imrnm:-: w ELDRIDGES BUSINESS SPELLER AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES j are examples of such combinations. Each of these combinations (digraphs) may be pronounced like the long sound of the first vowel in the combination, although several of the digraphs have other sounds as well. DROPPING AND RETAINING E (Lessons 21-24) RcLE 16. Silent E retained. In derivatives formed from words ending with silent e, the e is generally retained when the termination begins with a consonant. Exception-. When silent e is immediately preceded by another vowel except e, it is usually dropped from the derivative, even when the termination begins with a consonant. Rule 17. Silent E omitted. In derivatives formed from words ending with silent e, the e is generally omitted when the termination begins with a vowel. Exception. In verbs ending in ie, ye, oe, and ee, the e is retained before 7?) j;. Rule 18. E before A or 0, after C or G. In derivatives formed from words ending with silent e following c or g, the e is usually retained when the termination begins with a or o. RULES FOR DOUBLING CONSONANTS (Lessons 25-28) Rule 19. (a) Monosyllables and words accented on the last syllable, ending in a single consonant (except x or h), preceded by a single vowel, double that consonant when adding a teimination beginning with a vowel. (ft) If the accent is thrown back to the first syllable in the deriva- tive word, the consonant is not doubled. X RULES Rule 20. The final consonant is not doubled in derivatives formed by the addition of a termination beginning with a vowel, when (a) a diphthong or digraph precedes the final consonant of the word, or (6) when the accent of a word ending in a single consonant falls on any other syllable than the last, or (c) when the word ends in two different consonants. Exceptions. In a few words ending in g the final consonant is doubled, that it may not be pronounced likej. RULES FOR EI AND IE (Lesson-s 29-32) Ei geiieralh' has the sound of e as in conceive ; but it may be sounded like a as in neighbor, e as in heifer, I as in height, i as in foreign. le generally has the sound of e as in achieve ; but it may be sounded like e as in patient, I as in pie, "i as in sieve ; and when followed by u or w like u as in view. Rdle 21. "When sounded like e, use ei after c, and ie after any other consonant. (There are very few exceptions. ) Rule 22. When sounded like a, use ei. Rule 23. When not sounded like e or a, ie is generally employed (even after c) . Exceptions. Ei is used in a few words (generally scientific terms from the Latin, Greek, or Modern German) pronounced like i, and in a few words pronounced like i or e. RULES FOR FINAL Y (Lessons 33, 34) Rule 24. (a) When final y is preceded by a consonant it is usually changed to i when any termination is added except one beginning with i. (6) When y follows t it is changed to e when o%is is added, (c) The y is usually unchanged in derivatives of adjectives of one syllable, and in derivatives of adjectives formed by adding hood, like, or ship. Rule 25. When final y is preceded by a vowel, it is usually un« changed in derivatives. CEDE (Lesson 34) Rule 26. Most words ending in the sound sed are spelled cede ; but three are spelled ceed, and one sede. RULES XI IZE, ISE, YZE (Lessons 35, 36) (Pronounced iz) Rule 27. Ize is the more common ending. A number of words which are derived through the French are spelled with ise ; a few words from the Greek are spelled yze. In lessons 35 and 36 most of the common words ending in ise or yze are given, together with a number of words with the more common spelling ize. Most words in general use not given in these lessons may be correctly spelled with ize. PREFIXES A prefix consists of one or more letters or syllables placed at the beginning of a word to modify or extend its meaning. LATIN PREFIXES (Lessons AB (a, abs), from. AB (ac, af, al, ag, an, ap, at, as, ar), at, to. AMB (am, ambi) , about, around, ANTE (anti), before. BI, twice. CIS CUM, around. COX (co, com, col, cor), with, against, together. COXTRA (counter), against. DE, from, down. DIS (di, dif), apart, not, away from. EX (e, ec, ef), out of, away from. EXTRA, beyond. IX (ig, un, im, il, ir), not. IX (em, en, im, in), in, into, on. IXTER, between, among, amid. IXTRO (intra), within. XOX, not. 37-42) OB (oc, of, op), in front of, against, to, before. PER, through. POST, after. PRE. before. PRO, iot, forth, forward RE, back, again. RETRO, backward. SE. aside. SEMI, half, partly. SIXE, without. SUB (sue, suf, sug, sum, sup, sus), under. SUBTER, below, beneath, less than. SUPER, above, over, more than. rfi^.Y.S' (tra, traf, tres), beyond, over. TRI, three, thrice. ULTRA, beyond. VICE, instead of. Xll RULES GREEK PREFIXES (Lesson 43) A (an), not, without. AMPHI, around, both. ANA, back, up, through. .4iV"r/ (ant), against, opposite. APO (ap), from. CATA, down. DIA, through. EN {em), in. EPI (ep), upon. HYPEB, over. HYPO, under. MET A (met), beyond, change. PERI, around, about. POLY, many. SYN {&ym, syl), with, together. ENGLISH PREFIXES (Anglo-Saxon) (Lesson 44) A, at, on, in. BE, to make, at, by, about. EN (em), in, on, to make. FOE, not, from. FORE, before. MIS, ill, wrong, wrongly. OUT, beyond. OVER, above. TO, the, this. UN, not, opposite. UNDER, beneath. WITH, against, from. SUFFIXES ER, OR, AR (Lessons 45-47) (er and or are usually pronounced er, and ar is usually pronounced dr) ER used (a) to form nouns of agency; (6) to form the comparative degree ; (c) to denote a person, often an agent; (d) as ending of noun derived from French infinitives (mostly law terms) . OR used (a) to form nouns of agent ; (6) comparatives of adjectives; (c) abstract and concrete nouns. AR used (a) to imply, pertaining to, like ,• (b) as a form of er. RULES xiu ^i? Fused in nouns, mostly of French origin, denoting a business, place of business, place where things are collected. OB Y used with P^nglish nouns and adjectives, of Latin origin, sig« mfying in nouns, place, in adjectives, relating to, of the nature of. ^i?F denoting in nouns, persons, things, or places; it is also used to fonn adjectives. IVE (Lesson 48) IVE (pronounced iv) is a termination used to form adjectives from verbs. It means doing or serving to do. This tenninatiou is commonly attached to words whose root ends in t or s, and the endings are usually tive or sive. 0U8 (Lessoxs 49, 50) OUS (pronounced us) is an adjective suffix meaning full of, abound- ing in, having, possessing quantities of, like. ABLE A^'D IBLE (Lessons 53-65) (Usually pronounced d-b^l and i-bU) Words ending in able and ible are difficult to distinguish. About four iifths of all English words with either of these terminations end in able. Words from the Latin are either able or ible, depending on the root from which they come. Anglo-Saxon words are always able. Lessons 5.3, 54, and 55 include, in addition to a number of words ending in able, most of the common words which are spelled with ible, with the exception of words which may be formed from these by addition of a prefix. TION, SIGN, ETC. (Lessons 57-60) Words ending with the sound sMin (sometimes zhUn, chiin, etc.) are usually spelled tion ; but in many cases sion is used, and sometimes cian, cion, tian, sian, and xion are employed. Rule 28. When the shortest form of a word ends with d, de, ge. mit, rt, se, or ss, the termination added is usually sion. In most other cases the termination is tion. XIV RULES ANCE, ENCE; ANCY, ENCY. ANT, ENT (Lessons 61-64) ANGE, ENCE; ANCY, ENCY, are suffixes denoting (a) act or fact of doing wlaat the verb denotes ; (6) state, condition, or quality of being ; (c) concrete fact or thing. ANT, ENT are suffixes used in adjectives to denote doing or being ; and used in nouns denoting a person or thing, acting as the agent of an action. Words ending with these terminations cannot be distinguished by rule ; they must be memorized. LESSON 1. FINAL F, S, AND L 1 Study Rules 1 and 3 on page viii A high, steep bank. Blunt, brusque. A high, steep rock or bank. A long stick carried in the hand for support. Stern ; harsh ; severe. Substance, material. To fill by crowding ; to thrust or crowd in. To deride ; to jeer. A game of skill played on a checkered board. Twelve dozen. Bulky, coarse. Queer, odd. A drawer. Up to, as far as. To plow. To ramble idly or leisurely, to saunter To subdue, to allay, to crush. The bony structure of the head. A company of war vessels. Swift in motion. A seat with three or four legs and no back. A journey in a circuit ; a trip. To make a tour of. The cover of a building. school (skool) A place for instruction ; a body of pupils ; a company of fish. Froth formed on the surface of liquids by agitation.- A collection of people ; a body of cavalry. To move in crowds. A quantity of grain bound together. To pull or draw with force, to drag. To take or carry away wrongfully. Ardor in pursuit of anything, fervor, eagerness. To conjecture ; to imagine, to surmise. Words underscored are exceptions to the rule at the top of a page. bluff cUff (klif) staff (a) gruff stuff scoff chess gross (5) droU To) till stroll (5) quell skuU fleet (e) stool (00) tour (0-0) roof (00) school [ (ski foam (5) troop (00) sheaf (e) haul (6) steal (e) zeal (g) guess (ges; LESSON 2. FINAL F AND S rebuff' mas' tiff tar'iff sher'iff con f ess' sur pass' em'press ex press' har'ness (har') speech'less sup press^ (sil-) duch'ess a miss' (d-) re dress' wil'der ness keen'ness em bar'rass dis miss' har 'ass re press' wit'ness mat' tress worth'less du'ress Study Rule 2 on page vili A repulse, a suub. To repulse. A large and powerful Euglish dog. A schedule of duties imposed by a govern- ment on goods exported or imported. The chief executive officer of a county. To acknowledge or admit a fault. To pass or go beyond ; to exceed or excel. The wife or widow of an emperor ; the female ruler of an empire. A regular and systematic method of convey- ance. To send by express ; to utter. The working gear of a horse. Silent ; deprived of speech. To subdue, to quelL The wife or widow of a duke. Wrong, faulty, improper. To set right ; to make amends for. A tract of land uncultivated and uninhabited. State of being sharp ; mental acuteness. To disconcert, to confuse. To send away ; to cause or permit to go. To fatigue ; to annoy. To check ; to overpower. One who testifies in a cause. To see ; to observe. A stuffed sack or tick, usually quilted. Without value. Constraint of personal action by force or fear ; imprisonment. en com'pass (-kom' ) To inclose in a circle, to surround. LESSON 3. FINAL L AND F 3 Study Rules 2 and o on page viii ac'tu al (ak'tu-) Real, existing in fact. le'gal Of or pertaining to law ; based upon ov in ac- cordance with law. gen'eral (jen') Usual or customary, common; not particular or definite ; the commander of an army. spec'ial (spesh'al) Individual, peculiar, particular. es pec'ial (-pesh') Particular, principal, special. com pel' To drive or urge with force. an'nu al (-u-) Yearly. ad di'tion al Supplemental, (a-dish'wn-) taste'ful (-fool) Savory ; having or showing good taste. ha bit'u al (hd-) Customary, regular, according to habit. crit'i cal Able or inclined to pass judgment. sym met'ri cal Regular, even, (si-mef) pres i den'tial Of or pertaining to a president or a presidency. (prez . . . shal) fra ter'naJ (frd-ttir') Brotherly. care'ful ly (kar'fool-) Cautiously, with much care. fi'nally Ultimately, eventually, at the end. mor'al ly (mor') In accordance with ethical duty ; uprightly. cheer'ful ly Happily, joyfully. fa'tal ly Mortally, in such a manner as to result iB death. to'tal ly Wholly, entirely. di ag'o nal ly (di-ag') In a diagonal or oblique direction. re spect'ful ly In a respectful or civil manner. ef fect'ually Adequately, effectively. (e-f6k'tj-) in ci den'tal ly (-si-) Casually, by way of chance. for'mal ly (fdr') In a ceremonious or formal manner. 4 LESSON 4. L AND DOUBLE L Study Rules 1 and 4 on page viii dullness State of being dull or not sharp ; bluntness ; stupidity. in stall' (-st61') To place in possession of an office, rank, or order. tore tell' To predict, to prophesy. en roll' (-rol') To register in a list. skill'ful (-fool) Possessed of dexterity or skill. still'ness The state of being still or without sound ; quietness. re call' (-k61') To summon or call back ; to revoke. un der sell' To sell cheaper than. aw'ful (-fool) Appalling, frightful. un til' To, up to, till, as far as. al'most (61') Nearly, not quite, all but. al read'y (61-red') Prior to some specified time ; by this time. al to geth'er (61-to6-) Wholly, completely. al'ways (61'waz) At all times, ever. all'spice (-spis) Berry of the pimento ; a spice prepared from it. ful fill' (fool-) To accomplish. use'ful Full of utility; serviceable. rest'ful Giving rest or repose. faith'ful Loyal, trustworthy ; full of faith. hand'ful As much as the hand will hold. {pi. handfuls.) wiU'ful ness Self-determination, obstinacy. fuU'ness The state of being filled or complete. Christ'mas (Kris') The day on which the birth of Christ is cele- brated. wel'come (-kjini) To receive gladly or hospitably. wel fare (-fSr) State of doiag well ; condition of health. Study Review 1 on page 162. LESSON 5. C HARD trick quick check track clock flock struck arc (ark) disc zinc Studt Eules 6, 8, and 10 on page viii An artifice or stratagem ; a sly or ingenious feat. To deceive by cunning. Lively, speedy, nimble. To bring to a stand, to restrain. An order for money. A mark left by something that has passed. To trace. A machine for measuring time. A company of birds, animals, or people. Hit with or by something. The segment of a circle. Any flat round object. A bluish white metal. Relating to athletics ; strong, vigorous. The people. Of or belonging to the people. ath let'ic public chron'ic (kron') Continuing for a long time, habitual pic'nic op'tic ter rif 'ic spe cif 'ic (-sif') or gan'ic An excursion or pleasure party. Pertaining to the eye. Appalling, dreadful. Special, explicit, precise. Pertaining to living organisms; depending on the constitution or structure. mechan'ic (-kSn') One practising a mechanical art, an artisan. po et'ic Pertaining to' poetry ; imaginative. ma jes'tic (md-) Stately, sublime. pa thet'ic (pd-) Causing pity or grief ; full of pathos. pro sa'ic (-za') Dull, uninteresting, commonplace, ma'ni ac A madman, der'rick An apparatus with tackle for lifting weights. 6 LESSON 6. C HARD AND SOFT Stdbt Rules 6, 7, and 9 on page viii at tack' To assail. ham'mock (-wk) A swinging couch or bed. bar 'racks Buildings for lodging soldiers, has'sock (-wk) A small tufted cushion or footstool, al'ma nac (61'md-) A book or table containing a calendar, to which other statistics are often added. Devastation, ruin. Since, for the reason that. Inquisitiveness, desire to know ; a curious object. To dishearten, to deject. hav'oc be cause' (-k6z') cu ri os'i ty (-6s') dis cour'age (-kiir'aj) cal'cu late To determine by mathematical processes ; to reckon, estimate. rec'on cile To restore to friendship ; to adjust, settle, sanc'tion (saqk'shiin; Confirmation or approval. ca pac'i ty (ka-pas') Power of receiving or containing. To make a return for something done or given; to exchange mutually. To bring to a common center ; to fix the at- tention. A dried root, or an extract from it used in medicine. To win over ; to gain the good will of. A small loaf of bread ; a cracker. A tabular statement of the months and the days of the months of a given year. To press paper or cloth between rollers to make it smooth and glossy. Very painful, agonizing. re cip'ro cate con'cen trate lic'o rice (-ris) con cil'i ate bis'cuit (-kit) cal'en dar (-ddr) cal'en der (-der) ex cru'ci at ing ( eks-kroo'shi-at-) ac com'plish crev'ice (-is) cu'mu la tive car'riage (kar'Tj) To perform ; to bring to an issue of full success. A narrow opening resulting from a split, a cleft. Increasing by successive additions. A wheeled vehicle ; manner of bearing. LESSON 7. C HARD AND SOFT Study fa cil'i ty nov'ice (-is) con vince' ascertain' (-er-) decimal re joic'ing tac'it (las') ce're al cit'i zen fal'la cy (fal'd-) so lic'it ed re cess' ed'i fice (-fis) certificate (sur-) pac'i fy prej'u dice (-o6-dis) cir'cnit (sur' kit) e lu'ci date so ci e ty spec'i men de cease' (-ses') cen'sus aus'pi ces (6s'pi-ses) of fi'ci ate (o-fish'i-) sa gac'i ty Rules 6 and 7 on page viii Ease ; dexterity. A beginner. To overcome by argument, to satisfy by proof. To find out, to make sure of. Pertaining to or founded on the number ten ; a fraction whose denominator is ten or a power of ten. Making joyful. An expression of gladness. Implied or indicated, but not expressed. Any edible grain. An inhabitant of a city or town ; one owing, allegiance to a government. An error in reasoning ; an erroneous idea- Asked earnestly, applied to for something. A short intermission ; a space formed by inaen- tation, a niche. A building or structure. A certified statement. To appease ; to calm. A preconceived or biased opinion ; an objec- tion not founded on reason. The circumference or distance around an area; the act of going around ; a journey. To make clear or manifest. Fellowship, company, a body of persons con- nected by some tie. A part of anything to show the quality of the whole. Death. An official enumeration of the population of a country. Patronage, protection ; omens. To act as an officer in performing a duty. Acute practical judgment, shrewdness. 8 LESSON 8. C HARD AND SOFT Study Rules 6 and 7 on page vlii an tic'i pate in cen'tive (-tiv) cen ten'ni al cel'e brate preface pre'cinct (-siqkt) def i cit sin cere' vi cin'i ty e ma'ci ate (-shi-) e nun'ci ate (-si-) e lic'it cir cu la'tion (sur-) as cend' in'flu ence (-floo) mu'ci lage re source' (-sors') an'thra cite (-thrd-) cer e mo'ni ous (-ua) proc'ess in'ci dent au dac'i ty (6-das') sten'cil li'cense sim plic'i ty To be before another in doing, to forestall ; to foresee. Encouragement, stimulus. Of or pertaining to a hundredth anniversary. To solemnize, to commemorate. A brief explanation to the reader at the begin- ning of a book. To, say by way of preface. A district within certain boundaries. A falling short in amount. Being in reality what it appears to be, genuine. Region near or .about. To reduce greatly in flesh. To make audible, to pronounce, to declare or proclaim. To draw forth, to evoke. Act of moving round ; movement of blood in body ; the extent or amount of distribution. To move upward. To act upon. The gradual or unseen operation of some cause. A substance used for sticking. A source of help or supply. A hard, compact variety of natural coal. Formal. Method of operation ; series of action. A happening. Likely to befall ; naturally appertaining to or attending. Impertinence ; boldness ; assurance. A thin sheet witli perforations through which ink may be forced. Authority given to do any act ; excess of liberty. To authorize. Freedom from duplicity ; absence of excessive ornament. Study Review 2 on page 162. LESSON 9. G HARD AND SOFT Study Rules 11 and 12 on page viii va'grant One who wanders from place to place without a definite object. length Extent from end to end. stag'nate To be or become motionless ; to become impure or foul. strong (o) Having great physical, moral, or intellectual power ; not easily broken. be guile (-gil') To deceive or impose on, as by a false state- ment ; to divert or entertain. el'e gant Marked by finish or tasteful selection. plague (plag) Anything troublesome ; an infectious disease. To trouble. reg'u lar (-lar) According to rule ; exact. glo'ri ous (-MS) Exhibiting qualities that deserve or receive gloiy. fa tigue' (fd-teg') Physical or mental exhaustion, weariness. To tire. neg lect' (-lekt') Disregard ; negligence. To omit by careless- ness or design. dig'ni ty An office or rank ; nobleness of manner, as- pect, or style. stag'ger To stand or walk unsteadily ; to reel. fin'ger (fiq'ger) One of the four extremities of the hand other than the thumb; to handle. ag'i tate To disturb or excite. di gest' (di or di) To convert food into absorbable form ; to think over and arrange. re'gion (-jitn) An indefinite area ; tract. gen'uine (-in) Proceeding from the reputed source ; not false. ge'ni al (je'-ni-) Kindly and sympathetic in disposition ; contrib- uting to cheerfulness. trag'e dy The species of drama which deals with sad or terrible themes, as opposed to comedy ; a fatal event. sav'age "Wild, untamed. as suage' (a-swaj') To lessen or ease, as heat, pain, or grief. ves'tige (-tij) A trace or visible sign of something gone. gen'ius (jen'yiis) Extraordinary mental superiority ; a man of unusual mental gifts. chal'lenge To call or invite defiantly to a contest of any kind. 10 LESSON 10. G HARD AND SOFT Studt Rules 11 and 12 on page viii en gross' (o) grate'ftil (-fool) con gre gate gen'erous (-ms) con grat'u late lan'guage (-gwij) ir'rigate gi gan'tic (ji-) mea'ger (me'ger) an'gtiish (-gwish) throng gen teel' vig'or ous cig a rette' (-d-ref) strat'e gy dis grace'ful san'guine (-gwin) vig'i lance (-lans) sin'gu lar e'go tism (-tiz'm) in gre'di ent ex ag'ger ate (eg-zaj'er-) ped'i gree pho tog'ra phy (fo-tog'rd-fi) pro'gram To write in a large hand ; to monopolize. Having a due sense of benefits received ; pleas- ing to the senses. To gather together, to assemble. Liberal, open-handed ; abundant. To express sympathetic pleasure on account Of some happy event. Any means of conveying or communicating ideas ; human speech. To supply with water by causing a stream to flow through, as in channels. Such as a giant might use, huge, colossal. Thin, destitute of richness ; defective in quan- tity. Extreme pain, either of body or mind ; acute suffering. A crowd. To crowd together ; to crowd into. Free from vulgarity. Exhibiting strength, powerful, energetic. A little cigar, of finely cut tobacco rolled usually in paper. The science of projecting and directing great military movements ; the use of artifice. Causing shame ; dishonorable, unbecoming. Ked, like blood ; ardent, confident. Wakefulness, watchfulness, caution. Remarkable, uncommon, peculiar ; consisting of only one part. Self-exaltation, self-praise ; vanity. A component part of any mixture. To enlarge beyond the bounds of truth by over- statement. A register of a line of ancestors ; descent, ancestry. The art of producing images on sensitized sur- faces by the chemical action of light. A scheme or plan ; a brief outline of the order to be pursued in any public exercise. LESSON 11. SILENT CONSONANTS 11 numb'ness (num') sue Climb' (sM-kum') cham'ois (sham'i) choir (kwlr) chron'i cle (ki-6n'ik'l) ep'och (-ok) cho'rus (ko') ad jovim (a-jurn') hand' some (han'sMm) Wednes'day (wenz') ca tas'tro phe (kd . . . fe) at'mos phere (-fer) pam'phlet (-flet) phy sique' (fl-zek') pho net'ic (fo-) graph'ic (gi'^f) au'tumn (6'tMm) col'vmm (-wm) con demn' (-dem') sol'emn (-em) gnaw (n6) cam paign' (-pan') CO logne' (-Ion') bor'ough (biir'o) fur 'lough (fur'lo) State of being numb or insensible. To j'ield, to give way. A small goatlike antelope ; a soft leather made from the skin of the chamois. A band of singers. A historical register of facts in order of their time. A period of time characterized by a distinctive development ; a derinite date marking the beginning of a new development. A company of singers singing in concert. To put off, postpone, suspend. Agreeable to tlie eye, comely ; ample. The fourth day of the week. A great misfortune, a calamity. The mass of air surrounding the earth ; the portion of air in any locality. A book of a few sheets of printed matter, com- monly with a paper cover. Bodily structure or appearance ; natural con- stitution of a person. Of or pertaining to the voice ; relating to speech sounds. Pertaining to the arts of painting and draw- ing ; clearly and vividly described. The third season of the year, the fall. Supporting pillar ; a perpendicular set of lines in a book. To pronounce sentence against ; to disapprove of or censure. Stately, serious, grave. To bite so as to wear away. A connected series of operations to bring about some desired result. A perfumed liquid. A corporate town. Leave of absence, especially of soldiers. 12 LESSON 12. SILENT CONSONANTS re sign' (-zin') light'ning (lit') diph'thong (dif) ging'ham (-am) rhyme (rim) hon'esty (on') naph'tha (nafthd) rhet'o ric (ret') knave (nav) knap'sack (nap') knuck'le (nuk"l) knowl'edge (nol'ej) balm'y (bam') cu pid'i ty salm'on (sam'tin) corps (kor) pneu mafic (nu-) is'land (i') a pos'tle (d-p6s"l) bou quet' (boo-ka') isth'mus (is') mort'gage (m6r') an'swer (an'ser) whole' some (hol'swm) wrin'kle (rin'k'l) To give up, to surrender, to relinquish ; to withdraw from an office or .position. Flashing of light by electricity discharged from one cloud to another. A coalition of two vowels forming a compound sound. A kind of cotton cloth. Correspondence of sounds in words ; a verse composition having correspondence of termi- nal sounds. Quality of being honest ; integrity, fairness, truthfulness. An inflammable liquid distilled from coal tar. The art of using language effectively. An unscrupulous person, a rogue, a rascal. A traveling case of canvas or leather cai'ried on the back. One of the joints of the liugers. Act or state of knowing. Mild ; refreshing ; aromatic. Greed for possession, avarice. A species of fish. A body of men organized or under common ' direction. ContaLuing or moved by air, A tract of land surrounded by water. One of the twelve disciples of Christ ; any person zealoiasly advocating a cause, A nosegay ; a bunch of flowers, A neck of land joining two larger portions of land. A pledge on property as security for the pay- ment of a debt. A reply to a question. To make reply. Sound, healthy. To pucker into folds and creases, fold. A crease or Study Review 3 on page 163, LESSON 13. SINGLE LONG VOWEL — SILENT E 13 sphere (sfgr) theme phrase (fraz) cour'age (kur') dam'age (dam') di vine' (di-) o blige' unite' de cide' sol'i tude dis pute' in ves'ti gate pro pose' pro vide' sur vive' se rene' pro'file de sire' as sume' aus tere' (6s-) pas'ture (pas'^r) retire' su preme incline' e vap'o rate Study Rule 13 on page ix Ball or globe ; social position. Subject on which one writes or speaks ; school composition. To express in words. A part of a sentence. Power to meet danger or difficulties bravely. Loss or detriment due to injury or harm. Of or relating to God ; holy, sacred. To put under obligations ; to accommodate ; to gratify. To join, to connect, to put together as one . To detei-mine ; to end or settle. State of being alone ; a lonely place. To argue ; to call in question. Controversy, debate. To examine into. To bring forward, to state. To look out for in advance. To continue to exist ; to live longer than. Calm, placid, unruffled. ' Drawing or other representation of a side view, especially the human face ; side outline. To long for. Wish, longing. To take for granted. Severe or strict in modes of judging, living, or acting ; stern. Land under grass for grazing cattle ; grass for grazing. To withdraw ; to remove. Highest in authority ; highest in degree. To lean ; to bend. To turn from solid or liquid into vapor. 14 LESSON 14. SINGLE LONG VOWEL — SILENT B per'me ate (pur') se vere' dec'ade (dgk') im pede' sat'ire us'age (uz'aj) de scribe' junc'ture (juqk'^r) scrip'ture sculp'ture tinc'ture (link') tra peze' (tm-) sep'a rate (-d-) choc'o late bev'er age ter'mi nate (tur') nom'i nate lib'er ate ex treme' an'ec dote vi'o late tel'e scope ex ter'mi nate (eks-tfir') cor rode' ap'er ture (-tur) Study Rule 13 on page ix To pass through the pores of, to enter and spread through, to pervade. Strict in judgment or discipline ; violent, extreme. A period of ten years. To obstruct, to hinder. Ridicule, irony, sarcasm. A literary composi- tion ridiculing vice or folly. Long-continued practice ; custom. To set forth in words ; to mark out, to draw. A joining ; a particular or critical occasion. Any sacred writing. The art of representing objects by chiseling stone, etc. A solution of medicinal substance in alcohol ; slight quality added to anything. A short horizontal bar suspended by two parallel ropes, one at each end. To divide, to disconnect, to part in any manner. Apart, divided from. A preparation of roasted seeds of the cacao. Liquid for drinking. To bound, to limit ; to complete. To name for an office or place ; appoint. To set free. To the highest or a very high degree ; final ; radical. The utmost limit or degree. A detached incident or fact of an interesting nature ; a short story. To do violence to ; to infringe ; to disregard, as a promise. An optical instrument for viewing distant objects. To drive out ; to utterly destroy. To eat away ; to wear away. An opening ; a gap or cleft. LESSON 15. SINGLE LONG VOWEL -SILENT E 15 Study Rule 13 on page ix es'ti mate To form an opinion of, to gauge ; to calculate the value or amount of. A valuing or rating, an opinion. i'so late (i') To place in a detached situation ; to place alone. ven'ti late To cause fresh air to circulate through. il lus'trate To make clear by examples or pictures ; to provide with pictures or designs. To make up for, to make amends for. A fortification made in haste ; any obstruction or means of defense. Craving ; the relish for food. To bring to completion, (a. con-sum'mate) Complete, perfect. A gale of extreme violence. To pause respecting action ; to be uncertain. The act of taking one's own life voluntarily. To inspire with energy ; to enliven. Endowed with life. To beautify, to adorn. Without means of existence ; unprovided, forsaken. The mean value of a number of values ; ordi- nary, usual. To find the mean of ; to amount to, or to be, on an average. To support or maintain as true ; to free from suspicion. Extent upward, height. Coming by good luck, lucky. Not yielding to reason, stubborn. To bear, to endure. A person or thing put in place of another. To put something in place of. A beverage of sweetened lemon juice and water. To give up or relinquish, especially as an offer- ing or tribute ; to sell at a reduced price. A religious offering ; destruction or surrender of anything. To apply smoke or vapor to, especially as a means of disinfecting. To cut off or remove a limb or essential part of ; to maim. com'pen sate bar ri cade' (bar-i-) ap'pe tite con' sum mate (-si(-mat) hur'ri cane hes'i tate (hez') su'i cide an'i mate dec'o rate des'ti tute av'er age vin'di cate al'ti tude for'tu nate (fSr'tu-) ob'stinate tol'er ate ■sub 'sti tute lem on ade' (-wn-) sac'ri fice fu'mi gate mu'ti late 16 LESSON 16. SINGLE LONG VOWEL — SILENT K pal'pitate des'o late ker'o sene pen'e trate dem'on strate re mon' strate e lim'i nate par tic'i pate o rig'i nate an ni'hi late as sim'i late im mac'u late pre dom'i nate va'ri e gate sub or'di nate e lab'o rate ab'di cate ap pre' ci ate as sas'si nate as so'ci ate a dul'ter ate Study Rule 13 on page ix To throb ; to bound with emotion or exertion. Deserted ; forsaken, comfortless ; destitute. An oil used for illuminating purposes. To enter into, to pierce. To establish beyond doubt. To plead in protest, to urge reasons in opposi- tion. To get rid of, to set aside, to exclude, (par-) To have a share in common with others. To bring into existence ; to produce as new. (a-ni') To reduce to nothing. To absorb ; to make like. Without stain or blemish, undefiled. To have controlling influence ; to prevail ; to rule. To mark with different colors or tints ; to diversify. (-5r') To place in a lower class ; to make subject. Placed in a lower class ; inferior. One lower in rank. Wrought out with great care ; highly finished. To work out in detail. To formally give up or relinquish ; to relin- quish a throne, ofiice, or dignity, (-shi-) To estimate justly ; to value ; to increase in value. To kill by secret assault, to murder by treacher- ous violence, (-so'shi-) To combine ; to connect or place together. («-) To make impure by mixing with another sub- stance. To lighten or lessen, to mitigate. To consider reasons for and against ; to take counsel. Formed or taken with deliberation. To grow worse. A group of nations or states united under a single sovereign power. Study Review 4 on page 163. al le'vi ate de lib'er ate de te'ri o rate em'pire LESSON 17. SHORT VOWELS 17 riv'et in'terval lin'en chef (shef) la'bel per'il fer^tile (fur'tll) frag'ile (fraj'U) hos^tile (-til) u ten'sil ca det' (kd') hap 'pen ho tel' pan' el frol'ic frig'id (frij') famine - (-in) doz'en (duz"n) pro pel' stu'pid rel'ic fab'ric tun'nel siun'mit o'dium Study Eule 14 on page ix To fasten with headed bolts of metal ; to fasten firmly. Space of time between any two points or events. Thread or cloth made of flax, A head cook. A slip of paper affixed to anything to indicate contents, ownership, etc. To affix a label. Danger, risk, hazard. Fruitful, able to produce abundantly. Easily broken ; frail. Unfriendly ; antagonistic ; showing ill will. An implement or vessel for domestic use. A pupil of a normal or military school. To occur by chance ; to come to pass, A house for entertaining travelers. A sunken compartment with raised margins in a ceiling, wainscoting, etc. ; a complete jury. To play wild pranks ; to make merry. A prank ; a merrymaking. Very cold. General scarcity of food ; extreme scarcity of something. Twelve. To impel forward or onward by applied force. Slow witted, very dull. That which remains or is left ; anything valued as a memorial of persons, events, etc. Any cloth that is woven or knit from fibers, A passageway under the surface. The top, the highest point. State or fact of being hated. 18 LESSON 18. SHORT VOWELS shov'el (shuv') ur'chin (ur') nov'el eth'ics lim'it toi'let ves'sel wis'dom (wiz'dum) mas'sive (-iv) scoun'drel traffic car'et (kar') fools'cap (foolz') lau'rel (16') pul'pit (pool') abu'sive (-siv) sel'dom (-dwm) trow' el splen'did spite'ful (-fool) il lu'sive (-sIv) squir'rel (sqwur') in her'it par'al lei de pos'it (-poz') Study Rule 14 on page ix A broad scoop with handle, for lifting dirt, coal, etc. To take up and throw with a shovel. A pert or roguish child, usually a boy. New, unusual. A work of fiction, a romance. The science of moral duty. That which terminates or confines ; the full extent. To set bounds for. Act of dressing ; attire, dress. A hollow utensil for holding anything ; a boat. Ability to judge soundly , learning, and ca- pacity to use it. Heavy, weighty, consisting of a large mass. A worthless fellow ; a rascal. Commerce, trade, the interchange of goods. A mark (^) used by writers to indicate some- thing to be inserted. Paper for writing or printing — 13 x 16 inches, folded to make a page 8 x 13 inches. An evergreen shrub. An elevated desk or platform for a preacher or orator. Using insulting words or other forms of ill- treatment ; insulting. Rarely, not often. A scooplike gardening instrument. Excellent ; resplendent. Filled with or showing spite; having a desire to vex, annoy, or injure. Deceptive, false. A small animal. To acquire by inheritance. Running side by side, in all parts equidistant. Money placed in a bank for safe-keeping or as a security. To lodge for safe-keeping ; to lay down. LESSON 19. SHORT VOWELS 19 Study Rule 14 on page ix de vel'op en am' el (en-am') fa nat'ic (fd-) im plic'it (-plis') lu'na tic (lu'nd-) max'i mum (mak'si-) min'imtmi exam'ine (eg-zam'in) the'a ter (-d-tgr) er rat'ic in trin'sic mag net'ic de ter' mine To unfold gradually, to evolve. A smooth glossy surface finish ; the outer cov- ering of the teeth. Excessively enthusiastic, especially on religious subjects. A person having such enthusiasm. Tacitly comprised, involved in the nature of something but not shown ; trusting without reserve. Insane, mad. An insane person. The greatest quantity attainable in a given case. The least quantity possible in a given case. To inspect carefully ; to investigate ; to scru- tinize. An edifice for dramatic performances. Irregular ; changeable ; having no certain course. Inherent, essential. Possessing the properties of the magnet ; exert- ing a moral attractive force. To come to a decision. (-tur'min) mon'o gram prohib'it (-hib') sar cas'tic (sar-) satch'el (sach') stim'ulus vet'eran im ag'ine (i-maj'in) syn op'sis gar'ri son (-s'n) verba'tim a' sis (o-a' or o'd-) com par'i son (-sfm) Character consisting of two or more letters combined or interwoven. To prevent ; to forbid ; to debar. Scornfully severe, taunting, satirical. Hand bag ; small bag for carrying papers, etc. A goad, an incentive. Experienced ; old in service, especially in mili- tary life. To form a notion or mental picture of ; to conceive ; to suppose or think to be ; to fancy. A general view of a whole ; an abstract or summary. The body of troops stationed in a fort or forti- fied town. Word for word, in the same words. A fertile spot in a waste or desert. An examination of two or more objects with the view of discovering the resemblances or differences. 20 LESSON 20. SHORT VOWELS Studt Rules 14 and 16 on page ix cab'i net A small room ; a closet ; a private room for con- sultation ; a piece of furniture with drawers. def i nite (-it) Fixed, having certain limits ; exact. system ct'ic Methodical; proceeding according to method. fa'vorite (-it) A person or thing preferred above others. Favored, preferred. en er get'ic Active ; operating with vigor. me trop'o lis The chief city of a country or state. op'po site (-zit) Facing, set over against ; contrary. sen sa'tion al Suited or intended to excite temporarily great interest ; melodramatic, emotional. prom'ise (-is) To engage to do. A declaration, binding one to do or not to do some specified act. ma te'ri al Substance or parts of which anything is com- posed ; data. Pertaining to or composed of matter ; substantial ; of consequence. priv'i lege (-lej) A peculiar benefit, favor, or advantage. ap pa ra'tus (-d-ra') A collection or set of implements ; any complex appliance. paren'the sis (pd-) A word, phrase, or sentence inserted in a sen- tence which would be grammatically com- plete without it ; one of the curved lines which inclose such parenthesis. A word or jjhrase. \_pl. parentheses (s6s).] prim'i live (-tiv) Pertaining to beginning or origin ; character- ized by the manner, etc., of an early time. en thu si as'tic (-zi-) Passionate in devotion to a belief or principle. pen'dulimi (-du-) A suspended body which swings to and fro under the combined action of gravity and momentum. ba rom'e ter (bd-) An instrument for determining the pressure of the atmosphere. com par'a live (-d-tiv) Relative, estimated by comparison. guile (gil) Crafty cunning, deceit. al though' (5l-tho') Supposing that, notwith.standing. straight (strat) Having an invariable direction ; not curved. in crease' (in kres') To become greater in size or quantity ; to grow. (n. in'crease) Act of increasing. peo'ple (pe'p'l) A race, tribe, or the members of a community, persons. nui'sance (nQ'sdns) Anything which annoys or gives trouble, sulfa ble (sut'd-b'l) Fitting, proper. Study Review 5 on page 164. LESSON 21. RETAINING E BEFORE CONSONANT 21 Study Rule 16 on page ix sense'less Stupid ; unconscious. hate'ful (-fool) Full of hate ; exciting aversion. a muse'ment (ct-muz) Entertainment, distraction, diversion. lame'ness State of being lame or limping. like'ness Resemblance. pale'ness A sickly whiteness ; lack of color or luster. ag gres'sive ness Spirit of unjust hostility or attack. blame'less Free from blame or fault. shame'less Wanting modesty, brazen-faced. waste'fiil (-fool) Destructive ; squandering or expending in a needless manner. force'ful (fors'fool) Mighty ; effective ; violent. engage'ment An appointment. in duce'ment Any motive that leads one to act. infringe'ment Breach, violation, nonfulfillment. (-frinJO dis burse'ment Act of disbursing ; a paying out. (-burs') com plete'ly Fully, wholly. an nounce'ment Act of announcing ; publication. ar range'ment Act of putting in orderly condition. C-i-anj') pos'i tive ly (-tiv-) In an absolute manner. in'ti mate ly Familiarly. pur'pose ly (piir'ptis-) Intentionally, with purpose or design, del'i Gate ly Tenderly, pleasantly. im me'di ate ly At once, without interval of time or delay. in'tri cate ly In a complex or involved manner, praise'wor thy Commendable, laudable, (praz'wur-thi) 22 LESSON 22. DROPPING E BEFORE VOWEL Study Rule 17 on page ix cur'a ble (kur'd-b'l) Capable of being healed or remedied. gaug'ing (gaj') Measuring ; estimating. hop'ing (bop') Cherishing a desire or expectation. spong'ing Cleansing or wiping with a sponge ; getting by (spun'jing) imposition without cost. cas'ing (kus') Covering or protecting as with a case. An outside covering ; an inclosing frame. griev'ance (grev') Cause of complaint ; affliction. ro'guish (ro'gish) Pleasantly mischievous. guid'ance (gid') Direction ; the act or result of guiding. ar'gu ing (ar') Debating, disputing. con fin'ing (-fin') Restraining within limits ; imprisoning. us'a ble (uz'd-b'l) Capable of being utilized. no'ta ble (-td-b'l) Remarkable, worthy of notice. en su'ing Following ; resulting. ar riv'al (-riv') The act of coming ; the attainment or reaching of a place or object. in volv'ing Complicating ; connecting with something as a natural consequence ; implying. res'cu ing Freeing or delivering from confinement, vio- lence, or danger. de sir'ous (-zir'iis) Eagerly wishing ; covetous. in clos'ing (-kloz') Shuttijig in or enveloping ; enclosing. ob serv'ance An observing or noticing with attention ; keep (-zQr'vdns) ing or heeding, as a rule or rite ; compliance, as with a custom, law, duty, or ceremony. ar rang'ing (-ran'jing) Putting in proper order ; adjusting. in sur'ance (-shoor') Tiie act or system of insuring against loss. assur'ance (-shoor') That which is designed to give confidence ; self- confidence ; excess of boldness ; Insurance. blam'a ble (blam'd-) Deserving of censure ; faulty. approv'al (-probv') Approbation, sanction. embrac'ing (-bras') Clasping, hugging ; including, comprising. LESSON 23. DROPPING E BEFORE VOWEL 23 Study Rule 17 on page ix as sem'blage (-blaj) Collection of individuals, an aggregation. in quir'ing (-kwir') Asking about, investigating ; investigative. prac'tic ing Performing often ; following a profession. ad vis'a ble (-viz'ci-) Proper to be advised, prudent, expedient. debat'able (-bat') Disputable, open to question. ex cit'a ble (ek-sit') Easily stirred up or stimulated. in ctir'a ble (-kur') Not admitting of remedy or correction. val'u a ble Precious, of considerable worth. ad'mi ra ble Excellent, deserving the highest praise. ex cus'a ble (-kuz') Pardonable, capable of being excused. im'jtator (-ter) One who mimics or copies. leg'is la ture (-t^r) The board of persons in a state having power to make, alter, and repeal laws. pxir'chas a ble Capable of being acquired for a price. sep'a rat ing (-d-rat-) Dividing from another or others. per se ver'ance Persistence, constancy in purpose or action. (-ver') con den sa'tion The act, process, or state of compressing or being compressed into a smaller compass. dis solv'ing Causing to pass into solution , becoming fluid ; (di-z61v') breaking up, as an assembly. sal u ta'tion A greeting. in dis pen'sa ble Absolutely necessary. rec'on cil able (-sll-) Capable of being adjusted, or made consistent • capable of being restored to friendship. restor'ing (-stor') Putting back into existence, reviving; replac- ing, renewing. man u f ac'tur ing Making articles for use by working on or com^ (-tur-) bining material. col le'gi ate Pertaining to a college. da sir a bil i ty Worthiness of being desired or wished for. (-zlr-d-) in i'ti a to ry Introductory, (-ish'i-d-) 24 LESSON 24. DROPPING AND RETAINING E Study Rule 18 and Exceptions to Rules 16 and 17 on page ix ad van ta geous (-Jms) Profitable, useful, beneficial. cou ra'geous (kti ra') Gallant, brave, bold. out ra'geous Violent ; exceeding the limits of right, reason, or decency. change'able Subject to change ; inconsistent. (chan'jd-) no'tice a ble (-tis-) Capable of being observed ; conspicuous. a gree'a ble (d-gre'd-) Pleasing ; willing ; conformable. charge'a ble (chiir'jd) Liable to be charged or laid upon, serv'ice a ble Helpful, useful to any end. (sur'vis-) man' age a ble Governable, submitting to control. peace' a ble (pes') Quiet, being at peace or rest, not quarrelsome, mar'riage a ble (-ij-) Fit for, or capable of, marriage. dye'ing Fixing coloring matter permanently in the fibers of materials. The process of coloring. hoe'ing (ho') Digging v^ith a hoe. see'ing Perceiving by the eye, beholding. shoe'ing (sh65' ) The act or process of putting on shoes. ar'gument (ar') The process of reasoning ; a reason or reasons offered in proof ; theme, subject matter, du'ly (dull) Fit or proper manner, tru'ly (troo') In fact or in truth ; sincerely, wholly (hoi') Completely, entirely. abridg'ment (-brij') Abbreviation, shortening, reduction, judg'ment (juj') Opinion or decision. lodg'ment (loj') The act of depositing or coming to rest ; the state of resting in a place. acknowledgment Admission, avowal, confession; expression of (-nol'ej-) thanks. mile'age An allowance for traveling expenses at a cer- tain rate per mile ; aggregate distance in miles ; a charge per mile. singe ing (sin'jtng) Scorching, burning the surface or ends. Study Review 6 on page 164. LESSON 25. DOUBLING CONSONANTS 25 impeUed' (-peld') beg'gar (-er) re ferred' (-ffird') refer ence pre ferred' (-furd') prefer eace prefer a ble job'ber be gin'ning plan'ning ad mit'ting per mit'ted com mit'ted cha grined' (shd-grind') de ferred' (furd') defer ence drug'gist hot'test re cvir'rence o mit'ted grin'ning wrap'per (rap') sin'ner shop 'per thin'ner Study Rule 19 on page ix Forced to action. One who asks alms. Sent or directed to another person or authority. A specific direction of the attention, as a refer- ence to a book or passage ; a written state- ment of the qualifications of another. Liked better, selected ; set above something else in estimation or favor. The act of preferring ; that which is preferred. More desirable. One who purchases of importers or manufac- turers in order to sell to retailera. The commencement of an action. Designing ; scheming ; devising. Conceding as true, acknowledging ; permitting to enter. Granted, allowed. Intrusted, handed over ; done. Mortified, vexed. Put off, postponed ; yielded, submitted to the opinion of another. A yielding of judgment from respect to another. A pharmacist, one who deals in drugs. In the highest degree hot. The act of returning repeatedly or coming again to mind. Left out ; unmentioned. Smiling broadly. That in which anything is inclosed ; a loose outer garment. One who does wrong. One who visits retail stores for purchasing or inspecting goods. Having less thickness. 26 LESSON 26. DOUBLING CONSONANTS Study Role 19 on page ix trimmed (trimd) bag'gage (-aj) ex pel'ling (eks-) transferred' (furd') trans fer'a ble for get'ting for got'ten for get'ta ble whip'ping (hwip'-) swim'ming spin'ning blot'ting dtm'ning nm'ning shipped (shipt) rubbed (rubd) blurred (blurd) re gret'ted im fit'ted rid' dance DC ctu-'rence ' in'fer ence (iii'fer-) in fer'a ble (-fur') com pel'ling for bid' ding Made orderly ; decorated or ornamented. The trunks, valises, etc., which one carries along with him on a journey. Driving out, ejecting. Removed from one place to another. Capable of being transferred. Losing remembrance of ; neglecting. Lost remembrance of. Capable of being forgotten. Striking with a lash, whip, or rod ; beating. Moving progressively in water by motions of bands and feet ; dizziness. Drawing out and twisting into threads. Canceling, effacing, obliterating; using a blotter. Demanding pajTnent of a debt. Moving swiftly. Sent or forwarded by any mode of transporta- tion. Scoured, polished, smoothed. Made indistinct, obscured. , Remembered with sorrow. Made unsuitable ; not prepared or adapted. A cleaning up or out ; the act of ridding or freeing. The act of happening ; an incident. The act of drawing a conclusion from prem. ises ; a conclusion so drawn. Capable of being inferred. Forcing to yield, coercing. Prohibiting. LESSON 27. DOUBLING CONSONANTS 27 Study Rdles 19 and 20 a on pages ix and x hag'gard (-drd) stepped (stept) grabbed (grabd) ton'nage (tun') gas'e ous (-ms) gas^i fy (-fi) con ctrr'rence ac quit'tal re pel'lent war'rior (wor'ySr) sub mit'ted re bel'lious (-yws) con trol'ler (-trol') an nul'ling dis pelled' (-peld') e qmpped' (-kwipt') in ter mit'tent brag'gart (-art) ex'cel lent (ek') a void'a ble (d-void') de feat'ed (-fef) con cealed' (-seld') boorish (boor') pas'sion ate (pash'iin-) Wasted, gaunt. Walked, gone on foot. Seized, clutched, snatched. The freight-carrying capacity of a vessel. In the form of gas ; lacking substance or solidity. To convert into gas. Union ; joint action ; assent. A setting free from a charge by verdict of jury. Causing aversion. That which repels. A man engaged in war, a soldier. Yielded, resigned ; put forward as an opinion. Disposed to resist lawful authority. A public ofUcer who oversees and verifies the accounts of subordinate ofiBcials ; any device for controlling a circuit or system. Obliterating ; reducing to nothing ; abolishing. Driven away. Fitted out. Coming and going at intervals. A boaster. Superior, very good, near the standard or model. Capable of being avoided or escaped. Frustrated ; checked ; overcome. Hidden. Uncultured ; awkward. Ardent in feeling or desire ; easily moved 28 LESSON 28. CONSONANTS NOT DOUBLED Study Rulk 20 on page x ben'e fit ed Helped, profited. differ ence Unlikeness, dissimilarity ; disagreement, dis- sension. le gal'i ty Conformity to law, lawfulness. lim'it ed Confined within bounds ; restricted ; narrow. can'celed (-seld) Marked out or defaced ; annulled, revoked. con'fer ence The act of consulting together ; interchange of views. dan'ger ous (dan') Full of risk ; perilous, hazardous ; likely to harm. mar'vel ous (miir') Astonishing, causing wonder.' offered (-erd) Proposed, suggested ; presented for acceptance or rejection. proffered (-erd) Offered for acceptance. trav'el er One who travels. me tal^lic Resembling, pertaining to or consisting of metal. poi'son ous (-z'n-jts) Noxious, venomous, malignant. tran quil'li ty (-kwU') Calnmess, composure, pru den'tial Of or pertaining to sagacity or caution ; ex- (prOo-deu'shol) ercising prudence ; advisory. molest'ed Annoyed, disturbed. object'ed Offered reasons against; opposed; offered in opposition. de sert'ing (-zurf) Abandoning, forsaking. inventor (-er) One who finds out or devises something new, as an appliance. de tach'a ble Capable of being separated. re strict'ed Limited or confined ; repressed. per form'er One who performs, a worker, a doer. (pur-for'mer) dis tin'guished Marked or individualized ; illustrious. (-tin'gwTsht) hiun'bugged (-bugd) Hoaxed, deceived or misled, zig'zagged (-zagd) Formed with short sharp turns, bent from side to side. Study Review 7 on page 165. LESSON 29. EI AND IE 29 Study Rule 21 on page x chief grief shriek priest de cei/e' a chieve' (a-) con ceive^ ei'ther field thief de ceif yield ag grieve' lei'sure (-zhQr) be lieve' re ceive' re lieve' spe'cies (spg'shez) be siege' per ceive' grieve fin an cier* (fia-) siege nei'ther fron'tier The leader of a body of men. Highest in office or rank ; principal in any quality or action. Mental suffering follovring affliction. To utter a shrill cry. A clergyman. To lead into error, to impose upon. To accomplish, to perform. To imagine ; to understand ; to take into one's mind. One of two. A disjunctive connective. A piece of land put to special use ; a sphere oi range of activity. One who steals. Fraud, trickery ; attempt or disposition to de- ceive or lead into error. To give vray to, to submit ; to surrender. To give pain or sorrow to ; to afflict. Freedom from occupation or business. To have faith or confidence ; to think ; to judge. To take in, to come into possession of. To alleviate, mitigate, ease. A sort, kind, or variety. To surround with armed forces, to lay siege to. To comprehend ; to obtain knowledge of through the senses. To occasion grief to, to make sorrowful ; to feel or show sorrow. One skilled in money matters. The sitting down of an army around a fortified place to compel its sun-ender ; a continued attempt to gain possession. Not the one nor the other ; not either. That part of a country facing another country ; border. 30 LESSON 30. EI AND IE Study Rules 21 and 22 on page x reign (ran) To rule or govern. rein (a) A strap of a bridle for governing a horse or other animal. seine (a) A large net for fishing. To catch fish with a seine. se'ries (e) A number of things standing in order and con- nected by a like relation ; a sequence. wield (e) To control, to sway ; to manage, to use. weird (e) Uncanny. skein (a) A fixed length of yarn doubled and knotted, feign (fan) To pretend. sleigh (sla) A vehicle on runners for transportation on ice. pierce (e) To thrust into or through ; to penetrate. seize (e) To lay hold of forcibly ; to take possession of by force. Hateful, odious, flagrant. The daughter of one's brother or sister. A piece of stuff worn to hide or protect the face ; a cover. To cover with a veil. One of the vessels which conveys the blood back to the heart ; a crack in rock filled with mineral matter. A piece of defensive armor carried on the arm ; any protection. To cover or defend. Mass or heaviness. To delay the punishment of. A temporary suspension of the execution of a sentence. Lading or cargo ; that with which anything is laden for transporation. One of eight equal parts. A person who lives near another. A bending of the body as a token of respect ; deference. A cask containing forty-two wine gallons. One in command of a brigade. A fragment or part separated from the whole in any manner; a definite quantity or por- tion. To put together ; to repair. hei'nous (ha'niis) niece (e) veil (a) vein (a) shield (e) weight (a) re prieve' (e) freight (a) eighth (a) neigh' bor (na'b§r) o bei'sance (a) tierce (ters) brig'a dier (e) piece (e) LESSON 31. EI AND IE 31 Study Rdles 21, 22, and 23 on page x al'ien (al'yen) Strange ; wholly different in nature. One owing allegiance to another state. heir (ar) One who inherits property after the death of its owner. their (thar) Of them, belonging to them. chan de lier' A frame with branches for holding lights. (shan-de-) fierce (fers) Furious, violent, savage. a dieu' (d-dii') Farewell. friend (e) An intimate associate ; one not a foe or an enemy, hand'ker chief A piece of cloth carried for wiping the face or (haq'ker-chtf) nose. hy'gi ene (hi'ji-ea) The science of the preservation of health, defi'cient (-fish'ent) Incomplete, imperfect, ef fi'cient Capable of producing desired results, suf fi'cient Adequate to wants, enough. pro fi'cient Well advanced in any occupation or study; skillful, competent. heif'er (hef) A young cow. height (hit) Distance upwards. con ven'ient (-yeut) Adapted to one's comfort or ready use, handy. an'cient (an'shent) Belonging to a remote period of time. dis o be'di ent Refusing to obey, doing what is prohibited, intractable. gla'cier (gla'sher) A body of ice, formed in a region of perpetual snow, moving slowly down a mountain slope or valley. gla'zier (-zher) One whose business it is to set glass in window frames, etc. re view' (-vii') To go over or examine critically. An exami- nation or inspection ; a critical essay ; a periodical. quo'tient The number resulting from the division of one (kwo'shent) number by another. for'eign (for'in) Belonging to another country. for'feit (for'fit) To lose the right to by crime or fault. coun'ter feit (-fit) To imitate or make a copy of ; to make coun- terfeits. An imitation intended to deceive. 32 LESSON 32. EI AND IE Study Rules 21, 22, and 23 on page x lieu (lu) lieu ten' ant (lu-) mis'chief (-chlf) mis'chie vous (-chi-) sleight (slit) Fah'ren heit (iEii' ren-hit) ka lei'do scope (kd-ll') seis'mic (sis'mik) pa'tient (-shent) pa'tience (-shens) liege (lej) mien (e) re ceipt' (-set') ceil'ing (sel') sov'er eign (-m) prai'rie (pra're) mis con ceive' lie (i) sol'dier (sol'jgr) fiend'ish (fend') sieve (siv) re trieve' (-trev') tran'sient (-shent) sa'li ent (-li-ent) sur'feit (sflr'fit) Place, stead ; especially in the phrase " in lieu of." A substitute for another in performance of any duty ; a commissioned officer below captain. Annoying or vexatious action on the part of a person ; a prank. Inclined to cause petty injury or annoyance to otiiers. Skill, cunning. The name given to a thermometer, the freezing point on which is marked at 32°. An optical instrument exhibiting an endless variety of colored forms. Belonging or pertaining to an earthquake. A person under medical or surgical treatment ; undergoing pain, toil, etc., without com- plaint. The power of suffering, waiting, etc., with calmness and fortitude. Loyal, faithful. A lord to whom service is due. Manner, demeanor, appearance. The act of receiving ; a return acknowledgment of anything received. The covering of a room ; the surface opposite to the floor. Highest in power, chief. A ruler. A meadow of grass land. To interpret wrongly. The intentional statement of an untruth. To lie or put oneself in a recumbent position ; to be situated. One in the service of an army ; a man engaged in military service. Wicked, cruel, malicious. A vessel with bottom of woven wire to separate the fine part of anything from the coarse. To recover, to restore, to repair. Of short diu'ation, not permanent. Standing out prominently, conspicuous, strik- ing, noticeable. Excess. Study Review 8 on page 165. LESSON 33. FINAL Y 33 Study Rule 24 on page x beau'tiful (bu') Possessing qualities which charm and delight the senses ; lovely. mer'ciful (mur') Full of mercy, compassionate, tender-hearted. pen'ni less Without a penny ; extremely poor. hap'pi ness Conscious enjoyment of good fortune ; con- tentment. busi'ness (biz') Regular occupation, work, profession some- thing to be transacted ; affair. clean'li ness (klen') The state of being cleanly ; neatness of person. heav'i er (hev') Of more weight. plen'ti ful Abundant. fan'ci ful Full of fancy ; unreal, imaginary. bur'i al (ber') The act of burying ; interment. com mod'i ties Goods, wares, merchandise. par'ti san (par'ti-zan) An adherent to a party or faction. qual'i fied Competent, equipped, fit, capable, (kwol'ifid) wea'ri ness (we') Fatigue, tiredness. mod'i fy ing (-fi-) Changing slightly in form, varying ; qualifying or restricting. stud'y ing Applying the mind to the acquisition of knowl- edge ; devoting one's thoughts to a subject ; pondering. beau'te ous (bii') Full of beauty or charm. plen'te ous Abundant, copious, plentiful. shy'ness The state of being shy or modest ; timidity. wry'ness (rl') The state or quality of being twisted or dis- torted. dri'er Anything which expels or absorbs moisture. Having less moisture. la'dy ship The rank or position of a lady, ba'by hood The state of being a baby. live'li hood Means of living, sustenance. cit'y like (sit') Like a city, similar to a city. 34 LESSON 34. FINAL Y AND CEDE Study Kdles 25 and 26 on page x an noy'ance The act of vexing or teasing ; anything which annoys. be tray'al (-tra') The act of betraying or violating confidence. joy'ful Full of joy, very glad. buoy'ant (boi') Having the quality of rising or floating in fluid ; lighthearted. valleys (-iz) Tracts of land situated between ranges of hills or mountains. en joy'a ble Conducive to pleasure, pleasant, de stroy'er Any person or thing that demolishes, ruins, or annihilates. gray'ish (gra') Of a gray color. sur vey'or (-va'er) One who surveys ; one whose business it is to measure land. o bey'ing (-ba') Executing the commands of, complying with the orders of. buy'ing (bi') Acquiring property by giving an accepted price therefore, purchasing. attor'neys (-tur'nlz) Persons legally authorized to act for others; lawyers. dai'ly (da') Done or occurring every day. paid (pad) Discharged, as a debt ; compensated. accede' (ak-sed') To agi'ee, to assent. con cede' To sun-ender, to grant, to allow. in ter cede' To mediate, to act, to reconcile, to interpose, pre cede' To go before ; to introduce or preface. ex ceed' To pass beyond the limit or measure of ; to sur- pass, sue ceed' To follow in order ; to be successful. pro ceed' To go onward, to advance. pro ce'dure (-se'd^) Manner of proceeding ; process ; conduct. re cede' To move back, to retreat, to withdraw. se cede' To withdraw from association or fellowship. su per sede' To come to take the place of ; to put another in the place of ; to set aside or render nuh and void. LESSON 35. IZE 35 Stcdt Rule 27 on page xi pui'verize (-ver-) civ'i lize crit'i cize mo nop'o lize ad'ver tise (-vgr-) de vise' re vise' mod'emize rec'og nize (rek') dram' a tize e con'o mize arise' guise (giz) cap size' ex'er cise (ek'ser-) hyp'no tize i'tem ize ad vise' , siir mise' BUT prise' mem'o rize au'thor ize (6'thor- re'al ize u'ti lize em'pha size (-fd-) To reduce to a fine powder or dust. To reclaim from a savage state. To examine as a critic ; to censm-e. To have exclusive possession of ; to engross the whole of. To announce publicly ; to notify. To contrive, to invent, to plan ; to give by will. To review and amend. To render modern ; to adapt to present con- ditions. To_acknowledge formally ; to know again. To make into a drama or play. To manage with care ; to utilize to the best advantage. To come up, to issue, to spring. Fashion, appearance ; cover. To upset or overturn, as a boat. To put in action ; to employ actively ; to make anxious. To induce a sleep-like condition in which the subject is susceptible to suggestion. To state by particulars. To give advice to ; to warn ; to apprise. (See advice, Lesson 37.) To conjecture, to suspect. A conjecture. To take unawares. To commit to memory, to learn by heart. •] To empower ; to make legal ; to give the right to act. To make real ; to accomplish, to achieve ; to come to a full comprehension of. To make use of. To give emphasis to, to bring out clearly and distinctly. 36 LESSON 36. IZE Study Rule 27 on page xi antag'onize sym'pa thize e'qual ize (-kw51-) fran'chise de mor'al ize nat'u ral ize dis guise' (-gizO tan'ta lize (-td-) sys'tem a tize (-d, comfortless. Incapable of being satisfied or appeased. Of or pertaining to a muscle or a system of muscles ; possessing muscular strength. No longer in use ; antiquated. Highly pleasing, affording great pleasure and satisfaction. Of or pertaining to the common people ; pleas- ing to people in general. Unworthy of serious consideration, absurd. Vocal expression, articulation, speech. Acting by internal impulse, energy, or natural law ; without external force. Instantly, without delay. Study Review 22 on page 172. LESSON 89. HARDWARE 89 hammer hatch'et (hach') nails (nals) crow'bar (kro'bar) cut'ler y (-ler-) ra'zor (-zer) scis'sors (siz'erz) knife (nif) shears (sherz) re voi'ver ri'fle (-f'l) ax'le (ak's'l) hinge pincers (-serz) pli'ers screen tongs tweez'ers (twez') cal'i pers car'tridge (kar'trlj] gim'let (gim') pad'lock scythe (si-Bi) skate twine An instrument for driving nails, etc. A small ax with a short handle. Pieces of metal pointed and headed to be driven into wood with a hammer. A bar of iron, usually wedge-shaped at the point, used as a lever. Edged or cutting instruments. A keen edged cutting instrument used in shav- ing the face or head. An instrument consisting of two cutting blades with handles. A cutting instrument consisting of a thin blade fastened to a handle. Large scissors. A firearm with a cylinder of several chambers to be discharged in succession. A firearm having upon its bore spiral grooves to impart rotary motion to the projectile. The pin on which a wheel revolves. A joint on which a door or gate turns or swings. An instrument having two grasping jaws work- ing on a pivot. A kind of small pincers with long jaws, used for bending metal rods or wire. A portable covered framework in the nature of a partition ; a grating of fine wire. An instrument with two legs for taking hold of something. A small, pincerlike implement for grasping or extracting. A two-legged, bent instrument, fastened to- gether with a spring or hinge, used for measuring. A shell holding a complete charge for a firearm. A small tool with a screw point and a cross handle for boring holes. A portable lock, usually jointed at one end. A long, curved-blade instrument for mowing grass by hand. A metallic runner or set of wheels with a frame to fit the shoe. A strong thread. 90 LESSON 90. HARDWARE can'is ter fau'cet (f6') fix'ture (-tiir) piil'ley (pcK)!') sprinkler wring 'er (ring') grid'i ron (-l-wm) nip'pers cas'ter re flec'tor (-ter) horse' shoe (hors'shoo) lawn mower sta'ple (-p'l) swiv'el for'ceps (f5r') pro trac'tor (-ter) fur'nace (fur') cor'ru ga ted japanned' (-paud') chis'el (chiz') fas'ten er (fas"n-) skil'let straight'edge col'an der (kul') screw (skroo) A small box or case for holding tea, coffee, etc. A fixture for drawing liquid from a pipe or other vessel. That which is fixed or attached to something as a permanent appendage. A wheel of any size, used to transmit power by means of a band, rope, or chain. A device for spraying plants, etc. ; a cart for watering roads. A machine for pressing water out of anything. A grated iron utensil for broiling food over coals. Small pincers for holding, breaking, or cutting. A small wheel on a pivot, on which furniture is supported. A polished surface that reflects light or heal. A narrow plate of iron conformed to the rim of a horse's hoof. A machine with blades used to clip the grass on lawns. A loop of wire, bent and pointed to be driven into wood. A part that turns on a headed bolt or pin. A pair of pincers or tongs. An instrument for laying down and measuring angles on paper. An inclosed place in which heat is produced by the combustion of fuel. Bent into a series of alternate ridges and grooves to give greater stiffness. Treated, or coated, with japan. A metal tool with a cutting edge at the end of a blade. Anything that binds or makes fast, as a lock, bolt, bar, or buclde. A small metal vessel with a handle. A bar or slip of wood, metal, etc., having one or more edges for drawing straight lines. A vessel having its lower half perforated for use as a strainer. A cylinder, grooved or threaded in an advanc- ing spiral on its outer surface. LESSON 91. GENERAL 91 de spair' (-spar') CO los'sal mer i to^ri ous proph'e sy (prof 'e-si) proph'e cy (-si) in'stinct com pen'di urn nos'tril tro'phy (-fi) scan'dal ous pro mis'cu ous per haps' con gen'ial (-y«l) se'quence triv'ial tre men'dous cor'pu lent (kor') mod'er ate in vol'un ta ry per'emp tory (01 per-emp') mon'e ta ry film prox im'i ty cov'etous 'kiiv') tid'iness (tid') State of being without hope, despondency. Huge, gigantic. Deserving ; worthy of regard or honor. To foretell future events, especially by divine inspiration. A prediction of something to take place in the future. Natural inward impulse ; a natural aptitude or knack. An abridgment or abstract. An external opening of the nose. Anything preserved as a memorial of victory. Offending the conscience or moral feelings ; disgraceful to reputation ; libelous. Mingled, confused, indiscriminate. By chance, peradventure. Naturally adapted ; pleasant and sympathetic. A succession, a following or coming after. Of little worth or importance, trifling, petty. Marvelously great ; teiTible. Bulky, very fat, obese. Not excessive, reasonable. Without will or choice ; done unwillingly. Imperative, obligatory ; precluding discussion or hesitation. Of or pertaining to coinage or currency. A thin skin ; a thin, sensitized coating which receives photographic impressions. Nearness, neighborhood, vicinity. Very desirous ; avaricious. Neatness. 92 LESSON 92. GENERAL re cu'per ate To recover, to restore to health ; to recover health, au then'tic (0-) Genuine ; duly authorized ; trustworthy, tem'po ra ri ly Not permanently. • in de fat'i ga ble Untiring, unwearying. (-gd-b'l) ben e fi'cial (-fish'al) Useful, helpful, profitable. os'cil late (os'i-) To swing backward and forward, to vibrate, ob'li ga to ry (-gd-to-) Requiring performance or forbearance of some act ; binding in law or conscience. pxmc'tu al {-t^-) Observing or done at the exact time. ar ti fi'cial Made or contrived by art ; not natural ; as- (ar-tl-fish') sumed, affected. vi'sion a ry Existing only in the imagination, unreal ; an (vizh'iin-) unpractical schemer. vir'tuous (vur'tu-) Righteous; chaste. fif' ti eth The ordinal of fifty. ap pear'ance (-per') Act of appearing or becoming visible ; aspect. colo'nel (kur') The commanding officer of a regiment. ker'nel (ktir'') Grain or seed ; the edible substance of a nut or fruit stone, vie to'ri ous Conquering, triumphant. saleable (sal') Capable of being sold, marketable. gro tesque' (tesk') Absurdly incongruous or awkward. brusque (brdosk) Rough and short in manner, blunt, abrupt, valid'ity (vd-) Strength, soundness ; legal sufficiency or force, jeal'ous y (jel') Suspicious fear or watchfulness. as sid'u ous Devoted, constant in application. (d-sid^u-) tend' en cy Inclination, propensity, leaning, e quiv'o cal (-kwiv') Having two or more significations equally applicable, ambiguous, doubtful. trans ac'tion The doing of any business ; the thing done, affair. Study Review 23 on page 173. LESSON 93. JEWELRY 93 am'e thyst A purple or bluish violet stone. txir quoise' (-koiz') A blue, bluish green, or greenish gray stone. sap'phire (saf'ir) A precious stone of a blue color. to'paz A precious stone, usually yellow. gar'net (gar') A pi-ecious stone of a deep red color. em'erald A precious stone of a rich, deep green color. o'pal A precious stone of milky hue, exhibiting a play of yarious colors. sar'donyx (sar') A kind of onyx. ber'yl (ber'il) A mineral of varying colors, used when trans- parent as a precious stone. jade A stone, commonly of a pale to dark green color, but sometimes whitish, capable of a fine polish. tour'ma line A transparent mineral of various colors, some (toor'md-line) varieties of which are used as gems. chrys'o lite A green-colored and sometimes transparent (kris'6-lite) gem. scar'ab A gem or seal cut in the form of a beetle, chrys'o prase An apple-green variety of quartz of a dull, flinty luster. car' bun cle (kar') A beautiful gem of a deep red color, cam'e o A precious stone or shell on which figures are engraved in relief. chal ced'o ny A variety of quartz, resembling in color diluted (kal-sed') milk. spin'el (spin') A mineral occurring in octahedrons of great hardness and various colors. ca bo chon' A stone of convex form, highly polished, but (ka-b6-sh6N') not faceted. quartz (kwortz) A mineral compound of silica. la'pis laz'u li A stone whose characteristic color is a rich (la' . . . li) azure blue. a qua ma rine' A transparent variety of beryl, typically of a (a-qwd-rad-ren') bluish green color, used as a gem. am'a zon ite (-it) A variety of stone of a green color, dou'blets (dub-letz) Counterfeit gems, composed of two pieces of crystal, with a color between them ; also, pieces of paste or glass covered by a veneer of real stone. ba roque' (bd-rok') Irregular in form, said especially of a pearl. 94 LESSON 94. JEWELRY brace'let An ornamental band worn on arm or wrist. as say' (-sa') Examination and determination as to weight, measure, quality, etc. an neal' (-nel') To subject to high heat, with subsequent cool- ing, for the purpose of softening thoroughly and rendering less brittle. refine' To reduce to a fine, unmixed, or pure state; to free from dross or alloy. o pal es'cence The quality of resembling opal in its reflection of light. ir i des'cence The rainbowlike play of colors exhibited by certain bodies. brooch (broch) An ornamental dress-clasp, sig'net A seal. tal'is man An amulet or charm. plaques (plaks) Ornamental brooches or the like worn on the person, especially as the badges of an honorary order. chafe laine An ornamental hook, clasp, or brooch worn at (shat'^-lan) a woman's waist, having a chain to attach things to. lor gnette' (lOr-nyef) An eyeglass or eyeglasses with a long handle ; an opera glass. pend'ant A hanging appendage, especially an ornamental one, as an earring. la val Here' A pendant ornament consisting of or set with (la^viU-yar') one, two, or three gems. sautoir' (so-twar') A chain or ribbon, worn around the neck, with the ends forming a cross. Cloi son ne' Inlaid between partitions, said of a surface (klwa-zo-na') decoration in enamel when the designs are outlined with bent wire. eb'ony A hard, heavy, and durable wood. fil'i gree Ornamental work, now usually of gold, silver, or copper wire. ini'tials (-ish') The letters of an individual's name. scroll Something, usually an ornament, in form resembling a roll of paper, bul'lion (bool'ywn) Gold or silver, considered merely as so much metal without regard to value. car'at The weight of 3.17 gi-ains, used for weighing precious stones : a twenty-fourth part used in estimating the firmness of gold. sol i taire' (-tar') A single diamond or other gem set alone. ab a lo'ne (-d-) A shell lined with mother of pearl used in inlaying, etc. fac'et (fas') One of the small cut and polished plane sur- faces of a precious stone. LESSON 95. GENERAL 95 pshaw (sho) An exclamation used as an expression of con- tempt or disdain. af fil'i ate To unite ; to be intimately connected or associated with. vol'atile (-«-til) Easily wasting away by evaporation; light- hearted, changeable. mas'cu line (-lin) Of or pertaining to the male sex. fem'i nine (-nin) Of or pertaining to the female sex. con'crete Not abstract ; particular. A compact mass of lime, sand, etc., used for building- (v. concrete'). unique' (nek') Single in kind or excellence. profit A pecuniary gain. To be of advantage. proph'et (prof) One v:ho foretells future events, especially one inspired by God. ammuni'tion Powder, balls, etc., used in charging firearms, (-nish'wn) ex' qui site (-kwi-zit) Carefully wrought or executed ; giving keen pleasure, exact ; intense. per pet'u al Never ceasing. ur'gent (ur') Pressing ; calling for immediate attention. commo'dious Comfortable, spacious, convenient. val'iant (-ycmt) Intrepid in danger, courageous, brave. mem'o ra ble (-rd-b'l) Worthy of remembi'ance, remarkable. nev er the less' (--Bie-) Not\^1thstanding, in spite of that, yet. ar'du ous " (ar'd^-) Difficult, attended with great labor or exertion- in cip'i ent Initial ; beginning to be or to show itself. so lil'o quy (-kwi) Act of talking to one's self ; monologue. vis'age (viz'aj) The face, countenance, or look of a person or an animal. in cor'ri gi ble Bad beyond correction, irreclaimable. sou ve nir' That which serves as a reminder, a keepsake, (soo-ve-ner') ex ploit' A deed or act, especially one of renown. To make use of for one's own profit. in es'ti ma ble Too valuable or excellent to be measured or C-md-b'l) fully appreciated ; above all price. 96 LESSON 96. GENERAL drowned (dround) ve'he mence scarce'ly (skars') haz'ard ous (-dr-dus) rar'ity (nir') in flu en' tial ( -floo- ) vicis'situde (vi-) awk'ward (-werd) prov i den'tial fraud'ulent (fr6d') sua'sion (swa'zhiin) phys'ical (fiz') threw (throo) through (throo) in im'i ta ble (-td-b'l) pe cu'ni a ry pe nu'ri ous crim'i nal ve rac'i ty rath'er (rath') ver'ti cal (vur') pres'ence (prez') bitu'minous (bi-) inju'rious (-joo') tal'ent Study Review 24 on Having perished by suffocation in the water. Impetuosity, violence. With difficulty, barely, hardly. Depending on chance, dangerous, risky. An uncommon thing ; a thing valued for its scarcity. Exerting or possessing influence. Change or succession from one thing to an- other. Clumsy, ungracefid. Effected by or referable to divine direction. Tricky, deceitful, dishonest ; characterized by or founded on fraud. Persuasion. Of or pertaining to nature, natural science, or the body. Hurled. From end to end of ; by the agency of. Matchless, beyond imitation. I'ertaining to or consisting of money. Miserly, excessively sparing in use of money- One who has committed a crime, a male- factor. Habitual observance of truth, truthfulness. Preferably ; instead ; somewhat. At right angles with the horizon, upright, per pendicular. Act or state of being present or at hand. Having the qualities of or containing bitumen, an inflammable mineral substance. Bitu- minous coal = soft coal. Hurtful ; harmful. Intellectual ability ; faculty, gift. page 173. LESSON 97. TRANSPORTATION 97 ship'ment Act of shipping or sending ; goods shipped. car'go (kar') The lading or freight of a ship or other vessel. dray'age (dra') The charge for the use of a dray. car'tage (kar') The price paid for carting ; act of carrying in a cart. break'age (brak') An allowance for things broken ; space left un- filled in stowing the hold of a vessel. leak'age (lek') An allowance (or tare) of a certain rate per cent for loss by leaking. por'tage (por') Act or cost of carrying or transporting. man'i fest An invoice of a ship's cargo. demur'rage Detention of vessels, cars, etc., after the time allowed for loading or unloading ; the allow- ance for such detention. trans por ta'tion Act of transporting, conveyance, removal, (-por-) im'port (-port) Merchandise brought into a country from without, (v. im port'. ) ex'port Merchandise conveyed from one country to another, (v. ex port'.) trans'it Passage, transition, state of being carried. steam'er (stem') A vessel propelled by steam. ste've dore (-ve-dor) One whose occupation is to load and unload vessels in port. voy'age (voi') Journey by sea or water from one place, port, or country to another. craft A vessel. car'ri er A bearer ; one engaged in the business of carrying goods for others for hire. pri'mage' A small addition or percentage for use of cables, etc., in unloading, added to freight and belonging to the owner. tare (tar") A deduction from the weight of goods in al- lowance for the weight of the container of the goods. net Remaining after the deduction of all charges, outlay, and loss. bulk'head Any of the upright partitions separating the various compartments of a vessel. re bate' Deduction or remission. iight'erage Act of unloading into a large, flat-bottomed boat ; price paid for lightering. dis charge' (-charj') Act of relieving of a charge or load. ELD. BUS. SPELL. 7 98 LESSON 98. TRANSPORTATION ex change' canal' trans ship' rail'way com part'ment (-part') in'ter state interur'ban (-ur') pas' sen ger exciii'sion (-kur'shfm) de'pot (-p5) sta'tion n'a duct (vi'd) junc'tion lo CO mo'tive en'gine (-jin) Pull'man (pool') caboose' (kd-boos') gon'dola (-Id) cou'pler (kup') ten'der air brake (ar) thro t' tie valve pis'ton (-tun) time'-ta ble sig'nal The process of settling accounts between parties residing at a distance without the use of money. An artificial channel designed for navigation. To transfer for further transportation from one ship to another. A permanent road having a line of rails pro- viding a track for cars. One of the sections in which the hold of a ship is divided by water-tight bulkheads. Pertaining to commerce between the states. Going between or connecting cities or towns, as electric railways. A traveler by some conveyance. A journey chiefly for recreation ; a brief tour. A station, a building for accommodation of passengers or freight. A regular stopping place for the convenience of passengers. A bridge, resting on masonry arches, for carry- ing a road or railroad over a valley, etc. A place where lines of railway meet and cross. A railroad engine propelled by steam. A machine by which physical force is con- verted into mechanical power ; a locomotive. A kind of sleeping car, also a palace car, named after George M. Pullman. A car used on freight construction trains for workmen or the train crew. A long platform railroad car, either having no sides or very low sides. A link, ring, or shackle, to connect cars. A car attached to a locomotive for carrying a supply of fuel and water. A brake operated by a piston which is driven either by compressed air or by the suction of a partial vacuum. A valve regulating the supply of steam, gas, and air, to an engine. A sliding piece moved by, or moving against steam pressure. A printed folder giving times of trains. A sign made to give notice of a command or danger. LESSON 99. GENERAL 99 '/o ra'cious (-shjis) sneeze ex tern po ra'ne ous in cen'di a ry te'di ous (te'di-Ms) ae'rial (a-e') fi nan'cial (fl-) ob liv'i ous in ac' cu ra cy ( -rd - si ) a non'y mous (o) vac'u um pros per'i ty med'dle (med'"l) med'al (med'al) lu'dicrous de mol'ish a dopt'ed (d-) a dapt'ed (d-) tem'per a ment (-p§r-d-) ex' em pla ry (eg'zem-pla-) prac'ti cal im prov'i dent vol'un ta ry ra pid'i ty condi'tion (-dish'Mn) Ravenous, gluttonous. A sudden, audible, spasmodic expiration of breath, chiefly through the nose. Unpremeditated, unprepared, offhand. Pertaining to the malicious burning of prop- erty ; tending to inflame passion. A person who maliciously sets fire. Tiresome from continuance ; wearisome. Of, pertaining to, or inhabiting the air. Pertaining to finance or money matters. Forgetful ; lost in thought. Inexactness ; the state of being incorrect. Of unknown name ; of unknown authorship. A space from which the air has been exhausted. Material well-being, success. To interfere officiously. • A small embossed disk conferred for achieve- ment. Droll, ridiculous. To destroy, to ruin. Taken by adoption ; accepted from some one else. Adjusted, made suitable. The peculiar physical and mental character of an individual. Serving as a pattern ; commendable. Pertaining to or derived from actual use and experience ; given or disposed to action rather than to speculation ; virtual. Taking no care for the future, thoughtless, thriftless. Proceeding from the will, intentional. Swiftness, celerity, velocity. Stipulation or provision ; a prerequisite ; the state in which a person or thing exists. 100 LESSON 100. GENERAL tri'umph (-unif) Exultation over success ; victory. erro'neous Characterized by error; misleading, false. coun'cil (-sU) An assembly of men convened for consultation ; a municipal body, coun'sel (-sel) Interchange of opinions ; advice ; an attorney. par si mo'ni ous Illiberal, stingy. (par-) es sen'tial (-shal) Of or pertaining to the inner constitution; indispensable. sub stan'tial Containing the essential parts ; strong; having considerable property. phe nom'e nal (fe-) Extraordinary, wonderful. cem'etery A burial place. to bac'co An American plant, the dried leaves of which are used for smoking and cliewing. si'phon (si'fon) A bent tube, having one end longer than the other, used for drawing liquids irom a higlier to a lower level. fun da men'tal (-dd-) Essential; elementary; of first importance. prep o si'tion A word placed before a noun to indicate its (-zish'rin) relation to some other word in the sentence. fourth (forth) The ordinal of four ; one of four equal parts. for'ti eth (f6r') The ordinal of forty ; one of forty equal parts. de pend'ent Relying on something else for support ; sub- ordinate, nu'cle us A central mass about which matter is gathered or concentrated. SU per'flu ous In excess of what is wanted or is sufficient. (-per'fioo-) cred'u lous Ready to believe, easily imposed upon, per ni'cious Destructive, ruinous, harmful. (-nish'ffs) sub'tle (siit"l) Refined, rare; ingenious, clever ; crafty, sly. per'ti nent (pur') Belonging or relating to the subject in hand, har mo'ni ous (hiir-) Symmetrical, congruous, in accord. sen'ti nel One who watches or guards ; a soldier set to guard an army from surprise, cyn'i cal (sin') Given to sneering at rectitude or sentiment J sarcastic. Study Review 25 on page 174. LESSON 101. PRINTING 101 pub li ca'tion dic'tion a ry (dik') en cy clo pe'di a (-si . . . d) gaz et teer' (-e-ter') pro spec'tus pe ri od'i cal vol'ume (-um) quar'terly (kw6r') magazine' (-zen') news'paper (nuz') sup'ple ment port fo'li o bul'le tin (bool') brochure' (-shiir') leaflet (lef) plac'ard (plak'ard) post'er dum'my bind er (bind') glos'sary (glos'd-) ma chine' fin'ish (-shen') super cal' en dered deck'le-edged ream (rem; quire (kwir) The act, process, or result of printing and issuing for circulation a book, pamphlet, etc. A book containing words with meanings in alphabetical arrangement. A comprehensive summary of knowledge ; a dictionary of the arts, sciences, and literature. A dictionary of geographical names. An exposition of the scheme of an unpublished literary work. A publication appearing with a fixed interval between issues. A single book. A periodical work published four times a year. A parapiilet published periodically. A paper published periodically, usually daily or weekly, containing the most recent in- telligence. A part added , an appendix. A portable case for holding loose papers, prints, etc. A periodical publication, as one containing the proceedings of a society. A book of a few leaves ; a pamphlet dealing with a subject of passing interest. A tract or folder. A notice posted in a public place. A large advertising bill or placard. A set of blank sheets made up to represent a book to be printed. That which fastens or binds together. A partial dictionary of a work, an author, an art, or science, explaining technical or un- common words. The non-glossy finish given to paper by passing it once thi-ough the calender rolls. Paper with a high surface polish. Having the edges rough and untrimmed. Twenty quires or four hundred and eighty sheets ; in the paper business frequently five hundred sheets. Twenty-four sheets of paper of the same size and quality. 102 LESSON 102. PRINTING Ro'man Designating tlie type ordinarily used as dis- tinguished from Italic. Goth'ic A square-cut type with no ornamentation. I tal'ic (i-) Type in which the letters slope to the right. script Type made in imitation of handwriting- point The unit of measurement for type, viz., one seventy-second of an inch. bril'liant (-yant) Three and one-half point type. di'amond (-d-mund) Four or four and one-half point type. pearl (pui"l) Five point type. ag'ate (ilg'St) Five and one-half point tjT^e. ni'by (roo') The English name for agate. non pa rail' (-pd-rel') Six point type. min'ion (-y«n) Seven point type. brevier' (-ver') Eight point type. bourgeois' (bur-jois') Nine point type. long prim'er Ten point type. small pi'ca (pi'kd) Eleven point type. pi'ca Twelve point type. Eng'lish Fourteen point type. colum'bian Sixteen point type. great prim'er Eighteen point type. par'a graph (-d-graf) A small subdivision of a discourse or writing, usually beginning with an indented line. chap'ter A division of a book. in'set A leaf or leaves inserted in a newspaper or magazine. fron'tis piece An ornamental illustration fronting the first (frun' . . . pes) page or title page of a book. im' print The name of the publisher, commonly with the time and place of issue, on the title page of a book. LESSON 103. PRINTING 103 en grave' em boss' etch'ing (ech') pho to-en grave' wood'cut e lec'tro type ster'eotype halftone (haf) ma'trix vi gnette' (vin-yef) stip'ple mez'zo tint he'li o type lin'otype (lin') moa'o type ty pog'ra phy (ti . . rd-fi) xy log'ra phy (zl-16g') in tagl'io (-tal'yo) li thog'ra phy fo'lio (-li-o) quar'to (kw5r') oc ta'vo du dec'i mo (-des' ) un'der lay (-la) o'ver lay To cut in ; to carve in sunken patterns. To raise in relief from the surface. The process of engraving by biting out with an acid ; a print made from etched plates. To obtain an etched or engraved plate from tlie photographic image. An engraving on wood or a print from such an engraving A facsimile made by covering a plate with a coating of copper by action of an electric current. A metal plate cast from a mold taken from a page of movable types. A photo-engraving in which the gi'adation of tone is reproduced by a nearly invisible sys- tem of dots produced by an interposed screen. A mold for casting. A picture which shades off gradually into the unprinted background. To engrave by means of dots in distinction from engraving lines. An engraving on a surface previously rough- ened, the roughness removed in places to produce the requisite light and shade. An impression from a photograph taken on a gelatine plate hardened with alum. A typesetting machine which produces castings, each of which corresponds to a line of sepa rate types A kind of typesetting and casting machine that makes and sets individual types. The art of printing with type. The art of engraving on wood or of taking im- pressions from engravings so made. To cut or engrave with a depressed or sunk de- sign or figure. An engraving so made. The art of producing printed impressions from a copy on stone. Having two leaves to the sheet ; the page num- ber. Having four leaves to the sheet. Having eight leaves to the sheet. Having twelve leaves to the sheet. A thickness of paper placed under type, etc., to bring it to the height for printing. A sheet of paper with pieces pasted on the parts that need extra impression. 104 LESSON 104. PRINTING chase A rectangular iron frame into which pages are fastened for printing or to make plates. font A complete assortment of type of one size and style. galley An oblong tray to hold type which has been set. com pos'ing stick A metal tray in which the compositor arranges type in words and lines. quad (kwod) A block of type metal lower than the letters, used in spacing. sorts (6) Characters or types considered as separate ele- ments in a font. stet Let it stand. Used to signify that something once erased or marked for omission is to re- main. low'er-case Small letters, so named because kept in the lower part of the compositor's case. de'le (de'le) To erase ; mark for omission. antique' (-tek') A style of display type. bold-faced (-fast) A type with a conspicuous or heavy face, man'u script A copy either handwritten or typewritten. ed i to'ri al A leading article in a newspaper or magazine, sub scrib'er (-skrib') One who agrees to take and pay for something, as a magazine, etc. proof rea der One who marks corrections in printer's proofs. displayed' (-plad') Designating a varying arrangement of lines, as by different styles or sizes of type faces. in dent' To set lines in from the margin. head'line (bed') A line of type displayed conspicuously at the top of a page or column of a newspaper, etc. am'per sand The character &. (am'per-sand) bib li og'ra phy A list of books on any subject. (-rti-fl) sig'na ture (-nd-tur) A letter or figure printed at the bottom of each sheet of a book or pamphlet ; the printed sheet so marked. illu mi na'tion Adoi-nment of a letter, manuscript, book, or page with borders, initial letters, etc. jus'tifying (-fl-) Making even or true, as lines of type, by proper spacing. roy'al ty A duty or compensation paid to the owner of a patent or copyright for the use of it. cop'y right The exclusive right to publish and sell the matter and form of a literary or artistic work. Study Review 26 on page 174, LESSON 105. BROKERAGE 105 bond'hold er stock'hold er in ves'tor (-ter) spec'u la tor scalp' er bull (bool) bear (bar) cer'ti fied (sur') cou'pon (coo') ' deben'ture (-tur) pre f erred' (-f urd' ) com'mon (-wn) col lat'er al quota'tion (kwo-) as sess'ment a mor ti za'tlon (d-mor-) de pre ci a'tion mar' gin (mar') op'tion bro'ker age long short mo nop'o ly col lec'tions clear'ing house (-sh!-) A person who holds a bond or bonds. One who is a holder of stock or stocks. One who makes an investment with a view of obtaining income or profit. One who buys or sells stocks, frequently on margin, hoping to obtain a profit from fluc- tuations in price. A trader who wishes to make small profits on quick transactions. One who purchases stocks in expectation of a rise in the price. A person who sells stocks for future delivery in expectation of a fall in price. Made valid by being approved by one in au- thority. A certificate attached to bonds of a certain class, to be cut off and presented for the pay- ment of interest when due, A certificate of indebtedness issued by a cor- poration. Designating stock which is entitled to a divi- dend before common stock. Designating stock not sharing in the privileges of preferred stock. Security in the form of personal property. The naming or publishing of the current prices of stocks, bonds, etc.; the price named. A call upon stockholders of a corporation in times of financial embarrassment for the pay- ment of a certain per cent of the par value of their stock. The periodical reduction of the premium on bonds purchased, so that at maturity the bonds will stand on the books at par. A falling of value. A deposit of a portion of the value of stocks or bonds purchased for speculation. The liberty to sell or buy stock within a cer- tain time at a .stated price. The fee or commission of a broker. Having a supply of securities. Not having securities which one has sold. Exclusive control of the supply of any com- modity. That which is obtained in payment of demands. An institution for carrying on the business of exchanging checks. 106 LESSON 106. INSURANCE ac'ci dent cas'u al ty (kazh') ma rine' (md-ren') ton'tine (-ten) chat'tel fi del'i ty (fl-) en dow'ment an nu'i ty eq'ui table (ek'wi-td-) pol'i cy pre'mi mn div'i dend ap prais'al (-praz') dis a bil'i ty mor tal'i ty (mor-) pro tec'tion in dem'ni ty mor'tu a ry (mdr'tji-) im mu'ni ty for'fei ture (for'fi-tjir) in sur'er (-shoor') ben e fi'ci a ry (-fish') lapse ma ture' (md-tur') im'der writ er A casualty involving bodily injury or death. That which comes mthout desiring or without being foreseen. Pertaining to the sea. An arrangement whereby certain benefits shared by a number of persons pass at the death of any one, or at the expiration of a given time, to those remaining in the group. Property which is movable ; personal property. Faithfulness, loyalty, honesty. Insurance in which the policy provides for the payment of a hxed sum at the expiration of a term of years. An annual allowance or incotne. Fair, just, impartial. Any writing whereby a contract of insurance is made. Consideration paid for a contract of insurance. The share of surplus earned by any policy. Valuation. Want of legal qualification ; legal incapacity. The whole number of deaths in a given time in a given community ; proportion of deaths. Preservation from loss, injury, or annoyance. Protection or exemption from loss or damage ; security. Pertaining to death ; the mortuary rate is the death rate. Freedom from natural or usual liability. Loss of rights in consequence of breach of contract. One who insures or guarantees. The person named in an insurance policy as the one who is to receive the proceeds accru- ing thereunder. Termination of policy because of non-payment of premium when due. Having run to the limit of its time. One who writes his name on an insurance policy (originally marine insurance) for the purpose of becoming responsible for a desig- nated loss ; an insurer. LESSON 107. GENERAL 107 dis creet' rinse (rins) ver'sa tile (vflr'sd-til) par'tial (par'shal) tac'itum (tSs') pres tige' (-tezh') cltim'sy (-zi) so'cial (-shal) mag nan'i mous stal'wart (stol'wert) ten'ement lan'guid (-gwid) e nor'mous (-nor') in val'id van'qiiish pre rog'a tive stupen'dous cog'ni zant le git'i mate gran'deur (-clur) col lo'qui al spec ta' tor (-ter) freeze (frez) frieze (frez) ges tic'u late (jes-) Prudent, sagacious, not rash or heedless. To wash lightly ; to cleanse with water after washing. Turning with ease from one thing or opinion to another; many-sided. Biased, inclined to favor one side. Habitually silent, not given to conversation. Influence derived from past success or repu- tation. Awkward, unhandy, unwieldy. Pertaining to men as living in society ; com- panionable. Great of mind ; elevated in sentiment ; not selfish. Strong, sturdy. A dwelling house ; an apartment or suite of rooms, used by one family. Without energy or vigor, disinclined to exertion. Monstrous, huge, immense. Of no force or effect, null, void. To conquer, to overcome, to overpower. An exclusive or peculiar privilege. Astonishing, wonderful, amazing. Having notice or recognition of. Lawful, conforming to accepted standards. Eminence, magnificence, stateliness. Used in conversation but not permissible in formal discourse. One who looks on or beholds. To become chilled by cold, to congeal. A coarse woolen cloth with a rough nap on one side ; a sculptured or ornamented band in a building. To make gestures or motirins of the body oi limbs. 108 LESSON 108. GENERAL os'tra cize (-trd-siz) cor'dial (kdr'jal) u nan'i mous in CO her'ent (-her') fas tid'i ous al'pha bet (-fd-) an e'qualed (-kwdld) pal'li ate ar'ti cle (iir') ses'sion (sesh'wn) non'de script rack' at ac tiv'i ty mam'moth con fer ee' (-fer-e') whim'si cal (-zi-) phleg mafic (fleg-) ad just' a ble (a-) pal'pa ble (-pd-b'l) hu'mor ous (-mer-) rev'er ence vict'uals (vit"lz) ho mo ge'ne ous av oir du pois' (av-er-dw-poiz') en- sincere friendliness ; agreeing in opinion, de^ To banish, to cast out from social or political favor or fellowship. Grave in manner or disposition, earnest, solemn. Characterized by a couraging. Being of one mind sign, or determination. Loose, unconnected, confused. Overparticular, difficult to suit. The letters of a language arranged in the customary order. Unmatched, unparalleled, unrivaled. To cause to appear less guilty or offensive, to extenuate, to mitigate. A particular thing; a brief composition ; one of the limiting adjectives, "a," "an," or "the." The sitting of an organized body for the trans- action of business, a term. Not easily described. A person or thing not easily classified. An implement for striking a ball ; a loud or confused noise. State of action ; energy ; agility; brisk or vigorous movement. Very large, gigantic. One conferred with or one taking part in a conference. Capricious, fanciful, fantastic. Sluggish, not easily excited. Capable of being arranged or regulated. Capable of being touched or felt ; obvious. Full of or characterized by humor ; jocular, funny. Honor or respect because of position or rela- tionship; deference. Food for human beings, provisions. Of the same kind or nature ; consisting of similar parts. Avoirdupois weight, the system in common use in English-speaking countries for weigh- ing all commodities except precious stones, precious metals, and drugs. Study Review 27 on page 175. LESSON 109. LEGAL 109 bar'ris ter A counselor at law. no'ta ry (-td-) An officer who attest^ deeds, takes affidavits, and protests commercial papers. so lic'i tor (-t§r) The law officer of a city, town, department, or government. mag'is trate A public civil officer, a justice of the peace. sxir'ro gate A judicial officer who has jurisdiction over the probate of wills, etc. bail 'iff (bal') A sheriff's deputy ; a collector of rents. €x ec'u tor One appointed by a testator to execute his will. (eg-zek'i-ter) ex ec'u trix A. woman exercising functions of an executor. ad min is tra'tor A person authorized to administer an estate, (-ter) ad min is tra'trix A woman executing the functions of an admin- istrator. refer ee A person to whom a matter in dispute has been referred. tes ta'tor (-ter) A man who leaves a will. de ce'dent A deceased person. cli'ent One who consults a lawyer to obtain profes- sional advice. plain'tiff One who commences a legal action or suit. de fend'ant A person required to make answer in an action or suit in law. as sign or' (as-i-nor') A person who makes an assignment. as sign ee' (as-i-ne') A person to whom an assignment is made. les'sor (or les-or') One who gives a lease. las see' One to whom a lease is given. ap pel'lant One who appeals from a judicial decree. ap pel lee' The person against whom an appeal is taken. ac ces'so ry An accomplice ; connected as an incident or subordinate to a principal, as an accessory contract. re spend' ent One who answers in actions in equity, admi- ralty, or divorce. de po'nent One who makes a statement under oath. 110 LESSON 110. LEGAL bar'ra try (-d-) em brac'er y fel'ony for'ger y (for'jSr-) hom'i cide lar'cen y (lar') U'bel mal fea' sauce (-fe'zans) mis fea'sance pec u la'tion tort (6) bank'rupt cy ad'mi ral ty ju ris pru'dence (joo-ris-proo') pro'bate tri bu'nal (tri-bu') eq'uity (ek'wi-) as sump'sit ca'pi as (ka') ca'veat (ka've-) ease'ment (ez') e ject'ment cod'i cil escrow' (-kr5') exhib'it (eg-zib') Practice of exciting lawsuits or quarrels. An attempt to corrupt or influence a jury. Any offense that is punishable by death or confinement in a penitentiary. The false makhig or alteration of a ^^Titte^ instrument for the purpose of fraud. The killing of one human being by another. The unlawful taking and carrying away of things personal with intent to deprive the rightful owner. Any statement which reflects on the character of another, and is published without lawful excuse, 'ilie doing of a wrongful or unlawful act. The doing of a lawful act in an unlawful manner^ Act or practice of embezzling or stealing, especially from the public. A civil wrong independent of a contract. State of being unable to pay debts. The court that has jurisdiction of maritime questions and offenses. Knowledge or skill in law. Official proof before competent officer or tri- bunal, particularly regarding wills. A court or forum of justice. A court in which suits based on equitable rights may be brought ; a court of chancery. An action to recover damages for breach of contract. A writ commanding an officer to arresi a person. A notice given by an interested party to some officer not to do a certain act. An acquired privilege or right of use or enjoy- ment. Dispossession, ejection, expellation. Some addition to or qualification of a last will and testament. A written instrument delivered to a third per- son to be delivered by him to the grantee only upon the fulfillment of some condition. A document or other thing which is shown to or produced by a witness in testifying, and which becomes part of the evidence. LESSON 111. LEGAL 111 leg'a cy tes'tament con'tract cov'e nant (kuv') man da'mus (-da') mit'ti mus (-T-) stat'ute code war'rant (wor') re plev'in de mur'rer (-mur') es cheat' (-chet') es top' pel in junc'tion li'en (le'en) tro'ver prsec'i pe (pres'i-) waiv'er "(wav') cer ti o ra'ri (sur-shi-) ne go'ti a ble (-shi-) at tes ta'tion war'ran ty (wor') sub pos'na (-pe^nd) de fea'sance (-fe'zans) con sid er a'tion A gift of personal property by wilL A will. An agreement between two or more persons, for a consideration, to do or not to do a certain tiling. A legal undertaking to do or to refrain from doing some act or thing ; a contract under seal ; a deed. A mandatory writ issued by a court and directed to some inferior tribunal, corporation, or person. A warrant of commitment to prison. A law enacted by a legislature. A collection of laws. A writ issued by a competent magistrate author- izing an officer to make an arrest. An action to regain the possession of goods wrongfully taken. A pleading that the opposing party has shown no legal cause for action, and should not be allowed to proceed fui'ther. The lapsing or reverting of property to state. A bar to one's denying a fact because of his own previous action. A writ granted whereby a party is required to do or to refrain from doing certain acts. A legal claim upon real or personal property. Action to recover goods wrongfully appropri- ated by another. A written order to the clerk of a court to issue a writ or other papers. Act of relinquishing a right or privilege. A writ Issuing from a superior court to call up the records of an inferior court. Transferable by assignment or indorsement to another per.son. Formal authentication of an act by a witness. A guarantee that certain parts of a contract will be carried out. A writ commanding the person designated in it to attend court. An instrument which defeats the force or operation of some other deed or of an estate. The price or motive which induces the parties to enter into a contract. 112 LESSON 112. LEGAL in ter loc'u to ry al'i bi (-T-bi) in dict'ment (-dlf) ad jure' (d-joor') al le ga'tion am'nes ty distrain' (-tran') ex emp'tion (eg-zemp') in'quest (-kwest) qua'si (kwa'si) prox'y eal'vage ap peal' (-pel') dow'er be queath' lev'y ad min'is ter ad ju'di cate (w-joo') tes'ti mo ny ver'dict (vur') ex cep'tion pros' e cute a'li as (a'li-as) al'i mo ny de fault' (-fdlt) Intermediate or intervening; not decisive oi the entire matter in issue. The plea of having been, at the alleged time ot the commission of an act, elsewhere. A formal written statement charging one or more i>ersons with a crime. 1o i^ut upon oath ; to swear. The statement of sometliing that is to be proved. An act of oblivion of past offenses. To levy upon the property of another in order to obtain payment of a debt. Immunity. Judicial inquiry or examination ; especially an inquiry by a coroner into the causes of death. As if, as though, almost. A person authorized to act for another ; a writing giving such authorization. Compensation allowed to persons who assist in saving a ship or her cargo from per". The proceeding by wliich a case is brought from an inferior to a superior court for re- examination or review. To enter upon such proceedings. The provision made by law for a widow out of her husband's estate. To give or leave by will or testament. The taking of property on executions to satisfy judgments. To seize for the purpose of col- lecting money. To settle estate of one who dies without a will. To settle by judicial decree. Declaration maile by a witness under oath. The answer of a jury given to the court con- cerning any matter of fact. An objection made to a decision of the court in the course of a trial. To seek to obtain or enforce by legal process ; to accuse of crime. A writ issued after a first has expired ; an as- sumed name. An allowance made a woman for her support upon legal separation from her husband. Failure of a party called to appear in court. Study Review 28 on page 175. LESSON 113. LEGAL 113 ex tra di'tion (-trd-dish') gar nish ee' (gar-) pa rol' (pd-rol') re but'tal quash (kwosh) ac cu sa'tion (-za') cus'to dy a bey'ance (-ba') il lic'it in crim'i nate ju ris dic'tion bail'a ble (bal') in tes'tate ir rel'e vant neg'li gence scin til'la (sin-) ven'ue (ven'u) ver'sus (vur') vi del'i cet (vi-del'i-) a fore' said (d-for') cir cum stan'tial (sur . . shrtl) dom'i cile (-sil) pro vi so (-vi'zo) ap pur'te nan ces (-pur') liti ga'tion The surrender of a prisoner by one authority to another. A custodian of the defendant's property in his hands for the plaintiff's benefit. A term used to distinguish contracts which are made verbally. The giving of evidence in a suit to destroy the effect of evidence introduced by the other side. To annul, to overthrow. Arraignment ; charge. Judicial or penal safe-keeping. Condition of being undetermined ; expectancy Not according to law, not permitted or allowed. To charge with a crime or fault. The legal authority of a court to determine causes, try criminals, or execute justice. Admitting of bail. Without having made a will. A person who dies without having made a will. Not applicable or pertinent. Failure to exercise the care that circumstances demand. A spark, a glimmer, an iota. The place or county in which anything is alleged to have happened ; the locality from which the jury is taken. Against. To wit, namely. (Abbr. viz.) Named before or in a preceding part. Relating to evidence that tends to prove a fact in issue by proving other basic events. A residence at a particular place accompanied with an intention to remain there for an un- limited time. An article or clause in any statute or contract by which a condition is introduced. Things belonging to another thing as principal, and which pass as incident to the principal thing. Suit at law ; judicial contest. 114 LESSON 114. POLITICAL con'gress Par'lia ment (par'li-) Sen'ate con sti tu'tion fed'er al mu nic'i pal na'tional (nash'Mn-) can'di date del'e gate de moc'ra cy (-rd-) diplo'macy (-md-) bal'lot (-iit) may' or (ma'er) al'derman (61'der-) pres'ident (prez') con'sul comp trol'ler (kon-trol') police' (-les') of fi'cial (o-fish'al) dis'trict Re pub'lic an Dem'o crat So'cial ist (-shai-) Pro hi bi'tion ist (-bish'Mn-) Pro gres'sive The collective body of senators and represen- tatives of the people of a nation. The assembly in Great Britain corresponding to the Congress of the United States. In the United States, the upper house of Con- gress, composed of two senators from each state. Tlie fundamental, organic law of a nation, state, or society. Belonging or pertaining to a state formed by the consolidation of several states. Enjoying a local self-government, as a city or town. Of or pertaining to a nation ; common to a (or the) whole nation. One who is put forward as a suitable person for an office. One sent and empowered to act for another ; a deputy, a re]iresentative. Government by the people ; a form of govern- ment where the supreme power is retained by the people. The business or art of conducting international negotiations. Any object, especially a printed or written ticket, used in voting ; the whole vote cast. The chief magistrate of a city or borough. A member of the city council. One who presides ; the head of the govern- ment in the United States. An official appointed by a government to re- side in a foreign country to care for the com- mercial interests of its citizens. A public officer whose duty is to examine and certify accounts, a controller. The department of government charged with the prevention and prosecution of crime. Of or pertaining to holding of an office. A division of territoiy ; a defined portion of a state, county, etc., made for administrative purposes. A member of the Republican party. A member of the Democratic party. A member of the Socialistic party. A member of the paity which advocates for- bidding by law the selling of alcoholic liquors. A member of a party founded in 1912. LESSON 115. GENERAL 115 in'strument (-stroo-) That by means of which any work is per- formed or result is effected ; a tool ; a device for producing musical sounds. maneu'ver (-noo') A military movement ; management with art- ful design. To perform a military move- ment ; to scheme. pala'tial (-shal) Suitable for or resembling a palace ; magnifi- cent. ha rangue' (-rang') a loud address to a multitude ; a noisy, bom- bastic, ranting speech. ra'tio (ra'shi-o) a fixed relation of number, quantity, or de- gree ; rate, proportion. phil an throp'ic (fil-) Characterized by love for mankind ; benevo- lent, humane. bou'le vard A broad avenue in or around a city, (boo'le-vard) re spec'tive ly As relating to each, in particular. cli en tele' A body of clients ; a body of followers, sup- (kli-en-tel') porters, or frequenters. sev'er al Consisting of a number more than two ; indi- vidual, particular. con fed'er ate An ally, an accomplice. United in league. Stead'fast (sted') Firmly fixed or established ; firm, constant. against' (d-gensf) Opposite. to ; in contact with. strength Capacity for exertion or endurance. east' em Ces'tern) Belonging to, or characteristic of, the East ; oriental. west' em (wes'tern) Belonging to, or characteristic of, the West- opposed to eastern. a mend'ment (d-) An alteration or change for the better ; a change made in a bill or motion. cos mo pol'i tan Belonging to all the world ; not provincial. despot'ic Possessing and abusing unlimited power; ty- rannical, arbitrary. vo ca'tion Eegular employment or occupation. av ca'tion That which calls one away from one's regular employment or vocation, a subordinate occu- pation. rec on noi'ter To examine with the eye, to make a prelimi- nary survey for mUitarj- operations. ob se'qm ous Servilely or meanly attentive, cringing, faun, (-se'kwi-) ing. me thod'i cal Characterized by method or orderliness ; sys- tematic. fa'cial (-shdl) Of or pertaining to the faci.. 116 LESSON 116. GENERAL im me mo'ri al Extending beyond the reach of memory, record, or traditiou ; indefinitely ancient. lo cal'i ty Position, situation, a place. as ton'ish To strike with sudden terror or wonder ; to amaze, pen'alty Punishment for crime or offense; the suffer- ing or fine imposed as a punishment. po lit'i cal Of or pertaining to the conduct of government ; of or pertaining to those who make a busi- ness of politics. cen'sor (-sor) One who acts as an overseer of morals and conduct. cen'sure (-shur) The act of blaming or finding fault with ; hostile criticism. thor'ough (thdr'o) Complete, perfect. hith er to' Up to this time, as yet. (hifh-er-to6') there'fore (fhar') For this or that reason, on that account, to'ward (to'erd) In the direction of. spu'ri ous Counterfeit, false. vil'lain (-in) One capable or guilty of great crimes ;' a rascal. as tound' To strike with amazement ; to astonish or confound. com'pa ny (kiim'pd-) An association of persons for social intercourse or business ; a corporation or firm. squal'id (skwol') Dirty through neglect, foul, filthy squal'or (skwol') Filthiness, miserable and unkempt condition. com'ple ment (-pie-) That which fills up, or completes ; full quantity, completeness. com'pli ment (-pli-) A flattering speech. To praise. de serve' (-zftrv') To merit or be worthy of ; to earn by service. de fraud' (-fr6d') To deprive of some right, interest, or property by a deceitful device. con serv'a tive Opposed to change or innovation ; having (-sur'vd-tiv) power or tendency to preserve in a safe or entire state. A conservative person. fab ri ca'tion The act of framing or constructing ; invention ; a falsehood. eu pho'ni ous (u-f5') Pleasing or sweet in sound, smooth-sounding. en co'mi um Warm or high praise, strong commendation. Study Keview 29 on page 176. LESSON 117. EDUCATION 117 u ni ver'si ty (-viir') An institution for teaching the higher branches and empowered to confer degrees in the several arts and faculties. nor'mal (n6r') Designating an institution for the training of teachers for elementary schools. sci entif'ic (si-) In conformity to the principles of science. tech'ni cal (tek-) Pertaining to useful or mechanic arts. clas'si cal Pertaining to the ancient Greeks and Romans. pri'ma ry (pri'md-) Designating or pertaining to elementary edu- cation or schools. sec'ondary Designating high schools and private schools (-iin-da-) immediately below college grade. pa ro'chl al Of or pertaining to a parish ; designating a - (pd-ro'ki-al) school run by a parish. ctir ric'u lum A specified fixed course of study. de gree' A grade or rank conferred by colleges or uni- versities upon graduates or other scholars. diplo'ma (di-plo'md) A document, under seal, attesting a degree conferred. matric'ulate To admit to membership in or become a mem- ber of a college or university. val e die' to ry Bidding farewell ; a valedictory oration. bac ca lau're ate Pertaining to a bachelor of arts ; designating a (-16') sermon delivered to a graduating class. Al'ma Ma'ter Foster mother, hence a university where one (dl'md ma'ter) has been educated. cam'pus The grounds surrounding a college or school. the'sis An essay presented by a candidate for a degree or diploma. se mes'ter Either of tlie two terms into which the period of instruction in a college year is divided. so ror'i ty (-ror') A society or club of girls or women. a lum'nus A graduate of a college or university. (PI. alumni.) fac'ul ty A body of persons to whom are intrusted the government and instruction of an educational institution. fresh'"man A student during his first year in a higher educational institution. soph'omore (sof) A student in his second year of a four-year course. jun'ior (joon'yer) A student in the third year of a four-year course. sen'ior (-y5r) A student in the final year of a four-year course. 118 LESSON 118. EDUCATION ed'u ca tor A teacher, an instructor. tu'tor (tu'ter) A private teacher. in struc'tor (-ter) One who instructs or imparts knowledge. pre cep'tor (-ter) The principal of a school ; a teacher. dis ci plin a'ri an One who enforces order and obedience. ped'agogue (-d-gog) A teacher of children, a schoolmaster. mas'ter The principal of a school ; a teacher. cu ra'tor (-ter) One who has the care of a museum ; custodian, keeper. chap'er on A person who accompanies, as a protector, a (shap-Sr-on) young unmarried woman. mon'i tor (-ter) A pupil or student selected to perform some duty, usually connected with discipline. pu'pil (pu.') A boy or girl under the care of an instructor. dor'mi to ry (d6r') A building containing a series of sleeping rooms. gymna'sium A place or building where athletic exercises (jim-na'zi-) are performed. mu se'um (mu-ze') A repository or collection of objects of interest. lab'o ra to ry (-rd-) A place devoted to experiments in any branch of natural science. ob ser'va to ry A building equipped with instruments for ob- (-zur'vd-) serving the heavenly bodies. scho las'tic (sko-) Pertaining to or suiting a scholar or a school. di dac'tic (di- or di-) Conveying instruction ; teaching some moral lesson. an a lyt'ic Resolving into elements ; opposed to synthetic. syn thet'ic Combining separate elements of thought into a whole ; opposed to analytic. ax'i om (ak'si-wm) A self-evident truth, es'say (es'a) A literary composition, generally critical in nature lec'ture (lek'tur) A discourse on any subject. ap per cep'tion The power of acquiring knowledge through the association of new ideas to familiar ideas. no'men cla ture The system of names used in a particular (-t^r) branch of learning. LESSON 119. EDUCATION 119 math e mat'ics The science of numbers and space. al'ge bra (-bm) That branch of mathematics which treats of the relations of quantity by general symbols. a rith'me tic (d-) The science of numbers. ge om'e try , That branch of mathematics which investigates the relations, properties, and measurement of solids, surfaces, lines, and angles. trig o nom'e try The science of measuring the sides and angles of triangles. phys'ics (fiz') The science of matter and motion. cal'cu lus One of the higher branches of mathematics. chem'is try (kem') The science that treats of the composition of suijstances, and of the transformations which they undergo. bi ol'o gy (bi-) The branch of knowledge which treats of or- ganisms. physiol'ogy (flz-i-) That branch of biology which treats of the functions of the organs and parts of organ- isms during life. bot'a ny (-«-) The science of plants. min er al'o gy The science of minerals, (-er-al') zool'ogy (zo-ol') The science of animals. his tol'o gy The science which treats of the minute struc- ture of animal and vegetable tissues. en to mol'o gy That branch of zoology which treats of insects and their habits. or ni thol'o gy That branch of zoology which treats of birds. (6r-ni-) em bry ol'o gy That branch of biology which treats of forma- tion and development of the rudimentary form (embryo) in animals and plants. mi cros'co py The use of the microscope, (mi-kros') ich thy ol'o gy That branch of zoology which treats of fishes. (Ik-thi-) ge ol'o gy The science that investigates the structure of the earth, its physical changes, and the causes producing these. geog'raphy (-rd-) The science that describes the surface of the earth, and its division into continents, etc. as tron'o my The science which treats of heavenly bodies. me te or ol'o gy The science of the atmosphere. ag'ri cul ture (-tui-) The science and art of cultivating the ground. hor'ti cul ture The science and art of growing fruit, vegeta- (lior . . tur) bles, and flowers. 120 LESSON 120. EDUCATION •en gi neer'ing The science and art by which mechanical prop- (-jl-ner') erties are made useful to man. his'to ry The branch of knowledge that records and ex- plains past, events as steps in human progress. e CO nom'ics (e-) The science that investigates the conditions and laws affecting the production, distribu- tion, and consumption of wealth. civ'ics The science that deals with the rights and duties of citizenship. log'ic (loj'-) The science and art of correct reasoning, es- pecially of inference. psychol'ogy (si-kol') The science of mental phenomena and their clas.sification and analysis. philosophy (fi-16s') That general branch of learning which in- cludes all the moral and mental sciences ; metaphysics. the ol'o gy The science of God or of religion. so ci ol'o gy (-shi-) The science of the constitution and develop- ment of society. ped'a go gy (-ri-go-ji) The science or art of teaching. lifer a ture (-d-ture) The study of the literary productions of a country or period. phi lol'o gy (fi-) The scientific study of languages and their structure. el o cu'tion The art of speaking or reading in public, with special reference to the manner of delivery. or'a to ry (or'd-) The art of speaking in public, with especial reference to substance. gram'mar (-er) The science which treats of the principles which govern the correct use of language. et y mol'o gy The branch of philology which treats of the origin and derivation of words. or thog'ra phy The art of spelling, (or . . rd-fi) or'tho e py (6r'th6-e-) The art of uttering words correctly. mu'sic (-zik) The art or science of harmonic sounds. pen'man ship The art of writing with the pen. book'keeping The art of keeping a systematic record of business transactions. pho nog'ra phy The art of writing according to sound, (fo . . rd-ft) short'hand (shdrt') The art of writing by abbreviations and sym- bols. cal is then'ics The science or practice of bodily exercise to promote strength and gracefulness. di'et a ries (di'et-) Rules of diet ; the science of such rules. Study Review 30 on page 176. LESSON 121. ARCHITECTURAL 121 By zan'tine Relating to architecture of the style developed (bi-zan'tm) in the Byzantine empire in the 5th and 6th centuries. Co rin'thi an Designating the lightest and most ornate of the three Greek styles of architecture. Dor'ic (dor-) Designating the oldest and simplest of the Greek styles of architecture. lon'ic (I-6n') Designating one of the three Greek forms of architecture. Etrus'can Relating to the type of architecture used in Etruria, an ancient country in Italy. Goth'ic Relating to the medieval style of architecture distinguished by pointed arches, steep roofs, and great height in proportion to other di- mensions. me di e'val (me-di-) Characteristic of the Middle Ages. Ro man esque' Designating the architectural style of the later (-esk') Roman empire. compos'ite (-poz'It) Designating a modification of the Corinthian style of architecture. but'ter y A pantry, ros'trum A stage for public speaking. por'ti CO (por') A colonnade at the entrance of a building. (PI. porticoes.) log'gia A roofed open gallery. (loj'd or IQ'ji-d) cor'nice (kdr'nis) The horizontal projecting member which crovyns an edifice. cu'po la (-Id) A roof having a rounded form, hemispherical or nearly so. new' el (nu') The upright post at the foot of a staircase, pro sce'ni um (-se') The part of the stage of a theater in front of the curtain. rotim'da (-dn) A round building ; a large round room. gir'ders (gQr') iron or steel beams to span an opening or carry weight. liii'tel A horizontal member spanning an opening to carry a superstructure. porte'-co^chere^' A large gateway ; porch over a driveway be- (port' ko-shar') fore an entrance door. wain'scot (wan') A wooden lining of an interior wall, usually paneled. chan'cel That part of a church which is reserved for the use of the clergy. grille (grll) A system of bars forming an openwork barrier, a lattice. eaves (evz) The edges of the roof which overhang a build- ing. 122 LESSON 122. ARCHITECTURAL acous'tics (d-ko6s') The sum of the qualities that determine the value of an auditorium with respect to dis- tinct hearing. The part of the pedestal between base and cornice. (PI. dadoes.) Carved, raised, or open ornamental work. One of the small square blocks or projections in cornices. The external angle of a building. A groove cut longitudinally in the edge of a plank, so that another may fit into it. A roof lantern or turret for the escape of smoke. A flat narrow molding used between panels. The pait of a butti'ess or wall which receives lateral pressure. A shield. A projecting structure of masonry or wood for supporting a wall. A projection from the face of a wall, support- ing a weight. A narrow, flat molding or space separating other moldings. Designating a roof which has on all sides two slopes, the lower being steeper. The act of applying thin wood to a wall to level a surface for lathing. Of or pertaining to a wall. A square column or pillar inserted partly in a wall. The highest or covering course of a wall. The parts on top of a pillar or column, com- posed of architrave, frieze, and cornice. Any scroll-shaped ornament ; a cantilever in the form of a scroll of paper. Pieces of metal used as cap-joints to keep roofs water-tight. A draped female figure supporting an entab- lature. The front of a building, usually having some architectural pretensions. Dried in a furnace of brick or stone. Decoration by means of channels or grooves ; flute-shaped crimps. da' do fret' work (-wfirk) den'til quoin (kwoin) rab'bet (-et) lou'ver (loo'ver) reg'let a but'ment (d-) es cutch'eon (-kuch'-fm) but' tress cor'bel (k6r') fil'let (fil'et) man'sard (-Sard) fur' ring (fur') mu'ral pi las'ter (pi-) cop'ing (kop') entab'Iature (-Id-tur) car touche' (kar-toosh') fiash'ings car y at'id (-i-at') fa cade' (fd-sad') Mln'-dried (kU') fiut'ings (floof) LESSON 123. GENERAL 123 en'trance Act of entering ; the means or place for entering. tem'per a ture Condition witii respect to heat or cold ; the (-per-d-tjir) degree of heat or cold. vac'il late (vas') To move one way and the other, to waver. ab struse' (-stroos') Difficult to be comprehended or understood. poign'ant (poin'ant) Piercing, sharp, keen ; severe. com men'su rate Equal in measure or extent ; proportionate ; (-sho6-rat) commensurable, res'er voir A place where anything is kept ; a place where (rez'er-vw6r) water is kept in large quantities ; a reserve, sa lu'bri ous Healthful, promoting health. ex em'pli fy To show or illustrate by example. (eg-zem'pli-fi) inim'ical Having the disposition of an enemy, antago nistic. or'chestra A band of performers on various instruments, . (6r'kes-trd; including especially those of the viol class ; the lower floor in a theater. par quet' (par-ka') A flooring, consisting of an inlay of geometric patterns ; the lower floor in a theater. inher'ent (-her') Existing in something as a permanent attribute ; belonging by nature, gra'tis (gra') For nothing ; without recompense ; freely. per func'to ry Done merely as a duty ; mechanical, indiffer- (-fui]k') ent, careless. vociferous Clamorous, noisy, turbulent. pet'u lant Capriciously fretful, irritable, siunp'tuous Luxurious, splendid. (siimp't^-) frus'trate To prevent from attaining a purpose ; to render ineffectual. im per turb'a ble Incapable of being disturbed ; calm, serene. (-tur'bd-b'l) amateur' (-d-tur') One who cultivates a pursuit or study uupro- fessionally. con nois seur' One competent to act as a critical judge of an (kon-i-sGr') art, or in a matter of taste. chi mer'i cal Merely imaginary, fantastic, vrildly conceived. (ki- or ki-l con-'fis cate To appropriate to the public use ; to seize. 124 LESSON 124. GENERAL sub ur'ban (- Small, little; said chiefly of a woman or girl of small size and trim figure. 150 LESSON 150. FOREIGN WORDS dis trait (des-tra') Absent-minded, lost in thought, abstracted. naive' (nii-ev') Having native or unaffected simplicity; in- genuous, artless. ennui' (ax-nwe') A feeling of weariness and dissatisfaction, languor of spirits. finesse' (fT-nes') Fineness, refinement, cunning. ap ro pos' (ap-ro-po') Opportunely, suitably to the place or subject ; with respect (to). e clat' (a-kla') Brilliancy of success or effort, glory, striking effect, renown. ren'dezvous A place appointed for a meeting or at which (raN'de voo) persons customarily meet. se'ance (sa'iins) A session, as of some public body ; an exhibi- tion given by a medium. si es'ta (si-es'td) A short sleep at midday or after dinner. par've nu (par'v^-nu) One who makes great pretentions because ot having acquired wealth ; an upstart. bag a telle' A trifle ; a thing of no importance. (bag-«-tel') coif fare' (kwa-fiu-') A headdress or manner of dressing the hair. coif feur' (kwa-fur') A hairdresser. en tree' (aN-tra') Entrance ; a dish served at the beginning o\ dinner to give zest to the appetite. so bri quet An assumed name, a nickname. (s6-bre-ka') soiree' (swa-ra') An evening party. outre' (oo-tra') Extraordinary, eccentric, extravagant. fete (fat) A festival. en fin' (aN-faN') A last ; briefly. cachet' (ka-she') A seal ; a distinctive mark. Monsieur' A French title corresponding to the English (m5-syu') Mr. (abbreviation, M. ; pi. MM.). Mademoiselle' A French title corresponding to Miss (ab- (mad-mwa-zel') breviation. Mile.). Senor' (sa-nyor') A Spanish title corresponding to the English Mr. or Sir. Seno'ra (sa-nyo'ra) A Spanish title corresponding to Mrs. or Madam. Se no ri'ta A Spanish title given to a young lady, corre' (sa-nyo-re ta) sponding to Miss. LESSON 151. STATES, THEIR ABBREVIATIONS 151 Al a ba'ma (-d-ba'md) Ala. At' i zo'na (-nd) Ariz. Ar'kan sas (ar'kdn-s6) Ark. Califor'nia (-for') Cal. Colora'do (-ra') Colo. Con nect'i cut (-net') Conn. Del'a ware (-^t-war) Del. Flor'i da Fla. Geor'gia (jor') Ga. I'da ho (-da-) Idaho H li nois' (-noi') 111. In di an'a Ind. I'o wa (-wd) Iowa Kan' sas Kans. Ken tuck'y Ky. Lou i si an'a La. (loo-e-ze-an'd) Maine Maine Mar'yland (mer') Md. Mass a chu' setts Mass. Mich'i gan Mich. Min ne so'ta Minn. Mis sis sip'pi Miss. Mis sou'ri Mo. Mon ta'na (-ta') Mont. Ne bras'ka Nebr. Ne va'da (-va') Nev. New Hamp' shire (-shir) N. H. New Jer'sey (jur'zi) N. J. New Mex'i co N. Max. New York' N. Y. North Car li'na N. C. North Dako'ta (dd . , td) N. Dak. O hi'o (-hi-) Ohio O kla ho'ma (-kid-) Okla. Or'e gon Oregon. Penn syl va'ni a Pa. Rhode Is 'land (I-) R. I. South Car o U'na S. C. South Dako'ta ( S. Dak. Tenn es see' Tenn. Tex'as Tex. U'tah (-to) Utah Ver mont' (ver-) Vt. Vir gin' i a (ver-) Va. Wash'ington (wosh') Wash. West Vir gin'i a W. Va. Wis con'sin Wis. Wy o'ming (wi-) Wyo. Phil'ip pine Islands P. I. (fil'i-pin) Ha wai'i (ha-wi'e) 152 LESSON 152. GENERAL pre mo ni'tion (-nish'wn) ex'pe dite in vei'gle' (-ve') qual'i ty (kwol') quan'tity (kwon') om nip'o tence (-tens) mis no'mer (-m5r) im'po ten cy de'vi ate pen in'su la (-sfi-ld) e mul'sion res'o nance (rez'6-nans) shep'herd (-erd) brev'i ty den'ti frice (-fris) caus'tic (kos') pan'to mime ep'i cure (-kur) ug'li ness de plor'a ble (-d-b'l) stu'di ous (stu') in'ter lop er pan a ce'a (-d-ce'd) troupe (troop) suave (swav) Study Review 38 on page 180. hy'drant im pet u os'i ty (-p§t;^-> stig'ma (-md) ver'di gris (vur'dl-gres) gri mace' (-mas') pau'ci ty (p6') ver bose' (ver-bos') hos'tel ry so bri'e ty hi a'tus (hi-a') a cu'men (d-ku') ex'pur gate rec'ti tude pov'erty pla'za (pla'zd) per am'bu late (p5r-) sham poo' em blem at'ic mus tache' (-tash') pa vil'ion (-yun) bazaar' I'bd-zar') bi zarre' (bi-zar*) ab'ro gate rec'on dite mil len'ni um LESSON 153. LARGEST CITIES OF THE U. S. 153 New York, N. Y. Chi ca'go, 111. (shi-k6'go) Phil a del'phi a, Pa. ( St. Lou'is, Mo. (loo'ls) Bos'ton, Mass. (-twii) Cleve'land, Ohio Bal'timore, Md. (bol') Pitts'burgh, Pa. Detroit', Mich. Buf' fa lo, N. Y. San Fran cis'co, CaL Mil wau'kee, Wis. Cincinnat'i, Ohio New' ark, N. J. (nu'erk) New Or'le ans, La. Wash'ing ton, D. C. (-tun) Los An'gel es, Cal. (los an'gel es) Min ne ap'o lis, Minn. Jer sey City, N. J. (jur'zi) Kan'sas City, Mo. Se at'tle, Wash. In di an ap'o lis, Ind. Prov'i dence, R. I. Lou'is ville, Ky. (loo'is-vil) Roch'es ter, N. Y. St. Paul, Minn. Den'ver, Colo. Port'land, Oregon. Colum'bus, Ohio To le'do, Ohio Atlan'ta, Ga. (-ta) Oak'land, Cal. (ok') Worces'ter, Mass. (woos'ter) Syr'a cuse, N. Y. New Ha'ven, Conn. Bir'ming ham, Ala. (biir') Mem'phis, Tenn. (-fis) Scran'ton, Pa. (tun) Rich'mond, Va. Pat'er son, N. J. (-er-sun) O'maha, Nebr. (-md-h6) Fall River, Mass. Day'ton, Ohio (da'tiin) Grand Rapids, Mich. Nash' ville, Tenn. Low'ell, Mass. (lo') Cam'bridge, Mass. Spokane', Wash, (-kan') Bridge'port, Conn, (brij') Al'bany, N. Y. (61'bd-) 154 LESSON 154. CITIES IN THE UNITED STATES Mont pe'Ii er, Vt. Pough keep'sie, N. Y. (p6-kip'si) U'tica, N. Y. (-kd) Fond du Lac, Wis. Shreve'port, La. San An to'ni o, Tex. Mc Kees'port, Pa. (md-kez') Read'ing, Pa. (red') Cam'den, N. J. Des Moines', Iowa (de moin') Taco'ma, Wash, (td-ko'md) Yon'kers, N. Y. Hous'ton, Tex. (hus'tun) Duluth', Minn, (doo-lootb') Bat'on Rouge, La. (bat'un roosh) Beloit', Wis. Sche nec'ta dy, N. Y. (ske') Ak'ron, Ohio. Wilkes'-Barre, Pa. (wilks'bar-i) Pe o'ri a, m. Savan'nah, Ga. (sd-van'd) Fort Wayne, Ind. (wan) Terre Haute, Lid. (ter'e hot') Bayonne', N. J. (ba-yon') Passa'ic, N. J. Natch'ez, Miss, (nach') Wich'i ta, Kans. (-to) Wal'la Wal'la, Wash, (wol'd) Sacramen'to, Cal. (-rd-) Chey enne', Wyo. (shi-en') Yp si lan'ti, Mich, (ip-) Wa ter vliet', N. Y. (wo-ter-vlef) Du buque', Iowa (doo-bOk') Al bu quer'que, N. Mex. (al-bu-kur'ke) Kal a ma zoo', Mich, (-d-md-zoo) Tal la has'see, Fla. (-d-has'o) Sioux City, Iowa (soo) Chat ta noo'ga, Tenn. (-d-noo'gd) Eau Claire, Wis. (o-klar') Osh'kosh, Wis. Oskaloo'sa, Iowa (-kd-loo'sd) Ash ta bu'la, Ohio Vin cennes', Ind. (vin-senz') Pa du'cah, Ky. (-kd) Altoo'na, Pa. Sha mo'kin, Pa. (shd-) Butte, Mont, (but) Wa'co, Tex. (wa'ko) San Di e'go, Cal. (d^-a'go) She boy'gan, Wis. LESSON 155. FOREIGN CITIES 155 Algiers', Algeria (-jerz') Am'ster dam, Netherlands (-ster-) Bangkok', Siam (baq-kok') Bar ce lo'na, Spain Bo go ta', Colombia (-ta') Bor deaux', France (b6r-do') Brus'sels, Belgium (brus'elz) Bu cha rest', Roumania (boo-kd-) Bu'dapest, Hungary (boo'dd-) Bue'nos Ai'res, Argentina (bwa'nos i'ras) Cai'ro, Egypt (ki'ro) Cal'cut ta, India Chem'nitz, Germany Leip'zig. Germany (ITp'sik) Lis'bon, Portugal (liz'bim) Ma dras', India (md-dras') Manil'a, Philippines (md-nll'd) Marseilles', France (mar-salz') Mel'boume, Australia (mel'bwrn) Men te vid'e o, Uruguay O'saka, Japan (o'zd-ka) Pe king', China Ri de Jan ei'ro, Brazil (re'6 da zhd-na'ro) San ti a'go, Chile (-te-a') Shangha'i, China (shang-ha'i) Smyr'na, Turkey (smur'nd) (kem'nits) Stock'holm, Sweden Chris ti a'ni a, Norway (stok'holm) (-te-a'ne-a) Ti en'tsin', China (te-en'tsen') Con Stan ti no'ple, Turkey Co pen ha'gen, Denmark To'kyo, Japan (to'ke-) (-ha'gen) Tri es'te, Austria-Hungary Ed'in burgh, Scotland (tre-es'ta) (ed"n-bur-6) Tu'nis, Tunis Gen'o a, Italy (jen'6-d) Gi bral'tar, Gibraltar Tu'rin, Italy (ji-brol'ter) Valparai'so, Chile (-pd-ri'z6) Gua da la ja'ra, Mexico Vi en'na, Austria (-en'd) (gwath-a-la-ha'ra) Ha'vre, France (ha'vSr) War'saw, Russia (war's6) Hong'kong', China Ho no lu'lu, Hawaii Yo ko ho'ma, Japan (-ha'ma) (ho-no-loo'loo) Jo han'nes burg, Transvaal Zan zi bar', Zanzibar (') (yo-han'es-) Kyo'to, Japan (kyo'to) Zu'rich, Switzerland (zoo'rik) 156 LESSON 156. GENERAL espouse' (-pouz') phys i og'no my (fiz-) sau'ci ness prod'i gy fir'ma ment (fur'md-) con dign' (-din') las' si tude wretch'ed ness (r6cli') per tur ba'tion (pur-twr-) av'e nue (-nu) pri or'i ty (pri-) fla'grant in iq'ui tous (-ik'wi-) in' ere ment applause' (-ploz') im preg'na ble (-nd-b'l) weap'on (wgp'wn) contig'uous (-tig') pyr'amid (pir'd-) in im da'tion eclipse' (-klips') im'be cile (-sil) oc' to pus mal e die tion vil'lage (-ij) Study Review 39 on page 181. cham pagne' (sham-pan') phan'tom (fan'twm) cal'um ny meer'schamn (mer'shom) por ten'tous (-tws) prec'i pice no bil'i ty hap'haz ard (-drd) com plic'i ty excerpt' (-surpt') impor'tunate (-por'tft-) id i o mafic vo cal i za'tion cat'e chize (-kiz) as tute' per fid'i ous (per-) i tin'er ant (I-tin'er-) thwart (thw6rt) malev'olence (rad-) con ster na'tion un du la' tion (-el^-) suc'cor (suk'er) impov'erish lav' a to ry al lofted LESSON 157. LEGAL TERMS 15? caveat emptor Let the buyer beware. (ka've-iU emp'tor) corpus delicti The body of the offense, the essence of the (kor'p?', R 35 osteopath, 141 Ostermoor, 85 ostracize, 108 ottoman, 86 ounces, R38 oust, R33 outrageous, 24 outr§, 150 outside, 44 outward, 44 overalls, 73 overcoat, 73 overissue, 44 overlay, 103 overseer, 44 overwhelm, Rll ownership, 72 Oxford, 78 oxidize, 136 oxygen, 134 oyster, 46 ozone, 136 pacify, 7 padlock, 89 Paducah, 154 paid, 34 pajamas, 77 palace, R2 palatable, 53 jjQlatial, 115 paleness, 21 palliate, 108 palpable, 108 palpitate, 16 pamphlet, 11 panacea, 152 pancreas, R36 panel, 17 panic, 71 panorama, 51 pantomime, 152 paprika, 84 parade, R8 paradox, R37 paragraph, 102 parallel, 18 paralysis, 144 paralyze, 36 paramount, 160 paraphernalia, 80 parasol, 77 parchment, R26 pardonable, R 14 paregoric, 140 parenthesis, 20 paresis, 143 par excellence, 159 Parliament, 114 parochial, 117 parol, 113 paroxj-sm, 141 parquet, 123 parsimonious, 100 parsley, 82 parsnip, 82 partial, 107 participate, 16 particle, R20 particular, 47 partisan, 33 partner, 69 parvenu, 150 passable, R26 Passaic, 154 pas?A, 149 198 passementerie — portrait passementerie, 76 passenger, 98 passionate, 27 Pasteurize, 141 pasture, 13 patent, 78 Paterson, 153 pathetic, 5 pathology, 141' pathos, 124 patience, 32 patient, 32 patriotism, R29 patronize, 36 pattern, 77 paucity, 152 pavilion, 152 peaceable, 24 pearl, 102 Pearline, 81 peau de sole, 74 pectoral, 139 peculation, 110 peculiar, 45 pecuniary, 96 pedagogue, 118 pedagogy, 120 pedal, 130 peddler, 45 pedestal, 86 pedestrian, 132 pedigree, 10 Peking, 155 penalty, 116 penchant, 149 pencil, R5 pendant, 94 pendulum, 20 penetrate, 16 peninsula, 152 penitence, 160 penitentiary, R28 penmanship, 120 penniless, 33 Pennsylvania, 151 pennyroyal, 140 penology, R28 peniu-ious, 96 people, 20 Peoria, 154 perambulate, 152 per annum, 159 percale, 75 per capita, 159 perceive, 29 percentage, 72 perceptible, 55 per diem, 159 peremptory, 91 perennial, 40 perfection, 40 perfidious, 156 perforator, 45 performer, 28 perfunctory, 123 perhaps, 91 peril, 17 period, 43 periodical, 101 peripheral, 148 perishable, R14 peritonitis, 144 perjury, 40 permanent, 64 permanganate, 135 permeable, 148 permeate, 14 permission, 57 permitted, 25 pernicious, 100 perpendicular, 47 perpetrate, 65 perpetual,. 95 perpetuity, R28 perplexity, 137 perquisite, 132 per se, 159 persecution, 58 perseverance, 23 persimmon, 83 persistence, 61 personality, 52 perspire, R 4 persuade, 87 persuasion, 58 pertinacity, R 39 pertinent, 100 perturbation, 156 perusal, 158 perversity, 124 pessimist, 52 pestilence, 66 petite, 149 petition, 60 petroleum, 135 petticoat, 73 petulant, 123 pewter, 160 phaeton, 129 phantom, 156 pharmacy, 79 phenol, 140 phenomenal, 100 phial, 158 Philadelphia, 153 philanthropic, 115 Philippine Islands, 151 philology, 120 philosophy. 120 phlegmatic, 108 phonetic, 11 phonograph, 70 phonography, 120 phosphate, 135 phosphorus, 134 photo-engrave, 103 photography, 10 phrase, 13 phthisic, 160 physical, 96 physician, 60 physics, 119 physiognomy, 156 physiology, 119 physique, 11 pianist, 67 piazza, R31 pica, 102 piccalilli, 81 pickle, 81 picnic, 5 picric, 134 picturesque, 80 piece, 30 pier, R8 pierce, 30 pigeon, R3 pilaster, 122 pillow, R22 pilot, R17 pinafore, 77 pincers, 89 pineapple, 83 pinion, 128 pinnacle, 52 piquant, R40 pique, 66 piston, 98 piteous, 50 pitiable, 53 pittance, R7 pitting, 131 Pittsburgh, 153 pivot, 127 placard, 101 placid, R8 plagiarism, R26 plague, 9 plainness, R6 plaintifi, 109 planetary, 130 planning, 25 plaques, 94 plastic, 158 platinum, 133 plausible, 53 plaza, 152 pleasurable, 53 plenteous, 33 plentiful, 33 plexirisy, 143 pliable, R14 pliers, 89 plumber, 68 plunger, 130 plurality, R29 plutocracy, R29 pneumatic, 12 pneumonia, 143 poetic, 5 poignant, 123 point, 102 poisonous, 28 polarity, 146 police, 114 policy, 106 polisher, 126 politeness, R6 political, 116 polygamy, Rll polyphase, 148 polysyllable, 43 polytechnic, 43 Pompeii, R39 pompous, R27 pongee, 74 poplin, 74 popular, 88 porcelain, R 23 porous, R13 portable, 55 portage, 97 porte-cochSre, 121 portentous, 156 portfolio, 101 portico, 121 portiere, R22 Portland, 153 portrait, R4 position — quotient 199 position, 79 positively, 21 possession, 59 possible, 53 poster, 101 posterior, 40 posting, 69 postpone, 40 postscript, 40 potash, R34 potassium, 133 potato, 82 potential, 148 Poughkeepsie, 154 poultice, 158 poultrj', R21 poverty, 152 practical, 99 practicing, 23 praecipe. 111 prairie, 32 praiseworthy, 21 preamble, 41 precarious, 137 precaution, 41 precede, 34 precedent, 61 preceptor, 118 precinct, 8 precious, 50 precipice, 156 precipitate, 136 precision, 59 precocious, 49 predecessor, 47 predicament, 132 predict, 41 predilection, 158 predominate, 16 preeminence, 41 preemption, Rll preface, 8 preferable, 25 preference, 25 preferred, 25, 105 prejudice, 7 preliminary, 47 premium, 106 premonition, 152 preparation, 59 preparatory, 46 preponderance, 62 preposterous, R13 preposition, 100 prerogative, 107 prescribe, 41 prescription, 142 presence, 96 preserves, 81 president, 114 presidential, 3 pressure, 126 prestige, 107 presumption, 59 pretense, R37 pretentious, 50 prevalence, 62 prevarication, 138 prevention, 57 previous, R13 priest, 29 prima facie, 159 primage, 97 primary, 117 primitive, 20 principal, 80 principle, 80 priority, 156 privacy, R 32 privilege, 20 probable, 53 probate, 110 procedure, 34 proceed, 34 process, 8 proclamation, R29 procrastinate, 65 prodigy, 156 production, 57 professor, 45 proffered, 28 proficient, 31 profile, 13 profit, 95 profligate, 160 prognosis, 142 program, 10 progress, 41 progression, 59 Progressive, 114 prohibit, 19 Prohibitionist, 114 prologue, R39 promenade, 137 prominent, 64 promiscuous, 91 promise, 20 promissory, 47 promote, 41 promptly, 88. pronounce, Rll pronunciation, 59 proofreader, 104 propagate, 56 propel, 17 propensity, R40 proper, 88 property, 87 prophecy, 91 prophesy, 91 prophet, 95 prophylactic, 142 propitious, 49 proportion, 41 propose, 13 proprietor, 46 pro rata, 159 prosaic, 5 proscenium, 121 proscribe, 41 prosecute, 112 prospectus, 101 prosperity, 99 protection, 106 prot6g6, 149 pro tempore, 159 protest, 71 protractor, 90 protuberance, 160 provide, 13 Providence, 153 providential, 96 provision, 58 proviso, 113 provocation, 138 proximity, 91 proximo, 70 proxy, 112 prudential, 28 prune, 83 psalm, 138 pseudonym, 66 pshaw, 95 psychology, 120 ptomaine, 143 public, 5 publication, 101 publisher, 68 pugnacious, R13 pulley, 90 Pullman, 98 pulmonary, 139 pulpit, 18 pulverize, 35 pumice, R35 pumpkin, 82 punches, 127 punctilious, 50 punctual, 92 puncture, 130 pungency, 160 pupil, 118 purchasable, 23 purchaser, 46 purify, 65 purposely, 21 pursuant, 61 pursue, 65 pusillanimous, 87 pyramid, 156 pyrometer, 128 Q quad, 104 quadricycle, 129 quaintness, Rl qualified, 33 quality, 152 quandary, 160 quantity, 152 quarantine, 141 quarrel, 79 quarry, 138 quarterly, 101 quarto, 103 quartz, 93 quash, 113 quasi, 112 quell, 1 quench, 158 querulous, 124 query, R32 question, R15 quick, 5 quid pro quo, 157 quiescent, R16 quince, S3 quinine, 140 quinsy, 143 quire, 101 quitclaim, R28 quizzical, R26 quod vide, 159 quoin, 122 quorum, 66 quotation, 105 quotient, 31 200 rabbet — ruby R rabbet. 122 racket, 108 radiator, 145 radical, R33 raclish, 82 radium, 133 radius, 126 raglan, 73 railway, 98 raiment, R19 raisin, 83 rampage, 158 rancid, R21 random, R5 rapidity, 99 rarefy, 65 rarity, 96 raspberry, 83 ratchet, 127 rather, 98 ratified, R9 ratine, R19 ratio, 115 rattan, 85 ravenous, R33 razor, 89 readily, R9 Reading, 154 realize, 35 realty, R27 ream, 101 reamer, 127 reasonable, 54 rebate, 97 rebellious, 27 rebuff, 2 rebuttal, 113 recall, 4 recapitulate, 132 recede, 34 receipt, 32 receive, 29 receptacle, R34 recess, 7 recherche, 149 Tecipe, 80 recipient, 51 reciprocate, 6 reciprocity, 51 recitation, R30 reckon, R5 recognition, 59 recognize, 35 recollect, 56 recommend, 41 recommendation, 57 recompense, 41 reconcilable, 23 reconcile, 6 recondite, 152 reoonnoiter, 115 recorder, R29 recriminate, 160 recruit, 160 rectangle, R40 rectitude, 152 recuperate, 92 recurrence, 25 redress, 2 reduction, R37 reecho, 41 reenforcement, R 6 refectory, R21 referee, 109 reference, 25 referred, 25 refine, 94 reflector, 90 refrigerator, 47 refusal, R5 regime, 149 region, 9 registrar, 67 reglet, 122 regretted, 26 regular, 9 regulator, 128 rehearse, 56 reign, 30 reimburse, 41 rein, 30 reiterate, 41 rejoicing, 7 rejuvenate, 124 relapse, Rll relative, 48 releasing, R6 reliable, 137 reliance, 64 relic, 17 relieve, 29 religious, 49 reluctant, 41 remainder, R40 remarkable, 54 remedy, R37 remembrance, 63 reminiscence, 64 remittance, 71 remnant, 77 remonstrate, 16 removal, R22 remuneration, 71 renaissance, 76 rendezvous, 150 renewal, Rll renovate, R22 renown, 158 repellent, 27 repentance, 66 repertoire, 132 repetition, 57 replenish, 56 replevin. 111 reporter, 68 reprehensible, 55 representative, 48 repress, 2 reprieve, 30 reprimand, 41 Republican, 114 repudiate, 41 repugnance, 51 repulsion, 59 reputation, 58 requirement, R6 requisition, 41 rescind, 124 rescuing, 22 research, 66 resemblance, 61 reservoir, 123 residence, 87 residents, 87 residual, 148 resign, 12 resilience, 125 resistance, 64 res judicata, 157 resonance, 152 resource, 8 respectfully, 3 respectively, 115 respite, 52 respondent, 109 responsible, 54 restaurant, 62 restful, 4 restoring, 23 restricted, 28 r6sum6, 149 resuscitate, 56 retail, 71 retaliate, 41 reticent, R16 retinue, 158 retire, 13, retort, 135 retrieve, 32 retrograde, 41 retrospective, 41 retrou3s6, 149 return, R5 revenge, R38 revenue, 72 reverence, 108 reverse, 130 review, 31 revise, 35 revolution, 126 revolver, 89 rheostat, 145 rhetoric, 12 rheumatism, 144 Rhode Island, 151 rhubarb, 82 rhyme, 12 rhythm, 132 ribbon, 76 Richmond, 153 riddance, 26 ridiculous, 88 rifle, 89 righteous, 49 rigorous, R13 rinse, 107 Rio de Janeiro, 155 riotous, 49 rivalry, R24 rivet, 17 robbery, R7 Rochester, 153 roguish, 22 roller copier, 70 Roman, 102 Romanesque, 121 roof, 1 Roquefort, 83 rostrum, 121 rotary, 146 rotunda, 121 roughing rolls, 126 route, R25 routine, 52 royalty, 104 rubbed, 26 ruby, 102 ruching — skepticaX 201 ruching, 77 rudimentary, R33 ruffian, R40 ruinous, R23 rumor, 47 runabout, 129 running, 26 russet, 78 Sacramento, 154 sacrifice, 15 sacrilegious, 49 saddler, R17 sagacious, 50 sagacity, 7 St. Louis, 153 St. Paul, 153 salable, 92 salad, 84 sal ammoniac, 147 salary, 72 saleratus, 84 salesman, 67 salient, 32 saliva, 160 salmon, 12 salubrious, 123 salutation, 23 salvage, 112 sample, 72 San Antonio, 154 sanctimonious, R40 sanction, 6 sandal, 78 San Diego, 154 San Francisco, 153 sanguine, 10 sanitarium, 142 Santiago, 155 sapphire, 93 sarcastic, 19 sardine, 84 sardonyx, 93 sarsaparilla, 140 Saskatchewan, R39 sassafras, 140 satchel, 19 sateen, 74 satiate, 158 satiety, 160 satin, 74 satire, 14 satisfactory, 45 saturate, R37 saucinesa, 156 saunter, 160 sausage, 84 sautoir, 94 savage, 9 Savannah, 154 scaffold, 87 scallop, 84 scalper, 105 scandalous, 91 scarab, 93 scarcely, 96 scenery, R12 schedule, 72 scheme, 80 Schenectady, 154 scholastic, 118 school, 1 schooner, R25 sciatica, 144 science, 63 scientific, 117 scilicet, 157 scintilla, 113 scintillate, 124 scissors, 89 sclerosis, 144 scoff, 1 scoundrel, 18 scourge, 160 Scranton, 153 screen, 89 screw, 90 scriber, 127 script, 102 scripture, 14 scroll, 94 scrupulous, 132- scrutiny, 88 sculptor, 67 sculpture, 14 scythe, 89 sealskin, 76 seamstress, R17 s6ance, 150 Seattle, 153 secede, 34 seclusion, Rll secondary, 117 secretary, 70 secrete, 41 sectional, 86 sector, 127 security, 41 sedentary, 80 sediment, R34 seeing, 24 seersucker, 77 segregate, 41 seine, 30 seismic, 32 seize, 30 seldom, 18 selection, 41 selfishness, Rl selvage, 77 semblance, 87 semester, 117 semicolon, 42 seminary, 47 semitropical, 42 Senate, 114 senior, 117 Senor, 150 SeSora, 150 Seiiorita, 150 sensational, 20 senseless, 21 sensible, 53 sensuous, R 20 sentence, 64 sentinel, 100 separate, 14 separating, 23 sequel, R24 sequence, 91 serene, 13 serge, 75 sergeant, 63 serial, 80 series, 30 serif, R26 serious, 108 serum, 142 servant, R17 servicftible, 24 session, 108 settee, 86 settlement, R6 several, 115 severe, 14 sextant, R25 shameless, 21 Shamokin, 154 shampoo, 152 Shanghai, 155 shank, 78 sheaf, 1 shears, 89 Sheboygan, 154 shepherd, 152 sheriff, 2 shield, 30 shiftless, Rl shipment, 97 shipped, 26 shock-absorber, 130 shoeing, 24 shoemaker, 68 shopper, 25 short, 105 shorthand, 120 shoulder, 126 shovel, 18 Shreveport, 154 shrewd, 132 shriek, 29 shunt, 147 shyness, 33 Sicily, R39 siege, 29 Siemens, 147 siesta, 150 sieve, 32 sight, R23 signal, 98 signature, 104 signet, 94 significant, 62 silencer, 130 silesia, 73 silicon, 134 similar, 46 simile, R22 simplicity, 8 simultaneous, 50 sincere, 8 sinecure, 42 sine die, 159 sinew, 79 singeing, 24 singular, 10 sinister, 137 sinner, 25 Sioux City, 154 siphon, 100 sirup, 81 site, R23 situation, 58 sizable, R6 skate, 89 skein, 30 skeleton, R35 skeptical, R2 202 skillet — supersedeas Bkillet, 90 Bkillful, 4 Bkull, 1 Blavery, R12 sleigh, 30 Bleight, 32 slipper, 78 small pica, 102 Bmelter, R34 SmjTna, 85, 155 sneeze, 99 sobriety, 152 sobriquet, 150 social, 107 Socialist, 114 society, 7 sociology, 120 socket, 128 sodium, 133 sofa, 86 soiree, 150 sojourn, R23 solder, 126 soldier, 32 sole, 78 solemn, 11 solenoid, 145 solicited, 7 solicitor, 109 soliloquy, 95 solitaire, 94 solitary, 46 solitude, 13 soluble, R34 solution, 147 solvency, R18 sonorous, 158 soothe, R24 sophistical, 138 sophomore, 117 sorority, 117 sorts, 104 source, R24 South Carolina, 151 South Dakota, 151 souvenir, 95 sovereign, 32 spacious, 49 spaghetti, 84 sparking, 148 spark plug, 130 spasmodic, 132 special, 3 species, 29 specific, 5 specimen, 7 spectacle, R23 spectator, 107 spectroscope, 135 speculator, 105 speechless, 2 speedometer, 129 spelter, 126 sphere, 13 spherical, 125 spinach, 82 spindle, 127 spinel, 93 spinning, 26 spinning jenny, 127 spiral, 125 spiteful, 18 splasher, 127 splendid, 18 Spokane, 153 sponging, 22 spontaneous, 88 spoonful, Rl sprinkler, 90 sprocket. 127 spurious, 116 squabble, 158 squalid, 116 squalor, 116 squander, R12 squirrel, 18 staff, 1 stagger, 9 stagnate, 9 stalwart, 107 stamina, R40 stanchion, 131 staple, 90 starvation, R21 statement, 69 static, 146 station, 98 stationary, 45 stationery, 45 statistician, 67 statistics, 71 statue, R32 stature, R32 status quo, 157 statute. 111 steadfast, 115 steal, 1 steamer, 97 steerage, R25 steering knuckle, 130 stencil, 8 stenographer, 45 stepped, 27 stereotype, 103 sterilize, 141 stet, 104 stethoscope, 142 stevedore, 97 steward, R17 stiffness, Rl stigma, 152 stillness, 4 stimulus, 19 stingy, 138 stippie, 103 stipulate, 65 stitch, R27 stockholder, 105 Stockholm, 155 stockings, 73 stomach, 139 stool, 1 storage, 148 straight, 20 straightedge, 90 strain, 126 stranger, 160 strategy, 10 strawberry, 83 strength, 115 stress, 126 stringency, R27 stroll, 1 strong, 9 struck, 5 structure, R 32 strychnine. 140 studious, 152 studying, 33 stuff, 1 stupefy, 65 stupendous, 107 stupid, 17 sturgeon, 84 stylish, R20 suasion, 96 suave, 152 subduing, R6 sublime, R4 submerge, 42 submissive. R12 submitted, 27 subordinate, 16 subpoena. 111 subscriber, 104 subscription, 59 subsequent, RH subservient, 62 subside, 42 subsidize, R9 substantial, 100 substitute, 15 subterfuge, 42 subterranean, 42 subtle, 100 subtraction, R30 suburban, 124 succeed, 34 successive, 48 succinct, 42 succor, 156 succotash, 84 succulent, R21 succumb, 11 suction, 126 suede, 76 suffice, 42 sufficient, 31 suffocate, 42 suffrage, R29 sugar, 81 suggest, 42 suicide, 15 suitable, 20 suite, 85 sulphate, 135 sulphide, 135 sulphite, 135 sulphur, 134 sulphuric acid, 134 summary, 70 summit, 17 summon, 42 sumptuous. 123 sundries, R18 superb, R19 supercalendered, 101 supercilious, 50 superficial, 42 superfine, 42 superfluous, 100 superintendent, 62 superior, 40 superlative, 48 superscribe, 42 supersede, 34 supersedeas, 157 superstition — tremendous 203 superstition, 60 superstitious, 50 supervise, 36 supervisor, R17 supplant, 42 supplement, 101 supplies, R18 suppose, 42 suppress, 2 supreme, 13 surfeit, 32 surgeon, 67 surmise, 35 surmountable, R14 surpass, 2 surplice, 73 surprise, 35 surrender, 46 surrogate, 109 surround, Rll surveillance, 52 surveyor, 34 survive, 13 susceptible, 54 suspect, 42 suspenders, 73 suspension, 57 suspicion, 59 sustain, 42 sustenance, 52 swarthy, R24 swimming, 26 switchboard, 147 swivel, 90 sword, 158 syllable, 53 syllabus, R30 symbol, 43 symmetrical, 3 sympathize, 36 symptom, 51 synchronize, 148 syndicate, 72 synonym, 43 synopsis, 19 synthetic, 118 Syracuse, 153 sjTinge, 160 systematic, 20 systematize, 36 tableau, 138 taboret, 86 tacit, 7 taciturn, 107 tackle, 127 Tacoma, 154 tactics, R2 taffeta, 74 tailor, 68 talent, 96 talisman, 94 talkative, 48 Tallahassee, 154 tangential, 125 tangerine, 83 tangible, 54 tanned, 78 tannic, 134 tantalize, 36 tapestry, 85 tapioca, 82 tare, 97 tariff, 2 tarlatan, R19 tartaric, 134 tassel, 76 tasteful, 3 taunt, R33 taxation, R29 taxicab, 129 taxidermist, 67 tea, 81 teacher, 67 technical, 117 technique, 158 tedious, 99 telegram, 70 telegraph, 70 telephone, 70 telescope, 14 teller, 67 temerity, 132 temperament, 99 temperance, 61 temperature, 123 temporarily, 92 temptation, 124 tempus fugit, 159 tenacious, 50 tenant, 64 tendency, 92 tender, 98 tenement, 107 Tennessee, 151 tenon, 128 tensile, 126 tension, 60 tentative, 48 terminal, 147 terminate, 14 terminus, R25 terra firma, 159 Terre Haute, 154 terrible, 53 terrific, 5 territory, R26 terror, R12 Tesla, 147 testament. 111 testator, 109 testify, 65 testimony, 112 tetanus, 144 t§te-^tete, 86 Texas, 151 textile, 77 texture, R20 theater, 19 their, 31 theme, 13 theology, 120 theoretical, 80 theory, 46 therapeutics, 142 therefore, 116 thermometer, 47 thesis, 117 thief, 29 thimble, R20 thinner, 25 thorough, 116 thread, 77 threshold, 124 threw, 96 throng, 10 throttle valve, 98 through, 96 thumb nut, 128 thwart, 156 thyme, 82 tickler, 69 tidiness, 91 Tientsin, 155 tier, R8 tierce, 30 tighten, 160 till, 1 time-table, 98 timidity, 160 tincture, 14 tobacco, 100 together, 45 toilet, 18 Tokyo, 155 Toledo, 153 tolerate, 15 tomatoes, 82 to-morrow, 44 tongs, 89 tongue, 78 tonnage, 27 tonneau, 129 tonsil, R36 tontine, 106 topaz, 93 topic, R2 torque, 148 tort, 110 torture, R4 totally, 3 tough, 88 tour, 1 touring car, 129 tourmaline, 93 tournament, 137 toward, 116 toweling, 77 to wit, 157 traceable, R6 track, 5 tradition, 60 traffic, 18 tragedy, 9 traitor, 47 trammel, 128 tranquillity, 28 transaction, 92 transcend, 42 transcribe, 70 transferable, 26 transferred, 26 transformer, 145 transgression, 59 transient, 32 transit, 97 translation, Rll transmission, 130 transmitter, 145 transparent, 42 transportation, 97 transship, 98 trapeze, 14 traveler, 28 traverse, 42 treasurer, 67 treatise. 30 tremendous, 91 204 trepidation — vocalization trepidation, 158 trespass, 42 triangle, 42 tribunal. 110 trick, 5 tricycle, 129 triennial, 42 Trieste, 155 trigonometry, 119 trimmed, 26 trioxide, 136 trip hammer, 128 triumph, 100 trivial, 91 troop, 1 trophy, 91 troublesome, R6 troupe, 152 trousers, 73 trousseau, 73 trover. 111 trowel, 18 truant, 87 truly, 24 trustee, 72 truthfully, Rl tuberculosis, 143 tubular, 126 tuition, 60 tulle, 76 tumultuous, R38 tungsten, 133 tunic, 73 Tunis, 155 tunnel, 17 turban, 73 turbine, 128 Turin, 155 turkey, 84 turmoil, 138 turnip, 82 turpentine, R33 turquoise, 93 turret, 127 tutor, 118 tweed, 75 tweezers, 89 twelfth, 88 twelve, 88 twentieth, R22 twiae, 89 twinge, R37 twitch, R37 typewriter, 70 typhoid, 144 typical, 132 typography, 103 tyranny, R19 U ubiquity, 160 ugliness, 152 ulcerate, R35 ulterior, 124 ultimatum, 132 ultimo, 70 umbrage, R37 \mibrella, 77 umpire, R17 unanimous, 108 unattractive, 39 unavoidable, 55 unbearable, 44 unconcern, 44 unction, 160 undergo, Rll underlay, 103 imderrate, 44 undersell, 4 underslung, 130 understand, 44 undertake, 44 undertaker, 68 underwear, 77 underwriter, 106 undulation, 156 imequaled, 108 unfitted, 26 unintelligible, 55 unique, 95 unite, 13 university, 117 unmistakable, 87 unpleasant, 39 imrivaled, 44 unscrupulous, 39 unsophisticated, 44 until, 4 unwieldy, 39 upholster, 86 uproarious, 137 uranium, 133 urchin, 18 urgent, 95 usable, 22 usage, 14 useful, 4 usually, Rl usurp, 65 usury, 72 Utah, 151 utensil, 17 Utica, 154 utilize, 35 utterance, 88 vacancy, 88 vaccinate, 141 vaccine, R36 vacillate, 123 vacuum, 99 vagrant, 9 vague, R27 valedictory, 117 Valenciennes, 76 valet, 68 valiant, 95 validity, 92 valise, R38 valleys, 34 Valparaiso, 155 valuable, 23 valve, 127 vamp, 78 vanilla, 84 vanquish, 107 variable, 54 variegate, 16 variety, 158 various, 50 vaseline, R35 vaudeville, 138 vegetable, 54 vehemence, 96 vehicle, R33 veil, 30 vein, 30 velours, 77 velocity, 131 velveteen, 74 veneer, 85 venerable, R14 vengeance, 62 Venezuela, R39 venire facias, ]57 venomous, 158 ventilate, 15 venue, 113 veracity, 96 veranda, R31 verbatim, 19 verbose, 152 verdict, 112 verdigris, 152 verify, 65 veritable, R14 vermicelli, 84 Vermont, 151 vernacular, 158 vernier, 128 versatile, 107 version, 60 versus, 113 vertebra, 139 vertical, 96 vertigo, R36 vessel, 18 vestibule, R31 vestige, 9 Vesuvius, R39 veteran, 19 veterinary, 67 vexation, 124 viaduct, 98 vibrator, 130 vice versa, 159 vici, 78 vicinity, 8 vicious, 49 vicissitude, 96 victorious, 92 victuals, 108 videlicet, 113 Vienna, 155 vigilance, 10 vignette, 103 vigorous, 10 village, 156 villain, 116 Vincennes, 154 vindicate, 15 vindictive, 87 vinegar, 47 violate, 14 Virginia, 151 virtuous, 92 virulent, 62 visage, 95 visible, 54 visionary, 92 visitor, 45 vitreous, 160 vitriol, 140 vivacious, 50 vivisection, R36 vocabulary, R12 vocalization, 156 vocation — Zurich 205 vocation, 115 vociferous, 123 vogue, 160 voiceless, Rl volatile, 95 volt, 146 voltameter, 145 voltmeter, 145 volume, 101 voluntary, 99 volunteer, 132 voracious, 99 voucher, 69 voyage, 97 vulcanize, 130 W Waco, 154 wager, R3 wagon, R3 wainscot, 121 waiver. 111 ^Yalla Walla, 154 walnut, So wardrobe, 86 warehouse, 71 warrant, 111 warranty. 111 warrior, 27 Warsaw, 155 Washington, 151, 153 wasteful, 21 watchman, 63 Watervliet, 154 wattmeter, 145 waybill, 69 weapon, 156 weariness, 33 weather, 46 weaver, R17 wedding, R7 wedge, R22 Wednesday, 11 weight, 30 weird, 30 welcome, 4 welfare, 4 welt, 78 western, 115 Westinghouse, 147 West Virginia, 151 whalebone, R19 wharfage, R25 Wheatstone, 147 whence, R7 whether, 46 whimsical, 108 whipping, 26 whistle, R3 wholesale, 71 wholesome, 12 wholly, 24 Wichita, 154 wield, 30 wilderness, 2 Wilkes-Barre, 154 willfulness, 4 Wilton, 85 winch, 128 Wisconsin, 151 wisdom, IS withdrawn, 44 withhold, 44 witness, 2 witticism, 87 woeful, R24 woodcut, 103 woolen, 77 Worcester, 153 worshiper, R7 worsted, 75 worthless, 2 wrangle, R3 wrapper, 25 wreck, R25 wrench, R3 wretchedness, 156 wringer, 90 wrinkle, 12 wryness, 33 Wyoming, 151 Xand Y xj'lography, 103 yacht, 88 yeast, 82 yesterday, 158 yield, 29 Yokohoma, 155 Yonkers, 154 Ypsilanti, 154 Zanzibar, 155 zeal, 1 zenith, R39 zephjT, 77 zigzagged, 28 zinc, 5 zoology, 119 Zurich, 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