1 A P UC-NRLF DSM GIFT OF Union List of Serials in the Libraries of Rochester including Periodicals, Newspapers, Annuals, Publications of Societies and Other Books Published at Intervals ROCHESTER PUBLIC LIBRARY ROCHESTER, N. Y. 1917 f CONTENTS Page Introduction 5 Explanations 7 Abbreviations and Symbols .... 9 Co-operating Libraries ..... 10 Lists and References Consulted .... 16 List of Serials 17 381820 LIBRARIES OF ROCHESTER. INTRODUCTION This index is intended to answer the question whether a given volume or the current issue of a magazine or other serial is to be found in the city of Eochester, and if so, in what libraries it may be consulted. It was pointed out in the first annual report of the Rochester Public Library that there are in the various book collections of the city files of many valuable periodicals. These contain a wealth of information for those engaged in research work, who need to consult the bound volumes of old standard magazines and the recent numbers of the many highly specialized publications in every department of knowledge. Many indexes to these magazines have been compiled, notably Poolers Index, Reader's Guide, Magazine Subject Index, Index to Legal Periodicals, Dramatic Index, Industrial Arts Index, and Reader's Guide Supplement. From these indexes references to magazine articles may be easily obtained. But to find the magazines referred to is not so easy and investigators have lost much time in vain inquiries and visits to libraries. One of the first tasks which the Public Library set for itself was to foster co-operation between the several libraries of the city to the end that needless duplication of effort and expense might be avoided and that the book resources of the city might be utilized to the fullest extent. The list of periodicals herewith submitted is a contribution to that end. The plan for the list was launched under the auspices of the Roch- ester District Library Club. Little progress was made however until the Public Library assumed entire charge of the undertaking and employed a special assistant to do the work. Each co-operating library was requested to prepare on cards the entries for its own periodicals. The replies thus received formed the basis of the list. This preliminary work was done under the super- vision of Miss Leta E. Adams, then Head of the Catalog Department in tho Public Library. The person who most carefully and conscientiously looked after the multitude of details connected with such a compilation was Miss Alice Harris Brown. Grateful acknowledgment is made of help received from many sources. Frequent use was made of similar lists mentioned under the heading "List of References." Special mention is due for valuable assistance received from the Library of Congress and the New York V CW/OW L/5T OF SERIALS Public Library. Other libraries which helped in answering questions were: Buffalo Public Ontario, Dept. of Education Catholic University Philadelphia Free General Theol. Seminary Philadelphia Library Co. Harvard University Philadelphia Mercantile N. Y. Academy of Medicine Biggs Memorial New York State Syracuse Public Newberry Union Theological Seminary Mr. Franklin H. Chase, Dr. Max Landsberg, and Mr. John A. Tennant also made contributions. Considerable uncertainty attaches to a number of foreign publica- tions. In cases where they had been regularly current previous to the outbreak of the European war they are still so marked, although they may not be coming at present or are appearing only at irregular in- tervals. At first it was planned to list only the files in public and institu- tional libraries, but such valuable material was discovered in certain factories and business corporations that a number of them were included. The list contains approximately 3065 titles, and 1048 references. William F. Yust Librarian LIBRARIES OF ROCHESTER EXPLANATIONS "A serial is a publication issued in successive parts, usually at regular intervals, and, as a rule, intended to be continued indefinitely." A. L. A. Rules. Serials include periodicals, newspapers, annuals, and the transac- tions, proceedings, etc., of societies and institutions. In all entries, the latest form of a name or title appearing in the libraries 7 files is used. Usually government documents and college catalogs are omitted. A serial not published by a society or institution is entered under the first word, not an article, of its title. A serial published by a society or institution but having a distinc- tive title is entered under the first word, not an article, of its title, with reference from the society or institution. The proceedings, transactions, memoirs, etc., of a society or institu- tion are entered under the name of the society or institution. A newspaper is entered under the name of the city in which it is published. A directory is entered under the name of the place which it indexes. (Only Eoehester and Monroe County directories are included.) An institution (establishment) is entered under the name of the place where it is situated. Exceptions: a) An institution having a distinctive name is entered under the first word, not an article, of its name. b) A university or college institution (library, museum, ob- servatory, etc.) or society is entered under the name of the university or college. c) A national or state institution incorporating the name of the country or the state in its name is entered under the name of the country or the state. d) An agricultural experiment station in the United States is entered under the name of the state where it is situated, with a reference from the institution with which it is con- nected. A society is entered under the first word, not an article, of its cor- porate name. Exceptions: a) A state historical society is entered under the name of the state. b) A learned society of Europe, other than English, with a name beginning with an adjective denoting royal privilege (Kaiserlich, KSniglich, Reale, etc.) is entered under the word 8 UNION LIST OF SERIALS following the adjective which is abbreviated and disregarded in the arrangement. Eeferences have been made: From earlier forms of a title to its latest form in the libraries' files, and from early names of a society or institution to its latest name. From the name of a place to societies which have their head- quarters there, and to those institutions which have not been entered under place. Also, wherever else a reference would facilitate the use of the list. LIBRARIES OF ROCHESTER ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS Following the entry is the record of the libraries possessing the serial, with volume numbers and dates of their files. See list of Co- operating Libraries for meaning of the initials. A dash between volume numbers or dates signifies "from and including the former to and including the latter. " Parentheses ( ) enclosing volumes or dates signify that those vol- umes or dates are incomplete. Brackets [ ] indicate that the information which they enclose has been supplied by the cataloguer. A plus sign -(- indicates that the serial is currently received. a) If it follows volume numbers and dates, it indicates that the file is complete from the last volume and date given. b) If it is preceded by a semi-colon ; it indicates that the library possesses a file as shown by the volume numbers and dates, but that later and current issues are not preserved. c) If no numbers precede the -\- it indicates that the serial is currently received but not preserved. In most libraries these are kept for a year or two. Parallels || indicate that the serial ceased publication with the pre- ceding date. . . . show that a word or words have been omitted. v. Volume, tome, band, etc. pt. Part, fascicule, heft, etc. no. Number, num6ro, nummer, etc. s., ser. Series, s6rie, folge, etc. n.s. New series, nouvelle srie, neue folge, etc. 10 UNION LIST OF SERIALS CO-OPERATING LIBRARIES The initials are used in the body of the list to show in which libraries a periodical may be found. A. Bochester Academy of Science Library, Sibley Hall, University of Rochester, University Avenue. Open (see University of Bochester). The library is free to the members of the Academy for refer- ence and circulation, and to others under the usual rules of the Uni- versity. It contains about 10,000 volumes and pamphlets, and re- ceives 129 society publications and current periodicals. The library consists largely of the publications of scientific and technical socie- ties and institutions of America and Europe. Alice Harris Brown, Librarian. Ad. Bochester Ad Club Library, Hotel Bochester. Open daily during office hours. The library is free for reference to club members. It contains 238 volumes, and receives 45 current periodicals, chiefly on adver- tising and business. B. Bausch & Lomb Scientific and Technical Library, Bausch & Lomb Optical Company, 637 St. Paul Street. Open week days except Saturday 8 a. m. to 5:30 p. m.; Saturday 8 a. m. to 12 m. Closed Sunday and holidays. The library is free for reference and circulation to employees of the Sales, Technical and Executive Staffs of the company. It contains about 4000 volumes and pamphlets, and receives from 130- 150 current periodicals. Many medical and photographic periodi- cals not included in the list are received irregularly. The library publishes monthly the Digest of Current Industrial Literature. Dunbar D. Scott, Librarian. O. Bochester Chamber of Commerce, Chamber of Commerce Building. Open week days except Saturday 8 a. m. to 5:30 p. m.; Saturday 8 a. m. to 1 p. m. except during July and August when it closes at 12 m. Closed Sunday and holidays. The library is free to the members for reference and circula- tion. It contains about 1000 volumes and pamphlets, and receives about 125 current periodicals. The periodicals belonging to the Industrial Management Council are housed here, and are for refer- ence and circulation by the members of the Council and may be used for reference by others. The library consists entirely of material on commerce. Cora E. Westcot, Librarian. Hazel E. Bergh, Librarian of the Industrial Management Council. LIBRARIES OF ROCHESTER 11 00. Christian Science Beading Room, Granite Building. Open week days except Wednesday 10 a. m. to 9 p. m.; Wed- nesday 10 a. m. to 7 p. m. Closed Sunday and holidays. The reading room is free to students of Christian Science. It contains 84 volumes, and receives 5 current periodicals, all on Chris- tian Science. Melicent Mason, Librarian. B. East High School Library, Alexander Street. Open school days 8:30 a. m. to 4:30 p. m. The library is for the use of the faculty and students. It con- tains 8729 volumes and pamphlets, and receives 40 current periodi- cals. Irene D. Winans, Librarian. Ed. Rochester. Board of Education Library, Municipal Building. Open week days except Saturday 8:30 a. m. to 12 m. and 2 p. m. to 5:30 p. m.; Saturday 8:30 a. m. to 12 m. Closed Sunday and holidays. The library is free to the teachers of the school system. It con- tains 823 volumes and pamphlets, and receives 23 current periodi- cals. It is often used by publishers as a place of deposit for books to be examined by teachers and committees in selection of new material for purchase. Mrs. Ella A. Wagoner, Librarian. En. Rochester. Department of Engineering Library, City Hall. Open week days except Saturday 8:30 a. m. to 5 p. m.; Saturday 8:30 a. m. to 12 m. Closed Sunday and holidays. The library is free to the public for reference. It contains about 1600 volumes and pamphlets, and receives 8 current periodi- cals. Es. Rochester Engineering Society Library, 131-135 Sibley Building. The library is for the use of members of the society. It con- tains 713 volumes and pamphlets, and receives 30 current periodi- cals; in addition it has exchange privileges with 21 engineering societies throughout the country. H. Rochester Historical Society Library, Municipal Museum, Exposi- tion Park. Open week days 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.; Sundays from Nov. 1 to April 30, 2 to 6 p. m. Closed other Sundays and all holidays. The library is free to the public for reference. It contains more than 7000 volumes and pamphlets, and receives about 15 society publications and current periodicals. The collection includes much material on Rochester, the civil war, and the Indians. Edward D. Putnam, Curator. K. Kodak Park Library, Eastman Kodak Co., Kodak Park. Open week days except Saturday 8:30 a. m. to 5 p. m.; Saturday 8:30 a. m. to 12 m. Closed Sunday and holidays. 12 UNION LIST OF SERIALS The library is free to the employees of the company, but it may be used by outsiders on special request by writing or telephone. It contains about 5000 volumes and pamphlets, and receives 160 cur- rent periodicals including annuals. Its collection on photography is especially noteworthy. Gertrud Eeissmann, Librarian. L. Appellate Division, 4th Department, Library, Court House. Open week days except Saturday 8:30 a. m. to 5:30 p. m.; Sat- urday 8:30 a. m. to 12 m. Closed Sunday and holidays. The library is free to all for reference. It contains 42,568 volumes and pamphlets, and receives 32 current periodicals. It has a large collection of printed records on appeal from the Court of Appeals and Appellate Division, of law dictionaries and of mate- rial on medical jurisprudence. Irwin Taylor, Librarian. M. Mechanics Institute Library, 55 Plymouth Avenue. Open week days except Saturday 8 a. m. to 9 p. m.; Saturday 9 a. m. to 12 m. Closed Sunday and holidays. The library is free to the general public for reference, and to faculty and students of the Institute and to recommended persons for circulation. It contains 4363 volumes, and receives 110 current periodicals. It has a good collection of books on domestic science. Eleanor M. Gleason, Librarian. Md. Eochester Academy of Medicine Library, 33 Chestnut Street. Open week days 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. Closed Sunday and holi- days. The library is free to the members of the Academy and of the Eochester Medical Association. It contains about 4350 volumes and pamphlets, and receives 65 current periodicals. Nellie C. Sibley, Librarian. Mp. Madison Park Vocational School, King Street near West Avenue. Open school days. The periodicals are for the use of the faculty and students. The school receives 8 current periodicals, chiefly on dressmaking and millinery. Mary E. Buckley, Principal. N. City Normal School Library, University Avenue and Scio Street. Open school days 9:30 a. m. to 5 p. m. The library is free to faculty and students. It contains 1570 volumes including the model collection of grade library books. It receives 17 current periodicals. Mildred Forward, Librarian. P. Eochester Public Library, Administration Headquarters, Exposi- tion Park. LIBRARIES OF ROCHESTER 13 There is no central library but six branch libraries are as fol- lows: Ft). Municipal and Business Branch, Municipal Building., South Fitz- hugh Street. Pe. Exposition Park Branch, Exposition Park. Pg. Genesee Branch, 707 Main Street West. Pgo. Goodman Street Branch, North Goodman Street. Pin. Lincoln Branch, Joseph Avenue and Sellinger Street. Pm. Monroe Branch, 269 Monroe Avenue. P. in the list means that all the branches receive a given maga- zine except the Business Branch. A magazine which is to be found in only one branch is marked with the initials of that branch. Branches are open every day in the year 2 to 9 p. m. for refer- ence and for circulation except the Business branch, which is open week days 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. The libraries are free to all for refer- ence and for home use. There are five sub-branches, mostly in schools, and 77 deposit stations in institutions, stores, factories, hospitals, etc. The library has charge of 487 grade libraries in the public schools and super- vision of the 11 playground libraries. The book collections are: branch libraries 55,773 volumes, sub- branches and stations 10,512 volumes, grade libraries 17,889 vol- umes, playground libraries 1439 volumes. These are chiefly popular books for home use, but each branch contains also the most used reference books. Each branch except the business branch has a department for children. The library subscribes to 139 titles of periodicals. These are duplicated in the branches, making a total of 534 copies. It also receives about 80 titles by gift. Most of these gifts are at Exposi- tion Park. William F. Yust, Librarian. PI. Powers Law Library, Powers Building. Open week days 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Closed Sunday and holidays. The library is for the use of the tenants of Powers Building only. It contains about 8000 volumes, and receives 15 current periodicals. Anna C. MeVean, Librarian. E. Eeynolds Library, 150 Spring Street. Open week days 10 a. m. to 10 p. m.; Sunday 2 to 6 p. m. Closed holidays. The library is free to the general public for reference. Resi- dents of Rochester over 12 years of age have the privilege of draw- ing books for home use. It contains 87,027 volumes and pamphlets. It has large collections of public documents, bibliography, refer- ence books, periodicals, and books on America and New York State 14 UNION LIST OF SERIALS history. It receives 155 current periodicals. Anne R. Collins, Librarian. El. Rochester Railway & Light Co., 30 Clinton Avenue North. This corporation has various small collections in different de- partments; also a number of current magazines of which only those are listed which are not to be found elsewhere in the city. They are intended for the use of the employees but may be consulted by others on application at the office. Er. Reynolds Reading Room, 118 Reynolds Arcade. Open week days 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. Closed Sunday and holi- days. The reading room is free to the public for reference. It has a few reference books (40 volumes) and receives 28 newspapers from various cities and 34 current periodicals. Anne R. Collins, Librarian. 8. St. Bernard's Seminary Library, 2260 Lake Avenue. Open week days 9 a. m. to 12 m. and 2 to 5 p. m. Sunday and holidays 2 to 5 p. m. The library is free to all serious students; the books are loaned on application to the librarian. It contains about 22,000 volumes and pamphlets, and receives 47 current periodicals. The Theologi- cal Department is rich in patristic and scholastic works. Reverend Andrew Byrne, Librarian. T. Rochester Theological Seminary Library, East Avenue and Alex- ander Street. Open during the college year week days except Saturday 8:30 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. and 7:30 a. m. to 10 p. m.; Saturday 8:30 a. m. to 12 m. During vacation it is open week days except Saturday 9 a. m. to 12 m. and 2 to 5 p. m.; Saturday 9 a. m. to 12 m. Closed Sunday and holidays. The library is free to all for reference, and to the faculty, the students and recommended persons for circulation. It contains 44,800 volumes, including among others good collections on religious education, missions, rural church and anabaptist history. It re- ceives 210 current periodicals. Glenn B. Ewell, Librarian. U. University of Rochester Library, Sibley Hall, University of Roch- ester, University Avenue. Open during the college year week days 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. During vacation it is open week days 8:30 a. m. to 12 m. and 1:30 to 5 p. m. Closed Sunday, also New Year's Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas. On other holidays it is open 8:30 a. m. to 12 m. and 1:30 to 5 p. m. The library is free to the general public for reference, and for circulation to the University faculty, students, and alumni It con- LIBRARIES OF ROCHESTER 15 tains 72,277 volumes and several thousand pamphlets, and receives about 300 current periodicals. The Sibley musical library (1700 volumes) is free for home use by the general public. (See also Rochester Academy of Science). James A. McMillen, Librarian. W. West High School Library, Genesee Street. Open school days 8:30 a. m. to 5 p. m. The library is free to the teachers and students, but users of the Union List will be allowed access to the listed periodicals. It contains 4573 volumes and pamphlets, and receives 25 current periodicals. Margaret E. Weaver, Librarian. WJ. Washington Junior High School Library, Clifford Avenue and Thomas Street. Open school days 8:30 a. m. to 4:15 p. m. The library is for the faculty and students. It contains about 6740 volumes, and receives 26 current periodicals. Buth T. Miller, Librarian. 16 UNION LIST OF SERIALS LISTS AND REFERENCES CONSULTED American newspaper annual and directory (Ayer). 1911. Bolton, H. C. Catalogue of scientific and technical periodicals, 1665- 1882. 1885. Boston. Public Library. List of periodicals, newspapers, transactions and other serial publications currently received in the principal libraries of Boston and vicinity. 1897. Bulletin of bibliography. 1897-f California. University. List of serials in the University of California library. 1913. Carnegie institution of Washington. Handbook of learned societies and institutions. America. 1908. Chicago library club. List of serials in public libraries of Chicago and Evanston. 1901. Engineering societies library. Catalogue of technical periodicals; libraries in the city of New York and vicinity. 1915. Faxon, F. W. Check-list of American and English periodicals. 1908. Illinois. University. List of serials in the University of Illinois library, together with those in other libraries in Urbana and Champaign. 1911. John Crerar library. Supplement to the list of serials in public libraries of Chicago and Evanston. 1905. London. University college. Catalogue of the periodical publications ... in the library. 1912. Minerva, jahrbuch der gelehrten welt. 1891-f- New York academy of medicine. Periodicals, transactions and reports in the library. 2 pts. 1889-1892. New York. Public Library. Checklist of newspapers and official gazettes. 1915. List of theological publications in the New York public library, General theological seminary and Union theological seminary. In Bulletin, 1905. Periodicals and serials in the New York public library and Colum- bia university library. In Bulletin, 1897-1900. Philadelphia. Free Library. List of serials in the principal libraries of Philadelphia and its vicinity. 1908; Supplement 1910. Scudder, S. W. Catalogue of scientific serials, 1633-1876. 1879. Severance, W. O. Guide to the current periodicals and serials of the United States and Canada. 1909; 1910; 1914. Toronto. Joint catalogue of the periodicals, publications and transac- tions of societies, and other books published at intervals to be found in the various libraries of the city of Toronto. 1913. U. S. Library of Congress. Checklist of American newspapers. 1901. Union list of periodicals, transactions and allied publications cur- rently received in the principal libraries of the District of Columbia. 1901. Wilson, H. W., co. Checklist of indexed periodicals. 1917. Year-book of the scientific and learned societies of Great Britain and Ireland. 1914. LIBRARIES OF ROCHESTER 17 UNION LIST OF SERIALS in the Libraries of Rochester A. L. A. booklist. See American library association Abel's photographic weekly. Cleveland. K + Abendpost. Rochester. See Rochester. Newspapers. Rochester abendpost Aberdeen. See Dun Echt observatory R. Academia de ciencias exactas, fisicas y naturales, Madrid. Anuario. A 1901, 03+ Memorias. A (14) 15, 17 (18-19) 20 (21) 22-25 (26) 1890-1910 Revista. A 1-7 (8) 9+ 1904+ Academia de ciencias medicas, fisicas y naturales, Havana. Anales. A (48-50) 51+ 1911+ Academia nacional de ciencias, Cordova, Argentine Republic. Boletin. A 19+ 1911+ Academia polytechnica, Oporto. See Oporto. Academia polytechnica. Academic de medecine. Paris. Memoires. A 36 pt. 1, [1899] Academic de Stanislas. Nancy. Memoires. A s.5 v.7, 9-20, s.6 v.l+ 1889, 91+ Academic des belles-lettres, sciences et arts, La Rochelle. Societe des sciences naturelles de la Charente-Inferieure. Annales. A 1895, 1902-07 Academic des inscriptions et belles-lettres. Paris. Comptes rendus des seances. T s.4 v.10-19, 1882-1901 Academic des sciences. Paris. Comptes rendus. R 84-93, 1877-81 ; U 138+ 1904+ K + Histoire de 1' Academic royale des sciences, avec les memoires de mathematique et de physique. Ed. 2. Amsterdam. R 1-166, 1666-1778 Academic des sciences, arts et belles-lettres, Dijon. Memoires. A s.4 V.2-4+ 1890-1910+ Academic des sciences, belles-lettres et arts, Lyons. Memoires. A s.3 v.3, 6-7, 11+ 1895, 1901, 03, 11+ Academic des sciences et des arts des Slaves du Sud, Zagreb. See Jugo- slavenska akademija znanosti, Agram Academic des sciences et lettres, Montpellier. Bulletin mensuel. A [(1-2) 3 (4)] 5+ 1909+ Section des sciences. Memoires. A 11, s.2 v.l (2) 3+ 1885+ 18 UNION LIST OF SERIALS Academic des sciences, inscriptions et belles-lettres, Toulouse. Bulletin. A 1-3, 1897-1900 Memoires. A s.9 v.2+ 1890+ Academic imperiale des sciences, Petrograd. See I. Akademiia nauk. Academic royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique. Brussels. Annuaire. A 59-80, 1893-1914 Bulletins. A s.3 v.25-36, 1893-98|| Classe des sciences. Bulletins. A 1899-1914 Academy. London. (Title reads Academy & literature, 1902-05) U 1-2 (3-5) 6 (7) 8 (9) 10- [90], 1869-1916|| R 29-73,1886-1907; T 21-62, 1879-1901 Academy notes. (Buffalo fine arts academy, Albright gallery) U 1, 3+ 1905, 07+ M 7+ 1912+ Academy of medicine of Cleveland. See Cleveland medical journal Academy of natural sciences, Philadelphia. Journal. R s.2 v.7, 1869 Proceedings. A [53]+ 1895+ Entomological section. See Entomological news Academy of science, St. Louis. Transactions. A 5+ 1886+ U (6-7, 9-10) 1894, 96, 99-1900 R. Accademia dei Lincei. See Notizie degli scavi di antichita R. Accademia delle scienze, Turin. Atti. A 26+ 1890+ See also Turin. Universita. Osservatorio astronomico R. Accademia delle scienze dell' Istituto di Bologna. Classe di scienze fisiche. Memorie. (To ser.6 v.5, 1908, issued as Memorie of the Academy) A s.5 v.2- s.6 v.9, 1896-1912 Rendiconto. (To n.s. v.12, 1907-08, issued as Rendiconto of the Academy) A n.s. v.1-16, 1896-1912 R. Accademia delle scienze fisiche e matematiche. See Societa reale di Napoli. Accademia delle scienze fisiche e matematiche R. Accademia di scienze, lettere e belle arti, Palermo. Atti. A s.3 v.2-6, 8, 1892-1901, 04/07 Bullettino. A 1893-1902 R. Accademia di scienze, lettere ed arti degli zelanti. Acireale. Rendi- conti e memorie. (Title reads Atti e rendiconti, to 1901. Continued in 3 parts) A n.s. v.5, 1893 Memorie della Classe di lettere. A s.3 v.6, 8, 1907/08, 12/13 Memorie della Classe di scienze. A n.s. v.8-10, s.3 v.l+ 1896+ - Rendiconti. A n.s. v.8, 10, s.3 v.1-6, 1896- [1908] Accademia Gioenia di scienze naturali, Catania. Bollettino delle sedute. A n.s. no.32-38, 44-49, Sl-s.2 no.17, 19+ 1893-94, 96+ Accademia medica. See Perugia. Universita. Facolta di medicina Accademia medico-chirurgica. See Perugia. Universita. Facolta di medicina Acta apostolicae sedis. Rome. S 1+ 1909+ Acta Sanctae Sedis. Rome. S 1-41, 1865-1908|| Advance. Chicago. T + LIBRARIES OF ROCHESTER 19 Advent harbinger & Bible advocate. Rochester. H n.s. v.l, 4, 1849-50, 52-53 Advocate of peace. (American peace society) Washington. M T U + Aera. (American electric railway association) N. Y. C + Aerial age weekly. N. Y. M + African repository. (American colonization society) Washington. U 1-2, 6-23, 1825-27, 30-47 Agassiz association. Linnaean fern chapter. See Fern bulletin Wilson ornithological chapter. See Wilson bulletin Agram, Hungary. See Croatia- Slavonia. Zemaljsko arkiv Hrvatsko arhe- olosko drustvo Jugoslavenska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti Aguilar free library. N. Y. Annual report. (Continued in the Bulletin of the New York Public library) R 3-14, 1890-1902|| K. Akademie der wissenschaften, Berlin. See K. Preussische akademie der wissenschaften K. Akademie der wissenschaften, Munich. See K. Bayerische akademie der wissenschaften K. Akademie der wissenschaften. Vienna. Mathematisch-naturwissen- schaftliche klasse. Sitzungsberichte. K 122+ 1913+ Philosophisch-historische klasse. Sitzungsberichte. U (24) 1857 I. Akademiia nauk. Petrograd. Bulletin. See Izviestiia Izviestiia. A s.[4] v.1-4, s.5 v.l (2) 3-25, s.6 [v.1-5 (6-8)] 1889-1914 Geologicheskii muzei imeni Petra Velikago. Trudy. A (2) 1908 Alabama. Agricultural & mechanical college. Agricultural experiment station. See Alabama. Agricultural experiment station Alabama. Agricultural experiment station. Auburn. Annual report. A 2-4, 6-8, 1889-96 Albany. Newspapers. Albany argus. Semi-weekly edition. H (15-19) 20 (21-22) 23-24 (25) 26, 1829-40 Daily Albany argus. H (8-9) 1832-33 Albany centinel. H 2, 1798-99 Albany evening journal. Rr + Albany institute. Transactions. U 6-9, 1870-79 Albany law journal. L 1-70, 1870-1906; PI 1-66, 1870-92 Albany medical annals. R 9, 11-12, 21-35, 1888, 90-91, 1900-14; Md + Albany sentinel. See Albany. Newspapers. Albany centinel Albany, N. Y. See also Dudley observatory New York. State Library Albright art gallery. See Academy notes Album. Rochester. See Rochester. Newspapers Alembic club reprints. Edinburgh. U 1-11, 1893-95 All the year round. London. (Continues Household words) R 1-20, n.s. v.1-43, s.3 v.1-13, 1859-95 1| Allegheny. Carnegie free library. Annual report. R 1, 6-20, 1891, 96-1909 Allgemeine conservative monatsschrift fiir das christliche Deutschland. Leipzig. T 1-4, 1879-80 Alliance franchise. Paris. Bulletin. A 12, 16+ 1915+ 20 UNION LIST OF SERIALS Almanach de Gotha. Gotha. R 79+ 1842+ U 106+ 1869+ Altenburg. See Naturforschende gesellschaft des Osterlandes Amateur photographer & photographic news. London. (Continues Pho- tographic news) K 1-8, 11-16, (57) 58+ 1884-88, 90-92, 1913+ Amateur photographers' weekly. Cleveland. (Continues Professional & amateur photographer) K + Amateur work. Boston. (Continued in Popular science monthly. Chi- cago) R 1, 1901/02 Ambition. Scranton, Pa. U + America, a Catholic review of the week. N. Y. S 1+ 1909+ American academy of arts & sciences. Boston. Memoirs. U 4, n.s. v.(6, 12, II) 1818-21, 45, 56, 93, 98 Proceedings. A 25, 27-34 (35) 36 (37) 38-43 (44) 45-48 (49) 50+ 1897+ American academy of political & social science. Philadelphia. Annals. U 1+ 1890+ R 1-39, 42, 45+ 1890-1912, 13+ W 32-38, 1908-11; P Pb + American agriculturist. N. Y. (Continues Genesee farmer) U 1-3, 51-71 (72) 1842-44, 92-1903; R 1, 1842; H 28, 1868 American almanac & repository of useful knowledge. Boston. R 1-32, 49-60, 1830-61, 78-89; U 1-32, 1830-61 American almanac & treasury of facts. (Spofford) N. Y. U 1-12, 1878-89H American almanac, yearbook, cyclopaedia & atlas. (Hearst) N. Y. U 2, 1904 American amateur photographer. N. Y. (Continues Camera & dark room. Continued in American photography) K 2-11, 1890-99 American ancestry. Albany. R 1-11, 1887-98; H 1-9, 1887-94 American & foreign Christian union. See Christian world. N. Y. American annals of education & instruction. Boston. (Continues Ameri- can journal of education. Boston) U 3-4, n.s. v.l, s.3 v.2-3, 1828-30, 32-33 American annual of photography. N. Y. (Title reads American annual of photography & photographic times almanac, 1887-1907. Continues Anthony's photographic bulletin, International annual) K 1893-94, 96, 98-1905, 11, 13+ R 1888-94, 97-1900, 03, 05-08; U 1887- 91, 95-96, 98-99 American annual register. N. Y. R [1-6, 8] 1825-33|| H [8] 1832/33|| American anthropologist. (Anthropological society, Washington) R 1-8, 1888-95; A 9-11, 1896-98 American antiquarian & oriental journal. Chicago. T 28+ 1906+ American antiquarian society. Worcester, Mass. Archaeologia ameri- cana; Transactions & collections. R 1-7, 1820-85; U 1, 1819-20 Transactions & collections. See its Archaeologia americana American architect. N. Y. (Title reads American architect & building news, v.l -94. Continues Inland architect & news record) R 2-14, 19+ 1877-83, 86+ U 1-49+ 1876-95;+ M 92+ 1907+ LIBRARIES OF ROCHESTER 21 American art news. N. Y. U (6-7) 8+ 1907+ American artisan & hardware record. Chicago. M + American association for labor legislation. Proceedings of annual meeting. U 1, 1907 See also American labor legislation review New York association for labor legislation American association for the advancement of science. (Called Association of American geologists & naturalists, 1840-47) Memoirs. Proceedings. R 1-62, 1848-1910; U 2, 6-57, 1849, 51-1907; A 32-33, 35-39, 41, 43-45, 47-49, 1883-84, 86-90, 92, 94-96, 98-1900; H 35, 37, 39-40, 1886, 88, 90-91 Reports of the meetings of the Association of American geologists & naturalists. U 1-3, 1840-42 See also Science American association of law libraries. See Index to legal periodicals & law library journal American association of museums. Proceedings. U 1-5, 1908-11 American association of obstetricians & gynecologists. Transactions. Md 1-4, 1888-91 American bankers' association. N. Y. Journal Pb + American bankruptcy reports. Albany. L 1-|- 1899-J- Digest. L 1+ 1906+ American Baptist home mission society. N. Y. Annual report. U 2, 4-5, 7-37, 40, 44, 46, 48-50, 54-58, 61, 64+ 1834, 36-37, 39-69, 72, 76, 78, 80-82, 86-90, 93, 96+ See also Baptist home mission monthly American Baptist magazine. See Baptist missionary magazine American Baptist missionary union. Boston. Report. U 33, 37, 40-41, 43-47, 49-55, 57, 67-68, 70-75, 82, 84-87, 91-94, 1847-1908 American Baptist publication society. Philadelphia. (Called Baptist gen- eral tract society, 1824-40) Annual report. U 29-44, 54, 60, 62, 72, 1853-68, 78, 84, 86, 96 See also American Baptist register Triennial Baptist register. American Baptist register. (American Baptist publication society) Phila- delphia. U 1852 American Baptist Telugu mission. Annual report. U 6, 63-64, 66, 69-74, 1874, 98-99, 1901, 04-09 American Baptist year book. Philadelphia. R 1895 American Bible society. N. Y. Report. H 9, 1825 American Bible union. N. Y. Documentary history. U 1-3, 1850-64 American Biblical repository. See Biblical repository American blacksmith. Buffalo. M + American book-prices current. N. Y. R 1+ 1895+ American boy. Detroit. P Wj + American bureau of geography. Bulletin. (Continued as Journal of geography) U 1-2, 1900-01 1| 22 UNION LIST OF SERIALS American catalogue. N. Y. P R T U 1876+ See also Annual American catalogue American Catholic historical researches. Philadelphia. (Title reads His- torical researches in western Pennsylvania, v.l; Catholic historical researches, v.2-3 no.2. Continued in Records of the American Catho- lic historical society) S (1-3) 4- n.s. v.8, 1884, 86-1912 American Catholic historical society. Philadelphia. Records. (Con- tinues American Catholic historical researches) S 1-f- 1884+ American Catholic quarterly review. Philadelphia. S 1+ 1876+ T 16+ 1891+ American chemical journal. Baltimore. (Continued in American chemi- cal society. Journal) K U 1-50, 1879-1913 American chemical society. Journal. (Continues American chemical journal; Journal of analytical & applied chemistry) K 1+ 1879+ U 15+ 1893+ B 20+ 1898+ Review of American chemical research. (Supplement to Technology quarterly & Proceedings of the Society of arts. Continued as Chemi- cal abstracts) U 1897-1906 See also Chemical abstracts Chemical society. Washington Journal of industrial engineering chemistry American church almanac & year book. N. Y. (Title reads Churchman's almanac, 1830-40; Church almanac, 1841-93) H [2-3, 5-6, 12, 14, 21, 26-39] 1831-32, 35-36, 42, 44, 51, 56-69; R [45] 47, 65-66, 1875, 77, 95-96 American church review. See Church review American city. N. Y. City edition. R 4_j_ 19114. u 12+ 1915+ T 7-11, 1912-14; C P Pb + Town & county edition. U 12+ 1915+ American climatological association. N. Y. Transactions. R 1-9, 1884-92 American clinical lectures. N. Y. R 1-3, 1875-79 American coal trade journal. Chicago. R1+ American college. Louvain. American college bulletin. S 1-2, 1903-14 American college & public school directory. St. Louis. R 21, 1898 American colonization society. See African repository American Congregational association. Boston. Annual report. U 43-48, 50-51, 1896-1901, 03-04 American Congregational year-book. (American Congregational union) N. Y. R 4-6, 1857-59)1 U 1, 1854 See also Congregational quarterly Congregational year-book American cookery. Boston. (Title reads Boston cooking school maga- zine, v.1-18) M 6+ 1901+ American corporation legal manual. Plainfield, N. J. R 4, 1896 American economic association. Economic studies. R U 1-4, 1896-99|| Publications. (Title reads American economic association quarterly, ser.3 v.9-11 ; Bulletin, ser.4 v.l. Continued as American economic review) U 6-11, s.3 v.1-11, 1891-96, 1900-10; R l-s.3, v.ll, 1886-1910 LIBRARIES OF ROCHESTER 23 Quarterly. See Publications, ser.3 v.9-11 See also Economic bulletin. American economic review. Cambridge, Mass. (Continues the Eco- nomic bulletin & the American economic association quarterly; Vol.1 published as Bulletin of the American economic association, being Publications, s.4 v.l no.l, 3, 5-6) R U 1-f- 1911+ American economist. N. Y. U (3-4, 15,21) 22 (23-26) 27 (28) 29 (30, 32-34) 35 (36) 37-42 (43-44) 45-49 (50-52) 53 (54) 55+ 1889, 95, 98+ M T + American education. Albany. (Title reads New York education, v.1-4) U (1) 4+ 1897/98, 1900+ American education society. Quarterly register & journal. See American quarterly register American electro-chemical society. Transactions. K 1+ 1902+ American electro-therapeutic association. Transactions. R 14, 15, 17, 19, 1904-05, 07, 09; Md 7-8, 1897-98 American engineer & railroad journal. See Railway age gazette. Me- chanical edition American ethnological society. N. Y. Transactions. U 1, 1845 American exporter. N. Y. C + American farmer. Rochester. (Continued as American rural home) R 1-5, 1866-70H H U 1, 1866 American federationist. Washington. T 14+ 1907+ U 20+ 1913+ American folk-lore society. Cambridge, Mass. Memoirs. U 3, 1895 See also Journal of American folk-lore American forestry. (American forestry association) Washington. (Title reads Forester, v.l no.4-v.7; Forestry & irrigation, v.8-14 no.8; Con- servation, v.14 no.9-v. 15. (Continues Proceedings of the American forestry congress) U 7+ 1901+ A (2-4) 1896-98; Ad R + American forestry association. See American forestry American forestry congress American forestry congress. Proceedings. (Continued as Proceedings of the American forestry association, later American forestry) R 1888 American gas engineering journal. N. Y. (Title reads American gas light journal, v.1-105) R 1-2, 1859-61 ; Rl + American gas institute. Proceedings. Rl 5+ 1910+ American gas light journal. See American gas engineering journal American geographical & statistical society. See American geographical society American geographical society. N. Y. Bulletin. U 1, 1852/53 Bulletin. (Title reads Journal, v.1-32. Continued as Geographical review) A (22) 23-45 (46) 1890-1914; E 43-46, 1911-14; U 3-7 (8-13) 1870- 81 ; R 3, 5, 1870/71, 74 24 UNION LIST OF SERIALS i American geologist. Minneapolis. (Continued as Economic geology) U 1-36, 1888-1905H American historical association. Washington. Annual report. (Con- tinues Papers) S 1889-1907; H 1903+ R 1899-1910; U 1901-04, 06-13 Papers. (Continued in Annual report) R 1-5, 1886-91 1| H (4) 1890 American historical magazine. See Americana American historical register. Philadelphia; Boston. H 1-4, n.s. v.(l) 1894-97H American historical review. N. Y. R S U 1+ 1895+ E 12-14, 16-18, 1906-09, 10-13 American history studies. Lincoln, Neb. U no.2-11, 1897-98 American home economics association. See Journal of home economics American homes & gardens. N. Y. (Continues Scientific American, Building edition. Continued in House & garden) Rl-12no.9, 1905-15H American horticultural society. (Originally called Mississippi Valley hor- ticultural society) Transactions. R 2-5, 1884-88 American horticulturist. Detroit. (Title reads Michigan horticulturist, no.1-11) U 1, 1885/86 American humane association. Proceedings. U 21-24, 1897-1900 American industries. (National association of manufacturers) N. Y. M 13 (14-15) 16+ 1912+ American institute of architects. Washington. Journal. U 1+ 1913+ Proceedings. U 14, 19, 23-24, 27-28, 30-31, 40-42, 46+ 1880, 85, 89-90, 93-94, 96-97, 1906-08, 12+ R 27, 1893 American institute of child-life. Bulletin. See Child life American institute of electrical engineers. N. Y. Proceedings. (A monthly edition of the Transactions, beginning 1905) K 34+ 1915+ Transactions. U 1-2, 4, 8+ 1884-87, 90+ Es 32+ 1913+ Year book. Es 1915+ American institute of homoeopathy. Philadelphia. Transactions. R 29, 34, 38-42, 1876, 81, 85-89 American institute of mining engineers. N. Y. Transactions. A 22+ 1893+ B 27+ 1897+ U 24-31, 1894-1901 ; R 1-5, 1871-77 American institute of the city of New York. Transactions. (Annual report) R 3, 5-9, 11-22, 24-32, 1843, 46-50, 52-63, 65-72; U 5-8, 10-12, 14-19, 21-30, 1846-49, 51-53, 55-60, 62-71/72; Md 1867/8 American-Irish historical society. Boston. Journal. R 1, 4-6, 8, 9, 1898, 1904-06, 08-10 American iron & steel institute. N. Y. Year book. U 2, 1912 American Jewish year book. Philadelphia. R 1899-1906, 08+ American journal of archaeology. (Archaeological institute of America) Norwood, Mass. (Continues Papers of the American school of classical studies at Athens ; Annual report of the Archaeological insti- LIBRARIES OF ROCHESTER 25 tute of America) T 1+ 1885+ U s.2 v.l+ 1897+ R 1-11, s.2 v.1-10, 1885-1906; E s.2 v.10-11, 1906-07; M s.2 v.(10)ll, 1907; Pe + American journal of diseases of children. (American medical association) Chicago. Md + American journal of education. Boston. See American annals of edu- cation & instruction American journal of education. (Barnard.) Hartford. U 1-32, 1855-82H R 1-2, 1855-56 American journal of education & college review. N. Y. U (1-2) 3, 1855-57 American journal of insanity. Baltimore. R 1-18, 37, 40, 48, 50-70, 1844-62, 80-81, 83-84, 92, 94-1914; Md 72+ 1915+ American journal of international law. (American society of international law) N. Y. L 1+ 1907+ U 3+ 1909+ E 1-3, 5-6, 1907-09, 11-12 Supplement. Ll-8, 1907-14; U 3+ 1909+ E 1-2, 5-6, 1907-08, 11-12 American journal of mathematics. (Johns Hopkins university) Balti- more. U 1+ 1878+ American journal of microscopy & popular science. N. Y. U (5)-6, 1880-81; B 2, 5, 1877, 80; R 6, 1881 American journal of nursing. Baltimore. U (7, 12-15) 16+ 1907, 11+ M 12+ 1911+ American journal of obstetrics & diseases of women & children. N. Y. R 1-2, 4, 5-42, 45-70, 1868-1900, 02-14; Md 1, 11-13, 15, 20-21, 45-70, 72+ 1868/9, 78-80, 82, 87-88, 1902+ American journal of otology. N. Y. R 1-4, 1879-82] | American journal of philology. Baltimore. U 1+ 1880+ T 1-21, 1880-1900 American journal of photography. Philadelphia. (Continued in Photo era) K 11-19, 1890-99 American journal of politics. See American magazine of civics American journal of psychology. Worcester, Mass. U 1+ 1887+ T 19+ 1908+ M 24, 1913 American journal of public health. (American public health association) Boston. U n.s. v.3+ 1913+ Md n.s. v.5+ 1915+ Pb + American journal of science. (Silliman) New Haven, Conn. (Title reads American journal of science & arts, v.2-118) R U 1+ 1818+ American journal of Semitic languages & literatures. (University of Chi- cago) (Title reads Hebraica, v.1-11) T 1+ 1884+ American journal of sociology. Chicago. R T 1+ 1895+ U 3+ 1897+ S 18+ 1913+ American journal of syphilography & dermatology. N. Y. R 1-5, 1870-74H American journal of the medical sciences. Philadelphia. (Continues Philadelphia journal of medical & physical sciences; American medi- cal recorder) R 1-26, n.s. v.1-20 (23, 25, 28) 29-148, 1827-1914; Md n.s. v.83, 85-108, 131-140, 150+ 1882-94, 1906-10, 15+ 26 UNION LI*ST OF SERIALS American journal of theology. Chicago. T 1+ 1897+ American jurist & law magazine. Boston. (Continued as American law magazine) L 1-28, 1829-43|| American kitchen magazine. Boston. (Title reads New England kitchen magazine, v.1-3 no.S) M 1-18, 1894-1903 American labor legislation review. (American association for labor legis- lation) N. Y. T 1+ 1911+ U (1-4) 5+ 1911+ Pb + American laryngological association. Transactions. Md 1-36, 1879-1914 American laryngological, rhinological & otological society. N. Y. Transactions Md 2-8, 10-12, 14-19, 1896-1902, 04-06, 08-13 American law journal. Philadelphia. (Title reads Pennsylvania law jour- nal, v.1-7) L 1-11, 1842-52 American law journal. (Hall) Baltimore; Philadelphia. L 1-6, 1808-17 American law magazine. Philadelphia. (Continues American jurist & law magazine) L 1-6, 1843-46|| American law register. See Pennsylvania. University. Philadelphia. University of Pennsylvania law review & American law register American law review. St. Louis. (Continues Western jurist) L 1+ 1866+ American law times. Washington; N. Y. L 3-4, n.s. v.3-4, 1870-71, 76-77 American law times reports. Washington; N. Y. (Title reads Law times reports, v.1-2) L 1-n.s. v.4, 1868-77] | American library annual. N. Y. (Title reads Annual literary index, 1892- 1904; Annual library index, 1905-10) T U 1892+ Pe 1914+ American library association. Chicago. A.L.A. booklist. Pe U 1+ 1905+ M 6+ 1909+ Pg Pm 11+ 1914+ Pin 13+ 1916+ PgoR + Bulletin. U 1+ 1907+ Pe+ Papers & proceedings. (Also in Library journal until 1907, after that in A.L.A. Bulletin) R 16+ 1894+ American McAll record. Philadelphia. T (28) 29+ 1910+ American machinist. N. Y. M 26+ 1903+ U 34+ 1911+ Es 42+ 1915+ B Pe Pin Rr Wj + American magazine. N. Y. (Originally Frank Leslie's popular monthly) M 83+ 1917+ Ad C P Pb R Rr + American magazine of art. (Title reads Art & progress, v.1-6) U (3) 4+ 1911+ M 5+ 1913+ American magazine of civics. N. Y. (Title reads American journal of politics, v.1-5) R 1-9, 1892-96 American mathematical monthly. Springfield, Mo. U 1+ 1894+ American mathematical society. N. Y. Bulletin. (Continues New York mathematical society bulletin) U 1+ 1895+ American medical association. Chicago. Journal. (Continues Transac- tions) Md 1+ 1883+ R 1-63, 1883-1914 LIBRARIES OF ROCHESTER 27 Transactions. (Continued as Journal) R 1-2, 5-33, 1848-49, 52-82|| Md 31, 1880 Section on laryngology & otology. Transactions. Md 1906, 09-10 See also American journal of diseases of children Archives of inter- nal medicine Quarterly cumulative index to current medical literature American medical digest. N. Y. R 3-8, 1884-89; Md 2-[4] 1883-85 American medical directory. Chicago. R 3, 1912 American medical intelligencer. Philadelphia. (Continued as Medical news & library, later Medical news) R 1-3, 1837-40 American medical recorder. Philadelphia. (Continued in American jour- nal of the medical sciences) R 7-14, 16, 1824-29 American medical times. N. Y. R 1-9, 1860-64 American medicine. Philadelphia. Md 1-16, 1901-10; R 1-4 (5) 7, 1901, 03-04 American medico-surgical bulletin. N. Y. R 6-10, 1893-96 American metal market & daily iron & steel report. Rl + American meteorological journal. Boston. U (1) 12, 1884, 95-96|j American microscopical society. Washington. Transactions. (Title reads Proceedings of the National microscopical congress ... v.l; Proceedings of the American society of microscopists, v.2-13) B 21+ 1899+ U 1-11, 1878-89 American midland naturalist. Notre Dame, Ind. (Title reads Midland naturalist, v.l, no.1-4) S (1-2) 1909-12; A (1, 3) 1909, 13 American missionary. N. Y. T 68+ 1914+ American monthly magazine. (Daughters of the American revolution) Washington. H 12-25, 1898-1904 American monthly microscopical journal. Washington. (Continues American quarterly microscopical journal) U (1) 2-18, 1880-97; A (6-10) 13 (14) 15-22 (23) 1885-1902|| R 14- 22, 1893-1901 ; B 1-4, 6-7, 1880-83, 85-86 American monthly review of reviews. See American review of reviews American motorist. Washington. C + American municipalities. Marshalltown, la. Pb + American museum journal. See American museum of natural history American museum of natural history, N. Y. American museum jour- nal. U (1) 2+ 1900+ Annual report. A 1889-1902 Bulletin. A 3-14 (15) 16-18, 1890-1902 American national preacher. N. Y. (Title reads National preacher, v.1-2) U 1-20, 1826-46; R 1-6, 1826-32 American naturalist. N. Y. R U 1+ 1867+ A 7, 15-16 (21, 26) 1873, 81-82, 87, 92 American newspaper annual. (Ayer) Philadelphia. R 1882, 86-88, 1911, 14 American ophthalmological society. Transactions. R 18-20, 1882-84 American oriental society. New Haven. Journal. T 28+ 1907+ American ornithologists' union. See Auk. 28 UNION LIST OF SERIALS American orthopedic association. Philadelphia. Transactions. Md 9-11, 14-15, 1896-98, 1901-02 American otological society. Transactions. R (3) 1883-84 American park & outdoor art association. [Papers] R 1-7, 1897-1903H American peace society. Boston. Annual report. U 78-79, 81, 83+ 1906-07, 09, 11+ See also Advocate of peace American pharmaceutical association. Philadelphia. Proceedings. R 15, 1867 American philological association. Transactions & proceedings. U 1+ 1869+ American philosophical society. Philadelphia. Proceedings. A (28) 29-50 (51) 52+ 1890+ American photography. N. Y. (Continues American amateur photog- rapher & Camera & dark room; Photo-beacon; Photographic times) K 7+ 1913+ Ad + American physical education review. Springfield, Mass. U 20+ 1915+ Ed + American physical society. See Physical review American political science association. Proceedings. R 1-7, 1904-10 American political science review. (American political science associa- tion) Baltimore. R U 1+ 1906+ Pb + American pomological society. Proceedings. U 14, 15, 17, 1873, 75, 79 American practitioner. Louisville. R 1-28, 1870-83 American Presbyterian & theological review. See American Presbyterian review American Presbyterian review. N. Y. (Title reads Presbyterian quar- terly review, v.1-11; American Presbyterian & theological review, v.12-17. Continues American theological review. Continued as Pres- byterian quarterly & Princeton review, later Princeton review) T 1-20, 1852-7111 American printer. N. Y. B + American prison association. See National prison association of the United States American Protestant magazine. N. Y. (Continued as American & for- eign Christian union, later Christian world) R 1, 3-5, 1845, 47-49; T (2-5) 1847-49 American public health association. Papers & reports. R 1-5, 9-11, 18 (33) 1873-79, 83-85, 92, 1907 See also American journal of public health American quarterly church review. See Church review American quarterly journal of agriculture & science. Albany. U 1-7, 1845-48JI American quarterly microscopical journal. N. Y. (Continued as Ameri- can monthly microscopical journal) B 1, 1878-79|| American quarterly register. (American education society) Andover; Boston. (Title reads Quarterly register & journal of the American education society, v.1-3) R U 1-15, 1827-43|| T 2-12, 1829-40 LIBRARIES OF ROCHESTER 29 American quarterly register & magazine. (Stryker) Philadelphia. U 2-3, 1849 American quarterly review. Philadelphia. U 1-22, 1827-37H R 1-19, 1827-36 American railroad journal. See Railway age gazette. Mechanical edi- tion American railway engineering association. Chicago. (Called American railway engineering & maintenance-of-way association, 1899-1910) Proceedings. Es 16+ 1915+ R 1-2, 1900-01 American railway master mechanics' association. Proceedings. R 36, 37, 1903-04 American register, or General repository of history, politics & science. Philadelphia. H 1-3, 1806-08 American register, or Summary review of history, politics & literature. Philadelphia. R 2, 1817|| American repertory of arts, sciences & manufactures. N. Y. U 1-4, 1840-42 American review; a Whig journal. See American Whig review American review of history & politics. Philadelphia. U 1, 3-4, 1811-12] | American review of reviews. N. Y. (Title reads Review of reviews, v.1-15) R U 1+ 1890+ E 9-30, 32+ 1884-1904, 05+ W33+ 1906+ M 35+ 1907+ C N P Pb Rr T Wj + American rural home. Rochester. (Continues American farmer) R 1-6, 1871-76 American scenic & historic preservation society. N. Y. Annual report R 12, 19, 1907, 14 American school board journal. Milwaukee. Ed + American school of classical studies at Athens. (Archaeological institute of America) Papers. (Continued in American journal of ar- chaeology) R 1-5, 1882-90 American social science association. See Journal of social science American society for judicial settlement of international disputes. Balti- more. Judicial settlement of international disputes. U + American society for testing materials. Proceedings. Rl 6-9, 1906-09 - Year-book. Es 1914+ American society for the extension of university teaching. See University extension American society of civil engineers. N. Y. Proceedings. Rl (1914-15) Transactions. R 13-76, 1884-1913; Es 35-53, 56+ 1896-1904, 06+ B 74+ 1911+ American society of mechanical engineers. N. Y. Journal. K + Transactions. U 1-30, 1880-1908; Es 5-18, 35+ 1884-97, 1913+ Year book. U 1913+ Es 1915+ American society of microscopists. See American microscopical society American society of naval engineers. Washington. Journal. H 17, 1905 American sociological society. Papers & proceedings. U 1+ 1906+ 30 UNION LIST OF SERIALS American statesman's yearbook. N. Y. R 1912 American statistical association. ' Boston. Publications. R 1+ 1888+ U 6+ 1898+ T 7+ 1900+- Quarterly publications. See its Publications American surgical association. Philadelphia. Transactions. U 1-3, 1883-85 American telephone & telegraph company. N. Y. Annual report. U 1908+ American theological review. N. Y. (Continued in American Presbyte- rian & theological review, later American Presbyterian review) T 1-4, 1859-62H American tract society. N. Y. Annual report. U 25, 29-34, 41, 1850, 54-59, 66; R 61-66, 1869-91 American water works association. Report of proceedings. Es 2, 4-6, 8-21, 1882, 84-86, 88-1901 American Whig review. N. Y. (Title reads American review, a Whig journal, v.1-10) R 1-16, 1845-52; U 1-14, 1845-50 American year book. N. Y. U 2, 4+ 1911, 13+ T 1-3, 5, 1910-12, 14; Es 2-5, 1911-14; R 1, 3, 1910, 12 American year-book & national register. Hartford. R U 1, 1869|| American year-book of medicine & surgery. (Gould) Philadelphia. Md 1896-1905 Americana. N. Y. (Title reads American historical magazine, v.1-4 no.3) H 1 (2, 5) 6-9, 1906-07, 10-14 The Americas. N. Y. Pb + Analecta Bollandiana. (Societe des Bollandistes) Brussels. S 1+ 1882+ Analecta ecclesiastica ; revue romaine theorique et pratique. Rome. S 1-16, 1893-1908 Analectic magazine. Philadelphia. R 1-14, 1813-19; U 1-2, 1813 Analyst. (Society of public analysts) London. K 35+ 1914+ B + Ancient Egypt. London. T 1+ 1914+ Ancient order of united workmen. Grand lodge of the state of New York. Journal of proceedings. R 1-18, 1874-91 Andover review. Boston. T 1-19, 1884-93|| R 1-18, 1884-92 Anglia; zeitschrift fur englische philologie. Halle. U 20+ 1897+ Beiblatt. Mitteilungen aus dem gesammten gebiete der englischen sprache und litteratur. U 8+ 1897+ Supplementheft. Ubersicht iiber die auf dem gebiete der englischen philologie erschienenen biicher, schriften, und aufsatze. U 1894-1905 Ann Arbor. See Michigan. University Annaes de sciencias naturaes. Oporto. A (1) 2-3 (4) 5-6, 1894-99 Annalen der chemie und pharmacie. See Liebigfs annalen der chemie Annalen der physik. Leipzig. (Title reads Annalen der physik und chemie, ser.3 v.1-69) U s.3 v.57+ 1895+ K s.4 v.l+ 1900+ Beiblatter. U 1+ 1877+ K 33+ 1913+ Annales de chimie. Paris. (Continues Annales de chimie et de physique) K s.9 v.l+ 1914+ LIBRARIES OF ROCHESTER 31 Annales de chimie et de physique. Paris. (Continued as Annales de chimie & Annales de physique) K s.2 v.19-45, s.3 v.1-69, s.8 v.28-30, 1822-30, 41-63, 19131 1 Annales de physique. Paris. (Continues Annales de chimie et de phy- sique) K s.9 v.l+ 1914+ Annales des maladies de 1'oreille, du larynx, du nez et du pharynx. Paris. Md 1-10, 12-22, 1875-84, 86-96 Annales des sciences naturelles. Paris. Botanique. U s.7 v.19-20, 1894-95 Zoologie. U s.2 v.3-6, 1835-36 Annalist. N. Y. US no.!04+ 1915+ C + Annals of anatomy & surgery. Brooklyn. R 2-8, 1880-83 Annals of botany. (Balfour, etc.) London. U 1-5, 24+ 1887-91, 1914+ Annals of hygiene. Philadelphia. R 3-11, 1888-96 Annals of Iowa. (Iowa. Historical department) Des Moines. H s.3 v.(5) 6-11 (12) 1902-15 Annals of mathematics. Cambridge, Mass. U 1+ 1884+ Annals of surgery. Philadelphia. R 1-11 (12, 14) 15, 17-60, 1885-1914; Md 61+ 1915+ Annals of the propagation of the faith. London. U 2-4, 1841-43 Annapolis. See United States naval institute Annee philosophique. (Pillon) Paris. U 1-2, 1867-68 Annee psychologique. Paris. U 1+ 1894+ Annee sociale Internationale. Paris; Rheims. S 1-3, 1910-12 Announcer. See Cornell university. Ithaca. New York state college of agriculture Annuai re de 1' economic politique et de la statistique. (Block) Paris. U 8-12, 31-32, 39-56, 1851-55, 74-75, 82-99|| R 51-56, 1894-99|| Annual American catalogue. N. Y. R 1886, 90-1903 Annual library index. See American library annual Annual literary index. See American library annual Annual magazine subject-index. Boston. (Includes Dramatic index, 1909+. Title reads Magazine subject index, 1907+) P U 1907+ Annual of scientific discovery. (Wells) Boston. R 1850-71H U 1850-57, 59-71 1| Annual of the universal medical sciences. Philadelphia. R 1888-96; Md 1888, 91-92 See also Monthly cyclopedia of practical medicine Annual record of homoeopathic literature. (Raue) N. Y. R 2, 1871 Annual record of science & industry. N. Y. R 1-8, 1871-78H U 1-5, 1871-75 Annual register. London. R 1758+ S 1758-1856; L 1758-1845; U 1758-80, n.s.!889+ Annual tables of constants & numerical data, chemical, physical & techno- logical. See Tables annuelles de constantes Anthony's photographic bulletin. N. Y. (Continued in Photographic times) K 20-30, 1889-99 International annual. (Continued in American annual of photog- raphy) K 7-14, 1895-1902 32 UNION LIST OF SERIALS Anthropological review. (Anthropological society, London) London. R 1-8, 1863-70H Anthropological society, London. Memoirs. U 1, 1863/64 See also Anthropological review Anthropological society, Washington. See American anthropologist Anthropos; ephemeris internationalis ethnologica et linguistica. Vienna. S 1-f 1906+ Anti-imperialistic league. Boston. Report. U 6-7, 10-13, 1904-05, 08-12 Anti-Jacobin; or Weekly examiner. (W. Gifford) London. R 1797/98 Anti-masonic enquirer. Rochester. See Rochester. Newspapers. Enquirer Antiquary. London. R 1-40, 1880-1904; S 3-15, 35, 1881-87, 99 "Antonio Alzate," Sociedad cientifica. See Sociedad cientifica "Antonio Alzate" Antonio Zanon, R. Istituto tecnico. See R. Istituto tecnico Antonio Zanon Appleton's journal. N. Y. R 1-16, n.s. v.1-11, 1869-81 Appleton's popular science monthly. See Popular science monthly. N. Y. Applied arts book. See School arts magazine Archaeologia americana. See American antiquarian society Archaeologiai ertesito. See Magyar tudomanyos akademia Archaeological institute of America. Washington. Annual report. (Continued in American journal of archaeology) R 1-3, 1879-82; U 1, 1879 Bulletin. T U 1+ 1909+ Papers. American series. R 1-5, 1881-92; U 1, 1881 Classical series. R 1-2, 1881-98 See also American journal of archaeology Art & archaeology Rec- ords of the past Archaeological journal. (Royal archaeological institute of Great Britain & Ireland) London. R 1-17, 1844-60 Archaeological survey of Egypt. See Egypt exploration fund. London. Archaeological survey of Egypt Architect. See Architect & contract reporter New York architect Architect & contract reporter. London. (Title reads Architect, v.1-48) U 8-40, 1872-88 Architects' & builders' magazine. See Architecture & building Architectural annual. (Architectural league of America) Washington. U 1900-01 Architectural era. N. Y. U 2-4, 1888-90 Architectural forum. Boston. (Title reads Brickbuilder, v.1-25) M 13+ 1904+ U 2-4 (22) 23+ 1893-95, 1913+ Architectural league of America. See Architectural annual Architectural record. N. Y. R 1+ 1891+ M 9-24, 1899-1908; U 33+ 1913+ C Pb + Architectural review. Boston. (Continues Technology architectural re- view) U 1-3, 1891-94 Architectural sketch-book. Boston. U 1-2, 1873-75 LIBRARIES OF ROCHESTER 33 Architecture. N. Y. R 9-28, 1904-13; U (21, 24, 27) 29+ 1910, 12, 13+ Es 31+ 1915+ Architecture & building. N. Y. (Title reads Architects' & builders' maga- zine, 1900-10) R [37]-4S, 1904-13; U 13-14, 16-23, 1890-92, 95; Es + Archiv fur die gesamte psychologic. Leipzig. U 1+ 1903+ Archiv fur die geschichte des sozialismus und der arbeiterbewegung. Leipzig. S 1-6, 1910-15 Archiv fur die naturkunde Liv-, Ehst- und Kurlands. See Dorpat Uni- versitet. Obshchestvo estestvoispytatelei Archiv fur die theologie und ihre neuste literatur. Tubingen. T 1-8, 1815-26 Archiv fur gynaekologie. Berlin. R 5-7, 1873-75 Archiv fur hydrobiologie und planktonkunde. Stuttgart. (Continues For- schungsberichte aus der Biologischen station zu Plon) U 1+ 1905+ Archiv fur lateinische lexikographie. Leipzig. U 1-15, 1884-1908|| Archiv fur ohrenheilkunde. Leipzig. R 1-4, 11-23, 26-36, 1864-69, 76-86, 88-93 Archiv fiir pathologische anatomic. See Virchows archiv fur pathologische anatomic und physiologic und fiir klinische medizin Archiv fur wissenschaftliche erforschung des Alten Testamentes. Halle. T l-(2) 1869-72 Archiv fiir wissenschaftliche photographic. Halle. K 1, 1899 Archives de medecine experimentale et d' anatomic pathologique. Paris. R 5-25, 1893-1913; Md + Archives de neurologic. Paris. R 1893-1914 Archives of dermatology. N. Y. R 1-3, 1874-77 Archives of internal medicine. (American medical association) Chicago. R 9-14, 1912-14; Md 16+ 1915+ Archives of laryngology. N. Y. Md 1-4, 1880-83 Archives of medicine. N. Y. R 1-12, 1879-84[| Archives of neurology & psychopathology. Utica, N. Y. (Continues State hospitals bulletin) R 1-2, 1898-99 Archives of ophthalmology. N. Y. (Continues Archives of ophthalmol- ogy & otology) R 22-43, 1893-1914; Md 44+ 1915+ Archives of otology. N. Y. (Continues Archives of ophthalmology & otology) R 8-37, 1879-1908; Md 12-13, 16-17, 19, 21-22, 1883-84, 87-88, 90, 92-93 Archives of pediatrics. N. Y. R 6-26, 28-30, 1889-1909, 11-13; Md 32+ 1915+ Archives of radiology & electrotherapy. London. (Title reads Archives of the Roentgen ray, v.2-19) K 15, 16 (17, 18) 19+ 1910+ Archives of the Roentgen ray. See Archives of radiology & electrotherapy Archivum franciscanum historicum. Quaracchi. S 1+ 1908+ Arena. Boston; N. Y. ; Trenton. R 1-41, 1889-1909H W 6-16, 18-20, 24-29, 32, 1892-98, 1900-04 Argonaut. San Francisco. R 1-54, 58+ 1877-1904, 06+ Argus almanac. Albany. R 1874-93 34 UNION LIST OF SERIALS Arkiv for botanik; Arkiv for kemi, mineralogi och geologi; Arkiv for matematik, astronomi och fysik; Arkiv for zoologi. See K. Svenska vetenskapsakademien, Stockholm Army & navy journal. N. Y. R Rr + Arnold arboretum. Jamaica Plain, Mass. See Harvard university. Cambridge, Mass. Arnold arboretum Art. Paris. U 1-55, 1875-93 Art & archaeology. (Archaeological institute of America) Washington. R S T U 1+ 1914+ Pe + Art & progress. See American magazine of art Art et decoration. Paris. M 15+ 1904+ Art journal. London. R 1849-70, 96-1911 Art pour tous. Paris. U 1-45, 1861-1906 Art-worker. N. Y. U 1, 1878 Art workers' quarterly. London. R 1-4, 1902-05 Art world. N. Y. (Continues Craftsman. N. Y.) M 1+ 1916+ Ad P W + Arts & decoration. N. Y. M 3+ 1912+ U (3) 4+ 1912+ Asa Gray bulletin. N. Y. (Continued in Plant world) A (5-6, 8) 1897-98, 1900|| Ashton-under-Lyne, Eng. Public free library. Annual report. R 17+ 1910/11+ Asia. (American Asiatic association) N. Y. C + Asiatic quarterly review. See Imperial & Asiatic quarterly review & ori- ental & colonial record Asiatic researches. See Asiatic society of Bengal Asiatic review. See Imperial & Asiatic quarterly review & oriental & colonial record Asiatic society of Bengal. Calcutta. Asiatic researches, or Transactions of the society. S 1-11, 1799-1812; R 5th ed. v.1-11, 1806-11 Asociacion obstetrica nacional de parteras. See Revista obstetrica Assembly herald. (Presbyterian church) Philadelphia. (Continues Church at home & abroad; also Assembly herald. Rochester) T (3) 4+ 1900+ Assembly herald. (Presbyterian church) Rochester; Syracuse; Elmira. (Continued as Assembly herald. Philadelphia) T 1-6, 1894-97 Associated advertising. Indianapolis. Ad C Pb + Associated architectural societies. Reports & papers. R 1-21, 1850-91 Association for international conciliation. American branch. N. Y. International conciliation. M 1+ 1907+ U 1-16, 18+ 1907+ R 1-7, 10-50, 52-54, 56-58, 60-66, 69+ 1907+ H (1-78) 1908-14 Monthly bulletin. R (1908-10) U (1908) 09-11 Association men. (Young men's Christian association) N. Y. T (33) (34) 35+ 1907+ Association of American geographers. Annals. U 1+ 1911+ Association of American geologists & naturalists. See American associa- tion for the advancement of science LIBRARIES OF ROCHESTER 35 Association of American physicians. Transactions. R 3, 14, 1888, 99 Association of civil engineers of Cornell university. See Cornell uni- versity. Ithaca. Association of civil engineers Association of colleges & preparatory schools of the Middle States & Maryland. Proceedings. (Title reads Proceedings of the College association of the Middle States & Maryland, 1887-92) U 1-4 [n.s.] v.1-2, 9-12, 14, 16-19, 21, 23+ 1887-92, 95-98, 1900, 02-05, 07, 09+ R 3-4, 1891-92 Association of engineering societies. Journal. R 20-49, 1898-1912 Association of history teachers of the Middle States & Maryland. An- nual convention. U 2, 1904 Association of life insurance presidents. Proceedings. R 1-2, 4-6, 1907-08, 10-12; U 1-2, 6, 1907-08, 12 Association of military surgeons of the United States. See Military sur- geon Association of officials of bureaus of labor statistics of America. (Called Chiefs & commissioners (or Officers) of bureaus of statistics of labor in the United States, 1883-91; National association of officials of bureaus of labor statistics in the United States, 1892-1900) Pro- ceedings. R 3, 8-9, 23-24, 1885, 91-92, 1907-08; U 20, 22-24, 1904, 06-08 Astor library. See New York (City) Public library Astronomical & physical society of Toronto. See Royal astronomical society of Canada Astronomical journal. Boston. U 7-22 (23) 1886-1903 Astronomical notices. (Briinnow) Ann Arbor. U 1-29, 1858-62 Astronomy & astro-physics. Northfield, Minn. (Title reads Sidereal mes- senger, v.1-10. Continued as Astrophysical journal) U 1-13, 1882-94H Astrophysical journal. (University of Chicago) (Continues Astronomy & astro-physics) K U 1+ 1895+ Athena; ephemeris politiki kai philogiki. Athens. U no.1360-1646, 1846-49 Athenaeum. Boston. U (2) 1817-18 Athenaeum. London. T 1880+ R 1886+ Athenaeum. Rochester. See Rochester athenaeum & mechanics insti- tute. Student publications Atkinson's casket. See Graham's American monthly magazine of litera- ture, art & fashion Atlanta journal-record of medicine. See Journal-record of medicine Atlantic monthly. Boston. (Continues Galaxy; Putnam's magazine) R U1+ 1857+ W 7-9, 13-14, 31, 33-36, 65, 97+ 1861-62, 64, 73-75, ' 90, 1908+ E 75-77, 79+ 1895+ M 93-97, 109+ 1904-06, 12+ Ad C P T + Atlantic reporter. St. Paul. L PI 1+ 1885+ Atlas. N. Y. H 3-4, 1830-32 Auburn, Ala. See Alabama. Agricultural experiment station Auburn, N. Y. See Cayuga county historical society 36 UNION LIST OF SERIALS Augsburg. See Naturwissenschaftlicher verein fur Schwaben und Neuberg Augustana college & theological Seminary. Rock Island, I1L Augus- tana library publications. A 1, 4-7, 1898-1910 Auk. (American ornithologists' union) Cambridge, Mass. R + Austin. See Texas academy of science Texas. University Australasian association for the advancement of science, Sydney. Re- port. A 7-12, 1898-1909 Australian medical journal. Melbourne. (Continued as Intercolonial medical journal of Australasia) R 15-17, 1893-95] | Australian museum. Sydney. Miscellaneous publication. A 10, 1916 Records. A (1) 2-4 (5) 6-f 1891+ Report of the trustees. A 1890+ Australian zoologist. (Royal zoological society of New South Wales) Sydney. A 1-f 1914+ Austria. K. K. Zentral-anstalt fur meteorologie und erdmagnetismus. See K. K. Zentral-anstalt fur meteorologie und geodynamik K. K. Zentral-anstalt fur meteorologie und geodynamik. See K. K. Zentral-anstalt fur meteorologie und geodynamik Author. Boston. R 1-3, 1889-91 Automobile & automotive industries. N. Y. Rr + Automobile dealer & repairer. N. Y. Ad + Automobile trade journal. Philadelphia. Wj + Ave Maria. Notre Dame, Ind. S + Aviation & aeronautical engineering. N. Y. M + Ayer's American newspaper annual. See American newspaper annual Babylonian & oriental record. London. T 1-8, 1886-1900 Ballot box. See National citizen & ballot box Baltimore. See Enoch Pratt free library Johns Hopkins hospital Johns Hopkins university Maryland academy of sciences Bamberg. See Naturforschende gesellschaft Bankers' almanac. N. Y. (Title reads .Merchants' & bankers' almanac, Bankers' almanac & register, etc.) R 1, 5-6, 9-13, 16-34, 36, 1852, 56-57,60-64, 67-84,86 Bankers' directory. See Rand-McNally bankers' directory Bankers encyclopaedia. Chicago. R 7, 1898 Bankers' magazine. N. Y. (Continues Rhodes journal of banking) R 1-75, 1846-1907; U 78+ 1909+ Banking law journal. N. Y. L -+ 1889+ Bankrupt register. See National bankruptcy register Baptist annual register. (Rippon) London. U 1790-97 Baptist commonwealth. Philadelphia. T 25+ 1908+ Baptist congress. [Proceedings] U 15, 18, 20, 22-23, 25, 27, 1897, 1900, 02, 04-05, 07, 09 Baptist education society of the state of New York. Hamilton. Re- ports. U 32, 41, 51, 1849, 58, 68 Baptist flag. Fulton, Ky. T + LIBRARIES OF ROCHESTER 37 Baptist general tract society. See American Baptist publication society Triennial Baptist register Baptist handbook. London. T 1903+ Baptist home mission monthly. (American Baptist home mission society) N. Y. (Continued as Missions) T U 1-31, 1878-1909|| Baptist magazine. London. (Includes Missionary herald. London, 1819- 82) T 2-4, 6-15, 17-19, 21-46, 66-68, 70-75, 1810-12, 14-23, 25-27, 29-54, 74-76, 78-82; U (39, 42-45) 1846, 50-53 Baptist memorial & monthly record. N. Y. (Title reads Baptist memo- rial & monthly chronicle, v.1-2) U 1-7, 1842-48 Baptist missionary convention of the state of New York. Anniversary. (Continued in New York Baptist annual) U [19] -60, 1826-67 Baptist missionary magazine. (American Baptist missionary union) Bos- ton. (Title reads Massachusetts Baptist missionary magazine, v.1-4; American Baptist magazine, n.s. v.1-15; Missionary magazine, v.30-52. Continued as Missions) T 1-4, n.s. v.1-89, 1803-1909|| U (1) 2-4, n.s. v.1-89, 1804-1909|| Baptist missionary review. Cuttack, India. T 1+ 1895+ Baptist observer. Greensburg, Ind. T + Baptist preacher. (Collier) Boston. U 1-2 (3) 1827-30 Baptist quarterly. Philadelphia. T U 1-11, 1867-77|| Baptist quarterly review. N. Y. (Title reads Baptist review, v.1-3) T U 1-14, 1879-92H Baptist review. See Baptist quarterly review Baptist review & expositor. See Review & expositor Baptist standard. Dallas, Tex. T + Baptist teacher. Philadelphia. U 11+ 1880+ Baptist times & freeman. London. T 51+ 1905+ Baptist world. Louisville, Ky. T + Barcelona. See Club montanyenc Barge canal bulletin. Albany. M + Barnard's American journal of education. See American journal of edu- cation Basel. ' See Naturforschende gesellschaft Batavia, Java. See K. Naturkundige vereeniging in Nederlandsch-Indie Baton Rouge, La. See Louisiana. State university & agricultural & mechanical college K. Bayerische akademie der wissenschaften, Munich. Mathematisch-physi- kalische klasse. Sitzungsberichte. A 1911+ Philosophisch-philologische und historische klasse. Sitzungsberichte. U (1890, 98) Bayerischer kunstgewerbe-verein. Munich. Zeitschrift. U 43, 1894 Beiblatt. Ktmstgewerbliche rundschau. U 1894 Baylor university. Waco, Tex. Bulletin. U (8) 1905 Bayreuth. See Naturwissenschaftliche gesellschaft Beacon. See Photo-beacon 38 UNION LIST OF SERIALS Bee. Hudson, N. Y. See Hudson, N. Y. Newspapers Behavior monographs. N. Y. U 1+ 1911+ Belfast natural history & philosophical society. Reports & proceedings. A 1889-99, 1900-11, 12+ Belfast naturalists' field club. Annual report & proceedings. A s.2 v.(3-4) 5 (6-7)+ 1891-94, 96, 1900-08, 11-12, 15+ Belleville, 111. Public library. Annual report. R 14+ 1896/97+ Bench & bar. N. Y. L 1+ 1869+ Bergen, Norway. Museum. Aarbog. A 1892-1909 Aarsberetning. A 1889-91, 99-1908 Skrifter. A n.s. v.(l) 1909 Berkeley. See California. Agricultural experiment station California. University Berlin. See Botanischer verein der provinz Brandenburg K. Deutsches archaeologisches institut Deutsche bank Deutsche botanische gesell- schaft Deutsche chemische gesellschaft Deutsche geologische gesell- schaft Deutsche gesellschaft fur offentliche gesundheitspflege Deutsche physikalische gesellschaft Physikalisch-technische reichsan- stalt Physiologische gesellschaft K. Preussische akademie der wis- senschaften Vorderasiatische gesellschaft See also entries under Berliner Berliner klinische wochenschrift. R 19, 23, 25-28, 30-50, 1882, 86, 88-91, 93-1913; Md 52+ 1915+ Berliner philologische wochenschrift. T (1) 2 (3) 4-8 (9) 10-21, 1881-1901; U 19+ 1899+ Berne. See Schweizerische naturforschende gesellschaft Better photos. Chicago. K 1+ 1913+ Beweis des glaubens. See Geisteskampf der gegenwart Bible champion. New Brunswick, N. J. (Title reads Bible student & teacher, v.1-15. Continues Bible student) T 1+ 1904+ U 18+ 1914+ R + Bible student. Columbia, S. C. (Continued as Bible student & teacher, later Bible champion) T 4-8, 1901-03 Bible student & teacher. See Bible champion Bible treasury. London. U (13-14) 1881-83 Bible union quarterly. See American Bible union. Documentary his- tory Biblia, devoted to Biblical archaeology & oriental research. Meriden. T (4) 5-17, 1891-1905 Biblical recorder. Raleigh, N. C. T + Biblical repertory & Princeton review. Princeton. (Title reads Biblical repertory, v.l ; Biblical repertory & theological review, v.2-8. Con- tinued in Presbyterian quarterly & Princeton review, later Princeton review) R 1-41, 43, 1829-69, 71 ; T 9-43, 1837-71 Biblical repertory & theological review. See Biblical repertory & Prince- ton review Biblical repository. Andover. (Title reads American Biblical repository, LIBRARIES OF ROCHESTER 39 v.9-s.2 v.12. Continues Quarterly Christian spectator. Continued in Bibliotheca sacra) T l-s.3 v.6, 1831-50; U l-s.2 v.2, ll-s.3 v.6, 1831-39, 44-50; R 1-7, 9, 1 l-s.2 v.l, 3-10, 1831-43 Biblical review. N. Y. T 1, 1916 Biblical world. Chicago. (Title reads Hebrew student, v.1-2; Old Testa- ment student, v.3-8; Old & New Testament student, v.9-15) T 1-15, n.s. v.l-f 1882+ Bibliographic der deutschen zeitschriften-literatur. Leipzig. U 1-37, 1896-1915 Beilage-band. U 1-5, 1909-13 Erganzungs-band. U 1-8, 1896-1914 Bibliographic der sozialwissenschaften. Berlin. U 7-8 (9) 1911-13; T 7, 1911 Bibliography of social science. See Bibliographic der sozialwissenschaften Bibliotheca philologica. Gottingen. U 36-37, 1883-84 Bibliotheca philologica . classica. Leipzig. U 26+ 1899+ Bibliotheca sacra. Andover; Oberlin. (Continues Biblical repository; Christian review; Theological eclectic & journal of Biblical theology) T 1+ 1844+ U 1-6, 8-9, (10, 14) 15-17 (18-19) 21-34 (35) 36-39, 1844-49, 51-53, 57-62, 64-82; R 1-31, 1844-74 Bibliotheca sacra. (Robinson) N. Y. T 1, 1843|| Biblische zeitschrift. Freiburg, Breisgau. S 1+ 1903+ Biennial retrospect of medicine, surgery, & their allied sciences. London. R 1865-68 Billboard. Cincinnati. Pe R + Biochemical bulletin. (Columbia university. Biochemical association) N. Y. M no.1-9, 1911-13 Biological bulletin. (Marine biological laboratory. Woods Hole, Mass.) U (25, 27) 28+ 1913+ Biologisches centralblatt. Leipzig. U 1-10, 1881-91 Bird-lore. N. Y. R U 1+ 1899+ N P + Birmingham medical review. R 33-54, 1893-1903 Black diamond. Chicago. Rl + Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. See Blackwood's magazine Blackwood's magazine. Edinburgh; London. (Title reads Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine, v.1-178) R i + 1817+ S 115-184, 1874-1908; U 1-67, 69+ 1817+ Bloomington, Ind. See Indiana. University Blue print. (University of Nebraska engineering society) Lincoln. R 2, 1903 K. Bohmische gesellschaft der wissenschaften. Prague. Jahresbericht. A 1891-1912 Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche classe. Sitzungsberichte. A 1891-1912 Bologna. See R. Accademia delle scienze dell' Istituto di Bologna Bonn. See Naturhistorischer verein der preussischen Rheinlande und Westfalens Niederrheinische gesellschaft fur natur-und heilkunde 40 UNION LIST OF SERIALS Book buyer. N. Y. (Title reads The Lamp, v.26-29) R 10-29, 1893-1905;+ Book prices current. London. R 7, 25, 1893, 1910/11 Book review digest. White Plains, N. Y. (Title reads Cumulative book review digest, v.l) Pe Pg Pm U 1+ 1905-f Pin 11+ 1916+ Pgo + Book sales. London. R 1895-98 Bookman. London. T 1-5, 1891-93 Bookman. N. Y. R 1+ 1895+ U 1-28 (34, 37) 1895-1909, 13; P + Bookmart. Pittsburg. R 1-6, 1883-89 Bookseller. London. U 34+ 1891+ R + Bookworm. (Berjeau) London. U 1-4, 1866-69 Borda, Societe de. See Societe de Borda Bordeaux. See Societe linneenne Boston. Newspapers. Boston evening transcript. Rr + Christian science monitor. C Cs Pe Rr U + Boston board of trade. Annual report. R 21, 1875 Boston cooking school magazine. See American cookery Boston journal of chemistry. (Title reads Boston journal of chemistry & pharmacy, v.l) R 1-6, 1866-72 Boston mechanic. (Title reads Young mechanic, v.1-2; Mechanic, v.3) R 1-4, 1832-35; H 1-3, 1832-34 Boston medical & surgical journal. (Continues New England journal of medicine & surgery) R 1-65, 108-117, 128-171, 1828-62, 83-87, 93- 1914; Md 66, 69-73, 90, 92-96, 104-135, 172+ 1862-66, 74, 81-96, 1915+ Boston. Museum of fine arts. Museum of fine arts bulletin. M 10+ 1912+ Boston. Public library. Annual list of new & important books added. A 1896/97-1902/03 Annual report. R 30+ 1882+ A 39+ 1890+ H 41, 1892 Bulletin. (Title reads Monthly bulletin, s.2, 1896-1904; s.l & 3 ap- peared quarterly) A (9) 10-14 [s.2] v.l (2) 3-7 (8) 9, s.3 v.(2) 3+ 1891-1904, 09+ Boston society of natural history. Memoirs. A 8 no.2, 1916 Proceedings. A 25-29 (30) 31+ 1891+ Boston young men's Christian union. Report. R [26, 32-35, 44] -48, 1876, 82-86, 94-99 Boston. See also American academy of arts & sciences American Bap- tist missionary union American Congregational association Ameri- can-Irish historical society American peace society American statis- tical association Anti-imperialistic league Massachusetts historical society Massachusetts horticultural society Massachusetts institute of technology Military historical society of Massachusetts National association of wool manufacturers New England Catholic historical society New England historic-genealogical society New England waterworks association Philippine information society World peace foundation LIBRARIES OF ROCHESTER 41 Bostonian society. Proceedings. H 1889 Botanical gazette. Chicago. A (9-10, 18) 19-28 (29-32) 33-36, 1884-85, 93-1903; U 29+ 1900+ Botanical society, Edinburgh. Transactions & proceedings. A (20-22) 23+ 1894+ Botanical society of America. [Scientific & business publications] A [4, 6, 9] 18, [1896-98] 1901 Botanische zeitung. Leipzig. U 38-48, 1880-90 Botanischer jahresbericht. (Just) Berlin. U 1-10, 1873-82 Botanischer verein der provinz Brandenburg. Berlin. Verhandlungen. A 32-34, 36+ 1890-92, 94+ Bozeman. See Montana agricultural college Boys' life. N. Y. P + Brain. London. R 16-36, 1893-1914; U (2-3) 1880; Md 38+ 1915+ Brains. N. Y. Ad (7) 8-11 (12) 1895-98 Braithwaite's retrospect of practical medicine & surgery. See Retrospect of practical medicine & surgery Brass world & platers' guide. Bridgeport, Conn. B K + Breeze. See Rochester athenaeum & mechanics institute. Student publications : Athenaeum Bremen. See Naturwissenschaftlicher verein Brick Church life. Rochester. R + Brickbuilder. See Architectural formu Bridgeport, Conn. Public library & reading room. Annual report. R 1, 6-17, 19, 21-22, 25, 1882, 87-98, 1900, 01/02-02/03, 05/06 Bridgeport, Conn. See also Fairfield county historical society Brisbane. See Queensland museum Royal society of Queensland British almanac. London. R 1-58, 68+ 1828-85, 95+ British & foreign evangelical review. London. (Continued as Theologi- cal monthly) T 1-37, 1852-88 British & foreign medical review. London. (Continued as British & for- eign medico-chirurgical review) R 9-17, 22-23, 1840-44, 46 British & foreign medico-chirurgical review. N. Y. ; London. (Continues British & foreign medical review; Medico-chirurgical review) R 1-28 (29) 32-34 (35-37) 1848-66 British architect. London. U 15-30, 1881-88 British association for the advancement of science. London. Report. U 1+ 1831+ R 1-60, 1831-90 British journal of dermatology. London. R 14-26, 1902-14; Md 27+ 1915+ British journal of homoeopathy. London. R 1-19, 1843-61 British journal of photography. London. K 17-34, 36, 38+ 1870-87, 89, 91+ British journal of surgery. Bristol. Md 3+ 1915+ British journal photographic almanac & photographers' daily companion. London. (Continues Year book of photography & amateurs' guide) K 1870+ R 1869, 71-1910; U 1866-1901 42 UNION LIST OF SERIALS British medical journal. London. R (1881-84) 85 (86) 87-90, 93-1914; Md 1915+ British quarterly review. London; N. Y. R 1-83, 1845-86H T U 53-83, 1871-86|| British weekly. London. T 30+ 1901+ Brochure series of architectural illustration. Boston. M 9, 1903 1| Brook farm association. See Dial; magazine for literature, philosophy, & religion Brookline, Mass. Public library. Annual report. R 9, 13-36, 38+ 1866, 70-93, 95+ Brooklyn. Newspapers. Brooklyn daily eagle. Rr + Brooklyn engineers' club. Proceedings. Es 1912+ Brooklyn institute of arts & sciences. Cold Spring Harbor monographs. A 1-7, 1903-09 Year book. U 3, 8, 10+ 1890/91, 95+ Brooklyn museum. Memoirs of natural sciences. A (1) 1904 Science bulletin. A 1+ 1901+ Brooklyn library. Annual report. (Continued in Annual report of the Brooklyn public library) R 25-37, 39-42, 1883-95, 97-1900; A 38-42, 1896-1900; H 34, 1891/92 Brooklyn museum. See Brooklyn institute of arts & sciences. Brook- lyn museum. Brooklyn. Public library. Annual report. R 1, 3+ 1898, 1900+ Brooklyn. See also Long Island historical society Pratt institute Broteria; revista de sciencias naturaes do Collegio de S. Fiel. Lisbon. A 3, 1904 Brown university. Providence. Anatomical laboratory. Contributions. U 1, 1898 Brownson's quarterly review. Boston. S n.s. v.1-6, s.3 v.1-3, New York ser. v.1-4, New York ser.3 v.1-4, National ser. v.l, Last ser. v.1-3, 1847-75H T Last ser. v.2-3, 1874-75 1| Briinn. See Naturforschender verein Brunswick, Germany. See Verein fur naturwissenschaft Brush & pencil. Chicago. M 11-14, 1902-04 Brussels. Jardin botanique de 1'etat. Bulletin. A (3) 1911 Brussels. Observatoire royal de Belgique. Annales. Annales astrono- miques. A n.s. v.10-14 pt.l, 1907-14 Physique du globe. A n.s. v.3 pt.3-v.5 pt.3, 1907-12 Annuaire astronomique. A 1908-14 Brussels. See also Academic royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux- arts de Belgique Societe beige de geologic, de paleontologie et d' hydrologie Societe de microscopic Societe royale de botanique de .Belgique Societe royale zoologique et malacologique de Belgique Bucharest. See Roumania. Institutul meteorologic Budapest. See Magyar nemzeti muzeum Magyar tudomanyos akademia Buenos Aires. Museo nacional de historia natural. Anales. A 4+ 1895+ LIBRARIES OF ROCHESTER 43 Comunicaciones. A v.l no.1-10, 1898-1901 Memoria. A 1894-96 Buenos Aires. See also Circulo medico argentine Deutsche akademische vereinigung Buffalo. Newspapers. Buffalo express. Rr + Buffalo charity organization society. Annual report. R 27+ 1904+ Buffalo fine arts academy. See Academy notes Buffalo historical society. Annual report & proceedings. (Continued in Publications) H 1884-98|| R 1887-98|| A 1890-95 Publications. (Title reads Transactions, v.3) H 1+ 1879+ U 1, 1879 Buffalo library. (Called Young men's association of the city of Buffalo, 1836-86) Annual report. (Continued as Annual report of the Buf- falo public library) R 1, 3, 6-45, 47-55, 57-64, 1837, 39, 42-81, 93-91, 93-1900 Buffalo medical journal. (Title reads Buffalo medical journal & monthly review of surgical science, v.1-15; Buffalo medical & surgical journal, [n.s.]v.l-34. Continues Medical press of western New York) R 1-10, [n.s.] v.9, 11, 19, 21, 23-30, 33-43, 67-69, 1845-55, 69, 71, 79, 81, 83-91, 93-1904, 11-14; Md (11) [n.s.] v.5, 19-41, 70+ 1856, 65/66, 79- 1902, 14+ U [n.s.] v.(10) 26+ 1871, 86+ Buffalo. Public library. Annual report. (Continues Annual report of the Buffalo library) R 1+ 1897+ Buffalo society of natural sciences. Bulletin. A (1) 2+ 1873+ R 1-4, 1873-77; U (10) 1910 Reports. A 1894, 96 Buffalo. See also Grosvenor library Builder. London. U 40-43, 1881-82; R 27, 1870 Building age. N. Y. (Title reads Carpentry & building, v.1-31) R 26-35, 1904-13; M 36-37, 1914-15 Building budget. Chicago. U 1-5, 1885-89 Building news & engineering journal. London. U 28-54, 1875-88 Bulletin of bibliography. Boston. Pe 1+ 1897+ U 1 (2-4) 5+ 1897+ R 1-2, 1897-1902 Bullinger's monitor guide. N. Y. B + Bumble bee. (Rochester ad club) Rochester. (Continues Rochester ad- vertising life) Ad Pe 1+ 1913+ Bureau of railway economics. Washington. Bulletin. H 21, 1911 Burlington, la. Free public library. Annual report. R 1898, 1900-03 Burlington, Vt. See Fletcher free library Vermont. University Burlington magazine for connoisseurs. London. U 1-5, 14+ 1903-04, 08+ M 13-21, 1908-12 Business aid. Chicago. U 1+ 1907+ Business digest. N. Y. (Continues Information) U 1+ 1917+ P Pb R 3+ 1917+ Byzantinische zeitschrift Leipzig. T 1-10, 1892-1901 Caen. See Societe linneenne de Normandie UNION LIST OF SERIALS Calcutta Baptist missionary society. See Missionary herald Calcutta Christian advocate. U (9) 10, 12-13, 1847-48, 50-51 Calcutta Christian observer. U 1-16 (18-20) 1832-47, 49-51 Calcutta missionary herald. (Continued as part of Oriental Baptist) U 1-3 (4-7) 1840-46H Calcutta. See also Asiatic society of Bengal California academy of sciences. San Francisco. Occasional papers. A 4-9, 1893-1905 Proceedings. Series 2. A 3-6, 1890-96 Series 3. Botany. A 1-2, 1897-1904 Mathematics-physics. A 1, 1898-1903 Zoology. A 1-4, 1897-1906 Series 4. A 1, 1907+ California. Agricultural experiment station. Berkeley. Bulletin. A (1892+) Circular. A (1904, 07-08, 13+) Report. A 1888-90, 92-1901, 03-04|| Report of the viticultural work. A 1885-93 Seed bulletin. A 1898-1900, 06/07 Technical bulletins. Entomology. See California. University. Berkeley. Publications. Entomology See also California. University. Berkeley. College of agriculture California legal record. San Francisco. L 1-2, 1878-79 California. University. Berkeley. Annual report of the secretary to the board of regents. A 1890-95, 97-1900 Biennial report of the president. A 1888, 90, 1902/4 Bulletin. A 28, 31, 1877-78 Series 3. A (3, 5) 1910-11 Publications. Agricultural sciences. A 1+ 1912+ Economics. U 2 (3) 4+ 1910+ Entomology. A 1+ 1906+ Geology. A 1-2 (3) 4 (5) 6+ 1893+ History. U 1, no.2, 1913 Modern philology. U 1+ 1909+ Zoology. U 12+ 1913+ Studies. A v.l no.1-2, 1893, 94 Agricultural experiment station. See California. Agricultural ex- periment station College of agriculture & Agricultural experiment station. Report. A 1912/13+ College of agriculture. See also California. Agricultural experi- ment station Geology, Dept. of. Bulletin. See California. University. Berkeley. Publications. Geology - Library. Library bulletin. A 1, 3-12, 1880-94 Cambridge, Eng. See Parker society LIBRARIES OF ROCHESTER 45 Cambridge historical society. Cambridge, Mass. Publications. Pro- ceedings. H 1-4, 1905-09 Cambridge, Mass. Public library. Annual report. R 1898-1900, 03 Cambridge, Mass. See also American folk-lore society Harvard uni- versity Camera. Philadelphia. K 4, 17+ 1900, 13+ Camera & darkroom. N. Y. (Continued in American photography) K 4, 1901 Camera club. London. Journal. K 1-6, 8-14, 1886-92, 94-1900 Camp fire girls. See Wohelo Campus. See Rochester. University. Student publications Canada. Central experiment farm. Ottawa. Bulletin. A 11, 14, 1891, 92 Canada lancet. Toronto. R 5-7, 9-10, 12-13, 27, 1872-75, 77-78, 80, 94 Canada law journal. Toronto. (Title reads Upper Canada law journal, v.l-n.s. v.3) L n.s. v.l+ 1865+ Canadian annual review of public affairs. Toronto. T 10+ 1910+ U 7, 1907 Canadian Baptist. Toronto. T (56) 57+ 1909+ Canadian entomologist. (Entomological society of Ontario) London, Ont A 23+ 1891+ Canadian institute. See Royal Canadian institute Canadian medical association. Toronto. Journal. (Continues Mont- real medical journal) R 2-3, 1912-13; Md + Canadian monthly & national review. Toronto. U 1-14, 1872-78 Canadian record of science. (Natural history society of Montreal) A (4) 5-7 (8-9)+ 1891+ Canadian year book. Toronto. U 2-3, 6-7, 9, 1899-1900, 03-04, 06; R 6-7, 9, 14, 1903-04, 06, 11; H 9, 1906 Caoutchouc et la gutta-percha. Paris. K 1+ 1904+ Carlo Alberto, R. Collegio. Moncalieri. See Moncalieri. R. Collegio Carlo Alberto Carnegie endowment for international peace. Washington. Yearbook. R 1912 Carnegie foundation for the advancement of teaching. N. Y. Annual report. U 1+ 1906+ Bulletin. U 1, 3+ 1907+ R 4, 6, 1910, 12 Carnegie institution. Washington. Publications. R 6-8, 1903 Year book. U 1-10, 1902-11; R 1-5, 1902-06 Department of marine biology. Papers. U 1+ 1908+ Solar observatory. Mt. Wilson, Cal. Contributions. K 1+ 1905+ U 1-2, 1904-05 See also Index medicus Carpentry & building. See Building age Cartoons. Chicago. M 3-8, 1913-15 Case & comment [Law]. Rochester. Ad C L Pb PI R + 46 UNION LIST OF SERIALS Casket. See Graham's American monthly magazine of literature, art & fashion Casket, a journal devoted to the interests of funeral directors. Roch- ester. R 11-16, 1886-91 Cassier's engineering monthly. N. Y. (Title reads Cassier's magazine, v.1-42) M 31-44, 1906-13H K 3-4, 1892-93 Catalogo generale della libreria italiana. Milan. U 1+ 1847+ Catalogue annuel de la librairie franchise. (Jordell) Paris. (Continued as Repertoire bibliographique de la librairie franchise) R 1894-98|| Catalogue general de la librairie franchise. (Lorenz, Jordell) Paris. R T U 1+ 1840+ Catalogue mensuel de la librairie franchise. Paris. T 1889+ R 1886-93, 1905+ Catania, Sicily. See Accademia Gioenia di scienze natural! Societa degli spettroscopisti italiani Catholic almanac. Baltimore. S 1846-49 Catholic charities review. Washington. S 1+ 1917+ Catholic choirmaster. Baltimore. S 1+ 1915+ Catholic directory. N. Y. S 1817-22 Catholic directory. See also Catholic almanac Dunigan's American Cath- olic almanac Hoffmann's Catholic directory Metropolitan Catholic almanac Official Catholic directory Sadlier's Catholic directory United States Catholic almanac Catholic historical researches. See American Catholic historical researches Catholic historical review. (Catholic university of America) Washing- ton. S 1+ 1915+ Catholic mind. N. Y. S (14) 15+ 1916+ Catholic missions. N. Y. S + Catholic temperance advocate. Mt. Morris, 111. S + Catholic university bulletin. (Catholic university of America) Washing- ton. S 1-20, 1895-1914 Catholic world. N. Y. S 1+ 1865+ R 61+ 1895+ T 13-51, 1871-90; Pe Pg Pm + Cayuga county historical society. Auburn, N. Y. Collections. H R 1-11, 1879-94U U 11, 1890/94|| Cement age. N. Y. (Continues Concrete engineering. Continued as Concrete-cement age, later Concrete) En 12-14, 1911-12|| Central-blatt & social justice. St. Louis. (Title reads Central-blatt, v.l) S 1+ 1908+ Central law journal. St. Louis. (Continues Green bag) L 1+ 1874+ Central station. N. Y. Rl + Central-zeitung fur optik und mechanik. Berlin. K 34+ 1913+ Centralblatt fur bakteriologie, parasitenkunde und infektionskrankheiten. Jena. Abteilung I. (Beginning v.31, 1902, issued in two series, Origi- nate & Referate) U 11-30, 1892-1901 Originate. U 31+ 1902+ Referate. U 31+ 1902+ LIBRARIES OF ROCHESTER 47 Abteilung 2. U 1+ 1895+ Central. See also Zentral. Centre estudiantes de medicina. See Circulo medico argentine y Centre estudiantes de medicina Century illustrated monthly magazine. N. Y. (Continues Scribner's monthly) R U 1+ 1881+ W 1-18, 22-29, 31, 33-34, 37-39, 43, 1881- 90, 92-1901, 03; M 91+ 1915+ C P Rr T + Ceska spolecnost entomologicka. Prague. Casopis. A (1) 1904 K. Ceska spolecnost nauk. See K. Bohmische gesellschaft der wissen- schaften Chamber of commerce of the state of New York. Monthly bulletin. Pb + Chamber of commerce of the United States of America. See Nation's business Chambers's Edinburgh journal. See Chambers's journal Chambers's journal. Edinburgh. (Title reads Chambers's Edinburgh journal, 1832-53) R l-s.5 v.ll, 1832-94 Chapel Hill, N. C. See Elisha Mitchell scientific society North Carolina. University Charities. See Survey Charities & the commons. See Survey Charities review. (Charity organization society of the city of New York) (Continued in Charities, later Survey) R 1-10, 1892-1901 Charity organization society. See Buffalo charity organization society New York (City) Charity organization society Chattanooga, Tenn. Public library. Annual report. R 10+ 1914+ Chautauquan. (Chautauqua institution) Chautauqua, N. Y. (Continued in Independent) R 1-51, 1880-1908; E 44-71, 1906-13; W 44-59, 1906-10 Chemical abstracts. (American chemical society) Easton, Pa. (Con- tinues American chemical society, Review of American chemical re- search) B K U 1+ 1907+ Chemical engineer. Chicago. U 1+ 1904+ M 11-20, 1910-14 Chemical news & journal of physical science. London. U 71+ 1895+ K 87+ 1903+ R 33-36, 1876-77 Chemical society, London. Annual reports on the progress of chemistry. K 1+ 1904+ Journal. U 41+ 1882+ K 23+ 1870+ - Proceedings. K 17-25, 27, 1901-09, 11;+ Chemical society, Washington. Bulletin. A 1-9, 1884-95|| Chemical world. London. K 2+ 1913+ Chemico-agricultural society of Ulster. Journal. See Ulster agricul- turist Chemische industrie. Berlin. K 1-27, 1878-1904 Chemisches zentralblatt. (Deutsche chemische gesellschaft) Berlin. K 68+ 1896+ Chemnitz. Technische staatslehranstalt. Jahresbericht. A 1891-1909 Chemnitz. See also Naturwissenschaftliche gesellschaft 48 UNION LIST OF SERIALS Cherbourg. See Societe nationale des sciences naturelles et mathematiques Cherokee messenger. Cherokee. U 1, 1844/46 Chi e ? annuario biografico italiano. Rome. R 1908 Chicago. Newspapers. Chicago herald. Rr + Chicago academy of sciences. Annual report. (Continued in Bulletin) A 39-40 1896-97H Bulletin. (Continues Annual report) A 1-2 (3) 4+ 1883+ Special publications. A 1-3, 1902-11 Natural history survey. (Called Geological & natural history survey, to 1898) Bulletin. A 1-7, 1896-1909 Chicago. Art institute. Bulletin. M 5+ 1911+ Chicago legal news. L 1+ 1868+ Chicago medical journal & examiner. (Title reads Chicago medical jour- nal, v.1-31) R 27-35, 1870-77 Chicago medical recorder. R 6-36, 1894-1914; Md + Chicago. Public library. Annual report. R 1-10, 12+ 1873-82, 84+ Chicago. University. Contributions to education. U 1-6, 1901 -02j| Contributions to philosophy. U 1 (2) 3 (4) 1896-1903 University record. U 1-2 (3-4) 5 (6-7) 1896-1905 Anthropology, Dept. of. Bulletin. A 1, 1894 Chicago. See also American library association American medical asso- ciation American railway engineering association Field museum of natural history John Crerar library Newberry library Western society of engineers Chiefs & commissioners of bureaus of statistics of labor in the United States. See Association of officials of bureaus of labor statistics of America Child labor bulletin. (National child labor committee) N. Y. T 1+ 1912+ U (1-3) 1912-14 Child life. Philadelphia. (Title reads Bulletin of the American institute of child life, to v.5 no.8, 1915) T 5+ 1915+ Child-study. (Child study association) London. Ed + Children's aid society. N. Y. Annual report. R 7, 8, 11, 1860-61, 64 Chili. See Societe scientifique du Chili China year book. London. R 1912/3 China's millions. London. T (5- 7) 8 (9-10) 33+ 1880-85, 1907+ Chinese recorder & missionary journal. Shanghai. T 41+ 1910+ Chord. London. U 1, 1899/1900 Christendom. Chicago. (Continued in World to-day, later Hearst's) T 1+ 1903|| Christian advocate. N. Y. T 82+ 1907+ Christian disciple. Boston. (Continued as Christian examiner) R 1-6, 1813-18 Christian endeavor world. Boston. T + Christian examiner. Boston. (Continues Christian disciple; Monthly mis- cellany of religion & letters. Continued as Old & new) T 1-49, 1824-50; U n.s. v.16-17 (23, 33, 36) 37-41 (42, 44-45) 46-54 (55) 56 (57-58, 73, 80-82) 1834-35, 37, 42-55, 66-67 LIBRARIES OF ROCHESTER 49 Christian guardian. Rochester. HI, 1849 Christian herald. N. Y. T + Christian index. Atlanta, Ga. T + Christian intelligencer. N. Y. T + Christian observatory. Boston. T 1, 1847 Christian observer. London, (v.21 never published) T 1-3, 10-26, 1802-26; R 1-3, 11-22, 24, 1802-04, 12-22, 24 Christian palladium. Union Mills, N. Y. T 4-5, 1835-37 Christian review. Boston; Rochester. (Continued in Bibliotheca sacra) T U 1-28, 1836-63H R 1, 1836 Christian science herold. See Herold der Christian science Christian science journal. Boston. Cs 4+ 1886+ R 13, 1895-96; Pe Pg Pm R Rr U + Christian science monitor. Boston. See Boston. Newspapers Christian science quarterly. Boston. Cs + Christian science sentinel. Boston. (Title reads Christian science weekly, v.l no.1-21) Cs 1+ 1898+ Pe Pg Pm R Rr T U + Christian spectator. New Haven. (Continued as Quarterly Christian spectator) U 1-8, n.s. v.1-2, 1819-28] | T 7-8, n.s. v.1-2, 1825-28|| Christian work & evangelist. N. Y. T + Christian world. London. T 49 (50) 51-52 (53) 54+ 1905+ Christian world. N. Y. (Title reads American & foreign Christian union, v.l-(?)12. Continues American Protestant magazine) T 1-2 (3) 4 (5) 6-9 (10-11) 13-19, 23-24, 1850-73; R 1-3, 7-9, 1850- 52, 56-58 Christian world pulpit. London. T 73+ 1908+ Christiania. See Videnskapsselskapet Christian's magazine. N. Y. R 4, 1811 Christian's mirror. Rochester. H (1) 1847 Christliche welt. Marburg. T (25) 26+ 1911+ Chronique de France. Paris. U 1-5, 1900-04 Church almanac. See American church almanac & year book Church at home & abroad. Philadelphia. (Continued as Assembly her- ald. Philadelphia) T 15-24, 1894-98|| Church mission to the deaf in central & western New York. Annual report. R 1-10, 1890-1900 Church missionary gleaner. London. T 16+ 1889+ Church missionary review. London. T 58+ 1907+ Church of England. Official year-book. T 1889, 96, 98+ R 1895, 98-1905 Church quarterly review. London. T 1+ 1875+ R 1-57, 1875-1904 Church review. N. Y. (Title reads Church review & ecclesiastical register, v.1-10; American quarterly church review, v.11-23; American church review, v.24-45) R 1-22, 33-42, 46, 47, 1848-71, 81-83, 85- 86; T (16) 17-19 (20-22) 1865-71 Church review & ecclesiastical register. See Church review SO UNION LIST OF SERIALS Churchman. N. Y. R 32-66, 1875-92; T 98+ 1908+ Churchman's almanac. See American church almanac & year book Cincinnati. Newspapers. Cincinnati enquirer. Rr + Cincinnati chamber of commerce. Annual report. R 38-42, 44, 1885-89, 91 Cincinnati medical news. R 19, 1886 Cincinnati museum association. Annual report. A 19-23, 29, 1899-1903, 09; U 27-28, 1907-08 Cincinnati observatory. See Cincinnati. University. Observatory Cincinnati. Public library. Annual report. R 1866/67-68/69, 70/71-72/73, 80/81-97/98, 99/1900-12/13, 14/15 Cincinnati society of natural history. Journal. A (13-14) 15-17 (18) 19+ 1891+ Cincinnati. University. Record. A s.l v.9 no.3, 1913 Observatory. Publications. A 11+ 1891+ R 5-7, 1878-82 Cincinnati. See also Historical & philosophical society of Ohio Lloyd library & museum Ohio mechanics' institute Circulo medico argentino. Buenos Aires. Anales. (Continued in Re- vista of the Circulo medico argentino y Centro estudiantes de medicina) A (15-16) 1892-93 Circulo medico argentino y Centro estudiantes de medicina. Buenos Aires. Revista. (To 1911 published by Centro estudiantes de medicina. Con- tinues Anales del Circulo medico argentino) A (1, 11) 1901-02, 11 Civil engineer & architect's journal. London. R 1-2, 1838-39 Civilta cattolica. Rome. S 1+ 1850+ Clarion. See Rochester. East high school. Student publications Clark university. Worcester, Mass. Library. Publications. U 3, no.2, 1912 See also Journal of race development Classical journal. Chicago. U 1+ 1905+ E 6+ 1910+ W + Classical museum. London. U 1-5, 1844-48 Classical philology. Chicago. T U 1+ 1906+ Classical quarterly. London. T U 1+ 1907+ Classical review. London. U 1+ 1887+ T 1-20, 1887-1906 Clay bugle. Rochester. See Rochester. Newspapers Cleveland. Newspapers. Cleveland plain dealer. Rr + Cleveland journal of medicine. (Continued as Cleveland medical journal) A (1) 2 (3-4) 5-6, 1896-1901 Cleveland medical journal. (Continues Cleveland journal of medicine) A (1) 2 (3-4) 5 (6) 7-8 (9-10) 1902-11 Cleveland medical society. See Cleveland journal of medicine Cleveland. Public library. Annual report. R 19, 21-22, 24-27, 29, 31+ 1887, 89-90, 92-95, 97, 99+ Cleveland. See also Western Reserve historical society Western Reserve university Clinical society, London. Transactions. R 8, 12, 1875, 79 Closet. Rochester. H 1-2, 1845-47 Club montanyenc. Barcelona. Butlleti. A (1) 1912 LIBRARIES OF ROCHESTER 51 Cobbett's annual register. London. R 1-4, 1802-03 College & clinical record. Philadelphia. R 5, 1884 College association of the Middle States & Maryland. See Association of colleges & preparatory schools of the Middle States & Maryland College settlements association. Annual report. R 1890-1902, 05 Collegio de S. Fiel. See Broteria Collier's, the national weekly. N. Y. M 49-57, 1912-16; B P Pb R + The Colonnade. N. Y. U 8+ 1914+ Colorado college. Colorado Springs. Colorado college publications. Engineering series. (Continues Colorado college studies) A v.l no.1-12, 1906-11 Language series. (Continues Colorado college studies) A (2)+ 1907+ Science series. (Continues Colorado college studies) A 11 (12)+ 1904+ Social science series. (Continues Colorado college studies) A (2)+ 1905, 10+ U (2) 11, 1905, 15 Colorado college studies. (Continued as Colorado college publica- tions in 4 sub-series) A 2, 5-10, 1891, 94-1903; U 9-10, 1901-03 Colorado law reporter. Denver. L 1-4, 1880-84 Colorado scientific society. Denver. Proceedings. A 3-6 (7-9) 10+ 1888+ Colorado Springs. See Colorado college Colorado. State historical & natural history society. Biennial report. H 1902/04 Colorado state horticultural society. Denver. Report. R 1, 1882/84 Colorado state medical society. Denver. Transactions. R 13-14, 1883-84 Colored messenger. Techny, 111. S + Columbia, Mo. See Missouri. Agricultural experiment station Missouri. State historical society Missouri, University Columbia, S. C. See South Carolina. University Columbia law review. N. Y. L 1+ 1901+ Columbia university. N. Y. Biological series. R 1, 4, 6, 1896, 1901 Columbia university quarterly. U 1+ 1898+ R 1-6, 1898-1904 Contributions to philosophy, psychology & education. U 1-9 (10) 11-12, 1894-1903 School of mines quarterly. See School of mines quarterly Studies in history, economics & public law. U (3) 11 (28-29, 33, 35) 41 (43) 1893, 99, 1907-09, 11; R (10) 25, 30 (49, 57, 59) 1898, 1906-12, 14 Biochemical association. See Biochemical bulletin Geological dept. Contributions. A 4, 14, 41, 1892-97 Teachers' college. See Teachers' college record Technical edu- cation bulletin Columbian. N. Y. See New York (City) Newspapers 52 UNION LIST OF SERIALS Columbus horticultural society. Columbus, O. Journal. R 2, 3, 1887-88 Columbus, O. See also Ohio state academy of science Ohio state ar- chaeological & historical society Ohio. State university Comite geologique. Petrograd. See Russia. Geologicheskii komitet Commercial America. (Philadelphia museums) Philadelphia. Pb + Commercial & financial chronicle. N. Y. (Continues Merchants' maga- zine & commercial review) R 6+ 1868+ U 97+ 1913+ Pb + Commercial museum. Philadelphia. See Philadelphia museums Commercial year book. N. Y. R 1-6, 1896-1901 Commission of colleges in New England on admission examinations. Annual report. U 11-13, 1896-99 Common cause. N. Y. S 1-4 no.2, 1912-13 Common good. Rochester. M R 4-7, 1910-14|| U (4) 5 (6-7) 1910-14H H 4-5, 7, 1910-14H T (5) 6 (7) 1910-14|| Common ground. Rochester. U (1) 1910 Commonwealth club of California. San Francisco. Transactions. U (7) 1913 Commonwealth law review. Sydney. L 1-4, 1903-07 Concerning municipal ownership. N. Y. U 7+ 1914+ Pb + Concord, N. H. See New Hampshire historical society Concrete. Detroit. (Title reads Concrete-cement age, v.1-7. Continues Concrete; Cement age) En 1+ 1912+ M 2+ 1913+ Es 6+ 1915+ Concrete age. Atlanta, Ga. K + Concrete-cement age. See Concrete Concrete engineering. Cleveland. (Continued in Cement age) En 4-5, 1909-10H Conference for education in the South. Proceedings. U 8, 10-11, 1906-08 Congregational quarterly. Boston. T 1-20, 1859-78H U 1-2 (3) 4-12, 15, 1859-70, 73 Congregational year-book. (Congregational churches of the United States) Boston. T 1882, 88-89, 91, 93, 1913-14; R 1895-% See also American Congregational year-book Congregational quar- terly Congregationalist & Christian world. Boston. T (91) 92 (93-94) 95+ 1906+ Gongres geologique international. See International geological congress Gongres international d'anthropologie et d'archeologie prehistorique. Compte rendu. R 1874 Congres international d'education familiale. Rapports. U 3, 1910 Congres international de navigation. Navigation interieure. Communi- cations. U 1905 Rapports. U 1905 Navigation maritime. Communications. U 1905 - Rapports. U 1905 Congres international de philosophic. Bibliotheque. U 1900-03 LIBRARIES OF ROCHESTER 53 Congres international, etc. See also International congress Congreso cientifico jeneral chileno. A 1894 Congress of American physicians & surgeons. Transactions. R 1-5, 1888-1900; Md 3, 5, 1894, 1900 Congressional library. See U. S. Library of Congress Connecticut academy of arts & sciences. New Haven. Memoirs. U 1, pt. 3, 1813 Transactions. (Issued by Yale university, 1907-f-) A 8-13 (14) 15, 20+ 1890-1909, 15+ Connecticut. Agricultural experiment station. Storrs. Annual report. U 11-18, 1898-1906 Connecticut evangelical magazine. Hartford. (Continued in Connecticut evangelical magazine & religious intelligencer) T 2-7, 1801-06; R U 1, 1800-01 Connecticut evangelical magazine & religious intelligencer. Hartford. (Continues Connecticut evangelical magazine) T Ed.2 v.1-8, 1808-15 Connecticut historical society. Hartford. Annual report. (Title reads Papers & reports, 1890-93) H 1892-94 Historical notes of Connecticut. U 1-2, 1842|| Connecticut magazine. New Haven. H 9-11 (12) 1905-08 Connecticut medical society. Proceedings. R 76, 77, 86, 87, 90-95, 97, 1868-69, 77-78, 81-86, 88 Connecticut register. New London. R 1857 Connoisseur. London. R 7, 9-13, 1904-05; U 10-12, 1904-05 Conservation. See American forestry Constructive quarterly. N. Y. T 1+ 1913+ Consumers' league of the city of New York. Report. U 1899-1900, 02-03 Contemporary review. London. R T 1+ 1866+ U 31+ 1877+ S 45-102, 1884-1912 Continent. N. Y. T 48+ 1917+ Continent. (A. W. Tourgee) N. Y. (Title reads Our continent, v.l) U 1-3, 1882-83 Continental monthly. (J. R. Gilmore) N. Y. R 1-6, 1862-64 Cooper union for the advancement of science & art. N. Y. Annual report. U 1, 26-30, 32, 1860, 84-89, 91 Cordova, Argentine Republic. See Academia nacional de ciencias Cornell law journal. Ithaca. L [1, 1894] Cornell law quarterly. Ithaca. L 1+ 1915+ Cornell university. Ithaca. Bulletin. Science. A 1-3, 1874, 86, 97 Cornell studies in history & political science. U 1, 1909 Agricultural experiment station. See New York. Agricultural ex- periment station. Ithaca Association of civil engineers. Transactions. R 1-6, 1892-97 Electrical society. Proceedings. U 1-2, 1894-95 Library. Library bulletin. A 1-3, 1882-96|| 54 UNION LIST OF SERIALS New York state college of agriculture. Announcer. A (1-3) 1912-14 Cornell nature-study quarterly. A 2-6, 8-9, 1899-1901 Cornell reading courses. Course for the farm. A (1-3) 1912-14 Course for the farm home. M 1+ 1911+ A (2-3) 4+ 1913-f Cornell rural school leaflet. M 7+ 19134- Teacher's leaflets. A 1-2, 4-13, 1898-99 Agricultural experiment station. See New York. Agricul- tural experiment station. Ithaca. Cornhill magazine. London. R 1-89, 1860-1904 Cosmopolis. London. R 1-12, 1896-98 Cosmopolitan. N. Y. R 1+ 1886+ E 1, 3-4, 7-25, 27-29, 30-31, 1886-1903; U (5, 7-8, 11, 13, 14, 16) 18-24, 1888-98; C P Rr + Cosmos; revue encyclopedique hebdomadaire des progres des sciences. Paris. U s.3 v.4-6, 1869-70 Costa Rica. Museo nacional. San Jose. Informe. A 1894/95-99/1900 See also Institute fisico-geografico y Museo nacional de Costa Rica Costume royal. N. Y. Mp + Council Bluffs. la. Free public library. Annual report. R 14-15, 17, 21-27, 1895-96, 98, 1902-08 Counsellor. N. Y. L 1-5, 1891-96 Country life in America. See New country life Courier-journal. Louisville. See Louisville. Newspapers Craftsman. N. Y. (Continued in Art world) M R 1-13, 1901-16; U 1-30, 1901-16; W 11-30, 1906-16; E 11-20, 22-24, 1906-13 Craftsman. (Free-masonry) Rochester. R 1-2, 1829-31; H (1) 2, 1829-31 Criminal law magazine & reporter. Jersey City. L 1-8, 1880-96|| Crisis. N. Y. T (9-10) 11+ 1915+ Critic. N. Y. (Continues Literary world. Continued as Putnam's monthly, later Putnam's magazine) R 8-49, 1886-1906; U (1-25) 32-49, 1881-96, 98-1906; E 35-36, 39-42, 1899-1903; M 38-39, 1901 Critical review of theological & philosophical literature. Edinburgh. T 1-14, 1891-1904H Croatia-Slavonia. Zemaljsko arkiv. Vjesnik. A 1+ 1899+ Croceus. See Rochester. University. Student publications Croquis d'architecture. Paris. U 6, 1872 Cuerpo de ingenieros de minas. See Peru. Ingenieros de minas, 'Cuerpo de Cultivator. Albany. (Continues Genesee farmer & gardener's journal) R 1.4, 7.10, n.s. v.1-6, 1834-38, 40-49; H n.s. v.1-4, 1844-47 Cumulative book index. White Plains, N. Y. Pe U 1 +1898+ E 12+ 1909+ R 14+ 1911+ T 15+ 1912+ Cumulative book review digest. See Book review digest Cumulative index to a selected list of periodicals. Cleveland. (Continued LIBRARIES OF ROCHESTER 55 in Reader's guide to periodical literature) R 1-6, 1896-1901; U 3-4, 1898-99 Current comment & legal miscellany. Philadelphia. L 1, 1889 Current history. See Cyclopedic review of current history Current literature. See Current opinion Current opinion. N. Y. (Title reads Current literature, v.1-53. Con- tinues Cyclopedic review of current history) R 34 (35) 37+ 1903+ E 38+ 1905+ M 49-50, 52+ 1910+ W 41-53, 1906-12; U 34-45, 1903-08; T 60+ 1916+ Ad B C N P + Cyclopedic review of current history. Boston. (Title reads Quarterly register of current history, v.1-2. Continued in Current literature, later Current opinion) R U 1-12, 1891-1903 Daguerreotype; a magazine of foreign literature & science. Boston. U 1-2, 1847-48 Daily record. Rochester; Syracuse. L 1+ 1909+ Danzig. See Naturforschende gesellschaft Westpreussischer botanisch- zoologischer verein Daughters of the American revolution. Report. R 1, 5, 1890-1901 See also American monthly magazine Davenport academy of natural sciences. See Davenport academy of sciences Davenport academy of sciences. Davenport, la. (Called Davenport acad- emy of natural sciences, 1867-1902) Proceedings. A 2-12, 1876-1910 Davenport, la. Public library. Annual report. R 2+ 1904+ Dax, France. See Societe de Borda Dayton, O. Public library & museum. Annual report. R [36, 38]-49, 54, 1895/96, 97/98-1907/09, 11/14 Decoration in painting, sculpture, architecture, & art manufactures. Lon- don. U n.s. v.1-4, 1881-82 Dekorative kunst. Munich. M 14+ 1905+ Delineator. N. Y. Mp P R Rr Wj + Delinquent. N. Y. T (2) 3+ 1912, 13+ Democrat & chronicle. Rochester. See Rochester. Newspapers Democratic review. See United States magazine & democratic review Denison scientific association. See Denison university. Scientific labo- ratories Denison university. Granville, O. Scientific laboratories. Bulletin. A 1-9, 11+ 1885+ U 4-11, 1888-1903 Dental cosmos. Philadelphia. R 17-36, 38, 1875-94, 96 Denver. Newspapers. Rocky Mountain news. Rr + Denver. See also Colorado scientific society Colorado. State historical & natural history society Colorado state horticultural society Colo- rado state medical society Dermatologische wochenschrift. Leipzig. (Title reads Monatsheft fur praktische dermatologie, v.1-53) R 34-58, 1902-14; Md 60+ 1915+ Des Moines. See Iowa academy of science Iowa state agricultural society 56 UNION LIST OF SERIALS Detroit. Newspapers. Detroit free press. Rr + Detroit lancet. R 1, 3-4, 1878, 80-81 Detroit. Public library. Annual report. R 1881+ Deutsch-amerikanisches magazin. Cincinnati. R 1, 1887 Deutsche akademische vereinigung, Buenos Aires. Veroffentlichungen. A 1899-1904 Deutsche bank. Berlin. Annual report. U 1909-13 Deutsche botanische gesellschaft, Berlin. Berichte. U 1-10, 1883-92 Deutsche Bunsen-gesellschaft fur angewandte physikalische chemie. (Con- tinues Deutsche elektrochemische gesellschaft) See Zeitschrift fur elektrochemie und angewandte physikalische chemie Deutsche chemische gesellschaft. Berlin. Berichte. K 1+ 1868+ U 9+ 1876+ See also Chemisches zentralblatt Deutsche geologische gesellschaft. Berlin. Zeitschrift. A 42-61, 1890-1909 Deutsche gesellschaft fur mechanik und optik. See Zeitschrift fur in- strumentenkunde. Berlin. Beiblatt Deutsche gesellschaft fur offentliche gesundheitspflege, Berlin. Ver- handlungen. A 1890, 95 (96) 97-98 (99) 1900-1907 Deutsche mathematiker-vereinigung. Leipzig. Jahresbericht. U 1+ 1890+ Deutsche mechaniker-zeitung. See Zeitschrift fur instrumentenkunde. Berlin. Beiblatt Deutsche medizinische wochenschrift. Leipzig. R 19-39, 1893-1913; Md 41+ 1915+ Deutsche morgenlandische gesellschaft. Leipzig. Zeitschrift. T 33+ 1879+ Deutsche physikalische gesellschaft. Berlin. Berichte. (Includes Halb- monatliches literaturverzeichnis der "Fortschritte der physik" & Ver- handlungen) K 1+ 1903+ Halbmonatliches literaturverzeichnis der "Fortschritte der physik." K 2+ 1903+ Verhandlungen. K n.s. v.l+ 1899+ Deutsche revue. Stuttgart. R 1895+ Deutsche rundschau. Berlin. R 1+ 1874+ U 93+ 1897+ Deutsche zeitschrift fur chirurgie. Leipzig. R 36-131, 1893-1914; Md 133+ 1915+ Deutsche zoologische gesellschaft. See Zoologischer anzeiger Deutscher farber-kalender. Munich; Wittenberg. K 9, 11-12, 16, 21, 23-24, 1900, 02-03, 07, 12, 14-15 Deutscher literatur-kalender. See Kurschner's Deutscher literatur-kal- ender Deutscher Palastina-verein, Leipzig. Zeitschrift. T 1+ 1878+ Deutscher verein zur erforschung Palastinas. See Deutscher Palastina- verein K Deutsches archaeologisches institut. Jahrbuch. U 12+ 1897+ LIBRARIES OF ROCHESTER 57 Erganzungsheft. U 4+ 1898+ Mittheilungen. Athenische abtheilung. U 1+ 1876-j- Romische abtheilung. U 1+ 1886+ Deutsches archiv fur klinische medizin. Leipzig. R 52-116, 1894-1914; Md 117+ 1914+ Devon & Cornwall natural history society. See Plymouth institution & Devon & Cornwall natural history society Dial. Chicago. R 20, 1896+ U (14) 15 (16-17) 46+ 1893-96, 1900-07, 09+ P + Dial; magazine for literature, philosophy & religion. (Brook farm associa- tion) Boston. U 1-3, 1840-43 Dialect notes. (American dialect society) New Haven. U (3) 4+ 1907, 14+ Dietetic & hygienic gazette. N. Y. U 9-19, 1893-1903 Digest of current industrial literature. (Bausch & Lomb optical company. Scientific & technical library) Rochester. B C Pe 1+ 1916+ Dijon. See Academic des sciences, arts et belles-lettres Diplomatic review. London. (Title reads Free press, v.1-14) U (1, 3-5) 6-14 (15) 16 (17, 19) 20 (21-24) 1855-69, 71-76 District of Columbia. Public library. Annual report. R 1+ 1897+ District school journal of the state of New York. Albany. R 5, 1844 Docket. St. Paul. PI + Dominion annual register & review. Montreal. R U 1878-86|| Dorpat. Universitat. Naturforscher gesellschaft. See Dorpat. Uni- versitet. Obshchestvo estestvoispytatelei Dorpat. Universitet. Obshchestvo estestvoispytatelei. Archiv fiir die naturkunde Liv-, Ehst- und Kurlands. Ser.2: Biologische naturkunde. A 12, 13, 1902-05 Protokoly. A (9) 10+ 1890+ Trudy. A 11-21, 1902-13 Douai. See Union geographique du Nord de la France Dramatic index. Boston. (Also included in Annual magazine subject index) R 1+ 1909+ Dramatic mirror. R Rr + Dresden. K. Sammlung fiir kunst und wissenschaft. Bericht. A 1900/01, 02/03 Dresden. See also Naturwissenschaftliche gesellschaft "Isis" Verein fiir erdkunde Dublin journal of medical science. (Title reads Dublin quarterly jour- nal of medical science, v.1-52) R 49-50, 95-116, 1870, 93-1903 Dublin quarterly journal of medical science. See Dublin journal of medi- cal science Dublin review. London. S 1+ 1836+ Dublin. See also Royal Dublin society Royal Irish academy Dudley observatory. Albany. Annals. U 1-2, 1866-70; R 1, 1866 Report. U 1863, 77-78 58 UNION LIST OF SERIALS Dumfriesshire & Galloway natural history & antiquarian society. Trans- actions. A 6-10, 12, n.s. v.17-18, 20-24, s.3 v.l+ 1887-94, 95/96, 1900+ Dun Echt observatory. Aberdeen. Publications. R 1876, 85 Dunigan's American Catholic almanac. Baltimore. S 1858-59 Dun's review. N. Y. Pb R + East & the West. London. T 5-f 1907+ East high school. See Rochester. East high school Eastern reporter. Albany. R 1-3, 1885-86 Ecclesiastical review. Philadelphia. S 1+ 1889+ Eclectic magazine of foreign literature. N. Y. (Continues Eclectic museum of foreign literature, science & art) R 1-131, 1844-98; U 1-87, 1844-76; W 43-48, 90-117, 119-138, 140, 1858-60, 78-91, 92-1903 Eclectic medical society of the state of New York. Transactions. R 1867-71/72; U 1867-68, [70] -71/72, 98/99; Md 1871/72 Eclectic museum of foreign literature, science & art. N. Y. (Continues Museum of foreign literature. Continued as Eclectic magazine and as Littell's living age, later Living age) R U 1-3, 1843 ficole pratique d' etudes bibliques. See Revue biblique Internationale Economic bulletin. (American economic association) Baltimore. (Con- tinued in American economic review) U 1-3, 1908-10; R 1-2, 1908-09 Economic geology. Lancaster, Pa. (Continues American geologist) U 1+ 1905+ Edinburgh medical & surgical journal. (Continued as Edinburgh medi- cal journal) R 4-6, 8-22, 24-27, 31-50, 53-76, 1808-10, 12-24, 25-27, 29-38, 40-51 Edinburgh medical journal. (Continues Edinburgh medical & surgical journal) R (5) 7 (30) 31, 39-65, n.s. v.1-13, 1859-62, 85-86, 93- 1914; Md n.s. V.14+ 1915+ Edinburgh review. R S 1+ 1802+ U 1-75, 77+ 1802+ T 129+ 1869+ Edinburgh. Royal botanic garden. Notes. A 5 (6) 7+ 1911+ Edinburgh. Royal observatory. Astronomical observations. R 15, 1878-86 Edinburgh. See also Royal society of Edinburgh Scottish meteorologi- cal society Edison monthly. N. Y. Es + Education. Boston. R 1+ 1880+ U (3, 8, 11-13, 15-16) 21+ 1883, 88, 91-93, 95-96, 1900+ Pe Pin + Educational administration & supervision. Baltimore, Md. Wj + Educational review. N. Y. R U 1+ 1891+ M 15+ 1898+ E 26-28, 30+ 1903+ W 31+ 1906+ T 1-6, 1891-93; Ed Pb Pe Pin Pm + Efficiency. See 100% Egypt exploration fund. London. Archaeological report. R 1892-99 Archaeological survey of Egypt. R 1-2, 1890-92; H 1, 1890/91 Memoirs. R 3, 6, 10-18, 21-22, 26, 1885, 88, 90-98, 1900-01, 03; H 12, 1892/93 Graeco-Roman branch. Publications. R 1, 1898 LIBRARIES OF ROCHESTER 59 See also Journal of Egyptian archaeology Ekaterinburg. See Uralskoe obshchestvo liubitelei estestvoznamia Electric club journal. See Electric journal Electric journal. Pittsburgh. (Title reads Electric club journal, v.1-2) U 1+ 1904+ M 10+ 1913+ Electric railway journal. N. Y. (Title reads Street railway journal, v.1-31) R 14-43, 1898-1914; En 19+ 1902+ Es + Electrical engineer. N. Y. (Title reads Electrician. N. Y. v.1-2; Elec- trician & electrical engineer, v.3-6. Continued in Electrical world & engineer, later Electrical world) U 1-27, 1882-99 Electrical merchandising. N. Y. Rl + Electrical review & western electrician. N. Y. (Continues Western elec- trician) Rl + Electrical world. N. Y. (Title reads Electrical world & engineer, v.33-46. Continues Electrical engineer) M U 33+ 1899+ Es 65+ 1915+ B En K Pb + Electrician. London. U (1) 2+ 1878+ K + Electrician. N. Y. See Electrical engineer Elementary school journal. (Title reads Elementary school teacher, v.2- 14) M 6+ 1905+ U 16+ 1915+ Ed N Wj + Elementary school teacher. See Elementary school journal Elisha Mitchell scientific society. (University of North Carolina) Chapel Hill. Journal. A 6-19 (20) 21 (22) 23-26 (27) 28+ 1890+ Elite styles. N. Y. Mp Pin Pm + Emden. See Naturforschende gesellschaft Empire state. (Young men's Christian association) N. Y. U (11, 14-16, 17) 18 (19) 20-22 (23) 1899, 1902-11 Empire state association of deaf-mutes. Convention. R 15-19, 1893-97 Empire state society. See Sons of the American Revolution Engineer. Chicago. (Continued in Power & the engineer, later Power) R 42-44, 1905-07 Engineering. London. R 1+ 1866+ U 91+ 1911+ Engineering abstracts. (International institute of technical bibliography) London. K 1913 1| Engineering & contracting. N. Y. Es + Engineering & mining journal. N. Y. Rr + Engineering education. (Society for the promotion of engineering edu- cation) Lancaster, Pa. (Title reads Bulletin of the Society for the promotion of engineering education, v.1-6 no.7) M 4+ 1913+ Engineering index. N. Y. (Continued as Engineering index annual) R 2-4, 1892-1905; K 3-4, 1896-1905 Engineering index annual. N. Y. (Continues Engineering index) K 1906+ En 1909+ R 1910 Engineering magazine. See Industrial management Engineering news. See Engineering news-record Engineering news & American contract journal. See Engineering news- record 60 UNION LIST OF SERIALS Engineering news & American railway journal. See Engineering news- record Engineering news-record. N. Y. (Title reads Engineer & surveyor, v.l no.l; Engineer, architect & surveyor, v.l no.2-9; Engineering news, v.3-8 & v.49-77; Engineering news & American contract journal, v.9- 18; Engineering news & American railway journal, v.19-48. Continues Engineering record) En 8, 15+ 1881, 86+ R 25+ 1890+ Es 23-50, 73+ 1890-1903, 15+ U 45-50, 78+ 1901-03, 17+ M 71-76, 1914-16; C Pb Pe Pin + Engineering record, building record & sanitary engineer. N. Y. (Title reads Plumber & sanitary engineer, v.1-3; Sanitary engineer, v.4-14; Sanitary engineer & construction record, v.14-16; Engineering & building record & the sanitary engineer, v.16-22. Continued in Engineering news-record) U (1) 2-12, 14-28, 31, 63-75, 1878-95, 1911-17; R 13-75, 1886-1917; En 33-75, 1895-1917 ;Es 52-54, 71-75, 1905- 06, 15-17 Engineers' club, Philadelphia. Proceedings. R 1-26, 28-29, 1880-1909, 11-12; A 13-20 (21) 1896-1904; Es + Englische studien. Leipzig. U 23+ 1896+ English catalogue of books. London. T 1801+ R 1835-1905, 11+ U 1835-89 [Annual] R 1887-1910; T U + English historical review. London. R S T 1+ 1886+ U 29+ 1914+ English illustrated magazine. London. R 1-31, 1884-1904 English journal. (University of Chicago) U 1+ 1912+ E 3+ 1914+ Ed Wj + Englishman. (Kenealy) London. R 1-4, 1874-75 Englishwoman's review of social & industrial questions. London. R 11-28, 1880-97 Enoch Pratt free library. Baltimore. Annual report. R 1+ 1886+ Enquirer. Rochester. See Rochester. Newspapers Entomological news. Philadelphia. A (1) 1890 Entomological society of Ontario. Guelph. Annual report. (1874-90, 92 are with the Annual report of the Fruit growers' association of Ontario) A 21-33, 35+ 1890-1902, 04+ R [6, 12-13] 1874, 81-82 See also Canadian entomologist Entomologisk tidskrift. (Entomologiska foreningen) Stockholm. A 12+ 1891+ Ephemerides liturgicae. Rome. S 1+ 1887+ Ephemeris of materia medica, pharmacy, therapeutics & collateral infor- mation. Brooklyn. U 1, 1882/83 Equity. Philadelphia. (Early title reads Equity series) M (11, 14, 17-19) 1909, 12, 15-17; U (8-9) 1906-07; Pb + Ereuna. Oxford. U 1-2, 1901-06 Erie, Pa. Public library. Reports. R [1-14/15] 1897/99-1912/13 Erlangen. See Physikalisch-medizinische sozietat Essex antiquarian. Salem, Mass. R 1-4, 1897-1900 LIBRARIES OF ROCHESTER 61 Essex institute. Salem, Mass. Annual report. H 1899-01, 03-05, 08-09, 12-14; A 1900 Bulletin. A 22-28 (29) 30, 1890-98|| H (24) 25-27, 1892-95 Historical collections. H 28-32, 1891-96 Ethical record. Philadelphia. (Continued as International journal of ethics) R 1-3, 1888-9011 Ethnological society, London. Journal. U n.s. v.2, 1869-70JI Etonian. London. R 1-2, 1821 |j fitude. Philadelphia. Ed P + European magazine & London review. (Philological society of London) H 24, 1793 Evangelical alliance. Conferences. U 1846, 61, 73, 87; R 1873 Evangelical Christian & missionary witness. Toronto. (Title reads Mis- sionary witness, to v.7, 1911) T 5+ 1909+ Evangelical magazine & gospel advocate. Utica, N. Y. (Continues Gospel advocate) R 1-4, 1830-33 Evangelical magazine & missionary chronicle. London. T 15, n.s. v.2, 1807, 24 Evanston, 111. Public library. Annual report. R 24-f 1896/97+ Evanston, 111. See also Northwestern university Evening journal almanac. Albany. R 1859-61, 64-67, 69-71, 74-76, 78-85, 87-88, 90-92; U 1873, 79-80, 84, 87 Evening post. N. Y. See New York (City) Newspapers Everett, Mass. Public library. See Parlin memorial library Every Saturday. Boston. (Continued in Living age) T 1-8, 1866-69 Everybody's magazine. N. Y. Ad M P R Rr + Everyland. N. Y. Pe + Examiner. N. Y. (Continued as Watchman-examiner) T (1854-81, 91-96, 98-1906) 07-13|| Exporters' review. N. Y. Pb + Expositor. London. T 1-f- 1875+ Expositor & current anecdotes. Cleveland. T 12-13 (14) 15+ 1909+ Expository times. Edinburgh. T 1+ 1889+ Extension. Chicago. S + Factory. Chicago. C 18+ 1917+ B Es Pb Pe + Fairfield county historical society. Bridgeport, Conn. Reports. H 1893/95 Fairmount Park art association. Philadelphia. Annual report. U 24-31, 33-37, 39-41, 1896-1903, 05-09, 11-13 Falmouth. See Royal Cornwall polytechnic society Faraday society. London. Transactions. K 1+ 1905+ Federation. N. Y. U (2-4) 1902-06 Fern bulletin. Binghamton, N. Y. (Title reads Linnaean fern bulletin, v.1-4) A 1-2 (3-4) 5-6 (7) 1893-99 Field afar. Ossining, N. Y. S + Field & stream. N. Y. Ad + Field artillery journal. Washington. B + 62 UNION LIST OF SERIALS Field Columbian museum. See Field museum of natural history Field museum of natural history. Chicago. (Called Field Columbian mu- seum, 1894-1905) Publications. Anthropological series. A 1+ 1895+ Botanical series. A 1+ 1895+ Geological series. A 1+ 1895+ [Historical series] A 1+ 1894-95] | Ornithological series. A 1+ 1896+ Report series. A 1-j- 1894+ Zoological series. A 1-f- 1895+ Fire engineer. N. Y. Ad C + Five Points house of industry. N. Y. Monthly record. U 1854 Flagstaff, Ariz. See Lowell observatory Fletcher free library. Burlington, Vt. Annual report. R 17-21, 1890-94 Fliegende blatter. Munich. U 102-107, 1894-97 Flying. N. Y. M + Folkestone natural history & microscopical society. (Called Folkstone natural history society to 1893) Proceedings. A 7-11, 13, 1890-94, 96 Forbes library. Northampton, Mass. Annual report. R 1+ 1895+ Ford times. Detroit. R + Foreign mission journal. (Southern Baptist convention) Richmond. (Continued as Home & foreign fields) T (19) 20-21 (22-25) 26 (27) 46-48 (49) 50-66, 1890-1916|| Foreign quarterly review. London. (Continued in Westminster review) R U 1-37, 1827-46 Forest & stream. N. Y. Pg Pm R + Forester. See American forestry Forestry & irrigation. See American forestry Forschungsberichte aus der Biologischen station zu Plon. See Plon. Biologische station Fortnightly review. London. R T U 1+ 1865+ S 41+ 1884+ W 43-54, 57-58, 60-66, 68-71, 73-78, 81-82, 1885-90, 92-1902, 04; M 79-82, 1903-04 Fortschritte der medicin. Berlin. R 2-3, 1884-85 Fortschritte der physik; halbmonatliches literaturverzeichnis. See Deutsche physikalische gesellschaft Fortschritte der teerfarbenfabrikation und verwandter industriezweige. Berlin. K 1+ 1887+ Forum. N. Y. R T U 1+ 1886+ E 1-32, 34-49, 1886-1913; W 37-43, 1905-10; M 35, 1903/04; P + Forward. Nashville, Tenn. T 1+ 1916+ Foundry. Cleveland. B + Fra magazine. East Aurora, N. Y. Ad + Frank Leslie's illustrated newspaper. See Leslie's illustrated weekly newspaper LIBRARIES OF ROCHESTER 63 Frankfort-on-the-Main. See Senckenbergische naturforschende gescll- schaft Frankfort-on-the-Oder. See Naturwissenschaftlicher verein fur den rc- gierungsbezirk Frankfurt Franklin institute. Philadelphia. Journal. R 1-40, 42-44, 46, 48- 59, 72-77, 89-109, 111+ 1826-55, 61-64, 70+ K 179+ 1915+ Eraser's magazine. London. (Continued as Longman's magazine) R 1-106, 1830-82H Fraternal monitor. Rochester. R 1-2, 1890-92 Frauenfeld. See Thurgauische naturforschende gesellschaft Free press. See Diplomatic review Freemasons. Grand lodge of New York. Proceedings. R 109, 1890 Fribourg, Switzerland. See Societe fribourgeoise des sciences naturelles Friedens-warte, fiir zwischenstaatliche organisation. Berlin. U (14) 15+ 1912+ Friend of India. Serampore. U 7-17, 1841-51 Friends. Genesee yearly meeting. Extracts from the minutes. H 1873, 76, 78-80, 82-83, 86-87, 89 Fruit growers' association of Ontario. Annual report. (Includes An- nual report of the Entomological society of Ontario) R [7, 13-14] 20, 1874, 81-82, 88; A 22, 24, 1890, 92 Furniture manufacturer & artisan. Grand Rapids, Mich. M + Gaillard's medical journal. N. Y. (Title reads Richmond medical jour- nal, v.5) R 5, 36, 42-47, 1868, 83, 86-88 Galaxy. N. Y. (Continued in Atlantic monthly) R 1-24, 1866-77; U 1 (2, 5) 6-24 (25) 1866, 68-78 Garden & farm almanac. N. Y. R 1912-13 Garden magazine. Garden City, N. Y. N P + Gas age. N. Y. Rl + Gas & electric news. (Rochester railway & light company) Pe (1) 2+ 1912+ Es Rl + Gas industry. N. Y. Rl + Gas journal; light, heat & power. London. Rl + Gas record. Chicago. Rl + Gazette hebdomadaire de medecine et de chirurgie. Paris. R 40-42, n.s. v.1-7, 1893-1902) | Gazzetta chimica italiana. Rome. K 43+ 1913+ Geelong field naturalists' club. See Geelong naturalist Geelong naturalist. (Geelong field naturalists' club) Geelong, Australia. A (1, 3-4) s.2 v.l (2-3) 1891, 94-95, 1904-07 Geisteskampf der gegenwart. Gutersloh, Germany. (Title reads Beweis des glaubens to 1909) T 1876, 86+ Theologischer literaturbericht. T 9-38, 1886-1915 The Gem. See Rochester gem & ladies' amulet Genealogical advertiser. Cambridge, Mass. H 1-4, 1898-1901 General electric review. Schenectady, N. Y. M 16+ 1913+ U 19+ 1916+ K 14, 1911; Es + 64 UNION LIST OF SERIALS General society of mechanics & tradesmen of the city of New York. Annual report. R 102-121, 123, 125-126, 128+ 1887-1906, 08, 10- 11, 13+ U 111-115, 117, 119, 121-122, 126, 1896-1900, 02-04, 06-07, 11 Genesee farmer. Rochester. (Title reads New Genesee farmer, v.1-5. Continued in American agriculturist) R 1, 3, 6-26, 1840, 42, 45- 65|| H 1, 4-11, 13 (IS) 16-20, 22,1840, 43-50, 52, 54-59, 61; U 7-8, 13, 20, 22, 25-26, 1846-47, 52, 59, 61, 64-65 Genesee farmer & gardener's journal. (Luther Tucker) Rochester. (Continued in Cultivator) H R 1-9, 1831-39 See also Monthly Genesee farmer Genesee olio; a semi-monthly journal devoted to miscellany & literature. Rochester. H 3, 1849 Geneseo, N. Y. See Livingston county historical society Genetics. Princeton. U 1+ 1916+ Geneva, N. Y. See New York. Agricultural experiment station. Geneva Geneva, Switzerland. See Institut national genevois Societe de physique et d'histoire naturelle Gentleman's magazine. London. R 1-275, 1731-1893 Geographical journal. (Royal geographical society) London. (Continues & includes Proceedings of the Royal geographical society) R 1+ 1895+ Geographical review. (American geographical society) N. Y. (Con- tinues Bulletin of the American geographical society) E 1+ 1916+ Geographische gesellschaft, Greifswald. Jahresbericht. A 2-8, 11, 1883-1903, 07/08 Geographische gesellschaft und Naturhistorisches museum, Liibeck. Mitteilungen. A s.2 pt.4-8, 10-16, 18-21, 24+ 1892-1906, 10+ Geological magazine. London. U 1-10, n.s. v.1-5, 1864-78 Geological record. London. U 1874-84 Geological society, Glasgow. Transactions. A 8-9, 1883-92 Geological society, London. Abstracts of the proceedings. A 1889-1912, 14/15 Geological literature added to the library. A 1894, 96 Geological society of America. Bulletin. U 1+ 1890+ A (15, 17) 1904, 06 Geologicheskii komitet. Petrograd. See Russia. Geologicheskn komitet Geologicheskii muzei imeni Petra Velikago. See I. Akademiia nauk. Petrograd. Geologicheskii muzei imeni Petra Velikago Geologisches zentralblatt. Leipzig. U 12+ 1909+ Geologiska foreningen, Stockholm. Forhandlingar. A 25, 27, 30-33, 35+ 1903, 05, 08-11, 13+ George Washington university. Washington. Bulletin. U (11) 1912 Georgs schlagwort-katalog. See Schlagwort-katalog Germany. Physikalisch-technische reichsanstalt. See Physikalisch-tech- nische reichsanstalt LIBRARIES OF ROCHESTER 65 Gesellschaft fur erdkunde, Leipzig. (Called Verein fur erdkunde to 1911) Mitteilungen. A 1890-1902, 05+ Wissenschaftliche veroffentlichungen. A 1-j- 1891+ Giessen. See Oberhessische gesellschaft fur natur- und heilkunde Glacialists' magazine. London. U 1-4 (5) 1893-97 Glasgow medical journal. R 39-40, 1893 Glasgow naturalist. (Natural history society, Glasgow) (Continues Transactions of the Natural history society, Glasgow) A 1+ 1908+ Glasgow. See also Geological society Natural history society Royal philosophical society Glass worker. Pittsburgh. B + Gleanings from the American Baptist missions in Japan. Kobe. T (11-19) 20+ 1905+ Globe. Toronto. See Toronto. Newspapers Globe. Washington. See Washington. Newspapers Gloversville, N. Y. Free library. Annual report. R 1896/97-97/98, 1900-03, 05-09 Godey's lady's book & magazine. Philadelphia. R 44-45, 58-59, 64- 69, 74-79, 1852, 59, 62-64, 67-69; H 42-44, 78-79, 1851-52, 69 Gorlitz. See Naturforschende gesellschaft Goethe-gesellschaft. Weimar. Jahresbericht. (In Goethe- jahrbuch, v.7-34, 1886-1913) U 1-28, 1886-1913 Goethe- jahrbuch. (Geiger) Frankfort-on-the-Main. (v.7-34 includes Jahresbericht of Goethe-gesellschaft, v.1-28) U 1-34, 1880-1913 Golfers magazine. Chicago. Ad + Good furniture. Grand Rapids. M 8+ 1917+ Good government. (National civil service reform league) N. Y. Pb R + Good health. Battle Creek, Mich. M 43+ 1908+ Good housekeeping magazine. N. Y. M 33-36, 42+ 1901-03, 06+ E P R Rr Wj + Good roads. N. Y. En Es + Good words. London. R 1868 Goodsell's Genesee farmer. Rochester. R 1, 1833/34 Gospel advocate & impartial investigator. Auburn, N. Y. (Continued as Evangelical magazine & gospel advocate) R 5-7, 1827-29 Gospel in all lands. [Methodist episcopal] N. Y. T (2) 3-23, 1880-1902 Gospel of the kingdom. N. Y. T 1-8, 1908-16 Governor's Island, N. Y. See Military service institution of the United States Graduate courses; a handbook for graduate students. Boston. R 1895-96 Graham's American monthly magazine of literature, art & fashion. Phila- delphia. (Title reads Casket, 1826-30; Atkinson's casket, 1831-40) R [3, 9-10] 1829, 35-36; U 40, 1852 Graham's magazine. See Graham's American monthly magazine of litera- ture, art & fashion Grand Rapids, Mich. Public library. Annual report. R 34+ 1904/05+ 66 UNION LIST OF SERIALS Granville, O. See Denison university Graphic. London. C + Graphic arts & crafts year book. Hamilton, O. K 3-4, 6+ 1909-10, 13/14+ R 1-4, 1907-10 Gray herbarium. Cambridge, Mass. See Harvard university. Cam- bridge, Mass. Gray herbarium Green bag. Brookline, Mass. (Continued in Central law journal) L 1-26, 1889-1914H Gregg writer. Chicago. E 14+ 1911+ Pe + Greifswald, Germany. See Geographische gesellschaft Naturwissen- schaftlicher verein fur Neuvorpommern und Riigen Grosser volks-kalender des Lahrer hinkenden boten. Lahr, Germany. R 1882, 84-1907, 09 Grosvenor library. Buffalo. Bulletin. A (1900, 01, 03) Guardian. London. T 50+ 1895+ Guide musical. Paris. U (50) 51 (52-54) 55-56 (57-59) 60+ 1904+ Guide social ; annuaire-almanach de 1' Action populaire. Paris ; Rheims. S 1+ 1904+ The Hague. Koninklijke bibliotheek. Verslag. A 1892, 95-96 Half-yearly abstract of the medical sciences. N. Y.; Philadelphia. (Con- tinued as Monthly abstract of medical science) R 1-6, 9-13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 45-57, 1845-47, 49-55, 67-73 Half-yearly compendium of medical science. Philadelphia. (Continued as Quarterly compendium of medical science) R 1-30, 1868-82|| Halifax. See Nova Scotian institute of science Halle. See Naturwissenschaftlicher verein fur Sachsen und Thiiringen Verein fur erdkunde Hamburg. See Naturwissenschaftlicher verein Hamilton, N. Y. See Baptist education society of the state of New York Hamilton association for the cultivation of science, literature & art. Hamilton, Ont. See Hamilton scientific association Hamilton scientific association. Hamilton, Ontario. (Called Hamilton as- sociation, 1857-99) Journal & proceedings. A 8-16, 1891-1900 Hanover. See also Naturhistorische gesellschaft Hardware dealers' magazine. N. Y. B + Hardwicke's science gossip. London. U 14-20, 1878-84 Harper's bazar. N. Y. R 5-9, 1872-76;+ P Rr + Harper's magazine. N. Y. (Continues International monthly magazine of literature, science & art) R U 1+ 1850+ W 37-39, 62, 66, 68-72, 74-77, 81, 83, 1868-69, 80-88, 90-91 ; M 130+ 1915+ E 101, 106, 1900, 02/03; Es P Pb Rr T +^ Harper's weekly. N. Y. (Continued in Independent) R 1-62, 1857- 1916; T (50) 51-62, 1906-16; U 10-21, 1866-77; H (6) 7-9, 1862-65 Hartford, Conn. Public library. (Called Hartford young men's institute, 1838-77; Hartford library, 1878-92) Annual report. R 3, 6, 28, 33-35, 37-42, 44-50, 52-56, 58-59, 62+ 1841, 44, 66, 71-73, 75-80, 82-88, 90-94, 96-97, 1900+ LIBRARIES OF ROCHESTER 67 Hartford seminary record. (Hartford theological seminary) T 1-23, 1896-1913H Hartford theological seminary. See Hartford seminary record Hartford, Conn. Young men's institute. See Hartford, Conn. Public library Hartford, Conn. See also Connecticut historical society Harvard graduates' magazine. Boston. R l-{- 1892+ Harvard law review. Cambridge, Mass. L 1+ 1887+ Harvard theological review. Cambridge, Mass. R T 1+ 1908+ Harvard university. Cambridge, Mass. Harvard economic studies. R 2-8, 10+ 1906-12, 14+ Harvard historical monographs. R 1-2, 1890-91 1| Harvard historical studies. R 1-15, 18, 19+ 1896+ Harvard studies in classical philology. U 1-25, 1890-1914 Harvard studies in comparative literature. U 1, 1910 Arnold arboretum. Jamaica Plain, Mass. Bulletin of popular in- formation. R 49-63, n.s. v.l+ 1913+ Astronomical observatory. Annals. A 11-13, 15-17, 23-29, 32- 38, 41, 44-48, 50-57, 59-67, 69-72, 74+ 1879+ U 1-12, 1855-1880; R 11 (14, 73) 1879, 85, 1915 Annual report. A 50+ 1895+ U 34-41, 50-56, 1879-86, 95-1901 Circular. A 15-16, 51-135, 137+ 1896, 1907+ Henry Draper memorial. Annual report of the photographic study of stellar spectra. R 1-2, 1887-88 Gray herbarium. Contributions. A n.s. no.23, 27, 35, 39, 40, 43+ 1902, 04, 07, 11, 15+ Jefferson physical laboratory. Contributions. K U 1+ 1903+ Library. Harvard university bulletin. A (6-7) 1891-94 Report. R 1898+ Museum of comparative zoology. Annual report. A 1891/92, 95-97, 98/99+ Bulletin. A 26 (27-29) 30-31 (32) 33-52 (53) 54+ 1894+ Peabody education fund. Proceedings of the trustees. U 1-39, 1867-1900 Peabody museum of American archaeology & ethnology. Archaeo- logical & ethnological papers. A (1) 1888-92 Report. U 1-24, 1868-91U R 1-20, 1868-86; A [21-24] 1887-91 1| Havana. Universidad. Facultad de letras y ciencias. Revista. U + Havana. See also Academia de ciencias medicas, fisicas y naturales Hazell's annual. London. R 1+ 1886+ U 1, 6+ 1886, 91+ Hearst's. N. Y. (Title reads World to-day, v.3-21 no.9. Continues Christendom) T 5-21, 1903-12; R 13-15, 1907-08; W 16, 1909; Rr + Heating & ventilating magazine. N. Y. Es Rl + Heaton's annual. Toronto. R 11, 1915 Hebraica. See American journal of Semitic languages & literatures Hebrew messenger. N. Y. U 1, 1846 Hebrew student. See Biblical world 68 UNION LIST OF SERIALS Hebrew union college annual. Cincinnati. U 1, 1904 Heidelberg. See Naturhistorish-medizinischer verein Helena. See Montana. State library. Helios. See Naturwissenschaftlicher verein fur den regierungsbezirk Frankfurt Helping hand. Boston. (Continued in Missions) T (37) -42, 1908-14|| Helsingfors. See Societas pro fauna et flora fennica Henry Phipps institute. Philadelphia. Annual report. U 2, 1906 Herald. (Baptist missionary society) London. (Continues Missionary herald. London) T (1912-14) Hermes ; zeitschrift fur classische philologie. Berlin. U 32+ 1897+ Herold der Christian science. Boston. (Title reads Christian science her- old, v.1-2) Cs 1+ 1903+ Hertfordshire natural history society & field club. Transactions. A (7-9) 1894-96 Hibbert journal. Boston. R T 1+ 1902+ Hinrichs' halbjahrs-katalog der im deutschen buchhandel erschienenen biicher, zeitschriften, landkarten. Leipzig. U 1855+ Hinrichs' katalog. (Hinrichs' fiinfjahrs-katalog) Leipzig. R 4+ 1851+ Historical & philosophical society of Ohio. Cincinnati. Annual reports. H 1892-96 Historical & scientific society of Manitoba. Winnipeg. Annual report. A 1890-1904, 06 Transactions. A 40-68, 72, 1890-94, 96-1906 Historical magazine. (Dawson) Boston; N. Y. R 1-23, 1857-75|| H 1-9 (10) 11-23, 1857-75H U 13, 15, 19 (21) 22, 1866, 68-73 Historical register, foreign & domestic. London. U 1-9, 1716-24 Historical researches in western Pennsylvania. See American Catholic historical researches Historical society, Watertown, Mass. Watertown records. R 1, 1894 Historical society of Montana. See Montana. State library. Historical & miscellaneous department Historical society of Pennsylvania. See Pennsylvania magazine of history & biography Historische vierteljahrsschrift. Leipzig. U 17+ 1914+ Historische zeitschrift. Munich. T 43+ 1880+ Historisches jahrbuch. (Gorres-gesellschaft) Munich. S 1+ 1880+ History teacher's magazine. Philadelphia. E 1, 3-4 (5) 1909-14; W + Hoffmann's Catholic directory & clergy list. Milwaukee. S 1886-99 Home & foreign fields. (Southern Baptist convention) Nashville. (Con- tinues Foreign mission journal) T 1+ 1916+ Home friend. London. R 1-4, 1852-54 Homiletic monthly. See Homiletic review Homiletic review. N. Y. (Title reads Metropolitan pulpit, v.l; Metro- politan pulpit & homiletic monthly, v.2; Preacher & homiletic monthly, v.3-6; Homiletic monthly, v.7-8) T 1+ 1876+ Homoeopathic examiner. (Hull) N. Y. R 1, 1840 LIBRARIES OF ROCHESTER 69 Homoeopathic journal of obstetrics, gynecology & pedology. N. Y. R 16, 1894 Homoeopathic medical society of the state of New York. Transactions. R 1-11, 13-17, 19-20, 23-24, 31, 1863-73, 76-82, 84-85, 88-89, 96; U 6-7, 9, 31, 1868-69, 71, 96 Homoeopathic medical society of the state of Pennsylvania. Transac- tions. R 16, 20-23, 25-26, 1880, 84-87, 89-90 Hopkins seaside laboratory. See Leland Stanford junior university. Hopkins seaside laboratory Hopkinsian magazine. Providence. U 1, 1825 Horseless age. N. Y. M 31+ 1913+ Horticulturist & journal of rural art & rural taste. Albany ; N. Y. R 1-30, 1846-75H Hortus petropolitanus. Petrograd. See Petrograd. I. Botanicheskn sad Hospital leaflet. (Rochester homeopathic hospital) H 1 (2) 3-23, 25, 1889-1912, 14; M R + Hospital review. (Rochester general hospital) H 1-28, 1864-92; R + Hotel world. Chicago. M 82+ 1916+ Hours at home. N. Y. (Continued in Scribner's monthly) R 1-8, 1865-69 House & garden. N. Y. (Continues American homes & gardens) M 11-12, 31+ 1907, 17+ R 28 no.4+ 1915+ Pe + House beautiful. Boston. M 16+ 1904+ Household arts review. (Columbia university. Teachers' college) N. Y. (Continued in Teachers' college record) M 3-7, 1910-14 Household words. (Dickens) London. (Continued in All the year round) R 1-19, 1850-59 Houston, Tex. See Rice institute Hrvatsko arheolosko drustvo, Agram. Vjesnik. A n.s. v.2-12, 1896-1912 K. Hrvatsko-slavonsko-dalmatsko zemaljsko arkiv. See Croatia-Sla- vonia. Zemaljsko arkiv Hubbell's legal directory. N. Y. R 19-20, 23-26, 1888-89, 93-96 Hudson, N. Y. Newspapers. Bee. H (1810-12) Humane society, Rochester. Year book. R 1913-14, 16 Hungary. Magyar kiralyi foldtani intezet. See K. Ungarische geolo- gische reichsanstalt Hunt's merchants' magazine. See Merchants' magazine Ice & refrigeration. Chicago; N. Y. Es K + Illinois law review. Chicago. L 1+ 1906+ Illinois state horticultural society. Transactions. R 8, s.2 v.5, 1863, 71 Illinois. State laboratory of natural history. Urbana. Biennial report. A 1897/98-99/1900 Bulletin. A 2-3 (4-5) 6-7 (8) 1884-1910 Natural history survey. A 1, 1889 Illinois. University. Urbana. Bulletin. U (3) 1906 University studies. U (1-2) 1900-07 Biological experiment station. Biennial report. A 1895/96 70 UNION LIST OF SERIALS Engineering experiment station. Bulletin. Es 44-45, 51, 60-62, 68-70, 75, 79+ 1910+ Illuminating engineer. (Illuminating engineering society) London. K 6 + 1913+ Illuminating engineering society. England. See Illuminating engineer Illuminating engineering society. U. S. Transactions. K 1+ 1906+ Illustrated Christian weekly. N. Y. U 4, 1874 Illustrated London news. R 1-127, 1842-1905; U 6-14, 18-49, 70, 88, 1845-47, 51-66, 77, 86; E 149+ 1911+ Rr + Illustrated magazine of art N. Y. R 1, 1853 Illustrated milliner. N. Y. Mp Wj + Illustrated world. Chicago. (Title reads Technical world, v.1-23) U (3) 4-5 (6) 1905-06; E 22 (23-24)+ 1914+ M 23-(24) 1915; B C P R + Immigrants in America review. N. Y. T 1+ 1915+ Pin + Imperatorskaia. For entries of learned academies thus expressing royal privilege, see the first word following this adjective which is abbre- viated & disregarded in the arrangement. Imperial & Asiatic quarterly review & oriental & colonial record. Woking. (Title reads Asiatic quarterly review, 1886-90) R l-s.3 v.22, 1886-1906 Imperial magazine; or Compendium of religious, moral & philosophical knowledge. Liverpool. R 1, 1819 Imperiale. For entries of learned academies thus expressing royal privi- lege, see the first word following this adjective which is abbreviated and disregarded in the arrangement Independent. N. Y. (Continues Chautauquan; Harper's weekly) T 32-45, 61+ 1880-93, 1906+ R 51+ 1899+ U (41-42, 45-48, 50-51, 61, 63) 64+ 1889-90, 93-96, 98-99, 1906, 07+ E 76+ 1913+ M 72-73, 1912; Ad B N P Rr Wj + Independent order of Odd fellows. See Odd fellows, Independent order of Independent practitioner. N. Y. R 3, 1882 Index medicus. Washington. R 8, 15-21, s.2 v.1-11, 1886, 93-99, 1903-13; Mds.2 V.13+ 1915+ Index to legal periodicals & law library journal. (American association of law libraries) White Plains, N. Y. L 1+ 1908+ Indian Baptist. Calcutta. T 1-2 (3) 4-5, 1882-86 Indian medical gazette. Calcutta. R 28-38, 1893-1903 Indian rights association. Philadelphia. Annual report. R 4+ 1886+ U 11-13, 15-20, 22-31, 1893-95, 97-1902, 04-13 Indiana academy of science. Indianapolis. Proceedings. A 1891-93, 1897-99, 1907-12; U 1891-93, 97 Indiana horticultural society. Transactions. R 26, 1886 Indiana. University. Bloomington. Indiana university studies. U 17-18, 1912-13 Indian's friend. N. Y. T U + Indicator. Detroit. U 9 (10) 1890-91 Industrial arts index. White Plains, N. Y. B K M Pb R U 1+ 1913+ LIBRARIES OF ROCHESTER 71 Industrial-arts magazine. Milwaukee. M 3+ 1915+ Ed Wj + Industrial Canada. Toronto. Pb + Industrial engineering & the engineering digest. N. Y. U 9-13, 1911-13; M 13-15, 1913-15|| Industrial management. N. Y. (Title reads Engineering magazine, v.l- 51) R 1+ 1891+ U 8+ 1894+ M 11+ 1896+ K 23-38, 40, 45+ 1902-11, 13+ Es 1-16, 50+ 1891-99, 1915+ C 53+ 1917+ B P Pb + Industrial school advocate & soldiers' aid. (Industrial school association) Rochester. (Continues Soldiers' aid) H (1) 1865 Industrial school of Rochester. See Rochester. Industrial school Infantry journal. (United States infantry association) Washington. C + Information. N. Y. (Continued in Business digest) P U 1-3 no.5, 1915-17 Inland architect & news record. Chicago. (Continued in American archi- tect) R 43-52, 1904-08; U (10) 11-22, 1887-94 Inland printer. Chicago. K 53+ 1914+ Ed R + Institut de France. Paris. See Academic des inscriptions et belles- lettres Academic des sciences Institut grand-ducal de Luxembourg. Section des sciences naturelles, phy- siques et mathematiques. Archives trimestrielles. A n.s. v.1-5, 1906-10 Publications. A 21-25, 27B, 1891-97, 1904 Institut meteorologique de Roumanie. See Roumania. Institutul meteo- rologic Institut national genevois. Geneva. Bulletin. A 31-34, 37+ 1890-96, 1904+ Institut Pasteur. Paris. Annales. R 18-27, 1904-13; Md 29+ 1915+ U 1, 1887 Institut royal grand-ducal de Luxembourg. See Institut grand-ducal de Luxembourg Institute breeze. See Rochester athenaeum & mechanics institute. Student publications: Athenaeum Institution of civil engineers. London. Minutes of proceedings. R 39-118, 147-195, 1875-94, 1902-14; Es 196+ 1914+ Institution of electrical engineers. See Science abstracts Instituto fisico-geografico y Museo nacional de Costa Rica. San Jose. Anales. A 3-4, 1890-91 See also Costa Rica. Museo nacional Instituto, etc. See also Istituto Institutul meteorologic al Roumaniei. See Roumania. Institutul meteo- rologic El Instructor. Aguascalientes, Mexico. A 11 (12-15) 16 (17) 18-26, 1894-1910 Insurance law journal. N. Y. L 1+ 1871+ Intellectual observer. London. (Continued as Student & intellectual ob- server) U 1-12, 1862-68 72 UNION LIST OF SERIALS Intercollegian. N. Y. (Continued as North American student) T s.4 v.34-35, 1911-12 Intercollegiate athletic association of the United States. See National col- legiate athletic association Intercollegiate debates. N. Y. U 1+ 1909+ Intercollegiate socialist. N. Y. T 4+ 1916+ Intercolonial medical journal of Australasia. Melbourne. (Continues Australian medical journal) R 1-8, 1896-1903 Internal revenue record & customs journal. N. Y. R 1-15, 1865-72 International annual. See Anthony's photographic bulletin International association of factory inspectors. Proceedings. R 25, 1911 International bureau of American republics. See Pan American union International catalogue of scientific literature. London. K Classes B-D 1+ 1902+ International clinics. Philadelphia. Md. [1] (2) 4-10, 13 (15) 17 (18) 1891-92, 94-1901, 03-05, 07-08 International commercial congress. Proceedings. R 1899 International conciliation. See Association for international conciliation. American branch International congress of applied chemistry. K 7-8, 1909-12 International congress of education. Chicago. Proceedings. 1893. See National education association of the United States. Washington. Journal. 1893. International congress on home education. See Congres international d' education familiale International congress. See also Congres, etc. International deep waterways association. Proceedings. R 1, 1895 International electrical congress. Transactions. U 1904 International geological congress. Compte rendu. A 5, 1891 International institute of technical bibliography. See Engineering abstracts International journal of ethics. Concord, N. H. (Continues Ethical rec- ord) T U 1+ 1890+ R 1-14, 1890-1904; S 25+ 1914+ International journal of surgery. N. Y. R 1-4, 6-27, 1888-91, 93-1914; Md + International labour office. Bulletin. T 1+ 1906+ U 9+ 1914+ International magazine. See International monthly magazine of literature, science & art International medical annual & practitioner's index. N. Y. Md 8-10, 14-15, 1890-92, 96-97; R 7-8, 11, 1889-90, 93 International medical congress. Transactions. R 1881, 90, 97 International medical magazine. Philadelphia. R 3-12, 1894-1903|| International military digest. N. Y. B + International monthly. See International quarterly International monthly magazine of literature, science & art. N. Y. (Con- tinued in Harper's magazine) U 1-5, 1850-52 International musical society. See Internationale musikgesellschaft LIBRARIES OF ROCHESTER 73 International permanent committee on constants. See Tables annuelles de constantes International quarterly. Burlington, Vt. (Title reads International monthly, v.1-5) R T U 1-12, 1900-06; 56-11,1902-05 International railway congress. Bulletin. R 18-27, 1904-13 International review. N. Y. R T U 1-14, 1874-83 1| International review of missions. Edinburgh. T 1+ 1912+ International sanitary conference. Proceedings. U 1881 International socialist review. Chicago. S + International studio. N. Y. (v.3 of International Studio corresponds al- most exactly to V.13+ of Studio) U 18+ 1902+ M (18) 19 (20- 21) 22 (23-24) 25+ 1903+ E 34-43, 46, 48+ 1908+ Ed N Pg Pm + Internationale musikgesellschaft. Leipzig. Publikationem. Beihefte. U s.2 v.1-6, 8+ 1905+ Sammelbande. U (6) 8+ 1904+ Zeitschrift. U 6+ 1904+ Internationale zeitschrift fur allgemeine sprachwissenschaft. Leipzig. U 1-5, 1884-90 Internationales centralblatt fur laryngologie, rhinologie und verwandte wis- senschaften. Berlin. Md 1-13, 31+ 1884-97, 1915+ R 21-29, 1905-13 Interpres. See Rochester. University. Student publications Interpreter. London. T 1+ 1905+ Investment weekly. N. Y. (Continues Moody* s magazine) B Pb + Iowa academy of science. Des Moines. Proceedings. A 1-4, 7, 10, 13+ 1887-96, 99, 1902,06+ lowa City. See Iowa. University Iowa historical record. (Iowa. State historical society) Iowa City. (Continued as Iowa journal of history & politics) H 8-18, 1892-1902 Iowa journal of history & politics. (Iowa. State historical society) Iowa City. (Continues Iowa historical record) H 1-4 (5) 1903-06 Iowa naturalist. Iowa City. A 1, 1905 Iowa state agricultural society. Des Moines. Annual report. R 33, 37-44, 1886, 90-97 Iowa. State historical society. See Iowa historical record Iowa jour- nal of history & politics. Iowa state horticultural society. Des Moines. Transactions. R 22-23, 1887-88 Iowa. University. Iowa City. Laboratories of natural history. Bulle- tin. A (3-4) 5+ 1895+ Ipswich historical society. Ipswich, Mass. Publications. R 7, 1900 Irish ecclesiastical record. Dublin. S s.3 v.1-5, 14-17, s.4 v.l+ 1880-84, 93+ Irish theological quarterly. Dublin. S 1+ 1906+ Iron. London. See Mechanics' magazine Iron age. N. Y. U 87+ 1911+ M 93+ 1914+ C 100+ 1917+ B Pb Rr + 74 UNION LIST OF SERIALS Irrigation congress. See National irrigation congress "Isis" See Naturwissenschaftliche gesellschaft "Isis," Dresden Israelite indeed. N. Y. U 1-5, 1857-62 Israel's hoffnung. Wandsbek, Germany. T 1910+ Istituto delle scienze ed arti liberali, Bologna. R. Accademia delle scienze. See R. Accademia delle scienze dell' Istituto di Bologna R. Istituto lombardo di scienze e lettere. Milan. Rendiconti. A s.2 v.29+ 1896+ R. Istituto tecnico Antonio Zanon, Udine. Annali. A s.2 v.8+ 1890+ R. Istituto veneto di scienze, lettere ed arti. Venice. Atti. A (1890-98, 1900+) Istituto, etc. See also Institute Ithaca. See Cornell university New York. Agricultural experiment sta- tion. Ithaca. (Cornell university) luriev. See Dorpat Jacksonville, Fla. Free public library. Annual report. R 1+ 1905+ Jahrbuch der psychoanalyse. Leipzig. (Title reads Jahrbuch fur psycho- analytische und psychopathologische forschungen, v. 1-5) U 1-6, 1909-14 Jahrbuch fur philosophic und phanomenologische forschung. Halle. U 1, 1913 Jahrbuch fur photographic und reproduktions-technik. (Eder) Halle. K 1+ 1887+ R 1-28, 1887-1914 Jahrbuch fur psychoanalytische und psychopathologische forschungen. See Jahrbuch der psychoanalyse Jahrbuch iiber die fortschritte der mathematik. Berlin. U 1+ 1868+ Jahrbiicher der biblischen wissenschaft. Gottingen. U 8-11, 1856-61 Jahrbiicher fiir deutsche theologie. Stuttgart; Gotha. T 1-23, 1856-78) | Jahrbiicher fiir protestantische theologie. Leipzig. T 1-8, 1875-92 Jahrbiicher fur wissenschaftliche botanik. (Pringsheim) Berlin. U 14-26, 31+ 1884-94, 98+ Jahresbericht der germanischen philologie. Berlin. U 1+ 1879+ Jahresbericht iiber die fortschritte der chemie und verwandter teile anderer wissenschaften. Giessen. (Title reads Jahresbericht iiber die fort- schritte der reinen, pharmaceutischen und technischen chemie, physik, mineralogie und geologic, 1847-56) K 1847-85 Jahresbericht iiber die fortschritte der klassische altertums wissenschaft. Leipzig. U 157+ 1912+ Jahresbericht iiber die fortschritte der reinen, pharmaceutischen und tech- nischen chemie, physik, mineralogie und geologic. See Jahresbericht iiber die fortschritte der chemie und verwandter teile anderer wissen- schaften Jahres-bericht iiber die leistungen der chemischen technologic. Leipzig. (Title reads Rudolph von Wagner's Jahres-bericht, etc. v.26-28) U 26-39, 1880-93 Jahresberichte iiber die fortschritte der anatomic und physiologic. Leip- zig. R 1-15, 1872-86 LIBRARIES OF ROCHESTER 75 Jamaica Plain, Mass. Arnold arboretum. See Harvard university. Cambridge, Mass. Arnold arboretum James Sprunt historical monograph. See North Carolina. University Japan evangelist. Tokyo, Japan. T 2-3 (4) 1894-97|| Jefferson county historical society. Watertown, N. Y. Transactions. H 1-4, 1886-96 Jefferson physical laboratory. Cambridge, Mass. See Harvard univer- sity. Cambridge, Mass. Jefferson physical laboratory Jersey City. Free public library. Annual report. R 1+ 1891+ Jewish agricultural & industrial aid society. N. Y. Annual report. U 3-5, 7, 11-13, 1902-04, 06, 10-12 Jewish missionary intelligence. London. T n.s. v.l+ 1911+ Jewish quarterly review. London; Philadelphia. T 1-20, n.s. v.l+ 1889-1908, 10+ John Crerar library. Chicago. Annual report. R 1+ 1895+ A 1-9, 15+ 1895-1903, 09+ John F. Slater fund for the education of freedmen. N. Y. Proceedings of the trustees. U 1899, 1907-09 Johns Hopkins hospital. Baltimore. Bulletin. A (7) 8-10 (11-12) 13-23 (24) 25+ 1896+ R 13-25, 1902-14; Md (26) 27+ 1915+ Johns Hopkins university. Baltimore. Circulars. U 1-14, 19 (20) 21+ 1879-95, 1900+ A (10) 11-12 (13) 14-18 (19) 1891-1900 Studies in historical & political science. R U 1+ 1883+ H (13) 1895 Extra volumes. R 1-4, 6-26, n.s. v.l, 1886-1910 Biological laboratory. Studies. A (5) 1893 Johnston's dental miscellany. N. Y. R 1-2, 1874-75 Jordell. See Catalogue annuel de la librairie franchise Catalogue general de la librairie franchise Repertoire bibliographique des principales revues franchises Jornal de sciencias mathematicas e astronomicas. Coimbra, Portugal. A 7-10 (11) 12-14 (15) 1887-89, 91-1905 Journal & messenger. Cincinnati. T 77+ 1907+ Journal asiatique. Paris. T s.7 V.13+ 1879+ Journal de chimie physique. Geneva. K 1-8, 1903-10 Journal de mathematiques pures et appliquees. Paris. U s.2 v. 12-17 s.5 v.5+ 1867-72, 99+ Journal de physique theorique et appliquee. (Societe franchise de phy- sique) Paris. U s.4 v.8+ 1909+ K s.5 v.3+ 1913+ Journal de psychologic normale et pathologique. Paris. U 1+ 1904+ Journal des economistes. Paris. U s.2 v.15-16, 29-32, s.4 v.(7) 9-S.6 v.48, 1857, 61, 79-1915; R s.3 v.13-36, 1869-74 Journal des mines. Paris. U 1-10, 1794-98, 1800 Journal fur praktische chemie. Leipzig. K n.s. v.77-84, 87+ 1908-11, 13+ Journal of accountancy. N. Y. Pb + Journal of agricultural research. Washington. U 1+ 1913+ Journal of American folk-lore. (American folk-lore society) Boston. R 1+ 1888+ 76 UNION LIST OF SERIALS Journal of American history. Meriden; N. Y. R 1+ 1907+ H 1-3 (4) 1907-10 Journal of analytical & applied chemistry. Easton, Pa. (Title reads Jour- nal of analytical chemistry, v.1-4. Continued in Journal of the Ameri- can chemical society) K 1-7, 1887-93; U 1-6, 1887-92 Journal of analytical chemistry. See Journal of analytical & applied chem- istry Journal of anatomy & physiology. London. R 1-22, 1867-88 Journal of animal behavior. N. Y. U 1+ 1911+ Journal of applied microscopy. Rochester. B U 1-6, 1898-1903|| A (1, 3) 1898, 1900; Md 1, 1898 Journal of bacteriology. (Society of American bacteriologists) U 1+ 1916+ Journal of Biblical literature. (Society of Biblical literature & exegesis) Boston. (Title reads Journal of the Society of Biblical literature & exegesis, 1881-88) T 1+ 1881+ U 13-16 (19-20) 21, 1894-97, 1900-02 Journal of biological chemistry. Baltimore. Md + Journal of commerce & commercial bulletin. N. Y. See New York ( City ) News pap ers Journal of comparative literature. N. Y. U 1, 1903 Journal of cutaneous & genito-urinary diseases. N. Y. R 6-14, 1888-96 Journal of economics. Boston. Pb + Journal of education. Boston. U 53+ 1901+ E 61+ 1905+ M 71-81, 1910-15; W 63-66, 1906-07; Ed + Journal of educational psychology. Baltimore. U 1+ 1910+ E 2-3, 1911-12; Ed + Journal of Egyptian archaeology. (Egypt exploration fund) London. T 1+ 1914+ Journal of English & Germanic philology. Urbana, 111. (Title reads Jour- nal of Germanic philology, v.1-4) U 1+ 1897+ Journal of experimental medicine. N. Y. R 1, 2, 5, 7-20, 1896-97, 1900-01, 05-14; Md 22+ 1915+ Journal of experimental zoology. Baltimore. U 1+ 1904+ Journal of geography. Madison. (Continues Bulletin of American bureau of geography) U 1+ 1902+ E 10+ 1911+ Journal of geology. (University of Chicago) U 1+ 1893+ ; R 1-12, 1893-1904 Journal of Germanic philology. See Journal of English & Germanic phi- lology Journal of home economics. (American home economics association) Baltimore. M 1+ 1909+ Ed Pg Pin Pm Wj + Journal of industrial & engineering chemistry. (American chemical soci- ety) Easton, Pa. B K U 1+ 1909+ Journal of inebriety. Boston. (Title reads Quarterly journal of inebriety, v.1-28) R 15-32, 1893-1910 Journal of jurisprudence. Edinburgh. L 1-35, 1857-91 1| LIBRARIES OF ROCHESTER 77 Journal of laryngology, rhinology & otology. London. Md 1-5, 7-10, 14, 30+ 1887-91, 93-96, 99, 1915+ R 7-29, 1893-1914 Journal of materia medica. New Lebanon, N. Y. R 1, 1859 Journal of medical research. Boston. R 14-25, 1906-11 Journal of negro history. Lancaster, Pa. T 1+ 1916+ Journal of nervous & mental disease. N. Y. R 20-41, 1893-1914; Md 42+ 1915+ Journal of ophthalmology, otology & laryngology. Cincinnati. R 6-15, 1894-1903; Md + Journal of pathology & bacteriology. London. R 8-18, 1903-14; Md 20+ 1915+ Journal of pedagogy. Syracuse, N. Y. U (8, 10) 13-19 (20) 1894, 97, 1900-10|| Journal of philology. (Cambridge philological society. Cambridge, Eng.) London. U 1+ 1868+ T 1-30, 1868-1907 Journal of philosophy, psychology & scientific methods. Lancaster, Pa. T U 1+ 1904+ M 11, 1914 Journal of physical chemistry. Ithaca, N. Y. K 1+ 1896+ Journal of physiology. London. U 1-17, 1878-95 Journal of political economy. (University of Chicago) R 1+ 1892+ U 6+ 1897+ T 14+ 1906+ Pb + Journal of prison discipline & philanthropy. (Pennsylvania prison society) Philadelphia. (Title reads Pennsylvania journal of prison discipline & philanthropy, 1845-55) R (1845-48) 49 (50-51) 52 (53-57) 58 (59-61) 62-65, 67, 69-81, 83-86, 89-90, 93+ Journal of psychological medicine. N. Y. (Title reads Quarterly journal of psychological medicine, v.1-3) R 2-4, 1868-70 Journal of race development. (Clark university) Worcester, Mass. T 1+ 1910+ Journal of sacred literature & Biblical record. (Kitto) London. T s.[2] v.1-7, s.[3] v.(8)9 s.[4] v.5(6) 1851-55, 59-64 Journal of social science. N. Y. R 1-33, 1869-95; U 2-3, 5-24, 26, 37, 39, 1870-71, 73-87, 89, 99, 1901 Journal of speculative philosophy. St. Louis. R T U 1-22, 1867-93 1| Journal of the home. (Rochester home for the friendless) H 4-11 (12) 1860-68 Journal of the respiratory organs. N. Y. R 2, 1890|| Journal of the telegraph. N. Y. R 6, 7, 9, 1873-74, 76 Journal of the United States artillery. Fort Monroe, Va. B + Journal of theological studies. London. S T 1+ 1899+ Journal-record of medicine. Atlanta. Md + Judge. N. Y. Ad Es + Jugoslavenska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti, Agram. Djela. A 16, 18, 20+ 1905, 07, 12+ Ljetopis. A 8+ 1893+ Matematicko-prirodoslovni razred. Izvjesca o raspravama. (Translated into German, French, etc.) A 1914+ 78 UNION LIST OF SERIALS Prirodoslovna istrazivanja Hrvatske i Slavonije. A 1+ 1913+ Rad. A 16+ 1893+ Juridical review. Edinburgh. L 1+ 1889+ Juridical society. London. Papers. L 1-4, 1855-73 Jurjev. See Dorpat Just's botanischer jahresbericht. See Botanischer jahresbericht Justus Liebig's annalen der chemie. See Liebig's annalen der chemie Kahn foundation for the foreign travel of American teachers. Reports. U 1+ 1912+ Kaiserlich. For entries of learned academies thus expressing royal privi- lege, see the first word following this adjective which is abbreviated & disregarded in the arrangement. Kansas academy of science. Topeka. Transactions. A 1-3, 6-20, 22+ 1872-74, 77-1906, 09+ U 11-12, 17, 1887-90, 99/1900; R 11, 1887/88 Kansas. Agricultural experiment station. Manhattan. Bulletin. A (1888+) Circular. A (1909+) Director's report. (Title reads Annual report, 1888-1908) A 1888-90, 1900+ Press bulletin. A (1900-10) Kansas. Experiment station. See Kansas. Agricultural experiment station Kansas state agricultural college. Manhattan. See Kansas. Agricul- tural experiment station Kansas state historical society. Topeka. Biennial report. H 7-8, 13-15, 18-19, 1888-92, 1900-06, 10-14; R 6-9, 11, 1887-94, 96/98 Collections. (Title reads Transactions, v.1-10) H 4, 7-12, 1886/88, 1901-12; R (3) 4, 1886-88 Kansas state horticultural society. Topeka. Report. R 13, 14, 17, 1883-84, 87 Kansas. University. Lawrence. Humanistic studies. U 1+ 1912+ Kansas university quarterly. A (1) 2-10, 1892-1901; U (7, 10) 1899, 1901 Continued as: Kansas university science bulletin. A 1+ 1902+ U 1 (2) 3+ 1902+ Karl Georgs schlagwort-katalog. See Schlagwort-katalog K. Karolinska universitet. See Lund, Sweden. Universitet. Katechetische monatsschrift. Minister, Germany. S 24+ 1912+ Der Katholik; eine religiose zeitschrift zur belehrung und warnung. Mainz; Strassburg. S 1-28, 1821-28 Kayser's vollstandiges biicher-lexikon. Leipzig. R 1+ 1750+ Keith's magazine on home building. Minneapolis. R 17+ 1907+ Pe Pin Pm + Kelly's directory of merchants, manufacturers & shippers... London. R 17, 1903 Keramic studio. Syracuse. Ed + LIBRARIES OF ROCHESTER 79 Kharkov, Russia. Universitet. Obshchestvo ispytatelei prirody. Trudy. A 24-33, 35-41, 1890-1906 Kiel. See Naturwissenschaftlicher verein fur Schleswig-Holstein Kievskoe obshchestvo estestvoispytatelei. Zapiski. A 19 (20) 1905 Kindergarten & first grade. Springfield, Mass. N + Kitto's journal of sacred literature. See Journal of sacred literature & Biblical record Klimsch's jahrbuch. Frankfort-on-the-Main. K 14+ 1914+ Knickerbocker. N. Y. R 5-26, 28-64, 1835-64; U (31, 36-37, 42-45, 52-53, 57) 1848, 50-51, 53-55, 58-59, 61 Knights templar. Grand commandery of New York. Proceedings. R 1857, 59-65, 67-68 Kolnische volkszeitung. S + Koniglich. For entries of learned academies thus expressing royal privi- lege, see the first word following this adjective which is abbreviated and disregarded in the arrangement Konigsberg. See Physikalisch-okonomische gesellschaft Kolloid chemische beihefte. See Kolloid-zeitschrift. Beilage Kolloid-zeitschrift Leipzig. (Title reads Zeitschrift fiir chemie und industrie der kolloide, v.1-12) K 1+ 1906+ Beilage. Kolloid chemische beihefte. K 1+ 1909+ Kongelige, Kongliga, Koninklijk. For entries of learned academies thus expressing royal privilege, see the first word following this adjective which is abbreviated & disregarded in the arrangement. K. Kroatisch-slavonisch-dalmatisches landesarchives. See Croatia-Sla- vonia. Zemaljsko arkiv Kiinstler-monographien. (Knackfuss) Bielefeld; Leipzig. R 1+ 1899+ Kiirschner's Deutscher literatur-kalender. Leipzig. R 1895; T 1908 Kunstgewerbliche rundschau. See Bayerischer kunstgewerbe-verein. Munich. Zeitschrift. Beiblatt Kunststoffe. Munich. K 1+ 1911+ Labor herald. Rochester. See Rochester. Newspapers Labour annual. Manchester & London. R 1-3, 1895-97 Lackawanna institute of history & science. Scranton, Pa. Historical series. (Titles of no.l & 3 read Special publication, no.1-2) A 1-4, 1887- [96] Scientific series. (Title of no.1/3 reads Proceedings & collections, v.l) A 1-5, 1887-[96] Ladies' companion & literary expositor. N. Y. U 10, 1838/39 Ladies' home journal. Philadelphia. M P R Rr + Ladies' hospital relief association. See Rochester soldiers' aid society Soldiers' aid Lady's book. See Godey's lady's book & magazine La Follette's weekly magazine. Madison. U + Lahrer hinkende bote. See Grosser volks-kalender des Lahrer hinkenden boten Lake carriers' association. Annual report. R 1908 80 UNION LIST OF SERIALS Lake Mohonk conference on international arbitration. Report. R U 1+ 1895+ H 4-19, 21-22, 1898-1913, 15-16 Lake Mohonk conference on the Indian & other dependent peoples. (Called Lake Mohonk conference of friends of the Indian, 1883-1903; Lake Mohonk conference of friends of the Indian & other dependent peoples, 1904-13) Report. (Title reads Proceedings, to 1908) R 2, 4-5, 8-18, 22+ 1884, 86-87, 90-1900, 04+ U 5-6, 9-16, 21+ 1887- 88, 91-98, 1903+ H 22-31, 33, 1904-13, 15 Lamp. Garrison, N. Y. S + Lamp. N. Y. See Book buyer Lancet. London. R 1844-46 (47) 48-1914; Md 1875-87 (94) 95- 97, 1915+ Lansing. See Michigan historical commission Michigan state agricul- tural society La Plata. Universidad nacional. Facultad de ciencias fisicas, matema- ticas y astronomicas. Anuario. A 5+ 1914+ Contribution al estudio de las ciencias fisicas y matematicas. Serie matematica. (Continued in Serie matematico-fisica) A v.l no.l, 1914 Serie matematico-fisica. (Title reads, Serie fisica, v.l no.1-4) A v.l no.2+ 1914+ Serie tecnica. A 1+ 1915+ Memoria. A 3+ 1913+ La Rochelle. See Academic des belles-lettres, sciences et arts Laryngoscope. St. Louis. Md 1-10, 1896-1901 Latter day luminary. Philadelphia; Washington. T 1-2 (3) 4-6, 1818-25 Lausanne. See Societe vaudoise des sciences naturelles Law. Chicago. L (1-2) 1890 Law library journal. See Index to legal periodicals & law library journal Law magazine, or Quarterly review of jurisprudence. London. L 1-31, 1828-44 Law quarterly review. London. L 1+ 1885+ Law register. (Livingston) N. Y. R 1852, 54, 56-59; L 1868 Law times reports. See American law times reports Lawrence, Kan. See Kansas. University Lawrence, Mass. Free public library. Annual report. R 14-36, 1885-1907 Laws observatory. See Missouri. University. Columbia. Bulletin. Astronomical series. Laws observatory bulletin League of Minnesota municipalities. Proceedings. A U 1+ 1913+ Leeds philosophical & literary society. Annual report. A 84, 85, 1903-05 Leeds. See also Yorkshire geological society Leipzig. See Deutsche mathematiker-vereinigung Deutsche morgen- landische gesellschaft Deutscher Palastina-verein Gesellschaft fur erdkunde Internationale musikgesellschaft LIBRARIES OF ROCHESTER 81 Leipziger repertorium der deutschen und auslandischen literatur. U 1-43, 1843-53 Leipziger studien zur classischen philologie. U 1-18, 1878-98 Leland Stanford junior university. Stanford University, Cal. Publica- tions. Geology & palaeontology. A 1, 1895 Trustees series. U 22, 24+ 1912, 14+ A 30, 1916 University series. U 1+ 1908+ A 1-6, [9, 11-20, 22+] 1908+ Hopkins seaside laboratory. Contributions to biology. A 1-8, 10-17, 1895-98 Lenox library. See New York (City) Public library K. Leopoldinisch-Carolinische deutsche akademie der naturforscher. Halle. Nova acta. (Abhandlungen) A (49, 52-54, 56-59, 64- 67, 69-71, 77, 79, 81-82, 84, 88) 1887-1908 Leslie's illustrated weekly newspaper. N. Y. R 34-42, 1872-76; Ad C Es P Rr + Lexington, Ky. Public library. Annual report. R 7-9, 11-12, 1906-08, 10-11 Lexington, Ky. See also Transylvania university Librarian & book world. London. R 1+ 1910+ Library association of the United Kingdom. Transactions & proceed- ings. R 1877-80 Library journal. N. Y. Pe R T U 1+ 1876+ E 19-20, 22-23, 25+ 1894-95, 97-98, 1900+ Pb Pg Pin Pm + Library magazine. N. Y. U 1 (6) 1879-80 Library notes. Boston. R U 1-4, 1886-98|| Library occurrent. (Public library commission of Indiana) Indianapolis. Pe 1+ 1906+ Library of Congress. See U. S. Library of Congress Library work. Minneapolis. U (1) 2 (3) 4 (5) 1907-11 Liebig's annalen der chemie. Leipzig. (Title reads Annalen der chemie und pharmacie, 1840-74) K 141-261, 264-314, 320-344, 346-348, 351-365, 1867-1909 Liege. See Societe geologique de Belgique Societe royale des sciences Life. N. Y. Ad C P R Rr + Lighting journal. N. Y. K + Lilly scientific bulletin. Indianapolis. U 1+ 1912+ Lima. See Peru. Ingenieros de minas, Cuerpo de Lincoln, Neb. See Nebraska academy of sciences Nebraska state his- torical society Nebraska. University Linnaean fern bulletin. See Fern bulletin Linnaean society, New York. Transactions. U 1, 1882 Linnean society of New South Wales. Sydney. Proceedings. A (1895-96, 1900-05) Lippincott's magazine. Philadelphia. (Title reads McBride's magazine, v.97. Continued in Scribner's magazine) W 9-38, 40-42, 44-47, 50-57, 61, 63-64, 67-69, 71, 1872-96, 98-99, 1901-03; U 1-2 (5, 19, 34, 37, 43, 45, 51) 1868, 70, 77, 84, 86, 89, 90, 93 82 UNION LIST OF SERIALS Lisbon. See Sociedade de geographia Literarische rundschau fur das katholische Deutschland. Freiburg, Breisgau. S 9+ 1883+ Literarisches zentralblatt fur Deutschland. Leipzig. U [29]+ 1878+ Literary & theological review. N. Y. U 1-5, 1834-38 Literary digest. N. Y. (Continues Public opinion) U (1-2) 3 (4-9) 10-12 (13) 15-20, 24+ 1890-1900, 02+ R 18-19, 26+ 1899, 1903+ T (24) 25+ 1901+ E 21-24, 33+ 1900-02, 06+ W 33-43, 1906-11;+ M 54+ 1917+ Ad C P Pb Rr + Literary news. N. Y. U (2) 4-25, 1881, 83-1904|| Literary world. Boston. (Continued in Critic, later Putnam's magazine) U 13-35, 1882-1904; R 14, 27-35, 1883, 96-1904 Literary world. (Duyckinck) N. Y. U 1-2 (3) 4 (5) 9 (10) 1847- 49, 51-52; R 4-5, 1849 Literaturblatt fur germanische und romanische philologie. Leipzig. U 18+ 1897+ Littell's living age. See Living age Liverpool geological society. Proceedings. A 6+ 1889+ Liverpool medico-chirurgical journal, including the Proceedings of the Liverpool medical institution R 8, 9, 12, 16, 1888-89, 92, 96 Liverpool polytechnic society. Journal. A 53, 55, 1890, 92 Living age. Boston. (Title reads Littell's living age, v.1-211. Continues Eclectic museum of foreign literature, science & art; Every Saturday) R 14. 1844+ U 1-152, 1844-82; W 100-103, 123-131, 136-184, 186-197, 199-212, 214-227, 229-237, 1869, 74-76, 78-1903; T 89-138, 1866-78 Living church annual. See Living church annual & Whittaker's church- man's almanac Living church annual & Whittaker's churchman's almanac. Milwaukee. (Title reads Living church annual, 1882-85; Living church quarterly, 1886- ? Continues Whittaker's churchman's almanac) R 1883-85, 89, 93-99, 1911 Living church quarterly. See Living church annual & Whittaker's church- man's almanac Livingston county historical society. Geneseo, N. Y. Annual meeting. H 2-17, 21, 23-33, 35, 38+ 1878-93, 97, 99-1909, 11, 14+ R 2-9, 11, 13-14, 19, 1878-85, 87, 89-90, 95 Livingston's monthly law magazine. N. Y. (Continues United States monthly law magazine) L 1-3, 1853-55 Lloyd library & museum. Cincinnati. Bibliographical contributions. A 1+ 1911+ Bulletin. Botany series. A 2, 1911 Mycological series. A 1-4, 6, 1902-09, 12 Pharmacy series. A 1-5, 1902-12 Reproduction series. A 1-7, 1900-09 Mycological notes. A 1-35, 38+ 1898-1910, 12+ Report of the museum. A 3-4, 1897-98 LIBRARIES OF ROCHESTER 83 Lloyd library of botany, pharmacy & materia medica. See Lloyd library & museum Locomotive engineering. See Railway & locomotive engineering London. Newspapers. Times. Weekly edition. Rr + London & Westminster review. See Westminster review London, Edinburgh & Dublin philosophical magazine & journal of science. U s.5 v.4+ 1877+ K s.6 v.l5-f 1908+ London medical record. R 10, 1882 London missionary society. Chronicle. T 54+ 1889+ London quarterly review. (Title reads London review, v.10-18) R 1+ 1853+ T 91+ 1899+ London review. See London quarterly review Westminster review London. See also Anthropological society British association for the advancement of science Chemical society Clinical society Faraday society Geological society Institution of civil engineers Juridical society National association for the promotion of social science Obstetrical society Pathological society Percy society Philological society Physical society Rontgen society Royal agricultural society of England Royal astronomical society Royal geographical society Royal historical society Royal institute of British architects Royal medical & chirurgical society Royal society of literature Royal soci- ety of London St. Bartholomew's hospital St. George's hospital Selden society Society for psychical research Society of Biblical archaeology Society of chemical industry Long Island historical society. Brooklyn. Memoirs. R 1, 1867; A 4, 1889|| Proceedings. U 19-20, 1882-83 Longman's magazine. London. (Continues Eraser's magazine) R 1-35, 42, 1883-1900, 03 Lorenz. See Catalogue general de la librairie franchise Catalogue men- suel de la librairie franchise Los Angeles. Newspapers. Times. Rr + Los Angeles. Public library. Annual report. R 1, 3+ 1889, 91+ Louisiana historical society. New Orleans. Publications. H 8, 1914/15 Louisiana law journal. (Schmidt) New Orleans. L 1, 1841-42 Louisiana. State museum. New Orleans. Biennial report. A 3+ 1910+ H 1-4, 1906-14 Natural history survey. Bulletin. A 1, 1910 Louisiana. State university & agricultural & mechanical college. Baton Rouge. University bulletin. U (2-3) 1911-12 Louisville. Newspapers. Courier-journal. Rr + Louisville. Free public library. Annual report. R 1+ 1904/05+ H 10, 1913/14 Louvain. See American college Lowell observatory. Flagstaff, Ariz. Annals. U 1, 1894/95 Lower Canada law journal. Montreal. L 1-4, 1865-68 84 UNION LIST OF SERIALS Liibeck, Germany. See Geographische gesellschaft und Naturhistorisches museum Liineburg. See Naturwissenschaftlicher verein fur das furstentum Ltine- burg Lund, Sweden. Universitet. Arsskrift. A 26-40, n.s. v.(l) 2 (3, 7+) 1889-1907, 11+ Lutheran. Lebanon, Pa. T 18+ 1914+ R + Lutheran church review. Philadelphia. T 32+ 1913+ Lutheran mission worker. Philadelphia. T 16+ 1912+ Lutheran quarterly. Gettysburg, Pa. (Title reads Quarterly review of the Evangelical Lutheran church, v.1-7) T 1+ 1870+ Lutheran witness. St. Louis. R + Luxembourg. See Institut grand-ducal de Luxembourg Lynn historical society. Lynn, Mass. Register. H 14, 1910 Lynn, Mass. Public library. Annual report. R 7+ 1869+ Lyon medical. Lyons R 72-122, 1893-1914; Md + Lyons. See also Academic des sciences, belles-lettres et arts Societe botanique Societe d'agriculture, sciences et Industrie Societe des sci- ences industrielles Societe linneenne M. I. book. See Rochester athenaeum & mechanics institute. Student publications : Ramikin McBride's magazine. See Lippincott's magazine McClure's magazine. N. Y. E 19-20, 23-26, 32, 37-38, 1902-06, 08- 09, 11-12; U 4-10, 1894-98; C Es P R Rr + McGraw electrical directory. N. Y. Rl 1911+ Machinery. N. Y. Ad B + Engineering edition. M 17+ 1910+ Macmillan's magazine. London. R 1-90, 1860-1904 Madison, Wis. Free library. Annual report. R 28-32, 37+ 1902/03-07, 11/12+ Madison, Wis. See also Wisconsin academy of sciences, arts & letters- Wisconsin state agricultural society Wisconsin. State historical soci- ety Wisconsin state horticultural society Wisconsin. University Madras native herald. U (3) 4-5 (6) 1844-47 Madrid. See R. Academia de ciencias exactas, fisicas y naturales Magazine of American history. N. Y. R 1-30, 1877-93 1| H (20) 21-30, 1888-93(1 U 1, 1877 Magazine of art. London. R 1-28, 1878-1904] | Magazine of history. N. Y. H 1-6 (7) 1905-08 Magazine subject-index. See Annual magazine subject-index Magdeburg. Museum fiir natur- und heimatkunde und Naturwissen- schaftlicher verein. Abhandlungen und berichte. A 1-2, 1905-12 Magdeburg. See also Naturwissenschaftlicher verein Magic lantern. Philadelphia. U 1-10 (11) 1874-85 Magyar nemzeti muzeum. Budapest. Termeszetrajzi fiizetek. A 21-25, 1898-1902 LIBRARIES OF ROCHESTER 85 Magyar tudomanyos akademia. Budapest. Archaeologiai ertesito. A n.s. v.12-14 (15) 16-17, 1892-97 See also Magyar nemzeti muzeum Maine. Agricultural experiment station. Orono. Bulletin. A (1911-J-) Maine genealogical society. Portland. Annual report. H R 13, 1896 Maine historical society. Portland. Collections. R 1-9, 1831-87; U 1-6, 1831-65 Documentary history of the state of Maine. R 1-6, 1869-1900; U 1, 1869 Proceedings. H 1913/14 Maine medical association. Portland. Transactions. R 14, 1866/68 Maine society of civil engineers. Constitution, proceedings & list of members. Es 2-3, 1912-13 Maine state pomological society. Annual report. R 1, 11, 15, 16, 1873, 83, 87-88 Maine. University. Orono. Studies. U 6, 1906 See also Maine. Agricultural experiment station Manchester historic association. Manchester, N. H. Collections. His- toric quarterly. H (3) 1902 Manchester literary & philosophical society. Manchester, Eng. Memoirs & proceedings. A s.4 v.4+ 1890+ Manchester microscopical society. Manchester, Eng. Annual report & transactions. A 1890-94, 99-1900, 04+ Manhattan, Kan. See Kansas. Agricultural experiment station Manual of American waterworks. N. Y. R 1, 1888 Manual training & vocational education. See Manual training magazine Manual training magazine. Peoria, 111. (Title reads Manual training & vocational education, v.16-17) M 1+ 1899+ R 1-8, 1899-1907; E Ed N P Wj + Manufacturer & builder. N. Y. R 3-8, 1871-76 Manufacturing perfumers' association of the United States. Proceed- ings. R 14-20, 1908-14 Marine biological laboratory. Tortugas, Fla. See Carnegie institution, Washington. Department of marine biology Marine biological laboratory. Woods Hole, Mass. See Biological bul- letin Maritime association of the port of New York. Report. R 1883 Maritime Baptist. St. John, N. B. T + Maryland academy of sciences. Baltimore. Transactions. A (1) 1888/90 Maryland medical journal. Baltimore. R 29, 1893 Massachusetts Baptist missionary magazine. See Baptist missionary maga- zine Massachusetts cremation society. Annual report. U 11, 14-15, 1904, 07-08 Massachusetts historical society. Boston. Collections. R s.l v.l-s.3 v.9, 11+ 1792+ U s.l v.l-s.3 v.10, 1792-1849 86 UNION LIST OF SERIALS Proceedings. R 1+ 1791+ H 19, 1881/82 Massachusetts horticultural society. Boston. Transactions. A 1896-1903, 16; R (1881) 82-88 (89-90) Massachusetts institute of technology. Boston. Student publications: Technique (Junior class) U 18, 1904 Society of arts. Abstract of the proceedings. (Continued in Tech- nology quarterly) A 1879/80-90/91 See also Technology quarterly Technology review Massachusetts military historical society. See Military historical society of Massachusetts Massachusetts register. Boston. R 1847, 67 Massachusetts state record & year-book of general information. Boston. R 2, 1848 Massachusetts teacher. Boston. U 9, 1856 Master car builders' association. Proceedings. R 37, 38, 1903-04 Masters in art. Boston. M U 1-10, 1900-09; E (1-9) 1900-08 Materialien zur geologic Russlands. See I. Mineralogicheskoe obshchest- vo. Materialy dlia geologii Rossii K. Materialprufiingsamt zu Gross-Lichterfelde West. Mitteilungen. K 26 no.3, 1908 Materialy dlia geologii Rossii. See I. Mineralogicheskoe obshchestvo. Materialy dlia geologii Rossii Mathematical magazine; a journal of elementary & higher mathematics. Washington. U 1-2, 1882-1904 Mathematics teacher. Lancaster, Pa. U 1-f 1908+ W + Mathematische annalen. Leipzig. U 52+ 1899+ Mathesis; recueil mathematique. Ghent. U 10, 1890 Mayflower descendant. (Massachusetts society of Mayflower descend- ants) Boston. R 1+ 1899+ Mechanic. See Boston mechanic Mechanics institute* Rochester. See Rochester athenaeum & mechanics institute Mechanics' magazine. London. R 1-12, 14, 15, 1823-29, 31 Mechanics' magazine & journal of the Mechanics' institute. N. Y. (Title reads Mechanics' magazine & register of inventions & improvements, v.1-6. Continued in American railroad journal, later Railway age gazette, Mechanical edition) R 1-9, 1833-37 Medical & philosophical commentaries. See Medical commentaries Medical & surgical directory of the United States. See Medical & surgi- cal register of the United States Medical & surgical register of the United States. Detroit. (Title reads Medical & surgical directory of the United States, v.l) R 1-4, 1886-96 Medical & surgical reporter. Philadelphia, R 5-9, 16, 22 (23) 28 (29) 31-35 (36, 54) 56-61 (62) 68-77, 1861-63, 67, 70, 72-77, 86-90, 93-97; Md 30-69, 1874-93 Medical annual & practitioner's index. See International medical annual & practitioner's index LIBRARIES OF ROCHESTER 87 Medical association of central New York. Transactions. R 1-10, 12, 13, 1894-1903, 05-06 Medical brief. St. Louis. R 4-6, 1876-78 Medical bulletin. Philadelphia. R 15, 1893 Medical commentaries. London; Edinburgh. (Title reads Medical & philosophical commentaries, v.1-6) R 5-6, 9-14, 16-20, 1777-79, 83-89, 91-95 Medical directory of New York, New Jersey, & Connecticut. N. Y. R 1-3, 8, 12, 1899-1901, 06, 10 Medical eclectic. See New York medical eclectic Medical gazette. N. Y. R 2-3, 1868-69 Medical gazette. N. Y. R 8, 1881 Medical investigator. Chicago. (Continued as United States medical in- vestigator) R 10, 1873 Medical news. N. Y. (Title reads Medical news & library, v.1-37; Medi- cal news & abstract, v.38-39. Continues American medical intelligen- cer; Monthly abstract of medical science. Continued in New York medical journal) R 35-55 (56) 58-87, 1877-1905; Md 46-71, 1885-97 Medical Pickwick. St. Louis. Md + Medical press & circular. London. R 106-148, 1893-1914; Md 150+ 1915+ Medical press of western New York. Buffalo. (Continued in Buffalo medical journal) R 2, 1887 Medical record. N. Y. R 2-3, 5-86, 1867-68, 70-1914; Md 1-3, 7-13, 15-60, 87+ 1866-69, 72-1901, 15+ Medical register of New York, New Jersey, & Connecticut. N. Y. R 7, 9-14, 17, 19, 22, 32, 1869, 71-76, 79, 81, 84, 94; U 22, 1884 Medical repository. N. Y. R 1-3, 5-7, 10, 13, 1798-1800, 02-04, 07, 10 Medical review of reviews. N. Y. Md 7-18, 21+ 1901-12, 15+ R 5-19, 1899-1913; U (20) 21+ 1914+ Medical society of the state of New York. Transactions. Md 1807- 31, 40-43, 51, 54-190511 R 1807-31 (36) 40-43, 54-55, 57-1901; U 1857- 58, 60-61, 65-70, 72 See also New York state journal of medicine Medical standard. Chicago. R 5-6, 1889 Medical times. N. Y. (Title reads New York medical times, v.9-24) U 20+ 1892+ Medical week. Paris. (English edition of La Semaine medicale) R 1-5, 1892-97 Medico-chirurgical review & journal of practical medicine. N. Y. (Con- tinued in British & foreign medico-chirurgical review) R 1-51, 1820-47 Medico-chirurgical transactions. See Royal medical & chirurgical society Medico-legal journal. N. Y. R 10-31, 1893-1913 Medico-legal society, New York. Papers. R 2, 1882 Memnon, zeitschrift fur die kunst- und kultur-geschichte des alten Orients. Berlin. T 1+ 1907+ Men & missions. N. Y. T 4+ 1912+ UNION LIST OF SERIALS Menorah journal. (Intercollegiate menorah association) N. Y. U 1+ 1915+ Mercantile library association, New York. See New York (City) Mer- cantile library association Mercantile library association, St. Louis. See St. Louis. Mercantile library association Mercersburg review. T 12-13, 1860-61 Merchants' & bankers' almanac. See Bankers' almanac Merchants' association, New York. Year book. R 1906-10, 13+ U 1906-09 Merchants' magazine & commercial review. (Hunt) N. Y. (Title reads Hunt's merchants' magazine & commercial review, v.23-43. Continued in Commercial & financial chronicle) R 1-63, 1839-70; U 1-43, 1839-60 Merchants' record & show window. Chicago. Pm + Meriden scientific association. Meriden, Conn. Transactions. A 2, 4-5, 7-8, 1885-98 Message of the East. Boston. U + Metal industry. N. Y. B + Metal worker, plumber & steam fitter. N. Y. B K + Metallurgical & chemical engineering. N. Y. K 11+ 1913+ M 13+ 1915+ Methodist Episcopal church. Genesee conference. Official minutes & journal. H [68]-78, 80-81, 85, 87-88, 1877-87, 89-90, 94, 96-97 Methodist magazine. See Methodist review Methodist magazine & quarterly review. See Methodist review Methodist quarterly review. See Methodist review Methodist review. N. Y. (Title reads Methodist magazine, v.1-11; Meth- odist magazine & quarterly review, v.12-22; Methodist quarterly review, v.23-66) T 1+ 1818+ Methodist year book. N. Y. R 1895 Metropolitan. Baltimore. U (1-3) 1853-55 Metropolitan. N. Y. C + Metropolitan Catholic almanac. Baltimore. S 1838-45, 50-57, 60-61 Metropolitan pulpit. See Homiletic review Metz. See Societe d'histoire naturelle Verein fur erdkunde Mexico (City) Museo nacional de historia natural. See Naturaleza Mexico (City) See also Sociedad mexicana de geografia y estadistica Sociedad cientifica Sociedad cientifica "Antonio Alzate" Michigan academy of science. Bulletin. A (1) 2-3, 1905-07 - Report A 1, 4+ 1894/99, 1902+ Michigan 'historical commission. Lansing. Michigan historical collec- tions. (Title reads Pioneer society of the state of Michigan, Pioneer collections, v.1-9; Michigan pioneer & historical society, Historical collections, v.10-38) R 1+ 1874+ S 1-21, 25+ 1874-92, 94+ Michigan horticulturist. See American horticulturist Michigan law review. Ann Arbor. L 1+ 1902+ LIBRARIES OF ROCHESTER 89 Michigan pioneer & historical society. Lansing. (Called Pioneer society of the state of Michigan, 1874-87) Historical collections. See Michigan historical commission Michigan state agricultural society. Lansing. Transactions. R 6, 9, 1854, 57 Michigan state horticultural society. (Originally called Michigan state pomological society) Annual report. R 6, 10-14, 16-21, 1876, 80-84, 86-91 Michigan state medical society. Transactions. R 10, 1886 Michigan. University. Ann Arbor. University bulletin. A n.s. v.(14) 1912 University of Michigan studies. Humanistic series. U 9, 12, 1912, 14 Library. Librarian's report. R 1895/96-96/97, 98/99-1904/05 Physical laboratory. Contributions. K 1-2, 1913-15 See also Michigan academy of science Microscope. Washington. A (4-5) 8 (9-10, n.s. v.l) 1884-85, 88-90, 93; U 6-12, n.s. v.1-5, 1886-97 Microscopical bulletin & science news. Philadelphia. A (7-11, 14) 15 (16) 17 (18-19) 1890-94, 97-1902; U 1-6, 1883-89 Midland naturalist. See American midland naturalist Military historian & economist. Cambridge, Mass. U 1-f- 1916+ Military historical society of Massachusetts. Boston. Papers. R 1, 2, 10, 1895 Military service institution of the United States. Governor's Island, N. Y. Journal. R 1-35, 1880-1904; H (13) 20-27, 1892, 97-1900 Military surgeon. (Association of military surgeons of the United States) Washington. Md 38+ 1916+ Millenial harbinger. Bethany, Va. T 1830-38 Milliner. Chicago. Mp + Millinery trade review. N. Y. Mp + Milwaukee. Public library. Annual report. R 11, 13-31, 33+ 1888, 90-1907/08, 09/10+ Milwaukee. Public museum. Annual report. A 1, 9-28, 1883, 90-1910 Mind. London. T U 1+ 1876+ R 1-29, 1876-1904 Mind & body. Milwaukee. U 20+ 1913+ Mineral collector. N. Y. A (1-2) 3 (4-5, 14) 1894-98, 1907 I. Mineralogicheskoe obshchestvo. Petrograd. Materialy dlia geologii Rossli. A 16-25, 1893-1912 Zapiski. A s.2 v.29-47, 49, 1892-1908, 12 K. Mineralogische gesellschaft, St. Petersburg. See I. Mineralogicheskoe obshchestvo. Petrograd Minerva, jahrbuch der gelehrten welt. Strassburg. R 1+ 1891+ U 19+ 1909/10+ K 22, 1912/13 Mining association & institute of Cornwall. Transactions. A 1-4, 1885-95 Mining institute of Cornwall. See Mining association & institute of Corn- wall 90 UNION LIST OF SERIALS Mining review. Denver. (Title reads Mining & scientific review to v.31) A (26-33) 1891-94 Minneapolis. Public library. Annual report. R 1-24, 1890-1913 Minneapolis. See also Minnesota. University Minnesota academy of natural sciences. See Minnesota academy of science Minnesota academy of science. Minneapolis. (Called Minnesota academy of natural sciences to 1903) Bulletin. Proceedings & papers. A 3+ 1883+ Occasional papers. A 1 no.l, 1894 Minnesota. Agricultural experiment station. University Farm, St. Paul. Bulletin. A 122, 130, 132+ 1914+ Minnesota historical society. St. Paul. Biennial report. U 9, 1897 Collections. U 9-11, 1898-1904 Minnesota municipalities, League of. See League of Minnesota municipal- ities Minnesota state horticultural society. Annual report. R 1, 13-17, 19, 1873, 85-89, 91 Minnesota. University. Minneapolis. Bulletin. Extra series. U 1+ 1913+ General series. U 8-10, 1914 Current problems. U 1+ 1913+ A 2+ 1914+ Studies in chemistry. See its Studies in the physical sciences & mathematics Studies in economics. See its Studies in the social sciences Studies in engineering. A U 1+ 1915+ Studies in language & literature. A U 1+ 1914+ Studies in public health. See its Studies in the biological sciences Studies in the biological sciences. (Title reads Studies in public health, no.l) A U 1+ 1913+ Studies in the physical sciences & mathematics. (Title reads Studies in chemistry, no.l) A U 1+ 1912+ Studies in the social sciences. (Title reads Studies in economics, no.l) U 1+ 1913+ A 2+ 1915+ Department of agriculture. Agricultural experiment station. See Minnesota. Agricultural experiment station. Minnesota school of mines. Experiment station. Bulletin. U 1+ 1912+ A 1, 3+ 1912, 15+ Mission field. N. Y. T 12-21, 23+ 1900+ Missionary. Washington. S + Missionary helper. Saco, Me. T 1+ 1878+ Missionary herald. (American board of commissioners for foreign mis- sions) Boston. (Title reads Panoplist & missionary magazine, v.l- 13; Panoplist & missionary herald, v.14-16) T [5]+ 1809+ R [6] 17-20, 24-37, 40-47, 1810, 21-24, 28-41, 44-51; U 4-5, 11, 13, 33-85, 1808-10, 15, 17, 37-89 Missionary herald. (Baptist missionary society) London. (Also in- cluded in Baptist magazine, London, 1819-82. Continued as Herald. London) T 1819-46, 49-54, 89-91 (92) 93-1905, 09-11 LIBRARIES OF ROCHESTER 91 Missionary herald. (Calcutta Baptist missionary society) U (7-9, 11-12) 1829-32H Missionary intelligencer. (Foreign Christian missionary society) Cin- cinnati. T (19) 20+ 1906+ Missionary magazine. See Baptist missionary magazine Missionary register. London. U 1817 Missionary review of the world. N. Y. (Title reads Missionary review, v.1-10) T 2, 6-9, 11+ 1879, 83-86, 88+ R 11+ 1888+ Pe + Missionary tidings. (Christian woman's board of missions) Indianapolis. R + Missionary witness. See Evangelical Christian & missionary witness Missions. N. Y. (Continues Baptist home mission monthly; Baptist mis- sionary magazine; Helping hand) T U 1+ 1910+ Mississippi Valley horticultural society. See American horticultural so- ciety Missoula. See Montana. University Missouri. Agricultural college experiment station. See Missouri. Ag- ricultural experiment station Missouri. Agricultural experiment station. Columbia. Bulletin. A 24-25, 32-49, 56, 1894-1900, 02 Missouri botanical garden. St. Louis. Annals. A 1+ 1914+ Annual report. R 1-10, 1890-99; A 1-23, 1890-1912|| Missouri historical review. (Missouri. State historical society) Colum- bia. A 6-7 (8) 9+ 1911+ Missouri historical society. St. Louis. Collections. H (1-2) 3 (4) 1894-1912 Missouri. State historical society. Columbia. Biennial report. A 6, 1911/12 See also Missouri historical review Missouri state horticultural society. Annual report. R 27-31, 34, 40, 41, 1884-88, 91, 97-98 Missouri. University. Columbia. Bulletin. Astronomical series. Laws observatory bulletin. A U (1) 2+ 1904-08, 11+ Education series. U (1)+ 1911+ Engineering experiment station series. U2-3 (4) 1911-13; A (1) 1910 Library series. U 1 no.4+ 1912+ Medical series. U 1-5, 7+ 1913+ Science series. U 1+ 1912+ A (1-2)+ 1912+ Social science series. U 1+ 1914+ Non-technical lectures. See Missouri. University. Columbia. Bulletin. Science series Studies. A 1-2, 1901-04; U 1 (2) 1901-04 Literary & linguistic series. U 2, 1911 Mathematics series. A U 1+ 1913+ Philosophy & education series. U (1)+ 1911+ Science series. U 1+ 1905+ A 1-2, 1905-11 92 UNION LIST OF SERIALS Social science series. U 1-2, 1905-09 College of agriculture & mechanic arts. Agricultural experiment sta- tion. See Missouri. Agricultural experiment station Engineering experiment station. Bulletin. See Missouri. Uni- versity. Columbia. Bulletin. Engineering experiment station series Laws observatory. See Missouri. University. Columbia. Bul- letin. Astronomical series. Laws observatory bulletin Mitteilungen aus dem gesamten gebiete der englischen sprache und littera- tur. See Anglia. Beiblatt Modern electrics & mechanics. See Popular science monthly. Chicago Modern hospital. St. Louis. B Md + Modern language association of America. Publications. (Title reads Transactions, v.l ; Transactions & proceedings, v.2-3) U 1, 3 (4) 5+ 1884-85, 87, 89+ Modern language notes. Baltimore. U 12+ 1897+ Modern mechanics. See Popular science monthly. Chicago Modern philology. (University of Chicago) U 1+ 1903+ Modern Priscilla. Boston. Pe Wj + Monad. (American association of engineers) Chicago. Es + Monatshefte fur praktische dermatologie. See Dermatologische wochen- schrift Moncalieri. R. Collegio Carlo Alberto. Osservatorio. Bollettino me- teorologico e geodinamico. Osservazioni meteorologiche. A Dec. 1906-Sept. '07, Dec. '07-Mar. '09 Osservazioni sismiche. A Dec. 1908-Mar. '09 See also Societa meteorologica italiana Monde illustre. Paris. U 76-91, 1895-1902 Monist Chicago. R T U 1+ 1890+ Moniteur universel. Paris. (Title reads Avant-moniteur, 1789; Gazette nationale, 1789-1810) R 1789-1816 Monitore ecclesiastico. Rome. S 1+ 1876+ Monograph supplements. See Psychological review. Psychological monographs Monroe Baptist association. Minutes. T 1, 5+ 1828, 32+ Monroe county, N. Y. Directories. Boyd's Monroe county directory. H 1878 Gazetteer & business directory of Monroe county. H 1869/70 See also Rochester. Directories Monroe republican. Rochester. See Rochester. Newspapers. Roch- ester republican Mont Blanc. Observatoire meteorologique. Annales. A 2-6, 1896-1905 Montana agricultural college. Bozeman. Science studies. Botany. A 1, 1905 Montana college of agriculture & mechanic arts. See Montana agricul- tural college Montana. State library. Helena. Historical & miscellaneous department Biennial report. H 1, 3-4, 1891/92, 95-98 LIBRARIES OF ROCHESTER 93 Montana. University. Missoula. Bulletin. Biological series. A 1, 3, 6, 7, 14, 15, 1901-04, 08, 10; U (2) 1906 Geological series. A 1-3, 1903-08 University of Montana studies in psychology. U 1, 1908 Montevideo. Museo nacional. Anales. A (2) 3 (4) 5-7, s.2 (v.l) 1899-1911 Seccion historico-filosofica. Anales. A 1-2 pt.l, 1904-05 Montevideo. Observatorio meteorologico del Colegio Pio de Villa Colon. Boletin mensual. A (11) 12-13, 19, 1899-1901, 04-05 Month. London. S 1-19, 1864-73 Monthly abstract of medical science. Philadelphia. (Supplement to Medical news & library. Continues Half-yearly abstract of the medi- cal sciences. Continued in Medical news & abstract, later Medical news) R 1-5, 1874-78; Md 1, 1874 Monthly cyclopaedia of practical medicine. Philadelphia. (Title reads Universal medical journal, v.7-11) R 8-9, 14, 1894-95, 1900 Monthly Genesee farmer. Rochester. H 3, 1838; R 4, 1839 Monthly interpreter. Edinburgh. T 1-4, 1885-86 Monthly journal of agriculture. N. Y. U 1-2, 1845-47 Monthly journal of foreign medicine. Philadelphia. R 1-2, 1828 Monthly microscopical journal. London. (Continued as Journal of the Royal microscopical society) B R 1-18, 1869-77; U 1-7 (8-9) 1869-73 Monthly miscellany of religion & letters. Boston. (Continued in Chris- tian examiner) U 2-9, 1840-43 Monthly review. London. R 1-150, 1790-1839 Montpellier. See Academic des sciences et lettres Montreal horticultural society. Annual report. R 3-5, 8-13, 1877-79, 82-87 Montreal medical gazette. R 1, 1844/45 Montreal medical journal. (Continued as Journal of the Canadian medical association) R 23-39, 1894-1910 Moody's magazine. See Investment weekly Moody's manual of New York railroads & corporation securities. Rl + Moore's rural New Yorker. See Rural New Yorker Morning watch. London. T 1-7, 1829-33 1| Moscow. See Societe imperiale des naturalistes Moslem world. London. T 1+ 1911+ Mothers' journal & family visitant. Utica; N. Y. (Title reads Mothers' monthly journal, v.1-7) R 1-14, 1836-49; T 1-5, 1836-40 Mothers' magazine. N. Y. R 18, 1850 Mothers' monthly journal. See Mothers' journal & family visitant Motor. N. Y. C P Pb Wj + Motor boating. N. Y. Ad + Motor life. N. Y. Ad + Mouvement sociale; revue catholique internationale. Rheims. S 1912+ Moving picture world. N. Y. R + Minister. See Westfalischer provinzial-verein fur wissenschaft und kunst 94 UNION LIST OF SERIALS Munich. See K. Bayerische akademie der wissenschaften Bayerischer kunstgewerbe-verein Municipal affairs. N. Y. R 1-6, 1897-1902|| Municipal engineering. Indianapolis. (Title reads Paving & municipal engineering, v.1-10) En 6+ 1894+ R 12-46, 1897-1914; Es 48-|- 1915+ Municipal engineers of the city of New York. Proceedings. R 1904 Municipal journal. N. Y. (Title reads Municipal journal & engineer, v.10-29) En 10+ 1901+ R 10-17, 20-36, 1901-04, 06-14; Pb + Munsey's magazine. N. Y. U 12-18, 1894-98; B P R Rr + Murray's magazine. London. R 1-10, 1887-91 1| Musee geologique Pierre le Grand. See I. Akademiia nauk. Petrograd. Geologicheskii muzei imeni Petra Velikago Museum. Albion, N. Y. (Continued as Naturalist, farm & fanciers' re- view) A 1-2 (3) 4-5 (6) 1894-1900 Museum. Hartford, Conn. R 1, 1825 Museum of foreign literature, science & art. (Littell) Philadelphia. (Continued as Eclectic museum of foreign literature) R 28-33, 35-37, 40, 42, 1836-41 Museums journal. London. U 1+ 1901+ Music. Chicago. R 1-22, 1892-1902|| Music teachers' national association. Annual report. R 10-11, 1886-87 Studies in musical education, history & aesthetics; papers & proceed- ings. U 30, 1908 Musical America. N. Y. Ed Pg Pin Pm + Musical association for the investigation & discussion of subjects connected with the art & science of music. London. Proceedings. U 4-5, 7-12, 18-23, 25, 27, 29-30, 1877-78, 80-85, 91-96, 98, 1900, 02-03 Musical quarterly. N. Y. U 1+ 1915+ Musical times. London. U (45) 46+ 1904+ Musician. Boston. P + Musik. Berlin. U (4) 5-8 (9) 10+ 1904+ Mutual underwriter. Rochester. R 8-9, 11-14, 1889, 91-95 Nachrichten aus der bruder-gemeine. Gnadau. U 1834, 38 Nancy. See Academic de Stanislas Societe des sciences Naples. See Societa reale di Napoli Narragansett club. Providence. Publications. U s.l v.1-6, 1866-74 Nassauischer verein fur naturkunde. Wiesbaden. Jahrbiicher. A 45, 49, 51, 53+ 1892, 96, 98, 1900+ Nation. N. Y. R T 1+ 1865+ U 5+ 1867+ E 85-96, 1907-13; W 86-90, 1908-10; M 104+ 1917+ P Pb + National academy of sciences. Washington. Biographical memoirs. U 1-2, 4-5, 7, 1877, 86, 1902, 05, 13; R 6, 1909 Proceedings. U (1) 1863-76 Proceedings. U 1+ 1915+ Report. R 1863, 83, 85, 87, 89, 93, 97-1904, 06-08; H 1909-12 National almanac & annual record. Philadelphia. R U 1863 LIBRARIES OF ROCHESTER 95 National architect. Philadelphia. U + National association for the promotion of social science. London. Transactions. R U 1-29, 1857-86|| National association of builders of the United States of America. Offi- cial report. U 2, 1888 National association of corporation schools. N. Y. Bulletin. U (1-3)+ 1914+ National association of manufacturers of the United States of America. See American industries National association of officials of bureaus of labor statistics in the United States. See Association of officials of bureaus of labor statistics of America National association of United States pension examining surgeons. Transactions. R 1, 3, 1903, 05 National association of wool manufacturers. Boston. Bulletin. U 6-10, 12-14 (16) 1876-80, 82-84, 86 National bankruptcy register. (Title reads Bankrupt register, 1867-70. Continued as National bankruptcy register reports) L 1-4, 1867-71 National bankruptcy register reports. N. Y. (Continues National bank- ruptcy register) L 1-18, 1873-79 National board of trade. Proceedings. R 2-4, 1869-71 National builder. Chicago. Ad + National child labor committee. See Child labor bulletin National citizen & ballot box. Toledo; Syracuse. (Title reads Ballot box, v.1-2) R (1-2) 3-5 (6) 1876-81 National civic federation. Annual meeting. U 11, 1911 National civil service reform league. N. Y. Proceedings. R 1884-89, 91+ See also Good government National collegiate athletic association. (Called Intercollegiate athletic association of the United States, 1906-09) Proceedings. U 1+ 1906+ National commercial gas association. Monthly bulletin. Rl + . Proceedings. Rl 6+ 1910+ National conference for good city government. Proceedings. See National municipal league National conference of charities & correction. Proceedings. R 1-2, 5, 8+ 1874-75, 78, 81+ National conference on city planning. Proceedings. Es 3, 5, 7, 1911, 13, 15; U2, 6, 1910, 14; H 2, 1910 National conference on university extension. Proceedings. R 1, 1891 National congress of mothers. Proceedings. R 1, 1897 National conservation congress. Proceedings. U 1-2, 1909-10 National consumers' league. N. Y. Annual report. U 4-5, 1902-04 National divorce reform league. Report. R 1891-96 National eclectic medical association. Transactions. H 3, 1852 96 UNION LIST OF SERIALS National education association of the United States. Washington. (Called National teachers' association, 1857-69; National educational associa- tion, 1870-1905) Journal of proceedings & addresses. U 1857-70, 73-82, 84+ E 1900-05, 07, 10 Yearbook. U 2-4, 6+ 1903-05, 07+ National educational association. See National education association of the United States National electric light association. N. Y. Bulletin. Rl + [Proceedings of] convention. Rl 32+ 1909+ National engineer. Chicago. Pe + National geographic magazine. (National geographic society) Washing- ton. U (1) 2+ 1888, 90+ E 20-24 (28)+ 1909+ T 21+ 1910+ S 24+ 1913+ Ed 28+ 1915+ N P R Wj + National geographic monographs. (National geographic society) N. Y. A 1 no.7, 1895 National glass budget. Pittsburgh. B + National Herbart society. See National society for the study of education National humane review. (American humane association) Albany. U 1+ 1913+ Pe Pg + National irrigation congress. Official proceedings. (Title reads Official report of the Irrigation congress, v.l) R 1, 17-19, 21, 1891, 1909- 11, 14; U 12, 19, 1904, 11 National lumber manufacturers association. Report. R 8-10, 1910-12 National magazine; devoted to literature, art & religion. N. Y. U (1-2) 4 (5-6) 1852-55; R 1, 4, 1852, 54 National microscopical congress. See American microscopical society National municipal league. Proceedings of the National conference for good city government & of the . . . annual meeting of the National municipal league. R 1894-1901, 07-09; U 1902, 10 National municipal review. (National municipal league) Philadelphia. T 1+ 1912+ U (1-2) 3+ 1912+ Pb + National preacher. See American national preacher National prison association of the United States. Proceedings. R 1874, 89-91, 99, 1905-06 National quarantine & sanitary convention. Proceedings. R 3, 1859 National quarterly review. N. Y. U 1861, 69 National real estate journal. Pittsburgh. C + National reformer. (Cooper) Rochester & Auburn. H (1-2) 1848|| National review. London. R 1-19, 1855-64|| National short ballot association. N. Y. See Short ballot bulletin National society for the promotion of industrial education. N. Y. Bul- letin. M 1+ 1907+ National society for the scientific study of education. See National society for the study of education National society for the study of education. (Called National Herbart society, 1895-1901; National society for the scientific study of educa- tion, 1902-09) Yearbook. U 1-5 [n.s.] v.l+ 1895+ LIBRARIES OF ROCHESTER 97 National stockman & farmer. Pittsburgh. Ad + National tax association. Conference. R 1, 1908 National teachers' association. See National education association of the United States National woman suffrage association. Proceedings. R 16, 25-34, 1884-1902 Nation's business. (Chamber of commerce of the United States of Amer- ica) Washington. C Pb + Natural history society, Glasgow. Transactions, including the proceed- ings. (Continued as Glasgow naturalist) A n.s. v.(3) 4-8, 1899- 90, 92-1908 Natural history society. Montreal. See Canadian record of science Natural history society of New Brunswick. St. John. Annual report. A [1880] Bulletin. A 6-18, 20, 22-25, 30, 1887-99, 1902, 04-07, 13 Natural history society of Wisconsin. See Wisconsin natural history society Natural science. London. U 1-15, 1892-99|| Natural science association of Staten Island. See Staten Island association of arts & sciences Naturaleza. (Museo nacional de historia natural y Sociedad mexicana de historia natural) Mexico. A s.2 v.1-3, s.3 v.l-f 1887-1903, 10+ Naturalist, farm & fanciers' review. Albion, N. Y. (Continues Museum) A (2) 1900 Nature. London. R U 1-f 1869-f T 1-95, 1869-1915; K 90+ 1912+ A 17-18 (19-21, 48) 1878-80, 93 Nature. Paris. U 11+ 1877+ Naturforschende gesellsohaft, Bamberg. Bericht. A 15+ 1890+ Naturforschende gesellschaft, Basel. Verhandlungen. A (9-10) 11+ 1891+ U (13) 1901 Naturforschende gesellschaft, Danzig. Schriften. A n.s. v.(7) 8-9 (10) 11-12 (13) 1890-95, 1901-09, 11 Naturforschende gesellschaft, Emden. Jahresbericht. A 74+ 1888+ Naturforschende gesellschaft, Freiburg. See Societe fribourgeoise des sci- ences naturelles Naturforschende gesellschaft, Gorlitz. Abhandlungen. A 20-27, 1893-1911 Naturforschende gesellschaft, Zurich. Vierteljahrsschrift. A (36) 37-40 (41) 42+ 1891+ Naturforschende gesellschaft des Osterlandes, Altenburg. Mitteilungen aus dem Osterlande. A n.s. v.3-7, 14-15, 1886-96, 1910-12 Naturforschender verein, Briinn. Verhandlungen. A 29+ 1890+ Meteorologische commission. Bericht. A 9-27, 1889-1907 Naturforscher gesellschaft bei der Universitat Jurjev. See Dorpat. Universitet. Obshchestvo estestvoispytatelei Naturforscher-verein, Riga. Arbeiten. A n.s. v.12, 13, 1910, 11 Korrespondenzblatt. A 38-40, 47+ 1893-97, 1903+ 98 UNION LIST OF SERIALS Naturhistorisch-medizinischer verein, Heidelberg. Verhandlungen. A n.s. v.(4) 5 (6-7) 8 (9-11) 12+ 1891+ Naturhistorische gesellschaft, Hanover. Jahresbericht. A 40-61, 1889-1911 Naturhistorische gesellschaft, Nuremberg. Abhandlungen. (1892-1904 includes Jahresbericht, 1891-1903) A 9-20, 1892-1913 Pahresbericht. (1891-99, 1901-03 included in Abhandlungen) A 1891-1905 Mitteilungen. A 1-4, 1907-10 Naturhistorischer verein der preussischen Rheinlande und Westfalens. Bonn. (Called Naturhistorischer verein der preussischen Rheinlande, Westfalens und des Reg.-Bez. Osnabriick to 1906) Sitzungsberichte. A 1906+ Verhandlungen. A 48+ 1891+ Naturhistorisches museum, Liibeck. See Geographische gesellschaft und Naturhistorisches museum Naturwissenschaftliche gesellschaft. Bayreuth. Bericht. A 1, 1911 Naturwissenschaftliche gesellschaft, Chemnitz. Bericht. A 12-15, 18, 1889-1903, 09-11 Naturwissenschaftliche gesellschaft "Isis," Dresden. Sitzungsberichte und abhandlungen. A 1892+ Naturwissenschaftlicher verein, Bremen. Abhandlungen. A (12) 13 (14-15) 16-22 (23) 1891, 93-1914 Includes: Jahresbericht. A 26, 28-32, 34-49, 1890/91, 92-97, 98-1914 Naturwissenschaftlicher verein, Hamburg. Abhandlungen aus dem ge- biete der naturwissenschaften. A 16-20, 1900-12 Verhandlungen. A s.3 v.1-19, 1893-1911 Naturwissenschaftlicher verein, Madgeburg. Jahresbericht und abhand- lungen. A 1891-1907 See also Madgeburg. Museum fur natur- und heimatkunde und Naturwissenschaftlicher verein Naturwissenschaftlicher verein, Osnabriick. Jahresbericht. A 8-16, 1889-1906 Naturwissenschaftlicher verein, Regensburg. Berichte. A 3-13, 1890-1911 Naturwissenschaftlicher verein an der Universitat Wien. See Vienna. Universitat. Naturwissenschaftlicher verein Naturwissenschaftlicher verein fur das fiirstentum Liineburg. Jahres- hefte. A 11+ 1888+ Naturwissenschaftlicher verein fur den regierungsbezirk Frankfurt. Frankfort-on-the-Oder. Helios. A 9-10 (11) 14-15, 17-18, 21- 23, 26+ 1891-94, 97-98, 1900-01, 04-06, 10+ Societatum litterae. A 5-8 (10) 11-14, 1890-1900 Naturwissenschaftlicher verein fur Neuvorpommern und Rugen, Greifs- wald. Mitteilungen. A 23-38, 41-44, 1891-1906, 09-12 LIBRARIES OF ROCHESTER 99 Naturwissenschaftlicher verein fur Sachsen und Thuringen, Halle. Zeit- schrift fur naturwissenschaften. A (68) 69-81 (82) 84, 1895-1913 Naturwissenschaftlicher verein fur Schleswig-Holstein. Kiel. Schriften. A 9-15, 1891-1913 Naturwissenschaftlicher verein fur Schwaben und Neuberg. Augsburg. Bericht A 29, 31+ 1885/87, 91/93+ K. Natuurkundige vereeniging in Nederlandsch-Indie. Batavia, Java. Natuurkundig tijdschrift. A 56+ 1897+ Nebraska academy of sciences. Lincoln. Publications. A (9) 1915 Nebraska ornithologists' union. See Wilson bulletin Nebraska state historical society. Lincoln. Proceedings & collections. (Title reads Transactions & reports, v.1-5) H 4-5, s.2 v.1-5, 1892-1902 Nebraska. University. Lincoln. University studies. U l-2no.2, 1888-97; A (3) 1902 - Botanical survey. [Report] A 1-6, 1892-1902 Needlework guild of America. Philadelphia. Biennial report. U 21/22, 1905/06 Neglected Arabia. N. Y. T 1908+ Neuchatel. See Societe neuchateloise des sciences naturelles Neue jahrbucher fur deutsche theologie. Bonn. T 1-4, 1892-95 Neue jahrbucher fur philologie und paedagogik. Leipzig. U 13-21, 61-65, 1835-37, 51-52 Neue kirchliche zeitschrift. Leipzig. T 1+ 1890+ Neue theologische bibliothek. (Ernesti) Leipzig. (Continued as Neueste theologische bibliothek) U 1-10, 1760-69 Neueste theologische bibliothek. (Ernesti) Leipzig. (Continues Neue theologische bibliothek) U 1-4 pt.6, 1771-77 Nevada. University. Reno. Bulletin. A (3, 5, 7) 1909, 11, 13; U (5, 7) 1911, 13 See also: University of Nevada studies. A 1-3, 1908-11; U 1-2 (3) 1908-11 New Armenia. N. Y. T 8+ 1916+ New Bedford, Mass. Free public library. Annual report. R 1, 4, 7-9, 14, 16, 18-19, 21-30, 33, 35-37, 40-41, 45, 47-48, 50+ 1852/53, 55/56, 58-60, 65, 67, 69-70, 72-81, 84, 86-88, 91-92, 96, 98-99, 1901+ New Brighton, N. Y. See Staten Island association of arts & sciences New Brunswick, N. J. See New Jersey state microscopical society Rut- gers college New Brunswick natural history society. See Natural history society of New Brunswick New Brunswick review. N. Y. U 1, 1854/55 New church review. Boston. R + New country life. N. Y. (Title reads Country life in America, v.1-31 no.3) R 1+ 1901+ M 9+ 1905+ P + New East. Canton, China. T 1+ 1905+ New England Catholic historical society. Boston. Publications. H 5, 1906 100 UNION LIST OF SERIALS New England historic-genealogical society. Boston. Proceedings. (Continued in New England historical & genealogical register, 1901+) R 1875, 76, 85, 96-97, 1900; H 1883, 92-95; U 1872-74 New England historical & genealogical register. (New England historic- genealogical society) Boston. H R 1+ 1847+ U (6-8) 21, 1852- 54, 67 New England journal of medicine & surgery. Boston. (Continued as Boston medical & surgical journal) R 1-14, 1812-25 New England kitchen magazine. See American kitchen magazine New England magazine. Boston. R 1-7, 1831-34 New England magazine. Boston. R n.s. v.1-37, 40+ 1889-1907, 09+ U (5-6, n.s. v.l, 3, 4, 6, 10) 12-25, 1887-92, 94-1902; Rr + New England society in the city of New York. Anniversary celebra- tion. U 89-90, 94-97, 99-102, 106+ 1894-95, 99-1902, 04-07, 11+ H 83-89, 1888-94; R 66, 77-81, 1871, 82-86 New England waterworks association. Boston. Journal. (Continues Transactions) R 1 (2) 3-15, 1886-1900 Transactions. (Continued as Journal) R 1885 New Englander. See New Englander & Yale review New Englander & Yale review. New Haven. (Title reads New Eng- lander, v.1-43. Continued as Yale review) R 1-56, 1843-92; U 1-29, 1843-70; T 30-56, 1871-92 New Genesee farmer. See Genesee farmer New Hampshire historical society. Concord. Collections. U 1-5, 1824-37 New Haven. Free public library. Annual report. R 1893-99, 1901-04, 06+ New Haven. See also American oriental society Connecticut academy of arts & sciences Yale university New Jersey forestry association. See American forestry New Jersey historical society. Newark. Proceedings. R 1+ 1845+ H s.2 v.l3-s.3 v.l, 3 (4) 5-7 (8) 9+ 1894+ New Jersey law journal. Plainfield. L 1+ 1878+ New Jersey state horticultural society. Proceedings. R 7-9, 11-15, 1882-89 New Jersey state microscopical society. New Brunswick. Abstract of the minutes. A 1-2, 1871-97 New Orleans academy of sciences. Papers. A 1 no.2, 1887/88 New Orleans medical & surgical journal. R 46-66, 1893-1914; Md 68+ 1915+ New Orleans. Public library. Annual report. R 1907+ New Orleans. See also Louisiana historical society Louisiana. State mu- seum New Princeton review. N. Y. (Continues Princeton review. Continued as Presbyterian & reformed review) R T U 1-6, 1886-88 New republic. N. Y. R T U 1+ 1914+ C Pg Pin Pm + New review. London. (Continued as Outlook. London) R 1-17, 1889-97 LIBRARIES OF ROCHESTZK " 101 New science review. N. Y. U 1-2 pt.3, 1894-96 New Sydenham society. See Year-book of medicine, surgery & their allied sciences New weekly messenger & Odd fellows' advertiser. See Rainbow New world. Boston. (Continues Unitarian review) RT 1-9, 1892-190011 New York (City) Newspapers. Columbian, for the country. H (1-2) 1810-11 Evening post. Rr + Journal of commerce & commercial bulletin. C Pb + New York times. C Rr + New York tribune. Rr -f- Sun. Rr -f Wall Street journal. C + - World. R Sept. 1860-April 1865 New York academy of medicine. Transactions. A U s.2 v.1-11, 1874-94 New York academy of sciences. (Called Lyceum of natural history, 1817- 75) Annals. (Continues Annals of the Lyceum of natural history; Transactions) A 1-2 (3) 4+ 1877+ U 1-10, 1877-98 Annals of the Lyceum of natural history of New York. (Continued as Annals of the New York academy of sciences) U 1, 2, 5-11, 1823-28, 48-77 Memoirs. A 1-2, 1895, 99-1905; U 1-2 pt.l, 1895, 99 Transactions. (Continued in the Annals) U 1-16, 1881-97; A (1) 2-16, 1881-97 New York. Agricultural experiment station. Geneva. Annual report. A 11-12, 1892-93 Bulletin. A (1892+) Circular. A n.s. no.4, 26, 1904, 14 New York. Agricultural experiment station. Ithaca. (Cornell univer- sity) Bulletin. A (1894+) r Circular. A (1900, 08, 13+) New York annual register. (Williams) R 1-9, 1830-40; H 2, 6-7, 9, 1831, 35-36, 40 New York architect. N. Y. M 5-6, 1911-12 New York association for labor legislation. (Branch of American asso- ciation for labor legislation) Annual report. U 3, 1911 New York Baptist annual. (Baptist missionary convention of the state of New York) Rochester; N. Y. T 1869+ New York Baptist union for ministerial education. Annual report. U 1-7, 9, 11, 17-37, 40-48, 50-53, 55-57, 59-61, 1850-56, 58, 60, 68-88, 91- 99, 1900-03, 05-07, 09-11 New York botanical garden. Bulletin. A 1-5 (6) 7-8 (9)+ 1896+ Journal. A (1-3) 1900-02 New York (City) Charity organization society. Annual report. U 16-21, 1897-1903 See also Charities review Survey . . 102 UNION LIST OF SERIALS New York City club. Annual report R 13, 1904/5 New York civil service reform association. Report. R 1898-1900, 05-06, 08+ New York dramatic mirror. See Dramatic mirror New York education. See American education New York free circulating library. Annual report. (Continued in Bul- letin of the New York Public library) R 6-7, 9, 11-14, 16-17, 19-21, 1885-86, 88, 90-93, 95-96, 98-1900 New York genealogical & biographical record. H (23) 28-f- 1892, 97+ R 1-2, 38+ 1870-71, 1907+ New York genealogical & biographical society. Report. R 1897 See also New York genealogical & biographical record New York historical society. Collections. R l-s.2 v.4, 1809-59)1 U l-s.2 v.2, 1809-48 Publication fund series. R 1+ 1868+ H 1-18, 20-24, 186&-85, 87-91 Proceedings. R U 1843-49] | New York journal of medicine & surgery. Md 2-4, 1840-41 New York law review. Ithaca. L 1, 1895 New York legal observer. L 1-12, 1842-54; R 12, 1854 New York libraries. (New York (State) Educational extension, Division of) Albany. M Pe U 1+ 1907+ W 5+ 1917+ E (4-5) 1914- 15; PgR + New York mathematical society. Bulletin. (Continued as Bulletin of the American mathematical society) U 1-3, 1891-94 New York medical abstract. R 1-6, 1881-86 New York medical & philosophical journal & review. R 3, 1811 New York medical eclectic. (Title reads Medical eclectic, v.1-4) U (2-3, 6) 1875-76, 79 New York medical journal. (Title reads New York medical journal & Philadelphia medical journal, v.78-82. Continues Philadelphia medical journal; Medical news) R 1-8, 10-100, 1865-1914; Md 11-74, 78, 101+ 1870-74, 1903, 15+ New York medical times. See Medical times New York (City) Mercantile library association. Annual report. A 71-78, 80-81, 83, 85-86, 1891-98, 1900-01, 03, 05-06 Bulletin. A 13-16, 18-19, 1891-95, 98-99 New York (City) Metropolitan museum of art. Annual report. U 6, 9-11, 27, 31, 33-37, 1876, 79-81, 97, 1901, 03-06 Bulletin. M 2-18, 1907-13 New York microscopical society. Journal. A 7-13 (14) 1885, 91-98 New York mirror. R 9-13, 1831-36; U 15-17, 19-20, 1837-42; H 7-8, 1829-31 New York monthly law bulletin. L 1-5, 1878-83 New York monthly law record. L 1-3, 1896-98 New York observer year book & almanac. U 1, 1871 New York odontological society. Transactions. R 1874-77, 79-88, 95 LIBRARIES OF ROCHESTER 103 New York packer. C + New York pathological society. Proceedings. R 1, 3, 1875, 79 Transactions. R 1888-96 New York (City) Public library. Branch library news. Pe 1+ 1914+ Bulletin. Pe 1+ 1897+ A 4-11 (12) 13+ 1900+ Municipal reference library notes. Pb 2+ 1915+ See also Aguilar free library New York free circulating library New York review. N. Y. U 1-10, 1837-42) | R 1-9, 1837-41 New York review. Yonkers, N. Y. S 1-3 no.5, 1905-08 New York sabbath committee. Report. U 8, 11-12, 15-16, 21-22, 42- 45, 1864/65, 67-69, 71-73, 77-79, 99-1903 New York sketch-book of architecture. U 1874 New York society for the suppression of vice. Annual report. U 1-13, 1875-87 New York society library. Annual report. R 1894/95-1899/1900, 01/02+ New York Spirit of the times. See Spirit of the times New York state agricultural society. Annual report. R 39, 41, 43, 53, 55-56, 1879, 81, 83, 93, 95-96 Transactions. R 1-15, 17-29, 31-32, 34, 1841-55, 57-69, 71-76, 83-86; U 2-32, 57, 1842-76, 97 New York state bar association. Proceedings. (Early title reads Re- ports) R 2-5, 7-9, 11-14, 16-18, 23-24, 1879-82, 84-86, 88-91, 1900- 01 ; U 10, 12, 32+ 1887, 89, 1909+ New York state charities aid association. Annual report. R 2-4, 8, 25, 27, 29-30, 32-35, 38+ 1874-76, 80, 97, 99, 1901-02, 04-07, 10+ Annual report to state commission in lunacy. R 9-10, 12-15, 1901-02, 04-07 New York state college of agriculture. See Cornell university. Ithaca. New York state college of agriculture. New York state conference of charities & corrections. Proceedings. R 1-11, 1900-10 New York state conference of religion. Addresses. U (1-2, 4) 5-6 (7-8) 1903-10 New York state dairymen's association. Annual report. R 11-16, 1887-92 New York state educational journal. Fredonia, N. Y. (Continued in School bulletin & New York state educational journal) U 1-3, 1872-75 New York state historical association. Caldwell. Proceedings. H 2-4, 11+ 1901-03, 12+ New York state horticultural society. See Western New York horticul- tural society New York state journal of medicine. (Medical society of the state of New York) N. Y. Md 15+ 1915+ New York. State library. Albany. Annual report. R [40] 44, 51+ 1857, 61, 68+ U [39-40] 44-70, 75+ 1856-57, 61-87, 92+ New York state medical association. N. Y. (Continued in Medical soci- ety of the state of New York, 1906) Transactions. R 1-16, 1884-99H Md 1-15, 1884-98 104 UNION LIST OF SERIALS New York state register. Albany; N. Y. U 1843, 58 New York state register. (Skinner) N. Y. H 1830-31 New York state teachers' association. Journal. U 1+ 1914+ Ed M + Proceedings. R 53, 1898 New York times current history. U 1+ 1914+ New York times index. U 3+ 1915+ Pe 1-3, 1913-15 New York times review of books. P + New York tribune (daily) Index. U 1887-96 New York (City) University. Graduate school studies. U 1+ 1914+ New York weekly digest R 1, 1876 New York (City) See also American Baptist home mission society American Bible society American Bible union American climatologi- cal association American ethnological society American geographical society American institute of electrical engineers American institute of mining engineers American institute of the city of New York American iron & steel institute American mathematical society American museum of natural history American scenic & historic pre- servation society American society of civil engineers American soci- ety of mechanical engineers American telephone & telegraph company American tract society Association for international conciliation. American branch Carnegie foundation for the advancement of teach- ing Children's aid society Columbia university Consumers' league Cooper union for the advancement of science & art Jewish agricul- tural & industrial aid society Linnaean society Maritime association of the port of New York Medico-legal society National association of corporation schools National civil service reform league National consumers' league National electric light association National soci- ety for the promotion of industrial education New England society Prison association Rockefeller foundation Rockefeller institute for medical research Scientific alliance Society for experimental biology & medicine Society of alumni of Bellevue hospital Society of naval architects & marine engineers Torrey botanical club Young men's Christian associations New Yorker. R 2-3, 5-7, 1836-39; U 7, 1839 New Yorker medicinische monatsschrift. Md 11-13, 1899-1901 New Zealand institute. Wellington. Transactions & proceedings. A 38+ 1905+ Newark, N. J. Free public library. Annual report. R 8-17, 23+ 1896-1905, 11+ Newark, N. J. See also New Jersey historical society Newarker. (Free public library of Newark) Pb + Newberry library. Chicago. Proceedings of the trustees. (Continued as Report) R 1887-90 Report. (Continues Proceedings) R [1]+ 1892+ Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Public libraries. Annual report. R 1-19, 21, 23, 25, 1880/81-99/1900, 01/02, 03/04, 05/06 LIBRARIES OF ROCHESTER 105 Newcastle-upon-Tyne. See also North of England institute of mining & mechanical engineers Newport natural history society. Proceedings. A 1-9, 1883-99 News. (American Baptist missionary union, Burma, Assam) Rangoon. T U 1+ 1888+ Niagara Falls, N. Y. Public library. Annual report. R 6-11, 1900/01-05/06 Niederrheinische gesellschaft fur natur- und heilkunde, Bonn. Sitzungs- berichte. A 1895-1905 Niles' national register. Baltimore; Philadelphia. (Title reads Weekly register, v.1-6; Niles' weekly register, v.7-52) R 1-74, 1811-48; H 1-11, 16 (33) 1811-17, 19, 27/28 Niles' weekly register. See Niles' national register Nineteenth century & after. London. (Title reads Nineteenth century, v.1-48) R T U 1+ 1877+ S 15+ 1884+ Nobelinstitut. See K. Svenska vetenskapsakademien. Nobelinstitut Nobelstiftelsen. Stockholm. Prix Nobel. A 1901+ Normal instructor & primary plans. Dansville, N. Y. N + Norman, Okla. See Oklahoma. University K. Norske videnskabers selskab. Trondhjem. Aarsberetning. A 1914+ Skrifter. A 1888+ North Africa. (North African mission) London. T n.s. no.23+ 1907+ North American. Philadelphia. See Philadelphia. Newspapers North American homoeopathic journal. See North American journal of homeopathy North American journal of homoeopathy. N. Y. (Title reads North American homoeopathic journal, v.1-3) R 1-2, 5-17, 20-30, 1851- 52, 57-69, 72-82 North American medical & surgical journal. Philadelphia. R 11-12, 1831|| North American review. N. Y. R 1-67, 69+ 1815+ U 1+ 1815+ T 17+ 1823+ 170-198,1900-13; W 181+ 1905+ L 5-27, 1817-28; M 176-179 (182) 183-185, 195-196, 1903-04, 06-07, 12; Ad C P + North American student. N. Y. (Continues Intercollegian) T 1+ 1913+ North British review. Edinburgh. R 1-53, 1844-71 1| U 15-53, 1851-71H North Carolina academy of science. See Elisha Mitchell scientific society North Carolina. University. Chapel Hill. James Sprunt historical monograph. H 4-5, 8, 1903-04, 08 Philological club. Studies in philology. U 4, 6-8, 1910-11 See also Elisha Mitchell scientific society North of England institute of mining & mechanical engineers. Newcastle- upon-Tyne. Annual report. A 1897+ Subject matter index of mining, mechanical & metallurgical literature. A 1900-02)1 Transactions. A 47+ 1897+ 106 UNION LIST OF SERIALS Northampton, Mass. See Forbes library Northeastern reporter. St. Paul. L P 1+ 1885+ R 21-22, 1889 Northern Indiana historical society. South Bend. Publications. H 1-2, 1899 Northwestern reporter. St. Paul. L P 1+ 1879+ Northwestern university. Evanston, 111. Library. Report of librarian. R 1910/11+ Notes & queries. Boston; N. Y. See Historical magazine. (Dawson) Notes & queries. London. R 1+ 1849+ U s.6 v.3-4, 1881 Notizie degli scavi di antichita. (R. Accademia dei Lincei) Milan. U 1897+ Nouvelle France; revue mensuelle, sciences, lettres, arts. Quebec. S 1+ 1902+ Nouvelle revue theologique. Tournai. S 1+ 1869+ Nouvelles annales de mathematiques. Paris. U s.3 v.ll+ 1892+ Nova Scotian institute of science. Halifax. {Called Nova Scotian insti- tute of natural science, 1862-1889) Proceedings & transactions. A 8+ 1890+ Novelty news. Chicago. B + Nuova antologia di scienze, lettere ed arti. Rome. U s.3 v.25+ 1890+ Nuremberg. See Naturhistorische gesellschaft Oakland, Cal. Free library. Annual report. (Includes Annual report of the Oakland Public museum, 1908/09 to date) R [13]-17 , 19- 24, 28, 31-33, 35+ 1890/91-94/95, 96/97-01/02, 05/06, 08/09-10/11, 12/13+ Oakland, Cal. Public museum. Annual report. See Oakland, Cal. Free library. Annual report Oberhessische gesellschaft fur natur- und heilkunde, Giessen. Bericht. A 28-34, 1892-1905 Continued in 2 parts : Medizinische abteilung. A 1+ 1907+ Naturwissenschaftliche abteilung. A 1+ 1904+ Oberlin college. Oberlin, O. Laboratory bulletin. A 1-3, 5+ 1893-95, 97+ Library. Annual report. R 1893/94-99/1900, 01/02, 03/04-05/06, 07/08+ Oberlin evangelist. T 1-6, 1839-44 Observatorul astronomic si meteorologic din Romania. See Roumania. Institutul meteorologic Obshchestvo ispytatelei prirody pri Imperatorskom Kharkovskom universi- tet. See Kharkov. Universitet. Obshchestvo ispytatelei prirody Obstetrical society, London. Transactions. R 18, 1876 Occident. See Rochester. West high school. Student publications Odd fellows, Independent order of. Grand lodge of New York. Pro- ceedings. R 1-9, 1866-91 Sovereign grand lodge. Proceedings. R 1821-43, 68-90 Office appliances. Chicago. B + LIBRARIES OF ROCHESTER 107 Official Catholic directory & clergy list. Milwaukee. S 1900+ Official digest of the world. American statesman's yearbook. See American statesman's yearbook Ohio archaeological & historical publications. (Ohio state archaeological & historical society) Columbus. A 6+ 1898+ H (7) 8+ 1899+ Ohio archaeological & historical quarterly. See Ohio archaeological & historical publications Ohio. Historical & philosophical society. See Historical & philosophi- cal society of Ohio Ohio journal of science. (Ohio state university scientific society) A 16 no.4+ 1916+ Ohio mechanics' institute. Cincinnati. Scientific proceedings. U 1-2, 1882-83 Ohio state academy of science. Columbus. Proceedings. (Includes Annual report & Special papers) A (1-2) 3 (4) [1893] -1908 Ohio state archaeological & historical society. Columbus. Annual re- port. (Continued in Ohio archaeological & historical publications) H [7]-8, 1891-92 See also Ohio archaeological & historical publications Ohio. State university. Columbus. Geological series. A 2-3, 6, 1901-03 Oklahoma. University. Norman. Research bulletin. A 1-4, 1909-10 Old & new. Boston. (Continues Christian examiner. (Continued in Scribner's monthly) R 1-11, 1870-75 Old & New Testament student. See Biblical world Old Colony historical society. Taunton, Mass. Collections. R 1-3, 1878-85 Old South leaflets. Boston. E U+ 1896+ T 1-3; R 1-6 Old Testament student. See Biblical world Once a week. London. R 1-4, 1859-77 100%; the practical magazine of efficient management. Chicago. (Title reads Efficiency, [v.l] no.1-3; 100% efficiency, [v.l] no.3-4) C 1+ 1913+ Oneida historical society, Utica. Publications. H [2-5] 1879-80 Year book. (Title reads Transactions, no.1-9) H [4] -5, 7, 9-13, 1887-92, 95/97, 1903-14; R 8, 1898 Onondaga county historical association. Syracuse. Annual volume. (Title reads Publications, 1910-12) H 1910+ Ontario historical society. Toronto. Annual report. A 1905/06 Papers & records. A 5-6, 1904-05 Ontario. Provincial museum. Toronto. Annual archaeological report. (Title reads Annual report of the Canadian institute, in early reports. 3rd report includes Annual report of the Council of the Canadian in- stitute) A 3-8, 19+ 1888/89-94/95, 1905+ H [5] 1891 Open court. Chicago. R 17+ 1903+ Ophthalmic review. London. R 12-32, 1893-1913; Md 34+ 1915+ Oporto. Academia polytec'hnica. Annaes scientificos. A 1+ 1905+ 108 UNION LIST OF SERIALS Optical convention. London. Proceedings. K U 1-2, 1905, 12 Optical journal & review of optometry. N. Y. (Title reads Optical jour- nal, 1-25) B 7+ 1900+ Optometrical record. N. Y. B + Oriental Baptist. Calcutta. (Includes Calcutta missionary herald) U 1-5, 1847-51 Oriental Christian spectator. Bombay. U (2) 3-5 (6-11) 1831-40 Orientalische bibliographic. Berlin. T 1+ 1887+ Orientalistische literaturzeitung. Berlin. T 4-7, 12+ 1901-04, 09+ Ornithologist & oologist. A (13, 15-18) 1888, 90-93|| Orono, Me. See Maine. Agricultural experiment station Maine. Univer- sity Osnabriick. See Naturwissenschaftlicher verein Osterhout free library. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Annual report. R 13+ 1901+ Oswego historical society. Oswego, N. Y. Publication. H 1, 1899 Ottawa naturalist. (Ottawa field naturalists' club) A 4 (5-6) 7 (8) 9-15 (16) 17-19 (20) 1890-1906 Ottawa. See also Canada. Central experimental farm Royal society of Canada Our colored missions. N. Y. S + Our continent. See Continent. (A. W. Tourgee) Our day. Boston. U 1-3, 1888-89 Our young folks. Boston. (Continued as St. Nicholas) R 1, 1865 Out west. Los Angeles. Ad + Outing. N. Y. (Title reads Wheelman, v.1-2; Outing & the wheelman, v.3-5) R 1+ 1882+ M 60+ 1912+ Ad P Rr + Outing & the wheelman. See Outing Outlook. London. (Continues New review) R 1-12, 1898-1903 Outlook. N. Y. R T 55+ 1897+ U 56+ 1897+ E 58-59, 61, 63, 67-69, 71-74, 76+ 1898-99, 1901+ M 67+ 1901+ W 81+ 1905+ C Es Mp P Pb Rr Wj + Pacific Baptist. McMinnville, Ore. T + Pacific coast law journal. San Francisco. (Continued as West coast reporter) L 1-12, 1878-84 Pacific reporter. St. Paul. (Continues West coast reporter) L P 1+ 1883+ Paedologisch jaarboek. Antwerp. A 2-7, 1901-09 Paginas ilustradas. San Jose, Costa Rica. A (1) 1904 Painters magazine & paint & wall paper dealer. N. Y. Wj + Paix par le droit. Paris. U 23+ 1913+ Paleographie musicale. Solesmes; Tournai. S 1, 1889 Palermo. See R. Accademia di scienze, lettere e belle arti Palestine exploration fund. London. Quarterly statement. T 1+ 1869+ Palette & bench. Syracuse. M 1-2, 1908-10 Pamphleteer. London. R 1-29, 1813-28|| U 1-20, 1813-22 LIBRARIES OF ROCHESTER 109 Pan American union. Washington. (Called International bureau of the American republics, 1902-10) Bulletin. U 25+ 1907+ C Pb + Panoplist & missionary herald. See Missionary herald. (American board of commissioners for foreign missions) Panoplist & missionary magazine. See Missionary herald. (American board of commissioners for foreign missions) Papilio. (New York entomological club) U 1-3, 1881-83 Papoose. N. Y. A Dec. 1902-Apr. 1903 Paris. Museum d'histoire naturelle. See Paris. Museum national d' histoire naturelle Paris. Museum national d'histoire naturelle. (Called Museum d'his- toire naturelle to 1907) Bulletin. A 1+ 1895+ Paris. Observatoire. Rapport annuel. A 1890-99, 1904, 09-10, 12+ Paris. See also Academic de medecine Academic des inscriptions et belles-lettres Academic des sciences Alliance franchise Institut Pasteur Societe d' encouragement pour 1' industrie nationale Societe d' ethnographic Societe entomologique de France Societe franchise d'otologie, de laryngologie et de rhinologie Societe franchise de photographic Societe zoologique de France Parker society. Cambridge, Eng. Publications. R 1-6, 8-55, 1841-54) | Parlin memorial library. Everett, Mass. (Called Everett public library to 1899) Annual report. R 15-28, 30+ 1894-1907, 09+ Passaic, N. J. Public library. Report. R 14, 16-24, 26+ 1901, 03-11/12, 13/14+ Pastor. N. Y. S 1-7, 1882-89 Pastoral-Watt St. Louis. S 1-3, 7-10, 13-16, 19-24, 27-28, 1866-68, 73-76, 79-82, 85-88, 99-1900, 03-04 Pathological society, London. Transactions. R 13, 24, 1861, 72/73 Pathological society, Philadelphia. Transactions. R 2-5, 8, 1860-74, 77 Patterson's American educational directory. Chicago. (Title reads Pat- terson's college & school directory of the United States & Canada, v.5) R 5, 11, 1908, 14 Patterson's college & school directory of the United States & Canada. See Patterson's American educational directory Paving & municipal engineering. See Municipal engineering Peabody education fund. See Harvard university. Peabody education fund Peabody museum of American archaeology & ethnology. See Harvard university. Peabody museum of American archaeology & ethnology Pedagogical seminary. Worcester, Mass. U 1+ 1891+ T 22+ 1915+ Penn monthly. Philadelphia. U 7-13, 1876-82 Pennsylvania journal of prison discipline & philanthropy. See Journal of prison discipline & philanthropy Pennsylvania law journal. See American law journal Pennsylvania magazine of history & biography. (Historical society of Pennsylvania) Philadelphia. H 1+ 1877+ Pennsylvania prison society. Philadelphia. See Journal of prison dis- cipline & philanthropy 110 UNION LIST OP SERIALS Pennsylvania. University. Philadelphia. Publications. Political econ- omy & public law series. R 12, 1893 University of Pennsylvania law review & American law register. (Title reads American law register, v.l-[39] & v.46-55; American law register & review, v.[40]-45) L 1+ 1852+ R 10-12, 1861-64 University of Pennsylvania medical bulletin. (Title reads Univer- sity medical magazine, v.1-13) R 1-11, 13-16, 1888-98, 1900-03; Md 14-23, 1901-11 Botanical laboratory. Contributions. A 1 (2) 1892-93 History department. Translations & reprints from the original sources of European history. R 1-6, s.2 v.1-2, 1894-1902 Zoological laboratory. Contributions. U 12, 1905 Penny magazine. (Society for the diffusion of useful knowledge) Lon- don. R 1-14, 1832-45JI Penrose's monthly. See Process work & electrotyping Penrose's pictorial annual. See Process yearbook Penzance natural history & antiquarian society. Report & transactions. A 1890-98 Penzance. See also Royal geological society of Cornwall Peoria, 111. Public library. Annual report. R 13+ 1892/93+ Percy society. London. Early English poetry. R 1-30, 1840-52 Peru. Ingenieros de minas, Cuerpo de. Lima. Boletin. A 1-2, 4-7, 9-11, 13, 15-37, 39-69, 74+ 1902+ Perugia. Universita. Facolta di giurisprudenza. Pubblicazioni peri- odiche. A n.s. v.l(2) 3-4, 1891-94 Facolta di medicina. Annali. (Official organ of the Accademia medico-chirurgica di Perugia) A 3-4 (5) 6-7 (8) 9-10 (11) 12- s.4 v.3 (4) 1890-1914 Petrograd. I. Botanicheskn sad. Trudy. A 11-12 (13) 14-32, 1890-1912 Petrograd. Hortus petropolitanus. See Petrograd. I. Botanicheskii sad Petrograd. See also I. Akademiia nauk I. Mineralogicheskoe obshchest- vo Russia. Geologicheskn komitet Russkoe entomologicheskoe ob- shchestvo Phi Beta Kappa fraternity. Publications. U n.s. v.6, 1907 Phi Beta Kappa key. Somerville, N. J. U 1+ 1910+ Philadelphia. Newspapers. North American. Rr + Philadelphia commercial museum. See Philadelphia museums Philadelphia. Free library. Annual report. R 1-14, 1896-1909 Philadelphia journal of medical & physical sciences. (Continued as Ameri- can journal of the medical sciences) Md 2-3, 1821 Philadelphia medical journal. (Continued in New York medical journal) Md 2-11, 1898-1903; R 1-10, 1898-1902 Philadelphia medical times. R 7-12, 1876-81 Philadelphia monthly medical journal. R 1, 1899 Philadelphia museums. Annual report. H 1904, 07-08, 10-11; A 1911 Scientific bulletin. A H 1, 1899 See also Commercial America LIBRARIES OF ROCHESTER 111 Philadelphia photographer. See Photographic journal of America Philadelphia. See also Academy of natural sciences American academy of political & social science American Baptist publication society American Catholic historical society American institute of homoe- opathy American orthopedic association American pharmaceutical association American philosophical society American surgical asso- ciation Engineers' club Fairmount Park art association Franklin institute Indian rights association Needlework guild of America Pathological society Pennsylvania. University Presbyterian histori- cal society Wagner free institute of science Zoological society Philippine craftsman. Manila. M 1-3, 1912-15 Philippine information society. Boston. Facts about the Filipinos. U s.l [no.]5-9, v.l no.l, 3, 8, 1901 Philippine review. (Revista filipina) Manila. T 1+ 1916+ Philistine. East Aurora, N. Y. R 1-3, 1895-96 Philological museum. Cambridge, Eng. U 1-2, 1832-33 1| Philological society. London. Proceedings. U 1-6, 1842-53 Continued as: Transactions. U 1, 1854 See also European magazine & London review Philologus; zeitschrift fur das klassische alterthum. Leipzig. U 1-7, 56+ 1846-52, 97+ Philosophical magazine & journal of science. See London, Edinburgh & Dublin philosophical magazine & journal of science Philosophical review. N. Y. T 1+ 1892+ Philosophical society, Glasgow. See Royal philosophical society, Glasgow Philosophical society, Washington. Bulletin. (Continued in Journal of the Washington academy of sciences) A 11 (12) 13-14 (15) 1888-1910 Philosophische studien. (Wundt) Leipzig. (Continued as Psycholo- gische studien) U 1-20, 1881-1903 Philosophisches jahrbuch. (Gorres-gesellschaft) Fulda. S 1+ 1888+ Phipps institute. See Henry Phipps institute. Phoenix, Ariz. Free museum. Bulletin. A 1, 1903 Photo American. N. Y. K 3, n.s. v.10, 1893, 98/99 Photo-beacon. Chicago. (Title reads The Beacon, in early volumes. Con- tinued in American photography) K 4, 11-13, 1892, 99-1901 Photo-engravers bulletin. Battle Creek, Mich. K + Photo era. Boston. (Continues American journal of photography) K 30+ 1913+ P Pb + Photo miniature. N. Y. K 1+ 1899+ R 1-8, 1899-1908 Photogram. See Process engravers' monthly Photograms of the year. London. K 1913+ Photographic annual. London. K 1911-12|| Photographic journal. (Royal photographic society of Great Britain) London. (Title reads Journal of the Photographic society of London, v.1-16) K 1-12, 14 [17, 19-20, 24, 33-39] 42+ 1853-70, 76-80, 83/84, 93-99, 1902+ 112 UNION LIST OF SERIALS Photographic journal of America. N. Y. (Title reads Philadelphia pho- tographer, v.1-25; Wilson's photographic magazine, v.26-51) K 1-11, 32, 37-40, 50+ 1864-74, 95, 99-1903, 13+ Photographic mosaics. Philadelphia. R [10-11, 13-14] 25, 29, 31-33, 35-37, 1874-75, 77-78, 89, 93, 95-97, 99-1901 ; K 21, 24-25, 33-37, 1884, 88-89, 96-1901 Photographic news. London. (Continued in Amateur photographer & photographic news) K 1-40, 1859-96 Photographic news almanac. See Year book of photography & amateurs' guide Photographic society of Great Britain. See Photographic journal Photographic society of London. See Photographic journal Photographic times. N. Y. (Title reads Photographic times & American photographer, v.11-33; Photographic times-bulletin, v.34-36. Continues Anthony's photographic bulletin. Continued in Popular photography, later American photography) K 1-4, 6-10, 14-34, 1871-74, 76-80, 84-1902; U (5) 6-10, 14-34, 1875-80, 84-1902 La Photographic; Revue des sciences photographiques et La photographic des couleurs reunis. Paris. (Continues La Photographic des cou- leurs) K 1908-13, n.s. v.l+ 1908+ Photographic des couleurs. Paris. (Continued in La Photographic) K 1906-07 K. K. Photographische gesellschaft, Vienna. See Photographische korre- spondenz Photographische Industrie. Berlin. K 1913+ Photographische korrespondenz. (K. K. Photographische gesellschaft) Vienna. K 37, 45+ 1900, 08+ Photographische kunst. Halle. K 1+ 1902+ Photographische rundschau und mitteilungen. Halle. (Title reads Pho- tographische rundschau, v.14-17; Photographische rundschau und pho- tographisches centralblatt, v.18-48) K 14-18, 22-25, 50+ 1900-04, 08+ Photography & focus. London. K + Photography annual. London. K 1892, 97-99 Photoplay magazine. Chicago. P + Physical review. (American physical society) Ithaca, N. Y. K U 1+ 1893+ B + Physical society, London. Proceedings. K 17+ 1899+ Physical training. N. Y. U (11) 12+ 1914+ Physikalisch-chemisches centralblatt. Leipzig. K 1-6, 1904-06 Physikalisch-medicinische gesellschaft, Wiirzburg. Sitzungs-berichte. A 1895+ Physikalisch-medizinische sozietat, Erlangen. Sitzungsberichte. A 25-32, 34+ 1893-1900, 02+ Physikalisch-okonomische gesellschaft, Konigsberg. Schriften. A 31-38, 41-53, 1890-97, 1900-12 Physikalisch-technische reichsanstalt. Berlin. Wissenschaftliche ab- handlungen. K 1-4, 1894-1904 LIBRARIES OF ROCHESTER 113 Physikalische zeitschrift. Leipzig. K 1+ 1899+ U 7+ 1906+ Physiologische gesellschaft, Berlin. Verhandlungen. A (16) 17-20 (21) 22-23, 1890-98 Phytopathology. (American phytopathological society) Baltimore. U 4+ 1914+ Pi Eta scientific society. See Rensselaer society of engineers Pictorial review. N. Y. Ed Mp Pg Pm + Pictorial times. London. U (7-8) 1846 Pioneer & historical society of Michigan. See Michigan historical com- mission Pioneer society of the state of Michigan. Lansing. Pioneer collections. See Michigan historical commission Pisa. See Societa toscana di scienze naturali Pitman's journal. N. Y. Pe + Pittsburgh. Newspapers. Pittsburg despatch. Rr + Pittsburgh. Carnegie library. Annual reports. R 1-6, 8-11, 14+ 1896-1901, 03-06, 09+ Monthly bulletin. P 12+ 1907+ Pittsburgh medical review. R 7, 1893 Plant world. Tucson, Arizona. (Continues Asa Gray bulletin) A (1) 4-5 (6, 10) 1897, 1901-03, 07 Playground. (Playground & recreation association of America) (Since 1910 includes Proceedings of the Playground association) T 8+ 1914+ U (3) 4 (5, 7) 1909-11, 13; Pb + Plon. Biologische station. Forschungsberichte. (Continued as Archiv fur hydrobiologie und planktonkunde) U 1-12, 1893-1905 Plumber & sanitary engineer. See Engineering record, building record & sanitary engineer Plumbers' trade journal, steam & hot water fitters' review. N. Y. Wj + Plymouth institution & Devon & Cornwall natural history society. Ply- mouth, Eng. Annual report & transactions. A (12, 13) 1895/96, 99/1900 Pocket magazine. London. R 1-4, 1818-19 Poet-lore. Boston. R 1+ 1889+ Political science quarterly. Lancaster, Pa. R U 1+ 1886+ T 5+ 1890+ E 22-28, 1907-13 Poole's index to periodical literature. Boston. P T U 1802-1907; R 1802-1901; E 1802-87 Abridged edition. W 1815-1904; R 1815-99; E Pe 1900-04 Poor's directory of railway officials. N. Y. R 1-2, 1886-87 Poor's manual of the railroads of the United States. N. Y. R 1-28, 30-32, 39-47, 1868-95, 97-99, 1906-14; Es 48+ 1915+ Popular astronomy. Northfield, Minn. S U 1+ 1893+ B+ Popular electricity & modern mechanics. See Popular science monthly. Chicago 114 UNION LIST OF SERIALS Popular electricity & world's advance. See Popular science monthly. Chicago Popular electricity magazine. See Popular science monthly. Chicago Popular mechanics magazine. Chicago. M 17-22, 1912-14; Ad B P Pb Rr Wj + Popular science monthly. Chicago. (Continues Amateur work, etc.) P R Wj + Popular science monthly. N. Y. (Title reads Appleton's Popular science monthly, v.48-56. Continues Sanitarian. Continued as Scientific monthly, but its vol. nos. were continued in Popular science monthly, Chicago) R T U 1-87 no.3, 1872-1915 ; E 57-87 no.3, 1900-15 ; M 62-66, 68-69, 74-87 no.3, 1902-06, 09-15; W 68-86, 1906-15; A (42) 43 (44-45) 1893-94 Supplement. R 1-21, 1876-79 1| T 1-20, 1876-78 Port-of-Spain, Trinidad. See Trinidad field naturalists' club Portfolio. (Hamerton) London. U 1-8, 1870-77 Portici. R. Scuola superiore di agricoltura. Annali. A s.2 v.7-8, 1907-08 Portland, Me. Public library. Annual report. R 1896/97-1905, 14+ Portland society of natural history. Portland, Me. Journal. A 1 no.l, 1864 Proceedings. A 1 (2) 3+ 1862/69, 80-89, 95+ Portland, Me. See also Maine genealogical society Maine historical soci- ety Maine medical association Posselt's textile journal. Philadelphia. M 1+ 1907+ Post-express. Rochester. See Rochester. Newspapers Post-standard. Syracuse. See Syracuse. Newspapers Postgraduate & Wooster quarterly. (University of Wooster) Wooster, O. T 11-13, 15 (16) 1896-98, 1900-10 Poughkeepsie society of natural science. Proceedings. R 1-3, 1875-79 Poughkeepsie. See also Vassar brothers' institute Power. N. Y. (Title reads Power & the engineer, v.28-32. Continues Engineer) U 30+ 1909+ R 30-39, 1909-14; M 37+ 1913+ Es 41+ 1915+ K Pb + Practical engineer. Chicago. Rl + Practical mechanic & engineer's magazine. Glasgow. R l-s.2 v.2, 1841-47H U s.2 v.l, 1845-46 Practical mechanic's journal. Glasgow. R 1-5, 7, 1848-52, 54 Practical photographer. Boston. R 1-20, 1904-05 Practitioner. London. R 12-39, 50-93, 1874-87, 93-1914; Md 14- 19, 94+ 1875-77, 1915+ Prague. See K. Bohmische gesellschaft der wissenschaften Ceska spolec- nost entomologicka Pratt institute. Brooklyn. Free library. Report. R 1896/97+ Preacher & homiletic monthly. See Homiletic review Presbyterian alliance. General council. Report of proceedings. U 1880 LIBRARIES OF ROCHESTER 115 Presbyterian & reformed review. Philadelphia. (Continues Presbyterian review; New Princeton review. Continued as Princeton theological review) T 1-13, 1890-1902 Presbyterian church in the United States of America. General assembly. Minutes. R n.s. v.8, 10-19, 1884-85, 87-96 - Report of boards. R 1888-1901 Presbyterian historical almanac. Philadelphia. R 3, 5-10, 1861, 63-68 Presbyterian historical society. Philadelphia. Annual report. (Title reads Report, 1893) H 40-47, 1892-99 Presbyterian quarterly & Princeton review. See Princeton review Presbyterian quarterly review. See American Presbyterian review Presbyterian review. N. Y. (Continued as Presbyterian & reformed re- view) T 1-10, 1880-89 K. Preussische akademie der wissenschaften, Berlin. Sitzungsberichte. A (1893-94) 1898+ K 1913+ T 1896-98 Princeton review. N. Y. (Title reads Presbyterian quarterly & Prince- ton review, v.1-6. Continues Biblical repertory; American Pres- byterian review. Continued as New Princeton review) T 1-6, n.s. v.1-14, 1872-84; R U n.s. v.1-14, 1878-84 Princeton theological review. Princeton, N. J. (Continues Presbyterian & reformed review) T 1+ 1903+ Princeton university. Princeton, N. J. Princeton contributions to phi- losophy. U (1) 1900-05 Print-collector's quarterly. N. Y. U 1+ 1911+ Printers' ink. N. Y. Ad 6-12, 14-55, 58-61, 63, 65-66, 71-88, 1892- 1914;+ B CPbR + Printing art. Cambridge, Mass. M 6-16, 1905-11; Ad 1-2, 5, 21+ 1903-05, 13+ B + Suggestion book. Ad 11+ 1913+ Prison association of New York. Annual report. R 19, 24-25, 29- 30, 33, 36, 1863, 68-69, 73-74, 77, 80 Prix Nobel. See Nobelstiftelsen Procede. Paris. K 11+ 1907+ Process engravers' monthly. London. ( Title reads Photogram, v.l ; Pro- cess photogram, & includes Photogram, v.2-11) K 1-2, 5-11, 14+ 1894-95, 98-1904, 07+ Process photogram. See Process engravers' monthly Process work & electrotyping. Penrose's monthly. London. K n.s. v.23+ 1915+ Process yearbook. Penrose's pictorial annual. London. K 14+ 1908/09+ Professional & amateur photographer. Buffalo. (Continued in Amateur photographer's weekly) K 5, 1900 Professional memoirs. (Engineer school, Washington Barracks, D. C.) B + Progres medical. Paris. R 1893-1912; Md + Progressive medicine. Philadelphia. R 1908-14; Md (1901) 06, 15+ 116 UNION LIST OF SERIALS Protestant Episcopal church in the United States. Diocese of New York. Journal of the proceedings of the convention. H 43, 50-51, 1828, 35-36 Diocese of western New York. Journal of the annual council. (Title reads Journal of the ... annual convention, 1839-77) H [2] -34, 36-49, 51-53, 55-56, 60, 1839-71, 73-86, 88-90, 92-93, 97 General convention. Journal of the proceedings. R 1856, 59, 71, 92; H 1838; U 1871 Providence athenaeum. Providence. Annual report. R 1, 6+ 1836/37, 40/41+ Providence. Public library. Annual report. R 4+ 1881+ Providence. See also Brown university Narragansett club Rhode Island historical society Provinciaal Utrechtsch genootschap van kunsten en wetenschappen. Ut- recht. Aanteekeningen van het verhandelde in de sectie verga- deringen. A 1891+ Verslag van het verhandelde in de algemeene vergadering. A 1891+ Psychological bulletin. Literature section of the Psychological review. Lancaster, Pa. T U 1+ 1904+ Psychological clinic. Philadelphia. Ed + Psychological index ; annual bibliography of the literature of psychology & cognate subjects. (Supplement to Psychological review) T U 1+ 1894+ Psychological monographs. See Psychological review. Psychological monographs Psychological review. Lancaster, Pa.; Baltimore. T U 1+ 1894+ Psychological monographs. (Early title reads Monograph supple- ments) U 1-2, 12 no.5, 1895-99, 1910 Psychological studies. Minneapolis. U 1, 1900 Psychologische studien. (Wundt) Leipzig. (Continues Philosophische studien) U 1-9, 1905-14 Public. Chicago. U + Public affairs information service. White Plains. Bulletin. U 1+ 1915+ Pb Pe + Public ledger almanac. Philadelphia. U 1878, 94 Public libraries. Chicago. Pe 1+ 1896+ U (1-2, 4-5) 11+ 1896- 97, 99-1900, 06+ W 11+ 1906+ E 12+ 1907+ M 15+ 1910f Pg Pin Pm + Public opinion. N. Y. ; Washington. (Continued in Literary digest) R 1-40. 1886-1906; U 8-31, 1889-1901; E 12-14, 16-17, 38-40, 1891-94, 1905-06 Public service. Chicago. U (12-13) 14+ 1912+ M + Public service journal. Boston. Pb + Public utilities reports annotated. Rochester. U 1915+ Publishers' & stationers' weekly trade circular. See Publishers' weekly Publishers' trade list annual. N. Y. U 1877, 81+ R 1902-08, 10+ P 1913+ LIBRARIES OF ROCHESTER 117 Publishers' weekly. N. Y. (Title reads Publishers' & stationers' weekly trade circular, v.1-2) R 1-2, 22-25, 1872, 82-84; U 39+ 1891+ Pe + Puck. N. Y. Ad + Pulpit reporter. N. Y. U 1 no.1-14, 1849-50 Pulpit treasury. See Treasury Punch. London. U 1, 1841 ; Ad C + Putnam's magazine ; an illustrated monthly of literature, art & life. N. Y. (Title reads Putnam's monthly, v.1-5. Continues the Critic. Con- tinued in Atlantic monthly) R 1-7, 1906-10; U 1-5, 1906-09 Putnam's magazine; original papers on literature, science, art & national interests. N. Y. (Title reads Putnam's monthly magazine, 1853-57. Continued in Scribner's monthly) R 1-10, n.s. v.1-6, 1853-70; U (2-7) 1853-50* H 1-8, 1853-57; T n.s. v.3-4, 1869 Putnam's monthly, 1906-10. See Putnam's magazine ; an illustrated monthly of literature, art & life Putnam's monthly magazine, 1853-57. See Putnam's magazine; original papers on literature, science, art & national interests Quarterly anti-slavery magazine. N. Y. U 1-2, 1835-37 Quarterly Christian spectator. New Haven. (Continues Christian specta- tor. Continued in American Biblical repository, later Bibliotheca sacra) U 1-10, 1829-38; T 1-9, 1829-38 Quarterly compendium of medical science. Philadelphia. (Continues Half-yearly compendium of medical science) R 1883-84, 88 Quarterly cumulative index to current medical literature. (American medical association) Chicago. Md 1+ 1916+ Quarterly epitome of American practical medicine & surgery. N. Y. (Supplement to Retrospect of practical medicine. Braithwaite) R 3-4, 1882-83 Quarterly homoeopathic journal. Boston. R 1-2, 1849-50 Quarterly journal of economics. (Harvard university) Boston. R U 1+ 1886+ Quarterly journal of education. London. U 1-10, 1831-35 Quarterly journal of inebriety. See Journal of inebriety Quarterly journal of microscopical science. London. U n.s. v.36+ 1894+ Quarterly journal of psychological medicine. See Journal of psychological medicine Quarterly register & journal of the American education society. See American quarterly register Quarterly register of current history. See Cyclopedic review of current history Quarterly review. London. R U 1+ 1809+ T 126+ 1869+ S 158-211, 1884-1909 Queen's quarterly. (Queen's university) Kingston, Can. A 1-9 (10) 1893-1903 Queensland museum. Brisbane. Annals. A 7-10, 1907-08, 11 Memoirs. A 1+ 1912+ Question. See Rochester athenaeum & mechanics institute. Student publications 118 UNION LIST OF SERIALS Qui etes-vous? Paris. R T 1-2, 1908-09/10; U 1909/10 Railroad age gazette. See Railway age gazette Railroad gazette. See Railway age gazette Railroad man's magazine. N. Y. Ad Rr + Railway age. N. Y. (Continued in Railroad age gazette, later Railway age gazette) R 37-45, 1904-08 Railway age gazette. N. Y. (Title reads Railroad gazette, v.1-44; Rail- road age gazette, v.45-47. Continues Railway age) R 12, 29+ 1880, 97+ Es 58+ 1915+ Mechanical edition. (Title reads American railroad journal, v.1-60; American engineer & railroad journal, v.67-69 & 73-87 no.5. Continues Mechanics' magazine; Van Nostrand's engineering magazine) R 1 (2-3) 19, 76-87, 1832-33, 35, 46, 1902-13 Railway & corporation law journal. N. Y. L 1-12, 1887-92 Railway & locomotive engineering. N. Y. (Title reads Locomotive engi- neering, v.5-13) R 11-26, 1898-1913 Railway library. Chicago. H 2-4, 1910-12 Railway statistics of the United States of America. Chicago. U 1906, 09-10, 13 The Rainbow. Albany. H 1847 Rainbow; a weekly periodical devoted to Odd fellowship. N. Y. (Title reads New weekly messenger & Odd fellows' advertiser, nos.1-3) R 1, 1841-42 Rambler ; a Catholic journal & review. London. S 1-12, n.s. v.1-10, n.s. v.1-6, 1848-62 Ramikin. See Rochester athenaeum & mechanics institute. Student publications Rand-McNally bankers' directory. Chicago. (Title reads Bankers' direc- tory, 1883) R 1883, 1900 Rapid City, S. D. See South Dakota. State school of mines Rate research. Chicago. Rl + Ratisbon. See Naturwissenschaftlicher verein, Regensburg Reader's guide to periodical literature. White Plains, N. Y. (Continues Cumulative index to periodicals) E U 5+ 1905+ W 7+ 1907+ Pe 10+ 1910+ Pg Pm 13+ 1913+ M Pin R T 15+ 1915+ B + Cumulated. R M T U 1+ 1900/04+ Pe 2, 1905/09; B 3, 1910/14 Supplement. P T U 1+ 1913+ R 2+ 1914+ Real, Reale. For entries of learned academies thus expressing royal privi- lege, see the first word following this adjecjjtfe which is abbreviated & disregarded in the arrangement. Real estate magazine. N. Y. Pb + Recherches de science religieuse. Paris. S 1+ 1909+ Record of Christian work. N. Y. & East Northfield. (Continues Treas- ury) T (19-25) 26+ 1900+ Records of the past. (Archaeological institute of America) Washington. S U 1-13, 1902-14H T 1-12, 1902-13; R 1-9, 1902-10; E 9-12, 1910-13 Recreation. N. Y. R + LIBRARIES OF ROCHESTER 119 Red cross magazine. Garden City, L. I. Ad P Pb + Reference catalogue of current literature. London. R 1902, 06, 10; U 1877, 89, 94, 98, 1902, 06, 10, 13; P 1913 Refrigerating world. N. Y. Ad + Regensburg. See Naturwissenschaftlicher verein Regia. For entries of learned academies thus expressing royal privilege, see the first word following this adjective which is abbreviated & dis- regarded in the arrangement Religious education. (Religious education association) Chicago. T U 1+ 1906+ Religious education association. Proceedings. U 1-5, 1903-08; R 1, 1903 Religious herald. Richmond, Va. T + Religious magazine. Philadelphia. T U 1-4, 1828-30; R 1-3, 1828-29 Reno. See Nevada. University Rensselaer society of engineers. Troy, N. Y. (Called Pi Eta scientific society, 1866-84) Papers. U (2) 1879-82 Continued as: Selected papers. U l-(2) 1884-89, 1901 Repertoire bibliographique de la librairie franchise. (Jordell) Paris. (Continues Catalogue annuel de la librairie franchise) R 1-5, 1900-04|| Repertoire bibliographique des principales revues franchises. (Jordell) Paris. Ul-3, 1897-99H Repertoire general de chimie pure et appliquee. See Revue generale de chimie pure et appliquee Repertorium fiir biblische und morgenlandische litteratur. Leipzig. T 1-18, 1777-86 Repertory of arts & manufactures. London. R 1-16, 1794-1802 Retrospect of practical medicine & surgery. (Braithwaite) London. R 1-91, 97, 99-103, 106-123, 1840-85, 89-91, 93-1901 Review & expositor. Louisville, Ky. (Title reads Baptist review & ex- positor, v.1-2) T 1+ 1904+ Review of American chemical research. See American chemical society Review of historical publications relating to Canada. (University of To- ronto) R 1-14, 1896-1909; U 2, 1897 Review of reviews. N. Y. See American review of reviews Review of theology & philosophy. Edinburgh. T 1-10, 1905-15 Revista obstetrica. (Asociacion obstetrica nacional de parteras) A (1) 2 (3-5) 1903-07 Revolution. N. Y. R 1-4, 1868-69; U (1) 2-4 (5) 1868-70 Revue. Paris. U 47-48 (49) 50-63 (72) 1903-07 Revue archaeologique. Paris. T n.s. v.37-44, s.3 v.1-39, 1879-1901 Revue benedictine. Paris. S 25-31, 1908-14 Revue biblique internationale. (ficole pratique d' etudes bibliques) Paris. S 1+ 1892+ T 4-7, n.s. v.8+ 1895-97, 1911+ Revue chretienne. Paris. T 19-39, 1872-92 Revue d' histoire ecclesiastique. Louvain. S 1+ 1900+ IL'O UNION LIST OF SERIALS Revue de chirurgie. Paris. R 13-49, 1893-1914; Md + Revue de 1' action populaire. Paris ; Rheims. S 5+ 1912+ Revue de 1' histoire des religions. (Musee Guimet) Paris. T 1-|- 1880+ Revue de 1' orient latin. Paris. T 1-5, 1893-97 Revue de medecine. Paris. R 13-33, 1893-1913 ; Md + Revue de philologie, de litterature, et d' histoire anciennes. Paris. U n.s. v.21+ 1897+ Revue des deux mondes. Paris. R s2 v.l+ 1856+ T s.2 v.100- s.3 v.30, 1872-78; U s.2 v.73+ 1868+ Revue des etudes juives. (Societe des etudes juives) Paris. T 1-43, 1880-1901 Revue des questions historiques. Paris. S 1+ 1866+ Revue des questions scientifiques. (Societe scientifique de Bruxelles) S 1+ 1877+ Revue des sciences philosophiques et theologiques. Paris. S 1+ 1906+ Revue encyclopedique. Paris. U (38-44) 1828-29 Revue generale de chimie pure et appliquee. Paris. K 1-6, 1899-1903 Supplement. Repertoire general de chimie pure et appliquee. K 1-3, 1901-03 Revue generate des matieres colorantes de la teinture, de 1' impression et des apprets. Paris. K 17+ 1913+ Revue hispanique. Paris. U 1-19, 1894-1908 Revue historique. Paris. S 12, 31, 47, 66+ 1880, 86, 91, 98+ Revue internationale de 1'art, et de la curiosite. (Feydeau) Paris. U 1, 1869 Revue neo-scolastique. (Societe philosophique de Louvain) S 1+ 1894+ Revue philosophique de la France et de 1' etranger. Paris. U 1+ 1876+ Revue russe d' entomologie (Societe d' entomologie de Russie) See Russkoe entomologicheskoe obozrieme Revue semitique d' epigraphie et d' histoire ancienne. Paris. T 1-4, 1893-96 Revue theologique. Paris. S 1-5, n.s. v.1-2, 1856-63 Reynolds family association. Annual reunion. R 12-20, 22, 1903-11, 13 Reynolds library. Rochester. Annual report. Pe R 1+ 1885+ H 1- 27, 1886-1911/12; A 6-7, 11-12, 15, 17, 24, 1891, 96, 1900, 02, 08 Rheinisches museum fur philologie. Frankfort-on-the-Main. U 1-5, n.s. v.15, s.3 v.24+ 1832-37, 60, 69+ Rhode Island historical society. Providence. Collections. R 1-8, 1827-93; U 1-5, 1827-42 Proceedings. H 1891/92 Rhodes' journal of banking. N. Y. (Continued in Bankers' magazine) R 9-21, 1882-94 Rice institute. Houston, Tex. Rice institute pamphlets. U 1+ 1915+ Richmond college. Richmond, Va. Richmond college historical papers. H 1+ 1915+ Richmond medical journal. See Gaillard's medical journal Richmond, Va. See also Southern historical society LIBRARIES OF ROCHESTER 121 Riga. See Naturforscher-verein Rio de Janeiro. Museu nacional. Archives. A 8+ 1892+ Rippon. See Baptist annual register Riverhead, N. Y. See Suffolk county historical society Rochester. Directories. Commercial register & business directory of Rochester. H 1859 Monroe county directory ... & business directory of Rochester. H 1880/81, 84 Rochester & Monroe county business directory. H R 1-5, 1885-96 Rochester city & Monroe county business directory. H 1875/76 Rochester city directory. (Title varies) R 1827+ U 1834-1914; H 1827-1910 Rochester house directory. R 1-5, 7+ 1892-1900, 03+ H 1-9 1892-1908 See also Monroe county, N. Y. Directories Rochester. Newspapers. Album. (Continued in Rochester daily telegraph) H (3) 1827/28 Anti-masonic enquirer. See Enquirer Clay bugle. R (1) 1844|| Democrat & chronicle. (Title reads Rochester daily democrat; Roch- ester democrat & American; Rochester democrat & chronicle. Continues Rochester daily American; Rochester daily chronicle) R (2) 3-4 (5) 7-21 (22-26) 27-28 (29) 32-44 (45-46) 47+ 1834-37, 39_61, 64+ H (3) 11-14 (15, 28) 1835, 43-47, 60; C Rr + Enquirer. (Title reads Anti-masonic enquirer, v.1-3 no.25. Con- tinued in Monroe democrat? a weekly edition of the Rochester daily democrat) R (2) 3-4, 1829-31; H 1-2, 1828-30 Labor herald. Labor herald office 1+ 1913+ Monroe republican. See Rochester republican Post-express. (Title reads Rochester daily express, 1859; Rochester evening express, 1860-81. Continues Rochester daily times) R 1+ 1859+ H (2) 3-7 (8-9) 10-13 (14-15) 16-17 (18) 1860-76; C Rr + See also Rochester morning express Rochester weekly express Rochester abendpost. (Title reads Abendpost & beobachter, 1883- 1901. Continues Beobacher am Genesee, later Rochester beo- bachter; Anzeiger des nordens, later Rochester volksblatt; Roch- ester deutsche zeitung) Abendpost office (1882-1901) 1902+ Rochester daily American. (Continued in Rochester democrat & American, later Democrat & chronicle) R (3-4) 1847-48 Rochester daily chronicle. (Continued in Democrat & chronicle) H R 1-3, 1868-70 See also Rochester weekly chronicle Rochester daily telegraph. (Continues Rochester telegraph; The Album. Continued in Rochester daily advertiser & telegraph, later Union & advertiser) R (2) 1828 Rochester daily times. (Continued as Rochester daily express, later Post-express) R 1, Jan. 24- Apr. 5, 1859 122 UNION LIST OF SERIALS Rochester daily times, 1889. See Rochester evening times. Rochester daily union. (Continued in Rochester daily union & adver- tiser, later Union & advertiser) H 1-5, 1852-56 Rochester evening post. H (2-3) 1842 Rochester evening times. (Title reads Rochester times; Rochester daily times. Continued in Rochester times-union & advertiser) Times-union office, 1-31, 1887-1918 Rochester gazette. See Rochester republican Rochester herald. (Title reads Rochester morning herald, 1879-91) Herald office R 1+ 1879+ C Rr -f Rochester morning express. R 1-2, 1866-67|| H 2, 1867|| Rochester observer. R (1-2) 3-5 (6) 1827-32; H (3) 4-5, 1829-31 Rochester republican. (Weekly edition of the Union & advertiser, 1827-94) (Title reads Rochester gazette, 1816-21; Monroe repub- lican, 1821-27) R (4-5, 9-10, 13) 14-15 (16, 20-21, 23-24) 25 (26-27) 28 (32-33) 1820-21, 25-26, 29-32, 36-37, 39-44, 48-49; H 16, 1832 Rochester telegraph. (Continued as Rochester daily telegraph) R 1-7 (8) 1818-25; H (5) 6-7 (8) 1823-25 Rochester times-union & advertiser. (Continues Rochester evening times; Union & advertiser) R Times-union office 1-f 1918-)- C Rr + Rochester weekly chronicle. H 2, 1869-70 Rochester weekly express. H 2 (3-4, 9-11) 12-13, 15-17, 1861- 62, 68-71, 73-75 Union & advertiser. (Title reads Rochester daily advertiser; Roch- ester daily advertiser & telegraph; Daily union & advertiser; Rochester union & advertiser ; Rochester daily union & advertiser. Continues Rochester daily telegraph; Rochester daily union. Con- tinued in Rochester times-union & advertiser) Times-union office, 1-93, 1826-1918; R (2) 3-4 (5) 6-7 (8, 11) 13-15 (16) 18 (20-22) 23-25 (26, 29) 30-51 (52) 57-93, 1827-34, 37, 39-42, 44, 47-53, 56-77, 82-1918; H (7-8, 14, 22) 23 (24) 25 (29) 30-52, 1833-34, 40, 49-52, 56-77 See also Rochester republican Rochester academy of science. Proceedings. A 1+ 1889-f- U 1-4, 1889-1906; R 1-3, 1889-1901; H 1-2 (3) 1890-96 Section of microscopy. Bulletin. A 1885-86 Rochester ad club. See Bumble bee Rochester advertising life Rochester advertising life. (Rochester ad club) (Continued as Bumble bee) Ad P 1, 1912/13 Rochester association of workers for the blind. Annual report. R 1914-16 Rochester athenaeum & mechanics institute. Student publications : Athe- naeum. (Title reads Institute breeze, May- June, 1909; Breeze, Nov. 1909-Apr. 1910. Continued as Question) M 1-5, 1909-14 Question. (Continues Athenaeum) M 1+ 1914-f Pe -f- Ramikin. (Senior class) (Title reads M. I. book, v.l; Annual year book, v.2) M 1+ 1912-f LIBRARIES OF ROCHESTER 123 Rochester atheneum & mechanics' association. Annual report. H R 1857-71 Rochester Baptist monthly. (Rochester Baptist missionary union) U 1-19, 1886-19051 1 Rochester campus. See Rochester. University. Student publica- tions: Campus Rochester chamber of commerce. Annual report. C 1+ 1888-f- R 1, 3-7, 10-11, 13-14, 17, 1888, 90-95, 98-99, 1900-02, 06 Official bulletin. See Rochester commerce Rochester city hospital. See Hospital review Rochester commerce. (Rochester chamber of commerce) (Title reads Official bulletin, v.1-3) C P 1+ 1912+ H 1 (2-3) 1912-14; R 1, 4, 1912, 15; M + Rochester. East high school. Student publications: Qarion. E 1+ 1900+ Senior annual. E 1904-07, 09-10, 13-15, 16+ Rochester gem & ladies' amulet. (Title reads The Gem, v.1-2; Rochester gem, v.5-6) H 1-2, 5-9, 12-13, 1829-31, 33-37, 40-41; R 7-8, 1835-36 Rochester historical society. Publications. H 1+ 1892+ A R U 1, 1892 Rochester home for the friendless. See Journal of the home Rochester homeopathic hospital. See Hospital leaflet Rochester. Industrial school. Annual report. H 2-5, 7-8, 11, 13- 16, 20, 26, 29-30, [35]-36, 1858-61, 63-64, 67, 69-72, 76, 82, 85-86, 91-92; R 22, 24-[35] 37-40, 1878, 80-91, 93-96 See also Industrial school advocate & soldiers' aid Rochester medical association. Bulletin. Md 1+ 1915+ Pe + Rochester naturalist. (Rochester naturalists' club) Rochester, Eng. A (4-5) 1913, 15 Rochester orphan asylum. Annual report. H 38-47, 49, 51-52, 55-59, 66-67, 1875-86, 88-89, 92-96, 1903-04; R 39-40, 1876-77; R 39-40, 1876-78 Rochester. Public library. Annual report. P R 1+ 1912+ H 1, 1912 Rochester society of natural sciences. Annual report. R 1880-84; H 1880, 84 Transactions. H R 1-3, 1880-81 Rochester soldiers' aid society. (Called Ladies' hospital relief association, 1862-64) Annual report. R 1-3, 1862-64; H 2-3, 1863-64 See also Soldiers' aid Rochester. University. Report of the president. U 1894+ R 1894-95, 98-1902, 1905-06 Student publications: Campus. (Title reads University record, v.1-3; Rochester campus, v.3-13) U 1-11 (12-15) 16-17 (18-25) 26-29 (30) 31+ 1873+ M T + Croceus. (Junior class. Women) R U 1910+ W 1913 124 UNION LIST OF SERIALS Interpres. (Junior class. Men) U 1858+ R 1880, 87-89, 91-92,94-95,97,1909-15,17; H 1875, 77-78, 80, 83, 88, 91, 93, 95; W 1907, 16 Rochester. West high school. Student publications: Occident. W 1+ 1905+ Rochester. See also Humane society Reynolds library Western New York horticultural society Western New York institution for deaf- mutes Women's Christian association Rock Island, 111. See Augustana college & theological seminary Rockefeller foundation. N. Y. Annual report. H 1913/14 Rockefeller institute for medical research. N. Y. Studies; reprints. U 1+ 1904+ See also Journal of experimental medicine Rockefeller sanitary commission for the eradication of hookworm disease. Washington. Annual report. U 1+ 1910+ Rocky Mountain news. Denver. See Denver. Newspapers Romische quartalschrift fur christliche alterthumskunde und fur kirchen- geschichte. Rome. S 9+ 1895+ Rontgen society. London. Journal. K (1, 3-5) 6+ 1904, 06+ Romania; recueil trimestriel consacre a 1' etude des langues et des littera- tures romanes. Paris. U 26+ 1897+ Romanic review. N. Y. U 2+ 1911+ Rostock. See Verein der naturgeschichte in Mecklenburg Rotarian. Chicago. Ad C + Roumania. Institutul meteorologic. Bucharest. Analele. A 4-13, 15-16, 18, 1888-97, 99-1900, 02 Buletinul lunar. (Title reads Buletinul observatiunilor meteorolo- gice, v.1-7; Buletinul lunar al observatiunilor meteorologice, v.8-16. V.17-18 are published by Bucharest. Universitatea. Observatorul as- tronomic si meteorologic din Romania) A 1, 8, 16-18, 1892, 99, 1907-09 Round table. N. Y. R 1-9, 1863-69 Royal agricultural society of England. London. Journal. R 1840-90 Royal archaeological institute of Great Britain & Ireland. See Archaeo- logical journal Royal astronomical society. London. Memoirs. R 36, 44, 49, 1866, 77, 88 Royal astronomical society of Canada. Toronto. (Called Astronomical & physical society of Toronto, 1890-99; Toronto astronomical society, 1900-03) Journal. A 1+ 1907+ Observers' handbook. A 1912+ Selected papers & proceedings. A 1904, 05 Transactions, including Annual report. A 8-11, 1897-1900 Royal Canadian institute. Toronto. Proceedings. A s.3 v.7, n.s. v.(l) 2, 1888/89, 97-1904; H n.s. v.(l-2) 1897-99 Transactions. A 1-2 (3) 4+ 1889+ H 1-2 (3) 4, 1891-94, 96-98 Year book & annual report. A 1912/13 See also Ontario. Provincial museum LIBRARIES OF ROCHESTER 125 Royal Cornwall polytechnic society. Falmouth. Annual report. A 63-65, 67-75, n.s. v.l+ 1895-97, 99-1910, 12+ Royal Dublin society. Scientific transactions. U s.2 v.3, 1883-87 Royal geographical society. London. Journal. R 1-49, 1830-79; U 1-45, 1830-75 Proceedings. (Continued in Geographical journal) R n.s. v.1-14, 1879-92 Royal geological society of Cornwall. Penzance. Transactions. A (11-12) 1894-95, 97-1904 Royal historical society. London. Transactions. R 1-10, 1875-82 Royal institute of British architects. London. Papers. (Title reads Transactions, 1842) U 2, 4-6, 8-12, 1842, 54-56, 58-62 Royal institution of Cornwall. Truro. Journal. A (10) 11-17, 1891-1907 Royal Irish academy. Dublin. Transactions. U 1787 Royal medical & chirurgical society, London. Medico-chirurgical trans- actions. R 1-18, 20-22, 24-26, 28-37, 39, 42, 45-47, 53, 60, 67-68, 1809-33, 37-39, 41-43, 45-54, 56, 59, 62-64, 70, 77, 84-85 Royal microscopical society. London. Journal. (Continues Monthly microscopical journal) B 1878+ R 1878-1906; U 1883-97 Transactions, 1869-77. See Monthly microscopical journal See also Manchester microscopical society Royal philosophical society, Glasgow. (Called Philosophical society of Glasgow to 1902) Proceedings. A 22+ 1890+ Royal photographic society of Great Britain. See Photographic journal Royal society of Canada. Ottawa. Proceedings & transactions. U 1+ 1882+ A 3-6, 8+ 1885-87, 89+ Royal society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. A 23+ 1899+ Transactions. A (39, 49) 1899, 1912 Royal society of literature. London. Annual report. R 1872-77, 81, 88 Transactions. R 1829-81 Royal society of London. Catalogue of scientific papers, 1800-1900. U 1+ 1867+ Philosophical transactions. Abridged by C. Hutton & others. R U 1-18, 1665-1800 Abridged by John Lowther & others. (Title reads Philosophi- cal transactions & collections, v.1-3) R 1-5, 7-11, [1665] -1750 Proceedings. (Issued in 2 parts after v.75 : A, Mathematical & phy- sical sciences; B, Biological sciences) A 68+ 1891+ K 66+ 1900+ Yearbook. A 1896-98 Evolution committee. Reports. A 1-5, 1902-09 Malaria committee. Reports. A 1-8, 1900-03 Sleeping sickness commission. Reports. A 1-5, 1903-05 See also International catalogue of scientific literature Royal society of New South Wales. Sydney. Journal & proceedings. A 26, 1890 Royal society of Queensland. Brisbane. Proceedings. A 10-21 (22-23) 24+ 1892-1908, 11+ 126 UNION LIST OF SERIALS Royal zoological society of New South Wales. See Australian zoologist Rudder. N. Y. Es + Rudolph von Wagner's Jahres-bericht iiber die leistungen der chemischen technologic. See Jahres-bericht iiber die leistungen chemischen tech- nologic Rural annual & horticultural directory. Rochester. R 1-9, 1856-64 Rural manhood. N. Y. T (3) 4+ 1912+ Rural New Yorker. Rochester; N. Y. (Title reads Moore's rural New Yorker, v.1-35) R 1, 7, 10, 13-15, 19-28, 32, 1850, 56, 59, 62-64, 68-73, 75; H 6-7, 12-13, 1855-56, 61-62 Russia. Comite geologique. See Russia. Geologicheskn komitet Russia. Geologicheskn komitet. Izviestiia. A 9-14, 1889-95 Trudy. A (2, 4-5, 8-9) 10 (11, 13-14) 1885-95 Russkoe entomologicheskoe obozrieme. (Russkoe entomologicheskoe ob- shchestvo) Petrograd. A 12 (13) 1912-13 Russkoe entomologicheskoe obshchestvo. Petrograd. Trudy. A 25-34, 40, 1890-1900, 11-13 See also Russkoe entomologicheskoe obozrienie Rutgers college. New Brunswick, N. J. Publications. U 15-16, 1913 Sabbath recorder. Plainfield, N. J. T + Sacramento medical times. R 2, 1888 Sadlier's Catholic directory, almanac & ordo. N. Y. S 1864-96; -R 1895 K. Sachsische gesellschaft der wissenschaften. Leipzig. Mathematisch- physische classe. Berichte. U (51) 1899 Safety engineering. N. Y. B C Pb + Sagamore sociological conference. Sagamore Beach. Report. R 5-6, 1911-12 St. Bartholomew's hospital. London. Reports. R 10, 1874 Saint-fitienne. See Societe de 1' Industrie minerale St. George's hospital. London. Reports. R 2-9, 1867-78 St. John, New Brunswick. See Natural history society of New Brunswick St Louis. Newspapers. St. Louis republic. Rr + St. Louis medical & surgical journal. Md 37-63, 1879-92 St. Louis. Merchantile library association. Annual report. R 46+ 1891+ St. Louis. Public library. (Called Public school library, 1872-84; Public library, 1884-93; Public (free) library, 1894-1905) Annual report R 1872/73-74/75, 78, 80/81+ St. Louis. See also Academy of science Missouri historical society Washington university St. Nicholas. N. Y. (Continues Our young folks) R 1+ 1874+ P + St. Paul medical journal. (Ramsey county medical society) Md + St. Paul. Public library. Annual report. R 14-22, 24-28, 1895-1903, 05-09 St. Paul. See also Minnesota. Agricultural experiment station Minne- sota historical society St. Petersburg. See Petrograd LIBRARIES OF ROCHESTER 127 Salem, Mass. Public library. Report of the trustees. R 1+ 1889+ Salem, Mass. See also Essex institute Salesmanship. Detroit. Ad Pb + Salt Lake City. See Utah society of engineers Salvation. N. Y. U 1-5, 1899-1903; T 2-5, 1900-1903 K. Sammlung fur kunst und wissenschaft. Dresden. See Dresden. K. Sammlung fur kunst und wissenschaft San Diego society of natural history. See West American scientist San Fernando, Spain. Institute y observatorio de marina. Almanaque nautico. R 1889-90 San Francisco. Newspapers. San Francisco chronicle. Rr + San Francisco law journal. L 1, 1878 San Francisco microscopical society. Transactions. A 1, 1893|| San Francisco. Public library. Annual report. R 1887/88, 89/90, 92/93, 95/96-1904/05 San Francisco. See also California academy of sciences Commonwealth club of California Sierra club San Salvador. Museo nacional. Anales. A 2-3, 1905-07 San Salvador. Observatorio astronomico y meteorologico. Anales. A 1895 Sanitarian. N. Y. (Continued in Popular science monthly. N. Y. R 11-15, 1883-85 Sanitary engineer. See Engineering record, building record & sanitary engineer Sanitary engineer & construction record. See Engineering record, build- ing record & sanitary engineer Sanitary era. N. Y. U (1) 2, 1886-88 Sankt Gallische naturwissenschaftliche gesellschaft. Jahrbuch. (Title reads Bericht iiber die thatigkeit, 1858-1901) A 1889/90-1905, 11-13 I. Sanktpeterburgskn botanicheskn sad. See Petrograd. I. Botani- cheskn sad I. Sanktpeterburgskoe mineralogicheskoe obshchestvo. See I. Mineralo- gicheskoe obshchestvo Santa Barbara society of natural history. Bulletin. A (1) 1887/90 Santiago, Chili. See Societe scientifique du Chili Sao Fiel, Collegio de. See Broteria Sao Paulo, Brazil. Museu paulista. Notas preliminares. A 1, 1907, 11 Revista. A 1, 3-8, 1895, 98-1911 Sassari, Sardinia. R. Universita. Studi sassaresi. A sec.2 v.(4-7) 1906-09 Saturday evening post. Philadelphia. P Pb R Rr + Saturday review. London. R 1+ 1855+ T (57) 58-67, 1884-89 Scalpel. N. Y. Md 5-8, 1852-56 Schenectady county historical society. Schenectady, N. Y. Year book. H 1905/06 Schlagwort-katalog. (Georg; Ost.) Hanover. R 1883-92 128 UNION LIST OF SERIALS School. N. Y. U + School & home education. Bloomington, 111. Ed + School & society. N. Y. U 1+ 1915+ R + School arts book. See School arts magazine School arts magazine. Boston. (Title reads Applied arts book, v.1-2; School arts book, v.3-11) M 1+ 1901+ Ed Mp N Wj + School bulletin & New York state educational journal. Syracuse. (Con- tinues New York state educational journal) Ed + School of mines quarterly. (Columbia university) N. Y. A 12-13 (14-15) 1890-93, 95-96 School review. (University of Chicago) R 1+ 1893+ U (1) 9+ 1893, 1901+ E 12+ 1904+ W 14+ 1906+ M 19+ 1911+ T 25+ 1917+ Ed N Wj + School science & mathematics. Chicago. E 6+ 1906+ M W 7+ 1907+ U 8+ 1908+ Schweizerische naturforschende gesellschaft. Berne. Verhandlungen. A 73-91, 1890-1908 Science. Cambridge, Mass.; N. Y. R 1+ 1883+ U (1) 2-22 (23) n.s. v.l+ 1883+ M n.s. v.29+ 1909+ A (2) n.s. v.(l-3, 6, 12) 13-18 (19-20) 1883, 95-97, 1900-04; T 1-9, 1883-87; W 47+ 1915+ Science abstracts. (Institution of electrical engineers & Physical society of London) (Issued in two sections, from v.6: A, Physics; B, Elec- trical engineering) K U 1+ 1898+ Science gossip. See Hardwicke's science gossip Science record. (Beach) N. Y. R 2, 3, 5, 1873-74, 76 Scientific alliance, New York. Annual directory. A 4-14, 1894-1904 Scientific American. N. Y. R 2+ 1846+ U 5-11, 13-14, n.s. v.1-7, 10-12, 14-16, 20-21, 23, 29-30, 33, 38+ 1849-62, 64-67, 69-70, 73-75, 78+ E 83-87, 90+ 1900-02, 04+ M 90+ 1904+ W 94+ 1906+ A 50 (51, 67) 1884, 9-2; Ad B Ed P Pb Rr + Building edition. (Title reads Scientific American, Architects' & builders' edition, v.1-18. Continued as American homes & gardens) R 1-39, 1886-1905)1 Supplement. R 1+ 1876+ U (1-2) 3+ 1876+ E 49-52, 61+ 1900-01, 06+ M 57+ 1904+ W 62+ 1906+ B Ed P Pb Rr + Scientific monthly. N. Y. (Continues Popular science monthly. N. Y.) E M R T U 1+ 1915+ Scottish meteorological society. Edinburgh. Journal. A s.3 v.ll (12) 13-14, 1896-1903, 05-08 Scottish review. London. R 1-22, 25-36, 1882-93, 95-1900; S 9-12, 1887-88 Scottsville literary society. Scottsville, N. Y. Publications. H 1-5, 1903-11 Scranton, Pa. Public library. Annual report. R 1+ 1891+ Scranton, Pa. See also Lackawanna institute of history & science LIBRARIES OF ROCHESTER 129 Scribner's magazine. N. Y. (Continues Lippincott's magazine) R U 1+ 1887+ W 1-8, 10, 12-20, 22, 24, 27, 29-33, 1887-96, 98, 1900-03; B P Rr T + Scribner's monthly. N. Y. (Continues Hours at home; Putnam's maga- zine; Old & new. Continued as Century magazine) R U 1-22, 1870-81; W 1-3, 5, 7-12, 14-22, 1870-81 Sea power. Washington. C + Seattle. Public library. Annual report. R 5-9, 13-16, 18+ 1895-99, 03-06, 08+ Seismological society of America. Bulletin. U 1+ 1911+ Selden society. London. Publications. L 1+ 1887+ Semaine du clerge. Paris. S 1-19, 1872-81 Semaine sociale de France. S 2+ 1905+ Semana medica. Buenos Aires. A (5-8) 1898-1901 Senckenbergische naturforschende gesellschaft, Frankfort-on-the-Main. Bericht. A 1891-1913 Sendai, Japan. See Tohoku imperial university Sendbote. Cleveland, O. T + Sentinel of the blessed sacrament. N. Y. S + Service. Philadelphia. U 1-7, 1904-08; T (3-6) 7+ 1905+ Sharp & Alleman's lawyers' & bankers' directory. Philadelphia. R 10, 13, 1892, 95 Sheet metal. Plainfield, N. J. Wj + Shield. (Theta delta chi) N. Y. U 8-10, 12-21, 1892-94, 96-1905 Short ballot bulletin. (National short ballot association) N. Y. U (1-2) 1911-13 Siam repository. Bangkok. U 1-6, 1869-74 Sidereal messenger. See Astronomy & astro-physics Sierra club. San Francisco. Bulletin. (Publications) A 5 no.l, 1904 Silent partner. N. Y. C Pb + Silliman's journal. See American journal of science Simplified spelling board. N. Y. Bulletin. U 1-4 (5) 1909-13; M + Circular. U 3-11, 14-26, 1906-13 Sketch. London. R + Slater fund. See John F. Slater fund for the education of freedmen Sleeping sickness commission. See Royal society of London Social diseases. See Society of sanitary & moral prophylaxis. Journal. Social hygiene. Baltimore. T 1+ 1914+ R + Social progress. (Strong) N. Y. R 1904-06 Sociedad cientifica "Antonio Alzate." Mexico. Memorias. (Includes Revista cientifica y bibliografica) A 4-7 (8-9) 10+ 1890+ Sociedad cientifica de Chile. See Societe scientifique du Chili Sociedad de geografia y estadistica de la Republica Mexicana. See Soci- edad mexicana de geografia y estadistica Sociedad mexicana de geografia y estadistica. Mexico. Boletin. A s.4 v.2-3 (4) s.5 v.1-2, 1890-1900, 02-07 Sociedad mexicana de historia natural. See Naturaleza 130 UNION LIST OF SERIALS Sociedade de geographia, Lisbon. Boletim. A 10-11 (12) 13-17 (18-19) 20-30 (31) 32+ 1891+ Societa degli spettroscopisti italiani. Catania. Memorie. A 20 (21) 22-27 (28) 29-38 (39) 40, s.2 v.1-2 (3) 4+ 1891+ Societa meteorologica italiana. Turin. Bollettino bimensuale. (Title reads Bollettino mensuale, v.10-24) A 10-11) 12-16 (17-28) 29+ 1890+ Societa reale di Napoli. R. Accademia delle scienze fisiche e matema- tiche. Rendiconto. A s.2 v.5+ 1891+ Societa toscana di scienze naturali, Pisa. Atti. Memorie. A 13-26, 28+ 1894-1910, 12+ Processi verbali. A (8) 9-15 (16) 17-19 (20-22) 23+ 1893+ Societas entomologica rossica. See Russkoe entomologicheskoe oboz- rienie Russkoe entomologicheskoe obshchestvo Societas pro fauna et flora fennica. Helsingfors. Acta. A 5-34 (35) 36+ 1888+ Meddelanden. A 16 +1891+ R. Societas scientiarum, Upsala. See K. Vetenskaps societeten Societatum litterae. See Naturwissenschaftlicher verein fur den regier- ungsbezirk Frankfurt, Frankfort-on-the-Oder Societe asiatique, Paris. See Journal asiatique Societe beige de geologic, de paleontologie et d' hydrologie. Brussels. Bulletin. A 4-16, 1890-1902 Societe beige de microscopic. Brussels. Annales. Memoires. A 14-28, 1890-1907 - Bulletin. A (8-13) 14 (15-17) 18-25, 1881-83, 85-99 Societe botanique, Lyons. Annales. (v.19-27 include Comptes rendus des seances) A 17-21, 27, 1890-96, 1902 Bulletin. Comptes rendus des seances. (Comptes rendus continued in Annales) A 8-11, 1890-93 1| Societe chimique de France. Paris. (Called Societe chimique de Paris until 1907) Bulletin. K n.s. v.1-39, 41-S.3 v.10, 21-30, 33-34, s.4 v.1-6, 13+ 1864-93, 99-1903, 05, 07-09, 13+ Societe d'agriculture, sciences et Industrie, Lyons. Annales. (Continues Annales de Societe des sciences industrielles de Lyon) A s.7 v.1-2, 7-10, s.8 v.l, 1893-94, 99-1903 Societe d' encouragement pour 1' Industrie nationale. Paris. Bulletin. U 1-23, 1802-24 Societe d' ethnographic. Paris. Memoires. U 1869 Societe d' histoire naturelle, Metz. Bulletin. A 18+ 1893+ Societe d' histoire naturelle et des sciences biologiques et energetiques, Toulouse. (Called Societe d' histoire naturelle de Toulouse to 1903) Bulletin trimestriel. A 29, 30-44 (45-46)+ 1895+ Societe de Borda. Dax, France. Bulletin trimestriel. A (16) 17-20 (21) 22-25 (26) 27 (28) 29-36 (37) 38+ 1891+ Societe de 1' Industrie minerale. Saint-fitienne. Bulletin. A s.3 v.(5- 6) 7 (8) 9 (10) 11-12 (13) 1891-99 LIBRARIES OF ROCHESTER 131 Comptes rendus mensuels. A 1891-99 Societe de physique et d' histoire naturelle, Geneva. Compte rendu des seances. A 7-16, 27+ 1890-99, 1910+ Memoires. A v.(28, 30) sup. v.1890, 1884, 88, 90 Societe des Bollandistes, Brussels. See Analecta Bollandiana Societe des etudes juives. See Revue des etudes juives Societe des naturalistes a 1'Universite imperiale de Kharkov. See Kharkov. Universitet. Obshchestvo ispytatelei prirody Societe des sciences, Nancy. Bulletin. A s.2 v.10-14, s.3 v.(5) 1890- 96, 1904 Societe des sciences industrielles, Lyons. Annales. (Continued in An- nales de Societe d' agriculture, sciences et Industrie de Lyon) A 1-4, 1892 Societe des sciences naturelles de la Charente-Inferieure. See Academic des belles-lettres, sciences et arts, La Rochelle Societe des sciences naturelles de Neuchatel. See Societe neuchateloise des sciences naturelles Societe entomologique de France. Paris. Bulletin. (Title reads Bul- letin des seances et bulletin bibliographique, to 1896) A (1891-93) 94 (95) 96-97 (98-99) 1900-14 (15) + Societe entomologique de Russie. See Russkoe entomologicheskoe oboz- rienie Russkoe entomologicheskoe obshchestvo Societe franchise d' otologie, de laryngologie et de rhinologie. Paris. Bulletins et memoires. Md 9-13, 1893-97 Societe franchise de photographic. Paris. Bulletin. K 1+ 1855+ Societe franchise de physique. See Journal de physique theorique et appliquee Societe fribourgeoise des sciences naturelles. Fribourg, Switzerland. Bulletin. Compte rendu. A 5-7, 9-13, 15+ 1887-97, 1900+ Memoires. Botanique. A (1-2) 3+ 1904+ Chimie. A 2+ 1903+ Geologic et geographic. A (3) 4+ 1903+ Mathematiques et physique. A 1+ 1904+ Physiologic, hygiene, bacteriologie. A 1+ 1908+ Zoologie. A (1)+ 1910+ Societe geologique de Belgique. Liege. Annales. [Bulletin] A 20-39, 1892-1912 Societe helvetique des sciences naturelles. See Schweizerische naturfor- schende gesellschaft Societe imperiale des naturalistes, Moscow. Bulletin. A n.s. v.5+ 1891+ Nouveaux memoires. A (15) 16+ 1898+ Societe linneenne, Bordeaux. Proces-verbaux. A 44-48, 50, 52-54, 56+ 1890+ Societe linneenne, Lyons. Annales. . A n.s. v.43, 47-50, 57-60+ 1896, 1900-03, 10+ 132 UNION LIST OF SERIALS Societe linneenne de Normandie. Caen. Bulletin. A s.4 v7-s.6 v.6, 1893-1913 Societe nationale des sciences naturelles et mathematiques, Cherbourg. Memoires. A 28+ 1892+ Societe neuchateloise des sciences naturelles. Neuchatel. (Called Societe des sciences naturelles de Neuchatel to 1898) Bulletin. A 21-40, 1893-1913 Societe ouralienne d' amateurs des sciences naturelles. See Uralskoe ob- shchestvo liubitelei estestvoznamia Societe philosophique, Louvain. See Revue neo-scolastique Societe royale de botanique de Belgique. Brussels. Bulletin. A 43-49, 51-52, 1906-14 Societe royale des sciences, Liege. Memoires. A s.2 v.17-20, s.3 v.1-9, 1892-1912 Societe royale malacologique de Belgique. See Societe royale zoologique et malacologique de Belgique Societe royale zoologique et malacologique de Belgique. Brussels. (Called Societe royale malacologique to 1903) Annales. A 41-47, 1906-12 Bulletins des seances. A 34-39, 1899-1904 Proces-verbaux des seances. A [20] -24, 26-27, 1891-95, 97-98 Societe scientifique, Brussels. See Revue des questions scientifiques Societe scientifique du Chili. Santiago. Actes. A 2-8 (9) 10-11 (12-14) 17, 19, 1892-1907, 09 Societe vaudoise des sciences naturelles. Lausanne. Bulletin. A 27-30 (31) 32+ 1891+ Societe zoologique de France. Paris. Bulletin. A 16 (17) 18+ 1891+ Society for experimental biology & medicine. New York. Proceedings. U 1-6 (7-9) 10 (11) 12+ 1903+ Society for psychical research. London. Journal. T 1+ 1884+ Proceedings. T 1+ 1882+ U 16+ 1901+ Society for the promotion of engineering education. Bulletin. See Engineering education Proceedings. R 1-10, 1893-1902 Society for the reformation of juvenile delinquents in the city of New York. Annual report. R 2, 70, 1827, 94 Society of alumni of Bellevue hospital. N. Y. Transactions. R 1896-98 Society of American bacteriologists. See Journal of bacteriology Society of arts. Boston. See Massachusetts institute of technology. So- ciety of arts Technology quarterly Society of Biblical archaeology. London. Proceedings. T 1+ 1878+ Transactions. T 1-9, 1872-93 Society of Biblical literature & exegesis. See Journal of Biblical literature Society of chemical industry. London. Journal. E U 1+ 1882+ Society of colonial wars. General register. H R 1895-1906 Society of colonial wars in the state of New York. Addresses & year book. H 1906-09, 11/12; R 1906-09 LIBRARIES OF ROCHESTER 133 Society of descendants of Henry Wolcott. Report of proceedings of the annual meeting. R 4-8, 11, 1908-12, IS Society of friends. See Friends Society of naval architects & marine engineers. N. Y. Transactions. R 1-11, 1893-1903 Society of public analysts. See Analyst Society of sanitary & moral prophylaxis. Journal. (Title reads Social diseases, v.1-4) T (1) 2+ 1910+ Society of the Genesee. N. Y. Yearbook. U 1902-03; R 1905 Society to promote the science of management. See Taylor society Solar observatory, Mt. Wilson, Cal. See Carnegie institution, Washing- ton. Solar observatory, Mt. Wilson, Cal. Soldiers' aid. (Rochester soldiers' aid society) (Continued as Indus- trial school advocate & soldiers' aid) H R 1-2, 1863-65 Sons of the American revolution. Empire state society. Year book. R 1907-09; H 1914-16 Sons of the revolution in the state of New York. N. Y. Year book. H 1896, 99, 1909 Sound currency. N. Y. U (2-3) 4-5 (6-7) 8-11, 1894-1905|| South Bend, Ind. See Northern Indiana historical society South Carolina. University. Columbia. Bulletin. U (34) 35, 1913 South Dakota. State school of mines. Rapid City. Bulletin. A 3-4, 6, 9, 1900, 02, 10 Southeastern reporter. St. Paul. L R 1+ 1887+ Southern historical society. Richmond. Papers. R 1-20, 1876-92 Southern literary messenger. Richmond. U 6, 1840 Southern missioner. Lawrenceville, Va. T (20) 21, 1910 Southern reporter. St. Paul. L 1+ 1887+ Southwestern reporter. St. Paul. L 1+ 1886+ Soziale kultur. Munich. S 32+ 1912+ Speaker. London. T 1-10, 1890-94 Special libraries. (Special libraries association) N. Y. M 1-3, 1910-12; Pb + Spectator. London. R 59+ 1886+ T (59-64) 65+ 1886+ U 80+ 1898+ Spelling. Boston. U 1 no.1-4, 1887 Spirit of missions. N. Y. R 1-2, 4, 8, 12-32, 34, 36-78, 1836-37, 39, 43,47-67,69,71-1913; Pe + Spirit of the pilgrims. Boston. R T U 1-6, 1828-33 1| Spirit of the times. N. Y. R (16) 17-31, 1846-61|! Spirit of the times (Wilkes) See Wilkes' Spirit of the times Spofford's American almanac. See American almanac & treasury of facts Springfield, Mass. City library association. Annual report. R 35-41, 49+ 1895/96-1901/02, 05/06+ Springfield, Mass. Museum of natural history. Bulletin. A 1-2, 1904-10 Report. A 1905-08, 10+ 134 UNION LIST OF SERIALS Sprunt historical monograph. See North Carolina. University. James Sprunt historical monograph Standard. Chicago. T 55+ 1907+ Stanford university. See Leland Stanford junior university State historical society of Iowa. See Iowa historical record Iowa journal of history & politics State historical society of Missouri. See Missouri. State historical society Missouri historical review State historical society of Wisconsin. See Wisconsin. State historical society State hospitals bulletin. Utica, N. Y. (Continued as Archives of neurol- ogy & psychopathology) R 1-2, 1896-97 Staten Island association of arts & sciences. New Brighton. (Called Natural science association of Staten Island, 1881-1905) Museum bulletin. A 1-5, 7-12, 14, 17-19, 21-22, 24, 28, 31, 33-34, 36, 38-40, 44-58, 60-66, 68-70, 72, n.s. v.l+ 1908+ Proceedings. A 2-3 (4) 5+ 1888+ Statesman's year-book. London. R 1+ 1864+ U 9+ 1872+ T 16, 30, 45-46, 49, 51+ 1879, 93, 1908-09, 12, 14+ P 49+ 1912+ E 50, 52, 1913, 15; M 52, 1915; W 51, 1914 Steel & metal digest. N. Y. Rl + Stenographer & phonographic world. N. Y. (Title reads Typewriter & phonographic world, v.31-32; Phonographic world & commercial school review, v.33-38 & 40-41 ; Typewriter world, v.39) E 31+ 1908+ Stevens indicator. (Stevens institute of technology) Hoboken, N. J. A 9-13 (14) 15, 1892-98; R + Stimmen aus Maria-Laach. See Stimmen der zeit Stimmen der zeit; katholiche monatschrift. Freiburg, Breisgau. (Title reads, Stimmen aus Maria-Laach, v.1-87) S 1+ 1871+ Erganzungsband. S 1+ 1877+ Stockholm. Observatorium. Astronomiska iakttagelser och undersok- ningar. A 9 no.1-2, 1908 Stockholm. See also Geologiska foreningen Nobelstiftelsen K. Svenska vetenskapsakademien K. Vitterhets historic och antikvitets akademien Storrs agricultural experiment station. See Connecticut. Agricultural experiment station Story tellers' magazine. N. Y. P + Story's legal digest & directory. N. Y. R 10, 1895 Strand magazine. London. R + Stratford journal. Boston. T 1+ 1916+ Street railway journal. See Electric railway journal Stryker's American register & magazine. See American quarterly register & magazine Student & intellectual observer. London. (Continues Intellectual ob- server) U 1-4, n.s. v.l, 1868-71H Studien zur griechischen und lateinischen grammatik. (Curtius) Leipzig. U 1-10, 1868-77 LIBRARIES OF ROCHESTER 135 Studies in education, devoted to child-study. (Barnes) Philadelphia. U 1-2, 1896-97, 1902|| Studio. London. (v.!3+ of Studio corresponds almost exactly to v.3+ of International studio) R 19+ 1900+ U 1-17, 1893-99 Suffolk county historical society. Riverhead, N. Y. Year book. H 1898-1902 Sun. N. Y. See New York (City) Newspapers Sunday school lesson illustrator. N. Y. T + Sunday school times. Philadelphia. T (11-12) 18-38, 50+ 1869-70, 76-96, 1908+ Supreme court reporter. St. Paul. P 8+ 1887+ Surgery, gynecology & obstetrics. Chicago. R 14-19, 1912-14; Md 20+ 1915+ Survey. (Founded by the Charity organization society of the city of New York) N. Y. (Title reads Charities, v.1-14; Charities & the com- mons, v.15-21. Continues Charities review) R 6+ 1901+ T 13, 15+ 1904+ U 17+ 1906+ M 19+ 1907+ E 23+ 1909+ C Ed P Pb S + K. Svenska vetenskapsakademien, Stockholm. Arkiv for botanik. (Con- tinues Ofversigt af forhandlingar & Bihang till handlingar) A 1+ 1903+ Arkiv for kemi, mineralogi och geologi. (Continues Ofversigt af forhandlingar & Bihang till handlingar) A 1+ 1903+ Arkiv for matematik, astronomi och fysik. (Continues Ofversigt af forhandlingar & Bihang till handlingar) A 1+ 1903+ Arkiv for zoologi. (Continues Ofversigt af forhandlingar & Bihang till handlingar) A 1+ 1903+ Arsbok. A 1913+ Handlingar. Bihang till handlingar. (Continued as Arkiv for bot- anik Arkiv for kemi Arkiv for matematik Arkiv for zoologi) A 16-28, 1891-1903 Ofversigt af forhandlingar. (Continued as Arkiv for botanik Arkiv for kemi Arkiv for matematik Arkiv for zoologi) A 48-59, 1891-1902 Nobelinstitut. Meddelanden. A 1+ 1905+ Sweet's engineering catalogue. Es 1915 Sword & the trowel. (Spurgeon) London. T 1865-75 Sydney, N. S. W. See Australasian association for the advancement of science Australian museum Linnean society of New South Wales Royal society of New South Wales Syracuse, N. Y. Newspapers. Post-standard. Rr + Syracuse, N. Y. Public library. (Called Syracuse central library to 1901) Annual report. R 1893/95-1910; H 1907 Year book. R 1914/15 Syracuse, N. Y. See also Onondaga county historical association. System. Chicago. Ad 4-7, 1903-05;+ C 31+ 1917+ B Es P Pb + Table talk. Cooperstown, N. Y. Rl + 136 UNION LIST OF SERIALS Tables annuelles de constantes et donnees numeriques de chimie, de phy- sique et de technologic. (International permanent committee on con- stants) Paris. K 1+ 1910+ Tablet. London. S + Tacubaya, Mexico. Observatorio astronomico nacional. Anuario. A 11-18, 21+ 1891-98, 1901+ Boletin. A 1890-1901, 12-14 Informes. A 1899-1903 Observaciones meteorologicas. A 1895-97 Taunton, Mass. Public library. Annual report. R 16-18, 20-22, 30+ 1881-83, 85-87, 95+ Taunton, Mass. See also Old Colony historical society Taylor society. N. Y. (Called Society to promote the science of manage- ment, 1911-15) Bulletin. C 1+ 1914+ Teachers' college. N. Y. See Teachers' college record Technical edu- cation bulletin Teachers' college bulletin. See Technical education bulletin Teachers' college record. (Columbia university. Teachers' college) N. Y. (Continues Household arts review) M 8+ 1907+ Ed N + Teacher's leaflets. See Cornell university. Ithaca. New York state col- lege of agriculture Technical education bulletin. (Columbia university. Teachers' college) N. Y. M 1+ 1910+ Technical world. See Illustrated world Techniker. N. Y. U 14-18 no.3, 1891-96 Technique. See Massachusetts institute of technology. Student pub- lications Technische staatslehranstalt. Chemnitz. See Chemnitz. Technische staatslehranstalt Technology architectural review. Boston. (Continued as Architectural review) U 1-3, 1887-90 Technology quarterly & Proceedings of the Society of arts. (Massachu- setts institute of technology) Boston. (Continues Abstract of the Proceedings of the Society of arts, Massachusetts institute of tech- nology) A (1-2) 3 (4) 5-21, 1887-1908] | See also American chemical society. Review of American chemical research Technology review. Boston. A (2-3, 5-6) 1900-04 Termeszetrajzi fiizetek. See Magyar nemzeti muzewn Texas academy of science. Austin. Transactions, with Proceedings. . . A 1-5, 7, 9-11, 1892-1909 Texas. University. Austin. Bulletin. A (1915) U 1886-90 Theatre. N. Y. P + Theological eclectic & journal of Biblical theology. Cincinnati. (Con- tinued in Bibliotheca sacra) T 1-7, 1864-71 Theological monthly. London. (Continues British & foreign evangelical review) T 1-6, 1889-91 LIBRARIES OF ROCHESTER 137 Theological quarterly. St. Louis. T 20+ 1916+ Theologie der gegenwart. Leipzig. T 1+ 1907+ Theologisch tijdschrift. Amsterdam. T 1-26, 1867-92 Theologische literaturzeitung. Leipzig. T 9+ 1884+ Theologische quartalschrift. Tubingen. T 94+ 1912+ Theologische rundschau. Tubingen. T 1+ 1897+ Theologische studien aus Wiirttemberg. Ludwigsburg. T 1-6, 1880-85 Theologische studien und kritiken. Gotha. T 1+ 1828+ Theologischer jahresbericht. Leipzig. T 1+ 1881+ Therapeutic gazette. Detroit. R 4-37, 1880-1913; Md 9-17, 39+ 1885-93, 1915+ Therapeutic monthly. Philadelphia. Md 1-2, 1901-02 Thinker. London. T 1-8, 1892-95 1| Thiiringisch-sachsischer gesamtverein fur erdkunde. See Verein fur erd- kunde, Halle Thurgauische naturforschende gesellschaft. Frauenfeld. Mitteilungen. A 8-12, 17+ 1888-96, 1906+ Times. Los Angeles. See Los Angeles. Newspapers Tohoku imperial university. Sendai, Japan. Science reports. Series 1: Mathematics, physics, chemistry. U 1 (2-3) 4 (5)+ 1912+ Series 2: Geology. U 1+ 1912+ Tokyo. Newspapers. Tokio times. U 1-7, Jan. 6, 1877-June 26, 1880| | Topeka. See Kansas academy of science Kansas state historical society Washburn college Toronto. Newspapers. Globe. Rr + Toronto astronomical society. See Royal astronomical society of Canada Toronto. Public library. Annual report. R 14+ 1897+ Toronto. University. Studies. Biological series. U 1, 3, 11, 1898, 1902, 12; A 16, 1915 Geological series. A 1-8, 1900-13 History & economics series. U 1-2 no.l, 1901-02 Philological series. U 1-2, 1909, 13 Physiological series. U 1-2, 1900 Psychological series. U 2 no.1-4, 1902-07; A 3 no.l, 1908 See also Review of historical publications relating to Canada Toronto. See also Canadian medical association Ontario historical soci- ety Royal astronomical society of Canada Royal Canadian institute Torrey botanical club. N. Y. Bulletin. A 10-26 (27-28) 1883-1901; U 17-24, 1890-97 Tortugas, Fla. See Carnegie institution, Washington. Department of marine biology Toulouse. See Academic des sciences, inscriptions et belles-lettres Soci- ete d'histoire naturelle et des sciences biologiques et energetiques Town development. Cincinnati. C + Transylvania university. Lexington, Ky. Studies in English. U 1, 1910 Travel. N. Y. Es N Pg Pm Wj + 138 UNION LIST OF SERIALS Treasury. N. Y. (Title reads Pulpit treasury, v.1-5. Continued in Rec- ord of Christian work) T 1-24, 1883-1907 Tribune almanac. N. Y. R U 1838+ Triennial Baptist register. (Baptist general tract society) Philadelphia. U 2, 1836 Trinidad field naturalists' club. Port-of-Spain. Journal. A (1-2) 1893-95 Tromso, Norway. Museum. Aarsberetning. A 1889+ Aarshefter. A 13+ 1890+ Trondhjem. See K. Norske videnska'bers selskab Troy, N. Y. See Rensselaer society of engineers Truro. See Royal institution of Cornwall Trusting & toiling. Chicago. T 17+ 1911+ Tiibinger zeitschrift fur theologie. T 1830-40 Tufts college, Massachusetts. Studies. Scientific series. A U (1-2) 3+ 1894-1900, 04-05, 09+ Second series, Department of English. U 1, 1899 Turin. Universita. Museo di zoologia ed anatomia comparata. Bollet- tino. A 5+ 1890+ Osservatorio astronomico. Osservazioni meteorologiche. A 1890, 92+ See also Moncalieri. R. Collegio Carlo Alberto Turin. See also R. Accademia delle scienze Societa meteorologica italiana Udine, Italy. See R. Istituto tecnico Antonio Zanon Ueber land und meer. Stuttgart. U 73-88, 1894-1902 Ubersicht iiber die auf dem gebiete der englischen philologie erschienenen biicher, schriften und aufsatze. See Anglia. Supplementheft Ulster agriculturist. Belfast. A (5-8, 10-11) 1891-94, 96-97 K. Ungarische geologische reichsanstalt. Budapest. Jahresbericht. A 1890+ Mitteilungen aus dem jahrbuohe. A (9) 10-17 (18) 19+ 1890+ Populare schriften. A 1, 1910 Union & advertiser. Rochester. Year book. H R 1-22, 1889-1910; U 1-3, 5-9, 22, 24, 1889-91, 93-97, 1910, 12 See also Rochester. Newspapers Union geographique du Nord de la France. Douai. Bulletin. A 11-19 (20-21) 22-34 (35) 1890-1914 Union medical association of northeastern Ohio. See Cleveland journal of medicine Union medicale. Paris. R s.3 v.55-58, 1893-94 Union signal. (Woman's Christian temperance union) Evanston, 111. T + Unitarian advocate. Boston. U 1-4, 1828-29 Unitarian review. Boston. (Continued as New world) T 15-36, 1880-91 United States army & navy journal. See Army & navy journal United States brewers' association. Convention. R 50, 1910 LIBRARIES OF ROCHESTER 139 Year book. R 1909+ U 1909-12, 14+ United States catalogue. T 1899+ R 1902+ U 1899, 1912; P 1912 United States Catholic almanac; or, Laity's directory. Baltimore. S 1833-37 United States jurist. Washington. L 1-3, 1871-73 U. S. Library of Congress. Report. R 1897+ U 1898-1910, 12+ A 1906+ United States magazine & democratic review. Washington, N. Y. (Title reads Democratic review, v.30) R 1-30, 1838-52 United States medical investigator. Chicago. (Continues Medical inves- tigator) R 1-2, 1875 United States monthly law magazine. N. Y. (Continued as Livingston's monthly law magazine) L 1-4, 1850-51 United States naval institute. Annapolis. Proceedings. U 1-24 (25, 27-28) 1874-99, 1901-02 United States review & literary gazette. Boston. U (1) 1826-27 United States sanitary commission. Bulletin. R 1-3, 1863-65 Universal medical journal. See Monthly cyclopaedia of practical medicine Universal peace congress. Report. R 13, 1904 Universalist register. Boston. R 60, 1895 University debaters' annual. White Plains. U 1914/15+ University extension. (American society for the extension of university teaching) Philadelphia. R 1, 1892 University medical magazine. See Pennsylvania. University. Philadel- phia. University of Pennsylvania medical bulletin University of Pennsylvania law review & American law register. See Pennsylvania. University. Philadelphia. University of Pennsyl- vania law review & American law register University of Pennsylvania medical bulletin. See Pennsylvania. Uni- versity. Philadelphia. University of Pennsylvania medical bulletin University record. See Rochester. University. Student publications : Campus Unpopular review. N. Y. R U 1+ 1914+ Unschuldige nachrichten von alten und neuen theologischen sachen, biich- ern, uhrkunden, controversien. (Loscher) Leipzig. T 1704-07, 09, 11, 14, 18-19 Upper Canada law journal. See Canada law journal Upsala. See K. Vetenskaps societeten Uralskoe obshchestvo liubitelei estestvoznaniia. Ekaterinburg. Zapiski. A (12) 13-15 (16) 17-19 (20) 21-29, 1890-1909 Urbana, 111. See Illinois. University Utah society of engineers. Salt Lake City. Monthly journal. Es + Utica. Newspapers. Utica patriot. H (9-12) 1811-13 Utica. See also Oneida historical society Utilities magazine. Philadelphia. Pb + Utrecht. See Provinciaal Utrechtsch genootschap van kunsten en weten- schappen 140 UNION LIST OF SERIALS Van Nostrand's engineering magazine. N. Y. (Title reads Van Nos- trand's eclectic engineering magazine, v.1-19. Continued in American railroad journal, later Railway age gazette, Mechanical edition) U 1-31, 1869-84 Vassar brothers' institute. Poughkeepsie. Bulletin. A 1-2, [1907] Transactions. A 1-7, 1881-96; R 1-3, 1881-84 Vedanta monthly. See Message of the East Vehicle. See Western New York Baptist magazine Venice. See R. Istituto veneto di scienze, lettere ed arti Verein der freunde der naturgeschiohte in Mecklenburg. Rostock. Archiv. A 45+ 1891+ Verein fur erdkunde, Dresden. Jahresbericht. A 22-27, 1892-1901 Continued as: Mitteilungen. A (1) 2+ 1905+ Verein fur erdkunde, Halle. Mitteilungen. A 1902 Verein fur erdkunde, Leipsig. See Gesellschaft fur erdkunde, Leipzig Verein fur erdkunde, Metz. Jahresbericht. A 13-27, 1890-1911 Verein fiir naturwissenschaft, Brunswick. Jahresbericht. A 5-14, 16-17, 1886-1905, 07-12 Vereins herold. Cleveland, O. T + Vermont. University. Burlington. Botanical department. Contribu- tions to the botany of Vermont. A 2, 7-9, 1898-1900, 11 Versammlung deutscher philologen und schulmanner. Verhandlungen. U 13, 1852 K. Vetenskaps societeten, Upsala. Nova acta. A s.4 v.(l) 1905 Vick's monthly magazine. Rochester. U 1-13, 1878-90; R 1-11, 1878-88 Victoria institute, or Philosophical society of Great Britain. London. Journal of the transactions. T 1+ 1867+ Videnskabs-selskabet, Christiania. See Videnskapsselskapet, Christiania Videnskapsselskapet, Christiania. Forhandlinger. (Includes Oversigt over . . . moter) A 1890, 92+ Historisk-filosofiske klasse. Skrifter. A (1894) Mathematisk-naturvidenskabelig klasse. Skrifter. A (1894) Vienna. K. K. Naturhistorisches hofmuseum. Annalen. A "(6-7, 9, 27) 1891-92, 94, 1913 Vienna oriental journal. See Wiener zeitschrift fiir die kunde des mor- genlandes Vienna. Universitat. Naturwissenschaftlicher verein. Mitteilungen. A 1892-94, 96, 1904-13 Vienna. See also entries under Wiener K. Akademie der wissenschaften K. K. Zoologisch-botanische gesellschaft Villa Colon. See Montevideo Virchows archiv fiir pathologische anatomic und physiologic und fiir klin- ische medizin. Berlin. (Title reads Archiv fiir pathologische ana- tomic, v.1-170) R 1-4, 11-108, 119, 135-217, 1847-52, 57-87, 90, 94-1914; Md 219+ 1915+ LIBRARIES OF ROCHESTER 141 Virginia law journal. Richmond. L 1-17, 1887+-93 Virginia medical monthly. Richmond. R 2, 1875 K. Vitterhets historic och antikvitets akademien. Stockholm. Fornvan- nen. (Continues Manadsblad) H 1-3, 1906-08 Manadsblad. (Continued as Fornvannen) H 6-7, 9-10, 1887-92, 96-1905 Vogue. N. Y. Pg Pm R + Vom fels zum meer. Stuttgart. R 1881-84 Vorderasiatische gesellschaft. Berlin. Mitteilungen. T 1, 1896 Waco, Tex. See Baylor university Wagner free institute of science, Philadelphia. Transactions. A 2-5, 1889-1903 Wagner's Jahres j bericht iiber die leistungen der chemischen technologic. See Jahres-bericht iiber die leistungen der chemischen technologic Wall Street journal. N. Y. See New York (City) Newspapers Warren academy of sciences. Warren, Pa. Transactions. A 1 pt.1, 1903/07 Section of social & economic science. (Also called Warren social science club) Annual report & papers. A 1902/03, 07/08 Warren social science club. See Warren academy of sciences Washburn college. Topeka. Laboratory of natural history. Bulletin. A 1 no.7, 1886 Washburn observatory. See Wisconsin. University. Washburn obser- vatory Washington. Newspapers. Globe. Semi-weekly edition. H (1) 2-4 (5) 7-9, 1831-39 Washington post. Rr + Washington academy of sciences. Journal. (Continues Proceedings; Bulletin of the Philosophical society of Washington) K 3+ 1913+ Proceedings. (Continued as Journal) U 1-13, 1899-1911; A (5) 1903 Washington university. St. Louis. Washington university studies. A Pt.l:v.l+ 1913+ ; Pt.2:v.(l, 3) 1913, 16 Washington. See also American historical association American insti- tute of architects American microscopical society American society of naval engineers Archaeological institute of America Bureau of railway economics Carnegie endowment for international peace Carnegie institution Chemical society National education associa- tion of the United States Pan American union Philosophical society Watchman. Boston. (Continued as Watchman-examiner) T 1907-13 Watchman-examiner. N. Y.; Boston. (Continues Examiner; Watch- man) T 1+ 1913+ U + Watchword & truth. Seattle. T + Watertown, Mass. See Historical society of Watertown Weekly register. See Niles' national register Wellington, New Zealand. See New Zealand institute 142 UNION LIST OF SERIALS Wer ist's? Leipzig. T 4-5, 7, 1909, 11, 14; U 6-7, 1912, 14; R [1, 1905] West American scientist. San Diego. A (2-3) 4-6 (7-9) 10-11 (12) 13 (14-15, 18) 19+ 1886, 88-95, 1900-03, 12 ,15+ West coast reporter. San Francisco. (Continues Pacific coast law jour- nal. Continued in Pacific reporter) L 1-10, 1884-86 West high school. See Rochester. West high school Westermann's illustrierte deutsche monatshefte. Brunswick. R 49, 52-53, 69+ 1880, 82-83, 90+ Western. St. Louis. U (1) n.s. v.(l-2) 1872, 75-76 Western Baptist. Winnipeg. T + Western electrician. Chicago. (Continued in Electrical review & west- ern electrician) U 1-42, 1887-1908 Western jurist. Des Moines. (Continued in American law review) L 1-12, 14, 1867-78, 80 Western ladies' casket. H (1) 1823-24 Western literary messenger. Buffalo. R 9-18, 1847-52 Western New York Baptist magazine. Morrisville. (Title reads The Vehicle ... v.l) U 1-4, 1814-25 Western New York horticultural society. (Called New York state horti- cultural society, 1888-89) Rochester. Proceedings. R 17, 20, 22, 24-26, 28-32, 34, 36, 38, 58-61, 1872, 75, 77, 79-81, 83-87, 89, 91, 93, 1912-16 Western New York institution for deaf-mutes. Rochester. Annual re- port. H 3-5 7, 9, 11-12, 15, 1879-81, 83, 85, 87-88, 91 Western recorder. Louisville, Ky. T + Western Reserve historical society. Cleveland. (Formerly called West- ern Reserve & northern Ohio historical society) Tract. A 37- 90, 1877-1901 ; H 37-84, 88-89, 96, 1877-91, 96-99, 1916 Western Reserve medical journal. Cleveland. A (2) 3, 1894-95 Western Reserve university. Cleveland. Bulletin. Literary section. U (16) 1913 Western society of engineers. Chicago. Journal. R 1-18, 1896-1913 Westfalischer provinzial-verein fur wissenschaft und kunst. Miinster. Jahresbericht. A 18-26, 28, 35+ 1889-1900, 06+ Westminster & foreign quarterly review. See Westminster review Westminster review. London. (Title reads London & Westminster re- view, v.25-33; Westminster & foreign quarterly review, v.46-56. Con- tinues Foreign quarterly review) R 1-181, 1824-1914|| U 55- 181, 1851-1914H T 91-181, 1869-1914|| Westpreussischer botanisch-zoologischer verein. Danzig. Bericht. A 31-32, 34, 1909-10, 12 Wheelman. See Outing Whitaker's almanack. London. R 1869+ T 1882, 86, 88-89, 92-99, 19014- u 1878, 81, 83, 90-93 White pine series of architectural monographs. N. Y. M 1+ 1915+ LIBRARIES OF ROCHESTER 143 Whittaker's churchman's almanac. N. Y. (Continued in Living church annual & Whittaker's churchman's almanac) R 1874-75, 85, 92-99 Who's who. London. R 1897-1904, 06-09, 11, 13; T 1897, 1903, 06, 08, 11, 14; U 1905, 11, 14, 16; E 1905; P + Who's who in America. Chicago. R 1899-1911, 14/15; T 1899- 1905,08-15; U 1903/05, 08-15; E 1912-15; M 1910-13; W 1906/07, 12/13; P + Who's who in New York. N. Y. T 1907, 09; R 1909; U 1904 Who's who in science (international) London. K U 1912 Wide world magazine. N. Y. Rr + Wiener medizinische wochenschrift. R 35, 43-63, 1885, 93-1913; Md 65+ 1915+ Wiener mitteilungen photographischen inhalts. K 18+ 1913+ Wiener zeitschrift fur die kunde des morgenlandes. T 1-15, 1887-1901 Wiesbaden. See Nassauischer verein fur naturkunde Wilkes-Barre, Pa. See Osterhout free library Wilkes' Spirit of the times. N. Y. R 1-4, 1859-61 Williams's New-York annual register. See New York annual register (Williams) Wilmington institute. Wilmington, Del. Annual report. (Includes Annual report of the Wilmington institute free library, 1, 1893/94 to date) R 37-49, 58+ 1893/94-1905/06, 14/15+ Wilson, Mt., Cal. Solar observatory. See Carnegie institution, Wash- ington. Solar observatory Wilson bulletin. (Wilson ornithological club & Nebraska ornithologists' union) Oberlin, O. (Title reads Wilson quarterly, v.4; Bulletin, v.6-9) A 4, 7-11, 14+ 1892, 95-99, 1902+ Wilson ornithological club. See Wilson bulletin Wilson quarterly. See Wilson bulletin Wilson's photographic magazine. See Photographic journal of America Winnipeg. See Historical & scientific society of Manitoba Wisconsin academy of sciences, arts & letters. Madison. Transactions. A 6+ 1881+ U 1-5, 1870-81 Wisconsin. Free library commission. Wisconsin library bulletin. Pe 1+ 1905+ Pg Pin Pm + Wisconsin natural history society. Milwaukee. (Called Natural history society of Wisconsin, 1879-1902) Bulletin. A n.s. v.l+ 1900+ Occasional papers. A 2, 1892-95 Proceedings. A 1885-89 Wisconsin state agricultural society. Madison. Transactions. R 1, 9, 11, 21-22, 26-27, 1851, 70, 72/73, 82-84, 88-89; U 2-3, 21, 1852- 53, 82/83 Wisconsin. State historical society. Madison. Collections. (Title reads Annual report & collections, v.1-3 ; Report & collections, v.4-10) R 1-10, 1854-85; U 1-8, 1854-79; H 2-3, 10-12, 1855-56, 83-92 Proceedings. R 43+ 1895+ H 40-42, 1892-94 144 UNION LIST OF SERIALS Wisconsin state horticultural society. Madison. Transactions. R [1, 4-6] 8-11, 1871, 74-76, 78-81 Wisconsin. University. Madison. Bulletin. Economics, political sci- ence & history series. R 1-2, 1894-99|| U (1-2) 1894-99 Engineering series. A 1-4, 1894-1907; R 1-2, 1894-1903 Philology & literature series. R 1-2, 1898-1903 Science series. A 1-3, 1894-1905 ; R 1-2, 1894-1901 ; U 1 no.l, 1894 Washburn observatory. Publications. U 2-5, 1884-87 Wohelo. (Camp fire girls) N. Y. Pe Pg Pin + Woman citizen. (National American woman suffrage association) N. Y. Pe R Rr U + Woman's Christian temperance union. See Union signal Woman's home companion. N. Y. M P R Wj + Woman's who's who of America. N. Y. R 1914/15 Woman's work. N. Y. T 8, 10+ 1893, 95+ Women's Christian association. Rochester. Biennial report. (Title reads Annual report, no.1-2) H 1-4 [1883J-91; R 1 [1883/85] [1883/85] Wood-worker. Indianapolis. B Ed + Wood's medical & surgical monographs. N. Y. R 9-11, 1891|| Worcester, Mass. Free public library. Annual report. R 8, 10, 12-17, 21-46, 49+ 1867, 69, 71-75/76, 79/80-1904/05, 07/08+ Worcester society of antiquity. Worcester, Mass. Collections. See Proceedings Proceedings. H 1890, 92-93 Worcester, Mass. See also American antiquarian society Clark univer- sity Workshop. N. Y. U 6-7, 1873-74 World. N. Y. See New York (City) Newspapers World almanac & encyclopedia. N. Y. R 1871-73, 76, 88-90, 92+ U 1894-95, 99-1907, 14+ T 1905-08, 11-13, 15+ W 1907+ M 1912+ E 1910, 12-13, 15; Es 1915+ P + World outlook. N. Y. T 1+ 1915+ World peace foundation. Boston. Pamphlet series. Pe R U + World to-day. See Hearst's World's advance. See Popular science monthly. Chicago World's homoeopathic convention. See American institute of homoeopathy World's markets. N. Y. C + World's work. N. Y. R U 1+ 1900+ T 5+ 1907+ E 4-6, 9, 11+ 1902+ W 11+ 1905+ C N P + Writer. Boston. R 1-16, 1887-1903 Wiirzburg. See Physikalisch-medicinische gesellschaft Yale law journal. New Haven. L 1+ 1891+ Yale review. New Haven. (Continues New Englander & Yale review) R 14. 1892+ T 1-8, n.s. v.l+ 1892-1903, 12+ U (1, 9) n.s. v.l+ 1892, 1900, 11+ LIBRARIES OF ROCHESTER 145 Yale university. New Haven. Library. Report. R 1899/1900+ A 1899/1900 See also Connecticut academy of arts & sciences Yearbook for colorists & dyers. N. Y. K 4-8, 10-14, 1901-05, 07-11 Year-book of medicine, surgery, & their allied sciences. (New Sydenham society) London. R 1859-64 Year book of photography & amateurs' guide. London. (Title reads Pho- tographic news almanac, 1860-63; Year book of photography & pho- tographic news almanac, 1864-96. Continued in British journal pho- tographic almanac) U 1863-1901; K 1860-97; R 1882-85, 87-88, 90-91, 95-96 Year book of photography & photographic news almanac. See Year book of photography & amateurs' guide Year-book of the scientific & learned societies of Great Britain & Ireland. London. R 12+ 1895+ U 1915 Year-book of treatment. Philadelphia. Md 1885-87, 89-91 ; R 1891 Yonkers historical & library association. Yonkers, N. Y. Bulletin. H 1, 1895 Yorkshire geological society. Leeds. (Formerly called Yorkshire geo- logical & polytechnic society) Proceedings. A n.s. v.(12) 13 (15) 16+ 1892+ Young mechanic. See Boston mechanic Young men's Christian association. See Association men Young men's Christian association of the city of New York. (Called New York Young men's Christian association to 1867) Annual report. U 1-2, 4, 13, 15-16, 27-28, 1853-54, 56, 64/65, 66/67-67/68, 80-81; R 47, 1899 Young men's Christian associations of North America. Proceedings of the international convention. T 30-31, 35, 1893, 95, 1904 Year book. T 1883, 85-86, 88-1908/09 Railroad department. International conference. Proceedings. U 11-12, 1903-05 Youth's companion. Boston. P R + Yuriev. See Dorpat Zagrab. See Agram Zeitschrift fur agyptische sprache und alterthumskunde. Leipzig. T 1+ 1863+ Zeitschrift fur analytische chemie. Wiesbaden. K 29+ 1890+ U 49+ 1910+ Zeitschrift fur angewandte chemie. Leipzig. (Title reads Zeitschrift fur die chemische industrie, v.l) K 1+ 1887+ U 23+ 1910+ Zeitschrift fur angewandte psychologic und psychologische sammelfor- schung. Leipzig. U 4+ 1910+ Beihefte. U 1+ 1911+ Zeitschrift fur anorganische und allgemeine chemie. Leipzig. (Title reads Zeitschrift fur anorganische chemie, to 1915) K 23+ 1900+ 146 UNION LIST OF SERIALS Zeitschrift fur assyriologie und verwandte gebiete. Strassburg. (Con- tinues Zeitsohrift fur keilschriftforschung und verwandte gebiete) T 1+ 1886+ Zeitschrift fur chemie und industrie der kolloide. See Kolloid-zeitschrift Zeitschrift fiir den deutschen unterricht. Leipzig. U 13, 1899 Zeitschrift fur die alttestamentliche wissenschaft. (Stade) Giessen. T 1, 1881 Zeitschrift fiir die chemische industrie. See Zeitschrift fur angewandte chemie Zeitschrift fur die gesamte staatswissenschaft. Tubingen. U 54+ 1898+ Erganzungsheft. U 9+ 1903+ Zeitschrift fiir die neutestamentliche wissenschaft und die kunde des urchristentums. Giessen. T 1+ 1900+ Zeitschrift fiir elektrochemie und angewandte physikalische chemie. (Deutsche Bunsen-gesellschaft fiir angewandte physikalische chemie) Halle. K 1+ 1894+ Zeitschrift fiir instrumentenkunde. Berlin. B K 1+ 1881+ U 27+ 1907+ Beiblatt. Deutsche mechaniker-zeitung. (Deutsche gesellschaft fur mechanik und optik) (Title reads Vereins-blatt der Deutschen gesell- schaft fur mechanik und optik, 1896-97) B K 1896+ U 1907+ Zeitschrift fiir katholische theologie. Innsbruck. S 1+ 1877+ Zeitschrift fiir keilschriftforschung und verwandte gebiete. Leipzig. (Continued as Zeitschrift fiir assyriologie) T 1-2, 1884-85 Zeitschrift fiir kirchengeschichte. Gotha. T 1+ 1877+ Zeitschrift fiir kirchliche wissenschaft und kirchliche leben. Leipzig. T 1-10, 1880-89 Zeitschrift fiir naturwissenschaften. See Naturwissenschaftlicher verein fur Sachs en und Thuringen Zeitschrift fur padagogische psychologic und experimentelle padagogik. Leipzig. (Title reads Zeitschrift fiir padagogische psychologic, path- ologic und hygiene, v.ll) U 11+ 1910+ Zeitschrift fiir physikalische chemie. Leipzig. K 1+ 1887+ Zeitschrift fiir reproduktionstechnik. Halle. K 15+ 1913+ Zeitschrift fiir romanische philologie. Halle. U 21+ 1897+ Supplementheft. U 21, 24-32, 1895-%, 99-1907 Beihefte. U 1+ 1905+ Zeitschrift fur theologie und kirche. Tubingen. T 1+ 1891+ Zeitschrift fiir untersuchung der nahrungs- und genussmittel sowie der gebrauchsgegenstande. Berlin. U 19+ 1910+ Beilage. Gesetze und verordnungen sowie gerichtsentscheidungen betreffend nahrungs- und genussmittel und gebrauchsgegenstande. U 2+ 1910+ Zeitschrift fiir vergleichende sprachforschung auf dem gebiete der indo- germanischen sprachen. Berlin. U 1+ 1852+ LIBRARIES OF ROCHESTER 147 Zeitschrift fur wissenschaftliche mikroscopie und fiir mikroscopische tech- nik. Leipzig. B 1+ 1884+ Zeitschrift fur wissenschaftliche photographic, photophysik und photo- chemie. Leipzig. K 1+ 1903+ Zeitschrift fiir wissenschaftliche theologie. (Hilgenfeld) Frankfort-on- the-Main. T 1-55, 1858-1914 Zeitschrift fiir wissenschaftliche zoologie. Leipzig. U 40-58, 1884-94 Zenana. London. T 3+ 1895+ K. K. Zentral-anstalt fur meteorologie und geodynamik. Vienna. (Called K. K. Zentral-anstalt fiir meteorologie und erdmagnetismus to 1904) Allegemeiner bericht und chronik in Osterreich beobachteten erdbeben. A 3-5, 1906-08 Jahrbiicher. A n.s. v.26+ 1889+ Zentral. See also Central Zion's herald. Boston. T 92+ 1914+ Zoological record. London. U 39, 1902 Zoological society, Philadelphia. Annual report. A 19-29, 31, 33+ 1891-1901, 03, 05+ K. K. Zoologisch-botanische gesellschaft, Vienna. Verhandlungen. A 41+ 1891+ Zoologischer anzeiger. (Deutsche zoologische gesellschaft) Leipzig. U 1-17, 1878-94 Zurich. See Naturforschende gesellschaft Union list of serials UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY