SSki'Hkkl'M' % .^^^ 'Z 1 Great Britain. Treasury. Union of South Africa. Copy of treasury minute dated 10th April, 1922. J ^ SITY OF CALIFORNIA J LOS ANGELES I 1 "g UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA. AH2. V. / Copy of TREASURY MINUTE dated 10th April, 1922, relative to the reduction of the debt of the Government of the Union of South Africa to His Majesty's Government, in connection with the purchase by His Majesty's Government of South African Wool. Presented to the House of Commons by Command of His Majesty. LONDON : PRINTED & PUBLISHED BY HIS MAJESTY'S STATIOXERY OFFICE To be purchased throtiph any Bookt^eller or directly from H.M. STATIONERY OFFICE at the following addresses: Imperial House. Kinssway, London. W.C 2, and 28 Abingdon Street. London. S.W.I; 37 Peter Street, Manchester; 1 St. Andrew's Crescent, Cardiff; and 23 Forth Street. Edinburgh; or from EASON & SON. Limited. 40 * -ll Lower Saekville Street. Dublin. 1922 Price 2d. net. Cmd. 1682 283102 TREASURY MINUTE DATED THE 10th APRIL, 1922. The Chancellor of the Exchequer states to the Board that His Majesty's Government agreed in January, 1921, to take over 82,405 bales of South African wool subject to 50% of any net profit realised on the resale of the wool accruing to the Union Government. It has further been agreed that no cash payment shall be made for the wool by His Majesty's Government, but that the cost of the wool and the amount of any incidental expenditure incurred by the Union Government on shipping, scouring, storage, etc., shall be taken in the red-action of the debt due from that Govern- ■iTipnt to His Majesty's Government, the set-off being effected as i the date of the last payment made by the Union Goveniment for the wool. The debt due by the Union Government is now :— £'8,384,000 41% Bonds. £2,000,000 31% Bonds. £1,500,000 5% Bonds. £335,789 9^. 5c?. 3i-% Book Debt recorded m the Books of . Treasury. £1,196,469 165. 9d. 5% Book Debt. The total expenditure so far advised as having been incurred by the Union Government in respect of the above wool is £994,000, and the date upon which the la&t recorded paj'ment for wool was m.ade by the Union Government was the 22nd November, 1921. ""he Chancellor of the Exchequer recommends to the Board that ■J ,0 Book Debt should be cancelled as from the 22nd November, 1921, equivalent to the amount of 5% War Loan, 1929-47, that <'Oiild be purchased on that date at the rate of the day as certified he Bank of England, after allowance for accrued interest, for tlie sum of £994,000, viz., £1,129,545 9s. 2d. stock, subject to any adjustment which may become necessary when the final figures of expenditure by the Union Government and the date of the last payment effected are available. My Lords concur and direct that the necessary entries be made in the books of the Treasury cancelling £1,129,545 9^. 2d. 5% South African Book Debt as froin:the 22nd November, 1921, "■'ubject to adjustment as aforesaid. Let copies of this Minute be transmitted to the Colonial Office, I0 the High Commissioner for the Union of South x^frica, to the Dispo.^al and Liquidation Commission and to the Comptroller and .Auditor-General. Tjet a copy of this Minute be presented to the House of ( 'ommons. (3747:^) Wt. 5148— 305 87.^ 6/22 H,St. G. 18. ' • ,y^m: CY OF CAUFOKBU^ U)8 AK6£l*BS \:-^^: ^^ '^