Diomed 495 C24 671e 1889 THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES ENUMEEATIO SPECIEKUM VAKIETATUMQUE GENEKIS DIANTHUS. FKEDEBICO N. WILLIAMS, Soc. Linn. Sod. While in the course of their evolution plants have displayed progressive integrations, there have been at the same time progressive differentiations of the resulting aggregates, both as wholes and in their parts. HERBERT SPENCER. Vergebens dass ihr ringsum wissenschaftlich schweift, Ein jeder lernt nur was er lernen kann. GOETHE'S LONDON : PRINTED BY WEST, NEWMAN AND CO., HATTON GARDEN, B.C. 1889. ENUMEEATIO SPECIERUM VAEIETATUMQUE GENERIS DIANTHUS : CUM DIAGNOSIBUS FORMARUM MINUS COGNITABUM. >! TRIBUS SILENE.E. Subtribus DIANTHE^E. Semina peltata, hilo faciali. Embryo rectus. Styli 2, a basi distinct!. 1. VELEZIA. Calyx anguste tubulosus, acute 5-dentatus, 5 vel 15-costatus. Stamina 5. Torus haud elougatus. Herbae annuae. 2. DIANTHUS. Calyx multistriatus, 5-dentatus, bracteatus. Stamina 10. Torus saepius in gynophorum plus minus elongatus. Herbae ssepius perennes, rarius suffruticosae. 3. TUNICA. Calyx turbinatus vel elongato-tubulosus, obtuse 6-dentatus, 5 vel 15-costatus. Stamina 10. Torus parvus. Herbae. Genus DIANTHUS. Calyx tubulosus, 5-dentatus, tenuiter et aequaliter multistriatus, nervis parallelis ad quodque sepalum 7, 9, vel 11 (3 in . Proliferastro) parte membranacea inter 5 nervorum fascicules; bracteis (i.e., squamis calycinis) per paria calycem involucrum cingentibus, paribus inaaqualibus. Petala 5; lamina abrupte attenuata saepius in unguem elongatum, integra multi- dentata vel fimbriata, rarissime retusa, elegantia saepe maculata. Stamina 10. Torus saepius in gynophorum stipitiforme plus minus elongatus. Ovarium uniloculare ; styli 2, a basi distincti. Capsula cylindrica oblonga vel rarius ovoidea apice dentibus valvisve quatuor dehiscens. Semina orbiculata vel discoidea, supra convexa, com- pressa, concavave parum infra, ad medium faciei interioris planae vel concavae umbilicata. Embryo rectus, in albumine saspius excentricus. Herbae perennes nonnunquam annuae, rarius suffru- ticosaa, ramis articulatis, teretibus vel tetragonis, ad nodos tume- scentibus. Folia exstipulata, angusta graminea, supremis subulatis, saepe glauca ; marginibus scabris. Inflorescentia terminalis ; flores solitarii cymoso paniculati fasciculati vel capitati, vulgo rosei pur- pureive, nunc rubri, rare albi, nunquam lutei. This genus is sufficiently marked off from Velezia, and is more nearly allied to Tunica. The generic description as given in the ' Genera Plantarum ' is slightly modified to include Kunth's section Kohlrauschia, which has usually been included in Tunica : but, in the form and struc- ture of the capsule and sseds, and the habit of the species, is nearer the type of Dianthus. 4O1414 4 ENUMEKATIO SPECIEKUM VAKIETATUMQUE GENERIS DIANTHUS. The genus is distributed through Europe, Temperate Asia, and N. and S. Africa. Most of the forms are perennial ; a few are annual or even biennial. The caespitose habit of many of the perennial forms is due to the develop- ment of dense and leafy barren shoots, in which the internodes are almost suppressed. The rootstock produces barren shoots, and ascending flowering stems ; the former, when not in the form of a rosette of leaves, are more or less decumbent from the crown, and curved away from the latter, so that the lower part of the stem is protected from fracture by the wind. The stems are either terete or angular, i. e., they may assume a cylindrical or prismatic form ; in the latter case the number of the angles bears a definite relation to the phyllotaxis. As the leaves are opposite and decussate, stems that are not cylindrical have four angles. Angular stems are more frequently than not glabrous. In a few species the surface of the stem is viscid, but this viscidity is not confined to a glabrous surface. The barren shoots are more leafy than the ascending flowering stems, but they never become soboles or stolons. Throughout the genus the nodes are well-developed, and such as to give the stem a 'jointed appearance ; and this is the more marked from the fact that the lamina springs direct from the stem without any intervening petiole. The internodes, which are almost suppressed in the barren shoots, in the flowering stems appear to bear some sort of relation to the leaves borne upon them, being sometimes equal in length to the leaves, sometimes double the length, and the ratio seems to obtain to the apex of the stem, where both internodes and leaves become shorter. Examples of shortened internodes are seen in the rosette of leaves at the base of the stem of D. Caryophyllus, in the fascicled leaves of the barren shoots of D. plu- marius, and generically in the squamiform leaves beneath the floral organs. In the flowering stems of D. longicaulis the nodes are very distant. Since the intercalary growth is at its maximum, and persists longest at the base of each, in Dianthus similarly as it does in Grasses, it is at this point in the vicinity of the lower node of each internode, that is found localised heliotropic flexion. But certainly positive heliotropism is very feebly expressed in the genus. It is rarely that the stems spring as absolutely simple from the crown of the rootstock. They may affect a simplicity by a bifurcation deep in the csespitose shoots at their origin, or by producing two divergent flowers at their termination. It may be difficult to determine to what extent their divergence from the rootstock is distinct, and how far the terminal capitulum may be reduced to a few flowers on a stem ; perhaps a more trustworthy minor character is the acuteness of the angle of divergence near the base or apex. The charac- teristic mode of branching is cymose, frequently in dichotomies. It often happens in the upper part of the stem that the multiparous cyme, in impoverishing itself, continues as a biparous cyme, and that a biparous cyme degenerates in its turn to a uniparous cyme, developing only there- fore one of its branches. Thus we see in some forms a biparous cyme terminating in helicoid or scorpiuid uniparous cymes. The significance ENUMERATIO SPECIEEUM VABIETATUMQUE GENERIS DIANTHUS. 5 of the tumid nodes will be appreciated when their internal structure as distinct from that of the internodes is elsewhere discussed. Leaves. The two leaves of each whorl are opposite. The successive whorls of two leaves alternate so as to produce the decussate phyllotaxis. In Syringa and Sambucus the leaves are similarly arranged. It is the most frequent of alternate whorls of two leaves, but in Rhamnus cathar- ticus the two leaves of each whorl are usually at a slightly different level. The mature leaf is symmetrical, though in the aciculate leaves of a few species, such as D. pinifolius, this is not always patent : it is sometimes contorted at the base. Of the three parts of the typical leaf the petiole is absent ; the absence of this is compensated for by the length of the sheath and the strength of the node. The midrib is usually strong, and deter- mines, by its position in the mesophyll and its relative size to that of the leaf, the character of the laminal surface, whether plane, carinate, or canaliculate. If it is placed nearer the inferior surface of the lamina, the leaf may be both carinate and canaliculate, or it may be carinate and plane, according to the thickness ; but a leaf that is canaliculate on the superior surface is never plane on the inferior. The leaves are connate at the base, and frequently contracted at that point, resembling in this respect those of Lonicera, but never approach the perfoliate modification. The form of the mature leaf is linear and grass-like ; those of the barren shoots are generally longer and broader than those of the flowering stems. The latter are more or less elongate-linear, while the former approximate the lanceolate-linear form ; apices more or less acute, often very acuminate. The glaucescence characteristic of so many species temporarily disappears on pressure of the leaf between the moist fingers. The margin is entire, but is not sharp, as in that of the leaf of grasses, and is often ciliolate. The leaves of some species are of firmer texture than others, occasionally almost crassulaceous. They are firm and rigid, and conduplicate in vernation, and often remain triquetrous in aestivation, which is, however, more apparent than real, in consequence of the well-marked carination or prominent midrib. The cataphyllary leaf is represented in the well-marked leaf-sheath. This last partakes of the triplasic character of stipule, petiole, and scale. The uppermost leaves, distinct from the calyx, by some authors called bracts, are but squamiform modifications of the true foliage leaves. The true hypsophyllary leaves occur immediately beneath the floral organs, where they form an epicalyx of bracteiform scales, generally in two pairs. Bracts. These organs, above referred to, are very variable in form, texture, colour, and number. The number is not always constant in the same species, and where there are three pairs, the inferior pair are always longer and narrower than the other two pairs, thus approximating in form the uppermost leaves. The bracteiform appearance of the uppermost leaves, the variable form of the bracts themselves, the transformation of floral organs under cultivation, the gradual differentiation of the appen- dages of the caulomes, their character as accessories both of the nutritive and reproductive organs, demonstrate the truth of Goethe's law respecting ( ENUMEEATIO SPECIERUM VARIETATUMQUE GENERIS DIANTHUS. the metamorphosis of similar organs of plants. The study- of the bracta themselves as a link in the continuity of the nutritive and reproductive organs exhibits remarkable relations. Growing close under the perianth, they form part of the flower : they resemble the leaves in their decussate arrangement, and the petals in their general contour. In their colour they exhibit also transitional characters ; sometimes herbaceous, like the foliage leaves, sometimes stramineous or coriaceous, sometimes tinted purple or red, like the petals and calyx-teeth. They are generally four in number to each flower, but vary from two to sixteen. When there is but a single pair, they rather approximate in form the foliage leaves. It also appears that one of their functions in many species is to protect the delicate tissue of the calyx from perforation by insects attempting to reach the nectar from below, instead of approaching from above the flower, and by this means brushing the anthers and fertilizing the ovary. Bracta with mucronate points are generally closely applied to the tube of the calyx, whilst those forms with acuminate points are patent. Groups of allied species may be thus distinguished. The length of the bract is determined rather from its aristate prolongation than from the length of the lamina. How closely the differentiation of the appendages of the essential reproductive organs is related to the form and variation of the nutritive organs is seen in those cases where groups of organs or of their appendages are transformed into those of next higher or lower type under changed conditions of environment. From an organogenetic point of view Willkomm seems inclined to regard them as an artificial rather than a natural factor in classification. It is true that in the atypical subgenera the uppermost leaves partake often of a biacteiform nature, instead of remaining herbaceous up to the floral heads, e.g., in D.prolifer the floral head is surrounded with an involucre of subrnembranous bracts, whilst each flower, except the central, is rolled up in coriaceous scales of a similar kind. The Flower. The morphology of the entire plant, and particularly of the flower, is that most favourable to entomophilous cross-fertilization. For in typical forms the barren shoots springing from the crown of the rootstock are short and decumbent, and thus expose the ascending and conspicuous flowering stems. And these are simple and paucifloral, or slightly branched, thus distributing the inflorescence over a proportionally wider area. The inflorescence is always terminal, and consequently not concealed by the dense barren shoots. The flowers are for the most part specious ; when solitary, they are large and conspicuous ; when small, they are collected into dense fascicles. The general coloration of the flower, and the frequent variegation of the lamina of the petal, is an inducement to the most fastidious of hymenopterous passers-by, associated as it often is with the most fragrant perfume, and easy accessibility. In the solitary or geminal flowers of Caryopliyllastrum the petals are repand, large and specious, slightly excavated, and well supported on the cup of the strongly-ribbed calyx ; in the fasciculate inflorescence of Carthusian- astrum and the capitular inflorescence of Prbliferastrum their close ENUMERATIO SPECIERUM VARIETATUMQUE GENERIS DIANTHTJS. 7 apposition gives mutual support, and a large variegated area. The stamens and petals spring from an annular ridge of the torus encircling the gynophore, which latter is in the form of a prolonged axis between the calyx and the corolla. This ridge bears on its inner border a yellow, fleshy cushion, which is the nectary, and in its glands there is secreted the honey which attracts the fertilizing insects. Perianth. This consists of three parts (1) the imbricated bracts ; (2) the gamosepalous calyx ; (3) the corolla of five distinct petals. The metamorphosis of the floral organs is well shown in the production of double flowers by cultivation. These double flowers in the carnations and pinks are produced by the assumption of a petaloid appearance by other organs. Not always, however, are the supernumerary petals either reverted stamens, or carpels, or petaloid sepals, but are instances of abnormal pleiotaxy, without reversion of essential organs to flower-leaves. The teratological tendency of the specific forms is towards petalody. The prolongation of the torus into a stipitiform gynophore seems to be analogous to the internode between the two successive whorls of foliage- leaves, and in this case separates the whorl of the calycine from the whorl of the corollary leaves. Calyx. Cylindrical, sometimes contracted above, occasionally as much as to become turbinate in form. It is multistriate, and the nerves are well-marked and parallel. The fasciculus of nerves to each lobe is bounded by a membranous part marking the division into sepals. Petals. Each of the two parts of the petal is quite distinct. The unguis is very pale ; the lamina is bright-coloured, but frequently paler on the under surface. Chorisis in the petals is reduced to its simplest form, viz., a capillary outgrowth at the junction of the lamina with the unguis, and is the homologue of the corona in Silene and the ligula in Lychnis. The segmentation of the lamina to such an extent as is seen in the fimbriate species is very unusual in flowers ; and the retuse lamina of D. glumaceus is the least specialized modification of the laminar margin. In the same species petals may be entire and dentate, but they are never found in the same entire and fimbriate, or dentate and fimbriate. Stamens. The dichogamous development of the essential organs is usual throughout the genus, and thus functionally approaches the diclinous condition. In the individual flowers of the same plant the reproductive organs are almost invariably proterandrous, but this proterandry takes place at different times in the different flowers of the same plant ; this is well seen in D. deltoides. This dichogamous mode of development undergoes a certain modification, to serve similar purposes in D. Armeria and other species. Though proterandrous functional activity is the form of dichogamy which generally obtains, it is not so well marked in this plant ; consequently that modification obtains which is adapted in other cases to intercrossing among hermaphrodite flowers in which synanthesis is the rule, i. e., where the maturation of the stigma is synchronous with that of the anthers. The petals are grooved by the respective filaments of the five outer stamens. The colour of the anthers is as variable as 8 ENUMERATIO SPECIERUM VARIETATUMQUE GENERIS DIANTHUS. that of the laminae of the petals ; when the latter are dark, the anthers are often deep purple. Ovary. This organ is unilocular, with remains of apparent dissepi- ments. The styles are white and slender, and free at the base. The dehiscence of the capsule bears a more definite relation to the number of the styles and the phyllotaxis than to the other reproductive whorls. Subgenus I. CARTHUSIANASTRUM. Caudex annus v. perennis ; perennibus turiones decumbentes steriles emittens atque multos caules adscendentes floriferos. Folia bracteiformia (suprema) sub floribus laxa. Inflorescentia cymoso-paniculata, v. fasciculis dichotomis v. capitulis aggregatis. Calyx subcylindricus. Petala semper dentata. Torus parum elongatus. Sectio I. ARMERIUM. Herbae annusB. Caules teretes. Bracteffi2. Calyx dentibus 9-11 nerviis. Petala barbulata. 1. D. Armeria L. Nym. Consp. var. subhirsutus Schur. Plus minus hirsutus. Flores majores. var. armeriastrum Wolfn. var. pseudarmeria Wierzb. var. subacaulis Schur. Caules puberuli ; flores atropurpurei ; forma humilis. 2. D. pseudarmeria M. B. Nym. Consp. 8. D. corymbosus Sib. Nym. Consp. var. Poiretianus Ser. 4. D. tenuiflorus Griseb. Nym. Consp. 6. D. glutinosus B. et Hid. Nym. Consp. Sectio II. SUFFRUTICOSI. Perennes suffruticosi. Inflorescentia non densa ; cymis paniculatis v. fasciculis dichotomis. Subsect. 1. TUBULOSI. Calyce apice non attenuato. 6. D. arboreus L. Nym. Consp. 7. D. fruticosus L. Nym. Consp. 8. D. pendulus B. et Bl. Boiss. Fl. Or. 9. D. actinopetalus Fzl. Nym. Consp. 10. D. elegans d'Urv. Nym. Consp. 11. D. Bisignani Ten. Nym. Consp. 12. D. virgatus Pasq. Nym. Consp. Caules 60 centim., ramosi. Folia elongato-linearia, acuminata. Inflorescentia dicho- tome paniculata, rosea. Bractese 12, ovate, acute, ad- pressse. 18. D. Bertolonii Woods. Nym. Consp. Caules 60 centim., ramosi. Folia linearia, acuta, carnosa, carinata. Flores fastigiati. Bractese 8, lanceolate, acuminate ad calycis longi- tudinem. 14. D. juniperinus Sm. Nym. Consp. 16. D. aciphyllus Sieb. Nym. Consp. 16. D. rigidus M, B. Nym. Consp. ENUMERATIO SPECIEBUM VAKIETATUMQUE GENERIS DIANTHUS. 9 Subsect. 2. CONTRACTI. Calyce apice attenuate. 17. D. Friwaldskyanus Sous. Nyin. Consp. 18. D. gracilis S. et S. Nym. Consp. var. purnilus Boiss. var. armerioides Griseb. 19. D. biflorus Griseb. Nym. Consp. 20. D. Mercurii Hldr. Nym. Consp. Sectio III. CARTHUSIANUM. Herbse perennes. liifloresceutia densa, capitata. Petala nonnunquam imberbia. Subsect. 1. MICROLEPIDES. Caules teretes. Bracteas lanceo- late. Calyx dentibus lanceolatis. 21. D. trifasciculatus Kit. Nym. Consp. var. Leptaneurus Griseb. 22. D. transsylvanicus Schur. Nym. Consp. var. lancifolius Tsch. Nym. Consp. 23. D. nardiformis Jka. Nym. Consp. Csespitosus, 17 centim. Folia stricta, patentia, vagina caulis diam. triplo longiore. Flores cymoso-paniculati. Folia involucralia et bracteaa scariosa pallida. Bracteae 4 obcordataa. Calyx apice attenuato, dentibus acutis. Petala imberbia. 24. D. viscidus B. et Ch. Nym. Consp. var. olympicus Boiss. var. parnassicus Boiss. var. Grisebachii Bciss. var. alpinus Boiss. 25. D. tymphresteus Hldr. et Sart. Nym. Consp. 26. D. trifasciculatus tichur. PI. Transsylv. 27. D. japonicus Thunb. Fl. Japonica, p. 183. 28. D. Muschianus B. et li. Boiss. Fl. Or. var. major Boiss. 29. D. erinaceus Boiss. Boiss. Fl. Or. var. Webbianus ParoL 30. D. pinifolius S. et S. Nym. Consp. 31. D. liburnicus Bartl. Nym. Consp. vLr. ligusticus W. var. propinquus Schur. lib. 32. D. cibrahus Clem. Boiss Fl. Or. 33. D. calocephalus Boiss. Boiss. Fl. Or. 34. D. giganteus d'Urv. Nym. Consp. 35. D. banaticus Heuff. Nym. Consp. var. biternatus tichur. var. pruinosus Jka. var. ponticus Wahl. Subsect. 2. CARTHUSIANOIDES. Folia stricta. Bractefe siccte. Calyx dentibus lanceolatis. Petala obovato-cuneata, baibulata. 36. D. carthusianorum L. Nym. Cousp. varr. prox. ' eu-cartliusianorum.' rt. eu-carthusianorum L. 10 ENUMERATIO SPECIERUM VARIETATUMQUE GENERIS DIANTHUS. b. nanus Sict. Caules puuci 7 centim. Bracteae flavte, nunc brunneae. Lamina = \ unguis, purpurea. c. humilis Btuf/g. 10 centim. Folia elongato-linearia, 10 mm. Lamina alba = \ unguis. d. vaginatus Vill. vaiT. prox. ' atrorubens All' e. carmelitarum Rent. /. anisopodus Ser. rnss. g. Pontederae Kern. Folia radicalia linearia, caulinia elongato-linearia, vaginae longitudine 4-plo longiore latitudine. Inflorescentia fasciculis 6-12 florum. Calyx dentibus triangularibus. Lamina = \ unguis, supra rubello-purpurea infra rosea. h. sanguineus Vis. i. atrorubens All. Folia elongato-linearia, vaginis pur- pureis caulis diam. duplo longioribus. Inflorescentia densa. Lamina = unguis, atrorubens. j. pauciflorus Briigg. 38 centim. Fasciculis 2-6 florum. Lamina = unguis, atrorubens. k. cbloaephyllus Schur. Glaucus 13 centim. Folia elongato-linearia ; vagina caulis diam. 8-plo longiore. Lamina rubra. I. congestus G. et G. in. roridus Schur. Folia elongato-linearia. Inflorescentia capitulis 6-8 florum purpureorum. Lamina = unguis. . saxigenus Schur. Caules 38 centim., numerosi, scabri. Folia elongato-linearia. Inflorescentia capitulis 2-6 florum purpureorum. o. australis Pane. Caules puberuli. Folia radicalia elongato-linearia, caulinia linearia. Inflorescentia fasciculis 6-12 florum purpuveorum. ]>. minor Schur. 19 centim. Bracteae flavas scariosae. Lamina purpurea. q. pratensis Ptck. 80 centim. Folia linearia. Bracteae flavaa. Lamina purpurea. varr. prox. ' consanguineus ' (bracteis oblongo-ovatis). r. consanguineus Schur. s. subfastigiatus Schur. Caules 36 centim., supra teretes. Folii vagina caulis diam. 4-plo longiore. Inflore- scentia fastigiato-capitata. Bracteae flavae. t. rupicolus Schur. u. lancifolius Schloss. et Vukot. varr. prox. ' pumilus.' v. sabuletorum Heuff. x. pumilus Schur. vaiT. prox. 'ferrugineus.' Bracteis diam. trans, aaqualis apico basique, lateraliter per margin em, paralleli-plauis. ij. gramineus Schnr. z. ferrugineus L. ENUMERATIO SPECIERUM VARIETATUMQUE GENERIS DIANTHUS. 11 a 2 , tenuifolius Schur. Caules tenues. Folia linearia. In- florescentia capitulis 2-6 florum rubrorum. varr. prox. ' atrorubens Jacq.' b z . ternatus Schur. Caules 64 centim. Inflorescentia fascicalis ternatis. Bractese rubrse. Lamina = unguis. c 2 . surulis mihi. Folia acicularia ; vagina rubra, caulis diam. 4-plo longiore. Flores utroque capitulo 4-6. Lamina purpurea. Transsylvania austr. Herb. Kew. d*. vaginatus Ch.c. cf. d. e*. gigauteiformis Borb. / a . atrorubens Jacq. Caules 30 centim. Folia linearia ; vagina caulis diam. triplo longiore. Inflorescentia capitulis 3-6 florum atrorubentium. varr. prox. ' vulturius.' y*. alpestris Balb. Inflorescentia capitulis 4-6 florum atrorubentium. /i 2 . glaucophyllus Wierzb. i z . subalpestris Schleich exs, Inflorescentia capitata. Bractese flavre. Lamina supra purpurea, infra flava. j z . parviflorus Schur. tf. vulturius G. et T. 37. D. Knappii A. et K. Nyrn. Consp. var. rosulatus Borb. Folii vagina atque calyx purpurei. 88. D. ambiguus Pane. Glaber. Caules simplices 4-angulares. Folia elongato-linearia, acuminata, plana 3-nervia, vagina caulis diam. 4-plo longiore, patentia. Inflorescentia capi- tulis densis 22-28 florum. Bracteae 4 ad calycis apices mucronat, patentia. Calyx purpureus, dentibus acumi- natis 9-nervis. Serbia. 39. D. Schlosseri mihi. Hb. Mus. Brit. coll. Schlosser apud Janobor in Croatia. Glaber. Caules 45 centim., teretes, simplices. Folia elongato-linearia, acuminata 3-nervia, adpressa ; vagina caulis diam. duplo longiore; radicalia 100 mm., caulinia 70 mm. Flores capitati. Bractcae 6, obovatse ad $ calycis partem mucronataa adpressae. Calyx purpureus apice attenuate. 40. D. pelviformis Heuff. Kerner, Schedae Austro-Hung. 41. D. cruentus Griseb. Nym. Consp. 42. D. Lydus Boiss. Boiss. Fl. Or. 43. D. moesiacus Pane. PI. SerbicsB rariores Dec. III. 44. D. lilacinus B. et Hid. Nym. Consp. 45. D. intermedius Boiss. Boiss. Fl. Or. 46. D. pseudobarbatus Bess. Nym. Consp. 47. D. barbatus L. Nym. Consp. var. latifolius Ser. var. aggregatus Poir. var. rariflorus Schur. Inflorescentia non densa, rosea. 48. D. subbarbatus Schur. PL Transsylv. var. pedunculatus Hchur. 12 ENUMER.YTIO SPECIEBUM VARIETATUMQUE GENERIS DIANTHUS. 49. D. Borbasii Vandas. (Esterr. Bot. Zeit. 1887. Glaber. Caules simplices 45 centim., 4-angulares. Folia elongato-linearia, carinata trintrvia, acuminata ; vagina caulis diam. 6-plo longiore. Jnfiorescentia capitulis 2-7 florurn, infra bi- fasciculata. Bractese pallidae margiualiter brunneae, ellip- ticae. Calycis denies acuminatipurpureill-nervii. Lamina purpurea, = unguis. 50. D. capitatus DC. Nym. Consp. varr. major et minor (rriseb. var. Pancicianus mild. Var. innominata de Pancic. Forma glabra floribus purpureis. Serbia. Subsect. 8. MACROLEPIDES. Bracteae 4 ovatae patentes. 61. D. compactus Kit. Nym. .Consp. var. prelucianus mihi. Calyx viridis. Lamina pallidissima. Apud Preluci com. Naszod in Hungaria: coll. F. Porcius. 52. D. crassipes Willh. Nym. Consp. 58. D. Girardini Lam. Nym. Consp. 54. D. asperulus B. et Huet. 55. D. collinus W. et K. Nym. Consp. var. subpaniculatus Schur. var. imereticus Rupr. Glaber. Inflorescentia fasciculis florum parvorum. var. sylvaticus Hpe. Calyx fuscus dentibus acutis. var. alpestris Balb. var. geminiflorus Lois. 56. D. hymenolepis Boiss. Boiss. Fl. Or. 57. D. polymorphous M. B. Nym. Consp. 58. D. cinnabarinus Spr. var. Samaritan! Hldr. var. biflorus S. et . et Llldr. ENUMERATIO SPECIERUM VARIETATUMQUE GENERIS DIANTHUS. 17 134. D. masmenaeus Boiss. Boiss. Fl. Or. var. glabrescens Boiss. var. Karami Bl. Folia flaccidiora. Bractese semi-herbaceas margin e rubellaa. Calyx viridis deutibus sanguiueis. var. oetfetis Hldr. Grsecia septent. 135. D. myrtinervius Griscb. Nym. Consp. var. deltoides Griseb. var. subalpestris Hpe. 136. D. campestris M. B. Nym. Consp. 137. D. aristatus Boiss. Boiss. Fl. Or. var. minor Boiss. 138. D. humilis W. Nym. Consp. 139. D. Buergeri Miq. Flora Japoniae. 140. D. nitidus W. et K. Nym. Consp. var. obtusus mild. Folia latiora obtusiuscula ; prob. forma orientalis. Jebel Muneitsi, Syria, 1879 ; Herb. Kew. 141. D. Seidlitzii Boiss. Boiss. Fl. Or, 142. D. elatus Led. Flora Altaica. 143. D. callizonus S. et K. Nym. Consp. var. Brandzaa Pane. Sched. Fl. Austro-Hung. Subsect. 3. LONGISQUAMEA. Bracteas calycem asquantes longi- tudine. 144. D. pruinosus B. et 0. Boiss. Fl. Or. 145. D. pratensis M. B. Flora Taurico-Caucasica. var. guttatus M. B. Csespitosus. Bracteae ovatas. 146. D. suaveolens Spreny. Ledebour, Flora Rossica. 147. D. pallidiflorus Ser. Nym. Consp. var. ramosissimus Pall. 148. D. gelidus Schott. Nym. Consp. var. alpinus Vill. 149. D. glacialis Hke. Nym. Consp. var. neglectus Lois. var. subalpinus Gaud. Sectio III. CARYOPHYLLUM. Caules glabri. Bracteaa adpressaj. Petala dentata, imberbia. Calyx dentibus lanceolatis. Capsula ovoidea v. oblonga, nunquam cylindrica. Semina peltata. Subsect. 1. CARYOPHYLLOIDES. Species typicre. Folia patentia. Calyx dentibus acuminatis. Capsula ovoidea. 150. D. Caryopbyllus L. Nym. Consp. Formarum omnium bic typus generis, var. genuinus L. var. acinifolius Schur. var. binatus Schur. var. Scheuclizeri Jord. var. collivagus Jord. var. carduiuus Ser. var. divaricatus d' Urv. c 18 ENUMERATIO SPECIEBUM VABIETATUMQUE GENERIS DIANTHUS. 151. D. Henteri Hen/. Nym. Consp. 152. D. caryopbylloides Schult. Nym. Consp. 153. D. longicaulis Ten. Nyin. Consp. 154. D. Boissieri Willk. Nym. Consp. 155. D. multinervis Vis. Nym. Consp. 156. D. Arrostii Presl. Nym. Consp. var. uniflorus Presl. var. biflorus Presl. 157. D. Falconer! Edgw. Hooker, Fl. Brit. India, i. 158. D. crenatus Thunb. Flora Capensis, i. 159. D. sinensis L. Linn. Sp. Plant, ed. 1, p. 411. var. minor = D. Seguieri Vill. + D. caucasicus M. P>. var. sylvaticus Koch. var. asper W. Subsect. 2. SYLVESTRES. Caules tenues. Bractete macronatrc. Capsula oblonga. 160. D. sylvestris. Nym. Consp. varr. prox. D. sylvestris Wulf. a. sylvestris Wulf. e. saxicola Jord. b. bracbycalyx Huet. f. juratensis Jonl. c. pratensis Jord.