THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA RIVERSIDE BRITISH POPULAR CUSTOMS PRESENT AND PAST GEORGE BELL AND SONS, LTD. LONDON : PORTUGAL ST., KING SWAY CAMBRIDGE : DEIGHTON, BELL AND CO. NEW YORK : THE MACMILLAN CO. BOMBAY : A. H. WHEELER AND CO. BRITISH POPULAR CUSTOMS PRESENT AND PAST ARRANGED ACCORDING TO THE CALENDAR OF THE YEAR BY THE RLV. T. F. THISELTON-DYER, M.A. //i PEMBROKE COLLEGE, OXON. LONDON G. BELL AND SONS, LIMITED 1911 o [Reprinted from Stereotype plates.] PREFACE. IN presenting the following pages to the Public I do not lay claim to any originality, my object simply having been to collect together, into a readable and condensed form, from various sources within my reach, accounts of Customs which, if not already obso- lete, are quickly becoming so. With regard to the general plan of the book, it speaks for itself. It should, however, be stated that the movable feasts are placed under the earliest days on which they can fall. In conclusion, I would only add that I am much indebted to Mr. James Britten, of the British Museum, for s the valuable help and suggestions which he has given me whilst passing the proof-sheets through the v Press. T. F. THISELTON DYEB. September 15th, 1875. CO LO CT* O CO 0) POPULAR CUSTOMS. JAN. i.J NEW YEAR'S DAY. NEW Year's Day has always been a time of general rejoicing and festivity, its observance being characterised by many nty, AViih butter and cheese, and each other dainty ; An I may their sleep never, by night or day, Disturbed be by even the tooth of a flea ; Until at the Quaaltagh again we appe: r, To wish you, as now, all a happy New Year." When thesn lines are repeated at the door, the whole party are invited into the house to partake of the best the family can afford. On these occasions a person of dark complexion always enters first, as a light-haired male or female is deemed unlucky to be the first-foot or quaaltagh on New Year's morning. The actors of the quaalta/jh do not assume fantastic habiliments like the mummers of England, or the gu:sards of Scotland, nor do they, like these rude performers of the Ancient Mysteries, appear ever to have been attended by minstrels playing on different kinds of musical instru- ments. JAN. I.] KEW YEAIl's DAT. 9 NoilTHUMBEKLAND. The following extract, relating to Newcastle-on Tyne, is taken from the North of Emjland Adccrtiser of January 4th, 1873: The children on New Year's morn are busy begg'ng their New Year's gifts, saying, " Old Year out, New Year in ; ple;ise give us my New Y( ar's gift ;" or ' A merry Christmas and a happy New Year ;" followed by the usual appeal for a present. The first-foot is an important personage. If he should be a dark man, it is a sign of good luek ; if a light one not so lucky ; but alas ! if a woman, the worst luck will bt-fall the household. Similar to the first hearing of the cuckoo, it is of the greatest importance whether or not you have money in your pocket and your cupboard full on New Year's Day. NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. In this county it is considered unlucky to remove anything from a house until something has been brought in, and there- fore, early in the morning, each member of the family carries some trifling thing in. In the neighbourhood of Newark, this rhyme is sung : " Take out, and take in, Bad lu 'k is sure to Ix gin ; But take in and take out. Good luck will come about." Jour, of Arch. Assoc. 18f>3, vol. viii. p. 231. Brand, in his Pop. Antiq. (1849, vol. i. p. 15), alludes to this custom as existing in Lincoln and its neighbourhood. The rhyme he quotes is slightly different from the above : " Take out, then take in, Bad luck will beiiin ; Take in, then take out, Good luck comes in." OXFORDSHIRE. Pointer, in his Oxoniemis Academia (1749, p. 71), alludes to a custom, observed at Brasenose College, Oxford, of the Bachelors of Arts and Undergraduates belonging to the 10 NEW YEAR-S DAT. [JAN. I. college going in a body on New Years Day to their Prin- cipal, and each presenting him with an epistle by way of a New Year's gift, wishing him a happy New Year. We learn from the same writer, that it was formerly the practice at Queen's College to give a needle and thread to the Fellows, being a rebus on their founder's name, Eglesfield, aiguille in French signifying a needle, and fil a thread (p. 38). STAFFORDSHIRE. A grotesque manorial custom is described as being kept up in the reign of Charles II., in connection with Hilton. There existed in that house a hollow brass image, about a foot high, representing a man kneeling in an indecorous position. It was known all over the country as Jack of Hilton. There were two apertures ; one very small at the mouth, another about two-thirds of an inch in diameter at the back, and the interior would hold rather more than four pints of water, which, says Plot (History of Staffordshire, 1686, p. 433), ' when set to a strong fire, evaporates in the same manner as in an ^Eolopile, and vents itself at the mouth in a constant blast, blowing the fire so strongly that it is very audible, and makes a sensible impression in that part of the fire where the blast lights.' The custom was this. An obligation lay upon the lord of the adjacent manor of Essingt >n, every New Year's Day, to bring a goose to Hilton, and drive it three times round the hall-fire, which Jack of Hilton was all the time blowing by the discharge of his steam. Ho was then to carry the bird into the kitchen and deliver it to the cook ; and when it was dressed he was to carry it in a dish to the table of his lord paramount, the lord of Hilton, receiving in return a dish of meat for his own mess. An annual payment, called Moseley's Dole, was formerly made by the corporation, consisting of a penny a piece to all the inhabitants of Walsall, and of the adjoining parish of Rushall, which is supposed to have anciently formed part of that of Walsall. Three persons were employed to make the distribution, JAN. I.] NEW lEAlt's DAT. 11 who began on New Year's Day, and went through tlie parishes, giving a penny to each inmate of every house, whether permanently or accidentally abiding there. It is stated by Plot (History of Staffordshire), that the earliest mention of this dole is in the 36th Henry VEIL, when 71. 10. Qd. discharged it. The first trace of it, how- ever, that is found in the documents of the corporation is in 1632, when its amount was 14Z. 9s. 4d. The amount increased gradually till 1799, when it was 60Z., and until the time of its cessation in 1825, it remained yearly about the same. There are many traditions respecting the origin of this dole, but they all concur in attributing it to one Thomas Moseley, from whom an estate at Ba?cott in Warwickshire was derived. The donor, in granting this estate to the Corporation, charged it with the annual payment of nine marks to the Abbot of Hales Owen, " who should keep one mark for his labours in distributing the remaining eight marks, at the obit of the sa-'d Thomas Mcseley at Walsall, for the souls of the said Thomas and Margary his wife, and others; and this by the oversight of the Vicar of Walsall, and of all the chaplains of the Guild of St. John the Baptist, of the church of Walsall." The eight marks above named were no doubt the origin of the dole, and would, before the Reformation, be amply sufficient to supply a penny a piece to all the parishioners, or at least to all who repaired to the church on the obit day, to pray for the donor and his wife a superstitions custom which caused the estate to be seized by Henry VIII., when he suppressed the monasteries. History of Staffordshire, White, 1857, p. 645 ; Old English Customs and Charities, 1842, p. 55. At Hastings, apples, nuts, oranges, &c., as well as money, are thrown out of the windows to be scrambled for by the fisher-boys and men. The custom is not kept up with the spirit of former days. 12 NEW YKAtt's DAT. [JAN. I. WARWICKSHIRE. In the city of Coventry a sort of cake known by the name of God-cakes is scut. They are used by all classes, and vary in price from a halfpenny to one pound. They are invariably made in a triangular shape, an inch thick, and filled with a kind of mincemeat. So general is the use of them on the first day of the New Year, that the cheaper sorts are hawked about the streets as hot cross buns are on Good Friday in London. This custom seeins peculiar to Coventry. N.& Q. 2nd S. vol. ii. p. 229. WORCESTERSHIRE. A belief exists in this county, that if the carol singer who first comes to the door on New Year's morning be admitted at the front door, conducted through the house, and let out at the back the inmates will have good luck during the year. N. & Q. 2nd S. vol. iii. p. 3i3. YORKSHIRE. The following quaint account of a whimsical custom formerly observed on New Year's Day is taken from Blount's Fragmenta Antiquitatie, 18] 5, p. 555 : Near Hutton Conyers there is a large common, called Hutton C.myers Moor, whereof William Aislabie, Esq., of Studley lioyal (lord of the Manor of Hutton Couyers), is lord of the soil, and on which there is a large coney- warren belonging to the lord. The occupiers of messuages and cottages within the several towns of Hutton Conyers, Baldersby, Kaiuton, Dishforth, and Hewick, have right of estray for their sheep to certain limited boundaries on the Common, and each township has a shepherd. The lord's shepherd has a pre-eminence of tending his sheep on every part of the common ; and wherever he herds the lord's sheep, the several other shepherds are to give way to him, and give up their lioofmg-place so long as he pleases to depasture the lord's sheep thereon. The lord holds his court the first day in the ^, to entitle those JAN | NEW y::\irs DAY. 13 several townships to such right of estray ; the shepherd of e.ich township attends the court, and does fealty, by bring- ing to the court a large apple-pie, and a twopenny sweetcake (except the shepherd of Hewick, who compounds by paying eixteen-peuce for all, which is drunk as after mentioned,) and a wooden spoon; each pie is cut in two, and divided by the bailiff, one half between the steward, bailiff, and the tenant of the coney-warren before mentioned, and the other half into six parts, and divided amongst the six shepherds of the above mentioned six townships In the pie brought by the shepherd of Kainton an inner one is made, filled with prunes. The cakes are divided in the same manner. The bailiff of the manor provides furmenty and mustard, and delivers to each shepherd a slice of cheese and a penny roll. The fuimenty, well mixed with mustard, is put into an earthen pot, and placed in a hole in the ground, in a garth belonging to the bailiff's house ; to which place the steward of the court, with the bailiff, tenant of the warren, and six shepherds, adjourn with their respective wo( den spoons. The bailiff provides spoons for the stewards, the tenant of the warren, and himself. The steward first pays respect to the furmenty, by taking a large spoonful ; the bailiff has the next honour, the tenant of the warren next, then the shep- herd of Button Conyers, and afterwards the other shepherds by regular turns; then each person is served with a glass of ale (paid for by the sixteen-pence brought by the He wick shepherd), and the health of the lord of the manor is drank ; then they adjourn back to the bailiff's house, and the further business of the court is proceeded with. Each pie contains about a peck of flour, is about six- teen or eighteen inches diameter, and as large as will go into the mouth of an ordinary oven. The bailiff of the manor measures them with a rule, and takes the diameter ; and if they are not of a sufficient capacity, he threatens to return them, and fine the town. If they are large enough, he divides them with a rule and compasses into four equal parts ; of which the steward claims one, the warrener another, and the remainder is divided amongst the shep- herds. In respect to the furmenty, the top of the dish in which it is put is placed level with the surface of the 14 NEW YEAR'S DAT. [JAN. I. ground; all persons present are entitled to eat of it, and those who do not, are not deemed loyal to the lord. Every shepherd is obliged to eat of it, and for that purpose is to take a spoon in his pocket to the court ; for if any of them neglect to carry a spoon with him he is to lay him down upon his belly, and sup the furmenty, with his face to the pot or dish ; at which time it is usual, by way of sport, for some of the bystanders to dip his face into the furmenty ; and sometimes a shepherd, for the sake of diversion, will purposely leave his spoon at home. In the North Riding of Yorkshire, those who have not the common materials for making a fire, generally sit without one on New Year's Day ; for none of their neighbours, although hospitable at other times, will suffer them to light a candle at their fires. If they do, it is believed that one of the family will die within the year. Gent. Mag. 1811, vol. Ixxxi. p. 424. Subjoined is all that appears to have survived of the York- shire Hagmena song :* u To-night it is the New Year's night, to-morrow is the day, And we are come for our right and for onr ray, As we used to do in old King Henry's day Sing fellows, sing, h::g man, ha! If you go to the bacon-flick, cut me a good bit ; Cut, cut, and low, beware of your maw ; Cut, cut, and round, beware of your thumb, That me and my merry men may have tome. Sing fellows, sing, hag-man, ha! If you go to the black ark, bring me ten marks ; Ten marks, ten pound, throw it down upon the ground, That me and my merry men may have some. Sing fellows, sing, hag-man, ha !" Brand's Pop. Antiq. 1870, voL i. p. 11. SCOTLAND. In the Memoirs of Lord Langdale by Sir T. D. Hardy, 1852, vol. i. p. 55, occurs the following : " Being in Scotland, I owght to tell you of Scotch customs ; and really they have a charming one on this occasion (i.e. New Year's Dr/y). Whether it is meant as a farewell * See ' New Year's Eve.' JAN. I.] NEW YEAB'S EAT. 15 ceremony to the old one, or an introduction to the New Year, I can't tell ; but on the 31st of December, almost every body has a party, either to dine or sup. The company, almost entirely consisting of young people, wait together till twelve o'clock strikes, at which time every one begins to move, and they all fall to work. At what? why, kiss ; ng. Each male is successively locked in pure Platonic embrace with each female ; and after this grand ceremony, which of course creates infinite fun, they separate and go homo. This matter is not at all confined to these, but wherever nan meets woman it is the particular privilege of this hour. The common people think it necessary to drink what they call hot-pint, which consists of strong beer, whisky, eggs, &c. ; a most horrid composition ; as bad, or worse than that infamous mixture called fig-one,* which the English people drink on Good Friday." The letter from which this is an extract is signed Henry Beckersteth, and dated Edinburgh, January 1st, 1802. Till very few years ago, in Scotland (says a correspondent of Chambers' Book of Days, vol. i. p. 28), the custom of first-footing was practised on New Year's morning. On the approach of twelve o'clock of the last night of the old year, a hot-pint f was prepared that is, a kettle or flagon full of warm, spiced, and sweetened ale, with an infusion of spirits. When the clock had struck the knell of the departed year, each member of the family drank of this mixture, " and good health, and a happy New Year, and many of them, to all the rest," with a general hand-shaking, and perhaps a dance round the table, with the addition of a song to the tune of Hey tuttie taitie : " Weel may we a' be, HI may we never see. Here's to the king And the gude companie !" &0. The elders of the family would then most probably gaily out with the hot kettle, and bearing also a competent provision of buns and short-bread, or bread-and-cheese, with * DmiKtless a nvsprint for fi'i-sve. See under Good Friday, t Called also a hct-piitt. 7 iute' '1 eltscope, 1824, p. 3 16 NE\V YEAU'S DAY. [JAN. I. tlie design of visiting tlicir neighbours, and iuterehanging with them the same cordial greetings. If they met by the way another party similarly bent whom they knew, they would stop, and give and take sips from their respective kettles. Beaching the friend's house, they would enter with vociferous good wishes, and soon send the kettle circulating. If they were the first to enter the house since twelve o'clock they were deemed as the first-foot ; and as such it was most important for luck to the family in the coming year, that they should make this entry not empty-handed, but with their hands full of cakes, and bread-and-cheese ; of which, on the other hand, civility demanded that each individual in the house should partake. To such an extent did this custom prevail in Edinburgh, in the recollection of persons still living, that according to their account, the principal streets were more thronged between twelve and one in the morning than they usually were at mid-day. Much innocent mirth prevailed, and mutual good feedings were largely promoted. An unlucky circumstance which took place on the 1st January, 1812, proved the means of nearly extinguishing the custom. A small party of reckless boys formed the design of turning the innocent festivities of first-footing to account for purposes of plunder. They kept their counsel well. No sooner had the people come abroad on the principal thoroughfares of the Old Town than these youths sallied out in small b mds, and commenced the business which they had under- taken. Their previous agreement was to look out for the white neckcloths, such being the best mark by which they could distinguish in the dark individuals likely to carry any property worthy of being taken. A great number of gentle- men were thus spoiled of their watches and other valuables. The least res 'stance was resented by the most brutal maltreatment. A policeman and a youug man of the rank of a clerk in Leith died of the injuries they had received. An aifair so singular, so uncharacteristic of the people among whom it happened, produced a widespread and lasting feeling of surprise. The outrage was expiated by the execution of three of the youthful rioters on the chief scone of their w 'ck dness ; but from that time it was observed that . NEW YEAH'S DAT. 17 tlio old custom of going about with the hot pint the ancient wassail fell off. There was in Scotland also a first-footing independent of the hot-pint. It was a time for sonic youthful friend of the firmly to steal to the door, in the hope of mooting there the young maiden of his fancy, and obtaining the privilege of a kiss as her first-foot. Great was the disappointment on his part, and great the joking among the family, if, through accident or plan, some half-withered aunt or ancient grand* dame came to receive him instead of the blooming Jenny. Boole of Days, vol. i. p. 29. In the south of Scotland, as soon as the clock has struck the midnight hour, one of a family goes to the well as quickly as possible, and carefully skims it ; this they call getting the scum or ream (cream) of the well : " Twall struck twa neebour Lizzies raise, An' liltifi gaod a sad gate ; The flower o' the well to our house gaes An* I'll the boimiest lad get." The flower of the well signifies the first pail of water, and the girl who is so fortunate as to obtain the prize is sup- posed to have more than a double chance of obtaining the most accomplished young man in the parish. Med. j?Eci Kalend. vol. i. p. 129. As soon as the last night of the year sets in, it is the signal with the Strathdown Highlander for the suspension of his usual employment, and he directs his attention to more agreeable callings. The men form into bands, with tethers and axes, and shaping their course to the juniper bushes, the} return home laden with mighty loads, which are arranged round the fire to dry until morning. A certain discreet person is despatched to the dead and living ford to draw a pitcher of water in profound silence, without the vessel touching the ground, lest its virtue should be destroyed, and on his return all retire to rest. Early on New Year's morn- ing the usque-cashrichd, or water from the dead and living ford, is drunk, as a potent charm until next New Year's Day, against the spells of witchcraft, the malignity of evil eyes, and the activity of all infernal agency. The qualified High- c 18 KEW YEAR'S DAY. [JAN. i. lander then takes a large brush, with which he profusely asperses the occupants of all beds ; from whom it is not uu- usual for him to receive ungrateful remonstrances against ablution. This ended, and the doors and windows being thoroughly closed, and all crevices stopped, he kindles piles of the collected juniper in the different apartments, till the vapour from the burning branches condenses into opaque clouds, and coughing, sneezing, wheezing, gasping, and other demonstrations of suffocation ensue. The operator, aware that the more intense the " smuchdan " the more propitious the solemnity, disregards these indications, and continues, with streaming eyes and averted head, to increase the fumiga- tion, until in his own defence he admits the air to recover the exhausted household and himself. He then treats the horses, cattle, and other bestial stock in the town with the same smothering, to keep them from harm throughout the year. When the gude wife gets up, and having ceased from coughing, has gained sufficient strength to reach the bottle dhu, she administers its comfort to the relief of the sufferers; laughter takes the place of complaint, all thei family get up, wash their faces, and receive the visits of their neighbours, who arrive full of congratulations peculiar to the day. Mu nose choil orst, " My Candlemas bond upon you," is the customary salutation, and means, in plain words, " You owe me a New Year's gift." A point of great emulation is, who shall salute the other first, because the one who does so is entitled to a gift from the person saluted. Breakfast, consisting of all procurable luxuries, is then served, the neighbours not engaged are invited to partake, and the day ends in festivity. Popular Superstitions of the Highlanders of Scotland, Stewart, 1851. Pennant, in his Tour in Scotland (1790, vol. i. p. 206), say B that on New Year's Day the Hi gli landers burn juniper before their cattle. FORFARSHIRE. At the commencement of the New Year* the opulent burghers of Montrose begin to feast with their friends, and to go a round of visits, which takes up the space of many * Also at Christinas. JAN. I.] HANDSEL MONDAY. 19 weeks. Upon such occasions, the gravest is expected to be merry, and to join in a cheerful song. Stat. Ace. of Scot- land, Sinclair, 1793, vol. v. p. 48. ORKNEY ISLES. At Lady, companies of men go to the houses of the rich, and awake the family by singing the New Year's song, in full chorus. When the song is concluded, the family enter- tain the musicians with ale and bread, and give them a smoked goose or apiece of beef. Stat. Ace. of Scotland, 1815, vol. xvr-pr1r$2r^x At the parishes^ of Cross, Burness, &c., New Year's gifts, under the title of " Christmas presents," are given to maid- servants by their masters. Stat. Account of Scotland, Sin- clair, 1793, voL vii. p. 488. HANDSEL MONDAY. SCOTLAND. THE first Monday of the year is a great holiday among the peasantry of Scotland aud children generally, as being the day peculiarly devoted in that country to the giving and receiving of presents. It is on this account called Handsel Monday, handsel being in Scotland the equivalent of a Christinas-box, but more especially implying a gift at the commencement of a season or the induing of some new garment. The young people visit their seniors in expecta- tion of tips (the word, but not the action, unknown in the north). Postmen, scavengers, and deliverers of newspapers look for their little annual guerdons. Among the rural population, Auld Handsel Monday, i.e. Handsel Monday old style, or the first Monday after the twelfth of the month, is the day usually held. The farmers used to treat the whole of their servants on t^at morning to a liberal break- fast of roast and boiled, with ale, whisky, and cake, to their c 2 20 EVE OF THE EFIPJIANT. [JAN. 5. utmost contentment, after which the guests went about teeing their friends for the remainder of the day. It was also the day on which any disposed for change gave up their places, and when new servants were engaged. Even now, when most old fashions are much decayed, Auld Handsel Monday continues to be the holiday of the year to the class" of farm-labourers in Scotland. Book of Days, vol. i. p. 52. Co. OF EDINBUKGH. At Currie the annual fair and Old Handsel Monday are the only periodical holidays for the working classes ; on which latter occasion the servants enjoy the pleasure of return- ing to the bosom of their families, and spending the close of the day with their friends. The early part is generally observed in the less innocent amusement of raffles, and shooting with fire-arms, which, being often old and rusty, as well as wielded by inexperienced hands, have occasioned some disagreeable accidents. Stat. Ace. of Scotland 1845, vol. i. p. 550. JAN. 5.] EVE OF THE EPIPHANY. FORMERLY itinerant minstrels used to bear a bowl of spiced wine to the houses of the gentry and others, from whom they expected a hospitable reception, and calling their bowl a wassail-bowl, they drank wassail to their entertainers. In ancient kalendars is an observation on the 5th day of January, the Vigil of the Epiphany, "Kings created by beans," and the sixth day is called " Festival of Kings," with another remark, that " the ceremony of electing kings was continued with feasting for many days." Med. JEvi Kalend, vol. i. p. 134. DEVONSHIEE. At Kingsbridgc and Salcombe it was formerly customary for the ciderist, attended by his workmen with a large can or pitcher of cider, guns charged with powder, &c., to JAN. 5.] EVE OF THI! EPIPHANY. 21 repair to the orchard, and there at the foot of one of the best-bearing apple-trees, drink the following toast three times repeated, (discharging the fire-arms in conclusion : u Here's to thee, old apple tree, AVh nee thou may's! bud, And whence thou may'st blow ! And whence thou inay'st b ar apples enow ! Hats full ! caps full ! Bushel bushel - sa< ks full ! And my po, kuts full t o ! Huzza !" The pitcher being emptied, they returned to the house, th& doors of which they were certain to find bolted by the females ; who, however bad the weather might be, were inexorable to all entreaties to open them, till some one had divined what was on the spit. This was generally not easily thought of, and if edible was the reward of him whe first named it. The party were then admitted. Kingsbridge and Salcombe Historically Depicted, 1819, p. 71. Vide Gent. Mag. 17 l Jl, vol. Ixi. p. 403. Brand, on the authority of a Cornishman, relates it also as a custom with the Devonshire people to go after supper iiit > the orchard with a large milk-pan full of cider, having roasted apples pressed into it. Out of this each person in company takes what is calle;! a dome i.e. earthenware cup, full of liquor, and standing under each of the more fruitful apple-trees, passing by those that are not good bearers, ho addresses them in the J oH > -ving words : " Health to thee, jrood appL- tr., "\\Y1I to bear po -kct-fu Is, hat-fulls, Peck-fulls, bushel bag-fulld;" and then drinking up part of the contents, he throws the rest, with the fragments of the roasted apples, at the tree. At each cup, the company set up a shout. Pop. Antiq. 1849, vol. i. p. 29. Herrick thus alludes to this custom and the superstition attached to it : "Wassail the trees, that they may bear "You m:iny a plum and many pear; For more or less fruit th y will b ing, As you s's perquisite; if before (in what is termed the boosyj the bailiff himself claims the pr.ze. The company then return to the house, the doors of which they find locked, nor will they be opened until some joyous songs are sung. On their gaining ad- mittance a scene of mirth ensues, which lasts the greater part of the night. Gent. Mag. 1791, vol. Ixi. p. 116. STAFFORDSHIBE. According to Blount the inhabitants of this county at one time made a fire on the eve of the Epiphany, in memory of the blazing star that conducted the three Magi to the manger at Buthlehem. YORKSHIRE. In the neighbourhood of Leeds, families formerly invited their relations, friends, and neighbours to their houses, for the purpose of playing at cards, and partaking of a supper of which mince pies were an indispensable ingre- dient. After supper was over the wassail-cup or wassail- bowl was brought in, of which every one partook, by taking with a spoon out of the ale a roasted apple and eating it, and then drinking the healths of the company out of the bowl, wishing them a merry Christmas, and a happy New Year. The festival of Christmas used in this part of the country to be held for twenty days, and some persons extended it even to C audlernas. The ingredients put into the bowl, viz., ale, sugar, nut- meg, and roasted apples, were usually called lambs' wool, and the night on which it was drunk was commonly called Wassail Eve. Gent. Mag. 1784, vol. liv. p. 98. IEELAND. In Ireland " on Twelve Eve in Christmas, they use to set up as high as they can a sieve of oats, and in it a dozen of caudles set round, and in the centre one larger, all lighted. 24 TY/ELFTH-DAY. [JAN. 6. This in memory of our Saviour and his Apostles, lights, of the world." Sir Henry Piers' Description of the County \of Westmeath, 1682, in Vallancey's Collectanea de Rebus Hiber- nicis, vol. i. No. 1, p. 124. . 6.] TWELFTH DAY. THE EPIPHANY. IN its character as a popular festival. Twelfth Day stands only inferior to Cbr'stmas. The leading object held in view is to do honour to " the three wise men," or, as they areTmore generally denominated, " the tliree kings." It is a Christian custom, ancient past memory, and probably suggested by a paing about the town variously dressed in ribbons, etc.; soinu with a female among them, some with a man in women's clothes, some with a plough : they dance and collect money which is afterwards spent in a feast. Time's Telescope, 1816, p. 3. DERBYSHIRE. On Plough Monday the "Plough bullocks" are occa- sionally seen ; they consist of a number of young men from various farmhouses, who are dressed up in ribbons, their shirts (for they wear no coats or waistcoats) literally covered with rosettes of various colours and their hats bound with ribbons, and decorated with every kind of ornament that comes in their way ; these young men yoke themselves to a plough, which they draw about, preceded by a band of music, from house to house, collecting money. They are accompanied by the Fool and Bessy ; the Fool being dressed in the skin of a calf, with the tail hanging dowu behind, and Bessy generally a young man in female attire. The Fool carries an inflated bladder tied to the end of a long stick, by way of whip, which he does not fail to apply pretty soundly to the heads and shoulders of his team. When anything is given a cry of " Largess 1" is raised, and a dance performed round the plough. If a refusal to their application for money is made they not unfrequently plough up the pathway, door-stone, or any other portion of the 40 PLOUGH MONDAY. [J.O. 7. premises they happen to be near. Jour, of Arch. Assoc. 1852, vol. vii. p. 202. HUNTINGDONSHIRE. Plough Monday is observed in this county. The mummers are called "Plough-Witchers." and their cere- mony, " Plough-Witching." N. & Q- 2nd S. vol. ix. p. 381. LEICESTERSHIRE. Macaulay (History of Claybroolc, 1791, p. 128,) says : On Plough Monday I have taken notice of an annual display i,f morris-dancers at Claybrook, who come from the neigh- bouring villages of Sapcote and Sharnford. LINCOLNSHIRE. A correspondent of the Book of Days, vol. i. p. 94, giving the following interesting account as to how Plough Monday was, in days gone by, celebrated in the county, says : Kude though it was, the Plough procession tluevv a life into the dreary scenery of winter, as it came winding along the quiet rutted lanes, on its way from one village to another ; for the ploughmen from many a surrounding hamlet and lonely farmhouse united in the celebration of Plough Monday. It was nothing unusual for at least a score of the " sons of the soil " to yoke themselves with ropes to the plough, having put on clean smock frocks in honour of the day. There was no limit to the number who joined in the morris-dance, and were partners with "," who carried the money-box ; and all these had ribbons in their huts, and pinned about them wherever there was room to display a bunch. Many a hardworking country Molly lent a helping hand in decorating out her Johnny for Plough Monday, and finished him with an admiring exclamation of " Lawks, John ! thou does look smart, surely." Some also wore small bunches of corn in their hats, from which the wheat was soon shaken out by the ungainly jumping which they called dancing. Occasion- ally, if the winter was severe, the procession \\ as joined by J.\N. 7.] PLOUGH MONDAY. 41 threshers carrying their flails, reapers bearing their sickles, and carters with their long whips, which they were cracking to add to the noise, while even the smith and the miller were among the number, for the one sharpened the plough- shares and the other ground the corn ; and Bessy rattled his box, and danced so high that he showed his worsted stockings and corduroy breeches ; and very often, if there was a tliaw, tucked up his gown skirts under his waistcoat, and shook the bonnet oif his head, and disarranged the long ringlets that ought to have concealed his whiskers. For ]i ssy is to the procession of Plough Monday what the leading figurante is to an opera or ballet, and dances about as gracefully as the hippopotami described by Dr. Living- stone. But their rough antics were the cause of much laughter, and rarely do we ever remember hearing any coarse jest that would call up the angry blush to a modest cheek. No doubt they were called " plough-bullocks," through drawing the plough, as bullocks were formerly used, and are still yoked to the plough in some parts of the country. The rubbishing verses they recited are not worth preserving, beyond the line, which graces many a public-house sign, " God spied the plough." At the large farmhouse, besides money they obtained refreshment, and through the quantity of ale they thus drank during the day managed to get what they called " their load by night." Even the poorest cot- tagers dropped a few pence into Bessy's box. But the great event of the day was when they came before some house which bore signs that the owner was well- to-do in the world, and nothing was given to them. Bessy rattled his box, and the ploughmen danced, while the country lads blew the bullocks' horns, or shouted with all their might ; but if there was still no sign, no coming forth of either bread-and-cheese or ale, then the word was given, the ploughshare driven into the ground before the door or window, the whole twenty men yoked pulling like one, and in a minute or two the ground before tlie house was as brown, barren, and ridgy as a newly-ploughed field. But this was rarely done, for everybody gave something, and were it but little the men never murmured, though they might talk 42 PLOUGH MONDAY. [JAN. 7. about the stinginess of the giver afterwards amongst them- selves, more especially if the party was what they called *' well off in the world." We are not aware that the plough- men were ever summoned to answer for such a breach of the law, for they believe, to use their own expressive language, " they can stand by it, and no law in the world can touch 'era, 'cause it's an old charter ;" and we are sure it won LI spoil their " folly to be wise." One of the mummers generally wears a fox's skin in the form of a hood ; but beyond the laughter the tail that hangs down his back awakens by its motion as he dances, we are at a loss to tind a meaning. Bessy formerly wore a bullock's tail behind, under his gown, and which ho held in his hand while dancing, but that appendage has not been worn of late. NORFOLK. Hone's Tear Book, p. 29, gives a quotation from a Brief e Relation, &c., 1646, wherein the writer says, that the Monday after Twelfth Day is called " Plowlick Monday " by the husbandmen in Norfolk, " because on that day they doe first begin to plough." NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. In the northern and eastern parts of the county Plough Monday is more noticed than in the neighbourhood of Northampton. The pageant varies in different places; sometimes five persons precede the plough, which is drawu by a number of boys with their faces blackened and reddled. Formerly, when the pageant was of a more important cha- racter than now, the plough was drawn by oxen decorated with ribbons. The one who walks first in the procession is styled the Master, and is grotesquely attired, having on a large wig ; two are gaily bedizened in women's clothes ; and two others have large hunches on their backs, on which is sewed the knave of hearts. These two are called Eed Jacks, or fools. Each of the five carries a besom, and one of them a box, which he rattles assiduously among the spectators to obtuin their donations, which are spent at night in con- viviality and jollification. lu some instances they plough up JAN. 12.] SCOTCFI LOCAL CUSTOM. 43 the soil in front of the houses of such persons as refuse their contributions. Before the iiiclosure of open fields, there was another custom in connection with the day. Wheu the ploughman returned from his labours in the evening, tho servant-maid used to meet him with a jug of toast and alu ; and if he could succeed in throwing his plough-hatchet into the house before she reached the door, lie was entitled to a cock to throw at Shrovetide ; but if she was able to present him with the toast and ale first, then she gained the cock. (See page 38.) Baker's Northamptonshire Words and Phrases, 1854, ii. 1257. YORKSHIRE. On the Monday after Twelfth Day, says Clarkson (Hist. of Richmond, 1821, p. 293), a number of young men from the country, yoked to a plough, drag it about the streets, begging money, in allusion to the labours of the plough having ceased in that severe weather. In like manner tlie watermen in London, when the Thames is covered with m i i hard frosts, haul a boat about tlie streets, to show that they are deprived of the means of earning their livelihood. JAN 10.] OXFORDSHIRE. Pointer, in his Oxoniensis Academia (1749, p. 96), alludes to a practice observed at St. John's and Corpus Christ! Colleges, Oxford, of having a speech spoken on this day, in laudem Laudi Archiepisco^n. JAN. I2.J SCOTLAND. This day is observed by the people of Halkirk, as New Year's Day, a time when servants arc too apt to spend their hard-earned penny in drink and other equally useless purposes. Stat. Ace. of Scotland, 1845, vol. xv. p. 75. 44 IIALLAUD NIGHT. [JAIL 14. JAN. 13.] ST. HILAEY'S DAY. ST. Hilary is memorable in the annals of Eichmond, in the county of York, as on the anniversary of his festival the mayor is chosen for the ensuing year, which causes it to be observed as a jubilee-day among the friends, and those con- cerned in corporation matters. St. Hilary likewise gives name to one of the four seasons of the year when the courts of justice are opened. Clark- son's, Hist, of Richmond, 1821, p. 293. JAN. 14.] MALLAED NIGHT. OXFORDSHIRE. THIS day was formerly celebrated in All Souls College, Oxford, in commemoration of the discovery of a very large mallard or drake in a drain, when digging for the foundation of the college ; and though this observance no longer exists, yet on one of the college " gaudies " there is sung in memory of the occurrence a very old song called " The swapping, swapping mallard." "THE MEKRY OLD SONG OF THE ALL SOULS MALLAED. " Griffin, bustard, turkey, capon, Let other hungry mortals gape on; And on the bones their stomach fall hard. But let All Souls' men have their Mallard. Oh ' by the bloo:l of King Edward,* Oh ! by the blood of King Edward, It was a swapping, swapping Mallard. * The allusion to King Edward is surely an anachronism, ns King Henry VI. was reigning at the time of the foundation of the collugo. Hook of Days, vol. i. p. 114. JA.\. 1 7.] SEPTUAGESIMA. 45 The Romans once admired a gander More than they did their chief commander; Because he saved, if some don't fool us, The place that's called th' 'head of Tolus.' Oh ! by the blood of King Edward, &o. The poets feign Jove turned a swan, But let them prove it if t:.ey c;m ; As for our proof, tis not at all hard, For it was a swapping, swapping Mallard. Oh ! by tl.e blood of King Edward, &o. Therefore let us sing and danoe a g"lliard. To the remembrance of the Mallard ; And as the Mallard dives in pool, Let us dabble, dive, and duck in bowL Oh ! by the blood of King Edward, Oh ! by the blood of King Edward, It was a swapping, swapping Mallard." When Pointer wrote his Oxonicnsis Academia (1749), he committed a grave offence by insinuating that this immor- tal: sod mallard was no other than a goose. The insinuation produced a reply from Dr. Buckler, replete with irresistible irony ; but Pointer met a partisan in Mr. Bilson, chaplain of All Souls, who issued a folio sheet entitled ' Proposals for printing by subscription the History of the Mallar- dians,' with the figure of a cat prefixed, said to have been found starved in the college library. Hist, of Co. of Oxford, 1852, p. 144. JAN. 17.] SEPTUAGESBtA. SEPTUAGESIMA occurs between this day and February the 22ud, according as the Paschal full moon falls. It was formerly distinguished by a strange ceremony, denominated the Funeral of Alleluia. On the Saturday of Septuagesima, at nones, the choristers assembled in the great vestiary of the cathedral, and there arranged the ceremony. Having finished the last benedicamus, they advanced with crosses, torches, holy waters, and incense, carrying a turf in the 46 ST. AGNES' EVE. [JAN. 20. manner of a coffin, passed through the choir, and went howling to the cloister as far as the place of interment ; and then having sprinkled the water and censed the place, returned by the same road. Fosbroke's British Monachism. 1843, p. 56. JAN. 20.] ST. AGNES' EVE. THIS night was formerly much venerated by young maidens who wished to know when and whom they should marry. It was required that on this day they should not eat, which was called "fasting St. Agnes' fast." Keats has made this custom the subject of one of his poems. The following are a few stanzas from it : * St. Agnes's Eve ! All, bitter chill it wns! The owl, for all his feathers, was o-cold; The hare limp'd trembling through the frozen grass, And silent was the nock in woolly fold. ****** They told me how, upon St. Agnes's Eve Young virgins miglit have visions of delight; And soft a'loringtj from their loves receive, Upon the honey'd middle of the night, If ceremonies due they did aright; As snpperlcss to bed they nm.-t retire, And couch supine their beauties, lilywhite; Nor look behind, nor sideways, but require Of Heaven, with upward eyes, for all that they desire. ****** Her vespers done, Of all its wretched pearls her hair she frees ; Unclasp'd her warmed jewels one by one; Loosens her fragrant bodice ; by degrees Her rich attire creeps rustliug to her knees: Hulf hidden, like a mermaid in sta-weed, Pensive awhile she dreams awake, and sees, In fancy, fair St. Agnes in her bed, But dares not look behind, or all the charm is fled." SCOTLAND. Formerly on the eve of St. Agnes' Day the following custom was, and perchance still is observed in the northern JAN. 24.] ST. PAUL'S EVE. 17 parts of Scotland by the mountain peasantry. A number of young lads and lasses meeting together on the eve of St. Agnes, at the hour of twelve, went one by one to a certain cornfield, and threw in some grain, after which they pro- nounced the following rhyme : u Agones swoet and Agnes fair. Hither, hither, now repair; Bnny Agues, let me see Tlie lad who is to marry me." The prayer was granted by their favourite saint, and the shadow of the destined bride or bridegroom was seen in a mirror on this very night. Time's Telescope, 1832, p. 15. JAN. 21.] ST. AGNES' DAY. SINCE the Reformation, St: Agnes has by degrees lost her consequence in this country as superstition has subsided ; though our rural virgins in the north are yet said to practise some singular rites, in keeping " what they call St. Agnes' Fast, for the purpose of discovering their future husbands." Clavis Calendaria, Brady, 1815, vol. i. p. 170. See Mother Bunch's Closet NeicJy Broke Open, 1825 (?). Anatomy of Melancholy, Burton, 1660, p. 538. JAN. 24.] ST. PAUL'S EVE. CORNWALL. THE first red-letter day in the Tinner's Calendar is St. Paul's Pitcher-day, or the Eve of Paul's Tide. It is marked l>y a very curious and inexplicable custom, not only among tin-streamers, but also in the mixed mining and agricultural town and neighbourhood of Bodmin, and among the sea- faring population of Padstow. The tinner's mode of observ- ing it is as follows : On the day before the Feast of St. Paul, a water-pitcher is set up at a convenient distance, 48 ST. PAUL'S DAT. [JAN. 25. and pelted with stones until entirely demolished. The men then leave their work, and adjourn to a neighbouring ale- house, where a new pitcher bought to replace the old one is successively filled and emptied, and the evening is given up to merriment and misrule. On inquiry whether some dim notion of the origin and meaning of this custom remained among those who still keep it up, it was found to be generally held as an ancient festival intended to celebrate the day when tin was first turned into metal in fact, the discovery of smelting. It is the occasion of a revel, in which, as an old streamer observes, there is an open rebellion against the water-drinking system which is enforced upon them whilst at work. The custom of observing Pauls Pitcher Night is probably half-forgotten even in Cornwall at the present time, where many of the ancient provincial usages have been suffered to die out. It was, however, in full vigour so recently as 1859. The boys of Bodmin parade the town with broken pitchers, and other earthenware vessels, and into every house, where the door can be opened, or has been inadvertently left so, they hurl a " Paul's pitcher," exclaiming, " Paul's Eve, And here's a heave." According to custom, the first " heave " cannot be objected to ; but upon its repetition the offender, if caught, uiay be punished. Brand's Pop. Antiq. 1870, vol. i. p. 23 ; N. & Q. 1st S. vol. iii. p. 239 ; 2nd S. vol. viii. p. 312. JAN. 25.] ST. PAUL'S DAT. STRYPB, in his Ecclesiastical Memorials (1822, vol. iii. part i. p. 331), says : On the 25th of January (1554), being St. Paul's Day, was a general procession of St. Paul by every parish, both priests and clerks, in copes, to the number of an hundred and sixty, singing Salve festa dies, with ninety crosses borne. The procession was through Cheap unto Leadenhall. And before went two schools ; that is, first, all JAN. 25.] ST. PAUL'S DAT. 49 the children of the Gray Friars, and then those of St. Paul's Hchool. There were eight b shops, and the Bishop of London, mitred, bearing the Sacrament, with many torches burning, and a canopy borne over. And so about the churchyard, and in at the West door, with the Lord Mayor and Aldermen, and all the Companies in their best liveries. And within a while aftur, the King came, and the Lord ( Cardinal, and the Prince of Pieuiont, and divers lords and knights. At the foot of the steps to the choir, as the King went up, kneeled the gentlemen lately pardoned, offering him their service. After mass, they returned to the court to d-nner. And at night bonfires, and great ringing of hells in every church. And all this joy was for the conversion of the realm. It was on this day that the husbandmen of old used to make prognostics of the weather, and of other matters f >r the whole year, a custom which Baurne (Antiquitatcs Vulrjares, chap, xviii. p. 159) has tried to unravel. New Curiosities of Literature, Soanc, 1847, p. 42. St. Paul's Cathedral. One of the strangest of the old ceremonies in which the clergy of St. Paul's Cathedral used to figure was that \vhich was performed twice a year, namely, on the day of the Conversion, and on that of the Com- memoration of St. Paul. On the former of these festivals a fat buck, and on the latter a fat doe, was presented to the church by the family of Baud, in consideration of some lauds which they held of the Dean and Chapter at West Lee in Essex. The original agreement made wit'i Sir William Le Baud, in 1274, was that he himself should attend in person with the animals ; but some years afterwards it was arranged that the presentation should be made by a servant, accompanied by a deputation <.f part of the family. The priests, however, continued to perform their part in the show. On the aforesaid days, the buck and doe were brought by one or more servants at the hour of the precession, and through the midst thereof, and offered at the high altar of St. Paul's Cathedral ; after which the persons thai brought tjie buck received of the Dean and Chapter, by the hands ^ f their chamberlain, twelvepence for their entertainment ; 50 EXECUTION OF CHARLES I. [JAN. 31. but nothing when tliey brought the doe. The buck being brought to the steps of the altar, the Dean and Chapter, apparelled in copes and proper vestments, with garlands of roses on their heads, sent the body of the buck to be baked, and had the head and horns fixed on a pole before the dross in their procession round about the church, till they issued at the West door, where the keeper that brought it blowed the death of the buck, and then the horns that were about the city answered him in like manner ; for which they had each of the Dean and Chapter three and fourpence in money, and their dinner ; and the keeper, during his stay, meat, drink, and lodging, and five shillings in money at his going away; together with a loaf of bread, having on it the picture of St. Paul. This custom was continued till the reign of Elizabeth. Beauties of England, Brayley and Britton, 1803, vol. v. p. 486. JAN. 31.] EXECUTION OF CHAELES I. THE anniversary of the execution of King Charles I. was formerly celebrated, and a special form of prayer made use of, which was removed from the Prayer Book by an Act ot Parliament (22 Viet. c. 2, March 25, 1859). The following extract is taken from the Courier, of the 30th of January, 1826 : " This being the anniversary of King Charles' Martyrdom (in 1649), the Royal Exchange gates were shut till twelve o'clock, when they were opened fur public business." There is a story told regarding a Miss Russell, great grand- daughter of Oliver Cromwell, who was waiting-woman to the Princess Amelia, daughter of George II., to the effect that, while engaged in her duty one 30th of January, the Prince of Wales came into the room, and sportively said, "For shame, Miss Russell ! why have you not been at church, humbling yourself with weepings and wailings for the sins on this day committed by your ancestor ?" To which Miss JAN. 31.] NEWAUK RAFFLING DAY. 51 Russell answered, " Sir, for a descendant of the great Oliver Cromwell, it is humiliation sufficient to be employed, as I am, in pinning up the tail of your sister!" Rede's Anec- dotes, 1799, quoted in Book of Days, vol. i. p. 192. JAN. 31.] ISLE OF On the eve of the 1st of February a festival was for- merly kept, called in the Manks language Laa'l Breeshey, in honour of the Irish lady who went over to the Isle of Man to receive the veil from St. Mnughold. The custom was to gather a bundle of green rushes, and standing with them in the hand on the threshold of the door, to invite the holy Sa - 'nt Bridget to come and lodge with them that night. In the Manks language, the invitation ran thus : " Brede. Brede, tar gys my thie, tar dyn thie ayms noght. Foshil je yn dorrys da Brede, as Ihig da Brede e heet staigh." In English, " Bridget, Bridget, come to my house, come to my house to-night open the door for Bridget, and let Bridget come in." After these words were repeated, the rushes were strewn on the floor by way of a carpet or bed for St. Bridget. Train's History of the Isle of Man, 1815, vol. ii. p. 116. NOTTINGHAMSHIRB. The following extract from the Newark Advertiser of Feb. 2nd. 1870, describes a custom that existed for a lor^ time at Newark : " For many years past the last day in January has been observed in Newark as a raffling day for oranges in the market-place. On Monday last application was made to Mr. Superintendent Riddcll, at the Post Office, as to whether the practice would be allowed this year as usual. He advised thorn to apply to the sitting magistrates, and upon doing so Mr. Wallis (deputy clerk) read to them the Act of Parlia- ment, which state 1 that they would be liable to three months' hard labour if they raffled. The applicants said they believe.l Uicre was some old charter which gave them the privilege 2 52 CANDLEMAS EVE. [FEU. I in Newark for raffling on that day, but they were told the Act of Parliament made no exceptions, and the magistrates said they could not give them permission to break the law. On Monday, therefore, no raffling took place, and we may regard the practice as finally put an end to, which will be a matter of great satisfaction to many. See, Every Day Book, vol. ii. p. 161. OXFORDSHIRE. By the common people, the Saturday preceding Shrove Tuesday is called Egg Saturday. This name is employed as a date by Anthony h Wood : " One hundred and ninety-two bachelors to determine this Lent, but twenty-three or there- abouts were not presented on Egg Saturday." Med. JEvi Kalend. vol. i. p. 158. Lives of Leland, Mearne, and Wood, 1772, vol. ii. p. 297. FEB. i.J CANDLEMAS EVE. ON Candlemas Eve was kindled the yule-brand, which was allowed to burn till sunset, when it was quenched and care- fully laid by to teend (i.e. light) the Christmas clog or log at the next return of the season. Thus Herrick, Hesperides, p. 337, says : 4< Kindl<' the Christmas Brand, and then Till sunne-set let it burne : Which quencl.t, then lay it up agen Till Christmas next returne. Part must bo kept wherewith to teend The (Jhristmas Log next yeare ; And where 'tis safely kept, the fiend Can do no mischiefe there." The rosemary, the bay, the ivy, the holly, and the mistletoe, the Christmas decorations of hall and cottage, were now FEB. I.] CANDLEMAS EVfi. 53 pulled down, when, according to the popular superstition, not a branch, nor even a leaf, should be allowed to remain. ** Down with the Rosemary and so Down with the Bates and the Misleto: Down with the Holly, Ivie, all Wherewith ye drtss the Christmas BaUt That so the superstitious find No one least branch there left behind ! For look, how many leaves there be Negkcted there (maids trust to me), So many goblins you shall see.'' Herrick (Besperides, p. 361), In the place, however, of the Christmas decorations, the "greener box was upraised," and Christmas now was posi- tively at an end. Some indeed, considered this to have been the case on Twelfth Night, and old Tusser, in his Fice Hundred Points of good Husbandry, strongly contends for it ; but then his head was more full of the cart and plough than of regard for old customs ; and like any other master, he .vas naturally anxious that the holidays should be ended, and the labourers should get to work again as soon as possible ; and merry-making, however agreeable it may be, will not help to dig the land or sow the grain. But in spite of these wise saws, the truth of which nobody would contest, human feelings are stronger than human reason, and customs, when they tend to pleasure, will maintain their ground till they are superseded, not by privations, but by other forms of amusement. New Curiosities of Literature, Soane, 1847 t vol. i. p. 52. The following is from Herrick's Hesperides, p. 337. * Down with the Rosemary and Bayes, Down with the Misleto ; Instead of Holly, now tip-i aise The greener Box for show. The Holly hitherto did sway, Let Box now domineere, Until the dancing Easter Day, Or Easter's Eve appeare. Then youthful Box, which now hath grace Your houses to renew, Grown old. surrender must his place Unto the crisped Yew. 54 CANDLEMAS DAT. [FEB. 2. When Yew is out, then Birch com; s in, And many flowers beside ; Both of a fresh and flagrant kiune To honour Whit&oatide. Green Bushes then, and sweetest Bents, With coolt-r Oaken boughs, Come in for comely ornaments To re-adoru the house. Thus times do shift; each thing his turne does hold; New things succeed, as former things grow old." NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. It was at one time customary, in the villages bordering on the Trent, to decorate not only churches but houses with branches of box, and to light up a number of candles in the evening, as being the last day of Christmas rejoicings. " On Candlemas Day throw candles away " is a popular proverb for the following day. Jour. Arch. Assoc. 1853, vol. viii. p. 231. FEB. 2.] CANDLEMAS DAY. THIS day, the festival of the " Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary," is sometimes called Christ's Presentation, the Holiday of St. Simeon, and The Wives' Feast. The ceremony of candle-bearing (which continued in England till it was repealed for its Popish tendency by an order in council in the second year of King Edward VI.) is generally considered to refer to what Simeon said when he took the infant Jesus in his arms, and declared that he was a light to lighten the Gentiles. Pope Innocent, in a sermon on this festival quoted in Pa- gano Papismus, in reply to the question " Why do we (the Catholics) in this feast carry candles ?" says, " Because the Gentiles dedicated the month of February to the infernal gods; and as at the beginning of it Pluto stole Proserpine, and her mother, Ceres, sought her in the night with lighted . 2.J CANDLEilAS DAY. 55 candles, so they in the beginning of thJs month, walked nbitnt the city with lighted candles. Because the holy fathers could not utterly extirpate this custom, they ordained that Christians should carry about candles in honour of the blessed Virgin Mary ; and thus what was done before to the honour of Ceres is now done to the honour of the Virgin." From whatever cause, however, the ceremony originated, it acquired many additional rites in the process of time, according to the manners and habits of those who adopted it. We are told in Dunstan's Concord of Monastic Rules that "the monks went in surplices to the church for candles, which were to be consecrated, sprinkled with holy water, and incensed by the abbot. Every monk took a candle from the sacrist and lighted it. A procession was made, thirds and mass were celebrated, and the candles, after the offering, were presented to the priest. The monks' candles signified the use of them in the parable of the wise virgins." According to some authorities, there was on this day a general consecration of all the candles to be burnt in the Catholic churches throughout the whole year ; and it should also be mentioned that from Candlemas the use of tapers at vespers and litanies, which had continued through the whole winter, ceased until the ensuing All Hallow Mass, which will serve to explain the old English proverb in Bay's collec- tion: " On Candlemas Day, Tlirow candle and candlestick away." New Curiosities of Literature, voL i p. 25. *v DORSETSHIRE. Formerly at Lyme Regis the wood-ashes of the family being sold throughout the year as they were made, the person who purchased them annually sent a present on this day of a large candle. When night came, this candle was lighted, and, assisted by its illumination, the inmates regaled themselves with cheering draughts of ale, and sippings of punch, or some other animating beverage, until the candle Lad burnt out. The coming of the Candlemas Caudle was 56 CANDLEMAS DAY. [FEB. 2. looked forward to by the youug ones as an event of some importance ; for of usage they had a sort of right to sit up that night, and partake of the refreshment, till all retired to rest, the signal for which was the sell-extinction of the Candlemas Candle. Every Day Book, vol. i. p. 206. YORKSHIRE. Formerly at Ripon, on the Sunday before Candlemas Day, the collegiate church was illuminated with candles. Gent Mag. 1790, vol. Ix. p. 719. SCOTLAND. At grammar schools it is, or was, an universal custom for the children attending schools to make small presents of money to their teachers. The master sits at his desk or table, exchanging for the moment his usual authoritative look for one of bland civility, and each child goes up in turn and lays his offering down before him, the sum being generally proportioned to the abilities of the parent. Six- pence and a shilling are the usual sums in most schools, but some give half, and whole crowns, and even more. The boy and girl who give most are respectively styled king and queen. The children being then dismissed for a holiday proceed along the streets in a confused procession, carrying the king and queen in state, exalted upon that seat, formed of crossed hands, which, probably from this circumstance, is called "the king's chair." In some schools it used to be cus- tomary for the teacher, on the conclusion of the offerings, to make a bowl of punch, and regale each boy with a glass to drink the king and queen's health, and a biscuit. The latter part of the day was usually devoted to what was called the Candlemass bleeze or blaze, namely, the conflagration of any piece of furze which might exist in their neighbourhood, or, were that wanting, of an artificial bonfire. According to Sinclair the king's power lasted for six weeks, and during his reign he was not only entitled to demand an afternoon's play for the scholars once a \veuk, but B. 2.] .COLLOP MONDAT. 57 had also the royal privilege of remitting punishments. B >k of Days, vol i. p. 214. Stat. Ace. of Scotland, Sinclair, 17 ( J4, vol. xiii. p. 211. It was formerly customary in Scotland to hold a football match, the east end of a town against the west, the unmarried men against the married, or one parish against another. The " Candlemas ha'," as it was called, brought the whole community out in a state of high excitement. On one oc- casion when the sport took place in Jed burgh, the contend- ing parties, after a struggle of two hours in the streets, transferred the contention to the bed of the river Jed, and tliere fo.ight it out amidst a scene of fearful splash and dabblcment, to the infinite amusement of a multitude looking on from the bridge. Book of Days, vol. i. p. 214. WESTERN ISLES or SCOTLAXD. As Candlemas Day comes round, the mistress and servants of each family taking a sheaf of oats, dress it up in woman's apparel, and after putting it in a large basket, beside which a wooden club is placed, they cry three times, " Briid is come ! Briid is welcome 1" This they do just b-ii re going to bed, and as soon as they rise in the morning, (bey look among the ashes, expecting to see the impression of Briid's club there, which if they do, they reckon it a true presage of a good crop and prosperous year, and the contrary they take as an ill-omen. Description of the Western Isles of Scotland, Martin, 1703, p. 119. COLLOP MONDAY. THE Monday before Shrove Tuesday is so called because it was the last day of flesh-eating before Lent, and our an- cestors cut their fresh meat into collops or steaks, for salting or hanging up until Lent was over ; and heuce in many places it is customary to have eggs and collops, or slices of bacon at dinner on this day. Every Day Book, vol. i. p. 241. 58 COLLOP MONDAY. [FliU. 2. BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. At Eton it was the custom for the scholars to write verses either in praise or dispraise of Father Bacchus, poets being considered as immediately uader his protection. He was therefore sung on this occasion in all kinds of metres, and the verses of the boys of the seventh and sixth, and some of the fifth forms, were affixed to the inner doors of the college. Verses are still written and put up on this day, but the young poets are not confined to the subject of writing eu- logiums on the God of Wine. It retains, however, the name of Bacchus. Brand's Pop. Antiq., vol. i. p. 62. Status Scholce Etonensis, A.D. 1560, fol. 423. CORNWALL. On the day termed Hall' Monday, which precedes Shrove Tuesday, about the dusk of the evening it is the custom for boys, and in some cases for those who are above the age of boys, to prowl about the streets with short clubs, and to knock loudly at every door, running off to escape detection on the slightest sign of a motion within. If, however, no attention be excited, and especially if any article be discovered negligently exposed, or carelessly guarded, then the things are carried away ; and on the following morning are dis- covered displayed in some conspicuous place, to expose the disgraceful want of vigilance supposed to characterise the owner. The time when this is practised is called " Nicka- nan night ;" and the individuals concerned are supposed to represent some imps of darkness, who seize on and expose unguarded moments. On the following eve (Shrove Tuesday), the clubs are again in requisition ; but on this occasion the blows on the door keep time to the following chant : ** Nicka, nicka nan ; Give me some pancake, and then Fll be gone. But if you give me none, I'll throw a great stone, And down your doors shall come." Report of the Royal Institution of Cornwall for 1842; A. & Q. 1st S. vol. xii. p. 297. FEB. 2.1 COLLOP MONDAY. 59 DEVONSHIEE. In the neighbourhood of Bridestow, Okehampton, the children go round to the different houses in the parish on the Monday before Shrove Tuesday, generally by twos aiid threes, and chant the following verses, by way of extracting from the inmates sundry contributions of eggs, flour, butter, halfpence, &c., to furnish out the Tuesday's feast : ** Lent Crock, give a pancake, Or a fritter, for my labour, Or a dish of flour, or a piece of bread, Or what you please to render. I see, by the latch, There's something to catch; I see, by the string, There's a good dame within. Trap, trapping throw, Give me my mumps, and I'll be go " (gone)t The above is the most popular version, and the one indigenous to the place; but there is another set, which was introduced some years ago by a late schoolmistress, who was a native of another part of the country, where her version was customary : * Shrovetide is nigh at hand, And we are come a-shroving ; Pray. Dame, give something, An apple, or a dumpling, Or a piece of crumple cheese, Of your own making, Or a piece of pancake. Trip, trapping throw ; Give me my mumps, and 111 be go." This custom existed also in the neighbourhood of Salis- bury. N. & Q. 1st S. vol. v. p. 77. Pop. Antiy. 1849, vol i, p. 62. 60 ST. BLAIZE'S DAt. [FEB. 3. FEB. 3.] ST. BLAIZE'S DAY. ST. Blasius was Bishop of Sebaste, a city of Cappadocia, in the Lesser Asia, and is said to have suffered martyrdom in the persecution of Licinus in 316. The fact of iron combs having been used in tearing the flesh of the martyr appears to be the reason for his having been adopted by the wool-combers as their patron saint. The large flourish- ing communities engaged in this business in Bradford, and other English towns, are accustomed to hold a septennial jubilee on the 3rd of February, in honour of Jason of the Golden Fleece and St. Blaizo; and not many years ago the fete was conducted with considerable state and ceremony. Book of Days, vol. i. p. 219. In 1825 the procession was drawn up in .the following order : Herald bearing a flng. Woolstnplrrs on horseback, ea^h horsu ca; >arisoned with a fleece. Worsted Spinners awl manufacturers on horseback, in whit- stuff waistcoats, with each a sliver over the shoulder, and a white stuff sa4i ; the hordes' necks covered with nets made of thick yarn. Merchants on horseback, with coloured sashes. Time guards. Masters' Colours. Three guards. Apprentices and Masters Sons, on horseback, with ornamented caps, scarlet stuff coats, white stuff waistcoats, and blue pantaloons. Bradford and Keighley Hands. Mace-bearer, on foot. Six guards. Kinir. Queen. Six guards. Guards. Jason. Princess Medea. Guards. Bishop's Ch;i plain. Bishop Blaao. Shepherd and Shepherdess. Shepherd Swains. Wodlsorters, on horseback, with ornamented caps, and various coloured falivers. Comb Makers. Charcoal Hur/iers. Combers' Colours. Baud. Woolcombers, witli wool wigs, &C. Band. J)yere, with red cockades, blue aprons, and crossed slivers of red and blue. FEU. 3.] ST. BLAIZE'S DAT. 61 Before the procession started it was addressed by Kichurd Fawcett, Esq., in the following lines : Hail to the day, whose kind auspicious raya Deign VI first to smile on famous Bishop Blase I To the great author of our Combing traon pride him in his Colchian spoil, By hard-hips gain'd, and enti-rj ri.-ing toil ; Since Britons all with ease attain the prize, And every hill resounds with golden cries, To celebrate our founder's great renown. Our shepherd and our shepherdess we crown. For England's commerce and for George's sway Each loyal subject irive a loud Huzza. Huzza 1 Every Day Book, vol. i. p. 209. See also Northampton* shire Words and Phrases, ii. p. 416. Minpheu, in his Ductor in Linguas, (1617, p. 236), under the word Hock-tide speaks of S. Blase his day, about Can- dlemas, when countrywomen goe about and make good cheere ; :ind if they finde any of their neighbour women a spinning tliat day, they burne and make a blaze of fire of the distaffe, and thereof called S. Blaze his day. Dr. Percy, in his Notes to the Northumberland Household Book (1825, pp. 833-435), tells us that the anniversary of 62 SHROVE TUESDAY. [FEB. J. St. Blasius is the 3rd of February, when it is customary in many parts of England to light fires on the hills on St. Blayse night : a custom anciently taken up, perhaps, for no better re ason than the jingling resemblance of his name to the word " blaze." Candles offered to St. Blaze. In honour of St. Blaze there formerly were offered to him candles, which after receiving benediction were considered holy, and became highly serviceable to all pious uses. Clavis Calendaria, Brady, 1812. vol. i. p. 299. Beauties of England and Wales, Brayley and Britton, 1809, vol. ii. p. 418. SHEOVE TUESDAY. SHROVE Tuesday derives its distinctive epithet in English, from the custom of the people in applying to the priest to shrive them, or hear their confessions, before entering on the great fast of Lent the following day. Its Latin and Con- tinental names have all a reference to the last time of eating flesh. After the people had made the confession required by the ancient discipline of the Church, they were permitted to indulge in festive amusements, though re- stricted from partaking of any repasts beyond the usual substitutes for flosh ; hence the name carnaval, etymologi- cally signifying, Flesh, fare thee well. From this cause originated the custom of eating pancakes at Shrove- tide, which began on the Sunday before the first in Lent. Med. Mvi Kalend. vol. i. p. 158. That none, however, might plead forgetfulness of the ceremony of confessing and being shriven, the great bell was rung at an early hour in every parish, and in after times this ringing was still kept up in some places, though the cause of it ceased with the introduction of Protestantism ; it then got the name of the Pancake Bell. Taylor, the water poet (in his Jacke-a-Lent, 1630, vol. i. p. 115), gives the following curious account as to the way in which Shrove Tuesday was celebrated in olden times : FEB. 3.] SHUOVE TUESDAY. G3 " Always before Lent there comes waddling a fat, grosse groome, called Shrove Tuesday, one whose manners show he is better fed than taught, and indeed he is the only monster for feeding amongst all the dayes of the yeere, for he devoures more flesh in fourteene houres than this old kingdom doth (or at least should doe) in sixe weekes after. Such boyling and broyling, such roasting and toasting, such stewing and brewing, such baking, frying, mincing, cutting, carving, devouring, and gorbellied gurmondizing, that a man would thinke people did take in two months' provision at once. Moreover it is a goodly sight to see how the cookes in great men's kitchins doe frye in their master's suet, that if ever a cooke be worth the eating, it is when Shrove Tuesday is in towne, for he is so stued and larded, basted, and alm< st over-roasted, that a man may eate every bit of him and never take a surfet. In a word, they are that day extreme cholerike, and too hot for any man to meddle with, being monarchs of the marrow-bones, marquesses of the mutton, 1< rds high regents of the spit and kettle, barons of the gridiron and sole commanders of the frying-pan. And all this hurly burly is for no other purpose than to stop the mouth of the land-wheale, Shrove-Tuesday, at whose entrance in the morning all the whole kingdome is in quiet, but by the time the clocke strikes eleven which by the help of a knavish sexton is commonly before nine, then there is a l>ell rung called the Pancake-Bell, the sound whereof makes thousands of people distracted and forgetful either of manner or humanitie. Then there is a thing cal'd wheat'n flowre, which the sulphory, necromanticke cookes doe mingle with water, eggs, spice, and other tragicall, magicall inchant- ments, and then they put it little by little into a frying-pan of boyling suet, where it makes a confused dismal hissing like the Lernean snakes in the reeds of Acheron, Stix, or Phlegeton until at last by the skill of the cooke it is trans- formed into the forme of a flap-jack, which in our transla- tion is call'd a pancake, which ominous incantation the ignorant people doe devoure very greedily having for the most part well dined before but they have no sooner swal- lowed that sweet candied baite, but straight their wits forsake them, and they runne starke mad, assembling in 64 SHROVE TUE3DAY. [FEB. 3. routs and throngs numberlesse of ungovernable numbers, with uncivill civil commotions. " Then Tim Tatters a most valiant villaine with an ensign made of a piece of a baker's maukiu fixed upon a broomstaffe, lie displaies his dreadful colours, and calling the rasped regiment together, makes an illiterate oration, stnft with most plentiful want of discretion, the conclusion whereof is. that somewhat they will doe, but what they know not; until at List comes marching up another troupe of tatterdemalions, proclayming wars against no matter uho, so they may be doing. Then these youths arm'd with cudgels, stones, hammers, rules, trowels, and handsawse. put play-houses to the sacke, and * * * to the spoyle, in the quarrel breaking a thousand quarrels of glasse, I mean making ambitious brickbats breako their neckes, tumbling from the tops of lofty chimnies, terribly uutyliug houses, ripping up the bowels of feather beds, to the inriching of upholsters, the profit of plaisterers and dirt-dawhcrs. the gaine of glasiers, joyners, carpenters, tylers and bricklayers ; and, what is worse, to the contempt of justice; for what avails it for a con- stable with an army of reverend rusty bill-men to command peace to these beastes ? for they with their pockets, instead of pistols, well charged with stone-shot, discharge against the image of authority whole volleys as thicke as hayle, which robustious repulse puts the better sort to the worst part, making the band of unscowered halberdiers retyre faster than ever they come on, and show exceeding discretion in proving tall men of their heels. So much for Sltrove Tuesday, Jacke-a-Lent's gentleman usher ; these have been his humours in former times, but I have some better hope of reformation in him hereafter, and indeed I wrote this before his coming th's yeere, 1G17, not knowing how hee would behave himselfe; but tottering betwixt despaire and hope I leave him." In connection with the custom of eating pancakes on this day, Fosbroke in his Encyclopaedia of Antiquities (vol. ii. p. 572) says that " Pancakes, the Norman Crispellce, are taken from the Fornacalia, on Feb. 18th, in memory of the practice in use before the goddess Fornax invented ovens." The Saxons called February " Solmonath," which Dr. F. Sayers, in his Disquisitions, says is explained by Bcde's FEB. 3.] SHROVE THE DAT. 65 " Mensis Placentarum," and rendered by Speluian, in an inedited MS., " Pancake month," because in the course of it cakes were offered by the Pagan Saxons to the Sun. Our most usual name of this Tuesday, sajs Hampson (Med. JEvi Kalend. vol. i. p. 158), is originally Swedish : pankaka, an omelette ; but, it has been absurdly derived from the Greek TTO.V and KO.KOL, all bad, in reference to the penitents at confession. At one time Shrove Tuesday was the great holiday of the apprentices. Why it should have been so, says Hone (Every Day Book, 1826, vol. i. p. 258), is easy to imagine, on re- collecting the sports that boys were allowed on that day at school. The indulgences of the ancient city apprentices were great, and their licentious disturbances ?taud recorded in the annals of many a fray. The old plays make us aware of a licence which they took on Shrove Tuesday to assail houses of dubious repute, and cart the unfortunate inmates tli rough the city. Book of Days, vol. i. p. 239 ; See Dekker's Seven Deadly Sinnes, 1606, p. 35. Coch-Fiyhting. Cock-fighting was a very general amuse- ment up to the end of the last century. It entered into the occupations of the old and young. Schools had their cock- fights. Travellers agreed with coachmen that they were to wait a night if there was a cock-fight in any town through which they passed. A battle between two cocks had five guineas staked upon it. Fifty guineas, about the year 1760, depended upon the main or odd battle. This made the decision of a " long-main" at cock-fighting an important matter. The church bells at times announced the winning of a " long-main." Matches were sometimes so arranged as to last the week. When country gentlemen had sat long at table, and the conversation had turned upon the relative merits of their several birds, a cock-fight often resulted, as the birds in question were brought for the purpose into the d ; ning-room. Roberts, Social History of S. Counties of England, 1856, p. 421. Formerly cock-fighting was practised on Shrove Tuesday to a very great extent ; and in the time of King Henry VI I. this diversion seems to have been practised within the pre- cincts of the court. In a royal household account, occurs I 66 SHIIOVE TUESDAY. [F^B. 3. tb? following :" March 2,7 Hen. VII. Hera, to Master B: ay for rewards to them that brought Cokkes at Shrovetide, at Westm r . xx 8 ." The earliest mention of cock-fighting in England is by FitzStephens, who died in 1191. He mentions it as one of the amusements of the Londoners, together with the game of foot-ball. He says ; " Yearly at Shrove-tide the boys of every school bring fighting-cocks to their masters, and all the forenoon is spent at school, to see these cocks fight together. After dinner all the youth of the city goeth to play at the ball in the fields ; the scholars of every study have their balls : the practisers also of the trades have every- one their ball in their hands. The ancienter sort, the fathers, and the wealthy citizens, come on horseback to see these youngsters contending at their sport, with whom, in a manner, they participate by motion ; stirring their own natural heat in the view of the active youth, with whose mirth and liberty they seem to communicate." Cock-fighting is now happily by law a misdemeanour, and punishable by penalty. Throwing at Cocks. In days not very long gone by, the inhuman sport of throwing at cocks was practised at Shrove- tide, and nowhere was it more certain to be seen than at the grammar-schools. The poor animal was tied to a stake by a short cord, and the unthinking men and boys who were to throw at it took their station at the distance of about twenty yards. Where the cock belonged to some one disposed t> make it a matter of business, twopence was paid for three sines at it, the missile used being a broomstick. The sport was continued till the poor creature was killed out- right by the blows. Such outrage and tumult attended this inhuman sport a century ago that it was sometimes dan- gerous to be near the place where it was practised. Book of Days, 1863, vol. i. p. 238. The following extract is taken from the Daily London Advertiser, Wednesday. March 7th, 1759 : Yesterday, being Shrove Tuesday, the orders of the justices in the City and Liberty of Westminster were so well observed that few cocks were seen to be thrown at, so that it is hoped this barbarous custom will be left off. In Men-Miracles (by M. Lluclliu, student of Christ FKB. 3.] SHROVE TUESPAY. 67 Church, Oxon, 1679, p. 48), quoted by Brand, Pop. Antiq., 1849, voL i. p. 78, is the following ironical song on cock- throwing: " Cocke a doodle doe, 'tis the bravest game, Take a cock from his dame, And bind him to a stake : Bow he struts, how he throwea, How he staggers, how he ciowea, As if the day newly brake. ** How his mistress cackles, Thus to fiud him in shackles. And tied to ;i pncke-tliread giirter. Oli, the beards ami the bulb Aie t>ut coipulcrit gulLs To the valiant Shrove- tide martyr." SJiying at Leaden Cocks. This was probably in imitation of the barbarous custom air ady described of "shying" or throwing at the living animal. The " cock " was a repre- sentation of a bird or beast, a man. a horse, or some device, with a stand projecting on all sides, but principally behind the figure. These were made of lead cast iu moulds. They were shyed at with, dumps from a small distance agreed upon by the parties, generally regulated by the sizo or weight of the dump, and the value of the cock. If the thrower overset or knocked down the cock, he won it ; if he failed, hu lost his dump. Shy for Slnj. This was played at by two boys, each having a cock placed at a certain distance, generally tit about four or five feet asumler, the players standing behind thu!r cocks, and throwing alternately ; a bit of stone or wood was generally used to throw with ; the cock was won by him who knocked it down. Corks and dumps were exposed for sale on the butchers' shambles on a small board and were the perquisites of the apprentices who made them ; and many a pewter plate, and many an alc-ln iuse pot, were melted at this season for shying at cocks, which was as soon as fires were lighted in the autumn. These games, and all others among the boys of London, had their particular times or seasons ; and when any game v 2 68 SHROVE TUESDAY. [FEB. 3. was out, as it was termed, it was lawful to steal the thing played with ; this was called smugging, and it was expressed l>y the boys in a doggrel air. " Tops are in, spin 'em agin. Tops are out, smugging about." or, " Tops are in, spin 'em agin. Dumps. are out, c." The fair cock was not allowed to have his stand extended behind more than his height and half as much more, nor much thicker than himself, and he was not to extend in width more than his height, nor to project over the stand ; but fraudulent cocks were made extending laterally over the side, so as to prevent his lying down sideways, and with a long stand behind ; the body of the cock was made thinner, and tlie stand thicker, by which means the cock bent upon being strack, and it was impossible to knock him over. Every Day Book, vol. i. p. 253. Threshing the Hen was a custom formerly practised on this day. The following account taken from Tusser Redivivus, 1710 (8vo. June, p. 15), is curious. " The hen," says the writer, " is hung at a fellow's back, who also has some horso- bells about him, the rest of the fellows are blinded, and have boughs in their hands, with which they chase this fellow and his hen about some large court or small enclosure. The fellow with his hen and bells shifting as well as he can, they follow the sound, and sometimes hit him and his hen ; other times, if he can get behind one of them, they thresh one another well favouredly ; but the jest is, the maids are to blind the fellows, which they do with their aprons, and the cunning baggages will endear their sweethearts with a peeping-hole, whilst the others look out as sharp to hinder it. Aiter this the hen is boiled with bacon, and store of pancakes and fritters are made." The same writer adds that after the hen-threshing, " she that is noted for lying a^bed long, or any other miscarriage, hath the first pancake presented to her, which most commonly falls to the dogs' share at last, for no one will own it their due." FEB. 3.] SHROVE TUESDAY^ 69 With regard to the origin of this custom, it has been conjectured that as the fowl was a delicacy to the labourer, it was therefore given to him on Shrove Tuesday for sport and food. Tusser, in his Five Hundred Points of Good Husbandry (1620), has the following lines : " At Shrovetide to sliroving, go thresh the fat hen, If lilmdfold can kill her, then five it thy men. Maids, fritters, and pancakes enough see you make, Let Slut have one pancake, for company sake." In some places, if flowers are to be procured so early in tha season, the younger children carry a small garland, for the sake of collecting a few pence, saying : " Flowers, flowers, hijrh do ! Shreeny, greeny, rino ! (Sheeny greeny, sheeny greeny, Bum tuui fra !" Brand, Pop. Antiq. 1849, vol. i. p. 68. BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. At Eaton, on Shrove Tuesday, as soon as ever the clock strikes nine, all the boys in the school cry TO BAKXO, Til BAKXO, TO BAKXO, as loud they can yell, and stamp and knock with their sticks ; and then they doe all runne out of the schoole. Aubrey MS., A.D. 1686, Brit. Mus. A MS. in the British Museum already alluded to (Status Scholce Etonensis, A.D. 1560, MS. Brit. Mus. Donat. 4843 fol.423) mentions a custom of the boys of Eton school beiu- allowed to play from eight o'clock for the whole day ; and of the cook's coming in and fastening a pancake to a crow, which the young crows are calling upon, near it, at the school door. CHESHIRE. Pennant, in his Journey from Chester to London, tells us of a place at Chester without the walls, called the Rood-Eye, where the lusty youth in former days exercised themselves in manly sports of the ago : in archery, running, leaping, and 70 SHROVE TUESDAY. [FEB. J. wrestling, in mock fights and gallant romantic triumphs. A standard was the prize of emulation. In a pamphlet also, entitled, Certayne Collection ofAncJiiante Times, concerninge the Anchiante and Famous Cittie of Chester, published in Lysons' Magna Britannia (1810, vol. ii. p. 585), is the following : " That whereas the Companye and Corporation of Shoe- makers within the cittie of Chester did yearely, time out of memory of man, upon Tewsday, commonly called Shrove Tuesday, or otherwise Goteddesse day afternoon, at the Cross upon the Koode-Dee, before the Mayor of the said cittie, offer unto the Company of Drapers of the same cittie ^a ball of leather, called a foote-ball, of the value of 3s. 4d. 01 thereabouts : and by reason of the greate strife which did arise among the younge persons of the same cittie (while diverse parties were taken with force and strong handes to bring the said ball to one of these three houses, that is to say, to the Mayor's house, or any one of the two Sheriffs' houses of the time being), much harme was done, some in the great thronge fallingo into a trance, some having their bodies brused and crushed ; some their arms, heades, or logges broken, and some otherwise maimed, or in perill of life : to avoid the said inconveniences, and also to torne and couverte the said homage to a better use, it was thought good by the Mayor of the saide cittie and the rest of the Common-Council to exchange of the said footc-lall as followeth : that in place thereof, there be offered by the Shoemakers to the Drapers, six gleaves * of silver, the which gleaves they appoynted to be rewards unto such men as would come, and the same day and place, passe and overcome on foot all others : and the said gleaves were presently de- livered according to the runninge of every one; and this exchange was made in the time when Henry Gee was Mayor of Chester,f A.D. 1539, and in the thirty-firste yeare of Kiuge Henry the Eighth. * An obsolete word for a hand-dart. t The following is a copy of the order for the above-mentioned change, extracted from '' the Orders and Acts of A s.-eml ly, of the Miuor, Aldermen, find Common Council of the City of Clu ter," in the Town Clerb'a Office : "Jon *0 lien. viii. HENRY GEE, MATOK." After reciting the FKH. 3.] snnovK TUESDAY. 71 " Alsoe, whereas the Companye and occupation of the Sellers within the Cittie of Chester did yearuly by custome, t'me out of memorie of man, the same day, hour, and place, before the Mayor, offer upon a truncheon, staflfe or speare, a certaine homage to the Drapers of the cittie of Chester, called the Sadler's ball, profitable for few uses or purposes, as it was, beinge a ball of silk of the bigness of a bowle, was ancient use of archery and shooting in the long bow, for the honour and defence of the realm, and that the same is much de ayed. and other unl iwful g;imes much m use : " Ordered by the Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Council, with the consent of the whole occupation of drapers, sadlers, and shoemakers, that the said occupa- tion of shoemakers (which always have, time out of mind, ghen and delivered yeaily, on Shrove Tuesday in the afternoon, unto the drapers, before the Vnyor at the Cross on the Hoodee, one ball of leath r, called a foot-hall, of the value of 3 4d., or above, to play 8t from thence to the common-ball of the said city, and further at the pi asure of the evil-disposed persons; whereof hath arisen g;eat inconvi niencea) shall g ve and deliver yearly to the said drapers, b f e the Mayor at the saM time and pl-tce : six s Iver gleaves, each of the value of 27d. or above, to be disposed of at tho pleasure of the f-'aid Mayor and drapers, to him that shall win a foot-race before them, that or any other day; and that the siidlers (who have time out of inind given, and delivered yearly, at the same time and pla<>e, e ery master of them, unto the drapers, befo:e the Mayor, one painted ball of wood, with flowers and arms, upon the point of a spear, being goodly arrayed upon horseback accordingly) sh.,11 henc. forth give and deliver to the .-aid drapers, before the M.iyor, at the same time and place upon horseback, a bell of silvc r, to the value of 3. 4d., to be disposed of at the discretior of the Mayor and drapers, to him that shall get the horse races on that diy; and that every man that hnth been married in tho said city, since throve Tuesday, then last past, shall then and there also deliver to the said diapers before the Mayor, an arrow of silver, tn the value of 5. or above, instead of such ball of silk and velvet, which 8u<-h married men ought then to have given and deliveied by the a icient custom of the said city (usi d time out of mind), which silver arr.w ahull be disposed of by the Mayor and drapers, for the preferment of the said feat and exercise of dhooting in the loug-'>ow, for avoiding the said inconveniences, nny use or prescript on to the contrary uotwith-. landing ; nnd also, the said drapers and their successors, >hall keep yearly their recreation nnd drinking, as they used to do, time out of mind, and that the shoemakers and sadless, and persons hereafter to be married, shall olcrve this order upon pain of \0l. for every offence, toties quotief, to be forfeited to the drajers according to ancient custom." 72 SHUOVE TUESDAY. [FEB. 3. torned into a silver bell ; weighing about two ozs , as is supposed, of silver : the which saide silver bell was ordayned to be the rewarde for that horse, which with speedy run- ninge, then should rune before all others, and there presently should be given the daye and place. This alteration was made the same time, and by the same mayor, like as the Shoemakers' foote-ball was before exchanged into six silver gleaves. " Also, whereas of an anchant custom whereof man's memorie nowe livinge cannot remember the original and bcginninge, the same daye, hower and place, before the mayor fur the time beinge, every person which is married within the liberties of the saide cittie, dwelling wheresoever without, and all those that dwelle within the saide cittie. for one yeare before, and marye els where, did offer likewise a homage to the said Companye of Drapers before the Mayor, a ball of silke, of the like bignesse of a bowle ; the same mayor torned the same balls into silver arrowes, the which arrowes they tooke order should be given to those which did shoote the longest shoote, with divers kind of arrowes : this exchange was made as before is mentioned of the Shoemakers' foote-ball and the Sadlers' ball. In which exchange there appeared greate wisdom, anchent and sage senators, whoe had great studye and regarde to torne the foresaid thinges unto soe profitable uses and exercises; so that there is three of the most commendable exercises and practices of war-like feates, as running of men on foot, runninge of horses, and shootinge of the broad arrowe, the flighte and the butt-shaite, in the long-bowe, are yearely there used ; which is done in a very few (if in any) citties of England, soe far as I under- stand." CORNWALL. It was customary at one time to tie fowls to stakes, and set them as marks for boys to kill with bats. Hitchius, History of Cornwall, 1824, vol. i. p. 723. CUMBERLAND. Formerly the scholars of the free school of Bromfield, about the beginning of Lent, or, in the more expressive FEB. 3.] SHEOVE TUESDAY. 73 phraseology of the country, at Fasting's Even, used to bar out the master, i.e., to depose and exclude him from his school, and keep him out for three days. During the period of this expulsion, the doors of the citadel, the school, were strongly barricaded within ; and the boys, who defended it like a besieged city, were armed in general with lore-tree or elder pop-guns. The master meantime made various efforts, both by force and stratagem, to regain his lost authority. If he succeeded, heavy tasks were imposed, and the business of the school was resumed and submitted to, but it more commonly happened that he was repulsed and defeated. After three days' siege, terms of capitulation were proposed by the master, and accepted by the boys. These terms were summed up in an old formula of Latin Leonine verses, stipula- ting what hours and times should for the year ensuing be allotted to study, and what to relaxation and play. Securities were provided by each side for the due performance of these stipulations, and the paper was then solemnly signed by both master and pupils. One of these articles, always stipulated for and granted, was the privilege of immediately celebrating certain games of long standing : viz. a foot-ball match and a cock-fight. Captains, as they were called, were then chosen to manage and preside over these games : one from that part of the parish, which lay to the westward of the school ; the other fr< m the east. Cocks and foot-ball players were sought for with great diligence. The party whose cocks won the most battles was victorious in the cock-pit ; and the prize, a small silver bell, suspended to the button of the victor's hat, and worn for three successive Sundays. After the cock-fight was ended, the foot-ball was thrown down in the churchyard ; and the point then to be contested was, which party could carry it to the house of his respective captain, to Dundraw, perhaps, or West Newton, a distance of two or three miles, every inch of which ground was keenly disputed. All the honour accruing to the conqueror at foot-ball was that of possessing the ball.* Hutchinson's Hist, of Cumberland, vol. ii. p. 322. * AiMison is n If you'll give something, I'll be ago (i,e., gone)." N. & Q. 4th 8. vol. v. p. 380. DORSETSHIRE AND WILTSHIRE. In these, if not in other counties, a practice called Lent Crocking is observed. The boys go about in small parties visiting the various houses, headed by a leader, who goes up and knocks at the door, leaving his followers behind him, armed with a good stock of potshevds the collected relics of the washing-pans, jugs, dishes, and plates, that have become the victims of concussion in the hands of unlucky or careless housewives for the past year. When the door is opened, the hero who is, perhaps, a farmer's boy, with a pair of black eyes sparkling under the tattered brim of his brown milking-hat hangs down his head, and, with one FEB. 3.] SHROVE TUESDAY. 77 corner of his mouth turned up into an irrepressible smile pronounces the following lines : "A-shrovin, a-shrovin, I be come a-tshrovin ; A piece of bread, a piece of cheese, A bit of your fat l>ac-n ; Or a dish of dough nuts, All of your own rnakiu I " A-shrovin, a-shrovin, I be come a-shrovin, Nice meat in a pie, My month is very dry ! I wish a wuz zoo well-a-wet, I'de zing the louder for a nut ! Chorus. A shrovin, a-shrovin, We be come a shrovin !" Sometimes he gets a bit of bread and cheese, and at some houses he is told to be gone; in which latter case he culls up his followers to send their missiles in a rattling broadside against the door. Book of Days, vol. i. p. 239. The late Dr. Husenbeth in N. & Q. th S. voL ix. p. 135, gives another version of the above rhyme : " I'm come a shroveing, For a piece of pancake, Or a piece of bacon, Or a little truckle cheese, Of your own making. Give me some, or give me none, Or else your door shall have a stone." HAMPSHIRE. At Basingetcke, and in some other parts of this county, the boys and girls go to the houses of the well-to-do classes in little companies, and, knocking at the door, repeat the following rhyme : u Knick a knock upon the block ; Flour and lard is very dear, Please we come a shroving here. Your | an's hot, and my pan's cold, (Hunger makes ns shrovers bold) Please to give poor shrovers something here." They then knock again, and repeat both knocks and verses 78 SHROVE TUESDAY. [Fl2B. 3. until they receive something. The line in brackets is not said in Basingstoke and several other places. N. & Q. 1st S. vol. xii. p. 100. HERTFORDSHIRE. At Baldock, Shrove Tuesday is long anticipated by the children, who designate it Dough-Nut-Day; it being usual to make a good store of small calces fried in hog's lard, placed over the fire in a brass skillet, called dough-nuts, with which the young people are plentifully regaled. Brand, Pop. Antiq., 1849, vol. i. p. 83. At Hoddesdon, in the same county, the old curfew-bell, which was anciently rung in that town for the extinction and relighting of " all five and candle-light," still exists, and has from time immemorial been regularly rang on the morn- ing of Shrove Tuesday at four o'clock, after which hour the inhabitants are at liberty to make and eat pancakes until the bell rings again at eight o'clock at night. So closely is this custom observed, that after that hour not a pancake remains in the town. Every Day Book, vol. i. p. 242. HUNTINGDONSHIRE. Formerly there prevailed in this county a custom called code-running, which, though not quite so cruel as cock- throwing, was not much inferior to it. A cock was procured, and its wings were cut : the runners paid so much a head, and with their hands tied behind them ran after it, and the person who caught it in his mouth, and carried it to a certain place or goal, had the right of claiming the bird as his own. In this race there was much excitement, and not a little squabbling, and the one who was lucky enough to secure the bird frequently had his face and eyes very much pecked. Time's Telescope, 1823, p. 40. KENT. At All Saints', Maidstone, the ancient custom of ringing a bell at mid-day on Shpove Tuesday is observed, and is known as the " Fritter-Bell." Gent. Mag. 1868, Uh S. vol. v. p. 7G1. FEB. 3.] SIIilOVE TUESDAY. 79 LANOASHIBE. Part of the income of the head-master and usher of the grammar-school at Lancaster arises from a gratuity called a cock-penny, paid at Shrovetide by the scholars, who are suns of freemen ; of this money the head-master has seven- twelfths, the usher five-twelfths. It is also paid at the schools at Hawkshead and Clithero, in Lancashire ; and formerly was paid, also at Burnley, and at Whiteham and Milloiu, in Cumberland, near Bootle. Brand, Pop. Antiq., 1 49, vol. i. p. 72. The toss'ng of pancakes (and in some places fritters) on this day was a source of harmless mirth, and is still practised in the rural parts of Lancashire and Cheshire, with its ancient accompaniments : " It is the day whereon both rich and poor, Are chieny ft-asted on the self-s.une dish ; Wi en every paunch, till it can hold no more, Is fritter fill'd, as well as heart can wish ; And every man and maide doe take their turtle, Ami tosse th' ir pancakes up for feu re they burne And all the kitchen < oili with Ltughter bound, To fcO< the pancakes fall upon the "round." ia. Harland and Wilkinson, Lancashire Folk Lore, 18G7, p. 218. LEICESTERSHIRE. In the Newark, says Throsby (History of Leicester 1791, p. 356), on Shrove Tuesday is held the annual fair, chiefly for the amusement of the ycung. Formerly, there was -practised in its full extent the barbarous custom of throwing at cocks, but now the amusement is confined to the purchase of oranges, ginger-bread, &c., and to a custom known by the name of ' : WJtipping-Toms ;" a practice no doubt instituted by tbo dwellers in the Newark to drive away the rabble, after a certain hour, from the fair. Two, three, jr more men, armed with cart-whips, and with a hand- kerchief t ed over one eye, are let loose upon the people 5o flog them, who are generally guarded with boots on 80 SHliOVE TUESDAY. [FEB. 3. their legs and sticks in their hands. These whip-men, called " Whipping-Toms" are preceded by a bell-man, whose shake of his hand-bell gives a token or authority for the whipping the legs of those who dare to remain in the Newark. Many arts and devices are practised by the Whipping-Toms to take the people by surprise ; but quarrels sometimes ensue. At Olaybrook, in the same county, a bell rings at noon, which is meant as a signal for people to commence frying their pancakes. Macaulay, History of Claybrook, 1791. ISLE OF MAN. On this occasion it was formerly customary for the Manks to have Sollaghyn or Crowdy for dinner, instead of for breakfast, as at other times ; and for supper, flesh meat, with a large pudding and paneakes ; hence the Mauks proverb : " Ee shibber oie innid vees olty vnlg lane, My jig laa caisht yon trnaetf, son slum." M On Shrove Tuesday night, though thy supper be fat, Before Easter Day thou may'st fast for that." Train, History of the Isle of Han, 1845, vol. ii. p. 117. MIDDLESEX. At Westminster School, London, the following is observed to this day. At 11 o'clock A.M. a verger of the Abbey, in his gown, bearing a silver baton, emerges from the college kitchen, followed by the cook of the school, in his white apron, jacket, and cap, and carrying a pancake. On arriving at the school- room door, he announces himself, ' The Cook ;' and having entered the school-room, he advances to the bar which sepa- rates the upper school from the lower one, twirls the pancake in the pan, and then tosses it over the bar into the upper school, among a crowd of boys, who scramble for the pancake ; and he who gets it unbroken, and carries it to the deanery, demands the honorarium of a guinea (sometimes two guineas) from the Abbey funds, though the custom is not mentioned in the Abbey Statutes : the cook also receives two guineas for his performance. Book of Days, vol. i. p. 237. FB. 3.] SHIiOVE TUESDAY. 81 It is customary at Norwich to eat a small bun called cocque'els cook-eels coquilles (the name being spelt indifferently), which is continued throughout the season of Lent. Forby, in his Vocabulary of East Anglia, calls this production "a sort of cross-bun," but no cross is placed upon it, though its composition is not dissimilar. He derives the word from coquille in allusion to their being fashioned like an escallop, in which sense he is borne out by Cotgrave, who has " pain coquille, a fashion of an hard-crusted loafe. some- what like our stillyarcl bunne." A correspondent of Notes and Queries says that he has always tak^n the word to be " coquerells," from the vending of such buns at the barbarous sport of " throwing at the cock " (which is still called a cockerell in E. Anglia) on Shrove Tuesday. N. & Q. 1st S. vol. i. pp. 293 and 412. Formerly there used to be held at Norwich on Shrove Tuesday a most curious festivity, to which Blomefield in his History of Norfolk (1806, vol. iii.p. 155) incidentally alludes In 1442, he says, there was a great insurrection at Norwich, for which the citizens were indicted, who among other things- pleaded in their excuse : " That John Gladman, of Norwich, who ever was, and at thys onr is, a man of sad disposition, and trewe and feythfull to God and to the Kyng, of disporte, as hath been acustomed in ony cite or burgh thorowe alle this reame, on Tuesday in the last ende of Crestemesse, viz. Fastyngonge Tuesday, mado a disport with his neighbours, havyng his hors trappy d witli tynnsoyle, and other nyse disgisy things, corouned as Kyng of Crestemesse, in tokyn that seson should ende with the twelve monethes of the yere : aforn hym [went] ychernoneth, disgnyscd after the seson requiryd, and Lenfonclad in whyte and red heryngs skinns, and his hors trappyd with oystyr- shells after him, in token that sadnesse should folowe, and an holy tyme ; and so rode in diverse stretis of the cite, with other people with hym disguyssd, and makyng rayrth, disportes, and plays.'* 82 SH1SOVE TUES1 AY. [FEB. 3. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. In many parts of this county the church bell is rung about noon, as the signal for preparing pancakes. At Daventry the bell which is rung on this occasion is muffled on one side with leather, or buffed, as it is termed, and obtains the name of Pan-burn-bell. Jingling rhymes in connection with this day are repeated by the peasantry, varying in different districts. The following are the most current : " Pancakes and fritters, Says the bells of St. Peter's. "Where must we fry 'em ? Says t!-e bells of Cold Hicham. In yonder land thin-row [furrow], Says the bells of Wellingborough. You owe me a shilling, Says the bells of Great Billing. "When will you pny me ? Says the bells at Middleton Cheney. When I nm able, Says the bells at Dunstable. That will never be, Says the bells at Coventry. Oh, yes it will, Says Northampton Great BelL White bread and sop, Says the bells at Kingsthrop. Trundle a lantern, Says the bells at Northampton. 1 * That the bells of the churches of Northampton used also to be rung on this day may be inferred from the following similar doggerel : " Roast beef nnd marsh-mnllows, Says the bells of All Hallow's, t Pancakes and fritters. Says the bells of St. Peter's. Roast beef and boil'd, Siiys the bells of St. Giles'. Poker and tongs, Says the bells of St. John's.* St. John's Hospital. FEB. 3.] SHROVE TUESDAY. 83 Shovel, tongs, and poker, S:iys the bells of St. Pulrhre's.*" Baker, Northamptonshire Words and Phrases, vol. ii. p. 92. At Earls Barton the custom of making " leek pasties " is observed. A party of shoemakers, after procuring a chaff- cutter and a quantity of leeks, proceed to the green, where they publicly chop the vegetable to the amusement of the spectators. See Gent. Mag., 1867, S. vol. iv. p. 219. NORTHUMBERLAND. Formerly at Alnwick the waits belonging to the town used to come pluying to the Castle every year on Shrove Tuesday at two o'clock P.M., when a foot-ball was thrown over the Castle walls to the populace. Brand, Pop. Antiq., 1849, voL i. p. 92. NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. At Aspley Old Hall, in days gone by, butter and lard, fire and frying-pans were provided for all the poor families of Wollaston, Trowell, and Cossall, who chose to come and eat their pancakes at this mansion. The only conditions attached to the feast were, that no quarrelling should take place, and that each wife and mother should fry for her own family, and that when the cake needed turning in the pan, the act should be performed by tossing it in the air and catching it again in the pan with the uncooked side downwards. And many were the roars of laughter which took place among the merry groups iu the kitchen, at the mishaps which occurred in the perform- ance of this feast, in which his Honour and Madam joined. In addition to the pancakes, each man was allowed a qnart of good ale, women a pint, and children a gill. Sutton, Nottingham Date Book, 1852, p. 75. There is a curious tradition existing in Mansfield, Wood- house, Bulwell, and several other villages near Sherwood Forest, as to the origin of pancakes on Shrove Tuesday. The inhabitants of any of the villages will inform the questioner that when the Danes got to Linby all the Saxon men of the * The church of St Sepulchre is often called "Pulchre's" in Northampton. G 2 84 SHROVE TUESDAY. [FEB. 3. neighbouringvillages ran off into the forest, and the Danes took the Saxon women to keep house for them. This happened just before Lent, and the Saxon women, encouraged by their fugitive lords, resolved to massacre their Danish masters on Ash Wednesday. Every woman who agreed to do this was to bake pancakes for this meal on Shrove Tuesday as a kind of pledge to fulfil her vow. This was done, and that the massacre of the Danes did take place on Ash Wednesday is a well-known historical fact. N. & Q. 2nd S. vol. vii. p. 450. OXFORDSHIRE. In this county children go about singing the following rhyme, begging aj; the same time for half-pence : " Knick, knock, the pan's hot, And we be come a shroving : A bit of bread, a bit of cheese, A bit of barley dompling, That's better than nothing. Open the door and let us in, For we be come a pancaking." At Islip in the same county this version is used : " Pit a pat ; the pan is hot, We are come a shroving ; A little bit of bread and cheese Is better than nothing. The pan is hot, the pan is cold; Is the fat in the pan nine days old?" Brand, Pop. Antiq., 1849, vol. i. p. 88. ISLANDS OF SCILLY. The boys celebrate the evening of this day by throwing stones against the doors of the dwellers' houses : a privilege which they claim from time immemorial. The terms de- manded by them are pancakes or money to capitulate. Some of the alder sort, exceeding the bounds of this whimsical practice, in the dusk of the evening, set a bolted door or window-shutter at liberty, by battering in a breach with large pieces of rock stones, which sometimes causes work for the surgeon, as well as for the smith, glazier, and carpenter. FED. 3.] SHROVE lU/.SDAY. 85 The way of making reprisal, in such cases, is by a rope drawn across the road of the mischievous, by means of which their flight is suddenly interrupted, and themselves ignominiously hurled to the ground with the loss of their artillery. Heath, Account of Islands of Sc illy, 1750, p. 127. SHROPSHIRE. In The History and Antiquites of Lucttow, 1822 (pp. 188-189), occurs the following account of a custom formerly observed on this day : " The corporation provide a rope, three inches in thickness, and in length thirty-six yards, which is given out at one of the windows of the Market-House as the clock strikes four, when a Lirge body of the inhabitants divided into two parties one contending for Castle Street and Broad Street wards, and the other for Old Street and Corve Street wards commence an arduous struggle, and as soon as either party gains the victory by pulling the rope beyond the pi-escribed limits, the pulling ceases, whioh is, however, renewed by a second, and sometimes by a third contest; the rope being purchased by subscription from the victorious party, and given out again. Without doubt this singular cust. m is symbolical of some remarkable event, and a remnant of that ancient language of visible signs, which, says a cele- brated writer, "imperfectly supplies the want of letters, to perpetuate the remembrance of public or private transactions." The sign, in this instance, has survived the remembrance of the occurrence it was designed to represent, and remains a profound mystery. It has been insinuated that the real occasion of this custom is known to the corporation, but that for some reason or other, they are tenacious of the secret. An obscure tradition attributes this custom to circumstances arising out of the siege of Ludlow by Henry VT., when two part cs arose within the town, one supporting the pretensions of tlie Duke of York, and the other wishing to give admittance to the king; one of tho baililfs is said to have headed the latter party. History relates that, in this contest, many lives were lost, and that the bailiff, heading his party in au attempt to opon Dinham Gate, fell a victim there." 86 SHROVE TUESDAY. [FEB. 3. An odd practice seems to prevail in some parts of Somerset- shire, and also in Devonshire and Dorsetshire on Shrove Tuesday, which is locally nick-named Sharp Tuesday. The youngsters go about after dusk, and throw stones against people's doors, by what is considered by them an indefeasible right. They at the same time sing in chorus : " I be come a slirovin Vor a little pankiak ; Abit o' bread o' your baikin, Or a little truckle clu-ese o' your maikin, If you'll gi' me a lif.tle, I'll ax no more, If you don't gi' me nothin, I'll rattle your door." Brand, Pop. Antiq. (Ed Hazlitt), 1870, vol. i. p. 48. STAFFORDSHIRE. In this county Shrove Tuesday goes by the name of Goodish Tuesday. #. & Q. 2nd S. vol. v. p. 209, SUFFOLK. At Bury St. Edmund's on Shrove Tuesday, Easter Monday, and the Whitsuntide festivals, twelve old women side off for a game at trap-and-ball, which is kept up with the greatest spirit and vigour until sunset. Afterwards they retire to their homes, where " Voice, fiddle, or flute, No longer is mute," and close the day with apportioned mirth and merriment Every Day Book, vol. i. p. 430. SURREY. The following ig taken from the Times of March 7th, 1862: " Shrove Tuesday was observed, as in days of yore, at FL-B. 3.] SHROVE TUESDAY. 87 Dorking,* first by a perambulation of the streets by the foot- ball retinue, composed of grotesquely-dressed persons, to the sounds of music, and in the afternoon by the kicking of the ball up and down the principal thoroughfares of the town. The usual number of men and boys joined in the sport, and played, especially towards the end of the game, with a rough- ness extremely dangerous to the limbs of the competitors. As 6 o'clock drew near the struggle for victory became more vehement ; the palm, however, was obtained, for the fifth year, by the players from the west end of the town. The old custom of tolling the ' pancake bell ' during the morning was, on this occasion, as during the last two or three years, dispensed with." West Surrey Times. ISLE OP WIGHT. At Brighstone parties of young boys, girls, and very small children parade the village, singing the following words : u Shroving, shroviug. I am come to shroving. White bread and apple pie, My mouth is very dry ; I wish I were well a-wet, As I could siug for a nut. Shroving, shroving, I am come to shroving. A piece of bread, a piece of cheese, A piece of your fat l>ac<>n, Dough nuts and pancakes, All of your own making. Shroving, shroving, I am come to shroving;." f N. & Q. 1st S. vol. xi. p. 239. YOBKSHIBE. A correspondent of N. & Q. 2nd S. vol. v. p. 391, pays tliat all the apprentices in the town of Hedon whose inden- tures terminate before the return of the day assemble in the * This custom prevails at Epsom. N. & Q. 3rd S. vol. i. p. 439. It seems to have been observed also at Twickenham, Bushy, Teddington, Kingston. Snj Cook, vol. i. p. 245. t For a more detailed account of tlic Isle of Wight Shrovers, see Halli well's Popular Rhymes, 1849, p. 246. 88 SHROVE TUESDAY. [FEB. 3. belfry of the church at eleven o'clock, and in turn toll the tenor bell for an hour, at the sound of which all the house- wives in the parish commence frying pancakes. The sexton, who is present receives a small fee from each lad. At Scarborough on the morning of Shrove Tuesday hawkers parade the streets with barrows loaded with party- coloured balls, which are purchased by all ranks of the in- habitants. With these, and armed with sticks, men, women, and children repair to the sands below the old town, and indiscriminately commence a contest, one party trying to drive the ball into the sea, and another equally zealous in their attempts to rescue it. WALES. Formerly it was customary to take such hens as had not laid eggs before Shrove Tuesday, and to thrash them to death, as being no longer of any use. The same custom also pre- vailed in some parts of Cornwall. Brand, Pop. Antiq. 1849, vol. i. p. 81 ; Biiok of Days, vol. i. p. 238. At Harding, in Flintshire, the lord of the manor, attended by his bailiff, formerly provided a foot-ball, and after throw- ing it down in a field near the church (called thence foot- ball field) the young and old assembled together to play at foot-ball. Kennett MS. British Museum. At Tenby Shrove Tuesday was formerly a general holiday, when the time was divided between foot-ball-kickiug and pancake-eating. The shutters remained upon the shop- windows, while the windows of the private houses were barricaded with wood, or blinded with laths, bags, and sack- ing Mason, Tales and Traditions of Tenby, 1858, pp. 17, 18. SCOTLAND. Fastren's E'en is celebrated annually, after the Border fashion, in the month of February, the day being fixed by the following antiquated couplet : " First comes Candlemas, syne the New Moon ; The uext Tuesday after is Fastreii's E'en." FER. 3.] SHEOVE TUESDAY. 89 Croicdie is mentioned by Sir F. M. Eden (State of the Poor, 1797, vol. i. p. 498) as a never-failing dinner on Shrove Tuesday, with all ranks of people in Scotland, as pancakes are in England ; and that a ring is put into the basin or porringer of the unmarried folks, to the finder of which by fair means it was an omen of marriage before the rest of the eaters. THE HIGHLANDS. In the Highlands the most substantial entertainment peculiar to the evening of Shrove Tuesday is the matrimonial brose (pottage), a savoury dish, generally made of the bree (broth) of a good fat piece of beef cr mutton, which being some- t mes a good while in retentum, renders the addition of salt to the meal unnecessary. Before the brce is put in the bicker or plate, a ring is mixed with the meal, which it will be the aim of every partaker to get. The first bicker being discussed, the ring is put into two other bickers successively ; and should any of the candidates for matrimony find the ring more than once, he may rest assured of his marrying before the next anniversary. The brose. and plenty of other good cheer, being dispatched, the guests betake themselves to another part of the night's entertainment. Soon as the evening circle convenes, the Bunnich Junit, or " saiity bannocks," are resorted to. The component ingredients of those dainties are eggs and meal, and a sufficient quantity of salt to sustain their ancient and appropriate appellation of " sauty." These ingredients, well mixed togeth; r, are baked or roasted on the gridiron, and are regarded by old and young as a most delicious treat ; and, as may be expected, they have a charm attached to them which enables the happy Highlander to discover the object of all his spells his connubial bedfellow. A sufficient number of those designed for the p;ilate being prepared, the great or matrimonial bannock is made, of which all the young people in the house partake. Into the ingredients of it there is some article intorm'xed, which, in tho distribution, will fall to the lot of some happy person, who may be sure, if not already married, to be so before the next anniversary. 90 SHUOVE TUESDAY. [FEB. 3. Last of all are made the Bannich Bruader, or dreaming bannocks, to the ingredients composing which is added a little of that substance which chimney-sweeps call soot, and which contains some charm. In baking these last bannocks the baker must be as mute as a stone one word would destroy the charm of the whole concern. One is given to each individual, who slips off with it quietly to bed, and, reposing his head on his bannock, he will ba gratified by the sight of his beloved in the course of his midnight slumbers. Stewart, Popular Superstitions of the Highlanders of Scotland, 1851, p. 178. COUNTY OF MID-LOTHIAN. On Shrove Tuesday, in the parish of Inverness, there is a standing match at football between the married and un- married women, in which the former are always victorious. Stat. Ace. of Scotland, Sinclair, 1795, vol. xvi. p. 19. PERTHSHIRE. Formerly, on this day, the bachelors and married men drew themselves up at the Cross of Scone, on opposite sides. A ball was then thrown up, and they played from two o'clock till sunset. The game was this : He who at any time got the ball into his hands, ran with it till overtaken by one of the opposite party, and then, if he could escape from those of the opposite side who seized him, he ran on; if not, he threw the ball away, unless it was wrested from him by the other party; but no person was allowed to kick it. The object of the married men was to hang it, i.e., to put it three times into a small hole in the moor, the goal or limit, on the one hand ; that of the bachelors was to drown it, i.e., to dip it three times into a deep place in the river, the limit of the other. The party who could effect either of these objects won the game. But, if neither party won, the ball was cut into equal parts at sunset. In the course of the play, one might always see some scene of violence between the parties ; but, as the proverb of that part of the country expresses it, "All was fair at the Ball of Scone." This custom is supposed to have had its origin in the days of c'dvalry. An Italian, it is said, came into that part of the country, FEB. 3.] SHKOVE TUESDAY. 91 challenging all the parishes, under a certain penalty in case of declining his challenge. All the parishes declined the challenge except Scone, which beat the foreigner, and in commemoration of this gallant action the game was insti- tuted. Whilst the custom continued, every man in the parish, the gentiy not excepted, was obliged to turn out and support the side to which he belonged ; and the person who neglected to do his part on that occasion was fined. - Sinclair, Stat. Ace. of Scotland, 1796, vol. xviii. p. 88. ROXBURGHCHIRE. On this occasion the town of Melrose presents a most singular appearance, from the windows of the shops and dwellings in the main streets being barricaded. This pre- caution is necessary to prevent breakage, as football-playing on a most indiscriminate and unlimited scale is the order of the day. The ball is thrown up at the cross at one o'clock, when the young men of the town and neighbourhood, with a sprinkling of the married athletes, assemble in considerable numbers. The foot-balls used are previously supplied by a general public subscription, and from one o'clock the sport is kept up with great spirit until darkness sets in and puts a stop to the game. Business throughout the town is almost entirely suspended during the day. Wade, History of Melrose Abbey, 1861, p. 144. IRELAND. At Kilrush in the county of Clare, this is the greatest day in the year for weddings, and consequently the Eoman Catholic priests are generally occupied in the celebration of matrimony from sunrise till midnight. The general fee on this occasion is two guineas and a half ; and many thought- less couples, under the age of sixteen, pay it with cheerful- ness when they have not another penny in their possession. Those who do not marry on this day must wait until Enster Monday on account of the intervening Lent. - Muson, Siat. Ace. of Ireland, 1814, voL ii. p. 458. 92 ASH WEDNESDAY. [FliB. 4 FEB. 4.] ASH WEDNESDAY. AMONG the Anglo-Saxons Ash Wednesday had its ceremonial of strewing ashes upon not merely the public penitent, but all; and thereby spoke its a\vful teachings and warnings unto all unto the young and old the guiltless and the guilty. As soon as none-song was over, that is, about mid- afternoon, the ashes were hallowed and tlien put upon each one's forehead. From their own parish church the people- then went in procession to some other church, and on ecnrng back heard muss. Then, and only then, did such as were bound and able to fast take any kind of food. D. Rock, The Church of our Fathers, 1849-53, vol. iii. part ii. p. 63. Formerly, on this day, boys used to go about clacking at doors, to get eggs or bits of bacon wherewith to mako up a foast among themselves ; and, when refused, would stop the keyhole up with dirt, and depart with a rhymed denun- ciation. Book of Days, vol. i. p. 240. We learn also from. Fosbroke's British Mortacliism (1843) that in days gone by boys used on the evening of Ash Wednesday to run about with firebrands and torches. In former times during the season of Lent, an officer denominated " The King's Cock-Grower " crowed the hour every night within the precincts of the palace, instead of proclaiming it in the ordinary manner. On the first Ash Wednesday after the accession of the House of Hanover, as the Prince of Wales, afterwards George II., was sitting down to supper, this officer suddenly entered the apartment, bufore th chaplain said grace, and crowed " past ten o'clock." The astonished Prince, not understanding English, and mistaking the tremulation of the crow for mockery, con- cluded that this ceremony was intended as sin insult, and instantly rose to resent it; when, with some difficulty, he was made to understand the nature of the custom, and that it was intended as a compliment, and .according to court etiquette. Fioni that period the custom was d.s- coutiuued. FlCB. 4.] ASH WEDNESDAY. 93 The intention of crowing the hour of the night was no doubt intended to remind waking sinners of the august effect the third crowing of the cock had on the guilty Apostle St Peter ; and the limitation of the custom to the season of Lent was judiciously adopted ; as, had the practice continued throughout the year, the impenitent would become as habituated and as indifferent to the crow of the mimic cock as they are to that of the real one, or to the cry of the watchmen. The adaptation to the precincts of the Court seems also to have had a view, as if the institutor (probably the Royal Confessor) had considered that the greater siml more obdurate sinners resided within the purlieus of the palace. Gent. Mag. 1785, vol. Iv. p. 341. The beginning of Lent was at one time marked by a custom now fallen into disuse. A figure, made up of stra\v and cast-off clothes, was drawn or carried through the streets amid much noise and merriment ; aftsT which it was either burnt, shot at, or thrown down a chimney. This image was called " Jack o'Lent," and was, according to some, intended to represent Judas Iscariot. Elderton, in a ballad, calL d Lenton Stuff", in a MS. in the Ashmolean Museum, thus concludes his account of Lent : " Then Jake a' Lent comes justlynge in, With the hedpecce of a lierynge, Ami say the, repent yowe of yower syn, For shame, syrs, leve yower swerynge : And to Palme Sunday docthu he ryde, With sprots and herryngs by hys syde, And makes an end of Li nton tyde !" N. &Q.l*t S. vol. xii. p. 297. In Ben Jonson's Tale of a Tub, occurs the following : " On an Agh Wednesday, When thou didst stand six weeks tho Jack o' Lent, For boys to hurl three throws a penny at thee." Brand's Pop. Antiq. 1849, voL i. p. 101. It was once customary for persons to wear black cloth during Lent. Roberts in his Cambrian Pop Antiq. (1815, 112), says this usage was entirely laid aside in his time ; but of late years it has been somewhat revived. 94 ASH WEDNESDAY. [FEB. 4. It is observed by Mr. Fosbroke that ladies wore friars' girdles during this season, and quoting from Camden's Remains he tells us how Sir Thomas More, finding his lady scolding her servants during Lent, endeavoured to restrain her. "Tush, tush, my lord," said she, "look, here is one step to heavenward," showing him a friar's girdle. " I fear me," said he, " that one step will not bring you one step higher." In a curious tract written about 1174 by FitzStephen, a monk of Canterbury, and entitled Dcscriptio Nobilisftimce Civitatis Londonice, there is an interesting account of the metropolis and its customs in Henry II. 's time. Speaking of the season of Lent the writer says, " Every Friday afternoon a company of young men ride out on horses fit for war and racing, and trained to the course. Then tlie citizens' sons flock through the gates in troops, armed with lances and shields, and practise feats of arms ; but the lances of the more youthful are not headed with iron. When the king lieth near, many courtiers, and young striplings from the families of the great, who have not yet attained the warlike girdle, resort to these exercises. The hope of victory inflames every one. Even the neighing ami fierce horses shake their joints, chew their bridles, and cannot endure to stand still. At length they begin their race ; afterwards the young men divide their troops and contend for mastery." ESSEX. At Felstead the churchwardens distribute, as the gift of Lord Rich, seven barrels of white herrings and throe barrels and a half of red on Ash Wednesday, and the six following Sundays, to ninety-two poor householders of the parish, selected by the churchwardens, in shares of eight white herrings and four red a piece. A list is kept of the persons receiving this donation, and they continue to receive it during their lives, unless they misconduct themselves or enter the workhouse. Old English Customs and Charities, 1842, p. 9. FEE. 5.] BC AMBLING DAYS. 95 NORFOLK. P. Le Neve Foster, Esq., who in 1835 held the rectorial tithes of the parish of Great Witchingham, under a lease from the warden and fellows of New College, Oxford, was bound by a covenant contained therein, to provide and distribute tj and amongst the poor inhabitants and parishioners, two teams of peas, containing in all sixteen bushels. The practice has been to give to every person \\ho happens to be in the parish on Ash Wednesday, whether rich or poor, one quart of peas each. Old English Customs and Charities, 1842, p. 34. SCAMBLING DAYS. THE days so called were Mondays and Saturdays in Lent, when no regular meals were provided, and the members of our great families scambled. In the old household-book of the tifth Earl of Northumberland there is a particular section appointing the order of service for these days, and so regulating the licentious contentions of them. Shakespeare, in his play of Henry V. (act v. scene 2), makes King Henry say : " If ever thou be'st mine, Kate, I get thee with scamlling, and thou must therefore needs prove a good soldier-breeder." The word scumbling is conjectured to be derived from the Greek cni/?o's, oblique, indirect, &c. "The scambling and unquiet time." Shak. Henry V. act i. sc. 1. Med. ^vi Kalcnd. vol. ii. p. 350. Antiq. Repert. 1809, vol. iv. pp. 87, 91, 305. FEB. 5.] GLOUCESTERSHIRE. In Smith's MS. Lives of the Lords of BcrJceley, in the possession of the Earl of Berkeley (p. 49), we read that on the anniversary of the founder of St. Augustine's, Bristol, i.e., 96 CHALK SUNDAY. [FEB. 8. Sir Kobert Fitzharding, on the 5th of February, " at that monastery there shall be one hundred poore men refreshed in a dole made unto them in this forme : Every man of them hath a chanon's loaf of bread, called a raychc (a kind of bread), and three hearings therewith. There shall be doaled also amongst them t\vo bushells of peys/' Brand, Pop. Antiq., 1849, vol., i. p. 116. YORKSHIRE. In Leeds and the neighbourhood they eat a sort of pancake on the Thursday following Shrove Tuesday, which in that part they call Fruttors (Fritters) Thursday. The Leeds fritter, it is said in the Dialect of Leeds, 1862, p. 307. is about one-fourth the size of a pancake, thicker, and has an abundance of currants in it. FEB. 8.] CHALK SUNDAY. IRELAND. Ix the west of Ireland nine-tenths of the marriages that t:ike place among the peasantry are celebrated the week before Lent, and particularly on Shrove Tuesday, on which day the Roman Catholic priests have hard work to get through all their duties. On the first Sunday in Lent it is usual for the girls slyly to chalk the coats of those young men who have allowed the preceding festival to pass without having m-icle their choice of a partner; and ' illigible" young men strut about with affected unconsciousness of the numerous stripes which decorate their backs, while boys just arrived at manhood hold their heads higher, and show tokens of great satisfaction, if any good-natured lass affixes the coveted mark. N. & Q. '2nd 8. vol. iii. p. 207. FEB. ic.J ST. SCHOLASTIC A'S DAY. 97 FEB. 10.] ST. SCHOLASTICA'S DAT. OXFORDSHIRE;. THIS festival was formerly observed at Oxford. The following extract is taken from The Lives of Leland, Hearne, and Wood (1772. vol. ii. p. 312): Friday, the burghers or citizens of Oxford appeared in their full number on St. Scholastica's Day at St. Mary's. Alderman Wright, their oracle, told them that if they did not appear there might be some hole picked in their charter, as there was now endeavouring to bo done in that of the city of London ; he told them moreover that, though it was a popish matter, yet policy ought to take place in this juncture of time.* The origin of this custom was a furious contest between the citizens of Oxford and the students. Some of the latter being at a tavern, on the 10th of Februaiy, 1354, broke the landlord's head with a vessel in which he had served them with bad wine. The man immediately collected together a number of his neighbours and fellow-citizens, who, having for a long time waited for such an opportunity, fell upon the students, and in spite of the mandates of the Chancellor, and even the King himself, who was then at Woodstock, continued their outrages for several days, not only killing or wounding the scholars, but, in contempt of the sacerdotal order, destroying all the religious crosses of the town. For this offence the King deprived the city of many valuable privileges, and bestowed them on the University, and the Bishop of Lincoln forbade the administration of the sacraments to the citizens. In the following year they petitioned for a miti- gation of this sentence, but without success ; but in 1357 a total abrogation of it was granted upon condition that the city should annually celebrate on St. Scholastica's day, the 10th of February, a number of masses for the souls of the scholars killed in the conflict ; the mayor and bailifis with sixty of the chief burgesses being bound also to swear at St. Mary's * See ibid. p. 295. 98 ST. VALENTINE'S EVE. [FEB. 13. Church observance of the customary rights of the University, under the penalty of 100 marks in case of omission of this ceremony. It wns further ordered, that the said citizens should afterwards offer up singly at the high altar one penny, of which sum forty pence were to be distributed to poor scholars, and the remainder given to the curate of St. Mary's. This offering being omitted upon the pretence that masses were abolished, the University in Queen Elizabeth's reign sued them for the sum of 1,500 marks due for such neglect during fifteen years ; when it was decreed that instead of mass there should be a sermon and a communion at St. Mary's (which at length came only to public prayers), and that the said offering should be made. The traditional story that the mayor was obliged to attend with a halter round his neck, which was afterwards, to lessen the disgrace, changed into a silken string, has no real foundation. Ibid., p. 296. FEB. ij.J ST. VALENTINE'S EVE. MISSON, in his Travels in England (translated by Ozell, p. 330), describes the amusing practices of his time connected with this day. He tells us that on the eve of the 14th February, St. Valentine's day, the young folks in England and Scotland, by a very ancient custom, celebi ate a little festival. An equal number of maids and bachelors get to- gether, and each writes their true or some feigned name upon separate billets, which they roll up, and draw by way of lots, the maids taking the men's billets, and the men the maids' ; so that each of the young men lights upon a girl that he calls his Valentine, and each of the girls upon a young man which she calls hers. By this means each has two Valentines ; but the man sticks faster to the Valentine that is fallen to him, than the Valentine to whom he is fallen. Fortune having thus divided the company into so many couples, the Valen- tines give balls and treats to their mistresses, wear their billets several days upon their bosoms or sleeves, and this FEH. 13.] ST. VALENTINE'S EVE. 99 little sport often ends in love. There is another kind of Valentine, which is the first young man or woman that chance throws in your way in the street, or elsewhere, on that day. In some places, says Hone (Every Day Book, vol. i. p. 226), at this time, and more particularly in London, the lad's Valentine is the first lass he sees in the morning, who is not an inmate of the house ; the lass's Valentine is the first youth she sees. Gray mentions this usage on St. Valentine's Day ; he makes a rustic housewife remind her good man " I early rose just at the break of day, Before the sun had chas'd the stars away ; A-field I went, amid the morning dew To miik my kine (lor so should house-wives dc Thee first I spied, and the first swain we see, In spite of Fortune shall our true-love be." Shakespeare bears witness to the custom of looking for your Valentine, or desiring to be one, through poor Ophelia's singing : " Good morrow ! 'tis St. Valentine's day, All in the morning betime, And I a maid at your window, To be your Valentine I" DERBYSHIRE. At Ashborno the following custom is observed on Valen- tine's Eve. When a young woman wishes to divine who her future husband, is to be, she goes into the churchyard at midnight, and as the clock strikes twelve commences running round the church, repeating without intermission : I sow hempseed, hempseed I sow, He that loves me best Come and after me mow." Having thus performed the circuit of the church twelve times without stopping, the figure of her lover is supposed to appear and follow her. Jour. Arch. Assoc. 1852. vol. vii. p. 209. ii 2 100 BT. VALENTINE'S EVE. [FEB. 13. DEVONSHIRE. The peasants and others believe that if they go to the porch of a church, waiting there till half-past twelve o'clock on the Eve of St. Valentine's day, with some hempseed in his or her hand, and at the time above-named, then proceed homewards, scattering the seed on either side, repeating these lines : " Hempseed I sow, hempseed I mow, She (or he) that will my true-love be, Come rake this hempseed after me," his or her true love will be seen behind raking up the seed just sown, in a winding-sheet. N. & Q. 1st S. vol. v. p. 55. NORFOLK. As soon as it is dark, packages may be seen being carried about in a most mysterious way ; and as soon as the coast seems clear, the parcel is laid on the doorstep, the bell rung, and the bearer runs away. Inside the house is all on the qui vive, and the moment the bell is heard, all the little folks (and the old ones too, sometimes) rush to the door, and seize the parcel and scrutinize the direction most anxiously, and see whether it is for papa or mamma, or one of the youngsters. The parcels contain presents of all descriptions, from the most magnificent books or desks, to little unhappy squeaking dolls. These presents are always sent anonymously, and nearly always contain a few verses, ending with the distich : " If you'll be mine, I'll be thine, And so good morrow, Valentine." The last three words are for the most part written on the wrapper also, with the address, thus : Miss MART ISABELLA KING, St. Giles,' Norwich. Good Morrow, Valentine. ff. & Q. 1st S. vol. x. p. 5 ; 4tt S. vol. xi. p. 173. FEB. 14.] ST. VALENTINE'S DAY. 101 At Swaffham, also, Valentines are sent on this evening. Watching for a convenient opportunity, the door is slyly opened, and the Valentine attached to an apple or an orange, is thrown in ; a loud rap at the door immediately follows, and the offender taking to his heels, is off instantly. Those in the house, generally knowing for what purpose the amusing rap was made, commence a search for the juvenile billet-doux : in this manner numbers are disposed of by each youth. By way of teasing the person who attends the door, a white oblong square the size of a letter is usually chalked on the step of the door, and should an attempt be made to pick it up, great amusement is thus afforded to some of the urchins, who are generally watching. Every Day Book, voL ii. p. 222. FEB. 14.] ST. VALENTINE'S DAY. THIS is a festival which lovers have observed and poets have honoured from time immemorial. The observance is much more than sixteen hundred years old, when the Christian Valentine was beaten by clubs and behcadol, at the time 'f the great heathen festival of love and purification. A few years ago the observance was dying cut; but it has lately revived, especially in London. N. & Q. 4uch cakes were signed with the figure of Christ, or of the Virgin. MARCH i.] SIMNEL SUNDAY. 115 but without success. Gent. Mag. (New Series) 1866, vol. i. p. 535 ; Baines, History of Lancashire, 1836, vol. ii. p. 77G. Herrick in bis Hesjpcrides has the following : "TO DIANEME. *A CEUEJIOXIE IN GLOCESTER. a Til to thee a Simnell bring, 'Gainst thou go'st a mothering ; So that, when she blesseth thee, Half that blessiug thou'lt give me." 1, p. 2787. Again, the broad called " simnel bread" is mentioned by Jehoshaphat Aspin, in his Pictures of Manners, &c., of England, p. 126, who quotes from a statute of 51st of Henry III. : A farthing symnel (a sort of small Ciike, twice baked, and also called a cracknel) should weigh two ounces less than the wastel (a kind of cake made with honey, or with meal and oil). Curious are some of the tales which have arisen to explain the meaning of the name simnel. Some pretend that the father of Lambert Simnel, the well-known pretender in the reign of Henry VII., was a baker, and the first maker of sinmels, and that, in consequence of the celebrity he gained by the acts of his son, his cakes have retained his name. There is a story current in Shropshire, which is more pic- turesque. Long ago there lived an honest old couple, boasting the names of Simon and Nelly, but their surnames are not known. It was their custom at Easter to gather their children about them, and thus meet together once a year under the old homestead. The fasting season of Lent was just ending, but they had still left some of the unleavened dough which had been from time to time converted into bread during the forty days. Nelly was a careful woman, and it grieved her to waste anything, so she suggested that they should use the remains of the lenten dough, for the basis of a cake to regale the assembled family. Simon readily agreed to the proposal, and further reminded his partner that there were still some remains of their Christmas plum-pudding hoarded up in the cupboard, and that this might form the interior, and bo an agreeable surprise to the young people when tbey had made their way through the less tasty crust. i 2 116 MOTHERING SUNDAY. [MAl.CII I. So far all things went on harmoniously ; but when the cake was rcade, a subject of violent discord arose, Sim insisting that it should be boiled, while Nell no less obstinately con- tended that it should be baked. The dispute ran from words to blows, for Nell not choosing to let her province in the household be thus interfered with, jumped up, and threw the stool she was sitting on at Sim, who, on his part, seized a besom, and applied it with right good will to the head and shoulders of his spouse. She now seized the broom, and the battle became so warm, that it might have had a very serious result, had not Nell proposed as a compromise that the cake should be boiled first and afterwards baked. This Sim acceded to, for he had no wish for further acquaintance with the heavy end of the broom. Accordingly, the big pot was set on the fire, and the stool broken up and thrown on to boil it, whilst the besom and broom furnished fuel for the oven. Some eggs, which had been broken in the scuffle, were used to coat the outside of the pudding when boiled, which gave it the shining gloss it possesses as a cake. This new and remarkable production in the art of confectionery became known by the name of the cake of Simon and Nelly, but soon only the first half of each name was alone preserved and joined together, and it has ever since been known as the cake of Sina-Nel or Simnel. Book of Days, vol. i. p. 337. Mothering Sunday. In many parts of England it was formerly customary for servants, apprentices, and others to carry presents to their parents on this day. This practice was called Going a-Mothering, and originated in the offerings made on this day at the mother-church. In the Gent. Mag. (vol. liv. p. 98) a correspondent tells us that whilst he was an apprentice the custom was to visit his mother on Mid-Lent Sunday (thence called Mothering Sunday) for a regale of excellent furmety.* * Furmenty, Furrnity, or Frumity; still a favourite dish in the north, consisting of hulled wheat boiled in milk and seasoned. It. was especially a Christmas dish. In the True Gentlewoman's Delight, 1676, p. 17, the following receipt is given for making furmity : Take a quart of sweet cream, two or three sprigs of mace, and a nutmeg cut in half, put it into your cream, so let it boil ; then take your French barley or rice, being first washed clean in fair water three times and picked clean, tui n boil it iu sweet milk till it be tender, I.J BRAGGOT SUXJXVY. 117 Another correspondent of the sume journal for May (vol. liv. p. 343) says, " I happened to reside last year near Chepstow, in Monmouthshire ; and there, for the first time, heard of Mothering Sunday. My inquiries into the origin and meaning of it were fruitless ; but the practice there- abouts was for servants and apprentices on Mid-Lent Sunday to visit their parents, and make them a present of money, a trinket, or some nice eatable ; and they are anxious not to fail in this custom." A mothering-cake is alluded to in Collins's Miscellanies, 1762, p. 114 : " Why, rot thee, Dick ! see Dundry's Peak Lucks like a shuggard motlierin'-c;ike." A sort of spiced ale called Braggot, Bragget, or Braggat, was used in many parts of Lancashire on these visits of relations, whence the day was called Braggot Sunday. In Nares' Glossary (Halliwell and Wright, 1859, vol. i. p. 102) the following receipt for making bragget is given from the Haven of Health, chap. 239, p. 268 : Take three or four galons of good ale, or more as you please, two dayes or three after it is dcnscd, and put it into a pot by itselfe ; then draw forth a pottle thereof, and piit to it a quart of good English honey, and set them over the fire in a vcssell, and let themboyle faire and softly, and alwayes as any froth ariseth skumme it away, and so clarifie it, and when it is well clarified, take it off the fire and let it coole, and put thereto of pepper a pennyworth, cloves, mace, ginger, nut- megs, ciuatuon, of each two pennyworth, beaten to powder, stir them well together, and set them over the fire to boylo flgaine awhile, then bring milke warme, put it to the reste, and stirre alltogether, and let it stand two or three daies, and put barme upon it, and drink it at your pleasure. Minsheu in his Ductor in Linguas (1617, p. 50) tells ns then put it into your crf-nm, and boil it well, nnd when it hath boiled a good while, take the yoke of six or seven eg,'S, beat them very well to thicken on a soft fin-, boil it, and stir it. for it will quickly burn ; when you thi' k it ip boiled enough sweeten it to your tnste, and so serve it in with rosewnter :md musk-sugar, in the same manner you rn:ike it with wheat. Nnres' Glossary (.Halliwell anil Wr'ght), 1S59, vol. i. p. 340. 118 MID-LENT SUNDAY. [MARCH 1. that Braggot is composed of two Welsh words, Brdg, malt, and Gots, honeycombs. In Ben Jonson's masque of the Metamorphosed Gipsies ia the following reference to this word : 41 And we have sorv'd there, armed all in ale, "With the brown bowl, and charg'd in brcggat stale." On this day also boys went about in ancient times into the villages with a figure of death made of straw, from whence they were generally driven by the country people, who disliked it as an ominous appearance, while some gave them money to get the mawkin carried off. Its precise meaning under that form is doubtful, though it seems likely to have purported the death of winter, and to have been only a part of another ceremony conducted by a larger number of boys, from whom the death carriers were a detachment, and who consisted of a large assemblage carrying two figures to -represent Spring and Winter. These two figures they bore about, and fought ; in the fight, Summer or Spring got the victory over Winter, and thus was allegorized the departure or burial of the death of the year, and its commencement or revival as Spring. Every Day Book, vol. i. p. 358. In the north of England, and also in the Midland Counties, the following names are given to the Sundays of Lent, the first of which however is anonymous : " Tid, Mid, Misera, Curling, Palm, Paste Egg-day." Another version of this couplet is given in the Gent. fllag., 1788, vol. Iviii. p. 288. " Tid, and Mid, and Misern, Carling. Palm, and Good-Pas-Dny." The first three names are no doubt corruptions of some part of the ancient Latin service or psalms used on each. Brand's Pop. Antiq. 1849, vol. i. p. 116; see the Festa Anglo-Eomana, 1678. In the Gent. Mag. (1785, p. 779) an advertisement for the regulation of Newark fair is quoted, which mentions that " Careing Fair will be held on Friday before Careing MARCH I.] FIRST MONDAY IN MARCH. 119 Sunday ; " and Nichols remarks on this passage that he had heard the following old Nottinghamshire couplet : * Care Sunday, C;ire away, Palm Sunday and Easter Day." Ibid. p. 113. LANCASHIRE. Fig-pies, or, as they are called in this country, " fag-pies," are, or were, eaten on a Sunday in Lent, thence known as Fag- pie Sunday. #. & Q. 2nd S. vol. i. p. 322. STAFFORDSHIRE. Fig-pie Wake is kept in the parish of Draycot-in-the-Moors and in the neighbouring villages on Mid-Lent Sunday. The fig-pies are made of dry figs, sugar, treacle, spice, etc. ; they are rather too luscious for those who are not " to the manner born." But yet on this Sunday, the friends of the parish- ioners come to visit them, and to eat their fig -pies. N. & Q. 2nd S. vol, i. p. 227. FIRST MONDAY IN MARCH. BERKSHIRE AND HAMPSHIRE. THE first Monday in March being the time when shoe- makers in the country cense from working by candle-light, it used to be customary for them to meet together in the evening for the purpose of wetting the block. On these occasions the master either provided a supper for his men, or made them a present of money or drink ; the rest of the expense was defrayed by subscriptions among themselves, and sometimes by donations from customers. After the supper was ended, the block candlestick was placed in the midst, the shop caudle was lighted, and all the glasses being filled, the oldest hand in the shop poured the contents of his glass over the candle to extinguish it; the rest then drank the contents of theirs standing, and gave three cheers. Tho meeting was usually kept to a late hour.* Every Day Booh. vol. ii. p. 470. * In some places tliis custom took place on Easter Monday. 120 SCOTCH LOCAL CUSTOM. [MARCH 3. FKIDAY IN LIDE. CORNWALL. THE first Friday in March is so called from lide, Anglo- Saxon for March. This day is marked by a serio-comic custom of sending a young lad on the highest mound or hillock of the work, and allowing him to sleep there as long as he can ; the length of his siesta being the measure of the afternoon nap for the tinners throughout the ensuing twelve months. The weather which usually characterizes Friday in Lide is, it need scarcely be said, not very conducive to prolonged sleep. In Saxon times labourers were generally allowed their mid-day sleep ; and it has been observed that it is even now permitted to husbandmen in some parts of East Cornwall during a stated portion of the year. Browne appears to allude to this practice in Devonshire, when he says in the third song of his first book, in reference to the song-birds in the woodland : " Whose pleasing noates the tyred swaine have made To ateale a nap at noontide in the shade." Brand, Pop. Anti'i. 1870, vol. i. p. Gt. MARCH 3.] SCOTLAND. Sinclair, in his Statistical Account of Scotland (1795, vol. xvi. p. 460), says, " At Sandwick the people do no work on tho third day of March, in commemoration of the day on which the church of Sandwick was consecrated ; and, as the church was dedicated to St. Peter, they also abstain from working for themselves on St. Peter's day (29th June), but they will work for another person who employs them." MARCH 8.1 CARE SUNDAY. 121 MARCH 5.] ST. PIRAN'S DAY. CORNWALL. THE tinners observe this day, says Hitcliins in his History of Cornwall (1844, vol. i. p. 725), as a holiday, which they call St. Piran's Day. This, by a custom established from time immemorial, sanctions a suspension from all labour, because St. Piran is supposed to have communicated some important information relative to the tin manufacture. MARCH 8.] CARE SUNDAY. THIS day, the ancient Passion Sunday, is the fifth Sunday after Shrove Tuesday. The word Care, which is also applied to Christmas Cakes, has been a stumbling-block to etymolo- gists. The following remarks respecting its derivation are taken from Hampson's Med. ^Evi Kalend. (1841, vol. i. p. 178) : T. Marcschall observes that the day on which Christ suffered, is called in German both Gute Frcytag and Karr Freytag, and that Karr signified a satisfaction for a fine or penalty. Adelung speaking of Charfreytag {Care or Carr Friday) and Charwoche (Care or Carr-week\ observes that the first syllable is supposed to be the old Cara, preparation (Zubereitung), and that this week, conformably to tho 'usage of the Jews, was called Preparation Week (Zubereit- ungswoche) because the sixth day was Preparation day (Zubereitungstag), when the Jews prepared themselves for Easter. Hence the Greeks called Carfriday, Dies Parasceves, of which the Gothic Gartag, or Garfreytag is a translation. Tatian (Cap. 58) names the Friday before Eastor " Garo- tag fora Ostrum," and renders the phrase, " My heart is pre- pared," " Karo ist mein herza." Schiller's opinion, however, that Char, Kar, signifies mourning, complaint, sorrow, has 122 CAKE SUNDAY. [MARCH 8. equal probability ; for it appears from ancient manuscripts that Car formerly bore the signification of Care or grief, and in Sweden, where the fifth Sunday in Lent is denominated Kaersunnutag, the verb Kcera is actually to lament, to complain. Dr. Jameson, adopting the opinion of Mareschall, observes, " This name may have been imposed in reference to the satisfaction made by our Saviour. Some, however, understand it, as referring to the accusations brought against him on this day, from the Sueo-Gothic Kcera, to complain." EtymoL Diet., Art. Care Sunday. On this day, in the northern counties, and in Scotland, a custom obtains of eating Cartings, which are grey peas, steeped all night in water, and fried the next day with butter : ' There'll be all the Inds and Isissies Set down in the midst of the ha'. With sybows, and ry tarts, and curlings That are bath sodden und raw." Kitson's Scottish Songs, vol. i. p. 211. As to the origin of this custom, Brand (Pop. Anliq. 1849, vol. i. p. 114) offers the following explanation: "In the Roman Calendar, I find it observed on this day, that a dole is made of soft beans. I can hardly entertain a doubt but that our custom is derived from hence. It was usual among the Romanists to give away beans in the doles at funerals; it was also a rite in the funeral ceremonies of heathen Rome. Why we have substituted peas I know not, unless it was because they are a pulse somewhat fitter to be eaten at this season of the year." Having observed from Erasmus that Plutarch held pulse (legumina) to be of the highest efficacy iu invocation of the Manes, he adds : " Ridiculous and absurd as these superstitions may appear, it is quite certain that Carlings deduce their origin from thence." This explanation, however, is by no means regarded as satisfactory. Hone (Every Day Book, 1826, vol. i. p. 379) says, How is it that Care Sunday is also called Carl and Carling Sunday ; and that the peas, or beans of the day are called Carlings ? Carle, which means a Churle, or rude boorish fellow, was anciently the term for a working countryman or labourer ; MARCH 10.] OXFOUD LOCAL CUSTOM. 123 and it is only altered in the spelling, without the slightest deviation in sense, from the old Saxon word Ceoj-1, the name for a husbandman. The older denomination of the day, then, may not have been Care, but Carl Sunday, from the benefac- tions to the Carles or Carlen. A correspondent of Notes d~ Queries (1st S. vol. iii. 449) tells us that on the north-east coast of England, where the custom of frying dry peas on tli is day is attended with much augury, some ascribe its origin to the loss of a ship freighted with peas on the coast of Northumberland. Carling is the foundation beam of a ship, or the beam on the keel. CAMBRIDGESHIRE. In several villages in the vicinity of Wisbeach, in the Isle of Ely, the fifth Sunday in Lent has been, time immemorial, commemorated by the name of Wliirlin Sunday, when cakes are made by almost every family, and are called, from the day, Whirlin Cakes. Gent. Mag. 1789, vol. Ik. p. 491. YOBKSHIBK. The rustics go to the public-house of the village, and spend each their Carling-groat, i.e., that sum in drink, for the Carlings are provided for them gratis; and a popular notion prevails that those who do not do this will be un- successful in their pursuits for the following year. Brand, Pop. Antiq., 1849, vol. i. p. 114. MARCH 10.] OXFORDSHIRE. WILLIAM HANDY, by will dated the 10th of March, 1G22, bequeathed to the parish of St. Giles', Oxford, 40, upon con- dition that, upon the 10th of March for ever, in the morning, about 5 o'clock, they should ring one peal with all the bells, and aliout 8 or 9 o'clock should go to service, and read all the service, with the Litany and the Communion, as it is 124 PENNY LOAF DAT. [HAHCH I I,. commanded to be read in the cathedral church, and after that to have a sermon, and in it to give God thanks for His great blessings in delivering and bringing the giver from Papistry and idolatry to the light and truth of the blessed Gospel ; and he desired that the preacher might have 10s. for his sermon, and the minister 5s. for reading service, and the poor to have given them in bread or money 10s. This sum, with other money, was laid out in 1G33, in pur- chasing a tenement, garden, and one acre of pasture ground, situated in Corn Street, Witney, to the uses of the donor's will ; of the rent, 15s. a year was accordingly commanded to be paid to the minister for reading prayers and preaching a sermon on the 10th of March, 5s. to the clerk, 5s. to the ringer, and 15s. to be distributed at the church, witli other money in small sums to the poor.* Old English Customs and Charities, 1842, p. 24U. MARCH n.] NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. FORMERLY, there lived at Newark one Hercules Clay, a tradesman of considerable eminence, and an alderman of the borough of Newark. During the siege, in the night of the llth of March 1643, he dreamed three times that his house was on fire ; on the third warning he arose much alarmed, awoke the whole of his family, and caused them to quit the premises, though at that time all appeared to be in perfect safety. Soon afterwards, however, a bomb from a battery of the Parliamentarian army on Beacon Hill, an eminence near the town, fell upon the roof of the house, and penetrated all the floors, and happily did little other execution. The bomb was intended to destroy the house of the governor of the town, which was in Stadman Street, exactly opposite Clay's house. In commemoration of this extraordinary deliverance, Mr. Clay, by his will, gave 200 to the Corporation in trust to pay the interest of 100 to the Vicar of Newark, for a sermon * There was a similar gift of the same donor fo the parish of St. Mary Magdalen. Oxford; but since 1800 nothing has been paid in. respect of this charity. MAKCH 12.] ST. GREGORY'S DAT. 125 to be preached every llth of March. The interest of the other 100 he directed to be given in bread to the poor. Penny loaves were, accordingly given to every one who applied, and the day on which they were distributed, was called "Penny Loaf Day." Hone's Tear Book, 1838, p. 301. MARCH 12.] ST. GEEGOEY'S DAY. IRELAND. THE feast of St. Gregory the Great, 12th of March, was formerly observed as a holiday, and one of festivity in all the rural schools in the baronies of Forth and Baigy (the Strongbonian Colony), in the county of Wexford. The manner was this: the children, for some days previous, brought contributions, according to the means and liberality of their parents, consisting of money, bread, butter, cream, &c., and delivered them to the teacher. On the morning of the joyous day, the children repaired to the school-house in holiday dress, where the teacher had everything prepared for the festivity, the simple temple of learning decorated with the richest flowers within his means of obtaining, and the presence of two or more kind-hearted females to do the honours and duties of the tea-table to the happy juveniles. A " king " and a " queen " were nominated, who, of course, took the seat of honour, and the proud and busy teacher was everywhere all attention to his little pupils. The day passed off in hilarity and innocent enjoyment, and the competitive system of free offerings left, generally, something pleasing to tell for some days in the pockets and humble cupboard of the teacher. This custom prevailed until after the commencement of the present century. N. & Q. 2nd S. vol. vii. p. 392. 126 PALM SUNDAY. [MARCH 15. PALM SATUEDAY. MAKOH 14.] SCOTLAND. ON the Saturday before Palm Sunday the boys belonging to the grammar-school at Lanark, according to ancient usage, used to parade the streets with a palm, or its substitute, a large tree of the willow kind, (Salix caprea), in blossom, ornamented with daffodils, mezereon, and box-tree. This day \vas called Palm Saturday, and supposed to be a popish relic of very ancient standing. Stat. Ace. of Scotland, Sinclair, 1795, vol. xv. p. 45. MAHCH 15.] PALM SUNDAY. PALM SUNDAY receives its English and the greater part of its foreign names from the custom of bearing palm branches, in commemoration of those which were strewn in the path of Christ on his entry into Jerusalem. " It is a custom among churchmen," says the author of a Normano-Saxon homily in the reign of Henry II., or Richard I., " to go in procession on this day. The custom has its origin in the holy pro- cession which our Saviour made to the place where he chose to suffer death." The ceremony of bearing palms on Palm Sunday was retained in England after some others were dropped, and was one of tliose which Henry VIII. in 1536 declared were not to be discontinued. In a proclamation in the library of the Society of Antiquaries, dated the 26th February, 1539, " Concernyng rites and ceremonies to be used in due fourme in the Churche of Englande," occurs the following clause : " On Palme Sonday it shall be declared that bearing of palmes renueth the memorie of the receivinge of Christe in lyke maner into Jerusalem before his deathe." Again, in Fuller's Church History (1655, p. 222), we read that " bearing of palms on Palm Sunday is in memory of the receiving of Christ into Jerusalem a little before his death, and that wo may have the same desire to receive him into our hearts." MARCH 15.] PALM SUNDAY. 127 lu Howe's edition of Stoic's Chronicle (1615, fol. p. 95), it is stated, under the year 1548, that " this yeere the cere- mony of bearing of palmes on Palme Sunday was left off, and not used as before." Med. JEui Kalend. vol. i. p. 181 ; Brand, Pop. Antiq. 1849, vol. i. p. 124. It is still customary with our boys, both in the south and north of England, to go out and gather elips with the willow-flowers or buds at this time. These seem to have boen selected as substitutes for the real palm, because they are generally the only things which can be easily obtained at this season. This practice is still observed in the neighbourhood of London. The young people go a-palmmg ; and the sallow is sold in London streets for the whole week preceding Palm Sunday. In the north it is called going a-palmsoning or palmsning. Brand, Pop. Antiq. 1849, vol. i. p. 127. Stow in his Survey of London (1603, p. 98) says that "in the weeke before Easter had ye great shewes made for the fetching in of a twisted tree or with, as they termed it, out of the woodes into the kinge's house, and the like into every man's house of honor or worship." Probably this was a substitute for the palm. An instance of the great antiquity of this practice in England is afforded by the Domesday Survey, under Shrop- shire, vol. i. p. 252, where a tenant is stated to have rendered in payment a bundle of box twigs on Palm Sunday, " Terra dimid. car unus reddit inde fascem buxi in die Palmarum." By an Act of Common Council, 1 and 2 Phil, and Mary, for retrenching expenses, it was ordered, " that from henceforth there shall he no wyth fetcht home at the Maior's or Sheriff's Houses. Neither shall they keep any lord of misrule in any of their houses." Strype's Stow, 1720, book i. p 246. It was formerly the custom in some of the northern parts of England for the young men and maids who received the sacrament to walk after dinner into the corn-fields, and to bless th"e corn and fruits of the earth. Kennett, MS. Brit. Mus. 128 PALM SUNDAY. [MARCH CORNWALL. In former days persons resorted to " Our Lady of Nants- \vell" with a palm cross in one hand and an offering in the other. The offering fell to the priest's share : the cross was thrown into the well, and if it swam was regarded as an omen that the person who threw it would outlive the year ; if however it sank, a short ensuing death was foreboded. Carew, Survey of Cornwall, 1811. DERBYSHIRE. On Palm Sunday morning, the boys go into the fields and gather branches of the Avillow ; these are carried about during the day, and in some churches it is customary to use them for decoration. Jour, of Arch. Assoc., 1852, vol. vii. p. 204. HEREFORDSHIRE. The return of Palm Sunday has, from time immemorial, been observed at Hentland Church in a peculiar manner. The minister and congregation receive from the church- wardens a cake or bun, and, in former times, a cup of beer also. This is consumed within the church, and is supposed to imply a desire on the part of those who partake of it to forgive and forget all animosities, and thus prepare them- selves for the festival of Easter. N. & Q. 3rd S. vol. vii p. 275. HERTFORDSHIRE. Hone, in his Tear Book (1838, p. 1593), states that at Kempton it has long been a custom for the inhabitants to eat figs on this day, there termed Fig Sunday, where it is also usual for them to keep wassel, and make merry with their friends. LINCOLNSHIRE. A curious and quaint custom existed for very many years at Caistor Church, in Lincolnshire, on Palm Sunday, con- MAKCH 15.] PALM SUNDAY. 129 nectcd with a tenure of property ; and in the particulars of sale, circulated in 1845, is the following account of it : " This estate is held subject to the performance, on Palm Sunday in every year, of the ceremony of cracking a whip in Caistor Church, in the said county of Lincoln, which has been regularly and duly performed on Palm Sunday, from time immemorial, in the following manner : " The whip is taken every Palm Sunday by a man from Broughton to the parish of Caistor, who, while the minister is reading the first lesson, cracks it three distinct times ill the church porch, then fulds it neatly up, and retires to a neat. At the commencement of the second lesson, he ap- proaches the minister, and kneeling opposite to him with the whip in his hand, and the purse at the end of it, held per- pendicularly over his head, waves it thrice, and continues in a steadfast position throughout the whole of the chapter. The ceremony is then concluded. The whip has a leathern purse tied at the end of it, which ought to contain thirty pieces of silver, said to represent, according to Scripture, " the price of blood." Four pieces of weechelm* tree, of different lengths, are affixed to the stock, denoting the different Gospels of the holy Evangelists ; the three distinct cracks are typical of St. Peter's denial of his Lord and Master three times : and the waving it over the minister's head as an intended homage to the Blessed Trinity." In an article on this subject in the Ardt ecological Journal (1849, vol. vi. p. 239), the writer says : " I have not been able to trace this custom to its source. It would appear to havo prevailed in very primitive times, and yet the circumstance of the custom requiring the more essential part of the ceremony to be performed during the reading of the second lesson is scarcely reconcilable with this idea; but I am induced to think that the custom prevailed long before our present ritual existed, and that it has in this respect been ac- commodated to the changes which time has effected in the services of the Church. Unfortunately, the title-deeds do not contain the slightest reference to the custom. I have no means of tracing the title beyond 1675. The parish of Broughton is a very large one, and anterior to 1G75 belonged, * Properly AVych elm (Ulntus monlcna'). J.30 PALM SUNDAY. [MARCH 15. with small exceptions, to the Anderson family ; but whether Stephen Anderson, the then owner of the manor, and the 2200 acres of land sold in 1845, was owner of the other part of Broughton, which has long been in the possession of Lord Yarborough's ancestors, I cannot say. A partition of the property appears to have been made between the co-heiresses, and the manor and 2200 acres being settled in 1772 by Sir Stephen Anderson, of Eye worth, on his niece, Frances Elizabeth Stephens, and her issue; upon her death it became the property of her son, Ellys Anderson Stephens, who died in 1844, leaving four daughters and co-heiresses, and who, in 1845, sold the property to a client of mine, Mr. John Coupland, and who afterwards sold the manor and about 600 acres to Lord Yarborough, 982 acres to myself, and other portions to different purchasers, reserving to himself about 200 acres. I cannot make out when this partition (above alluded to) took place. The deed or will by which it was effected would probably refer to the custom and provide for the performance of it, but there is no document with the title deeds tending to show whether the custom was due only in respect of the manor, and 2200 acres, or in respect of Lord Yarborough's portion of the parish as well. The fact of a partition having taken place, rests rather upon tradition than evidence ; but supposing it, as I do, to be a fact, it seems strange that the title-deeds should be silent as to the obliga- tion imposed upon the owner of the manor to perform the service by which the whole property was held. The manor and estate sold in 1845, were of the tenure of ancient demesne ; a tenure which is very rare at this time of day. at least in this part of the world. Probably a reference to Lord Yarborough's title-deeds would clear up the mystery, or Sir Charles Anderson may have the means of doing so. " I may also refer to Sir Culling Eardlcy as possibly in a position to throw some light on the subject ; for it was to him and his ancestors, as lords of the manor of Hundon, in Caistor, to whom this service was due, and for whose use the whip was deposited after the service in the pew of Caistor Church, belonging to the lord of the manor of Hundon. All the versions that I have sceii of the custom favour tho MARCH 15.] PALM SUNDAY. 131 opinion that it had some reference to the subject of the second lesson for Palm Sunday, which is the 26th chapter of St. Matthew, and if so, it would seem likely to follow, that the principal part of the ceremony took place at the reading of that chapter ; hut in that case it has clearly undergone some change, because, until the last revision of the Book of Common Prayer, there was no proper second lesson for the morning of Palm Sunday ; but the 2Gth chapter of St. Matthew was part of the Gospel for that day, and had been so from Anglo-Saxon times. Perhaps the better opinion is, that this custom, recently discontinued, had been so varied from time to time as to have borne at last little resemblance to what originally took place. I do not suppose at its commencement it was regarded as at all irreverent, or was intended to be otherwise than most decorous, according to the idea of a semi-barbarous age ; what it really was at first it is now impossible to conjecture or dis- cover. The explanation suggested in the particulars of sale appears too much in accordance with modern notions to be altogether correct. Some allege a tradition that it was a self-inflicted penance by a former owner of the Broughton estate for killing a boy with such a whip." In May, 1836, the following petition was presented to the House of Lords by the lord of the manor against the annual observance of this custom ; but without effect : " To the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament assembled. "The petition of the undersigned Sir Culling Eardley Smith, of Bedwell Park, in the county of Hertford, sheweth, that your petitioner is lord of the mauor of Hundon, near Caistor, in the county of Lincoln. " That the lord of the manor of Broughton, near Brigg, in the same county, yearly, on Palm Sunday, employs a person to perform the following ceremony in the parish church at Caistor, etc ; that the performance of this superstitious cere- mony is utterly inconsistent with a place of Christian worship. " That it is generally supposed that it is a penance for murder, and that, in the event of the performance being neglected, the lord of the manor of Broughton would bo liable to the penalty to the lord of the manor of Hundon. E 2 132 PALM SUNDAY. [MARCH 15. " That your petitioner being extremely anxious for the dis- continuance of this indecent and absurd practice, applied to the lord of the manor of Broughtou for the purpose, who declined entering into any negotiation until the deed should be produced under which the ceremony was instituted, which deed (if it has ever existed) your petitioner is unable to produce. "That your petitioner subsequently applied to the Bishop of Lincoln to use his influence to prevent the repetition of the ceremony, and offered to guarantee the churchwardens against any loss in consequence of their refusal to permit it. " That your petitioner believes there are no trustees of a dissenting chapel who would permit the minister or officers of their chapel to sanction such a desecration. " That the ceremony took place, as usual, on Palm Sunday, in this year. " Your petitioner therefore prays that your Lordships will be pleased to ascertain from the bishop of the diocese why the ceremony took place ; that, if the existing law enables any ecclesiastical persons to prevent it, the law may be here- after enforced ; and that, if the present law is insufficient, a law may be passed enabling the bishop to interfere for the purpose of saving the national Church from scandal. " And your petitioner will ever pray." NoBTHAMPTONSniRE. It is the universal custom, with both rich, and poor, to eat figs on this day. On the Saturday previous, the market at Northampton is abundantly supplied with figs, and there are more purchased at this time than throughout the rest of the year ; even the charity children, in some places, are regaled with them. No conjecture is offered as to the origin or purpose of this singular custom. May it not have some reference to Christ's desiring to eat figs the day after his triumphant entrance into Jerusalem ? Baker, Glossary of Northamptonshire Words and Phrases, 1854, i. p, 232. MARCH 15.] PALM SUXDAT. 133 OXFORDSHIRE. In some parts of this country figs aro eaten on Palm Sunday, which is in consequence called Fig Sunday.* N. & Q. 2nd S. vol. i. p. 227. SURREY. From time immemorial a fair, or wake, has been held in the churchyard of Crowhurst on Palm Sunday. Formerly, excesses were frequently committed on the occasion through the sale of liquors ; but of late years the fair has been con- ducted with great decorum. Bray ley, Topographical History of Surrey, 1841, iv. p. 132. WILTSHIRE. On St. Martin's Hill, near Marlborough, at which there is an ancient camp more than thirty acres in extent, Palm Sunday is kept ; and persons in great numbers used to assemble there, each carrying a hazel-nut bough with the catkins hanging from it. N. & Q. 2nd S. v. p. 447. YORKSHIRE. In Yorkshire and the northern counties Palm Sunday is a day of great diversion, young and old amusing themselves with sprigs of willow, or in manufacturing palm-crosses, which arc stuck up or suspended in houses. In the after- noon and evening a number of impudent girls and young men sally forth and assault all unprotected females whom they meet out of doorg, seizing their shoes, and compelling them to redeem them with money. These disgraceful scenes are continued until Monday morning, when the girls extort money from the men by the same means ; these depredations were formerly prolonged till Tuesday noon. Times Tele- scope, 1822, p. 68. At Filey figs are also eaten on this day. Colo, Uistory of Filey, 1820, p. 135. * See Mid-Lent Sunday. 131 HOLT WEEK. [MARCH 1 6. WALES. In South Wales Palm Sunday goes by the name of Flower- ing Sunday, from the custom of persons assembling in the churchyards, and spreading fresh flowers upon the graves of friends and relatives. Times, 13th April, 1868, p. 7. MARCH 16.] LANCASHIRE. A rural celebration used to be held at Poulton-in-the-Fylds on the Monday before Good Friday, by young men, under the name of " Jolly Lads," who visited such houses as were likely to afford good entertainments, and excited mirth by their grotesque habits and discordant noises. This was evidently borrowed from the practice of the pace or pask eggers, of other parts of the county, merely preceding instead of following Easter. Baines, Hist, of Lancashire, 1836, vol. iv. p. 436. OXFOBDSHIBB. Aubrey, in MS. Lansd., 231, gives the following : It is the custom for the boys and girls in country schools in several parts of Oxfordshire, at their breaking up in the week before Easter, to go in a gang from house to house, with little clacks of wood, and when they come to any door, there they fall a-beating their clacks, and singing this song : " Herrings, herrings, white and red, Ten a penny, Lent's dead ; Rise, dame, and give an egg, Or else a piece of bacon. One for Peter, two for Paul, Three for Jock a Lent's all. Away, Lent, away ! " They expect from every house some eggs, or a piece of bacon, which they carry baskets to receive, and feast upon at the week's end. At first coming -to the door, they all strike up MAIJCH 17.] ST. PATRICK'S DAY. 135 very loud, " Herrings, herrings," &c., often repeated. As soon as they receive any largess, they begin the chorus " Here sits a good wife, Pray God save her life ; Set her upon a hod, And drive her to God." But if they lose their expectation and must goe away empty, then, with a full cry, " Here sits a bad wife. The devil take her life ; Set her upon a swivell, And send her to the devil." And, in further indignation, they commonly cut the latch of the door, or stop the key-hole with dirt, or leave some more nasty token of displeasure. Thorn's Anecdotes and Traditions, 1839, p. 113. MARCH 17.] ST. PATRICK'S DAY. IN the metropolis, says Stow in his Sports, Pastimes, and Customs of London (1847, p. 241), this anniversary is gene- rally observed at court as a high festival, and the nobility crowd and pay their compliments in honour of the tutelary saint of Ireland. It is usually selected, also, for soliciting aid to a great national object the promotion of education. BUCKINGHAMSHIBE. In the Illustrated London News of 22nd March, 1862, p. 285, is the following paragraph : "Lord Langford, as the highest Irish nobleman in Eton School, presented, on St. Patrick's Day, the beautifully- embroidered badges, in silver, of St. Patrick, to the head master, the Rev. E. Balston, and the lower master, the Rev. VV. Carter, which were worn by the reverend gentlemen 136 ST. PATRICK'S DAT. [MARCH 17. during the day. About twenty-four of the Irish noblemen and gentlemen in the school were invited to a grand breakfast with the head master, as is customary on these occasions." IEELAND. The shamrock is worn in all parts of Ireland on this day. Old women, with plenteous supplies of trefoil, may be heard in every direction, crying " Buy my shamrock, green shamrocks;" and children have "Patrick's crosses" pinned to their sleeves. This custom is supposed to have taken its origin from the fact that when St. Patrick was preaching the doctrine of the Trinity he made use of this plant, bearing three leaves upon one stem, as a symbol of the great mystery.* In Contributions toicards a Cybele Hibernica (D. Moore and A. G. More, 1866, p. 73) is the following note : " Trifolium repens, Dutch clover, Shamrock. This is the plant still worn as shamrock on St. Patrick's Day, though Medicago lupullna is also sold in Dublin as the shamrock. Edward Lhwyd, the celebrated antiquary, writing in December 1699 to Tancred Robinson, says, after a recent visit to Ireland : ' Their shamrug is our common clover ' (Phil. Trans., No. 335). Threkeld, the earliest writer on the wild plants of Ireland, gives Seamar-oge (young trefoil) as the Gaelic name for Trifolium pratense album, and says expressly that this is the plant worn by the people in their hats on St. Patrick's Day. Wade also gives Seamrog as equivalent to * Mr. Jones in his Historical Account of the Welsh Bards (1794, p. 13) says : When St. Patrick landed near Wioklow the inhabitants were ready to stone him for attempting an innovation in the religion of their ancestors. He requested to be heard, and explained unto them, that God is an omnipotent, sacred Spirit, who created heaven and earth, and that the Trinity is contained in the Unity; but they were reluctant to give credit to his words. St. Patrick, therefore, plucked a trefoil from the ground, and expostulated with the Hiber- nians : " Is it not as possible for the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, as for these three leaves to grow upon a single stalk V" Then the Irish were immediately convinced of their error, and were solemnly baptized by St. 1'atrick. MAUCII 17.] ST. PATRICK'S DAY. 137 Trifolium repens, while the Gaelic name given for OxaUs by Threkeld is Sealgan" A correspondent of N. & Q. ( S. vol. iii. p. 235) says the Trifolium filiforme is generally worn in Cork. It grows in thick clusters on the tops of walls and ditches, and is to be found in abundance in old limestone quarries in the south of Ireland. The Trifolium minus is also worn. The following whimsical song descriptive of St. Patrick is given on Hone's authority as one often sung by the Irish : St. Patrick was a gentleman, and he came from decent people, In Dublin town he bni't a church, and on it put a steeple; His father was a Wollaghan, his mother nn O'Grady, His aunt she was a Kiuaghan, and his wife a widow Brady. Tooralloo, tooralloo. what a glorious man our saint wasl Tooralloo, tooralloo, O whack fal de lal, de lal, etc. Och ! Antrim hills are mighty high, and so's the hill of Howth too : But we all do know a mountain ihut is higher than them both too ; Twas on the top of thnt high mount Pt. P tiick prench'd a sermon. He drove the frogs into the bogs, and banished all the vermin. Tooralloo, tooralloo, etc. No wonder that we Irish lads, then, are so blythe and frisky ; St. Patrick was the very man that taught us to drink whisky ; Och ! to be sure he had the knack, and understood distilling, For his mother kept a sheebeen shop near the town of Enuiskilleii. Tooralloo, tooralloo, etc. Every Day Boole, vol. ii. p. 387. It is customary early in February for wealthy fanners and landowners in Ireland to brew ale to be kept till the 17th of March, St. Patrick's Day ; and there is a delicious cake made this day, to bo eaten with pickled salmon. N. d Q. 3rd S. vol. ix. p. 367. Some years ago this day was welcomed, in the smaller towns or hamlets, by every possible manifestation of glad- ness and delight. The inn, if there was one, was thrown open to all comers, who received a certain allowance of oaten bread and fish. This was a benevolence from the host, and to it was added a " Patrick's pot," or quantum of beer ; but of late years whisky is the beverage most esteemed. The 138 ST. PATRICK'S DAY. [MAKCII 17. majority of those who sought entertainment at the village inn were young men who had no families, whilst those who had children, and especially whose families were large, made themselves as snug as possible by the turf fire in their own cabins. Where the village or hamlet could not boast of an inn, the largest cabin was sought out, and pales were extended horizontally from one end of the apartment to the other ; on these poles, doors purposely unhinged, and brought from the surrounding cabins, were placed, so that a table of considerable dimensions was formed, round which all seated themselves, each one providing his own oaten bread and fish. At the conclusion of the repast they sat for the remainder of the evening over a "Patrick's pot," and finally separated quietly. Every Day Book, vol. ii. p. 386. The following description of St. Patrick's Day in Ireland is taken from the Times Telescope (1827, p. 66) : Every one is expected, says the writer,- to wear a sprig of shamrock in honour of the saint and his country, and a few pence will supply a family with plenty of this commodity. In the morning upon the breakfast table of the " master " and " the mistress "is placed a plateful of this herb for a memento that it is Patrick's Day, and they must " drown the sham- rock," a figurative expression for what the servants them- selves do at night in glasses of punch, if the heads of the family are so kind as to send down the plate of shamrock crowned with a bottle of whisky, under which is also ex- pected to be found a trifle towards a treat. While the lower circles are, on this blessed of all Irish days, thus enjoying themselves in the evening, the higher are crowding into that room of the castle entitled St. Patrick's Hall, which is only opened two nights in the year this, and the birth-night (the 23rd of April) ; it is a grand ball, to which none can be admitted who have not been presented and attended the Viceroy's drawing-rooms; and of course every one must appear in court dress, or full uniforms, except that, in charity to the ladies, trains are for that night dispensed with on account of the dancing. A few presentations some- times take place, after which the ball commences, always with a country dance to the air of " Patrick's Day," and after this quadrilles, etc., take their turn. MAECH 19.] MAUNDY TncnsDAY. 139 MABOH 18.] SHEELAH'S DAY. IRELAND. THE day after St. Patrick's Day is " Sheelah's Day," or the festival in honour of Sheelah. Its observers are not so anxious to determine who " Sheelah " was as they are earnest in her celebration. Some say she was " Patrick's wife," others that she was " Patrick's mother," while all agree that her immortal memory is to be maintained by potations of whisky. The shamrock worn on St. Patrick's Day should be worn also on Sheelah 's Day, and on the latter night be drowned in the last glass. Yet it frequently happens that the shamrock is flooded in the last glass of St. Patrick's Day, and another last glass or two, or more, on the same night deluges the over-soddencd trefoil. This is not " quite correct," but it is endeavoured to be remedied the next morning by the display of a fresh shamrock, which is steeped at night in honour of "Sheelah" with equal dcvotedness. Every Day Book, voL ii. p. 387. MARCH 19.] MAUNDY, OE CHAEE THUKSDAY. THE day before Good Friday is termed Maundy Thursday, because, says the British Apollo (1709, ii. 7), on this day our Saviour washed his disciples' feet, to teach them the great duty of being humble ; and therefore he gave them a com- mand to do as he had done, to imitate their Master in all proper instances of condescension and humility. The origin, consequently, of this custom is of very great antiquity, and, unlike many other ceremonies connected with the Church before the Reformation, remains in existence in a modified form up to the present day. The original number 140 MAUNDY THURSDAY. [MARCH 19. of poor persons whose feet were washed by the king or queen was thirteen, but this number was afterwards extended so as to correspond with the age of the reigning sovereign. Matthew Paris mentions Maundy money, and the Bene- dictional of Archbishop Robert at Rouen, a manuscript of the 10th century, cap. xxix., contains a " Benedictio ad man- datum ipso die" (Archceoloyia, vol. xxiv. p. 119), and Wlnothus, Abbot of St. Alban's, ordained a daily performance of the mandate. In other houses it was customary to wash the feet of as many poor people as there were monks in the convent, on Holy Thursday, and on Saturday before Palm Sunday : the day of the latter ablution received the name of man- datum pauperum, to distinguish it from the Mandati Dies. During the ceremony the whole choir chanted the words of Christ, " Mandatum novum do vobis " (" A new command- ment I give unto you"). Du Cange quotes from the life of St. Brigida by Chilienus : " Proxima cnona fuit Domini, qua sancta solebat Mandatum Christi calido complere lavacro." (Du Gauge, Gloss., torn, iv., col. 399.) Archdeacon Nares, however, apparently following Spelman and Skinner whose opinion is adopted by Junius, in opposi- tion to Minsheu, says that this day is so named from the maunds, in which the gifts were contained, and he maintains that maund is a corruption of the Saxon mand, a basket. The glossographer on Matthew Paris explains the word mandatum, to be alms, from the Saxon Mandye, charity. Somner has no such word in his Dictionary ; and it seems more probable that Maunday Thursday has originally been Mandate Thursday ; Mandati Dies being the name where the Saxon mands were totally unknown. ^Elfric, Archbishop of Canterbury, having employed the Latin name of this day, Coena Domini, gives these directions to the Saxon priests : " On Thursday you shall wash the altars before you celebrate mass, otherwise you must not. After vespers you must uncover the altars and let them remain bare until Saturday, washing them in the interior. You shall then fast until nones. Imple mandata Domini in conna ipsius. 1 Do on Thursday as our Lord commands you ; ' wash the feet MAKCH 19.] MAUNDY THURSDAY. 141 of the poor, feed and clothe them ; and, with humility, wash your feet among yourselves as Christ himself did, and com- manded us so to do." On the whole there seems to be no reason to doubt that the name maundy is derived from the mandate obeyed on this day. The bread given to the poor on Maundy Thursday was named mandate bread, mandati panes, in the monasteries ; as the coin given was called mandate money. Med. JEvi Kalend. i. 183-185. One of the earliest instances on record of a monarch observing this custom, and which is the more curious as it shows that the practice of regulating the amount of the dole given on Maundy Tlmrsday by the age of the king was then in existence, is preserved in the " Rotulus Hisce, or role of the wardrobe expenses of the 14th year of King John," in which there appears an item of " fourteen shillings and one penny, for alms to thirteen poor persons, every one of whom received thirteen pence at Rochester, on Thursday, in Coena Domini " (Holy Thursday), John having then reigned thirteen com- plete years. In the wardrobe expenses of Edward I. we find money given on Easter eve to thirteen poor people whose feet the Queen had washed ; which latter custom is said to have been performed by the sovereign so late as the reign of James II. -Thorns, Book o/ the Court, 1844, p. 311. Henry VII. gave, when thirty-eight years old, thirty-eight coins and thirty-eight small purses to as many poor people : " March 25. To thirty-eight poor men in almes, G Os. 4cZ. For thirty-eight small purses, la. 8d. There are several entries for the Maundy in the " Privy Purse expenses " of this sovereign, as in 1496 : " April 10. For bote hire for the Maundy and the kinges robe, payed by John Flee, 4s." The order of the Maundy, as practised by Queen Elizabeth in 1579 is here given (from No. 6183, Add. MSS. in the British Museum) : u Order of the Maunday made at Greenwich^ 19fA March 1579, 14 Elizabeth." " First. The hall was prepared with a long table on each 142 MAUNDY THURSDAY. [MARCH IQ. side, and formes set by them ; on the edges of which tables, and under those formes were lay'd carpets and cushions for her Majestic to kneel when she should wash them. There was also another table set across the upper end of the hall somewhat above the foot pace, for the chappelan to stand at. A little beneath the midst whereof, and benrath the said foot-pace, a stoole and cushion of estate was pitched for her Majestie to kneel at during the service time. This done tho holy water, basons, alms, and other things being brought into the hall, and the chappelau and poor folks having taken the said places, the laundresse, armed with a faire to well, and taking a silver-bason filled with warm water and sweet flowers, washed their feet all after one another and wiped the same with his to well, and soe making a crosse a little above the toes kissed them. After hym, within a little while, followed the sub-almoner, doing likewise, and after him the almoner himself also. Then, lastly, her Majestie came into the hall, and after some singing and prayers made, and the gospel of Christ's washing of his disciples' feet read, 39 ladycs and gentlewomen (for soe many were the poor folks, according to the number of the yeares complete of her Majesties age), addressed themselves with aprons and towels to waite upon her Majestie ; and she, kneeling down upon the cushions and carpets under the feete of the poore women, first washed one foote of every one of them in soe many several basons of warm water and swecte flowers, brought to her severally by the sa ; d ladies and gentlewomen ; then wiped, crossed, and kissed them, as the almoner and others had done before. When her Majestie had thus gone through the whole number of 39 (of which 20 sat on the one side of the hall, and 19 on the other), she resorted to the first again, and gave to each one certain yardes of broad clothe to make a gownc, so passing to them all. Thirdly ; she began at the first, and gave to each of them a pair of gloves. Fourthly ; to each of them a wooden platter, wherein was half a side of salmon, as much ling, six red herrings and lofes of cheat bread. Fifthly ; she began with the first again, and gave to -each of them a white wooden dish with claret wine. Sixthly ; she received of each waiting-lady and gentlewoman their towel and apron, and gave to each poor woman one of tho same, and after MAF.CH 19.] MAUNDY THURSDAY. 143 this the ladies and gentlewomen waited no longer, nor served as they had done throughout the courses before. But then the treasurer of the chamber, Mr. Hennage, came to her Majestic with thirty-nine small white purses, wherein were also thirty-nine pence (as they saye) after the number of ycares to her Majestie's saide age, and of him she received and distributed them severally. Which done she received of him soe many leather purses alsoe, each containing 20sA. for the redemption of her Majestie's gown, which (as men saye) by ancient order she sought to give some of them at her pleasure but she to avoid the trouble of suite, which accustomablie was made for that preferment, had changed that reward intj money, to be equally divided amongst them all, namely, 2. 1422. Time's Telescope, 1826, p. 73. Allusion is made by Mr. Fosbroke (British Monachism, * Eoftre is perhaps a corruption of Astarte, the name under which the Assyrians, Babylonians, Phoenicians, nnd the most ancient nations of the east worshipped the moon, in like manner as they udored the sun, under the name of BauL K 1G2 EASTER DAY. [MARCH 22. 1843, p. 5G) to a custom in the thirteenth century of seizing all ecclesiastics who walked abroad between Easter and Pentecost, because the Apostles were seized by the Jews sifter Christ's Passion, and making them purchase their liberty by money. The custom of eating a " gammon at Easter," says Aubrey (which is still kept up in many parts of England), was founded on this, viz., to show their abhorrence of Judaism at that solemn commemoration of our Lord's Resurrection. Of late years the practice of decorating churches with floweis on this festival has been much revived. CORNWALL. A very singular custom prevailed at Lostwithiel on Easter Sunday. The freeholders of the town and manor having assembled together, either in person or by their deputies, one among them, each in his turn, gaily attired and gallantly mounted, with a sceptre in his hand, a crown on his head, and a sword borne before him, and respectfully attended by all the rest on horseback, rode through the principal street in solemn state to the church. At the churchyard stile the curate, or other minister, approached to meet him in rever- ential pomp, and then conducted him to church to hear divine service. On leaving the church he repaired, with the same pomp and retinue, to a house previously prepared for his reception. Here a feast, suited to the dignity he Lad assumed, awaited him and his suite, and being placed at the head of the table, he was served, kneeling, with all the rites and ceremonies that a real prince might expect. The ceremony ended with a dinner ; the prince being voluntarily disrobed, and descending from his momentary exaltation to mix \\iih common mortals. On the origin of this custom but one opinion can be reasonably entertained, though it may be difficult to trace the precise period of its commence- ment. It seems to have originated in the actual appearance of the prince, who resided at Restormel Castle in former ages ; but on the removal of royalty this mimic grandeur stepped forth as its shadowy representative, and continued for many generations as a memorial to posterity of the MARCH 22.] EASTER DAY. 103 princely magnificence with which Lostwithiel had formerly been honoured. Hitching, History of Cornwall, 1824, vol. i. p. 717. CUMBERLAND. At one time it was customary to send reciprocal presents of eggs at Easter to the children of famil r es respectively betwixt whom any intimacy existed. Fur some weeks preceding Good Friday the price of eggs advanced consider- ably, from the great demand occasioned by this custom. The principal modes adopted to prepare the eggs for presentation were the following : The eggs being immersed in hot water for a few moments, the end of a common tallow- candle was made use of to inscribe the names of individuals, dates of particular events, &c. The warmth of the eggs rendered this a very easy process. Thus inscribed, the egg was placed in a pan of hot water, saturated with cochineal, or other dye-woods ; the part over which the tallow had been passed was impervious to the operation of the dye ; and, consequently, when the egg was removed from the pan, there appeared no discoloration of the egg where the inscription had been traced, but the egg presented a white inscription on a coloured ground. The colour of course depended upon the taste of the person who prepared the egg ; but usually much variety of colour was made use of. Another method of ornamenting " pace eggs " was, how- ever, much neater, although more laborious than that with the tallow candle. The egg being dyed, it was decorated, by means of a penknife, with which the dye was scraped off, leaving the design white on a coloured ground. An egg was frequently divided into compartments, which were filled up according to the taste and skill < f the designer. Generally, one compartment contained the name and also the age of the party for whom the egg was intended. In another there was perhaps a landscape, and sometimes a cupid was found lurking in a third ; so that these " pace eggs " became very usofnl auxiliaries to the missives of St. Valentine. Every Day Book, vol. i. p. 42G. The words fays, pas, pace, pase, pasce, pasJc, pasch, passJie, formerly used in this county, and still used in the north, u 2 1G4 EASTEE DAY. [MARCH 22. are clearly derived from the Hebrew through the Greek Tracr^a. The Danish Paaslce-egg, and the Swedish Paskegg, both likewise signify coloured eggs. Brand considers this custom a relic of ancient Catholicism, the egg being emble- matic of the Resurrection ; but it is not improbable that it is in its origin like many other ancient popular customs, totally unconnected with any form of Christianity, and that it had its commencement in the time of heathenism. The egg was a symbol of the world, and ancient temples in consequence sometimes received an oval form. This typifi- cation is found in almost every oriental cosmogony. The sacred symbol is still used in the rites of the Beltein, which are, unquestionably of heathen origin, and eggs are pre- sented about the period of Easter in many countries. " Easter," says a recent tourist, " is another season for the interchange of civilities when, instead of the coloured egg in other parts of Germany, and which is there merely a toy for children, the Vienna Easter egg is composed of silver, mother-of-pearl, bronze, or some other expensive material, and filled with jewels, trinkets, or ducats. (Sketches of Germany and the Germans in 1834, 1835, and 1836, vol. ii. p. 162 ; Ned. 3Zd Kalend. vol. i. p. 202. This latter custom has lately become very popular in London. John Troutbeck, by will, October 27th, 1787, gave to the poor of Dacre, the place of his nativity, 200Z. the interest thereof to be distributed every Easter Sunday on the family tombstone in Dacre churchyard, provided the day should be fine, by the hands and at the discretion of a Troutbeck of Blencowe, if there should be any living, those next in descent ha\in^ prior right of distribution ; and if none should be living that would distribute the same, then by a Troutbeck, as long as one could be found that would take the trouble of it ; otherwise by the ministers and churchwardens of the parish for the time being ; that not less than five shillings should be given to any individual, and that none should be considered entitled to it that received alms, or any support from the parish. Old English Customs and Charities, p. 115. MARCH 22.] EASTEII DAY. 1G5 DEEBYSHIRE. On Easter Sunday the old custom of sugar-cupping at the dripping-torr, near Tideswell, is observed ; when the young people assemble at the torr, each provided with a cup aud a small quantity of sugar or honey, and having caught the required quantity of water, and mixed the sugar with it, drink it, repeating a doggerel verse.* Jour, of the Arch. Assoc. 1852, vol. vii. p. 204. KENT. Hasted, in his History of Kent (1798, vol. vii. p. 138), states that, in the parish of Biddenden there is an endow- ment of old but unknown date for making a distribution of cakes among the poor every Easter Day in the afternoon. The source of the benefaction consists in twenty acres of land, in five parcels, commonly called the Bread and Cheese Lands. Practically, in Mr. Hasted's time, six hundred cakes were thus disposed of, being given to persons who attended service, while two hundred and seventy loaves of three and a half pounds weight each, with a pound and a half of cheese, were given in addition to such as were parishioners. The cakes distributed on this occasion were impressed with the figures of two females side by side, and close together.! Amongst the country people it was believed that these figures represented two maidens named Preston, who had left tlie endowments; and they further alleged that the ladies were twins, who were born in bodily union, that is, joined side to side, as represented on the cakes ; who lived nearly thirty years in this connection, when at length one of them died, necessarily causing the death of the other in a few hours. It is thought by the Biddenden people that the figures on the cakes are meant as a memorial * It is also a general belief in this county thnt unless a person puts on some new article of dress he will be injured by the birds, and have no good fortune that year llrid. p. 205 ; see also p. 160. t An engraving of one of these cakes will be found in the Every Day liooh, 1827, vol. it \>. 443. 106 EASTER DAT. [MARCH 22. of this natural prodigy, as well as of the charitable disposition of the two ladies. Mr. Hasted, however, ascertained that the cakes had only been printed in this manner within the preceding fifty years, and concluded more rationally that the figures were meant to represent two widows, " as the general objects of a charitable benefaction." If Mr. Hasted's account of the Biddenden cakes be the true one, the story of the conjoined twins though not in- ferring a thing impossible or unexampled must be set down as one of those cases, of which we find so many in the legends of the common people, where a tale is invented to account for certain appearances, after the real meaning of the appearance was lost. Book of Days, vol. i. p. 427 ; see Britton and Brayley, Beauties of England and Wales, 1803, vol. viii. p. 208 ; Old English Customs and Charities, 1842, p. 60. MIDDLESEX. According to Lysons' Environs of London (1795, vol. iii. p. 603) there was an ancient custom at Twickenham of dividing two great cakes in the Church upon Easter Day, among the young people; but it being looked upon as a superstitious relic, it was ordered by Parliament, 1645, that the parishioners should forbear this custom, and, instead thereof, buy loaves of bread for the poor of the parish with the money that should have bought the cakes. It appears that the sum of 1 per annum is still charged upon the vicarage for the purpose of buying penny loaves for poor children on the Thursday before Easter. Within the memory of man they were thrown from the church- steeple to be scrambled for ; a custom which prevailed also nt Paddington. NORFOLK. In this county it is customary to eat baked custards at Easter, and cheesecakes at Whitsuntide. N. & Q. 3rd S. vol. i. p. 248. 22.] EASTER DAY. 1G7 OXFORDSHIRE. At University College, Oxford, on this day, the representa- tion of a tree, dressed with evergreens and flowers, is placed on a turf close to the buttery, and every member there resident, as he leaves the Hall after dinner, chops at the tree with a cleaver. The College cook stands by holding a plate, in which the Master deposits half a guinea, each Fellow five shillings and sixpence. This custom is called " chopping at the tree." N. & Q. 1st S- vol. ix. p. 468. On Easter Day the rector of Ducklington for the time being, as long as can be remembered, has paid 10 per annum, which was formerly given away in the church amongst the parishioners, in veal or apple pies : of late years it has been given away in bread. All the parishioners of Ducklington and Hardwick who apply, whether rich or poor, without any distinction, partake of it according to the size of their families. Many of the farmers take the bread as they say, for the sake of keeping up their right. It is stated that there is no document or record relating to this payment, nor any tradition respecting its origin. Old English Customs and CJiarities, p. 14. The rector of Swerford supplies a small loaf for every house in the parish on Easter Sunday, which is given after evening service. It is understood that this is given on account of a bushel of wheat, which is payable out of a field called Mill Close, part of the glebe. Each house, whether inhabited by rich or poor, receives a loaf. Ibid. p. 18. YORKSHIRE. It was customary in this country, for the young men in the villages to take off the young girls' buckles, and, on tho Easter Monday, the young men's shoes and buckles were taken off by the young women. On the Wednesday they were redeemed by little pecuniary forfeits, out of which an entertainment called a Tansey Cake, was provided, and the jollity concluded with dancing. At llipon, where this custom also prevailed, it is reported that no traveller could 1G8 EASTER DAT. [MARCH 22. pass the town without being stopped, and, if a horseman, having his spurs taken away, unless redeemed by a little money, which was the only means to get them returned. This seems to bear an affinity to the custom of hocking. Cole in his Hist, of Filey (1828, p. 136) mentions a similar custom as practised in that place. He says, the young men seize the shoes of the females, collecting as many as they can, and, on the following day, the girls retaliate by getting the men's hats, which are to be redeemed on a subsequent evening, when both parties assemble at one of the inns, and partake of a rural repast. Gent. Mag. 1790, vol. k. p. 719. Two farms lying in the township of Swinton, and which belong to Earl Fitzwilliam, every year change their parish. For one year, from Easter Day at twelve at noon till next Easter Day at the same hour, they lie in the parish of Mexbrough, and then till Easter Day following at the same hour, they are in the parish of Wath-upon-Dearne, and so alternately. Blount's Ancient Tenures of Land. WALES. Easter Day is generally kept in Wales as the Sunday, that is, with much and becoming respect to the sacredness of the day. It is also marked by somewhat better cheer, as a festival, of which lamb is considered as a proper constitu- tional part. In some places, however, after morning prayer, vestiges of the sundry sports and pastimes remain. It is thought necessary to put on some new portion of dress at Easter and unlucky to omit doing so, were it but a new pair of gloves or a ribbon. This idea is evidently derived from the custom of former times, of baptizing at Easter, when the new dress was in some degree symbolical of the new cha- racter assumed by baptism. IRELAND. The solemnity of Easter (says Bishop Kennett) was anciently observed in Ireland with so great superstition that they thought it lawful to steal all the year, to hoard up provisions against this festival time. Kennett MS. MARCH 23.] KASTEB MONDAY. 1C9 In some parts of Ireland at Easter a cake, with a garland of meadow flowers, is elevated upon a circular board upon a pike, apples being stuck upon pegs around the garland. Men and women then dance round, and they who hold out longest win the prize.* Time's Telescope, 1826, p. 37. MABOH 23.] EASTEE MONDAY. BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. In the Parliamentary Returns of 1786 a donor of the name of Eandell is stated to have given by deed, in 1597, five quarters of wheat and money to the poor of Edlesborough. Forty-nine bushels of wheat were yearly sent by Lady Bridgewater to the mill to be ground in respect of this charity. They were ground, and the flour baked at her expense ; the bread was made up in four-pound loaves, which were given away by the parish officers on Easter Monday to all the poor of the parish, in shares varying according to the size of the families, a loaf being given to each individual. Old English Customs and Charities, p. 18. CHESHIRE. Pasch eggs are begged at the farmhouses; the children sing a short song, asking for " Eggs, bacon, apples, or cheese, Bread or corn, if you pic aso, Or any good thing that will make us merry." These eggs are in some parts of the county boiled in vinegar, and otherwise ornamented, and hung up in the houses until another year. In some cottages as many as a score may be seen hanging. The custom of lifting is also ob- served. Jour, of Arch. Assoc., 1850, vol. v. p. 253. In a pamphlet entitled Certayne Collections of AncJiiante Times, concerning the Anchiante and Famous Cittie of Chester, * Plutarch mentions a trial for dancing : a cake the prize. 170 EASTER MONDAY. [MABCII 23. already referred to and published in Lysons' Magna Bri- tannia, is the following account of a curious practice once observed at Chester, " There is an anchant custome in this cittie of Chester : the memory of man now livinge not knowing the original, that upon Monday in Easter weeke, yearely, commonly called Black Mondaye, the two sheriffes of the cittie do shoote for a breakfaste of calves-heades and bacon, commonly called the Sheriffes' Breakfaste, the maner being thus : the day before, the drum soundeth through the cittie, with a proclamation for all gentlemen, yeomen, and good fellowes, that will come with their bowes and arrowes to take part with one sheriff or the other, and upon Monday morning, on the Rode-dee, the Mayor, shreeves. aldermen, and any other gentlemen that be there, the one sherifo chosing one, and the other sherifb chosing another, and soe of the archers ; the one sherife shoteth, and the other sherife he shoteth to shode him, beinge at length some twelve score, soe all the archers on one side to shote till it be shode, and so till three shutes be wonne, and then all the winners' side goe up together, first with arrowes in their hands, and all the loosers with bowes in their hands together, to the common hall of the cittie, where the maior, aldermen, and the reste, take parte together of the saide breakfaste in loveing manner. This is yearely done, it beinge a commendable exercise, a good recreation, and a lovinge assemblye." In the year 1640 the sheriffs gave a piece of plate to be run for, instead of the calves' -head breakfast. In 1674, a resolution was entered in the Corporation journals that the calves' -head feast was held by ancient custom and usage, and was not to be at the pleasure of the sheriffs and leave-brokers. In the month of March, 1676-7, the sheriffs and leave- brokers were fined 10, for not keeping the calves'-head feast. For this feast an annual dinner was afterwards substituted, usually given by the sheriffs at their own houses on anv day most suitable to their convenience. DERBYSHIRE. During a visit to the little village of Castlcton, says a correspondent of N. & Q. (kth S. vol. v. p. 595), I noticed MARCH 23.] EASTER MONDAY. 171 every child without exception had a bottle of elecampane the younger ones having one tied round their necks all sucking away at this curious compound of Spanish juice, sugar, and water with great assiduity. I was informed by a very old man that the custom had always obtained at Castlcton on this day as long as he could remember. The custom of lifting was practised in some of the northern parts of this county. Jour, of Arch. Assoc., 1852, vol. vii. p. 205. ESSEX. Easter Monday was formerly appropriated to the prand " Epping Hunt." So far back as the year 1226, King Henry III. confirmed to the citizens of London free-warren, or liberty to hunt a circuit about their city, in the warren of Staines, &c. ; and in ancient times, the Lord Mayor, aldermen, and corporation, attended by a due number of the con- stituents, are said to have availed themselves of this right of chase " in solemn guise." But years ago, the " Epping Hunt " lost the Lord Mayor and his brethren in their cor- porate capacity; the annual sport subsequently dwindled into a mere burlesque and farcical show amongst the mob, and even that has died away, and is now numbered " amongst the things that were." Sports, Pastimes and Customs of London, 1847, p. 27. The following extract illustrative of this ancient custom is taken from the Chelmsford Chronicle (April 15th, 1805) : " On Monday last Epping Forest was enlivened with the celebrated stag-hunt. The road from Whitechapel to the Bald-faced Stag, on the forest, was covered with cockney sportsmen, chiefly dressed in the costume of the chase, in scarlet-frock, black jockey cap, new boots, and buckskin breeches. By ten o'clock the assemblage of civil hunters, mounted on all sorts and shapes, could not fall short of 1,200. There were numberless Dianas, also of the chose, from Rotherhithe, the Minories, &c., some in riding-habits, mounted on titups, and others by the side of their mothers, in gigs, tax-carts, an 3 other vehicles appropriate to the sports of the field. The Saffron Walden stag-hounds made their joyful appearance about half after ten, but without any of the 172 EASTER MONDAY. [MARCH 23. Melishes or Bosanquets, who were more knowing sportsmen, than to risk either themselves, or their horses, in so desperate a burst. The huntsmen having capped their half crowns, the horn blew just before twelve, as a signal for the old fat one-eyed-stag (kept for the day) being enlarged from the cart. He made a bound of several yards, over the heads of some pedestrians, at first starting, when such a clatter commenced as the days of Nimrod never knew. Some of the scarlet-jackets were sprawling in the high road a few minutes after starting so that a lamentable return of the maimed, missing, thrown, and thrown out, may naturally be supposed. Every Day Book, vol. ii. p. 460 ; see Long Ago, 1873, vol. i. pp. 19, 44, 83, 146 ; also N. & Q. 4^ 8. vol. x. pp. 373, 399,460,478; xi. p. 26. HEREFORDSHIRE. At this season, in the neighbourhood of Eoss, the rustics have a custom called corn-showing. Parties are made to pick out cockle from the wheat. Before they set out they take with them, cake, cider, and a yard of toasted cheese. The first person who picks the cockle from the wheat has the first kiss of the maid and the first slice of the cake. This custom, doubtless, takes its origin from the Roman as appears from the following line of Ovid (Fasti, i. 691) : " Et careant loliis oculos vitiantibus agri." * Let the fields be stripped of eye-diseasing cockle." Foabroke, Ariconensia or Archxological SJcetches of lioss and Archenfidd, 1822. KENT. At this season young people go out holiday-making in public-houses, to eat pudding-pies, and this practice is called going a pudding -pieing. The pudding-pies are from the size of a teacup to that of a small tea-saucer. They are flat, like pastrycooks' cheesecakes, made with a raised crust to hold a small quantity of custard, with currants lightly sprinkled on the surface. Pudding-pies and cherry-beer usually go together at these feasts. Hone's Tear Book, 1838, p. 361. MARCH 23.] EASTEB MONDAY. 173 LANCASHIRE. In Lancashire, and in Cheshire, Staffordshire, and War- wickshire, and perhaps in other counties, the ridiculous custom of ' lifting ' or heaving ' is practised. On Easter Monday the men lift the women, and on Easter Tuesday the women lift or heave the men. The process is performed by two lusty men or women joining their hands across each other's wrists, then, making the person to be heaved sit down on their arms, they lift him up aloft two or three times, and often carry him several yards along a street. A grave clergyman who happened to be passing through a town in Lancashire on an Easter Tuesday, and having to stay an hour or two at an inn, was astonished by three or four lusty women rushing into his room, exclaiming they had " come to lift him ! " " To lift him I " repeated the amazed divine ; " what can you mean ? " " Why, your reverence, we've come to lift you, 'cause it's Easter Tuesday." " Lift me because its Easter Tuesday ! I don't understand you is there any such custom here ?" " Yes to be sure ; why, don't you know ? All us women was lifted yesterday, and us lifts the men to-day in turn. And, in course, it's onr reights and duties to lift 'em." After a little further parley the reverend traveller com- promised with his fair visitors for half-a-crown, and thus escaped the dreaded compliment. Book of Days, vol. i., p. 4-25. Agnes Strickland in her Lives of tlie Queens of England (1864, vol. i. p. 303), narrates how on the Easter Monday of 1290 seven of Queen Eleanora's ladies unceremoniously- invaded the chamber of King Edward (I.), and seizing their majestic master, proceeded to " heave him " in his chair, till he was glad to pay a fine of fourteen pounds to enjoy his own peace and be set at liberty. The following extract is taken from the Public Advertiser, April 13th, 1787 : The custom of rolling down Greenwich-hill at Easter is a relique of old city manners, but peculiar to the metropolis. Old as the custom has been, the counties of Shropshire, Cheshire and Lancashire boast of one of eqnal antiquity, which they call heaving, and perform with the 174: BAST2R MONDAY. [MARCH 2$. following ceremonies, on the Monday and Tuesday in the Easter week. On the first day, a party of men go with a chair into every house into which they can get admission, force every female to be seated in their vehicle, and lift them up three times with loud huzzas. For this they claim the reward of a chaste salute, which those who arc too coy to submit to m;iy get exempted from by a fine of one shilling, and receive a written testimony which secures them from a repetition of the ceremony for that day. On the Tuesday the women claim the same privilege, and pursue their business in the same manner, with this addition that they guard every avenue to the town, and stop every passenger, pedestrian, equestrian or vehicular." A correspondent of the Gent. Mag., 1784, vol. xcvi. p. 96, says that lifting was originally designed to represent our Saviour's Resurrection. MIDDLESEX. LONDON. In the Easter holidays the young men, says Fitzstephen (in his tract entitled Descriptio Nobilissimce Civitatis Lon- donice,' circa 1174), counterfeit a fight on the water : a pole is set up in the midst of the river, with a target strongly fastened to it, and a young man standing in the fore part of a boat, which is prepared to be carried on by the flowing of the tide, endeavours to strike the target in his passage. If he succeeds so as to break his lance, and yet preserve his footing, his aim is accomplished ; but if he fail, he tumbles into the water, and his boat passes away with the stream. On each side, Ikowever, of the target, ride two vessels, wherein are stationed several young men ready to snatch him from the water, as soon as he appears again above the surface. Formerly the Lord Mayors and the sheriffs were accus- tomed to, separately, ask each of their friends as were alder- men or governors of the hospitals, whom they saw at church, to dine with them at their own houses. But, in process of time, however, it was agreed that the Lord Mayor should invite all that were at church on the first day ; and the two sheriffs, in their turn, on the next succeeding days. Hence, by degrees, they began to invite other of the friends, and the aldermen bringing their ladies, other ladies were also invited, so that 23.] EASTEE MONDAY. 175 the private houses not being large enough, they began to enter- tain at their respective halls. Brayley, Londiniana, 1829, vol. ii. p. 28. NORTHUMBERLAND. Formerly, at Easter and Whitsuntide, the mayor, aldermen, and sheriff of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, with a great number of the burgesses, went yearly to the Forth, or Little Mall of the town, with the mace, sword, and cap of maintenance carried before them, and patronised the playing at hand-ball, dancing, and other amusements, and sometimes joined in the ball-play, and at others joined hands with the ladies. Every Day Book, vol. i. p. 430. NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. Deering, in his Historical Account of Nottingham (1751, p. 125), says: By a custom time beyond memory, the mayor and aldermen of Nottingham and their wives have been used on Monday in Easter week, morning prayer ended, to march from the town to St. Anne's Well, having the town \\aits to play before them, and attended by all the clothing, i.e., such as have been sheriffs, and ever after wear scarlet g.>wns, together with the officers of the town, and many other burgesses and gentlemen, such as wish well to the wood- ward this meeting being first instituted, and since continued for his benefit. WARWICKSHIRE. Easter Monday and Tuesday, says a correspondent of Brand's Pop. Antiq. (1849, vol. i. p. 183), were known by the name of heaviny-days, because, on the former day, it was customary for the men to heave and kiss the women, and on the latter for the women to retaliate upon the men. The women's heaving-day was the most amusing. Many a time have I passed along the streets inhabited by the lower orders of people, and seen parties of jolly matrons assembled round tables on which stood a foaming tankard of ale. There they sat in all the pride of absolute sovereignty, and woe to the luckless man that dared to invade their prerogatives! As sure as he was seen he was pursued ; as sure as he was pursued 17G EASTER MONDAY. [MARCH 23. lie was taken ; and, as sure as Ii3 was taken, be was heaved and kissed, and compelled to pay sixpence for " leave and licence " to depart. At one time a custom was observed at Birmingham, on the Easter Monday, called " Clipping the Church." This cere- mony was performed amid crowds of people and shouts of joy, by the children of the different charity schools, who at a certain hour flocked together for the purpose. The first comers placed themselves hand in hand with their backs against the Church, and were joined by their companions, who gradually increased in number, till at last the chain was of sufficient length completely to surround the sacred edifice. As soon as the hand of the last of the train had grasped that of the first, the party broke up, and walked in procession to the other Church (for in those days Birmingham boasted but of two), where the ceremony was repeated. Every Day Book, vol. i. p. 431. They have an ancient custom at Coleshill, says Blount, (Jocular Tenures, Beckwith's Edition, p. 286), that if the young men of the town can catch a hare, and bring it to the parson of the parish before ten o'clock on Easter Monday, the parson is bound to give them a calf's-head, and a hundred eggs for breakfast, and a groat in money. WORCESTERSHIRE. At sunset upon Easter Monday, and at no other period throughout the year, a game is played by the children of Evesham called " thread-my-needle." From the season of this observance, as well as the cry of the players while elevating their arms arch-wise, which now is: " Open the gates as high as the sky, And let Victoria's troops pass by," it is probable, says May in his Hist, of Evesham (1845, p. 319), that the custom originally had reference to the great festival of the church and the triumphant language of the Psalmist, applied to the event commemorated at this period Psalm xxiv. 9: 'Lift up your heads, ye gates; MARCH 23.] KASTKU MONDAY. 177 and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in." The accuracy of this supposition, however, may be fairly doubted. WALES. In North Wales, says Pennant, the custom of heaving upon Monday and Tuesday in Easter week is preserved ; and on Monday the young men go about the town and country, from house to house, with a fiddle playing before them, to heave the women. On the Tuesday the women heave the men. At Tenby Easter Monday was always devoted to merry- making; the neighbouring villages (Gumfreston especially) were visited, when some amused themselves with the bar- barous sport of cock-fighting, while others frequented the two tea-parties held annually at Tenby and Gumfreston, and known as the " Parish Clerks' Meeting." Mason's Tales and Traditions of Tenby, 1858, p. 21. SCOTLAND. BERWICK-UPON-TWEED. It is pleasurable, says Fuller in his History' of Berwick upon-Tweed (1799, p. 445), to see what a great number of lovely and finely-dressed children make their appearance on Easter Monday, which is known in this neighbourhood as the Children's Day. Being attended by a multitude of servants, they parade and run about for many hours, amusing them- selves in a variety of ways. This charming group is joined more or less by the parents of the children, who, together with such as are attracted by curiosity, form, on such occasions, a company of a great many hundreds. They assemble in greatest numbers behind the barracks, where the rampart is broadest. The fruiterers attend in full display, as well as many itinerants in various pursuits. The whpli company may be called a sportive fair. 178 EASTEE MONDAY. [MARCH 23. IRELAND. In the County of Antrim this day is observed by several thousands of the working classes of the town and vicinity of Belfast resorting to the Cave-hill, about three miles distant, where the day is spent in dancing, jumping, run- ning, climbing the rugged rocks, and drinking. Here many a rude brawl takes place, many return home with black eyes, and in some cases with broken bones. Indeed it is with them the greatest holiday of the year, and to not a few it furnishes laughable treats to talk about till the return of the following spring. On this evening a kind of dramatic piece is usually brought forward at the Belfast Theatre, called The Humours of the Cave-hill. T/ie Table Bock, p. 507. Co. GLARE. On Easter Monday multitudes go to Scattery Island for the purpose of performing penance on their bare knees, round the stony beach and holy well there. Tents are generally erected on this occasion, and often times more whisky is taken by the pilgrims than is found convenient on their return in crowded boats. Mason, Slot. Ace. of Ireland, 1814, vol. ii. p. 459. Co. DOWN. At Holywood the trundling of eggs, as it is called, is an amusement common at Easter. For this purpose the eggs are boiled hard, and dyed of different colours, and, when they are thxis prepared, the sport consists in throwing or trundling them along the ground, especially down a de- clivity, and gathering up the broken fragments to eat them. Formerly it was usual with the women and children to collect in large bodies for this purpose, though nothing can be, to all appearance, more unmeaning than this amusement. They yet pursue it in the vicinity of Belfast. It is a curious circumstance that this sport is practised only by the Presby- terians. Mason, Slat. Ace. of Ireland, 1819, vol. iii. p. 207. MARCH 24.] EASTER TUESDAY. 175 On Easter Monday several hundreds of young persons of the town and neighbourhood of Portaffery resort, dressed in their best, to a pleasant walk near that town, called " Tho Walter." The avowed object of each person is to see the fun, which consists in the men kissing the females, without reserve, whether married or single. This mode of salutation is quite a matter of course; it is never taken amiss, nor with much show of coyness ; the female must be very ordinary indeed, who returns home without having received at least a dozen hearty kisses. Tradition is silent as to tho origin of this custom, which of late years is on the decline, especially in the respectability of the attendants. The Table Book, p. 506. MARCH 24.] EASTER TUESDAY. MIDDLESEX. EVERY Easter Tuesday, in pursuance of an ancient custom, the boys of Christ's Hospital, London, pay a visit to the Mansion House, and receive from the Lord Mayor the customary Easter gifts. On reaching the Mansion House, they march into tho Egyptian Hall, and on passing the Lord Mayor, receive a gratuity in coins fresh from the mint. To the fifteen Grecians a guinea each is given ; nine pro- bationers, half-a-guinoa ; forty-eight monitors, half-a-crown ; and tho ordinary scholars, one shilling each. Each boy also before leaving receives a glass of wine and two buns. The boys wear linen badges on their coats, on which the words " He is risen " are inscribed. After this ceremony, the Lord Mayor and the rest of the civic authorities go in the customary state to Christ Church, Newgate Street, where the second Spital sermon is preached. At this service the whole of the Christ's Hospital boys attend. See Daily Neics, April 12th, 1871, and April 3rd, 1872. N 2 180 LADY DAY. [MARCH 25. NORTHUMBERLAND. Holly-bussing, says a writer in the Newcastle Express (April 16th, 1857), is a vernacular expression for a very ancient custom celebrated at Netherwitton, the origin of which is unknown. On Easter Tuesday the lads and lasses of the village and vicinity meet, and, accompanied by the parish clerk, who plays an excellent fiddle, the inspiring strains of which put mirth and mettle in their heels, pro- ceed to the wood to get holly; with which some deco- rate a stone cross that stands in the village while others are " bobbing around " to " Speed the Plough " or " Birnie Bouzle." MARCH 25.] LADY DAY. THE Festival of the Annunciation commemorates in the Christian world the message of the Angel to the Virgin Mary : hence it was anciently called St. Mary's Day in Lent, to distinguish it from other festivals in her honour : " Seinte Marie Daye in Leynte, among All otl>er dayes gode, Is ryt for to holde heghe He su [whoso] bcin vnderstode." liarl. MS. Codex 2277, fol. i. All the festivals of the Virgin are properly Lady Days, but this falling in Lent, and being the first quarter day for rents and other payments, readily became Lady Day par excellence. Otherwise considered, it is simply an abridgment of " Our Lady Day the Annunciation," as we find it written in the reign of Henry the Sixth. Some old customs on paying quarterly rents are noticed in Gascoigne's Flowers of Poesie, 4to, 1575: And when the tenantes come to paie their quarter's rent, They bring some fowle at Midsummer, a dish of fish in Lent, At Chri>tmasse a capon, at Michaelmas^e a goose, And somewhat else at New Yeare's tide for feare their lease flie loose." Med. Mvi Kalend. vol.i. p. 206; Forster, Perenn. Calend. 1841, P. 515. MAUCH 25.] LADY DAY. 181 HERTFORDSHIRE. At St. Alban's certain buns called " Pope Ladies " are sold on Lady Day, their origin being attributed by some to the following story : A noble lady and her attendants were travelling on the road to St. Alban's (the great North road passes through this town), when they were benighted and lost their way. Lights in the clock-tower at the top of the hill enabled them at length to reach the mon istery in safety, and the lady in gratitude gave a sum of money to provide an annual distribution on Lady Day of cakes, in the shape of ladies, to the poor of the neighbourhood. As this bounty was distributed by the monks, the " Pope Ladies " probably thus acquired their name. See N. & Q. S. vol. x. p. 412. Another correspondent of N. & Q. ( S. vol. x. 341) says these buns are sold on the first day of each year, and that there is a tradition that they have some relation to the myth of Pope Joan. See also the Gent. Maj. 1820, voL xc. p. 15. LANCASHIRE. The gyst-ale, or guising-fcast, was an annual festival of the fr wn of Ashton-under-Lyne. It appears from the rental of Sir John de Assheton, compiled A.D. 1422, that twenty shillings were paid to him as lord of the manor for the privilege of holding this feast by its then conductors. The persons named in the roll as having paid 3. 4d. each are : " Mnrgret, that was the wife of Hobbe the Kynges (of misrule) ; Hobbe Adamson ; Roger the Baxter ; Robert Somayster ; Jenkyn of the Wode ; and Thomas of Curtual." The meaning of the term gyst-ale is involved in some obscurity most probably the payments above were for the gyst, or hire, for the privilege of selling ale and otlier refreshments during the festivals held on the payment of the rents of the manor. These guis- inga were frequently held in the spring, most probably about Lady Day, when manorial rents were usually paid : and, as the fields were manured with marl about the same period, the term marlingg has been supposed to indicate the rough play or ntarlocking which was then practised. This, however, 182 LADY DAY. [MARCH 2$. must be a mistake, since the term relates to merry pranks, - or pleasure gambols only, and has no connection with marl as a manure. . These gyst-ales, or guisings, once ranked amongst the principal festivals of Lancashire, and large sums of money were subscribed by all ranks of society in order that they might be celebrated with becoming splendour. The lord of the manor, the vicar of the parish, the farmer, and the operative, severally announced the sums they intended to give, and when the treasurer exclaimed " A largesse," the crowd demanded " from whom ?" and then due proclamation was made of the sum subscribed. The real amount, however, was seldom named, but it was announced that " Lord John- son," or some other equally distinguished person had con- tributed "a portion of ten thousand pounds" towards the expenses of the feast. After the subscription lists were closed an immense garland was prepared, which contained abundance of every flower in season, interspersed with a profusion of evergreens and ribbons of every shade and pattern. The framework of this garland was made of wood, to which hooks were affixed, and on these were suspended a large collection of watches, jewels, and silver articles borrowed from the richer residents in the town. On the day of the gyst this garland was borne through the principal streets and thoroughfares, attended by crowds of townspeople dressed in their best attire. These were formed into a procession by a master of the ceremonies, locally termed the king. Another principal attendant was the Fool, dressed in a grotesque cap, a hideous grinning mask a long tail hanging behind him, and a bell with which he commanded attention when announcements were to be made. In an early period of these guisings the fool was usually mounted on a hobby-horse, and indulged in grotesque pranks as he passed along hence we obtained the term " hob- riding," and more recently the proverbial expression of "riding one's hobby to death." Harland and Wilkinson, Legends and Traditions of Lancashire, 1873, p. 86. MARCH 29.] LOW SUNDAY. 183 NORFOLK. On a table of benefactions in the Church at Oxburgh it is stated that Sir Henry Bedingfield paid at Lady Day annually 2 for lands belonging to the township of Oxburgh ; that this was called walk money, and was given to the poor. Old English Customs and Charities, p. 121. ISLE OF THANET. Evelyn in his Diary, under the date of March 25th, 1672 (Bohn's Edition, 1859, vol. ii. p. 78), says: "Observing almost every tall tree to have a weather-cock on the top bough, and some trees half-a-dozen, I learned that on a certain holiday the farmers feast their servants, at which solemnity they set up these cocks as a kind of triumph." IRELAND. A.t Kilmacteige, Co. of Sligo, the Lady Days are observed with most scrupulous attention, that is to say, so far as abstaining from all kind of daily labour, or following any trade or calling, although their sanctity does not operate on their minds so as to induce them to refrain from sports and pastimes, cursing or swearing, or frequenting tippling- houses and drinking to excess. Mason, Stat. Ace. of Ireland, 1814-19, vol ii. p. 864. MARCH 29.] LOW SUNDAY. THE Octave or first Sunday after Easter. The author of Christian Sodality, a collection of discourses, 1652, says: This day is called White or Low Sunday because in the Primitive Church those neophytes that on Easter Eve were baptized and clad in white garments did to-day put them off, with this admonition, that they were to keep within them a perpetual candour of spirit, signified by the Agnus Dei hung about their necks, which, falling down 184 ALL FOOLS' DAT. [APEIL I. upon their breasts, put them in mind what innocent lambs they must be, now that of sinful, high, and haughty men they were by baptism made low, and little children of Almighty God, such as ought to retain in their manners and lives the Paschal feasts which they had accomplished. Seymour in his Survey of London (1734, B. iv. p. 100) tells us that the aldermen used to meet the Lord Mayor and sheriffs at St. Paul's in their scarlet gowns, furred, without their cloaks, to hear the sermon. WALES. Fenton in his Tour through Pembrokeshire (1811, p. 495) alludes to the game of Knappan as being played at Pwlldu, in the parish of Penbedw, on low Easter-day. He says the knappan.was a ball of some hard wood, of such a size as a man might hold in his hand, and was boiled in tallow to make it slippery. The players at this game were very numerous, frequently amounting to a thousand or fifteen hundred people, parish against parish, hundred against hundred, and sometimes county against county. When the company assembled, about one or two o'clock in the after- noon, entirely naked, with the exception of a light pair of breeches, a great shout was given as the signal to begin, and the ball was hurled bolt upright into the air by one of the parties and at its fall he that caught it hurled it towards the county or goal he played for. The players consisted of horse and foot, who in the purest times of the game never mixed, being governed by certain rules and regulations that were never violated ; but long before this game was disused various abuses and disorders had crept into it, so that it served to inflame every bad passion, engender revenge, foment private quarrels, and stimulate even to bloodshed and murder. APBIL i.] ALL FOOLS' DAY. ON this day a custom prevails not only in Britain, but on the Continent, of imposing upon and ridiculing people in a APBIL i.] ALL FOOLS' DAT. . 185 variety of ways. It is very doubtful what is the precise origin of this absurd custom. J i France the person imposed upon on All Fools' Day is called Poisson d'Avril, an April Fish, which Bellingen, in his Etymology of French Proverbs, published in 1656, thus explains. The word Poisson, he contends, is corrupted through the ignorance of the people from Passion, and length of time has almost totally defaced the original intention, which was as follows : that as the Passion of our Saviour took place about this time of the year, and as the Jews sent Christ backwards and forwards to mock and torment him, that is, from Annas to Caiaphas, from Caiaphas to Pilate, from Pilate to Herod, and from Herod back again to Pilate, this ridiculous custom took its rise from thence, by which we send about from one place to another such persons as we think proper objects of our ridicule. A writer in the Gent. Mag., 1783, vol. liii. p. 578, also con- jectures that this custom may have an allusion to the mockery of the Saviour of the world by the Jews. Another attempt to explain it has been made by referring to the fact that the year formerly began in Britain on the 25th of March, which was supposed to be the Incarnation of our Lord, and the commencement of a new year was always, both among the ancient heathens and among modern Christians, held as a great festival. It is to be noted then that the 1st of April is the octave of the 25th of March, and the close con- sequently of that feast which was both the festival of the Annunciation and of the New Year. Hence it may have become a day of extraordinary mirth and festivity. Alluding to this custom, Charles Dickens, jun. (Gent. Mag. 1869, New Series, vol. ii. p. 543), says : A prince of the house of Lorraine, confined in one of Louis XIII.'s prisons, made his escape on the 1st of April by swimming across the moat, and is accordingly commemorated as a poisson d'Avril to this day. Why this should be so is not very clear, inasmuch as the gaolers and not the prince would have been the April fools on the occasion. A later version of the same story would appear to be the correct one. Here the prince and his wife, escaping in the disguise of peasants on the 1st of April, were recognised by a servant-maid as they were passing out of the castle-gates. She immediately made for the guard-room, 186 ALL FOOLS' DAY. [AritlL I. giving the alarm to a sentinel by the way, but, unfortunately for her, yet happily for the fugitives, although she may have forgotten that it was All Fool's Day, the soldiers on guard had not. The information was treated with the utmost contempt, the soldiers declining to be made game of, and while the royal prison-breakers got clear off, it is said that the luckless informer was soundly buffetted by the guard for her ill-timed jocularity. This version of the story, however, goes to prove nothing beyond the fact that the custom of making April fools was well known in the time of Louis XIII., but in nowise accounts for the curious expression poisson d'Avril ; while the swimming story explains the fish, but leads one to believe that the incident was the origin of the dedication of the 1st of April to fools. Another curious explanation of this peculiar custom, giving it a Jewish origin, has also been suggested. It is said to have begun from the mistake of Noah sending the dove out of the Ark before the water had abated on the first day of the Hebrew month, answering to our month of April, and to perpetuate the memory of this deliverance it was thought proper, whoever forgot so remarkable a circumstance, to punish them by sending them upon some sleeveless errand similar to that ineffectual message upon which the bird was Bent by the patriarch. Public Advertiser, April 13th, 1769. Maurice, in his Indian Antiquities (vi. 71), says that the custom prevailing both in England and India had its origin in the ancient practice of celebrating with festival rites the period of the vernal equinox, or the day when the new year of Persia anciently began. Addison, in the Spectator, referring to the year 1711, remarks that " a custom prevails everywhere among us on the 1st of April, when everybody takes it in his head to make as many fools as he can. A neighbour of mine a very shallow, conceited fellow, makes his boast that for these ten years successively he has not made less than a hundred April fools. My landlady had a falling-out with him, about a fortnight ago, for sending every one of her children upon some " sleeveless errand," as she terms it. Her eldest son went to buy a halfpenny-worth of inkle at a shoemaker's ; the eldest daughter was dispatched half a mile to see a APRIL i.] ALL FOOLS' DAY. ; 187 monster ; and, in short, the whole family of innocent children were made April fools. Nay, my landlady herself did not escape him. The empty fellow has laughed upon these conceits ever since." In the north of England persons imposed upon on this day are called " April Gouks." A gouk, or gowk, is properly a cuckoo, and is used here, metaphorically, in vulgar language, for a fool. The cuckoo is, indeed, everywhere a name of contempt. Brand, .Pop. Antiq., 1849, vol. i. p. 139. HAMPSHIRE. In this county tho following rhyme is said after twelve o'clock : " April fool's gone ptist. You're the biggest fool at last; When April fool come-< ngnin You'll be the biggest fool then." N. & Q. 1st S. vol. xii. p. 100. MIDDLESEX. In connection with the ancient custom of making " April fools '' on the 1st of April, the following hoax was practised on the London public on the 1st April, 1860. Some days previous thousands of persons received a neatly printed and official-looking card, with a seal marked by an. inverted sixpence at one of the angles. It was to this effect : " Tower of London. Admit the Bearer and Friend to view the Annual Ceremony of washing the White Lions on Sunday April 1st, I860. Admitted at the White Gate. It is parti- cularly requested that no gratuity bo given to the Warders or their Assistants." The hoax succeeded remarkably well, tvnd consequently several thousand persons were taken in-. For many hours cabs might have been seen wending their way towards Tower Hill on that Sunday morning ; tho drivers asking every one they met "How they should get to the White Gate." At last this piece of deception was found out, and the many thousands who had been thus imposed U|>on returned home highly disgusted. 188 HOCK, OR HOKE DAY. [APKIL 7. SCOTLAND. The Scotch have a custom of Hunting the Gowk, as it is termed. This is done by sending silly people upon fools' errands from place to place by means of a letter, in which is written : " On the first day of April Hunt the (^owk another mile." Brand, Pap. Antiq. 1849. vol. i. p. 140. APKIL 3.] ST. EICHAED'S DAY. AUBREY, in MS. Lansd. 231, says : " This custome is yearly observed at Droitwich, in Worcestershire, where, on the day of St. Eichard, they keep holyday, and dresse the well with green boughs and flowers. One yeare in the Presbyterian time it was discontinued in the civil warres, and after that the springe shranke up or dried up for some time ; so afterwards they revived their annual custom, not- withstanding the power of the parliament and soldiers, and the salt water returned again and ntill continues. This St. Eichard was a person of great estate in these parts, and a briske young fellow that would ride over hedge and ditch, and at length became a very devout man, and after his decease was canonized for a saint." APRIL 7.] HOCK, OE HOKE DAY. A POPULAR holiday mentioned by Matthew Paris and other ancient writers. It was usually kept on the Tuesday follow- ing the second Sunday after Easter Day, and distinguished by various sportive pastimes, which consisted, according to Spelman, in the men and women binding each other, and especially the women the men, and so was called " Binding Tuesday." Jacob (Law Dictionary, 1797J says that " Hoke- APRIL 7.] HOCK, OR HOKE PAT. 189 day, or Hock Tuesday (T)ie Martis, quern quindenam Paschce vocanl), was a day so remarkable that rents were reserved and payable thereon ; and in the accounts of Magdalen College, Oxford, there is a yearly allowance pro mulieribus hockantibus, in some manors of theirs in Hants, where the men hock the women on Monday, and the contrary on Tuesday ; the meaning of it is, that on that day the women in merriment stop the way with ropes, and pull passengers to them, desiring something to be laid out in pious uses. The following remarks are taken from Book of Days, vol. i. p. 499 : The meaning of the word hoJce or hock seems to be totally unknown, and none of the derivations yet proposed seem to be deserving of our consideration.* The custom may be traced, by its name at least, as far back as the thirteenth century, and appears to have prevailed in all parts of Eng- land, but it became obsolete early in the last century. At Coventry, which was a great place for pageantry, there was a play or pageant attached to the ceremony, which, under the title of " The old Coventry play of Hock Tuesday," was performed before Queen Elizabeth during her visit to Kenil- worth, in July 1575. It represented a series of combats between the English and Danish forces, in which twice the Danes had the better, but at last, by the arrival of the Saxon women to assist their countrymen, the Danes were overcome, and many of them were led captive in triumph by the women. Queen Elizabeth laughed well at this play, and is said to have been so much pleased with it that she gave the actors two bucks and five marks in money. The usual performance of this play had been suppressed in Coventry * Some have supposed that the term hock-day is equivalent to " dies irrisionis" or irrisiorius, a day of scorn and triumph, or, as we now say, "a day of hoaxing" Med. Mm Kalend., 1841, vol. ii. p. 198. Verstegan derives Hoc-tide from Heughtyde, which, he says, in the Netherlands means a festival season. Denne conjectures the name of this festivity to have been derived from Uockzeit, the German word for a wodding. Skinner mentions a derivation from the Dutch ho> fren, desidere, and adds, "mallem igitnr deduccro ab A.S. Heah-tid.'' Keniiett (Pitrcvh. Antiq. p. 495) suggests the Saxon lieadceg, which answeis to the French haut-jour. See Brand, Pop. Antiq. 1849, vol. i. pp. 184-191. 190 HOCK, OR HGKE DAY." [APKIL J. soon after tlie Reformation, on account of the scenes of riot which it occasioned. It will be seen that this Coventry play was founded on the statement which had found a place in somo of our chro- nicles as far back as the fourteenth century, that these games of hock-tide were intended to commemorate the massacre of the Danes on St. Brice's Day, 1002 ; while others, alleging the fact that St. Brice's Day is the 13th of November, suppose it to commemorate the rejoicings which followed the death of Hardicanute, and the accession of Edward the Confessor, when the country was delivered from Danish tyranny. Others, however, and probably with more reason, think that these are both erroneous explanations ; and this opinion is strongly supported by the fact that Hock Tuesday is not a fixed day, but a movable festival, and dependent on the great Anglo-Saxon pagan festival of Easter, like the similar ceremony of heaving, still practised on the borders of Wales on Easter Monday and Tuesday. Such old pagan ceremonies were preserved among the Anglo-Saxons long after they became Christians, but their real meaning was gradually forgotten, and stories and legends, like this of the Danes, afterwards invented to explain them. It may also bo regarded as a confirmation of the belief that this festival is the representation of some feast connected with the pagan superstitions of our Saxon forefathers, that the money which was collected was given to the church, and was usually applied to the reparation oi the church buildings. We can hardly understand why a collection of money should be thus made in commemoration of the overthrow of the Danish influence, but we can easily imagine how, when the festival was continued by the Saxons as Christians, what had been an offering to some one of the pagan gods might be turned into an offering to the church. The entries on this subject in the old churchwardens' registers of many of our parishes not only show how generally the custom prevailed, but to what an extent the middle classes of society took part in it. In Reading these entries go back to a rather remote date, and mention collections by men as well as women, while they seem to show that there the women "hocked," as the phrase was, on the Monday, and the men on the Tuesday. A:i::r, y-] HQCK, OB HOKE DAY. 191 In tho registers of 'the parish of St. Laurence, under the year 1499, we have : " Item, received of Hock money gaderyd of women, xx 9 - Item, received of Hock money gaderyd of men, iiij 9 '" In the parish of St. Giles, under the date 1535 : " Hoc money gatheryd by the wyves (women), xiij 9 ' ix d- " In St. Mary's parish, under the year 1559 : " Hoctyde money, the mens gatheryng, iiij s- The womens, xij s " In the "Privy Purse Expenses" of Henry VIII. for the year 1505, is the following entry : " May 2. To Lendesay for the wiffs at Grenewiche upon Hock Monday, 3s. 4d." Higgins, in his Short View of English History, says that, " At Hoctide the people go about beating brass instru- ments, and singing old rhymes in praise of their cruul ancestors." Dr. Plot says that one of the uses of the money collected at Hoketyde was the reparation of the several parish churches where it was gathered. This is confirmed by extracts from the Lambeth .Boofc. Brand, Pop. Antiq. 1849, vol. i. p. 189. BERKSHIRE. Some singular Hocktide customs observed at Hungerford are thus described in the Standard of April 14th, 1874 : These customs arc connected with the Charter for holding by the Commons the rights of fishing, shooting, and pasturage of cattle on the lands and property bequeathed to the town by John O'Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster. Tho proceedings commenced on Friday evening with a supper, at which the fare was macaroni, Welsh rare-bits, watercress, salad, and punch. To-day John 0' Gaunt's Day known in the town as " Tuth " Day, the more important business of the season is transacted at the Town Hull, from the window of which the town-crier blows the famous old horn, which has done Bcrvice on these occasions for many long years. The tything or " tuth " men thereupon proceed to the high constable's 192 ST. GEORGE'S DAY. [APRIL 23. residence, to receive their " tuth " poles, which are usually decorated with ribbons and flowers. The first business of these officials, who are generally tradesmen of the borough, is to visit the various schools and ask a holiday for the children ; then to call at each house and demand a toll from the gentlemen, and a kiss from the ladies, and distribute oranges ad libitum throughout the day, in expectation of which a troop of children follow them through the streets, which are for several hours kept alive by the joyous shouts and huzzas. The high constable is elected at the annual court held to-day, and one of the curious customs is the sending out by that officer's wife of a bountiful supply of cheesecakes among the ladies of the place. APRIL 20.] WORCESTERSHIRE. The 20th of April is the great fair-day of Tenbury, and there is a belief in the county that the cuckoo is never heard till Tenbury fair-day, or after Pershore fair-day, which is the 26th of June.* N. & Q. 2nd S. vol. i. p. 429. APRIL 23.] ST. GEORGE'S DAY. ST. GEORGE'S DAY, though now passed over without notice, was formerly celebrated by feasts of cities and corporations, as we learn from Johan Bale, who, speaking of the neglect of public libraries, has the following curious apostrophe : " cyties of Englande, whose glory standeth more in bellye chere then in the serche of wysdome godlye. How cometh it that neyther you, nor your ydell masmongers, have * Formerly there prevailed a singular custom peculiar to the county of Shropshire, called the " cuckoo-ale," which was celebrated in the month of May, and sometimes near the latter end of April. As soon as the first cuckoo had been heard all the labouring classes left off work, even if in the middle of the day, and the time was devoted to mirth nnd jollity over what was called the cuckoo-ale. Morning Post, May 17th, 1821. APEIL 23.] ST. GEORGE'S DAT. 193 regarded thys most worthy commodyte of your countrey ? I moan the conservacyon of your antiquytees, and of the worthy labours of your lerned men. I thynke the renowne of suche a notable acte wolde have muche longar endured than of all your belly bankettes and table tryumphes, eyther yet of your newly purcluised hawles to kepe St. Georges feast in." Preface to the Laboryvuse Journey and Serche of John Lyelande for Englande's Anliquitees in Lives of Leland, Hearne, and Wood, vol. i., sign C. Among courtiers and people of fashion blue coats were worn on this day. Captain Face, a character in the Earn Alley, alludes to the custom among the knights : " Do you bandy tropes ? By Dis I will be knight, We ar a blue coat on gre it St. George's Day, And with my fellows drive you all from Paul's." Dodsley'a t,ld Plays, vol. v. p. 486. 1 n Epigram 33 of The Seconds Bowie, by Thomas Freeman, 4 to, lf>14, quoted also in Dodsley's Old Plays, vol. xii. p. 398, it> this dibtich : " With's eorum nomine keeping greater sway, Thau a Court blew coat on St. George's Day." Dr. Forster, in his Perennial Calendar (1824, p. 185), men- tioning an allusion to this dre^s in Reed's Old Plays (vul. xii.), observes that it was prol/ably because blue was the fashionable colour of Britain, over which St. George presides, and not in imitation of the clothing of the fields in blue, by the flowering of the blue-bells, as many have supposed. Tiie king's spurs became the fee of the choristers at Windsor on installations and feasts on St. George's Day. In the " Privy Purse Expenses of Henry VII." is an entry under the year 1495 : "Oct. 1. AtWiudesor. To the children for the spoures." A similar disbursement occurs thrice in the Privy Purse Expenses of Henry VIII. in ir)30. Med.^Eci Kalend. vol. i. p. 214. Strype, in his Ecclesiastical Memorials (1822, vol. iii. pt. ii. p. 3), says, "April 23rd [1557], being St. George's Day, tho King's grace went a procession at Whitehall, through the o 194 ST. GEORGE'S DAT. ["APRIL 23. hall, and round about the court hard by the gate, certain of the Knights of the Garter accompanying him, viz., the Lord Mountagii, the Lord Admiral St. Anthony St. Leger, the Lord Cobham, the Lord Dacre, Sir Thomas Cheyne, the Lord Paget, the Earl of Pembroke, the Earl of Arundel, the Lord Treasurer, and Secretary Petre, in a robe of crimson velvet, with the garter embroidered on his shoulder (as Chan- cellor of the Garter). One bare a rod of black, and a doctor the book of records. Then went all the heralds, and then the Lord Talb >t bare the sword, and after him the sergeant- at-arms. An " Payd for makeyng the yron that the hors resteth upon, vj d - " Payd for makeyng of Saynt George's cote, viij d - " Payd to John Paynter for his labour, xlv 8 ' " Payd for roses, bells, gyrdle, sword, and dager, iy'* iiij d ' " Payd for settyng on the bells and roses, iij d< " Payd for nay Us necessarye thereto, x d> ob." CHESHIRE. In a pamphlet entitled Certayne Collections of Anchiante Times, concerninge the Anchante and Famous Cittie of Chester (already alluded to) and published in Lysous' Magna Bri- tannia, 1810, vol. ii. pt. ii. pp.' 588-590, is the following account of races at one time annually held at Chester en St. George's Day: In A.D. 1609, Mr. William Lester, mercer, being mayor of Chester, one Mr. Robert Amerye, ironmonger, sometime sherife of Chester (A.D. 1608), he, with the assent of the mayor and cittie, at his own costc chiefly, as I conceive, caused three silver cuppes of good value to be made, the whicho saide silver cuppes were, upon St. George's Daye, for ever to be thus disposed. All gentlemen that would bringo their horses to the Rood- dee that daye, and there rune, that horse which with spede did over-rune the rest, should have the beste cuppe there presently delivered, and that horse which came seconde, nexte the firste, before the rest, had the secoude cuppe there also delivered, and for the third cuppe it was to be rune for at the ringe, by any gentleman that would rune for the same upon the said Rood-dee, and upon St. George's Daye, being thus decreed, that every horse putt in soe much money as made the value of the cupps or bells, and had the money, which horses did winno the same, and the use of the cupps, till that day twelve month, being in bond to deliver in the cupps that daye, soe also for the cuppe for the ringe, which was yearly continued accordingly untill the yeare of our Lord 1623 ; John Brereton, inn-holder, being mayor of Chester, he altered the same after this manner and caused the three cupps to be sould, and caused more money to be gathered and added, soe that the intereste thereof woulde make one o 2 196 ST. GEORGE'S DAY. [APRIL 23. faire silver cuppe, of the value of 8, as I suppose, it may be more worth, and the race to be altered, viz., from beyonde the New-tower a great distance, and soe to rune five times from that place rownd about tho Hood-dee, and he that overcame all the rest the last course, to have the cup freely for ever, then and there delivered, which is continued to this daye. But here 1 must not omitt the charge, and the solem- nitie made, the first St. George's daye ; he had a poet, one Mr. Davies, who made speeches and poetic-ale verses, which were delivered at the high crosse before the mayor and aldermen, with shewes of his invention,* which booke was imprinted and * The following description of this show, written as it appears by Mr. Amorye himself, is copie.l fiom some Cheshire collections, among the Harleian MSS. No. 2150, f. 3:>ti. It appears that instead of three cups, as stated by Mr. Rogers, the prizes that year were two bells and one cup : " The manner of the showe. that is, if God spare life and health, shall be seene by all the bt -honlders upon St. George's Day next, bung tht) 23rd April, 1610, and the same with more addytions to continue, being for the kyng's crowne and dig nit ie, and the homage to the Kyng and Prynce, with that noble victor St. George, to be continued for ever. God save the Kyng. " Item. Two men in greene liveries set with worke upon their other habit, with blacke hoare, und blacke beards, very ougly to behouldc, and garlands upon their heads, with firworks to scatter abroad, to maintaine way for the rest of the showe. " It. One on horseback, with the buckler and head-pc ece of St. George, and three men to guide him, with a drum before him, for the honor of En gland e. " It. One on horsebacke, called Fame, with a trumpet in his hand, and three men to guide him, and he to make an oration, with his habit iu pompe. " It. One called Mercury fo descend from above in a cloude, his wings and all other matters, in pompe, and heavenly musicke with him; and after his oration spoken, to ryde on horsebacke, with his musicke before hym. "It. One on horsebacke, with the Kynge's arms upon a shield, in pompe. "It. One called Chester, with an oration, and drums before him, his habit in pompe. " It. One on horsebacke, conteening the Kynge's crowne and dignity, with an oration in pompe. ' It. One on horsebaeke with a bell, dedicated to the kynge, being double-gilt with the kynge's armes upon it, carried upon a septer in pompe, and before him a noise of trumpets, in pompe. " It One on horsebacke, with au oration for the Pryuce, hi pompe. APRIL 23.] ST. GEORGE'S DAT. 197 presented to that famous Prince Henry, eldest sonne to the blessed King James, of famous memorie. Alsoe, he caused a man to go upon the spire of St. Peter's steeple in Chester, and by the fane, at the same time he sounded a drum, and displayed a haner upon the top of the same spire. And this was the original of St. George's race, with the change thereof. LEICESTERSHIRE. At Leicester, the " Eiding of the George" was one of the principal solemnities of the town. The inhabitants were " It. One on horsebacke, with a bell, dedicated to the Prynce, his arnies upon it, in pompe, and to be carried ou a septer, and before the bell, a noyse of trumpets. "It. One on horsebacke, with a cup for St. George, carried upon a Bepter, in pompe. " It. One on horeebacke, with an oration for St. George, in pompe. " It. St. George himself on horseback, in complete armor, with hia stag and buckler, in pompe. and before him a noyse of drums. " It One on horsebacke, called Peace, with an oration, in pompe. " It. One on horsebacke, called Plentye, with an oration, in pompe. " It. One on horsebucke, culled Envy, with un oration, whom Love will oomfort, in pompr. " It. One on horseback, called Love, with an oration to maintaine all, in porn; ><. 44 It. The Maior and his bretheien, nt the pentes of this citye, with ther best npparell, and in scnrlet; and all the orations to lie made before him. and scene at the hiirh crosse, as they passe to the Roodye, wher by G< nt >hall be runne fr by thirr horses, for the two bells on a double static and the eup to be runne for at the rynge in some place by Gent and with a greater mater of the showe by armes, and shott, and with more than 1 can recyte, with a banket after in the Pentis to make welcome the Gent ; and when all is done, then judge what you have seen, and so speak on your mynd, us you fynd the " Actor for the presente "Robert Amorye." " Amor is love, and Amorye is his name, That did begin this pomp and princelye game ; The charge is great to him that all begun, Who now is satisfied to see all so well done." Notwithstanding Mr. Amorye had entertained the citizens so well in 1610, it was ordered in 1612 '-that the sports and recreations used on St. George's Day should in future be done by the direction of the Mayor and citizens, and not of any private person." Corporation .Record* 198 ST. GEORGE'S DAY. [APRIL 23. bound to attend the Mayor, or to " ride against the king," as it is expressed, or for " riding the George" or for any other thing to the pleasure of the Mayor and worship of the town. St. George's horse, harnessed, used to stand at the end of St. George's Chapel, in St. Martin's Church, Leicester. Fosbroke, Diet, of Antiq. IRELAND. St. George's Day was at one time celebrated at Dublin with high veneration. In the Chain-book of the city of Dublin are several entries to that purpose : " Item. 1. It was ordered in maintenance of the pageant of St. George, that the Mayor of the foregoing year should find the Emperor and Empress with their train and followers well apparelled and accoutered, that is to say, the Emperor attended with two doctors, and the Empress with two knights, and two maidens richly apparelled to bear up the train of her gown. " Item 2. The Mayor for the time being was to find St. George a horse, and the wardens to pay 3s. \d. for Ids wages that day. The bailiffs for the time being were to find four horses, with men mounted on them, well apparelled, to bear the pole-axe, the standard, and the several swords of the Emperor and St. George. " Item 3. The ehL'r master of the guild was to find a maiden well attired to lead the dragon, and the clerk of the market was to find a golden line for the dragon. " Item 4. The elder warden was to find for St. George four trumpets ; but St. George himself was to pay their wages. " Item 5. The younger warden was obliged to find the King of Dele and the Queen of Dele, as also two knights, to lead the Queen of Dele, and two maidens to bear the train of her gown, all being entirely clad in black apparel. Moreover, ho was to cause St. George's Chapel to be well hung in black, and completely apparelled to every purpose, and was to provide it with cushions, rushes, and other necessaries for the festivity of that day." Harris, History of Dublin, 1766, p. 146. APRIL 24.] BT. MARK'S EVK. 199 APBIL 24.] ST. MARK'S EVE. IN Poor Robin's Almanac for 1770 is the following: " On St. Mark's Eve, at twelve o'clock, The fair mnid will watrh her smock, To find her husband in the l>O"S. and hung with festoons of lloweru and ornaments of muslin nn.l silk, and with gold and silver thread. The kits are cariied on the heads of the young worn* n of the villnge, who. attended by the young mm and preceded by a bnnd < f music, parade the streets, nnd end the day's proceedings by a dance. Juur. of Arch. Assoc. It52, vol. vii. p. 208. 232 MAY DAY. [MAY i. bodice, looking upon one ; she seemed a mighty pretty creature." In a set of prints called the Tempest Cryes of London, one is called the Merry Milkmaid, whose proper name was Kate Smith. She is dauoing with her milk-pail on her head, .decorated with silver cups, tankards, and salvers borrowed for the purpose, and tied together with ribbons, and orna- mented with flowers. Misson, too, in his Observations on his Travels in England, alludes to this custom. lie says : On the 1st of May, and the five and six days following, all the pretty young country girls that serve the town with milk dress themselves up very neatly, and borrow abundance of silver plate, whereof they make a pyramid, which they adorn with ribbons and flowers, and carry upon their heads instead of their common milk-pails. In this equipage, accompanied by some of their fellow milkmaids and a bag-pipe or fiddle, they go from door to door, dancing before the houses of their customers, in the midst of boys and girls that follow them in troops, and everybody gives them something. Ozell's Translation, 8vo, 1719, p. 307. In .Read's Weeldy Times, May 5th, 1733, occurs the fol- lowing : On May-day the milk-maids who serve the Court danced minuets and rigadoons before the Koyal family, at St. James's House, with great applause. The following lines descriptive of the milkmaid's garland are taken from Every Day Book, vol. i. pp. 569, 570 : " In London thirty years ngo, When pretty milkmaids went about, It was a goodly sight to see Their May-day pageant all drawn out. Themselves in comely colours drest, Their shining garland in the middle, A pipe and tabor on before, Or else the foot-inspiring fiddle. They stopt at houses where it was Their custom to cry ' milk belo w !' And, while the music play'cl, with smiles Join'd hands and pointed toe to toe. Thus they tiipp'd on, till from door to door The hop'd-for annual present sent A signal came, to courtsey low, And at that door cease merriment. MAY i.] MAY DAT. 233 Such scenes and sounds once blest my eyes And charm'd my ears ; but all have vauish'd. On May-day now no garlands go, For milkmaids and their dance are banish'd. See Chappell's Popular Music of the Olden Time, 1855-9; also Every Day Book, vol. ii. p. 1562. May-gosling. A writer in the Gent. Mag. (1791, vol. Ixi. p. 327) says a May-gosling, on the 1st of May, is made with as much eagerness in the north of England as an April noddy (noodle) or fool on the 1st of April. " U. P. K. spells May-goslings " is an expression used by boys at play as an insult to the losing party. U. P. K. is up-pick, that is, up with your pin or peg, the mark of the goal. An additional punishment was thus : the winner made a hole in the ground with his heel, into which a peg about three inches long was driven, its top being below the surface ; the loser, with his hands tied behind him, was to pull it up with his teeth, the boys buffeting with their hats, and calling out, " Up-pick ! you May gosling !" or " U. P. K., gosling in May." * BERKSHIRE. At Abingdon the children and young people formerly went about in groups on May morning, singing the following carol : " We've been a-rambling all the night, And sometime of this day ; Aud now returning back again, We bring a garland gay. Why don't you do as we have done On this first day of May? And from our parents we have come, And would no longer stay. A garland gay we bring you here, And at your door we stand ; It is a sprout well budded out, The work of our Lord's hand. Why don't you do, &o. So dear, so dear as Christ loved us, And tor our sins was slain ; Christ liids us turn from wickedness Back to the Lord again. Why don't you do," &c. N. & Q. ith S. voL iii. p. 401. * See p. 2G5. 234 WAY DAT. [MAT BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. In a MS. in the British Museum entitled Status Scholce Etonensis, A.D. 1560, it is stated that on the day of St. Philip and St. James, if it be fair weather, and the master grants leave, those boys who choose it may rise at four o'clock, to gather May-branches, if they can do it without wetting their feet ; and that on that day they adorn the windows of the bed-chambers with green leaves, and the houses are per- fumed with fragrant herbs. CAMBRIDGESHIRE. Some derive May from Maia, the mother of Mercury, to whom they offered sacrifices on the first day of it ; and this seems to explain the custom which prevails on this day at Cambridge of children having a figure dressed in a grotesque manner, called a May-lady, before which they set a table having on it wine, ttc. They also beg money of passengers, which is considered as an offering to the Manikin ; for the : r plea to obtain it is " Pray remember the poor May-lady." Perhaps the garlands, for which they also beg, originally adorned the head of the goddess. The bush of hawthorn, or, as it is called, May, placed at the doors on this day, may point out the firstfruits of the spring, as this is one of the earliest trees which blossoms. Audley, Companion to the Almanack, 1816 p. 71. CHESHIRE. In this county the young men formerly celebrated May- day by placing large bidden boughs over the doors of the houses where the young women resided to whom they paid their addresses ; and an alder bough was often placed over the door of a scold Lysons' Magna Britannia, 1810, vol. ii. pt. ii. p. 462. Maypoles are also erected, and danced round in some villages with as much avidity as ever. Jour, of Arch. Assoc., 1850, vol. v. p. 254. Washington Irving in his Sketch Booh says, I shall never forget the delight I felt on first seeing a Maypole. It was on the banks of the Dee, close by the MAY i.] MAT DAY. 235 picturesque old bridge that stretches across the river from the quaint little city of Chester. I had already been carried back into former days by the antiquities of that venerable place, the examination of which is equal to turning over the pages of a black-letter volume, or gazing on the pictures in Froissart. The Maypole on the margin of that poetic stream completed the illusion. My fancy adorned it with wreaths of flowers, and peopled the green bank with all the dancing revelry of May-day. CORNWALL. In Cornwall this day is hailed by the juveniles as " dipping-day." On May-morning the children go out into the country and fetch home the flowering branches of the white-thorn, or boughs of the narrow-leaved elm, which has, just put forth its leaves, both of which are called " May." At a later hour all the boys of the village sally forth with their bucket, can, atid syringe, or other instrument, and avail themselves of a licence which the season confers " to dip " or well nigh drown, without regard to person or circumstances, the passenger who has not the protection of a piece of " May " in his hat or button-hole. The sprig of the hawthorn or elm is probably held to be proof that the bearer has not failed to rise early " to do observance to a morn of May." N. & Q. 1st S. voL xii. p. 297. Borlase, in his Natural History of Corn- wall, tells us that an ancient custom still retained by the Cornish is that of decking their doors and porches on the 1st of May with green sycamore and hawthorn boughs, and of planting trees, or rather stumps of trees, before their houses. Bond, in his History of East and West Looe (1823, p. 38), says : On May-day the boys dress their hats with flowers and hawthorn, and furnish themselves with bullocks' horns, in which sticks of about two feet long are fixed, and with these instruments filled with water they parade the streets all day, and dip all persons who pass them if they have not what is called May in their hats, that is, a sprig of hawthorn. A writer also in Once a Week (Sept. 24th, 1870), speaking of certain Cornish customs, tells us that dipping was admitted by the boys of Looo to be very great fun, aiid a May-duy 236 MAY DAT. [MAT i. without any would have been voted an utter failure ; never- theless the coppers of commutation were very acceptable, as the great two-day fair of the town was held towards the close of the week, when cash was generally in demand. Hence when any one flung pence among them, they were wont to chant during the scramble " The First of May is dipping-day, The Sixth of May is Looe's fair day." On the 1st of May a species of festivity, Hitchins tells us, was observed in his time at Pad stow : called the Hobby- horse, from the figure of a horse being carried through the streets. Men, women, and children nocked round it, when they proceeded to a place called Traitor Pool, about a quarter of a mile distant, in which the hobby-horse was always supposed to drink. The head after being dipped into the water, was instantly taken out, and the mud and water were sprinkled on the spectators, to the no small diversion of all. On returning home a particular song was sung, which was supposed to commemorate the event that gave the hobby- horse birth. According to tradition the French once upon a time effected a landing at a small cove in the vicinity, but seeing at a distance a number of women dressed in red cloaks, whom they mistook for soldiers, they fled to their ships and put to sea. The day generally ended in riot and dissipation. Hitchins, History of Cornwall, 1824, vol. i. p. 720. On the first Sunday after May-day it is a custom with families at Penzance to visit Rose-hill, Poltier, and other adjacent villages, by way of recreation. These pleasure- parties generally consist of two or three families together. They carry flour and other materials with them to make the '' heavy cake "* at the farm-dairies, which are always open for their reception. Nor do they forget to take tea, sugar, rum, and other comfortable things for their refreshment, which, by paying a trifle for baking and for the niceties awaiting their consumption, content the farmers for the house-room and pleasure they afford their welcome visitants.- -Every Day Book, vol. i. p 561. * See May-eve, Penzance, p. 216, MAY i.] MAY DAY. 237 DERBYSHIRE. Maypoles are to be seen in some of the village-greens still standing, and adorned with garlands on May-day. On this morning, too, the young village women go out ahout sunrise for the purpose of washing their faces in the May- dew, and return in the full hope of having their complexions improved by the process. Jour, of Arch. Assoc., 1852, vol. vii, p. 206. DEVONSHIRE. At the village of Holne, situated on one of the spurs of Dartmoor, is a field of about two acres, the property of the parish, and called the Ploy (play) Field. In the centre of this stands a granite pillar (Menhir) six or seven feet high. On May-morning before daybreak the young men of the village used to assemble there, and then proceed to the moor, where they selected a ram lamb (doubtless with the consent of the owner), and after running it down, brought it in triumph to the Ploy Field, fastened it to the pillar, cut its throat, and then roasted it whole, skin, wool. &c. At midday a struggle took place, at the risk of cut hands, for a slice, it being supposed to confer luck for the ensuing year on the fortunate devourer. As an act of gallantry the young men sometimes fought their way through the crowd to get a slice for the chosen amongst the young women, all of whom, in their best dresses, attended the Earn Feast, as it was called. Dancing, wrestling, and other games, assisted by copious libations of cider during the afternoon, prolonged the festivity till mid- night N. & Q. 1st S. vol. vii. p. 353. Jn some places it is customary for the children to carry about from house to house two dolls, a large and a small one beautifully dressed and decorated with flowers. This custom, has existed at Torquay from time immemorial. ESSEX. At SaflVon-Walden, and in the village of Debden, an old May-day song (almost identical with that given under 238 MAT DAT. [MAT i. BERKSHIRE, which see) is sung by the little girls, who go about in parties, carrying garlands from door to door. The garlands which the girls carry are sometimes large and handsome, and a doll is usually placed in the middle, dressed in white, according to certain traditional regulations. Illustrated London News, June 6th, 1857, p. 553. GLOUCESTBRSHIKE. In the village of Randwick, hard by the Stroud cloth-mills, at the appointed daybreak, three cheeses were carried upon a litter, festooned and garlanded with blossoms, down to the churchyard, and rolled thrice mystically round the sacred building ; being subsequently carried back in the same way upon the litter in triumphal procession, to be cut up on the village-green and distributed piecemeal among the bystanders. Household Words, 1859, vol. xix. p. 515. In this county the children sing the following song as they dance round the Maypole : " Bound the Maypole, trit-trit-trot ! See what a Maypole we have got ; Fine and gay. Trip away, Happy is our new May-day." Aunt Judy's Magazine, 1874, No. xcvii. p. 436. HAMPSHIRE. In the village of Burley, one of the most beautiful villages of the New Forest, a maypole is erected, a fete is given to the school-children, and a May-queen is chosen by lot ; a floral crown surmounts the pole, and garlands of flowers hang about the shaft. HERTFOEDSHIBE. At Baldock, in former times, the peasantry were accus- tomed to make a " my-lord and-my-lady " in effigy on the first of May. These figures were constructed of rags, paste- board, old masks, canvas, straw, &c., and were dressed up in the holiday habiliments of their fabricators" my lady " in the best gown'd, apron, kerchief, and mob cap of the dame, MAY i.] MAY DAT. 239 and "my lord" in the Sunday gear of her master. The tiring finished, " the pair " were seated on chairs or joint- stools, placed outside the cottage-door or in the porch, their bosoms ornamented with large bouquets of May flowers. They supported a hat, into which the contributions of the lookers-on were put. Before them, on a table were arranged a mug of ale, a drinking-horn, a pipe, a pair of spectacles, and sometimes a newspaper. The observance of this usage was exclusively confined to the wives of the labouring poor resident in the town, who were amply compensated for their pains-taking by the con- tributions, which generally amounted to something consider- able. But these wore not the only solicitors on May-day ; the juveniles of Baldock constructed a garland of hoops transversed, decorated with flowers, ribbons, &c., affixed to the extremity of a staff, by which it was borne, similar to those at Northampton and Lynn. Hone, The Year Book, 1838, p. 1593. The following amusing account ot the manner in which May-day was formerly observed at Hitchin is given by a correspondent of Every Day Book, 1826, vol. i. p. 565 : Soon after three o'clock in the morning a large party of the townspeople, and neighbouring labourers parade the town, singing the Mayer's Song. They carry in their hands large branches of May, and they affix a branch either upon or at the side of the doors of nearly every respectable house in the town. Where there are knockers they place their branches within the handles. The larger the branch is that is placed at the door the more honourable to the house, or rather to the servants of the house. If in the course of the year a servant has given offence to any of the mayers, then, instead of a branch of May, a branch of elder, with a bunch of nettles, is affixed to her door : this is considered a great disgrace, and the unfortunate subject of it is exposed to the jeers of her rivals. On May-morning, therefore, the girls look with some anxiety for their May-branch, and rise very early to ascertain their good or ill-fortune. The houses are nil thus decorated by four o'clock in the morning. Through- out the day parties of these mayers are seen dancing and frolicking in various parts of the town. The group that f 240 MAY DAT. [MAY i. saw to-day, which remained in Bancroft for more than an hour, was composed as follows : First came two men with their faces blacked, one of them with a birch broom in his hand, and a large artificial hump on his back ; the other dressed as a woman, all in rags and tatters, with a large straw bonnet on, and carrying a ladle; these are called 'Mad Moll and her husband ;" next came two men, one most fantas- tically dressed with ribbons, and a great variety of gaudy- colouicd silk handkerchiefs tied round his arms, from the shoulders to the wrists, and down his thighs and legs to the ancles ; he carried a drawn sword in his hand ; leaning upon his arm was a youth dressed as a fine lady in white muslin, and profusely bedecked from top to toe with gay ribbons these were called the " Lord and Lady" of the company ; after these followed six or seven couples more, attired much in the same style as the lord and lady, only the men were without the swords. When this group received a satisfactory contribution at any house the music struck up from a violin, clarionet, and fife, accompanied by the long drum, and they began the merry dance. While the dancers were merrily footing it the principal amusement to the populace was caused by the grimaces and clownish tricks of Mad Moll and her husband. When the circle of spec- tators became so contracted as to interrupt the dancers, then Mad Moll's husband went to work with his broom, and swept the road-dust, all round the circle, into the faces of the crowd, and when any pretended affronts were offered to his wife, he pursued the offenders, broom in hand ; if he could not overtake them, whether they were males or females, he flung his broom at them. These flights and pursuits caused an abundance of merriment. The Mayer's Song is a composition, or rather a medley of great antiquity, and is as follows : " Kemomber ns poor mayers all. And thus do we begin To lead our lives in righteousness, Or else \ve die in sin. We have bern rnmbling all this night, And almost all this day, And now returned back again We have brought you a branch of May. MAY i.] MAY DAY. 211 A branch of May we have brought you, And at your door it stands, It is but a sprout, but it's well budded out By the work of our Lord's hands. The hedges and trees they are so green, As jrreen as any leek, Our Heavenly Father, he watered them With Ids heavenly dew so sweet. The heavenly gates are open wide, Our paths are beaten plain, And if a man be not too far gone, He may return again. The life of man is but a span, It flourishes like a flower; We are here to day, and gone to-morrow, And are dead in an hour. The moon shines bright, and the stars give a light A little before it is day. So God bless you all. both great and small, And send you a joyful May." HUNTINGDONSHIRE. In the village of Glatton, May-day is observed by the elec- tion of Queen of the May, and the making of the garland. The garland is of a pyramidal shape, and in this respect resembles the old milk-maid's garland; it is composed cf crown-imperials, tulips, anemones, cowslips, kingcups, daf- fodils, meadow-orchis, wallflowers, primroses, lilacs, labur- nums, and as many roses and bright flowers as the season may have produced. These, with the addition of green boughs, are made into a huge pyramidal nosegay, from the front of which a gaily-dressed doll stares vacantly at her admirer?. This doll is intended to represent Flora. From the base of the nosegay hang ribbons, handkerchiefs, pieces of silk, aii'l any other gay-coloured fabric that can be borrowed for th occasion. The garland is carried by the two maids of honour to the May queen who place their hands beneath tho nosegay, and allow the gay-coloured streamers to full towards the ground. The garland is thus some six feet high. The following song was sung by " the Mayers " on May- day, 1865, in the village of Denton and Chaldccote, when they went round with their " garland " : B 242 MAY DAY. [MAT I. " Hero comes us poor Mayers all, And thus do we begin To lead our lives in righteousness, For fear we should die in sin. To die in sin is a dreadful thing, To die in sin for nought ; It would have been better for us poor souls If we had never been born. Good morning, lords and ladies, It is the first of May ; I hope you'll view the garland, For it looks so very gay. The cuckoo sings in April, The cuckoo sings in May, The curkoo sings in June, In July she flies away Now take a Bible in your hand, And read a chapter through ; And when the day of judgment comes The Lord will think of you." N, & Q. 3rd S. vol. vii. p. 373. It is the custom at Warboys for certain of the poor of the parish to be allowed to go into Warboys Wood on May-day morning for the purpose of gathering and taking away bundles of sticks. It may possibly be a relic of the old custom of going to a wood in the early morning of May-day for the purpose of gathering May-dew. N. & Q. 3rd S. vol. xii. p. 42. KENT. Sir Dudley Diggs, by his will, dated 1638, left the yearly sum of 20 to be paid to two young men and two maids,who on May 19th yearly should run a tye at Old Wives Lees in Chilham and prevail ; the money to be paid out of the profits of the land of this part of the manor of Sel grave, which escheated to him after the death of Lady Olive. These lands, being in three pieces, lie in the parishes of Preston and Faversham, and contain about forty acres, all commonly called the Running Lands. Two young men and two young maids run at Old Wives Lees in Chilham yearly on May 1st, and the same number at Sheldwich Lees on the Monday following, by way of trial; and the two who prevail at MAY i.] MAY DAY. 243 each of those places run for the 10 at Old Wives Lees as above mentioned on May 19th. Hasted, History of Kent, vol ii. p. 787. At Sevenoaks the children carry their tasteful boughs and garlands from door to door. The boughs consist of a bunch of greenery and wild flowers tied at the end of a stick, which is carried perpendicularly. The garlands are formed of two hoops interlaced cross-wise, and covered with blue and yellow flowers from the woods and hedges. Sometimes the garlands are fastened at the end of a stick carried perpendicularly, and sometimes hanging from the centre of a stick borne horizontally by two children. Either way the effect is pleasing, and fully worth the few pence which the appeal of " May-day, garlaud-day ! please to remember the May-bough!" makes one contribute. N. & Q. kth S. vol. iii. p. 424. LANCASHIRE. In most places it is customary for each driver of a team to decorate his horses with gaudy ribbons on May-day. In Liverpool and Birkenhead, however, where some thousands of men are employed as carters, this May-day dressing has grown into a most imposing institution. Every driver of a team in and around the docks appears to enter into rivalry with his neighbours, and the consequence is that most of the horses are gaily dressed and expensively decorated. The drivers put on their now suits, covered with white linen slops, and sport new whips in honour of the occasion. Some of the embellishments for the horses are of a most costly character ; not a few are disposed in most admirable taste ; and in several instances they amount to actual art-exhibitions, since the carts are filled with the articles in which their owners deal. Real and artificial flowers are disposed in wreaths and other forms upon different parts of the harness, and brilliant velvet cloths, worked in silver and gold, are thrown over the loins of tlie horses ; and if their owners are of sufficient standing to bear coats-of-arms, these are emblazoned upon the cloths, surrounded with many curious and artistic devices. Not only are the men interested in these displays, but wives and daughters, mistresses and servants, vie with each other as to B 2 244 MAY DAT. [MAY i. who shall produce the most gorgeous exhibition. A few years ago the Corporation of Liverpool exhibited no fewer than one hundred and sixty-six horses in the procession, the first cart containing all the implements used by the scavenging department, most artistically arranged. The railway com- panies, the brewers, the spirit-merchants, and all the prin- cipal dock-carriers, &c., send their teams with samples of pro- duce to swell the procession. After parading the principal streets, headed by bands of music and banners, the horses are taken home to their respective stables, and public drinks are given to the carters by the Corporation, the railway com- panies, and other extensive firms. The Mayor and other members of the Corporation attend these annual feasts, and after the repasts are ended the carters are usually addressed by some popular speaker, and much good advice is fre- quently given them. Harland and Wilkinson, Legends and Traditions of Lancashire, 1873, p. 96. In the Life of Mrs. Pilkington (Gent. May. 1754, vol. xxiv. p. 354) allusion seems made to this custom. The writer says, They took places in the waggon, and quitted London early on May-morning : and it being the custom in this month for the passengers to give the waggoner at every inn a ribbon to adorn his team, she soon discovered the origin of the proverb, " as fine as a horse ;" for before they got to the end of their journey the poor beasts were almost blinded by the tawdry party-coloured flowing honours of their heads. In connection with this custom may be mentioned one practised at Gilmerton, in the parish of Liberton, county of Edinburgh. The carters have friendly societies for the purpose of supporting each other in old age or during ill- health, and with the view partly of securing a day's recrea- tion, and partly of recruiting their numbers and funds, they have an annual procession. Every man decorates his cart, horse, and ribbons, and a regular procession is made, accom- panied by a band of music. To crown all there is an uncouth uproarious race with cart-horses on the public road, which draws forth a crowd of Edinburgh idlers, and all ends in a dinner, for which a fixed sum is paid. Stat. Ace. of Scotland, 1845, vol. i. p. 12. The maypole of Lostock, a village near Bolton, in Lanca- MAY i.] MAY DAY. 215 shire, is probably the most ancient on record. It is men- tioned in a charter by which the town of West Halton was granted to the Abbey of Cockersand, about the reign of King John. The pole, it appears, superseded a cross, and formed one of the landmarks which defined the boundaries, and must therefore have been a permanent and not an annual erection. The words of the charter are, " De Lostockmepull, ubi crux sita fuit recta linea in austro, usque ad crucem-super-le- Tungc." Dugd., Monast. Anglic. 1830, vol. vi. p. ii. n. ii. p. 906 ; Med. jflvi Kalend. vol. i. p. 238. LINCOLNSHIRE. Formerly it was customary in some parts of this county to change servants on May-day. Times Telescope, 1823, p. 118. A peculiar rustic ceremony used annually to be observed at Horncastle towards the close of the last century. On the morning of May-day, when the young people of the neigh- bourhood assembled to partake in the amusements which ushered in the festival of the month, a train of youths col- lected themselves at a place called the May-bank. From thence with wands euwreathed with cowslips, they walked in procession to the maypole, situated to the west end of the town, and adorned on that morning with every variety in the gifts of Flora. Here, uniting in the wild joy of young en- thusiasm, they struck together their wands, and, scattering around the cowslips, testified their thankfulness for that bounty which, widely diffusing its riches, enabled them to return home rejoicing at the promises of the opening year. Weir, Sketches of Horncastle. Dr. Stukeley, in his Itincrarium Curiosum (1724, p. 29), alluding to this custom, says there is a maypole hill near Horncastle, where probably stood an Hermes in .Roman times. The boys annually keep up the festival of the Floralia on May-day, making a procession to this hill with May-gads (as they call them) in their hands. This is a white willow wand, the bark peeled off, tied round with cowslips. At night they have a bonfire, and other merriment, which is really a sacrifice or religious festival. 246 MAT DAY. [MAT i. ISLE OF MAN. May Day is ushered in with blowing of horns on the mountains, and with a ceremony which, says \Yaldron, has something in the design of it pretty enough. In almost all the great parishes they choose from among the daughters of the most wealthy farmers a young maid for the Queen of May. She is dressed in the gayest and best manner they can, and is attended by about twenty others, who are called maids of honour. She has also a young man, who is her captain, and has under his command a good number of inferior officers. In opposition to her is the Queen of Winter, who is a man dressed in woman's clothes, with woollen hood, fur-tippets, and loaded with the warmest and heaviest habits one upon another. In the same manner are those, who represent her attendants, drest ; nor is she without a captain and troop for her defence. Both being equipt as proper emblems of the Beauty of the Spring and the Deformity of the Winter, they set forth from their respective quarters, the one preceded by violins and flutes, the other with the rough music of the tongs and the cleavers. Both parties march till they meet on a common, and then their trains engage in a mock battle. If the Queen of the Winter's forces get the better, so as to take the Queen of May prisoner, she is ransomed for as much as pays the expenses of the day. After this ceremony Winter and her company retire, and divert themselves in a barn, and the others remain on the green, where, having danced a considerable time, they conclude the evening with a feast, the queen at one table with her maids, the captain with his troop at another. There are seldom less than fifty or sixty at each board. For the seizure of her Majesty's person that of one of her slippers was substituted more recently, which was in like manner ransomed to defray the expenses of the pageant. The procession of the Summer which was subsequently composed of little girls, and called the Maceboard * outlived * The maceboard (probably a corruption of May sports) went from door to door inquiring if the inmates would buy the queen's favour, which was composed of a small piece of ribbon. MAT i.] MAY DAY. 24.7 that of its rival, the Winter, some years, and now, like many other remnants of antiquity, has fallen into disuse. Train, History of the Isle of Man, 1845, vol. ii. p. 118; Waldron, Description of the Isle of Man, p. 154. MIDDLESEX. London boasted several maypoles before the days of Puri- tanism. Many parishes vied with each other in the height and adornment of their own. One famed polo stood in Basing Lane, near St. Paul's Cathedral, and was in the time of Stow kept in the hostelry called Gerard's Hall. " In the high-roofed hall of this house," says he, " sometime stood a large fir pole, which reached to the roof thereof a polo of forty feet long and fifteen inches about, fabled to be the justing staff of Gerard the Giant." A carved wooden figure of this giant, pole in hand, stood over the gate of this old inn until March 1852, when the whole building was de- molished for city improvements. Book of Days, vol. i. p. 576. See Every Day Book, vol. ii. p. 612. A maypole was annually erected on May-day morning in Leadenhall Street, then called Cornhill, before the south door of the church known as that of St. Andrew the Apostle ; and, in order to distinguish this church from others dedicated to the same saint, it was termed in consequence St. Andrew's- Under-Shaft . On the 1st May, 1517 (9th of Henry VIII.), a violent tumult occurred in the city, and this polo was not raised afterwards f The inhabitants had long regarded with much jealousy the numerous foreigners who about that time took up their abode in London J and practised various trades, * This pole, when it wns fixed in (he ground, was higher than the church steeple; and it is to this that Chaucer the poet refers when he says, speaking of a vain boaster, that he bears his head "as he would bear the great shaft of Cornhill." St-iw's Survey, B. ii. p. 6.~> ; Godwin and Britton, Churches of London, 1S3J. t Pennant, London (5th edition, p. 587), says this shaft gave rise to the insurrection. Godwin and Britton deny this was the case. J Hall, in his Chronicle, says these foreigners "compassed the citie rounde aboute, in South warki-, in Westminster, Temple Barre, Holborne, Sixyncte Martynes, Sayncte John's Strete, Algate, Toure Hyll, and Sainct Katherinea." 218 MAY DAT. L^ AY * to the great injury, as was then thought, of the citizens, and on the 28th of April a quarrel took place between some of the London apprentices at that time a powerful body and two or three foreigners whom they met in the street, when blows were exchanged. This disturbance, however, was quickly quelled, but a rumour suddenly became general, although none knew on what grounds, that on the ensuing May-day, taking advantage of the sports and pastimes which were expected, all foreigners then in the city would be slain. In consequence of this various precautions were adopted by the authorities with a view to prevent if possible any con- templated outrage, and all men were commanded to stay in their houses. Notwithstanding this injunction, on the even- ning before May-day two striplings were found in Cheapside " playing at the bucklers," and having been commanded to desist, theory of " Trent ices, 'prentices, bats and clubs!" the usual gathering words at that period, was heard through the streets, and many hundreds of persons, armed with clubs and other weapons, assembled from all quarters, broke open the prisons, destroyed many houses occupied by foreigners, and committed other excesses. After some exertions on the part of the city authorities,* nearly three hundred of the rioters were captured. A commission was appointed to inquire into the insurrection, and a great number of the prisoners were condemned to die, but with the exception of one John Lincolne, who was hung, they were all ultimately pardoned. After this circumstance, which acquired for the day on wkich it happened the title of " Evil May-day," and induced those in power to discountenance sports which led to large con- gregations, the Cornhill shaft was hung on a range of hooks under the "pentisesf" of a neighbouring row of houses, where it remained till 1549. In that year, one Sir Stephen, curate of St. Catherine Cree, in a sermon which he preached * Cholmondeley, constable of the Tower, discharged some guns into the streets, while the Earls of Shrewsbury and Surrey, collecting the gentlemen of the Inns of Court, restrained the violence or souls If we had ne'er been born. Now we've been travelling all the night, And best part of this day ; And now we're returning back again. And have brought you a branch of May. A branch of May, which looks so gay, Before your door to stand ; 'Tis but a sprout, but 'tis well spread out, The work of our Lord's hand. Arise, arise, yon pretty fair maid, Out of your drowsy dream, And step into your dairy-house For a sup of your sweet cream. O, for a sup of your sweet cream, Or a jug of your own beer ; And if we tarry in the town, We'll call another year. Now take the Bible in your hand, And read a chapter through, And when the day of judgment cornea, The Lord will think of you. Repent, repent, ye wicked men, Repent before you die ; There's no repentance in the grave, When in the ground you lie. But now my song is almost done, I've got no more to say ; God bless you all, both great and small, I wish you a joyful May." The garland is afterwards suspender! by ropes from the school-house to an opposite tree, and the rnayers and other children amuse themselves by throwing balls over it. With the money collected tea and cakes are provided for the joyous party. The Queen of the May takes her seat at the head of the tea-table, under a bower composed of branches of may and blackthorn ; a wreath of flowers is placed on her head, and she is hailed " Lady of the May." The atten- dants wait round her, the party of mayers seat themselves at a long table below, and the evening concludes with mirth and merriment. Glossary, d'C., p. 424. MAY i.] MAT DAY. 257 NORTHUMBERLAND The young people of Loth soxes go out early in the morning to gather the flowering thorn and the dew off the grass, which they bring home with rnu-^ic and acclamations ; and Laving dressed a pole on the town-green with garlands, dunce an.und it. A syllabub is also p; spared for the May-feast, wh ch is made of warm milk from the cow, sweet cakes, and wine ; and a kind of divination is practised by fishing with a ladle for a wedding-ring which is dropped into it for the purpose of prognosticating who shall be first married. Hatch inson, Hist, of Northumberland, 1778, vol. ii., Appendix, p. 14. At N ewcastle-upon-Tyne it was formerly usual on May- mornings for the young girls to sing these lines in the streets, at the same time gathering flowers : " Bise up, maidens, fie for shame ! For I've been four long miles from hame, I've been gathering my garlands gay, Rise up, fair mnids, and take in your May ! " Brand, Pop. Antiq. 1S49, vol. i. p. 219. NOTTING H AMS H IR E. The May-day customs observed in this county are in many respects similar to those of other counties, but Nottingham- shire has the honour of being the parent of most of the happy sports which characterise this joyous period of the year, from the fact of most of the May-day games having had their origin in the world famous Eobin Hood, whose existence and renown are so intimately connected with this district. His connection with " Merry Sherwood " and the Sheriff of Not- tingham have been universal themes for centuries : and these and the " Miller of Mansfield " and the " Wise Men of Gotham " Lave done more towards making this county famous than all the rest of the ballads and popular literature put together. Maypoles and morris-dances were formerly very general, and the characters of Robin Hood, Little John, Friar Tuck, Maid Marian, and the Hobby-horse were well sustained. The maypoles were somet : mes very elegantly ornamented, and surmounted by flags and streamers of various colours. 8 258 MAY DAY. [MAY i. One was not many years ago remaining by Hucknall Fol- kard, and at the top were portions of the ironwork anrl decorations still in being. The morris-dance was unques- tionably one of the most popular of the many games incident to this season, and was very generally prevalent through- out this county, and many are the ballads dedicated to its observance. The following is of 1614 : " It was my hap of late by chance To wet a country morris-dance, Wh.-n, chiet'est of them all the foole P,a d with a ladle and a toole; When everv younkor sliak't his hels. And tine Maid Marian svi'h her smoile, Showed how a rascal plaid tin- voile, And when the Lobby horse did wihy, Then all the wenches yave a tihy,'' &c. May-day, although a day of general holiday and rejoicing, is nevertheless considered, as is the whole of the month, un- lucky for marriage, and few are celebrated on this day ; more weddings being hastened, so as to be over before this day, than postponed until June. This does not apply to divinations for future partners, for in some parts of the county it is usual to prepare a sweet mixture on the first of May, composed of new milk, cakes, wine, and spice, and for the assembled company to fi=h with a ladle for a ring and a sixpence, which have been dropped into the bowl ; the young man who gains the ring and the young woman the sixpence being supposed to be intended for each other. Jour, oj Arch. Assoc. 1853, vol. viii. p. 234. OXFORDSHIRE. Previous to the Reformation a requiem mass is said to have been performed every May-morning at an early houi- on the top of Magdalen tower, Oxford, for the repose of the sr.ul of Henry VII.. who had honoured that college with a visit in 1486-7. The chor stars cont'nne to execute in the same place, at five o'clock in tho morning of the same day, certain pieces of choir-music, for which service the rectory of Slimbridge in Gloucestershire pays the yearly sum of 10. The ceremony has encouraged the notion that He;iry MAY i.J MAY DAY. 259 coutributed to the erection of the tower, but his only recorded act of favour to the college is the confirmation of its claim to the rectory charged with the annual payment. The following hymn is sung on the occasion of this cere- mony: "Te Deum Putrem colimus, Te laudibus pr< seqnimur, Qui corpus cibo refieis Ccelesti men tern gratia. Te adoi ainus, O Jesu I Te, Fili unigenite ! Tu, qui non detl-gimtus es Subire claustra Viiguris. Aetns in crucem f; ictus es, Irato Deo viciirn>i ; Per te, Salvator uiiice, Vita} spus nobis rediit. Tibi, aeteriie Spiritus, Cujns atflutn popcnt InLntem Deum Maria, Sternum benedicimus ! Triune Deus, 1 ominum Sa utis Aui-tor optime. Iminen-uni hoc mvsteiiiim Ovanti lingua canimus." A correspondent of N. & Q. (2nd S. v'i. p. 446) thinks tli is hymn was composed by Dr. Thomas Smith, a very learned fellow of Magdalen College, soon after the Restora- tion, and that it was not sung till about the middle of the last century.* Akerman, History of Oxford, vol. i. p. 251 ; Wade, Walks in Oxford, 1817, vol. i. p. 132. * Whilst making some researches in the library of Christcliurch. Oxford, Dr. Rimbault discovered what appeared to him to be the first draft of the hymn in question. It has the following not.- 1 : " This hymn is sung every day in MJigdnlen College Hall, Oxon, dinner and Flipper, throughout the year for the after-grace, by the chaplain, clerks, and choristers there. Composed by Dr. Benjamin Rogers, Doctor of IMusicke, of the University of Oxon, 1685." It has been popularly supposed, gays Dr. Rimbault, to be the Hymnus Eucharisticus, \viitten by Dr. Nathan : el Ingelo, and sung at the civic feast at Guild- hall on the 5th of July, 1660, while the King and the other exalted peisonag. s were at dinner; but this is a mistake, for the words of Info's hymn, very different from the Magdalt n hymn, still exist, ar-d are to be found in Wood's Collection in tue Ashmolean Museum. 2CO MAY DAY. [M.VY I. Dr. Rimbault, in a communication to the Illustrated Lon- d n News (May 17th, 185t>), speaking of this custom, says : In the year of our Lord God 15U1, the "most Christian" King Henry VII. gave to St. Mary Magdalen College the advowsons of the churches of Slimbridge, county of Glou- cester, and Fyndon, county of Sussex, together with one acre of land in each parish. In gratitude for this benefaction, the college was accustomed, during the lifetime of their royal benefactor, to celebrate a service in honour of the Holy Trinity, with the collect still used on Trinity Sunday, and the prayer, " Almighty and everlasting God, we are taught by Thy Holy Word that the hearts of kings," &c. ; and after the death of the king to commemorate him in the usual manner. The commemoration service ordered in the time of Queen Elizabeth is still performed on the 1st of May, and the Latin hymn in honour of the Holy Trinity, which continues to be sung on the tower at sun-rising, has evidently refer- ence to the original service. The produce of the two acres above mentioned used to be distributed on the same day between liie President and Fellows ; it has however for many years been given up to supply the choristers with a festal entertainment in the college-liall. It was also the custom at Oxford a generation ago for little boys to blow horns about the streets early on May-day, which they did for the purpose of " calling up the old maids." " I asked an aged inhabitant," says a correspondent of N. & Q. (4:th S. vol. vii. p. 430), " how long the horn-blowing had ceased, and he replied, ever since the Eeform Bill came in ; but that he remembered the time when the workhouse children were let out for May-day early in the morning with their horns and garlands, and a worthy alderman whom he named always kept open house on that day, and gave them a good dinner." " Calling up the old maids " no doubt refers to the practice of calling up the maids, whether old or young, to go a-maying. Hearne, in his preface to Robert of Gloucester's C ' .rnnicle, alluding to the custom (p. 18),, says: " 'Tis no wonder, therefoi'e, that upon the jollities on the ftrst day of May formerly the custom of blowing with, and drinking in, horns so much prevailed, which, though it be now generally disused, yet the custom, of blowing them MAT i.] MAT DAT. 261 prevails at this season, even to this day at Oxford, to remind people of the pleasantness of that part of the year, which ought to create mirth and gayety." Aubrey has this memorandum in his Remains of Gentil- isme and Judaiame (MS. Lansd. 266, p. 5): At Oxford the boys do blow cows' horns and hollow canes all night ; and on May-day the young maids of every parish carry about garlands of flowers, which afterwards they hang up in their churches. At Combe, in the same county, troops of little girls dressed up fantastically parade the village, carrying sticks, to the top of which are tied bunches of flowers, and singing the following sung : M Gentlemen and ladies, We wish you a happy Mny; We've rome to sliow our garlands, Because it is May-day." The same verse, substantially, is the May-day song at Wont- ton, an adjoining parish. The last two of the four lines are sometimes as follow : M Come, hiss my face, ami smi 11 my mnoe, And give the lord ami lady Something.' A'. & Q. 3rd IS. vol. vii. p. 425. At Hcndington, about two miles from Oxford, the gather garlands from house to house. Eae-h garland s formed of a hoop for a rim, with two half hoops attached to it and cross-ed above, much in the shape of a crown ; ea< h member is adorned with flowers, and the top surmounted by u crown imperial or other showy bunch of flowers. E;ich garland is attended by four children, two girls dressed in all their best, who carry the garland, supported betwixt them by a stick pass< d through it between the arches. These are followed by the "lord and lady," a bay and girl, who go from house to house and sing the same song as is sung at Combe. In the village are upwards of a dozen of these garlands, with their " lords and ladies," which give to the place the most gay and animated appearance. Literal y Gazdte, May 1817. 262 MAT DAT. [MAT r. At Tslip tlie children, carrying May-garlands, go about in little groups, singing the following carol : " Good morning, mi-sus and master, I wish you a happy day ; Please to smell my garland, Because it is the first of May." Brand, Pop. Antiq. 1849, vol. i. p. 219. SHROPSHIRE. It has been usnal for the people in this neighbourhood to assemble on the Wrekin hill on the Sunday after May-day, and the three successive Sundays, to drink a health ' to all friends round the Wrekin ; " but as on this annual festival various scenes of drunkenness and licentiousness were frequently exhibited, its celebration has of late been very properly discouraged by the magistracy, and is going deservedly to decay. Every Day Hook, vol. ii. p. 599. SOMERSETSHIRE. At Minehead May-day is observed by the celebration of a custom called " H;;bby-horsing." A number of young men, mostly fishermen and sailors, having previously made some grotesque figures of light stuff, rudely resembling men and horses with long tails, sufficiently large to cover and disguise the persons who are to carry them, assemble together and perambulate the town and neighbourhood, performing a variety of antics, to the great amusement of the children and young persons. They never fail to pay a visit to Dunster Castle, where, pfter having been hospitably regaled with strong beer and victuals, they al vays receive a present in money. Many other persons, inhabitants of the places they visit, give them small sums, and such persons as they meet are also asked to contribute a trifle ; if they are refused, the person of the refuser is subjected to the ceremony of booting or pursuing. This is done by some of the attendants holding his person while one of the figures inflicts ten slight blows on him with the top of a boot, he is then liberated, and all part es give three hnz7/is. The most trifling sum buys off this ceremony, and it is seldom or never performed but ou MAT i.] MAY DAT. 2G3 those who purposely throw themselves in their way, and join tlie party, or obstruct them iii their vagaries. This custom probably owes its origin to some ancient practice of peram- bulating the boundaries of the parish. Savage, history of Carthampton, p. 583. STAFFORESHIBB. At Uttoxeter groups of children carry gnrlands of flowers about the town. The garlands consist of two hoops, one passing through the other, which give the appearance of four half circles, and they are decorated with flowers and ever- greens and surmounted with a bunch of flowers as a sort of crown, and in the centre of the hoops is a pendent orange and flowers. Mostly one or more of the children carry a little pole or stick, with a collection of flowers tied together at one end, and carried vertically, and the children themselves are adorned with ribbons and flouers. Thus they go from house to house, which they are encouraged to do by the pence they obtain. Eedfern, History of Uttoxeter, 1865, p. 202. SUFFOLK. Formerly in this county it was the custom in most f. inn-houses for any servant who could bring in a branch of hawthorn in full blossom to receive a dish of cream for breakfast. To this practice the following rhyme apparently alludes : "This is the day, And here is our May, The finest ever seen, It is fit for the queen ; So pray, raa'nm, give us a cup of your cr< nm " Braud, Fop. Antirj. 1849, vol. i. p. T29. StJRRET. In the parish of St. Thomas, Southwark, says Allen (His- tory of Surrey and Sussex, 1829, vol. i. p. 261). there wns nn ancient custom for the principal inhabitants to meet and dine toother annually on the tirst of May. This was called the " May-foast" The geutloinau who presided on the 264 MAY DAY. [MAY. I. occasion was called the steward. At the meeting in 1698, Mr. John Panther, being in that office, proposed to make a collection for binding out as apprent : ces the children of poor persons having a legal settlement. This was readily acceded to, and it was resolved that the minister of the parish, and such gentlemen as had served the office of steward, and should afterwards serve it, should be governors. This excellent plan has been followed ever since : the members for the borough are always invited to the feast, and a liberal col- lection is made. By means of donations and good management on the part of the governors a considerable sum has boen invested in the public funds. These boys are apprenticed annually, and if so many are not found in St Thomas's parish, the stewards in rotation may each appoint one from any other parish. Brayley, History of Surrey, 1841, vol. v. p. 399. SUSSEX. In very early times May-day was celebrated with great spirit in the town of Rye; young people going out at sunrise and returning with large bouglis and branches of trees, with which they adorned the fronts of the houses. About three hundred years ago the Corporation possessed certain wood- lands, called the common woods, whither the people used to go and cut the boughs, until at length they did so much damage that the practice was prohibited. A few years ago here and there a solitary may-bough graced a house, but they have now ceased to appear altogether. A garland or two carried by little children, and the chimney-sweepers in their ivy-leaves, representing " Jack of May," are the only relics of these May-day sports, so characteristic of merry England in former times. Holloway, Hist, of Eye, 1847, p. 608. WESTMORELAND. At a village called Temple So werbv it is customary for a number of pel-sous to assemble together on the green, and there propose a certain number as candidates for contesting the various prizes then produced, which consist of a t^r.iiti- stone as the head prize j a hoiie, or whetstoue f.jr a razor, as )i.\f I.] MAY 1>AT. 2C5 the second ; and whetstones of an inferior descript'on for those who can only reach a state of mediocrity in " the noble art of lying!" The people are the judges. Each candidate in rotation commences a story such as his fertile genius at the moment prompts, and the more marvellous and impro- bable his story happens to be, so much the greater chance is there of his success. After being amused in this manner for a considerable length of time, and awarding the prizes to the most deserving, the host of candidates, judges, and other attendants adjourn to the inns, where the spurts of the day very often end in a few splendid battles.- -.Every Day Book, vol. ii. p. 599. In this county it is the practice, every May-morning, to make folks May-goslings,* a practice similar to that on the first of April. Tlds custom prevails till twelve o'clock at noon, alter which time none carry on the sport. On this day, too, ploughmen and others decorate themselves with garlands and {lowers, and parade through different towns for their annual collection, which they spe .d in the evening wiih their sweethearts at the maypole. Time's Telescope, 1829, p. 176. WORCESTERSHIRE. The dance round the Maypole is kept up. says Cnthbort Bede (N. & Q. 1st S. vol. x. p. 92), at the village of Clent, near Hagloy. WALES. About a fortnight previous to May-day the qucstn n among the lads and lasses is, " Who will turn out to dance in the summer this year ?" From that time the mimes of the performers are buzzed in the village, and runx-ur proclaiu s them throughout the surrounding neighbourhood. Nor is it asked with less interest, "Who will carry the garland?" and " Who will he the Cadi?" About nine days or a week pro to the festival a collection is made of the gayest ribbons that can be procured. During this time, ttx>, the chosen garland-bearer is busily employed. Accompanied by oi^e Iroui among the intended dancers who is best kno\\n * See pge 233. 266 MAY DAY. [MAY i. among the farmers for good conduct, they go from house to house throughout their parish, bogging the loan of watches, silver spoons, and other utensils of this metal, and those who are satisfied with the parties, and have a regard for the celebration of this ancient day, comply with their solicitation. When May-day morn arrives the group of dancers assemble at the village tavern. From thence (when permission can be obtained from the clergyman of the parish) the procession sets forth, accompanied by the ringing of bells. The arrangement and march are settled by the Cadi, who is always the most active person in the company, and is, by virtue of his office, the chief marshal, orator, buffoon, and money-collector. He is always arrayed in comic attire, generally in a partial dress of both sexes, a coat and waistcoat being used for the upper part of the body, and for the lower petticoats somewhat resembling Moll Flagon, in the "Lord of the Manor." His countenance is also distinguished by a hideous mask, or is blackened entirely over, and then the lips, cheeks, and orbits of the eyes are sometimes painted red. The number of the rest of the party, including the garland-bearer, is generally thirteer, and with the exception of the varied taste in the decoration of their shirts with ribbons, their costume is similar. It consists of clothing entirely new, made of a light texture for dancing. White decorated shirts, are worn over the rest of their clothing ; the remainder of the dress is black velveteen breeches, with knee-ties depending halfway down to the ancles, in contrast with yarn hose of a light grey. The ornaments of the hats are large rosettes of varied colours, with streamers depending from them ; wreaths of ribbon encircle the crown, and each of the dancers carries in his right hand a white pocket-handkerchief. The garland con- sists of a long staff or pole, to which is affixed a triangular or square frame, covered with strong white linen, on which the silver ornaments are fixed, and displayed with great taste. Silver spoons, &c.. are placed in the shape of stars, squares, and circles. Between these are rows of watches, and at the top of the frame, opposite to the pole in its centre, the whole collection is crowned with the largest and mobt costly of the ornaments, generally a large silver MAY i.] MAT DAY. 2G7 cnp or tankard. This garland, \vli(-n completed on the eve of May-day, is left for the night at that farm-house from whence the dancers have received the most loan of silver and plate for its decoration, or with that farmer who is distinguished in his neighbourhood as a good master, and liberal to the poor. Its deposit is a token of respect, and it is called for early on the following morning. The whole party being assembled, they march, headed by the Cadi. After him follows the garland-bearer, and then the fiddler, while the bells of the village merrily ring the signal of their departure. As the procession moves slowly along the Cadi varies his station, hovers about his party, brandishes a ladle, and assails every passenger for a customary and expected donation. Whun they arrive at a farm-house they take up their ground on the best station for dancing. In the mean- time the buffoonery of the Cadi is exhibited without intermis- sion. He assails the inmates of the house for money, and when this is obtained the process : on moves off to the next farm- house. They do not confine the ramble of the -day to their own parish, but go from one to another, and to any county town in the vicinity. When they return to their resident village in the evening, the bells, ringing merrily, announce their arrival. The money collected during tlie day's ex- cursion is appropriated to defray whatever expenses '.nay have been incurred in the necessary preparations, aud the remainder is spent in jovial festivity. Every Day Book, vol. i. p. 562. At Tenby, says Mason (Tales and Traditions of Tenby, 1858, p. 22), it was customary for the possessors of a m:xyplo to try and pull down those set up in other places. A watch was therefore set up round each. SCOTLAND. In some parts of Scotland, says Pennant, there is a rural sacrifice on May-day. A cross is cut on some sticks, ench of which is dipped in pottage, and the Thursday before Easter one of these is placed over the sheep-cote, the stable, or the cow-house. On the first of Mny they are curried t-> the hill, where the rites are celebrated, all decked with wild flowers, 268 MAY DAY, [MAY i. and after the feast is over replaced over the spots they were taken from. This was originally styled Clonau-Bcltein, or the split branch of the fir of the rock. Tour in Scotland, 1790, vol. i. p. 206. COUNTY OP EDINBURGH. At Edinburgh abont four o'clock in the morning there is an unusual stir ; and a hurrying of gay throngs through the King's Park to Arthur's Seat to collect the May-dew. In the course of half an hour the entire hill is a moving mass of all sorts of people. At the summit may be seen a company of bakers and other craftsmen, dressed in kilts, dancing round a maypole. On the more level part is usxially an itinerant vendor of whisky, or mountain (not May) dew. These proceedings commence with the daybreak. About six o'clock the appearance of the gentry, toiling up the ascent, becomes the signal for servants to march home ; for they know tli at they must have the house clean and over. - thing in order earlier than usual on May-morning. About eight o'clock the fun is all over; and by nine or ten, were it for the drunkards who are staggering towards the ' gade t wn," no one would know that anything particular had taken place. See Every Day Book, vol. ii. p. 609. Fergusson the Scottish poet thus describes this custom : " On May-day in a fairy ring M^e've seen them, round St. Anthon's spring, Frae gruss the c.iller dew-.lyups wring, To wet their ein, And water clear as crystal spring, To synd them rleau." Formerly the magistrates of Canongate, Edinburgh, used to walk in procession to cLurch upon the fiist Sunday after Beltane, carrying large nosogays This observance was evidently a modified relic of the ancient festival of the sun ; and the original meaning of the custom must have been an expression of gratitude to that luminary, deified under the name of Baal, for the first-fruits of his genial -nfluence. Household Won. 8, 1859, vol. xix. p. 508. MAY i.' MAT DAT. 269 THE HIGHLANDS. On the first of May the herdsmen of every village hold their Bcltcin, a rural sacrifice. They cut a square trench on the ground, leaving the turf in the middle; on that they make a fire of wood, on which they dross a large caudle of eggs, butter, oatmeal, and milk ; and bring, besides tho ingredients of the caudle, plenty of beer and whisky, f;>r each of the company must contribute something. The rites begin with spilling some of the caudle on the ground, by way of libation ; on that every one takes a cake of oatmeal, upon which are raised nine square knobs, each dedicated to some particular being, the supposed preserver of their flocks and herds, or to some particular animal, the real destroyer of them : each person then turns his face to the fire, breaks off a knob, and flinging it over his shoulder, says, This I give to thee, preserve thou ray horses ; this to thee, preserve tin u my sheep ; and so on. After that they use the same cere- mony to the noxious animals. This I give to thee, fox! spare thou my lambs ; this to thee, hooded-crow ! and this to thee, eagle ! When the ceremony is over they dine on the caudle, and, after the feast is finished, what is left is hid by two persons deputed for that purpose ; but on the next Sunday they re-assemble, and finish the reliques of the first entertainment. Pennant's Tour in Scotland, 171)0, vol. i. p. 112 PERTHSHIRE:. In Sinclair's Stat. Ace. of Scotland (1794, vol. xi. p. 020) the Minister of Callander says : Upon the first day of May all the boys in a township or hamlet meet on the moors. They cut a table in tho green sod of a round figure, by casting a trench in the ground of such circumference ns to hold the whole company. They kindle a fire, and dress a repast of eggs and milk of the consistence of a custard. They knead a cake of oatmeal, which is tonsted at tho embers against a stone. After the custard is eaten up, they divide the cake into so many portions, as sim'Lir as possible to one another in size and shape, as there arc 270 MAY DAT. [MAT I. persons in the company. They daub one of those portions all over with charcoal until it is perfectly black. They put the pieces of the cake into a bonnet. Every one blindfold draws out a portion ; he who holds the bonnet is entitled to the last piece. Whoever draws the black piece is the devoted person who is to be sacrificed to Baal, whose favour they mean to implore in rendering the year produc- tive of the sustenance of man and beasts. There is little doubt of these inhuman sacrifices having been once offered in this country as well as in the Kast, although they now omit the act of sacrificing, and only compel the devoted person to leap three times through the flames: with which the ceremonies of this festival are closed. See N. & Q. 1st. S., vol. viii. p. 281. At Logierait the 1st of May, old style, is chiefly celebrated by the cowherds, who assemble by scores in the fields to dress a dinner for themselves of boiled milk and eggs. These dishes they eat with a sort of cakes baked for the occasion, and having small lumps raised all over the surface. Ibid. vol. v. p. 84. WESTERN ISLES OF SCOTLAND. Martin, in his Account of the Western Islands of Scotland (1703, p. 7), speaking of the Isle of Lewis, says that the natives in the village Barvas retain an ancient custom of sending a man very early to cross Barvas river every first day of May, to prevent any females crossing it first; for that they say would hinder the salmon from coming into the river all the year round. They pretend to have learned this from a foreign sailor, who was shipwrecked upon that coast a long time ago. IRELAND. In the south-eastern parts of Ireland (and no doubt all over the island) a custom used to prevail perhaps so still on May-day, when the young people of both sexes, and many old people too, collected in districts and localities, and selected the handsomest girl, of from eighteen to twenty-one years of age, as queen of the district for twelve months. She was then crowned with wild flowers ; and feasting, dancing, MAY r.] MAY DAY. 271 and rural sports were closed by a grand procession in the evening. The duties of her majesty were by no means heavy, as she hod only to preside over rural assemblies of young folks at dances and merrymakings, and had the utmost obedience paid to her by all classes of her subjects. If she got married before the next May-day her authority was at an end, but still she held office until that day, when her successor to the throne was chosen. If not married during her reign of twelve months, she was capable of being re-elected ; but that seldom happened, as there was always found some candidate put f .'i-ward by the young men of the district to dispute the crown the next year. N. & Q. 3rd S. vol. iv. p. 229 In Ireland, says Mr. Crofton Croker, May-day is called La na Seal tina, and May-eve neen na Baal tina, that is, the day and eve of Baal's fire, from its having been in ancient times consecrated to the god Beal, or Belus; whence also t'le month of May is termed in Irish Mi na Seal tine. May- el iy is the favourite festival of the mummers. They consist ( f a number, varying according to circumstances, of the girls and young men of the village or neighb >urhood, usually se- lected for their good looks, or their proficiency the females in the dance, the youths in hurling and other athletic exer- c'ses. They march in procession, two abreast, and in three divisions : the young men in the van and the rear, dressed in white or other gay coloured jackets or vests, and decorated with ribbons on their hats and sleeves. The young women are dressed also in light-coloured garments, and two of them bear each a holly-bush, on which are hung several new hur- ling balls, the May-day present of the girls to the youths of the village. The bush is decorated with a profusion of long ribbons, or paper cut in imitation, which adds greatly to the gay and joyous, yet strictly rural, appearance of the whole. The procession is always preceded by music, some- times of tho bagpipe, but more commonly of a military fife, with the addition of a drum or tambourine. A clown is of course in attendance: he wears a frightful mask, and bears a long pole, with shreds of cloth nailed to the end of it, like a nwp, which ever and anon he dips in a pool of water or puddle, and besprinkles such of the crowd as press upon his companions, much to the delight of the younger spectators, 272 MAY DAY. [M\V I. The mummers during the day parade the neighbouring villages, or go from one gentleman's seat to another, dancing before the mansion house, and receiving money. The eve- ning of course terminates with drinking. Fairy Legends and Traditions of the South of Ireland, 1825. COUNTY DOWN. On the first of May from time immemorial, until the year 1798, a large pole was planted in the market-place at Maghera, and a procession of May boys, leaded by a mock king and queen, paraded the neighbourhood, dressed in shirts over their clothes, and ornamented with ribbons of various colours. This practice was revived in 1813, and the May- boys collected about 17 at the different places where they called : this defrayed the expense of a public dinner next day. Circumstances, however, occurred soon after which induced one of the neighbouring magistrates to come into the town and cut down the pole, which had been planted in the market-place. Mason, Stat. Ace. of Ireland, 1814, vol. i. p. 593. COUNTY DUBLIN. On the first day of May in Dublin and its vicinity it is customary for young men and boys to go a fe'v miles out of town in the morning, for the purpose of cutting a May-bush. This is generally a white-thorn, of about four or five feet high, and they carry it to the street or place of their resi- dence, in the centre of which they dig a hole, and having planted the bush, they go round to every house and collect money. They then buy a pound or more of candles, and fasten them to various parts of the tree or bush in such a manner as to avoid burning it. Another portion of " the collection " is expended in the purchase of a heap of turf Rufficient for a large fire, and, if the funds will allow, an old tar-barrel. Formerly it was not considered complete without having a horse's skull and other bones to burn in the fire. The depits for these bones were the tanners' yards in a part of the suburbs, called Kilinainham ; and on May morning groups of boys drag loads of bones to their several destina- MAY I.] MAY DAY. 273 tioDS. This practice gave rise to a threat, yet made use of " I will drag you like a horse's head to the bone-fire." About dusk, when no more money can be collected, the bush is trimmed, the turf and bones are made ready to set on fire, the candles are all lighted, the bush fully illuminated, and the boys, giving three huzzas, begin to dance and jump round it. After an hour or so the heap of turf and bones is set fire to, and when the candles are burnt out the bush is taken up aud thrown into the flames. They continue playing about until the fire is Imrrit out, each then returns to his home, and so ends their May-day. About two or three miles from Dublin on the great Northern road is a village called Finglass. A high pole is decorated with garlands, and visitors come in from different parts of the country, and dance round it to whatever music chance may have conducted there. The best male and female dancers are chosen king and queen, and placed on chairs. When the dancing is over they are carried by soire of the party to an adjacent public-house, where they regale themselves with ham, beef, whisky-punch, ale, cakes, ai;d porter, after which they generally have a dance indoors, nnd then disperse. There is an old song relating to the above custom, beginning " Yo lae'po>, to bear. The rites of the /urn/ correspond most intimately with the df#es ep(tv avtiea, or from carryimj flowers, in commemora- t'on of the rape of Proserpine, whom Pluto stole as she was gathering flowers " herself a fairer flower 1" Others derive the word furry from the Cornish furrier, a thief, from the green spoils they brought home from the woods. See Potter's Antiquities, vol. i., and Gent. May. vol. li. pp. 520, 873, 1100. 278 WHITSUNDAY. [MAY IO. MAT 10.] WHITSUNDAY. IN the Catholic times of England it was usual to dramatise the descent of the Holy Ghost, which this festival com- memorates, a custom we find alluded to in Barnaby Googe's translation of Naogeorgus : "On Whit-sunday whyte pigeons tame in strings from heaven flie, And one that framed is of wood stUl hangcth in the skie. Thou seest how they with idols play, and teach the people too; Noiie otherwise thau little gyrls with puppets used to do." In an old Computm, anno 1509, of St. Patrick's, Dublin, we find iv 8 ' vii d ' paid to those playing with the great and little angel and the dragon ; iii 8 ' paid for little cords employed about the Holy Ghost ; iv 8 ' vi d> for making the angel (thitriji- cantis) censing, and ii a< ii d> for cords of it all on the feast of Pentecost. Every Day Book, vol. i. p. 685. Whitsunday is observed as a Scarlet Day in the Univer- sities of Oxford and Cambridge. Kalendar of the English Church, 1865, p. 73. The origin of the term Whitsunday has been warmly contested by various writers, and still seems to be an un- decided question. For an interesting article on this subject, see N. & Q. 5th S. vol. i. pp. 401-403. Consult also N. & Q. '2nd S. vol. ii. p. 154 ; 3rd S. vol vii. p. 479 ; 4th 8. vol. xi. p. 437. Dr. Neale's Church Festivals and their Household Words. The Prayer Book Interleaved (Champion and Beaumont). Whitsun Ale. Ale was so prevalent a drink amongst us in old times, as to become a part of the name of various festal meetings, as Leet-ale, Lamb-ale, Bride-ale (bridal), and, as we see, Whitsun-ale. It was the custom of our ancestors to have parochial meetings every Whitsuntide, usually in some barn near the church, consisting of a kind of picnic, as each parishioner brought what victuals he could spare. The ale, which had been brewed pretty strong for the occasion, was sold by the churchwardens, and from its profits a fund arose for the repair of the church. See Boole of Days, vol. i. p. 637 j also Brand, Pop. Antiy. 184'J, vol. i. pp. 276, 283. MAY 10.] WHITSUNDAY. 279 CORNWALL. Whitsuntide is observed at Polperro by a custom of the young people going in droves into the country to partake of milk and cream. N. & Q. 1st S. vol. xii. p. 298. Carew in his Survey of Cornwall (p. 68), speaking of the church ale, says that " two young men of the parish are yerely chosen by their last foregoers to be wardens, who, dividing the task, make collection among the parish oners of whatsoever provision it plenseth them voluntarily to bestow. This they employ in brewing, baking, and other acates [provisions] against Whitsuntide ; upon which holy- days the neighbours meet at the church-house, and there merrily feed on their owne victuals, contributing some petty portion to the stock, which, by many smalls, ^rroweth to a meetly greatness ; for there is entertayned a kind of emu- lation between these wardens, who, by his graciousness in gathering and good husbandry in expending, can best advance the elmrche's profit. Besides, the neighbour parishes at those times lovingly visit each one another and this way frankly spend their money together. The afternoones are consumed in such exorcises as olde and yong folke (having leisure) doe accustoniably weare out the time withall. When the feast is ended, the wardens yeeld in their account to the parishioners, and such money as exceedeth the disbursement is layd up in store, to defray any extraordinary charges arising in the parish or imposed on them for the good of the country or the prince's service, neither of which commonly gripe so much but that somewhat still remayneth to cover the purse's bottom." This custom is falling into desuetude, if it be not already discontinued. See N. & Q. 1st S. vol. xii 298. CUMBERLAND. At this season, and also at Martinmas, are held hirinrja for farmers' servants. Those who offer their services stand in a body in the market-place, and to distinguish themselves hold a bit of straw or green branch in their mouths. When the market is over the girls begin to file off, and gently paco the streuts with a view of gaining admirers, while the young 280 WHITSUNDAY. [M.VY IO. men, with similar designs, follow them, and, having eyed the lasses, each picks up a sweetheart, whom they conduct to a dancing-room, and treat with punch and cake. Here they spend their afternoon, and part of their half-year's wages, in drinking and dancing, unless, as it frequently happens, a girl hecomes the subject of contention, when the harmony of the meeting is interrupted, and the candidates for her affec- tion settle the dispute by blows without further ceremony. Whoever wins the victory secures the maid for the present, but she is sometimes finally won by the vanquished pugilist. When the diversions of the day are concluded, the servants generally return to their homes, where they pass about a week before they enter on their respective services. Britton and Brayley, Beauties of England and Wales, 1803, vol. iii. p. 243. ESSEX. Heybridge Church, near Maid on. was formerly strewn with rushes, and round the pews, in holes made apparently fur tlie purpose, were placed small twigs just budding. N. & Q. 2nd S. vol. i. p. 471. GLOUCESTERSHIRE. At St. Briavels, after divine service, formerly, pieces of bread and cheese were distributed to the congregation at church. To defray the expenses, every householder in the parish paid a penny to the churchwardens, and this was sa.d to be for the liberty of cutting and taking the wood in Hudnalls. According to tradition, the privilege was ob- tained of some Earl of Hereford, then lord of the Furest of Dean, at the instance of his lady, upon the same hard terms that Lady Godiva obtained the privileges for the citizens of Coventry. Rudder, History of Gloucestershire, 1779, p. 307. See N. & Q. 2nd S. vol. x. p. 184. A remnant of the old customs of Whitsuntide is retained at the noble old church of St. Mary Redcliffe, Bristol, which is annually strewn with rushes in accordance with ancient practice. See Edwards, Old English Customs and Charities, pp. 216, 217. A custom existed at Wickham for the lord of the manor M.\Y 10.] WHIT.UXDAY. 281 to give a certain quantity of malt to brew ale to be given away at Whitsuntide, and a certain quaut.ty of flour to make cakes. Every one who kept a cow sent curd ; others, plums, sugar and flour. A contribution of sixpence from each person was levied for furnishing an entertainment, to which every poor person of the parish who came was presented with a quart of ale, a cake, a piece of cheese, and a cheese- cake. Rodder, History of Gloucestershire, 1779, p. 817. HAMPSHIRE. At Monk Sherborne, near Basingstoke, both the Priory nnd parish churches were decorated with birch on Whit- sunday. N. & Q. S. vol. ii. p. 190. HEREFORDSHIRE. On Whitsunday, says a correspondent of N. & Q. (kth S. vol. i. p. 551), I was in the church of King's Pion, near Hereford, and was struck what seemed to me a novel style of church decoration. Every pew corner and "point of vantage " was ornamented with a sprig of birch, the light green leaves of which contrasted well with the sombrcness of the woodwork. No other flower or foliage was to be seen in the church. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. Miss Bakor (Glossary of Northamptonshire Words, 1854, vol. ii. p. 433) describes the celebration of a Whitsun-alo early in the present century in a barn at King's Sult-ui, fitted up for the entertainment, in which the lord, as tho principal, earned a mace made of silk, finely plaited with ribb us, and iilled with spices and perfumes for such of tho company to smell as desired it; six morris dancers were among the performers. In a \Vhitsun-ale, last kept at Greatworth in 1785, tho fool, in a motley garb, with a gridiron painted, or worked with a needle, on his back, carried a stick with a bladder, and a calf's t til. Majordomo and his lady as Queen of May, und niy lord's morris (*>ix in number) were in this precession. 282 WHITSUNDAY. [MAY IO. They danced round a garlanded maypole. A banquet was served in a barn, and all those who misconducted themselves were obliged to ride a wooden horse, and if still more unruly were put into the stocks, which was termed being my lord's organist. Glossary, &c., p. 434. NORTHUMBERLAND. An unchartered Whitsun Tryste Fair is still held annually on Wldtsunbank Hill, near Wooler. N. & Q. 5th S. vol. i. p. 402. OXFORDSHIRE. A custom formerly prevailed amongst the people of Burford to hunt deer in Wycliwood Forest. An original letter, in the possession of the corporation, dated 1593, directs the inhabitants to forbear the hunting for that year, on account of the plague that was then raging, and states an order that should be given to the keepers of the forest, to deliver to the bailiffs two bucks in lieu of the hunting ; which privilege, was not, however, to be prejudiced in future by its remittance on that occasion. Brand, Pop. Antiq. 1849, vol. i. p. 284. SOMERSETSHIRE. Collinson, in his History of Somersetshire (vol. iii. p. 620), speaking of Yatton, says that, " John Lane of this parish, gentleman, left half an acre of ground, called the Groves, to the poor for ever, reserving a quantity of the grass for the strewing church on Whitsunday." IRELAND. The Irish kept the feast of Whitsuntide with milk food, as among the Hebrews ; and a breakfast composed of cake, bread, and a liquor made by hot water poured on wheaten bran. Every Day Boole, vol. i. p. 685. At Holy Island, as regularly as the season of Whitsuntide comes, a concourse of people is assembled to perform penance. They make two hundred and eighty rounds, the circum- MAT ii.] WHITSUN MONDAY. 233 ference of some being a mile, others half a mile, till tliey are gradually diminished to a circuit of the church of St. Mary. A detailed and probably much exagg Tated account of the scene upon this occas : on will be found in Hardy's Holy Wells of Ireland, 1836, p. 29. MAT ii.] WHITSUN MONDAY. CHESHIRE. THE Whitsun Mysteries were acted at Chester, seven or eight on each day during the Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday in Whitsun week. The drapers, for instance, exhibited the " Creation ;" the tanners took the ' Fall of Lucifer ;" the water-carriers of the Dee reproduced the "Deluge;" the cooks had the "Harrowing of Hell.' The performers were carried from one station to another by means of a movable scaffjld, a huge and ponderous machine mounted on wheels, gaily decorated with flags, and divided into two compartments, the upper of which formed the stage, nn|ie Nicholas IV. 'a tajtati 11 it was a collegiuto church, consisting of five Portiouiats 296 TRINITY MONDAY. [MAY 1 8. delivered to the church ward ens, who sell and account for them, depositing the money in a great chest, called Cyff St. Beuno, made of one oak, and secured with three locks. From this, the Welsh have a proverb for attempting any very difficult thing. " You may as well try to break open St. Beuno's chest." The little money resulting from the sacred beasts, or casual offerings, is applied either to the relief of the poor or in aid of repairs. Pennant, Tour through North Wales, 1781, vol. ii. p. 210. MAY 1 8.] TEIN1TY MONDAY. HAMI-SHIHE. AN annual fair is held on Trinity Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday at Southampton. It is opened by the Mayor and bailiffs, with much ceremony, on the preceding Saturday afternoon. The Mayor erects a pole with a large glove fixed to the top of it, near the miller's house ; and the bailiff then takes possession of the fair, as chief magistrate iu its precinct during the fair, and invites the Mayor and his suite to a collation iu his tent. He appoints a guard of halberdiers who keep the peace by day, and watch the fair by night. During the fair no person can be arrested for debt within its precincts. On the Wednesday at noon, the Mayor dissolves the fair, by taking down the pole and glove, or rather order- ing it to be taken down ; which at one time was done by the young men of the town, who fired at it w : th single balls, till it was destroyed, or they were tired of the sport. Englefiold, Walk through Southampton, 1805, p. 75. KENT. Deptford Fair originated in trifling pastimes for persons who assembled to see the Master and Brethren of the Trinity House, on their annual visit to the Trinity House, at or Prpl-enrlaries. nnd continued so to the t ; me of ihe dissolution. Ldniul, It.n. vol. v. p. 15; Dugdale, Monast. Anylic. Ib25, vol. v. p. Go I. MAY 21.] CORPUS CHRISTI DAY. 2'J7 Deptford. First there were juggling matches ; then came a booth or t\vo ; afterwards a few shows. Every Day Book, vol. i. p. 724. OXFORDSHIRE. At Kidlington, says Blount (Jocular Tenures, Beckwith's edition, p. 281), the custom is that on Monday after Whitsnn week there is a fat live lamb provided ; and the maids of tho town, having their thumbs tied behind them, run after it, and she that with her mouth takes and holds the lamb, is declared Lady of the Lamb, which being dressed, with the skin hanging on, is carried on a long pole before the lady and her companions to the green, attended with music, and a Morisco dance of men, and another of women, where the rest oi the day is spent in dancing, mirth, and merry glee. The next day the lamb is part baked, boiled, and roasted, for tho lady's feast, where she sits majestically at the upper end of the taltle, and her companions with her, with music and other attendants, which ends the solemnity. MAY 20.] CORPUS CHRISTI EVE. IN North Wales, at Llanasaph, there is a custom of strewing green herbs and flowers at the doors of houses on Corpus Christi Eve. Pennant's Manuscript quoted by Brand, Pop. Antiq. 1849, vol. i. p. 297. AtCaerwis on Thursday after Trinity Sunday, wh'chthcy call Dudd Son Duw, or Dydd Gwyl Duw, on the Eva before, they strew a sort of fern before their doors, called red yn mair Pennant's MS. MAY 21.] CORPUS CHRISTI DAY. COUPUS CHRISTI DAY is held on the Thursday after Trinity Sunday, to celebrate, as the name indicates, tho doctrine of Tiunsubstantiation, and was instituted in the year 1264 by Tope Urban IV. In olden times the Skinners' fraternity of Corpus Christi 298 CORPUS CHRISTI DAY. [MAY 21. made their procession on this day, having " borne before them more than two hundred torches of wax, costly garnished, burning bright " (or painted and gilded with various devices) ; and " above tvrt) hundred clerks and priests, in surplices and copes, singing," after which came the officers ; " the mayor and alderiuen in scarlet, and then the skinners in their best liveries." A temporary revival of these imposing shows took place in Mary's days previously to their discontinuance. Tirnbs' Something for Everybody, 1861, p. 84. NORFOLK. At one time on Corpus Christi Day the crafts or companies of Norwich walked in procession from the common hall, by Cutter Row, and round the market to the hall again. Each company had its banner, on which was painted its patron or guardian saint. See History of Norwich, 1768, vol. i. p. 175. NORTHUMBERLAND. The earliest mention of the religious ceremony of Corpus Christi play and procession in Newcastle- upon -Tyne occurs in the Ordinary of the Coopers' Company, dated January 20th, 1426 ; though the great popularity of these exhibitions at York and other places must have induced the clergy, merchants, and incorporated traders of that town, to adopt them long before this time. There can be but little doubt that the several trades strove to outvie each other in the splendour of their exhibitions. The Company of Merchant Adventurers were concerned in the representation of five plays. The hoastmen, drapers, mercers, and boothmen had probably each one. " Hoggmaygowyk " was the title of one of their plays, the representing of which, in 1554, cost 4Z. 2s. This Company, in 1480, made an act for settling the order of their procession on Corpus Christi Day. In 1586 the offering of Abraham and Isaac was exhibited by the slaters. By the Ordinary of the goldsmiths, plumbers, glaziers, pewterers, and painters, dated 1436, they were commanded to play at their feast the three Kings of Coleyn. In the books of the fullers and dyers, one of the charges for the MAY 21."] CORPUS CHBISTI DAY. 299 play of 1564 is : "Item, for 3 yards of lyn cloth for God's coat, 3a. 2 nght also for pieces of coal, but in reality certain hard, black, dead roots, often found under the living mugwort, designing to place these under their pillows, that they might dream of themselves. Book of Days, vol. i. p. 816. In addition to the superstitious customs already mentioned there was the Dumb Cake : * Two make it, Two l>ab> it, Two break it; and the third must put it under each of their pillows, hut * See page 199. JUME 23.] MIDSUMMER EVB. 313 not a word must be spoken all the time. This being done, the diviners aro sure to dream of the man they love. There was the divination by hemp-seed,* which consisted of a person sowing hemp-seed, saying at the same time, Hemp-seed I sow, Hemp-seed I hoe. And he that is my true lore, Come after me an I mow. The lover was sure then to make his appearance. Soane's Book of the Months. Towards night, materials for a fire were collected in a public place and kindled. To this the name of bonfire was given, a term of which the most rational explanation seems to be that it was composed of contributions collected as boons or gifts of social and charitable feeling. Around this tire the people danced with almost frantic mirth, the men and boys occasionally jumping through it, not to show the r agility, but as a compliance \\ith ancient custom.! Book of Days, vol. i. p. 86. In the reign of Henry VII. these fires were patronised by the Court, and numerous entries appear in the '' Privy purso Expenses" of that monarch, by which he either defrayed the charges, or rewarded the firemen. A few are subjoined, as examples of the whole : " June 23 (1493). To making of the bonefuyr on Mid.-omer Eve, 10'. 44 Juue 28 (1495). For making the hint's bonefuyr, 10'. " June 24 (14U7). Midsomer Day, fur making of the bone-fuyr, In 1 . 44 June 30 (1498). The making of the bone-fuyr, 2. Med. JL'vi Kahnd., 1841, vol. i. p. 303. In the months of June and July, says Stow, on the v'gils of festival days, and on the same festival days in the evening See pa-e 100. t Fuller (Mixt Contemplation* in Better Times, 1858, p. 25) says l.e has met wit i ' two etymologies of bone-firi s. Some deduce it frm fins made of bones relating it to the burning of martyrs, first maile fashionable in Kngland in the reign of King Henry the Fourth ; L.ut others derive tlie word from boon, that is, go ;d. and tires." The more propable explanation seems to be that of Dr. Hi'-kes, and which boa been adopted by Lye in the Etijmofo-jicon of Juniiu. namely, that it wad derive;! from the Anjrlo-Saxon ba-lfyr.a, burning pile, by the clian^u of u .m-le letter only, bual iu tlie bundle signifying a c .uilagi-utiua. 314 MIDSUMMER KVE [JUNE 23. after the sun setting, there were usually made bonfires in the streets, every man bestowing wood or labour towards them; the wealthier sort also, before their doors near to the said bonfires, would set out tables on the vigils, furnished with sweet bread and good drink, and on the festival days with meats and drinks plentifully, where unto they would invite their neighbours and passengers also to sit and be merry with them in great familiarity, praising God for His benefit bestowed on them. On these occasions it appears that it was customary to bind an old wheel round about with stra v and tow, to take it to the top of some hill at night, to set fire to the combustibles, and then roll it down the declivity. BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. The Status ScMce Etonensis, A.D. 1560 (MS. Addit. Brit. Mas. 4843j, says: "In hac vigilia moris erat (quamdiu stetit) pueris, ornare lectos variis rerum variarum picturis, et carmina de vita rebusque gestis Joannis Baptists et prpe- cursoris componere : et pulchre exscripta affigere clinopodiis lectorurn, eruditis legeuda." CHESHIRE. The annual setting of the watch on St. John's Eve, in the city of Chester, was an affair of great moment. By an ordinance of the mayor, aldermen, and common councilmen, of that corporation, dated in the year 1564, and preserved among the Haiieian MSS. in the British Museum, a pageant which is expressly said to be " according to ancient custom,'' is ordained to consist of four giants, one unicorn, one dromedary, one camel, one luce, one dragon, and six hobby- horses, with other figures. By another MS. in the same Lbrary, it is said that Heury Hardware, Esq., the mayor in 1599, caused the giants in the Midsummer show to be broken, " and not to goe the devil in his feathers ; " and it appears that he c ( aused a man in complete armour to go in their stead , b it in the year 1601, John Ratclyffe, being mayor, set out the giants and M.dsu.mner show as of old JUNE 23.] MIDSUMMER EVE. 315 it was wont to be kept. In the time of the Commonwealth the show was discontinued, and the giants with the beasts were destroyed. At the Eestoration of Charles II. tho citizens of Chester replaced their pageant, and caused all things to be made new, because the old models wore broken. See Every Day Book, vol. i. p. 834. CORNWALL. In Cornwall the festival fires, called bonfires, are kindled on the eve of St. John the Baptist and St. Peter's Day ; and Midsummer is thence in the Cornish tongue called " Goluan," vhich signifies both light and rejoicing. At these fires the Cornish attend with lighted torches, tarred and pitched at the end, and make their perambulations round their fires, and f;o from village to village, carrying their torches before them ; and this is certainly the remains of the Druid superstition, for " faces praeferre," to carry lighted torches, was reckoned a kind of Gentilism. and as such particularly prohibited by the Gallick Councils : they were in the eye of the law *' accensores facularum," and thought to sacrifice to the devil, and to deserve capital punishment. Borlasc, Antiqniiics of Cornwall, 1754, p. 130. On Whiteborough (a large tumulus with a fosse round it), on St. Stephen's Down, near Launceston, there was formerly a groat bonfire on Midsummer Eve : a large summer pole was fixed in the centre, round which the fu- 1 was heaped. It had a large bush on the top of it.* Round this were parties of wrestlers contending for small prizes. Brand, Pop. Antiq. 1849, vol. i. p. 318. CUMBERLAND. Hutchinson (Hist, of Cumberland, vol. i. p. 177), speaking of the parish of Cumwhitton, says : They hold the wake on the Eve of St. John, with lighting fires, dancing, &o. * The boundary of each tin-mine in Cornwall \B marked by a long pole with a bush at the top of it These on St. John's Day are crowued flowers. Brand, Pop. Antiq., 1649, vol. i. p. 318. 316 MIDSUMMER EVE. [JUNE 23. LANCASHIRE. The custom of making large fires on the Eve of St. John's Day is annually observed by numbers of the Irish people in Liverpool. Contributions in either fuel or money to purchase it with are collected from house to house. The fuel consists of coal, wood, or in fact anything that will burn: the fire- places are then built up and lighted after dark. N. & Q 3rd S. vol. xii. p. 42. ISLE or MAN. Formerly the inhabitants lighted fires to the windward side of every field, so that the smoke might pass over the corn ; they folded their cattle and carried blazing furze or gorse around them several times ; they gathered bawan fealoin or mugwort as a preventive against the influence of witch- craft ; and it was on this occasion they bore green meadow grass up to the top of Barule in payment of rent to Mannan- beg-mac-y-heir. Train, History of Isle of Man, 1845, vol. ii. p. 120. MIDDLESEX. The date of the first establishment of a regular watch or guard for the City of London is uncertain. Stow assures us it has been instituted " time out of mind ;" and we have, as early as the 39th Henry VI., the following entries : " Payde to iiij men to wacche w* the Mayre and to goo w* him a nyghtes, xvj d> " " Payde in expenses for goyng about w* the Mayre in the town in the wacche, iiij d '" The watch for the ensuing year was always appointed with much pomp and ceremony on the vigil of St. John, or Midsummer's Eve ; hence the appellation oi the Midsummer Watch. On this night, as we learn from Stow, the standing watches in every ward and street of the city and suburbs were habited in bright harness. There was also a marching watch consisting of as many as 2000 persons, most of them old soldiers, who appeared in appropriate habits, armed, aiid many of them, especially the musicians and standard- TtTNE 23.] MIDSUMMER EVE. 317 bearers, rode on horseback. The watch was attended by men bearing cresset-lights,* which were provided partly by the companies, and partly by the City Chamber. Every cresset-bearer was presented with a " strawen hat and a painted badge, beside the donation of his breakfast next morning." The constables, one half of whom went out <>n the Eve of St. John, and the other half on the Eve of St. Peter, were dressed in " bright harnesse, some over gilt, and every one had a jornett of scarlet thereupon, and a chain of gold, his henchman following him, and his minstrels before him, and his cresset light at his side. The Mayor himself came after them, well mounted, with his sword- bearer before him, in lair armour on horseback, preceded by the waits, or city minstrels, and the Mayor's officers in liveries of woosted, or sea-jackets party-coloured. The sheriff's watches came one after the other in like order, but not so numerous ; for the Mayor had, beside his giant, three pageants ; whereas the sheriff had only two besides their giants, each with their morris-dancer and one henchman." Sto\v says that King Henry VIII., in the first year of his reign, came privately into Westcheap to view the setting of this watch, " being clothed in one of the coates of his guard," and at the next muster, which was on St. Peter's night, " the king and queeue came roially riding to the signe of the King's Head in Cheape, and there beheld the watche of the citie, which watche was set out with divers goodly shewes, as hud been accustomed." In the 31st year of this reign (1539), however, the Midsummer Watch was discontinued ; but it was revived, for one year only, by Sir Thomas Gresham, * Creftet-light. A kind of fire-basket let into an iron frame at the end of a long pole, and so contrived that the basket remained in a horizontal position, whichever way the pole was carried. These poles \\ere usually borne on men's shoulders. Cresset-lights were also used as heacons and served instead of lighthouses for signals along the const. The badge of the Admimlty was anciently a cresset Suakspeare makes Glendower say, in " Henry IV." (Act iii. s. 1; : "At my nativity, The front of heaven was full of fiery shapes, Of burning cressets." Donee, in his Illustrations of Shakspeare, imagines the word fc> have been derived froui the French word croiset a cruet, or enithen pot. 318 MIDSUMMER EVE. [JuNK 23. then Lord Mayor, in the second year of Edward the Sixth's reign. Stow's Survey of London; Jupp, History of the Carpenter's Company, 1848, pp. 40-44. NORTHUMBERLAND. In the ordinary of the Company of Cooks at Newcastle- upon-Tyne, 1575, quoted by Brand (Pop. Antiq. 1849. vol. i. p. 318), is the following clause : " And alsoe that the said fellowship of Cookes, shall yearelie of theire owne cost and charge mainteigne and keep the bonefires, according to the auntient custome of the said towne on the Sand-hill ; that is to say, one bone-fire on the even of the Feast of the Nativitie of St. John Baptist, commonly called Midsomer Even, and the other on the even of the Feast of St. Peter the Apostle, if it shall please the Maior and Aldermen of the said towne for the time being to have the same bone-fires." NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. Deering, in his Nottinghamia Vetus et JVo0a(1751, p. 123), quoting from an old authority, gives the following curious account of the watch once held at Nottingham. He says : " Every inhabitant of any ability sets forth a man, as well voluntaries as those who are charged with arms, with such munition as they have ; some pikes, some muskets, calivers, or other guns; some partisans, or halberts ; and such as have armour send their servants in thoir armour. The number of these are yearly about two hundred, who at sun-setting meet on the Bow, the most open part of the town, where the Mayor's serjeant-at-mace gives them an oath, the tenor wherof followeth in these words : ' You shall well and truly keep this town till to-morrow at the sun-rising ; you shall come into no house without license or cause reasonable. Of all manner of casualties, of fire, of crying of children, you shall due warning make to the parties, as the case shall require. You shall due search make of all manner of affrays, bloud sheds, outcrys, and all other things that be suspected,' &c. Which done, they all march in orderly array through the principal streets of the town, and then they are sorted into several JUNE 23.] MIDSUMMER EVE. 319 companies, and des : gued to several parts of the town, where they are to keep the watch until the sun dismisses them in the morning. In this business the fashion is for every watchman to wear a garland, made in the fashion of a crown imperial, bedecked with flowers of various kinds, some natural, some artificial, b;>ught and kept for that purpose, as also ribbands, jewels ; and tor the better garnishing whereof, the townsmen use the day before to ransack the gardens of all the gentlemen within six or seven miles round Nottingham, besides what the town itself affords them : their greatest ambition being to outdo one another in the bravery of their garlands." This custom was kept up till the reign of Charles I. OXFORDSHIRE. About the year 750, says Plott, a battle was fought near Bui-ford, perhaps on the place still called Battle-Edge, west of the town, towards Upton, between Cuthred or Cuthbert, a tributary king of the West Saxons, and Ethelbald, king of Mercia, whose insupportable exactions the former king not being able to endure, he came into the field against Ethelbald, met and overthrew him there, winning his banner, whereon was depicted a golden dragon ; in memory of which victory, the custom of making a dragon yearly, and carrying it up and down the town in great jollity on Midsummer Eve, to which they added the picture of a giant, was in all likelihood first instituted. Plott, Natural History of Oxfordshire, 1705, p. 356. WORCESTERSHIRE. A very curious practice is observed on Midsummer Eve at Kidderminster, arising from the testamentary dispositions of two individuals once resident there. A farthing loaf is given to every person born in Church Street, Kidderminster, who chooses to claim it. The bequest is of very ancient standing, uud tho farthing loaf, at the time of its date, was far different to what it is now-a-days. The day is called Farthing Loaf Day, and the bakers' shops are amply provided with these diminutives, as it is the practice of the inhabitants throughout 320 MIDSUMMER EVE. [JUNE 23. the town to purchase them. Super.added to this bequest is another. About the year 1788 an old bachelor left a sum for the purchase of a twopenny cake for every unmarried r sidcnt in Church Street, to be given on Farthing Loaf Day, and also the sum of two guineas to be paid to a household in the said street, as remuneration for providing a supper of bread and cheese and ale, to which every householder in the street should be invited. The householders each take their turn in being host, but with a promise, that none except the occupiers of front houses should enjoy this dignity. The toast directed to be drunk after supper is, " Peace and good neighbourhood." The money required arises from a sum which is lent at interest, annually, to any competent in- habitant of this favoured street, upon his producing two good sureties for the repayment at the end of the year. Hone's Year Book, 1838, p. 745 ; Old English Customs and Charities, p. 241. YORKSHIRE. On Midsummer Eve, at Eipon, in former days, every housekeeper, who in the course of the year had changed his residence into a new neighbourhood, spread a table before his door in the street with bread, cheese, and ale for those who chose to resort to it. The guests, after staying awhile, if the master was liberally disposed, were invited to supper, and the evening was concluded with mirth and good humour. Every Day Book, vol. ii. p. 866. WALES. Bingley, in his Tour Hound North Wales (1800, vol. ii. p. 237), says : On the Eve of St. John the Baptist they fix sprigs of the plant called St. John's-wort over their doors, and sometimes over their windows, in order to purify their houses, and by that means drive away all fiends and evil spirits. SCOTLAND. The Eve of St. John is a great day among the mason- lodges of Scotland. What happens with them at Melrose may be considered as a fair example of the whole. Jl*NK 23.] WIDSTTMMEi; KVK. 321 Imroed'atelj after the election of office-bearers for the year ensuing, the brethren walk in procession three times round the Cross, a^d afterwards dine together under the presidency of the newly-elected grand master. About six in the evening the members again turn out, and form into line two abreast, each bearing a lighted flambeau, and de- corated with their peculiar emblems and insignia. Headed by the heraldic banners of the lodge, the procession follows the same route, three times round the Cross, and then pro- ceeds to the abbey. On thene occasions the crowded streets present a scene of the most animated description. The joyous strains of a well-conducted band, the waving torches, and incessant showers of fire-works make the scene a carnival. But at this time the venerable abbey is the chief point of attraction and resort, and as the torch-bearers thread their way through its mouldering aisles, and round its massive pillars, the outlines of its gorgeous ruins become singularly illuminated, and brought into bold and striking relief. The whole extent, of the abbey is, with " measured step and slow," gone three times round. But when near the finale, the whole masonic body gather to the chancel, and forming one grand semicircle around it, where the heart of King Robert Bruce lies deposited near the high altar, the band strikes up the patriotic air, " Scots wha hae wi' Wallacu bled," and the effect thus produced is overpowering. Midst showers of rockets and the glare of blue lights the scene closes. Wade's History of Melrose Abbey, 18G1, p. 146. IRELAND. The following extract is taken from the Liverpool Mercury, June 29th, 18G7 : The old pagan fire-worship still survives in Ireland, though nominally in honour of St. John. On Sunday night bonfires were observed throughout nearly every county in the province of Leinster. In Kilkenny, fires blazed >n every hillside at intervals of about a mile. There wera very many in the Queen's county, also in Kildare and Wexford. The effect in the rich sunset appeared to travellers very grand. The people assemble, and dance Y 322 MIDSUMMER EVE. round the fires, tlie children jump through the flumes, and in former times live coals were carried into the corn fields to prevent blight : of course, people are not conscious that this Midsummer celebration is a remnant of the worship of Baal. It is believed by many that the round towers were intended for signal fires in connection with this worship. See Gent. Mag. 1795, vol. Ixv. pt. ii. p. 124; see Sir Henry Piers's Description of Westmeath, 1682; and The Comical Pilgrim 8 Pilgrimage into Ireland, 1723 p. 92. Croker, in his Researches in the South of Ireland (1824, p. 233), mentions a custom observed on the eve of St. John's Day. and some other festivals, of dressing up a broomstick as a figure, and c irrying it about in the twilight from one cabin to the other, and suddenly pushing it in at the door. The alarm or surprise occasioned by this feat produced some mirth. The figure thus dressed up was called a Bredogue. At Stoole, near Downpatrick, there is a ceremony com- mencing at twelve o'clock at night on M dsummer Eve. Its sacred mount is consecrated to St. Patrick ; the plain con- tains three wells, to which the most extraordinary virtues are attributed. Here and there are heaps of stones, around some of which appear great numbers of people, running with as much speed as possible ; around others crowds of wor- shippers kneel with bare legs and feet as an indispensable part of the penance. The men, without coats, with hand- kerchiefs on their heads instead of hats, having gone seven times round each heap, kiss the ground, cross themselves, and proceed to the hill ; here they ascend, on their bare knees, by a path so steep and rugged that it would be (1 fficult to walk up. Many hold their hands clasped at the back of their necks, and several carry large stones on their heads. Having repeated this ceremony seven times, they go to what is called St. Patrick's Chair, which are two great stones fixed upright in the hill ; here they cross and bless themselves as they step in between these stones, and, while repeating prayers, an old man, seated for the purpose, turns them round on their feet three times, for which he is paid ; Iho devotee then goes to conclude his penance at a pile of tones, named the Altar. While this busy scene is continued JUNE 24.] MIDSUMMER DAY. 323 by the multitude, tlie wells and streams issuing from them arc thronged by crowds of halt, maimed, and blind, pressing to wash away their infirmities with water consecrated by their patron saint, and so powerful is the impression of its efficacy on their minds, that many of those who go to be healed, and who are not totally blind, or altogether crippled, really believe for a time that they are by means of its miraculous virtues perfectly restored. Hibernian Magazine. 1817. JUNE 24.] MIDSUMMER DAY ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST S DAY. THE general customs connected with this season commenced on the preceding evening. See Midsummer Eve. BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. The Status Scholce Etonensis, A.D. 1560 (MS. Addit. Brit. Mas. 4813), says: " Mense Junii, in Festo Natalis D. Johannis post matutinas preces, dum consuetude floruit acccdtbant omncs scholastic! ad rogum extructum in orien- tuli reg'one templi, ubi reverenter a symphoniacis cantatis tribus Antiphonis, et pueris in ordine stantibus venitur ad merendam." CAMBRIDGESHIRE. On a common called Midsummer Green, in the parish cf Barmvell, an annual fair is held, commencing on Midsummer Day, and cont : nuing for a fortnigh.,. This fair is supposed to have originated with the assemblages of children at this place on the eve of St. John the Baptist's Day, whose yearly gatherings being attended by a considerable concourse of people, attracted the notice of some pedlars, who began to dispose of their merchandise on this spot as early as the reign of Henry I. The articles brought for sale are chiefly earth en- wares, whence the festival has attained the name of Pot fair. The fair is proclaimed on the eve of Midsummer Day by the heads of the University, first in the middle of T 2 324 MIDSUMMER BAT. [JUNE 24. the village, and afterwards on the green where it is cele- brated. It appears to have assumed its legal form in the reign of Henry III. Brayley and Britton, Beauties of England and Wales, 1809, vol. ii. p. 110. CHESHIRE. In former times there was a privilege of licensing the minstrels, peculiar to the ancient family of Button. The original grant came from Earl Randal Blundeville to Roger Lacy, constable of Chester ; and his son, John Lacy, assigned the privilege to the family of Dutton. The anniversary of this solemnity was constantly celebrated on the festival of St. John the Baptist by a regular procession of all the minstrels to the church of this tutelary saint in the city of Chester. But after having been constantly observed for at least 550 years, it seems to have been discontinued in 1758 ; and, as an instance how sacred these exclusive privileges were esteemed by legislative wisdom, the Act of the 29th of Elizabeth, which declares all itinerant minstrels to be vaga- bonds, particularly exeepts the minstrel-jurisd'ction of John Dutton, of Duttoii in Cheshire, Esq. Gower, Materials for a History of Cheshire, 1771, p. 67. CORNWALL. Hitchins, in his History of Cornwall (1824, vol. i. p. 717), says : Midsummer Day is considered as a high holiday, on which either a pole is erected, decorated with garlands, or some flags displayed, to denote the sanctity of the time. This custom has prevailed from time immemorial, of which it is scarcely possible to trace the origin. DEVONSHIRE. Lynton revel begins on the first Sunday after Midsummer Day. It formerly lasted a week. As in the days before the Reformation, revels until lately began on a Sunday in Lynton aixl Lynmouth, a barrel of beer having been placed near the church gate in readiness for the people coming out of church, JUNE 24.] MID3UJ1MER DAY. 325 who partook of a glass and a cake, called revel cake, made with dark flour, currants, aiid carraway seeds. Wrestling formed a chief feature in the amusements, and large sums were raised by subscription to purchase prizes. However odd it may appear, it is not more than twenty years since the silver spoons, bought as prizes to be wrestled for, were exhibited hung in front <.f the gallery in Countisbury Church during divine service on Revel Sunday. Of late years, however, owing to the prevalence of drunkenness, especially on the Sunday afternoon, the respectable inhabi- tants have set their f;ices against these revels, which have now dwindled into ins'gn ficance. The collusion which sprang up among the wrestlers to share the prizes, without their being won by a real trial of skill and strength, hastened also greatly to abate the enthusiasm of the subscribers, so that of late the prizes have not been beyond a few shillings collected from the people on the ground. This of itself has given a death-blow to the reveL Cooper, Guide to Lgnlvn and Lynmouth, 185^, p. 38. ISLE OF MAN. On th's day a tent is erected on the summit of the Tynwuld Hill (called also Cronk-y-Keeillown, i.e., St. John's Church Hill, a mound said to have buen originally brought frm each of the seventeen parishes of the island), and prepara- tions are made fur the reception of the officers of state, according to anc ; ent custom. Early in the morning th<; Governor proceeds from C.istletowu under a military escort to St. John's Chapel, situated a few hundred yards to the east .vard of the Tynwald H.ll. Here he is received by the Bishop, the Council, the clergy, and the keys, and all attend Divine service in the chapel, the Government chaplain This ended, they march in a procession from the chapel to the mount, the military formed in line on each side of the green turf walk. The clergy take the lead, next comes the Vicar-General, and the tvo Deemsters, then the bearer of the sword of state in front of the Governor, who is succeeded by the Clerk of the Kolls. the twenty-four keys, and the captains of the different parishes. 326 MIDSUMMER DAT. [JUNE 2-f. The ceremony of the Tynwald Hill is thus stated in the Lex Scripta of the Isle of Man, as given for law to Sir John Stanley, in 1417 : " This is the constitution of old time, how yee should be governed on the Tinwald day. First you shall come thither in your royal array, as a king ought to do by the prerogatives and royalties of the land of Mann, and upon the hill of Tinwald sitt in a chair covered with a royal cloath and quishions, and your visage in the east, and your sword before you, holden with the point upward. Youi- Barrens in the third degree sitting beside you, and your beneficed men and your Deemsters before you sitting, and your clarke, your knight, esquires, and yoomen about you in the third degree, and the worthiest men in your land to be called in before your Deemsters, if you will ask anything of them, and to hear the government of your land and your will ; and the Commons to stand without the circle of the hill, with three clearkes in their surplices, and your Deemsters shall call the coroner of Glanfaba, and he shall call in all the coroners of Man, and their yardes in their hands, with their weapons upon them, either sword or axe ; and the moares, that is to witt. of every sheading ; then the chief coroner, that is, the coroner of Glanfaba, shall make affence upon pain of life or lyme, that no man make a disturbance or stirr in the time Tinwald, or any murmur, or rising in the King's presence, upon pain of hanging and drawing ; and then to proceed in your matters whatsoever you have to doe, in felon ie or treason, or other matters that touch the government of y< nr 1-nid of Manne." Cumming's History of the Lie of Man, 1848, pp. 185, 186. MIDDLESEX. " There is this solemn and charitable custom in y e Ch. of St. Mary- Hill, London. On the next Sunday after Midsummer Day, every year, the fellowship of the Porters of y" City of London, time out of mind, come to this church in y e morning, and whilst the Psalms are reading, they group two and two towards the rails of y e Communion table, whore are set two basons ; and there they make their offering, and so return to the body of y e Church again. After then the 24.] MIDStMMER DAT. 327 inhabitants of y e parish and their wives, and others also then at church, make their offering likewise ; and the money so < ffored is given to the poor decrepit Porters of the said fellowship for their better subsistence." Newcomb's MS. Collect., cited by Bishop Kenuett. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. It was the custom to strew the church of Middleton Chenduit, in summer, with hay gathered from six or seven s laths in Ash Meadow, which were given for this purpose. ]n the winter the rector found straw. Bridges's History of Northamptonshire, 1791, vol. i. p. 187. NOKTH CUMBERLAND. It is customary on this day to dress out stools with a cushion of flowers. A layer of clay is placed on the stool, and therein is stuck, with great regularity, an arrangement of all kinds of flowers, so close as to form a beautiful cushion. These are exhibited at the doors of houses in the villages, and at the ends of streets and cross lanes of larger t )\vns. where the attendants beg money from passengers to enable them to have an evening fete and dancing. This custom is evidently derived from the " Ludi Com- pitalii " of the Romans ; this appellation was taken from the cumpita, or cross lanes, where they were instituted and celebrated by the multitude assembled before the building of Rome. It was the feast of the lares, or household g;ds, who presided as well over houses as streets. Hutchinson's History of Northumberland. OXFORDSHIRE. The following notice of a curious custom, formerly observed at Magdalen College, Oxford, is taken from the Life of Bishup Horne, by the Rev. Will : am Jones (Works, vol. xii. p. 131) : " A letter of July the 25th, 1755, informed me that Mr. Home, according to an established custom at Magdalen College, in Oxford, had bugun to preach before 328 MIDSUJIMKIl DAT. [JlTNE 24. tlie University, on the day of St. John the Baptist. For the preaching of this annual sermon, a permanent pulpit of stone is inserted into a corner of the first quadrangle ; and BO long as the stone pulpit was in use (of which I have bean a witness), the quadrangle was furnished round the sides with a large fence of green boughs, that the preaching might more nearly resemble that of John the Baptist in the wilder- ness ; and a pleasant sight it was : but fur many years the custom has been discontinued, and the assembly have thought it safer to take shelter under the roof of the chapel." At the mowing of Rcocl-mede, a meadow between Bicestcr and Wendlebury, most of the different kinds of rural sports were usually practised ; and in such repute was the holiday, that booths and stalls were erected as if it had been a fair. The origin of the custom is unknown : but as the amuse- ments took place at the time when the meadow became subject to commonage, some have sinp >sed it originated in the rejoicings of the villagers on that account. These si>orts entirely ceased on the enclosure of Chesterton field. Duukin, History of Bicester, 1816, p. 2G9. SOMERSETSHIRE. Collinson, in his History of the County of Somerset (1791, iii. p. 586), gives an account of a custom that was celebrated on the Saturday before old Midsummer Day in the parishes of Congreslury and Puxton, at two large pieces of common land, called and West Dolemoors. These, he says, were divided into single acres, each bearing a peculiar and different mark cut on the turf, such as a horn, four oxen and a mare, two oxen and a mare, pole- axe, cross, dung-fork, oven, duck's nest, hand reel, and hare's tail. On the Saturday before old M.dsummer Day, several proprietors of estates in the parishes of Congresbury, Puxton, and Week St. Lawrence, or their tenants, assembled on the commons. A number of apples were previously prepared, marked in the same manner with the before- mentioned acres, which were distributed by a young lad to each of the commoners from a bag or hat. At tlie close of the distribution, each person repaired to his allotment us JUXR 24.] MIDSUMMER DAT. 329 km apple directed him, and took possession for the ensuing year. An adjournment then took place to the house of tho overseer of Dolemoors (an officer annually elected from the tenants), where four acres, reserved for the purpose of paying expenses, were let by inch of candle, and the remainder of the day was spent in sociability and hearty mirth. WILTSHIUE. At Chiltern there is a sport widely practised by the boys, which they call " egg-hopping." At the commencement of summer the lads forage the woods in quest of birds' eggs. These, when found, they place on the road at distances apart in proportion to the rarity or abundance of the species of egg. The hopper is then blindfolded, and he endeavours to break as many as he can in a certain number of jumps. The universality of the game, and the existence of various' superst tions, combined with their refusal to part with tl.e eggs for money, would warrant a supposition that SOIIIH superst tin is connected with it. N. & Q. 3rd. S. vol. iv. p. 492. YORKSHIRE. Old Midsummer Day, says Cole (History ofSeaJby, 1820, p. 44), is, at Scalby, a kind of gala tune, when the sports,. as they are termed, take place, cons'st : ng of the most rust c description of amusements, such as donkey-racing, &c., anil when booths are erected for the accommodation of tho several visitors, and the village presents a motley fair-like appearance. IRELAND. Co. CORK. A pilgrimage to the source of tho River Lee is ono frequently performed by two v<-ry different classes of persons the superstitious and the curious; the first led by a traditional sanctity attache 1 t > the place, the latter by the reputed sublimity of its scenery, and a debLe of 330 MIDCCM:,I::R DAY. [JuxK 24. witnessing the religious assemblies and ceremonies of the peasantry. The scenery of Gougaun lake is bold and rugged, surrounded by rocky and barren mountains ; in its centre is a small and solitary island, connected with the shore by a narrow artificial causeway, constructed to facilitate the rites of religious devotees, who annually flock thither on the 24th June (St. John's Day), and the celebra- tion of a pious festival. The principal building on the island is a rudely formed circular wall of considerable solidity, in the thickness of which are nine nrched recesses or cells, called chapels, severally dedicated to particular saints, with a plain flag-stone set up in each as an altar. On the celebration of the religious meeting these cells are filled with men and women in various acts of devotion, almost all of them on their knees. Cmker, in his Researches in the South of Ireland (1824, p. 275), one of these pilgrimages, says : To a piece of rusty iron con- siderable importance seems to have been attached ; it passed from one devotee to another with much ceremony. The form consisted in placing it three times, with a short prayer* across the head of the nearest person to whom it \vas then handed, and who went through the same ceremony v ith the next to him, and thus it circulated from one to the other. The banks of the lake were the scenes of merry- making. Almost every tent had its piper, two or three young men and women dancing the jig. * " Copy of the prayer to be said at the well of St. John. ' O Almighty God, as I have undertaken this journey by way of pilgrimage in and through a penitential spirit, in the first place I hope to render myself worthy of the favour I mean to ask, to avoid drunkenness and licentiousness, and hope to find favour in thy sight : I therefore pay this tribute nnd fulfil the promise I have made: I ask you therefore, through the intercession of St. Juhn, to grant me the following favour (here mention your ailment, the particular favour you stand in need of). I know how unworthy I am of being heard, but I resolve, with thy gracious assistance, henceforward to render myself worthy of your favour. I implore this gilt through the intercession of St. John, and the sufferings of Christ our Lord. Amen.' "N.B. You must be c ireful to avoid all excess in drinking, dancing in tents, for it is impotable diameters can find favour >n t 1 e si.'l.t of God, such as these. going there had formerly beeii tho custom." JUNK 29.] BT. PETEII'S DAT. 331 Co. LIMERICK. At one time, the tradesmen of Limerick mn relied, on Midsummer Day. arranged under their respect : ve leaders, decorated with sashes, ribbons, and flowers, and accompanied with a baud of musicians, and the shouts of the delighted populace, through the principal streets of the city, while their merry-men played a thousand antic tricks, and the day generally ended in a terrible fight between the Garryowen and Thomond-gate boys (the tradesmen of the north and south suburbs). Fitzgerald and Macgregor's Hish>ry of Limerick, 1827, p. 540. JUNE 25.] YORKSHIRE. In the village of Micklefield, about ten miles east of Leeds, it is the custom on the second day of the feast, (June 25th) for about twelve of the villagers, * dressed, in their best garb, and wearing a white apron a fepicier, to carry a large basket (generally a clothes-basket) to each farm-house in the village, the occupier of which seenw tt> consider it his bounden duty to give them a good supply of confectionery of some k ; nd to take away with them, and ale ad libitum to drink in his house. N. &. Q. 3rd S. vol. iii. p. 2G3. JUNE 29.] ST. PETER'S DAY. ON this day many of the rites peculiar to the festival of !St. John the Baptist were repeated. BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. It appears from the Status Scholce Etoncnsis (A.D. 1560) that the Eton boys had a great bonfire annually on the cast side of the church on St. Peter's Day, as well as on that of St. John Baptist. * These villagers call thoinstlvi-s ' ./* ICeJdiiigen" (?) 832 BT. PETER'S DAY. [JUNE 29. KENT. The stranger who chances to attend Divine service in Famborongh parish church on the Sunday next after the feast of St. Peter, lias his attention arrested by the floor of the porch being strewed with reeds. By an abstract of the will of George Dalton, Gent., of Farnborough, dated December 3rd, 1556, set forth on a mural tablet in the interior of the church, he learns that this gentleman settled a perpetual annuity of 13s. 4^. chargeable upon his lands at Tuppendence : 10s. to the preacher of a sermon on the Sunday next after the feast of St. Peter, and 3s. 4d. to the poor. Local traditional lore affirms that Mr. Daltoi) Mas saved from drowning by reeds, and that the annual sermon and odd manner of decorating the porch are commemorative of the event. This day is called by the inhabitants of the village, Reed Day or Flag Day. Ma,ds!one Gazette, 1859. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, Cole, in his Histiry of Weston Favell (1829, p. 58). says : The feast follows St. Peter's Day. The amusements and spuis of the wejk consist of dinner and tea parties formed fr >m the adjacent towns, which meetings are frequently c included with a ball, indeed a dance at the inns on the few first days of the feast is indispensable. Games at bjwls and quoits are pursued with great dexterity and interest by the more athletic visitants, and in toe evening the place presents a motley, fair-like appearance; but this continues for no longer period than the second or third day in the feast week. NORTHUMBERLAND. Formerly, says Brand (Pop. Antiq. 1849, vol. i. p. 337), on the evening of St. Peter's Day, the inhabitants of this county carried firebrands about the fields of their respective parishes They made encroachments on these occasions upon the bonfires of the neighbouring towns, of which they took away some of the ashes by force ; this they called " carrying off the flower (probably the flour) of the wake.'' JUNE 29.] BT. PETER'S DAY. 333 YORKSHIRE. In an old account of Gisborough, in Cleveland, and the adjoining coast, printed in the Antiquarian Repertory (1808, vol. iii. p. 304) from an ancient MS. in the Cotton Library (marked F. C., fol. 455), speaking of the fishermen, it is stated that " Upon St. Peter's Dave they invite their friends and kinsfolk to a festyvall kept after their fashion with a fiee hearte, and noe shew of niggardnesse ; th;it daye their boatcs are dressed curiously for the shewe, their mastes are painted, and certain rytes observed amongst them, with sprinkling their prowes with good liquor, sold with them at a groate the quarte, which custom or superstition, suckt from their auucestors, even contynueth down unto this present tyme." The feast day of Nun-Mnnkton is kept on St. Peter'a Day, and is followed by the " Little Feast Day," and a merry time extending over a week. On the Saturday evening preceding the 29th a company of the villagers, headed by all the tiddlers and players on other instruments that could be mustered at one time went in procession across the great common to ' May-pole Hill," where there is an old sycamore (Hie pole being near it) for the purpose of " rising Peter," who had been buried under the tree. This effigy of St. Peter, a rude one of wood, carved no one proiessed to know when and in these later times clothed in a ridiculous fashion, was removed in its box-coffin to the neighbourhood of the public-house, there to be exposed to view, and, with as little delay as possible, conveyed to some out-building, where it was stowed away and thought no more about till the first Saturday after the feast day (or the second if the 29th had occurred at the back end of a week),when it was taken back in procession again, and re-interred with all honour which concluding ceremony was called " Buryin' Peter." In this way did St. Peter preside over his own feast. On the evening of the first day of the feast, two young men went round the village with large baskets for the purpose of collecting tarts, cheese-cakes, and eggs for mulled ale all being consumed after the two ceremonies above indicated. 334 ALTCAR nUSIl-EKAIUNG. [JULY. This last good custom is not d^ne away with yet, suppers and, afterwards, dancing in a barn being the order while the feast lasts. N & Q. Uli S. vol. i. p. 361. SCOTLAND. In Sinclair's Stat. Ace of Scotland (1792, vol. iii. p. 105) wo are told that at Loudoun, iu Ayrshire, the custom still retains among the herds and young people to kindle fires in tlie high grounds, in honour of Beltan. Beltan was anciently the time of this solemnity. It is kept on St. Peter's day. JULY.] COMMENCEMENT DAY. CAMBRIDGESHIRE. IN the University of Cambridge, the first Tuesday in July is usually the C'>mmencemeiit Day. The Commencement Sunday is the Sunday immediately before the Commencement Day. It is a commemoration day. On Commencement Sunday, the Vice-Chancellor invites to dinner all noblemen, the three Regius Professors, and their sons and the public orator. Adam Wall, Ceremonies observed tn the Senate House of the University of Cambridge, 1798, p. 76. HUNTINGDONSHIRE. At Old Weston a piece of green sward belongs by custom to the parish clerk for the time being, subject to the condition of the land being mown immediately before Weston feast, which occurs in July, and the cutting thereof being strewed on the church floor previously to Divine service on the feast Sunday, and continuing there during Divine service. Edwards, Old English Customs and Charities, p. 220. LANCASHIRE. At Altcar the parish church is dedicated to St. Michael, and, in accordance with a very old custom, a rush-bearing takes place in July. See Med. ^Evi Kalend. vol. i. p. 341. JULY.] LEITH KACES. 335 NOETHUJI PERLAND. In the History of Alnwick (1822, pp. 241-244) the fol- lowing account is given of an ancient custom celebrated on the proclamation of the fair held in July. On the Sunday evening preceding the fair, the representatives of the ad- jacent townships that owe suit and service to his Grace the Duke of Northumberland, and the constables of Alnwick, with several of the freeholders and tradesmen, attend at the castle, where they are freely regaled. The steward of the Court, and the bailiff with their attendants, then proceed from the castle to the cross in the market-place, where the builiff proclaims the fair in the name of the Duke and Duchess of Northumberland, and ,:alls over the names of the various townships that owe suit and service ; viz. the townships of Chatton and Chillingham, four men , Coldrnarton and Fowbury, four men ; Hetton and Hezebrigge, four men ; Fawdon and Clinch, four men ; Aluham and Alnham Moor, two men; Tughall and Swinhoe, two men; Longhoughton and Denwick, four men ; Lesbury and Bilton, two men ; Lyham and Lyham-hall, one man ; with the principal in- habitants of the borough of Alnwick. The representatives who attend for the several townships in service are obliged to keep watch at different parts of the town the night betore the fair, which has been a custom from time immemorial. On the fair-day the tenants of the Duke within the barony of Alnwick attend at the castle, when the steward and bailiff proceed from thence to the market, and proclaim the fair as before. They then go to Clayport Street, where the fair is again proclaimed, and from thence to the castlo. The above townships, by their attendance, are exempt from paying toll in the borough for twelve months, but if they do not attend, they must pay the same till the next year. SCOTLAND. COUNTY OF EDINBURGH. The Leith Races take place either in the month of July or August. As they were under the patronage of the magistrates 336 LEITH HACKS. [.TuLT. of Edinburgh, it was usual for one of tlie c'ty officers to walk in procession every morning during the week from the Council Chamber down to Leith, bearing aloft a silk purse, gaily decorated with ribbons, styled the City Purse, on tlie end of a pole, accompanied by the town -guard drummer, who, being stationed in the rear of this dignitary, continued beating a tattoo at his heels all the way to tlie race-ground. Tlie procession which at the onset consisted only of the officer and the drummer, and sometimes a file or two of the town -guard, gathered strength as it moved along the lino of march, from a constant accession of boys, who were every morning on the look out for this procession, and who pre- ferred, according to their own phrase, ' gaun down wi' the purse," to :iny other way. Such a dense mass of these finally surrounded the officer and his attendant drummer that, long before the procession reached Leith, b th had wholly dis- appeared. Nothing of the former remained visible but the purse, and the t >p of the pole on which it was borne. These, however, projecting above the heads of the crowd, still pointed out the spot where he might be found : of the drummer, no vestige remained; but he was known to exist by the faint and intermittent sounds of his drum. The town-guard also came in for a share of the honours and the business of this festive week. These were inarched down to Leith every day in full costume. Having arrived upon the sands, the greater part, along with the drummer, took their station at tlie starting-point, where the remainder surrounded tlie heights. The march of these veterans to Leith is thus humorously described by Ferguson : *' Come, hafe a care (the captain cries), On guns your bagnets thraw : Now mind your manual exercise, And march down row by row. And as they march he'll glour about, Tent a' (her cuts an' scars ; Ulang these full many a gausy snout Has gusht in birth-day wars Wi' blude that day." Campbell, Hiatory of Leith, 1827, p. 187. JULY I.] BATTLE OF THE POYNE. 3S7 RENFREWSHIRE. A very curious custom existed at Greenock, and in the neighbouring town of Port Glasgow, at the fair held on the first Monday in July, and the fourth Tuesday in November. The whole trades of the town, in the dresses of their guilds, with flags and music, each man armed, made a grand ren- dezvous at the place where the fair was to be held, and with drawn swords and array of guns and pistols, surrounded the booths, and greeted the baillie's announcement by tuck of drum, " that Greenock Fair was open," by a tremendous shout, and a struggling fire from every serviceable barrel in the crowd. N. &^ Q. 1st , vol. ix. p. 242. ROXBURGHSHIRE. Haig, in his History of Kelso (1825, p. 107), tells us that in his time the Society of Gardeners, on the second Tuesday in July, the day of their annual general meeting, paraded the streets, accompanied by a band of music, and carrying an elegant device composed of the most beautiful flowers, which, en the company reaching the inn where they dined, was thrown from the window to the crowd, who soon demolished it in a scramble for the flowers. Fuller, too, in his History of Berwick-upon-Tweed (1799, p. 447), says the association of gardeners, which took place in 1796, had in his time a procession through the streets yearly. It was accompanied with music ; and, in the middle of th* procession, a number of mo^ carried a large wreath of flowers. The different officers belonging to this institution wore their respective insignia, and the whole society dined together. JULY i.] IRELAND. Mason, in his Slot. Ace. of Ireland (1814, vol. ii. p. 528), says that the great holiday in Seagoe is on the first of July (Old Style), being the anniversary of the battle of the Boyne. A procession takes place, the whole population wear orange lilies, and the day is spent in festivity. z 338 ST. THOMAS A BECKET's DAT. [JULY JULY 5.] LEICESTERSHIRE. At Glenfield, the parish clerk, in accordance with an old custom, strews the church with new hay on the first Sunday after the 5th of July. Edwards, Old English Cuatomt and Charities, p. 219. JULY 7.] ST. THOMAS A BECKET'S DAY. CORNWALL. THE festival called Bodmin Riding was kept on Sunday and Monday after St. Thomas a Becket's Day (July 7th). A puncheon of beer having been brewed in the preceding October, and bottled in anticipation of the time, two or more young men who were entrusted with the chief management of the affair, and who represented the " wardens," went round the town attended by a band of drums and fifes, or other instruments. The crier saluted each house with, " To the people of this house a prosperous morning, long life, and a merry riding ! " The musicians then struck up the riding tune, and the householder was solicited to taste the riding ale, which was carried round in baskets. A bottle was usually taken in, and it was acknowledged by such a sum as the means or humour of the townsman permitted, to be spent on the public festivities of the season. Next morn- ing a procession was formed : all who could afford to ride mounted on horse or ass, which proceeded first to the Priory, to receive two large garlands of flowers fixed on staves, and then through the principal streets to the Town End, where the games were formally opened. The sports, which lasted two da.ys, consisted of wrestling, foot-racing, jumping in sacks, &c. It should be remarked that a second or inferior brewing, from the same wort, was drunk at a minor merry- making at Whitsuntide. In an order, dated November 15th, 1583, regulating the business of the shoemakers, a class of tradesmen which seems for ages to have been more than JULY 7.] ST. THOMAS X BECKET'S DAT. 339 usually numerous in Bodmin, it is directed by the mayor and tlie mastersof the occupation, "that at the Rydyng every mastei and journeyman shall give their attendance to the steward, and likewise bring him to church, upon pain of 12d. for every master, and 6d. for every journeyman, for every such default, to the discretion of the master of the occupation." At this festival there was held a curious kind of mock trial. A Lord of Misrule was appointed, before whom any unpopular person, so unlucky as to be captured, was dragged to answer a charge of felony ; the imputed crime being such as his appearance might suggest, a negligence in his attire, or a breach of manners. With ludicrous gravity a mock trial was then commenced, and judgment was gravely pronounced, when the culprit was hurried off to receive his punishment. In this his apparel was generally a greater sufferer than his person, as it commonly terminated in his being thrown into the water or the mire.* " Take him before the mayor of Halgaver;" "Present him in Ilalgaver Court," are old Cornish proverbs. Parochial History of Cornwall, 1868, vol L p. 104. Murray, Handbook for Cornwall, 18G5, p. 244. KENT. Becket's Fair, says Hasted in his History of Canterbury (1801, vol. i. p. 104), was held on the feast of St. Thomas a Becket, and was so called from this day being the anniversary * drew, in his Survey of Cornwall (1811, p. 296 \ speaking of this custom, says: " The youthlier sort of ISodmin townsmen use sometimes to sport themselves by playing the box with strangers whom they summon to Halgaver. The name s : gnifieth the goat's moor, and such a place it is, lying a liltle without the town, and very full of quag- mires. When these mates with any raw serving man, or other young master, who may serve and deserve to make pastime, they cause him to 1) solemnly arrested, for his appearance before the mayor of Halgaver, where he is charged with wearing one spur, in going nntrusned or wanting a girdle, or some such Ike felony; and after he hth been arraigned and tried, with all requisite circumstances, judgment is given in formal terms, and executed in some ungracious prank or other, more to the scorn than hurt of tl.e party condemned. Now and then they extend their merriment with the largest, to the prejudice ot over-credulous people, persuading them to fight with a dragon lurking in Hnliraver, or to see some strange matter there; which concludeth at least with a training them into the mire." z 2 310 BATTLE OF AOGHIJIM. [JULY 12. of the Archbishop's translation from his tomb to his shrine, and as such was fixed for this purpose, as a means of gather- ing together a greater multitude for the celebration of this solemn day. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. In some parts of this county the Sunday after St. Thomas a Becket's Day goes by the name of Relic Sunday. Time's Telescope, 1822, p. 192. JULY 9.] STAFFORDSHIRE. There existed at one time, at Wolverhampton, an annual procession, on July 9th (the eve of the great fair), of men in antique armour, preceded by musicians playing the " fair tune," and followed by the steward of the Deanery Manor, the peace-officers, and many of the principal inhabitants. Tradition says the ceremony originated at the time when Wolverhampton was a great emporium of wool, and re- sorted to by merchants of the staple from all parts of England. The necessity of an annual force to keep peace and order during the fair (which is said to have lasted fourteen days, but the charter says only eight) is not improbable. It was finally discontinued by Sir William Pulteney, who was the lessee of the Deanery Manor, to the great dissatisfaction of the people of Wolverhampton. These processions were the remains of the Corpus Christi pageantry, which were always celebrated at the annual fairs, and attended by men armed and equipped as if for war. Shaw, History of Staffordshire, 1798-1801, p. 165 ; Oliver, Historical Account of the Collegiate Church of Wolverhampton, 1836, p. 44, JULY 12.] IKELAND. At Maghera, County Down, on the 12th of July, the anni- versary of the battle of Aughrim, the Orangemen assemble, walk in their insignia, and dine together. Mason, Stat. Ace. of Ireland, 1844, vol. i. p. 594. JULY 17.] ST. KKNELM'S DAT. 811 JOLY 15.] ST. SWITHIN'S DAY. ST. SWITHIN was Chancellor of the Exchequer in the time of King Ethelbert, and the great patron saint of the cathedral and city of Winchester. In some church books there are entries of gatherings of " Saint Swithine's farthyngs " on this day. There is an old proverb which says : "St. Swithin's Day, if thou dost rain, For forty days it will remain : St. Swithin's Day, it'tliou be fair, For forty days 'twill rain na mair." There is also a quaint saying, that when it rains on St. Swithin's Day, it is the saint christening the apples. See Timbs' Things not Generally Known, 1856, p. 153. SURREY. In the Churchwardens' accounts of the parish of Horley, under the years 151)5-6, is the following entry, which implies a gathering on this saint's day : " Itm. Saintt Swithine farthyngs the said 2 yeres, 30*. Sd." YORKSHIRE. Sports were at one time annually celebrated at Cloughton on Saturday evening after the 15th July. Cole. Historical Sketches of Scalby, Burniston, and Cloughton, 1829, p. 63. JULY 17. ST. KENELM'S DAY. WORCESTERSHIRE. AT Clent, in the parish of Hales Owen, a fair was formerly held in a field in which St. Keuelm's Chapel is situated. It is, says Brand, of very ancient date, and probably arose from the gathering together of persons to visit the shrine of St. Kenelrn on the feast of the saint, 17th of July. On the Sunday alter this fair, St. Kenelm's wake was held, at which a curious custom was practised, called " Crabbing 342 ST. KENELM'S DAT. [JULT 17. the Parson," the orig'n of which is said to have arisen on this wise : " Long, long ago, an incumbent of Frankley, to which St. Kenelm's is attached, was accustomed, through horrid, deep-rutted, miry roads, occasionally to wend his way to the sequestered depository of the remains of the murdered saint-king, to perform Divine service. It was his wont to carry some provisions with him, with which he refreshed himself at a farm-house near the scene of his pastoral duties. On one occasion, however, having eaten up his store of provisions, he was tempted (after he had donned his sacerdotal habit, and in the absence of the good dame) to pry into the secrets of a huge pot, in which was simmer- ing the savoury dish the lady had provided for her house- hold ; among the rest dumplings formed no inconsiderable portion of the contents. The story runs that the parson poached sundry of them, hissing hot, from the cauldron, and, hearing the footsteps of his hostess, he, with great dexterity, deposited them in the sleeves of his surplice. She, however, was conscious of her loss, and, closely following the parson to the church, by her presence prevented him from dis- posing of them, and, to avoid her accusation, he forthwith entered the reading-desk, and began to read the service, the clerk beneath making the responses. Erelong, a dumpling slipped out of the parson's sleeve, and fell on the clerk's head ; he looked up with astonishment, but taking the matter in good part, proceeded with the service. Presently, however, another dumpling fell on his head, at which he, with upturned eyes and ready tongue, responded, " Two can play at that, master," and, suiting the action to the word, He immediately began pelting the parson with crabs, a store of which he had gathered, intending to take them home in his pocket to foment the sprained leg of his horse, and so well did he play his part, that the parson soon decamped, amid the jeers of the old dame, and the laughter of the few persons who were in attendance." Brand, Pop. Antiq. 1849, vol. i. p. 344. JULY 20.] ST. MARGARET'S DAY. 343 JULY 20.] ST. MAEGABET'S DAY. CAMBRIDGESHIRE. ON the feast of St. Margaret in 1511, the Miracle Play of the Holy Martyr St. George was acted on a stage in an open field at Bassingborne in Cambridgeshire, at which there were a minstrel and three waits hired from Cambridge, with a property-man and a painter. The following extract from an old churchwarden's book belonging to the parish of Bas- singborne, gives the various subscriptions and expenses connected with it : Memorandum : Received at the play held on St. Mar- garet's day, A.D. MDXL, in Basingborn of the holy martyr St. George. Received of the Township of Royston xii". Tharfiold vi 8 viii d , Melton v" iiii d , Lillington x 8 vi d , \\ haddon iv 8 iiii d , Steeplemenden iiii 8 , Barly iv" i d , Ashwell iiii 8 , Abingdon iii* iv d , Orwell iii 8 , Wendy ii 8 ix d , Wimpole ii 8 vii d , M jldreth ii 8 iv 4 , Arritigton ii 8 iv d , Shepreth ii 8 iv d , Kelsey ii 8 v d . Willing- ton i 8 x d , Fulmer i* viii d , Gilden Morden i", Tadlow i 8 , Croydon i 8 i d , Hattey x 4 , Wratlingworth ix d , Hastingfield ix d , Barkney viii d , Foxten iv 3 , Kneesnorth vi d . Item received of the town of Bassingborn on the Monday and Friday after the play, together with other comers on the Monday, xiv 8 v" 1 . Item received on the Wednesday after the play, with a pot of ale at Kneesnorth, all costs deducted, i 8 vii d . Expenses of the said Play. First paid to the garnemeut man for garnements and propyrts and playbooks, xx 8 . To a minstrel and three waits of Cambridge for the "Wednesday, Saturday, and Monday. Two of them the first day, and three the other days, v 8 xi 4 - Item in expences on the Players, when the play was shewed, in bread and ale and for other vittails at Royston for those players, iii 8 ii d . Item in expences on the play day for the bodies of vi. sheep, xxii d each, ix s i' 1 344 ST. JAMES'S DAY. ^JULY 25 Item for three calves and half a lamb, viii 8 ii a . Item paid five days board of one Pyke Propyrte, mating for himself and his servant one day, and for his horses pasture vi. days, i" iv 3 . Item paid to turners of spits and for salt, ix d . Item for iv chickens for the gentlemen, iv d - Item for fish and bread and setting up the stages, iv a . Item to John Beecher for painting of three Fauchoms and four Tormentors. Item to Giles Ashwell for easement of his croft to play in, i 8 . Item to John Hobarde, Brotherhood Priest, for the play book, ii" viii d . Antiquarian Repertory, 1808, vol. iii. p. 320. NORFOLK. To the west of Wereham Church, Norfolk, a well, called St. Margaret's, was much frequented in the times of Popery. Here, on St. Margaret's Day, the people regaled themselves with ale and cakes, music and dancing. Alms were Driven, and offerings and vows made, at sainted wells of this kind. Excursions in the County of Norfolk, 1829, vol. ii. p. 14.5. JULY 22.] ST. BKIDGET S EVE. IRELAND. ON St. Bridget's Eve every farmer's wife in Ireland makns a cake, called Bairinbreac ; the neighbours are invited, the madder of ale and the pipe go round, and the evening concludes with mirth and festivity. Col. Vallancey, Essay on the Antiquity of the Irish Language, 1772, p. 21 ; see Fosbroke's Encyclopaedia of Antiquities, 1840, p. 657. JULY 25.] ST. JAMES'S DAY. It is customary in London to begin eating oysters on St. James's l>ay, and in the course of the few days following JULY 25.] ST. JAMES'S DAT. 345 upon their introduction, the children of the humbler class employ themselves diligently in collecting the shells which have been cast out from taverns and fish-shops, and of these they make piles in various rude forms. By the time that old St. James's Day (August 5th) has come about, they have these little fabrics in nice order, with a candle stuck in the top, to be lighted at night. As the stranger occasionally comes in contact with tbese structures, he is suddenly surrounded by a group of boys, exclaiming, " Pray, remember the grotto ! " by which is meant a demand for a penny wherewith pro- fessedly to keep up the candle. Mr. Thorns considers that in the grotto thus made, we have a memorial of the world- renowned shrine of St. James at Compostella, which may have been formerly erected on the anniversary of St. James by poor persons, as an invitation to the pious, who could not visit Compostella to show their reverence to tho saint by alms giving to their needy brethren. Book of Days, vol. ii. p. 122; N. & Q. 1st S. vol. i. p. 6. KEXT. The rector of Cliff distributes at his parsonage-house, on St. James's day, annually, a mutton pie and a loaf to as many as choose to demand it ; the expense amounts to about 15 per annum. LANCASHIRE. It was customary at one time for tho Corporation of Liverpool to give an annual public dinner, in the Exchange, to two or three hundred of the principal inhabitants, on tlie 25th July and llth November, the days of the commence- ment of the Liverpool fairs, which were considered as days of festivity by all ranks of the community. On these days the mayor, bailiffs, and burgesses, in their gowns, went in procession with a band of music, from the Exchange to the middle of Dalo Street, where they passed round n large stone, whitewashed for tho occasion, and thence proceeded to another stone in the centre of Castle Street, and back to the Exchange, where they dined. This ancient custom was discontinued about the year 1760. Corry, History of Liverpool, ItflO, p. i.4. 34fi BWAN-urriNG. [Auo. JULY 26.] MACE MONDAY. BERKSHIRE. THE first Monday after St. Anne's Day, July 26th, a feast is held at Newbury, the principal dishes being bacon and beans. In the course of the day a procession takes place ; a cabbage is stuck on a pole, and carried instead of a mace, accompanied by similar substitutes for other emblems of civic dignity. Every Day Book, vol. ii. p. 1045. JULY 29.] ST. OLAVE'S DAY. STRYPE in his Ecclesiastical Memorials (1822, vol. iii. pt. ii. p. 11), says: "On the 29th July, 1557, being St. Olave's Day, was the church holiday in Silver Street, the parish church whereof was dedicated to that saint. And at eight of the clock at night began a stage play of a goodly matter (r, luting, it is like, to that saint), that continued unto twelve at midnight, and then they made an end with good song." AUGUST.] SWAN-UPPING. FORMERLY the members of the Corporation of London, in gaily-decorated barges, went up the Thames annually in August, for the purpose of nicking or marking, and counting their swans. They used to land off Barnes Elms, and par- take of a collation. This yearly progress was commonly but incorrectly called " swan-hopping : " the correct desig- nation is shown by the ancient statutes to be " swan-upping," the swans being taken up and nicked, or marked. A " s\v?ui- with-two-nicks " indicated, by his second nick, that he had been taken up twice.* * Among the TxjselcyMPS. is an original roll of swan-marks, show- ing the b< aks of the swans to h;ive been notched with stars, chevrons, crosses, the initials of the owners' names, or other devices See N. & Q. 2nd A. vol. x. p. 393. AlJG. I.] LAMMAS DAT. 347 In the accounts of the Vintner's Company (Egerton MS. 1143, fol. 2,) is the following entry : "Money pavd for ex- ) Item. Payd in the grete ffroste to ,- pende for uppyng of V Jalnes V"L ^-'l ?ZZ?** f T S wanes uppinj; of the Master Swan ies . . nij. * J It For bote hyr at the tamo tyme . iiijti. AUGUST I.] LAMMAS DAY. GULE of August, or Lammas Day, is variously explained. Gule, from the Celtic or Brit : sh Wyl or Gule, signifies a festival or holiday, and explains Gule of August to mean the holiday of St. Peter ad vincula in this month, when the people of England, in Koman Catholic times, paid their Peter-pence. Lammas is, by some, derived from lamb-masse, because on that day the tenants who held lands of the cathedral church in York, which is dedicated to St. Peter ad vincula, were bound by their tenure to bring a live lamb into the church at high mass. Others derive it from the Saxon word Hlafmaesse, signifying loaf -mass or bread-mass, because on this day our forefathers made an offering of bread from new wheat. Blount says, "Lammas Day, the 1st <>f August, otherwise called the Gule or Yule of August, which may be a corruption of the British word Gwul Awst, signify- ing the 1st of August." Blount further says, "that Lammas is called Alaf-Mass, that is, loaf or bread mass, which signifies a feast of thanksgiving for the first fruits of the corn. It was observed with bread of new wheat ; and in some places tenants were bound to bring new wheat to their lord on or before the 1st of August, New wheat is called Lammas wheat." Vallancey further affirms that this day was dedicated to the fruits of the soil ; that Laeith was the day of the obligation of grain, particularly of wheat, and that Mas signifies fruits of all kinds, especially the acorn, whence the word " mast." Lammas is one of the four cross-quarter days of the year, as they are now denominated. Whitsuntide was formerly the first, Lammas the second, Martinmas the third, and Candlemas the last. Some rents are yet payable at these 348 LAMMAS DAY. [AUG. I. ancient quarter-days in England, and they continue general in Scotland. Timbs, Things not Generally Known, 1856, p. 154 ; seo Soane's New Curiosities of Literature, vol ii. p. 123 ; Brand's Pop. Antiq. 1849, vol. i. p. 347. It was once customary in England to give money to servants on Lammas Day, to buy gloves ; hence the term glove-silver. It is mentioned among the ancient customs of the Abbey of St. Edmund, in which the clerk of the cellarer had '2d., the cellarer's squire, lid., the granger, lid., and the cowherd a penny. Med. uEvi Kalend. vol. i. p. 334. DEVONSHIRE. The charter for Exeter Lammas Fair is perpetuated by a glove of immense size, stuffed and carried through the city on a very long pole, decorated with ribbons, flowers, &c., and attended with music, parish beadles, and the mobility. It is afterwards placed on the top of the Guildhall, and then the fair commences ; on the taking down of the glove the fair terminates. Every Day B^ok, vol. ii. p. 1059. ISLE OF MAN. The first Sunday in August is called, by the Manks peasantry, yn chied doonaght a ouyr. On that day they crowd in great numbers to the tops of the highest hills, in the north to the summit of Snafeld, and in the south to the top of Barule. Others visit the sanative wells of the island, which are held in the highest estimation. The veneration with which the Pagan deities were regarded having been transferred along with their fanes and fountains to Christian saints, sanctified and sanative wells became the resort of the pious pilgrim, and by the credulous invalid libations and devotions were, according to ancient practice, performed at those holy springs, which were believed to be guarded by presiding powers to whom offerings were left by the visitants. Many a wonderful cure is said to have been effected by the waters of St. Catherine's Well at Port Erin ; by the Chibbyr Parick, or well of St. Patrick, on the west end of the hill of Li.arf/ey-tjraue ; by Lord Henry's Well on the south beach of AUG. I.J LAMMAS DAT. 349 Laxey, and by the well at Peel, also dedicated to St. Patrick, which, says the tradition, just sprang forth where St. Patrick was prompted by Divine instinct to impress the sign of the cross on the ground. Many extraordinary properties were ascribed to the Nunnery Well, but the most celebrated in modern times for its medicinal virtues is the fine spring which issues from the rocks of the bold promontory called Maughold Head, and which is dedicated to the saint of the name, who, it appears, had blessed the well and endowed it with certain healing virtues. On this account it is yet resorted to, as was the pool of Siloam of old, by every invalid who believes in its efficacy. On the first Sunday in August the natives, according to ancient custom, still make a pilgrimage to drink its waters ; and it is held to be of the greatest importance to certain females to enjoy the beverage when seated in a place called the saint's chair, which the saint, for the accommodation of succeeding generations, obligingly placed immediately con- tiguous. Bennet, Sketches of the Isle of Man, 1829, p. 65 ; Waldron, Description of Isle of Man, p. 151 ; Train, History of the Isle of Man, 1845, vol. ii. p. 121. MIDDLESEX. Lammas Day is noted in London for an annual rowing match on the Thames, instituted by Thomas Doggett,* an actor of celebrity, in honour of the accession of George I. to the throne of England. Doggett was so warmly attached to the Brunswick family that Sir Richard Steele termed him " a Whig up to the head and ears." In the year after George I. came to the throne, Doggett gave a water- man's coat and silver badge, to be rowed for by six watermen on the 1st of August. This he not only continued till his death, but he bequeathed a certain sum of money, the interest of which was to be appropriated annually, for ever, to the * He first appeared on the Dublin stag", and afterwards, with Colley Gibber and Robert Wilkes. became joint n anager of Drury Lane Theatre. He died in 1721. Faulkner, History of Cheleea, 1829, p. 188. 350 LAMMAS DAT. [AUG. I. purchase of a like coat and badge, by six young watermen, whose apprenticeships had expired the year before. This ceremony is performed every year, the competitors setting out, at a signal given, at that time of the tide wht;u the current is strongest against them, and rowing from the old Swan, near London Bridge, to the White Swan at Chelsea. Sports, Pastimes, and Customs of London, 1847, p. 35. In the parish of St. Luke, Chelsea, were formerly "The Lotts," Lammas land, for ages appurtenant to the manor of Chelsea The lord of the manor possessed the right of lett ; ng the land on lease for the spring and summer quarters^ beginning with March aud ending in August, and the in- habitants at large enjoyed the privilege of turning in their cattle from August till February, being the autumn and winter quarters. This state of appropriation continued till the year 1825 or 1826, when the directors of the Kensington Canal Company took possession of them for their own use immediately upon the completion of the canal ; they have detained them ever since, and have let them successively to several persons, and received rent for the same. The Chelsea Lammas lands had hitherto been opened on the 12th of August, being the first of the month according to the old style. The graziers, butchers, and others with their cattle, used formerly to assemble in the lane leading to " The Lotts," on the eve of Lammas, and when the clock had struck twelve they entered the meadow. Timbs, Things not Generally Known, 1856, p. 154. SUSSEX. The following curious custom once existed at Eastbourne. On the three first Sundays in August a public breakfast, says Royer (History of Eastbourne, 1787, p. 126), is given at the parsonage-house by the tenants of the great tythes to the farmers and their servants, each farmer being entitled to send two servants for every waggon that he keeps. So that if a farmer have five waggons to do his necessary business he may send ten servants, and so on in proportion for a less or greater number. The farmers are entertained in the parlour with a sirloin of hot roast beef, cold bam, Sussex cheese, strong ale, and Geneva ; the men are entertained AUG. I.] LAMMAS DAT. 351 in the barn with everything the same as their masters except the beef. It is presumed that this custom had its origin from the time the tythes were first taken in kind in this parish, in order to keep all parties in good humour. A petition to Parliament for the abolition of this custom was presented as far back as 1640, and, in 1649, an ordinance was enacted that 201. per annum should be paid for the relief of the poor in lieu of the feast. In 1687 the custom was revived; more recently an annual payment of 20Z. for the education of poor children was substituted, and this amount now figures year by year in the accounts of St. Mary's schools as paid by the Duke of Devonshire. Chambers' Handbook of Eastbourne, 1872, p. 35. ST. WILFRID'S FEAST. YORKSHIRES. HUTTON in his Trip to Coatham (1810, p. 63), says the great annual feast at Coatham in his time was celebrated on the first Sunday after Lammas Day, old style, and called St. Wilfrid's Feast, kept in commemoration of the prelate's return from exile. On the evening before the feast com- menced, the effigy of this favourite of the people, having been previously conveyed some miles out of the town, made his public entry as returning after a long absence, being met by crowds of people, who, with shouts and acclamations, welcomed the return of the prelate and patron. The same custom seems also to have been observed at Eipon. See Every Day Book, vol. ii. p. 1059. SCOTLAND. What appears as a relic of the ancient Pagan festival of the Gule of August, was practised in Lothian till about the middle of the eighteenth century. The herdsmen within a certain district, towards the beginning of summer, associated themselves into bands, sometimes t< the number of a hundred or more. Each of these communities agreed to build a tower in some conspicuous place, near the centre of their district, 352 LAMMAS DAT. [AUG. I. which was to serve as the place of their rendezvous on Lammas Day. This tower was usually built of sods, for tho most part square, about four fret in diameter at the bottom and tapering to a point at the top, which was seldom above seven or eight feet from the ground. In building it, a hole was left in the centre for a flagstaff, on which to display their colours. From the moment the foundation of the tower was laid, it became an object of care and attention to the whole com- munity ; for it was reckoned a disgrace to suffer it to be defaced ; so that they resisted, with all their power, any attempts that should be made to demolish it, either by force or fraud ; and, as the honour that was acquired by the de- molition of a tower, if effected by those belonging to another, was in proportion to the disgrace of suffering it to be de- molished, each party endeavoured to circumvent the other as much as possible, and laid plans to steal upon the tower unperceived, in the night time, and level it with the ground. Great was the honour that such a successful exploit con- veyed to the undertakers ; and. though the tower was easily rebuilt, yet the news was quickly spread by the successful adventurers, through the whole district, which filled it with shouts of joy and exultation, while their unfortunate neigh- bours were covered with shame. To ward off this disgrace, a constant nightly guard was kept at each tower, which was made stronger and stronger, as the tower advanced ; so that frequent nightly skirmishes ensued at these attacks, but were seldom of much consequence, as the assailants seldom came in force to make an attack in this way, but merely to succeed by surprise ; as soon, therefore, as they saw they were discovered, they made off in the best manner they could. To give the alarm on these and other occasions, every person was armed with a " tooting horn," that is, a horn perforated in the small end, through which wind can be forcibly blown from the mouth, so as to occasion a loud noise ; and as every one wished to acquire as great dexterity as possible in the use of the " tooting horn," they practised upon it during the summer while keeping their beasts ; and towards Lammas they were so incessantly employed at this AUG. I.] LAMMAS DAY. 353 business, answering to, and vieing with each other, that the whole country rang cont nually with the sounds. As Lammas Day approached each community chose one from among themselves for their captain, and they prepared a stand of colours to be ready to be then displayed. For this purpose they borrowed a fine table-napkin of the largest size from one of the fanners' wives within the district, and ornamented it with ribbons. Things being thus prepared, they marched forth eaily in the morning on Lammas Day, dressed in their best apparel, each armed with a stout cudgel, and, repairing to their tower, there displayed their colours in triumph, blowing horns, and making merry in the best manner they could : about nine o'clock they sat down upon the green and had their breakfast. In the meantime scouts were sent out towards every quarter to bring them notice if any hostile party approached, for it frequently happened, that, on that day, the herdsman of one district went to attack those of another district, and to bring them under subjection to them by main force. If news were brought that a hostile party approached, the horns sounded to arms, and they immediately arranged themselves in the best order they could devise ; the stoutest and boldest iii front, and those of inferior prowess behind. Seldom did they await the approach of the enemy, but usually went forih to meet them with a bold countenance, the captain of each company carrying the colours, and leading the van. When they met they mutually desired each other to lower their colours in sign of subjection. If there appeared to be a great disproportion in the strength of the parties, the weakest usually submitted to this ceremony without much difficulty, thinking their honour was saved by the evident disproportion of the match ; but, if they were nearly equal in strength, neither of them would yield, and it ended in blows, and some- times bloodshed. It is related that, in a battle of this kind, four were actually killed, and many disabled from work for weeks. If no opponent appeared, or if they themselves had no intention of making an attack, at about mid-day they took down their colours, and marched, with horns sounding, towards the most considerable village in their district ; whei e the lasses and all the people came out to meet them, aud a A 35 1 HUNTING THK RAM. [AuR. 2. partake of their diversions. Boundaries were immediately appointed, and a proclamation made, that all who intended, to compete in the race should appear. A bonnet ornamented with ribbons was displayed upon a pole as a prize to the victor ; and sometimes five or six started for it, and ran with as great eagerness as if they had been to gain a kingdom ; the prize of the second race was a pair of garters, and the third a knife. They then amused themselves for some time with such rural sports as suited their taste, and dispersed quietly to their respective homes before sunset. When two parties met, and one of them yielded to the other, they marched together for some time in two separate bodies, the subjected body behind the other, and then they parted good friends, each performing their races at their own appointed place. Next day, ofter the ceremony was over, the ribbons and napkin that formed the colours were care- fully returned to their respective owners, the tower was no longer a matter of consequence, and the country returned to its usual state of tranquillity. Trans. Soc. Antiq. of Scotland, vol. i. p. 194. AUG. 2.] BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. Hunting the ram was a very ancient custom observed at Eton, but is now abolished. Lipscomb, in his History of Buckinghamshire (1847, vol. iv. p. 467), thus describes it : The college had an ancient claim upon its butcher to provide a ram on the Election Saturday, to be hunted by the scholars ; but the animal having upon one occasion been so pressed as to swim across the Thames, it ran into Windsor Market, with the boys after it, and much mischief was caused by this unexpected accident. The health of the scholars had also occasionally suffered from the length of the chase, or the heat of the season. The character of the sport was therefore changed about 1740, when the ram was ham-strung, and, after the speech, was knocked on the head with large twisted clubs, which are reported to have been considered as Etonian curiosities. But the barbarity of the amusement caused it to be altogether laid aside at the election in 1747, and the flesh of the ram was given to be prepared in pasties. The AUG. 5.] ST. OSWALD'S DAT. 355 dish still continues nominally to grace the Election Monday, though the meat no longer boasts its original toughness, being in fact the flesh of excellent wethers. Browne Willis (quoted by Brand, Pop. Antiq. 1849, vol. i. p. 441) would derive this custom from what was used in the manor of East Wrotham, Norfolk, where the lord of the manor, after the harvest, gave half an acre of barley and a ram to the tenants thereof; the which ram, if they caught it was their own ; if not, it was for the lord again. In the Gent. Mag. (Aug. 1731, voL i. p. 351) is the follow- ing: " Monday, August 2nd, was the election at Kton College, when the scholars, according to custom, hunted a ram, by which the provost and fellows hold a manor." AUG. 4. | APPEENTICES' FEAST. THE City apprentices, about the time of Charles II., had an annual feast. On one occasion Cliarles II. sent them a brace of hicks for dinner at Saddlers' Hall, where several of ' his courtiers dined with them, and his natural son, the duke of Grafton, officiated as one of the stewards. Noorthouck, History of London, 1773, p. 248. AUG. 5.] ST. OSWALD'S DAT LANCASHIRE. DR. WHITAKER (History of Richmond, vol. ii. p. 293) quotes a manuscript description of a rush-bearing observed at Warton, on St. Oswald's Day, or the Sunday nearest to it he being the patron of the church. " The vain custom," says the writer, " of dancing, excessive drinking, &c., having been many years laid aside, the inhabitants and strangers spend that day in duly attending the service of the church 2 A 2 356 BAVEXGLASS FAIR. [AUG. 5. and making good cheer, within the rules of sobriety, in private houses; and the next in several kinds of diversions, the chiefest of which is usually a rush-bearing, which is on this manner : They cut hard rushes from the marsh, which they make up into long bundles, and then dress them in fine linen, silk ribbons, flowers, &c. ; afterwards, the young women of the village which perform the ceremony that year, take up the burdens erect, and begin the procession (precedence being always given to the churchwardens' burden), which is attended not only with multitudes of people, but with music, drums, ringing of bells, and all other demonstrations of joy they are able to express. When they arrive at the church they go in at the west end, and setting down their burdens in the church, strip them of their ornaments, leaving the heads or crowns of them decked with flowers, cut paper, &c., in some part of the church, generally over the cancelli. Then the company return to the town and partake of a plentiful collation provided for that purpose, and spend the remaining part of the day, and frequently a great part of the night also, in dancing, if the weather permits, about a May- pole, adorned with greens and flowers, or else in some other convenient place." AUG. 5.] EAVENGLASS FAIR. CUMBERLAITD. ON the first day of a fair held annually in Muncaster, called Ravenglass Fair, the lord's steward was attended by the Serjeant of the borough of Egremont with the insignia called the Bow of Egremont, the foresters with their bows and horns, and all the tenants of the forest of Copeland, whose special service was to attend the lord and his represen- tatives at Ravenglass Fair, and abide there during its oontinuance. On the third day, at noon, the officers and tenants of the forest departed, after proclamation made; Lord Bluncaster and his tenants took a formal re-possession of the place, and the day was concluded with horse races and rural AUG. 15.] ASSUMPTION OP THE VIRGIN MARY. 857 diversions. Afterwards the fair was held for one day. Lysons, Magna Britannia, 1816, vol. iv. p. 141. AUG. 5.] MIDDLESEX. Formerly a silver arrow used annually to be shot for by the scholars of the Free School at Harrow. The following extract is taken from the Gent. Mag., 1731, vol. i., p. 351 : Thursday, August 5th, according to an ancient custom, a silver arrow, value 3, was shot for at the butts on Harrow- on-the-Hill, by six youths of the Free School, in archery habits, and won by a son of Captain Brown, commander of an East Indiaman. This diversion was the gift of John Lyon, Esq.. founder of the said school. AUG. 6.] BLACK-CHEERY FAIR. SURREY. HENRY VI., in the eighteenth year of his reign (1440), granted to John de Harmondesnorth, Abbot of Chertsey, the right to hold a fair on St. Anne's Day, July 2Gth, old style ; but this is now held in the town on the 6th of August, and called " Black Cherry Fair," from the abundance of that fruit sold there. Bruyley, History of Surrey, 1841, vol. ii. p. 191. Aua. 15.] ASSUMPTION OF THE VIRGIN MARY. THIS was formerly a great festival ; and it was customary to implore blessings upon herbs, plants, roots, and fruits, bundles of which were taken to the church and oonaecreted against hurtful things. Timbs" Something for Everybody, 1861, p. 98. ASSUMPTION OF THE VIRGIN MARY. [AUG. 15. STAFFORDSHIRE. The following abridged account of the Minstrels' Festival at Tutbury, celebrated at this season, is taken from The Book of Days, vol. i. p. 224 : During the time of the Dukes of Lancaster the little town of Tutbury was so enlivened by the noble hospitality they kept up, and the great concourse of people who gathered there, that some regulations became necessary for keeping them in order ; more especially those disorderly favourites of both the h'gh and low, the wandering jugglers or nrnstrels, who displayed their talents at all festive boards, w< dilings, and tournaments. A court was, therefore, ap- pointed by John of Gaunt, to be held every year on the day after the festival of the Assumption of the Virgin, to elect a king of the minstrels, try those who had been guilty of misdemeanours during the year, and grant licences for the future year, all which were accompanied by many curious observances. The wood-master and ranger of Needwood Forest began the festivities by meeting at Berkley Lodge, in the forest, to arrange for the dinner which was given them at this time at Tutbury Castle, and where the buck they were allowed for it should be killed, as also another, which was their yearly present to the prior of Tutbury for his dinner. These animals having received their death blow, the master, keepers, and deputies met on the Day of Assumption, and rode in gay procession two and two, into the town to the High Cross, each carry- ing a green bough in his hand, and one bearing the buck's head, cut off behind t'.ie ears, garnished with a rye of pease and a piece of fat fastened to each of the antlers. The minstrels went on foot, two and two, before them, and when they reached the cross, the keeper blew on his horn the various hunting signals, which were answered by the others; all passed on to the churchyard, where, alighting from their horses, they went into the church, the minstrels playing on their instruments dur'ng the time of the offering of the buck's head, and whilst each keeper paid one penny as an AUG. 15.] ASSUMPTION OF THE VlUGIN MARY. 359 offering to the church. Mass was then celebrated, and all adjourned to the good dinner which was prepared for them in the castle, towards the expenses of which the prior gave them thirty shillings. On the following day the minstrels met at the bailiff's house in Tutbury, where the steward of the court, and the bailiff of the manor, with the wood-master, met them. A procession was formed to go to church, the trumpeters walking first, and then the musicians on stringed instruments all playing ; their king, whose office ended on that day, had the privilege of walking between the steward and bailiff; after them came the four stewards of music, each carrying a white wand, followed by the rest of the company. The psalms and lessons were chosen in accordance with the occasion, and each minstrel paid a penny as a due to the vicar of Tutbury. On their return to the castle hall one of the minstrels cried out, " Oyez, oyez, oyez ! all minstrels within this honour, residing in the counties of Stafford, Derby, Nottingham, Leicester, and Warwick, come in and do your suit and service or you will bo amerced." All were then sworn to keep the king of music's counsel, their fellows', and their own ; and a lengthy charge from the steward followed, in which he expatiated on the antiquity and excellence of their noble science. After this the jurors proceeded to choose a new king, who was taken alternately from the minstrels of Staffordshire and Derbyshire, as well as four stewards, find retired to consider the offences which were alleged nguinst any minstrel, and fine him if necessary. In the meantime the old stewards brought into the court a treat of wine, ale, and cakes, and the minstrels diverted themselves and the company by playing their merriest airs. The new king entered, and was presented by the jurors, the old one rising from his place, and giving the white wand to his successor, pledging him in a cup of wine ; the old stewards followed his example, and at noon all partook of a dinner prepared for them by the old king. In the afternoon they all met at the abbey gate, where a bull was given by the prior. The poor beast, after having hud the tips of his horns sawed off, his ears and t iil cut off, 360 ST. HELEN'S DAT. [Auo. 18. his body smeared with soap, and his nose filled with pepper, was let loose, and if the surrounding minstrels could succeed in cutting off a piece of his skin before he crossed the river Dove into Derbyshire, he became the property of the king of music, but if not he was returned to the prior again. After becoming the king's own, he was brought to the High Street, and there baited with dogs three times. It has been supposed that John of Gaunt, who assumed the title of King of Castile and Leon, introduced this sport in imitation of the Spanish bull-fights. In course of time, however, the pursuit of the bull, which had boen confined to the minstrels, became general, and the multitude promiscuously joined in the barbarous sport, which sometimes terminated in broken heads. In 1778 the custom was abolished by the Dnke of Devonshire, after lasting four hundred years. See Pitt's History of Staffordshire, 1817, p. 49; ArcJiceoloqia, vol. ii. p. 86 ; Plot, Natural History of Staffordshire, 1686, p. 439 ; Shauif, History of Staffordshire, vol. i. p. 52. AUG. 1 6.] ST. ROCHE'S DAY. THIS day was anciently kept like a wake, or general harvest- honic, with dances in the churchyard in the evening. Fosbrooke, Diet. Antiq. AUG. 1 8.] ST. HELEN'S DAY. THIS saint gives name to numerous wells in the north of England. Dr. Kuerden, in the middle of the seventeenth century, describing one in the parish of Brindle, says : " To it the vulgar neighbouring people of the Red Letter do much resort with pretended devotion, on each year upon St. Ellin's Day, where and when, out of a foolish ceremony, they offer, or throw into the well, pins, which, there being left, may be seon a long time after by any visitor of that fountain." A AUG. 24.] ST. BARTHOLOMEW'S DAY. 361 similar custom was observed some years ago by the visitors of St. Helen's well in Sefton, but more in accordance with an incient practice than from any devotion to the saint. Baines, History of County of Lancaster, 1836, vol. iii. p. 497 ; Med. Kalend. vol. i. pp. 336, 337. AUG. 24.] ST. BAETHOLOMEW'S DAT. BARTHOLOMEW FAIR The origin of Bartholomew Fair was a graut from Henry I., in 1133, to a monk named Rayer, or Kuhere, who had been his jester, and had f .undvd the Priory of St. Bartholomew, in later times transformed into a hospital. The f iir was annually held at the festival of St. Bartholomew, and, like all other ancient fairs, was originally connected with the Church, under whose auspices miracle-plays, founded on the legends of saints, were represented, which gave place to mysteries, and these again to moralities ; afterwards, profane stories were introduced, the origin of the modern English drama. It was discontinued after 1855, having flourished for seven centuries and a half. Established originally for useful trading purposes, it had long survived its claim to tolerance, but, as London increased, became a great public nuisance, with its scenes of riot and obstruction in the very heart of the city. After the opening of the fair, it was customary anciently for wrestlers to exercise their art, of which Paul Hentzner, a German tutor, travelling in the year 1598 through England has given an account. Ho says, "that every year upon St. Bartholomew's day, when the fair is held ; it is usual for the mayor, attended by the twelve principal aldermen, to walk in a neighbouring tit-Id, dressed in his scarlet gown, and about his neck a goldm chain to which is hung a golden fleece, and, besides, that particular ornament which distinguishes the most noble Order of the Garter. When the mayor goes out of the precincts of the city a sceptre and sword and a cup are borne before him, and he is followed by the principal uld<;r;uen in scarlet go-\us 3G2 ST. BARTHOLOMEW S DAY. [AUG. 24. with gold chains, himself and they on horseback. Upon their arrival at a place appointed for that purpose, where a tent is pitched, the mob begin to wrestle before them, two at a time ; the conquerors receiving rewards from the magistrates. After this is over, a parcel of live rabbits are turned loose among the crowd, which are pursued by a number of boys, who endeavour to catch them, with all the noise they can make/' In a proclamation, made in 1608, we find the following command laid down in reference to the wrestling : " So many aldermen as dine with my Lord Mayor and the sheriffs, be apparelled in their scarlet gowns lined, and after dinner their horses be brought to them where they dine, and those aldermen which dine with the sheriffs, ride with them to my lord's house, to accompany him to the wrestling. Then when the wrestling is done, they take their horses, and ride back again through the fair, and so in at Aldersgate, and so home again to the said Lord Mayor's house." Mr. Samuel Pepys (1663) alludes to this wrestling in his diary. The scholars from the different London schools met at the Priory for disputations on grammar and logic, and wrangled together in verse. John Stow says : " I myself, in my youth, have yearly seen on the eve of St. Bartholomew the Apostle, the scholars of divers grammar schools repair unto the churchyard of St. Bartholomew, the Priory in Smithfield, where upon a bank boarded about under a tree, some one scholar hath stepped up, and there hath opposed and answered till he were by some better scholar overcome and put down ; and then the overcomer taking his place did like as the first. And in the end, the best opp s*rs and answerers had rewards, which I observed not but it made both good schoolmasters and also good scholars, diligently against such times to prepare themselves for the obtaining of this garland. I remember there repaired to these exercises, amongst others, the masters and scholars of the free schools of St. Paul's in London, of St. Peter's at Westminster, of St. Thomas Aeon's Hospital, and of St. Anthonie's Hospital ; whereof the last named commonly presented the best scholars, and had the prize in those days. This Priory of St. Bartho- lomew being surrendered to Henry VIII., those disputations of scholars in that pLice surceased ; and was again, only for a AUG. 24.] ST. BARTHOLOMEW'S DAT. 3G3 year or twain, revived in the cloister of Christ's Hospital, where the best scholars, then still of''s School,how- soever the same be now fallen both in number and estimation, were rewarded with bows and arrows of silver, given to them by Sir Martin Bower, goldsmith. Nevertheless, however, the encouragement failed ; the scholars of St. Paul's, mooting with them of St. Anthonie's, would call thorn Anthonie s Pigs, and they again would call the other Pigeons of Paul's, because many pigeons were bred in St. Paul's Church, and St. Anthonie was always figured with a pig following him, and mindful of the former usage, did for a long season disorderly provoke one another in the open street with Salve tu quoque, placet mecum dtsputare ? Placet ! And so proceeding from this to questions in grammar, they usually foil from words to blows, with their satchels full of book*, many times in great heaps that they troubled the streets and passengers; so that finally they were restrained with the decay of St. Anthonie's School." In the first centuries of its existence Bartholomew Fair was one of the great annual markets of the nation and the chief cloth fair of the kingdom. It was the great gathering in the metropolis of England, for the sale of that produce up >n which England especially relied for her prosperity. Two centuries after the Conquest our wealth depended upon wool, which was manufactured in the time of Henry IL, iu whose days there arose guilds of weavers. In King John's reign there was prohibition of the export of wool and of the import of cloth. A metropolitan cloth fair was therefore acom- mercial institution, high in dignity and national importance. There was a trade also at Bartholomew Fair in live stock, in leather, pewter, and in other articles of commerce, but cloth ranked first among the products of our industry. The clothiers of England, and the drapers of London, had their standings during the fair in the Priory churchyard. In the reign of Queen Elizabeth, however, Bartholomew Fair ceased to be a cloth fair of any importance ; but its name and fame is still preserved in the lane running parallel to Bartholomew Close, termed ' Cloth Fair," which was generally inhabited by drapers and m rcers in the days of Strype. A Pedlars' Court of Piepowdor was held witliin the Priory ST. BARTHOLOMEW'S DAY. [Auo. 24. gates, for debts and contracts, before a jury of traders formed on the spot, at which the prior, as lord of the fair, presided by his representative. It remained always by its original Bite, being held in Cloth Fair to the last. There is no record to be found of any ordinance by which the court of Pie- powder was first established in this country. There never had been known a fair in Europe to which such a court was not by usage attached. Such courts were held in the markets of the Eomans, which some writers regard as fairs, and in which they find the origin of modern fairs. The court of Piepowder in Bartholomew Fair, or the corresponding court in any other fair in England, had jurisdiction only in com- mercial questions. It could entertain a case of slander if it was slander of wares, not slander of person : not even the king, if he should sit in a court of Piepowder, could extend its powers. In 1445 four persons were appointed by the court of aldermen as keepers of the fair and of the court of Piepowder, the city being thus in that case represented as joint lord of the fair with the prior. As the fair prospered it was rendered attractive by a variety of popular amusements. All manner of exhibitions, theatrical booths, &c., thronged the fair, and tumblers, acrobats, stilt-walkers, mummers, and mountebanks, resorted to it in great numbers. Shows were exhibited for the exhibition of puppet-plays, sometimes constructed on religious history, such as " The Fall of Nineveh," others were constructed on classic story, as " The Siege of Troy." Shows of other kinds abounded, and zoology was always in high favour. In 1593 the keeping of the fair was for the first time suspended, by the raging of the plague. The same thing happened in 1603, in 1625, in 1630, in 1665, and in 1666. The licence of the Restoration mainly arising from the low personal character of the king, but greatly promoted by the natural tendency to reaction after the excess of severity used by the Puritans in suppressing what was not to be suppressed, at once extended Bartholomew Fair from a three days' market to a fortnight's if not even at one time to a six weeks' riot of amusement. In 1678 the civil authorities had already taken formal notice of the " It-regularities and Disorders " of Bartholomew and La;ly Fairs, and referred it to a committee " to consider how the At"G. 24.] ST. BARTHOLOMEW'S DAY. 365 same might be prevented, and what damages would occur to the city by laying down the same." This is the first hint of suppression that arises in the history of the fair, and its arising is almost simultaneous with the decay of the great annual gathering as a necessary seat of trade. In 1685 the fair was leased by the city to the sword bearer for three years at a clear rent of 100 per year. At the expiration of two years a committee having reported that the net annual profit for those years had amounted to not more than 68, the city fair, then lasting fourteen days, was, on his application, leased to the same sword-bearer for twenty-one years at the same rent. As time went on, however, the Corporation of London was still setting daily against the evil that was in the fair. Jn 1691, and again in 1694, a reduction to the old term of three days was ordered, as a check to vice, and in order that the pleasures of the fair might not choke up the avenues of the traffic. In 1697, the Lord Mayor, on St. Bartholomew's Day, published an ordinance recorded in the Postman " f >r tho suppression of vicious practices in Bartholomew Fair, as obscene, lascivious, and scandalous plays, comedies and farces, unlawful games and interludes, drunkenness, etc., strictly charging all constables and other officers to use their utmost diligence in persecuting the s ime." But there was no suppression of the puppet-theatres. Jephthah's Bath Vow was performed that year at Blake's Booth, as in the following years at Blake and Pinkethman's. Again on the 18th of June, 1700, stage-plays and interludes at the fair were for that year prohibited : they were again prohibited by the mayor who ruled in the year 1702. In 1698, a French- man, Monsieur Sorbiere, visiting London, says, "J was at Bartholomew Fair. It consists most of toy-shops, also fiacres and pictures, ribbon shops, no books ; many shops of con- fectioners, where any woman may be commodiously treated. Knavery is here in perfection, dextrous cut-purses and pick- pockets. I went to see the dancing on the ropes, which was admirable. Coming out, I met a man that would have took off my hat, but I secured it, and was going to draw my sword, crying out "Begar! damn'd rogue! morbleu!" &c., when on a sudden I had a hundred people about me, crying, " Here, monsieur, see Jephthah's Bash VOID ;" " Here, monsieur, see 866 ST. BARTHOLOMEW'S DAT. [Auo. 24. The Tnll Dutclnoman ;" " See The Tiger" says another; " See The Horse and No Horse, whose tail stands where his head should do ;" " See the German Artist, monsieur ;" " See The Siege of Namur, monsieur ;" so that betwixt rudeness and civility I was forced to get into a fiacre, and, with an air of baste and a full trot, got home to my lodgings." In 1701 Bartholomew Fair was presented as a nuisance by the Grand Jury of London, and in 1750 it was reduced to its original three days. By the alteration of the calendar in 1752, the fair, in the following year, was, for the first time, proclaimed on September 3rd. On the 3rd of December, 1760, the London Court of Common Council referred to its City Lands Committee to consider the tenures of the City fair, with a view to their abolition. The subject was then carefully discussed, and a final report sent in, with the opinion of counsel, upon which the court came to a resolution, that, owing to the interest of Lord Kensington in Bartholomew Fair, that was a nuisance which they could endeavour only by a firm practice of re- striction to abate. In 1769 plays, puppet-shows, and gambling were suppressed. In 1798, when the question of abolishing the fair was discussed, a proposal to restrict it to one clay was made and set aside, because the measure might produce in London a concentrated tumult dangerous to life. In the course of a trial at Guildhall in 1817, involving the rights of Lord Kensington, it was stated on Lord Kensington's behalf, that considering the corrupt state of the fair, and the nuisance caused by it in the neighbourhood of Smitlifiold, he should throw no obstacle in the way of its removal, and was ready to give up his own rights over it, on being paid their value. His receipts from toll were stated to be 30Z. or 40Z. a year, and their estimated, value 500/. or 6001. In the year 1830 the Corporation of London did accordingly buy from Lord Kensington the old Priory rights, vested in the heirs of Chancellor Rich, and all the rights and interests in Bartho- lomew Fair then became vested in the City. Having thus secured full power over the remains in question, the Corpo- ration could take into its own hands the whole business of their removal. The fair at this time had long ceased to be a place of traffic, and was only a haunt of amusement, riot, and . 24.] ST. BARTHOLOMEW'S DAY. 3f>7 dissipation. Latterly it had only been attended by the keepers of a few gingerbread stalls ; and consequently in 1839 measures were for the first time seriously adopted for its supprcss'on, and in the following year the exhibitions were removed to Islington. In 1850 the last proclamation by the Lord Mayor took place, and in 1855 the once famous Bartholomew Fair came to an end. History and Origin of Bartholomew Fair, published by Arliss and Huntsman, 1808 ; Chambers' Encyclopedia (I860), vol. i. p. 719 ; Morley, Meim irs of Bartholomew Fair, 1859 ; Chambers' Book o/ Days, vol. ii. pp. 263-267. LINCOLNSHIRE. In the morning a number of maidens, clad in their best a! tire, went in procession to a small chapel, situated in the parish of Dorrington, and strewed its floor with rushes, from \v hence they proceeded to a piece of land called the " Play- Garths," where they were joined by most of the inhabitants of the place, who passed the remainder of the day in rural sports, such as foot-ball, wrestling and other athletic exercises, With dancing, &o. History of County of Lincoln, 1834, vol. ii. p. 255. It was customary at Croyland Abbey to give littlo knives to all comers on St. Bartholomew's Day. Mr. Gough, in his History of Croyland Abbey, p 73. says that this abuse was abolished by Abbot John de Wisebech, in the time of Edward IV., exempt ng both the abbot and convent from a great and needless expense. This custom originated in allusion to the knife wherewith St. Bartholomew was flayed. Three of these knives were quartered, with three of tho whips so much used by St. Guthlac, in one coat borne by this house. Mr. Hunter had great numbers of them, of different sizes, found at diil'erent times in the ruins of the abbey and in the river. YORKSHIRE. Dr. Johnston, quoted by Hampson (Med. JEvi Kalcnd. vol. i. p. 342). has preserved an account of a pageant exhibited at Dent on the rush-bearing (St. Bartholomew's Day) after 368 ntESTON GUILD. [Auc. 30. the Restoration, in which, among other characters, Oliver and Bradshaw, Rebellion and War, were represented, all decked by times with vizardes on, and strange deformities ; and Bradshaw had his tongue run through with a red hot iron, and Rebellion was hanged on a gibbet in the market- place. Then came Peace and Plenty, and Diana with her nymphs, all with coronets on their heads, each of which made a several speech in verses of their loyalty to their king. AUG. 30.] PRESTON GUILD. LANCASHIRE. CONCERNING this curious custom, Britton, in his Lancashire (1818, p. 109j, gives the following account: It is a sort of public carnival or jubilee, and is held every twenty years, as appears by the records of the corporation. The last confirmation was by Charles II., in 1684, since which time it has been regularly held, in the first of Anne, ninth of George I., sixteenth of George II., and second, twenty-second, and again in the forty-second year of George III., the only monarch, except Queen Elizabeth, who has reigned during the time of three guilds. It begins about the latter end of August, and, by the Charter, which obliges the corporation to celebrate it at the end of every twenty years, on pain of forfeiting their elective franchises and their right as burgesses, twenty-eight days of grace are allowed to all who are disposed to renew their freedom. By public proclamation it is declared that, on failure of doing so, they are ever after to be debarred of the same on any future occasion. The last guild commenced on the 30th of August, 1802, when an immense concourse of people of all ranks were assembled, and processions of the gentlemen at the heads of the different classes of manufactories with symbolical repre- sentations^ their respective branches of trade and commerce ; and bands of music passed through the principal streets of the town. The mayor and corporation, with the wardens of the different companies at the head of their respective SEPT.] ECCLES WAKE. 3G9 incorporated bodies, each in their official dresses, and with their usual insignia, fell into the ranks in due order, and the whole was preceded by an excellent baud of music belonging to the 17th Kegimentof Light Dragoons, in full dress, and their officers newly clothed. Besides the wool-combers', spinners', weavers', cordwainers', carpenters', vintners', tailors', smiths', plumbers', painters', glaziers', watchmakers', mercers' and drapers' companies, the whole was closed by the butchers, skinners, tanners, and glovers, habited in characteristic dresses, each company being attended by a band of music and a very elegant ensign In this order they proceeded to church, and after service returned and paraded through the different streets in the same order. The mayor afterwards entertained the gentlemen at his house, and on the next day the mayoress repeated the treat to the ladies of the town and its vicinity, who formed a procession on this day, in a similar manner, preceded by the girls of the cotton manufactory ECCLES WAKE, SEPT.] LANCASHIRE. AN annual festival used to be held at Ecclcs, of great antiquity, as old probably as the first erection of the church, called Eccles Wake, celebrated on the first Sunday in Sep- tember, and was continued during the three succeeding days, and consisted of feasting upon a kind of local confectionery, called " Eccles Cakes," and ale, with various sports. The following was the programme on such an occasion : "Eccles Wake. On Monday morning, at eleven o'clock the sports will commence (the sports of Sunday being passed over in silence) with that most ancient, loyal, rational constitutional and lawful diversion 44 Bull Baiting In all its primitive excellence, for which this place has been long noted. At one o'clock there will be a foot race; at two o'clock, a bull baiting for a horse collar ; at four o'clock, donkey races for a pair of panniers; at five o'clock, a race for a stuff hat ; tho day's sport to 2 B 370 THROWING THE DART. [SEPT. conclude with baiting the bull, Fury, for a superior dog-chain. On Tuesday, the sports will be repeated ; also on Wednesday, with the additional attraction of a smock race by ladies. A main of cocks to be fought on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday for twenty guineas, and five guineas the byes, between the gentlemen of Manchester and Eccles ; the wake to conclu le with a fiddling match by all the fiddlers that attend for a piece of silver." Baines, History of County of Lancaster, 1836, vol. iii. p. 123. CHALK-BACK DAY. NORFOLK. AT Dlss, it is customary for the juvenile populace, on the Thursday before the third Friday in September (on which latter day a fair and session for hiring servants are held), to mark and disfigure each other's dresses with white chalk, pleading a prescriptive right to be mischievous on " Chalk- Back Day." N. & Q. 1st. S. vol iv. p. 501. IEELAND. The following extract is taken from the Leeds Mercury, September 8th, 1863 : The triennial ceremony of " throwing the dart " in Cork Harbour was performed on Thursday after- noon by the mayor of that city. This is one of those quaint ceremonials by which, in olden time, municipal boundaries were preserved and corporate rights asserted. A similar civic pageant called " riding the fringes " (franchises) was formerly held by the lord mayor and corporation of Dublin, in which, after riding round the inland boundaries of the borough, the cavalcade halted at a point on the shore near Bullock, whence the lord mayor hurled a dart into the sea, the spot where it fell mirking the limit of the maritime jurisdiction. At 2 o'clock, P.M., the members of the cork town Council embarked on b:>ard a steam-vessel, attended by all the civic officers, and the band of the Cork civil artillery. A number SEPT. 4.] ST. CUTHBEIIT'S DAY. 371 of ladies also attended. The steamer proceeded out to sea until she reached an imaginary line batween Poor Head and Cork Head, which is supposed to bo the maritime boundary of the borough. Here the mayor doiined his official robes and proceeded, attended by the mace and sword bearer, the city treasurer, and the town clerk, all wearing their official costumes, to the prow of the vessel, whence he launched his javelin into the water, thereby asserting his authority as lord high admiral of the port. The event was celebrated by a banquet in the evening. SEPT. 4.] ST. CUTHBERT'S DAY. DUUHAM. AN offering of a stag was at one time annually made on St. Cuthbert's Day, in September, by the Nevilles of liaby. On one occasion, however, Lord Neville claimed that himself, and as many as he might bring with him, should be feasted by the Prior upon the occasion. To this the Prior demurred, as a thing that had never been before claimed as of right, and as being a most expensive and onerous burden, for the trains of the great nobility of that day were numerous in the extreme. The result was that the Prior declined to accept the stag when laid before the shrine, by which they of the Nevilles were so grievously offended that from words they got to blows, and began to cuff the monks who were ministering at tlio altar. The latter, upon this occasion, were not contented to offer a mere passive resistance, for they made such good use of the large wax candles which they carried in belabouring their opponents as to compel them to retreat. The retainers of the Nevilles did not, however, condescend to take buck a^ain the stag which, as they deemed, had been so uncour- teously refused. The stag was an oblation by the Nevilles of great antiquity, and appears to have been brought into tfie church, and presented with winding of horns. Ornsliy, Sketches of Durham, 1846, p. 77 ; Mackenzie, View of County of Durham, 1834, vol. ii. p. 201. 2 B 2 372 HOLT-ROOD DAY. [SEPT. 1 4. SEPT. 8.] NATIVITY OF THE VIRGIN MAEY. LINCOLNSHIRE. AN old tradition existing within the town of Grimsby asserts that every burgess at Iris admission to the freedom of the borough anciently presented to the mayor a boar's head, or an equivalent in money when the animal could not be procured The lord, too, of the adjacent manor of Bradley, it seems, was obliged by his tenure to keep a supply of these animals in his wood for the entertainment of the mayor and burgesses, and an annual hunting match was officially proclaimed on some particular day after the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin. In the midst of these extensive woods the sport was carried on, and seldom did the assembled train fail to bring down a leash of noble boars, which were designed for a public entertainment on the following day. At this feast the newly-elected mayor took his seat at the head of the table, wh ; ch contained the whole body corporate and tl;e principal gentlemen of the town and neighbourhood Med. jJEvi Kalend., vol. i. p. 96. SKPT 12.] HAMPSHIBE. A fair used to be celebrated at Winchester on the 12th of September, and was by far the greatest fair in the kingdom. The mayor resigned the keys of the four gates to a magis- trate appointed by the bishop, and collectors were stationed on all the roads. Merchants resorted to it from distant parts of Europe, and it formed a temporary city ; each street being appropriated to different commodities. Historical and Descriptive Guide to Winchester, 1829, p. 86. SEPT. 14.] HOLY-ROOD DAT. THIS festival, called also Holy-Cross Day, was inst : tuted by the Romish Church on account of the recovery of a large SEPT. 21.] ST. MATTHEW'S DAT. 373 piece of the cross by the Emperor Huraclius, after it had been taken away on the plundering of Jerusalem by Chosroes, King of Persia. It appears to have been customary to go a-nutting upou this day, from the following passage in the old play of Grim Hie Collier of Croydon : " This day, tliey s-ay, is called Holy-Rood Day, And all the youth are now a-nutting ^one." In the Gent. Mag. is the following : " Tuesday, September 14th, 1731, being Holy-Rood Day, the king's huntsmen hunted their free buck in Richmond New Park, with bloodhouacls, according to custom." BuCKINGHAMflHIltE. It appears from the MS. Status Schola Etonensis, 1560, already quoted, that, in the month of September, " on a certain day," most probably the 14th, the boys of Eton School were to have a play-day, in order to go out and L'ittlier nuts, a portion of which, when they returned, they were to make presents of to the different masters. Before leave, however, was granted for their excursion, they were required to write verses on the fruitfulness of autumn, the deadly cold, &c., of the coming winter. Sonar. At Chertsey a fair is held on Holy-Rood Day (Old Stylf-), and goes by the namo of " Onion Fair," from the quantity of this esculent brought for sale. Brayley, History of Surrey, 1841, vol. ii. p. 191. SKPT. 21.] ST. MATTHEWS DAY. Ix Brayley's Londiniana (1829, vol. ii. p. 30) is the follow- ing extract from the MS. copy of the journal of Richard lloare, Etq., during the year of his shrievalty, 1740-41 : 874 BIDDEXHAM CUSTOM. [SEPT. 22. Monday, September 21st (1741), being St. Matthew's Day, waited on my lord mayor to the great hall in Christ's Hospital, where we were met by several of the prpsidents and governors of the other hospitals within the city, and being seated at the upper end the children passed two and two, whom we followed to the church, and after having a sermon came back to the grammar-school, where the boys made speeches in commemoration of their benefactors, one in English, the other in Latin, to each of whom it is custom- ary for the lord mayor to give one guinea, and the two sheriffs half-a-guinea a-piece as we did ; afterwards, the clerk of the hospital delivered to the lord mayor a list of the several governors to the several hospitals nominated the preceding year. Then the several beadles of all the hospit Js came in, and laying down their staves on the middle of the floor, retired to the bottom of the hall. Thereupon the lord mayor addressed himself to the city marshal, inquiring after their conduct, and if any complaint was to be made against any one in particular, and no objection being made, the lord mayor ordered them to take up theii staves again ; all which is done in token of their submission to the chief magistrate, and that they hold their places at his will, though elected by their respective governors. We were afterwards treated in the customary manner with sweet cakes and burnt wine. SEPT. 22.] BEDFORDSHIRE. On this day, at Biddenham, shortly before noon, a little pi-ocession of villagers convey a white rabbit decorated with scarlet ribbons through the village, singing a hymn in honour of St. Agatha. This ceremony is said to date from the year of the first Crusade. All the unmarried young women who meet the procession extend the first two fingers of the left hand, pointing towards the rabbit, and say " Gustin, Gustm, la"ks a b'er ! Maidens, maidens, bury him bore" The Penny Puxt, November 1870. SEI-T. 28.] MICHAELMAS EVE. 375 SEPT. 24. J SCALDING THURSDAY. IN Laud's diary occurs the following: " [1G35J Sept. 24th, Scalding Thursday." This was probably a homely term for the day of preparation for that high-day Michaelmas, when the victim goose was scalded, plucked, and hung a week's hanging is the rule for a goose. N. & Q. 3rd S., vol. iv. p. 441. SKPT. 28.] MICHAELMAS EVE. Scrim EY. A CURIOUS custom once existed at Kingston, viz , that of the c >ngreg;ition cracking nuts during the performance of divine service on the Sunday next before the eve of St. Michael's Dixy : hence the phrase, " Crack-Nut Sunday." This custom is considered by some to have had originally some connection with the choosing of the bailiff and other members of the corporate body on St. Michael's Day, and of the usual civic i'i ;i>t attending that proceeding. It would seem, however, from the following passage in Goldsmith's Vicar of W(tk>- /ie/d(chap. iv.), that the custom was not confined to Kingston; for the good vicar, speaking of his parishioners, says: ' They kept up the Christmas carol, sent true-love-knots on Valentine morning, nte pancakes on Shrovetide, showed their wit on the first of April, and religiously cracked nuts on Michaelmas eve." Brayley, Topoyraiihical History of Surrey, 1841, voL iii. p 41. IRELAND. The last Sunday of summer has been, heretofore, a day of groat importance with the Irish, as upon it they first tried the new potato, and formed an opinion 02 to the prospects of 376 MICHAELMAS DAY. [SEPT. 2<). the future harvest. The day was always called, in the west in part : oalar, "Garlic SunJay," perhaps a corruption of Garland Sunday. JV. & Q. 1st. S. vol. ix. p. 34. SEPT 29.] MICHAELMAS DAY. AT this season village maidens, in the west of England, go up and down the hedges gathering crab apples, which they carry home, putting them into a loft, and forming with them the initials of their supposed suitors' names. The initials which are found, on examination, to be most perfect on Old Michaelmas Day are considered to represent the strongest attachments and the best for choice of husbands. Brand, Pop. Antiq. 1849, vol. i. p. 356. Michaelmas Goose. It was long a prevalent notion that the pract'ce of eating goose on Michaelmas Day arose from the circumstance that Queen Elizabeth received the news of the defeat of the Spanish Armada whilst partaking of a goose on that anniversary. This, however, is disproved by the fact that, so far back as the tenth year of Edward IV. (147U), one John de la Hay was bound, amongst other services, to render to William Barnaby, lord of Lastres, in Herefordshire, for a parcel of the demesne lauds, " xx d and one goose fit for his lord's dinner on the Feast of St. Michael the Archangel." Sports, Pastimes, and Customs of London, 1847, p. 37. In the poems of George Gascoigne, 1575, occur too the following lines : " And when the tenantrs come to pale their quarter's rent, They bring some fowle at Midsummer, a disii of fisli in Lent; At Chriotniasse a capon, at Michaclmasse a goo e, And somewhat else at New-yere's tids, for 1'euro their lease file loose." Blount, in his Tenures, says that probably no other reason can be given fur this custom but that Michaelmas day was a great fcst'val, and geese at that time were most plentiful. Seo Bi-aud's Pop. Anliq., 1849, vol. i. pp. 367-371. 2C. MICHAELMAS DAY. 377 BERKSHIRE. It appears from a tablet in the church at Great Coxwell, that the Rev. David Collier charged certain lands in the hamlet of Little Coxwell with the payment of eight bushels of barley yearly, on the 29th of September, for teaching tho poor children of this parish to read, write, and cast accounts, for three years, when they were to ba succeeded by two others to be taught for the same term, and so on successively for ever, and he empowered the vicar and churchwardens, or the major part of them (the vicar being always one) to nominate the children. The paynvnt has been regularly miule, sometimes in kind, but latterly in money estimated at the price of barley, at the Farriugd >n market, the nemvst to the day when the annual payment becomes due. Tho payment is made, under the direction of the churchwardens, to a schoolmistress for teaching three children to read, and, if girls, to mark also. The number of children was formerly two only, who were further tuught to write and cast accounts; but this part of their education was discontinued many years ago in consequence ot the inadequacy of the fund, and, instead thereof an additional child was sent to bo instructed with the others. Edwards, Old English Custom* and Charities, p. 40. The inhabitants of Abingdon once had a custom of adorn- ing their houses with flowers, &c., on the election of a mayor. A writer in the Gent. May. (1782, vol. lii. p. 558), says : Riding through Abingdon early on one of the first Sundays in October, he found the people in the streets at the entrance of the town, very busy in adorning tho outside of tln-ir houses with garlands of flowers and b ughs of trees, ami tho paths were strewed with flowers. One house was distinguished by a greater number of garlands than the rest, and soino were msiking to be fixed at the end of poles. On inquiring the reason, he was told that it was usual to have this ceremony performed in the street in which the new mayor lived on the first Sunday that he went to church after his election. 873 MICHAELMAS DAT. [SEPT. 2 9. CORNWALL. The manor of Eoscarrock, the Eoscaret of Domesday, situated near Endellion, was held in the time of Edward the Confessor by Alvin, and at the time of the Domesday survey by Nigel under the E;irl of Moriton. A substantial house has been constructed on the site of the old mansion. Koscarrock pays a modus of 9 in lieu of tithes ; this modus was anciently paid, according to established custom, in the church porch before sunrise on the morning of Michaelmas Day. Parochial History of County of Cornwall, 1867, vol. i. p. 333. ESSEX. The Lawless Court is kept, says Morant (History of Essex 1768, vol. i. p. 272), at King's-hill, about half a mile north- east of Rochford Church, in the yard of a house once be- longing to .... Crips, Gent., and afterwards to Robert Hackshaw, of London, merchant, and to Mr. John Buckle. Here the tenants kneel, and do their homage. The time is the Wednesday morning next after Michaelmas Day, upon the first cock-crowing, without any kind of light but such as the heavens will afford. The steward of the Court calleth all such as are bound to appear with as low a voice as possible, giving no notice, when he that gives not an answer is deeply amerced. They are all to whisper to each other ; nor have they any pen and ink, but supply that office with a coal ; and he that owes suit and service thereto, and appears not, forfeits to the lord double his rent every hour he is absent. A tenant of this manor forfeited not long ago his land for non-attendance, but was restored to it, the lord only taking a fine. The Court is called Lawless because held at an unlawful or lawless hour, or quia dicta sine leqe: the title of it runs in the Court rolls to this day according to the form below : KING'S HILL IN ROCHFORD. Curia de Domino Rege Dicta sine Lege, Tenta est ibidem Per ejusdem consuL'tudiueia, SEPT. 29.] MICHAELMAS DAT. 379 Ante ortnm Sol is, Luceat nisi Polus, Nil scribit nisi colis. Toties volurrit, Galius ut cantaverit, Per cujus solum tonitnm, Curia tst summonitn. Clamat clam pro Uige In Curia sine Luge, Et nisi cito vein riut, Citius pcenituerint ; Et nisi clam nccedant Curia non attendut ; Qui venerit cum lumiue, Errat in regiiuine Et dum sunt sine lumine Capti cunt in crimiue, Curia sine cura Juiati do injuria; T< nta ibidem die Mercurii (ante diem) proximo, post Festum SunctI Michaelis Archangeli, anno Kegni BegU, &c. There is a tradition that this servile attendance was im- posed at first upon certain tenants of divers manors here- abouts for conspiring in this place at such an unreasonable time to raise a commotion.* GLOUCESTERSHIRE The custom of hanging out bushes of ivy, boughs of trees, or bunches of flowers at prirate houses as a sign that good cheer may be had within, prevails in the city of Glouccst- r at the fair held at Michaelmas, called Barton Fair from the locality. N. & Q. 1st S. vol. ix. p. 113. * At Kidderminster, says a correspondent of Gent. Mag. (17f>f>, vol. Ix. p. ll'.tl ), is u sinxulir custom. On the election of a l>a!liff tlio inhabitants assemble- in the principal streets and tl.rmv cul>l>a?;e-stalk-j at earn ut cr. Tlu- town-house bell gives si^n il for tho nfthiy Tliia id Citllid " lawless hour." Tbis ilone 'for it Justs an hour), the bail If elect and corporation, in thi ir roln-a, pieceded l.y drums and fifea (for they have no waits), vi.-it the old und new bailill', mnstibles, &c. t Bttended by a m->b. In tl.e moantime the mo.-t res|>eclai)lo families in t .< neighbourhood are invited to meet and tling apples at them on tneir entrance. 380 MICHAELMAS DAT. [SEPT. HERTFORDSHIRE. In Brand's Pop. Antiq.^ (1849, vol. ii p. 372) is the follow- ing account of a curious septennial custom observed at Bishop Stortford and in the adjacent neighbourhood on old Michaelmas Day, taken from a London newspaper of the 18th of October, 1787: On the morning of this day, called Ganging Day, a great number of young men assemble in the fiel Is where a very active fellow is nominated the leader. This person they are bound to follow, who, for the sake of diversion, generally chooses the route through ponds, ditches, and places of diffi- cult passage. Every person they meut is bumped, male or female, which is performed by two other persons taking them up by their arms, and swinging them against each other. The women in general keep at home at this period, except those of less scrupulous character, who, for the sake of partaking of a gallon of ale and a plumeake, which evury landlord or publican is obliged to furnish the revellers with, generally spend the best part of the night in the fields if the weather is fair, it being strictly according to auclciit usage not to partake of the cheer anywhere else. NOTTINGHAMSHI UE. A correspondent of Book oj Days (vol ii. p. 393) gives the following account of the ceremonies formerly connected with the election of the mayor at Nottingham. On the day the new mayor assumed office (September 29), he. the old mayor, the aldermen, and councillors, all marched in procession to St. Mary's Cfeirch, where divine service was said. After service the whole body went into the vestry, where the old mayor seated himself in an elbow chair, at a table covered with black cloth, in the middle of which lay the mace covered with rosemary and sprigs of bay. This was termed " the burying of the mace," doubtless a symbolical act, denoting the official decease of its late holder. A form of electing the new mayor was then gone through, after which the one retiring from office took up the rnace, kissed it, and delivered SlCPT. 29.] MICHAELMAS DAT. 381 it into the hand of his successor. The new mayor then proposed two persons for sheriffs, and two for the office of chamberlains; and after these had also gone through the votes, the whole assemblage marched into the chancel, where the senior coroner administered the oath to the new mayor in the presence of the old one : and the town-clerk gave to the sheriffs and chambo^rlains their oath of office. These ceremonies being over, they marched in order to the New Hall, attended by such gentlemen and tradesmen as had been invited by the mayor and sheriffs, where the feasting took place. On their way, at the Week-day Cross, over against the ancient Guild Hall, the town-clerk proclaimed the mayor and sheriffs ; and at the next ensuing market-day they were again proclaimed in the face of the whole market at the Malt Cross. On these occasions the mayor and sheriffs welcomed their guests with bread and cheese, fruit in season, and pipes and tobacco. SUSSEX. At Chichester, Sloe Fair was always proclaimed under the Canon Gate by the bishop's steward eight days before the eve of St. Faith the Virgin, during which time the jurisdiction of the mayor ceased, and the bishop had power to collect, and did by his agent collect, the tolls of tlie market and fair. An instance is recorded (1702) in the annals of the corpora- tion of the bishop claiming the keys of the city during the Piepowder Court. The bishop's claim arose from a grant made as early as Henry I. Dally, Chichester Guide, 1831, p. 24. The bailiff of Seaford is annually elected on St. Michael's Day. The freemen of the town having previously assembled at the Court Hull leaving the jurats on the bench retire to a certain spot at the gate-post of a field near the west end of the town, where the serjeant-at-mace of the body cor- porate nominates the chief magistrate for the ensuing year, who is then and there elected. This peculiar custom is supposed to have originated to prevent any influence on the part of the corporation magistrates (jurats), and to enable the freemen to make a free choice of their mayor. 332 MICHAELMAS DAT. [SEPT. 29. WESTEKN ISLES OF SCOTLAND. Martin, in his Account of the Western Isles of Scotland, (1703, p. 79), speaking of the island Lingay, says that the inhabitants are much addicted to riding, the plainness of the country disposing both men and horses to it. They observe an anniversary cavalcade on Michaelmas Day, and then all ranks of both sexes appear on horseback. The place for this rendezvous is a large piece of firm sandy ground on the sea-shore, and there they have horse racing for small prizes for which they contend eagerly. There is an ancient custom by which it is lawful for any of the inhabitants to steal his neighbour's horse the night before the race and ride him all next day, provided he delivers him safe and sound to the owner after the race. The manner of running is by a few young men who use neither saddles nor bridles, except small ropes made of bent instead of a bridle, nor any sort of spurs but their bare heels ; and when they begin the race, they throw these ropes on their horses' necks, and drive them on vigorously, with a piece of long sea-ware in each hand instead of a wlrp, nnd this is dried in the sun several months before for that purpose. This is a happy opportunity for the vulgar, who have few occasions for meeting except on Sundays ; the men have their sweethearts behind them on horseback and give and receive mutual presents : the men present the women with knives and purses, the women present the men with a pair of tine garters of divers colours ; they give them likewise a quantity of wild carrots. Maeaulay says it was the custom, till of late, at St. Kilda, on Michaelmas Day, to prepare in every family a loaf or cake of bread, enormously large, and compounded of different ingredients. This cake belonged to the Archangel, and had its name from him. Every one in each family, whether strangers or domestics, had his portion of this kind of she\v- brcad, and had of course some title to the friendship and protection of St. Michael. History of St. Kilda, 1764, p. 22. Martin, speaking of the Protestant inhabitants of Skye, OCT. 2.] GOOSE FAIR, NOTTINGHAM. 883 Kays : They observe the festivals of Christmas, Easter, Good Friday, and St. Michael. Upon the latter day, they have a cavalcade in each parish, and several families bake the bread called St. Michael's bannock. Alluding to St. Kilbar village, he observes that they likewise have a general cavalcade on St. Michael's Day, and take a turn round their church. Every family, as soon as the solemnity is over, is accustomed to bake St. Michael's cake ; and all strangers, together with those of the family, must eat the bread that night. Martin's Description of the Western Isles of Scotland, p 213. IEELAND. In Ireland, this season is celebrated by the making of the Michaelmas cake. A lady's ring is mixed in the dough, and, when the cake is baked it is cut into sections and distributed to the unmarried people at table, and the person who gets the slice with the ring "is sure to be married before next Michaelmas."^. & Q. 3rd S. vol. ix. p. 520. Ocr. 2.] GOOSE FAIR. NOTTINGHAM. THE origin of this fair arose from the large quantities of geese which were driven up from the fens of Lincolnshire for sale at this fair, which is on the 2nd of October, when geese are just in season. Persons now living can remember seeing fifteen or twenty thousand goese in the market-place, each flock attended by a gooseherd with a crook, which he dexterously threw round the neck of any goose, and brought it out for inspection by the customer. A street on the Lincolnshire side of the town is still called Goosegate, and the flavour of the goose is fully appreciated by the good people of Nottingham, as, on th<: fair day, one is sure to bo found on the table of twenty-nine out of a hundred of tho butter class of the inlml> tants. N. it Q. 1st S.. vol. vi. p. .V,:;. A writer in Jour, of the Arch. Assoc. (1853, vol. viii. p. 236), 384 ST. FAITH'S DAY. [OCT. 6. alluding to the customs allowed at Nottingham, says that the mayor of Nottingham formerly appears to have given a feast of hot roast geese on the last day of his mayoralty previous to the election of his successor. LANCASHIEE. At Great Crosby, a suburban village about seven miles from Liverpool, early in October, every year there is held a local festival, which is called the " Goose Fair." The feast takes place when the harvest is gathered in about that part of the country, and so it forms a sort of " harvest-home " gathering for the agricultui ists of the neighbourhood. It is said also that, at this particular period, geese are finer and fatter after feeding on the stubble-fields than at any other time. Curious to say, however, the bird in question is seldom, if ever, eaten at these feasts. N. & Q. '3rd S. vol. Hi. p. 158, and vol. iv. p. 82. OCT. 6.] ST. FAITH'S DAY. ON this day a very curious custom is observed in the North of England. A cake of flour, spring-water, salt, and sugar must be made by three maidens or three widows, and each must have an equal share in the composition. It is then baked before the fire in a Dutch-oven, and, all the while it is doing, silence must be strictly observed, and the cake must be turned nine times, or three times to each person. When it is thoroughly done it is divided into threo parts. Eacli one taking her share, and cutting it into nine slips, must pass each slip three times through a wedding-ring previously borrowed from a woman who has been married at least seven yt ars. Then each one must eat her nine slips as she is undressing, and repeat the following rhyme : " O good St. Faith, be kind to-night, An 1 bi ing to me my heart's delight; Let me my future husband view, And be my visions chaste and true." OCT. IO.] LIVERPOOL BEAB-BAITIXO. 385 Then all three must get into bed with the ring suspended by a string to the head of the couch, and they will be sure to dream of their future husbands. Brand's Pop. Antiq. 1849, vol. i. p. 373. OCT. IO.J DOBSETSHIBE. Pack Monday Fair is held at Sherborne on the first Monday after the 10th of October, and is ushered in, say? Hutchins (Eist. of Dorset, 1774), by the ringing of the great bell at a very early hour in the morning, and by the boys and young men perambulating the streets with cows' horns. Tradition asserts that this fair originated at the termi- nation of the building of the church, when the people who had been employed about it packed up their tools, and held a fair or wake in the churchyard, blowing cows' horns in their rejoicing. See Every Day Book, vol. ii. p. 1037. KENT. A fair was formerly held yearly on the 10th of October, in the precincts of the ville of Christ Church, and was usually called Jack and Joan Fair, from its being esteemed a statute fair for the hiring of servants of both sexes, for which purpose it continued till the second Saturday or market-day had passed. Hasted's History of Kent, 1799, vol. iv. p. 424. LANCASHIRE. About the year 1760, it was customary with the burgesses of Liverpool on the annual election of a mayor to have a bear baited. This event took place on the 10th of October, and the demonstrations of rejoicing continued for several days. The animal was first baited at the White Cross, at the top of Chapel Street, and was then led in triumph to tho exchange, where the conflict was renewed. A repetition of the same brutal cruelties was likewise exhibited in Derby Street, and the diversion was concluded by the animal undergoing reiterated assaults at the Stock Market opposite the top of Pool Lane. The bear was assailed separately by large mastiffs, and if any dog compelled him to yell, 2 o 386 ST. LUKE'S DAY. [Ocx. 18. or was able to sustain the contest with superior address, he was rewarded with a brass collar. It was remarkable, however, that few of the bear's assailants could be induced to renew the fight after having once received the fraternal embrace. Corry, History of Liverpool, 1810, p. 93. YORKSHIRE. Formerly, there existed in Hull a custom of whipping all the dogs that were found running about the streets on the 10th of October,* and at one time so common was the practice, that every little urchin considered it his duty to prepare a whip for any unlucky dog that might be seen in the street on that day. Tradition assigns the following origin to the custom : Previous to the suppression of monasteries in Hull, it was the custom for the monks to provide liberally for the poor and the wayfarer who came to the fair held annually on the llth of October ; and while busy in this necessary preparation the day before the fair, a dog strolled into the larder, snatched up a joint of meat and decamped with it. The cooks gave the alarm, and when the dog got into the streets he was pursued by the expectants of the charity of the monks, who were waiting outside the gate, and made to give up the stolen joint. Whenever, after this, a dog showed his face while this annual preparation was going on, he was instantly beaten off. Eventually, this was taken up by the boys and, until the introduction of the new police, was rigidly put in practice by them every 10th of October. N. & Q. 1st S. vol. viii. p. 409. OCT. 1 8.] ST. LUKE'S DAY. KENT. AT Charlton, a fair was held on this day, and was charac- terized by several curious peculiarities. Every booth in the * See St. Luke's Day OCT. 1 8.] ST. LUKE'S DAT. 387 fair had its horns conspicuous in the front. Rams' horns were an article abundantly represented for sale, even the gin- gerbread was marked by a gilt pair of horns. It seemed an inexplicable mystery how horns and Charlton Fair had become associated in this manner, till an antiquary at length threw a light upon it by pointing out that a horned ox is the recognised mediaeval symbol of St. Luke, the patron of the fair, fragmentary examples of it being still to be seen in the painted windows of Charlton Church. This fair was one where an unusual licence was practised. It was customary for men to come to it in women's clothes a favourite mode cf masquerading two or three hundred years ago against which the puritan clergy launched many a fulmination. The men also amused themselves, on their way across Blackheath, in lashing the women with furze, it being proverbial that " all was fair at Horn Fair." Book of Days, vol. i. p. 645. A sermon was formerly preached at Charlton Church on the day of the fair. A practice which originated by a bequest of twenty shillings a year to the minister of the parish for preaching it. See Every Day Book, 1826, vol. i. pp. 1386-1389. YOBKSHIBE. Drake, in his Eboracum (1736, p. 218), says that a fair was always kept in Micklegate, on St. Luke's Day, for all sorts of small wares. It was commonly called Dish Fair from the great quantity of wooden dishes, ladles, &c., brought to it. An old custom was observed at this fair, of bearing a wooden ladle in a sling on two stangs about it, carried by four sturdy labourers, and each labourer was supported by another. This, without doubt, was a ridicule on the meanness of the wares brought to the fair, small benefit accruing to the labourers at it. Drake tells us that in his time St. Luke's Day was known in York by the name of Whip-Dog Day, from a strange custom that schoolboys had of whipping all dogs that wore Been in the streets on that day. Whence this uncommon persecution, he says, took its rise is uncertain, and has even been considered by some to bo of Roman origin. He regards, however, the 2 o 2 388 BT. CRISPIN'S DAT. [Oci. 25. following tradition as most probable : That in some time of popery a priest celebrating mass at this festival, in some church in York, unfortunately dropped the host after conse- cration, which was suddenly snatched up and swallowed by a dog that lay under the altar table. The profanation of this high mystery occasioned the death of the dog, and a persecu- tion began which was continued on the anniversary of this day. The same custom also existed at Manchester on the first day of Acres Fair, which was held about the same time. Med. Mm Kalend. vol. i. p. 3GO. OCT. 21.] GLOUCESTERSHIRE. Richard Aldridge gave the interest of 200Z., Three per Cent. Consols, that the dividend should, for ever, be disposed of as follows : 1Z. la. to the vicar of the parish of St. Nicholas for performing morning service annually in the parish church on the 21st of October, and preaching a sermon in commemoration of the glorious victory obtained by Lord Nelson over the combined fleets of France and Spain off Cape Trafalgar, on the 21st of October 1805 ; 10s. 6d. equally between the clerk and sexton for their attendance at such service and sermon. The residue of the dividend to be applied to keeping a monument of his friend in good condition, and the surplus after such repair to be given to the poor on the 6th of December each year in coals and garments. Edwards, Old English Customs and Charities, 182, p. 170. OCT. 25.] 6T. CRISPIN'S DAY. IN many places St. Crispin's Day is a great holiday among' the shoemakers, and the origin of it is thus explained : Two brothers, Crispin and Crispinian, natives of Rome, having become converts to Christianity, travelled to Soissons in France about the year 303, in order to propagate the Christian faith. Being desirous, however, of rendericg themselves independent they gained a subsistence by making OCT. 75.] ST. CKISI-IN'S DAT. 3S9 shoes, with which it is said they furnished the poor at an ex- tremely small price, an angel, according to the legend, supplying them with leather. They suffered martyrdom in the persecution under Maximian. In Time's Telescope for 1816 it is observed that the shoemakers of the present day are not far behind their pre- decessors in the manner of keeping St. Crispin. From the highest to the lowest it is a day of feasting and jollity. It is also observed as a festival with the corporate body of cord \vainers or shoemakers of London, but without any sort of procession on the occasion. NORTHUMBERLAND. In the town of Hexham, the following custom is, or was, at one time observed : The shoemakers of the town meet and dine by previous arrangements at some tavern ; a King Crispin, queen, prince, and princess, elected from members of their fraternity of families, being present. They after- wards form in grand procession (the ladies and their atten- dants excepted), and parade the streets with banners, music, &c., the royal party and suite gaily dressed in character. In the evening they reassemble fur dancing and other festivities. To his majesty and consort, and their royal highnesses the prince and princess (the latter usually a pretty girl), due regal homage is paid during that day. N. & Q. 1st S. vol vi. p. 243. At one time the cordwainers of Newcastle celebrated the festival of St. Crispin by holding a coronation of their patron saint in the court of the Freemen's Hospital at the Westgate, and afterwards walking in procession through the principal streets of the town. This caricature show produced much laughter and mirth. Mackenzie, History of Newcastle, 1827, vol. i. p. 88. SUSSEX. In the parishes of Cuckfield and Hurst-a-point, St Crispin's Day is kept with much rejoicing. The boys go round asking for money in the name of St. Crispin, bonfires are lighted, and it passes off very much in the same way as the 330 CHE1WODE " EHYNE TOLL." [OCT. 30. 5th of November. It appears from an inscription on a monument to one of the ancient family of Bunell, in the parish church of Cuckfield, that a Sir John Bunell attended Henry V. to France in the year 1415, with one ship, twenty men-at-arms, and forty archers, and it is probable that the observance of this day in that neighbourhood is connected with that fact. N. & Q. 1st S. vol. v. p. 30. WALES. At Tenby an effigy was made and hung on some elevated and prominent place (the steeple for instance) on the previous night. On the morning of the Saint's day it was cut down and carried about the town, a will being read in doggrel verse, purporting to be the last testament of the Saint, in pursuance of which the several articles of dress were dis- tributed to the different shoemakers. At length nothing remained of the image but the padding, which was kicked about by the crowd. As a sort of revenge for the treatment given to St. Crispin, his followers hung up the effigy of a carpenter on St. Clement's Day. Mason's Tales and Tradi- tions of Tenby, 1858, p. 26. OCT. 29.] ST. MOD WEN'S DAY. STAFFOBDSHIKE. THIS day used to be observed at Burton-on-Trent. On it was held a sale of cheese, and a variety of sports and pastimes took place. Pitt, Topographical History of Stafford- shire, 1817, p. 45. OCT. 30.] BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. THE manor of Chetwode a small village about five miles from Buckingham has been the property of the Chetwode family from Saxon times. Though of small extent, it is the OCT. 30.] CHETWODE " BHTNE TOLL." 391 paramount manor of a liberty or district, embracing several other manors and villages, which are required to do suit an 1 service at the Court-Leet held at Chetwode every three years. The lord of Chetwode manor has also the right to levy a yearly tax, called the " Bhyne Toll," on all cattle found within this liberty, between the 30th of October and the 7th of November, both days inclusive. The commencement of the toll, which is proclaimed with much ceremony, is thus described in an old document of Queen Elizabeth's reign : " In the beginning of the said drift of the common, or rhyne, first at their going forth, they shall blow a welke-shell, or home, immediately after the sun rising at the Mansion- House of the manor of Chetwode, and then, in their going about, they shall blow their home the second time in the field between Newton Purcell and Barton Hartshorne, in the said county of Bucks, and also shall blow their borne a third time at a place near the town of Finmere, in the county of Oxford, and they shall blow their home the fourth time at a certain stone in the market of the town of Buckingham, and there to give the poor sixpence ; and so, going forward in this manner about the said drift, shall blow the borne at several bridges called Thornborough Bridge, King's Bridge, and Bridge Mill. And they also shall blow their home at the Pound Gate, called the Lord's Pound, in the parish of Chetwode And also (the Lord of Chetwode) has always been used by his officers and servants to drive away all foreign cattle that shall bo found within the said parishes, fields, &c., to impound the same in any pound of the said towns, and to take for every one of the said foreign beasts twopence for the mouth, and one penny for a foot for every one of the said beasts." All cattle thus impounded at other places were to be removed to the pound at Chetwode, and if not claimed and the toll paid within three days, " then the next day following after the rising of the sun, the bailiff or officers of the lord for the time being shall blow their home three times at the gate of the said pound, and mnko proclamation that, if any persons lack any cattle that shall be in the same pound, let them come and shew the marks of the same cattle so claimed by them, nnd they shall have them, paying unto the lord his money in tie 392 CHETWODE " EIIYNE TOLL." [OCT. JO. manner and form before mentioned, otherwise the said cattle that shall so remain, shall be the lord's as strays." This toll was formerly so rigidly enforced, that if the owner of cattle so impounded made his claim immediately after the procla- mation was over, he was refused them, except by paying their full market price. Though the custom is still regularly observed, it has undergone some changes since the date of the above docu- ment. The toll now begins at nine in the morning instead of at sunrise, and the horn is first sounded on the church- hill at Buckingham, and gingerbread and beer distributed among the assembled boys, the girls being excluded. The officer then proceeds to another part of the liberty on the border of Oxfordshire, and there, after blowing his horn as before, again distributes gingerbread and beer among the assembled boys. The toll is then proclaimed as begun, and collectors are stationed at different parts to enforce it, at the rate of two shillings a score upon all cattle and swine passing on any road within the liberty, until twelve o'clock at night on the 7th of November, when the " Ehyne " closes. The occupiers of land within the liberty have long been accustomed to compound for the toll by an annual payment of one shilling. The toll has sometimes been refused, but has always been recovered with the attendant expenses. It realised about 20Z. a year before the opening of the Buck- inghamshire Railway ; but now, owing to Welsh and Irish cattle being sent by trains, it does not amount to above 41., and is let by the present lord of the manor for only I/. 5s. a year. The existence of this toll may be traced to remote antiquity, but nothing is known of its origin except from local tradition, which, however, in this case has been so remarkably confirmed, that it may safely be credited. The parish of Chetwode, as its name implies, was formerly thickly wooded ; indeed it formed a part of an ancient forest called Rookwoode, which is supposed to have been conterminous with the present liberty of Chetwode. At a very early period, says our tradition, this forest was infested with an enormous wild boar which became the terror of the sur- rounding country. The inhabitants were never safe from OCT. 30.] CHETWODE " BHYJJE TOLL." 393 his attacks, and strangers who heard of his ferocity were afraid to visit or pass through the district, so that traffic and friendly intercourse were seriously impeded, as well ns much injury done to property by this savage monster. The lord of Chetwode, like a valiant knight, determined to rid his neighbourhood from this pest, or to die in the attempt. Bent on this generous purpose, he sallied forth into the forest, and, as the old song has it, " Then he blowod a blast full north, south, east, and west Wind well thy horn, good hunter ; And the wild boar then heard him full in his den, As he was a jovial hunter. Then he made the best of his speed unto him Wind well thy horn, good hunter; Swift flew the boar, with his tusks smeared with gore, To Sir Ryalas, the jovial hunter. Then the wild boar, lieing so stout and BO strong Wind well thy horn, good hunter ; Thrashed down the trees as he ramped him along To Sir Ryalas, the jovial hunter. Then they fought four hours in a long summer day Wind well thy horn, good hunter ; Till the wild boar fain would have got him away From Sir Ryalas, the jovial hunter. Then Sir Ryalas he drawed his broad-sword with might Wind well thy horn, good hunter; And he fairly cut the boar's head off quite, For he was a jovial hunU r." Matters being thus settled, the neighbourhood rung with the praises of the gallant deed of the lord of Chetwode, and the news thereof soon reached the ears of the king, who " liked him so well of the achievement," that ho forthwith made the knight tenant in capite, and constituted his manor paramount of all the manors within the limits and extent of the royal forest of Rookwoode. Moreover, he granted to him, and to his heirs for ever, among other immunities and privileges, the full right and power to levy every year tho " Rhyne Toll," which has already been described. Such a custom as the " Ehyne Toll " is not without its use. It is a perpetual memorial, perhaps more convincing than written history, of the dangers which surrounded our 394 HALLOW EVE. [OCT. 3!. ancestors, and from which our country has happily been so long delivered that we can now scarcely believe they ever existed. The Book of Days, vol. ii. pp. 517-519. OCT. 31.] HALLOW EVE. THIS eve is so called from being the vigil of All Saints' Day, and is the season for a variety of superstitious and other customs. In the north of England many of these still linger. One of the most common is that of diving for apples, or of catching at them with the month only, the hands being tied behind, and the apples suspended on one end of a long transverse beam, at the other extremity of which is fixed a lighted candle. The fruit and nuts form the most prominent parts of the evening feast, and from this circumstance the night has been termed Nut crack Night* Soane's Book of the Months, 1849, vol. ii. p. 215 ; see Book of Days, vol. ii. pp. 519-520. Sir William Dugdale (Life, Diary, and Correspondence of Sir W. Dugdale, edited by W. Hamper, 1827, p. 104) tells us tliat formerly, on Halloween, the master of the family used to carry a bunch of straw, fired, about his corn, saying : " Fire and red low Light on my teen now." This fire-straw, says a correspondent of N. & Q. (3rd S. vol. i. p. 316), was meant to ward off witchcraft, and so preserve the corn from being spoiled. In Scotland, on Halloween, the red end of a fiery stick is waved about in mystic figures in the air to accomplish for the person the same spell. Red appears to be a colour peculiarly obnoxious to witches. One Halloween rhyme enjoins the employ- ment of: " Rowan tree and red thread, To gar the witches dance their dead ;" i.e., dance till they fall down and expire. The berries of * See Michaelmas Eve, p. 375. OCT. 31.] HALLOW EVE. 395 the rowan-tree (mountain-ash) are of a brilliant red. The point of the fiery stick waved rapidly takes the appearance of a " red thread." COENWALL. The ancient custom of providing children with a large apple on Allhallows Eve is still observed to a great extent at St. Ives. " Allan Day," as it is termed, is the day of days to hundreds of children who would deem it a great mis- fortune were they to go to bed on Allan night without the time honoured allan apple to hide beneath their pillows. A large quantity of apples are thus disposed of, the sale of which is dignified by the term Allan Market. Hunt's Romances of the West of England, 1871, p. 388. LANCASHIRE. In Lancashire, says Hampson (Med. JEw Kalend. vol. i. p. 365), it was formerly believed that witches assembled on this night to do "their deeds without a name," at their general rendezvous in the forest of Pendle, a ruined and desolate farmhouse, denominated the Malkin Tower, from the awful purposes to which it was devoted. This superstition led to a ceremony called lating, or perhaps leeting the witches. It was believed that, if a lighted candle were carried ab;ntt the fells or hills from eleven till twelve o'clock at night, and burned all that time steadily, it had so far triumphed over the evil power of the witches, who, as they passed to the Malkin Tower, would employ their utmost efforts to ex- tinguish the light, aiid the person whom it represented might safely defy their malice during the season ; but if by accident the light went out, it was an omen of evil to the luckless wight for whom the experiment was made. It wns also deemed inauspicious to cross the threshold of that person until after the return from leeting, and not then unless the candle had preserved its light. See Year Book, 1838, p. 1276. ISLE OF MAN. This festival, called by the islanders Sauin, was formerly observed in the Isle of Man by kindling of fires with all the 396 HALLOW EVE. [OcT. Jl. accompanying ceremonies, to prevent the baneful influence of fairies and witches. The island was perambulated at night by young men who stuck up at the door of every dwelling- house, a rhyme in Manks, beginning : "Noght oie liowney hop-dy-naw, This is Hollantide Eve,'* &c. On Hollantide Eve, boys go round the town shouting out a doggrel, of which the following is an extract : " This is old Hollantide night . The moon shines fair and bright; I went to the well And drank my fill ; On the way coming back I met a pole-cat ; The cat began to grin And I began to run ; Where did you run to ? I i an to Scotland ; What were they doing there? Baking bannocks and i casting coiiops. ***** * # If you are going to give us anything, give us it soon, Or we'll be away by the light of the moon ! " For some peculiar reason, potatoes, parsnips, and fish, pounded togethei' and mixed with butter, form always the evening meal. Train, History of the Isle of Man, 1845, vol. ii. p. 123. MIDDLESEX. In the reign of Charles I., the young gentlemen of the Middle Temple were accustomed at All Hallow Tide, which they considered the beginning of Christmas, to associate themselves for the festive objects connected with the season. In 1629 they chose Bulstrode Whitelocke as Master of the Bevels, and used to meet every evening at St. Dunstan's Tavern, in a large new room, called " The Oracle of Apollo," each man bringing friends with him at his own pleasure. It was a kind of mock parliament, where various questions were discussed as in our modern debating societies, but these temperate proceedings were seasoned with mirthful doings, OCT 31.] HALLOW EVE. 397 to which the name of revels was given and of which dancing appears to have been the chief. On All Hallows Day, ( the Master (Whitelocke, then four-and-twenty), as soon as the evening was come, entered the hall followed by sixteen revellers. They were proper, handsome young gentlemen, habited in rich suits, shoes and stockings, hats and great feathers. The master led them in his bar gown, with a white staff in his hand, the music playing before them. They began with the old masques ; after which they danced the Braids* and then the master took his seat, while the revellers flaunted through galliards, corantos, French and country dances, till it grew very late. As might be ex- pected, the reputation of this dancing soon brought a store of other gentlemen and ladies, some of whom were of great quality, and when the ball was over the festive party adjourned to Sir Sydney Montague's chamber, lent for the purpose to our young president. At length the court ladies and grandees were allured, to the contentment of his vanity it may have been, but entailing on him serious expense, and then there was great striving for places to see them on the part of the London citizens. To crown the ambition and vanity of all, a great German lord had a desire to witness the revels, then making such a sensation at court, and the Templars entertained him at great cost to themselves, receiving in exchange that which cost the great noble very little his avowal that ' Dere was no such nople gollege in Christendom as deirs.' " Whitelocke's Memoirs of Buhtrode WJiitelocke, 1860, p. 56 ; quoted in Book of Days, vol. ii. p. 538. NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. If a girl had two lovers, and wished to know which would be the most constant, she procured two brown apple pippins, and sticking one on each cheek (after having named them from her lovers) while she repeated this couplet : " Pippen, pippen, I stick thee there, That that is true them may'et declare," patiently awaited until one fell off, when the unfortunate Erroneously written Hrantes in the authority quoted. 398 HALLOW EVE. [OCT. 3!. swain whose name it bore was instantly discarded as being unfaithful. It is to this custom that Gay has thus alluded : " See from the core two kernels now I take, This on my cheek for Lubberkin is worn, Anf St. Martin, two persons called storers, to overseer the public business, and likewise to provide a common bull, in con- sideration whereof they enjoy a certain pasture called Bull Grass; and the major part of the freeholders and copyholders at a meeting grant the grass every year to any person who will take it, to have the same from Lady-day till the corn is carried out of Coatfcfield. Blount's Fraymenta Antiquitatis, 1815, p. 576. CUMBERLAND. Thomas Williamson, by will, dated 14th December, 1G74, gave the sum of 20Z. to be laid out in land to be bestowed upon poor people born within St. John's Chapelry or Castlerigg, in mutton or veal, at Martinmas yearly, when flesh might be thought cheapest, to be by them pickled or hung up and dried, that they might have something to keep them within doors upon stormy days. Edwards, Old English Customs and Charities, 1842, p, G3, WABWIOKSHIRE. Dugdale, in his Antiquities of Waricickslnre (1730, vol. i. p. 4), says : There is a certain rent due unto the lord of 2 K 2 420 ST. MARTIN'S DAT. [Nov. u. the Hundred of Kir'ghtlow, called Wroth money or War h money or Swarff penny, probably the same with Ward penny. This rent must be paid every Martinmas Day, in the morn- ing, at Knightlow Cross, before the sun riseth : the party paying it must go thrice about the cross, and say " The Wrath money," and then lay it in the hole of the said cross before good witness, for if it be not duly performed the forfeiture is thirty shillings and a white bull. YORKSHIRE. In the North Riding of Yorkshire it is customary for a party of singers, mostly consisting of women, to begin at the feast of St. Martin a kind of peregrination round the neigh- bouring villages, carrying with them a small waxen image of our Saviour adorned with box and other evergreens, and singing at the same time a hymn which, though rustic and uncouth, is nevertheless replete with the sacred story of the Nativity. The custom is yearly continued till Christmas Eve, when the feasting, or as they usually call it, " good living," commences ; every rustic dame produces a cheese preserved for the sacred festival, upon which, before any part of it is tasted, according to an old custom, she with a sharp knife makes rude incisions to represent the Cross. With this, and i'urmity made of barley and meal, the cottage affords un- interrupted hospitality .-^Gent. Mag. 1811, vol. Ixxxi. pt. i. p, 423. IRELAND. At St. Peter's, Athlone, every family of a village, says Mason, in his Stat. Ace. of Ireland (1819, vol. iii. p. 75), kills an animal of some kind or other : those who are rich kill a cow or a sheep, others a goose or a turkey ; while those who are poor and cannot procure an animal of greater value, kil} a hen or a cock, and sprinkle the threshold with the blood, and do the same in the four corners of the house, and this ceremonious performance is done to exclude every kind of evil spirit from the dwelling where this sacrifice is made, till the return of the same day in the following year. Nov. 13.] ST. BEICE'S DAT. 421 Nov. 13.] ST. BEIGE'S DAY. TJie Stamford Bull Running. FROM time immemorial down to a late period this day was annually celebrated at the town of Stamford, in Lincolnshire, by a rough sport called bull- running. Butcher, in his Survey of Stamford (1717, pp. 7G, 77), alluding to this custom, says: "The butchers of the town at their own charge provide the bull, and place him over- night in a stable or barn belonging to the alderman. The next morning proclamation is made by the common bell-man of the town that each one shut up his shop-door and gate, and that none, upon pain of imprisonment, do any violence to strangers, for the preventing whereof (the town being a thoroughfare and then being in Term time) a guard is appointed for the passing of travellers through the same without hurt. That none have any iron upon their bull- clubs or other staff which they pursue the bull with. Which proclamation made, and all the gates shut up, the bull is turned out of the alderman's house, and the men, women, and children, with all the dogs in the town, run after him, &c." According to tradition the origin of the custom dates from the time of King John, when, one day, William, Earl of Warren, standing on the battlements of the castle, saw two bulls fighting in the meadow beneath. Some butchers, coming to part the combatants, one of the bulls ran into the town, causing a great uproar. The earl, mounting his horso, rode after the animal, and enjoyed the sport so much that he gave the meadow in which the fight began to the butchers of Stamford, on condition that they should provide a bull, to be run in the town annually, on the 13th of November, for ever after. There is no documentary evidence on the subject, but tho town of Stamford undoubtedly holds certain common rights in the meadow specified, which is still termed the bull- meadow. See Book of Days, voL ii. p. 574. 422 QUEEN ELIZABETH'S ACCESSION. [Nov. 17, Nov. H.J St. EECONWALD'S DAY. STRYPE, in his Ecclesiastical Memorials (1822, vol. iii. pt. i. p. 322), says : " It was commanded, that every priest in the diocese of London should go to St. Paul's in procession in copes on St. Erconwald's Day." [November 14th, 1554]. Nov. 17.] QUEEN ELIZABETH'S ACCESSION. QUEEN ELIZABETH'S accession was long observed as a Pro- testant festival, and with the society of the Temple, the Exchequer, Christ's Hospital, Westminster, and Merchant Taylors' Schools, is, says Timbs, kept as a holiday. The Pope in effigy, in a chair of state, with the devil, a real person, behind him, caressing him, &c., was formerly paraded in pro- cession on this day in the streets of London, and afterwards thrown into a bonfire. In Queen Anne's time the Pretender was added to the Pope and the devil. There were also great illuminations in the evening. This anniversary was first publicly celebrated about 1570, twelve years after Elizabeth's accession. (Timbs, Something for Everybody, p. 122.) Brayley in his Londiniana, vol. iv. p. 74, et seq., has given a very interesting account of these processions. A correspondent of N. & Q. (1st S. vol. iv. p. 345) says that when he was at Christ's Hospital the following curious custom prevailed on the 17th of November. Two or more boys would take one against whom they had any spite or grudge, and having lifted him by the arms and legs, would bump him on the hard stones of the cloisters. In reading Sir Roger de Coverley, with notes by Willis published in the Traveller's Library, the same correspondent says that he found (at p. 134) what he considered a fair ex- planation. A full account is there given, he says, of the manner in which the citizens of London intended celebrating, in 1711, the anniversary of Queen Elizabeth's accession on the 17th of November, some parts of which would almost Nov. 23.] ST. CLEMENT'S DAT. 423 seem to have been copied during the excitement against the papal bull in November 1850. Probably therefore, originally, the unfortunate boy who had to endure the rude bumping by his schoolfellows was intended to represent the Pope or one of his emissaries, and that those who inflicted the punishment were looked upon as good Protestants. Nov. 23] ST. CLEMENT'S DAY. THE festival day of St. Clement was formerly considered as the first day of winter, in which were comprised ninety- one days. From a State proclamation in 1540 it appears that processions of children were frequent on St. Clement's Day ; and, in consequence of a still more ancient custom of perambulating the streets on the night of this festival to beg drink for carousing, a pot was formerly marked against the 23rd of November upon the old runic or clog almanacs; but not upon all. Med. JEci Kalend. 1841, vol. i. p. 60.; Plot, History of Sta/ordshire, 1686, p. 430; see Cough's Camden Brit. voL ii. pt. ivi. p. 499. CAMBRIDGESHIRE. The bakers of Cambridge hold an annual supper on St. Clement's Day, which supper is called the " Baker's Clem." N. & Q. 3rd S. vol. iv. p. 492. KENT. In Every Day Book (1826, vol. i. p. 1501) is the following account of an annual ceremony formerly celebrated on tho evening of St. Clement's Day, by the blacksmiths' apprentices of the dockyard at Woolwich : One of the senior apprentices being chosen to serve as Old Clem (so called by them), is attired in a great coat, having his head covered with an oakum wig, face masked, and a long white beard ; thus attired, he seats himself in a large wooden chair, chiefly covered with a sort of stuff called 424 BT. CLEMENT'S DAY. [Nov. 23. bunting, with a crown and anchor, made of wood, on the top and around it, four transparencies representing the " Black- smiths' Arms," " Anchor Smiths at Work," " Britannia with her Anchor," and " Mount Etna." He has before him a wooden anvil, and in his hands a pair of tongs and wooden hammer. A mate, also masked, attends him with a wooden sledge-hammer ; he is also surrounded by a number of other attendants, some of whom carry torches, banners, flags, &c. ; others, battle-axes, tomahawks, and other accoutrements of war. This procession, headed by a drum and fife, and six men with Old Clem mounted on their shoulders, proceed round the town, not forgetting to call on the blacksmiths and officers of the dockyard : here the money-box is pretty freely handed, after Old Clem and his mate have recited their speeches, which commence by the mate calling for order with, " Gentlemen nil, attention give, And wish St. Clem long, long to live." Old Clem then recites the following speech : " I am the real St. Clement, the first founder of brass, iron, and steel, from the ore. I have been to Mount Etna, where the god Vulcan first built his forge, and forged the armour and thunderbolts for the god Jupiter. I have been through the deserts of Arabia ; through Asia, Africa, and America ; through the city of Pongrove, through the town of Tipmingo, and all the northern parts of Scotland. , I arrived in London on the 23rd of November, and came down to his Majesty's dockyard at Woolwich to see how all the gentle- men Vulcans came on there. I found them all hard at work, and wish to leave them well on the twenty-fourth." The mate then subjoins : " Come all you Vulcans stout and strong, Unto St. Clem we do belong ; I know this house is well prepared With plenty of money and good strong beer ; And we must drink before we part, All for to cheer e;ich merry heart. Come sill you Vulcans, strong and stout, Unto St. Clem I pray turn out ; For now St. Clem's going round the k wn, His coaoh-and-six goes merrily round. Huzza a a." Nov. 23.] ST. CLEMENT'S DAT. 425 After having gone round the town and collected a pretty decent sum, they retire to some public --house, uhere they enjoy as good a supper as the money collected will allow. STAFFORDSHIRE. On the feast of St Clement, a custom exists in Stafford- shire for the children to go round to the various houses in the village to which they belong singing the following doggerel : " Clemany ! Clemany ! Clemany mine ! A good red apple and a pint of wine, Some of your mutton and some of your votu. If it is good, pray give me a dcnl ; If it is not, pray give me some salt. Butler, butler, fill your bowl ; If thou fillst it of the best, The Lord'll send your soul to rest If thou fillst it of the small, Down ges butler, buwl and all. Pray, good mistress, send to me One for Peter, one for Paul, One for Him who made us all : Apple, pear, plum, or cherry, Any good thing to make us merry ; A bouncing buck and a velvet chair, Ck-ment comes but once a year ; Off with the pot and on with the pan, A good red apple and I'll be gone." N. # Q. 1st. S. vol. viii. p. 618. The following rhyme is also sung : " Clemeny, Clemeny, God be wi* you, Christmas conies but once a ye-ar ; When it comes, it will soon be gone, Give me an apple, and I'll be gone." Ibid. 3rd. S. vol. iv. p. 492 ; See Oliver's History of Collegiate Cfiurch of Wolverhampton, ISrIG, p, 16. WALES. At Tenby, on St. Clement's Day, it was customary for the owners of fishing-boats to give a supper of roast goose and rice pudding to their crews. Mason's Tales and Traditions of Tcnby, 1858, p. 27. 426 ST. OATHEUINE'S DAY. [Nov. 25. Nov. 24.] ST. CATHEKINE'S EVE. IN Stiype's Ecclesiastical Memorials (1822, vol. iii. pt. ii. p. 507) is the following notice of this festival : The 24th (1556) being St. Katharine's Day (or rather Eve), at six of the clock at night St. Katharine went about the battlements of St. Paul's Church accompanied with fine singing and great lights ; this was St. Katharine's procession." Nov. 25.] ST. CATHEEINE'S DAY. BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. ON Cattern Day the lace makers hold merry-makings, and eat a sort of cakes called " wigs " * and drink ale. Tradition says it is in remembrance of Queen Catherine, who, when the trade was dull, burnt all her lace, and ordered new to be made. The ladies of the court could not but follow her example, and the consequence was a great briskness in the manufacture. N. & Q. 3rd S. vol. i. p. 387. CAMBBIDGESHIBE. A paragraph in the Cambridge Chronicle (December 8th, 1860) alludes to the custom of the carpenters of Chatteris, in the Isle of Ely, observing the feast of their patron Saint, St. Catherine, by dining together, &c. * Cakes called "wigs" were very commonly sold iu the Midland counties borne years ago, and they are even mentioned as allowable at the collation in Lent by a Catholic writer nearly two centuries ago. They were light and spongy, and something like very light ginger- bread. As to the derivation of the name " wis< ' as applied to them, a correspondent of Notes and Queries says he never dreamed of seeing it any where but in the shape of these cakes, which greatly resembled a wig; being roun I, and having a thick rim round them, which turned up like the curls of a wig of the olden times. See JV. & Q. 3rd. S. vol. i. p. 4S6. Nov. 25.] ST. CATHERINE'S DAT. 427 KENT. The following extract is taken from N. & Q. (2nd S. vol v. p. 47) : On Wednesday (the 25th) night last the towns of Chatham, Kochester, and Brompton exhibited con- siderable excitement in consequence of a torchlight proces- sion appearing in the streets, headed by a band of fifes and drums. Notwithstanding the late hour (eleven o'clock) a large number of persons of both sexes, accompanied the party. The demonstration was got up by the rope-makers of the dockyard, to celebrate the anniversary of the founder of the ropery (Queen Catherine). The female representing her Majesty (who was borne in a chair of state by six rope- makers) was dressed in white muslin, wore a gilt crown, and carried in her hand a Roman banner. NOBTHAMPTONSHIBK. At one time it was customary, at Peterborough, till the introduction of the new poor laws, for the female children belonging to the workhouse, attended by the master, to go in procession round the city on St. Catherine's Day. They were all attired in white, and decorated with various coloured ribbons, principally scarlet ; the tallest girl was selected to represent the Queen, and was adorned with a crown and sceptre. The procession stopped at the houses of the prin- cipal inhabitants, and they sang the following rude ballad, begging for money at every house as they passed along : " Here comes Queen Catherine, as fine as any queen, With a coach and six horses a coining to be seen. And a spinning we will go, will go, will go, And a spinning we will go. Some say she is alivp, and some say she is dead, Aud now she doe^ appear with a crown upon her head. And a spinning we will go, &c. Old Madam Marshall she takes up her pen, And then she sits and calls for all her royal men. Aud a spinning we will go, &c. All yon that wunt employment, though spinning is but small, Come list, and don't stand still, but go and work for all. And a spinning we will go, &o. ST. CATHERINE'S DAT. [Nov. 25. If we set a spinning, we will either work or play, But if we set a spinning we can earn a crown a day. And a, spinning we will go, &c. And if there be some young men, as I suppose there's some, We'll hardly let them stand alone upon t.he cold stone. And a spinning we will go, &c." St. Catherine being the patron of the spinners, as well as of spinsters, and spinning being formerly the employment of the females at the workhouse, it naturally followed that they should be selected to commemorate the anniversary of this Saint ; and that this commemoration is of great antiquity appears from the early entries in the Dean and Chapter's accounts of payments on St. Catherine's Day for wheels and reels for the children of the workhouse. Baker, Glossary of Northamptonshire Words and Phrases, 1854, vol. ii. p. 436. A correspondent of JV. & Q. (4/7t S. vol. ii. p. 332), allud- ing to the above custom, says that it was not confined to Peterborough, but was observed throughout the whole of the Northamptonshire lace-making districts, as well as in those of Bedfordshire. According to popular tradition the custom is derived from one of the Queens Catherine in the time of Henry VIII. probably from Catherine Parr, who was a Northamptonshire woman. By some this day is called " Candle Day," from its forming the commencement of the season for working at lace-making by candle-light. ISLE OF THANET. On St. Catherine's Day in the Isle of Thanet, the carters place a small figure on a wheel on the front of their cart sheds. N. & Q. 2nd S. vol. v. p. 235. WORCESTERSHIRE. In this county the children go round to the farmhouses collecting apples and beer for a festival, and sing the follow- ing lines : " Catherine and Clement, be here, be here, Some of your apples, and some of your beer ; Some for Peter, and some for Paul, And some for Him that made us all, Nov. 30.] 6T. ANDREW'S DAT. 429 Clement was a good man, For his sake jt of the worse, but some of the best, And God will seud your soul to reet." The Chapter of Worcester have a practice of preparing a rich bowl of wine and spices, called the " Cathern bowl," for the inhabitants of the college upon this day. HalliwelTs Popular Rhymes, 1849, p. 238 ; see N. & Q. 2nd S. vol. iv. pp. 4U5, 4%. Nov. 30. J ST. ANDEEWS DAY. THK commencement ot the ecclesiastical year is regulated by the feast of St. Andrew, the nearest Sunday to which, whether before or after, constitutes the first Sunday in Advent, or the period of four weeks which heralds the approach of Christmas. St. Andrew's Day is thus sometimes the first and sometimes the last festival in the Christian Year. Book of Days, vol ii. p. 636. KENT. Hasted, in his History of Kent (vol. ii. p. 757), speaking of the parish of Eastling, says that, on St. Andrew's Day, there is a yearly diversion called squirrel-hunting in this and the neighbouring parishes, when the labourers and lower kind of people, assembling together, form a lawless rabble, and being accoutred with guns, poles, clubs and other such weapons, spend the greater part of the day in parading through the woods and grounds, with loud shoutings, and under pretence of demolishing the squirrels, some few of which they kill, they destroy numbers of hares, pheasants, partridges, and, in short, whatever comes in their way, breaking down the hedges, and doing much other mischief, and, in the evening betaking themselves to the ale-houses, finish their career there as is usual with such sort of gentry. MlDDLESF.X. Strype, in his Jlcctoiatt'cal Memorials (1822, vol. iii. pt. ii. p. 21 ), says : " The 30th November [1557] being St. Andrew's BT. ANDREW'S DAT. [Nov. 30. Day, was a procession at Paul's, and a priest of every parish attending, each in his cope, and a goodly sermon preached, and after that, the procession, with salve festa dies." NORTHAMPTONSHIRE . Tander and Tandrew are the names given to the festival of St. Andrew, of whicli they are corruptions. The anniversary of this saint is, or rather was, kept by the lacemakers as a day of festivity and merry-making ; but since the use of pillow-lace has in a great measure given place to that of the loom, this holiday has been less and less observed. The day in former times was one of unbridled licence : village " scholards " barred out their master ; the lace schools were deserted ; and drinking and feasting prevailed to a riotous extent. Towards evening the villagers used to become sud- denly smitten with a violent taste for masquerading. Women might be seen walking about in male attire, while men and boys clothed in female dress visited each other's cottages, drinking hot " eldern wine," the staple beverage of the season. Then commenced the mumming. Sternberg, Dialect and Folk Lore of Northamptonshire 1851, p. 183; A. E. Baker, Glossary of Northamptonshire Words and Phrases, 1854, vol. ii. p. 326. SUSSEX. A correspondent of the Athenaum (No. 993) says that the custom of squirrel-hunting was at one time kept up in this county, but, in consequence of the inclosure of the coppices and the more strict observance of the game, it has wholly dropped. SCOTLAND. In Scotland this day is called Andrys Day, Androiss Mess, and Andermess. Singed sheep's heads are borne in the proeession before the Scots in London on St. Andrew's Day. Brand's Pop. Antiq. 1849, voL L p. 415. DEC.] PICECUS DAY. STIR UP SUNDAY. THE 25th Sunday after Trinity is called by the schoolboys " Stir Up Sunday," from the collect used on that day ; and they repeat the following lines without considering their irreverent application : " Stir up, we beseech thee. The pudding in the pot, And when we g-t home, We'll eat it all hot." Brand's Pop. Antiq. 1859, vol. i. p. 414; See Timet, November 25th, 1863. ADVENT. Advent Bells. Advent bells are rung in many parishes throughout various parts of England during tho month of December. A correspondent of N. & Q. (1st S. vol. i. p. 21) says that, in his neighbourhood on the western borders of Berks he has heard their merry peals break gladsomely upon the dark stillness of the cold evening from many a steeple round. ISLE OF MAN. Train, in his History of the Isle of Man (1845, vol. ii. p. 127), says, that the fiddlers go round from house to house, in the latter part of the night for two or three weeks before Christmas, playing a tune called the Andisop. On their way they stop before particular houses, wish the inmates indi- vidually " good morning," call the hour, then report tho state of the weather, and after playing an air, move on to tho next halting-place. PICROUS DAY. CORNWALL. THE Second Thursday before Christmas Day is a festival observed by the tinners of the district of Blackmore, and 432 ST. NICHOLAS' DAY. [DEC. 6. known as " Picrous Day." It is said to be the feast of the discovery of tin by a man named Picrous. It is not at present marked by any distinctive ceremonies, but it is the occasion of a merry-making, and the owner of the tin stream contributes a shilling a man towards it. Mr. T. Q. Couch says his first impression was that the day took its name from the circumstance of a pie forming the piece de resistance of the supper ; but this explanation is not allowed by tinners, nor sanctioned by the usages of the feast. Hunt's Romances of the West of England, 1871, p. 468. DEC. 5.} ST. NICHOLAS' EVE. STBTPE, in his Ecclesiastical Memorials (1822, vol. iii. part. i. p. 326), says : " On the 5th December [1554 J, the which was St. Nicholas' Eve, at evensong time, came a command- ment that St. Nicholas should not go abroad nor about. But, notwithstanding, it seems, so much were the citizens taken with the mock St. Nicholas, that is, a boy-bishop, that there went about three St. Nicholases in divers parishes, as in St. Andrew's Holborn and St. Nicolas Olave's in Bread Street. The reason the procession of St. Nicholas was forbid was because the Cardinal had this St. Nicholas' Day sent for all the convocation, bishops, and inferior clergy, to come to him to Lambeth, there to be absolved from, all their prejudices, schisms, and heresies." DEO. 6.] ST. NICHOLAS' DAY. THE BOY-BISHOP. ST. NICHOLAS was deemed the patron of children in general, but much more particularly of all schoolboys, amongst whom the 6th of December (the saint's festival) used to be a very great holiday for more than one reason. In those bygone times all little boys either sang or served about the altar at DEC. 6.] ST. NICHOLAS' DAT. 433 church ; and the first thing they did upon the eve of thoir patron's festival was to elect from among themselves, in every parish church, cathedral, and nobleman's chapel, a bishop and bis officials, or, as they were then called, " a Nicholas and his clerks." This boy-bishop and his ministers after- wards sang the first vespers of their saint, and, in the evening, arrayed in their appropriate vestments, walked all about the parish ; all were glad to see them, and those who could afford it asked them into their houses to bestow a gift of money, sweetmeats, or food upon them. In the year 1299 we find Edward I., on his way to Scotland, permitting one of these boy-bishops to say vespers before him in his chapel at Heton, near Newcastle-upon-Tyne, and making a considerable present to the said bishop and certain other boys that came and sang with him on the occasion, on the 7th of December, the day after St. Nicholas' Day. What was the custom in the houses of our nobles we may learn from the Northumberland Household Book, which tells us that " My lord us ;th and accustomyth to gyfe yerly, upon Saynt Nicolas-Even, if he kepe chapell for Sayut Nicolas, to the master of his childeren of his chapell, for one of the childeren of his chapell, yerely, vi'- viii d< ; and if Saynt Nicolas com owt of the towne wher my lord lyeth, and my lord kepe no chapell, than to have yerely Hi*' iiij d -" At Eton College, it was on St. Nicholas' Day, and not on Childermas, that the boy-bishop officiated, which he did not only at evensong, but at mass, which he began and went en with up to the more solemn part at the offertory : " In festo Sancti Nicholai, in quo, et nullatenus in festo Sanctorum Innocentium, divina officia praeter missae secreta exequi et dici permittimus per episcopum puerorum scholiarium ad hoc de eisdem annis singulis eligendum." It was upon this festival that some wealthy man or other of the parish would make an entertainment on the occasion for his own household, and invite his neighbours' children to come and partake of it ; and, of course, Nicholas and his clerks sat in the highest place. The Golden Legend tells how " a man, for the love of his sone that wente to scole for to Icrne, halowed every year the feest of Saynt Nycholas mocha eolemply. On a time it happed that the fader had doo maka 2 F 434 ST. NICHOLAS' DAT. [DEC. 6. redy the dyner, and called many clerkes to this dyner." Individuals sometimes bequeathed money to find a yearly dinner on St. Nicholas' day for as many as a hundred Childer- mas' tide scholars, who were, after meat, to pray for the soul of the founder of the feast. In our large schools and universities the festival was kept with public sports and games. But it was at Holy Innocents, or Childermas' tide, that Nicholas and his clerks came forth in all their glory. The boy-bishop had a set of pontificals provided for him. St. Paul's, London, had its "una mitra alba cum flosculis breudatis ad opus episcopi parvulorum baculus ad usum episcopi parvulorum ;" York Minster, too, its "una capa de tissue pro episcopo puerorum ;" Lincoln Cathedral, " a cope of red velvet, ordained for the barn-bishop ;" All Souls' College, Oxford, "j. chem. (ches. ?) j. cap et mitra pro episcopo Nicholao;" St. Mary's Church, Sandwich, "a lytyll chesebyll for Seynt Nicholas bysschop." For the boy-bishop's attendants copes were also made, and York had no fewer than " novem capae pro pueris." Towards the end of evensong on St. John's Day the little Nicholas and his clerks, arrayed in their copes, and having burning tapers in their hands, and singing those words of the Apocalypse (c. xiv.) "Centum quadraginta" walked processionally from the choir to the altar of the Blessed Trinity, which the boy-bishop incensed ; afterwards they all sang the anthem, and he recited the prayer commemorative of the Holy Innocents. Going back into the choir these boys took possession of upper canons' stalls, and those dignitaries themselves had to serve in the boys' place, and carry the candles, the thurible, and the book like, acolytes, thurifers, and lower clerks. Standing on high, wearing his mitre, and holding his pastoral staff in his left hand, the boy-bishop gave a solemn benediction to all present, and, while making the sign of the Cross over the kneeling crowd, said: u Crucis eigno voa consigno ; vestra sit tuitio, Quos nos tmit et redemit sue carnis pretio." The next day, the feast itself of Holy Innocents, the boy- bishop preached a sermon, which of course had been written DEC. 6.] BT. NICHOLAS' DAY. 435 for him; and one from the pen of Erasmus, "Concio de puero lesn," spoken by a boy of St. Paul's School, London, is still extant, and Dean-Colet, the founder of that seminary, in his statutes for it, ordained that "all these children shall, every Childermas Daye, come to Paulis Churche, and hear the childe bishop sermon ; and after be at the high masse, and each of them offer a i d ' to the cbilde bysshop, and with them the maisters and surveyors of the scole." At evensong bishop Nicholas and his clerks officiated as on the day before, and until Archbishop Peckham's times, used to take some conspicuous part in the services of the church during the whole octave of Childermas tide. About 1279 A.D. that primate decreed, however, thus : " Puerilia autem solennia, qute in festo solent fieri Innocentum post vesperas 8. Johannis tantum inchoari permittimus, et in crastino in ipsa die Innocentum totaliter terminentur." This festival, like St. Nicholas' Day, had its good things ; and then, as now, was marked by a better dinner in nunneries, wherein the little boys who had served at the altars of the nuns' churches were not forgotten, as we see by the expenses of St. Mary do Frees : " Paid for makyng of the dyner to the susters up on Childermas Day, iii*' iiij d- It. Paid for brede and ale for Saint Nicholas, iii" If schoolboys had the patron St. Nicholas, little girls had their patroness too, St. Catherine, who by her learning overthrew the cavilings of many heathen philosophers and won some of them to Christianity. On this holy martyr's festival, therefore, did the girls walk about the towns in their procession. All this was looked upon with a scowl by those who pulled down the Church of God in this land: hence Cranmer, towards the end of Henry VIII.'s reign, forbade these and other like processions: "Whereas heretofore dyverse and many superstitious (?) and childysshe observa- tions have been used, and yet to this day are observed and kept in many and sondry parties of this realm, as upon Sainte Nicolas, Sainte Catheryne, Sainte Clement, the Holy Innooentcs, and such like ; children be strangelye decked and apparolid to couuterfaito priestes, byshoppes, and women ; and so ledde with songes and daunces from house to house, blcassing the people, and gatherynge of monyo, and boyes doo 2 F 14 436 ST. NICHOLAS' DAT. [Dice. 6. singe masse and prcache in the pulpitt . . . the Kyng's majestie willith and commaundeth that from henceforth all suche superstitious be loste and clyerlye exstinguished," &c. Queen Mary restored these rites, and the people were glad to see this, along with other of their old religious usages, given back to them ; and an eye-witness tells us that, in A.D. 1556, " the V. day of December was Sant Necolas evyn, and Sant Necolas whentt abrod in most partt in London, syngyng after the old fassyon, aud was reseyvyd with mony good pepulle into their howses, and had mych good chere as ever they had, in mony plasses." Some have thought that it was owing to his early abstinence that St. Nicholas was chosen patron of schoolboys ; a better reason perhaps is given to us by a writer in the Gent. Mag. (1777, vol. xlvii. p. 158), who mentions having in his posses- sion an Italian life of St. Nicholas, from which he translates the following story, which explains the occasion of boys addressing themselves to St. Nicholas' patronage: " The fame of St. Nicholas' virtues was so great that an Asiatic gentleman, on sending his two sons to Athens for education, ordered them to call on the bishop for his bene- diction ; but they, getting to Myra late in the day, thought proper to defer their visit till the morrow, and took up their lodgings at an inn, where the landlord, to secure their bag- gage and effects to himself, murdered them in their sleep and then cut them into pieces, salting them, and putting them into a pickling tub with some pork, which was there already, meaning to sell the whole as such. The bishop, however, having a vision of this impious transaction, im- mediately resorted to the inn, and calling the host to him, reproached him for his horrid villany. The man, that he was discovered, confessed his crime, and entreated the bishop to intercede on his behalf to the Almighty for his pardon, who being moved with compassion at his contrite behaviour, confession, and thorough repentance, besought Almighty God not only to pardon the murderer, but also, for the glory of His name, to restore life to the poor innocents who had been so inhumanly put to death. The saint had hardly finished his prayer when the mangled and detached portion.s of the youths were, by Divine Power, reunited, and DEC. 13.] ST. BABCHAN'S DAT. 487 perceiving themselves alive, threw themselves at the feet of the holy man to kiss and embrace them. But the bishoj not suffering their humiliation, raised them up, exhorting them to return thanks to Almighty God for this mark of His mercy, and gave them good advice for the future conduct of their lives; and then, giving them the bless : ng, he sent them with great joy to prosecute their studies at Athens." D. Rock, Tl<# Church of our Fathers, 1853, vol. iii. part. ii. p. 215. DEC. 8.] CONCEPTION OF VIRGIN MARY. STRTPE, in his Ecclesiastical Memorials (1822, vol. iii. part 1. p. 327), says : " The 8th December (1554), being the day of the Conception of our Blessed Lady, was a goodly pro- cession at the Savoy by the Spaniards, the priest carrying the Sacrament between his hands, and one deacon carrying a censer censing, and another the holy- water stock, and a number of friars and priests singing; and eveiy man and woman, knights also and gentlemen, bearing green tapers burning, and eight trumpets blowing; and when they ceased, then began the sackbuts to play, and when they had done, there was one who carried two drums on his back, and one came after beating them. And so done, they went about the Savoy, now singing, and a while after playing again, and by- and-by came singing into the church, and after that they went to mass." DEC. 13.] ST. BARCHAN'S DAY. SCOTLAND. His day is still celebrated at Kilbarchan by a fair, held on the 1st of December, Old Style, (13th December, New Style.) This rustic festival is alluded to in the Laird of Bel trees' poem on the life and death of the famous piper of Kilbarchan, Habbie Simpson : 433 ST. THOMAS' DAT. [DEC. 21. " Fne kindly to his neighbour's nicst, A t Beltane and St. Barchan's feast. He blew and then held up his breist, As he were wead ; But now we needna him arreist, For now he's deid 1" Chambers's Pop. Rhymes of Scotland, 1870, p. 391. DEO. 14.] ST. TIBBA'S DAY. THIS day was formerly celebrated in Rutlandshire by fowlers and falconers, who regarded the saint as their peculiar patroness. Camden mentions the town of Kihall as par- ticularly addicted to this superstitious observance,* and the passage, which is strongly expressed, was ordered to be expunged from his Britannia by the Index Expurgationis, printed at Madrid in 1612 by Louis Sanchez. Med. Mvi Kalend. vol. i. p. 82. DEO. 17.] SOW DAY. SCOTLAND. Ax Sandwick, in the Orkneys, it is usual for every family to kill a sow, whence this day is called Sow Day. This custom probably has some reference to the heathen worship of the sun, to which, among the northern nations, the male of this animal was sacred. Sinclair, StaL Ace. of Scotland, 1793, vol. xvi. p. 460 ; Med. Mm Kalend. vol. i. p. 82. DEC. 21.] ST. THOMAS' DAY. IN some parts of the country St. Thomas' Day is observed by a custom called Going a Gooding.\ The poor people go * Kihall, ubi cum majores nostros ita fascinasset superstitio, ut deorum multitudine Deum verum propemodum sustulisset, Tibba minorum gentium diva, quasi Diana ab aucupibus utique rei accipi- trarise prases colebatur. Britan. 8vo. Lond. edit. 1590, p. 419. t Northamptonshire, Kent, Sussex, Herefordshire, Worcester- shire, etc. Dec. 21.] ST. THOMAS' DAT. 433 round the parish and call at the houses of the principal inhabitants, begging money or provisions wherewith to celebrate the approaching festivity of Christmas. In return for the alms bestowed during these " gooding " peregrinations, it was customary for the recipients, in former times, to present to their benefactors a sprig of holly or mistletoe. Book of Days, vol. ii. p. 724 ; see Gent. Mag. 1794, yol. Ixiv. p. 292. Girls, says Halliwell, used to have a method of divination with a " St. Thomas's Onion," for the purpose of ascertaining their future partners. They peeled the onion, wrapped it up in a clean handkerchief, and then, placing it under their heads, said the following lines : Good St. Thomas, do me right, And see my true love come to-night, That I may see him in the face, And him in my kind arms embrace." One of the old cries of London was, " Buy my rope of onions white St. Thomas's Onions." Popular Wtymes, 1849, p. 224. BEDFORDSHIRE. An ancient annual payment of 51. out of an estate at Biddenham, formerly belonging to the family of Boteler, and now the property of Lord Viscount Hampden, is regularly paid on St. Thomas's Day to the overseers of the poor for the purchase of a bull, which is killed, and the flesh thereof given amongst the poor persons of the parish. For many years past the annual fund, being insufficient to purchase a bull, the deficiency has been made good out of other charities belonging to the parish. It was proposed some years ago by the vicar that the 5/. a year should be laid out in buying meat, but the poor insisted on thu customary purchase of a bull being continued, and the usage is accordingly kept up. Edwards, Old English Customs and Chanties, 1842, p. 64. BERKSHIRE. The cruel practice of bull-baiting was continued annually on St. Thomas's Day, in the market place of the town of - 4.40 ST. THOMAS' DAT. [DEC. 21. Wokingham so lately as 1821. In 1822, upon the passing of the Act against cruelty to animals, the corporation resolved on abolishing the custom. The alderman (as the chief magistrate is called there) went with his officers in pro- cession, and solemnly pulled up the bull-ring, which had from time immemorial been fixed in the market-place. The bull-baiting at Wokingham was regarded with no ordinary attachment by the inhabitants ; for, besides the love of sport, it was here connected with something more solid, viz., the Christmas dinner. In 1661, George Staverton gave by will, out of his Staines house, after the death of his wife, 4J. to buy a bull for the use of the poor of Wokingham parish, to be increased to 6Z. after the death of his wife and her daughter, the bull to be baited, and then cut up, " one poor's piece not exceeding another's in bigness." Great was the wrath of the populace in 1822 at the loss, not of the beef for the corporation duly distributed the meat but of the baiting. They vented their rage for successive years in occasional breaches of the peace. They found out, often informed by the sympathising farmer or butcher, where the devoted animal was domiciled ; proceeded at night to liberate him from stall or meadow, and to chase him across the country with all the noisy accompaniments imaginable. So long was this feeling kept alive that, thirteen years afterwards, viz., in 1835, the mob broke into the place where one of the two animals to be divided was abiding and baited him, in defiance of the authorities, in the market-place ; one en- thusiastic individual, tradition relates, actually lying on the ground and seizing the miserable brute by the nostril with his own teeth. This was not to be endured, and a sentence of imprisonment in Heading Gaol cooled the ardour of the ringleaders, and gave the coup de grace to the sport. The bequest of Staverton now yields an income of 20/., and has for several years been appropriated to the purchase of two bulls. The flesh is divided and distributed annually on St. Thomas's Day by the alderman, churchwardens, and overseers, to nearly every poor family (between 200 and BOO), without regard to their receiving parochial relief. The produce of the ofial and hide is laid out in tho purchase of shoes and stockings for the poor women and children. DEC. 21.] BT. THOMAS' DAT. 441 The bulls' tongues are recognised by courtesy as the per- quisites of the alderman and town clerk. N. & Q. 2nd S. vol. v. p. 35. CHESHIRE. The poor people go from farm to farm " a-thomasin," and generally carry with them a bag and a can, into which meal, flour, and corn, are put. Begging on this day is universal in this and the neighbouring counties. Jour, of the Arch. Assoc. 1850, vol. v. p. 253. DOBSETSHIBE. At the village of Thornton, near Sherborne, a cnstom pre- vails amongst the tenants of the manor, of depositing five shillings in a hole in a certain tombstone in the churchyard, which precludes the lord of the manor from taking the tithe of hay during the year. This must be done before twelve o'clock on St. Thomas's Day, or the privilege is void. Med. JEci Kalend. 1842, vol. i. p. 83. There was a custom very generally practised in some parts of this county, and which may even now be practised. A few days before Christmas the women, children, and old men in a parish would visit by turns the houses of their wealthier neighbours, and in return for, and in recognition of Christmas greetings, and their general demand of " Please give me something to keep up a Christmas," would receive substantial pieces or "hunks" of bread and cheese, bread and meat, or small sums of money. The old and infirm of either sex were generally represented by their children or grandchildren, those only being refused the dole who did not belong to the parish. N. & Q. S. vol. x. p. 494. HEREFORDSHIRE. St. Thomas's Day is called by the poor inhabitants of this county " Mumping Day ;" and the custom of going from house to house asking for contributions, is termed going a-mumping. 442 BT. THOMAS' DAY. [DEO. 21. HERTFORDSHIRE. Small pyramids, says Fosbroke (Encyclopaedia of Anti- quities, 1840, p. 661), formed of gilt evergreens, apples, and nuts, are carried about at this time in Hertfordshire for presents. ISLE OP MAN. Formerly, it was customary for the people to go to the mountains to catch deer and sheep for Christmas, and in the evening always to kindle a large fire on the top of every fingan or cliff. Hence, at the time of casting peats, every one laid aside a large one, saying : " Faaid mooar moayney son oie'l fingan," that is, " A large turf for Fingan's Eve." Train, History of Isle of Man, 1845, vol. ii. p. 124; Cregeen's Manks Dictionary, p. 67. NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. Samuel Higgs, by his will, bearing date llth May, 1820 (as appears from the church tablet), gave 50Z. to the vicar and churchwardens of the parish of Farnsfield, and directed that the interest should be given every year on the 21st of December, in equal proportions, to the poor men and women who could repeat the Lord's prayer, the creed, and the ten commandments, before the vicar or other such person as he should appoint to hear them. The interest is applied according to the donor's orders, and the poor persons appointed to partake of the charity continue to receive it during their lives. Edwards, Old English Customs and Charities, 1842, p. 209. OXFORDSHIRE. At Tainton, a quarter of barley is provided annually, at the expense of Lord Dynevor, the lord of the manor, and made into loaves called " cobbs." These were formerly given away in Tainton church to such of the poor children of Burford as attended. A sermon was preached on St. Thomas's Day, 6s. 8d. being paid out of Lord Dynevor's estate to the DEC. 21.] ST. THOMAS' DAT, 443 preacher. The children, however, made so much riot and disturbance in the church, that, about the year 1809, it was thought better to distribute the cobbs in a stable belonging to one of the churchwardens, which course has been pursued ever since. Edwards, Old English Customs and Chanties, 1842, p. 25. STAFFORDSHIRE. In many parts of this county not only the old women and widows, but representatives from every poor family in the parish, go round for alms. The clergyman is expected to give one shilling to each person, and consequently the celebration of the day is attended with no small expense. Some of the parishioners give alms in money, others in kind. Thus, for example, some of the farmers give corn, which the millers grind gratis. In some places the money collected is given to the clergyman and churchwardens, who, on the Sunday nearest to St. Thomas's Day, at the vestry. The fond is called St. Thomas's Dole, and the day itself Doleing Day. N. & Q- 2nd S. voL iv. pp. 103, 487. SUSSEX. A sum of 151. was placed in the Arundel Savings-Bank in the year 1824, the interest of which is distributed on St. Thomas's Day. It is said that this money was found, many years since, on the person of a beggar, who died by the road- side ; and the interest of it has always been appropriated by the parish officers for the use of the poor. Edwards, Old English Customs and Charities, 1842, p. 129. WARWICKSHIRE. In this county it is customary for the poor people to visit the farm-houses to beg contributions of corn. This is called going a-corning. WORCESTERSHIRE. At Harvington the following rhyme is sung : " Wissal, wassail through the town, If you've got any apples throw them down ; ST. THOMAS' DAT. [DEC. 21. Up with the stocking and down with the shoe If you've got no apples money will do. The jug is white and the ale is brown, This is the best house in the town." N. & Q. 1st S. vol. viii. p. G17. YORKSHIBE. Drake, in his Eboracum (1736, p. 217), gives the following account of a custom that once existed at York on St. Thomas's Day, which he says he obtained from a manuscript that fell into his hands. " William the Conqueror, in the third year of his reign (on St. Thomas's Day), laid siege to the city of York, but finding himself unable, either by policy or strength, to gain it, raised the siege, which he had no sooner done, but by accident he met with two fryers at a place called Skelton, not far from York, and had been to seek reliefe from their fellows and themselves against Christmas : the one having a wallet full of victualls and a shoulder of mutton in his hand, with two great cakes hanging about his neck ; the other having bottles of ale, with provisions, likewise of beife and mutton in his wallett. The king, knowing their poverty and condition, thought they might be serviceable to him towards the attaining York, wherefore (being accompanied with Sir George Fothergill, general of the field, a Norman born), he gave them money, and withall a promise, that if they would lett him and his soldiers into their priory at a time appointed, he would not only rebuild their priory, but indowe it likewise with large revenues and ample privileges. The fryers easily consented and the conqueror as soon sent back his army, which, that night, according to agreement, were let into the priory by the two fryers, by which they immediately made themselves masters of all York ; after which Sir Eobert Clifford, who was governor thereof, was so far from being blamed by the conqueror for his stout defence made the preceding days, that he was highly esteemed and rewarded for his valour, being created Lord Clifford and there knighted, with the four magistrates then in office, viz., Horongate, Talbot (whor after came to be Lord Talbott), Lassells, and Erringham. The arms of the city of York at that time was, argent, a DEC. 21.] ST. THOMAS' DAT. 445 cross, gules, viz., St. George's cross. The conqueror charged the cross with five lyons, passant gardant, or, in memory of the five worthy captains, magistrates, who governed the city so well, that he afterwards made Sir Robert Clifford governour thereof and the other four to aid him in counsell ; and the better to keep the city in obedience he built two castles, and double moated them about ; and to shew the confidence and Irust that he put in these old, but new made, officers by him he offered them freely to ask whatsoever they would of him before he went, and he would grant their request, wherefore they (abominating the treachery of the two fryers to their eternal infamy), desired that, on St. Thomas's Day for ever, they might have a fryer of the priory of St. Peter's to ride through the city on Lorseback, with his face to the horse's tayle, and that in his hand, instead of a bridle, he should have a rope, and in the other a shoulder of mutton, with one cake hanging on his back and another on his breast, with his face painted like a Jew; and the youth of the city to ride with him, and to cry and shout " Youl, Youl," with the officers of the city rideing before and making proclamation, that on this day the city was betrayed; and their request was granted them, which custom continued till tho dissolution of the said fryery ; and afterwards in imitation of the same, the young men and artizans of the city on the aforesaid St. Thoma^s Day, tised to dress up one of their own companions like a fryer, and called him youl, which custom continued till within this three-score years, there being many now living which can testify tho same, but upon what occasion since discontinued I cannot learn : this being done in memory of betraying the city by the said fryers to William the Conqueror. WALES. William Rogers, by will, June 1806, gave to the minister and churchwardens of Nevern, Pembrokeshire, and theii successors, 8001., Three per Cent. Consols, to be transferred by his executors within six months after his decease ; and it was his will that the dividends should be laid out annually, one moiety thereof in good beef, the other moiety thereof in good barley, the same to be distributed on every St. Thomas's 4.4.6 CHBISTMAS EVE. [DEC. 24. Day in each year, by the minister and churchwardens, to and among the poor of the said parish of Nevern. Edwards, Old English Customs and Charities, p. 24. DEO. 24.] CHEISTMAS EVE. CHESHIRE. IN Chester, and its neighhurhood, numerous singers parade the streets and are hospitably entertained with meat and drink at the various houses where they call. See Book of Days, vol. ii. p. 736. CORNWALL. On Christmas Eve, in former days, says Hunt (Romances of the West of England, 1871, p. 349), the small people, or the spiggans, would meet at the bottom of the deepest mines, and have a midnight mass. In this county the yule log is called " the mock." DEBBTSHIRE. In some parts the village choir meet in the church on Christmas Eve, and there wait until midnight, when they proceed from house to house, invariably accompanied by a small keg of ale, singing " Christians awake ;" and during the Christmas season they again visit the principal houses in the place, and having played and sung for the evening, and partaken of the Christmas cheer, are presented with a sum of money. Jour, of the Arch. Assoc. 1852, vol. vii. p. 208. DEVONSHIRE. The ashton faggot is burned in Devonshire on Christmas Eve. The faggot is composed entirely of ash timber, and the separate sticks or branches are securely bound together with ash bands. The faggot is made as large as can con- veniently be burned in the fire-place, or rather upon the floor, grates not being in use. A numerous company is generally assembled to spend the evening in games and DEO. 24.] CHRISTMAS EVE. 447 amusements, the diversions being heightened when the faggot blazes on the hearth, as a quart of cyder is considered duo and is called for and served upon the bursting of every hoop or band round the faggot. The timber being green and elastic, each band generally bursts open with a smart report when the individual stick or hoop has been partially burned through. N. &. Q. 1st 8. vol. iv. p. 309. In one or two localities, it is still customary for the farmer with his family and friends, after partaking together of hot cakes and cider (the cake being dipped in the liquor previous to being eaten), to proceed to the orchard, one of the party bearing hot cake and cider as an offering to the principal apple-tree. The cake is formally deposited on the fork of the tree, and the cider thrown over the latter.* See Book of Days, vol. ii. p. 736. A superstitious notion prevails in the western parts of Devonshire that, at twelve o'clock at night on Christmas Eve, the oxen in their stalls are always found on their knees, as in an attitude of devotion, and that since the alteration of the style they continue to do this only on the eye of Old Christmas Day. Brand, Pop. Antiq. 1849, vol. i. p. 473. It appears, from a statement of charities in an old book, that John Martyn, by will, 28th of November, 1729, gave to the churchwardens and overseers of the poor of the parish of St. Mary Major, Exeter, twenty pounds, to be put out at interest, and the profits thereof to bo laid out every Christmas Eve in twenty pieces of beef, to be distributed to twenty poor people of the parish, such as had no relief on that day, for ever. Old English Customs and Charities, 1842, p. 4. GLOUCESTERSHIRE. It appears by the benefaction table in the church of Ruardean, that the Rev. Mr. Anthony Sterry, vicar of Lidney, gave by deed, in the fortieth year of Queen Elizabeth, five shillings per annum, payable out of an estate called the Glasp, in this parish, for ringing a peal on Christmas Eve, about midnight, for two hours, in commemoration of the Nativity. Old English Customs and Charities, 1842, p. 6. * In some places this custom is observed on New Year's Eve. 418 CHRISTMAS EVE. [DEC. 24. HAMPSHIRE. In the neighbourhood of the New Forest the following lines are sung on the wassailing of the trees : " Apples and pears with right good corn, Come in plenty to every one; Eat and drink good cake and hot ale, Give earth to drink and she'll not fail." Christmas in the Olden Time, London, 1839. HEREFORDSHIRE. In the Gent. Mag. (vol. xc. pt. i. p. 33) is the following account of a custom that formerly existed at Tretyre on Christmas Eve. The writer says : They make a cake, poke a stick through it, fasten it upon the horn of an ox, and say certain words, begging a good crop of corn for the master. The men and boys attending the oxen, range them- selves arouud. If the ox throws the cake behind, it belongs to the men, if before, to the boys. They take with them a wooden bottle of cyder and drink it, repeating the charm before mentioned. KENT. Hasted (History of Kent, vol. iii. p. 380) says there was a singular custom used of long time by the fishermen of Folkestone. They chose eight of their largest and best whitings out of every boat when they came home from the fishery and sold them apart from the rest, and out of the money arising from them they made a feast every Christmas Eve which they called a " Rumbald." The master of each boat provided this feast for his own company. These whitings, which are of a very large size, and are sold all round the country as far as Canterbury, are called Eumbald whitings. This custom (which is now left off, though many of the inhabitants still meet jovially on Christmas Eve, and call it Kumbald Night) might have been anciently instituted in honour of St. Rutnbald, and at first designed as an offering to him for his protection during the fishery.* * Cole, in his History and Antiquities of Filey (1828, p. 143), gives the followiug account of a custom that existed in his time in connection DEC. 24.] CHRISTMAS EVE. 449 ISLE OF MAN. Waldrcn, in liis Description of the Isle of Man (1859, p. 125) says thut on Christmas Eve every one leaves off work, am rambles about till the bells begin to ring at midnight. Lor< Teignmouth (Sketches of the Coast of Scotland and the Isle o Man, vol. ii. p. 264) states that they then all flock to th< churches, bearing the largest candle tliey can procure. Th churches are decorated with holly, and the service, in con memoration of the birth, of our Saviour is called Oiel Verry.- See Train's History of the Isle of Man, 1845, vol. ii. p. 127 NORFOLK. In some parts of Norfolk libations of sp r ced ale used to be sprinkled on orchards and meadows. Book of Days, vol. ii. p. 736. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. On Christmas Eve, 1815, says Cole (Histury of Ecton, 1825), the musicians of Ecton, accompanied by the vocalists of the church, revived the custom of going round the village at midnight and singing a carol at the principal houses. NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. At Nottingham, on Christmas Eve, as well as in many other of the villages, it is customary to toast apples on a string until they drop into a bowl of hot spiced ale, which is placed to receive them ; this, from the softness of the beverage is culled " lamb's-wooL" with the herring fishery at that place. He says, during the time the boats are on the herring fishery the junior part of the inhabitants eize all the unemployed waggons and carts they can find and drag them down the streets to the cliff tops ; then leaving them to be owm 1 and taken away by their respective proprietors on the following morn- ing : this is carried into effect about the third Saturday night after tho boats have sailed from Filey, under a superstitious notion that it drives the herrings into the nets. Previously to the fishermen setting out upon their exi>el in the country, of which the following is a summary. He says that the lord of misrule on being selected, takes twenty to sixty others, " lyke hymself," to act as his guard, who are decorated with ribbands and scarfs and bells on their legs. Thus, all things set in order, they have their hobby-horses, their dragons, and other antiques, together with the gaudie pipers and thunderyng drummers, and strike up the devill's dance withal. So they march to the church, invading it, even though service be performing, with such a confused noyse that no man can hear his own voice. Then they adjourn to the churchyard, where booths are set up, and the rest of the day spent in dancing and drinking. Tlie followers of " My Lord " go about to collect money for this, giving in return "badges and cognizances" to wear in the hat: and do not scruple to insult, or even duck, such as will not contribute. But, adds Stubbes, another sort of fantasticall fooles are well pleased to bring all sorts of food and drink to furnish out the feast. See Disraeli, Curiosities of Literature, 1858, vol. ii. p. 262 ; and Strutt's Sports and Pastimes of the People of England, p. 254. Mummers. These were amusements derived from the Saturnalia, and so called from the Danish Mumme, or Dutch Momme, disguise in a mask. Christmas was the grand scene of mumming, and some mummers were disguised like bears, others like unicorns, bringing presents. Those who could not procure masks rubbed their faces with soot, or painted them. In the Christmas mummeries the chief aim was to surprise by the oddity of the masques and singularity and splendour of the dresses. Everything was out of nature and propriety. They were often attended with an exhibition of gorgeous machinery. Fosbroke's Encyclopaedia of Antiquities, 1840, p. 669; see Strutt's Sports and Pastimes, 1801, pp. 124, 189, 190 ; also N. & Q. 2nd S. vol. x. pp. 464, 465, vol. xi. p. 271, vol. xii. p. 407 ; 3rd S. vol. i. p. 66, voL iv. p. 486. Pantomime. The Christmas pantomime or harlequinade is, in its present shape, essentially a British entertainment, and was first introduced into this country by a dancing master of Shrewsbury named Weaver in 1 702. One of his pantomimes, entitled The Love* of Mars and Venus, met 4G2 CHRISTMAS DAT. [DEC. 25. with great success. The arrival, in the year 1717, in London of a troupe of French pantomimists with performing dogs, gave an impetus to this kind of drama, which was further developed in 1758 by the arrival of the Grimaldi family, the head of which was a posture-master and dentist. Under the auspices of this family the art of producing pantomimes was greatly cultivated, and the entertainment much relished. Joseph Grimaldi, the son of the dentist, was clever at in- venting tricks and devising machinery, and Mother Goose, and others of his harleqiiinades, had an extended run. At that time the wit of the clown was the great feature, but, by-and-by, as good clowns became scarce, other adjuncts were supplied, such as panoramas or dioramic views ; and now the chief reliance of the manager is on scenic effects, large sums of money being lavished on the mise en scene. This is particularly the case as regards the transformation scene i.e., the scene where the characters are changed into clown, harlequin, &c., as much as 1000Z. being frequently spent on this one effort. In London alone a sum of 40,OOOZ. is annually expended at Christinas time on pantomimes. The King of the Peacocks, a pantomime produced at the London Lyceum Theatre during the management of Madame Vestris, cost upwards of 3000. Even provincial theatres, such as those of Manchester or Edinburgh, consider it right to go to considerable expense in the production of their Christmas pantomime. Chambers' Encyclopaedia, 1874, vol. vii. p. 237 ; see Disraeli's Curiosities of Literature, 1858, pp. 116-130; N. & Q. Mh S. vol. v. pp. 193-95. Plum-Porridge. This, says Misson, was a "sort of soup with plumbs, which is not at all inferior to the pye." Dr. Rimbault says, was not this the same as plum-pudding ? Pudding was formerly used in the sense of stuffing or force- meat, as we now say black-puddings. Porridge, on the other hand, was used in the sense of our pudding. Thus Shakspeare talks of " porridge after meat," meaning pudding after meat. JV. & Q. 2nd S. vol. xii. p. 489. Snapdragon. A very favourite pastime at this season. Although so prevalent in England, it is almost unknown in Scotland. See Book of Days, vol. ii. p. 738. A writer in the Pantalogia (1813, vol. x.) thus describes DEC. 25.] CHBI8TMA8 DAT. 463 this sport : It is a kind of play, in which brandy is set on fire, and raisins thrown into it, which those who are unused to the sport are afraid to take out, but which may be safely snatched by a quick motion and put blazing into the mouth, which being closed, the fire is at once extinguished. A correspondent of N. & Q. (2nd S. vol. vii. p. 277) suggests as a derivation the German schnapps, spirit, and drache, dragon, and that it is equivalent to spirit-fire. The game has also been called flap- and slap-dragon at different times. Shaks- peare, for example, in the second part of Henry IV. act ii. sc. 4, makes Falstaff answer : " And drinks off candles' ends for flap-dragons." And in Loves Labours Lost, act v. sc. 1 : " Thou art easier swallowed than a flap-dragon." See also the Tatler, No. 85. Christmas Sports. Among the various games and sports of an olden Christmas, says Dr. Rimbault, were card-playing, chess, and draughts, jack-pudding in the hall ; fiddlers and musicians, who were regale 1 with a black-jack of beer and a Christmas pie ; also singing the wassail, scrambling for nuts, cakes, and apples ; dancing round standards decorated with evergreens in the streets ; the famous old hobby-horse, hunting owls and squirrels, the fool plough, hot cockles, and the game of hoodinan-blind. N. & Q. 2nd S. vol. xii. p. 489. Christmas Tree. Various suggestions have been made as to the origin of the Christmas tree. Mr. Timbs, in his Something for Everybody (1861, p. 127), suggests its being traceable to the ancient Egyptians and their palm-tree, whicli produces a branch every month, and therefore held to be emblematical of the year. The Germans may bo said to claim it as peculiar to themselves, as buing indicative of their attachment to Christianity ; they identify it with the apostolic labours of St. Maternus, one of the earliest, if not the very first, of the preachers of the Gospel among them. They have a legend of his sleeping under a fir-tree, and of a miracle that occurred on that occasion. Mr. MacCabe (N. d Q. 3rd S. vol. viii. p. 489), however, thinks the Christmas tree is traceable to the Roman Saturnalia, and was not improbably first imported into Germany with the conquering legions of 464 CHBISTMAS DAT. [DEC. 25 Drusus. The Christmas tree, such as we now see it, with its pendent toys and mannikins, is distinctly portrayed in a single line of Virgil (Georg. ii. 389) : " Oscilla ex alta suspendunt mollia pinu." Consult Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities (1849, 2nd ed. p. 846, in verb. " oscillum "), where there is given an engraving "from an ancient gem (Maffei, Gem. Ant. iii. 64) representing a tree with four oscilla hung upon its branches." Any one looking into that valuable work will see at once that it is an exact picture of a Christmas tree. A correspondent of Book of Days (vol. ii. p. 787) says, within the last twenty years, and apparently since the marriage of Queen Victoria with Prince Albert, previous to which time it was almost unknown in this country, the Christmas tree has been introduced into England with the greatest success. The Vessel-Cup. There is a very pretty custom, now nearly obsolete, of bearing the " vessel," or, more properly the \\assail-cup, at Christmas. This consists of a box con taining two dolls, dressed up to represent the Virgin and th> Infant Christ, decorated with ribbons and surrounded ty flowers and apples ; the box has usually a glass lid, is covereu 1 over by a white napkin, and carried from door to door on the arms of a woman ; on the top, or in the box, a china bason is placed, and the bearer on reaching a house, uncovered the box and sung the carol known as the " Seven Joys of the Virgin." The carrying of the " vessel-cup " is a fortuitous specula- tion, as it is considered so unlucky to send any one away unrequited, that few can be found whose temerity is so great as to deter them from giving some halfpence to the singer. In Yorkshire, formerly, only one image used to be carried about that of the Saviour, which was placed in a box surrounded by evergreens, and such flowers as could be procured at the season. The party to whose house the figure was carried were at liberty to take from the decorations of the image a leaf or a flower, which was carefully preserved and regarded as a sovereign remedy for the toothache. Jour of Arch. Assoc. 1853, vol. viii. p. 38; Book of Days, 1864 vol. ii. p. 725 ; Brand, Pop. Antiq. vol. i. p. 454. DEC. 25.] CHRISTMAS DAT. 4G5 Turkey. The turkey has graced the Christinas table from the date of its introduction into England, about the year 1524. Tnsser mentions the bird as forming part of the Christmas fare in 1587 : " Beefe, mutton, and porke, shred pies of the l3st ; Pig, veale, goose, and capon, and turkie well drest." Waits. Musicians who play by night for two or three weeks before Christmas, terminating their performances generally on Christmas Eve. It is uncertain, says a corre- spondent of Book of Days (vol ii. p. 742), whether the term Waits denoted originally musical instruments, a particular kind of music, or the persons who played under certain special circumstances. There is evidence in support of all these views. At one time the name of waits was given to minstrels attached to the king's court, whose duty it was to guard the streets at night and proclaim the hour, something in the same manner as the watchmen were wont to do in London before the establishment of the metropolitan police. Down to the year 1820, perhaps later, says the same writer (p. 743), the waits had a certain degree of official recognition in the cities of London and Westminster. In London, the post was purchased ; in Westminster, it was an appointment under the control of the high constable and the court of burgesses. A police inquiry about Christmas time in that year brought the matter in a singular way under public notice. Mr. Clay had been the ofiicial leader of the waits for Westminster, and, on his death, Mr. Monro obtained the post. Having employed a number of persons in different parts of the city and liberties of Westminster to serenade tho inhabitants, trusting to their liberality at Christmas as a re- muneration, he was surprised to find that other persons were, unauthorized, assuming the right of playing at night, and making applications to the inhabitants for Christmas boxes. Sir K. Baker, the police magistrate, promise:! to aid Mr. Munro in the assertion of his claims, and the result, in several cases, showed that there really was this " vested right " to charm the ears of the citizens with nccturnal music. At present, however, there is nothing to prevent any number of such itinerant minstrels from plying their midnight calling. 2 K 466 CHRISTMAS DAY. [DEC. 25. See two interesting articles on the subject by Mr. Chappell in N. & Q. 3rd S. vol. vi. pp. 489, 509. Yule-clog or Yule-log. This was generally lighted on Christmas Eve, and was, says Soane, as large as the hearth would admit of, or the means of the rejoicers could supply ; and, in some of the northern counties of England, so long as the log lasted, the servants were entitled to ale at their meals. At one time custom prescribed that it should be lighted with a brand of the last year's block, which had been carefully put by and preserved for that purpose, as we find it recorded by Herrick : " Come bring with a noise, My merrie, merrie boys, The Chrisliuas log to the firing; While my good dame, she Bids ye all be free, And drink to your heart's desiring. With the last year's brand Light the new block, and For good success in his spending, On your psalteries play That sweet luck may Come while the log is a tiending." * It is also requisite that the maidens who blow a fire, should come to the task with clean hands : " Wash your hands, or else the fire Will not tiend to your de-ire ; Unwash'd hands, ye maidens, know, Dead the fire though ye blow." BERKSHIRE. At Cumnor the parishioners, who paid vicarial tithes, claimed a custom of being entertained at the vicarage, on the afternoon of Christmas Day, with four bushels of malt brewed into ale and beer, two bushels of wheat made into bread, and half a hundred weight of cheese. The remainder was given to the poor the next morning after divine service. Lysons' Magna Britannia, 1813, vol. i. pt. ii. p. 271. * To Teend is to kindle, or to burn, from the Anglo-Saxon Tendan to set on fire. DEC. 25.] CHBISTMAS DAT. 467 BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. By the will of John Popple, dated the 12th of March, 1830, 41. yearly is to be paid unto the vicar, churchwardens, and overseers of the poor of the parish of Burnham, to provide for the poor people who should be residing in the poorhouse, a dinner, with a proper quantity of good ale and likewise with tobacco and snuff Old English Customs and Charities, 1842, p. 4. Up to about 1813, a bull and boar, a sack of wheat, and a sack of malt were given away to the poor by the lord of the manor of Prince's Risborough about six o'clock every Christmas morning. This practice was then discontinued, and for about five or six years after the discontinuance, beef and mutton were distributed to the poor about Christmas in lieu of the above articles. Ibid. p. 66. The following extract is taken from the Gent. Mag. (1753, voL xxiii. p. 49): At Quainton, above two thousand people went, with lanterns and candles, to view a blackthorn in that neighbourhood, and which was remembered to be a slip from the famous Glastonbury thorn, and that it always budded on the 24th, was full blown the next day, and went all off at night. The people finding no appearance of a bud, it was agreed by all that December 25th (New Style) could not be the right Christmas Day, and accordingly refused going to church, and treating their friends on that day as usual. At length the affair became so serious, that the ministers of the neighbouring villages, in order to appease them, thought it prudent to give notice that the Old Christmas Day should be kept holy as before. This famous hawthorn was supposed to be sprung from the staff of Joseph of Arimathea, who having fixed it in the ground with his own hand on Christmas Day, it took root immediately, put forth leaves, and the next day was covered with milk-white blossoms.* See Hearne's History and Antiquities of Glastonbury, 1722. * Collinson, in his History of Somersetshire (1791), allndes to tho miraculous walnut-tree, which grew in the Abbey churchyard of Glastonbury, and never budded forth before the feast of St. Barnabas, viz., llth June, and on that very day shot forth leaves, and nourished. 2 H 2 468 CHRISTMAS DAY. [DEC. 25. CAMBRIDGESHIRE. At Clare Hall, in Cambridge, a collar of brawn is always provided for the Fellows' table on Christmas Day, which comes up every day during the twelve days and then makes another and last appearance on Candlemas Day. A sprig of ivy with berries is stuck in the centre of the top"; the berries are first dipped in flour, probably to represent the hoar frost. Time's Telescope, 1863, p. 338. CORNWALL. Hitchins, in his History of Cornwall (1824, vol. i. p. 718), gives the following account of the Christmas plays, which at one time were performed in this county at Christmas. He says, the lads who engage in these theatrical representations appear fantastically dressed, decorated with ribbons and painted paper, with wooden swords, and all the equipage necessary to support the several characters they assume. To entertain their auditors, they learn to repeat a barbarous jargon, in the form of a drama, which has been handed down from distant generations. War and love are the general topics, and St. George and the Dragon are always the most prominent characters. Interludes, expostulations, debate, battle, and death, are sure to find a place among the mimicry ; but a physician who is always at hand immediately restores the dead to life. It is generally understood that these Christmas plays derived their origin from the ancient crusades, and hence the feats of chivalry and the romantic extravagance of knight-errantry that are still preserved in all the varied pretensions and exploits. See Every Day Book, 1827, vol. ii. p. 122. It was customary at one time in Cornwall on the last Thursday that was one clear week before Christmas Day, which was anciently called jeu-nhydn, or White Thursday, for the tinners to claim a holiday, because, according to tradition, on this day black tin or ore was first melted or turned into white tin or metal in these parts. Hitching, History of Cornwall. 1824, vol. i. p. 725. DEO. 25.] CHBI8TMA8 DAT. 469 CUMBERLAND. In this county, and in all the great towns in the North of England, about a week before Christmas, what are called Honey-Fairs are held, in which dancing forms the leading amusement. Time's Telescope, 1824, p. 297. DERBYSHIRE. Christmas festivities are well observed in Derbyshire ; mummers or guisers go from house to house, and perform a play of St. George. They are dressed up in character and decorated with ribbands, tinsel, and other finery, and on being admitted into the house commence their performance by St. George announcing himself by beginning his oration: " I am St. George, the noble champion bold, And with my glittering sword I've won three crowns of gold ; It's I who fought the fiery dragon, And brought it to the slaughter; And so I won fair Sabra, The king of Egypt's daughter. Seveu have I won, but married none, And bear my glory all alone, With my Sword in my hand, Who dare against me stand ? I swear I'll cut him down With my victorious brand." A champion is soon found in the person of Slasher, who, accepts the challenge. St. George then replies in a neat speech, when they sing, shake hands, and fight with their wooden swords, and Slasher is slain. The King then enters, saying : " I am the King of England, the greatest man alive," and after walking round the dead body, calls for, " Sir Gay, one of the chiefcst men in the world's wonder," who shows his wonderful courage and prowess in calling for a doctor. The doctor, on making his appearance, gives a long and quaint account of his birth, parentage, education, and travels, whilst perambulating around the fallen Slasher, and ends his oration by saying : ' Here take a little out of my bottle, And put it down thy throttle." 470 CHRISTMAS DAT. [DEC. 25. The dead man is thus cured, and having received the advice of, "Rise, Jack, and fight again, the play is ended." Jour, of the Arch. Assoc. 1852, vol. vii. p. 206. DORSETSHIRE. It appears that in some parts of this county the mummers still go round at Christmas-tide, performing a species of play. See N. & Q. 5ih S. vol. ii. p. 505. ESSEX. On Christmas day at Hornchurch the lessee of the tithes, which belong to New College, Oxford, supplies, says Hone, (Every Day Book, 1827, vol. ii. p. 1649), a boar's head dressed and garnished with bayleaves, &c. In the after- noon it is carried in procession into the mill-field adjoining the churchyard, where it is wrestled for and afterwards feasted upon at one of the public-houses by the rustic conqueror and his friends with all the merriment peculiar to the season. The following appeared in the Daily News of January 5th, 1852 : By ancient charter or usage in Hornchurch a boar's head is wrestled for in a field adjoining the church, a boar, the property of the parish, having been slaughtered for the purpose. The boar's head, elevated on a pole and decorated with ribbons, was brought into the ring where the competitors entered, and the prize was awarded. See Morant, History of Essex, 1768, vol. i. p. 74. GLOUCESTERSHIRE. It was formerly the custom of the city of Gloucester to present to the Sovereign at Christmas a lamprey-pie with a raised crust. The custom is of great antiquity, and as Henry I., of lamprey-loving celebrity, frequently held his Court during Christmas at Gloucester, it may have originated in his time. In 1530 the Prior of Lanthony at Gloucester sent " cheese, carp, and baked lampreys " to Henry VIII. at Windsor, for which the bearer received twenty shillings. Tighe and Davis, Annals of Windsor, p. 562. DEC. 25.] CHRISTMAS DAT. 471 During the Commonwealth it appears from the following entry in the corporation minutes that the pie was sent to the members for the city : " Item. Paid to Thomas Snffield, cook, for lamprey-pies sent to our Parliament men, 08 OOs. OOd." In 1752 it appears to have been the custom to present a lamprey-pie to the Prince of Wales, as appears by Mr. Jesse's book, George Selwyn and his Contemporaries (vol. i. p. 153), where is printed the following letter from Mr. Alder- man Harris to George Selwyn, then M.P. for Gloucester : " Gloucester, 15th January, 1752. " SIR, At the request of Mr. Mayor, whose extraordinary hurry of business will not afford him leisure to direct himself, I am desired to acquaint you that by the Gloucester waggon this week is sent the usual present of a lamprey-pie from this Corporation to His Koyal Highness the Prince of Wales. It is directed to you ; and I am further to request the favour of you to have the same presented with the compliments of this body, as your late worthy father used to do.. " Sir, your most obedient humble servant, " GAB. HARRIS. " P.S. The waggoner's inn is the King's Head, in the Old Change." N. & Q. 2nd S. vol. ix. p. 184. HEREFORDSHIRE. In this county, and also in Worcestershire, it is considered very unlucky for new shoes or tanned leather to be received into the house during the Christmas week or on New Year's Day. See N. & Q. btli S. vol. iii. p. 7. KENT. At one time the festivities of Christmas were commenced at Ramsgate by a curious musical procession. The following * Another correspondent of N. & Q. (2nd S. vol. ix. p. 185) says that it was formerly the custom to send to the King the first lamprey caught in the river at the commencement of the seuson; it was stewed, that being the best way of cooking this fish. 472 CHRISTMAS DAT. [DEC. ^< > . account is taken from Busby's Concert Room and Orchestra Anecdotes (1825, vol. i. p. 73) : A party of young people procure the head of a dead horse, which is affixed to a pole about four feet in length, a string is tied to the lower jaw, a horsecloth is then attached to the whole, under which one of the party gets, and by frequently pulling the string keeps up a loud snapping noise, and is accompanied by the rest of the party grotesquely habited and ringing hand-bells. They thus proceed from house to house, sounding their bells and singing carols and songs. They are commonly gratified with beer and cake, or perhaps with money. This is provincially called a hodening ; and the figure above described a " hoden," or wooden horse. This curious ceremony is also observed in the Isle of Thanet on Christmas Eve, and is supposed to be an ancient relic of a festival ordained to commemorate our Saxon ancestors' landing in that island. LANCASHIRE. The following description of primitive manners in the houses of the gentry at Christmas is extracted by Baines (Hist, of Lancashire, vol. iii. p. 294) from a family manu- script of the Cunliffes, of Wycoller, in Lancashire, and refers to an age antecedent to the wars of the Parliament : " At Wycoller-Hall the family usually kept open house the twelve days at Christmas. Their entertainment was a large hall of curious ashler wood, a long table, plenty of furmerty, like new milk, in a morning, made of husked wheat boiled, roasted beef with fat goose and a pudding, with plenty of good beer for dinner. A roundabout fire-place, surrounded with stone benches, where the young folks sat and cracked nuts, and diverted themselves ; and in this manner the sons and daughters got matching without going much from home." See Med. Mm Kalend. vol. i. p. 91. ISLE OF MAN. Train, in his History of the Isle of Man (1845, vol. ii. p. 127), says : The Christmas festival is introduced by young DEC. 25.] CHKISTMAS DAY. 473 persons perambulating the various towns and villages in the evenings, fantastically dressed, and armed with swords, calling as they proceed, " Who wants to see the White Boys act ? " When their services are engaged they, like the Scotch guisards or Quhite boys of Yule, perform a rude drama, in which St. George, Prince Valentine, King of Egypt, Sambo, and the Doctor are the dramatis personce. It was customary in the Isle of Man for every family that could afford it to have a brewing called Jough-ny-nollick, i.e., Christmas drink, prepared for the festivities of the season. On such occasions one brewing-kettle generally served a whole neighbourhood, which gave rise to the monk's proverb, " To go about like a brewing-pan." Ibid. p. 127. MIDDLESEX. Malcolm, in his Anecdotes of the Manners and Customs of London (1811, p. 259), speaking of Christmas Day, says : " It was a day of grand difference in the judgment of some, and in the City of London some opened their shops, but to stop mutinying they were shut up again ; yet do very few understand what the difference is that is now embraced in the judgments of those who desire the reformation from Popish innovation, but to give such further satisfaction herein, it is the opinion of these that it is a day wherein it is very fit for the people of God to congregate in the church to hear the Word of God preached, but not a holiday or such a day as is of absolute necessity to be kept holy ; it is a day wherein it is no sin for a man to follow his calling, and he must not by a Popish innovation adore the day." Inns of Court. There were anciently great doings in the halls of the Inns of Court at Christmas. At the Inner Temple early in the morning the gentlemen of the Inn went to church, and after the service they repaired into the hall to breakfast with brawn, mustard, and malmsey. At the first course at dinner was " served in, a fair and large Sore's head upon a silver platter, with minstralsye." Dugdale's Orig. Jurid, A correspondent of N. & Q. (5/A S. vol. ii. p. 507), alluding to the time-honoured custom of the Boar's Head Feast at 474 CHRISTMAS DAY. [DEC. 25. St. John's Gate, Clerkenwell, says the boar's head is still served up at Queen's College, Oxford (see p. 477), but I do not think it can be more enjoyable than the Christmas custom used to be at Clerkenwell, with the hall strewn with rushes, the gigantic yule-log drawn in by the sons of the host (the late proprietor), with the accompanying announcement, by bugles, and the bringing in of the boar's head, the " cook dressed all in white," singing the good old carol (printed by Wynkyn, de Worde, 1521), copies of which being in the hands of the guests, who joined in the chorus, rendering the whole scene so pleasant as never to be forgotten. The loving cup was never omitted, and of course wassail was duly brought in, " y 6 Lorde of Mysrewle doing his duty ' passing well.' " The following is an exact copy of the carol : "CAROLL AT YE BBYNGYNE IN YE BOEE'S HEED. Caput apri differo Reddens laudem Domino. The bore's heed in hande bringe I, With garlens gay and rosemarie, I pray you all synge merrilie, Qui estis in convivio. The bore's heed I understande, Is the chefe servyce in this lande, Loke wherever it be fonde, Servlte cum cantico. Be gladde lordes, both more and lesse, For this hath ordeyned our st-jwarde To chore jou all this Christmasse, The bore's heed with mustarde." Subjoined is a copy of the invitation the late host and his predecessor used to issue, which is a curious produc- tion : " We'll passe aboute y lovynge cuppe, And sende ye wassaile rounde ; With myrthe and songes of chy valrie, These goodlye Halles shall sounde. [Here is an illustration of the north side of the Gate.] " Samuel Wickens, ye Grande Mayester of ye Priorye of Sainte John, Grectinge welle hys ryght trustye and welle beloved friends, dothe herebye summon them to hys couucill - DEC. 25.] CHKISTMAS DAY. 475 to be holden in y* Greate Halle of y 8 Priorye, aforesaide, on y* ninthe c daye of laiiuarie, anno Domini, one thousande eighte hundrede and seventie- three, to adjudycate on y* qualitie of hys viandes : that is to saye, roaste beefe and plumbe puddynge, and with a cordialle greetinge in y* was- saile boule and y e lovynge cuppe, perpetuate to alle tyme and to tyme oute of mynde a ryghte goodlye and lastynge fellow- ehipe. Ye Boare's heade will be broughte into ye halle, and y e chante will be sange, at sixe of the clocke, at which tyme y* Feast will begine." NORFOLK. At Yarmouth before the Reformation it was a custom for the prior and monks, and afterwards for the dean and chapter, or the farmer of their parsonage, to provide a breakfast for the inhabitants of the town every year on Christmas Day, which custom continued till the 21st of Elizabeth, when, on account of a grievous plague which carried off two thousand of the inhabitants in one year, and on consideration of the ruinous condition of the parsonage-house, it was agreed that Thomas Osborne, who was then farmer of the parsonage, should pay 51. a year to the churchwardens for the use of the town in lieu of the said breakfast. After the plague had ceased, the breakfast was resumed and continued as usual, till the reign of James I., when William Gostlynge, then farmer, absolutely refused to provide it or to pay an equiva- lent composition, upon which the town preferred a complaint to the dean and chapter, who promised not to countenance him in such a non-conformity to the terms of the lease by which he held of them. Finally, Mr. Gostlynge was obliged to sign an agreement, whereby he engaged to pay yearly to the town in lieu of the breakfast, IOL, which was distributed to poor fishermen, &c., and 51. for his default, in before refusing to provide the breakfast. This continued till the making of a new agreement, between the corporation and Mr. Gostlynge, of a grant of nomination and appointment of preachers and ministers in the town, since which it seems that both breakfast and composition shared the fate of all human institutions and sank into oblivion. Parkin, History of Great Yarmouth, 1776, p. 330. 476 CHRISTMAS DAT. [DEC. 25. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. Cole, in his History of Weston Favell (1827, p. 60), says Christmas Day is ushered in by the ringing of the bells of the church, precisely at twelve o'clock, called the midnight peal, till which time many of the inhabitants sit round the jovial fire, whence at twelve o'clock they emerge into the midnight air to listen to the peals of the bells of the neigh- bouring churches. NORTHUMBERLAND. In Alnwick a custom existed of giving sweetmeats to children at Christmas time, called Yule Babies, in commemo- ration of our Saviour's nativity. History of Alnwick, 1822, p. 262. NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. The inhabitants of North Clifton were formerly ferry free. In consequence, the ferryman and his dog were indulged with a dinner each at the vicar's at Christmas. The ferryman also on that day received of the inhabitants a prime loaf of bread. N. & Q. bth S. vol. ii. p. 509. Near Raleigh there is a valley said to have been caused by an earthquake several hundred years ago, which swallowed up a whole village, together with the church. Formerly, it was the custom of the people to assemble in this valley every Christmas Day morning to listen to the ringing of the bells of the church beneath them. This, it was positively stated, might be heard by placing the ear to the ground and hearken- ing attentively. As late as 1827 it was usual on this morning for old men and women to tell their children and young friends to go to the valley, stoop down, and hear the bells ring merrily. The villagers heard the ringing of the bells of a neighbouring church, the sound of which was com- municated by the surface of the ground. A similar belief exists, or did a short time ago, at Preston, in Lancashire. Ibid. p. 509. OXFORDSHIRE. In the buttery of St. John's College, Oxford, an ancient candle socket of stone still remains, ornamented with the DEC. 25.] CHKISTMAS DAT. 477 figure of the Holy Lamb. It was formerly used to burn the Christinas candle in, on the high table at supper during the twelve nights of this festival. Brand, Pop. Antiq. 1849, vol. i. p. 467. It was formerly a custom for the butcher of Merton College, about Christmas time, to invite the scholars to a treat at his house, when he used to provide a bull for the steward to knock down with his own hands, whence this treat was called The Kill-Bull. Pointer, Oxoniensis Academia, 1749, p. 23. The following account of the ancient custom of bringing in a boar's head at Queen's College, Oxford, is taken from a MS., in the Bodleian Library, quoted in the Antiquary (1873, vol. iii. p. 47): There is a custom at Queen's College to serve up every year a boar's head, provided by the manciple against Christ- inas Day. This boar's head being boyl'd or roasted, is laid in a great charger, covered with a garland of bays or laurell as broad at bottom as the brims of the chargers. When the first course is served up in the refectory on Christmas Day, in the said college, the manciple brings the said boar's head from the kitchen up to the high table, accompanied with one of the tabarders (i.e., the scholars), who lays his hand on the charprcT. The tabarder sings a song, and when he comes to the chorus all the scholars that are in the refectory joyn together and sing it : " The boar's head in hand bear I, Bedeck d with bays and rosemary, And I pray you muster merry be, Quotquot estis in convicio. CHORUS. Caput apri defero liviid'.us laudet Domino. The boar's head, s I understand, Is the bravest dish in the land, Being thus hedeck'd with a gay garland, Let us aercire concivio. CIIOBUS. apri, <& 478 CHRISTMAS DAT. [DEC. 25, m. Our steward has provided this In honour of the King of bliss, Which on this day to be served is, In Reginensi atrio. CHORUS. Caput apri," &c. According to Mr. Wade (Walks in Oxford, 1817, vol. i. p. 128) the usage is in commemoration of an act of valour performed by a student of the college, who, while walking in the neighbouring forest of Shotover, and reading Aristotle, was suddenly attacked by a wild boar. The furious beast came open-mouthed upon the youth, who, however, very courageously, and with a happy presence of mind, rammed in the volume, and crying Grcecum est, fairly choked the savage. In an audit-book of Trinity College for the year 1559, Warton found a disbursement "pro prandio Principis natalicii" A Christmas prince, or Lord of Misrule, he adds, corresponding to the Imperator at Cambridge, was a common temporary magistrate in the colleges of Oxford. See Brand's Pop. Antiq. 1849, vol. i. p. 498 ; The Antiquary, 1873, vol. iii. p. 53; Wood, in his Athence Oxonienses, alludes to the Christmas prince at St. John's and Merton Colleges. Mummings at Christmas are common in Oxfordshire. At Islip some of the mummers wear masks, others, who cannot get masks, black their faces and dress themselves up with haybands tied round their arms and bodies. The smaller boys black their faces, and go about singing " A merry Christmas and a happy new year, Your pockets full of money, and your cellars full of beer." Brand, Pop. Antiq. 1849, vol. i. p. 466. t Dr. Lee, in JV. & Q. (5th S. vol. ii. pp. 503-505), has given a curious old miracle play, the text of which he says was taken down by himself from the lips of one of the per- formers in 1853. Aubrey informs us that in several parts of Oxfordshire it was the custom for the maidservant to ask the man for ivy to decorate the house, and if he refused or neglected to fttch DEC. 25.] CHBISTMAS DAT. 479 in a supply the maids stole a pair of his breeches, and nailed them up to the gate in the yard or highway. A similar usage prevailed in other places, when the refusal to comply with such a request incurred the penalty of being debarred from the well-known privilege of the mistletoe. See Book of Days, vol. ii. p. 753. SCH.LY ISLES. Troutbeck, in his State of the Stilly Isles (1796, p. 172), gives the following account of how Christinas was celebrated in his time. The young people, he says, exercise a sort of gallantry among themselves, which they call goose- dancing, when the maidens are dressed up for young men and the young men for maidens. In the day time they dance about the streets in masquerade, vieing with each other who can appear the most uncouth. In the evenings they visit their neighbours in companies, where they dance and make their jokes upon what has happened in the islands. By this sort of sport according to yearly custom and tolera- tion, there is a spirit of wit and drollery kept up among the people. The maidens, who are sometimes dressed up for sea captains and other officers, display their alluring graces to the ladies, who are young men equipped for that purpose ; and the ladies exert their talents to them in courtly addresses, their hangers are sometimes drawn, &c., after which, and other pieces of drollery, the scene shifts to music and dancing, which being over they are treated with liquor and then go to the next house of entertainment. They have a custom also of singing carols at church on Christmas Day, to which the congregation make contributions by dropping money into a hat carried about the church when the performance is over. Heath's Account of the Scilly Isles, p. 125. SOMERSETSHIRE. At West Hatch the reeve or bailiff to the manor provided at the lord's expense a feast on Christmas Day, and dis- tributed to each householder a loaf of bread, a pound and a half of beef, and the like quantity of poj'k, undressed, and the same evening treated them with a supper. Collinson, History of County of Somerset, 1791, vol. ii. p. 186. 480 CHRISTMAS DAT. FDEC. 25, The following lines are sung at the Christmas mmnmings in this county : " Here comes I, liddle man Jun, With my zword in my han ! If you don't all do, As you be told by I, I'll zend you all to York, Vor to make apple-pie." Brand, Pop. Antiq. 1849, vol. i. p. 466. STAFFORDSHIRE. In Shaw's History of Staffordshire (1798-1801) is men- tioned a custom formerly prevalent in the parish of Great Barr, for the rector on every Christmas Day to give to each person, great and small, of his parish that came to his house, so much bread, beef, mustard, and vinegar as they could eat. Latterly, however, money was given instead. Plot, in his Natural History of Staffordshire (1G86, p. 434), gives the following account of a jocular custom celebrated in olden times at Bromley Abbots. He says : Within memory, at Abbots or Pagets Bromley, they had a sort of sport which they celebrated at Christmas (on New Year and Twelfth Day) called the Hobby-horse Dance from a person who carried the image of a horse between his legs, made of thin boards, and in his hands a bow and arrow which, passing through a hole in the bow and stopping upon a shoulder it had in it, he made a snapping noise as he drew it to and fro, keeping time with the musick ; with this man danced six others, carrying on their shoulders as many reindeer heads, three of them painted white, with three red, with the arms of the chief families (viz., of Paget, Bagot, and Wells), to whom the revenues of the town chiefly belonged, depicted on the palms of them, with which they danced the hays and other country dances. To this hobby-horse dance there also belonged a pot, which was kept by turns by four or five of the chief of the town, whom they called reeves, who provided cake and ale to put into this pot ; all people who had any kind- ness for the goodantcnt of the institution of the sport, giving pence a piece for themselves and their families, and so foreigners too that came to see it, with which money (the DUO. 25.] CHRISTMAS DAT. 481 charge of the cakes and ale bsing defrayed) they not only ivmhvtl their church, but kept the poor too, which charges are not now perhaps so cheerfully borno. There is an ancient payment made by the chamberlain of the corporation of Stafford, of an annual sum of money, generally six shillings, at Christmas, for the purchasing of plums, to be distributed among the inhabitants of certain old houses in the liberty of Forebridge. The origin of this payment is ascribed, by general reputa- tion to the bounty of some individual who heard from some poor children a complaint on Christmas Day that they had no plums for a pudding ; and it is reported that he counted the houses then in the place, and made provision for the supply of a pound of plums for each house. The money received is laid out in plums, which are divided into equal quantities, and made up into parcels, one for each of the houses, fifteen or sixteen in number, entitled by the established usage to receive a portion, without reference to the circum- stances of the inhabitants. Old English Customs and Charities, p. 5. SUFFOLK. Brand (Pop. Antiq. 1849, vol. i. p. 489) alludes to a custom practised in the neighbourhood of Bury St. Edmunds among the young men, of hunting owls and squirrels on Christmas Day. In 1358, at Hawstcad, the customary tenants paid their lord at Christmas a small rent, called offering silver. Eleven of them paid iu all xviij d - In 1386 the Christmas offerings made by the master for his domestics amounted to xiiij d< for seven servants. Cullum, History of Hawstead, 1813, pp. 13-14. WESTMORELAND. At Kendal, if a man be found at work in Christmas week his fellow-tradesmen lay violent hands on him, and carry him on a pole to the ale-house, where he is to treat them. Southey's Common Place Book, 1851, 4th series, p. 354. 2 i 482 CHRISTMAS DAY. [DEC. 25. WORCESTERSHIRE. At Bewdley it was the custom for the bellman to go round on Christmas morning, ringing his bell in several parts of the town, and singing the following doggerel, first saying, " Good morning, masters and mistresses all, I wish you all a merry Christmas": " Arise mistress, arise, And make your tarts and pies, And let your maids lie still ; For if they should rise and spoil your pies You'd take it very ill. Whilst you are sleeping in your bed, I the cold wintry nights must tread, Past twelve o'cL >ck. Ehe !" Kidderminster Shuttle, Dec. 2nd, 1871. At Yardley such of the poor as are excluded from partaking of certain doles on account of receiving regular weekly relief, are all'' wed one shilling each out of a general charity fund at Christmas, under the name of plum-pudding money, to the extent of about 42. Edwards, Old English Customs and Charities, p. 23. YORKSHIRE. Blount tells us that, in Yorkshire and other northern parts, after sermon or service on Christmas Day, the people will, even in the churches, cry " Ule ! Ule ! " as a token of rejoicing ; and the common sort run about the streets sing- ing: 'Vie! Ule! Ule! Ule! Three puddings in a pule, Crack nuts and cry Ule ! " Sue Brand, Pop. Antiq. 1849, vol. i. pp. 476-477. One never-failing remnant of the olden time observed in this county, says Soane (Curiosities of Literature}, was the cheese, which had been especially made and preserved for the season. It was produced with much ceremony by every rustic dame, who, before she allowed it to be tasted, took a sharp knife and scored upon it rude resemblances to the cross. To this were added the mighty wassail bowl brimming with DEC. 25.] CHRISTMAS DAT. 483 lamb's-wool, and furmity made of barley-meal, which last was also an essential of the breakfast-table. Between Christmas Day and the New Year it is customary in the North Riding of Yorkshire to give every visitor a slice of "pepper cake" (a spiced gingerbread cake) and cheese and a glass of gin. In the North Biding of Yorkshire it is also the custom for the parishioners, after receiving the Sacrament on Christmas Day, to go from church directly to the ale-house, and there drink together as a testimony of charity and friendship. Aubrey, MS. quoted in Time's Telescope, 1826, p. 293. At Filey, on Christmas morning before break of day, there existed formerly the greatest uproar, by numbers of boys going round from house to house, rapping at every door, and roaring out, " I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year," which words were vociferated again and again till the family awoke and admitted the clamorous visitor; who, if he were the first,* was treated with money or cheese and gingerbread, which were also distributed, but less liberally, to subsequent visitors. No persons (boys ex- cepted) ever presumed to go out of doors till the threshold had been consecrated by the entrance of a male. Females had no part in this matter, and if a damsel, lovely as an angel, entered first, her fair form was viewed with horror as an image of death. Cole, Antiquities of Filey, 1828, p. 137. At Huddersfield the children carry about a " wessel-bob," or large bunch of evergreens hung with oranges and apples, and coloured ribbons, singing the following carol : " Here we come a wassailing Among the leaves so green, Here we come a wandering So fair to be seen. C7toru. For it is in Christmas time Strangers travel far and near, So God bless you and send you a happy New year. The custom of first footing seems to have been confined in other places to New Year's Morning. 2 i 2 484 CHRISTMAS DAT. [DEC. 25. We are not daily beggars, That beg from door to door. But we are neighbours' children, Whom you have seen before. Call up the butler of this house, Put on his golden ring, Let him bring us a glass of beer, And the better we shall sing. We have got a little purse Made of stretching leather skin, We want a little of ^-our money To line it well within. Bring us out a table And spread it with a cloth ; Bring out a mouldy cheese, Also your Christmas loaf. God bless the master of this house, Likewise the mistress too, And all the little children That round the table go. Good master and mistress, While you're sitting by the fire, Pray think of us poor children Who are wandering in the mire." N. & Q. 3rd S. vol. xi. p. 144. Some years ago it was the custom in Leeds, and the neighbourhood, for children to go from house to house singing and carrying what they called a " wesley-hob." This they kept veiled in a cloth till they came to a house door, when they uncovered it. The wesley-bob was made of holly and evergreens, like a bovver, inside were placed a couple of dolls, adorned with ribbons, and the whole affair was borne upon a stick. Whilst the wesley-bob was being displayed, a song or ditty was sung. At Aberford, near Leeds, two dolls are carried about in boxes in a similar way, and such an affair here is called a wesley-box. N. & Q. 3rd S. vol. vi. p. 494. At Eipon, on Christmas Day, says a correspondent of the Gent. M^g. (1790, vol. Ix. p. 719), the singing boys come into the church with large baskets full of red apples, with a sprig of rosemary stuck in each, which they present to all the con- gregation, and generally have a return made them of 2d., 4d., or 6d., according to the quality of the lady or gentleman. DEC. 25.] CHBI8TMA8 DAT* 485 The sword or morisco dance used to bo practised at Richmond, during the Christinas holidays, by young men dressed in shirts ornamented with ribbons folded into roses, having swords, or wood cut in the form of that weapon. They exhibited various feats of activity, attended by an old fiddler, by Bessy in the grotesque habit of an old woman, and by the fool almost coveied with skins, a hairy cap on his head, and the tail of a fox hanging from his head. These led the festive throng, and diverted the crowd with their droll antic buffoonery. The office of one of these characters was to go about rattling a box:, and soliciting money from door to door to defray the expenses of a feast and a dance in the evening. History of Richmond, 1814, p. 296. In Sheffield, a male must be the first to enter a house on the morning of both Christmas Day and Now Year's Day ; but there is no distinction as to complexion or colour of hair. In the houses of the more opulent manufacturers, these first admissions are often accorded to choirs of work- people, who, as " waits," proceed at an early hour and sing before the houses of their employers and friends Christmas carols and hymns, always commencing with that beautiful composition : " Christians, awake, salute the happy morn, Whereon the Saviour of mankind was bom." On expressing their good wishes to the inmates, they are generally rewarded with something warm and occasionally with a pecuniary present. Among the class called " respectable," but not manu- facturers, a previous arrangement is often made ; that a boy, the son of a friend, shall come and be first admitted, receiving for his good wishes a Christmas-box of sixpence or a shilling. The houses of the artisans and poor are successively besieged by a host of gamins, who, soon after midnight, spread them- selves over the town, shouting at the doors, and through key- holes, as follows : a Au wish ya a murry ChrismaB, A 'nppy new year, A* pockit full of munny, An' a celler full a' beer. 486 CHRISTMAS DAT. [DEC. 25 Go 1 bless the maester of this 'ouse The mistriss ail-so, An' all the little childrun That round the table go. A apple, a pare, a plom, an' a cherry ; A sup a' good ale mak' a man murry," &e. The same house will not admit a second boy. One is suffi- cient to protect it from any ill-luck that might otherwise happen. A penny is the usual gratuity for this service. N. & Q. 3rd S. vol. v. p. 395. WALES. A custom prevails in Wales of carrying about at Christmas time a horse's skull dressed up with ribbons, and supported on a pole by a man who is concealed under a large white cloth. There is a contrivance for opening and shutting the jaws, and the figure pursues and bites everybody it can lay hold of, and does not release them except on payment of a fine. It is generally accompanied by some men dressed up in a grotesque manner, who, on reaching a house, sing some extempore verses requesting admittance, and are in turn answered by those within, until one party or the other is at a loss for a reply. The Welsh are undoubtedly a practical people, and these verses often display a good deal of clever- ness. This horse's head is called Mari Lwyd, which I have heard translated " Grey mare." Lywd certainly is grey, but Mari is not a mare in Welsh.* N. & Q. 1st S. vol. i. p. 173. Upon Christmas Day, about three o'clock in the morning, the Welsh in many parts used to assemble in church, and after prayers and a sermon, continue there singing psalms and hymns with great devotion, till it was daylight ; and if, through age or infirmity, any were disabled from attending, they never failed having prayers at home, and carols on our * This custom was also practised in one or two places in Lancashire about the year 1840. The horse was played in a similar way, but the performer was called " Old Ball." It is no doubt a vestige of the old "hobby-horse." Ibid. p. 245. DEC. 25.] CHRISTMAS DAY. 487 Saviour's nativity. This act of devotion was called Pulijen, or the crowning of the cock. It was a general belief among She superstitious that instantly " At his warning, Whether in sea, or fire, in earth, or air, Th' extravagant, and erring spirit, hies To his confine " During Christmas time, the cock was supposed to exert liis power throughout the night, from which no doubt origi- nated the Welsh word " Pulgen " as applied to this custom. Bingley's Tour Bound North Wales, 1800, vol. ii. p. 226. At Tenby it was customary at 4 o'clock on Christmas morning for the yonng men of the town to escort the rector with lighted torches from his residence to church. Mason's Tales and Traditions of Tenby, 1858, p. 4. Sometimes also before or after Christmas Day the fisher- men of Tenby dressed up one of their number whom they called the " Lord Mayor of Pennyless Cone," with a covering of evergreens and a mask over his face ; they would then carry him about, seated on a chair, with flags flying, and a couple of violins playing before him. Before every house the " Lord Mayor " would address the occupants, wishing them a merry Christmas and a happy new year. If his good wishes were responded to with money his followers gave three cheers, the masquer would himself return thanks, and the crowd again cheered. Ibid. p. 5. SCOTLAND. In some parts of Scotland, he who first opens the door on Yule Day expects to prosper more than any other member of the family during the future year because, as the vulgar express it, "He lets in yule." On opening the door, it is customary with some to place in the doorway a table or chair covered with a clean cloth ; and, according to their own language, to " set on it bread and cheese to yule." Early in the morning, as soon as any one of the family gets out of bed, a new besom is set behind the outer door, the design being to " let in yule," These superstitious, in which yulo 488 CHKISTMAS DAT. [DEC. 2. is not only personified, but treated as a deity, are evidently of heathen origin, It is common also to have a table covered in the house, from morning until evening, with bread and drink upon it, that every one who calls may take a portion, and it is considered particularly inauspicious if any one comes into a house and leaves ifrwithout doing so. Whatever number of persons call on this day, all must partake of the good cheer. Mcd. jEvi Kalend. vol. i. p. 48 ; see Jamieson, Etymol. Diet., Art. Yule. Any servant uho is supposed to have a due regard to the interests of the family, and is not at the same time emanci- pated from the yoke of superstition, is careful to go early to the well on Christmas morning to draw water, pull the corn out of the sack, and also to bring kale from the kitchen garden. This is intended to insure prosperity to the family (Ibid. p. 99). It is in fact Ihe same as the Usque Cashrichd, which was noticed among the superstitious customs of the first of January. See p. 17. The doings of the guisards (that is, masquers), eays Chambers (Pop. Rhymes, 1870, p. 169), form a conspicuous feature in the New Year proceedings throughout Scotland. The evenings on which these personages are understood to be privileged to appear, are those of Christmas, Hogmanay, New Year's Day, and Handsel Monday. Dressed up in quaint and fantastic attire, they sing a selection of songs which have been practised by them some weeks before. There were important doings, however, one of a theatrical character. There is one rude and grotesque drama (called Galatian) which they are accustomed to perform on each of the four above mentioned nights, and which in various fragments or versions exists in every part of Lowland Scotland. The performers, who are never less than throe, but sometimes as many as six, having dressed themselves, proceed in a band from house to house, generally contenting themselves with the kitchen for an arena, whither in man- sions, presided over by the spirit of good humour, the whole family will resort to witness the scene of mirth. Soe Chambers' Pop. Rhymes, p. 170. DEC. 25.] CHRISTMAS DAY. 489 ANGUS-SHIRE. At Christmas and the New Year, the opulent burghers begin to feast with their friends, and go a round of visits, which takes up the space of many weeks. Upon such occasions the gravest is expected to be merry, and to join iu a cheerful song. Sinclair, Stat. Ace. of Scotland, 1793, vol. v. p. 48. FOBFABSHIBE. From the same authority we learn that, in the parish of Kirkden, on Christmas Day, the servant is free from his master, and goes about visiting his friends and acquaintances. The poorest man must have beef or mutton on the table, and what they call a dinner with their friends. They amuse themselves with various diversions, particularly with shooting for prizes, called here wad-shooting, and many do but little business all the Christmas week. Ibid. vol. ii. p. 509. ABERDEENSHIRE. Christmas morn is welcomed at St. Fergus by liberal libations of drinkiny-sowins, or, as they are called by the old people, Itnottinfj-sowins ; and by the gathering of friends and neighbours around the social hearth. That the humblest householder in the parish may have his Christmas cakes, a distribution of meal, the gift of a benevolent individual, is annually made by the kirk-session on Christmas Day, to the poor on the roll. Stat. Ace. of Scotland, 1845, vol. xii. p. 198. In certain parts also of the county of Aberdeen, the custom of not working during the three days of Christmas (Old Style) is still kept up. Straw, termed " yule straw," is gathered beforehand, and everything needed for food and fuel prepared in a similar way, so that the festival may be kept in peace. N. & Q. 3rd S. vol. ii. p. 483. BANFFSHIRE. In the account of Keith, given in the Stat. Ace. of Scotland (1793, vol. v. p. 428), the inhabitants are said to have no 490 CHRISTMAS DAT. [DEC. 2$. pastimes or holidays except dancing on Christmas and New Year's Day. BERWICK-TJPON-TWEED. Fuller, in his History of Berwick upon Tweed (1799, p. 446), alluding to the customs of that place, says, there are four men called town waits, who belong to the borough. Their business is to walk before the mayor, recorder, and justices, playing on violins, all the way to and from church on Christmas Day, the day of the election of a mayor, and November the 5th. They also are obliged to attend these gentlemen at their four public dinners. THE HIGHLANDS. As soon as the brightening glow of the eastern sky warns the anxious housemaid of the approach of Christinas Day, she rises, full of anxiety, at the prospect of her morning labours. The meal, which was steeped in the sowans-boivie a fortnight ago to make the Prechdacdan sour or sour scones, is the first object of her attention. The gridiron is put on the fire, and the sour scones are soon followed by hard cakes, soft cakes, buttered cakes, bannocks, and pannich perm. The baking being once over, the so wans pot succeeds the gridiron, full of new sowans, which are to be given to the family, agreeably to custom, this day in their beds. The sowans are boiled into the consistence of molasses, when the lagan-le-vrich or yeast-bread, to distinguish it from boiled sovvans, is ready. It is then poured into as many bickers as there are individuals to partake of it, and pre- sently served to the whole, both old and young. As soon as each despatches his bicker, he jumps out of bed the elder branches to examine the ominous signs of the day, and the younger to enter on its amusements. Flocking to the swing, a favourite amusement on this occasion, the youngest of the family gets the first " shouder," and the next oldest to him in regular succession. In order to add more to the spirit of the exercise, it is a common practice with the person in the swing and the person appointed to swing him to enter into a very warm and humorous altercation. As the swinged DEC. 25.] CHBISTMAS DAY. 491 person approaches the swinger, he exclaims, " Ei mi tu chal" "I'll eat your kail." To this the swinger replies, with a violent shove, " Cha ni u mu chal," " You shan't eat my kail." These threats and repulses are sometimes carried to such a height as to break down or capsize the threatener, which generally puts an end to the quarrel. As the day advances those minor amusements are termi- nated at the report of the gun or the rattle of the ball clubs the gun inviting the marksman to the " Jciavamuchd," or prize shooting, and the latter to " Luchd-vouil," or the ball combatants both the principal sports of the day. Tired at length of the active amusements of the field, they exchange them for the substantial entertainment of the table. Groan- ing under the "Sonsy-haggis " and many other savoury dainties unseen for twelve months before, the relish communicated to the company by the appearance of the festive board is more easily conceived than described. The dinner once despatched, the flowing bowl succeeds and the sparkling glass flies to and fro like a weaver's shuttle. The rest of the day is spent in dancing and games. Grant, Popular Superstitions of the Highlands. OBKNET. A writer in the Stat. Ace. of Scotland (1845, vol. xv. p. 127), speaking of Westray, says: One custom in this parish and common to Orkney at large, is that of allowing the servants four or five days' liberty at Christmas to enjoy themselves, only the most necessary part of domestic work, with due attention to the bestial on the farm, is done on these days. The master of the house has also to keep up a well-furnished table for all his servants at this season. IRELAND. At Culdaff, previous to Christmas, it is customary with the labouring classes to raffle for mutton, when a sufficient number can subscribe to defray the cost of a sheep. During the Christmas holidays they amuse themselves with a game of kamman, which consists in impelling a wooden ball with 492 ST. STEPHENS DAY. [DEC. 2b. a crooked stick to a given point, while an adversary en- deavours to drive it in a contrary direction. Mason, Stat. Ace. of Ireland, 1814, vol. ii p. 160. DEC. 26.] ST. STEPHEN'S DAT. FOE some unexplained reason St. Stephen's Day was a great period with our ancestors for bleeding their horses, which was practised by people of all ranks, and recommended by the old agricultural poet Tusser, in his Five Hundred Points of Husbandry (chap. xxii. st. 16), who says : " Yer, Christmas be passed, let Iwrsse be let Wood, For manie a purpose it dooth him much good ; The day of S. Steeven old fathers did use ; If that do mislike thee, some other day chuse." Mr. Douce says that the practice was introduced into this country by the Danes. Naogeorgus, according to his translator, Barnaby Googe, refers to it, and assigns a reason : " Then folio weth Saint Stephen's Day, whereon doth every man, His horses jaunt and course abrode, as swiftly as he can, Until they doe extreemely sweate, and then they let them blood ; For this being done upon this day, they say doth do them good, And keepos them from all maladies, and sickiiesse through the yeare, As if that Steven any time took charge of horses heare." In explanation, it may be stated that the Saint was the patron of horses, and that on this day, which the Germans call Der grosse Pferdstag, the Pope's stud was physicked and bled for the sake of the blood which was supposed to be a remedy in many disorders. Aubrey, in his Remains of Gentillsme (MS. Lansd. 226), says : " On St. Stephen's day, the farrier came constantly and blouded all our cart-horses." In the "Receipts and Disbursements of the canons of St. Mary in Huntingdon," is the following entry : " Item, for letting our horses blede in Chrystmasse weke, iiij d ." Med. 2Evi Kalend. 1841, vol. i. p. 118. DEC. 26.] ST. STEPHEN'S DAT. 493 Christmas Boxes is a term now applied to gifts of money at Christmas given away on St. Stephen's Day, commonly called Boxing Day, whereas, anciently, it signified the boxes in which gifts were deposited. These boxes closely re- sembled the Eoman Paganalia, for the reception of con- tributions at rural festivals ; from which custom, with certain changes, is said to have been derived our Christmas Boxes. At Pompeii have been found earthen boxes, in which money wus slipped through a hole. Aubrey found one filled with Roman denarii. Timbs' Something for Everybody, 1861, p. 152 ; see JV. & Q. 3rd S. vol. xi. pp. 65, 107, 164, 245 ; sco also Fosbroke's Enclyclopcedia of Antiquities, 1840, p. 662. BEDFORDSHIRE. In Bedfordshire there formerly existed a custom of the poor begging the broken victuals the day after Christmas Day. -Times Telescope, 1822, p. 298. BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. It is stated in the Parliamentary Returns in 1786, that some laud, then let at 12Z. per annum, was given by Sir Hugh Kite for the poor of the parish of Clifton Reynes. It appears from a book, in the custody of the minister, dated 1821, compiled by an antiquary for a history of the county, that the rector holds a close of pasture-ground called Kites, which had been formerly given to support a lamp burning in the church of Clifton Reynes, but which was subject to a charge of finding one small loaf, a piece of cheese, and a pint of ale to every married person, and half-a-piut for every unmarried person, resident in Clifton on the feast of St. Stephen, when they walked in the parish boundaries in Rogation week. The close was annexed to the rectory in the 12th of Elizabeth. Old English Customs and diarities, 1842, p. 120. There Was formerly a custom in the parish of Drayton Beauchamp called Stephening. All the inhabitants used to go on St. Stephen's Day to the rectory, and eat as much bread and cheese and drink as much ale as they chose at tho expense of the rector, 494 BT. STEPHEN'S DAY. [DEC. 26. The usage gave rise to so much rioting that it was discon- tinued, and an annual sum was distributed instead in propor- tion to the number of the claimants. In time, the number of inhabitants, however, increased so considerably, that about the year 1827 the custom was dropped. Ibid. p. 121. CAMBRIDGESHIRE. St. Stephen's Day was formerly observed at Cambridge. Slicer, a character in the old play of the Ordinary says, " Let the Corporal Come sweating under a breast of mutton, stuffed With pudding." This, says the annotator, was called St. Stephen's pudding ; it used formerly to be provided at St. John's College, Cam- bridge, uniformly on St. Stephen's Day. Dodsley's Old Plays, 1721, vol. x. p. 229 ; Med. Mm Kalend. vol. i. p. 119. ISLE OF MAN. Hunting the wren has been a pastime in the Isle of Man from time immemorial. In Waldron's time it was observed on the 24th of December, though afterwards it was observed on St. Stephen's Day. This singular ceremony is founded on a tradition that, in former times, a fairy of uncommon beauty exerted such undue influence over the male popula- tion, that she, at various times, induced, by her sweet voice, numbers to follow her footsteps, till by degrees she led them into the sea where they perished. This barbarous exercise of power had continued for a great length of time, till it was apprehended that the island would be exhausted of its de- fenders, when a knight-errant sprang up, who discovered some means of countervailing the charms used by this siren, and even laid a plot for her destruction, which she only escaped at the moment of extreme hazard by taking the form of a wren. But though she evaded instant annihilation, a spell was cast upon her by which she was condemned, on every succeeding New Year's Day, to reanimate the same form with the definite sentence that she must ultimately DEC. 26.] ST. STEPHEN'S DAY. 495 perish by human hand. In consequence of this legend, on the specified anniversary, every man and boy in the island (except those who have thrown off the trammels of supersti- tion) devote the hours between sunrise and sunset to the hope of extirpating the fairy, and woe be to the individual birds of that species who show themselves on this fatal day to the active enemies of the race ; they are pursued, pelted, fired at, and destroyed, without mercy, and their feathers preserved with religious care, it being an article of belief that every one of the relics gathered in this laudable pursuit is an effec- tive preservative from shipwreck for one year; and that fisherman would be considered extremely foolhardy who should enter upon his occupation without such a safeguard ; when the chase ceases, one of the little victims is affixed to the top of a long pole with its wings extended, and carried in front of the hunters, who march in procession to every house, chanting the following rhyme : " We hunted the wren for Kobin the Bobbin, We hunted the wren for Jack of the Can, We hunted the wren for Robin the Bobbin, We hunted the wren for every one." After making the usual circuit and collecting all the money they could obtain, they laid the wren on a bier and carried it in procession to the parish churchyard, where, with a whimsi- cal kind of solemnity, they made a grave, buried it and sang dirges over it in the Hanks language, which they call her knell. After the obsequies were performed, the company, outside the churchyard wall, formed a circle and danced to music which they had provided for the occasion. At present there is not a particular day for pursuing the wren : it is captured by boys alone, who follow the old custom principally for amusement. On St. Stephen's Day a group of boys go from door to door with a wren suspended by tho legs, in the centre of two hoops crossing each other at right angles, decorated with evergreens and ribbons, singing lines called Hunt the Wren. If at the close of this rhyme they are fortunate enough to obtain a small coin, they give in return a feather of the wren ; and before the close of the day the little bird may sometimes be seen hanging about featherless. The ceremony of the interment of this bird in the churchyard, at 496 ST. STEPHEN'S DAT. [DEC. 26. the close of St. Stephen's Day, has long since been abandoned ; and the sea-shore or some waste ground was substituted in its place. NORFOLK. It is an old custom in the town of East Dereham, to ring a mnffled peal from the church tower on the morning of St. Stephen's Day. N. & Q. 3rd S. vol. iii. p. 69. OXFORDSHIRE. The three vicars of Bampton, give beef and beer on the morning of St. Stephen's Day to those who choose to partake of it. This is called St. Stephen's breakfast. Southey's Common Place Book, ih S. 1851, p. 395. YORKSHIRE. A correspondent of the Gent. Mag. (1811, vol. Ixxxi. pt. i. p. 423) says, that in the North Biding of Yorkshire on the feast of St. Stephen large goose pies are made, all of which they distribute among their needy neighbours, except one, which is carefully laid up, and not tasted till the Purifi- cation of the Virgin, called Candlemas. On this day, also, six youths, clad in white and bedecked with ribbands, with swords in their hands, travel from one village to another, performing the " sword dance." They are attended by a fiddler, a youth whimsically dressed, named " Bessy," and by one who personates a physician. One of the six youths acts the part of a king in a sort of farce, which consists chiefly of music and dancing, when the " Bessy " interferes while they are making a hexagon with their swords, and is killed. Times Telescope, 1814, p. 315. WALES. On St. Stephen's Day, everybody is privileged to whip another person's legs with holly, and this is often reciprocally done till the blood streams down. Southey's Common Place Book (1851, kth S. p. 365). In Mason's Tales and Traditions of Tenby (1858, p. 5) this custom is alluded to as being celebrated at that place. DEO. 28.] HOLY INNOCENTS' DAT. 497 IRELAND. On the anniversary of St. Stephen it is customary for groups of young villagers to bear about a holly-bush adorned with ribbons, and having many wrens depending from it. This is carried from house to house with some ceremony, the " wren-boys " chanting several verses, the burthen of which may be collected from the following lines of their song : " The wren, the wren, the king of all birds, St. Stephen's Day was caught in the furze, Although he is little, his family's great, I pray you, good landlady, give us a treat. My box would speak if it had but a tongue, And two or three shillings would do it no wrong; Sing holly, sing ivy sing ivy, sing holly, A drop just to drink, it would drown melancholy. And if you draw it of the best, I hope in Heaven your soul may rest; But if you draw it of the small, It won't agree with the wi en-boys at all ;" &c., &c. A small piece of money is usually bestowed on them, and the evening concludes in merry-making with the money thus collected. Croker, Researches in the South of Ireland, 1824, p. 233. DEO. 28.] HOLY INNOCENTS' DAT. IN consequence probably of the feelings of horror attached to such an act of atrocity as Herod's murder of the children, Innocents' Day used to be reckoned about the most unlucky throughout the year ; and in former times no one who could possibly avoid it began any work or entered on any under- taking on this anniversary.* To many Childermas Day * In the play of Sir John Oldcnetle, the prevalence of this belief is instanced by an objection urged to an expedition proposed on u Friday : " Friday, quoth'a, a dismal day ; Candlemas-day this year was Fiiday. " 2 K 498 HOLY INNOCENTS' DAT. [DEC. 28. was especially inauspicious. It is said of the equally super- st'tious and unprincipled monarch, Louis XI., that he would never perform any business, or enter into any discussion about his affairs, on this day, and to make to him then any proposal of the kind was certain to exasperate him to the utmost. We are informed too that, in England, on the occa- sion of the coronation of King Edward IV., that solemnity which had been originally intended to take place on Sunday, was postponed till the Monday, owing to the former day being in that year the festival of Childermas. This idea of the inauspicious nature of the day was long prevalent, and is even yet not wholly extinct. To the present hour the house wives in Cornwall, and probably also in other parts of the country, refrain scrupulously from scouring or scrubbing on Innocents' Day. Book of Days, vol. ii. p. 776. It was, moreover, not considered lucky upon this day to put on new clothes or pare the nails. In 1517, h >wever, King Henry VIII., by an order, en- joined, " that lie King of Cockneys, on Childermas Day, should sit aud have due service ; and that he and all his officers should use honest manner and good order, without any waste or destruction making in wine, brawn, chely, or other vitails ; and also that he and his marshal, butler, and constable marshal, should have their lawful and honest commandments by- delivery of the officers of Christmas, and that the said King of Cockneys, he, none of his officers, medyl neither in the buttery nor in the stuard of Christmass, his officer, upon pain of 40s. for every such meddling ; and lastly, that Jack Straw and all his adherents should be thenceforth utterly banisht, and no more to be used in this house, upon pain to forfeit, for every time, five pounds, to be levied on every fellow liappening to offend against this rule." Every Day Book, 1862, vol. i. p. 164.3 ; Dugclale's Orig. Jurid. It was at one time customary on this day to whip the juvenile members of a family. Gregory remarks that "it hath been a custom, and yet is elsewhere, to whip up the children upon Innocents' Day morning, that the memorie of this murther might stick the closer ; and, in a moderate propor- tion, to act over the crueltie again in kind." Gregory also states another custom, on the authority of an old ritual DEC. 28.] HOLT INNOCENTS' DAY. 499 belonging to the Abbey of Oseney, communicated to him by his friend, Dr. Gerard Langbain, the Provost of Queen's College, Oxford, from which it appears that, at the church of Oseney, " they were wont to bring out, upon this day, the foot of a child prepared after their fashion, and put upon with red and black colours, as to signify the dismal part of the day. They put this up in a chest in the vestry, ready to be produced at the time, and to be solemnly carried about the church to be adored by the people." Gregorie's Works, Episcopus Puerorum in Die Innocentium, 1684, p. 113. GLOUCESTERSHIRE . At Woodchester a muffled peal is rung on this day. Kalendar of the English Church, 1866, p. 194. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. In Northamptonshire this festival was called " Dyzemas Day." Miss Baker, in her Glossary of Northamptonshire Words (1854, vol. i. p. 207), says she was told by a sexa- genarian on the southern side of the county that, within his remembrance, this day was kept as sacred as the Sabbath, and it was considered particularly unlucky to commence any undertaking, or even to wash, on the same day of the week throughout the year on which the anniversary of this day last fell, and it was commonly said, " What is begun on Dyzemas Day will never be finished." The source of the ill-omened Dyzemas has not been settled : its origin has been suggested from Greek due, and mass, as being expressive of misfortune, evil, peril, in allusion to the massacre of the Innocents. A correspondent of N. & Q. ('2nd S. vol. iii. pp. 289 and 495) asks if it has not reference to the name Desmas, given to one of the thieves crucified with our Lord ; universal tradition seeming to attach Desmas to the penitent, and Gestas (or Yesmas) to the impenitent thief? And if the local tradition has any reference to these names, it would seem as if Desmas was the name of ill-omen. It has also been suggested that Dyzemas Day is tithe day : in Portuguese, dizimas ) dizimos, tenths, tithes ; in law Latin, 2 K 2 500 HOLY INNOCENTS' DAT. [DEC. 28. decimae, the same. Timbs thinks it referable to the old north-country word disen, i.e., to dress out in holiday finery, especially at this festive season. Something for Everybody, (1861, p. 154). SOMERSETSHIRE. From time immemorial a muffled peal has been rung on this festival at Leigh-upon-Mendip. At Wells, also, on this day, the bells of the cathedral ring out a muffled peal in commemoration of the martyrdom of the Innocents. Kalendar of the Church of England, 1866, p. 194. WORCESTERSHIRE. At Norton, near Evesham, it is customary, says a corre- spondent of N. & Q. (1st S. vol. viii. p. 617), to ring first a muffled peal for the slaughter of the Holy Innocents, and then an unmuffled peal of joy for the deliverance of the Infant Christ. IRELAND. Holy Innocents' Day is with the Irish " the cross day of tlie year," which they call in their own tongue " La crosfca na bliana," or sometimes " Diar daoin darg," the latter phrase signifying " blood Thursday." On this day the Irish house- wife will not warp thread, or permit it to be warped ; and the Irish say that anything begun on this day must have an unlucky ending. The following legend regarding the day is current in the county of Clare : Between the parishes of Quin and Tulla in this county is a lake called Turlough. In the lake is a little island, and among a heap of loose stones in the middle of the island rises a white thorn-bush, which is called " Scagh an Earla " (the earl's bush). A suit of clothes made for a child on the " Cross day," or " Diar daoin darg," was put on the child the child died. The clothes were put on a second and on a third child they also died. The parent of the children at length put out the clothes on the " Scagh an Earla," and when the waters fell which for a time covered the bush, the clothes were found to be full of dead eels. Such is the story ; and other stories like it are freely told of the consequences DEO. 3!.] NEW TEAIl's EVE. 501 of commencing work on " the cross day of the year " in Ireland. N. & Q. S. vol. xii. p. 185. DEC. 31.] NEW YEAE'S EVE. THE last night of the old year has been called Singing-E'en, from tlie custom of singing carols on the evening of this day. This eve is called by the Wesleyan Methodists Watch Night, because at their principal chapels the ministers and congregations hold a service to watch out the old year, i.e., they pray until about five minutes to twelve o'clock, and then observe a profound silence until the clock strikes, when they exult ingly burst forth with a hymn of praise and joy. Latterly, this service has been very generally observed by evangelical churchmen. See Timbs' Something for Everybody, 1861, p. 156. Wassail-bowl. Formerly, at this season, the head of the house assembled his family around a bowl of spiced ale, from which he drank their healths, then passed it to the rest, that they might drink too. The word that passed amongst them was the ancient Baxon phrase, trass hael ; that is, to your health. Hence this came to be recognised as the Wassail or Wassel-bowl. The poorer class of people carried a bowl adorned with ribbons round the neighbourhood, begging for something wherewith to obtain the means of filling it. Book of Days, vol. i. p. 27 ; See Nare's Glossary ( Halliwell and Wright), 1859, vol. ii. p. 943 ; Antiquarian Eepertory, vol. i. p. 218 ; Ritson's Ancient Songs, 1790, p. 304. CORNWALL. New Year's Day and Eve are holidays with the miners. It has been said they refuse to work on these days from superstitious reasons. Hunt's Romances of tfie West of England, 1871, p. 350. CUMBERLAND. At Muncaster, on the eve of the new year, the children used to go from house to house singing a ditty which craves 502 NE\V TEAK'S EVE. [DEC. 31. the bounty " they were wont to have in old King Edward's days." No tradition exists as to the origin of this custom. The donation was twopence or a pie at every house. Hutchinson, History of Cumberland, 1794, vol. i. p. 570, note. DERBYSHIRE. On New Year's Eve a cold possett, as it is called, made of milk, ale, eggs, currants, and spice, is prepared, and in it is placed the wedding-ring of the hostess ; each of the party takes out a ladle full, and in doing so takes every precaution to fish up the ring, as it is believed that whoever is fortunate enough to " catch " the ring will be married before the year is out. On the same night it is customary in some districts to throw open all the doors of the house just before midnight, and to wait for the coming year, as for an honoured guest, by meeting him as he approaches, and crying, " Welcome ! " Jour, of the Arch. Assoc. 1852, vol. vii. p. 201. GLOUCESTERSHIRE. On New Year's Eve the wassailers go about carrying with them a large bowl, dressed up with garlands and ribbons, and repeat the following song : " Wassail ! wassail ! all over the town, Our toast it is white, our ale it is brown, Our bowl it is made of a maplin tree ; We be good fellows all, I drink to thee. Here's to our horse, and to his right ear, God send our maister a happy New Year ; A happy New Year as e'er he did see With my wassailing bowl I drink to thee. Here's to our mare and to her right eye, God send our mistress a good Christmas pye : A good Christmas pye as e'er I did sec With my wassailing bowl J drink to thee. Here's to Fil'pail [cow] and to her long tail, God send our measter us never may fail Of a cup of good beer, I pray you draw near, And our jolly wassail it's then yon shall hear. DEC. 31.] NEW YEAR'S EVE. 503 Be here any maids? I suppose there be .'ome, Sure they will not lit young men stand on the cold alone; Sing hey, O maids, come trule buck tlie pin, And the fairest maid in the house let us all in. C<>me, butler, come bring us a bowl of the beat : I hope ymr soul in heaven will rest; But if you do bring us a bowl of the small, Then down fall butler, bowl and all." See Dixoris Ancient Poems, 1846, p. 19ft ISLE OF MAN. In many of the upland cottages it is customary for the housewife, after raking the fire for the night, and just before stepping into bed, to spread the ashes smooth over the floor with the tongs in the hope of finding in it, next morning, the tract of a foot ; should the toes of this ominous print point towards the door, then it is believed a member of the family will die in the course of that year ; but should the heel of the fairy foot point in that direction, then it is firmly be- lieved that the family will be augmented within the saint) period. Train, History of Isle of Man, 1845, vol. ii. p. 115. NOTTIMJHAMSHIBE. Of the New Year's customs observed in this county t'ie wassail was until recently observed to a considerable extent. This friendly custom was observed by the young women of the village, who accustomed themselves to go about from door to door on New Year's Eve, neatly dressed for the occasion, and bearing a bowl richly decorated with ever- greens and ribbands, and filled with a compound of ale, roasted apples, and toast, and seasoned with nutmeg and sugar. The bowl was ottered to the inmates with the singing of the following amongst other versus : " Good master, at your door, Our \Ya.ay, 4l'3 Boy's Bailiff, 287 i: v Bishop, 291, 432 Boyne, battle of, 337 Braggot, 1 17 Braggnt Sunday, 117 Brt-nd, bak.'d MI Good Friday, 149 I'.r.-iid Ma-s. 347 Brices' (St.) Day, 421 Bride -Ale, 278 Bridget's i St.) Eve, 344 Brine, blessing .f the, 210 Buckinghamshire, 6, 58, 60, 135, 169, ^H, 2:: I. 290,291,814,328, 331, 354, 373, 390, 419, 42G, 4U7, 493 Ball-baiting, 3(59, 439 Boll-miming, 421 bun?, mado on Good Friday, 150, ]f>7 Burning out the Old Year, 506 P.uryin' 1'. tf-r.' 3 a Burying tin- .Maeo. 380 Bastard, t;it :i ut Clui-lma-, 450 Cake Night. 398 Cambridgeshire, 39, 105, 123, 234, 323, 334, 313, 419, 423,426, 46S, 4 ( .4 Candles ortVrvd to St. Blayse, G2 Candle Bearing, 54 Candle Day, 428 Candlemi .- Ba', 57 Candlemas bleez or blaze, 56 Candlemas (.'audio, 55 Candlemas Day, 54 Candlema Eve, 52 Card-playing at Christmas, 4G3 Careing Fair, 118 Careing Sunday, 119 Care Sunday, 121 Carl Sunday, 122 Carlings, 122 Carling Groat, 123 Carling Sunday, 122 Carol Singing, 456 ' Catching,' 109 Catherine's (St.) Day, 426 Cathern bowl, 429 Cuttern Day, 426, 370 Chare Thursday, 139 Charles I., Kiug of England, exe- cution of, 50 Charles II., King of England, cele- bration of Twelfth Night by, 29 ; his Rest-ration, 301 Charlton Fair, 387 Cheese, given away at Christinas, 482 Cheshire, 69, 169, 1f>5. 210, 2:4, 283, 314, 324, 40;>, 4> 9, 441, 446 Childermas Day, 498 Children's Day, 177 Chimney Sweepers' Da 1 ice, 231 Chopping at the Tree 167 Christ's Bed, making of, 158 Christ's Ho.-pital, London, 179, 311, 374, 422 Christ's Presentation, 54 Christmas under the Common- wealth, 454 Christmas Book, 456 Chri.-tmaa Box, 19, 493 Christmas Candles, 4:">6 Christmas Carols, 457 Christinas Clog, 52, 452 Christmas Day, 452 Christmas Decorations, 457 Christmas Drink, 473 512 INDEX. Christmas Eve, 446 Christmas Presents, 19 C.iristmas Shorts, 403 Christmas Tree, 4(53 Clome, the, used in wassailing, 21 Cloth Fair, 363 Church-porch, watchinar in the, 200 Ci.urches decorated, 157, 162, 2bO, 281, 457 Claudius Mamertus, Bishop of Vienne, 204 4 Clavie,' the burning of, 507 Clement's (St.) Day, 4'23 . Clipping the Chiuvh, 176 Cob loaf stealing, 4. 51 Cobbs, given away on St. Thomas' D.iy, 442 Cocks and Dumps, 67 Cock Grower, 92 Cock Fighting, 65, 177 4 Cock in the pot,' 39 Cock on the dunghill,' 39 Cock Penny, 79 Cock running, 78 C.ick throwing, 78 Cocque'els, 81 Coelcoeth, 398 Coffin Crusts, 458 Cold Possett, 502 Collar of Brawn, 468 Collop Monday, 57 Columbkill, 310 Columb's (St.) Well, 310 Commencement Day, 334 Compostella, Shrine of St. James at, 345 Coquerells, 81 Coquillcs, 81 Corn Showing, 172 'Corning, going a-,' 443 Cornwall, 47, 58, 73, 120, 121, 128, 162, 216,235, 275,279,302,315, 324, 338, 339, 378, 395, 431, 446, 468, 501 Corpus Christ! Day, 297 Corpus Christi Eve, 297 Coteswold Games, 292 Court of Array, 287 Coventry Show Fair, 300 dab-Apples, gathered on Michael- mas Day. ?76 Crabbing the Parson, 341 Crack-nut Sunday, 375 Cracklin Friday, 153 Cramp Ring-j, 49 Cresset-light, 317 Creeping to the Cross, 148 Crispin's ;St.) Day, 388 Cross, Invention of tiie, 275 Cross Day of the Year, 500 Crowdie, 88 Crowning of the Cock, 487 Croyland Abbey, knives given away at, on St. Baitholomew'd Day, 367 Cuckoo, 187, 192 Cuckoo AL-, l'J2 Cumberland, 29 72, 159, 163, 279, 291, 310, 315, 35U, 419, 469, 501 Curfew B^ll, 78 Cushion Dance, 253 Cuthbert's (St.) Day, 371 4 Cutting off the fid, Her' s head,' 34 Cymhortha, 110 Cypress, u.-ed as decoration at Christmas, 458 Daft Days, 505 4 D;irt, throwing the,' 370 David's (St.) Day, 110 D. ad and Living Ford,' 17 Decoration of Churches, 157, 162, 280, 281, 457 Dcptford Fair, 296 Derbyshire, 30, 39, 74, 99, 105, 128, 165, 170, 211, 237, 283, 3'-2, 404, 409, 412, 446, 469, 502. Desmas, one of the thieves cruci- fied with our Lord, 499 Devils' Knell, 452 Devonshire, 20, 59, 76, 100, 152, 212, 217,237, 302, 308, 324, 348, 446 4 Dipping,' 5 Dipping Day, 235 Dirge Loaf, 410 Dish Fair, 387 INDEX. 513 Dismal Day, tlie, 275 Distaff's (St.) Day. 36 Doggett. Thomas', 349 Dogs, Whipping of, 386, 387 Dole Bread, 401 Doleiug Day, 443 Dorsetshire, 30, 55, 152, 15^, 20.1, 385, 441, 470 Dough-nut Day, 78 Dover, Robert, 2-J2 Drinking Sowins, 489 Druids, 1, 223 Duek-under-water, 253 Dulce Domura, sung at Win- chester School, 284 Dumb-cake, 199,312,384 Durham, 303, b71 Dutton, family of, privileged to license the Cheshire minstrels, 324 Dyzcmas Bay, 499 Eester Day, 161 Kaster Eve, 159 Easter Monday, 1 69 Easter Tuesday, 179 Ecoles Cakes, 3U9 Eccles Wake, 369 Edwatd IV. of England, his Coro- nation, 498 Eel Fair, 293 Egg-hopping, 329 Egg Saturday, 52 Elecampane, 171 Election of kings by beans, 24 Elizabeth, Queen of England, her accession observed, 422 Epiphany, 21 Epping Hunt, 171 Ercomvald's (St.) Day, 422 E^sex, 6, 94, 153, 171, 212, 237, 280,378, 416, 470 Eton Montcm, 290 Eve of the Epiphany, 20 Eve of Paul's Tide, 47 Evelyn, John, ls:j 454 Kvil May-day, 24S Execution of Charles I., King of England, 50 Fade'-dance, 276 Fag-pies, 119 Fairehild Li-ctnre, 291 Faith's (St.) Day, 3SI Farthing Loaf Day, 319 Fastren's E'en, 88 Fastyngonge Tuesday, 81 Fern, superstitions connected with, 312 Ferrers, George, 4CO Festival of Kings, 20 .Viddler's Head, cutting off of the, 34 Fig-one, 15 Fig-pies, 119 Fig-pie Wake, 119 Fig-Mie, 15, 153 Fig-Sundnv, 128, 133 Fires, lighting of, on Eve of the Epiphany, 22; on St Bla'ze's Day, 61 ; on St. John's Eve, i! 1 :> ; on Hallow Eve, 395 ' First Foot,' 5, 17, 483 Flag Day 332 Flap-dragon, 463 Flap-jack, 63 Flitting Day, 301 Floralia, 223, 245 Flower of the Well, 17 Flower Sermon, 291 Flowering Sunday, 134 Font-hallowing, 159 Fool-plough, 37 Football, 75, 83, 87, 401 Freemen's Well, the, 201 Friars' Girdles, worn by ladies, 94 Friday in Lide, 120 Fritter Bell, 78 Fritter Thursday, 96 Fruttors Thursday, 96 Funeral of the Alleluia, 45 Furmity, 117,472,483 Furry Festival, 275 Gammon of Bacon, eaten at Easter K,2 Gang Monday Land, 210 Ganifweek, 21)4 Ganging Day, 380 2 L 514 INDEX. Garland Day, 243 Garland Sundiy, 376 Gflrlic Sunday, 376 Gaunt, John of, 358 George's (St.) Day, 192 Gerard's Hall, 247 Gestas, one of the thieves crucified with our Lord, 499 Giants, display of, at Chester, 314 Gregory's (St.) Day, 125 Glastonbury thorn, 34, 454, 467 Gloucestershire, 22, 238, 280, 292, 379, 3h=8, 447, 470, 4!9, 502 Gloves, at Fairs, 297, 348 Glove Money, 4 Glove Silver, 348 God Cakes, 12 Gorldes Day, 148 God's Day,' 14S God's Friday, 148 ' God speed the Plough,' 41 Goluan, 315 Good Friday, 148 Good Friday Bread, 149 ' Gooding, goin^-a,' 438 Goodish Tuesday, 86 ' Good Morrow, Valentine,' 109 Good Pas Day, 118 Goose, eaten at Michaelmas, 376 Goose Fair, Nottingham, 383 Goose-pies, 196 Gosling, May, 233, 265 Gospel Trees, 208 Gowk, hunt ng the, 188 Grace Cup, 45i) Grass Week, 204 Green Bower Feast, 289 Greenock Fair, 337 Giimaldi, Joseph, 461 ' Grotto, pray remember the,' 345 Guisards, 488 Guisings, 181 Gule of August, 347 Gunpowder Plot, 410 Guy Fawkes, his day, 410 Gyst Ale, 181 Hackin, the, at Christmas, 456 Hailing the Lamb, 212 Hulgavcr Court, 389 Hall' Monday, 58 Hallow E-.e, 394 Hampshire, 77, 119, 187, 238, 281, 284,296, 301, 305, 372,448 Handsel Monday, 19, 488 Harlequinade, 4' 1 Harrow School, shooting at, 357 Hay, strewn in chuiches, 327, 338 Hays, the, 3t Heaving, 173, 177 Heaving Da\s, 175 Heavy Cake,' 216, 236 Helen's (St.) Day, 274, 360 Hempseed, divination by, DO, 313, 400 Hen-threshinsr, 68 Hentzner, Paul,vioits Bartholomew Fair, 361 Herb-pudding, 151 Herefordshire, 7, 22, 106, 128, 281, 409,441,448,471 Heriofs Hospital, 303 Hertfordshire, 78, 128, 181, 238, 380, 442 Het Pint, 15 Hi'ary's (St.) Day, 44 Hirings, for servants, 279 Hobby-horse, 236, 461, 463, 486 Hobby-horse Dance, 480 Hobby-hording, 262 Hock Day, ISO Hock Money, 191 Hock-tide, li*8 Hocktide play at Chester, 189 Hock Tuesday, If- 3 Hodening, 472 Hogmanay, 488, 505 Hoke Day, 189 Holiday of St. Simeon, 54 Hollantide Eve, 396 Holly, used as a decoration a* Christmas, 458 Holly, its derivation, 457 Holly Boy, 107 Holly Bussing, 180 Holly Night, 35 Holy Cross Day, 372 INDEX. 515 Holy Innocents' Day, 497 Holy Rood Day, 372 Holy Thursday, 215 Holy Saturday, 100 Honey Fa ; rs, 469 Hood, throwing the, 32 Hoofing-place, 12 Horns, blown on May Day, 260 Horses, bled on St. Stephen's Day, 19* I (orscs, clef-orated on May Day, 213 Hut C-K-klcs, 46:5 Hot Cms* Buns, 150, 157 Hot l'i.,t, 15, 17 J.un'ingtl.e Gowk, 183 Hunting the Ram, 354 Hunting the Squirrel, 404, 429, 430, 463, 481 Hunting the Wren, 494 Huntingdonshire, 40, 78, 217, 241, 334 Inns of Court, 306, 473 Ireland, 23, 75, 91, 96, 125, 136, 139, 158, 160, 168, 178, 183, 1H8, 222, 270, 282, 3"0, 310, 321, 329, 337, 340, 344, 370, 375, 383, 403, 408, 42' >, 452, 491, 497, 500, 508 Irving, Washington, his remaiks on seeing a Maypole, 234 Isle of Axholme, 30 Isle of Man, 8, f, 80. 154, 221, 246, 316, 325, 348, 395,431,442, 449, 472, 4U4, 503 Isle of Than, t, 183,428 Isle of Wight, 87, 504 Ivy, used as a de, omtion at Christ- ina*, 458, 478 Ivy Girl, 107 Jack and .Tr>an Fair, 385 Jurkof Hilton, 10 Jack O'Lont, 9:5 Jack of May, 261 Jack-|>udding, 463 James' (St.) Day, 344 James (St.) the Less, his day, 234 James' (St.) Palace, 153 Jeu-nhydn, 468 John's (St.) Par, 323 John's (St.) Eve, 311 John O Gaunt's Dav, 191 Jolly Lads, 134 Joseph of Arimathen, legend regarding h : s start', 467 Judas Iscariot, flogging of, 155 Jough-ny-nollick -<73 Juniper, burnt before cattle, IS Kenolm's (St.} Day, 341 Kenil worth Of-t'o, Queen E iza- beth's \isit to, 1S9 Kent, 78, 107, 1 5, 207, 242, 2 >mas Day. 347 Lammas Tower.- 1 , 351 Lamprey-pied, 470 Lancashiie, 7, 79. 119, 134, l. r rt, 181, 213, 217, 243, 284, 310, 3 : 1, 345, 355, 368, 369, 384, 385, 3U5, 406, 472 La Sheachanna na bleanagh, 275 Lating or Lceting tlie Witches, 395 Laurel, used as a Chi istmas decora- tion, 458 516 Lawless Court, at King's Hill, 378 Lawless Hour, at Kiddorminster, 379 Leaping the Well, 201 Leeks, worn on St. David's Day, 110,113 L: ck Pa- tie , 83 Lect Ale, 2,8 Leicestershire, 40, 79, 197, 284, 338 Leith Races, 335 Lent Crocking. 70 Leonard's (St.) Day, 416 Lide, Friday in, 120 Lifting, 173 Lincolnshire, 30, 40, 128, 154, 220, 245, 21)4, 367, 372, 412, 421 Loaf Mass, H47 Looe Fair Day, 236 Long Rope Day, 157 " Looking through the keyhole," 105 Lord Mayor's Day, 417, 459 Lord Mayor of Pennyless Cone, 487 Lord of Misrule, 339, 459, 474, 478 Louis XI. of France, his supersti- tion regarding Holy Innocents' Day, 498 Lotts, the, 350 Low Easter Day, 184 Low Sunday, 183 Luke's (St.) Day, 386 Mace Board, 246 Mace, burying the, 380 Mace Monday, 346 Mainstyr Fiddler, 34 Mallard Night, 44 Mandate Thursday, 140 Margaret's (St.) Day, 343 Mari Lwyd, 486 Mark's (St.) Day, 200, 203 Mark's (St. ) Eve, 199, 200 Marlings, 181 Marlocking, 181 Mart, its meaning, 418 Martinmas, 347 Martin's i St.) Day, 418 Mary's (St.) Day, in Lent, 180 | Matthew's (St.) Day, 373 Maternus (St.), 4 o Maundy Loaves, 140 Maundy Money, 140 Maundy Thursday, 139 May Bough, 243 May Day, 223 May Duw, 225, 242 May Dolls, 216 May Eve, 215 May Fair, 249 May Feast, 2li3 May Gads, 245 May Games, 225 May Gosling, 233, 2G5 May Lady, 234 May Music, 216 Maypoles, 228 May Queen, 238, 246, 251, 255 May Song*, 232, 233, 238, 240, 242, 251, 255, 257,259,261, 2G2.263, 273 May Syllabub, 257 ' Maying, going a,' 224 Michael (St.), Apparition of, 275 Michaelmas Cake, 383 Michaelmas Day, 376 Michaelmas Eve, 375 Michaelmas Goose, 376 Michael's (St.) Bannock, ?.S3 Middlesex, 32, 48, 80, 113. 147, 154, 160, 16(5, 174, 179,187,213, 247, 291, '/97, 305, 316, 326, 344, 345, 316, 349, 355, 357, 361, 374, 396, 406, 413, 429, 473 MMlent Sunday, 113, 116 Midsummer Day, 323 Midsummer Eve, 311 Midsummer Men, 312 Midsummer Watch, 316, 318 Milk Maids' Dance, 231 Millers, King of the, 285 Mince-pies, 458 Minched pies, 458 Minstrels' Festival, 358 Miracle Plays, 283, 298, 3l3, 478 Mischief Night, 217 Misrule, Lord of, 339, 450, 474. 478 INDEX. 517 Mi tlct c,45,S,459 Murk, t c, 446 Modwen's (St.l Day, 390 Molly Grime, figuie iu Gleutljam Church, 154 Monmouthshire, 407 Morris-dancers, 30, 227, 258 Moseley's Dole, 10 4 Mothering, going a,' 116 Mothering Sunday, 116 Mummers, 430, 4d. - Round Table. 31. 6rf. - Sketches and Essays. 3*. 6d. - The Spirit of the Age; or, Contemporary Portraits. 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