BllKllIt HBRARY in', Kansas City, Dee., 1903. NOTE:- Postage is subject to Parcel Post rates according to zones All orders received by and money orders and checks made payable to VEDANTA ASHRAMA Great Saviors of the World CVol. I.) A NEW BOOK BY SWAMI ABHEDANANDA CONTENTS. I. Great Saviors of the World (Introductory.) II. Krishna and His Teachings. III. Zoroaster and His Teachings. IV. Lao-Tze and His Teachings. "These studies are scholarly and comprehensive reviews of historic fact. They are also broad and open interpretations of moral and spiritual forces. The author's attitude is reverent toward all. His mind is free. His speech is peculiarly impressive. Surely, it speaks well for the world that its people can look without bitterness and jealousy upon the fact that God has sent, and will send, many Saviors into the world. This is a good study, fitted to open the heart and liberalize mind.'''' — IVasAington Star. June 29, 1912. "A valuable contribution to m&X.a^hYSxcs.''''— Portland Oregonian. June 23, 1912. "The work is taken up somewhat in chronological order. . . . The teachings of the thinkers who form the subject of the lectures are faithfully reported. The author holds no special brief for any of those remarkable men but endeavors to state precisely what their ideas were. The style of the author is interesting as well as perfectly lucid."— ^«^a/^^««, Chicago, Aug. 1903. " He bases his arguments, not on theological hypotheses, but on scientific facts." — Cleveland Plain Dealer^ Aug. 1903. " It is written in a plain and logical style, and cannot fail to interest all who are anxious for information concerning the philosophy of which the author is such an able exponent." — Times Pittsburg, June, 1903. " A glance over a few of its pages would be sufficient to convince the reader that he is in the presence of an intellect of high order, more thoroughly conversant with the philosophies and sciences of the Occi- dental world than most Europeans or Americans. . . . The " Divine Heritage of Man " gives a rare insight into the religious views of educated Hindoos and in its argumentation furnishes an intellectual treat."— Chronicle^ San Francisco, Aug. 1903. *' Fully cognizant of modem scientific discoveries, the author treats his subject broadly." — Bookseller, Newsdealer^ and Publisher, New York, Aug. 1903. " The student of religions will find much of value in the discourses, since they are full of historical information concerning the origin and growth of certain ideas and beliefs dominant in Christianity." — Republi- can, Denver, July, 1903. •' There is no disposition on the part of the author to assail any of the Christian principles, but he simply r- sents his subject with calmness, not attempting to reconcile religio ' .nd science, for to him they at^ oae." — IVashington Post, June, 1903. Self-Knowledge (Atma-Jnana) BY SWAMI ABHEDANANDA I. Spirit and Matter. IV. Search after the Self. II. Knowledge of the Self. V. Realization of the Self. III. Prana and the Self. VI. Immortality and the Self. •' So practically and exhaustively is each phase of the subject treated that it may well serve as a text-book for anyone striving for self-development and a deeper understanding of human nature." —Toronto Saturday Nighty Dec. 1905. •' It will also be welcomed by students of the Vedic Scriptures, since each chapter is based upon some one of the ancient Vedas known as the Upanishads, and many passages are quoted."— Chicago Inter-Ocean, Jan. 1906. " The book, from the gifted pen of the head of the Vedanta Society of New York, presents in a clear manner, calculated to arrest the attention of those not yet familiar with Vedic literature, the principles of self-knowledge as taught by the leaders of that philosophy. . . . The many passages quoted prove the profound wisdom and practical teaching contained in the early Hindu Scrip- tures." — Washington Evening Star, Dec. 1905. " A new book which will be welcome to students of Truth, whether it be found in the Eastern religions, in modem thought or elsewhere." — Ufiity, Nov. 1905. "The book is very well written." — San Francisco Chronicle^ Dec. 1905. " In forcefulness and clearness of style it is in every way equal to the other works by the Swami Abhedananda, who has always shown himself in his writings a remarkable master of the English language." — Mexican Herald, Dec. 1905. *' The volume is forcefully written, as are all of this author's works, and cannot fail to be of great interest to all who have entered this field of thought. A fine portrait of the Swami forms the frontispiece." — Toledo Blade, Nov. 1905. India and Her People (Lectures delivered before the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences during the season of 1905-1906.) BY SWAMI ABHEDANANDA THIRD EDITION Contents I. Philosophy of India To-day. II. Religions of India. III. Social Status of India: Their System of Caste. IV. Political Institutions of India. V. Education in India. VI. The Influence of India on Western Civilization and the Influence of Western Civilization on India. "Ttais book has more than usual interest as coming- from one who knows the Occident and both knows and loves the Orient. ... It is decidedly interesting. . . . 'i'he book has two admirable qualities: breadth in scope and suggestiveness in mater iail'"—Bu//et in 0/ the American Geographical Society^ Sept, 1906. *'This volume, written in an attractive style and dealing with the life, philosophy and reli.tfion of India, should prove a useful addition to the literature of a fascinating and as yet largely unknown subject. It is designed for popular reading, the metaphysical portions being so handled that the reader runs little risk of getting beyond his depth." —Literary Digest, Feb. 16, 1907. " The Swami possesses the exceptional advantage of being able to look upon his own country almost from the standpoint of an outsider and to handle his subject free from both foreign and native prejudice." -New York World, k.\x^.^,,.<)^(i. " It is a valuable contribution to Western knowledge of India, con- taining precisely what the American wants to know about that region.' — Washington Evening Star, Aug. 4, 1906. " It is impossible to quarrel with his book. He (Swami) writes too interestingly and he is a man with a mission." — The Sunday Oregonian, Aug. 26, 1906. The Sayings of Sri Ramakrishna. COMPILED BY SWAMI ABHEDANANDA. Ramakrishna was a great Hindu saint of the nineteenth century who has already had an influence on the religious thought of America and England through the teachings of his disciples, Swami VivekSnanda, Swami Abhedananda, and others. His Say- ings are full of broad, practical, non-sectarian instructions concern- ing the spiritual life which cannot but give help and inspiration to the followers of all creeds. The present volume contains a larger number of Sayings than has yet appeared in any one English collection. For the first time also they have been classified into chapters and arranged in logical sequence under marginal head- ings, such as "All creeds paths to God," "Power of Mind and Thought," "Meditation," "Perseverance." As an exposition of the universal truths of Religion and their application to the daily life this book takes its place among the great scriptures of the world. Spiritual Unfoldment. BY SWAMI ABHEDANANDA I. Self-control. IL Concentration and Meditation. III. God-consciousness. " This attractive little volume comprises three lectures on the Vedanta Philosophy. The discourses wtll be found vitally helpful even by those who know little and care less about the spiritual and ethicul teachings of which the Swami is an able and popular exponent. As the Vedanta itself is largely a doctrine of universais and ultimates, so also is this book of common utility and significance among all races of believers. Its precepts are susceptible of application by any rational thinker, regardless of religious predilection and inherited prejudices. The principles set forth by this teacher are an excellent corrective of spiritual bias or narrowness, and as such the present work is to be com- mended. It has already awakened an interest in Oriental literature that augurs well for the cause of human brotherhood, and it merits a wide circulation among all who cherish advanced idealb."— il//«fl^, A^il^ What is Vedanta? Pamphlet printed for distribution containing a short exposition of the fundamental teachings of the Vedanta Philosophy. i2mo, 8 pp. The Gospel of Ramakrishna. Authorized Edition, WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY swAmi abhedananda. 448 pages; with two pictures, maginal notes, and index. Full leather binding, flexible cover, circuit edge with red and gold in the style of '* Teachers' Bible," " The sayings of a mystic who has much influence in India and who has been made known to the Western world by various missionary ' Swamis ' will be found in ' The Gospel of Rama- krishna.* They have been translated into excellent English." — The Sun, New York. <« * The Gospel of Ramakrishna ' contains the religious teachings of this modern Hindu saint whose life contained so many good deeds that his followers thought him little short of divine." — The Boston Globe, Boston, Mass. " During his lifetime his career and personality attracted much attention from English and German scholars of the nine- teenth century." — The Chicago Inter-Ocean, Chicago, III. "The book is filled with beautiful thoughts and beauti- ful teachings, which, if followed, would lead to a perfect life. One cannot marvel that the sayings of Rimakrishna made a deep impress on modern Hindu thought. He was at least a great and wise scholar, and gave goodly advice to his followers." — The San Francisco Examiyier, San Francisco, Cal. «'It is a remarkable book and it should be a rare privilege to read it." — The Oregonian, Portland, Oregon. PRESS NOTICES OF "INDIA AND HER PEOPLE." "The views set forth in this work by Swami Abhedananda . . . are interesting, as being those of a native of India who has devoted much time and attention to the study of those questions which affect the government and general administration of the country. The author has selected a wide range of subjects for treatment, embracing the social, political, educational, and religious conditionsas they now exist, and, speaking generally, has invariably exercised sound tact and judg- ment in discussing the many different questions embraced under thos« headings." — Journal of the Royal Colonial Institute^ April, IQOJ^ London, England. "An excellent contribution to the very scanty literature on India. . . . All chapters are instructive to any one aspiring to a knowledge of this vast country. ... It is a book which every non-Indian visit- ing India or making a temporary or permanent stay therein, and als« every son of the soil, should have by his side." — The Arya^ February^ 1907, Madras, India. Reincarnation. (jVeiu and Enlarged Edition.) I. Reincarnation. II. Heredity and Reincarnation. III. Evolution and Reincarnation. IV. Which is Scientific, Resurrection or Reincarnation? V. Theory of Transmigration. " In these discourses the Swami Abhedananda considers the questions of evolution and the resurrection in their bearing upon the ancient teaching of rebirth, the truth, logic and justice of which are rapidly permeating the best thought of the Western world. For the preserva- tion of this doctrine mankind is indebted to the literary storehouses of India, the racial and geographical source of much of the vital knowledge of Occidental peoples. Reincarnation is shown in the present volume to be a universal solvent of life's mysteries. It answers those questions of children that have staggered the wisest minds who seek to reconcile the law of evolution and the existence of anintelligentand just Creator, with the proposition that man has but a single lifetime in which to de- velop spiritual self-consciousness. It is commended to every thinker." '—Mind., February, igoo. " It is a work which will appeal to the novice for its simplicity and definite quality, and to the student for its wealth of knowledge and suggestion." — Vedanta Monthly Bulletin., Sept.., IQ07. "The book should prove a valuable acquisition." — The Evening Sun, J^. v., December 21, 1907. "This is the work of a man of fine education and of fine intellect. . . . (Reincarnation) as expounded by Swami Abhedananda is very plausible, quite scientific, and far from uncomforting. The exposition contained in this little book is well worth reading by all students of metaphysics. There is not the slightest danger of its converting or perverting any one to a new and strange religion. Reincarnation is not religion, it is science. Science was never known to hurt anybody but scientists." — Brooklyn Eagle, December ij, 1907. WORKS BY SWAMI ABHEDANANDA. Philosophy of Work, I. Philosophy of Work, II. Secret of Work. III. Duty or Motive in Work. " In this volume the Vedanta Society presents three lectures by the leader of the Hindu religious movement that is making much head- way among philosophic minds throughout the United States. The book is an excellent antidote to the gospel of selfism now popular in many quarters, and a copy should be in the hands especially of every ambitious seeker after the loaves and fishes of material desire. It shows the folly of slavery to sense and the means of escape from the thraldom of egoism, while elucidating the Hindu concept o£ many things that are ' race problems' because of individual igno« ranee of spiritual principles. These discourses merit a wide circulfti iion among unprejudiced minds." — Mind, February, 1903. Single Lectures, Christian Science and Vedanta. Cosmic Evolution and its Purpose. Divine Communion. Does the Soul Exist after Death ? The Motherhood of God. The Philosophy of Good and Eviu The Relation of Soul to God. Religion of the Hindus. Scientific Basis of Religion. Simple Living. Spiritualism and Vedanta. The Way. to the Blessed Life. Who is the Saviour of Souls ? Why a H indu Accepts Christ and Rejects Churchi anity. Why a Hindu is a Vegetarian. Woman's Place in Hindu Religion. The Word and the Cross in Ancient India. Single Lectures Parts I & H. Bound in cloth. HOME USE CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT MAIN LIBRARY This book is due on the last date stamped below. 1-month loans may be renewed by calling 642-3405. 6-month loans may be recharged by bringing books to Circulation Desk. Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date. ALL BOOKS ARE SUBJECT TO RECALL 7 DAYS .4/iFKR DATE CHECKED OUT. jgCD QRC DEPT JUL2.l'?A ^^ A. •! ^y'iyJ •^ w\ mW'i/i MAR 1 1975 ^ ^ 01 .. Cifi. mitlS nQ^' ^T^ '^t(j. giK, m\iizi§^ 03 '-\ > C2 Ci APR 2 1978 CO CI M»C«i MAR 7 78 ^. ^ JUL^^ i^^^ ^^ ^ LD21— A-40m-5,'74 (R8191L) General Library University of California Berkeley \iX BERKELEVUBRARIES ulllllUlltll'