TACK N'MHX o 070 WHAT DOE CHRISTIANITY 999 TO QIVE I THE TO IT FOLLOWERS? 95fo0 fKKACHED AT ST. AUGUSTINE'S CHURCH, HIGHBURY, BY THE REV. GORDON CALTHROP, MA, IN ANSWER TO A QUESTION IN THE "JEWISH PULPIT.' PRINTED AND PUBLISHED AT THE HEP, REW CHRISTIAN HOUSE OF INDUSTRY, 39i, HACKNEY ROAD, E. PRICE ONE PENNY. PREACHED AT J3T. AUQUTINE' CHURCH, HIQHBUF(Y, BY THE REV. GORDON CALTHROP, M.A. (Vicar.) ANSWER I. TO A Question proposed in " Jewish Pulpit" Wfl/IT DOEg CfH^IgTI^NIW PROFE^ 6IYE IN fflE PRESENT TO FFJ5 GENESIS iv. 4. "And Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of Ids flock and of the fat thereof. And the Lord had respect unto Abel and to his offering" fHE chief incident recorded in the fourth chapter of the Book of Genesis, is that of the murder of Abel by his brother Cain. It is not necessary to suppose that that sad event happened when Abel and Cain were very young men. In fact, we mi