UC-NRLF B 3 IBM GIFT OF STATE OF TA> ,VUin tm, C A LI FOR XI A STATE MIXIXG BUREAU, ('<. HANKS. STATK MINERALOGIST. C AT A. LOG- UTS LIBRARY OF THE STATE MIXIXG BlilEAU AT SAN FRANCISCO. \I.\v 15, 1HB4-. ^CRAMENTO: STATJ-: OKFTCK, . . . JAMES .1. AYEHS. SUPT. STATE IurXTIX(;. 1 8 S 4 . N CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU, HENRY G. HANKS, STATK MINERALOGIST. C-ATA-L-OGUE- LIBRARY OF THE STATE MINING BUREAU AT SAN FRANCISCO. 15, SACRAMENTO: STATE OFFICE, JAMES J. AYERS, SUPT. STATE PRINTING. 1884. CATALOGUE. PRINTED BOOKS. 1. Academy of Sciences of California, Proceedings of. 5 vols. 1862, 1873-74-75-76. 2. Accidents in Mines of Cornwall. J. A. Paris. 3. Acts of Congress. 1867-68. 4. Agricultural Society of California, Transactions of. 15 vols. 1859, 1866-67-68-69-70 to 1882. 5. Agricultural Commissioners' Report on Forestry. * 1877. 6. Agricultural Commissioners' Report on Culture of Sugar Beet. 1880. 7. Agricultural Commissioners' Report on Contagious Dis- eases of Swine and other Animals. 3 vols. 1878- 1880. 8. Agricultural Commissioners' Report on Cotton Insects. 1879. 9. Agricultural Commissioners' Reports. Agriculture. 24 vols. 1849-50-51, 1859, 1862 to 1882. 10. Agricultural Report. Indiana. 1876. 11. Alaska, Report on Resources of. By William Governeur Morris. 1879. 12. Antiquity of Man. McLean. 1880. 13. Anthroinorphen Affen von Heinrich Lenz. 1876. 14. Arizona and Sonora. S. Mowry. 1863. 15. Arctic Expedition, U. S., Scientific Results of. Emil Bessels. 1876. 16. Arctic Expedition, U. S., Narrative of Second, by C. F. Hall. 1879. 17. Arid Region, Lands of the. Major J. W. Powell. 1879. 18. Arithmetic, Progressive. D. W. Fish. 242649 19. Arithmetique, Traite y J. M. Keeler. 34. Map of Wards of San Francisco. 35. Map of Part of Sacramento County. Swamp Lands. 36. Chart of Entrance to San Francisco Bay. 37. Holt's Map of the Owens River Mining Country. 1864. 38. Map and Guide to City of San Francisco. 1882. 39. Map of Alaska. From U. S. Coast Survey. 1869. 40. Official Map of the Territory of Arizona. 1880. 41. Map of "Pioneer," "Globe," and "Mineral" Districts of Arizona. 1878. 42. Map of Arizona, and parts of Nevada, Utah, and Sonora. 1876. 43. Gills' Map of Oregon and Washington Territory. 1878. 44. Sectional Map of Western Oregon. 45. Morgan's Map of Puget Sound. 46. Nuevo Mapa de los Estados de Sonora, Chihuahua, Sin- aloa, Durango, y Baja California. 47. Rand, McNally & Co.'s Map of New Mexico. 48. Geological and Topographical Atlas, accompanying the report of the Exploration of the Fortieth Parallel. 49. Geological Atlas. Q. S. Surveys West of the One Hun- dredth Meridian. 50. Topographical Atlas. U. S. Surveys West of the One Hundredth Meridian. 51. Atlas of Mining Industry. Exploration of the Fortieth Parallel. 52. 'Map of Portion of Idaho Territory, South of Salmon River. 16 53. Geological and Geographical Atlas of Black Hills, Dakota Territory. 54. Geological and Geographical Atlas of the High Plateaus of Utah. 55. Geological and Geographical Atlas of Colorado. 56. Map of City and County of San Francisco. 1869. 57. Geological Map of the State of South Carolina. '58. ^Geological Map of the State of New Jersey. 59. Map of the State of Sinaloa, Mexico. 1882. 60. Map of portion of Michoacan, Mexico. 61. Map of parts of Sonora and Chihuahua. F. A. Schulze. 62. Official Map of British Columbia. 1871. 63. Geological Map of a portion of British Columbia. 64. Map of the City of Victoria, B. C. 1872. 65. Maps of Geological Survey of Canada. 66. U. S. Topographical Map of Washoe Mining District. - 1876-1877. 67. U. S. Outline Map of Washoe Mining District. 1879. 68. Map of the Veins of Virginia Mining District known in 1868. 69. Longitudinal Section of the Comstock Lode, with Sec- tion of Sutro Tunnel from Entrance. 70. Stretch's Workings of the North End Mines of the Com- stock Lode. 1868. 71. Tread well's New Map of the Comstock Mines. 1876. 72. News Letter Chart of the Comstock Mines. 73. Chart of the Comstock Lode in Storey and Lyon Counties. 74. Map of Comstock Lode and Washoe Mining Claims. 75. Map of Virginia, Gold Hill, Devil's Gate, American Flat, etc. 76. Chart of the Comstock Mines and Sutro Tunnel, by W. Rose. 1880. 77. Chart of the Comstock Mines and Sutro Tunnel. W. Rose. 1878. 78. Map of Bodie Mining Dictrict. 1880. 17 79. Map of Homer Mining District. 1880. 80. Map of Bodie Mining District. 81. Map of the Como Lode, Lyon County, Nevada. 82. Map of the Humboldt Mining region. 83. Map of the Nez Perces and Salmon River Gold Mines. 84. Map of the Skagitt Gold Fields. 85. Topographical Map of Treasure Hill, White Pine County, Nevada. 86. Map of the Coeur d'Alene Mining Region. By D. W. Brown. 87. Map of Treasure Hill, White Pine District, Nevada. 88. Map of Columbus Mining District, Nevada. 89. Map of Little Cottonwood Mining District and Vicin- ity, Utah Territory. 90. Map of Property of Eclipse Gold Mining Company, Cal. 91. Map of Property of Brown Monster Mining Company, Cal. 92. Map of Property of Hirsch Mining Company, Cal. 93. Map of Great Blue Gravel Channel, North Bloomfield Mining District, Nevada County, Cal. 94. Map of the Cerro Gordo Mines, Inyo County, Cal. 95. Map of the Property of the Wasson Consolidated Mining Company. 96. Map of Property of Chrysolite Mining Company, Lead- ville, Colorado. 97. Map of Property of Little Chief Mining Company, Lead- ville, Colorado. 98. Map of Marsh Lands belonging to San Pablo Land Com- pany. 99. Map of Copala Mining District, Sinaloa, Mexico. 100. Map of Sandhurst Gold Field, Australia. 101. Map of Ballarat Gold Field, Australia. 102. Geological Map of Australia and Tasmania, 1873. 103. Geological Map of Cape Otway Mining District, Aus- tralia. 2 18 104. Geological Map of part of Gipps' Land Mines. Victo- ria, Australia. 105. Geological Map of the Parish of Beech worth, Australia. 106. Geological Map of Victoria, Australia. 1863. 107. Geological Map of New Zealand. 1873. 108. Map of New South Wales. 1871. 109. Sketch Map of New South Wales. 1876. 110. Plan of Mineral Leases. County of Buller. 111. Plan of Mineral Leases. Counties of Clive and Gough. 112. Plan of Mineral Leases. Dumaresq River. 113. Plan of Mineral Leases. Middle Creek, County of Gough. 114. Parishes in the vicinity of Vegetable Creek. 115. Tenterfield Police District. 116. Part of Cope's Creek. 117. Atlas of Italy. By Vittorio Angeli. 1874. 118. Carta Geologica della Campagna Romana. 119. Chart of Mining Localities in European Russia. 1878. 120. Carta Geologica D'ltalia. 1881. 121. Carta Oro Idrografica D'ltalia. 122. Geological and Ampelographical Map of Tokay-Hegy- alja. By Joseph Szabo. 123. Geologische Karte Ungebung von Budapest. 124. Grundriss vom St. Andreasberger Silbergruben Reviere. 125. Seigerriss I vom St. Andreasberger Silbergruben Re- viere. 126. Seigerriss II vom St. Andreasberger Silbergruben Re- viere. 127. Den Geologiske Undersogelse. By Th. Kjerulf. 128. Den Geologiske Uudersogelse. Th. Kjerulf. 129. Den Geologiske Undersogelse. Th. Kjerulf. 130. Den Geologiske Undersogelse. Th. Kjerulf. 131. Oversights kart til Topografisk Kart over Kongeriget Norge. 19 132. Geologisk Kart. Det Nordlidge Norge. 133. Coup D'Oeil de la Norvege Meridionale. 134. Two photographs of Casa Grande Prehistoric Ruins, Arizona. 135. Photographic view of Virginia City. 1876. 136. Photographic View of Virginia City. 1878. 137. Photograph of Specimens of Gold from "Grit "'Claim. 138. II Gruppo del Monte Bianco. Versante sud-est. 139. Chart of Central Pacific Railroad and Southern Pacific Railroad, Leased Lines and Connections. 140. Chart of Texas and Topolobampo Railroad and Tele- graph lines. Mexico. 141. Map of Newark, Alameda County. 142. Map of Santa Monica, Los Angeles County. 143. Map of Santa Monica, Los Angeles County. 1875. 144. Lithographic Views of San Francisco. 1849 and 1860. 145. Lithographic Views of Mission Dolores in 1860. 146. Chart of Geological Time. Rocky Mountain region. 147. General Plan of Paris Exposition. 1878. 148. Gold Medal Diploma of Paris Exposition. 1878. 149. Carte Vinicole du Department de la Gironde, France. 150. Lithograph of Dodge's Pulverizer and Rock Breaker. 151. Lithograph of Dodge's Concentrator. 152. Lithograph of W. I. Tustin's Rotary Pulverizer. 153. Lithograph of James' Rocking Quartz Mill. 154. Lithograph of Briickner's Ore Pulverizer. 155. Certificate of one share of stock in the Centennial Expo- sition. Hon. Joseph Wasson. 156. California Grapes, series of colored prints illustrative of. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED EARTH SCIENCES LIBRARY This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. 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