]PM£^: ti SYNOPSIS OF LINEAR ASSOCIATIVE ALGEBRA A RHPORT ON ITS NATURAL DEVELOPMENT AND RESULTS REACHED UP TO THE PRESENT TIME BY JAMES BYRNIE SHAW Professor of Mathematics in the James MiUikin University A WASHINGTON, D. C. : Published by the Carnegie Institution of Washington 1907 CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON Publication No. 78 Z^t Boti (gattimcxe {prtee BALTIMORE, MD. , U. B. A. CONTENTS. iKTIiODUCrilON. PAOB 5 Part I. General Theory. I. Deliiiitioiis. ...... 1 1. The cliaracteristic equations of a number. I II. 'I'lic characteristic equations of the algebra. Associative units. . . . . . Sub-algebras, Redncibiiity, Deletion. Dedekind and Fkobenius algebras. IV. \^ VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. xr. XII. Scheffers and Peiuce algebras. Kkoneckeu and WEiEKf5TRASS algebras. Algebras with coefficients in arbitrary fields. Dickson algebras. Number theory of algebras. Function theory of algebras. Cirou]) theory of algebras. Kea algebri IS. XIII. General theory of algebras. Part II. Particular Algebras. XIV^. Complex numbers Quaternions. ..... Alternate algebras. .... Biquaternions or octonions. Triquaternions and (^uadriquaternions. Sylvester algebras. Peirce algebras. .... ScHEFFERS algebras. Caht.\n algebras. .... XV. XVI. XVII. XVIII. XIX. XX. XXI. XXII. Part III. Applications. XXIII. Geometrical applications. XXIV. Physico-mechanical applications XXV. Transformation groups. XXVI. Abstract groups. XXVII. (Special classes of groups. XXVIII. Differential equations. XXIX. Modular systems. XXX. Operators. Bibliography 9 31 .3.5 40 44 48 52 56 58 60 68 72 79 80 83 87 91 93 101 107 HI 113 120 120 125 129 1.33 133 134 1.35 ERRATA. Page. 11. Line 13, for \e,j\' read \(\j\\ 15. In the foot-uotes change numbering as follows: for 1 read 2, for 2 read 3, for 3 read 4, for 4 read 1. 26. Line 21, for A" read h^ . 33. Line 15, for AejC^ read ^e,f.. 34. Line 6, for [?«, (,",) read [?«,'(;",). 49. Line 6, for ?h,"|i read ?w| + ,. 53, 54. In the table for r >6 in every instance change r—2 to r—3, and r— 3 to r — 4. In case (27), hoioever, read e, = (311) — (12 r — 3). 57. Line 8, for t, read t^ . 59. Line 33, remove the period after A. 67. Line 12, insert a comma (,) after "integer". 68. Lines 9 and 10, cliange y to ■-•. 71. Line 17, in type III for e,, read e^. 72. Last line, for a q «~' read a q «"'. 73. Line 3 from bottom, for jk <■ read jk ' . 94. Line 7, for Srj' read SPj"'. 94. Last line, in the second column of the determinant and third line for S. /"' a j^
= 0- 106. Some of these cases are equivalent to others previously given. 107. Line 3 from bottom, /or e.^ = (221) read e^ = (211). 116. Line 25 should read p = '- ^r~^ — . 124. Note 3, add: of. Beez '-'. 128. Line 11, for i = I k^ read i = 1 ....//, . SYNOPSIS OF LINEAR ASSOCIATIVE ALGEBRA INTRODUCTION. This memoir is genetic in its intent, in that it aims to set forth the present state of the mathematical discipline indicated by its title: not in a comparative study of different known algebras, nor in the exhaustive study of any particular algebra, but in tracing the general laws of the whole subject. Developments of individual known algebras may be found in the original memoirs. A partial bibliography of this entire field may be found in the Bibliography of the Quaternion Society,^ which is fairly complete on the subject. Comparative studies, more or less complete, may be found in Hankel's lectures,^ and in Cayley's paper on Multiple Algebra.* These studies, as well as those men- tioned below, are historical and critical, as well as comparative. The phyletic development is given partially in Study's Encyklopildie^ article, his CJiicufjo Congress''' paper, and in Cartan's Encyclopedic^ article. These papers furnish numerous expositions of systems, and references to original sources. Further historical references are also indicated below. ** In view of this careful work therefore, it does not seem desirable to review the field again historically. There is a necessity, however, for a presentation of the subject which sets forth the results already at hand, in a genetic order. From such presentation may possibly come suggestions for the future. Attention will be given to chronology, and it is hoped the references given will indicate prioritv claims to a certain extent. These are not always easy to settle, as they are sometimes buried in papers never widely circulated, nor is it always possible to say whether a notion existed in a paper explicitly or only implicitly, consequently this memoir does not presume to offer any authori- tative statements as to priority. The memoir is divided into three parts : General Theory, Particular Si/s- temSy Applications. Under the General Theory is given the development of the subject from fundamental principles, no use being made of other mathematical disciplines, such as bilinear forms, matrices, continuous groups, and the like. 'Presented, in a slightly diflerent form, as an abstract of this paper, to the Congress of Arts and Sciences at the Universal Exposition, St. Louis, Sept. 33, 1904. 'Bibliography of Quaternions and allied systems of mathematics, Alexander Macfarlane, 1904, Dublin. 'Hankbl 1. References to the bibliography at the end of the memoir are given by author and number of paper. *Caylet9. 'StudiS. 6Stcdt7. 'CabtasS. •Beman 3, GiBBS 2, R. Graves 1, Haqen 1, Macfablane 4. 6 SYNOPSIS OF LINEAR ASSOCIATIVE ALGEBRA We find the first such general treatment in Hamilton's theory^ of sets. The first extensive attempt at development of algebras in this way was made by Benjamin Pkirce^. His memoir was really epoch-making. It lias been critic- ally examined by Hawkes^, who has nndertaken to extend Peirce's method, showing its full power*. The next treatment of a similar character was by Cartan', who used the characteristic equation to develop several theorems of much generality. In this development appear the scmi-simjjle, or Dedekind, and the jJseiwZo-nu?, or nilpotent, sub-algebras. The very important theorem that the structure of every algebra may be represented by the use of double units, the first factor being quadrate, the second non-quadrate, is the ultimate proposition he reaches. The latest direct treatment is by Taber", who reexamines the results of Peirce, establishing them fully (which Peirce had not done in every case) and extending them to any domain for the coordinates. [His units however are linearly independent not only in the field of the coordinates, but for anj' domain or field ] Two lines of development of linear associative algebra have been followed besides this direct line. The first is by use of the continuous group. It was PoiNCARE^ who first announced this isomorphism. The method was followed by ScHEFFERS*, who classified algebras as quaternionic and noii quaternionic. In the latter class he found "regular" units which can be so arranged that the product of any two is exj^ressible linearly in terms of those which follow both. He worked out complete lists of all algebras to order five inclusive. His successor was Molien®, who added the theorems that quater- nionic algebras contain independent quadrates, and that quaternionic algebras can be classified according to non-quaternionic types. He did not, however, reach the duplex character of the units found by Cartan. The other line of development is by using the matrix theory. C. S. Peirce^" first noticed this isomorphism, although in embryo it appeared sooner. The line was followed by Shaw " and Frobenius ^'\ The former shows that the equation of an algebra determines its quadrate units, and certain of the direct units; that the other units form a nilpotent system which with the quadrates may be reduced to certain canonical forms. The algebra is thus made a sub- algebra under the algebra of the associative units used in these canonical forms. Frobenius proves that every algebra has a Dedekind sub-algebra, whose equation contains all factors in the equation of the algebra. This is the semi- simple algebra of Cartan. He also showed that the remaining units form a nilpotent algebra whose units may be regularized. It is interesting to note the substantial identity of these developments, aside frojn the vehicle of expression. The results will be given in the order of development of the paper with no regard to the method of derivation. The references will cover the difi'erent proofs. 'Hamilton 1. 'B. Peirce 1, 3. 2IIawkes2. *IIa\vkes 1, 8, 4. ' CaKTAN 2. 'TaDER 4. ' POINCAHE 1. 'SCIIEFFEU3 1, 2, 8. •Moi.iENl. '» C. S. Peirce 1, 4. " Shaw 4. "Frodbnios 14. INTRODUCTION 7 The last cluipter of tlic general llioory gives a sketoli of the theory of general algebra, placing linear associative algebra in its genetic relations to general linear algebra. Sonic scant work has been done in this development, particularly along the line of symbolic logic' On the philosophical side, which this general treatment leads up to, there have always been two views of complex algebra. The one regards a number in such an algebra as in reality a duplex, triplex, or multiplex of arithmetical numbers or expressions. Tiie so-called units become mere nmhrae serving to distinguish the dilTerent coordinates. This seems to have been Cayley's^ view. It is in essence the view of most writers on the subject. The other regards the number in a linear algebra as a single entity, and multiplex only in that an equality between two such numbers implies n equalities between certain coordinates or functions of the numbers. This was Hamilton's'' view, and to a certain extent Gkass- mann's.' The first view seeks to derive all properties from a multiplication table. The second seeks to derive these properties from definitions applying to all numbers of an algebra. The attempt to base all mathematics on arith- metic leads to the first view. The attempt to base all mathematics on algebra, or the theory of entities defined by relational identities, leads to the second view. It would seem that the latter would be the more profitable from the standpoint of utility. This has been the case notably in all developments along this line, for example, quaternions and space-analysis in general. Hamilton, and those who have caught his idea since, have endeavored to form expressions for other algebras which will serve the purpose which the scalar, vector, conjugate, etc., do in quaternions, in relieving the system of reference to any unit-system. Such definition of algebra, or of an algebra, is a develop- ment in terms of what may be called the fundamental invariant forms of the algebra. The characteristic equation of the algebra and its derived equations are of this character, since they are true for all numbers irrespective of the units which define the algebra; or, in other words, these relations are identically the same for all equivalent algebras. The present memoir undertakes to add to the development of this view of the subject. In conclusion it may be remarked that several theorems occur in the course of the memoir which it is believed have never before been explicitly stated. Where not perfectly obvious the proof is given. The proofs of the known theorems are all indicated by the references given, the papers referred to con- taining the proofs in question. No fuller treatment could properly be given in a synopsis. ' C. S. PeIRCE I, 2, SCIIUOEDER 1, WHITEHEAD 1, RUSSEI.L 1, SHAW t. « Caylet 1, 9. See also Gibus 1, 3, 3. 3 Hamilton 1, 3. ■'Grassmaks 1, 2. PART I. GENERAL THEORY. I. DEFINITIONS. 1. EARLY DEFINITIONS.' 1. Definitions. Let there be a set of r entities, e, . . . . e,, which will be called qualitative units. These entities will serve to distinguish certain other entities, called coorc^wjafes, from each other, the coordinates belonging to a given range, or ensemble of elements; thus if a; is a coordinate, then Mj^j is dilTerent from OiCj, if i ^J, and no process of combination belonging to the range of «( can produce a^Cj from ajCj. Thus, the range may be the domain of scalars (ordinary, real, and imaginary numbers), or it may be the range of integers, or it may be any abstract field, or even any algebra. If it be the range of integers, subject to addition, subtraction, multiplication, and partially to division, then by no process of this kind or any combination of such can ajCj become ttiCj. These qnalijled coordinates may be combined into expressions called complex, or hypercomplex, or multiple numbers, thus r a ■=■ 'S. a^ gj t = i \i\ this number each «, is supposed to run through the entire range. The units Cj, or le,, are said to define a region of order r. 2. Theorems : ^ (1) (r(-|-i)ei = aei + 6(, and conversely, if + is defined for the range. (2) Ofij = e, = , if belongs to the range. r (3) 1 aiei = 0, implies 0^ = (i = 1 r) 1 = 1 (4) If 2 Oiff = S 6i<°i; then ai = 6,., t = 1 r, and conversely. 1=1 1=1 Theorems (3) and (4) might be omitted by changing the original definitions, in which case relations might exist between the units. Thus, the units + 1 and — 1 are connected by the relation + 1 + ( — 1) = 0. Algebras of this character have more units than dimensions. 3. Definitions. A combination of these multiple numbers called addition is defined by the statement ,. a + /3 = 2 (a, + h) e, i = l 'HankelI, Whitehead 1. Almost every writer has given equivalent definitions. These were of course more or less loosely stated. ' Whiteheab 1. 10 SYNOPSIS OF LINEAR ASSOCIATIVE ALGEBRA In quaternions and space-analysis the definition is derived from geometrical considerations, and the definition used here is usually a theorem.^ 4. Theorem. From the definition we have a + (3 = i3 + a a + {(3 + y) = {a + i3) + y when these equations hold for the range of coordinates. If subtraction is defined for the range, it will also apply here. 5. Theorem. If m belongs to the range and if ma is defined for the range (called multiplication of elements of the range) then we have r OT a = 2 (m a,) Cj 1=1 6. The units are called units"-, or Haupteinheiten'^ , and the region they define is also called the ground^ or the hasis^ of the algebra. The units are written also" (1,0,0, ), (0, 1, 0, ), (0,0, 1), the position of the 1 serving to designate them. The implication in this method of indicating them is that they are simply ordinary units (numbers) in a system of «-tuple numbers, the coordinates of each n-tuple number being independent variables. This view may be called the arithmetic view as opposed to that which may be called the vector view, and which looks upon the units as extraordinary entities, a terra due to Cayley. There are two other views of the units, namely, the operator view, and the algehraic view. The first considers any unit except ordinary unity to be an operator, as (—1) or the quaternions i,j, h. The second con- siders any unit to be a solution of a set of equations which it must satisfy and as an extension of some range (or domain, pr field); or from a more abstract point of view we consider the range to be reduced modulo certain expressions containing the so-called units as arbitrary entities from the range. Thus, if we treat algebraic expressions modulo i'^ + 1, we virtually introduce V — 1 into the range as an extension of it.'^ 7. Definition. We may now build a calculus** based solely on addition of numbers and combinations of the coordinates. This may be done as follows : Let the symbol / have the meaning defined by the following equations : if r r a = 2 Oi ej ^ = 2 Xi €i 1=1 i=l then r / . a ^ = 2 UiXi i = 1 It is assumed that the coordinates a, x, are capable of combining by an associ- ative, commutative, distributive process which may be called multiplication, so that UiXi, is in the coordinate range for every Oj and a-j, as well as XafCi. "Hamilton 1, 2, Grasshann 1, 2, cf. Macpablane 1. 'Grassmann 1. « Weiekstrass 2. «Taber1. SMoLiENl. «Dedekind 1, Bkki-ott 1. iguAW 13. *See §21 for dillereuce between a calculus aud an algebra. DICFIiNlTIONS 11 Evidently 1 . ri^ = x. E=lcJ.e,^, ( 1 Also, if / ::}:./ /.f'.^'i=l 1.6(61=0 8. Theorem. We have 9. Definition. We suy thut a and ^ are orthogonal if 7 . a^ = 0. The units g]. . . ., Cr therefore form an ortJto(jonal system. If / . ^^ = 0, ^ is called a nullilat. 10. Theorem. Let and Then, we have I . E,E,= \ {i=l....r) k«r'=l Inhere C'y is the minor of Cj, in \c Further a- la, a, E, If /'. refers to the E coordinates just as /to those of the e's, r since 2 Cy C,/, = or 1 as k :^j or /.• =j, and Jcy |- = 1. i= 1 Hence / is invariant under a change to a new orthogonal basis. 11. Definition. Let the expression A . a^ .... a,„_i Afi^. . • ./3,„ represent the determinant /3l /?2 ^3 /?. /a,„ _ 1 /?i Ta,„ _ 1 /?o /a„, _ i /^j .... /x,„ _ j /3„ In particular ^i . Uj J-p'i /Sa = /?j /a, /?2 — iSg /tti /?! i . aj ^a, ^,(^1 ((^^3 = l^«i A, ^asi^s! = — /• ao^Uj ^/Jj/^a = /. {SiA^.y -4aia3 These expressions vanish if ai . . . . a„,_i are connected by any linear rela- tion, or /!?i .... /3,„ by any linear relation, or if any a is orthogonal to all of the /?'s. If any (3, say ^^, is orthogonal to all the a's, / . tti Aa., ■ ■ ■ ■ a,„ A^i .... /3„, = and Aai a,„ _ 1 Al3i 3„ = iSi /ui Aa., a„ _i AjSo ■ ■ ■ (3„, 12 SYNOPSIS OF LINEAR ASSOCIATIVE ALGEBRA 12. Theorem. A . aA^y + A . ^Aya + A . yAa^ = / . aA^Ayh + I . (SAyAab + I . yAaAi3h = j3I aa = a/a/3 — AaAa^ A . aia2A(3i(3.,(3a = ^iI.a,AaJ(32l33 — (S,J.a^Aa2A(3i(i-i + t^3l.aiAa,A(3i^-. = Aa, A13, 13, la., ^3—^ ai^/3i/?3 ^^a^A + A a^A/SoJ^ la^^y I. ayAao as A(3i /J, /?3 = — ^ ' 0.2 -^Ci «3 -^/^i /^2 /^3 = • • • • = I. l3iAl32 ^3 Aaiasa3= — I. /?„ l/3i/?3 iajaoag = ... y I . aA(3Aa^ = al . aA^Ay^ + ^I. aA^Aay + Aa^Aa^y 13. Theorem. In general A.ai- . ■ .a„i_i-4/?i. .../?„ = 2 . (SiIa^Aa,- ■ ■ .a,^^iA(3o. • ■ •/?„, = 2 . Aa, A^if^z /ttg Aas . . . . a„_i A^a ..../?„ = 2 . AaiaoA^ilB^Sal.asAai. ■ ■ .a„_i A/Si- . . .(3^ (31. aiAao- ■ ■ ■a„_i-4ai. . • .a„_i = 2 .ai/ai^ag- • • -ar^^iAfia,- ■ ■ -an..! Signs of terms follow rule for Laplace's expansion of a determinant. Develop- ments for J-ttj A(3iy and higher forms are easily found. 14. Theorem. If the notation be used ^1^12 ••*j = ^ .:^,A.AX,....A. A?.,A(io^,.fi,_ I i"2 • 1«1 then i«0 i«l /"3 /"3 ^.-1 f's /X3//0 /Jl3i>'3 I^3f^s-1 ^^3(^B I\ ."0 -^^s^« It follows that A . X1X2 A (1q jUi |M2 = ^fj»)-/.X,„.^{j;} DEFINITIONS 1 .'J Omitting X and fi f ] 23 ) ( 2'>1 f ■■'3 ) The forms J. . . . . yl . . . . may ail be developed in this manner. The form AV^l^ V I , where i, i„, Ji /„ are two sets of n subscripts each chosen from among the r numbers 1 . . . . r, may be looked upon as determining a substitution of n cycles on the r numbers, the multipliers J'/.j^^^fii^^^^,- ■ ■ -I'/.j^Hi^ furnishing the other r — n numbers, that is, the whole term determines the substitution J *)i + l ■ ■ ■ • trj1'\ ■ ■ • • K I (^ri+1 • • • JryJl ■ ■ • ■ Jn) which must contain just n cycles. It is also to be noticed that ii^jt, t^ 1 . ... 71. The terms in the expansion of J. . Xj . . . ./.^ -^/«o,«i ■ ■ ■ ■ f^r are then the r! terms corresponding to the r! substitutions of the symmetric group of order r\. The sign of each term is positive or negative according as the number of factors / in front of the A ] \ is even or odd. Certain theorems are obvious consequences but need not be detailed, 15. Definition. Let §(a/3) be any expression linear and homogeneous in the coordinates of a and (3. Also let be formed. This is called the Q-th bilinear ^.^ 16. Theorem. If e,' is any other orthogonal system, Q.^^ = :iQ.cjel.Iejet He, ^ y • ^i 6« Hence Q . ^^ is independent of the orthogonal system. It follows at once that I . ^A?.i A^fii = (r — 1 ) /Xi [li A . p.i A^fii fi, = — (;•— 2) ^;Li Au, ^ / . ^A2.i . . . . X, A^u^ . . . . Uj, = (r — s) /. Jlj Ax, . ■ . ■ '/.^ Aui ...._«, J. . ^Xj ?i, A^f^^ . . . j«,+i = — (r — s — 1 ) .4X1 /., Au^ ju,+i Q . ^^ may also be written Q . y^ by extending the definition of v> ^he coordinates of ^ being x^ . . ■ ■ x,, that is, V = 2 C; -^— . ' M'AlLAT 1. 14 SYNOPSIS OF LINEAR ASSOCIATIVE ALGEBRA 17. Theorem. By putting subscripts on the zeta-pairs we may use several. Thus A.^,^,Ap^,^C2= (r-2)(r-l)p / . ^1 A^, ;ii A(, ^3 ^,1= ir~2) [r - 1) I A, ^i, A^, ^2 ;ii A^i ^2 ^1 ^u = (r - 3) {>■ — 2) 4X, Afi, fi^ In general I^, A^,...^,A^,...^, = r{r-l)...ir-s + 1) 7^1 ^^o. . . g ;ij . . . X, A^, ...^,fi,...^i,= (r_,s) (r-s- i)...(r-s — <+ 1) /. ^1 A?.,...?., A«i • • • i"» If s + < > r this vanishes ; i£ s -\- t = r, yve have 7 . /^j ^/lo . . . /Ij Af.li ■ • ■ f's ^ ^^1 . . . ^j Xj . . . ?-s_i .4{;i . . . ^'^ j(fi . . . fi, = (-1)' (r - 6-) . . . (r _ 5 — < + 1) .4^) . . . ;i,„, ^,«i ...//, All . . . ?u,_i Afii . . . fi,— 18. Theorem. If 7cc, p = i z= i . . . . m — 1, then p= ^ . «!• . . -a^.i J/;?j /3„ where /3j, (/==!.... m) is arbitrary. For, if we take the case where m — 1 = 3, we have for /3], /J^, /?a all arbitrary, the identity J«, ao ttj ^4/3i (i.. ^ip = /?! /ai -la, aj -4/33 /^s P — /^3 -^"i -^'^'s «3 -^/^i /^3 P + /^a 7/1 ^a. ag J/^j /^o p — p/aj Aa^ "3 ^/3i ^^ /^g Hence p 7«i yiaa a-j A(3i ^^ ^3 = (3^ 7«, Aa-, a^ Afi.^ /?3 P — /^g -^"1 ^aa "s ^i^i /?3 P + /^g 7ai -(4rx3 Kg J./3] Z?, p — -4a] ao a^ A(3i ^., /^g p Since 7a) p == /'/.2P ^^ -^"sP ^ i therefore identically 7a] ,/?] Txi ^a^ag A^.^fS^p — Ia^[3.,IaiAaoa:tA^i i5gp + lixS^Ia.iA'XMj -^/^i/J^p = with two similar equations fur a.,, Wg. Therefore, since /3], /^o, ., then the bilinear form Scy x, yj may be written J.otpa or I.a^p, where <^ (or ^') is called the conjugate, the trnnsvertie, or the transpose of 4). Besides the ordinary combination of these operators by "multiplication" Stki'IIANos* defines two other modes of composition which may be indicated as follows in the notation developed above : (1) Bidlternafc composition in which <^i . <^2 is equivalent to „ , C\., Tp'Ap" A= "a"2i S . i^j'^ = orxn S.^^ = S{Exa, iV) i^Uca i'j") = SX X,, y,, a."= i"+=y*+<^ (?+,'5S) (,nod 3) = (a-oo Z/oo + a-10 Z/20 + ^-xi 2/10 + a^oi 2/02 + "'a;ji 2/22 + ua;,! yjg + a-02 2/oi + "^12^/21 + "°a;o2?/i,) Hence and if therefore ^■l = 2x„j7/,,G)'^i« + ''y* + '' a, J, c, fZ= 0, 1, 2 403. Definition. US.j^=0 S.j-^ = S.j=0 then we define 404. Theorem. We may write ^ in the form ^ = a + />*' + ci" (at least if ^ lias not equal roots); whence, ify is chosen/ so that Ay=0, S.ji^O, Sj-i = 0, we have A'<^ :=Jcpj-^ z= a + wi/ + cj" cr -S'|<|) =J'^J~" = (I + (■i'i'i + "Ci" ' Sylvester 3, 4 ; Tabek 2 ; C. 3. Peirce 6 ; also the linear vector operator in space of tliree dimensions, Bibliographij of Quaternions, in particular Hamilton, Tait, Jolt, Shaw 2; also articles on matrices. » Shaw 7. This applies to §§403-403. » Of. Tabek 2. 94 SYNOPSIS OF LINEAR ASSOCIATIVE ALGEBRA 405. Theorem. If y is to be such that S.j' = 0, Sij' = 0, Si"j' = 0, and if y is such that S .j = 0, Sij =^ 0, Sij^ = 0, we may take J' = O.J + a J- + /3i ij + /?3 if + Y\ i'V + Y-Jt whence y- = 2ai tto + 2/?i 73 u- + 2/3. yi CO + I (/?i aj + o' |8i ag + a^ /?3 w + aj /Jg) + i" («i ^2 + «i 73 "' + «3 7i " + 0^2 yO + and if S .j''' = 0, Sij'" = 0, ^'ry = then tti tto + u iSs 7i + 0)" /3i 72 = ^i Uo + t'> «i f^n =■ tti 73 + (J Ua 7i := whence ar =2/^1X1 a^=2/33 73 and That is Hence and "3 • 1^3 • ^^3 -— <^i • — (j" /^i : • — 071 or a^ = /ig = 72 = J' = («! + /^i i + 7i i')j=j{(^i + "' /3i i + 071 i') j,-i _y3 ^^^ + /3j i + yi i2)-i = (aj + CO- j3i i 4 (071 t-)y-i y (a + &i + ci")j'-^ =j{a + bi + ci^)j-'^ It is thus immaterial what vector/ we take to produce the conjugate Kj^, except that we cannot discriminate between Kj^ for one vector and Kj^ for another, if the second is equivalent to the square of the first. We may therefore omit the subscript y and write simply K, K". or 406. Theorem. From ^ =■ a + bi -\- ci^ we have <^3 _ 3a ,p" 4- 3 ((t^ — be) ^ — {a^ + b"^ + 0^ — 3 abc) S . ^ — ^ S . i^ S . i^(p S . i~^ S .
= 2\ K'
= To A> = 7; A'"> 7*3 ) = T's 7v> = T, IC~^ 408. Theorem. If a — 1 + i + i", where «^ = Sa-^b «"/", S . a^ — <^ S . j~^ a(p 'S' . y ~- a<^ .S' . aj
S'(a + ,/-' aj +y-2 af) ^ = S (a + ICa + IC'a)
>Sj ''a1 'pi 'P3 + ^l >;) ^i + >:; 'l 4>3 + =^ x„b Z/,_„,„-b (o"^-^-'" i'j-"
^ = a-„, (.-"'*" y-*
^^ = 2 a:„, y,, uT'^^^'^-'^'i i«+=y-*-<*
415. Theorem. We have
)o = M> + ^) = i 2 {x,, + (."^ x,,. _,) i"y*
i (> — ^) = i S (a:„„ - o"^ a;„, _,) i^y^
ab ,
> = > a: - i/) ffi = (T, (?>— f/V'-'fTi^cTu {^ — gYoy = o
{K'^-g)f A'-^) /f"-! ^
It follows that if the characteristic function of t be formed, it may be
or for
By differentiating this expression in situ the characteristic function for
^„ may be formed in terms of 4)1 ... . ^n. This function will vanish for
C, z= 9j ^„ = (|j„
^, = K'^,....^^ = K<^„
(iz= 1 . . . . n — 1 )
437. Ill the following lists of algebras, the canonical notation explained
above is used. In the author's opinion, it is the simplest method of expres-
sion. The subscrifjts only of the Jl will be given; thus (11 1) + a (122) means
Xju + aX,23. For convenient reference the characteristic equation is given.
The forms chosen as inequivalent are in many cases a matter of personal taste,
but an attempt has been made to base the types upon the defining equations
of the algebra. The designation of each algebra according to other writers*
is given.
The only algebra of this type of order one is the idempotent unit
ei = >7 = Xj,o=(110)
438. Order 2. Tijpe ^ {rj, i): {x — x^ e^f =
e2 = (l]0) ^^ = (111)
The product of ^ == a-jCj + XzCo, g = i/^ e^ + y., e.^ is
^a = ei {xi y.. + x., y^) + e^ [xo y^)
The algebra may be defined in terms of any two numbers t,, ^, if ^ ^^ 0,
so that we may put a in the form a = x^ + y^^.
439. Order 3. Type ^ {r„ i, i^) : {x — x^ e^f =
e3 = (ll0) e.,= {\ll) ei = (112)
The general product is
^a = cj (a-iys + x.jjz + x^yy) + e., {xny^ + %%) + e^ {x^s)
The algebra may be defined in terms of ^, ^', ^, if ^" :|: 0, ^ :|: 0.
Ti/pe * {y;, i,j): (x — a-g 63)2 =
eg = (110) -f (220) eg = (210) ei = (lll)
^0 = fj (itj //;, + x^yi) + 62 {Xi y-i + xg 2/2) + ^3 3:3 Vz = o^
The algebra is definable by any two numbers ^, a whose product does
not vanish. The product of ^a may be written
^a = GS^+^Sa — e3>SXSa
Also we may write the algebra (>;, ^', cr'), where ^', a' are nilpotents,
440. Order 4. Type^ {71,1, 1^,1^): (i — ar^ej^ =
ei = (110) 63 = (111) eo = (112) ei=(ll3)
If ^ = /S^ -(- V'(, then the algebra is defined by
^, C~, ^', K\ if ^4 + 0, V^^O, (F0^4:0, (70^:1:0
'Enumerations are given bj- PiNCHERLE 1 ; Catlet 8 ; Study ], 2, 3, 8 ; Scheffeks 1, 2, 3; Peirce3;
RoUR 1; Starkweatueu 1, 2; Hawkes 1, 3, 4.
-Study II; Scheffers II, ; Peirce a.,. 'Study III; Scheffers III, ; Peikce Oj.
< Study V; Scheffers IIIj. ' Study V ; Scheffers IV, ; Peirce a,.
Type {ri, i, j, f) : {x — x^ e^f =
e,= (110) + (220) 63= (210) + a (122) e., = (ill) + 6 (122) e^ = (112)
^a = — S^.Sa +aS^ + ^S(y + e^ {x.^ y-z + ax^i/g + b x.^y^)
F^ . To- = ^1 (3:3^2 + a a-3 2/3 + 6 x, ^3)
F^ . Va— Va . V^ = ^a — G^ = he^ (0-3 2/3 — 0:3^2)
We have two cases then : (l) when 6=0, (2) when J :J; 0.
We may determine e\=- e^, from
{V^f = e,{xl + a:4)
When a = 0, this gives us only one case of (t°=: e^.
When a ::j: 0, we may talce 4 = e^ as well as e| = e^ ; whence, if a ^
gg 63 = eg Co :=
If a -f 0, we may put « = 1
6363 = e.,€^—0
Finally, then, we have^
{vijf){\) f3 = (210) 63 = (111) 61= (112)
(>7*i.f)(2) ^3= (210) + (122) 6'2=(111) e, = (ll2)
{vijf){^) ^3 = (210) + (122) a e. = (1 1 1) + (122) e, = (112)
(>7Ur)(4) e3 = (210) ^3 = (111) + (122) ei = (112)
Type {yi, i, j, ij) : {x — x^ ej" =
e,= (ll0) + (220) 63 = (210) e. = (11 1) — (231) ei=(211)
^a = ^1 (.T3 y., — x.> y-i + Xg ?/, + a-^ y-^ + e. (a-, y^ + x^ ?/o)
+ ^3 (^3 ?/4 + a-4 7/3) + e^ Xi i/i
Defined ^ by ^^, <7, such that ( V^f = = ( Fa)'
Type'{-^,i,j,k): {x-x,e,f =
e,= (110) +(220) + (330) 63 = (210) ('3 = (310) ^ = (111)
V^Va =
Defined by any three independent numt)ers.
441. Order 5. 7)/pe ' (>7, i, r, i\ i*) : (x—x, e,f =
6, = (110) e4 = (lll) e3=(112)- ^.= (113) ei = {U4)
Definable by any number '( for which ( F^')' :^ 0.
'Stcdt IX is O7, i,J,j') (3) If «', = (310) -(111) + (c-l)(12ri), t, = (1U) + 2(132). Scuepfehs IV^ is
tUc 8am3. Peirce 6, and b\ reduce to this form. Studv X and ScuEt-PEUs IV^ reduce to (3); Study XI
and SoiiEKFEiis IV^ reduce Id (1); SoiiEi'i'Kits [Vj roduues to (4) if ;i = — 1, otherwise it reduces to (S).
'Stody XIV; SOBEFFEKS IV,; PEruCE d,. aSTODY XVI; Soueffkks IV,.
«3CUBFFERS V,; Peiuce a,.
Type ' {ri, i, j, f, f) : (a; — Xj e^y =
ej = (ll0)4-(220) ei = (210) + a(l23)
e, = (lll) + /v(123) eo = (n2) ei = (113)
(1) /> :|i 0, we may lake 1 = 1.
(2) h = 0, we may take a = 1, or
(3) b = = a.
Type ' (>7, i, h y , r) • (a; — a-5 e.f =
65= (110) + (220) 64 = (210) + 6 (221) + c (122)
e3 = (lll) + (?(221) + e(122) e2 = (21l) ei = (112)
(1) e4 = (210) e3=(lll) + ci(22I)
(2) 64 = (210) e3=(lll)+(i(22l) + (122)
(3) ^4 = (210) + (122) e,= {\n)
(4) ^4 = (210) + (221) 63= (lll)-(221) + e(I22)
(5) 64= (210) 4- (122) 63= (lll) + cZ(221) + e(122)
Type 3 (>7, i, i?, j, f) : (x — x^ e.f =
^5 = (110) + (220) + (330) ^4 = (210) + (320)
eg=(310) 63= (111) ei = (112)
Tl/pe ' {r;, i, j, h, !r) : (x - x,e,f =
f5= (110) + (220) + (330) 64= (210) +« (122) + Z-(132)
e3 = (310) + c(l22) + (Z(l32) e.= (HI) + e (122) +/(132) ei=(ll2)
(1) 64 = (210) + (122) 63= (310) + (132) e, =(111) ei = (ll2)
(2) 64 = (210) eg = (310) + (132)
(3) 64 = (210) eg =(310)
(4) 64=(210) + (l22)-y(l32) e3 = (310) + 7(122) — (132) ^^=(111)
(5) ^4 = (210) + (122) — (132) C3 = (310) + (122)
(6) 64= (210)- (132) 63 =(310) + (132)
(7) e4 = (210) + (l+a-')(122) e3=(310)
(8) e4 = (210) + (122) e3=:(310) ej = (1 11) — 2 (122)
(9) e4 = (210) + (122) e3=(310)+ 2(122) — (132)
e3=(lll)— 2(122)
(10) e4 = (210) — (122) + (132) 63 = (310) — t (122) — (132)
e, = (lll)— 2((132)
'SCHEFFERS V, is in (1), «, = (210) + (123) — (112), e, = (111) + 2(123); Schefpers V, is (2); Schef-
FERS V, is in case (1), a = 0, c, = (210) — (112) ; Schefpers V, is (3); Peirce 6^ is in (1), j= (111) — (123),
fc = (n3), J = (113), m = (210) + (133) + (112); Pkirce c^ is in (1), j = (HI) - (123), * = (112), I = (113),
m = (210) + (112).
«SCHEFFEKS V,. is(l); e, = ( 1 1 1) + ?. (231), e^= (210); V,, is (3? with d = — 1; V„ is in (5); V„ is in
(3) or (4); Peirce d^ is in (5); e^ is in (4); /^ is in (1); ^5 is in (5); Aj is in (3); tj is in (1).
•ScHEPFBRS V||.; Peirce J.. * These are in order Schefpers V^, — Vj^.
Type {r„ i, j, h, I): {x— x^ eS~ =
(1)1 65=1(110) +(220) + (330) + (440) c, = (210) — (l3l)
e3=r(310) + (12l) 6.= (410) ei=(lll)
(2)' ^5= (110) + (220) + (330) + (440) e4=(210)
eg = (310) 62 =(410) ei=(lll)
442. Order 6. Type ^ {yj, i, r, i?, i\ i^) : {x — Xa e^f =
66= (110) 65= (111) 6, = (112) 63= (113) 6,= (ll4) 61 = (115)
Type ' {-r, i, j, f, f, f) : {x-x, e,f =
66 = (110)+ (220) 65= (210) + a (124) e^ = (11 1) + & (124)
63 = (112) 63= (113) 61 = (114)
(1) a=l=b 65= (210) + (124) 6, = (lll) + (124)
(2) a = 0,J = l e5=(210) 64 = (ill) + (124)
(3) a = 0=b 65 = (210) 64 = (111)
Type ' (57, i, J, ij, f, f) {x—x^ e^)' =
(1) 65= (210) + (122)+ 2\/^^(22l) 64 = (111) + (221)
(2) 65 = (210) 6, = (111) + 2(123)
(3) 6a = (210)+ (123) 6^ = (111) + 2 (123)
(4) 65 = (210) 6, = (111) + 6^(221)
(5) 65= (210) + (221) e4 = (lll)
(6) 65 = (210) + (123) 64=(111) + (^(221)
(7) 66= (210) +(221) 64= (111) +(123)
(8) 65 = (210) e4=(lll)
(9) 65 = (210) + (123) 64= (111)
10) 65 = (210) + (122) e4 = (lll) — (221) — 2(122)
11) 65 = (210) + (122) 64=(111) — (221)
12) 65 = (210) + (123) 64 = (111)— (221) — 2 (122)
13) 65 = (210) 64 = (111) — (221)— 2(122)
14) 65 = (210)+ 2(1 q: v/:i^)(22l) + 4\/^=T(l22)+ (123)
e4 = (lll) =F >/^^^(22l) + 2(1 ± \/^^)122
15) 65 = (210) + 2 V-^ (221) + (122) 64 = (1 1 1) + (221) + 2 (l 23)
16) 65= (210) + 4 (221) + (123) 64 = (1 1 1) + (221) + 2 (122)
17) 65 = (210) + 4 (221) 64 = (111) + (221) + 2(122)
18) 65= (210) + 4(221) + (123) 64 = (111) + 4 (122)
19) e5 = (210) — (?H — 1)(221) — i(??? + 1) (?/> — 3) (122)
^^^(111) + ^'^ 3 (221)+ 2(122)
'SCIIEFFERS V,j . 'SCHEFFERS V33. apEiKCEn,,. * Peiuce ()g is ( I ) ; Cg is (3).
•These arc In order Staukweathek 4, 8, 9, U, 13, 13, 14, 15, 16, I'J, 30, 31, 33, 33, 27, 29, 30, 33, 33.
Also Peirce aoj and h)„ are iu (4), nd^ in (5), z,. in (6), «/„ in (8), ae„ in (tt), ?«,. in (II).
(1) .', = (210) + (.320) e,=(.310) ., = (111) e, = (ll2) «, = (113)
(2) c'6=(210) + (320) + (133) e,= (,310) + ( 1 23) 6,= (ill)
e., = (\['l) .-, = (113)
(3) ^6 = (210) + (320) -f (133) e^ = (310) + (123) 6,= ( 1) 1) + 2 (123)
eo={n2) e, = (ll3)
(4) e, = (210) + (320) e, = (;310) e,= (1 1 1) + 2 (123)
Co = (112) e, = (ll3)
Tljpe ' (r, i, j, k, /r, P) (^ _ ^^^ ^^y ^
(1) ^, = (210) e, = (310) e, = (lll) e, = (112) .i = (ll3)
(2) e,=(210) + (123) e, = (310) e,,= (lll) e, = (ll2) ., = (113)
(3) .a=(210) e, = (310) e3 = (lll) + 2(123)
«3 = (ll-3) ei = (ll3)
(4) e, = (210)-(133) e, = (3I0) + (l23) e3 = (lll)
. e3=(ll2) e, = (1)3)
(^) ^«=(210) e, = (310) e3 = (lll) + 2(133)
^^=(112) e, = (ll3)
(6) e'5 = (210) + r/(l33) e, = (310) + (123) e3 = (lll)
^ ^ e, = (112) ei = (ll3)
(7) e, = (210) + (133) e, = (310) + (123) ^3 = (l 1 1) + 2(123)
^2=(112) ei = (ll3)
(8) e, = (210) + (133) + (123) e, = (310) + (123) .3 = (1 H) + 2(133)
^2= (112) ei = (ll3)
'^m iv, i,j, ij, f, if) C.3 = 1 (a; _ ^^e,f =
e« = (210) + ^(l_co)(22l)-|<.(l22) e, = (111) + c. (221)-^ (1-.,) (1 22)
e3=(21l) + i(l_,,)(222) e2 = (112) + .,r(222) e, = (212)
Tl/pe (>:, i, J, k, ik, V') (^ _ ^^ ^^y ^
(1) e5 = (210) e,= (310) + (132) ^3= (111) + 6(i22) + c (132)
62 = (211) ei = (112)
(2) e,= (210) + (l22) .^ = (310) + (132) ^3 = (HI) + 6(122) + c (132)
e2 = (21l) e, =(112)
(3) e6 = (210)+a(122) e^ = (310) + (122) + (132)
e3 = (lll) + 6(122) + c(l32) e. = (211) e, = (112)
(4) e5=(210) e,= (310) + (122) +(132) e, = (1 1 1) + i (122) + c(l32)
^3 = (2n) f,= (ll2)
(5 e6 = (210) + (l32) ,, = (310)-(122) e3=(lll) ,,= (211)
(6) e5 = (210) e, = (310) 6>3 = (lll) + (i22) e, = (211) e;=(ll2)
(7) ^, = (210) e, = (310) e3 = (lll) ., = (211) e, = (112)
'These are in order Starkweather 3, 5, 28, 10.
' These are in order Starkweatheu 1, 2, 0, 17, 18, 24 2.^ 26.
f5 = (2l0)-a(132)
66= (210)
e^= (310) + a (122)
e2 = (lll) + a (122) + fl(132) + a(142)
eo = (111) + a (122) + a (132)
<'3=(111) + a(122) + a(142)
62= (111) + o(132)
62= (111) + a(142)
e2 = (lll)
63= (111) + (122) + (132) + (142)
eo = (lll)+ (122) + (132)
e2 = (lll) + (122)
Co = (111)
Type {yi, i, j, k, J, il)
e5=(210) — (231)
66 = (210)
Type{Yi, i,j, k, I, m)
e,= (310) + (22l)
e2 = (lll)+(221)+(23l) + (24l)
6. = (111)+ (221) + (231)
e.,= (111) + (221) + (241)
62= (111) +(221)
62 = (111) + (241)
e2 = (lll)
e^ = (3l0)
62= (111) + (221) + (231) + ^241)
62 = (111) + (221) + (231)
62= (111) + (221)
62= (111)
y = o
e3 = (410)
6, = (112)
63 = (410)
61 = (112)
61 = (211)
6i = (21])
64 = (310)
63 =(410)
62 = (510)
a*6 e^f =
6i = (lll)
443. Tlie following liwls include algebras of order less than seven, with
more than one idempotcnt. lieducible algebras aie not included, nor are
reciprocal algebras both given.' 'J'he idempotents are >;; direct units t, j. . . .;
skew units e.
444. Order 3. Type" (>7i ; r,.. ; e.,^) {x — x.^ e^) {x — x-^ Cq) =
63 = (110) 6. = (220) ej = (210)
445. Order 4. 'Type ' {yj^ ; j?., i; ejj) (a; — a-;, e^) {x — x^ e^f =
^^ = (220) ey=(110) e. = (lll) ei = (2l0)
Type M>7i ; >72 ; Cai , e'21) {x — x-i Co) {x — X4 e^)) =
e^ = (110) e;j = (220) . = (210) ei = (21l)
Type ^ (>7j ; y/., ; % , e,.) (x — x.j «„) (x — x^ gy) = ^
e, = (110) 63 = (220) Co =(121) ej = (2ll)
446. Order 5. Type ^ {1^1 , i, i~; ■^,, e^^) (x — Xj ?„) (x — X; Cq)' =
6-6= (110) e, = (220) e,= (lll) e.., = {\\i) e^ = (211)
Type '' {y:i,i; ^i,j; eoi) (^ — x^ eo)^ (x — xg eo)2 =
65 =(110) ^^ = (220) e, = (111) e2 = (222) €^ = (211)
Type M>7i , * ; >72 ; ^^i , e^i) (x — Xi Co) (x — X5 ej- =
(l)e6=(110) e,= (220) e. = (lll) e, = (211) ^^ = (212)
(2)e5 = (110) 6i = (220)+(330) e,= (lll) e. = (21l) ei=(310)
(3) 65= (110)+(220) e,= (330) e3 = (210) £, = (111) ej = (311)
Type ^yiifi; n-i) ^12, e,^) (x — x^ e^) (x — x^ e^f =
(l)e6 = (110) e, = (220) e3=(122) e^ = (210) ^^=(112)
(2)e6=(ll0) e, = (220) e3=(122) &, = (211) ei=(112)
Type ^" {m ; >72 ; 4, 4', e^i") (x — x^ e,) (x — Xi Co) =
66= (110) ei = (220)+ (330)4- (440) e, = (211) e, = (310) £^ = (410)
Type " (>7j ; >7o ; e^o, el^, e'.J,) (x — x^ Co) (« — ^i Co) =
e6=(llO) e^ = (220) + (330) 63= (121) e. = (211) ei = (310)
Type ^2 ()7i J Yi.,; yi-y, e,^ , e,^) (x — X3 e,) (x — x^ e^) (x — x, ej =
65 = (110) ei=(220) 63 =(330) e»=(221) ^^ = (311)
Type '^ (>7i ; )73 ; yi-^; e.^, e-^) {x — X3 Cq) (x — x^ e^) (x — Xj e^) =
eg = (110) ei = (220) 63 = (330) 63= (211) ei = (321)
'For algebras of order seveu see Ha WKE3 4. "These are in order Scheffsks V,,, V„, V,, •
•StUDT IV; SCHEFFEKS III, . Hawkes (V)3„, 3,j, 1,.
• Studi VII; SCHEFFEKS IV,. 'These are in order ScHEFFEBS V„, V,,; HawkE3(V)3 3.
< Study XV; Scheffeus IV,. '»Scheffebs V„; Hawkes (V) 5.
447. Order 6. Type^ {r,^, i, t\ P; r.^; e^-^) {x — x^e^) {x—Xze^^=
eg = (110) e5 = (220) e^ = (221) e,= {222) e.= (223) .'j = (210)
Type 2 (>:i , ii , j\ , jl ; r,. ; e.^) {x — a-j ?„) (a- — x^ e^f =
(1) eg = (220) + (330) e,= {\W) e, = (320) 63^(221) e.= (222)
(2) e, = (220) + (330) 65=1(110) e, = (320) + (232) e3=(221)
63= (222) ei=(212)
(3) 66= (220) + (330) e6=(110) e^ = (320) + a(232)
63 = (221) + (232) e. = (222) ej = (212)
(4) eg =(220) + (330) e5=(110) e, = (320) 63 = (221) + (232)
e3 = (222) ei = (212)
Type ^ (>:i , ii , j\ , ii jl ; n. ; e^i) {x — Xg eo) {x — x^ e^f =
66= (110) eg = (220) +(330) e^ = (221) — (331) 63 =(320) e. = (321)
e, = {2\\)
Type ^ {y:i,h, j\ , h ; r,.^ ; Cgi) (^ — ^^ ^0) (•» — -^'s 7, ti, ij; y-.^ ; e^^, gj,) [x — x^ ep) (x — Xg e^f —
(1) e6 = (llO) 65= (220)+ (330) + (440) e, = (221) + (430) e3=(222)
6, = (310) 61 = (410)
(2)e6 = (ll0) es= (220) + (330) +(440) ei = (22]) e3 = (222)
62= (310) 61 = (410)
Tyjje ^ ()7i , ^1 , q ; >72 ; ^12 , e^i) (x — Xg e,) (x — Xj Co)^ =
(1) eg =(330) + (440) e^ = (110) + (220) £',= (132) 63 = (310) e. = (lll)
6, = (112)
(2) e, = (142)
Type ^ {y;i,h, j\ ; >:,. ; Co, , ei^) (x — xg t-o) (x — xg co)'- =
(1)^6 = (110) 65 = (220) + (330) + (440) + (550) e, = (320) + (540)
63 = (221) 62 =(410) p, = (510)
(2) 64= (320)
UIawkes (VI) 1, 1. < Hawkes (VI) 1, 6. MIawkes (VI) 3, 1, 3, 2.
= In order Hawkes (VI) 1, 3, 1, 4, 1, 2, . ' Hawkes (VI) 2< 1. » Hawkes (VI) 4^ 1, 4, 3.
aiUwKES (VI) 1, 5. 'IlAWKES (VI) 3, 3. «IlAWKES(VI) 3^ 3; 3,4.
Type ' (>:, , i, , y, ; r,., ; e.,, , e,„) (x — Xj t'u) {x — aij Cq)^ =
(1) e„ = (330) + (440) e, = (110)4-(220) + (550j ^', = (131) e^ = {^\0)
e., = (210) ei=:(lll)
(2) e, = (141) e^^l^ill)
^!'/JPe " (>7i . *i i >:3, *2 ; ''12, eiO (^ — a^6 eo)' (a^ — ^s eo)' =
(1) ee = (440) rv, = (110 + (220) + (330) e^ = {\i\) e3 = (441) e,= (i40j
e, = (14l)
(2)e„ = (440) e5 = (110) + (220) e4 = (lll) e,= (441) «?„ = (240)
ei = (:i41)
(3)e„ = (440) e5 = (110) + (220) + (330) e,=:(lll) 63^(441) ^, = (340)
e^ = (240j
Type ' (m , ''i ; r,., , u ; e,o , Cji) (x — x, e„)^ (x — x^ e^f =
(1) ^8= (330) + (440) e,= (110) + (220) e^ = (310) + (421)
63 = (131) + (240) e, = (441) €^ = (111)
(2) e3 = (240)
(3) e, = (310) 63= (131) + (240)
(4) e3=(240)
Type^ (>7i, i\ ; r,.,; e[., e^l, e'l^) (x— x^eo) (x — Xjeo)' =
(1) 66 = (440) 6, = (ll0) + (220) + (330) e, = {in) 63 = (340)
e, = (140) 61 = (141)
(2) 6e=(550) 65= (110) + (220) +(330) + (440) e4 = (lll) 63 = (150)
6, = (250) 61 = (151)
(3) 63 =(350)
ej = (450)
Type ^ iyii,h;yi2; e'n, ^{2 , eg,) (x — Xg Cq) (x - Xg eo)' =
(1) 66 = (440) + (550j 65 = (110) + (220) + (330) e^ = (530) 63 = (140)
fe,= (lll) 6, = (141)
(2) e3=(141)
61= (240)
Type ^ (>7i , J'l ; )72 ; ^21 , eii, eij) (x — x„ 60) (a: — Xg 60)' =
66 =(440) + (550) 65 = (110) + (220) + 330) 6,= (410) 63= (141)
62 = (111) 61= (530)
Type ' {r;i ; y;^ ; 6,'.,, e;{ , ei'.i', ej-J) (x — Xg 60) (x — Xg 69) =
e^ = (660) 65=(110)+ (220) + (330) + (440) + (550) e^ = (460) e^ = (360)
60 = (260) 61= (160)
' Hawkbs 4, 3, 4, 4. * Hawkes (VI) 5, 3, 7, ], 7, 3. « Hawkes (VI) 8, 3.
sHawkes (VI) 5, 1, 5, 3, 5, 4. ' Hawkes (VI) 8, 1, 8, 3. i Hawkes (VI) 9, .
« Hawkes (VI) 6, 1, 0, 2, G, 3, C, 4.
%)e 1 {ra ; >:2 i «i2 , «)2, Cjo', %) (a^ — JCs ^o) (a: — a^B ^o) =
^5= (110) +(220) +(330) + (440) 65= (550)+(GC0) e,= (4G0) e3=(360j
62= (260) ei= (510)
!%7e 2 (>7i ; >72 ; Cjo e,'^ ej e^j) (a; — Xg e^ {x — a:^ fo) =
e,= (440) + (550) + (660) e^ = (1 10) + (220)+ (330) e4=(630)
63 = (530) e. = (250) e^ = (140)
%9e ^ ()7i ; ii ; yi.; 573 ; e^o, Cig) (a: — a^^ eo) (a: — a^s ^o) (a; — arg e^f =
ee=(110) e, = (220) e, = (330) e3=(313) ^.= (323) Cj = (333)
^l/F^ * (>7i > *i ; ^"~'j ^s-> ^2] , ^23) (a: — a;4 Co) (x — x^ e,,) (a; — a-^ Co)' =
ee=(110) e, = (220) e,= (330) f3 = (212) e2=(232) ei = (33l)
%'e ^ ()7i, ii ; >73 ; >73 ; ^13, eo,) (a; — a-^ Cq) (a: — ^5 Cq) (a: — a'c Cq)" =
66 = (110) eg =(220) 64 = (330) 63 = (231) 6,= (312) ei=(332)
Ti/pe ^ (>7i , ii ; yjo] vja] e.i , 632) (a: — ^i «o) (a: — scr, Co) (a: — a-j fo)' =
e, = (110) e5=(220) e, = (330) e3=(12l) e2 = (23l) ei=(331)
Ty2>e • {y-i, ; r,.. ; ^3 ; e:2, ^is, ^ss) (a^ — ^i ^o) (a: — arg Co) (a: — a^e <°o) =
ee=(llO) 65= (220) e, = (330) + (440) e3=(31l) e.^ = {A20) e, = {Z2\)
Type ^ ()7i ; 773 ; r,^; e^. , e^^ , e^) {x — x^ e^ {x — x^ e^ (x — x^ e^ =
(1) ee = (ll0) e5=(220) e, = (330) e3=(312) e2=(23l) ei = (322)
(2) e3 = (211) 63 = (320) ^^=(311)
(3) e2 = (32l) ei = (31l)
Type ^ (>7i ; yi-i\ »?3 i «i2, ^12 , ^si) (a: — a-^ e^ (x — x^ e^ {x — x^ e^ =
65 = (110) 65 =(220) e, = (330) + (440) 63 = (420) 6.= (130) ei = (321)
Type 1" (»:i ; r,.; ris] e^,, e.^, 631) (x - Xj eo) (x — Xg e^) (x — Xj Co) =
e, = (ll0) eg =(220) e,= (330) 63 = (211) e2 = (13l) Cj = (321)
1 Hawkes (VI) 10^. ' Ha WKES (VI) 3, 3. « Hawkes (VI) 4, , 83 1, 9, 3.
SHaTVKES (VI) 11,. 6HAWKES (VI) 73. » Hawkes (VI) Sj .
3 Hawkes (VI) Is 3. ' Hawkes (VI) 3,. '"Hawkes (VI) 83.
< Hawkes (VI) 63.
448. Quadrates. The unit.s in tliis case have been given.
Dedekind Algebras. These have been considered.
Order' 7. ei = (110)
«?5 = (330)
Order 8. Type g, x (>?, i)
e, = (120)
r„ = (l30)
e, = {2\0)
e, = (230)
Xt c,
X Xo
This is biquaternions.
Type" Q, + (>?, i) + e^
X^ Cq X
2 —
Xi 6i
1 ^0'
X Xg
x^ eo — X
(Xfi Cq — x)- =
ei= (220)
(110), (120), (210), (220), (330), (331), (l3l), (231)
Order 12. Triquaternions.
Order 16. Quadriquaternions.
It is not a matter of much difficulty to work out many other cases, but
the attention of the writer has not been called to any other cases which have
been developed.
— fo
449. The chief geometrical applications of linear associative algebras have
been in Quiilernions, Octonions, Triquateniions, and Alternate Numbers.
These will be sketched here very briefly, as the treatises on these subjects are
very complete and easily accessible. What is usually called vector analysis
may be found under these heads. There are two other algebras which find
geometrical application in a way which may be extended to all algebras.
These will be noticed immediately.'
450. Eqiiipollences. The algebra of ordinary complex numbers
has been applied to the plane. To each point {x, y) corresponds a number
2 = a; + Z/*^!- The analytic functions of z (say /(z) where df .%■=■ f {z) . dz)
represent all conformal transformations of the plane ; that is, if z traces any
figure Cj in the plane, /(z) traces a figure C, such that every point of Cj has
a corresponding point on C^ and conversely, and every angle in C^ has an
equal angle in Co and conversely.^
451. Equitangentials. The algebra
has also been applied to the plane. The analytic functions of z represent the
equisegraental transformations of the plane, such that /(z) converts a figure
into a second figure which preserves all lengths.^ To 2= x + Cj ?/ corresponds
the line ^ cos a; + >; sin a; — y = 0.
452. Quaternions. Three applications of Quaternions have been made to
Geometry. In the Jirst the vector of a quaternion is identified with a vector
in space. The quotient or product of two such vectors is a quaternion whose
axis is at right angles to the given vectors. Every quaternion may be
expressed as the quotient of two vectors.
' See Bibliography of Quaternio7is. Also the works of Ha.miltox, Cliffokd, Combebiac, Gkassmanx,
GiBBS and their successors.
The following formulae are easily found :
(1) If a is parallel to (3 F . a/3 =
(2) If a is perpendicular to /3 S . a^ =
(3) The plane through the extremity of ^, and perpendicular
to a is iS{p — b) a =
(4) The line through the extremity of a, parallel to jS F(p — a) jS =
(5) Equation of collinearity of a, /?, 7 V{a — /?) {^ — y) =
(6) Equation of coplanarity of a, /3, 7, ^ S{a — ^) {(3 — y) (7 — ^) =
(7) Equation of concyclicity of
a, /?, y, ^ y{o^ - 1^) (^ - r) (y-^) (5-a) = o
(8) Equation of cosphericity
of a, 13, r,h,s S{a-P) (/3-y) [y-h) (5 - e) {s-a) =
(9) The operator q{)q~^ turns the operand () through the angle which is
twice the angle of q, about the axis of g-. The operand may be any expression,
and thus turns like a rigid body. These operators give the group of all
(10) The central quadric may be written /5p)p = — 1 =■ gf -\- 2 iS?.p S^p,
where 4) is a linear vector self-transverse function ; /I and fi are the cyclic
a = ^gz — gi i + * () a system of invariant planes, one
througli any given line q, called a system of in-parallel planes. Multiplication
by p, p, has also a system of invariant planes, called by-iKirallel plants, one
through each line q. The displacement of (7 in any invariant plane is constant
and equal to the angle of/). The tensor of (7 is multiplied by the tensor oi p.
If 3' is resolved parallel to two invariant planes of /), these components turn in
their planes through Z p, and the product pq has these results for its
(5) If Vqp = 0, g- is parallel to p.
(6) The projection of q on }) is Up Sq KZTp.
The projection of q on a vector perpendicular to p is Yq KUp . Up.
(7) The plane through the origin and the two vectors from the origin
a, — (X2 and ai («! — a^) is aip -\- pa^ =
1 Hatha WAV 2, 3, 4, 5; Stuingham 4, 5, 7.
The plane through the point aj a containing the vectors
ttj — Uo and tti (ttj — tto) is aj g + quo + 2a =
(8) If "
ai = ± UVec, ao=:± f7Fec, and a = — aj Oq
then the equation of the plane through Uq containing the vectors c, e is
ttjjp 4-^Jao + 2a ^
(9) The plane through c, d, e is given by the same equation with
«! = UV{cd + d~e-\- ec) a. = UV{dd + de + ec)
a ^ — M"i ^ "I" ^'^2) ^ — i («! - ) Sj-' a 4> ^y-<"-i' a ^
Saj^ Sj-'aj^-^ Sj- (»-» ay ^
Saj''-^^ Sj-^ aj"-' ^ /S;*-("-"ay<"-'' ) — 4>
a, b:= . . . n — 1
a, b = . . . .n — 1
>Laguekre1; Cayi.etS; B. PeibceS; C. 8. Peirce, 4, 8 ; Stephanos 1 ; Tabeh 1 ; SiiawT; Lau-
BENT 1, 8, 3, 4. Ou the general topic see Bibliograplty of Quaternions.
'SUAW 7; Lauuent 1. 'Tabek I!.
«Cayi.ey3; Laoukuhe 1 ; Fuouenids 1, 2; VVethS; Tauek 1 ; Pascu 1 ; Bucuheim 3; MOLIEN 1 ;
Sylvestek 1 ; Siiaw 7; WniTEHEAD 1, and Bibliography of Quaternioni.
428. Theorem, (p may be resolved according to tlie preceding theorem
along any units of the form given by i,j, as
If J be such that
S.f^ = 0,J"=l 8 = l....n—l
then lcxen Griissen. Encgc. d. Math. Wiss. (1899) 1; 147-184.
9. Die Geometric der Dynamen. Deutsche Math. Ver. Berichte (1900) 8 A; 204.
10. Geometrie der Dynamen. Leipzig (Teubner) (1901).
8yi.vB8TEii, James Joseph.
1. LccttireB on the principles of universal algebra. Amer. Jour. Math. (1884) 6; 270-286.
2. On the three laws of motion in the world of universal algebra. ./. //. U. Circ. (1884) No. 33.
3. On quaternions, nonlons, sedenlous, etc. J. II. U. Circ. (1883-84) Nos. 3, 7, ; 4-28.
4. Sur les quantltfis formant un ^foupe