oiaramuoa ASUS. 1 5 R a i N N e. THE PURSUIT OF DIARMUID GRAINNE. PUBLISHED POR THE wrieig for % ^umbntmi ai |rislj PART I. DUBLIN: M. H. GILL & SON, 60 UPPER SACKVILLE-ST. 1880. *RINTKO BY M. H. O1LL & SO*, 50 UPPEK SACKVILLB-8T., DUBL1W. SOCIETY FOR THE PRESERVATION OF THE IRISH LANGUAGE. patron. His GRACE THE MOST REV. JOHN MACHALE, Archbishop of Tuam. LORD FRANCIS N. CONYNGHAM, M.P. MARSHAL MACMAHON, EX-PRESIDENT OF THE FRENCH REPUBLIC. REV. SAML. HAUGHTON, M.D., D.C.L.,F.R.S., F.T.C.D. KT. REV. JOHN MACOARTHY, D.D., Bishop of Cloyne. THE O'CoNOR DON, M.P., D.L., M.R.I. A. REV. M. H. CLOSE, M.A., M.R.I A. C. H. HART, A.B. f)o. BRIAN O'LOONEY, M.R!.A.,F.R.H.S. Setrefarg of Conntil. J. J. MACSWEENEY, R.I.A. DUBLIN : 9 KILDAKE-STBEET, 1880. 2061364 COUNCIL. Ali, Mir Aulad, Professor of Ori- ental Languages, T.C.D. Barry, Patrick, Esq., Dublin. Blackie, John Stuart, Professor of Greek, University of Edinburgh. Barry, Michael, M.D., M.R.I.A., Brighton. Burns, John, Esq., Dublin. Casey, John, LL.D., F.R.S., Vice- President, R.I.A. Close, Rev.M. H., Treasurer of the R.f.A. ; President, R.O.8.I. Cox. Michael F., M.D., B.A., M.RI.A. Dawson, C., T.C., M.P. Dillon, W., A.B., M.R.I.A. Doherty, William J., C.E., M.R.I.A, Duffy, Richard J., Esq., Dublin. Errington, George, Esq., M.P. Fitzgerald, Most Bev. W., D.D., Bishop of Ross. Fleming, John, Esq., Rathgormac, Carrick-on-Suir. Foley, J. W., Esq., M.P., Kings- town. Franklin, Win., Esq., G. P.O., Dublin. Gargan, Rev. Denis, D.D., Pro. Eccl. History, Maynooth. Gill, H. J., M.A., T.C., M.P. Graves, Rev. James, A.B., Kil- kenny. Grace.Br. J. A., Christian Schools, Dublin. Hart, Charles H., A.B., T.CJX Hennessy, W. M., M.RI.A. Joyce, P. W., LL.D., M.R.I.A. Leamy, Edmund, Esq., M.P., Waterford. Lloyd, J. H., M.A., Ph. D., LL.D., M.R.I.A., F.R.S.L., F.S.A., Mem. Philol. Soc. MacDevitt. Jlev. J., D.D., All Hallows College, Dublin. MacDonnell, Col. W. E. A., M.R.I.A., New Hall, Ennis. MacEniry, Capt. R., R.I.A.,Dublin Macllwaine, Rev. W., D.D., M.K.I.A., Belfast. MacSweeney, J. J., Esq., R.I. A., Dublin. Madden, R. R., F.R. C. 8. E., M.R.I.A. Mahon, Col., The O'Gorman, M.P., Ennis. Moffet, T. W., LL.D., President, Queen's College, Galway. Mulcahy, Rev. D. B., Ballinafeigh, Belfast. Murray, ./Eneas J., Esq., Head Master, West Dublin Model Schools. Norreys, Sir Denham Jephson, Bart., The Castle, Mallow. O'Hanlon, Rev. John, C.C., M.R.I.A. O'Hara, Thomas, Esq., Inspector of National Schools, Portarling- ton. O'Looney, Brian, M. R. I. A., F.R.H.S., Prof, of Irish Lang., Lit. and Archaeology, C.U.I. Plunkett, George N., Esq., Har- court-street. Reeves, Very Rev. William, D.D., LL.D., M.R.I.A., Dean of Ar- magh. Rhys, John, M.A., Professor of Celtic Language*, University of Oxford. Ryan, L. J., Esq., Head Master, Central Model Schools. Ryding, F., Lie. S.D, R.C.S.E. Shearman, Rev. John, C.C., Howth. Sigerson, George, M.D., M. Ch., F.L.S., M.R.I.A. Smythe, Lieut. -General W. J.. R.A., F.R.S., M.R.I.A., White Abbey, Belfast. Sullivan, T. I)., Esq., M.P. Zimmer, Dr. Heinrich, Prof. San- scrit and Comparative Philo- logy, University, Berlin. PREFACE. THE Council of the Society, perceiving the want of Irish Reading Books for advanced pupils, de- cided on publishing, in a cheap form, such works as would be most useful to meet this want. Believing that prose works are the best calcu- lated to aid the young student in the acquisition of the language, they selected from the publications of the Ossianic Society the following prose tale, which they deemed to be most suitable for this purpose. The Copuigeacc Oiapmuba asup J5pdirme has the advantage of being not only the most solid and useful piece of the class of litera- ture to which it belongs, but is also one of the best edited of the Ossianic series. Of this tale, a knowledge of which was one of the literary and legal qualifications for an ollamh or poet, O'Curry, in his lecture on the Fenian tales and poems says: "Of these (i.e., the prose tales), the only tale founded on fact, or, at least, on ancient authority (though romantically told), is one in which Finn himself was deeply concerned. It is VI the pursuit of Diarmaid and Grainnt. The facts on which it is founded are shortly these : "Finn, in his old age, solicited the monarch, Cormae MacArt, for the hand of his celebrated daughter, Grainne, in marriage. " Cormac agreed to the hero's proposal, and in- vited Finn to go to Tara to obtain from the princess herself her consent (which was necessary in such matters in those days in Erinn) to their union. Finn, on this invitation, proceeded to Tara, attended by a chosen body of his warriors, and among these were his son Oisin, his grandson Oscar, and Diarmaid O'Duibhne, one of his chief officers, a man of fine person and most fascinating manners. " A magnificent feast was, of course, provided, at which the monarch presided, surrounded by all the great men of his court, among whom the Fenians were accorded a distinguished place. " It appears to have been a custom at great feasts in ancient Erinn for the mistress of the mansion, or some other distinguished lady, to fill her own rich and favourite drinking-cup or glass from a select vessel of choicest liquor, and to send it round by her own favourite maid-in-waiting to the chief gentlemen of the company, to be sent round again by them to a certain number (which was, I believe, four) in their immediate vicinity, so that everyone of those invited should in turn Vll enjoy the distinction of participating in this gra- cious favour. On the present occasion the lady Grainne did the honours of her royal father's court, and sent round her favourite cup accord- ingly, until all had drank from it, Oisin and Diarmaid O'Duibhne alone excepted. " Scarcely had the company uttered their praises of their liquor and their profound acknowledg- ments to the princess than they all, almost simul- taneously, fell into a heavy sleep. " The liquor was, of course, drugged for this purpose, and no sooner had Grainne perceived the full success of her scheme than she went and sat by the side of Oisin and Diarmaid, and, addressing the former, complained to him of the folly of his father Finn in expecting that a maiden of her youth, beauty, and celebrity could ever consent to become the wife of so old and war-worn a man ; that if Oisin himself were to seek her hand she should gladly accept him ; but since that could not now be, that she had no chance of escaping the evil which her father's temerity had brought upon her but by flight, and as Oisin could not dis- honour his father by being her partner in such a proceeding, she conjured Diarmaid by his manli- ness and by his vows of chivalry to take her away, to make her his wife, and thus to save her from a fate to which she preferred even death itself. Vlll "After much persuasion (for the consequences of so grievous an offence to his leader must neces- sarily be serious), Diarmaid consented to the elope- ment. " The parties took a hasty leave of Oisin, and, as the royal palace was not very strictly guarded on such an occasion, Grainne found little difficulty in escaping the vigilance of her attendants and gain- ing the open country with her companion. "When the monarch and Finn awoke from their trance their rage was boundless ; both of them vowed vengeance against the unhappy delinquents, and Finn immediately set out from Tara in pursuit of them. " He sent parties of his swiftest and best men to all parts of the country ; but Diarmaid was such a favourite with his brethren in arms, and the peculiar circumstances of the elopement invested it with so much sympathy on the part of those young heroes, that they never could discover the retreat of the offenders, except when Finn himself happened to be of the party that immediately pursued them, and then they were sure to make their escape by some wonderful stratagem or feat of agility on the part of Diarmaid." This, then, was the celebrated pursuit of Diar- maid and Grainne. It extended all over Erinn, and in the description of the progress of it a great amount of curious information on topography, the IX natural productions of various localities, social manners, and more ancient tales and supersti- tions, is introduced. The flight of Diarmaid and Grainni is men- tioned in several of our ancient manuscripts, and the popular traditions throughout the country point to those ancient monuments, vulgarly called cromlechs, as their resting and hiding-places, many of which are still commonly though, of course, without reason called Leabthacha Dhiarmada is Ghrainne, or the beds of Diarmaid and Grainne. It was intended at first to publish the Irish text only, and thus simply to provide Irish literature for advanced students; but when the text was printed it was then considered also desirable to print the translation which accom- panied it. Before, however, taking this step the question arose as to whether it would be legiti' mate for the Council to republish from the trans- actions of another Society the work of one of its authors, who was happily still living. In any case, it would be ungracious to reprint the work without informing the author and obtaining his permission. To do this led to great delay, and time had already been lost owing to other cir- cumstances. It is true the Society might have supplied another translation or paraphrase, and thereby have avoided mentioning the name of the original author and editor from the beginning to the end of the work ; but this course would be neither right nor honourable. Nor would the fact of supplying a literal translation be a sufficient excuse, as the valuable translation of Standish H. O'Grady has been so well done that, whilst it is sufficiently literal for the class of students qualified to read it, yet it affords pleasurable interest to the general reader. After some consideration, Professor O'Looney was instructed to communicate with Mr. O'Grady, who, in the kindest manner possible, gave his con- sent, and wrote as follows : " October, 1879. " Yours of the 22nd instant reached me here this morning. I am truly sorry that you had to wait so long for an answer to your first letter. . It was, therefore, a very long time after date that your letter found me out. The above is my per- manent address. With regard to ' Diarmuid and Grainne,' I have no rights of any kind in regard to my edition of that tale, so far as I know. But, even if I had, I would cheerfully waive them in favour of your Society, of whose objects I cordially approve, and would make them a present of my humble performance. " He also agreed to read the proof-sheets. The proof-sheets were accordingly given to him, but, owing to his absence from home or some other XI cause, there was great delay in returning them. As there was a pressing need for the book, and as so much time had been already lost in issuing the work, the Council, at a meeting held on Tuesday, the 2nd March, 1880, passed the following reso- lution : " That the full authority of this Council be given to Mr. O'Looney to put the tale of the pur- suit of Diarmaid and Grainne finally through the press." Professor O'Looney was especially selected to see it through the press, as he was formerly a member of the Ossianic Society and a contributor to its publications ; amongst the rest he was the original translator and editor of the Laoi6 Oipfn aip Gip na n-Oj (The Lay of Oisin in the Land of the Young), which he contributed to the fourth volume of the Ossianic Society in 1859. The portion of Diarmaid and Grainne now pub- lished consists of the first half of the original work (or Part I.), and numbers altogether 174 pages; it will be found a valuable aid to learners of the Irish language. The Council purpose publishing the remaining portion of the work. The text, translation, and notes are the work of Mr. O'Grady ; whilst the copious vocabulary and other matter contained in the appendix, &c., have been added by the Society. A RGUMENT. 1. Finn's early rising ; its causa. Oisin and Dlorruing bind themselves to ask Graiune to become Fionn'i wife. Her qualities. 2. Oisin and Diorruing proceed to Tara. Cormac receives and wel- comes the. 3. Interview of Oisin and Diorruing with Cormac and Grainno. 4. Oisin and Diorruing return to Almhuin. Banquet at Tara. Tho guests. 5. Daire names and describes the guests to Grainne. 6. Grainne gires a draught to Fionn, Cormac, and others. A deep sleep comes upon them. 7. Grainne offers herself in marriage to Oisin. Refused. She puts Diarmuid under " bonds" to fore* him to elope with her. 8. Diarmuid remonstrates. Grainne says she had cause. 9. Which she proceeds to relate. 10. Diarmuid offers an excuse for not leaving Tara with her. Excuse not taken. 11. Grainne leaves Tara ; Diarmuid is advised by his friends to go with hor. 12. Diarmuid bids farewell to hii friends. His reluctance to go with Grainne. 13. They proceed by chariot to Athlone. 14. They cross the Shannon and go on foot to Doire dha bhoth. 15. Fionn and his trackers pursue Diarmuid and Grainne. 10. A hound is sent by Oisin to warn Diarmuid of approaching danger. 17. Three warning shouts to Diarmuid. 18. The Trackers find Diarmuid and Grainne in Doire. 19. Oisin and Oscar try to dissuade Fionn from going to Doire. 20. Escape of Grainne 21. She goes with Aongus to Limerick. 22. Diarmuid, from the inside, inquires at each of the seven doors of the fort, which battalion guards each of tt seren doors. With a light, airy bound he passes over the door guarded by Fionn and his Fenians beyond their rank*. Ht escapes. 23. He rejoins Grainne and Aongus. Aongus' six advice* to Diarmuid. Muadhan, a warrior youth, offers his services to Diarmuid and Grainne. Accepted. His first service with hair, hook, and rod. 24. From a height Diarmuid sees a large, swift, fearful fleet of ships making for kind towards the spot where he stands. Nine times nine of the chieftains come ashore. 25. Diarmuid learns from them that they are in pursuit of himself. He is unknown to them. Their three poisonous hounds. They number twenty hundreds of men. Diarmuid evades their questions about himself. 26. By a rute in a challenge trial of skill he kills fifty of their men. 27. Again he evades then questions. 28. He manages to kill fifty more of their men. 29. Diarmuid returns in the evening to Grainno. Huadhan keeps watch XVI all night. 30. Diarmuid challenges the strangers to a third feat, and thus manages to kill a third fifty. 31. Returns to Grainne. Muadhan keeps watch. 32. Diarmuid goes out in battle suit, taking his two fearful javelins with him. Orainne's dread at this sight. Goes out alone to do battle with the Green Fenians. 33. He meets them. They inquire of him about Diarmuid. Diarmuid makes himself known to them. They encounter in bloody battle. Diarmuid's swift valour. He hews them down in every direction. Only the three green chiefs and a very few of the men escape to their ships. 34. Diarmuiii returns from the conflict without cut or wound. 35. Diannnid ch;il lenges to single combat one of the three chieftains. In their mutua onslaught they are compared to two raging lions, two fearless hawks &c. 3fl. They wrestle. Diarmuid hurls the chieftain to the earth t> which he bi-ids him firm and fast. He encounters, overcomes, am binds the other two in like manner, and leaves them there in heavy grief. 37. He returns to Graiime. Muadhan keeps watch all night. 38. Diarmuid tells his exploits to Graiane. 39. They depart thence through fear of Fionn. They reach Slaibh Luachraand take rest by the brink of a stream. 40. A fruitless attempt is made to loose the bonds of the three chieftains. 41. Deirdre (Fionn's female messenger), with the speed of a swallow, approaches the Strangers. Discovers that it was Diarmuid who bound their chieftains. Advises to loose the poisonous hounds on his track. 42. Hounds Jet loose. The pursuit. 43. The youth with the gren man tie. Diarmuid arms himself. 44. Muadhan's mysterious whelp-hound kills one of the poisonous hounds. 45. Diar- muid kills the second hound with his Ga-dearg. 46. He kills the third by dashing it agaimst a rock. Kills the youth of the green mantis. Tarns on bis pursuers. Deirdre alone escapes the general slaughter. 47. Fionn summons all the Fenians of Erin. They go to where the chieftains are bound. TJo ono will loose the chieftains for Fionn. They die there. Description of their graves. Fionn's grief. 43. Deirdre tells Fionn of the slaughter of the Strangers. She cannot tell whither went Diarmuid; so Fionn and the Fenians return to Alrnhuin. 49. Diarmuid and Grainne rturn to Limerick. Muadhan leaves then;. 50. Con- tinuation of their wandering. Compact between Diarmuid and Searb- han. 51. Fionn and the Tuatha De Danaan warrior youths. Oisin's good advice to the youths. 52. Dispute between Aoifne and Aine. A goaling match. (3. Names of those engaged in the match. 51. Lasts three days. No goal won. Wonderful effects of the brry of a quicken- tree. 55. A giant youth of one eye guards the tree. ASUS cent) noinn. i. /An-^nn "o'&p eipij ponn moc & n-Atniuin JA-TI og^c we>. "oo te^n t)i|" t>A Thtnnci|i e .1. Oipn m&c "phmn A^tif 'OioiAp^mg tn^c *Oho- bM|t tJi bb^oTp^ne; -po t&b.Mp Oipn if e |AO -pAit) ; " Cpeut) a/ob&n n pn o^c, A "ptnnn ?" A^ -pe. " Hi be&n j^-n b^-inceite 6 "o'etij mjion g^^r^ 1 * 5tunt)ib tine tnii6if\ne ; oip ni oo oeun^ni t>cm ce A 6ion5TT)t& ^150, ^5f if e pr> ^ob^'p mo thoiceipje fein, o. Oifin/' " C|AeuD -oo beip i pn i" AJI Oipn ; " oin ni pjit beAn mA bAinceile A n-6ininn lAC^lAif oileAnAij AJA ^ 5-cuittjreAp* nmn -oo pofj inA -oo PAX>- Ainc, nAC -o-ciubpATnAOipie AN Aif no ^ cug&t) i." Agu]" 6-nn pn t>o A^U^ if e |io p^it) : "-oo pnn jrem t>o X)ion5TriAit, t>o b&mceite h-i fein ?" ^p ponn. " ACA 5 ChopmMC nnc AIJAC true Chuinn ceut)- }A *Oio|A]AA.in5, " .1. ^n "be&n if oe^tb ^juf x>eun&iri ^juf u x>o tTin^ib n& cpumne 50 c6itrnonilip Choptn^c me p3in ne cw>.n -oVinipn, ^juf niop niop rii^ip3^c bom 50 -o-ciubiA opm, A>5Uf -oo b'freA]i|A bom 50 c&'D pbp3 6-p^on ^5 i&pn&To cle^mnAif Chopm^c -o^m ; oin t)o b'^upN tiom eup-f U1 ^ cd-inbe -oumn ^nn, &5Uf nn pn p pn nompA, Aguf -oo ciomnA-OAn t)' fhionn ; A5Uf tii h-Aicnip36Ap A n-imceACC 3 no 50 nAn^AtjAn UeAtriAin. eAnn A n-t>Ait AonAij; &5Uf oineACCAif nom- pA An f*Aitce nA UeAtrinAC, A^U^ mAice A triumcine mA| Aon |rnif, poncAom pyitce noirii Oipn n |\ pn -DA lonnpMJi-o. A pn -oo joifi Oipn pj 6ipe^nn -oo o mnif t>o t)on co]\ pn. T)o l^bAip CopmAC AJU^ if e po " ni put m&c |\15 mxs ^O^LACA t) A n-Gt]\inn nAp 115 cocmAipe O^CA, AJU^ 1|* opm^A ACA A pn AJ CAC 50 ccncceArm, AJU^ ni pof f^eut -oib^e no 50 m-bei|Acit) pb pein *oo tACAin m' mjine ; 61^1 I'p ^eApp A fjeutA -pem A^uib mA pbfe oo beic t)iom- OAC xriom." 3. *Oo jlviAifeAt>A^ nompA IAN pn 50 ^A-OAn 5]AiAnAn nA bAnncnAccA, ConmAc A-p coLbA nA h-ionroA-o A b--pocAin S"^^ 11111 if e no nAit) : " A^ pn, A 5h|\Ainne," AJI fe, "tDif t)o rilAC CtlUtTlAlIt A C6ACC lOOt) mAn ThnAOi A^uf THAN bAinceiLe x>o, cneuT> An j^eA5ttAX> TOO b' if e |o ]AAit) : tins CA t>o oiofxs t)o qieu-o Af ri/sc m-bnyo tno oiotf ^ o'f ^ceite ^nn ?" tlo bAt)^ UAH pn, Agu]" po OAilxeA'6 1A|V pn |reupoA t)6ib An oi-oce pn f ATI A b-fOCA1| 50 mbAt> oo |MJtie CopniAC ionAD comne ponn coit>ciof on oioce pn A -o- 4. Ab-Aicle pn I^Ainj CA|\ A n-Aif 50 h-Atrhum A j-cionn "Clnnn A^tif nA emne, t>6ib A f^eutA 6 cuif 50 -oeifieAt). cei-o CAiceAth Ann ^AC nit), t>o An j-CAintie Aimp]ie pn ; Ann pn no ctnn "P 1oriri cionol A^UT; ciom- pijjA-o An feAcc 5-CACAib nA A|\ gAC Aint) A nAbAt)A|1, AJU A j\Aib ponn A n-A1riiuin rhoint A^uf An IA -oei^eAnAC -oon pn -oo TJluAifeAtDAn nompA mA monbui-oeAn- ni h-Ai- A n-irnceAccA no 50 nAn^A-cAp 50 s. tlo CA-plA ConmAC Ajtif niAice rnontiAifle b-yeAft n-hneAnn mA c ciolt AH 'b-'peinn uite, ^juf t>o cuA.-o-OA-p a. h- pn 50 ce^c meix>jAe&c mio-octi^cd. ^n Tlo fui-6 ^15 6i]Ae^nn A n-t)Ail oil A-oibne^'pA., A-juf A toe&n cli .1. 6icce mjion ACAITI Cho|\c^ije, pn tn&c ceux>nA, A^UI" Oipn rn^c "pbmn eile ; Aguf t)o fnii-6 JAC AOII oiob tDo neip A UAifle Aguf A ACA^I-OA 6 fom Am AC. 5. t)o ftn-6 -OJ1A01 Ajuf -oeAJ^ume eotAc Ann -oo thumcijA phmn A "b-pA-onuipe 5"jAAirme mjion ChojAtnAic, .1. 'DAipe -ouAnAC TTIAC nion ciAn j;uf\ eini lotn-A^AlniA 1-oin e Ann pn -o'einij t)Aine x>uAnAC TTIAC THonnA mA feAfAiii A b-pAt>nAife ^nnAinne, Agu]' -oo ^Ab TJH^OA ^5tif x>neuc- CA 6-511]' t)eA5-OAncA A peAn Aguf A n >DO |\o pd-piuit; x>on t>fid.oi, " cneut) no d.n cupuf ps t>-Cd.im5 ionn md.c Chum- d.itt t>on bd.ite p) d.nocc?" " THunA b pn ^5^t)f^," A|i 6>n t)|A6.oi, "ni li-i mn^oi ^5Uf m^|A "b^inceile CAimg ponn -oon "bMte |*o &nocc." " 1f mop ^n c-ion^na. ^p Jl^^ 111110 * "ti^c t>'Oipn i^|\Af mi^e, dip but) cop& ^ niACf^ niA.it, oo pn, d.p cu ni p3in |\ioc, 0.5111* ni mo tAmpxt) Oipn beic l\ioc." " 1nm|* t)d.m d.noif," d.p ^l 1 ^ 1 " 116 ' " ad. d.n td.oc e pjtj d.|i 5Ud.td.inn -oeif Oipn mic |?binn ?" " ACA d.nn pjt)," d.n d.n " .1. 5^ "ied.n mited.t)Cd. md.c d.n td.oc ut) d.p jud.td.inn 5 n " Op^un md.c Oipn," Cid. d.n p?d.n cd.otcopi.c td.mn O|*5d.ip ?" d.p ^T 1 ^ 111116 - "Cd.oitce md.c tlond.m," d. d.n t)ttd.oi. " Cid. d.n td.oc mon- i6d.td.c med.p-med.nmnd.c e pjt) d.n jud.td.inn Chd.oitcer" d.n *-' 11116 ' "1Tld.c lAitfieuccAij, .1. AC inline t>'"phionn TTIAC ChuniAiU, An feAn ut>," An An -onAoi. "CIA ATI fe&N bAU,AC bmnbniAcnAc ut>," An p, " An A b-jrtnt, An yotc CAJ* ciAnxmb t)A jnUAt) CO^CpA CAO]At)eA^5A Aft Oipn thic "phmn ?" " t)iA|Amui i o -oeu-obAn oneAc fotuif 11 A "Ouibne An feAj\ ut)," A|t An "OpAoi, " .1. An c-Aon teAnAn bAn AJU^ mgion i^ peA|in t)A b-put f An looTriAn 50 coinnotn- tAn." " CIA pj-o AN gUAtAinn 'OhiAfATnu'OA?" A^ Jt^^ 111116 - '"Oionptunj mAc *OobAin t)Ani- Ait> tli bViAOifjne, Aguf if -OUAOI A^iif -oeAJ- t)uine eAt,Ax>An An feAn t)," An T)Aij\e 6. "tTlAit: An buit>eAn pn Ann," x>o join A cothAt coitiroeACCA cuice, A tDubAinc niA An conn c1oc-6nt)A curirotn^ce -oo bi fAn njniAnAn t)A h-eif oo CAbAinc cuice. Utij An coniAl An conn tei, Ajufoo Lion 5^^ iririe & n conn A g-ceut)- oin, (^gtif -oo cenoeAt) 6t nAoi nAonbAn Ann). A -oubAinc Jl 1 ^ 111116 * " ^^in leAC An conn |"o -o'^lnonn An t-cui leif -oeoc -o'ol Af, A^tif nocc t>o gun t)o cuin cuije e." *Oo ^115 An coiiiAt ATI conn -o'lonn^Aigi-o "phmn Aj;uf -o'lnnif x>o nix> A. t>ubAinc g^^ 111116 nil6k 'ib -oeoc ni cthfje t>'ib ATI 0600 in- n^ A.i|i, ^511^ -oo jl&c eicce be^n Cho|\in^ic ^n corin ^50^ ibe^r- -oeoc ^r 1 , ^^uf t>o cuic An r"UAn ceutmA uir*|\e AriiAit CAC. Ann pn t)o goin 5t^ 1t1T1e ^^ coTriAt coitiroeACCA cuice, Ajtir- A -oubAinc niA : "t)ein ICAC AH corm fo 50 CAi|ib|ie l-i]:eACAip TTIAC A^ur- AbAin teir- -oeoc -o'ot A^, Agi An conn -oo nA mACAib ruoj ut) mA f-ocAin.'" t)o pug An cotriAt An copn 50 CAipbjie, Ajur 1 ni niAic t)o riAim^ teir 1 A CAbAipc -oon ce J:A x>o An CAn to cuic A coinam -piiAin -pop coo A!C A Ain yem, Ajur- JAC n-Aon TO An jtAC An conn A n-oiAij A ceite, -oo cuic- eAt)An mA t)-coincim pJAin Ajuf fionco- 7. An CAOI meif^e A^ur- tneApbAit ; no einij yem 50 |:oit jroipoionAc AT- An pjit>e mA nAib A^ur* |io it)ip Oipn A^ur* "OhiAnmuTO ODhuibne, no tAbAin ne h-Oipn A^uf if e no : "if ion^nA born ):ein 6 "phionn triAc ChurhAil-t tno teiceit>^e o'lAnnATo oo ]rein niAn i, oin buo conA t>o mo thACfAniAit jrein t)o CAAipc -DAmp* mAn -eAn niA foinbce mA m'ACAip." " HA h-AbAin pn, & 5tinAinne," An Oipn, " oin t>A 5-c1tnnp?At> pionn cup}. t>A fiAX) pn ni "bi^-t) fe ]rem JAIOC, m mo teoTti^inn^e beic |tioc." " An -pui^ge UA-im^e, A Oipn ?" A|t Hi jeuto&x)," ^p Oipn, " oin 511) be be A.n t>o luA-o^i-oe ne "fionn ni bemnp? pn, AJU^ -oo JAAD : " An je t)Aim|'e, A mic Hi T)huibne, nAC ngeubAt) Oipn u Aim e." " Hi jeubAt)," t>o ttAt> X)iAnmuix), "oip 51-6 be beAn ]ie h-Oipn niop cuibe tiompN A beic QA m-bAt) nAC tuAX>|:Ai'6e |\e pionn i." "tnAi-peA-6," A-p SpA 111116 * " cuinimp^ fA jeAf- Aib ACA Aguf ATOiinttce cu A *OhiAnTnuit) .1. f A jeA^Aib -opomA T)]tAoix)eACCA tnunA m-bein- 1]\ me ):ein teAC Af An ceA^tAc pD Anocc pit ei^eocu^ ponn Agu^ ^15 Ginionn A^ An mA b-pjilpoc." 8 "1^ otc nA geAfA, t)o cinnif O]AITI An T)iAnmuit>, " A$uf cneut) nA geAfA ux) onm fem p?AC A b-pnt iog A$uf noplAC At)-ceAC meit>- miot>cuAttCA An -pig Anocc, A^uf nAC b-pnl -oiobp^n uite lonnmume mnA if mcApi, 10 me p.ein ?" " T)Ap, -oo t,Aimp A mic tli t)huibne ni ^An AX>bAtt -oo GuineA-p yem nA geAps tit) oj\c niA-p mneopAt) -ouic Anoip." 9. " I/A n/x |\o eijnj iomAin comop- CliAifVbpe Li]:eACAip ITIAC TTIAC l^U1jt>eAC, AJU-p j\ Ajup CheAjMiA, AJU]" cot,AtrmA nA UeAtiipAc AJA CAoto ChAi]Ab)ie, ^i^eAnn AJA CAob nuc "Luij-oeAc, ni |AAi"b iriA ptii'oe -pAn AOTIAC ATI IA pn ACC ATI |MJ AJUp Pont! AJU^ CUfA, A T)Vl1 A|MTIU1t). AH iomAin AJ out AJA TTIAC A CATTI An -oon ce |:A neAf A -ouic, A5f |o lei PA IAJA ^5f lAncAtAni e, A^up t>o iomAin A^up j\o cui|Aip An bAi^ve C]AI h-u Aine 5^-fpA n A UeAthnAc. TDo An uAin pn Am 5|A1 An An ^tAn- f AX>ApcAC joiim-f-uinneojAc jlome t>o i o feu- CAin, A^up |AO cuipeAf |mn mo fopj Ajuf mo ionnAt>pA An IA pn, AJU^ ni cu^Af 5p-At) pn "o'AomneAC oite 6 foin Ate, ni ctubAn 50 b^omn An b^ACA." 10. "1f iongnA -ouicpe An gpAX) pn -oo CA- II ce6.nn tnuit>, " &5tif n&c b-finl A mo lonnmume mnA m& e; 6.5^ 6.n b-pnt n oi-oce pn linne AH b&ile o'-AbAil ?" " oopuf eutinjce 6.m&c oopuf .-6, cttnmm^e," 50 5 &c CA>icttiited.t T)0 cpA-nn^ib A 5-0^^01^66.6 C&JA no pn me. II. T)O r>o 6 ^ -oubAiiAC : " A Oipn mic "phmn, cpeut) t>o ge&f&ib ux> "oo ?" "Hi cionncd-c cu]"6. -pif HA x>o cui^eAt) ope," 6>p Oi-pin ; '* A^uf te&c Jt 1 ^ 10 " 6 "oo te6.nd.niA.in, Ajur- coimeut> cu fein 50 m6.ic 6.p ce6.l56.ib phmn." "A O^jMrt mic Oipn, cpeut) if m6.ic t^mfa. t)o x>eun6.m 6.^ n^ 5e6.r-6.ib ut> x>o cuipeAt* or*m ?" 12 t>o Cfieu-o &n com&inte beinip &|A "Oi&pmwo. "A T)ei A|A C^oitce, "50 b-pnt mo t)ion5iTiAit oo nin^oi Ag^mfAv, ^0 -oo b'eAi bom C|\tnnne 5 1 " 5 "o-tiocjr&it) to bAf t)e, ^juf 1^ otc e." "An i pjt> b^ j-com^ipt . "1|*i," &p Oipn, 12. CA.p^'o tA>oct>A -oo ciom&m ce^t) ^5^]" -oo m^ici n^ nio|\ mo m6nA>t)An mincopcjA^ t>o. *Oo t)o >'ei|ii5 -oo Mceu-ocptnm O^Aipt) eun-6.mA.it )/s bonn ton \. Ann pn t>o t^b '3 A t>ubAinc : " 'Com Aicne, 6. Ainne," An -pe " if olc AH cunuj* mA ; oip t)o b'f eAnn t>uic ponn TTIAC tttAn le^n^n t)'6i|iirin in& m-beu^p^tj cu ^noi-p, A^U^ pU, x)on b^ite, A-jup ni 50 te^c 50 me." 13. ) p^ I^|A pn, A^tif ni -oe^cAt)^ CAJA niile on m-b&ite ATTIAC ^r c^n A -oub&ijic 5|^^ iri11 " ACAitn |:ein "corn COJA, A rinc Hi T)huibne." " If TT1A1C AH CjAAC COjACA, A *OiA|\muit), " A>5Uf pit Atioif An TDO if, oin t>o bei]\un c t>-ciubAnf A lotncAn t)uic fem mA t)'Aon oile 50 bnuinn An bnACA." " tli mAn pn if coin'omcfe-oeunAiti," An 5t^Ainne, " oin ACA1T) eAcnA-6 n^ACAp Ap f eungonc ^AbtA teo fem, A^uf cAnbAit) ACO; A^uf pttfe An A 5-ceAnn A5Uf cuin cAnbA-o An T>A BAC t>iob, A^uf f Anf At)f A teAC An An lACAin fo no 50 m.beinin onm Anif." 'O'ptt t)iAnmui-o A Aif Ap An eAcpAt), A^U]- po d- t>A CAC t)iob, A^Uf "DO CtMp An CApbAt) OpCA, AJUf t)O CUATO pem A5up5t^ irine f^ 11 5-CApbAX>, ni h-A>ic|Aifce^|A A n-itnce>\ccA no 50 14. A^u^ -oo t&b&iji "Oi^nmtn'o 1e Ap beic f& n^. h-eic A.JA An t,AC&in fo, AJVJ^ -oo conicoipjje&cc tauic feApOA." T)o *OiAnmuix> An bnuAc An ACA, A$uf -oo eAC teif CAttf An AC Anonn, A Ap 5 AC CAob t)On C-'pAUC 1AT>, AgU^ TOO jrem Agup 5l AAinrie niite nif An t)O CUAt)t)Ap A T)-Cin t)O leAC CAOlb ChonnAcc. Hi h-AicnifceAn A n-im- no 50 nAn^A-OAn *Ooi|\e X)A boc (A omnetliocAin'o) A^U^ t)o cuAt>- t>oine, A^uf t>o jeAp An t>oine mA citnciolt, AJU^ *oo n-tDoin^e feA^A Aip, ^5^^ no coptnj teAbAt> oo bo^-tuACAin ATjuf x)o bA|Ap beice fA A ^-ceApc-lAn An -ooine pn. 15. lomcups. "pVimn nuc ChuriiAitt -oo bef, 6|* Apt). *O'eipi5 A pAib A o- c A moc-UAit nA niATone A n-A 15 t>'uineAfbA oricA, a-suf t>o jjAb -ooj^t) CU-OA A^uf Anbpvmne "pionn. *Oo piAin A tori^Ai- ru'oe rioirhe AJI An b-fAicce .1. ct6>nnA> tle^m- uin, d>5f o'fu^5eA.t> niop b-feit)in teo A-n topg -oo "brieic CA.rf ATI AC Anonn, ^uri cu^ "fionn A "bpiACA^ munA peolpA-oAoir- An tonj 50 IUAC 50 5 1At) At JAC CAOb X>0n AC. 1 6. Ann pn -oo JAbAt)Ap ctAnnA A ll-AJJAlt) An C-pAOCA fUAf, AJUf pJA|AAt>A|t 6AC At 5 AC CAob -OOn C-pAUC ; A5Uf t)0 mile ^if An fnuc pA]i, An torij Ag -out A -o-cin t>o 06151-6 ChonnAcc, A^uf -oo leAn "F 1Arir1 ^ ^ipeAnn IAX>. Ann pn tx> ponn, A^ur- if e no riAit> : " If mAic ACA A por- A^Atnr-A CA b-pJijr;eA|i 'OiAnmuit) ^5 u r 5T^ irme Anoir- .1. A n-IDoine -DA boc." T)o bi Oipn A^ur- Or-CAt A^ur- CAOilce T)iorintiin5 ITIAC t)obAiri tJAthAi-o Hi bri ne AJ eipoeAcc ne fionn A^ rtAt) nA m-briei- qieAt> pn, A^ur- -oo lAbAin Oipn, A^ur- if e no jtAro: "1f bAogAl x>uinn 50 b-pjil i6 tnui-o t>uinn f\6.&t> ei^m t)o cup CA b-piil fofiMi .1. cu phmn thic ChutiiMU. 50 5-cuinpmif ctnje i, dip ni h-d.nnfA tei " pem ITIA tei t>ut te jAAbAt) 50 t>A "boc :" pn le bp&n. "Oo cuij bpnr> A n-ucc *Olii&|AmuT>& ^^ti^ e in^> co-oL^. 17. TOotftod < Ot&jMnurb Af ^ co-ot^ ^.n c&n pn, ^guf t>o x>uip5 S] 1 ^ 1 " 116 &y &n 5- ceuon^, ^5f A -oub^ipc pA, ; " A5 pn .1. cu "pVimn tine ChutriAitt, ^5 ce6.cc te bd-t) cu^^mne poini flnonn jrein." " MI lAA-b^t) pn," A.|I ^|AAinne, " ^guf ceic. "Hi ^eubd-t)," &fi 'OiA^muit), " OIJA ni tiom U6.ii tio b 6 HAC pn x>o mcij t)|A6.n U6-CA. Ann pn -oo Oipn m&c phmn A-^U^ ^ X)ub6.i|\c : "1f pJA.i|\t)nA.n ]?Aitl muirm pAtoAt) eixpn oite x>o cup ctnje; peuc CA b-pnl peApjoip, coipt>e CViAOitce." " ACA AjAirif A," Ap CAOiLce. Ajuf if Atii- IATO -oo bi An ^6^^561^ pn, 5^0 n-ioiongn^t) t>o ctumci-oe if n/s cpi ceut) k neA-^ t)o e. Ann n T)o cpi ^^oix) -oo ei^e^-n A-p cop 50 e. T muit) "eA-poip, Ajup "oo -ouip A cot)l/A, Agu-p if e po PATO : " *Oo coipt)e CVi^oitce mic TlonAin, ^5-p if ^ Ch^oitce AC A -pe, ^gti'p 1^ A "b- "plnnn ACA CAOitce, AJU^ 1-p p OACUp cujAmfApoini fhionn." " f A An pA'bA-o pn," Ap 5r^ iriT1e - " Hi 5 e - "bAt)," Ap *OiAptnuit), "oip ni ^uijjreAtn An ooipe -po 50 m-beipit) "Pionn GipeAnn opptunn," ft-Jtip -oo Ajup imeA^tA mop ^T*^ 111116 pn -01." 1 8. T)AlA'pJiinn, < oo'bep -p^eutA 6p Ap-o. tliop f^uip -oon top^AipeAcc no 50 pAimj "Ooipe DA boc, Agtif t)o cuip clAnnA nA h-CAtrinA A^ceAc t>o CAipoiott An TDOipe, &^uif t>o con- CA-OAp "OiAptnuit) A^up beAn mA f-ocAip. CAp A n-A1f Aplf ITIAp A pAlb CipeAnn AJUJ* w'p 2 iS Diob An pAib "OiApmui-o inA SpAinne *f 6 - n ooi|ie. "AcA 'OiApmui'o Ann," Ap pAt>, " A^up ACA beAn ei^m mA focAip, oip AIC- nijmit) tops TJlttA^wwrOA ^up ni Aicmj- "tl^-jl |AA.lt) TT16.1C "Ui "Ohuibne &\i A porm, " A-JU^ ni pji^px) -pe ^n r6 50 t>- rut) 19. "I Oipn, " A cui^pn 50 p tTiACAipe tTlhAeniTiuije x>o t>&in5e&n Ann ACC 'Ooine -OA boc, ti-A coiiiAip." " Hi ^eirtnt)e oibfe fin, A Oifin," An ponn, " Ajur- if TTIAIC o'Aicni^eA-pfA nA cni jtAoif) -oo tei^ 51 oil A CViAoitce Af, 5n pbr-e t>o cuin mAn ^ AbA-6 50 "OiAnmtn-o iAt>, A^ti-p jun pb "oo cuin mo cu fem .1. t)riAn te |AAbAt> oite ctnje ; ACC ni feinnt)e tnb Aon -jiAbAt) oiob fut) -oo cup oin ni pjijpt) -pe *Ooinex)A boc no 50 -pe ei|uc -OAm-pA Ann JAC mo -DA ti- < oeA|innA fe onm, Ajur" Ann JAC mAftAt) A -o-cug -pe -OAm." "If mop An -oicceitte , A "phmn," Ap OpgAp mAC Oipin, " A 50 b-fAnfAt) 'OiApmui'o Ap tAp An tiiACAipe -po, A^uf cur-A f A comAip A cinn -oo 19 t>e." " Ctteut) 01 te oo seAttp An pn, Ajtif 'oo TMjjne cluctriAn x)e, A^u-p feAcc x>1ucA CAotcumAn^A Aij\ ? A^uf CIA d. 'Ohi^mm'o, AJA "b-fuit 6-n pjMnne, mi-pe no CAitrrpe ^511^ 5t^ irine ^nn -po." Ann pn ^ t>u'b.Mttc )?ionn le " ce^cc cimcioll > Ohi^mux) oo fem. tlo einij 'Oi^mtnx) m/s i6.n pn, &5u-p cug cni po^^ *oo "b-p^-onuipe "pbmn &5Uf nA. "pemne, 005*06 eut)A. Ajuf ^nb^mne "fionn f-Aicpn pn t)o, A^tif A -ouliuMfic 50 t)- 'OiA|ATnui > o A ce&nn ^n -pon n^ b-poj pn. 20. "OAl/A Aonjwp^ &n Dh^oj^, .1. onoe ^05- xxs "Ui TDhuibne, t>o jroiU,- t) x>o xsnnp ^n m-bnuj op bomn ATI A iDAtcA, .1. 'Oi&|\mtn < o, An pn ; AJUT* |io jtiiAiT' A g-coinroeAcc TIA 5AOice jlxAn-piAitAe Aju-p ni corhntnt>e -oo nijne 50 -pAimj *Ooir\e t)A boc. Ann pn t>o CUATO -pe ^An pop o''hionn mA "o' 8ir\eAnn juf An ionAt> mA T^Aib 116 ) ^5 u r beAnnACAT* "oo if e A t>ubMur. : " Cneux) i An 2O coriiAij\le -po -DO -pi^nif, A mic tJi "Ohtnbne ? n A," An T)iA]imui'o, "11151011 nij Gi-peAnn ^At) tiotn 6n-A h-ACAin A^up of ni t>om t)eoin CAini^ p bom." " t>uine Ajuib -pA 5^0 beinn -oom -oo fiAit> AOTI^UI", " AJUJ' beujipAiof A bom pb /s-p A,II AIC pn A b-piitci jA-n pop "oo 'o, " ACC ni p.Acp^'Of^ te^c 50 riA bimpe ^m be^c^it) x>o cu, &5tif mtin^ m-biAt), cum & h-&c&tt ^5 u r "oeun^t) fe otc no m^ic t>i." 21. Ah-&icle pn x>o cuin Aon^u-p 5p^i^tie pA bemn A bnuic, jup jLu^if noime j^n pof t>'"phionn m^ -o'^hi^nn^ib Oi|ie^nn, <&>5Uf ni fgeul onpcA 50 ftAntj&'o&jt tlof t)A if A ^AToceAn t/uimneAc An CMI |*o. 22. T)AlA'OhiAnmti'OA,Ann-imceAcc'o > Aon- juf Ajuf -oo 5nnAinne u Ait -o'ei^i^ in A colAiti- An x)ipeAc mA cinc-peAf Am, AJU^ -oo gAb A ^uf A ei-oeA-6 Agtif A iolf:AobAn tnme. -o'lonnpnj -oopuf -oonAfeAcc n-t6i|\- pb -peA-oA t)o bi An An nsAnjvoA, A5up no pAp nuij ci A -oo bi Ain. " Hi n AthA t>tnc Aon tume OA b-pjit Aip," Ap p AX), " dip ACA Ann f o Oipn 21 TTIAC Oipn, ce clAnn DViAOi-pjne triAtt Aon junn ; ^AbfA cu^Ainn AmAC, A^Uf ni lAnifAtt t>ic, OOCAJ\, mA oiojbAil t)o t)etinA>ni o|ic." "Hi cuj^ib," A|\ 'Oi^jitntn'o, "no 50 CIA An oopu^ &p , "b-pnl/ ponn -pe oo|\ti|' jre^'OA oile, j CIA t)o "bi MJA. "AcA CA- oitce tn^c Ch|A^nnA>CM]A tine Uon^m, tlon^m m^-p ^on |M-p; A.TTIAC, A-jwp "oo liietip^ni pnn fon." "Hi " oin ni Ponn o^^uibfe fA TTI.MC -oo -oeunA-ni fe t)0|AUf pe^'OA oite, ^ CIA. -oo "bi Ain. " ACA Con An mAC "phmn LiActuAC^A Ajuf nA 1TI6]i]AnA mA|i Aon |M^; Apjf 1|* nAinroe ^'phionn pnn, A^uf 1^ Ann^A tmn 50 mon cufA mA e; Ajti'p Ap An At)bAn pn cu^Ainn Am AC, A^tif ni tAiii^Ap btiAin " Hi jeobAt) 50 -oeninn," A|\ T)iA|imtiit), -oo b'f-eA^ te ponn bAf JAC n-t)uine A tnife t>o teipon Ap" 'O'lonn- pjij -pe -oo|itif feA-DA oite, A^uf -o'pAfpuij CIA t>o bi Aip. " CAJAA A^ti-p conTiceite x>tnc- fe ACA Ann, .1. ponn TTIAC ChuAt)Ain true 22 1Tlhuinine&r m^p. Aon JMV - t Aon ciji A^rif Aon CAtAtri -othnn jrem -ouicfe, A IDhiAttTnuTo. &Uf t)o t)o fon." "tli t " 6i|\ ni t)0 T)'ioniTpui j pe t)onu^ jre^'o^ oile. jitnj CIA T)O bi Aip. " ACA "UtLc^c m^|\ ^on juf ni o^c." i eo^t)]^ cu- ^ 1tlr1 "o beic |\ibfe &fi mo fon ]rein." Ho icmnftnj -oopuf reA>t)4> 01 le, 'P&FJAUIT; CIA -oo bi M|t. "tli ^on -ouine -OA b-yuil A.nn," -6-n ACA Ann po Aot> be^g on Aot> fA'OA on e^muin, A^U^ C&ol on e^niuin, A^uf 5 01fie ^ on 5^^ n 5ib-trieun&c on e^triuin, mjion 5 no ^ A1T1 jiUtrieupAij on pn, Ajuf CuA-OAn topgAi^e on e&Trnnn, Aj; if tucc -oicceAnA oncf A pnn ; AJU^ XJA njeob- cujAinn AITIAC t>o t>eunjrAmAoif cAijvoe trioc." " Olc An btn- t>eAn ACA ^nn," An "OiAnmuvo, "A Uicc nA bnei^e, Ajuf n A lonsAineAccA, A^ur nA le^c- bnoige ; &$uf ni h-e e^gl^ "b&n o^tn, ACC te neitricion ojintnl!) n^c ATTIAC." Ro lonnpii^ t>o]AUf fe&tus oite 'pA.fiAuij CIA t)o bi Ain. "Hi 6uic Aon -OA b-ftnt ^nn," &|t P^'OI " 61 1\ Ann -po ponn THAC ChuiriAitt nuc Ainc tine Uh|\eunni6in Hi foba-oif^ne, A^up ceicjte ceut) THAU Aon |Nf ; ^5 u f 1 f tucc t)icceAnA pnn, A^up t)A n^eobcA cugAinn AITIAC frmon ^ofgAilce t)ioc." "*Oo mo tojAiACAtt," An T)iA-pmuix), " gunAb 6 An "oontif tn^b-pul CU^A, A "phmn, An ceut) oonwf mA n^eobA'D^A An nA ooinpb." An n-A cl-o|" pn o''phionn o'fUAjAin *OA A b-pem A m-bAif AJU^ A m-buAineti^A 'OiA|\muit) t>o tegion CAnfA ^An pop t)6ib. An n-A ctof -pn -oo *OhiAnmui-o, no eini^ t)0 Aint> uineux>cnuim x>'u]AtAnnAib A -oo cpAnnAib A c]\AoipeAC Agup po CUATO imciAn CAn "plnonn Ajuf CAJ\ A niuincin ATTIAC ^An po|* ^An AiniuJAX> *66ib. Ro ^euc CAn A Aif onncA Ajup o'pUA^Ain t)6ib e pem -oo t>ul CAnp A, Agur no cuin A 24 A onortiA pin t>ine.c ; A^uf ni no toi 6.5 t)ut &f n&'o&nc "phm . Ann pn mA>p nA,c to-fe&c^ c^c ooine, ^juf no te^n ^n A Lon^ i^"o 50 oineA-c no 50 n^im^ Rof -OA jxnte&c. 23. 'pu^infeAon5u-p^5ti]"5t l ^ iririe Annj boc cUicni&n c^oTDfoltn-p inA'o-ciTncio'L'L, cemne/vo cne^cAnnioine A-n b-p&x>nuife, ^511^ te^c ctnnc An Ho beAnnui^ "OiAnmuTo t)6ib, beul 5^ in ^ iririe T* e ^CJAIJI noitii tnuTO. Ho mni|^ 'Oi&nmtnt) t)6ib A p^euL^ 6 cuif 50 oei^eA.t), AJU^ no c&iceA ionnp AIJTO ; 1> be Aic mA m-bntncpn t>o cum ^nn A CAicpn i ; A^up ^i-obe AIC 5-cAicpn, nAnAb Ann A tvn-opn ; Ajjuf Aic mA tui-6pn, nAnAb Ann ei]Aeo- CA1|\ AN n-A ITlAjlAC." Ho ClOlTlAin Agu]" ceiteAbjAAX) ooib, Agu^no ^UiAif A h-Aicle pn. Ann pn no JAb *OiAnmuTO e ^^ 1t ^ 'oeif |Aif An SionAinn no 50 NAnjA-OAji 5 An ^~^^ ^^ b-"piAnn, A jiAToceAtt LeATiiAn An CAn fo ; TDiA-pmuit) b-pAX)An An bnuAC nA Aine, A^U]" no cuin An bion DA bnuc e. Ann pn -po CUATO fem Ajuf ^T 1 ^ 111116 Anonn IDA CAiceAiri, mAn A u ; AJU^ Af pn no cuAWAn pAn t)o tlo einij 'OiAnrnxn-o A^ti- 50 moc An n-A TtiAnAC, Agiif no pAn JACA n--oineAc 50 nAn^AioAn bojAc JThmn-leice, A^tif CAnlA ojtAC onncA An An m-bo^AC, A^up bA ITIAIC e "oeAtb A^U]" t)etin- Aih An O^IAIC pn, ACC nAC nAib A -oiol x>'An- mAib mA -o'eweA-o Aije. Ann pn no beAn- 'OiAnmtnt) t>on o^l-Ac pn AJU]' -o'pAf- t>e. " OglAC ACA AJ iAnnAi-6 me," An fe, " A^up 1TluAt)An " Cneut) -oo -oeun|:Aip t)Am A 65- 26 IAIC?" An 'OiAnmint). " *Oo t>en eA.cn fAn 16, A^up f Aine f An oit>ce t>uic," AJV tTluAt>An. " A loeinimp? nioc fopo AH fin," An 5t^ irme " in -00 toi&ip -oo fion." Ann pn JAO CUIJA Ajtif ce^n^Ait 50 -out An A thum 50 An piuc Anonn iAt. '"Oo bu-6 rri6]A An pn," An 5t A ^ 1Tlrie ' ^ nri P n t 10 "OiAnmtut) t)o nu^ CAnf An fnuc Anonn IAXD. tlo jtuAifeA'OAn nompA pAn 50 nAnjA^An An bheic, Ajuf triAn nAn^AtDAn An piuc t)o nigne tTluA'OAn mAn An ^-ceu-onA niu, oo cuA'6'OAn A n-UAirii cAttriAn An CnunnAij cmn A-omtmo 6f aonn Uumne U6- ime, A^uf no coning TnuAt)An teAbA t>o "boj- t>o toAnn beice f A *OhiAnrnui > o A n-iAncAn nA JI-UAITIA pn. Ho cuAit) fem fAn b-pot)bA bA conii- neAfA t)o, Ajuf no b"Ain flAC nem CAoncAinn mnce, Ajiif no cuin nuAinne t)ubAn An An pUnc, Aju-p no cui]i cuibnn An An -oubAn, Ajuf no CUAI-O op cionn 2? An c-fttocA, A^uf cuj iAf5 -con builte fin fllf, tlo CUin ATI "OAttA CAOfl plAT*, A^Uf riO An -OAttA iAf5 ; A^ur- fio cuin An CAon -puAf Ajur 1 t* ^^t 1 ^ ^ . Tlo cturi An -oubAn A^tif An n-A cpicrp, Ajur" An c-ftAC if An b-pol-t, A CJAI eif5 riif mAri A |\Aib 'OiA-pmui'o A^tif ^t 1 ^ 111116 * A 5 u f I 10 ^^ Ari c-iAfj AJA beA^Aib. An CAn -pxs t>|\uicce e, A t>ubATpc ttluA-OAn ; "-oo bei|Aim nomn An A jiomn tnuit). "TTlAifeAt)," A|\ tnuA-oAn, "- rtomn An 61^5 -po ouicj'e, A leon bom CU^A t>A -pomn," t)A m-bAX) CU^A t)o rioinnpeAt) An , A T)ViiA]Amtnx)," An TnuAt>An, " x>o A An CUTO ):A rho "oo 5 n T*^ iriTle -oo eujApAX) An cuno pA ro : A^up op im-pe ACA X)A -pomn, biot> An C-IAT-J if mo AgA-or-A, A t)hiA-pmuit), Aguf An -DANA n-i if mo Ag 5T^ irme > ^5 u IUJA A^Am pem." tlo cAiceAt)Ar A ^- An omce pn, A^uf rio CUATO 'OiArimui'o -oo co-otAt) A n-iAfCA|\ nA Jne TTIu A-OAnpAi 28 t>6ib, gup eini5 An IA 50 n-A An n-A TTlAnAC. 24. Ho einij T)i Anmui-o 50 tnoc A^u-p no cuin mA pji-oe, A^ur A -cubAinc f>iA o t>eunATii A-p fon ttlhuA-OAiri, Aju-p 50 -pem t)o fiubAt riA cijte HIA cimciott. tlo ^luAI-p 'OlAjAmiU'O |\O1trie, A^tJ-p |IO CUA1X) A-p AjlT) tlA CtltcA fA riCAf A t)O, A^U^ |1O bl A peucAin HA j-ceic^e n-AjAt) IHA tTIA-p A t>1, fOIJl ^JU-p pA|l, bA C6A CtlATO. TIlOU C1AT1 t)O b"l Ann, 50 Ai|\t) AniA]i ^ACA n-TDi-peAC CAblAC mop A^U]" tom^eA'p lAnA-mtrieit, AJ ceAcc cum cijie, A^iif 1-p e eolup -oo jM t)A-p tntnncin An CAbtAijj AJ ceAcc A I:A bun An cnuic mA |iAib *OiA-pmuit>. 5At)An nAoi nAonbAin *oo niAicib An pn A o-ciji, Aju^p no gtuAi-p 'OiAnmui'o lAnnAit) f^eut onncA, ^juf no ooib, AJU^ no pA^AUij -p^eutA -oiob, CA cin n6 CAlATTI X)6lb. 25. "U-pi nigf-emm-oe TnA^A n-1occ pnne," " AJUJ" "fionn TTIAC ChuniAitt x>o cuin onnumn t)An n-iAnnAix>, .1. ^O^AC ^ur feAn 'oibpein^e ACA fro ceitc -DA n^oinceAn tDiAnmuit) O T)uibne; 1^ t>A co-ps pt 3 *3o CAngAtriAn t)on con 2 9 ACA1T) cn ccnnce nirne teigfeAm An A ton$ IAT>, A^uf if ^eAnn 50 b-pii5eAm A fjeutA ; ni toif^eAnn ceme, A5up ni "bAc^nn ui^ge, AJU]" ni fjeA.'pj^nn &\\m o|\|\c^ ; &5Uf ^CAm^oit) ^ein Uon pcce ceut) fe^|\ IAI-OI^ in^e^-omA, AjU'p if cent) 5^0 fe&ji AjAinn. -ouinn ci& cu fem, no AH to-j^it oo p^eutA.ib tine Hi "OhtnlDne ^.5^-0 ? ""Do conriA.]Ac ^nei e," AJA 'Onypmui'o, " ni put lonn^rn jrem ACC 5Ai|^it> pub ^t An -ooiiiAin ]\e tAit)|AeACC mo qiUAt)Af mo ct,oit)im ; X)Am^A nAC tAm AIIM^CC oo ceAnjiiiAit o^uib." "ITlAifeAt), ni f Aon -oume An fA^Ait Ann," A-p pAt)f An. " CA h-Ainm t)ib -pem?" An "OiAnmtnt). "*Oub- cofAc, ponn-co-pAC, AJU^ Uneun-cofAc A|\ n-AnmAnnA," An pAt). 26. "Anb-pjilpon m bAn ton^Aib? An J OiAnmui-o. "AcA," An PAX>. "T)A m-bA-6 Ait nib connA ponA t>o cAbAinc AmAC," An "OiAnmuTo, "t)o xbeunpAinn ^-ein cteAf t/ib." Ko cuineAt) t)AOine AJ iAnnAit> An connA, Agup An D-CCACC -oo no 665 'OiAnmtut) noin A DA tAim e, A^uf no ib -oeoc Af, Agtif -po ibeAX)An CAC An cuvo oite t)e. Ho 3 An connA iAn pn, Atjuf nu$ leip An mullAC An cnuic e, A$up no cuAixi> em An A Thtnti, A^uf no teig ne fAnAt) An cnuic 6 no 50 |iAim5 An cuix> ioctApAC -oon cnoc, AJU^ oo nug An connA nif A n-A^Ait) An cnuic A]AI|", Agtii' t>o ^i^ne An cteAf -pn cpi A "b-pA-otiAife nA n-AttthunAC, |?ein 6]" cionn An connA AJ ceAct) imceAc-o -oo. A oub|\AX)An jun "oume e to-jreACAit) Aon cteAf An ^ojnAm AJAIATTI, 50 t)-cu5 -pe cleAf An An 5-cLeAf pn ; T cuAit> peAn t>iob A^\ An connA. Ho cug "OiAnmuit) buitte t>A coif Annf An connA, A^u-p bA tiiAice An tAn e mA An connA AJ putoAt, Ajup no pubAt An connA An rhum An 65tAic pn ^un teig A A^AC Aju-p A lonnACAn ne n-A copAib. pn no teAn t)iAnmuit> An connA Agur Anif 6, A^U^ no CUATO An t>AnA An A mum. TTlAn connAinc T)iAnmuiT> pn cu^ buitte t)A coif* Ann, A^U^ nion An ceut) f*eAn X>A niAnbAX) mA An x>AnA oiob. Ho cuin 'OiAnmui'o An connA nif Anif, A^uf no CUA1-6 An cneAf f^eAn An rhum jun mAnbAt) e AthAit CAC. Ace no niAnbAt) CAO^AX) t)A mumcin ne An IA pn, Axjup ^o cuA'6'OAn An 3' nAn mAnbAt) -oiob T>A ton^Aib An oix>ce pn. Ro UiAif 'OiAttintnt) A ^-ceAnn A Thum- ane j*em, A^uf no ctnn tttuA-OAn A. nuAinne -oub^n A^ A fluic, jii|\ Ho cui|\ ATI c- ^n iMiAinne fA TI-A 50 T)i^|ATnuit) ^511^ 50 b-pjiomn A-n oi-oce pn ; t)o -ooib 511^ ei|MJ AH txs 27. Tlo eijuj; 'OiA]imui i o 50 moc TO to TJO tAnc^oittfe A|\ H-A ITIA|AAC, AJU]' |io t^ irme > 5 n-t>u'bAi|ic |\IA f Aipe TOO -oo ITlhtiA'OAn. Tlo CUATO -peiti A]t & cutcA ceu-onA, A^u-p nio^ b-f AX)A po bA Ann An CAn CAn^A-OA-p nA cpi feinnit>e OA ionnpAijix>, A^uf no pAfntnj -oiob An cujtte cleAjnnjeAccA. A 50 tn-b'^eA^n teo fein |^eul>A "Ui T)huibne o'fAJAit mA pn. u Tlo con- -oume \\o connAinc Amu e," An "OiAn- mtnt> ; Ajiif Ain pn no ctun 'OiAntnuit) A A eitDeAt) t>e An ATI culAij, ACC 3 2 An teme TAO ^A pe n-A cneAf, &5Uf f*o ATI cjiAnn bume TTIhAnAnAin mA feAfATii A n-x>iAit> A uplxAinne, Agur" A pmn A n-Aijvoe. Ann pn JAO eijnj; 'OiAjtmin-o t)o 'bAoicleim eu-oc|iuim eunAiriAit 511^ cuir^tin^ AnuA-p Ap An n^A, A^ur 1 rio cuijibnj AnuAr 1 t>e 50 omeAc pp^lic $An yuibuJAt) ITIA 5A-6 Air. 28. A "oubAijic O^IAC -oo rhumciri nA pemne, "If -oume cu TIAC b-^eACAit) Aon cleAr- Ari jro^nArh A-piArh, mArt 50 t)-cio'briA'6 cw cteA-p Art An ^-cteAr- pn ;" Ajur 1 riif pn po cuiri A Airim Agur- A eToeAt) x>e, A^ur 1 rto 61^15 50 h-ionArhAil eu-oc|Aom 6^ cionn An ro cuirtlmg Air 50 h-Ancnom 50 'O-CAJA'LA rmn An 5AOi crie n-A cpoit>e ftiAf, Agur- -oo CUATO urt 50 CAtAtn. Ho CArirtAing 'OiAjAtnuTO An JA A^ur- rto ctnp ITIA f eAfArri An-OAjiA JTOACC e, Agur-rio 61^15 An AcofAn t>o t>eunArh An cteAr-A, mAribAt) e mArt CAC. Ace ceAnA t>o ctnc t)o thumciri nA ^^^f'f"^ 111116 f e c ^ eA f A An IA pn, 50 n- > ou'brA'OArv riif A JA t)o CAjipAinj, Agur* nAC tnAineobAX) r-e mt) but) TTIO X)A muirici|\ -pif ATI g-cleAt 1 pn, rto cuAt>x)An X)A ton^Aib". 29. Agur 1 |\o CUATO 33 CV1 5 nA h-OToce pn CUCA, un cotDA.it A^uf 5r^ 1Tirie - 6 - 11 oix>ce pn ; t)o nijne tttuA'OAn fAifie AJUJ- t)6lb 50 30. tlo t)o -pug t)o pif cui|i mA -peAfAt IAX> ; Agtif An .1. ct,oit>eATt) AonjtifA An An -OA JA^Ait An A fAobAtt. Ann pn j pem 50 h-uineut)cnom 6f A cionn, coniAif mA cncM^tifo on -oonnctAnn 50 A cni h-UAine An ctoToeAni, gun cuintm^ AnuA-p : AJVII' -po pApAui^ An -oeuncA An cleAfA pn. " Otc An AN feA| AcopAn, " oin ni oeAnnnA'6 A n-Gi|Mnn niAiii Aon cteAf TIAC n-TDiongnAt) peAn eigm A^umn e:" Agtif po eipij -pem -pe n-A coTp pn Ajuf cuAit) op aonn An ctoi-oini cuinlmj AnuAp -oo |\o CAntA cof Afi C CAob -oon ctoToeAth t>o, 50 n'-o DA teic 50 mutlAC A cinn t)e. Ann pn 61^15 An x>AttA |reA-p, oo no CAnlA CA-ppiA AJI An g-cloTocAni 50 n-tDCAnnnAt) X>A optDAn tae. Ace ceAnA ni mo cuic An t>A IA oile |\oime pn t>o thumcin 3 34 tnAnA n-1ocn mA no cuic An IA pn. Ann pn A -oubnAOAtt nif A ctoit>eAih oo cc^bAil, a^uf nACAn beA$ niu An cuic X>A tnumcin ]iif ; ^^uf 'po p6>p|\u 156^-0^ oe A b-pe^CAit> fe 6>on f-oc^l -oo -pgeuLAib true tli *Ohuibne. "Ho conn^c &n ce |\o conn- e," A 31. Tlo jtu^ii* 'Oi^-prnui'o TTI&JA inne A^uf tTlu^'OAn, ^juf ]io ni/spb cni h-eif5 t)6ib An entice pn ^ ^ 5-cuix) ; ^50^ no cu&it> 5r^ 1Tine ^o cotyLvo, ^uf "oo jr&ine AJUJ" jroncoitrieu-o t)6ib. 32. Tlo eini ^5^1]" no tnme, n^n b-^eit)ip A join A c^nfA; ^5U|' no j^b ^n ITJon- c, .1. ctoi'oe&tti Aonjuj'A ^n bhnoJA, jr& clic^ob, nA>c b-fA^^t) pnje^lt buille beime t)on ceut> i^pn^ct). tlo JA,b mA>n A -OA cpAoifeAc C|A An n-ne ATTICA CACA .1. ATI JA bui-oe, Aguf An gA -oeAng, 6 nAn cetinnA neAC pn inA mnA t)An toiceAt) niu An pn no "ouipj Jt 1 ^ 111 "^ ^S^f A niA ^ Aine A^uf ^oncoimeu-o t>o -oeu- nAtii -oo tT)huAt)An, A5U|^ 50 nAc^A-6 jrem A5 35 nA 5-ceicne n-Ajvo inA cimcioll. An CAn no connAipc 5t^ irme 'Oi<&-F niuvo An t>einim Aju-p An -OAf A(h> mA cutAix> Anm nime coriinAic, no po IDA fe ^n o^'ouj^'o fin, -oe cpeut> t>o b'A t^ mo "bio-o'b&T) t)o Tlo mimj pn pn t)'ionr>- 33. ATIgA-OAIl A \\o pAjrpui je^t)^ -oe -pjeut^ TTIIC tJi 'Ohtn'bne. " Ro conn^cpA 6 ci^n^i'b e," A|\ 'Oi^-pmui'o. -6, T)ein eolti-p -oiJinn m&y A b-pjit pA coimeut)," mo joile A>5iif mo 5^1^50 co^ip tif A|A A>n ^ob^ pn ni t>en A." "An pop pn ?" An pd>t>. "If pon 50 -oeimin," ^n X)i^nmuit). " pji^pp piin ^n lAcAin pn," An pAt>, beun^Am -oo ce^nn A b-pA-onAife fhmn 6f biot)bA -60 cu." *' 1-p ceAnjAilce to biAinti," ), " An cnAC x>o leigpnnfe mo 36 ce&nn pub," a^uf 6-5^ n^o pn t>e JTA ce&nn &n ci fa. 60, 50 n--oeA]ApriA> -DA 6pt>An -oe. Ann 50 t)o triin-eun^ib, no mA.cci|Ae cpe irioipcpeut) mion- pn -oo 1/octA.nn^c, 50 n^c n-'oe^c^i-o ^e^-p mn^ce il mA mAOTOce moiiAgnioni A/p ^ pn, 5^n bpon bAi|" ^5^^ cime cum 34. Ro 50 lAAinig 1Tlu^t)An mne, Ko yeA-p^t)^ ^Aitce ^oinie, Agu^ |o t>o -p^eul^ib "phinn true Chutri&iU, Gi^e^nn. A Dub.MfAC'pe.&n r\&c b- n oit>ce pn. 35. Ho ei|ii5 *Oi/s]\muTO 50 moc-oo to oo t^ncoiU-'e & TI-A, tTiAA^c, ^u ni com- 37 ntnt>e tio nitjne 50 nAinig An cutAC neuni- nAix>ce ; Ajjup An noct>Ain Ann, no biiAit A PJIAC 50 tom-toip5neAC, gun cuin An cnAJ; An pon-cnic mA cunciott. Ann pn A x>ubAinc "Oub-copAC 50 nAcpvo ^em t)o cothnAc ne 'OiAnmui'o, Agtif CAimj A t-cin A g-ceutDoin. Ain pn 100 nijne fem Aguf 'OiAnmui-o An A ceile 50 connATtiAit, jreAnAriiAit, feit>meAc, ftnl-"beAncAc, peAnfA'OAC, ^eicneAthAn ; tnAn A biAt> -OA t>Ani t>AnA, no t>A CAnb btnle, no OA teoJAn CUCAI^, no X>A -peA^AC unnAncA An bniiAC Ailte. 5 11 ?^^ P 11 cion-p^nArii AJUJ' An comnAic ceic cemn < 6oit>eA i o- no bA eAConnA. 36. UettgTo AnAon A n-Ainm Af A tAniAib, A^u-p nicit) A j-comne Agu-p A j-conroAit A ceite, A^tip pnA'omAi'o nA t)6it>tAiTiA CAn CAot- onomAnnAib A ceite. Ann pn cu^AtJAn cneunconn cmneApiAC -OA ceite, jun cog *Oi A]Amuit> T)ubcopAc An A 511 AtAinn, gun bu Ait beim -OA conp ^ A CAtAth ; Agup no ceAngAit f e 50 -oAingeAn loo-pjAoitce An An tACAin pn e. 1An pn CAimg ponn-copAC Ajup Uneun- copAc -00 comnAc nip A n-t)iAi5 A ceite, Agu-p cug An ceAnjAt ceuonA onncA; A^iip A oubAinc 50 m-bAinpeAt) A j-cmn t>iob, munA m-biAt> 50 m-b'peAnn nip A b- 38 5-cuibpeAc pn mAtt meti-ou^A'D Afi A b- CAib, "oip ni cuAtAinj -oume -oo bA leAt>," AJ ye ; A^uy yo yA$ Ann pn 50 ctny- 37. Ann pn |io imaj yem ic oit>ce pn ; t>6ib x/ 38. Ho eiyij; 'OiAymtnt) A^uy yo mmy t>o i/mne 50 yAib A nAinroe A b-yoguy t>6ib ; yo mmy t>i y^eut, nA n-AtA/tritiyAC 6 50 oeiyeA'o, rriAy "oo ctnc CJAI CAo^At) Tnuinciy cyi t^Aece A n-t)iAi5 A ceil^e ye iiAn *oo cuic cui^ ceu-o ceAcyAtriA'6 IA ye mth A rriAn t>o ceAn^At nA cyi An cuignieAt) IA : " A^uy ACA cyi comce mnie Ay y^AbyAt) ACO yA coniAiy m'uitcye," Ay ye, " Aj;uy ni -oeAy^Ann Aym oyycA." " A j-cinn *oo n A cyi yeinmt)ib pn ?" , "Tlioy bAineAy," Ay TJiAymuTO, " oiy iy tiom A b-piAnAt> 50 yAt)A mA 50 geAyy ; oiy ni yuit ye A ^-cumuy -oVon I,AOC mA JMysi- x>eAC A n-Giymn An ceAngA^ ACA oyycA t>o .t>, ACC Aon ceAcyAy AthAin, .1. Oipn 39 TTIAC phinn, A^uf OrsAft ITIAC Oipn, l/uJATotAiTiieuccAc, A^upConAn niActTloinne: Ajjur ^^^ cr| uc AjArnrA nAC f^AOitpt) Aon con ceAcnAn pn TAT*. Ace ceAnA if 50 b-pn jit) pionn pgeut^ o-pjicA, 6-5^1' ^TO pn ^ c]AOToe iriA ctiA>b ; &5u-p if coi|\ Dumne 1beic 4x5 imceA>cc Af ^n u^irh -po A| e^gl^ 50 m-beuf\pv6 "pionn ^JUf nA> coince mme o]A|Axiinn." 3Q. lA|i pn fio An II^IITI, .Ajup |\o p^nj^'OA.n bo^Ac phnmteice. tlo b" A OA co|v An c^n pn, A ttium i 50 Ann pn |Aopii'6'OiA'pniuiX) c--ppocA no bxk AJ piiorh c^e ; Aju-p no bA ^f^ 111116 ^5 ionntAt> A Ajvip no iAnn A fgiAn An t^hiAnmuit) t>o A h-ion^An x>i. 40. lomcufA nA n-AttriiunAc, An meit> ]to bA beo ACO, CAn5At)An An An cutAij mA JIA- bA-oAn nA cni ^emm-oe ceAn^Aitce, Aju-p |io pAOiteAt)A|\ -p^AoiteAX) x>iob 50 IUAC; ACC i|* AiiitATo no bA An cuibneAc AJ jrAfjAt) o|\ncA. 41. tlion ciAn looib AthtAit) pn 50 b-jreAC- A'OA^bAn-eActAc'phinn nuc ChutiiAitt A tAf f Ainte no lAnnAinne, no AthAit p-oe 40 $ noct>Ain -DO mAOiteAnn 5ACA moncnvnc no mAoitcfLeibe OA n-ionn- f AIJTO ; jup pApunj -oiob CIA cu$ An c-An mop poctriAn JTO^IAC pn onncA. " CIA tine ChutiiMtt tm-pe," A^ p, "^5^1' *Oeip-o|Ae An 'Ouib-fl/eibe mVintn ; A-juf if -oo t>o cuiji"pionn me." "1Tl^i^e4>.t), ni CIA h-e," A|\ p^-o, " ACC -DO pof A ctiAttAfjA'bAlA x>tiicfe .1. Ap A nAlb ^otc CAf C1AnX)Ub, AJUf T)A conqiA coinroeAnjA, A^u-p 1^ e -oo ni^ne An c-An monpn x>o CA^AI^C onnuinne. Ace ooit^e nmn mA pn mAp ACAIX) Afi t-rni mt)e ceAn^Ailce mA-p b-pA-onAi^e, A^u- ^^S F i nn fjAoiteA-o 6'io'b ; ^5^^ no bA cni tAece A n-x>iAij A ceile AJ coni^Ac nmn." " CA h-Aic mAn ^Ato An -peAn pn UAib?" An *Oein'O]\e. "tlo f^An ^e nmn 50 Anein," An p At). " *Oo beiniriipe mo b An *Oeint>ne, "jjunAb e 'OiAnmuno O IDuibne jrem no t>A Ann ; Ajuf CAtonAi-opetoAn j-comce nib A^U^ teigix) Af\ A tong IAT>, Aju-p ctnn- jreA-of A ponn AJU^ "fiAnnA ^ineAnn cu^Aib." 42. Ann pn cujA-OAn A-o-cni comceniu AJ* A tumg, A$uf no teigeA-oA^ An Ion5 *OhiAn- mut)A 1AT); ACC no ^AgbA-OAn An -onAOi Ag An nA cni jremni'oib no bA ceAn- 5 Alice. Tlo teAnAt>An fein HA comce AJ\ "OhiAntnu-OA 50 nAn<5At)An oonuf nA Aguf no cuAxvoAn 50 h-iAncAn nd> 50 "b- i pn pA.]i 50 P n 5 fa5^c "phinnteice, c^n ^o, A^uf -oo ITIhAij Atumn Choncon, -oo 43. Ace ce&nA, mop ATI cot/ivnjeAcc pr> no 50 - nA meip5ix)e mAocpioit, Aguf nA h-onn- conA Ai'otheite, Aju'p cni cpeuntAOic A peuTii- n A ftu AigceAt) 50 -01 An, -OAn A, OAf ACCAC ; A t>-c|Ai comce niThe An cni f AGO. ITlAn -oo connAinc pn iAt) cuije, no Uon t>A b-piAC n5nAin. Aguf no bA b^AC UAicne COTTTOACAC An An ci bA A neuTticuif n A bumne, A^Uf no bA imciAn CAn CAC ATTIAC ; Ann pn no pn ^l 1 ^ 111116 An r5 1A>ri CUTTI t)hiA.|tnnn>*, gun cuin "OiAnTnuTo mA ceAcnAmAm i, Ajti-p A t>ubAvpc, "t)A|A n.-ooic ni jnA-o no cu^Aif t)o TTIACAOTTI An bnuic UAicne, A h-eAt> 50 42 bom nAc t>-cu5Ainn ^nAti niArn Aniu t>'AonneAC." Ho CAnnAinr; t)i Anmuvo An f 51 An Ajgur no cuin mA fAifseAn i, Aguf no noime A h-Aite pn ; ^juf Ann pn |to mite t)on c-fti^lD i. 44. tlioji ciA.n jup -p^^oile^t) cij -oo nniie A 5 5-coif5Fe&-6 ^e j:ein ^n cu t>e. Ann pn -po pILlTlu^'OAn &5tif ^10 bAin coiteAn con Af A qiiof AITIAC, ^5t|* po cuip A|i A b^if e. Ace ce^n^, m^n -DO conn&ijtc -6>n cu cuige leACA-6 Aice, no eipij t)O ju-p no tmg A g-cnAOf n& con, 50 nAimj An cnoix>e AJUJ' cug AITIAC An A CAoto e, A^uf no Lmj f em An bAif THhuA- Ani|^, jun ^AgAib An cu niAnb X>A eip 45. Tlo gtuAi]" TnuAt>An A n-oiAij T)hiAn- u-oA AJU^ 5^ n ^ inrie > ^S^f >DO ^5 5t*^ iririe Anif Aju-p nu$ leif mite oite -oon c-ftiAb v Ann pn no f^AoiteAt) An cu oite mA n-tDiAij, gun tAbAin 'OiAnmuit) ne tTluA'OAn, Aju^p 1-p e A oubAinc; <eAn5 cne compAip A cteib AJUJ' A cnoi6e 43 put) ?" A$uf no f CA-O 1Tlu At>An AT; feucAin An uncAin pn. Ann pn "OiAnmuTo notjA An uncAin "oon com, Ajuf no cuin An A cne n-A h-imtmn ^un teij h-ion^cd.]A Aifce, ^gtif po JA, A|ni^ po te^n A tiiiiincin ^em. 46. tlion ciAn tjoib mA 61^15 pn An An C^eAf CU O|A|1CA. Tlo tAl!>A1jA juf if e A tDubAi^c ; " 1f i ACO, A^up if mon ACA A Vi- bi An "oo coitheut) ui]i]ie, A T)hiAttmui > o." tlion b-fA-OA no "bA An cu t>A noctAin, A^tjf if i Aic A ntij ONJACA, A5 t/ic 'Ohu'bAin An ShliAb I/UAC|AA. Ho eini5 "oo eu-ocnuitn 6f cionn 'OhiAnmu-oA, 130 b'Ait lei bneic AJA 5 n r^ 1tirie > 5 T U 5 'OiAnmtn-o An A t>A coif t)einit), Ajuf nobuAtl beim -OA qteAC fA CAob nA CAinnje |TA coiitineAf A t>o, gun teig A h-mcinn cne h-in- nifcnib A cmn Agtif A ctuAf ATTIAC. IAN fin no JAb "OiAnmuit) A Aintn Ajuf A emeAt), A^u-p no cuin A irieun bAnncAot A fUAicm-o po'OA An JA01 xjeinj, Ajiif cujnoJA ACAfAc uncAin oo niACAom An bnuic uAicne no bA A neuth- nA ftuAijceA-o, jtin riiAnb t>on uncAnpn juf cuj An t)AnA h-uncAn t>on x>AnA f eAn, rhAnb e; Aguf An cneAf feAn in An An 44 5-ceu-onA. Ann fin, triAn TIAC jjnAC copiArii CAn eif ci;c;eAnnAi-6e x>o ctncim, mAn -DO con- nAinc nA h-AU,munAi5 A t>-cniACA A^iif ^ t>-ci5eAnnAix>e An o-ctncim, no t)A n-einte^-c, nonnu-p mun^ n-' ouiTie 6]" po-ob^Toil:), nd ^An CA.to.ni n^l^f, no , n&c n-x>eA.cA.it> e^ct^c m^ fgeut A-p wol:), 5A.n ceiriie&t ugA o'nni|AC a.n 50.6 feo.|\ oiob CC *Oein*O|Ae An 'Oui "phmn true Chuni4>.itt, |\o cun Ain AIA n^ h-A.tbriu|\cAib. 47. lomcufA "phmn, tAif-f > einnet>o beic c cuin 5Ai|m 6f Ant) An phiAnnAib GineAnn, no gUiAifeA'OAn nompA A n-Ac^Ainit) ^ACA ftige A^U]" A neTo-oipje JACA conAine, no 50 nAn5At)An An cutAc mAn A nAbAt>An nA cni pemnvoe ceAngAilce; Agti^no bA cnAx> q\oi-6e le pionn pn An n-A b-|rAicpn -oo. Ann pn t>o tAbAin ponn, Ajiif 1^ e no Oipn," An fe, "^jAoit -oo nA cni x)Ani." c< Hi p^AoitfeA'o," An Oipn, " oin no cuin *OiAnmuTO geAf A onin gAn Aon tAoc -OA 45 t>o AOileAt) OATTI.'" "A OATTI," AJA OfjAtt, "^un cuilte ceAn^Ail bux> tiom -oo cun o|i|ic^ ;" ^gtif ^o A^tif CoriAn m/s^ ATI 5-ceut>n& t>o -^oite^x) -6\oTo. Ace c pn 50 jio bxs o|i|AC^. Ann pn po cocA.it ponn cpi |:e6>|ic^ j:6t>pMjApn5e x>6ib ; qi&ob, oo ire^pAt) A 5-cttncce cd>omce, ^up b^ ctnp- omcuoi-oe^c po b^ "pionn & h-&icl,e TIA pn. 48. 1f i pn Mmpp &5Uf u^i|A t) Pionn cui^e 'Oei|\t)pe An 'Ouib-fteibe, cof ^ &}A ^otuAHi^in, Ajuf A ce&n^A AJA iom- piite ^5 ple^t) m& ce^nn ; 6 conn&i|\c fionn ^An coicim pn cuigei, A -61. " AcAix) f n-A n-mnpn -ouic, fcguf if bom jup t>ume j^n ci^e^nnA me ; -60 6 cth.f 50 -oeiiAe -t56AnnnA *OiA|Amui-o O T)uibne, mAn cuiceAT)A|A nA CJAI comce mme nif, 4 6 An fi. " CA h-Aic An jjAb m AC Hi T>htiibne ?" Afi ponn. "fli pnl A pop pn A^ATH," AJA p ; Agup ^nn fin JAO sluAif ponn ChneAnn, Aguf ni h-MC]Mfce oppcA 50 |AAn5AX)A]A AliTitnn 49. Ho 5A"bAt)A|A -pompA foi|\ 50 Sb&b -oo Uib Chon^ilt 5^^^' ^B^ Ti cti |iif An SionAin foip 50 Tlo^ -OA f A nAT6ceA|i t/uimneAC An cAn fo ; A^tif t)o T)iA|imuix) -pAt) AtlcA An oit>ce pn b, gun CAiceAt)An A leop-ooicm peotA Agtif -oo cox)lA-OAp 50 niAi-om A|\ n-A iriAnAC. Ho eipi^ HluA-OAn 50 moc Ajuf t)otAl:)Aip te "OiAiMnuiT), Aguf Tpeno JAIAX), 50 m-biAt) -pe pem AgimceAcc. "Hi coip "otncpe pn no -oeunAiii," An 'OiAnmui-o, "6in JAC m-6 t)uic conTitionAt) -ouic e tliop ^Ab ItluA-OAn UAit> ; Agup x)o ciomAin ceAt> Agup OO1 1), AgUf ttOpAJ Ap An tACA1|A pn 1At>, bA 'oubAc "oobponAc no bA 'OiAnmuit) 5nAinne A n--oiAij 1TlhuAt)Ain. 50. A n-Aicte pn no 5luAipeAt>An if An Aijvo bA CUATO gACA n-t>ipeAc t)o teAC Sleibe h-eccjje, A^tip Af pn -ooib 50 47 ceut> O b-pAqiAc ; a-pir* ^5 gAbAil nA CJUHCA ceuo pn t>6ib, t>o bi 5 n ^ irme "& con : ACC oo ijAb TTiipieAc i, AJUT* -oo jjAb A$ pubAl, tie coif 'Olii6>|Amu'DA. 1TI^ ^Anj^-oAii ^ An b-pot>- b&, t>o fi^ne 'OiApmuTO p^nboc A TIA po-ob^ ; a-gujA po tri6>]ib p^t) 01-oce pn 5U|\ CAIC fem A^uf teo|A'66icin peot^ A^U^ por^ui-p^e. Ho 61 50 moc, A^ti-p t>o cu&it> cum 1/oclAnn ^15 ; UATO, ACC ]\e n-A CAOjAAib 50 51. lomcufA "P^ 1T1T A n-Atniuin -ooib nior^ CIATI t>6ib ATI t)o concAt)Ari CAOJAT) LAOC t)A n-ionn- TtlOjA TTllLeA'OCA TTieA|\-CAtTn A oo cinn AT/ TTieit) ^sur* AJI niAi-pe A|i CAC A C TIA 'ot^on^-bin'one ut) ; ^5f po 5 ponn to CAC An o-cugA'OA^ Aicne CA. "Hi CUJATTIAOTO," A|A CAC, " AJUf An b-pnl A por- AJA-O f em, A phmn ?" " tli put/' ^P "fionn, " ACC 5uj\ t)6i5 rnom jup nAinroe -OATTI fem IAT)." UAngA-OAt^ An bui- t>eAn ctir^AT) pn TO tACAin "phmn r:An g-comrtAt) pn, A^uf "oo beAnnuij pAt> t>o. "phneAj^Af x)6ib, Agu^ r^occAf r^eutA t)iob, CA cin 48 no CA CA^Am t>6ib. A oubpA'OApfAn gup nAinroe oof An iAt> fein, A^uf 50 pAbA-c-Ap A n-AicpeACA A 5 m ApbAt> Chum AilX mic Uhpeun- riioip tli fohAoip^ne A ^-CAC ChnucA, " ^5Uf oo cuicio-o^ ^em fd>n ngniom pn, ^juj' if 6.5 lAiA^Mt) poccAn^ O^C^A CAng^m^p -oon cop po." " Cionnup b^bAip -pem An u&ip -oo m^pbAt) b^p n-Mcpe^cA?" Ap ponn. "A m-bpoinn Ap iriAicpeAc," Ap p^t), " AJU^ if "b^n "oo UhuACAib t)e "OAnAnn -oo "bi n^ AjAinn, Agup ip nnci'o 1mn AIC p n-&icpe&c -o'f A^Ait A b-"piAn- '"Oo bep pn -oib," 50 CU^ATO -pb eipic tJAth A ''tli pjit op, mA Aipjiot), mA nonnniuf, mA iotrriAOine, bu^p, inA bocAince AjAinn xo *ouic, A phmn," Ap pA-o. " HA eipic oppCA, A "phmn," Ap Oipn, " ACC A n-A1Cp6ACA t)O CU1C1TTI teAC A n-eip1C C*ACAp- ^A." "1-p "0615 bom," Ap ponn, "TJA mAipeo- bA-6 t)uine tne jrem 5p b'frupup^A m'eipic -oo peiuceAC UAic^e, A Oipn ; A^uf ni cioc^Ait) Aon -ouine A b-pAnnuijeAcc ACC An ci t>o bewp^Af eipic tJAiiif A Atn ACAip." " Cpeut) An eipic -DA h-iAppAix) AJA-O ?" Ap Aon^up TTIAC Aipc 615 niic ITIhopnA. "tli pjit ACC ceAnn cupAit) no tAn uuipn to 49 CA.OfACA.inn "Oubpoif." "T)o bejip. coniA.inle tiiA-ic t>ib, A. clA-nnA. tTthoijine," A.JI Oipn, " 1. out mA.p A.}! h-oit,eA.t> pb, A^uf jjA-n pc t>'iA.n- ttA.it> A-n phionn 6,n ^^1-0 A-tTid-i^pt) pt> ; ni 5^ -oifo ^on mt) t>^ n-i^|A|\^rn porm t)O oo c^bd-ipc cuige ma.p ei|tic?" "tli f- mAf.," &p p^t). "CeA>nn "Oln^mu-OA Hi tDhtnbne &r\ ce^nn u^iAiAji^'p'pion a-^uf -OA m-biAx> pb^e tion pcce ceut) inpe^t>mA., ni lei^^e^t) "Oi^muit) O t)uibne A-n ce&nn iA.pp^ ponn oppuib^e lib .1. & ce&nn ^ein." " CjAeut) 1^-0 HA. C^OJAA ut> i&jip&f Porm oppumn ?" &p P^"O- "tli -oeAqi^ t)ib nit) oile o'^-AJAil m^ pn," ^n Oipn, "m^p inneof^-o ^nn pD x>iob." 52. " 1om^bAt>'o'eipi5i > 6i i oi|i t)iAi|* b^n t>o .1. Aoi|re injpon 1TlhA.n- Ame 11151011 oite 1TlhA.nA.nA.in tiiic I/in, A-juf cuj Aoi]:e 5|iA.x) -oo ITIA.C l/ui^-oeA-c ,i.niA.c > oeinbf'eA.cnA.c > o'"phionn ITIA.C ChuriiA-itt, A-juf cug Ame 5^A.t> t>o HIA.C t/in Shice "phionncA.it), 50 n-t>ubA.inc ^A-C beA.n t)iob 50 Tn-b'p3A.np A. feA.p p?in o'lomA.nui'oe inA A-n feA.n oite; A.5U^ CAim^ A-f A.n iomnA.t) pn comoncup iomA.nA.tDo CA-npA-mj it)in UhuA.C6.ib 4 50 "Oe T) An Ann e ionAT> 0i|iionn, lotriAin pn, An tiiACAine 53. "T)o *Oe "oo (hnionn ATI comne pn, AJUJ' 1-p *oo -oo .1. LUAC AC]IA, i TnuficAt>A btn-oe, A^tiy nA C]AI h-6ocAx>A Aine, nA C]AI An CAC- An An 6 t)hemn nA cni "Finn nA cni 85 Ait, "RonAin ACA nA ^105, 6 OA^ nuAi-6 niic bh nA cni 6 TntiAi^ bbpeA^, 6 LionAn, A^uf An teic, AJUJ' *Oonn 6 Shic bmn on m-t)6inn, Aguf CoLtA cnion- C 6 bheAttnnAn die, Agu-p "Oonn -OUITIAC, t)onn An oiteAin, A5upX)oinn ChnvncnA "Oonn t/emcnuic, A$uf t)puice *Oot,b oeu'ofoluif, A^U]" cuig nnc 6 Shic ChAijin ChAom, A^tip HbpeAC TMhAnAnAin, A^U^ TleAiriAnAC niAC bo-ob oeAi TTIAC An TTlAnAnAn niAC tup, A^U]' AboncAc niAC An 1ot-t>ACAi5, Ajuf monAn oite nAc n-Aintn- ijceAn fonn." 54. " "Do bATTioinne iAnnA Cinionn iAt> An jreAt) cjTi to. ^5 u f cni OToce^t) ^5 50 ni lAii^^m^ ATI bAifAe A^ A ceite, UACA *Oe IDAnAnn juf An |AAe pn An JAG CAoto x>o toe l/em An po^ t>uinn jun cui^eATDAn "DA m-tnA-omAOTpne An "phiAnn AJ cun te ceite nAc m-buA'opA'OAOi-p pn ^inionn An bAine onninnn. A^uf 1^ i coiriAinte An An cmneA'OAn UUACA t)e *OAnAnn imceAcc CAn A n-Ai]', A^U^ An An bAine pn o'lrninc tmn. 1f e ton cu^A-OAn UUACA *Oe T)AnAnn teo A Uin CAinn^ine .1. cn6x>A concnA, Ajtif ubtA cAicne, Agtif cAonA cubAncA: ^jiif AJ cniucA cent) O b-"piAcnAC tAith nif An DO cmc CAon *oo nA CAonAib UACA, 'o'pvp cAoncAnn A-p An g-cAon pn, A^uf ACATO btJADA iomt)A A An 5-CAapcAnn pn ^ CAonAib ; oin ni JAbAnn gAtAn mA Aon t>ume -OA n-iceAnn cni CAonA oiob, Ajuf bionn meifge ponA &5f f Af Aih remthi-o icnncA ; ^guf -OA m-bAt) An ceu-o t>A n-AOif T>O nACfA'6 & n-AOif A t>ei6 m-btiAT>An pt>ceAT> An ce oobtAifjreAt) IAX>." 55. "TDAn t)o cuAtAt>An UUACA *Oe T)A- i>A pn t)o t>eic A>5 /sn .1. An Se^nbAn t/ocl,AnnAC, ogtAC t)A mtuncip C, oeAjijfui'LeAC, conp-bunoe, (t>o clomn ChAim collAij nuc T!AOI;) AJUf ni ceine e, AUf ni bACAnn uifje e meit> A 6pAOit>eAccA. tli put ACC Aon uil AtiiAin A j-ceApc-tA^ A t>tJib-eut)Ain, mpeATTiAp lA^Ainn fA cojip An t; pn, Ajuf ni put A n-tAn to bAf no 50 tn-bu Alice An cni buiU,it>e -oon AnnfAi'o lAnnAinn ACA Ai$e Ain. A An cAontAinn pn t)o co-olAnn fe j* An oit>ce, A^uf A5A bun bionn fe fAn to X>A c6iTTieut> ; Ajuf, A ctAnnA tnhoinne, if IAT> pn nA cAonA lAnnuf ponn opnuib^e," An Oipn. "Ace ceAnA ni pinup^A -oibbAin teo A| Aon con, oin t>o nijne An SeAnbAn l/oc- tAnnAC pn ]TAfAC r>o nA cnmcAib cetco mA cimciott, 50 nAC tAniAnn ponn mA pAnnA 6inionn feAtj mA pAt>AC -oo -oeunAni Ann An eAgtA An t)iotAninAi5 pn." Cnioc nA cent) nomne. TEANSLATION. THE PURSUIT OF DIARMUID AND GRAINNE. PART FIRST. i. ON a certair day 1 that Fionn Mac Cum- haill rose at early morn in Almhuin 2 the broad and great of Laighean, and sat upon the grass- green plains without, having neither servant nor attendant by him, there followed him two of his people : that is to say, Oisin* the son of Fionn, and Diorruing the son of Dobhar O'Baoisgne. Oisin spoke, and what he said was : " What is the cause of this early rising 5 of thine, O Fionn ?" quoth he. " Not without cause have I made this early rising," said Fionn ; " for I am without a wife without a mate since Maighneis the daughter of Garadh glundubh mac Moirne died ; for he is not wont to have slumber nor sweet sleep who happens to be without a fitting wife, and that is the cause of my early rising O Oisin." " What forceth thee to be thus ?" said Oisin ; " for there is not a wife nor a mate in the green- landed island 6 Erin upon whom thou mightest turn the light of thine eyes or of thy sight, whom we would not bring by fair means or by foul to thee." And then spoke Diorruing, and what he said was: "I myself could dis- cover for thee a wife and a mate befittingthee." " Who is she ?" said Fionn. " She is Grainne the daughter of Cormac the son of Art the son of Conn of the hundred battles," quoth Diorru- ing, "that is, the woman that is fairest of feature and form and speech of the women of the globe together." " By thy hand, O Diorruing," said Fionn, "there is strife and variance between Cormac and myself for a long time, 7 and I think it not good nor seemly that he should give me a refusal of marriage ; and I had rather that ye should both go to ask the marriage of his daughter for me of Cormac, for I could better bear a refusal of marriage to be given to you than to myself." " We will go there," said Oisin, "though there be no profit for us there, and let no man know of our journey until we come back again." 2. After that, those two warriors went their ways, and they took farewell of Fionn, 8 and it is not told how they fared 9 until they reached Teamhair. The king of Erin chanced to be holding a gathering and a muster 10 before them 11 upon the plain of Teamhair, and the chiefs and the great nobles of his people together with him; and a gentle welcome was made before Oisin and before Diorruing, and the gathering was then put off until another day ; for he [i.e. the king] was certain that it was upon some pressing thing or 'matter that those two had come to him. Afterwards Oisin called the king of Erin to one side of the gathering, and told him that it was to ask of him the marriage of his daughter for Fionn Mac Cumhaill that they themselves were then come. Cormac spoke, and what he said was : " There is not a son of a king or of a great prince, a hero or a battle-champion in Erin, to whom my daughter has not given refusal of marriage, and it is on me that all and every one lay the re- proach of that ; and I will not certify you any tidings until ye betake yourselves before my daughter, for it is better that ye get her own tidings [i.e. tidings from herself] than that ye be displeased with me." 3. After that they went their ways until they reached the dwelling" of the women, and Cormac sat him upon the side of the couch and of the high bed by Grainne ; and he spoke, and what he said was : " Here are, O Grainne," quoth he, "two of the people of Fionn Mac Cumhaill coming to ask thee as wife and as mate for him, and what answer wouldst thou give them ?" Grainne answered, and what she said was : " If he be a fitting son-in-law for thee, why should he not be a fitting husband and mate for me?" Then they were satisfied ; and after that a feast and banquet was made for them in the Grianan with Grainne and the women, so that they became exhilarated and mirthful- sounding; and Cor mac made a tryste with them and with Fionn a fortnight from that night at Teamhair. 4. Thereafter Oisin and Diorruing arrived again at Almhuin, where they found Fionn and the Fenians, and they told them their tidings from beginning to end. Now as everything wears away, so also did that space of time ; and then Fionn collected and assembled the seven battalions of the standing Fenians from every quarter 1 ^ where they were, and they came where Fionn was, in Almhuin the great and broad of Leinster ; and on the last day of that period of time they went forth in great bands, in troops, and in impetuous fierce im- penetrable companies, and we are not told how they fared until they reached Teamhair. Cormac was before them upon the plain with the chiefs and the great nobles of the men of Erin about him, and they made a gen- tle welcome for Fionn and all the Fenians, and after that they went to the king's mirthful house [called] Miodhchuarta. 14 The king of Erin sat down to enjoy drinking and pleasure, with his wife at his left shoulder, that is to say, Eitche, the daughter of Atan of Corcaigh,and Grainne at her shoulder, and Fionn Mac Cum- haill at the king's right hand ; and Cairbre Liffeachair'S the son of Cormac sat at one side of the same royal house, and Oisin the son of Fionn at the other side, and each one of them sat according to his rank and to his patrimony from that down. 5. There sat there a druid and a skilful man of knowledge of the people of Fionn before Grainne the daughter of Cormac ; that is, Daire duanach mac Morna ; l6 and it was not long before there arose gentle talking and mutual discourse between himself and Grainne. Then Daire duanach mac Morna arose and stood before Grainne, and sang her the songs a nd the verses and the sweet poems of her fathers and of her ancestors ; and then Grainne spoke and asked the druid, " What is the thing or matter wherefore Fionn is come to this place to-night?" " If thou knowest not that," said the druid, " it is no wonder that I know it not." " I desire to learn it of thee," said Grainne. " Well then," quoth the druid, " it is to ask thee as wife and as mate that Fionn is come to this place to-night." " It is a great marvel to me," said Grainne, " that it is not for Oisin that Fionn asks me, for it were fitter to give me such as he, than a man that is older than my father." " Say not that/' said the druid, " for were Fionn to hear thee he himself would not have thee, neither would Oisin dare to take thee." " Tell me now," said Grainne, " who is that warrior at the right shoulder of Oisin the son of Fionn ?" " Yonder," said the druid, " is Goll mac Morna, the active, the warlike." " Who is that warrior at the shoulder of Goll ?" said Grainne. " Oscar the son of Oisin," said the druid. " Who is that graceful-legged man at the shoulder of Oscar ?" said Grainne. " Caoilte mac Ronain," said the druid. " What haughty impetuous warrior is that yonder at the shoulder of Caoilte?" said Grainne. " The son of Lughaidh of the mighty hand, 17 and that man is sister's son to Fionn MacCumhaill," said the druid. " Who is that freckled 18 sweet- worded man, upon whom is the curling dusky- black 1 ^ hair, and [who has] the two red 20 ruddy" cheeks, upon the left hand of Oisin the son of Fionn ?" " That man is Diarmuid 22 the grand- son of Duibhne, the white-toothed, of the lightsome countenance ; that is, the best lover of women and of maidens that is in the whole world." " Who is that at the shoulder of Diar- muid ?" said Grainne. " Diorruing the son of Dobhar Damhadh O'Baoisgne, and that man is a druid and a skilful man of science,'' said Daire duanach. 6. " That is a goodly company,'* said Grainne ; and she called her attendant hand- maid to her, and told her to bring to her the jewelled-golden chased goblet which was in the Grianan after her. 2 3 The handmaid brought the goblet, and Grainne filled the goblet forth- with, (and there used to go into it [be contained in it] the drink of nine times nine men). Grainne said, " Take the goblet to Fionn first, and bid him drink a draught out of it, and dis- close to him that it is I that sent it to him." 8 The handmaid took the gobletto Fionn, and told him everything that Grainne had bidden her say to him. Fionn took up the goblet, and no sooner had he drunk a draught out of it than there fell upon him a stupor of sleep and of deep slumber. Cormac took the draught and the same sleep fell upon him, and Eitche, the wife of Cormac, took the goblet and drank a draught out of it, and the same sleep fell upon her as upon all the others. Then Grainne called the attendant handmaid to her, and said to her : " Take this goblet to Cairbre Lifea- chair and tell him to drink a draught out of it, and give the goblet to those sons of kings 24 by him." The handmaid took the goblet to Cairbre, and he was not well able to give it to him that was next to him, before a stupor of sleep and of deep slumber fell upon him too, and each one that took the goblet, one after another, they fell into a stupor of sleep and of deep slumber. 7. When Grainne found the others thus in a state of drunkenness and of trance, she rose fairly and softly from the seat on which she was, and spoke to Oisin, and what she said was : " I marvel at Fionn Mac Cumhaill that he should ask such a wife as I, for it were fitter for him to give me my own equal to marry than a man older than my father." " Say not that, O Grainne," quoth Oisin, " for if Fionn were to hear thee he would not have thee, neither would I dare to take thee." " Wilt thou receive courtship from me, O Oisin ?" said Grainne. "I will not," said Oisin, "for what- soever woman is betrothed to Fionn I would not meddle with her." Then Grainne turned her face to Diarmuid O'Duibhne, and what she said to him was : " Wilt thou receive courtship from me, O son of O'Duibhne, since Oisin re- ceives it not from me ?" " I will not," said Diarmuid, " for whatever woman is betrothed to Oisin I may not take her, even were she not betrothed to Fionn." " Then," said Grainne, " I put thee under bonds of danger and of de- struction, O Diarmuid, that is, under the bonds of Dromdraoidheachta, if thou take me not with thee out of this household to-night, ere Fionn and the king of Erin arise out of that sleep P" 25 8. " Evil bonds are those under which thou hast laid me, O woman," said Diarmuid ; " and wherefore hast thou laid those bonds upon me before all the sons of kings and of high princes in the king's mirthful house [called] 10 Miodchuairt to-night, seeing that there is not of all those one less worthy to be loved by a woman than myself ?" " By thy hand, O son of O'Duibhne, it is not without cause that I have laid those bonds on thee, as I will tell thee now. 9. " Of a day when the king of Erin was pre- siding over a gathering and a muster on the plain of Teamhair, Fionn, and the seven bat- talions of the standing Fenians, chanced to be there that day ; and there arose a great goaliug match 26 between Cairbre Liffeachair the son of Cormac, and the son of Lughaidh, and the men of Breaghmhagh, 27 and of Cear- na, 28 and the stout pillars 29 of Teamhair arose on the side of Cairbre, and the Fenians of Erin on the side of the son of Lughaidh ; and there were none sitting in the gathering that day but the king, and Fionn, and thyself, O Diarmuid. It happened that the game was going against the son of Lughaidh, and thou didst rise and stand, and tookest his caman from the next man to thee, and didst throw him to the ground and to the earth, and thou wentest into the game, and didst win the goal three times upon Cairbre and upon the war- riors of Teamhair. I was that time in my II Grianan of the clear view, of the blue win- dows of glass, gazing upon thee ; and I turned the light of mine eyes and of my sight upon thee that day, and I never gave that love to any other from that time to this, and will not for ever." 10. " It is a wonder that thou shouldst give me that love instead of Fionn," said Diar- muid, "seeing that there is not in Erin a man that is fonder of a woman than he ; and knowest thou, O Grainne, on the night that Fionn is in Teamhair that he it is that has the keys of Teamhair, and that so we cannot leave the town ?" " There is a wicket-gate 30 to my Grianan," said Grainne, " and we will pass out through it." " It is a prohibited thing 31 for me to pass through any wicket-gate whatso- ever," said Diarmuid. " Howbeit, I hear," said Grainne, " that every warrior and battle- champion can pass by the shafts of his javelins and by the staves of his spears, in or out over the rampart of every fort and of every town, and I will pass out by the wicket-gate, and do thou follow me so," 11. Grainne went her way out, and Diar- muid spoke to his people, and what he said was : " O Oisin, son of Fionn, what shall I do 5 12 with these bonds that have been laid on me ?" " Thou art not guilty of the bonds which have been laid upon thee," said Oisin, "and I tell thee to follow Grainne, and keep thyself well against the wiles of Fionn." " O Oscar, son of Oison, what is good for me to do as to those bonds which have been laid upon me.?" *' I tell thee to follow Grainne," said Oscar, " for he is a sorry wretch that fails to keep his bonds." " What counsel dost thou give me, O Caoilte?" said Diarmuid. "I say," said Caoilte, " that I have a fitting wife, and yet I had rather than the wealth of the world that it had been to me that Grainne gave that love." " What counsel givest thou me, O Di- orruing?" "I tell thee to follow Grainne^ albeit thy death will come of it, and I grieve for it." " Is that the counsel of you all to me ?" said Diarmuid. " It is," said Oisin, and said all the others together. 12. After that Diarmuid arose and stood, and stretched forth his active warrior hand over his broad weapons, and took leave and farewell of Oisin and of the chiefs of the Fenians ; and not bigger is a smooth-crimson whortleberry than was each tear that Diarmuid shed from his eyes at parting from his people. 13 Diarmuid went to the top of the fort, and put the shafts of his two javelins under him, and rose with an airy, very light, exceeding high, bird- like leap, until he attained the breadth of his two soles of the beautiful grass-green earth on the plain without, and Grainne met him. Then Diarmuid spoke, and what he said was : " I trow, O Grainne, that this is an evil course upon which thou art come ; for it were better for thee have Fionn Mac Cumhail for lover than myself, seeing that I know not what nook or corner, or remote part of Erin I can take thee to now, and return again to the town, and Fionn will never learn what thou hast done." "It is certain that I will not go back," said Grainne, " and that I will not part from thee until death part me from thee. "Then go forward, O Grainne," said Diar- muid. 13. Diarmuid and Grainne went their ways after that, and they had not gone beyond a mile out from the town when Grainrte said " I indeed am weary, O son of O'Duibhne." "It is a good time to weary, O Grainne," said Diarmuid, " and return now to thine own household again, for I plight the word of a true warrior that I will never carry thee, nor '4 any other woman, to all eternity." " So needst thou not do," said Grainne, " for my father's horses are in a fenced meadow by themselves, and they have chariots ; and re- turn thou to them, and yoke two horses of them to a chariot, and I will wait for thee on this spot till thou overtake me again." Diarmuid returned back to the horses, and he yoked two horses of them to a chariot, and it is not told how they fared until they reached Beul atha luain.3* 14. And Diarmuid spoke to Grainne, and said : " It is all the easier for Fionn to follow our track, O Grainne, that we have the horses." " Then," said Grainne, " leave the horses upon this spot, and I will journey on foot by thee henceforth." Diarmuid got down at the edge of the ford, and took a horse with him over across the ford, and [thus] left [one of] them upon each side of the stream, and he and Grainne went a mile with the stream west- ward, and took land at the side of the pro- vince of Connaught. It is not told how they fared until they arrived at Doire dha bhoth, in the midst of Clan Riocaird^ ; and Diarmuid cut down the grove around him, and made to it seven doors of wattles, and he settled a 15 bed of soft rushes and of the tops of the birch under Grainne in the very midst of that wood. 1 5 . As for Fionn Mac Cumhail, I will tell [his] tidings clearly. All that were in Teamhair rose out at early morn on the morrow, and they found Diarmuid and Grainne wanting from among them, and a burning of jealousy and a weakness [i.e., from rage] seized upon Fionn. He found his trackers before him on the plain, that is the Clanna Neamhuin, and he bade them follow Diarmuid and Grainne. Then they carried the track as far as Beul atha luain, and Fionn and the Fenians of Erin followed them ; howbeit they could not carry the track over across the ford, so that Fionn pledged his word that if they followed not the track out speedily, he would hang them on either side of the ford. 16. Then the Clanna Neamhuin went up against the stream, and found a horse on either side of the stream ; and they went a mile with the stream westward, and found the track taking the land by the side of the pro- vince of Connaught, and Fionn and the Fenians of Erin followed them. Then spoke Fionn, and what he said was: "Well, I wot i6 where Diarmuid and Grianne shall be found now, that is in Doire dha bhoth." Oisin, and Oscar, and Caoilte, and Diorruing, the son of Dobhar Damhadh O'Baoisgne. were listening to Fionn speaking those words, and Oisin spoke, and what he said was : " We are in danger lest Diarmuid and Grainne be yonder, and we must needs send him some warning ; and look where Bran is, that is the hound of Fionn Mac Cumhail, that we may send him to him, for Fionn himself is not dearer to him than Diarmuid ; and, O Oscar, tell him to go with a warning to Diarmuid, who is in Doire dha bhoth;" and Oscar told that to Bran. Bran understood that with knowledge and wisdom, and went back to the hinder part of the host where Fionn might not see him, and followed Diarmuid and Grainne by their track until he reached Doire dha bhoth, and thrust his head intoDiarmuid's bosom and he asleep. 17. Then Diarmuid sprang out of his sleep, and awoke Grainne also, and said to her : " There is Bran, that is the hound of Fionn Mac Cumhail, coming with a warning to us before Fionn himself." "Take that warn- ing," said Grainne, " and fly." " I will not take it," said Diarmuid, "for I would not that 17 Fionn caught me at any [other] time rather than now, since I may not escape from him." Grainne having heard that, dread and great fear seized her, and Bran departed from them. Then Oisin, the son of Fionn, spoke and said : *' We are in danger lest Bran have not gotten opportunity nor solitude to go to Diarmuid, and we must needs give him some other warning ; and look where Fearghoir is, the henchman of Caoilte." " He is with me," said Caoilte. Now that Fearghoir was so, 33 [that] every shout he gave used to be heard in the three nearest cantreds to him. Then they made him give three shouts, in order that Diarmuid might hear him. Diarmuid heard Fearghoir, and awoke Grainne out of her sleep, and what he said was : " I hear the henchman of Caoilte Mac Ronain, and it is by Caoilte he is, and it is by Fionn that Caoilte is, and this is a warn- ing they are sending me before Fionn." " Take that warning," said Grainne. "I will not," said Diarmuid, " for we shall not leave this wood until Fionn and the Fenians of Erin overtake us :" and fear and great dread seized Grainne when she heard that. 1 8. As for Fionn, I will tell [his] tidings clearly. He departed not from the tracking i8 until he reached Doire dha bhoth, and he sent the tribe of Eamhuin^ in to search out the wood, and they saw Diarmuid and a woman by him. They returned back again where were Fionn and the Fenians of Erin, and Fionn asked of them whether Diarmuid or Grainne were in the wood. " Diarmuid is there," they said, *' and there is some woman by him [who she is we know not], for we know Diarmuid's track, and we know not the track of Grainne." " Foul fall the friends of Diar- muid O'Duibhne for his sake," said Fionn, " and he shall not leave the wood until he shall give me satisfaction for every thing he has done to me." 19. " It is a great token of jealousy in thee, O Fionn," said Oisin, "to think that Diarmuid would stay upon the plain of Maenmhagh, 3 5 seeing that there is no stronghold but Doire dha bhoth, and thou too awaiting him." "That shall profit you nothing, O Oisin," said Fionn, " and well I knew the three shouts that Caoilte's servant gave, that it was ye that sent them as a warning to Diarmuid ; and that it was ye that sent my own hound, that is, Bran, with another warning to him, but it shall profit you nothing to have sent him any of those 19 warnings ; for he shall not leave Doire dha bhoth until he give me eric for every thing that he hath done to me, and for every slight that he hath put on me." " Great foolishness it is for thee, O Fionn," said Oscar the son of Oisin, '"to suppose that Diarmuid would stay in the midst of this plain, and thou waiting to take his head from him." " What [who] else cut the wood thus, and made a close warm enclosure thereof, with seven tight slender- narrow doors to it ? And with which of us, O Diarmuid, is the truth, with myself or with Oscar ?" quoth Fionn. " Thou didst never err in thy good judgment, O Fionn," said Diar- muid, " and I indeed and Grainne are here." Then Fionn bade the Fenians of Erin come round Diarmuid and take him for himself [i.e., reserve him for Fionn]. Thereupon Diarmuid rose up and stood, and gave Grainne three kisses in presence of Fionn and of the Fenians, so that a burning of jealousy and a weakness seized Fionn upon seeing that, and he said that Diarmuid should give his head for those kisses. 20. As for Aonghus an bhrogha, 36 that is, the tutor in learning of Diarmuid O'Duibhne, it was shown to him in the Brugh upon the 20 Boinn" the extremity in which his foster-son, that is, Diarmuid, then was ; and he proceeded accompanying the pure-cold wind, and he halted not till he reached Doire dha bhoth. 38 Then he went unknown to Fionn or to the Fenians of Erin to the place wherein were Diarmuid and Grainne, and he greeted Diar- muid, and what he said was : " What is this thing that thou hast done, O son of O'Duibh- ne?" ''This it is," said Diarmuid: "the daughter of the king of Erin has fled privily with me from her father and from Fionn, and it is not of my will that she has come with me." " Then let one of you come under either border of my mantle," said Aonghus, " and I will take you out of the place where ye are without knowledge, without perception of Fionn or the Fenians of Erin." " Take thou Grainne with thee," said Diarmuid, " but as for me, I will never go with thee ; howbeit, if I be alive presently I will follow thee, and if I be not do thou send Grainne to her father, and let him do her evil or good [treat her well or ill]." 21. After that Aonghus put Grainne under the border of his mantle, and went his ways without knowledge of Fionn or of the Fenians 31 of Erin, and no tale is told of them until they reached Ros da shoileach, which is called Lu- imneach39 now. 22. Touching Diarmuid, after that Aonghus and Grainne had departed from him, he rose as a straight pillar and stood upright, and girded his arms and his armour and his vari- ous sharp weapons about him. After that he drew near to a door of the seven wattled doors that there were to the enclosure, and asked who was at it. " No foe to thee is any man who is at it," said they [who were without], "for here are Oisin the son of Fionn, and Oscar the son of Oisin, and the chieftains of the Clanna Baoisgne together with us ; and come out to us, and none will dare to do thee harm, hurt, or damage." I will not go to you," said Diarmuid, " until I see at which door Fionn himself is." He drew near to another wattled door, and asked who was at it. " Caoilte the son of Crannachar Mac Ronain, and the Clanna Ronain together with him ; and come out to us and we will give ourselves [fight and die] for thy sake." " I will not go to you," said Diarmuid, " for I will not cause Fionn to be angry with you for well-doing to myself." He drew near to another wattled door, and 22 asked who was at it. " Here are Conan the son of Fionn of Liathluachra,* and the Clanna Morna together with him ; and we are enemies to Fionn, and thou art far dearer to us than he, and for that reason come out to us, and none will dare meddle with thee." " Surely I will not go," said Diarmuid, " for Fionn had rather [that] the death of every man of you [should come to pass], than that I should be let out." He drew near to another wattled door, and asked who was there. " A friend and a dear comrade of thine is here, that is, Fionn the son of Cuadhan mac Murchadha, the royal chief of the Fenians of Mumha 41 , and the Momonian Fenians together with him ; and we are of one land and one country with thee, O Diarmuid, and we will give our bodies and our lives for thee and for thy sake." " I will not go out to you," said Diarmuid, " for I will not cause Fionn to be displeased with you for well-do- ing to myself." He drew near to another wattled door and asked who was at it. " It is Fionn the son of Glor, the royal chief of the Fenians of Ulladh, 42 and the Ultonian Fenians along with him ; and come out to us, and none will dare cut or wound thee." " I will not go out to you," said Diarmuid, " for thou art a 23 friend to me, and thy father ; and I would not that ye should bear the enmity of Fionn for my sake." He drew near to another wattled door and asked who was at it " No friend to thee is any that is here," said they, " for here are Aodh beag 43 of Eamhuin, and Aodh fada 4 * of Eamhuin, and Caol crodha 45 of Eamhuin, and Goineach 46 of Eamhuin, and Gothan gilm- heurach 47 of Eamhuin, and Aoife the daughter of Gothan gilmheurach of Eamhuin, and Cua- dan lorgaire 48 of Eamhuin ; and we bear thee no love, and if thou wouldst come out to us we would wound thee till thou shouldst be like a gallant without respite." " Evil the com- pany that is there,' ' said Diarmuid, " O ye of the lie, and of the tracking, and of the one brogue ; 5 and it is not the fear of your hand that is upon me, but from enmity to you I will not go out to you." He drew near to another wattled door, and asked who was at it. " Here are Fionn the son of Cumhall, the son of Art, the son of Treunmhor O'Baoisgne, and four hundred hirelings 51 with him ; and we bear thee no love, and if thou wouldst come out to us we would cleave thy bones asunder." 53 " I pledge my word," said Diarmuid, " that the door at which thou art, O Fionn, is the first [i.e. the 24 very] door by which I will pass of [all] the doors." Having heard that, Fionn charged his battalions on pain of their death and of their instant destruction not to let Diarmuid pass them without their knowledge. Diar- muid having heard that arose with an airy, high, exceeding light bound, by the shafts of his javelins and by the staves of his spears, and went a great way out beyond Fionn and beyond his people without their knowledge or perception. He looked back upon them and proclaimed to them that he had passed them, and slung his shield upon the broad arched expanse 53 of his back, and so went straight westward ; and he was not long in going out of sight of Fionn and of the Fenians. Then when he saw that they followed him not, he returned back where he had seen Aonghus and Grainne departing out of the wood, and he followed them by their track, holding a straight course, until he reached Ros da shoi- leach. 23. He found Aonghus and Grainne there in a warm well-lighted hut,5* and a great wide flaming fire kindled before them, with half a wild boar upon spits. Diarmuid greeted them, and the very life of Grainne all but fled out 25 through her mouth with joy at meeting Diar- muid. Diarmuid told them his tidings from beginning to end ; and they ate their meal that night, and Dairmuid and Grainne went to sleep together until the day came with its full light on the morrow. Aonghus arose early, and what he said to Diarmuid was : " I will now depart, O son of O'Duibhne, and this counsel I leave thee ; not to go into a tree, having [but] one trunk, in flying before Fionn; and not to go into a cave of the earth to which there shall be but the one door ; and not to go into an island of the sea 'to which there shall be but one way [channel] leading; and in whatever place thou shalt cook thy meal, there eat it not ; and in whatever place thou shalt eat, there lie not ; and in whatever place thou shalt lie, there rise not on the morrow. " ss He took leave and farewell of them, and went his ways after that. Then Diarmuid and Grainne journeyed with the Siona, 56 on the right hand westward until they reached Garbh-abha na bh-Fiann, 57 which is called Leamhan now ; and Diarmuid killed a salmon on the banks of the Leamhan, and put it on a spit to broil. Then he himself and Grainne went over across the stream to eat it, as Aonghus had told them 26 and they went thence westward to sleep. Diarmuid and Grainne rose early on the mor- row, and journeyed straight westward untiV they reached the marshy moor of Finnliath,5 8 and they met a youth upon the moor, and the feature and form of that youth was good, but he had not fitting arms or armour. Then Diar- muid greeted that youth, and asked tidings of him. " I am a young warrior, seeking a lord/' quoth he, " and Muadhan is my name." " What wilt thou do for me, O youth ?" said Diarmuid. " I will do thee service by day, and I will watch thee by night," said Muad- han. " I tell thee to retain that youth," said Grainne, " for thou canst not always remain without people [followers]." Then they made bonds of compact and agreement one with the other, and journeyed forth westward until they reached the Carrthach ;& and when they had reached the stream, Muadhan asked Diarmuid and Grainne to go upon his back so that he might bear them across over the stream. " That were a great burden for thee," said Grainne. Then he [nevertheless] put Diar- muid and Grainne upon his back and bore them over across the stream. They journed forth westward until they reached the Beith, 60 and 27 when they had reached the stream Muadhan did likewise with them, and they went into a cave of the earth at the side of Currach cinn adh- muid, 61 over Tonn Toime; 63 and Muadhan dressed a bed of soft rushes and of birch-tops under [for] Diarmuid andGrainnein the further part of that cave. He himself went into the next wood to him, and plucked in it a straight long rod of a quicken-tree ; and he put a hair and a hook upon the rod, and put a holly berry upon the hook, and went [and stood] over the stream, and took a fish that cast. He put up the second berry, and killed the second fish; and he put up the third berry,and killed the third fish. He [then] put the hook and the hair under his girdle, and the rod into the earth, and took his three fish with him where Diarmuid and Grainne were, and put the fish upon spits. When it was broiled Muadhan said : " I give the dividing of this fish to thee, Diarmuid.'' " I had rather that thou shouldst divide it thyself," said Diarmuid. " Then," said Muad- han, " I give the dividing of this fish to thee, O Grainne." " It suffices me that thou divide it," said Grainne. " Now, hadst thou divided the fish, O Diarmuid," said Muadhan, "thou wouldst have given the largest share to Gra- inne ; and had it been Grainne that divided it, 6 28 it is to thee she would have given the largest share ; and since it is ! that am dividing it, have thou the largest fish, O Diarmuid, and let Grainne have the second largest fish, and let me have the smallest fish." (Know, O reader, that Diarmuid kept himself from Gra- inne, and that he left a spit of flesh uncooked in Doire dha bhoth as a token to Fionn and to the Fenians that he had not sinned with Gra- inne, and [know also] that he left the second time [i.e. again] seven salmon uncooked upon the bank of the Leamhan, wherefore it was that Fionn hastened eagerly after him.) They ate their meal that night, and Diarmuid and Grainne went to sleep in the further part of the cave, and Muadhan kept watch and ward for them until the day arose with its full light on the morrow. 24. Diarmuid arose early, and caused Gra- inne to sit up ; and told her to keep watch for Muadhan, and that he himself would go to walk the country around. Diarmuid went his ways, and went upon the height of the next hill to him, and he stood gazing upon the four quarters around him ; that is, eastward and westward, southward and northward. He had not been a long time there before he saw a 29 great swift fleet, and a fearful company of ships, coming towards the land straight from the west ; and the course that the people of the fleet took in coming to land was to the foot of the hill upon which was Diarmuid. Nine times nine of the chieftains of that fleet came ashore, and Diarmuid went to ask tid- ings of them ; and he greeted them and en- quired of them news, of what land or what country they were. 25. "We are the three royal chiefs of Muir n-Iocht," 6 J said they, " and Fionn MacCumhaill it is that hath sent for us to seek us, [because] a forest marauder, 64 and a rebellious enemy 6 s of his that he has outlawed, 66 who is called Diarmuid O'Duibhne ; and to curb him are we now come. Also we have three venomous hounds, and we will loose them upon his track, and it will be but a short time before we get tidings of him ; fire burns them not, water drowns them not, and weapons do not wound them, 67 and we ourselves number twenty hun- dreds of stout stalwart 68 men, and each man of us is a man commanding a hundred. Moreover, tell us who thou thyself art, or hast thou any word of the tidings of the son of O'Duibhne?" " I saw him yesterday," said Diarmuid, " and 30 I myself am but a warrior who am walking the world by the strength of my hand and the temper of my sword ; and I vow that ye will have to deal with no ordinary man if Diarmuid meets you." " Well, no one has been found [yet]," quoth they. " What are ye called yourselves ?" said Diarmuid. " Dubh-chosach, Fionn-chosach, and Treun-chosach 6 ^ are our names," said they. 26. " Is there wine in your ships ?" quoth Di- armuid. " There is," they said. " If ye were pleased to bring out a tun of wine," said Diar- muid, " I would do a trick for you." Certain men were sent to seek the tun, and when it was come Diarmuid raised it between his two arms and drank a draught out of it, and the others drank the other part of it. After that Diarmuid lifted the tun and took it to the top of the hill, and he himself mounted upon it, and caused it to descend the steep of the hill until it reached the lower part of it, and he took the tun up against the hill again, and he did that trick three times in presence of the strangers, and remained himself upon the tun as it both came and went. They said that he was one that had never seen a good trick, seeing that he called that a trick ; and with 3' that there went a man of them upon the tun. Diarmuid gave the tun a stroke of his foot, and he [i.e. the stranger] fell to the ground before ever the tun began to roll ; and the tun rolled over that young warrior, so that it caused his bowels and his entrails to come out about his feet. 70 Thereupon Diarmuid followed the tun and brought it up again, and the second man of them mounted upon it. When Diarmuid saw that, he gave it a stroke of his foot, and the first man had not been more speedily slain than was the second man of them. Diarmuid urged the tun up again, and the third man mounted upon it ; and he too was slain like the others. Howbeit there were slain fifty of their people by Diarmuid's trick that day, and as many as were not slain of them went to their ships that night. Diarmuid went to his own people, and Muadhan put his hair and his hook upon his rod, and three salmon were killed by him. He stuck the rod into the ground, and the hair under his girdle, and takes the fish to Diarmuid and Grainne, so that they ate their meal that night; and Muadhan dressed a bed under Diarmuid and under Grainne in the further part of the cave, and went himself to the door of the cave to 32 keep watch and ward for them until the clear bright day arose on the morrow. 27. Diarmuid arose at early day and beam- ing dawn on the morrow, and roused Grainne, and told her to watch for Muadhan. He went himself to the top of the same hill, and he had not been there long before the three chiefs came towards him, and he enquired of them whether they would practise any more feats. They said that they had rather find tidings of the son of O'Duibhne than that. " I have seen 71 a man who saw him to day," said Diarmuid ; and thereupon Diarmuid put from him his weapons and his armour upon the hill, [every thing] but the shirt that was next his skin, and he stuck the Crann buidhe of Mananan 72 up- right 73 with its point uppermost. Then Diar- muid rose with a light, bird-like bound, so that he descended from above upon the javelin, and came down fairly and cunningly off it, having neither wound nor cut upon him. 28. A young warrior of the people of the green Fenians 74 said, " Thou art one that hast never seen a good feat since thou wouldst call that a feat ;" and with that he put his weapons and his armour from him, and he rose in like manner lightly over the javelin, and descended 33 upon it full heavily and helplessly, so that the point of the javelin went up through his heart and he fell right down to the earth. Diarmuid drew the javelin and placed it standing the second time ; and the second man of them arose to do the feat, and he too was slain like the others. Howbeit, fifty of the people of the green Fenians fell by Diarmuid's feat on that day ; and they bade him draw his javelin, [saying] that he should slay no more of their people with that feat, and they went to their ships. 29. And Diarmuid went to Muadhan and Grainne, and Muadhan brought them the fish of that night, so Diarmuid and Grainne slept by each other that night, and Muadhan kept watch and ward for them until morning. 30. Diarmuid rose on the morrow, and took with him to the aforesaid hill two forked poles out of the next wood, and placed them up- right ; and the Moralltach, 7 s that is the sword of Aonghus an Bhrogha, between the two forked poles upon its edge. Then he himself rose exceeding lightly over it, and thrice mea- sured the sword by paces from the hilt to its point, and he came down and asked if there was a man of them to do that feat. " That is 34 a bad question," said a man of them, " for there never was done in Erin any feat which some one of us would not do." He then rose and went over the sword, and as he was de- scending from above it happened to him that one of his legs came at either side of the sword, so that there were made of him two halves of the crown of his head. Then the second man rose, and as he descended from above he chanced to fall crossways upon the sword, so that there were two portions made of him. Howbeit there had not fallen more of the people of the green Fenians of Muir n-Iocht on the two days before that, than there fell upon that day. Then they told him to take up his sword, [saying] that already too many of their people had fallen by him ; and they asked him whether he had gotten any word of the tidings of the son of O'Duibhne. " I have seen him that saw him to-day," said Diarmuid, " and I will go to seek tidings to-night." 3 1 . Diarmuid went where were Grainne and Muadhan, and Muadhan killed three fish for them that night ; so they ate their meal, and Diarmuid and Grainne went to sleep in the hinder part of the cave, and Muadhan kept watch and ward for them. 35 32. Diarmuid rose at early dawn of the morning, and girt about him his suit of battle and of conflict ; under which, through which, or over which, it was not possible to wound him ; and he took the Moralltach, that is the sword of Aonghus an Bhrogha, at his left side which [sword] left no stroke nor blow unfin- ished 76 at the first trial. He took likewise his two thick-shafted javelins of battle, that is, the Ga buidhe, and the Ga dearg, 77 from which none recovered, or man or woman, that had ever been wounded by them. After that Diar- muid roused Grainne, and bade her keep watch and ward for Muadhan, [saying] that he him- self would go to view the four quarters around him. When Grainne beheld Diarmuid with bravery and daring [clothed] in his suit of anger and of battle, fear and great dread seized her, for she knew that it was for a combat and an encounter that he was so equipped ; and she enquired of him what he would do. [" Thou seest me thus] for fear lest my foes should meet me." That soothed Grainne, and then Diarmuid went in that array to meet the green Fenians. 33. They came to land forthwith, and en- quired of him tidings of the son of O'Duibhne. 36 " I saw him long ago," said Diarmuid. " Then shew us where he is," said they, " That we may take his head before Fionn Mac Cum- haill." " I should be keeping him but ill," said Diarmuid, "an I did as ye say; for the body and life of Diarmuid are under the protection of my prowess and of my valour, and therefore, I will do him no treachery." " Is that true ?" said they. " It is true, indeed," said Diarmuid. " Then shaltthou thyself quit this spot," said they, "and we will take thy head before Fionn, since thou art a foe to him." " I should doubtless be bound," said Diarmuid, " when I would let my head [go] with you ;" and as he thus spoke, he drew the Moralltach from its sheath, and dealt a furious stroke of destruction at the head of him that was next to him, so that he made two portions of it. Then he drew near to the host of the green Fenians and began to slaughter and to discomfort them heroically and with swift valour, so that he rushed under them, through them, and over them, as a hawk would go through small birds, or a wolf through a large flock of small sheep ; even thus it was that Diarmuid hewed cross- ways the glittering very beautiful mail of the men of Lochlann, so that there went not from 37 that spot a man to tell tidings or to boast of great deeds, without having the grievousness of death and the final end of life executed upon him, 78 but the three green chiefs and a small number of their people that fled to their ship. 34. Diarmuid returned back having no cut nor wound, and went his ways till he reached Muadhan and Grainne. They gave him wel- come, and Grainne asked him whether he had gotten any word of the tidings of Fionn Mac Cumhaill and of the Fenians of Eire. He said that he had not, and they ate their food and their meat that night. 35. Diarmaid rose at early day and beaming dawn on the morrow, and halted not until he had reached the aforesaid hill, and having gotten there he struck his shield mightily and soundingly, so that he caused the shore to tremble with the noise [i. e. reverberate] around him. Then said Dubh-chosach that he would himself go to fight with Diarmuid and straightways went ashore. Then he and Diar- muid rushed upon one another like wrestlers, like men, making mighty efforts, ferocious, straining their arms and their swollen sinews, as it were two savage oxen, or two frenzied bulls, or two raging lions, or two fearless 38 hawks on the edge of a cliff. And this is the form and fashion of the hot sore inseparable strife that took place betwixt them. 36. They both throw their weapons out of their hands, and run against and to encounter each other, and lock their knotty hands across one another's graceful backs. Then each gave the other a violent mighty twist ; but Diarmuid hove Dubh-chosach upon his shoul- der, and hurled his body to the earth, and bound him firm and fast upon the spot. After- wards came Fionn-chosach and Treun-chosach to combat with him, one after the other ; and he bound them with the same binding, and said that he would take their heads from them were it not that he had rather leave them in those bonds for an increase to their tor- ments : " for none can loosen you," quoth he, and he left them there weary and in heavy grief. 37. As for him, he went to look for Muadhan and for Grainne ; and they ate their meal and their meat that night, and Diarmuid and Gra- inne went to sleep, and Muadhan kept watch and ward for them until morning. 38. Diarmuid rose and told Grainne that their enemies were near them ; and he told 39 her the tale of the strangers from beginning to end, how three fifties of their people had fallen three days one after the other by his feats, and how fifteen hundred of their host had fallen on the fourth day by the fury of his hand, 79 and how he had bound the three green chiefs on the fifth day; "and they have three deadly hounds by a chain to do me evil," quoth he, " and no weapon wounds them." " Hast thou taken their heads from those three chiefs ?" said Grainne. " I have not," said Diarmuid, " for I had rather give them long tor- ment than short ; for it is not in the power of any warrior or hero in Erin to loose the bind- ing with which they are bound, but only four ; that is Oisin the son of Fionn, and Oscar the son of Oisin, and Lughaidh of the mighty hand, and Conan Mac Morn ; and I ween that none of those four will loose them. Neverthe- less, Fionn will shortly get tidings of them, and that will sting his heart in his bosom ; and we must depart out of this cave lest Fionn and the deadly hounds overtake us." 39. After this the company came forth out of the cave, and went their ways westward until they reached the moor of Finnliath. Grainne began to weary then, and Muadhan took her 40 upon his back until they reached the great Sliabh Luachra. 80 Then Diarmuid sat him down on the brink of the stream which wound through the heart of the mountain ; anc Grainne was washing her hands, and she ask- ed Diarmuid for his skene 81 to cut her nails. 40. As for the strangers, as many of them as were alive, they came upon the hill where the three chiefs were bound and thought to loose them right speedily, but those bonds where so [that] they [only] drew the tighter upon them. 41. They had not been long thus before they saw the female messenger 82 of Fionn Mac Cumhaill coming with the speed of a swallow or weasel, or like a blast of a sharp, pure- swifted wind, over the top of every high hill and bare mountain towards them ; and she enquired of them who it was that had made that great, fearful, destroying slaughter of them. "Who art thou that askest?" said they. "I am the female messenger of Fionn Mac Cumhaill," said she ; " and Deirdre an Duibh-shleibhe 8 ^ is my name, and it is to look for you that Fionn has sent me." " Well then we know not who he was," said they, " but we will inform thee of his appearance ; that is [he was] a warrior having curling, dusky- black hair, and two red ruddy cheeks, and he it is that hath made this great slaughter of us : and we are yet more sorely grieved that our three chiefs are bound and that we cannot loose them ; he was likewise three days one after the other fighting with us." " Which way went that man from you ?" said Deirdre. " He parted from us late last night/' said they, " [therefore we cannot tell] ." "I swear," said Deirdre, " that it was Diarmuid O'Dui- bhne himself that was there, and do ye bring your hounds with you and loose them on his track, and I will send Fionn and the Fenians of Erin to you." 42. Then they brought their hounds with them out of their ship, and loosed them upon the track of Diarmuid ; but they left the druid 8 * attending upon the three chiefs that were bound. As for them, they followed the hounds upon the track of Diarmuid until they reached the door of the cave, and they went into the hinder part of the cave, and found the bed of Diarmuid and Grainne there. Afterwards they went their ways towards the west till they reached the Carrthach, and thence to the moor of Finnliath, and to Garbh-abha na bh- 42 Fiann, which is called Leamhan now, and to the fair plain of Concon, and to the vast and high Sliabh Luachra. 43. Howbeit, Diarmuid perceived them not [coming] after him in that pursuit until he be- held the banners of soft silk, and the threat- ening standards, and three mighty warriors in the fore front of the hosts, full fierce, and bold, and dauntless, having their three deadly hounds by three chains in their hands. When Diarmuid marked them [coming] towards him in that guise, he became filled with hatred and great abhorrence of them. And there was a green well-dyed mantle upon him that was in the fore front of the company, and he was out far beyond the others : then Grainne reached the skene to Diarmuid, and Diarmuid thrust it upon his thigh, and said : " I trow thou bearest the youth of the green mantle no love, Grainne ?" " Truly I do not," quoth Grainne, " and I would I never to this day had borne love to any." Diarmuid drew his skene, and thrust it into its sheath 8 * and went his ways after that, and then Muadhan put Grainne upon his back and bore her a mile's length of the mountain. 44. It was not long before a hound of the 43 three deadly hounds was loosed after Diarmuid, and Muadhan told him to follow Grainne, [saying] that he would ward off the hound from him. Then Muadhan went back and took a hound's whelp from beneath his girdle, 86 and set him upon his palm. Howbeit when he [the whelp] saw the hound [rushing] to- wards him, having his jaws and throat open, he rose from Muadhan's palm and sprang into the gullet of the hound, so that he reached the heart and rent it out through his side ; but he sprang back again upon Muadhan's palm, leav- ing the hound dead after him. 45. Muadhan departed after Diarmuid and Grainne, and took up Grainne again, and bore her another mile's length of the mountain. Then was loosed the other hound after them, and Diarmuid spoke to Muadhan, and what he said was : " I indeed hear that there can no spells be laid upon weapons that wound by magic, 87 nor upon the throat of any beast whatever, 88 and will ye stand until I put the Ga dearg through the body, the chest, and the heart of yonder [hound] ?" and Muadhan and Grainne stood to see that cast. Then Diar- muid aimed a cast at the hound, and put the javelin, through his navel, so that he let out 7 44 his bowels and his entrails, and having drawn the javelin he followed his own people. 46. They had not been long after that before the third hound was loosed upon them ; Grainne spoke, and what she said was : " That is the fiercest of them, and I greatly fear him, and keep thyself well against him, O Diarmuid." It was not long before the hound reached them, and the place where he overtook them was Lie Dhubhain 89 on Sliabh Luachra. He rose with an airy, light bound over Diarmuid, and would fain have seized Grainne, but Diarmuid caught his two hind legs, and struck a blow of his car- case against the next rock, so that he let out his brains through the openings of his head and of his ears. Thereupon Diarmuid took his arms and his armour, and put his slender topped [i.e. tapering] finger 90 into the silken string 91 of the Ga dearg, and aimed a triumph- ant cast at the youth of the green mantle that was in the fore front of the hosts, so that he slew him with that cast ; he made also the second cast at the second man, and slew him ; and the third man [he slew] likewise. Then, since it is not usual for defence [i.e. resistance] to be made after the fall of lords, 9 * when the strangers saw that 45 their chiefs and their lords were fallen, they suffered defeat, and betook themselves to utter flight ; and Diarmuid pursued them, vio- lently scattering them and slaughtering them, so that unless [perchance] any one fled over [the tops of] the forests, or under the green earth, or under the water, there escaped not of them a messenger nor a man to tell ti- dings, but the gloom of death and of instant destruction was executed upon every one of them except Deirdre of Duibh-sliabh, that is, the female messenger of Fionn Mac Cumhaill, who went wheeling and hovering [around] whilst Diarmuid was making slaughter of the strangers. 47. As for Fionn having heard the tidings of the green Fenians being bound by Diar- muid, he loudly summoned the Fenians of Erin ; and they went forth by the shortest ways and by the straightest paths until they reached the hill where the three chiefs were bound, and that was torment of heart to Fionn when he saw them. Then Fionn spoke, and what he said was : " O Oisin, loose the three chiefs for me." " I will not," said Oisin, " for Diar- muid bound me not to loose any warrior whom he should bind." " O Oscar, loose them," 46 said Fionn. "Nay," said Oscar, "I vow that I would fain put more bonds upon them." The son of Lughaidh and Conan refused like- wise to loose them. Howbeit, they had not been long at this discourse before the three chiefs died of the hard bonds that were on them. Then Fionn [caused to be] dug three wide-sodded graves for them ; and their flag was put over their grave-stone, and their names were written in Ogham craobh, and their burial ceremony was performed, 93 and weary and heavy in heart was Fionn after that. 48. At that very time and hour Fionn saw [coming] towards him Deirdre of Duibh- shliabh, with her legs failing, and her tongue raving, and her eyes dropping in her head ; and when Fionn saw her [come] towards him in that plight he asked tidings of her, " I have great and evil tidings to tell thee, and methinks I am one without a lord ;"w and she told him the tale from first to last of all the slaughter that Diarmuid O'Duibhne had made, and how the three deadly hounds had fallen by him ; " and hardly I have es- caped myself," quoth she. "Whither went the son of O'Duibhne?" said Fionn. "That I know not," said she. And then Fionn and 47 the Fenians of Erin departed, and no tidings are told of them until they reached Almhuin of Laighean. 49. Touching Diarmuid and Grainne, a further tale is told. They went their ways eastward to Sliabh Luachra, and through Ui Chonaill Gabhra, 9 * and thence with their left handjto the Siona eastward to Ros da shoileach, which is called Luimneach now, and Diarmuid slew [for] them that night a wild deer ; then they ate and drank 96 their fill of flesh and pure water, and slept till morn on the morrow. Muadhan rose early, and spoke to Diarmuid, and what he said was that he would now de- part. " Thou shouldst not do so," said Diar- muid, " for all that I promised thee it has been fulfilled to thee without dispute." Muad- han did not suffer him to hinder him, and took leave and farewell of them, and left them on the spot, and gloomy and grieved were Diar- muid and Grainne after Muadhan. 50. After that they journeyed on straight northward towards Sliabh Echtghe, 97 and thence to the cantred of Ui Fhiachrach, 98 and as they passed through that cantred Grainne wearied ; and when she considered that she had no man to carry her but Diarmuid, seeing that Muadhan was departed, she took heart and began to walk by Diarmuid's side boldly, * * * * # * * # # * * * -x- * * * * * * * * -x- * * * * * * # * When they were come into the forest Diar- muid made a hunting booth," in the very heart of the forest, and slew a wild deer that night; so that he and Grainne ate and drank their fill of flesh and pure water. Diarmuid rose early and went to the Searbhan Loch- lannach, 100 and made bonds of covenant and compact with him, and got from him license to hunt and to chase, so that he never would meddle with his berries. 51. As for Fionn and the Fenians, having reached Almhuin, they were not long before they saw fifty warriors [coming] towards them, and two that were tall, heroic, actively va- liant, [and] that exceeded the others for bulk and beauty in the very front of that com- pany and troop ; and Fionn enquired of the others [i.e. the Fenians] whether they knew them. " We know them not," said the others, " and canst thou tell thyself [who they are], 49 O Fionn ?" " I cannot," said Fionn ; " how- beit I think they are enemies to me." That company of warriors came before Fionn dur- ing that discourse, and they greeted him. Fionn answers them and asks tidings of them, from what land or region they were. They told him that they indeed were enemies to him, and that their fathers had been at the slaying of Cumhall the son of Treunmhor O'Baoisgne at the battle of Cnucha, " and they [i.e. our fathers] themselves fell for that act ; 101 and it is to ask peace of thee we are now come." " How were ye yourselves when your fathers were slain ?" said Fionn. " In our mother's womb," said they, " and our mothers were two women of the Tuatha De Danann, and we think it time to get our father's place and station among the Fenians." 102 " I will grant you that," said Fionn, " but ye must give me eric 10 - 5 for my father." " We have no gold, nor sil- ver, nor riches, nor various wealth, kine or cattle-herds, which we might give thee, O Fionn." " Ask of them no eric, O Fionn," said Oisin, "beyond the fall of their fathers in eric of thy father." " Methinks," said Fionn, " were one to kill me that it would be an easy matter to satisfy thee in my eric, O Oisin ; 50 and none shall come among the Fenians but he that shall give me eric for my father." " What eric askest thou ?" said Aonghus the son of Art og Mac Morna. " I ask but the head of a warrior, or the full of a fist of the berries of the quicken-tree of Dubhros." 104 " I will give you good council, O children of Moirne," said Oisin, " that is to return where ye were reared, and not to ask peace of Fionn asalongasye shall live; and it is no light matter for you to bring to Fionn aught that he is asking of you, for know ye what head that is which Fionn asks you to bring him in eric ?" <( We know not," said they. " The head of Diar- muid O'Duibhne is that head that Fionn asks of you, and were ye as many in number as twenty hundred men of full strength, Diar- muid O'Duibhne would not let that head [go] with you which Fionn asks of you, that is, his own head." " What berries are they that Fionn asks of us ?" said they. " Nothing is more difficult for you to get than that," said Oisin, as I will tell you now." 52. "There arose a dispute between two wo- men of the Tuatha De Danann, that is, Aoife the daughter of Mananan, and Aine the other daughter of Mananan, the son of Lear, viz., Aoife had become enamoured of the son of Lughaidh, that is, sisters's son to Fionn Mac Cumhaill, and Aine had become enamoured of Lear of Sith Fhionnchaidh, lo s so that each woman of them said that her own man was a better hurler than the other ; and the fruit of that dispute was that a great goaling match was set in order between the Tuatha De Da- nann and the Fenians of Erin, and the place where that goal was played was upon a fair plain by Loch Lein of the rough pools. 53. " The Fenians of Erin and the Tuatha Da Danann answered that tryste, and these are the noblest and proudest of the Tuatha De Danann that came there, 106 namely, the three Garbhs of Sliabh Mis, 107 and the three Mases of Sliabh Luachra, and the three yellow- haired Murchadhs, and the three Eochaidhs of Aine, 108 and the three heroic Laoghaires, and the three Conals of Collamhan, and the three Fionns of Fionnmhur, 109 and the three Sgals of Brugh," and the three Ronans of Ath na riogh, 111 and the three Eoghans from Eas ruaidh mhic Bhadhairn, 112 and an Cath- bhuilleach, 113 and the three Fearghuses, and an Glas of Magh Bhreagh, 114 and an Suirgheach suairc from Lionan, 115 and an Mheidhir from Beann-liath, and Donn 116 from Sith Breagh, 117 and Fear an bheurla bhinn from the Boinn, 118 and Colla crionchosach from Bearnan Eile, 118 and Donn dumhach, 120 and Donn an oileain, 121 and Donn of Cnoc na n-os, 122 and Donn of Lein- chnoc, 123 and Bruithe abhac, 124 and Dolbh the bright-toothed, and the five sons of Fionn from Sith Chairn Chaoin, 125 and an t-Ilbhreac, 126 son of Mananan, and Neamhanach the son of Aonghus, 127 and Bodhbh dearg the son of an Deaghdha, and Mananan the son of Lear, and Abhortach 128 the son of an t-Ioldathach, 129 and Fioghmuin of Fionnmhur, and many others who are not enumerated here. " We, the Fenians of Erin, and they were for the space of three days and three nights playing the goal from Garbhabha na bh-Fiann which is called Leamhan, to Cromghleann na bh-Fiann, 130 which is called Gleann Fleisge now ; and neither [party] of us won a goal. Now [the whole of] the Tuatha De Danann were all that time without our knowledge on either side of Loch Lein, and they understood thatif, we, the Fenians, were united, [all] the men of Erin could not win the goal of us. And the counsel which the Tuatha De Danann took, was to depart back again and not to play 53 [out] that goal with us. The provision that the Tuatha De Danann had brought with them from Tir Tairngire 131 was this ; crimson nuts, and catkin apples, and fragrant berries ; and as they passed through the cantred of Ui Fhiachrach by the Muaidh, 132 one of the berries fell from them, and a quicken-tree grew out of that berry, and that quicken-tree and its berries have many virtues ; 133 for no disease or sickness seizes any one that eats three berries of them, and they [who eat] feel the exhilara- tion of wine and the satisfying of old mead ; and were it at the age of a century, he that tasted them would return again to be thirty years old. 55. " When the Tuatha De Danann heard that those virtues belonged to the quicken- tree, they sent from them a guard over it, that is, the Searbhan Lochlannach, a youth of their own people, that is, a thick-boned, large-nosed, crooked-tusked, red-eyed, swart-bodied giant of the children of wicked Cam, the son of Naoi ; 134 whom neither weapon wounds, nor fire burns, nor water drowns, so great is his magic. He has but one eye only 135 in the fair middle of his black forehead, and [there is] a thick collar of iron round that giant's body, and he 54 is fated not to die until there be struck upon him three strokes of the iron club that he has. He sleeps in the top of that quicken-tree by night, and he remains at its foot by day to watch it ; and those, O children of Moirne, are the berries which Fionn asks of you," said Oisin. " Howbeit, it is not easy for you to meddle with them by any means ; for that Searbhan Lochlannach has made a wilderness of the cantreds around him, so that Fionn and the Fenians dare not chase or hunt there for the dread of that terrible one." NOTES. NOTES. 1 IA n-Ann. This, and FGACC or feAccuf Ann (once upon a time) are very commonly the opening words of an Irish story. Modern scribes frequently write IA n-Aon andeACC n-Aon, i.e. one day and one time, but that is from the obso. leteness of this elliptical or absolute use of Ann. Ann is used with the essential or substantive verb CAim to denote the state of existing. Its meaning is there, and it corresponds exactly to the French y, the German es and da, and the English there, in such phases as CA X>IA Ann, il y a un Dieu, es ist ein Gott, there is a God. CAitn is often used in this sense by itself, as its equivalent is in English, e.g. t>o b< I/A nAC oetinnpvo fe A LeiceTO, a day was when he would not have said such a thing ; but Ann is understood. On the other hand Ann is used in the text without the verb. l*i n-Ann, therefore, is equivalent to IA T>A n,Aift Ann, of a day which was or existed. 2 Almkuin. The Hill of Allen, five miles to the north of the town of KJldare. Here was the chief abode of the kings of Leinster. A battle was fought here A.D. 526 ; anct again in 722, by Fearghal, son of Maelduin, son of Macfithreach, King of Ireland, against Dunchadh, son of Murchadh, and Aedh, son of Colgan, heir to the sovereignty. Almhuin is to be distinguished from Ailleann, now called in English Knockaulin, near Old Kilcullen, in the county of Kildare, 58 upon which there are yet the remains of an old fort. The two places are mentioned together in a poem on the death of Cearbhall, son of Muirigen, King of Leinster, A.D. 904. "I/1AC ViomfA Cnoc AttiiAine Aj;uf AilA,eAnn cen OCCA." Sorrowful to me the Hill of Allen And Ailleann without youths (i.e. warriors). Vid. An. Four Mast. Another seat of the kings of Leinster was Naas in the county of Kildare, which is also mentioned in the same poem. Modern poets have not been as panegyrical, if we may judge from a rhyme of the mail-coach days : " The town of Naas is a horrid place, Kilcullen's twice as bad; But d me if I ever saw the like of Kinnegad." 3 Faitche. This word at present means a fair-green, not a plain in general. 4 This name has been very correctly anglicised ( Ossian) from the pronunciation of the Highlanders, according to the flat sound of their short o, (that of o in stop), and their ten- dency to throw back the accent. The Irish sound the short o as u'va.tub, nut, and in certain classes of words accentuate the last syllable, hence they pronounce the name Usheen. As the English, however, have the same tendency as the High- landers to shorten vowels and throw back the accent, it is likely that Oisin would still have been anglicised Ossian even had the word first become known to them by means of the Irish pronunciation. 6 Moicheirghe, early rising. Hence is derived the patrony- mic O'Maolmoicheirghe, which may be anglicised O'Mul- moghery, but is now translated into Early. e Oileanach. This is an adjective, and may mean either insular, or abounding in islands. 59 7 Cormac. Cormac is first mentioned by the Four Masters in the year 225. In this year he caused to be slain Lughaidh, the son of Maicniadh (sumamed Mac Con, having been suckled by a stag-hound), who had reigned over Ireland for thirty years, and who had killed Cormac's father, Art, A.D. 195 (other authorities, however, vary the length of his reign). According to the same annals Cormac became King of Ire- land, A.D. 227, and died in 266, being choked by a salmon- bone which stuck in his throat; " on account of the Siabh- radh [evil spirit] which Maelgenn, the Druid, incited at him, after he had turned against the druids, on account of his adoration of God in preference to them." The feud be- twixt Fionn and King Cormac was this. Conn of the hundred battles had in the year 122, aided by the Luaighni of Team- hair, (a tribe in Meath), slain Cathaoir mor, King of Ireland, at the battle of Magh h-Agha ; and had created Criomh- than, the son of Niachorb, King of Leinster, to the exclusion of the race of Cathaoir mor. Cumhall, grandson of Baoisgne, who was at that time chief of the Fenians of Leinster, called Clanna Baoisgne, i.e. children or tribes of Baoisgne, deter- mined to restore the power of the race of Cathaoir mor, and accordingly, together with the men of Munster, gave battle to Conn of the hundred battles at Cnucha (now Castleknock in the county of Dublin) in Magh Life. In this battle Cum- hall, who was the father of Fionn, was killed by Goll mac Moma, chief of the clanna Moirne, (children or clan of Morna) the Fenians of Connacht. Hence there was enmity between Fionn, the son of Cumhall, and Cormac, the grand- son of Conn. The battle of Cnucha forms the subject of a romance. 8 This, of course, should have been the first clause in the sentence. Such errors are not to be attributed to any defect in the idiom of the language, but to a total disregard of style in the writer. 8 6o 9 Literally, their departing, or proceeding, is not related. A constant phrase also in the Irish Annals, and which is seldom varied, where the more polished writers of other languages use many periphrases, as, to make a long story short, we next find them at such a place, &c. 10 AotiAC Ajup oipeAccAf. In the language of the present day AOtiAc means a fair. OipeAccAf, which is derived from oipeAcc, a clan or tribe, is still remembered (according to Dr. O'Donovan), in the county of Donegal as meaning an assembly convened by a chief. The English writers of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries call them " iraghtes or paries." 11 This is the Irish mode of saying "they found the king holding," &c. This idiom is introduced in English by the Irish of all classes ; as, " he was there before me," which does not mean he outstripped me in reaching thither, but I found him there. 12 Grianan. This word is derived from Grian, the sun. Its primary and derived meanings are thus given by Dr. O'Donovan (Battle of Magh Rath, p. 7, .) i. A beautiful sunny spot. 2. A bower or summer-house. 3. A balcony or gallery. 4. A royal palace. From an extract which he gives from the Leabkarna h-Uidhre, a MS. of the twelfth century, it is evident that the name was given to a palace from the windows of glass with which it was furnished. The author of the battle of Magh Rath says, that Domhnall the son of Aedh, &c. son of Niall of the nine hostages, when building a palace in the place of his choice upon the Boyne, laid it out after the manner of the palace of Tara ; amongst the buildings of which he enumerates this dwelling or palace of the women, viz. 5]MAtiAti m eti UAicne, if erroe oo fMjneD LA CofvmAC IDAC Aifvc AJ\ cup TJIA ingin .1. TOO 5]\Ainne, i.e. The Grianan of one pillar, which had been first built by Cormac the son of Art for his daughter, that is, for Grainne. 6i 13 Aiivo (aird) is a point of the compass. The word is found in the Lowland Scotch dialect, as, "Of all the airts the wind can blow." Burns ; " Bestow on ev'ry airth a limb." Montrosc. 14 This was the name of the banquetting-hall at Tara. 15 He became king of Ireland, A.D. 268. Tighernach says that he immediately succeeded his father, but the Annals of Clonmacnoise and the Four Masters state that Eochaidh Gonat was king during 267, when he was slain by Lughaidh Meann, son of Aenghus of Ulster. Keating says that Cairbe was called " Liffeachair, " having been fostered near the river Liffey. He was slain in the battle of Gabhra, and the romantic account is that he fell by the spear of Oscar, the son of Oisin whom he also killed (vid. Battle of Gabhra, p. 48). The Four Masters, however, say he was killed by Simeoin, son of Cairb, one of the Fotharta of Leinster, (vid. Four Masters, A.D. 284. n. c. Ed. J. O'D.) 16 Daire duanach, i.e., Daire of the duans or poems. 17 The Irish have always been fond of soubriquets, many of which they derive from personal peculiarities ; of which several examples are found in this tale. The practice is stil^ prevalent amongst the peasantry. 18 Ballach means freckled, from ball a mark or spot; but it here refers to that once celebrated freckle or mole which Diarmuid had upon his face, called his ball seirce, or love- spot, the sight of which acted as a philtre on all women who looked upon it. This spot is still vividly remembered in tradition, and it is believed to have had so potent a charm that Diarmuid is now known as Diarmuid na m-ban, Diar- muid of the women. The legend probably amounts to this, that Diarmuid was a warrior of surpassing strength or beauty, and had upon his face some mole or dimple which became him very much. (Ball means a limb and a place as well as a mark ; the two last meanings are also comb d the English word spot. ) 62 18 From ciar, swarthy, dark, and dubk, black. From this compound word is derived the proper name Ciardhubhan, meaning a swarthy, black-haired man, hence the patronymic O'Ciardubhain, anglice Kirwan. This latter is now com- monly pronounced O'Ciarabhain in Irish, which has afforded a pretext to those of that name who wish to make it appear that they are of English descent, for saying that they were originally called IVhilecomhe, which is in Irish Cior bhan. (Vid. "Tribes and Customs of Hy Fiachrach, " p. 47, u. a., where Dr. O'Donovan also exposes an other attempt to con- ceal an Irish origin.) These remarks are not strictly in place here, but they may be excused for the sake of exposing as widely as possible all such silly and unnational efforts to suppress native names. The prevailing taste for foreign things may, perhaps, in some degree warrant these disguises as mere tricks of trade on the parts of actors and musicians, as in the case of a worthy man who some years ago drove a good trade in Cheltenham as a dancing master, under the attractive name of Signer Senedo, being all the time, as was at length discovered, one Mr. 0' Shaughnessy. He wore a foreign name as an actor wears his tinsel, for a livelihood ; bnt the D'Arcys and others have not this excuse. 20 CopcpA. This word (corcra) is the same as the Latin purpiira, (?Nddi\porffor,porphor), and affords a good example of the substitution of c in the Gaelic, for the p of the Latin and Welsh, as in clumh, L. plnma, W. pluf. Casg. L. Pasch, W. Pasc. The following are a few examples of c and /. in cognate Gaelic and Welsh words; Ceann, W. pen. Ct-an, W. pren, Clann (old form, eland), W. plant, Mac, W inab, Ccasachd, W. pas, Ceathair, W. ped-war, Cach, ~W.pawb. Gach, W. pob, Cre, gen. cridah, W. pridd, Cnnmh, W. pryf. 21 CAO]roeAj\5, i.e., berry-red. CAojvoeApj; is vulgarly pro nonunced c^AopAg, and hence is often written by ignorant 63 scribes cnAob-oeAns. The berry, which is such a favourite simile with the Irish in speaking of lips and cheeks, is that of the rowan-tree, which is called fAncAtnn <>eAf\5 (Vid. Battle of Magh Rath, p. 64, and Feis tighe Chonaine, p. 124, where it is specified.) 22 The name Diarmuid, at one time anglicised Dermot, is now always translated, in speaking of one who in Irish is called Diarmuid, by Darby or Jeremiah in the counties ef Limerick and Tipperary Darby is most generally used ; in Cork and Kerry, Jeremiah. (Vid. additional note on Irish names and surnames.) 23 An English writer would have said, " which she had left in the Grianan," or, "which was kept in her Grianan ;" but the above is the Irish idiom. 24 The chiefs of tribes and small territories, as well as the rulers of the whole country, were called kings by the ancient Irish. Duald Mac Firbis (who wrote in the middle and latter half of the seventeenth century) has the following re mark in that part of his genealogical work entitled " X)ur> cAfAij clomne pAcnAc," or, " The hereditary proprietors of the Clann Fiachrach." e'OO flACAlb UA tl-'Oub'OA, JUf AM A1f\m T)O bettlT) Ainipn ooib .1. gAintn niog, Agtif git) coitrngeAc fin Anna, nin, b'eAt) 'in AW Am pti A$ 5AOi'6eAtuib > oo ^\e]\ A ti'-oLiJTO fen An UAin fin, Agur 1 T>O p^n cmeAt) eLe f6f; feuc nefiu CAngACCA^ ClAnn IfnAet 50 Tip. CAif-nngine 50 m-bACA]\ cjuochA t^ 1 '5 1 "-^ " A t* Ari c '^ pn, Agur 1 gAn ni Af mo mA t>A cent) mite An fAt) Aguf CAOgAt) mile An ICACAT) innce A bAoic (Ha- liday's Ed. p. 380), and there are several townlands bearing the name of Deny in the county of Galway. It is probable that t)oi|ve X>A boc was situated either at Derrywee, barony of Kiltartan, or at Derryvookeel or Derradda, both in the barony of Loughrea. Some copies read 'Ooipe t>A bAOc, which would be the locality named by Keating, and of which XJoifve t>A boc is most probably a corruption. 39 Luimneach was originally the name of the Lower Shannon, e.g. " tti beip tuimnecri for* A optnm," The Luimneach bears not on its bosom, (Poem in Four Masters, A.D. 662.) But about the year 850 the name was applied not to the river but to the city. Ros da shoileach means the promon- 66 tory of the two sallows, and was anciently the name of the site of the present city of Limerick (vide Cf Flaherty's 40 These were the commanders of the clanna Morna or Fenians of Connacht, who had a feud with Fionn. 41 Munster. 42 Ulster. 43 Short Aodh. 44 Tall Aodh. 45 The slender brave one. 46 The wounder. 47 The loud-voiced white-fingered. 48 The tracker. 49 Literally, we would make the wounding of a gallan of thee, an obscure phrase. A gallan, called in some districts dallan, is a druidical pillar-stone, and tradition says that the Fenians used to vie with each other in casting them beyond a mark. The tribe of Eamhuin must have meant either that they would render Diarmuid as dead as a gallan, or that they would dispose of him as easily as they would cast one. 50 An expression of great contempt. 51 Hirelings. The word amhus means a madman or violent person, and also a mercenary soldier ; and amhsainc is mercenary service. 52 Literally, we would make opened marrow of you. 53 St>u A g means an arch, as is evident from the use of the word in old manuscripts where foiiAx)O]Aur is applied to the arched door of a church 5* Both is a hut or booth, and its diminutive lothan is a cabin. This word enters into the composition of many names of places in Ireland, as Teampall na seanbhoithe (Tembleshanbo, county of Wexford) ; Rath-bhoth (Raphoe. county of Donegal). The Scotch Highlanders have angli- cised it by Bothie. 55 Aonghus meant by this that Diarmuid should change his place of sleeping during the night. 5n The Shannon. This anglicised form is taken from the 67 genitive case of the Irish name, which is Sionann ; it is also sometimes made Sionainne. 57 The rough river of the Fenians. The river Leamhan is called in English Laune, and flows from the lake of Killarney into the sea at Castlemaine harbour. Many of the loughs and rivers of Ireland are by tradition supposed to have had a miraculous origin", or to have suddenly appeared. The Four Masters mention under A.M. 4169 the sudden breaking forth of five rivers, and amongst them of the Leamhan, viz. : " It was in the time of Sirna, also, that there happened the eruption of the Scirtach, in Lein- ster ; of the Doailt in Crich Rois ; of the Nith, in Magh Muirtheimhne ; of the Leamhan, in Munster ; and of the Slaine, in Ui Creamhthainn." The Scotch have anglicised the same name, Leven. 58 Finnliath. Now the river Lea, a small rivulet rising to the east of Tralee ; and being supplied by several moun- tain streams, it discharges itself into Tralee bay, and is navigable up to that town at high water for boats. 68A pofOAitn, means literally to stop, but also signifies to hire, agreeing with the similar use of the French arreter, and of the English retain. 59 Carrthach. The river Carra, as it is called in English, rises on the mountains of Dunkerron, and passing northerly through the country called Glencare, through several ro- mantic glens, in some of which it forms very considerable lakes, it empties itself into the bay of Castlemaine. 60 Beith. Now the river Behy, in the parish of Glanbehy, the most eastern in the barony of Dunkerron. 61 Currach Cinn Adhmuid, i.e., the woody headland of the bog. Not identified. 62 Tonn Toime. Now Tomes, the seat of O' Sullivan Mor, who died early in the present century, situated at the west end of Castle-Lough, near Killarney ; and now occu- pied by his descendants. 68 63 Muir n-focht, i.e., the Iccian Sea, so called probably from the Roman town in Gaul called Portus Iccius. It is thus mentioned by the Four Masters, A.D. 405. " After Niall of the nine hostages, son of Eoohaidh Muighmhead- hoin had been twenty- seven years in the sovereignty of Ireland, he was slain by Eochaidh, son of Enna Ceinn- seallach, at Muir n-Iochd, i.e., The sea between France and England." 64 05 is an attack or plundering, hence ^OJAC a ma " rauder. The term foJAc pe^iiA is equivalent to ceACApnAc coille, a wood kern ; or as he was called later, a wood tory, and simply a tory, meaning a rebel. The term arose from the Irish soldiery being reduced by war to live by plunder, and to shelter themselves in the forests. 65 Ve-Afv oibpei|\5e means a rebel, as does oibpeAf\5Ac, e.g., Four Masters, A.D. 1557. "Another hosting was made by the Treasurer into Fircall, to take vengeance upon Art O'Molloy for his protection of the wood kerns (IIA cei- cijuie coiUle) and other insurgents (MA tvoibeA]\ccAc). 66 Outlawed. Literally, whom he [i.e., Fionn] has hiding. This is an Irish phrase meaning that Fionn had outlawed Diarmuid, and that consequently the latter was on his keeping. Another expression for the same is beic JTA coiUldb A neAC, (vide Caithreim Thoirdhealbhaigfi). i.e., for one man to have another under the woods, hence to reduce him to be a wood kern or outlaw. 67 Literally, weapons do not become red upon them. 68 itifreAtmiA means of full and mature strength, hence, capable of wielding arms efficiently; from in, fit for, and jreitmi, an exertion or effort. 68* This phrase could not possibly be literally rendered into English. C9 The black -footed, the fair-footed, and the strong- tooted, 70 Either Diarmuid must have been very cunning, or the 69 stranger very stupid. His method of killing them, though efficacious, was scarcely fair. 71 Ro chonnarc. Dr. O'Donovan remarks that Irish grammarians have not hitherto noticed a peculiar form of the ist pers. sing, of the past tense of the verbs oeirvim and cigim, used by old writers, viz., t>ub AJVC, and CAIIA^. It should further be observed, however, that the same forma- tion of this person is found also in the past tense of CITMIM, as in the text ; and that these most ancient forms (which occur in the extracts published by Zeuss), are, excepting CAtiAg which is obsolete, those universally employed in the spoken language of the present day throughout Munster, instead of oubjv&r-, connA-pcAf, and -oubAij\c me, 72 i.e., The yellow shaft of Mananan, a spear which Ma- nanan had given to Diarmuid. Mananan was the son of Lear, one of the chiefs of the Tuatha De Danann, and Lord of the Isle of Man. 73 Literally, standing after its staff. Similar to this is the expression, t>o cute f6 A tvo-iAm A cinn, he fell after his head, i.e., headlong. 74 So called from the colour of their armour or of their standards. 75 i.e. The great and fierce one. 76 Literally, which left no remnant of a stroke or blow ; i.e., which was sure to kill. " i.e., The red shaft. "8 This mode of expression reads strangely enough in English, making it appear that none escaped but those who were killed This, however, is the Gaelic idiom, and in Irish expresses clearly, that not one man, being without (i.e., having escaped) destruction, departed to tell his tale. 79 Literally, by the venom of his hand. The word ninth, poison or venom, and the adjective nimhneach derived from yo it, are commonly used to denote virulence, malice, violence, &c. Thus, when it is said that the strangers had with them three venomous hounds (tri cointe nimhe), it signifies merely that they were peculiarly fierce and deadly, not that their bite was actually poisonous like that of a serpent. 80 Sliabh Luachra, now called in English Slieve Lougher, is the name of the mountainous district around Castleisland, in the barony of Trughenackmy, county of Kerry. This region is famous in Irish story, and is remarkable in modern times as having produced three of the most favourite Irish poets of the last century, Egan O'Rahilly, Red Owen O'Sullivan (surnamed an bheil bhinn, of the sweet mouth), and Teigue gaelach O'Sullivan. 81 Skene. The word sgian now means any kind of knife, but formerly denoted the peculiar dirk which was one of the weapons of the Irish. It was frequently called sgian ditbh, i.e., black knife, either from the usual colour of the haft, or from the fatal blow which it so often dealt. It has been rendered skene in the text, that being the word used by the English writers in speaking of the Irish dagger (vid. Temple's Irish Rebellion, 1641, passim). Their large dirk was called by the Irish meadog. 82 Eachlach means a horse-boy, hence messenger, or courier, and baneochlach is a female messenger. The old form of the word is bandachlach (Zeuss. Grammatica Cel- tica, p. 820). 83 i.e., Of the Black mountain. 84 Druid. Here the writer might more properly have said ban draoi, i.e., a female druid, which is equivalent to a witch, or sorceress. 85 Having previously only placed it bare in his girdle or some part of his dress. 86 This is the first and last appearance of this wonderful vhelp, and is a pleasant instance of a Deus ex machina. 7' 87 Literally, weapons of druid- wounding. 88 That is to say, that weapons which wound by enchant- ment can have no counter-spell laid on them to render them harmless, and that no beast can be rendered invulnerable in its throat. 89 i.e., The flag-stone ofDubhan. 90 In all personal descriptions the Irish writers, ancient and modern, lay great stress upon the shape of the hand, considering that it denotes gentle blood or the reverse. 91 Suaithnid, string. This must have been a string or loop attached to the shaft of a javelin to assist in hurling it, like the ayicvXjj of the Greeks, and the amentum of the Romans. 92 The Irish are exceedingly fond of introducing proverbs and sententious remarks, even in conversation. 93 This is a usual formula of the Irish writers in de- scribing the burial of warriors. The Ogham craobh, or branching Ogham, was one of the runic methods of writing practised by the ancient Irish, and so called from the fancied resemblance of its lines to the boughs of a tree. 94 It was a misfortune and a reproach amongst the Irish for a plebeian to be without a lord or chief, since he would be thus liable to any insult or oppression without having one to whom to look to obtain redress for him ; for a chief was bound, in return for the support and maintenance given him by his people, to protect them all. This relation be- tsveen the chief and his tribe is expressed in the old Irish saying put into the mouth of a clansman, " Spend me and defend me," (vide Spencer s View of the State of Ireland). Deirdre means to reproach Fionn, by saying, that since he was unable to defend his own they might as well be lordless. 95 This name may be anglicised Hy Oonnell Gaura. The district included the present baronies of Upper and Lower Connello, in the county of Limerick. 72 96 The verb cai'him, which is here used singly to express eating and drinking, means to throw and to use. In the latter meaning it may be employed with any substantive, the sense varying accordingly ; so that it may signify to wear, to spend, to eat, to drink, &c. The peasantry frequently say " to use," meaning " to eat," e.g., " I could not use a bit." 97 A mountainous district in the county of Galway upon the borders of Clare. The name is now pronounced in Irish Slidbh Eachtaidke, and is anglicised Slieve Aughty ; it is, however, on some maps incorrectly called Slieve Baughty. 98 Triucha ceitd. This was formerly called a cantred in English, and was an extent of land equal to the modern barony or hundred. The name in the text signifies the barony of the descendants of Fiachra. This Fiachra was son of Eochaidh Muighmheadhoin, King of Ireland A.D. 358. Duald Mac Firbis, who wrote a minute account of the descent, territories, and customs of these tribes (printed by the Irish Arch. Soc.) says, Slot JTliiAcpAc, mic BAGAC tTIui5rtieAX)6in, .1. Hi PACJVAC tt1uAit>e (1 T5-CAmAit)ne Atim, 1666), Hi AmAl/jATO iof\j\uif, fip cVieA^A, tli piA<5- J\AC Arone, O'A njoipceAp Anoif CeneAL 5Aijve, CeneAt AOX>A tiA h-Cccje, Coitt UA b-pACfVAc, mAiVle Le cijMb eile nAc Ainmm jceA|\ t>o ib |:VIIAC|\AC Aniu. " The race of Fiachra, son of Eochaidh Muighmheadhoin. These are, the Hy Fiachrach of the Moy (where we are this day, 1 666), the Hy Amhalgaidh of lorrus, the men of Ceara, the Hy Fiachrac Aidhne, now called Cineal Guaire, Cineal Aodha na h-Echtghe, Coill Ua bh-Fiachrach, together with other territories not considered as of the Hy Fiachrach at this day." The Hy Fiachrac of the Moy were in the counties of Sligo and of Mayo, and part of their former territory is now the barony of Tir Fhiachrac (anglice Tireragh), in the county of Mayo, which is th* district to which Diarmuidand Grainne have arrived. 73 99 Fian-bhoth, a hunting-booth. Fian in composition means, relating to the Fenians, hence, adapted for or be- longing to hunting, which was their chief employment and pastime ; thus fian-chosgair (Fenian slaughter) means a great hunting match. A hunting shed or booth was also called dumha, and dumha sealga. 100 i.e., The bitter or surly one of Lochein [Denmark] The history of this personage who is so abruptly introduced is given afterwards. 101 That is to say, that Fin had killed their fathers in eric, or compensation, afterwards. Fionn was not born at the time the battle was fought. 102 Their fathers had belonged to the Fenians of Con- nacht, i.e., the Clanna Moirne, who fought against the Clanna Baoisgne at the Battle of Cnucha, now called Cas- tleknock, in the county of Dublin. 103 Eric. The compensation due from one man to another for any injury done, the amount of which was regu- lated by the native or Brehon law. 104 Ros means either a wood or a promontory, and enters largely into the composition of topographical names in Ire- land. There is a place called Dubhros (Dooros) near Kin- vara, barony of K.iltartan, county of Gal way, but the locality in question was situated upon the river Moy, as appears at page 118. 105 Sith Fhionnchaidh, i.e., the mound of Fionnchadh. 106 Many of these names appear to be mere fictions of the writer, but some of them are celebrated in Irish mythology, and are still well remembered by tradition. 107 i.e., The mountain of Mis(anglice, Slieve Mish), a mountain in the barony of Trughenackmy, county of Kerry. In the year 3500 (according to the Irish Annals) the fleet of the sons of Mileadh came to Ireland to take it from the Tuatha De Danann ; and on the third day after landing the 74 battle of Sliabh Mis was fought between them. Here fell Scota, the wife of Mileadh, and her grave is still pointed out in Gleann Scoithin in the same barony (vide Four Masters, A.M. 3500 and n). There is also a Sliabh Mis in the county of Antrim, which is called in English Slem- mish. 108 Aine. In full, Cnoc Aine, i.e., the Hill of Aine, in the county of Limerick (anglice, Knockany). This hill, so famous in Irish legend, together with the adjacent district, was also called Aine Cliach. From the most remote times it has been believed that this Hill was the residence of Aine, daughter of Eogabhal, of the Tuatha De Danann, who was looked upon as queen of the fairies of south Munster, as Aoibheall (or more correctly Aoibhinn) of Craglea, near Killaloe, of the fairies of Thomond, or north Munster, and Una of those of Ormond. Knockany was also anciently called Carran Fearaidhe. 109 Fionnmhur, i.e., the white house. 110 An Bmgh. This was theBrugh of the Boyne, already noticed. It was called also Brugh mhic an Oig, from Aonghus Og, who is mentioned in this tale. 111 Ath na riogh, i.e., the ford of kings, called in English Athenry, a well-known town in the county of Galway. 112 Eas ruaidh mhic Badhairn, The cataract of the red one, son of Badharn. The full name of this waterfall is Eas Aodha ruaidh mhic Bhadhairn, the cataract of red Aodh, son of Badharn; but it is often styled by the Irish writers simply Eas ruaidh, whence the English form Assaroe, now more commonly called the Salmon-Leap, on the Erne, at Ballyshannon. The Four Masters have the following notice at A.M. 4518: "Aedh ruadh, son of Badharn, after he had been (the third time that he assumed the government) eleven years in the sovereignty of Ireland, was drowned in Eas ruaidh, and buried in the mound over the margin of the 75 cataract ; so that from him Sith Aedha [the mound of Aedh] and Eas Aedha are called." 113 Cath-bhuilleach. i.e., the Battle-striker. 114 Magh Shreagh, the same as Breaghmhagh, the plain ofBregia, already noticed. H5 An Suirgheach suairc, i.e., the pleasant, or cheerful wooer. The Lionan here mentioned may be Lionan cinn mhara, called in English Leenane, now a town at the head of the Killary harbour, in Joyce's country. 116 Beann Hath means the gray peak, but the Editor has not been able to identify the spot. 117 Donn. There were several of this name in Irish my- thology. Sith Bhreagh, the mound of Breagh, was most probably in the plain of Bregia. 118 i.e., The man of the sweet speech or language, from the Boyne. Beurla means a language, but has for the last three centuries been used to denote the English language in particular. 119 i.e., Colla, the withered-legged. Eile is a district in- cluding part of the Queen's County and of Tipperary. Bearnan Eile (Barnanely), part of this tract, is now a parish in the barony of Ikerrin. This Colla probably lived on the mountain called Greim an Diabhail, i.e., The Devil's Bit. 120 Donn dumhach. Donn of the sandbanks. This Donn resided at the sandbanks at the mouth of the river Eidh- neach, to the west of Ennistymon, in the county of Clare. Here are to be seen the remains of Caislean na Dumhcha (now called in Irish, Caislean na duimhche, and in English, Dough Castle), the ancient dwelling of the O'Connors, Lords of Corcomroe. Donn was held to be a very potent fairy chief, and in the last centuiy, Andrew Mac Curtin, a poet of the county of Clare, finding himself neglected by those who had formerly been kind to him, wrote an address to Donn, asking his aid. 7 6 '21 Donn an oileain, i.e., Donn of the Island. 122 Donn chnuic na n-os. Donn of the Hill of fawns (Knocknanoss, in the county of Cork). This hill is remark- able as being the place where Alasdrom Mac Domhnaill (Sir Alexander Mac Donnell), of the Antrim Mac Donnells, was slain in battle by the Baron of Inchiquin, in 1647. He, with some Irish auxiliary troops, had served in Scotland under Montrose, by whom he was knighted. He was known to the Irish and Highlanders as Colla Ciotach, Colla the left-handed, and to the English as Colkitto. The battle of Knocknanoss has been remembered by means of a pipe- tune, to which Mac Donnell's men are said to have marched that day. It is well known in the south as Mairseail Alas- droim, Alexander or Allister's march. 123 There is another Donn not mentioned here, though perhaps the most famous of all, i.e., Donn Firinne. He lived at Cnoc Firinne (Knockfierna), the hill of truth, in the west of the county of Limerick. 124 i. e ., Bruithe, the dwarf. 125 The mound of the cairn of Caon. 126 i.e., The variously-spotted one. Bodhbh dearg was created king by the Tuatha De Danann, to the exclusion of Lear and other claimants, from which resulted " the death of the children of Lear." An Daghda (the old form), i.e., the good fire, was a surname given to Eochaidh Ollathair, who reigned for eighty years, having been made king, as the Annals say, A.M. 3371. 127 i.e., Aonghus an Bhrogha. 128 The bards and shanachies fancifully attributed to each of the Tuatha De Danann chiefs some particular art or department over which they held him to preside. Abhortach they considered to be the god or genius of music. 129 i.e., The many-coloured one. ISO i.e., The crooked valley of the Fenians. The river 77 Flesk, rising near the eastern borders of Kerry, flows with a winding course westward, through a very wild and moun- tainous country, into the Lake of Killarney. This tract is called Glenflesk, and hence O'Donoghue, the chief of it bore the title of O'Donoghue of the Glens, which is retained by his representative to this day. 131 i.e., The Land of Promise. This is an instance of the manner in which the Irish romancers draw upon biblical and other history, when they wish to introduce something particularly remote and mysterious. 132 Called in English the Moy, in the county of Sligo. 133 buAt). This word literally means a victory, hence the extraordinary powers or virtues of amulets, &c. Jewels are called clocha buadh, i.e., stones possessing virtue ; probably from the ancient belief that gems were efficacious for the discovering and counteracting of poisons and spells. 134 i.e. Ham or Cham, the son of Noah. He is generally distinguished in Irish writings by the epithet collach t wicked, or, more strictly, incestuous. 135 Here we have a specimen of a character compounded from sacred and profane history. It is evident that the author had read of the Cyclops, but it is not as easy to determine where he found that any of the Clann Chaim choliaigk had settled in Lochlin. It must be confessed that the Irish romancers of the middle ages were not second in imagination to their brethren of the Continent, who also took many liberties with the personages of antiquity. GLOSSARY, GLOSSARY, &,prep. in. &, pass. pron. his, her, its, their. A, rel. pron. who, which, that. A, prep, for A, to ; also sign of inf. mood, A, for AJJ, at ; also sign of pres. part. A, int. (sign ofvoc. case), Oh. C, s. m. the entrails; gen. AbAic, AbAi. imp. mood, 2nd p. sing., from irr. v. t)eij\ini, I say, speak ; inf. J\AT>. ACA, prep. pron. at, or with them. ACO. (See ACA.) &.cof&\\, prep, emph. pron. with them. (See ACA.) ACC, conj. but, except; also, AC, ACO. At>bA|\, s. m. cause, reason; gen. A.x>bAifv, pi. id. A 5> prep- at, with. AJA, prep. pron. at his, her, or their. (See AJAC.) , prep. emph. pron. with thee. (See AgAC.) , prep. pron. with you (pi.) fe, prep. emph. pron. with you (pi.) AJATO, s.f. face; gen. Aijce and AJAit>e ; pi. Aijce. Am'AgAit), against me : A n-AJAit), against, against them. , prep. pron. with us. tnfA, prep. emph. pron. with or at me. , prep. pron. with thee. fe. (See AgAib.) , conj. and. itlce, adj. destroying, consuming. A1 5 e > p r ep- pron. with him, or it. Ait, s.f. will, pleasure; gen. Aitt/e. s. f. time, weather, season ; gen. Aimfij\e ; //. AimpopA, Aitnf eA]\A, or AitrifeA^ACA, last form seldom employed. 82 Ame, s. f. a woman's name. Aif\, prep. pron. on him ; prep, on, upon. Aint>, adj. for AJVO, high ; comp. Aijvoe. or Ant), s.f. a point of the compass; height, gen. Aijvoe. eApCA, the gen. of AijvoLeAbA, or AifvoteApA, s. f. a high bed ; pi. Aijvote&pACA; b and p -were frequently used for each other. ), s. m. silver, money ; gen. Ainjit). J, v. felt, perceived ; imp. Ai|Yij. Ainfe An, //cnom, dot, sing, -nuim, arf/. airy, light, quick. Aicle, prep after; A Vi-Aicle pn, compound prep., after that. Aicne, s. f. knowledge, acquaintance; gen. id. jmit), v. we know ; imp. Aicm j. , v. ac. declare, tell, repeat. , gen. 0/AiciYifeA i o, part, -verb, telling, relating. n, v. pass, is told. , s. m. foreigner; gen. AlA/munAij ; pi. , adj. wild, fierce, savage. AltiiA, gen. ; Al/mAti, dat. ; ALtiiAin, the Hill of Allen, in Kildare, the residence of Fionn, the son of Cumhal. Abrium, dative of preceding. Alum. (See Alumn.) Alumn, adj. fair, beautiful ; also AlAin ; compar. Ailte or Aline. Atn, s. m. time ; gen. id. and AWA ; pi. AtnAnnA. &m,prep. pron. in my ; for Ann mo. Am AC, adv. out, out of; with verb of motion only. AihAit, adj. like. AtriAin, adv. only, alone. Atn Lyra, adv. thus, so, in like manner. ATTIUIJ;, adv. without, outside, with a verb of rest only. Atnuf , s. m. a hireling soldier ; gen. AttitiTp. An, art. the ; gen. sing. fern. nA ; pi. nA. An, interr. partic. whether. An Am, s. m. life, soul; gen. AHITIA ; //. AnmAnnA. And, adv. yesterday ; properly A n-t>. A mt, adv. to-day; also Aniuj, and A n-t)iu. AnmA. (See AnAm.) Ann, adv. there, therein ; prep. pron. in him or it. 83 Atitif, Atinf An, or Ann fAn, in the. AtinfA, adj. more beloved, dearer ; irreg. comp. 0/ r ionirm1ti. AnnfA (also 'tf&)for Armf An, in the. Anocc, adv. to-night. Anoif, adv. now. Anonn, adv. over, thither, to the far side. AntiAf , adv. down, from above, with a verb of motion only. Act), s. m. a man's name ; gen, Aot>A. Aoife, s.f. a woman's name. Aon, num. adj. one ; also Aen. AonAC, s. m. a fair, a meeting ; gen. AonAi ; pi. AonCAije. Aongur-, s. m. gen., Aonguf A, a man's name : Aongtif of Brugh on the Boyne, was tutor and foster-parent of 'OiAntntn'o. Aonn-eAC, any person, any one. An, v. def. says, quoth. An, prep, on, upon. (See AI.) AJ\, s. m. slaughter, gen. Ain,, p. id. A^,poss.pron. our. A-pAon, adv. both, together. Anein, adv. last night. AttiAifi, adv. ever. Anm, s. m. a weapon ; gen. Ainrn ; pi. Ainm, ApmA, arms, weapons. Anc., s. m. ; gen. Ainc, a man's name. Af, prep, from, out of. At^eAC, prep, in, into ; with a verb of motion. Ac UiAin, Athlone ; the ford of Luan. ACA, subst. v. am, is, Sec., for CA ; imp. bi. ACA, s. m., gen. of lib, a ford ; pi. ACAnnA. ACA, adj. just, lawful : also nom. gen. case, of danger. ACAIT>, sub. v. they are ; for CATO (see ACA). AC Aim, sub. v. I am (see ACA). ACAin, s. m. a father ; gen. ACA^ ; //. Aicne a , adj. victorious, triumphant. A, s. m. another day ; gen. AclAOi ; //. v, sub. v. they were, modern form, bior>A|\. , s. m. a village, a town, a place, gen. id.pl. , v. of. take, cut off, bAinif, thou didst cut off. bAire, s. m. a goal, gen. id, p. bAinroe. bAic, v. a. drown, bACAnn, does drown. bAl,l.AC, adj. freckled, spotted. bAtnoinne, subst. v. emph. form, we ourselves were, imp. W. , s.f. a wife, a spouse, gen. id. pi. bAnc6ili. 8 4 , J. a female messenger, gen. bAti-eAclAi, cc, n f. gen. OAncpACCA, the ladies of a household. im, s. f. an, airy, wild leap, gen. bAOicLe'ime, pi. bAOicleAtnAtitiA. bAf\ for bu]\, pass, pi on. your. bA|\)\, s. m. top, head, summit, gen. bAi]\j\.//. id. bAppcAol, adj. slender-topped, tapering. bAj*, s. m. death, gen. bAif, pi. id. be, sub. v., would be. beAg, adj. little small, comp. mop IUJA. beAgAti, s. m. a little, a small quantity, gen. beAgAfn. beAti, s. f. a woman, wife, gen. mriA,//. id. beAtinuig, v. a. bless, beAnriACAf, did greet, bless. beAf\Aib, J. m. prep, case 0/~be AJ\A, spits. (See bioj\) beACA, s. f. life, beACAix>, old. gen. of beACA, gen and pi. id. beACAC, s. m. a beast, an animal, also beACAigeAC, //. beim, s.f. a stroke, a blow,, imp. bf. biAT), s.m. meat, food, gen. bit). biAinn, see bioinn. bmeAnti.bionn, sub. v. he does be, he usually is. bitnrm, sub. v. I used to be, imp. bi. bitnr-e, sub v. emph. form, I myself am usually. birmbj\iAq\AC, adj. sweet-spoken, eloquent. bioubAt), biot>bA, s. m. an enemy, gen. bio-obAi*, //. bfo'6bAit)e. biot>5, v. n. start. biop. s. m. a spit, a goad, gen. bty or b^A]\A, //. id. bic, s.f. life, existence, being, Aipbic, adv. phrase, at all. bl/Af, v. a. taste bliAt)Ain, j.yC a year, gen. and//. bogAC , s. m a bog, moor, quagmire,,^. bojAij, //. bogAije. bo^-LuACAip, s. f. soft rushes, gen. bo^-luACpA. bomn, s. f. the Boyne, bjuig-tiA-boinne, the name of a palace on the Boyne. botin, s. tn. the sole of the foot, bottom, foundation, gen. btnnn, pi, id. biof , sub. v. is wont to be, also I was. boc, s. /., a booth, a hut, gen. boice, //. bocA. bocAtnce, sub. m. pi. a flock, from bo and cAin ; pi. CAince. bpA'OAtt, s. m. a salmon, breath, gen. bj\A'OAiri, pi. id. bpA'OAti A beACA-6, the breath of her life. bfVAicpnn, v. ac. I would bring or take, imp. bf\Aic. b|\Ati, s. f. name of a hound, gen. b^Ain. bj\AC, s. m. a cloak, a garment, gen. bj\Aic, pi. id. also bjunc and b|\ACA ; mo bj\AcrA, my cloak. bnACA, s. m. gen. of b-pAc, judgment, time, b]\oinn An bpACA, the womb of time. bpicj\eAT>, of words, gen. pi. of bniACAp, bpeug, s. f. gen. b^eije, a lie, //. b^eu^A. bjviACAf\, s. m. a word, gen. bpeicpe, //. b|MAr|\A. b|\omn, s.f the womb, gen. bnoinne, pi. bpontiA. b|\6n, s. m. sorrow grief, gen. bfvom. bpofotnj, v. ac. hasten, exhort. bf\UAc, s. m. edge, brink, gen. bf\UAic pi. bjuiACA. bpuj, s. m. a palace, a royal residence, gen. b]\ui, //., bpuc, properly bpuic, v. ac., boil, seethe, or roast, e. g. bpuice oe'n biop, i.e., roast meat off the spit. buAt>uij v. a. conquer, buA'DpyoAOif, they would conquer. , s.f. gen. buAit>e,//. buAUA, a virtue, attribute. v. ac. strike, imp. v. ac. imp. cut, meddle, touch, take \ inf, buAinc. -eug, s. m.gen. buA-m-eugA, //. id. lasting death. sub. cows, cattle, gen. but), past tense of sub. v. if, was, imp. bi. buix>e, adj. yellow. buroeAii, s. f, company, multitude, troop, gen. buit>ne //. id. buiLe, s. m. madness, rage. btnt/te, s. m. a cast, a blow, gen. buiVle, pi. built/roe. bun, s. m. base, bottom, foundation, gen. bum and bomn, //. id CA, interrog. adv. what, where. s. m. a fleet, navy, also cob^AC, gen. cobl/Aij, //, CAbiACA. 86 CAC, indef. sub. the rest, the whole, all (persons in general) ; gen. CAIC. CAiUl, v. ac. lose, cAitleAf, I have lost. CAirn--pAclAc, adj. crooked -tusked or hooked-toothed. CAif\bpe, s. m. a man's name, e. p., Cairbre, son of Cormac, paramount king of Ireland A.D. 268. CAi^voe. s. f. respite, time for payment, gen. id. CAic, v. ac. cast, spend, eat, cAicpp, thou shalt cast, &c. CAiceAtfi, s. m. wearing, wasting, decay; gen, CAiciiie, CAicce. CAicne, the arbutus tree ; ubt,A CAicne, arbutus apples. CAicirilleA'o, s. m. battle-champion, from CAC, a battle, and miteAT), a hero, a soldier, gen. nu'Lro, //. id. CATTI, s. m.prop. name Cam, Cham, or Ham. CAtttAn, s. m. a hurl for goal playing, gen. CATHAITI,//. id. CAOgAT), ord num. adj. fifty. CAO1, s. m. or f. state or manner, way, gen. id. CAOttce, s. m. prop. Caoilte, a man's name. CAoineAt), s. m. a dirge for the dead, a wailing,^. CAOince. CAoL-cor-Ac, adj. graceful-legged, slender-footed. CAol-cp6t>A, adj. slender and brave. CAolcuiriAiig, comp. adj. narrow-spaced. CAol-T>fvoniArmAio, s. m. prep, case, gen. CAoL-T>pottiA, //. CAot-'opomArmA, slender ridges, or hills. CAOfv, s. f. a berry, gen. and pi. CAO|\A. CAO|\Aib, prep, case, berries. A, adj. ruddy, berry-red. iti, s. tn. the quicken-tree, or mountain ash, gen. and pi. -CAirin. CAJAA, s. m. a friend, gen. CA^VAT), //. CAi|\'oe ) CAi^TJib, prep. case plur. CA|\bAt), s. m. a chariot, a waggon, gen. cA^bAit), pi. id. CAjvn, s. m. a pile of stones, a cairn; gen. and pi. CAifvn. s. f. a rock, gen. and pi. CAippge, //., also CA]\I\CAC, ^. / prop, name, the river Carrthach. CAf, adj. curly; CAJTA, twisted, curled, wreathed, entwined. CAC, gen. and pi. CACA, a battle, an Irish battalion of soldiers. CAcbuilleAC, s. m. prop name, the battle-striker. ceAt), s. m. leave, permission, gen ceAT>A,//. id. ceAl-5, s. /., gen. ceitje, prep, case pi. ceAl/gAib, thorns, wiles, deceit, treachery, hypocrisy. ceAl-gAit), v. ac. sting. CCATIA, adv. however, howbeit. 87 , v. a. bind. ce, per f. part, bound. s. m.gen. andpl. ceAngAil, a compact, a covenant, a knot. ceAtm, s. m., ahead, a chief, gen. cirm,//. id. ceAjvti, s. m. a comer, an angle, gen. ceipn, //. id. CeA-juiA, prop, name Cearna. ceAfc, adj. right, fair, certain, sub. justice. ceAq\AriiA, s.f. a thigh, a quarter, gen. ceACpAtiiAn, t), ord. adj. fourth. ceiL, v. a. hide. inf. ceilc, hide, conceal, ceiLce, past part. ceile, comp pron. each other, adv. together. ceiLeAbfAT), s. m. farewell, festivity, gen. -pAVD. ceiq\e, num. adj. four. cetro, num. adj. a hundred. ceutJCACAc, adj., gen. ceu-ocACAig, fighter of a hundred. cetronA, indec. adj. same. ceut>6i]\, adv. forthwith, firstly. CIA, interrog. pron. who. ciAn, adj. long, tedious ; A g-ceiti or A g-ciAti, afar. ciAnnor, adv. how, what. ciArvouo, adj. dusky, black. CiAjv6ubAin,/r0/. name, the modern name Kirwan. cit), conj. albeit, notwithstanding, though yet, nevertheless; put for JIT). cinti, v. a. resolve, cirmeA'OAfv, they resolved upon. cionn, s. m. cause, account. ciormcAC, adj. guilty, comp. -CAije. cionnctnj, v. accuse, imp, -cuJAt). ciormuf, adv. how, also cionnAr;. cirtcfeAf AITI, adj. upright, standing erect. ctAit>eAiri, s. m. gen. clAit>irii, a sword. cl/Atin, s.f. : gen. cLoirme,//. cl,AtirA, children, descendants, a clan. cteAtfmAf, s. m. alliance by marriage,//. cleAtrinuip f, s. m. a trick, a feat, an illusion, gen. cteAfA, pi. id. and cteAf AnnA. uijeAcc, s./., gen. cleAftnseAccA, tricks, legerdemain. (See cleAt 1 ). cLi, adj. left-hand, partial, prejudiced. , s. m the chest, a basket; gen. cteib, //. id. tiin, s. m. son-in-law, gen. cleAirmA, pi. cleAthnACA, or cl/iAtrmineACA. feom cU and CAob, f. f. left side. 88 clocojvoA, adj. golden-jewelled. c1oiT>eAifi (see cl ATOeAifi ). ct6f , perf. part, of cUnn, v. ac. was heard, having heard. cluAf, s. f. an ear, gen. cLtiAife,//. ctuAfA. cLuin, v a. hear, ctuimrn, I hear ; cLof, irr. pres. part. cUnnimfe, I hear, emtk., cluiticit>e, used to be heard, would be heard. cluice, a game ; pi. clutcce ; cl/tncce-CAOince, funeral rites, a burial ceremony. clucifiA]\, adj. close, warm, feathery, comfortable. ctiAiTfif\eAiiiAn, adj. thick-boned. cneAf, s. m. skin, waist, gen. cneir 1 ,//. cneAfA. cnoc, s. m. a hill, gen. and pi. cnoic and cnutc. CMO^A, s. m. pi. of cno, a nut, gen. like pi. also ctitai. cotiAil., v. n. sleep. 1 , s.f. a fortnight, also coicciwr 1 , gen. -nW coipeAt), ord. adj. fifth. (See cuigeAX).) coiLeAri, s. m. a whelp, gen. -Leiti,//. id. c6irhceite, s. m. a comrade, gen id. pi. -Lix>. coitiroeACCA, gen. <7/"coinroeAcc, safety, security. coitfieut), v. ac. imp. protect, keep, take heed. coimifvc, s.f., gen.; coirmpce, protection, mercy. coiiTnomLAti, adv. together, entirely. coitrmeAf A, adj. nearest. coinne, s.f. a meeting, a tryst, gen. id. c6ip, adj. right, just, virtuous, comp. co^A. coir>5, in/in, cofg, imp. v. ac. hinder, restrain; would hinder. coir^e, s. m. a footman, a henchman, gen. and pi. id. coicceArm, adj, universal, public, common. colb A, s. m. post, pillar, sceptre ; gen. id. pi. cotbAt)A. CoUlA-c|\ionco'r'AC, s. m. a man's name; " CoLtA the withered-legged." coLtAij, adj. wicked, bad ; gen. of collAC, CAID CoU-AC, rhAC tlAOi, wicked Ham, son of Noah. coLutfiAn, gen. and pi. coLuttiAin ; colAtfiriA, s. m. a pillar. c6niAH\, sub. f. presence, or- cotiiAi|\, in presence of. coifiAijVle, s.f. counsel, advice ; gen. id. pi. -LeACA. cotriAL, s. f. a. handmaid, a maid-servant ; also written cuiiiAL ; gen. id. and cutriAiLe, //. cutriAiL cotfiA^CA, s. m. a sign, a token ; gen. id. pi. cottiA]\ c c6tficoirui5eAcc, s.f. equal pace; gen. -eACCA. c6mx)AiL, s. f. meeting; gen. 8 9 cotm>Aiii5 1ot1 adj. irresistible, firm, closely knit. coriroAGAC, adj. many-coloured, of equal dyes. cotrilAirm, gen. 0/conitAnn, a combat. coriinuit>e, s. f. a tarrying, dwelling, rest ; gen. id. comoncAf, s. m comparing, emulation. coiiirtAC, s. m. gen. and pi. -JVAIC, fighting, conflicting. cotiAin, s. f. a path, a way; gen. id. pi. conAijxf. ConAlX, s. m. a man's name, Conall. concAtiAn, v. of. irr. past time, they saw ; imp peic. Conn ceuocACAC, gen. Cuinn CCUXXJACAIJ, prop. name,-Conn of the hundred battles ; father of King Cormac. ContiACC, prot>. sub. Connaught. coniiAncr-A, v. ac. emph. form, I, mys elf have seen. co|\, s. m. occasion, a visit, a tune or twist, a cast or throw ; An con, so that, to the end that ; An con An bic, Ap Aon con, by any means, in any wise, con, wearying. (See cun.) COJVA, adj.comp. of coin, right, just. copcunAC, adj. red, purple. ContriAC s. m., a man's name, gen. -trlAic, Cormac, son of Art, paramount king of Ireland, A.D. 227-266. conn ,s.m.z goblet, a drinking-horn ; gen. coijvn pL id. conp, s. m. a body, a corpse; ctnjvp, //. and gen. coj\p-buf6e, adj. yellow, swarth-bodied. connArhuit, adj., wrestler-like, furious. CorincA, wearied. copujA-6, s. m. ornament; p.p. ornamenting, dressing, ar- ranging. corunj; v. ac., arrange, settle, prepare, cof, n.f., gen. coipe, a foot, leg, trunk, pi. cofA. C0 r5- P res - part. 0/copCAim, curbing, restricting. co]-nArii, s. tn. defence ; gtn. cof AnCA. AT), s. HI. torment, anguish ; gen. id. and C^AVO, // ci\At>A. s. m. a tree, a stave, gen. cpAinn, pi. -tiAib prep. case. iACAn, s. m. a surname of the father of CAOitce. , s.f. a bough, a branch ; gen. -oibe, //. -obA. ifeAc, s. f. a spear, javelin:^/. c|\AOifeACA. C, s. m. the body, a carcase ; gen. cpeACA, //. id. cneiro, interr.g. pron. what, for CIA An nut)? cnior 1 , s.m. a girdle, belt, zone ; gen. cneAfA, pi. cneAfAnnA. cc, s. in. valour, bravery ; gen. id. , s. m. heart ; gen. id. pi. cporoce. -jLeArm s. m. a crooked or winding valley or glen; gen. cnom-gleAnnA, and -glmn, //. 90 r', s. m. rigour, severity; gen. cnumne, s.f. the globe of the earth ; gen. id. cu s. m. or f. a. greyhound ; gen cun, con, prep, case com, or cum ; //. cum coin, or conA comce. cuAt)Aif , v. n. thou didst go ; 2nd per, sing. perf. ofirr. v, cei6irn, inf. -oo clof. CuAt>An, s. m. a man's name. cuAtxoAn, v. n. they went. CUATO, v. n. irr. past, did go, went; imp. c6i&. cuAlAT>An, v. ac., irr. they did hear; imp. cluin. . ac. irr. did hear; imp. cluin. , adj. fragrant. ^/. pron. unto them. ^/. pron. unto thee. , prep. pron. em-f>. unto us ourselves. cucAtnr-A, emph.pron. unto me, to myself, cuibe, indecl. adj. becoming, meet, decent, proper. cvc\ce, prep, pron. unto her. CUIT>, s. /., gen. COTJA ; a part, a remnant, portion of food. ctnge, prep. pron. unto him. ord. adj. fifth ; n. a fifth. f. a nook, a corner, closet, couch ; gen . cuite, pi. cvhleAnA. cuileAnn, s. m. the holly-tree ; also cuilionn,//. cuiLmn. Cumn. (See Conti.^ cuin, v ac. put ; injin. cup. cuipeAt), was put. cui|veAt)At\, v, ac. they did put, did cause, cuinp eA-r-A, v. ac. second per sing. cond. cmph, thou wouldst put. culnpmit), we will send. e, emph. form. I put, perf. cinjveAr. , v. ac. first per. sing. cond. I would put or send. (See cuin.) f, thou didst put. C, s. m. bonds, chains ; gen. cuinig ; pi. cuinie. , s. m. or f. suit, apparel, vestments ; gen. id. and culAt> ; //. cul,A&eACA. cum, in order that, it is used as a preposition and governs ge- nitive case ; sub. order. CuthAl/l, s. m. a man's name; father of Finn. s. m. a compound, a confection ; gen. and pi. cutriAir-c. 9' cutfromjce, adj. indecl. preserved, chased, covered. cumuf, s. m. power, faculty ; gen. cutriAif. cup, s. m. weariness, fatigue, irksomeness. curiA, s. m. a hero ; gen. -J\AIT>, pi. id. cupAro tiA cj\AOibe ftUAroe, Knight of the Red Branch. cucAig, adj. raging, fierce, savage ; from CUCAC, madness, rage. OA, pass. pron. of his, from t>e, of and A, to his from T>o and A, of her, to her, of its, to its, of their, to their of or to which ; also prep, with of. T>A, a verbal particle sometimes employed for X)o, as X)A bAi, for t>o bi. TJA, conj. if, sometimes put for Ag, at. OA, num. adj. two, always with a noun. t)Ail, s. f. a meeting, gathering ; gen. OAiLe j, v. a. OAiieAX), set apart, distributed. , s. m. a stronghold, a fortress ; gen. pi. t>Ain5ne. t)Air\e, s. m. a man's name. , pref. as to, as for, , siib. a druidical pillar-stone. (See , s. m. a foster child ; gen. id. pi. OAtri, s. m. an ox ; gen. OAUTI, pi. id. t)Atn, prep. pron. to or for me. x>AriiAit> adj. skilful, learned, scientific ; from OAtfi, a poet, a learned man ; also a poem, learning. tiAirif A, einph. pron, to me, myself. T>Aii, s. m. fate, destiny, lot; gen. OAHI and ^AttA ;pl. x>AiiA, ad', savage, bold, intrepid, impudent. UAtiAin, f. m. a tribe of people. TJAome, j. m. mankind, people; pi. of-owne. OAp, prep, over, upon, by, through; also pron for to T)'Ap, of whom, whose. T>AJ\, def. v. thinks or think ; OAf* Liom, methinks ; T>AJ\ Lei]* pein, he himself thinks ; OA|\ ie6, they think. t>Af\A, ord. adj. second. oAfAco, s. /. daring, fierceness, boldness ; gen. -ACOA. t)A|"AccAc, adj. dauntless, furious, oe, comp. pron. of him, of it, from Tje and 6. t>eACAT>/i?r oeACATJAf*; $rd. pers. pi. sub j. ind. of cevoim they went. oeACAt)Ap, v. n. irr. they did go ; imp. cei&. it), v. n, irr. third per. sing.subj md. did go; imp. ceift, ft, adj. difficult ; comp. ioeACArA. , adj. more difficult. JO 9 2 e, s. m. a goodly city, town ; pi. A, s. m. pleasing poems or poetry, from t>eAJ;, good, a/n/'OAn, a poem. A, s. f. a. proper name. oeAJtuntie, s. m. a good man ; //. oeAj'OAOine. /AOc, s. m. a worthy hero ; gen. oeAglAOic ;//. T>eA5- lAOCfVA. , s. m. form, shape, face, image ; gen. oeilbe, //. id. oeA|\b, adj. persuaded, sure, certain ; comp. T>eA|\bcA. oeA]\c, an eye; s. m. or f. prep, case pi., DeArtCAib , adj. red. comp. T>eir>5e. ij, v. a. redden; oeA^jAmi, does redden; imp. , v. ac. irr. did make ; imp. oeuti. T), v. a. irr. was made ; imp. oeun. if, v. thou hast done ; imp. T>euti. oeiirun, adj. certain, sure, true. T>6in, v. imp. form. make. (See oeuti.) Oeijvorte, s. f. a. woman's name. oeirieAt), -o&geAnAc, adj. last, hindermost ; s. m. end, rear, stern ; gen. oei|M&, //. id. oeij\iT>r > e, you yourselves say. t>ei]Mmfe, v. ac. irr. emph. from, I myself say ; imp. AbAirx ; past oubAi|\c. oeif, adj. to the right hand ; gen. t>eif e. oeif, prep, after. t>en, v. I will make; imp. T>eun. oeoc, s. f. a. drink ; gen. oige, //. -oeocA. oeoin, s. f. will, consent ; gen. -oeoitie. oeop, s. m. a tear, a drop ; gen. -oeoiri ; //. t>e6|\pA. oeutibAn, adj. white-toothed, from oeu-o, a tooth, and bAii white. oeug, indec. card. adj. ten. oetrn, v. a. irr. make, do. oeunAtii, infin. to make; alsotDeutiArfi, s. form. (Seer>eun.) oeun-pATJf A, v. emth. form, I shall or will make. oeunpAi|\, thou wilt do. 2nd per s. ind. fut. of oeAnAirn. ^eunjTAmAOTo, we shall make. oeuticA, made, done. oeurifAirm, v. would say, speak; 1st pers. sin. cond. ind. of De-pirn . T)1, pron. to \ier,from -oo and \. X)1A, s. m. God; gen. 'Oe, //. 1 D6e, 'Oece, flwiAnA, adj. vehement, eager, active, strong; also IMAM. A-6, pres. part, violent, scattering, from vehement, and -pjAoit, to loose. ntM'o, s. m. a man's name ; gen. 'OiAfMnu'OA. oib}?ei|\5e, sub. gen. of oibfeA^, indignation, vengeance, oibr-e, pron. emph. to you ; oib, pron. to or for you. D1OO, pref. pron. of them, off or from them. oiobrAii, emph. pron. of themselves. ciojbAit, s. f. damage, destruction, loss, defect; gen. -bAl,A. oiot, s. m. sufficiency, object; gen. 010!^. TDioLAttinAC, gen. TtiriAij;//. tfiriAije. oiorn, comp. pron. from -oe and me, of or from me. oiotiroAC, adj. dissatisfied, displeased. 010115111 AiL, s. f. fill, match; gen. -rtiAtA,//. id. 01 on 5111 At A, indec. adj. perfect, firm, sure, strong ; from 010115 aW 010115 A, worthy. oiot^nAT), v. would make; imp. oeun. T>1 011511 Aim, v. I would make or do; imp. oeun, oiofuiiA, a troop, j. m. m f. prep, case -tnAtiiiAib, a com- pany, a crowd ; gen. -ITIACA. t)ior\|\Aiti5, s. m. a man's name. oipeAC, adj. straight, erect, direct, oif, s. f. two persons ; gen. thfe ; compare T>iAf, gen. "oeip, applied only to persons or personified objects. oi|"5t\e, adj. comp. of T>ifcip, fierce, active, sudden ; also oifcr\e. t>fc, s. f. harm, need, want, deficiency ; gen. t>ice. oicceAiiA, s. m. enmity, hatred, ill-will, oicceille, s. f. folly, want of sense. T>iutc, v. ac. refuse ; inf. oiuLcAt>. oLi^e, s. m. law, ordinance ; otipt), gen. pi. T>tucA, adj. close, tight, confined, oiuc. oo, pron. to him ; also a rel. pron. which (for A). oo, verbal particle, to, prefixed to inf. present, and also to the frete. ind. affirm. ; also prep, to, of; pass. pron. thy. X)obA|\, s. m. a man's name ; father of Diorraing. oobrionAc, adj. sorrowful, mournful. T>OCA^, s. m. hurt, loss, mischief, wrong ; gen. oocAip, //. id. ootj, prep, and pass. pron. for t>o oo, to thy, or for thy ; prop. t>ot>. oogA, s. m. burning, conflagration ; also -oogAt), gen. id, a/fc/'ooigce ; //. tiogCA. t)6ib, comp. pron. to or for them. toi i 6eA'ortAtinA, adj. inpenetrable. 94 T>6it>tAttiA, s. f. pL of DOToiAtfi ; gen, ooit>tAirhe, from GOTO, the fist. 0615, s. f. also -001G, hope, conjecture ; gen, o6ice. ooipe, sub, a grove, a wood, a thicket ; gen. id. t)olb oeu-o-foLuif, s. m. ; Dolbh, of the shining white teeth. oom, pron for t)o mo, to my. ooriiAn, s. m, the world, the universe ; gen. -ooniAiti, pi, id. oon, prep. cont. of 1 oo, to, and ATI, the, and put far "00*11. T)onn, s. m. a man's name ; TDonn OUITIAC, s. m. Donn of the sandbanks; t)otin AH oileAti, of the islands : TJonn Cntnc tiA n-dr 1 , of the hill of the fawns ; t)orm t,eincnuic, of the bare hills, oopn, s. m. a fist; gen. t>oi]Mi and otiijAn. //. of t>or\Af , a door ; T>oir\rib, prep. case. i, emph. pron. to him himself. e, adj. difficult to loose. t>1\AOi, s. m, a druid, augur, a magician; gen. id. pi. or\Aoice ; gen, pi. T>r\UAt>. of\Aoit>eAcc, s. f. -eACCA, magic, sorcery, divination, pi. id. opeAC, s. m. countenance, aspect ; gen. -opeACA, pi. id. t>t\6uccA, s. m. pi. of 'orveuc'o, opeAct), and TJiveco, tales, poems, stories. OJ\OWA, sub. danger, declaiming against ; also ortomAtiA. opongAib, s. f, tribe, race, people ; prep, case of T>r\oiti5 ; gen. o^oinge. opong-bui-one, stib. f. a tribe, company. (See 0^01115 an|UMtn, s. m. a back, the ridge of a hill or house ; gen. OIXOWA; //. t>f\omAriA. t)UAn, s. m. pi. -ouAtiA, a poem, poems. (Compare T>AH. ) OUATIAC, adj. bardic. oubAC, adi. melancholy, grieved. t)ubAin, s. m. gen. form, Lie 'OubAin, the flag-stone ot Duban. , v ac. irr. past, said, did say. (See oei|\im. ) cr-eAH, v. emph. form, he himself said. oubAti, s. m, a hook, a snare; gen, oubAin,//. id. oub-cof A6, adj. black-footed. oubpA-OAp, v. they said ; imp. AbAip. ouib-eut>Aii, s. m. dark-face. Otnbtie, s. m. a man's name ; I!A TDinbne, the grandson of Dhuibhne. t>tnb-f-t6ibe, s. m. the black mountain ; gen. pinne, s. m, a man, a person ; gen. T>AOine, pi. id. 05 prep. pron. to us. t>.tiic,/w. pron. to thee. ouicfe, emph. pron. to thee thyself. ouL, irr. v. in/in, to go, going ; imp. c&ijj. OUTI A, s. m. gen. of nun, a fort, also gen. ouin, ^>/. &/. , g. -fAij, aw adj. of one's country; aj a noun, A hereditary proprietor. j, gen. pi. 0/miccAr', hereditary proprietors ; //. T>UGCAf Ai't>e ; also the place of one's birth. 6, pers. pron. he, it ; employed as nom. case after assertive verb 1]% and also after passive verbs. , pers. pron. ace. case, him, it. 6ActAC s. m. a messenger, a post-boy, a courier ; gen. -lAij, pi. -lAit>e. eActxA, s. m. pi. -pATO, steeds, horses. eAgUA, s. f. fear, terror, timidity. eAlA'OA, s. f. gen. -A'OAti, learning, art, science ; also eALAt>Ati ; gen. eA^A-oiiA, //. id. e Atrium, s. f. gen. CAthnA, a prop. name. eAf AOTICA, s. m. disunion, variance, discontent. eAf 5CAipx>eAT, s. m. enmity ; gen. -oif, //. -'OeAf A, and -t)1 Of A. itice, s. f. sickness, ill health, an evil disease, a plague; gen. id. pi. -cme. eACoipA, pron. between them ; from between and IAT>, them. e'i'oeA'o, s. m. armour, clothing; gen. -Tjit) and pi. id. ^igeAn, s. m. necessity, gen. 015111 ; also 615111, s. f. force, distress. eiLe, indec. indef. adj. pron. other. eite, sub. prop, name, part of Queen's Co. and Tipperary. Ci|\e, s. f. Ireland ; gen. 6if\eArm and dat. eironn. e^jeATJAp, v. n. theyarosej imp. 61^15. ^iivjeAt", he arose. eir5iffe, thou didst rise. eir\ic, s. f. a ransom, fine (particularly for bloodshed), retri- bution, restitution ; gen. ei|\ice. e"i|MJ;, v. n. arise ; inf. eipje. e"ij\leAC,/arA slaughtering. eirocAf, v. n. rises ; "imp. 61^15 ; eif\AC Af, shall arise. 61T 1 , prep, after, behind; from an obs. s. signifying a trace. 61^5, s. m. gen. and pi. o/"iAf5, a fish. eifoeAcc, or eifoeAct), s. m. hearing listening. eicce, s. f. a woman's name. 9 6 it), s. m. gen. COCA'DA, a man's name, Eochaidh. eocf\ACA, s. f. pi. 0feoc&i]\, a. key; gen. eocpAC. GoJAn o CAp, .F. w. /r/*r name, Owen, Eugene, and John ; 6 6Af, from the South. etro, s. f. gen. and pi. etroA, jealousy. etrocpom, adj. also eAT>cfvom, light, nimble, brisk, a cascade, eug, t>'eu5, z>. . died, or did die; tz/>. aW inf. id. ; also s. m. death; gen. eigtfreu^A. etmAt), sub. eur>A, refusal, denial. eutoJAt), v. n. has fled, has eloped ; imp. euloij. eulugAt), s. m. gen. eutAijce, escape, desertion, elopement. eutiAriiAil, adj. light as a bird, bird-like. f&,putfor\>& t btro, was, pA oeAfvb, i.e., bA t>eAj\b, it was certain, sometimes improperly written for f AC, cause, JTA prep, under, to, unto, pA'n g-cl/A-p, under the table, pA'n g-coiLL, to or through the wood ; fA prefixed to a noun sub., makes it an adverb. J*A cut, J:A 6r\uim, backwards. -JTA 'oeTpeA'6, at length, lastly, or at last ; PA oeoc'o, finally, PA t>o, twice, &c. pAt), sub. gen. fAit), length ; Air\ FAT>, entirely. , adj. long. 'o, pres. parts, also PATJAT) and pA'ooj, kindling lighting. pATJATOim, I kindle, excite, provoke. , v. of. leave. , v, of. he left (old form), he left, did leave. , vac. irr. inf. to get, imp pAJ. , inf, to leave, depart from. , or pAjAiTn, I leave. ), v. of. would leave. pAicpeAt), v. ac. I shall see; imp. peuc. pAicrm, v. inf. to see ; imp. peuc ; also sub. seeing. pAiLt, s. f. advantage, opportunity, leisure, gen. pAi pAilce, s. f. a welcome, salutation, greeting, gen. id. pi. cije and CCATJA. , s. f. a. swallow, night-hawk; also pAinteog and Air>1e65, gen. Ainteige, //. AinleojA. , s. f. a. watching; gen. Id. also interjec. fie, shame. eAti, s. m. a sheath ; gen. pAifjem ; //. , s. f. also PAIC, a field, a plain, a lawn. PA!/A, sub. displeasure. PAM, v. n. stay. pAti./w PA AH, prep, phrase, under the, towards the. pAn, s. a. wandering, straying, c. f), sub. declivity, steep, descent ; gen. pAnAix>. ), I will stay. 97 .-f A01, prep. pron. under him or it, also prep, under, below, beneath, about, around, pAOi pn, adv. phrase, for that reason. j?Ap, prop. TTA'H. contrac. of f. A Aip, reason, cause, occasion, fAC, j. #z. gen. JTACA, //. id. f Af AC, j. w. a wilderness, a desert ;gen, -A1, //. -Aije,yww obs. adj. f AT, empty, void. f Ar-JAt), pres. part, tightening. FACAC, s. m. a giant; gen. -CAIJ, //. id. also AICOAC, gen. A1C1J, //. A1C1e. jreACA, v. ac. irr. he saw, also f CACAIT). feACAT>Ar\, z>. at. they saw, ?'*/. peuc. CC, j./ time, place, turn; gen. ^CACCA, //. id, ^eAcc, n-AOn, one time; -peAcc n'AilL, another time, for- merly JAG uile jreAcc, every time; JAC A|\e yeAc-o, every other time ; An -OA^A f eAco, the second time. , adv. once. ), j. /. extent, length, continuance ; Air> feAt), through- out, during. f.eAt>AmAj\, we know. See next. peAt>Af\, defec. v. I know, now only used negatively. , s. m. treachery, treason, deceit, gen. f eiUle. , j. ;. a man, a husband ; ?. fip, //. zi/. aAC, adj. straining (the arms) perhaps from f one of the bones of the Cubet (Ulna). feAfc, s. m. pi. -CA, a grave, a tomb, gen. id. also. gen. an act, a virtue, a miracle. feAfOA, also feAfo, adv. forthwith, henceforward, here- after. f eitir, adj. possible ; also s. m. power, ability. adj. mighty, needful, necessary; pSf&m, the customary service due from a vassal to his lord. fe"in, pron. part, own self. peinnr66, s. m. pi. champions, jr&pfroe, adj. the better of it, from jreA]\]\, comp. of ITIAIC, good, and-oe, of it. f eif, also f 6ifo, s. f. a feast, an entertainment ; ^w. f eife, A. pAT)AC, s. m. a hunting, a prey, venison ; gen. fiAt>uit. pAtJA-m, i/rtA 0/'-pA'6Att, wildness ; Ab-pAt)Airi, in wildness, wildly, p AT)nui|*e, s. f. witness, also testimony ; gen. id. pi. p AT>tiuif , pA-onuifroe and pA'onuifeA'OA; A b-pAt)nuife, in presence (of). pApAAij, v. a. inquire, question ; infin. pAfimije. pAMunjeA'OAp, they inquired, asked. pAtiooc, s. f. tent, hut, hunting-lodge; gen. -boic, //. -bocA. pAti-cofjjAp, slaughter of wild beasts. PAHH, n. ). gen. f6mne, //. id. and pAtinA, gen. pi. tiA b-pAnn, a soldier of the ancient Irish militia. pAtin, coll. n. f. gen. einne (PAMTIA ei|\eAtin), the Feni, the celebrated warriors of Fionn MacCumhail. pceAt), card. ad-i. twenty, a score. pU,, v. n. imp. return. plA-fCAT), I will return ; 1st pers. sing. fut. poctiiAfv, adj. wrathful, fierce, cruel, angry. s. f. a wood, thicket, wilderness; gen. -bAiT>e, prep. case. pi. -bAitdb. p'oti, s. m. wine ; gen. p'onA. ponn, s. m. a man's name, gen. prm. porm-cofAC, adj. fair-footed. 99 , adj. true. p'of.cAoiti, comp. adj. truly gentle, p*of., true, and gentle. pofil/Aoc, s. m. a true hero or knight, pi. LAOIC. p'o^Ai^neA-p, s. m. a true or real solitude, privacy, p'ojxuifje, s. m. fresh or spring water, pop, s. m. knowledge, art, science, gen. por-Ac, adj. knowing, expert, instinctive. pj\, s. m. gen. 0/peAf,, a man. , ad\ possessed of true knowledge and wisdom, from p'o-p and eotAC, knowing, ic, adj. truly wise, cunning. p'f,itine, sub. the truth, pf, n. f. gen. fife, a vision, piece, card, adj; also pcciot*, pat), am/pcicc, twenty, a score. At), s. f. a. feast or banquet ; gen. p^eroe, //. fLeAt)A. , i.e., 5leAtiti pLeifge, a prop, name, Glenflesk ; also gen. of fleAf 5, a garland. ., s. f. presence, company, used only -with a preposition, as Ann A bjrocAifv, in their presence, f. ocAt, s. m. gen. -AiL, a word, mandate, promise ; gen. pocAiL, pi. id. and foctA. f occAf, v. ac. he asks ; f occ, s. f. interrogation. po^AC, s. m. a marauder, plunderer ; -po^AC peA'OA, same. f.6jLAC, adj. fearful, destroying, ravaging. , v. a. I grow pale, t), robbery. iri, s. f. use, service, benefit ; gen. fogiiAini. pocuf, prep, near, close to, also p ogAfj. foil, s.f. awhile, adv. 50 foii, for a while; f6it, inter jec. softly. f oiltpj, v. a. show, publish ; in fin. mJAt). f oiltpgeA-o, pass. v. past tense, was announced, proclaimed, f oipbce, adj. older, fuller, more perfect, advanced in age. f oifvoeAf,5AT>, pres. part, reddening with blood, wounding, foif pe, adj. older, fuller, more perfect, advanced in age. poifoiOTiAc, adj. sedate, serious, tranquil, potc, s. m. the hair of the head, a tail ; gen. pntc. , part, skipping, bustling, with a giddy motion, distraction. iitieuT), sub. protection, safeguard, watching; gen. fO|\coitrie v i'o. f ofo, v. ac. stop, also hire or retain, hinder, yof jAilce, part adj. opened, laid bare ; imt. 100 , v. a. answer, imi>. -J^A, and -\ >, s. m. an answer : gen. ppeAjAjACA. prep. pron. oldformof\,e\\, with him, of him, through him, by him. TI, perf. part, attending, ministering ; fine, s. f. suit, attendance. , v. n. announce, proclaim, publish ; imp. -5f\A and , v. ac. did find. (See fAJ. ) v. ac. irr. they did find ; past tense 0/f A j. s. m. hatred, abhorrence; gen m. residue, remainder ; gen. adj. patient, enduring, suffering, also fuilm- " 5 e A c, c, adj. bloody- deeded. , v. ac. we get, receive ; imp. f AJ. A, v. pass, will be found. v. ac. thou shalt leave, i, v. ac. we will leave ; imp. f Ag. fe f v. ac. he will leave. rui, v. ac. they get ; imp. f AJ. puiL, sub. v. it is ; put ? is it ? pnlpoc (old form) v. n. they are, imp. b< (modern form) , that it is, was, or is. f, pers. pron. she, her ; also a prep. i, s. f. an island, gen. id. lA'o/^rj. pron. they, them. iAfi adv. after, afterwards '. also indec. sub. the end, last extremity, the west. in, sub. (made) of iron ; gen. of iA|\Arm, iron. , v. ac. imf. iAr>f\Ait>, ask, demand, inquire, invite, entreat ; iAj\j\Atin, is wont to ask; lAfiriAf, v. ac. asks (hist. pres. ) iAj\r*Aif> or iAr\pAt> and lAppACAf, sub. asking, a request, petition, invitation prayer, an attempt to strike ; gen. 1A|\]\ACA, //. id. s. m. a fob, gut. eif5, //. id; also lAfC, gen. ifc, //. id. 103 , adj. gen. m. lAcjl/Air 1 fern. lACJl/Aire, comp. id, green-landed, emerald, from IAC, s. f. a land, a coun- try, a region, and g^Ar, green. ib, v. ac. ibeAT>An, they, drank, or did drink. voin, prep, between, adv. at all, conj. both, a/f0 ij, j3. a collar, a ring ; also tallow, grease. , adj. far, remote, long. T), s.m. reproach, rebuke, reproof ; /. id. ; also punishment. A, s. f. great fear, dread, terror ; gen. id. from im, and eAjIwA, fear. inline, inf. of inun, to play, acting upon ; also s. f. gen. imioncA, a play. iml/mti, s. f. the navel ; gen. imtmne, //. itnlinni, also , adj. very thick, fat, fleshy, plump; the prefix itn here is intensitive. An, s. m. strife, contention ; gen. imneAf Ain, also ineA]*; gen. imni-p, //. id. co, s. f. departure, progress, migration, an adventure, a feat ; gen. irnceACDA. imcig, v. n. inf. imceAcc, go, depart. itiA, adv. than ; form 0/"ionA, sometimes 'HA. iriA-p, prep. pron. in our ; Ann, in, and An,, our. mcinn, s. f. the brain, brains ; gen. mcinne. mpeA6mA, adj. indec. serviceable, fit for active service. ingin, s. f. a daughter, a virgin ; also mgeAn om/mj^o 11 ' gen. mjine,//. mjeAtiA. mneofAT), v. ac. I will tell, relate ; fut. , s. m. a place, tryste, an appointment, deputy, also lonnAT) ; gen. lonntii'O. iortACA|A s. m. the entrails, the bowels ; gen. iotiACAij\. , s. f. gen. pi. id. longAti, a nail [of the finger], a hoof, a claw, a talon ; riches, treasure ; pi. ingne awt/iongtiA. , s. m., also longAngAf, a wonder, miracle, surprise, ongtiAt) ; pi. longATiCA. , s. m. ri also onriiuf a ; pi. ionnfui'6e, an approach, in- vasion, attack, siege, assault. lontrpiTO, approached, drew near; imp. and infin. id. lonncA, prep. pron. , in them. lonnuf conj. so that, insomuch that, however. if, the assertive -verb is, it is ; perfect tense bA, or but) ; fu- ture bur 1 ; subj. pres. Ab, subj. perfect\>&."O. 1/A, s. m. a day, gen ; LAC, LAOI, dat. to ; //. l,Aece, IACCA ; tAti-Atin, i. e. tA -OA |\Aib Atin, a day there was in it, or, once upon a time, v, -v. ac. speak ; inf. l.AbAi)\c. , adi. strong, mighty ; comp. lAit)i|\e and tAiT>]\e. CC, s.f. strength, force; gen. -OACDA. I, s. pi. the province of Leinster; gen. 1/AijeAti. LAI ITI, prep, case ; pi. lAniA. l/Aiiii ]\e, prep, near, beside, at hand ; dative form of LAIN after preposition understood. LAimeuccAc, adj. mighty-handed. LAITI, s.f. gen. LAinie, a hand. LArii, v. ac. dare, presume; inf. LAITIA&. T), v. ac. I will dare, take in hand, feel, meddle with. , v. ac. it will be dared : passive verb us ed impersonally - LAnAt)tTieiL, adj. wondrous; also LAHAtt>beiL. , adj. gen. 0/"LAtiALAirm, very beautiful. lAtiCAl,Aiti, s. m. or f. the very earth, soil, land ; gen. - pi. -LcA ; t&n in composition means perfection, enough, well. lAticfOitlfe, s. f. effulgence; gen. and pi. id., also pi. Linc- poi U/pje ; the c in this word is introduced as an eclip- sing letter. IAOC, s. m. a hero, champion, soldier ; gen. IAOIC,//. id. LAOC&A, adj. heroic. l/AOJAifie, s. m. a man's name. iA|\, s. m. midst, presence, the ground, the floor; gen. s. f. presence, company ; generally used adverbially A LACAIJA, t>o IACAI^, in presence of. le, prep, with, also pe, (old form). LeAOA, or LeApA, s. f. a bed ; gen leAbcA, //. LeApCACA. s..m. a grave, gravestone, a pile of stones in memory of the dead; gen. -CCA, pi. -CCAIJC. i, s. f. the river Laune, flowing from Lakes of Kil- larney into the sea at Castlemaine Harbour; gen, t/e ATTI A1 ne. LeAti, v. of. inf. -AiriAin, follow. s. m. or f. a. lover, a spouse ; gen. -Ain, pi. id. AriAti-pge, a familiar spirit, a fairy-lover. , v. oc. they did follow ; imp. 1/eAti, ), v. ac. I will follow, , eniph. fiom, follow thou. \,e&K,prep. pron. with thee, from te and cu. , s. m. a broad weapon, from LeACAn, broad, and Ajvrn, armour, weapons ; gen. -Ai-pm,//. id and AfvmA, prep, case pi. teACAn-AjvmAib. adj. broad and great, or wide, expansive dat.f. teACAti-tiioifi. , gn. LeAcfe|\6i5e, s. f. half a shoe, i. e. one shoe; pi. LeAcbfvojA, used as a soubriquet of great contempt. (See LCAC. ) l/ei, prep. pron. with her. , v. ac. let, give, 0r put ; inf. leigeAti ; also teigion, to let. , they did let or loose. ti, would let. , v. ac. we will let ; also Leijpnnt). emfih. form, I myself would let, 1st scog. cond. mood. do ye or you let v ' M ' 2nd sing, past thou didst let, suffer, put away. Leijceoip, s. m. a reader \gtn. leijceorA, pi. io6 Le"me, j. f. a shirt, a linen garment ; gen. id. pi. Lem- " Leif, prep. pron. with him ; also prep, by {before a vowel). Leic, j. y. dot. case of LCAC, a half, a moiety, a part ; in composition same as "ward" in Eng. as, LeAC-ffAtv, westward, LeAG ceAf, southward, LCAC CUATO, north- ward, LCAC fotn., eastward ; where one of a pair is intended to be pointed, LeAC is employed, as A]\ teAC jLtun, on one knee ; LeAC-fuiL, one eye ; also in adverbial phrases; as A Leic, to the charge of, Aif\ Leic, apart, J-A Leic, severally, LBAC pe, beside. Leo, prep. pron. with them. LeogAn, s. m. or'ieo, I/eon, orLeoTriAn, a lion; gen. LeotfiAin, //. id. LeothAinnr-e, v ac, emph. form, I would dare : ist sing. cond. mood 0/ r t,Atii, dare. Leon, adj. no comp. sufficient, enough ; also I6f\. I,e6|\ 1 66icin, s. f. sufficiency, enough ; also tojvoAOCAin. t&pglAn, adj. clear-bright. iiAg or LOAC, s. f. a flag, a stone, tombstone ; gen. Leice, dat. 1/eic and\Ac, pi. ICACA. liAcluAC7\A, probably refers to the district or land of the withered rushes; IIAC, gray, 0., s. m. a day. (See LA.) Loc L4m, s. m. gen. LOCA Lem, the Lakes of Killarney, now only applied to the lower lake. LocLAnnAC, s. m. nom. sing: and gen. pi. AIJ, Danes, foreigners. VomgeAr 1 , s. m. a navy, fleet ; gen, Loin^if, also gen. luingir. LomneACA, adj. glittering, shining, brilliant ; and 107 , v. of. burn; infin. torgxyo ; loir^eAtiri, v. ac, burns. loic, v. of. inf.loc, wound; Loice&b, past pass, was wounded, hurt. lom-loifjneAC, adj. with a mighty sound ; loifpieAC, loud sounding ; and torn is merely an intensit'we. long, n. f. gen. loinge andlwn^e, dat. toing, a ship. longAib, prep, case, pi. fffLowg. lor\5, gen. and pi. tuipj; or t-oipg, a track, footstep, a trace ; also a fac-simile, progeny ; Ap lorvgtiA, emfh. form, our track ; Airi l-oj\5 tiA feAn, in imitation of the ancients. ine, s. m. gen. id. pi. lopgAirvroe, a tracker, pursuer, follower. ipeAcc, and -eAct>, s. f. tracking, pursuit, search, in- quiry ; gen. -eACOA. it>e, cond. should be mentioned, betrothed. TO, v. inf. IUAX), speak of, mention, ice, adj. comp. of IUAC. , s. m. swiftness, despatch ; gen. ttiAif, te tuAt 1 A cof, by the swiftness of his feet, T>A 1/UAf, as swiftly as pos- sible. Ai^e, s. m. joy, mirth, gladness, a shout of joy or triumph ; also l/UACJAi-p, from I/UAC, quick, swift, and gAipe, laughter. luce or Luc-o, s. m. a clan, folk, people, a class of persons ; gen. id. aWLucoA. I/UJATO, n. m. gen. UnjoeAc, Lugaidh, a man's name. UnmneAc, Limerick, originally the name of the Lower Shannon. The site of the city was anciently called tlof t>A foiteAc, which see. IvnpeAC, s. m. or. f. pi. -ACA a coat of maD, a breast- plate, armour ; gen. luirng and t,ui|\i5e. IDA, conj. if. ttiAC, s. m. a son; gen. mic and tneic ; //. WACA; ITIAC teAbAi^, a copy of a book. , s. m. a field, plain, field of battle ; gen. id. pi. -pi-roe, -fvit), and -]\1. j. w. a child, a young man ; gen. mACAOitfi, pi. iriACAoriiA ; niACAorh mnA, a young girl. tnACf ArtiAit, j. m. an equal, equivalent, fellow match ; gen. -Arhl/A, pi. id. from ITIAC a son, and fAiriAi'L, like. triACcifve-, s. m. a wolf; gen. tnic-cfpe, i. e. son of the (wild) country; compare mA l or\A'6 AlicA, fl^/ cu Al/IcA a fierce dog, from cu, a hound, mA'OA'D mA'or\At>, a dog, and ALLcA, fierce, savage ; also f AoL-cu, a fierce hound, a wolf. II io8 , gen. n. f. of tYlAentiiAJ, a large, level tract round Loughrea, Co. Galway. J, a field, a plain; gen. rnAije, and triAJA, //. id. peAg, the fine plain, same as Breaghmagh, or plain of Bregia. , also inA-rom, s. f. the morning; gen. iriATone; //. triAi&tn, n. f. gen. iriA&mA, a defeat, breast, a rally, a flight ; pi. mA&mAtinA, imceAcc TIA iriA&tnA, retreat from oattle ; triAiftm fieibe, a sudden eruption of waters from a mountain. tnAipieif% s. f. a woman's name. triAip, v. live; inf. ir>A|\CAin and mAipeAcouiti ; also exist, endure ; rnAijvpG, I will or shall live. mAif\eobA&, v. ac. cond. would kill ; cond. mood of mA]\b. C, adj. seemly, handsome, graceful, beautiful ; comp. -156. t), conj. therefore, if so it be, well then; contr. fr. mA if eA&, if it is it. iriAic, adj. good, excellent; also s. f. good service. mAice, n. pi. mAicib, prep, case the nobility, the good chiefs, leaders. ttiAOit>eAni, s. m. gen. triAOi&ce, boasting, upbraiding, joy, grudging ; v. ac. triAOi6 ; inf. TnAOi&eA-m to boast, envy, grudge. iriAoiteAtin, s. m. the summit or ridge of a hill ; gen. -tin. mAoiLcfleibe, gen. o/mAOiL-ftiAb, a bare, bald mountain, jr. mAot, bald, blunt, hornless, and \\M&, s. m. a mountain ; gen. fLeibe ; //. fl/eibce. jAol, s. m. mAocfpoit, soft, smooth, satin, fr. IDAOC, adj. soft, tender, delicate, smooth, 0e ; ATI -meTO, inasmuch. ttleiSip [6-blieitin Leic] from the gray peak. mei - 6|\eAc, adj. also meA&f\Ac, joyous, glad, festive, lively, fr. rneA&Aif\, joy. , n. f. pi. rneif\j;i&e, ensign, standard. , s. f. drunkenness, exhilaration from drink ; gen. id. adj. also tneif5eAt), and A]\ meifge, drunk, exhila- rated. meut>uA&, sub. increase, addition ; also inf. of meuTnnj, increase, multiply, enlarge, tneufv, j. m. a finger ; gen. nieif\ ; //. tn6upA ; also a toe ; meii|\ A coi-pe, his toe. tniAti, s. m. wish, pleasure, inclination, desire ; gen. ITHATIA, //. id. true, gen. O/TTIAC, a son. mil/e, s. m. gen. and pi. id. a mile. tniteA&CA, adj. brave, gallant, courageous; irn"leA&, a soldier, a champion. rmU/eAti, s. m. gen. irnLleAiri, pi. id. blame, upbraiding. nun-Sun, s. m. prep, case, min-eunAib, a little bird ; fr. rmoti, small, and eun, a bird ; gen. 6m and eoin. tninconc]\A, adj. smooth-crimson, fr. min and concnA. mimg, v. ac. make smooth, explain, expound, sooth, declare, open; inf. miniuJA&; fr. trrin, smooth. 1Tlio&cuA|\CA, sub. the banquetting hall at Tara. mion-CAonA, s. f. a small sheep ; mion, small, and CAonA, a sheep ; gen. CAonAC, pi. C ITJif, sub. Slieve Mish in Kerry. IIO , per s. pron. emph. I, myself. icro, s. f. (found in this form only) a proper or due time. mriA, s. f. gen. and pi. o/beAn, a woman, wife. rmiAib, s. f. prep, case 0/mnA, women. mtiAOi, s. f. dat. case 0/beAti, a woman. mo,comp. o/mop, great, large. rno, poss. pron. my. moc-&Ait,, s. f. an ear?y meeting; gen. nioc-&AiLe. moice'ipse, s. f. early rising; gen. id. moijvjmom, s. m. a great deea or act, exploit ; gen. m6ip- pnoriiA; //. -j;tiiom|\A. moijVLeACAti, adj. broad; dat. f. -AIM, expansive ; fr. mop, great, and\,Q&.tan, wide, broad, m6if\ceiceAm, s. m. a great sudden flight ; gen. -ceicme ; -ceicmeAc, a fugitive, m6ipci\e"iro, s. m. a great flock, a herd; from m6j\ and cj\eut>, a flock. monA'OAn, s. m. a whortleberry, bilberry ; gen. and pi. -t>Aiti ; compare motiog, a bogberry, a mossberry ; fr. rnoin, a bog, a mountain. tnop, adj. great, mighty, large, extensive ; comp. mo and m6iT>e. m 6]\ALLcAC, s. m. a technical name for the great sword of Diarmuid ; fr. tn6|\, great, and ALl/CAC, fierce. mofXAn, s. m. many, much, a multitude ; gen. -AIM. rnofvbui&eATi, s. f. gen. rnof\-bui6ne, great troops, com- panies, multitudes; prep, case pi. -tiAib. ii6|\cnoc, s. m. gen. form, m6j\cnuic, a great hill. m6f\&AlAC, adj. proud, magnificent, boasting,- fr. m6f\ and OAit, an assembly. m6|\nA, s. m. Morna, a proper name, ancestor of m6j\fj\6nAC, adj. large-nosed ; fr. m6j\ and ^611, the nose. mofMJAifl/e, s. m. gen. and pi. id. the great nobles. tTluAftAti, s. m. a man's name, the attendant of Diarmuid; gen. -Am. tTluAi6, s. f. the river Moy in Mayo. mum, s, f. the back, the neck, and shoulder ; gen.mwne. muinncifi, s. f. a family people ; gen. -cij\e. mum n-1occ, . gen. (See mAfVA n-tocc.) muiUAc, s. m. the top, summit, chief of any thing; gen. -Aij, //. -Aije. munA, conj. unless, if not. t), s, m. tni\cAt)A a man's name. Ill n-A, pron. her ; 6 n-A h-ACAin, from her father ; the being merely introduced for the sake of euphony. (See A.) nA, gen. sing, and pi. of &.i\, the ; nA, adv. not, properly no ; also put for ionA ; conj. than, neither, nor. "A, contr. form ofw&, in his, in her, in their ; also neg. part. used with imp. mood, not, let not. MAC, adv. not, that not ; used negatively and interroga- tively. nACAp, adv. that not ; often contracted to n'An. nAoi, adj. nine. rtAonoAp, s. 'm. nine persons ; gen. -OAip . tiAjv, dtffo. not, let not, may not ; from tiA and no, a prefix of the perfect tense interrog. nAj\Ab, contr. of TIA no bu, that was not, that may not. (See these words.) tleAiiiAnAC, s. m. a man's name. neAfA, adj. irreg. comp. 0/5 An, near; stiperl. if neAfA. neitncion, s. m. enmity, reproach, nought ; gen. neitticeAtiA. ngA. (See"&.) The njj in this and similar combinations represents one simple and indivisible sound, called in Irish njOACAU (See Eclipsis " Second Irish Book.") ni, neg. adv. not ; also indec. s. f. a daughter, nitfi, s. f. gen. tnrne, poison, venom, bitterness, nion, nin, neg. par. not ; a neg. part of the preterite tense, contr. from ni not, and no an. rnofA, aprefixofadjectivein the comp. def. contr. of nit), a thing, A that, and if is. tio, conj. or, otherwise ; no 50, until, noch, noc, indec. rel. pron. that, which, who, whom, whose ; nocA, neg. rel. that were not. 6, prep, front, conj. since, seeing that, inasmuch as. 6, s. m,gen. m, pi. UA; a descendant. 65, adj. young; gen. m. 615 ; gen.f. and comp. 61 ge. oJAtn, s. m. an occult manner of writing used by the ancient Irish ; een. oJAitn. O^LAC, or ogLAOc. s. m. an attendant, a servant, a young man; gen. ojLAOic, //. id. and ogtACA, from 05, young, and LAOC, a hero. oitce, s. f. night ; gen. id. pi. oroceAt>A. oite, indec. indef. adj. pron. other, another, any other. t), v. pass, were reared, nursed, nourished, educated ; imp. oil. An, s. m. an island ; gen. oiL4m, //. id. adj. dot. form, -AIJ, insular. 112 oin, conj. for, because. oineAcCAf , s. m. ; also -t>uf , gen. -cuif , and -'ouif , an as- sembly, a convocation, a council, a synod. oinbin s. f. reproach, a cause, an armful. Oifin, s. m. the poet Ossian, son of Fionn MacCumhail. olc, adj. bad, wicked, vile ; gen. uiLc, comp. tneAf A, tnifce, ae ; s. m. evil, harm. on, contr. of 6 An, from the. onncon, s. m. a standard, an ensign; //. onnconA, OJYOA, sub. pi. ont>An, a piece, portion, fragment. ojvoAn, s. m. generosity, dignity, solemnity, a small hammer, a degree, music. on'ouJA'o, s. m. order, decree, ordinance, appointment, tra- dition ; gen. ontiuijce. onm, prep. pron. on me ; also onAtn, from Ain and me, ontnf A, emph. form. onnAib, prep. pron. on you (//.J of you ; onnAibfe, em. form. onnAinn, prep. pron. on us, of us; emph. form, onnAinne. onncA, prep. pron. on them, of them ; emph. form, onnAC- fAn. one, prep. pron. on thee, of thee ; oncf A> emph, form. of, adj. prefix, also prep, over, above, upon ; op, since that, because that. 6f Ant), publicly, loudly ; adv. Ofcun, s. m. gen, Of jAin, the son of Ossian. piAn, s.f. a. pain; piAncAib,/n?/. case pi. ; nom.pl. piAncA, a pang, torment ; gen. -peine. pog, s.f. pi. pogA, a kiss; gen. poi^e. pol-L, s. m. a hole, a pit ; gen. puiLi, pi. id. pnomn, s. f. & dinner, a meal ; also pf.umn ; gen. pnomne, //. pnomm or pnonnA. pAbAt), s. m. a warning, caution, notice, hint ; gen. AIT>. pAbAOAf., s. v. 50 p.AbA'OAn, that they were ; imp. bi. 7\ACf At), irreg. v. n. I will go. 1\ACf. At), irreg. v.n. would go. ACf AniAOit), v . n. irr. we will go ; imp. c^ij. pAt), 'rr. v. Of. inf. o/~t>einitn, say; imp. AbAtp. pAt>Af>c, s. m. pi. and gen. Ainc, sight, the sense of seeing. j\Ae, s. m.for ne, s.f. time, a space of time, season, duration ; gen. id. and n6e, //. id. and f.6ce. nA, the moon ; ^. id. , pi. f.Aece. f.Aib, sub. v. was or were ; only used in asking, denying, or demanding, compounded of no and bi ; 1st pers. nAbAf, i.e. , no bit>eAf ; 2nd pers. nAbAif, i. e., nobi- oif ; and $rd pers ; nAio or nAibe, i.e. , nobi ; imp. bi. "3 , v. Of. say ; inf. ^AO. ]\Ait>ceAf\, v. pass, is told, is called ; imp. f\Ait>. fVAinij;, irreg. v. ac. or n. arrived, reached; imp. f\ij. pAngAtiAp, v. ac. or n. irreg. they reached, attained to; imp. fvij ; other form jviACCA'OAfi. f\Aoti, s. m. success, victory, an upland field, a way, a road; gen. fiAOtn, pi. id. ^6, prep, to, by, with, from ; modern form te. j\eTO, adj. ready, prepared, plain, straight, reconciled. l\eiT>i, v. ac. inf. j\eit>ceAc or j\eit>eAT>, provide, agree, make ready, prepare. c, adj. straightforward, from fveim or -peAifi, before, and oipeAc, right, straight , dot. sing, of ]MAf\, s.f. ; gen. fveipe, will, pleasure ; used as a preposition with A or t>o; T>O peip, according to. 1\eurii|\Aix>ce, indec. perf. part, aforesaid, forecited. j\eutiicuif, adv. foremost, forefront. JMA, prep. pron. with her, modern form, Leice. |MAtri, adv. ever, always, at any time. IM b, prep. pron. with you, to you (emph. form) ; pibf e, fr. ]\e and ib. pij, i. m. a king, a sovereign ; gen. id. pi. fugce. rmi'oe, comp. su6. royal champions ; fr. ^$5, a king, and f einnit), a champion. , irreg. v. ac. past indie, made, did make; imp. -oeAti woeuti, \, they made, &c. ; imp. t>6Ati or -oeuri. p, irreg. v. ac. I made, or did. jngtnp, thou didst make, &c. C, j. m. ; gen. jvi'jaje, royal house or palace. prep. pron. with us ; modern form, tinn. s. f. a point, the top of anything, a promontory w headland ; gen. j\itine. form of pig, a king. /r^/. /r. to him, with him ; to it, with it ; fr. pe and f e ; modern form, Leif. ^icit), v. n. they run ; imp. pic, also JMOC. piu, /r^z). pron. unto them, with them, po, an intens. part, very, exceeding, sign of the simp, past tense; jvo l,AbAi|v, he spoke; prefixed to an adj. it signifies very, or excessively. in, pocouin or ]\occAin, s. f., a journeying, reaching, arriving at. 114 ] opl&ic, gen. popl/ACA, s. m. , a great prince or chief. f OJA, f. /. a choice, selection, the best ; gen. noJAti ; f\oitri, poiine, prep. pron. before him, before that. poirm, v. ac. divide, distribute, share, imp. id. r>om-pA, prep. pron. before them, through them. flop DA f 01 LeAc, the promontory of the two Sallows ; the ancient name of the site of the city of Limerick ; tlor- ; gen. funf, //. id. riorg, s. m. eyesight; gen. ntr5;//. id. used only in poetry. r\UAinne, s. f. gen. ul. a horse hair, a single hair ; //. r\u"5, irreg. v. a. bore, carried, took; imp. An, irreg. v. ac. we took, carried away, won ; imp. beif\ ; nugA-OAn, they took; past tense 0/beif\. t, s.f. manner, appearance, similarity; g. fAirilA. f Atiico'otA, s. m. sweet sleep ; gen. r > Atncot>AlcA. |*ATI, prop, 'f^ 11 ! contr. fr. Ann]' An, in the. fAn, an emph. suffix, ownself ; as, lA'Oj'An, they themselves. f Aoii, v. think ; f AOileA'OAtt, they thought, supposed ; inf. fAf Atfi, sub. m. satisfaction, pleasure, comfort ; also f Af At) ; gen. fAf AIT) and r-AfCA. f AJ*OA, indec. adj. satished, having peace of mind. , v. a. satisfy, suffice, please, satiate, expiate, and com- pensate. ng, comp. sub. a broad back ; from -fouAJ, an arch, a ridge, 0, v. ac. loose, put off, untie, let go ; also v - acc - P art separate ; inf. . f geut, s. m. pi. f jeulA and -IcA, a story, tidings, a legend, news ; gen. Tgeil,, and fgeoii ; prep. case. - ; gen. pi. fgeuL c, s.f. tidings, stories, legends; gen. - H5 , s.f. a knife, a dagger; gen. f 56*1 tie a fdAC ; ?. fceice and pi. fciACA. t) or fcnfobAt), z/. ac. wrote, did write, infin. id. ; imp. r cn,iob. ,e, s. m.a. destructive or devastating stroke ; gen. id. pi. -bulA/roe and -builA/e. f 5U1J\, or f ctujv, v. n. cease, desist ; inf. f ctif.. \\c>ft, pers. pron. they; fiAt>fAn, emph.form. P'A^, adv. westward ; also sub. the west, and adj. western, and occidental fib, pers. pron. you ; emph. pb-pe, yourselves. pleAT), inf. also ptc, v. ac. or n. of\\\,, drop tears, drop, fall in drops, shed, distil ; also s. m. a dropping, shedding, a transient glance, a twinkling ; fiteA'o TIA ful, the twinkling of the eyes, or shedding tears, fin, indec. dem. pron. that; adv. phrase, ATinfin, there, then; ATI CAti fin, then, at that time, pnn, pers. pron, pi. we. pnfeAn, s. m. an elder, elder person, ancestors, chief or head of a family. fiot>A, s. m. silk, gen. id. fioncot>l,At>, s. m. gen. fion.co'OAlcA, a stupor of sleep, lethargy. fiubAl/, s. m. walking, travelling, marching, departing ; gen. pub Ait. ftAbf,A, s. m. a chain ; gen. id. pi. -fun-be; -nATOib, prep. case. flAC, s.f. a rod, wand, yard; flAC lAfgAit), a fishing-rod; gen. fLAice, sometimes fl/uice; dot. fV&ic arnArinA. fo, indec. dem. pron. this, this here; adv. here ; po, a prefix signifyingea.se, rest, quiet, pleasure, as opposed to t>o. f oileAC, s. m. a willow, sallow ; also r-AiU/eog ; gen. FAiL- ieoije, //. f AileogA. fon, j. /. sake, cause, account ; A-J\ fon, for, on account of. *. m. and ft\oc, a stream, brook, rivulet, flood ; gen. FTOCA, //. /. ), sub. a bow-string of javelin, loop, cord. i, s. m. rest, slumber, deep sleep ; gen. piiAin. , adv. up, upwards, used -with verb of motion. v. n. sit ; ?/ ptnje w rniit>e. , j. m. a seat, setting [as of the sun], a sitting ; gen. and pi. id. also pi. fuije. s.f.gen. fuite, //. zi/, an eye; a/w hope, expectation; gen. pi. -put. , s.f. alsoifbvpvb and r'uijM'oe, courtship, wooing, a suit ; gen. id. A'. ere, before, until. v. ac. irr. inf. CAbAipc, give, offer, bring ; CAb- T\Ait), bring ye ; CAbpAii>fe, emph. form. (See oeijvim sub. v. I am ; emph. cAimpe, I myself am, imp. bf. CAin, s.f. a herd, country, region, territory; gen. CAtiA. CAitiig, v. ac. or n. did come ; imp. CA-p, 015. CAi|\be, s. m. profit, benefit, advantage ; gen. id. pi. -beAOA. s. m. a promise, prophecy, divination ; Cir> CAiptij;if\e, the land of promise. , s.f. deposit, stone, saving, treasure; gen. id. j. m. or f. earth, soil, land, country; gen. CAti, s. m. time, used adverbially as An CATI, when. CAtigAip, v. n. did come ; imp. CAJ\, cig ; CAitgA'DA'p, irreg. v. ac. they came. CAob, s.f. side, flank ; gen. CAOibe, //, CAobA. CAobf otuip, adj. well-lighted, lit up, ablaze ; fr. CAob, side, and ^oLuf, light. CApAt), adj. agile, active, nimble, quick, manly. CAJ\, prep, over, above, across, beyond ; also rather than. CA|\b, s. m. a bull ; gen. CAtnb, //. id. CA^LA, def. v. it happened, fell out, came to pass. CAf\]AAitig, v. ac. draw, pluck, drag; imp. id. , adv. athwart, across, crosswise; also CA^fA, and CAnpn . , he, h ce, pron, he, he that, whatsoever, a person. GCAC, s. m. a house ; gen. nje, //. nrce. ceAcc, s. m. coming, arrival, approach ; gen. id. pi. ceACDA. s. m. the hearth, fireplace, household, family ; gen. AJluig and ceAJtuije. A, n. f. Tara in Meath; gen. CeArhpAC, dot. , s. f. the tongue, language; gen. id. and //. id. iriAi'l, gen. and pi. -triAl/A, s. m. an encounter, expos- tulation, meddling. rhAit, inf. ^/"ceAngtfiAij, v. ac. and n. meet, befall, fall out. , v. n. happens ; imp. ceAtijpriuij. , adj. firm, bold, stout, severe, austere. , southward ; prop. t>eAf , south, right hand ; gen. T>eif c6it>eAti, v. n. goes, wont to go ; imp. c6i j, infin. out. ceine, s. f. fire, a firebrand; gen. cemeAt), pi. ceince. ceinn, adj. sick, sore, infirm ; also cirm. ceic, adj. hot, warm, sultry. ceic, v. n. flee; ceic, fled escaped; inf. ceiceArh. d, pron. he, he who, he that; pid for c6. ', s. m. a lord, propnetor, chief ruler ; gen. id. pi. ti-roe ; gen. pi. -rtAt). , v. n. come ye or you ; tnd pen. pi. imp. of Cigitn, inf. CCACC. cim, gen. ci'me, s. f. fear, dread, pride, the last end of a thing, warmth. cimcioL'l, noun used as prep. gov. gen. case, about, round about; also s. m. circuit, compass; v. ac. surround, encompass. c, adj. stout, sudden, active, strong-ribbed, evil, distempered. , v. n. will come; imp. CAfi, dg. cioTnnAT>Afv, they took leave of. cioTrmui5 or ciomAiri, v. ac. bequeath, bestow. ciomrnJAt), s. m. a collection; gen. -fuijce, //. id. cioriot, s. m. a gathering, an assemblage; gjn. -61 L, //. id. ciotif5tiAiri, s. m. form, device, design, arrangement, plot- ting, a preface ; gen. ciotifjAncA. ci]\. s. f. a land, country, nation ; gen. ripe, //. CIO^CA. ciub|\AT), irreg. v. ac. would or should give, bring; imp f, irreg. v. ac. we would bring or give. cocAil, v. ac. dig, scoop, root ; inf. coicmi, sub. a coming, departure, flight. coirtcitn, sub. stupor of sleep, numbness, forgetfuiness. coiftmeAr'5, s. m. hindrance, impediment; gen. //. id. , s. f. bulk, quantity, a cake. , s. f. expedition, work, cause. r 1 , s. m. victuals, eatables, meat, food ; also -CAf . coiriAf, -v. af. measure, weigh, balance, fathom. conn, s. m. or f. gen. coirme or cuinne, pi. connA, a wave, a billow. Uonti coime, the name of the eastern part of Dingle Bay, so called from a sandbank near Rossbehy penin- sula. conn A, s. a tub, a tun. en AC, s. m. or f. time, season; gen. crvACA,//. id, cpe", prep, through, by ; also conj. because. CfveAr 1 , ord. num. adj. third. Cf\eACAti-tfi6ijAe, comp. adj. of the great waves. cnetmAtJCUipr-eAC, adj. mightily wearied and worn out with fatigue. cj\6un-cojv|\, s. m. a violent or mighty twist or turn, a trip of the foot. cpe'tm-cor'AC, s. m. a soubriquet, the mighty or active-footed man. cpeuti-tAOc, gen. and pi. cneun-lAoic, s. m. a mighty hero champion, warrior. cpf, card. adj. three. cjviAC, pi. cruACA, s. m. a king, a chief, a wave, a sea. CJMOCA, prep. pron. through them. CJMUCA, s. m. prep, case, c-rnucAib, district; cfMUCA ceuu, in Eng. cantred, modern barony or hundred. cpoi-o, gen. and pi. cnot)A, s. f. a fight, quarrel. cr\oi, s. f. a foot, sole of the foot, foot in length ; gen. cnoigce, pi. id., prep, case cnoijcib. cpoiti-cpoit>eAC, adj. heavy or broken-hearted. cruiAg, adj. miserable, wretched, pitiful. cu, pers. pron. thou. CUA1-6, adj. north, northward ; also CUAIJ, CUAIC, and j. / sheath, scabbard ; also a carcase, corruption ; gen. crtUAiUle, pi. cpuAitteAC'A. ig, ad j. able, capable. , s.f. conjecture, guess; gen. cuAifAine. CUACA TOe TDAtiAtin, sub. pi. the fourth colony of people that settled in Ireland. H9 ac. gave ; imp. \, irreg. v. ac. they gave ; imi>. CAbAif\. , inf. ofcw^, imp. v. ac. and noun, understand, know, think, discern. ctnlte or cuiU,eAt>, s. m. more, any more, addition, remnant, a tilly.. Gui]\Lin5, v. n. descend, come down; inf. id. past, cthpling, descended. cuir\feAc, adj. tired, weary, mournful. cthfge or cufgA, adv. sooner, sooner than, rather. cuic, v. n. fall; cuiceA i OAf\, they fell; infin. cuicim. cuL&c, gen. cuLcA, s. f. a hill, hillock, pi. cuLcAt>A. cuf\Af, s. m. a journey, voyage, pilgrimage ; also cur\Uf ; gen. cu-puip,//. id. cupAfgAbAit, s. f. character, report, rumour, appearance; also -f jbAiL ; gen. -AL&. njp, s. m. gen. and pi. cuif, beginning, origin, the front. cur"A, thou ; emfih.pers. pron. cu feiti, thou thyself, even thou. t>Aib,/n?/. pron. from you (pi,) UAIT), prep. pron. from him, it; also UAf&e. uAufi, s.f. a cave, den, cavern, grotto; gen. tiAiirie, UAtfiA, aw^UAtriATi,//. id. awafuAig. utAm, prep. pron. from me; UAimfe, embh. A1|\, J. /. an hour ; gen. WAi|\e, //. id. A1^ 615111, a cer- tain time, some time. uAifte, s.f. the nobility, gentry; gen. id. Aic, prep. pron. from thee; UAicpe, emph. UAI Jne, adj. green, greenish ; also HAine. c, j. m. a burden, load, a heavy charge, obligation ; gen g, pi. UAtAlje. n, s. m. dread, amazement ; gen. VAtfiAin. , prep. pron. from them. wcc, s, m. the breast, the lap, the brow or side of a hill ; gen, OCDA or OCCA ; Af uco, for the sake of; lit. from the bosom of (followed by genitive. ) fix), ind. demon, pron. that, there, yonder. in, gen. sing, and pi. o/u&, descendants of a tribe ; dot. tub ; modern En P. form Hy, as tJi CliQriAiLL, Hy Conr nell, i. e. (the district inhabited by) the descendants of Conall. tiiLc, gen. 0/olc, s. m. evil, mischief, harm ; pi. tnlc. ite, indec. indcf. pran. all, whole, every; 50 Vi-uiLe, adv. altogether, wholly, completely. vime, prep, pron on him, about him, around or upon him, concerning him. 120 t3i|\et!Cj\om, adj. gen. m. -cpoim, f. -cnoime, or -cjunme, dat. -c|\uim, exceeding light, brisk, nimble ; the prefix thfv or 6fv intensitive. tnppe, prep. pron. upon her, upon it. Ui r5 e J< m ' water; gen. id. pi. uif5eAt>A and uif5it>e. \ij\CAip, s. m. gen. 0/"ti|\cAf\, a cast, a throw, a shot, a fling ; also u-pcup, , s. f. speech, elegance of speech, sweet dis- course ; up, an intens. adv. prefix signifying very ; lAb^At), speech. upLAtin, j. m. -AnnAib, prep, case, a staff, a shaft; gen. -Airm, pi. id. uj\lArm yleAJA, the staff or shaft of a spear. uj\]\AticA, adj. indec. fearless, dauntless, daring, intrepid. U|\]\AtiCAiTil,A,//. adj. very proud, haughty, self-sufficient. AC, s. m. the very front, beginning, origin, foundation, the prow of a ship ; gen. -fuig and - APPENDIX. APPENDIX. REPORT FOR 1879. THE following report was read by the Secretary of Council at the meeting of Council, held on Tuesday, 2nd March, 1880: IK presenting the Report for the year 1879, the Council have to congratulate the Society on its continued success. A detailed recital of the work done in furtherance of its object during the past twelve months will not be deemed necessary. Suffice it briefly to refer to the main facts which have been accomplished. The movement for the preservation of the Irish language has advanced steadily, and continues to enlist the sympathy of everyone interested in the cultivation of the language and literature of Ire- land, and in the prestige arising from the preser- vation of a valuable national inheritance. It is very satisfactory to find that, notwithstand- ing many drawbacks, and amidst the many and absorbing questions now occupying public atten- tion, the effort made to preserve our native tongue Btill meets with encouragement and support. It would be strange, indeed, were it otherwise, see- ing the interest taken in it by strangers and foreigners, who are in no other way connected with our country or our race. 12 124 Considering the difficulties that had to be over- come, and the continued encouragement afforded to the promoters of the movement, we are justified in believing that its inherent merits and its hold on popular sympathy are such as will continue to evoke the enthusiasm and secure the aid of Irish- men, and that its motto in the future, as during the past three years, will be " Crescit eundo." The permanent footing the language has ob- tained in our school systems at home, and the attention it has received abroad, warrant us in expecting that many, who are now only looking on, will soon feel impelled to interest themselves in the country's noble and valuable language. The financial condition of the Society, notwith- standing the depressed state of the country, con- tinues very satisfactory. The balance in the Society's favour on the 31st December last was 85. Considerable extra expense had to be in- curred during the year for printing in connexion with the election in March, 1879, in publishing a pamphlet containing the names of members and other valuable information concerning the Society, and in forwarding circulars to national schools. The Society's series of elementary books con- tinues in great demand. During the year ending the 3lst December, 5,071 copies of the First Irish Book have been sold, making a total issue of 31,071 copies; 2,075 copies of the Second Irish Book, making a total issue of 14,075, and the copy-book, for writing the Irish language in the Irish character, has had a sale of 1,209. During the year the Society published a Third Irish Book, of which a first edition of 2,000 copies has been already sold, and a second edition of 3,000 copies is now almost exhausted. A valuable publication, " Toruigheacht Dhiar- 125 rauda agus Ghrainne," has just been printed by the Society to meet the requirements of advanced pupils ; and, owing to the action of this Council, it has been placed as a text-book on the Pro- gramme of the Commissioners of Intermediate Education for the present year. This book of about 210 pages, consisting of text, translation, notes, and a glossary, will form the first of a series of " Gaelic Reading Books," so much required by Celtic students. Two Societies (the Craobh Ruadh and Gaelic Union) have been formed in Dublin, and numerous associations affiliated to the Society during the year, whilst the progress of the movement in America has exceeded the most sanguine expecta- tions. Memorials, which are likely to be attended with the happiest results, have been presented to the trustees of Maynooth College and the Board of National Education. The Commissioners of National Education have asked and obtained permission to use the Society's books in printing cards for the use of their schools. An excellent set of by-laws for the government of the Society has been drawn up. Many valuable additions have been made to Irish literature by members of our Council, and an important report on the Celtic language has been contributed to the Statistical Society of Lon- don by Mr. Ravenstein, who acknowledges the assistance afforded him by this Society. The Council have to regret the loss by death of the following distinguished members of their body a loss not only felt by this Society but by all Ireland. Their services are so well known in connexion with the history and literature of the country as to preclude the necessity of doing more 126 than simply mentioning their names, viz. : Isaac Butt, Esq., M.P., a Vice-President of the Society; Right Rev. Dr. James MacDevitt, Bishop of Raphoe, also a Vice-President of the Society; James Morrin, Esq., Dangan House, Kilkenny; Joseph O'Longan, Esq., of the Royal Irish Aca- demy; and Very Rev. C. W. RusseU, D.D., Pre- sident of Maynooth College. In conclusion, the interest taken by the members of this Council in their weekly meetings is shown by the fact that the number of attendances during the past year has been considerably greater than that of any preceding year. RULES, THIS Society is instituted for the Preservation and Extension of the Irish as a Spoken Language. 1. This Society shall consist of a Patron, Presi- dent, and four Vice-Presidents, with Members and Associates. 2. The qualification for Membership shall be an annual subscription of at least Ten Shillings, and for Associates, One Shilling. 3. The Society shall be governed by a Council, chosen from the Members, which Council shall consist of not less than thirty, including the President, Vice-Presidents, two Secre- taries, and two Treasurers. Five Members of the Council to form a quorum. 127 4. The Presidents and Secretaries of Branch Associations, in connexion with the Society, shall be Members of the Council. 5. The Council shall have power to manage the affairs of the Society, and to make by-laws for the better regulation of its own proceed- ings. 6. The President, Vice-Presidents, and thirty Members of the Council shall be elected an- nually, on St. Patrick's Day, by means of voting-papers furnished to every Member of the Society. 7. The Treasurers and Secretaries shall be elected annually by the Council. 8. A General Meeting of the Society will be held annually at such time and place as shall be determined from year to year by the Council. MEAIs 7 S, The object of the Society being the Preserva- tion and Extension of the Irish as a Spoken Language, the following means are proposed for that end : ' 1. To encourage a familiar use of the Language by those who know how to speak it, and to offer premiums for proficiency in the study of it. 2 To promote the formation of Classes wherever facilities exist. 3. To encourage the establishment of Parochial or other Associations. 4. To procure that the Irish Language shall be taught in the Schools of Ireland, especially in tbe Irish- speaking districts. 5. To pubSsh cheap elementary works, from 128 which the Language can be easily learned, and to furnish same at reduced prices to Classes and Associations in connexion with the Society. 6. To encourage the production of a Modern Irish Literature original or translated. In addition to the foregoing, the Society hopes soon to be in a position to publish a journal partly in the Irish tongue, for the cultivation of the language and literature of Ireland, and con- taining easy Lessons and Reports of the Transac- tions of the Society. The Council will also take such other measures as they may deem expedient to further the object of the Society. LOCAL ASSOCIATIONS. Some Local Associations already in course of formation have expressed willingness to be con- nected with the Society, being anxious to encourage union, which is a sure means of success. The Council have therefore drawn up a series of con- ditions which, while providing for united action, will yet leave each Association free to direct its own affairs. They also propose a " Plan of Rules" for the guidance of persons willing to form Asso- ciations. PLAN OF RULES, 1. The Association to consist of a President, Vice-President, and Members. 2. The Association to be governed by a Presi- dent, Vice- President, and Committee of* * Whatever number may be agreed on. I2 9 chosen from the Members of the Association, which Committee shall have power to receive members, to make by-laws for the regulation of their own proceedings, and appoint a Treasurer and Secre- tary. Members* of Committee to form a quorum. 3. The qualification for Membership to be an annual subscription of Shillings.! 4. The Committee to have power to establish Irish classes, and to adopt such other measures as they may deem fit to further the object of the Society. 5. The President, Vice-President, and Com- mittee to be elected annually on St. Patrick's Day a general meeting of the Association being held for that purpose. Members of Associations and others can very materially aid the Society's work, and further the progress of the movement by enrolling Members and Associates of the Society^ and forwarding subscriptions and lists of names to the Secretary of the Council, who will send card of Membership or Association to each Subscriber. CONDITIONS OF AFFILIATION. I. An Association must consist of at least ten members, including President, Vice-Presi- dent and Secretary. II. Two copies of the Rules of the Association to be forwarded to the Council of the Society in Dublin one to be retained by the Coun- * Whatever number may be agreed on. t The sum to be fixed by the Committee of the Associa- tion. J Special Cards have been prepared for this purpose, and will be forwarded to those willing to enrol Associates. 130 oil, the other to be returned to the Associa- tion. III. The application for affiliation to be accom- panied by a sum of not less than ten shil- lings. If the Association cannot be affiliated, this sum, with both copies of rules, shall be returned. IV. After affiliation being granted, each Member of the Association to pay one shilling annually to the funds of the Society in Dublin. V. The Secretary of the Association to furnish a half-yearly report to the Council of the Society. VI. The President and Secretary of each Asso- ciation accepting the above conditions shall be members of the Council of the Society. VII. Each Member of an affiliated Association shall receive a certificate (or card) of asso- ciateship from the Council in Dublin. VIII. An affiliated Association shall receive the Publications of the Society at a price con- siderably below that for which they are offered to the public. A Price List shall be sent to the Association. IX. When funds permit, special premiums and prizes, for competition, shall be offered by the Council to classes in connexion with the Society. NOTE I. If in particular and exceptional cases the sub- scriptions mentioned above be considered too high, a statement to that effect made to the Council will be favour- ably considered. NOTE 2. To Colleges, Schools, and Classes will be for- warded, carriage free, the Publications of the Society, on receipt of an order for Five Shillings' worth, or more. All Book Orders to be sent to the Publishers, M. H. GILL & SON, 50 Upper Sackville-street, Dublin. BY-LAWS, MADE IN PURSUANCE OF RULE V. OP THE SOCIETY. I. COUNCIL How CONSTITUTED. THE Council of the Society shall be constituted as follows : Thirty Members shall be elected by ballot ; these at their first meeting shall co-opt fifteen others, and the Council thus formed shall have power to add ten more to their number within their year of office, not more than three Members, of whose names notice shall have been previously given, to be elected at any one meeting. II. ELECTION OF COUNCIL ANNUAL MODE OF ELECTION. The annual election of the Council shall be by ballot. Balloting-papers and the other necessary forms shall be sent to all Members of the Society resident in Great Britain and Ireland not later than the 7th of March ; said papers to be returned to the Society not later than noon on the 17th day of the same month. III. A HOUSE LIST TO BE SENT our. That along with the balloting-papers there shall be sent to the Members of the Society a house list of names of Members recommended by the Council for election to the offices of President and Vice- President, and to twenty seats on the Council; and that this list be drawn up at a meeting of the 132 Council convened for that purpose, of which due notice shall be given by the Secretary. IV. VACANCIES ON COUNCIL OFFICE HOLDERS. The Council shall have power to fill up any vacancy that may occur in the Council of officers previous to the Annual Election ; but the Mem- bers so elected shall hold the office so long only as it would have been held by the vacating Mem- ber if no vacancy had occurred. V. HON. MEMBERS THEIR NUMBER. That the Council shall have power to elect not more than ten persons in any year to be Honorary Members of the Society and of the Council ; the ground of such election to be eminent character and known sympathy with the objects of the Society. VI. MEETINGS OF THE COUNCIL. The Council of the Society for the Preservation of the Irish Language shall meet not less fre- quently than once a month. More frequent meet- ings may be held if they be deemed desirable by the Council. The day, hour, and place of meeting shall not at any time be altered by a vote of the Council, unless notice to effect such change shall have been given in the usual way. vn. SPECIAL MEETINGS OF THE COUNCIL. Special meetings of the Council may be sum- moned at any time by the Secretary, on the '33 requisition of five members ; the summons to con- tain a notification of the business for which the meeting has been called. VIII. MINUTES OF COUNCIL TO BE KEPT. That minutes be kept of the meetings of the Council, and that the minutes of each meeting be read as the first business of the next ensuing meeting of the Council. IX. NOTICES OF MOTION. No motion unconnected with the business of the meeting, and of which notice has not been given, can be passed at any meeting of the Council, if it be objected to by any of the Members present. X. MOTION RELATING TO EXPENDITURE. No motion involving a new expenditure of five pounds or upwards from the funds of the Society shall be passed at any meeting of the Council, unless notice of the same has been given in the manner hereinafter provided by these Rules. XI. NOTICES OF MOTION. Notices of motion may be handed in at any ordinary meeting of the Council, and notification of the same shall be sent by the Secretary fo all Members of Council residing within ten miles of Dublin at least two days before the date of the meeting at which they are to be considered. Five Members of the Council shall form a quorum. '34 XII. SUB-COMMITTEES. That the Council be subdivided into such Sub- committees as may be desirable, and may associate Ordinary Members on any such Sub-Committee. Three Members of such Sub-Committee to form a quorum. XIII. MEMBERS ENTITLED TO ELECT AND TO BE ELECTED. No Member whose subscription for the year ending on the previous 31st December is unpaid shall be entitled to receive a ballot-paper or be eligible for election to the Council. XTV. MEMBERS Two YEARS IN ARREAR LIABLE TO BE EEMOVED. Any Member of the Society whose subscription is more than two years in arrear, and who has twice been applied to for the amount, shall be liable to have his name removed from the list of the Society by a vote of the Council. XV. MEMBERS PAYING IN Nov. AND DEC. TO BE CONSI- DERED AS PAYING .FOR THE FOLLOWING YEAR. Subscriptions become due on the 1st of January in each year ; but the subscriptions of Members who join the Society during the months of Novem- ber and December shall be regarded as paying to the end o the following year. XVI. SUBSCRIPTIONS THEIR ACKNOWLEDGMENT. Money received for the purposes of the Society 135 shall be acknowledged without undue delay ; an- nouncements of the same shall be made at the meeting of the Council next following its receipt, and a record thereof entered in the books of the Society. XVII. PAYMENT or ACCOUNTS. Bills presented for payment shall be brought before the Council by the Secretary, and, if ap- proved of, shall be initialled by the Chairman, and passed to the Treasurers of the Society for pay- ment. xvni. SOCIETY'S ACCOUNTS TO BE AUDITED HALF- YEARLY. The Council shall have the accounts of the Society audited half-yearly. Copies of the balance- sheet shall be obtainable by Members of Council and of the Society on making application for them. PKOGKAMHE OF EXAMINATION IN THE IEISH LANGUAGE FOB Pupils of 5th and 6th Classes m National Schools. FIRST YEAR, (a,} Grammar to the end of the regular verb, with the verbs is and td. (b.) Twenty pages of an Irish Phrase Book ; or the phrases in the First and Second Irish Books published by the Society for the Preservation of the Irish Lan- guage. .36 SECOND YEAR, (a.) Grammar to the end of Syntax. (i.) Twenty additional pages of a Phrase Book ; or an equi- valent in prose or poetry to the Story of Oisin in Tir na n-6g. (c.) Translation of the Second Book of Lessons into Irish. THIRD YEAR. (.) A more critical knowledge of Grammar. (i.) The Story of Deirdre (omit- ting the poetry), or the Children of Lir; or some equivalent book. (c.) Translation of the Third Book of Lessons into Irish. A short letter or essay in Irish. Pupils who have made the necessary 100 days' attendances, and who have been regularly enrolled in the 5th or 6th class, may be examined for Re- sults Fees in Irish. A fee of 10s. will be allowed for each pupil who passes in the foregoing pro- gramme, on the usual conditions laid down for Examinations in Extra Subjects. By Order, WM. H. NEWELL, "I JOHN E. SHEKIDAN, J Education Office, Dublin, October, 1878. 137 INTERMEDIATE EDUCATION. PROGRAMME OF EXAMINATIONS FOB 1879 RELATING TO CELTIC. DIVISION IY Modern Languages. JUNIOR GRADE. Section D. Celtic Maximum of Marks, 600. 1. Grammar. (0' Donovan's Abridgment or Bourke.) 2. Toruigheacht Dhiarmuda agus Ghrainne, first half. (Transactions of the Ossianic Society, vol. iii., pp. 40-120.) 3. A passage from an Irish author for transla- tion at sight. (Optional.) 4. English sentences for translation into Irish. (Optional,) 5. History of Ireland to the Battle of Clontarf. MIDDLE GRADE. Section D. Celtic. Maximum of Marks, 600. 1. Grammar. (O'Donovan's Large Grammar, omitting Part IV. and Appendix.) 2. The Title and Introduction to Mac Firbis' Book of Genealogies. (O'Curry's MS. Materials of Ancient Irish History, Appendix No. Ixxxvii.) 3. A passage of an Irish author for translation at sight. (Optional.) 4. A passage of English Prose for translation into Irish. (Optional. ) 5. History of Ireland from the Battle of Clon- tarf to the Accession of Elizabeth. SENIOR GRADE. Section D. Celtic Maximum of Marks, 600 ; of which 100 will be given to the optional subjects. 1. Grammar. (O'Donovan, as above, all.) 138 2. The Fight of Fer Diadh, and the Fair of Carman. (0' Curry's Manners and Customs of the Ancient Irish.) 3. A passage of an Irish author for translation at sight. 4. A short Essay in the Irish Language. (Op- tional.) 5. History of Ireland from the Accession of Elizabeth to the Union. 6. Easy questions on the Philology of the Celtic Language. (Optional.) 7. Easy questions on Irish Archaeology. (Op- tional.) NOTES ON THE PROGRAMME. 1. It is to be distinctly understood that the Text-books mentioned within brackets in the Pro- gramme are not prescribed nor even recommended; they are introduced simply for the purpose of indicating approximately the amount of matter in which the examination will be held. 2. Knowledge of the prescribed authors, in the various languages will be tested by questions in parsing, prosody, analysis, literature, history, and geography, naturally arising out of the text. In Modern Languages passages will be set for trans- lation. 3. The passages for translation at sight will be chosen of a style and character similar to those of the authors prescribed in the same Grade ; except in the senior Grade of the Modern Languages, where this limitation will not be observed. PEOGEAMME FOE 1880. JUNIOR GRADE. Maximum of Marks, 600. [Pass Marks, 360.] 1. Toruighcacht Dhiarmuda agus Ghrainne [Copui- geacc Oiapmuoa asup 5P^ inne ] PP- 40 120. 139 (Printed by the Society for the Preservation of the Irish Language) [i.e., the portion contained in the "Ossianic Society's Transactions," vol. iii., pp. 40-120].* 2. Grammar. (Bourke's or Joyce's).* 3. Outlines of the History of Ireland from the Introduction of Christianity to A.D. 1 172. [Honors Marks, 240.] 1 . Somewhat more difficult questions in grammar and history. 2. A passage from an easy Celtic author for translation at sight. 3. Short English sentences for translation into Celtic, help being given by a vocabulary. MIDDLE GRADE. Maximum of Marks, 600. \_Pas8 Marks, 360.] 1. Toruigheacht Dhiarmuda agus Ghrainne, pp. 120- 194. (" Transactions Ossianic Society," vol. iii.) Ji.e., the portion following that marked for the unior Grade.]* 2. Grammar. (Bourke's or Joyce's.)* 3. A passage from some other prose work foi translation at sight, some help being given by a vocabulary. 4. Short English sentences for translation into Celtic, help being given by a vocabulary. 5. Outlines of the History of Ireland from A.D 1172 to 1558. [Honors Marks, 240.] 1. Imiheacht na Tromdhaimhe [Imcea6c no Cpom6aime] (prose only.} ("Transactions Ossianio Society," vol. v.)* * See List at end. 140 2. More difficult questions on grammar and history. 3. A passage of easy English for translation into Celtic. SENIOR GRADE. Maximum of Marks, 600. [Pass Marks, 360.] 1. Mac-gnimharthaFinn[yC\ac-^\\^oma^ta pinn]. "Transactions Ossianic Society," vol. iv., pp. 288- 302.)*f 2. Grammar. (O'Donovan's Grammar, parts i., ii,, and iii.)* 3. A passage from a Celtic author for translation at sight. 4. Outlines of the history of Ireland from A.D. 1558 to 1800. [Honors Marks 240.] 1. ImtJieacJit na Tromdkaimhe (poetry only}. # ("Transactions Ossianic Society," vol. v.) 2. A passage from another Celtic poem for translation at sight. 3. A passage of English for translation into Celtic. 4. Questions requiring a more detailed know- ledge of history during the reign of Elizabeth. 5. Celtic Literature. (O'Curry's "Lectures on the MS. Materials of Ancient Irish History." Lectures vii., viii., ix., xi., xii.)* NOTES ON THE PROGRAMME. The Text-books mentioned within brackets are not prescribed nor even recommended ; they are introduced merely to indicate approximately the * See List of Irish Books at end. t Which is now being reprinted by the Gaelic Union. 141 amount of matter in which the examination will be held. Knowledge of the prescribed authors (or pieces} in Irish will be tested by questions in parsing, prosody, analysis, literature, history, and geo- graphy, arising naturally from the text. Passages will be set for translation. The passages for translation at sight will be chosen of a style and character similar to those of the authors prescribed in the same grade; except in the senior grade, where this limitation will not be observed. In all grades a certain number of marks must be obtained on grammar marks in order to obtain a pass. In all subjects marks maybe deducted for gross blunders in English grammar or orthography. In all grades, students whose marks on the pass part entitle them to pass will obtain marks for any questions correctly answered in the honors part of the caper. IEISH BOOKS Selected for the Intermediate Education Course ly th Commissioners of Intermediate Education. SOLD BY M. H. GILL & SON, 50 UPPKR SACKVILLE- STREET, DUBLIN. Junior Grade. The College Irish Grammar. By the Very Rev. Canon Ulick J. Bourke. New Edition Fcap. 8vo, 2s. 6d. Irish Grammar. By P. W. Joyce, LL.D., M.R.I.A. Fcap. 8vo, cloth, Is. Part I., in wrapper, 6d. Middle Grade. Toruigheacht Dhiarmuda agus Ghrainne, pp. 120-194. (" Transactions of Ossianic Society," vol. lii.),3s. 6d. Grammar (Bourke's or Joyce's). Imtheacht na Tromdhaimhe. (Prose only.) (" Transactions of Ossianic Society," vol. v.), 3s. 6d. Title and Introduction to MacFirbis' Book of Genealogies. In O'Curry's " Lectures on MS. Material* of Ancient Irish History. One vol., cloth, 7s. 6d. Senior Grade. Mac-gnimartha Finn. ("Transactions of Ossianic Society," vol. iv.), 3s. 6d. O'Donovan's Irish Grammar. 8vo, cloth, 1 25. Imtheacht na Tromdhaimhe. (Poetry only.} ("Transactions of Ossianic Society," vol. v.), 3s. 6d. 2 LIST OF IRISH BOOKS. Conbrae Firdliad ; or, The Fight of Ferdia and Aonach Carmain; or, The Fair of Carmain. In O'Curry's "Lectures on the Manners and Customs of the Ancient Irish.' 1 (Vol. iii., Appendix.) Questions on Archaeology, &c., in same. Three vols. 8vo, cloth, 2 2s. Celtic Literature. O'Curry's " Lectures on Manuscript Materials of Ancient Irish History." One vol., 7s. 6d. M, H. Gill & Son can also supply the folloioing Books suited for the National Schools Programme. Irish Grammar. By P. W. Joyce, LL.D., M.R.I.A. Fcap. 8vo, cloth, Is. Part I., in wrapper, 6d. The First Irish Book. Published for " The Society for the Preservation of the Irish Language." 18mo, wrapper, 2d. The Second Irish Book. Ditto, ditto, 4d. The Third Irish Book. Ditto, ditto, 6d. The Irish Head-Line Copy-Book. Ditto, Ho, 4d. MISCELLANEOUS IRISH BOOKS, SOLD BY M. H. GILL & SON. Easy Lessons in Irish. By the Very Rev. Canon Bourke. Fcap. 8vo, cloth, 2s. 6d. in Five parts, paper covers, each 6d. Self-Instruction in Irish. By J. O'Daly. Fcap. 8vo, wrapper, 6d. Irish Grammar. By J. Molloy. Fcap. 8vo, cloth, 2s. 6d. LIST OF IRISH BOOKS. 3 The Tribes of Ireland. A Satire. By JEnghus O'Daly. With Literal Translation, and Poetical Translation by James Clarence Mangan. With historical notes, &c., by John O'Donovan, LL.D., M.R.I.A. 8vo, wrapper, Is. 6d. The Poets and Poetry of Munster. A Selection of Irish Gaelic Songs. By the Poets of the last Century. With Metrical Translations by "Erionnach." Second Series. Fcap. 8vo, cloth, 2s. 6d. Reliques of Irish Jacobite Poetry. With Metrical Translations by the late Edward Walsh. Second Edition. Fcap. 8vo, wrapper, Is. The Pious Miscellany, and other Poems. CA&5 ^AoL&c ; or, Timothy O'Sullivan. In Irish Gaelic. Royal 18mo, cloth, Is. ; wrapper, 6d. Scela na Esergi : A treatise on the Resur- rection.from "teboi\-nA-llui'O|\e." With a Literal Trans- lation by J. O'Beirne Crowe, A.B. 8vo, wrapper, 2s. The Irish Language Miscellany. Being a Selection of Poems in Irish-Gaelic. By the Munster Bards of the last Century. 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