 3.49 2.64 100.00 CXXI 53.20 27.31 1.03 8.02 1.01 3.40 3.52 2.51 100.00 S. v. Walters- Theory 54.90 25.66 3.66 10.25 0.91 1.08 3.54 100.00 hausen LXXI 55.83 25.31 3.63 10.49 0.74 0.83 3.52 100.35 Segeth Theory 55.79 27.27 1.86 11.07 3.60 0.41 100.00 CXVIII 55.49 26.83 1.60 10.93 0.15 0.36 3.96 0.51 99.83 Siemiradzki Theory 55.19 28.14 10.95 2.16 3.56 100.00 cm 54.89 28.97 10.28 1.72 3.61 99.47 Koto Theory 55.41 27.07 1.85 11.63 0.46 3.58 100.00 CXXVIII 55.97 27.60 1.68 11.88 0.66 0.08 3.83 101.70 K. v. Hauer Theory 54.19 27.63 2.43 8.85 1.06 4.20 1.64 100.00 XXXVI 53.99 26.78 2.22 9.09 0.30 0.82 4.21 1.90 99.31 Mattirolo Theory 55.63 28.37 11.68 4.32 100.00 LII 55.53 28.38 11.72 4.13 0.24 100.00 Behr Theory 54.32 27.70 7.60 0.45 3.19 4.91 1.83 100.00 XIX 54.70 27.49 0.55 7.64 0.42 2.76 4.64 1.65 99.85 Delesae Theory 54.71 27.90 8.30 1.07 4.94 3.08 100.00 XI 53.89 27.66 0.97 8.28 1.28 4.92 3.00 100.00 Hunt Theory 55.47 27.11 1.85 9.06 1.08 5.01 0.42 100.00 CXXII 55.80 26.90 1.53 9.01 0.27 0.86 4.77 0.45 99.59 G. v. Rath Theory 55.36 28.23 10.33 1.08 5.00 100.00 LI 55.15 29.15 9.90 0.80 5.23 100.23 Swiatkowski Theory 55.36 28.23 10.33 1.08 5.00 100.00 XVIII 55.24 29.02 9.91 0.19 1.31 5.13 100.80 420 THE FELSPAR GROUP Source 98 6MO-6A1 2 3 20 SiO 2 6 M0 = 1.75 Na 2 - 4 CaO 0.25 K 2 O Labrador! te Labrador 99 5J > * }> 100 J> ?> it j it n Campsie 101 > Schriesheim 102 i 6 MO = 1.75 Na 2 O 4 CaO 0.25 H 2 O " Suligata 103 w > > Nagyag 104 105 5J Piatra Poienitia Palma 106 JJ M > ,, Rotundo 107 pi > > H Kisbanya 108 J> n 6 MO = 1.75 Na 2 O 4.25 CaO Andesine Pomasque 109 >5 >J 5> 6 MO = 2 Na 2 O 3. 75 CaO 0. 25 K 2 O 5> Langlangchi 110 6 MO 6 R 2 O 8 20SiO 2 6 MO = 2 Na 2 3.75 CaO 0.25 MgO 6 R 2 O 3 =5.25 A1 2 O 3 0.75 Fe 2 O 3 Labradorite Baumholder 111 7 MO 6 A1 2 O S 20 SiO 2 7 M0 = 0.5 Na 2 3.75 CaO 1.75 K 2 O 0.75 H 2 0- 0.25 MgO " Labrador 112 7 MO 6 R 2 O 3 20 SiO 2 7 MO = 1.5 Na 2 0-3.75 CaO-1 MgO-0.5H 2 0.25 MnO;6 R 2 O 3 =5.75 A1 2 O 8 -0.25 Fe 2 O 3 >? Val del Bove 113 7 MO 6 R 2 O 3 1H 2 O 20 SiO 2 7MO-1.5Na 2 0-4CaO-lMgO-0.25 MnO 0.25H 2 O ; 6R 2 O 3 =5.75Al 2 O 3 -0.25Fe 2 O 3 > Etna 114 7MO-6R 2 O 3 - 1H 2 20 SiO 2 7 MO = 1.5 Na 2 4.75 CaO 0.25 MgO - 0.25 K 2 0- 0.25 H 2 O Mascali 115 7MO-6A1 2 3 1H 2 O 20 SiO 2 7 MO = 1.5 Na 2 O 4.75 CaO 0.5 MgO 0.25 K 2 O Montarville 116 7MO-6A1 2 3 2H 2 O 20 SiO 2 7MO = 1.75Na 2 3 CaO 0.75 H 2 O 0.75 FeO 0.5 MgO - 0.25 K 2 O Andesine Ilfeld 117 7 MO 6 A1 2 O 3 20 SiO 2 7MO = 1.75Na 2 4.5 CaO 0.5 FeO 0.25K 2 O Labradorite Labrador 118 ' H 7 MO = 2 Na 2 O 4.25 CaO 0.5 H 2 O 0.25K 2 Monte Amiata 119 > j> 7MO = 2Na 2 O-5CaO Geschiebe bei Berlin 120 7MO-6A1 2 3 1H 2 O 20 Si0 2 7 MO = 2.25 Na 2 O 3.75 CaO 0.5 H 2 O 0.5K 2 Andesine Illowa 121 7MO-6A1 2 3 20 Si0 2 7 MO = 2.25 Na 2 O 3.75 CaO 0.75 H 2 O 0.25K 2 O > Rawdon 122 8 MO 6 R 2 O 3 20 SiO 2 8 MO = 2.75 Na 2 O 5.25 CaO > Los Pescadores THE FELSPAR GROUP 421 Analyst | SiO, A1.0, Fe,0 s FeO CaO MgO K,0 | Na a O H a O Total Tschermak Theory CLII 55.35 56.00 28.23 27.50 0.70 z 10.33 10.10 0.10 1.08 0.40 5.01 5.00 100.00 99.80 Klement Theory CLIII 55.35 56.10 28.23 27.33 1.38 10.33 10.33 ~ 1.08 0.36 5.01 5.17 100.00 100.75 Lehunt Theory LXXXIX 55.35 54.67 28.23 27.89 0.31 0.18 MnO 10.33 10.60 ~ 1.08 0.49 5.01 5.05 100.00 99.19 Theory XXIX 55.35 55.24 28.23 29.02 ~ 10.33 9.91 0.19 1.08 1.31 5.01 5.13 100.00 100.80 Belter Theory XLI 55.35 55.22 28.23 28.93 10.33 9.95 ~ 1.08 0.28 5.01 5.01 100.00 99.39 Theory XLIII 55.35 54.76 28.23 29.09 10.33 10.10 1.08 0.62 5.01 5.00 - 100.00 99.57 Theory XLII 55.35 55.95 28.23 28.41 ___ 10.33 9.85 z 1.08 0.43 5.01 5.05 100.00 99.67 G. v. Rath Theory CLXXI 55.35 55.64 28.23 28.89 __ 10.33 10.92 z 1.08 0.71 5.01 5.09 - 100.00 101.25 Delter Theory XLIV 55.35 55.93 28.23 28.15 z 10.33 9.84 z 1.08 0.69 5.01 5.27 100.00 99.88 Delesse Theory XLVIII 55.35 56.05 28.23 28.11 10.33 10.10 1.08 0.99 5.01 4.65 100.00 99.90 G. v. Rath Theory CV 55.60 55.86 28.35 28.10 11.03 10.95 5.02 5.09 100.00 100.00 Theory XCVII 55.31 55.64 28.21 28.19 1.02 9.68 9.79 0.19 1.08 2.63 5.72 5.48 100.00 100.44 E. E. Schmid Theory XXI 54.56 53.41 24.35 24.88 5.46 4.89 9.55 9.42 0.44 0.44 5.64 5.62 100.00 98.66 S. v. Walters- hausen Theory CLI 53.55 53.75 27.31 27.06 0.99 9.37 9.58 0.45 0.47 7.34 7.53 1.38 1.25 0.60 0.62 100.00 101.25 Abich Theory LXVII 54.63 53.48 26.71 26.46 1.82 1.60 0.81 MnO 0.89 MnO 9.56 9.47 1.82 1.74 0.22 4.23 4.10 0.42 0.42 100.00 98.40 Ricciardi Theory LXXII 53.51 53.33 26.15 26.13 1.78 2.87 0-79 MnO 0.59 MnO 9.99 10.34 1.78 1.64 1.05 0.51 4.15 3.97 0.80 0.84 100.00 100.22 S. v. Walters- hausen Theory LXX 53.19 53.56 24.87 25.82 3.55 3.41 11.79 11.68 0.44 0.52 1.04 0.58 4.12 4.00 1.00 0.95 100.00 100.42 Hunt Theory CXLV 53.75 53.10 27.42 26.80 1.35 11.92 11.48 0.89 0.72 1.05 0.71 4.16 4.24 0.81 0.60 100.00 99.00 Streng Theory III 53.68 53.11 27.38 27.27 z 2.42 2.53 7.51 7.47 0.89 0.91 1.05 1.08 4.85 5.09 2.22 2.38 100.00 99.84 Jannasch Theory CLV 53.76 54.09 27.42 27.82 - 1.61 1.50 11.29 11.20 0.05 1.06 0.43 4.86 4.76 0.19 100.00 100.04 Williams Theory LVIII 54.38 55.04 27.74 28.09 ~ 10.79 10.65 z 1.06 1.26 5.62 5.61 0.41 0.50 100.00 101.15 Dulk Theory VII 54.15 54.66 27.62 27.87 12.64 12.01 5.59 5.46 z 100.00 100.00 K. v. Hauer Theory XL 53.69 54.53 27.37 27.37 9.39 9.62 2.10 1.81 6.24 5.98 1.21 1.21 100.00 100.52 Hunt Theory CXXVI 54.58 54.45 27.84 28.05 0.45 z 9.55 9.68 z 1.07 1.06 6.35 6.25 0.61 0.55 100.00 100.49 Domeyko Theory XCI 52.38 50.50 25.60 25.40 1.75 2.10 z 12.83 12.25 0.35 ___ 7.44 7.30 0.04 100.00 97.94 422 THE FELSPAR GROUP D. Felspars of the type Si R Si Si R Si = 6 R 2 3 22 Si0 2 Source 123 4 MO 6R 2 3 22 SiO 2 4 MO = 2.5 Na 2 O 0.5 CaO 0.5 MgO Andesine Mairus (Ar- 3H 2 0.5K 2 O ; 6R 2 O 3 =5.75Al 2 O 3 -0.25Fe 2 O 3 dennes) 124 5 MO 6A1 2 3 22 SiO 2 5 MO = 2. 75 Na 2 O -2.25 CaO Jt Tilasinvuori 2H 2 125 6 MO 6 A1 2 O 3 22 Si0 2 6 MO = 1.75 Na 2 3.25 CaO 0.75 H 2 O 0.25 MgO M St. Raphael in Esterelgeb. 126 99 j? 99 6 MO = 2 Na 2 O 3.25 CaO 0.5 H 2 O >f Chateau 0.25K 2 Richer, Can. 127 99 99 6 MO = 2 Na 2 O 3.25 CaO 0.5 H 2 O ?J Lachute 0.25 K 2 O 128 6 MO 6A1 2 O 3 22 SiO 2 6 MO = 2 Na 2 O 3.5 CaO 0.5 K 2 O J? St. Raphael 1H 2 in Esterelgeb. 129 6 MO 6A1 2 O 3 22 SiO 2 6 MO = 2 Na 2 3.75 CaO 0.25 K 2 O - St. Joachim 130 6MO = 2Na 2 O-4CaO Labradorite Ojamo 131 M 79 > 6 MO = 2.25 Na 2 O 3.5 CaO 0.25 K 2 O Andesine St. Raphael in Esterelgeb. 132 M M Labradorite Labrador 133 -- Krakatan 134 6 MO 6A1 2 3 22 SiO 2 Andesine Chateau 1H 2 Richer, Can. 135 6 MO 6 A1 2 O 22 SiO 2 s> Sanford, Me. 2H 2 O 136 6 MO 6A1 2 3 22 SiO 2 6 MO = 2.25 Na 2 O 3.75 CaO Tunguragua 137 6 MO = 2.5 Na 2 O 3.25 CaO 0.25 MgO M Nieder- mendig 138 ft M tf 6 MO = 2.5 Na 2 O 3.5 CaO ?> Guaqua Pichincha 139 J> Trifail 140 M > ,, Labradorite Ojamo 141 7 MO 6A1 2 3 22 SiO 2 7 MO = 1.75 Na 2 O 4 CaO 0.75 H 2 O Andesine Gratlue 2H 2 0.5 K 2 O 142 7 MO 6A1 2 3 22 Si0 2 7MO = 1.75 Na 2 O 4.25 CaO 0.75 H 2 O Labradorite Monte 1H 2 0.25 K 2 O Amiata 143 7 MO 6A1 2 3 22 Si0 2 7 MO = 1.75 Na 2 O 5 CaO 0.25 MgO Verespatek 144 7 MO = 2 Na 2 O 3 CaO-1 FeO-0.75 K 2 O Andesine Luccivna, 0.25 MgO N. Tatra 145 7 MO 6A1 2 3 22 SiO 2 7 MO = 2 Na 2 O-3 CaO-1 FeO-0.75 K 2 O }r ,, 5H 2 O 0.25 MgO 146 9 MO 6 A1 2 3 22 SiO 2 9 MO = 2 Na 2 O -6.75 CaO -0.25 MgO }> St. Raphael 3H 2 O in Esterelgeb THE FELSPAR GROUP 423 or the general formula m MO 6 R 2 3 22 Si0 2 n H 2 0. Analyst Si0 2 A1 2 0, Fe 2 3 FeO CaO MgO K 2 Na 2 H 2 Total Klement Theory 58.65 26.06 1.78 1.24 0.89 2.09 6.89 2.40 100.00 LXVIII 59.78 26.69 2.05 1.35 0.58 1.69 7.29 225 101.68 Wilk Theory 58.37 27.06 6.16 6.82 1.59 100.00 LXXVIII 58.39 26.68 5.63 7.69 1.61 10000 Deville Theory 58.78 27.25 8.10 0.44 4.83 0.60 100.00 LVI 59.07 26.67 7.96 0.58 Trace 4.95 0.77 100.00 Hunt Theory 58.13 26.95 8.02 1.04 5.46 0.40 100.00 CXXI 58.50 25.80 1.00 8.06 0.20 1.16 5.45 0.40 100.57 >? Theory 58.13 26.95 8.02 1.04 5.46 0.40 100.00 cxxv 58.15 26.09 0.50 7.78 0.16 1.21 5.55 0.45 99.89 Rammelsberg Theory 56.98 26.41 8.46 2.03 5.35 0.77 100.00 LV 58.32 26.52 8.18 0.11 2.36 5.27 0.60 101.36 Hunt Theory 57.66 26.72 9.17 1.03 5.42 100.00 CXXIV 57.55 27.10 0.20 8.73 0.79 5.38 99.75 Bonsdorff and Theory 57.90 26.85 9.82 5.43 100.00 Laurell CXIV 57.69 26.00 0.67 9.87 5.50 99.73 Rammelsberg Theory 57.62 26.71 8.55 1.03 6.09 100.00 LIX 58.03 26.64 8.07 0.97 6.16 0.30 99.87 Lemberg Theory 57.62 26.71 8.55 1.03 6.09 100.00 CLVII 57.36 27.01 8.55 0.65 6.03 100.00 n Theory 57.62 26.71 8.55 1.03 6.09 100.00 CXXV 58.29 27.19 8.27 1.22 5.82 100.79 Hunt Theory 57.17 26.51 8.49 1.02 6.04 0.77 100.00 CXXIII 57.20 26.40 0.40 8.34 0.84 5.83 0.65 99.60 Payne Theory 56.72 26.30 8.42 1.01 6.00 1.55 100.00 CXVI 56.65 25.56 0.22 8.25 1.34 6.18 1.58 99.78 G. v. Rath Theory 57.86 26.82 9.20 6.12 100.00 CII 57.80 26.75 9.05 6.40 100.00 Laspeyres Theory 57.92 26.86 7.98 0.44 6.80 100.00 X 57.29 26.78 8.01 0.28 6.84 Trace 99.20 G. v. Rath Theory 57.82 26.81 8.58 __ 6.79 100.00 C " 58.15 26.10 9.05 6.70 100.00 Maly Theory 57.82 26.81 8.58 6.79 100.00 XLVII 57.53 26.62 8.48 0.23 0.39 6.90 100.15 Williams Theory 57.82 26.82 8.58 6.78 100.00 cxv 57.75 26.15 0.60 8.48 6.25 99.23 Heddle Theory 55.91 25.92 9.49 1.99 4.60 2.09 100.00 LXXII 56.30 25.71 0.97 9.35 1.49 4.72 1.82 100.36 Williams Theory 56.56 26.23 10.20 1.01 4.65 1.35 100.00 LVI 55.68 26.66 10.30 1.43 4.70 1.23 100.00 Sipocz Theory 56.64 26.26 12.02 0.42 4.66 100.00 XXXVII 55.21 25.56 1.00 11.76 0.53 4.37 101.43 Hofer Theory 55.54 25.75 3.03 7.07 0.42 2.97 5.22 100.00 XXIX 56.04 25.55 3.12 7.19 0.59 2.59 4.92 100.00 j> Theory 53.51 24.81 2.92 6.81 0.41 2.86 5.03 3.65 100.00 XXVIII 53.26 24.28 2.96 6.83 0.56 2.47 4.68 3.98 99.02 Deville Theory 52.84 24.51 15.13 0.40 4.96 2.16 100.00 LVIII 52.42 24.78 15.02 0.51 0.14 5.10 2.03 100.00 424 THE FELSPAR GROUP Si R Si Si E. Felspars of the type R S A i = 6 R 2 O 3 24 Si0 2 Source 147 4 MO 6 R 2 O 3 24 Si0 2 4 MO = 2 Na 2 O 0. 75 CaO 0. 75 K 2 O Oligoclase Helsingfors 6H 2 O 0.5 MgO ; 6 R 2 O 3 =5.5 A1 2 O 3 -0.5 Fe 2 O 3 148 4 MO 6 A1 2 O 9 24 SiO 2 4 MO = 2 Na 2 O 1.75 CaO 0.25 K 2 O if Tokowaja 149 4 MO = 2.25 Na 2 O 1.5 CaO 0.25 K 2 O M Bakersville, N.C. 150 5 MO 6 A1 2 3 24Si0 2 5 MO = 2 Na 2 O 2 CaO 1 K 2 O Andeaine Horberig 151 5 MO 6 R 2 O 3 24SiO 2 5MO = 5Na 2 2.25 CaO - 0.75K 2 O Milltown 5H 2 6 R 2 O 3 = 5.5 A1 2 O 3 0.5 Fe 2 O 3 152 5 MO 6 A1 2 O 3 24 Si0 2 5 M0 = 2.25 Na 2 O 2 CaO 0.75 K 2 O Oligoclase Durrmorsbach 2H 2 O 153 5 MO 6 R 2 O 3 24 SiO 2 5 MO = 2.5 Na 2 O 2 CaO 0.5 K 2 O ? Ardara 6 R 2 O 3 =5.75 A1 2 O 3 0.25 Fe 2 O 3 154 5 MO 6 A1,O 3 24 SiO 2 5 MO = 2.5 Na 2 O 2.5 CaO Andesine Milltown 1 H 2 O Csicso-Berg 155 5 MO 6 A1 2 O 24 SiO 2 5 MO = 2.75 Na 2 O 1.5 CaO 0.75 K 2 O Oligoclase Allemont 2 H 2 O ' 156 5 MO 6 A1 2 O 3 24SiO 2 5 MO = 2.75 Na 2 O 1.5 CaO 0.5 MgO > Bourg d'Ofsans 2 H 2 O 0.25K 2 O 157 5 MO 6 A1 2 3 24 Si0 2 5MO = 3Na 2 O-2CaO > Carter-MineN.C. 158 6 MO 6 A1 2 3 24 SiO 2 6 MO = 1.5 Na 2 4 CaO 0.25 K 2 O Andesine Kyffhauser 1H 2 0.25 FeO 159 6 MO 6 A1 2 3 24 SiO 2 6 MO = 2 Na 2 O 3.25 CaO - 0.5 H 2 O M Chateau Richer, 0.25 K 2 Canada 160 6 MO = 2.25 Na 2 O 3.25 CaO-0.25 MgO > Frauenberg bei 0.25K 2 Schluchtern 161 6 MO 6 A1 2 O 3 24 SiO 2 6 MO = 2. 5 Na n O 2.25 CaO 0.75 MgO n La Bresse 1H 2 0.5K 2 162 6MO-6A1 2 3 24 SiO 2 6 MO = 2.5 Na 2 O 2.5 CaO 0.5 K 2 O 19 Cullakenee, 1H 2 0.5 H 2 O Clay Co., N.C. 163 6 MO 6 A1 2 O 3 24SiO 2 6 MO = 2.5 Na 2 O 2.5 CaO 0.75 H O n Faymont 1H 2 0.25 K 2 164 6 MO 6 A1 2 O 3 24 Si0 2 6 MO = 2.5 Na 2 O 2.5 CaO 0.75 H 2 O Sebesvar lH a O 0.25K 2 O 165 6 MO 6 R 2 O 3 24SiO 2 6 MO = 2.5 Na 2 O 2.5 CaO 0.75 MgO Marmato 0.25K 2 0;6R 2 3 =5.75Al 2 3 -0.25Fe 2 3 bei Popayan 166 6 MO 6 A1 2 O 3 24 Si0 2 6 MO = 2.5 Na 2 O 2.75 CaO 0.5 H 2 O s> Coromandel 0.25 K 2 O 167 >j ,, 6 MO = 2.5 Na 2 O 3 CaO 0.25 MgO t _ Budenmais 0.25 H 2 O 168 > 6 MO = 2.5 Na 2 O 3.5 CaO > Pululagua 169 6 MO 6 A1 2 O 3 24Si0 2 6 MO = 2. 75 Na 2 O 1.5 CaO 1 K.O Oligoclase Unionville, Pa. 2 H 2 O ' 0.5 H 2 0- 0.25 MgO 170 6 MO 6 A1 2 O 3 24 Si0 2 6 MO = 2. 75 Na 2 O 2 CaO 0.5 K 2 O Andesine Servance 1H 2 O 0.5 H 2 0- 0.25 MgO THE FELSPAR GROUP 425 or the general formula m MO 6 R 2 O 3 24 Si0 2 n H 2 0. Analyst SiO a AIsO, Fe 2 3 FeO CaO MgO K a O Na,0 H a o Total Lemberg Theory 58.88 22.94 3.27 1.72 0.82 2.88 5.07 4.42 100.00 CVI 58.30 23.15 4.09 1.65 0.59 2.52 5.26 4.44 100.00 Jewreinow Theory 62.68 26.64 4.26 1.02 5.40 100.00 cxv 60.63 26.35 0.40 4.15 0.25 1.17 5.60 98.55 Clarke Theory 62.64 26.61 3.65 1.02 6.07 100.00 CXXIX 62.92 25.32 4.03 0.96 6.18 0.25 99.66 Knop Theory 60.45 25.69 4.71 3.94 5.21 100.00 XVII 60.01 25.49 4.71 4.06 5.77 100.04 Heddle Theory 57.81 22.51 3.21 5.06 2.83 4.97 3.61 100.00 LXIX 58.38 22.50 2.12 O.lSMnO 5.34 3.20 5.21 3.41 100.31 Haushofer Theory 59.75 25.40 4.65 2.92 5.79 1.49 100.00 XXIX 59.30 25.75 4.79 2.78 5.63 1.29 99.54 Haughton Theory 60.49 24.64 1.68 4.71 1.97 6.51 100.00 LXIII 59.28 22.96 1.94 0.32 MnO 4.65 0.21 2.38 6.48 98.22 Koch Theorv 60.89 25.88 5.92 6.55 0.76 100.00 XL VI 61.62 25.47 5.72 6.31 0.88 100.00 Lory Theory 59.68 25.36 3.48 2.92 7.07 1.49 100.00 LIV 59.40 24.20 0.60 3.70 3.80 7.00 1.50 99.80 5> Theory 60.35 25.65 3.52 0.84 0.98 7.15 1.51 100.00 LV 59.90 25.10 3.70 0.70 1.20 7.40 1.70 99.70 Keller Theory 61.29 26.04 4.76 7.91 100.00 CXXXI 62.32 25.19 5.01 0.25 8.02 10079 Streng Theory 59.30 25.20 0.74 9.23 0.96 3.83 0.74 100.00 V * 59.16 25.97 1.04 9.23 0.03 0.47 3.91 0.68 100.49 Hunt Theory 60.24 25.60 7.61 0.98 5.19 0.38 100.00 CXVII 59.55 25.62 0.75 7.73 Trace 0.96 5.09 0.45 100.15 Wedel Theory 59.82 25.42 7.65 0.43 0.98 5.79 100.00 VII 59.19 25.77 0.34 (Fe 2 O a +FeO) 7.27 0.27 0.80 5.88 0.37 Ti0 2 99.89 Delesse Theory 59.31 25.21 5.19 1.24 1.93 6.38 0.74 100.00 XVI 58.55 25.26 0.30 5.03 1.30 1.50 6.44 0.91 99.29 Chatard Theory 59.48 25.28 5.78 1.94 6.40 1.12 100.00 CXV 58.41 25.93 0.38 5.82 0.18 2.10 6.42 0.93 100.20 Delesse Theory 59.96 25.48 5.83 0.97 6.45 1.31 100.00 XV 59.38 25.57 6.50 7.03 1.25 100.00 K. v. Haue Theory 59.96 25.48 5.83 0.97 6.45 1.31 100.00 XLII 59.50 25.48 5.82 1.43 6.43 1.35 100.07 Abich Theory 59.63 24.28 1.66 5.80 1.24 0.97 6.42 100.00 CVI 59.60 24.28 1.58 5.77 1.08 1.08 6.53 99.92 Dirvell Theory 60.16 25.57 6.43 0.98 6.48 0.38 100.00 LXXXIV 61.32 25.30 6.50 1.19 6.30 0.50 101.11 Foullon Theorv 59.79 25.41 6.99 0.41 0.97 6.43 100.00 XXVI 59.22 25.08 0.96 7.08 0.28 0.54 6.79 100.78 G. v. Rath Theory 59.93 25.47 8.15 6.45 100.00 XCIX 59.39 26.08 820 0.22 6.74 100.63 Chatard Theorv 58.65 24.92 3.42 0.41 3.83 6.94 1.83 100.00 CXXXVII 59.35 24.16 0.61 3.08 0.34 3.78 7.22 1.96 100.50 Delesse Theory 59.54 25.31 4.63 0.41 1.94 7.05 1.12 100.00 XIII 58.92 25.05 4.64 0.41 2.06 7.20 1.27 99.50 THE FELSPAR GROUP Source 171 6 MO 6A1 2 3 24 Si0 2 6MO = 2.75Na,0-2.25CaO-0.75K 2 O 0.25MgO Oligoclase Beloceil 172 n 6 MO = 2.75 Na 2 3 CaO 0.25 K 2 O Andesine Heubach 173 > H J5 >J (Chateau Richer, Canada) Toluca 174 > > 6MO = 3Na 2 1.75 CaO 0.75 H 2 O 0.25MgO-0.25K 2 O Oligoclase Norway 175 6MO-6A1 2 3 1H 2 24 SiO 2 6 MO = 3 Na 2 O 1.75 CaO 0.75 K 2 O 0.25MgO-0.25H 2 O Andesine Coravillers 176 6 MO 6 A1 2 O 3 1H 2 24 SiO 2 6 MO = 3 Na 2 O-2 CaO-0.5 K 2 O-0.5H 2 O Oligoclase Altai 177 6 MO 6R 2 O, -3H 2 0* 24 SiO 2 6 MO = 3 Na 2 O 2.5 CaO 0.25 MgO 0.25Na 2 0;6R 2 3 =5.75Al 2 3 -0.25Fe 2 3 Andesine Frankenstein 178 6 MO 6 A1 2 O 3 24 SiO 2 6 MO = 3 Na 2 O 2.75 CaO - 0.25 K 2 O " Marmato bei Popayan 179 > j> 6MO = 3Na 2 O-3CaO Mojanda 180 > H 6MO = 3.75Na 2 O- 2.25 CaO H Bodenmais 181 6 MO 6 A1 2 O 3 3H 2 24Si0 2 6MO = 4Na 2 O-2CaO J> 182 7 MO 6 A1 2 O 8 3H 2 24 SiO 2 7 MO = 2.5 Na,O 3.25 CaO 0.75 H 2 O "0.5K 2 O J> Szaszka 183 7MO-6R 2 3 1H 2 24 SiO a 7 MO = 2.5 Na 2 O 3.5 CaO 0.5 K 2 O 0.5H 2 O;6R 2 O 3 =5.75Al 2 O 3 -0.25Fe 2 O 3 Chateau Richer, Canada 184 7MO-6A1 2 3 -2H 2 24 SiO 2 7 MO = 2.75 Na 2 O 3.5 CaO 0.75 K 2 O " Delnabo Glen Gairu 185 7 MO 6 A1 2 O, 2H 2 24 SiO 2 7 MO = 3 Na 2 O 3.25 CaO 0.5 K 2 O 0.25H 2 H Nagy Sebes 186 7 MO 6 A1 2 O 3 24 SiO 2 7 MO = 3 Na 2 O 3.25 CaO 0.5 K 2 O 0.25MgO * Marmato bei Popayan 187 7 MO = 3.5 Na 2 O 3 CaO 0.5 MgO Oligoclase Baumgarten THE FELSPAR GROUP 427 Analyst Si0 2 A1 2 3 Fe 2 3 FeO | CaO MgO K 2 Na t O H t O Total Hoffmann Theory CXLV 59.28 58.30 25.19 24.72 Z 5.19 5.42 0.42 0.91 7.02 2.74 7.02 6.72 0.50 100.00 99.32 Petersen Theory XX 59.66 58.77 25.36 25.30 0.31 (1 ^e 2 O s +FeO) 6.95 6.90 0.18 0.97 0.60 7.06 6.67 0.28 TiO 2 100.00 99.01 G. v. Rath Theory CXIII 59.66 59.79 25.36 25.43 6.95 7.41 0.97 0.64 7.06 7.24 100.00 100.51 Dirvell Theory LXXV 60.42 61.14 25.68 25.10 4.11 4.39 0.42 0.50 0.99 1.17 7.81 7.66 0.57 0.80 100.00 100.76 Delesse Theory XIV 59.04 58.91 25.09 24.59 0.99 4.02 4.01 0.41 0.39 2.89 2.54 7.63 7.59 0.92 0.98 100.00 100.00 Christschoff Theory CXVIII 59.16 58.89 25.15 25.38 z 4.60 4.69 1.93 1.35 8.05 7.65 1.11 1.17 100.00 99.25 Schmidt Theory I 58.10 58.93 23.70 23.50 1.61 1.27 0.75NiO 0.39 NiO 5.66 5.67 0.40 0.56 0.50 7.52 7.42 2.18 2.21 100.00 100.00 Rammels- berg Theory CVII 59.62 60.26 25.23 25.01 6.38 6.87 0.14 0.97 0.84 7.70 7.74 100.00 100.86 G. v. Rath Theory XCVIII 59.85 60.48 25.44 25.35 6.98 7.25 0.08 7.73 7.28 100.00 100.44 A. Ohl Theory XXIV 59.74 60.35 25.39 26.13 5.23 5.14 9.64 9.32 100.00 100.94 H. Schulze Theory XXIII 5926 58.36 25.17 25.72 4.62 4.76 z 10.21 10.18 0.74 0.51 100.00 99.63 Sommaruga Theory XXXIX 57.52 56.51 24.46 24.94 7.26 7.08 z 1.88 1.28 6.19 6.37 2.69 2.55 100.00 98.73 Franke Theory cxx 57.80 58.38 23.53 23.86 1.61 1.18 7.87 7.83 1.89 1.68 6.22 6.05 1.08 1.03 100.00 100.11 Heddle Theorv LXXI 57.03 56.96 24.23 23.81 0.94 7.77 7.98 0.09 2.79 2.56 6.75 6.85 1.43 1.62 100.00 100.81 K. v. Hauer Theory XLI 57.42 57.20 24.41 25.12 ~ z 7.26 6.96 __ 1.87 1.87 7.42 7.28 1.62 1.68 100.00 100.11 Jacobson Theory CVIII 58.13 60.14 24.71 25.39 0.87 z 7.35 7.93 0.40 0.53 1.90 1.66 7.51 7.99 100.00 104.51 Varrentrapp Theory III 58.61 58.41 24.92 25.23 6.83 6.54 0.81 0.41 8.83 9.39 100.00 99.98 428 ALLOPHANES AND CLAYS A. Formulae from a Series of Analyses of Allophanes. I 0.5 CaO 6 A1 2 3 6 Si0 2 32 H 2 II. 0.5 CaO 6 A1 2 O 3 6 Si0 2 38 H 2 O Calcd. Found 1.77 1.92 38.77 37.73 22.96 23.53 36.50 36.86 Calcd. Found 1.66 1.96 36.29 35.20 21.48 21.39 40.57 40.86 III. 0.75 CaO 6 A1 2 3 6 SiO 2 32 H 2 O IV. .25 CaO 6 A1 2 3 5 Si0 2 32H,0 Calcd. Found 2.63 2.83 38.44 38.76 22.75 22.65 36.17 35.14 Calcd. Found 0.93 0.70 40.69 41.00 20.07 19.80 -^^-2 ^ 38.30 37.70 V. 0.75 CaO 6 Al 2 3 6Si0 2 42H 2 Calcd. 2.37 34. 53 20.45 42.65 Found 2.23 31 .34 20.50 42.91 B. Formulae from Clay Analyses in C. Bischof s Book. (a) Si E Si. K,0 MgO CaO | Fe 2 3 Al,o, Si0 2 H 2 o Na 2 o| Total K 2 o K a 3 SiOj H 2 o 5.37 5.65 4.90 4.69 Page | source 2.87 0.27 3.15 1.45 0.28 0.54 0.52 0.54 0.23 0.13 0.10 0.51 0.44 3.06 1.12 0.83 26.73 24.52 26.27 26.93 61.46 62.73 61.35 62.66 8.26 8.88 7.53 7.38 100.27 100.13 100.04 100.30 0.48 0.21 0.56 0.43 3.10 2.98 3.10 3.09 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 78 66 68 68 Mahren, Briesen Goppersdorf, Silesian Prussia Tschirne, Silesian Prussia (b) Si - R - Si. K,o|MgO CaO Fe 2 a A1 2 3 | Si0 2 H 2 Na 8 O Total E 2 o E 2 3 Si0 2 H 2 Page Source 2.11 2.11 1.24 2.99 1.26 0.88 1.26 0.75 0.73 0.54 0.60 Trace 0.47 0.55 0.37 0.28 0.33 0.24 0.34 0.15 Trace 0.13 0.15 0.40 0.61 0.26 0.34 0.36 0.13 0.28 0.46 0.07 0.12 3.42 1.86 2.03 1.35 1.71 1.04 0.97 1.17 0.89 1.16 0.76 26.94 28.55 27.98 28.31 28.31 29.26 28.88 29.15 29.57 28.68 29.99 58.02 58.35 56.59 59.01 59.78 57.97 58.63 58.26 57.71 59.58 58.04 9.39 8.59 9.92 7.93 8.27 9.98 10.50 10.00 10.68 9.87 10.59 1.08 C. 0.052 0.09 S. 0.08 S. 100.03 100.33 100.15 100.22 100.02 99.91 100.01 100.05 100.19 99.90 100.31 0.26 0.42 0.39 0.46 0.26 0.25 0.22 0.22 0.21 0.07 0.12 2.95 2.99 3.03 2.91 2.89 3.03 2.90 3.02 3.06 2.91 3.08 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 5.39 4.91 5.83 4.48 4.61 5.74 5.97 5.77 6.17 5.52 6.08 71 87 86 53 83 86 71 71 75 71 71 Lothain b. MeiCen, Saxony. Serge jewka, Russia. Borowitschi, Russia. Neitzert i. Bendorf, Prussia. Sonkolyo, Hungary. Borowitschi, Russia. L6thain b. MeiBen, Saxony. Michelob, Bohemia. LOthain b. Meifien, Saxony. (c) R Si K.O MgO CaO Fe 2 3 A1 2 3 Si0 2 H 2 Na 2 O Total E 2 R 2 3 | SiO z H 2 Page 1 Source 1.02) 1.77|18.93)72.05)6.13J 0.10 S.|lOO.OO|o.l4|2.98|l8.00J5.12| 59 1 GroBalmerode, Prussia. (d) M K,O Mgo|cao|Fe 2 O a A1 2 3 | Si0 8 H 2 o Na 2 | Total R 2 K 2 8 SiO 2 H a o Page Source 0.55 2.19 0.33 0.16 0.18 0.24 0.63 1.67 23.65 23.08 65.69 65.35 9.11 7.46 0.09 S. 100.23 100.15 0.23 0.43 3.22 3.25 15.00 15.00 6.93 5.70 71 67 LSthain b. MeiSen, Saxony. Ober-Horka, Prussia. 0.85 0.80 0.08 0.09 0.0V 0.43 1.40 0.71 23.02 23.61 67.48 66.58 7.34 7.90 ~*~' 100.24 100.12 0.16 0.25 3.12 3.18 15.00 15.00 5.44 5.93J 50 77 Dillenburg, Prussia. Blansko, Mahren. CLAYS (e) Si R - R Si. 429 K 2 MgO CaO |Fe 2 A1 2 0, | SiO, H,0 |Na 2 Total RaO |R 2 O 8 Si0 2 H 2 O Page Source 0.57 1.32 3.00 2.00 0.51 38.46 0.07 0.11 0.18 0.21 0.02 0.06 0.04 0.12 0.32 0.29 2.74 0.95 1.65 0.41 24.51 37.09 37.95 38.17 37.73 28.12 47.22 46.97 44.90 46.21 6.38 10.79 10.02 12.85 14.22 1.87 0.39 100.22 100.19 99.04 99.93 100.02 24.62 0.26 0.54 0.63 0.35 6.19 5.81 5.79 6.16 5.81 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 9.08 6.09 8.53 11.45 12.31 57 74 52 74 57 Westerland, Prussia. Eger, Austria. Ebernhalm, Prussia. Eger, Austria. Westerland, Prussia. (f) Si R R Si. K 2 MgO CaO Fe 2 0, A1 2 0, SiO, H 2 o Na,0 Total E a o |R,O,| sio, H 2 Page Source 4.28 0.950.62 1.2432.72 48.92 11.49 100.23 1.18 4.83 12.00 9.39 78 Briesen, Mahren. 1.64 15.790.13 0.33 29.64 42.53 7.52 2.61 100.91 7.72 4.92 12.00 7.07 57 Westerland, Prussia. 2.73 0.490.32 2.9433.63 49.43 10.59 100.13 0.83 5.09 12.00 8.54 44 G runstadt, Bavaria . 3.211 0.410.48 1.79 ! 33.09 50.72 10.49 100.19 0.75 4.77 12.00 8.27 44 2.30 0.790.56 2.2224.76 49.60 9.96 100.19 0.78 4.91 12.00 8.03 44 99 99 2.65 0.690.34 1.7333.57 50.39 10.85 100.22 0.73 4.86 12.00 8.61 44 3.86 3.14 0.630.43 1.27 0.67 0.40! 2.24 35.39 33.91 49.76 48.92 8.83 10.92 100.17 100.10 0.93 0.84 5.12 5.09 12.00 12.00 7.09 8.84 54 44 H6hr b.Grenzhausen.Prus. Grunstadt, Bavaria. 3.38 0.550.331 2.07 34.61 48.85 10.18 99.97 0.82 5.19 12.00 8.33 44 99 99 2.73 0.450.34 2.00 33.76 50.12 10.63 100.03 0.67 4.94 12.00 8.48 44 99 99 1.51 0.730.76 1.66 34.95 49.48 11.04 0.26 S. 100.39 0.69 5.13 12.00 8.92 58 Grofialmerode, Prussia. 1.81 0.440.48 1.90 34.09 49.49 11.63 0.036S. 99.87 0.56 5.03 12.00 9.40 46 Gem.Mechenhart,Bavaria. 1.5914.560.02 0.08 30.33 41.14 10.02 2.10 99.84 7.20 5.17 12.00 9.63 57 Westerland,Prussia. 2.66 0.21 0.40 2.00 33.71 49.86 11.13 99.97 0.58 4.95 12.00 8.92 44 GrunstadtjBavaria. 3.79 0.15:0.23 1.1633.71 47.76 13.26 100.06 0.72 5.09 12.00 11.10 80 Briesen, Mahren . 1.33 0.76 0.51! 1.84 35.60 49.66 10.04 99.74 0.67 5.23 12.00 8.09 44 Grunstadt, Bavaria, 2.78 0.180.33 1.06 34.41 50.03 11.46 100.25 0.57 4.95 12.00 9.16 76 Wildstein, Bohemia. 1.30 0.280.05 1.8933.64 48.23 14.63 0.15 S. 100.78 0.32 5.10 12.00 12.13 83 Gflttweig, South Austria. 1.41 0.230.34 1.0034.89 51.17 10.85 99.89 0.38 5.02 12.00 8.48 77 Blansko, Mahren. 1.04 0.290.21 0.60,35.71 50.00 11.98 99.94 0.31 5.08 12.00 9.56 77 > > (g) Si R Si R Si. K 2 MgO CaO |Fe 2 0, A1 2 S SiO, H,0 Na,0 Total B,o R,0 SiO, H,0 Page Source 2.41 0.38 0.68'0.42| 1.00J30.11 0.250.15|0.70|31.71 56.04 55.47 9.441 11.40| 100.10 100.06 0.96 0.25 5.81 6.13 18.00 18.00 10.10 12.33 68 72 Tschirne, Prussia. LOthain b. MeiBen, Saxony. (h) Si R Si R Si. K,O | MgOJ CaO Fe,0,| A1,O S SiO, | H 2 O Na,o Total |R,O|R,O, SiO, H,O Page Source 1.67:0.57,0.43 3.01 0.39 0.42 &600.311.31 2.920.28i0.31 1.370.450.49 1.37'0.450.49 0.6l|0.230.13 1.78 2.00 1.20 1.23 1.50 1.50 0.65 31.58 32.54 30.65 33.56 33.11 34.08 33.61 53.1410.69 50.9110.42 50.4015.65 51.961 9.62 54.66; 8.73 53.09 8.71 52.11112.80 0.04 0.10 0.11 S 99.98J0.71 99.790.87 100.120.71 99.84|1.41 99.69,0.61 100.00 ! 0.62 100.14J0.24 5.79 6.25 5.87 6.22 5.93 6.20 6.14 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 10.73 10.94 16.56 9.87 8.61 8.75 13.10 46 54 87 76 46 61 71 Gem.Mechenhart,Bavaria. H6hr b.Grenzhausen,Prus. Novgorod, Russia. Wildstein, Bohemia. Klingenberg a.M. Bavaria. Ahrtal, Prussia. Lothain b.MeiBen,Saxony. (i) Si R - Si R Si. !K 2 MgO CaO |Fe,0,| A1 2 0, SiO, H,o| Na,0 Total |R,O, B,0, SiO, H 2 Page Source 1.40 1.99 0.34J0.10| 0.72|27.40|60.158.00 030i0.2l| 0.79128.30 60.2118.59 0.21 FeO 98.320.45 100.39|0.57 4.9lH8.00|7.97 84 5.06|l8.00|8.59| 49 Namur, Belgium. Odenwald,Hessen-Dannstadt. 430 CLAYS C. Formulae from Clay Analyses in C. Bischofs Book. I 0.5 CaO 2.75A1 2 O 3 0.25Fe 2 O 3 15SiO 2 5.5 H 2 O Calcd. 2.06 20.72 2.95 66.95 7.32 /Source : Tiegelerdberg (Bavaria). Found. 2.25 20.97 2.25 66.70 7.53 \Analyst : H. Kaul, 1. c. p. 47. II. 0.25 K 2 O 19.75 H 2 O 0.25Fe 2 O 3 9.75A1 2 O 3 24 SiO 2 ( Source : Winkelhaid (Bavaria). Calcd. 0.82 12.42 1.40 34.73 50.62 \ Analyst : H. Kaul, 1. c. p. 47. Found. 0.95 12.11 1.38 35.72 49.80 0.15 CaO 0.18 Na 2 O 0.09 S III. 0.25 MgO 0.25 K 2 0.25Fe 2 O 3 5.75 A1 2 O 3 16SiO 2 1 5. 5 H 2 O/ Source: Wolf shohe (Bavaria) Calcd. 0.52 1.23 2.09 ' 30.77 50.73 14.64 \Analyst : H. Kaul, 1. c. p. 47. Found. 0.59 1.09 1.56 31.26 49.61 14.43 0.26 CaO 0.29 Na 2 O IV. O.SCaO 15.5H 2 O 0.25Fe 2 O 3 5.75A1 2 O 3 16SiO 2 /Source : Passau (South Bavaria). Calcd. 1.47 14.68 2.10 ' 30.86 50.88 \Kerl, Handb. d. ges. Tonw. 1879, 505, I.e. 48. Found. 1.63 14.23 1.05 31.11 51.02 0.80 H 2 O VI. Calcd. Found. 0.25 Fe 2 O 3 5.75 A1 2 O 3 16 SiO 2 /Source : Stabbarp (Sweden). 2.51 ' 36.81 * 60.68 \Analyst : Cronquist, Stockholm (I. c. p. 41). 1.70 36.10 60.80 0-5 CaO 0.5 K 2 O 0.2 MgO VIII. Calcd. Found. 0.5 K 2 2.80 3.17 8.5 H 2 O 5 A1 2 O 3 16 SiO 2 /Source : Finsing b. Deggendorf. 9.12 30.41 57.66 \Analyst : C. Bischof, 1. c. p. 43. 8.67 29.47 57.45 0.75Fe 2 O 3 0.76 (MgO + CaO) IX. Calcd. Found. 0.25 Fe 2 O 2.28 1.79 3 5.75 A1 2 O 3 15 SiO 2 0.5 K 2 O 9.5 H 2 O /Source : Grunstadt (Rheinpfalz). 33.50 51.77 2.68 9.77 \ Analyst : C. Bischof . 33.09 50.70 3.21 10.49 0.41 MgO 0.18 CaO X. Calcd. Found. 6A1 2 3 45.78 45.07 12 SiO 2 /Source : Altwasser, Grube Morgen- und Abendstern. 54.22 \Analyst : C. Bischof (L c. p. 36). 54.03 0.15 MgO 0.25Fe 2 O 3 0.54 K 2 O XI. 0.25K 2 O 0.25CaO 0.25Fe 2 O 3 5.75A1 2 O 3 16 SiO 2 Calcd. 1.44 0.86 2.45 35.96 59.29/Source : Passau (Bavaria). Found. 0.90 1.20 1.90 36.40 59.60\Analyst : Cronquist, Stockholm, Z.c. p. 48. XII. 0.25 K 2 O 9.75 H 2 O 0.5Fe 2 O 3 5.5A1 2 O 3 16SiO 2 /Source : Schwarzwald (Oberpfalz). Calcd. 1.30 9.71 4.42 31.05 53.51 \Analyst : C. Bischof (I. c. p. 48). Found. 1.33 10.50 3.41 30.69 53.10 0.32 MgO 0.26 CaO XIII. 12 H 2 O Calcd. 11.19 Found. 11.14 5.75 A1 2 O 3 30.39 30.47 0.25Fe 2 O 3 2.07 1.51 XIV. 0.5Fe 2 3 Calcd. 4.38 Found. 3.54 5.5 A1 2 3 30.76 31.61 16 SiO 2 : 53.01 52.32 XV. 0.5 Fe 2 O 3 Calcd. 5.54 Found. 4.22 4.5 A1,O 3 31.79 32.00 12 Si0 2 50.20 51.05 18 SiO 2 /Source : Klingenberg a. M. 56.34 \Analyst : unknown (L c. p. 46). 56.44 0.30 MgO 0.79 CaO 0.30 K 2 O 1 2 H 2 O/ Source : Klingenberg a. M. 11.81 \Analyst : Vohl, 1875. 11.81 0.48 CaO 10 H 2 O/ Source : Klingenberg a. M. 12.47 \ 12.14 0.46 CaO XVI. 0.25 MgO 0.25 CaO 0.25 K 2 O 9.25 H 2 O 0.25Fe 2 O 3 5.75A1 2 O 3 16SiO 2 Calcd. 0.55 0.77 1.30 9.21 2.21 32.45 53.50 Found. 0.50 0.50 1.37 9.12 1.50 33.11 54.06 Source : Klingenberg. Analyst : C. Bischof, 1887. ULTRAMARINES 431 D. Behaviour of Clays, dried at 100 C., towards Sulphuric Acid, according to C. Bischof. Number HjO K a o MgO FeO % CaO A1 2 0, Fe 2 3 SiO a Total Mo H 2 leculai K,0 Eatio E,0s s Si0 8 Separated SiO in % | Mol. Al,0,: SiOi in Solution 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9.40 8.41 7.44 10.03 7.27 8.14 15.13 1.15 2.09 2.31 3.22 1.21 1.42 1.61 0.20 0.28 0.25 0.45 0.64 0.34 0.85 0.44 0.40 0.21 0.04 0.56 0.06 0.28 0.08 0.10 0.42 29.96 30.34 25.73 27.99 22.30 27.87 36.32 0.45 0.67 0.60 0.44 0.50 0.73 1.00 58.80 57.65 63.61 56.98 67.60 61.19 44.67 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 9.11 7.83 4.70 10.04 5.41 8.03 11.60 0.31 0.65 0.36 1.01 0.46 0.49 0.75 5.17 5.05 2.91 5.00 2.97 4.93 5.94 17 16 12 17 15 18 12 25.66 21.35 36.68 21.28 41.87 26.91 4.67 7.42 5.8 6.91 6.34 9.29 7.91 1.26 5: 10 5: 10 6: 10 5: 11 6: 10 5: 10 6: 11 Ultramarines. Formulae from a series of Ultramarine Analyses. 1. Theory. Found. Si 16.60 16.45 Si w A1 12 16.01 14.36 A1 12 Na 12 13.64 14.45 Na 13 . 5 S 4 6.32 6.00 K -5 60 47.43 48.74 S 4 5? Total 100.00 100.00 Rickmann, Dingl. Journ. 232, 164. 2. Theory. 16.55 15.96 15.30 0.96 6.31 44.92 100.00 Found. 16.87 15.39 15.66 0.72 5.69 45.67 100.00 Philipp, Ann. d. Chem. 184, 99 16.81 15.27 15.21 1.08 6.42 45.21 100.00 132. Si 12 A1 M Agie Na 2 S 4 59 (H 2 0) 4 3. Theory. 9.39 9.06 48.28 1.29 3.58 26.39 2.01 100.00 Found. 9.78 9.40 48.82 1.07 3.96 26.07 1.90 100.00 J. Szilasi, Ann. d. Chem. 251, M 8.63 9.42 48.79 1.03 4.03 26.29 1.81 100.00 97-114. Si 12 A1 12 Pb 8 Na 2 S 4 59 (H 2 0) 8 4. Theory. 9.41 9.08 46.16 1.29 3.59 26.44 4.03 100.00 Found. 9.58 8.21 46.02 0.93 4.06 27.27 3.93 100.00 J. Szilasi, Ann. d. Chem. 251, 9.51 8.16 46.23 1.06 3.94 27.11 3.99 100.00 97-114. Si A1 12 Zn 8 Na 2 S 4 59 (H 2 0) 16 5. Theory. 12.99 12.53 20.11 1.77 4.95 36.51 11.14 100.00 Found. 14.14 11.80 19.78 5.86 37.52 10.90 100.00 J. Szilasi, Ann. d. Chem. 251* ,, 14.17 11.86 19.98 0.72 5.66 36.51 11.10 100.00 97-114. Si 12 AI 12 Agi, N &1 S 5 O 56 K 6. Theory. 10.69 10.31 44.67 0.73 5.09 28.51 Found. 10.76 9.90 43.69 0.81 4.89 29.60 0.35 10.54 44.08 0.73 0.50 Si 12 7. Theory. 9.96 Found. 10.09 10.09 ',', 10.24 8. Theory. Found. 16.86 16.80 16.84 A1 12 9.60 9.00 9.11 9.21 9.23 A1 M 16.27 16.32 16.30 Ag 15 47.99 48.08 47.89 47.96 48.66 Na 12 13.85 13.94 13.98 , 0.68 1.15 1.17 0.89 4.81 4.73 4.68 4.82 5 , 27.04 27.00 26.92 9.64 43.33 9.70 43.24 9.80 43.08 100.00 100.00 J. Philipp Ber. d. D. chem. 100.00 Ges. 10, 1227. 100.00) 100.00 IK. Heumann, Ann. d. Chem. 100.00 | 199, 271. K. Heumann, Ann. d. Chem. 203, 174. 100.00 100.00 G. Guckelberger, Dingl. Journ. 100.00 247, 343, 1883. 432 ULTRAMARINES Si 12 A1 12 Na 16 S 4 S2 (H 2 0) 2 Total 9. Theory. 16.60 16.01 18.18 6.32 41.11 1.78 100.00 \ Found. 16.70 15.97 18.48 7.14 39.52 2.19 100.00 Jr 16.76 15.82 18.23 7.20 39.78 2.21 100.00 tp 16.73 15.94 18.55 7.22 17.14 17.21 15.87 18.24 18.12 6.92 7.02 40.55 1.18 1.23 100~00 J * Szilasi Ann ' d< Chem - 2 5 X > 97-114. , t 16.75 16.15 18.08 6.75 41.05 1.22 ioo!oo n 16.73 18.12 6.95 1.16 fi 16.39 15.08 18.24 6.60 42.16 1.53 100.00 " 16.45 15.44 18.40 6.80 41.40 1.51 100. 00 ' Si 12 Alt, Na 14 K 8, 50 10 Theory. 17.30 16.68 16.59 8.24 41.19 100.00 Found. 17.32 15.94 16.64 0.75 7.91 41.44 100.001 17.51 15.84 ^ j 7.91 40.66 hPhilipp, Ann. d. Chem. J<*4,132, 1876. 100.00J 17. 08 t 18.00 16.11 17.05 8.04 40.80 100.00 t 18.24 16.33 8.36 40.68 , 18.06 15.78 17.30 8.18 40.68 100.00 1 Hoffmann's Analyses, according to t 18.11 16.01 17.16 8.05 40.67 100.00 [K. Heumann, Ann. d. Chem. 203, 174, 18.33 16.25 17.14 8.42 39.86 100.00 1880. 18.20 16.10 17.30 8.40 40.00 100.00, , 17.69 16.13 17.07 8.02 41.09 100.00) According to K. Heumann, Ann. d. . 17.88 16.47 16.61 7.67 41.37 100.00 / Chem. 203, 174, 1880. 17.77 16.10 17.06 8.02 41.05 100.00 K. Heumann, Ann. d. Chem. 199, 263. Si 12 A1 12 Na 12 s. o 11 Theory. 18.34 17.69 15.07 6.98 41.92 100.00 Found. 18.47 16.88 15.43 6.17 43.05 100.00 Rickmann, Dingl. Journl. 232, 164. Si 12 Al ]2 Na u s 4 o J2 Theory. 17.89 17.25 17.14 6.8*3 40."9 100.00 Found. 18.00 17.32 16.20 6.62 41.86 100.00, w 18.28 17.15 16.40 6.78 41.39 100.00 tt 18.30 17.38 16.10 6.59 41.63 100.00 G. Guckelberger, Dingl. Journ. 247, t 17.98 17.30 16.52 6.88 41.32 100.00 f 343,1883. f 18.08 17.35 16.46 6.69 41.42 100.00 5j 17.89 17.43 16.38 6.89 41.41 100.00J M 18.41 17.00 16.40 6.81 41.38 100.00 18.21 17.63 1680 7.01 40.35 100.00 18.08 17.32 17.01 6.89 40.70 100.00 ff 18.00 17.68 16.92 7.05 40.35 100.00 VG. Guckelberger Dingl. Journ. 247, 11 18.90 17.82 16.21 6.40 40.67 100.00 386, 1883. i 18.34 17.60 16.78 6.79 40.49 100.00 f 18.61 17.12 16.38 6.75 41.14 100.00 ) i 17.86 18.09 17.56 17.28 16.60 17.00 6.79 6.90 41.19 40.73 100.00 100.00 VG. Guckelberger, Dingl. Journ. 247, i 17.29 16.91 16.48 6.60 41.72 100.00) 383, 1883. Si 12 A1 12 Na ie s 4 o 4g 13 Theory. 17.46 16.84 19.13 6.65 39.92 100.00 Found. 17.35 16.95 18.98 6.70 4002 100.00) 17.52 16.84 18.88 6.60 40.16 100.00 1 G. Guckelberger, Dingl. Journ. 247, 17.65 16.50 18.98 6.72 40.15 100.00) 343, 1883. ?> 17.67 16.40 19.05 6.80 40.08 100.00) w 17.83 16.41 18.97 6.62 40.17 100.00 }-G. Guckelberger, Dingl Journ. 247, ,} 18.01 16.24 19.20 6.78 39.77 100.00) 383, 1883. 18.02 17.00 18.92 6.82 39.24 100.00 G. Guckelberger Dingl. Journ. 247, 386, 1883. ULTRAMARINES 433 14. Theory. Si lf 14.84 A1 M 14.31 Na 12 12.19 Ag 4 19.08 5.65 48 33.93 Total 100.00 Found. 15.00 14.22 12.50 19.00 5.29 33.99 100.00 G. Guckelberger, Dingl. Journ. 247, 343, 1883. Sii, Al u Na 6 Agio S 4 48 15. Theory. 12.12 11.68 4.98 38.93 4.61 27.68 100.00 Found. 12.02 11.82 4.58 39.20 4.40 27.98 100.00 G. Guckelberger, Dingl. Journ. 247 \ 347, 1883. Sii2 All. Na 13 . 6 K S 4 46 16. Theory. 18.12 17.48 16.75 1.05 6.90 39.70 100.00 Found. 18.29 16.50 17.85 1.33 6.20 39.93 100.00 H. Ritter, Inaug.-Diss. Gottingen, 1860. e,' A 1 "NTn *^M2 o IMttjg 4 48 17. Theory. 17.05 16.45 21.02 6.50 38.98 100.00 - -> Found. 17.00 16.60 21.50 6.50 38.40 100.00 Rickmann, Ann. d. Chem. 79^,1-22. 16.74 16.59 15.95 16.14 20.59 20.92 6.22 5.72 40.50 40.63 100.00 100.00 i Rickmann, Dingl. Journ. 232, 164. 16.53 16.27 21.02 5.51 40.67 100.00 Rickmann, Dingl. Journ. 232, 170. Sii 2 A1 12 Na 16 S 4 46 18. Theory. 17.75 17.12 19.45 6.77 38.91 100.00 Found. 18.20 16.60 19.00 6.10 40.10 100.00 R. Hoffmann, Ann. d. Chem. 194, 1-22, 1878. Si J6 A1 12 Na 14 So O 6 . 19. Theory. 18.62 13.47 13.38 11.97 42.56 100.00 Found. 18.80 13.00 13.70 11.80 42.70 100.00 C. Griinzweig per R. Hoffmann, Ann. d. Chem. 194, 18. Siie A1 12 Na ie K S 9 65 20. Theory. 18.15 13.13 14.91 11.67 42.14 100.00 Found. 17.29 12.55 14.66 11.38 44.12 100.00 Philipp, Ann. d. Chem. 7^,132,1876. 17.57 12.54 14.51 0.80 11.38 43.20 100.00 Si 12 A1 6 Na 9 Se 88 21. Theory. 23.40 11.28 9.61 13.37 42.34 100.00 Found. 23.12 11.71 8.97 13.22 42.98 100.00 G. Scheffer, Ber. d. D. Chem. Ges. 1451, 1873. Siio A1 6 Na g 34 22. Theory. 20.77 12.02 10.24 14.24 42.73 100.00 Found. 21.63 12.33 9.93 13.96 42.15 100.00 G. Scheffer, Ber. d. D. Chem. Ges. 1451, 1873. Siie A1 12 Na 20 Sic 62 23. Theory. 17.61 12.74 18.08 12.58 38.99 100.00 Found. 17.70 13.80 17.70 12.20 38.60 100.00 R. Hoffmann, Ann. d. Chem. 194, 14. 1878. 24. Theory. Siis 20.34 A1 M 13.08 Na 14 12.99 15 Q 38.09 100.00 Found. 20.20 13.50 12.90 15.50 37.09 100.00 R. Hoffmann, Ann. d. Chem. 194, 17, 1878. Si w A1 12 Na 18 Sl2 8 i 25. Theory. 19.37 12.45 15.91 1476 37.51 100.00 Found. 19.20 12.60 16.50 14.20 37.50 100.00 19.00 12.70 16.80 14.00 37.50 100.00 19.00 19.30 19.30 13.00 12.50 12.80 16.50 16.80 16.10 13.80 13.90 14.00 37.70 37.50 37.80 100.00 100.00 100.00 G. Guckelberger, Dingl. Journ. 247 , 343, 1883. 19.00 13.00 15.90 14.00 38.10 100.00 26. Theory. 18*92 All. 12.17 Na 20 17.27 1 S 4'.42 62 37.22 100.00 Found. 19.00 12.70 17.40 13.60 37.30 100.00 R. Hoffmann, Dingl. Journ. 247, 1883 ; Ann. d. Chem. 194, 14. Siie A1 12 Na 12 S 12 59 27. Theory. 19.00 13.74 13.66 16.28 37.32 100.00 Found. 18.80 13.80 14.10 16.30 37.00 100.00 R. Hoffmann, Ann. d. Chem. 794, 17, 2 F 434 PORTLAND CEMENTS Si A1 6 Na 8 S 6 36 Total 28. Theory. 23. 1 17 11.18 12.69 13.24 39.72 100.00 Found. 23.04 23.63 10.77 11.09 11.90 12.00 14.02 13.46 40.27 39.82 100.00 | 100.00 G. Scheffer, Ber. d. D. chem. Ges. 1451, 1873 Si A1 12 Na 16 S 6 60 29. Theory. Found. 2L47 21.53 13.79 13.42 15.68 15.38 8.18 9.25 40.88 40.42 100.00 100.00 E. Btichner, Ber. d. D. chem. Ges. 7, 989, 1874 Si A1 12 Na 18 S 5 62 30. Theory. 21. ^5 13.55 17.29 6.68 41.43 100.00 Found. 20.75 13.53 17.01 6.78 41.93 100.00 \ 21.00 13.08 16.98 6.79 42.15 100.00 | " 20.89 20.51 13.28 13.50 17.28 18.00 6.80 6.90 41.75 41.09 100.00 ! 100.00 | >G. Guckelberger, Dingl. Journ. 247, 343, 1883, 21.00 13.12 17.80 7.02 41.06 100.00 | 99 20.69 13.30 17.20 6.90 41.91 100.00 ; Portland Cements Formulae of a Series from Analyses of Portland Cements SiO, Al 4 0a Fe,0 3 CaO MgO K,0 Na,0 CO, SO a H 2 Total 1. Theory. Found. 25.34 25.29 5.37 5.41 8.39 8.64 50.891.39 50.401.24 0.82 0.50 0.544.61 0.734.61 1.39 1.10 1.26 1.30 100.00 99.92 Feichtinger, Dingl. Journ., 40-6] 108-118, 185 ( . 2. Theory. 24.09 6.83 5.35 63.73 100.00 Found. 24.30 6.90 4.8064.10 ' 100.10 ) A. W. Hoffmann, Amtl. Ber. c 3. Theory. 23.65 6.70 5.2664.39 100.00 f Wien. Ausst. 3, I, 583, 1871 Found. 23.30 6.50 4.7065.40 99.90 ) 4. Theory. 22.78 6.45 5.06 63.78 0.67 1.26 100.00 Found. 22.48 6.52 4.46 62.931.48 1.39 99.26 K. Pietrusky, J. B. T. 48, 1, 474 99 21.94 6.02 4.38 64.63 1.25 1.12 99.34 Chem. Ind. 190; 23.44 6.35 3.99 63.21 1.16 1.22 99.36 5. Theory. 22.50 6.38 5.00 63.00 1.88 1.24 100.00 Found. 22.00 6.50 3.2062.10 2.10 1.10 97.00 J. B. T. 43, 765. 22.42 6.28 3.6262.82 2.09 1.29 98.52 99 22.10 6.25 3.7062.50 1.75 1.20 97.50 22.07 6.59 3.41 62.00 1.04 1.53 96.64 6. Theory. 22.59 6.36, 4.98 63.26 1.56 1.25 100.00 Found. 22.48 6.52 4.4662.93 1.48 1.30 99.17 Tonind.-Ztg., 1826, 1901. > 23.44 6.35 3.99 63.21 1.15 1.22 99.36 7. Theory 22.30 7.06 3.69 62.02 2.46 2.46 100.00 Found. 21.86 7.17 3.73 61.14 2.34 1.94 98.18 Tonind.-Ztg., 1826, 1901. 8. Theory 22.22 7.03 3.67 65.23 0.61 1.23 100.00 Found. 22.10 6.40 3.04 65.44 0.81 1.61 99.40 Tonind.-Ztg., 2015, 1901. 9. Theory 21.83 6.13 4.82 64.50 1.51 1.21 100.00 Found. 21.94 6.02 4.38 64.62 1.25 1.12 99.33 10. Theory 21.55 7.58 2.38 64.93 1.19 2.37 100.00 Found. 21.26 7.64 2.86 63.7411.10 2.18 0.60 99.38 Tonind.-Ztg., 2015, 1901. 11. Theory. 23.71 12.10 64.19 ___ __ 100.00 Found. 23.80 11.40 64.80 100.00 A. W. Hoffmann, Amtl. Ber. < 12. Theory. 21.17 8.04 4.20 61.82 3.50 , 1.27 100.00 Wien. Ausst. 3, I, 583, 187 Found. 20.72 7.57 4.48 60.523.02 1.02 0.52 0.37 1.22 99.44 Fischer, H. d. ch. T. 828. 13. Theory. 20.64 7.89 4.13 62.59 2.06 1.62 1.07 100.00 Found. 20.33 8.67 3.80,62.33 2.48 1.20 0.85 99.66 J. B. T. 43, 732. ,, 20.33 7.19 3.6563.65|2.62 1.04 0.80 99.28 14. Theory. 24.16 10.7365.12! ___ __ 100.00 Found. 23.80 11.40 64.80 ._._ . 100.00 A. W. Hoffmann, Amtl. Ber. < Wien. Ausst. J, I, 583, 187, PORTLAND CEMENTS 435 SiO, Al,0, Fe a O, CaO MgO K,O Na,0 CO, SO, H a o Total 15. Theory. 23.65 5.02 2.63 65.87 1.09 _^ . j- .74 100.00 Found. 23.40 5.18 2.79 65.80 1.13 0.48 .42 100.20 Loebell, J. B. T. 48, 1, 32.68 5.03 2.82 65.47 1.08 0.53 .36 99.97 466. 16. Theory. 32.52 7.37 5.79 44.56 1.45 0.85 0.57 4.78 .46 0.66 100.00 Found. 32.60 7.17 6.23 44.96 1.52 0.45 0.64 4.52 .20 0.72 100.00 Fehling, H. d. Chem. 482, 17. Theory. 34.15 7.73 6.06 46.76 0.76 1.66 .51 1.37 100.00 1875. Found. 34.07 7.49 5.58 46.07 0.90 1.38 .96 1.47 98.92 Fehling, H. d. Chem. 482, 18. Theory. 32.63 7.34 5.76 45.37 1.44 0.85 0.56 3.96 .44 0.65 100.00 1875. Found. 32.60 7.17 6.23 44.96 1.52 0.45 0.64 4.52 .20 0.72 100.01 Feichtinger, Dingl. Jour. 19. Theory. 34.08 7.67 6.02 46.33 0.75 0.88 0.58 0.82 .50 1.35 100.00 40-61, 108-118, 1859. Found. 34.07 7.49 5.58 46.07 0.90 0.27 0.56 1.38 .96 1.47 99.75 Feichtinger, Dingl. Jour. 20. Theory. 29.33 4.95 7.72 48.01 1.94 0.05 0.50 5.69 0.65 1.16 100.00 40-61, 108-118, 1859. Found. 28.56 4.75 8.14 47.53 2.04 0.48 0.68 5.58 0.40 1.20 99.36 Feichtinger, Dingl. Jour. 21. Theory. 28.89 4.92 7.71 48.47 1.93 0.76 0.50 5.66 1.16 100.00 40-61, 108-118, 1859. Found. 28.56 4.75 8.14 47.53 2.04 0.48 0.60 5.58 1.20 98.88 Fehling, H. d. Chem. 482, 22. Theory. 25.39 7.19 2.26 56.87 2.82 1.33 0.87 1.00 MnO 2.27 100.00 1875. Found. 24.26 6.97 2.88 56.90 2.15 0.90 0.54 1.60 MnO 1.28 97.48 J. B. T. 44, 749. 24. Theory. 23.35 6.57 2.06 64.93 1.03 2.06 100.00 Found. 22.96 6.78 2.54 63.95 0.98 1.96 99.17 Tonind.-Ztg. 2015, 1901. 25. Theory. 23.19 5.87 3.06 63.03 1.02 0.60 1.19 2.04 100.00 Found. 23.40 6.07 2.51 63.870.97 0.80 1.22 1.45 100.29 v. Teichek, Chem. Ind. 26. Theory. 23.21 5.92 3.09 65.72 1.03 1.30 100.00 24, 445, 1901. Found. 22.71 6.42 2.81 63.14 1.04 1.64 CaSO 4 O.SOCaCO., 93.56 Tonind.-Ztg. 409, 1879. 27. Theory. 22.94 5.81 3.03 65.18 1.02 2.02 100.00 Found. 22.33 5.53 3.28 64.40 1.20 2.41 99.15 Tonind.-Ztg. 2015, 1901. 28. Theory. 10.39 7.37 2.31 71.96 3.47 . 1.91 2.59 100.00 Found. 10.38 6.66 1.99 72.10 3.27 0.85 1.64 0.43 2.56 99.88 Fischer, H. d. ch. T. 828. 29. Theory. 25.29 8.35 9.36 52.43 0.72 2.06 0.94 0.85 100.00 Found. 25.21 8.26 8.35 52.46 0.78 2.25 1.30 0.68 99.29 Fehling, H. d. Ch. 482, 30. Theory. 25.13 8.25 9.24 52.42 0.46 0.71 2.03 0.92 0.83 100.00 1875. Found. 25.21 8.26 8.35 52.46 0.50 0.30 0.78 2.25 1.30 0.68 100.09 Feichtinger, Dingl. Jour. 31. Theory. 17.25 8.18 2.57 63.71 3.85 _ > _._ | _^ 2.12 2.32 100.00 40-61, 108-118, 1859. Found. 16.75 7.97 2.71 61.92 4.03 1.25 2.42 0.42 2.24 94.64 Fischer, H. d. ch. T. 828. 32. Theory. 17.71 8.37 2.62 66.12 3.28 ^~~~~~~-^ 0.72 1.18 100.00 Found. 17.04 8.09 3.25 65.05 3.04 0.92 0.83 0.30 1.06 99.58 Fischer, H. d. ch. T. 828. 33. Theory. 15.00 7.03 2.20 66.44 4.41 ; x 2.42 2.50 100.00 Found. 14.76 7.52 2.15 65.42 3.89 0.86 2.19 0.52 2.32 99.63 Fischer, H. d ch. T. 828. 34. Theory. 21.78 13.89 45.06 3.18 2.00 1.83 12.26 100.00 Found. |21.02 13.02 43.57 3.09 1.76 2.29 11.87 96.62 J. B. T. 44, 745. 35. Theory. 20.59 13.04 42.64 2.77 1.01 0.66 1.40 2.55 13.82 98.48 Found. 20.22 14.52 41.87 3.02 077 0.71 1.86 3.02 13.77 99.76 Zulkowski. 36. Theory. 24.59 15.68 0.91 MnO 48.77 3.08 2.41 1.59 0.92 FeO 2.05 100.00 t 2jU.lo\vski Found. 24.64 15.27 0.82MnO 49.70 3.29 1.67 1.37 1.12 FeO 1.72 99.60 1 J. B. T. 44, 745. 37. Theory. 21.04ll3.32 0.78 FeO 43.57 2.83 1.02 1.35 0.96 2.61 11.75 100.00 0.77 MnO. Found'. 21.02 13.02 0.85 FeO 43.57 3.090.31 0.84 1.76 2.29 11.87 99.28 0.66 MnO Zulkowski. 436 PORTLAND CEMENTS SiO, AI.O, Fe 2 0, CaO |MgO K a O |Na,0 CO, so, H 2 Total 38. Theory. Found. 24.73 24.64 15.65 15.27 0.92 FeO 1.12 FeO 49.77|3.32 49.703.29 1.80 1.67 1.59 1.37 0.281.03 0.5411.72 0.9 iMnO 100.00 0.82MnO 100.14 Zulkowski 39. Theory. Found. pf 23.71 22.23 23.72 7.78 7.75 7.36 5.23 5.30 5.50 54.370.87 54.100.75 54.400.86 1.02 1.10 0.86 2.03 1.66 1.78 3.14 2.15 2.80 0.87 1.00 1.12 0.98 1.00 0.96 100.00 97.04 99.36 Feichtinger, Dingl. Journ 40-61, 108-118, 1859 40. Theory. Found. 23.64 22.47 8.93 7.81 3.51 3.42 61.29 61.13 0.87 1.06 z 1.76 2.03 _ 100.00 97.92 J. B. T. 35, 852.' 23.57 8.89 3.51 60.10 0.95 0.90 97.92 22.96 9.14 3.23 61.19 1.03 1.45 99.00 M 23.36 8.12 3.21 60.57 1.19 1.81 98.26 41. Theory. Found. 28.72 28.54 29.08 3.05 3.43 3.40 1.59 1.13 1.24 65.85 66.62 66.07 0.79 0.30 0.20 E E E 100.00 100.02 99.99 Tonind.-Ztg. 981, 1902. 42. Theory. 27.39 2.92 1.52 68.17 100.00 Found. 27.06 3.19 1.29 68.06 0.35 99.95 43. Theory. 26.49 3.75 69.03 0.73 100.00 Found. 26.30 3.50 0.77 68.84 0.54 99.95 44. Theory. Found. 23.96 23.75 3.38 3.11 0.85 72.66 72.01 .^ _ 100.00 100.02 0.30 REFERENCES TO ANALYSES Topazes. 1, Berzelius, Abhandl. Dieterich, K. Analysis of Resins, Balsams, and Gum Resins 8vo, *3 GO Dinger, Lieut. H. C. Care and Operation of Naval Machinery . . . i2mo, *2 oo Dixon, D. B. Machinist's and Steam Engineer's Practical Calculator. i6mo, morocco, i 25 Doble, W. A. Power Plant Construction on the Pacific Coast (In Press.) Dorr, B. F. The Surveyor's Guide and Pocket Table-book. i6mo, morocco, 2 co Down, P. B. Handy Copper Wire Table i6mo, *i oo Draper, C. H. Elementary Text-book of Light, Heat and Sound . . 12210, i oo Heat and the Principles of Thermo-dynamics i2mo, *2 oo Duckwall, E. W. Canning and Preserving of Food Products 8vo, *5 oo Dumesny, P., and Noyer, J. Wood Products, Distillates, and Extracts. 8vo, *4 50 Duncan, W. G., and Penman, D. The Electrical Equipment of Collieries. 8vo, *4 oo D VAN NOSTftAND COMPANY'S SHORT TITLE CATALOG 9 Dunstan, A. E., and Thole, F. B. T. Textbook of Practical Chemistry. i2mo, *i 40 Duthie, A. L. Decorative Glass Processes. (Westminster Series.) .8vo, *2 oo Dwight, H. B. Transmission Line Formulas 8vo, *2 oo Dyson, S. S. Practical Testing of Raw Materials 8vo, *5 oo Dyson, S. S., and Clarkson, S. S. Chemical Works 8vo, *y 50 Eccles, R. G., and Duckwall, E. W. Food Preservatives . . . .8vo, paper, o 50 Eddy, H. T. Researches in Graphical Statics 8vo, i 50 Maximum Stresses under Concentrated Loads 8vo, i 50 Edgcumbe, K. Industrial Electrical Measuring Instruments 8vo, *2 50 Eissler, M. The Metallurgy of Gold 8vo, 7 50 - The Hydrometallurgy of Copper 8vo, *4 50 - The Metallurgy of Silver 8vo, 4 oo - The Metallurgy of Argentiferous Lead 8vo, 5 oo Cyanide Process for the Extraction of Gold 8vo, 3 oo A Handbook on Modern Explosives 8vo, 5 oo Ekin, T. C. Water Pipe and Sewage Discharge Diagrams folio, *3 oo Eliot, C. W., and Storer, F. H. Compendious Manual of Qualitative Chemical Analysis i2mo, *i 25 Elliot, Major G. H. European Light-house Systems 8vo, 5 oo Ennis, Wm. D. Linseed Oil and Other Seed Oils 8vo, *4 oo Applied Thermodynamics 8vo, *4 50 Flying Machines To-day i2mo, *4 50 - Vapors for Heat Engines i2mo, *i oo Erfurt, J. Dyeing of Paper Pulp. Trans, by J. Hubner 8vo, *7 50 Ermen, W. F. A. Materials Used in Sizing 8vo, *2 oo Evans, C. A. Macadamized Roads (In Press.) Ewing, A. J. Magnetic Induction in Iron 8vo, *4 oo Fairie, J. Notes on Lead Ores I2mo, *i oo Notes on Pottery Clays i2mo, *i 50 Fairley, W., and Andre, Geo. J. Ventilation of Coal Mines. (Science Series No. 58.) i6mo, o 50 Fairweather, W. C. Foreign and Colonial Patent Laws 8vo, *3 oo Fanning, J. T. Hydraulic and Water-supply Engineering 8vo, *5 oo Fauth, P. The Moon in Modern Astronomy. Trans, by J. McCabe. 8vo, *2 oo Fay, I. W. The Coal-tar Colors 8vo, *4 oo Fernbach, R. L. Glue and Gelatine 8vo, *3 oo Chemical Aspects of Silk Manufacture I2mo, *i oo Fischer, E. The Preparation of Organic Compounds. Trans, by R. V. Stanford i2mo, *i 25 Fish, J. C. L. Lettering of Working Drawings Oblong 8vo, i oo Fisher, H. K. C., and Darby, W. C. Submarine Cable Testing 8vo, *3 50 Fiske, Lieut. B. A. Electricity in Theory and Practice 8vo, 2 50 Fleischmann, W. The Book of the Dairy. Trans, by C. M. Aikman. 8vo, 4 oo Fleming, J. A. The Alternate-current Transformer. Two Volumes. 8vo. Vol. L The Induction of Electric Currents *5 oo Vol. II. The Utilization of Induced Currents *5 oo ^0 D. VAN NOSTRAND COMPANY'S SHORT TITLE CATALOG Fleming, J. A. Propagation ef Electric Currents 8vo, *3 oo Centenary of the Electrical Current 8vo, *o 50 Electric Lamps and Electric Lighting 8vo, *3 oo Electrical Laboratory Notes and Forms 4to, *5 oo A Handbook for the Electrical Laboratory and Testing Room. Two Volumes 8vo, each, *s oo Fleury, P. Preparation and Uses of White Zinc Paints 8vo, *2 50 Fleury, H. The Calculus Without Limits or Infinitesimals. Trans, by C. O. Mailloux (In Press.) Flynn, P. J. Flow of Water. (Science Series No. 84.) i2mo, o 50 Hydraulic Tables. (Science Series No. 66.) i6mo, o 50 Foley, N. British and American Customary and Metric Measures . . folio, *3 oo Foster, H. A. Electrical Engineers' Pocket-book. (Seventh Edition.) i2mo, leather, 5 oo Engineering Valuation of Public Utilities and Factories 8vo, *3 oo Handbook of Electrical Cost Data 8vo (In Press.) Foster, Gen. J. G. Submarine Blasting in Boston (Mass.) Harbor 4to, 3 50 Fowle, F. F. Overhead Transmission Line Crossings i2mo, *i 50 JThe Solution of Alternating Current Problems 8vo (In Press.) Fox, W. G. Transition Curves. (Science Series No. no.) i6mo, o 50 Fox, W., and Thomas, C. W. Practical Course in Mechanical Draw- ing i2mo, i 25 Foye, J. C. Chemical Problems. (Science Series No. 69.) i6mo, o 50 Handbook of Mineralogy. (Science Series No. 86.) i6mo, o 50 Francis, J. B. Lowell Hydraulic Experiments 4to, 15 oo Freudemacher, P. W. Electrical Mining Installations. (Installation Manuals Series.) i2mo, *i oo Frith, J. Alternating Current Design 8vo, *2 oo Fritsch, J. Manufacture of Chemical Manures. Trans, by D. Grant. 8vo, *4 oo Frye, A. I. Civil Engineers' Pocket-book i2mo, leather, *s oo Fuller, G. W. Investigations into the Purification of the Ohio River. 4to, *io oo Furnell, J. Paints, Colors, Oils, and Varnishes 8vo. *i oo Gairdner, J. W. I. Earthwork 8vo (In Press.) Gant, L. W. Elements of Electric Traction 8vo, *2 50 Garcia, A. J. R. V. Spanish-English Railway Terms 8vo, *4 50 Garforth, W. E. Rules for Recovering Coal Mines after Explosions and Fires i2mo, leather, i 50 Gaudard, J. Foundations. (Science Series No. 34.) i6mo, o 50 Gear, H. B., and Williams, P. F. Electric Central Station Distribution Systems 8vo, *3 oo Geerligs, H. C. P. Cane Sugar and Its Manufacture 8vo, *5 oo World's Cane Sugar Industry 8vo, *5 oo Geikie, J. Structural and Field Geology 8vo, *4 oo Gerber, N. Analysis of Milk, Condensed Milk, and Infants' Milk- Food. 8vo, i 25 Gerhard, W. P. Sanitation, Watersupply and Sewage Disposal of Country Houses I2H1O, *2 OO Gas Lighting. (Science Series No. in.) i6mo, o 50 Household Wastes. (Science Series No. 97.) i6mo, o 50 House Drainage. (Science Series No. 63.) i6mo, o 50 D. VAN NOSTRAND COMPANY'S SHORT TITLE CATALOG 11 Gerhard, W P- Sanitary Drainage of Buildings. (Science Series No. 93.) i6mo, o 50 Gerhardi, C. W. H. Electricity Meters 8vo, *4 oo Geschwind, L. 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Experiments on the Flexure of Beams 8vo, *i 25 Haeder, H. Handbook on the Steam-engine. Trans, by H. H. P. Powles ." i2mo, 3 oo Hainbach, R. Pottery Decoration. Trans, by C. Slater i2mo, *3 oo Haenig, A. Emery and Emery Industry 8vo, *2 50 Hale, W. J, Calculations of General Chemistry i2mo, *i oo Hall, C. H. Chemistry of Paints and Paint Vehicles i2mo, *2 oo Hall, R. H. Governors and Governing Mechanism i2mo, *2 oo 00 00 50 50 50 12 D. VAN NOSTRAND COMPANY'S SHORT TITLE CATALOG Hall, W. S. Elements of the Differential and Integral Calculus 8vo, *2 25 Descriptive Geometry 8vo volume and a 4to atlas, *3 50 Haller, G. F., and Cunningham, E. T. The Tesla Coil i2mo, *i 25 Halsey, F. A. Slide Valve Gears i2mo, i 50 The Use of the Slide Rule. (Science Series No. 114.) i6mo, o 50 Worm and Spiral Gearing. (Science Series No. 116.) i6mo, o 50 Hamilton, W. G. Useful Information for Railway Men i6mo, Hammer, W. J. Radium and Other Radio-active Substances ..;.... 8 vo, Hancock, H. 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