TN 677 FRACTQRIES COMPANY Y$> FIRJB BRICK AND SP^fe REFRACT O R. I E S LIBRARY OF THK UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Gl FT OF VL - 1 .fcui . i^v Class D - CATALO GUE vnforyn&tifon tn flection wtt/i the use of F/& CIAY&&/CK r * v o OF THE JVERSm OF HARB i s o N -\VALKER REFRACTORIES CO Copyright 1906 by Harbison-Walker Refractories Co. HARBISON-WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. DAILY CAPACITY, 1,100,000 BRICK HARBISON-WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. FIRE BRICK DEPARTMENT GOOD material is the factor of supreme importance in all manufacturing busi- ness. During the growth and expansion of the fire brick business from small beginnings to the present output corresponding to the growth and demands of the iron and steel in- dustries it has been the aim of this company to maintain the lead in supplying all demands for high grade fire brick and refractory mate- rial. To this end, all clay deposits, seemingly worthy of investigation, have been core drilled, the best experts employed and record maps placed on file, enabling the Company to open mines in the irregular formations of fire clay with exact knowledge of what will be opened. This work has been going on systematically for over thirty years. The results, with the association of a few of the most experienced and successful brick manufacturers, enable us to offer the following unrivaled list of well known brands of fire brick. Some of the brands are specially fitted for special work, as the " Benezet " for blast furnace linings. Some are similar in character to others, but owing to location of works one brand may obtain a more f a vorable freight rate in a given case. Corre- spondence or an interview will determine, ac- cording to circumstances, which is the most suitable brand to use. With a wide range of records on hand, the broadest experience in 1 74482 HARBISON-WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. the business, and the good will of over seven thousand patrons to maintain, it is reasonable for customers to assume that they will get re- liable advice and careful attention to orders, however large or small. The brands included carry the world's record for output of metal per furnace lining, blast furnace stove brick that neither disinte- grate nor become vitrified with the severe changes of temperature and blast that occur in furnace stoves incident to conditions connected therewith, the best of brick for cupolas, rotary cement kilns, lime kilns, open hearth steel furnaces, copper smelting, boiler settings, con- tinuous glass furnaces and general purposes where high temperatures are in use. The brick intended for different parts of a blast furnace lining are branded " Hearth and Bosh," "Inwall" and "Top" to prevent the mason from making mistakes. The records held by these brands are the result of careful observation over a long period, and selection from the best Pennsylvania clays. Our Gan- ister rock used in making 4< Star " Silica brick is selected from decidedly the finest deposits of this rock to be found anywhere. "Star" Silica holds the best continuous records in open hearth steel, Talbot and continuous glass furnaces. HARBISON- WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. FIRE CLAY SHAPES IN STOCK Shapes V be oS Brands Shapes Brands cu Cu | 9" Straight 20 Benezet No. 1 Arch 20 Top Benezet 20 Hearth and Bosh 20 Woodland Benezet 20 Hearth and Bosh 20 Inwall Benezet Woodland 20 20 Top Benezet Woodland 20 20 Top Woodland H.-W. Special 20 Hearth and Bosh 20 Tyrone Woodland 20 Quartzite 20 Inwall Woodland 20 20 20 Top Woodland H.-W. Special Tyrone No. 2 Arch 21 21 Benezet Hearth and Bosh Benezet 20 20 C.-Tyrone No. 2 Star 21 21 Top Benezet Woodland 20 20 Quartzite Widemire 21 Hearth and Bosh \VoodlcincI 20 Pipe Benezet 21 Top Woodland No. 1 Key 22 22 Benezet Hearth and Bosh Benezet 21 21 21 H.-W. Special Tyrone Quartzite 22 22 22 22 Inwall Benezet Top Benezet Woodland Hearth and Bosh No. 1 Split 21 21 21 Benezet Woodland H.-W. Special 22 Woodland Inwall Woodland 21 21 Tyrone Quartzite 22 Top Woodland 22 H.-W. Special No 2 Split 21 Benezet 22 Tyrone 21 Woodland 22 C.-Tyrone 21 Quartzite 22 Quartzite No. 2 Key 22 22 22 22 Benezet Hearth and Bosh Benezet Top Benezet Woodland No. 1 Wedge 21 21 21 21 21 Benezet Woodland Tyrone H.-W. Special Quartzite 22 Hearth and Bosh Woodland No. 2 Wedge 21 Benezet 22 22 22 22 Top Woodland H.-W. Special Tyrone C.-Tyrone 21 21 21 21 Woodland H.-W. Special Tyrone Quartzite 22 Quartzite No. 3 Key 22 22 22 Benezet Woodland C.-Tyrone No. 3 Wedge 22 22 22 Benezet Woodland Quartzite 22 Quartzite No. 1 Jamb 22 Benezet No. 4 Key 22 Woodland 22 Woodland 22 Quartzite No. 1 Circle 23 Benezet No. 1 Arch 20 Benezet 23 Woodland 20 Hearth and Bosh 23 Hearth and Bosh Benezet Woodland HARBISON-WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. FIRE CLAY SHAPES 1 N STOCK CONTINUED Shapes ^ Brands Shapes 1 Brands No. 2 Circle & Benezet I3K' Ho. 4 82 Hearth and Bosh 28 Woodland ley Benezet 28 Hearth and Bosh 32 Top Benezet Woodland 82 Hearth and Bosh No. 3 Circle 24 M Woodland Hearth and Bosh 82 Woodland Top Woodland Woodland 9x6" 33 Hearth and Bosh No. 4 Circle 24 Woodland Straight Benezet Soap -JM 2(1 Bene/.et Woodland 88 88 Inwall Benezet Top Benezet 90 Tyrone Quartette 9 x 6- Key 88 Hearth and Bosh Benezel Checker 38 Woodland 88 Inwall Benezet No. 3 Neck 28 W,. .dland 38 Top Benezet No. 2 Side Skew 22 Bene/.et Liner Brick :;.", I Coke H.-W. 98 Woodland Bottom Tile 85 Co. Clay Large 9- 3i 90 Benezet Woodland Trunnel 85 H.-W. Co. Clay Small 9- 20 Bene/.et Bridge Block 25 Woodland 90 Wo, .dland No. 1 Cupola 24 Woodland Stock Hole 25 Woodland No. 2 Cupola 21 Woodland Regenerator file 38 38 Inwall Bene/.et Tyrone No. 3 Cupola No. 4 Cupola 2:. Woodland Woodland 101 Special Cover 24 Woodland 13 '/Straight 32 Hearth and Bosh Bene/.et 102 Special 24 Woodland 88 Inwall Benezet 88 Top Benezet Bevel Cover 8 Woodland 88 Hearth and Bosh Woodland Square Cover :;; Woodland 82 82 Inwall Woodland Top Woodland Arch Cover Hearth Block 36 51 Woodland Hearth and Bosh 13V No. 2 Key 82 Hearth and Bosh Benezet 51 Benezet Hearth and Bosh 32 Inwall Benezet Woodland 32 82 Top Benezet Hearth and Bosh Bung Arch 21 Woodland 82 88 Woodland Inwall Woodland Top Woodland No. 66 No. 72 89 89 H.-W. Special H.-W. Special Siemens Steel us Woodland No. 78 89 H.-W. Special Furnace Blocks No. 84 89 H.-W. Special Our Plan 70 Siemens Blocks Woodland No. 12 40 H.-W. Special Featheredge 27 Woodland No. 13 H.-W. Special HARBISON-WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. SILICA SHAPES IN STOCK Shapes Page Brands Shapes Page Brands 9" Straight 20 20 Star XX Sand No. 2 Key 22 22 Star XX Sand 20 XX Silica 22 XX Silica Large 9" 20 20 Star XX Sand No. 3 Key 22 22 Star XX Sand 20 XX Silica 22 XX Silica Small 9" 20 20 Star XX Sand No. 4 Key 22 22 XX Sand XX Silica 20 XX Silica Key Wedge Star Soap 20 Star 20 XX Sand No. 1 Jamb 22 Star 20 XX Silica No. 2 Skew 22 Star No. 1 Arch 20 Star 20 XX Sand No. 3 Neck 23 Star 20 XX Silica Featheredge 27 Star No. 2 Arch 21 Star 21 XX Sand 12 x 6" Straight 27 Star 21 XX Silica 12" No. 1 Wedge 27 Star No. 3 Arch 27 Star i 12" No. 2 Wedge 28 Star No. 1 Split 21 21 Star XX Sand 12" Soap 28 Star 21 XX Silica 12" No. 1 Wedge Soap 28 Star No. 2 Split 21 21 Star XX Sand 12" No. 2 Wedge Soap 28 Star 21 XX Silica 12" No. 1 R. Wedge 30 Star No. 1 Wedge 21 Star 21 XX Sand 12" No. 1 R. Wedge 30 Star 21 XX Silica Soap No. 2 Wedge 21 Star 12" No. 1 Arch 28 Star 21 XX Sand 21 XX Silica 12" No. 2 Arch 28 Star No. 3 Wedge 22 Star 12 x 6 x 3" Straight 29 Star 22 : 22 XX Sand XX Silica 12 x 9 x 3" Straight 29 Star 13^ x 4'/ x Z l / 2 " 29 Star Large 9" No. 1 Wedge ; 27 Star W/ 2 " Straight 29 Star Large 9" No. 2 Wedge i 27 Star 12" No. 1 Key 30 Star No. 1 Key 22 22 Siemens Steel Fur- 38,37 v vo ^ nace Blocks XX Sand Star 22 XX Silica Coke Oven Crown 29 XX Silica HARBISON-WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. MAGNESIA AND CHROME DEPARTMENT IN this department we manufacture one brand of chrome brick specially adapted for use where chemical action destroys other brick, and two brands of magnesia brick for use in basic open hearth steel furnaces or other places where basic material is required. HARBISON-WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. ORES USED IN MAGNESIA AND CHROMEBRICK MAGNESIA OR CALCINED MAGNESITE OUR supplies of calcined magnesite are drawn from the best quarries known. These quarries have supplied the bulk of the calcined magnesite used in the steel trade, and the product is decidedly more uniform and satisfactory than that from any other source of supply. For forming bottoms in open hearth steel furnaces we furnish a special calcined magne- site running low in silica. CHROME ORE Oxide of chromium, or, commercially, chrome ore, is the least responsive to chemical action of all refractory material obtainable at a price permitting of use in the arts. For this reason it is invaluable where chemical action prevents the use of ordinary material. The ore is used by many for special purposes. After experimenting with practically all of the known deposits of chrome ore in this country and abroad, we have adopted exclusively for our use and for the wants of our trade, two qualities which we consider superior to any- thing on the market. These are as follows : First "Special" low silica ore, which we recommend for practically everything in con- nection with basic open hearth steel practice. Second Fifty per cent, ore, which we rec- ommend for chemical manufacturers and other special work. Consumers will be supplied with the above ores, either ground or in lump form, on short notice. HARBISON- WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. MAGNESIA BRICK THE material used in magnesia brick is watched carefully, the analysis being kept at a point that insures the highest stan- dard as to refractoriness, and the ingredients are combined so that the brick excel in physi- cal properties. "Magnesia" are made from carefully se- lected calcined magnesite, of a quality that has been found most satisfactory and uniformly reliable for all work connected with steel man- ufacturing. [0 HARBISON- WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. CHROME BRICK CHROME BRICK are used as a neutral V_^ course to separate the fire clay brick used in lower courses of open hearth steel furnace hearths from the magnesite brick used for the inner and upper courses. Also for paving floors of gas ports as far from hearth as slag is liable to splash onto silica brick, and for quick repairs while furnace is at working heat, being specially suited for the latter purpose, as they are not affected by sudden changes of temperature. A few courses of chrome brick will be found useful in lower portions of soak- ing pits, or wherever slag or cinder is apt to cut out ordinary fire brick. In copper furnaces chrome brick are used with marked success for lining the bosh of the furnace from the tuyere line down, also for lining the settlers. In both cases the scouring and chemical action that occurs with the slag and matte acting on clay brick does not occur with chrome brick. In the side walls of matte and refining re- verberatory copper furnaces, chrome brick will last from four to six times as long as clay or silica brick. n HARBISON-WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. MAGNESIA SHAPES IN STOCK Shapes Page of Illustrat'n 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 Magnt-sia Magnesia Magnesia Magnesia Magnesia Magnesia Magm-sia Magnesia Magnesia No 1 Arch Standard Si/e No 2 Arch Standard Si/e \.. 1 Wedge Standard Si/e No 2 Wedge Standard Si/e Soap Standard Si/e Split, Standard Si/e No 1 Kev, Standard Si/e \<> "2 Ki_'v Standard Si/e . CHROME SHAPES IN STOCK Shapes Page of Illustrat'n Straight, 9-ineh 45 45 45 45 45 Chrome Chrome Chrome Chrome Chrome No 1 Wedge, 9-inch No 2 Wedge, 9-inch No. 1 Kev No 2 Key HARBISON-WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. REESE CLAY AND SILICA BRICK WORKS THE Isaac Reese & Sons Company have been favorably known to the consumers of fire brick for a long period. The brands shown in table are made from high grade material, and are well suited for general mill work, pottery kilns, etc. The Reese brand of Silica brick has an enviable reputation for both open-hearth steel and continuous glass tank furnaces, backed up by some remarkable records. The table on following page shows the shapes and brands made, with page of illus- tration. HARBISON-WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. REESE FIRE CLAY BRICK Shapes Page Brands Shapes Page Brands '.i-inch Straight . 2i> Phoenix Vallev N... a Wedge 89 22 Phoenix Wallace 90 Wallace 90 \V. F. B. No. 1 Key 22 Phoenix 22 Wallace Large 9-inch 2<> 90 Phoenix Wallace 22 W. F. B. N... 2 Key 22 Phoenix Small U-inch 30 Phoenix 22 Walhu-i- 20 Wallace 22 W. F. B. Soap . 20 Phoenix No 3 Kev 22 Phoenix 20 Wallace 22 Wallace Ji W. F. B. No. 1 Key 22 Phoenix Checker 88 Phoenix 22 Walluo- N.'. 1 Arch..., 3i Phoenix No. 1 Jamb 22 Phoenix Vallev 22 Wallace 90 Wallace 90 \V. F. B. No. 2 Side Skew.. 22 Phoenix 22 Wallace No. 2 Arch ... 21 Phoenix 8 Vallev Wallace Featheredge 27 Phoenix 21 W. F. B. No. 2 Neck 28 Phoenix 28 Walla*-.- No. 1 Split 21 Phoenix 21 Wallace No. :', Neck 23 Phoenix 21 W. F. B. 28 Wallace No. 2 Split . . 21 Phoenix Stock Hole 25 Phoenix 21 Wallace Boiler Tile No. 1 Wedge... 21 Phoenix 12 x 12 x 2 inch.. 96 21 Vallev 15 x 12 x 2 inch. 26 21 Wallace 18 x 12x2 inch.. 98 21 W. F. B. Other sizes made No. 2 Wedge... 21 Phoenix to order 21 Valley 21 Wallace 21 W. F. B. HARBISON-WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. SILICA BRICK Shapes Page Brands Shapes Page Brands 9-inch Straight ... Large 9-inch 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 22 22 27 27 27 27 22 22 22 22 22 22 Reese Basic Reese Basic Reese Basic Reese Basic Reese Basic Reese Basic Reese Basic Reese Basic Reese Basic Reese Basic Reese Basic Reese Basic Reese Basic Reese Basic Reese Basic Reese Basic No. 1 Jamb No 2 Skew 22 22 22 23 23 27 27 29 30 30 29 30 30 30 28 30 30 Basic Reese Basic Reese Basic Reese Basic Reese Reese Reese Reese Reese Reese Reese Reese Reese Reese Reese No. 3 Neck Featheredge La rge 9-inch Featheredge . . . 12 x 6 x 3-inch Straight Small 9-inch Soap Xo. 1 Arch No. 2 Arch No. 1 Split No 2 Split 12-inch No. 1 R. Wedge 12-inch No. 2 R. Wedge No. 1 Wedge No. 2 Wedge No. 3 Wedge 12 x 9 x 3-inch Large Soap 12 x 3 x 3-inch Small Soap 12-inch No. 1 R. Large Wedge Soap 12-inch No. 2 R. Large Wedge Soap Large 9-inch No. 1 Wedge . . . Large 9-inch No. 2 Wedge.... 12-inch No. 1 Arch 12-inch No. 1 Key 12-inch No. 2 Key No. 2 Key No. 3 Key L5 HARBISON-WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. CLEARFIELD FIRE BRICK WORKS THE trade of the Clearfield Fire Brick Company (Ltd.) extends over a wide territory and the brands of brick made 'are favorably known for steel purposes, malleable iron works, blast furnaces, puddling furnaces, lime kilns, for general mill purposes and other places where brick made from high grade clay are required. The clays used are all selected flint clays. On following page is a list of brands and shapes made, giving page of illustration. 16 HARKISON-WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. CLEARFIELD FIRE BRICK WORKS Shapes OJ be rt Brands Shapes 1 Brands CU (X 9" Straight 20 Clearfield No. 3 Key 22 Clearfield S 20 Clearfield S 20 Hearth and Bosh No. 4 Key 22 Clearfield S Clearfield 20 Inwall Clearfield No. 1 Circle 23 Clearfield S 20 Top Clearfield No. 2 Circle 23 Clearfield S Large 9" 20 Clearfield S No. 1 End Skew 23- Clearfield S Small 9" 20 Clearfield S No. 2 Side Skew 22 Clearfield S Soap 20 Clearfield S No.3EdgeSkew 23 Clearfield S Checker 38 Clearfield S No. 1 Neck 23 Clearfield S No. 1 Arch 20 Clearfield S 20 Hearth and Bosh No. 2 Neck 23 Clearfield S Clearfield 20 Top Clearfield No. 3 Neck 23 Clearfield S No. 2 Arch 21 Clearfield S No. 1 Jamb 22 Clearfield S 21 Hearth and Bosh Clearfield No. 2 Jamb Clearfield S 21 Top Clearfield No. 3 Jamb Clearfield S No. 1 Split 21 Clearfield S Featheredge 27 Clearfield S No. 2 Split 21 Clearfield S 13^" Straight 32 Hearth and Bosh No. 1 Wedge 21 Clearfield S 1 Clearfield 32 Inwall Clearfield No. 2 Wedge 21 Clearfield S 32 Top Clearfield No. 3 Wedge 22 Clearfield S 13 Y 2 " No. 2 Key 32 Hearth and Bosh Clearfield No. 1 Key 22 Clearfield S 32 Inwall Clearfield 2-2 Hearth and Bosh 32 Top Clearfield 22 Inwall Clearfield 22 Top Clearfield 13y 2 "No.4Key 32 Hearth and Bosh Clearfield No. 2 Key 22 22 Clearfield S Hearth and Bosh 32 Top Clearfield Clearfield Velvetry Tile 26 Clearfield S 22 Top Clearfield 1 HARBISON-WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. PHILIPSBURG FIRE BRICK WORKS The Philipsburg Fire Brick Works make the following brands from choice Clearfield County flint clays : " WICTON Sni i " is specially recognized as good for pot- tery kilns, general mill work. etc. " HKAKTII AMI Bsii WH;TON," " INWAI.I. WIC.TON," " T >r WKITON" are specially made for blast furnace linings. FIRE CLAY BR C K Shapes 2 9- Straight 20 i 20 Brands Shapes 3 s Brands 22 Wigton Steel 22 Wigton Steel ~:} Wigton Steel Wigton Steel 1 Ho. 1 Jamb Hearth and Bosh Wigton No.2SideSkew Inwall Wigton Top Wigton No. 2 Neck Urge 9- 2" Wigton Steel No. 3 Neck 23 Wigton Sfel Small 9' 3) Wigton Steel 12x12x2- 2> Wigton Steel Soap 2i Wigton Steel 15x12x2' 2fi Wigton Steel No. 1 Arch 2)1 Wigton Steel 18 x 12 x 2' 2U Wigton Steel No. 2 Arch 21 Wigton Steel Bung Arch 21 Wigton Steel No. 1 Split 21 Wigton Steel Featheredge ','7 Wigton Steel No. 2 Split 21 Wigton Steel Flatback Arch 2(5 Wigton Steel No. 1 Wedge 21 No. 2 Wedge 21 No. 3 Wedge 22 No. 1 Key 22 22 22 22 No. 2 Key 22 22 22 Wigton Steel Wigton Steel Wigton Steel Wigton Steel Hearth and Bosh Wigton Inwall Wigton Top Wigton Wigton Steel Hearth and Bosh Wigton Top Wigton Flatback Straight 13' V Straight 13 J6 "No. 2 Key 13V 2 "No.4Key 26 Wigton Steel 32 Hearth and Bosh Wigton 32 Inwall Wigton 82 Top Wigton 32 Hearth and Bosh Wigton 32 Inwall Wigton 82 Top Wigton 32 Hearth and Bosh Wigton 32 Top Wigton No. 3 Key 22 Wigton Steel Straights 29 Wigton Steel No. 4 Key 22 Wigton Steel 1- HARBISON-WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. TABLE OF SHAPES MADE AT CLINTON COUNTY WORKS With Page of Illustration Shapes u bo Brands Shapes So Brands 0-inch Straight . . . Large 9-inch Small 9-inch Soap No. 1 Arch No. 2 Arch No. 1 Split No. 2 Split 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 22 21 27 22 22 22 Munro Eureka Clinton Munro Eureka Munro Eureka Munro Eureka Clinton Munro Eureka Clinton Munro Eureka Clinton Munro Eureka Clinton Munro Eureka Clinton Munro Eureka Clinton Munro Eureka Clinton Munro Munro Munro Munro Eureka Clinton No. 2 Key No. 8 Key 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 25 25 25 26 26 26 39 39 39 40 Munro Eureka Clinton Munro Eureka Munro Munro Munro Munro Munro Munro Munro Munro Munro Munro Munro Munro Munro 12x12x2" 15x12x2" 18 x 12 x 2" Alusil Alusil Alusil Alusil Alusil No. 4 Key .- No. 1 Jamb No. 2 Side Skew. No. 3 Neck No. 1 Circle No. 2 Circle: No 3 Circle No 4 Circle No. 1 Cupola No. 2 Cupola . No. 3 Cupola No. 4 Cupola Stock Hole Boiler Tile Rotary Kiln Shapes : No. 66 No. 72... No. 1 Wedge No. 2 Wedge No. 3 Wedge Bung Arch Featheredge No. IKey No. 78 No. 84 No. 17 19 HARBISON-WAI. KKR REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. SHAPES IN STOCK 9-INCH STRAIGHT LARGE 9-INCH '. x (\y 4 x 2^' SMALL 9-INCH '. \ 3# x 2J4- SOAP 9X2^X2}^" CHECKER 9 X 2% X 2K' NO. 1 ARCH 72 Brick to the Circle 4' Inside Diameter 9> l' 2 x2Kx2H" HARBISON-WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. SHAPES IN STOCK NO. 2 ARCH 42 Brick to the Circle 2' Inside Diameter BUNG ARCH 9 x 4^ x 2 f / 2 x 2-K" NO. 1 SPLIT NO. 2 SPLIT 9x4^ x 2" NO. 1 WEDGE 102 Brick to the Circle 5' Inside, 0' 6" Outside Diam. 9 x Ay, x 2^ x 1 %" NO. 2 WEDGE 68 Brick to the Circle 2' G" Inside, 4" Outside Diam. HARBISON-WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH. PA. SHAPES IN STOCK NO. 3 WEDGE frfi Brick to the Cirele T Inside, 4' G" Outside Diain. B x4# x 8 x 2" NO. 1 KEY 112 Brick to the Circle 12' Inside, 18' li" Outside Diain. Its 4 NO. 2 KEY UT Brick to the Circle C,' inside, 7' ir Outside Diain. NO. 3 KEY Jl Brick to the Circle :{' Inside. I' (1 Outside Diain. tx 4^x8x2^' NO. 4 KEY 26 Brick to the Circle 1' 6" Inside, W Outside Diain. NO. 1 JAMB NO. 2 SIDE SKEW 9x4^x2^x13^' HARBISON- WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. SHAPES IN STOCK No. 1 END SKEW 9 x 6 l / x 4 l / 2 x 2^" NO. 3 EDGE SKEW 9 x 414 x 2# x 2y 2 " NO. 2 NECK NO. 3 NECK OR POINT 9 x 4% x 2J x %" NO. 1 OR 33-INCH CIRCLE BRICK 12 Brick to the Circle 24" Inside, 33" Outside Diam. NO. 2 OR 45-INCH CIRCLE BRICK 14 Brick to the Circle 36" Inside, 45" Outside Diam. 9 x 7 A x 4^ x 2y 2 " HARBISON-WALKER RKKKACTOKIKS Co., PITTSBURGH, P. SHAPES IN STOCK No. 3 OR 51-INCH CIRCLE BRICK IS Brick to tin- Circle 4-r Inside, 51' Outside Diani. .) x 7,^x4^ x2#" NO. 4 OR 78-INCH CIRCLE BRICK 81 Brick to the Circle TH- Inside, Hr Outside Diani. i For Cuhall Boilers) NO. 101 SPECIAL COVER I'srd in Malleable Furnao s 18x4^x2^" NO. 102 SPECIAL COVER I'scd in Malleable Furnai-r, NO. 1 CUPOLA BRICK I") Brick to the Circle HO* Inside. 4!i" Outside Diani. '.) x (i, 7 6 x 6 x .T ( .x(;, 7 B x x i NO. 2 CUPOLA BRICK 17 Brick to the Circle ::r, Inside, 4S' Outside Diam. 9x6^ x 6 x 5T 9 x 6K x C x 4" HARBISON-WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSHURCII, PA. SHAPES IN STOCK No. 3 CUPOLA BRICK 21 Brick to the Circle 48" Inside 60" Outside Diameter 9 x 7j 3 6 x (5 x 3" 9 x 7i 3 g x 6 x 4" NO. 4 CUPOLA BRICK 25 Brick to the Circle 60" Inside 72" Outside Diameter 9 x 7^ x 6 x 3" 9x7^ x 6 x 4" STOCK HOLE TILE 18 x 9 x 4" BRIDGE BLOCK 25 OF HARBISON- WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. SHAPES IN STOCK VELVETRY TILE 25 x 10 x 7 x 4 x 4M 16x4^' POTTERY KILN TILE FLATBACK 9x6x2^' FLATBACK ARCH ! x G x !! BOILER TILE 12.x 12x2- 15x12x2' 18 x 12 \ -' Regular boiler tile carried in stock. Special tile for any type of boiler made on request. HARBISON- WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. SHAPES IN STOCK NO. 3 ARCH 9x4^ xS^xl" FEATHER EDGE x %y 2 x y% LARGE 9-INCH No. 1 WEDGE LARGE 9-INCH No. 2 WEDGE 9x6^x2^ x \Y 2 " 12-INCH STRAIGHT 12x6x2^" 12-INCH NO. 1 WEDGE HARIMSON-WAI.KKK RKKRACTOKIKS Co., Prrrsiu-R<;n, P^ SILICA SHAPES 12-INCH NO. 2 WEDGE 1H1 Brick to the Circle 12' Inside Diameter 12x15x2-;; 12-INCH SOAP 12 x U x 2^" 12-INCH NO. 1 WEDGE SOAP 12-INCH NO. 2 WEDGE SOAP 12 x '.' .' 12-INCH NO. 1 ARCH 75 Brick to the Circle 5' Inside, 6' Outside Diam. 12 x Ox 3x2^' 12-INCH NO. 2 ARCH 75 Brick to the Circle 4' Inside, 5' Outside Diam. 12 x x ZV 2 x 2" HARBISON-WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. SILICA SHAPES 12X6X3 INCH STRAIGHT 12X9X3 INCH STRAIGHT SOAP 13K-INCH BINDER BRICK 13^-INCH STRAIGHT 18J x 6 x 2}4" COKE OVEN CROWN BRICK ^ x2, 3 e " Ji'J HARBISON-WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. SILICA SHAPES 12x3 INCH SOAP 12x8x3- 12X9 INCH NO. 1 R. SOAP WEDGE 12X9 INCH NO. 2 R. SOAP WEDGE 12x9x3x2- 12-INCH NO. 1 R. WEDGE 12x6x8x2^' 12-INCH NO. 2 R. WEDGE 12x6x3x2- 12-INCH NO. 1 KEY 12 x 6 x 5 1 A x 3" 12-INCH NO. 2 KEY 12x6x5x3" BO HARBISON-WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA R ECU PERATO R . FLU E BRICK Shapes similar to the above cut are largely used in various kinds of gas, melting and heating furnaces and recuperators, where a high grade of brick is required. We are well equipped for doing such work, and where a large quantity are needed can get them out in the best possible shape and at a reasonable cost. 81 HARBISON-WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. SHAPES IN STOCK BLAST FURNACE LINING BRICK 13K-INCH STRAIGHT 18^ x 6 x 'J 13 .-INCH NO. 2 KEY 90 Brick to the Circle 12' Inside Diameter 18^ x 5 x 5x2^' 1354-INCH NO. 4. KEY f>2 Brick to the Circle 6' Inside Diameter H'. x i; x I x2j*' 9-INCH STRAIGHT ! x i'n x2'/ ; " 9-INCH NO. 1 KEY 112 Brick to the Circle 12' Inside Diameter 9x4^ x 4x2^4" 9-INCH NO. 2 KEY 65 Brick to the Circle 6' Inside Diameter '. x -\y 2 x > x2$" HARBISON- WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. SHAPES IN STOCK BLAST FURNACE LINING BRICK 9X6 INCH KEY For 12' Circle 85_Brick to the Circle 9x6x5^x2^" 9X6 INCH STRAIGHT For enlarging above circles 9x6x254" BLAST FURNACE ARCH BRICK FOR GAS FLUES 13^X9 INCH ARCH For 8, 4, 5' Inside Diameter 18^ x9x3^ x 2X" 13^X9 INCH STRAIGHT For enlarging above circles 9X9 INCH ARCH For 3, 4, 5' Inside Diameter 9x9x3^x2^" 9X9 INCH STRAIGHT For enlarging above circles 9x9x3^" HARBISON-WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. HEXAGON STOVE SHAPES 12X13 INCH HEXAGON ' Diameter Flue 12 x 7% \ 9" 6X13 INCH HEXAGON For Breaking Joints r> 6X13 INCH HEXAGON For Finishing Top 6 x 7# x 9" 'I'ypical of many shapes made- shapes for special stoves shown with cuts of stoves. See index. HARHISON-WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. COKE OVEN BRICK AND TILE H.-W. CROWN BRICK x 4^ x 4 x 2^ x 2i 3 6 H.W. LINER BRICK BOTTOM TILE NO. 14 12 x 12 x 3" TRUNNELL HEAD NO. 42 23 x 21 x 10 x 13 x 14" HARBISON- WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. SIEMENS STEEL FURNACE BLOCKS IN WOODLAND BRAND AND SILICA AA SIEMENS STEEL FURNACE COVER BRICK MADE IN FIRE CLAY ONLY BEVEL COVER IS x -I x ', x :r SQUARE COVER is x 4 x a- ARCH COVER IS x I x :{ K Z SPECIAL COVER NO. 2 x 4 l / 2 x 2 l / 2 x HARBISON-WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. SIEMENS STEEL FURNACE BLOCKS IN WOODLAND BRAND AND SILICA HARBISON-WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSIU'RC.H, PA. SIEMENS REGENERATOR TILE AND BRICK The following six.cs arc kept in stock: 16 x 6 x 3 21 x x 3 24 x 9 x II 18x6x3 22x6x3 -Jfi x '. x :>, jn x 6 x 8 24 x 6 x 3 All other sizes made to order. REGENERATOR OR CHECKER BRICK HARBISON-WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. SHAPES FOR ROTARY KILNS 9-INCH ROTARY KILN BLOCKS NO. 60 21 Brick to the Circle 60" Outside Diameter H-W SPECIAL ALUMINOUS ALUSIL 9 x 9 x 6j 5 e x 4" NO. 66 23 Brick to the Circle 66" Outside Diameter H-W SPECIAL ALUMINOUS ALUSIL 9 x 9 x 6i 9 6 x 4" NO. 72 ' 26 Brick to the Circle 72" Outside Diameter H-W SPECIAL ALUMINOUS ALUSIL 9 x 9 x 6 x 4" NO. 78 28 Brick to the Circle 78" Outside Diameter H-W SPECIAL ALUMINOUS ALUSIL 9x 9 x6i| x4" NO. 84 30 Brick to the Circle 84" Outside Diameter H-W SPECIAL ALUMINOUS ALUSIL 9 x 9 x 7^ x 4" HARBISON-WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURCH, PA. SHAPES FOR ROTARY KILNS NO. 12 GO" Outside Diameter 21 to a Circle H.-W. Special Aluminous Alusil NO. 13 72" Outside Diameter 25 to a Circle H.-W. Special Aluminum Alusil No. 14 84" Outside Diameter 80 to a Circle- H.-W. Special Aluminous Alusil NO. 15 84' Outside Diameter 22 to a Circle H.-W. Special Aluminous Alusil NO. 16 84' Outside- Diameter 80 to a Circle H.-W. Special Aluminom Alusil NO. 17 84" Outside Diameter 22 to a Circle H.-W. Special Aluminous Alusil I0 HARBISON-WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. SHAPES FOR ROTARY KILNS m NO. 18 FEED END BLOCK 72" Outside Diameter 25 to a Circle C. Tyrone C. Eureka NO. 19 DISCHARGE END BLOCK 84" Outside Diameter 29 to a Circle H.-W. Special Aluminous Alusil No. 20 CEMENT KILN SHAPE 32" Inside Diameter 2U to a Circle NO. 21 CEMENT KILN SHAPE ;">' 4" Inside Diameter 51 to a Circle NO. 22 CEMENT KILN SHAPE 8' 0" Inside Diameter 76 to a Circle Any shapes desired will be made to order HARBISON- WALKEE REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. TYPICAL LOCOMOTIVE FIRE BRICK All types of locomotive tile made to order HARBISON- WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. SHAPES FOR CONVERTER BOTTOMS TUYERE FOR CONVERTER BOTTOM Tuyeres of all types and dimensions made to order I:: HARHISON-WAI.KKR REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSKURC.H, PA. MAGNESIA SHAPES IN STOCK STRAIGHT, STANDARD SIZE MAGNESIA NO. 1 ARCH, STANDARD SIZE st; Hrick to the Circle :W Inside Diameter M X'.NESIA NO. 2 ARCH, STANDARD SIZE r>4 Hrick to the Cirri.- :*r Insiik- Diameter M \<;NKSI.\ M, x ', x2%x1-%' NO. 2 WEDGE, STANDARD SIZE .")7 Brick to the Circle 2' 8" Inside Diameter M tGNESl \ SOAP, STANDARD SIZE MAGNESIA S<, x2, 3 (1 x-.' SPLIT, STANDARD SIZE M \'.NKSI.\ NO. 1 KEY, STANDARD SIZE 107 Brick to the Circle 10' 8" Inside Diameter MAGNESIA % x 2" II HARBISON-WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. CHROME SHAPES IN STOCK 9-INCH STRAIGHT CHROME 8K x 4y s x 2%" 9-INCH NO. 1 WEDGE CHROME 8^ x 4% x 2 1 A x 1%" NO. 1 KEY CHROME 8K x 43/ 3 x 4 x 2 No. 2 KEY CHROME -X x 4% x 3K x 2 THE above are the only shapes carried in stock for the reason that the shapes shown will generally answer all purposes for which chrome brick are required. Other shapes will be made to order. OF THE UNlVERbl \ Y OF I.", HARBISON-WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. BLAST FURNACE LININGS DLAST furnace linings have been furnished for many small furnaces running on high fuel consumption and high top heats where magnetite and foreign haematite ores are used, Cornwall ores and zinc residium ores; also furnaces using fuel high in sulphur, and others using by-product coke, all with good results. We have been making blast furnace linings for the last thirty-five years, and have made more than 90 per cent, of all the linings used in the United States. Our linings have been used under every imaginable condition, under hundreds of different managers, in all types of furnaces, and with all classes of ore and fuel. The uniformly good results prove that reliable brick were furnished. The results from a blast furnace lining are too important to depend on a hit or a miss lining. The importance of calling workmen's atten- tion constantly, while placing the lining, to the fact that the brick are made for a certain part of the furnace, has led to our branding on the brick, plainly, that part of the furnace for which the brick are made, viz., " HEARTH AND BOSH," "!NWALL," "Top." In order to get uniformly satisfactory results about a furnace, it is of great importance that the brick used for lining downcomers and flues be able to resist the cutting action of strong blasts charged with ore dust and the cutting HARBISON? WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. BLAST FURNACE LININGS-CONTINUED particles of coke that usually come from a blast furnace. " BKXK/KT PIPK " and " WOODLAND PIPK" brick are made specially for this pur- pose and give good results. The present blast furnace practice closed top furnaces, high-pressure hot blasts, etc., makes it more essential than ever before that the lining be the best obtainable. At an early period, and continuously to the present time, this branch of our business has received special attention, resulting in tonnage of metal per lining not thought of as possible previous to the records we have recently obtained. The cut on page 50 shows the method of building or breaking joints with p-inch and 1 3 YI. -inch brick in the construction of furnace lining wall. BOTTOM BLOCKS HTHE cuts on page 51 show our present method of constructing bottoms and the method of breaking joints. The blocks arc- all alike; having parallel sides and being made under heavy pressure, they are close in bond and true to shape. This enables the mason to make a closer bottom with less trouble than could be done with the blocks formerly made on radial lines. 48 HARBISON-WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. SOME RECORD RUNS "BENEZET" AND "WOODLAND" LININGS PITTSBURGH DISTRICT AND VALLEYS Size of Furnace Product and Tonnage Period in Blast Lining 22 x 100 22 x 100 22 x 100 22x100 20 x 80 20 x 90 20 x 90 20 90 20 80 20 80 20 80 20 80 20 80 20 80 20 x 80 20 x 80 18x78 23' x 105% 20 x 80 20 x 80 1,287,381 1097,314 1,134,382 950,774 Bessemer, 1,296,192 Bessemer, 858,159 Spiegel, 18,065 Ferro, 19,635 Benezet Benezet Benezet Benezet Benezet Benezet Benezet Benezet Benezet Benezet Benezet Benezet Benezet Benezet Benezet Benezet Benezet Benezet Benezet Benezet Woodland Woodland 895,860 Bessemer, 942,365 Bessemer, 870,255 Bessemer, 635,741 Bessemer, 632,669 Bessemer, 608,103 Bessemer, 580,060 Bessemer, 793,892 600,957 596,491 i Mill iron, 380,000 - Bessemer, 117,000 ( Spiegel, 25,000 6 yrs. 1 mo. 6 yrs. 1 mo. 5 yrs. 7 mos. 3 yrs. 3 mos. 3 yrs. 4 mos. 522,000 Bess'r and Mill 550,000 327,000 j 572,000 / 565,000 Bessemer, 520,356 f Bess'r, 322,617 J Ferro, 5,020 ' Spiegel, 36,503 Sil. 688 364,834 OTHER DISTRICTS 18x74 IB x 76' 10' 18 x 65 16x68' 10" 15x66' 9" 16 x 63' 10" 17x83' 18'6" x 91' Foundry, 152,462 Foundry, 235,000 F'dry & Bess'r 115,500 Foundry, 202,354 Foundry, 196,392 F'dry & Bess'r 306,290 275,000 Bess'r, over 700,000 3 yrs. 4 yrs. 3 l / 2 mos. *3 to Aug., '05 3 yrs. 10 mos. 5 yrs. 3 mos. 5 yrs. 3 mos. 3 yrs. 6 mos. 4 yrs. 6 mos. Woodland Woodland Woodland Woodland Woodland Thirty-six (36) of our best records show a production of 19,493,390 tons, or an average of 541,483 tons per lining. * August, 1905, still running in good shape. HARBISON-WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. TYPICAL BLAST FURNACE Showing Method of Breaking Joints with Lining of and 9' Brick 60 HARBISON-WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. FURNACE HEARTH BLOCK jj! Above cuts show method of setting blocks and breaking joints in construction of furnace hearth. Bottom blocks referred to on page 48. 51 HARBISON-WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. BLAST FURNACE STOVE BRICK D LAST furnace stove brick are only second *-* in importance to the furnace lining, for the reason that it is not as costly to cut a stove out for repairs as to shut down a furnace for a new lining; but, owing to the heavy burden carried and the disintegrating tendency of hot gases constantly varying in temperature, the difficulties to contend with in making a good stove brick are equal, though different, to those met with in making a good lining. The essential qualities in blast furnace stove brick are, capacity to absorb heat readily from the combustion of waste furnace gases, readi- ness to give off this heat rapidly to the air that is blown into the furnace, and strength of bond between the particles of fire clay to resist the disintegrating action of the hot gases. In addition to strength of bond necessary to resist action of hot gases, it is essential that the iron which is in all fire clay should be converted into a silicate of iron, which is a fixed form that is not acted upon by furnace gases. Tin's can only be done by making the brick of high grade fire clay that will stand a temperature of 2,500 degrees Fahrenheit or upwards in burning the fire brick without vitrifying the clay in same. In service, although stove brick are not sub- jected to the intense heat applied to a blast furnace bosh, the weight carried and long con- tinued heat are apt to cause a gradual fusing and solidifying of the brick, unless high grade clay with a liberal margin of refractoriness is .YJ HARBISON-WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. used in making the brick. If brick are made of sufficiently refractory clay but not well bonded, or made by any modification of the dry process, and not burned by the high temperature above referred to, in order to con- vert the iron into a silicate, they are apt to dis- integrate within a few months after starting the furnace. At the temperatures produced by the combustion of furnace gases in stoves, low grade brick are apt to squeeze and let down the lining, also to become vitrified. Glazed or vitrified substances will neither absorb nor give off heat as rapidly as porous or rough material. Through lack of attention to the above re- quirements, we have been called upon several times to replace stove linings in less than one year from date of construction. Records and non- vitrified bats from old stove linings show that our stove lining brick are perfectly adapted to the service required. In connection with illustration of typical stoves in use, a cut of the special shape used in each of several types is shown; these, and all similar shapes for stoves, are made from good clay, burned at a high temperature to insure all iron in the clay being converted into the silicate form in order to enable the brick to resist the oxidizing or disintegrating action of the hot gases. For cuts of stoves in general use, see pages 54 to 63. 58 HARBISON-WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. JULIAN KENNEDY STOVE Julian Kennedy, Pittsburgh, Pa., Engineer SECTION THROUGH GAS BURNER AND HOT BLAST VALVE HARBISON- WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. JULIAN KENNEDY STOVE Julian Kennedy, Pittsburgh, 'Pa., Engineer I HARBISON-WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. McCLURE-AMSLER PATENT STOVE G. \V. McClure, Sun & Co., Pittsburgh, 1'a., Engineers Sectional Elevation HARBISON- WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. McCLURE-AMSLER PATENT STOVE ('.. W. McClure, Son & Co., Pittsburgh, Pa., Engineers Section Through A B Section Through C D HARBISON-WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. ROBERTS PATENT STOVE F. C. Roberts & Co., Philadelphia, 'a., Engineers HARBISON- WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. ROBERTS PATENT STOVE F. C. Roberts & Co., Philadelphia, Pa., Engineers SECTION ON I-J 8X3 OPENING HALF SECTION ON G-H OCT. 27 1896 Checker Brick HARBISON-WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. FOOTE PATENT STOVE D. Lainond & Son, Ferguson Block, Pittsburgh, Pa., Engineers HARBISON-WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. FOOTE STOVE D. Lamond & Son, Ferguson Block, Pittsburgh, Pa., Engineers Checker Brick HARBISON-WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. IMPROVED HOT BLAST STOVE J. W. Calder, Pittsburgh, Pa. SECTION A-A HARBISON-WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. IMPROVED HOT BLAST STOVE J. W. Calder, Pittsburgh, Pa. CLEAN-OUT DOOR CLEAN-OUT DOOR CLEAN-OUT DOOR NOTE: MADE OF 9"* 13^'BRICK 68 HARBISON-WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. COKE OVEN BRICK C( >KE oven construction has changed radi- cally in recent years. Where formerly any cheap clay brick were deemed good enough for the purpose, of late the tendency has been to use the highest grade brick. The excellent results recently obtained from the use of silica brick in the severe service of by-product ovens, and from the old beehive ovens in the Connellsville region and other places, have clearly demonstrated that the silica brick is the most economical that can be used in this work, due entirely to the in- creased length of service obtained by their use. Our kk H-W Crown " brick are made for the crowns of beehive ovens, and in addition to their extreme refractory qualities are especially adapted to hold the crown rigid and true to shape through varying temperatures, making in all a more thorough construction physically than can be obtained by the use of clay brick. The "XX Sand" brand has been found specially suitable for lasting service as liner brick. - The fronts and floor tile are made of fire clay. Trunnel heads are made of either silica or fire clay, as may be desired. 64 HARBISON-WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. STANDARD COKE OVEN CROSS SECTION HARBISON-WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. FOUR-HOLE SOAKING PIT FURNACE HARBISON- WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. SKETCH OF SOAKING PIT SHOWING USE OF CHROME BRICK TOP Of SOAKING PIT HARBISON-WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. SIEMENS CRUCIBLE STEEL MELTING FURNACE ON page 69 is a cut of this furnace show- ing the shapes of brick commonly used in building it, and on pages 36 and 37 will be found cuts of each special shape indicated in this drawing, all of which we keep in stock. After 20 years' use in these furnaces, the "Woodland" fire brick still holds its enviable reputation as the best brick in the country for steel-melting furnaces. The "Woodland " fire brick secured the greater part of this trade when it was first introduced into the market, and has held it on its merits ever since, being used in more than seventy-five per cent, of the crucible steel furnaces of the country. LIST OF SHAPES REQUIRED FOR ONE 6-POT FURNACE Shape No. No. Pieces Where A 30 1st and 3d courses in wall A A 4 Over port openings B 18 3rd course in wall C 20 4th course in wall 2 6 Between piers 3 12 Pier brick 4 2 <>n tops of piers 5 2 On tops of piers 6 2 On tops of piers We carry the above shapes in "Silica" also, many consumers preferring silica to clay shapes for these furnaces. HARBISON-WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA PLAN OF SIEMENS STEEL FURNACE. HARBISON-WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. OUR PLAN OF SHAPES FOR SIEMENS CRUCIBLE STEEL MELTING FURNACE page 71 will be found a system of shapes for above furnace designed by ourselves. The plan differs from any hereto- fore used in having the side walls, or walls over the ports, built with horizontal joints, thus doing away with the arched side walls. The advantages arc, that having all joints or courses of brick horizontal, the side walls arc not inclined to pitch into the furnace, as with the old style of shapes; all the shapes extend back to the breast wall, thus making a tight joint the full height of the furnace and preventing the gas from working up between the breast wall and the furnace wall. All of the walls having a straight, solid bearing, the settling will be uniform throughout the fur- nace, thus avoiding the opening or shattering of the walls by unequal settling. The shapes being of simple pattern, a mason can build a furnace with these shapes in less time than is required with others. IT REQUIRES THE FOLLOWING SHAPES TO BUILD ONE 6-POT HOLE No. 2 . . . . fi pieces No. 3 . . . .12 Nos. 7 to 32 . . . 2 ' each No. 33 . . . .4 No. 34 . . . . 4 No. 35 . . . .4 9-inch 600 HARBISON-WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. OUR PLAN OF SHAPES FOR SIEMENS CRUCIBLE STEEL MELTING FURNACE ___ 71 HARBISON- WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. SECTION OF BASIC OPEN HEARTH FURNACE 40 TON USING ARTIFICIAL GAS Note This is not a particular furnace, but is a generalization, the idea being to show the prevailing best brick practice. HARBISON- WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. TYPICAL HEATING FURNACE SHOWING BRANDS OF BRICK USED 73 HARBISON-WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. SECTION OF TYPICAL PUDDLING FURNACE 74 HARBISON-WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. SECTION OF TYPICAL CUPOLA 3 p t. a o CHARGING DOOR \- fi HARBISON-WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. TYPICAL LIME KILN LINING AS RECOMMENDED BY HARBISON-WALKER REFRACTORIES CO. C. Tyrone should be used for backing and hopper, al- though some manufacturers use common brick laid in lime mortar, this mortar bein^ very injurious to tire brick. It" you cannot use C. Ty- niiie backing, the next IH-M thiiiK is \V. F. H. or Clinton brand. A C. Tyrone backing should outlast several com- mon brick backings. Mani- festly, if a backing is used at all it should be of a quality to withstand the action if the kiln cuts through to the back lining. 3-FIRE HOLES TO ONE KILN 76 HARBISON- WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. SPECIAL SHAPES FOR BASIC LINING FOR COPPER CONVERTER SHAPES REQUIRED FOR ONE LINING AS SHOWN Shapes Quality Pieces Required 9-inch No. 3 Key Chrome or Magnesite 875 9-inch No. 2 Key 9-inch Sts Chrome or Magnesite.. . 125 205 Total 9 Inch Equivalent 1209 Note Count and dimensions are approximate HARBISON- WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. CROSS SECTION OF TYPICAL PRODUCER GAS GLASS TANK HARBISON- WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT FIRE BRICK All fire brick should be kept in a dry place. Mois- ture, especially in cold weather, will greatly injure any brick. Good brick work depends much on the following points : Use of good fire clay (equal in refractoriness to the brick itself) applied very thin, preferably dipped and rubbed close. Slow warming up to expel moisture. Attention to fact that fire clay brick contract slightly and silica brick expand trader high temper- atures. Lighter burned fire clay brick in roofs will usually give better service than hard burned brick. The refractoriness of silica brick is greatly decreased by sudden heating up. From 250 to 350 pounds of fire clay or silica cement is enough to lay up one thousand brick. Fine ground fire clay should be used for laying up fire clay brick and silica cement for silica brick. In first class brick work, less than three hundred and fifty pounds of fire clay per thousand brick should be used. For approximate estimating on fire brick work, use the following figures : 1 square foot 4^ -inch wall requires 7 brick 1 square foot 9-inch wall requires 14 brick 1 square foot 13^ -inch wall requires 21 brick 1 cubic foot brick work requires 17 nine-inch straight brick 1 cubic foot fire clay brick work weighs 150 pounds 1 cubic foot silica brick work weighs 180 pounds 1000 brick (closely stacked) occupies 56 cubic feet 1000 brick (loosely stacked) occupies 72 cubic feet Magnesite and chrome brick, although highly refrac- tory, are only suitable for use in places where they have to withstand the action of hot basic slags, fumes, etc. Fire clay or silica brick are recommended for other places. HARBISON-WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. BRICK TABLES THE following" tables show how a circle <>r arch of any diameter may be laid up with a combination of the standard size fire brick. as designated in this catalogue. TABLE OF WEDGE BRICK Inside Diameter No. 9 Wedge No. 1 Wedge Square Total 2 ft. in. 2 " 6 3 " 3 6 4 " 4 " 6 5 " 60.5 68. 76. 83. 91. 98. 60.5 48. 36. 24. 12.0637 19.6 40. 59. 79. 98. 5 6 6 " ' 6 " 6 " 7 " 7 6 " 8 " 8 " 6 9 " " 9 " 6 " 98. 98. 98. 98. 98. 98. 98. 98. 98. 7.5 15. 23. 30. 38. 46. 53. 61. 68. HI*;. 113. 121. 128. 136. 144. 151. 15!). 160. 10 " 10 " 6 " 11 " 11 " 6 " 12 " " 98. 98. 98. 98. 98. 76. 83. 91. 98. 106. 174. 181. 189. 196. 204. HARBISON-WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. TABLE OF ARCH BRICK Inside Diameter No. 3 Arch No. 2 Arch No. 1 Arch Straight Total ft. 6 in. 1 " " 1 " 6 " 2 " " 2 " 6 " 3 " " 3 " 6 " 4 ' " 4 " 6 " 18. 13. 4. 13. 29. 41.5 31. 21. 10.3673 18. 26. 33. 41.5 49. 57. 64. 72. 80. 87. 95. 102. 110. 117. 125. 132. 140. 147. 155. 18. 36. 54. 72. 72 7.5 5 " " 5 " 6 " 6 " " 6 " 6 " 7 " " 7 " 6 " 8 " " 8 " 6 " 9 " " 9 " 6 " 72. 72 72. 72. 72. 72. 72. 72. 72. 72. 15. 23. 30. 38. 45. 53. 60. 68. 75. 83. 10 " " 10 " 6 " 11 " " 11 " 6 " 12 " " 72. 72. 72. 72. 72. 90. 98. 105. 113. 121. 162. 170. 177. 185. 193. HARBISON-WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. TABLE OF 9-INCH KEY BRICK Inside Diaim-ter No. 4 Key No. 3 Key No. 2 Key No.l Key Sq. Total 1 ft. 6 in. 2 " " 2 " <> " 3 " 3 6 " 4 " " 4 " 6 " 25.1328 17. 8.3776 25. 30. 34. 38. 42. 46. 51. 12.5 25. 38. 32 10.5 25 21 19. :*2. 42. 5 " " 5 * 6 6 " 6 " 6 7 " " 7 " 6 " 8 " " 8 " 6 " 9 " 9 6 " 13. 66. 59. 63. 67. 71. 76. 80. 84. 88. 92. 6 53. 63 58. 52. 47. 42. 37. 31. 26. 9.5 19. 29. 38. 47. 57. 66. .... 10 10 " 6 " 11 " 11 " 6 " 12 " " 21. 16. 11. 5.236 76. 85. 94. 104. 113. .... 97. 101. 105. 109. 113. HARBISON-WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. TABLE OF 9-INCH KEY BRICK CONTINUED Inside Diameter No. 1 Key Square Total 12 ft 6 in 113. 113. 113. 113. 113. 113. 4. 9. 13. 17. 21. 26. 117. 122. 126. 130. 134. 139. 13 " " 13 " 6 " 14 " " 14 " 6 " .... 15 " " 15 " 6 ' 113. 113. 113. 113. 113. 113. 113. 113. 113. 30. 34. 38. 42. 46. 51. 55. 59. 63. 143. 147. 151. 155. 159. 164. 168. 172. 176. 16 " " 16 " 6 " 17 " " 17 " 6 " 18 " " 18 " 6 " 19 " " 19 " 6 " . 20 " 113. 113. 113. 113. 113. 113. 113. 113. 67. 72. 76. 80. 84. 88. 93. 97. 180. 185. 189. 193. 197. 201. 206. 210. 20 " 6 " . 21 " " 21 " 6 " 22 " " 22 " 6 " 23 " " 23 " 6 " 88 HARBISON-WAI. KER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. TA B LE OF 9-INCH K CONTINUED E Y B RICK Inside Diameter No. 1 Key Square Total 24ft. 24 " 25 " 25 " ',><> in L18. L18. 113. 113. 113. 101. 106. 109. 113. 117. 214. i 218. 222. 226. 230. 6 " ... " 6 " .. .... " 26 " 27 " 27 " 28 " 28 " 29 " 29 " 30 " 6 113. 113. 113. 113. L18. 113. 113. 113. 121. 126. 180. 134. 138. 142. 147. 151. 284. 239. 248. 247. 251. 255. 260. 264 " 6 " 0' 6 " " 6 " " 30 " 31 " 31 " 32 " 32 " 33 " 33 " 34 " 34 " 35 " 6 113. 113. 113. 113. 113. 113. 113. 113. 113. 113. 155. 159. 163. 168. 172. 176. 180. 184. 188. 193. 2 ' " 32 ' 6 " 33 ' " 33 ' 6 " 34 ' " 34 ' 6 " 35 ' " 35 ' 6 lk 36 ' " 181 178 15 166 80 158 45 151 60 143 75 l :'.'! 90 128 106 121 121 113 136 106 151 98 166 91 181 s: 196 76 211 68 226 61 241 58 46 271 88 >T 81 302 28 317 16 888 8 347 362 888 181 188 196 208 211 218 226 234 242 249 257 264 272 279 287 294 802 809 817 825 338 840 348 855 862 8 870 15 377 23 385 30 892 88 400 45 407 53 415 60 422 68 430 75 437 88 445 90 452 98 460 105 467 113 475 120 482 128 490 135 497 143 505 150 512 158 520 165 527 173 535 181 548 362 888 362 868 362 862 868 362 362 362 :;>;- 362 ::;,' 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 '.HI HARBISON-WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. STANDARD BOTTOM BLOCKS IN ONE COURSE OF FOLLOWING DIAMETERS Diameter No. Blocks Diameter No. Blocks 8' 0" 86 17 0" 387 8' 6" 97 17' 6" 410 9'0" 108 18' 0" 434 9' 6" 121 18' 6" 459 10' 0" 134 19' 0" 484 10' 6" 148 19' 6" 509 11' 0" 162 20' 0" 536 11' 6" 177 20' 6" 563 12' 0" 194 21' 0" 591 12' 6" 209 21' 6" 619 13' 0" 226 22' 0" 648 13' 6" 244 22' 6" 677 14' 0" 263 23' 0" 709 14' 6" 282 23' 6" 740 15' 0" 301 24' 0" 771 irv rv 322 24' 6" 804 16' 0" 343 25' 0" 837 16' 6" 364 25' 6" 871 HARBISON-WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. TEMPERATURES The following table affords a somewhat rough method of estimating high temperature. Centigrade Degrees Fahrenheit Degrees Just glowing in the dark 525 977 Dark red 700 1252 Cherry red 908 1666 Bright cherry red 1000 1832 Orange 1150 2102 White 1300 2372 Dazzling white 1500 2732 HARBISON-WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. TEM PERATU R ES Below we give the' temperatures of iron, steel and other metals, tinder various conditions, according to the latest scientific investigations. Centigrade Degrees Fahrenheit Degrees Mercury. . . .melts 40 349 229 322 1040 412 1040 700 957 1021 1029 1038 1100 1135 1222 1300 1500 1500 2533 1375 1310 1045 1310 444 to 555 1230 to 1330 40 660 445 612 1904 775 1904 1252 1775 1870 1885 1900 2012 2075 2230 2372 2732 2732 4593 2507 2390 1913 2390 800 to 1000 2246 to 2426 Mercury boils Tin.. .melts Lead melts Lead . boils Zinc melts Zinc. . ..... boils Aluminum . melts Silver . . . melts Brass melts Copper. . melts Gold. melts Cobalt melts Cast Iron, white.. melts Cast Iron, gray Steel. melts melts Iron, wrought Nickel melts melts Platinum melts Glass Furnace, between the pots . In the pots refining. In the pots,, working Tanks melted for casti Annealing Glassware.. Siemens Crucible Steel varies from ng 1 Furnace ( HARBISON-WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. TEMPERATURES Centigrade Degrees Fahrenheit Degrees BESSEMER PROCESS Running the slag 1580 1640 1580 1200 1080 720 400 1200 1000 300 1420 1500 1580 1490 1930 1570 2876 2984 2876 2192 1976 1328 752 2192 1832 572 2588 2732 2876 2714 3506 2858 Running steel into ladle Running steel into mould Annealing furnace, ingot in Ingot under hammer.. OPEN HEARTH PROCESS Gas from producers Gas entering generator Gas leaving generator. Air leaving generator Fumes passing to shaft Knd of fusion of charge. Refining the steel Running into ladle, first Running into ladle, last BLAST FURNACE-GRAY BESSEMER Front of tuyere At tapping. HARBISON-WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. CIRCUMFERENCES AND AREAS OF CIRCLES FROM 1-64 TO 50 Diam. Circum. Area Diam. Circum. Area A .04909 ' .000192 4 12.5664 12.5664 33 .09818 .000767 12.9591 13.3641 TB .19635 .003068 417 13.3518 14.1863 /8 .3927 .012272 4^ 13.7445 15.033 .589 .027612 4/z 14.1372 15.9043 y\ .7854 .049087 ^H 14.5299 16.8002 6 .98175 .076699 4% 14.9226 17.7206 H .1781 .110447 4/8 15.3153 18.6555 h .37445 .15033 A % .5708 .76715 .9635 .19635 .248505 .306796 5 5/8 15.708 16.1007 16.4934 19.635 20.629 21 . 6476 i 1 * 2.15985 .371224 ^37 16!8861 22.6907 1 2.3562 2.55255 .441787 .518487 IK 17!2788 17.6715 23! 7583 24.8505 il 2.7489 2.94525 .601322 .690292 5% 18.0642 18.4569 25.9673 27.1086 l 3.1416 .7854 6 18.8496 28.2744 iji 3.5343 .99402 19.2423 29.4648 ji/ 3.927 1.2272 gi/ 19.635 30.6797 l^ 4.3197 1.4849 63/a 20.0277 31.9191 1^ 4.7124 1.7671 6K 20.4204 33.1831 1^8 5.1051 2.0739 6/8 20.8131 34.4717 1% 5.4978 2.4053 6/ 21.2058 35.7848 1? 7 8 5.8905 2.7612 6 7 /a 21.5985 37.1224 2 6.2832 3.1416 7 21.9912 38.4846 2/ / s 6.6759 3.5466 7/^6 22.3839 39.8713 gi/ 7.0686 3.9761 71^ 22.7766 41.2826 2% 7.4613 4.4301 7% 23.1693 42.7184 7.854 4.9087 23.562 44.1787 2^R 8.2467 5.4119 7% 23.9547 45.6636 2^ 8.6394 5.9396 24.3474 47.1731 2% 9.0321 6.4918 WB 24.7401 48.7071 3 9.4248 7.0686 8 25.1328 50.2656 3/4 9.8175 7.6699 8^8 25.5255 51.8487 31^ 10.2102 8.2958 8/^ 25.9182 53.4563 34^ 10.6029 8.9462 S^s 26.3109 55.0884 3^ 10.9956 9.6211 8 1 A 26.7036 56.7451 3fs 11.3883 10.3206 8fs 27.0963 58.4264 3% 11.781 11.0447 8^A 27.489 60.1322 3/8 12.1737 11.7933 8/8 27.8817 61.8625 it:, HARBISON-WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. CIRCUMFERENCES AND AREAS OF CIRCLES CONTINUED Diam. Circum. Area Diam. Circum. Area 9 28.2744 63.6174 15 47.124 176.715 8 28.6671 29.0696 65.3968 67.2008 154 15k 47.5167 47.9094 179.678 182.655 m 29.4525 69.0298 15% 48.8021 185.661 '..:, 70.8828 iSS 48.6948 188.692 80.2879 72.7599 15f6 49.0675 191.748 '.I-, 80.6306 74.6(521 15K 49.4802 194.828 9% 81.0288 76.5888 15% 49.8729 197.938 10 31.416 78.54 16 50.2656 201.062 IOH 31.8067 80.5158 I.;.. 50.6588 204.216 10# 82.2014 82.5161 16K 51.051 207.895 10% 32.5941 84.5409 16% 51.4487 210.598 10; 32.9K66 86.5908 16^ 51.8364 218.825 in 33.8795 88.6648 16fi 52.2291 217.077 10% 88.7722 90.7628 16K 52.6218 220.354 II. 84.1649 92.6858 16% 53.0145 223.655 11 84.5576 95.0384 17 58.4072 226.981 lltf UK 84.9508 :L-, :;i:t 97.2065 99.4022 ft 58.7999 54.1926 280.831 238.906 UN 35.7857 101 .6284 17% 54.5858 287.105 nj4 36.1284 103.8691 irg 64iW8 240.529 nS 36.5211 106.1894 17 55.8707 243.977 11% 36.9188 108.4843 17M 55.7634 247.45 118 87.3085 110.7587 17% 56.1561 250.948 12 37.6992 118.098 18 56.5488 254.47 \2% 38.0919 115.466 18% 56.9415 258.016 12}< 38.4846 117.859 18^ 57.8842 261.587 12% 88.8778 120.277 18% 57.7269 265.183 12}4 89.27 122.719 18}^ 58.1196 268.803 89.6627 125.185 18% 58.5128 272.448 j2a/ 40.0554 127.677 58.906 276.117 12% 40.4481 130.192 18% 59.2977 279.811 13 40.8408 132.738 19 59.6904 283.529 13J/6 41.2335 135.297 19H 60.0831 287.272 13K 41.6262 137.887 1X 60.4758 291.04 isS 42.0189 140.501 19% 60.8685 294. aS2 13V 42.4116 143.139 19^ 61.2612 298.648 18& 42.8043 145.802 19% 61.6539 302.489 13% 43.197 148.49 19% 62.0466 306.355 13% 43.5897 151.202 19% 62.4393 310.245 14 43.9824 153.988 20 62.832 314.16 14^ 44.3751 156.7 2014 63.2247 318.099 14# 44.7678 159.485 20^ 68.6174 322.063 14% 45.1605 162.296 20% 64.0101 326.051 14^ 45.5532 165.18 20^ 64.4028 330.064 14% 45.9459 167.99 20% 64.7955 334.102 14% 46.3386 170.874 20% 65.1882 338.164 14% 46.7313 173.782 20% 65.5809 342.25 96 HARBISON-WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. CIRCUMFERENCES AND AREAS OF CIRCLES CONTINUED Diam. Circum. Area Diam. Circum. Area 21 65.9736 346.361 27 84.8232 572.557 21^ 66.3663 350.497 271/8" 85.2159 577.87 21 X 66.759 354.657 27k 85.6086 583.209 21% 67.1517 358.842 27% 86.0013 588.571 21 # 67.5444 363.051 27^ 86.394 593.959 21$i 67.9879 367.285 27% 86.7867 599.371 MK 68.3298 371.543 27% 87.1794 604.807 21% 68.7225 375.826 27% 87.5729 610.268 22 69.1152 880.134 28 87.9648 615.754 2214 69.5079 384.466 28Vg" 88.3575 621.264 22X 69.9006 388.822 28k 88.7502 626.798 22% 70.2933 393.203 28^ 89.1429 632.357 22^ 70.686 397.609 28^ 89.5356 637.941 22% 71.0787 402.038 28% 89.9283 643.549 22% 71.4714 406.494 28% 90.321 649.182 22% 71.8641 410.973 28% 90.7137 654.84 23 72.2568 415.477 29 91.1064 660.521 23% 72.6495 420.004 29^ 91.4991 666.228 28K 73.0422 424.558 29^ 91.8918 671.959 23% 73.4349 429.135 29% 92.2845 677.714 23^ 73.8276 433.737 29^ 92.6772 683.494 23% 74.2203 438.364 29^ 93.0699 689.299 233^ 74.613 443.015 29% 93.4626 695.128 23% 75.0057 447.69 29% 93.8553 700.982 24 75.3984 452.39 30 94.248 706.86 24/ 8 75.7911 457.115 30H 94.6407 712.763 24K 76.1838 461.864 30^ 95.0334 718.69 24% 76.5765 466.638 30% 95.4261 724.642 24^ 76.9692 471.436 30^ 95.8188 730.618 24% 77.3619 476.259 30% 96.2115 736.619 24% 77.7546 481.107 30% 96.6042 742.645 24% 78.1473 485.979 30% 96.9969 748.695 25 78.54 490.875 31 97.3896 754.769 25/8 78.9327 495.796 31/8 97.7823 760.869 25^ 79.9254 500.742 31 X '98.175 766.992 25% 79.7181 505.712 31% 98.5677 773.14 25^ 80.1108 510.706 31^ 98.9604 779.313 25% 80.5035 515.726 31^8 99.3531 785.51 25% 80.8962 520.769 31 K 99.7458 791.732 25% 81.4889 525.838 31% 100.1385 797.979 26 81.6816 530.93 32 100.5312 804.25 26/g 82.0743 536.048 32/ 8 100.9239 810.545 26X 82.476 541.19 32X 101.3166 816.865 26% 82.8597 546.356 32% 101.7093 823.21 26^ 83.2524 551.547 32^ 102.102 829.579 26% 83.6451 556.763 32^ 102.4947 835.972 26% 84.0378 562.003 32% 102.8874 842.391 26% 84.4305 567.267 32% 103.2801 848.833 97 HARBISON- WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. CIRCUMFERENCES AND AREAS OF CIRCLES CONTINUED Diam. Circum. Area Diam. Circum. Area 83 103.673 855.801 39 122.522 1194.593 33% 104.065 861.792 122.915 1202.268 38K 104.458 868.309 3974 isrmis 1209.958 88M 104.861 8T4.9& 123.7 1217.677 88X 105.344 881.415 39 /^ 124.093 1225.42 331^ I05.6M 888.005 89 5^ 1-1. iv, 1233.188 33K 106.029 mia 89K IM.879 1240.981 33% 106.422 901.259 89# 125.271 1248.798 34 106.814 907.922 40 196.604 1256.64 84K 107.207 914.611 40H 126.057 1264.51 84# 107.6 921.828 40& 126.449 1272.4 842 \n7.'.W 928.061 40^ 196!849 1280.31 34Jg 108.385 934.822 4og 127.235 1288.25 84 ins. 77s 941.609 127.627 1296.22 34tf 109.171 M8.49 40% 128.02 1304.21 34% 109.563 955.255 40% 128.413 1312.22 35 109.956 982.115 41 128.806 1320.26 35'/8 110.349 MO! 41 %, 129.198 1828.32 35K 110.741 975.909 jj 189.601 1336.41 35# 111.184 982.842 41% l-.".i.'.M 1844.52 35^ 111.527 989.8 4lS 130.376 1868.66 85^ 111.919 996.783 41 X 130.769 1860 ! 88 35K 112.812 1003.79 41% 181.162 1369. 35% 112.705 1010.822 41% 181.554 1877.21 36 113.098 1017.878 42 131.947 1385.45 36% 113.49 1024.96 42% 132.34 1393.7 36# 113.883 1032.065 4$ 188.788 1401.99 86% 114.276 1039.195 42ft 133.125 1410.3 36J4 114.668 1046.349 42% 133.518 1418.68 86 115.081 1053.528 42y a 133.911 1426.99 36K 115.454 1060.782 4%y 4 134.303 1435.37 36% 115.846 1067.96 42% 134.696 1443.77 37 116.239 1075.213 43 135.089 1452.2 37Ks 116.632 1082.49 48/ 8 135.481 1460.66 37X 117.025 1089.792 43% 135.874 1469.14 117.417 1097.118 48% 136.267 1477.64 37 J^ 117.81 1104.469 43^ 136.66 1486.17 87 118.203 1111.844 43^ 137.052 1494.73 373X 118.595 1119.244 48K 137.445 1503.3 37% 118.988 1126.669 43% 137.838 1511.91 38 119.381 1134.118 44 138.23 1520.53 38'% 119.773 1141.591 44% 188.623 1529.19 38^ 120.166 1149.089 44% 139.016 1537.86 38^ 120.559 1156.612 44H 139.408 1546.56 38% 1-,' 1164.159 44y 2 139.801 1555.29 38^ 121.344 1171.781 140.194 1564.04 38% 121.737 1179.327 AA3/ 140.587 1572.81 38J| 122.13 1186.948 44% 140.979 1581.61 HARBISON- WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. CIRCUMFERENCES AND AREAS OF CIRCLES . CONTINUED Diam. Circum. Area Diam. Circum. Area 45 45J/8 45X 45% 45^ 45% 45% 45% 141.372 141.765 142.157 142.55 142.943 143.335 143.728 144.121 1590.43 1599.28 1608.16 1617.05 1625.97 1634.92 1643.89 1652.89 48 48^ 48J< 48% 48^ 48% 48% 48% 150.797 151.189 151.582 151.975 152.368 152.76 153.153 153.546 1809.56 1819. 1828.46 1837.95 1847.46 1856.99 1866.55 1876.14 46 46K8 46 }< 46% 46^ 46% 46% 46% 144.514 144.906 145.299 145.692 146.084 146.477 146.87 147.262 1661.91 1670.95 1680.02 1689.11 1698.23 1707.37 1716.54 1725.73 49 49^ 49K 49% 49^ 49% 49% 49% 153.938 154.331 154.724 155.116 155.509 155.902 156.295 156.687 1885.75 1895.38 1905.04 1914.72 1924.43 1934.16 1943.91 1953.69 47 47H W/4 47% w/ 2 47% 47% 47% 147.655 148.048 148.441 148.833 149.226 149.619 150.011 150.404 1734.95 1744.19 1753.45 1762.74 1772.06 1781.4 1790.76 1800.15 50 157.08 1963.5 99 HARBISON-WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH. PA. TABLE FOR CIRCLE BRICK FOR LENGTH OF CHORD MULTIPLY SINE BY DIAMETER No. to Circle Sine of Half Angle Diameter for 9- Chord No. to Circle Sine of Half Angle Diameter for 9" Chord :> .58779 15.311" 28 .11196 80.385" 6 ..->oooo 18.000" 29 .10811 83.248" 7 .43386 20.740" 30 .10453 86.099" 8 .:;s-jr,s 23.518" 31 .10044 89.605" 9 .84202 26.314" 82 .09802 91. 818" 10 .30902 29.124" 33 .oi:>o; 94.667" 11 .2H173 31.945" ::i .09326 07.500" 12 .25882 34.773" 85 .08965 100.390" 18 .23932 37.606" 36 .08716 108.261 14 ,82961 40.447" 37 .08481 106.119" 15 .20791 43.287" 38 .0825S 1 OS. 985" 16 .l5Hi 46.132" 39 .08046 111.866" 17 .18428 48.888 40 .07846 114.71 is 18 19 20 21 .17365 .16459 .15643 .14904 51.828' 54.681" 57..-.:::; 60.386" 41 42 48 44 .07666 .07472 .07300 .07136 117.670 120.449" 123.287" 127.102" 22 .14280 63.246" 45 .06976 129.014" 28 .13617 66.094" 46 .06825 131.868" 24 .18053 68.949" 47 .06679 134.750" 25 .12534 26 .12054 71.805" 74.664" 48 49 .06540 .06407 137.614" 140.471" 27 .11609 77.526" 50 .06279 143.334 100 HARBISON-WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. DECIMALS OF AN INCH FOR EACH 1-64TH 1-64 . . . .015625 33-64 . . . .515625 1-32 . . .03125 17-32 . . . .53125 3-64 . . . .046875 35-64 . . .546875 1-16 . . . .0625 9-16 . . . .5625 5-64 . . . .078125 37-64 . . . .578125 3-32 . . .09375 19-32 . . .59375 7-64 . . . .109375 39-64 . . . .609375 1-8 . . .125 5-8 . . . .625 9-64 . . .140625 41-64 . . . .640625 5-32 . . . .15625 21-32 . . . .65625 11-64 . . . .171875 43-64 . . . .671875 3-16 . . . .1875 11-16 . . . .6875 13-64 . . .203125 45-64 . . . .703125 7-32 . . . .21875 23-32 . . . .71875 15-64 . . .234375 47-64 . . . .734375 1-4 . . .250 3-4 . . . .75 17-64 . . .265625 49-64 . . . .765625 9-32 . . . .28125 25-32 . . . .78125 19-64 . . .296875 51-64 . . . .796875 5-16 . . .3125 13-16 . . . .8125 21-64 . . . .328125 53-64 . . . .828125 11-32 . . . .34375 27-32 . . .84375 23-64 . . . .359375 55-64 . . . .859375 3-8 . .375 7-8 . . . .875 25-64 . . . .390625 57-64 . . . .890625 13-32 . . . .40625 29-32 . . . .90625 27-64 . . . .421875 59-64 . . . .921875 7-16 . . . .4375 15-16 . . . .9375 29-64 . . .453125 61-64 . . . .953125 15-32 . . . .46875 31-32 . . . .96875 31-64 . . . .484375 63-64 . . . .984375 1-2 . . .500 1 . . . .1 101 HARBISON-WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. WEIGHT OF VARIOUS MATERIALS Material BRICK Common red Fire clay Silica Chrome , Magnesia CEMENT Portland Hydraulic , CORK COAL AND COKK Anthracite Bituminous Charcoal Coke CONCRETE Cement, fine Rubble, coarse EARTH Loam, dry, loose Loam, packed Loam, soft, loose mud.. Loam, dense mud GLASS Common window Plate Flint Floor or skylight GRAIN Corn Oats Wheat LIME Quick, loose lumps Quick, fine Stone, large rocks Stone, irregular lumps. MASONRY Granite or limestone... Mortar, rubble Dry Sandstone, dressed. . . . METALS Aluminum Brass, cast Bronze Copper, cast Copper, rolled or wire.. Iron, cast Iron, wrought HARBISON- WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. WEIGHT OF VARIOUS MATERIALS CONTINUED Material METALS Continued Lead, cast 708 Lead, rolled 711 Steel, cast 490 Steel, rolled 495 Tin, cast 459 Zinc, cast 438 OILS Engine 55 Crude 48 Petroleum 55 Gasoline 43 ROCK Chalk 145 Granite 165 Gypsum 143 Sandstone 144 Pumice stone 57 Quartz 165 Salt, coarse 45 Salt, fine 49 Shales 162 Slate, American 175 SAND Dry and loose 100 Dry and packed 110 Wet and packed 130 Gravel packed 118 WATER Water as ice 58 . 7 Water at 32 degrees Fahrenheit 62.4 Water at 212 degrees Fahrenheit 59.6 WOODS, DRY Apple 48 Beech 43 Birch 45 Cedar, American 35 Chestnut 41 Ebony 76 Elm 35 Hemlock 25 Hickory 53 Ironwood 114 Mahogany 35 to 53 Maple 49 Oak, live 59 Oak, white 50 Pine, white 25 Pine, yellow northern 34 Pine, yellow southern 45 Spruce 25 Walnut... 35 Average Per Cu. Ft. Pounds 103 HARBISON-WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. COMPARISON OF CENTIGRADE AND FAHRENHEIT THERMOMETERS Centi- Fahren- Centi- Fahren- Centi- Fahren- grade heit grade heit tfriuk- heit IHlfi 8899 1770 8918 IT-J:. 3137 1H14 8897.2 1769 8216.2 1724 8185.2 1813 3295.4 17iS 3211. J 1728 8183.4 1812 3293.6 17(57 3212.6 1722 8181.6 1S11 3291.8 17f,t; 8210.8 1721 3129. s 1810 329M 1765 8209 1720 3128 1K09 3288.2 1704 3207.2 1719 8126.2 1806 3286 4 17(>3 3205.4 171H 8124.4 1807 3284.6 17112 3203.0 1717 8122 6 1806 3282.8 1761 3201 :8 1716 3120.8 1805 3281 i7oo 3200 1715 3119 1804 3279.2 1 ::'. 3198.2 1714 3117.2 1808 32774 175* 81%. 4 1718 8115.4 1808 3275.6 1757 8194.6 1712 8118.6 mi 8278.8 1756 3192.8 1711 8111.8 1800 3272 1T.V. 3191 1710 31HI 1799 3270.2 ir:>i 3189.2 1709 3108.2 1798 3208.4 1753 8187.4 1708 3100.4 1797 3206.0 i;.v.- 8186.6 1707 8104.6 1798 320 .* 17.'. 1 3183.8 1706 8102.8 1796 8968 1750 8182 1705 3101 1794 8961.8 1 T 19 3180.2 1704 8099.8 1798 :Ti9 I 1748 8178.4 1703 3097.4 1792 82M f, 747 8176.6 1702 8096.6 1791 :;-.'.-.:,> 746 3174.8 1701 31193 S 17W) 3254 745 3173 1700 .-5II9-J 1789 3252.2 744 8171 .2 1699 3090.2 1788 8250.4 743 3169.4 1698 8088.4 1787 3248.6 742 3107.0 1697 3086.0 1780 8246.8 741 8165.8 1696 3084.8 1785 3245 1740 8164 1696 30S3 1784 8243.2 1789 3162.2 1694 8081.2 1783 8241.4 1738 8160.4 1693 3(i79. t 1782 3239.15 1787 8158.6 1692 8077.6 1781 8287.8 1736 8156 8 1691 8076.8 1780 3236 1735 3155 1690 8074 1779 3234.2 1734 3153.2 1689 8072.2 1778 3232 4 1733 3151.4 1688 8070.4 1777 3230.6 1732 3149.0 1687 8068.6 1776 3228.8 1731 3147.8 1686 3000.8 1775 3227 1730 3146 1685 3065 1774 3225.2 1729 3144.2 1684 3063.2 1778 3223.4 1728 3142.4 1688 8061.4 1772 3221.6 1727 3140.6 1682 8069.6 1771 8219.8 1726 3138.8 1681 3057.8 104 HARBISON- WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. COMPARISON OF CENTIGRADE AND FAHRENHEIT THERM'O METERS CONTINUED Centi- Fahren- Centi- Fahren- Centi- Fahren- grade heit grade heit grade heit 1680 3056 1635 2975 1590 2894 1679 3054.2 1634 2973.2 1589 2892.2 1678 3052 4 1633 2971.4 1588 2890.4 1677 3050.6 1632 2969.6 1587 2888.6 1676 3048.8 1631 2967.8 1586 2886.8 1675 3047 1630 2966 1585 2885 1674 3045.2 1629 2964.2 1584 2883.2 1673 3043.4 1628 2962.4 1583 2881.4 1672 3041.6 1627 2960.6 1582 2879.6 1671 3039.8 1626 2958 8 1581 2877.8 1670 3038 1625 2957 1580 2876 1669 3036.2 1624 2955.2 1579 2874.2 1668 3034.4 1623 2953.4 1578 2872.4 1667 3032.6 1622 2951.6 1577 2870.6 1666 3030.8 1621 2949.8 1576 2868.8 1665 3029 1620 2948 1575 2867 1664 3027.2 1619 2946.2 1574 2865.2 1663 3025.4 1618 2944.4 1573 2863.4 1662 3023.6 1617 2942.6 1572 2861.6 1661 3021.8 1616 2940.8 1571 2859.8 1660 3020 1615 2939 1570 2858 1659 3018.2 1614 2937.2 1569 2856.2 1658 3016.4 1613 2935.4 1568 2854.4 1657 3014.6 1612 2933.6 1567 2852.6 1656 3012.8 1611 2931.8 1566 2850.8 1655 3011 1610 2930 1565 2849 1654 3009.2 1609 2928.2 1564 2847.2 1653 3007.4 1608 2926.4 1563 2845.4 1652 3005.6 1607 2924.6 1562 2843.6 1651 3003.8 1606 2922.8 1561 2841.8 1650 3002 1605 2921 1560 2840 1649 3000.2 1604 2919.2 1559 2838.2 1648 2998.4 1603 2917.4 1558 2836.4 1647 2996.6 1602 2915.6 1557 2834.6 1646 2994.8 1601 2913.8 1556 2832.8 1645 2993 1600 2912 1555 2831 1644 2991.2 1599 2910.2 1554 2829.2 1643 2989.4 1598 2908.4 1553 2827.4 1642 2987.6 1597 2906.6 1552 2825.6 1641 2985.8 1596 2904.8 1551 2823.8 1640 2984 1595 2903 1550 2822 1639 2982.2 1594 2901.2 1549 2820.2 1638 2980.4 1593 2899.4 1548 2818.4 1637 2978.6 1592 2897.6 1547 2816.6 1636 2976.8 1591 2895.8 1546 2814.8 105 HARBISON-WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. COMPARISON OF CENTIGRADE AND FAHRENHEIT THERMOMETERS CONTINUED Centi- Fahren- Centi- Fahren- Centi- Fahren- grade heit grade heit grade heit 1545 2813 1500 2782 1455 2651 i.-.n 28ii.2 1499 2730.2 1454 24549.2 1543 2809.4 1498 2728.4 1468 2(547.4 1542 2807.6 1497 1452 2*545.6 ir>41 2805.8 I486 2724.8 1 151 2018 * l.Mo 2S04 1486 8788 1460 8648 I.VI'.t 2802.2 ir.'i 8781.8 1449 8640.8 1538 28U0.4 1 193 2719.4 1448 8688.4 1537 ll'.fj 2717.t; 1447 8686.6 1530 2790.8 1491 8716 " 1446 2684.8 1686 1 190 2714 1 1 :, 8688 1584 2798.2 1489 2712.2 1444 2681.2 1588 2791.4 1488 2710.4 1448 8689.4 1582 2789.0 1487 1442 2(527.0 1531 2787.8 1486 8706.8 1441 868&!8 1530 2786 148;-, 8706 1440 8684 i.v.-.i 8784 8 1484 2708.2 1489 8688.8 1528 2782.4 1483 2701.4 1488 2020.4 1527 2780. ii 1482 2099.6 1487 8618.6 IBM 2778.8 1481 2697.8 1486 2616.8 1696 2777 1480 24596 1 13.-, 8616 1684 8778.2 1479 2(594.2 1131 2HI3.2 1528 2778.4 1478 2092.4 1133 2011.J 1522 1477 2690. (5 1 I3'J 8609.6 1681 8709.8 1476 868818 1 i:il 2607.8 1520 1475 1480 2606 1519 8786 9 1474 2085.2 1 r.".i JOfll.'J 1518 27H4.4 1473 2083.4 1 > 2602.4 1517 2702.0 1472 2(581.0 1427 2600.0 1616 2700.8 1471 2679.8 1420 .'.-.-. is :,s 1515 8760 1470 2678 1425 8697 1614 2757.2 1469 8676.8 1424 1518 M ;:>:-. i 1468 2674.4 1488 8598.4 1512 2753. G 1467 2(572.6 1422 8691.6 1511 2751.8 1466 2670.8 1421 2589.8 1510 2750 1465 2669 1420 2588 1509 2748.2 1 It VI 2667.2 1419 25SO.-J 1508 2746.4 14(53 2665.4 1418 25s 1 1 1507 2744.6 1462 2668.15 1417 2582.0 1506 2742.8 1461 2661.8 1416 2580.8 1505 2741 1460 2660 1415 8579 1504 2789.2 1459 2658.2 1414 2577.2 1503 2737.4 1458 2656.4 1413 8576.4 1502 2735.6 1457 2654.6 1412 8578.6 1501 2733.8 1456 2652.8 1411 2571.8 106 HARBISON- WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. COMPARISON OF CENTIGRADE AND FAHRENHEIT THERMOMETERS CONTINUED Centi- Fahren- Centi- Fahren- I Centi- Fahren- grade heit grade heit grade heit 1410 2570 1320 2408 870 1598 1409 2568.2 1310 2390 860 1580 1408 2566.4 1300 2372 850 1562 1407 2564.6 1290 2354 840 1544 1406 2562.8 1280 2336 830 1526 1405 2561 1270 2318 820 1508 1404 2559.2 1260 2300 810 1490 1403 2557.4 1250 2282 800 1472 1402 2555.6 1240 2264 790 1454 1401 2553.8 1230 2246 780 1436 1400 2552 1220 2228 770 1418 1399 2550.2 1210 2210 760 1400 1398 2548.4 1200 2192 750 1382 1397 2546.6 1190 2174 740 1364 1396 2544.8 1180 2156 730 1346 1395 2543 1170 2138 720 1328 1394 2541.2 1160 2120 710 1310 1393 2539.4 1150 2102 700 1292 1392 2537.6 1140 2084 690 1274 1391 2535.8 1130 2066 680 1256 1390 2534 1120 2048 670 1238 1389 2532.2 1110 2030 660 1220 1388 2530.4 1100 2012 650 1202 1387 2528.6 1090 1994 640 1184 1386 2526.8 1080 1976 630 1166 1385 2525 1070 1958 620 - 1148 1384 2523.2 1060 1940 610 1130 1383 2521.4 1050 1922 600 1112 1382 2519.6 1040 1904 590 1094 1381 2517.8 1030 1886 580 1076 1380 2516 1020 1868 570 1058 1379 2514.2 1010 1850 560 1040 1378 2512.4 1000 1832 550 1022 1377 2510.6 990 1814 540 1004 1376 2508.8 980 1796 530 986 1375 2507 970 1778 520 968 1374 2505.2 960 1760 510 950 1373 2503.4 950 1742 500 932 1372 2501.6 940 1724 490 914 1371 2499.8 930 1706 480 896 1370 2498 920 1688 470 878 1360 2480 910 1670 460 860 1350 2462 900 1652 450 842 1340 2444 890 1634 440 824 1330 2426 880 1616 430 806 107 HARBISON-WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. COMPARISON OF CENTIGRADE AND FAHRENHEIT THERMOMETERS CONTINUED Centi- grade Fahren- heit Centi- grade Fahren- heit Centi- grade Fahren- heit 43) llu 400 ttto 880 788 770 759 7*4 71ti 220 910 900 190 180 428 410 898 874 866 90 10 1 9 68 50 89 80.2 28.4 870 800 860 840 880 098 680 609 U4 696 170 100 160 1X1 180 888 890 809 284 966 :{ 4 6 6 7 26. G 24.8 98 21.2 19.4 890 810 800 280 C08 600 678 664 686 120 110 KM) '.HI 80 248 * 212 I'M 1711 8 . 10 11 12 17.6 15.8 14 12.2 10.4 870 900 960 940 980 r>i8 600 482 4(U 44ii 70 00 60 in 80 158 140 199 104 86 18 1 t l.l 10 17 8.0 6.8 6 8.2 1.4 18 0.4 108 HARBISON-WALKER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. . INDEX Page THE HARBISON-WALKER COMPANY Fire clay shapes in stock 5, 6 Silica shapes in stock 7 Magnesia shapes in stock 12 Chrome shapes in stock 12 CLEARFIELD FIRE BRICK WORKS 16 Shapes in stock 17 ISAAC REESE & SONS WORKS 13 Fire clay shapes in stock 14 Silica shapes in stock 15 PHILIPSBURG FIRE BRICK WORKS 18 Shapes in stock 18 CLINTON COUNTY FIRE BRICK WORKS .... 19 Shapes in stock 19 Blast furnace linings 47 Blast furnace records 49 Cut of blast furnace 50 Sectional view of bottom blocks 51 Blast furnace stove brick . 52, 53 Typical blast furnace stoves 54-63 Julian Kennedy stove 54 Roberts patent stove - 58 McClure-Amsler patent stove 56 Foote patent stove 60 J. W. Calder patent stove 62 Coke oven brick 64 Cut of coke oven 65 Cut of basic open hearth furnace 72 Cut of 4-hole soaking pit furnace 66 Cut of soaking pit showing use of chrome brick . 67 Cut of Siemens crucible steel furnace .... 69 Cut of our plan of crucible steel shapes ... 71 Cut of typical cupola 75 Cut of typical lime kiln 76 Cut of typical puddling furnace 74 Cut of typical heating furnace 73 Cut of copper converter 77 Cut of typical producer gas glass tank ... 78 GENERAL NOTES 79 Table of wedge brick 80 Table of arch brick 81 Table of 9- inch key brick 82 109 HARHISON-WAI.KER REFRACTORIES Co., PITTSBURGH, PA. I N D EX CONTINUED Page GENERAL NOTES Continued Table of 13^-inch key brick 85 Table of 9 x 6 inch brick . . ' 88 Table of gas flue arch brick for blast furnace top openings . 89 Table of cupola blocks for special diameters . . 89 Table of silica 12-inch wedge brick .... 90 Bottom blocks in one course of following diameters '.l Temperatures 92 94 Circumference and area of circles 95 Table for circle brick 100 Decimals of an inch for each l-64th .... 101 Weight of various materials . .... 102, Utt Fahrenheit and Centigrade tables KM General information about fire brick . 79 UNIVERSITY . Chasmar-Winchell Press New York and Pittsburgh UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BBBKELEY THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW Books not returned nn time arc subject to a tine of 50c per volume after the third dav overdue, iiu-r. to $1.00 per volume after the sixth day. Hooks not in demand may lie renewed if application is made before expiration of loan period. MAR 10 ly ' " 174432,