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WHITE, M.A. First Master of the Latin School, Christ's Hospital, London. WHITE'S NEW ETOT^ LATIN^GRAMMAE. The Eton Latin Grammar, revised and corrected : Toj^ether witli a Second or larg-er Grammar, in Enj?lish, for the Higher Classes in Schools, &c. 12mo. 2s. 6d. ( The Latin Accidence, price One Shilling'. Separately] The Eton Latin Grammar, price Is. 9d. V The Larger F^aiin Grammar, price Eighteenpence. YALPY'S LATIN DELECTUS improved by WHITE. The Latin Delectns of the Rev. R. Valpy, D.D. A New Edition, corrected and improved ; with anew body of Notes, and a new Lexicon. 12mo. 2s. 6d. Kev, 3s, 6d. The FIEST SEVEN BOOKS of EUTROPIUS'S EPITOME of the History of Rome: with English Notes and Questions, and a copious Vocabulary. By the Rev. C. Bradley, M.A. New Edition, corrected and considerably enlarged. 12mo. price 2s. 6d. IV CORNELIUS NEPOS : with English Notes and Questions. By the Rev. C. Bradley, M.A. A New Edition, corrected and considerably en- larged by the addition of Explanatory and Grammatical Notes. 12mo. price 3s. 6d. BRADLEY'S SELECT FABLES from PHiEDRUS, for the use of Schools. With English Notes, Questions, and Vocabulary. A New Edition, corrected, and considerably enlarged by thfe addition of Grammatical and Explanatory Notes. 12mo. price 2s. 6d. Ex OVIDII METAMORPHOSEON LIBRIS EABULiE qufedam in Tisum Scholarum excerpts.— Bradley's Selections from Ovid's Metamor- phoses, for the use of Schools, with English Notes and Questions. A New Edition, careluUy revised and improved. 12mo. price 4s. 6d. The GERMANY and AGRICOLA of TACITUS : chiefly from the Text of Hitter. With English Notes, explanatory of peculiarities of style, and elucidating all points of primary importance in construction, customs, and history in reference to the text of Tacitus. 12mo. price 4s. 6d. XENOPHON'S EXPEDITION of CYRUS into UPPER ASIA, principally from the Text of Schneider. With English Notes for the use of Schools. 12nio. price 7s. 6d. DALZEL'S ANALECTA GRiECA MINORA ; or, Select Passages from Greek Authors : adapted for the use of the Junior Classes in Schools. A New Edition, with additional Extracts from Arrian and vElian : carefully corrected throughout, and improved ; with a new English Lexicon of all the Greek Words which occur in the Text. I'ost 8vo. price 6s. London : LONGMAN, GREEN, and CO. Paternoster How. A &EEEK DELECTUS EEY. E. YALPY, D.D. A NEW EDITION THE REV. JOHN T. WHITE, M.A. OF C. C. C. OXFORD First Master of the Latin School, Christ's Hospital : Editor of Xenophon's Anab<-isis Cicero's Cato Major and Laelius, the Germania and Agricola of Tacitus, &c. &<■. /^^^ OF THE ' \ UNIVERSITY OF LONDON LONGI^IAN, GKEEN, LONGMAN, AND ROBERTS 1860 LONDOX : parSTED BY SPOTTISWOODE AND CO. NEW-STREET SQITAEE. PREFACE. m Pr / iJ Those who are in the habit of usinor Valpy's Greek Delectus with their pupils are well aware that, in the selection of examples, verbs irregular and contracted have become intermixed with verbs regular, verbs com- pound with simple, though to each kind its own proper position in the book is professedly assigned. To remedy this fruitful source of perplexity and confusion to the learner, at the very outset of his career, has been one of the objects proposed to himself by the Editor ; and he trusts that, in this respect at least, the text, as it now appears, will be found free from error. A new body of Notes and a new Lexicon are also given. In the former, difficulties and niceties of con- struction are explained in the simplest terms of which the subject allows ; in the latter, the fullest information will be found in the place of the comparatively small amount of matter before supplied. By these means it is hoped that this highly-useful little book will long maintain that high character and extensive circulation which it hae hitJ^erto en'ovcd. Christ's Hospital, March, 1851. ^ 107292 GREEK DELECTUS. VERBS REGULAR. ACTIVE VOICE. Indicative Mood. — Present Tense. 'Eyco T'JTTTCO, 'H^sT;? TrSlXTTOlXSV, l[X£is aysrs. JJoiloeg [xevo'jG'i, B 10 2 GREEK DELECTUS. AsovTS (pv7\a(r(t£Tov, T/ Trpao-a-sis ; TpoL(pou(rl rivsg Tcai Asyoutri. Kara 0£oy rixeig. Tig G-e rlei ; To 3ps4:>o^ /xsvsi svhov, Ti ]«.£ Siwxs/^ ; lUlxTTO) (Toi Toh (rre(^og, Geov T^eysig Trpovoiav. Oij (xhsi vug fipoToig. Auxog asrov i^svysi, Ns^sXt] aysi T^aiXaira, 01 ITO'KBlf.lOl -kslTrOlKTl TO. S-KOa. Tov P/oy Tslvoixsv ehTria-i, 'O Xuxo^ TTjv alya Iuokbi, 10 lo 20 25 GREEK DELECTUS. 3 JJdvra -^povog sig 7\.rfiy]v ccysi, 'O NsTAo^ Tpi(p£l TOU XpO>c6(iciXr\y, *Avrip avOf>a, xoCi 7ro\ig g-cd^si ttoXiu. 5 'Eyco ^sj/ ufxiv T7]V s[xriv yvoifxriv "Ksyo), *H TTSvid [xovrj rag rs^vag sysipsi, Ouolp X.f^fi9 oai[j,ovog crSivsi (dporog. Ayei TTpog to d>co^ ttjv aT^rjQsiccy o ypovog. 'Ks)f> yjipoL viTTTsi, ^axTvXog 2s §a«TuXoy. 10 Eyoi ve^o) ai/a opsa rag xaT^ag alyag, Yipmra Trausi X/jao^, si §2 javj, y^oovog* 'Ax^a^si ra avSr}y xal lyco (rrs(pdpoug TrAs^ftj. ^Ssipovcriv rfit] ypr}(rrd h'xi'kiai xaxat. Udvra [xiyag )(^pouog [xapalusi rs xa) (pTiiysi, 15 Vpog OU ASITTSI [J.S, OUTS S'J ?7£p£l^ OUTz SU OTTtOpTJ, ow ysiixwvog aKoou. Imperfect Tense. *Eya) CS SXSITTOV. 'AXrjSr] sXsysg. '^Tpdrsvixa srarrs, 20 Avxog [xs s^lwxs, Tr;V V7](rov sXsiTrerrjv, 2 2 srlotxsv. li 2 4 GREEK DELECTUS. Gdvarov riys [xolpa, 01 TToXsfxioi e(psvyov. 01 ylyavTsg tikqvti^ov. 9 ^^KTcpuTTTOv ?^rj(raupovg. First Future Tense. ^pacray coi, 10 "EvSqv [J.svcb. Ev TTpa^zig, Ou (r^o7^a(Tsig. O'J xrsvm (TB, Toe ^()7\.a xoyJcrco, 15 Trjv ^vpoLU xoi^co. Nu^ (TTpCLTQV <TU)G'El. ^O^^ciig TTpd^oixsv rouTO. TtfJLCopfa r}^£i ex rou Osou, 'Ex tolJ (TTOfxaTog (TO'j xpi'jCo <75, TTOvripe oov%e. GREEK DELECTUS. First Aorist Tense. 'O ovog sT^axTKrE roj^ osmrorrjv, Ka7\.a>^ s7\.s^ag, IKpdrog (^Eog fOTracrs. ^ayg 6Xa/x\f/?v etc rov ouoocvoi) H^a ^uo OpoLHOvrag sttsixi^s, Tly^ourcov UspcrB<p6vY/j r^pirarTs, lO* Eixra)f> A'lavTi ^l^og (vTrafrs. ''AvOfxx, i^EpKTTOv oL^OLvaToi sVla'av. *H 'A5>]va l^vTEurrs ttjV s7\.aioiV. O iTTTTog edovT^svcTc rco avSpwTrco, "AvSctcoTog s<puTS'j(rsv a[JL7rs7^a)va, 15 Tcuv ^r^vwv sva. fMOi ocErog ^p7ra.<rE^ 'O *Etf)y.rig ExJ^E-^E l3oa^, a^ eve[j.ev *A7ro7\.7^a)U, *Kk TTvpog ^l7\iaKoij ripTracTEV Alvslag Trarspa, Sspl^CO OTTOlt Ol)X eCTTS/pa. "lExpu-i/a TO ToCKavTov (tou Iv t"^ 7^. 20 *0 0eO^ rmV WOLTEpCOV Tj^JiCDU 7]yElpEV 'l7j(rot/v. *0 *la}(ivyyig etteix-^e rivocg ribv (xolSyitiou airoO B o 6 GREEK DELECTUS. BdcTf^OL^oi TTpog rov Ala Trpia-^sig S7rs[xi^av, O Kct^/AO^ exo[xi(rsy sk ^oivUrig ra ypa^/^ara sis T^v 'Ex?ia6(X. 'ETTfOTToXTjV sypot^e Trpog rov Trarsoa xoLi ttjv Perfect Tense. ^Opbiog TTSTrlcTTSvxoig, *H TTicTTig (Tou (Tscrcoxs ere. Tz^auixoLKaciv dv^psg, AsT^uxaori Tag (TTrouOag, Pluperfect Tense. A.\)Tog sy£ypci<p£i. 'E^e^ptjp^si ra x6[Ji.ara. Kara rivog s'ksT^s^sirs, ^0 Tov IfTTTTov srsTUipscrccv, Second Aorist Tense. *'E<$iuyov xuKov. 0[)ixog sT^^TTsv o(neoL» GREEK DELECTUS. 7 Ou^s)g rov ^cUvoltov %(^ijys. ^¥akt6lvsv '0^i(rr7}g ^r^rspa. 'O K.dpog 770Ta[J.ov STpd/TS. MvSov oLVTog s^pdos. 'H vaug sTd[xs ^aXaccav. 5 Ecf)Qap£ TTup uXtjv. 'EdTpd'TTS TToXT^oug y^pucog, AuTCO sXlTTSTYlV Oka, "Ittttoi sTCittov oip[xa.T(x,. Imperative Mood. "Axorjs, (Z ttolT, Ksd^aXrjv rpsTS. iO "Ittttov ays. "Ovo^aa (Tov xiys [xoi, Xttsv^s ^pa^icog. TufJLva^s asavrov irovoig, Ogyys ahxiav, Tsivs to to^ov, 'SIttts rag xzipag, ^pa(Tov [xoi, 15 KoTTTS TTJV ^VpOLV, ^Uti(TOV (TSCiUrOV. Msivov ^sS' riiJMiV. TaZra Trpa^drw. 4>pa(raTs [xoi ^o^oug, Taura As^ars. AItts as. IToXiv TiSiyloLTCoa'av, 'larps, ^spaTTsyo-ov (rsaurov. ^0 Aucrov TO vTTo^riixa Tcbv tto^Cou <rou. "Av^psg^ axQVG'OLTS Tohg jJyoug [xou, B 4 b GREEK DELECTUS. Optative Mood. JJuxdo'oiTS xc^oiroL pooois. Subjunctive Mood. M.Yj rouTO TTpa^y^g, 5 YIt} (pvyo) ; MrJ fxs xravrjTS, Infinitive Mood. XpY^^O) 7\.l7rs7u TTjV TTOT^IV, 10 Tohg oL^ixoug jU^ ^oaouvsrs (^suyeiv. PASSIVE VOICE. Indicative Mood. — Present Tense. AiysTai ri xctivou ; Ou [xoi rpsTrsrai voog, E^ aviixwv '^aka(r(Ta rapao'crsroii. AvOfiog TTOvri^ou (rTrXay^vou oi) ixakOLfTasrai. 15 GREEK DELECTUS. V Imperfect Tense. Perfect Tense. ' "Eyo) vivifxixat, TiXog iri^avTai, UoT^sixog TTiTravrai. "Ey)(^os XsXsiTrra/ croi, Udvra 7\i7\iXTai xakCog. HavTa sd TTSTrpaxrai, Tl yiyfiCLTrrai h ro) vo/xoj ; BsAo^ tsto^vjtcli, 5 Pluperfect Tense. Paulo-Post-Future Tense First Aorist Tense. 'HyspSr; Kvpiog, "Ea-Koria-dr^ b p.ios. "ETroiiosuSr) Mcocrrig TrcHa-fi cro^la ruju AlyuTrricuv, ] E7r7ajCrSr}croiv al r^txzoai. HuX/o-^tj (rrpcLTog. First Future Tense. » B 5 10 GREEK DELECTUS. Second Aorist Tense. At Trpd^sig s^divricrav. Kara rov }€aTaK7<i)(r[J.ov s^^apv} ra TrXsTcrra 5 Second Future Tense. Optative Mood. Se^a^ TTupog <poLVBir} vauraig. Subjunctive Mood. Infinitive Mood. AsT •^OLTOL Tohg v6[j.ovg oip^siv rs xa) ap^saSai, 10 Participle. T/ TETapoLyixivoi ectts ; ^TTiypoi^ri TJv yEypay,ixevri. YloLVTOL 1(Tt\ 7rs7rpay[j.sva, 01 ylyavTsg i^xovti^ov slg ovpavov irsrpag xai 15 '^pvg i^iJi[j.evag. GREEK DELECTUS. 11 MIDDLE VOICE. Indicative Mood. — Present Tense. 'O T^uKog STTi rot. irpo^aTOL TpsTsrai. Z:vg rlsrai avrrjv. Imperfect Tense. Tloivrsg eXovovto. 5 ^opofjg s7rpo(,(r(rsTO sk ruiv ttoXscov. First Future Tense. U^za-^sua-oiJLiSa h rep ^si^xcbvi rourcp. First Aorist Tense. *E^ia(ravTO ol (rrpOLTioiroLi Trpog rou Xo<i)OV. lb Of "EXXrji/s^ la-uiG-OLVTO, "Hxt/o) T7]g sfxrig yjipog, Mrj (T\j sAowVo) ; TiV ^^^aTO ^ou ; 0£a ^(jivriv eXvVaro. 'EysJo-a'o to uOcop. OStxrcsuj ^JxAoi^ e;^aXu\[/aTO. Oi 7roKs[JLioi sra^avTO. 15 Second Aorist Tense. ErpaTTSTO c^pvjv. Oi TToT^sfMiot IrpaTTovTQ KOLi scbuyov. B « 12 greek delectus. Imperative Mood. Ij^pinitive Mood. THE VERB EI/;! 'Eyft) avS f'COTTog s][j ^apiTi ©sou sl/x* sljJL 5 0» >/ » » r Su £* ^piCTTOg, ulog TOU ©cOV, Tv(p7\.og sT ra rs cora, rou tb vovv, rd tb o/x^aara. 10 O TTOug Tciu ^O^iTTTTou sxa(TTrig ri^Boag s7^ByBV aUTlSj ^iXlTTTTS, OLvSpCOTTOg Bl. Uvofxa (Toi Ti ecTTi ; Aiog xpoiTog s^rr} [XByicTTOv, Ouoev yAvxiov B(m Trarploog. 15 K.sp'dog ecTTiV o ^avoirog. Msyag scrr) Qsog, GREEK DELECTUS. 13 *H TTOLTptg 1(jTI (^iT^TOLTOV ^^oTolg, * Kvapylag /xeTJoi/ oux acTTi xaxoy, JJoixIt^ov TTpdyixcx. rif^rj sa-rl. Sr^(ra'Jc>og [xiyag scTTh 6 ayaSog (pi7^og, 5 Tig i(rS* xoTTTcov rrjv ^vpav ; 'O TraT^onog olvog ^pTjO-roTspog s(rri, 'Xofpov Ti p/pTJjOia auSpcoTTog s(rri. KaT^Xia-Tov scrri xrri[xa TraiosioL ^poTolg. Ta a^uvaroL ^iwxnv ixavtxov sa-ri. 10 "OtXov [xsyia-Tov s(rTiv r^ apzrri ^poroTg, ^ Xv^OWTOg BfTTl TrVzUlUCL Xa) (TXIOL [XOVOV, ^payjjg [xiv scrriv o ^log, >] ^5 riyvri [xaxpcc, IloXX' arATTTOt SCTTIV SV TOJ [XaXpiZ pUO. Tlo(T7] s(rT)v vj (vpoi ; Trpcorv], OiUTzpa., rpiTT}. lo ET^ £(rT; 0£o^, 0^ oupavov r srsu^? xa) yotiay, 'O Silg ak7]^-rig s(rTiv sv ts spyio xou iv T^oyo), UXsovs^ia, (xsyia-Tov avSpwTroig xaxov Ig-ti. %o^ioi [xovrj Tcbv xtt^ixcltcdv aboLvarov l(rri. *Ao)n] (xsv ^iT^lag e(rrh sTaivogy sy^pag oa i!/oyog, 20 ^Isyicrrov s(rTi voug aya^ov sv av^ipwTro'j (r(J0[xaTi, 'O xvcov TTpog rag ^ripag ea-ri ypriO-ijxog xai irpog TTJy <^\j7^ax7^v. Tavraig r^v ypna-a /jcvjXa stt) ixrfkiag, v s^u- 7;ao"(7s opaxcuv, 25 14 GREEK DELECTUS. ^Q ^ivOl, TlVSg SfTTS', Tsvog rod Ssou s(ru.sv, Hsvre slfrh alo'ST^a-sig, opdfrig^ axor], Q(r^pr}(Tig, ysijcrig, aipi^, 'Hi/ to prifjLoc rovro xsxpufJLixsvov, 5 "Mpog iju OLp^rjf tcolI iravTcn ^x^ot^s)/ oivSr}, Oupavog Ts youci rs ^u jw^opcj)^ [mIol, 'Ev otp^fi rjv Aoyog, xcu 6 Aoyog ^v Trpog ro'j 0£ov, xai Ssog r^v h Aoyog. *Ev okT^OTptoig TrapaOslyixoccri ttolI^sus (TSolutov, 10 xoLi a7raS7]g rcbu xaxcbv sctyj, "'Ecrsrai ycupa. (Toi. Ou^s)^ cioixog scrai [xoi <pi7\,og, *Et^Spog [xlv s(rroLi tS Ssco b aOiTCog, o Ss ^ixaiog^ ^iTiog. 15 A/jU,©} xa) 7\.o ifxo) \(jOVTai, ^i'kog eco, o\j [xovov yXcatTa-fj^ ctAXa xai rva spyip, ^Avspzg Irrrs, (^i\oi, 'Eav fig ^iXopLdSrjg, sa-fi TTo'kuu.oiSrjg, 20 To ^i7\.apyvpov sivai ovsi^og scrri, *Ev oe roLig olxiaig i](rau ouysg, o'lsg^ fiosg^ opvi- Qsg, xol) tol 'sxyovoL rourcov. * A^dvoLTOV%-^^pav [XT) ^uT^OLTTSf ^urirog wu, *H "^it^r] aScHvarog ipaivsrai ouaroL, 25 GREEK DELECTUS. 15 COMPOUND YERBS. ApirsiVs rug ^zlpag Trpog rov oupauov, Ai^ov [JLOi TToa-oL (701 yj)-r^\xcLT Iot), (Ti/v T^ig ^r^^' cauooig, oig b Traryjp xoltsXitte, *0 'Yi.poLx'krig uTTsixsivs [xsyaT^oug vrovoug aai xtv- hitvoug. K-T^savopoi Ikz7^zu(7z 'nOLpcLTz'ivai rrjV ^a^^ay-ya irapoL rag xcoixag. X;a)v a7r£;^pu\j/£ ra, ottT^ol xa) Toug avS^wTTOvg, Aiera^sv b Ssog ^zpog stvoLi xa) p^s/^cova. 'O J^VplOg aWBG'TOLkXz i^B, Tov TTupyov Oicopup/aci. *0 irarrio (Ts xarsXiTTz. 15 As^lOiV TTpOTStVS ;/5*pa» 01 TraXaiOi ^wypa(i>oi ourwg arsyvcog slxa^ov to, ^coa, wcTTz liriyooL^siv oLuroig, — ToDro 3ou^, IxiivO ^TTTTOg^ TOUTO hiv^pOV, 'O uTTOixslvag slg riXog, oOrog (ra)Sr}(rsrai. 20 'Ett* ^i^'Kio^riXTig liriyiypaTrroLi, '^uyrig *larpe7ov. 10 16 GREEK DELECTUS. '^tJVr^^^7](T0LV TO. sSvT}. 'ATTccraXTj 6 ayyz7<og oltto rod 0=ou. Movo; xara^sV^siixfxivoi i\(rcLV, ^AttskoIvolto l\dpog, O (^sog l^sXl^ctro rohg iroLripoLg urxwy, Ola uyAv OioLTTSTrooL^acriy rjXOU(ra(rQ=. To eocovu^ou xepag suSug oiscTra^r^, CONTRACTED VERBS. Ti/Jtto Tov iraTBooi [xou, 10 Su ctyoLTrag [xs ; Uavra 7s.i^ov xivslg, ^suoog fxiG-sl TToig <ro^og. Tig (po^sl (Ts (pTjixTj ; 15 Udv 'sTTog TB\{i 0soV. M/a -^zXi^MV ou TTOisl sap. GEEEK DELECTUS. 17 Ovoc, T^rjC'Cf.g axoviDif, >:ivb7 roc wra, TIC'OG'X'JVU) K'JiiCV roV = OV [XO'J, AatxTTfiov rfkio'j (rsXag xivsl (pSiyfxoLTa oqvI^cdv, 'H CzXr^vT) o'j fxovov TT^g vvxroSf a?y.7wa xal roO xal xparuvzi, Adwara aiTzig. Il7;6a, xa) TTup^i^l^zi^ xai T7]V ao-Trloa rivdcrfTzi, xai TO Oo^'j TTuyW'.si, xoLi hAoucioi. J\aTa(rxsva^o[)(7iv ol Alyv—rioi ex tujV xp'iSujy 770) [xoi, xolKoug'i ^vSog. 'O 'AttoaXcov 1X5 <i;X=7, at Mou(ral [x- (piT^oijcri. 15 0/a 65 xai lAaXsi Traaot rou 7r?voDv, rwv liri- ^aTib'j roiU oLTToivTcov xctraysTicbv. TIzpix7\.7]g r'(rrpci7rT£V, l^oovrd, (rvv-x6xd rr^v 'Xrs^avog irT^r^Qr^g ^apirog xa) ovvoLUZcog eirolzi 20 Tspara xcCi (rr^'xsla ixsya7\0L h rco 7.aco. *ASa]/aTov TT^cora 0=ov tI'Xol. l^arai^Qovzi S^avarov. Ti TTOn^O'CO 'y ' Axo7^0'J^zl [XOi, 25 18 GREEK DELECTUS. TIoisi [XTj^su [JiST opy%. YioLVTOL TTOisirs KoCkCog, AyaTTOLTs Tovg l-^bpohg v[jM)U. BouXsuoy fxav ^pa^scog^ £7nTs7\,si 3s rap^scog. 5 TIoTiXoi G's [XKTTjO'Quo'iVj sotv (TSCiUTov ^iXiig, IloXXa "kaksiv xaxou s(rTi. Mtj cnreu^sTS TrXowrsTv. Oy ra xarco, aXXa ra, ccvo) (ppovslv osT. 10 ^AG-(pa7\.£(rT£C>ou row T^Eysiv ro criyoiv. HSu ixiv s(m ^aXarrav olto yr^g opav. Toug (pi7\.oug Iv Tolg Kaxolg p^p^ To7g (pi7\.oig aj(ps7i£7v, AlxaiOU IcTi TCIVTCC TTOlSlVj O, ol oip^OVT£g TTpOCT' 15 £ra^0LU, S£og iTTQirio'E Tov oitpctvou, Tcoii T?]V y5jv, xai TrauTa ra Iv auTolg, ^ATii^av^pog £T£'i\£(}Ty](T£ ^oi(riX£v(rag £TY^ 3a)3£;«a. Tov T£T£7^£UTrj7c6ra [/.axoipi^E, 20 ^I'^G'oug ^1^/aro T7]g cropod, xcci o V£xpog rjp^oLTO 7\.aA£Tv. IlroXe^aTo^ 6 Adiyou sXsysv, afLSivou £ivai TrXoy- tI^£IV 7] TrXOUTsTv. * Ayig ^a(n'k£ug eXsye, rou^ Aax£^ai^oviovg oux 25 GREEK DELECTUS. 19 ~ 1 \ SpCOTOLV, 7r0(T0l SKTlVj OlTCAOL TTO'J BKTLV, 01 TO 7^5[Xi0l, *H TCOV (TTf>CLT7]ymV b[x6vOia [JLCLT^KTra Toug tto- 7^s[j.lovg svixTjO-s. ^i7\.wv a [XT] SsT, ou (pi'Krj(rsis a ^sl, Ouoslg £7\.£uSspog, sauTou [xt] x^oltcov, 'Maxapiog o(rTig suru^wv olxoi [xsvsi. *0 [XKribv a^ixicLv [xaxpov ^icoo'srai ^oovov, 10 Tov [xsu i^suOrj [Xzixicrrjxa, rou Qs a7<r}Sri 7rz0l7\,r}xa, 'AS/xs? TToXkaxig ou [xoyov o vroichv ri, aA?\.a xoc) [XT] TTOitov ri. O'jx s(TTi ToTg [XT] ^poicri (TU[xixa^og Tv^rj. 'OpoLrai ^sp(rovrj(r<ig xai a/j^^v xah'kKrTog, 15 EwXa^ou rag lu ro7g woroig (rovou(riag, TLT^oltcov sT^sySj Toug ayaSovg ccvopag ^lov [xt] [xaxpoij, a?^Xa XajOtTTpoS, SsTcr^at. Alootjg TTOLpoL TOLfTvj a^iog BO"fiy sav TTpcoTov oip^fig (TsauTov alhiiaSai. 20 KaXov e(rri to sTTixaT^siG'SoLi rou Qbov Iv ^PX^^ Toy ^sIttvo'j xai rou aoia-rou, "^Jlpog ap^ofxsvoUy xa] Trig [xsv ^lomg 7\,uoixivr}g, Trig ^^ 7^S yuixvouixsvTig, xou. Trig irocLg avSow- G■r^gy o\ vo[xs7g ayoutri Tag aysT^ag slg vo^xr^v, 25 20 GREEK DELECTUS. Toy (xh 0£ov (po^ou, roug as (piT^ouq al(r^6vo'j, Toig OS voij.oig ttsi^qu, ^ VERBS IN fJLL. AiocOlU (TOl S^XOL'JTOV ^b^ov, 5 Ti^rig TpaTTs^av, O'jOsv clpsu TTovoy 050^ OiOmcriu avSpcoTTOic. ''K^suyvu ^iTTTTOug* Aco^ov (TOl eyoi rouTO oaKTW, Asi^orxsv Toig TToy^syJoig aXT^oug a'jrw'^ xpziT- 10 To^jg, sag £0(oxs xu6og, Mrivig \\^i70J(og /x'jp/a "Kyjyaoig oiXysoL s^rjXc. ^Q.oa bct) i'uxTo(puXoixag xa^idTOLvrxi^ xoi) (Tuv- 15 SyjIxcx, TrapaOioovai. 'Ev ro7g (piy^oig ij[j.ag sSs[j.sv, ''It— Of TTOfO af>[xa(nv \(rTr^fTav, GREEK DELECTUS. 21 Aog rrjv p^sTpa [xoi. Aog TTOv crib, xai T7]V yiqv ^civr^crco, AiQors, xou oo^rj(rsT(xi u[xiv, Attoootc ra Kai(ra,pog KaiVap/, xa) ra ro-j Ssov ray Ss(d, 'ExsXswo-s (TTTivai TO oipixa. 0soG> OioovTog, 0^0=1/ ](ryv£i (pdovog, 10 0£o{y ou ^lOovTog, ouOsv Wyusi Trouog. Avxouf/yoVj Tov ^Bvra, roTg "^TraoTidraig roug To^ou [xoi E^oSrj, AloOTOLl TO irVzVfXCt, 15 i^i^og a'jTog sdzTo, VERBS IRREGULAR. ^Op^cbg yooL^ui xai OLva,yivd)(rxa>. TixTsi slprjvrj ttaoutov. 22 GREEK DELECTUS. '^I/TTTog fji.s (pepsi, *EX£$a^ [Jivu ou odxvsi, Ohog TTvp) Idov ep^si [JLSvog 'Ov (pi7^s7 Ssog, aTro^vri(r>iEi viog, 5 AixoLioi y7\.ai(r(TCL s^si xpdrog [xeya, TlouovuTi 0£o^ cru7\.'ka^^divsi, 'Jl^ovriv (psuySf rjTig 7\>v7rr}v tIktbi, 'O 0£o^ otpp^vjv T£ Tiou T£7\.aurr}V xai jastra tcov OVTCOV B^si. 10 'H [jLsXiTra a,(p* sxatrrou avSoug tol ^prjciuia ^'Ap^cov ayaSog ouKsv ^icx,(p£psi Trarpog ccyaQou, TIoXT^oig 1^ yJ^uiG'O'OL Trporps^si rijg oiavoiag. To [X£U ^pUCtOV iu Tip TTVp] OOKl[JLa^OlX£V, Toug 15 8s (piT^ovg Bv ToCig aTU-^iaig hiayivu)cr:cofxsv. 'O Aioyevrjg sT^sysu, on ol [xav aAAoi xvvsg rovg e^Spohg ooLKVoucriv, ly(o 8s rohg (piT^ovgy 7va (Twcra), Ml^ag ovou wra bI-^b, 20 K.6pog (i)7\.B(rsv oivopctg 7r7\,siovg T^i^j^ou, Takaiva TpoioCy [xupiovg airoiT^BO'ag ixiSig yuvoLi- xog ^oLpiv. TbSvYIKBV Yj ^DyOLTrjp (TO'J. *Ei/ 7r\>p\ fis^7}7cag, 25 GREEK DELECTUS. 23 T/ xaxov sTraSsg ; 'EJsVso-s odxpu* 5 'O 0£o^ "^X^sv sTTi yvjv £§ oupauou, SvYiTou cr(ji)[Marog sru^eg, clSolvoltou oe ilf/u^rjg. E5po^ Ts NoVo^ r STTScroVy Zs^u^og rs kou 10 Bopsa^. ''^Hx^s 7\.i^g l<^* oXtjv Tr)V 77]^ AlyoTrroy. 'O ^coKooLTYig oy TpsG'ag to (papixoLxou sttis, Zshg a€p6vTr}(rs, xai xari^aT^e xspuuvov. 'O'^Aocovig ^rjpzvcov, vto <ruog 7r7^Yjys]g, uTrsiavs, 15 Tov Tiairvov (psvycov, slg to irZp sttsctov, ^Hu sXoL^sg '^TTaC'Triv, TOLUTr}U Koa-fxzi. 'HoiVsV "'^pogy xoLTa [xuu olttetexs. 'EvsTTScs v6(Tog To7g avSpwTToig, Taiog KaTcrap, ^ccpvoLxr^v vixri(rag, wpog Toug 20 (pi7<oug sypayl/sVy ^MxSov, sloov, evixr^tra, "EiTTSCrS TO TlvSU[XC(. TO OUyiOV STTi TTOLVTUg Tovg CLXOuovTag tov T^oyou. 'O xo(r[JLog (TxrjVTj, b (dlog irapooog' li'hSsg,, sl^sg, az-iiXSsg, 25 24 GREEK DELECTCS. 1^0'jfJLoig 'Fwixaiorjg Ik TroTii^ou y.a] (prjuofj i^sri- T% uyiBiag sTrtixsT^siav ep/s. '^H T^eys Ti (Tiyrig Kpslrrov, i] (riyriv ep/£. 'Eav £^a)[JL£y ^priixoLTd, e^ofjLSV (plXoug. 5 GoLVOLTog xai ^tovj, TToi^og xoti tJ^^ovt], TrXoiJrog xoi) TTSvloL, — TravTCf. TouJra cruix^aivzi ro7g rs ayoL^ioig xai roig xoLxoig, ^i7vEi TixTEiv v^pig v^piv, 0vrj(rx£iv (XTj "kiys rohg ayccSovg, 10 vx s(TTiv ev TToXsjaw oig afxapravsiv, 'Ev I'kTria-iv y^py] rovg (ro(povg sy^^iv ^lov. Js^uKov avSpa ypr] xaxCog "Trcta-yjiv azi, Ttov Idrpmv suyoixsSoL /xtjoIttots ypsiav '^X'^^' ^Eroifxog £11X1 xa) axouBiv xai [xavSoiV£iv. 15 'KiTiWV, Epcorrj^slg rl ya7\£7ra)TCLrov, s^r}' to yiUWfTXElU £a'JTOV, BouXsf [xolSe^v, "^0 Asivov £(TTi ^avslv jasra xu[xaG'i, UgLTI ^aVsTv 0(p£l7\£T0l,t. AbI r^fxag uttIo rod ovofxoLTog TOt> 0£oy jroXAa 25 GREEK DELECTUS. 25 BouXojaa/ iJ.a7^7^ov Tra^sTv xaxlv^ "t) xaxwg opa- (Tai, Uapoi Toy Ssou Io-t) to aya^ovg TroLTTTrovs, aya- Qovg yoveag, ayaSriV aOsX^yjy, aya'joug oi- 6u(rxa7<oitgf ayoiSovg (pi\ovgy kyaha. ttolvtck, 5 *Oou(r(r£ug, Tcaxoc ttoTO^ol Tra^ojv, oIkoM lvo(7Tr^(T£, Aiwv lyaor^, fxeyoiXa) Itt) (Tco^aaTi x-jpa-ag, su- pojy rj £?wa$)ov tj aiyot* TIs(ro\j(ra yicuv ttoaXt) Tracag a7r£x7\,£i(rs rag 10 'H a'JiTrsXog, sx re yr^g xol) o/jt^poy T^afJL^oivouG-oL TT^v au^ri(TiVf xoLpTO(popBl Tov otvov, '^oi^og stropo) (pipoura ro^ov. "Axavra ttoIsi ujg [xrioeva, T^riO-cov. 15 Ttov ev &cp[xo7rv7^aig ^avovTcov suxJ^zrig [xlv rJ ruyri, xoikog ok o iroT^og, ficouog o\ o ractoc. *^x vz'pi'kr^g pepeTOLi yiovog [xivog vjos yaXa.^7]g, USiv SsvO^OJ/ fXT^ TTOIOUV XapTTOy XOiT^OV SXXOTTTS- ra/, xol) slg Trup ^oXKbtoli, 20 'Eyri) rsSvYi^oixai [xst okiyov, OySsi/ y7\(}Xiov Trarplfiog ylvsTai, 'Ev oc>yy} TravTcc ylyvsrai xaxa, IIoA7\.a ii.\v sx ^aXoL(r(T7]g, ttoTO^ol Ss Ix p^spcoy pcaxa y/yysrai ^vr^Toig, 25 C 26 GREEK DELECTUS. YldvTCX, yiyovsv cog s^o^s ro) 0saj>. 01 avSpayTTOi ysyovdo'iv ctXXrjXtov svbxsW oibacxs ovv, i} (psps, *K7\.s6(rou.OLi TTOog v/xay, rov Sbou '^eXovrog, 5 AiovOcog £uf>£Tr}g otjaTrsAou eysvsro. 'O ocpicTTog Iv roig "EXAtjo"/ prjTcop syevsTO A;j- ^ocSivrig, 'O ATj/o^ Trap' '^EXXT^tTi Trpcorog eupsTTjg eyivsro [xeXovg. 10 *0 yepcov vsog sysvsro' h 3s vso^ ctS^jTiov el E]g yrjpag ol^I^etoli, ^(avri syiusTo £>c rr}g V£(pi7^rig, T^iyoufra, " Ourog ecTTiv vlog [jlou o ayaTTTjro^, aurou axousrs.^^ 'JExoijOiT^a'avTo, xai vttvov Zih^ov s^iXovro. 15 01 AaxB^atixovioi roTg rou Avxovpyou voixoig 8y- voLTayroLTOi lysvovro rcbv 'JLXT^rjUcov. Aupiov 'la-cog ccttoSolvsI, 'Ai/gp^ou xai aTTS^ov, FjIttsv b Ssog, " TbvsgSco c^to^," xa) lysvBTo ' 20 ^^ysvscrSco yTJ," xa) sysvsro, E5 (Toi ykvoiTo, *A Zsi ysvsaSai, raura xal ysj/ijcrsra*. ZiaiKBVBlV. 25 GEEEK DELECTUS. 27 PROMISCUOUS SENTENCES. TripdfrKU} etc} iroLvra S/Sacr«o/ji£voc. J^axuyg axouaiv x^sio'crov i] Xsystv xaxcog, YIT^sovs^Iol (xsyKTrov avSpcoTroig xolxop, Oux lyo) rihubov ^supo ixoL^rjcoixsvog, 4>/Aa)V sTTOLivov ^oi70\ov r) ctsolutou T^sys. Ms/jlvv] (70, vsog (Jbvy cvg ysocov f cy} ttots. Oux %(rriv ouhev xoslca-ov (t/Xoy. OwSsj/ STTfXX^S. OuOSV OiV STTpU^S. 10 tjyco o^j^ opio ai/dp ovcsv svuao ovra. I SIX: ri6siTS, xoLi Tov izaTcOot. [xov r,0sirs av, Ouy olog re e][xi ^ia,(pEity£iv roug xiv^uvoug, Oux e(TTtv ouZzig ocrig ou^ avrhv <f>i7s.s7, EI Ssog TTOLTrip UfJLCOV flf riyCLTTOLTZ a> jU,£. 15 QU^iig [XST opyr\g o\j})\v so ^ov7\,suBrai, EI TVSiQU sT^OV, oux aV l^B0^7]V o\f/ou. Ou XBV auTog 6(puya xt]dol (xsT^cciuav, OZtoi sXsyov, oTt JLupog riSvrixs, UoT^sixog av^o^og £\f^7jvr,g alfr^poig alf^srcoTspog 20 ea-Ti, « s. 28 GREEK DELECTUS. *0 KuoiTrloYjg rpayixwTCcrog twv TroiTjTuiV <poH' vsroii, Ou OVVOtrOV IcTTlV OuOSTTCOTTOrS OUOzV TODTCOU TpOLTTBlV, EI 3o'jX£i ayadog sTi/a;, Tpayrov TTia-TVjfTav on 5 TcccKog eT. ^ ^H(rav TTocpa TaT^aTaig TroirjTai [xsT^Cov, o'jg Bdp^oug (jovoixaKov, ^ 10 ToiouTog yivou irsfi Toijg yovslg, otoxjg oiv su^aio TTSpi (TBOLUTov yevscrSoLt roug (raurou irou^ag. 'XoixpoLTrigy \oa)U [xsipaxiou ir'KoiiG'iov xai CLTrai- ZiUTOv, " loo'j," I'^^v^, " ^pucrovv otvSpaTro^ov." YlpoiMrfizug, s§ uOarog xou yr\g avSpcoTroug ttT^ol- 15 crag, 'a^coxzv ccuroUg xal Trup, i^ oupavou x7^s-^o(,g. ^AvoLyjxpmg b 'SxuSrjg^ spa)r7}Qz\g utto rivog, " r/ EfTTi 7ro7<5y.iov a/jpcoTTOig)^^ " ocuro)," sC^tj, " auTcTigr 20 Oug OLV /SouXt] 7roirj(ra(rSa.i c^i?\.ou^, ayaQov ri 7viye TTsp) auTcbv irpog roug oLTroLyyaTO^ovrag. l^ivoL^ivcovoaq eXsye t))V Iv 7ro7<£{xco '^dvaroy ElVOLl XClXKiG'TOV^ Ayr^fTiXaog^ spcorfoixsvog Trcbg fJLsyaT^riu Zo^av 25 £7roirj(raTO, " ^avarou ;rara$pov>j<ra^," e$)7j. GREEK DELECTUS. 29 ^Ayig^ £&a)Trj^s)g vrvbg av rig £7^svSspog oiaixivoiy Ascoyioag, rou Ssp^ou ypay^oLvrog " tts^i^ov to, £r;r£V, " ayaSvj (rvvsi^rjcrig" "SaiKpOLTYigy ep(joT7]^s\g " r/p oLOicnri zro'kig'^^'' " sv •>i," £<f)73, " Tz'Kila-Ta aLpzTr\g ct^Aa." AioyavTjg, uirovrog Tivogj ''p/a7\.£~oi/ icrr/ to ?'>jv," " oux," filTTfj/, *' aA?va to xoL-^cug ^fiV.^^ lO* 0oiX%, £pcoTr}Ss]g " t/ (to^cotoltov sctti,^^ " p/po< j/o^," £($)7]* '' ebpicTKSi yap ra. :ravTa." UuSayoi^ag ruiv ttoT^scov eksIvtiv bIttvj api(rTr^Vy T7\v dvopag ayaSovg s^oiKrav, Wol[J!.vri(TTog, epcorr/j:)g " rl fxiyKTrov ayaSov av- 15 ^scoTTfo;" £T:r£, ''to KaAwg a7ro5av£Tv." 0aX%, epct)Trfis]g " t/ xoiVoroiTov ; " aTrsxpivarOy '•"gXTT/^* xaiyao oig olaT^o [/.YjOEVyOLurr} Trapsa-ri, Api(rr£ior]g o hixaiog, spcorriisig ri scti to oi- xoLiov]^^ e^r^' '''to ^lt] cCa'Kot picdv e7riSv[JLe7uJ^ 20 Hag axdSaoTog ^ 7r7<£ovixT7}g oux s^si x7^7jpovo' [xlav iv Tfi ^acTiXzia tou ^picTTod xa) 0£ou. "Orau voug vtt ohou ^la^Sapf^, to. auTa ira- cysi Tolg aptMa(Ti Toug rjvio^ovg ccTTObaA- T^ovcri, 25 c 8 30 GREEK DELECTUS. AvSpcoTToug [xsv '{(Tcos 7^7}(rsis, aroirov ri TroiTjcrag^ JxvSspvriTorj jasv spyov ayaSod elg rag Trysw^a- rwv [JLBTOL^oXag ccpixoGraoSoLi, avopog ol cro^oij TTpog Tag r% Tij^r}g. Oux %(rri ^vTjrcov o(TTig s(tt sT^suSspog' *'H ^pri^oLTcov yap hou'Kog s(rTiVj i} Tv^r^g, TJau(raviag, rou Idrpoij slTrovrog aurw, " yspoiv yiyovag,^^ " SioVi," sTttsv, " outc s^prj(raixr}v coi Uy^ouTOV ^h w'kouTouvTog "syzig, '^^')(J\'^ ^2 tts- Uwpog^ £pajTriSs)g uiro tou 'AXsJaj/^pou llsto, ttjv [/.dyjiVy " Hco^ (Toi ypri(roiJ.ai ',^^ " Bao-iXi- 15 Tiibgy^ sItts, Ours (p6(ng iTiavv] ylvsrai ri^vrjg arsp, Ours TTOLVu rsyvT) javj ^ucriv xs^crrjfLSvr}, Ilspix7<7]g, iLzXkcov aT70^vri(T>isiv, iaurou s[xaKa- pi^sv, on [xrih]g "AS7)mloou [J.sXav lixdriou hi* 20 10 aurov svsOuGraro. GREEK DELECTUS. 31 OuTog TToT^iTTig aya%g s(rTOLi. AoLxmv^ ipa)Trfis)g " Oiol rl cirsiyja-Tog sa-riv 73 yap TOLig Tihv olxovvrcov apsTCclg.^^ 5 Qua %(rTlV OLiOSV IXYjTpog YjOloV Tsxvoig, *EpaT£ [jLrjrpog, Trai^sg, *A7^B ^OLV^pog, axoua-ag on Aapsiog (xupidoag TpiaxovTOL Big rrjv [J-ol^'^iV aysi, sc^r^, " slg ^a- ysioog ou c^o^siTOLi ttoXXcc TrpobccTO,.^ 10 To7(n [J.h zZ -TrpoLTToua-iV anzcLg 6 /3/o^ ^payyg sa-Ti' Tolg Ss xaxcbg, [xia, vu§ a-K'Kzrog \(ni y^povog, IIoLVTOL, o(ra opag, rayia-Ta (pSaprjO-srai, xa) ol ^Ssip6[JL£va. oiuTOi \o6vTsg roLyiG-ra. xa) ahroi 15 ^^apTicavrai. Oux %(TTi iraKTi tou^b xaKKiov y^pag, '^H Trarpog scr^y^ou xayaSou iTE^uxsvai. AsiDvioag, axova-ag iTricxici'^Ba-Sai rov rfkiov rcov Uspa-Cov To^svixoio-iy "p/ap/sv," 's^Ti, " or/ utto 20 <rxia fxayovfJLsSa.^^ ^povog olxaiou avOpa hixvumv [xovog* Ys^axhv ^£ xav h ^[xspa yvoir^g [xia. 32 GREEK DELECTUS. Aa;iaiva, irpo'iovTi no yla> stti tto'Ksixov ava6;- ^ouo-a rrjv ao-7r/oa, "raurrjv," scfjig, "6 Trari^p (Toi as) sa-co^s' xa) (Tv rZv TauTTjy <rco^=, r] /atj ^ 11 SCO, avfysipsiV, 'Arparo^ s]^ Trsvlriv sfTTh sroittorccTr^. *H Mrjos/a Tou^ TraToa^, ous st)(^su s^ 'Ia(rovog, oLTrixTSivs, xou Xa^ouo-a ap/xa TTTTjvcoy opa- *A^v]va^. 'AvTJp ^ixaiog ItTTiv, ou^ o (xtj aoixuiv, 'AvaxaicoVf Xa^coy raXavrov ^puciou Trctpa. to- pavvou, a:r£AG(r£i/, elTrojv, " [xi(ray CaypsoLV rjTig 15 avayxa^ii aypuTrvsTi/." /iporols oLTTdcri xar^avsh o^siXsrcci, Jfioitx sa-ri ^»n}Tibv, ocrrig s^sTrla-TOLraij Ttjv aooiov jU-^XXoucav si ^laxrsTcti, 'O 'HpoSoTo? xoivtJv *ExX73vi;ccov xol) ^ap^dpoDV 20 Trpd^scov la-TOpioLV ypd^Psi, o Os &o-jxu^ld7]s 7roXsju,ov sva. 9 GREEK DELECTUS. 3 YIa(riv 8' avSficoTroig auros svs(rri voog. AtfTcoTTog, ovzi^i^oixsvog oTi ^aT^sTTY^v s^zi Tr,y o^^iVy s^r}f "j«''>5 [-''Ov TO siooc, oKT^a rov vovu rlv 6s ^v], aXk r^^Big aura Traps ^^oy.£oa, SoXa)y, £pa)TriSz)g ^loi ri xara, rwu tutttoutoov Toug rraripag s7riTi[JLiou o'j^ wpKTsv, £$^j, on 10 oup/ vTriXa^sv scrscrScii roioOroug, OuTC SfTTi T^vTrrig aAXo (poLp[xoL}cov fiporoig, Qg avtpog ecr^Xciu xou (piT^oit irapalvEfng. ''Ayr,(riXaogy sTri^r^rouvrog rivog tIvol Zst [xav^d' ysiv rovg Trouoog, " raOra," sTttsv, '' oig xolI 15 avopsg ysvo[j.svoi ^prio'OVTai,^^ *0 ^5ovo^ scTi TiOLXia-rov s^si Ss r; ;«aXoi/ ev CtL/Ttt), Tvj^^si yap (pSovspu)V oix^oltol xa) xpaVir^v, Ayig irpog tov :ru5o)u,£vov " TroVoi £](rly o* Aaxs- 20 c 5 34 GKEEK DELECTUS. slvai, lav auTohg 'l^yig [xoL^ofxivoug,^^ IloXy 7* bg-t) ttolvtcov xtthjlol tiimicotoltov "KTrda-iv avSf>(i)7roi(riv slg to ^jJj/ rsp^vrj. SevQ<pu)vri ^uovTi i}>cs rig ayysXog y^sycov, rou 5 vlov aurotJ rsSudvon * xaxslvog olttsSstq [xev rou (rri^oLVov, ^isrsXsi 6s ^ucov, U'Kourog 6 t% "^^X^^ TrKourog [xovog sfrrtu ocT^riSrjg' TaXXa 8' s^^i T^vTTrjv rrT^sma. rcov ayaSwv. 10 Uia-rohg 't^you, ja»j roug ttolu o, ti av "kiyr^g y\ TTOir^g eTTUivovvrag, aXXa rovg roig a^apra- vo[xsvoig sTTiTtixuiVTag. Xprj OUTTOT StTTSiV O'JOSV oXbiOV ppOTCOU, Uph ay S-avovTo^ rrjv rsT^suralav '/Sry^, 15 "Otto)^ TTBpoLO-ag Tiixipav rj^si xoltco. ^AvoL^otyopa, rig s(pr} TsSvr}xsvai rovg dvo Tca^ag auTou' Ss, [xr}6h rapax^s^g, slirsv, " foEiu auroug ?yv7}rohg ysyswriKoyg.^^ ILapirsg poha ^pvou(nv * Ta ^poTibv sT^afxypsv spya.. GREEK DELECTUS. ^ ^I'hiTTTrogy sTTs) vixria-avTi rovg "Ex^^Tjvay (tuu- e^ovT^suov %vioi (ppovpalg rag woT^sig xars^siVy s(prij l^aTO^ov TToXyv ;^povov s^sAs/v ^prj(rr6g, 7} ^sa-TTorrig oAiyov xaXs7(rSai, Ouy "jj sva-i^sioi G-uvSv-riCxsi fiporoig ' 5 ^(DHicDV Trivrjg r^v' 'AXs^avOpou o\ 7ri[JL-^avrog auTOJ tolXolvtol sxarov, rjpayrot, ^^ 3ia rivet, airtoLV [jloi olowa-iv ; " cog Ss sTttov, or; (xomv avTov r\yziTa.i 'A^ryVa/coi/ xaXov ;«af aya^oV 10 " oij'riouVy^ %^y\, " lao-aro) j^s to/outov sTva/." AT^a-siV 8ia TsT^o'jg jar) 8ox«; 7rov7]pog wv 'O^y^ 0£oy Vr o65aXjU,o^ el^ ret ;raj/S' opav, 01 ^a.cn7\fig rlbv AlyuTTTiwv rag 7rvpa[JLi^(xg iDxoooi/.ri(rav, voixl^ovrsg ^la, roOrwv rcbv 15 %pywv aSauarov savroTg xaraT^ei-i^siv rr^v IJLvrjfxriv, Ai[xog ixeyia-rov ccT^yog avSpmTTOig s^if HoT^Xcbv T^tixog yiyvsrai ^i^aa'xoL'Xog, J^ixi^wvog (r(payivrog sxsT^siktsv ^Avrwviog ttjv 20 rs xs<poL7\TiV oLTroxoTTTivoti, xa) rrjU X'^F*^^ ^ roug xar auroy "koyoug £ypa\|/£. c 6 36 GREEK DELECTUS. AliDV TTOLVTO, ipBpci' ^o'Ki^og "^^ovog olOzV a/.t£i- Taiog Ka7(rap, T^oyov toluol ^sIttuov £[ji.7rs(rovTOS TO4;, £iT£. "Airavreg £cr[Ji.£v slg to vouSsrs7i/ (ro(por AvTo) 8* a^apTOLVOVTsg ou yiyva)(rxo^ev. ''^ZbI to^to 7rapoLivs7vy apyovri Ss xcu (rrpoc' rrjyio (rio^siv TQvg TroXtra^." tjx scTQ uyisiag npsiTTOu ouOsu sv pup* 'YyUia xai voug £<r5Xa rto |3uo Sua). *Ay7](ri7Mogj ttuSoimsvou riuog ri e7rol7}(rav ol 15 &£(p sup^oy, (Z e(rTi ixeyoc xparog* out* ocTsp 0£OU r/yv£Tai avSfxjoTTOig out* aya^ oijts xolxol, 20 GREEK DELECTUS. ' 37 TTa^rik^ev sin, rlv 'Q.XzOLvoy, ku\ (rrr^Xag s5=to xa6* hxarioav twv tJttsIocov, i 12 veoi, aXXa [j.a^s(rQs Trap' a70s,rfk(ii(r i [XBv6vr=Sy IloXXa *OjW,rJpoy STraivouvrss aXXa, royro oi;^ 5 Asivoi yoLO avSpi TravTsg scr[j.sv suxXtsl ZwvTi ^Sovri<raiy xoltSolvovtol 8* alv£(rai, 'S(oxp(XT7]g siTTSVf " Oi oiXT^oi avSpcoTToi ^cDfTiv 7va 10 ecuicociVy auTog oa stqio) iva ^co, *0 yap Ssog ^yJirsi <r« 7r7\,ri(rlov TrapcoVj U^ spyoig dixaioig 7}6sTfXi, ovx aoixoig, TlapSsvog TTsvi^pa socorrjQsTa-a, riva oi(}Co<Ti TuJ ycc^JLOuvTi TTpolxa, ^^ TT^VTroLTpioVy^ bIttz, ''' (rm- 15 4>po(ruyr/>." 1 ^OOOV aXlJLOL(^U (OOLIOU ^pOVOV ' 7}V Ce TTOLps'KSy), ZrjTiou aupr^G-sig ou poOou, aXXa j^arov. Aswvi^ag, slTTOvTog Tivogf '^ TrapSKriv syyvg :^[xit)v 10 38 GREEK DELECTUS. Byyrjg ; Neo^ TTS^Gxcog^ TroXXot p^pyjora jOtavQavs * Neo^ coy, a;<ou£iv rcov yspairipcov ^eXs* AiJcrav'Hpog, £pa)T7}(ra)/Tog rivog^ ttoIolv ^aA/cra liroLiVBt To'kiTslav, ''^riTig,''^ ecf)73, ^Wo7g av^psloig xou ^siT^oTg ra Trpocn^KOvra a7rooi6co(ri,^^ sOpou, ubsV £[JLOl ^ U^iV TTaiC^eTS TOVg [XST £[JiS, T7]V riap/So^ 'k\)pav' os, " rvjv ^A^iT^'hicog,^^ T^v ju,£A/ai/." 15 Ta TTovrjoa, xsp'^r) rag [xsv -^Oovag s^si M-lxpag, iirsira K ucrrspou T^uirag [xaxpag. *Aifa^ap<rig s^rj tov [jlIv Trpcorov xpocrripoL vyisiag TTivscSai, TOV Ss ^svTSpov rj^ovr]g, tov Ss TpWov v^pscog, TOV §£ Ts'ksoToiov jxavlixg. 20 ^H 7ra7, (Tiuiwa' ttoXTC 'i^si ariyri y.OLha. Y'K(si(T(T'r\g [X(x7^i(rTa TroLVTa^od Trs/pco xpa.Te7v, GREEK DELECTUS. 39 ''Av ri Trpd^fig xaTCou ^sra. ttovov, 6 jasv wovog ol^srai, TO o\ xocTCqv [xivsr cHu ri TTOirirrr^g alcr^pov [JLsd^ t^^ovrig, ro [xsv y^Oij o'I^stui, to 8s alfT^pOV [JLSVBl, To ^^ yvSiSi (rauTov" Ifrriv, av to, Trpay/Jtara 5 l^r^g TOL (Tuurouy xa) rl coi 7roi7]Tsov, KdofJiog s}c ^oivixrig utto rou idaciXicog aTTS- craXr; * sttbT^Smv ^l iroT^'kr^v ^copav, xaroLV^ T7](ra.g slg rrjv Bo/cor/av, sktktb rag Sr^^ag, 0SOV vo[xi^s, xal (ri^ou, ^r^TSi oe ju.^ 10 *Qg ovTOL rouTov, xou TrapoW as) (re^ow T/ £(rTiv 0s6^, ou ^s7y.£i (ts [xav^avsiv, Iv cw^xarr (pvcrig [xku "hust crCorxcL sx. "vj^w^^, "^^X^ 05 aurr]V x6st octto a-a)fJiaTog. 15 ExTcop AiotvTL ^i<pog cuTrao'sVy'^KxTopi A'lag 'L(0(TT7\p' dix(poTspa)v 7] ^oLOig slg ^dvarov. JJXoLTcoi' £(prj(rsv Ix rou Trvfiog slvai rr]V (rsT^riVrjV' ^ \pi(TTora7\.rig ]'^iov auT7]V s^siv (fiwg* 0a?^% Os TTpcoTog £973 UTTO TOu fikiou a^Tr^v (pa)Tl(^£' z\) 40 GREEK DELECTUS. Zr^V CtTTO TLOV oKiyUiV^ [Xri^iSV S^OUTl xocxov, Tohg a7^Xovg euoatu.ovou(nv ol STrapTfara; ;" " ^lOTi,^^ sl-TTSy " Trapa roug a7\.Xoug a(rxod(riv 5 "Av^pcoTTog wv, ylyvcuG-KS rr^g opyr]g x^cltsIv BXctTTTSi Tov avopa ^u^klg B\g ooyr^v ttzG-wv *Opy^ ^s TToT^'ha hpav avayxa(lji xaxa, IlavTsC, o(roi cnxx^poa-Cvr^g ixsTs^ova-iv, stt) Traa-f^ 10 op/xvj Tcai (xlxpod xai ^syoLAOu Trpayixarog 0sov ole] xa7^od(ri. ToAa (xsv sv xoy^Totg xputttsi roh (rto/xa IlXa- Tcovogy S^vX^ ^' a^avaTa)V ra^iv s)(^si ^axapcou, 15 'O YluSayopov 7^oyog ^v, on al \}/u;^a< rcov av- 6pa)7ra)v a^avaroi sic*, ;ia) 6t btcov wpi- (Tixivcov TTctXiv l^iQvtriv, slg srspoif (rto^a t% KarQavov, aXXa /Jisvo) cs* jasi/sT^ os rs xai 20 UavTOig ofxiDg S^vrjovg sig at^rig '(jzyjrai. GREEK DELECTUS. 41 T^ccosg Iv Tio Tpw'ixin TroT^suLto xs^pri(rSai Traoaoioovrai, Kvos (p6(ngf (xoXig sup? ' rsxovaroi o' sTraiKTCLTo 5 Klg sva [J.OVVQV "O/XTjpov oXvjv Tpa^acra. [xsvoi- *0 ^ Aw i^ocg, viog wv sTt, ^I^rjpiav rs sxpdrriaSy xa) (rTHOLTU) TO. "Ay^TTBia opri [xaS* 'HpaxXsoL 10 Trptbrog ijT7cpr\k^sv' Big ts tt^v *IraXiav £/x.- *Ay jusv CLTTOVTCL "hByr^g (Xz xaxoig, ovoiv y aOixslg ^'' *Av Ss irapovTOL xcLkihgy tcr^i xaxcog [xs T^iycov, 15 *0 xpoxo6si7^og If iT^ayJa-Tou yivsrai (xiyia-Tog* fxaxpo^log [xsv ItTTi, yXaJrrav Ss oux sysi ' capxo^pOLysi hs ow ^ouov avSpcvToug^ a7^7^oi xai rmv aXXcov sir) t% 7% ^wwv ra TrpotnTzXcL' ^ovra Tto TTOTafxio. 20 ^AttoXoito TTpuiTog auTog, 'O Tov apyupov diiXricag • 42 GREEK DELECTUS. A/a toZtov oux a.6s7\,(pog' • 7rfiS(rSsiJT7]g 'i^prj, rov xoXttov sTriosixvug * " sv- XOLl TOV TTOASIXOV (pSf^O). Ul OS SipOCCTOLV, (TV ^Av ouv, ot ^ouXsiy S/5ou." TlpoTsivoLVTog Kk Mr) vTTvov ^oL'kaxo7(riu stt o[JLixcL(n Traocroi- 10 TIpiv Toiv i^[JLspiuS}U 'ipycav rfig skolcttov sTreX- SsTv ii7] TrapsbYju ; t* 6 spe^oi j ri jW,oi Oeov ou;^ ers- Xscr^Tj ; 15 H5IXr;(rs Ssp^rjg l^icr^cii ttolvto, tou crrpccrop, *Q,g ^S loipOL TTOLVTCL TOV 'EXXtJO'TTOVTOV UTTO TCOV VsdiV X£XpU[JilJl.eVOV, TiOU TOL TSOlOL TTXsa av$pa)7ra)U, evtolvSol o 'SiSp^rjg eocurov sfxaxd' pKTS' joisra ^s touto, aOaxpuGrs' " toV ^p^'/ySy^ 20 eIttsUj "6 TToc^ avSp(V7rivog ^log scrrh, el toutcop', ovTa)v TO<rouTa)Vj ov^slg s]g sxarofTTOv srog 7rspi£(rrai,^^ GEEEK DELECTUS. 43 Tov 8' r^T^iou (Ts'krjvri. ' 0^(^£ug oiocov exlvsi T^i^ovg ra xai oivOpa ' oltto- Savova-rig Ss Evpu^Ur^g rr^g yuvaixbg auTou, Ir^y^^zla-rig utt o(pzwg, xarri'ASzV slg aoou, ^bXwv ayajyCiv aurr^v, y.ai HAoyrajya btteig-zV avaTTsix-i/af o 02 uTTscrysrQ rouro 7roir^(rziv, Oiv [MY) TTOpSVOlJLBVOg 'OpC^r'J^ STTlG-TpCC^f,, TT^IV elg rriv olxlav auTov 7roLC/OLysvi(rSai' os, awi- C-TWV, l7rtG-TpGLt^s)g sSsOLG-OLTO TT^V yUVOlKOi' 7} hi TTOklV VTTSCTTpS-i/z, Muv 'Aa-xT^TjTrioL^rig b (piT^apyDpog sTozV h ol>no, 15 10 B^O ! . " *H^u ^ 6 \iZg ysT^aa-ag, " javjoey, cji/Xs," <J^rj<ri, O 25a"o«j^<^, ^acriXzhg ra)V AlyvnrricoVj £(rrpa- rsua-sv stt AlStoirag' xa) xaTa7ro7^s[j.ri(rag, -^vayxaa-z to s^vog ^opoug r^XsTv, s^svov xai ypu(rov, Hoi rcbv eXs^avrcov roug ooovrag'^ 20 44 GREEK DELECTUS. (TToT^ou VBOiV, TTDCDTog [xaxpOL (TKOii^r} vauTTrjyri' <7aiJ,svog' xoLTScTTpi-^oLTo 7Tai(roiV tyjU *A(Tic(.v, TQU Tayyr]V ttotccixov S/eS^v], xa) ttjV ^Ivoixr^v ItttjA^s TToicroLV s(og ^Q,xsavod, xai ra roiV 5 'XxvQuiV eSvrj [^^X.?^ ToLVoiibog Trora^oi/, Torj ^LOpi^OVTOg TT^V JLupCVTTTiU OLTTO ttj^ *A(ria^. ApiG'Tov [XEV uOcnp' 0£ ^pu(rog, alSoiJLSvou Trup ArS ^lOLTTpiTTSl vu- 1^ xrij [xzyavopog s^o^a, ttT^ovtq'j. S^iyJ, ^lixopd^ov ^YjploVy TrapOL-yivoixivr) elg rag Qri^agf alviyi^OL irpori^rio'i rS ^uvctiLSVco 7^0- (TOLi, JJpoTiSsrai OB sTToiSXov rep y^'jcrccvrt^ yOLfXElV TYjV ^loXOLO-TYjV, XOU ^OLG'l'kSUziV TCUV 15 Grj^ibv. ^Hv Ss TO TTporsSh utto t% X^iyyog, " T/ 6(TTl TO aUTO hlTOUVj TplTTOVVf Xol TBTpcL- TTO'JV ; " Movog os o OloiTro'jg sXucrs to aiviy[xoc, XOU aTTS^rivaro avSpcoTTOv slvoLi to Trpo^7\.rpBV' UTiTTiov [J.SV yap auTov luroLp-^ovTa^ TErpcLiroDV 20 sTvai * a'jJrJo-avTa h\ hiTTOuv * yT^pda-ccvTO, 8s TpiTTouv, joaxTrjpla. ^ptoixsvov dia tt^v a(r(ie- VBIOLV, GKEEK DELECTUS. 45 Msra (Toii v(xloi[i.i To y^siTToiJLivov fiiorr]g* ^EiTTsl a.(pavi<rai Zeug ro ymkxoZv yavog rfih^r^as, 5 Avjxa7\.iaiv rsxTjivoLixsvog Xapvaxa, xa) tol Ittitti^siol IvSiixsvogy &]g ra^rr^v [msto. Yi'jo^ag Si(r£b7j. jLivg 6s tto/^vu ustov cjltt o'JS'avou p^sa^, TOL TTT^sTcrra (J-soy] rrig 'EXAaoo^ xari- xT^'jcrsv, a)(rTS Oia^pSac^riVoci Trdvrag dvSs>a)7roug, 10 Asuxa7^ia)v ol Iv rfi T^dpvaxi Old, Trig ^ctXao"- <rr}g (^spBrai £cf»* r^ixioag Ivvsa xai vuxrag, Ka) tCov o[j.^f>cov 7raiKraiJLSva)v, sx^dg skua's II. Lsug OS, TTBiMV/ag tipfJiriV Trpog awrov, £7r£rp=\f/=v alTslaSoii o ri ^ovT^srar xa.) Aiog 15 slTTovTog, {jTTip XB^aKr\g aloanv £^aX?.£ TOi)g TilSoug' xai ovg [xku fi^aXXsv 6 Azuxa^lcoVy dvb^sg eyivovro' otg 6= Iluppa, yuvaTxsg* q^v; xai Xaoi ajvoiJ.d(rSr](rav aTTo rod Aaag, Tov /jiT) T^iyovTa rCov Oeovtwu [jlt^os sv, 20 Maxpov vo'xi'Cz, xdu oJ* s'lTrrj (TuT^T^a^dg. Tov su Tiiyovra [jltj vo[jli^ shai ^JLaxpou, M^ 6 av (T^o^c) siirr^ 7ro7\,Xdj xa) ttoXi/v vpovov* TEXU.7}piOV OS ToZOe TOV ''O/jLTjpov T^a^v 4£ GREEK DELECTUS. OuTog yap i^[jl7v ixupia^ag sttcov ypa^sij AXX' ouKk £ls''0[JLr}pou sip-qxev (xocKpov. AlfrSoixevog ttots o 2,a)xpaTY)g rov ulov eauTou irpog T7]V fj.7irspo(, ^oLXsTraluovTdy " 'EItts jU.o;," scj^vj, " (o TTOLi, otaSa Tivag avSpwTroug a^apiG-TOug 5 xaTiOvfxiuovg'y^^ " Ka; [JLOLkoc^'^ a<pr} o vsoLvl(r}cog. " J^aTaiJt.s[xoiQYj7cotg ouu roug ri woiouvrag to ovoix,aT6^TO xakoiKr IV )^'' "'Eya>7s,"e<)i73* "rou^ yap SI) TraSovTagy orav, Zuva^zvoi -^apiv airo- ^ouvaif fJiT] ccTTo^ihcnv, a^apl(rToug xaXouciv." 10 *^ O'vxouv ^oxoua-l (rot sv roig a^ixoig xaraT^o- yi(^s(rSai rovg a'^aplcTTOug ;" ""E^oiyY' ecf^Tj. " OvKWV, siys ouTcog gp^si tooto, slXixpivrig Tit, dv elri a^ixia yj a^apKrrla'y^^ '^Duwixoy^oysi. *' OuxQuv ocTio av Tig [jlsI^co aya^a TraScov fX7} 15 aTToSiSo) yapiv, TOfrouTcp a^iXfLrspog av s)rj ;" 'Swi^Tj xa\ TQUTO, '^Tlvag oOv," s(prj o Sfw- xpdrrjgy " utto rivcov supoiixev av [xsl^ova suspysTT^fxivovg, tj Trouhag utto yovcoiv ; ap ot)v, at (re 'j7ro7\.(x§oi£V ol avSpcoTroi TTpog rovg yovaig 20 ayapKTTov slvai, ohbeig av vo[j.i(r£isv su (TB TToirjcrag "Xapiv a7roX73\|/£cr5ai." 1 r 0\)Z\v Iv avSp(i)7roi(Ti ^svbi XF^I^ £y.7r£aov ai£i. *Ev he TO xaKhKTTOV 'K.Tog eenrev avrjp' GEEEK DELECTUS. 47 '^TEC'Voig eyxoLTS^evro' TrdpzcrTi yap sAtt}^ exaG'TU), 'Av^pcbv 7\ re vsoov (TTrfisariv Ijacf^usra/. UoLTpog [J.SV ^7] Xiysrai o J^uoog yEV£<rSai Ka/x- 5 ^6(rou, nsp(raiv ^OLa-iT^iwg^ ixr^rpog ^s MavSa- vijj* 73 Z\ Mai/SavTj auT75 'Acrruayou^ ^v ^u- yaTTjp, rod MtjScov fbao'iT^iwg, 'MsrsTreixyparo (ie *A(rTudiyr}g ttjv I«'jto3 ^vyoLTspoL, xa) rov Trodocx, a\jTT\g, sttj hwbsxa, 10 TTpog Tov Trarsf/a, xol) rov KOpov rov vlov sp^ouca. ii^ OS a9i;^rT0, xa< syvo) iS^upog TOV *A(rTvoiyr]V rr^^ [xr^Tf/og Trarsficc ovra, su^w^ "^^a-Trd^sro rs a-jrov, ;iai opaiv rov }iO(r[xov tou 15 TroLTnrou, six^T^sttwv aurco, sT^sysv, "'12 fj.r\Tsp, (6g xaT^og [xoi TroLTTTrog.^^ 'EidcoTwfrrjg oe Trig [xriTpog auTov, Trorspog ooxs7 xocXXicov aurip eivai, TroLTTjp f; ouTog' OLTTsxC'ivaTO dpa 'Kuf>og, "'12 jaTjTsp, IIjp(rtov j«.sv ttoXv xaJK- 20 T^KTTog s^og ttoltyjC}, ^Itj^wv os ttoXu ourog b B[xog woLTriTog xaXkiO'Tog.'''' ^Arnra^oixEvog 8s auTov *A(rTuoiyrig, xa) (rro7\.7]V xu7^r]V svi^uaSf Xa\ 6<f)* ^TTTTOU TTSpiriyEV. 'O 8s KOpO^ ^^STO T^ 0-ToX^, ;^ai Ittttsvsiv ixavSdivayv sp/a/ps. 25 48 GREEK DELECTUS. rco Koico), ^ouTvo^svog rov TraT^a wg T^^Krra. ^siTTVBlvy 7rpo(rr)yay£U aurio 7ravT06a,7ra six- ^oLlxixaroL xa\ ^pwixara, 'O Ss l^vf^og sXsysv, "^12 -TroLTTTrSy o(Ta TTpdypLara 's^sig Iv rw osIttuco^ 5 el oivdyxrj (toi stt) TrdvTO, to, T^sxavia TauTcx. OiarslvEiu rag ^slootg, xou aTroysusaSai ttolv- TUiV roiV TTOLVToQCfiTrcov 3pf«jW'aTfoy." " Tt os;" £(prj * AcTvoLyrig ' *' ou yap ttoXu coi ooxit xdXkiov To'^B TQ ^sTttvou slvoii ToO £V TiipcTaig ; " 10 *0 OS Is^vpog TTpog toujtcl airBXpivaro, " ^^X^i w TrdTTTTE' oTaKoi, 7ro?<.u OLTT'Koua'TBpa xai suSu' ' TBpoL Trap TjIjau Yj o^og s(rTiv stti to e^TrTiT]- aSriuoci, r) Trap' v[uu» 'H/Jta^ [jleu yap aprog Koi xpkag zig rouro ayzi' ufxeTg Ss, ttoAXou^ 15 sTiLyixohg avw xai xdrco 7r7\.av co[j.EVOif (xoT^ig a(pixvc7(TSz oTTOi "^[xslg izaKai 7j;«ojW,£V." 'O 6£ Kupo^", 7^a^cov T(x)v xpEwVy ^lE^ioo'j Toig a/jicj^i Toy Trainrov ^EpaTrEura^g, £7n7^Eyajv £xd(TTtO' " 2oi (Xkv TOUTO, OTl TTpO^U^CO^ ^£ 20 Itttteueiv oi?)d(rxEig' (rot 8s, or; fxoi rrdXrov Edioxag ' (Toi OS, on tov Trainrov xaAtog i^Ena- TTBUEig' (Tol hsf OTi [xou T7]V fxrjTEpa Tifxagy ' 2^axa 6s, scpTj o AcrruayTj^, tcu oivo^ocOy ov syco [xaT^KTra riixtOy ouoev Oidcog ; U oe 2b GREEK DELECTUS. 49 K.vpog s<pr), " AtoL ri, co TrctTnrs, rovrov ourw ri[j.rxg ; " Ka) 6 'Aa-rudyrjg, " Oit^ op^^j" ^'$^> " cog xaXiog ohoyoii \'^ " KeAswirov Srj," s^^J, " w TrdTTTTS. T(D 'SoixoL Tcoi sfxoi oouvai TO sxTTwixaJ^ Kal 6 s>c67<sv(rs oouvai. Aa^cou 5 OS psMOog^ (TTouoaicog xai sua-^Tiixovcog irpoGr- y^Vzyviz t\v ^i6Lkt\v rtS TraTTTTO), cvfTTS ryj [J^y^Tp] Tiou r(D 'Acrruayv) ttoXuv ysXcora Trctpot- sx^a'ku) (Ts Trig ri[JL,rig' tol ts yoLp aXXa," sc^Tj, " (Tou ^faXXIov olvo^orjfrcOy xai oua ex- TTioiJiOLi aurog rov oTi/oj/." *E;^ rourou orj 6 AfTToayrig sOyj' '*■ IVaf ri 6yj, co iVyp=, Ta aXXa [xi[j.ouixsvog rov Sa;<av, ou;r l^swisg row 15 o'/voy;" "'^Ori j/i^ A/','' ^'$^ij ^' s^e^olxziv fxr} £V Tco xpOLTy\pi (pdpixaxoL ixsixiyixsva. bIt], Or a yap elcTiag cu rohg c^/Xoi/^, a-a(pu)g s[xaSov ^dpixaxoL ccuTov ufuv sy^ioLvra.^^ " Ka< Toyg 8-:^," IcfiTj, " o-y, CO TraT, rouro xarsyi/coi? ; " 20 "''Ori vrj Ar," ed:>Y5, " 6/xa^ Bcopcov xa) ra7g yvw'xaig xai rolg (T(j)ixol(ti o'^oLWoyi.svQug, « IIi>tt)Tov jasv yap, a oy;^ laT£ r\iJ.oig rovg Toioag ttoibIv, toajtol auro) sttqibItb, Ylavrsg [xbv yap dfxa IxBxodyBiTBy sixavddvBTS 3s owSe su ok- 25 D 50 GREEK DELECTUS. 8s sxaG'Tog vijlwv t7]v savrou pcojavjv, stts* avacranjTS op^ri<r6[XBV0i, [mt] oTTcog op^£7(rSoci Iv pvS[xtSj ctXTi* 0^6* opSoua-^aij £Ouva(rQs. 'ETTsXsX^jtr^s 8s TravTOLTTdfrij aru rs on ^aci- 5 Xsy^ rifTQCty 01 rs a7\,Aoi on cru ocf^^cuv, JVa< ttIvcov ou jU-sSJcxsrat ; " " Ou /Aa Af," s<^>5. " *AAXa TTwg TTOisl ; " " A<\j/a)v TraJsrat • aXAo 8s ;<axoy ouSsv Tracr^si ' ou yoip, ol^ai, 10 to TrctTTTTSy %axag OLurm oIvop^osT." Kai 75 li.r\Trip sIttsv, " *AxXa tIttots (Tv, (h irou, qutcd T(o 'SdxoL TToXsjasT^;" 'O 8s K.dpog slinvy ""Or/, vr\ A/a, ]«,/o-co aurov* TroXXoLXig ydif> [xs, •TTDOg TOV TrOLTTirOV BTTlSuiXOVVTOL TTpOCTOiSajM^U', 15 ouTog ULiaowrciTog uTroxcoTiUsi,^* NOTES. Page Line 1. The IjiDiCATivE Mood represents a circumstance as real ; whetlier in present, past, or futui-e time. The Present Tense represents the action of the verb, as taking place at the present time ; i. e. in the act or course of taking place. 1. 'Eyw TVTTTco. In the Greek, as in the Latin lan- nruage, the verb agrees with its nominative case in number and person. Some exceptions to this rule will, however, be found ; and these will be pointed out as they occur in this Delectus. 3. "H x£ip« The hand. The article is used to point out something that has been before mentioned ; as 'iTTiroc, a horse ; i. e., a horse generally, no particular horse : but 6 'Uttoc^ the horse ; i. <?., the horse of which I before spoke. It also denotes an individual member of a class, as here : x*'P» " hmid ; but, t) Xtip, the hand; i.e., the hand distinguished from the other members of the body. Other powers of the article will be explained from time to time. 4. 20WI. Nom. dual of tv. Two dots placed over a vowel show that it is to be pronounced by itself, and does not form a portion of a diphthong. Tw 6(p9a\ixu}. The tivo eyes. Ta> is the nom. dual of the definite article d, and 6(pOaXiMl> is the nom. dual of d69a\^6g. Observe that the dative singular of all simple nouns not increasing in the genitive case has t printed under the last syllable ; which is thence called iota sidjscriptum ; i. e., iota written below. An attention to this will prevent mistakes being made between the dative singular and the nom. and ace. dual. d2 o. 52 NOTES. Faye Line 1. 6. 8. *H/LtfTf, nom. plur. of tyw : viiCiq of (tv : TraihQ of TraTc. 11. 'O QtoQ. God. The article here expresses "ex- cellence," and is not rendered in translating into English. 12 'A5eX(pbj. 'f-jdo Irothers. See note above on line 5. 2. 3. AtovTs. Nom. dual of Xewv. 5. 'H apeTrj. Virtue. With abstract nouns and the names of virtues, vices, &c., the article points out a particular portion or branch of the abstract notion ; as, ciptT}), virtue; ■>) dperr), the virtue; i.e., a parti- cular instance or branch of virtue : or else it imparts to them a force embracing the whole range of the abstract notion ; as here, y dpsn), virtue ; i. e., all that can be comprehended under that term. 6. 2oi. To you. Dat. of av. This is the dative of the person after Xkyw. The construction corresponds with that of the Latin language. 7. T('. What (thing) ? The ace. neut. sing, of rig, in- terrog. pron. Supply Trpayjxa. — Updaaiiq. Are you doing ? When the verb has no nom. case expressed, one of the personal pronouns must be supplied, as in Latin, according to the number and person of the verb. Here, therefore, supply av. Observe, also, that the Greek note of interrogation is represented by the English semicolon. 8. Me TTf/iTTti. Verbs transitive govern an ace. case, as in Latin. 11. TivtQ. Some (persons). Supply dvOpcjiroi. Tiveg is the nom. plur. of rig, the indefinite pronoun. 14. 'O00aXjLtw. See note at line 5. p. 1. — Uvpi. With fire. The dative of the manner after XafiTreTov. In Latin the ablative would be used for this purpose. The Greek language, however, has no ablative, but employs the dative instead of it. 15. dXTjOrj. True (words). Supply ptjixara, words. 'AXj;Oj/ is the neut. ace. plur. of dXijdiiQ. 17. T/. Why ? Literally, (on account of) what (thing). Neut. sing, of rig. Supply irpdyfia. It is governed by 3 id to be supplied. 18. Tods. Neut. ace. sing, of o^£. 22. AaiXaTra. Acc. sing. ofXaiXa;p. 25. Alya. Acc. sing, of al^. S. 1. "Eotpia finvT]. Literally, Wisdom alone; i.e. Wisdom is the only thing that. NOTES. 53 Page Line 3. 2. AovXevsi (iporoXc. Literally, Are slaves to mortals: i. e. are subservient to their use and benefit. Observe the construction. The two nominative cases ijXiog and vv^ would have led us to suppose that here we should have had a plural verb, oovXtvovji. Frequently, however, in Greek the verb takes the number of the nom. case, nearest to which it is placed. — Bporoig is the dative dependent on (^ouXfi'ji. Verbs of ".?erym^" are followed by a dative in Greek as well as in Latin. 3. Udv-a. All (things). Supply Trpayjxara, 5. 'Avdpa. Acc. dependent on crw^et. 7. "H irevia fiovi]. Poverty alone : or, poverty is the only thing that. See note above on line 1. ; and also note online 5. p. 2. 8. Aaij-iovoc. Gen. dependent on the adverb x^pk- OvcEv is the neut. acc. sing, of ovhlc, and is used as an adverb. Translate it, not at all ; or, in no respect. IL 'Avaopea. Throughout (i. e. all over) the mountains. "Opea is the acc. plur. of opoc, and is dependent on dvd. 12. El Sk i.ir}^ xP^''^°S- -^^^ if not, time does. Fully — d da Xifxog fir) Travel epwra, ciWd xpovog vavti tpwra. 13. 'A/c/.tatfi TO. avQi]. The flowers are hlooming ; or, are in their prime. Neuter nominatives of the plural number usually take their verb in the sinirular. There are, however, two exceptions to this : 1 . When the neut. nom. plur. speaks of living persons : 2. When a large number is to be pointed out. In both these cases a plural verb is used. — 'E-yw. In the Greek, as in the Latin, language the personal pronouns are only used when emphasis is to be thrown on them. 14. "HO?]. Acc. plur. of riOog. 15. Tldvra: Supply Trodyfiara. — Tf. . . K-aJ, both . . . and. 17. Xetjuwvog cLKpov. In the depth of winter. The genitive of the part of time. The Imperfect Tense represents something as being done, or in the course of taking place, in time past. To find in the Lexicon verbs beginning with ?, it is generally necessary to consider i as the syllabic augment, and to drop it. Thus for tXfiTroj/ the learner must find XfiTTw ; for tXtytc, Xlyw; for tOiw/cE, SidiKuj, &c. In Verbs beginning with ?/, that vowel must generally be considered as the temporal aug- ment for a or f : thus, for iiyi the learner must find ayu) ; for jjkovtiI^ov^ aKOvriZio ; for yyeipe^ iyeipio. In d3 NOTES. Page tlie Perfect, and the tenses formed from it, the Re- duplication must be dropped : thus, for ys-ypa^a, ypdcpu) must be found. S. 22. 'E\uTrfTt]v. They two left. The 3rd person dual imperfect of Xt'nru). Supply ovtm for the nom. case. 4. 5. The Future Tense points out something that has not yet happened, but which will certainly take place hereafter. 9. *A^w, future of ayw : (ppdau) of (ppaL,o) : Trpd^tig of Ttpdaao) — iv Trpa^sig. You will fare well. 18. 'Tbv v'lov /xov. Literally — The son of me ; i. e. my son. The Greeks often use the genitive case of the per- sonal pronoun as the latter of two substantives, in- stead of the possessive pronoun in concord with the former substantive. Thus v'lov /jlov for vlhv knov. 21. 23. "H^tty future of i'jKio : Ka\v\pH of tcaXvirTw: KpXvoJ of KpTvUJ. 5. 1. The Aorist (i. e. the indefinite tense) expresses an action as simply past, without any reference to its connection with time present. "Kicovaa (pMviig. I heard a voice. "HKovaa is the 1 aor. of aKovio. Verbs relating to the senses are followed by a genitive. See note line 22. p. 7. 2. 5. 'EXoKTtcTf, 1 aor. of XaK-i'Coj: tXf^ag of Xtyw: I'lyopaaa of ayojoa^uj : iairapa^av of (nrapdaffo). 7. "QTraas. 1 aor. of oTcd'Cio. 9. Avo. Observe the use of the dual ^vo with the plural substantive opdicovTag. 11. A'lavTi. To Ajax. The dative of Amc, dependent on d)7rd(Tf, a verb of " giving." 12. ^fpiarov. An irregular superlative of dyaOog. 14. T^ dvQpioTTu). See note line 5. p. 1., and line 2. p. 3. 16. T(Zi> x^i^wv h>a. One of the geese. Numeral adjec- tives are followed by a genitive, which is termed the " partitive genitive," because with the numeral it points out "a part "of " a whole." — Mot is redundant. 17. Boag^ &c. Some cattle ivhich Apollo was pasturing. The aorist here merely narrates the historical fact that jNIercury stole the cattle. No reference is made as to the time being more or less remote. The imperfect, on the other hand, points out an action which was taking place in time past : it tells what was the occupation of Apollo when the theft took place. NOTES 55 Page Line 5. 18. '¥.K TTvphg'WtaKov. From the fire of Troy . Literally, from the Trojan fire. An adjective formed from a proper name is often used instead of the genitive of that proper name. Thus, here, 'WiaKov is used for 'IXi'or, of Troy. — Iloripa, i. e. Anchises. 19. 'EaTTfipa. 1 aor. o£ (nnipo). 21. 'H/^wi/, See note line 18. p. 4. 22. Tn'cig rujv fiaOTjroiv avTOv. Some of his disciples. MaOrjrujv is the genitive dependent on the indefinite pronoun nvag. Avtov is put for tavrov. MadrjTuJv avToiJ represents discipvlorum suoi~nm : but fiaOrjToJv avTov, discipuloriim ejus. 6. 1. Aia. Acc.ofZfwc. 2. Ta ypa/xpara. The letters ; i. e. of the alphabet. The Perfect expresses an action completed at the present time. 6. "O yiypa(pa, yiypacba. " What I have written^ I have written.''^ More fully and correctly, / have icritten Cthat) which I have written. The demonstrative pronoun is often omitted when followed by a relative,, especially when, as here, it is in the same case witk it. Thus the sentence would strictly run, Tfypafa rovrc, o yfypacpa. "^O is the neut. acc. sing, of og ;. y'iypa<pa is the perf. of ypd<pu}. 8, 9. 2«(TwKf, perf. of o-w^w : nOavfiaicacnv of c^avpa^o). The Pluperfect represents an action completed in time past with reference to another action in time past. 14. 'E^ttpi'xii. Pluperf. of (ipvx^- See also note on line 13. p. 3. 15. 'EXfXixa-e. Pluperf. of Xfyw. — ls.ara tlvoq. Against some one. 16. 'Erf-u'^fcrai', for iTETv6nGai' ; the third person plural of the pluperf. being generally thus written. The Secod Aorist has the same force attaching to it as the first aorist. 17; 18. 'Erpvyov. 2 aor. of <pd'yw. The penultima of the 2 aor. is shortened by the change of tv into v, as c^fi-yw, i<pv- yor ; of £t into (, as X£('7rw, tXiTrov. — 'EKravtc.2 aor. of KTeivw, 7. 3. "ErpaTTf, 2 aor. of rp'tTru) : tfpavs of ^pa^a> : t-ap.e of Tipi'io '. ecpOapt of (pGtipw. 8. AtTti. They two. See note line 5. p. 1. — "A\a^ the acc. of «Xf. d4 56 NOTJBS. Vage Line The Imperative Mood expresses a command ad- dressed to some one present. The Present Imperative points out a continued action ; the aorist a momentary one. Both are alike translated as an English present imperative. 7. 13. Tlovoic. In labours. The dative dependent on Iv to be supplied. 15. Tag x^~^P<^^' ^^^ hands (of you), i. e. your hands. — ^pacrov, 1 aor. imp. of (j)pd^oj : auxTov, of coj'C(o. 17. MtXvov. 1 aor. imp. of iisvw. — When an apostrophe takes place, a soft mute, before an aspirated vowel or diphthong, is changed into its corresponding aspirate. Thus, for i-ttTo. )if.uov, we have i-ieB' yjiioJv : ikto. loses its final vowel before the following vowel tj ; while, as r) is aspirated, r is changed into B. — Tavra, these (things), ace. plur. of ovrcg : but ravra, i. e. rd avrd, the same (things), ace. plur. of 6 avTog. — AtVf. 2 aor. imper. of XeiTrw. 22. 'AKovaaTE jiov rovg Xoyovg. Hear my words. 'Akovoj is properly followed by an accusative of the thing heard, and a genitive of the person or thing whence that which is heard proceeds. When, however, the thing heard is alone expressed, then, whether ifc be person or thing, it is put in the genitive ^ except in the case of neuter demonstrative pronouns, when the accusative is retained. 8. 1. Baaikevoig. Mayst thou he king! — or, ?'eign. The optative is the mood employed to express a " wish." 4. M?j fpiZf. See note on line 5. Kav diKaia Xfyyg. Even if you shall speak just (words). Kdv is com- pounded of Kai, even, and av, if. "Ar is joined with the subjunctive mood, and is used of something fu- ture only. With ciKaia supply pyfiaTa. 6. Mtj rovTo Trpatrjc. Do not do this (thing). In for- bidding, or commanding that a thing be not done, Hrj is used with the present imperative, or the aorist subjunctive, never the aorist imperative. With tovto supply TTpayna. 7. 'Oveidi(Tuji.uv, &c. Let us upbraid (his) misfortune to no one : i. e. Let us upbraid no one with Jiis mis- fortune. Observe that the first person of the sub- junctive is used for the purpose of " exhorting" and " admonishing." 8. KTCiVTjTe. 2 aor. subj. of kteiVw. See note on line 5. NOTES. Page Line In Greek, as in Latin, the latter of two verbs is put in the Lnfinitive Mood. 8. 10. AiTTflv. 2 aor. inf. of Xsi-oj. See notes on the aorists, pp. 5, 6. Mrj jSpacvviza. Tarry not. See note on line o. 13. Akyi-cd Ti Kaivov ; Is any neio (thing) spoken ? i. e. is there any news ? Supply xPVt^a. 16. "AffTpa (pa'iviTca. See note line 13. p. 3. — '£v ovpavcp. I See note line 5. p. 1. 9. 2, 3. 'Ssvififjcai, perf. pass, of viirroj : Tracpavrai of (paivu) : tts- TTavrcu of Travo). 5. Taro^cVTai. Perf. pass, of To^fww. 6. 'ErIrpaTrro, pluperf. pass, of rpgTrcj : ecxn^ro of The PATJLo-POST-ruTURE points out something that will be past at some future time. It involves the idea of something future in reference to present time ; and of something past in reference to future time. 7, 8. Ili—pd^tTai, paulo-post-future of -rrpdcjau) : XiXdxI/erai of XeiTTuj : rerap-^ovTaL of rkpTru). 9 — 12. 'HyspOr], 1 SLOT. pass, of iytipoj I Igko-'ksQtj of ckot'iIm : a7ratcav9r} of Traicavu) : iicriaOr) of ktiZo) : TjvXiaOT] of avXiZ(p, 13, 14. ^wQija-p, 1 fut. pass, of o-w^oj : XexOrjrrsTai of Xtyw. 10. 1. 'S.TrapQijGovrai^ 1 fut.pass. of o-TTft'pw : KpiQi]aiTai ofKpivoj, 3. 'EcpdvTj. 2 aor. pass, of 4)a(Vw. 5. 'EoOdpij. 2 aor. pass, of (pQaipui. Zwwv, the genitive plural of ^(ioj/, dependent on the superlative adjec- tive TrXfTfTTa. 7. 'ApsTTj ^avrjaarai Icrxvporapov dhiciaQ. Virtue will ap- pear stronger than injustice : i. e. will show itself to be so. Observe the construction : a neuter adjec- tive used with a feminine substantive. This takes place when not the word itself, but the general idea it involves, is regarded. This use of the neuter ad- jective is equivalent to xp'if^"- being understood with it. So in Latin, t7nste lupus stahulis. 'Aciiciag is the genitive dependent on the comparative adjective iaxvpoTipov. ^avTJfTcraL is the 2 fut. pass, of (^jaivio. 9. ^Irj aiffxv-'Orjra. Be not ashamed. AhxvvOij-e, 1 aor. subj. pass, of cdaxvvu). On urj with subj. aor. see note line 5. p. 8. 12 — 14. liTapayixavoi^ perf. pass. part, of Tapdaaoj : yc/pafi- fJi^vf} ofypdcpci): 7re7rpa7|ttb'a ot Trpdcrcu). D 5 58 KOTESs. Page Line 10. \Q. Apvg contracted from dpvac, ace. plur. of ^pvc: tj/i- fiivag, perf. pass. part, of aTrrw. I J. The Middle Voice signifies what we ourselves do to ourselves, ov for oui'selves. Thus TtpTroj, active, I de' light; TtpTTOfiai, passive, / am delighted; rkpTcop-ai, > middle, I delight myself. Aovw, active, I wash ; \ov~ ofiai, passive, I am tvashed; Xovofiat, middle, I icash mi/self, or / bathe, r^uw, active, / make another to taste ; yf uo/xai, passive, / a7n made to taste hy another ; ytvnuai, middle, I make myself taste, or I taste. 1. Havojiai Xtyiov. I leave off speaking : i.e. I cease to speak. Verbs of " ceasiiig" and of " making to cease,^' are amongst those which are followed by a participle, instead of by an infinitive mood. 4. Tierai. Himself honoiirs. Ind. pres. mid. of t'ho. Observe the force of the middle verb. • 6. 'ETrpuaasTu. He kept exacting for himself. Observe the force of the middle verb, and of the imperfect tense. 9. NuKTo'c Sy night. The genitive of the part of time. — "^ofifij. The dative dependent on irthtaOe (1 fut. mid. of TTEiOoj), a verb of " obeying.^'' 10. 'EQidaavTo. Forced their way . 1 aor. mid. of (Sia'Cu). 11. 'EmoaavTo. Saved themselves. 1 aor. mid. of trw^w. — "ll-<poj. 2 pers. sing, of Ji^l/a/iijv, 1 aor. mid. of uttto). 12. M?) av eXovaoj ; Have you washed yourself i.e. bathed? M?), when used as an interrogative particle, as here, is not rendered into English. The reply to a question thus put is expected to be in the negative. This mode of expression appears to correspond with that in the English language where the speaker, being^ almost, yet not quite, convinced in his mind that something is not, first of all asserts a negative, and then qualifies his assertion by adding an interroga- tion. Thus, " FoM have not bathed: — have you?^ or, in idiomatic English, You've not bathed? The speaker here evidently supposes the person addressed " has not " bathed ; and he expects the reply to be, *''' No ; I have not." 'EXovaio is 2 pers. sing. 1 aor. mid, of Xovuj. — Mcii;. Genitive dependent on ii\parn, a verb relating to one of the senses. See note line 1 . 16, 17. ErpdireTO, irpaTTovTO. 2 aor. mid. of tjOettw. 12. 1. HaTpi aov. See note line 9. p. 11. NOTES. 59 Page 12. Line 2. 3. 1" 4. . 5. >. i>^ 9. 'AytaOai. Literally, to lead (home) for oneself: i. e. to marry. After ayeaOai. supply tig lojxov^ to {one's) house. KofiuXaOai. That he will get for himself . The Attic first future infinitive middle of ko/xiZ^w. The Verb Elfii. — The verb substantive in the Greek, as well as in the Latin, language takes the same case after it as it has before it. El/it o dfxi. I am what I am. Fully tyti f I'/ji skhvo^ o lyw tlfii. Observe the omission of the demonstrative before the following relative as explained line 6. p. 6. 'O XpiffTog. The Christ : i. e. the anointed one : — meaning Jesus, who was thus termed from His being anointed for His ofiice by the Holy Ghost : — it having been the custom and ordinance in the Jewish nation for their prophets, priests, and kings to be severally "; anointed for their oSices. — 'O vwc. 'Nom. in appo- sition with XpiffroQ ; the rule being, as in Latin, that ^' two substantives respecting the same thing are put in the same case. 10. Td re wra. Both in your ears. 'Qra is the ace. plur. of ovc, gen. ujToc. This, which is called " the accusa- tive of nearer definition," is used after adjectives and verbs denoting a quality, and points out that whereto the quality attaches. Thus here u)-a depends on Tv<pXdc, which betokens a quality : while (Jra points out the object to which this quality applies. — Te . . , r£ . . . Tt. Both. . . and . . . and. 11. 'EKaarrjg vfispag. Bach day ; or ever i/ day . Genitive of part of time. — 'EXfyev. Used to say. One of the forces of the imperfect is to denote a repeated action. Thus here. 14. Aibg. Genitive of Zewf. 15. yXvKiov Tra-pidoc. Sweeter than (one's) father-land. IlaTpiSog is the genitive dependent on the com- parative adjective, yXvKiov, which is the comparative of yXvKvg. 13. 1. 'Aft KpariiTrov 1(ttl ToX-qQi^ Xtynv. To speak the true (things — i. e. the truth) is always best. Observe the construction. An infinitive mood with the neuter ai-ticle singular, either expressed or understood, is used as a substantive of the same case as that to which such article belongs. Hence it may be of the nom. gen. dat. or ace. case. This is called the svJ)- D 6 60 NOTES. Page Line stantival infinitive. There is also this peculiarity attaching to it, that it has the usual requirements of the verb, i.e. is preceded and followed by its own case. Thus here Xiynv (the neuter article nominative, rb., being understood) is the nominative to iaTL. It however takes its own accusative avdpon:ov understood, before it, and as it is a transitive verb is followed by an accusative ToXtjOi], i. e. rh. d\r]9rj^ — with which supply prjua-a. TLpdriaTov (superlative of dyaObg) is in the neuter gender, because the sub- stantival infinitive always represents a neuter noun, i 13. 2. 'H TraTpig kffTi(pi\TaTov. One's father-land is most dear. See construction explained at line 7. p. 10. 3. 'Avapxiag. Genitive dependent on ixhZ,ov ; the com- parative of fiiyag. 6. Tig kaQ\ &c. Who is that who is hnocking at the door ? 'E(T0' for tan. See note on iitTo.,^ line 17. p. 7. When the article is joined to a participle without any sub- stantive, it is equivalent to the Latin is qui^ &c., or the English he or she who, &c., that ivhich, &c. To knock at the outside of a door in order to get admission was termed kotttsiv or dpdaasiv rr/v ^vpav. The doors of the ancient Greeks used to open out- wards into the street ; and as, if they were suddenly and without notice thrown open, they might strike the passers-by, it was customary to knock upon the inside, so as to give notice of what was going to be done. This was termed \po(ptTv tt)v Bupav. 7. XptjcTTOTspog, Better, i. e. than the neiv. Hence sup- ply TGv vkov oivov. 8. 'O dvQpioTTog. Man, i. e. mankind. With collective nouns the article sometimes represents a class. 10. Tfi dUvarn. The {things which are) impossible, i. e. impossibilities. Supply TrpdyjjLara. Aiw/csiv is a sub- stantival infinitive, used as nom. before tort ; while fiaviKov is a neuter adjective in concord with it. See note above on line 1. 11. 'H dperi]. See note, line 5. page 2. See the same reference for b (5iog, and rj rkxvi]. 13. Miv . . . Sk. These words always point out a refer- ence, or opposition to one another, in those words or clauses of a sentence to which they belong. They may be rendered, indeed . . . but ; on the one hand . . on the other hand. NOTES. 61 Paqe Line 13. 14. 15. 17. 19. 20. 24. 14. " 5. 7. IToXX' for TToWa ; a being elided before the following vowel. Supply irpayiiara. YipoiT-n-, hvTipa^ rpiTi). In eacb instance supply Stpa taTiv. 'AXrjQj'ig. The nominative after tcrnV. 'Kri]/j.aTiov. Genitive dependent on p.6v7]. — 'AOdvarov, ISTom. after laTiv. Supply Krijiia. "ExOpag ok -^o'yog. Fill up, ^oyog ck tx^P^e ^'^'"'^ ^pX*h 1 VvvaiKSQ. Nom. plur. of yvini. Xpvrra, contracted from xpuffsa, nom. plur. of xP^cnog. For neut. nom. plur. before verb sing., see note line 13. p. 3. KsKpvunevov. Perf. pass. part, of Kpvirroj. Tf . . . T8. Both . . . and.—^Rv. Observe the concord of this verb with its nearest nominative case. It is not in the plural, though two things are spoken of See note on line 2. p. 3. 11. Ka/cwj'. Genitive dependent on d7ra6)]g; an ad- iective betokening ''exemption from" and so fall- ing under the class of words which imply " being without" " ivanting" &c. 13. "Effrai. The syncopated and Attic form of efff rat. 17.' "Effo. Be (thou). 'Etro is the Doric form of t«70t, the pres. imp. of 6(>i, / am. 20. 'Eciv yg. If you shall be. 'Edv is another form ot ar. See note line 4. p. 8. 21. To (piXdpyvpov eivai. Thebeing fond of money. Jietore tivai supply avBpujTTov ; and as the verb ^ substan- tive takes the same case after it as before it, (pikap- yvpov is the accusative in concord with dvOpioTrov. See construction explained in note on line 1. p. 13. 24. ^Qv, in concord with av, to be supplied before (pv}<aTT£. 9.5. ^aiviTUL ovaa. Literally, 7* seen being : otherwise, Being so, is seen; i.e. to be so; hence, evidently is. Observe the distinction between the infinitive and participle after (paivonai. ^aivoi-iai elvai, I seem to be : but cpaivofiai wv, I evidently am. There are other verbs besides (paivofjiai, to which a similar force attaches, and they will be noticed as they occur. It may be here laid down as a rule, that when a parti- ciple follows (paivopai, it should be translated as a finite verb of the same tense as that in which the tense of <paivonai is found; while such tense of ^aivo/iat 62 XOTES. Pagt Line should be translated as an adverb, ^^ evidently ^^^ '■''dearly," &c. 15. 2. '0(p6aXixo~iQ. Dative plur. dependent on Iv in the compound verb fveanv. 3. 'Averen/f. Imperf. ind. of avarf iVto ^ 5. Srr ToTg ^Tjaavpolc, o'iq 6 Trarr^p KcniknTi. Together loith the treasures which your father left behind. Ac- cording to the strict rules of grammar, KaTtkim (2 aor. ind. of Ka-aXfiTrw), which is a transitive verb, J T.^ would be followed by an accusative, oi}c, instead of , , r- ^ which we here find the dative, o'iq. This is an Attic idiom : the Attics putting, commonly, the relative and the antecedent in the same case. This figure is called attraction — the relative being attracted or drawn to the antecedent, and taking its form. 6. AvTip. Dative dependent on awtSovXevaev (1 aor. ind. of GVfx€ov\tvu}) ; verbs of advising., governing a dative case. 7 — 11. "YTTfjUiti'f, 1 aor. ind. of vTTojxkvu) : iKfXivaf. of tceXcvu) : • "TTapaTilvai, 1 aor. inf. of -napaTiivu} '. aTTtKpv^t, 1 aor. md. of CfirOKpVTTTU}. 12. AiEra^f r, 1 aor. ind. of ^laraaau). — QkpoQ is the accusa- tive before the inf. tlvai. 13, 14. 'ATreVraX/cf, perf. ind. of arocrrlXXw : Ciojpvx(i(yi, of ClOpVTTU). 16. Uportivf. Pres. imperat. of TrpoTf.ivu). 18. "Q(Tre tTriypdcpeiv avrolg. As to write upon them. "Qore, with an indicative mood, points out a thing as a fact : with an infinitive, the result, consequence, or effect proceeding, directly and of necessity, from what has been before stated. — Tovro /3oiJc. This (is) an ox. Supply L<TTt, 20. 'O vTrojiiivac. He that has endured. See note line 6. p. 13. OvTOQ — This one. Properly, demonstrative pronouns are only used when they refer to a noun that has preceded in a separate clause. Sometimes, however, they are found in the same clause with such noun ; and this is especially the case when a paren- thetical clause intervenes between the noun and its verb. When no such parenthesis is found, as is the case here, then the use of the demonstrative must be regarded as a pleonasm, resulting from the simplicity of the ancient language, which regarded energy of expression quite as much as grammatical rules. NOTES. 63 Page Line 16. 1. ATTfKpXQi]. Answered. 1 aor. pass, of arroKptVw. The middle form of the word is that which rirrhtly ex- presses "to answer." The first aorist is the only tense of the passive voice, where it has this meaning ; and that only in Alexandrian Greek. 2. "^vviix^Tiaav. 1 aor. pass, of avvdyo. See note on line 13. p. 3. 3.' 'ATTfcrraX?;. 2 aor. pass, of aTrooTfXXw. 4. KaToXtXiijinkvoi ijaav. Had been left behind. 3 pers plur. of pluperf. pass, of fca-aXf j'ttw. 5. 'ATTtKpivaro. Answered. 1 aor. mid. of aTroKpu^w. See note above on line 1. 6. 'E^iXs^aTo. Chose out for himself. 1 aor. mid. of tKXtyio. Observe the meaning of the middle voice, and the force of sk in composition. 7, 8. Ola. What sort of thijigs. Supply Trpdyimra ; accu- sative dependent on ciaimrpaxaai^ the perf. ind. act. of CLaTTpcKjao). — 'HKov<Ta(T6e is the 1 aor. mid. of uKovu). — AitffTrdpr]. 2 aor. ind. pass, of ^lacfTrtipw. i) — 11. 'Opw. Contracted from bpa^ : so Tifiui from niaauj: ayairdg from dyarattf, the 2 pers. ind. pres. of dyoTraw, dyaTTu), 13. Yiavra XiGov Kivtlc. You are moving every stone ^ i. e. you are leaving no stone unturned, according to the English expression, which denotes the exertion of every eflfort to carry out an object. Z.7. 1. AvpuQ cLKoviov. Hearing a harp : i. e. when he hears a harp. See note on line 22. p. 7. 4. 'NvKTog. The genitive case dependent on nsptj. 6. 'Efop^i. Contracted froiji icpopda. 3 pers. sing, of pres. ind. of t^opdio, i<popu}, which is compounded of iTTi and O|odw. The final vowel of tTri is elided before the first vowel of opcun ; while in consequence of opdw being aspirated tt becomes 0. See note on line 17. 8. X^vva-a. Impossible (things^, i. e. impossibilities. Supply irpdyfiara. 11 — 12. IItj^p, kvQova'ta. The presents of TTTjcdw, ttj/oJ, and tvOovmdu), ivdovam^ respectively. These words are put by Lucian into the mouth of Vulcan, and ex- press the wonderment of that deity at ^Minerva's doings, immediately she sprang fuUy armed from the head of Jupiter, when it was cleft open by Vulcan's axe. 64 NOTES. Vage Line 17. 16. 'EXaXjT. He licpt chattering. Observe the continued action implied by the imperfect. — '^ivitarCiv, gen. plur. of £7r(gar?jc, is the genitive dependent on Kara- yaXwi^, the present part, of Ka-ayeXdco, KarayfXciT. 18. 'HcFTpaTrrtr, itpovra^ avvsKVKa. The imp. ind. of aoTjOaTrroj, jSpovrdu), /Spoirw, and crvyKu/cau;, (TvyicvKuJ, respectively. The oratory of Pericles was so power- ful that it was compared to thunder and lightning, and its results to their effects. 20. XdpLTog. Genitive dependent on TrXyiprjg, an adjective denoting '"fulness." 22. npwra. Ace. neut. plur. of Trpuiroc, used as an ad- verb— ^rs% ; in the first place. — Ti>o, the imperative pres. of Tij-idu). So also in following lines Karatppo'vn of Kuracppovkoj ; aKoXovQn of dtcoXovOku). ' Mot is the dative dependent on aKoXovQu., a verb of '■''following.''' 18. 1-5. The verbs in these lines are the present imperatives of their respective forms. 7. no/\Xd XaXfiv. To speak Tnany (words'), i. e. to talk much. Supply pnf-iara. See construction explained at note on line 1. p. 13. 10. Td KUTw . . rd dvu). The things that are below, — the things that are above. In each instance supply Trpdyfxara vvra. 11. Tov XkyHv; the genitive dependent on the compara- tive adjective d<T<paXkaTfpov : rh aiyq.v is the nominative before cori to be supplied : d<T(j>aXk(TTspov agrees with TO aiyq.v, and is dependent on tor/. See note line 1. p. 13.' 12. 'Opq.v : a substantival infinitive, and the nominative before lari : ijdv is in concord with it, and depends on to-ri. See reference as in preceding note. , 13. 'Ev ToTg KaxoTg. In their evil (things), i. e. misfortunes. Supply TTpdyfiam. — ^iXoig. D at. dependent on ojcpeXeh'. 15. Iloiaj^ The construction of this sentence is similar to that at line 12. above. 19. "ErrjdiodsKa. During twelve years. Acc. -plur. of irog. Ace. of duration of time. 20. Toy TfTtXtvTTjKora. The dead (man) . Supply a^^pwTrov. T6rsXfvr7]K6Ta is the perf. part, of TeXevrdio. 21. "H\pdTo rijg aopov. Touched the bier. "Hi|/aro, 1 aor. mid. of uTTTO) ; which being a verb relating to one of the senses, is followed by a genitive — here copov. See note line 1. p 5. NOTES. 65 Ane 18. 23. 'O Aayov. The son of Lagus. Supply vwc. The de- finite article, masculine or feminine, followed by the genitive case of a proper name, denotes the son or daughter of that person, according to the gender of the article. — Ii\ovriZ,nv is a substantival infinitive, and is employed as the accusative before the infini- tive mood tivca : hence dfitivov will be the ace. after eJvai. See reference as at line 11. 25. "EXeye. Used to say. Observe the continued action denoted by the imperfect. As iXeys is a transitive verb, it requires an accusative case. This ace. is here the following saying of Agis, from tovq to TroXe^ioi. In the same way from Troaoi to -TroXefxioi is the ace. after tpcj-g^v. 19 6. 'AyaTTutv ciaAXsi. Continue to love. AtareXfi is the imperative pres. of SiariXku) ; dyairiiv is the nom. sing. masc. of part. pres. of tiyaTraw, and depends on ciarsXei, because verbs signifying to " continue'' are followed by a participle instead of an infinitive mood. The participle is here in the nominative, because it speaks of av, the nominative to ^laTsXsi. 7. ^»Xwv, &C. Fully, 2i' (piXdJv eKEiva, a /x)] Cfl col (piXeiv^ ov (piXijaeig tKeiva. a Csl aoi (piXiiv. 8. 'EavTov fir} Kparwv. Not mastering himself: i. e. Who does not master himself. All words involving the idea of a comparison govern a genitive : and as Kparkix)^ I master^ rule^ &c., sho?;rs that there is some one who is mastered., ruled., &c., the inference is, that /, who master., or rule., am greater (the comparative idea) than the person so mastered or ruled. Hence, Kparkoj is followed by a genitive, which, here, is eavTov. 9. MaKapiog cxjtic. Fully 'MaKa.pwg ka-iv tKiivoc^ ocrrig, &c. 10. 'O fii(TU)v. He that hates. See note line 6. p. 13. — Biujfferai. 1 fut. ind. mid. of (3i6uj. — Xpovov. Ace. of duration of time. 12. 'O TToiwvy 6 fit) TToiuiv. ScG Dote line 6. p. 13. 14. ApuKji. Contracted from cpdovcrt, dat. plur. of dpdojv, pres. part, of cpdw. Supply dvOpwrroLg with it. It is governed by crvufiaxoc ; because words compounded with avv take the case required by that preposition — i. e. a dative. lo. 'Opdrai. Pres. ind. pass, of opaw. 16. "EvXatov, Imperat. pres. of fvXagiOjuat. 66 NOTES. Page Line 19. 17. Biov, the genitive dependent on cHaOai, a verb of " wanting^ 19. AlSovg. Gen. of alcioc^ dependent on ciKinc. — 'EAv cipKyQ- If you shall begin. See note on line 4. p. 8. "Ap^yq is the 1st aor. subj. of dpx<». 21. '£oiTTiKakHaQaiThvQf.6v. That one sliould invoke God. 'ErrncaXelciOaL is the infinitive present middle of sTTifcaXew. Supply dvGpioTTov^ as the accusative case before it. Compare note on line 1. p. 13. 23 — 25, ""Hpog. This and the following genitives with their respective participles are genitives absolute. 20. 1. Hetpdi. Endeavour. Lnperat. pres. mid. of TrtipaM. — To iiiv aCJpLa. In your body on the one hand. See notes on line 10. p. 12., and line 13. p. 13. 3. f^otov^ aiffxi'vov, TveiOov. The imperat. pres. of tJo- 'Qsofiai, aloxi'voij-ai, and 7rft6o/iai, respectively. 7. Uovov, genitive governed by adverb dvtv. 'Av OpuTTOLQ, dative dependent on ^t'owo-i : verbs of *■'' giving" being followed by a dative in the Greek, as well as in the Latin language. 9. Awo-w, future of Ucwfxi. 10. Aei^ofitv. Future of ^6u:i'y;a. — Avtcov KpdrTovc. Setter than them. AvrCJv is the genitive after the com- parative adjective KpeirTovc; which is the ace. plur. of Kpeirriov : Kpeirroi'aQ — Kpti-ToaQ — Kpiirrovg. 12. 'E^wKaf, 1 aor. ind. of diSioixi. 16. "Qpa is the nom. before eariv^ KaQiaTuvai is the inf. pres. of KaQiari^fii^ and is dependent on wpa, ILapa' SiSovai is the inf. pres. of irapadiSojiHj and is coupled to KaOiardi^ai, by Kai. 17. *E0f/ifi/, 2 aor. ind. of ri9t][ii. 18. 'EoTTjffca', 2 aor. ind of torvy/ii: an intransitive tense. 21. 1. ZtvyvvTio. Imper. pres. of ^ivyvy/if. 2. Aog. 2 aor. imper. of oi'owjut. 4. 2rw. 2 aor. subj. of 'I'jrijpi. A saying of Archi- medes, a celebrated mathematician, who had such confidence in his genius for mechanical invention, that he said he could move the earth, if he had a place whereon to fix his machine. 6. AoOr^rrsTcu. 1 fut. pass, of ciSiopt. 7. Ta KaiffapoQ. An article in the neuter gender, be- fore a genitive, signities possession or relation : xprifiara is here understood. I'he (tilings) of Ccesar. 9. ^Tiji'at. To stand. 2 aor. inf. of 'iarrifii. ^aqu Line 21. 10. 12. NOTES. 67 Gfou ^idovToq. Genitive absolute. 0£vrcf, 2 aor. participle of Ti9i]fii. Tbv ^evra tovi; vofiovg, who gave the laivs. TiQsrai vofiovg (act.) is ap- plied to a legislator, who makes laws for others; r'lQtaQai vofiovg (mid.) to a people, or a legislative body, who make laws /or themselves. 16. 'EOt-o. 2 aor. mid. of riOtj^i. He placed on himself; he put on. 18. Xdpiu croi tx^i ^ ^^^^^ l/o^- So in Latin: Gratiam tibi haheo. 21. Ka\CJQ ixfi' It has itself well; it is well; yc I thank you : a civil mode of refusal, like the Latin benignc. After exit supply eavro. 22. 3. Xpovov. Ace. of duration of time. 4. Uvpi. Dative dependent on Icrov ; adjectives denoting " being equal to" taking a dative after them. 5. "Or. Ace. after <piXi7j and relating to tKHvog to be supplied before d7ro9vi)(jKei. 7. UovovvTi. Supply dv6pu)7riij, dative dependent on <Tv\\afx€dvti ; a verb of " helping.''^ 9. Msaa Tuiv ovrior. Middle of things existing. 'SViaa is the ace. plur. of nkcov, the plur. being used for the singular. With ov-ujv supply Trpayiid-wv. 13. Ovckv cia<p'ipiL TTarpoQ dyaQov. In no respect differs from a good father. Ovctv is the neut. ace. of oucilg used as an adverb. Aia^epuj, I differ from, involves the idea of a comparison with that object from which I differ ; hence it is followed by a genitive case. See ImeS. p. 19. 14. Aiavoiag. Genitive governed by the power of 7rp6 in 18, 19. 'Eyw. Supply ^dKviij : and after (ruxroj supply avrovg. 20. 'Qra. Ace. plur. of ovg. — Elxf. Imperf. ind. of lyw. 21. 'QXtntv. 1 aor. ind. of oAXi'^j. The aorist sometimes, as here, points out an indefinite recurrence of past events. 23. Kdpiv. Ace. of xop'C • used as an adverb. 24, 25. TiOvrjKiv, perf. ind. of 2rp})cncuj : ^ihijKag of j3aivi». 23. 2 — o. 'HXvOsg. 2 aor. ind. of epxc/jLai. So d-TrsQava of d-c- OvijffKoj : (7rd9cg of Trctrxw : k^kTrias of iKTr'nrrw. 6, 7. i^on'ov H(T(jj. To his house, ivithin it : i. e. He went to his house, and. then into it. — a6i.iov is the ace. of motion towards a place : ilcrw is an adverb. '£€}}, 2 aor ind. of i3aiiU) : TrpoaecpaixEv of TrpocTrpixt^' 68 NOTES. Page Line 23. 9. "Ervx^Q- 2 aor. ind. of rvyx'^vo). In the sense of " oh' taining " this verb is followed by a genitive. 13, 14. "Ettis, 2 aor. ind. of izivto : KareidXs of mragaXXw. 15. UXriyeig. Part. 2 aor. pass, of 7rX?/rrw. — 'ATreOdvs. 2 aor. ind. of dirodvriGKu}. 17. "Hv 'iXaxeg STraprj/i/, ravrrjv koojih. The Sparta which you have obtained hy lot (i. e. which God has allotted to you), this adojm. The force of this proverbial ex- pression is disputed ; but it appears to mean, " Adorn by your conduct your allotted station in life." Ob- serve the construction. The substantive properly belongs to the demonstrative clause; but at times it is placed ^ by attraction in the relative clause, which then is always first. The object of this is to give emphasis to the expression. Ko'er/zet, pres. im- perat. of /coo-juiw. 18. liq,Ta. And then. Compounded of kuI and dra. 'ATTETEKf, 2 aor. ind. of aTroTiKrcj. 24. 'O Koajioc, 6 jSiog. With each of these nominatives supply £OTl. 24. 4. Tt aiyfjg icpHTToi'. So7nething better than silence. Supply £OTi. — 'E^E. Have, i. e. keep. 5. 'Edv txcjfifv . . . ilonsv. IF ive shall have . . . we SHALL have. Observe the difference between the conditional future expressed by kav and the subjunc- tive, and the positive future expressed by the indica- tive. See notes line 4. p. 8., and line 9. p. 4. 7. Taura. This demonstrative pronoun is in apposition with the preceding substantives, and is of the neuter gender because they speak of inanimate objects. — ^v^taivH. Happen. See note line 13. p. 3. 9. ^iXeT. Is wont. Literally, loves. 11. OvK t<TTLv. It is imjwssible. Observe the force of ovK. When prefixed to a verb (without any interven- ing word, except a particle) it gives to it not merely a negative force, but so combines with its meaning as to form with it one simple idea. Thus here ; ovk tan means not it is not possible ; but, it is impossible. — Aig belongs to aiiaprdviiv. 12. ' EXTriaiv. The last syllable of this word has v added to it by poetic licence ; a long syllable being re- quired in that part of the verse where it occurs. 15. 'Akovhv is dependent on eroifiog. 16. 'Epu)Tr]9tlg. 1 aor. pass, part of kpcjraio. — To jivuxtkeiv KOTISS. ^^ Taae Line , , ^ > , kavT6v. Fully; to dvBpi»Trov yivoxTKSiv tavrov x^^^' Twrarlv t^rt TrpayAta. See note line 1. p. 13. 24 18. Zur. Inf. pres. of ^aw. * 90— 3 BovXa. FoMJm/i. 2 pers. of /3oi-Xo^a(. The forma- tion of this person was originally in £<7ai, thus rj;7rr- ouai, taai, trai. The lonians, who delighted in a concourse of vowels, dropped the ff, and made it ^{j~-f,ai This the common language ot breece cheered into rv—y. The Attics, who, on the con- trary"; loved contractions, shortened it into tvtt-si. The Attic form is always used in /3oi-\£i, o^a, ^lu Maear. 2 aor. inf. of navddvio : iXBiiv of epxofiai : ^ai/ar of c-vricTK-a; : (T ar of acov. ^ ^ ,, . , j.^ 04 'oodXsrai -K-aai. Is owed by all; i.e Death is a debt due by all — Qavsh' is a substantival mf, nom. to 25.- 1. BoiXopL fidWov. I would rather. Literally, /m;wA in a greater degree. , , , 3—6 To. This neuter article converts the whole sentence into the nominative to sari. — Sxav is 2 aor. inf. of 7. UciQi^v. 2 aor. part of Trafrxw. ^ 8 'Evap/j. 2 aor. pass, of x'«'pw- 'E-' is separated from Ki-p(T«c to which it belongs, by the figure Tmesis —i. e. cutting, the one being cut away from the other. The word is irriKvpaac. 8. Evpibv. 2 aor. part, of fi'ptV.-cw. 10. Ileaovaa. 2 aor. part, of ttitt-w. 14 Bpsciog cpkpox'ra. A boy carrying. Observe the con- struction. In Greek, adjectives and participles axe often found agreeing with the real gender of the person or thing expressed by a noun, and not with its grammaticat sender. Thus here fSps^og is a c/iiZc?, a boy. Kow, as a boy is of the masculine gender the participle is put in that gender— (?spoj/ra, not the grammatical gender <i>kpov. 15. Ilota. Imperat.pres. of TTOiiw. — Arytrwv. 1 fut. part, of XavBavi^. The future participle alone would ex- press a certainty (see note line 9. p. 4.): wc, asif, qualifies it, and makes it represent a contingency, in- stead of a certain fact. J- 1 t 13. Twv £1^ QipnoTTvXaic ^avovTUiv. Of those who died at Thermopylce. "VThen words intervene between the definite article and the word to which it belongs, 70 NOTES. Page Line they are to be taken in immediate connection with them ; inasmuch as they form an integral portion of the idea conveyed by the article and its word. 25. 21. TfOvn^ojLtat. 1 fut. mid. of crf/ycrKw. — Mfr' oXr/or. After a little time. Supply XP'^^'OV' 26. 1. n€7ror0rt, perf. mid. of Tracrxw. 2. Tiyoviv, perf.- mid. of ytVo/xat. — 'Eco^e, it seemed /(.% from doKti impersonal. 5. 'EXtvffo^ai. 1 fut. mid. of toxoy-ai. — Toi) Qeov 3^- \ovroQ^ genitive absolute. 6. 'Eyfvsro. 2 aor. mid. of yivo/iai. 9. Ilapd. Among. 11, 12. The order is : (i<JTt) Sa dSrjXovH 6 viog, &c. — 'A^i'4aTat 1 fut. of a.(piKv'fOf^iai. 15. '¥^Koiixi](savTo. They laid themselves down to sleep. \2iOV mid. of /cot/ido). — EiXovro. 2 aor. mid. of alpsw. 18. 'A7ro0avf7. 2 pers. sing. 2 fut. mid. of aTro^vr/fT/cw. 20. TiviaQb). Let there he. 2 aor. imperative of ytro/tai. 22. T'tvoiTo. May it be! 24. Ilftpw, contracted from Tntpaov. Pres. imperat. mid of Trtipono. 27. 2. The order is : (ro) TTiiQenQai \6yqi Trd-pog la-lv avayKi) iraim. To obey the word of a father is a necessity for children : i. e. it is necessary for children to obey their father's word : i. e. what their father says. 3. VrtKwg uKovtiv. Literally, To hear badly., i. e. to bn evit spoken of. This is another instance of the sub- stantival infinitive. It is the nominative before Inri to be supplied. Kptlffaov agrees with it, and follows icrTi. Akynv is also a substantival infinitive of the nominative case coupled to cikovhv by >;. See note line 1. p. 13. 5. Uavvvxf^ov. All the night long. This adj. agrees with av^pa ; but like many other adjectives in Greek it is used in an adverbial force. 6. '!Aaxi](TofiivoQ. For the purpose of fighting. 1 fut. part, of /idxojuai. Observe the use of the future participle to mark out an " intention^"" " object,'" or " purpose.^^ 8. Msjuvrj(To. Imperat. perf of fivaoiim. Observe the construction. Mfjuvj/rro (.'j/. Bemember that you arc . but ixkpvrjao (Ivat. Remember to be. 9. OvK la-iv ovSsv. There is not any thing. In Greek two or more negatives, instead of cancelling a negation, NOTES. Page Line increase it3 force. — ^IXov, Than a friend. Genitlvo dependent on the comparative adj. Kpdcraov. 27. 10. "Av tTrpaKs' He would have done. With the historic tenses of the indicative av has a conditional force. With the imperf. it means, would, shoidd : with the aor. and pluperf. would have, should have. 11. OvSkv. Any. See note on line 9. "Avcp" ouciv tvOcic for 'Avdpa ov^'iva svQdde. 32. El ijSeits . . . . av yciiTi. If ye knew . . . ye woidd hiow. Observe the force of av as explained at Ime 10. '}\.hiv is the pluperf. belonging to the irregular perfect olca. It is used in the force of an imperfect, as oioa is of a present. _ _ ^ • 13. Oux ^<-(>Q ri fi>i. I am unable. Ol6g rt lifil is a verbal expression equivalent to cvvafiai, and hence is fol- lowed by an infinitive mood. 14. AvTov. Himself Observe the difference made by the aspirated breathing. The same word with the soft breathing — aurov— means, him. 15. 'HyoTTare av. Ye would love, or, he loving. See note above on line 10. 17. OvK av loi6fn]v. I should not he in ivant of. See note above on line 10. 18. Ov Ksv avTog tfvys. He would not have hiniself es- caped. Kkv in poetry is equivalent to dv in prose. See note on line 10. 19 Ovroi IXfyov on KvpoQ Tt9vi]Ki. These said " Cyrus is dead:' After verbs of speaking and saying 6Vt that (the adverb) is not to be rendered into English. It serves merely to represent that the followmg words are those of the person or persons just spoken of, and is employed where in English we should use inverted commas. 28 1. Tloir]Twv. Partitive genitive after the superlative adjective rpayiKw-uTOQ. 3. Ov oUtTTUJTrors ovckv. Observe the strong negative produced by these three negative words. See note 9. p. 27. 6. Ei fiovXii. If you wish. Et with the mdicative mood does not express a doubt or condition. It repre- sents that the writer does not state a circumstance as a fact, though he is assured of it in his own mind. Uia-svaov on. Believe that. "On is here trans- lated, because Tritrrfvaov is not a verb of " saying'" or '"■speaking:' See note on line 19. p. 27. 72 NOTES. Page Line 28. 11,12. ToiovTOQ . . . diovQ. Such . . . as. — "Av fi)?ato. You would wish. IS^v^aio. 2 pers. of 1 aor. opt. of evxouau "Eavrov for aeavrov. 15, 16. TLXdaag. 1 aor. part, of TrXao-cro;. — "EdiOKtv. 1 aor, ind. of didoj[j.i. — Kai Trvp. Fire also. 19. AvToi avTolg. Themselves to themselves. Fully, avToi £(<Tl TToXefllOl ailTOlQ. 20. ODc uv (3ov\ri. Whomsoever you shall wish. BovXi^ is 2 pers. sing. subj. pres. of fSovXoixai. Whenever av occurs in a clause containing a relative pronoun, adverb, or conjunction, together with a verb in the subjunctive mood, av does not belong to the verb, but to such pronoun, adverb, or conjunction, on which it throws its force, and qualifies it. Thus oV, who : dg ar, whoever. "Oirujg, how : o-n-wg ai>, howso- ever. "Ottov, where: oirov av, wheresoever. In this com- bination the subjunctive present has the force of the simple future : the subjunctive aorist of the future perfect. — UoirjcraffOai. To make to yourself. Observe the middle force of this verb. 26. ^ETTonjaciro. He made for himself i. e. acquired. — QavuTov. Genitive dependent on Kara(ppovii(rag. 29 2. Qavdrov Kara^povwv. Supply rig av eXeiOepog ota- Hevoi. 4. MoXojv Xa€L Literally, Having come take (them). But what is expressed in Greek by a participle and verb is commonly expressed in English by two verbs. Hence render, come and take them : i. e. the arms. Supply avra, i. e. oirXa. 6. ' AyaOi) avvuhjaig. Supply iarlv tXsvOepia. 9. EirnvTog rivoc. When some one had said. Genitive absolute. 13. IIoXsojv. Genitive dependent on superlative adjec- tive api(TT7]v. — Ti]v t'xovffar, ivhich has. Literally, the one having. See note line 6. p. 13. 16. To KaXCJg ctTToeavHv. To die as an honourable man would. Supply fCTTi iikyiaTov ciyaQbv dvOpcjirtf). T^ a-oQavfiv is a substantival infinitive of the nominative case. See note on line 1. p. 13. 17. 1i KoivoTUTov. What is most common. "FvWy, ri y^prina icFTi Koivurarov XPW'^' — '^XTTig. Supply tcrri KOivora- Tov \prip.a. 18. Kat yap. And (I say so — or 7 soy that hope is most common') for. When koI yap are placed in juxta- NOTES. 73 Page I.inc position, tbe meaning or substance of what has pre- ceded must be supplied. — Olr, &c. Fully ; Ikhvoiq^ o\q dXXo fitjdiv TrapfOTj, av~j] Trdptari. 29. 19. To ciKcuov. The neuter article with an adjective points out the abstract notion of the adjective, and is equivalent to the corresponding substantive. Thus here rh E'lKawv has the same force as cIki] — justice. 20. 'AXXoTjOtwr. Things belonging to another. Supply xpj/jua-wj'. Genitive dependent on t-n-LOvnuv, a verb of ^'■desiring." Fill up, To /ly dWoTpiojv xPVH-"^'^^ 'nriQvfit'iv karl rh SiKnioi'. 22. Tou Xpi(T-ov Kcii eeoi: Of Christ and God, i. c. Of Him who is at one and the same time both Christ and God. This is proved by the following well-known rule of the Greek language. When two substantives — or even participles or adjectives, — of the same case are joined by kuI or re — then if they both belong to one idea, represent one person or thing, the article ' is used with the first, and omitted with the second. But if these nouns, &c. refer to different persons, &c., then the article is commonly either used with both, or omitted with both. 23c "Orav. ^Vhenever. Compounded of o-c and ai\ Hence : di' so qualifies ore as to render it less definite ; while at the same time it imparts here to its verb cLCK^Oapij — the 2 aor. subj. pass, of 5ia(p6eip(x} — a future perfect force. Shall have been destroyed. See note on line 20. p. 28. — Td avrd rrdcrxft- Supply XP'V'"^*^- Lite- rally ; It suffers the same things: i.e. It is in the same condition. Observe that avrog with the article I prefixed means '■'■the same:"" and hence in this com- bination governs a dative. — 'Yoig upfiaai. With the chariots., or as the chariots. Dative dependent on rd avrd, as those words denote " sameness.'' 24. 'XiTotdWovai. Dative plural of d:rofdXXojv, pres. part. of aTTObd/Ww. 30. 1. Ai'icreic. 1 fut. ind. of Xar^aVw. 4, 5. 'Apfi6(Taa9ai. To adapt himself. A substantival in- finitive used as nominative to iari to be supplied. Observe the middle force of the verb. — 'Avcphq ck (70(pov. Supply i.arli' tpyov dpfxoffaaOat. With rdc, supply nera€6Xag. 6. Oi>(c i<TTi S-vTjTwr, cxttic. There IS not one of mortals^ 74 NOTES. Page Line who. Supply avOpuTTog as the nominative to hri ; and iic for the government oi'Bv)]TuJ}'. 30. 9. Aiori {I have become an old man) lecause. Sup- ply — yipujv y'iyova. — Sot dative dependent on ixP^' <Tdfn]v ; idrp({) in apposition with croi'. 13. 2ol here represents asavrai : yourself. 18. }LiKT7]fji'iv7]. Perf. part, of Kr«o/^fi<. Observe the dif- ference between the present and perfect tenses of this verb. Krao/ia/, pres. I am acquiriiig : tc£KT7]iJ.ai, -perf. I have acquired, i. e. I possess. Observe also that this perfect is used in the force of an English present. 19 — 21. MsWojv a-xodviiGKfiv. When about to die. Observe the periphrastic future made by julXXw and a de- pendent infinitive. — Ai' av-6v. On his account. — 'EvecvcraTo. 1 aor. mid. of ivdvu). 31. 1. KaicrxyvErai for Kai aicrxvverai. 4. TtTEt'xtcr""'. Perf. pass. ind. of rfix'^w- 7. 'EpuTE nt]Tp6g. Love mother. Verbs signifying a " desire," or a " longing for," are followed by a genitive. Hence Ipau) in its signification of " to love" also takes a genitive. 10. f^ottirai. Pres. mid. of (poi^oj. 11. Tolcri fjikv ev TrpdrTovaw. To those, indeed, ivhofare well. Tolai for roig by the figure paragoge. 'With toTq ds Kaiciog (but for those who fare ill) supply Trpdr- Tovcriv. 14. iWapijcTSTai. 2 fut. ind. pass, of (pQsipoj. 17. Tovoe. Than this (thing). Supply %|o//jua-or. Observe the construction. The neuter genitives of demon- strative pronouns, &c., when dependent on a com- parative adjective, are often further explained by ?), instead of having a neuter article with an infinitive mood in apposition. Thus here i) Trs^vdvai is used as a further explanation of roves ; instead of rod TTs^vKEvai, which would be a genitive in apposition with Tovce. 18. KdyaOov for Kal dyaOov. 21. Maxoi'jufOa. 2 fut. ind. of ji(o'xo|tot. 22. Xpovog fiovog. Time alone. Observe the difference between j-iovog, adj, and fjovov, adv. Moj'og points out a person, &c. as the only one who does, &c. such and such a thing : juoj-or points out a person as doing, &c., such and such a thing only, and nothing else. NOTES. 75 Page Line 31. 23. KaKov. Supply aVopa. — Kav iov kuI av. — Tj/oajc. 2 aor. opt. of yivwaicoj. 32. 1. Upoiovri. Dat. sing, of TTpoVwi/, pres. part, of Trpoajwi. — 'AvacLOoixra. Pres. part, of avaoicoj/^t. 4. M?) tao. Be not: i. e. cease to live ; or die. "Ecro is the Doric imperat. of fi'jui. 5. Tpicpfiv. Substantival infinitive, the nominative to ioTiV. See note on line 1. p. 13. 12. '0/z?) dciKuJv. See note on line 6. p. 13. 17. Ka-0a)^£7^' by syncope for K-araeavar, 2 aor. inf. of KaTaBvi]aKOj. This is a substantival infinitive, nomi- native to cxpelXerai. 18. KowK scrri ^vt]tu)v. And there is not one of mortals. See line 6. p. 30. ILoviz for /cat ovk. 19. T?}i/ avpiov. Supply r'nispav. This is the accusative of duration of time. Biuxre-aL is the first future middle of jSlocj. 21. eovKvdidrig. Supply ypd(pci. 33. 1,2. Udg TIC. Everyone. — Avtoq. The same. Attic for 6 avTog. 6. QvrjTd rd rwv 3rvr}Tuiv. The things of (i. e. belonging to) mortals are mortal. Fully, rd Xior/jwara rwv ^v7]tu>v larl 2fvj]-d xp'7|it«7"«' 7. "Uv ck iJ.il. And if (they do) not (pass hy us). Fully — r]V de av-d fxy) 7rapspx?/~at VI^ciq. 11. Oi-x v7riXa.€ev. He did not suppose. 2 aor. ind. of VTZoXafitdvu). 14. Tiva. What (lessons). Supply juaOjj^arfi, — a word coo-nate in meaning to fiavOdveiv. It is the accusative dependent on [xavOdvsiv. 15. Tuiira. Fill up, Aa tovq TraXSag fxavQaviiv ravra fia- Brjfiara. — Oig dative dependent on -xprioovrai. — "Avdpeg yevop-evoL. When they have become men. 17. KdicKTTov. See note on line 7. p. 10. 19. Kpacirjv. lonic and Epic for Kapdiav. 20. HvOofiavov. 2 aor. part, of Trvvddvopai. 34. 3. ILdvTiov. Supply KTjjpdTOJv. Genitive dependent on superlative adjective ripuorarov. 4. Etc tJ 'Cvv. In order to live. To Zfju (inf. pres. of ^a'w), a substantival infinitive of the accusative case, governed by tig. See note on line i. p. 13. 6. TeOrdvai for TeOvrjKevai, the infinitive of rWvrjKa^ the perfect of ^vj?(tkw. — KuKtlvog for teal iKHvog. — 'ATrkOi-o. 2 aor. ind. mid. of dTrorlBrjiJ.i, E 2 76 NOTES. Page Line 34. 7. ALereXsL ce ^vlov. But continued to sacrifice. See note on line 6. p. 18. ] 0. TaXXa for rci ciWa. 11. 'Ryov. Thin/c or deern. Iinperat. pres. of jjyiofiai. Tovg tTTcavovvrac. Those who pj'aise. See note on line 6. p. 13. "On av )^^Y?jg. Whatever you shall say. See note on line 20. p. 28. 12. T oTc afjcapravofxivoic. The things done atniss : i. e. your faidts. Supply Trpay^aai. Dative dependent on kTVLTifiiJjvTag. 14. BpoToiv. Genitive dependent on the numeral adjec- tive ovcs7>a. 15. Uplv av 'idfjs. JBefore you sliall have seen. See note on line 20. p. 28. ''Av qualifies Trplv, 18. 'Mrjokv. Ace. neut. of ju?j^£jV, used adverbially. Not at all ; in no respect. — Tapax^ftt"' 1 aor. pass. part, of Topacrco). — "Rchv ydyivvijKMQ. I hieiv I had begotten. "HoELv is one of the verbs followed by a participle, instead of by an infinitive mood. See note on line 12. p. 27. 20. "Eapog (pav'svTog. When spring has appeared. Genitive absolute. — ^avivroc. 2 aor. pass. part, of (pcdvco. 35. 1. "E-ff, &c. When some advised him, after he had con- quered the Greehs, to occupy, &c. 3. MakXov, &c. That he ivas more desirous to be called ^^ good," dwnng a long time, than '•'■master''* for a short time. Observe the construction. As the person spoken of by idkXtiv is the same as the person spoken of by i(pi), the case that would come before WiKiiv would, if expressed, be the nominative. Hence the use of xpu^^og — the nominative. 6. }fidv iov Kcu av. — OdvojffLv. 2 aor. subj. of .5i'//(r*ca». 11. 'EacTCiTio. Let him suffer: — or, allow. 1 aor. im- perat. of taw. 12. A/i(TtLv ^ict TsXovg (X)) coKii. Do not think thai you will always escape detection. — A-i]aHv. 1 fut. inf. of XavOuvoj. — AoKiL. .Pres. imperat. of (jccew. 13. 'ct' for i(jTi. — Elc . . . 6pq.v. Observe here the sepa- ration, by tmesis, of the preposition from the verb, of which it forms a part — the word being tiaopq-v. 18. Ainhg — Xiiioc. The word is used the first time without the article, as it is regarded here as a proper name : the next time with the article, because refer- ence is made to the thing just before mentioned. 20. ^(pay'iVToc. 2 aor. pass. part, of (T^d<r<Tw. 250TES. 4 I Page Line 35. 21. 'XTTOKOTTi'ivai. 2 aor. inf. pass, of aTTOKoTrro;. 22. 'HovqXoyovc. The speeches or orations: meaning those celebrated speeches against Antony, called "Philippics," a term first applied to the speeches of Demosthenes against Philip — whence their name. 3(3. 1. ^ipti. Carries off. 2. OiTo/ta. Lengthened from ovoi.La by poetic licence. 4. ^EfiTveaovTOQ. 2 aor. part, of ijUTriTrrw. 5. JloloQ apiGTOc. Fill up, TTolog ^dvarog iaTiv apiaroq ^auaroc. So again — 6 dirpoacoKiiroQ ^dvarog Igtiv dpLGTOQ ^civaroc. 7. To vovOerth'. Substantival inf. of ace. case dependent on SIC. See note on line 1. p. 13. 8. Aii-oi o\ &c. But ice ourselves are ignorant that icc do amiss. TiyvdjaKu is another of those verbs which are followed by a participle, instead of by an inf. mood. Observe also the force of ov — forming, with the word to which it is prefixed, a simple idea, the very reverse of what such word means by itself. 9. Tj)c yvvaiKoc ctoixkvi]c. When his icife entreated him. Gen. abs. — 'Eiiov-oc, gen. of Itiojv^ pres. part, of tEeifii. 13. 'E(t9' for £0-71 before an aspirate. 15. UvOontvov. 2 aor. part, of irvvQuvonai. 19. Gfo?, ciov are scanned as monosyllables. Ovti is an adverbial ace. Not at all. 21. IIoXXt/j'. Adjectives are sometimes used substantively^ and followed by a genitive. When thus used, they are more commonly put in the neuter gender. Some- times, however, they assume the gender of the genitive dependent on them. Hence here 7roX\?}r, because Alt U11Q is feminine. 37. 1. 'E0fro. 2 aor. mid. of W0?;/t(. He himself placed : or He placed for himself. The a-ijXaQ — columns or pillars of Hercules here spoken of— are Mount Calpe now Gibraltar, in Europe ; and IMount Ahyla, now Jehel Zatoid, i. e. Ape's Hill, near Centa, in Africa. S. "^Q viol, dWd jxaxeoiJE. Young men : fight ye then. These two lines are an extract from Tyrtfeus, and the foUov/ing note is taken from the editor's edition of DalzeVs Analecta Grceca Minora, where the elegy to which they belong is given at length. " Observe the use of aXXa to mark a transition to contrary thoughts. It is thus employed in exhortations and addresses — generally after a break in the sentence, when some e3 78 NOTES. Fage Line new thoiigiit is suddenly introduced. In this use of it, it is hortatory with the imperative, and serves to increase the natural force of that mood. It may be rendered ' well,'' ' then,' ' tliei^efore.^ " 37. 4. ^yyT/c. Genitive dependent on ct.pxt~^, a verb of " beginning'' 5. UoXXa 'Ojii/ipov iTTaivovvTEQ aXla. Praising Homer for many oilier tilings. Observe the construction. Verbs of praising, blaming, Szc. are more commonly followed by an accusative of the person, and a genitive of that whence the feeling of praise or blame arises. But where the exciting cause of the praise or blame is not stated, then the person is put in the genitive case. Thus we find at Xen. Ages, viii, 4. — 'Eyoj ^liv ovv teal Tovro ETran^oj 'AyrjaiXdov : and SO at Thuc. i. 84. — "O /ifjurpovrai jxaXiara jjjuwj'. With TToXXa ciXXa supply -rpayixara or (yt)j.iaTa. It is the accusative of nearer definition. See note on line 10. p. 12. — lovTo ovic iTraiveaoiiiQa. We will not praise Mm for this. Here, again, tgvt. is the accusative of nearer definition. Supply |0?//ifr, or Trpayixa. Supply, also, avTov after szraivt(j6p.t9a. Observe, that the middle form of the future of l-arAuj is more in use than the active form. 6. Tj/j/ TToi-iTnii'. The accusative in apposition with TGVTo. Jupiter is represented by Homer as sending a dream to Agamemnon to assure him that he would reduce Troy by an immediate attack. His intention, however, was to destroy a considerable part of the Greek army. 8. Aeivoi. Wont. 9. Zujvri. While living. Dative of 'Cujv, pres. part, of faw. — KaTOavuvra, for KaTaOavovra^ 2 aor. part, of KaTa9vi)cricoj. 10. Oi aXXoi avdpLOTToi. The rest of mankind. 12. Yap. This refers to something preceding the present extract, in the work from which it is taken. — liapm'. Pres. part, of Trapstm. 17. Baibv xP^'^^'^'' -^^^ ^ ^^*^^^^ while. Accusative of duration of time. — "Hr ck Trap'sXQr}. And if it (i.e. a little while) shall pass by. Supply, therefore, /Saiog XpSvoQ for the nominative to irapkXQyj^ which is the 2 aor. subj. of Trap'^pxoi-iai. 18. llvpj](Titi;. Fut. indie, of ewjOtWw. 19. 'Ufiujv. Genitive after the adverb lyyvff. ]SOTES. ' ^ ^Ss! ^l'.' Oc.ovvKaiy,.r.c. Arc not ice also near them f Supply 3. ^iog TcecpvKOJc. Being young. , . .. ^ .. , „ ., 4. 'AKoi'aJ. When, as here, dKoz^o; signifies to" o6e?/, It governs a genitive case. 5 Nioj. ^ young person. Supply av0pw7r<iJ. ims * dative depends on rrpe^n.-^^ydv, inf pres of <nya. 9 Msya vato6r.. A long far eia ell ; more literally, Fare- well much, mya is the neuter ace. of i^^yac, used adverbially. Bvpov is 2 aor. md. of tvpicxKU). ^ 11. X' VT., for .al .V-; - being elided before "j and . bein- converted into % on account of the followmg aspir^ate. The passage is, literally, TAer. ts nothing to meandyou, i. e. / have nothing to do with you. 13. Triv'Axi^>^'^<^Q' Supply Xu'pav. 14. AeU'oi^ 1 aor. imperat. of ceiKi/i;/x(. _ ^ „f ^„ 18 'Yyuial To health. The genitive dependent on * Jveadai ; verbs of ^'pouring out lihations to, and ot « drinking in honour o/," being followed by a genitive of the pe?son or thing to whom the libation is poured out, or in whose honour the wine is drunk. 93 vx,^crcrnc. Genitive after .pardv, a verb of command- " ' ing." 'See note on line 8. p. Id. — Uatpoj is pres, imperat. mid. of Trstpao^ot. ^'^vTTpdbiQ. If you shall effect or accomplish. ^Av ttou'/^tW. if you shall do, i. e. be engaged or cm- " ployed in. On the force of rh <c«X6r, rh 7jcv, and ro aiaypov, see note on line 19. p. 29. 5 T5 converts the sentence yvibOi aavroy into a nomma- * live to iff-iv. rv(i0i is the 2 aor. imperat.^of yiy- v.6(T/co;. — 'EcT'tv. Is, i. e. weans or signifies. — Av ioyc. You should see, i. e. look to. 6 Ti <Toc ^ouireoy. Whatyou must do ; or, more literally, ^vhat must he done hy you. Verbal adjectives are followed by a dative case : here <toi. Supply ean. 7. 'ATreardXi], 2 aor. ind. pass, of aTrocr-IXXo;. 10 ewvvSuiZe. Believe in the existence of God. ^o^t^e ror e.oC would mean, Believe in the God acknow- ledged hy the state — conform to the religious opinions of your country. 12. o/3IX6t as ixavedvetv. He willnot have you learn, i. e. 17. SrSvaror.* (TT^a^) Wito ^ea«^ ,' i- 6- pi'oved fatal to the receiver. Supply I'lv. 39. 1. 9. E 80 NOTES. Page Line 39. 20. npwroe Hr]' Was the first that said. The adjective TTpiZroQ denotes that the person, &c. respecting whom it is used, was the first to say, do, &c. a certain thing : Trpwror, that he said or did^ so and so in the first place, %. e, before he did anything else. 40. 1. Ei'?7 is here used in the strict force of the optative mood, i. e. to express a wish. Its nominative is the substantival infinitive lyv. See note online 1. p. 13. With oXi'ywv supply ^P^J/^^t-oji^ 3. Jlapa Tovq aWovQ. Beyond the rest (of mankind). 5. 'Aaicovoiv. Followed by an infinitive, this verb means " to practise,''^ " to endeavour.'' 7. TiyvojcTKe KpartTv. Learn hoio to ride. 8. ITto-oiv. 2 aor. part, of TnVrw. 10. 2a>0pocruj/J7c- Genitive dependent on nirkxoxmi^ a verb of " sharing'' 17. ^L iT(Zv uipiaixiv(x)v. Literally, After determined years^ ; i.e. after appointed intervals of years : lopiaixhnov is perf. pass. part, of opi'Coj. 18. Tjjg TvxriQ tl(T^vo}xivr]Q. The soid' s entering ; or, more literally, making itself enter into. The genitive absolute. 20. KctrOavov, for KarsOavor, 2 aor. ind. of KaraBvi](7Kio. — yitviLQ. 1 fut. ind. of p,ivM. The present would be thus accented — nkvtig. 41. 1. " Apiiaai. Dative dependent on txP^^^"- — 'Expwrro. Were accustomed to use. Observe the continued action denoted by the imperfect. 4. Tlapa^E^ovTai. Have heen handed down; or recorded. Perf. ind. pass, of Trapa^iSoji-n. 5. Ei'ps. 2 aor. ind. of tvpiffKu). — TsKovaa. 2 aor. part, of TiKTlO. 9. 'ltr]piav ticpdT7](j£. Conquered Iberia^ i. e. Spain. Kpar'scj is here used merely as a transitive verb, with- out reference to the comparative force involved in its meaning. Strictly speaking, its comparative force is derived from the meaning of its root, Kpdroc, power ; its transitive, from the same root, signifying strength. 11. TipiZroQ. Was the first that. See note on line 20. p. 39. — 'E/LifiaXwi'. ' Having entered ; more literally. Having thrown (himself) in. Supply tavrov. 12. 'AvEry-yiasv. 1 aor. of dvirrnjui. Overthi^ew. A trans- itive tense. 13. "Av /ii£j', &c. If on the one hand, you shall speak ill of KOTES. ^^ Page Line me ichen absent, you injure me in no respect indeed: ij, on the other hand, you speak well of me ichen present, he assured you ate speaking ill of me. Oycv is an adverbial accusative. Observe the quabfymg power ofyL With /caXoIs supply ^^/y^ 'l(T0t for .rrayi im- perat. pres. of '.am-. Observe, also, the use^of the participle instead of an infinitive mood, after laGi. 41 19. 'YiZv aWoJV -^6mv TCL ^poa-iXd^ovra. J-hoseoJVie other animals that approach, put for ra aXXa ^wa rd TToofTTTAa'^ovra : the substantive being put as a partitive genitive, instead of being in concord vrith the participle. , ^, ^, 01 'ATTo'Votro. 2 aor. opt. mid. of uTroWv^t. Observe the force of the optative : for meaning of irpujroQ see note on line 20. p. 39. 23. '0 (pi\r](rac. See note on line 6. p. 13. 40 1 . Tou-or, i. e. dpyvpov. ^ ^ '-> noA.ao,, 66vou Observe the omission of the conjunc- tion between these two words, by the figure acw- ce-ov. Supply f('(7i. , .., 7. "A BovXet. What you icish (to give). Supply c uovai. BovXsi. 2 pers. Attic of liovXoi^at. See note Ime 20. p. 24.—MC0V. 2 pers. pres. imperat. ot acujfxt, as it from Oicoat. ' r ^p 9. M.) ^po<Tcr,aa9au Do not admd. I ^^ov.mf. of Trpoackyouai. Observe the use of the infinitive .or the second person of the imperative. Generally this infinitive is regarded as dependent on some verb ot ^^ivishingr ov^^' desiring:' to be supplied. Here, therefore, supply ^sXt. -, ^ - 1 1 'Epyojv is the partitive genitive dependent on sKuarov . rpie belon-s to and qualifies ^rreXOnv^ while .rrA9a^ (2 aor. inf. of ^Tr.'oxo^a.) requires oa to be supphed before it.— nr, ^aoe^n^; Whereinhave I transgressed? literally, whither have I gone hy the side ? 1. e. ofdidy. From the meaning ongoing hy the side, and so not m the path laid down, this verb comes to signiiy as ren- dered above. 16. 'Icicreai. inf. of e('co^/?r. ^ t \ f f * T ool- 17 'Eowa. 3 pers. sing, imperf. of opaw. In Attic u-reeK this verb takes a double augment, thus : — cooaov, Att. kwoaov. , „ 18. yaZv. Att. gen. plur. of vavc. KeKpvfi^evor, pert. pass. part, of Kpi'-Tuj. E 5 Page 42. Line 19. 21. 43. 23. 2. 82 NOTES. 'AvOpujTTOJv. Genitive dependent on 7r\sa, an adjec- tive of ^fulnessy TovroJi^. Supply avOpdjTTojv. Genitive dependent on numeral adjective ov8eig. UepiEcrrat. Shall survive. Fut. of ■nEpuifxi. Aei'ope\ for Uv^pta. Nominative to ttIvh. See note on line 13. p. 3. 4, 5. "HXtog, (TsXiivT]. With each of these nominatives supply TTIVEI. 6. 'J^Sojv. (By) singing. Present part, of ac^w, con- tracted from deiSoj. — 'EkiVci. Used to move : or, was in the habit of moving. Observe the repeated action denoted here by the imperfect. — 'AToOavovarjg ce Evpvdiicrjg, &c. iVbw when Eurydi.ce, his wife, was dead. 'EvpvdtKrjg is the gen. abs., and ywaiKbg is in apposition with it. 'ATroOavovarig is the 2 aor. part, of cnroBvi](yK(j). 8. Ar)x6ei(T7jg. 1 aor. pass. part, of Cafcrw. — KaTrjXQev. He descended. 2 aor. of Karepxofiai. — Elg (Idov. To (the house) of Hades or Pluto : i. e. the infernal regions. Supply rdv Ujxov. 9. 'Ayaytiv. 2 aor. inf. of ay w — iiyov, Att. i'jyayov. 10. ' Avaizifx-Jf/ai. To send (her) up. Supply avrfjv. — 'IVe- (TX^To, 2 aor. ind. of virKyxvEofiai. 11. "Av juj}, &c. If (i.e. on condition that) 0?'pheus, as he was proceeding on his ivay, shall not turn round — 'ETTiffrpafi]. 2 aor. subj. pass, of tTriarps^w. 12, 13. 'ATTtoTwr, Pres. part, of dTrioraw. — 'EOidcraro. 1 aor. ind. of ^saojuat. 14. 'YTrhrpc^js. Returned. 1 aor. ind. of vTroffrpk^oj. The verb is here used in an intransitive force. 16. TLap' iiiol. Literally, Beside or with me : i.e. at my house. So in Latin, Apud me. 17. 'Ucv. Neut. ace. of i'cvc, used adverbially. — Mtjdtv (po€7]0fjg. Be not at all terrified or alarmed. Mr}Sev is the neut. ace. of iii]cug used adverbially: (po€T]9fjg is the 1 aor. subj. pass, of ^o6iw. On this use of the subj. for imperat. see note on line 5. p. 8. It must be added that the remark there made of fiy) attaches equally to its compound htjSsv. 19. TpodTJg. Genitive dependent on x,oi??o/t£j', a verb of " icanting.^'' 44. 1. T?/y tpvOpdv ^aXaatyav. The Red Sea, or the Persian Gulf KOTES. 83 5. 3—11. Page Line ^^ ^ ^ 44. 2. ye(Zv. See note on line 18. p. 42. — npw-og vav- Tj-rjyrjffdixevoc. Having been the first that built. See note on line 20. p. 39.— Maspa GKa6r]. Long vessels: i. e. Ships of ivar : — which were so called from being of a long narrow build adapted for speed : whereas merchant vessels, which were constructed for the stowage of freight, were comparatively round in form ; these were denominated drpoyyvXai, oXKaucy and '^opTTjyoi. 3. KarauTpkypa-o. He subverted for himself: i. e. he re- duced under his dominion. 1 aor. mid. of Ka-aorp's^oj, Observe the force of the middle verb. 4. Tryv 'Iv^tK-jp'. Supply yi]v. 'Qfcsavov. Genitive dependent on adverb ewe. 'Apicrrov fikv vcwp, &c. Water indeed is best (of the elements: i.e. holds the first rank among them); and gold, just as blazing fire is conspicuous by night, (is conspicuous) far above wealth, ivhich makes man mighty. These lines are the opening of the fii'st ode of°Pindar's Olympics. The poet calls water aoi- <jTov because, according to the ancients, the earth was formed from the grosser portion of water, au: from the thinner portion, while from air came fire. Af does not here oppose its clause to the preceding, but joins it to that clause. In Pindar another cl follows the above quotation, and that is the anti- thetical tl. — AiOoiievov is pres. pass. part, of aWco. "Arf is an adverb, originally formed from ocr-e, of which it is, in fact, strictly speaking, the adverbial neut. ace. plural.— Xv/crt is the dative of time.— Meydvooog is best translated in an active force as above.— 'E^'oxa is the neut. ace. plur. of t^oxog, used adverbially ; and from its adverbial force it is fol- lowed by a genitive. 16. To ~pori9h'. That ivhich ivas put forth. See note on line 6. p. 13. UponQiv is 1 aor. pass. part, of -koo" rig,i[xt. — Ti tan to avrb ciTTovv, ivhat is the same thing {that is) twofooted .? ^ 19. 'ATnOip'aro. 1 aor. mid. of cnroipaivu). — To 'jrpotXTjOsv. That the thing proposed. 1 aor. pass. part, of Trpo- €a.\\(i). 21. Avii'iaavra. 1 aor. part, of av^avw. 22. BaicTi]pia. Dative dependent on xpai^teroj-. 45. 1. Mak-apwr. Of the blessed. Strictly this is as ad- E 6 84 ^OTES. Page Line jective, and an epithet of the gods. It is, however, at times, as here, used without any substantive, and applied to the celestial inhabitants. 'MaKo.puiv is the genitive dependent on the superlative -rrpecrQaTT]. 4-5. 2. 'Saioifii. May I dwell. Observe the use of the op- tative to express a wish. 3. To XeiTTofitvov [SiorriQ. The remainder of life. AVitli XtiTTOfxtvovj which is pres. part. pass, of >Vi7rw, and aec. of duration of time, supply ixkpot;. 5. 'A^avXffai. 1 aor. inf. of dpavi'Coj. 6. 'FeKTyvanevoc. Having formed for himself. 1 aor. part, of TiKTcdvofxai. Observe its middle force. 7. 'EvQ'infvoc. 2 aor. mid. part, of Ivrid/jiM. 8. Eiak^T]. 2 aor. ind. of slaSaivw. 9 Xiag. 1 aor. part, of x^'^* — ica-tKXvaiv. 1 aor. of Ka~aK\vc!,(ij. 10. AiaipOapiivai. 2 aor. inf. pass, of cta^Sf I'pw. On force of Cjart with inf. mood, see note on line 18. p. 15. 13. 'EK€ag. 2 aor. part, of k-]fa/Vcu. 15 Al-tiaQai. To ask for himself. Pres. inf. mid. of aiVsw. Observe its middle force. ACoq httovtoq^ genitive absolute. 16. "E^aWt. He kept ih7'owing. Observe the continued action here denoted by the imperfect. 18. 'EykvovTo. 2 aor. ind. of yiyvonai. Supply for its nominative case iKtlvoi XiOoi. — Org Ce Uvppa, yvvciitceg. Fill up, Ikuvol XiOot, ovg Hvppa tSaXXev, tyevupro yv- valicig, 19 'QvofidaOrjaav. Were named. 1 aor. ind. pass, of ovofidZM. — 'Atto tov Xdag. From the ivord Xdag : i. e. a stone. Observe the construction. Xaag is the nominative case, and is here regarded as an inde- clinable word explanatory of piijiarog^ which is to be supplied with tou. 20. Twj/ ctovTon'. Supply pitpdrw. This is the geni- tive dependent on iV, with which supply puixa. 21. Kav for Kal dv : du for ovo : observe the use of this dual adjective with a plural substantive. 23. 20oti(o' ibr acbocpa. This adverb belongs to ^oWa, with which supply pijpara. Very many things, or words. — UoXvv xP^'^'^^'- For a long time. Ace. of duration of time. 24. Aagf. Take. 2 aor. impcrat. ofXap€dvo> 46. 3. Ai(T96[Xivog. 2 aor. part, of ahOdvoncu. NOTES. ^^ Line 4. FattL Imperat. of a;rov. 0. OlcrOa. 2 pers. of oUa. It is thus formed: otcog, o'lcafrOa, olaQa. Observe that oUa is used as a pre- sent, / hioijc : for what / have seen that / know. See tiSu). — Tivag avdoojirovQ axapicrTovg KaXoviiivovg. Any persons {icho are) called ungrateful. Observe the use of the participle instead of the infinitive after oiaQa. 6. Kai iiaXa. At the beginning of a sentence kcu must refer to something -which has preceded : this it takes up and follows out. Thus here ; in answer to the question of Socrates: Do you know, &c., the son replies — (/^o know) and that in a great degree, or very much. While such, however, is the nature of the expression, it is usually rendered—" Yes, cer- tainly.'' 7. Kara^a/ia0/)K«c ovv ; Have you learned thoroughly, or ascertained then? Perf. ind. of *car«/iav0oi'w.— TovQ ri, &c. Those ivho do what, do they call (by) this name ? Observe the use of the accusative of the person rovg TroiovvTag, and the accusative of the thing ovofj-a, as well, after KaXovmv. ^ _ 8. "Eyioyt. I have indeed. Supply KaraixffiaerjKa. This is equivalent to, Yes indeed. — Tovg (v 7rae6v-ag. Those who have received a benefit. UaOovTag is the 2 aor. part, of Tra^xw, and dependent on KaXovmi' below. 9. \dpiv dTTocovvai. To return a favour. ATrocovvai is the 2 aor. inf. of cnrocihoixi. So presently cnroc^ffiv is the 2 aor. subj. of the same verb. 10. OvKovv coKovm. Do not vien seem to you? Supply dvOpojiroi as the nominative to coKovm. 11. 'Ev Totg dc'iKoig. In {the number of) the unjust: i. e. amongst the unjust. 12 "Efioiy' for ijLioiyf. Supply coKovmv dvOpioTroi Kccra- XoyiliaQai TOvg dxapiffrovg tv TO~ig ddiKOig. — Eh/s ovrujg iX" Todro. If at least this be so. Literally, has it- self: after t'x" supply tavro. — Ovkow . . . tlXiKpiviig, &c. Would not ingratitude clearly be some injustice ? ElXiKpivi'ig is used adverbially— a force frequently attaching to adjectives in Greek. On the use of the article with the name of a " vice^' see note line 5. p. 2. 14. OvKovv o(Tw dv, &c. — Literally — Would he not then, by how much soever greater obligations any one having 86 NOTES. Page Line received should not retwm a favour, hy so much he the more unjust? 'Oo-^ is the dative of the measure after fieiiCix), which it qualifies, while to<7ovtu) is also the dative of the measure, and qualifies adiKwrgpog. 46. 17. Tivag ovv, &c. WTiom then, said Socrates, could we Jind more benefited hy whom. — Evpoifuv. 2 aor. opt. of evpicTKoj. Observe the construction of /usiZova evepys- rrjiikvovQ. With iidc,ova, which is an adjective, sup- ply a kindred substantive to evfpYertj/jLh'ovg — i.e. ivipytTtifxaTa. It is the accusative of the thing after the passive participle cvepysTTjixhovc, because verbs which in the active voice take an accusative of the person and of the thing also (and to this class evep- ysTso) belongs) retain the accusative of the thing in the passive. 19. 'TTToXdfioiev. 2 aor. opt. of vVoXa/ijSar^w. 21. Ev (Ts TToirjcag. That when he has henefi-ted you. This participle, in concord with ovSdc, is in the nominative before aTroX/y^-fc-Oat (1 fat. mid. of d7roXafxj3di'oj), be- cause that infinitive speaks of the same person as the previous finite verb, voju-'lcsuv (the ^olic opt. of 1 aorist of voni^oj). 22. Xlog avi]p. The man of Chios, i. e. Homer. "Euttev Ionic for fnnv. See note on line 18. p. 5. 47. 2. O'lq, ysvey, ron'ice. Ionic for ola, yevea, roidcs. — Uavpoi {xiv, &c. Few persons having received (i. e. though they have received) it with (their) ears, have deposited it in (their) hosoms. — Miv. It: i.e. the foregoing say- ing. ]M(V is an ace. of all genders, used as occasion requires for cwtov, avr?)}', or avro. — 'EyKaridevro, 2 aor. mid. of kyicaraTlOrjixi. 4. 'AvdpMv 1] re, &c. And it is implanted in the hreasts of young men. The definite article i] is here used as a demonstrative pronoun, the representative of avTrj, or iKHvr] — 'Encpvtrai is the present passive of iij.<pvu). 5. Uarpog. Genitive dependent on yevkaeai — a verb denoting '•'■ heing produced,'' or ^'' spinnging from.''' 6. TLtpcTiZv i3a(n\sojg. The king of the Pe?'sia7is . Proper names do not take the article the first time they oc- cur. Moreover, when a noun is of itself sufliciently definite, so that no distinction from others of a like kindisneeded, then the article may be omitted. Hence when l3a(n\svg is used of the Persian king it is generally omitted, because he was so much greater NOTES. 87 Line than all other kings, that none could be compared to him. He was emphatically the king — or, as he is sometimes called, the great king. 47. 7. AvT-q. Fem. of demonstrative pronoun ovtoq. 8. MeTtTTsiitpaTo. Sent for to himself. 1 aor. mid. of fisTa-TTfinrw. Observe the middle form of this word. 10. "Ettj du)deKa ytyovora. Literally, having been horn during twelve years.) e.e. being twelve years of age. "Erj/ is the accusative of the duration of time ; andyfyowrcf, which is in concord with TraTSa, is the ace. of yiyovojg, the perf. part, of yiyvop.ai. ' 11. Avrri. Herself. Fem. of avrdg. 1-3. 'A^iVfTo. 2 aor, ind. of acpiKveofiat. — "Eyvoj. The 2 aor. ind. of yiyvojffKio. Observe that this verb is followedby a participle instead of an infinitive mood, when, as here, it is intended to point out "to know that a thing is." 17. 'Qg KaXoc. How heautifvl. Observe that ojq qualifies KoXog. — ' Epwrw(T//c, contracted from kpojraovcfr^Q : geni- tive feminine of tpojrdujv, pres. part, of ipuj-dcj. 18. Mr]Tp6c. Genitive absolute. 20. Ufp(TuJv. Genitive dependent on superlative adjective KoXXiaTog. So also Mijcojv. 25. 'iTTTreveiv fiavddvLov exaipe. He rejoiced to learn how to ride. Xaipu> is one of those verbs that are followed by a participle instead of an infinitive mood. MavQdi'oj, when, as here, it signifies " to learn how to do" a thing, is followed by an infinitive; but when " to perceive," " to know," by a participle. 48 2. 'Qg i]Si(jTa. As agreeaUy as possible. Literally, Aojo most agreeably : an elliptical expression for how he should be able to sup most agreeably. The passage when filled up would run thus — ujg avrhg av ovvai-o dttTTVtiv rjdiara. 5. "Oca TT pay par a. How great trouble. UpdyfiaTa, plural, often has this meaning. 6. 'AvdyKT]. Supply kari 7. Atareivciv. Infinitive dependent on dvdyKi]. — 'Atto- yevsaOai. To take a taste of. This verb, like many others of eating and drinking, is followed by a par- titive genitive. 10. Tow iv Yikpaaig. Than that among the Pei'sians? Fully Tov ddiTVOv ovrog iv Ylkp<yaic. 11. 'ATTE/ffivaro. See note on line 1. p. 16. — Ovx'- Fill 88 NOTES. Page Line up — Oy^t f.ioi SoKtl KaXXiov rode to ohttvov tlvcii rov CfiTTVov ovToq tv TLkpaaiQ. 48. 13. 'ETTt TO iHTrXtjaOiivai, To the heing filled. 1 aor. inf. pass, of i/j,Tr\T]Oio. See construction explained in note on line 1. p. 13. 15. IloWovg tXiyixovg TrXavojixevoi. Roaming throvgh majiij windings. 'EXiyfiovg is the accusative of cognate meaning after TrXavo'jfitvoi. 18. AajSojv Tu)v KpiCJv. Having taken some meat. Trans- itive verbs frequently govern a genitive when they point out a portion, not the whole, of a thing. — AieSicov imperf. of CLadiouiixi^ as if from, ciaoicou). 20. 2o{. Dative after ciciofiL to be supplied. 25. Aioojg; Do you give ? 2 pers. sing. pres. of cidujui. 49. 4. Aovfai. 2 aor. inf. of (^idcofit. 5. 'O. Here again, as above at line 4. p. 47., the article is used as a demonstrative pronoun. 6. TLpoaijvsYKi. 1 aor. ind. of —pocrcpipM. 7. "QcT-i. On the force of this adverb with an infinitive mood, see note on line 18. p. 15. 8. Ilapaaxtiv. To cause or afford. 2 aor. inf of -TrapkxM. 10. 'ATToXwXac. You are undone. Literally, You have perished. Perf. ind. mid. of a-woXXvixi. 11. 'EicfSaXCj. Fut. ind. of IfcjSdXXw. — Ta re yap ciXXa, .... ical. For both in general.. ..and so in paj'ticidar. Ta c'iXXa signifies literally amongst other things, xPW'^~'^ being supplied with it. It is used adverbially. 12. OvK £K7rtoju.t/i avTog. I shall not myself drink up. 'Ekttioixcu is the Attic 1 fut. mid. of iK-ivio : — for ilCTTlOVHai. 15. 'Ek rovTov. After this. Literally, Fi^om this, i. e. time. Supply xpoj^o?'. 14. Ta aXXa. In other respects. Supply Trpay/zara. Ad- verbial accusative. See note on line 11. 35. 'Et,kTTug. 2 aor. ind. of i/cTrn-'w. — Tov o'lvov. Some of the icine. See note on line 7. p. 48. 16. 'Eos^o'iKEiv. Pluperf. ind. of Citicoj. After verbs of fearing ju?) is to be rendered that. . 17. IsUfiiyjjLkva. Perf. pass. part, of ix'iywjxi. 18. Eicrrtag. 2 pcrs. sing, imperf. of iaru'ao. — "Ej-iaOov avTov tyxiavTa. I perceived that he poured in. "EjxnOov is 2 aor. ind. of fxavOavio. 'Eyxeavra is 1 aor. part, of iyx^oj. See construction explained at line 25. p. 47. Page Line 49. 20. 21. NOTES. 89 KaTi-fVioQ. 2 pers. sing. 2 aor. ind. of tca-ayivujGKix). 'Eujpojv. 1 pers. imperf. of upato. Observe the use of the double augment. 22. ^daWofuvovg. Observe the use of the participle instead of the infinitive mood after iiopcov. — Upuirov. In the first 'place. See note on line 20. p. 39. 23. "^. This relative clause is put before its demon- strative clause for the purpose of bringing it pro- minently forward. 24. '^KZKpayHTi. Pluperf. ind. of KpalM. 25. 'Y^iiavQavt-t ce ovck 'iv aXXjyXw?'. And you used to understand one another not even in one thing. In Attic Greek jxavQaviM^ signifying to " understand," " com- prehend," &c., is oftentimes followed, as here, by a genitive. With eV, which is the adverbial accusative, supply priiia. 50. 1. "J^ce-E. You used to sing. Imperf. ind. of acw. 2. 'V/xwv.. Genitive dependent on the partitive pronoun e^rtioToc. — 'Ettu dvaaTahjre 6px?;iT(j/.i£i^ot. Whenyoustood upfor the purpose of dancing. 'Avaa-aiijre is 2 pers. plur. 2 aor. opt. of art'cr-^jjui. Observe that the opt. is put with the particles of time, e-j/, tTreiC}}, o-f, 6-6-f, when mention is made of a past action which was not limited to any precise time, and which was frequently re- curring. Observe also the use of the future par- ticiple to denote a " purpose or intention." 3. M?) o-ojQ uvvaaOt. Not only could you not. 4.. 'AW ovo. Sui not even. — 'ETnXeXijcOe. Pluperf. ind. pass, of l7n\av9dvio. 6. ""HtrOa. You were. For yg : 6a is added by the figure paragoge. 9. 'AXAo ck KaKov ovckv Trdrry^n. Joined with numerals aWoQ obtains the meaning of "t/e^^," ^^ stilly'" ^^ fur- ther" " besides" " at all." Render, A7id he receives no harm at all. 12. T<^ SaVrt. With the Sacian. The dative of " disad- vantage" after TroXfj-iHc. The SaccE, or Sacian.<f, were one of the most powerful of the Scythian Xomad tribes. After being reduced by the Persians, they supplied the army of their conquerors wnth a large force of cavalry and archers. The cup-bearer of Astyages was of this nation. 1-5, Upoa^paixelv. 2 aor. inf. of TrooT-oiv-w. 90 LEXICON. "A, nom. and ace. neut. plur. of ! og- dyaysiv, inf. of ijyayov, Attic 2 aor. of dyoj. dya6-bv, ov, to, subst. a good, an advantage. (dyaBoQ, good.) dya6-6g, /}, 6v, adj. good, excel- lent. Comp. d[ieivo}v, superl. ayaOoJTaTog. ^AyajjisfjLV-ojv, ovog, d, Subst. Aga- memnon : a king of Mycenae, principal of the Greek chief- tains at the siege of Troy. dyaTrdu), Cj, f. dyaTrrjcrw, p. rjyd- TTtjKa, verb, I love: Pass, dya- Trdoj-iai, ufiai, p. rjydiT'iijxai, 1 aor. TjyaTr)]9T]v, 1 fut. dyairr]- 6i]aojxai, I am loved, (dyajiai, I xvonder at, admire.^ dya7Ti]T'6g, t), 6v, adj. heloved. Comp. dyaTnjroTepog, superl. dyaTTrj-oTarog. {dyaTzdu), I love.) dyysXXio, f. dyytXio, p. ijyyeXica, 1 aor. ijyyeiXa, verb, I announce, carry a message : Pass. dyyeX- Xojxai, p. {]yyeXi.iai, 1 aor. ^y- y'iXBiiv, 1 fut. dyyeXOIjaofiai, I am announced, SfC. : ]\lld. dy- yeXXofiat, f- ayyfXoi'jitorr, I my- self announce, (^dyio, I lead.) dyytX-og, ov, 6, ?j, subst. a mes- senger, an envoy ; an angel. {ayyiXXu, I announce.) dye, imperat. of dyui, but consi- dered an adverb ; come, come on. dykX-1], t]g, 1], subst. a jiocli, a herd, a drove, (ay w, I lead.) ' kyrjaiXa-oc, ov, 6, Subst. Agesi- laus : a king of Sparta, (dyw, I lead ; Xa6c, the people.) dyX-og, a, ov, adj. devoted to the Gods : hence, hofy. Comp. dyiivTSpoc, superl. dyiuiTUTog. (I'lyoc, an expiatory sacrifice.) 'Ay-ig, 'idoc, 6, subst. Agis : a king of Sparta. (Probably from dyco, I lead.) «yO|Oa'^w, f. dyopdcroj, p. i)y6pdica, 1 aor. 7]y6pd(Ta, verb, I attend the market; hence, I but/, I purchase : Pass, dyopdt^oi^ai, p. 7]y6pa(rfiaif 1 aor. ijyopd- <j9r}v, 1 f. dyopaGd)](yoiiai, 1 am bought : Mid. dyopd'Copiai, _f. dyopd(yoj.iai, I myself buy. (dyopd, a market.) dyp-bc, ov, 6, subst. a field, land. dypvTTVEix), (d, X. dypv7nn]GU), p. i)ypv7n'7]KC(, 1 aor. yypvTrvrjcra, verb, / lie awake, I am aivake. (aypvTTi'oc, sleepless.) dyio, f. d'iit), p. ?}xfl, Att. dyi'iQXct, 2 aor. ■qyov, Att. vyayov, 2 aor. inf. dynyuv, verb, I lead, bring, carry, drive : Pass, ayo- [xca, p. ijyficti, 1 aor. i]X^rjv^ LEXICON. 91 1 fut. dx^^^^ofxai, I am led^ SfC: ISIid. dyo[j.a(, f. agonal, 1 myself lead. dy-ojv, uivog, d, subst. an assem- Mi/, especially one met to see games ; hence, a contest, (ayw, / celebrate.} dSaXcj)-!], )]c, th subst. a sister. (dce\<p6g, a brother.) dciX(p-6c, ov, 0, subst. a brother. (n for dfia, together ; csXcvc, a womb.) dc)]\-og, ov, adj. unknown, uncer- tain. Comp. dorjXoTspoQ, su- •perl. ac>]X6rdT0C. (a^not; oriXoq, manifest.) "A^-jjc, or "4^c-7]Q, Gv, d, subst. Hades; the infernal regions; the grave : also, Pluto. ddiictoj, w, f. dciKrirroj, p. riS'iKijKa, 1 aor. r)cii:7](ja, verb : intrans. I do wrong, I am unjust ; trans. I do ivroiig to, J wrong, I injure: Pass. dcLKsofxai, ov- fiai, p. i]^i}zi]na(, 1 aor. J7^i«;/;- Qr]v, 1 fut. ddiKr-jQifdOjiai, I am injured, ^c. : Mid. ddiKsonai, cvnai, f. d6iK{]G0i.(.ai, 1 aor. rjCi- KT] (J a fii]v, I myself injure. dciKi-a, ag, ?/, subst. injustice. (aSlKog, unjust.) d^i.i:-og, ov, adj. unjust, wrong. Comp. dhKwrtpoc, superl. ct^i- KojTdroc. (a, not; 6 ikt], justice.) d^vvdr-og, ov, adj. unable to do ; also, unable to be done, impos- sible. Comp. dcvvaruj-epog, su- perl. diiVvaTwrdrog. (Ji, not; cvvdrbg, possible : and this from tvvdjxai, I am able.) adu) (contracted from dliocj), impf. rjcov, f. diKyoiiat, Attic ^(TOjuai ; seldom deiau}, Attic q.(T(x}, Doric (j-au ; verb, I sing. "Adujv-ig, Xdoc, 6, subst. Adonis : a beautiful youth beloved by Venus, and killed by a -wild boar while hunting. del, adv. ahvays. dsXwr-og, oi; adj. unhoped for, unexpected. Comp. dtXTrron- poc, superl. deXTrruTdrog. (a, 710^; tXirlc, hope.) dspog, gen. of djjp. See below. dtT-6c, ov, 6, subst. an eagle, (arini, I fly.) tilofiai, imperf. iilojx-qv (not found in other tenses), verb, / stand ill aice of, I dread, I reverence, I worship. d-yp, spoc, u, subst. the air. (aw, / blow.) dOdvciT-og, ov, adj. undying, im- mortal, (o, not; ^dvarog, death.) 'AOtjv-a, dc, ■)), subst. Athena, the iloman Minerva : con- tracted from 'AQr]vda. 'XQr)v-ai, Cjv, a\, subst. plur. only, the city of Athena, Athens. QxQi^d, Athena.) 'AQrjvca-og, a, ov, adj. of, from, or belonging to Athens. ('A6ij- vai, Athens.) 'A6r]val-og, ov, 6, subst. a man of Athens, an Athenian. ('-40^- vai, Athens.) ddX-ov, ov, TO (for deOX-ov, ov), the prize of a contest ; a gift, reward. ddX-og, ov, 6 (for dtOX-og, w), subst. a contest; toil, trouble, labour. A'l-ag, avTog, 6, subst. Ajax. This name was borne by two Greek heroes. The first was surnamed the Greater, and was the son of Telamon ; the other was surnamed the Less, and was the son of Oileus 92 LEXICON. The ace. is A'iav-a and Alav ; VOC. Aiav. alyhc^ gen. of ail. Aiyv-rX-bc, a, 6v, adj, of, 01' he- longing to, Egypt ; JEgyptian. (AtywTrrog, Egypt.) A'iyvTTT-OQ, ov, 7/, subst. Egypt. alCiOfiaiy ovjxai, f. aiCiaoj-iai, aict)- cofxat, p. yCtGnai, 1 aor. yce- a9}]v, verb, / feel shame ; I stand in aive of, I reverence. (jxiSh)c, sense of shame, reve- rence.) 'Aid-Tjg, ov, li, subst. See"^Vc"j;c- aic-ujc, 6og ovc, i), subst. sense of shame, reverence, respect. AlOl'oxl', oTvor, 6, subst. a7i Ethi- opian (aWoj, I kindle, I hum ; u)^, the countenance : so that an Ethiopian means, a man of the hurnt, or sxvarthy, face.) aiOoj, imperf. ijdov (not found in other tenses), verb, / kin- dle, I hum : Pass. aWofxai, impf. yOofiip', I am kindled, I blaze, burn, ^c. , Aivei-ag, ov, o, subst. jEneas : a Trojan prince, son of Anchises and Venus, and the fabled ancestor of Romulus. aivkii), tu, f. aiviaw, aivijcno, p. ■^V£Ka, fvrjKa, 1 aor. yverra, yvrjcra, I speak, or tell, of; I speak in praise of, I praise : Pass. ai}'iojj.at, ovi-iai, f. rjpjjuai, 1 aor. jJviOip', 1 fut. aiv(6)]- (Tofica, I am praised, ^^c. : Mid. alvkoixai, ovjxai, f. aivkaonai, aivrjaajxai. (^aivoc, a tale; praise.) aivcyii-a, aror, rh, Subst. a dark saying, a riddle, an enigma. (^aivia(Top.ai, I speak darkly ; and that from aivoc, a tale.) a\\, alyvc, 6, ij, strictly a spring- er, a darter; hence, a goat. (ataao), I dart, I rush.) a'tp^--og, bv, adj. to be chosen, de- sirable. Comp. a'lpfTWTipoc, Superl. aipiTOJTaTOQ. (^aipko- jxai, I take to myself I choose.) alpid), w, f. a'lpija-io, p. iipriKa, Ion. api\pr]Ka, 2 aor. ukov, verb, / take : Pass, capkoiiai, ov/ica, p. ijpt]l.iai. Ion. dpiiprjiiaiy 1 aor. ypsOrjv, 1 f. a'lpeOricronai, I am taken : Mid. a'lpkoiiai, ovp.at, fut. a\pr]G0jJ.ai, p. ypa, 2 aor. et\6i.i7]i', I take to myself I choose. atpw, f. dpw, p. T?pKa, 1 aor. Tjpa, verb, / lift, I raise : Pass, ai- pojxai, p. ijpjxai, 1 aor. i"ip9i]i; 1 f. dp9i]aoiiai, I am lifted, Sfc. : Mid. aipofiai, f. dpovjiai, 1 aor. -qpu-nriv, 2 aor. t'lpofirjr, I lift for myself, I undergo. a'lGQdi'Ofxai, f. aicrdiirrojiai, p. y- aQrmai, 1 aor. y(TQT]adiir]v, 2 aor. -^jOo/xt]!', I perceive, ap- prehend, understand; I feel; 1 find, (aioj or dtadw, I breathe out.) caa6i](7-ic, soc, Att. eojc, ?/, subst. perception, sensation; also, a sense (ahOdvofiai, I peixeive.) ai(Txp-oc, d, ov, adj. shamefid, base, disgraceful. Comp. al- axpoTspog, alaxi^v, superl. ai- axpoTaroc, a'i(Jxi-(TTog. (ciJaxog, shame.) aliyxvvoj, f. alcrxyru.', p. ycrxwKa, verb, I make ugly, I shame, dis- grace, dishonour : Pass, alaxv' vonai, p. -ijdxvfifiai, 1 aor. ^'- C)(in'Qi]v, 1 fut. ai(7xvv6i](TOfxat, I am ashamed, I feel shamed : Mid. alaxvvoi-iat, f. cdaxwov- piai, 1 aor. riax^'vdfiriv, I am ashamed, I take shame to my- LEXICON. 93 self; I reverence, {cilaxog^ shajne.) AlrrojTT-oc^ ov, 0, 2Esop : a cele- brated writer of fables, origi- nally a slave. aiTSd), a/, f. aiV)'/(Tw, p. yTTjica^ verb, 1 ask, request, beg: Pass. airkonai, ovjj.ai, p. yrrniai, 1 aor. ijr7]6r]i', 1 f. aiTj]6rj(T0fjiai, I am asked, ^x. ; Mid. alrtofiai, ovixai, f. aiTijaof-iai, 1 aor. TJrjj- adfXTjv, I ask for myself, I claim. aiTi-a, ac, i], subst. a cause, or reason, (^alriu), I ask.^ a<\'jua\wr-oc, ov, c, subst. one taken by the spear, a prisoner of war. (aixiii'i, a spears point ; aXiGKOj-uu, I am taken.} al-iov, aivoc, 6, subst. a space, or period, of time; a mans life- time ; an age. {atoj, I breathe.} aKaOapT-oc, or, adj. uncleaned; unclean, impure. Comp. ciku- Qaprorepog, superl. aKaOapro- TCLTOQ. (a, not; KaOatpoj, I pu- rify or cleanse.) dicfidZoJ, f. ccKfxdcu), p. yKfiaKa, verb, J am in full bloom, I am in my pj^ime. {clkih), a point: hence, vigour.) ciKo-i}, rjc, ij, subst. a report; hearing ; the sense of hearing. (^cLKovb), I hear.) ClKOXovBkoJ, (jj, f. CCKoXovOl'lfflO, p. yicoXovOijKu, verb, / follow. (JiicoXovQoQ, following ; and that from a for a^ui, together; ke- XevOoc, a way.) cikovtVCoj, f. ctKovrXaoj, p. r/JcoVrt'Kra, verb, I throw a dart or javelin: Pass. dKOVTi^Ojiai, p. tjKOVTl- rrjiai, 1 aor. i]KovTii7d)]v,\ f. ukov- TKrQriaofiai, I am wounded by a dart, Sfc. (ukioi; a dart.) (XKovoj, f. cLKovffoj, p. i'lKovKo, 1 aor. yicovffa, 2 aor. yicoov, verb, / hear: Pass, dttovonai, p. i]Kov~ Gjiai, 1 aor. i)kOIIg9>]V, 1 f. CIKOV- (y9))croixai, I am heard: Mid. aKovofiai, f. dKovaojxai, p. riKoa, Att. cLKiiKoa, 1 myself hear. 'Akovhv KaXojg, to be well spoken of; ciKoviLv kukiZc, to be ill spoken of. m:p-ov, ov, to, subst. a point, top, height, peak. (uKpoc, highest.) ccKp-oc, a, ov, adj. highest, top- most, outermost. Comp. uKpo- repoQ, superl. ciKpordroQ. (ciKri, a point.) aXy-oc, ioQ ovc, to, subst. pain, trouble, distress, grief. dXiKT-ujp, opoc, 6, subst. a cock. («, not; Xkicrpov, a bed.) 'AXs^avcp-og, ov, v, Alexander (i. e. man- defending) : a king of Macedon, surnamed the Great, from his military achievements and extensive conquests. (dXe- ^ofxat, 1 defend, avyjp, a man.) dXijOsi-a, ac, tj, subst. truth. (aX/;- 0)}c, true ) dXi]9-7jc, fc, adj. true. Comp. dXt-iOkaripoc, superl. dXr]6iaTd- Tog. (a, not; XyOoj, I lie hid.) aXi'^w, f. dXXffoj, p. ijXiKa, verb, / gather together, assemble, col- lect : Pass. dXi^oixai, p. i'jXKTfiai, 1 aor. 7jXia9i]v, 1 fut. dXiaOriffc fiai, I am gathered together, ^"C. (fiXiig, crowded, thronged.) dXXd, conj. but. (ciXXog, another : the accent being changed.) dXXa, neut. nom. and ace. plur. of a'AXoc". dXXijXujv, pron. gen. plur. of all genders; dat. dXXijX'oig, aig, oig ; acc. dXXt]X-ovg, ag, a ; nom. is wanting ; one another. 94 LEXICON. dW-og, 7], 0, pron. adj. anothei^; in plural, other^ others. dWorpi-oc^ a, ov^ adj. q/", or he- longing to, another or others. (aXXoQ, other.') AX-KH-oQ, a, o?/, adj. of, or he- longing to, the Alps ; Alpine. ("AXttis, the Alps.) aXc, aXug, rj, subst. the sea ; but 6 ciXg, salt. a\(.07r-r}^, sicog, ?;', Subst. a fox. lijia, adv. together, at once : as prep. gov. dat. at the same time with, together with. afiaprdvio, f. dixaprrjffOfiai {it[xap- ryjaoj only in Alexandrian Greek), p. ijjiaprjjKa, 1 aor. 7]fidprr](7a, 2 aor. ijfiaprov, verb, / miss the marh, I miss; I go wrong; I do wrong, I fail, I sin: Pass, diiaprdvofiai, p. ■>]f.iapTr]p,ai, 1 aor. r\{iapT'i]9r]v, 1 f. di.iapr7]9i](Ta[jLat ; part. djj,ap- Tav6i.iiva',things done amiss, i. e. errors, faults. dfiiitfx), f. aixei-<p(i), p. ijjj.si(pa, 1 aor. i'jlxtvJ^a, verb, / change : Pass. d[Jieij3o[jLai, p. {jp.siyinai, 1 aor. rjfiai(p9r]V, 1 fut. d}i£.i(pQi](ronai, I am changed : Mid. djxiiQojxai, f. dp.H'^ojxai^ p. i]jxo£a, I change one with another, I do in turn ; I answer. diidv-Lov, ov, adj. tetter; corn- par, of aya06g. a.[j,7re\-oc, ov, ij, subst. G ?;i?2e. (Probably from d/xcpl, ^olic a/xTTf, around', from the vine clin^ins: round trees.) a/xTTfX-wv, wvoc, 6, subst. a rine- yart?. (ajUTTiXog, a 2;me.) aju0(, prep, with gen. about, on both sides, around, concerning ; with dat. about; with ace. around: as adv. round about, on all sides : in composition, round, about: it also implies doubt. diJ,(pi(pvu), f. aii^KpVGif}, 1 aor. djx- (pdpvaa, verb, / 5rm^ fo?'th around; I produce, or make to grow, around; p. dfKpnrefvicaj 1 grow, or spring up, around (used as present) ; plup. a'/x- (bisTTKpvKHv, I grew, or sprung up, around (used as imperf.) ; 2 aor. d}X(pd(pvv, I grew Up, or sprung up, around. The pres., impf., 1 fut., and 1 aor. are transitive ; the perf., pluperf., and 2 aor. intransit. (a/i(|)i, around ; (pvo), I bring forth.) djji(p6rap-og, a, ov, adj. both, (ajx- (po), both.) av, also kdv and rjv, conj. if, joined with subj. mood. av, a conditional particle. dvd, prep, with gen. on, on board of; with dat. on, upon ; with ace. up, through, through- out, up to : as adverb, there- upon, throughout: in compo- sition, zipwards, up, up to ; back, backwards ; again : also in an intensitive force. dvayiyvojaKix) and dvayivcjcricu}, f. dvayvojcroj, dvayvdoaofiai, p. aviyvcoKa, 2 aor. dvsyvtJV, verb, I know accurately ; I discern ; hence, / read: Pass, dvayi- yv(i)(7K0fj,aL and dvayivk}(Jicofiai, p. dvsyvujtrfiai, 1 aor. dvtyvoj- aOrjVj 1 fut. dvayvuxrOiiaofiai, I amknown accurately, 8fC. (dva, intensitive; yiyvu)(XKio,I knoiv.) dvayKdZ,o}, f. dvayKaact), p. yvdy- KaKa, verb, / compel, con- strain, force : Pass. dvayKaZo- fiai, p. 'i]vdyKaop.ai, 1 aor. rivayKda9r}Vy 1 fut. dvayKaoQi]- LEXICON. 95 (TOfiai, I am compelled^ Sfc. {di'dyKi], necessity.) dvayKoi-og, a, ov, adj. necessary. Comp. dvayicaLO-epog, superl. dvayKaioraTog, (avdyKri^ ne- cessity.) dvayK-r], t]c, j/, subst. need, ne- cessity. dvacicwfiif f. dvaSdjtriOj p. dvac't- cojKa, 1 aor. dvscojKa, 2 aor. dvsccjv, verb, / give back or up, I restore : Pass, dvacico- fiai, p. dvackoofxai^ 1 aor. dvc- coOip', 1 f. dvaco9t]aofiai, I am given back, SfC. : Mid. dvacLCo- fiat, f. dvacwaofiai^ I myself give back, SfC. {avd, back ; Si^ojiii.) avalvo^iai, f. avaSvaofiai, p. di^a- SscvKa, 2 aor. dvtovv, verb, / come up, I rise from, (dvd, up; cvonai, I go or come up.) \\vaKpe-u)v, ovTog, 6, subst. Ana- creon : a Greek poet, 'Ava'^ayop-ag, ov, 6, Subst. ArtOX* agoras. avairz^i'Hii), f. dva~efxipi0j p. dvaTTs- 770 u6a, verb, I send up, I send forth or aicay : Pass, dva-jr'ifi- TTonai, p. aVaTrlTTfjUjuai, 1 aor. dveTrkp.(pBy]v^ 1 fut. dvaTreixfp- Oi](joij.ai, 1 am sent up, ^c. : JSIid. dva-Tr'cfi—ojxai, f. dvarrkfi- 4/ofiai, 1 send up from myself, I send back, {dvd, up, again ; TrsfiTTw, I send.) avaTcrjcdix}, ui, f. dva~i]Cf](ro), p. dva7re7n)cT]Ka, I leap up, I spring up or forth, (dvd, up ; 7r)]cd(u, I leap.) dvapxi-a, ac, rj, subst. lawless- ness, anarchy. («', not; dp- XV 1 government. avareivbj, f. avartvu), p. dvaTird' Ka, 1 aor. dvereiva, I stretch upward, I hold forth, I lift up : Pass. dvaTsivofiai, p. dva- Tsrdnai, 1 aor. dvsrdQrjv, 1 fut. dvaTa6)'j(jo[xaiy I am stretched upwards, ^'C. (dvd, up ; rsi- voj, I stretch.) ' Avdxapa-ic, eoc, Att. £wc, 6, Subst, Anacharsis: a Scythian phi- losopher. dvdpa, ace. sing, of dv)']p. dvcpd-od-ov, ov, ro, subst. a sZaye. (dufjp, a man ; Tiovg, afoot.) dvcptl-og, ov, adj. manly, cou- rageous, brave. Comp. dvcpu- oTspoc, superl. dvcpcLordrog. (dvTjp, a man.) dvLpiavro-oit-a, ag, r), subst. Sta- tuary, sculpture, (dvcpidg, the image of a man, a statue ; Tvoikijj, I make.) 'Avdp6i:X-7jg, eog ovg, 6, Subst. Androcles. (dv)}p, a man ; kXeoc^ glory.) dvopbg, gen. of dvjjp. dvayeipoj, f. dvayepuj, p. dvijyepxa, Att. dveyr'jyfpKa, I wake up, I rouse, I raise : Pass, dveyei- pofiai, p. dvijyepfiai, Att. dve- yyjyeppat, 1 aor. dvriykpOrjv, 1 fut. dvfyspQtjciofiai, I am woke up, ^"C. (dvd, up ; kyeipu), I rouse.) dv£/j.-og, ov, 6, subst. wind, (doj, drjpi, I blow.) dvEv, adv. gov. gen. luithout. dve.x<jJj imperf. dvelxov, f. dvi^cj, dvaaxwu), p. dvsffx^li^a, 2 aor. dvsaxov, I hold up, I lift up : Pass. dvixop.ai, p. dviaxrip-ai, 1 aor. dveaxiOtjv, f. dvaaxfSrj- crouai, I am held up : ]VIid. dvkxopai, f. di's^opai, dvacrxrjdo- fj-ai, 2 aor. dvtaxdpriv, y'jvecrxo- p7]v, I hold myself upright ; I bear up against a thing : hence 96 LEXICON. / hear, endure. {dvd, up ; e^w, J have.) dvrjp, civipoQ dvcpoc, 6, a man. dvOtoj, a>, f. dvOijaoj, p. yvOrjKa, verb, / bloom, I blossom, I flourish. (Jiv9oc, a bud, a flower.) dvQ-oc, fof;, ovc, to, subst. a bud, a flower. dvOpitJTrXv-oc, 7], ov, adj. of or belonging to man, human, (^dv- epujTTog, a jjerson.) uvdpit)Tr-oc, ov, CI, i], subst. a per- son, human being, a man; a woman. (As if from dvd, up ; rpk^Tio, I turn; oj-^, the face). dvi(TTi]fii, f. dva<7Tr](jOJ, 1 aor. di'kG^t](Ta, I make to stand up, I raise up, set up, also lover- throw ; p. dvkarrjKa (as pre- sent), I stand up ; pluperf. dvsiariiiceiv (as imperf.), / stood, or was standing up; 2 aor. dvk(TTi)v, I stood up. This verb is transitive in the pre- sent, imperf., 1 fut., and 1 aor., and intransitive in the perf., pluperf., and 2 aor. in the active voice. Pass, dvla- Tdficii, p. d^'kardnai, 1 aor. dv- t(T-adr]v, 1 fut. dva(yraQ}](yofiat, 1 am made to stand up, I stand up, I, rise : Mid. dviaTdp.ai, f. dvaarr}Goiiai, I stand up my- self; 1 aor. dvetjTijud'ixijv, I raise up for myself, (dvd, up; XaT)]i.u, I place.) 'AvvX€-aQ, ov, V, subst. Annihal, or Hannibal: celebrated Carthaginian general, ^Yho in- vaded Italy. dvoiyoj and dvo'iyvvfii, imperf. dv'toiyov, f. dvoi^io, p. dvk({jxc, verb, I open, undo : Pass, di- oiyofiai and dvoiyvvfiat, p. dr- e<oyjjLai, 1 aor. dve({>xdi]i', 1 f. dvoLxOrjaofiai, I lie open, stand open, am open : Mid. dvoiyo- fiai and dvoiyvufiat, f. dvoii,o- /.tat, p. dvki^ya, I open myself or for myself, (dva, back ; o'iycj or olyvvfii, I U7ldo.) dvTLypd(pu), imperf. dvTsypd<pov. f. a'vrtypai|/a», p. dvTLysypd<pa, verb, / ivrite in return or in answer: Mid. dv7iypd(bojxai, f. dvTiypd-ipo/iai, takes the perf. pass. dvTiykypaixfxai, I plead against. (^dvTi, in return ; ypa- (puj, I write.) dvTp-ov, ov, TO, subst. a cave. 'AvTMin-oc, ov, 6, subst. Antony : the celebrated Koman Tri- umvir. dvu), adv. upwards. d^X-oc, a, ov, adj. worthy ; worth. Comp. d^i(OT£pog, superl. d^u'o- TUTog. (a^w, fut. of ayw, J iveigh.) dTTayykWu), f, aTvayyeXu), p. aTri/y- yi\Ka, 1 aor. dTn'iyysiXa, Ibring tidings, announce, report, carry word away : Mid. dTrayyiXXo- M«', f. dTTuyyeXovi.iai, I myself bring tidings, ^-^c. {a~b,from; dyykXXw, I carry a message.) dwd9-i,g, eg, adj. without suffer- ing, not having suffered ; also without feeling, unfeeling, apa- thetic. Comp. diraQkaTepog, su- perl. dTraQ'iCTaTog. (d, not ; irdBocy suffering.) aTraicivT-og, ov, adj. untaught, uninstructed, ignorant. Comp. diraLCtvTOTipog, superl. dirai- ctVTOTaTog. (o, not; Traicevio^ I instruct.) uTT-ag, dcra, av, adj. all together, all, every 07te. («/ia, together ; Trdg, all.) LEXICON. 97 aireifit, f. d-i'i(rnf.iai^ I am away from, I am absent (0.7:0^ from; ttfii, I am.^ arrsicp'iOij. See UTroKplvio. d-rriKpivaTO. See aTroicpivio. d7r';pxoiiai, f. d-eXevfTOf-iai, p. ktt?'/- Xv9a, Att. dT£\riXv9a, lon. d7rsi\i]\ov9a^ 2 aor. dTn'iXvOov, Att. aTijXOov, I go awaij, I depart, (dnc, from; 'ipxojiai^ I come or go.^ aTrkaraXKa. See dTTOCTsXXo). d7ri<7TeiXct. See dTroariXXio. aTTSxo}, f. d^i^u), ctTTOcrx'^To;, p. d-fGxi)<ct, verb, / /(oM q^, :^eej9 q^; ]\Iid. d-ixouai^ f. dcpiEonat, dironxh'^oixai, 2 aor. d7r£(rx6i.u]v, I hold myself off from ; I forbear, abstain. (aVo, from ; e^w, / have.) a.7rrjX9ov. See dTripxojJ-ai. aTTtirrgo;, w, f. arr tTrj/Vw, p. 77— ('- GTijica^ verb, / disbelieve, mis- trust. {d-nicToc, faithless : and that from a, wo# ; ttictic, aTrXsr-oc, 07', adj. unapproach- able ; hence immense, very great, (a, not; ttsXciw, I ap- proach.) dTrXovGrep-oc, cr, Of, adj. 77iOre simple. Comp. of diiXooq, d-Xovc, SUperl. aTrXovtrrdroc. (Probably from Sfia, together.) dirb, prep. gov. gen. from. In composition it denotes sepa- ration, privation, return. aTiotaXku), f. d—o^d\Cj, p, ctTTO- €s€X7]Ka, 2 aor. d-t^dXov, 1 throw away, cast off, reject: Pass. d-TToV-aXXoyLCU, p. d-oti- tXimai, 1 aor. d-i€Xi]97iv, 1 fut. dTrotXr]9r](TO}iai, I am thrown aicay, ^x.: Mid. aVofaXAojuat, f. aTTotaXovfJim, p. aTrcfifoXa, / ^^ro?y ftz6'«?/ yV'om myself; I lose. (aVo, from; /StiXXw, / aTToyEvoiiai, f. dTToysixrouai, T taste of a thing. The act. form occurs only in late writers. (dirdffrom ; yivofiai, Itaste.) aTTocixofiai, f. d~oci^oixat, p. otTro- ^iceyixat, 1 aor. directKdnrjVy verb mid. without act. form, / receive from, I receive, (d-n-b^ from; ^ix^l^^^i I fsceive.) a7ro^iC(u/Lt(, f. d—ocoj(Toj, p. diroci- cwKa, 1 aor. diricMKa, verb I give aioay or JacA; Irepoij Pass, d-ocdoj-iai, p. dirociSo- fiai, 1 aor. d~ac69rjv, 1 fut;, d-Kocodricfo^ai, I am given away, SfC. : Mid. d-ocicojiai, f. a;ro- 6w(T0fiat, 1 aor. d-iduj!cdni]V^ I give away from myself, 1 sell, (ci-h, from ; etc wjut, / give.) d~o9dvHV. See d~G9vr]<yK(jJ. d7rg9vri(TK(jj, f. d7ro9vri^oj, dTTO- rt9vt)^w, 2 fut. mid. d7ro9avov- fiat, verh, I die ; p. d7roTk9vriKa, I am dead, 2 aor. d-iQdvov, I died, lam put to death, (d-n-i^ from ; ^viicko}, I die.) aTTOKXeiu), f. dTroKXeimo, p. aVo- KSKXfiKa, verb, / 5^z<^ ow^: Pass. dTroKXf'iojxai, p. rtTroKt- KXsLfiat^ aVoKE/cXfirr/iat, 1 aor. dTitKXda9riv, 1 fut. a'—o/cXfitr- 9i](Tofiaiy I am shut out. (^aTrb, from; kXiiw, I skid.) aTTOKOTTTlO, f. aTTOfCOlI/W, p. UTTO- KEKO(pa, verb, / C2<^ off, I hew off: Pass. aTTOKOTT-Ojuat, p. aVo- KtKOfXfiai, 1 aor. a:riK6^0>j)/, 1 fut. dTroKO(p9ii(jop.ai, 2 aor. aVfKoTrrji'. / aw CM^ q^J SfC. : Mid. a7roic67rro|L(ot, f. diroKo- ■lioiiai, 1 aor. aTTffco^/ajLn/v, p. aVo/cfKOTTo, / myself cut off; 98 LEXICO>". I smite myself; I mourn. (diTb, from ; kott-w, 1 cut.} dTTOKpivoJy f. ClTTOKplviVj p. CITTOKS- /cpt/ca, 1 aor. cLTTiKplva^ 2 aor. aTTSKplvov^ verb, / pick out from, I select, I separate : Pass. dTTOKpivoixai, p. a7roK£- KpXfiai, 1 aor. dTTSKpXdijv (in Scripture / answered), 1 fut. a.7roKpi6i](TOfj.ai, I am separated, SfC,: Mid. ciTroicpii^ofiai, f. aTrc- Kpivovjxai, 1 aor. a.TnKpivaiir]i', I pass sentence on a thing ; I reply, (^drrbj from ; icpiva), I separate.) dTroKpvTTTio, f. dTTOKpv-'boi, p. dlTO- KSKp ixpa, 2 Sior. d7rsicpv€ov, yerh, I hide or conceal from, I hide : Pass. dTTOKpvTCTOixai^ p. dlZG- KkKpvjjjxai, 1 aor. dvtKpvcpQriv, 1 fut. d7roKpvq)dii(JOfiai, I am hidden. Sec: Mid. diroKpv-KTo- fxai, f. diTOKpv-^op.ai, 1 aor. dirt- KpvtpdfiTjv, Ihide myself, (^dirh, from ; kpvtttoj, I hide.) dTroKTtivio, f. dTTOKTevo), p. aTrs- KTUKa, 1 aor. dTTSKTftva, 2 aor. dirsKTavov, verb, / kill, I slay : Pass. dTTOKTsivofiai, p. dTTSfcra- /uat, 1 aor. dTraKTciOijv, 1 fut. d7roKTaQi}aop.ai, I am killed, SfC. : Mid. dizoKTiivojiai, f. dTro- KTtvovjiai, 1 aor. dTnKTUvaiJ.i]v, p. dTTE/crovn, / myself kill. (d-Trb augmentative ; ktuvu), I kill.) aTTOKioXvio, f. d7roKUj\v(no, p. aTro- KSKCjXvKa, verb, / hinder or prevent from, I hinder : Pass. diroKOjXvonai, p. d7roKtKioXi>ftai, 1 aor. dTTtKOjXvtiijv, 1 fut. aTTO- KujXvOijffOfxai, I am hindered. (dTrb,from ; kujXvuj, I hinder.) aTro\aix€d.vio, f. d7roX7]\\/ofiai, p. aTToXtXrjcpa, Att. aTTJiXq^a, 2 aor. d/rlXaSov, verb, J to^e or receive from, I receive : Pass. dTToXapL^dvonai, p. dTToXkXijfj,- fxai, Att. dTTuXi]niiai, 1 aor. dTVEiXi](pQT]v, 1 fut. d7roXi](p6t)~ Gofiai, I am taken from, 8fc. (ttTTo, from ; Xaixtdvu), I take.) dTroXXvp.1 and dTroWuw, f. d— o- Xkao), Att. d/ToXw, p. aTTwXt/ca, Att, dTroXujXsKa, 2 aor. dTTw- Xov, Att. dTToXwXov, verb, / destroy, demolish, lay waste, slay : Mid. dTroXXvfiai, f. dTro- XsdOfjiaL, Att. aTToXoi'/xat, p. aTrwXa, Att. aTroXwXa, 2 aor. d7r(i)X6fxr]v, Att. aTToXwXo/^Tjv . / perish, am lost, am undone, die. (aTTo augmentative ; tiX- Xi"/xt, / destroy.) 'AttoXX-ojv, ojvuc, 6, subst. yljooZZo ; one of the heathen gods, the son of Jupiter and Latona ; the same as Phoebus, or the Sun. dTToXvu), f. aTToXijffu), p. drroXs- XvKa, verb, I set free, restore, release: Pass. dTroXvofiai, p. dTroXeXvjxaiy 1 aor. drreXtjOtp', 1 fut. aTToXvOtjaofiai, I am re- leased from, S^-c. ; I get away, go free : Mid. dTroXvofiai, f. dTToXvcroi-iai, p. dTToXkXva, I myself loose; I release for myself; I ransom, redeem. {iLTT6,from; Xvoj, I loose.) dTToareXXto, f. ttTrocrrfXw, p. drrs' GraXKa, 1 aor. dTTSoriiXa, verb, / send away from : Pass. dTTOffriXXofxai, p. d7rEaraX[xai, 1 aor. drrsardXQijv^ 1 f. diro- (TTaXOijcTOfiai, 2 aor. d7rs(TTdXi]V, I am, sent away : JMid. diro- (TTeXXo^ai, f. d7roaTtXovjj.ai, 1 aor. dTreareiXa/JLTjr, p. d/rl- oToXa, / 5enc? myself away, 2 LEXICON. 99 depart (d~6,from; crr£\Xw, / send.) diro-iOjjiJii, f. aTToOjfffw, p. drro- TsOeiica^ 1 aor. d7re9r]Ka, I put away from : Pass. aTro-i- QtfiaLf p. d-HOTiQeifxai, 1 aor. d7rsTs9r]v, 1 f. d7roTe9t](TOjxai, I am put away from : Mid. otto- TiQtfiai, f. d-o97](70Hai, I put away for myself I lay aside. {cLTrb^from; Ti9t]ni^ I pui.) dTTOTiKTOJ^ f. aTTori^w, usually a TTo- ri^ofxai, p. dTror'cTOica, 2 aor. dTTSTiicov, verb, J produce, bring forth. (d-Ko^from; rl- jt-w, I produce.) d7ro<paiv(jJ, f. aTTOi^avw, p. aTro- 7r4(payKa, 1 aor. diviiprjva, 2 aor. dTri<pdvQv, verb, / sAow forth, display, explain: Pass. aTTOcpaivoi-iai, p. d~07rk(paaixai, dTTOirkcpaiifiai, 1 aor. aTTf^av- Gj/v, 1 f. d7ro(pav6i]C>ofiai, I am shown forth, ^"C. : Mid. aTro- ^aivoixai, f.drrocpavovfiai, 1 aor. d7re(pr]vdfJLi]i', p. d7ro-Ki<pt]va, I show forth, display, some- thing of my own ; i declare. (aTr6,from; (paivitj, I show.) dirpoaSoKriT-Gg, ov, adj. unex- pected. Comp. dTrpoacoKrjroTc- pog, superl. d-poGSoicijTOTd-og. (d, not; TrpoadoKdu), I expect.) arrrcj, f. aif/w, p. ■^]6ci, verb, I fasten or JtW; / kindle, I set on fi^e, I light: Pass, a—rofxai, p. i'lfxnai, part. TjUfj-ivog, 1 aor. 7]<t>9Tiv, 1 f. dcpOrjcroixai, I am set on fire, I take fire: Mid. aV- rofiai, f. udjQjica, 1 aor. I'lXpdfjirjv, I lay hold, I grasp, I touch, dpa, adv. therefore, truly, so. apa, interrogative adv. Is it so ? dpyijp-og, ov, 6, subst. silver. (dpyog, white.) dptr-i), ijg, y, subst. virtue, ex- cellence, goodness. *Apip.vriaT-oc, ov, 6, subst. Arim^ nestus. ' Apianic-ijg, ov, b, Subst. Ari- stldes. apiGT-ov, ov, TO, subst. morning meal, hreahfast, luncheon. dpLGT-og, 1], OV, adj. best, most excellent; irregular superl. of dya9bg. Comp. dpdwv. 'ApiaT0Tk\-7]g, ov, 6, subst. Ari- stotle. apjx-a, drog, to, subst, a chariot, (apu), I ft.) ^ ^ dpjxoTTU), and dpno^b), f. dpixoffo}, p. iipfxoKa, I ft, adapt : Pass. dpixSzTOfiai, dpno'Co^ai, p. i]p- HocTfiai, 1 aor. 7]pp6(r9>]v, 1 f. dpfj.oa9r](joixai, I am fitted, ^c: jMid. dpfioTTOixai, dpfio'Cojiai, f. dpfioaojiai, I join, fit, put toge- ther, for myself, (dpixog, a fit- ting ov joint.) dp^ui, fut. ind. of apxw. dpTrdZoJ, f. dpTTaau), dpTrd^w, p. i'jp- Trdica, I tear or snatch away, I carry off by force: Pass. dpTrdZoixai, p. vipiraanai, 1 aor, r]p7rd(j9r]V, 1 f. dpTcaa9r]aoiiai, I am torn away, Sfc: Mid. dp~dZ,ofxai, f. dpTrdcxofiat, dp- Trd^onai, p. 'I'lpTidya, I snatch for myself". dpr-oc, ov, 0, subst. bread; a loaf. dpx-tj, i'lg, V, subst. a beginning. dpxoj, f. dp^oj, p. J5px«5 ^ begin, I am the first to do a thing; / command or rule : Pass, dpxo- p.ai, p. rjpyfiai, 1 aor. '>ipx9'nv, 1 f. dpx9r]G0jxat, I am ruled, I am subject to: Mid. dpxo^ai, 1 f. dp^opai, 1 aor. iip^dfiijv, I begin, {dpxi], a beginning.^ T 2 100 LEXICON. apx-u>r, oi'Toc, 6, subst. a ruler^ commander. (Jipx^i I rule.) aa6kvn-a, ac, ?"/, subst. 2va?it of strength, weakness, feebleness. (a(70ei'/)c-, weak ; and that from «, not; aOkvor., strength.) d(TfA.y->}c, fc, adj. outrageous, in- solent, violent. Comp. dct\- ykanpoc, superl. aufXygfr-aroc. (a, not ; S-fXy w, I soothe ; by changing 9 into cr.) dcOeveu)^ w, f. CKrOfvymo, p. rirrOs- ri]Ka, verb, J am weak, feeble, ill, sick. (^a(x9iv7jc, weak.) 'Aal-Uy aQy rj, subst. Asia. dcK^lx), W, f. d(TICII(TiO, p. i'fffKtJKay verb, / exercise, I jjractise ; I adorn: Pass, dcjickofxai, ovfiai, p. i'](TKi]ixai, 1 aor. rjrsKqQr]V, 1 f. d(TK7jdfjaofiai, I am exercised, adorned, ^"c: Mid. affidofua, ovfxa(, 1 f. urncyiaojiai, 1 aor. ■))aKt]aajxr]v,I exei'cise, I adorn, for myself. A(rK\i]7riac-7]g, ov, 6, subst. ^5- clepiades ; i. e. son of Ascle- pios or ^sculapius : a name applied, generally, to physi- cians : hence, a physician. duTrd'Coixai, f. dairaffoi-iai, p. t/c- TTufTfjiai, verb, / loelcome, bid zvelcome, greet, salute (pro- bably from dfX(pharou7id; GTrdo- fiat, I draw to myself.) dffTT-lc, Xooc, 7j, subst. a shield. darpdiiTio, f. aorpavl/w, p. ijryTpa(^>a, verb, / lighten or hurl light- ning. (aaTpaTT}), lightning.) acrp-ov, ov, to, subst. a star. Mostly used in plural. duT-v, £og ovg, to, subst. a city. 'AcFTvay-rig, tog ovc, o, subst. Astyages : a king of Media. da<pa\t(yTep-oc, a, ov, adj. safer. Comp. of dcTipdXijg, superl. d- c(pa\'f(TTdToc. (a, Jiot; (T^aXXo- fxai, T stumble.) are, adv. just as. Strictly the adverbial neut. ace. plur. of oaTf. aTsixicrT-oc, or, adj. unwalled, un- fortified. Comp. drfixKTrorc- pog, superl. drtix'^rTTOTdTog (d, not; Ttixi^f^i I wall, fortify.) drtp, adv. without. Governs ge- nitive case. drkxi^^'Ki adv. unartificially, unr- i skilfully, without art. (dre^^'oc, without art; and that from d, not; Tsxv)], art.) drtw, f. uTXaio, p. i/rXica, verb, I do not honoiLr, I neglect, (d, not; TLu), I honour.) aToir-og, ov, adj. out of place, strange, absurd. Comp. dro- TTMTSpOC, superl. aTOTT-MTaTOQ. (d, not; TOTTOQ, a place.) dTpdrr-bg, ov, r), subst. a path, a way, a road, (a, not; TpsTiW^ I turn.) aTvxi'o, ag, y, subst. misfortune, (a, not; Tvxu, fortune.) avXiCofxai, f. avXiaofxai, 1 aor. yv' Xiodjiriv, verb mid. I live in an avXi), i. e. a cou?'t-yard ; hence, generally, / lodge, I bivouac, I take up my quarters. The pass, is used in the same force : pres. avXiZofiai, perf. TjvXicrijLai, 1 aor. i]vXia9i]V, 1 f. avXta9r]aonai. (jctvXi), a court- yard.) avt.dvii}, and av^io, f. avt^riao), p. riu^r]Ka, verb, I make to grow, I increase : Pass, av^dvofiaiy perf. r]v^tjfiai, 1 aor. t]v^7]9i]v, 1 f. (wKv^ijcFonai, I grow, in- crease. aHno-ig, iog, Att. twg, y, subst. increase. (avXavu), I increase.) LEXICON. 101 avp-a, ac^ //, ^iibst. ahi'eeze. (a??- /ic, / bloio.) avplov,a.dv.to-morroiv; i) avpXov, supply vn'fpa^ to-morrow. al'77/, fern, of oiiTOQ. avr-bc, ?}, o, pron. adj. he^ she, it: added to a personal pronoun it imparts to it the additional meaning of seZ/"; as tyih av-bc, I myself: 6 ahrbc, the same, in all genders and cases. a^', before an aspirated vowel for CZTTO. a.6dv-r)c, Ig, adj. unseen, invisible. Comp. atpavkoTtpoc, superl. d(pave(T-aTOC. (a, not; ^aivw, I show.') dtpavT'Cid, f. d<pavX(Tti), Att. d6ainuj, p. 7']<painKa, I make to disap- pear ; I hide or conceal ; I de- stroy : Pass. acpavi^GHai, p. Tjpdvifffiai, 1 aor. r/rpavhO}]!', 1 f. d!pavi(T9i](Tonai, I am made to disappear, I become unseen, I disappear, {ci, not; (paivio, I sho2v.) d(P'7], i]c, y'l, subst. a fastening; a touch ; touch, i. e. the sense of touching. (aTT-w, I fasten, I touch.^ d(piKvkopLai, ovpai, f. d'pi^oiiai, p. drplyfiai, 2 aor. d(plK:ofii]v, verb mid. irr. / arrive at, I come to, from a place or person. (d~6,from; invkoiiai, I come. ^ 'Axai-oc, o, 6v, adj. Grecian. ovapi(TTi'-a. ag, i), subst. ingrati- tude, (a, not ; x^'P't^ thanks.) dxctpiTT-oc, ov, adj., ungrateful, thankless. Comp. dxcipia-ort- poc, superl. dxapK^'ord-or. (a, not: x^P'C, thanks.) Axi^^-ivg, soc. Ait. ^ojc,6,Ackilles : a son of Peleus, king of Phthiotes, in Thessaly, and one of the Greek chieftains at the siege of Troy. B. Ba'ii-io, f. jSj/TOjuai, p. ^i€i]Ka, 2 aor. t^ijv, verb, I go. l3ai-nc, a, or, adj. little, small. Comp. Paionpog, superl. j3ai6- rdroc. (3afc-r7]o^i-a, ag, 7;, subst. a sticky a staff". j3a>vXw, f. I3a\uj, later jSaXkncu)^ p. /3if\jjKra, 2 aor. t€d\oi', I throw at; I throw, cast, hurl : Pass. l3d\\oiiai, p. (3i^\7]/iai, 1 aor. i€\r']9t]P, 1 f. l3\7]0i]Gni.tai, I am struck, thrown, ^'c. : IMid. f3d\- Xofiat, f. (3a\ovnai, p. iSs€oXa, 2 SLOT. i^a\6iJ.T]v, I myself throw, jSdptdp-og, 01', adj. foreign, bar- barian. Comp. jSap€apij-tpocj superl. (Sap^apojTaTOC. (3dpc-oc, Gv, 0, subst. a bard. (3a(n\ei-a, ac, ?;, Subst. a king- dom. (^jSa^iXevg, a king.) (3atTX\-svc, icc, Att. twc, a king. ^CKTiXavu), f. jSacnXevffw, p, f3e€a(Ti- XniKa, I am king ; I am a king over, I rule: Pass. (SacnXcvofiat, p. j3e€aaiX(vfiai, 1 aor. t€aai- Xsvd)]v, 1 f. (SaffiXevQijffOfiat, I am governed. QSacnXevg, a king.) iSamXiicivc, adv. royally; as, or like, a king. (iSgctiXXkoc, royal : fSaciXsvc, a king.) f3dT-oc, ov, 7], subst. a briar or bramble. j3d~pdx-oc, ov, 6, subst. a frog. l3iX-og, eoQ ovg, ro, a niissile, a dart. (i3dXX(jj, I throw.) (3idL,'j>, f. iSidcrco, p. f3t€id<c, verb, I force, constrain, compel : r 3 102 LEXICON. Pass. /3:fx^ojuat, p. (3t§iaaiiai, 1 aor. t€id(T9T]v, 1 f. fSiaaOijaoixai, I am forced^ 8fC. : Mid. /3ta- ^ofxcu, f. (iidaofiai, 1 aor. l^iatya- [xi]v, I my f^elf force; I force my way. (jSia^ force.) (3it\io9i]K-}], i]Qy ?i, subst. a book- case, a lih^ary. (pibXiov^ahook; riQtjfiij I put.) /3t-oc, oy, d, subst. life. (3io--r}, ijg, }/, subst. Hfe. (l3iog, Ife.) (3l6io, ai, f. /3iwcroj, p. (SetiojKa, 2 aor. Wiwv: IMid. jSLoofiai, ov/xai, f. (3L<x)(roi.iai, 1 aor. fftwcra/x^ji', / iiz;e. It is sometimes used impersonally in the third per- son in the passive voice, as l3i€UoTcd {.loi, it has been lived by me, i. e. / have lived. {jSiog, life.) fSiujatTai, 3 pers. sing, of /Siwcro- fiai, f. mid. of /3tdw. PXaiTTw, f. /3Xai//w, p, (itQ^cKpa, 2 aor. t€\a€ov, verb, / Jiu7't, in- jure, harm: Pass. (iXaTTToixai, p. (3s€\aix[i.ai, 1 aor. t€\d^6)]v, 1 f. fiXaipOijaofiai, 2 aor. ti^Xa- €jji/, 7 am /iwr?, ^c. ; Mid. /3/\a'- TTTof-iat, f. /3\di//0]Ltai, 1 aor. i€\a\l/afxr}v, I myself hurt, or / Attr^ myself (5\d(j(j)t]ix-og, or, a,d^.foul-7nouthcd, evil- speaking. Comp. jSXacr- (ptJUorepoQ, superl. ^Aacr^j/juo- rarcQ. ( /BXaTrrai, I hurt; <p)]l^i, I say.) BXsTTU), f. jSXt^'w, p. j3'i€Xe(pa, verb, I see : Pass. ^Xkirofxat, p. /3J- €Xffifjiai, 1 aor. t€X's(p9r]v, 1 f. ^XefOijaofiai, I am seen. Soar, ace. plur. of j8ov^'. Bodu), w, f. (Soijaoj, p. (3i€67]ica, verb, 7 jf^^er a cry, / c«Z/ ow^ ; Pass. j3odofiai, wixai, p. (3i€ur]- ficiL, 1 aor. L€ot]97]v, 1 f. j3o)j0r]- aojxai. (^jSorj, a cry.) BoiLorl-a, aCy 7), subst. Sceotia: a country of northern Greece. (Probably from /Souc, tt7i ox, as it was celebrated for its rich pastures.) (SoiiQkii), o), f. /3o/iSj/(7w, p. fiitoix- €i]Ku, I buzz, I hum. (fi6[j.toc, a buzzing.) Bops-ac, ov, 6, subst. BoreaSy the deity presiding over the north wind : hence, the north wind. (SouXeiiuj, f. jSovXevcTU), p. (Seiov- XtvKa, I take counsel, I delibe- rate, I consult : Pass. jSovXevo- fiai, p. j3s(^ovXtvj.iai, 1 aor. i€ovXsu9i]i', 1 f. (3ovXiv9')j<TOfj.ai, lam consulted, Sfc: Mid. $ov- Xevo/.iat, f. jSovXtvaoixai, I take counsel ivith myself, I resolve on, I deliberate upon. ((SovX?], counsel.) (3ovXj](p6p-og, ov, adj. bringing advice ; consulting, advising : also, j3ovXt](p6pog, 6, used as subst. a counsellor. (^fiovXrj, counsel ; (p'spcj, I bring.) [SovXoiiai, f. l3ovX7j(roi.iai, p. (3e(Sov- Xa, verb mid. irr. I wish, lam willing : Pass. fiovXofxai, p. (3i- j3ovX)]ixai, 1 aori ifSovXijdrjVi 1 f. (3ovX7]9i'j<yoi.iai. j3ovg, ISohc, o, i), subst. an ox, a cow ; in plural, cattle. jSpaokdjg, adv. slowly, (fipacvg, slow.) (Spadvvoj, f. fSpa^vvuj, p. (St^pd- dvyKa, verb, I make slow : alscv 7 delay, linger. (^jSpaSvg, slow.) (3pax-vs, tla, i', adj. short. Comp. ppaxvTspog, ^pax'tiav, superl. iSpaxvrdTog, (^pdxidrog. Bptrrdvbg, ov, b, subst. a Bri- ton. LEXICON. 103 ^p(<P'OC^ (og ovc, ri, subst. ft babe, a young child. PpovTc'cuj, 0), f. /3pov-7'/crw, p. /3f- tp6vTi]Ka, I thunder. {iBoov- Tij, thunder.} ^poT-bc, ov, 6, subst. a moi^tal. l3pvx('), f. I^pv^tu, p. /:Jifpvx«5 verb, / roar. (3pvoj^ imperf. t(^ouov (not used in other tenses), verb, I cause to burst forth. /3p w/i-a, aroc, rh, Subst. food. (j8ibpw(Tfcw, / eat.} (3piofi-r], i]c, >'/, subst. _/oc>c?. (/3t- €pa><TK(jj^ I eat.} /3w/i-6c, 01', d, subst. ajiy raised place; an altar. (jSaivwy I go.) r. Tdyy-Tjc, ov, d, subst. Ganges : a river in India. yaT-a, ac, ri^ subst. the earth. Vai-oc^ or, d, subst. Gains. ra\d--7]c, ov, d, subst. a Gaul. yafiSbi, 01, f. ya/.n'/(Toj, p. ysydfirjKa, 1 aor. lyrtpLct, verb, Z marry, I take to wife (of the man) : Pass, yausonai^ ov/xai, p. yeyci- fiTJuat, 1 aor. iyap.ri9riv, 1 fut. yafi.Tj9r](Toiiiai, I am married, I am taken to wife (of the woman) : Mid. yonkouaiy ovjxai, f. yai.i7)(J0[.iai, 1 aor. ty/j^a/i??)', I give in marriage (used both of a woman, and also of pa- rents.) yap, conj. for. y(, an enclitic particle, at least, indeed, at any rate. y'eyova, perf. mid. of ylyvofxai. ycXaw, Co, f. yfXacrw p. ytykXaKO, verb, / laugh. yiXoiojc, adv. ridiculously, (yt- Xaw, 7 laugh.} yi\-(j}c, (j}-oc, 6, subst. laughter. (yfXciw, I laugh.} yf i/£-a, 5^, ?;, subst. a generation^ (yt'yvojuaf, / become.} ysvkoOai, 2 aor. inf. of ylyvofiat. yevi)(Topai, 1 f. ind. of yiyvo- fj.ai. ysvvdi.0, w. f. yevvr'jcroj, p. yfyei/vj;- t:a, verb, / &^o-e^ ; produce : Pass, ytvvdonai, wjJLai, p. yt- ykx>vr}}.iai, 1 aor. ty^vvjjOrjv, 1 fut. yevvr]9j](T0fj.ai, I am be- gotten, Sfc. (jki'oc, descent.} ykv-oc, coc ovs, TO, subst. a race ; offspring ; descent. (yiyvo- liai, I become.} yiGcrirep-oc, a, ov, adj. older. Comp. of yepaioQ, superl. ye- pairdrog. ysp-ac, drag dog wr, rb, Subst. a gift, a reward. ysp-oji', ovTGc, 6, subst. an old man. ytucr-ic, eog, Att. fwr, taste. (yf uw, / make to taste.} yei'o), f. yevcru), p. yfyevicci, verb, / make to taste, I give to taste : Pass, yevo/xai, p. ykyf.vfxai, 1 aor. tyevQrjv, 1 f. y(v9r](Top.a(j I am made to taste : Mid. yev- opai, f. yEVGopiai, 1 aor. tyew^ (Tauijv, p. ysysva, I make my- self to taste, I taste. 7^1 ylc, Vi subst. the earth ; con- tracted from yea, ykag. yijp-cir, drog dog wg, to, Subst. old age. yT]odrrKw, f. yrjpdffco, more gene- rally ynpdffcjxai, p. yiyijpdica, intransitive verb, I grow old; 1 aor. syjjpdffa (transitive), / bring to old age. (^yrjpag^ old 1 age"}^ ^^^ OF THE >'^ UMWERSltVi 104 LEXICON. yty-rtc, avroc, 6, subst. a giant ; usually found in plural. The K^^iants derived their name from the goddess FaXa, i. e. ■^ihe earthy whose sons they •were said to be ; hence the meaning of the word is earth- bont. yiyvonai, f. yevrjaofxai, p. yjyora, 2 aor. kyivoixyv^ verb mid. irr. : Pass, -ylyvofxai^ p. ytysvjj- /xat, 1 aor. tyivrjOrjv, 1 f. ysinj- di]<yof.iaiy I become^ take place, am. .yiyrwo-KW, f. yvoxTw, yv(htyo}.iai, p. {yvcjKa, 2 aor. iyvdjv, imperat. ^yvu)6i, opt. yvoh]i'y subj. yj'a), 03C, <^, inf. yvuivai, part, yvoi'g^ •I know, perceive, learn : Pass. yiyvcjaKOfiai, p. eyvaxyfiai, 1 ■aor. kyvuxyOifv, 1 f. yvojaOi'jrrO' jxa:, I am knoivn, Src. yivonat, another form of yiyvo- ytrw(T/cw, another form of yi- yvtoaKUJ. yXvKipu)Tep-og, a, ov,a,dj. sweeter. Comp. of yXvKiphc, superl. yXvKtpioraTog. (yXvicvr, sioeet.^ yXvKi-cur, ov, adj. sweeter. Comp. of y Xy (c I' c, s wee t. y\vK-vQ,i~M, v,ii(\^. sweet. Comp. yXvKVTspog, yXuicIwj', SUperl. yXvKVTUTog, yXvKta-oQ. yXbJac-a, »/(;, ?j, subst. a tongue. yXwrra, Attic for yXionaa. yvwOj, know (thou), 2 aor. im- per. of yiyvLocTKix). yvuifxi], yr, rj, Subst. mind, (yjw- pai. (See ytyvwo-Kw.) yOVfiir^ soc, Att. iojr, o, Subst. a parent, (yoj'ft'w, / beget; yiyvojuu, I become.^ ypciflfio, aroQ, to, Subst. a let' ter, a thing icritten ; plur. Tct ypanjictra, the letters of the alphabet. {yiypap-jxai, perf. pass, of ypdcpio, I 2V7'ite.^ ypa<p-i), ijg, r), Subst. a loritivg^ drawing, painting ; also i} ypa- <pii), a'l ypcKpai, ike Scriptures. (ypadoj, Iivrite.) ypdcpw, f. ypdil/io, p. y'lypcKpa, I write, I painty I draw : Pass. ypcKpofJiai, p. yeypctni^iai, 1 aor. iypd(p9t]v, 1 f. ypacpOiirrofiai, I am drawn, painted, written, ^"C. : Mid. ypdfpojiai, f. ypavf/Ojuat, 1 aor. kypa\pdiJLr]i>, I write for myself, I note down : in law, / indict a person. yvixvd^oj, f. yvfivumoy p. yeyvfi- vaKo, verb, / train naked ; I practise; I exercise: Pass. yvfivd^Ofxai, p. yeyv[JLva(Tfxai, 1 aor. iyvjivdaQriv, 1 f. yy/iva- c6i](ronaL : Mid. yvpva^o^aj, f. yvjAvdaonai- (jvfxvhg, naked.^ yv/xvoiJ, u), f. yvfivucru), p. yfyv- IxvcoKo, verb, J make naked or Z>a;'e. (yi'/xroc, naked.^ yvv-i), aiKhg, ij, subst. a woman, a wife, A. Aoj'/i-wr, ovoc, o, Subst. a tfej^, genius, tutelary demon. CUKVK), f. cT?/^w, dij^oj-ini, p. diCT]X"i 2 aor. tcaxov, verb, / Z>ite ; Pass. ^UKVoixai, p. S'tSi^ynai, 1 aor. ici'ix^'iv, 1 f. ^r]xOn<ToiJiai, I am bitten, I am stung. CCiKp-V, VOC, TO, and ddlCpV-OV, OVy TO, subst. a ^ccr. ^a/cpTw, f. caKpiJffo), p. cidaKpiJica, verb, i liJce/), / 5/'^<^ ^ear5. Pass. daKpvofini, p. ^a'a.-c.oy/xaj, 1 aor. icaKpv9t]v, 1 f. CaicpvOrj" (Tojuai, / «»i u-eptfor. (ouK/ov, LEXICON. 105 daKTuX'Oi-^ 01', 0, subst. a finger of the hand ; a toe of the foot ; also a dactyl in scanning. Safidoj, ui, f. dajjLatruj, p. ckcfir}Ka, 2 aor. tcccfiov, verb, / conquer, overpower, subdue : Pass, ca- fidonai, iofiatf p. CiCixripLai, 1 aor. idfxr]97]7', 1 f. cuijOrjffOfiai, 2 aor. icd}ii]v, I am conquered, AapiT-oc, or, d, subst. Darius : a king of Persia. ^i, conj . a7i£Z ,* after }ih', hut. dii, opt. cioi, subj. ci??, inf. ctTv, part, cfor, f. ctij(7it, 1 aor. i^t- j^o-f, impers. verb, it is neces- sary, {ckoj, I hind.^ Siidoj, f. cti(T(v, Ce'iffoiiai, p. ciSoi- Ka, cicoica, cuia, inf. CfCikvai, part. ciSlioc, verb, I fear. CilKVVfXl, dtlKVVUJ, f. C£(^W, p. 0£- ^£iXor, verb, / show; I point out, I indicate : Pass. cdKvv' fiai, p. cuiiynai, 1 aor. i^tl- xQi]v, 1 f. CiixOiiyoixat, I am shown, ^c. : iSIid. cuKvcfiai, f. osiz,oij.ai, 1 aor. tCiiS,dfir]v, I myself display, set forth. cciX-6g, 7j, ov, adj. timid, fearful, cowardly. Comp. ctiXonpof;, superl.cf iXuraroc. (caoc,fear.) ciip-uc, 7], ov, adj. terrible; al- so wonderful, skilful, clever. Comp. cEivoTfpog, superl. cei- vordrog. (^cio>^,fear.) 5tt?w, fut. of ciiKj'i'^i. denrviu), w, f. cenrTjjau), cinrvrj- GO}iai, p. ctCt'nzrriKa, Att. ci- ^uTTva, verb, / to/te a 77ieaZ, / dz'ne, i 5t(/;. (ca-roi', dinner.^ StXTTv-oi', ov, rh, subst. dinner, shipper; the principal meal, ■whenever taken : also a meal generally. iiiadai^ pres. inf. of cicfxai. tyivcpi-ov, ov, TO, subst. a tree. okvcp-Gv, ov, TO, subst. a tree. ^■ivcp-og, eog ovr, to, subst. a tree. ci^ijxivoi, 1 aor. part..of os^o^"'. hiX'og, d, ov, adj. right, i. e. on the right hand. ckonai, f. Ct7]Goi.iat, p. C£CS7]fjiai, verb mid. irr. I need, I ivant; I beg, I pray, I ask. ct'oi', uv-oc, neut. part, of tf7, proper, fit. diiT-or-jjc, ov, 6, subst. a master, a lord. AevKaXi'Ujy, ojvnc, 6, subst. Deu- calion : a king of Thessaly. He and his wife Pyrrha were the only persons saved from the deluge called ''Deuca- lion's deluge." Civpo, adv. hither. hvTi.p-og, II, ov, adj. second. Cs^Ojuat, f. ii^ofiai, 1 aor. iSi^a- lj.r]v, p. pass, csceyijiai, 1 aor. ickxBi]}', 1 f. cixOijffoixai, I re- ceive, accept. cioj, f. C7]r>u.>, p. Csceica, verb, / bind : Pass, cio^iai, p. cicifiaif 1 aor. sce97]v, 1 f. d(97JcFonat seldom, generally ^tdrj^ofiaiy I am bound. di), adv. nine, just now ; in truths in fact, surely; then. Ar/uoGOiv-}]!;, ii^g ovr, 6, Subst. Demosthenes : a celebrated Athenian orator. The name means strength of the people. {(:i}}.ioc,people; a^ivog, strength.) C7]xdtis, 1 aor. pass. part, of cm,, prep, with gen. through; with ace. on account of. In composition it denotes sepa- ration, or else increases the signification. Aia, ace. of Ziiigy Jove. F 5 106 LEXICON. Siataivio, f. ^latijcroixai, p. cia- €e€r]Kay 2 aor. cis€r)v, I go or pass through or over; I cross. ((Jiti, through ; jSalvojy I go.) oiaytyvcoCiKw, SiayivujaKM^ f. ciU' yvuidonai, p. CisyvojKa, 2 aor. disyvuPy verb, Z distinguish : Pass. diayiyvuxTKOfiaiy Siaytvoj- (TKOfiai^ p. Sikyi'OJCjfiai, 1 aor. ^t£- yv(i}(T9)]v, f. diayTOJCtOijcroixaL, J am distinguished. (Jia, through ; yiyvwcTKcjf 1 perceive.) SiadiSojfJif f. diaCiocro}, p. ciace- dojKa, 1 aor. dddojica, 2 aor. hedcjv, verb, J disti^ihute : Pass. ciadidoi.iai, p. haSsdoixai, 1 aor. hsSSOiiv, 1 f. SiadoOi]- (Tofiai, I am distributed, (^to, through ; SiSoji.ii, I give.) SiafikvMy f. Sia[j,iva>, p. 5ict[xeixk' vTjKa, 1 aor. cdiiuva, 2 aor. Sisfisvov, verb, I remain, con- tinue. (^Sia, through ; {xkvLo, I remain.) Simwi-a, ac, ?/, siibst. thought, understanding, mind. (tia, through ; vovq, mind.) diarrpacrcioj, diaTrpdrru), f. (^t«- Trpd^w, p. ciaTTSTrpdxa, verb, 7 accomplish, perform, effect : Pass. SiaTVpaaaofiai, ciaTrpdr- TOjiai, p. CLaTTSTTpayi-iai, 1 aor. Sie7rpdx9r]V, 1 f, SiaTrpa\B-i]- aojiaif I am accomplished ; I am undone, hilled : Mid. cia- "Kpucraoiiai, dimrpaTTOfiaiy 1 f. HiaTrpd^oixai, 1 aor. SizTrpa'ia- fiijv, p. SiarreTrpaya, I effect for myself (did, through; 7rpd<T<T0J, I do.) ^LmrpeTTuj, verb, I appear pro- minent, I am conspicuous, I stand forth ; I am eminent. (J id, through ; Trpl-w, I am conspicuous.) ciardaaoj, ciaraTTOj, f. diard^ojf p. Siarsrdxci, 2 aor. ddrdyovy verb, I arrange, set in order, draw up : Pass. Sia-affdofiat, CiaTdrrofJiai, p. iiarkTayfiai, 1 aor. Sisrdxdrjv, 1 f. CiaraxOrj- aofxai, lam set in order : Mid. Ciardcrcyonai, f. CiaTdt,ojxai, 1 aor. SiE-a^diJ.}]j>, ^ draw my- self up in order ; I post my- self in order of battle. (Sidy through ; rdffcxoj, I set in order.) SiaTs'iVLOy f. Siartvu), p. ciarsTaKay verb, / stretch out, I stretch : Pass. GLareivofiai, p. SiciTSTa- jxai, 1 aor. SurdGijj'y 1 f. Sia- Ta9riao}xai, I am stretched out. Sec, i. e. / exert myself, I labour, toil, ^"C. : Mid. Sta- reLVOj-ica, f. SiaTEvovj.icn, 1 aor. oisTeivd[X7]Vy I stretch myself out ; I exert myself, I labour ivith might and main. (Sid^ through ; teivm, I bend.) ciareXkoj, at, f. SiaTeXkaw, Att. CiaTcXCJ, p. SiciTErsXeica, verb, J hriiig quite to an end, I ac- complish : Pass. SiareXeofjiai, ovixai, p. SiaTsrkXecrjiiaiy 1 aor. SLBTtXEcrOrjv, 1 f. SiareXeaOij- (Tofjiai, I am brought quite to an end, 8fc. (Sid, through; TsXkio, I end.) Siaipspio, f. Sioi<r(i}y dioi(TO[xai, p. Sii]voxct, Att. SiEvf]voxay 1 aor. Su'iTfyica, 2 aor. Sn'jVSyKoi', verb, 1 carry across or over or dif- ferent ivays; lience I differ: Pass. SiatpEpofiat, p. Siyjvtyfiai, Att. Sii.vr]vkyixai, 1 aor. Sit]' vkxOrjVy Att. SiivrjvkxOriv, 1 f. SiavexOrjcroixai, I am carried different ways; lam dispersed, ^x. (Sid, apart; ^ipit), I carry.) LEXICON. 107 p. ciuTTicpivxa, 2 aor. hk(pvyov, verb, I flee through^ get avmy from^ escape, {cul^ through; (psvyoj, I flee?) cia66ap7j, 3 pers.sing. 2 aor. subj. pass, of Cia<p6eip(i}. dlUipQdpiO, f. CUKpQtpOJ^ p. CiE- (pOapKtt, 2 aor. dik(pQapov, verb, / destroy utterly : Pass, cia- ^daipofiai, p. dii(pdapfiaL, 1 aor. die(()9ap6r]7', 1 f. ciafpOapO})- (TOfjiai, I am destroyed utterly. (Sid augmentative ; 60eipuj, I destroy.) ciGdaKaX-og,ov,6, suhst. a teacher. (SidcKTicoj, I teach.) cicdaKO)^ f. ^lOd^w, Cica(rKr](Toj, p. cediddxc^ 1 aor. tcidaKa, verb, I teach : Pass. ciodaKciLai, p. cecicayixaiy 1 aor. ISiddxQip', 1 f. cidax9r]<yoixat, lam taught: Mid. cidd(TKOi-iaiy 1 f. cidd^oi.iat, 1 aor. koiddlE^djxijv, I have my- self taught^ I teach myself; I learn. cicojfii, f. cwffw, p. ceSojKUj 1 aor. f c wfca, 2 aor. towr, verb, I give : Pass, cidofxai, p. dkiofica, 1 aor. icoQrjVy 1 f. co9f]<TOfxatj I am given : Mid. cicoi.iai, f. cw- (TOfiai, 1 aor. idojKd[xr]v, I my- self give. Sikti]v, 2 aor. of ciata'n>u). tlKai-oQy rt, ov, adj. ^Ms^. Comp. SiKuioTepoc, superl. ct/cai6ra- rof. (Ukii, justice.) StK-j], riQy )], Justice. ciiiop^-oQ, ov, adj. having two shapes or forms., two formed, (cic, twice ; fiop^iq, shape.) Aioyiv-ijg, eog ovg, 6, silbst. Diogenes : a Cynic philo- sopher. (SXog, divine ; ykvoc, lirth.) Awvva-oc., ov, d, s'ubst. Dionysus, or Bacchus. CLOpl^liJ, f, ClOpXaidy Att. ClOpXw, p. htlipixa, verb, 7 divide, sepa- rate : Pass, ciopi^ofiai, p. ctw- picTHai, 1 aor. ciuipiaOrjv, 1 f. diopi(T9i](Toixai, I am separated, 8fc. Qid, apart; opi^cj, I bound.) Siopvaaix), SiopvTTb), f. diopv^o), p. cib)pvxa, 1 dig through : Pass. dLopv(r(JO[xca, CLopyTrofxai, p. dtojpvyixai, 1 aor. Cii)jpvx9r{v, 1 f. SLopvx9>](ynfiaL, I am dug through, (cid^through; opvaaioy Idig.)_ Aibg, genitive of Zeug. ^co-t, adv. because. ciTT-Qvg, ovv, adj. two-footed. (8ig, twice ; -rrovg, afoot.) Slg, adv. twice, (cvo, two.) ci\pd(o, w, f. ciifJtjau)^ p. SeciipTjKa, verb, i iAz>5^. (cti//a, thirst.) ci(jjKoj, f. ^iw|w, p. ceciwxcty verb, / pursue : Pass, ctwfcojttat, p. SeSiMyi.iai, 1 aor. kciMxQriv, 1 f. Siojx9r](yo[xai, I am pursued: Mid. diu)KO[xai, f. cuo^ofxai., 1 aor. tSuo^dfir]!', I myself pur- sue; I hunt, I chase. cok'su), w, f. co^w, co(cr/(rw, p. ^£^6- Krj/ca, verb, / ^^in^ ; / 5eew, appear : Pass. coKsoixai, ovpLai, p. dsooyfiai, 1 aor. iSoic7]9i]v, 1 f. coKi]9))(Top.at, I am thought, 1 am accounted, See. doicifj.dZ(t>, f. SoKLj.id<yo}, p. SecoKL- jL{a/c«, verb, 7 ^r^, prove, assay, metals ; hence 7 ^rt/, 7 prove, generally : Pass. SoKij-idt^oi^ai, p. dedoKipaapai, 1 aor, sSoKifid- (r9r]v, 1 f. coimia(T9r](TOfiai, 1 am proved, I am approved of (SuKXfiog, tried, approved.) doXix-og, 1], 01', adj. long Comp. 108 LEXICON. • So\i)(^(i)Tepoc, superl. ooXi^wra- Tog, Son'oc, ov, o, subst. a house, (t^e- fib), I build.) Sot-a, j]Cy J/, subst. expectation ; Jame, glory, (ookew, J think.) dop'V, druc, ru, subst. a spear. dovKevu}^ f. SovXfvfToj^ p. Ct(''Ov\iV' Ka, I am a slave to ; 1 obey. {povkoQy a slave.) ^ovK-oQ^ 01', o, subst. a slave. (o£w, / bind.) SpoLK-iov^ oi'Toc^ d, subst. a dra- gon. (Icpdicov., 2 aor. of ckp- Kit), I see.) cpdio, w, f. ipd<ru}, p. c'cSpaKa^ verb, / do. ^pvc, cpvog^ 7/, aji oak. Svvdfiai^ f. cvv}](TOfia(^ p. paSS. ct- dvvij[.iaiy 1 aor. ISwrjOrji', tSvvd- a9i]v, rjSvvdoOrji', I am able. Sivafi'ig, IOC, Att. fwc, j), subst. power. (Svvufiat, I am abte.) Swdr-bg, 7/, 6v, adj. able, pos- sible, poiverful. Comp. cvva- rdjTtpog, superl. cvvaTUjrdTog. (cvvdfxai, I am able.) SvOf or cvio, adj. two. SbJSeKa, adj. indecl. twelve. (SJw, two; oiKu, ten.) duifi-a, ciToc, TO, subst. a house. (Sehu), I build.) S<jjp(-d, ag, r'l, subst. a gift, a present. (otZpov, a gift.) SiZpov, ov, TO, subst. a gift, (^t- dumt, I give.) E. idv, conj. if : joined to subj. mood. tap, kdpog, TO, subst. spring. iavT'ov, rjg, ov, conip. pron. of himself, herself, itself, idu), u>, f. Wktu), p. iiuKa, I let, <■ suffer, alloiv, I leave alone : Pass, idojiai, ojjxai, I am let alone; also, / am hindered: jVlid. kdojiiai, wfxai, f. idcroj^iai, I myself leave alone ; I give up to another. iSsu-oc, ov, 6, subst. the cboni/- tree; ebony. lyyi'g, adv. near, followed some- times by a genitive. Comp. kyyvTipio, Stiperl. iyyv-dru), and kyyvrdrd. tyfi'ow, f. kyepuj, p. yyepKa, Att. iyi'iyspKa, verb, / arouse, aicaken, stir up; I raise from the dead : Pass, kyeipofint, p. I'lyfpixai, Att. iyi]yipjJLai, 1 aor. 7)y(p9tjv, Att. iyi]ykp9i]v, 1 f. lyipOi](Toiia<, I am aroused; I vmke : Mid. tyeipofiai, f. tys- povp-ai^ p. typijyopciy I rouse myself. tyKaraTiOi-jjii, f. lyKaTaQ)](7io, p. lyxara-kBtiKa, verb, / lay up in, I deposit in : Pass. iyKara- TiOdfiai, p. lyKaTCiTiQciixai, 1 aor. tyicarfT^O)]v, 1 f. tyKaTciTc- 6i)aofiai, I am laid in, I am deposited in : Mid. lyKaTari- 9ij.iai, f. tyKaTaOijaofJiai, 2 aor. tyKaTiBifiiiv, I myself lay up in. {tv,in; Kara, dow7l ; ti- 9)11X1, I put.) gyXJw, f. tyxivau), p. lyKaxvuct, 1 aor. kvsy^niaa, tv'ixtvn, Evfysa, verb, / pour in : JMid. tyx^o- fiai, f. iyxfvaofxai, 1 aor. kvi- X^vdnijv, lvtx^dixi]v, I myself pour in. Qv, in; x^w, I pour.) tyX"'iC, i^og ovcy to, subst, a sword. tyuj, tnov, pers. pron. /. lyujyf, I at least ; I for my part. (Formed from lyco, pers. pron, and the enclitic yt.) lOtXoj. See .wlXw. LEXICON. 109 i9i"ot:, Ecg oi'c, TO, subst. a nation. fl, conj. ?/. tiyf, conj. if ot least. («'', if; yf, at least.) dc-o£f tog ovg, rOf subst. an ap' pearance. (hcuj.') t'lCio, verb (pres. not in use), fut. ilirofiai^ seldom ciT/jto;, I know, 2 aor. sic'ov, Isaiv ; iniper. 'let, opt. 'icoiixi, Subj.'lCa;, yg, ?;, inf. 'ideh', part, 'iowi', perf. mid. olCa (used as present), / Jivoio ; 2 y^ers. otcac, olcatrOa, olaOa, 1 plur. (Qtct- for olca- fiiv, opt. sicehp-, subj. fFcw, inf. sicsvai, part, fi'cwc, plu- perf. 7?cfn/, / ^2 J A/jozo, or / Awew (used as imperfect) ; 2 aor. mid. ticofirjr. tiKa^io, f. iiKC((Tio, p. f7^•a»:cf, verb, i liken, make like, represent by a figure : Pass. (iKd^oixai, p. tiKaffficu, Att. yKatTfxai, 1 aor. iiKarrGiiv, 1 f. (UacrOjjcrofiai, I am likened, I am like, I resem- ble, (fk-oj, / am like.) ii\iicp"iv-))c, kg, adj. examined by the suns light; hence clear, manifest. Comp. dXiKpivkartpog, superl. tiXiKoivka-cLTog. (Ji\i], the suns light ; Kplvojy I judge.) (ifii, f. t(Toi.uu, verb subst. / am. i'lTTi, 3 pei's. sing. ind. of tlTrov. i'l-ri, imperat. of httov. iLTilv, inf. of t'lTTOV. il-n-ov, verl), / said, 2 aor. with- out a present, f. ipuj, p. t'ipijKa. eifr-r:, 3 pers. sing. 2 aor. subj. of (i—ov. dpi'iv-i], i]c, 7], subst, peace, (ti- poj, I bind.) dpuj, f. tow, p. tlptjKa, I say. £ig, Att. ic, prep. gov. ace. only, to, into. In composition it has the same meanin"rs. uc, fxla, h', num. adj. one. ilaQaivoj, f. tiakijiyoixat, p. tiVff- C;/Ka, 2 aor. HGkti]v, verb, / go into, I enter, (^lic, into ; jSaivio, I go.) (i(7CV(jj, iiaciivoj, f. elfTCvao), p. £iV- ckdvKa, 2 aor. ilakcvv, verb, / enter into ; I go under, (jig, into; cvu), I go under.) e'lffoj, adv. loithin. (tig, into,) lira, adv. then. fixo^", imperf. of f^w. tK, prep. gov. gen. only, from, out of, by. (iK before a con- sonant ; i'^ before a vowel.) 'iica<Tr-og, rj, ov, pron. adj. each: eKciTtp-og, a, ov, adj. each of two ; each singly ; either, both. ticarov, num. adj. indecl. a huii' dred, ii:aro(T--oc, ?/, ov, adj. hundredth. (ffcarov, a hundred.) tK^alvcj, f. iK^Tjcro^toi, p, iK€s€t]- Ka, 2 aor. 8|i^//j', / go out. (h-, out; Saivio, I go.) iK^aXku), f. iK^aXo), iK^aWTJffW, p. tK^i€\7]!ca, 2 aor. Ui€d\ov, verb, / throw out, I cast out : Pass. tK^c'lWouai, p. iK^thX?]" jxai, 1 aor. i^f^XijOiiy, 1 f. U-' €Xj]6i)(T0fiai, I am thrown out, ^'•c: Mid. U^ciXXonai, f. hc- €aXovixat, p. ivf'ifoXa, 2 aor. t^e€aX6^i]v, I myself throiv out, ^X. (iK, out of; j3dX\w, / throiv.) itcyov-og, ov, adj. sprung from ; bo}ii of: Tci tKyova, the young, the offspring, (ck, from; yi- yvojjiai, I am.) ■cKtiv'og, ?;, o, pron. dem. that person or thing ; he, she, it. iKKOTTTOJ, f. iKKOOM, p. tKKSK06a, verb, / cut off: Pass. Ikkottto- fxatj p. i/c/vE^ojtmuJ, 1 aor, f^£- 110 LEXICON. KocpOrjv, 1 f. £KKO(p9>j(7oi.tnt, 2 aor. t^sicoTTTjv, I am cut off. (Ik, from ; KOTrtk), I cut.^ E/cXIyw, f. f/cXs^w, p. licXeXexcf'i verb, I pick or choose out : Pass. tKrXtyo^at, p. licX^Xeyfjiai, 1 aor. s^eXsxOy^v, 1 f. ucXsxOv' GoiJtai, I am picked out : Mid. sicXsyoiuLai, f. tKXi^oiJ.ai, 1 aor. k^eXe^ajx-qv, p. f/cXeXoytr, I pick out for myself. Qk, out of ; Xsyw, / cJioose.^ l/CTTivw, f. iKTriovj-icii and ixiriopLai, p. eKTrtiTMica, 2 aor. e^s—'iov, verb, 7 J?'m/e owi o/"; 7 quaff. Qk, out of; TTLVio^ I drink.) £/c7ri7rrw, f. eKTrecroviJLat, p. tKir'sTr- TujKa^ 2 aor. f ^sTrfcoj', verb, 7 y«ZZ o?<^ from, (ejc, om^ q/"; TTiVroj, I fall.) cK7r(t)fx.-a, uTOQ, ro\ subst. a drink- ing-cup. (e'/c, ou^ q/; TrtVoj, 7 6?n"72^.) 'EfCT-wp, opor, 0, subst. Hector : son of Priam, king of Troy, and principal defender of his native city against the com- bined Greek forces. fVxeW, f. £KX£l;(TW, p. iKKkxvKci^ 1 aor. it.k-)(tvGa^ k^k^f-va., e^k- X^ct, verb, 7 ^owr o?<^ from : Pass. iKX^OfXai,, p. kKKSXVfJidl, 1 aor. t^j^^^'J'S 1 f* ^KxvOhao- fiai, I am poured out, I stream forth, (k; out of; x£w, 7 pour.) tXai-fl, «g, V, subst. an olive- tree, an olive. iXcKp-oc, ov, o, j), subst. a stag ; a deer; a hind. iXd^toT-oc, V') OT^ adj. smallest; superl. of fiiKpoQ. 'EXev-t;, r]c, 7/, subst. Helen: wife of Menelaus, king of Sparta. Her abduction by Paris led to the siege of Troy. eXevQepX-a, ac, >/, subst. yrce^fom. QXevOipoc, free.) lXev9ep-ogy a, ov, adj. free. Comp. iXevOepwTspor, superl. iX6vQtp(x)TdTog. kXs(p-ac, avToc, 6, subst. an ele- phant. tXiyfi-og, ov, 6, subst. a winding. (gXi'tro-w, I roll.) 'EXX-af, adoc, >/, subst. Greece. "EXX-rjv, r}vug, o, subst. a Greek. 'EXXr}vXK-dg, i), ov, adj. Grecian. ("EXXjji', a G7'eek.) 'EXX7](T7rovT-og, ov, v, subst. tho Hellespont; i. e. the sea of Helle : so caUed from Helle having been drowned in it. Now the Dardanelles. IXTT-lg, idog, ?), subst. hope. e/xaOovy 2 aor. ind. of jxavOavM. Ef.cavT -ovy ijg, ov, comp. pron. of myself tfi^aXXo), f, t^tciXCJ, fc/.(6aXX77(Tw, p. liJ,€k€X')]Ka, 2 aor. lvi€a.Xovy verb, I throw in; also. Tenter: Pass. tfitaXXoi-iai, p. i:i.i€i€Xr]- fiai, 1 aor. ivi^Xi]Qi]v, 1 f. fju- €Xr]9r}croiJiat, I am throivn in : Mid. £/iSdXXojuat, f. 8fx€aXov- jxai, p. knt'i.t,oXa, 2 aor. ivt^a- Xo\)A]v, I myself throw in. (tv, in; (SaXXajy I throw.) tfi^ami-a, arog, to, sauce. («', in; fSoLTTToi), I dip.) EfxtXhiru), f. efitXkxpuj, p. ifx'QttXKpa, verb, 7 Zoo^ f/i, on, or a^: Pass. ijxtXiTToixai, p. iix€e€Xi/.i- fiai, 1 aor. avetXicpOip', 1 f. f/[i- €Xe(p9i)(7oixai. Qi', in ; /SXettw, 7 5ee.) EjUf, acc. of tyw. kjx-bc, r/, oj/, poss. pron. mine. Qyoj, I.) LEXICON. Ill t/iTfc-oc, ovy adj. Jirm, Qv, in ; TTuovj the ground.) ilx—i~Xr}[xt^ f. siMTrXymo, p. efXTrk- 7rXi]Ka, 1 aor. ivtTT\i](ya^ verb, J fll quite fulh I fill up : Pass. tUTriTrXafj-ai, p. i/inrs~XT](rixai, 1 aor. kvi7rXi]<y9r]v, 1 f. ifi- -TrXTjcrQrjffoixai, I am filled with : Mid. kfi~i7rXa[xat, f. iji—irrXr]- aofiai, 1 aor. tvETrXii^afiriv, I fill myself ivith. (iv,in'^ ttih- TrXijut, I fill.) SflTriTT-OJ, f. tUTTtffOVjXat, p. i^tTrtTT- rwfcft, 2 aor. ivtTreaoVy verb, J fall in. Qv^ in; Tri-rvTOi, I fall) l[i(pv(ij, f. tixtpixroj, verb, / im- plant, p. kfi~s(pvica (as present), / ^row 2*72, / spring up in, 2 aor. lvt<pvv : Pass, i/ucpvonai, I am implanted, I grow in. Qv, in; (pvoj, I put forth.) iv, prep. gov. dat. only, in, icith, among. In composition, iii. ev, neuter of elc, one. %va, ace. mas. of tic, one. tvdov, adv. within. evSo^-og, ov, a.d^. glorious. Comp. kv^O^OTSpOC, sup. l:.VCOt,OTaTOC. (Ir, in ; do^a, glory.) IvSvu), f. EV^VCTw, p. kvSacvicay 1 aor. Ivkcvaa, I put on, 2 aor. Ivsdvv, in mid. force : Mid. ivdvoncu, f. ivdvGonai, 1 aor. ivttvadnr]v, I put on myself I wear, (ev, in ; tvoj, I go under.) tviiiii, f. Iv'sffofxaij comp. verb sub. / am in. Qr, in; il[jLl, I am.) 'ivsKa, or '^vsKsv, adv. gov. gen. for the sake of eveirecrov, 2 aor. of £/t:rt:r-(i>. ivQdh, adv. here. IvOovcriacj, u», f. ivOovmaau), p. IvTeOovaiaKa, I am inspired. (iv, in ; Qioc, God.) evX-oi, ai, o, adj. some, ivvkuy num. adj . indec. nine. ivoiKfo), u), f. ivoiKijait), p. kVCf}Kt]icaj I inhabit. Qv, in ; oiKkuj, I dwell.) evhc, gen. of eic, one. iv-avda, adv. here. ivTlOllfll, f. IvOijCrw, p. tVTtOdKO, 1 aor. tps9)]ica, I put in: Pass. hriBe^ai, p. evrkOeiiiai, 1 aor. kvirkQriVy 1 f. iv-eOrjaofiai, I am put in : Mid. iv-iQe^iai, f. lvQi](Toiiai, 1 aor. hsQjjKd' [irjv, I myself put in. (kv, in ; TiQijui, I put.) IvinrvX-ov, ov, to, subst. a dream, a vision. {iv,in; v-voc, sleep.) It, prep. gov. gen. only, out of, from. In composition, yVow, out of. See Ik. e^afiaprdvit}, f. t^ajj.apT7j(7(t), p. l^Tjuciprrjhca, 2 aor. l^tmapTOv, I mistake greatly ; I sin greatly: Pass. k^ai.iapTdvo}xai, p. i^t]- {xapTTjixai, 1 aor. i^r]fiap-i]9i]v, 1 f. k^aiJ.ap-r]9)](T0i.iai, J am mismanaged. QK,from; d{xap- rdvuj, I err.) t^Eifxi, f. i^eiaoi-iai, p. i^na, I go , out from. Qic, from ; ff/ui, I ViiTiiarajiai, f. ittTria-riffo^iai, 1 know thoroughly. (Ik, from; i—lardiiai, I know.) t^ox", adv. gov. gen. pre-emi- nently above far above. Strictly this -word is the adverbial neut. ace. pi. of t^ox-og, ov, distinguished, ^^c. Qk, out of; f X^, / have.) l-Ka9X-ov, ov, TO, subst. a prize. (iTTf, iipon ; aBXov, a prize.) iTraivkoj, dj, f. i—aivkau}, i-aivk- 112 LEXICOX. aoixai, p. k-yffKa, 1 aor. iir-p- vQooy verb, I praise. (tTraivoc, praise.) iTTciiv-oi; ov, d, subst. praise. *E7ra/iivwvc-«c, of, 6, subst. Epa- minondas : a Theban general. tTTE/, adv. when ; conj. since. *7r£tra, adv. ?^e7Z. tTTfXSwj-', 2 aor. part, of fTrlp- iTr'tpXOjxat^ f. tTCtk^vaoiiai., p. tTT?/- Xti0«, Att. kiTi\i]\vda^ Ion. t7ni\i]\ovOn^ verb, / come o?i or wj9o?z ; I attack. (tTrl, z(pow ,• ipxoixai, I come.} iirty prep, "with gen. ?fjoo7z ; with dat. on atcount of^ in quest cf^ fo?\ at, beside : -with ace. towards, against. In eompo- eition, against, in addition, upon. 47rigar-?;c» ov, d, subst. a passen- ger, (i-/, upon; i3aivio, I go.) iTriysypaTirrai, 3 pers. sing, of perf. pass, of imypcu-po). iTTLypacp-ii, ijc, »/, subst. an in- scription. (iTnypcviiOj^ I write upon.) i7nypa(poj, f. tTtypa^/a;, p. tTTiyk- ypa(pa, verb, / ivrite upon; I inscribe : Pass. l7iiypa(i)on.ai, p. kTrr/typai-iuai, 1 aor. tin- yoa(pOi]v, 1 f. kTriypacjjO-qffOnatf I am written upon : Mid. Itti- ypd<popai, f. linypdipoijiai, 1 aor. iirsypaitaiiriv, I wyself write ■upoji, Sfc. (Iw'i, upon ; ypa^w, / write.) iTTldilKVVfll, f. iTTlCfi^UJ, p. iTTtCf- c?£tx«, verb, / exiiibit, show forth, display : Pass. tTriSfiKvt- fiat, p. i.TriSsc(iyiJ.ai, 1 aor. tTTf- diixO)]i; 1 f. kirLCiix^iirfonai, T am exhibited, ^"c: Mid. tTrt- ceiKvv^iai, f. i~LCti'isfiai, 1 aor, iTTiCH'idnrjv, I exhibit myself^ Sfc. (sTTi, zi^pon ; ohxvv\u, I show) l7ziL,i]-k{i), w, f. fcTTiV/T/'/crw, p, £Tr£- Zi)T7]Ka, verb, i seeA after; I inquire for : Pass. £7rt^j;- rlo/ita, ovi-iat, p. feTTi^/jr/jjuai, 1 aor. i7re'^j]r})(h]}; 1 f. em^T]- rriGijcotia!, I am sought after^ SfC. Qir't, upon; l,i]t'h!}, di, / «ee^.) iTnOvfxsujy a', f. i:m9i<p{]r70J, p. £7rt- TidvjX7]Ka, verb, /se^ wj/ wmcZ z</?07i, / Zc>?ig" yb;*, / desire^ I covet. (cTi, upon; SrvixoQy mind.) kTTiKoXioj, to, f. t7n/caXI(7(ti, p. £7ri- KiKXTjKci, verb, / caZZ z^pow, caZZ ^0, invoke : Pass. tTrtKa- Xkojxai^ ovfiai, p. £7riK:£/cX?;/.tat, 1 aor. tTTSIcXijOTjV, 1 f. tTTlKXr]- Oriaoixai, I am called by a sur^ name, nickname, Sfc. : Mid. iTTlKoXkojlUL, ovjxai, f. ETTt/caXs- aojiai, I call on, in, or upon; I call before or summon, (srj, wpo7i ; KoXio), I call.) tTTiXavOdi'tv, f. tTTtX/ytrw, p. £7r»- XsX;]Ka, 2 aor. k~sXdi^ov, I make to forget : Pass. k-mXav- Odvofiat, p. iTTiXeXz/cTjuaf, 1 aor. k7rfX'f](jdi]v, 1 f. l7riX7]T9ti(T0ixaiy lam made to forget, Ifoj'get: Mid. iwiXavBdvoi-iai, f. kiziXi]- GOfiai, p. k—!XiXij9ay 2 aor. ettj- XaOojxijv, I forget. (t~i,upon; XavddvM, I escape notice.) iTTiXiyojy f. kTTiXk^io, p. kTTiXkXsxaf verb, /say besides or more- over; also, I select : Mid. stt*- Xsyofiai, f. k-7TiXk^oi.iat, 1 aor. i-mXi^dp.riv, p. t:riX£Xoy«, 2 choose out; 1 read through. (tTTj, besides ; Xsyoj, I say, SfC.^ LEXICON. 113 iTrtf.ii\EL-a, ac, r, subst. Care, at- tcntion, diligence. (iTTifuXjjg, cai^eful.) -kfl^KTKia^w, f, t7rini::a(jOJf p. l~t- cTKiaKa, I cast a shade upon or over ; I ovcrshadoiv, I shade : Pass. i-:riGKid'io[j.ai, p. i~(.aKiaa- fiai, 1 aoi". fTrfcrvta<T0?;r, 1 f. tTTicrxuiaOrjcroiJ.ai, I am shaded, Sf'c. (sTT/, upon ; gkiu, shade. ^ imtT-oX-)}, i}^, y, subst. a letter. (iTTj, to ; (TTiXXoj, I send J) 4iriarpi(po}, f. Imorpixlyw, p. irri- GTpG(pa, verb, I turn about oi towards, I turn : Pass, iiri- Grpi(pojxdt, p. i-knrpapiim, 1 aor, i-i.Grpk(p9v,r, 1 f. iiriaTpi- ip9)]crofiaiy 2 aor. iiriff-patriv, I am turned ahout, S^c. : !Mid. iTri'jTpedojj.ai, f. t~i(j-pL\pofiat, 1 aor. t-eaTpexbajjLTjv, I turn myself round or about. (i~i, upon ; crp'ic'jw, I tum.^ €7rtTf<Va», f. feTTtrfrw, p. tTTiTSTaKa, verb, I stretch upon, over, or OW^ : Pass. i—Lnivopcu, p. £— £- Tsrafiai, 1 aor. i—ira.9r]Vy 1 f, fTriTaOrj'Top.ui, I am stretched out, SjX. : also hence, / Za^^/, endure, continue. itnTtXiu), (Zy f. J~ir£\£crti», p. cVi- rirlXfxra, verb, 1 complete, ac- complish, Jinish, bring to pass: Pass. iTnrtXiopcn, oi'fiai, p. stti- reTsXeGjiaL, 1 aor. iTrtrtXicrBrji', 1 f. t-i7eXi70))~i<ij.ai, I am fi- nished, ^-c. : Mid. i—i-fXfOjLiat, oi'p.at, £ iTTLTiXiaoiiat, 1 aor. kiTiTiXiadpr]v, 1 myself accom- plish, (i-i, upon; TiXkw, I end.) 67riTT]cei-oc, or, adj. ^^, conve- nient, suitable, necessary : rd i-riTTiccia, the necessaries of lif°, i. e. provisions, food. Comp. t-Lri]Ciii':-tpoQ, superl. i:7riri]cn.oTdroc. (^t~iTi}Ckg, as much as serves the purpose.) iiriTlfldojf Cj, f. i.~LTip.i]rHx), p. tTTl- TiTi^ijKa, \evh,Iset a value on; also, / blame, find fuidt withy reprove : Pass tTriTindofiaL, wfjai, p. iTTirtripTjpaiy 1 aor. i7riTiiit]6r]v, 1 f. i—iTifH]6rj(To- fiai, I am blamed, S^^c. (s-', upon ; ri^du), I value.) 1-ir'ip.i-ov, ov, TO, subst. the esti- mate set upon a thing ; assess- ment of damages : hence, a penalty, punishment, (t-l, upon; Ti/iduj, I value.) l—l~pk~U), f. kTiirptxbu}, p. kTTlTi- rpotpa, 2 aor. iTck-pdnov, verb, I turn over or towards : hence I permit: Pass, i-irpk-ofxai^ p. tTTirirpapfiCH, 1 aor. t7r«- TO£(p9T]v, 1 f. i—irptr>6ij(Toi.iai^ lam entrmted with, §fc. : ^lid. cTrLTpiTrofxai, f. kTriTpixl/o^iat, 1 aor. k~t-pii;dpriv, 2 aor. sTrt- rpaTrofjLTjv, I turn, lean, incline towards, (t-i, upon; rpi-zoj, I turn.) tTT-oc, eog ovg, ri\ a word; a verse; a poem, (dirov, I said.) kpuoj, u), miper. I'jpaov, lov, verb, / love : found only in present and imperfect. ipy-ov, cv, rh, subst. a work : toyip, in deed, in reality. (Jpcw^ I do.) Ip'i'Cio, f. kpXrio, Dor. Ipiiu), p, rlpXica ; Mid. l')i^op.ai, f. kpi- aofxai, verb, I strive, quarrel, contend with. Qpig^ conten- tion.) 'Epi-i-iig, ov, V, subst. Hermes: the Mercury of the lioman mythology. ipv9p-bg, a, wr, adj. red. 114 LEXICON. tpXOfiat, f. tXfvcroixai, p. ijXvOa, Att. a\)]Xv9a, Ion. siXeXovSa, 2 aor. yXvOov, Att. rjXOov, verb mid. irr. J co7ne, or ^o. ep-(x)C, loroc, 6, subst. ZoWe. (tpa- /iai, I love.) ipttiTcni), w, f. ipuirrjcritJy p. i^ptoTi]- Ka, verb, / as^ ; Pass. kptoTao- fiai^ ojnai, p. rjpMTijixai, 1 aor. »;pwr?j9?;v, 1 f. ipoJTtjQijcroiJiaiy I am asked. ec. See ii'c« £<rj/, 2 pers. sing, of effoixai, fut. of f('/x(. eadXio^ imperf. i'jijOXov, f. Icoiiai. ecovixai, rarelj ISicro), p. idrjSo- ra, 2 aor. ^(pdyov, inf. AayeTr, part, (payuiv^ I eat: Pass, fcr- 9io[xai, 'p,iofi8e(Tpat, 1 am eaten up; hence destroyed, ivasted, eaOX-hc, ?}, or, adj. g"OoJ, excel- lent, virtuous. Comp. Xmoji/, Xcaujv, Superl. Xmkttoq, X(^(Ttoq. itjopduj, w, f. iaoipofjiai, p. ineojpd- Ka, 2 aor. iarelcov, I see into, I behold, (ir, into ; opdu), I see.) 'EtTTepTc-fc, w7', at, subst. the Hesperides, i. e. daughters of Hesperus. kcyridix), a>, f. tnTuccroj, p. stoTidK-a, verb, / receive at my hearth, or into my house ; I entertain, I feast : Pass, ka-idoiiai, ojpai, p. siaTidpai, 1 aor, i'i(rTid9j}v, 1 f. laTiaQiiaojxai, I am enter- tained, Sfc. {larla, a hearth.) 'inp-oc, a, ov, adj. the other ; one of tivo : oi erepoi, the rest. tTi, adv. yet. eroifidZco, f. tTOiiid(no, p. ii)TOip.d' Ka, verb, / prepare: Pass. iToipd^oixat, p. i]Toiixa(7fiai, 1 •aor. ijToifidcrOtjv, 1 f. hoinacrOij- Goi-iai, I am prepared with : Mid. troipdZouai, 1 f. kroijxd- (To/xaif 1 aor. 7]T0if'.a(ydixr]v, I prepare something/or myself-, I make arrangement for. (k-oi- [xog, ready.) iroin-oc, ov, adj. ready; also Iroijx-OQ, 1], ov. Comp. trotfiort- pog, SU-'pevl. trot pordroc. tr-og, eog ovc, to, subst. a year. £v, adv. well. Evy^v-rjg, a-, adj. well-born, ivell- descended, noble. Comp. tv- yevkcTTepog, superl. ivymka-d- Tog. (fi/, loell; ysvog, a race.) sydaifiovEOJ, w, f. evSaipovriffw, verb, I have a favourable genius ; I am prosperous, for- tunate, happy, (er, well ; vai- p-Loj', a tutelary genius.) evdcj, imp. tjvdov, f. evcijcrco, verb, 1 sleep. evepyerkoj, tu, f. £vepyeT')j(rio, p tvrjpy'iTipca, I do well, or goodj I show a kindness to ; I bene- fit : Pass. ev£pyarso[.iai, ovfiai, p. evr]pykrr]pai, 1 aor. tvrjpye- r7]9r;v, 1 f. evspyerrjOijcronai, I am benefited. {ah, well; tpyov, a work.) evOvg, adv. straightway, imme- diately. tvQvTip-oc, a, ov, adj. straighter. Comp of tv9-vg, tia, v, straight, superl. ev9vrdToc, ivKXt-ijc, eg, adj. glorious, fa- mous. Comp. evicXekarspoc, su- perl. fvicXikCT-aTog. (ti<, ivell ; KXkog, glo7'y.) fvXa€iofiai, ovpai, f. evXahtjffofiai, 1 aor. r]vXa^7]9riv, verb mid. irr. / am cautious; I shun^ I avoid, (ev, ivell ; Xa^eiv, 2 aor. inf. of XaptdvM, I take.) ivpiT-y)g, ov, (), subst. an inventor^ LEXICON. 115 a discoverer^ a finder, (evpov, 2 aor. of evpicjKuj, I find.) Euoi— i't'-?/t'j oi>, o, subst. Eu- ripides: a Greek poet. tvpluKoj, f. tvprjcrix), p. i'vpi]Ka^ 2 aor. t{>pov, verb irr. I find: Pass. 6vpi(TKo/xai, p. ivpi]pat^ 1 aor. ivpWiju and ■)]vpi6r,v, 1 f. evpe97'i(TOfj.ai, lam found : Mid. svpirjKOnai^ f. tvpiJGopai^ 1 aor. evpyjaaprji', 2 aor. tvp6p}]P, I find for myself; I procure, ei'pov, 2 aor. of ivpiatcw. Et'p-or, 01', c), subst. Eurus: the god presiding over the East wind ; hence ^Ae £'05^ zfiW. EvpvclK-i}f i]c, };', subst. Eury- dice : the wife of Orpheus. evp-vc, £i«, I', adj. ti/'z'^e, broad, spacious. Comp. evpi-epog, tiipTuii', superl. evpvraroc, £v- pLdTOg. Evpva9-evc, toe, Att. £wc, d, subst. Eurystheus : a king of My- cenae, who imposed upon Her- cules his twelve labours. Er'jow--?;, ?yc, ?;', subst. Europe : so named from Europa, whom Jupiter carried off when he had assumed the form of a bull ; also Europa. evcTiteai, cJ, f. e.vat^T](jU}, p. Tjvcrk- ti]Ka, verb, / live piously : also, I reverence, I worship. (^ev(Te€ijg, pious.) evaei-rjQ, ec, adj. pious. Comp, ivffatkcrspog, superl. evgi€s(7- raToc. (fr, well; aiioj, I worship.) evaitsL-a, ac, ?;', subst. piety. (^evae€))g, pious.) tvaxTipoi'wg, adv. gracefully, with dignity. (evTxtjpoji, graceful : eVfWell; axijpa,aform.) svTVX^(^i w, f. £yTi'xr;Va;, p. jjvtv' XJyKrt, verb, I am prosperous^ fortunate, lucky. (ivrv)^iic,for- tujmte; ev,well; ri'xVi fortune.) evxopat^ f. (vt,opai, p. evypai, pluperf. rji'Yptjv, 1 aor. ')]v^a- fXTjv, verb mid. irr. / pray, I wish. evu)vvp'og,ov, adj. of good name: and hence, in order to avoid the use of an ill-omened word, left, i. e. on the left hand, (fv, well; ovopa, a name.) k<p' for Ittl before an aspirate. l(popd(jj, u)y f. iTTo-ipopat, p. l(pe(i)- pdKci, verb, 1 look over, I in- spect. QttI, upon ; updu), I see.) tx^p-a, ag, 1), subst. enmity, hatred, (jx^pog-, hostile.) ax6p-og, a, ov, adj. hostile. Comp. i-X^'-^v, superl. i-x^i-arog. (Jx^og, hatred.) exOp-bg, ov, 6, subst. an enemy. (txOoc, hatred.) Ixpi]<jap7]v, 1 aor. mid. of xP"-o- pat. Ixw, imp. nxoT, f. f?w, (rxf](r(jj, p. tcrx^/va, 2 aor. eo'xo^', im- perat. <Txki opt. axoinv, subj. (Txtu, inf. tTx*'^» p3.rt. ox'jjv^ I have : Pass, ixopai, imp. £Lx6pT]v, p. t(rxJ7juaf, 1 aor. k<jxa9t]v, 1 f. (jx^^iiGopai, I am had or possessed ; I belong to : Mid. axopai, imp. ilx6/j.T]v, f. it,opai, (yxv<yopai, 2 aor. l(Tx6- prjv, inf. Gx^oQcti, part, cxo- jjLivog. I myself have. to}g, adv. until, as far as. Z. Zdu), <Z, imperf. t^rjv, imperat. 'Cu, i^rjOi, opt. i^airjv, ^cpr]V, subj. ^w, inf. Hyv, part, ^uiv, f. u?}(Tw, Z,i]Gopai, 1 aor. l^iqaa, verb, / Zzre. 116 LEXICON. Zevyvvfj.1, ^svyvvoj, f. Tfutw, 1 aor. t^fu^a, verb, I join or unite together ; I yoke : Pass. Itv- yvvfiai, "p.i^evyiJ.ai, 1 aor. k'Cev- X^^^'i 1 ^' Z^vx^'i'^'^l^'-'^^h 2 aor. k^uyi]v, I am yoked, ^c. : Mid. ^fuyi'u/xaf, f. ^fi'i^o/uai, 1 aor. iZ,tvUi^t]v, I yoke for myself. Zev^-ic, soc, Att. fwr, o, subst. Zeuxis : a celebrated painter of Cos. Zf^WjO-oc, ov, 0, subst. Zephyrus : god of the west wind : hence, the west ivind; a zephyr, a breeze. Zevc, Zi]vog and Aloc, 6, subst. Jove : the king of the fabled inhabitants of heaven, c^i^, pres. inf. of 4«w. ^tjTBUj, a), f. ^jjr/jcrw, p. iZ,iiT~.]Ka, 1 aor. if/y-)/(7a, verb, I seek : Pass. ^r}-kofxai, ovfiai, p. t^?/- TTjixai, 1 aor. t^i}Tii6i]v, 1 f. Zr]TTi6ii<roixai, J am sought: Mid. ^//-fojuaf, ovjxat, f. 4>;7-j/- COficu, 1 aor. t^j/rTjcrajUj/j', / myself seek, I seek for my- . self. ^vB'Oc, eog cvg, to, subst. Jeer made by the Egyptians : c^- ihus. L,coypa(pX-'a, ag, t), subst. the art of a Z,ojypa<poQ', painting. (?w- ypa<poc, a painter.^ Zwypa(p"Oc, cv, 6, subst. a painter. (^wor', a living creatu7'e ; ypd- <p(i), I paint. ^ c,(ii-v, rjc, ■)), subst. life. ('Cdu>.') (^iov-t]y t]c, t), subst. a girdle. (Imvvvi^u, I gird.) }l,(jjvvvf.n, Z,MVVvw, f. c^Mrroi, p. f^w- K-a, 1 aor. tlojaa, \ei% I gird : Pass. Zsovvvi-iai, p. t^ujfTiiai, 1 aor. iZ,Loa9iiv, '\ f. ^loaB^cronai, I am girded: Mid. Zon'vvjiai, f. c,ujro}ioi, I aor. i'::^co<7afX,t]V^ I gird myself. ZCjvroQ, gen. of ^Cov, part. pres. of 4aw. ^oj-ov, ov, TO, subst. a living creature, an animal, (^aw, / live.) ICoai, 3 pers. plur. pres. of ^aw. X(i)GT-yip, Tjpoc, 6, subst. a belt, a girdle . (J,lovvv^i, I gird.) H. "H, conj . than, either, or : j) . . ?}, either . . or. }), fern, of d. ?'}, fern, of oc. yyupa, 1 aor. of tydpo), yytofiai, ovfiai, f. I'lyijcrofxat, 1 aor. ■i)yi]aaju]r, perf. pasS. ?;y?/^at, / ^Am/e : also, J /mt?. (ayw, 7)ci6, conj, a7zc?. jyottTra, adv. 7?i(95t siveethj. (I'lcvc, siveet.) i'/oi(7--oQ, 7], or, adj. ?nost siceet, superl. of nci'jr, 7Jc7-ioi', 01/, adj. 7nore sicect, comp. of i]Ovg, sweet. ijC^o/jai, p. . i)f7i.icu, 1 aor. yaOrjv, fut. ri(y9{](7onai, verb irr. / enjoy, take delight in, am pleased. jjdov-}}, ^g, J/, subst. pleasure. (^ijSvg, siveet.) i]d-vc, eia, i), adj. sweet. Comp. ■qh'iujv, superl. jycffT-oc. i)B't\r]aa, 1 aor. of WiXco, See B^sXio. il9-oc, iog ovg, to, Subst. CUStom, manners, habit. (i6og, custom.) i'jKM, f. i'j^oj, I am come, I am here. ^jXQoi', 2 aor. of f,ovnf/«i. LEXICON. 117 f/Xi-or., ov, d, subst. the sun. ijXvOov^ 2 aor. of tpYOf<«'« ^/xap, 7/,uaroc, ro, Subst. t/ay. j7/xe7c, K'e, nora. plui*. of tyw. ijfjLEp-a, ac, ;;, Subst. f/az/. ■nfitoiv-hc^ >), oi',adj.f/a%. {I'l'/cpa^ iJUlikvcc, perf. pass. part, of utt- rw, sef onjire, lighted. »}j', conj. (/: jyv, imperf. of a'^ta'. »)i'oyjfa<Trt, 1 aor. of oz^ay/ca^w. »/vto)(;-oc, 01', c, subst. owe icho holds the reins, a charioteer. {TJvuiy the reins; t\'w, / have or hold.) »7^w, fut. of yjicio. TjTTsip'oc, ov, ?7, subst. a main- land., a continent. (For aT«ooc, ■with yjj supplied ; so that it is really endless or bound- less land, o, 710^; Trtpac, an end.) rip, ripog, to, subst. spring. "Hp-a, ac, >i, subst. ^em ; the Juno of the Roman mytho- logy ; the -wife of Zeus or Jove. *HpaK\h]C,iic,gen.'}ioaK\eBog,80vc, and 'EpaKXkoc, ci'c, Heracles : the Roman Hercules, the son of Jupiter and Alcmena, ce- lebrated especially for his twelve labours. yplaro, 3 pers. sing, of 1 aor. mid. of apxw. 7y-^d-o, 3 pers. sing, of 1 aor. mid. of a— rw. 'llpocor-oc, cv, 6, subst. Hero- dotus: a celebrated Greek his- torian, styled the "father of history." ijp'ioc, woe, 0, subst. a hero. iipwTo, 3 pers. sing, imperf. of ipi/JTc'lOJ. j'JTic, nom. sing. fern, of oang, e. Qd\a(r(T'a, 77c, y, subst. sea^ sometimes also written ^d- Xarra. QaX-Tic, ov, and GnX-jjc, rjroc, 6, subst. Thales : a philosopher of Miletus ; one of the seven wise men of Greece. ^avciT-og, ov, 6, subst. death. (^fOdvov, 2 aor. of cvi](jKw, I die.) ^av-u)v, ovGct, by, 2 aor. part, of Bavfid^cj, f. ^avuacru), usually ^avfiarfonai, p. TcOavfiaKa, verb, / ivondcr, I iconder at, I admire. Be-c\, cic, t'l, subst. a goddess, a Jemale divinity. Qstbq, a god.) Bedofiai, ijjfiai, f. Sridaoiiai, p. t£- OicipLai, 1 aor. iQid9r]v, verb mid. irr. / vieiv, see, behold^ gaze at. SrtXoj and IGiXio, f. c-sXycru), IBfXrj- <Tio, p. TtG^XrjKa, 1 aor. aOiXyfra, rjQkXrjaa, I am willing, I wish. Q'sfxig, gen. Qiijucoc, 6i/Lu'roc, 0£- fiicrrog, ?/, subst. Thcmis : the goddess of right and justice ; also, hence, rights judice. Qt'og, ov, 6, subst, God, a deity. ^epaiTtvT'rjq, or, d, subst. an at' tendant, a servant. (^epa- TTtvdj, I serve.) BipaTTtvio, f. ^eoamvau), p. TsQe- pdTrevKu, verb, / serve; I heal. (^(pd-TTajv, an attendant.) ^(p'l^u), f. 5-fpt<Tci», Att. l^ipXu), p. rf- 0f piKa, verb, I gather-in the har- vest, I reap, (^iipoc, summer.) QepfioTrvX-at, lov, a'l, Subst. Ther- mopylcB, i.e. the 'gates' or 118 LEXICON. / ' pass of the hot springs.' A pass in Locris, famous for the stand made by 300 Spartans against the forces of Xerxes. (Bepi^iog, hot; ttvXi], a gate ov pass.) ^ep-og, iOQ ovc, ro, subst. sum- mer, (S-ipw, / warm.) Ger-if, looc, »i, subst. Thetis : a sea-goddess, mother of Achilles. Qrjt'cii, a>v, «I, subst. Thehes : the capital of Bceotia. 3r}(0, ^rjpdc, ci, subst. a ivild beast. ^ryp-o, ag, 7], Subst. hunting game, the chace. (3-/ip, a wild beast.) ^rjpevu), f. !^}]pev(ru), p. rsOrjpevKa^ verb, I hunt: Pass, ^qpivojxai, p. ri6))pn'i.iai, 1 aor. lOripsvOrjV, 1 f. Brriptv9i'iffoiJ.ai^ I am hunt- ed. (3'/}|0, a wild beast.) 2rr}pl-ov, 01', TO, subst. a wild beast, diminutive of Srrip. Br}(Tavp-6g, oD, 6, subst. treasure. (riOrjui, I place.) ^vijaKU), f. hi't)^oj, ^V7]^0fxai, p. TsOvrjKa, whence come the fu- tures TtOvTj^a), TtOviY^Ofxai, 2 aor. aOat'OV. 2 fut. mid. Srayov- fxat, 1 die, am dying. The perfect is used in a present force, / am dead. BvT)T-6c, 7), 6)>, adj. mortal, sub- ject to death. (Sj'//(t.':w, 7 die.) QovKvStc-Tjg, ov, 0, Thucydides : an Athenian general and histo- rian, best known for his ac- count of the Peloponnesian war. BrvyaTTjp, gen. Bvyarspoc, Bvya- rpbg, 7], subst. a daughter. 5vfi-6g, ov, 6, subst. sold, life, breath; mind, thought, will. (^yw, / rush.) ^vp-a, ac, 7], subst. a door. ^v(i), f. S!V(joj, p. r'cQvica^ 1 aor. iQvaa, verb, / sacrifice, I slay a victim : Pass, ^vofiai, perf. TiQvpcu, 1 aor. WuOtjv, I am offered, Sfc. : ]\iid. ^vojicuy L ^vcropai, 1 aor. lQvaap7)v, p. Ttdva, I have a victim slain for myself; hence, / take ike auspices. I. 'ldc-b)v, ovoQ, 6, subst. Jason, chief of the Argonauts. lUTpcl-ov, ov, TO, subst. a sur' geons shop ; a doctor's fee ; also, a medicine. {laTpdc, a surgeon, SfC.) laTp-bc, ov, 6, subst. a surgeon, a physician. (Idopai, I heal.) 'l6//pt-a, ag, ?/, subst. Iberia ; Spain. idsaOai, inf. 2 aor. mid. of dSo), Ul-oc, a, 07; adj. one's own; pe- culiar, pi'oper. Comp. tcioi- Ttpog, superl. iOLLJTarog and idiairarog. loov, adv. behold; but iSov, 2 aor. imperat. mid. of eidoj. ISojv, 2 aor. part, of dcio. Up-evg, sog, Att. tujg, 6, Subst. a priest, Qipoc, sacred.) 'l}ja-ovg, ov, 6, subst. Jesu^. 'iKciv-og and \izdv-6g, ?), oV, adj. befitting, becoming, suitable, fit. Comp. IKaVOTtpOQ, Ikuvu}- Ttpog, superl. iKavoTuTog, iku- vMTaTog. (iKuvu), I come.) 'l\iaic-6g, r), ov, adj. of or be- longing to Ilium or Troy ; Trojan. (^IXiov, Ilium.) "iXi-ov, ov, TO, subst. Ilium, i. e. the city of Ilus ; Troy. ("iXoc, llus.) LEXICON. 119 i/fart-ov, oi;, TO., subst. a gar- ment (iifici, a dress.^ Iva, adv. m order that 'Ivct/c-oV, 7/, oV, adj. of or Z'e- longing to India ; Indian : i] 'IvciKj) yriy India. (^Ivcog, In- dus : a river.) 'Io/:d(T7-?/, ?;c, -q, subst. Jocasta : mother and wife of OEdipus. iTTTrevo), f. iTnreixTio, p. 'iTTTrevica, verb, / ride. (^Ittttoc, a horse.^ 'iTTTT-oc, Of, 6, ?y, subst. a horse, a mare ; but y) 'irrTrog often signi- fies a body of cavalry. "Ip-LQ, icog, ?/, subst. I7is : a god- dess, messenger of Juno, and also of the gods generally amongst themselves ; also a rainboiv. larjfit, verb, / know. 1(t9i, imperat. of tlfxl, I am. IcrOi, for 'iadOi, imperat. of 'iajjfxi. TfT'og and "ktoq, jj, ov. adj. equal. 'ccrT}]iJ.i, f. OTT/ffw, 1 aor. ^anjaa, I set, I make to stand, I place, I erect, p. (as present) earijica, I stand, pluperf. (as imperf.) iicTTiiKtiv, I was standing, 2 aor. tcTTTiv, I stood: Pass, 'ia-a- fiat, perf. acrrdfxai, 1 aor. iard- Otjv, 1 f. (j-aOycrofiai, I am set, I stand: Llid. 'ioTanai, f. a-/}- GOjiai, 1 aor. i.rTrr]ad}it^v, I set for myself. The present, im- perf., 1 fut., 1 aor. active are used transitively ; the perf., pluperf, and 2 aor. are used intransitively, both in 7oT?;/it and its compounds. iffTopX-a, ac, ij, subst. history. laxvp-bc,d,ov,Vi^]. strong. Comp. iaxvponpoQ, superl. hxvpord- Tog. (iffxvfj strength.) loXPfiS-ep'og, a, or, adj. stronger. See hxvpog. Igxvu), f. laxvffu), p. "laxviici, verb, / am strong, I am exceedingly mighty, I am able, ('^x^'^j strength.) 'iaojc, adv. in like manner, equally; according to appearances; pro^ bably, perhaps. Qooc, equal.) 'l-aXi'-a, ac, i], subst. Italy. 'lujdvi'-i]g, ov, V, subst. John. K. Kdcfi-og, cv, 6, subst. Cadmus. KaQuTTip, adv. just as. (i^a-ct, ac- cording to ; d, ivhich things ; Trep, indeed.) KaQ'iGTijpi, f. Knra(yr-)](TL<), 1 aor. KaT^(j-T]'7a, I set down, I set in order, I appoint, ]). KaQiG-rjKa^ pluperf icaOtiG-ijKtLv, 2 aor. KaTiOT-qv, I am set, I set my- self down, I settle. Thus, also, m Pass. tcaQiardixai, p. Ka9k* ardnai, 1 aor. KareardOijv, 1 f. KaTaiT~a9)'i(jojj,aL : Mid. i:a9' i(7Td[xai, 1. Karacrri'jGonai, 2 aor. Kare(j-dfi7]i', I set myself down. (^Kard, down; 'ia-i^jn, I set.) See 'l(j~7]ni, at end. Ka9opdojy a>, f. KaToipofiai, p. Ka9- HopcLKa, verb, / look dovju ; also, I look down upon, (tcard^ doiun ; opdoj, I see.) Kai, conj. and, also: Kal . . Kal, both . . and. Kaiv-og, 7], 6v, adj. new. Comp. KaLvorapog, superl. KcavoTd-og. Kai(T-ap, dpog, 6, subst. CcEsar. KciKi-a, ag, i], subst. loickedness, vice. (jzaKhg, bad.) KaKiar-oc, ?;, ov, adj. worst, SU- perl. of KaKog. KUK-bv, ov, TO, subst. an evil, misfortune. (KaKog, bad.) 120 LEXICON. KaK-bc, ■>}, vv, adj. bad. Comp. KaKUOV, SUperl. KCllCKTTOg. KUKcog, adv. in a bad way, badly, wickedly, dishonestly, (^kukoq, bad.) KoXsu), (jj, f. KaXfGM^ Att. koKm, p. KiKkriKa, 1 aor. i/caXfcrcr, verb, / call, I call on : Pass. KoXkojiai, ovj-iat, p. KSic\T)iiat, 1 aor. Ik\i)9i]v, 1 f. icX»;0]7(TO- fiat, I am called ; I receive a name : Mid. icaXkofiai, ov/jlch, f. KaXsaofiai, Att. KaXoT'nai, 1 aor. ticaXt(Tafii]v, I myself call. KaXXi<TT-oc, t], ov, adj. most beau- tiful, superl. of KciXoc. KaXXi-iov, ov, adj. more beautiful, Comp. of KaXuc. KaXX-og, eog ovc, to, subst. beauty. i^KaXog, beautifd.) KaX'hc, ?}, ^j', adj. beautiful; ho- nourable, virtuous, good. Comp. KaXXliov, superl. KciXXiffrog. KaXvTrroj, f. KaXv\p(jj, p. KEKciXvcpa, 2 aor. eKciXvSor, verb, / cover, conceal, or hide : Pass. kuXv- TTTOfiai, p. K£K«\v/XjLlrt{, 1 aOr. kKciXv(pQi]v, 1 f. KaXv(p9t)<T0fi.ai, 2 aor. iicaXv^tp^, I am covered, <^C. ; Mid; KaXiTrrof-ua, f. kuXv- ■^/ofjiaL, 1 aor. iKaXv\paixt]r, I my- self cover: iiho, I cover myself. KaXoJc, adv. m a ^oof/ manner, well, virtuously, honourably. (fcaXoc, good.) Kau€i>(r-7ic, ov, 6, subst. Cam- byses : the father of Cyrus the Great. K&v, for Kai uv, conj. eveji if, although. Karrv-hg, ov, 6, Subst. smoke. Kaprr-bg, ov, 6, SXlhsU frtdt. KctpTTotpopiMy <J, f. KapTTotpoprifrw, p. KiKapTro(*)6pi}Ka, I bear fruit. (^Kapiroc, fridt ; <poptio, I bear.) Kapxj;oovT-oc, ov, 6, subst. a Car' thaginian. (KapxijOiov, Car- thage.) Kapxv^'ojv, ovog, i), subst. Car' thage. Kara, prep, with gen. down from, towards, at, against : with ace. down, on, tlwoughout, among, about, by. In composition, down, over against, against; increase, completioii. KaTa€dXXw, t. Ka~a€dXixJ, kutu- €aXX7)(Tuj, p. KciTatt^XijKa, 2 aor. KaTt€aXov, Ithroiv down : Pass. KaTa€dXXo[iai, p. KaTci^i^Xijfiai^ 1 aor. KaTttXiiQrjv, 1 f. Kara- tXriOrjaofiai, lam thrown down : Mid. icara€dXXofiai, f. Kara' taXovfiai, 2 aor. KaTi^aXofirjv, I myself throw down, I lay down. (^icaTci, down ; (SdXXit), I throw.) KarayeXdoj, lo, f. KarayeXdtrd), p. KarayfykXdica, verb, / la7lgh scornfully, I laugh at, I de- ride: Pass. icaTayeXdofMai,u)/j,ai, p. KarayeykXaai^iat, 1 aor. kuT' EytXdffOtjv, 1 f. KaTaytXaadr]- aofxai, lam laughed down, SfC. : Mid. KarayeXdci-iai, (Jj/xai, f. na- rayiXdaofim, 1 aor. KartytXa- adfirjv, I myself laugh down, SfC. (jcuTtt, down ; ytXdu), I laugh.) KaTayiyvitJUKU), KaTayivuxTKOJ, f. Ka- Tayvwauj, Karayviooofiai, p. kcit- lyvMKa, 2 aor. Ka-syvo^v, verb, / remark, I find out, discover ; I lay a charge against, I charge with, I accuse ; I under- stand : Pass. KaTayLyi'iocTKOixai, KaTayivioOKOfxai, p. Karsyvoj- (Tfiai, 1 aor. KartymoffQijv, 1 f. KaTayvMaBi}(roi.iai,I am thought or suspected; I am condemned. LEXICON. 121 sentenced^ Sec. (jcara, against; yiyvujcncoj, I know. ^ KaTa6v)}(TKU), f. KaraOvrj^d), Kara- Ovij^ofiai, I am dying aicai/, p. KaTars9vi]Ka, I am dead, 2 aor. KareQdvov^ I died. See SrvtjaKu). (fcara, signifying com- pletion ; 3-r?f(TKw, / die.^ KarcrKXf'^w, f, (caTa/cXycrai, p. Ka- raKiKXrKa, verb, I iL'ash over; I flood, inundate, deluge : Pass. KaraKKvc^oiiai, p. KaTUKSKXvcrnai, 1 aor. KaTeic\va9i]v, 1 f. Kara- K\v(j9i](T0}iai, I am deluged, . overwhelmed, ^-c. {Ka-d, sig- nifying completion ; kXii^uj, I wash.) Ka~aic\v(Ji.i-6c, ov, d, subst. a flood, a deluge. (KaTaK\vZ,(o, I wash over, Sfc.) KaraXeiTrw, f. KaraXtiJ/oj, p. Kara- XeXsKpciy 2 aor. KarsXlTrov, I leave behind: Pass. Ka-aXd- Tvojxai, p. icaraXeXeinfiai, 1 aor. KarcXei(pQip', 1 f. KaTaXticpdi]- aofjiai, I am left behind : Mid. KaraXii7roiJ.at, f. Kn-aXti\bofj,ai, 1 aor. KcireXeixlanTit', p. jcara- XsXcfTTa, / myself leave be- hind. (^Kcird, doivn ; Xd—oj, I leave.') KaToXoyii^OfjLai, f. KaraXoyirrofiai, Att. KaraXoyiov^ai, p. Kara- XeX6yi<TfjLai, verb mid. 1 reckon, count up, number. {Kara, down ; Xoyi^Ofiai, I count.) KarafiavOdvLo, f. Ka-aiJ.a9i](Tw, p. icaTafi£fidOr]Ka, 2 aor. Karsjid- 9ov, I learn accurately; I observe well or thoroughly. {Kara, denoting increase; uav- 9dvM, I learn.) Karavrdoj, oj, f. /caraiTr/crw, p. Karrji'Tijica, 1 aor. KarrjvTTjaa, verb, / come or arrive at; I I meet, (nara, over against; avTCLUj, I meet.) KaraTToXsfisw, ui, f. KaraTroXefijjffoj^ p. KaraTTSiroXkfxrjKa, verb, 1 ivar down, i. e. I utterly van- quish or subdue : Pass, kutu- TToXefisofxai, oiifiai, p. KaraTmro' • Xkfirjuai, 1 aor. KaTt7roXefiT]9r]Vj 1 f. Kara7roXtfi7]9r](yofxai, 2 am utterly conquered: Mid. tcara- TToXejikoixai, ovjj.ai, f. /caraTToXe- Hijffofiai, 1 aor. Ka-eTToXenr^tTci- fiijv, I myself utterly conqu£r. {Kara, doivn ; TtoXeixkw, I war.) KaTaGKtvd^ix), f. Karacnctvaau), p. KareffKwdKa, 1 aor. KareaKevdaa, I prepare : Pass. fcarncrKfud^o- fiai,-p. KaTtatctvafffiat, 1 aor.Kar- f.(TK(.vda9r]v, 1 f. KaTa(JKivaa9r]- crofiai, I am prepared : Mid. KaTaaKtvdi^ofiai, f. Kara(TK£i;a crofiat, 1 aor. icar(.(jKiva(jdfxr]v (jcaTa, denoting completion ; GKivd'Cu), I prepare.) KaTa<TTpk(pu), 1 f. Ka-affTpsipcjj p. KaT(.arpo(pa, verb, / overturn^ overthrow, reduce : Pass, /cara- (7Tp£0o/Ltat, p. KUTSff-pannai, 1 aor. KaTtaTp8(p9T]v, 1 f. Karw (Trpt(p97](TOfiai, lam overthrowTiy SfC. : Mid. Karactrp'Kpofxai^ 1 fl KaTUffrpiipofiai, 1 aor. Kartarpi- ■4^di.iT]v, I overturn for myself; I subject to myself, subdue, conquer, (icard, down; arpk- (pu), J turn.) KaTa<ppovsu), u', f. Karadpovijaio, p. KaraTTEcppovrjKa, verb, Strictly, / ^AiTiA c?ozf w Mjfjow, i. e. / de- spise, scorn, disdain : Pass. Karatppovsofiai, ovfxai, p. Kara- Trecppovrjuai, 1 aor. Ka-e6povt]- 9i]v, 1 f. KaTa6pnv7j9i](TOfiaiy 1 am despised, 8fc. ^Kard^ down ; ^povEiOj I think.) 122 LEXICON. icariXiTTf , 3 pers. sing. 2 aor. ind. of KaToki'nTUJ. KaTipxoiJ^ai, f. K-rt-fXfi'crojuaf, p. KUTijKvBa^ Att. KaTiXijXuOay Ion. KaTiiXijXovOaj 2 aor. Karii- \v9ov, Att. KarijXdov, verb, /^o doivji, I descend. (^Kurd, down; 'ipx*^l^"h I come.) ' /cnrs^w, imp. AraT£T;^or, f. KaOiKo), Karaorx'/cw, p. KaTirfxr]Ka, 2 aor. KflTe-TYOJ', verb, I hold or Aee/) Z>af ^ ,• J restrain : also, 7 hold^ I keep, I possess: Pass. KaTkxojJ-cii., p. KaTS(Txr]fiai, 1 aor. Ka-Er!x^Oi]v^ 1 f. /cararrx»?- Oijaofiai, 1 am held, I am occu' pied, possessed; hence, co' vered; also, inspired: Mid. KaTSxoixai, f. KaOk^onai, Kara- fTXV<^o^ai, 2 aor. K-arfffYOj"'/^') / Aee/} ?>ac^ /br myself, SfC. (Kara, down ; tx^o, I have or hold.) KaTifKQovy 2 aor. of Kar'ipxoficn. Ka-Qavovra, for /cara^aj'ovra, acc. masc. sing, of KaTw edvu)v, 2 aor. part, of KaraBv^- CFKU). KciTu), adv. downwards, below. (^Kara, down.) KiKpvfjifiai, perf. pass, of KpvTrru). KiKTr]fiat, I possess; perf. of ktu- o^ai, used in a present mean- ing. Literally, I have ac- quired ; hence, as above. KiXtVtJ, f. KlXiVCru), p. KtKtXiVKa, 1 aor. Ui-XiitfTa, verb, / order, bid, command: Pass. KeXtv' Ofxat, p. KtKfXtvffixai, KtKsXevfiai, 1 aor. tKtXiuaOrjv, 1 f. KtXfi'- aQmofiai, I am ordered, 8fc. : Mid. KeXevop-ai, f. KiXtvaofiai, 1 aor. kKiXsv(TanT}v, I myself order. (keXXw or ^fXo/tai, / Kfr, enclitic particle, used by the poets for dv. K^p-ag, UTOQ dog a»c, to, subst. a horn ; a wing of an army. Kepavv-bg, ov, u, subst. a thunder' bolt, thunder generally, i.e. thunder and lightning toge- ther. Kipd-og, (og ovc, to, gain. /cf0aX-)/, ijr, ?"/, subst. a head. KsxprjaOai, inf. perfect of x'^'^'^' fxai. K)ip, Kiqpbg, 7], subst. ya^e. KiK(.p'tx)v, (ovog, b, subst. Cicero : a celebrated Roman orator. Kivdvv-oc, ov, 6, subst. danger. Kivk-ac, ov, 6, subst. Cineas. KiVEo), u), f. Kivjjaoj, p. Ketc'iV7]Ka, verb, / set going, I move : Pass. Kivkofxai, ovfxat, p. kski- Vi}fiai, 1 aor. iKivi]Qj]v, 1 f. Kivr]Qi]aoj.iai, I am moved: Mid. Ki%>iof.Lai, oii/jiai, f. !;ivi]fTo- fiai, 1 aor. iKivTjffdj^Tjv, I my- self move. (kIco, I go.) Ki(T(T-bg, ov, 6, subst. ivy. KXtdv-iop, opog, 0, subst. Clea- nor; i.e. glory of man. (kXioc, glory ; dvtip, a man.) KXiTTTUJ, f. K-Xei^W, p. KSKXotpa, 1 aor. tK\i\pa, I steal: Pass. KXiTTTOfxai, p. K^tcXif-ifiai and <c£KX«juyua(, 1 aor. lKX8<p9r]V, 1 f. KXicpOi'iaoiica, I am stolen: ISlld. KXtTrro/ia/, f. icXt«|/ojita», 1 aor. iKXe^dfij]!', I myself steal. K:Xi]povofU'a, ag, rj, subst. aJl inheritance. (icXripovondg, an heir.) KXtjpovofx-hg, ov, 6, subst. an heir. (^KXifpog, a lot; v^i-ioj, I distri- bute.) KOifido), u>, f. Koi^it]aii>, p. K^KoifllJ- Kct, verb, I hdl, hush, or put LEXICON. 123 to sleep, I hdl, calnij hush to rest: Pass. Kcijxcwfiai^ iof-icu, p. KiK0ifi7Ji.iai, 1 aor. U'niixii9p,v, 1 f. K0i}ii]Qi]-Oj.un : Mid. Koifxa- o^ai, a)/x«/, f. KOiiii]noiiai, 1 aor. ii:oi'fii]<Tajir]v, I fall asleep, go to bed, lie in bed, sleep. Kotv'og, r), or, adj. common. Comp. Koivorepor, superl. kol- vcrdroc. Koipdv-og, ov, 6, subst. a rider, leader, commander. koXtt'oq, ov, 0, subst. a bosom. KOfii'^uj, f. K0ix)(T0}, Att. KC'iXiu}, p. k:£- Kouitcct, verb, I carry, bring, convey : Pass. kohlCo^uu, p. Kiic6fii(7fiai, 1 aor. iKOfiicrOjjv, 1 f. KOfii(79t]aoiiaL, I am carried, SfX. : Mid. KOjii'^onai, f. KOfxiao- fiai, Att. KOjxwviiai, 1 aor. iKojjLiirdnip', I carry, ^'C, for myself. KOTTTOJ, f. K6\poj, p. KiKOfpa, 2 aor. fKo-ov, I strike, beat, knock at : Pass. KOTrrouai, p. KUofX[.iaiy 1 aor. tKo^t^.^r, 1 f. K0(p9r]ao- IJiat, 2 aor. fc^:uT^7JV, / flW struck, ^"C. : Mid. /co/rrojuaj, f. jcoi/o/zaj, 1 aor. tKo^dnqv, p. K^-oTTcr, / Strike or Jea^ w?/- self Kop-ai, dk-oc, 6, subst. a raven. (Probably from Kpd'^io, I cry out.) Kop'oq, ov, 0, subst, satiety, sur- feit. KOaH'cW, W, I. K 0-71.11)^0}, p. KtKO(Tf.lT}- Ka, verb. 1 set in order; I adorn : Pass. Konyifop-ai, ov^ai, p. KeKOfff-iiJixai, 1 aor. iKoa^i]- 6i]v, 1 f. KO(Jiii]9i']ao<.iai, I am set in order, ^t. ; Mid. Korjixi- o^ai, ovficii, f.KOff^nffofxai, 1 aor. tKO'Jiijjrrdfirir, I set in order for myself, ^x. (.vor^or, order.) Koaii-og, ov. 6, subst. order ; onia' meat; the ivorld. Kpacl-a, ar, y, subst. the hearty Dor. for Kpaclt], same as kgo- cXa. Kpd'Coj, f. KiKpaiop.ai, p. KiKpdyci, 2 aor. tKpdyov, verb, I scream or cry out. Kpdc, Kparhc, 6, subst. a head. KpUTBO), a), f. KpaTt)<TO}, p. KfKpd- Ti]Ka, 1 aor. iKpdrrjaa, verb, / a?n strong : hence, / rule ; I command, I conquer : Pass. Kpartofiui, ovfxai, p. KfKpdrrmaiy 1 aor. tKpaT))9)jv, 1 f. /cpa- rr]0i)(TOfiai, I am conquered : Mid. KpaTBOfxat, ovfiai^ f. (cpa- rijaofxai, 1 aor. tKparrjffdfjrjv^ I conquer for myself , S^c. (cpa- ror, strength.) KpaT-r]p, ijpog, 6, subst. a mixing- bowl, a cup, a goblet, a bowl' (^Ktpdvvv^i, I mix.) KparioT'og, rj, ov, adj. strongest^ best; irregular superl. from dyadog. Comp. Kpfiffcraiv, vpftr- Tbiv, Kappuiv. {tcpdroc, strength.) Kpdr-og, tog ovg, ru, strength. Kparvvio, f. Kparvvuj, p. KiKpd- Tvyh-a,\eTh, I strengthen. {Kpd- Tog, strength.) Kps-ag, drog dog lug, to, Subst. meat. Kptiaa-iuv, ovy adj . stronger, better ; irregular comp. of dyaOhg^ with superl. Kpd-KT-oc. KpiB-y), ijr, r/, subst. barley. Ku'lVU), f. Kplvu), p. KcKplKCl, 1 aOf. tKpiva, verb, / separate, I ar- range, I distingidsh, I judge ; Pass. Kpivo/jLUt, p. KiKpifxai, 1 aor. tKpX9iiv, 1 f. Kpi9i)aop.ai, I am judged, I quarrel, ^c. : Mid. Kp'ivopai, f. Kpivoi'p.at, 1 aor. iKpti'diij]v, I myself judge ; G 2 124 LEXICON. also, 1 separate for myself I pick out. KpoKoSeik-og^ ov, 6, subst. a cro- codile, KpVTTTU), f. KpVXpCJ, p. KlKplXpa^ 2 aor. hpv€oVf verb, / conceal : Pass. KpyTrrojiai^ p. icsKpvfXf.ia(, 1 aor. lKpv<p67]v, 1 f. Kpv^Oi]" crofiai^ 2 aor. tKpv€r]v, I am concealed : Mid. KpvTrTOjiai^ f. Kpv\poixai, 1 aor. tKpv^panrjv, I conceal myself, I hide my- self K-dofxai, wjitaf, f. KTijcroixai, 1 aor. eKr7](rau7]i>, verb, I acquire^ p. KkKTm-Lcn (used as a present), 7 >^aye acquired, i. e. Ipossess. KTsivit), f. fcrtrw, p. aKTciKa, 1 aor. iKTtLva, verb, 7 ^z7/, sZay, <^e- 5^ro?/ : Pass. Kreivofiai, p. i/c- Tcifxai, 1 aor. iKTciOtjv, 1 f. Kra- 6r](ro;.iai, I am killed, Sfc. : Mid. icreivofiaL, f. KTcivovfiat, 1 aor. iKTeivafiJjv, p. tKTOva, 1 myself kill. KTrjfx-a, uToc, to, subst. a joo^- session. (KkKTi]iiai, I possess ; perf. of KTciofxai.^ ktI^oj, f. Krirrw, p. tKrXKa, verb, 7 build ; I found a city : Pass. KTi^ofxai, p. EKTiffixai, 1 aor. £/c- ria9i]v, 1 f. KTL(r9rj(rofiai, lam built, SfC. : Mid. KTiZofiai, f. KTi(TO{.iai, 1 aor. iKTiGafxri^', I build for myself KvtepinjT-rjg, nv, 6, subst. a stee?'S- man, a pilot. (^KvQepvdoj, I steer.') KvS-oc, eog ovc, to, subst. glo?^y. Ku/i-a, ciTOQ, TO, subst. a wave. Kvvag, acc. plur. of Kvojv. KvpX-oc, ov, u, subst. lord, master, sir. Kiip-or, ov, o, subst. Cytms : sur- named " the Great." icvp()}, f. Kvpau), 1 aor. eKi/jOcra, verb, I fall upon, I am. Kv-b)v, voQ, 6, 7], subst. a dog. KU)[x-7], Tjg, 7], subst. a village. A. Xdag, 0, subst. a stone, gen. Xdog, dat. Xai, acc. Xciav, gen. pi. Xddjv, dat. Xdeat. Xa€k, 2 aor. imperat. of Xafxtavb). Adyog, ov, u, Lagus, i. e. the hare : a surname of a king of Egypt. Xayxdvoj, f. Xj;?o^iaf, p. e'iXrjxa^ poet. XkXoyxa, 2 aor. 'IXdxovy verb, I obtain by lot, 1 obtain. \alX-a\p, cLTTog, ?'/, subst. a hurri- cane, a tempest, a storm. AdKCLiva, 7]g, ?/", subst. a Lacedoe monian ivoman. AaKedaifiovtoc, ov, 6, Subst. a La- cedcemonian. XaKTi^w, f. XaK-tcTw, p. XsXaicTXica, verb, 7 kick. Pass. XuKrilonaiy p. XcXaKrir/ioi, 1 aor. kXaKrla- 07]v, 1 f. XaKTia9>i(T0[xat. (Xd^, with the heel.) \conian. AdK-u}v, (jjvog, 6, subst. a La- XaXki.li, u), f. XuXijcrco, p. XeXdX7]Ka, verb, I talk, I speak. Xafx^dvu), f. Xijipofxat, p. XeXj/^a, Att. s'iXrj(pa, 2 aor. tXd€ov, verb. I take: Pass, Ximtdvoi-iai, p.Xs- Xrjuiiat, Att. tiXrinnai, 1 aor. iX7](p6]]v, 1 f. X7](p9)](Toixai, I am taken: Mid. Xaiitdvoi.iai, 2 aor. i\a^6 117)7', I myself take, I lay hold of, I seize. Xan-rrp-og, a, hv, adj. bright, bril- liant, shining. Comp. Xafnrpo- repog, superl. XafXTcpoTaTog. (Xd/xTTw, I shine.) XdjXTTi)}, f. Xdfixpio and Xajxtpoi^iat, p. XkXaixTra, verb, I give light: also, / sAme ; / am famous : Pass, Xd/xTTOfiai, p. XeXafifiai, LEXICON. 125 1 aor. iXafKpQrjv, 1 f. XajK^Qj]' (TOfiai^ I shine. XavQai'ujy f. Xrjrruj, p. \a\7]9a,2aor. tXaOov, verb, I escape notice, I lie hid: Pass. XavQavonai^ p. XsXTjc/iat, 1 aor. tXrjcrOiji', 1 f. XTjcrOrjcrofjiai, I am hid, Sfc. : Mid. Xavdavofxai, f. Xyjaofxai, 2 aor. iXad6^r]v, I forget. Xa-bc, 0?, 0, subst. joeopZe. Xapv-a^, aKog, 7}, subst. a chesi : also, a vessel, a boat, an ark. Xlyw, f. XkEw, p. XsXexcf, verb, J say, / speak, I speak of: also, Z choose : Pass. Xeyofiai, p. XeXfy/xat, 1 aor. IXsxdrjv, 1 f. XexOTjcrofjia:, I am Said, 8fc. : IViid. Xkyojxai, f. Xk^ojiai, 1 aor. kXe^afirjv, p. XfXoya, I myself say; I choose for myself XfiVoj, f. XiiJjoj, p. XkXEKpa, 2 aor. AiTTov, verb, / leave, I cease, I fail : Pass. XeiTrofiai, p. Xj- Xfi/ijuaf, 1 aor. kXei(p9T]v, 1 f. Xei<p9rj(T0fiai, I am left : JMid. XttTTo/xat, f. Xeixpofiai, 1 aor. eXii\bdnr)v, p. XeXoi—a, I myself leave, I leave behind me. XeKavX-ov, ov, to, subst. a <?W^. (XIkoc, a dish.} Xe^ov, 1 aor. imp. of Xsyw. Xe-wv, ovroc, 0, subst, a lion. AebJvXS-ag, ov, 6, subst. Leonidas: a Spartan king, who, with 300 of his countrymen, fell at Thermopylae, while defending that pass against the hosts of Xerxes. XtjO-t], riQ, t], snhst. forgetfulness, oblivion. (tXadov, 2 aor. of XavOavw, I lie hid.} Xtjcfoj, fut. ofXavOai'io. Ai€v-T], Tjg, j'l, subst. Libya : Africa. \i9-oc, ov, 6, subst. a stone. Xifi-riv, evog, 6, subst. a harbour. Xifi-cg, ov, 6, snhst. famine. Alv-og, ov, 6, subst. Linus. X6y-og, ov, 6, subst. a word, a say- ing, a discussion. (Xsyw, I say.} X6yx-t], J]Gi Vj subst. a spear- head, a spear, a lance. Xotfi-ug, ov, 0, subst. pestilence, plague. Xovcj, f. Xovau), p. XiXovKa, verb, 1 wash : Pass. Xovoi.(ai, p. Xk- Xovfxat, 1 aor. tXov9i]v, 1 f. XovOrjtyonai, lam washed: INIid. Xoi'Ofxai, f. XovGOfxai, p. XeXowa, I wash myself I bathe. \66-oc, ov, 6, subst. the back of the neck of draught cattle; hence, the ridge of a hill, a hill; a crest. (Xs-w, I strip off the bark.} XvK-cg, ov, b, subst. a wolf. AvKovpy-og, ov, 6, subst. Lycur- gus : the great Spartan law- giver. (XvKog, a icolf; ipyovj a work.} Xv~sw, u), f. Xv—tJtix), p. XeXvTTtjKa, verb, / grieve : Pass. Xutteo- fiai, ovfxai, p. XeXvTTTffiai, 1 aor. l\vTr})9ri7', 1 f. Xv—j]97]<Toijiat, 1 am grieved, I am sad : Mid. XvTrkojiai, ovfxai, f. Xv7rr](rofiai, 1 a.or.kXv7rT](rdi.u]i; I grieve for myself, I mourn. {Xv~p, grief} Xv~-T], 7JC, ?}, subst. grief, sor- roiv, affliction. Xvo-a, ac, rj, subst. a harp, a lyre. Avcravcp-og, ov, 6, Subst. Lysan- der. (Xvuj, I set loose ; dvijp, a man.} Xvjj, f. Xvau}, p. XeXvKcr. 1 aor. iXv(ja, verb, I sei loose. Ire- lease, set free ; hence, / pay : Pass. Xvofxai, p. XiXvi.ut!, 1 aor. lXv9)]v, 1 f. Xv9h(xofiai. I am G 3 126 LEXICON. set loose, ^r. .• Mid. Xvoixai, f. Xvcrojiiai, 1 aor. k\vaanr]v, 1 set loose for myself; hence, 1 ransom^ I redeem. M. Ma, adv. gov. an ace. hy. fidyiLp-oc, ov, o, subst. a cook, a butcher, (juacraoj, I knead.} fia67]T-7)Q, ov, o, subst. a disciple. (JuaBov, 2 aor. of fiavddvw, I lea?"?!.) fiaK-ap^ d, J], genitive jua/capoc, adj. happy, blessed. Comp. IxaKapTspor, superl. fxaKap-a- Tog. The neuter is found only in the oblique cases. The feminine f.u'iKaipa is used occcasionally in poetry. ^aKap'i'Co), f. fiaKaplcroj, Att. [xci- KapXoJ, p. fxifxaKapXKa, verb, 1 bless, I pronounce happy or blessed; I congratulate : Pass. fiuKapiZonai, p. ne/J-aKapiafxai, 1 aor. ifiaicapiaOiiv, 1 f. fxaica- pi(T6i](T0fiat, lam deemed happy: Mid. [xaKapiCofiai, f. fxaKapiao- fini, 1 aor. i]xaKapiaanr]v, 1 deem myself happy, I congra- tulate myself, (ndicap, happy.) /iOK-a.ot-oc, a, ov, adj. happy, bless- ed. Comp. fiaKapiioTtpoQ, su- perl. fxaKcipibi-dTOQ. (jiaKap, happy.) ^ fiaKpoUUoc, or, adj. long-lived. Comp. fiatcpoi^noTiooc, superl. fiaKpo^iono-Toq. (jiatzphc, long ; iSioc, life.) HaKp-bg, a, ov, adj. long. Comp. fiaKpoTtpoQ, ndnaioi', superl. liuKpoTdror, fi>/'/c< orog. fidXa, adv. very, very much, ex- ceedingly. Comp. i-idWov, su- perl. fioXiara. fiaXdic-bg, t), bv, adj. soft. Comp. /ioXaKOJTipog, superl. jxaXaKuj- rdrog. fiaXdacTd), f. ixaXd^o), p. fitfidXaxa, verb, I soften : Pass. fiaXduao- fxai,"^. fXEfidXay fxai, 1 aor. £^aX«- X^^fiv, 1 f. l-iaXaxOvfTop^ai, I am. softened, Sfc. (/^aXajcoc, soft.) fidXicTTa, adv. chiefly, particu- larli/, mostly. See fidXa. fxdXXoi', adv. rather, more. See \iaXa. ^\avcdv-r], 7]c, 77, subst. Man- dune : the mother of Cyrus the Great. HavQdvuj, f. iJ.a6{](jO[jiai, p. ixffid- Qt]Ka, 2 aor. tfidBov, verb, / learn. fjicivl-a, ag, »/, subst. madness. (^Haivonai, I am mad.) l-iavlK-bg, t), or, adj. mad. Comp. fiaviKiijTipog, superl. ixaviKio-d- Tog. (^fxavia, madness.) Hapa'ivix), f. i-iapdvw, p. nifidpay KQ, 1 aor. ifidpriva, Att. Ifidpd- va, verb, / put out, I quench ; I make to pine aivay : Pass. fiapaivcfxai, p. nfjidpaofxat, 1 aor. ijxapdvdi]V, . 1 f. napavdi]- uojxai, I am put out ; J pine aicay, I waste aicay ; I Ian- guish, I ivither. fidx-Jh VQy V^ subst. a fight or battle. Hdxojuu, f. ixaxicronai, fxaxrif^ofxai, fuixoviiai, p. {xindxri}t-ai, fxif-id- XiCTfJ-ctii 1 aor. k}.iaxi<ydni]Vy I fght. iiidxn, a fight.) Hi, aCC. of iyw. /Ltiyo, adv. greatly, (adverbial neuter ace. of /xsyag.) ueydXcjc, adv. greatly, d-dyac, great^ lii.ydv-(jjp, op, adj. manly, heroic ; also, making man great or LEXICON. 127 mighty. (ji'tyaQ^ great ; aviin^ a man.) [j-^yac, l.uyd\r]y /uya, adj. great. Comp. /uE^ioj', fiti'Cojj^, superl. fieyiarog. fisyicrr-oc, 7/, or, adj. greatest. See fj-iycic;. fxt9\ before an aspirate, for fitra. {.itOvrTKOJ, f. /if6rcr<L>, p. fie/ieOvKcr, 1 aor. tf.ikdvaa, verb, / make drunk, I intoxicate : Pass, fn- GvaKOjiaiy p. ^^i^Qvajxai, 1 aor. tfieOvaOijv, 1 fut. fieOuadiiao- fiai, I am made drunk, I am intoxicated. (j.uQv, ivine.) fisiodu), U), f. fitiCiirru), p. [.is/jleioj}- Kct, 1 aor. iixiicricTa, verb, I smile, I laugh. /leiZ-m; or, adj. greater. Ccmp. of fisyag. fitipa.Ki-ov, ov, TO, subst. a lad, a boy, a youth, (ptlpa^, a young person.) fikX-ag, cava, av, adj. hlack. Comp. ntKdvripoc, superl. /i«- \dvTaroc. fieXi-a, ac, r;', subst. an ash-tree, and, because spears were made of this wood, a spear. fi'iXiaT- or ^ii's\iTT-a, 7]i; 1], subst. a bee. (i^tXi, honey.) fiiWu}, imperf. f^sXXor and t'lfuX- \ov, f. /ueXXt/ctw, 1 aor. I/xeX- Xt](Ta and 7)nsXXr]ca, \evh,Iam on the point of; I intend or purpose to ; I am about to. IxkX-OQ, tOQ OVQ TO, SUbst. A song, strain, melody, fi'ffxvrjixat, I remember^ perf. of fj-vdofiai. li£fivt)(TOy remember, imperat. of yikfiv-ujVy ovoc, 0, subst. Memnon. liiv^ conj. indeed, on the one hand. (Probably from if, the neuter of tig, one.) fisvoLi'-t}^ {"ig, 7J, subst. strength. (^ixh'og, strength.) jxiv-oc, tog ovg, to, subst. Strength^ force, violence, fisv'uj, f. [.itvu), p. ntjx'ivr}Ka, 1 aor. l/xciva, verb, I remain, with ace. / wait for, expect, fiip-og, tog ovg, to, subst. a part. ■ fiea-og, tj, ov, adj. middle : to fitGoVy used substantively, the middle. Comp nefTai-epoc, superl. ftf- aaiTUTog. fitTci, prep, with gen. and dat. with ; with ace. among, after. In comp. change, participation^ after, towards. fitra^dXXui, f. jXfTa^uXCJ, p. fxsTa- ii^XrjKa, 2 aor. ixt-k^dXov, verb, / turn round, I change : Pass. litTatdXXojjiai, p. iiiTa^ktXtjfiaiy 1 aor. jUfrff/\)'y0//i', 1 i, ^(.ratXr}' 0!}aoiiai, lam turned, ^"c. : Mid. fisTataXXofiai, f. iifTciSaXovfiaty p. fisra€i§oXa, 2 aor. [xeTe€a- X6fL7]v, I turn myself round, 1 turn, I change my purpose, SfC. {fXETo., change ; (SdXXoj, I throw.) USTaQoX-)}^ i]g, ?;', subst. change. (fj.tTa^dXXu), I change.) /.leTarrejiTroj, f. i.teTa7ri[.i\lyoj, p. fie- Tmri-ontpa, verb, / se7ld after: Pass. fisTaTrtfiTiOfiai, p. jxtTaTzkiTEfifxai, 1 aor. iJ.eTe7rs1.1~ (p^rjv, 1 f. fieTa7reii(p6{i<ronai, I am sent after : Mid. [.leTaTre^- TTOfLai, f. ^UTa7rkn\\iai.uu, 1 aor. IJ.sTe-fffidiJ.i]v, I send for to my self, I summon, (ixerd, after; —t/.iiruj, I send.) jxeTkyco, imperf. {.uteXxov, f. fie- Ot^OJ, f.ltTCKTXV'ybl., p. l.ieTf(J)/1]Ka, 2 aor. //TffTYoi', / share in, G 4 128 LEXICON. / participate in, I ipartdke of. (/uira, with ; ex'w, / have.^ fisxpi, adv. as far as, governs a genitive case. fxr), adv. not ; as eonj. lest; after verbs of fearing, that. Hrjdi, eonj. neither, not even: fjiT]de . . ntjde, neither . . nor. MijSei-a, ar, y, subst. Medea : a Colcliian princess, skilled in magic, married to Jason, the Argonaut. firid-fig, t/xui, h>, adj. 720^ one, no one, nobody. {f^tjCi, not even ; elc, one.} fiijS&TroTe, adv. never, not at any time. (^Moe, not even ; ttotI, at any time.} 'Mi]S-og, ov, 6, subst. a Mede. Hr}\k-a, ag, ij, subst. a7i apple- tree. fjirjX-ov, ov, TO, subst. an apple : also, a sheep. firjv, fJLrjvoQ, 6, subst. a month, firiv-ic, IOC, Att. t^og, 7/, subst. wrath, anger, malice. HrjT'Tjp, epog pbg, t), Subst. a mother, fiia, fern, of i'lg, one. fiiapioTciT-oc, }], ov, adj. most wicked, stained, polluted; su- perl. of /xidpog. Comp. mapuj- Tspog. fiiyvvfjii, jiiyvvu}, f. /.li^o), p. f.d- lux"-, verb, I mix: Pass. fiiyvvfiai, p. ixtjxiyijLai, 1 aor. ifiixOrjv, 1 f. juxdijryonai, 2 aor. ffiXyijv, I am mingled ivith ; I am brought into contact ivith : Mid. f.uyvvnai, f. /ui'^Ojuaj, / mingle with. Mid-ag, ov, d, subst. Midas : a ' king of Phrygia, whose ears were turned by Apollo into thoee of an ass, because he called Pan a better musician than Apollo. jxiizp-og, a, ov, adj. small. Comp. fjLiKpoTepog, fidiov, iXaoatiov, SUp. fMiKporarog, fieiarog, IXdxKrrog. jjLineofJiaij ovjjiai, f. nifiijaofiat, p. pi^ilir]iiai, verb, / imitate. The perfect has a passive force. {ixlfiog, an imitator.} fxiv, Att. vlv, pron. for avroi'^ avTijv, avTo, him, her, it. jxiGtu}, u), f. fXiGijaco, p. ^lijxiGriKa, verb, / hate: Pass, fxiakofiai, ov/xai, p. {xeixiarj/JLai, 1 aor. £/ii- cn'i6)]V, 1 f. niar]6l\Gop.ai, I am hated. (^pXaog, hatred.} [j.ia9o(p6p-og, ov, adj. receiving pay, hire, or wages : also, /jtia- 9o(pup-og, ov, 6, subst. a hire- ling, a mercenary. HV(xop.ai, aifxat, f. /xinjaonai, 1 aor. iixv)]aap.yiv, I make mention of, I commemorate, p. /j-ffivyjixat, I remember. /j.vrjfi-7], !]£, 7], subst. memory. (jx.'sfivr]p,ai, perf. of iivaofxai..} p.01, for efiol, dative of tyw. fiolp-a, ac, 1], subst. fate, (^p-tl- pofiai, I allot, I obtain by lot.} l-wXig, adv. with difficulty. ywdXw, not used in present, p. j(is/i€\wKr7, for ixefioXcuKa, 2 aor. i/xoXoi', I come, I go. fiovi), ijg, i], subst. a staying, a stay : also, an abode, a dwell- ing. (jXEvoj, I remain.} jiovov, adv. only. {p.6vog, alone.} li6v-og, 1], ov, adj. only, alone. lxop(p-7j, i'lg, t], subst. a shape, form, figure. fiou, for tixov, gen. of tyw. {xovG-a, ijg, 7], subst. a miise : hence, a song, mmtic. fx6x6-og, ov, 6, subst. labour, (/xo- ytio, 1 labour.} LEXICON. 129 fivBso^ai, ovi-iai, f. fivOrjcrofxai, I speak, name, say, tell. QivOoc, speech.) fiv6-oc, ov, 6, subst. a speech, a word. nvpi-ac, cicoc, J], subst. te7i thou- sand, a my7nad. Iivpi-oc, a, ox; adj. numherless, infinite. fivpX'Oi, ai, a, adj. ten thousand. \Lvg, p-voQ, 6, subst. a viouse. Muic-Tjc, ov, 6, subst.il/o5e5. "^aioj, verb, I dwell ; also, I in- habit. vavTTTjyiio, u), f. vavTTTjyrjcrco, p. v£vav7n']y}]Ka, verb, I build ships : IVIid. vavTriiykofxai, ov- Hai,f.vav7n}yi']aoixai, 1 SLOT.tvav- '7rtiyT](yaiJ.j]v, I build ships for myself. {I'avc, a ship ; -i)yvv- fxi, I fasten.) vavc, viujQ and vabg, rj, subst. a ship. (j'£w, I swim.) vavT'Tjc, ov, 6, subst. a sailor. (rai'c, a ship.) veavtaK-oc, ov, 6, subst. a young man ; a youth, (j'toe, neic.) IstW-oQ, ov, 0, subst. the Nile : a river of Egypt. viKp-oQ, ox; 6, subst. a dead per- son, a corpse. v't/xio, f. vefiio, vefj.{]Gio, p. vsv'i- HTjtca, 1 aor. tveiixa, verb, / deal out, I distribute ; I give; I feed : Pass, vsi.ioi.iai, p. ts- vtfir]nca, 1 aor. kvtfii'iOiji; 1 f. vtiir]dr]Go^iai, I am distributed, SfC. : Mid. v'n.ioixat, f. vifxov- fiai, 1 aor. tv£iJ.7]cranT]v, I my- self distribute ; I have as my portion; I possess. vi-og, a, ov, adj. new. Comp. vsoJTspoQ, superl. vtioruTog. ve<psX-j], i]Q, ?/, subst. a cloud. (v£^oc, a cloud.) vij, a particle of affirmation, followed by an accusative, yes, by ; as vy) ^/a, yes, by Jove. V7], a privative particle prefixed, especially, to adjectives. vijrrX-og, ct, ou, and oc, ov, adj. Tiot speaking; also, vi'i-n-X-og, ov, 6, used substantively, a7i infant, (in], not ; iiroc, a icord.) v}](T-6c, 01', 7], subst. an island. (vkojy I swim.) VlKcio), G), f. VlKilTM, p. VlVLKrjKa^ verb, / conquer : Pass, vikuo- fiai, oJpMi, p. veviKijfxais 1 aor. iviKijBrjv, 1 f. viKT]6))(T0ixai, Jam conquered : Mid. viKdop-ai, uifxaiy f. VLKiiaoixai, 1 aor. tviKijaafiTjv^ I conquer for myself. viTTTUj, f. vi>hio, p. v(.Vi(pa, verb, / wash : Pass. vlT-onai, p. vk' vififiai, 1 aor. svirp6}]v, 1 f. vi- (p9ij<J0[jiat, I am washed : Mid. vi7rro}.icu, f. vr<l/Oj.iai, 1 aor. Ivt- \l/af.ir]r, I wash my hands. vojjL-tvc, kuyg, u, subst. a shepherd or herdsman, (vkfxto, I feed.) vofx-t], yc, 7), suhst. pasture, (vl- /iw, I feed.) vofuc^u), f. vojiicrii}, Att. vofxXoJ, p. vsv6j.iXf:a, verb, I use as a custom, I use customarily, I think: Pass. voniZ,ofiai, p. v£- vofiKTfxat, 1 aor. ev 01.11(79 7] V, 1 f. vopiaOi'jaoixai, I am thoughts Mid. vop.iZop.ai, f. vopiaopai, Att. vopiovpai, 1 aor. tvo/xt- caprjv, I myself think, (vopog, a custom.) vop-oc, ov, 6, subst. custom, law. G 5 130 LEXICON. voog I'ouc, gen. voov vov, o, subst. mind, vocr-oc, ou, ?'/, subst. disease., sick' ness. voario), w, f. j'ooTy'/^w, p. vsi'O' (TTrjica, verb, / return, Nor-oc, ov, d, subst. Notus : the god of the south wind : hence, the south wind. vovOerioj, w, f. I'ovOsTrjcro), p. ve- 7'ovdiTT]Ka, verb, I pid in mind, 1 remind, 1 admonish, advise. {I'ovQ, mind; r'd)i]jxi, I pid.} Nov/z-at-, ov, d, subst. Numa : the second king of Rome. rove. See vdoc. vvKro6uX-a^, afcoc, d, Subst. « night- sentinel. (vv^^ night ; 6v\a^, a guard.') j'lH', vvicThc, ?/, subst. night. !s!iU'-oc, ov, d, subst. G guest. ^evo(p-o}v^ oJvToc, d, subst. Xeno- phon: an Athenian general, who wrote the Anabasis. ^ep^-)]L\ ov, 6, subst. Xerxes : a king of Persia, who at- tempted to subjugate Greece. Ki<p-og, tog ovc, ro, subst. a sword. ^v\-ov, ov, TO, subst. wood. (Pro- bably from uu) or iicoj, J scrape.) O. 'O, y, TO, definite article, the. o, neut. sing, of uc. ode, i'jci, Toof, demonstrative pro- noun, this, this one here, (d, the old demonstrative pro- noun, and C(, an enclitic par- ticle.) cJ-bc, oj}, »;, subst. a way. oC'Ovg, oi'Tor^ d, subst. a tooth. 'Ocvcra-evg, icoc, 6, subst. Ulysses : a king of Ithacn, who was one of the Greek chieftains at the siege of Troy. '69 tv, adv. whence. olca, Iknow. See ti'^w. OluTT-ovc, ov and oHoc, d, subst. CEdipus, i. e. siroUen-footed : a king of Thebes, (oicku), I swell; TTovc, afoot.) o'iicadsy adv. homewards, to one's home. {oIkoc, a hoxise; and cf, for Trphc, to.) oW((o, w, f. o/k'j'/o'w, p. uiici]Ka, verb, / inhabit, I dwell : Pass, oitcio- l-iai, oi'fiai, p. o:Ki]ixai, 1 aor. aiicijOijv, 1 f. o!icr,9ii(yc[ia(, I am inhabited: Mid. oUkofiai^ ov- {.lat, f. oiKi'jrroi-iai, 1 aor. ijjkt]' can 7] J', I myself inhabit. (oiKog, a house.) oWt-a, ag, t? subst. a dwelling, a house. (oiK-of, a house.) o'lKoSofieoj, Cj, f. oi'/cooojitj'/cra), p. ({jKoS6fii]Ka, verb, / build a house, I bidld : Pass. oIkooq- fi'toj-iat, ovj-iat, p. (^Kod6fa]i.iat, 1 aor. i^Kocoii)i9)]v, 1 f. o'iko- ^ont)6i'](TO[iai, lam bidlt : Mid. OLKoho^doiXai, OVfJLCK, f. oiKodofii']- Goptai, 1 aor. <i')icocofii](TaiJ.T}r, 1 build for myself. (oXkoc, a hou.se; Skfuo, I htdld.) oucoi, adv. at home. (oIkoc, a house.) oin-og, ov, d, subst. a house: nom. plur. o'lKoi. olfxat and o'ioixai, imp. (o(')fiT]V^ f oii'](TOfiai, p. (friiiai, 1 aor. (ptj- 9i]v, verb mid. irr. / think, I suppose. olvoTT(\r-r]g, ov, 6, subst. « wine' bibber, a drunkard. {olvog leine ; Trtj/w, / drink.) LEXICON. 131 olv-og. Of, d, subst. wine. civoxoko)^ Wy f. on'OYo;/(Tit(, p. </;Vo- x67//ca, verb, I pour out wine, (oivoxoocy a cup-hearer.^ oi'j'oxo-oc, 01', 6, subst. a cup- hearer. (cTi'cr, zfz?ze ; x^^t ^ pour.') oi-oc, a, or, adj. aloiie. cl-oc, a, 0)', adj. 5?/c/i as^ of ivhat sort. oloQ re fifii, I am able : oiSu re tart, it is possible. oVo, oVoc, d, ?/', subst. a sheep, whether ram or ewe. bloOa, 2 pers. of olca. See ucuj. olxofiai, f. olx')]<yoiiai, p. /^y'/M^'> verb, / am gone, I have de- parted. u\fr-oc-, «, ov, adj. happy. Comp. oK^ioiTipoc, superl. oX^KjjraTOQ, (oXfoc, happiness.) 6\iy-oc, J/, or, adj. small, little. Comp. oXi^iov, superl. uXi- yKTTOC. oWi'i-iL and cWcio, f. dXscoj, Att. c-\a}, p. coXtica, Att. oXwXekh, verb, / destroy, I consume : IMid. uXXv/Jiat, f. dXerrojxai, Att. oXovnat, p. oXdAa, 2 aor. wXo- ^i}v, I perish, I come to an end. oX-oQ, 7], ov, adj. ivhole, entire, complete, all. 'OXfjUTT-or, 01', d, subst. Olympus : a mountain of Thessaly, fa- bled to have been the abode of the celestial deities. ufiQp-oQ, ov, 6, subst. rain. Ojxrjp'oc, ov, 6, subst. Homer: a Greek poet, writer of the Iliad and Odyssey. ofuXt-a, ac, 7], subst. a being or living together: hence, inter- course, communication, conver- sation. (ofxlXoc, an assembled crowd ; o/i^oc, one of the same ; iXt], a crowd.) oHfi-a, uToc, TO, subst. (From iof^ifiai, perf. of oTTTO/xat.). 6n6i'Qi-a, ar, 1], subst. lihe-minded- ness, unanimity, (d^ut/c, owe and the same ; voir, mind.) ofioi; adv. together, {of-wc, one and the same.) ofiuic, adv. equally, together ivith. {ofxdc, one and the same.) ovdcl'Cu}, f. ovHCirro.', Att. oi'titloj, p. tji/(icuca, verb, / throw a reproach upon ; I object or impute to as biame ; / re- proach or upbraid : Pass, ovti- ciL,Qjxat, p. u)i'dci(jp.ai, 1 aor. ojvsiSiaOrji', 1 f. oviicirrOijiTOfica, I am reproached, ^-c. ; Mid. oveici^oixat, f. uP(UH(rof.iai, Att. opeiciovfiai, I reproach for my- self, S^c. (uveicoc, reproach.) orf ic-of, soQ ovg, rh, subst. Strictly, a report; also, shame, dis- grace, reproach. diwfjL-a, drog, to, subst. a name. oi'Ofidi^u), f. ovofxarruj, p. ujv6jj.dica, I name : Pass, ovond'^ofiai^ p. Cjvofiaaixai, 1 aor. ajvofidaGriv, 1 f. ovoixaaQi']aoi.Lai, T am named: IMid. 6 vo/jd^o/[ta(, i'.opopaffofiai, 1 aor. oivoixcKTufiiiv, I name for myself, (oj-o^m, a name.) uv-oc, ov, 6, //, subst. an ass. ui'ra, ace. masc. sing, and nom. and ace. neut. plur. of wr, pres. part, of iZ/it. d^-'V, (7a, i; adj. sharp. Comp. vtvTtpoc, superl. 6'£vTa.Toc. OTTaZto, f. iy—dao), p. ojTtaKa, 1 aor. lo-ciaa, verb, I make to follow or accompany; I add, attach to ; I present, I give : Mid. OTrc'i'^Ofxiu, f. i)~ar!c,p.cn, 1 aor. io-:raad}it]v, I mahe another follow with vie, I take to me or as my companion, G 6 132 LEXICON. ottX-oj^, ov, rh, subst. a tool, an implement : pi. weapons, arms. oTTot, adv. whither. oTTov, adv. of place, where, whither ; of time, ib'hen ; of cause, seeing then, because, since. oirrofxai, not found in present : instead of it, bpcux) is used, f. cxpofiai, verb, / see : Perf. pass. WjUjttat, 1 aor. axpOtjv, 1 f. o^Qnaofiai^Ihave been seen,^c. oTTtjp-a, ac, t), subst. the end of summer. This word is usually translated autumn ; but it was not so late in the year as that ; most likely it was about the dog-days. oTTuic, adv. how. opd(T-ig, log, Att. ecoc, y), Subst. seeing ; the sense of sight, (opdu), I see.^ opdiOy w, imperf. ku)paov^ o)v, f. o\pofjLai, p. lopaKU, Att. iiopuKa, I see : Pass, opdofiai, wfxai, p. €(i)pdi.iai, 1 aor. tcjpdOijv, 1 f. opaOticroiiai, I am seen. ipyj), i]c, t), subst. natural cha- racter ; passion, rage, anger. (opkyM, I stretch.") 'Ope<TT-i]c, ov, 6, subst. Orestes. , the son of Agamemnon. opOoM, u), f. opOojacij, p. (ZpOojKa, verb, I set straight, I set up- right, 1 raise : Pass. dpOoo/xca, ovfxai, p. ojpOujfiai, 1 aor. wp- 6(v9t]v, 1 f. opOioOyjrroixai, I am set upright, 1 succeed, prosper. {opOoQ, upjnght.) dpOaic;, adv. uprightly, rightly, correctly. (J)p9or, upright.) oplZoj, f. 6pX(j(o, Att. opio), p. wpXKa, verb, / divide or separate as a boundary, / bound ; I deter- mine, appoint, deci'ee : Pass. opiCofiai, p. ijpLCTfJiai, 1 aor. <j)pia9)]v, 1 f. opKrOtjcTofxai, I am bounded, 8)X.(^opog, a boundary.) opic-og, ov, 6, subst. an oath. opfi-i), yg, i], subst. a violent pressure, a struggle, an effort, an endeavour, (^opuj or opvvjxi, I rouse.) opv-ig, Wog, 6, 77, subst. a bird. up-og, eog ovg, rh, subst. a moun- tain. 'Op0-£t>C, kog, Att. k(x)g, b, Subst. Orpheus : a Thracian bard, whose music charmed not only the brute, but even the inanimate creation. upx^ojiai, ovfiat, f. opx^'l'^ofxai, 1 aor. u)pxri<yaiii]v, verb mid. / dance, {opxog, a row, i. e. of dancers ; also, a dance.) og, fj, 0, pron rel. ivho, which. o(j-og, 7], ov, adj. as great as, as much as, as many as, as far as, as long as. \')Ga-og, t], ov, poetical form of oa-oc, 7], or: 6<TT-80V OVV, SOV OV, TO, SUbst. U bone. oaric, Tj-rig, on, comp. rel. pron. ichosoever, whichsoever, what- soever ; any one who, any thing ivhich. (og, who; rig, any one.) oa('^)pi]a-ig, tog, Att. Hog, 1), subst. smell, the sense of smelling. (uGippaivopai, I smell.) orav, conj. ivhenever, as soon as. (oVf, ivhe7i ; dv, the indefinite particle.) on, adv. ivhen. on, adv. that: conj. because. ov before a consonant, ovk be- fore a soft vowel, ovx before an aspirated vowel, adv. not. ov-ag, uTog, to^ subst. the ear. LEXICOy. 133 ovJf, conj. but not, and not, not even : ovSk . . ovcey not even . . nor yet. (ov, not ; ct, and.) ovS-tlc, (fxia, ev, adj. not one, i.e. no one. {ovct,not even; eig, one.) ovliv, neut. of uvdslg, not any, nothing : used adverbially, not at all, in no respect. ovdtirdtTroTe, adv. and not yet, n£ver yet at any time, (ovc'nroj, not yet ; ttotI, at any time.) ovK. See ov. ovKovv, adv. in positive clauses, not, therefore; so, not; in in- terrogative clauses, not there- fore? not then? {ovk, not; ohv, therefore^ OVKOVV, adv. therefore, then, so, accoi'dingly. In this way of "writing the word the force of OVK appears to vanish, and that of ovv alone to remain. ovv, adv. then, therefore. ovTTOTi, adv. not at any time, never, {ov, not; Trore, at any time.) ovpav-dc, ov, 6, subst. heaven, ovQ, ojrhc, TO, subst. an ear. ovaa, fern, of wv, pres. part, of sj/x/, being. CUTS, adv. and not: ov-e . . ovre, neither . . nor. {ov, not ; r?, and.) ov'Tic, ~t, comp. indef. pron. not any, no one, nobody, nothing, {ov, not ; Tig, any one.) ovrog, avT/], tovto, dem. pron. this. ovTuj before a consonant, ovTOjg and ovru}(Tiv before a vowel, adv. in this way, thus, so. {ovTog, this.) ovX' See ov. ovyj, a strengthened and Attic form of OVX. d(pei\oj, f. 6^£t\j;(Tw, p. tjtpslXijKay (.o(p\r]Ka, 2 aor. ojipeXov and v(pf\ov, verb, / owe ; followed by an infinitive mood, I ought: Pass. ocpsiXofxai, p. oj^Xjjixaij 1 aor. thfpXijO'ijv, 1 f. o^XrjQy)- ao^iai,! amowed; I ambownd. 6(pdaXii-hg, ov, 6, subst. an eye. {6(pOtic, 1 aor. pass. part, of OTTTQUai.) 6(p-iQ, Log, Att. nog, 6, a serpent, a snake, ucppa, conj. that, in order that: adv. as long as. 6^-ig, lof, Att. t(i)g, r'lf subst. a face. (o;|/ojLtaf, fut. of opauj, I see.) 6^-ov, ov, TO, subst. strictly^ boiled meat: hence, meat, flesh ; hence again, food. (£>/'w, I boil.) n. Ha. See ttT). -naict'i-a, ag, i), subst. rearing or hnnging up of a child, edu- cation. {~alg, a child.) TTaLCevoj, f. Traictvcruj, p. Trnrai- civKci, verb, I rear, bring up a child; I educate, instruct: Pass. TraiCtvofMai, p. TreTvaicsv- fiai, 1 aor. iTTailevOrjv, 1 f. 7raioi.v9i)(jofxai, I am instructed, Sj^C. : Mid. TraiCivoixai, 1 f. TraiCti'iaofjLai, 1 aor. iTTaicevara- ji^v, I teach for myself, I have one taught, educated, 8fc. {Tcdigy a child.) Trai'Cu}, f. Traiaoj, Trai^oj, p. ttI- TvaiKa, Tv'tTraixci, 1 aor. tTraiffa, verb, / play like a child, I sport, I play ; also, / delude^ mock : Pass. Trm'^o^ai, p. tts- 'rrai^nai, Tr^Traiyjuai, 1 aor. £7rai- X^n^'i 1 ^' T^cuxO 11(^0 fiaif I am 184 LEXICON. made sport of, I am mocked, SfC. : JMid. TTai^o/JLai, f. Trairro- fiai, TTcu^oi-iat, TToi^cuytiaJ, 1 aor. iTTcaoai^up', I play, sport, jest, dance, SfC. (jraic, a child.) TToic, -KaibbQ, 6, 1], subst. a child; a slave, a servant. TTciXai, adv. long ago. 7:a\cn-or, a, hv, adj. ancient. Corap. TTaXaiurepoc, superl. ttu- Xaiorarog. (TrciXai, long ago.) TTciXiv, adv. again. TTciXXio, f. ■jraXcJ, p. TreTraXKa, verb, / h^andish. Pass. naXXofxai, p. TTs-aXfiai, 1 aor. t7rdX6i]v, 1 f. TtaXQiiaojiai. TraXr-vr, oi/, ru, subst. any thing brandished ; a missile, a dart. (TToXXijj, I brandish.) TTamwxi'oc, ov, and og, ?/, ov, adj. all night long or through. (Trac,-, all; vvi,, night.) Tav-d-n-acTi, adv. altogether, en- tirely. (jrhr, all.) Trcu'-dxov, adv. everywhere, in all places, (ttcic, all.) TravracciTr-dg, t), ov, adj. of all kinds, of every sort. Superl. TTavTooaTnordrog. (^~dc, all; C'dwtcor, land.) •TravTog, gen. of Trdg. Trdvv, adv. altogether, (rrdc, all.) ?ra-7r-oc, ov, 6, subst. « grand- father. '^rap, before a vowel, for Trapd. -TTcipd, prep, with gen. from; with dat. with, near ; with ace. at, v;ith, during, beside, near. In composition, beyond, mar, by the side of, by, io7'ongly. "irapciQaivLo, f. "Tvapd^iiaoixai, p. 7rapntitf:ijica, 2 aor. Trtpsg?/!-, verb, / go by the side of; I transgress, (-apd, by the side of; jicdvuj, I go.) Trapaylyvonai or Trapay'ivofiat, f. TrapaytvijaojJiui, p. Trapay'iycva, 2 aor. 7rapeyivufir]v, verb, / am by the side of, I am near at hand, I arrive, Iamp?'esent. (^Trapd, by the side of; yiyvo- fjica, I become.) TvapdcuyH'tt, droc, to, Subst. an example, (jrapd, by the side of; 6eiKvv(ii, p. pass, ckdeiyixai^ 1 show.) 7rapadi^a)fii, f. -rrapacMcno, p. 7rd- paokSwKa, 1 aor. TrapkcaiKa, 2 aor. TTap'tCMv, I give or hand over, I deliver up : hence, / hand down, ■ I record, Sj^c. : Pass. Trapadi^ojiai, p. Trapack- cofiai, 1 aor. ■7rapaS69i]v, 1 f. 7rapaSo9)](ToiJ.at, I am given over, ^C. : Mid. Trapacicofxai, f. 7rapacdj(j0j.u(i, 1 aor. Trapecw KdfiTjv, Imyself deliver over, ^c. {■Kapd, from; Sicujfxi, I give.) irapa'ivia-ig, loc, Att. uog, i), subst. admonition, exhortation, (ttu- paivt(j}, I admonish.) irapaivid), w, f. Trapaiveaio, p. rrap" 7jveKa, I admonish, I advise, (irapd, by ; alvsoj, I tell.) TTupaTHX'u}y f. TrapriTevw, p. Trapa- TiraKft, verb, / extend by the side of I draiv up alongside of: Pass. 'TTapuTiivofiai, p. 7raparerdp.at, 1 aor. Traperd- 6}]J', 1 f. TraparaOi'jGOfiai, I am extended alongside of ^c. : Mid. irapaTtivGnai, f. Trapa- Tfvov^iai, 1 aor. rrapfreti'dfiTji', I extend alongside of for my- self, (jrapu, by the side of; Tfivio, 1 extend.) 7raps€r]v, 2 aor. of Tzapa^cdvio. Trdpft/.u, f. irapi-aoiiai, COmp. verb subst. / am by the side of I am near, I am present. LEXICON. 13^ (rrapd, bv the side of; dfii, 1 am.) Trapfpxof^at, f. TrapiXevcrofiatj p. 7rapi]\v9a, Att. 7rrtpf\//\{)0a, Ion. -n-apfiXiiXovOa, verb mid. irr. I go hy, I pass by. {-apd, by the side of; tpxo^ai, I come.) •7raoex(^y imperf. rra^tT^'ov, f. Trap- £^io, 7rapa(Txi]<Tio, p. Traptffx^Ka, 2 aor. 7raps<Txov, I hold by the side of : hence, / offer ^ pre- sent, afford^ supply: Pass, -rrao- exc^at, p. 7raokayn]fiai, 1 aor. 'TraptTx^Oiii'^ 1 f. Trapacrxv^^l' (Tofiai, I am afforded, ^'c: Mid. Trapkxcjiai, f. Trapk'^ofiai, Trap- affxi'icroi-iai, 2 aor. TrapiCFxofirjv, 1 myself supply, ^^c. (jrapd, by the side of; £\'w, I hold.) TTapdiv-oc, 01', V, subst. a maideji, a virgin. Udp-ic. uoCf o, subst. Paris : a son of Priam, Avho carried off Helen, the wife of Menelaus, king of Sparta : hence arose the Trojan war. Tidpoc-oc, ov, ?/, subst. a road or icayby; also, apassage. (jrapdy by the side of; 6c6c, a way.) Tzdc, Trdaa, -n-cw, adj. all. Trdax^^^t f. "^iirropat, p. ■nSTrovOa, 2 aor. t-ciQovy verb irr. 1 suffer, 1 endure, I am treated. ~aTd<TGio, f. Trard^oj, p. TreTrd' rdva, verb, / beat, strike, smite, wound: Pass. TrardcGo- fiai, p. Tt—drayfiai, 1 aor. tTra- rdxOijv, 1 f. 7rara\9i)(Tonat, J am struch, S^'C. : ]Mid. Trarotr- (TOfiai, f.TrardtOfiai, 1 aor. tTa- ratufij]!', I strike for myself. 7rar-j}p, eooc; puc, o, Subst. a father. TdrpX'oco, ov, a.dj. paternal: also, ■jrdrpi-oc^ ov. {jra-i;p, father.) Trarp-lc, Icog, y), subst. o«e',« fw therland. (-a- })p, father.) 7ravp-oc, a, ov, adj. little, small » in plural, feic. Comp. ttciv- poTepor, superl. Travpordroc. Uavcrav'i-ar, ov, 6, subst. Pau- sanias. Travoj, f. TTaiVw, p. TrsTravKa, verb, I make another to cease: Pass. "irai'op.aiy p. Trk—avpai, 1 aor. l7rav6i]v^ 1 f. 7zavQi}crop.ai, J am made to cease : Mid. Travo- ^uu, f. -TzavGopai, 1 aor. i—av- Gdjxtp', I make myself to cease, i. e. / cease, I leave off. TTs^l'Ov, ov, TO, subst. a plain, a level ground, {-icov, ground.) TTiiBio, f. TTftTw, p. Tri— ci/;a, verb, / persuade : Pass. rrtiOofiat^ p. TTSTreicri^ai, 1 aor. i—tiaQr^v 1 f. 7rii(r9i](Toi.iai, I am pei'- suaded : Llid. TiiiOojxai, f. ttj t- aof-iai, 1 aor. t—nffdfMtjv, p. ■ntTTotOa, I persuade myself; hence, / believe, I tnist, 1 obey. 'rrtipdijj, u), f. TretodcToj, p. TrtTrtJ- puKa, verb, I attempt, I try: Pass. Tretpdofiai, oji^dn, p. tte- TTiipdiiai, 1 aor. i7rEipuQi]v, 1 f. TrEipaOiiffopat, lam tried: ]\lid. irtipdoiiai, Cjpai, f. Trtipdaojiai^ 1 aor. iTreipaddjuyjv, I make trial of for myself, examine^ question, ^'C. {-ilpa, a trial.) TrkXti-a, ag, y, subst. a dove. (^—eXbg or TTiWbg, dark-co- loured.) TTfXei-dc, dcoc, r), siibst. a dove. (^TTiXhg or TTf-Wdt-, dark-co- loured.) TleXoTTU-ac, ov, 6, subst. Pelo- pidas : a Theban general. Tr'tUTTO}, f. Trf^<C/W. p. TTlTTOHtpa^ verb, I send: Pass. Trsfiirofiaij 136 LEXICON. p. 'TTiTreixfiai, 1 aor. e-jrffxcpOijv, 1 f. 7riiJ,(p9r](roiiaiy I am sent : Mid. TrkfiTTOfiai, f. TrajXipoiJiai, 1 aor. eTTSfiipdfirjv, I myself send; al&o,Isendfor. TTivriQ^ rjTog, d, subst. one who works f 07' Jiis bread, a labourer, a poor man; also used as adj. poor, needy. Conip. Tnvkart- poQ, superl. TTivhaTCLTOQ. (jtk- vofxai, I toil.y Trevi-a, ag, y), Ion. TrevX-rj, rjg, y, subst. poverty. {j:kvo\iai, I toil.) •jrevlxp-og, d, 6v, adj. poor, des- titute, needy. Comp. irtvixpo- npoc, superl. TrtvixpoTarog. (jrkvofxai, I toil, SfC.) mvopai, imperf. kTitvofxriv, verb, not used in other tenses, I work for my living, I toil; hence, I am poor, needy. TTivre, num. adj. indecl.^ye. TTfjO, enclitic particle, adding force to the word to which it is affixed, or else it calls close attention. TTspaw, w, f. TTtpaait), p. TreTr'epdica, 1 aor. lirkpaca, I drive aci'oss; also, I pass, (jrkpav, across.) TTspl, prep, with gen. around, about, near, concerning, of; with dat. around, round about, hard by, near, for, on account of; with ace. around, about, near, by, with regard to. In composition, round, about, be- yond, exceeding. TTipiayu), f. TTtpid^o), p. Trepirixf^i 2 aor. TTeptiiyov, Att. Tzspiiiya- yov, verb, Ileadroundor about : Pass. Trepuiyofiat, p. TTipiriypai, 1 aor. TrepiiixOip^, 1 f. Trtpiax- 6t]CTopai, I am led round : Mid. Trepidyofiai, f. Tcepid^ofiai, 2 aor. 7r£piT]y6fir]v, I lead about for myself or with myself. {Trspi, around ; dyw, I lead.) HepiavSp-og, ov, v, subst. Peri- ander : a tyrant of Corinth. rrepieifii, f. Tftpiscofxai, Comp. verb subst. / am beyond; hence, 1 survive. (^Trtpl, beyond; £t/i«, / am.) llepXK\-rjg, iog ovc, 6, subst. Pe- ricles : a famous Athenian statesman. nep(7t<p6i'-i], ijg, y, Persephone : the Proserpine of the Ro- mans ; daughter of Ceres, and wife of Pluto. U&pa-rjg, ov, 6, subst. a Persian. TrkdVKa, perf. of (pvfxi. Trkrofxai, imperf. i.TTiT6fii]v, f. in- ryaopai', 2 aor. 'iiTTrjv in the active form, and iTrofirjv in the middle form ; I fly. Trerp-a, ag, r}, subst. a stone. TTtauiv, 2 aor. part, of TrtVrw. ttt}, interrog. adv. in what way f ivhither ? how ? Trriodit), w, f. 7r7]Byaoj, TrijOijcrofxai^ p. 7mri]h)Ka, verb, 1 leap. TTLKp-dg, a, or, adj. bitter. Comp, TTiicpSrspog, superl. TTLKporaTog, TTLVix), f. TTlOfXai, TTlOUfiai, 2 aOr, Itviov, verb irr. / drink, p. TTETTioKa, I have drunk ; hence, / am drunken : Pass, irivonai, p. TTSTTOfjiaL, 1 aor. iirSByv, 1 f. 7ro6i](jOfA,ai, I am drunk, Tc'iiVToj, f. 7ri.aovp.aL, p. TTf—rwKa, 2 aor. t-Kiaov, verb irr. I fall. Tncrrtvu), f. izian.vau), p. TreTriffrev- Ka, verb, I believe, trust, rely on: Pass. Tncfrevopca, p. TTf- TvifTTavpai, 1 aor. i7n(7Ttv9t]v, 1 f. 7rL(Trfv9)']CTopat, I am be- lieved, SfC. : Mid. ■KiaTSvop.ai, f. TTicTTeixTOfxai, 1 aor. tTriartv- LEXICON. 137 cai.i7]r, I trust myself, I trust for myself. (iriaTig/faith.^ TTioT-ir, wc^ Att. fwc, ?/j subst. faith, fidelity. {tthBoj^ I per- suade.) 7ri(7--oc, ?), oV, adj. faithful, trust- worthy. Comp. 7ri<7rdr£,ooc, sup. TriaroraroQ. (jriarLC, faith.) 7rXavd<jjy J), f. 7rXavi']<jiu, p. tte- 7r/\fa'//K:«, verb, I make to wan- der, I lead astray : Pass. 7r\a- I'donai, Cjfiai, p. TreTrXdvT] fiaij 1 aor. tTrXavrjO)]!', 1 f. irkavr]- 6t)Goi.tai, 1 am made to wander, I roam, I stray : Mid. TrXa- vdofiai, a)fiai, f. TrXavy'iaofiai, I myself ivander, I roam, stray ; also, / err. TrXdcrao) or —XaVraj, f. TrXarrw, p. -TTSTrXaKci, verb, / mould, fashion, form, make : Pass. TrXdaaojJ.ai or —Xarrojtiaj, p. tts- TrXacrfxai, 1 aor. tTrXdaOtjv, 1 f. •TrXauOqcoixai, I am moulded, ^X. : Mid. —Xdaconai, TrXdrro- fj,ai, f. TrXdaojiai, 1 aor. lirXa- cdii)]v, I mould for myself, Sfc. YiXdr-iov, ij}voc, 6, subst. Plato : a Greek pliilosopher. TrXtior-oc, ?;, oi', adj. most, su- perl. of TToXvQ. TiXii-ojv, or, adj. /wore, comp. of TToXvC. ttXekoj, f. 7rXi^(ji}, p. X£7r\£;!^a, verb, i" twine, twist, plait, weave : Pass. TrXitcofiai, p. TTsTrXeyfiai, 1 aor. t-Xcx9r]v, 1 f. ttXsx^'']- GOfxai, I am tunned, plaited, WOVin, ^'C. ; Mid. TrXeKOfxai, f. TzXit.ofAdi, 1 aor. l7rXtt,dfiTji', I myself ticine, 8fC., I twine for myself, Src- ^ TrXeoviKT-fic, ov, 6, subst. a co- vetous man, a grasping man. (TrXswi', more ; ixw, I have.) TzXeoi's^l-a, ag, i], subst. covetous- vess, avarice. (/rXiw}', more; gi^o;, fut. of ixw, / have.) TrXg-ot-, a, ov, adj. full, filed. TrXijyelg, 2 aor. pass. part, of 7rX//rrw. TrXjjOu), f. ttXt/cw, p. TTEirXijKa^ verb, / fll : Pass. TrXijOofiai, p. Trs—Xrja-jiai, 1 aor. iTrXijaOtjif, 1 f. 7rXT]a9}](ronai, I am filled, I am full : Mid. TrXijOofiai, f. TrXj'/rrojLto/, 1 aor. ETvXrjGcii^Tjv, If II for myself (ttXsoc, full.) TrX-np-Tjc, tc, adj. fidl. Comp. TrXrjp'ccrrfpog, superl. liXrjpkcTTd' roc. (jcXkoc, full.) ttXtjooo}, u), f. 7rXi]pojaa), p. TTSTrXrj- pujKa, verb, I fill, make full; also, I fulfil : Pass. TrXrjpdofiaty ovfiai, p. 7ri7rXi]p(jJiJ.ai, 1 aor. i.7rXojp(jjBr]v, 1 f. TrXrjpioQijaofiai^ I am filled, SfC. : IVIid. ttXt;- poofxai, oufiai, f. 7rX?;,ooj(TOjLta/, 1 aor. i~Xi]p(x}(ydfir)v, I fill for myself, ^c. (jrXijpric, full.) TrXrjdXov, adv. near. (TrXj^ct'oc, 7rX?}(7<7a», TiXrjTTixJ, f. TrXry^w, p. 7r£7rX?7%«, 2 aor. tTrXjjyov and 'i—Xdyov, I strike : Pass. TrXj^c- GOfiai, —Xi]TTO^iai, p. —S7rXT]y fxai, 1 aor. kTrXij-^Orjv, 1 f. ttXjj- xQu<jofiai, 2 aor. tTrXTJyijv and i~Xdyr]v, I am struck : IMid. TrXijaaofiai, TrXrjrTOfiai, f. ttXj/- iofiai, 1 aor. e—X7]'^dfXj]v, p. TTSTrX^yyo, / strike myself, especially in sign of grief; / 5Wi!Ye myself ttXooq ovc, ttXoov ov, 0, a sailing, a voyage, a passage. (^-Xiu), I sail.) 7rXov(7X-og, a, ov, adj. n'c^. Comp. 7rXov(Ti(t)ripoc, superl. 7rXoucr<w- rarog:. (TrXoi/TOf, ivealth.) 138 LEXICON. irXovrio), w, f. TrXovnj^sco, p. ttc 7r\ovri]ica, verb, I am rich. (TrXoi/roc, wealth.) tXovtiK^o, f. TrXovrXffojy Att. TrXov- rltD, p. TTfTrXot'-T/ca, verb, / en- rich, I make rich, I make happy, I gladden : Pass. TXovriZofiai, p. 7r(TrXov-i(rjjiui, 1 aor. STrXow- riffdtjv, 1 f. 7rXov-ia9jj(To^i(ii, I am enriched, SfC. : Mid. TrXou- TiZo^ai, f. 7rXovrlG0i.ua, 1 aor. hTrXovTiaciLiriv, I enrich myself. (jrXovToc., walth.y UXovT-oc, or, 0, subst. Plutus : the god of wealth ; hence, wealth, riches. UXovT-ojv, lovoc, 6, subst. Pluto : god of the infernal world. TTvtvu-u, ciroc, to, subst. wind, hreath, spirit: to Ili'cufia, or TO ayioi> Ilp(vj((i, the Holy Spirit: the Third Person of the Trinity, (-vko, I breathe.) TTo-a, ac, 1}, snhst. g7'ass, herbage, a meadoia. TTocoQf gen. of Tvovc. TTOiioj, CJ, f. 7roi7]mo, p. Trt-ohjKu, verb, / make : Pass. Troisofiai, ovfiai, p. TrsTTuiiJi-iat, 1 aor. t-oiij9}]V, 1 f. 7roiT]6)jaoijiai, I am made : Mid. Trodoixai, ot- fiat, f. TTOUjcroi-iat, 1 aor. t-oit]- (Taixi]v, I make for myself. ToirjtT-ii;, iQc, Att. tioc, ij, subst. a making ; poetry. {-odco,! make.) TTOLijTe-oc, a, ov. verbal adj. to be made or done : Tronj-iov tor/, it is to he done by: I, yon, he, SfC, must do, accord- ing to the person which fol- lows in the dative case, which is eitlier expressed or to be supplied. The above form is equivalent to an impersonal Terb. 7rot?;r-)}t-, oi", 6, subst. a moker^ a poet. (jTodw, I make.) TToiiclX-oc:, 1], 0I-, adj. many-co- loured, varied. Comp. ttol- KiXioTepoc, superl. 7roit:i\ioTaTog. TToi-oc, a, 0!', adj. of li'hat sort or kind ? TToXeu'ecj, u>, f. TroXeuijffio, p. TTi- 7roXfju/;K-a, verb, / 7nake war upon, I wage war with, I dis- pute or quarrel icith : Pass. 7roXefiioj.iat, oviji.ai, p. ttsttoXe- fiTjixai, 1 aor. £7roXfju>;&j;r, 1 f. TToXifniOtjao^ai, I have ivar made upon me : !RIid. xoXs^lo- l-iai, oi'/ifd, f. 'TToX^i^iijaoixai, 1 aor. t7roXefi7](TdfiJjy, from TToXen-og, ov, 6, subst. war. TToXkfil-og, a, ov, adj. of or be- longing to ivar, ivarlike, hostile. Comp. TToXffawrfpoc, superl. TToXinuoraToc. (^—oXiuoc, war.) TToXefxl-og, ov, 6, subst. a?i enemy. (TToXffiog, icar.) ■ TToX-ic, IOC, Att. £wr, ■)], subst. a city. TToXird-a, ar, ij, subst. the rights or condition of a citizen ; gO' venwient, constitution of a state. (~oXl7?;c-, a citizen.) TroXlr-yjg, ov, 6, subst. a citizen. (ttoXic-, a city.) TToXXcouc, adv. oftentimes. (^~oXvc, much ; with the adverbial ter- mination, KIQ. TToXXov, gen. masc. and neut. of TToXvg. TToXv, adverbial neuter ace. of TToXvf, much. HoXvKXeiT-oc, ov, c, PolycletllS. iroXvi.iad-))c, ic, adj. very learned. Comp. TToXviiabeaTipoc, superl. TroXvfiaOtfrTaToc. (^ttcXvc, much ; t/jLclOcv, 2 aor. of jxavQavwy 1 learn.) LEXICON. 139 voXvr, TToW?}, TTcXr, adj. muck. Comp. irXiojv, superl. TrXtlaroc. irofiTr-i), ijg, 7/, subst. a sending. (TTt/iTTw, / send.) TTOVSIO^ U>, f. 7rOl'7]!jiiJ, p. TTSTTOVTJKa, verb, / labour, I toil; also, / afflict, I distress : Mid. tto- vto/iiaiy ovfiaiy f. Trovrjffofioi, p. pass. TrcTTovjjjUrtt. (ttovoc, TTovtjp-og, a, 6v, adj. causing la- bour or tozZ; hence, hui'tful, bad, wicked. Comp. ■Kom-jpo- Tfpog, super]. TfuvtjpordTog, (^TTovog, labour.) TTov-oc, ov, 6, subst. labour, toil, (jrivofiai, I toil.) TTopevu), f. TTopivao), p. TrtTTopevKa, verb, / carry, convey^ make another to go. : Pass, tto- pevofiai, p. TrsTTopevficn, 1 aor. f—opsi'Otjv, 1 f. TTopevOijcrofiai, I am made to go, I proceed : Mid. TTopfvofiaiy f. TTOpiVffonni, 1 aor. iTTopivrrdfiyjv, I make myself to go, I go. (jrvpog, a way.) TToa-oc, i]y ov, adj. how great? how muck f of what value ? TTordn'oc, ov, 6, subst. a river. Probably from tto-oc, drink- able, i. e. denoting drinkable ■water. TTore, interrog. particle, at ickat time ? when ? -xo-iy enclitic particle, at some time, at any time. once. TTOTfo-og, a, ov, adj. whether of the two. TTOTn-oc, ov, 0, subst. that tvhick befalls one, fate, destiny. (ttItv- Toj, I fall.) TTor-oj', OV, TO, subst. drink, (ttj- vo), I drink.) TToT-or, OV, 6, subst. a drinking- hout, a carousal. (jrlvu), 1 drink.) TTov, interrog. adv. wkere f TToi), enclitic adv. someivhere. TTOVg, TTOCOC, 6, SUbst. tt foOt. irpuyn-a, dror, ro, subst. an act, a thing done, a thing : in plur. TTpciyfiaTa often signifies trouble. (jrkTrpa-yixai, perf. pass, of Trpdaauj, I do.) TTod^-ig, log, Att. lojc, i], subst. an action. (tTrpa^a, 1 aor. of TTpdaaoj, I do.) TTpdaaoj or TrpaTTUj, f. Trpd^M, p. TTfTTpaxcr, verb, I do, I make : Pass. Trpdaaojxai or Trpurrofiai, p. rrsTrpayfiaiy 1 aor. tTrpdxOijVy 1 f. 7rpaxOi)iTof.iai, I am made : Mid. TTpdaaofxai or Trpdrroixai^ f. TTpdi^ojxai, 1 aor. tTTpa^dfxyjVf p. TTSTrpdyct, I make for my- self, I exact. -psTTEtf impers. verb, it is suit- able or becoming. Trpi(T€ivT-}]g, ov, 6, subst. aji am- bassador, the chief of an em- bassy. (rrpiaSivio, I am an ambassador.) 'irptati.vu),^. 7rpifT€iv(T(jj, p. Tmrpka- €evKa, verb, / am the elder; I am an ambassador : Pass. Trptcr^svo/jLai, p. 7Vi.7rpi(7€,n'fxai, 1 aor. l7rp((y€ev97]v, 1 f. 7rpEa€tv- 6i](Tnixai, I hold the first place : iVIid. irpiaf^iVQixai, f. Trpicttv- (Tojuat, 1 aor. i~pe<j€ev(jdnT]Vf I myself go as ambassador. TTpsaiiffT-cg, 7], or, adj. oldest. (Trpsa^vc, an old man.) irpsa^-vc, vog and fwf, d, Subst. an old man : hence are formed the comparative and super- lative adjectives, -ptatvTtpog, 7rp€(T€liov, older, Trpictirdrog^ 7rpk<7€i(7-cg, oldest. 140 LEXICON. 'jrpiv, adv. before. vp6, prep. gov. gen. before, in front of: also, adv. before, previously. In composition, before, increase. rpotdWo), £ TTpo^aXCJ, TrpotaX- Xtjcroj, p. 7rpo€'s€XT]Kay 2 aor. 7rpos€aXov, contr. into Trpov- '" tdXov, verb, / throio before : hence, / put forward, I pro- pose : Pass. Trpo^dXXojxai, p. '7rpoti€Xr)ixai, 1 aor, 7rpoa€Xy- 6r)v, 1 f. 7rpo€Xr}9r'iaofjtai, I am proposed : Mid. TrpotdXXoixai, f. 7rpo€aXovj.iai, 2 aor. Tvpoe- €aX6[xr}v,Ithro2V WT/se/f before, Ibringforvjard. {~p6, before; ^dXXoj, I throw.^ irpotaT-ay ojv, rd, subst. sheep ; dat. Tcpotdcn, for Trpo^droiQ, usually plur. except in Gr. Test, (j^po, before ; (Saivdj, I TTpotifxi, f. TTposiaofiai, p. Trpotia, verb, / ^0 forward, I go be- fore, 1 proceed. (~po, before; flfU, I go.) TrpoQvpioyQ, adv. readily, zealously, eagerly. {TrpoOviioc, ready.) vpoiE, gen. TrpoiKoc, dat. -^poua, ace. TTpdiKa, 1], subst. a gift, a present, a portion. TlpofirjO-evc, eog, Att. ^(og, 6, Subst. Prometheus. TTpovoi-a, ag, rj, subst. fore- thought, providence. ("^po, before ; voiic, mind.) "Trpdc, prep, with gen. from, by : with dat. added to, ivith : with ace. to, with relation to : in composition, to, in addition to, besides. TrpocraYM, f. Trpocrd'^o}, p. TTpoffrJx'^} 2 aor. 7rpo<ri]yov, Att. Trpoai]- ydyov, verb, / bri7tg to or upoji, I bring: Pass. Trpocrd- yofj,ai, p. Trpoarjyinai, 1 aor. TrpoffijxOrjv, 1 f. TrpoaaxOriao- fiai, I am brought to, Sfc. : Mid. 'Trpocrdyofxai, f. Trpoad^o- fiat, I bring to myself. ^Trpog, to ; dyoj, I bring.) Trpoa^kxofiai, f. 7rpoadk^op.ai, p. irpoaUhynai, verb mid. / re- ceive, 1 admit, I wait for. (TTpog, to ; Ssxofjiai, I receive.) Trpocrkxoj, f. Trpoas^oj, p. wpoaka- Xn^cL, I bring to, 1 apply to^ I turn my mind to, I mind : Pass. 7rpocr8xofx,ai, p. Trpoaka- XVP-f^h 1 S-Or. 7rpo(yiax^Qi]V, 1 f. TcporjxiQh^oiiai, I am brought to, I am held fast by : Mid. irpoaexofiai, f. TrpQcrs^ofiai^ 1 bring myself to, I attach to, I cling to. (-^pog, to ; e^w, 1 have.) TvpoGrjKio, f. 7rpo(T}]^co, p. Trpocriiica, verb, / come to, I belong to : TTpocrijKei, an impersonal verb, it is ft. (jrpdg, to; iJKOj, I am here.) TrpotTKVveo), w, f. 7rpo<rKi'V)i(jco, p. 7rpocnc8KvvT)ica, verb, I kiss the hand to, I '^o homage to, I reverence or salute, I ivorship, I adore. (_^pog, to ; kvpeo)^ I kiss.) TrpocnreXd^o), f. 7rpoG7riXd<no, p, TrpocnreTrsXciKa, verb, / make to approach, I bring near to ; also, / approach : Pass. Trpoa- TrkXai^ofiai, p. Trpoa-ni—kXaafiai, 1 aor. TrpocreTTsXdadijv, 1 f. TTpo(TiTeXaa9ii(yofxai, I am made to approach, I approach, (jrpdg, to ; TreXd^co, I bring near to.) Trpoffrdaau), or Trpoa-Tdmo, f. —poa- rd^(o, p. irpoffTerdxc, verb, / arrange at, I post at ; I enjoin, LEXICON. 141 command^ order : Pass, ttooct- rdaaofiai or Trpoa-aTTOfica, p. TrpocrrtTayiJ.atf 1 aor. Trpoas- raxOijv, 1 f. 7rpo(y~axdi)(jop,aiy I am posted at, ordered, &fc. (-rpdc, to; Tuaau), 1 set in order.) TTpoarpk^i^, f. TrpoaSpapovnai, p. TTpoaSeCpd/iTjKa and Trpoackcpo- fia, 2 aor. Trpocrkcpanov, I run to or towards. (jrpoQ^ to; rpk- XOJ, I run.) irpocTipspoj^ f. 7rpo(Toiaojy p. Trpoan'j- voxcr^ Alt. Trpocrsvi'ivoxcCy 1 aor. Trpocrfyrsy/ca, 2 aor. Trpoarjvs-/- Kov, I bring to, up, or towards; Pass. TTpoapspofiai, p. TTpoa-i]- veyfiai, Att. Trpoaevijvsyfiai, 1 aor. TTpoaijvkxdW) 1 f- '^po(T- evsx9T]<T0fiai, I am brought to, Sec. : Mid. Trpoaipipofiai, f. ■TrpocTGLffofiat, I bring myself to, I apply, (-pof, to; ^ilpw, / 7rp6(raj7r-oj/, ov, rd, subst. face, countenance. (^rpoV, to; wvi/, /ace.) TvpoTHvu), f. irpoTivCJ, p. TrpOTE- TUKOy verb, / stretch before, I extend, I offer : Pass. Trpo- Teivofxai, p. TrooTsrafJiaiy 1 aor. TrpoerdOriv, 1 f. TrporaOijaoi-iai, I am stretched before : IMid. Trpo- Teivofiai, f. "TrponvovfiaL, 1 aor. Trposrtivafirjv, I stretch myself before, Sfc. {~p6, before ; -u- voj, I stretch.) 7rpOTi9T]fll, f. —po9}](T(x}, p. TTpOTi- Qeixa, 1 aor. 7rpoi.9r]Ka, 2 aor. IT pokO r]v y 1 place before^ I put forth : Pass. irpoTiQi^ai^ p. TrporiQeiiiai, 1 aor. ■Kpotrkdriv, part. 'ZporeOelg, 1 f. TrporsOij- (TOfiai, I am set forth : Llid. TrpoTiOffxai, f, TrpoOtjaofiai, J put myself forth, I display. (jTpo, before ; riQ)}p.i, I put.) TrpoTpex^o, {.7rpodpafj.ovfj.ai, p. Trpo- deSpdfi7]Ka, Trpodedpopa, 2 aor. Trpokcpafiovy verb, 7rM?i before. (j^poy before ; ros yw, / r?^n.) 7rp6<pp-(i}v, ov, adj. willing. Comp. ■7rpo(ppoveaTepoc, superl. ttjOo- (ppovscTTaroc. (j^po^ before ; ^pyjv, mind.) TTpdra, adv. firstly, in the first place, (^TrpuJToc, first.) TvputTov, adv. firstly, in the first place. (7rpoj-o(;, first.) TrpwT-og, t], ovy adj. /r^^, su- perl. formed from ~p6, before. Comp. TcpoTipoc, superl. izpo- rdroc, Trpddroc, Trpwroc;. ■KTUfv-oQ, if, 6v, adj. winged. (jTTrfvai, 2 aor. inf. of Trkrofiaiy IlTo\epaT-oc, ov, 6, subst. Pto- lemy : surname borne by the kings of Egypt. IlvOayop-ac, ov, 6, subst. Pytha- goras : a Greek philosopher. TTVKd^cj, f. TTiKracrw, p. Trs—VKaKa, verb, / make thick, I cover : Pass. TTvtcdZofiai, p. TTSTrvKacr- fxai, 1 aor. kTiVKaG^T]!', 1 f. ttv- KaaOifdofiaiy I am covered : Mid. TTVKaZofiat, f. TrvKucropaiy 1 aor. iiiVKaacifxriVyl cover for myself, SfC. (^TrvKvoc, thick.) TTVvddvofiaiy f. TTivaofiat, p. tte- TTvcTfiai, 2 aor. IrrvBofufv, verb irr. I ask, I inquire. TTvp, TTvpog, TO, subst.fire. TTvpdfi-ic, Xcoc, if, subst. a py- ramid. TTvpy-oQ, ov, 6, subst. a tower. Uvpp-a, ac, 7f, subst. Pyrrha : the wife of Deucalion. TTvppixlZ,o}, f, TTvppix^ffui, verb, / dance the Pyrrhic dance, (jvp- 142 LEXICON. pixn, supply of)xv^f€i i^e Pyr- rhic dance.) Tlvpp'OQ, ov, d, subst. Pyrrhus : a king of Epirus. TTio/x-a, aroc^ to, subst. beverage, drink, (ttivoj, I drink.) Hojp'og, ov, 6, subst. Poms : an Indian monarch, in the time of Alexander the Great. iruiQy interrog. adv. how ? in ivhat maimer ? hy what means ? TTcjg, enclitic adv. in any icat/, hy any means, at all. P. 'P«iw, f. pt^cOy p. topya, I do. Of the pass, voice only the 1st aor. ipix^nv is found. priyvvjJLi^ pifyvvu), f. pifiu), p. ip' prjxct, I break : Pass, pilyvv- fiai, p, tppjjyfiai, 1 aor. tpprj- X^Wt 1 i*. prixQ^oo}iai, 2 aor. Ippdyrjv, I am broken : Mid. pjjyvvfiai, f. ptjKonai, 1 aor. tp- fjTj^afiijv, p. fppojya, 1 break for myself. prjfx-a, droc, to, subst. a word, a saying, (p^w, / say.) pi]T'U)p, opoc, 6, a public speaker, an orator, (psoj, I say.) pi^-a, ijg, t], subst. a root. pod'ov, ov, TO, subst. a rose. pv9fi-6g, ov, 6, measure. 'Poj fioL-og, a, ov, adj. Roman. 'Pu)fi'r], r}c, i], subst. Rome ; also, strength. 'Pw/i-of, ov, 6, subst. Remus. 'PufivX'OCy 01/, 0, subst. Romulus. 2. JlaK'ag, ov, o, subst. Sacas, i. e. dog : a name given by the Persians to the Scythians. The cup-bearer of Astyages bore this name, probably from being a Scythian slave. aapKotpayfu, a), I eat flesh, I am carnivorous, (aap^, flesh; ^d- yor, 2 aor. of taOiu), I eat.) acij/i, aapKoc, ?;', snhst. flesh. aavTov, for aiavTov. <ja(pu)c, adv. clearly. (caipijgy clear.) fff, ace. of cv. atavTOV, <T£avT)jg, (TsavTov, comp. pron., used only in gen., dat., and ace. sing, of yourself . ai€,Qp,ai, 1 aor. pass. icrs(p9i]v, Yerh, not used in other tenses, I reverence, I ivorship. (j'ciiOy f. (T£-»//w, verb, / ivorship, honour, revei'ence. (TsX-ac, dog, to, Subst. light, brightness, splendour. Pro- bably from 'iXq, the light of the sun, -with tr prefixed. (Tt\i]p-7], rig, 7], subst. moon, (at- Xac, brightness.) — 6<Tow(7-*c, Loc, Att. eojg, 6, subst. Sesostris : a king of Egypt. <rr]p.f~i-ov, ov, TO, subst. a sign. arii-upovy adv. to-day. (?;/.tcpfr, day.) (tObvu), verb, / am strong. (trSi- vog, strength.) atyau), w, f. GLyijrno, p. (reaiyTjKCi, verb, / am silent, (aiyu, si" lence.) (ny-j), rig, »/', subst. silence, (tr/sw, / hush.) (TlO)TTd(i), W, f. aHOTTtjaiO, p. (jfJlt'o- Tnpia, I keep silent ; also, lam silent, {aiMTTt), silence.) ani)TT-ii, T/c, 1], subst. silence. aKa(p-og, tog ovg, to, subst. any thins ducc or holloived out: hence, a vessel, a voat, a ship. (cKfiTrrw, I dig.) LEXICON. 143 oKtjv^Ti, rjg, rj. subst. fit covered place, a tent, a scene. aKiiTTp'ov, or, to, subst. a staff, a sceptre. (aKrjTTTO}, I prop.) cKi'd, ac, 1], subst. a shadow, shade. (jKOTi'a, ag, f], subst.. darkness, (^(TKOTog, darkness.) GKOtI'Cu), f. (TKOTlffU), p. laKOTlKa, verb, I make dark : Pass, (tko- Ti^ofiai, p. IcTKoTicrfiat, 1 aor. l(TK0Tia6j]i', 1 f. (rKOTiaBi)(TOfiai, I am made dark, I am dark. ((TKorog, darkness.) '2.Kvdrjc, ov, 6, subst. a Scythian. 16\-tov, ojvog, 6 subst. SoloJi : an Athenian lawgiver. ijop-bg^ ov, rj, subst. a Coffin. abg, ay], obv, possessive pron. your, thy, thine. (<tv, you.) tTocX-Oj ag, i), subst. ivisdom, (.70- <pbg, tcise.) "^^otpoK-Xiig, iog ovg, 0, subst. So- phocles : a Greek tragedian. ao^-bg, 7), bv, adj. wise. Comp. GO(pu)Tepog, superl. ao^ojTaTog. (Jirctpauao), airapdrru), f. (nrapd^u), p. ia-Kcipaxa, 1 aor. iOTrdpaia, verb, / tear or rend in pieces : Pass. aTTcipdaffOfiai, (nrapaTTO- fiat, p. iairdpayixai, 1 aor. «<T7ra- pdxOijv, 1 f. aTrapaxGi'loofiai, I am torn, ^*c. "^TrdpT-T], ;jr, j/, subst. Sparta; the chief city of Laconia. STrapriar-j/c, ov, 6, subst. a Spar- tan. (^TrdpTT], Sparta.) (Tirtipio, f. (TTTipo), p. fffTTapKa, 1 aor. iCTTTiipa, 2 aor. iairdpov, verb, / sow : Pass. oTnipo^ai, p. tcTTrapnai, 1 aor. iavdpQr]v, 1 f. GTrapOijffonai, 2 aor. iaird- pT]v, I am sown : Mid. a—dpo- fiai^ f. (TTTtpovfiat, 1 aor. iff^fi- pdfijjv, I sow for myself. CTTiVClO, f. (TTTiVCU), p. tCTTlVKC, verb, / urge on, I hasten, I press on ; also, / exert my- self, I make haste, I speed: Pass. aTrf.vcop.ai, p. iaTTivajxai, 1 aor. irfKivadj]V, 1 f. aTrsvaBr]- ao^iai, I am hastened: ]\Iid. aTTtvcofiai, f. aTTtvaonai, 1 aor. taTrtvadp.i]v, I hasten for my- self; also, I promote zealously. (Usually assigned to farror., 2 aor. of eVw, the active and poetic form of kVojuaf, J^ fol- low.) a7r\dyxv-oi', ov, to, subst. en- trails, bowels, usually found in plural. (Probably from aTrXijv, the spleen.) aTovcaiojc, adv. zealously, ea- gerly, seriously. Comp. a-rov- oaioTtpov, superl. aTrovcaioTa- Ta. (a-ovCa~iog, zealous ; and that from airovh), zeal.) a-kpv-ov, ov, Th, subst. breast, chest. aTi(pdv-og, ov, 6, subst. a crown, wreath, garland. (aTkcpoc, a croivn.) Also used as proper name ; as, Xreddv-oc, ov, d, subst. Stephen : the name of the first Christian martyr. .aTfrpavoo), u), f. aTa<pai'ojauj, p. taTtcpdvuiKo, verb, / encircle ivith a wreath, ^'C, / crown: Pass. aTt(pav6opaiy ovp.at, p. taTfcpdi'iopat, 1 aor. tarioavCy- 9r]v, 1 f. aTt<pavu)di]aojxai, I am crowned, I wear a crown : jNIid. aTf<pav6ofj,at, ovp-at, f. aTe(pavtjjcop.aty 1 aor. kartcba- vujadp.riv, I croicn myself, I put a crown on myself. {aTk(pa- vog, a crown, S^'c.) aTKt-og, iOQ ovg, to, subst. a 144 LEXICON. croton, a wreath., a garland. (oTs^w, / crown.) <TTrj9-og, tog ovc, to, subst. a breast. aTi)\-r], T/c, V, subst. a pillar, a column. GToixil-ov, ov, TO, subst. a he- ginning, a principle, an ele- ment: TO. (TToixtia, the elements, or primary matter. ((rroTYoc, a row.) aTo\-r}, riQ, rj, subst. a Jitting- out, an equipping : hence, as applied to dress, a robe, a dress. (oreXXw, / arrange or equip.) (tt6X-oc, ov, 6, subst. an arma- ment, an army, a fleet. {<jTiX- \oj, I send.) cTof-i-a, aToc, to, subst. a moidh. (JTpaTtvio, f, (TTpaTeiKru), p. laTpd- Tsvica, verb, I serve as a sol- dier, 1 take the field: Pass. aTpaTsvofiai, p. iaTpuTevfiai, 1 aor. t(TTpaTti'9i]v, 1 f. a-pa- TSvOiiaofxca : Mid. (jTpaTsvofiat, f. (TTpaTtvaouai, 1 aor. IcTpa- T£V(ra.fiT]v. Both the passive and middle voices of this verb have the same meaning as the active. (jjTpaToc, an army.) arpaT-qy-oQ, ov, b, subst. a ge- neral. (aTpaToc, an army;^ dyu), I lead.) cTpaTiLJT-tjQ, ov, 6, subst. a sol- dier. ((TTpaToc, an army.) arpar-bg, ov, 6, subst. an a?'my, host, armament. av, <Tov, personal pron. you: plur. vfielc, j;jud'j'. (TvyKVKao}, w, f. (TvyicvKijaio, p. (TvyKfKVKr]Ka, verb, / mix to- gether, I confound, I throiu into a ferment : Pass. CTi'yKi'- Kccofiat, wfiai, p. <7vyKeKVKTii.iai, 1 aor. <Tvv(icvKii9rjv, 1 f. crvyKU- Kt}Qr](jojmi, I am confounded, (jjvv, together; kvkcioj, 1 mix.) avWa^-i^, Tjg, r), subst. literally, that which holds, or is held, together; hence, a syllable; because two or more letters are held together in forming a syllable. (avXXafxQdvoj, I take together.) (Tv\\a^€avo), f, (TvWijipofiai, p. (TvXkkXrjfpa, Att. cTVveiXrj^a, 2 aor. (7vv'eXa€ov, I take to- gether, I comprise, I assist : Pass. avXXaiitdvoixat, p. avX- X'iXripiiai, Att. <Tvi^iiXr]Hf.ia(, 1 aor. avveXrjcpOrjv, 1 f. avX- Xr](i)9r](T0fjLai, T am taken ; also, lam seized, Sfc. : Mid. ovXXap.- €dvofiai, f. avXXy'j-ipopca, 2 aor. (TvveXa€6[xr]v, I take hold with another : hence, / Jielp, I as- sist. (jTvv, with ; Xai-itdvoj, I take.) (TVfitaivu), f. (TVntrjffofJLai, p. irvfi- €8§riKa, 2. aor. f7vvi€i]v, verb, / go with, of persons : of events, to come to pass, to fall out, to happen, ((rvv, with; fiaivcx), I go.) (7Vfi€ovX(v(jo, f. (TvpiovXevffu), p. avfxtitovXtvKa, 1 aor. avvttiov- Xevcra, verb, / give advice, I advise, counsel : Pass. avp€ov- Xtvoixai,'p. (TVix€i€ovXevp.ai,l aor. (TVVt€ovXevGT]V, 1 f. (TWjuCouXfU- 9ii<Top,ai, I am. advised, SfC. Mid. (JviiQovXi.vop.ai, f. (rvfi^ov- Xsvffofiai, 1 aor. (Tvvt€ovXevad- pr}v, I advise ivith a person, 1 take advice to myself; also, T deliberate upon, {avv, to- gether ; jSovXevco, I advise.) Gvppdx'^Q^ ov, b, 1], subst. a con- federate, an ally, an assistant. LEXICON. 145 a helper. Strictly, this word is an adjective, (7vi.ii.iax-oc\ oi\ Jighting with. (f^i'J', with ; l^axn, a fight.) (jvi.i(f)t]i.it^ f. avf.i<p))(sio^ 2 aor. avv- i(liT]v, verb, / say ivith an- other person : lience, / say yes^ J assent to, I consent to. (cri'j', togethei' ; (pni^'^ 1 s^!/-} cvfi(pup-a, rtc, 7], subst. an event, especially a bad one, a mis' fortune, a calamity. {piv, with ; (p'spuj, 1 bring.) Gvv, prep. gov. dat. only, icith, together icith. In composition, with, together icith. awdyvJ, f. (jwctt^bj, p. o'i'i'i/\'fr, 2 aor. avvriyov, Att. (Tvvijya- yov, verb, 1 bring together, I collect : Pass, awdyofjuxi, p. avvriyjiai, 1 aor. crvviix^fl^'t 1 ^• (Tvvax9)}(jofiai, I am collected : Mid. GVi'dyof-iat, f. GVi>dtoixai, I collect for myself. {avv, with ; dyoj, T bring.) avvitovXivov, ind. imperf. of ri'/x- <TvveLCT}7-ic, IOC, Att. eojc, ?'/, Subst. a hnowing icith : hence, con- science. ((Till', ivith ; iicoj, I know.) avvQi]ii-a^ droc, rh, suhst. a thi7ig agreed upon, a icatch-word. {(Tvi'-i9i]ixi, I put together.) <nn'9v{]<TK0), f. (jvv9i'7]^(ji), cvvrt- 9v{i^oj, p. (rvvT'c9vr]Ka, 2 aor. (yvvi9avov, I die together with, (crvv, together ; cvi^rrKu}, I die.) ain'oiK-oQ, or, adj. dwelling to- gether : also used as substan- tive, <TvvoiK-oc, ov, 6, ?/', an inhabitant of the same dwel- ling, a co-inhabitant. (tvj', with ; oIkoc, a house.) evvonoXoyUo, w, f. (jvvoiioXoyijmo, I p. (TvviOfio\6yt]Ka, 1 aor. cri'i-w- IJo\6y)]>7a, yerh, Isay the same thing with,l agree with, (tit, together ; ufwXoyeu), I speak together : and that from ui-ioi; together; Xsyoj, I say.) avi'ovm-cf, ac, ?/, subst. a being with: hence, a society, a com- pany, (from avvoiKja, sing, feni. of (Tvvuji; pres. part, ot ('i'veifii, lam with: av); icith; lifii, I am.) ffvbc, gen. of avg. ai'c, (Tvbc, 6, 7j', a hog, a boar, a soic, a pig. {uc, a hog, (TCjjd^w, Att. (J(paTTi>), f. cr^oiw, p. terddxc, 1 aor. la(^a%a, 2 aor. eacpdyoi; verb, Islay or slaugh- ter, especially animals for sa- crifice : hence, / sac?ifice, I immolate: Pass, cr^a^o/xaf, Att. (T(pdrroiiiai, p. tacpayitai, 1 aor. i<T(pdx9i]v, 1 f. a(paxOi]fjoiJLni, 2 aor. hddyijv, I am slain : Mid. (T<pd'Coijiai, Att. (jcpaTTonai, f. G(bc(^0}iai, 1 aor. i(j6at,d[JLriv^ I slay for myself. (XddXXoj, f. (TddMi), p. tffdaXKcr, 1 aor. tfT(^7]Xn, 2 aor. tadaXoi; verb, / 77iake to stumble, I overthroic, I overturn : Pass. (TodXXoiiai, p. icr^rtA^tat, 1 aor. ic6dX9r]T, 1 f. (T(l)aX97iijO/.int, I am made to stumble, I am tripped up, I fall : Mid. GcpdX- Xofxai, f. ofpaXovnai, I trip mij- self up, 1 stumble. ^(piyS, ^(ptyybc, i], subst. Sphyiix . a fabled monster. axJ-xo, f. (T\'iTt.^, p. tcrxitca, verb, I split or cleave asunder: Pass. axi-Coj-tai, p. f(TYi<7/^ffj, 1 aor. itTx'i<y9ri7', 1 f. fJxi(y9i](T0fj.cii,l am cleft: Mid. crxi^ouai, f. axicrc- 146 LEXICON. I.iai, 1 aor. Iaxiffaix7]r, I cleave for myself. aXO^a'Cu), f. (TxoXnrTw^ p. £cr;\;6Xa/CfT, verb, / am at leisure. (trxoXr), leisure.) G([)6Spa, adv. very. GojOrjaerai, 3 pers. sing, of awOij- cFOfiai, 1 fut. pass, of (Tw^w. (Tui^w, f. ffoiffw, p. (TEffwicfr, 1 aor. t(T(o(ra, verb, / 5aye ; Pass. (xojZi'jxai, p. (Js<Toj(T[xat, 1 aor. iGOjQip; 1 f. aw9r](J0fxai^ I am saved: Mid. (TUi^o/jLai, f. o-o;- aofiai, 1 aor. £(Taj(Tajtijj)', I save myself. 2ajKpar-,';c, fog oi'C, o, subst. *S'o- cm?e5 .- an Athenian philo- sopher. Guj^i-a^ a roc, t"©, Subst. « Joc^y. (Twri7pt-oi', ou, ro, subst. safety, salvation, (o-w^w, I save.) aoj(i>po(yvi'-)], ?7C, »/, subst. sound- ness of mind, moderation, pru- dence, discretion, temperance, self-control, {fnocppojv, of sound mind : and that from aivc, safe ; (pp^)v^ mind.) T. TakavT-oif, ov, to, subst. a talent. The Attic talent was worth 243Z. 15s. of English money. raX-ac:, aiva, av, adj. ivretchcdy miserahlc. Comp. TaXavrtpoc, superl. TaXaj'TUTOC. Tdvci-tc, iSoc, 6, subst. the Ta- nais : a river of ancient Sar- matia, now the Don, in llus- sia. Tu'i-ir, loq, Att, HOC, 7], subst. order, rank, {tra^a, 1 aor. of Tciadw, I set in order.) rapantTio, Att. rapciTTO), f. "n- pa^M, p. Tsrapaxa, verb, / disturb : Pass. Tapdaaofiai, Att. TapccTTOfxai, p. Ttrdpay' fxai, 1 aor. ircfpaxOriv, 1 f. ra- paxQii<yop.ai, I am disturbed: Mid. rapdacrofiaLy Att. rupdr- TOjxai, f. rapd^ojxai, 1 aor, tra- pa'idnnv, I disturb for myself. rdcraio, Att. rdrroj, f. ra^w, p. TErdxa^ 1 aor. iVo^a, 2 aor. trdyov, I arrange or set in order, I draw up in line or battle array : Pass. TucjGonai, Att. TuTTOj^ai, p. Tsrayixai, 1 aor. lTdxdr}i', 1 f. raxOrjao- jxai, 2 aor. sray/ji/, /am drawn up in battle array : Mid. rao-- aojxai, Att. rarro^at, f. Ta^o- l-iai, 1 2iOV.irat,dni]v, I draio for myself up in battle array, i. e. i yorm irt orc?er of battle. ravO', before an aspirated vowel, for ravra. Td(p-oc, ov, 6, subst. a burial, a grave, a tomb. Qrd<poi>, 2 aor. of OdiTToj, I bury.) raxfojc, adv. swiftly. Comp. rd- X~'0Vy Qdaaov, Odrrov, superl. rdx^yra. (^ra\vc, swift.) Taxifrra, superl. adv. most swiftly See 7-a\'aw('. re, conj. and: re . . re, both . and; re . . Kai, both . . and. TiOvr]Ka, perf. of Oviiatcijj. TiOv)]pt, for Qvr)aKo>. TiU'UJ, 1 f. revw, p. T^rdica, 1 aor 'iruva, I stretch, extend, bend Pass, reivof-iai Y>.T'sTdi.iaiy 1 aor krdOijr, 1 f. Ta9)]G0fi e, 2 aor,, erdytjv, I am stretched : Mid. reh^ofiai, f. revoiifxai, 1 aor. iriivd^i-qv, p. TiTaya, 1 Stretch for myself. Ttix^'Cu), f. THxiaM, p. riTt[\iKa^ verb, I wall, I fortify : Pass. LEXICON. 147 TEixi^ofiat^ p. Ttnixi'^lf'Ciit 1 Jior. iTll-)(^iaQr]V^ f. TtL')(^ir79il(TQl.lCU^ I am walled, 8fC. : JNIid. rax't- ^Ofxai, f. reixicroi-ini^ 1 aor. trsi- Xi(TafiT]v, I wall for myself. (rCixoc^ a icall.) TS)ci.u)p'i-oi>, ovy To^ subst. a proof instance. (TiKj.uiipojiai^ I per- ceive from signs. ^ T€Kv-oj'^ ov, TO, subst. a child. (trtKov, 2 aor. of tIktoj, I bring forth.') TtKTaivofiai, f. -iKTavovfxai, 1 aor. Ers/crrjm/Lt/yj', verb mid. I b?iild: hence, I frame, devise, con- trive. (rsKTior, a worker, espe- cially in wood.) TtKivrai-a, ac, ?j, subst. an end. (^rtXtvToioc, last.) reX^vrm-oc, a, ov, adj. last. (r£- Xoc, an end.) reXevrddj, w, f. TeXfVTj'](7oj, p. re- rsXiirijtca, I end: also, "with (3iov, life, to be supplied after it, / die : Pass. TiXevTdo[.icti, CJixai, p. TeTiXtvTTjfxai, 1 aor. iTiXfVTiidiji', If. TsXevrrjOt'irroijai, I am ended, I am fulfilled : jVIld. TfXtvrdofiai, Cjjxai, f. Tt- XevT7]<T0!J.at, 1 aor. inXEwqad- \-ii]r, I end for myself. (rtXjur?), an end.) reXsvT-i), Tjc, i)y subst. an end. {TkXog, an end.) TsXsiO, W, f. TiXs<7(jJ, Att. TiXui, p. rersXsKa, verb, I end ; also, / pay : Pass. rfXiofiai, ovfiai^ p. r£-£X6(T/.ta(, 1 aor. trtXk- afJ)iv, 1 f. TiXfaQl](yoi.iai, I am ended: Mid. reXkofiat, ovi-iat, f. rt\sfTni.iai, 1 aor. erfXtcrd/XT]!', I end for myself (jiXoc, an end.) r'iX-oc, toQ ovQy TO, subst. an end* ' TejAViOy f. rfjuw, p. TaTfirjKa, 2 aor trdfxoi; verb, / cut : Pass. Tf/jLvojuat, p. TETi.iT]nat, 1 aor tTj-u'iOt]!^, 1 f. TfirjOijfrofxai, 2 aor. fTdjjirjr, lam cut: Mid. «//- vopai, f. TtnovpLai, p. TBTOfia^ 1 cut for myself rep-ac, droc, ru, Subst. a sr^K, a wonder, a marvel. Tsp-io, f. rjp-il/w, p. Ttrepcpa, verb, / delight : Pass. TepTroj^ai, p rsrspfiat, 1 aor. irsptpOijv and lTdp<p97]V^ 1 f. Ttp(f)6{l(T0[.iai, 2 aor. krdpTrrjVy lam delighted: Mid. TSpTTOliCll, f. T£p-d/Ci[J.aij 1 aor. irep-^diiriv, 2 aor. s-ap- TT 6 i.ir]v, I delight myself enjoy myself, am merry. TirpaKoaX-oi, ai, a, adj. ybwr y^MW- cfrec?. (rkTT apse, four ; sKaror, a hundred.) TtrpaTT-ovc, ovv, adj. four-footed. (jiTTapic, four ; TTovc, afoot.) Tfiiyw, f. rftitoj, p. rfrfyy^'? verb, I make, construct, build : Pass. Tivxofxai, p. TSTVy/xai, 1 aor. hv\Qr]v, 1 f. Tvx6i](roiuai, I am made, ^-c. : Mid. nvx^h'-"'-) f« revEofiat, 1 aor. trtviid/xiji', I make for myself. r'sx^'>li VQ) Vi subst. «r^. rj/'cw, f. rj/iw, p. rtrijxa, verb, / TweZ^, / 2f?a5^e ; Pass, tjj'ko- ;mf, p. TSTTjyfxat, 1 aor. tr?;'- X^z/J^ 1 f. Tr]x9>i(T0f.iai, 2 aor. traKj]}', I am melted, Sf^c. Tt, neuter of tic, indefinite. 7-/, neuter of tic, interrogative, used adverbially, tvh^ ? Ti9i]i.u, f. Qj'imo, p. TtQuKa, 1 aor. tOi]Ka, found only in indicative mood, 2 aor. khji', I put, place^ commit, extend: Pass. Ti^ifxai, p. TaOtij-iai, 1 aor. tTiOrjv, 1 f. Tidr]aoiiai, 1 am put, Sfc. : Mid. h2 148 LEXICON. TiQeiiai^ f. Oijffoixai, 1 aor. lOrj- Kcijxip'^ I myself put. TiicTO}, f. rl^w, Tt^ofiai^ reicov[xai, p. Tsroica^ 2 aor. tTiKov, I pro- duce, I bring forth, I beget. rifidoj, w, f. rifiijao}, p. TtTifxipca, verb, / honour : Pass, rifido- fxai, wfiai, p. Terifirjuai, 1 aor. kTi[.uj6ijv, 1 f. TifXTjOyaoi-uti, I am honoured: Mid. nixdofxai, w/xat, f. Ti[J.r](TO[Jiai, 1 aor. iT(- l-u](yufxr)v, I myself honour, {rtfi)}, honour.') •njji-i), iyc, »'/» subst. honour, (jico, I honour.) rif-tl-oQ, a, or, adj. houowable, valuable. Comp. Tijiidj-tpog, superl. rinui'Tdrog. (Ttf.i^, ho- nour.) Tiixiopl-a, ag, y), Subst. help, SUC- cour : vengeance, revenge, (ji- /xiopiu), I help.) TivdarrM, f. rivd^M, p. rsTivd'xcc, verb, I shake, I brandish : Pass. Tivda(70j.iai, p. Tsrivay- fj-ai, 1 aor. tTLvdxOijv, 1 f. n- vaxOr]fToiJ,ai, I am shaken : Mid. TtvdaaoyLai, f. rivd^o^at, 1 aor. lTiva^d[xr]v, I shake for myself. rn^c, gen. of Tig. TIC, ri, gen. Tuwg, interrog. pron. who? what? TIC, t\, gen. Tn'hg, indefinite pron. any one, some one. rtw, f. Tiffio, p. reri/cff, / honour, esteem, value : Pass. Tiofjiat, p. Tirlixai, 1 aor. IriOrjv, 1 f. n- 6}j(Toixat, I am honoured, ^"C. : Mid. Tiofica, f. Tiaonai, 1 aor. lTiadixy]v, I myself honour. The fut. and 1 aor. act. often signify /o pa?/ a price, to make a return to another ; the 1 fut. and 1 aor. mid. to have a price paid, or a return made^ to myself. TO, neuter of 6. TuCf, this thing, neuter of oh, To~L-oc, a, ovy demonstr. pron. such. TQi-6aC(, uSs, ovcf, demonst. pron. of somewhat stronger force than ToXoc, of such hind, na- ture, or quality. TOiovTOC, TOidvrrj, toiovtOj de- monst. pron. of such kind, na- ture, or quality: gen. toioutov, TouivTr]g, TOiuvTov, dat. tolov- T(^', TOiaVTrj, TOIOVT({), &C. To^svi^i-a, droc, to, subst. that ichich is shot, an arroiv, shaft, SfC. (to^evo), I shoot.) To'^tVLO, f. T0^8vaw, p. TeTO^eVKO, verb, I shoot: Pass. To^ivo- l-iat^ p. Tsro^tvfiai, 1 aor. ivot,- tv6r]V, 1 f. T0^tvf)7](J0iJiai, I am shot or discharged from a bow : Mid. To^evofiai^ f. Tot,ev- uofiaif 1 aor. kToKivadfir]v, I myself shoot, ^^-c, from T(>|-oj', ov, TO, subst. a bow. ToaovTog, ToaavTt], toctovto, de- monst. pron., so great, so large : in plural, also, so many. Tovoe, gen. of ods. TovTo, neut. of ovTog. TpafiK-lg, i), ov, adj. of or be- longing to t?'agedy, tragic. Comp. TpayiK'JjTtpog, superl. TpayiKioTaTOg. (Tpdyog, a goat — which was originally the prize for that species of poetry which led to the writing of the regular drama.) Tpay<i)dia, ag, ?;', subst. literally a goat song: hence tragedy, (^rpdyog, a goat; cp^v, a song.) Tpdrrt^-a^ >/c, V, subst. a table. lexicon; 149 rpsTTw, f. Tps-ypio, p. T8Tp((pa, 2 aor. tTpcLTTov^ I turn, lead, drive, conduct; I change : Pass, rps- TTOfiat, p. Tirpapfiai, 1 aor. trp'ctpOrjv, 1 f. Tpf69))<Topat, I am turned, ^-c. : Mid. Tpiiropai, f. Tpk\l/opc(i, 1 aor. irpiipcliajVy 2 aor. iTpa-6pr]v, I turn my- self, I turn, I betake myself, rpsdio, f. Opi^pio, p. reTpo6a^ 2 aor. trpd(pov, verb, / rear, / nou- rish : Pass. rpi(popai, p. rs- Qpappai and riOpsppat, 1 aor. i.~pk(pOi]v, 1 f. Tpf66t'i(jopai, I am reared, Sfc. : IMid. rpkipopai, f. Opk-Jfjopai, 1 aor. iBpf^dpr]v, I rear for myself, 8fc. rp'toj^ f. Tpscroj, p. rsrpeKa, 1 aor. trpeaa, I tremble. TpiaKovra, adj. uiidecl. thirty. TpiTT-ovg, ovv, adj. three-footed. (^rpelc, three ; TTovg, afoot.^ Tpic, adv. thrice, (rptlc, three.) rplr-cg, ?/, oj/, adj. third, (jpdc, three.) Tpoi-a, ac, ?'/, subst. Jroz/, a celebrated city in Asia Mi- nor. Tpo(p-)}, rjc, y), subst. food, nou- rishment. (rpk<pM, I rear.) Tpu)'iK-bc, i), 07', adj. of ov belong- ing to Troy, Trojan. (Tpoio, Troy.) TvyyavM, f. rsv^opa,, p. rsTVxriKa, 1 aor. sTv-)^r}(Ta, 2 aor. i-uxov, J hit : hence, / obtain ; also, I am. TUTTTW, f. TV--pO}, p. T(Tv6cr, 2 aOr. trvKov, I strike : Pass, ru- TTTopat, p. TiTvppai, 1 aor. eTV(p9rii', 1 f. TV(p9i]aopai, I am struck : Mid. -VTr-opni, f. rj;- xpopat, 1 aor. tTv\pdp7jy^ p. ■TiriiTTa, I strike for myself Tvpavv-oq, ov, 6, subst. a Ai/J"', a tyrant. Tvp-uc, OV, 6, subst. cheese. Tv^\-6c, T], or, adj. JZmc?. Comp. 7-i;^\6rf|Oog, SUperL rvcpXoTdroc. Tvx-Vi »Kj '}} subst. chance, for- tune. 'Y€p'ic, log, Att. iioc, 1], subst. wanton violence, injury, insult. (probably from v~tp, above.) vyUi-a, ac, tj, subst. health. (^vyu/c, healthy.) vc-Mp, droc, TO, subst. icater. Qvw, I rain.) vtr-oc, OV, u, subst. rain, (vlo, I rain. v'l-6c, OV, 0, subst. son. vX-)], T]c, 1], subst. wood. vps~ig, you, nom. plur. of pers. pron. av. v—dpxu), f. v—ap^io, p. v—!)pxcr, verb, / begin ; also, I am : Pass, v—dpxopat, p. i'—ijpYpni, 1 aor. v-i]pxQr]V, 1 f. v-ap- xdi]fjopai, I am, I belong to, I am begun : Mid. h-rrapxapai, f. i)7rdp^opnt, 1 aor. vm]pi,dpi]v, 1 begin, I belong to. (y-d, under ; dpxoj, I begin.) v-ip, prep, with gen. ove7', above; with ace. beyond. In composition, above, beyond, over, for. vTTtp'ipxopai, f. VTrepsXtvGopai, p. v~sp7i\v6a, Att. v-spsXiiXliOa, Ion. v—eptiXiiXov9a, 2 aor. V-fp{]Xvd0V, Att. V~£pijX60V, verb, / come or go over, 1 pass over. (vTrip,over; ipxofiat, I come.) vTriGxv'topat, ovpai, f. vTro(TX''](ro- pcii, p. h~i(rxr]uat, 2 aor. vir- H 3 150 LEXICON. £(TXOjUjjr, verb, / hold myself under, I undertake, I engage, I promise, (wtto, under; i'^w, / have.} vTTv-oc, ov, o, subst. sleep. VTTo, prep, with gen. by, through, under ; with dat. and ace. un- der. In composition, under; inferiority or diminution, V7r6di]ix-a, aroc, rh, Subst. a shoe, a sandal, (utto, under; dkoj, I bind.) VTVoXajitavb}, f. v7roXr]\poiJiat, p. VTT-o\sXT}(pa, Att. V7r«/X7/0a, 2 aor. vTTsXaSov, verb, I take up another, so as to be under him ; I undertake ; also, / suppose, I assume, I think, (vtto, un- der ; Xafxtdvu), I take.} VTrOlxkv(i), f. VTtO^tVW, p. VTrOjAflli- v7]Ka, 1 aor. vTrsfXiiva, verb, / stay behind ; I wait for ano~ ther ; also, / submit to, sus- tain, endure. (vTrh, under; fxkvio, I remain.) viroarptcpoj, f. i)7ro(7Tp£;|/w, p. VTTi- CTpo(pa, 1 aor. WTrsoTjOcij/or, / turn round, or back ; I return : Pass. v—OffTpecponai, p. VTvi- arpaiinai, 1 aor. v7re(TTpi(pd)]i', 1 f. VTro(TTpf(p9i](70[jLai, I am turned round: Mid. v-rroaTp't- fojJLai, f. vTrocTpetl/oiiai, 1 aor. vn-fffrpixpanijv, I turn myself round. (vTruy under; (Trpicpw, I turn.) vffrepov, comp. adv. afterivards, after, later. *. ^aivio, f. <pnva>, p. 7rt<payKa, 1 aor. t<pr)va, verb, / show, I show forth, display : Pass. <paivoi.iai. p. TTscpanjiai, Att. TTscpafTiJiat, 1 SiOV.l<pdv9r]v, 1 f. <pav9))<70[jiai, 2 aor. i.(j)dv7]i', I am shown; 1 am seen; I seem, appear: Mid. (paivofxai, f. (pavovfxai, p. ■7re(p7]vay I appear. <pdX-ay^, ayyoc, ?'/, Subst. a line of battle, a phalanx, an army. (pavip-bc, a, hv, adj. clear, visible, manifest. Comp. (papepiorepoc, SUperl. (paVipOJTCLTOC. ((pcdvwy I show.) ^appdic-ov, ov, TO, subst. a medi- cine, a drug, a remedy ; also, a poison. ^apvdic-rjg, ov, 6, subst. Phar- ndces : a king of Pontus, in Asia Minor. (pkpiaT-QQ, 7], ovy adj. stoutest, bravest, best: irreg. superl., referred, together with comp. (pEprepoc, to dydOuQ. (pspio, f. o'i<TM, p. rjvoxo, Att. h'7]- vQ^ct, 1 aor. ijvtyKa, 2 aor. riinyKov, verb irr. / bear : Pass. <pipofiai, p. iiveyjxai, Att. eviiviynat, 1 aor. I'li'SxOtlv, 1 f. h'exdil<yopai, olG97]rrojxai, I am, borne : Mid. ^kpojxai, f. o\go- fiai, I carry for myself. (ptvyoj, f. (ptvt,oixai and (pcvtoi'i-iai, p. TTtcpivya, 2 aor. fcpryov verb, I flee ; I avoid : Pass. ftvyofiai, p. TTS^vyixai, I have escaped f^om. (pnix-7], r]Q, 7], suhst. fame, report. {<piiixi, I say.) (p7]fxt, f. 0?;(rw, 1 aor. ^fTjaa, 2 aor. e(p7]7', verb. I say, (p9ap-q(T0fjLaiy 2 fut. p. of (pOtipw. <p9iyfia, droQy to, subst. a voice. (^(pOiyyofiai, I utter a sound.) (pQtipu), f. ^Otpu; p. t(p9upKa, 1 . aor. t<p9tipa, 2 aor. ^(^lOdpov, verb. I corrupt, waste, destroy LEXICON. 151 Pass. <pQ(ipojiai^ p. t(p9ap^ai, 1 aor. t(p6ap9r}v^ 1 f. (pOapOtjcro- l-iaiy 2 aor. f(p9dp7]v, 2 f. (pOapi)- (TOfiai, I am corrupted, Sfc; I am ruined ; I am slain, I pe- rish : Mid. <p9eipoi.iai^ f. <p9e~ pi)i~/xat, p. t(p9opa, I corrupt for myself, SfC. (p9ivij or (pHioj, f. 00t(7W, p. £(/;0T- Kn, I waste away ; also, I make to waste away ; I consume, de- stroy : Pass. (pOivoixai, p. k)6X- fiai, 1 am toasted away : Mid. (pQivoiini, f, <p9i(yoixat, I myself waste aivay. <p9orfp-6c^ a, oV, adj. envious. Comp. (p9ovfpwrspog, superl. ^9oi>tpujTdTog. (^<p9ui'oc, envy.^ <p9oi>'H<}, w, f. <p9ovr]<T(u,'p. i(p96vT]Ka, 1 aor. t(p06v7)(Ta, I envy, I be- grudge. (<p96iwg, envy.) (pOov-og, OV, 0, subst. envy. <pid\-t], tys, J/, subst. a howl. <pi\dpyvp-oQ, 07', adj. fond of mo- ney, covetous. Comp. (piXap- yvpojrepog, superl. (piXapyvpoj- Tarog. (^tXsw, / love ; dpyv- pog, silver.) (pikkoi, w, f. (piXr)(Toj, p. irf^iXrjKa, verb, / love ; also, / am ac- customed: Pass. (pi\koi.ia(, ov- [.lai, p. Tr((pi\rj[.uii, 1 aor. ecpiXij- 9}]v, 1 f. <pi\T]9)'](Top.ai, I am loved: Mid. (piXfofxai, ovfiai, f. (piXi)(j()[.iai, 1 aor. i(biX}](ydix7]v, I myself love. (<piXog, a friend.) (pi\-ri, 7]c, 7], subst. a female friend, a mistress. {<piXog, a friend.) (piXl-a, ac, ?/, subst. friendship. {(piXoc, a friend.) '^iXiTTTT-oc, OV, d, subst. Philip, i. e. horse-lover : a kino^ of Macedon, father of Alexander the Great. (0iXoc, a fiend; 'iTTTroc, a horse.) (piXopd9-t]c, eg, Sid j. fond of learn- ing. Comp. ^iXofia9iaTepogj superl. <j)iXona9tcrrdTog. (^^iXog, a friend; ipd9ov, 2 aor. of f.iai'9di^w, I learn.) tpCkoTiOv-og, OV, adj. fond of la- hour. Comp. (f)iXo7rovu)Tepog, superl. (piXoTToviOTaTog. (jb'i- Xog, a friend ; Trovog, labour.) ^iX-oc, t], 01', adj. dear, beloved, loved. Comp. cpiXrepog, superl. (piXrdTog. ^iX-og, OV, 6, subst. a friend. {(piXog, beloved.) (piX6(TO(p-oc, ot>, 6, subst. a lover of wisdom, a philosopher, (jpi- X6ao<pog, loving jvisdom: and that from (piXug, a friend ; ao~ (p6c, ivise.) (piXraT-oc, rj, oj', adj. most dear^ most beloved, most loved : su- perl. of (piXog. ^Xeyoj, f. <pXktoj, p. 7rf(pXfxct, 2 aor. 'i<i)Xdyov, verb, / burn, I set on fire : Pass. (pXiyofxai, p. TT^pXtyixai, 1 aor. i(pX'ix9i]v, 1 f. (p\ex9i]<Toi.iai, I am burnt; I burst forth into a flame, and hence into a rage. (poGno, OJ, f. (poGi'iTM, p. 7rf(pu€T]ica^ verb, / terrify, I frighten • Pass. (pO§80fUll, OVjXCU, p. TTtfpO- £)]p.ai, 1 aor. t(po€i]Ot]v, 1 f. (po€i}9t)noijLai, I am terrified, SfC. : Mid. (poSsofxai, ovfxai, f. (p^o^)](Toiiai, 1 aor. t(po€7](Tain])', I am terrified for myself, I am frightened, Ifear.{(p6^oc,fear.) (p6£-oc, OV, 6, subst. year. ftou'iK-r], T]c, J/, subst. Phoenicia. a country of Asia. ipovsuw, f. (povtvaoj, p. Trf^orfyKo, verb, / slay : Pass. <povevoixait 152 LEXICON. p. TTupovivi-iai, 1 aor. Ifovsv- 6)]V^ 1 f. 6m'Eiid))(T0i.ua, I am .slain, {(povog, mm^der.) (p6v-oc, ov, 0, subst. murder, Jdlling. (0£j^w, I kill.) (p6p-oc, ov, 0, subst. that which is brought ; hence, tribute, ((ps- pw, / bear.) (ppciCit), f. (ppcKTM, p. TTscppaKa, 2 aor. f(ppadov, I give to k?wiv, I tell, I speak : Pass, (ppa^ofcai, p. 7r'i<ppa(r[.iai and Trk^pa^nai, 1 aor. i<ppdaOr]v, 1 f. (ppaaOi)- ffo/tof, / am told ; also, / re- mark, perceive, notice: Mid. (\)paL,o>Mn, f. (ppddojjtai, 1 aor. ^(ponaap>]v, I speak to mil- self; 1 muse upon, ponder, consider. (pp))v, (pptvoQ, }/, subst. mind. rppoi'Sio, io, f. (ppov)]rriij, p. TTfcppo- vrjKcc, verb, / think. {(ppi)v, mind.) cppovXfx-oc, or, adj. understand- ing, thought/id, ivise, prudent. Coinp. (ppovLfXMrepoc;, siiperl. (pptiiHfjLOJTarog. (^cppov'sM, I think.) (ppovp-d, ac, i], subst. a looking- out, a guard, a ivatch, a gar- rison, {irpoopdio, I see before: Tcpo, before; opdto, I see.) (jyvy-i), tic, I'l, subst. flight, (f'^w- yor, 2 aor. of (psvyw, I flee.) <pv\dK-)), T/c, V, subst. a guard, a prison. (^cpvXdaauj, I guard.) (pvXdaaoj, Att. (pyXdrrio, f.(;yvXut,^o, p. TTitpvXaxct, verb, / guard, I keep, I preserve : Pass, fv- Xdffnojxcj, Att. (pvXdrrofiai, p. Trt<pvXayi.ini^ 1 aor. IcpvXdxOv'i 1 f. 6vXifxOf](Tnnai, lam guard- ■ ed, ^c. : Mid. (pvXda(roj.iat, Att. (puXuTTOi-ua, f. (pvXdi,njiai, 1 aor. k'l)vXntdn7]i\ lam on my gnni'd, I take heed or care. (puXX-ov, ov, TO, subst. a leaf. (Probably from fXiw, 1 over- flow.) <pvf.u, same as ^i^w. (pvG-iq, log, Att. e(oc, ?;', Subst. 7iature, natural ability, (^vw, I bring forth.) ipvTiVit), f. (pvrtucno, p. TrefvrevKa, verb, / plant ; I beget : Pass. (pvrevofiaL, p. 7ri(pvTtvjj.ai, 1 aor. t(})VTEu9i]v, 1 f. (pvriv9ii(Topat, I am begotten, I am sprung from. (jpvTov, a plant.) <pv\o, f. (hxxrw, 1 aor. ichvaa, A'erb, / bring forth, put forth, pro- duce, p.7rs(pvKa, I spring forth,. I grow, I come into being, I am, 2 aor, 'icpw, I spi-ang forth, 1 was : Pass, and Mid. (pvojxai, f. (pucrnijiai, and (pvi'iao- l-iai, I grow, spring fo7'th, 8fC. (^iokX-mv, lovoc, o, subst. Phocion: an Athenian general. (pMVSio, 0), f. oiovrjrroj, p. 7re6iovr]Ka, verb, I utter a voice, I speak, I call; I crow: Pass, ^wvso/xa/, ovfiai, p. 7ri(pwin]fiai, i aor. t(t)0}vi]dt]v, 1 f. (p(i)VT]9l](T0[xat, I am called. Qpiovi), a voice.) (po)v-}), ijg, ij, subst. a sound, a voice. (pioc, (pioToc, TO, subst. light. (PmtT'Clo, f. (piortcTto, p. 7r£(^wrT(C(7, verb, / shine, I give light; also, I enlighten, (jpwg, light.) X. Xalpu), f. x^'-PV'^^i V' '^^X"P^I'^"^ 2 aor. txdpov : Pass, x^'^p^l^f^'i p. Kex(^pi]iiai and K8X('pi-^(ih 2 aor. £x«"??''5 ^ f._ x<^P'l'^^' /lat, verb irr. / rejoice, am crlad. LEXICON. 153 XaXd^-a, ?/f, ?;, subst. hail, (x"' Xdio, I make loose.) XaXnraii'uj, f. yaXeTraviZ', p. Kc- XaXk-ayKft^ I am hard, griev- ous., severe ; hence, I am an- gry : Mid. ■xaXi-a'ivoi.icn^ f. xaXiiravovfxat^ I am angry for myself. {xaXnzoc., hard.) XaXi~-6(j., ?/, 6v, adj. hard, griev- ous, severe, bitter, disagree- able. Comp. ;\^a\£7rw-f00t-, SU- perl. x'aXsTrwrarog. XccXi-ojTciTOQ, superl. of xaXfTrog. ^aXict-oQ 77, ov, and x"^'"'*o''C» JJ* ovr, adj. 7?2a6fe 0/ copper or bronze, (yoXk-oc, bronze.) Xap-a, ac, ?/, subst. Joz/, delight, (kxdoov, 2 aor. of xaipw, I rejoice.) X'apifj-', adv. zreZ^. adverbial neut. ace. of xapitic, pleasing. X^P^^'f ace. of x«'o(c, favour; also, used adverbially, /or ^/le sake of. Xdp-ic, Irog, ?/, siibst. favour, grace; a kindness, boon, gift; gratitude, thanks, {^cdpw, I rejoice.) X^if^-Mi', u>i'oc, 6, subst. a storm, stormy iveather, icinter. (\tV*«, iL'inter.) XJ'p, x*'P"?> Vi subst. a hand, dat. plur. x^pcr/. Xi\'ic-(.o}', ovoc, 7], subst. a swal- low. X(pcoi'ijcr-Gc, nv, ?/', subst. Lite- rally, a land-island, i. e. a peninsula, (v? oo-oc, dry land ; vTifToc, an island.) x'fp'r-ocy ov, 1), subst. dry land, as opposed to water ; land. x'i(t), f. \6t'ffw, p. Ksxvica, 1 aor. ^Yf^'cr^i fX*'^") ^X-*^' verb, / pour: Pass, x^"/"'"' P- '^"^X^- //n.-, 1 aor. txi'9//>', 1 f. x^'^^i'^^' }iaiy I am poured: Mid. x«o- ficu, f. xfi"^oM«'i 1 a<^^- ^X*""""" /</,)', txidnj]v, I pour for my- self. x;))', X'J'^''^? 0? '>'h subst. a g^oo^e. XiX-wr, ojvoc, 6, subst. C'A;Za ; a Spartan philosoiAer ; one of the seven wise men of Greece. XT-or, «, o'S -^^^j- Chian, i. e. of ov beloiiging to Chios, now aSc/o, an island in the iEgean Sea. Xi-wr, ovoc, r/, subst. snow. Xpaw, f. XP'?^'^' P- '^^XP'l'^") } aor. txr>r](Ta, I furnish ichat is needful ; hence, / /en(Z ; Pass, and Mid. x,'^""/^"'? '^^i""'* f- XpTjc-ojLtai, 1 aor. ixpn<^dp.i]v, p. fc^xP'/^/*"^ a^^ KEXPrjfiai f followed by a dative), / Mi'C. Besides this, the active form sometimes signifies to give an oracle ; the passive (with the 1 aor. txp^ryi^nv), to be uttered by an oracle ; and the middle, to consult an oracle. xpa-a, ac, v, subst. use, want, need. (\'pao//aj, I use.) xpi;, f. xP'i^*'' impers. verb, it ' ' is meet, fit, right, expedient. {vodi->, I deliver an oracle.) X,c77^w, f. XPV'^^'^1 V' ^'^XP'J^^y verb, I want, desire, ask. (xpf'«j need.) XpT]j.i-a, droc, to, subst. a thing used or needed : in plural, goods, effects, property, money. {\jKwiiai, I V^e.) Xniir7^i-:-c, 1], or, adj. usefid, fit, beneficial. Comp. xP^'i^^P-^'' ripor, superl. xP^^'^H-^^^'''^^' (xpdojxai, I use.) Xoi](yT-6c, 7), or, adj. useful, ser- viceable, good of its kind. 154 LEXICON. Comp. xPV'^'''o~^poQ, superl. XpilcTTordrog. (YP«o/iarj/M,ve.) XPI2T-0'2, 0Y~, 'O, subst. CHRIST, i.e. anointed. (^piw, J anoint.) Xp6v-og^ ou, d, subst. time. Xpvfff'og T], ov, and xpva-ovQ, ^, our, 2Ldi^. golden. (xioucrdc,^oZc?.) Xpv&i-ov., ov, TO, subst. gold. (diminutive of ^^puo-di:, gold.) Xpva-oc, ou, d, subst. g^oZc?. Xpiojxivoc, pres. part, of xP'^opi.ai. X^^jp'^i aQy ?;, subst. Za?i(/, ^rac?, territory, district, country. (xacti, obsolete, same as x"-^' MviOy I hold, take in.) X^pk-, adv. separately, apart, asunder: followed by a gen. case, apart from, without. <?£uo-?)c, ig, adj. yhZse, lying. Comp. \psvdsaTepog, superl. -ipfvOsff-drog. {^tvOofiai,! speak falsely.) ■,p(.vS~oc, tog ovc, TO, subst. a false- hood, a lie. (xpevSuj, I deceive.) <pevdoj, f. rpei'ffu}, p. 'i\l/tVKa, I de- ceive : Pass. i\jtvdoixai, p. tiS/iv- Gj.iai, 1 aor. tipivcrOiiv, 1 f. \ptv(T9ij(Toi-iai, I am deceived: Mid. -tl/evooi-iai, f. -ipevcroiiai, 1 aor. sii/fucrajujp', / deceive for myself; I lie. \pt](piCoi}, f. '^7](pX(joj, Att. \pi](p'iijj, p. i^Tjip'tKa, verb, I count or reckon ivith pebbles ; I put to the voze Mid. ■u^ijfi'Coj.iai, f. \l/n(pi<Tonai, 1 aor. 'cipijcptaainjv, p irpijcpirrfiai, I give my vote by a pebble, / myself vote for a thing. The passive is rarely used in the force of ^o &e voferf. (.//>}- ^or, a pebble or counter.) if/oy-of, 0?', d, subst. blame, (^'i- yto, 1 blame.) 4'^X"'/' J/?? ^/i subst. breath, mind, sold. (i|/t;;^w, / bi^eathe.) Q. "Q, interj. O .' ojcivM, f. w^(j/w, verb, / am in travail. (^bjSiv, travail.) 'Qictdv-uc, ov, 6, subst. Ocean. (llKodofxTfTa, 1 aor. of o'lKodofikio. Mp-a, ac, Tj, subst. hour. log, relat. adv. as, like as: conj. that, so that, since, because. wg, demonst. adv. so, thus. wffrf, adv. as, like as, just as : conj. so that, (^^g, uig, and tb.) cjTog, gen. of oiJg. ojipeXsio, oj, f. (ij(pe\i](7io, p. ujcljiXi]- Ka, I help, I assist : Pass. wV/)f- Xkojxai, ovfiai, p. (d(p'iXi)nai, 1 aor. cJ0fXjf9/j7', 1 f. uj(p£\r}6i'j(7o- p.ai, I am helped, I receive help : Mid. UJcpfXhuai, ovfini, f. uj(peXt]rroi.iai, I derive benefit to myself. (cxptXog, help.) <.o<pdt)v, 1 aor. pass, of obsolete verb, oTrrojxai, THE END. S^ OfTH6 sft3^ OF .v^. tONDO.V : PRINTED BT SPOTTIfiWOODE & CO. 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