I NHL' 8 3S 3US eg o 4 > > & > _ > > ' CHEMISTRY INORGANIC AND ORGANIC WITH EXPERIMENTS AND A COMPARISON OF EQUIVALENT AND MOLECULAR FORMULA. BY CHARLES LOUDON BLOXAM, PROFESSOR OF PR.VCTICA.L CHEMISTRY IN KINO'S COLLEGE, LONDON; PROFESSOR OF CHEMISTRY IN THE LONDON : JOHN CHURCHILL & SONS, NEW BURLINGTON STREET. MDCCCLXVII. NEILL AND COMPANY, PRINTERS EDINBURGH. PREFACE. AT the present time, when there is so much difference of opinion as to the clearest mode of representing the constitution of chemical compounds and the changes in which they are involved, the author of a work on Chemistry is placed in a difficult position. Fully realising this, I should scarcely have ventured to undertake the task, but for the circumstance that, a third edition of "Abel and Bloxarn's Handbook of Chemistry" being required, and my valued coadjutor not having leisure to devote to its preparation, it seemed to me a favourable opportunity for re-writing the handbook in such a form as to render it more useful to the general student. The present work, therefore, is designed to give a clear and simple description of the elements and their principal compounds, and of the chemical principles involved in some of the most important branches of manufacture. Keeping this in view, I have employed as few technical terms as possible, especially at the commencement, so that the student may glide into Chemistry without having first to toil through a difficult chapter on the terminology of the science, which he can never appreciate until he has become acquainted with the examples which serve to illustrate its application. Convinced, by experience, of the great assistance afforded to the learner by referring him to a simple illustrative experiment, I have introduced, generally in smaller type, a description, and in most cases a wood-engraving,* of the experiments which I have found most useful in illustrating lectures, hoping that these may prove of * These were drawn by Mr 'Ceilings and engraved by Mr Hart, to whom I feel much indebted for their patient endeavours to represent faithfully the various forms of apparatus. iv PREFACE. service in fixing the attention of the student, and may assist those who are desirous of performing such experiments for their own instruction, or for that of a class. In explaining chemical changes by equations, I have, as a general rule, employed symbols representing combining weights (or equi- valents), and not atoms, of the elements. Had the work been in- tended for advanced students, I should have hesitated- to incur the reproach of obstinate conservatism, or of being behind the chemical spirit of the time, though even then, which of the more advanced systems was to be adopted would have been a very formidable question, for at present the different modes of representing chemical changes are almost as numerous as chemical writers. When the atomic or molecular system of notation affords a clearer explanation, I have endeavoured to give the student the benefit of it, and this of course occurs most frequently in the department of Organic Chemistry, where the elements concerned in the formation of compounds are few, and atomic constitution becomes of greater importance. In such cases I have represented the atoms of elements by the barred symbols (6, 6, &c.), and have adopted essentially the same atomic and molecular formulae as have been employed by my colleague, Professor Miller, in the later editions of his " Elements of Chemistry." * In general, English weights and measures, and Fahrenheit ther- mometric degrees, have been employed, as conveying more clearly to the beginner the absolute values expressed, since the mental effort of converting what must still be called the continental systems, slight though it be, might have the effect of diverting the attention of the reader from the chemical question under considera- tion. The various calculations have been conducted in the simplest arithmetical form, because the more compendious algebraical expres- sions are not so generally intelligible, and when the principle is once understood, a general algebraical formula for the calculation is easily constructed by the learner. The special attention devoted to Metallurgy and some other * I must confess myself under heavy obligation to Dr Miller's splendid volume on Organic Chemistry, the luminous summaries which it contains having frequently spared me the trouble of referring to the original memoirs. PREFACE. . V branches of Applied Chemistry, will render the work useful to those who are being educated for employment in manufacture. The military student will find more than the usual space allotted to the chemistry of the various substances employed in warlike stores. In fine, it has been my endeavour to produce a Treatise on Chemistry sufficiently comprehensive for those studying the science as a branch of general education, and one which a student may peruse with advantage before commencing his chemical studies at one of the colleges or medical schools, where he will abandon it for the more advanced work placed in his hands by the professor. I am not without hope that this book may also be found useful in enabling the student who has acquired his knowledge of Chemistry with the help of the older system of notation in equivalents, to pass, should he deem it advisable, by an easy transition, into the use of atomic symbols and unitary formulae. C. L. B. WOOLWICH, January 1867. *^* In the following pages, the smaller type contains not only the descriptions of experiments, but all such matter as would be of less importance to a student desiring only a general knowledge of the subject without going into details. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Paragraph INTRODUCTION. DEFINITIONS, ..... 1 Enumeration and classification of elements, with their symbols and combining weights, . . . . .2 Classification of compounds into organic and inorganic, . . 3 CHEMISTRY OF THE NON-METALLIC ELEMENTS. OXYGEN. Its occurrence in nature, ..... 4 Physical properties of oxygen. Specific gravity of gases defined, . 5 Chemical properties of oxygen. Combustion, ... 6 Relations of oxygen to phosphorus ; effects of heat and minute divi- sion upon chemical attraction ; nature of acids, . . 7 Relations of oxygen to sulphur, ..... 8 Relations of oxygen to carbon, . . .,,,'. .9 Etymology of oxygen, . . . . . .10 Relations of oxygen to the metals ; sodium and oxygen ; nature of alkalies; meaning of neutralisation; combining weights of com- pounds ; definition of an acid, . . . . .11 Relations of oxygen to zinc ; definition of base, salt, salt-radical, . 12 Relations of oxygen to iron ; naming of oxides to indicate their com- position ; definition of a metal, . . . . .13 Indifferent oxides ; relation between composition and properties of the oxides of a metal, . . . . . .14 Preparation of oxygen from oxide of mercury, . . .15 binoxide of manganese, . . .16 chlorate of potash ; calculation of the weight of a given volume of gas, . . . .17 Ozone. Its production by electric discharge through air or oxygen ; formation by slow oxidation of phosphorus and ether in air ; its presence in the atmosphere ; its reconversion into ordinary oxygen by heat, . . . . . . 18 Atmospheric air. Its composition; rough demonstration of the pro- portions of oxygen and nitrogen by phosphorus ; exact analysis of air by copper, ....... 19 Air a mixture, not a chemical compound ; functions of the nitrogen in air ; uniform composition of the atmosphere maintained by diffusion, . . . . . . .20 viii CONTENTS. Paragraph HYDROGEN. Its occurrence in nature ; analysis of water by the galvanic battery ; construction of Grove's battery, . . . .21 Electrolysis ; electro-positive and electro-negative elements, . . 22 Relative volumes of hydrogen and oxygen in water ; difference in ap- plication of electricity according to quantity and intensity, . 23 Decomposition of steam into detonating gas by electric sparks, .. 24 Disengagement of hydrogen from water by metals ; definition of chemical equivalent of a metal; action of potassium and sodium on water ; classification of metals according to their action upon water, . . . . . . . . 25 Preparation of hydrogen by action of red-hot iron upon steam ; by action of zinc or iron upon diluted sulphuric acid, . .26 Physical properties of hydrogen ; its value as a theoretical unit of volume ; illustrations of its extreme lightness, . . . 27 Diffusibility of gases defined and illustrated ; separation of hydrogen and oxygen by atmolysis; law of the velocities of diffusion. Graham's experiments with air ; mode of doubling the percentage of oxygen, ........ 28 Chemical properties of hydrogen ; character of its flame, ^. . 29 Explosive mixtures of hydrogen with air and oxygen, ^ . . . . , . 30 Synthesis of water in the eudiometer, . ',' . . 31 Eudiometric analysis of air, . . . ; . 32 Calculation of the specific gravity of steam, . '; . . 33 Combining volumes of oxygen and hydrogen, . ' . >,.. 34 Atomic theory; comparison between the atomic and equivalent formulae of water ; atomic heats, .... - *,: '*;.. 35 Combining volumes of gases and vapours, . . * .*- . 36 Oxyhydrogen blowpipe ; fusion of platinum ; lime-light, . . 37 Chemical relations of hydrogen contrasted with those of oxygen, . 38 Water from various natural sources; air dissolved in water, . . 39 Saline components of natural waters ; hardness ; boiler incrustations ; petrifying springs ; stalactites ; processes for softening waters ; temporary and- permanent hardness ; organic matter in waters, . 40 Action of water upon leaden cisterns and pipes. Mineral waters, . 41 Sea-water, ........ 42 Purification of water by distillation ; the still and worm ; Liebig's condenser, . . . . . . .43 Physical properties of water ; specific gravity of liquids and solids defined ; definition of boiling-point, . . . 44 Chemical relations of water ; hydrates ; nature of simple solution ; crystallisation from, water ; super-saturated solutions, . . 45 Efflorescence ; water of crystallisation and water of constitution of salts ; deliquescence, . . / < ', . . 46 Hydrated bases ; unitary view of the alkaline hydrates, . . 47 Hydrated acids ; unitary view of hydrated sulphuric acid, . . .48 Binoxide of hydrogen. Its preparation and properties ; decomposition by contact ; positive and negative oxygen ; Molecules; molecular formulce ; atom and molecule defined ; nature of ozone ; antozone, 49 CARBON. Its natural varieties ; demonstration of the nature of diamond ; exact synthesis of carbonic acid ; graphite ; its useful applications, . 50 Artificial varieties of carbon ; lamp-black, wood-charcoal ; destructive CONTP;NTS. ix Paragraph distillation defined ; charcoal-burning ; decolorisation and deodor- isation by charcoal ; animal charcoal ; calorific value of carbon, . 51 Coal. Chemistry of its formation ; composition and special uses of lig- nite, bituminous coal and anthracite, . . . .52 Oxides of carbon ; their composition by weight, . . .53 Carbonic acid. Sources of atmospheric carbonic acid ; respiration ; fer- mentation ; decomposition of carbonic acid by plants, . . 54 Occurrence of carbonic acid in the mineral kingdom ; preparation of carbonic acid, ....... 55 Properties of carbonic acid ; illustrations of its high specific gravity and power of extinguishing flame ; limit to combustion of a taper in confined air ; limit to respiration of animals in confined air ; noxious effects of carbonic acid ; principles of ventilation ; solu- bility of carbonic acid in water ; sparkling drinks ; importance of dissolved carbonic acid to plants, . . . .56 Liquefaction of carbonic acid in glass tubes, . . . .57 Separation of carbonic acid from other gases, . . . .58 Ultimate analysis of organic substances ; calculation of formula exem- plified ; empirical and rational formulae, . . . .59 Salts formed by carbonic acid. Table of the commonest carbonates, with their common names, equivalent and atomic unitary formulae, 60 Analytical proof of the composition of carbonic acid, . . .61 Carbonic oxide. Its formation in fires and furnaces ; its poisonous cha- racter, ........ 62 Formation of carbonic oxide by passing steam over red-hot carbon ; its useful applications, ...... 63 Carbonic oxide compared with carbonic acid, . . .64 Preparation of carbonic oxide ; from oxalic acid ; from ferrocyanide of potassium, ....... 65 Reduction of metallic oxides by carbonic oxide ; preparation of pyro- phoric iron, ....... 66 Composition by volume "of carbonic oxide and carbonic acid ; calcula- tion of the specific gravity of carbon vapour, . . .67 Combining weight of carbonic acid ; tabular view of the equivalent weight, volume, and composition of carbonic oxide and carbonic acid, ........ 68 Atomic weight of carbon ; tabular view of the molecular weight, volume, and composition of carbonic oxide and carbonic acid, . . 69 Compounds of carbon and hydrogen ; equivalent and molecular formula) of acetylene, marsh-gas, and olefiant gas, . . . .70 A cetylene. Its production by direct synthesis ; its preparation in quantity by the imperfect combustion of coal-gas ; new radicals derived from acetylene ; cupros-acetyle, argent-acetyle ; fulminating oxide " of argent-acetyle ; remarkable properties of acetylene ; formation of styrole by action of heat upon acetylene, . . . 71 Olefiant gas. Its preparation and properties ; formation of Dutch liquid ; production of acetylene from olefiant gas by the spark-discharge, . 72 Marsh-gas. Its occurrence in nature ; fire-damp ; preparation and pro- perties of marsh-gas ; chemistry of explosions in coal-mines ; safety- lamps, ........ 73 Structure of flame ; cause of luminosity in ordinary flames ; experiments X CONTENTS. Paragraph illustrating the structure of flame ; influence of the supply of air upon the character of flames ; smokeless gas-burners ; effect of atmospheric pressure upon the luminosity of flames ; composition of illuminating fuels, . . . . - 74 The Uowpipe flame. Functions of its different parts ; reduction of metals by the blowpipe, on charcoal, . . . ;* 75 Eudiometric analysis of marsh-gas. Table of the composition by volume of acetylene, marsh-gas, and olefiant gas, . . . .76 Coal-gas. Products of the distillation of coal, . . . .77 SILICON. Its occurrence as silica in nature ; conversion of silica into a soluble form ; preparation of pure silica by dialysis ; crystallised and amorphous silica, . . . :. .. v J > . 78 Apparatus for effecting fusions in the laboratory, '. . . . ' 79 Silicates; bibasic character of silicic acid, .: . .-*.' , 80 Preparation and properties of silicon ; amorphous, graphitoid, and adamantine silicon ; comparison of silicon with carbon ; hydride of silicon ; combining weight and atomic weight of silicon ; atomic formula of silicic acid, . . . . ." '.> 81 BORON Boracic acid ; its extraction from the soffioni ; properties of boracic acid; borates, . . . . . .' i 82 Extraction of boron from boracic acid ; amorphous, graphitoid, and diamond boron ; combining weight of boron ; atomic formula of boracic anhydride, . . . . -. * .83 Review of carbon, boron, and silicon, . . * . . .<*. 84 NITROGEN. Its occurrence in nature and preparation from air ; inert cha- racter of the element, and activity of its compounds, . V' - . 85 Ammonia. An important medium of circulation for nitrogen ; extraction from the ammoniacal liquor of the gas-works ; sublimation ; pre- paration of ammonia gas ; solution of ammonia ; mode of ascer- taining its strength ; liquefaction of ammonia ; Carry's refrigerator ; combination of ammonia with acids ; the ammonium- theory ; for- mation of ammonium-amalgam, . . . .86 Combining weight and volume of ammonia, . . . .87 Combining weight and volume of nitrogen ; molecular formula of am- monia ; tabular view of composition of ammonia, . . 88 Process for ascertaining the proportion of nitrogen in an organic sub- stance ; calculation of the formula of urea, . . .89 Formation of ammonia in the rusting of iron ; nascent state of elements, 90 Production of nitrous and nitric acids from ammonia ; nitrification ; formation of nitrates in nature, . . . . ; . , 91 Compounds of nitrogen and oxygen, . . . _ -*.'.' . 92 Nitric acid. Preparation in the laboratory and on the large scale ; pro- perties of nitric acid ; its action upon metals and organic substances, 93 Oxidising effects of nitrates. Combining weight and unitary formula of nitric acid. Table of the chief nitrates with their common names, and equivalent and atomic formulae, . . .94 Anhydrous nitric acid or nitric anhydride, . . . .95 Nitrous oxide, . . . . . . . .96 Nitric oxide ; rough analysis of air by nitric oxide, . . .97 Nitrous acid ; preparation of nitrite of potash, . . .98 Nitric peroxide ; commercial nitrous acid, . . .99 CONTENTS. xi Paragraph General review of the oxides of nitrogen ; combination in multiple pro portions ; determination of the composition of the oxides of nitrogen ; tabular review of their composition by weight and volume ; their atomic constitution and formulae, . . .100 CHLORINE. Its occurrence in nature and extraction from common salt ; striking physical and chemical properties ; powerful attraction for non- metallic and metallic elements, . . . . .101 Relations of chlorine to hydrogen ; synthesis of hydrochloric acid effected by natural and artificial light ; displacement of oxygen from water by chlorine ; action of chlorine upon other hydrogen- compounds ; substitution of chlorine for hydrogen in organic sub- stances ; oxidising action of moist chlorine, . . .102 Bleaching properties of chlorine ; their application, . . .103 Chloride of lime. Mode of using it for bleaching, and for printing white patterns on a coloured ground ; disinfecting properties of chlorine ; application of chloride of lime for disinfecting, . . .104 History of the discovery of chlorine ; phlogiston, . . .105 Hydrochloric acid. Preparation and properties of the gas ; production of solution of hydrochloric acid in the alkali works. Weak acid properties of liquefied hydrochloric acid, . . -. .106 Action of hydrochloric acid upon metals ; demonstration of its com- position by volume, . . . . . .107 Action of hydrochloric acid upon metallic oxides ; formation of chlorides, . . . . . . .108 Equivalent weights of hydrochloric acid and of chlorine ; molecular formula of hydrochloric acid, . . . . .108 Types of atomic formulae; atomicity of the elements. Molecules of hy- drochloric acid, water, ammonia, and marsh-gas ; monad, dyad, triad, and tetrad elements ; graphical representation of atoms, . . 110 Compounds of chlorine with oxygen ; tabular view of their composi- tion by weight, . . . . . . .111 Hypochlorous acid. Its use for erasing ink ; the hypochlorites ; prepara- tion of oxygen from chloride of lime. Chloride of soda, . . 112 Chloric acid. Chlorate of potash ; preparation ; from carbonate of potash ; from chloride of potassium. Preparation and properties of hydrated chloric acid. Useful applications of chlorate of potash. Combustion of chlorate of potash in coal-gas. Coloured fire com- positions. Anomalous evolution of heat in the decomposition of chlorate of potash, . . . . . . .113 Perchloric acid Explosive properties of the hydrated acid, . 1 14 Chloric peroxide. Its unstable character and powerful oxidising action. JBuchlorine, . . . . . . .115 Chlorous acid, . . . . . . . ~. 116 General review of the oxides of chlorine ; their composition by volume ; unitary view of the hypochlorites, chlorites, chlorates, and per- chlorates, . . . . . . .117 Chlorides of carbon. Preparation of the bichloride or tetrachloride. Composition by volume of the chlorides of carbon. Influence of the composition by volume of a compound upon its properties. Molecular formula) of the chlorides of carbon ; table of their equivalent and molecular formula?, weights and volumes, . . 118 xii CONTENTS. Paragraph Phosgene gas or oxychloride of carbon, . -. . . .119 Chloride of silicon. Tetsatomic character of silicon. Chloride of boron, ... . - 120 Chloride of nitrogen. Processes for preparing it ; violent explosive character, . .... -.-> 121 Aqua regia.ChloTonitnc and chloronitrous gases, . . .:, 122 BROMINE. Extraction from the waters of mineral springs ; great chemical resemblance to chlorine ; liypobromous and bromic acids, . .123 Hydrobromic acid. Bromide of nitrogen. Chloride of bromine, . 124 IODINE. Extraction from ashes of sea- weed. Characteristic properties of iodine and the iodides, . V. 6 * - '. . * 125 lodic acid. Periodic acid, . .-, . > *.> * . 126 Hydriodic acid. Its powerful reducing properties, 7.>. . ; ~. 127 Iodide of nitrogen. Explosive character, ;;,.,:, . .-. , . i. 128 Chlorides and bromides of iodine, . . , , , * , ... 129 Iodide of potassium. Its preparation. Iodide of iron, ... ; :. 130 FLUORINE. Fluorspar, . .... . : j-/.*.- '... . 131 H ydrofluoric acid; etching on glass. Fluorides; kryolite, -.\~ \ . 132 Fluoride of silicon', artificial formation of staurolite, . ..i .' : ; 133 Hydrofluo silicic acid, . . . . . ; . 134 Fluoride of boron; fluoboric and hydrofluoboric acids, . .- . -. : 135 General review of chlorine, bromine, iodine, and fluorine, <; <. . 136 SULPHUR. Its occurrence in nature; composition of the principal sulphides and sulphates found in the mineral kingdom. Extraction of sulphur in Sicily. Kenning of sulphur. Distillation of sulphur from pyrites. Commercial varieties of sulphur, . . . . o'i. 137 Properties of sulphur ; remarkable transformation by heat ; electro- positive and electro-negative sulphur ; soluble and insoluble varieties ; octahedral and prismatic sulphur ; table of the chief allo- tropic forms of sulphur, . . . . . .138 Hydro sulphuric acid. Its preparation for laboratory use ; preparation of sulphide of iron. Properties of sulphuretted hydrogen ; action upon metals and their oxides ; blackening of paint, pictures, &c., by im- pure air ; use of sulphuretted hydrogen in analysis ; sulphur acids, bases and salts ; action of air upon metallic sulphides, . .139 Composition of hydrosulphuric acid by weight and volume ; its mole- cular formula, . . . . . . .140 Influence of temperature upon the specific gravity of gases and vapours ; anomalous expansion of sulphur vapour, . v :'!.' 141 Persulphide of hydrogen, . . . . . . . 142 Compounds of sulphur with oxygen, . . ./, K , ; , 143 Sulphurous acid. Its bleaching and antiseptic properties. Sulphite of soda, . . .144 Composition of sulphurous acid by weight and volume ; molecular formula of sulphurous acid ; sulphurous anhydride, . . 145 Sulphuric acid. Direct combination of sulphurous acid and oxygen ; Nordhausen oil of vitriol ; preparation of anhydrous sulphuric acid ; gradual development of the English manufacture of oil of vitriol ; experiments illustrating the theory of the process ; preparation of oil of vitriol in the laboratory and on the large scale ; plan for economising nitric oxide ; commercial A-arieties of sulphuric acid. CONTENTS. xiii Paragraph Properties of oil of vitriol ; its action upon organic substances and upon metals. Other hydrates of sulphuric acid. Composition of oil of vitriol by weight and volume. Molecular formula of oil of vitriol ; its exceptional molecular volume, . . . .146 Sulphuric anhydride, . . . . . . .147 Sulphates. Action of sulphuric acid upon metallic oxides. Neutral, acid, and double sulphates. Decomposition of sulphates by heat and by reducing agents. Table of the chief sulphates, with their common names, and equivalent and atomic formulae. Bibasic character of sulphuric acid, ..... 148 Hyposulphurous acid. Hyposulphite of soda ; its preparation and use for fixing photographic prints, and for making antimony vermilion. Atomic formula of hyposulphite of soda, . . . .149 Hypo sulphuric or dithionic acid, . . . . .150 Trithionic or sulphuretted hyposulphuric acid, . . . .151 Tetrathionic or bisulphuretted hyposulphuric acid, . . .152 Pentathionic acid, . . . . . . .153 Bisulphide of carbon. Its use in spectrum analysis ; its diathermanous character, resistance to congelation, and inflammability ; a starting point for the synthesis of organic compounds. Sulphocarbonates. Removal of bisulphide of carbon from coal-gas. Composition and molecular formula of bisulphide of carbon, . . . .154 Bisulphide of silicon, .... 155 Bisulphide of nitrogen. Its explosive character, . . ] 56 Chlorides of sulphur. Preparation of the subchloride or dichloride of sulphur ; its composition by volume and molecular formula. Iodides of sulphur, ....... 157 SELENIUM. Its extraction from the deposit in the vitriol chambers. . Selenious and selenic acids. Selenietted hydrogen. Chlorides and . sulphides of selenium, . . . . . .158 TELLURIUM. Tellurous and telluric acids ; telluretted hydrogen ; chlorides and sulphides of tellurium, . . . . . .159 Review of the sulphur group of elements, comprising sulphur, selenium, and tellurium, . . . . . . .160 PHOSPHORUS. Its distribution in nature ; extraction from bones on the large and small scales ; action of light on phosphorus. Phos- phorescence. Allotropic modifications of phosphorus. Preparation of red phosphorus. Precipitation of metals by phosphorus, . . 161 Lucifer matches ; silent matches ; safety matches, . . .162 Armstrong fuze composition, . . . . . .163 Oxides of phosphorus. Table of their composition, . . .164 Phosphoric acid. Its natural sources ; preparation from bones. Phos; phoric anhydride. Metaphosphoric, pyrophosphoric, and ortho- phosphoric acids, . . . . . . .165 Phosphorous acid; phosphites, . . . . . .166 Hypophosphorous acid, . . . . . .167 Suboxide of phosphorus. Combustion of phosphorus under water, . 168 Phosphides of hydrogen. Preparation and properties of phosphuretted hydrogen gas, . . . . . . .169 Composition of gaseous phosphuretted hydrogen ; its molecular formula. Atomic weight of phosphorus, . . .170 xiv CONTENTS. Paragraph Chlorides of phosphorus. Oxychloride, and sulphochloride of phos- phorus ; sulphoxyphosphate of soda. Action of iodine on phos- phorus, .... ... 171 Sulphides of phosphorus, . ... 172 Action of ammonia upon phosphoric anhydride. Phosphamic acid. Phospham. Action of ammonia on oxychloride and penta- chloride of phosphorus. Amides of phosphoric acid, . .173 ARSEN re. Formulae of natural arsenides and arseniosulphides. Extraction of arsenic from mispickel. Properties and chemical relations of arsenic, 174 Oxides of arsenic. Arsenious acid. Composition of arsenious and arsenic acids. Molecular formula of arsenious acid. Its basicity. Arsenites. Scheele's green, > . . . . 175 Arsenic acid. Its hydrates. Arseniate of soda, . . . 176 Arsenietted hydrogen. Marsh's test for arsenic. Composition and mole- cular formula of arsenietted hydrogen. General review of ammonia, phosphuretted and arsenietted hydrogen, . . v. 177 Terchloride of arsenic. Terbromide of arsenic, . . . .178 Teriodide and terfluoride of arsenic, . . . . .179 Sulphides of arsenic. Eealgar. King's yellow. Sulpharsenious and sulpharsenic acids, . . . > . '; , < . 180 GENERAL REVIEW OF THE NON-METALLIC ELEMENTS. Classification accord- ing to their atomicities. Elucidation of the constitution of compound bodies by the doctrine of atomicity, . . . . .181 CONSTITUTION OF SALTS. Haloid and oxy-acid Salts. Difference between neutral and normal salts. Criterion of normality. Normal ratios. Binary theory of salts. Water-type theory. Constitution of poly- basic acids and their salts, . . . . .182 CHEMISTKY OF THE METALS. POTASSIUM. Its occurrence in nature. Carbonate of potash. Hydrate of potash. Extraction of potassium. Blowpipe test for potassium. Chloride of potassium. Bicarbonate of potash. Equivalent and atomic weights of potassium, . . . . . .183 SODIUM. Extraction of salt. Salt-gardens of Marseilles, . .184 Manufacture of carbonate of soda from common salt. Soda-ash. Soda-crystals. Soda- lye. Hydrate of soda, . . .185 Extraction of sodium from the carbonate. Uses of sodium, . .186 Borax. Refining of tincal. Crystallisation of borax, . . 187 Silicate of soda. Soluble glass. Artificial stone. Sulphate of soda. Phosphate of soda. Equivalent and atomic weights of sodium, . 188 SALTS OF AMMONIA. Sulphate, carbonates, and hydrochlorate of ammonia. Exceptional composition by volume of sal-ammoniac. Hydrosulphate of ammonia. Lithium. Lepidolite, petalite, spodumene. Lithia. Carbonate of lithia. Rubidium. Ccesium. Spectrum analysis. Construction of the spectroscope, . . . . . 1 89 General review of the group of alkali-metals, . . .190 BARIUM. Preparation of barium-compounds from heavy spar. Nitrate and hydrate of baryta. Binoxide and chloride of barium. Chlorate of baryta, ........ 191 CONTENTS. XV Paragraph STRONTIUM. Preparation of nitrate of strontia, . . . .- 192 CALCIUM. Carbonate of lime ; its various mineral forms. Lime-burning. Sulphate of lime. Preparation of plaster of Paris. Chloride of calcium, ........ 193 MAGNESIUM. Extraction and properties of the metal. Preparation of sulphate and carbonate of magnesia. Chloride of magnesium, . 194 General review of the metals of the alkaline earths, . . .195 Equivalent and atomic weights of barium, strontium, calcium, and mag- nesium. Kelation between specific heats and equivalent weights. Atomic heats. Atomic formulae of the oxides and chlorides of the alkaline earth metals, . . . . . .196 ALUMINUM. Minerals containing alumina. Composition of clay. Manu- facture of alum. Alumina. Chloride of aluminum, . . 197 Extraction of aluminum from bauxite. Aluminate of soda. Properties and uses of aluminum, . . . . . .198 Mineral silicates of alumina. Exchange of isomorphous metals in minerals. Natural and artificial ultramarine, . . .199 Equivalent and atomic weights of aluminum. Composition by volume of chloride of aluminum. Its molecular formula, . . . 200 GLUCINUM, THORINUM, YTTRIUM, ERBIUM, TERBIUM, CERIUM, LAN- THANIUM, DlDYMIUM, ZlRCONIUM, .... 201-205 ZINC. Properties upon which its usefulness depends. Galvanised iron. Ores of zinc. Distillation of zinc. English method of extracting the metal from its ores. Belgian and Silesian processes. Oxide, sul- phate, and chloride of zinc, . . . . . 206 Equivalent and atomic weights of zinc, . . . . '.207 CADMIUM. Sulphide and iodide of cadmium. INDIUM, . . 208 URANIUM, ......... 209 IRON. Its occurrence in nature. Ores of iron. Table of composition of British iron ores, . . . . . . .210 Metallurgy of iron. Its physical properties, . . . .211 English process of smelting clay iron-stone. Blast-furnace. Chemical changes in the blast-furnace. Composition of gas from blast-fur- nace. The hot blast. Composition of slag from the blast-furnace, 212 Cast-iron. Composition of different varieties of cast-iron. Grey, mot- tled, and white iron. Chill -casting, . . . .213 Conversion of cast-iron into bar-iron. Refining. Puddling. Varieties of bar-iron. Chemical effect of puddling and forging on cast-iron. Composition of tap-cinder. Defects of the puddling process. Bessemer's process. Conditions influencing the strength of bar- iron, . . . . . . . . 214 Manufacture of steel. The cementation process. Shear steel. Pro- duction of cast-steel. Hardening and tempering steel. Case- hardening. Malleable cast-iron. Bessemer steel. Spiegel-eisen. Homogeneous iron. Parry's steel. Puddled steel. Natural or German steel. Krupp's cast steel, . . . . .215 Direct extraction of wrought iron from the ore. The Catalan process, . 216 Extraction of iron on the small scale. Sefstrom furnace, . .217 Chemical properties of iron. Passive state of iron, . . .'218 Oxides of iron. Ferrous oxide. Ferric oxide. Magnetic oxide of iron. Ferric acid, ....... 219 \ xvi CONTENTS. Paragraph Protosulphate of iron. Persulphate of iron, . . 220 Perchloride of iron, . 221 Equivalent and atomic weights of iron. Varying atomicity of iron. Ferrosum and ferricum, . . . . . t - 222 MANGANESE, . 223 Oxides of manganese. Binoxide, protoxide, sesquioxide, red oxide. Manganic acid. Permanganic acid. Permanganate of potash, 224 Chlorides of manganese. Kecovery of waste manganese, . . 225 Equivalent and atomic weights of manganese, . . . . 226 COBALT. Protoxide and sesquioxide of cobalt. Chloride and sulphide of cobalt, ........ 227 NICKEL. Oxides, sulphate, and sulphides of nickel, . . . 228 CHROMIUM. Preparation of bichromate of potash from chrome-iron, . 229 Chromic acid. Chromate of potash. Chromate of lead. Sesquioxide of chromium. Protoxide of chromium. Perchromic acid, . 230 Protochloride and sesquichloride of chromium. Chlorochromic acid. Fluoride and sulphide of chromium, .... 231 Equivalent and atomic weights of chromium, . . . .232 General review of zinc, iron, cobalt, nickel, manganese, and chromium, 233 COPPER. Its occurrence in nature, . . . . . 234 Ores of copper. Copper pyrites. Malachite. Grey copper ore, . 235 Smelting of copper-ores. Calcining the ore. Copper smoke. Fusion for coarse metal. Calcining the coarse metal. Fusion for white metal. Pv casting the white metal. Kenning the blister copper. Toughening or poling. Underpoled and overpoled copper. Table of products obtained in smelting copper-ores, . . . 236 Extraction of copper from copper-pyrites in the laboratory, . . 237 Effect of impurities upon the quality of copper, . . . 238 Properties of copper, ....... 239 Effect of sea-water upon copper. Muntz-metal, . . . 240 Danger attending the use of copper vessels in cooking food, . .241 A Hoys of copper with other metals. Table of their composition. Brass. Bronzing. Aich metal. Sterro-metal. .... 242 Oxides of copper. Cupric and cuprous oxides. Quadrantoxide. Cupric acid, ....... 243 Sulphate of copper. Carbonates and silicates of copper, . . 244 Chlorides of copper. Oxychloride ; Brunswick green. Cuprous chloride, ........ 245 Sulphides of copper. Extraction of copper by kernel-roasting. Sub- sulphide of copper. Copper pyrites. Phosphide of copper, . 246 Equivalent and atomic weights of copper, .... 247 LEAD. Its useful qualities. Ores of lead. Galena, . . . 248 Smelting of galena. Old English process. Economico-furnace, . 249 Improving process for hard lead, ..... 250 Extraction of silver from lead. Pattinson's process for concentrating silver in lead, ....... 251 Cupellation of argentiferous lead. Sprouting of silver, . .252 Extraction and cupellation of lead in the laboratory, . . 253 Uses of lead. Type metal. Shot. Solder, . . .254 Lead pyrophorus. Oxides of lead. Litharge. Minium. Peroxide of lead, . 255 CON-TENTS. XV11 Paragraph Manufacture of white lead. Dutch process. Pattinson's process. Car- bonate, sulphate, and phosphate of lead, .... 256 Chloride and oxychloride of lead. Turner's yellow. Iodide of lead, .257 Sulphides, chlorosulphide, and selenide of lead, . . . 258 Equivalent and atomic weights of lead. Atomic formulae of lead compounds, ....... 259 THALLIUM. Its discovery by the spectroscope. Its position among the metals, ........ 260 SILVER. Extraction of silver from copper by liquation. , Amalgamation of silver-ores. Standard silver. Plating and electro-plating. Silver- ing glass. Preparation of pure silver, . . . . 261 Properties of silver, . . . . . . .262 Oxides of silver. Preparation and uses of nitrate of silver. Perma- nent ink, ....... 263 Chloride of silver. Recovery of silver from photographic baths. Subchloride, bromide, iodide, and sulphide of silver, . . 264 Equivalent and atomic weights of silver. Atomic formulae of silver compounds, ....... 265 ' MERCURST. Extraction from cinnabar at Idria and Almaden. Purification of mercury, ........ 266 Medicinal preparations of metallic mercury, . . . .267 Uses of mercury. Silvering looking-glasses. Amalgams, . . 268 Mercurous and mercuric oxides. Mercuramine, . . . 269 Mercurous and mercuric nitrates and sulphates, . . .270 Chlorides of mercury. Corrosive sublimate. White precipitate, . 271 Calomel. Its preparation and properties. Mercurous and mercuric iodides, ........ 272 Sulphides of mercury. Preparation of vermilion, . . .273 Equivalent and atomic weights of mercury. Atomic and molecular formulae of mercurous and mercuric compounds, . . . 274 BISMUTH. Extraction and properties. Fusible alloy, . . . 275 Bismuthous and bismuthic oxides. Bismuthic acid, . . .276 Trisnitrate of bismuth or flake-white. Pearl-white. Terchloride of bismuth. Bismuthous and bismuthic sulphides, . .277 Equivalent and atomic weights of bismuth. Atomic formulae, of bis- muth compounds, ....... 278 ANTIMONY. Extraction of regulus of antimony. Amorphous antimony, 279 Oxides of Antimony. Antimonic acid. Antimoniate, metanti- moniate and bimetantimoniate of potash, .... 280 Antimonietted hydrogen, . . . . . .281 Terchloride and pentachloride of antimony, . . . .- -282 Sulphides of antimony. Mineral kermes. Schlippe's salt, . . 283 Equivalent and atomic weights of antimony. Atomic formulae of antimony compounds, . . . . . . 284 TIN. Cornish treatment of tin ores. Extraction and purification of tin, 285 Physical properties of tin. Manufacture of tin-plate. Tinning of copper vessels, ....... 286 Alloys of tin. Solder. Gun metai. Bronze. Bell-metal, . . 287 Oxides of tin. Stannous oxide. Stannic acid. Preparation of stannate of soda. Metastannic acid, ..... 288 b XVlii CONTENTS. Paragraph Protochloride of tin or tin-crystals. Bichloride or nitromuriate of tin. Pink salt, . . 289 Sulphides of tin. Preparation of mosaic gold, . . .290 Equivalent and atomic weights of tin. Atomic formulae of tin com- pounds, . .... 291 TITANIUM. Titanic acid ; its extraction from iron-sand. Other com- pounds of titanium, ....... 292 TUNGSTEN. Preparation of tungstate of soda from wolfram. Dialysed tungstic acid. Oxides, chlorides, and sulphides of tungsten, . . 293 MOLYBDENUM. Preparation of molybdate of ammonia, . . . 294 VANADIUM. Preparation of vanadic acid from vanadiate of lead, . 295 NIOBIUM. TANTALUM, ....... 296 PLATINUM. Treatment of platinum ores by the wet and dry processes. Spongy platinum. Platinum black, ..... 297 Platinous and platinic oxides. Preparation of bichloride of platinum. Its double salts with alkaline chlorides. Platinous chloride. Its behaviour with ammonia. Platosamine and platinamine, . . 298 Equivalent and atomic weights of platinum. Atomic formulas of pla- tinum compounds, ....... 299 PALLADIUM. Its separation from platinum ores, .... 300 RHODIUM. Extraction of the metal from rhodio-chloride of sodium, . 301 OSMIUM. Osmic acid. Chlorides of osmium, .... 302 RUTHENIUM. Oxides of ruthenium. Jluthenic acid, . . . 303 IRIDIUM. Extraction from the native osmiridium alloy, . . . 304 Tabular view of the analysis of platinum ores. Summary of the group of platinoid metals, ...... 305 GOLD. Washing for gold-dust. Smelting of auriferous ores ; with lead ; with pyrites. Amalgamation of gold ores. Standard gold. Testing and assaying gold, ....... 306 Physical properties of gold. Gold leaf. Ruby gold. Manufacture of goldthread. Gilding, . . . . . .307 Oxides and chlorides of gold. Fulminating gold. Sd d'or. Purple of Cassius, ........ 308 Equivalent and atomic weights of gold. Atomic formulae of gold com- pounds, ........ 309 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF THE MANUFACTURE OF GLASS. Window glass. Plate glass. Crown and flint glass. Production of coloured glasses, ........ 310 CHEMISTRY OF THE MANUFACTURE OF POTTERY AND PORCELAIN. Sevres porcelain. English porcelain. Stone- ware. Earthenware. Bricks. Dinas fire-bricks. Blue bricks, . . . . .311 CHEMISTRY OF BUILDING MATERIALS. Varieties of building stones. Free- stone. Portland and Bath stones. Magnesian limestones. Test of resistance of building stones to frost, . . . . .312 Mortar. Hydraulic cements. Concrete, . . . .313 GUNPOWDER. Nitre or saltpetre. Grough nitre. Conversion of nitrate of soda into nitrate of potash. Artificial production of nitre in the nitre-heaps. Saltpetre-refining, . . . . .314 Properties of saltpetre. Relation to combustible bodies, . . 315 Charcoal for gunpowder. Composition of charcoal prepared at different temperatures, . . .316 CONTENTS. xix Paragraph Sulphur for gunpowder. Tests of its purity. Functions of sulphur in gunpowder, . . . . . . .317 Manufacture of gunpowder. Incorporation. Pressing. Granulating or corning. Glazing, . . . . . .318 Properties of gunpowder. Effects of air, water, and heat upon powder, 319 Products of explosion of gunpowder. Difference in results obtained by different experimenters. Most recent experiments, . . 320 Calculation of the force of fired gunpowder. Gas furnished by calcula- tion from a given quantity of powder. Temperature of the gas at instant of explosion. Specific heats of the products of explosion. Expansion of the gas by heat. Mechanical equivalent of gun- powder. Effect of size of grain on the firing of powder. Blasting- powder, ........ 321 Effect of variations of atmospheric pressure on the combustion of gun- powder. Manufacture of gunpowder in the laboratory, . . 322 CHEMISTRY OF FUEL. Calorific value of fuel calculated. Theoretical and actual calorific values. Difference between calorific value and calori- fic intensity. Calculation of the calorific intensity of carbon burning in oxygen and in air. Calculation of the calorific intensity of hydrogen burning in air. Calculation of the calorific intensity of fuel contain- ing carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Theoretical and actual calorific intensities. Waste of heat in furnaces. Economy of heat in Siemens' regenerative furnace. Table of composition, calorific values, and in- tensities of ordinary fuels, ...... 323 ORGANIC^CHEMISTEY. Introductory, . . . . . . .324 CYANOGEN AND ITS COMPOUNDS. History of cyanogen, . . . 325 Yellow prassiate of potash or ferrocyanide of potassium. Prussian blue. Hydroferrocyanic acid. Hydrocyanic or prussic acid. Cyanide of mercury, . ... . . . . . 326 Preparation and properties of cyanogen. Cyanide of potassium. Cya- nate of potash. Cyamelide. Hydrated cyanic acid. Sulphocyanide of potassium. Hydrosulphocyanic acid. Liebig's test for prussic acid, . ....... 327 Red prussiate of potash or ferricyanide of potassium. Turnbull's blue. Ferricyanogen and other compound cyanogen radicals, . . 328 Chlorides of cyanogen. Cyanuric acid. Cyanide of phosphorus, . 329 Nitroprussides. Hadow's investigation of their constitution. Econo- mical preparation of nitroprusside of sodium, . . . 330 The fulminates. Preparation of fulminate of mercury. Its properties. Percussion cap composition. Fulminate of silver. Experiments with the fulminates. Chemical constitution of the fulminates. Fulminurates or isocyanurates, . . . . .331 PRODUCTS OF THE DESTRUCTIVE DISTILLATION OF COAL. Manufacture of coal-gas. Composition of coal-tar, ..... 332 Coal- naphtha. Separation of its constituents by fractional distillation, . 333 Benzole. Chloride of benzole. Trichlorhydrine of phenose. Phenose, 334 Aniline. Its preparation from nitrobenzole. Production of colour- ing matters from aniline, ... . . . . 335 XX CONTENTS. Paragraph Coal-tar dyes. Mauve or aniline-purple. Mauveine. Magenta or ani- line-red. Eosaniline and its salts. Leucaniline. Chrysaniline or aniline-yellow. Triphenylic rosaniline or aniline-blue. Ethyl- iodate of tri-ethyl-rosaniline. Hydrocyan-rosaniline, . . 336 Chemical constitution of aniline. Formation from phenic acid and ammonia. Picoline. Quinoline, .... 337 Benzole series of homologous hydrocarbons. Their relation to the aromatic acids. Homologous nitro-compounds and bases derived from them, ....... 338 Carbolic acid. Preparation from the dead-oil of coal-tar. Examina- tion of commercial carbolic acid, ..... 339 Carbazotic or picric acid. Chloropicrine. The phenyle series. Kresylic acid, . . . . . ... 340 Naphthaline. Substitution products from naphthaline. Phthalic acid. Connection of naphthaline with the phenyle series. Paranaphtha- line. Chrysene. Pyrene, . . . . .341 PRODUCTS OF THE DESTRUCTIVE DISTILLATION OF WOOD. Proximate con- stituents of wood. Cellulose. Lignine. Composition of different woods. Products of the action of heat upon wood, . . . 342 Wood-naphtha or methylic alcohol. Purification. Methyle-compounds. Oil of winter green. Metamerism illustrated by formiate of methyle and acetic acid, ....... 343 Paraffine. Extraction from wood-tar. Paraffine oil. Stockholm tar. Petroleum. Rangoon tar. Bitumen or asphaltum, . . 344 Oil of turpentine and substances allied to it. Colophony. Isomeric modifications of turpentine. Artificial camphor, . . . 345 The turpentine series of hydrocarbons. Essential oils, . . 346 Camphors. Common camphor. Borneo camphor, . . . 347 Balsams. Balsam of Peru. Storax. Styrole and metastyrole, . 348 Eesins. Copal. Lac. Amber. Varnishes. Benzoin. Benzoic acid, ........ 349 OlL OF BITTER ALMONDS AND ITS DERIVATIVES BENZOYLE SERIES. Forma- tion of bitter almond oil. Amygdaline. Emulsine. Benzoine. Ben- zoyle. Benzoic anhydride, ...... 350 Oil of cinnamon. Cinnamic acid. Cinnamyle. Cummin oil. Cuminic acid, ........ 351 SALICINE AND ITS DERIVATIVES GLUCOSIDES. Saligenine ; its chlorinated derivatives. Salicylic acid. Oil of spircca. Benzoyle-salicyle, . 352 Populine or benzoyle-salicine. Phloridzine. Quercitrine. Esculine. Paviine. Saponine. Picrotoxine, .... 353 ESSENTIAL OILS CONTAINING SULPHUR ALLYLE SERIES. Formation of essence of mustard. Myronic acid. Iodide of allyle. Artificial formation of essences of mustard and garlic. Allylic alcohol. Ally- lene, ......... 354 Gum-resins, Caoutchouc. Vulcanised caoutchouc. Gutta percha, . 355 Gums. Arabine. Mucic acid. Gum tragacanth, . . . 356 STARCH. Manufacture of starch. Composition of the potato ; of wheat ; of rice. Properties of Starch. Sago. Tapioca, . . . 357 Conversion of starch into dextrine and grape-sugar, . . . 358 Germination of seeds Malting. Action of diastase on starch. Com- position of malted and unmalted barley, and of malt-dust, . 359 CONTENTS. XXI Paragraph Brewing. Composition of the hop. Nature of yeast. Alcoholic fer- mentation. Composition of beer. Viscous fermentation, . . 360 Acetification. Manufacture of vinegar. The quick vinegar process, . 361 BREAD. Composition of gluten. Process of bread-making. Aerated bread. Leaven. New and stale bread, .... 362 THE SUGARS. Production of sugar from cotton, paper, and other varieties of cellulose. Action of sulphuric acid on cellulose. Vegetable parchment. Sugar of fruits or fructose. Conversion of cane-sugar into fructose, . 363 Extraction' of cane-sugar. Vacuum pans. Sugar refining, . . 364 Beetroot sugar. Maple sugar. Sugar-candy. Barley-sugar. Cara- mel, 365 Chemical properties of the sugars. Compounds of sugar with bases. Action of solutions of the sugars upon polarised light. Ethyle- glucose, ........ 366 Mannite. Glycyrrhizine, . . . . . . 367 GUN-COTTON AND SUBSTANCES ALLIED TO IT. Pyroxyline. Preparation of gun-cotton in the laboratory, ..... 368 Manufacture of gun-cotton. Summary of the processes, . . 369 Chemical composition of gun-cotton. Trinitro-cellulose. Reconversion of gun-cotton into ordinary cotton, . . . .370 Products of the explosion of gun-cotton. Explosion of loose and con- fined gun-cotton. Karolyi's experiments. Effects of gun-cotton and gunpowder compared, . . . . .371 Properties of gun-cotton compared with those of gunpowder, . 372 Behaviour of gun-cotton with solvents, . . . .373 Collodion-cotton. Action of weak nitro-sulphuric mixtures upon cotton. Preparation of soluble cotton for collodion. Process for making balloons of collodion, . . . . 374 Xyloidine. Nitromannite, ...... 375 WINE AND SPIRITS. Preparation and composition of wines. Proportion of alcohol in wines, ....... 376 Distilled spirits. Brandy, whisky, gin, &c. Potato-spirit, . .377 THE ALCOHOLS AND THEIR DERIVATIVES. General formula of alcohols of the vinic class. Table of the vinic or ethylic class of alcohols, with their sources, common names, and equivalent formulae. Gradation in properties of the homologous alcohols. Table of their boiling points and vapour densities. Chemical definition of an alcohol. General formulae for the derivation of an aldehyde, an acid, and an ether from an alcohol. Table of the acetic series of acids with their sources and equivalent formulae. General description of the acetic series. The defines or olefiant gas series of hydrocarbons. Polymerism, . . 378 Alcohol as the type of its class. Preparation of absolute alcohol, . 379 Ether. Continuous etherifying process. Preparation of ethylic iodide, 380 The alcohol-radicals. Isolation of ethyle. General formula of alcohol- radicals. Electro-positive and electro-negative hydrocarbon radicals, 381 Duplex constitution of the alcohol-radicals. Hydrides of alcohol-radicals, or marsh-gas hydrocarbons, ..... 382 Compound ethers or salts of oxide of ethyle. Oxalic ether. Oxalovinic acid. Acetic ether. Nitrous ether. Nitric ether. Hydroxyla- niine prepared from nitric ether. Perchloric ether. Boracic and silicic ether. Carbonic ether. Formation of subcarbonate of ethyle XX11 CONTENTS. Paragraph from chloropicrine. Phosphovinic acid. True sulphuric ether. Oil of wine, . ..... 383 Sulphovinic or sulphethylic acid. Its preparation, . . . 384 Vinic acids not formed by monobasic acids, . . . . 385 Theory of etherijication. Formation of double ethers. Ethylene theory of alcohol and ether, ...... 386 Water-type view of alcohols and ethers. Potassium and sodium alcohols. Thallium alcohol. Molecular formulae of alcohol and ether, . . . . . . . . 387 Sulphuretted derivatives of the alcohols. Mercaptan, . . 388 Cyanides of alcohol-radicals. Their relation to the acids of the acetic series, . . ...-. . . . 389 KAKODYLE -SERIES ORGANO-METALLIC BODIES. Alcarsin. Chloride of kakodyle. Kakodylic acid. Cyanide of kakodyle, . , *,v . 390 Preparation and properties of zinc-ethyle. Zinc-methyle. Zinc-amyle. Potassium-ethyle. Sodium-ethyle. Arsenio-dimethyle or kakodyle. Arsenio-diethyle, or ethyle-kakodyle, . . . .391 Arsenio-trimethyle. Arsenio-triethyle. Stibethyle. Mercuric methide. Aluminum ethide. Triborethyle. Boric methide. Silicium-ethyle, 392 Table of the compounds of alcohol- radicals with inorganic elements ; with their equivalent formulae and inorganic types. Constitution of the organo- metallic radicals, ..... 393 ORGANIC ALKALOIDS AMMONIAS. Table of the alkaloids with their sources and equivalent formulae. Theories of the constitution of the alkaloids, . . . . . . . .394 Ethylated ammonias and their derivatives. Ethylamine. Diethylamine. Triethylamine. Hydrated oxide of tetrethylium. Complex am- monias, ........ 395 Investigation of the constitution of the alkaloids, . . . 396 Poly-ammonias ; their constitution, ..... 397 Diamines. Ethylene- diamine. Aromatic diamines. Paraniline, . 398 Triamines. Carbotriamine. Synthesis of guanidine. Melaniline. Aniline colours probably triamines, .... 399 Tetramines. Tetrammoniuin-bases, ..... 400 Ammonia-bases formed in putrefaction and destructive distillation, . 401 Ammonias and ammonium bases containing phosphorus, arsenic and antimony, ........ 402 Platammonium-compounds, ...... 403 Amides. Oxamide. Oxamic acid, ..... 404 Nitrites. Imides, ....... 405 Constitution of the amides, ...... 406 Metal-amides. Tripotassamide. Zinc- amide. Ziiic-acetimide, . 407 DERIVATIVES or THE ALCOHOLS. Chloroform. Chloral, . . . 408 Perfume-ethers. Pine-apple and pear essences. Apple-oil, . . 409 Aldehydes. Preparation and properties of vinic aldehyde. Constitu- tion and synthesis of the aldehydes. Action of aldehydes on the ammonia-bases, . . . . . . .410 Acetones or ketones. Synthesis of acetic acetone. Methyle-valeryle acetone. Metacetone, . . . . . 41 1 The essential oils regarded as aldehydes, . . . ; . 412 Polyatomic alcohols. Glycol. Preparation and properties of glycol. CONTENTS. xxiii Paragraph Glycolic acid ; its relation to oxalic acid. Lactic series of acids. Conversion of the oxalic into the lactic series. Synthesis of leucic acid. Conversion of a diatomic into a monatomic alcohol. Water- type view of polyatomic alcohols, . . . . .413 ACETIC ACID THE FATTY ACID SERIES. Acetates. Acetone. Chlora- cetic acids. Synthesis of acetic acid, . . . .414 Anhydrides of organic acids. Acetic anhydride. Duplex constitution of the anhydrides. Peroxides of organic radicals. Acetic and benzoic peroxides, . . . . . . .415 Formic acid. Synthesis of formic acid. Furfurole. Butyric acid. Synthetical formation of acids of the acetic series. Ethacetic, dimethacetic, or butyric acid. Diethacetic acid. Ethylated and methylated acetones. Valerianic acid, . . . .416 Separation of volatile acids by the method of partial saturation, . 417 Soap. Composition of the neutral fats. Stearine, oleine, palmitine. Action of alkalies upon them. Preparation of the fatty acids, . 418 Candles. Decomposition of fats by sulphuric acid. Saponification by superheated steam, . . . . . .419 Synthesis of natural fats. Glycerides. Water-type view of glycerine or glyceric alcohol, ...... 420 Properties of glycerine. Acroleine. The acrylic series of acids. The allyle series, ....... 421 Relation between glycerine and mannite. Mannite-glycerides. Stearic glucose. Gluco-tartaric acid, ..... 422 Nitroglycerine. Its preparation and properties, . . . 423 OILS AND FATS. Palmitine. Oleine. Margarine. Oleic acid. Sebacic acid. Bibasic fatty acid series. Linseed oil. Drying oils. Castor oil. Butter. Spermaceti. Wax. Table of the neutral fats and fatty acids, with their equivalent formulae, sources, and fusing- points, ........ 424 VEGETABLE ACIDS. Oxalic acid. Its manufacture from saw-dust. Con- stitution of the oxalates; ...... 425 Tartaric acid. Preparation from cream of tartar. Tartar-emetic. Con- version of tartaric into succinic and malic acids, . . . 426 Eacemicacid. Hemihedrism of the tartrates. Dextrotartaric and laevo- tartaric acids. Analysis and synthesis of racemic acid, . .427 Citric acid. Preparation from lemon-juice. Conversion of citric acid into acetic and butyric acids, ..... 428 Malic acid. Extraction from rhubarb and from mountain ash berries. Sorbic and parasorbic acids. Asparagine, . . . 429 Tannic acid. Preparation of ink. Tanning of hides. Morocco. Kid. Wash-leather. Buckskin, . . . . ^. 430 Gallic acid. Its formation from tannic acid. Pyrogallic acid. Analysis of air by potash and pyrogalline, . . . . .431 VEGETABLE ALKALOIDS. Extraction of the alkaloids from opium. Mor- phine, codeine, narcotine. Meconic acid, .... 432 Extraction of quinine from Peruvian bark. Quinoidine. Quinic acid. Kinone and hydrokinone, ...... 433 Theine or caffeine. Composition of coffee and tea. Extraction of caffeine from them. Theobromine. Cocoa and chocolate. Methyle-theo- bromine or caffeine, ....'. . . . . 434 CONTENTS. Paragraph Strychnine. Extraction from nux-vomica. Brucine. Detection of small quantities of strychnine. Curarine, ... . . 435 Nicotine. Extraction from tobacco. Composition of tobacco. Pre- paration of snuff, ....... 436 VEGETABLE COLOURING MATTERS. Chlorophyll. Phylloxanthine. Phyl- locyanine. Colouring matters of flowers. Cyanine. Saffron. Saf- flower; carthamine. Annatto ; bixine. Weld ; luteoline. Dye-woods. Madder. Rubian. Alizarine. Turmeric, . . . .437 Colouring matters prepared from lichens. Litmus, archil, cudbear. Orcine. Orcelne. Azolitmine. Erythrite, .... 438 Indigo. Preparation of indigo blue. Indican. White or reduced indigo. Dyeing with indigo, *' ' . . . . 439 Animal colouring matters. Lac. Carmine, .... 440 Dyeing and calico-printing. Use of mordants. Dyeing red, blue, yellow, brown, black, . . . . . .441 Printing in patterns. Resists and discharges, . . . 442 ANIMAL CHEMISTRY. Special difficulties attending its study. Chemistry of milk. Cream. Preparation of butter. Coagulation of milk. Preparation of lactic acid. Conversion of lactic into propionic acid. Preparation of cheese. . Caseine. Legumine. Sugar of milk. Com- position of milk from different animals. Adulteration of milk, . 443 Chemistry of blood. Composition of blood globules. Colouring matter of blood. Composition of liquor sanguinis. Albumen. Fibrine. Proteine. Eggs, ....... 444 Composition of flesh. Kreatine. Inosite or sugar of flesh. Cooking of meat, ........ 445 Gelatine. Chondrine. Manufacture of glue. Composition of wool and silk, ........ 446 Chemistry of urine. Urea. Artificial formation of urea, . . 447 Constitution of urea. Ethyl-urea. Ureides, . . . 448 Uric acid. Alloxan. Alloxantine. Murexide, . . . 449 Hippuric acid ; its relation to benzoic acid. Glycocoll. Average composition of human urine, . . . . . 450 CHEMISTRY OF VEGETATION. Components of the food of plants ; their sources. Process of formation of a fertile soil from a barren rock. Action of manures. Fallowing. Rotation of crops. Growth of plants from seeds. Ripening of fruits. Pectose. Pectine. Pectic and pectosic acids. Restoration of the elements of plants to the air. Preservation of wood from decay, . . . . .451 NUTRITION OF ANIMALS. Chemistry of digestion. Pepsine. Composi- tion of bile. Taurine. Cholesterine. Chemistry of the circulation. Composition of food, ....... 452 CHANGES IN THE ANIMAL BODY AFTER DEATH. Restoration of its elements to the earth and air. Nature of putrefaction, . . . 453 INTRODUCTION. 1. CHEMISTRY describes the properties of the different particles of which all kinds of matter are composed, and teaches the laws which regulate their union with, or separation from, each other. Matter is anything which possesses weight. Matter is chemically divided into two great classes elements and compounds. An ELEMENT is that which has not been found divisible into more than one kind of matter. A COMPOUND consists of two or more elements held together by chemi- cal attraction. CHEMICAL ATTRACTION is the force which causes different kinds of matter to unite, in order to form a new kind of matter. Chemical Combination is the operation of chemical attraction. Chemical Decomposition is the separation of two or more kinds of matter previously held together by chemical attraction. 2. The elements known at present are sixty-four in number, and are divided into metallic and non-metallic elements. The Non-Metallic Elements are (15) Oxygen. Sulphur Fluorine. Hydrogen. Selenium. Chlorine. Nitrogen. Tellurium. Bromine. Carbon. Phosphorus. Iodine. Boron. Arsenic.* Silicon. The Metals are (49) Coesium. Aluminum. Zinc. Copper. Mercury. Rubidium. Glucinum. Nickel. Bismuth. Silver. Potassium. Zirconium. Cobalt. Lead. Gold. Sodium. Thorinurn. Iron. Thallium. Platinum. Lithium. Yttrium. Manganese. Tin Palladium. Barium. Strontium. Calcium. Magnesium. Erbium. Terbium. Cerium. Lanthanum. Didymium. Chromium. Cadmium. Uranium. Indium. _L in. Titanium. Tantalum. Molybendum. Tungsten. Vanadium. Rhodium. Ruthenium. Osmium. Iridium. Niobium. Antimony. The strict definition of a metal will be given hereafter. Many of these elements are so rarely met with, that they have not * In many English chemical works arsenic is classed among the metals, which it resembles in some of its properties. INTRODUCTION. received any useful application, and are interesting only to the profes- sional chemist. This is the case with selenium and tellurium, among the non-metallic elements, and with a large number of the metals. The following list includes those elements with which it is important that the general student should become familiar, together with the symbolic letters by which it is customary to represent- them, for the sake of brevity, in chemical writings. Non-Metallic Elements of practical importance (13). Oxygen, Sulphur, S | Fluorine, F Hydrogen, Nitrogen, H N Phosphorus, Arsenic P As Chlorine, Bromine, Cl Br Carbon, C Iodine, I Boron, B- Silicon. Si Metallic Elements of practical importance (26). Potassium, K (Kalium.} Cadmium, Cd Sodium, Na (Natrium.) Uranium, U Barium, Ba Copper, Cu (Cuprum.) Strontium, Sr Bismuth, Bi Calcium, Ca Lead, Pb (Plumbum.) Magnesium, Mg Tin, Sn (Stannum.) Aluminum, Al Titanium, Ti Zinc Zn Tungsten, W (Wolframium.) Nickel, Ni Antimony, Sb (Stibium.) Cobalt, Co Mercury, Hg (Hydrargyrum.) Iron, Fe (Ferrum.) Silver, Ag (Argentum.) Manganese, Mn Gold, Au (Aurum.) Chromium, Cr Platinum, Pt The symbols represent definite relative proportions of the elements to which they are attached. The values assigned to the symbols in the following list may be regarded as representing the relative weights in which they usually enter into che- mical combination, and may be termed combining weights of the elements. Hydrogen is taken as the unit, because its combining weight is less than that of any other known element. Combining Weights of the practically important Elements.* Aluminum, Al 13-7 Copper, Cu 31-8 Phosphorus, P 31-0 Antimony, Sb 122-0 Fluorine, F 19-0 Platinum, Pt 98-6 Arsenic, As 75-0 Gold, Au 196-7 Potassium, K 39-0 Barium, Ba 68-5 Hydrogen, H 1-0 Silicon, Si 14-0 Bismuth, Bi 210-0 Iodine, I 127-0 Silver, Ag 108-0 Boron, B 11-0 Iron, Fe 28-0 Sodium, Na 23-0 Bromine, Br 80-0 Lead, Pb 103-5 Strontium, Sr 43-8 Cadmium, Cd 56-0 Magnesium, Mg 12-2 Sulphur, S 16-0 Calcium, Ca 20-0 Manganese, Mn 27-5 Tin, Sn 59-0 Carbon, C 6-0 Mercury, Hg 100-0 Titanium, Ti 25-0 Chlorine, Cl 35-5 Nickel, Ni 29-5 Tungsten, W 92-0 Chromium, Cr 26-3 Nitrogen, N 14-0 Uranium, U 60-0 Cobalt, Co 29-5 Oxygen, 8-0 Zinc, Zn 32-8 * The combining weights given in this list, though sufficiently correct for all practical purposes, are not in all cases absolutely exact. The small fractions have been omitted, in order that the numbers may be more easily retained in the memory. INTRODUCTION. 6 Although the 39 elements here enumerated are of practical importance, many of them derive their importance solely from their having met with useful applications in the arts. The number of elements known to play an important part in the chemical changes concerned in the maintenance of animal and vegetable life is very limited. Elements concerned in the Chemical Changes taking place in Life. Non-Metallic. Oxygen. Sulphur. Hydrogen. Nitrogen. Phosphorus. Carbon. Chlorine. Silicon. Iodine. Metallic. Potassium. Aluminum. Sodium. Iron. Calcium. Manganese. Magnesium. These elements will, of course, possess the greatest importance for those who study Chemistry as a branch of general education, since a knowledge of their properties is essential for the explanation of the simplest chemical changes which are daily witnessed. The student who takes an interest in the useful arts will also acquaint himself with the remainder of the 39 elements of practical importance, whilst the mineralogist and professional chemist must extend his studies to every known element. By far the greater proportion of the various materials supplied to us by animals and vegetables consists of the four elements oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, and carbon ; and if we add to these the two most abundant elements in the mineral world, silicon and aluminum, we have the six elements composing the bulk of all matter. 3. Compound substances are commonly classified by the chemist into Organic and Inorganic compounds ; and although it is impossible strictly to define the limits of each class, the division is a convenient one for the purposes of study. Organic substances may be defined as those for which we are indebted to the operation of animal or vegetable life, such as starch, sugar, &c. Inorganic substances are obtained from the mineral world without the intervention of life ; as common salt, alum, &c. Organic substances always contain carbon, generally also hydrogen and oxygen, and very frequently nitrogen. A2 PROPERTIES OF OXYGEN. CHEMISTRY OF THE NON-METALLIC ELEMENTS. OXYGEN. 4. Oxygen is the most abundant of the elementary substances. It con- stitutes about one-fifth (by volume) of atmospheric air, where it is merely mixed, not combined, with the nitrogen, which composes the bulk of the remainder. Water contains eight-ninths (by weight) of oxygen ; whilst silica and alumina, which compose the greater part of the solid earth (as far as we know it), contain about half their weight of oxygen. Before inquiring which of these sources will most conveniently furnish pure oxygen, it will be desirable for the student to acquire some know- ledge of the properties of this element, and of the chemical relations which it bears to other elementary bodies, for without such knowledge it will be found very difficult to understand the processes by which oxygen is procured. 5. Physical properties of Oxygen. From the fact of its occurring in an uncombined state in the atmosphere, it will be inferred that oxygen is perfectly invisible, and without odour. It is a permanent gas, having resisted all attempts to reduce it to a liquid or solid state. Oxygen is a little more than one-tenth heavier than air, which is expressed in the statement that its specific gravity is 1-1057. (DEFINITION. The specific gravity of a gas or vapour is its weight as compared with that of an equal volume of dry and pure air at the same temperature and pressure. In certain cases it will be found very convenient to express this defini- tion in the following terms : DBF. The specific gravity of a gas or vapour is the weight of one volume of that gas or vapour.) 6. Chemical properties of Oxygen. This element is remarkable for the wide range of its chemical attraction for other elementary bodies, with all of which, except one, it is capable of entering into combination. Fluorine is the only element ivhich is not known to unite with oxygen. With nearly all the elements oxygen combines in a direct manner ; that is, without the intervention of any third substance. There are only seven elements (among those of practical importance) which do not unite in a direct manner with oxygen, viz., chlorine, bromine, iodine, fluorine, gold, silver, platinum. COMBUSTION. 5 (DBF. The compounds of oxygen with, other elements are called Oxides.) The act of combination with oxygen, or oxidation, like all other acts of chemical combination, is attended with the development of heat.* When the heat thus produced is sufficient to render the particles of matter luminous, the act of combination is styled combustion. (DEF. Combustion is chemical combination attended with heat and light.) 7. Phosphorus, the only non-metal which combines with oxygen at the ordinary temperature, affords a good illustration of these propositions. This element, a solid at the ordinary temperature, is preserved in bottles filled with water, on account of the readiness with which the oxygen of the air combines with it. If a small piece of phosphorus be dried by gentle pressure between blotting paper, and exposed to the air, its par- ticles begin to combine at once with oxygen, and the heat thus developed slightly raises the temperature of the mass. Now, heat generally encourages chemical union, so that the effect of this rise of temperature is to induce a more extensive combination of the phosphorus with the oxygen, causing a greater development of heat in a given time, until the temperature is sufficient to render the particles brilliantly luminous, and a true case of combustion results the combina- tion of the phosphorus with oxygen, attended with production of heat and light. (DEF. Combustion in air is the chemical combination of the elements of the combustible with the oxygen of the air, attended with develop- ment of heat and light.) If a dry glass (fig. 1) be placed over the burning phosphorus, the thick white smoke which proceeds from it may be collected in the form of snowy flakes. These flakes are commonly termed anhydrous phosphoric acid,+ and are composed of one combining weight of phosphorus (P=31), and five combining weights of oxygen (0 5 = 8 x 5 = 40). This would be re- presented by the formula PCX. If the white flakes are exposed to the air for a short time they attract moisture and become little drops, which have a very sour or acid taste. All substances which have such a taste have been found also to be capable of changing the blue colour of litmus J to red, whence the chemist is in the habit of employing paper dyed with blue litmus for the recognition of an acid. It must be remembered, however, that there are some acids which, not being dissolved by water, have neither a sour taste nor the * * Though this heat is not always perceptible by the thermometer or by the senses. Thus, when chalk is dissolved in an acid, no heat is perceived, because all the heat attend- ing the union of the lime with the acid is consumed in converting the carbonic acid from the solid chalk into a gas. To explain the manifestation of heat in the act of chemi- cal combination falls within the province of the physicist rather than of the chemist. Modern writers attribute it to the motion of the molecules which compose the combining masses. t Anhydrous, or without water, from av, negative, and vSwp, water. $ A colouring matter prepared from a lichen, Roccella tincioria;. the cause of the Change of colour will be more easily understood hereafter. OXYGEN. power of reddening litmus, so that, in exact research, another mode of de- nning the acid character of a substance is employed. Ordinary sand is known to chemists as silicic acid, but, of course, does not answer to either of the above tests. For the exact definition of an acid see page 9. During the slow combination of phosphorus with the oxygen of the air, before actual combustion commences, the phosphorus unites with only three combining weights of oxygen, forming the substance called anhy- drous phosphorous acid, which has the formula P0 3 . (DBF. The endings -ous and -ic distinguish between two acids formed by oxygen with the same element ; -ous implying the smaller proportion of oxygen.) Unless the temperature of the air be rather high, the fragment of phosphorus will not take fire spontaneously, but its combustion may always be ensured by exposing a larger surface to the action of the air. As a general rule, a fine state of division favours chemical combination, because the attractive force inducing combination operates only between substances in actual contact ; and the smaller the size of the particles, the more completely will this condition be fulfilled. Thus, if a small fragment of dry phosphorus be placed in a test-tube, and dis- solved in a little bisulphide of carbon, the solution, when poured upon blotting paper (fig. 2), will part with the solvent by evaporation, leaving the phosphorus in a very finely divided state upon the sur- face of the paper, where it is so rapidly acted on by the oxygen of the air that it bursts spontaneously into a blaze. Though the light emitted by phos- phorus burning in air is very bril- 9 liant, it is greatly increased when pure oxygen is employed, for since the nitrogen with which the oxygen in air is mixed takes no part in the act of combustion, it impedes and moderates the action of the oxygen. Each volume of the latter- gas is mixed, in air, with four volumes of nitrogen, so that we may suppose five times as many particles of oxygen to come into contact in a given time with the particles of the phosphorus immersed in the pure gas, which will account for the great augmentation of the temperature and light of the burning mass. To demonstrate the brilliant combustion of phosphorus in oxygen, a piece not larger than a good-sized pea is placed in a little copper or iron cup upon an iron stand (fig. 3), and kindled by being touched with a hot wire (for even in pure oxygen spon- taneous combustion cannot be ensured). The globe, having been previously filled with oxy- gen, and kept in a plate containing a little water, is placed over the burning phosphorus.* It will be observed that the same white clouds of phosphoric acid are formed, whether phosphorus is burnt in oxygen or in air, exemplifying the fact that a sub- Fig. 3.-Pho^phoras burning in stance will combine with the same pro- portion of oxygen, whether its combustion * This globe should be of thin, well-annealed glass, and is sure to be broken if too lame a piece of phosphorus be employed. OXYGEN WITH NON-METALS. be effected in pure oxygen or in atmospheric air. The apparent increase of heat is due to the combustion of a greater weight of phosphorus in a given time. The total heating effect produced by the combustion of a given weight of phosphorus is the same whether air or pure oxygen be employed. 8. Sulphur (brimstone) affords an example of a non-metallic elements which will not enter into combination with oxygen until its temperature has been raised very considerably. When sulphur is heated in air, it soon melts, and as soon as its temperature reaches 500 F. it takes fire, burning with a pale blue flame. If the burning sulphur be plunged into a jar of oxygen, the blue light will become very brilliant, but the same act of combination takes place, one combining weight (16 1 parts) of sulphur uniting with two combining weights (8 x 2 = 16) of oxygen to form sul- phurous acid gas (S0 2 ), which may be recognised in the jar by the well- known suffocating smell of brimstone matches. The experiment is most conveniently performed by heating the sulphur in a deflagrating spoon (A, fig. 4), which is then plunged into the jar of oxygen, its collar (B) resting upon the neck of the jar which stands in a plate containing a little water. The water ab- sorbs a part of the sulphurous acid gas, and will be found capable of strongly red- dening litmus paper. It is possible to produce, though not by simple combustion, a compound of sulphur with three combin- ing weights of oxygen (S0 3 , anhydrous sulphuric acid), showing that a substance 'does not always take up its full share of oxygen when burnt. The luminosity of the 'flame of sulphur is far inferior to that of phosphorus, be- Fig. 4. -Sulphur burning in oxygen, cause, in the former case, there are no minute solid particles in the flame corresponding to those of the phosphoric acid produced in the combus- tion of phosphorus, and no flame can emit a brilliant light unless it con- tains solid' matter heated to incandescence. 9. Carbon, also a non-metallic element, requires the application of a higher temperature than sulphur to induce it to enter into direct union with oxygen ; indeed, perfectly pure carbon appears to require a heat ap- proaching whiteness to produce this effect. But charcoal (the carbon in which is associated with not inconsiderable proportions of hydrogen and oxygen) begins to burn in air at a much lower temperature, andlf a piece of wood charcoal, with a single spot heated to redness, be lowered into a jar of oxygen, the adjacent particles will soon be raised to the combining temperature, and the whole mass will glow intensely, each combining weight (6) of carbon uniting with two combining weights (8x2-16) of oxygen to form carbonic acid (C0 2 ) gas, which will redden a piece of moistened blue litmus paper suspended in the jar, though much more feebly than either sulphurous or phosphoric acid, because it is a much weaker acid. It should be remembered that carbon is an essential consti- tuent of all ordinary fuel, and carbonic acid is always produced by its com- bustion. It will be noticed that the combustion .of the charcoal is scarcely at- 8 OXYGEN WITH METALS. tended with flame, and when pure carbon (diamond, for example) is employed, no flame whatever is produced in its combustion, because car- bon is not convertible into vapour, and all flame is vapour or gas in the act of combustion, hence only those substances burn with flame which are capable of yielding combustible gases or vapours. 10. The three examples of sulphur, phosphorus, and carbon sufficiently illustrate the tendency of non-metals to form acids by union with oxygen, which originally led to the adoption of its name derived from 6us acid, and yewau, I produce. All the non-metallic elements, except hydrogen and fluorine, are capable of forming acids by their union with oxygen. 11. The metals, as a class, exhibit a greater disposition to unite directly with oxygen, tho'ugh few of them will do so in their ordinary condition and at the ordinary temperature. Several metals, such as iron and lead, are superficially oxidised when exposed to air under ordinary conditions, but this would not be the case unless the air contained water and car- bonic acid, which favour the oxidation in a very decided manner. Among the metals which are of importance in practice, five only are oxidised by exposure to dry air at the ordinary temperature, viz., potassium, sodium, barium, strontium, and calcium, the attraction of these metals for oxygen being so powerful that they must be kept under petroleum, or some simi- lar liquid free from oxygen. On the other hand, three of the common metals, silver, gold, and platinum, have so little attraction for oxygen that they cannot be induced to unite with it directly, even at high temperatures. If a lump of sodium be cut across with a knife, the fresh surfaces will exhibit a splendid lustre, but will very speedily tarnish by combining with oxygen from the air, which gives rise to a coating of oxide of sodium or soda, and this to some extent protects the metal beneath from oxidation. Even when the attraction of the sodium for oxygen is increased by the application of heat, it is long before the mass of sodium is oxidised throughout, unless the temperature be sufficiently high to convert a por- tion of the sodium into vapour, which bursts through the crust of soda, and burns with a yellow flame. If the spoon containing the sodium (see fig. 4) be now plunged into a jar of oxygen, the yellow flame will be far more brilliant. One combining weight (23 parts) of sodium here combines with one combining weight (8) of oxygen to form soda (ISTaO), which remains in the spoon in a fused state. When the spoon is cool, it may be placed in water, which will dissolve the soda, acquiring a peculiar soapy feel and taste, as well as the property of restoring the blue colour to litmus paper which has been reddened by an acid. These properties are called alka- line, apparently because they were known to the early alchemists as being possessed by the ashes of plants (potashes) called kali. (DEF. A mineral* alkali is a metallic oxide easily soluble in water, and capable of restoring the blue colour to litmus which has been reddened by an acid.) If some diluted sulphuric acid be added drop by drop to a portion of the solution of soda, it will be found, after a certain quantity has been added, that the solution no longer feels soapy, and has a saline taste ; if a piece of reddened litmus paper be wetted with it, the colour will remain unchanged, and the solution will not redden blue litmus paper. Such a * There are other alkalies, such as ammonia and the vegetable alkalies, which are not metallic oxides. OXYGEN WITH METALS. 9 solution is said to be neutral to test-papers, the alkali and the acid having neutralised each other. (DEF. Neutralisation is the destruction of the characteristic properties of an acid by an alkali or the converse.) The liquid now contains a new substance called a salt (the strict defini- tion of which will be given hereafter), and known as sulphate of soda, which would be represented in symbols by ISTaO . 80 3 .* Now, it will be remembered that soda (NaO) is composed of 23 parts by weight of sodium and 8 .parts of oxygen; hence 31 parts by weight would be represented by ISTaO. And sulphuric acid (S0 3 ) is composed of 16 parts by weight of sulphur, and (8 x 3) 24 parts of oxygen, so that S0 3 represents 40 parts by weight, and the combining weights of soda and (anhydrous) sulphuric acid are respectively 31 and 40. (EuLE. The combining weights of compounds are obtained by adding together the weights represented by their symbols.) All acids would not have neutralised the properties of the alkali, in the above experiment, so completely as sulphuric acid ; thus carbonic acid would never entirely destroy the property of the soda to restore the blue colour to reddened litmus, although it would very considerably modify its other properties ; the solution of soda itself is capable of corroding the skin and textile fabrics, whence its old name of caustic soda, but when combined with carbonic acid, to form carbonate of soda, it loses these properties, and becomes what the older chemists called a mild alkali. Even the weakest acids possess this property of partially neutralising the alkalies. (DEF. An acid is a compound body which is capable of neutralising an alkali, either partly or entirely.) 12. Zinc will serve as an example of a metal which has no disposition to enter into combination with oxygen at the ordinary temperature,t but which is induced to unite with it by a very moderate heat. If a little zinc (spelter) be melted in a ladle or crucible, and stirred about with an iron rod, it burns with a beautiful greenish flame produced by the union of the vapour of zinc with the oxygen of the air. But the combustion is far more bril- liant if a piece of zinc-foil be made into a tassel (fig. 5), gently warmed at the end, dipped into a little flowers of sulphur, kindled, and let down into a jar of oxy- gen, when the flame of the burning sul- phur will ignite the zinc, which burns with great brilliancy. On withdrawing what remains of the tassel after the combustion is over, it will be found to consist of a friable J mass, which has a fine yellow Fig. 5. -Zinc burning in oxygen, colour while hot, and becomes white as it cools. This is the oxide of zinc (ZnO), formed by the union of one combining weight (32*8 parts) of zinc with one combining weight (8 parts) of oxygen. The oxide of zinc does not possess the properties of an acid or an alkali, but belongs to another class of compounds termed bases, which are not * In expressing by symbols a compound of two or more compounds, they are always separated from each other by a full stop. 'h Unless water and carbonic acid be present, as in common air. Friable, easily crumbled or disintegrated. 10 BASE SALT SALT-RADICAL. soluble in water as the alkalies are, but, like them, are capable of neu- tralising, either partly or entirely, the acids. Thus, if the oxide of zinc were added to diluted sulphuric acid as long as the acid would dissolve it, the well-known corrosive properties of the acid would be destroyed, although it would still retain the power of reddening blue litmus, and the solution would now contain a new substance, or salt, called sulphate of oxide of zinc* (ZnO . S0 3 ). (DBF. A base is a compound body which is capable of neutralising an acid, either partly or entirely.) It will be observed that an alkali is only a particular species of base, and might be defined as a base which is very soluble in water. (DEF. A salt is a compound body containing an acid in combination with a base, or a metal in combination with a salt-radical.^ Examples. Mtrate of potash (KO . N0 5 ) composed of (anhydrous) nitric acid (N0 5 ) and potash (KO). Chloride of sodium (NaCl).) (DEF. A salt-radical or halogen is a substance which forms an acid when combined with hydrogen. Examples. Chlorine, which forms hydrochloric acid (HC1) ; Cyanogen (C 2 N), which forms hydrocyanic acid (HC.N).) 13. Iron, in its ordinary form, like zinc, is not oxidised by dry air or oxygen at the ordinary temperature; but if it be heated even to only 500 F. a film of oxide of iron forms upon its surface, and as the heat is increased the thickness of the film increases, until eventually it becomes so thick that it can be detached by hammering the surface, as may be seen in a smith's forge. If an iron rod as thick as the little finger be heated to whiteness at the extremity, and held before the nozzle of a powerful bellows, it will burn brilliantly, throwing off sparks and dropping melted oxide of iron. If a stream of oxygen be substituted for air, the combustion is of the most bril- liant description. A watch-spring (iron combined with about 1 per cent, of carbon) may be easily made to burn in oxygen by heating it in a flame till its elasticity is destroyed, and coiling it into a spiral (A, fig. 6), one end of which is fixed, by means of a cork, in the deflagrating collar B ; if Fig. 6.-Watch-spring burning the otner end be filed thin and clean? dipped into a little sulphur, kindled, and immersed in a jar of oxygen (C) standing in a plate of water, the burning sulphur will raise the iron to the point of combustion, and the spring will be converted into molten drops of oxide. The black oxide of iron formed in all these cases is really a combina- tion of two distinct oxides of iron, one of which contains one combining weight of iron (28 parts) and one (8 parts) of oxygen, and would be written FeO, whilst the other contains two combining weights (56) of iron and three (24) of oxygen, expressed by the formula Fe 2 3 ." To distinguish them, the former is usually called protoxide of iron (Trpwros, first), and the * For the sake of brevity, it is usual to omit oxide of in designating salts. Thus sulphate of copper means sulphate of oxide of copper, nitrate of silter means nitrate of oxide of silver. t Salts of this description are termed haloid salts, because they belong to the same class as sea-salt (Nad), from dXs, the sea. OXIDES. 11 latter sesquioxide (in allusion to the ratio of one and a-half to one between the oxygen and the metal).* The sesquioxide of iron combined with water constitutes ordinary rust. The black oxide usually contains one combining weight of each oxide, so that it would be written FeO . Fe 2 3 , or Fe 3 4 . It is powerfully attracted by the magnet, and is often called magnetic oxide of iron. The abundant magnetic ore of iron, of which the loadstone is a variety, has a similar composition. < Iron in a very fine state of division will take fire spontaneously in air as certainly as phosphorus. Pyrophoric iron can be obtained (by a process to be described hereafter) as a black powder, which must be preserved in sealed tubes. When the tube is opened, and its contents thrown into the air, oxidation takes place, and' is attended with a vivid glow. In this case the red sesquioxide of iron is produced instead of the black oxide. Both these oxides of iron are capable of neutralising, or partially neu- tralising, acids, and are therefore basic oxides or bases, like the oxides of zinc and sodium obtained in previous experiments. So general is the disposition of metals to form oxides of this class, that it may be regarded as one of the distinguishing features of a metal, for no non-metal ever forms a base with oxygen. (DBF. A metal is an element capable of forming a baset by combining with oxygen, or a salt by combining with a salt-radical.) Many metals are capable also of forming acids with oxygen ; thus, tin forms stannic acid (Sn0 2 ), antimony forms antimonic acid (Sb0 5 ), and it is always found that the acid oxide of a metal contains a larger proportion of oxygen than any of the other oxides which the metal may happen to form. 14. There is a third class of oxides, termed the indifferent oxides, be- cause they are neither acids nor bases j such oxides may be formed either by non-metals or metals;. thus water (HO), the oxide of hydrogen, is an indifferent oxide, and the black oxide or binoxide of manganese (Mn0 2 ) is an example of an indifferent metallic oxide. It will be seen hereafter that the oxides of the non-metals are generally acids, and that when a metal combines with oxygen in several proportions, the oxides contain- ing the smallest proportion of oxygen are usually bases, whilst those con- taining the largest proportion are acids, and the indifferent oxides contain an intermediate proportion of oxygen. The following list of the oxides of manganese will exemplify this, and will illustrate the names commonly bestowed upon oxides in order to indicate the proportion of oxygen which they contain : Protoxide of Manganese, . . MnO, Strong Base. .. ** Sesquioxide of . Mn 2 3 Weak Base. ' Manganic Acid, . . . . Mn0 3 Permanganic Acid, . . . Mn 2 6 7 15. Preparation of Oxygen. For almost all the useful arts in which uncombined oxygen is required, the diluted gas contained in atmospheric * The terms ferrous and ferric oxide are now very often substituted for protoxide and sesquioxide of iron. t The metal tungsten appears at present to be an exception to this rule, no well- defined basic oxide of this metal being known. A peroxide is the highest oxide which does not possess acid properties. 12 PREPARATION OF OXYGEN. air is sufficient, since the nitrogen mixed with it does not interfere with its action. From atmospheric air pure oxygen was first obtained by Lavoisier towards the end of the last century. His process is far too tedious to be employed as a general method of preparing oxygen, but it affords a very good example of the relation of heat to chemical attraction. Some mercury was poured into a glass flask with a long narrow neck, which was placed in a sand- bath, so that its temperature might be constantly maintained at about 660 F. for several weeks. The mercury boiled, and a portion of it was converted into vapour, which condensed in the neck of the flask and ran back again. Eventually the mercury was converted into a red powder, having combined with the oxygen of the air (or undergone oxidation) to form the red oxide of mercury. The nitrogen of the air does not enter into combination with the mercury. By heating this oxide of mercury to a temperature approaching a red heat (about 1000 F.) it is decomposed into mercury and oxygen gas (HgO = Hg+0). It is very generally found, as in this instance, that heat of moderate intensity will favour the operation of chemical attraction, whilst a more intense heat will annul it. For the purpose of experimental demonstration, the decomposition of the oxide of mercury may be conveniently effected in the apparatus represented by fig. 7, where the oxide is placed in the German glass tube A, and heated by the Bunsen's Fig. 7. Preparation of oxygen from oxide of mercury. gas-burner B, the metallic mercury being condensed in the bend C, and the oxygeu gas collected in the gas cylinder D, filled with water, and standing upon the bee- hive shelf of the pneumatic trough E. It may be identified by its property of kindling into flame the spark left at the end of a wooden match. If the heat be continued for a sufficient length of time, the whole of the oxide of mercury \vill disappear, being resolved into its elements. In technical language, the mercury is said to be reduced. Upon the first application of heat, the red oxide suffers a physical change, in consequence of which it becomes black ; but its red colour returns again if it be allowed to cool. Although processes have lately been devised for obtaining a supply of unmixed oxygen at a cheap rate from the atmosphere, the demand for the gas is as yet so small that they have not been carried out on a large scale. 1 6. The only other natural source from which it has been found Con- venient to prepare pure oxygen is a black mineral composed of manganese and oxygen. It is found in some parts of England, but much more PREPARATION OF OXYGEN. 13 abundantly in Germany and Spain, whence it is imported for the use of the bleacher and glass-maker. Its commercial name is manganese, but it is known to chemists as binoxide of manganese (Mn0 2 ), and to minera- logists by several names designating different varieties. The most signi- ficant of these names is pyrolubite, referring to the facility with which it may be decomposed by heat (imp, fire, and Auto, to loosen). One of the cheapest methods of preparing oxygen consists in heating small fragments of this black oxide of manganese in an iron retort, placed in a good fire, the gas being collected in jars filled with water, and stand- ing upon the shelf of the pneumatic trough, or in a gas-holder or gas-bag, if larger quantities are required. The attraction existing between manganese and oxygen is too powerful to allow the metal to part with the whole of its oxygen when heated, so that only one-third of the oxygen is given off in the form of gas, a brown oxide of manganese being left in the retort.* 1 7. By far the most convenient source of oxygen, for general use in the laboratory, is the artificial salt called chlorate of potash, which is largely manufactured for fireworks, percussion- cap composition, &c. If a few crystals of this salt be heated in a test-tube over a spirit-lamp (fig. 8), it soon melts to a clear liquid, which presently begins to boil from the disengagement of bubbles of oxygen, easily recognised by intro- ducing a match with a spark at the end into the upper part of the tube. If the action of heat be continued until no more oxygen is given off, the residue in the tube will be the salt termed chloride of . rig. o. potassium. The chlorate of potash (KO.C10 5 ) is composed of potash (KO) and chloric acid (C10 5 ). If the potash were uncombined with chloric acid, heat would be quite incapable of decomposing it, but chlorine has a more powerful attraction for potassium than even oxygen has at a high tem- perature , and accordingly, when the salt is heated, union takes place between the potassium and the chlorine, whilst the whole of the oxygen is expelled in the form of gas, a result expressed by the equation KO.CKX KC1 + 6 . Chlorate of potash. Chloride of potassium. To ascertain what quantity of oxygen would be furnished by a given* weight of chlorate of potash, the combining weights must be brought into use. Referring to the table of combining weights (p. 2), it is found that K = 39, = 8, and Cl = 35-5 ; hence the combining weight of chlorate of potash is easily calculated. One combining weight of potassium, . chlorine, . . 35-5 Six combining weights of oxygen, . . 48 KO . C10 5 = 122-5 So that 122-5 grains of chlorate of potash would yield 48 grains of oxygen. * Expressed in the form of an equation : 3 Mn02 = Mn 3 4 + 2 . Black oxide of Brown oxide of manganese. manganese. 14 OZONE. If it be required to know what would be the measure or volume of this oxygen at the ordinary atmospheric temperature (60 F.) and pressure (30 inches barometer), it must first be known that 31 grains of air under those conditions would occupy 100 cubic inches. Then, knowing (5) the specific gravity of oxygen to be 1-1057, the proportion 1 1-1057 :: 31 x Spec. gr. (or weight of 1 vol.) of air, Spec. gr. (or jight of 1 voL) of oxygen, Weight of 100 cub. in. of air, Weight of 100 cub. in. of oxgyen, gives us 34-28 grains for the weight of 100 cub. in. of oxygen. (KuLE. To find the weight of 100 cub. in. of a gas at 60 F. and 30 in. Bar., multiply its specific gravity by 31). Then 34-28 : 100 :: 48 ; 140 Grs. of Oxygen. Cub. In. Grs. of Oxygen. Cub. In. Hence it is found that 122-5 grains of chlorate of potash would give 140 cub. in. of oxygen measured at 60 F. and 30 in. Bar. If one gallon (277-276 cub. in.) of oxygen be required, 242-6 grains of chlorate 01 potash must be used, or rather more than half an ounce. Since the complete decomposition of the chlorate of potash alone re- quires a more intense heat than a glass vessel will, usually endure, it is customary in preparing oxygen for chemical purposes to facilitate the decomposition of the chlorate by mixing it with about one-fifth of its weight of powdered black oxide of manganese, when the whole of the oxygen is given off at a comparatively low temperature, though the oxide of manganese itself suffers no change, and its action has not yet received any explanation which is quite satisfactory. Fig. 9 shows a very convenient arrangement for preparing and collecting oxygen for the purpose of demonstrating its relations to combustion. A is a Florence flask, Fig. 9. Preparation of oxygen. in which the glass tube B is fixed by a perforated cork. C is a tube ol vulcanised india-rubber. The gas-jar is filled with water, and supported upon a bee-hive shelf made of earthenware. If pint gas-jars be employed, 300 grains of the chlorate of potash, mixed with 60 grains of binoxide of manganese, will furnish a sufficient supply of gas for the ordinary experiments. The heat must be moderated according to the rate at which the gas is evolved, and the tube C must be taken out of the water before the lamp is removed, or the contraction of the gas in cooling will suck the water back into the flask. The first jar of gas will contain the air with which the flask was filled at the commencement of the experiment. The oxygen obtained will have a slight smell of chlorine. OZONE. 18. OZONE is the name given to a substance of the true nature of which there is still some doubt, as it has never been obtained in a pure state, but which is pretty generally believed to be oxygen in a peculiar condition, much more disposed to com- PROPERTIES OF OZONE. 15 bine directly with other substances at the ordinary temperature than common oxygen, and possessed of a peculiar odour, whence it derives its name (, to smell). Oxygen appears to be capable of assuming this ozonised condition under various circumstances, the principal of which are, the passage of silent electric discharges,* and the contact with substances (such as phosphorus) undergoing slow oxidation in the presence of water. A minute proportion of the oxygen obtained in the decom- position of water by the galvanic current also exists in the ozonised condition, as may be perceived by its odour. The use of Siemens' induction tube (fig. 10) affords the readiest method of Fig. 10. Tube for ozonising air by induction. demonstrating the characteristic properties of ozone. This apparatus consists of a tube (A) coated internally with tin-foil (or silvered on the inside), and surrounded with another tube (B) which is coated with tin-foil on the outside. When the inner and outer coatings are placed in connexion with the wires of an induction coil by means of the screws (C D), and a stream of air or oxygen is passed through (E) between the two tubes, a strong odour is perceived at the orifice (F). One of the best chemical tests for ozone is a damp mixture of starch with iodide of potassium. 100 grains of starch are well mixed in a mortar with a measured ounce of cold water, and the mixture is slowly poured into five ounces of boiling water in a porcelain dish, with occasional stirring. The thin starch-paste thus obtained is allowed to cool, and a few drops of solution of pure iodide of potassium are added, the mixture being well stirred with a glass rod. If this mixture be brushed over strips of white cartridge paper, these will remain unchanged in ordinary air ; but when they are exposed to ozonised air (such as that which has passed through the induction tube), they will immediately assume a blue colour. The ozonised oxygen being more active, or endowed with more powerful chemical attractions than ordinary oxygen, abstracts the potassium from the iodide of potassium (KI), and sets free the iodine, which has the specific property of impart- ing a blue colour to starch. The intensity of the blue tint is proportionate to the quantity of iodine liberated, and therefore to that of the ozonised oxygen pre- sent, and hence, by reference to a standard scale of colours previously agreed upon, the ozone may be expressed in degrees. The result, however, is affected by so many trifling circumstances, that it is doubtful whether such determina- tions of the quantity of ozone are to be considered trustworthy. If the ozonised air issuing from F be passed into a solution of indigo (sulphindigotic acid largely diluted) the blue colour will soon disappear, since the ozone oxidises the indigo, and gives rise to products which, in a diluted state, are nearly colourless. Ordi- nary oxygen is incapable of bleaching indigo in this manner. If the ozone is passed through a tube of vulcanised caoutchouc, this ' will soon be perforated by the corrosive effect of the ozone, whilst ordinary oxygen would be without effect upon it. If the ozone from F be made to pass slowly through a glass tube heated in the centre by a spirit-lamp, it will be found to lose its power of affecting the iodised starch-paper, the ozone having been reconverted into ordinary oxygen under the influenco of heat. A temperature of 300 F. is sufficient to effect this change. It has been observed that a given volume of oxygen diminishes when a portion of it is converted into ozone by the silent electric discharge, and that it regains its original * It is the odour of ozone which is perceived in working an ordinary electrical machine. 16 CHEMISTRY OF THE ATMOSPHERE. volume when the ozone is reconverted by heat, proving that the ozonised form of oxygen is denser, or occupies less space than the ordinary form. By placing a freshly-scraped stick of phosphorus (scraped under water to avoid inflammation) at the bottom of a quart bottle, with enough water to cover half of it, and loosely covering the bottle with a glass plate, enough ozone may be accumu- lated in a few minutes to be readily recognised by the odour and the iodised starch. A plausible explanation of this production of ozone during the slow oxidation of phosphorus in the presence of water will be found under the head of peroxide of hydrogen. If a few drops of ether (C 4 H 5 0) be poured into a quart beaker (fig. 11), taking care to avoid the vicinity of a flame, and pieces of iodised starch-paper and blue litmus paper be suspended upon a glass rod laid across the mouth of the beaker, they will be found unaffected by the mixture of ether vapour and air ; but if a hot glass rod be plunged into the beaker, the heated ether vapour will undergo oxidation, producing acid vapours, which redden the blue litmus, whilst the formation of ozone will be indicated by the blue iodised starch (see peroxide of hydrogen) .* Ozone has attracted much notice, because a minute proportion of the oxygen in the atmo- sphere appears sometimes to be present in this form, and its active properties have naturally led to the belief that it must exercise some influence upon the sanitary condition of the air. This idea is encouraged by the circumstance that no indica- tions of ozone can be perceived in crowded cities, where there are so many oxidisable substances to consume the active oxygen, whilst the air in the open country and at the sea-side does give evidence of its presence. Some chemists assert that their experiments have demonstrated the very important fact that a portion of the oxygen developed by growing plants is in the ozonised form. The investigations into the true nature of ozone have given rise to interesting speculations with respect to the molecular constitution of oxygen, which will be noticed in the article upon peroxide of hydrogen. ATMOSPHERIC Am. 19. Atmospheric air consists chiefly of a mixture of nitrogen with one- fifth of its volume of oxygen, and very small proportions of carbonic acid and ammonia. Vapour of water is of course always present in the atmosphere in varying proportions. Since the atmosphere is the re- ceptacle for all gaseous emanations, other substances may be discovered in it by very minute analysis, but in proportions too small to have any perceptible influence upon its properties. Thus marsh-gas or light carburetted hydrogen, sulphuretted hydrogen, and sulphurous acid, can often be traced in it, the two last especially in or near towns. Although the proportion of oxygen in the air at a given spot may be much diminished, and that of carbonic acid increased, by processes of oxidation (such as respiration and combustion) taking place there, the operation of wind and of diffusion so rapidly mixes the altered air with the immensely greater general mass of the atmosphere, that the variations in the composition of air in diiferent places are very slight. Thus it has been found that the proportion of oxygen in the air in the centre of Manchester was, at most, only 0'2 per cent, below the average. * The oxygen obtained by the action of warm sulphuric acid on binoxide of barium resembles ozone in its odour and action on the iodised starch-paper. ATMOSPHERIC AIR. 17 The proportions in which the oxygen and nitrogen are generally pre- sent in atmospheric air are Volumes. Weights. Mtrogen, . /'.-.. Oxygen, . 79-19 20-81 76.99 23-01 100-00 100-00 The proportion of aqueous vapour may be stated, on the average, as 1 -4 per cent, by volume, or 0-87 per cent, by weight of the air. The carbonic acid may be generally estimated at 0*04 per cent, by volume, or 0'06 per cent, by weight of the air. The relative proportions of oxygen and nitrogen in air may be exhibited by sus- pending a stick of phosphorus upon a wire stand (A, fig. 12) in a measured volume of air confined over water. The cylinder (B) should have been previously divided into five equal spaces by measuring water into it, and each space marked by a thin line of Brunswick black. After a few hours, the phosphorus will have combined with the whole of the oxygen to form phosphorous acid, which is absorbed by the water, leaving four of the spaces occupied by nitrogen. The same result may be arrived at in a much shorter time by burning the phosphorus in the confined portion of air. A fragment of phosphorus, dried by careful pressure between blotting paper, is placed upon a convenient stand (A, fig. 13) and covered with a tall jar, having an opening at the top -p. ,Q for the insertion of a well-fitting stopper (which should be greased with a little lard), and divided into seven parts of equal capacity. The jar should be placed over the stand in such a manner that the water may occupy the two lowest spaces into which the jar is divided. The stopper of the jar is furnished with a hook, to which a piece of brass chain (B) is attached, long enough to touch the phosphorus when the stopper is inserted. The end of this chain is heated in the flame of a lamp, and the stopper tightly fixed in its place. On allowing the hot chain to touch the phosphorus, it bursts into vivid combustion, filling the jar with thick white fumes, and covering its sides, for a few moments, with white flakes of phosphoric acid. At the commencement of the experiment, the water in the jar will be depressed, in conse- quence of the expansion of the air, due to the heat produced in the burning of the phosphorus, but, presently, when the combustion begins to decline, the water again rises, and continues to do so until it has ascended to the line (C), so as to occupy the place of one-fifth of the air employed in the experiment. The phosphorus will then have ceased to burn, the white flakes upon the sides of the jar will have acquired the appearance of drops of moisture, and the fumes will have gradually disappeared, until, in the course of half- an-hour, the air remaining in the jar will be as clear and transparent as before, the whole of the phosphoric acid having been absorbed by the water. The jar should now be sunk in water, so that the latter may attain to the same level without as within the jar. On removing the stopper, it will be found that the nitrogen in the jar will no longer support the combustion of a taper. In the rigidly accurate determination of the relative proportions of oxygen and B Fig. 13. 18 ANALYSIS OF AIR. nitrogen in the air, it is, of course, necessary to guard against any error arising from the presence of the water, carbonic acid, and ammonia. With this view, Dumas and Boussingault, to whom we are chiefly indebted for our exact knowledge of the com- position of the air, caused it to pass through a series of tubes (A, fig. 14) containing potash, in order to remove the carbonic acid, then through a second series (B), contain- ing sulphuric acid, to absorb the ammonia and water ; the purified air then passed through a glass tube (C) filled with bright copper heated to redness in a charcoal furnace, which removed the whole of the oxygen, and the nitrogen passed into the large globe (N). Both the tube (containing the copper) and the globe were carefully exhausted of air and accurately weighed before the experiment ; on connecting the globe and the tube with the purifying apparatus, and slowly opening the stop-cocks, the pressure of the external air caused it to flow through the series of tubes into the globe destined to receive the nitrogen. When a considerable quantity gf air had passed in, the stop-cocks were again closed, and, after cooling, the weight of the globe was accurately determined. The difference between this weight and that of the empty globe before the experiment, gave the weight of the nitrogen which had entered the globe, but this did not represent the whole of the nitrogen contained in the analysed air, for the Fig. 14. Exact analysis of air. tube containing the copper had, of course, remained full of nitrogen at the close of the experiment. This tube having been weighed, was attached to the air-pump, the nitrogen exhausted from it, and the tube again weighed ; the difference between the two weighings furnished the weight of the nitrogen remaining in the tube, and was added to the weight of that received in the globe. The oxygen was represented by the increase in the weight of the exhausted tube containing the copper, which was partially converted into oxide of copper, by combining with the oxygen of the air passed through it. The calculation of the result of the analysis is here exemplified : Weight of Grains. Globe (N) with nitrogen (at the conclusion) , . . 3076 Exhausted globe (at the commencement), . . . 3000 Nitrogen received into the globe, ... 76 Tube (C) with residual nitrogen (at the conclusion), . 2574 Exh austed tube (at the conclusion) 2573 Nitrogen remaining in the tube, ... 1 Add nitrogen received into the globe, . . 76 Total nitrogen in the air analysed, . . 77 Exhausted tube (C) with oxidised copper (at the conclusion), 2573 i metallic copper (at the commencement), 2550 Oxygen in the air analysed, 23 The ratio of the oxygen to the nitrogen, therefore, is that of 23N : 770, or IN 3.3470. 100 parts by weight of the air purified from water, carbonic acid, and am- monia, contain 77 parts of nitrogen and 23 parts of oxygen. 20. The nitrogen remaining after the removal of the oxygen from air in the above experiments, was so called on account of its presence in nitre (saltpetre KO . N0 5 ). In physical properties it resembles oxygen, but is somewhat lighter than that gas, its specific gravity being 0*9713. This difference in the specific gravities of the two gases is well exhibited by the arrangement shown in fig. 16. A jar of oxygen (0) is closed with a glass plate, and placed upon the table. A jar of nitrogen (N), also closed with a glass HYDROGEN. 19 plate, is placed over it, so that the two gases may come in contact when the glass plates are removed. The nitrogen will float for some seconds above the oxygen, and if a lighted taper be quickly introduced through the neck of the upper jar, it will be extinguished in passing through the nitrogen, and will be rekindled brilliantly when it reaches the oxygen in the lower jar. It might at first sight appear surprising that oxygen and nitrogen, though of different specific gravities, should exist in uniform proportions in all parts of the atmosphere, unless in a state of chemical combination, but an acquaintance with the property of diffusion (see Hydrogen) pos- sessed by gases teaches us that gases will mix with each other in opposition to gravitation, and when mixed will always remain so. That air is simply a mechanical mixture of its component gases is amply proved by the circum- stance that it possesses all the properties which would be predicted for a mixture of these gases in such proportions ; whilst the essential feature of a chemical compound is, that its properties cannot be foreseen from those of its constituents. Fig. 15. The absence of active chemical properties is a very striking feature of nitrogen, and admirably adapts it for its function of diluting the oxygen in the atmosphere. There is no direct test by which nitrogen gas can be recognised, so that the chemist is obliged to prove that the gas under ex- amination does not possess the characters of any other gas with which he is acquainted before he can pronounce it to be nitrogen. The chemical relations of air to animals and plants will be more appro- priately discussed hereafter. (See Carbonic Acid, Ammonia.) HYDEOGEK 21. Unlike oxygen, hydrogen is very rarely found uncombined in nature. In combination it occurs abun- dantly in water and in all ani- mal and vegetable substances. All varieties of fuel contain hydrogen. It is always pro- cured from the first of these sources. Water is composed of the two elements, hydrogen and oxygen, held together by che- mical attraction. To separate these elements, that is, to de- compose or analyse water, we have to overcome the chemical attraction between them, which may be effected by causing the particles of water to transmit a current of voltaic electricity. Fi S- 16. -Electrolysis of water. An arrangement for decomposing water by the voltaic or galvanic battery is represented in fig. 16. B2 20 ANALYSIS OF WATER. The glass vessel A contains water, to which a little sulphuric acid has been added to increase its power of conducting electricity, for pure water conducts so imperfectly tliat it is decomposed with great difficulty. B and C are platinum plates bent into a cylin- drical form, and attached to stout platinum wires, which are passed through corks in the lateral necks of the vessel A, and are connected by binding screws with the copper wires D and E, which proceed from the galvanic battery G. H and are glass cylin- ders with brass caps and stop-cocks, and are enlarged into a bell-shape at their lower ends for the collection of a considerable volume of gas. These cylinders are filled Fig. 18. Fig. 17. with the acidulated water, by sucking out the air through the opened stop-cocks; on closing these, the pressure of the air will of course sustain the column of water in the cylinders. G is a Grove's battery, consisting of five cells or earthenware vessels (A, fig. 17) filled with diluted sulphuric acid (one measure of oil of vitriol to four of water). In each of these cells is placed a bent plate of zinc (B), which has been amalgamated or rubbed with mercury (and diluted sulphuric acid) to protect it from corrosion by the acid when the battery is not in use. "Within the curved portion of this plate rests a small flat vessel of un- glazed earthenware (C), filled with strong nitric acid, in which is immersed a sheet of platinum foil (D). The platinum (D) of each cell is in contact, at its upper edge, with the zinc (B) in the adjoining cell (fig. 18), so that at one end (P, fig. 16) of the battery there is a free platinum plate, and at the other (Z) a free zinc plate. These plates are connected with the wires D and E by means of the copper plates L and K attached to the ends of the wooden trough in which the cells are arranged. The wire D (fig. 16), which is connected with the last zinc plate of the battery, is often called the " negative pole ;" whilst E, in connexion with the last platinum plate, is called the "positive pole." When the connexion is established by means of the wires D and E with the " de- composing cell" (A), the " galvanic current" is commonly said to pass along the wire E to the platinum plate C, through the acidulated water in the decomposing cell, to the platinum plate B, and thence along the wire D back to the battery. 22. During this "passage of the current" (which is only a figurative mode of expressing the transfer of the electric influence), the water intervening between the plates B and C is decomposed, its hydrogen being attracted to the plate B (negative pole), and the oxygen to the plate C (positive pole). The gases can be seen adhering in minute bubbles to the surface of each plate, and as they increase in size they detach themselves, rising through the acidulated water in the tubes H and 0, in which the two gases are collected. Since no transmission of gas is observed between the two plates, it is evident that the H and separated at any given moment from each plate do not result from the decomposition of one particle of water, but from two particles, as represented in fig. 19, where A represents the particles of water lying between the plates P and Z before the " current" is passed, ELECTROLYSIS OF WATEK. 21 and B the state of the particles when the current has been established. P is (the positive pole) in connexion with the last platinum plate of the battery, and Z is (the negative pole) in connexion with the last zinc plate. o O O H H H H H H H H H Fig. 19. The signs + and made use of in B refer to a common mode of account- ing for the decomposition of water by the battery, on the supposition that the oxygen is in a negatively electric condition, and therefore attracted by the positive pole P; whilst the hydrogen is in a positively electric condi- tion, and is attracted by the negative pole Z. The decomposition of compounds by galvanic electricity is termed elec- trolysis.* When a compound of a metal with a non-metal is decomposed in this manner, the metal is usually attracted to the (negative) pole in connexion with the zinc plate of the battery, whilst the non-metal is attracted to the (positive) pole connected with the platinum plate of the battery. Hence the metals are frequently spoken of as electro-positive elements, and the non-metals as electro-negative. 23. If the passage of the " current" be interrupted when the tube H has become full of gas, the tube will be only half full, since water contains hydrogen and oxygen in the proportion of two volumes of hydrogen to one volume of oxygen. When the wider portions of the tubes (fig. 16) are also filled, the two gases may be distinguished by opening the stop-cocks in succession, and presenting a burning match. The hydrogen will be known by its kindling with a slight detonation, and burning with a very pale flame at the jet ; whilst the oxygen will very much increase the bril- liancy of the burning match, and if a spark left at the extremity of the match be presented to the oxygen, the spark will be kindled into a flame. The oxygen will be found to smell strongly of ozone, and will impart a deep blue tinge to the iodised starch paper (see Ozone). Another method of effecting the decomposition of water by electricity consists in passing a succession of electric sparks through steam. It is probable that in this case the decomposition is produced rather by the intense heat of the spark than by its electric influence, t For this purpose, however, the galvanic battery does not suffice, since no spark can be passed through any appreciable interval between the wires of the battery, a fact which electricians refer to in the statement that although the quantity of electricity developed by the galvanic battery is large, its intensity is too low to allow it to discharge itself in sparks like the electricity from the machine or from the induction-coil, which pos- sesses a very high intensity, though its quantity is small. 2L The most convenient instrument for producing a succession of elec- (amber root of electricity) ; Xuo>, to loosen. That a very intense heat is capable of decomposing water into its elements has long been known. When globules of melted platinum are dropped into water, bubbles of hydrogen and oxygen are disengaged. 22 DECOMPOSITION OF STEAM. trie sparks is the induction-coil, by the aid of which the electric influence of even a single cell of the galvanic battery may be so accumulated as to become capable of discharging itself in sparks, such as are obtained from the electrical machine.* Fig. 20 represents the arrangement for exhibiting the decomposition of steam by the electric spark. A is a half-pint flask furnished with a cork in which three holes are bored ; in one of these is inserted the bent glass tube B, which dips beneath the surface of the water in the trough 0. Fig. 20. --Decomposition of steam by electric sparks. D and E are glass tubes, in each of which a platinum wire has been sealed so as to project about an inch at both ends of the tube. These tubes are thrust through the holes in the cork, and the wires projecting inside the flask are made to approach to within about T V inch, so that the spark may pass easily between them. The flask is somewhat more than half filled with water, the cork inserted, and the tube B allowed to dip beneath the water in the trough ; the wires in D and E being connected with the thin copper wires passing from the induction-coil F, which is connected by stout copper wires with the small battery G. The water in the flask is boiled for about fifteen minutes, until all the air con- tained in the flask has been displaced by steam. When this is the case, it will be found that if a glass test-tube (R) filled with water be inverted f over the orifice of the tube B, the bubbles of steam will entirely condense, with the usual sharp rattling sound, and only insignificant bubbles of air will rise to the top of the test-tube. If now, whilst the boiling is still continued, the handle of the coil (F) be turned so as to cause a succession of sparks to pass through the steam in the flask, large bubbles of incondensable gas will accumulate in the tube H. This gas consists of the hydrogen and oxygen gases in a mixed state, having been released from their combined condition in water by the action of the electric sparks. The gas may be tested by closing the mouth of the tube H with the thumb, raising it to an upright position, and applying a lighted match, when a sharp detonation will indicate the recombination of the gases. J 25. In the preceding experiments, the force of chemical attraction holding the particles of oxygen and hydrogen together in the form of water, has been overcome by the physical forces of heat and electricity. But water may be more easily decomposed by acting upon it with some element which has a sufficiently powerful chemical attraction for the oxygen of water to draw it away from the hydrogen. * For a description of the induction-coil, see Miller's " Elements of Chemistry/' Part I. f The end of the tube B should be bent upwards and thrust into a perforated cork with notches cut down the sides. By slipping this cork into the neck of the test-tube, the latter will be held firmly. J With a powerful coil, a cubic inch of explosive gas may be collected in about fifteen minutes. ACTION OF METALS ON WATER. 23 No non-metallic element is capable of abstracting the oxygen from water at the ordinary temperature. Among the practically important metals, the five which have been mentioned as undergoing oxidation in dry air at the ordinary temperature, effect the immediate decomposition of water. Metals which decompose water at the ordinary temperature. Potassium, Sodium, Barium, Strontium, Calcium. When a piece of potassium is thrown upon water it takes fire and burns with a fine violet flame, floating about as a melted globule upon the surface of the water, combining with the oxygen, and producing, in the act of combination, enough heat to kindle the hydrogen as it escapes. The violet colour of the flame is due to the presence of a little potassium in the form of vapour. The water will be found to change red litmus paper to blue, from the presence of the alkali potash (KO) formed by the com- bination of the potassium with the oxygen. The decomposition of the water is expressed by the equation HO + K = KO + H Water. Potash. from which we learn that one combining weight (39 parts) of potassium has been substituted for one combining weight (1 part) of hydrogen. 39 parts by weight of potassium, therefore, have the same power as 1 part of hydrogen, to combine with 8 parts (one combining weight) of oxygen. It is found that whenever potassium takes the place of hydrogen in a com- pound, 39 parts of the former are exchanged for one of the latter, and this is generally expressed by stating that 39 is tne chemical equivalent of potassium. (DBF. The chemical equivalent of a metal expresses tjie weight which is required to be substituted for one part by weight of hydrogen in its compounds.) The action of potassium upon water is an example of the production of compounds by substitution of one element for another, a mode of forma- tion which is far more common than the production of compounds by direct combination of their elements. Sodium has a less powerful attraction for oxygen than potassium, and does not usually take fire when thrown into cold water, although it is at once fused by the heat evolved in its combination with the oxygen. By holding a lighted match over the globule as it swims upon the water, the hydrogen may be kindled, when its flame is bright yellow from the presence of the sodium. The solu- tion will be found strongly alkaline from the soda produced. By plac- ing the sodium on a piece of blotting- paper laid on the water, it may be made to ignite the hydrogen spon- taneously, because the paper keeps it stationary, and prevents it from being so rapidly cooled by the water. Several cubic inches of hydrogen may easily be collected by placing a piece of sodium as large as a bean in a small wire-gauze box (A, fig. 21), and holding it under an inverted 24 ACTION OF METALS ON WATER. cylinder (B) filled with water and standing upon a bee-hive shelf. The equation representing the action of sodium upon water, HO + ISTa = NaO + H Water. Soda. shows that one combining weight (23 parts) of sodium is substituted for one combining weight (1 part) of hydrogen, and, in accordance with the definition above given, 23 is the chemical equivalent of sodium. Barium, strontium, and calcium decompose water less rapidly than potassium and sodium ; the results of their action upon water are, respec- tively, baryta (BaO), strontia (SrO), and lime (CaO). These substances have strongly alkaline characters, but as they are far less soluble in water than potash and soda, they have been distinguished as alkaline earths. The tendency of heat to produce the union of metals with oxygen being known, it might be expected that metals which refuse to decompose water at the ordinary temperature, would be induced to do so if the temperature were raised, and accordingly magnesium and manganese, which are without action upon cold water, decompose it at the boiling point, disengaging hydrogen, and producing magnesia (MgO, a feebly alkaline earth) and oxide of manganese (MnO). But the greater number of the common metals must be raised to a much higher temperature than this in order to enable them to decompose water. The following metals will abstract the oxygen from water at high tem- peratures, those at the commencement of the list requiring to be heated to redness (about 1000 F.), and the temperature required progressively in- creasing, until it attains whiteness for those at the end of the list. Metals which decompose water at a temperature above a red heat. Zinc, Iron, Chromium, Cobalt, Mckel, Tin, Antimony, Aluminum, Lead, Bismuth, Copper. The noble metals, as they are called, which exhibit no tendency to oxidise in air, are incapable of removing the oxygen from water, even at high temperatures. Metals which are incapable of decomposing water. Mercury, Silver, Gold, Platinum. Fig. 22. Preparation of hydrogen from steam. 26. Preparation of hydrogen. The simplest process, chemically speaking, for preparing hydrogen in quantity, consists in passing steam over red-hot iron. An iron tube (A, fig. 22) is filled with iron nails and PKEPAKATION OF HYDEOGEN. 25 fixed across a furnace (B), in which it is heated to redness by a charcoal fire. A current of steam is then passed through it by boiling the water in the flask (C), which is connected with the iron tube by a glass tube (D) and perforated corks. The hydrogen is collected from the glass tube (G) in cylinders (E) filled with water, and inverted in the trough (F) upon the bee-hive shelf (H), the first portions being allowed to escape, as con- taining the air in the apparatus. The iron combines with the oxygen of the water to form the black oxide of iron (Fe 3 4 ), which will be found in a crystalline state upon the surface of the metal. The decomposition is represented by the equation 4HO + Fe 3 - Fe 3 4 + H 4 Water. Fe 3 4 + Black oxide of iron. from which it would appear that three combining weights (28 x 3 = 84 parts) of iron are substituted for four combining weights (4 parts) of hydrogen; and according to the definition given above, the chemical equivalent of iron should be expressed by 21, that being the weight re- quired to be substituted for 1 part of hydrogen. Since, however, this is found to be the only case in which iron displaces hydrogen in this pro- portion, it is better to represent the action of water upon red-hot iron as taking place in two successive stages, of which the first is represented by the equation HO + Fe - FeO + H Water. Ferrous oxide. and the second by HO + 3 FeO = Fe 3 4 + H* Ferrous oxide. Black oxide of iron. According to the first of these equations, one combining weight (28 parts) of iron is substituted for one combining weight of hydrogen, and, accordingly, 28 would represent the chemical equivalent of iron. The process by which hydrogen is most commonly prepared depends upon the circumstance, that many of those metals which are able to de- compose water, either at ordinary or elevated temperatures, will also decompose it in the presence of an acid without the assistance of heat. Metals which decompose water at the ordinary temperature in the pre- sence of an acid. Potassium, Sodium, Barium, Strontium, Calcium, Mag- nesium, Manganese, Zinc, Iron, Chromium, Cobalt, Nickel Zinc is the most conve- nient metal to employ for the preparation of hydrogen in this way. It is used either in small fragments or cuttings, or as granulated zinc, pre- pared by melting it in a ladle and pouring it from a height of three or four feet into a pailful of water. The zinc is placed in the bottle (A, fig. 23), covered with water to the depth of two Fi S- 23. Preparation of hydrogen. * This view is supported by the fact that FeO (protoxide of iron), when prepared by other processes, is capable of decomposing water in accordance with the second equation. 26 PROPERTIES OF HYDROGEN. or three inches, and diluted sulphuric acid slowly poured in through the funnel tube (B) until a pretty brisk effervescence is observed. The hydrogen is unable to escape through the funnel tube, since the end of it is beneath the surface of the water, but it passes off through the bent tube (C), and is collected over water as usual, the first portions being rejected as containing air. The chemical change is expressed in the equation HO . SO. + Zn = ZnO . S0 3 + H Sulphate of zinc. from which it appears that one combining weight (32 '8 parts) of zinc is substituted for one combining weight (1) of hydrogen, and that 3 2 '8 re- presents the chemical equivalent of zinc.* By evaporating the larger excess of water from the solution left in the bottle, crystals of sulphate of zinc (white vitriol) may be obtained. It would not be possible to fulfil the above equation without adding a great deal more water than is there represented, in order to dissolve the sul- phate of zinc. It will be noticed that the liquid becomes very hot during the action of the acid upon the zinc, the heat being produced by the combination which is taking place. The black flakes which separate during the solu- tion of the zinc consist of metallic lead, which is always present in the zinc of commerce, and much accelerates the evolution of hydrogen by causing galvanic action. Pure zinc placed in contact with diluted sulphuric acid evolves hydrogen very slowly. Iron might be used instead of zinc, and the solution when evaporated would then deposit crystals of green vitriol or copperas (sulphate of iron FeO . S0 3 ), the action of iron upon water in the presence of sulphuric acid being represented by the equation HO . 80s + Fe = FeO . S0 3 + H Su^ate of iron. which shows that one combining weight (28) of iron has taken the place of one combining weight of hydrogen. 28 would then be the chemical equivalent of iron. 27. Physical properties of hydrogen. This gas is permanent, invisible, and inodorous when pure. The hydrogen obtained by the ordinary methods has a very disagreeable smell, caused by the presence of minute quantities of compounds of hydrogen with sulphur, arsenic, and carbon; but the gas prepared with pure zinc and sulphuric acid is quite free from smell. The most remarkable physical property of hydrogen is its light- ness. It is the lightest of all kinds of matter. The specific gravity of hydrogen is 0*0692, so that it is about -fa as heavy as air. This lightness would strongly recommend hydrogen as the unit of comparison for the specific gravities of gases, and theoretical considerations would compel the admission of an elementary standard in place of a somewhat variable mixture like atmospheric air. But since the hydrogen required to fill a pint globe weighs only three quarters of a grain, whilst the same volume * Many explanations have been offered to account for the circumstance that the Zn will decompose HO in the presence of S0 3 , although this latter has no attraction for either of the elements of the HO. One of the most satisfactory appears to be that which refers the decomposition to the attraction of the Zn for the group represented by [OS0 3 ], which is greater than the attraction of H for the same group, whilst the attraction of H for alone, at the ordinary temperature, is greater than that of Zn for 0. DIFFUSION OF GASES. of air weighs ten grains and three quarters, it will be seen that no balance of even considerable accuracy could be depended upon for the practical determination of the specific gravities of gases if hydrogen were the standard employed. In calculating the weights and volumes of gases, it will be found of great service to remember that one gram of hydrogen measures 46-73 cub. in. at 60 F. and 30 in. Bar. The lightness of hydrogen may be demonstrated by many interesting experiments. Soap bubbles or small balloons (of collodion for example) will ascend very rapidly if inflated with hydrogen. A light bea"ker glass may be accurately weighed in a pair of scales ; it may then be held with its mouth downwards, and hydrogen poured up into it from another vessel. If it be then replaced upon the scale-pan with its mouth downwards, it will be found very much lighter than before. Another form of the experiment is represented in fig. 24, where a light glass shade has been sus- pended from the balance and counterpoised, the equilibrium being, of course, at once Fig. 24. disturbed when hydrogen is poured up into the shade. If a jar full o held with its mouth downwards, and a piece of smouldering brown pap hydrogen be er held under it, the smoke, which would rise freely in the air, is quite unable to rise through the hydrogen, and remains at the mouth of the jar. 28. It will be observed, in these experiments, that the glas gradually falls out of the jar, notwithstanding its lightness, and is replaced -by air. This is accounted for by a physical property belonging to all gases (and vapours) called diffusibility, which may be defined as the tendency of the particles of a gas to separate as far as possible from each other. If a jar of hydrogen were placed with its mouth downwards over a jar of air, this mutual repulsion among the particles of each gas would cause it to diffuse itself equally throughout both jars, so that, eventually, as much hydrogen would be found in the lower jar as if it had been completely exhausted of air before the commencement of the experiment. This is often expressed by the statement that one gas acts as a vacuum to another, which is true as far as the ultimate result is concerned, though, of course, the time occupied by the passage of a gas into a vacuum would b far less than that required for its passage into another gas. Even if the two jars be 28 DIFFUSION OF GASES. connected only by a tube with the narrowest passage possible, the same result would be arrived at, but after a longer period. If the two gases were separated by a plate of some material having no visible passages, such as paper, or plaster of Paris, a complete interchange would still take place, and after a time each gas would be found equally distributed through both jars. Ey thus interposing a porous obstacle so as to retard the diffusion of the gas, the rapidity with which the particles of gases separate from each other in con- sequence of this mutual repulsion may be ascer- tained. The diffusion tube (fig. 25) employed for this purpose is a glass tube (A) closed at one end by a plate of plaster of Paris (B). If this tube be filled with hydrogen,* and its open end immersed in coloured water, the water will be ob- served to rise rapidly in the tube, on account of the rapid escape of the hydrogen through the pores of the plaster. The external air, of course, passes into the tube through the pores at the same time, but much less rapidly than the hydrogen passes out, so that the ascent of the column of water (C) marks the difference between the volume of hydrogen which passes out, and that of air which passes into the Fig. 25. Fig. 26. Separation of hydrogen and oxygen by atmolysis.f tube in a given time, and allows a measurement to be made of the rate of diffusion ; that is, of the velocity with which the gas issues on account of the repulsion among its particles, as compared with the velocity with * This tube must be filled by displacement (see fig. 30), in order not to wet the plaster. A piece of sheet caoutchouc may be tied over the plaster of Paris, so that dilFusion may not commence until it; is removed. t This term has been applied to the separation of gases by diffusion ; OT/UOV, vapnur \vw, to loosen. DIFFUSION OF GASES. 29 which the air enters, this velocity being always taken as unity."' To deter- mine the rate of diffusion, it is of course necessary to maintain the water at the same level within and without the diffusion tube, so as to exclude the influence of pressure. Experiment has established the law that the rates of diffusion of gases are inversely as the square roots of their specific gravi- ties ; for example, the specific gravities of oxygen and hydrogen stand to each other in the ratio of 16 : 1 ; the ratio of their square roots will therefore be 4 : 1, and their rates of diffusion will be in the in- verse ratio, or 1 : 4; that is, hydrogen would escape through minute openings with four times the velocity of oxygen; and laboratory experience shows that a cracked jar, or a bottle with a badly fitting stop- per, may often be used to retain oxygen, but not hydrogen. Again, the specific gravities of air and hydrogen, being respec- tively 1 and -069, their rates of diffusion will be 1 and . or 3 -8, so that in the v-069 experiment with the diffusion tube, 3 '8 cubic inches of hydrogen would pass out, whilst 1 cubic inch of air passed in ; and if the influence of pressure be excluded, 2 '8 cubic inches of water would enter the tube. The great difference in the rates of diffusion of hydrogen and oxygen may be easily shown by the arrangement represented in fig. 26. A is a jar filled with a mixture of two volumes of oxygen with one volume of hydrogen, communi- cating through the stop-cock and flexible tube with the glass tube B, which is fitted through a perforated cork in the bowl of the common tobacco pipe C, the sealing-waxed end of which dips under water in the trough D. By opening the stop-cock and pressing the jar down in the water, the mixed gases may be forced rapidly through the pipe, and if a small cylinder (E) be filled with them, the mixture will be found to detonate violently on the approach of a flame. But if the gas be made to pass very slowly through the pipe (at the rate of about a cubic "inch per minute), the hydrogen will diffuse through the pores of the pipe so much faster than the oxygen, that the gas collected in the cylinder will contain so little hydrogen as to be no longer explosive, and to exhibit the property of oxygen to rekindle a partly extinguished match.f Another very striking illustration of the high rate of diffusion of hydrogen is arranged as represented in fig. 27. A is a cylinder of porous earthenware (such as * Air being a mixture of nitrogen and oxygen, its rate of diffusion is intermediate between the rates of those gases ; however, since the proportions of the gases are very nearly con- stant, no error of any magnitude arises. f Caoutchouc and varnished silk, being impervious to air, do not permit ordinary diffu- sion to take place through them. Yet they are capable of transmitting gases by a peculiar mode of action, which may be compared to their power of transmitting ether and other liquids capable of wetting them. In this manner oxygen has been found to be transmitted more rapidly than nitrogen, so that by placing atmospheric air in contact with a film of Fig. 27. 30 PROPERTIES OF HYDROGEN. are employed in galvanic batteries) closed at one end, and furnished at the other with a perforated bung, through which passes a glass tube B, about three feet long, and half an inch in diameter. The bung is made air-tight by coating it with seal- ing wax dissolved in spirit of wine. This tube being supported so that its lower end dips about an inch below the surface of water, a jar of hydrogen is held over the porous cylinder, when the self-repulsion of the particles of the gas is mani- fested by their being forced (not only out of the mouth of the jar C, which is open at the bottom, but also) through the pores of the earthenware jar, the air from which is violently driven out, as if by blowing, through the tube, and is seen bubbling up rapidly through the water. When the air has ceased to bubble out, and a large volume of hydrogen has entered the porous jar, the bell-jar C is removed, when the hydrogen escapes so rapidly through the pores, that a column of twenty or thirty inches of water is drawn rapidly up the tube B. If the greatest height to which the water ascends be marked, and when it has returned to its former level, a jar of coal-gas be held over the porous cylinder, it will be found that the above phenomena are mani- fested in a much lower degree, showing that coal-gas, being heavier than hydrogen, does not pass nearly so rapidly through the pores of the earthenware as hydrogen does. 29. Chemical properties of hydrogen. The most conspicuous chemical property of hydrogen is its disposition to burn in air when raised to a moderately high temperature, entering into combination with the .oxygen of the air to form water. The formation of water during the com- bustion of hydrogen gave rise to its name (vSwp, water). Fig 28 On introducing a taper into an inverted jar of hydrogen (fig. 28), the flame of the taper will be extinguished, but the hydrogen will burn with a pale flame at the mouth of the jar, and the taper may be rekindled at its flame by slowly withdraw- ing it. The lightness and combustibility of hydrogen may be illustrated simultaneously by some interesting experiments. If two equal gas cylinders be filled with hydro- gen, and held with their mouths respectively upwards and downwards, it will be Fig. 29. Fig. 30. caoutchouc, on the other side of which a vacuum is maintained, a gaseous mixture may be made to pass through the film, containing 41 '6 per cent, by volume of oxygen, instead of 21 per cent., usually present in air. Such a mixture, of course, accelerates combustion in a very high degree. It appears to be in consequence of a similar action that hydrogen is capable of passing through red-hot platinum and iron tubes. (Graham, Proc. Roy. Soc. June 1866.) PROPERTIES OF HYDROGEN. 31 found, on testing each with a taper after the same interval, that the hydrogen has entirely escaped from the cylinder held with its mouth upwards, whilst the other still remains nearly filled with the gas. The hydrogen may be scooped out of the jar A (fig. 29) with the small cylinder B attached to a handle. On removing B, and applying a taper to it, the gas will take fire. , A cylinder may be filled with hydrogen by displacement of air (fig. 30), if the tube from the hydrogen bottle be passed up into it. If such a dry cylinder of hydrogen be kindled whilst held with its mouth down- wards, the formation of water during the combustion of the hydrogen will be indi- cated by the deposition of dew upon the sides of the cylinder. By softening a piece of glass tube in the flame of a spirit-lamp, drawing it out, and filing it across in the nar- rowest part (fig. 31), a jet can be made from which the hydrogen may be burnt. This jet may be fitted by a perforated cork to any common bottle for contain- ing the zinc and sulphuric acid Fig. 31. (fig. 32). The hydrogen must be allowed to escape for some minutes before applying a light, because it forms an explosive mixture with the air con- tained in the bottle. This may be proved, without risk, by placing a little granulated zinc in a soda-water bottle, pour- ing upon it some diluted sulphuric acid, and quickly insert- ing a perforated cork, carrying a piece of glass tube about three inches long, and one-eighth of an inch wide. If this tube be immediately applied to a flame, the mixture of air and hydrogen will explode, and the cork and tube will be projected to a considerable distance. By inverting a small test-tube over the jet in fig. 32, a specimen of the hydrogen may be collected, and may be kindled, to see if it burns quietly, before lighting the jet. A dry glass, held over the flame, will collect a considerable quantity of water, formed by the combustion of the hydrogen. Fig. 32. The combustion of hydrogen produces a greater heating effect than that of an equal weight of any other combustible body. It has been deter- mined that 1 gr. of hydrogen, in the act of combining with 8 grs. of oxygen, produces enough heat to raise 62,031 grs. of water from 32 F to 33 F. (or 34,462 grs. from C. to 1 C.) The temperature of the hydrogen flame has been estimated at 5898 F., which is higher than that of any other single flame with which we are ac- quainted. Notwithstanding its high temperature, the flame of hydrogen is almost devoid of illuminating power, on account of the absence of solid particles. 30. If a taper be held several inches above a cylinder of hydrogen, standing with its mouth upwards, the gas will be kindled with a loud explosion, because an explosive mixture of hydrogen and air is formed in and around the mouth of the cylinder. If a stoppered gas jar (fig. 33) be filled with Fig. 33. hydrogen, and supported upon three blocks, it will be found, if the hydrogen be kindled at the neck of the jar, that it will burn 32 EXPLOSION OF HYDROGEN AND AIR. quietly until air has entered from below in sufficient proportion to form an explosive mixture, which will then explode with a loud report. The same experiment may be tried on a smaller scale, with the two-necked copper vessel (fig. 34), the lower aperture being opened some few seconds after the hydrogen has been kindled at the upper one. , The explosion of the mixture of hydrogen and air is due to the sudden expansion caused by the heat generated in the combination of the hydrogen with the oxygen throughout the mixture. After the explosion of the mixture of hydrogen and air (oxygen and nitrogen), the substances present are steam (resulting from the combination of the hydro- gen and oxygen) and nitrogen, which are expanded by the heat developed in the combination to a volume far greater than the vessel can contain, so that a portion of it issues very suddenly into the air around, the collision with which pro- duces the report. If pure oxygen be substituted for air, the explosion will be more violent, because the mixture is not diluted with the inactive nitrogen. The cal- culated pressure exerted by the mixture of hydrogen and oxygen, when exploded, amounts to 26 atmospheres, or 390 Ibs. upon the square inch, whilst the mixture of hydrogen and air is calculated to exert a pressure of 12 '5 atmospheres, or 187 Ibs. per inch. The experiment may be made safely in a soda-water bottle. The bottle is filled with water, and inverted with its mouth beneath the surface of the water ; enough oxygen is then passed up into it to fill one-third of its volume ; if the remainder of the water be then displaced by hydrogen, and the mouth of the bottle be presented to the flame of a spirit-lamp, a very violent explosion will result, attended with a vivid blue flash in the bottle. If the mouth of the bottle be presented towards a disc of paper, previously suspended at a distance of 20 or 30 inches, the paper will be violently torn to pieces, bearing witness to the concussion between the expanded steam issuing from the bottle and the external air. Fig. 35. If some of the mixture be introduced into a capped jar, provided with a piece of caoutchouc tubing, and a small glass tube, and pressed down in a trough of water, soap-bubbles may be inflated with it, which will ascend rapidly in the air, and ex- plode violently when touched with a flame (fig. 35). SYNTHESIS OF WATER. 33 p Fig. 36. 31. In order to demonstrate the production of water in the explosion, the Caven- dish eudiometer* (fig. 36) is employed. This is a strong glass vessel, with a stopper firmly secured by a clamp (A), and provided with two platinum wires (P), which pass through the stopper, and approach very near to each other within the eudiometer, so that the electric spark may easily be passed between them. By screwing the stop-cock B into the plate of an air-pump, the eudiometer may be exhausted. It is then screwed on to the jar represented in fig. 37, which contains a mixture of two measures of hydro- gen with one measure of oxygen, standing over water. On opening the stop-cocks between the two vessels the eudiometer becomes filled with the mix- ture, and the quantity which has entered is indicated by the rise of the water in the jar. The glass stop- cock C having been closed, to prevent the brass cap from being forced oif by the explosion, the eudio- meter is again screwed on to its foot, and an electric spark passed between the platinum wires, either trom a Leyden jar or an induction coil, when the two gases will combine with a vivid flash of light, attended with a very slight concussion, since there is no col- lision with the external air. For an instant a mist is perceived within the eudiometer, which condenses into fine drops of dew, consisting of the water formed by the combination of the gases, which was here induced by the high tem- perature of the electric spark, as it was in the former experiment by the high temperature of the flame. If the gases have been mixed in the exact proportion of two measures of hydrogen to one measure of oxygen, the eudiometer will now be again vacuous, and if it be screwed on to the capped jar, may be filled a second time with the mixture, which may be exploded in the same manner. The entire disappearance of the gases may be rendered obvious to the eye by exploding the mixture over mercury. For this purpose the mixed gases should be collected from water itself, which is strongly acidified with sulphuric acid, and decomposed in the voltameter (A, fig. Fig. 37. by the aid of five or six cells of Grove's battery. The voltameter contains two platinum plates (B), attached to the platinum wires and D, which are connected with the opposite poles of the battery. The first few bubbles of the mixture of hydrogen and oxygen evolved having been allowed to escape, in order to displace the Fig, 38. - -Detonating gas collected from voltameter. * So named from ev8io trations. Carbonic acid may be poured from some distance upon a candle, and will extin- guish it at once. A large torch of blazing tow may be plunged beneath the surface of the carbonic acid in the jar, fig. 60. Carbonic acid may be raised in a glass bucket (fig. 62) from a large jar, and poured into another jar the air in which has been previously tested with a taper. A wire stand with several tapers fixed at different levels may be placed in the jar- A, fig. 63, and car- bonic acid gradually admitted through a flexible tube connected with the neck of the jar, from the cistern B, a hole in the cover of which allows air to enter it as the gas flows out ; the flame of each taper will gradually expire as the surface of the car- bonic acid rises in the jar. A jar of oxygen may be placed over a jar of car- bonic acid, as shown in fig. 15, and a taper let down through the oxygen, in which it will burn bril- liantly, into the carbonic acid, which extinguishes it, and if it be quickly raised again into the oxygen, it will rekindle with a slight detonation. This al- ternate extinction and rekindling may be repeated several times. On account of this extinguishing power of carbonic acid, a taper cannot continue to burn Pig. 63. in a confined portion of air until it has ex- hausted the oxygen, but only until its combustion has produced a suffi- cient quantity of carbonic acid to extinguish the flame. To demonstrate this, advantage may be taken of the circumstance that phos- phorus will continue to burn in spite of the presence of carbonic acid. Upon the stand A (fig. 64) a small piece of phosphorus is placed, and a taper is attached * All gases which take no part in combustion may extinguish flame, even in the presence of air, by absorbing heat and reducing the temperature below the burning- point. E2 68 EFFECT OF CARBONIC ACID ON ANIMALS. to the stand by a wire. The cork B fits air-tight into the jar, and carries a piepe of copper wire bent so that it may be heated by the flame of the taper. A little water is poured into the plate to prevent the entrance of any fresh air. If the taper be kindled, and the jar placed over it, the flame will soon die out, and on mov- ing the jar so that the hot wire may touch the phos- phorus, its combustion will show that a -considerable amount of oxygen still remains. In the same manner, an animal can breathe a confined portion of air only until he has charged it with so much carbonic acid that the hurtful Fi S 64 - effect of this gas begins to be felt, a considerable quantity of oxygen still remaining. If the air contained in the jar A (fig. 65) standing over water be breathed two or three times through the tube B, a painful sense of oppression will soon be felt in consequence of the accumulation of car- bonic acid. By immersing a deflagrating spoon C, containing a piece of burning phos- phorus, and having a lighted taper attached, it may be shown that although there is enough carbonic acid to extinguish the taper, the oxygen is not exhausted, for the phosphorus continues to burn rapidly. Carbonic acid is not poisonous when taken into the stomach, but acts most injuriously when breathed, by offering an obstacle to that escape of carbonic acid, by diffusion, from the blood of the venous circulation in the lungs, and its consequent replacement by the oxygen necessary to arterial blood. Any hindrance to this interchange must impede respiration, and such hindrance would, of course, be afforded by carbonic acid present in the air inhaled, in proportion to its quantity. The difference in constitution and temperament in individuals, makes it impossible that any exact general rule should be laid down as to the precise quantity of carbonic acid which may be present in air without injury to respiration, but it may be safely asserted that it is not advisable to breathe for any length of time in air containing more than xoVo^h (O'l P er cen t.) of its volume of car- bonic acid. There appears to be no immediate danger, however, until the carbonic acid amounts to ^o-th (0*5 per cent.), when most persons are attacked by the languor and headache attending the action of this gas. A larger pro- portion of carbonic acid produces insensibility, and air containing T Vth of its volume of carbonic acid causes suffocation. The danger in entering old wells, cellars, and other confined places, is due to the accumulation of this gas, either exhaled from the earth or produced by decay of organic matter. The ordinary test applied to such confined air by introducing a candle is only to be depended upon if the candle burns as brightly in the confined space as in the external air ; should the flame become at all dim, it would be unsafe to enter, for experience has shown that combustion may continue for some time in an atmosphere dangerously charged with carbonic acid. Fig. 65. PRINCIPLES OF VENTILATION. 69 The accidents from choke damp and after damp in coal mines, and from the accumulation in brewers' and distillers' vats of the carbonic acid resulting from fermentation, are also examples of the fatal effect of this gas. The air issuing from the lungs of a man at each expiration contains from 3 '5 to 4 volumes of carbonic acid in 100 volumes of air, and could not, therefore, be breathed again without danger. The total amount of car- bonic acid evolved by the lungs and skin amounts to about 0'7 cubic foot per hour. In order that it may be breathed again without inconvenience this should be distributed through 140 cubic feet of fresh air, or a space measuring 5 *2 feet each way. Hence the necessity for a constant supply of fresh air by ventilation, to dilute the carbonic acid to such an extent that it may cease to impede respiration. This becomes the more necessary where an additional quantity of carbonic acid is supplied by candles or gas-lights. Two ordinary gas-burners, each consuming three cubic feet of gas per hour, will produce as much carbonic acid as one man. Fortunately, a natural provision for ventilation exists in the circumstance that the processes of respiration and combustion, which contaminate the air, also raise its temperature, thus diminishing its specific gravity by expansion, and causing it to ascend and give place to fresh air. Hence the vitiated air always accumulates near the ceiling of an apartment, and it becomes necessary to afford it an outlet by opening the upper sash of the window, since the chimney ven- tilates immediately only the lower part of the room. These principles may be illustrated by some very simple experiments. Two quart jars (fig. 66) are filled with carbonic acid, and after being tested with a taper, a 4 oz. flask is lowered into each, one flask containing cold and the other hot water. After a few minutes, the jar with the cold flask will still contain enough carbonic acid to extinguish the taper, whilst the air in the other jar will support combustion brilliantly. A tall stoppered glass jar (fig. 67) is placed over a stand, upon which three lighted tapers are fixed at different heights. The vitiated air, rising to the top of the jar, will extinguish the uppermost taper first, and the others in succession. By quickly removing the stopper and raising the jar a little before the lowest taper has expired, the jar will be ventilated and the taper revived. A similar jar (fig. 68), with a glass chimney fixed into the neck through a cork or piece of vulcanised tubing, is placed over a stand with two tapers, one of which is near the top of the jar, and the other beneath the aperture of the chimney ; if a crevice for the entrance of air be left between the jar and the table, the lower taper will continue to burn indefinitely, whilst the upper one will soon be extinguished by the carbonic acid accumulating around it. , Fig. 66. Fig. 67. In ordinary apartments, the incidental crevices of the doors and windows are depended upon for the entrance of fresh air, whilst the contaminated air passes out by the chimney, but in large buildings special provision must be made for the two air currents. -In mines this becomes the more 70 PRINCIPLES OF VENTILATION. necessary, since the air receives much additional contamination by the gases (marsh-gas and carbonic acid) evolved from the workings, and by the smoke occasioned in blasting with gunpowder. Mines are generally provided with two shafts for ventilation, under one of which (the upcast shaft) a fire is maintained to produce the upward current, which carries off the foul air, whilst the fresh air descends by the other (downcast shaft). The cur- rent of fresh air is forced by wooden partitions to divide itself, and pass through every portion of the workings. The operation of such provisions for ventilation is easily exhibited. A tall jar (fig. 69) is fitted with a ring of cork, carrying a wide glass chimney (A). If this be placed over a taper Fig. 68. standing in a plate of water, the accumulation of vitiated air will soon extinguish the taper ; but if a second chimney (B), supported in a wire ring, be placed within the wide chimney, fresh air will enter through the interval between the two, and the smoke from a piece of brown paper will demonstrate the existence of the two currents, as shown by the arrows. A small box (fig. 70) is provided with a glass chimney at each end. In one of these (B), representing the upcast shaft, a lighted taper is suspended. A piece of smoking brown paper may be held in each chimney to show the direction of the current. On closing A with a glass plate, the taper in B will be extinguished, the entrance of fresh air being prevented. By breathing gently into A the taper will also be extinguished. The experiment may be varied by pouring carbonic acid and oxygen alternately into A, when the taper will be extinguished and rekindled by turns. A pint bell-jar (fig. 71) is placed over a taper standing in a tray of water. If a chimney (a common lamp-glass) be placed on the top of the jar, the flame of the taper will gradually die out, because no provision exists for the establishment of the two currents, but on dropping a piece of tin-plate or card-board into the chimney, so as to divide it, the taper will be revived, and the smoke from the brown paper will distinguish the upcast from the F 'g- 69 - downcast shaft. If a little water be poured into a wide-mouthed bottle of carbonic acid, and the bottle be then firmly closed by the palm of the hand, it will be found, on shaking the bottle violently, that the carbonic acid is absorbed, and the palm of the hand is sucked into the bottle. The pre- sence of carbonic acid in the solution may be proved by pouring it into lime-water, in which it will produce a precipitate of carbonate of lime, re- dissolved by a further addition of the solution of carbonic acid. One pint of water shaken in a vessel containing carbonic acid gas, at the ordinary pressure of the atmosphere, will dissolve about one pint of the gas, equal in weight to nearly 1 6 grains. If the carbonic acid be confined in the vessel under a pressure equal to twice or thrice that of the atmo- Fig. 70. SODA-WATER SPARKLING DRINKS. 71 sphere that is, if twice or thrice the quantity of carbonic acid be com- pressed into the same space, the water will still dissolve one pint of the gas, but the weight of this pint will now be twice or thrice that of the pint of uncompressed gas, so that the water will have dissolved 32 or 48 grains of the gas, accordingly as the pressure had been doubled or trebled. As soon, however, as the pressure is removed, the compressed carbonic acid will resume its former state, with the exception of that portion which the water is capable of retaining in solution under the ordinary pressure of the atmosphere. Thus, if the water had been charged with carbonic acid under a pressure equal to thrice that of the atmosphere, and had therefore absorbed 48 grains of the gas, it would only retain 1 6 grains when the pressure was taken off, allowing 32 grains to escape in minute bubbles, producing the appearance known as effervescence. This affords an explanation of the properties of soda-water, which is prepared by charging water with carbonic acid gas under considerable pressure, and rapidly confining it in strong bottles. As soon as the resistance offered by the cork to the expansion of the gas is removed, the excess of the carbonic acid, above that which it can hold in solution at the ordinary pressure of the air, escapes with effervescence. In a similar manner, the waters of certain springs become charged with carbonic acid, under high pressure, beneath the surface of the earth, and when, upon their rising to the surface, this pressure is removed, the excess of carbonic acid escapes with effervescence, giving rise to the sparkling appearance and sharp flavour which renders spring water so agreeable. On the other hand, the waters of lakes and rivers are usually flat and insipid, because they hold in solution so small a quantity of uncombined carbonic acid. The sparkling character of champagne, bottled beer, &c., is due to the presence in these liquids of a quantity of carbonic acid which has been generated by fermentation, subsequent to bottling, and has therefore been retained in the liquid under pressure. In the case of Seidlitz powders and soda-water powders, the effervescence caused by dissolving them in water is due to the disengagement of carbonic acid, caused by the action of the tartaric acid, which composes one of the powders, upon the bicarbonate of soda, producing tartrate of soda and carbonic acid gas. In the dry state these powders may be mixed without any chemical change, but the addition of water immediately causes the effer- vescence. The solubility of carbonic acid in water is of great importance in the chemistry of nature; for this acid, brought down from the atmosphere dissolved in rain, is able to act chemically upon rocks, such as granite, which contain alkalies the carbonic acid combining with these, and thus slowly disintegrating or crumbling down the rock, an effect much assisted by the mechanical action of the expansion of freezing water in the inter- stices of the rock. It appears that soils are thus formed by the slow degradation of rocks, and when these soils are capable of supporting plants, the solution of carbonic acid is again of service, not only as a direct food, by providing the plant with carbon through its roots, but as a solvent for certain portions of the mineral food of the plant (such as 72 LIQUEFACTION OF CARBONIC ACID. phosphate of lime), which pure water could not dissolve, and which the plant cannot take up except in the dissolved state. 57. Although carbonic acid retains its state of gas under all tempera- tures and pressures to which it is commonly exposed, it is capable of assuming the liquid and even the solid state. When exposed to a pressure of 38'5 atmospheres (577'5 Ibs, upon the square inch) at 32 F., carbonic acid condenses to a colourless liquid of sp. gr. 0-83 (water = 1), and at a temperature of 70 F. (70 below the zero, or 102 below the freezing point, F.), becomes a transparent mass of solid carbonic acid resembling ice. A small specimen of liquid carbonic acid is easily prepared. A strong tube of green glass (A, fig. 72) is selected, about 12 inches long, & inch diameter in the bore, and T ^ inch thick in the A walls. With the aid of the j. fi blowpipe flame this tube is softened and drawn oif at about an inch from one end, |T^^>sC' m as at B, which is thus closed (C). This operation should be performed slowly, in order c! <^ I^^Z^^^I^^II IZl that the closed end may not be much thinner than the walls of the tube. When the tube has cooled, between 30 and 40 grs. of powdered bi- carbonate of ammonia (ordi- nary sesquicarbonate which has crumbled down) are tightly rammed into it with a glass rod. This part of the tube is then surrounded with a few folds of wet blotting- paper to keep it cool, and the tube is bent, just beyond the carbonate of ammonia, to a somewhat obtuse angle (D). Fig. 72. The tube is then softened at about an inch from the open end, and drawn out to a narrow neck (E), through which a measured drachm of oil of vitriol is poured down a funnel-tube, so as not to soil the neck, which is then carefully drawn out and sealed by the blowpipe flame, as at F. The empty space in the tube should not exceed cubic inch. When the tube is thoroughly cold, it is suspended by strings in such a position that the operator, having retired behind a screen at some distance, may reverse the tube, allowing the acid to flow into the limb containing the carbonate of ammonia ; or the tube may be fixed in a box which is shut up, and reversed so as to bring the tube into the required position. If the tube be strong enough to resist the pressure, it will be found, after a few hours, that a layer of liquid carbonic acid has been formed upon the surface of the solution of sulphate of ammonia. By cooling the empty limb in a mixture of pounded ice and salt, or of hydrochloric acid and sulphate of soda, the liquid acid can be made to distil itself over intd this limb, leaving the sulphate of ammonia in the other. On a larger scale the gas is liquefied in iron vessels. The liquid carbonic acid is employed for illustrating the laws of heat. When a jet of the liquid is allowed to escape into the air, the evaporation of one portion absorbs enough heat to soli- dify the remainder, which becomes a snow-like mass, evaporating rapidly when exposed to air, with production of intense cold. A mixture of the solid carbonic acid with ether forms one of the most powerful frigorific mixtures, and has rendered great service in the liquefaction and solidification of gases. 58. Carbonic acid may be separated from most other gases by the ANALYSIS OF ORGANIC SUBSTANCES. 73 action of hydrate of potash, which absorbs it, forming carbonate of potash. The proportion of carbonic acid is inferred either from the diminution in volume suffered by the gas when treated with potash, or from the increase of weight of the latter. In the former case the gas is carefully measured over mercury (fig. 73). with due attention to temperature and barometric pressure, and a little concentrated solution of potash is thrown up through a curved pipette or syringe, introduced into the orifice of the tuhe beneath the surface of the mercury. The tube is gently shaken for a few seconds to promote the absorp- tion of the gas, and, after a few minutes' rest, the diminution of volume is read off. Instead of solution of potash, damp hydrate of potash in the solid state is sometimes introduced, in the form of small sticks or balls attached to a wire. To determine the weight of carbonic acid in a gaseous mixture, the latter is passed through a bulb-apparatus (C, fig. 74), containing a strong solution of po- tash, and weighed before and after the passage of the gas. When the propor- tion of carbonic acid in the gas is small, it is usual to attach to the bulb-appara- tus a little tube, containing solid hydrate of potash, or chloride of calcium, or pumice-stone moistened with sulphuric Fig. 73. acid, for the purpose of retaining any vapour of water which the large volume of unabsorbed gas might carry away in passing through the solution of potash. 59. Ultimate organic analysis. It is necessary to determine in this manner the weight of carbonic acid, in order to ascertain the proportion of carbon present in organic substances. For this purpose, an accurately weighed quantity (usually from seven to ten grains) of the organic substance is very carefully mixed with some compound from which it can obtain oxygen at a high temperature, such as oxide of copper (CuO) or chromate of lead (PbO . CrO,,), care being taken to employ a large excess of the oxidising agent. The mixture is introduced into a combustion-tube of German glass (which is free from lead and noted for its infusibility) of the form shown in A, fig. 74. This tube is provided with a small tube B, Fig. 74. Apparatus for organic analysis. containing chloride of calcium, which is connected by a tube of caoutchouc with the potash-bulbs C. On gradually heating the tube in a charcoal 74 CALCULATION OF FORMULA. furnace, or over a properly constructed gas-burner, the hydrogen and carbon contained in the organic substance are converted, respectively, into water and carbonic acid, by the oxygen derived from the chromate of lead or oxide of copper. The water is absorbed by the chloride of calcium in B, and the increase of weight in this tube will indicate the quantity of water formed in the combustion, whilst that of the potash bulbs will show the weight of the carbonic acid. When the whole length of the tube is red hot, and no more gas passes through the bulbs, the sealed point D of the tube is broken off, and air drawn through by applying suction at E, in order to sweep out the last traces of water and carbonic acid into the chloride of calcium and potash. Sometimes the organic substance is heated in a little platinum tray, placed within a glass tube, through which a stream of pure oxygen is passed, the products of combustion being afterwards made to pass over red-hot oxide of copper, to convert any carbonic oxide into car- bonic acid, and collected for weighing as before. When the organic substance contains carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, the weight of this last is inferred by subtracting the weights of the carbon and hydrogen from that of the substance. As an example of the ultimate analysis of an organic substance, the results of an analysis of oxalic acid are here given 10 grs. of oxalic acid, dried at 212 F., gave 9-78 grs. of carbonic acid and 2 '00 grs of water. C0 2 C C0 2 22 : 6 : : 9'78 : x x = 2'Q7 grs. of carbon in 10 grs. of oxalic acid. HO H HO 9:1:: 2'00 : y y - 0*22 gr. of hydrogen in 10 grs. of oxalic acid. It having been ascertained by preliminary experiments that oxalic acid contains only carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, 10 (oxalic acid) minus 2 '89 (carbon and hydrogen) = 7*11 grs. of oxygen in 10 grs. of oxalic acid. It appears, therefore, that 10 grs. of oxalic acid contain .2-67 carbon, 0'22 hydrogen, and 7-11 oxygen. Empirical and rational formulae. In order to deduce from these numbers the chemical formula for oxalic acid, that is, the formula express- ing the number of combining weights of each element, it will be necessary, of course, to divide the weight of each element by the number represent- ing its combining weight in the table at p. 2. 2*67 Thus = 0*44 of a combining weight of carbon ; 6 <^? =0-22 hydrogen; 7-11 -- - 0-88 oxygen. CARBONATES. 75 And the formula of oxalic acid might be written C44H.220.8s. But as fractions are not admissible in such a formula, it would be written C 44 H2 2 88 . This, however, is only an empirical formula for oxalic acid, that is, a formula which represents its composition only, without reference to its constitution, i.e., to the absolute number of combining weights pre- sent, and to the mode in which they are grouped or arranged within the compound. A formula professing to give such information would be termed a rational formula, and can only be arrived at by the careful study of the relation of the substance under examination to others of which the combining weights are certainly known. Thus, it is found that one com- bining weight (47 parts) of potash requires 45 parts of dry oxalic acid to neutralise it and form the oxalate of potash. Hence it is reasonable to regard 45 as the combining weight of dry oxalic acid. Since the above analysis has proved this quantity of oxalic acid to contain 12 (two com- bining weights) of carbon, 1 (one combining weight) of hydrogen, and 32 (four combining weights) of oxygen, the formula would be written C 2 H0 4 . In determining whether this formula represents only one group- ing of the elements, or whether it contains two or more groups in com- bination, the chemist is guided by the results of a more minute study of the decompositions which the compound undergoes under varied con- ditions. 60. Salts formed by carbonic acid. Although so ready to combine with the alkalies and alkaline earths (as shown in its absorption by solution of potash and by lime-water), carbonic acid must be classed among the weaker acids. It does not neutralise the alkalies completely, and it may be displaced from its combinations with bases by most other acids. Its action upon the colouring matter of litmus is feeble and transient. If a solution of carbonic acid in water be added to blue infusion of litmus, a wine-red liquid is produced, which becomes blue again when boiled, losing its carbonic acid; whilst litmus reddened by sulphuric, hydrochloric, or nitric acid, acquires a brighter red colour, which is permanent on boiling. With each of the alkalies carbonic acid forms two well-defined salts, the carbonate and bicarbonate. Thus, the carbonates of potash and soda are represented by the formulae, KO . C0 2 and NaO . C0 2 , whilst the bicar- bonates are KO . HO . 2C0 2 and NaO . HO . 2C0 2 . The existence of the latter salts would favour the belief in the existence of a hydrate of carbonic acid (HO . C0 2 ), when they would become KO . C0 2 , HO . C0 2 and NaO . C0 2 , HO . C0 2 , although no such combination of water with carbonic acid has yet been obtained in the separate state. Perfectly dry carbonic acid gas is not absorbed by pure quicklime (CaO), but when a little water is added combination at once takes place. This supports the view entertained by some chemists, that C0 2 is not an acid until it is associated with water, and they therefore speak of it as carbonic anhydride, reserving the name carbonic acid for the as yet undiscovered compound HO . C0 2 (or HC0 3 ). The following are some of the principal carbonates which are found in nature or employed in the arts : 76 CARBONIC OXIDE. Chemical Name. Common Name. Equivalent Formula. Atomic Unitary Formula. Carbonate of pot- ash | Potashes, pearl-ash KO ; co 2 K 2 ee s Bicarbonate of 1 KO . HO . 2C0 2 T?*TT /11+A IV 11 . V>Wo potash a Carbonate of soda f Alkali V ( Washing soda f NaO . C0 2 Na 2 ee 3 Bicarbonate of so,da . . . . , Carbonate of soda NaO . HO . 2C0 2 NaHe0 3 '. Smelling salts Sesquicarbonate of ammonia Preston salts Carbonate of am- 2NH 3 .2H0.3C0 2 2[(H 4 N) 2 eo 3 ]ee 2 monia Carbonate of lime ; .<, v $ Limestone, chalk 1 ( Marble J CaO . C0 2 e a eo 3 Basic carbonate of magnesia | Magnesia alba \ Magnesia 3'(MgO,C0 2 ), MgO . HO. J3Mgee 3 .M g H 2 o 2 Carbonate cf iron > Spathic iron ore FeO . C0 2 Fe0 3 Carbonate of Calamine ZnO . C0 2 ZnOO zinc I Basic carbonats of copper | Malachite CuO . C0 2 , CuO . HO ) "Gllw . HgO . v7llLO^ Basic carbonate of lead 1 White lead 2(PbO.C0 2 ), PbO.HO }2Pbee 3 .Pbe.H 2 e Double carbon- f Dolomite } ate of lime and magnesia < Magnesian lime- V 1 stone J CaO . MgO . 2C0 2 MgOa 2O 3 61. Analytical proof of the composition of carbonic acid. Lavoisier appears to have been the first to prove that carbonic acid was formed when carbon combined with oxygen, but its composition was first analytically demonstrated by Smithson Ten- nant, who heated carbonate of lime with phosphorus in a sealed glass tube, and obtained phosphate of lime and carbon, the latter having parted with its oxygen to convert the phosphorus into phosphoric acid. A far easier method of demonstrating the composition of carbonic acid consists in introducing a pellet of potassium into a bulb tube, through which a current of car- bonic acid (dried by passing through oil of vitriol, or over chloride of calcium) is flowing, and applying the heat of a spirit-lamp to the bulb ; the metal will soon burn in the gas, which it robs of its oxygen, leaving the carbon as a black mass upon the bulb (fig. 75). The potash produced by the oxidation of the potassium enters into combination with another portion of the carbonic acid, forming a white mass of carbonate of potash, 3C0 2 + K 2 = 2(KO . C0 2 ) + C. If slices of sodium be ar- ranged in a test-tube in alternate layers with dried chalk (carbonate of lime), and strongly heated with a spirit-lamp, vivid combustion will ensue, and much carbon will be separated (CaO . C0 2 + Na 2 = CaO + 2NaO + C). 62. CAEBONIC OXIDE. Other metals, however, which are not endowed with so powerful an attraction for oxygen, do not cany the decomposition of carbonic acid to its final limit ; thus, iron and zinc* at a high tempera- ture will only deprive the gas of one-half of its oxygen, a result which may also be brought about at a red heat by carbon itself. If an iron tube filled with fragments of charcoal be heated to redness in a furnace (fig. 22), and carbonic acid gas be transmitted through it, it will be found, on collecting the gas which issues from the other extremity of the tube, that it has no Magnesium also reduces carbonic acid to carbonic oxide. CAEBONIC OXIDE IN FIRES AND FURNACES. 77 longer the properties of carbonic acid, but that, oil the approach of a taper, it takes fire, and burns with a beautiful blue lambent flame, similar to that which is often observed to play over the surface of a clear fire. Both flames, in fact, are due to the same gas, and in both cases this gas results Fig. 75 from the same chemical change, for in the tube the carbonic acid yields half of its oxygen to the charcoal, both becoming converted into carbonic oxide ;C0 2 + C = 2CO. In the fire, the carbonic acid is formed by the combustion of the carbon of the fuel in the oxygen of the air entering at the bottom of the grate ; and this carbonic acid, in passing over the layer of heated carbon in the upper part of the fire, is partly converted into carbonic oxide, which inflames when it meets with the oxygen in the air above the surface of the fuel, and burns with its characteristic blue flame, reproducing carbonic acid. The carbonic oxide occupies twice the volume of the carbonic acid from which it was produced. This conversion of carbonic acid into carbonic oxide is of great import- ance on account of its extensive application in metallurgic operations. It is often desirable, for instance, that a flame should be made to play over the surface of an ore placed on the bed or hearth of a reverberatory fur- nace (fig. 76). This object is easily attained when the coal affords a large Fig. 76. Reverberatory furnace for copper smelting. quantity of inflammable gas ; but with anthracite coal, which burns with very little flame, and is frequently employed in such furnaces, it is neces- sary to pile a high column of coal upon the grate, so that the carbonic 78 ILLUMINATING GAS FROM STEAM. acid formed beneath may be converted into carbonic oxide in passing over the heated coal above, and when this gas reaches the hearth of the fur- nace, into which air is admitted, it burns with a flame which spreads over the surface of the ore. The attraction of carbonic oxide for oxygen is turned to account in removing that element from combination with iron in its ores, as will be seen hereafter. Carbonic oxide is a gas of so poisonous a character that, according to Leblanc, one volume of it diffused through 100 volumes of air totally unfits it to sustain life; and it appears that the lamentable accidents which too frequently occur from burning charcoal or coke in braziers and chafing-dishes in close rooms, result from the poisonous effects of the small quantity of carbonic oxide which is produced and escapes combustion, since the amount of carbonic acid thus diffused through the air is not sufficient in many cases to account for the fatal result. 63. The knowledge of this poisonous character of carbonic oxide gave rise, a few years since, to considerable apprehension when it was proposed to employ this gas in Paris for purposes of illumination. The character of the flame of carbonic oxide would appear to afford little promise of its utility as an illuminating agent ; but that it is possible so to employ it is easily demonstrated, by kindling a jet of the gas which has been passed through a wide tube containing a little cotton moistened with rectified coal naphtha (benzole), when it will be found to burn with a very luminous flame. The carbonic oxide destined to be employed for illuminating pur- poses was prepared by passing steam over red-hot coke or charcoal, when a highly-inflammable gas was obtained, containing carbonic acid, carbonic oxide, and hydrogen 4HO + C 3 - C0 2 + 2CO + H 4 Since neither hydrogen nor carbonic oxide burns with a luminous flame, this gas was next passed into a vessel containing red-hot coke, over which melted resin was allowed to trickle. The action of heat upon the resin gave rise to the production of vapours similar to that of the benzole em- ployed in the above experiment, and which, in like manner, conferred considerable illuminating power upon the gas. The decomposition of steam by red-hot carbon is also taken advantage of in order to procure a flame from anthracite coal when employed for heating boilers. The coal being burnt on fish-bellied bars, beneath which a quantity of water is placed, the radiated heat converts the water into steam, which is carried by the draught into the fire, where it furnishes carbonic oxide and hydrogen, both capable of burning with flame under the bottom of the boiler. The temperature of the bars is also thus reduced, so that they are not so much injured by the intense heat of the glowing fuel. 64. Carbonic oxide, unlike carbonic acid, is a permanent gas, and nearly insoluble in water. It is even lighter than air, its specific gravity being 0-967. In its chemical relations it is an indifferent oxide, that is, it has neither acid nor basic properties. 65. A very instructive process for obtaining carbonic oxide, consists in heating crystallised oxalic acid with three times its weight of oil of vitriol. If the gas be collected over water (fig. 77), and one of the jars be shaken with a little lime- PREPARATION OF CARBONIC OXIDE. 79 water, the milkiness imparted to the latter will indicate abundance of car- bonic acid ; whilst, on removing the glass plate, and applying a light, the carbonic oxide will burn with its characteristic blue flame. The gas thus obtained is a mixture of equal volumes of carbonic oxide and carbonic acid gases. Crystallised oxalic acid is represented by the for- mula C 2 H0 4 . 2Aq., and if the water of crystallisation be left out of consideration, its decom- position may be represented by the equation C 2 H0 4 = HO + CO + C0 2 , ^^f- *^sr, the change being determined by Fi 77 _ the attraction of the oil of vitriol for water. To obtain pure carbonic oxide, the mixture of gases must be passed through a bottle containing solution of potash, to absorb the carbonic acid (fig. 78). But pure carbonic oxide is much more easily obtained by the action of four parts of oil of vitriol upon one part of crystallised ferrocyanide of potassium (yellow prus- Fig. 78. Preparation of carbonic oxide. siate ot potash) at a moderate heat, the lamp being removed as soon as the effer- vescence begins to take place. Since the gas contains, especially at the corfimence- ment, small incidental quantities of sulphurous and carbonic acids, it must be passed through solution of potash if it be required perfectly pure. The chemical change which occurs in this process is expressed thus : 6(HO.S0 3 ) = 6CO K 2 C 6 N s Fe + 6HO Fei-rocyanide of potassium. + 3(NH 3 . HO . S0 3 ) Sulphate of ammonia. 2(KO.S0 3 ) Sulphate of potash. f FeO.S0 3 Sulphate of iron. 66. To demonstrate the production of carbonic acid during the combustion of carbonic oxide, a jar of the gas is closed with a glass plate, and after placing it upon the table, the plate is slipped aside and a little lime-water quickly poured into the jar. On shaking, no milkiness indicative of carbonic acid should be perceived. The plate is then removed, and the gas kindled. On replacing the plate and shaking the jar, an abundant precipitation of carbonate of lime will take place. 80 HYPOTHETICAL CARBON VAPOUR. "When carbonic oxide is passed through a red-hot porcelain tube, a portion of it is decomposed into carbonic acid and carbon ; and when the experiment is conducted without special arrangements, the carbonic oxide is reproduced as the temperature of the gas falls. But by passing through the centre of the porcelain tube a brass tube, through which cold water is kept running, the decomposition has been demon- strated by the deposition of carbon upon the cooled tube, and by collecting the car- bonic acid formed. Carbonic acid is also decomposed by intense heat into carbonic oxide and oxygen ; but if these gases be allowed to cool down slowly in contact, they recombine. The gas drawn from the hottest region of a blast-furnace (see IRON), and rapidly cooled, so as to prevent recombination, was found to contain both carbonic oxide and oxygen. By passing a pellet of phosphorus up into carbonic acid, over mercury, in a eudiometer, and passing electric sparks for some days, the gas has been entirely decomposed, an equal volume of carbonic oxide being left. The reducing action of carbonic oxide upon metallic oxides, at high temperatures, may be illustrated by passing the pure gas from a bag or gas-holder (A, fig. 79), first through a bottle of lime-water (B) to prove the absence of carbonic acid, then over Fig. 79. Reduction of oxide of copper by carbonic oxide. oxide of copper, contained in the tube C, and afterwards again through lime-water in D. When enough gas has been passed to expel the air, heat may be applied to the tube by the gauze-burner E, when the formation of carbonic acid will be im- mediately shown by the second portion of lime-water, and the black oxide of copper will be reduced to red metallic copper. If precipitated peroxide of iron be substituted for oxide of copper, iron in the state of black powder will be left, and if allowed to cool in the stream of gas, will take fire when it is shaken out into the air, becoming reconverted into the peroxide (iron pyrophorus). 67. Composition by volume of carbonic oxide and carbonic acid. When carbon burns in oxygen, the volume of the carbonic acid produced is exactly equal to that of the oxygen, so that one volume of oxygen fur- nishes one volume of carbonic acid gas. If from the weight of one volume (specific gravity] of carbonic acid (1 '529) there be deducted the weight (1 - 105) of one volume of oxygen, the remainder (424) will represent the weight of carbon contained in one volume of carbonic acid ; and if it be assumed that this carbon, were it possible to convert it into vapour, would occupy a volume equal to that of the oxygen (one volume), the number -424 would represent the specific gravity of the hypothetical vapour of carbon, and one volume of carbonic acid would be regarded as containing one volume of carbon vapour, com- bined with one volume of oxygen. COMBINING WEIGHT OF CARBONIC ACID. 81 When one volume of carbonic acid (containing one volume of oxygen) is passed over heated carbon, it yields two volumes of carbonic oxide ; hence two volumes of this gas contain one volume of oxygen. The weight of one volume (specific gravity) of carbonic oxide is - 967, and the weight of two volumes, therefore, . 1*934 Deduct from this the weight of one volume of oxygen, 1*105 And the remainder, . '829 represents the weight of carbon contained in two volumes of carbonic oxide. It was calculated above that '424 expressed the weight of one volume of carbon vapour, hence, allowing for errors in determining the specific gravities of the gases, '829 may be taken to represent two volumes of carbon vapour, and carbonic oxide to contain, in two volumes, one volume of oxygen, combined with two volumes of the imaginary vapour of carbon. This calculation is much simplified if hydrogen be made the unit of specific gravity, instead of atmospheric air : Specific gravity (to H) of C0 ? , i.e., weight of one volume, . 22 Specific gravity (to H), or weight of one volume, of 0, . . 16 Weight of carbon in one volume of C0 2 , or assumed specific gravity (to H) of carbon vapour, Specific gravity (to H), or weight of one volume, of CO, 14 Weight of two volumes of CO, . '. . . ^J- 28 one volume of O, . . ' . . > V . . : . 16 Weight of carbon in two volumes of CO, or assumed ) -.^ weight of two volumes of carbon vapour, . . J 68. Combining weight of carbonic acid. It will be remembered that in the decomposition of water by potassium (p. 23), 39 grs. of that metal displaced 1 gr. of hydrogen, combining with the 8 grs. of oxygen to form 47 grs. of potash (KO), whence 39 was termed the equivalent (to one of hydrogen) or combining weight of potassium, and 47 would represent the combining weight of potash. These 47 grs. of potash are found by ex- periment to combine with 22 grs. of carbonic acid, so that the number 22 may be taken for the combining weight of that acid.* Since it has been ascertained that in 22 parts of carbonic acid there are 6 parts of carbon, united with 16 of oxygen, and that, in carbonic oxide, the 6 parts of carbon are united with 8 parts of oxygen, the number 6 may be taken to represent the combining weight of carbon, or the weight equivalent to one of hydrogen. If 8 parts by weight of oxygen be represented as occupying one volume (see p. 36), then the 11 parts of carbonic acid furnished by it would also occupy one volume, and one equivalent (22 parts) of carbonic acid would occupy two volumes, and would contain two volumes of imaginary carbon vapour, and two volumes of oxygen. * It is true that 47 grs. of potash may also combine with 44 grs. of carbonic acid (simul- taneously, however, with 9 grs. of water), but the compound (bicarbonate of potash) thus formed so easily loses one-half of its carbonic acid, that it is more natural to regard it as containing two combining weights of the acid. 82 COMPOUNDS OF CARBON AND HYDKOGEN. The following table would then represent the equivalents and composi- tion of carbonic oxide and carbonic acid : 4 Is By Weight. 1 3 By Volume. & I P C F, Carbonic oxide, CO 14 6 8 2 2 1 Carbonic acid, C0 2 22 6 16 2 2 2 69. The atomic weight (see p. 36) of carbon is generally assumed to be 1 2, though, in consequence of the impossibility of determining the weight of one volume of carbon vapour by experiment, the chemist is compelled to surrender himself in this matter to the guidance of analogy and purely theoretical considerations. The molecular formula? of carbonic oxide and carbonic acid would then become 1| N ' By Weight 11 By Volume. si sg ^ C 32 - C Carbonic oxide, 60 28 12 16 2 1 1 Carbonic acid, 2 44 12 32 2 1 2 COMPOUNDS OF CARBON AND HYDROGEN. 70. No two elements are capable of occurring in so many different forms of combination as carbon and hydrogen. The hydrocarbons, as their compounds are generally designated, include most of the inflammable gases which are commonly met with, and a great number of the essential oils, naphthas, and other useful substances. There is reason to believe that all these bodies, even such as are found in the mineral kingdom, have been originally derived from vegetable sources, and their history belongs, therefore, to the department of organic chemistry. The three simplest examples of such compounds will, however, be brought forward in this place, to afford a general insight into the mutual relations of these two important elements. Their names and composition are Equivalent Formulae.* Parts by Weight. C H Acetylene, . C 4 H 2 24 2 Marsh-gas, . CA 12 4 Olefiant gas, CA 24 4 * The reasons why these formulae should not be written respectively C 2 H, CH 2 , and PREPARATION OF ACETYLENE. 83 71. Acetylene.* When very intensely heated, carbon is capable of combining with hydrogen to form acetylene. The requisite heat is pro- cured by means of a powerful galvanic battery, to the terminal wires of which two pieces of dense carbon are attached, and the voltaic discharge is allowed to take place between them in an atmosphere of hydrogen. The experiment possesses little practical importance, because but little acety- lene is formed in proportion to the force employed, but its theoretical interest is very great, since it is the first step in the production of organic substances by the direct synthesis of mineral elements ; acetylene (C 4 H 2 ) being convertible into olefiant gas (C 4 H 4 ), this last into alcohol (C 4 H 6 2 ), and alcohol into a very large number of organic products. Acetylene is constantly found among the products of the incomplete combustion and destructive distilla- tion of substances rich in carbon, hence it is always present in small quantity in coal-gas, and may be pro- duced in abundance by passing the vapour of ether through a red-hot tube. The character by which acety- lene is most easily recognised is that of producing a fine red precipitate in an ammoniacal solution of cuprous chloride (subchloride of copper). The most convenient process for pre- paring a quantity of this precipitate, is that in which the acetylene is produced by the imperfect combustion taking place when a jet of atmospheric air is allowed to burn in coal-gas. An adapter (A, fig. 80) is connected at its narrow end with the pipe "supply ing coal-gas. The wider opening is closed by a bung with two holes, one of which receives a piece of brass tube (B) about three- quarters of an inch wide and seven inches long, and in the other is inserted a glass tube (C) which conducts the gas to the bottom of a separating funnel (D). The pi g . 80. Preparation of cuprous acetylide. lower opening of the brass tube B is closed with a cork, through which passes the glass tube E connected with a gas-holder or bag containing atmospheric air. To commence the operation, the gas is turned on through the tube F, and when all air is supposed to be expelled, the tube E is with- drawn together with its cork, and a light is applied to the lower opening of the brass tube, the supply of coal-gas being so regulated that it shall burn with a small flame at the end of the tube. A feeble current of air is then allowed to issue from the tube E, which is passed up through the flame into the adapter, where the jet of air continues to burn in the coal-gas, t and may be kept burning for hours with CH, which would, of course, agree equally well with the results of analysis, will appear hereafter. The molecular formulae would be Acetylene, e 2 H 2 = 2 vols. Marsh-gas, H 4 = 2 vols. Olefiant gas, 2 H 4 = 2 vols. where = 12. * Long known as klumene, having been obtained in 1836 by the action of water upon a compound containing carbon and potassium, produced during the preparation of that metal. The name acetylene is derived from the hypothetical radical acetyle (C 4 H 3 ), to which acetylene bears the same relation as ethylene (C 4 H 4 ) does to ethyle (C 4 H 5 ). t It is advisable to attach a piece of thin platinum wire to the mouth of the glass tube, to render the flame of the air more visible. T? 9. 84 CUPROS-ACETYLE ARGENT-ACETYLE. a little attention to the proportions in which the gas and air are supplied. A solu- tion of subchloride of copper in ammonia is poured into the separating funnel through the lateral opening G, so that the imperfectly burnt gas may pass through it when the cuprous acetylide is precipitated in abundance. When a sufficient quantity has been formed, or the copper solution is exhausted, the liquid is run out through the stop-cock (H) on to a filter, and replaced by a fresh portion. The pre- cipitate may be rinsed into a flask provided with a funnel tube and delivery tube, allowed to subside, the water decanted from it, and some strong hydrochloric acid poured in through the funnel. On heating, the acetylene is evolved, and may be collected, either over water, or more economically in a small gas-bag. To obtain a pint of the gas, as much of the moist copper precipitate is required as will measure about six ounces after settling down. Such a quantity may be prepared in about six hours. A solution of cuprous chloride suitable for this experiment is conveniently pre- pared in the following manner : 500 grains of black oxide of copper are dissolved in seven measured ounces of common hydrochloric acid, in a flask, and boiled for about twenty minutes with 400 grains of copper in filings or fine turnings. The brown solution of cuprous chloride in hydrochloric acid thus obtained is poured into about three pints of water contained in a bottle ; the white precipitate (cuprous chloride) is allowed to subside, the water drawn off with a siphon, and the pre- cipitata rinsed into a twenty-ounce bottle, which is then quite filled with water and closed with a stopper. When the precipitate has again subsided, the water is drawn off, and four ounces of powdered chloride of ammonium are introduced, the bottle being again filled up with water, closed and shaken. The cuprous chloride is entirely dissolved by the chloride of ammonium, but would be reprecipitated if more water were added. When required for the precipitation of acetylene, the solution may be mixed with about one-tenth of its bulk of strong ammonia ('880), which maybe poured into the separating funnel (D) before the copper solution is introduced. Four measured ounces of the solution are sufficient for one charge, and yield, in three hours, about three measured ounces of the moist precipitate. The blue solu- tion of ammoniacal cupric chloride filtered from the red precipitate may be ren- dered serviceable again by being shaken, in a stoppered bottle, with precipitated copper, prepared by reducing a solution of sulphate of copper, acidulated with hydro- chloric acid, with a plate of zinc. The red precipitate is said to consist chiefly of the oxide of a compound formed from acetylene by the substitution of Cu.^ for H. This compound, C 4 Cu 2 H, has been named by Berthelot cupros-acetyle, and may be regarded as the radical of a series of compounds. If but little free ammonia be present in the solution of cuprous chloride, the precipitate will contain the chloride of cuprous-acetyle, (C 4 Cu 2 H) Cl, as well as the oxide. If the acetylene copper precipitate be collected on a filter, washed, and dried either by mere exposure to the air, or over oil of vitriol, it will be found to explode with some violence when gently heated, and it is said that the accidental formation of this compound in copper or brass pipes, through which coal-gas passes, has occasionally given rise to explosions. When acetylene is passed through solution of nitrate of silver, a white curdy pre- cipitate is formed, resembling chloride of silver in appearance, but insoluble in ammonia (which turns it yellow) as well as in nitric acid. It may be obtained by allowing the imperfectly burnt gas from the apparatus in fig. 80 to pass through nitrate of silver. When this precipitate is washed and allowed to dry, it is violently explosive if heated, though it may be hammered without exploding. A minute fragment of it placed on a glass plate, and touched with a red-hot wire, detonates loudly and shatters the glass like fulminate of silver. The explosive silver compound is said to contain the oxide of argent-acetyle (C 4 Ag 2 H)0, the chloride corresponding to it, (C 4 Ag 2 H) Cl, being precipitated when acetylene is passed through a solution of chloride of silver in ammonia. In a solution of hyposulphite of gold and sodium, acetylene gives a yellowish very explosive precipitate. When potassium or sodium is heated in excess of acetylene, it is said that one half of the hydrogen is displaced by the metal, forming acetylide of potassium (C 4 HK) or of sodium (C 4 HNa), a portion of the acetylene being converted into olefi- PKOPERTIES OF ACETYLENE. 85 ant gas (C 4 H 4 ) by combination with the displaced hydrogen. Whenheated to dullred- ness, sodium completely decomposes acetylene, C 4 Na 2 being obtained. Both these sodium compounds are violently decomposed by water, acetylene being reproduced. The copious formation of acetylene during the imperfect combustion of ether is very readily shown by introducing a few drops of ether into a test-tube, adding a little ammoniacal solution of cuprous chloride, kindling the ether-vapour at the mouth of the tube, and inclining the latter so as to expose a large surface of the copper solution, when a large quantity of the red cuprous acetylide is produced. If nitrate of silver be substituted for the copper solution, the white precipitate of oxide of argent-acetyle is formed abundantly. 'Acetylene has been found accompanying the vapour of hydrocyanate of ammonia produced by the action of ammonia on red-hot charcoal. Acetylene is a colourless gas having a peculiar odour, recalling that of the geranium, which is always perceived where coal-gas is undergoing imperfect combustion. It burns with a very bright smoky flame. Its most remarkable property is that of inflaming spontaneously when brought in contact with chlorine. If a jet of the gas* be allowed to pass into a bottle of chlorine, it will take fire and burn with a red flame depositing much carbon. When chlorine is decanted up into a cylinder containing acetylene standing over water, a violent explosion immediately takes place, attended with a vivid flash, and separation of a large amount of carbon; C 4 H 2 + 012 = 0, + 2HC1. When acetylene is passed into water, it is absorbed in sufficient quan- tity to impart a strong smell to the water, and to yield a decided precipi- tate with ammoniacal cuprous chloride and with nitrate of silver. The action of heat upon acetylene is very remarkable and instructive, since it results in the formation of a complex body from one which is less complex in composition. When heated in a glass tube for half an hour to the point at which the glass began to soften, it was found to be re- duced to one-fifth of its original volume, the greater portion of it having been converted into a liquid hydrocarbon sty role, C ]6 H & , hitherto obtained from the vegetable gum-resin known as storax. The remaining gas was chiefly hydrogen (a little carbon having separated) with a little olefiant gas. When heated in contact with coke or iron, the bulk of the acety- lene is decomposed into its elements. By suspending the acetylene copper precipitate in solution of ammonia, and heating with a little granulated zinc, Berthelot has induced the acety- lene to combine with the (nas- cent) hydrogen to form olefiant gas (C 4 H 4 ). 72. Olefiant gas. This gas is found in larger quantity than acetylene, among the products of the action of heat upon coal, and other substances rich in car- bon, and it is one of the most important constituents of the illuminating gases obtained from such materials. Olefiant gas may readily be prepared by the action of strong Fi g. 81. Preparation of olefiant gas. sulphuric acid (oil of vitriol, HO . S0 3 ) upon alcohol (spirit of wine C 4 H 6 2 ). Two measures of oil of vitriol are introduced into a flask (fig. 81), and one measure OLEFIANT GAS. Fig. 82. of alcohol is gradually poured in, the flask being agitated after each addition of the acid ; much heat is evolved, and there would bo danger in mixing large volumes suddenly.* On applying a moderate heat, the liquid will darken in colour, effervescence will take place, and the gas may be collected in jars filled with water. When the mixture has become thick, and the evolution of the gas is slow, the end of the tube must be removed from the water and the lamp ex- tinguished. The gas will be found to have a very peculiar odour, in which that of ether and of sulphurous acid are perceptible. One of the jars may be closed with a glass plate, and placed upon the table with its mouth upwards ; on the approach of a flame the gas will take fire, burning with a bright white flame char- acteristic of olefiant gas, and seen to best advantage when, after kindling the gas, a stream of water is poured down into the jar in order to displace the gas (fig. 82.) Another jar of the gas may be well washed by transferring it repeatedly from one jar to another under water, a little solution of potash may then be poured into it, and the jar violently shaken, its mouth being covered with a glass plate ; the potash will remove all the sulphurous acid, and the gas will now exhibit the peculiar faint odour which belongs to olefiant gas. The purified gas may be transferred, under water, to another jar, kindled, and allowed to burn out ; if a little lime-water be then shaken in the jar, its turbidity will indicate the presence of carbonic acid, which is produced, together with water, when olefiant gas burns in air: C 4 H 4 + ]2 = 4C0 2 + 4HO. On comparing the composition of olefiant gas (C 4 H 4 ) with that of alcohol (C 4 H 6 2 ), it is evident that the former may be supposed to be produced from the latter by the abstraction of two equivalents of water (H 2 2 ) which are re- moved by the sulphuric acid, though other secondary changes take place, resulting in the separation of carbonaceous matter and the production of sulphurous acid. A more complete explanation of the action of sulphuric acid upon alcohol must be re- served for the chemical history of this compound. Olefiant gas derives its name from its property of uniting with chlorine and bro- mine to form oily liquids, a circumstance which is applied for the determination of the proportion of this gas present in coal- gas, upon which great part of the illuminat- ing value of coal-gas depends. The com- pound with chlorine (C 4 H 4 C1 ? ) is known as Dutch liquid, having been discovered by Dutch chemists, and is remarkable for its resemblance to chloroform in odour. To exhibit the formation of Dutch liquid, a quart cylinder (fig 83) is half filled with olefiant gas, and half with chlorine, which * If methylated spirit be employed, the mixture will have a dark red-brown colour. ACTION OF HEAT ON OLEFIANT GAS. 87 is rapidly passed up into it, from a bottle of the gas, under water. The cylinder is then closed with a glass plate, and supported with its mouth downwards under water in a separating funnel furnished with a glass stop-cock. The volume of the mixed gases begins to diminish immediately, drops of oil being formed upon the side of the cylinder and the surface of the water. As the drops increase, they fall to the bottom of the funnel. Water must be poured into the funnel to replace that which rises into the cylinder, and when the whole of the gas has disappeared, the oil may be drawn out of the funnel through the stop-cock into a test-glass, in which it is shaken with a little potash to absorb any excess of chlorine. The fragrant odour of the Dutch liquid will then be perceived, especially on pouring it out into a shallow dish. A very instructive experiment consists in filling a three-pint cylinder one-third full of olefiant gas, then rapidly filling it up, under water, with two pints of chlorine, closing its mouth with a glass plate, shaking it to mix the gases, slipping the plate aside and applying a light, when the mixture burns with a red flame which passes gradually down the cylinder, and is due to the combination of the hydrogen with the chlorine, the whole of the carbon being separated in the solid state C 4 H 4 + C1 4 = 4HC1 + C 4 "When olefiant gas is subjected to the action of high temperatures, as by passing through heated! tubes, one portion is decomposed into marsh-gas (C 2 H 4 ) with separation of carbon, whilst another portion yields acetylene (C 4 H 2 ) and hydrogen ; these decompositions will be found to be of great impor- tance in the manufacture of coal-gas. The action of heat upon olefiant gas is most conveniently shown by exposing it to the spark from an induction coil. The gas is confined in a tube (A, fig. 84) which is placed in a cylindrical jar (B) containing mercury. Through the mercury passes a copper wire (C) thrust through a glass tube (D) to insulate it from the mercury ; this wire is con- nected with one of the wires (E) from the induction coil, whilst the other (F) is allowed to dip into the mercury contained in the cylinder On putting the coil in action "(with two or three cells of Grove's battery), the spark will pass between the extremity (C) of the insulated copper wire and the surface of the mercury in the tube, decomposing the olefiant gas in its passage, and causing a separation of carbon, which sometimes forms a con- ducting communication, and allows the current to pass with- out a spark. This may be ob- viated by reversing the current, or by gently shaking the tube. The olefiant gas will expand to nearly twice its former volume, so that the tube will gradually rise in the mercury, but the same distance may always be maintained for the passage of the spark. To show the production of acetylene, another arrangement will be found convenient (fig. 85). A globe with four necks is employed ; through two of these necks are passed, air-tight with perforated corks, the cop- per wires connected with the in- Fig. 85. -Preparation of cuprous acetylide from auction coil. A third neck re- olefiant gas. 88 MARSH-GAS. ceives a tube, conveying olefiant gas from a gas-holder, whilst from the fourth proceeds a tube dipping to the bottom of a small cylinder. When the whole of the air has been displaced by olefiant gas, a solution of sub-chloride of copper in ammonia is poured into the cylinder, and the gas allowed to bubble through it, when the absence of acetylene will be shown by there being no red compound formed. As soon, however, as the spark is passed the red precipitate will appear, and, in a very few minutes, a large quantity will be deposited. Coal-gas may be employed instead of olefiant gas, but of course less of the copper-compound will be obtained. 73. Marsh-gas, or light carburetted hydrogen. Unlike acetylene and olefiant gas, this hydrocarbon is found in nature, being produced wherever vegetable matter is undergoing decomposition in the presence of moisture. The bubbles rising from stagnant pools, when collected and examined, are found to contain marsh-gas mixed with carbonic acid, and there is reason to believe that these two gases represent the principal forms in which the hydrogen and oxygen respectively were separated from wood during the process of its conversion into coal. This would account for the constant presence of this gas in the coal-formations, where it is usually termed fire- damp. It is occasionally found pent up under pressure between the layers of coal, and the pores of the latter are sometimes so full of it that it may be seen rising in bubbles when the freshly hewn coal is thrown into water. Perhaps a similar origin is to be ascribed to the liquid hydro- carbons chemically similar to marsh-gas, which are found so abundantly in Pennsylvania and Canada, and are known by the general name of petroleum. Marsh-gas is obtained artificially by the following process : 500 grains of dried acetate of soda are finely powdered, and mixed, in a mortar, with 200 grains of solid hydrate of potash, and 300 grains of powdered quicklime (or with 500 grains of the mixture of hydrate of lime and hydrate of soda, which is sold as soda-lime). The mixture is heated in a Florence flask (or better, a copper tube, for the alkali corrodes the glass), and the gas collected over water (fig. 86). Fig. 86. Preparation of marsh-gas. The decomposition will be evident from the following equation : NaO.C 4 H 3 3 + KO.HO = NaO . C0 2 + KO.C0 2 Acetate of soda. Hydrate of potash. Carb. of soda. Carb. of potash. C 2 H 4 The marsh-gas will be easily recognised by its burning with a pale illuminating flame, far inferior in brilliancy to those of olefiant gas and acetylene, but unattended with smoke. The properties of this gas deserve a careful study, on account of the frequent fatal explosions to which it gives rise in coal-mines, where it is EXPLOSION OF MARSH-GAS WITH AIR. 89 often found accumulated under pressure, and discharging itself with con- siderable force from the fissures or blowers made in hewing the coal. Marsh-gas has no characteristic smell like coal-gas, and the miner thence receives no timely warning of its presence ; it is much lighter than air (sp. gr. 0*5596), and therefore very readily diffuses* itself (page 29) through the air of the mine, with which it forms an explosive mixture as soon as it amounts to one-eighteenth of the volume of the air. The gas issuing from the blower would burn quietly on the application of a light, since the marsh-gas is not explosive unless mixed with the air, when a large volume of the gas is burnt in an instant, causing a sudden evolution of a great deal of heat, and a consequent sudden expansion or explosion exerting great mechanical force. The most violent explosion takes place when one volume of marsh-gas is mixed with two volumes of oxygen, since this quantity is exactly sufficient to effect the complete combustion of the carbon and hydrogen of the gas, and therefore to evolve the greatest amount of heat : C2H 4 + 8 = 2C0 2 + 4HO. The calculated pressure exerted by the exploding mixture of marsh-gas and oxygen amounts to 37 atmospheres, or 555 Ibs. upon the square inch. Since air contains one- fifth of its volume of oxygen, it would be necessary to employ ten volumes of air to one volume of marsh-gas in order to obtain perfect com- bustion, but the explosion will be much less violent on account of the presence of the eight volumes of inert nitrogen, the calculated pressure exerted by the explosion being only 14 atmospheres, or 210 Ibs. on the square inch. Of course, if more air is employed, the explosion will be proportionally weaker, until, when there are more than eighteen volumes of air to each volume of marsh-gas, the mixture will be no longer explosive, but will burn with a pale flame around a taper immersed in it. The car- bonic acid resulting from the explosion is called by miners the after-damp, and its effects are generally fatal to those who may have escaped death from the explosion itself. Fortunately, marsh-gas requires a much higher temperature to inflame it than most other inflammable gases ; thus a solid body at an ordinary red heat does not kindle the gas, contact with flame, or with a body heated to whiteness, being required to ignite it. If two strong gas-cylinders be filled, respectively, with mixtures of 2 vols. hydrogen with 1 vol. oxygen, and of 1 vol. marsh-gas and 2 vols. oxygen, it will be found, on holding them with their mouths downwards, and inserting a red-hot iron bar, that the marsh-gas mixture will not explode, but if the bar be transferred at once to the hydrogen mixture, explosion will take place. A lighted taper may then be used to explode the marsh-gas and hydrogen. Coal-gas, although answering very well for many illustrations of the properties of marsh-gas, cannot be used in this experiment, since some of its constituents inflame at a far lower temperature. In consequence of the high temperature required to inflame the mixture of marsh-gas and air, it is necessary that the mixture be allowed to remain for an appreciable time in contact with the flame before its particles are raised to the igniting point. It was on this principle that Stephenson's original safety lamp was constructed, the flame being surrounded with a tall glass chimney, the rapid draught through which caused the explosive mixture to be hurried past the flame without igniting. 3 Ansell's fire-damp indicator is an apparatus in which the high rate of diflfusion of marsh-gas is taken advantage of in order to detect its presence in the air of mines. The experiment described at page 29 illustrates its principle. 90 PRINCIPLE OF SAFETY-LAMPS. To illustrate this, a copper funnel (fig. 87) holding about two quarts is employed, the neck of which has an opening of about inch in diameter, The funnel being placed mouth downwards in the pneumatic trough, the orifice is closed with the Fig. 87. finger, and half a pint of coal-gas passed up into the funnel. The latter is now raised from the water, so that it may become entirely filled with air. By depressing the funnel to a considerable depth in the water, the aperture being still closed by the finger, the mixture will be confined under considerable pressure, and if a lighted taper be held to the aperture, and the finger removed, it will be found that the mixture sweeps past the flame without exploding, until the water has reached the same level in the funnel as in the trough, when the gas comes to rest and explodes with great violence. Davy's safety lamp (fig. 88) is an application of the principle that ignited gas (flame) is extinguished by contact with a large surface of a good conductor of heat, such as copper or iron. If a thin copper wire be coiled round into a helix, and care- Fig. 88. Davy lamp, fully placed over the wick of a burning taper (fig. 89), the flame will be at once extinguished, its heat being so rapidly trans- mitted along the wire that the temperature falls below the point at which the com- bustible gases enter into combination with oxygen, and therefore the combustion ceases. If the coil be heated to redness in a spirit-lamp flame before placing it over the wick, it will not abstract the heat so readily, and will not extinguish the flame. If a copper tube were substituted for the coiled wire, the same result would be ob- tained, and by employing a number of tubes of very small diameter, so that the metallic surface may be very large in proportion to the volume of ignited gas, the most ener- getic combustion may be arrested, as in the case of Hemming 's safety jet, which consists of a brass tube tightly stuffed with thin copper wires so as to leave very narrow passages, thus rendering it impossible for the oxyhydrogen flame at the jet to pass back and ignite the mixture in the reservoir. It is evident that the exposure of a large extent ot cool- ing surface to the action of the flame, may be effected either by increasing the length or by diminishing the width of the metallic tubes, so that wire gauze, which may be regarded as a collection of very short tubes, will form an effectual barrier to flame, provided that it has a sufficient number of meshes to the inch. If a piece of iron wire gauze, containing about 800 meshes to the square inch, be depressed upon a flame, it will extinguish that portion with which it is in contact, and the combustible gas which escapes through the gauze may be kindled by a lighted match held on the upper side. By holding the gauze two or three inches above a gas jet, the gas may be lighted above it without communicating the flame to the burner itself. USE OF THE DAVY LAMP. 91 Fig. 90. When blazing spirit is poured upon a piece of wire gauze (fig. 90) the flame will remain upon the gauze, and the extinguished spirit will pass through. A little benzole or turpentine may be added to the spirit so that its flame may be more visible at a dis- tance. The safety lamp is an oil lamp, the flame of which is surrounded by a cage of iron wire gauze, having 700 or 800 meshes in f;he square inch, and made double at the top where the heat of the flame chiefly plays. This cage is protected by stout iron wires attached to a ring for suspending the lamp. A brass tube passes up through the oil reservoir, and in this there slides, with con- siderable friction, a wire bent at the top, so that the wick may be trimmed without taking off the cage. If this lamp be suspended in a large jar, closed at the top with a perforated wooden cover (A, fig. 91), and having an aperture (B) below, through which coal- gas may be admitted, the lamp will burn, of course, in the ordinary way ; but if the gas be allowed to pass slowly into the jar, the flame will be seen to waver, to elongate itself very considerably, and will be ultimately extinguished, when the wire cage will be seen to be filled with a mixture of coal-gas and air burning tran- quilly within the gauze, which prevents the flame from passing to ignite the explosive atmosphere surrounding the lamp ; that an explosive mixture really fills the jar may be readily ascertained by introducing, through an aperture (C) in the cover, the unprotected flame of a taper, when an explosion will take place. This experiment illustrates the action of the Davy lamp in a mine which contains fire-damp, and makes it evident that this lamp would afford complete protection if carefully used. It would obviously be unsafe to allow the lamp to remain in the explosive mixture when the cage is filled with flame, for the gauze would either become sufficiently heated to kindle the surrounding gas, or would be oxidised and eaten into holes, which would allow the passage of the flame. Nor should the lamp be exposed to a very strong current, which might possibly be able to carry the flame through the meshes. The great defect of the Davy lamp is that it does not afford more than a glimmering light, so that even if the miners were prohibited from em- ploying any candles, they would (and experience has proved that they do) remove the wire cage at all risks. The lamp has been modified 39 as par- tially to remove this defect, by substituting glass or talc for some portions of the wire gauze. It is now usual, however, to employ the Davy lamp merely in order to test the state of the air in the different parts of the mine; for this purpose the firemen descend before the commencement of work every morning, and examine with their safety lamps every portion of the mine, giving warning to the miners not to approach those parts in which any accumulation of fire-damp (or technically, " sulphur ") is per- ceived. The miners then work with naked candles, and it appears to be not unusual to see a blue flame (or corpse light) playing around the candles, so that the miners may become accustomed to regard with little concern the very indication which shows that the quantity of fire-damp is only a little below that required to form an explosive mixture. When- ever naked flames arc used in the mine there must always be great risk ; Fig. 91. 92 ILLUMINATING FLAMES. in most seams of coal there are considerable accumulations of fire-damp ; when a fissure is made, the gas escapes very rapidly from the blower, and' the air in its vicinity may soon become converted into an explosive mix- ture. In mines where small quantities of fire-damp are known to be continually escaping from the coal, ventilation is depended upon in order to dilute the gas with so large a volume of air that it is no longer explo- sive, and finally to sweep it out of the mine ; but it has occasionally happened that the ventilation has been interfered with by a door having been left open in one of the galleries, or by a passage having been obstructed through the accidental falling in of a portion of the coal, and an explosive mixture has then been formed. STRUCTURE OF FLAME. 74. The consideration of the structure and properties of ordinary flames is necessarily connected with the history of olefiant gas and marsh- gas. Flame may be defined as gaseous matter, heated to the temperature at which it becomes visible, or emits light. Solid particles begin, for the most part, to emit light when heated to about 1000 F. ; but gases, on account of their greater expansibility, must be raised to a far higher temperature, and hence the point of visibility is seldom attained, except by gases which are themselves combustible, and therefore capable of producing, by their own combination with atmospheric oxygen, the requi- site degree of heat. The presence of a combustible gas (or vapour), therefore, is one of the conditions of the existence of flame ; a diamond, or a piece of thoroughly carbonised charcoal, will burn in oxygen with a steady glow, but without flame, since the carbon is not capable of con- version into vapour, while sulphur burns with a voluminous flame, in consequence of the facility with which it assumes the vaporous condition. It will be observed, moreover, that in the case of a non-volatile combus- tible, the combination with oxygen is confined to the surface of contact, whilst in the flame of a gas or vapour, the combustion extends to a con- siderable depth, the oxygen intermingling with the gaseous fuel. Flames may be conveniently spoken of as simple or compound, accord- ingly as they involve one or more phenomena of combustion ; thus, for example, the flames of hydrogen and carbonic oxide are simple, whilst those of marsh-gas and olefiant gas are compound, since they involve both the conversion of hydrogen into water and of carbon into carbonic acid. It is obvious that simple flames must be hollow in ordinary cases, such as that of a gas issuing from a tube into the air, the hollow being occu- pied by the combustible gas to which the oxygen does not penetrate. All the flames which are ordinarily turned to useful account are com- pound flames, and involve several distinct phenomena. Before examining these more particularly, it will be advantageous to point out the conditions which regulate the luminosity of flames. Just as gaseous matter is essential to the existence of flame, the presence of solid particles suspended in the flame is essential to its luminosity. It has been seen that, when sulphur burns in oxygen, it emits a pale lurid light, whilst phosphorus, under similar circumstances, yields an intolerable blaze ; this is easily explained, for the product of the combus- tion of sulphur, sulphurous acid, is gaseous at this temperature, but the solid phosphoric acid, formed from the phosphorus, is suspended in the flame, in a state of very minute division, and becomes heated to so high STRUCTURE OF FLAME. a degree as to emit a beautiful white light. That this is a true account of the matter is seen by introducing the phosphorus into a jar of chlorine gas, when it burns with a flame which is even paler than that of sulphur in oxygen, since the chloride of phosphorus which is formed is a vapour at the temperature of the combustion. It is not necessary that the suspended solid matter should be a product of the combustion ; any extraneous solid in a finely divided state will confer illuminating power upon a flame. Thus, the flame of hydrogen may be rendered highly luminous by burning a piece of phosphorus in its vicinity, so that the clouds of phosphoric acid may pass through the flame, or by blowing a little very fine char- coal powder into it, from the bottle represented in fig. 92. The luminosity of all ordinary flames is due to the presence of highly heated carbon in a state of very minute division, and it remains to consider the changes by which this finely divided carbon is 'separated in the flame. A candle, a lamp, and a gas-burner, exhibit contriv- ances for procuring light artifically in different degrees of complexity, the candle being the most complex of the three. When a new candle is lighted, the first portion of the wick is burnt away until the heat reaches that part which is saturated with the wax or tallow of which the candle is composed; this wax or tallow then undergoes destructive distillation, yielding a variety of products, among which olefiant gas is found in abundance. The flame furnished by the combustion of these products melts the fuel around the base of the wick, through which it then mounts by capillary attraction, to be decomposed in its turn, and to furnish fresh gases for the maintenance of the flame. In a lamp, the fuel being liquid at the commencement, the process of fusion is dispensed with ; and in a gas-burner, where the fuel is supplied in a gaseous form, the process of destructive distilla- tion has been already carried on at a distance. It will be seen, however, that the final result is similar in all three cases, the flame being maintained by such gases as acetylene, marsh-gas, and olefiant gas, arising from the destructive distillation of wax, tallow, oil, coal, &c. On examining an ordinary flame, that of a candle, for instance, it is seen to consist of three concentric cones (fig. 93), the innermost, around the wick, appearing almost black, the next emitting a bright white light, and the outermost being so pale as to be scarcely visible in broad daylight. The dark innermost cone consists merely of the gaseous combustible to which the air does not penetrate, and which is there- fore not in a state of combustion. The nature of this cone is easily shown by experiment : a strip of cardboard held across the flame near its base will not burn in the centre where it traverses the innermost cone ; a piece of wire gauze depressed upon the flame near the wick (fig. 94) will allow the passage of the combustible gas, which may be kindled above it. The gas may be conveyed out 94 EXPERIMENTS ON FLAME. of the flame by means of a glass tube inserted into the innermost cone, and may be kindled at the other extremity of the tube, which should be inclined downwards (fig. 95). A piece of phosphorus in a small spoon held in the interior of the flame of a spirit- 4 Fjg. 95. lamp, will melt and boil, but will not burn unless it be removed from the flame, and may then be extinguished by replacing it in the flame. The combustible gas from the interior of a flame may be collected in a flask (fig. 96) furnished with two tubes, one of which (A) is drawn out to a point for insertion into the flame, whilst the other (B), which passes to the bottom of the flask, is bent over and prolonged by a piece of vulcanised tubing, so that it may act as a siphon. The flask is filled up with water, the jet inserted into the interior of a flame, and the siphon set running by exhaust- ing it with the mouth. As the water flows out through the siphon, the gas is drawn into the flask, and after removing the tube from the flame, the gas may be expelled by blowing down the siphon tube, and may be burnt at the jet. When a candle is used for this experiment, some solid pro- ducts of destructive distillation will be found condensed in Fig. 96. the flask. In the second or luminous cone, combustion is taking place, but it is by no means perfect, being attended by the separation of a quantity of carbon, which confers luminosity upon this part of the flame. The presence of free carbon is shown by depressing a piece of porcelain upon this cone, when a black film of soot is deposited. The liberation of the carbon is due to the decomposition of the olefiant gas and similar hydro- carbons by the heat, which separates the carbon from the hydrogen, and this latter, undergoing combustion, evolves sufficient heat to raise the separated carbon to a white heat, the supply of air which penetrates into this portion of the flame being insufficient to effect the combustion of the whole of the carbon. Some very simple experiments will illustrate the nature of the luminous portion of flame. Over an ordinary candle flame (fig. 97] a tube may be adjusted so as to convey the finely-divided carbon from the luminous part of the flame into the flame of hydrogen, which will thus be rendered as luminous as the candle flame, the dark colour of the carbon being apparent in its passage through the tube. A bottle furnished with two straight tubes (fig. 98) is connected with a reservoir of hydrogen. One of the tubes is provided with a small piece of wider tube con- taining a tuft of cotton wool. On kindling the gas at the orifice of each tube, no difference will be seen in the flames until a drop of benzole (C ]2 H 6 ) is placed upon the cotton, when its vapour, mingling with the hydrogen, will furnish enough carbon to render the flame brilliantly luminous. The pale outermost cone, or mantle, of the flame, in which the separated carbon is finally consumed, may be termed the cone of perfect combustion, and EXPERIMENTS ON FLAME. 95 is much thinner than the luminous cone, the supply of air to this external shell of flame being unlimited, and the combustion therefore speedily effected. Fig. 97. Fig. 98. The mantle of the flame may be rendered more visible by burning a little sodium near the flame, when the mantle is tinged strongly yellow. By means of a siphon about one-third of an inch in diameter (fig. 99), the nature of the different portions of an ordinary candle flame may be very elegantly shown. If the orifice of the siphon be brought just over the extremity of the wick, the com- bustible gases and vapours will pass through it, and may be collected in a small flask, where they can be kindled by a taper. On raising the orifice into the luminous portion of the flame, voluminous clouds of black smoke will pour over into the flask, and if the siphon be now raised a little above the point of the flame, carbonic acid can be collected in the flask, and may be recognised by shaking with lime-water. The reciprocal nature of the relation between the combustible gas and the air which supports its com- bustion may be illustrated in a striking manner by burning a jet of air in an atmosphere of coal-gas. A quart glass globe with three necks is connected at A (fig. 100) with the gas-pipe by a vulcanised tube. The second neck (B), at the upper part of the globe, is connected by a short piece of vulcanised tube with a piece of glass tube about inch wide, from which the gas may be burnt. Into the third and lowermost neck is inserted, by means of a cork, a thin brass tube, C (an old cork-borer), about inch in diameter. When the gas is turned on, it may be lighted at the upper neck ; and if a lighted match be then quickly thrust up the tube C, the air which enters it will take fire and burn inside the globe Fig. 99. Fig. 100. Air burning in Fig. 101. To make a three-necked flask, coal-gas. A very inexpensive apparatus for this purpose may be constructed from a common Florence oil-flask. By applying a blowpipe flame at A (fig. 101), so as to heat to 96 GAS-BURNEKS. Fig. 102. Argand burner. whiteness a spot as large as a threepenny-piece, and quickly blowing into the neck of the flask, the heated portion of the glass may be made to bulge out. A similar protuberance is then to be formed at B. A sharp-pointed flame is directed upon A, and the glass burst by blowing into the flask whilst it is still exposed to the flame. By fusing the edges of the hole thus produced, and turning them outwards with the end of a file, a short neck may be formed capable of receiving a cork. When this is cool it is closed with a cork, and a second similar neck is produced at B. From this review of the structure of flame, it is evident that, in order to secure a flame which shall be useful for illumination-, attention must be paid to the supply of oxygen (or air), and to the composition of the fuel employed. The use of the chimney of an Argand burner (fig. 102) affords an instance of the necessity for attention to the proper supply of air. Without the chimney, the flame is red at the edges and smoky, for the supply of air is not sufficient to consume the whole of the carbon which is separated, and the temperature is not competent to raise it to a bright white heat, defects which are remedied as soon as the chimney is placed over it, and the rapidly-ascending heated column of air draws in a liberal supply beneath the burner, as indi- cated by the arrows. By using two chimneys, and causing the air to pass down between them, so as to be heated to about 500 F. before reaching the flame, an equal amount of light may be obtained from a much smaller supply of gas. The smokeless gas-burners employed in laboratories and kitchens exhibit the result of mixing the gas with a considerable proportion of air before burning it, the luminous part of the flame then en- tirely disappearing, with great augmentation of the temperature of the flame, since the carbon is burnt simultaneously with the hydrogen. The most efficient burner of this kind (Bunsen's burner, fig. 103) is that in which the gas is conveyed into a wide tube, at the base of which there are four large holes for the admission of air. When a good supply of gas is turned on, a quantity of air is drawn in through the lower aper- tures, and the mixture of air and gas may be kindled at the orifice of the wide tube, its rapid motion preventing the flame from passing down within the tube. This tube is sometimes surmounted by a rosette burner to distribute the flame. By closing the air-holes with the fingers a luminous flame is at once produced. The principle of this burner has been applied for testing the illuminating value of gas, by measuring the quantity of air which must be supplied to a flame consuming a given quantity of gas, in order to destroy the luminosity, the illuminating value being proportional to the quantity of air which is necessary for this purpose. The gauze burner (fig. 104) consists of an open cylinder surmounted by wire gauze. When this is placed over the gas-burner, a supply of air is drawn in at the bottom by the ascending stream of gas, and the mixture burns above the gauze with a very hot smokeless flame, the metallic meshes preventing the flame from passing down to the gas below. Fig. 103. Bunsen's burner. Fig. 104. Gauze burner. The luminosity of a flame is materially affected by the pressure of the COMPOSITION OF ILLUMINATING FUELS. 97 atmosphere in which it burns, a diminution of pressure causing a loss of illuminating power. If the light of a given flame burning in the air when the barometer stands at 30 inches be represented by 100, each diminution of one inch in the height of the barometer will reduce the luminosity by five ; and conversely, when the barometer rises one inch, the lumino- sity will be increased by five. This is not due to any difference in the rate of burning, which remains pretty constant, but to the more complete interpenetration of the rarefied air and the gases composing the flame, gMng rise to the separation of a smaller quantity of incandescent carbon. In air at a pressure of 120 inches of mercury, the flame of alcohol is highly luminous, the high density of the air discouraging the intermixture of the flame-gases with it, and thus allowing the separation of a portion of carbon. In considering the influence exerted by the composition of the fuel upon the character of its flame, it will be necessary to bear in mind that some kinds of fuel consist of carbon and hydrogen only, whilst others contain a considerable proportion of oxygen. The following table exhibits the composition of some of the principal substances concerned in producing ordinary illuminating flames : Fuel. Formula. Carbon. Hydrogen. Oxygen. Marsh -gas, . C 2 H 4 30 10 Olefiant gas, C 4 H 4 60 10 Paraffine, CarHa; 60 10 Turpentine, . C 20 H ]6 75 10 Benzole, C 12 H 6 120 10 Wax > C 92 H 92 4 * 60 10 3-5 Stearine, " C 114 H 11012 62-1 10 8-7 Oleine, C 114 H 104 12 65-8 10 9-2 Alcohol, C 4 H 6 2 40 10 27 Wood naphtha, C 2 H 4 2 30 10 40 It may be stated generally that when the number of equivalents of carbon is less than that of hydrogen, the flame will be free from smoke, as in the case of marsh-gas. When there are as many equivalents of carbon as of hydrogen, as in olefiant gas and parafnne, the flame is very liable to smoke, unless managed with great judgment. Those hydro- carbons whicli contain, like turpentine and benzole, a larger number of equivalents of carbon than of hydrogen, always burn with much smoke, and require special contrivance to render them applicable for illuminating purposes. Thus, camphine (turpentine) must be burnt in lamps with tall narrow chimneys of peculiar construction to afford a strong current of air. Benzole (coal-naphtha) vapour must be mixed with air if it is required to burn with a smokeless flame. If a piece of cotton wool, moistened with benzole, be placed in a flask provided with two tubes (fig. 105), it will be found, on gently warming the flask by dipping it into hot water, and blowing through one of the tubes, that the mixture of benzole vapour and air issuing from the other tube will burn with a smokeless bright flame. This is the composition of myricine, which forms the greater part of bees' wax. G 98 THE BLOWPIPE FLAME. Fig. 105. If coal-gas, which is essentially a mixture of hydrogen, marsh-gas, and olefiant gas, and generally contains rather too much hydrogen in propor- tion to its carbon, be enriched with carbon by pass- ing over benzole (light coal naphtha), it burns with a far more luminous flame (napJithalised gas). When the fuel contains oxygen, the carbon may exist in larger proportion to the hydrogen without giving rise to the production of smoke, since this oxygen will dispose of a portion of the carbon during the combustion. Thus, wax is much less liable to smoke than paraffine, although containing the same proportions of carbon and hydrogen, whilst stearine (the chief part of tallow) and oleine (forming the bulk of oils) may be burnt in ordi- nary candles and lamps, although still richer in carbon, because they contain more oxygen also. Alcohol yields a flame of no illuminating value, although it contains more carbon in proportion to its hydrogen than is present in marsh-gas, because its oxygen helps to consume the carbon during the combustion, and prevents it from separating in the incandescent state. By adding about one-tenth of its bulk of benzole or turpentine, however, alcohol may be made to burn with a brilliant flame. 75. The Howpipe flame. The principles already laid down will render the structure of the blowpipe flame easily intelligible. It must be remembered that in using the blowpipe, the stream of air is not pro- pelled from the lungs of the operator (where a great part of its oxygen would have been consumed), but simply from the mouth, by the action of the muscles of the cheeks. The first apparent effect upon the flame is entirely to destroy its luminosity, the free supply of air effecting the immediate combustion of the carbon. The size of the flame, moreover, is much diminished, and the combustion being concentrated into a smaller space, the temperature must be much higher at any given point of the flame. In structure, the blowpipe flame is similar to the ordinary flame, consisting of three distinct cones, the innermost of which (A, fig. 106) is filled with the cool mixture of air and combustible gas. The second cone, especially at its point (E), is termed the reducing flame, for the supply of oxygen at that part is not sufficient to convert the carbon into carbonic acid, but leaves it as car- bonic oxide, which speedily reduces Fig. 106. Blowpipe flame. almost all metallic oxides placed in that part of the flame to the metallic state. The outermost cone (0) is called the oxidising flame, for there the supply of oxygen from the surrounding air is unlimited, and any substance prone to combine with oxygen at a high temperature is oxidised when exposed to the action of that portion of the flame ; the hottest point of the blowpipe flame, where neither fuel nor oxygen is in excess, appears to be a very little in advance of the extremity of the second (reducing) cone. The difference in the operation of the two flames is readily shown by placing a little red lead (oxide of lead) in a shallow cavity scooped EUDIOMETKIC ANALYSIS OF MARSH-GAS. 99 Fig. 107. Reduction of metals on charcoal. upon the surface of a piece of charcoal (fig. 107), and directing the names upon it in succession ; the inner flame will reduce a globule of metallic lead, which may be re- converted into oxide by exposing it to the outer flame.* The immense service rendered by this instrument to the el,,- mist and mineralogist is well known. By forcing a stream of oxygen through a flame from a gas-holder or bag, an intensely hot blowpipe flame is obtained, in which pipe-clay and platinum may be melted, and iron burns with great brilliancy (see tig. 48). 76. Determination of the composition of gases containing carbon and hydrogen. In order to ascertain the proportions of carbon and hydrogen present in a gas, a measured volume of the gas is mixed with an excess of oxygen, the volume of the mixture carefully noted, and explosion deter- mined by passing the electric spark ; the gas remaining after the explosion is measured and shaken with potash, which absorbs the carbonic acid, from the volume of which the proportion of carbon may be calculated. For example, 0'4 cubic inch of marsh-gas, mixed with 1*0 oxygen, and exploded, left 0-6 gas j shaken with potash it left 0-2 oxygen. Showing that 0'4 cubic inch of carbonic acid had been produced. This quantity of carbonic acid would contain 0'4 cubic inch of (imaginary) carbon vapour, and 0'4 cubic inch of oxygen. Deducting this last from the total amount of oxygen consumed (0'8 cubic inch), we have 0*4 cubic inch for the volume of oxygen consumed by the hydrogen. Now, 0*4 cubic inch of oxygen would combine with 0*8 cubic inch of hydrogen, which represents therefore the amount of hydrogen in the marsh- gas employed. It has thus been ascertained that 4 volumes of marsh-gas contain 4 volumes of (hypothetical) carbon vapour, and 8 volumes of hydrogen. For the purpose of illustration, the analysis of marsh- gas may be effected in a Ure's eudiometer (fig. 108), but a considerable excess of oxygen should be added to moderate the explosion. The eudiometer having been filled with water, O'l cubic inch of marsh-gas is intro- duced into it, as described at p. 34, and having been transferred to the closed limb and accurately measured Fig. 108. after equalising the level of the water, the open limb is Siphon eudiometer, again filled up with water, the eudiometer inverted in the trough, and 1-2 cubic inch of oxygen added ; this is also transferred to the closed * By directing the reducing flame upon the metallic oxide in the cavity, and allowing the oxidising flame to sweep over the surface of the charcoal, as shown in the figure, a yellow incrustation of oxide of lead is formed upon the surface of the charcoal, which affords additional evidence of the nature of the metal. G2 100 PRODUCTS OF DISTILLATION OF COAL. limb and carefully measured. The electric spark is then passed through the mixture (see p. 34), the open limb being closed by the thumb. The level of the water in both limbs is then equalised, and the volume of gas measured. The open limb is then filled up with a strong solution of potash, and closed by the thumb, so that the gas may be transferred from the closed to thetopen limb and back, until its volume is no longer diminished by the absorption of carbonic acid. The volume of residual oxygen having been measured, the calculation is effected as above described. The results are more exact when the eudiometer is filled with mercury instead of water. The following table exhibits the composition by volume of acetylene, marsh-gas, and olefiant gas (8 parts by weight of oxygen being considered to occupy one volume) : Eqt. Weight. Eqt. Volume. Carbon Vapour. Hydrogen. Acetylene, C 4 H 2 Marsh-gas, C 2 H 4 26 16 4 vols. * 8 vols. 1 4 ? 4 vols. 8 Olefiant gas, C 4 H 4 28 4 8 ? 8 ;, COAL-GAS. 77. The manufacture of coal-gas is one of the most important appli- cations of the principle of destructive distillation, and affords an ex- cellent example of the tendency of this process to develope new arrange- ments of the elements of a compound body. The action of heat upon coal, in a vessel from which air is excluded, gives rise to the production of a very large number of compounds containing some two or more of the five elements of the coal, in different proportions, or in different forms of arrangement. Although no clue has yet been obtained to indi- cate the true arrangement of these elements in the original coal (or, as it is termed, the constitution of the coal), it is certain that these various compounds do not exist in it before the application of heat, but are really the results of its action, that they are indeed products and not educts. The most important forms assumed by the carbon and hydrogen when coal is strongly heated, are, f Hydrogen. Marsh-gas, C 2 H 4 Gases < Olefiant gas, C 4 H 4 Acetylene, C 4 H 2 lOil-gas, C 8 H 8 T . . , f Benzole, C, y H, Liquids | Toluole ; c ;^ H ; Solids Naphthaline, C 2U H 8 Anthracene, C 30 H 12 Paraffine, C* H A . Coke, . C The nitrogen of the coal reappears in the forms of Gases f Nitrogen. \ Ammonia, . f Aniline, Liquids < Quinoline, { Hydrocyanic acid, NH, C 12 H 7 N Alkaline. COMPOSITION OF COAL-GAS. The oxygen contributes to the production of 101 p ( Carbonic oxide, CO 8 j Carbonic Acid, C0 2 * Sulphur is found among the products as, Sulphuretted hydrogen gas, HS /Water, . HO Liquids < Acetic acid, C 4 H 4 4 (, Carbolic acid, C 12 H 6 2 Bisul P llide of car bon, CS 2 The illuminating gas obtained from coal consists essentially of free hydro- gen, marsh-gas, olefiant gas, and carbonic oxide, with small quantities of acetylene, benzole vapour, and some other substances. A fair general idea of its composition is given by the following table : Gas from Cannel Coal. Hydrogen, Marsh-gas, Carbonic oxide, Olefiant gas, Carbonic acid, Oil-gas, . Nitrogen, Sulphuretted hydrogen, . 45-6 voh 34-9 6-6 4-0 3-7 2-4 2-5 0-3 imes. en, . 100-0 The only constituents which contribute directly to the illuminating value of the gas are the marsh-gas, olefiant gas, oil-gas (acetylene, and benzole vapour). The most objectionable constituent is the sulphur present as sulphur- etted hydrogen and bisulphide of carbon, for this is converted by com- bustion into sulphuric acid, which seriously injures pictures, furniture, &c. The object of the manufacturer of coal-gas is to remove, as far as possible, everything from it, except the constituents mentioned as essential, and at the same time to obtain as large a volume of gas from a given weight of coal as is consistent with a good illuminating value. The mode of purifying the gas, and the general arrangements for its manufacture, will be described in a later part of the work. Fig. 109. Destructive distillation of coal. The destructive distillation of coal may be exhibited with the arrangement repre- sented in fig. 109. The solid and liquid products (tar, ammoniacal liquor, &c.) are condensed in the globular receiver (A). The first bent tube contains, in one limb (B), a piece of red litmus paper to detect ammonia; and in the other (C) V 102 QUARTZ SAND FLINT. Fig. 110. a piece of paper impregnated with acetate of lead, which will be blackened by the sulphuretted hydrogen. The second bent tube (D) contains enough lime-water to fill the bend, which will be rendered milky by the car- bonic acid. The ga%is collected over water, in the jar E, which is furnished with a jet from which the gas may be burnt when forced out by depressing the jar in water. The presence of acetylene in coal-gas may be shown by passing the gas from the supply-pipe (A, fig. 110), first through a bottle (B) containing a little ammonia, then through a bent tube (C), with enough water to fill the bend, and a piece of bright sheet copper immersed in the water in each limb. After a short time the bright red flakes of the acetylide of copper will be seen in the water. SILICON. 78. In many of its chemical relations to other bodies this element will be found to bear a great resemblance to carbon; but whilst carbon is remarkable for the great variety of compound forms in which it is met with in nature, silicon is always found in combination with oxygen, as silicic acid, or silica (Si0 2 ), either alone or united with various metallic oxides, with which it forms silicates. Silica. The purest natural variety of silica is the transparent and colourless variety of quartz known as rock crystal, the most widely diffused ornament of the mineral world, often seen crystallised in beautiful six- sided prisms, terminated by six-sided pyramids (fig. Ill), which are always easily distinguished by their great hardness, scratching glass almost as readily as the diamond. Coloured of a delicate purple, probably by a little organic matter, these Fig. lll.-Crystal of quartz. C T stals are J kl J OWn J amethyst; and when ol a brown colour, as Cairngorm stones or Scotch pebbles. Losing its trans- parency and crystalline structure, we meet with silica in the form of chal- cedony and of carnelian, usually coloured, in the latter, with oxide of iron. Hardly any substance has so great a share in the lapidary's art as silica, for in addition to the above instances of its value for ornamental purposes, we find it constituting agate, cat's eye, onyx, so much prized for cameos, opal, and some other precious stones. In opal the silica is combined with water. Sand, of which the whiter varieties are nearly pure silica, appears to have been formed by the disintegration of siliceous rocks, and has generally a yellow or brown colour, due to the presence of oxide of iron. The resistance offered by silica to all impressions has become proverbial in the case of flint, which consists essentially of that substance coloured with some impurity. Flints are generally found in compact masses, distri- buted in regular beds throughout the chalk formation ; their hardness, which even exceeds that of quartz, formerly rendered them useful for striking sparks with steel, by detaching small particles of the metal, which are so heated by the percussion as to continue to burn (see p. 10) in the air, and to inflame tinder or gunpowder upon which they are allowed to fall. SILICA RENDERED SOLUBLE. 103 The part taken by silica in natural operations appears to be chiefly a mechanical one, for which its stability under ordinary influences peculiarly fits it, for it is found to constitute the great bulk of the soil which serves as a support and food-reservoir of land-plants, and enters largely into the composition of the greater number of rocks. But that this substance is not altogether excluded from any share in life is shown by its presence in the shining outer sheath of the stems of the grasses and cereals, particularly in the hard external coating of the Dutch rush used for polishing ; and this alone would lead to the inference that silica could not be absolutely insoluble, since the capillary vessels of plants are known to be capable of absorbing only such substances as are in a state of solution. Many natural waters also present us with silica in a dissolved state, and often in considerable quantity, as, for example, in the Geysers of Iceland, which deposit a coating of silica upon the earth around their borders. Pure water, however, has no solvent action upon the natural varieties of silica. The action of an alkali is required to bring it into a soluble form. To effect this upon the small scale, a few crystals of common washing- soda (carbonate of soda) may be powdered and dried; a little of the dried powder is placed upon a piece of platinum foil slightly bent up (fig. 112), Fig. 112. Fusion on platinum foil. and is fused by directing the flame of a blowpipe upon the under side of the foil. As soon as the carbonate of soda is perfectly liquefied, a small quantity of very finely powdered white sand is thrown into it, when brisk effervescence will be observed, and the particles of sand will dissolve; fresh portions of sand may now be added as long as they produce effer- vescence, which is due to the escape of the carbonic acid, and since, in general, one acid can only be displaced by another, it is but reasonable to infer that the sand really possesses acid properties, and hence the fitness of its chemical name, silicic acid. The piece of platinum foil with the melted mass upon it may now be placed in a little warm water, and allowed to soak for some time, when it will gradually dissolve, forming a solution of silicate of 'soda. This solu- tion will be found decidedly alkaline to test-papers ; for silicic acid, like carbonic, is too feeble an acid to neutralise entirely the alkaline properties of the soda. If a portion of the solution of silicate of soda in water be poured into a test-tube, and two or three drops of hydrochloric acid added to it with occasional agitation, effervescence will be produced by the expulsion of any carbonic acid still remaining, and the solution will be converted into 104 DIALYSED SILICA. a gelatinous mass by the separation of hydrated silicic acid. But if another portion of the solution of silicate of soda be poured into an excess of dilute hydrochloric acid (i.e., into enough to render the solution dis- tinctly acid), the silicic acid will remain dissolved in the water, together with the chlorde of sodium formed by the action of the hydrochloric acid upon the soda. In order to separate the chloride of sodium from the silicic acid, the process of dialysis* must be resorted to. Dialysis is the separation of dissolved substances from each other by taking advantage of the different rates at which they pass through moist diaphragms or septa. If the mixed solution of chloride of sodium and silicic acid were poured upon an ordinary paper filter, it would pass through without alteration ; but if parchment paper be employed, which is not pervious to water, although readily moistened by it, none of the liquid will pass through. If the cone of parchment paper be supported upon a vessel filled with distilled water (fig. 113), so that the water may be in contact with the outer surface of the cone, the hydrochloric acid and the chloride of sodium will pass through the substance of the parchment paper, and the water charged with them may be seen descending in dense streams from the outside of the cone. After a few hours, especially if the water be changed occasionally, the whole of the hydrochloric acid and chloride of sodium will have passed through, and a pure solution of silicic acid in water will remain in the cone. This solution of silicic acid is very feebly acid to blue litmus paper, and not perceptibly sour to the taste. It has a great tendency to set into a jelly in consequence of the sudden separation of hydrated silicic acid. If it be slowly evaporated in a dish, it soon solidifies ; but, by con-* Fig 113 ducting the evaporation in a flask, so as to prevent any drying of the silicic acid at the edges of the liquid, it may be concentrated until it contains 14 per cent, of silicic acid. When this solution is kept, even in a stoppered or corked bottle, it sets into a trans- parent gelatinous mass, which gradually shrinks and separates from the water. When evaporated, in vacuo, over sulphuric acid, it gives a trans- parent lustrous glass which is composed of 22 per cent, of water and 78 per cent of silicic acid (HO . Si0 2 ). This hydrate of silica cannot be redissolved in water, and is only soluble to a slight extent in hydrochloric acid. If it be heated to expel the water, the anhydrous silicic acid which remains is insoluble both in water and in hydrochloric acid, but is dissolved when boiled with solution of potash or soda, or their carbonates. Silicic acid in the naturally crystallised form, as rock crystal and quartz, is insoluble in boiling solutions of the alkalies, and in all acids except hydrofluoric ; but amorphous silica (such as that found at Farnham) is readily dissolved by boiling alkalies. These represent, in fact, two dis- tinct modifications of silica. A transparent piece of rock crystal may be heated to bright redness without change, but if it be powdered previously to being heated, its specific gravity is diminished from 2 '6 to 24, and it becomes soluble in boiling alkalies, having been converted into the amor- phous modification. * From SiaXvw, to part asunder. ACID CHARACTER OF SILICA. 105 Crystals of quartz have been obtained artificially by the prolonged action of water upon glass at a high temperature under pressure. When fused with the oxyhydrogen blowpipe, silica does not crystallise, being thus converted into the amorphous variety of sp. gr. 2 *3. To prepare the amorphous modification of silica artificially, white sand in very fine powder may be fused, in a platinum crucible, with six times its weight of a mix- ture of equal weights of carbonate of potash and carbonate of soda, the mixture being more easily fusible than either of the carbonates separately. The crucible may be heated over a gas-burner supplied with a mixture of gas and air, or may be placed in a little calcined magnesia contained in a fire-clay crucible, which may be covered up and introduced into a good fire. The platinum crucible is never heated in direct contact with fuel, since the metal would become brittle by combining with carbon, silicon, and sulphur derived from the fuel. The magnesia is used to protect the pla- tinum from contact with the clay crucible. When the action of the silicic acid upon the alkaline carbonates is completed, which will be indicated by the cessation of the effervescence, the platinum crucible is allowed to cool, placed in an evaporating dish, and soaked for a night in water, when the mass should be entirely dissolved. Hydrochloric acid is then added to the solution, with occasional stirring, until it i distinctly acid to litmus paper. On evaporating the solution, it will, at a certain point, solidify to a gelatinous mass of hydrated silicic acid, which would be spirted out of the dish if evaporation over the flame were continued. To prevent this, the dish is placed over an empty iron saucepan (fig. 114), so that the heat from the flame may be equally distributed over the bottom of the dish. When the mass is quite dry the dish is allowed to cool, and some water is poured into it, which dissolves the chlorides of potas- sium and sodium (formed by the action of the hydro- chloric acid upon the silicates of potash and soda), and leaves the silicic acid in white flakes. These may be collected upon a filter (fig. 115), and washed several times with distilled water. The filter is then carefully spread out upon a hot iron plate, or upon a hot brick, and allowed to dry, when the silicic acid is left as a dazzling white powder, which must be strongly heated in a porcelain or platinum crucible to expel the last traces of water. It is remarkable for its extreme lightness, especially when heated, the slightest current of air easily blowing it away. 79. For effecting such fusions as that just described, an air-gas blow-pipe (A, fig. 116) supplied with air from a double action bellows (B), worked by a treadle (0), will be found most convenient. Where gas is not at hand, the fusion may be effected in a small furnace (fig. 117) sur- mounted with a conical chimney, and fed with charcoal. 80. Silicates. The acid proper- ties of silicic acid are so feeble that it is a matter of great difficulty to determine the proportion of any base which is required to unite with it in order to form a chemically neutral salt. Like carbonic acid, it does not destroy the action of the alkalies upon test-papers, and we are, therefore, deprived of this method of ascer- taining the proportion of alkali which neutralises it in a chemical sense. In Fig. 114. Fig. 115. Washing a precipitate. 106 AMORPHOUS SILICON. attempting to ascertain the quantity of alkali with which it combines from that of the carbonic acid which it expels when heated with ah alkaline carbonate, it is found that the proportion of carbonic acid ex- pelled varies considerably, according to the temperature and the proportion of alkaline carbonate employed, probably because the attractions of silicic and carbonic acids for the alkaline bases are pretty evenly balanced. By heating silicic acid with hydrate of soda (NaO . HO), it is found that 30 parts of silicic acid expel 18 parts of water, however much hydrate of soda is employed, and the same proportion of water is expelled from hydrate of baryta (BaO . HO) when heated with silicic acid. According to the table at page 2, the formula Si0 2 represents 30 parts by weight of silicic acid, and 18 parts represent two equivalents of water which were combined in the hydrates with two equivalents of soda and baryta respectively. Hence it would appear that one equivalent of silicic acid is disposed to combine with two equivalents of an alkali, and since it is found that several of the crystallised mineral silicates contain two equivalents of a basic protoxide t (MO) combined with one equivalent of silicic acid, it is usual to repres'ent it as a dibasic acid, that is, an acid requiring two equivalents of an alkali to form a chemically neutral salt. The circumstance that silicic acid is not capable of being converted into vapour at a high temperature, enables it to expel from their combinations with bases many other acids which, at ordinary temperatures, are able to displace silicic acid. Thus, sulphuric acid has a far more powerful attrac- tion for bases than silicic acid, at the ordinary temperature, but when a mixture of silicic acid with a sulphate is strongly heated, the tendency of the sulphuric acid to assume the vaporous state at this temperature determines the decomposition of the sulphate and the formation of a silicate. The silicates form by far the greatest number of minerals. The different varieties of clay consist Fig. 116.-Air.gas blowpipe table. Qf ^^ Q alumina . f elds p ar is a silicate of alumina and potash ; meerschaum is a silicate of magnesia. The different kinds of glass are composed of silicates of potash, soda, lime, oxide of lead, &c. None but the silicates of the alkalies are soluble in water. 81. Silicon or Silicium. From the remarkably unchangeable character of silica, it is not surprising that it was long regarded as an elementary substance. In 1813, however, Davy succeeded in decomposing it by the action of potassium, and in obtaining an impure specimen of silicon. It has since been produced, far more easily, by converting the silicic acid into silico-fluoride of potassium (KF . SiF 2 ), and decomposing this at a high temperature with potassium or sodium, which combines with the fluorine to form a salt capable of being dissolved out by water, leaving CHEMICAL RELATIONS OF SILICON. 107 the silicon in the form of a brown powder (amorphous silicon) which resists the action of all acids, except hydrofluoric, which it decomposes^ forming fluoride of silicon and evolving hydrogen (Si + 2HF = SiF 2 + H 2 ) t It is also dissolved by solution of hydrate of potash, with evolution of hydrogen, and for- mation of silicate of potash. It burns bril- liantly when heated in oxygen, but not com- pletely, for it becomes coated with silica which is fused by the intense heat of the combustion. When heated with the blow- pipe on platinum foil, it eats a hole through the metal, with which it forms the fusible silicide of platinum. If silico-fluoride of potassium be fused with aluminum, a portion of the latter combines with the fluorine, and the remainder com- bines with the silicon, forming a silicide of aluminum. By boiling this with hydro- Ti j T j a -j - Fie*. 11 /. Charcoal furnace, chloric and hydrofluoric acids in succession, the aluminum is extracted, and crystalline scales of silicon, with a me- tallic lustre resembling black lead, are left (graphitoid silicon). In this form the silicon has a specific gravity of about 2*5, and refuses to burn in oxygen, or to dissolve in hydrofluoric acid. A mixture of nitric and hydrofluoric acids, however, is capable of dissolving it. Like graphite, this variety of silicon conducts electricity, though amorphous silicon is a non-conductor. The amorphous silicon becomes converted into this in- combustible and insoluble form under the action of intense heat. It is worthy of remark that the combustibility of amorphous carbon (charcoal) is also very much diminished by exposure to a high temperature. Unlike carbon, however," silicon is capable of being fused at a tempera- ture somewhat above the melting point of cast iron ; on cooling it forms a brilliant metallic-looking mass, which may be obtained, by certain pro- cesses, crystallised in octahedra so hard as to scratch glass like a diamond. In their chemical relations to other substances there is much resem- blance between silicon and carbon. They both form feeble acids with oxygen, which correspond in composition. Silicon, however, is capable of displacing carbon from carbonic acid, for if carbonate of potash be fused with silicon, the latter is dissolved, forming silicate of potash, and carbon is separated. Silicon also resembles carbon in its disposition to unite with certain metals to form compounds which still retain their metallic appearance. Thus silicon is found together with carbon in cast iron, and it unites directly with aluminum, zinc, and platinum, to form compounds resembling metallic alloys. Nitrogen enters into direct union with silicon at a high temperature, though it refuses to unite with carbon except in the presence of alkalies. In their relation to hydrogen, these two elements are widely different, for silicon is only known to form one compound with hydrogen, and that of a very unstable character. The hydride of silicon has never yet been obtained in a perfectly pure state, but its composition is believed to correspond with the formula SiH 2 . It derives its interest chiefly from the property of taking fire spontaneously in contact with the air, in which it burns with a brilliant white flame, giving off clouds of silica, and depositing a brown film of silicon upon a cold surface. 108 HYDRIDE OF SILICON. The impure hydride of silicon is prepared by decomposing silicide of magnesium with dilute hydrochloric acid. The silicide of magnesium is obtained by fusing chloride of magnesium (MgCl) with silico-fluoride of sodium (NaF . SiF 2 ) and metallic sodium, when the latter combines with the chlorine and fluorine, leaving the magnesium free to unite with the silicon. The chloride of magnesium may be prepared by dissolving ordinary carbonate of magnesia in hydrochloric acid, adding three parts of chloride of ammonium for each part of carbonate of magnesia, evaporating to dryness in a porcelain dish, fusing the residue, and pouring it out on to a clean stone. Being very deliquescent it must be kept in a well-closed bottle. Silico-fluoride of sodium is made by neutralising hydro-fluosilicic acid with car- bonate of soda, and evaporating to dryness. To increase the fusibility of the mixture, some fused common salt will be re- quired. Dried salt may be melted in a fire-clay crucible, at a bright red heat, and poured out upon a clean dry stone. Forty parts of the chloride of magnesium, 35 of silico-fluoride of sodium, 10 of fused chloride of sodium, and 20 of sodium in slices, are rapidly weighed, shaken together in a dry bottle, and thrown into a red-hot clay crucible, which is then covered and heated as long as the yellow flame of sodium vapour is perceptible. After cooling, the crucible is broken, when a dark-coloured layer of silicide of mag- nesium will be found beneath a white layer of chloride and fluoride of sodium. The sili- cide of magnesium must be rapidly 'detached, and preserved in a well-stopped bottle. The silicide of magnesium is coarsely powdered, and introduced into a Woulfe's bottle (fig. 118), provided with a funnel tube, and a short wide tube for delivering the gas. The bottle is filled up with water (previously boiled to expel air, and allowed to cool), and placed in the pneumatic trough (containing boiled water), so that both bottle and tubes may remain filled with water. A gas-jar, filled with boiled water, having been placed over the delivery-tube, some strong hydro- chloric acid is added through the funnel, great care being taken that no air shall enter. The hydride of silicon is at once evolved, and must be allowed to stand over water for some little time, to allow the froth, caused by a slight separation of silica, to sub- side. The gas may then be transferred to a capped jar, with a stop-cock, from which it may be allowed to pass into the air for the examination of its flame. Fig. 118. When cast iron, containing silicon, is boiled with hydrochloric acid until the whole of the iron is dis- solved, a grey frothy residue is left. If this be collected on a filter, well washed and dried, it is found to consist of black scales of graphite, mixed with a very light white powder. On boiling it with potash, hydrogen is evolved, and the white powder dissolves, forming a solution containing silicate of potash. This white powder appears to be identical with a substance obtained by other processes, and called leucone* which is believed to have the composition Si 3 H 2 5 , and has been regarded as a hydrate of protoxide of silicon, 3SiO . 2HO. Its action upon solution of potash would be explained by the equation Si 3 H 2 5 + HO + 6KO = 3(2KO . Si0 2 ) + H 3 . Leucone is slowly converted into silicic acid, even by the action of water, hydro- gen being disengaged. Another compound, containing silicon, hydrogen, and oxygen, has been named silicone. It is a yellow substance, the general characters of which resemble those of the compound last described. When exposed, under water, to the action of sun- light, hydrogen is evolved, and the yellow body becomes converted into leucone. Combining weight of silicon. The experiments of Berzelius proved that 8 parts by weight of oxygen combine with 7*4 parte of silicon to form silicic acid. If it be assumed that the composition of silicic acid is analo- gous to that of carbonic acid (C0 2 ), the combining weight of silicon (or * Aeu/cos, white. BORACIC ACID. 109 the weight combining with C>2=. 16 parts of oxygen) would be 14*8. More exact experiments have recently fixed the number at 14. Some chemists represent silicic acid as Si0 3 , when the combining weight of silicon (or the weight combining with 3 = 24 parts of oxygen) would be 2 2 *2 (7*4 x 3), or by the more exact experiments, 21. The atomic weight of silicon is generally represented by the number 28, though here, as in the case of carbon, theoretical considerations are relied upon, since the specific gravity of vapour of silicon cannot be ascer- tained by experiment. The atomic formula of silicic acid would then be SiO 2 , representing 28 parts of silicon, combined with 32 parts of oxygen, forming 60 parts of silicic acid. BOKON. 82. Closely allied to silicon is another element, boron, which has at present never been found in animal or vegetable bodies, but appears to be entirely confined to the mineral kingdom. Boracic acid. A saline substance called borax (NaO . 2B0 3 + lOAq.), has long been used in medicine, in working metals, and in making imita- tions of precious stones; this substance was originally imported from India and Thibet, where it was obtained in crystals from the waters of cer- tain lakes, and came into this country under the native designation of tincal, consisting of impure borax, surrounded with a peculiar soapy sub- stance, which the refiner of borax makes it his business to remove. In 1702, in the course of one of those tentative experiments to which, though empirical in their nature, scientific chemistry is now so deeply indebted, Homberg happened to distil a mixture of borax and green vitriol (sulphate of iron), when he obtained a new substance in pearly plates, which was found useful in medicine, and received the name of sedative salt. A quarter of a century later, Lemery found that this sub- stance might be separated from borax by employing sulphuric acid instead of sulphate of iron ; but another quarter of a century elapsed before it was shown that in borax these pearly crystalline scales were combined with soda, and were possessed of acid properties which entitle them to receive the name boracic acid. Much more recently this acid has been obtained in a free state from natural sources, and is now largely imported into this country from the volcanic districts in the north of Italy, where it issues from the earth in the form of vapour, accompanied by violent jets of steam, which are known in the neighbourhood as soffioni. It would appear easy enough, by adopting arrangements for the condensation of this steam, to obtain the boracic acid which accompanies it, but it is found necessary to cause the steam to deposit its boracic acid by passing it through water, for which purpose basins of brickwork (lagunes, fig. 119) are built up around the soffioni, and are kept filled with water from the neighbouring springs or brooks ; this water is allowed to flow successively into the different lagunes, which are built upon a declivity for that purpose, and it thus becomes impregnated with about 1 per cent, of boracic acid. The neces- sity for expelling a large proportion of this water, in order to obtain the boracic acid in crystals, formed for a long time a great obstacle to the success of this branch of industry in a country where fuel is very expen- 110 BORACIC ACID. sive. In 1817, however, Larderello conceived the project of evaporating this water by the steam-heat afforded by the soffioni themselves, and several hundred tons of boracic acid are now annually produced in this manner. The evaporation is conducted in shallow leaden evaporating pans (A, fig. 119), under which the steam from the soffioni is conducted through the flues (F) constructed for that purpose. As the demand for boracic acid increased on account of the immense consumption of borax in the porcelain manufacture, the experiment was made, with success, of boring into the volcanic strata, and thus producing artificial soffioni, yield- ing boracic acid. The crystals of boracic acid, as imported from these sources, contain salts of ammonia and other impurities. They dissolve in about three times their weight of boiling water, and crystallise out on cooling, since they require 26 parts of cold water to dissolve them. These crystals are represented by the formula 3HO . B0 3 . If they are sharply heated in a retort, they partly distil over unchanged, together with the water derived from the decomposition of another part ; but if they be heated to 212 F. only, they effloresce, and become converted into HO . B0 3 . When this is further heated, the whole of the water passes off, carrying with it a little boracic acid, and the acid fuses to a glass, which remains perfectly Fig. 119. Boracic lagune and evaporating pans. transparent on cooling (vitreous boracic acid). This anhydrous boracic acid is slowly volatilised by the continued action of a very high tempera- ture. It dissolves very slowly in water. A characteristic property of boracic acid is that of imparting a green colour to flames. Its presence may thus be detected in the steam issuing from a boiling solution of boracic acid in water, for if a spirit-lamp flame, or a piece of burning paper, be held in the steam, the flame will acquire a green tint, especially at the edges. The colour is more distinctly seen when the crystallised boracic acid is heated on platinum foil in a spirit-flame or an air-gas flame ; and still better when the crystals are dissolved in boiling alcohol, and the solution burnt on a plate. The presence of boracic acid in borax may be ascertained by mixing the solution of borax with strong sulphuric acid to liberate the boracic acid, and adding enough alcohol to make the mixture burn. Another peculiar property of boracic acid is its action upon turmeric. If a piece of turmeric paper be dipped in solution of boracic acid, and dried at a gentle heat, it assumes a fine brown-red colour, which is changed to green or blue by potash or its carbonate. In applying this test to borax, the solution is slightly acidified with hydrochloric acid, to set free the boracic acid, before dipping the paper. GRAPHITE AND DIAMOND OF BORON". Ill Borates. Eoracic acid, like silicic, must be classed among the feeble acids. It colours litmus violet only, like carbonic acid, and does not neutralise the action of the alkalies upon test-papers. At high tempera- tures fused boracic acid dissolves the metallic oxides to form transparent glassy borates, which have, in many cases, very brilliant colours, and upon this property depend the chief uses of boracic acid in the arts. Unlike the silicates, the borates are comparatively rare in the mineral world. No very familiar mineral substance contains boracic acid. A double borate of soda and lime, called boro-natrocalcite, is imported from Peru for the manufacture of borax; and the mineral known as boracite is a borate of magnesia. In determining the proportion of base which boracic acid requires to form with it a chemically neutral salt, the same difficulties are met with as in the case of silicic acid (p. 105); but since it is found that 35 parts of boracic acid (the weight represented by B0 3 ) displace 27 parts of water (three equivalents) from hydrate of soda and from hydrate of baryta, both employed in excess, it would appear that the boracic acid requires three equivalents of a basic protoxide (MO) fully to satisfy its acid character, so that it is a tribasic acid, a conclusion which is supported by other evidence. 83. Boron. It was in the year 1808 that Gay-Lussac and Thenard succeeded, by fusing anhydrous boracic acid with potassium, in extracting from it the element boron as an olive-green powder (amorphous boron), which has a general resemblance to silicon, but, unlike that element, may be oxidised by nitric acid. It also requires a higher temperature to fuse it than is required by silicon. The graphitoid boron, corresponding to the black-lead variety of carbon, is obtained in brilliant copper-coloured scales by a process similar to that which furnishes the graphitoid silicon. The most remarkable form of boron is the crystallised variety or diamond of boron, which is obtained by very strongly heating amorphous boron with aluminum, and afterwards extracting the aluminum from the mass with hydrochloric acid. These crystals are brilliant transparent octahedra, which are sometimes nearly colourless, and resemble the diamond in their power of refracting light, and in their hardness, which is so great that they will scratch rubies, and will even wear away the surface of the diamond.* This form of boron cannot be attacked by any acid, but is dissolved by fused hydrates of the alkalies. The flame of the oxyhydrogen blowpipe does not fuse it, and it only undergoes superficial conversion into boracic acid when heated to whiteness in oxygen. When heated to redness in chlorine, however, it burns, forming chloride of boron. ~ Boron closely resembles silicon in its chemical relations to the other elements. It is not known, however, to form a compound with hydrogen, and has a greater disposition to combine with nitrogen than is manifested by silicon. It absorbs nitrogen readily when heated to redness, forming a white infusible insoluble powder, the nitride of boron (BN). Combining weight of boron. According to the experiments of Davy, 8 parts by weight of oxygen combine with 3*76 parts of boron to form boracic acid. Berzelius found, in borax, that one equivalent of soda (31 parts) was combined with 69 '5 parts of boracic acid. This would contain, according to Davy, 47 '3 parts of oxygen, and if it be taken to represent * The author has known them to cut through the bottom of the beaker-glass used in separating them from the aluminum. 112 REVIEW OF CARBON, BORON, AND SILICON. one equivalent of boracic acid, that of boron would be (69 '5 47'3 = ) v 22-2, and the formula of boracic acid would be B0 6 (representing 22 -2 parts of boron and 48 parts of oxygen). There are reasons, however, for believing that borax really contains two equivalents of boracic acid, com- bined with one equivalent of soda, so that the equivalent of boron would be the half of 22*2, or ll'l (by more exact experiments, -11), and boracic acid would be B0 3 (11 parts of boron with 24 parts of oxygen). The same number is generally taken for the atomic weight of boron, the atomic formula of boracic anhydride being written B 2 3 , and that of the crystallised acid HBO 2 . H 2 O. 84. The elements carbon, boron, and silicon form a natural group, pos- sessing many properties in common. They are all capable of existing in the amorphous, the graphitoid, and the crystalline forms ; all incapable of being converted into vapour ; all exhibit a want of disposition to dissolve ; all form feeble acids with oxygen by direct union ; and all unite with several of the metals to form compounds which resemble each other. Boron and silicon are capable of direct union with nitrogen, and so is carbon if an alkali be present. Eecent researches attribute to silicon the power of occupying the place of carbon in some organic compounds, and the formulae of leucone and silicon (Si 3 H 2 5 and Si 6 H 3 4 ) strongly remind us of the organic compounds of carbon with hydrogen and oxygen. In many of its physical and chemical characters, silicon is closely allied with the metals, and it will be found that tin and titanium bear a particular resemblance to it in their chemical relations. NITROGEN. 85. This element, which has already been referred to as forming four- fifths of the volume of air, is elsewhere found in nature in the forms of saltpetre or nitrate of potash (KO . N0 5 ), and Chili saltpetre or nitrate of soda (NaO . N0 5 ). It also occurs as ammonia (NH 3 ) in the atmosphere and in the gaseous emanations from volcanoes. It is contained in the greater number of animal, and in many vegetable substances, and therefore has a most important share in the chemical phenomena of life. Nitrogen is generally obtained by burning phosphorus in a portion of air confined over water (fig. 120.) The phosphorus is floated on the water in a small porcelain dish, kindled, and covered with a bell-jar. The nitrogen remains mixed with clouds of phosphoric acid (P0 5 ), which may be removed by allowing the gas to stand over water. When nitrogen is required in larger quantity, it is more conveniently prepared by passing air from a gas-holder over metallic copper heated to redness in a tube. The negative properties of this gas, how- ever, are so very uninteresting, and render it so useless for most chemical purposes, that Fig. 120.-Preparation of nitrogen. j* U be unnecessary to give further de- tails respecting its preparation. The re- markable chemical inactivity of free nitrogen has been alluded to in the article on atmospheric air. It has been seen, however, to be capable of SOURCES OF AMMONIA. 113 combining directly with boron and silicon, and magnesium and titanium unite with it even more readily at a high temperature. It is conspicuous among the elements for forming, with hydrogen, a powerful alkali (am- monia, NH 3 ), and with oxygen a powerful acid (nitric acid, NO.), whilst the feeble chemical ties which hold it in combination with other elements, joined to its character of a permanent gas, render many of its compounds very unstable and explosive, as is the case with the so-called chloride and iodide of nitrogen, gun-cotton, the fulminates of silver and mercury, nitroglycerine, &c. The discovery of nitrogen was made by Eutherford (Professor of Botany in the University of Edinburgh) in 1772, who was led to it by the obser- vation, that respired air was still unfit to support life when all the carbonic acid had been absorbed from it by a caustic alkali. Hence the name azote (a priv. and aj?) life) formerly bestowed upon this gas. AMMONIA. 86. The proportion of ammonia existing in atmospheric air is so small that it is difficult to determine it with precision ; it appears, however, not to exceed one-hundredth of a grain in a -cubic foot. This scarcity of ammonia in air is not to be accounted for by a scantiness in the supply, but rather by an excess in the demand ; since ammonia is constantly sent forth into the air by the putrefaction of animal and vegetable substances containing nitrogen. Plants do not appear to be capable of absorbing from the atmosphere the nitrogen which it contains so abundantly in the uncombined form, but to derive their chief supply of that element from the ammonia, brought down by rain from the atmosphere, into which it is continually introduced from various sources. During the life of an animal, it restores to the air the nitrogen which formed part of its wasted organs, in part directly as ammonia in the breath and in the exhalation from the skin,* whilst another portion is separated as urea and uric acid in the urine, to be eventually converted into ammonia when the excretion undergoes putrefaction. Dead animal and vegetable matter when putre- fying, restores its nitrogen to the air, chiefly in the forms of ammonia and substances closely allied to it, but partly also, it is said, in the free state. The liquor ammonice, or solution of ammonia in water, which is so largely used in medicine and the arts, is obtained chiefly from the ammoniacal liquor resulting from the destructive distillation of coal for the manufac- ture of gas. The ammoniacal liquor of the gas-works contains ammonia in combination with carbonic and hydrosulphuric acids. As the first step towards extracting the ammonia in a pure state, the liquor is neutralised with hydrochloric acid, which combines with the ammonia, expelling the carbonic and hydrosulphuric acid gases. Since the latter has a very bad smell and is injurious to health, the neutralisation is generally effected in covered vats furnished with pipes, which convey the gases into a furnace where the hydrosulphuric acid is burnt, forming water and sulphurous acid. The solution of hydrochlorate of ammonia is evaporated to expel part of the water, and allowed to cool in wooden vessels lined with lead, where the hydrochlorate is deposited in crystals which contain a good * Some doubt exists as to the exhalation of ammonia from the lungs .and skin of man under normal conditions. II 114 PROPERTIES OF AMMONIA. deal of tarry matter. These crystals are moderately heated in an iron pan to deprive them of tar, and are finally purified by sublimation, that is, by converting them into vapour, and allowing this vapour to condense again into the solid form. For this purpose the crys- tals are heated in a cylindrical iron vessel covered with an iron dome lined with fire-clay. The hydro- chlorate of ammonia rises in vapour below a red heat, and condenses upon the dome in the form of the fibrous cake known as sal-ammoniac in com- merce. To obtain ammonia from this salt, an ounce of it is reduced to coarse powder, and rapidly mixed with two ounces of powdered quick-lime. The mixture is gently heated in a dry Florence flask (fig. 121), and the gas, being little more than half as heavy as air (sp. gr. 0'59), may be collected in dry bottles by displacement of air, the bottles being allowed to rest upon a piece of tin plate which is perforated for the passage of the tube. To ascertain when the bottles are filled, a piece of red litmus paper may be held at some little distance above the mouth, when it will at once acquire a blue colour if the ammonia escapes. The bottles should be closed with greased stoppers. The action of the lime upon hydrochlorate of ammonia is explained by the following equation : Fig. 121. Preparation of ammonia. NIL.HC1 + + NIL CaO - CaCl + HO Hydrochlor. amm. Lime. Chloride of calcium. Ammonia. The readiest method of obtaining gaseous ammonia for the study of its proper- ties consists in gently heating the strongest liquor ammonice in a retort or flask pro- vided with a bent tube for collecting the gas by displacement (fig. 122). The gas is evolved from the solution at a very low heat, and may be collected un- accompanied by steam. Ammonia is readily distin- guished by its very characteristic smell, and its powerful alkaline action upon red litmus and tur- meric papers. It is absorbed by water in greater proportion by volume than any other gas, one volume of water absorbing more than 700 volumes of ammonia at the ordinary temperature, and becoming one-and-a-half volumes of solution of ammonia of specific gravity 0*88. No chemical com- bination appears to take place between the water and ammonia, for the gas gradually escapes on exposing the solution to the air, and no definite compound of the two has been noticed. The escape of the gas from the solution is attended with great production of cold, much heat be- coming latent in the conversion of the ammonia from the liquid to the gaseous state. The rapid absorption of ammonia by water is well shown by filling a globular Fig. 122. SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF LIQUIDS DETERMINED. 115 Fig. 123. flask (fig. 123) with the gas, placing it with its mouth downwards in a small capsule of mercury which is placed in a large basin. If this basin be filled with water, it cannot come into contact with the ammonia until the mouth of the flask is raised out of the mercury, when the water will quickly enter and fill the flask. The water should be coloured with reddened litmus to exhibit the alkaline reaction of the ammonia. To exhibit the easy expulsion of the ammoniacal ga,s from water by heat, a moderately thick glass tube, about 12 inches long and half an inch in dia- meter, may be nearly filled with mercury, and then filled up with strong solution of ammonia ; on closing it with the thumb and inverting it into a vessel of mercury (fig. 124) the solution will, of course, rise above the mercury to the closed end of the tube. By grasping this end of the tube in the hand, a con- siderable quantity of gas may be expelled, and the mercury will be depressed. If a little hot water be poured over the top of the tube, the latter will become filled with ammoniacal gas, which will be absorbed again by the water when the tube is allowed to cool, the mercury re- turning to fill the tube. The solution of ammonia, which is an article of com- merce, is prepared by conduct- ing the gas into water con- tained in a two-necked bottle, the second neck being con- nected with a tube passing into another bottle containing water, in which any escaping ammonia may be condensed. The strength of the solutionds inferred from its specific gra- vity, which is lower in propor- tion as the quantity of am- monia in the solution is greater. Thus, at 57 F., a solution of sp. gr. 0-8844 contains 36 parts by weight of ammonia in 100 parts of solution ; the sp. gr. 0*8976 in- dicates 30 per cent. ; 0-9106, 25 per cent. ; 0-9251, 20 per cent. ; 0-9414, 15 per cent.; 0-9593, 10 per cent. ; 0-979, 5 per cent. The specific gravity is ascertained by comparing the weights of equal volumes of water and of the solution at the same temperature. For this purpose, a light stoppered bottle is provided, capable of containing about two fluid ounces. This is thoroughly dried, and counterpoised in a balance by placing in the opposite pan a piece of lead, which may be cut down to the proper weight. The bottle is then filled with solution of ammonia, the temperature observed with a ther- mometer and recorded, the stopper inserted, and the bottle weighed. It is then well rinsed out, filled with distilled water, the tempera- ture equalised with that of the ammonia by placing the bottle either in warm or cold water, and the weight ascertained as before. The specific gravity is obtained by dividing the weight of the solu- tion of ammonia by that of the water. The ammonia-meter (fig. 125) is a convenient instrument for rapidly ascertaining the specific gravity of liquids lighter than water. It consists of a hollow glass float with a long stem, weighted with a bulb containing shot or mer- cury, so that when placed in distilled water it may sink to 1000 of the Fig. 124. Fig. 125. H 2 116 LIQUEFACTION OF AMMONIA. scale marked on the stem, this number representing the specific gravity of water. When placed in a liquid lighter than water, it must, of course, sink lower in order to displace more liquid (since solids sink until they have displaced their own weight of liquid). By trying it in liquids of known specific gravities, the mark upon the scale to which it sinks may be made to indicate the specific gravity of the liquid. The ammonia-meter generally has a scale so divided that it indicates at once the per-centage weight of ammonia. In this country the specific gravity of a liquid is always supposed to be taken at 62 F. The common name for solution of ammonia, spirit of hart's horn, is derived from the circumstance that it was originally obtained for medi- cinal purposes by distilling shavings of that material. When ammonia is exposed to a temperature of 40 F. (i.e. 72 below the freezing-point), or to a pressure of 6 J atmospheres at 50, it condenses to a clear liquid, which solidifies at a temperature of - 103 F. to a white crystalline mass. The comparative ease with which it may be liquefied has led to its application in Carry's freezing apparatus (fig. 126), in which the gas generated by heating a concentrated solution of ammonia in a strong iron boiler (A) is liquefied by its own pres- sure in an iron receiver (B) placed in cold water. When the boiler is taken off the fire and cooled in water, the liquefied ammonia evaporates very ra- pidly from the receiver back into the boiler, thereby producing so much cold that a vessel of water placed in a cavity (C) in the receiver is at once congealed into ice. A refrigerator constructed upon this principle is employed in the salt gardens of the south of France, in order to render their crystallising operations independent of the temperature of the air. The liquefaction of ammonia is very easily effected by heating the ammoniated chloride of silver in one limb of a sealed tube, the other limb of which is cooled in a freezing mixture. A piece of stout light green glass tube (A, fig. 127), about 12 inches long and half an inch in A@L . ^ diameter, is drawn out at about an inch from one end to a narrow neck. About 300 grains of chloride of silver (dried at 400 F.) are introduced into the tube, so as to lie loosely in it. For this purpose a gutter of stiff paper (B) should be cut so as to slide loosely in the tube, the chloride of silver placed upon it, and when it has been thrust into the tube (held horizontally) the latter should be turned upon its axis, so that the chlo- ride of silver may fall out of the paper, which may then be withdrawn. The tube is now drawn out to a narrow neck at about an inch from the other end, as in 0, and after- wards carefully bent, as in D, care being taken that none of the chloride of silver falls into the short limb of the tube, which should be about four inches long. The tube is then supported by a holder, so that the long limb may be horizontal, and is connected, by a tube and cork Fig. 126. Carre's freezing apparatus. COMBUSTION OF AMMONIA IN OXYGEN. 117 with an apparatus delivering dry ammonia, prepared by heating 1000 grains of sal-ammoniac with an equal weight of quick-lime in a flask, and passing the gas, first into an empty bottle (A, fig. 128) standing in cold water, and afterwards through a bottle (B) filled with lumps of quick-lime to absorb all aqueous vapour. __ . Fig. 128. Fig. 129. Liquefaction of ammonia. The long limb of the tube must be surrounded with filtering paper, which is kept wet with cold water. The current of ammonia should be continued at a moderate rate, until the tube and its contents no longer increase in weight, which will occupy about three hours about 36 grains of ammonia being absorbed. The longer limb is sealed by the blowpipe flame whilst the gas is still passing, and then, as quickly as possible, the shorter limb, keeping that part of the tube which is occupied by the ammoni- ated chloride of silver still carefully surrounded by wet paper. When the shorter limb of this tube (fig. 129) is cooled in a mixture of ice and salt (or of 8 ounces of sulphate of soda and 4 measured ounces of common hydrochloric acid), whilst the longer limb is gently heated from end to end by waving a spirit flame beneath it, the "ammonia evolved by the heat from the ammoniated chloride 01 silver, which partly fuses, will condense into a beautifully clear liquid in the cold limb. When this is withdrawn from the freezing mixture, and the tube allowed to cool, the liquid ammonia will boil and gradually disappear entirely, the gas being again absorbed by the chloride of silver, so that the tube is ready to be used again. Ammonia is feebly combustible in atmospheric air, as may be seen by holding a taper just within the mouth of an inverted bottle of the gas, which burns with a peculiar livid flickering light around the flame, but will not continue to burn when the flame is removed. During its combustion the hydrogen is con- verted into water, and the nitro- gen set free. In oxygen, how- ever, ammonia burns with a continuous flame. This is very well shown by sur- rounding a tube delivering a stream of ammonia (obtained by heating strong solution of ammonia in. a retort) with a much wider tube open at both ends (fig. 130), through which oxygen is passed by 118 AMMONIUM THEORY. holding the flexible tube from a gas-bag or gas-holder underneath it. On kindling the stream of ammonia it will give a steady flame of ten or twelve inches long. x A similar experiment may be made with a smaller supply of oxygen, by lowering the tube delivering ammonia into a bottle or jar of oxygen, and apply- ing a light to it just as it enters the mouth of the jar (fig. 131). The elements of ammonia are easily separated from each other by passing the gas through a red- hot tube, or still more readily by exposing it to the action of the high temperature of the elec- tric spark, when the volume of the gas rapidly increases until it is exactly doubled, one volume of ammonia being decomposed volume of nitrogen and f volumes of hydrogen. Fig. 131. into For this experiment a measured volume of ammonia gas is confined over mercury (fig. 132), in a tube through which platinum wires are sealed for the passage of the spark from an induction-coil. The volume of the gas is doubled in a few minutes, and if the tube be fur- nished with a stop-cock (A), the presence of free hydrogen may be shown by filling the open limb with mercury and kindling the gas as it issues from the jet.* As might be expected from its powerfully alka- line character, ammonia exhibits a strong attrac- tion for acids, which it neutralises perfectly. If a bottle of ammonia gas, closed with a glass plate, be inverted over a similar bottle of hydrochloric acid gas, and the glass plates withdrawn (fig. 133), the gases will combine, with disengagement of much heat, forming a white solid, the hydrochlorate of ammonia (NH 3 . HC1), in which the acid and alkali have neutralised each other. Again, if ammonia be added to diluted sulphuric acid, the latter will be entirely neutralised, and by evaporating the solution, crystals of the sul- phate of ammonia (NH 3 . HO . S0 3 ) may be obtained. The substances thus produced by neutralising the acids with solution of ammonia bear a strong resemblance to the salts formed by neutralising the same acids with solu- tions of potash and soda, a circumstance which would encourage the idea that the solution of ammonia must contain an alkaline oxide similar to potash or soda. Berzelius was the first to make an experiment which appeared strongly to favour this view (commonly spoken of as the ammonium theory of Berzelius). The negative pole of a galvanic battery was placed in con- * The eudiometer for passing electric sparks in rapid succession must have the platinum wires passed through the glass as shown in fig. 132, or it will be cracked by the heat of the sparks. The outlet tube B, closed by a small screw clamp C, pinching a caoutchouc connector, allows the mercury to be drawn off when necessary, to equalise the level in the two limbs. Fig. 132. EQUIVALENT OF AMMONIA. 119 tact with mercury at the bottom of a vessel containing a strong solution of ammonia, in which the positive pole of the battery was immersed. Oxygen was disengaged at this pole, whilst the mer- cury in contact with the negative pole swelled to four or five times its original bulk, and became a soft solid mass, still preserving, however, its metallic appearance. So far, the result of the experiment resembles that obtained when hydrate of potash is decom- posed under similar circumstances, the oxygen separating at the positive pole, and the potas- sium at the negative, where it combines with the mercury. Beyond this, however, the analogy does not hold ; for in the latter case Fi 133 the metallic potassium can be readily separ- ated from the mercury, whilst in the former, all attempts to isolate the ammonium have failed, for the soft solid mass resolves itself, almost immediately after its preparation, into mercury, ammonia (NH 3 ), and hydrogen, one equivalent of the latter being separated for each equivalent of ammonia. This would also tend to support the conclusion, that a sub- stance having the composition NH 3 + H or NH 4 had united with the mercury ; and since the latter is not known to unite with any non-metallic substance without losing its metallic appearance, it would be fair to con- clude that the soft solid was really an amalgam of ammonium. How- ever, the increase in the weight of the mercury is so slight, and the "amalgam," whether obtained by this or by other methods, is so unstable, that it would appear safer to attribute the swelling of the mercury to a physical change caused by the presence of the ammonia and hydrogen gases. It is difficult to believe that the solution of ammonia does really contain an oxide of ammonium (NH 4 0), when we find it evolving ammonia so easily; but it is equally difficult, upon any other hypo- thesis, to explain the close resemblance between the salts obtained by neutralising acids with this solution, and those furnished by potash and soda. The ordinary mode of exhibiting the production of the so-called amalgam of ammo- nium consists in acting upon the hydrochlorate of ammonia (NH 3 . HC1), or chloride of ammonium (NH 4 C1), with the amalgam of sodium. A little pure mercury is heated in a test-tube, and a pellet of sodium thrown into it, when combination takes place with great energy. When. the amalgam is nearly cool it may be poured into a larger tube containing a moderately strong solution of chloride of ammonium ; the amalgam at once swells to many times its former bulk, forming a soft, solid sub- stance lighter than water, which may be shaken out of the tube as a cylindrical mass, decomposing rapidly with effervescence, evolving ammonia and hydrogen, and soon recovering its original volume and liquid condition. 87. Combining weight and volume of ammonia. It is found by experi- ment that one combining weight (3 6 '5 grains) of hydrochloric acid requires 1 7 grains of ammonia to effect complete neutralisation by combining with it to form hydrochlorate of ammonia. This result being confirmed by observations upon other acids, 1 7 is regarded as representing the combin- ing weight (or equivalent) of ammonia. This quantity of the gas occupies four times the volume of 8 parts by weight (one equivalent) of oxygen, so that if this gas be taken as the unit of volume, the combining volume of ammonia will be 4. Since the 1 7 parts by weight of ammonia occupy twice the volume of one part by weight (one equivalent) of hydrogen, if 120 COMPOSITION OF AMMONIA. that gas be taken as the unit of volume, the combining volume of ammonia will be 2. 88. Combining weight and volume of nitrogen. 17 grains of ammonia have been proved to contain 14 grains of nitrogen combined with 3 grains of hydrogen. The latter gas being taken as the unit of combin- ing weights, the 3 grains would represent 3 combining weights* of hydro- gen, and the question arises, How many combining weights of nitrogen are represented by the 14 grains 1 On referring to the composition of ammonia by volume, we find that it furnishes three volumes of hydrogen for one volume of nitrogen when decomposed by the electric spark (p. 118), and hence it seems reasonable to conclude that it contains one combining weight of nitrogen (14) and three combining weights of hydrogen (3), when the combining volume of nitrogen (or the volume occupied by its combining weight) will be equal to that of hydrogen. It will also be seen hereafter that the hydrogen in ammonia can be replaced by other bodies in thirds, showing that there must be three atoms of hydrogen present, whilst the 14 parts of nitrogen cannot be replaced in fractions, so that it must represent a single atom. The composition of ammonia by weight and volume is exhibited in the following table : = 1 vol. H = 1 vol. Parts by weight. Nitrogen . . . Hydrogen . . . Ammonia . . . 1 equivt. 3 equivts. 2 vols. 6 vols. 1 vol. 3 vols. 14 3 1 equivt. 4 vols. 2 vols. 17 It will be seen that the atomic or molecular formula of ammonia, based upon the assumption that one volume of an element in the gaseous state represents one atom, coincides with its equivalent formula. 89. Determination of nitrogen in organic substances. An exact know- ledge of the composition of ammonia is of great importance, because the general method of ascertaining the proportion of nitrogen present in animal and vegetable substances consists in converting that element into ammonia, which, being collected and weighed, furnishes by calculation the weight of nitrogen present. To ascertain the proportion of nitrogen present in an organic substance, a weighed quantity of it is mixed with a large proportion of soda-lime (a mixture of hydrate of soda and hydrate of lime), and introduced into a tube of German glass (A, fig. 134) to which is attached, by a perforated cork, abulb apparatus (B) containing hydrochloric acid. On heating the tube inch by inch with a charcoal or gas furnace, the nitrogen of the substance is evolved in combination with the hydrogen of the hydrates, in the form of ammonia, which is absorbed by the hydrochloric acid in the bulbs. When the whole length of the tube has been heated, the point (C) is nipped off, and air drawn through by applying suction to the orifice (D) of the bulb apparatus, so that all the ammonia may be carried into the hydrochloric acid. Its weight is then ascertained, either by Fig. 134. Estimation of nitrogen. CALCULATION OF FOEMUL^E. 121 evaporating the liquid in a weighed dish placed over a steam bath, and weighing the hydrochlorate of ammonia, or more accurately by converting it into the double chloride of platinum and ammonium. Sometimes a solution of sulphuric acid of known strength is substituted for the hydrochloric acid in the bulbs, and the weight of the ammonia is ascertained by determining the quantity of acid which has been neutralised. To illustrate the change which takes place when the organic substance is heated with the hydrates of soda and lime, let it be supposed that urea is the substance sub- mitted to analysis. 'C 2 H 4 N 2 2 + NaO.HO + CaO.HO = NaO.C0 2 + CaO.C0 2 + 2NH 3 Urea. The hydrate of soda alone would produce the same result, but would corrode the glass too rapidly. In the analysis of an organic substance containing carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen, the proportions of carbon and hydrogen having been ascertained by the method described at p. 73, and that of nitrogen by the process given above, the sum of the carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen is deducted from the entire weight of the substance to obtain the proportion of oxygen. The weights thus found are divided by the combining weights of the several elements to obtain the empirical formula, which is converted into a rational formula on the principle illustrated at p. 75. For example, 10 grs. of urea were found to contain 2 grs. of carbon, 0'66 gr. of hydrogen, and 4 '6 7 grs. of nitrogen. 10 grs. of urea minus 7 '33 (carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen) = 2*67 grs. of oxygen. Dividing each of these numbers by the combining weight of the ele- ment to which it refers, we have, 2-0 -4- 6 = '3 3 of a combining weight of carbon, 0-66 -4- 1 = 0-66 - hydrogen, 4-67 - 14 - 0-33 nitrogen, 2-67 - 8 - 0-33 oxygen, leading to the empirical formula C 33 H 66 N 33 33 , or in its simplest form, CH 2 NO, for urea. But urea is an organic base, capable of uniting with acids to form salts, and it is found that to neutralise one combining weight (36 '5 parts) of hydrochloric acid, 60 parts of urea are necessary. This quantity would contain 1 2 parts (two combining weights) of carbon, 4 parts (four combining weights) of hydrogen, 28 parts (two combining weights) of nitrogen, and 16 parts (two combining weights) of oxygen, so that the true formula for urea would be C 2 H 4 N 2 2 . 90. Formation of ammonia in the rusting of iron. Although free nitrogen and hydrogen cannot be made to form ammonia by direct com- bination, this compound is produced when the nitrogen meets with hydrogen in the nascent state; that is, at the instant of its liberation from a combined form. Thus, if a few iron filings be shaken with a little water in a bottle of air, so that they may cling round the sides of the bottle, and a piece of red litmus paper be suspended between the stopper and the neck, it will be found to have assumed a blue colour in the course of a few hours, and ammonia may be distinctly detected in the rust which is produced. It appears that the water is decomposed by the iron, in the presence of the carbonic acid of the air and water, and that the hydrogen liberated enters at once into combination with the nitrogen, held in solution by the water, to form ammonia. 122 OXIDATION OF AMMONIA. 91. Production of nitrous and nitric acids from ammonia. If a few drops of a strong solution of ammonia be poured into a pint bottle, and ozonised air (from the tube for ozonising by induction, fig. 10) be passed into the bottle, thick white clouds will speedily be formed, consisting of nitrite of ammonia, the nitrous acid having been produced by the oxidation of the ammonia at the expense of the ozonised oxygen 2NH 3 6 = ]STH 3 .HO.N0 3 Nitrite of ammonia. 2HO If copper filings be shaken with solution of ammonia in a bottle of air, white fumes will also be produced, together with a deep blue solution containing oxide of copper and nitrite of ammonia ; the act of oxidation of the copper appearing to have induced a simultaneous oxidation of the ammonia. A coil of thin platinum wire made round a pencil, if heated to redness at the lower end and suspended in a flask (fig. 135) with a little strong ammonia at the bottom, will continue to glow for a great length of time, in consequence of the combination of the ammonia with the oxygen of the air taking place at its surface, attended with great evolution of heat. Thick white clouds of nitrite of ammonia are formed, Fig. 135. and frequently red vapour of nitrous acid (N0 3 ) itself. If a tube delivering oxygen gas be passed down to the bottom of the flask (fig. 136), the action will be far more energetic, the heat of the platinum rising to white- ness, when an explosion of the mixture of ammonia and oxygen will ensue. After the explosion the action will recommence, so that the explosion will repeat itself as often as may be wished. It is unattended with danger if the mouth of the flask be pretty large. By regulating the stream of oxygen, the bubbles of that gas may be made -to burn as they pass through the ammonia at the bottom of the flask. In the presence of strong bases, and of porous materials to favour oxidation, ammonia appears to be capable of suffering further oxidation and conver- sion into nitric acid, which combines with the base Fig. 136. to form a nitrate, thus CaO + O 8 - CaO.NO. + 3HO Nitrate of lime. This formation of nitrates from ammonia is commonly referred to as nitrification, and appears to play an important part in the formation of the natural supplies of saltpetre which are of so great importance to the arts.* COMPOUNDS OF NITROGEN AND OXYGEN. 92. Though these elements in their pure state exhibit no attraction for each other, five compounds, which contain them in different proportions, have been obtained by indirect processes. The relative proportions of * The charcoal which has been used in the sewer ventilators (see p. 59) has been found to contain abundance of nitrates. FORMATION OF NITRIC ACID. 123 oxygen in these compounds are exhibited in the following table, where the weight of nitrogen present is supposed to remain constant : Oxides of Nitrogen. Name. Equivalent By Weight. Formula. N Nitrous oxide . NO 14 8 Nitric oxide NO, 14 16 Nitrous acid N0 3 14 24 Nitric peroxide N0 4 14 32 Nitric acid . . N0 5 14 40 When a succession of strong electric sparks from the induction coil is passed through atmospheric air in a flask (especially if the air be mixed with oxygen), a red gas is formed in small quantity, which is either nitrous acid (N0 3 ) or nitric peroxide (N0 4 ). If the experiment be made in a graduated eudiometer (fig. 137), standing over water coloured with blue litmus, the latter will very soon be reddened by the acid formed, and the air will be found to diminish very considerably in volume, eventually losing its power of supporting combustion, in consequence of the removal of oxygen. When hydrogen gas, mixed with a small quantity of nitrogen, is burnt, the water collected from it is found to have an acid taste and reaction, due to the presence of a little nitric acid, resulting from the combination of the nitrogen with the oxygen of the air under the influence of the intense heat of the hydrogen flame. Since all the compounds of nitrogen and oxygen are ob- tained, in practice, from hydrated nitric acid (HO . N0 5 ), the chemical history of that substance must precede that of the bodies enumerated in the above table. Fig. 137. NITRIC ACID. 93. This most important acid is obtained from saltpetre, which is found as an incrustation upon the sur- face of the soil in hot and dry climates, as in some parts of India and Peru. The salt im- ported into this country from Bengal and Oude consists of nitrate of potash (KO . N0 6 ), whilst the Peruvian or Chilian saltpetre is nitrate of soda (NaO . N0 5 ). Either of these will serve for the preparation of nitric acid. Fig. 138. Preparation of nitric acid. On the small scale, in the laboratory, nitric acid is prepared by distilling nitrate of potash with an equal weight of concentrated sulphuric acid. 124 PREPARATION OF NITRIC ACID. In order to make the experiment, four ounces of powdered nitre, thoroughly dried, may be introduced into a pint-stoppered retort (fig. 138), and two and a half mea- sured ounces of concentrated sulphuric acid poured upon it. As soon as the acid has soaked into the nitre, a gradually increasing heat may be applied by means of an Argand burner, when the acid will distil over. It must be preserved in a stop- pered bottle. When the acid has ceased distilling, the retort should be allowed to cool, and filled with water. On applying a moderate heat for some time, the saline rcs'idue will be dissolved. The solution may then be poured into an evaporating dish, and evapor- ated down to a small bulk. On allowing the concentrated solution to cool, crystals of bisulphate of potash (KO . HO . 2S0 3 ) are deposited, a salt which is very useful in many metallurgic and analytical operations. The decomposition of nitrate of potash by an equal weight of concen- trated sulphuric acid is explained by the equation KO . NO B + 2 (HO . S0 3 ) . HO . M) 5 + KO . S0 3 , HO . S0 3 Nitrate of Hydrated Hydrated potash. sulphuric acid. nitric acid. Bisulphate of potash. It would appear at first sight that one-half of the sulphuric acid might be dispensed with, but it is found that when one equivalent only -of sul- phuric acid is employed, so high a temperature is required to effect the complete decomposition of the saltpetre (the above equation then repre- senting only the first stage of the action), that much of the nitric acid is decomposed; and the neutral sulphate of potash (KO . S0 3 ), which would be the final result, is not nearly so easily dissolved out of the retort by water as the bisulphate. For the preparation of large quantities of nitric acid, the nitrate of soda is substituted for nitrate of potash, being much cheaper, and furnishing a larger proportion of nitric acid. The nitrate of soda is intro- duced into an iron cylinder (A, fig. 139), lined with fire- Fig. 139,-Preparation of nitric acid. ^ io f P rotec * ** fn > m , &* ac ~ tion of the acid, and half its weight ot sulphuric acid (oil of vitriol) is poured upon it. Heat is then applied by a furnace, into which the cylinders are built, in pairs, when the hydrated nitric acid passes off in vapour, and is condensed in a series of stoneware bottles (B) surrounded with cold water. NaO.N0 5 Nitrate of soda. HO . S0 3 Oil of vitriol. = NaO . S0 3 Sulphate of soda. HO . NO B Hydrated nitric acid. The sulphate of soda left in the retort is useful in the manufacture of glass. In the preparation of nitric acid, it will be observed at the beginning and towards the end of the operation, that the retort becomes filled with a red vapour. This is due to the decomposition of a portion of the colour- less vapour of nitric acid by heat into water, oxygen, and nitric peroxide HO. NO. = HO + + NO. PROPERTIES OF NITRIC ACID. 125 this last forming the red vapour, a portion of which is absorbed by the hydrated nitric acid, and gives it a yellow colour. The pure nitric acid is colourless, but if exposed to sunlight it becomes yellow, a portion suffering this decomposition. In consequence of the accumulation of the oxygen in the upper part of the bottle, the stopper is often forced out suddenly when the bottle is opened, and care must be taken that drops of this very corrosive acid be not spirted into the face. The strongest nitric acid (obtained by distilling perfectly dry nitre with an equal weight of pure oil of vitriol, and collecting the middle portion of the acid separately from the first and last portions, which are somewhat weaker) emits very thick grey fumes when exposed to damp air, because its vapour, though itself transparent, absorbs water very readily from the air, and condenses into very minute drops of diluted nitric acid which compose the fumes. The weaker acids commonly sold in the shops do not fume so strongly. An exact criterion of the strength of any sample of the acid is afforded by the specific gravity, which may be ascertained by the methods described at page 115, using a hydro- meter adapted for liquids heavier than water. Thus, the strongest acid (HO . N0 5 ) has the specific gravity 1*52, and contains 85 '72 per cent., by weight, of N0 5 ;* whilst the ordinary aquafortis or diluted nitric acid has the sp. gr. 1 -29, and contains only 40 per cent, of N0 5 . The concentrated nitric acid usually sold by the operative chemist (double aquafortis) has the sp. gr. 1'42, and contains 58 per cent, of N0 5 . A very characteristic property of nitric acid is that of staining the skin yellow. It produces the same effect upon most animal and vegetable matters, especially if they contain nitrogen. The application of this in dyeing silk of a fast yellow colour may be seen by dipping a skein of white silk in a warm mixture of concentrated nitric acid with an equal volume of water, and afterwards immersing it in dilute ammonia, which will convert the yellow colour into a brilliant orange. When sulphuric or hydrochloric acid is spilt upon the clothes, a red stain is produced, and a little ammonia restores the original colour ; but nitric acid stains are yellow, and ammonia intensifies instead of removing them, though it pre- vents the cloth from being eaten into holes. Nitric acid changes most organic colouring matters to yellow, but, unless very concentrated, it merely reddens litmus. If solutions of indigo and litmus are warmed in separate flasks, and a little nitric acid added to each, the indigo will become yellow and the litmus red, Here the indigo (C 16 H 5 N0 2 ) acquires oxygen from the nitric acid, and is converted into isatine (C 16 H 5 N0 4 ). When hydrated nitric acid is heated, it begins to boil at 184 F., but it cannot be distilled unchanged, for a considerable quantity is decom- posed into nitric peroxide, oxygen, and water, the two first passing off in the gaseous form, whilst the water remains in the retort with the nitric acid, which thus becomes gradually more and more diluted, until it con- tains 68 per cent, of HO . NO., when it passes over unchanged at the temperature of 248 F. The specific gravity of this acid is 1 '42. If an acid weaker than this be submitted to distillation, water will pass off' until acid of this strength is obtained, when it distils over unchanged. The facility with which hydrated nitric acid parts with a portion of its * It is extremely difficult to obtain the HO . NO S free from any extraneous water, as it undergoes decomposition not only when vaporised at the boiling point, but even at ordinary temperatures. 126 ACTION OF NITRIC ACID UPON METALS. oxygen, renders it very valuable as an oxidising agent. Comparatively few substances which are capable of forming compounds with oxygen can escape oxidation when treated with nitric acid. A small piece of phosphorus dropped into a porcelain dish containing the strongest nitric acid (and placed at some distance to avoid danger), soon begins to act upon the acid, generally with such violence as to burst out into flame, and sometimes to shatter the dish; the result of this action is hydrated phosphoric acid, the same compound which is formed in the anhydrous state, when phosphorus is burnt in oxygen gas. When sulphur is heated with nitric acid, it is actually oxidised to a greater extent than when burnt in pure oxygen, for in this case it is con- verted into sulphurous acid (S0 2 ), whilst nitric acid imparts to it three equivalents of oxygen, forming sulphuric acid (S0 3 ). Charcoal, which is so unalterable by most chemical agents at the ordinary temperature, is oxidised by nitric acid. If a mixture of the strongest nitric acid with half its volume of fuming (Nordhausen) sul- phuric acid be poured upon finely powdered charcoal, the latter takes fire at once. A stick of charcoal dipped into this mixture will take fire after a few seconds. Even iodine, which is not oxidised by free oxygen, is converted into iodic acid (I0 5 ) by nitric acid. It not unfrequently happens in this manner that oxygen, in a state of unstable combination, is more prone to unite with other substances than when it is in a free state. It would seem that the disposition to com- bination having been once impressed upon it is retained, so as to facilitate its union with other bodies. But it is especially in the case of metals that the oxidising powers of nitric acid are called into useful application. Acids are not capable of uniting with metals, but only with their oxides. Hence, when a metal is dissolved by any oxygen-acid, the latter must first convert the metal into an oxide, which then combines with the acid to form a salt. If a little black oxide of copper be heated in a test-tube with nitric acid, it dissolves, without evolution of gas, yielding a blue solution, which contains the nitrate of copper, or, to speak correctly, the nitrate of oxide of copper. In this case the oxide of copper has simply displaced the water of the hydrated acid CuO + HO . N0 5 = HO + CuO . N0 5 Oxide of copper. Nitrate of copper. But when nitric acid is poured upon metallic copper (copper turnings), a very violent action ensues, red fumes are abundantly evolved, and the metal dissolves in the form of nitrate of copper 4(HO.N0 5 ) + Cu 3 - 3(CuO.N0 5 ) + 4HO + N0 2 Nitrate of copper. Nitric oxide. The nitric oxide itself is colourless, but as soon as it comes into contact with the oxygen of the air, it is converted into the red nitric peroxide T0 2 + 2 - N0 4 All the metals in common use are acted upon by nitric acid, except gold and platinum, so that this acid is employed to distinguish and separate these metals from others of less value. The ordinary ready method of ascertaining whether a trinket is made of gold consists in NASCENT STATE OF ELEMENTS. 127 touching it with, a glass stopper wetted with nitric acid, which leaves gold untouched, but colours base alloys blue, from the formation of nitrate of copper. The touch-stone allows this mode of testing to be applied with greater accuracy. It consists of a species of black basalt, obtained chiefly from Silesia. If a piece of gold be drawn across its sur- face a golden streak is left, which is not affected by moistening with nitric acid; whilst the streak left by brass, or any similar base alloy, would be rapidly dissolved by the acid. Experience enables an operator to determine by means of the touch-stone pretty nearly the amount of gold present in the alloy, comparison being made with the streaks left by alloys of known composition. Though all the metals in common use, except gold and platinum, are oxidised by nitric acid, they are not all dissolved; there are two metals, tin and antimony, which are left by the acid in the state of insoluble oxides, which possess acid properties, and do not unite with the nitric acid. If some concentrated nitric acid be poured upon tin filings, no action will be observed;* but on adding a little water, red fumes will be evolved in abundance, and the tin will be converted into a white powder, which is the binoxide of tin (Sn0 2 ), putty powder. The gas which is evolved in this case is the nitric peroxide (NOj, and the action of the acid is represented by the equation which follows : 2(HO . N0 5 ) + Sn = Sn0 2 + 2HO + 2N0 4 If the white mixture of binoxide of tin with nitric acid be made into a paste with slaked lime, the smell of ammonia will be exhaled ; and experiments with other metals have shown it to be a general principle, that when any metal capable of decomposing water is dissolved in diluted nitric acid, ammonia is always formed, its quantity increasing with the degree of dilution of the nitric acid ; of course, the ammonia combines with the excess of acid present to form nitrate of ammonia, and the lime was added in the above experiment in order to displace the ammonia from its combination, and to exhibit its odour. This conversion of nitric acid into ammonia becomes the more interesting when it is remembered that the ammonia can be reconverted into nitric _acid (p. 122). By dissolving zinc in very diluted nitric acid, a very large quantity of ammonia may be obtained. The change is easily followed if we suppose the nascent hydrogen (or hydrogen with the tendency to combination still remaining impressed upon it, see p. 126), produced by the action of the zinc upon the water, to act upon the nitric acid, converting its oxygen into water, and its nitrogen into ammonia, thus N0 5 + H 8 = 5HO + NH 3 . The exalted attractions possessed by substances in the nascent state, that is, at the instant of their passing from a state of combination, are very remarkable, and will be found to receive frequent application.^ Action of nitric acid upon organic substances. The oxidising action of nitric acid upon some organic substances is so powerful as to be attended with inflammation; if a little of the strongest nitric acid be placed in a porcelain capsule, and a few drops of oil of turpentine be poured into it from a test-tube fixed to the end of a long stick, the tur- pentine takes fire with a sort of explosion. By boiling some of the strongest acid in a test-tube (fig. 140), the mouth of which is loosely * It is a fact which has scarcely been explained in a satisfactory manner, that the con- centrated nitric acid often refuses to act upon metals which are violently attacked by the diluted acid. f When a solution of nitrate of potash is mixed with a strong solution of caustic potash, and heated with granulated zinc and clean iron filings, ammonia is abundantly disengaged, being produced from the nitric acid by the nascent hydrogen resulting from the electro- lytic action. Recent experiments have indicated the existence of substances intermediate between the nitric acid and the ammonia into which it is finally converted. One of these, named hydroxylamine, NH 3 0,,, has been examined. It is a well-defined base, forming crystalline salts with the acids. 128 EQUIVALENT OF NITRIC ACID. stopped with a plug of raw silk or of horse-hair, the latter may be made to take fire and bum brilliantly in the vapour of nitric acid. In many cases the products of the action of nitric acid exhibit a most interesting relation to the substances from which they have been pro- duced, one or more equivalents of the hydrogen of the original compound having been removed in the form of water by the oxygen of the nitric acid, whilst the spaces thus left vacant have been filled up by the nitric peroxide resulting from the deoxidation of the nitric acid, producing what is termed a nitro-substitution compound. A very simple example of this displacement of H by N0 4 is afforded by the action, of nitric acid upon benzole. A little concentrated nitric acid is placed in a flask, and benzole cautiously dropped into it ; a violent action ensues, and the acid becomes of a deep red colour ; if the contents of the flask be now poured into a large vessel of water, a heavy yellow oily liquid is separated, having a powerful odour like that of bitter almond oil. This substance, which is used to a considerable extent in perfumery under the name of essence of mirbane, is called nitro-benzole, and its formula, C 12 H 5 (N0 4 ), at once exhibits its relation to benzole, C 12 H 6 .* But the change does not stop here, for by continuing the action of the acid, dinitro-benzole C 12 H 4 2(N0 4 ) is obtained, in which two equivalents of hydrogen have been displaced by nitric peroxide. It is by an action of this description that nitric acid gives rise to gun- cotton, and other explosive substances of the same class, when acting upon the different varieties of woody fibre, as cotton, paper, sawdust, &c. The preparation and composition of gun-cotton will be described here- after. 94. The oxidising effects of nitric acid are not confined to the free acid, but are shared to some extent by the nitrates. A mixture of nitrate of lead with charcoal explodes when sharply struck, from the sudden evolu- tion of carbonic acid produced by the oxidation of the carbon. If a few crystals of nitrate of copper be sprinkled with water and quickly wrapped up in tin-foil, the latter will, after a time, be so violently oxidised as to emit brilliant sparks. But in the case of bases which retain the nitric acid with greater force, such as the alkalies, the oxidation takes place only at a high tempera- ture. If a little nitre be fused in an earthen crucible or an iron ladle, and, when it is at a red heat, some powdered charcoal, and afterwards some flowers of sulphur, be thrown into it, the energy of the combustion will testify to the violence of the oxidation. In this manner the carbon is converted into carbonate of potash (KO . C0 2 ), and the sulphur into sulphate of potash (KO . S0 3 ). See Gunpowder. Combining weight of nitric acid. Experiment proves that 47 parts by weight (1 equivalent) of potash are neutralised by 63 parts of hydrated nitric acid, and this quantity of the acid is found to contain 1 part of hydrogen, 14 parts of nitrogen, and 48 parts (6 equivalents) of oxygen. Hence the formula of the acid might be written H . N"0 6 ; but if it be * C 12 H 8 + HO . N0 5 = C^H^NOj + 2HO. C 12 H 6 + 2(HO.N0 6 ) = C 12 H,2(N0 4 ) + 4HO. NITHIC ANHYDRIDE. 129 desired to represent in the formula the mode in which the elements are grouped, the acid may be represented as composed of water combined with the anhydrous nitric acid (HO . N0 5 ). The unitary (molecular) formula of nitric acid is commonly written HNe 3 (e = 16). Nitrates. Its attraction for bases places nitric acid among the strongest of the acids, though the disposition of its elements to assume the gaseous state at high temperatures, conjoined with the feeble attraction existing between nitrogen and oxygen, causes its salts to be decomposed, without exception, by heat. The nature of the decomposition varies with the base contained in the nitrate. The nitrates of very powerful bases (such as the alkalies) are first converted into nitrites by the action of heat ; thus KO . N0 5 gives KO . N0 3 and 2 ; the nitrites themselves being eventually decomposed, evolving nitrogen and oxygen, and leaving the uncombined base. The nitrates of feebler bases (such as oxide of copper and oxide of lead) evolve nitric peroxide (N0 4 ) and oxygen, the base being left, unless it be decom- posible by heat, as is the case with the oxides of silver and mercury, when the metal itself will be separated. As a general rule, the nitrates are easily soluble in water. Comparatively few of the nitrates are in common use ; the following table contains those most frequently used : Chemical Name. Common Name. Equivalent Formula. Atomic Unitary Formula. Nitrate of pot- ash > Nitre, saltpetre KO . N0 5 KN0 3 Nitrate of soda f Cubic nitre ) 1 Peruvian saltpetre \ NaO . N0 5 NaN0 3 Nitrate of stron- tia \ Nitrate of strontian SrO . N0 5 SrNO 3 Basic nitrate of bismuth ( Trisnitrate of bis- \ \ muth I Flake white Bi0 3 . N0 5 . HO 2BiNO 4 , H 2 O Nitrate of silver Lunar caustic AgO.N0 5 AgN0 3 95. Anhydrous nitric acid or nitric anhydride is obtained by gently heating nitrate of silver in a slow current of chlorine, great care being taken to exclude every trace of water AgO.N0 5 Cl = AgCl + Chloride of silver. + N0 6 Nitric anhydride. The anhydride is condensed as a crystalline solid in a receiver cooled with ice and salt. It forms transparent colourless prisms which liquefy at 85 F., and boil at 113. By a slightly higher temperature it is readily decomposed ; and it has been said to decompose, even at the ordinary temperature, in sealed tubes which were shattered by the evolved gas. When the anhydride is brought in contact with water, much heat is evolved, and hydrated nitric acid is produced. The discovery of the anhydrous nitric acid by Deville in 1848, was welcomed by many chemists as a confirmation of that view of the constitution of nitric acid which had been generally received for thirty years, and which represented the acid as a compound of water with N0 5 . The more modern speculative views, however, discard this substance as the true radical of nitric acid and the nitrates, and represent the latter by formulae which disown all connexion with the anhydride. Thus, the mole- 130 NITROUS AND NITRIC OXIDES. cular formula for the anhydride would be written N 2 O 5 , and its action upon water would be N 2 O 5 + H 2 O = 2HNO 3 . 96. Nitrous oxide or laughing gas is prepared by heating nitrate of am- monia, when it is resolved into water, and nitrous oxide* NH 3 .HO.N0 5 = 4HO + 2NO. Nitrate of ammonia is obtained by adding fragments of carbonate of ammonia to nitric acidf diluted with an equal volume of water, until the carbonate no longer effervesces in the liquid, which is then evaporated down until a drop solidifies on a cold surface, when the whole may be poured out upon a clean stone, and the mass broken up and preserved in a well-stoppered bottle, because it is liable to attract moisture from the air. To ob- tain the nitrous oxide, an ounce of the salt may be gently heated in a small retort, when it melts, boils, and gradually disappears entirely in theforms of steam and nitrous oxide. The latter may be collected with slight loss over water. Nitrous oxide is perfectly colourless, but has a slight odour and a sweetish taste. Its characteristic intoxicat- ing property is well known. It accelerates the combustion of a taper like oxygen itself, Fig. 141. and will even kindle into flame a spark at the end of a match. It can readily be distinguished from oxygen, however, by shaking it with water, which absorbs, at the ordinary temperature, about three-fourths of its volume of the nitrous oxide. It is also much heavier than oxygen, its specific gravity being 1'53, and is not a permanent gas, being liquefied by a pressure of 40 atmospheres at 45 F., and solidified at 150 F. The liquid nitrous oxide possesses a special interest, for, by mixing it with bisulphide of carbon, and evaporating in vacuo, the lowest tempera- ture hitherto known has been obtained, viz., 220 F. 97. Nitric oxide or binoxide of nitrogen is usually obtained by the action of copper upon diluted nitric acid 4(HO.N0 6 ) + Cu 3 = 3(CuO.N0 5 ) 4HO. 300 grains of copper turnings or clippings are introduced into a retort, and three measured ounces of a mixture of concentrated nitric acid with an equal volume of water are poured upon them. A very gentle heat may be applied to assist the action, and the gas may be collected over water (see fig. 141), which absorbs the red fumes (N0 4 ) formed by the union of the N0 2 with the air contained in the retort. Nitric oxide is distinguished from all other gases by the production of a red gas, when the colourless nitric oxide is allowed to" come in contact with uncombined oxygen, the presence of which, in mixtures of gases, may be readily detected by adding a little nitric oxide. The red gas consists * By passing the mixtiire of nitrous oxide and aqueous vapour over hydrate of potash at a dull red heat, nitric acid and ammonia are reproduced. t Which must remain clear when tested with nitrate of silver showin it to be free from chlorine. must remain clear when tested with nitrate of silver, showing it to be free from PROPERTIES OF NITRIC OXIDE. 131 chiefly of nitric peroxide (N0 4 ), but it often contains also some nitrous acid. The combination of nitric oxide with oxygen may be exhibited by decanting a pint bottle of oxygen, under water, into a tall jar filled with water coloured with blue litmus, and adding to it a pint bottle of nitric oxide (fig. 142). Strong red fumes are immediately produced, and on gently agitating the cylin- der, the fumes are absorbed by the water, reddening the litmus. The oxygen will now have been reduced to half its volume, and if another pint of nitric oxide be added, the remainder of the oxygen will be absorbed, showing that two volumes of nitric oxide combine with one volume of oxygen, forming the nitric per- oxide which is absorbed by the water. The addition of nitric oxide to atmospheric air was one of the earliest methods employed Fig. 142. for removing the oxygen in order to determine the composition of air ; but important variations were observed in the results, in consequence of the occasional formation of N0 3 in addition to the N0 4 . The rough analysis of air by this method may be instructively performed with two similar gas cylinders, each divided into ten equal volumes. Into one are introduced five volumes of air, and into the other five volumes of nitric oxide. On decanting the air, under water, into the nitric oxide (fig. 143), the red nitric peroxide will be formed and absorbed by the water, the ten volumes of gas shrinking to seven, showing that three volumes have been absorbed, of which one volume would of course represent the oxygen contained in the five volumes of air. The nitric oxide prepared by the action of copper on nitric acid generally con- tains nitrous oxide, and will seldom give correct results in the above experiment. Pure nitric oxide may be obtained by heating in a retort 100 grains of nitrate of potash, 1000 grains of sulphate of iron, and three measured ounces of diluted sulphuric acid (containing one measure of acid to three measures of water), which will yield above two pints of the gas.* In all its properties, nitric oxide is very different from nitrous oxide. It is much lighter, having almost exactly the same specific gravity as air, viz., 1*04, has never yet been liquefied, and is not dissolved to any impor- tant extent by water. When a lighted taper is immersed in nitric oxide, it is extinguished, although this gas contains twice as much oxygen as nitrous oxide, which so much accelerates the combustion of a taper, for the elements are held together by a stronger attraction in the nitric oxide, so that its oxygen is not so readily available for the support of combus- tion. (The nitric oxide prepared from copper and nitric acid sometimes contains so much nitrous oxide that a taper burns in it brilliantly.) 143. KO. N0 5 + 6(FeO. S0 3 ) + 4(HO. S0 3 ) = KO. S0 3 + 3(Fe 8 O s - 3S0 3 ) N0 2 i 2 4HO. 132 ORIGIN OF NITRITES. Even phosphorus, when just kindled, is extinguished in nitric oxide, but when allowed to attain to full combustion in air, it burns with extreme brilliancy in the gas. Indeed, nitric oxide appears to be the least easy of decomposition of the whole series of oxides of nitrogen, which accounts for its being the most common result of the decomposition of the other oxides. Mtrous oxide itself, when passed through a red-hot tube, is partly converted into nitric oxide ; and when a taper burns in a bottle of nitrous oxide, the upper part of the bottle is often filled with a red gas, indicating the formation of nitric oxide, and its oxidation by the air entering the bottle. The difference in the stability of the two gases is also shown by their behaviour with hydrogen. A mixture of nitrous oxide with an equal volume of hydrogen explodes when in contact with flame, yielding steam and nitrogen, but a mixture of equal volumes of nitric oxide and hydro- gen burns quietly in air, the hydrogen not decomposing the nitric oxide. An excess of hydrogen, however, is capable of decomposing nitric oxide, ammonia and water being formed. If two volumes of nitric oxide be mixed with five volumes of hydrogen, and the gas passed through a tube having a bulb filled with platinised asbestos (fig. 144),* the mixture issuing from the orifice of the tube will produce the red va- pours by contact with the air, which will strongly redden blue litmus ; but if the platinised asbestos be heated with a spirit-lamp, the hydrogen, en- couraged by the action of the plati- num (91) will decompose the nitric oxide, and strongly alkaline vapours of ammonia will be produced, restor- ing the blue colour to the reddened litmus: N0 2 + H 5 = NH 3 + 2HO. It will be remembered that when oxygen is in excess, ammonia is con- verted, under the influence of plati- num, into water and nitrous acid (91). Fig. 144. Mtric oxide is readily absorbed by ferrous salts (salts of protoxide of iron) with which it forms dark brown solutions. If a little solution of sulphate of iron be shaken in a cylinder of nitric oxide closed with a glass plate, the gas will be immediately absorbed, and the solution will become dark brown. On applying heat, the brown compound is decomposed. A compound of 4 eqs. of ferrous sulphate and 1 eq. of nitric oxide has been obtained in small brown crystals, which lose all their nitric oxide in vacua. 98. Nitrous add. This acid is said to exist, as nitrite of ammonia, in minute quantity, in rain water, and is occasionally found in combination with alkalies or alkaline earths, in well-waters, where it has probably been formed by the oxidation of ammonia (91). Small quantities of nitrite of ammonia appear to be formed by the combustion in air of gases contain- ing hydrogen, this element uniting with the atmospheric oxygen and nitrogen. Nitrous acid may be obtained by heating starch with nitric acid, but the most convenient process consists in gently heating nitric acid (s.p * Asbestos which has been wetted with solution of bichloride of platinum, dried, and heated to redness, to reduce the platinum to the metallic state. NITROUS ACID. 133 gr. 1 -35) with an equal weight of arsenious acid, and passing the gas, first through a U-tube (fig. 145) surrounded with cold water, to condense un- Fig. 145. Preparation of nitrous acid. decomposed nitric acid, then through a similar tube containing chloride of calcium, to absorb aqueous vapour, and afterwards into a U-tube sur- rounded with a freezing mixture of ice and salt. Through a small tube opening into the bend of this U-tube, the condensed nitrous acid drops into a tube drawn out to a narrow neck, so that it may be drawn off, and sealed by the blowpipe. HO.M) 5 + As0 3 - HO.As0 5 + NO.. Arsenious acid. Arsenic acid. The nitrous acid is thus obtained as a blue liquid which boils below 32 F., becoming converted into a red vapour. Water at about 32 F. dissolves the acid without decomposing it, yielding a blue solution which is decomposed, as the temperature rises, into nitric acid which remains in the liquid, and nitric oxide which escapes with effervescence 3M) 3 + HO - HO.M) 5 + 2N0 2 . The salts of nitrous acid, or nitrites, are interesting on account of their production from the nitrates by the action of heat (p. 129). If nitrate of potash be fused in a fire-clay crucible and heated to redness, it will evolve bubbles of oxygen, and slowly become converted into nitrite of potash (KO . N0 3 ). The heat should be continued until a portion removed on the end of an iron rod, and dissolved in water, gives a strongly alkaline solution. The fused mass may then be poured upon a dry stone, and when cool, broken into fragments and preserved in a stoppered bottle. On heating a fragment of the nitrite of potash with diluted sulphuric acid, red vapours will be disengaged, but these corftain but little nitrous acid, the greater part of which is decomposed by the water into nitric acid and nitric oxide. When nitrous acid acts upon ammonia, both compounds suffer decomposition, water and nitrogen being the results NH 3 + N0 3 = N 2 + 3HO. This is sometimes taken advantage of in preparing nitrogen gas by boiling mixed solutions of sal-ammoniac and nitrite of potash NH 3 .HC1 + KO.N0 3 = N 2 + KC1 + 4HO. Sal-ammoniac In experiments upon organic compounds, nitrous acid is sometimes employed as a convenient agent for effecting simultaneously the removal of three equivalents of hydrogen from a compound, and the insertion of one equivalent of nitrogen. When solutions of nitrites are heated in contact with air, they gradually absorb oxygen, becoming converted into nitrates. 134 PROPERTIES OF NITRIC PEROXIDE. 99. Nitric peroxide, also called hyponitric acid and peroxide of nitrogen or pernitric oxide : formerly known as nitrous acid. By passing a mix- ture of nitric oxide with half its volume of oxygen, free from every trace of moisture, into a perfectly dry tube cooled in a mixture of ice and salt, the dark red gas is condensed into colourless prismatic crystals, which melt at 10 F. into a nearly colourless liquid. This gradually becomes yellow as the temperature rises, and at the ordinary temperature has a deep orange colour. It is very volatile, boiling at 71 F., and being con- verted into a red-brown vapour, which was long mistaken for a permanent gas, on account of the great difficulty of condensing it when once mixed with air or oxygen. Mtric peroxide is also obtained, mixed with one- fourth of its volume of oxygen, by heating the nitrate of lead (fig. 146) - PbO + N0 + 0. The vapour of nitric peroxide is much heavier than atmospheric air. Its colour varies with the temperature, becoming very dark at 100 F. The smell of the vapour is very characteristic. It supports the combustion of strongly burning charcoal or phosphorus, and oxidises most of the metals, potassium taking fire in it spontaneously. The nitric peroxide must, therefore, rank as a powerful oxidising agent, and it is the presence of this substance in the red fuming nitric acid that imparts to it higher oxidising Fig. 146. Preparation powers than those of the colourless nitric acid. of nitric peroxide. The so-called nitrous acid of commerce is really nitric acid holding in solution a large proportion of nitric peroxide, and is prepared by introducing sulphur into the retorts containing the mixture of nitrate of soda and sulphuric acid employed in the preparation of the nitric acid, a portion of which is deoxidised and converted into nitric peroxide. Water immediately decomposes the nitric peroxide into nitric oxide and nitric acid 2HO = N0 + When water is gradually added to liquid nitric peroxide, it effervesces, from escape of nitric oxide, and becomes green, blue, and ultimately colour- less. The production of the green and blue colours appears to be due to the solution of the unaltered N0 4 in the nitric acid produced, and when this is decomposed by an excess of water, the liquid, of course, becomes colourless. If the red nitric acid of commerce be gradually diluted with water, it will be found to undergo similar changes, always becoming- colourless at last. The nitric acid which has been used in a Grove's battery always has a green colour from the large amount of nitric peroxide which has accumulated in it during the action of the battery, in consequence of the decomposition of the acid by the hydrogen disengaged during the action of the battery; H + HO . N0 5 = 2HO + $T0 4 . If this green acid be diluted with a little water, it becomes blue, and a larger quan- tity of water renders it colourless, causing the evolution of nitric oxide. Similar colours are obtained by passing nitric oxide into nitric acid of different degrees of concentration, apparently because nitric peroxide is formed and dissolved by the acid N0 2 + 2(HO.ISr0 5 ) = 3N0 4 4- 2HO. When silver, mercury, and some other metals are dissolved in cold nitric GENERAL SUMMARY OF OXIDES OF NITROGEN. 135 acid, a green or blue colour is often produced, leading a novice to suspect the presence of copper, the colour being really caused by the solution in the unaltered nitric acid of the nitric peroxide produced by the deoxida- tion of another portion. Nitric peroxide was formerly believed to be an independent acid capable of forming salts. It is true that its vapours have a strongly acid reaction to test-papers, but when brought into contact with bases, it produces a mixture of nitrate and nitrite + 2(KO.HO) - KO.N0 5 + KO.N0 3 + 2HO, 100. General review of the oxides of nitrogen. All the above oxides of nitrogen are directly obtainable from nitric acid by the action of metals ; but since the result of such action varies much with the temperature and state of concentration of the acid, it cannot be depended upon for the preparation of the oxides in a separate state. Nitric peroxide is the chief product of the action of tin upon nitric acid 2(HO.NO a ) 4- Sn - 2HO + 2N0 4 + Sn0 2 . Nitrous acid is abundantly formed when silver is acted on by nitric acid 3(HO.N0 5 ) + Ag 2 - 3HO 4- N0 3 + 2(AgO.N0 5 ). Nitric oxide has been shown to be evolved when nitric acid is deoxidised by copper 4(HO.N0 5 ) + Cu 3 = 4HO + N0 2 + 3(CuO.N0 5 ); though, if the acid be concentrated or the temperature high, nitrous oxide and nitrogen are mixed with the nitric oxide. Nitrous oxide is given off when zinc is dissolved in nitric acid diluted with ten measures of water 5(HO.N0 5 ) + Zn 4 = 5HO + NO + 4(ZnO.N0 5 ); the nitrous oxide, however, is mixed with nitric oxide. Nitric oxide, nitrous acid, and nitric peroxide, are very remarkable for their relations to oxygen. Nitric oxide is one of the very few substances which combine with dry oxygen at the ordinary temperature, and yet the nitric peroxide which is thus produced is very ready to yield its oxygen to other substances. Nitrous acid, as might be expected, is intermediate in this respect, being capable of acting as a reducing agent upon power- fully oxidising substances, and as an oxidising agent upon substances having a great attraction for oxygen. Thus, a solution of nitrite of potash, acidified with sulphuric acid, will bleach permanganate of potash, reducing the permanganic acid (Mn 2 7 ) to manganous oxide (MnO); whilst, if added to sulphate of iron, the nitrite converts the ferrous oxide (FeO) into ferric oxide (Fe 2 O 3 ), and this solution, which was capable of reducing the permanganate of potash before, is now found to be without effect upon it, unless an excess of the nitrite has been added. The oxides of nitrogen, as illustrating combination in multiple propor- tions by iceight and volume. In its most general form, the law of multiple proportions may be thus stated. When a substance (A) -combines with another substance (B) in more than one proportion, the quantities of B, which combine with a constant quantity of A, are multiples of the smallest combining quantity of B by some whole number. In the oxides of nitrogen this law is exemplified in the simplest form, since the quantities of oxygen which combine with a constant quantity of 136 COMPOSITION BY VOLUME OF OXIDES OF NITROGEN. nitrogen, are multiples of the least combining quantity of oxygen by 2, 3, 4, and 5 (see table, p. 123). It was shown, at p. 120, that there is ground for representing the combining weight of nitrogen as 14, and its combining volume as = 2 (the combining volume of oxygen being = 1). When nitrous oxide is passed through a red-hot porcelain tube, its volume is increased by one-half, and the resulting gas is found to be a mixture cf one volume of oxygen and two volumes of nitrogen. Hence it is inferred that, in nitrous oxide, two volumes (representing one combining weight, or 14 parts) of nitrogen are united with one volume (representing one combining weight, or 8 parts) of oxygen, to form two volumes of nitrous oxide (representing 22 parts by weight). But whether this quantity represents one equivalent, or more than one equivalent, of nitrous oxide, cannot be determined by experiment, because this oxide is not known to enter into any sufficiently definite combination with other substances. If the equivalent of nitric acid (N0 5 ) be represented by 54, as deduced from the experiment cited at p. 128, it would appear most convenient to assume the equivalent of nitrous oxide as = 22, since that quantity results from the deoxidation of one equivalent of nitric acid. When charcoal is strongly heated in nitric oxide, the volume of the gas remains unchanged ; but it is found, on analysis, to have become converted into a mixture of equal volumes of carbonic acid and nitrogen (N0 2 + C = C0 2 + N). Since one volume of carbonic acid contains one volume of oxygen (page 80), the experiment proves that one volume of oxygen and one volume of nitrogen exist in two volumes of nitric oxide, or that two volumes of nitrogen (representing one combining weight, or 14 parts) are combined with two volumes of oxygen (representing two combining weights, or 16 parts) in four volumes (representing 30 parts by weight) of nitric oxide. The circumstance that this quantity of nitric oxide is capable of forming a definite compound with one equivalent of chlorine, and that it is the quantity resulting from the decomposition of one equivalent of nitric acid, appears to justify the conclusion that the equivalent of nitric oxide is represented by N0 2 = 30 parts by weight = 4 volumes. The direct evidence of the composition of nitrous acid is not so satisfactory as that in the two preceding cases. This acid has been obtained, however, by the direct union of one volume of oxygen with four volumes of nitric oxide, leading to the conclusion that it contains N0 3 . Its equivalent has been determined by the analysis of nitrite of silver, which was found to contain, for one equivalent (116 parts by weight) of oxide of silver, 38 parts by weight of nitrous acid, representing a compound of 14 parts by weight of nitrogen (or one equivalent = 2 volumes), with 24 parts by weight (or three equivalents = 3 volumes) of oxygen. The volume occupied by the equivalent of nitrous acid in the state of vapour has not yet been ascertained, no accurate determination of the specific gravity of its vapour having been made. Nitric peroxide has been analysed by passing the vapour produced from a known weight of the liquid over red-hot metallic copper, which absorbed the oxygen, leaving the nitrogen to be collected and measured. It was thus found that 14 parts by weight (one equivalent rr 2 volumes) of nitrogen were combined with 32 parts by weight (four equivalents = 4 volumes) of oxygen, a result which is confirmed by the direct union of 4 volumes of N0 2 (one equivalent) with 2 volumes of oxygen (two equivalents) to form N0 4 . The circumstance that 46 parts by weight of nitric peroxide are capable of dis- placing one equivalent of hydrogen in organic substances (page 128), supports the belief that the formula N0 4 (= 46 by weight) represents the equivalent of nitric peroxide. The results of experiments upon the specific gravity of its vapour have been so unsatisfactory, on account of its variation at different temperatures, that the volume occupied by an equivalent of nitric peroxide can scarcely be said to be satisfactorily established. It is, however, generally believed to represent four volumes (contaiing 2 volumes of nitrogen and 4 volumes of oxygen). Nitric anhydride, or anhydrous nitric acid, was analysed by a method similar to that employed for nitric peroxide, and was found to contain 14 parts by weight (one equivalent = 2 volumes) of nitrogen, combined with 40 parts (five equivalents = 5 volumes) of oxygen, forming 54 parts of nitric anhydride, the quantity which is united with one equivalent (47 parts) of potasli in nitrate of potash, and which may therefore be taken to represent the equivalent of the anhydride. The volume occu- ATOMIC FORMULA OF OXIDES OF NITROGEN. 137 pied by the equivalent of nitric anhydride in the state of vapour has not been deter- mined, on account of the want of stability of this compound. The following table exhibits a general view of the composition and equivalents of the oxides of nitrogen, a note of interrogation (?) being employed to show where the number has been deduced from hypothetical considerations instead of experimental results : 83 ii ii g bO By Weight. li By Volume. II N * 1 N Nitrous oxide, NO 22? 14 8 2? 2 1 Nitric oxide, N0 2 30 14 16 4 2 2 Nitrous acid, N0 3 38 14 24 4? 2 3 Nitric peroxide, N0 4 46 14 32 4? 2 4 Nitric acid, N0 5 54 14 40 4? 2 5 Atomic constitution of the oxides of nitrogen. Assuming that one atom of an elementary substance always occupies one volume, nitrous oxide (containing 2 vols. nitrogen and 1 vol. oxygen) would be represented by the atomic formula N 2 (0 = 16); nitric oxide (containing 1 vol. nitrogen and 1 vol. oxygen), would become NO ; nitrous acid (containing 2 vols. nitrogen and three vols. oxygen) would be N 2 3 ; nitric peroxide (containing 1 vol. nitrogen and 2 vols. oxygen), N0 2 ; and anhydrous nitric acid (containing 2 vols. nitrogen and 5 vols oxygen), N 2 5 . These formulae, however, have the disadvantage of wanting that symmetrical re- lation to each other which affords so great assistance in recollecting the composition of such a series of compounds. The symmetry may be pre- served by writing the formula of nitric oxide as a double molecule (4 vols.), and assuming that nitrous acid, nitric peroxide, and nitric acid have really a vapour-density corresponding to a two-volume formula ; thus (H = 1 vol.) N 2 = 2 vols. N 2 2 = 4 vols. N 2 N 2 4 2 vols.? 2 vols.? 2 vols.? CHLOEINE. 101. This element is never found in the uncombined state, but is very abundant in the mineral world in the forms of chloride of sodium (common salt) and chloride of potassium. In these forms also it is an important constituent of the fluids of the animal body, but as it is not found in sufficient proportion in vegetable food, or in the solid parts of animal food, a quantity of salt must be added to these in order to form a wholesome diet. Chloride of sodium is indispensable as a raw material for several of the most useful arts, such as the manufactures of soap and glass, bleaching, &c., in fact, it is the source of three of the most generally useful chemical products, viz., chlorine, hydrochloric acid, and soda. 138 PREPARATION OF CHLORINE. About the middle of the seventeenth century, a German chemist named Glauber distilled some common salt with sulphuric acid, and obtained a strongly acid liquid to which he gave the name muriatic acid (from muria, brine) and which was proved to be identical with the acid long known to the alchemists as spirit of salt. The saline mass which was left after the experiment was then termed Glauber's salt, but afterwards received its present name of sulphate of soda. It was undoubtedly a natural inference from this experiment that com- mon salt was composed of muriatic acid and soda, and that the sulphuric acid had a greater attraction for the soda than the muriatic acid, which was therefore displaced by it. In accordance with this view, common salt was called muriate of soda, without further question until the year 1810, when the experiments of Davy proved that it was really composed of the two elementary substances, chlorine and sodium, and must therefore be styled, as it now is, chloride of sodium, and represented by the formula Nad. It was further shown by Davy, that the muriatic acid was really composed of chlorine and hydrogen, and that it was, in fact, chloride of sodium (NaCl) in which the sodium had been displaced by hydrogen (HC1). Preparation of chlorine. In order to extract chlorine from common salt, it is heated with black oxide of manganese and diluted sulphuric acid ; the acid decomposes the binoxide of manganese, part of the oxygen of which displaces the chlorine from the chloride of sodium, yielding soda which combines with the sulphuric acid, so that the sulphates of soda and manganese are left in solution, and chlorine escapes in the form of gas ; NaCl + Mn0 2 + 2(HO. S0 3 ) = KaO. S0 3 MnO.SO 3 + 2HO + Cl. 600 grains of common salt may be mixed with 450 grains of binoxide of manganese, introduced into a retort (fig. 147), and a cold mixture of H oz. by measure of strong sulphuric acid with 4 oz. of water poured upon it. The retort having been well Fig. 147. Preparation of chlorine. shaken to wet the powder thoroughly with the acid, a very gentle heat is applied, and the gas collected in bottles filled with water and inverted in the pneumatic trough. When the bottles are filled, the stoppers, previously greased, must be in- serted into them under water. The first bottle or two will contain the air from the retort, and will therefore have a paler colour than the pure chlorine afterwards col- lected. It is advisable to keep a jar filled with water standing ready on the shelf of the trough, so that any excess of chlorine may be passed into it instead of being allowed to escape into the air, causing serious inconvenience. The bottles of moist chlorine must always be preserved in the dark. Chlorine may also be conveniently LIQUEFACTION OF CHLOKINE. 139 prepared by gently heating 500 grains of binoxide of manganese with 4 oz. (measured) of common hydrochloric acid Mn0 2 + 2HC1 = MnCl + 2HO + Cl. Either of the above methods will furnish about five pints of chlorine. Properties of chlorine. The physical and chemical properties of chlorine are more striking than those of any element hitherto considered. Its colour, whence it derives its name (xAwpos, pale green) is bright greenish yellow, its odour insupportable. It is twice and a half as heavy as air (sp. gr. 2*4-7), and may be reduced to the liquid state by a pressure of only four atmospheres at 60 F. If a bottle of chlorine be held mouth down- wards in water, its stopper removed, one-third of the chlorine decanted into a jar, and the rest of the gas shaken with the water in the bottle, the mouth of which is closed by the palm of the hand (fig. 148), the water will absorb twice its volume of chlorine, producing a vacuum in the bottle which will be held firmly against the hand by atmospheric pressure. If air be then allowed to enter, and the bottle again shaken as long as any absorption takes place, a satu- rated solution of chlorine (chlorine water) will be Fig< 148 * obtained. By exposing this yellow solution to a temperature approaching 32 F., yellow crystals of hydrate of chlorine (Cl + 10 HO) are obtained, the liquid becoming colourless. "When the water in the pneumatic trough, over which chlorine is being collected, happens to be very cold, the gas is often so foggy as to be quite opaque, in conse- quence of the deposition of minute crystals of the hydrate. On standing, the gas becomes clear, crystals of the hydrate being deposited like hoar-frost upon the sides of the bottle ; the gas also becomes clear when the bottles are slightly warmed. The hydrate of chlorine affords a convenient source of liquid chlorine. A number of bottles of saturated solution of chlorine, prepared as above, are exposed on a cold winter's day until the hydrate has crystallised. The crystals are thrown upon a filter, cooled to nearly 32, allowed to drain, and rammed into a pretty strong tube closed at one end, about twelve inches long, and half an inch in diameter, previously cooled in ice or snow. The tube having been nearly filled with the crystals is kept surrounded with snow, whilst its upper end is gradually softened in the blowpipe flame and drawn off so as to be strongly sealed. When this tube is immersed in warm water, the chlorine separates from the water, and two layers of liquid are formed, the lower one consisting of amber-yellow liquid chlorine (sp. gr. 1-33), and the upper, about three times its volume, of a pale yellow aqueous solution of chlorine. On allowing the tube to cool again, the crystalline hydrate is reproduced, even at common temperatures, being more permanent under pressure. Liquid chlorine may also be obtained in a state in which it can be preserved, by disengaging the chlorine in a sealed tube (as in the liquefaction of ammonia) from about 200 grains of bichloride of platinum previously dried at 400 F. The bichloride is heated with a spirit-lamp in one limb of the tube, whilst the other is immersed in a freezing mixture. The face and hands of the operator should be protected against the bursting of the tube. The most characteristic chemical feature of chlorine is its powerful attraction for many other elements at the ordinary temperature. Among the non-metals, hydrogen, bromine, iodine, sulphur, selenium, phosphorus, and arsenic, combine spontaneously with chlorine, and nearly all the metals behave in the same way. If a piece of dry phosphorus be placed in a deflagrating spoon, and immersed in a bottle of chlorine (fig. 149), it will take fire spontaneously, combining with the chlo- rine to form terchloride of phosphorus (PC1 3 ). A tall glass shade may be placed 140 EXPERIMENTS WITH CHLORINE. over the bottle, which should stand in a plate containing water, so that the fumes may not escape into the air. If phosphorus be placed in a bottle of oxygen to which a small quantity of chlorine has been added, it will burst out after a minute or two into most brilliant combustion. Powdered antimony (the metal, not the sul- phide), sprinkled into a bottle of chlorine (fig. 150), descends in a brilliant shower of white sparks, the antimony burning in the chlorine to form terchloride of antimony (SbCl 3 ). A little water should be placed at the bottom of the bottle to prevent it from being cracked, and the fumes should be restrained by a shade standing in water. If a flask, provided with a stop-cock (fig. 151), be filled with leaves of. Dutch metal (an alloy of copper and zinc, resembling gold leaf), exhausted of air, Fig. 149. and screwed on to a capped jar of chlorine stand- ing over water, it will be found, on opening the stop-cocks so that the chlorine may enter the flask, that the metal burns with a red light, forming thick yellow fumes containing chloride of copper (CuCl) and chloride Fig. 150. Fig. 151. of zinc (ZnCl). If gold leaf be suspended in chlorine, it will not be immediately attacked, but will gradually become converted into terchloride of gold (AuCl 3 ). 102. The most important useful applications of chlorine depend upon its powerful chemical attraction for hydrogen. The two gases may be mixed without combining, if kept in the dark, but when the mixture is exposed to light, they combine to form hydrochloric acid gas (HC1), with a rapidity proportionate to the intensity of the actinic rays (or rays capable of inducing chemical change) in the light employed. Exposed to gas-light or ordinary diffused daylight, the hydrogen and chlorine combine slowly, but direct sunlight causes sudden combination, attended with explosion, resulting from the expansion which the hydrochloric acid formed suffers by the heat evolved in the act of combination. The light of magnesium burning in air, and some other artificial lights, also cause sudden com- bination. Two pint gas-bottles should be ground so that their mouths may be fitted accu- rately to each other, and filled respectively with dry hydrogen and dry chlorine, both gases having been dried by passing through oil of vitriol, and collected, the hydrogen by upward, and the chlorine by downward, displacement of air. The mouths should SYNTHESIS OF HYDROCHLORIC ACID. 141 Fig. 152. be slightly greased before the bottles are filled with gas, and afterwards closed with glass plates. On placing the bottles together, and removing the plates so that the gases may come in contact (see fig. 133), the yellow colour of the chlorine will be permanent as long as the mixture is kept in the dark, but on exposure to daylight the colour will gradually disappear, the hydrochloric acid gas being colourless. If the bottles be now closed with glass plates, the small quantity of gas which escapes during the operation will be seen to fume strongly in air, a property not possessed either by hydrogen or chlorine, and when the necks of the bottles are immersed in water and the glass plates withdrawn, the water will rapidly absorb the gas, and be forced into the bottles so as to fill them, with the exception of a small space occupied by the air accidentally admitted, showing that the hydrochloric acid gas possesses the joint volumes of the hydrogen and chlorine. If the water be tinged with blue litmus it will be strongly reddened as it enters the bottles. The sudden union of the gases with explosion may be safely exhibited in a Flor- ence flask. The flask is filled with water, which is then poured out into a measure. Exactly half the water is returned to the flask, and its level in the latter carefully marked with a dia- mond or file. The flask having been again filled with water, is closed with the thumb and inverted in the pneu- matic trough, so that hydrogen may be passed up into it to displace one- half of the water. A short-necked funnel is then inserted, under the water, into the neck of the flask, and chlorine rapidly decanted up from a gas-bottle (fig. 152) until the rest of the water has been displaced. The flask is now raised from the water and quickly closed with a cork (fig. 153), through which pass two gutta-percha-covered copper wires, the ends of which have been stripped and brought sufficiently near to each other to allow of the passage of the electric spark within the flask. The ends external to the flask are also stripped "and bent into hooks for convenient connexion with the conducting wires. The flask is placed upon the ground, and covered with a wooden box to prevent the pieces from flying about. On connect- ing the copper wires with the con ducting wires from an induction- coil or an electrical machine, it will be heard, on passing the spark, that the mixture has violently ex- ploded ; on raising the box it will be found filled with strong fumes of hydrochloric acid, and a heap of small fragments of glass will repre- sent the flask. A flask filled in the same way with the mixture of hydrogen and chlorine may be attached to the end of a long stick, and thrust out into the sunlight, when it explodes with great violence. To illustrate the direct combination of hydrogen and chlorine under the influ- ence of artificial light, it is better to employ the mixture of exactly equal volumes of the two gases obtained by decomposing hydrochloric acid by the galvanic cur- rent. The voltameter (A, fig. 154) is filled with concentrated hydrochloric acid, and its conducting wires (B) connected with the terminals of a Grove's battery of five or six cells. Chlorine is at once evolved at the positive pole (or that con- nected with the platinum in the battery), and hydrogen at the negative pole (at- tached to the zinc of the battery). It is advisable to place the voltameter in a vessel of cold water, to prevent the hydrochloric acid from becoming too hot. The Fig. 153. 142 EXPLOSION OF CHLOKINE AND HYDROGEN. gas evolved during the first five minutes should be allowed to pass into a waste-jar, because, until the liquid becomes saturated with chlorine, the evolved gas does not contain exactly equal volumes of the constituent elements. A very thin glass bulb (Q), about 2 inches in diameter, blown upon a stout piece of tube, the ends of which have been drawn out to narrow open points (fig. 155), is then connected with the volta- meter by means of a caoutchouc tube. A similar caoutchouc tube Fig. 154. is attached to the free end of the bulb. When the colour of the gas in the bulb (which should be shaded from sunlight) shows that it is completely filled, the caoutchouc tubes are well closed by nipper-taps (fig. 156), and the bulb detached from the voltameter. In this condition it may be kept in the dark for a long time without alteration or escape of gas. The mixture may be most effectively exploded by exposing it to the flash of light evolved by firing a mixture of nitric oxide gas with vapour of bisul- phide of carbon. For this purpose a cylinder may be Fig. 155. filled with nitric oxide (page 130) over water, closed with a glass plate, and placed mouth upwards upon the table ; the glass plate being lifted for an instant, a few drops of bisulphide of carbon are poured into the cylinder, which is then shaken. The bulb containing the explo- sive mixture is suspended at some distance from the operator, and the gas-cylinder is placed within a few inches of it (fig. 157). On applying a light to the cylinder, the flash will cause the immediate explosion of the mixture in the bulb, with production of strong fumes of hydrochloric acid. If the bulb be thin, no injury will be inflicted by the pieces of glass, or the operator may easily protect his face by a screen. The attraction of chlorine for hydrogen enables it to effect the decom- position of water. The solution of chlorine in water may be preserved in the dark without change ; but when ex- posed to light it loses the smell of chlorine, and becomes converted into weak hydro- chloric acid, the oxygen being liberated ; HO + Cl = HC1 + 0.* The decomposi- tion takes place much more quickly at a red heat, so that oxygen is obtained in abundance by passing a mixture of chlo- rine and steam through a red-hot tube. For this experiment a porcelain tube is em- ployed, which is bound round with sheet copper to prevent it from cracking, and loosely filled with fragments of broken porcelain to expose a large heated surface. This tube is gradually heated to redness in a charcoal furnace (fig. Fig. 157. 158). One end of it receives the mixture of chlorine with steam, obtained by passing the * A portion of this oxygen combines with chlorine, producing hypochlorous, and, as recently stated, perchloric acids. Fig. 156. Nipper-tap. ACTION OF CHLOEINE UPON HYDROGEN COMPOUNDS. 143 chlorine evolved from hydrochloric acid and binoxide of manganese in A (p. 139), through a flask (B) of boiling water. The other end of the tube is connected with a bottle (C) containing solution of potash to absorb any excess of chlorine and the hydrochloric acid formed ; from this bottle the oxygen is collected over the pneu- matic trough. Since water is decomposed by chlorine, it is not surprising that most other hydrogen compounds are attacked by it. Ammonia (NH 3 ) is acted upon Fig. 158. Steam decomposed by chlorine. with great violence. If a stream of ammonia gas issuing from a tube con- nected with a flask in which solution of ammonia is heated (see fig. 131) be passed into a bottle of chlorine, it takes fire immediately, burning with a peculiar flame, and yielding thick white clouds of hydrochlorate of ammonia; 4NH 3 + C1 3 = 3(NH 3 . HC1) + K A piece of folded filter- paper dipped in strong ammonia, and immersed in a bottle of chlorine, will exhibit the same effect. When the chlorine is allowed to act upon hydrochlorate of ammonia, its operation is less violent, and one of the most explosive substances is produced, which was formerly believed to be a chloride of nitrogen, but is probably a compound formed by the removal of a part of the hydrogen from ammonia, and the introduction of chlorine in its stead. Many of the compounds of hydrogen with carbon are also decomposed with violence by chlorine. When a piece of folded filter-paper is dipped into oil of turpentine (C 20 H 1G ), and afterwards into a bottle of chlorine, it bursts into a red flame, liberating voluminous clouds of carbon and hydro- chloric acid. Acetylene (C 4 H 2 ) was found to explode spontaneously with chlorine when exposed to light (page 85). The striking decomposition of olefiant gas (C 4 H 4 ) by chlorine on the approach of a flame has already been noticed (page 87). When a lighted taper is immersed in chlorine it continues to burn, but with a small red flame, the hydrogen only of the wax combining with the chlorine, whilst the carbon separates in black smoke, mixed with the hydrochloric fumes. When chlorine is brought in contact with the flame of a spirit-lamp, it renders the flame luminous by causing the separation of solid particles of carbon (page 93). It has been seen, in the case of olefiant gas, that chlorine sometimes combines directly with the hydrocarbons. 144 BLEACHING BY CHLORINE. When marsh-gas (C 2 H 4 ) is diluted with an equal bulk of carbonic acid, to prevent violent action, and four volumes of chlorine added for each volume of marsh-gas, an oily liquid is gradually formed under the influ- ence of daylight. This oily liquid is a mixture of chloroform and bichlo- ride of carbon, the production of which is explained by the following equations : C 2 H 4 + C1 6 = 3HC1 + C 2 HC1 3 Chloroform. C 2 H 4 + C1 8 = C 2 C1 4 + 4HC1. Bichloride of carbon. It is evident from these equations that chlorine is capable, not only of removing hydrogen from a compound, but also of taking its place, equivalent for equivalent a mode of action which gives rise to a very large number of chlorinated products from organic substances. The attraction of chlorine for hydrogen enables the moist gas to act as an oxidising agent. Thus, if marsh-gas and chlorine be mixed in the presence of water, and exposed to daylight, the water is decomposed, its hydrogen combining with the chlorine, and its oxygen with the carbon of the marsh-gas; C 2 H 4 + 4HO + C1 8 = 2C0 2 + 8HC1. 103. The powerful bleaching effect of chlorine upon organic colouring matters is now easily understood. If a solution of chlorine in water be poured into solution of indigo (sulpliindigotic. acid} the blue colour of the indigo is discharged, and gives place to a comparatively light yellow colour. The presence of water is essential to the bleaching of indigo by chlorine, the dry gas not affecting the colour of dry indigo. The indigo is first oxidised at the expense of the water and converted into isatine^ which is then acted upon by the chlorine and converted into cldorisatine^ having a brownish yellow colour C 16 H 5 N0 2 + 2HO + 01, = C 16 H 5 N0 4 + 2HC1. Indigo. Isatine. C 16 H 5 N0 4 + CL, = C 16 H 4 C1N0 4 + HC1. Isatine. Chlorisatine. Nearly all vegetable and animal colouring matters contain carbon, hydro- gen, nitrogen, and oxygen, and are converted by moist chlorine into pro- ducts of oxidation or chlorination which happen to be colourless, or nearly so. That dry chlorine will not bleach, may he shown by shaking some oil of vitriol in a bottle of the gas, and allowing it to stand for an hour or two, so that the acid may remove the whole of the moisture. If a piece of crimson paper be dried at a moderate heat and suspended in the bottle while warm, it will remain unbleached for hours, but a similar piece of paper suspended in a bottle of moist chlorine will be bleached almost immediately. If characters be written on crimson paper with a wet brush, and the paper placed in a jar beside a bottle of chlorine (fig. 159), it will be found, on removing the stopper, that white characters soon make their appear- ance on the red ground. If a collection of coloured linen or cotton fabrics, or of artificial flowers, be exposed to the action of moist chlor- ine gas or of chlorine water, those which are dyed with organic colouring matters will be bleached at once, whilst the mineral colours will for the most part remain un- altered. Green leaves, immersed in chlorine, acquire a rich autumnal brown tint, and are eventually bleached. All flowers are very readily bleached by this gas. Fig. 159. CHLORIDE OF LIME. 145 Chlorine is very extensively employed for bleaching linen and cotton, the gas acting upon the colouring matter without affecting the fibre, but silk and wool present much less resistance to chemical action, and would be much injured by chlorine, so that they are always' bleached by sul- phurous acid. Neither chlorine itself nor its solution in water can be very conveniently employed for bleaching on the large scale, on account of the irritating effect of the gas, so that it is usual to employ it in the form of chloride of Ibne, from which it can be easily liberated as it is wanted. 104. Chloride of lime or bleaching powder is prepared by passing chlorine gas into boxes of lead or stone in which a quantity of slaked lime is spread out upon shelves. The lime absorbs nearly half its weight of chlorine, and forms a white powder which has a very peculiar smell somewhat different from that of chlorine. The chloride of lime thus pro- duced appears to consist of a mixture of liypocMorite of lime (CaO . CIO) with oxychloride of calcium (CaCl . 2CaO), the action of chlorine upon hydrate of lime being represented by the following equation : 4 (CaO. HO) + 01, = (CaO.CIO + CaCl. 2CaO) + 4HO . Hydrate of lime. Chloride of lime. When the chloride of lime is treated with water, the hypochlorite of lime (CaO . CIO) and chloride of calcium (CaCl) are dissolved, whilst hydrate of lime is left. If this solution be added to blue litmus, it will be found to exert little bleaching action, but on adding a little acid (sulphuric, for example), the blue colour will be discharged, the acid setting free the chlorine, which acts upon the colouring matter. (CaO.CIO + CaCl) + 2(HO.S0 3 ) = 2(CaO.S0 3 ) + 2HO + CL, . Solution of Chloride of lime. Even carbonic acid will develope the bleaching property of chloride of lime, so that the above mixture may be decolorised by breathing into it through a glass tube. When chloride of lime is used for bleaching on the large scale, the stuff to be bleached is first thoroughly cleansed from any grease or weaver's dress- ing, by boiling it in lime-water and in a weak solution of soda, and is then immersed in a weak solution of the chloride of lime. This by itself, how- ever, exerts very little action upon the natural colouring matter of the fibre, and the stuff is therefore next immersed in very dilute sulphuric acid, when the colouring matter is so far altered as to become soluble in the alkaline solution in which it is next immersed, and a repetition of these processes, followed up by a thorough rinsing, generally perfects the bleaching. The property possessed by acids of liberating chlorine from the chloride of lime is applied in calico-printing to the production of white patterns upon a red ground. The stuff having been dyed with Turkey red, the pattern is imprinted upon it with a discharge consisting of an acid (tar- taric, phosphoric, or arsenic) thickened with gum. On passing the fabric through a bath of weak chloride of lime, the colour is discharged only at those parts to which the acid has been applied, and where, consequently, chlorine is liberated. The explanation above given of the bleaching effect of chlorine may probably be applied also to its so-called disinfecting properties. The 146 DISINFECTION BY CHLORINE. atmosphere, in particular localities, is occasionally contaminated with poisonous substances, some of which are known only by their injurious effects upon the health, their quantity being so small that they do not appear in the results of the analysis of such air. Since, however, these substances appear to be acted upon by the same agents which are usually found to decompose organic compounds, they are commonly believed to be bodies of this class, and chlorine has been very commonly employed to combat these insidious enemies to health, since Guyton de Morveau, in> the latter part of the last century, made use of it to destroy the odour arising from the bodies interred in the vaults beneath the cathedral of Dijon. Among the offensive and unhealthy products of putrefaction of animal and vegetable matter, sulphuretted hydrogen, ammonia, and bodies simi- larly constituted, are found. That chlorine breaks up these hydrogen compounds is well known, and hence its great value for removing the unwholesome properties of the air in badly drained houses, &c. Chloride of lime is one of the most convenient forms in which to apply chlorine for the purposes of fumigating and disinfecting. If a cloth saturated with the solution be suspended in the air, the carbonic acid causes a slow evolution of hypochlorous acid, which is even a more powerful disinfectant than chlorine itself. In extreme cases, where a rapid evolution of chlorine is required, the bleaching powder is placed in a plate, and diluted sulphuric acid is poured over it, or the powder may be mixed with half its weight of powdered alum in a plate, when a pretty rapid and regular escape of chlorine will ensue. 105. The discovery of chlorine and the discussions which ensued with respect to its real nature, contributed very largely to the advancement of chemical science. About the year 1770, the Swedish chemist Scheele (who afterwards discovered oxygen), first obtained chlorine by heating man- ganese ore with muriatic acid. The construction which Scheele put upon the result of this experiment was one which was consistent with the chemistry of that date. He sup- posed the muriatic acid to have been deprived of phlogiston, and hence chlorine was termed by him dephlogisticated muriatic acid. This phlo- giston had long been a subject of contention among philosophers, having been originally assumed to exist in combination with all combustible bodies, and to be separated from them during their combustion. To- wards the decline of the phlogistic theory, attempts were made to prove the identity of this imaginary substance with hydrogen, which shows how very nearly Scheele's reasoning approached to the truth, even with the very imperfect light which he then possessed. Berthollet's move- ment was retrograde when, ten years afterwards, he styled chlorine oxy- genised muriatic or oxymuriatic acid, but the experiments of Gay-Lussac and Thenard, and more particularly those of Davy in 1811, proved de- cisively that hydrochloric acid was composed of chlorine and hydrogen, and that the effect of the black oxide of manganese in Scheele's experi- ment was to remove the hydrogen in the form of water, thus setting the chlorine at liberty. PREPARATION OF HYDROCHLORIC ACID. 147 HYDROCHLORIC ACID. 106. This acid is found in nature among the gases emanating from active volcanoes, and occasionally in the spring and river waters of vol- canic districts. For use it is always prepared artificially by the action of sulphuric acid upon common salt NaCl + HO.S0 3 = HC1 + HaO.SOs Common salt. Sulphate of soda. the sodium of the common salt changing places with the hydro- gen of the sulphuric acid. 300 grains of common salt (pre- viously dried in an oven) are intro- duced into a dry Florence flask (fig. 160), to which' has been fitted, by means of a perforated cork, a tube bent twice at right angles to allow the gas to be collected by downward displacement. Six fluid drachms of strong sulphuric acid are poured upon the salt, and the cork having been inserted, the flask is very gently heated in order to promote the disengagement of the hydro- chloric acid gas, which is collected in a perfectly dry bottle, the mouth of which, when full, may be covered with a glass plate smeared with a little grease. be closed with a perforated card. Common salt in powder sometimes froths to a very inconvenient extent with sul- phuric acid ; it is therefore often preferable to employ fragments of fused salt, pre- pared by fusing the common salt in a clay crucible, and pouring on to a clean dry stone. A more regular supply of hydrochloric acid gas is obtained from 1 oz. of sal- ammoniac in lumps, and 1 J oz. (measured) of sulphuric acid. The bottle will be known to be filled with gas by the abundant escape of the dense fumes which hydrochloric acid gas, itself transparent, pro- duces by condensing the moisture of the air ; for since the gas is much heavier than air (sp. gr. T247), it will not escape in any quantity from the bottle until the latter is full. The odour of the gas is very suffocat- ing, but not nearly so irritating as that of chlorine. The powerful attraction for water is one of the most important properties of hydrochloric acid gas. Fig. 160. Preparation of hydrochloric acid gas. While being filled, the bottle may If a jar of hydrochloric acid gas be closed with a glass plate and inverted under water, it will be found, on removing the plate, that the gas is absorbed with great rapidity, the water being forced up into the bottle by the pressure of the external air in propor- tion as the gas is absorbed. A Florence flask is more convenient than a gas bottle for this experiment. It must be perfectly dry, and thoroughly well filled with the gas, which may be allowed to escape abundantly from the mouth. The tube delivering the hydrochloric acid gas must be slowly withdrawn, so that the vacancy may be filled by gas and not by air. The flask is then closed with the thumb, and opened under Fig. 161. K 2 148 HYDROCHLORIC OR MURIATIC ACID. water, which will enter it with great violence. The experiment may also be made as in the case of ammonia (fig. 161, see page 115). The liquid hydrochloric, or muriatic acid of commerce, is a solution of the gas in water, and may be recognised by the grey fumes, with the peculiar odour of the acid, which it evolves when exposed to the air. One pint of water at a temperature of 40 F. is capable of absorbing 480 pints of hydrochloric acid gas, forming 1 pint of the solution, having the specific gravity 1*21. The strength of the acid purchased in commerce is usually inferred from the specific gravity, by reference to tables indi- cating the weight of hydrochloric acid contained in solutions- of different specific gravities. The strongest hydrochloric acid (sp. gr. 1-21) contains 43 per cent, by weight of the gas. The common acid has usually a bright yellow colour, due to the accidental presence of a little perchloride of iron (Fe 2 Cl 3 ), and not unfrequently smells of chlorine. This acid is produced in enormous quantities in the alkali works, where common salt is decomposed by sulphuric acid in order to convert it into sulphate of soda, as a preliminary step to the production of carbonate of soda. The alkali manufacturer is compelled to condense the gas, for it is found to wither up the vegetation in the neighbourhood. For this pur- pose the hydrochloric acid gas is drawn up from the furnace through ver- tical cylinders filled with coke, over which streams of water are made to trickle. The water absorbs the acid, and is drawn off from below. In preparing a pure solution of the acid for chemical use on a small scale, the gas prepared as above may be passed into a small bottle containing a very little water to wash the gas, or remove any sulphate of soda which may splash over, and then into a bottle about two-thirds filled with distilled water, the tube delivering the gas passing only about ^ inch below the surface, so that the heavy solution of hydro- chloric acid may fall to the bottom, and fresh water may be presented to the gas (fig. 162). For ordinary use, an acid of suitable strength is obtained by passing the gas from C ounces of common salt and 10 ounces of sulphuric acid into 7 (mea- sured) ounces of water until its bulk has increased to 8 ounces. The bottle containing the water should be sur- rounded with cold water, since the ab- sorption of hydrochloric acid by water is attended with evolution of heat. When the concentrated solution of hydrochloric acid is heated in a retort, it evolves abundance of hy- drochloric acid gas, rendering it probable that it is not a true che- mical compound of water with the acid. The evolution of gas ceases when the remaining liquid con- tains 20 per cent, of acid (and has a sp. gr. of 1-10). If a weaker acid than this be heated, it loses water until it has attained this strength, when it distils unchanged.* The concentrated solution forms a very convenient source from which to procure the gas. It may be heated in a flask, and the gas dried by passing through a bottle filled with fragments of pumice-stone wetted with concentrated sulphuric acid, being collected over the mercurial trough (fig. 163). * The proportion of acid thus retained by the water varies directly with the atmospheric pressure to which it is exposed during the distillation. Fig. 162. Preparation of solution of hydro- chloric acid. ACTION OF HYDROCHLORIC ACID ON METALS. 149 The avidity with which water absorbs hydrochloric acid is the more remarkable, because this gas can be liquefied only under a very high pressure, amounting at the ordinary temperature to about 40 atmospheres. Fig. 163. The liquefied hydrochloric acid has comparatively little action even upon those metals which decompose its aqueous solution with great violence ; quick-lime is unaffected by it, and solid litmus dissolves in it with a faint purple colour, instead of the bright red imparted by the aqueous hydro- chloric acid. (These facts answer the objection that anhydrous sulphuric acid (S0 3 ) cannot be considered an acid, because it has none of the power- ful acid characters of oil of vitriol, since it cannot be doubted that hydro- chloric acid is, in a chemical sense, an acid in its anhydrous state, though it manifests its acid properties only when water is present.) The injurious action of hydrochloric acid gas upon growing plants is probably connected with its attraction for water. If a spray of fresh leaves is placed in a bottle of hydrochloric acid, it becomes at once brown and shrivelled. 107. Action of hydrochloric acid upon metals. Those metals which have the strongest attraction for oxygen will also generally have the strongest attraction for chlorine, so that in respect to their capability of decomposing hydrochloric acid, they may be ranked in pretty nearly the same order as in their action upon water (p. 23). Since, however, the attraction of chlorine for the metals is generally superior to that of oxygen, the metals are more easily acted upon by hydrochloric acid than by water, the metal taking the place of the hydrogen, and a chloride of the metal being formed. Even silver, which does not decompose water at any temperature, is dis- solved, though very slowly, by boiling concentrated hydrochloric acid, the chloride of silver formed being soluble in the strong acid, though it may be precipitated by adding water. Gold and platinum, however, are not attacked by hydrochloric acid, but if a little free chlorine be present, it converts them into chlorides. Iron and zinc decompose the acid very rapidly in the cold, forming chlorides of iron and zinc, and liberating hydrogen : Fe + HC1 = FeCl + H. When potassium or sodium is exposed to hydrochloric acid gas, it im- mediately becomes coated with a white crust of chloride, which partly protects the metal from the action of the gas, but when these metals are heated to fusion in hydrochloric acid gas, they burn vividly Na + HC1 - NaCl + H. 150 EQUIVALENT OF CHLORINE. The composition of hydrochloric acid may be exhibited by confining a measured volume of the gas over mercury (see fig. 73, page 73), and passing up a freshly cut pellet of sodium. On gently agitating the tube, the gas diminishes in volume, and after a time will have contracted to one-half, and will be found to have all the properties of hydrogen. This result confirms that obtained by synthesis, as described above, that one volume of hydrochloric acid contains half a volume of hydrogen and half a volume of chlorine. 108. Action of hydrochloric acid upon metallic oxides. As a general rule it may be stated, that when hydrochloric acid acts upon the oxide of a metal, the results are water and a chloride of the metal having a com- position which corresponds to that of the oxide. Thus, oxide of silver acted on by hydrochloric acid gives water and chloride of silver; AgO + HC1 = HO + AgCl. Suboxide of copper (cuprous oxide) yields water and subchloride of copper (cuprous chloride) ; C^O + HC1 = HO + Ci^Cl. Sesquioxide of iron gives water and sesquichloride of iron Fe 2 3 + 3HC1 = 3HO + Fe 2 Cl 3 . With binoxide of tin, water and bichloride of tin are obtained Sn0 2 + 2HC1 - 2HO + SnCL, . Teroxide of antimony is converted into water and terchloride of anti- mony; Sb0 3 + 3HC1 - 3HO + SbCl 3 . In cases where the corresponding chloride does not exist, or is not stable under the conditions of the experiment, a chloride is formed containing less chlorine than is equivalent to the oxygen in the oxide, and the bal- ance is evolved in the free state. Thus, when sesquioxide and binoxide of manganese are heated with hydrochloric acid Mn 2 3 + 3HC1 - 3HO + 2 MnCl + Cl Mn0 2 + 2HC1 = 2HO + MnCl + Cl since the sesquichloride and bichloride of manganese are decomposed by heat into the chloride (MnCl) and free chlorine. Chromic acid, a chloride corresponding to which is not known to exist, when heated with hydrochloric acid, yields sesquichloride of chromium and chlorine 2Cr0 3 + 6HC1 - 6HO + Cr 2 Cl 3 + C1 3 . Every metallic protoxide (containing one equivalent of oxygen with one equivalent of a metal) has a corresponding chloride of a stable cha- racter, but the higher oxides less frequently form corresponding chlorides with any stability. 109. Equivalent weights of hydrochloric acid and of chlorine. It is ascertained by experiment that 36*5 grains of hydrochloric acid are re- quired to neutralise one equivalent (47 grains) of potash. The number 36'5, therefore, represents the equivalent weight of hydrochloric acid. When water is decomposed by chlorine (p. 142) 35 '5 grains of chlorine are required to displace 8 grains (one equivalent) of oxygen, so that 35 '5 is the equivalent weight of chlorine. By measuring 35 "5 grains of chlorine, it is found to occupy twice the volume of 8 grains of oxygen, so that if 1 equivalent of oxygen be represented to occupy one volume, 1 equivalent of chlorine will occupy two volumes, like the equivalent of hydrogen. DOCTRINE OF ATOMICITY. 151 It appears, then, that two volumes (one equivalent or 1 part by weight) of hydrogen combined with two volumes (one equivalent or 35*5 parts by weight) of chlorine, form four volumes (one equivalent or 3 6 '5 parts by weight) of hydrochloric acid. On the assumption that 1 part by weight of hydrogen represents 1 volume or 1 atom, 35*5 parts by weight of chlorine will also represent 1 volume or 1 atom, and these will unite to form 2 volumes or 1 molecule of hydrochloric acid. The molecular formula of hydrochloric acid is, therefore, identical with its equivalent formula, HC1. 110. Types of atomic formulae ; atomicity. On examining the composi- tion by volume of hydrochloric acid, water, ammonia, and marsh-gas, it is seen that equal volumes of these compounds, measured in the gaseous state at the same temperature and pressure, contain respectively, 1, 2, 3, and 4 volumes of hydrogen. Thus 2 volumes of hydrochloric acid gas contain 1 volume of chlorine and 1 volume of hydrogen. 2 volumes of watery vapour contain 1 volume of oxygen and 2 volumes of hydrogen. 2 volumes of ammonia contain 1 volume of nitrogen and 3 volumes of hydrogen. 2 volumes of marsh-gas contain 1 volume (?) of imaginary carbon vapour and 4 volumes of hydrogen. In the case of marsh-gas, it has been already explained that the volume occupied by a given weight of carbon vapour cannot be ascertained by experiment, but there are reasons to justify the assumption that 12 parts by weight of carbon vapour would occupy the same volume as 8 parts by weight of oxygen. In the other cases, the above statements exhibit the direct results of experiments previously described. If it be allowed that one atom of each element occupies one volume, then hydrochloric acid, water, ammonia, and marsh-gas will contain, for one atom of chlorine, oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon, respectively, 1, 2, 3, and 4 atoms of hydrogen, or, taking the symbol for each element to re- present one atom Vols. Weights. H=l H=l Hydrochloric acid = C1H = HC1 = 2 = 36'5 Water = OHH = H 2 O = 2 = 18 Ammonia = NHHH = H 3 N = 2 = 17 Marsh-gas = 6HHHH = H 4 O = 2 = 16 Since, on the atomic theory, hydrogen is accepted as the unit of atomic weight and volume, it appears reasonable to fix upon it as representing the unit of combining power, and to classify the elements according to the tendency of their atoms to imitate tho combining power of one or more atoms of hydrogen. By the atomicity of an element, is meant the number expressing the hydrogen-atoms to which one atom (or volume) of that element is usually equivalent. Thus, the atomicity of chlorine is = 1, for one volume (or atom) of this element not only combines with, and neutralises the properties of, one atom (or volume) of hydrogen, but is capable of representing, or occupy- ing the place of, one atom of hydrogen in its compounds (see p. 144). 152 ATOMICITIES OF THE ELEMENTS. The atomicity of oxygen is = 2, since one volume (or atom) of oxygen combines with, and neutralises two atoms (or volumes) of hydrogen in water, and is generally capable of occupying the place of two atoms of hydrogen in the compounds of that element. The atomicity of nitrogen is = 3, for one volume (or atom) of nitrogen neutralises the properties of three atoms (or volumes) of hydrogen in am- monia, and is often found to occupy the place of three atoms of hydrogen in its compounds. The atomicity of carbon is = 4, for one volume (or atom) of imaginary carbon vapour is combined, in marsh-gas, with four atoms (or volumes) of hydrogen, and in its compounds with other elements, one atom of carbon is usually found representing four atoms of hydrogen. Since hydrochloric acid, water, ammonia, and marsh-gas are the most conspicuous members of large classes of chemical compounds, they are often referred to as types, and the elements, chlorine, oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon, are taken as the representatives of the various classes into which the elements are divided according to their atomicities. Chlorine is the type of one-atom elements (technically called man-atomic, uni-equivalent, monad elements), the atomic weights of which are repre- sented by the same numbers as their equivalent weights. Oxygen is the type of two-atom elements (di-atomic, bi-equivalent, dyad elements), of which the number representing the equivalent weight is half of that which represents the atomic weight. Equivalent of oxygen = = 8. Atom of oxygen = O = 16. Mtrogen is the type of three-atom elements (tri-atomic, ter-equivalent, triad elements), of which the number representing the equivalent weight is commonly taken as identical with that which represents the atomic weight, though if the equivalentic system were rigorously carried out, the equivalent should be one-third of the atomic weight. Carbon is the type of four-atom elements (tetratomic, quadr equivalent, tetrad elements), of which the number representing the equivalent weight ought to be one-fourth of that which expresses the atomic weight, whereas it is usually represented as half that number. Equivalent of carbon = C = 6. Atom of carbon = @ = 12. Such anomalies as these are unavoidable during the present transitional period through which chemistry appears to be passing towards the ulti- mate adoption of atomic (or molecular) formula in the place of equivalent formula, a change which offers dazzling prospects of advantage in specu- lative chemistry, but will probably be of less service in practice than the preservation of equivalent formulae, so corrected as to remove the anomalies presented in some few cases. The experience of the last few years seems to warrant the belief, that it will be long before experiment (the only possible final resort for the chemist) has so far removed the exceptions to the atomic formulae which are presented, in some cases, by the gaseous volumes and specific heats of the elements, that these formulas can be said to present us with so true a record of the actual results of experiment as to console us for the loss of the greater simplicity and practical utility of the equivalent formulae. It is remarkable that the four elements, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION OF ATOMS. 153 and carbon, which compose the chief part of living matter, are respectively monatomic, diatomic, triatomic, and tetratomic elements. In speculations relating to the atomic structure of compounds, it is now usual to represent graphically the atomicity of each element ; thus a monatomic element, like hydrogen, is represented as affording one point of attachment, which may be indicated by writing the symbol H ; a diatomic element, like oxygen, affords two points of attachment, as shown by writing its atomic symbol ; accordingly, to form water, the dia- tomic oxygen attaches to itself two atoms of hydrogen, as represented by the molecular formula H H, whereas in the peroxide of hydrogen (H 2 2 ) the second atom of oxygen is only held by one point of attach- ment, so that the graphic expression H H accounts at once for its tendency to decompose into water and free oxygen. A triatomic element, such as nitrogen, has three points of attachment />N , and thus in ammonia, attaches to itself three atoms of hydrogen H. The tetratomic element, carbon, affords four points of attachment and thus marsh-gas (0H 4 ) is represented by by > an( i carbonic acid COMPOUNDS OF CHLOKIXE WITH OXYGEN. 111. It is worthy of notice that whilst chlorine and hydrogen so readily unite, there is no method by which chlorine can be made to combine in a direct manner with oxygen, all the compounds of these elements having been hitherto obtained only by indirect processes. An excellent illustra- tion is thus afforded of the fact, that the more closely substances resemble each other in their chemical relations, the less will be their tendency to combine, for chlorine and oxygen are both highly electronegative bodies, and therefore, having both a powerful attraction for the electropositive hydrogen, their attraction for each other is of a very low order. The following table exhibits the compounds formed by one equivalent of chlorine with different proportions of oxygen. Those distinguished by a note of interrogation have not been obtained in a separate state, though there is good reason for believing them to exist : Oxides of CJilorine. Equivalent By Weight. Formula. Cl Hypochlorous acid . CIO 35-5 8 Chlorous acid . . . cio. 35-5 24 Chloric peroxide . . C10 4 35-5 32 Chloric acid ? . . . CIO. 35-5 40 Perchloric acid ? . . C10 7 35-5 66 154 HYPOCHLOROUS ACID. 112. Hypochlorous acid is of some practical interest as one of the constituents of chloride of lime, chloride of soda, and other bleaching compounds. It is prepared by passing dry chlorine gas over dry preci- pitated oxide of mercury, and condensing the product in a tube sur- rounded with a mixture of ice and salt HgO + Cla = HgCl + CIO . Oxide of mercury. Chloride of mercury. The hypochlorous acid is thus obtained as a deep red liquid, which boils at 19 F., evolving a yellow vapour thrice as heavy as air, and having a very powerful and peculiar odour. This vapour is remarkably explosive, the heat of the hand having been known to cause its separation into its constituents, when two volumes of the vapour yield two volumes of chlorine and one volume of oxygen. As might be expected, most sub- stances which have any attraction for oxygen or chlorine will decompose the gas, sometimes with explosive violence. Even hydrochloric acid de- composes it ; one. volume of hypochlorous acid gas is entirely decom- posed by two volumes of hydrochloric acid, yielding water and chlorine CIO + HC1 = HO + C1 2 .. Hypochlorous acid is a powerful bleaching agent, both its chlorine and' oxygen acting upon the colouring matter in the manner explained at page 144. Hypochlorous acid is absorbed in large quantity by water. The solu- tion may be very readily prepared by shaking the red oxide of mercury with water in a bottle of chlorine as long as the gas is absorbed. The greater part of the chloride of mercury which is produced, combines with the excess of oxide of mercury to form a brown insoluble oxychloride, whilst the hypochlorous acid and a little chloride of mercury remain in solution. This solution is a most powerful oxidising and bleaching agent ; it erases writing ink immediately, and does not corrode the paper if it be carefully washed. Printing ink, which contains lamp-black and grease, is not bleached by hypochlorous acid, so that this solution is very useful for removing ink stains from books, engravings, &c. The action of some metals and their oxides upon solution of hypo- chlorous acid is instructive. Iron seizes upon the oxygen, whilst the chlorine is liberated ; copper takes both the oxygen and chlorine, whilst silver combines with the chlorine and liberates oxygen. Oxide of lead (PbO) removes the oxygen, becoming peroxide of lead (Pb02), and libe- rating chlorine, but oxide of silver converts the chlorine into chloride- of silver, and liberates the oxygen ; AgO + CIO = AgCl 4- 2 . The salts of hypochlorous acid, or hypochlorites, are not known in a pure state, but are obtained in solution by neutralising the solution of hypochlorous acid with bases. They are decomposed even by carbonic acid, with liberation of hypochlorous acid. When the solution of a hypochlorite is boiled, it becomes converted into a mixture of chloride and chlorate ; thus 3(KO.C10) = KO.C10 5 + 2KC1. Hypochlorite of potash. Chl( > rat ' of Chloride of potash. potassium. This change is turned to practical account in the manufacture of chlorate of potash. It is much hindered by the presence of an excess of alkali. CHLORATE OF POTASH. 155 The solution of hypochlorous acid itself, when exposed to light, is decom- posed into chloric acid and free chlorine 5 CIO + HO = HO.C10 5 + C1 4 Chloride of lime (see p. 145) is the most important compound containing hypochlorous acid. Its formula has already been given as CaO. CIO + CaCl. 2CaO + 4Aq, showing it to be a mixture of hypo- chlorite of lime with oxy chloride of calcium. When this compound is distilled with a small quantity of diluted sulphuric acid, a solution of hypochlorous acid is obtained ; but if an excess of acid be used, the chlo- ride of calcium is decomposed, furnishing hydrochloric acid, which acts upon the hypochlorous acid, and free chlorine is the result. Alcohol, although capable of dissolving chloride of calcium, does not extract that salt from bleaching powder, because it is combined with lime ; but an excess of water decomposes the compound of chloride of calcium with lime, and dissolves the former. Bleaching powder is liable to decomposition when kept, its hypochlorite of lime evolving oxygen, and becoming converted into chloride of calcium, which attracts moisture greedily, and renders the bleaching powder deli- quescent. It has been known to shatter the glass bottle in which it was preserved, in consequence of the accumulation of oxygen. When a solution of a salt of manganese or cobalt is added to solution of chloride of lime, a black precipitate of binoxide of manganese or sesqui- oxide of cobalt is obtained, the oxide of manganese or of cobalt acquiring additional oxygen from the hypochlorite of lime, and forming an oxide which is indifferent, and does not remain in combination with the acid. If this precipitate be boiled with an excess of the solution of chloride of lime, it causes a rapid disengagement of oxygen in some manner that has not yet been clearly explained. Large quantities of oxygen are easily obtained by adding a few drops of solution of nitrate of cobalt to solution of chloride of lime, and applying a gentle heat. Hy pod do rite of soda, which is very useful for removing ink, is prepared in solution by decomposing solution of chloride of lime with solution of carbonate of soda, and separating the carbonate of lime by nitration. The solution is generally called " chloride of soda." 113. Chloric add. This acid is appropriately studied here, since its compounds are usually obtained by the decomposition of the hypochlorites. The only compound of chloric acid which possesses any great practical importance is the chlorate of potash (KO . CIO.), which is largely em- ployed as a source of oxygen, as an ingredient of several explosive com- positions, and in the manufacture of lucifer matches. Chlorate of potash. The simplest method of obtaining this salt con- sists in ' passing an excess of chlorine rapidly into a strong solution of hydrate of potash, when the liquid becomes hot enough to decompose the hypochlorite of potash first formed, into chloride of potassium, which remains in solution, and chlorate of potash, which is deposited in tabular crystals, the ultimate result being expressed by the equation 6(KO.HO) + C1 6 = KO.CIO, + 5KC1 + 6HO . If carbonate of potash or a weak solution of hydrate of potash be employed, the liquid will require boiling after saturation with chlorine, in order to convert the hypochlorite into chlorate. 156 PREPARATION OF CHLORATE OF POTASH. The following proportions will be found convenient for the preparation of chlorate of potash on the small scale as a laboratory experiment. 300 grains of carbonate of potash are dissolved, in a beaker, with two measured ounces of water. 600 grains of common salt are mixed with 450 grains of binoxide of manganese, and very gently heated in a flask (fig. 164) with a mixture of 1J ounce (mea- sured) of strong sulphuric acid and 4 ounces (mea- sured) of water, the evolved chlorine being passed through a rather wide bent tube into the solution of carbonate of potash. At first no action will appear to take place, although the solution absorbs the chlorine ; be- cause the first portion of that gas converts the car- bonate of potash into a mixture of hypochlorite of potash, chloride of potassium, and bicarbonate of potash, some crystals of which will probably be de- Fig. 164. posited 4(KO.C0 2 ) + C1 2 + 2HO = KC1 + KO.C10 + 2(KO.H0.2C0 2 ) . On continuing to pass chlorine, these crystals will redissolve, and brisk effervescence will be caused by the expulsion of the carbonic acid from the bicarbonate of potash 2(KO.H0.2C0 2 ) + C1 2 = KC1 + KO.C10 + 2HO + 4C0 2 . When this effervescence has ceased, and the chlorine is no longer absorbed by the liquid, the change is complete, the ultimate result being represented by the equation 2(KO.C0 2 ) -f C1 2 = KC1 + KO.C10 + 200 2 . The solution (which often has a pink colour, due to a little permanganate of potash) is now poured into a dish, boiled for two or three minutes, filtered, if neces- sary, from any impurities (silica, &c.,) derived from the carbonate of potash, and set aside to crystallise. The ebullition has converted the hypochlorite of potash into chlorate of potash and chloride of potassium 3(KO.C10) = KO.C10 5 + 2KC1. The latter being soluble in about three times its weight of cold water, is retained in the solution, whilst the chlorate of potash, which would require about sixteen times its weight of cold water to hold it dissolved, is deposited in brilliant rhom- boidal tables. These crystals may be collected on a filter, and purified from the adhering solution of chloride of potassium by pressure between successive portions of filter-paper. If they be free from chloride of potassium, their solution in water will not be changed by nitrate of silver, which would yield a milky precipitate of chloride of silver if that impurity were present. Should this be the case, the cry- stals must be redissolved in a small quantity of boiling water and recrystallised. The above processes for preparing the chlorate of potash are far from economical, since five-sixths of the potash are converted into chloride, being employed merely to furnish oxygen to convert the chlorine into chloric acid. In manufacturing chlorate of potash upon the large scale, a much cheaper material, lime, is used to furnish the oxygen, one equivalent of carbonate of potash being mixed with six equivalents of slaked lime, and the damp mixture saturated with chlorine. On treating the mass with boiling water, a solution is obtained which contains chlorate of potash and chloride of calcium, the latter, being very soluble, remains in the liquor from which the chlorate. of potash crystallises on cooling. The ultimate result of the action of chlorine upon the mixture of carbonate of potash and lime is thus expressed KO . C0 2 + 6CaO + C1 6 - KO . C10 5 + 5CaCl + CaO . C0 2 . A still cheaper salt of potassium, the chloride, has recently been em- ployed with great economy as a substitute for the carbonate of potash. DETONATING COMPOSITIONS. 157 The solution of chloride of potassium is mixed with lime, and saturated with chlorine in close leaden tanks. The solution is filtered, evaporated nearly to dryness, and redissolved in hot water, when the chlorate of potash crystallises out on cooling. The chloride of calcium is precipi- tated by carbonate of soda to obtain precipitated chalk. Anhydrous chloric acid (C10 5 ) has never been obtained in the separate state ; but its hydrate (HO . C10 5 ) may be procured by decomposing a solution of chlorate of potash with hydrofluosilicic acid, when the potas- sium is deposited as an insoluble silico-fluoride, and hydrated chloric acid is found in the solution* KO.C10, HO . CIO, KF.SiF, - HF.SiF 2 = Hydrofluosilicic acid. On evaporating the solution at a temperature not exceeding 100 F., the hydrated chloric acid is obtained as a yellow liquid with a peculiar pungent smell. In its chemical characters, hydrated chloric acid bears a very strong resemblance to hydrated nitric acid, but is far more easily decomposed. It cannot even be kept unchanged for any length of time, and at tem- peratures above 104 F. it is decomposed into perchloric acid, chlorine, and oxygen 2(HO.C10 5 ) = HO.C10 7 + HO + Cl + 3 . Hydrated chloric acid is one of the most powerful oxidising agents. A drop of it will set fire to paper, and oxidises phosphorus (even the amorphous variety) with explosive violence. Clilorates. Chloric acid, like nitric, is monobasic, one equivalent (47 parts) of potash forming a neutral salt with 75*5 parts of imaginary anhydrous chloric acid (C10 5 ). The chlorates resemble the nitrates in their oxidising power, but generally act at lower tem- peratures, in consequence" of the greater facility with which the chlorates part with their oxygen. A grain or two of chlorate of potash, rubbed in a mortar with a little sulphur, for example, detonates violently, evolving a powerful odour of chloride of sulphur. Chlorate of potash and sulphur were used in some of the first percussion caps, but being found to corrode the nipple of the gun, they gave place to the anticorrosive caps containing fulminate of mercury. If a little powdered chlorate of potash be mixed, on a card, with some black sulphide of antimony, and wrapped up in paper, the mixture will detonate when struck with a hammer. A mixture of this description is employed in the friction tubes used for firing cannon. These are small tubes (A, fig. 165) of sheet copper (for military) or of quill (for naval use), filled with gunpowder ; in the upper part of the tube a small copper rasp (B) is tightly fixed across it, and on each side of the rasp a pellet is placed containing 12 parts of chlorate of potash, 12 of sulphide of antimony, and 1 of sulphur, these ingredients being worked up into a paste with a solution of an ounce of shellac in a pint of spirit of wine. The friction tube is fixed in the vent of the gun, and the copper rasp quickly withdrawn by a cord in the hands of the gunner, when the detonating pellets explode and fire the powder. The earliest lucifer matches were tipped with a mixture of chlorate of potash, sulphide of antimony and starch, and were kindled by drawing them briskly through a doubled piece of sand-paper. * 440 grain measures of hydrofluosilicic acid of sp. gr. 1078 will decompose 100 grains of chlorate of potash. Fig. 165. 158 COLOURED FIKES. At high temperatures the chlorates act violently upon combustible bodies. A little chlorate of potash sprinkled upon red-hot coals causes a very violent deflagration. If a little chlorate of pot- ash be melted in a deflagrating spoon, and plunged into a bottle or flask containing coal-gas (fig. 166), the salt burns with great brilliancy, its oxygen com- bining with the carbon and hydrogen in the gas, which becomes, in this case, the supporter of com- bustion. The flask may be conveniently filled with coal-gas by inverting it, and passing a flexible tube from the gas pipe up into it. Chlorate of potash is much used in the manufac- ture of fireworks, especially as an ingredient of coloured fire compositions, which generally consist of chlorate of potash mixed with sulphur, and with Fig 166 some metallic compound to produce the desired colour in the flame. They are not generally made of the best quality on the small scale, from want of attention to the very finely powdered state of the ingredients, the absence of all moisture, and the most intimate mixture. If these precautions be attended to, the following prescriptions will give very good coloured fires : Red fire. 40 grains of nitrate of strontia, thoroughly dried over a lamp, are mixed with 10 grains of chlorate of potash, and reduced to the finest possible powder. In another mortar 13 grains of sulphur are mixed with 4 grains of black sulphide of antimony (crude antimony). The two powders are then placed upon a sheet of paper, and very intimately mixed with a bone knife, avoiding any great pressure. A little heap of the mixture touched with a red-hot iron ought to burn with a uniform red flame, the colour being due to the strontium. Blue fire. 15 grains of chlorate of potash are mixed with 10 grains of nitrate of potash and 30 grains of oxide of copper in a mortar. The finely-powdered mixture is transferred to a sheet of paper, and mixed, by a bone knife, with 15 grains of sulphur. The colour of the fire is given chiefly by the copper. Green fire. 10 grains of chlorate of baryta are mixed with 10 grains of nitrate of baryta in a mortar, and afterwards, on paper, with 12 grains of sulphur. The barium is the cause of the bright green colour of the flame. These compositions are rather dangerous to keep, since they are liable to spon- taneous combustion. White gunpowder is a mixture of two parts of chlorate of potash with one part of dried yellow prussiate of potash, and one part of sugar, which explodes very easily under friction or percussion. The decomposition of chlorate of potash by heat into oxygen and chlo- ride of potassium is attended with evolution of heat, unlike most cases of chemical decomposition, in which heat is generally absorbed. If chlorate of potash be heated to the point at which it begins to decompose, and a little peroxide of iron be thrown into it, enough heat will be evolved to bring the mass to a red heat, although the peroxide of iron is not oxidised. Experiment has shown that one part of chlorate of potash evolves, during decomposition, nearly 39 units of heat, or enough heat to' raise 39 parts of water through 1 C. This anomalous evolution of heat must of course contribute to increase the energy of explosive mixtures containing the chlorate, and may be accounted for on the supposition, that the heat evolved by the combination of the potassium with the chlorine to form chloride of potassium exceeds that which is absorbed in effecting the chemical disin- tegration of the chlorate. CHLORIC PEROXIDE. 159 114. Anhydrous perchloric acid (C10 7 ) is not known. The hydrated acid is obtained by evaporating down, at a boiling heat, the solution of chloric acid obtained by decomposing chlorate of potash with hydrofluo- silicic acid (see p. 157), when the chloric acid is decomposed into per- chloric acid, chlorine, and oxygen 2(HO.C10 5 ) = HO.C10 7 + HO + Cl + 3 . When the greater part of the water has been boiled off, the liquid may be intro- duced into a retort and distilled. After the remainder of the water has passed over, it is followed by a heavy oily liquid which is HO . C10 7 + 4HO. If this be mixed with four times its volume of strong sulphuric acid and again distilled, the pure hydrated perchloric acid (HO.C10 7 ) first passes over as a yellow watery liquid. If the distillation be continued, the oily HO . C10 7 + 4HO distils over, and if this be mixed with the former and cooled, it yields silky crystals containing HO.C10 7 + 2HO, which are decomposed at 230 F. into HO.C10 7 , which may be distilled off, and HO . C10 7 + 4HO, which is left in the retort 2(HO . C10 7 + 2HO) = HO . C10 7 + (HO . C10 7 + 4HO) . The pure hydrated perchloric acid is a colourless, very heavy liquid (sp. gr. 1*782), which soon becomes yellow from decomposition. It cannot be kept for any length of time. When heated it undergoes de- composition, often with explosion. In its oxidising properties it is more powerful than chloric acid. It burns the skin in a very serious manner, and sets fire to paper, charcoal, &c., with explosive violence. This want of stability, however, belongs only to the pure hydrate. If water be added to it heat is evolved, and a diluted acid of far greater permanence is obtained. Diluted perchloric acid does not even bleach, but reddens litmus in the ordinary way. Perchloric acid is monobasic. The percklorates are decomposed by heat, evolving oxygen, and leaving chlorides ; thus KO.C10 7 = KC1 + 8 . Perchlofate of potash. The perchlorate of potash is always formed in the first stage of the decom- position of chlorate of potash by heat 2(KO . C10 5 ) = KO . C10 7 + KC1 + 4 . If a few crystals of chlorate of potash be heated in a test-tube, they first melt to a perfectly clear liquid, which soon evolves bubbles of oxygen. After a time the liquid becomes pasty, and if the contents of the tube, after cooling, be dissolved by boiling with water, the latter will deposit, as it cools, crystals of perchlorate of potash. These are readily distinguished from chlorate of potash by their not yield- ing a yellow gas (C10 4 ) when treated with strong sulphuric acid. The perchlorate of potash is remarkable as one of the least soluble of the salts of potash, requiring 150 times its weight of cold water to dissolve it. Neither perchloric acid nor any of its salts is applied to any useful purpose. 115. Chloric peroxide or peroxide of chlorine is dangerous to prepare and examine' on account of its great instability and violently explosive character. It is obtained by the action of strong sulphuric acid upon chlorate of potash 3(KO . C10 5 ) + 2(HO . S0 3 ) = KO . C10 7 + KO . S0 3 , HO . S0 3 + 2C10 4 + HO . Sulphuric acid. ? ~ < Bisulphate of potash. It is a bright yellow gas, with a chlorous and somewhat aromatic smell, and sp. gr. 2-32 ; condensible at 4 F. to a red, very explosive liquid. The gas is gradually decomposed into its elements by exposure to light, and a temperature of 140 F. causes it to decompose with violent explosion into a mixture of chlorine and oxygen, the volume of which is one-third greater than that of the compound. On a small scale chloric peroxide may be prepared with safety by pouring a little 160 CHLOROUS ACID. Fig. 167. strong sulphuric acid upon one or two crystals of chlorate of potash in a test-tube supported in a holder. The crystals at once acquire a red colour, which gradually diffuses itself through the liquid, and the bright yellow gas collects in the tube. If heat be applied, the gas will explode, and the colour and odour of chloric peroxide will be exchanged for those of chlorine. If the chlorate of potash employed in this experiment contains chloride of potassium, explosion often takes place in the cold, since the hydrochloric acid evolved by the action of the acid upon that salt decomposes a part of the chloric peroxide, and thus pro- vokes the decomposition of the remainder. Chloric peroxide is easily absorbed by water, and the solution has powerful bleaching properties. Com- bustible bodies, such as sulphur and phosphorus, de- compose the gas, as might be expected, with great vio- lence. This powerful oxidising action of chloric per- oxide upon combustible substances, appears to be the cause of the property possessed by mixtures of such substances with chlorate of potash to inflame when touched with strong sulphuric acid. If a few crystals of chlorate of potash be thrown into a glass of water (fig. 167). one or two small fragments of phosphorus dropped upon them, and some strong sulphuric acid poured down a funnel tube to the bottom of the glass, the chloric peroxide will inflame the phosphorus with bright flashes of light and slight detona- tions. Powdered sugar, mixed with chlorate of potash, on paper, will burn brilliantly when touched with a glass rod dipped in strong sulphuric acid. Matches, may be prepared which inflame when moistened with sulphuric acid, by dipping the ends of splinters of wood in melted sulphur, and when cool, tipping them with a mixture of 5 grains of sugar and 15 grs. of chlorate of potash made into a paste with 4 drops of water. When dry they may be fired by dipping them into a bottle containing asbestos moistened with strong sulphuric acid. These matches, under the names of Eupyrion and Vesta matches, were used before the introduction of phosphorus into general use. The Promethean light was an ornamental scented paper spill, one end of which contained a small glass bulb of sulphuric acid surrounded with a mixture of chlorate of potash and sugar, which inflamed when the end of the spill was struck or squeezed, so as to break the bulb containing the sulphuric acid. The paper was waxed in order to make it inflame more easily. Percussion fuzes, &c., have been often constructed upon a similar principle. Chloric peroxide used to be called hypochloric acid, but, like nitric per- oxide, it appears to have no claim to be considered a true acid, since, in con- tact with the alkalies, it yields mixtures of chlorites and chlorates ; thus 2C10 4 + 2KO = KO.C10 3 + KO . C10 5 . Euchlorine, the deep yellow, dangerously explosive gas evolved by the action of strong hydrochloric acid upon chlorate of potash, appears to be a compound of chloric and chlorous acids (2C10 5 . C10 3 ) mixed with free chlorine. 116. Chlorous acid is another unstable and dangerously explosive gas, obtained by the action of a very gentle heat upon a mixture of three parts of arsenious acid, four of chlorate of potash, and sixteen of diluted nitric acid (sp. gr. T24) KO . CIO, + HO . NO, + AsO Q + 2HO = Chlorate of potash. Nitric acid. KO . N0 5 + 3HO . As0 5 Nitrate of potash. Arsenic acid. Chlorous acid is a deep yellowish green heavy gas (sp. gr. 2-65) which Arsenious acid. r- C10 3 Chlorous acid. REVIEW OF OXIDES OF CHLORINE, 161 is absorbed by water, and decomposed even more easily than the chloric peroxide. It is a weak acid, its salts, the chlorites, being decomposed even by carbonic acid. A mixture of ice and salt does not liquefy chlorous acid, but an intense cold condenses it to a red liquid. 117. General review of the oxides of chlorine. Several points of resem- blance will have been noticed between the series of oxides of chlorine and those of nitrogen, but the former are much less stable than the latter. Chlorous acid (C10 3 ), like nitrous acid (N0 3 ), is a weak acid; chloric per- oxide (ClO^ is easily resolved by bases into chlorous and chloric acids, just as nitric peroxide (N0 4 ) is resolved into nitrous and nitric acids. The hydrated chloric acid (HO . C10 5 ) is a powerful oxidising agent like hydrated nitric acid (HO . N0 5 ), and the chlorates resemble the nitrates in their solubility in water and their oxidising power. The composition by volume of those oxides of chlorine which are known in the separate state, is exhibited in the following table : Equivt. Formula. Equivt. Weight. Equivt. Volume. By Volume. Cl Hypochlorous acid . CIO 43-5 2 2 1 Chlorous acid . . C10 3 59-5 3 2 3 Chloric peroxide . C10 4 67'5 4 2 4 The relative volumes in which the chlorine and oxygen are united are the same, therefore, as in the corresponding oxides of nitrogen, but the equivalent volume of chlorous acid differs from that which is usually assumed for nitrous acid (see the table at p. 137). On the hypothesis that each atom of an element occupies one volume, the molecular (atomic) formula of hypochlorous acid would be C1 2 0, that of chlorous acid C1 2 O 3 , and that of chloric peroxide C1 2 O 4 , or, on the as- sumption that the compound molecule occupies only two volumes, C1O 2 . Some chemists refuse to regard the hypochlorites, chlorites, chlorates, and perchlorates as composed of basic oxides united with hypochlorous, chlorous, (hypothetical) chloric, and (hypothetical) perchloric acids respec- tively, but consider them as derived from (hypothetical) hydrated hypo- chlorous acid (HO . CIO or HC10 2 ), (hypothetical) hydrated chlorous acid (HO . C10 3 or HC10 4 ), hydrated chloric acid (HO . C10 5 or HC10 6 )5 and hydrated perchloric acid (HO . C10 7 or HC10 8 ), by the substitution of metals for the hydrogen contained in those compounds. Thus hypo- chlorite of lime (CaO . CIO) would become CaC10 2 , chlorate of potash (KO . C10 5 ) would be KC10 6 , &c. Against the first view it may be plausibly advanced, that we are unac- quainted with the compounds C10 5 and C10 7 , and against the second, that HC10 2 and HC10 4 are at present unknown. Moreover, if these formula) represented the true constitution of the acids, it would be expected that their solutions in water should tend to decompose into hydrochloric acid and free oxygen, which is not the case. 162 BICHLOKIDE OR TETRACHLORIDE OF CARBON. CHLORIDES OF CARBON. 118. It has already been seen that chlorine has no direct attraction for carbon, the two elements not being known to enter into direct combina- tion, but several chlorides of carbon may be obtained by the action of chlorine upon other compounds of carbon. Thus, if Dutch liquid (C 4 H 4 C1 2 ), produced by the combination of olefiant gas with chlorine (p. 86), be acted upon with an excess of chlorine in sunlight, the whole of its hydrogen is removed in the form of hydrochloric acid, and an equi- valent amount of chlorine is substituted for it, yielding the sesquichloride of carbon (Cfl,) C 4 H 4 C1 2 + C1 8 = C 4 C1 6 + 4HC1 . Sesquichloride of carbon is a white crystalline solid, with an aromatic odour rather like that of camphor. It fuses at 320 F., and boils at 360, subliming unchanged. It is not dissolved by water, but is soluble in alcohol and ether. When the vapour of sesquichloride of carbon is passed through a tube containing fragments of glass heated to redness, it is decomposed into chlorine and a colourless liquid, which is the protochloride of carbon (C 4 C1 4 ). It has an aromatic odour, and boils at 248 F. ; is heavier than water (sp. gr. 1*5), which does not dissolve it, and is soluble in alcohol and ether. By passing the vapour of this protochloride of carbon through tubes heated to bright; redness, it is decomposed into chlorine and subcldoride of carbon (C 4 C1 2 ), which forms silky crystals almost free from odour, insoluble in water, but soluble in ether, and capable of being sublimed unchanged at a high temperature. It burns in air with a red smoky flame. Bichloride of carbon (C 2 C1 4 ) has been mentioned (p. 144) as the Fig. 168. Preparation of bichloride of carbon. final result of the action of chlorine upon marsh-gas (C 2 H 4 ) and upon chloroform (C 2 HC1 3 ), It is easily obtained in large quantity, by passing chlorine (dried by passing through a tube containing pumice wetted with strong sulphuric acid) (fig. 168) through a bottle containing bisulphide of carbon, and afterwards through a porcelain tube wrapped in sheet copper, CHLORIDES OF CARBON. 163 and filled with fragments of broken porcelain, maintained at a red heat by a charcoal or gas furnace, and condensing the products in a bottle sur- rounded by ice. A mixture of bichloride of carbon and subchloride of sulphur is thus obtained 2CS 2 + C1 6 = C 2 C1 4 + 2S 2 C1. By shaking this mixture with solution of potash, the subchloride of sul- phur is decomposed and dissolved, whilst the bichloride of carbon separates and falls to the bottom. The upper layer having been poured off, the bichloride may be purified by distillation. Bichloride of carbon is a colourless liquid much heavier than water (sp. gr. 1'6), having a peculiar odour, and boiling at 172 F. It may be solidified at 9 F. The bichloride is insoluble in water, but dissolves in alcohol and ether. By the action of chlorine on naphthaline (C 20 H 8 ) Laurent obtained, as the ultimate result, a crystalline chloride of carbon containing C 20 C1 8 , to which he gave the name chlonaplithalise. It will be noticed that each of the compounds of chlorine with carbon, except the sesquichloride, has its parallel in the compounds of hydrogen with carbon;* thus Acetylene C 4 H 2 corresponds to subchloride of carbon C 4 C1 2 Olefiant gas C 4 H 4 protochloride ,, C 4 C1 4 Marsh-gas C 2 H 4 bichloride C 2 C1 4 Indeed the principal reason for preferring these formulae to the formulae C 2 C1, CC1, and CC1 2 , is that this correspondence may be exhibited, for since the chlorides of carbon are indifferent substances, it is not possible to obtain their equivalent weights by direct experiment, as in the case of bases or acids. Composition by volume of the chlorides of carbon. The composition of the chlorides of carbon, as determined by analysis, has been confirmed by the observation of their vapour densities (or specific gravities of their vapours), except in the case of the subchloride, of which the vapour density does not appear to have been correctly ascertained. If it be assumed (see p. 81) that 6 parts by weight (1 eq.) of carbon, if converted into vapour, would occupy 2 vols. (0 = 1 vol.), then the protochloride of carbon would contain 2 vols. of imaginary carbon vapour and 2 vols. of chlorine. The specific gravity (or weight of 1 vol.) of imaginary carbon vapour being '424, and that of chlorine 2 '4 7 2 vols. carbon vapour would weigh '848 2 vols. chlorine 4 "940 5-788 The weight of 1 vol. (sp. gr.) of protochloride of carbon vapour has been found to be 5 '82, which (allowing for experimental errors) is clearly the sum of these weights. Hence the weight of protochloride of carbon represented by the formula CC1 occupies 1 vol., and contains 2 vols. of imaginary carbon vapour and 2 vols. of chlorine. But if the formula of olefiant gas be represented as C 4 H 4 (28 parts by weight, occu- * When vapour of protochloride of carbon is mixed with hydrogen, and passed through a red-hot tube, olefiant gas and hydrochloric acid are produced. The bichloride, under similar circumstances, yields marsh-gas. L2 164 MOLECULAR FORMULA OF CHLORIDES OF CARBOX. pying 4 vols. ; = 1 vol.), then the formula of protochloride of carbon must be C 4 C1 4 (166'0 parts by weight, occupying 4 vols. ; = 1 vol.) It has also been found that the weight of 1 volume (sp. gr.) of the vapour of sesquichloride of carbon is 8 '157. But the sum of the weights of 4 vols. (2 eqs.) imaginary carbon vapour, and 6 vols. (3 eqs.) chlorine, would be 16*516, representing 2 vols. of C 2 C1 3 . The formula G 4 C1 6 , there- fore, would represent 8 vols. of carbon vapour and 12 vols. of chlorine condensed into 4 vols. of sesquichloride of carbon. The history of sesquichloride of carbon affords an instructive instance of the influence of the composition by volume of a compound upon its properties. By passing the vapour of bichloride of carbon through a tube heated to dull redness, a liquid is obtained which is found by analysis to contain precisely the same proportions of carbon and chlorine as the solid sesquichloride above described, but the specific gravity of its vapour is only 4 '082, which is half that of the vapour of solid sesqui- chloride of carbon, showing that in the liquid compound the same propor- tions of carbon vapour and chlorine are condensed into a volume twice as large as in the solid sesquichloride, 4 vols. of the vapour of the liquid containing 4 vols. imaginary carbon vapour, and 6 vols. chlorine, and being represented by the formula C 2 C1 3 . The weight of 1 volume (sp. gr.) of vapour of bichloride of carbon is 5 '3, which is the sum of 1 vol. imaginary carbon vapour and 2 vols. chlo- rine. The formula CC1 2 , therefore, would represent (1 eq.) 2 vols. of carbon vapour and (2 eqs.) 4 vols. of chlorine condensed into 2 vols. of bichloride of carbon ; whilst C 2 C1 4 represents 4 vols. carbon and 8 vols. chlorine condensed into 4 vols. of bichloride of carbon. Molecular formula? of the chlorides of carbon. If the atom of carbon (O) be assumed to represent 12 parts by weight, and to occupy the same volume in the form of vapour as 1 part by weight of hydrogen ( = 1 vol. or 1 atom), and 35 '5 parts by weight of chlorine, which occupy the same volume as 1 part of hydrogen, be taken to represent one atom, the mole- cular formulce of the chlorides of carbon would be Subchloride of carbon ^0^ corresponding to O 2 H 2 acetylene. Protochloride of carbon @ 2 d.i ^ft olefiant gas. Sesquichloride of carbon (solid) O 2 C1 6 (liquid) eci 3 Bichloride of carbon C1 4 OH 4 marsh-gas. And each of these formulae would represent twice the volume occupied by one atom of hydrogen, that is, would represent two volumes. The following table exhibits the relations between the equivalent for- mulae and the molecular formulae of the chlorides of carbon : Chlorides of Carbon. Equivt. Formulae. Equivt. Volume. Equivt. Weight. Molecular Formulae. Molecular Volume. Molecular Weight. Sufochloride C,CL 49 95-0 Cl 2? 95-0 Protochloride, .... 4 166-0 2 166-0 Sesquichloride (solid), C 4 C1 6 4 237-0 e 2 ci 6 2 237-0 (liquid), . C 2 C1 3 4 118-5 e 2 ci 3 2 118-5 Bichloride, . . . . . C 2 C1 4 4 154-0 e 2 ci 4 2 154-0 CHLORIDE OF SILICON. 165 119. Oxycldoride of carbon, chlorocarbonic acid, or phosgene gas, is pro- duced by the direct combination of equal volumes of carbonic oxide and chlorine gases under the influence of sunlight (whence its last name), when the mixture condenses to half its volume of a colourless gas, having a very t peculiar pungent smell, and fuming strongly when exposed to moist air, decomposing the moisture and producing hydrochloric acid; CO . Cl + HO = C0 2 + HC1. It is not a true acid, for it is de- composed by bases, producing chlorides and carbonates. It is sometimes fdund useful in chemical research for removing hydrogen from organic compounds, and introducing carbonic oxide, or its elements, into its place. Its action on ammonia affords an example of this 4(NH 3 ) + C 2 2 .C1 2 = C 2 2 H 4 N 2 + 2(NH 3 .HC1) Urea. Hydroclilorate of ammonia. in which two equivalents of NH 3 have been decomposed, two equivalents of the hydrogen having been removed in the form of hydrochloric acid, and replaced by two equivalents of carbonic oxide. From this and similar reactions, it is inferred that the true equivalent formula of the oxychloride of carbon is C 2 2 C1 2 . 120. Chloride of silicon, unlike the chlorides of carbon, may be formed by the direct union of silicon with chlorine at a high temperature, but it is best prepared by passing dry chlorine over a mixture of artificial silica and charcoal, heated to redness in a porcelain tube connected with a receiver kept cool by a freezing-mixture. Neither carbon nor chlorine separately will act upon the silica, but when they are employed to- gether, the carbon removes the oxygen and the chlorine combines with the silicon Si0 2 + C 2 + C1 2 = SiCl 2 + 2CO . The chloride of silicon is a colourless heavy liquid (sp. gr. 1 -52) which is volatile (boiling point, 138 F.), and fumes when exposed to air, the moisture of which decomposes it, yielding hydrochloric and silicic acids SiCl 2 + 2HO = Si0 2 + 2HC1 . Athough it has received no practical application on a large scale, the chloride of silicon is valuable to the chemist as a convenient source of compounds of silicon, which could not easily be procured from the very- unchangeable silicic acid. The specific gravity (or weight of one volume) of vapour of chloride of silicon is 5*87. Supposing it to be similarly constituted to the bichloride of carbon, this would contain 2 vols. of chlorine, and 1 vol. of imaginary vapour of silicon. Deducting the weight of 2 vols. chlorine (4'94) from that of 1 vol. of the chloride of silicon (5-87), there remains 0'93 for the weight of 1 vol. or sp. gr. of hypothetical vapour of silicon. The formula SiCl^ would represent 4 vols. of chlorine (2 eqs.) com- bined with 2 vols. (1 eq.) of imaginary vapour of silicon, and condensed into a space of two volumes. Since SiCl 2 represents 14 parts by weight (1 eq.) of silicon combined with 71 parts (2 eqs.) of chlorine, if the atom of silicon be assumed to weigh 28 (see p. 109), it would be combined with 142 (4 atoms) of chlo- rine, and the atomic (molecular) formula of the chloride of silicon would be SiCl^ (Si = 28.) The silicon, here occupying the place of four atoms of hydrogen in hydrochloric acid, is often designated a tetmtomic element 1G6 PREPARATION OF CHLORIDE OF NITROGEN. (see p. 151). Those chemists who regard silicic acid as Si0 3 of course represent the chloride of silicon as SiCl 3 . By passing hydrochloric acid over silicon heated to redness, a very remarkable liquid is obtained, which is much more volatile than the chloride of silicon (boiling point, 108 F.), and, unlike most chlorine compounds, is inflammable, burning with a .greenish flame, and producing silica and hydrochloric acid. It fumes strongly in air, and is decomposed by water, yielding hydrochloric acid, and the substance termed leukone. The composition of this liquid appears to be Si 3 H 2 Cl., and its production would be represented by the equation Si 3 + 5HC1 =: Si 3 H 2 Cl 5 + H 3 . Its decom- position by water would be explained by the equation Si 3 H 2 01 5 + 5HO = Si 3 H 2 5 + 5HC1. * Leukone. The chloride of boron (BC1 3 ) is similar in its general character to the chloride of silicon, and is prepared by a similar process, but it is a gas instead of a liquid at ordinary temperatures. 121. Chloride of nitrogen is the name usually given to the very explo- sive compound before referred to as being produced by the action of chlorine on sal-ammoniac. Its composition is somewhat uncertain; its explosive character rendering its exact analysis very difficult. Some chemists regard it as NC1 3 , that is, ammonia in which all the hydrogen has been displaced by chlorine, whilst others believe it to contain hydrogen, regarding it as derived from two equivalents of ammonia (NH 3 . NH 3 ), by the substitution of five equivalents of chlorine for five of hydrogen It is a yellow, heavy, oily liquid (sp. gr. 1*65), which volatilises easily, yielding a vapour of very characteristic odour, which affects the eyes. When heated to about 200 F. it explodes with great violence, emitting a loud report and a flash of light. Its instability is, of course, attributable to the feeble attraction which holds its elements together; and the violence of the explosion, to the sudden expansion of a small volume of the liquid into a large volume of nitrogen, chlorine, and perhaps hydrochloric acid. As might be expected, its explosion is at once brought about by contact with substances which have an attraction for chlorine, such as phosphorus and arsenic ; the oils and fats cause its explosion, probably by virtue of their hydrogen ; oil of turpentine explodes it with greater certainty than the fixed oils. Alkalies also decompose it violently ; whilst acids, having no action upon the chlorine^ are not so liable to explode it. At 160 F. this substance has actually been distilled without explosion. Although practically unimportant, the violent explosive properties of this substance render it so interesting that it may be well to give some directions for its safe preparation. Preparation of chloride of nitrogen. 'Dissolve 4 oz. of sal-ammoniac in 48 oz. (measured) of water, in a porcelain dish, at a gentle heat. Filter the solution, and pour it into a shallow leaden dish (A. fig. 169), previously cleaned from all grease by ooiling a little solution of potash in it. Place in the solution a smaller leaden dish (B) (capacity, 1| oz.), cleaned in the same way, and furnished with a copper wire handle. Cut off the neck of a Florence flask (by scratch- ing with a file, and leading the crack round with a red-hot iron), clean it by boiling a little potash in it, rinse it in water, and attach it to a string, so Fig. 169. that it may be suspended, in an inverted position, upon a stand. When the temperature of the solution of sal-ammoniac has fallen to nearly 90 F., fill the Florence flask with water in the pneumatic trough, and displace the water NITROMURIATIC ACID AQUA REGIA. 167 by chlorine, passed up from a gas bottle free from grease. Close the flask with a watch-glass placed under the orifice, and suspend it by the string from a stand (fig, 170), so that its mouth may be about an inch below the surface of the solution of sal-ammoniac, and immediately over the centre of the small leaden dish. Remove the watch-glass, and let the whole arrange- ment be placed where the explosion can do no harm. The solution will soon begin to absorb the chlorine and to rise in the flask, whilst yellow oily globules form upon Us surface, occasionally collecting into a larger one, which falls through the solution into the small leaden dish. When the flask is nearly filled with the solution, which will require about twenty minutes, gently raise the flask, from a distance, by hooking the string with a wire at the end of a long Fig. 170. stick, and allow the solution to flow gently out of it into the leaden dish. Place the flask at a safe distance, lest there should be any chloride of nitrogen still clinging to it. Examine the leaden dishes to see where the oily globules have fallen, lifting out the smaller dish by hooking its wire handle with a long stick. Explode the globules from a safe distance with a stick dipped in turpentine. A good explo- sion will throw the solution up several feet, and will raise a large leaden dish several inches into the air, indenting it deeply at the seat of the explosion. Another method of preparing the chloride, when it is not desired to examine it closely, but merely to witness the explosion, consists in acting upon sal-ammoniac with solution of hypochlorous acid ; but as this does not succeed in a leaden vessel, and must be performed in glass or porcelain, the action should be conducted at a distance from the operator, lest he be wounded by the fragments of the vessel. Fifty grains of red oxide of mercury are very finely powdered, and thrown into a pint bottle of chlorine together with ^ oz. (measured) of water. The stopper is replaced, and the bottle well shaken, loosening the stopper occasionally as long as the chlorine is absorbed. The solution of hypochlorous acid thus produced is filtered from the residual oxychloride of mercury, and poured into a clean thumb-glass (fig. 171). A lump of sal-ammoniac weighing 20 grains is then dropped into the solution, and the glass is placed in a safe situation where the explosion will do no harm. After the lapse of twenty minutes, the chloride of nitrogen may be exploded from a safe distance (9 feet) by touching it with a stick dipped in turpentine. The glass will be shattered into very small fragments, and the operator will be safer behind a screen, unless protected by a fencing-mask and leather gloves. Fig. 171. 122. Aqua regia. This name has been bestowed upon the mixture of (1 measure of) nitric, and (3 measures of) hydrochloric acid (nitromuriatir, acid) which is employed for dissolving gold, platinum, and other metals which are not soluble in the separate acids. If a little gold leaf be placed in hydrochloric and nitric acids contained in separate glasses, the metal will remain unaffected even on warming the acids, but if the contents of the glasses be mixed, the gold will be immediately dissolved' by the chlorine which is liberated in the action of the acids upon each other 3HC1 = 4110 Cl Chloronitric gas. The cliloronitric gas which is formed does not act upon the gold, but is evolved as a red gas, condensable in a freezing mixture to a dark red liquid. It has a very peculiar odour, and is decomposed by contact with water into hydrochloric acid and nitric peroxide NO.CL, + 2HO = 2HC1 + N0 4 . A similar, though somewhat less volatile substance, called cldoronitrous gas, and having the formula N0 2 C1, is produced by mixing 2 volumes of nitric 168 EXTRACTION OF BROMINE. oxide with 1 volume of chlorine ; it condenses to a red liquid at F. ; it is also produced in small quantity by the action of hydrochloric acid on nitric acid; HO.M), + 3HC1 = 4HO + NOfl + Ci,. BKOMINE. 123. It generally happens that elements between which any strong family likeness exists are found associated in nature. This remark par- ticularly applies to the three elements chlorine, bromine, and iodine, all of which are found in sea water, though the first predominates to such an extent that the others for a long time escaped notice. Bromine was brought to light in the year 1826 by Balard in the examination of bittern, which is the liquid remaining after the chloride of sodium and some other salts have been made to crystallise by evaporating sea water, which contains only about one grain of bromine per gallon, in the forms of bro- mide of magnesium and bromide of sodium. It is also extracted from the waters of certain mineral springs, as those of Kreuznach and Kissingen, which contain much larger quantities of bromine, either as bromide of potassium or of sodium or magnesium. In extracting the bromine from these waters, advantage is taken of the circumstance that chlorine is capable of displacing bromine from its com- binations with the metals. After most of the other salts, such as chloride of sodium, sulphate of soda, and sulphate of magnesia, which are less soluble than the bromides, have been separated from the water by evaporation and crystallisation, the remaining liquid is subjected to the action of chlorine gas, when it acquires an orange colour, due to the liberation of the bromine; KBr + Cl = KC1 + Br. The bromine thus set free exists now diffused through a large volume of water, which cannot be separated from it in the usual way by evaporation, because bromine is itself very volatile. An ingenious expedient is therefore resorted to of shaking the orange liquid briskly with ether, which has a greater solvent power for bromine than is possessed by water, and therefore abstracts it from the aqueous solution ; since ether does not mix to any great extent with water, it now rises to the surface of the liquid, forming a layer of a beautiful orange colour, due to the bromine which it holds in solution. This orange layer is carefully separated, and shaken with solution of potash, which immediately destroys the colour by removing the bromine, leaving the ether to rise to the surface in a pure state, and fit to be employed for abstracting the bromine from a fresh portion of the water. The action of the bromine upon potash is precisely similar to that of chlorine 6KO + Br 6 = 5KBr + KO.Br0 5 . Bromide of potassium. B J*h f After the solution of potash has been several times shaken with the ethereal solution of bromine, and has become highly charged with this element, it is evaporated so as to expel the water, leaving a solid residue containing the bromide of potassium and bromate of potash. This saline mass is strongly heated to decompose the bromate of potash, and convert it into bromide of potassium KO . Br0 5 = KBr + 6 . From this salt the bromine is extracted by distilling it with binoxide of HYDROBROMIC ACID. 169 manganese and sulphuric acid, when the potassium is oxidised at the expense of the binoxide of manganese, and the bromine is liberated and condensed in a receiver kept cool by iced water KBr + Mn0 2 + 2(HO. S0 3 ) = KO. S0 3 + MnO. S0 3 + 2HO + Br. The aspect of the bromine so produced is totally different from that of any other element, for it distils over in the liquid condition, and pre- serves that form at ordinary temperatures, being the only liquid non- nietallic element. Its dark red-brown colour, and the peculiar orange colour of the vapour which it exhales continually, are also characteristic ; but, above all, its extraordinary and disagreeable odour, from which it derives its name (/3po>/>ios, a stench], leaves no doubt of its identity. The odour has some slight resemblance to that of chlorine, but is far more intolerable, often giving rise to great pain, and sometimes even to bleed- ing at the nose. Liquid bromine is thrice as heavy as water (sp. gr. 2 '9 6), and boils at 145 F., yielding a vapour 5J times as heavy as air (sp. gr. 5*54). It may be frozen at 9 '5 F. to a brown crystalline solid. It requires 33 times its weight of cold water to dissolve it, and is capable of forming a crystalline hydrate (Br + 10HO) corresponding to hydrate of chlorine. In its bleaching power, its aptitude for direct combination, and its other chemical characters, it very closely resembles chlorine so closely, indeed, that it is difficult to distinguish, in many cases, between the com- pounds of chlorine and bromine with other substances, unless the elements themselves be isolated. A necessary consequence of so great a similarity is, that very little use has been made of bromine, since the far more abun- dant chlorine fulfils nearly all the purposes to which bromine might otherwise be applied. In the daguerreotype and photographic arts, how- ever, some special applications of bromine have been discovered, and for some chemical operations,, such as the determination of the illuminating hydrocarbons in coal-gas, bromine is sometimes preferred to chlorine. In the composition of their compounds, chlorine and bromine also exhibit great analogy. Hypobromous acid (BrO) has not been obtained in the anhydrous state, but its solution in water may be obtained by shaking oxide of mercury with water and bromine. The solution is very unstable, decomposing, especially when heated, with liberation of bromine and formation of bromic acid. The action of bromine upon diluted solutions of the alka- lies, and upon the alkaline earths, produces bleaching liquids similar to those formed by chlorine. Anhydrous bromic acid (Br0 5 ) has never been obtained, but hydrated bromic acid (HO . Br0 5 ) can be prepared in a similar manner to hydrated chloric acid, to which it has a great general resemblance, the bromates being also similar to the chlorates. 124. Hydrobromic acid. The inferiority of bromine to chlorine ix chemical energy is well exemplified in its relations to hydrogen, for the vapour of bromine mixed with hydrogen will not explode under the action of flame or of the electric spark, like the mixture of chlorine and hydrogen. Direct combination may, however, be slowly induced by contact with heated platinum. When it is attempted to prepare this acid by distilling bromide of sodium or potassium with sulphuric acid (as in the preparation of hydro- chloric acid), the inferior stability of hydrobromic acid is shown by the x 170 DISCOVERY OF IODINE. decomposition of a part of it, the hydrogen being oxidised by the sulphuric acid, and the bromine set free ; HBr + HO . S0 3 - 2HO + S0 2 + Br. If a strong solution of phosphoric acid be employed instead of the sulphuric, pure hydrobromic acid may be obtained. But the most instructive method of obtaining hydrobromic acid consists in attacking water with bromine and phosphorus simultaneously, when the phosphorus takes the oxygen of the water, forming phosphorous acid, and the bromine combines with the hydrogen to form hydrobromic acid 6HO + Br 3 + P = 3HO.P0 3 Hydrated phosphorous acid. 3HBr f Probably bromide of phosphorus (PBr 3 ) is formed as an intermediate stage. The experiment may be made in a W-formed tube (fig. 172), one bend of which contains 40 grains of phosphorus in fragments inter- mingled with glass moistened with water, whilst the other bend contains 240 grains of bromine ( about one drachm). This limb of the tube is corked, and the other furnished with a delivery tube, so that the gas may be collected either by downward displacement or over mercury. The bromine is slightly heated, when it distils over to the moist phosphorus, and hydrobromic acid is evolved. A moderate heat should afterwards be applied to the moist glass, to expel part of the hydrobromic acid from the water. Hydrobromic acid is very similar to hydrochlo- ric acid ; it liquefies at - 92 F., and has been solidified by a still lower temperature, which is not the case with hydrochloric acid. Like that gas it is very soluble in water, and the solution acts upon metals and their oxides in the same manner as hydrochloric acid. Chlorine removes the hydrogen from hydrobromic acid, liberating bromine, which it converts into chloride of bromine if employed in excess. The composition of hydrobromic acid corresponds to that of hydro- chloric. It contains 80 parts by weight (1 eq.) of bromine, combined with 1 part (1 eq.) of hydrogen, or 2 vols. of bromine vapour, combined with 2 vols. of hydrogen to form 4 vols. of hydrobromic acid. Bromide of nitrogen has been obtained by the action of bromide of potassium upon chloride of nitrogen, which it resembles in general character and explosive properties. Chloride of bromine is a very volatile yellow liquid of pungent odour. Its composition is not certainly known. That chlorine should unite directly with bromine, which it so much resembles in chemical character, illustrates its great tendency to direct chemical combination. IODINE. 125. Iodine is contained in sea water in even smaller quantity than bromine, but the iodide of sodium appears to constitute a portion of the necessary food of certain varieties of sea-weed, which extract it from the sea water, and concentrate it in their tissues. The ash remaining after sea-weed has been burnt was long used, under the name of kelp, in soap- making, because it contains a considerable quantity of carbonate of soda ; and in the year 1811, Courtois, a soap-boiler of Paris, being engaged in the manufacture of soda from kelp, obtained from the waste liquors a EXTRACTION OF IODINE FROM SEA- WEED. 171 substance which possessed properties different from those of any form of matter with which he was acquainted. He transferred it to a French chemist, 'Clement, who satisfied himself that it was really a new substance, and Gay-Lussac and Davy having examined it still more closely, it took its rank among the non-metallic elementary substances, under the name of iodine (10)8779, violet colotired), conferred upon it in allusion to the magnificent violet colour of its vapour. This history of the discovery of iodine affords a very instructive example of the advantage of training persons engaged in manufactures to habits of accurate observation, and, if possible, of accurate chemical observation ; for had Courtois passed over this new substance as accidental, or of no con- sequence, the community would have lost, at least for some time, the benefits derived from the discovery of iodine. For some years the new element was only known as a chemical curiosity, but an unexpected demand for it at length arose on the part of the physician, for it had been found that the efficacy of the ashes of sponge, which had long been used in some particular maladies, was due to the small quantity of iodine which they contained, and it was, of course, thought desirable to place this remedy in the hands of the medical pro- fession in a purer form than the ash of sponge, where it is associated with very large quantities of various saline substances. Much more recently the demand for this element has greatly increased, on account of its employ- ment in photography, and large quantities of it are annually produced from kelp, the collection and burning of which affords occupation to the very poor inhabitants of some parts of the coasts of Ireland and Scotland, who would otherwise have been thrown out of work when soda began to be manufactured from common salt, and the demand for kelp as the source of that alkali had ceased. The sea-weed is spread out to dry, and burnt in shallow pits at as low a temperature as possible, for the iodide of sodium is converted into vapour and lost if the temperature be very high.* The ash, which is left in a half-fused state, is broken into fragments and treated with hot water, which dissolves about half of it, leaving a residue, consisting of carbonate and sulphate of lime, sand, &c. The whole of the iodide of sodium is contained in the portion dissolved by the water, but is mixed with much larger quantities of sulphate of soda, carbonate of soda, chloride of potassium, hyposulphite of soda, and sulphide of sodium. A portion of the water is expelled by evaporation, when the sulphate of soda, carbonate of soda, and chloride of potassium, being far less soluble than the iodide of sodium, crystallise out. In order to decompose the hyposulphite of soda and the sulphide of sodium, the liquid is mixed with an eighth of its bulk of oil of vitriol, which decomposes these salts, evolving sulphurous and hydrosulphuric acid, with deposition of sulphur, and forming sulphate of soda, which is deposited in crystals. The liquor thus prepared is next mixed with binoxide of manganese, and heated in a leaden retort (fig. 173), placed in a sand-bath, when the iodine is evolved as a magnificent purple vapour, which condenses in the globular glass receivers in the form of dark grey scales with metallic lustre, and having considerable resemblance to black lead. The liberation of the iodine is explained by the following equation Nal + Mn0 2 + 2(HO . S0 3 ) = STaO . S0 3 + MnO . S0 3 + 2HO + I . % * The sea-weed is often only charred and not incinerated, so as to avoid loss of iodine. 172 PROPERTIES OF IODINE. The distillation is conducted at a temperature below 212, to avoid the liberation of chlorine from the chloride of sodium, and the consequent formation of chloride of iodine. Several processes have been devised to render the extraction of the iodine from the concentrated solution of kelp easier and more economical. The most promising is very similar to that employed for separating bromine (p. 168). The iodine is liberated by chlorine, and extracted from the liquid by shaking it with benzole ; by treating the benzole with solution of potash, the iodine is converted into a mixture of iodide of potassium and iodate of potash, from which the iodine may be preci- pitated by acidifying with hydrochloric acid. 6KO + I 6 = SKI + KO.I0 5 SKI + KO.I0 5 + 6HC1 = 6KC1 + 6HO + I 6 . The features of this element are extremely well marked ; its metallic lustre and peculiar odour sufficiently distinguish it from all others, and the effect of heat upon it is very striking, in first easily fusing it (at 225 F.), and afterwards converting it (boiling point, 347 F.) into the most exquisitely purple vapour, which is nearly nine times as heavy as air (sp. gr. 8 '72), and condenses upon a cool sur- face in shining scales. It stains the skin intensely brown if handled. The specific gravity of solid iodine is 4*95. When iodine is shaken with cold water a very small quantity is dissolved, forming a light brown solution. Hot water dissolves a larger quantity, but alcohol is one of the best solvents for iodine, producing a dark red- brown solution (tincture of iodine) from which part of the iodine may be precipitated by adding water. A solution of iodide of potassium also dissolves iodine freely. Benzole and bisulphide of carbon dissolve it abundantly, producing fine violet-red solutions, which deposit the iodine, if allowed to evaporate spontaneously, in minute rhombic octahedral cry- stals aggregated into very beautiful fern-like forms. If an extremely weak aqueous solution of iodine be shaken with a little bisulphide of car- bon, the latter will remove the iodine from the solution, and on standing, will fall to the bottom of the liquid, having a beautiful violet colour. By dissolving a large quantity of iodine in bisulphide of carbon, a solution is obtained which is perfectly opaque to rays of light, though it allows heat- rays to pass freely, and is, therefore, of great value in physical experi- ments. A solution of iodine in bichloride of carbon is also used for the same purpose. Existing, as iodine does, in very minute quantity in the water from various natural sources, it would often be overlooked if the chemical analyst did not happen to possess a test of the most delicate description for it. Iodine, in the uncombined state, dyes starch of a beautiful blue colour, IODIC ACID. 173 as may be proved by heating a grain or two of the element with water, and adding to the solution a little thin starch (see p. 15), or by placing a minute fragment of iodine in a stoppered bottle, and suspending in it a piece of paper dipped in thin starch. This test, however, though sensi- tive to the smallest quantity of free iodine, gives no indication whatever with iodine in combination, as it always exists in nature ; in order, there- fore, to test for iodine, a little starch-paste is added to the suspected liquid, and then a drop of a weak solution of chlorine, which will set free the iodine, and cause the production of the blue colour. Characters written on paper with a brush dipped in a mixture of iodide of potassium and starch, are brought out in blue by pouring a little chlorine-gas upon them. It is necessary, however, carefully to avoid adding too much chlo- rine, since it would immediately destroy the colour of the iodised starch. Alkalies also bleach it, and the colour of a mixture of the iodised starch with water is removed by heating, but returns in great measure when the solution cools. Though very closely connected with chlorine and bromine in its gene- ral chemical relations, there are several points in the history of iodine which cause it to stand out in marked contrast by the side of these elements. The attraction which binds it to hydrogen and the metals is certainly weaker than that exerted by chlorine and bromine, so that either of these is cap- able of displacing it from its compounds, and its bleaching properties are very feeble. On the other hand, it exhibits a more powerful tendency to unite with oxygen, for boiling nitric acid converts it into iodic acid (I0 5 ), though this oxidising agent would not affect chlorine or bromine. Some of the compounds of iodine with the metals are remarkable for their beauti- ful colours. The iodide of mercury, produced by mixing solutions of iodide of potas- sium and chloride of mercury, forms a fine scarlet precipitate, which dissolves in an excess of iodide of potassium to a colourless solution. If this iodide of mercury be collected on a filter, washed and dried, it will be found, on heating a portion of it in a test-tube, that it acquires a fine yellow colour and sublimes in golden yellow crystals, which resume the original red colour when rubbed with a glass rod. If it be spread upon paper and gently heated, the scarlet iodide becomes yellow, but the red colour returns on rubbing it with the thumb- nail. These changes of colour are attended by an alteration in crystalline form, but not in the chemical composition of the iodide of mercury. Iodide of lead has a bright yellow colour, as may be seen by precipitating iodide of potassium with a solution of acetate of lead. The precipitate is dissolved by boiling with water (especially on adding a little hydrochloric acid), forming a colour- less solution, from which the iodide of lead crystallises in very brilliant golden scales on cooling. Iodide of silver is produced as a yellow precipitate when nitrate of silver is added to iodide of potassium. The bromide and chloride of silver would form white precipitates. *. 126. Oxides of iodine. Although the compound 10, corresponding to hypochlorous acid, is believed to exist, it has never yet been obtained in a separate state, the only known oxides of iodine being iodic acid (I0 5 ) and periodic acid (I0 7 ?) which has only been obtained in the hydrated state. Iodic acid, like the corresponding chloric and bromic acids, is formed when iodine is dissolved in solution of potash or soda 6KO + I 6 = KO.I0 5 + 5KI. It is most easily prepared by boiling iodine with the strongest nitric acid in a long-necked flask, when it is dissolved in the form of iodic acid which is left on evaporating the nitric acid, as a white mass. This may be puri- fied by dissolving in water and crystallising, when the iodic acid forms 174 PERIODIC ACID. white hexagonal tables, which have the composition HO . I0 5 + 2Aq. Heated to 266 F., they become HO . I0 5 , and at 360 F. the whole of. the water is expelled, leaving anhydrous iodic acid, which is decomposed at about 700 F. into iodine and oxygen. The anhydrous iodic acid oxidises combustible bodies, but not with any great violence. The hydrate is far more stable than the hydrated chloric and bromic acids. Its solution first reddens litmus paper, and afterwards bleaches it by oxidation. Its salts, the iodates, are less easily soluble in water than the chlorates and bromates, which they resemble in their oxidising action upon combustible bodies. They are all decomposed by heat, evolving oxygen, and sometimes even iodine, showing how much inferior this element is to chlorine and bromine in its attraction for metals. It is a remarkable feature of the iodates, that some of them contain two or even three equivalents of iodic acid to one of base. Thus there are three iodates of potash, KO. I0 5 , KO. 2I0 5 , and KO . 3I0 5 . No such compounds are known in the cases of chloric and bromic acids. Periodic acid has not been satisfactorily obtained in the anhydrous state. The hydrated periodic acid is obtained from the basic periodate of soda formed by passing chlorine through a mixture of iodate of soda and free soda, when the latter is decomposed, its sodium being abstracted by the chlorine, whilst its oxygen converts the iodic acid into periodic acid . I0 5 + 3NaO + C1 2 = 2NaO . I0 7 Basic periodate of soda. This periodate of soda is deposited, being sparingly soluble in water, a most unusual circumstance with salts of soda. By dissolving it in nitric acid, and adding nitrate of silver, a basic periodate of silver is obtained, which is yellow when precipitated from cold, and red from hot solutions 2NaO.I0 7 4- 2(AgO.N0 5 ) = 2AgO.I0 7 + 2(NaO.M) 5 ) . Basic periodate of Nitrate of soda. silver. When the silver salt is dissolved in nitric acid, it is decomposed into nitrate of silver, which remains in solution, and neutral periodate of silver, which is deposited in crystals 2AgO.I0 7 + HO.N0 5 = AgO.I0 7 + AgO.N0 5 + HO. When neutral periodate of silver is boiled with water, it again yields the insoluble basic periodate of silver, and hydrated periodic acid is found in the solution 2(AgO.I0 7 ) + HO = 2AgO.I0 7 + HO.I0 7 . On evaporating the solution, the hydrated periodic acid is deposited in prismatic crystals having the composition HO . I0 7 + 4Aq, which lose their water at about 320 F., and are decomposed into iodic acid and oxygen at 400 F. The solution of periodic acid, of course, exhibits oxidising properties. The periodates are remarkable for their sparing solubility in water ; they are easily decomposed by heat, like the iodates. It will have been remarked, in the above account of the preparation of periodic acid, that this acid exhibits a great tendency to the formation of basic salts, whilst iodic acid is remarkable for its acid salts. 127. Hydriodic acid. Iodine vapour combines with hydrogen, under HYDRIODIC ACID. 175 the influence of heated platinum, to form hydriodic acid gas. The gas is best prepared by decomposing water with iodine in the presence of phos- phorus, so as to produce hydriodic acid and phosphoric acid, which is allowed to act upon iodide of potassium in order to produce more hydriodic acid 8HO + I 3 + P = SHI + 3HO.P0 5 and 2KI + 3HO.P0 5 = 2HI + 2KO.HO.P0 5 . Phosphate of potash. 100 grains of iodide of potassium are dissolved in 50 grains of water in a retort (fig. 174), and 200 grains of iodine are added; when this has dissolved, 10 grains of phosphorus are introduced, and the mixture heated very gradually, the gas being collected by downward displacement in stoppered bottles, which must be placed in readiness, as the gas comes off very rapidly. A loose roll of dry filter paper in the neck of the retort will be useful to retain drops of liquid. These quan- tities will fill four pint bottles with the gas. Hydriodic acid gas is very similar in its properties to hydrochloric and hydro- bromic acids, fuming strongly in moist air, very readily absorbed by water, lique- Flg ' ^4. -Preparation of hydnodic fied only under strong pressure, and soli- dified by extreme cold. It is much heavier, its specific gravity being 4*44. If a bottle of hydriodic acid gas be placed in contact with a bottle containing chlorine or bromine vapour diluted with air (fig. 133), it will be instantly decomposed, with separation of the beautiful violet vapour of iodine. The aqueous solution of hydriodic acid is most conveniently prepared by passing hydrosulphuric acid gas through water in which iodine is sus- pended, HS + I = HI "+ S, the separated sulphur being filtered off, and the solution boiled to expel the excess of hydrosulphuric acid. Solution of hydriodic acid differs greatly from hydrochloric and hydro- bromic acids, in being decomposed by exposure to air, its hydrogen being oxidised and iodine separated, which dissolves in the liquid and renders it brown. This tendency of the hydrogen of hydriodic acid to combine with oxygen renders that acid a powerful reducing agent. It is even capable of converting hydrated sulphuric acid into hydrosulphuric acid HO.S0 3 + 4HI := HS + 4HO + I 4 so that when iodide of potassium is heated with concentrated Sulphuric acid, hydrosulphuric acid is evolved in considerable quantity. The action of hydriodic acid upon the metals and their oxides is gene- rally similar to that of the other hydrogen acids. When potassium is heated in a measured volume of hydriodic acid, the iodine is removed, and the hydrogen occupies half the original volume. Hence 1 volume of hydrogen is combined with 1 volume of iodine vapour in 2 volumes of hydriodic acid. One equivalent (47 grains) of potash is neutralised by 128 grains of hydriodic acid. This quantity occupies 4 volumes (8 grains = 1 volume), so that 1 eq. or 4 volumes or 128 parts by weight of hydriodic acid, will contain 1 eq. or 2 volumes or 1 part by weight of hydrogen, and 1 eq. or 2 volumes or 127 parts by weight of iodine vapour. 176 IODIDE OF POTASSIUM. Like chlorine and bromine, iodine is capable of displacing hydrogen from many organic compounds, and of taking its place, but its action in this respect is much feebler. The circumstance that the organic com- pounds containing iodine are generally much less volatile, and therefore more manageable than those of chlorine and bromine, leads to the exten- sive employment of this element in researches upon organic substances. With olefiant gas, iodine forms a crystalline solid compound (C 4 HJ 2 ) corresponding to Dutch liquid (p. 86), and from this compound a yellow unstable aromatic liquid has been obtained, which is believed to be an iodide of carbon. 128. Iodide of nitrogen. The action of chlorine, bromine, and iodine upon ammonia, exemplifies the difference in their attraction for hydrogen ; for whilst chlorine and bromine, acting upon ammonia, cause the libera- tion of a certain amount of nitrogen, iodine simply removes two-thirds of the hydrogen, and itself fills up the vacancies thus occasioned, no nitrogen being liberated 2HI the hydriodic acid thus formed combining with more ammonia to form hydriodate of ammonia. To prepare the iodide of nitrogen, 20 grains of iodine are rubbed to powder in a mortar and mixed with half an ounce (measured) of strong ammonia ; the mortar is covered with a glass plate, and after about half an hour the iodide of nitrogen is collected in separate portions upon four filters, which are allowed to drain and spread out to dry. The brown solution contains iodine dissolved in hydriodate of ammonia. The iodide is a black powder, which explodes with a loud report even when touched with a feather, emitting fumes of hydriodic acid and purple vapour of iodine ; its explosion is probably represented by the equation NHI 2 = N + HI + I its violence being accounted for by the sudden evolution of a large volume of gas and vapour from a small volume of solid. Even when allowed to fall from the height of a few feet upon the surface of water, it explodes if perfectly dry. In the moist state it slowly undergoes decomposition. 129. Iodine forms two compounds with chlorine, the protochloride of iodine (IC1) and the terchloride (IC1 3 ). The former is a brown volatile liquid of irritating odour, obtained by distilling 1 part of iodine with 4 parts of chlorate of potash. The terchloride forms fine red needle-like crystals, and is produced when iodine is acted upon with an excess of chlorine. Bromides of iodine have also been obtained, but their composition is not well known. 130. Iodide of potassium. This salt is the most useful compound of iodine, being largely employed in medicine and in photography. It is generally prepared by decomposing iodide of iron with carbonate of potash. The iodide of iron (also a useful medicine) is made by placing two parts of iodine in contact with one part of iron filings and ten parts of water. The iodine combines with part of the iron, evolving considerable heat, and producing the iodide of iron (Fel). The liquid is decanted from the excess of iron, and one-third of the weight of iodine previously employed is dissolved in it. In this way, two- FLUORINE HYDROFLUORIC ACID. 177 thirds of the iodide of iron are converted into sesqui-iodide (Fe 2 I 3 ), so that the solution contains a mixture of one equivalent of the iodide (Fel) and one of the sesqui-iodide (Fe 2 I 3 ). It is now boiled, and carbonate of potash is gradually added as long as it causes a dark green precipitate of magnetic oxide of iron Fel + Fe 2 I 3 + 4(KO . C0 2 ) = 4 KI + FeO . Fe 2 3 + 4C0 2 the carbonic acid is evolved with effervescence, and if the solution be filtered and evaporated, it deposits beautiful cubical (or sometimes octa- hedral) crystals, which are generally milk-white and opaque, but occa- sionally quite transparent. Pure iodide of potassium remains dry in ordinary air, but if an excess of carbonate of potash is employed in its preparation, the crystals retain some of that salt and become damp when exposed to air. The iodide of potassium dissolves easily in water and alcohol. If the solution be pure, it does not become coloured when mixed with pure hydrochloric acid ; but if any iodate of potash be present in it, a brownish colour will be produced, due to iodine liberated in the action of the iodic acid upon the hydriodic acid ; I0 5 + 5HI = I 6 + 5HO. The iodate of potash is liable to be present in those specimens which are prepared by dissolving iodine in potash, to obtain a mixture of iodide of potassium and iodate of potash (see p. 173), the latter salt being after- wards decomposed by heat. ELUOEDTE. 131. The most ornamental mineral substance occurring in any abun- dance in this country is known as fluor spar or Derbyshire spar (fluoride of calcium), and is found with several beautiful shades of colour blue, purple, violet, or green, and sometimes perfectly colourless, either in large masses, or in crystals, which have the form of a cube or of some solid derived from it. The use of this mineral as a flux in smelting ores dates from a very remote period, and from this use the name fluor appears to have been originally derived, but we have no record of its chemical ex- amination till about a century since, when Margraf found his glass retort powerfully corroded in distilling this mineral with sulphuric acid, and Scheele soon after announced that it contained lime said, fluoric acid; but though this chemist had fallen into the error to which analysts are continually liable, of mistaking products for educts, his experiments, as they were afterwards perfected by Gay-Lussac and The'nard, deserve particular consideration. 132. Hydrofluoric acid. If powdered fluor spar be mixed with twice its weight of oil of vitriol, and heated in a leaden retort (fig. 175), the neck of which fits Fig. 175. tightly into a leaden condensing-tube, cooled in a mixture of ice and salt, a colourless liquid distils over, and the residue in the retort is found to consist of sulphate of lime CaF + HO.S0 = CaO.SOs + HF . Sulphate of mne. The colourless liquid (hydrofluoric acid) possesses most remarkable pro- 178 ETCHING ON GLASS. perties ; it is powerfully acid, fumes strongly in the air, and has a most pungent irritating odour. If the air is at all warm the liquid "begins to boil when taken out of the freezing mixture, and is soon entirely dissi- pated in vapour (boiling point, 60 F.) Should the operator have the mis- fortune to allow a drop to fall upon his hand, it will produce a very painful sore, even its vapour producing pain under the finger-nails. Its attraction for water is so great, that the acid hisses like red-hot iron when brought in contact with it. But its most surprising property is that of rapidly corroding glass, which has already been alluded to as noticed by Margraf. Experiment soon proved that great analogy existed between the properties of this new acid and those of hydrochloric acid; and Ampere was led to institute a comparison between them, which caused him to adopt the opinion that the acid was a hydrogen acid, containing a new salt radical which he named fluorine ; the name of the acid was then changed from fluoric to hydrofluoric acid. This liquid has since been proved to be a solution of hydrofluoric acid in water, for if it be distilled with anhydrous phosphoric acid, which retains the water, it evolves hydrofluoric acid gas, which resembles hydro- chloric acid gas in fuming strongly on contact with moist air, and being eagerly absorbed by water, but has a far more pungent odour. The per- fectly dry gas has very little action upon glass. It is remarkable that the solution of hydrofluoric acid, in its concen- trated form, is not so heavy as a somewhat weaker acid. . Thus, the acid of sp. gr. 1/06 acquires the sp. gr. 1-15 on addition of a little water, but on adding more water its sp. gr. is again reduced. It would hence appear that the acid of 1/15 is a definite hydrate of hydrofluoric acid ; its com- position corresponds to HF . 4HO. It distils unchanged at 248 F. The .solution is generally kept in bottles made of gutta-percha. The action of hydrofluoric acid upon metals and their oxides resembles that of hydrochloric acid. It dissolves all ordinary metals except gold, platinum, silver, mercury, and lead. The property which renders this acid so useful to the chemist is its power of dissolving silica even in its most refractory form. When sand or flint reduced to powder is digested in a leaden or platinum vessel with hydrofluoric acid, it is gradually dissolved, and if the solution be evapo- rated, the whole of the silica will be found to have disappeared in the form of gaseous fluoride of silicon ; Si0 2 + 2HF = SiF 2 + 2HO. If the silicic acid be combined with a base, the metal will be left as a fluo- ride, decomposable by sulphuric or hydrochloric acid. This renders hydrofluoric acid a most valuable agent in the analysis of the numerous mineral silicates which resist the action of other acids. The corrosion of glass by hydrofluoric acid is now easily explained. Ordinary glass consists of silicate of soda or potash combined with silicate of lime or oxide of lead. The hydrofluoric acid attacks and removes the silica, and thus eats its way into the glass. In order to demonstrate the action of this acid upon glass, a glass plate is warmed sufficiently to melt wax, a piece of which is then rubbed over it, until the glass is covered with a thin and pretty uniform coating. Upon this a word or drawing may be engraved with a shurp point so that the lines shall expose the glass. A mixture of powdered fluor spar with concentrated sulphuric acid is then poured over it, and allowed to remain for a quarter of an hour ; the acid mixture is washed off, and the plate gently warmed to melt the wax, which may be wiped off with a little tow, when it will be found that the hydrofluoric acid evolved from the mixture has cor- roded those portions of the glass from which the graver had removed the wax. It FLUORIDES FLUORIDE OF SILICON. 179 lias been attempted to apply this process to the production of engravings, but the brittleness of the plate has formed a very serious obstacle. If a leaden or platinum dish be at hand, it is better to place the glass to be etched over the dish containing the mixture of fluor spar and sulphuric acid exposed to a very gentle heat. Many ingenious experiments have been made in order to obtain fluorine in the separate state, but it was found that it invariably combined with some portion of the material of the vessel in which the operation was conducted. The most successful of the early attempts to isolate fluorine appears to have been made, at the suggestion of Davy, in a vessel of fluor spar itself, which could not, of course, be supposed to be in any way affected by it. A greenish gas was obtained, possessing chemical proper- ties similar to those of chlorine, but of much higher intensity. The diffi- culty, however, of obtaining vessels of fluor spar adapted to these experi- ments appears to have prevented any complete investigation of this most interesting element. The most recent experiments, in which fluoride of silver was decom- posed by iodine, lead to the conclusion that fluorine - is a colourless gas which is without action upon dry glass or upon mercury, but they require extension and confirmation. The composition of hydrofluoric acid has been inferred from that of fluoride of calcium, which has been shown by analysis to contain one equivalent (20 parts by weight) of calcium combined with 19 parts by weight of fluorine. Assuming that hydrofluoric acid resembles hydro- chloric acid in composition as well as in general character, and that 1 9 re- presents the equivalent of fluorine, this acid would contain 1 equivalent (or 2 volumes) of hydrogen combined with 1 equivalent of fluorine, and if it be supposed that the 20 parts (1 equivalent) of hydrofluoric acid occupy 4 volumes (0 = 1 volume), the hypothetical specific gravity of hydrofluoric acid gas would be 0'69, and that of fluorine 1'31. Solutions of the fluorides of potassium and the other alkali metals cor- rode glass slowly like hydrofluoric acid. These fluorides are capable of combining with the acid ; thus fluoride of potassium forms KF . HF, which, when dry, is a convenient source of hydrofluoric acid gas when moder- ately heated. The only fluoride possessed of much practical interest beside the fluoride of calcium is the mineral kryolite (*pvos, frost), which is a double fluoride of aluminum and sodium (3NaF . A1 2 F 3 ) found abundantly in Greenland, and valuable as a source of aluminum and soda. The topaz contains fluorine, but in what form of combination is not well known j its other constituents are alumina and silica. Fluorides are also found, though in very small quantity, in sea 'water, and they have been discovered in plants and animals. Human bone con- tains about 2 per cent, of fluoride of calcium. It will be remembered that fluorine is the only element which is not known to form any compound with "oxygen. 133. Fluoride of silicon,. If a mixture of powdered fluor spar and glass be heated, in a test-tube or small flask, with concentrated sulphuric acid, a gas is evolved which has a very pungent odour, and produces thick white fumes in contact with the air ; it might at first be mistaken for hydrofluoric acid, but if a glass rod or tube be moistened with water and exposed to the gas, the wet surface becomes coated with a white film, which proves, on examination, to be silicic acid. This result originated the belief that the gas consisted of fluoric (now hydrofluoric) acid and M2 180 FOKMATION OF ARTIFICIAL MINEBALS. silica, but Davy corrected this view by showing that it really contained no oxygen, and consisted solely of silicon and fluorine. The gas is now called the fluoride of silicon, and represents silicic acid in which the oxygen has been displaced by the fluorine ; the change of places between these two elements in the above experiment is represented by the subjoined equa- tion 2CaF + Si0 2 + 2(HO.S0 3 ) - 2(CaO.S0 3 ) + SiF 2 + 2HO . Silica. Sulphuric acid. Sulphate of lime. The formation of the crust of silica upon the wetted surface of the glass is due to a decomposition which takes place between the fluoride of silicon and the water, in which the oxygen and fluorine again change places SiF 2 + 2HO = Si0 2 + 2HF . Since this latter equation shows that hydrofluoric acid is again formed, it would be expected that the glass beneath the deposit of silica would be found corroded by the acid ; this, however, is not the case, and when the experiment is repeated upon a somewhat larger scale, so that the water which has acted upon the gas may be examined, it will be found to hold in solution, not hydrofluoric acid, but an acid which does not act upon glass, and is composed of hydrofluoric acid and fluoride of silicon ; so that the hydrofluoric acid produced when water acts upon the fluoride com- bines with a portion of the latter to produce the new acid (HF . SiF 2 ) hydrofluo-silicic acid. For the preparation of fluoride of silicon, 1 oz. of fluor spar and 1 oz. of powdered glass are mixed together, and heated, in a Florence flask, with 7 oz. (measured) of oil of vitriol, the gas being collected in dry bottles by downward displacement (see fig. 160, p. 147). If a little of the gas be poured from one of the bottles into a flask filled up to the neck with water, the surface of the latter will become covered with a layer of silica, so that if the flask be quickly inverted, the water will not pour from it, and will seem to have been frozen. In a similar manner, a small tube filled with water and lowered into a bottle of the gas, will appear to have been frozen when withdrawn. A stalactite of silica some inches in length may be obtained by allowing water to drip gently from a pointed tube into a bottle of the gas. Characters written on glass with a wet brush are rendered opaque by pouring some fluoride of silicon upon them. Fluoride of silicon is a substance of some importance in mineralogical chemistry, since, by its aid, certain crystallised minerals may be artifi- cially obtained under conditions which are not unlikely to have attended the production of the natural crystals. Thus, the mineral staurotide or staurolite (oravpos, a cross), or granatite or cross-stone, a naturally crystal- lised compound of alumina and silicic acid, may be obtained by the action of fluoride of silicon upon alternate layers of alumina and silica, heated to whiteness in a porcelain tube. The fluoride of silicon, acting upon the heated alumina, gives silicate of alumina and fluoride of aluminum 3A1 2 3 + 3SiF 2 = Al 2 3 .3Si0 2 + 2A1 2 F 3 the newly-formed fluoride of aluminum, passing over a heated layer of silica, produces more silicate of alumina, regenerating fluoride of silicon 5Si0 2 + 2A1 2 F 3 = 2(Al 2 3 .Si0 2 ) + 3SiF 2 so that a given quantity of the fluoride of silicon will convert an indefinite quantity of silica and alumina into the crystallised staurolite. It appears probable that other crystallised minerals have been formed in a similar HYDKOFLUO-SILICIC ACID. 181 manner, by the action of minute quantities of such agents of transforma- tion. The frequent occurrence of minute quantities of fluorides in various minerals may thus have great significance. The specific gravity of fluoride of silicon is 3 '60. Assuming 0*93 to re- present the sp. gr. (weight of 1 vol.) of imaginary silicon vapour (seep. 165), and 1'31 to represent the sp. gr. of fluorine, the number 3 '55 would be the sum of the weights of 1 vol. of silicon vapour and 2 vols. of fluorine ; so that 2 vols. (1 eq.) of silicon vapour are combined with 4 vols. (2 eqs.) of fluorine, to form 2 vols. of fluoride of silicon. 134. Hydrofluo-silicic acid or silico-fluoric acid. This acid is only known in the form of a solution, which is obtained by passing fluoride of silicon into water 3SiF 2 + 2HO 2(HF.SiF 2 ) + Si0 2 . Hydrofluo-silicic acid. The gas must not be passed directly into the water, lest the separated silica should stop the orifice of the tube, to prevent which, the latter should dip into a little mercury at the bottom of the water, when each bubble, as it rises through the mercury into the water, will become sur- rounded with an envelope of gelatinous silica, and if the bubbles be very regular, they may even form tubes of silica extending through the whole height of the water. For preparing hydrofluo-silicic acid it will be found convenient to employ a gallon stoneware bottle (fig. 176), furnished with a wide tube dipping into a cup of mercury placed at the bottom of the water. 1 Ib. of finely powdered fluor spar, 1 Ib. of fine sand, and 64 measured ounces of oil of vi- triol, are introduced into the bottle, which is gently heated upon a sand- bath, the gas being passed into about 5 pints of water. After 6 or 7 hours the water will have become pasty, from the separation of gelatinous silica. It is poured upon a filter, and when the liquid has drained through as far as possible, the filter is wrung in a cloth to extract the remainder of the acid solution, which will have a sp. gr. of about 1-078. Fig. 176. Preparation of hydrofluo-silicic acid. A dilute solution of hydrofluo- silicic acid may be concentrated by evaporation up to a certain point, when it begins to decompose, evolving fumes of fluoride of silicon, hydrofluoric acid remaining in solution and volatilising in its turn if the heat be continued. Of course the solution corrodes glass and porcelain when evaporated in them. If the solution of hydrofluo-silicic acid be neutralised with potash, and stirred, a very cha- racteristic crystalline precipitate of silico-fluoride of potassium is formed HF.SiF 2 + KO = KF.SiF 2 + HO. Silico-fluoride of potassium. But if an excess of potash be employed, a precipitate of gelatinous silica will be separated, fluoride of potassium remaining in the solution HF.SiF 2 + 3KO = 3KF + HO + - SiO, . 182 GENERAL REVIEW OF THE HALOGENS. One of the chief uses of hyclrofluo-silicic acid is to separate the potash from its combination with certain acids, in order to obtain these in the separate state. 1 35. Fluoride of boron may be prepared by a process similar to that employed for fluoride of silicon, but it is also obtained by strongly heat- ing a mixture of powdered anhydrous boracic acid with twics its weight of fluor spar in an iron tube 3CaF + B0 3 = 3CaO + BF 8 . Fluoride of boron. The fluoride of boron is a gas which fumes strongly in moist air like the fluoride of silicon. It is absorbed eagerly by water, with evolution of heat. One volume of water is capable of dissolving 700 volumes of fluoride of boron, producing a corrosive heavy liquid (sp. gr. 1*77) which fumes in air, and chars organic substances on account of its attraction for water. This solution is known as fluoboric or borofluoric acid, and its formation is explained by the equation BF 3 ' + 3HO = B0 3 .3HF . Fluoboric acid. When the solution is heated, it evolves fluoride of boron until its specific gravity is reduced to 1'58, when it distils unchanged. Hydrofluoboric acid is obtained in solution by adding a large quantity of water to fluoboric acid 3(B0 3 .3HF) - B0 3 + 6HO + 3HF.2BF 3 . Hydrofluoboric acid. This acid resembles the hydrofluo-silicic ; its hydrogen may be ex- changed for metals to form bore fluorides. 136. General review of chlorine, bromine, iodine, and fluorine. These four elements compose a natural group, the members of which are con- nected by the similarity of their chemical properties, far more closely than those of any other group of elements. They are usually styled the halogens, from their tendency to produce salts resembling sea-salt in their composition (oA.?, the sea), and such salts are called haloid salts. These ele- ments are also called salt-radicals, from their property of forming salts by direct union with the metals. The equivalent weights of chlorine, bromine, iodine, and probably of fluorine, in the state of vapour, occupy the same volume as an equivalent of hydrogen, and each of these elements combines with an equal volume of hydrogen to form an acid which occupies the joint volumes of its con- stituents. If one volume of hydrogen represents one atom, then the equivalent weights of these elements (occupying the same volume as hydrogen) will also represent their atomic weights, and they are decidedly mon-atomic elements. The halogens also supply the most prominent example of the gradation in properties sometimes observed among the members of the same natural group of elements. In the order of their chemical energy, that is, of the force with which they hold other elements in chemical combination with them, fluorine should stand first, its combining energy being so great as to cause a serious difficulty in isolating it at all ; chlorine would rank next, then bromine, and iodine last. ORES AND MINERALS CONTAINING SULPHUR. 183 Their equivalent weights follow the inverse order of their chemical energies: fluorine, 19; chlorine, 35 -5 ; bromine, 80; iodine, 127; num- bers which, of course, also represent their relative specific gravities in the state of vapour. A similar gradation is observed in the physical state and colour of those three which are well known ; chlorine being a yellow gas, bromine a red liquid, boiling at 145 E., and iodine a black solid, boiling at 347 E. Even in the exceptions which occur to the order of chemical energy above alluded to, the same progression is noticed ; thus fluorine has so little attraction for oxygen that no oxide is known, chlorine has less attraction for oxygen than bromine (chloric acid being less stable than bromic), whilst bromine has less than iodine, which is said to be capable even of uniting directly with ozonised oxygen to form iodic acid. The compounds of these elements with hydrogen are all gases distin- guished by a powerful attraction for moisture and great similarity of odour. Their potassium-salts all crystallise in the same (cubical) form. The fluoride of silver is soluble in water ; the chloride is insoluble in water, but dissolves very easily in ammonia ; the bromide dissolves with some difficulty in ammonia ; and the iodide is insoluble. SULPHUR 137. Sulphur is remarkable for its abundant occurrence in nature in the uncombined state, in many volcanic districts. It is also found, as sulphuretted hydrogen, in many mineral waters, and very abundantly in combination with metals, forming the numerous ores known as sulphurets or sulphides, of which the following are the most abundant : Iron pyrites, Bisulphide of iron, FeS 2 Copper pyrites, Sulphide of iron and copper, Cu 2 S . Fe 2 So Galena, Sulphide of lead, PbS Blende, Sulphide of zinc, ZnS Crude antimony, Sulphide of antimony, SbS 3 Cinnabar, Sulphide of mercury, HgS . Sulphur is plentifully distributed also, in combination with oxygen and a metal, in the form of sulphates, of which the most conspicuous are : Gypsum, Sulphate of lime, CaO . S0 3 + 2HO Heavy spar, Sulphate of baryta, BaO . S0 3 Celestine, Sulphate of strontia, SrO . S0 3 Epsom salts, Sulphate of magnesia, MgO.SOo+ 7HO Glauber's salt, Sulphate of soda, NaO . S0 3 + 10HO . In plants, sulphur is also found in the form of sulphates, and as a con- stituent of the vegetable albumen (of which it forms about 1'5 per cent.) present in the sap. It is also contained in certain of the essential oils remarkable for their peculiar pungent odour, such as Essence of garlic, Sulphide of allyle,* C 6 H 5 S Essence of mustard, Sulphocyanide of allyle, C 6 H 5 . C 2 NS 2 . In animals, sulphur occurs as sulphates, as a constituent of albumen, fibrine, and caseine (in neither of which does it exceed 2 per cent. ) ; and * Allium, garlic. 184 EXTRACTION OF SULPHUR. in bile, one of the products from which (taurine, C 4 H 7 N0 6 S 2 ) contains 25 per cent, of sulphur. For our supplies of sulphur we are chiefly indebted to Sicily, where large quantities of it are found in an uncombined state in beds of blue clay. Magnificent crystalline masses of sulphate of strontia are often found associated with it; the sulphur itself sometimes occurs in the form of transparent yellow octahedra, but more frequently in opaque amorphous masses. The districts in which sulphur is found are usually volcanic, and those which border the Mediterranean are particularly rich in it. Sulphur has also been found in Iceland and California. The native sulphur being commonly distributed in veins through masses of gypsum and celestine, has to be separated from these by the action of heat. When the ores contain more than 1 2 per cent, of sulphur, the bulk of it is melted out, the ore being thrown into rough furnaces or cauldrons with a little fuel, and smothered up with earth, so as to prevent the corn- Fig. 177. Distillation of sulphur. bustion of the sulphur, which runs down in the liquid state to the bottom of the cauldron, and is drawn out into wooden moulds. But when the propor- tion of sulphur is small, the ore is heated so as to convert the sulphur into vapour, which is condensed in another vessel. The operation is conducted in Sicily in rows of earthen jars (A, fig. 177), heated in a long furnace, Fig. 178. Sulphur refinery. and provided with short lateral pipes, which convey the sulphur into similar jars (B) standing outside the furnace, in which the vapour of sul- phur condenses in the liquid state, and flows out into pails of water. The SULPHUR DISTILLED FROM PYRITES. 185 sulphur obtained by this process is imported as rough sulphur, and con- tains 3 or 4 per cent, of earthy impurities. In order to separate these it is redistilled, in this country, in an iron retort (A, fig. 178), from which the vapour is conducted into a large brick chamber (B), upon the sides of which it is deposited in the form of a pale yellow powder (flowers of sul- phur, or sublimed sulphur). When the operation has been continued for some time the walls of the chamber become sufficiently hot to melt the sulphur, which is allowed to collect, and afterwards cast in wooden moulds, forming roll sulphur or brimstone. Distilled sulphur is obtained by allowing the vapour to pass from the retort into a small receiving- vessel (C) cooled by water, where it condenses in the liquid state ; this variety of sulphur is preferred for the manufacture of gunpowder, for reasons which will be stated hereafter. Sulphur is readily distilled on a small scale in a Florence flask (fig. 179), another flask cut off at the neck (see p. 166) being employed as a receiver. The flask containing the sulphur should be supported upon a thin iron wire triangle, and heated by a gauze-burner, at first gently, and afterwards to the full heat. Flowers of sulphur will at first condense in the receiver, and will be followed by distilled sulphur when the temperature increases. A slight explosion of the mixture of sulphur vapour and air may take place at the com- mencement of the distillation. An ounce of sulphur may be distilled in a few minutes. We are by no means entirely dependent upon Sicily for sulphur, for this element can be easily extracted from iron and copper pyrites, both which are found abundantly in this country. Iron pyrites forms the yellow metallic-looking substance which is often met with in masses of coal, sometimes in distinct cubical crystals, and which is to be picked up in large quantities on some sea-beaches, where it occurs in rounded nodules, rusty outside, but having a fine radiated metallic fracture. When this mineral is strongly heated it gives up part of its sulphur ; at a very high temperature one half of the sulphur may be separated FeS 2 = FeS + S but by an ordinary fur- nace heat only about one-fourth can be ob- tained. The distillation of iron pyrites is some- times effected in conical fire-clay vessels (fig. 180) closed at the wider end, and stopped to- wards the other with a perforated plate to allow the passage of the sul- phur vapour. Each vessel contains 100 Ibs. of pyrites, and yields 14 Ibs. of sulphur. Fig. 180. Furnace for distillation of sulphur from pyrites. 186 ACTION OF HEAT UPON SULPHUR. The sulphur obtained in this way has a green colour, due to the pre- sence of a little sulphide of iron carried over mechanically during the distillation ; in order to purify it, it is melted and allowed to cool slowly, when the sulphide of iron subsides ; the upper portion of the mass is then further purified by distillation. Sulphur may also be obtained from copper pyrites (Cu^S . FejS 3 ) in the process of roasting the ore previously to the extraction of the copper. The ore is heaped up into a pyramid, the base of which is about 30 feet square ; a layer of powdered ore is placed at the bottom to prevent too rapid access of air ; above this there is a layer of brushwood ; a wooden chimney is placed in the centre, and is made to communicate with air- passages left between the faggots; around this chimney the large frag- ments of the ore are piled to a height of about 8 feet, and a layer of powdered ore, about 12 inches deep, is strewn over the whole. The heap contains about 2000 tons of pyrites, and will yield 20 tons of sulphur. The fire, being kindled by dropping lighted faggots down the chimney, burns very slowly because of the limited access of air, and after a few days sulphur is seen to exude from the surface, and is received in cavities made for the purpose in different parts of the heap ; the roasting requires five or six months for its completion. In this operation a part of the sulphur has been separated by the mere action of heat, and another part has been displaced by the oxygen of the air, which has converted a portion of the iron into an oxide ; a part of the separated sulphur has been burnt, the rest having escaped combustion on account of the limited access of air. The sulphur extracted from pyrites is generally found to contain a little arsenic, which is frequently associated with those minerals. Immense quantities of sulphur are consumed in this country for the manufacture of sulphuric acid, gunpowder, lucifer matches, vulcanised caoutchouc, and for making the sulphurous acid employed in bleaching processes. 138. Properties of sulphur. In its ordinary forms sulphur has a characteristic yellow colour, though milk of sulphur, or precipitated sul- phur (obtained by adding an acid to the solution of sulphur in an alkali), is white. It suffers electrical disturbance with remarkable facility, so that when powdered in a dry mortar it clings to it with great pertinacity. One of the most remarkable features of sulphur is its inflammability, due to its tendency to combine with oxygen at a moderately elevated temperature. It melts at a heat not much above the boiling point of water (239 F.), and inflames at about 500 F., burning with a pale blue flame, and emitting the well-known suffocating odour of sulphurous acid The changes in the physical condition of this element under the influence of heat are very extra- ordinary. If a quantity of sulphur be introduced into a Florence flask and subjected to a gradually increasing heat (fig. 181), it is soon converted into a pale yellow limpid liquid (250 F.), the colour of which becomes gradually brown as the heat rises, until, at about 350 F., it is nearly black and Fig 181 opaque, and is so viscid that the flask may be inverted without spilling it; at this point the temperature of the sulphur remains stationary for a time, notwithstand- ELECTROPOSITIVE AND ELECTRONEGATIVE SULPHUR. 187 ing that it is still over the flame, showing that heat is becoming latent in converting the sulphur into the new modification. On continuing the heat, the sulphur once more becomes liquid (500), though not so mobile as at first, and at a much higher temperature (836 F.) it boils, and is converted into a brownish red very heavy vapour ; at this point of the experiment, an explosion of the mixture of sulphur vapour with air often takes place. The flask may now be removed from the flame, and a little of the sulphur poured into a vessel of water, through which it will descend in a continuous stream, forming a soft elastic string like india-rubber ; the portion remaining in the flask will be observed, as it cools, to pass again through 'the same states, becoming viscid at 350 and very liquid at 250 ; another portion may now be poured into water, through which it will fall in isolated drops, solidifying into yellow brittle crystalline buttons of ordinary sulphur. As the portion of sulphur left in the flask cools, it will be found to deposit small tufts of crystals, and ultimately to solidify altogether to a yellow crystalline mass. The brown ductile sulphur, when kept for a few hours, w T ill become yel- low and brittle, passing, in great measure, spontaneously into the crystalline sulphur. The change is accelerated by a gentle heat, and is attended with evolution of the heat which the sulphur was found to absorb at 350 F. Both these varieties of sulphur are, of course, insoluble in water, and they are not dissolved to any great extent by alcohol and ether. If the crystal- line variety be shaken with a little bisulphide of carbon it rapidly dis- solves, and on allowing the solution to evaporate spontaneously, it deposits beautiful octahedral crystals, resembling those of native sulphur (fig. 182). Ductile sulphur, however, is insoluble in bisulphide of carbon. When flowers of sulphur are shaken with bisulphide of carbon, a con- siderable quantity passes into solution, the remainder consisting of the amorphous, or insoluble sulphur. Eoll sulphur dissolves to a greater extent, and sometimes entirely, in the bisulphide, and distilled sulphur is always easily soluble. The soluble and insoluble forms of sulphur appear to represent distinct chemical varieties of the element. When a solution of sulphuretted hydro- gen (HS) is decomposed by the galvanic battery, the hydrogen, as would be expected, is separated at the negative pole, and the sulphur at the positive pole (p. 21). The sulphur, therefore, was the electronegative element of the compound. This sulphur is soluble in bisulphide of car- bon. When an acid is added to a solution of an alkaline sulphide con- taining more than one equivalent of sulphur, the excess of the latter is precipitated, and is then also found to be soluble in bisulphide of carbon, for it played an electronegative part towards the metal with whicn it was in combination. When sulphurous acid (S0 2 ) is decomposed by the battery, the sulphur is separated at the negative pole, showing that it played an electropositive part in the sulphurous acid. This electropositive sulphur is insoluble in bisulphide of carbon. The sulphur in the chloride of sulphur (S 2 C1) also plays an electropositive part, and accordingly, when this compound is decomposed by water, the sulphur which separates is insoluble in bisul- phide of carbon. The existence of these two forms of sulphur affords some support to the theory of the dual constitution of the elements noticed at p. 51. The electropositive sulphur would be expected to manifest a greater attraction, for oxygen than the electronegative variety, and accordingly, it 188 ALLOTROPIC FORMS OF SULPHUR. is found to be far more easily oxidised by nitric acid. Electropositive or insoluble sulphur is converted into electronegative or soluble sulphur by the action of a moderate heat, itself evolving heat during the process of conversion. When melted in contact with sulphurous acid, the soluble sulphur is converted externally into the insoluble form. Crystalline or soluble sulphur is capable of existing in two distinct forms. The natural form of crystallised sul- phur is the octahedron with a rhombic base (fig. 182), and this is the usual form which sulphur assumes when crystal- lised from its solutions. But if sulphur be melted in a Fig. 182. covered crucible, allowed to cool until the surface has con- gealed, and the remaining liquid portion poured out after piercing the crust (with two holes, one for admission of air), the crucible will be lined with beautiful needles which are oblique prisms (fig. 183). These crystals are brownish yellow, and transparent when freshly made ; but they soon become opaque yellow, and although they retain their prismatic appearance, they have now changed into minute rhombic octahedra, the change being attended with evolu- tion of heat. On the other hand, if a crystal of octahedral sulphur be exposed for a short time to a temperature of about 230 F. (in a boiling saturated solution of common salt, for example), it becomes opaque, in consequence of the formation of a number of minute prismatic crystals in the mass. The difference between these two forms of crystalline sulphur extends to their fusing-points and specific gravities ; the prismatic sulphur fusing at 248 F., and the octahedral sulphur at 239 F. ; the specific gravity of the prisms being 1'98, and that of the octahedra 2*05. Roll sulphur, when freshly made, consists of a mass of oblique prismatic crystals, but after being kept for some time, it consists of octahedra, although the mass generally retains the specific gravity proper to the prismatic form. This change in the structure of the mass, taking place when its solid condition prevented the free movement of the particles, gives rise to a state of tension which may account for the extreme brittleness of roll sul- phur. If a stick of sulphur be held in the warm hand, it often splits, from unequal expansion. These peculiarities of sulphur deserve careful study, as helping to elucidate the spontaneous alterations in the structure of glass, iron, &c., under certain conditions. Flowers of sulphur do not present a crystalline structure, but consist of spherical granules composed of insoluble sulphur enclosing soluble sulphur. Hot oil of turpentine dissolves sulphur freely, and when the solution is allowed to stand, the crystals which are deposited whilst the solution is hot have the prismatic form, but as it cools, octahedra are separated. The following table exhibits the chief allotropic forms of sulphur : Fig. 183. Octahedral . . Electro negative Prismatic . . Ductile . . Amorphous Electropositive Sp. gr. 2-05 1-98 1-96 Fusing point. 239 248 Becomes octahedral. Soluble in bisulphide of carbon. Soluble in bisulphide of carbon. Insoluble in bisulphide of carbon. SOURCES OF SULPHURETTED HYDROGEN. 189 The octahedral is by far the most stable of the three, and is the ultimate condition which the others assume. Other varieties of sulphur, such as a black and a red modification, have been described, but they are of minor importance. Sulphur is capable of entering into direct combination with several other elements. It unites with chlorine and with some of the metals, if finely divided, even at the ordinary temperature, and it is capable of combining at a high temperature with all the non-metals except nitrogen, and with nearly all the metals. If a mixture of 2 parts of copper filings and I part of sulphur, or of equal weights of iron filings and sulphur, be heated in a Florence flask or a test-tube, the combination will be attended with vivid combustion. The so-called Lemery's volcano was made by mixing iron filings with two-thirds of their weight of powdered sulphur, and burying several pounds of the moist mixture in the earth, when the heat evolved by the rusting of part of the iron provoked the energetic combination of the remainder with the sulphur, and the consequent develop- ment of much steam.* Several metals may be made to burn in sulphur vapour, as in oxygen, by heating the sulphur in a Florence flask with a gauze burner, so as to keep the flask constantly filled with the brown vapour. Potassium and sodium, introduced in deflagrat- ing spoons, take fire spontaneously in the vapour (fig. 184). A coil of copper wire glows vividly in sulphur vapour, and becomes converted into a brittle mass of sulphide of copper. Sulphur dissolves, though slowly, in boiling concentrated nitric and sulphuric acids, being oxidised by the former into sulphuric, and by the latter into sulphurous acid. It is far more rapidly converted into sulphuric acid by a mix- ture of nitric acid and chlorate of potash. The alkalies dissolve sulphur when heated, yielding yellow or red solutions which contain hyposulphites of the alkalies and sulphides of their metals. There is a very general resemblance in composition between the com- pounds of sulphur and those of oxygen with the same elements. HYDROSULPHURIC ACID. 139. Sulphuretted hydrogen, or hydrosulphuric acid, has been already mentioned as occurring in some mineral waters, as at Harrowgate. It is also found in the gases emanating from volcanoes, sometimes amounting to one-fourth of their volume. It is a product of the putrefaction of organic substances containing sulphur, and is one of the causes of the sickening smell of drains, &c. Eggs, which contain a considerable pro- portion of sulphur, evolve sulphuretted hydrogen as soon as they begin to change, and hence the association between this gas and the " smell of rotten eggs." The same smell is observed when a kettle boils over upon a coke or coal fire, the hydrogen liberated from the water combining with the sulphur present in the fuel. * A mixture of 60 parts of fine iron filings, 2 of sal-ammoniac, and 1 of sulphur, made into a paste with water, is very useful for making the joints of iron tubes air-tight, for it sets into a hard cement, the iron combining with the sulphur. 190 PREPARATION OF SULPHURETTED HYDROGEN. Hydrosulphuric acid is also found among the products of destructive distillation of organic substances containing sulphur ; it was mentioned among the products from coal, in which it is for the most part combined with the ammonia formed at the same time, producing hydrosulphate of ammonia. It may be produced, though not in large quantity, by the direct union of hydrogen with sulphur vapour at a high temperature, or by passing a mixture of sulphur vapour and steam through a tube filled with red-hot pumice stone (the latter encouraging the action by its porosity). Hydro- sulphuric acid is more readily formed by heating a damp mixture of sul- phur and wood charcoal, and may be obtained in large quantity by heating a mixture of equal weights of sulphur and tallow, the latter furnishing the hydrogen. Preparation of hydrosulpliuric acid. For use in the laboratory, where it is very largely employed in testing for and separating metals, hydro- sulphuric acid is generally prepared by decomposing sulphide of iron with diluted sulphuric acid FeS + HO.SO a = HS + FeO . S0 3 . Sulphide Hydrosulphuric Sulphate of of iron. acid. iron. To obtain sulphide of iron, a mixture of 3 parts of iron filings with 2 parts of flowers of sulphur is thrown, by small portions at a time, into an earthen crucible [A, fig. 185), heated to redness in a charcoal fire, the crucible being covered after each por- tion has been added. The iron and sulphur combine with combustion, and when the whole of the mixture has been introduced, the crucible is al- lowed to cool, the mass of sul- phide of iron broken out, and a few fragments of it are intro- duced into a bottle (fig. 186) provided with a funnel tube for the addition of the acid, and a bent tube for conduct- ing the gas through a small quantity of water, to remove any splashes of sulphate of iron. From the second bottle the gas is conducted by a glass tube* with a caoutchouc joint, either down into a gas-bottle, or into water, or any other liquid upon which the gas is intended to act. The frag- ments of sulphide of iron should be covered with enough water to fill the gas-bottle to about one-third, and strong sulphuric acid added by degrees through the funnel, the bottle being shaken, until effervescence is observed. An excess of strong sulphuric acid stops the evolution of gas by precipitating a quantity of white anhydrous sul- phate of iron, which coats the sulphide and defends it from the action of the acid. When no more gas is required, the acid liquid should be at once poured away, leaving the fragments of sulphide of iron at the bottom of the bottle for a fresh opera- tion. The liquid, if set aside, will deposit beauti- ful green crystals of copperas or sulphate of iron (FeO.S0 3 + 7HO). Since the sulphide of iron prepared as above generally contains a little metallic Fig. 185. Fig. 186. Preparation of hydrosulpliuric acid. SOLUTION OF HYDROSULPHURIC ACID. 191 iron, the sulphuretted hydrogen is mixed with free hydrogen, which does not gene- rally interfere with its uses. The pure gas may he prepared by heating sulphide of antimony (crude antimony) in a flask with hydrochloric acid SbS 3 + 3HC1 3HS + SbCl 3 . Properties of liydrosulphuric add. This gas is at once distinguished from all others by its disgusting odour. It is one-fifth heavier than air (sp. gr. 1-1912). Its gaseous state is not permanent, but a pressure of 17 atmospheres is required to reduce it to a colourless liquid, which congeals to a transparent solid at 122 F. "Water absorbs about three times its volume of sulphuretted hydrogen at the ordinary temperature ; both the gas and its solution are feebly acid to red litmus paper. The gas is very combustible, burning with a blue flame like that of sulphur, and yielding, as the chief products, water and sulphurous acid HS + 3 HO + S0 2 a little hydrated sulphuric acid (HO . S0 3 ) is also formed, and unless the supply of air is very good, some of the sulphur will be separated ; thus, if a taper be applied to a bottle filled with sulphuretted hydrogen, a good deal of sulphur will be deposited upon the sides. This combustibility of sulphuretted hydrogen is of the greatest importance in those processes of chemical manufacture in which this gas is evolved (as in the preparation of ammoniacal salts from gas liquors), enabling it to be disposed of in the furnace instead of becoming a nuisance to the neighbourhood. The gas causes fainting when inhaled in large quantity, and appears much to de- press the vital energy when breathed for any length of time even in a diluted state. When dissolved in water, hydrosulphuric acid is slowly acted upon by the oxygen of the air, which converts its hydrogen into water, and causes a white deposit of (electronegative Or soluble) sulphur. This is a great drawback 'to the use of this indispensable chemical in the labor- atory, since the solution of hydrosulphuric acid is so soon rendered useless. To diminish it as far as possible, the solution should be made either with boiled water (free from dissolved air), or with water which has already been once charged with the gas and spoilt by keeping, for all the oxygen dissolved in this water will have been con- sumed by the former portion of gas. The gas should be passed through the water until, on closing the bottle with the hand and shaking violently, the pressure is found to act outwards, showing the water to be saturated with the gas. By closing the bottle with a greased stopper, and inverting it, the solution may be preserved for some weeks, even though occasionally opened for use. In preparing the solution of hydrosulphuric acid, a certain quantity of the gas always escapes absorption. To prevent this from becoming a nuisance, the bottle containing the water to be charged with gas may be covered with an air-tight caoutchouc cap having two tubes, through one of which passes the glass-tube con- veying the gas down into the water, and through the other, a tube conducting the excess of gas either into a gas-burner, where it may be consumed, or into a solution of ammonia which will absorb it, forming the very useful hydrosulphate of am- monia. The hydrogen of the hydrosulphuric acid is oxidised immediately by nitrous acid (N0 3 ), the sulphur being separated, and a considerable quan- tity of nitrite of ammonia produced N0 3 + 6HS = NH 3 + 3HO + S 6 . Concentrated nitric acid also oxidises the hydrogen and a part of the sulphur, sulphate of ammonia (NH 3 . HO . S0 3 ) being found in the solu- tion, and a pasty mass of sulphur separated. Chlorine, bromine, and iodine at once appropriate its hydrogen and separate the sulphur. 192 PAINTS BLACKENED BY SULPHURETTED HYDROGEN. In its action upon the metals and their oxides, hydrosulphuric acid resembles hydrochloric and the other hydrogen acids. Many of the metals displace the hydrogen and form metallic sulphides. This usually requires the assistance of heat, but mercury and silver act upon the gas at the ordinary temperature. Thus, if sulphuretted hydrogen be collected over mercury, the surface of the latter becomes coated with a black film of sub-- sulphide of mercury ; HS + Hg 2 = H + Hg 2 S. In a similar way the surface of silver is slowly tarnished when exposed to sulphuretted hydro- gen, its surface being covered with a black film of sulphide of silver. It is on this account that silver plate is so easily blackened by the air of towns, which is contaminated with sulphuretted hydrogen. An egg spoon is always blackened by the sulphur from the egg. Silver coins kept in the pocket with lucifer matches are blackened, from the formation of a little sulphide of silver. The original brightness of the coin may be restored by rubbing it with a solution of cyanide of potassium, which dis- solves the sulphide of silver. When heated in the gas, several metals displace the hydrogen from it. Thus, potassium acts upon it in a corresponding manner to that in which it acts upon water 2HO + K = KO.HO + H 2HS + K = KS . HS + H forming liydrosulphate of (sulphide of) potassium (KS . HS). Tin removes the whole of the sulphur from hydrosulphuric acid at a moderate heat ; Sn + HS = H + SnS. When hydrosulphuric acid acts upon a metallic oxide, it generally con- verts it into a sulphide corresponding to the oxide, whilst the hydrogen and oxygen unite to form water. Oxide of lead in contact with the gas yields black sulphide of lead and water ; PbO + HS = PbS + HO. Even if the oxide of lead be combined with an acid, the same change is produced by hydrosulphuric acid ; and hence paper impregnated with a salt of lead is used as a test for the presence of this gas. Thus, if paper be spotted with a solution of nitrate (or acetate) of lead, it will indicate the presence of even minute quantities of sulphuretted hydrogen (in impure coal-gas, for example) by the brown colour imparted to the spots, the nitrate of lead being decomposed by the hydrosulphuric acid PbO.N0 5 + HS - H0.tf0 5 + PbS. Nitrate of lead. Nitric acid. It is in this manner that paints containing white lead (carbonate of lead) are darkened by exposure to the air of towns, Cards glazed with white lead, and engravings on paper whitened with that substance, suffer a similar change. Paintings, whether in oil or water colours, in which lead is an ingredient, are also injured by air containing sulphuretted hydrogen. The interesting observation has recently been made that such colours, damaged by the formation of sulphide of lead, are restored by the continued action of light and air, the black sulphide of lead becoming oxidised and converted into the white sulphate of lead PbS + 4 = PbO.S0 3 . In the dark this restoration does not take place, so that it is often a mis- take to screen pictures from the light by a curtain. In cases where the sulphide corresponding to the oxide is of an unstable SULPHUR ACIDS, BASES, AND SALTS. 193 character, the action of hydrosulphuric acid upon the oxide will be attended with separation of sulphur. This is the case with peroxide of iron Fe 2 3 + 3HS = 2FeS + 3HO + S as is seen in the purifiers in which that substance is employed for remov- ing the sulphuretted hydrogen from coal-gas. The action of hydrosulphuric acid upon the chlorides and other haloid salts of the metals generally resembles its action upon the oxides of the same metals. Most of the sulphides of the metals, like the corresponding oxides, are insoluble in water, but many of the sulphides are also insoluble in diluted acids and in alkalies, so that when hydrosulphuric acid is brought into contact with the solutions of metals, it will often precipitate the metal in the form of a sulphide having some characteristic colour or other property by which the metal may be identified. Any solution of lead will give a black precipitate with solution of hydrosulphuric acid, the sulphide of lead being insoluble in diluted acids and in alkalies. A solution of antimony (tartar-emetic, for example, the tartrate of antimony and potash) mixed with an excess of hydrochloric acid, gives an orange-coloured preci- pitate (SbS 3 ) on adding hydrosulphuric acid ; but if another portion be mixed with an excess of potash before adding the hydrosulphuric acid, there will be no precipi- tate, for the sulphide of antimony is soluble in alkalies. Chloride of cadmium gives a brilliant yellow precipitate of sulphide of cadmium on adding hydrosulphuric acid. Sulphate of zinc yields a white precipitate of sulphide of zinc (ZnS), but if a little hydrochloric acid be previously added, no precipitate is formed, the sulphide of zinc being soluble in acids. On neutralising the hydrochloric acid with ammonia, the sulphide of zinc is at once precipitated. It is evident that, in a solution containing cadmium and zinc, the metals may be separated by acidifying the liquid with hydrochloric acid, and adding excess of hydrosulphuric acid, which precipitates the sulphide of cadmium only. On filtering the solution, and adding ammonia, the sulphide of zinc is precipitated. Sulphur-acids and sulphur-bases. Those sulphides which are soluble in the alkalies are often designated sulphur-acids, whilst the sulphides of the alkali-metals are sulphur-bases. These two classes of sulphides com- bine to form sulphur-salts analogous in composition to the oxygen-salts of the same metals. Thus, there have been crystallised, the salts Sulphostannate of (sulphide of) sodium, 2NaS . SnS 2 Sulphantimoniate 3NaS . SbS 5 Sulpharseniate 3NaS . AsS 5 . The sulphostannic (SnS 2 ), sulphantimonic (SbS 5 ), and sulpharsenic (AsS 5 ) acids respectively, corresponding to stannic (Sn0 2 ), an^imonic (Sb0 5 ), and arsenic (As0 5 ) acids. The action of air upon the sulphides of the metals is often turned to account in chemical manufactures. At the ordinary temperature, the sul- phides of those metals which form alkaline oxides (such as sodium and calcium), when exposed to the air in the presence of water, yield, first, mixtures of the oxide and bisulphide, 2NaS + = NaO + NaS 2 ; and afterwards the hyposulphite, NaS 2 + 3 = NaO . S 2 2 . This change is sometimes turned to account for the manufacture of hyposulphite of soda. When the metal forms a less powerful base with oxygen, the sul- phide is often converted into sulphate by exposure to moist air ; thus, CuS + 4 = CuO . S0 3 , which is taken advantage of for the separation of copper from tin ores. N 194 ANOMALOUS EXPANSION OF SULPHUR VAPOUR. The black sulphide of iron (FeS), when exposed to moist air, becomes converted into red peroxide of iron, with separation of sulphur 2FeS + 3 = Fe 2 3 + S 2 a change which enables the gas manufacturer to revive, by the action of air, the peroxide of iron employed for removing the sulphuretted hydrogen from coal-gas (see p. 193). When roasted in air at a high temperature, the sulphides correspond- ing to the more powerful bases are converted into sulphates ; thus ZnS + 4 = ZnO . S0 3 , which explains the production of sulphate of zinc by roasting blende. But in most cases part of the sulphur is converted into sulphurous acid at the same time. Subsulphide of copper, for instance, is partly converted into oxide of copper by roasting, Cu 2 S + 4 = 2CuO + S0 2 , a change of great importance in the extrac- tion of copper from its ores. 140. Composition of hydrosulphuric acid. When this acid acts upon a metallic oxide, the oxide, as a general rule, is found to exchange 8 parts by weight of oxygen for 1 6 parts of sulphur ; therefore, if 8 be taken as the equivalent of oxygen (H = 1), 16 will represent that of sulphur, and the equivalent weight of hydrosulphuric acid will be 17 (containing 1 eq. of hydrogen and 1 eq. of sulphur). If metallic tin be heated in a measured volume of hydrosulphuric acid gas, it removes the whole of the sulphur, whilst the hydrogen which is left occupies the same volume as the original hydrosulphuric acid. Hence, 1 vol. of this gas contains 1 vol. of hydro- gen. The weight of 1 vol. (sp. gr.) of HS . . = M912 Deducting the weight of 1 vol. (sp. gr.) of H = 0-0692 There remains . . . . 1-1220 for the weight of the sulphur vapour contained in 1 vol. of hydrosulphuric acid. The specific gravity (or weight of 1 vol.) of sulphur vapour (at 1900 F.) is 2 '23, so that the weight of sulphur vapour in 1 vol. of hydro- sulphuric acid represents half a volume ; accordingly, there are, in 1 vol. of HS, 1 vol. of hydrogen and J vol. of sulphur vapour. But 1 eq. (17 parts by weight) of hydrosulphuric acid occupies 2 vols. (8 parts of oxygen representing 1 vol.), and would contain 1 eq. of hydrogen (occupying 2 vols.) and 1 eq. of sulphur (occupying 1 vol.). The composition of hydrosulphuric acid by volume, therefore, is precisely similar to that of water, and its molecular formula (1 vol. 1 atom of H) would be H 2 S ( = 2 vols.), the atomic weight of sulphur being 32, and occupying, in the state of vapour at 1900 F., the same volume as 1 part by weight of hydrogen. 141. Influence of temperature upon the specific gravity of gases and vapours. The specific gravity of a gas or vapour being defined as its weight, compared with that of an equal volume of dry and pure air at the same temperature and pressure, it might be supposed that so long as the temperatures were equal, their actual thermometric value would not influ- ence the specific gravity. Indeed, with those gases and vapours which are condensible with difficulty, this is actually the case. Thus, if equal volumes of oxygen and air be weighed, either at a low or a high tempera- ture, provided their temperatures are the same, their weights will always stand to each other in the ratio of 1 '105 7 : 1 PERSULPHIDE OF HYDROGEN. 195 But with many vapours it is found that if they be weighed at tempera- tures too nearly approaching to their condensing points, their specific gravities are much higher than they are found to he at higher tempera- tures. Sulphur affords a very well-marked instance of this. It boils at 836 F., and if its vapour be weighed at a temperature of 900 F., it is found to weigh 6*617 times as much as an equal volume of air at 900 F., so that its specific gravity would be 6-617, or 1 eq. of sulphur would occupy l vol. (0 = 1 vol.). But if the vapour of sulphur be weighed at 1900 F., it is found to weigh only 2 '2 3 times as much as an equal volume of air at the same temperature and pressure, so that its specific gravity is only one-third of that formerly given, and 1 eqt. of sulphur occupies 1 vol. 142. Persulphide of hydrogen. The composition of this substance is not yet satis- factorily ascertained. The similarity of its chemical properties to those of binoxide of hydrogen prompts the wish that its formula may be HS 2 . Some analyses, how- ever, seem to lead to the formula HS 5 , but since the persulphide is a liquid capable of dissolving free sulphur, which is not easily separated from it, there is much diffi- culty in determining the exact proportion of this element with which the hydrogen is combined. When equal weights of slaked lime and sulphur are boiled with water, an orange- coloured liquid is formed, which contains hyposulphite of lime, bisulphide of calcium, and pentasulphide of calcium (CaS 5 ) 3CaO + S 6 = CaO . S 2 2 + 2CaS 2 . Hyposulphite Bisulphide of lime. of calcium. When hydrochloric acid is added to the filtered solution, an abundant precipitation of sulphur occurs, and much hydrosulphuric acid is evolved CaS 2 + HC1 = CaCl + HS + S. But if the solution be poured by degrees into a slightly warm mixture of hydro- chloric acid with twice its bulk of water, and constantly stirred, a yellow heavy oily liquid collects at the bottom, which is the persulphide of hydrogen CaS 2 + HC1 = HS 2 (?) + CaCl . The acid having been kept in excess, the persulphide has been preserved from the decomposition which it suffered in the presence of the alkaline solution in the former experiment. For the persulphide of hydrogen very closely resembles the bin- oxide in the facility with which it may be decomposed into hydrosulphuric acid and sulphur ; it undergoes spontaneous decomposition even in sealed tubes, and the hydro- sulphuric acid then becomes liquefied by its own pressure. Most of the substances, the contact of which promotes the decomposition of the binoxide of hydrogen, have the same effect upon the persulphide. This compound has a peculiar odour which appears to affect the eyes ; of course, its vapour is mixed with that of hydrosul- phuric acid. OXIDES OF SULPHUR. 143. Only two compounds of sulphur with oxygen have been obtained in the separate state, viz., sulphurous acid (S0 2 ) and sulphuric acid (S0 3 ). Four more have been obtained in combination with water, viz., dithionic (Otiov, sulphur) or hyposulphuric (S 2 0.), irithionic (S 3 5 ), tetrathionic (S 4 5 ), and pentathionic (S 5 5 ) acids. One of the oxides has only been obtained in the form of salts, viz., hyposulphurous acid (S 2 2 ). The following table exhibits their composition, the imaginary oxides being distinguished by (?) : N 2 196 PKEPAKATION OF SULPHUROUS ACID. Oxides of Sulphur. Equivalent By Weight. Name. Foimula. Sulphur. Oxygen. Hyposulphurous acid, . . ? 8,0, 32 16 Sulphurous S0 2 16 16 Sulphuric S0 3 16 24 Dithionic ,, . . ? S 2 5 32 40 Trithionic . . ? S 3 5 48 40 Tetrathionic . . ? S 4 0- 04 40 Pentathionic . . ? S 5 5 80 40 SULPHUROUS Acm. 144. In nature, sulphurous acid is but rarely met with ; it exists in the gases issuing from volcanoes. Although constantly discharged into the air of towns by the combustion of coal (containing sulphur), it is so easily oxidised and converted into sulphuric acid, that no considerable quantity is ever found in the atmosphere. Sulphurous acid has been already men- tioned as the sole product of the combustion of sulphur in dry air and oxygen, but it is generally prepared for chemical purposes by removing part of the oxygen from sulphuric acid, which is easily effected by heating it with metallic copper 2(HO.S0 3 ) Hydrated sulphuric acid. Cu CuO.S0 3 Sulphate of copper. 2HO S0 2 . 300 grains of copper clippings are heated in a Florence flask with 4 oz. (measured) of strong sulphuric acid, the gas being conducted by a bent tube down to the bottom of a dry bottle closed with a perforated card (see fig. 160, p. 147). Some time will elapse before the gas is evolved, for sulphuric acid acts upon copper only at a high temperature ; but when the evolution of gas fairly commences, it will proceed very rapidly, so that it is necessary to remove the flame from under the flask. The gas will contain a little suspended vapour of sulphuric acid, which renders it turbid. When the operation is finished, and the flask has been allowed to cool, it will be found to contain a grey crystalline powder at the bottom of a brown liquid. The latter is the excess of sulphuric acid employed, and retains very little copper, since sulphate of copper is insoluble in strong sulphuric acid. If the liquid be poured off, and the flask filled up with water, and set aside for some time, the crystalline powder will dissolve, forming a blue solution of sulphate of copper, yielding that salt in fine prismatic crystals by evaporation and cooling. The dark powder remaining un- dissolved after extracting the whole of the sulphate of copper consists chiefly of sul- phide of copper, the production of which is interesting, as showing how far the deoxidising effect of the copper may be carried in this experiment. Sulphurous acid is a very heavy (sp. gr. 2 -25) colourless gas, character- ised by its odour of burning brimstone. It condenses to a clear liquid at F. (the temperature of a mixture of ice and salt) even at the ordinary pressure of the air, and has been frozen to a colourless crystalline solid at -105F. The liquefaction of the gas is easily exhibited by passing it down to the bottom of BLEACHING BY SULPHUROUS ACID. 197 Fig. 187. a tube (A. fig. 187) closed at one end, and surrounded with a mixture of pounded ice with half its weight of salt. The tube should have been previously drawn out to a narrow neck at B, which may afterwards be sealed by the blowpipe, the lower part of the tube being still surrounded by the freezing mixture, since the liquid sulphurous acid boils at 14 F. The tube need not be very strong, for at the ordinary temperature the vapour of sulphurous acid exerts a pressure of only 2'5 atmo- spheres. Liquid sulphurous acid is a convenient agent for producing (by its rapid evaporation) the low tempe- rature ( - 39 F.) required to effect the solidification of mercury. A small globule of this metal may readily be frozen by dropping some liquid sulphurous acid upon it in a watch-glass placed in a strong draught of air. The tube containing the sulphurous acid should be held in a woollen cloth or glove. The attractive ex- periment of freezing water in a red-hot crucible may also be made with the liquid acid. A platinum crucible being heated to redness, and some liquid sulphurous acid poured into it, the liquid becomes surrounded with an atmosphere of sulphurous acid gas, which prevents its contact with the metal (assumes the spheroidal state), and its temperature is reduced by its own evaporation to so low a degree that a few drops of water allowed to flow into it will at once become converted into ice. Sulphurous acid gas is very easily absorbed by water, as may be shown by pouring a little water into a bottle of the gas, closing the bottle with the palm of the hand, and shaking it violently (see fig. 148, p. 139), when the diminished pressure due to the absorption of the gas will cause the bottle to be sustained against the hand by the pressure of the atmosphere. Water absorbs 4 3 '5 times its bulk of the gas at the ordi- nary temperature. If the solution be exposed to a low temperature, a crystallised hydrate of sulphurous acid is obtained, the composition of which does not appear to be accurately settled. When the solution of sulphurous acid is kept for' some time in a bottle containing air, its smell gradually disappears, the acid absorbing oxygen and becoming converted into sulphuric acid. Sulphurous acid, like carbonic acid, possesses in a high degree the power of extinguishing flame. A taper is at once extinguished in a bottle of the gas, even when containing a considerable proportion of air. One of the best methods of extinguishing burning soot in a chimney consists in passing up sulphurous acid by burning a few ounces of sul- phur in a pan placed over the fire. The principal uses of sulphurous acid depend upon its property of bleaching many animal and vegetable colouring matters. Although a far less powerful bleaching agent than chlorine, it is preferred for bleach- ing silk, straw, wool, sponge, isinglass, baskets, &c., which would be injured by the great chemical energy of chlorine. The articles to be bleached are moistened with water and suspended in a chamber in which sulphurous acid is produced by the combustion of sulphur. The colour- ing matters do not appear in general to be decomposed by the acid, but rather to form colourless combinations with it, for, in course of time, the original colour often reappears, as is seen in straw, flannel, &c., which become yellow from age, the sulphurous acid probably being oxidised into sulphuric acid. Stains of fruit and port wine on linen are conve- niently removed by solution of sulphurous acid. The red solution obtained by boiling a few chips of logwood with river water (dis- tilled water does not give so fine a colour), serves to illustrate the bleaching proper- 198 ANTISEPTIC PROPERTIES OF SULPHUROUS ACID. ties of sulphurous acid. A few drops of the solution of the acid will at once change the red colour of the solution to a light yellow, but that the colouring power is sus- pended and not destroyed, may be shown by dividing the yellow liquid into two parts, and adding to them, respectively, potash and diluted sulphuric acid, which will restore the colour in a modified form. To contrast this with the complete decomposition of the colouring matter, a little sulphurous acid may be added to a weak solution of the permanganate of potash, when the splendid red solution at once becomes perfectly colourless, and nei- ther acid nor alkali can effect its restoration, for in this case the red permanganic acid (Mn 2 7 ), supposed to exist in the permanganate of potash, is reduced to the state of protoxide of manganese. If a bunch of damp coloured flowers be suspended in a bell-jar over a crucible containing a little burning sulphur (fig. 188), many of the flowers will be completely bleached by the sulphurous acid, and by plunging them afterwards into diluted sulphuric acid and ammonia, their colours may be partly restored, with some very curious modifica- tions. Fig. 188. Fig. 189, Another very useful property of sulphurous acid is that of arresting fermentation (or putrefaction), apparently by killing the vegetable or ani- mal growth which is the cause of the fermentation. This is commonly designated the antiseptic property of sulphurous acid, and is turned to account when casks for wine or beer are sulphured in order to prevent the action of any substance contained in the pores of the wood, and capable of ex- citing fermentation, upon the fresh liquor to be introduced. If a little solution of sugar be fermented with yeast in a flask provided with a funnel tube (fig. 189), a solution of sulphurous acid poured in through the latter will at once arrest the fer- mentation. The salts of sulphurous acid (sulphites) are also occasionally used to arrest fermentation, in the manufacture of sugar, for instance. Clothes are sometimes fumigated with sulphurous acid to destroy vermin. The disposition of sulphurous acid to absorb oxygen and pass into sul- phuric acid, renders it a powerful deoxidising or reducing agent. Solu- tions of silver and gold are reduced to the metallic state by sulphurous acid if a very little ammonia be added, and a gentle heat applied. If a solution of sulphurous acid be heated for some time in a sealed tube to 340 F. one portion of the acid deoxidises another, sulphur is separated, and sulphuric acid formed; 3S0 2 + 2HO = 2(HO.SO S ) + S. Sulphurous acid gas combines with ammonia gas to form two solid compounds (NH 3 .S0 2 , and NH 3 .2S0 2 ) which are quite different in their properties from the sulphite and bisulphite of ammonia (NH V HO.S0 2 , and NH V H0.2S0 2 ), which are formed when sulphurous acid acts upon solution of ammonial Chlorine combines with an equal volume of sulphurous acid, under the influence of bright sunshine, to produce a colourless liquid, the vapour of which is very acrid and irritating to the eyes. Its composition is represented by S0 2 C1, and it is some- times called chlorosulphuric acid, though it does not combine with bases, and is de- composed by water, yielding hydrochloric and sulphuric acids. It is also known as chloride of sulphuryle, S0 2 being looked upon as the radical of sulphuric acid. The chloride of thionyle, SOC1, is a colourless volatile liquid obtained by the action of SULPHITES COMPOSITION OF SULPHUROUS ACID. 199 hypochlorous acid gas on sulphur dissolved in the subchloride of sulphur. It is decomposed by water, yielding hydrochloric and sulphurous acids. Potassium and sodium, when heated in sulphurous acid, burn vividly, producing the oxides and sulphides of the metals. Iron, lead, tin, and zinc are also converted into oxides and sulphides when heated in sulphurous acid ; S0 2 + Zn 3 = ZnS + 2ZnO . Sulphites. The acid character of sulphurous acid is rather feeble, al- though stronger than that of carbonic acid. There is much general resemblance between the sulphites and carbonates, in point of solubility, the sulphites of the alkali-metals being the only salts of sulphurous acid which are freely soluble in water. Sulphurous acid, like carbonic, forms two classes of salts, the sulphites (for example, sulphite of soda, NaO . 862) and bisulphites (as bisulphite of potash, KO . HO . 2S0 2 ). The sulphite of soda is extensively manufactured for the use of the paper-maker, who employs it as an antichlore for killing the bleach, that is, neutralising the excess of chlorine after bleaching the rags with chlo- ride of lime and sulphuric acid (see p. 145) NaO . S0 a + HO + Cl = NaO . S0 3 + HC1 . It is prepared by passing sulphurous acid over damp crystals of car- bonate of soda, when the carbonic acid is expelled, and sulphite of soda formed, which is dissolved in water and crystallised. It forms oblique prisms having the composition NaO . S0 2 + 7Aq, which effloresce in the air, becoming opaque, and slowly absorbing oxygen, passing into sulphate of soda (NaO . S0 3 ). Its solution is slightly alkaline to test-papers. For the manufacture of sulphite of soda, the sulphurous acid is obtained either by the combustion of sulphur or by heating sulphuric acid with charcoal 2(HO.SO S ) + C - 2HO + C0 2 + 2S0 2 . The carbonic acid, of course, will not interfere with this application of the sulphurous acid. 145. Composition of sulphurous acid. When sulphur is burnt in oxygen, the volume of the sulphurous acid produced is equal to that of the oxygen, so that 1 vol. of sulphurous acid contains 1 vol. of oxygen. The weight of 1 vol. (sp. gr.) of sulphurous acid is, . 2*2470 Deducting the weight of 1 vol. (sp. gr.) of oxygen, . 1*1056 1*1414 The remainder represents the weight of sulphur vapour contained in one volume of sulphurous acid. But it has been seen (p. 195) that the weight of one volume of sulphur vapour (at 1900 F.) is 2*23, so that the above weight represents half a volume of sulphur vapour ; and 2 vols. of sulphurous acid contain 2 vols. of oxygen and 1 vol. of sulphur vapour. The quantity of sulphurous acid which generally combines with one equivalent of a base amounts to 32 parts by weight, which may, there- fore, be taken as the equivalent weight of sulphurous acid. This weight would occupy twice the volume of 8 parts by weight of oxygen. One equivalent of sulphurous acid, therefore, representing 32 parts by weight or 2 vols., contains 1 eq. (16 parts by weight) or 1 vol. of sulphur vapour, and 2 eqs. (16 parts by weight) or 2 vols. of oxygen. The molecular formula of sulphurous acid would be S0 2 (8 = 32, 6 = 16) 200 NORDHAUSEN SULPHURIC ACID. representing 2 vols. of the gas (H = 1 vol.), containing 1 vol. (or 1 atom) of sulphur vapour and 2 vols. (or 2 atoms) of oxygen. Just as in the case of carbonic acid (see p. 75), many chemists deny the acid nature of the compound S0 2 altogether, and term it sulphurous anhydride, reserving the name of sulphurous acid for the hydrated sul- phurous acid, HO . S0 2 or HS0 3 (or H 2 S0 3 ), obtained by exposing the aqueous solution of sulphurous acid to a very low temperature. SULPHURIC ACID. 146. It has been already noticed that one of the most abundant forms in which sulphur occurs in nature is that of sulphuric acid in combina- tion with certain bases. Hydrated sulphuric acid has also been found in certain springs and rivers in volcanic regions. Sulphurous acid and oxygen gases combine to form sulphuric acid (SOs) when passed through a tube containing heated platinum or certain metallic oxides, such as those of copper and chromium, the action of which in promoting the combina- tion is not thoroughly understood. The combination may be shown by passing oxygen from the tube A (fig. 190) connected with a gas-holder, through a strong solution of sulphurous acid (B), so that it may take up a quantity of that gas, afterwards through a tube (0) containing pumice stone soaked with oil of vitriol, to remove the water, and then through a bulb (D) containing platinised asbestos (see p. 132). The mixture of the gases issuing into the air is quite invisible, but when the bulb is gently heated, combina- tion takes place, and dense white clouds are formed in the air, from the combina- tion of the anhydrous sulphuric acid (S0 3 ) produced, with the atmospheric moisture. Fig. 190. An easier method of obtaining the anhydrous sulphuric acid will be noticed hereafter, but the hydrated acid is of so much more importance that its preparation and properties should be studied before those of the anhydrous acid. Hydrated sulphuric acid. More than four centuries ago, the alchemist Basil Valentine subjected green vitriol, as it was then called (sulphate of iron), to distillation, and obtained an acid liquid which he named oil of vitriol. The process discovered by this laborious monk is even now in use at Nordhausen in Saxony, and the Nordhausen oil of vitriol is an important article of commerce. The crystals of sulphate of iron (FeO . S0 3 + 7HO) .are exposed to the air so that they may absorb oxygen, and become converted into the basic persulphate of iron 2(FeO.S0 3 ) + = FegOj.280,,. Bas'c persulphate of iron. This salt is dried, and distilled in earthen retorts, the oil of vitriol being condensed in receivers of glass or stoneware. The action of heat upon the basic persulphate of iron separates the acid from the base, and if the salt were absolutely dry, the anhydrous sulphuric acid would be expected to distil over. There is always enough water, however, left in MANUFACTURE OF OIL OF VITRIOL. 201 the persulphate, to combine with the anhydrous acid to form the Nord- hausen oil of vitriol, the composition of which is pretty correctly ex- pressed by the formula HO . 2S0 3 . The peroxide of iron (Fe 2 3 ) which is left in the retorts, is the red powder known as colcothar, which is used for polishing plate glass and metals. The green vitriol employed for preparing the Nordhausen acid is obtained from iron pyrites (FeS 2 ). A particular variety of this mineral, white pyrites (or efflores- cent pyrites), when exposed to moist air, undergoes oxidation, yielding sulphate of iron and sulphuric acid FeS 2 + HO + 7 = FeO.S0 3 + HO.S0 3 . Large masses of this variety of pyrites in mineralogical cabinets may often be seen broken up into small fragments, and covered with an acid efflorescence of sul- phate of iron from this cause. Ordinary iron pyrites is not oxidised by exposure to the air unless it be first subjected to distillation in order to separate a portion of the sulphur which it contains. The Nordhausen acid is readily distinguished from English sulphuric acid by its fuming in the air, when the bottle is opened. This is due to the escape of a little vapour of anhydrous sulphuric acid. It is heavier than the English acid, its specific gravity being 1 '9. It is chiefly used for dissolving indigo in preparing the Saxony blue dye, and is a con- venient source of the anhydrous sulphuric acid; for if it be gently heated in a retort, the anhydrous acid is disengaged, and may be condensed in silky crystals in a receiver kept cool by ice, whilst ordinary hydrated sul- phuric acid (HO . S0 3 ) is left in the retort. The process adopted at Nordhausen, though simple in theory, is expen- sive on account of the consumption of fuel and the breaking of the retorts, so that the price of the acid, compared with that of English manufacture, is very high. The first step towards the discovery of our present process was also made by Valentine, when he prepared his oleum sulpliuns per campanum, by burning sulphur under a bell-glass over water, and evaporating the acid liquid thus obtained. The same experimenter also made a very important advance when he burnt a mixture of sulphur, sulphide of antimony, and nitre, under a bell-glass placed over water ; but it was not until the middle of the eighteenth century that it was suggested by some Erench chemists to burn the sulphur and nitre alone over water, a process by which the acid ap- pears actually to have been manufactured upon a pretty large scale. The substitution of large chambers of lead for glass vessels by Dr Eoebuck was a great improvement in the process, and about the year 1770 the prepara- tion of the acid formed an important branch of manufacture ; since then the process has been steadily improving, until, at the present time, up- wards of 100,000 tons are annually consumed in Great Britain, and a very large quantity is exported. The diminution in the price of oil of vitriol well exhibits the progress of improvemeut in its production, for the original oil of sulphur appears to have been sold for about half-a-crown an ounce, and that prepared by burning sulphur with nitre in glass vessels at the same price per pound ; but when leaden chambers were introduced, the price fell to a shilling per pound, and at present oil of vitriol can be purchased at the rate of five farthings per pound. The description of the present process of manufacture will be best understood after a consideration of the chemical changes upon which it depends. It has been seen that when sulphur is burnt in air, sulphurous acid is 202 THEORY OF PRODUCTION OF OIL OF VITRIOL. the chief product. When sulphurous acid acts upon hydrated nitric acid, in the presence of water, sulphuric acid and nitric oxide are formed 3S0 2 + HO.N0 5 + 2HO = 3(HO.SOj) + N0 2 . JSTitric oxide, in contact with air, combines with its oxygen to form nitric peroxide (N0 4 ). If nitric peroxide is brought into contact with sulphurous acid and water, it is again converted into nitric oxide with formation of sulphuric acid N0 4 + 2S0 2 + 2HO = N0 2 + 2(HO.S0 3 ). It appears, therefore, that nitric oxide may be employed to absorb oxygen from the air, and to convey it to the sulphurous acid, so that, theoretically, an unlimited quantity of sulphurous acid, supplied with air and water, might be converted into sulphuric acid by a given quantity of nitric oxide. To illustrate these important chemical principles of the manufacture of sulphuric acid, the following experiments may be performed : I. A quart bottle of nitric oxide (p. 130) is placed mouth to mouth with a pint bottle of oxygen, when both bottles will be filled with the red nitric peroxide. , II. The quart bottle of this red gas is placed mouth to mouth with a quart bottle of sulphurous acid gas (fig. 191), when the red colour will soon disappear, and the sides of the bottles will be covered with a crystalline substance formed by the reaction between the nitric peroxide, the sulphurous acid, and the small quantity of water present in the gases. The true composi- tion of this crystalline body is doubtful, but if, for the purpose of the present reasoning, it be re- garded as N0 2 . 2S0 3 . HO, its formation would be represented by the equation N0 4 + 2S0 2 + HO = N0 2 .2S0 3 .HO. III. A little water is shaken round the insides of the bottles, when the crystalline compound will be decomposed with effervescence, evolving nitric oxide, and producing hydrated sulphuric acid N0 2 .2S0 3 .HO + HO = N0 2 + 2(HO.S0 3 ). Fig. 191. IV. Air is blown into the bottles through a glass tube, when the presence of the nitric oxide will be proved by the formation of the red nitric peroxide. In the presence of abundance of water this crystalline com- pound is not produced, as may be shown by the following modi- fication of the experiment. V. A large glass flask or globe (A, fig. 192) is fitted with a cork, through which are (a) a tube connected with a flask (D) containing copper and strong sulphuric acid, for evolv- ing sulphurous acid ; (b) a tube connected with a flask (B) containing copper and diluted nitric acid (sp. gr. 1-2) for supplying nitric oxide ; (c) a tube proceeding from a small flask (E) containing water. a gentle heat to the flask containing nitric acid and copper, the nitric Fig. 192. Preparation of sulphuric acid. On applyin REACTIONS IN THE VITRIOL CHAMBERS. 203 oxide passes into the globe and combines with the oxygen of the air, filling the globe with red nitric peroxide. The nitric oxide flask may then be removed. Sul- phurous acid is then generated by heating the flask containing sulphuric acid and copper ; the sulphurous acid will soon decolorise the red nitric peroxide, the con- tents of the globe becoming colourless, and the crystalline compound forming abundantly on the sides : the sulphurous acid flask may then be removed. Steam is sent into the globe from the flask containing water, when the crystalline compound will be dissolved, and sulphuric acid will collect at the bottom of the globe. If air be now blown into the globe, the nitric oxide will again acquire the red colour of nitric peroxide. If the experiment be repeated, the steam being introduced simultaneously with the sulphurous acid, no crystalline compound whatever will be formed, the sulphurous acid being at once converted into hydrated sulphuric acid. Since the cork is somewhat corroded in this experiment, it is preferable to have the mouth of the flask ground and closed by a ground glass plate, perforated with holes for the passage of the tubes. The perforations are easily made by placing the glass plate flat against the wall and piercing it with the point of a revolving rat's- tail file dipped in turpentine ; the file is then gradually worked through the hole until the latter is of the required size. The process employed for the manufacture of English oil of vitriol will now be easily understood. A series of chambers is constructed of leaden plates, the edges of which are united by autogenous soldering (that is, by fusing their edges, without solder, which would be rapidly corroded by the acid vapours) ; the leaden chambers are supported and strengthened by a framework of timber (fig. 193). The sulphurous acid is generated by burning sulphur or iron pyrites in a suitable furnace (A) adjoining the chambers, and so arranged that the sulphurous acid produced may be mixed with about the proper quantity of air to furnish the oxygen required for its conversion into sulphuric acid. Nitric acid vapour is evolved from a mixture of nitrate of soda and oil of vitriol (see p. 124) contained in an iron pan which is heated by the com- bustion of the sulphur, so that the nitric acid is carried into the chambers with the current of sulphurous acid and air. Water covers the floor of the chambers to the depth of about two inches, and jets of steam are introduced at different parts from an adjacent boiler (B). The sulphurous acid acts upon the nitric acid vapour, in the presence of the water, forming nitric oxide and hydrated sulphuric acid, which rains down into the water on the floor of the chambers 3S0 3 + HO.]TO 5 + 2HO - N0 2 + 3(HO.S0 3 ) . If this nitric oxide were permitted to escape from the chambers, and a fresh quantity of nitric acid vapour introduced to oxidise another portion of sulphurous acid, it is evident that 1 eq. (85 parts by weight) of nitrate of soda would be required to furnish the nitric acid for the conversion of 3 eqs. (48 parts by weight) of sulphur, whereas, in practice, 3 parts by weight only of nitrate of soda are employed for 48 parts of sulphur. For the nitric oxide (N0 2 ) at once acquires oxygen from the air ad- mitted together with the sulphurous acid, and becomes nitric peroxide (N0 4 ), which oxidises more sulphurous acid in the presence of water, converting it into hydrated sulphuric acid 2S0 2 + N0 4 + 2HO = 2(HO . S0 3 ) + N0 2 . A great reduction in the volume of the gas in the chamber thus takes place (4 vols. S0 2 and 4 vols. N0 4 yielding 4 vols. N0 2 ), so that there 204 PLAN FOR ECONOMISING NITRIC OXIDE. is room for the introduction of a fresh quantity of the mixture of sul- phurous acid and air from the furnace, upon which the nitric oxide acts as before, taking up the oxygen from the air and handing it over to the sulphurous acid, in the presence of water, to produce a fresh supply of hydrated sulphuric acid. But the nitrogen of the air takes no part in these changes, and since Fig. 193. Sulphuric acid chambers. the oxygen consumed in converting the sulphur into sulphuric acid is accompanied by four times its volume of nitrogen, a very large accumula- tion of this gas takes place in the chambers, and provision must be made for its removal in order to allow space for those gases which take part in the change. The obvious plan would appear to be the erection of a simple chimney for the escape of the nitrogen at the opposite end of the chamber to that at which the sulphurous acid and air enter it \ and this plan was formerly adopted, but the nitrogen carries off with it a portion of the nitric oxide which is so valuable in the chamber, and to save this the escaping nitrogen is now generally passed through a leaden chamber (C) filled with coke, over which oil of vitriol is allowed to trickle ; the oil of vitriol absorbs the nitric oxide, and flows into a cistern (D), from which it is pumped up to the top of another chamber (E) filled with coke, or arranged with shelves in cascade, through which the hot sulphurous acid COMMERCIAL VARIETIES OF SULPHURIC ACID. 205 and air are made to pass as they enter, when they take up the nitric oxide from the oil of vitriol, and carry it with them into the chamber. Before the introduction of this plan of retaining the nitric oxide by oil of vitriol, it required a quantity of nitrate of soda amounting to |th or T Vth of the weight of the sulphur to convert it into sulphuric acid, whereas about ^Q-th or even less is now often made to suffice. The sulphuric acid is allowed to collect on the floor of the chamber until it has a specific gravity of about 1 -6, and contains 70 per cent, of oil of vitriol (HO . 80s). If it were allowed to become more concentrated than this, it would absorb some of the nitric oxide in the chamber, so that it is now drawn off. This acid is quite strong enough for some of the applications of sul- phuric acid, particularly for that which consumes the largest quantity in this country, viz., the conversion of common salt into sulphate of soda as a preliminary step* in the manufacture of carbonate of soda. To save the expense of transporting the acid for this purpose, the vitriol chambers form part of the plant of the alkali works. To convert this weak acid into the ordinary oil of vitriol of commerce, it is run off into shallow leaden pans set in brickwork, and supported on iron bars over the flue of a furnace, where it is heated until so much water has evaporated that the specific gravity of the acid has increased to 1 '72. The concentration cannot be carried further in leaden pans, be- cause the strong acid acts upon the lead, and converts it into sulphate 2(HO . S0 3 ) + Pb = PbO . S0 3 + 2HO + S0 2 . The acid of 1 *72 sp. gr. contains about 80 per cent, of true oil of vitrioi (HO . S0 3 ), and is largely employed for making superphosphate of lime^ and in other rough chemical manufactures. It is technically called brown acid, having acquired a brown colour from organic matter accidentally present in it. To convert this brown acid into commercial oil of vitriol, it is boiled down, either in glass retorts or platinum stills, when water distils over, accompanied by a little sulphuric acid, and the acid in the retort becomes colourless, the brown carbonaceous matter being oxidised by the strong sulphuric acid, with formation of carbonic and sulphurous acids. When dense white fumes of oil of vitriol begin to pass over, showing that all the superfluous water has been expelled, the acid is drawn off by a siphon. The very diluted acid which distils off is employed instead of water on the floor of the leaden chamber. The cost of the acid is very much increased by this concentration. It cannot be conducted in open vessels, partly on account of the loss of sulphuric acid, partly be- cause concentrated sulphuric acid absorbs moisture from the open air even at the boiling point. The loss by breakage of the glass retorts is very considerable, al- though it is reduced as far as possible by heating them in sand, and keeping them always at about the same temperature by supplying them with hot acid. But the boiling point of the concentrated acid is very high (640 F.), and the retorts conse- quently become so hot that a current of cold air or an accidental splash of acid will frequently crack them at once. Moreover, the acid boils with succussion or violent bumping, caused by sudden bursts of vapour, which endanger the safety of the retort. With platinum stills the risk of fracture is avoided, and the distillation may be conducted more rapidly, the brown acid (sp. gr. 1-72) being admitted at the top, and the oil of vitriol (sp. gr. 1-84) drawn off by a platinum siphon from the bottom of the still, which is protected from the open fire by an iron jacket. But since a platinum still will cost 2000 or 3000, the interest upon its value increases the cost of production of the acid. 206 ACTION OF SULPHURIC ACID ON OKGANIC MATTEKS. When the perfectly pure acid is required, it is actually distilled over so as to leave the solid impurities (sulphate of lead, &c.,) behind in the retort. Some fragments of rock crystal should be introduced into the retort to moderate the bursts of vapour, and heat applied by a ring gas-burner with somewhat divergent jets. Divested of working details, this most important chemical manufacture may be thus described : A mixture of sulphurous acid, air. steam, and a little vapour of nitric acid, is introduced into a leaden chamber containing a layer of water. The nitric acid is reduced by the sulphurous acid to the state of nitric oxide (N0 2 ), which takes up oxygen from the air (forming N0 4 ), and gives it to the sulphurous acid, which it converts into sulphuric acid. This is ab- sorbed by the water, forming diluted sulphuric acid, which is concentrated by evaporation, first in leaden pans, and afterwards in glass retorts or platinum stills. Properties of oil of vitriol. The properties of concentrated sulphuric acid are very characteristic. Its great weight (sp. gr. 1*842), freedom from odour, and oily appearance, distinguish it from any other liquid commonly met with, which is fortunate, because it is difficult to preserve a label upon the bottles of this powerfully corrosive acid. Although, if absolutely pure, it is perfectly colourless, the ordinary acid used in the laboratory has a peculiar grey colour, due to traces of organic matter. Its high boiling- point (640 F.) has been already noticed ; and although its. vapour is per- fectly transparent in the vessel in which the acid is boiled, as soon as it issues into the air it condenses into voluminous dense clouds of a most irritating description. Even a drop of the acid evaporated in an open dish will fill a large space with these clouds. Oil of vitriol solidifies when cooled to about 30 F., but the acid once solidified requires a much higher temperature to liquefy it again. Oil of vitriol rapidly corrodes the skin and other organic textures upon which it falls, usually charring or blackening them at the same time. Poured upon a piece of wood, the latter speedily assumes a dark brown colour ; and if a few lumps of sugar be dissolved in a very little water, and stirred with oil of vitriol, a violent action takes place, and a semi-solid black mass is produced. This pro- perty of sulphuric acid is turned to account in the manufacture of black- ing, in which treacle and oil of vitriol are employed. These effects are to be ascribed to the powerful attraction of oil of vitriol for water. Woody fibre (C 12 H !0 JO ) (which composes the bulk of wood, paper, and linen), and sugar (C 12 H n O H ), may be regarded, for the purpose of this explana- tion, as composed of carbon associated with 10 and 11 equivalents of water, and any cause tending to remove the water would tend to eliminate the carbon. The great attraction of this acid for water is shown by the high tempe- rature (often exceeding the boiling point of water) produced on mixing oil of vitriol with water, which renders it necessary to be careful in dilut- ing the acid. The water should be placed in a jug, and the oil of vitriol poured into it in a thin stream, a glass rod being used to mix the acid with the water as it flows in. Ordinary oil of vitriol becomes turbid when mixed with water, from the separa- tion of sulphate of lead (formed from the evaporating pans), which is soluble in the concentrated but not in the diluted acid, so that if the latter be allowed to stand for a few hours, the sulphate of lead settles to the bottom, and the clear acid may be poured off free from lead. Diluted sulphuric acid has a smaller bulk than is occupied by the acid and water before mixing. ACTION OF SULPHURIC ACID ON METALS. 207 Even when largely diluted, sulphuric acid corrodes textile fabrics very rapidly, and though the acid be too dilute to appear to injure them at first, it will be found that the water evaporates by degrees, leaving the acid in a more concentrated state, and the fibre is then perfectly rotten. The same result ensues at once on the application of heat ; thus, if charac- ters be written on paper with the diluted acid, they will remain invisible until -the paper is held to the fire, when the acid will char the paper, and the writing will appear intensely black. " If oil of vitriol be left exposed to the air in an open vessel, it very soon increases largely in bulk from the absorption of water, and a flat dish of oil of vitriol under a glass shade (fig. 194) is frequently employed in the laboratory for drying substances with- out the assistance of heat. The drying- is of course much accelerated by plac- ing the dish on the plate of an air- pump, and exhausting the air from the shade, so as to effect the drying in vacuo. It will be remembered also that oil of vitriol is in constant use for drying gases. At a red heat, the vapour of oil of vitriol is decomposed into water, Fig. 194. Drying over oil of vitriol, sulphurous acid, and oxygen HO . SO S = HO + S0 2 + . This decomposition takes place most easily when the vapour is passed through a strongly-heated tube of platinum, and it has been taken advan- tage of for the preparation of oxygen, the sulphurous acid being absorbed by passing the mixed gases through lime. ^Reflecting upon the manufac- ture of oil of vitriol, it will be perceived that the oxygen thus obtained was originally derived from the air. "When sulphur is boiled with oil of vitriol, the latter gradually dissolves the melted sulphur, converting it into sulphurous acid S + 2(HO.SO S ) = 3S0 2 + 2HO . All ordinary metals are acted upon by concentrated sulphuric acid when heated, except gold and platinum (this last even does not quite escape when long boiled with the acid), the metal being oxidised by one portion of the acid, which is thus converted into sulphurous acid, the oxide com- bining with another part of the sulphuric acid to form a sulphate. Thus, when silver is boiled with strong sulphuric acid, it is converted into sul- phate of silver, which is soluble in hot water Ag + 2(HO.S0 3 ) = AgO.S0 3 + 2HO + S0 2 . Should the silver contain any gold, it is left behind in the form of a dark powder. Sulphuric acid is extensively employed for the separation or parting of silver and gold. This acid is also employed for extracting gold from copper ; and when sulphate of copper is manufactured by dissolving that metal in sulphuric acid (see p. 196), large quantities of gold are sometimes extracted from the accumulated residue left undissolved by the acid. If the sulphuric acid contains nitric acid, it dissolves a considerable quantity of gold, which separates again in the form of a purple powder when the acid is diluted with water. 208 COMPOSITION OF OIL OF VITRIOL. Some of the uses of sulphuric acid depend upon its specific action on certain organic substances, the nature of which has not yet been clearly explained. Of this kind is the conversion of paper into vegetable parch- ment by immersion in a cool mixture of two measures of oil of vitriol and one measure of water, and subsequent washing. The conversion is not attended by any change in the weight of the paper. Beside oil of vitriol, sulphuric acid forms other definite combinations with water. By evaporating diluted sulphuric acid in vacuo at 212 F., an acid is left which has the composition HO . S0 3 + 2HO (sp. gr. 1*63). If this acid be evaporated in air at 400 F., as long as steam escapes, the remaining acid has the composition HO. S0 3 + HO (sp. gr. 1-78). This acid is called glacial sulphuric acid, because it solidifies to a mass of ice- like crystals at 47 F. Composition of oil of vitriol* It is found by experiment that in order to neutralise 1 equivalent (47 parts by weight) of potash (KO) there are required 49 parts by weight of oil of vitriol. If 49 parts of oil of vitriol be heated with a weighed quantity of pure oxide of lead, more than sufficient to combine with the acid, 9 parts of water are expelled, and the weight of the oxide of lead is increased by 40. One equivalent (49 parts by weight) of oil of vitriol, therefore, contains 40 parts (1 equivalent =16 sulphur + 24 oxygen) of anhydrous sulphuric acid, and 9 parts (1 equivalent) of water. The specific gravity (or weight of 1 volume) of vapour of oil of vitriol (at 880) is stated to be .1 '6 9 2, so that 1 equivalent (49 parts) would occupy 4 volumes (8 parts = 1 volume) Weight of 4 volumes HO. S0 3 (1'692 x 4) = 6-768 Weight of 2 volumes HO ( -622 x 2) = 1-244 5-524 The difference (5-524) represents the weight of the vapour of anhydrous sulphuric acid contained in 4 volumes of vapour of oil of vitriol. Experiment has proved that when the vapour of anhydrous sulphuric acid is passed through red-hot porcelain tubes, it yields a mixture of 2 volumes of sulphurous acid and 1 volume of oxygen, showing it to con- tain 1 equivalent of S0 2 ( = 1 equivalent or 1 volume of sulphur and 2 equivalents or 2 volumes of oxygen) and 1 equivalent of oxygen; hence the anhydrous sulphuric acid contains 1 volume sulphur vapour, weighing 2-2300 3 volumes oxygen 3-3168 5-5468 Now the weight of 1 volume (sp. gr.) of vapour of anhydrous sulphuric acid has been found by experiment to be 3'01, so that it would appear that the above number (5 -5 4) really represents 2 volumes of the vapour, though the difference is somewhat greater than usual, between the results of experiment and calculation. The number 5 -546, however, closely approximates to that above given (5-524), as representing the weight of the vapour of the anhydrous acid contained in 4 volumes of vapour of oil of vitriol. * Pure oil of vitriol (HO . S0 3 ) can only be obtained by crystallisation, for when concen- trated by boiling, a portion of the hydrate is decomposed, anhydrous sulphuric acid passing off, until the residual acid in the retort contains 98*7 per cent, of HO. S0 3 . SULPHURIC ANHYDRIDE SULPHATES. 209 It would appear, therefore, that 4 volumes (1 equivalent) of vapour of oil of vitriol contain 2 volumes (1 equivalent) of vapour of water, and 2 volumes (1 equivalent) of vapour of anhydrous sulphuric acid, or 2 volumes of hydrogen (contained in 2 volumes HO), 1 volume of sulphur, and 4 volumes of oxygen (3 volumes belonging to the S0 3 , and 1 volume to the HO). The molecular formula of oil of vitriol would therefore be written H 2 O. SO 3 or H 2 SO 4 (S = 32, O = 16). This formula would represent a'molecule of the acid to occupy 4 volumes (H = 1 volume) instead of 2, the ordinary molecular volume of compound vapours. Some chemists explain this by assuming that the oil of vitriol vapour is decomposed into water and anhydrous sulphuric acid at the temperature (880 F.) at which its specific gravity is determined. 147. Anhydrous sulphuric acid or sulphuric anhydride. The mode of preparing this substance from the fuming sulphuric acid has already been noticed. It is more commonly obtained by expelling the water from bi- sulphate of soda (NaO . HO . 2S0 3 ) by fusing it at a dull red heat, and afterwards distilling the anhydrous bisulphate (NaO . 2S0 3 ) in an earthen retort, when neutral sulphate of soda (NaO . S0 3 ) is left, and the anhydrous sulphuric acid passing off as vapour may be condensed in a receiver cooled by ice. Anhydrous sulphuric acid forms a white mass of crystals resembling asbestos ; it fumes when exposed to air, since it emits vapour which con- denses the moisture of the air, and it soon deliquesces from absorption of water, becoming hydrated sulphuric acid. When thrown into water it hisses like red-hot iron from the sudden formation of steam. It fuses at 65 F., and boils at 110 F. The vapour is decomposed, as mentioned above, into sulphurous acid and oxygen when passed through a red-hot tube. Phosphorus burns in its vapour, combining with the oxygen arid liberating sulphur. Baryta glows when heated in the vapour of anhydrous sulphuric acid, and combines with it to form sulphate of baryta. Anhydrous sulphuric acid is capable of combining with olefiant gas (C 4 H 4 ) and oil-gas (C 8 H 8 ), and absorbs these from mixtures of gases. In the analysis of coal-gas, a fragment of coke wetted with Nordhausen sulphuric acid is passed up into a measured volume of the gas standing over mercury, to absorb these illuminating hydrocarbons. An interesting method of obtaining the anhydrous sulphuric acid con- sists in pouring 2 parts by weight of oil of vitriol over 3 parts of anhydrous phosphoric acid, contained in a retort cooled in ice and salt, and after- wards distilling at a gentle heat, when the phosphoric acid retains the water, and the anhydrous sulphuric acid may be condensed in a cooled receiver. 148. Sulphates. Action, of sulphuric acid upon metallic oxides. At common temperatures sulphuric acid has a more powerful attraction for bases than any other acid, and is therefore capable of displacing all other acids from their salts ; many cases will be remembered in which this power of sulphuric acid is turned to account. . So great is the acid energy of sulphuric acid, that when it is allowed to act upon an indifferent or acid metallic oxide, it causes the separation of a part of the oxygen, and combines with the basic oxide so produced. Advantage is sometimes taken of this circumstance for the preparation of o 210 ACID AND DOUBLE SULPHATES. oxygen ; for instance, when binoxide of manganese is heated with sul- phuric acid, sulphate of manganese is produced, and oxygen disengaged Mn0 2 + HO . S0 3 = MnO . S0 3 + + HO . Again, if chromic acid be treated in the same way, sulphate of sesquioxide of chromium will be produced, with liberation of oxygen 2Cr0 3 + 3(HO.S0 3 ) = Cr 2 3 .3S0 3 + 3 + 3HO . A mixture of bichromate of potash (KO . 2Cr0 3 ) and sulphuric acid is sometimes used as a source of oxygen. Many bases are capable of forming two salts with sulphuric acid, a neutral sulphate and an acid sulphate. The acid sulphates may be repre- sented as compounds of the neutral sulphates with hydrated sulphuric acid ; thus, the neutral sulphate of potash is KO . S0 3 , and the bisulphate is KO . S0 3 , HO . S0 3 . The latter, being a solid salt which possesses, at high temperatures, almost all the acid energy of sulphuric acid, is most useful in blowpipe and metallurgic experiments. When strongly heated, this salt parts with hydrated sulphuric acid, and neutral sulphate of pot- ash is left. It has been seen that bisulphate of soda (Na.0 . S0 3 , HO . S0 3 ) parts with its water when heated, and becomes NaO . 2S0 3 . Crystals of anhydrous bisulphate of potash KO . 2S0 3 have also been obtained. Sulphuric acid forms a large number of double salts in which two sul- phates are combined together. The large class of alums yields examples of these, in which one of the sulphates contains an alkaline base, and the other a basic sesquioxide. Potash-alum, for example, is represented by the formula KO . S0 3 , A1 2 3 . 3S0 3 + 24Aq, being a double sulphate of alumina and potash. In consequence of the tendency of sulphuric acid to break up into sul- phurous acid and oxygen at a high temperature, most of the sulphates are decomposed by heat ; sulphate of copper, for example, when very strongly heated, leaves oxide of copper, whilst sulphurous acid and oxygen escape ; CuO . S0 3 = CuO + S0 2 + . Sulphate of iron is more easily decomposed, because of the attraction of the protoxide of iron for the oxygen, with which it combines to form sesquioxide 2(FeO.S0 3 ) = Fe 2 3 + S0 2 + SO part of the acid escaping in the anhydrous state. Sulphate of zinc (ZnO . S0 3 ) has been proposed as a source of oxygen upon the large scale, since it is a very cheap salt, and when strongly heated, yields a residue of oxide of zinc which is useful as a white paint, whilst sulphurous acid and oxygen gases escape, the former of which may be absorbed by lime or soda, yielding sulphites which are useful in the arts. The neutral sulphates of potash, soda, baryta, strontia, lime, and oxide of lead are not decomposed by heat, and sulphate of magnesia is only partly decomposed at a very high temperature. When a sulphate is heated with charcoal, the carbon removes the whole of the oxygen, and a sulphide of the metal remains, thus KO . S0 3 + C 4 = KS + 4CO . Sulphate of Sulphide of potash. potassium. Hydrogen, at a high temperature, effects a similar decomposition. TABLE OF THE P1UNCIPAL SULPHATES. 211 Even at the ordinary temperature, sulphate of lime in solution is some- times deoxidised by organic matter ; this may occasionally be noticed in well and river waters when kept in closed vessels; they acquire a strong smell of hydrosulphuric acid, in consequence of the conversion of a part of the sulphate of lime into sulphide of calcium by the organic constitu- ents of the water, and the subsequent decomposition of the sulphide of calcium by the carbonic acid present in the water. The following table exhibits the composition of the sulphates most frequently met with : Chemical Name. Common Name. Equivalent Formula. Atomic Unitary Formula. Sulphate of potash Sulphate of soda Bisulphate of potash Sal polychrest Glauber's salt KO . S0 3 NaO . S0 3 + 10HO KO . S0 3 , HO . S0 3 K 2 SO Na 2 S0 4 . 10H 2 KHSO* Sulphate of am- \ monia j NH 3 . HO . S0 3 (NH 4 ) 2 S0 4 Sulphate of baryta Heavy spar BaO . S0 3 fiaSO 4 Sulphate of lime Gypsum CaO . S0 3 + 2HO OaSO 4 . 2H 2 O Sulphate of mag- 1 nesia J Epsom salts MgO . S0 3 + 7HO Mg . S0 4 . 7H 2 Double sulphate \ of alumina and I potash J Potash-alum j KO . S0 3 , 1 A1 2 3 . 3S0 3 + 24HO J KA-1 2S0 4 . 12H 2 Double sulphate \ of alumina and V Ammonia- 1 alum l NH 3 . HO . S0 3 , \ AL0 3 . 3S0 3 + 24HO J NH 4 A-12SO 4 .12H 2 O ammonia J Z 3 o J Double sulphate \ of chromium I and potash J Chrome- f alum \ KO . S0 3 , 1 Cr 2 3 . 3S0 3 + 24HO j KOr 2S0 4 . 12H 2 Sulphate of iron j Green vitriol "> Copperas J FeO . S0 3 + 7HO FeS0 4 . 7H 2 Sulphate of man- j ganese j MnO . S0 3 + 5HO MnSO 4 . 5H 2 O Sulphate of zinc White vitriol ZnO . S0 3 + 7HO ZnSO 4 . 7H 2 Sulphate of lead PbO . S0 3 PbS0 4 Sulphate of copper j Blue vitriol 1 Blue stone J CuO . S0 3 + 5HO OuS0 4 . 5H 2 The disposition of sulphuric acid to form acid salts and double salts, into the composition of which the acid enters as 2S0 3 or 4S0 3 , has induced some chemists to regard the true formula of this acid as H 2 2 .S 2 6 or H 2 S 2 8 (or, if S = 32 and 6 = 16, as H 2 SO 4 ), which would require two equivalents of potash to form a neutral salt, making sulphuric acid a bibasic acid. 149. Hyposulpliurous acid* This acid has not been obtained either in the anhydrous state or in combination with water, but as many salts are known which contain, in addition to a metallic oxide, sulphur and oxygen in the proportions expressed by the formula S 2 2 , many chemists assume the existence of hyposulphurous acid, having that composition, in such salts, which are therefore called hyposulphites. The hyposulphite of soda is by far the most important of these salts, being very largely employed in photography, and as a substitute for * TTTO, under, containing less oxygen than sulphurous acid. O 2 212 HYPOSULPHITE OF SODA. sulphite of soda as an anticlilore. The simplest method of preparing it consists in digesting powdered roll sulphur with solution of sul- phite of soda (NaO . S0 2 ), when the latter dissolves an equivalent of sulphur and becomes hyposulphite of soda (NaO . S 2 2 ), which crystallises from the solution, when sufficiently evaporated, in fine prismatic crystals, having the formula NaO . S 2 2 + 5 HO. On a large scale, the hyposulphite of soda is more economically prepared from the hyposulphite of lime obtained by exposing the refuse (tank-waste or soda-waste) of the alkali-works to the air for some days. This refuse contains a large proportion of sulphide of calcium, which becomes con- verted into hyposulphite of lime by oxidation 2CaS + 4 = CaO . S 2 2 + CaO . The hyposulphite of lime is dissolved out by water, and the solution mixed with carbonate of soda, when carbonate of lime is precipitated, and hyposulphite of soda remains in solution CaO . S 2 2 + NaO . C0 2 = CaO . C0 2 + ]*TaO . S 2 2 . The most remarkable and useful property of the hyposulphite of soda is that of dissolving the chloride and iodide of silver, which are insoluble in water and most other liquids. On mixing a solution of nitrate of silver with one of chloride of sodium, a white precipitate of chloride of silver is obtained, the separation of which is much promoted by stirring the liquid ; AgO . N0 5 + NaCl = AgCl + NaO . N0 5 . The precipitate may be allowed to settle and washed twice or thrice by decantation. One portion of the chloride of silver is transferred to another glass, mixed with water, and solution of hyposulphite of soda added by degrees. The chloride of silver is very easily dissolved, yielding an intensely sweet solution, which contains the hyposulphite of silver, produced by double decomposition between the chloride of silver and hypo- sulphite of soda AgCl + NaO.S 2 2 = NaCl + AgO.S 2 2 . Chloride of Hyposulphite of Chloride of Hyposulphite of silver. soda. sodium. silver. The hyposulphite of silver combines with the excess of hyposulphite of soda to form the double salt AgO . S 2 2 . 2(NaO . S 2 2 ), which may be obtained in extremely sweet crystals from the solution. If the other portion of the chloride of silver be exposed to the action of light, and especially of direct sunlight, it assumes by degrees a dark slate colour, from the for- mation of subchloride of silver, chlorine being set free ; 2AgCl = Ag 2 Cl + 01. By treating this darkened chloride of silver with hyposulphite of soda, as before, the un- altered chloride of silver will be entirely dissolved, but the subchloride will be decom- posed into chloride of silver, which dissolves in the hyposulphite, and metallic silver, which is left in a very finely divided state as a black powder; Ag 2 Cl = AgCl + Ag. The application of these facts in photography is well illustrated by the following experiments. A sheet of paper is soaked for a minute or two in a solution of 10 grains of common salt in an ounce of water contained in a flat dish. It is then dried, and soaked for three minutes in a solution of 50 grains of nitrate of silver in an ounce of water. The paper thus becomes impregnated with chloride of silver formed by the decomposition between the chloride of sodium and the nitrate of silver. It is now hung up in a dark place to dry. If a piece of lace, or a fern leaf, or an engraving on thin paper, with well-marked contrast of light and shade, be laid upon a sheet of the prepared paper, pressed down upon it by a plate of glass, and exposed for a short time to sunlight, a perfect representation of the object will be obtained, those parts of the sensitive paper to which the light had access having been darkened by the formation of subchloride of silver, whilst those parts which were protected from the light remain unchanged. But if this photographic print were again exposed to the action of light, it would soon be obliterated, the unaltered chloride of silver in the white parts being acted on by light in its turn. The print is therefore fixed by soaking it for a short time HYPOSULPHITE OF SODA. 213 in a saturated solution of hyposulphite of soda, which dissolves the white unaltered chloride of silver entirely, and decomposes the subchloride formed by the action of light, leaving the black finely-divided metallic silver in the paper. The print should now be washed for two or three hours in a gentle stream of water, to remove all the hyposulphite of silver, when it will be quite permanent. The power of hyposulphite of soda to dissolve chloride of silver has also been turned to account for extracting that metal from its ores, in which it is occasionally present in the form of chloride. x The behaviour of solution of hyposulphite of soda with powerful acids explains the circumstance that the hyposulphurous acid has not been isolated, for if the solution be mixed with a little diluted sulphuric or hydrochloric acid, it remains clear for a few seconds, and then becomes suddenly turbid from the separation of sulphur, at the same time evolving a powerful odour of sulphurous acid ; S 2 2 = S + S0 9 . This disposi- tion of the hyposulphurous acid to break up into sulphurous acid and sulphur also explains the precipitation of metallic sulphides, which often takes place when hyposulphite of soda is added to the acid solutions of the metals. Thus if an acid solution of chloride of antimony (obtained by boiling crude antimony ore (SbS 3 ) with hydrochloric acid) be added to a boiling solution of hyposulphite of soda, the sulphur separated from the hyposulphurous acid combines with the antimony to form a fine orange- red precipitate of sulphide of antimony (SbS 3 ), which is used in painting under the name of antimony vermilion. On the large scale the solution of hyposulphite of lime obtained from the alkali waste is employed in the preparation of antimony vermilion, as being less expensive than the soda-salt. Instead of adding sulphur to sulphurous acid, hyposulphurous acid in combination may be obtained by removing oxygen from the former acid. Thus if an aqueous solution of sulphurous acid be acted on by zinc, one portion of the acid is deoxidised and converted into hyposulphurous acid, which combines with the oxide of zinc 3S0 2 + Zn 2 = ZnO.S0 2 + ZnO . S 2 2 . The presence of hyposulphite in the solution may be proved by adding hydrochloric acid. When crystals of hyposulphite of soda are heated in the air, they first fuse in their water of crystallisation, then dry up to a white mass, which burns with a blue flame, leaving a residue of sulphate of soda. If heated out of contact with air, pentasulphide of sodium will be left with the sul- phate of soda 4(NaO.S 2 2 + 5HO) = 20HO + 3(NaO . S0 3 ) + NaS 5 . None of the hyposulphites appear as yet to have been obtained in the perfectly anhydrous state, all of them retaining 1 eq. of water of constitu- tion, which cannot be expelled without decomposition of the salt. Hence there -is reason for believing that the elements of the water are really con- stituents of the hyposulphurous acid itself, and that instead of being expressed by the formula S 2 2 , it should be written HS 2 O 3 ( = S 2 . HO), the hyposulphite of soda being NaO . HS 2 3 + 4HO, or NaHS 2 0~ + 4HO, instead of ISTaO . S 2 2 + 5HO. The atomic formula of the hyposulphite of soda would then be Na 2 H 2 S 2 e 4 + 4H 2 (9 == 32, O = 16). 150. Hyposulphuric acid or dithionic acid has not at present acquired any practical importance, and has not been obtained in the anhydrous state. To prepare a solu- tion of the acid, binoxide of manganese in a state of fine division is suspended in 214 THIONIC ACIDS. water and exposed to a current of sulphurous acid gas, the water being kept very cold whilst the gas is passing. A solution of hyposulphate of manganese is thus obtained ; 2S0 2 + Mn0 2 MnO . S 2 5 . Some sulphate of manganese is always formed at the same time ; S0 2 + Mn0 2 = MnO . S0 3 , and if the temperature be allowed to rise, this will be produced in large quantity. The solution containing sulphate and hyposulphate of manganese is decomposed by solution of baryta (baryta- water), when the oxide of manganese is precipitated, together with sulphate of baryta, and hyposulphate of baryta is left in solution. To the filtered solution diluted sulphuric acid is carefully added until all the baryta is precipitated as sulphate of baryta, when the solution of hyposulphuric acid is filtered off and evaporated in vacuo over oil of vitriol. It forms a colourless inodorous liquid, which is decomposed when heated into hydrated sulphuric and sulphurous acids ; HO . S 2 5 = HO . S0 3 + S0 2 . Oxidising agents (nitric acid, chlorine, &c.) convert it into sulphuric acid. The hyposulphates are not of any practical importance ; they are all soluble, and are decomposed by heat, leaving sulphates, and evolving sulphurous acid. 151. Trithionic acid, or sulphuretted hyposulphuric acid, is also a practically unim- portant acid, not known in the anhydrous state. Its hydrate is prepared from the trithionate of potash, which is formed by boiling a strong solution of bisulphite of potash with sulphur until the solution becomes colourless, and filtering the hot solution from any undissolved sulphur 3(KO.H0.2S0 2 ) + S = 2(KO.S 3 5 ) + KO.S0 2 + 3HO . Bisulphite of potash. Trithionate of potash. The solution deposits trithionate of potash in prismatic crystals. By dissolving these in water, and decomposing the solution with perchloric acid, the potash is precipitated as perchlorate, and a solution of trithionic acid is produced, from which the hydrated acid has been obtained in crystals. It is, however, very unstable, being easily resolved into sulphurous acid, sulphuric acid, and free sulphur HO.S 3 5 = HO.S0 3 + S0 2 + S. 152. Tetrathionic acid, or bisulphuretted hyposulphuric acid, is rather more stable than the preceding acid, though equally devoid of practical importance. It is formed when hyposulphite of baryta, suspended in a little water, is treated with iodine, when tetrathionate of baryta is obtained in crystals 2(BaO.S 2 2 ) + I = Bal + Hyposulphite of** By exactly precipitating the baryta from a solution of the tetrathionato by addi- tion of diluted sulphuric acid, the solution of tetrathionic acid may be obtained. When the solution is boiled, it is decomposed into sulphuric and sulphurous acids and free sulphur ; HO . S 4 5 = HO . S0 3 + S0 2 + S 2 . When solution of perchloride of iron is added to hyposulphite of soda, a fine purple colour is at first produced, which speedily vanishes, leaving a colourless solu- tion. The purple colour appears to be due to the formation of the hyposulphite of sesquioxide of iron, which speedily decomposes, the ultimate result being expressed by the equation Fe 2 Cl 3 + 2(NaO . S 2 2 ) = . NaO . S 4 5 + 2FeCl + NaCl . Perchloride of Hyposulphite of Tetrathionate of Chloride of Chloride of iron. soda. soda. iron. sodium. 153. Pentathionic acid possesses some interest as resulting from the action of sul- phuretted hydrogen upon sulphurous acid, when much sulphur is deposited, and pentathionic acid remains in solution / 5HS + 5S0 2 = HO.S 5 5 + 4HO + S fi . Hydrated pentathionic To obtain a concentrated solution of the acid, sulphuretted hydrogen and sul- phurous acid are passed alternately through the same portion of water until a largo deposition of sulphur has taken place. This is allowed some hours to settle ; the clear liquid poured off and the solution concentrated by evaporation, first over a water-bath, and, finally, in vacuo, over oil of vitriol, for a concentrated solution of pentathionic acid is decomposed by heat into sulphuric and sulphurous acids, with separation of sulphur ; HO . S S 5 = HO . S0 3 + S0 2 + S 3 . PREPARATION OF BISULPHIDE OF CARBON. 215 BISULPHIDE OF CARBON. 154. This very important compound (also called bisulplmret of carbon) is found in small quantity among the products of destructive distillation of coal, and is very largely manufactured for use as a solvent for sulphur, phosphorous, caoutchouc, fatty matters, &c. It is one of the few com- pounds of carbon which can be obtained by the direct union of their elements, and is prepared by passing vapour of sulphur over charcoal heated to redness. In small quantity bisulphide of carbon is easily prepared in a tube of German glass (combustion-tube) about two feet long and half-an-inch in diameter (fig. 195). This tube is closed at one end, and a few fragments of sulphur dropped into it, so as to occupy two or three inches. The rest of the tube is filled up with small frag- Fig. 195. inents of recently calcined wood charcoal. The tube is placed in a combustion- furnace, and its open end connected by a perforated cork with a glass tube, which dips just below the surface of water contained in a bottle placed in a vessel of very cold water. That part of the tube which contains the charcoal is first surrounded with red-hot charcoal, and when it is heated to redness, a little red-hot charcoal is placed near the end containing.the sulphur (hitherto protected by a sheet-iron screen), so that the vapour of sulphur may be slowly passed over the red-hot charcoal. The bisulphide of carbon being insoluble in water, and much heavier (sp. gr. T27), is deposited beneath the water in the receiver. To purify the bisulphide of carbon from the water and the excess of sulphur which is deposited with it, the water is carefully drawn off with a small syphon, the bisulphide of carbon transferred to a flask, and a few fragments of chloride of calcium dropped into it to absorb the water. A bent tube connected with a Liebig's con- denser, or with a worm, is attached to the flask (fig. 196) by a perforated cork, and the flask is gently heated in a water bath, when the bisulphide of carbon is distilled over as a perfectly colourless liquid. The inflammability of the bisulphide of carbon renders great care necessary. On a large scale, a fire-clay retort is filled with fragments of charcoal and heated to redness, pieces of sulphur being occa- sionally dropped in through an earthen- ware tube passing to the bottom of the retort. When very large quantities are made, coke is employed, and the vapour of sulphur is obtained from iron pyrites. The bisulphide of carbon is possessed of some very remarkable properties : it is a very brilliant liquid, the light passing through which is partly de- composed into its component coloured rays before it reaches the eye. These properties are dependent upon its high refractive and dispersive Fig. 196. 216 PROPERTIES OF BISULPHIDE OF CARBON. powers, which, are turned to great advantage in optical experiments, espe- cially in spectrum analysis, where the rays emanating from a coloured flame are analysed by passing them through a prismatic bottle filled with bisulphide of carbon. It is also highly diathermanous, that is, it allows rays of heat to pass through it with comparatively little loss, so that if it be rendered opaque to light by dissolving iodine in it, the rays of light emanating from a luminous object may be arrested, whilst the calorific rays are allowed to pass. It has never been frozen, and is therefore employed in thermometers for measuring very low temperatures. Bisul- phide of carbon is a very volatile liquid, readily assuming the form of vapour at the ordinary temperature, and boiling at 118'5 F. Its vapour, when diluted with air, has a very disgusting and exaggerated odour of sulphuretted hydrogen, but the smell at the mouth of the bottle is ethereal and not unpleasant. The rapid evaporation of bisulphide of carbon is, of course, productive of great cold. If a few drops be placed in a watch-glass and blown upon, they soon pass off in vapour, and the temperature of the glass is so reduced that the moisture of the breath condenses upon it in hoar-frost, which melts when the glass is placed in the palm of the hand. If a glass plate be covered with water, a watch-glass containing bisulphide of carbon placed on it, and evaporation promoted by blowing through a tube, the watch-glass will be frozen on to the plate, so that the latter may be lifted up by it. The bisulphide of carbon is exceedingly inflammable ; it takes fire at a temperature far below that required to inflame ordinary combustible bodies, and burns with a bright blue flame, producing carbonic and sul- phurous acids (CS 2 + 6 = C0 2 + 2S0 2 ), and having a great tendency to deposit sulphur unless the supply of air is very good. If a little bisulphide of carbon be dropped into a small beaker, it may be inflamed by holding in its vapour a test-tube containing oil heated to about 300 F., which will be found incapable of firing gunpowder or of inflaming any ordinary com- bustible substance. An iron rod heated below redness will be found quite incap- able of firing the explosive mixture of hydrogen or coal-gas with oxygen (fig. 197), but if the cylinder be placed upon a glass plate, on which is laid a piece of paper soaked in bisulphide of carbon, and allowed to stand for a few moments, it will be found that the same rod will afterwards inflame the mixture, even although a little cooler than before. If a little bisulphide of carbon be dropped into a strong cylinder of oxygen, a mixture will be formed which explodes with great noise on the approach of a flame. Since vapour of bisulphide of carbon is liable to be present in coal-gas, its great inflamma- bility has/been cited to account for explosions Fig. 197. produced/ by sparks from workmen's tools against the pavement, which would be incap- able of inflaming pure coal-gas. The abundance of sulphur separated in the flame of bisulphide of carbon enables it to burn iron by converting it into sulphide. If some bisulphide of carbon be boiled in a test-tube provided with a piece of glass tube from which the vapour may be burnt, and a piece of thin iron wire be held in the flame (fig. 198), it will burn with vivid scintillation, the fusible sulphide of iron dropping off. The vapour of bisulphide of carbon acts very injuriously if breathed for any length of time, producing symptoms somewhat resembling those caused by sulphuretted hydrogen. Its poisonous properties have been turned to account for killing insects in grain without injuring it. BISULPHIDE OF CARBON IN COAL-GAS. 217 The chief applications of bisulphide of carbon depend upon its power of dissolving the oils and fats. After as much oil as possible has been ex- tracted from seeds and fruits by pressure, a fresh quantity is obtained by treating the pressed cake with bisulphide of carbon, which is afterwards recovered by distilla- tion from the oil. In Algiers bisulphide of carbon is employed for extracting the essential oils in which reside the perfumes of roses, jasmine, lavender, &c. Bisulphide of carbon has often been made a starting point in the attempts to produce organic compounds by synthesis. It may be employed in the formation of the hydrocarbons which are usually derived from organic sources, for if it be mixed with sulphuretted hydrogen (by passing that gas through a bottle containing bi- sulphide of carbon gently warmed), and passed over copper-turnings heated to red- ness in a porcelain tube, olefiant gas will be produced Fig. 198. 4CS 2 4HS Cu 12 = 12CuS C 4 H 4 . The action of bisulphide of carbon upon ammonia is practically im- portant for the easy production of sulpliocyanide of ammonium, which is formed when the bisulphide of carbon is dissolved in alcohol, and acted on by ammonia with the aid of heat 2CS 2 + Bisulphide of carbon. - 2HS Sulphocyanide of ammonium. Bisulphide of carbon is the sulphur-acid corresponding to carbonic acid, and is often called sulphocarbonic acid; it combines with some of the sulphur-bases to form sulphocarbonates, which correspond to the carbonates, containing sulphur in place of oxygen. Thus, when a solution of sulphide of potassium in alcohol is mixed with bisulphide of carbon, the sulpho- carbonate of (sulphide of) potassium is deposited in orange-yellow crys- tals. Even the hydrogen compound corresponding in composition to the unknown hydrate of carbonic acid may be obtained as a yellow oily liquid by decomposing sulphocarbonate of potassium with hydrochloric acid KS.CS 2 + HC1 = Sulphocarbonate of potassium. HS.CS 2 ' Hydrosulphocafbonic acid. KC1. As would be expected, the sulphocarbonates, when boiled with water, exchange their sulphur for oxygen, becoming carbonates KS.CS 2 + 3HO - KO.C0 2 + 3HS . The bisulphide of carbon vapour in coal-gas is one of the most injuri- ous of the impurities, and one of the most difficult to remove with economy. It is especially injurious, because when burning in the presence of aque- ous vapour, a part of its sulphur is converted into sulphuric acid, the cor- rosive effects of which are so damaging. Several processes have been devised for its removal. The gas has been washed with the ammoniacal liquor (containing hydrosulphate of ammonia) which absorbs the bisul- 218 CHLORIDES OF SULPHUR. phide. Steam, at a high temperature, has been employed to convert it into hydrosulphuric and carbonic acids, which are both easily removed from the gas ; CS 2 -f 2HO = C0 2 + 2HS. Lime at a red heat decom- poses it in a similar way ; CS 2 + 3CaO = CaO . C0 2 + 2CaS. Oxide of lead dissolved in caustic soda has been used to convert it into sulphide of lead; CS 2 + 2PbO + NaO - 2PbS + I^aO. C0 2 . Its removal as sul- phocarbonate by an alcoholic solution of potash or soda has also been proposed. At present, however, it retains its character as one of the most troublesome impurities with which the gas manufacturer has to deal. Composition of bisulphide of carbon. Analysis proves that 6 parts by weight (1 eq.) of carbon are combined with 32 parts (2 eqs.) of sulphur in the bisulphide, and since 1 equivalent of sulphide of potassium (55 parts) is combined with 38 parts of bisulphide in the sulphocarbonate, the formula CS 2 is taken to represent 1 equivalent of the bisulphide of carbon. The specific gravity, or weight of 1 volume of bisulphide of carbon vapour, is 2 '6447. Supposing, then, 1 equivalent (8 parts) of oxygen to occupy 1 volume, 1 equivalent (38 parts) of bisulphide would occupy 2 volumes Specific gravity. 2 volumes of CS 2 vapour weigh (2 '6447 x 2) 5 '2894 2 volumes (2 equivalents) of sulphur vapour (2'23 x 2) 4*4600 8294 The difference represents the weight of imaginary carbon vapour con- tained in 2 volumes of vapour of bisulphide of carbon ; this weight of imaginary carbon vapour was assumed, on the grounds set forth at p. 81, to occupy 2 volumes. Hence, 1 equivalent, or 2 volumes of bisulphide of carbon vapour, con- tains 1 equivalent or 2 volumes of imaginary carbon vapour, combined with 2 equivalents or 2 volumes of sulphur vapour, its composition by volume being precisely analogous to that of carbonic acid. The molecular formula of bisulphide of carbon would be OS 2 (O = 12, & = 32), repre- senting 2 volumes (H = 1 volume). 155. Bisulphide of silicon (SiS 2 ), corresponding in composition to bisulphide of carbon, is obtained by burning silicon in sulphur vapour, or by passing vapour of bisul- phide of carbon over a mixture of silica and charcoal. Unlike the carbon compound, it is a white amorphous solid, absorbing moisture when exposed to air, and soluble in water, which gradually decomposes it into silicic and hydrosulphuric acids SiS 2 + 2HO = Si0 2 + 2HS . When heated in air, it burns slowly, yielding silicic and sulphurous acids. 156. Bisulphide of nitrogen (NS 2 ) is a yellow crystalline explosive substance, pro- duced by a complicated reaction whicti takes place when chloride of sulphur, dis- solved in bisulphide of carbon, is acted on by gaseous ammonia, when hydrochlorate of ammonia is deposited, and the filtered liquid, allowed to evaporate, deposits bisul- phide of nitrogen mixed with sulphur, which may be dissolved out by bisulphide of carbon, in which the nitrogen compound is nearly insoluble ; this substance is re- markable for its sparing solubility, its irritating odour, and its explosibility when struck or moderately heated, its elements being held together by a very feeble attraction. 157. CHLORIDES OF SULPHUR. The subchloride, or dichloride of sulphur (S 2 C1), is the most important of these, since it is employed in the process of vulcanising caoutchouc. It is very easily prepared by passing dry chlorine over sulphur very gently heated in a retort (fig. 199) ; the sul- phur quickly melts, and the dichloride of sulphur distils over into the EXTKACTION OF SELENIUM. 219 receiver as a yellow volatile liquid (boiling point, 280 F.), which has a most peculiar odour. It fumes strongly in air, the moisture decomposing Fig. 199. Preparation of subchloride of sulphur. it, forming hydrochloric and sulphurous acids, and causing a deposit of sulphur upon the neck of the bottle 2S 2 C1 + 2HO = 2HC1 + S0 2 '+ S 3 . When poured into water, it sinks (sp. gr. 1 *68) and slowly undergoes de- composition ; the separated sulphur, of course, belongs to the electroposi- tive variety (see p. 187), and the solution contains, beside hydrochloric and sulphurous acids, some of the acids containing a larger proportion of sulphur. The specific gravity of the vapour of dichloride of sulphur is 4-7, showing that it contains 2 vols. Cl (4 -94) and 2 vols. S (4 -46), con- densed into 2 vols. (9*40) of vapour of dichloride of sulphur. Its mole- cular formula would therefore be S.Cls(S = 32), representing 2 vols. (H = 1 vol.) Chloride of sulphur (SCI) is a far less stable compound than the dichloride, from which it is obtained by the action of an excess of chlorine. It is a dark red fuming liquid, easily resolved, even by sunlight, into free chlorine and dichloride of sulphur. Iodide of sulphur (SI) is a crystalline unstable substance, produced by the direct union of its elements, and occasionally employed in medicine. Subiodide of sulphur, or bisulphide of iodine (S 2 I), is obtained in large tabular crystals resembling iodine, by decomposing the subchloride of sulphur with iodide of ethyle ; S 2 C1 + C 4 H 5 I = S 2 I + C 4 H 5 G1 . SELENIUM. Eq. 39 -75. 158. Selenium (SiXijvjj, the moon) is a rare element, very closely allied to sulphur in its natural history, physical characters, and chemical relations to other bodies. It is found sparingly in the free state associated with some varieties of native sul- phur, but more commonly in combination with metals, forming selenides, which are found together with the sulphides. The iron pyrites of Fahlun, in Sweden, is especially remarkable for the presence of selenium, and was the source whence this element was first obtained. The Fahlun pyrites is employed for the manufacture of oil of vitriol, and in the leaden chambers a reddish brown deposit is found, which was analysed by Berzelius in 1817, and found to contain the new element. In order to extract selenium from the seleniferous deposit of the vitriol works, it may be boiled with sulphuric acid diluted with an equal volume of water, and nitric acid added in small portions until the oxidation is completed, when no more red fumes will escape. The solution, containing selenious (Se0 2 ) and selenic (Se0 3 ) acids, is largely diluted with water, filtered off from the undissolved matters, mixed 220 EXTRACTION OF TELLURIUM. with about one-fourth of its bulk of hydrochloric acid, and somewhat concentrated by evaporation, when the hydrochloric acid reduces the selenic to selenious acid HO.Se0 3 + HC1 = HO.Se0 2 + HO + Cl . A current of sulphurous acid gas is now passed through the solution, when the selenium is precipitated in fine red flakes, which collect into a dense black mass when the liquid is gently heated HO.Se0 2 + HO + 2S0 2 = 2(HO . S0 3 ) + Se . The proportion of selenium in the deposit from the leaden chambers is variable. The author has obtained above 3 per cent, by this process. Selenium, like sulphur, is capable of existing in three allotropic states : the red amorphous variety precipitated from its solutions, or sublimed like flowers of sul- phur; the black vitreous form ; and the crystalline form deposited from its solution in bisulphide of carbon, in which it is far less easily dissolved than sulphur. When heated, it fuses easily, boils below a red heat, and is converted into a deep yellow vapour, which expands when heated in the same anomalous manner as vapour of sulphur. Selenium is less combustible than sulphur ; when heated in air it burns with a blue flame, and emits a peculiar odour like that of putrid horse-radish, which ap- pears to be due to the formation of a little selenietted hydrogen from the moisture of the air. When heated with oil of vitriol, selenium forms a green solution which deposits the selenium again when poured into water. Selenious acid (Se0 2 ), corresponding to sulphurous acid, is the product of combus- tion of selenium in oxygen. It is best obtained by dissolving selenium in boiling nitric acid (which would convert sulphur into sulphun'c acid), and evaporating to dryness, when the selenious acid remains as a white solid which sublimes in needle- like crystals when heated. When dissolved in boiling water, it yields a crystalline hydrate of selenious acid. Selenic acid (Se0 3 ) is not known in the anhydrous state. It is formed when selenium is oxidised by fused nitre ; KO . N0 5 +*Se = KO . Se0 3 + N0 2 . By dis- solving the seleniate of potash in water, and adding nitrate of lead, a precipitate of seleniate of lead (PbO . Se0 3 ) is obtained, and if this be suspended in water and decomposed by passing hydrosulphuric acid gas, lead will be removed as insoluble sulphide, and a solution of hydrated selenic acid will be obtained PbO.Se0 3 + HS = HO.Se0 3 + PbS . This solution may be evaporated till it has a sp. gr. of 2-6, when it very closely resembles oil of vitriol. It is decomposed, however, at about 550 F., evolving oxygen, and becoming selenious acid. It oxidises the metals like oil of vitriol, and even dissolves gold. The seleniates closely resemble the sulphates, but they are decomposed when heated with hydrochloric acid, chlorine being evolved, and seleni- ous acid produced. Hydroselenic acid, or selenietted hydrogen (HSe), is the exact parallel of sulphuretted hydrogen, and is produced by a similar process. It is even more offensive and poisonous than that gas, and acts in a similar way upon metallic solutions, preci- pitating the selenides. There are two chlorides of selenium : the dichloride, Se 2 Cl, a brown volatile liquid corresponding to dichloride of sulphur ; and the bichloride, SeCl 2 , a white crystalline solid, without any well-established analogue in the sulphur series. Notwithstanding the resemblance between the two elements, there are two sul- phides of selenium, a bisulphide (SeS 2 ) and a tersulphide (SeS 3 ). The former is obtained as a yellow precipitate when hydrosulphuric acid is passed into solution of selenious acid. TELLURIUM. Eq. 64-5. 159. Tellurium (from tellus, the earth] is connected with selenium by analogies stronger than those which connect that element with sulphur. It is even less fre- quently met with than selenium, being found chiefly in certain Transylvanian gold ores. It occasionally occurs in an uncombined form, but more frequently in com- bination with metals. Foliated or graphic tellurium is a black mineral containing the tellurides of lead, silver, and gold. Telluride of bismuth is also found in nature. REVIEW OF THE SULPHUR GROUP. 221 Tellurium is extracted from the foliated ore by a process similar to that for ob- taining selenium. From telluride of bismuth it is procured by strongly heating the ore with a mixture of carbonate of potash and charcoal, when telluride of potassium is formed, which dissolves in water to a purple-red solution, from which tellurium is deposited on exposure to air. Tellurium much more nearly resembles the metals than the non-metals in its physical properties, and is on that account often classed among the former, but it is not capable of forming a basic oxide. In appearance it is very similar to bismuth (with which it is so frequently found), having a pinkish metallic lustre, and being, like that metal, crystalline and brittle. It fuses below a red heat, and is converted into a yellow vapour at a higher temperature. When heated in air it burns with a blue flame edged with green, and emits fumes of tellurous acid (Te0 2 ) and a peculiar odour. Like selenium, tellurium is dissolved by strong sulphuric acid, yielding a purple- red solution, from which water precipitates it unchanged. The oxides of tellurium correspond in composition to those of selenium. Tellurous acid (Te0 2 ) is precipitated in the hydrated state when a solution of tellurium in diluted nitric acid is poured into water. If the nitric solution is boiled, a crystal- line precipitate of anhydrous tellurous acid is obtained. Unlike selenious acid, tellurous acid is sparingly soluble in water. It is easily fusible, forming a yellow glass, which becomes white on cooling, and it may be sublimed unchanged. Its acid character is rather feeble, and with some of the stronger acids, it forms soluble compounds in which it takes the part of a very feeble base. Telluric acid (Te0 3 ) is also a weak acid obtained by oxidising tellurium with nitre, precipitating the tellurate of potash with chloride of barium, and decomposing the tellurate of baryta with sulphuric acid. On evaporating the solution, crystals of hydrated telluric acid (HO . Te0 3 + 2HO) are obtained, which become HO . Te0 3 at a moderate heat, and when heated nearly to redness, are converted into an orange- yellow powder, which is the anhydrous acid. In this state it is insoluble in acids and alkalies. When strongly heated, it evolves oxygen, and becomes tellurous acid. The tellurates are unstable salts which are converted into tellurites when heated. Telluretted hydrogen, or hydrotelluric acid (HTe), exhibits in the strongest manner the chemical analogy of tellurium with selenium and sulphur. It is a gas very similar to sulphuretted hydrogen in smell, and in most of its other properties. When its aqueous solution is exposed to the air, it yields a brown deposit of tellu- rium. When passed into metallic solutions it precipitates the tellurides. The gas is prepared by decomposing telluride of zinc with hydrochloric acid. The most characteristic property of tellurium compounds, is that of furnishing the purple solution of telluride of potassium, when fused with carbonate of potash and charcoal, and treated with water. Two solid chlorides of tellurium have been obtained ; TeCl is a black solid with a violet coloured vapour, and is decomposed by water into tellurium and TeCl 2 . The latter may be obtained as a white crystalline volatile solid, decomposed by much water into hydrochloric and tellurous acids. There are also two sulphides of tellurium corresponding to the oxides, from which they may be obtained as dark brown precipitates, by the action of hydrosulphuric acid. They are both sulphur-acids, and, therefore, soluble in alkaline sulphides. 160. Review of the sulphur group of elements. The three elements sulphur, selenium, and tellurium exhibit a relation of a similar Character to that observed between the members of the chlorine group, both in their physical arid chemical properties. Sulphur is a pale yellow solid, easily fusible and volatile, without any trace of metallic lustre, and of specific gravity 2*05 (sp. gr. of vapour, 2 - 23). Selenium is either a red powder or a lustrous mass appearing black, but transmitting red light through thin layers, much less fusible and volatile than sulphur, and of specific gravity 4*8 (sp. gr. of vapour, 5 '68). Tellurium has a brilliant metallic lustre, is much less fusible and volatile than selenium, and of specific gravity 6-65 (sp. gr. of vapour, 9*0). Sulphur (eq. 16) has the most powerful attraction for oxygen, hydro- gen, and the metals. Selenium (eq. 39 '75) ranks next in the order of chemical energy. Tellurium (eq. 64 -5) has a less powerful attraction for 222 EXTRACTION OF PHOSPHORUS FROM BONES. oxygen, hydrogen, and the metals, than either sulphur or selenium. This element appears to stand on neutral ground between the non-metallic bodies and the less electropositive metals. PHOSPHOKUS. 161. This is the only element for the ordinary preparation of which animal substances are employed. It is never known to occur uncombined in nature, but is found abundantly in the form of phospJiate of lime (3CaO . P0 5 ), which is contained in the minerals cqprolite, phosphorite, and apatite, and occurs diffused, though generally in small proportion, through all soils upon which plants will grow, for this substance is an essential constituent of the food of most plants, and especially of the cereal plants which form so large a proportion of the food of animals. The seeds of such plants are especially rich in the phosphates of lime and magnesia. Animals feeding upon these plants still further accumulate the phos- phoric acid, for it enters, chiefly in the form of phosphate of lime, into the composition of almost every solid and liquid in the animal body, and is especially abundant in the bones, which contain about three-fifths of their weight of phosphate of lime. It is from this source that our supply of phosphorus is chiefly derived. Composition of the Bones of Oxen. Animal matter, . Phosphate of lime, Fluoride of calcium, . Carbonate of lime, Phosphate of magnesia, 30-58 57-67 2-69 6-99 2-07 100-00 What is here termed animal matter is a cartilaginous substance, con- verted into gelatine when the bones are heated with water under pressure, and containing carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen. It was formerly the custom to get rid of this by burning the bones in an open fire, but the increased demand for chemical products, and the diminished supply of bones, have taught economy, so that the cartilaginous matter is now dissolved out by heating the bones with water at a high pressure for the manufacture of glue ; or the bones* are subjected to destructive distilla- tion, so as to save the ammonia which they evolve, and the bone charcoal thus produced is used by the sugar-refiner until its decolorising powers are exhausted, when it is heated in contact with air to burn away the charcoal, and leave the bone-ash, consisting chiefly of phosphate of lime (3CaO . P0 5 ). In order to extract the phosphorus, the bone-ash is heated for some time with diluted sulphuric acid, which removes the greater part of the lime in the form of the sparingly soluble sulphate of lime, leaving the phosphoric acid in the solution, which is strained from the deposit, evaporated to a syrup, mixed with charcoal, thoroughly dried in an iron pot, and distilled in an earthen retort (fig. 200), when the carbon removes the oxygen from the phosphoric acid, and the phosphorus distils over, and is condensed in a receiver containing water to protect it from the PROPERTIES OF PHOSPHORUS. 223 action of the air. The decomposition of the dried phosphoric acid by the carbon of the charcoal is expressed by the equation HO.P0 5 + C 6 = 600 + H + P. Hydrated phosphoric Carbonic oxide, acid. This is the simplest account that can be given of the preparation of phosphorus from bone-ash, but it is not strictly correct, for the sulphuric acid does not remove Fig. 200. Extraction of phosphorus. the whole of the lime from the phosphate, a portion remaining in the solution con- taining the phosphoric acid, so that this solution is generally said to contain super- phosphate of lime, and the action of the sulphuric acid is thus represented 3CaO . P0 5 + 2(HO . S0 3 ) = CaO . 2HO . P0 5 + 2(CaO . S0 3 ) . Bone phosphate Supei-phosphate of lime. of lime. When the superphosphate of lime is dried, it becomes converted into metaphos- phate of lime (CaO . P0 5 ), and on distilling this with charcoal 3(CaO.P0 5 ) + C 10 = 3CaO.P0 5 + 10CO + P 2 . Metaphosphate Bone phosphate of lime. of lime. Silicic acid (sand) is sometimes added to combine with the lime, and liberate the remainder of the phosphoric acid, so that it may be decomposed by the charcoal. On the small scale, for the sake of illustration, phosphorus may be prepared by a process which has also been successfully employed for its manufacture in quantity, and consists in heating a mixture of bone-ash and charcoal in a stream of hydro- chloric acid gas 3CaO.P0 5 + 3HC1 + C 8 = 3CaCl + SCO + H 3 +^ P . A mixture of equal weights of well-dried charcoal and bone-ash, both in fine powder, is introduced into a porcelain tube sheathed with copper, and placed in a charcoal furnace (fig. 201). One end of the tube is connected with a flask (A), con- taining fused salt and sulphuric acid for evolving hydrochloric acid, and the other is cemented with putty into a bent retort-neck (B), for conveying the phosphorus into a vessel of water (C). On heating the porcelain tube to bright redness, phos- phorus distils over in abundance. The hydrogen and carbonic oxide inflame as they escape into the air, from their containing phosphorus vapour. When first prepared the phosphorus is red and opaque, from the pre- sence, of some suboxide of phosphorus and mechanical impurities ; the latter are removed by melting the phosphorus under warm water, and squeezing it through wash leather. The phosphorus is then fused under ammonia to remove any acid impurity, and afterwards under bichromate 224 INFLAMMABILITY OF PHOSPHORUS PHOSPHORESCENCE. of potash acidified with sulphuric acid, when the chromic acid oxidises the suboxide of phosphorus, and converts it into phosphoric acid which dissolves. The phosphorus is then thoroughly washed, melted under water, and drawn up into glass tubes, where it soli- difies into the, sticks in which it is sold. These are always preserved un- der water from the action of oxygen, and in tin cases from that of light. Pure ordinary phospho- rus is almost colourless and transparent, but when exposed to light, and espe- cially to direct sun-light, it gradually acquires an opaque red colour, from its partial conversion into the allotropic variety known as red or amor- phous phosphorus. By tying bands of black cloth round a stick of phos- phorus and exposing it, under water, to the action of sun-light, alternate zones of red may be pro- duced. Even though the phosphorus be screened from light, it will not remain unchanged unless the water be kept quite free from air, which irregularly corrodes the surface of the phosphorus, rendering it white and opaque. This action is accelerated by exposure to light. The most remarkable character of ordinary phosphorus is its easy in- flammability. It inevitably takes fire in air when heated a little above its melting point (111 0< 5 F.), burning with a brilliant white flame, which becomes insupportable when the combustion takes place in oxygen (p. 6), and evolving dense white clouds of solid phosphoric acid. When a piece of dry phosphorus is exposed to the air, it combines slowly with oxygen, forming .phosphorous acid,* and its temperature often becomes so much elevated during this slow combustion, that it melts and takes fire, espe- cially if the combination be encouraged by the warmth of the hand or by friction. Hence, ordinary phosphorus must never be handled or cut in the dry state, but always under water, for it causes most painful burns. The slow oxidation of phosphorus is attended with that peculiar lumi- nous appearance which is termed phosphorescence (ws, light, ^>ep 3 Arsenite of silver. Arseniates, . 3 5 3CoO . AsO 5 Cobalt bloom. Chromates, . 1 3 KO . Cr0 3 Chromate of potash. Permanganates, 1 7 KO . Mn 2 O 7 Permanganate of potash. In order to explain the above results obtained by the actual analysis of salts, it may be supposed that the salts are formed upon the type of the hydrated acid, and that a normal salt is one in which the water in the hydrated acid is displaced by an equivalent quantity of base ; thus, the sulphates are formed upon the type of oil of vitriol, HO . S0 3 , and the HO must be displaced by KO to form the normal sulphate of potash ; but when alumina (A1 2 3 ) is employed to displace the water, one-third of the quantity represented by that formula would be equivalent to the HO (for A1 2 is equivalent to H 3 ), and therefore the normal sulphate of alumina would be S0 3 , or avoiding the fraction, A1 2 3 . 3S0 3 . Binary theory of the constitution of salts. The circumstance that it is only the hydrogen of the hydrated acid that is displaced by the metal, has given rise to the binary theory of salts, according to which all acids and salts are constituted after the type of hydrochloric acid and chloride of sodium ; the acid being composed of hydrogen combined with a com- pound salt-radical made up of the other elements present in the acid. Thus, sulphuric acid (HO . S0 3 ) would become H,S0 4 nitric acid, H,N0 6 ; metaphosphoric acid, H,P0 6 ; pyrophosphoric, H 2 ,P0 7 ; tri- basic phosphoric, H 3 ,P0 8 , and their normal salts are formed by the sub- stitution of an equivalent quantity of a metal for the hydrogen ; neu- tral sulphate of potassium would be K, S0 4 ; pyrophosphate of sodium, Na 2 , P0 7 ; triphosphate of calcium, Ca 3 , PO S . The acid salts would be those in which only part of the hydrogen is displaced by a metal ; bisul- phate of potassium would become K, H, 2S0 4 , acid pyrophosphate of sodium, Na, H, P0 7 . Double salts would be those in which the hydrogen is displaced by different metals ; thus, alum (KO . SO 3 , A1 2 3 . 3S0 3 ) would become K, A1 2 , 4S0 4 ; acid phosphate of potassium and sodium (KO, NaO, HO, P0 5 ) K, ISTa, H, P0 8 . The serious objection to this view, that it overlooks radicals now existing (as S0 3 , P0 5 , C0 2 ), and substitutes others which are not known to exist (as S0 4 , PO 8 , C0 3 ) has been already pointed out. Water-type theory of the constitution of salts. Another ingenious theory of the constitution of salts is that known as the water-type theory, according to which all oxygen acids are fashioned after the type of water, WATER-TYPE THEORY OF ACIDS AND SALTS. 255 by the displacement of its hydrogen by a compound radical, such displace- ment being total in the anhydrous acids, and partial in the hydrated acids. To render it possible to show the partial displacement of the hydrogen, H ) the molecular formula for water, H 2 or-^ V 0, must be employed. Then, a monobasic acid is formed upon the type of one molecule of water, by the displacement of one atom of hydrogen to form the (hydrated) acid, and of both atoms to form the (anhydrous acid or) anhydride. Thus nitric TT \ acid (HO. IST0 5 ) would be written -^ V0, and nitric anhydride (N0 5 ) would become ^^ 2 > ; and nitrate of potassium (KO . N0 5 ) would -rr % "b e N0 V 0, and a glance at these formulae shows why a monobasic acid like nitric acid does not form either acid salts or double salts, because it contains only one atom of hydrogen, and therefore can only form a single salt with each metal by displacement of that hydrogen. This view does not ignore the existence of the anhydrous nitric acid, and assumes, as the radical of the acid, the substance N0 2 , which has the composition of nitric peroxide. The formation of nitric acid by the action of water upon nitric anhydride would be thus expressed H H l HJ f> H In a similar manner, phosphoric anhydride (P0 5 ) would be represented P0 ) TT ) by p0 2 > 0, metaphosphoric acid (HO. P0 5 ) bypri >0, and the meta- phosphate of sodium by p^ I 0. In this case, however, the radical P0 2 is, so far as we know, imaginary. A bibasic acid is one which is composed after the type of a double TT \ molecule of water, j 2 V 2 and therefore contains two atoms of hydro- gen which may be displaced either entirely by a metal, yielding a normal salt, or partly by a metal, yielding an acid salt, or by two metals, yielding a double salt. For example, sulphuric acid (HO . S0 3 ) would be S0 '' | ^ 2 ' or two mo ^ ecu ^ es f wa ter, in which two atoms of hydrogen are displaced by the diatomic radical S0 2 ; normal sulphate of potassium jr \ KT-I' ) S0 " | ' 2 ' ac ^ su lp nate f potassium (bisulphate of potash) S^// [ 2 &r\ it \ and sulphuric anhydride, ~ 2 ,, 1 2 . Here again the radical S0 2 has the same composition as sulphurous acid, which might well be accepted as the radical of sulphuric acid. ri r\/f \ Again, carbonic anhydride would be ^,, V 0,, the imaginary carbonic acid, ^,, i 2 , carbonate of potassium, ^,, 1 0,, acid carbonate of potas- [ ^ carbonate of potassium and sodium, ^^f 1 1 . K TT sium, ^^., 256 CONSTITUTION OF POLYBASIC ACIDS. The radical of carbonic acid, therefore (@0), would have the same com- position as carbonic oxide, which is seen to have a diatomic character in its compound with chlorine, 60"C1 2 , where it occupies the place of two atoms of hydrogen. In applying this view to pyrophosphoric acid (2HO . P0 5 = H 2 P0 7 ), some difficulty arises because its molecular formula cannot be written on the type of two molecules of water (H 4 2 ) on account of the indivisibility of the 7 into two whole numbers ; it is therefore necessary to take four molecules of water as the type, when we have TT \ TT \ T JP e > jj 4 [& pyrophosphoric acid, /p^y/// >O 4 , pyrophosphate of sodium, ,p a ^ y fff I 4 , acid pyrophosphate of sodium, , p a ^ I,,, i 4 . Here the increased complexity of the formulae appears objectionable. A few salts are known in which two acids are combined with the same base, such as the acetonitrate of baryta (BaO . N0 5 , BaO.C 4 H 3 3 ), composed of nitrate and acetate of baryta. It is obvious that the same reasoning which leads to the conclusion that an acid capable of forming a double salt with two different bases is dibasic, or contains a diatomic acid radical, would also support the inference that a base capable of form- ing a double salt with two different acids is di-acid, or contains a diatomic basic radical. Hence the existence of the above acetonitrate of baryta countenances the belief that barium is a diatomic metal. The formula of the salt would then be Ba" i written, on the type of two molecules of water, thus (6 2 H 3 0)' 1 (N0 2 )'J A tribasic acid is formed upon the type of a treble molecule of water, thus TT \ TT \ Type, TT 3 > 6 3 , tribasic phosphoric acid, pA/// f &3> triphosphate of ~N& } !N"a H ) sodium, pry,,/ > O 3 , common phosphate of sodium, -prytt >O 3 , microcos- mic salt (phosphate of sodium and ammonium), a p/y// \ 3 . But in this case also an unknown radical, PO, is assumed. Many chemists now represent the acids and salts by their molecular formulae, without insisting upon their containing any definite compound radical, or being composed upon any particular type. Thus nitric acid is written HN0 3 , without expressing an opinion as to the existence of N0 3 as an actual entity. The following definitions are relied upon by those who adopt this course : An acid is a compound containing hydrogen, the whole or part of which is displaceable by a metal. A salt is a compound derived from an acid by the displacement of its hydrogen by a metal. A monobasic acid contains but one atom of displaceable hydrogen, and therefore can only form one series of salts. A dibasic acid contains two atoms of displaceable hydrogen, and there- fore can form two series of salts (normal and acid salts). A tribasic acid contains three atoms of displaceable hydrogen, and CONSTITUTION OF ACIDS AND SALTS. 257 therefore can form three series of salts (normal salts, and two series of acid salts). A normal salt is one in which the whole of the displaceable hydrogen has been displaced by a metal. An -add salt is one in which only part of the displaceable hydrogen has been displaced by a metal. A double salt is one in which the displaceable hydrogen has been dis- placed by different metals. 'A basic salt is a combination of a salt with a basic oxide. A few examples may be collected here to illustrate these definitions : Monobasic Acids and Salts. Nitric acid, ..... HN0 3 Nitrate of potassium, .... KN0 3 Metaphosphoric acid, . . . . HP0 3 Metaphosphate of sodium, . . . NaP0 3 Hypophosphorous acid, . HPH 2 2 Hypophosphite of sodium, . . . NaPH 2 2 Dibasic Acids and Salts. Sulphuric acid, .... H 2 S0 4 Normal sulphate of potassium, . . K 2 S6 t Acid . . KHS0 4 Phosphorous acid, .... H 2 PH0 3 Normal phosphite of sodium, . . . Na 2 PH0 3 Acid phosphite of barium, . . . BaHPH0 3 Tribasic Acids and Salts. Orthophosphoric acid," . . . H 3 PO 4 Normal orthophosphate of sodium, . . Na 3 P0 4 Monacid orthophosphate (or common phosphate), Na 2 HP0 4 Diacid orthophosphate, . . . NaH 2 P0 4 Microcosmic salt, . . Na(NH 4 )HPO 4 Arsenic acid, ..... H 3 As0 4 Normal arseniate of sodium, . . . Na 3 As0 4 Monacid arseniate ,, . . . Na 2 HAs0 4 Diacid arseniate . . . NaH 2 As0 4 To this view of the constitution of acids and salts, it may be objected that it presupposes the existence of a hydrogen compound corresponding in composition to the normal salt. Thus the carbonates would be derived from an imaginary carbonic acid of the formula H 2 OO 3 ; the arsenites from an imaginary arsenious acid, H 3 As0 3 , &c. It must, however, be acknowledged that no theory of the constitution of acids and salts has yet been advanced which is thoroughly supported on all sides by experi- mental evidence. From what has been stated above, it will have been seen that an examination of the acid itself is by no means necessary in order to ascer- tain what its basicity is. If only one series of its salts can be discovered, it is a monobasic acid. If a normal and an acid salt (or a double salt) can be obtained, the acid is dibasic. When, beside the normal salt, there are two series of acid salts, the acid is tribasic. R CHEMISTRY OF THE METALS. 183. The general principles of chemistry having been explained and illustrated in the history of the non-metallic elements, the chemistry of the metals will be discussed with less attention to details, which, however interesting in a strictly chemical sense, are not, at present, of immediate practical importance. The definition of a metal has been already given at p. 11, as an element capable of forming a base by union with oxygen. POTASSIUM. The indispensable alkali, potash, appears to have been originally derived from the granitic rocks, where it exists in combination with silicic acid and alumina, in the well-known minerals, feldspar and mica. These rocks having, in course of time, disintegrated to form soils for the support of plants, the potash has been converted into a soluble state, and has passed into the plants as a necessary portion of their food. In the plant, the potash is found to have entered into various forms of combination ; thus, most plants contain sulphate of potash and chloride of potassium ; but the greater portion of the potash exists in combination with certain vegetable acids formed in the plant, and when the latter is burnt, the salts of potash with the vegetable acids are decomposed by the heat, leaving the potash in combination with carbonic acid, forming carbonate of potash (KO . C0 2 ). Carbonate of potash. When the ashes of plants are treated with water, the salts of potash are dissolved, those of lime and magnesia being left. On separating the aqueous solution and evaporating it to a certain point, a great deal of the sulphate of potash, being much less soluble, is deposited, and the carbonate of potash remains in the solution ; this is evaporated to dryness, when the carbonate of potash is left, mixed with much chloride of potassium, and some sulphate of potash ; this mixture constitutes the substances imported from America and other countries where wood is abundant, under the name of potashes, which are much in demand for the manufacture of soap and glass. When further purified, these are sold under the name ofpearlash, but this is still far from being pure carbonate of potash. During the fermentation of the grape-juice, in the preparation of wine, a hard crystalline substance is deposited, which is known in commerce by the name of argol, or when purified, as cream of tartar. The chemical CAUSTIC POTASH. 259 name of this salt is bitartrate of potash, for it is derived from potash and tartaric acid, a vegetable acid having the composition 2HO . C 8 H 4 10 . When this salt (KO . HO . C 8 H 4 10 ) is heated, the tartaric acid is decom- posed into a variety of products, among which are found carbonic acid, which remains in combination with the potash, and carbon, which is left mixed with the carbonate of potash ; but if the heat be continued, and free access of air permitted, the carbon will be entirely burnt away, and carbonate of potash will be left (salt of tartar). 'In wine-producing countries, carbonate of potash is prepared from the refuse yeast which rises during the fermentation, and is dried in the sun in order to be subsequently incinerated. The fleeces of sheep contain a considerable proportion of potash com- bined with an animal acid ; when the fleece is washed with water, the salt of potash is dissolved out, and on evaporating the liquid and burning the residue, it is converted into carbonate of potash. Hydrate of potash. Carbonate of potash was formerly called potash, and was supposed to be an elementary substance. It was known that its alkaline qualities were rendered far more powerful by treating it with lime, which caused it to be termed mild alkali, in order to distinguish it from the caustic* alkali obtained by means of lime, and possessed of very powerful corrosive properties. Lime, it was said, is derived from lime- stone by the action of fire, and therefore owes its peculiar properties to the acquisition of a certain amount of the matter of fire, which, in turn, it imparts to the mild alkali, and thus confers upon it a caustic or burning power. Black's researches in the middle of the eighteenth century, which are often referred to as models of inductive reasoning, exposed the fallacy of this explanation, and proved that instead of acquiring anything from the fire, the limestone actually lost carbonic acid, and instead of imparting anything to the mild alkali," the lime really gained as much carbonic acid as it had previously lost. The caustic potash, so largely employed by the soap-maker, is obtained by adding slaked lime to a boiling diluted solution of the carbonate of potash, when the water of the hydrate of lime is exchanged for the carbonic acid, and the carbonate of lime is deposited at the bottom of the vessel, whilst hydrate of potash remains in the clear solution KO.C0 2 + CaO.HO = CaO.C0 2 + ^O.HO. Carbonate of potash. Hydrate of lime. Carbonate of lime. Hydrate of potash. If the solution of carbonate of potash be too strong, the lime will not remove the whole of the carbonic acid. When the solution is evaporated, the hydrate of potash remains as a clear oily liquid, which solidifies to a white mass as it cools, and forms the fused potash of commerce, which is often cast into cylindrical sticks for more convenient use.t The hydrate of potash is the most powerful alkaline substance in ordinary use, and is very frequently employed by the chemist on account of its energetic attraction for the different acids. It is generally used in the state of solution, the strength of which is inferred from its specific gravity, this being higher in proportion to the amount of potash contained in the solution. * From Kcaa>, to burn. t These have sometimes a greenish colour, due to the presence of some manganate of potash. R2 260 POTASSIUM. Potassium. Of the composition of hydrate of potash nothing was known till the year 1807, when Davy succeeded in decomposing it by the gal- vanic battery ; this experiment, which deserves particular notice, as being the first of a series resulting in the discovery of so many important metals, was made in the following manner : A fragment of hydrate of potash, which, in its dry state, does not conduct electricity, was allowed to become slightly moist by exposure to the air, and placed upon a plate of platinum attached to the positive (copper) end of a very powerful galvanic battery ; when the wire connected with the negative (zinc) end was made to touch the surface of the hydrate of potash, some small metallic globules resem- bling mercury made their appearance at the extremity of this (negative) wire, at which the hydrogen contained in the hydrate of potash was also eliminated, whilst bubbles of oxygen were separated on the surface of the platinum plate connected with the positive wire (see p. 21). By allow- ing the negative wire to dip into a little mercury contained in a cavity upon the surface of the potash, a combination of potassium with mercury was obtained, and the mercury was afterwards separated by distillation. This process, however, furnished the metal in very small quantities, and, though it was obtained with greater facility a year or two afterwards by decomposing hydrate of potash with white-hot iron, some years elapsed before any consider- able quantity of potassium was prepared by the present method of distilling in an iron retort an intimate mixture of carbonate of pot- ash and carbon, obtained by calcining cream of tar- tar; in this process the oxygen of the potash is re- moved by the carbon in the form of carbonic oxide (KO.C0 2 +C 2 = K The annexed figure repre- sents the iron retort connected Fig. 217. Preparation of potassium. with its copper receiver, sur- rounded with cold water, and containing petroleum to protect the distilled potassium from oxidation. The lateral tube of the receiver permits the tube of the retort to be cleared, if necessary, during the distillation, by the passage of an iron rod. Some of the most striking properties of this metal have already been referred to (p. 23) ; its softness, causing it to be easily cut like wax, the rapidity with which its silvery surface tarnishes when exposed to the air, its great lightness (sp. gr. 0'865), causing it to float upon water, and its taking fire when in contact with that liquid, sufficiently distinguish it from other metals. It fuses easily when heated, and is converted, at a higher temperature, into a green vapour; if air be present, it burns with a violet-coloured flame, and is converted into anhydrous potash, the oxide of potassium (KO). The property of burning with this peculiar violet-coloured flame is COMPOUNDS OF POTASSIUM. 2G1 characteristic of potassium, and allows it to be recognised in its com- pounds. If a solution of nitrate of potash (saltpetre) in water be mixed with enough spirit of wine to allow of its being inflamed, the flame will have a peculiar lilac colour. This colour may also be developed by exposing a very minute particle of saltpetre, taken on the end of a heated platinum wire, to the reducing (inner) blowpipe flame (fig. 218), when the potassium, being reduced to the metallic state, and passing Fig. 218. Coloured flame test. into the oxidising (outer) flame in the state of vapour, imparts to that flame a lilac tinge. The difficulty and expense attending the preparation of potassium have prevented its receiving any application except in purely chemical opera- tions, where its attraction for oxygen, chlorine, and other electronegative elements, is often turned to account. The chloride of potassium (KC1) is an important natural source of this metal, being extracted from sea-water, from kelp (the ash of sea-weed), and from the refuse of the manufacture of sugar from beet-root. It also occurs in combination with chloride of magnesium, forming the mineral known as carnallite (KC1 . 2MgCl . 12HO), an immense saline deposit overlying the rock-salt in the salt-mines of Stassfurth in Saxony. Carnallite re- sembles rock-salt in appearance, but is very deliquescent ; it promises to become the most important source of potassium hitherto discovered. Bicarbonate of potash (KO . HO . 2C0 2 ), which is much used in medi- cine, is obtained by passing carbonic acid through a strong solution of carbonate of potash, when it is deposited in crystals, being much less soluble in water than the normal carbonate. Nitrate of potash (KO . N0 5 ), or saltpetre, will be specially considered in the section on gunpowder. Equivalent and atomic weights of potassium. The chloride of potassium has been found to contain 35 '5 parts by weight (1 eq.) of chlorine and 39 parts of potassium ; 39 is therefore regarded as the equivalent weight of this metal. Since this represents the quantity required to displace one atom of hydrogen from its compounds, it is also taken as the atomic weight of potassium. Since potash contains 39 potassium combined with 8 oxygen, its atomic formula would be K 2 (0 = 16) j and hydrate of potash would be KHO. Chloride of potassium, however, has the atomic formula KC1 corresponding with its equivalent formula, because the atomic weights of both its elements are the same as their equivalent weights. The following less important compounds of potassium have not been noticed else- 262 EXTRACTION OF COMMON SALT. where, and are not of sufficient practical importance to require particular description in this work : Binoxide of potassium, KO 2 Peroxide ,. KO 4 Sulphide KS Bisulphide KS 2 Tersulphide of potassium, KS 3 Tetrasulphide KS 4 Pentasulphide KS 5 SODIUM. 184. Sodium is often found, in place of potassium, in the feldspars and other minerals, but we are far more abundantly supplied with it in the form of common salt (chloride of sodium, NaCl), occurring not only in the solid state, but dissolved in sea-water, and in smaller quantity in the waters derived from most lakes, rivers, and springs. Rock-salt forms very considerable deposits in many regions; in this country the most important is situated at Northwich in Cheshire, where very large quantities are extracted by mining. Wielitzka, in Poland, is cele- brated for an extensive salt mine, in which there are a chapel and dwell- ing-rooms, the furniture of which is made of this rock. Extensive beds of rock-salt also occur in France, Germany, Hungary, Spain, Abyssinia, and Mexico. Perfectly pure specimens form beautiful colourless cubes, and are styled sal gem; but ordinary rock-salt is only partially transpar- ent, and exhibits a rusty colour, due to the presence of iron. In some places the salt is extracted by boring a hole into the rock and filling it with water, which is pumped up when saturated with salt, and evapo- rated in boilers, the minute crystals of salt being removed as they are deposited. At Droitwich, in Worcestershire, the salt is obtained by evaporation from the waters of certain salt springs. In some parts of France and Germany the water from the salt springs contains so little salt that it would not pay for the fuel necessary to evaporate the w r ater, and a very ingenious plan is adopted, by which the proportion of water is greatly reduced with- out the application of artificial heat. For this purpose a lofty scaffolding is erected and filled with bundles of brushwood, over which the salt water is allowed to flow, having been raised to the top of the scaffolding by pumps. In trickling over the brushwood this water exposes a large sur- face to the action of the wind, and a considerable evaporation takes place, so that a much stronger brine is collected in the reservoir beneath the scaffolding ; by several repetitions of the operation, the proportion of water is so far diminished that the rest may be economically evaporated by arti- ficial heat. The brine is run into boilers and rapidly boiled for about thirty hours, fresh brine being allowed to flow in continually, so as to maintain the liquid at the same level in the boiler. During this ebullition a considerable deposit, composed of the sulphates of lime and soda, is formed, and raked out by the workmen. When a film of crystals of salt begins to form upon the surface, the fire is lowered and the temperature of the brine allowed to fall to about 180 F., at which temperature it is maintained for several days whilst the salt is crystallising. The crystals are afterwards drained and dried by exposure to air. The grain of the salt is regulated by the temperature at which it crystallises, the size of the crystals increasing as the temperature falls. It is not possible to extract the whole of the salt in this way, since the last portions which crystallise will always be contaminated with other salts present in the brine, but the EXTKACTION OF COMMON SALT. 263 mother-liquor is not wasted, for after as much salt as possible has been obtained, it is made to yield sulphate of soda (Glauber's salt), sulphate of magnesia (Epsom salts), bromine and iodine. The process adopted for extracting the salt from sea-water depends upon the climate. In Eussia, shallow pits are dug upon the shore, in which the sea-water is allowed to freeze, when a great portion of the water separates in the form of pure ice, leaving a solution of salt suffi- ciently strong to pay for evaporation. , Where the climate is sufficiently warm, the sea-water is allowed to run very slowly through a series of shallow pits upon the shore, where it be- comes concentrated by spontaneous evaporation, and is afterwards allowed to remain for some time in reservoirs in which the salt is deposited. The coarse crystals thus obtained are known in commerce as bay-salt. Before they are sent into the market they are allowed to drain for a long time, in a sheltered situation, when the chloride of magnesium with which they are contaminated deliquesces in the moisture of the air and drains off. The bittern or liquor remaining after the salt has been extracted is em- ployed to furnish magnesia and bromine. Great improvements have been made during the last few years in the economical extraction of the salts from sea-water. It will be remembered that 1000 parts of sea-water contain about 29-0 parts of chloride of sodium, 0'5 ,, chloride of potassium, 3-0 ,, chloride of magnesium, 25 ,, sulphate of magnesia, 1-5 ,, sulphate of lime, &c. In a warm climate, that of Marseilles, for example, the water is allowed to evapo- rate spontaneously until it has a specific gravity of 1-24. During this evaporation it deposits about four-fifths of its chloride of sodium. It is then mixed with one tenth of its volume of water and artificially cooled to F. (see p. 116), when it de- posits a quantity of sulphate of soda, resulting from the decomposition of part of the remaining chloride of sodium by the sulphate of magnesia. The mother-liquor is evaporated down till its specific gravity is 1-33, a fresh quantity of chloride of sodium being deposited during the evaporation. When the liquid cools it deposits a double salt composed of chloride of potassium and chloride of magnesium, from which the latter may be extracted by washing with a very little water, leaving the chloride of potassium fit for the market. This process is instructive as illustrating the influence exerted upon the arrange- ment of the various acids and bases in a saline solution by the temperature to which the solution is exposed, the general rule being that a salt is formed which is in- soluble in the liquid at that particular temperature. The great tendency observed in ordinary table salt to become damp when exposed to the air is due chiefly to the presence of small quantities of chloride of magnesium and chloride of calcium, for pure chloride of sodium has very much less disposition to attract atmospheric moisture, although it is very easily dissolved by water, 2 J parts of this liquid being able to dissolve one part (by weight) of salt. In the history of the useful applications of common salt is to be found one of the best illustrations of the influence of chemical research upon the development of the resources of a country, and a capital example of a manufacturing process not based, as such processes usually are, upon mere experience, independent of any knowledge of chemical principles, but upon a direct and intentional application of these to the attainment of a particular object. 264 MANUFACTURE OF ALKALI. Until the last quarter of the eighteenth century the uses of common salt were limited to culinary and agricultural purposes, and to the glazing of the coarser kinds of earthenware, whilst a substance far more useful in the arts, carbonate of soda, was imported chiefly from Spain under the name of barilla, which was the ash obtained by burning a marine plant known as the salsola soda. But this ash only contained about one-fourth of its weight of carbonate of soda, so that this latter substance was thus imported at a great expense, and the manufactures of soap and glass to which it is indispensable were proportionally fettered. During the wars of the French Devolution the price of barilla had risen so considerably, that it was deemed advisable by Napoleon to offer a premium for the discovery of a process by which the carbonate of soda could be manufactured at home, and to this circumstance we are indebted for the discovery, by Leblanc, of the process at present in use for the manufacture of carbonate of soda from common salt, a discovery which placed this substance at once among the most important raw materials with which a country could be furnished. 185. Manufacture of carbonate of soda from common salt. The salt is spread upon the hearth of a reverberatory furnace (fig. 219),* and mixed Fig. 219. Furnace for converting common salt into sulphate of soda. with an equal weight of sulphuric acid, which converts it into the sul- phate of soda (p. 147), expelling the hydrochloric acid in the form of gas, which would prove highly injurious to the vegetation in the neigh- bourhood, and is therefore -usually condensed by being brought into con- tact with water (see p. 148). The flame of the fire is allowed to play over the surface of the mixture of salt and sulphuric acid until it has become perfectly dry ; in this state it is technically known as salt-cake, and is next mixed with about an equal weight of limestone and rather more than half its weight of small coal; this mixture is again heated upon the hearth of a reverberatory furnace, when it evolves an abun- dance of carbonic oxide, and yields a mixture of carbonate of soda with * The hearth of this furnace is usually divided, as seen in the figure, into two compart- ments, in one of which (lined with lead), more remote from the grate, the decomposition is effected, the acid being poured in through the funnel, while in that nearest to the grate, lined with fire-brick, the whole of the hydrochloric acid is expelled, and the sulphate of soda fused. SODA-ASH SODA-CRYSTALS. 265 lime and sulphide of calcium ; this mixture is technically known as Hack ash. The change which has been effected in the sulphate of soda will be easily understood ; for when this salt is heated in contact with carbon (from the small coal) it loses its oxygen, and becomes sulphide of sodium, whilst carbonic acid is evolved ; thus NaO . S0 3 + C 2 = NaS + 2C0 2 . Again, when carbonate of lime is heated in contact with carbon, carbonic oxide is given off, and lime remains CaO . C0 2 + C = 2CO + CaO . Finally, when sulphide of sodium and lime are heated together in the presence of carbonic acid, carbonate of soda and sulphide of calcium are produced NaS + CaO + C0 2 = JS"aO . C0 2 + CaS . When the black ash is treated with water, the carbonate of soda is dis- solved, leaving the sulphide of calcium, and by evaporating the solution, ordinary soda ash is obtained. But this is by no means pure carbonate of soda, for it contains, in addition to a considerable quantity of common salt and sulphate of soda, a certain amount of caustic soda or hydrate of soda formed by the action of the lime upon the carbonate of soda. In order to purify it, the crude soda-ash is mixed with small coal or saw-dust and again heated, when the carbonic acid formed from the carbonaceous mat- ter converts the hydrate of soda into carbonate, and on dissolving the mass in water and evaporating the solution, it deposits oblique rhombic prisms of common washing soda, having the composition, NaO . C0 2 + lOAq. (soda-crystals) . A little reflection will show the important influence which this process has exerted upon the progress of the useful arts in this country. The three raw materials, salt, coal, and limestone, we possess in abundance. The sulphuric acid, when the process was first introduced, bore a high price, but the resulting demand for this acid gave rise to so many improve- ments in its manufacture that its price has been very greatly diminished, a circumstance which has, of course, produced a most beneficial effect upon all branches of manufacture in which the acid is employed. The large quantity of hydrochloric acid obtained as a secondary product has been employed for the preparation of bleaching powder, and the important arts of bleaching and calico-printing have thence received a considerable impulse. These arts have also derived a more direct, benefit from the increased supply of carbonate of soda, which is so largely used for cleansing all kinds of textile fabrics. The manufactures of soap and glass, which probably create the greatest demand for carbonate of soda, have been increased and improved beyond all precedent by the production of this salt from native sources. The crystals of carbonate of soda are easily distinguished by their pro- perty of efflorescing in dry air (p. 48), and by their alkaline taste, which is much milder than that of carbonate of potash, this being, moreover, a deliquescent salt. The crystals are very soluble in water, requiring only 2 parts of cold and less than their own weight of boiling water ; the solution is strongly alkaline to test papers. The substance commonly used in medicine under the name of carbonate 266 SODIUM. of soda, is really the bicarbonate (NaO . C0 2 . HO . CO^), and is prepared by saturating the carbonate of soda with carbonic acid gas. It is readily distinguished from the carbonate, as it is but slightly alkaline, and is very much less easily dissolved by water. Soda lye, employed in the manufacture of hard soap, is a solution of hydrate of soda (NaO. HO), obtained by decomposing the carbonate of soda with hydrate of lime (slaked lime, CaO . HO), when the v/ater of this latter compound is exchanged for the carbonic acid of the carbonate. The solid hydrate of soda of commerce is generally obtained in the pro- cess for manufacturing carbonate of soda, just described; the solution obtained by treating the black ash with water is concentrated by evapo- ration, so that the carbonate and sulphate of soda and chloride of sodium may crystallise out, leaving the hydrate of soda, which is far more soluble, in the liquid. The latter, which still contains a compound of sulphide of sodium and sulphide of iron, which gives it a red colour, is mixed with some nitrate of soda to oxidise the sulphides, and evaporated down until a fused mass of hydrate of soda is left, which is poured out into iron moulds.* Kryolite (3NaF . A1 2 F 3 ) is sometimes employed as a source of the sodium for hydrate of soda, which may be obtained by decomposing it with hydrate of lime. ;..; 186. Sodium. Potash and soda exhibit so much similarity in their properties, that we cannot be surprised at their having been confounded together by the earlier chemists, and it was not till 1736 that Du Hamel pointed out the difference between them. The discovery of potassium naturally led Davy to that of sodium, which can be obtained by processes exactly similar to those adopted for procuring potassium, to which it will be remembered sodium presents very great similarity in properties (p. 23). Sodium, however, is readily distinguished from potassium by its burning with a yellow flame, which serves even to characterise it when in com- bination. This yellow flame is well seen by dissolving salt in water in a plate, and adding enough spirit of wine to render it inflammable, the mixture being well stirred while burning. If a little piece of sodium be burnt in an iron spoon held in a flame, all the flames in the room, even at a remote distance, will be tinged yellow. The blowpipe flame may also be employed to detect sodium by this colour, as in the case of potassium (p. 261). In fireworks, nitrate of soda is employed for producing yellow flames. A very good yellow fire may be made by intimately mixing, in a mortar, 74 grs. of nitrate of soda, 20 grs. of sulphur, 6 grs. of sulphide of antimony, and 2 grs. of charcoal, all carefully dried, and very finely powdered. The preparation of sodium, by distilling a mixture of carbonate of soda and charcoal, is much easier than that of potassium, for which reason sodium is far less costly than that metal, and has received applications, on the large scale, during the last few years, for the extraction of the metals aluminum and magnesium. An amalgam of sodium (p. 119) is also employed with advantage in extracting gold and silver from their ores. * Another plan of treating the black ash liquor consists in allowing it to trickle through a column of coke against a current of air, when the sulphid e of sodium (NaS) is oxidised and converted into soda (NaO) and hyposulphite of soda (NaO . S 2 O 2 ), whilst the sulphide of iron is deposited. The liquor is mixed with a little chloride of lime to oxidise any remain- ing sulphides, and concentrated by evaporation, when carbonate of soda and ferrocyanide of sodium are deposited in crystals. The liquor separated from these contains the hydrate of soda, and is evaporated till it solidifies on cooling. MANUFACTURE OF BOliAX. 267 To obtain sodium, in large quantity, a mixture of dried carbonate of soda, powdered coal, and chalk, is distilled in iron cylinders, when the oxygen of the soda is abstracted by the carbon, which it converts into carbonic oxide, and the sodium passes over in the form of vapour. NaO.COj + C 2 - Na + SCO. The chalk is employed to prevent the fusion of the mixture. 187. Borax, or biborate of soda. A very important compound of soda is used in the arts under the name of borax, in which the soda is combined with boracic acid. It has already been stated that this substance is deposited during the evaporation of the waters of certain lakes in Thibet, whence it is imported into this country in impure crystals, which are covered with a peculiar greasy coating. The refiner of tincal powders the crystals and washes them, upon a strainer, with a weak solution of soda, which converts the greasy matter into a soap and dissolves it. The borax is then dissolved in water, a quantity of carbonate of soda is added to separate some lime which the borax usually contains, and, after filtering off the carbonate of lime, the solution is evaporated to the crystallising point and allowed to cool, in order that it may deposit the pure crystals of borax. It appears, however, that the greater part of the borax employed in the arts is manufactured in this country by heating carbonate of soda with boracic acid, when the latter expels the carbonic acid and combines with the soda.* The mass is then dissolved in water, and the borax crystal- lised, an operation upon which much care is bestowed, since the product does not meet with a ready sale unless in large crystals. The solution of borax, having been evaporated to the requisite degree of concentration, is allowed to crystallise in covered wooden boxes, which are lined with lead and enclosed in an outer case of wood, the space between the sides of the case and -the box being stuffed with some bad conductor of heat, so that the solution of borax may cool very slowly, and large crystals may be deposited. In about thirty hours the crystallisation is com- pleted, when the liquid is drawn off as rapidly as possible, the last portion being carefully soaked up with sponges, so that no small crystals may be afterwards formed upon the surface of the large ones ; the case is then again covered up, so that the crystals may cool slowly without cracking. Borax is chemically known as biborate of soda, and is represented, in the dry state, by the formula NaO . 2B0 3 . The ordinary prismatic crys- tals, however, contain ten equivalents of water of crystallisation, and are, therefore, represented by the formula NaO . 2B0 3 + lOAq. They soon effloresce and become opaque when exposed to air, and may readily be distinguished by their alkaline taste and action upon test-papers, and especially by their behaviour when heated, for they fuse easily and intu- mesce most violently, swelling up to a white spongy mass of many times their original bulk; this mass afterwards fuses down to a clear liquid which forms a transparent glassy mass on cooling (wtrefied borax), and since this glass is capable of dissolving many metallic oxides with great readiness (borax being, by constitution, an acid salt, and therefore ready to combine with more base), it is much used in the metallurgic arts. Large quantities of borax are also employed in glazing stoneware. * The ammonia which is evolved from the Tuscan boracic acid employed in this process is known in commerce as Volcanic ammonia, and is free from the empyreumatic odour which generally accompanies that from coal and bones. 268 SALTS OF SODA. 188. Silicate of soda. A combination of soda with silicic acid has long been used, under the name of soluble glass, for imparting a lire-proof cha- racter to wood and other materials, and, more recently, for producing artificial stone for building purposes, and for a peculiar kind of permanent fresco-painting (stereochromy), the results of which are intended to with- stand exposure to the weather. Soluble glass is usually prepared by fusing 15 parts of sand with 8 parts of carbonate of soda and 1 part of charcoal. The silicic acid, com- bining with the soda, disengages the carbonic acid, the expulsion of which is facilitated by the presence of charcoal, which converts it into carbonic oxide. The mass thus formed is scarcely affected by cold water, but dis- solves when boiled with water, yielding a strongly alkaline liquid. In using this substance for rendering wood fire-proof, a rather weak solution is first applied to the wood, and over this a coating of lime-wash is laid, a second coating of soluble glass (in a more concentrated solu- tion) is then applied. The wood so prepared is, of course, charred, as usual, by the application of heat, but its inflammability is remarkably diminished. For the manufacture of Ransome's artificial stone, the soluble glass is prepared by heating flints, under pressure, with a strong solution of hydrate of soda, to a temperature between 300 and 400 F., when the silicic acid constituting the flint enters into combination with the soda. Finely divided sand is moistened with this solution, pressed into moulds, dried, and exposed to a high temperature, when the silicate of soda fuses and cements the grains of sand together into a mass of artificial sandstone, to which any required colour may be imparted by mixing metallic oxides with the sand before it is moulded. Silicate of soda is also sometimes used as a dung substitute (p. 246) in calico-printing. Sulphate of soda forms the very common saline efflorescence upon the surface of brick walls, and has been found covering the sandy soil of the Desert of Atacama, over a considerable area. The mineral known as Thenardite also consists of sulphate of soda, and Glauberite is a double sulphate of soda and lime (NaO . S0 3 , CaO . SO.) which is nearly insoluble in water. Phosphate of soda (2NaO . HO . P0 5 + 24Aq.) is obtained by neutra- lising, with carbonate of soda, the impure phosphoric acid obtained by decomposing bone-ash with sulphuric acid (p. 230). On evaporation the phosphate is deposited in oblique rhombic prisms which effloresce in air. Nitrate of soda will be more particularly noticed in the section on gun- powder. It is imported from Peru, and used in considerable quantity as a manure, and for the manufacture of nitrate of potash. Equivalent and. atomic weights of sodium. The analysis of pure chlo- ride of sodium has shown it to contain one equivalent, or 35*5 parts by weight of chlorine combined with 23 parts of sodium; hence 23 is taken to represent the equivalent of sodium. As in the case of potassium, the atomic weight of sodium coincides with the equivalent, the atomic formula of chloride of sodium being NaCl ; that of soda would be Na 2 O (0 = 16), and that of hydrate of soda NaHO. SALTS OF AMMONIA. 269 SALTS OF AMMONIA. The great chemical resemblance between some of the salts of ammonia and those of potash and soda has been already pointed out as affording a reason for the hypothesis of the existence of a compound metal ammonium (NH 4 ) equivalent in its functions to potassium and sodium. However convenient this assumption may be for the purpose of repre- senting by equations the chemical changes in which the salts of ammonia take part, it is evidently necessary to place these salts on a different footing from those of potash and soda, until either the metal itself or its oxide (NH 4 0), which is at present equally hypothetical, shall be obtained. This has become the more necessary since modern chemistry has brought to light certain organic bases which exhibit a stronger resem- blance to potash and soda than that evinced by ammonia, rendering it necessary to extend to these also the hypothesis of the existence of com- pound metals, and thus to encumber chemical pages with the names ofk, large class of substances of the existence of which there is no direct evidence. Much encouragement has been afforded to the belief in the existence of oxide of ammonium (NH 4 0), by the circumstance that the compounds which are formed when ammonia (NH 3 ) combines with the anhydrous acids, such as carbonic (C0 2 ) and sulphuric (S0 3 ), do not exhibit the resem- blance to the salts of potash and soda until water is added, the elements of which are required to convert the NH 3 into NH 4 O. Thus, by the action of dry ammonia gas upon anhydrous sulphuric acid, a compQund called sulphuric ammonide is formed, having the composition NH 3 . S0 a . This substance dissolves in water and crystallises in octahedra, but its solution is not precipitated by chloride of barium, which always precipi- tates the true sulphates, nor by chloride of platinum which precipitates the true salts of ammonia. By long boiling with water, however,, it becomes converted into tHe sulphate of ammonia, NH 3 . HO . S0 3 (or sul- phate of oxide of ammonium, NH 4 . S0 3 ), which yields precipitates with both the above tests. The anhydrous phosphoric, carbonic, and sulphurous acids also combine with dry ammonia to form ammonides, which do not respond to the ordinary tests for the corresponding salts of ammonia until after water has been assimilated. The true salts of ammonia are pro- duced either by the combination of a hydrated acid with ammonia, or by double decomposition. Sulphate of ammonia (NH 3 . HO . S0 3 ) is largely employed in the pre- paration of ammonia-alum, and of artificial manures, for which purposes it is generally obtained from the ammoniacal liquor of the gas-works by neutralising with sulphuric acid and evaporating. The rough crystals are gently heated to expel tarry substances, and purified by recrystallisation. The crystals have the same shape as those of sulphate of potash, and are easily soluble in water. When heated to about 500 F. the sulphate of ammonia is decomposed, yielding vapour of sulphite of ammonia (NH 3 . HO . S0 2 ), water, ammonia, nitrogen, and sulphurous acid. If muslin be dipped into a solution of sulphate of ammonia in ten parts of water, and dried, it will no longer burn with flame when ignited. The mineral mascagnine consists of sulphate of ammonia. This salt is occa- sionally found in needle-like crystals upon the windows of rooms in which coal-gas is burnt. The bisulphate of ammonia contains NH 3 . 2 (HO . S0 3 ). Sesquicarbonate of ammonia, 2KH 3 . 2HO. 3C0 2 (or 2NH 4 O. 3C0 2 ), is 270 SAL-AMMONIAC. the common carbonate of ammonia of the shops, also called smelling salts or Preston salts, largely used in medicine, and by bakers and confec- tioners, for imparting lightness or porosity to cakes, &c. It is com- monly prepared by mixing sal-ammoniac (hydrochlorate of ammonia) with twice its weight of chalk, and distilling the mixture in an earthen or iron retort communicating, through an iron pipe, with a leaden chamber or receiver, in which the sesquicarbonate of ammonia collects as a trans- parent fibrous mass, which is extracted by taking the receiver to pieces, and purified by re-subliming it at about 130 F., in iron vessels sur- mounted by leaden domes. The action of carbonate of lime upon hydro- chlorate of ammonia would be expected to furnish the neutral carbonate (NH 3 . HO . C0 2 ), but this salt (even if produced) is decomposed by the heat employed in the process, with loss of ammonia and water, and formation of sesquicarbonate of ammonia 3(NH 3 .HC1) + 3(CaO.C0 2 ) = 2NH 3 .2H0.3C0 2 + ]STH 3 + HO + 3CaCl. When a mass of freshly prepared sesquicarbonate of ammonia is ex- posed to air, it evolves ammonia and carbonic acid, and becomes gradually converted into an opaque crumbly mass of bicarbonate of ammonia 2NH 3 .2H0.3C0 2 = JSTH 3 + C0 2 + NH 3 . 2HO . 2C0 2 . Water effects this decomposition more rapidly ; if the powdered sesqui- carbonate of ammonia be washed with a little water, bicarbonate of ammonia is left, and the solution contains the elements of neutral car- bonate of ammonia (NH 3 . HO . C0 2 ), but this salt has not been obtained in the solid form. The sesquicarbonate dissolves in about three times its weight of cold water. Boiling water decomposes it, and the solution, on cooling, deposits large prismatic crystals of bicarbonate of ammonia (NH 3 . 2HO . 2C0 2 ) which is much less soluble in water. This salt has been found in considerable quantity, forming crystalline masses in a bed of guano on the western coast of Patagonia. Sal volatile is an alcoholic solution of carbonate of ammonia obtained by distilling sal-ammoniac with carbonate of potash and rectified spirit of wine, or by treating the sesquicarbonate of ammonia with hot spirit. By dissolving sesquicarbonate of ammonia in strong solution of am- monia, and adding alcohol, prismatic crystals of the sesquicarbonate, of the formula 2NH 3 . 2HO . 3C0 2 + 2Aq., may be obtained. Hydrochlorate of ammonia (NH 3 .HC1), or chloride of ammonium (NH 4 C1), also called muriate of ammonia and sal-ammoniac. When dry ammonia gas is brought in contact with an equal volume of dry hydro- chloric acid gas, it has been seen (p. 119) that they combine directly to produce the hydrochlorate of ammonia, the preparation of which on the large scale has been noticed at p. 1 1 3. It is also sometimes made by subliming a mixture of sulphate of ammonia with common salt NH 3 .HO.S0 3 + NaCl = NH 3 .HC1 + NaO.SO, . Its commercial form is that of a very tough translucent fibrous mass, generally of the dome-like shape of the receivers, and often striped with brown, from the presence of a little iron. It has not the least smell of ammonia, and is very soluble in water, requiring about three parts of cold water, and little more than its own weight of boiling water. As the hot solution cools, it deposits beautiful fern-like crystallisations composed of minute cubes and octahedra. The liquefaction of sal-ammoniac in water DISSOCIATION OF VAPOUR OF SAL-AMMONIAC. 271 lowers the temperature very considerably, which renders the salt very useful in freezing mixtures. A mixture of equal weights of sal-ammoniac and nitre, dissolved in its own weight of water, lowers the temperature of the latter from 50 F. to 10. In this case partial decomposition takes place, resulting in the production of chloride of potassium and nitrate of ammonia, both of which absorb much heat whilst being dissolved by water. The solution of hydrochlorate of ammonia in water is slightly acid to blue litmus paper. When sal-ammoniac is heated, it passes off in vapour, at a temperature below redness, without previously fusing ; the vapour forms thick white clouds in the air, and may be recondensed as a white crust upon a cold surface; but it cannot be sublimed without some loss, a portion being decomposed into hydrochloric acid, hydrogen, and nitrogen. The specific gravity (weight of 1 vol.) of the vapour of sal-ammoniac is 0'89. The formula NH 3 . HC1 represents a compound of 1 eq. or 4 vols. of ammonia (0 = 1 vol.), and 1 eq. or 4 vols. of hydrochloric acid. sp. gr. Weight of 4 vols. of NH, (059 x 4) = 2 -36 4 vols. of HC1 (1-25 x 4) = 5'00 7-36 This number obviously represents the weight of 8 vols. of hydrochlorate of ammonia vapour, or one equivalent of this vapour occupies eight times the volume of an equivalent (8 parts by weight) of oxygen, or four times that of an equivalent (1 part by weight) of hydrogen. On the atomic system, according to which one atom of an element occupies one volume, and one molecule of a compound occupies two volumes, hydro- chlorate of ammonia vapour should occupy twice the volume of one part by weight of hydrogen, whereas its specific gravity shows it to occupy four times that volume. This anomaly might be explained by supposing a temporary dissociation of the hydrochloric acid and ammonia when the salt is converted into vapour, so that the observed specific gravity is really that of a mixture of equal volumes of these constituent gases. Some experimental evidence has been obtained in support of this view, for it has been found that free ammonia and hydrochloric acid may be separated by diffusion from the vapour obtained on heating hydrochlorate of ammonia. When this salt is heated with metallic oxides, its hydro- chloric acid often converts the oxide into a chloride which is either fusible or volatile, so that sal-ammoniac is often employed for cleansing the surfaces of metals previously to soldering them. Even those metallic oxides which are destitute of basic properties, such as antimonic and stannic acids, are convertible into chlorides by the action of sal-ammoniac at a high temperature. Hydrochlorate of ammonia is found in volcanic districts, and is present in very small quantity in sea-water. Hydrosulpliate of ammonia (NH 3 .HS), or sulphide of ammonium (NH 4 S), has been obtained in colourless crystals by mixing hydrosulphuric acid gas with twice its volume of ammonia gas in a vessel cooled by a mixture of ice and salt. It is a very unstable compound, decomposing at the ordinary temperature of the air into free ammonia and bi-hydrosulphate of ammonia, NH 3 . 2HS, which may be obtained in very volatile colour- less needles by passing equal volumes of its constituent gases into a vessel cooled in ice. When a solution of ammonia is saturated with hydrosul- 272 LITHIUM. phuric acid gas, the ammonia is found to have combined with two equivalents of hydrosulphuric acid, forming a solution of the bi-hydrosul- phate or hydrosulphate of sulphide of ammonium (NH 4 S . HS). The solution is colourless when freshly prepared, but it soon becomes yellow in contact with the air, from the formation of the bisulphide of ammonium (NH 4 S 2 ), hyposulphite of ammonia being formed at the same time 2(m 4 S.HS) + 5 - NH 4 S 2 + NH 4 O.S 2 2 + 2HO . Eventually, the solution deposits sulphur and becomes colourless, hypo- sulphite, sulphite, and sulphate of ammonia being formed. When the freshly prepared colourless solution of the bi-hydrosulphate of ammonia is mixed with an acid, the solution remains clear, hydrosulphuric acid being evolved with effervescence ; NH ? .2HS + HC1 = NH 3 .HC1 + 2HS ; but if the solution be yellow, a milky precipitate of sulphur is produced, from the decomposition of the bisulphide of ammonium NH 4 S 2 + HC1 - NH 4 C1 + HS + S . The fresh solution gives a black precipitate of sulphide of lead when solution of acetate of lead is added to it, but after it has been kept till it is of a dark yellow or red colour, it gives a red precipitate of the per- sulphide of lead. Solution of hydrosulphate of ammonia, prepared by mixing the bi-hydrosulphate with an equal volume of solution of ammonia, is largely employed in analytical chemistry. The solution has a very disagreeable odour. Bisulphide of ammonium is obtained in deliquescent yellow crystals, when a mixture of ammonia gas with vapour of sulphur is passed through a red-hot porcelain tube. It is the chief constituent of Boyle's fuming liquor, a fetid yellow liquid obtained by distilling sal-ammoniac with sulphur and lime. The bisulphide of ammonium is sometimes deposited in yellow crystals from this liquid. By dissolving sulphur in the bisulphide of ammonium, orange-yellow prismatic crystals of pentasulphide of ammonium (NH 4 S 5 ) may be obtained. Even a heptasulphide of ammonium (NH 4 S 7 ) has been crystallised. Compounds may be obtained in which the sulphide of ammonium (NH 4 S) plays the part of a sulphur-base towards the sulphides of arsenic, antimony, and other sulphur-acids. It is scarcely possible to represent the constitution of the higher sulphides of ammonium except on the ammonium hypothesis. The hydrobromate of ammonia (NH 3 . HBr), or bromide of ammonium (NH 4 Br), and the hydriodate of ammonia (NH 3 . HI), or iodide of ammonium (NH 4 I), are useful in photography. They are both colourless crystalline salts, but the iodide is very liable to become yellow or brown, from the separation of iodine, unless kept dry and in the dark. Both salts are extremely soluble in water. LITHIUM is a comparatively rare metal, obtained chiefly from the minerals lepido- lite (x**r/j, a scale) or lithia-mica, containing silicate of alumina with fluorides of potassium and lithium ; petalite (ffiru.Xav, a leaf), silicate of soda, lithia, and alumina, and triphane or spodumene ( a . 6Si0 2 . Porphyry has the same chemical composition as feldspar. Mica, again, is composed essentially of magnesia, alumina, and silica (4MgO . A1 2 3 . 4Si0 2 ), but part of the magnesium is so constantly re- placed by potassium and iron (as protoxide), and part of the aluminum by iron (as sesquioxide), that the general formula for mica must be written 4(KMgFe) . (AlFe) 2 3 . 4Si0 2 . Garnet is essentially a double silicate of alumina and lime, but often contains magnesium, iron, or manganese, replacing part of the calcium, and iron replacing part of the aluminum, being written 3(CaMgFeMn) . (AlFe) 2 3 . 3Si0 2 . This mineral is sometimes formed artificially in the slag of the iron blast- furnaces. Chlorite, a very important variety of rock, is a double silicate of alumina, and magnesia, with variations as expressed by the formula 4(MgFe) 0. (AlFe) 2 3 . 2Si0 2 . 3HO . NATURAL AND ARTIFICIAL ULTRAMARINE. 291 Basalt is a feldspathic rock containing crystals of augite 4(CaMgFe)0.5Si0 2 . Gneiss is chemically composed like granite, but the mica is arranged in regular layers. Trap rock contains feldspar, together with hornblende, which consists of silicates of alumina, lime, magnesia, and oxide of iron. Hornblende is sometimes found replacing the mica in granite, forming the rock called syenite. v Lapis lazuli, the valuable mineral which furnishes the natural ultra- marine used in painting, consists chiefly of silica and alumina, which con- stitute respectively 45 and 32 per cent, of it, but there are also present 9 per cent, of soda, 6 per cent, of sulphuric acid, about 1 per cent, of sul- phur, and a somewhat smaller quantity of iron, together with a variable proportion of lime. The cause of its blue colour is not understood, since neither of its predominant constituents is concerned in the production of such a colour in other cases. In consequence of the rarity of the mineral, the natural ultramarine bears a very high price, but the artificial ultramarine is manufactured in very large quantities at a low cost, and forms a very good imitation. One of the processes for preparing it consists in heating to bright redness in a covered crucible, for three or four hours,, an inti- mate mixture of 100 parts of pure white clay (kaolin), 100 of dried car- bonate of soda, 60 of sulphur, and. 12 of charcoal. This would be expected to yield a mixture of silicate of soda, aluminate of soda, and sulphide of sodium, the two first being white, and the latter yellow or brown, but the mass is found to have a green colour (green ultramarine). It is finely powdered, washed with water, dried, mixed with a fifth of its weight of sulphur, and gently roasted in a thin layer till the sulphur has burnt off, this operation being repeated, with fresh additions of sulphur, until the residue has a fine blue colour. In the opinion of some chemists, the pro sence of a small proportion of iron is essential to the blue colour, while others believe the colour to be due to sulphide of sodium or hyposul- phite of soda, or both. Ultramarine is a very permanent colour under ordinary conditions of exposure to air and light, but acids bleach it at once, with separation of gelatinous silica and evolution of sulphuretted hydrogen. Blue writing-paper is often coloured with ultramarine, so that its colour is discharged by acids falling upon it in the laboratory. Chlo- rine also bleaches ultramarine. Starch is often coloured blue with this substance. Phosphates of alumina are found naturally in several forms. Targuoise is a hydrated phosphate of alumina (A1 2 3 . P0 5 ), owing its colour to the presence of oxide of copper. Wavellite has the composition 3A1 2 3 ". 2P0 6 . None of the earlier analysts detected the phosphoric acid in this mineral, on account of the difficulty in separating it from the alumina, so that even in comparatively modern chemical works it is described as a hydrate of alumina. 200. Equivalent and] atomic loeights of aluminum. The chloride of aluminum has been found by analysis to contain 35*5 parts by weight (1 eq.) of chlorine, combined with 9 '16 parts of aluminum, and if the chloride of aluminum be represented as a protochloride (A1C1), the equi- valent of this metal would be 9*16. But when the chloride of aluminum is decomposed by an alkali, it furnishes alumina and a chloride of the alkali-metal. If the formula of chloride of aluminum were really A1C1, the action of potash, for example, upon it must be represented by tho T2 292 ATOMIC WEIGHT OF ALUMINUM. equation AJC1 + KO = KC1 + A10 ; so that A10 would represent the formula of alumina. The very strong chemical resemblance of alumina and its salts to sesquioxide of iron (Fe 2 O 3 ) and its salts, as well as the isomorphism of these oxides observed in the alums and in many minerals (p. 290), compels the belief that alumina is also a sesquioxide, and that its formula is A1 2 3 . Its formation from the chloride of aluminum by the action of potash must then be represented by A1,C1 3 + 3KO - 3KC1 + A1 2 3 so that the chloride of aluminum is a sesquichloride (A1 2 C1 3 ). Again, referring to the results of experiment, 3 eqs. (35*5 x 3) of chlorine were found to be combined with 2 7 '48 parts of aluminum, and if this represents 2 eqs., the equivalent of aluminum will be 1374, though this does not represent correctly the weight of aluminum which displaces 1 part by weight of hydrogen from its compounds (see p. 23). The volume occupied by a definite weight of vapour of aluminum being unknown, the atomic weight of this metal must be deduced from other considerations. The specific gravity (or weight of one volume) of vapour of chloride of aluminum is 9*34. It has been seen that this weight of chloride of aluminum contains 1 -92 of aluminum. Hence, "Weight of 1 vol. of chloride of aluminum, 9 '34 aluminum contained in it, 1 '92 ,, chlorine 7*42 Now, 1 vol. of chlorine weighs 2*47, so that 7 '42 represents 3 vols. of chlorine ; and if it be assumed that 1 '92 represents the weight of 1 vol. of aluminum, there are contained, in 1 vol. of chloride of aluminum vapour, 1 vol. or 1 atom of aluminum, and 3 vols. or 3 atoms of chlorine. But it will be remembered that the molecule of a compound body is generally taken to represent 2 vols. (H= 1 vol.), and therefore 1 molecule or 2 vols. of chloride of aluminum vapour would contain 2 vols. or 2 atoms of aluminum, and 6 vols. or 6 atoms of chlorine. These 6 atoms of chlorine re- present (35*5 x 6) 213 parts by weight, and are combined, in the chloride, as shown by analysis, with 55 ! parts by weight of aluminum j so that the 2 atoms of aluminum in the chloride represent 55 '1 parts by weight, or each atom of aluminum (Al) weighs 27*5, or twice as much as the equivalent accepted above, and the molecular formula of the chloride of aluminum must be written A1 2 C1 6 . The atomic heat of aluminum sup- ports the assumption of the number 27*5 for its atomic weight. Since, in the chloride of aluminum, the 2 atoms of metal stand to the 6 atoms of chlorine in the place of 6 atoms of hydrogen, 1 atom of aluminum would represent 3 atoms of hydrogen, and the metal would be tri-atomic or ter- equivalent. The atomic formula of alumina would be A^O^O = 16). GLUCINUM. 201. This comparatively rare metal (which derives its name from the sweet taste of its salts, -y^tfxvs, sweet) is found associated with silica and alumina in the emerald, which is a double silicate of alumina and glucina, A1 2 3 . 3SiO 2 , 3(G10 . Si0 2 ), and appears to owe its colour to the presence of a minute quantity of oxide of chromium. The more common mineral beryl has a similar composition, but is of a paler green colour, apparently caused by protoxide of iron. Chrysoberyl consists of glucina and THORINUM CERIUM ZIRCONIUM. 293 alumina, also coloured by iron. The earlier analysts of these minerals mistook the glucina for alumina, which it resembles in forming a gelatinous precipitate on add- ing ammonia to its solutions, but it is a stronger base than alumina, and is there- fore capable of displacing ammonia from its salts, and of being dissolved by them. Carbonate of ammonia is employed to separate the glucina from alumina, since it dis- solves the glucina in the cold, forming a double carbonate of glucina and ammonia, from which the carbonate of glucina is precipitated on boiling. Glucina (G10) is intermediate in properties between alumina and magnesia, resembling the latter in its tendency to absorb carbonic acid from the air, and to form soluble double salts with the salts of ammonia, and so much resembling alumina in the gelatinous form of its hydrate, its solubility in alkalies, and the sweet astringent taste of its salts , that it was formerly regarded as a sesquioxide like alumina. The metal itself is very similar to aluminum. 202. THORINUM is present in a rare Norwegian mineral, thorite, where it is asso- ciated with silica, lime, magnesia, and other metallic oxides. The metal itself is similar to aluminum, but its oxide thorina appears to be a protoxide (ThO), and differs from alumina and glucina in being insoluble in the alkalies (potash, for ex- ample), though it dissolves in carbonate of potash. Moreover, the sulphate of thorina, is sparingly soluble in hot water, so that it is precipitated on boiling its solution. 203. YTTRIUM, ERBIUM, and TERBIUM, are very rare metals found in gadolinite, a mineral silicate occurring at Ytterby in Sweden, and containing beside these, glu- cinum, cerium, and iron. Their oxides, yttria (YO), erbia, and terbia, resemble thorina in being insoluble in the alkalies, but soluble in their carbonates ; yttria is white, but erbia has a yellow colour. The salts of yttria and erbia are colourless, but those of terbia are pinkish. 204. CERIUM is also found in gadolinite, but more abundantly in cerite, which is essentially a silicate of cerium. This metal has been employed medicinally, in the form of oxalate of cerium (CeO . C 2 3 . 3HO). It forms two basic oxides, CeO, which is white, and forms colourless salts, and Ce 2 3 , which is yellow, and gives yellow or red salts. In this respect, cerium more nearly resembles iron than aluminum. These oxides of cerium are insoluble in the alkalies ; the protoxide is easily preci- pitated from its salts by oxalic acid in the form of the oxalate mentioned above. Sesquioxide of cerium does not appear to form a corresponding chloride, but yields protochloride of cerium and free chlorine when heated with hydrochloric acid. LANTHANIUM (from Xavfeivu, to escape notice) is also found in cerite, but it differs from cerium in forming only one oxide (LaO), which is white in the hydrated, but buff in the anhydrous state. When a mixture of nitrates of cerium and lanthanium is calcined, sesquioxide of cerium and oxide of lanthanium are left, and may be separated by treatment with nitric acid, diluted with 100 parts of water, which dis- solves only the latter, DIDYMIUM C&ftvpos, twin) is very similar to lanthanium, which is associated with it in cerite. It also forms but one oxide (DiO), which is violet when hydrated, and brown when anhydrous. It is insoluble in potash. The salts of didymium are either pink or violet. 205. ZIRCONIUM exists in the rare minerals zircon and hyacinth, in which its oxide zirconia (Zr0 2 ) is combined with silicic acid. Zirconia is somewhat similar to alumina, but is insoluble in potash, and dissolves in carbonate of potash. Its sul- phate, moreover, is decomposed by boiling with sulphate of potash, which removes part of the sulphuric acid, forming bisulphate of potash, and precipitates basic sulphate of zirconia. Metallic zirconium somewhat resembles amorphous silicon, but it decomposes water slowly at the boiling point, and has not been fused. 294 ORES OF ZINC. ZINC. 206. Zinc occupies a high position among useful metals, being peculiarly fitted, on account of its lightness, for the construction of gutters, water- pipes, and roofs of buildings, and possessing for these purposes a great advantage over lead, since the specific gravity of the latter metal is about 1.1 *5, whilst that of zinc is only 6 '9. For such applications as these, where great strength is not required, zinc is preferable to iron, on account of its superior malleability j for although a bar of zinc breaks under the ham- mer at the ordinary temperature, it becomes so malleable at 250 F. as to admit of being rolled into thin sheets. This malleability of zinc when heated was discovered only in the commencement of this century, until which time the only use of the metal was in the manufacture of brass. When zinc is heated to 400 F., it again becomes brittle. The easy fusibility of zinc also gives it a great advantage over iron, as rendering it easy to be cast into any desired form ; indeed, zinc is surpassed in fusibility (among the metals in ordinary use) only by tin and lead, its melting point being below a red heat, and usually estimated at 770 F. Zinc is also less liable than iron to corrosion under the influence of moist air, for although a bright surface of zinc soon tarnishes when exposed to the air, it merely becomes covered with a thin film of oxide of zinc (pass- ing gradually into basic carbonate, by absorption of carbonic acid from the air) which protects the metal from further action. The great strength of iron has been ingeniously combined with the durability of zinc, in the so-called galvanised iron, which is made by coat- ing clean iron with melted zinc, thus affording a protection much needed in and around large towns, where the sulphurous and sulphuric acids arising from the combustion of coal, and the acid emanations from various factories, greatly accelerate the corrosion of unprotected iron. The iron plates to be coated are first thoroughly cleansed by a process which will be more particularly noticed in the manufacture of tin-plate, and are then dipped into a vessel of melted zinc, the surface of which is coated with sal-ammoniac (hydrochlorate of ammonia) in order to dissolve the oxide of zinc which forms upon the surface of the melted metal, and might adhere to the iron plate so as to prevent its becoming uniformly coated with the zinc (ZnO + NH 3 . HC1 = ZnCl + NH 3 + HO). A more firmly ad- herent coating of zinc is obtained by first depositing a thin film of tin upon the surface of the iron plate by galvanic action, and hence the name of galvanised iron. The ores of zinc are found pretty abundantly in England, chiefly in the Mendip Hills in Somersetshire, at Alston Moor in Cumberland, in Corn- wall and Derbyshire, but the greater part of the zinc used in this country is imported from Belgium and Germany, being derived from the ores of Transylvania, Hungary, and Silesia. Metallic zinc is never met with in nature. Its chief ores are calamine or carbonate of zinc (ZnO . C0 2 ), blende or sulphide of zinc (ZnS), and red zinc ore, in which oxide of zinc (ZnO) is associated with the oxides of iron and manganese. Calamine is so called from its tendency to form masses resembling a bundle of reeds (calamus, a reed). It is found in considerable quantities in Somersetshire, Cumberland, and Derbyshire. The mineral known as electric calamine is a silicate of zinc (2ZnO . SiO 2 . HO). Blende derives METALLURGY OF ZINC. 295 its name from the German Uenden, to dazzle, in allusion to the brilliancy of its crystals, which are generally almost black from the presence of sul- phide of iron, the true colour of pure sulphide of zinc being white. Blende is found in Cornwall, Cumberland, Derbyshire, Wales, and the Isle of Man, and is generally associated with galena or sulphide of lead, which is always carefully picked out of the ore before smelting it, since it would become converted into oxide of lead, which corrodes the earthen crucibles employed in the process. , In England, the extraction of zinc from its ores is carried on chiefly at Bristol, Birmingham, and Sheffield. Before extracting the metal from these ores, they are subjected to a preliminary treatment which brings them both to the condition of oxide of zinc. For this purpose the cala- mine is simply calcined in a reverberatory furnace, in order to expel the carbonic acid ; but the blende is roasted for ten or twelve hours with con- stant stirring, so as to expose fresh surfaces to the air, when the sulphur passes off in the form of sulphurous acid, and its place is taken by the oxygen, the ZnS becoming ZnO. The extraction of the metal from this oxide of zinc depends upon the circumstance that zinc is capable of being distilled at a bright red heat, its boiling point being 1904 F. The facility with which this metal passes off in the form of vapour is seen when it is melted in a ladle over a brisk fire, for at a bright red heat abundance of vapour rises from it, which, taking fire in the air, burns with a brilliant greenish white light, throwing off into the air numerous white flakes of light oxide of zinc (the philosopher's wool, or nil album of the old chemists). The distillation of zinc may be effected on the small scale in a black-lead crucible (A, fig. 224) about 5 inches high and 3 in diameter. A hole is drilled through the bottom with a round file, and into this is fitted a piece of wrought-iron gas-pipe (B) about 9 inches long and 1 inch wide, so as to reach nearly to the top of the inside of the crucible. Any crevices- between the pipe and the sides of the hole are carefully stopped up with fire-clay moistened with solution of borax. A few ounces of zinc are introduced into the crucible, the cover of which is then carefully cemented on with fire-clay (a little borax being added to bind it together at a high temperature), and the hole in the cover is stopped up with fire-clay. The crucible having been kept for several hours in a warm place, so that the clay may dry, it is placed in a cylindrical furnace with a hole at the bottom, through which the iron pipe may pass, and a lateral opening into which is inserted an iron tube (C) connected with a forge bellows. Some lighted charcoal is thrown into the furnace, and when this has been blown into a blaze, the furnace is filled up with coke broken into small pieces. The fire is then blown till the zinc distils freely Fig. 224. Distillation of into a vessel of water placed for its reception. Four zmc - ounces of zinc may be easily distilled in half-an-hour. English method of extracting zinc. The oxide of zinc, obtained as above from calamine or blende, is mixed with about half its weight of coke or an- thracite coal. This mixture is introduced into large crucibles (fig. 225) with a hole in the bottom, through which passes a short wide iron pipe destined for the passage of the vapour of zinc. These crucibles are about 4 feet high by 2 J feet wide. Some large pieces of coke are first introduced into them to prevent the charge from passing into the iron pipes, and when they have been charged with the above mixture, their covers are cemented on, and 296 EXTRACTION OF ZINC FROM ITS ORES. they are heated in furnaces somewhat resembling those of a glass-house, each furnace receiving six crucibles, which generally contain, in all, one ton of roasted ore. When the mixture in the crucibles is heated to red- ness, it begins to evolve carbonic oxide, produced by the combination of the carbon with the oxygen from the oxide of zinc. This gas burns with a blue flame at the mouth of the iron pipe ; but at a bright red heat the metallic zinc which has been thus liberated is converted into vapour, and the greenish-white flame of burning zinc is perceived at the orifice. When this is the case, about 8 feet of iron pipe are joined on to the short piece, in order to condense the vapour of zinc, which falls into a vessel placed for its reception. The distillation occu- pies about sixty hours, and the average yield is about 35 parts of zinc from 100 of ore, a considerable quantity of zinc being left behind in the form of silicate of zinc (electric calamine), which is not reduced by distillation with carbon. The zinc thus obtained, however, is mixed with a considerable quantity of oxide of zinc, and with other foreign matters carried over from the crucibles. It is, therefore, again melted in a large iron pan, and allowed to rest, in order that the dross may rise to the surface ; this is skimmed off, to be worked over again in a fresh operation, and the metal is cast into ingots, which are sent into commerce under the name of spelter. Belgian process for the extraction of zinc.^-At the Vieille-Montagne works, near Liege, calamine is exposed to the rain for several months in order to wash out the clay; it is then calcined to expel the water and carbonic acid, the oxide of zinc so ob- tained being mixed with half its weight of coal dust, and distilled in fire-clay cylinders (C, fig. 226), hold- ing about 40 Ibs. each, and set in seven tiers of six each in the same furnace, the vapour of zinc being conveyed by a short conical iron pipe (B) into a conical iron receiver (D), which is emptied every two hours into a large ladle, from which the zinc is poured into ingot-moulds. Each distillation occupies about twelve hours. The advantage of this particular mode of arranging the cylinders is, that it economises fuel by allowing the poorer ores, which require less heat to distil all the zinc from them, to be introduced into the upper rows of cylinders farthest from the fire (A). There are two varieties of Belgian ore, one containing 33 and the other 46 per cent, of zinc, but a large proportion of this is in the form of silicate, which is not extracted by the distillation. Silesian process for extracting zinc. In Silesia, the oxide of zinc ob- tained by the calcination of calamine is mixed with fine cinders, and dis- tilled in arched earthen retorts (A, fig. 227), into which the charge is Fig. 225. English zinc furnace. Fig. 226. Belgian zinc furnace. PROPERTIES OF ZINC. 297 Fig. 228. Silesian zinc furnace. introduced through a small door (B), which is then cemented up. These retorts are arranged in a double row in the same furnace (fig. 228), and the vapour of zinc is con- densed in a bent earthen- ware pipe attached to each retort, and having an opening (C) near the bend, which is kept closed, un- less it is necessary to clear Fi g- 227. out the pipe. In regard to the consumption of fuel, this process is far more economical than that followed in this country. The Silesian zinc is remelted, before casting into ingots, in clay in- stead of iron pots, since melted zinc always dis- solves iron, and a very small quantity of that metal is found to injure zinc when required for rolling into sheets. A small quantity of lead always distils over together with the zinc, and since this metal also interferes with the roll- ing of zinc into sheets, a portion of it is separated from zinc intended for this purpose, by melting the spelter, in large quantity, upon the hearth of a reverberatory furnace, the bed of which is inclined so as to form a deep cavity at the end nearest the chimney. The specific gravity of lead being 1 1 '4, whilst that of zinc is 6*9, the former accumulates chiefly at the bottom of the cavity, and the ingots cast from the upper part of the melted zinc will contain but little lead. Ingots of zinc, when broken across, exhibit a beautiful crystalline frac- ture, which, taken in conjunction with the bluish colour of the metal, enables it to be easily identified. The spelter of commerce is liable to contain lead, iron, tin, antimony, arsenic, copper, and cadmium. Zinc being easily dissolved by diluted acids, it is necessary to be care- ful in employing this metal for culinary purposes, since its soluble salts are poisonous. It will be remembered that the action of diluted sulphuric acid upon zinc is employed for the preparation of hydrogen. Pure zinc, however, evolves hydrogen very slowly, since it becomes covered with a number of hydrogen bubbles which protect it from further action; but if a piece of copper or platinum be made to touch the zinc beneath the acid, these metals, being electronegative towards the zinc, will attract the electroposi- tive hydrogen, leaving the zinc free from bubbles and exposed on all points to the action of the acid, so that a continuous disengagement of hydrogen is maintained. As a curious illustration of this, a thin sheet of platinum or silver foil may be shown to sink in diluted sulphuric acid, until it conies in contact with a piece of zinc, when the bubbles of hydro- 298 CADMIUM. gen bring it up to the surface. The lead, iron, &c., met with in commer- cial zinc are electronegative to the zinc, and thus serve to maintain a con- stant evolution of hydrogen. A coating of metallic zinc may be deposited upon copper by slow gal- vanic action, if the copper be immersed in a concentrated solution of potash, at the boiling point of water, in contact with metallic zinc, when a portion of the latter is dissolved in the form of oxide, with evolution of hydrogen, and is afterwards precipitated on the surface of the electro- negative copper. Oxide of zinc. Zinc forms but one oxide, which is known in commerce as zinc-white, and is prepared by allowing the vapour of the metal to burn in earthen chambers through which a current of air is maintained. This zinc- white is sometimes used for painting in place of white lead (carbonate of lead), over which it has the advantages of not injuring the health of the persons using it, and of being unaffected by sulphuretted hydrogen, an important consideration in manufacturing towns where that substance is so abundantly supplied to the atmosphere. Unfortunately, however, the oxide of zinc does not combine with the oil of the paint, as oxide of lead does, and the paint is consequently more liable to peel off. The oxide of zinc has the characteristic property of becoming yellow when heated, and white again as it cools. It is sometimes used in the manu- facture of glass for optical purposes. Oxide of zinc forms a soluble compound with potash, in this respect resembling alumina, and therefore metallic zinc, like aluminum, is dis- solved by boiling with solution of potash, hydrogen being disengaged from the water, the oxygen of which combines with the zinc. The sulphate of zinc or 'white vitriol, which is employed in medicine, and more extensively in calico-printing, is prepared by roasting blende (sulphide of zinc, ZnS) at a low temperature, when both its elements com- bine with oxygen, the oxide of zinc and sulphuric acid thus produced remaining in combination as sulphate of oxide of zinc (ZnO . S0 3 ). After roasting, the mass is treated with water, which dissolves the sulphate, and yields it again, on evaporation, in prismatic crystals having the formula ZnO.S0 3 .HO + 6Aq. Chloride of zinc (ZnCl), prepared by dissolving zinc in hydrochloric acid, is known in commerce as Burnett's disinfecting fluid, since it is cap- able of absorbing hydrosulphuric acid, ammonia, and other offensive pro- ducts of putrefaction, and arrests the decomposition of wood and animal substances. By evaporating its solution, the chloride of zinc is obtained in a fused state, and solidifies on cooling into white deliquescent masses. It has a very powerful attraction for water. 207. Equivalent and atomic weights of zinc. When zinc is dissolved in hydrochloric acid, 3 2 -5 parts by weight of zinc displace 1 part of hydrogen; hence 32*5 represents the equivalent of zinc. Considerations similar to those referred to in the case of magnesium (p. 284) have induced most chemists to regard the atomic weight of zinc as 65, or double its equivalent, so that zinc is a bi-equivalent or di-atomic metal, and the atomic formula of its oxide is ihiO, (in = 65, = 16), and that of its chloride INDIUM URANIUM. 299 CADMIUM. 208. This metal is found in small quantities in the ores of zinc, its presence being indicated during the extraction of that metal (p. 296) by the appearance of a brown flame (/brown blaze) at the commencement of the distillation, before the characteristic zinc-flame (blue blaze) is seen at the orifice of the iron tube. Cadmium is more easily vaporised than zinc (boiling at 1580 F.), so that the bulk of it is found in the first portions of "the distilled metal. If the mixture of cadmium and zinc be dissolved in diluted sulphuric acid, and the solution treated with hydrosulphuric acid gas, a bright yellow precipitate of sulphide of cadmium (CdS) is ob- tained, which is employed in painting under the name of cadmia. By dissolving this in strong hydrochloric acid and adding carbonate of am- monia, the carbonate of cadmium (CdO . C0 2 ) is precipitated, from which metallic cadmium may be extracted by distillation with charcoal. Although resembling zinc in its volatility and its chemical relations, in appearance it is much more similar to tin, and emits a crackling sound like that metal when bent. Like tin, also, it is malleable and ductile at the ordinary temperature, and becomes brittle at about 180 F. It is even more fusible than tin, becoming liquid at 242 F., so that it is useful for making fusible alloys. An alloy of 3 parts of cadmium with 15 of bismuth, 8 of lead, and 4 of tin, fuses at 140 F. In its behaviour with acids and alkalies cadmium is similar to zinc, but the metal is easily dis- tinguished from all others by its yielding a characteristic chestnut-brown oxide when heated in air. This oxide (CdO) is the only oxide of cadmium. The iodide of cadmium (Cdl), obtained by the action of iodine upon the metal in the presence of water, is employed in photography. The equivalent weight of cadmium, deduced from the analysis of its chloride, is 56. The specific gravity (or weight of one volume) of vapour of cadmium is 3*94, or 57 times that of hydrogen. If one vol. of hydro- gen be represented as 1 atom, weighing 1, then 1 vol. of cadmium vapour (or one atom) would weigh 57 ; or allowing for error in the troublesome experiment of determining the specific gravity of its vapour, the atom of cadmium would be represented by a number identical with its equivalent weight. The specific heat of cadmium, however, as well as its general chemical relations, favour the view that it is a di-atomic metal like zinc, its atomic weight being 112. INDIUM is the name of a metal which has recently been discovered, with the help of the spectroscope, in a specimen of blende from Freiberg. Its name refers to an indigo blue line in the spectrum. The examination of the metal is as yet imper- fect, but it is white, malleable, and dissolves, like zinc and cadmium, in'hydro- chloric acid. Its specific gravity is 7'36. To extract indium from the Freiberg zinc, the metal is boiled with dilute sulphuric acid, employed in such quantity as to leave part of the zinc undissolved, together with indium and lead. The residue is dissolved in nitric acid, the lead and cadmium precipitated by hydrosulphuric acid, the latter expelled by boiling, and the oxide of indium precipitated from the solution by carbonate of baryta. When this precipitate is dissolved in hydrochloric acid, and excess of ammonia added, the white hydrated oxide of indium is precipi- tated, and may be reduced by heating in hydrogen. At a bright red heat it burns with a violet blue flame, yielding a yellow oxide of indium, InO. The equivalent of indium appears to be about 36. 209. UKANIUM. This is a rare metal, never employed in the metallic state, but in the form of sesquioxide (U 2 3 ) and black oxide (2UO . U 2 j!} ) , for imparting 300 OCCURRENCE OF IRON IN NATURE. yellow and black colours respectively to glass and porcelain. The chief source of these compounds is the mineral pitch-blende, which contains a large proportion of black oxide of uranium, together with silica, iron, copper, lead, and arsenic. In its chemical relations uranium presents some similarity to iron and manganese. It forms two distinct oxides, UO and U 2 S , of which the former is decidedly basic, whilst the latter is capable of acting both as an acid and a base. The bright greenish-yellow colour of the salts of the sesquioxide of uranium is characteristic of the metal, and glass coloured with this oxide exhibits the remarkable optical effect of fluorescence in a very high degree. IKON. 210. This most useful of all metals is one of those most widely and abundantly diffused in nature. It is to be found in nearly all forms of rock, clay, sand, and earth, its presence in these being commonly indi- cated by their colours, for iron is the commonest of natural mineral colouring ingredients. It is also found, though in small proportion, in plants, and in larger quantity in the bodies of animals, especially in the blood, which contains about 0'5 per cent, of iron in very intimate associ- ation with its colouring matter. But iron is very rarely found in the metallic state in nature, being almost invariably combined either with oxygen or sulphur. Metallic iron is met with, however, in the meteorites or metallic masses, sometimes of enormous size, and of unknown origin, which occasionally fall upon the earth. Of these iron is the chief component, but there are also generally present, cobalt, nickel, chromium, manganese, copper, tin, magnesium, carbon, phosphorus, and sulphur. The chief forms of combination in which iron is found in sufficient abundance to render them available as sources of the metal, are shown in the following table : - Ores of Iron. Common Name. Chemical Name. Composition. Magnetic iron ore Protosesquioxide of iron Fe 3 4 Ked haematite Sesquioxide of iron Fe 2 3 Specular iron Brown haematite Hydrated sesquioxide 2Fe 2 3 .3HO Spathic iron ore Carbonate of iron FeO . C0 2 Clay iron-stone ( Carbonate of iron with I clay ( Carbonate of iron with Blackband < clay and bituminous \ matter Iron pyrites Bisulphide of iron. FeS 2 These ores are frequently associated with extraneous minerals, some of the constituents of which are productive of injury to the quality of the iron. It is worthy of notice that scarcely one of the ores of iron is entirely free from sulphur and phosphorus, substances which will be seen to have a very serious influence on the quality of the iron extracted from them, and the presence of which increases the difficulty of obtaining the metal in a marketable condition. The following table illustrates the general composition of the most im- portant English ores of iron, with reference to the proportions of iron, and of those substances which materially influence the character of the iron OKES OF IRON. 301 extracted from the ore, viz., manganese (present as oxide or carbonate), phosphorus (present as phosphoric acid), and sulphur (present as bisul- phide of iron). The maximum and minimum quantities found in each ore are specified. British Iron Ores* Iron. Oxide of Manganese. Phosphoric Acid. Bisulphide of Iron. (Pyrites.) No. of Samples Analysed. In 100 parts. Max. Mhu Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Clay iron-stone from coal-measures, 43-30 L'0-#> 3-30 0-46 1-42 0-07 1-21 77 Clay iron-stone from the lias, 49-17 17-34 1-30 5-05 1-60 12 Brown haematite, .... 63-04 11-98 1-60 trace 3-17 0-30 23 Red haematite, .... 69-10 47-47 1-13 trace trace trace 0-06 5 Spathic ore, 4S-78 13-98 12-64 1-93 0-22 Oil 6 Magnetic ore, 67-01 0-14 o-io 0-07 I From this table it will be gathered that, among the most abundant of the iron ores of this country, red haematite is the richest and purest, whilst the brown haematite often contains considerable proportions of sulphur and phosphorus, and the spathic ore, though containing little sulphur and phosphorus, often contains much manganese. The argillaceous ores, or clay iron-stones, found in the lias contain more phosphoric acid than those from the coal-measures ; and these latter, as a general rule, contain more sulphur (pyrites) than the former, although the maximum in the table does not show this. Clay iron-stone is the ore from which the largest quantity of iron is extracted in England, since it is found abundantly in the coal-measures of Staffordshire, Shropshire, and South Wales, and it is a circumstance of great importance in the economy of English iron-smelting, that the coal and limestone required in the smelting process, and even the fire-clay employed in the construction of the furnace, are found in the immediate vicinity of the ore. Blackband is the clay iron-stone found in the coal-fields of Scotland, and often contains between 20 and 30 per cent, of bituminous matter, which contributes to the economy of fuel in smelting it. Bed hcematite (Fe 2 3 ) is the most characteristic of the ores of iron, occurring in hard shining rounded masses, with a peculiar fibrous structure and a dark red-brown colour, whence the ore derives its name (ai/xa, blood). It is found in considerable quantities in Lancashire and Cornwall, but un- fortunately its very compact structure is an obstacle to its being smelted alone, so that it is generally mixed with some clay iron-stone, and hence the iron obtained is not so free from sulphur and phosphorus as if it were extracted from haematite alone. Red oclire is a soft variety of this ore, containing a little clay. Brown hcematite (2Fe 2 3 . 3HO) is found at Alston Moor (Cumber- land) and in Durham, but it is more abundant on the Continent, and is the source of most of the Belgian and French irons. Pea iron, ore and yellow ochre are varieties of brown haematite. The Scotch ore which is called kidney-form clay iron-stone is really a hydrated sesquioxide of iron. * This table has been compiled from the analyses given in " Percy on Iron and Steel." 302 METALLURGY OF IRON. Specular iron ore (Fe 2 3 ) (oligist ore or iron-glance), although of the same composition as red haematite, is very different from it in appearance, having a steel-grey colour and a brilliant metallic lustre. The island of Elba is the chief locality where this ore is found, but it also occurs in Germany, France, and Eussia. The excellent quality of the iron smelted from this ore is due partly to the purity of the ore, and partly to the cir- cumstance that charcoal, and not coal, is employed in smelting it. Magnetic iron ore (Fe 3 4 ), of which the loadstone is a variety, has a more granular structure, and a dark iron-grey colour. It forms moun- tainous masses in Sweden, and is also found in Russia and North America. It is generally smelted with charcoal, and yields an excellent iron. Iron sand, a peculiar heavy black sand, of metallic lustre, consists in great measure of the magnetic ore, but contains a very large proportion of titanic acid. It is found abundantly in India, Nova Scotia, and New Zealand ; but its fine state of division prevents it from being largely available as a source of iron. Spathic iron ore (FeO . C0 2 ) is found in abundance in Saxony, and often contains a considerable quantity of carbonate of manganese, which influences the character of the metal extracted from it. The oolitic iron ore, occurring in the Northampton oolite, contains both hydrated sesquioxide and carbonate of iron, together with clay. Iron pyrites (FeS 2 ) is remarkable for its yellow colour, its brilliant metallic lustre, and crystalline structure, being generally found either in distinct cubical or dodecahedral crystals, or in rounded nodules of radiated structure. It was formerly disregarded as a source of iron, on account of the difficulty of separating the sulphur ; but since the demand for iron has so largely increased, an inferior quality of the metal has been extracted from the residue left after burning the pyrites in the manufac- ture of oil of vitriol (p. 203), the residue being first well roasted in a lime-kiln to remove as much as possible of the sulphur. 211. Metallurgy of iron. Iron owes the high position which it occupies among useful metals to a combination of valuable qualities not met with in any other. Although possessing nearly twice as great tenacity or strength as the strongest of the other metals commonly used in the metallic state, it is yet one of the lightest, its specific gravity being only 7. 7, and is therefore particularly well adapted for the construction of bridges and large edifices, as well as for ships and carriages. It is the least yield- ing or malleable of the metals in common use, and can therefore be relied upon for affording a rigid support ; and yet its ductility, when heated, is such that it admits of being rolled into the thinnest sheets and drawn into the finest wire, the strength of which is so great that a wire of y^th inch in diameter is able to sustain 705 pounds, while a similar wire of copper, which stands next in order of tenacity, will not support more than 385 pounds. Being, with the exception of platinum, the least fusible of useful metals, iron is applicable to the construction of fire-grates and furnaces. Nor are its qualifications all dependent upon its physical properties, for it not only enters into a great number of compounds which are of the utmost use in the arts, but its chemical relations to one of the non-metallic elements, carbon, are such, that the addition of a small quantity of this element converts it into steel, far surpassing iron in the valuable properties of hard- ness and elasticity; whilst a larger quantity of carbon gives rise to cast- EXTRACTION OF IRON FROM CLAY IRON-STONE. 303 mm, the greater fusibility of which permits it to be moulded into vessels and shapes which could not be produced by forging. 212. English process of smelting clay iron-stone. The first step towards the extraction of the metal consists in calcining (or roasting) the ore in order to expel the water and carbonic acid which it contains. To effect this the ore is built up, together with a certain amount of small coal, into long pyramidal heaps, resting upon a foundation of large lumps of coal ; blackband often contains so much coal that any further addition is unnecessary. These heaps are kindled in several places, and allowed to burn slowly until all the fuel is consumed. This calcination has the effect of rendering the ore more porous, and better fitted for the smelting pro- cess. If the ore contained much sulphur, a part of it would be expelled by the roasting, in the form of sulphurous acid. Sometimes the calcination is effected in kilns resembling lime-kilns, and it is often altogether omitted as a separate process, the expulsion of the water and carbonic acid being then effected in the smelting-furnace itself as the ore descends. The calcined ore is smelted in a huge blast-furnace (fig. 229) about fifty or sixty feet high, built of massive masonry, and lined internally with fire-brick. Fig. 229. Blast-furnace for smelting iron ores. Since it would be impossible to obtain a sufficiently high temperature with the natural draught of this furnace, air is forced into it at the bottom, under a pressure of three or four pounds upon the inch, through three 304 CHEMICAL CHANGES IN THE BLAST-FURNACE. tuyere pipes, the nozzles of which pass through apertures in three sides of the furnace. It would be very easy to reduce to the metallic state the oxide of iron contained in the calcined ore, by simply throwing it into this furnace, together with a proper quantity of coal, coke, or charcoal j but the metallic iron fuses with so great difficulty, that it is impossible to sepa- rate it from the clay unless this latter is brought into a liquid state ; and even then the fusion of the iron, which is necessary for complete separa- tion, is only effected after it has formed a more easily fusible compound with a small proportion of carbon derived from the fuel. fow, clay is even more difficult to fuse than iron, so that it is neces- sary to add, in the smelting of the ore, some substance capable of forming with the clay a combination which is fusible at the temperature of the furnace. If clay (silicate of alumina) be mixed with limestone (carbonate of lime), and exposed to a high temperature, the carbonic acid is expelled from the limestone, and the lime unites with the clay, forming a double silicate of alumina and lime, which becomes perfectly liquid, and when cool, solidifies to a glass or slag. The limestone is here said to act as a flux, because it induces the clay to flow in the liquid state. In order, therefore, that the clay may be readily separated from the metallic iron, the calcined ore is mixed with a certain proportion of limestone before being introduced into the furnace. Great care is necessary in first lighting the blast-furnace lest the new masonry should be cracked by too sudden a rise of temperature, and when once lighted, the furnace is kept in constant work for years until in want of repair. When the fire has been lighted, the furnace is filled up with coke, and as soon as this has burnt down to some distance below the chimney, a layer of the mixture of calcined ore with the requisite proportion of lime- stone is thrown upon it ; over this there is placed another layer of coke, then a second layer of the mixture of ore and flux, and so on, in alternate layers, until the furnace has been filled up ; when the layers sink down, fresh quantities of fuel, ore, and flux are added, so that the furnace is kept con- stantly full. As the air passes from the tuyere pipes into the bottom of the furnace, it parts with its oxygen to the carbon of the fuel, which it converts into carbonic acid (C0 2 ) ; the latter, passing over the red-hot fuel as it ascends in the furnace, is converted into carbonic oxide (CO) by combining with an additional quantity of carbon. It is this carbonic oxide which reduces the calcined ore to the metallic state, when it comes in contact with it, at a red heat, in the upper part of the furnace, for carbonic oxide removes the oxygen, at a high temperature, from the oxides of iron, and becomes carbonic acid, the iron being left in the metallic state. But the iron so reduced remains disseminated through the mass of ore until it has passed down to a part of the furnace which is more strongly heated, where the iron enters into combination with a small proportion of carbon to form cast-iron, which fuses and runs down into the crucible or cavity for its reception at the bottom of the furnace. At the same time, the clay contained in the ore is acted upon by the lime of the flux, pro- ducing a double silicate of alumina and lime, which also falls in the liquid state into the crucible, where it forms a layer of " slag " above the heavier metal. This slag, which has five or six times the bulk of the iron, is allowed to accumulate in the crucible, and to run over its edge down the incline (or cinder-fall) upon which the blast-furnace is built ; but when a sufficient quantity of cast-iron has collected at the bottom of the crucible, it is run out through a hole provided for the purpose, either into channels HOT-BLAST IRON. 305 made in a bed of sand or into iron moulds, where it is cast into rough semi-cylindrical masses called pigs, whence cast-iron is also spoken of as pig-iron. The temperature of the furnace is, of course, highest in the immediate neighbourhood of the tuyeres ; the reduction of the iron to the metallic state appears to commence at about two-thirds of the way down the furnace, the volatile matters of the ore, fuel, and flux being driven oif before this point is reached. Some idea may be formed of the immense scale upon which the smelt- ing of iron ores is carried out, when it is stated that each furnace con- sumes, in the course of twenty-four hours, about 50 tons of coal, 30 tons of ore, 6 tons of limestone, and 100 tons of air. The cast-iron is run off from the crucible once or twice in twelve hours, in quantities of five or six tons at a time. The average yield of calcined clay iron-stone is 35 per cent, of iron. The gases escaping from the chimney of the blast-furnace are highly inflammable, for they contain, beside the nitrogen of the air blown into the furnace, a considerable quantity of carbonic oxide and some hydrogen, together with the carbonic acid formed by the action of the carbonic oxide upon the ore. Since the carbonic oxide and hydrogen confer considerable heating power upon these gases, they are employed in some iron-works for heating steam boilers, or for calcining the ore, or for raising the temperature of the blast. The composition of the gas issuing from a hot-blast furnace (fed with uncoked coal) may be judged of from the following table : Gas from Blast- Furnace. Nitrogen, . 55-35 vols. Carbonic oxide, Hydrogen, . Carbonic acid, Marsh-gas, Olefiant-gas, 25-97 6-73 7-77 3-75 0-43 100-00 The carbonic oxide, of course, renders these gases highly poisonous, and fatal acci- dents occasionally happen from this cause. Although the bulk of the nitrogen present in the air escapes unchanged from the furnace, it is not improbable that a portion of it contributes to the formation of the cyanide of potassium (KC 2 N), which is produced in the lower part of the furnace, the potassium being furnished by the ashes of the fuel. The hot-blast. On considering the enormous quantity of air which passes through the blast furnace, it will be seen that it occasions the ioss of a considerable amount of heat. In order to economise the fuel, hot-blast furnaces are fed with air of which the temperature is raised to about 600 F., by passing it through heated iron pipes before allowing it to enter the blast furnace. The higher temperature which is thus attained permits the use of uncoked coal, which would not have given enough heat in a cold-blast furnace, and the same quantity of ore may be smelted with less than half the coal formerly employed. It appears, however, that the hot-blast iron is inferior in quality to that obtained from the same ore in a cold- blast furnace, and this is generally explained by referring to the larger quantity of sulphur contained in the raw coal; to the circumstance, that the cast-iron being exposed to a much higher temperature in the hot-blast furnace is more liable to receive and retain a larger amount of foreign sub- u 306 BLAST FUKNACE CINDER. stances; and (most important of all) to the custom of extracting iron in a hot-blast furnace from slags obtained in the subsequent processes of the iron-manufacture, which could not be smelted in a cold-blast furnace. These slags always contain sulphur and phosphorus, and therefore yield an inferior quality of iron. Hence the distinction commonly drawn between mine-iron extracted from the ore without admixture of slags, and cinder- iron in the preparation of which slag or cinder has been employed. The slag from the blastfurnace is essentially a glass composed of a double silicate of alumina and lime, the composition of which varies much according to the nature of the earthy matters in the ore, and the com- position of the flux. Its colour is generally opaque white, streaked with blue, green, or brown. The nature of the flux employed must, of course, be modified according to the composition of the earthy substances (or gangue) present in the ore. Where this consists of clay (silicate of alumina) the addition of lime (which is sometimes added in the form of limestone and sometimes as quick-lime) will provide for the formation of the double silicate of alumina and lime. But if the iron-ore happened already to contain limestone, an addition of clay would be necessary, or if quartz were present, consisting of silica only, both lime and alumina (in the form of clay) will be neces- sary as a flux. It is sometimes found economical to employ a mixture of ores containing different kinds of gangue, so that one may serve as a flux to the other. If a proper proportion of lime were not added, a portion of the oxide of iron would combine with the silica and be carried off in the slag, but if too large a quantity of lime be employed, it will diminish the fusibility of the slag, and prevent the complete separation of the iron from the earthy matter. The most easily fusible slag which can be formed by the action of lime upon clay has the composition 6CaO . AL 2 3 . 9Si0 2 ; but, in English furnaces, where coal and coke are employed, it is found neces- sary to employ a larger proportion of lime to convert the sulphur of the fuel into sulphide of calcium, so that the slag commonly has a composi- tion more nearly represented by the formula, 12CaO . 2A1 2 3 . 9Si0 2 , which would express a compound of 6 eqs. of normal silicate of lime with 1 eq. of normal silicate of alumina, 6(2CaO . Si0 2 ) , 2A1) 3 , 3Si0 2 , silicic acid being considered a bibasic acid. Since iron, manganese, and magnesium are commonly found occupying the place of a portion of the calcium, a more general formula for the slag from English blast furnaces would be 6(2[CaFeMnMg]0 . Si0 2 ) , 2A1 2 3 . 3Si0 2 . A fair impression of the ordinary composition of the slag from blast furnaces is conveyed by the following table : Slag from Blast Furnace. Silica, 43-07 Alumina, . Lime, Magnesia, Oxide of iron (FeO) Oxide of manganese (MnO). Potash, . Sulphide of calcium, Phosphoric acid, 14-85 28-92 5-87 2-53 1-37 1-84 1-90 trace 100-35 COMPOSITION OF CAST-IRON. 307. These slags are sometimes run from the blast furnace into iron moulds, in which they are cast into blocks for rough building purposes. The presence of a considerable proportion of potash has led to experiments upon their employment as a manure, for which purpose they have been blown out, when liquid, into a finely divided frothy condition lit for grind- ing and applying to the soil. 213. CAST-IRON is, essentially, composed of iron with from 2 to 5 per cent, of carbon, but always contains other substances derived either from tHe ore or from the fuel employed in smelting it. On taking into con- sideration the energetic deoxidising action in the blast furnace, it is not surprising that portions of the various oxygen compounds exposed to it should part with their oxygen, and that the elements thus liberated should find their way into the cast-iron. In this way the silicic acid is reduced, and its silicon is found in cast-iron in quantity sometimes amount- ing to 3 or 4 per cent. Sulphur and phosphorus are also generally pre- sent in cast-iron, but in very much smaller quantity; their presence diminishes its tenacity, and the smelter endeavours to exclude them as far as possible, though a small quantity of phosphorus appears to be rather advantageous for some castings, since it augments the fusibility and fluidity of the cast-iron. The sulphur is chiefly derived from the coal or coke employed in smelting, and for this reason charcoal would be pre- ferable to any other fuel if it could be obtained at a sufficiently cheap rate. The iron-works of America and those of the European continent enjoy a great advantage in this respect over those of England. The phosphorus is obtained from the phosphoric acid existing in the ore or in the flux. Manganese, amounting to 1 or 2 per cent., is often met with in cast iron, having been reduced from the oxide of manganese, which is generally found in iron ores. Other metals, such as chromium, cobalt, &c., are also occasionally present, though in so small quantities as to be of no importance in practice. The following table exhibits the largest and smallest proportions of the various elements determined in the analysis of upwards of a hundred specimens of cast-iron : Composition of Cast-iron* Max. Min. Carbon, 4-81 1-04 per cent. Silicon, 4-77 0-08 Sulphur, 1-06 0-00 Phosphorus, 1-87 trace Manganese, 6-08 trace Iron, In order to understand the differences observed in the several varieties of cast-iron, it is necessary to consider the peculiar relations between iron and carbon. Iron fused in contact with carbon is capable of combining with nearly 6 per cent, of that element, to form a white, brilliant, and brittle compound which may be represented pretty nearly as composed of Fe 4 C. Under certain circumstances, as this compound of iron and carbon cools, a portion of the carbon separates from the iron, and remains disseminated throughout the mass in the form of minute crystalline par- ticles very much resembling natural graphite. If a broken piece of iron containing these scales 'be examined, the fracture will be found to exhibit * Compiled from " Percy on Iron and Steel." U2 308 GIIEY, MOTTLED, AND WHITE IRON. a more or less dark grey colour, due to the presence of the uncombined carbon, and for this reason a cast-iron in which a portion of the carbon has thus separated is commonly spoken of as grey iron, whilst that in which the whole of -the carbon has remained in combination with the metal exhibits a white fracture, and is termed white iron or bright iron. Intermediate between these is the variety known as mottled iron, which has the appearance of a mixture of the grey and w r hite varieties. The different condition of the carbon in the two varieties of cast-iron is rendered apparent when the metal is dissolved in diluted sulphuric or hydrochloric acid, for any carbon which exists in the uncombined state will then be left, whilst that which had been in combination with the iron passes off in the form of peculiar compounds of carbon and hydrogen, which impart the disagreeable odour perceived in the gas evolved when the metal is dissolved in an acid. The properties of these two varieties of cast-iron are widely different, grey iron being so soft that it may be turned in a lathe, whilst the white iron is extremely hard and brittle. Again, although white iron fuses at a lower temperature than grey-iron, the latter is far more liquid when fused, and is therefore much better fitted for casting. Although the presence of uncombined carbon is the chief point which distinguishes grey from white iron, other differences are commonly observed in the composition of the two varieties. Thus white iron usually contains less silicon than grey iron, but a larger proportion of sulphur. White iron also usually contains a much larger quantity of manganese. The difference in the composition of these three varieties of cast-iron is shown in the following table : Grey. Mottled. White. Iron . . . 9024 89-31 89-86 Combined carbon 1-02 1-79 2-46 Graphite Silicon . 2-64 306 1-11 2-17 0-87 1-12 Sulphur . Phosphorus Manganese 1-14 0-93 0-83 1-48 1-17 1-60 2-52 0-91 2-72 99-86 98-63 100-46 As might be expected, it is not easy to tell where a cast-iron ceases to be grey and begins to be mottled, or where the mottled iron ends and white iron begins. There are, in fact, eight varieties of cast-iron in com- merce distinguished by the numbers one to eight, of which No. 1 is dark grey, and contains the largest proportion of graphite, which diminishes in the succeeding numbers up to No. 8, which is the whitest iron, the inter- mediate numbers being more or less mottled. The particular variety of cast-iron produced is to some extent under the control of the smelter, a furnace in good order appearing usually to yield grey iron, whilst a defective furnace, or one supplied with too small a proportion of fuel, will commonly give a white iron. But the metal sometimes varies considerably at different levels in the crucible of the furnace, so that pigs of different degrees of greyness are obtained at the same tapping. Mottled cast-iron surpasses both the other varieties in tenacity, and REFINING CAST-IRON. 309 is therefore preferred for such purposes as casting ordnance, where this quality is particularly desirable. The dark grey iron used for casting, known as foundry-iron, is produced by supplying the blast furnace with a larger proportion of fuel than is employed in making the lighter forge-iron destined for conversion into wrought-iron. The extra consumption of fuel, of course, renders the foundry-iron more expensive. When a furnace is worked with a low charge of fuel to produce a white iron, a larger quantity of iron is lost in the slag, sometimes amounting to 5 per cent, of the metal, whilst the average loss in producing grey iron does not exceed 2 per cent. Ores containing a large proportion of manganese are generally found to yield a white iron. When grey iron is melted, the particles of graphite to which its grey colour is due are dissolved by the liquid iron, and if it be poured into a cold iron mould so as to solidify it as rapidly as possible, the external portion of the casting will present much of the hardness and appear- ance of white iron, the sudden cooling having prevented the separation of the graphite. This affords the explanation of the process of chill- casting, by which shot, &c., made of the soft fusible grey iron, are made to acquire externally a hardness approaching that of steel. The specific gravity of cast-iron varies between 6 - 92 and 7 '53, and its fusing point is somewhat below 3000 F. CONVERSION OF CAST-IRON INTO BAR OR WROUGHT IRON. 214. In order to convert cast-iron into bar-iron, it is necessary to reduce it as far as possible to the condition of pure iron by removing the carbon, silicon, and other substances associated with it. This purification is effected upon the principle, that when cast-iron is strongly heated in con- tact with oxide of iron, its carbon is evolved in the form of carbonic oxide, whilst the silicon, also combining with the oxygen from a part of the oxide of iron, is con- verted into silicic acid, which unites with an- other portion of oxide to form a fusible slag easily separated from the metal. The most important of the processes em- ployed for the conver- sion of pig-iron into bar- iron, is that known as the puddling process, but this is sometimes preceded by the process of refining, which will therefore be first de- scribed. Refining of cast-iron. Fig. 230. Hearth for refining pig-iron. This process consists essentially in exposing the metal, in a fused state, to the action of a blast of air. The refinery (figs. 230, 231) is a rectangular trough with double walls of cast-iron, between 310 REFINING CAST-IKON. which cold water is kept circulating to prevent their fusion. This trough is about 3 J feet long by 2J wide, and usually lined with fire-clay ; on each side of it are arranged three tuyere pipes for the supply of air, inclined at an angle of 25 to 30 to the bottom of the fur- nace, which is fed with coke, unless the very best iron is required, as for the manufacture of tin- plate, when charcoal is generally used in the refinery. This furnace having been filled to a certain height with fuel, five or six pigs of iron (from 20 to 30 cwt.) are ar- ranged symmetrically upon it, a blast of air being forced in through the tuyeres, under a pressure of about 3 Ibs. upon the inch. In about a quarter of an hour the metal begins to fuse gradually, and to trickle down through the fuel to the bottom of the refinery, a portion of the iron being converted into oxide in its descent, by the air issuing from the tuyere pipes. When the whole of the metal has been fused, the air is still allowed to play for some time upon its surface, when the fused metal appears to boil in consequence of the escape of bubbles of carbonic oxide. After about two hours the tap hole is opened, and the molten metal run out into a flat mould ; when it begins to solidify, water is thrown upon its surface in order to chill it and render it brittle. The plate of refined iron thus obtained is usually about 2 inches thick. The slag (or finery cinder) is generally received in a separate mould ; its composition may be generally expressed by the formula 2FeO . Si0 2 , the silicic acid having been derived from the silicon contained in the cast-iron. The change effected in the composition of the iron by the process of refining will be apparent from the following table : Fig. 231. Hearth for refining pig-iron. Refined Iron. Iron, Carbon, . Silicon, . Sulphur, Phosphorus, Manganese, Slag, . 95-14 3-07 0-63 0-16 0-73 trace 044 100-17 The carbon, therefore, is not nearly so much diminished as the silicon, which is in some cases reduced to -^th of its former proportion by the refining process. Half of the sulphur is also sometimes removed, being found in the slag as sulphide of iron. The phosphorus is not removed to the same extent in the refining process, though some of it is converted into phosphoric acid, which may be found in the finery cinder. PUDDLING. 311 The further purification of the metal could not be effected in the refinery, since the fusibility of the iron is so greatly diminished as it approaches to a pure state, that it could not be retained in a fluid condi- tion at the temperature attainable in this furnace, and a more spacious hearth is required upon which the pasty metal may be kneaded into close contact with the oxide of iron which is to complete the oxidation and separation of the carbon. For this reason the metal is transferred to the puddling furnace. x The puddling process is carried out in a reverberatory furnace (figs. 232, 233) connected with a tall chimney provided with a damper, so as to admit of a very perfect regulation of the draught. A bridge of fire-brick between Fig. 232. Puddling furnace. the grate and the hearth prevents the contact of the coal with the iron to be puddled. The hearth "is composed either of fire-brick or of cast-iron plates, covered with a layer of a very infusible slag, and cooled by a free Fig. 233. Puddling furnace. circulation of air beneath them. This hearth is about 6 feet in length, by 4 feet in the widest part near the grate, and 2 feet at the opposite end ; 312 VARIETIES OF BAR-IRON. it is slightly inclined towards the end farthest from the grate, and finishes in a very considerable slope, at the lowest point of which is the /loss-hole for the removal of the slag. Since the metal is to attain a very high temperature in this furnace (estimated at 3000 F.), it is usually covered with an iron casing, so as to prevent any entrance of cold air through chinks in the brick work. About 5 cwt. of the fine metal is broken up and heaped upon the hearth of this furnace, together with about 1 cwt. of iron scales (black oxide of iron, Fe 3 4 ), and of hammer-slag (basic silicate of iron, obtained in subsequent operations), which are added in order to assist in oxidising the impurities. When the metal has fused, the mass is well stirred or puddled, so that the oxide of iron may be brought into contact with every part of the metal, to effect the oxidation of the impurities. The metal now appears to boil, in consequence of the escape of carbonic oxide, and in about an hour from the commencement of the puddling, so much of the carbon has been removed that the fusibility of the metal is con- siderably diminished, and instead of retaining a fused condition at the temperature prevailing in the furnace, it assumes a granular, sandy, or dry state, spongy masses of pure iron separating or coming to nature in the fused mass. The puddling of the iron is continued until the whole has assumed this granular appearance, when the evolution of carbonic oxide ceases almost entirely, showing that the removal of the carbon is nearly completed. The damper is now gradually raised, so as to increase the temperature and soften the particles of iron, in order that they may be collected into a mass ; and the more easily to effect this, a part of the slag is run off through the floss-hole. The workman then collects some of the iron upon the end of the paddle, and rolls it about on the hearth until he has collected a sort of rough ball of iron, weighing about half-a- hundred weight. When all the iron has been collected into balls in this way, they are placed in the hottest part of the furnace, and pressed occa- sionally with the paddle, so as to squeeze out a portion of the slag with which their interstices are filled. The doors are then closed to raise the interior of the furnace to a very high temperature, and after a short time, when the balls are sufficiently heated, they are removed from the furnace, and placed under a steam hammer, which squeezes out the liquid slag, and forces the softened particles of iron to cohere into a continuous oblong mass or bloom, which is then passed between rollers by which it is ex- tended into bars. These bars, however (Hough or Puddled, or No. 1 Bar), are always hard and brittle, and are only fit for such constructions as rail- way bars, where hardness is required rather than great tenacity. In order to improve this latter quality, the rough bars are cut up into short lengths, which are made into bundles, and after being raised to a high tempera- ture in the mill-furnace, are passed through rollers, which weld the several bars into one compound bar, to be subsequently passed through other rollers until it has acquired the desired dimensions. By thus fagot- ting the bars, their texture is rendered far more uniform, and they are made to assume a fibrous structure, which appears greatly to increase their strength (Merchant Bar, or No. 2 Bar). To obtain the best, or No. 3 Bar, or wire-iron, these bars are doubled upon themselves, raised to a welding heat, and again passed between rollers. These repeated rollings have the effect of thoroughly squeezing out the slag which is mechanically entangled among the particles of iron in the rough bars, and would pro- duce flaws if allowed to remain in the metal. A slight improvement DEFECTS OF THE PUDDLING PKOCESS. 313 appears also to "be effected in the chemical composition of the iron during the rolling, some of the carbon, silicon, phosphorus, and sulphur, still retained by the puddled iron, becoming oxidised, and passing away as carbonic oxide and slag. The following table exhibits the change in chemical composition which takes place in pig-iron when puddled (without previous refining) and rolled into wire-iron : Effect of Puddling and Forging on Cast-iron. In 100 parts. Carbon. Silicon. Sulphur. Phosphorus. Grey pig-iron, . . Puddled bar, . . . Wire-iron, .... 2-275 0-296 0-111 2-720 0-120 0-088 0-301 0-134 0-094 0-645 0-139 0-117 About 90 parts of bar-iron are obtained from 100 of pig-iron by the puddling process, the difference representing the carbon which has passed off as carbonic oxide, and the silicon, sulphur, phosphorus, and iron, which have been removed in the slag or tap-cinder, this being essentially a silicate of protoxide and sesquioxide of iron, varying much in composi- tion according to the character of the iron employed for puddling, and the proportions of iron-scale and hammer-slag introduced into the furnace. Of course, also, the material of which the hearth is composed will in- fluence the composition of the slag. The following table affords an illus- tration of its composition : Tap- Cinder from Puddling Furnace. Protoxide of iron (FeO), . Peroxide of iron (Fe 2 3 ), Silicic acid, Phosphoric acid, Sulphide of iron, Lime, .... Oxide of manganese, Magnesia, 99-62 The lime in the above cinder was probably derived from the hearth of the furnace, which is sometimes lined with that material to assist in removing the sulphur. When pig-iron is puddled without undergoing the refining process, it becomes much more liquid than refined iron, and the process is some- times described as the boiling process, whilst refined iron undergoes dry puddling. It will be observed that this process of puddling is attended with some important disadvantages ; it involves a great expenditure of manual labour, and of a most exhausting kind; the very high temperature to which the puddler is exposed renders him liable to lung disease, and cataract is not uncommonly caused by the intense light from the glowing iron ; the wear and tear of the puddling furnace is very considerable, and since it receives only ten or eleven charges of about five cwts. each in the course of twenty-four hours, it is necessary to work five or six puddling furnaces at once, in order to convert into bar-iron the whole of the cast- 314 BESSEMER IRON. Fig. 234. Bessemer's converting vessel. iron turned out from a single blast furnace. These considerations have led to several attempts to improve the puddling process by employing revolving furnaces and other mechanical arrangements to supersede the heavy manual labour, and even to dispense with it , altogether by forcing the air into the molten iron. The most generally known of the processes devised for this purpose is that of Bessemer, which consists in running the melted cast-iron into a huge crucible, and forcing air up through it under considerable pressure, thus combining the purifying influence of the blast of air in the refinery with the mechanical agitation effected in the puddling furnace. Bessemer's converting vessel (fig. 234) is a large, nearly cylindrical crucible of wrought iron, lined with fire-clay, having apertures (A) at the bottom, through which air is blown at a pressure of fifteen or twenty pounds upon the inch. This vessel is sometimes large enough to receive ten tons of cast-iron for a charge. The metal having been melted in a separate furnace, is run into the con- verting vessel, the blast being already turned on so that the liquid iron may not run into the air tubes. The iron burns vividly in the current of air, and the oxide of iron .produced is dif- fused in a melted state through the mass of metal by the rapid current of air. This oxide of iron acts upon the silicon and carbon in the cast-iron, converting the latter into carbonic oxide, which burns with flame at the mouth of the converter, and the former into silicic acid, which enters into the slag, and is carried up as a froth to the surface of the liquid iron. The blast of air is continued for about twenty minutes, when the disap- pearance of the flame of carbonic oxide indicates the completion of the process ; but the remaining purified iron is not pasty, as in the puddling furnace, being retained in a perfectly liquid condition by the high tem- perature resulting from the combustion of part of the iron, so that the metal may be run out into moulds by tilting the converting vessel. In this way about 85 parts of bar-iron are obtained from 100 of pig-iron. Although so great an economy of time and labour would result from the application of Bessemer's process, it has not superseded the puddling process, because it does not remove the sulphur and phosphorus from the pig-iron, so that only the best varieties of that material, extracted from hematite or magnetic ore, yield a bar-iron of good quality when purified in this way. Its application to the manufacture of steel will be noticed hereafter. The effect of the Bessemer process upon a particular specimen of pig-iron is shown in the table. In 100 parts of Pig-iron. Before. After. Carbon, .... 3-309 0-218 Silicon . 0-595 Sulphur, 0-485 0-402 Phosphorus, 1-012 1-102 Composition of bar-iron. Even the best bar-iron contains from O'l to CHARACTERS OF STEEL. 315 0'5 per cent, of carbon, together with minute proportions of silicon, sul- phur, and phosphorus. Perfectly pure iron is inferior in hardness and tenacity to that which contains a small proportion of carbon. Bar-iron is liable to two important defects, which are technically known as cold-shortness and red-shortness. Cold-short iron is brittle at ordinary temperatures, and appears to owe this to the presence of phosphorus, of which element 0*5 per cent, is sufficient materially to diminish the tenacity of the iron. When the iron is liable to brittleness at a red heat, it is termed red-short iron, and a very little sulphur is sufficient to affect the quality of the iron in this respect. There is much difference of opinion as to the true causes of the varia- tion in the strength of wrought-iron, and this is not surprising when we reflect upon the number of circumstances which may be reasonably expected to exert some influence upon it. Not only the proportions of carbon, silicon, sulphur, phosphorus, and manganese may be supposed to affect the quality of the iron, but the state of combination in which these elements exist in the mass is not unlikely to cause a difference. It also appears certain that the mechanical structure, dependent upon the arrange- ment of the particles composing the mass of metal, has at least as much influence upon the tenacity of the iron as its chemical composition. The best bar-iron, if broken slowly, always exhibits a fibrous structure, the particles of iron being arranged in parallel lines. This appears to con- tribute greatly to the strength of the iron, for when it is wanting, and the bar is composed of a confused mass of crystals, it is weaker in proportion to the size of the crystals. The presence of phosphorus is said to favour the formation of large crystals, and hence to produce cold-shortness. There is some reason to believe that the fibrous is sometimes exchanged for the crystalline texture under the influence of frequent vibrations, as in the case of railway axles, girders of suspension-bridges, &c. Considering the difficult fusibility of bar-iron, it is fortunate that it possesses the property of being ivelded, that is, of being united by ham- mering when softened by heat. It is customary first to sprinkle the heated bars with sand or clay in order to convert the superficial oxide of iron into a liquid silicate, which will be forced out from between them by hammering, leaving the clean metallic surfaces to adhere. Burnt iron does not weld, and is largely crystalline in structure. MANUFACTURE OF STEEL. 215. Steel differs from bar-iron in possessing the property of becoming very hard and brittle when heated to redness and then suddenly cooled by being plunged into water. Perfectly pure iron, obtained by the elec- trotype process, is not hardened by sudden cooling; but all bar-iron which contains carbon does exhibit this property in a greater or less degree according to the proportion of carbon present. It does not become decidedly steely, however, until the carbon amounts to O5 per cent. The best steel contains about 1 -5 per cent, of carbon, and when the proportion reaches 1'7 per cent, it begins to assume the properties of cast-iron. Bar- iron may, therefore, be converted into steel by the addition of about 1'5 per cent, of carbon, and, conversely, cast-iron is converted into steel when the quantity of carbon contained in it is reduced to about 1 '5 per cent. There are thus two processes by which steel may be produced ; but that 316 PRODUCTION OF STEEL BY CEMENTATION. which is employed almost exclusively in this country consists in combin- ing bar-iron with the requisite amount of carbon by what is technically known as cementation, the bars being imbedded in charcoal and exposed for several days to a high temperature. The operation is effected in large chests of fire-brick or stone, about 10 or 12 feet long by 3 feet wide and 3 feet deep. IHIIII ' llllllrllll'lMlllllNIIHIiri 1 Fig. 235. Furnace for converting bar-iron into steel. Two of these chests are built into a dome-shaped furnace (converting furnace, fig. 235), so that the flame may circulate round them, and the furnace is surrounded with a conical jacket of brick- work in order to allow a steady temperature to be maintained in it for some days. The charcoal is ground so as to pass through a sieve of J inch mesh, and spread in an even layer upon the bottom of the chests. Upon this the bars of iron, which must be of the best quality, are laid in regular order, a small in- terval being left between them, which is afterwards filled in with the charcoal powder, with a layer of which the bars are now covered ; over this more bars are laid, then another layer of charcoal, and so on until the chest is filled. Each chest holds 5 or 6 tons of bars. One of the bars is allowed to project through an opening in the end of the chest, so that the workmen may withdraw it from time to time and judge of the progress of the operation. The whole is covered in with a layer of about 6 inches of damp clay or sand. The fire is carefully and gradually lighted, lest the chests should be split by too sudden application of heat, and the temperature is eventually raised to about the fusing point of copper (2000 F.), at which it is main- tained for a period varying with the quality of steel which it is desired to obtain. Six or eight days suffice to produce steel of moderate hardness ; but the process is continued for three or four days longer if very hard steel be required. The fire is gradually extinguished, so that the chests are about ten days in cooling down. On opening the chests, the bars are found to have suffered a remarkable change both in their external appearance and internal structure. They are covered with large blisters, obviously produced by some gaseous sub- stance raising the softened surface of the metal in its attempt to escape. It is conjectured either that the small quantity of sulphur present in the bar-iron is converted into bisulphide of carbon during the cementation process, and that the vapour of this substance swells the softened metal SHEAR STEEL CAST STEEL. 317 into bubbles as it passes off; or that the blisters are caused by carbonic oxide produced by the action of the carbon upon particles of slag acci- dentally present in the bar. On breaking the bars across, the fracture is; found to have a finely granular structure, instead of the fibrous appearance exhibited by bar-iron. Chemical analysis shows that the iron has com- bined with about 1 '5 per cent, of carbon, and the most remarkable part of the result is that this carbon is not only found in the external layer of iron, which has been in direct contact with the heated charcoal, but is also present in the very centre of the bar. It is this transmission of the solid carbon through the solid mass of iron which is implied by the term cementation. The chemistry of the process probably consists in the forma- tion of carbonic oxide from the small quantity of atmospheric oxygen in the chest, and the removal of one-half of the carbon from this carbonic oxide, by the iron, which it converts into steel, leaving carbonic acid (2CO C = C0 2 ) to be reconverted into carbonic oxide by taking up more carbon from the charcoal (C0 2 + C = CO), which it transfers again to the iron. Experiment has recently shown that soft iron is capable of absorbing, mechanically, 4*15 volumes of carbonic oxide at a low red heat, so that the action of the gas upon the metal may occur throughout the substance of the bar. The carbonic oxide is retained unaltered by the iron, after cooling, unless the bar is raised to the temperature required for the production of steel. The blistered steel obtained by this process is, as would be expected, far from uniform either in composition or in texture ; some portions of the bar contain more carbon than others, and the interior contains nume- rous cavities. In order to improve its quality, it is subjected to a process of fagotting similar to that mentioned in the case of bar-iron ; the bars of blistered steel, being cut into short lengths, are made up into bundles, which are raised to a welding heat, and placed under a tilt-hammer weighing about 2 cwt., which strikes two or three hundred blows in a minute ; in this way, the several bars are consolidated into one compound bar, which is then extended under the hammer till of the required dimensions. The bars, before being hammered, are sprinkled with sand, which combines with the oxide of iron upon the surface, and forms a vitreous layer which protects the bar from further oxidation. The steel w r hich has been thus hammered is much denser and more uniform in composition ; its tenacity, malleability, and ductility are greatly in- creased, and it is fitted for the manufacture of shears, files, and other tools. It is commonly known as shear steel. Double shear steel is obtained by breaking the tilted bars in two, and welding these into a compound bar. The best variety of steel, however, which is perfectly homogeneous in composition, is that known as cast steel, to obtain which, about 30 Ibs. of blistered steel are broken into fragments, and fused in a fire-clay crucible, heated in a wind-furnace, the surface of the metal being protected from oxidation by a little glass melted upon it. The fused steel is cast into ingots, several crucibles being emptied simultaneously into the same mould. Cast steel is far superior in density and hardness to shear steel, but since it is exceedingly brittle at a red heat, great care is necessary in forging it. It has been found that the addition, to 100 parts of the cast steel, of one part of a mixture of charcoal and oxide of manganese, pro- duces a very fine grained steel which admits of being cast on to a bar of wrought-iron in the ingot-mould, so that the tenacity of the latter may 318 TEMPERING OF STEEL. compensate for the brittleness of the steel when the compound bar is forged, the wrought-iron forming the back of the implement, and the steel its cutting edge. This addition of manganese to the cast steel (Heath's patent) has effected a great reduction in its cost, allowing the use of blister steel made from British bar-iron, whereas, before its introduction, only the expensive iron of Swedish or Eussian make could be employed. After the steel has been forged into the shape of any implement, it is hardened by being heated to redness, and suddenly chilled in cold water, or oil, or mercury. It is thus rendered nearly as hard as diamond, at the same time increasing slightly in volume (sp. gr. of cast steel 7 - 93, after hardening, 7 '6 6). The chemical difference between hard and soft steel appears to be of the same kind as that between grey and white cast-iron (p. 307), the great proportion of the carbon in hard steel being in combina- ation with the metal, while in soft steel the greater part seems to be in intimate mechanical admixture with the iron, for it is left undissolved on treating the steel with an acid. If the hardened steel be heated to red- ness,, and allowed to cool slowly, it is again converted into soft steel, but by heating it to a temperature short of a red heat, its hardness may be proportionally reduced. This is taken advantage of in annealing the steel or " letting it down" to the proper temper. The very hardest steel is almost as brittle as glass, and totally unfit for any ordinary use, but by heating it to a given temperature and allowing it to cool, its elasti- city may be increased to the desired extent, without reducing its hard- ness below that required for the implement in hand. On heating a steel blade gradually over a flame, it will acquire a light yellow colour when its temperature reaches 430 F., from the formation of a thin film of oxide ; as the temperature rises, the thickness of the film increases, and at 470 a decided yellow colour is seen, which assumes a brown shade at 490, becomes purple at 520, and blue at 550. At a still higher temperature the film of oxide becomes so thick as to be black and opaque. Steel which has been heated to 430, and allowed to cool slowly, is said to be tempered to the yellow, and is hard enough to take a very fine cutting edge, whilst, if tempered to the blue, at 550, it is too soft to take a very keen edge, but has a very high degree of elasticity. The fol- lowing table indicates the tempering heats for various implements : Tempering of Steel. Temperature, F. Colour. Implements thus tempered. 430 to 450. 470 490 510 520 530 to 570. Straw-yellow. Yellow. Brown-yellow. Brown-purple. Purple. Blue. Eazors, lancets. Pen-knives. Large shears for cutting metal. Clasp-knives. Table-knives. Watch-springs, sword-blades. If a knife blade be heated to redness, its temper is spoilt, for it is converted into soft steel. In general, the steel implements are ground after being tempered, so that they are not seen of the colours mentioned above, except in the case of watch-springs. BESSEMEK STEEL SPIEGEL-EISEN. 319 A steel blade may be easily distinguished from iron by placing a drop of diluted nitric acid upon it, when a dark stain is produced upon the steel, from the separation of the carbon. Some small instruments, such as keys, gun-locks, &c., which are ex- posed to considerable wear and tear by friction, and require the external hardness of steel without its brittleness, are forged from bar-iron, and converted externally into steel by the process of case-hardening, which consists in heating them in contact with some substance containing carbon (such as bone-dust, yellow prussiate of potash, &c.) A process which is the reverse of this is adopted in order to increase the tenacity of stirrups, bits, and similar articles made of cast-iron; by heating them for some hours, in contact with oxide of iron or manganese, their carbon and silicon are removed in the forms of carbonic oxide and silicic acid, and they be- come converted into malleable cast-iron. The opinion that steel owes its properties entirely to the presence of carbon is not universally entertained. Some chemists believe that nitrogen (or some analogous element) is an indispensable constituent, but the pro- portion of nitrogen found in steel is too minute to warrant this supposi- tion. Titanium is alleged by some authorities to have an important influence upon the quality of steel, but this also appears to be a doubtful matter. Bar-iron may be converted into steel by being kept at a high temperature in an atmosphere of coal-gas, from which it abstracts carbon. Bessemer steel was originally produced by arresting the purification of cast-iron in Bessemer's process (page 314), as soon as the carbon had dimi- nished to about 1'5 per cent., when the steel was poured out in the fused state, i.e., in the form of cast steel. A steel of better quality, however, has been obtained by continuing the purification until liquid bar-iron remains in the converter, and introducing the proper proportion of carbon in the form of a peculiar description of white cast-iron known as Spiegel- eisen (mirror iron), which crystallises in lustrous tabular crystals, and contains large proportions of carbon and manganese, being obtained by smelting spathic iron ore rich in manganese, with charcoal as fuel. The Spiegel-eisen is added, in a melted state, to the Bessemer iron before pour- ing from the converter. The composition of a sample of Spiegel-eisen smelted from a spathic ore, found near Miisen in Prussia, is here given : Iron, . . . 82-86 Manganese, . . 10-71 Silicon, . . . 1-00 Carbon, . . . 4-32 98-89 Homogeneous iron, as it is called, is really a mild steel containing a low percentage of carbon, and obtained by fusing the best Swedish bar-iron with carbonaceous matters. It is remarkable for its malleability and toughness, and, having undergone complete fusion, it is more likely to be homogeneous in composition and structure than wrought-iron produced by puddling. Parry's steel is manufactured by melting bar-iron with fuel free from sulphur and phosphorus, so as to obtain a very pure cast-iron, which is 320 EXTRACTION OF WROUGHT IRON FROM THE ORE. then partly decarbonised by a process similar to Bessemer's. The addi- tion of manganese improves its quality. Puddled steel is obtained by arresting the puddling process at an earlier stage than usual, so as to leave a proportion of carbon varying from 0'5 to 1 "0 per cent. Natural steel or German steel results in a similar way, from the incom- plete purification of cast-iron in the refinery. The presence of manganese in the iron is favourable to its production. Krupp's cast steel, manufactured at Essen near Cologne, and employed for ordnance, shells, &c., is a puddled steel made from hsematite and spathic ore, smelted with coke. The iron thus obtained contains much manganese, which is removed in the puddling process. Krupp's steel contains about 1 '2 per cent of combined carbon, and is fused with a little bar-iron for casting ordnance. The fusion is effected in black lead crucibles holding 30 Ibs. each, of which as many as 1200 are emptied simultaneously into the mould for the largest castings. A casting of 1 6 tons requires about 400 men, who act together in well-disciplined gangs, so that the stream of molten metal shall flow continuously along the gutters into the mould. Such large castings must be allowed to cool very gradually, so that they are kept surrounded with hot cinders, sometimes for two or three months, till required for forging. 216. Direct extraction of wrought-iron from the ore. Where very rich and pure ores of iron, such as haematite and magnetic iron ore, are obtain- able, and fuel is abundant, the metal is sometimes extracted without being Fig. 236. Catalan forge for smelting iron ores. converted into cast-iron. It is probable that the iron of antiquity was extracted in this way, for it is doubtful whether cast-iron was known to EXTRACTION OF IRON IN THE LABORATORY. 321 the ancients, and the slag left from old iron- works does not indicate the use of any flux. Some works of this Description are still in operation in the Pyrenees, where the Catalan process is employed. The crucible is lined at the sides with thick iron plates, and at the bottom with a refrac- tory stone. A quantity of red-hot charcoal is thrown into it, and the space above this is temporarily divided into two compartments by a shovel. The compartment nearest to the pipe through which the blast enters is charged with charcoal, and the other compartment with the calcined ore in small pieces. The shovel is then withdrawn, and a gradually increasing current of air supplied, fresh ore and fuel being added as they sink down. One part of the oxide of iron is reduced to the metallic state by the carbonic oxide, and the rest combines with the silica present in the ore to form a slag. After about five hours the spongy masses of bar-iron are collected into a ball upon the end of an iron rod, and hammered into a compact mass like the metal obtained in the puddling furnace. The blowing machine employed in the Pyrenees is one in which the fall of water from a cistern down a long wooden pipe, sucks in, through lateral apertures, a supply of air which it carries down with it into a box, from which the pressure of the column of water projects it with some force through the blast-pipe, the water escaping from the box through another aperture. In the North American Uoomery forges a modernised form of the same process is adopted. The wrought-iron produced by this process always contains a larger proportion of carbon than puddled iron, and is therefore somewhat steely in character. 217. Extraction of iron on the small scale. In the laboratory, iron may be extracted from haematite in the following manner: A fire-clay crucible (A, fig. 237), about 3 inches high, is filled with damp charcoal powder, rammed down in successive layers ; a smooth conical cavity is scooped in the charcoal, and a mixture of 100 grs. red hae- matite, 25 grs. chalk, and 25 grs. pipe-clay, is introduced into it ; the mixture is covered with a layer of charcoal, and a lid placed on the crucible, which is heated in a Sefstrom blast furnace,* fed with coke in small pieces, for about half an hour. On breaking the cold crucible, a button of cast-iron will be obtained. Chemically pure iron may be prepared by fusing the best wire-iron with about one-fifth of its weight of pure peroxide Fig. 237. Sefstrom furnace, of iron, to oxidise the carbon and silicon which it contains. Some powdered green glass, perfectly free from lead2 3 ), a view which is confirmed by the occurrence of a number of minerals having the same crystalline form as the native magnetic oxide of iron, in which the iron, or part of it, is displaced by other metals. Thus, spinelle is MgO . ALfiz ; Franklinite, ZnO . Fe 2 3 ; chrome-iron ore, FeO . Cr 2 3 . The natural magnetic oxide was mentioned among the ores of iron, and this oxide has been seen to be the result of the action of air or steam upon iron at a high temperature. The hydrated magnetic oxide of iron (Fe 3 4 . HO) is obtained as a black crystalline powder by mixing one equivalent of proto- sulphate with one equivalent of persulphate of iron, and pouring the mixture into a slight excess of solution of ammonia, which is afterwards boiled with it. Magnetic oxide of iron, when acted upon by acids, yields mixtures of protosalts and persalts of iron, so that it is not an independent basic oxide. Ferric acid is only known in combination with bases as ferrates. When iron filings are strongly heated with nitre, and the mass treated with a little water, a fine purple solution of ferrate of potash is obtained. A better method of preparing this salt consists in suspending 1 part of freshly precipitated sesquioxide of iron in 50 parts of water, adding 30 parts of solid hydrate of potash, and saturating the mixture with chlorine (Fe 2 3 + C1 3 + 5KO = 3KC1 + 2(KO . FeO ? ) ; the ferrate of potash forms a black precipitate, being insoluble in the strongly alkaline solution, though it dissolves in pure water to form a purple solution, which is decomposed even by dilution, oxygen escaping, and hydrated peroxide of iron being precipitated ; 2(KO . Fe0 3 ) = 2KO + Fe 2 3 + 3 . A similar decomposition takes place on boiling a strong solution, or on adding an acid with a view to liberate the ferric acid. The ferrates of baryta, strontia, and lime are obtained as fine red precipitates when solutions of their salts are mixed with ferrate of potash. 220. Protosulphate of iron, copperas, green vitriol, or ferrous sulphate, is easily obtained by heating 1 part of iron wire with 1J parts of strong sulphuric acid, mixed with 4 times its weight of water, until the whole of the metal is dissolved, when the solution is allowed to crystallise. Its manufacture on the large scale by the oxidation of iron pyrites has been already referred to. It forms fine green rhomboidal crystals, having the composition FeO.S0 3 .HO + 6Aq. The colour of the crystals varies somewhat, from the occasional presence of small quantities of the sulphate of sesquioxide of iron (Fe 2 3 . 3S0 3 ). It dissolves very easily in twice its weight of cold water, yielding a pale green solution. When the commercial sulphate of iron is boiled with water, it x2 324 EQUIVALENT AND ATOMIC WEIGHTS OF IRON. yields a brown muddy solution, in consequence of the decomposition of the sulphate of sesquioxide of iron contained in it, with precipitation of a basic sulphate. The sulphate of iron has a great tendency to absorb oxygen, and to become converted into the sulphate of sesquioxide. Thus, the ordinary crystals when exposed to air gradually become brown, and are converted into a mixture of the neutral and basic sulphates of the sesquioxide of iron 10(FeO.S0 3 ) + 5 - 3(Fe 2 3 . 3S0 3 ) + 2Fe 2 3 .S0 3 . This disposition to absorb oxygen renders the sulphate of iron useful as a reducing agent ; thus, it is employed for precipitating gold in the metallic state from its solutions. But its chief use is for the manufacture of ink and black dyes, by its action upon vegetable infusions containing tannic acid, such as that of nut-galls. This application will be more particularly noticed hereafter. Sulphate of sesquioxide of iron, or persulphate of iron, or ferric sulphate, is found in Chile as a white silky crystalline mineral, coquimbite, having the composition, Fe 2 3 . 3S0 3 + 9 Aq. The phosphates of protoxide and sesquioxide of iron are found associated in the mineral known as vivianite or native Prussian blue. 221. Sesquichloride, or perchloride of iron or ferric chloride (Fe 2 Cl 3 ), is obtained in beautiful dark green crystalline scales when iron wire is heated in a glass tube through which a current of dry chlorine is passed, the sesquichloride passing off in vapour, and condensing in the cool part of the tube. The crystals almost instantly become wet when exposed to air, on account of their great attraction for water. The perchloride of iron may be obtained in solution by dissolving iron in hydrochloric acid, and converting the protochloride of iron (FeCl) thus formed into perchloride by the action of nitric and hydrochloric acids (p. 167). The solution of per- chloride of iron has been recommended in some cases as a disinfectant, being easily reduced to protochloride, and thus affording chlorine to unstable organic matters in contact with it (p. 146). A solution of per- chloride of iron in alcohol is used in medicine under the name of tincture of iron. 222. Equivalent and atomic weights of iron. When iron is dissolved in hydrochloric acid, 28 parts by weight of iron combine with 1 eq. (35*5 parts) of chlorine, displacing 1 part of hydrogen; hence 28 is the equivalent weight of iron. The specific heat of iron and its isomorphism with magnesium, zinc, and cadmium, show that its atomic weight must be represented by double the equivalent, or 56, so that iron is a diatomic or biequivalent element. The atomic formula? of the oxides and chlorides of iron would then be written thus (Fe = 56) Ferrous chloride, :PeCl 2 Ferric chloride, :Pe (2 Cl 6 . The molecular formula of ferric chloride has been confirmed by the determination of the specific gravity of its vapour, which has been found to be 1 65 times that of hydrogen. If, therefore, one volume (or one atom) of hydrogen be represented as having a weight = 1, two volumes (or one molecule) of ferric chloride vapour would weigh (165 x 2) 330, Ferrous oxide, Ferric oxide, :Pe 2 3 PEROXIDE, OF MANGANESE. 325 a number nearly agreeing with the sum of two atoms of iron (112) and six atoms of chlorine (21 3*0). It will be remarked that iron possesses a different atomicity accordingly as it exists in ferrous or ferric compounds. Thus, in ferrous oxide (FeO) and ferrous chloride (PeCl 2 ), it occupies the place of two atoms of hydrogen, and is diatomic ; but in ferric oxide (Fe^OJ and ferric chloride (Fe 2 Cl 6 ) each atom of iron occupies the place of three atoms of hydrogen, and is tri- atomic. Some chemists designate the diatomic iron existing in ferrous compounds by the name ferrosum (W), and the triatomic iron of the ferric compounds by ferricum (IV"). MANGANESE. 223. Manganese much resembles iron in several particulars relating both to its physical and chemical characters, and is often found in nature, asso- ciated, in small quantities, with the compounds of that metal. The metal itself has not been applied to any useful purpose. It is obtained by reducing carbonate of manganese (MnO . G0 2 ) with charcoal, at a very high temperature, when a fused mass, composed of man- ganese combined with a little carbon (corresponding to cast-iron), is ob- tained, which is freed from carbon by a second fusion in contact with car- bonate of manganese. Metallic manganese is darker in colour than (wrought) iron, and very much harder ; it is brittle, and only feebly attracted by the magnet. It is somewhat more easily oxidised than iron. 224. Oxides of manganese. Three distinct compounds of manganese with oxygen have been obtained in the separate state, and two others are believed to exist in combination, but have not been satisfactorily made out in the anhydrous state Protoxide of manganese, MnO Sesquioxide ,, Mn 2 3 Binoxide or peroxide of manganese, Mn0 2 Manganic acid (?) MnO 3 Permanganic acid (?) Mn 2 7 . The binoxide of manganese is the chief form in which this metal is found in nature, and is the source from which all other compounds of manganese are obtained. Its chief mineral form is pyrolusite, which forms steel-grey prismatic crystals ; but it is also found amorphous, as psilomelane, and in the hydrated state as wad. In commerce pyrolusite is known as black manganese, or simply manganese, and is largely imported from Germany, Spain, &c., for the use of the manufacturer of bleaching-powder, the glass- maker, &c. It is also used as a cheap source of oxygen, which it evolves when heated to redness, leaving the red oxide of manganese, Mn 3 4 . The binoxide of manganese is an indifferent oxide, and does not combine with acids ; when heated with strong sulphuric acid, it loses half its oxygen, and forms the protoxide of manganese, which is a*powerful base, and combines with the sulphuric acid to form sulphate of manganese Mn0 2 + HO . S0 3 = MnO . S0 3 + HO + O . Since the natural binoxide contains peroxide of iron, some persulphate of iron is formed at the same time ; but if the mixture be dried and heated to redness, the iron-salt is decomposed, evolving sulphuric acid, and leaving 3.26 OXIDES OF MANGANESE. peroxide of iron ; while the protoxide of manganese, being a stronger base, does not abandon its sulphuric acid ; and the sulphate of manganese may be dissolved out of the mass by treatment with water. On evaporating the solution, and allowing it to cool, it deposits light pink crystals of sul- phate of manganese, MnO . S0 3 . HO + 4Aq. This salt is employed by the dyer and calico-printer in the production of black and brown colours. When a solution of sulphate of manganese is mixed with solution of chloride of lime (p. 145), it gives a black pre- cipitate of hydrated peroxide of manganese 2(MnO.S0 3 ) + CaO.C10 + 2CaO = 2Mn0 2 + 2(CaO.S0 3 ) + CaCl. By decomposing a solution of sulphate of manganese with potash or soda, a white precipitate of hydrated protoxide of manganese is obtained, which becomes brown when exposed to the air, absorbing oxygen, and becoming converted into the hydrated sesquioxide of manganese. If solution of sulphate of manganese be mixed with carbonate of soda, a white precipitate of carbonate of manganese, 2(MnO . C0 2 ) . HO, is obtained. The pink crystallised mineral manganese spar consists of carbonate of manganese (MnO . C0 2 ). Protoxide of manganese (MnO) itself is obtained as a green powder by heating carbonate of manganese in a tube through which hydrogen is passed to exclude the air, which would convert the protoxide into red oxide (Mn 3 4 ). The protoxide has been obtained in transparent emerald- green crystals. Sesquioxide of manganese, crystallised in octahedra, forms the mineral braunite, and, in combination with water, the prismatic crystals of man- ganite (Mn 2 3 . HO), which often occurs in the commercial ores of man- ganese. The sesquioxide is a weak base, dissolving in acids to form deep red solutions, which evolve oxygen when heated, leaving salts of the protoxide of manganese. The sulphate of sesquioxide of manganese combines with sulphate of potash to form manganese-alum KO . S0 3 , Mn 2 3 . 3S0 3 + 24Aq. corresponding in crystalline form, as in composition, to alumina-alum. When binoxide of manganese in minute quantity is added to melted glass, it imparts a purple colour, which is probably due to the formation of a silicate of sesquioxide of manganese. The amethyst is believed by some to owe its colour to the same cause. Red oxide of manganese (Mn 3 4 ) is the most stable of the oxides of this metal, and is formed when either of the others is heated in air. Thus obtained, it has a brown or reddish colour; but it is found in nature as the black mineral hausmannite. In composition it resembles the magnetic oxide of iron, but it seems probable that its true formula is 2MnO . Mn0 2 , for when treated with diluted nitric acid it leaves the black hydrated binoxide. When a compound containing manganese, in however small a quantity, is fused on a piece of platinum foil with carbonate of soda (fig. 112), a mass of manganate of soda (NaO . Mn0 3 ) is formed, which is green while hot, and becomes blue on cooling. The oxygen required to convert the lower oxides of manganese into man- ganic acid has been absorbed from the air. Manganic acid is obtained in combination with potash, by mixing finely powdered binoxide of manganese into a paste with an equal weight PERMANGANATE OF POTASH. 327 of hydrate of potash dissolved in a little water, drying the paste, and heating it to dull redness in a glass tube, through which oxygen is passed as long as it is absorbed. When the mass is treated with a little cold water, it gives a dark emerald-green solution, and by evaporating this over oil of vitriol, in vacuo, dark-green crystals of manganate of potash (KO . Mn0 3 ) are formed, which have the same crystalline form as those of sulphate of potash. These crystals dissolve unchanged in water containing potash; but when dissolved in pure water, they yield a red solution of permanganate of potash, and a precipitate of binoxide of manganese 3(KO.Mn0 3 ) + 2HO = KO . Mii/) 7 + Mn0 2 + 2(KO.HO). The change is more completely effected by adding a little free acid, even carbonic acid. The changes of colour thus produced have acquired for the manganate of potash the name chameleon mineral. The solution of manganate of potash (containing free potash) is very easily decomposed by substances having an attraction for oxygen. Thus, most organic sub- stances abstract oxygen from it, and cause the separation of brown sesqui- oxide of manganese ; filtering its solution through paper will even effect this change. The offensive emanations from putrefying organic matters are at once oxidised and rendered inodorous by manganate of potash or soda. Manganate of soda (N&O . Mn(X) obtained by heating binoxide of manganese with hydrate of soda, under free exposure to air, is employed in a state of solution in water, as Candy's green disinfectant fluid. The temporary formation of manganic acid affords a probable explana- tion of the effect of binoxide of manganese in facilitating the disengage- ment of oxygen from chlorate of potash (p. 14). Permanganic acid has been obtained in a hydrated crystalline state by decomposing the permanganate of baryta with sulphuric acid, and evapo- rating the solution in vacuo. It is a brown substance, easily dissolving in water to a red liquid, which is decomposed at about 90 F., evolving oxygen, and depositing binoxide of manganese. Permanganate of potash is largely used in many chemical operations. In order to prepare it, 4 parts of finely powdered binoxide of manganese are intimately mixed with 3J parts of chlorate of potash, and 5 parts of hydrate of potash dissolved in a very little water. The pasty mass is dried, and heated to dull redness for some time in an iron tray or earthen crucible. The oxygen derived from the chlorate of potash converts the binoxide of manganese into manganic acid, which combines with the potash of the hydrate. On treating the cold mass with water, the man- ganate of potash is dissolved, forming a dark-green solution. " This is diluted with water, and a stream of carbonic acid gas passed through it as long as any change of colour is observed ; the carbonic acid combines with the excess of potash, the presence of which conferred stability upon the manganate, which is then decomposed into permanganate of potash and binoxide of manganese. The latter is allowed to settle, and the clear red solution poured off and evaporated to a small bulk. On cooling, it de- posits prismatic crystals of the permanganate of potash (KO . Mn 2 7 ), which are red by transmitted light, but reflect a dark-green colour. The carbonate of potash, being much more soluble in water, is left in the solution. Permanganate of potash is remarkable for its great colouring power, a very small quantity of the salt producing an intense purplish- 328 EQUIVALENT AND ATOMIC WEIGHTS OF MANGANESE. red colour in a large quantity of water. Its solution in water is very easily decomposed by substances having an attraction for oxygen, such as sulphurous acid or a ferrous salt, the permanganic acid being reduced to protoxide of manganese, so that the solution becomes colourless. If a very small piece of iron wire be dissolved in diluted sulphuric acid, the solu- tion of ferrous sulphate so produced will decolorise a large volume of weak solution of the permanganate, being converted into ferric sulphate KO.MiXjO, + 10(FeO.S0 3 ) + 8(HO . S0 3 ) = KO.S0 3 + 2(MnO.S0 3 ) + 5(Fe 2 3 . 3S0 3 ) + 8HO. This decomposition forms the basis of a valuable method for determining the proportion of iron in its ores. Many organic substances are easily oxidised by permanganate of potash, and this is the case especially with the offensive emanations from putrescent organic matter. Hence it is extensively used, under the name of Condy's red disinfecting fluid, in cases where a solid or liquid substance is to be deodorised. 225. Chlorides of manganese. There appear to be three compounds of manganese with chlorine, corresponding to three of the oxides, viz., MnCl, Mn 2 Cl 3 , and MnCl 2 ; but only the first is obtainable in the pure state, the others forming solutions, which are easily decomposed with evolution of chlorine. The prolochloride of manganese (MnCl) is obtained in large quantity, as a waste product in the preparation of chlorine, for the manufacture of bleaching-powder. Since there is no useful application for it, the manufacturer sometimes reconverts it into the black oxide. As the native binoxide always contains iron, the liquor obtained by treating it with hydrochloric acid contains sesquichloride of iron (Fe 2 Cl 3 ) mixed with chloride of manganese (MnCl). In order to separate the iron, advantage is taken of the circumstance that sesquioxides are weaker bases than the protoxides, so that if a small proportion of lime be added to the solution, the iron may be precipitated as sesquioxide, without decomposing the chloride of manganese Fe 2 Cl 3 + 3CaO = Fe 2 3 + 3CaCl . The solution of chloride of manganese is then mixed with chalk, and subjected to the action of steam at a pressure of about two atmospheres. Carbonate of manganese .is precipitated (MnCl + CaO . C0 2 CaCl + MnO . C0 2 ), and when this is dried and heated to about 600 in a current of moist air, the carbonic acid is expelled, and a large proportion of the oxide of manganese is converted into binoxide, which may be employed again for the preparation of chlorine. By dissolving permanganate of potash in oil of vitriol, and adding fragments of fused chloride of sodium, a remarkable greenish-yellow gas is obtained, which gives purple fumes with moist air, and is decomposed by water, yielding a red solution which contains hydrochloric and permanganic acids. It, therefore, must contain manganese and chlorine, and is sometimes regarded as the perchloride (Mn 2 Cl ? ) corresponding to permanganic acid ; but it is more probably an oxychloride of man- ganese (see chlorochromic acid). 226. Equivalent and atomic weights of manganese. The chloride of manganese has been found to contain 35*5 parts (one equivalent) by weight of chlorine, and 27*5 parts of manganese ; hence the equivalent of manganese is represented by 27*5. The specific heat of manganese and its isomorphism with iron and zinc, lead to the conclusion that its atomic weight is 55 (Mn), so that it is a diatomic metal. The atomic formula of protoxide of manganese is MnO (0 = 16), of the binoxide MnO 2 , of protochloride of manganese The permanganates are isomorphous with the perchlorates j the atomic OXIDES OF COBALT. 329 formula of perchlorate of potash is KC10 4 , and, taking the atomic weight of manganese to be 55, the atomic formula of permanganate of potash would be KMnO 4 , whereas if 2 7 '5 were taken for the atomic weight of the metal, the formula of this salt would be KMn 2 4 , and its analogy to the perchlorate would disappear. COBALT. 227. Some of the compounds of cobalt are of considerable importance in the arts, on account of their brilliant and permanent colours. It is generally found in combination with arsenic and sulphur, forming tin- white cobalt, CoAs, and cobalt glance, CoAs, CoS 2 , but its ores also gene- rally contain nickel, copper, iron, manganese, and bismuth. The metal itself is obtained by strongly heating the oxalate of cobalt (CoO . C 2 3 ) in a covered porcelain crucible. In its properties it closely resembles iron, but is said to surpass it in tenacity. Two oxides of cobalt are known the protoxide, CoO, which is decidedly basic, and the sesquioxide, Co 2 O 3 , which is a very feeble base. The protoxide of cobalt, like those of iron and manganese, tends to absorb oxygen from the air, and when heated in air, becomes converted into CoO . Co 2 3 , corresponding to the magnetic oxide of iron. The commercial oxide of cobalt, which is employed for painting on porcelain, is obtained by roast- ing the ore, in order to expel part of the sulphur and arsenic, dissolving it in hydrochloric acid, and precipitating the sesquioxide of iron by the careful addition of lime, when the remaining arsenic is also precipi- tated as arseniate of iron. Hydrosulphuric acid is passed through the acid solution to precipitate the bismuth and copper, leaving the cobalt and nickel in solution. The latter having been boiled to expel the excess of hydrosulphuric acid, is neutralised with lime and mixed with solution of chloride of lime (CaO . CIO + CaCl), which precipitates the sesqui- oxide of cobalt as a black powder, leaving the oxide of nickel in solution, from which it may be precipitated by the addition of lime. The salts of oxide of cobalt have a fine red colour in the hydrated state, or in solution, but are generally blue when anhydrous. The silicate of cobalt associated with silicate of potash forms the blue colour known as smalt, which is prepared by roasting the cobalt-ore, so as to convert the bulk of the cobalt into oxide, leaving, however, a considerable quantity of arsenic and sulphur still in the ore. The residue is then fused in a crucible with ground quartz and carbonate of potash, when a blue glass is formed con- taining silicate of cobalt and silicate of potash, whilst the iron, nickel, and copper, combined with arsenic and sulphur, collect at the bottom of the crucible and form a fused mass of metallic appearance known as speiss, which is employed as a source of nickel. The blue glass is poured into cold water, so that it may be more easily reduced to the fine powder in which the smalt is sold. If the cobalt-ore destined for smalt be over roasted, so as to convert the iron into oxide, this will pass into the smalt as a silicate, injuring its colour. Zaffre is prepared by roasting a mixture of cobalt-ore with two or three parts of sand. Thenard's blue consists of phosphate of cobalt and phosphate of alumina, and is prepared by mixing precipitated alumina with phosphate of cobalt and calcining in a covered crucible. The phosphate is obtained by preci- pitating a solution of nitrate of cobalt with phosphate of potash or soda. 330 COMPOUNDS OF NICKEL. Rinmaris green is prepared by calcining the precipitate produced by carbonate of soda in a mixture of sulphate of cobalt with sulphate of zinc. It is a compound of the oxides of cobalt and zinc. Chloride of cobalt (CoCl), obtained by dissolving oxide of cobalt in hydrochloric acid, forms red hydrated crystals, which become blue when their water is expelled. If strong hydrochloric acid be added to a red solution of this salt, it becomes blue ; if enough water be now added to render it pink, the blue colour may be produced at pleasure by boiling, the solution first passing through a neutral tint. Chloride of cobalt is employed as a sympathetic ink, for characters written with its pink solu- tion are nearly invisible till they are held before the fire, when they become blue, and resume their original pink colour if exposed to the air ; a little chloride of iron causes a green colour. The sulphide of cobalt (CoS) is obtained as a black precipitate when an alkaline sulphide is added to a solution of a salt of cobalt. A sesqui- sulphide (Co 2 S 3 ) is found in grey octahedra, cobalt pyrites. The bisul- phide (CoS 2 ) has been obtained artificially. When ammonia in excess is added to a solution of a salt of cobalt, a deep red liquid is produced, which rapidly absorbs oxygen from the air, especially if hydrochlorate of ammonia be present, giving rise to the pro- duction of some remarkable and complex bases which contain the elements of ammonia and of different oxides of cobalt. NICKEL. 228. Nickel owes its value in the useful arts chiefly to its property of imparting a white colour to the alloys of copper and zinc, with which it forms the alloy known as German silver. Nickel is very nearly allied to cobalt, and generally occurs associated with that metal in its ores. One of the principal ores of nickel is the Kupfernickel or copper-nickel, so called by the German miners because they frequently mistook it for an ore of copper; it has a reddish metallic appearance, and the formula Ni 2 As. Grey nickel ore or nickel glance is an arseniosulphide of nickel, NiAs, NiSg. Arsenical nickel, NiAs, corresponds to tin-white cobalt. The metal is commonly extracted from the speiss separated during the preparation of smalt from cobalt-ores (p. 329) ; the oxide of nickel pre- pared by the method described above, when strongly heated in contact with charcoal, yields metallic nickel containing carbon. The pure metal is obtained by igniting the oxalate, as in the case of cobalt, which it much resembles in properties. The oxides of nickel correspond in composition to those of cobalt. The salts formed by the oxide of nickel (MO) are usually green, and give bright green solutions. The hydrated oxide has a characteristic apple- green colour, and does not absorb oxygen from the air like the hydrated oxide of cobalt. The greater facility with which the latter is converted into sesquioxide has been applied (as above described) to effect the separa- tion of the two metals. Oxide of nickel has been found native in octa- hedral crystals, which have also been obtained accidentally in a copper- smelting furnace. Sulphate of nickel (NiO . S0 3 . HO + 6Aq.) forms fine green prismatic crystals, the water of constitution in which may be displaced by sulphate of potash, forming the double sulphate of nickel and potash (NiO . 80, , KO . S0 3 + 6Aq.) CHROMIC ACID. 331 which crystallises so readily that it was at one -time the form in which nickel was separated from the other metals present in its ores. Three sulphides of nickel are known a subsulphide, M 2 S ; a proto- sulphide, NiS, found native as capillary pyrites, and obtained as a black precipitate by the action of an alkaline sulphide upon a salt of nickel ; and a bisulphide, NiS*. CHROMIUM. 229. This metal derives its name from XP^^ colour, in allusion to the varied colours of its compounds, upon which their uses in the arts chiefly depend. It is comparatively seldom met with, its principal ore being the chrome-iron ore (FeO . Cr 2 3 ), which is remarkable for its resistance to the action of acids and other chemical agents. It is chiefly found in Sweden, Russia, and the United States, and is imported for the manufacture of bichromate of potash (KO. 2Cr0 3 ), which is one of the chief commercial compounds of chromium. The ore is first heated to redness and thrown into water, in order that it may be easily ground to a fine powder, which is mixed with carbonate of potash, chalk being added to prevent the fusion of the mass, and strongly heated in a current of air on the hearth of a reverberatory furnace, the mass being occasionally stirred to expose a fresh surface to the air. The oxide of iron is thus converted into sesqui- oxide, and the sesquioxide of chromium (Cr 2 3 ) also absorbs oxygen from the air, becoming chromic acid (Cr0 3 ), which combines with the potash to form chromate of potash (KO . Cr0 3 ). Nitre is sometimes added to hasten the oxidation. On treating the mass with water, a yellow solu- tion of chromate of potash is obtained, which is drawn off from the insoluble residue of sesquioxide of iron and lime, and mixed with a slight excess of nitric acid 2(KO . Cr0 3 ) + HO , N0 5 - KO . 2Cr0 3 + KO . N0 5 + HO . Chromate of Bichromate of potash. potash. The solution, when evaporated, deposits beautiful red tabular crystals of bichromate of potash, which dissolve in 10 parts of cold water, forming an acid solution. It is from this salt that the other compounds of chromium are immediately derived. Metallic, chromium has received no useful application. It has been obtained in octahedral crystals by the action of sodium on sesquichloride of chromium, and in a pulverulent state by the action of potassium. In the latter condition it is easily acted on by acids, but the crystallised chromium is insoluble even in nitro-hydrochloric acid. Like aluminum, it is more easily attacked by hydrated alkalies at a high temperature, evolving hydrogen and producing chromates. It is remarkably infusible. 230. OXIDES OF CHROMIUM. Two oxides of chromium are known in the separate state the sesquioxide, Cr 2 3 , and chromic acid, Cr0 3 . Pro- toxide of chromium (CrO) is known in the hydrated state, and perchromic acid (Cr 2 7 ) is believed to exist in solution. Chromic acid, the most important of these, is obtained by adding to one measure of a solution of bichromate of potash, saturated at 130 F., one measure and a-half of concentrated sulphuric acid, by small portions at a time, and allowing the solution to cool, when chromic acid crystallises out in fine crimson needles, which are deliquescent, very soluble in water, 332 SESQUIOXIDE OF CHROMIUM. and decomposed by a moderate heat into oxygen and sesquioxide of chromium. Chromic acid is a powerful oxidising agent; most organic substances, even paper, will reduce it to the green sesquioxide of chromium. A mixture of bichromate of potash and sulphuric acid is employed for bleaching some oils, the colouring matter being oxidised at the expense of the chromic acid, and sulphate of sesquioxide of chromium produced KO. 2Cr0 3 + 4(HO. S0 3 ) = KO. S0 3 + O 2 3 . 3S0 3 + 3 '+ 4HO . The bichromate itself evolves oxygen when heated to bright redness, being first fused, and afterwards decomposed 2(K0.2Cr0 3 ) - 2(KO.Cr0 3 ) + Cr 2 3 + 3 . Neutral chromate of potash (KO . Cr0 3 ) is formed by adding carbonate of potash to the red solution of bichromate of potash until its red colour is changed to a fine yellow, when it is evaporated and allowed to crystallise. It forms yellow prismatic crystals having the same form as those of sulphate of potash, and is far more soluble in water than the bichromate, yielding an alkaline solution. It becomes red when heated, and fuses without decomposition. Terchromate of potash (KO . 3Cr0 3 ) has been obtained in red crystals by adding nitric acid to the bichromate. Chrome-yellow is the chromate of lead (PbO . Cr0 3 ), prepared by mix- ing dilute solutions of acetate of lead and chromate of potash. It is largely used in painting and calico-printing, and by the chemist as a source of oxygen for the analysis of organic substances, since, when heated, it fuses to a brown mass, which evolves oxygen at a red heat. Chrome- yellow being a poisonous salt, its occasional use for colouring confectionery is very objectionable. Chromate of lead in prismatic crystals forms the rather rare red lead ore of Siberia, in which chromium was first discovered. Orange chrome is a basic chromate of lead (2PbO . Cr0 3 ), and may be obtained by boiling the yellow chromate with lime 2(PbO.Cr0 3 ) + CaO - 2PbO.Cr0 3 + CaO.Cr0 3 . The calico-printer dyes the stuff with yellow chromate of lead, and con- verts it into orange chromate by a bath of lime-water. The colour of the ruby (crystallised alumina) appears to be due to the presence of a small proportion of chromic acid. Sesquioxide of chromium (Cr 2 3 ) is valuable as a green colour, especially for glass and porcelain, since it is not decomposed by heat. It is prepared by heating bichromate of potash with one-fourth of its weight of starch, the carbon of which deprives the chromic acid of half its oxygen, leaving a mixture of sesquioxide of chromium with carbonate of potash, which may be removed by washing with water. If sulphur be substituted for the starch, sulphate of potash will be formed, which may also be removed by water. When the sesquioxide of chromium is strongly heated, it exhibits a sudden glow, becomes darker in colour, and in- soluble in acids which previously dissolved it easily; in this respect it resembles alumina and sesquioxide of iron. Like these oxides, the sesquioxide of chromium is a feeble base ; it is remarkable for forming two classes of salts containing the same proportions of acid and base, but differing in the colour of their solutions, and in some other properties. Thus, there are two modifications of the sulphate of sesquioxide of chromium the green sulphate, Cr 2 3 . 3S0 3 4- 5Aq., and the violet sul- phate, Cr 2 3 . 3S0 3 + 1 5 Aq, The solution of the latter becomes green CHLORIDES OF CHROMIUM. 333 when boiled, being converted into the former. Chrome-alum forms dark purple octahedra (KO . S0 3 , Cr 2 3 . 3S0 3 + 24 Aq.) which contain the violet modification of the sulphate; and if its solution in water be boiled, its purple colour changes to green, and the solution refuses to crystallise.* The anhydrous sulphate of chromium forms red crystals, which are in- soluble in water and acids. A green basic borate of sesquioxide of chromium is used in painting and calico-printing, under the name of vert de Guignet, and is prepared by strongly heating bichromate of potash with 3 parts of Crystallised boracic acid, when borate of potash and borate of chromium are formed, half the oxygen of the chromic acid being expelled. The borate of potash and the excess of boracic acid are afterwards washed out by water. By reducing an alkaline chromate with hyposulphite of soda, the compound Cr 2 3 . Cr0 3 has been obtained as a brown precipitate. Protoxide of chromium (CrO) is not known in the pure state, but is precipitated as a brown hydrate when protochloride of chromium is de- composed by potash. It absorbs oxygen even more readily than protoxide of iron, becoming converted into a hydrated proto-sesquioxide of chromium (CrO . Cr 2 3 ), corresponding in composition to the magnetic oxide of iron. The protoxide of chromium is a feeble base ; a double sulphate of protoxide of chromium and potash (CrO . S0 3 , KO . S0 3 + 6Aq.) is known, which has the same crystalline form as the corresponding iron salt (FeO . S0 3 , KO . S0 3 + 6Aq.) it has a blue colour, and gives a blue solution, which becomes green when exposed to air, from the formation of sesquioxide of chromium. Perchromic acid {&? 3 Q 7 1) is believed to exist in the blue solution obtained by the action of binoxide of hydrogen upon solution of chromic acid, but neither the acid nor its salts have been obtained in a separate state. 231. Chlorides of chromium. The sesquichloride of chromium (Cr 2 Cl 3 ), obtained by passing dry chlorine over a mixture of sesquioxide of chromium with charcoal, heated to redness in a glass tube, is converted into vapour, and condenses upon the cooler part of the tube in shining leaflets, having a fine violet colour. Cold water does not affect them, but boiling water slowly dissolves them to a green solu- tion resembling that obtained by dissolving sesquioxide of chromium in hydrochloric acid. Protochloride of chromium (CrCl) results from the action of hydrogen, at a red heat, upon the sesquichloride. Strange to say, it is white, and dissolves in water to form a blue solution which absorbs oxygen from the air, becoming green. It is remark- able that if the violet sesquichloride of chromium is suspended in water, and a minute quantity of the protochloride added, the sesquichloride immediately dis- solves to a green solution, evolving heat. Chlorochromic acid (Cr0 2 Cl) is a very remarkable brown-red liquid, obtained by distilling 10 parts of common salt and 17 of bichromate of potash, previously fused together and broken into fragments, with 40 parts of oil of vitriol KO . 2Cr0 3 + 2NaCl + 3 (HO . S0 3 ) rr KO . S0 3 + 2(NaO . S0 3 ) + 3HO + 2Cr0 2 Cl. It much resembles bromine in appearance, and fumes very strongly in air, the mois- ture of which decomposes its red vapour, forming chromic and hydrocbloric acids ; Cr0 2 Cl + HO = Cr0 3 + HC1. It is a very powerful oxidising and chlorinating agent, and inflames ammonia and alcohol when brought in contact with them. It is occasionally used to illustrate the nature of illuminating flames ; for if hydrogen be passed through a bottle containing a few drops of chlorochromic acid, the gas becomes charged with its vapour, and, if kindled, burns with a brilliant white flame, which deposits a beautiful green film of sesquioxide of chromium upon * Exposure to cold, it is said, again converts it into the crystallisable violet form. 334 GENERAL REVIEW OF THE IRON GROUP. a cold surface. The name oxychloride of chromium, applied to this compound, is more correct than chlorochromic acid, for it is not known to form salts. Terfluoride of chromium (CrF 3 ) is another volatile compound of chromium, obtained by distilling chromate of lead with fluor spar and sulphuric acid ; it is a red gas, con- densible to a red liquid at a low temperature. Water decomposes it, yielding chromic and hydrofluoric acids. Sesquisulphide of chromium (Cr 2 S 3 ) is formed when vapour of bisulphide of carbon is passed over sesquioxide of chromium heated to redness. It forms black lustrous scales resembling graphite. 232. Equivalent and atomic weights of chromium. The analysis of the chromate of silver has proved it to contain 2 6 '3 parts by weight of chromium for 108 parts (1 eq.) of silver. The isomorphism (identity of crystalline form) existing between the chromates and the sulphates, leads to the belief that they correspond in composition, so that the chromate of silver would be represented by the formula AgO . Cr0 3 , and since Ag= 108, Cr, or the equivalent of chromium, is 2 6 '3. The close analogy between chromium and iron renders it necessary to double the equivalent number of chromium in order to obtain its atomic weight, so that the atom of chromium would be 6r = 52*6, the metal being diatomic; and the atomic formula of chromic oxide would be Gr 2 O 3 , of chromic acid Or0 3 , of chromous chloride 6rCl 2 , and of chromic chloride er 2 ci 6 . The molecular formula of chlorochromic acid would be 6rCl 2 2 , repre- senting 155*6 parts by weight. Now, the specific gravity (or weight of 1 volume) of the vapour of chlorochromic acid is 5 '52, or 80 times that of hydrogen; if 1 atom (or 1 vol.) of hydrogen be taken to weigh 1, one molecule (or 2 vols.) of chlorochromic acid should weigh 160, which is sufficiently near to the weight (155 -6) represented by the above formula, allowing for unavoidable experimental errors, 233. General review of zinc, iron, cobalt, nickel, manganese, and chro- mium. Many points of resemblance will have been noticed in the chemical history of these metals to justify their being classed in the same group. They are all capable of decomposing water at a red heat, and easily dis- place hydrogen from hydrochloric acid. Each of them forms a base by combining with one equivalent of oxygen, and these oxides produce salts which have the same crystalline form. All these oxides, except those of zinc and nickel, easily absorb oxygen from the air, and are converted into sesquioxides. Zinc does not form a sesquioxide, and the sesquioxide of nickel is an indifferent oxide, while that of cobalt is very feebly basic ; the sesquioxide of manganese is a stronger base, and the basic properties of the sesquioxides of chromium and iron are very decided. Zinc and nickel do not exhibit any tendency to form a well-marked acid oxide, but the existence of an acid oxide of cobalt is suspected ; and iron, man- ganese, and chromium form undoubted acids with three equivalents of oxygen. Zinc and nickel are only known to form one compound with a single equivalent of chlorine ; cobalt and manganese form, in addition to their protochlorides, very unstable sesquichlorides known only in solution, but iron and chromium form very stable volatile sesquichlorides. The metals composing this group are all bi-equivalent or diatomic, and are found associated in natural minerals; this is especially the case with iron, manganese, cobalt, and nickel. They are all attracted by the magnet, with the exception of zinc, and, with the same exception, require a very high temperature for their fusion. Through zinc, the metals of this group are METALLURGY OF COPPER. 335 connected with magnesium, which resembles it in volatility, in combusti- bility, and in the crystalline form of its ' salts. Iron and chromium con- nect this group with aluminum, their sesquioxides being isomorphous with alumina, and their sesquichlorides volatile like that of aluminum. COPPEE. , 234. Metallic copper is met with in nature more abundantly than metallic iron, though the compounds of the latter metal are of more fre- quent occurrence than those of the former. A very important vein of metallic copper, of excellent quality, occurs near Lake Superior in North America, from which 6000 tons were extracted in 1858. Metallic copper is also sometimes found in Cornwall; and copper sand, containing metallic copper and quartz, is imported from Chile. 235. Ores of copper. The most important English ore of copper is copper pyrites, which is a double sulphide, containing copper, iron, and sulphur in the proportions indicated by the formula CuFe$2. It may be known by its beautiful brass yellow colour and metallic lustre. Copper pyrites is found in Cornwall and Devonshire, and is generally associated with arsenical pyrites (FeS 2 . EeAs), tinstone (Sn0 2 ), quartz, fluor-spar, and clay. A very attractive variety of copper pyrites is called variegated copper ore or peacock copper, in allusion to its rainbow colours ; its simplest formula is CugFeS^ This variety is found in Cornwall and Killarney. Copper glance (Cu 2 S) is another Cornish ore of copper, of a dark grey colour and feeble metallic lustre. Grey copper ore, also abundant in Cornwall, is essentially a compound of the sulphides of copper and iron with those of antimony and arsenic, but it often contains silver, lead, zinc, and sometimes mercury. Malachite, a basic carbonate of copper, is imported from Australia (Burra Burra), and is also found abundantly in Siberia. Green malachite, the most beautifully veined ornamental variety, has the composition CuO . C0 2 , CuO . HO, and blue malachite is 2(CuO . C0 2 ) . CuO . HO. Red copper ore (Cu 2 0) is found in West Cornwall, and the black oxide (CuO) is abundant in the north of Chile. 236. The seat of English copper-smelting is at Swansea, which is situated in convenient proximity to the anthracite coal employed in the furnaces. The chemical process by which copper is extracted from the ore includes three distinct operations : (1), the roasting, to expel the arsenic and part of the sulphur, and to convert the sulphide of irpn into oxide of iron ; (2), fo& fusion ivith silica, to remove the oxide of iron as silicate, and to obtain the copper in combination with sulphur only ; and (3), the roasting of this combination of copper with sulphur, in order to expel the latter and obtain metallic copper. The details of the smelting process appear somewhat complicated, because it is divided into several stages to allow of the introduction of the different varieties of ore to be treated. Thus, the first roasting pro- cess is unnecessary for the oxides and carbonates of copper, and the fusion with silica is not needed for those ores which are free from iron, so that they may be introduced at a later stage in the operations. (1.) Calcining or roasting the ore, to expel arsenic and part of the sulphur. The ores having been sorted, and broken into small pieces, are mixed 336 WELSH COPPER-SMELTING PROCESS. so as to contain from 8 to 10 per cent, of copper, and roasted, in quanti- ties of about three tons, for at least twelve hours, on the spacious hearth Fig. 239. Fig. 238. (H, fig. 239) of a reverberatory furnace (fig. 238), at a temperature insufficient for fusion, being occasionally stirred to expose them freely to the action of the air, which is admitted into the fur- nace through an opening (0) in the side of the hearth upon which the ore is spread. The oxygen of the air converts a part of the sulphur into sulphurous acid gas, and the bulk of the arsenic into arsenious acid, which passes off in the form of vapour. A part of the sulphide of iron is converted into sulphate of iron by absorbing oxygen at an early stage of the process, and this sulphate is afterwards decomposed at a higher temperature, evolving sulphurous and sulphuric acids, and leaving oxide of iron (see p. 322). A portion of the sulphide of copper is also converted into oxide of copper during the roasting, so that the roasted ore consists essen- tially of a mixture of oxide and sulphide of copper with oxide and sulphide of iron. Since the sulphide of iron is more easily oxidised than sulphide of copper, the greater part of the latter remains unaltered in the roasted ore. During the roasting of copper ore dense white fumes escape from the furnaces. This copper-smoke, as it is termed, contains arsenious, sulphur- ous, sulphuric, and hydrofluoric acids, the latter being derived from the fluor spar associated with the ore; if allowed to escape, these fumes seriously contaminate the air in the neighbourhood, and copper-smelters are endeavouring to apply some method of condensing, and perhaps turn- ing them to profitable account. (2.) Fusion for coarse metal, to remove the oxide of iron by dissolving it with silicic acid at a high temperature. The roasted ore is now mixed with metal-slag from process 4, and with ores containing silicic acid and oxides of copper, but no sulphur; the mixture is introduced into the ore-furnace (fig. 240), and fused for five hours at a higher tempera- ture than that employed in the previous operation. In this process fluor spar is sometimes added in order to increase the fluidity of the slag. The oxide of copper acts upon the sulphide of iron still contained in the roasted ore, with formation of sulphide of copper and oxide of iron ; WELSH COPPER-SMELTING PROCESS. 337 but since there is more sulphide of iron present than the oxide of copper can decompose, the excess of sulphide of iron combines with the sulphide of copper to form a fusible compound, which sepa- rates from the slag, and col- lects in the form of a matt or regulus of coarse metal, in a cavity (C) on the hearth of the furnace; it is run out into a tank of water (T) in order to granulate it, so that it may be better fitted to undergo the next operation. The oxide of iron combines with the silicic acid contained in the charge to form a fusible silicate of iron (ore-furnace slag), which is raked out into moulds of sand, and cast into blocks used for rough building purposes in the neighbourhood. The composition of the coarse metal corresponds pretty closely Fig. 240. with the formula CuFeS 2 . It contains from 33 to 35 per cent, of copper ; whilst the original ore, before roasting, is usually sorted so that it may contain about 8 '5 per cent. The ore-furnace slag is approximately represented by the formula FeO . Si0 2 ; but it contains a minute proportion of copper, as is shown by the green efflorescence on the walls in which it is used around Swansea. Fragments of quartz are seen disseminated through this slag. (3.) Calcination of the coarse metal, to convert the greater part of the sulphide of iron into oxide. The granulated coarse metal is roasted at a moderate heat for twenty-four hours, as in the first operation, so that the oxygen of the air may decompose the sulphide of iron, removing the sul- phur as sulphurous acid gas, and leaving the iron in the form of oxide. (4.) Fusion for white metal, to remove the whole of the iron as silicate. The roasted coarse metal is mixed with roaster and refinery slags from processes 5 and 6, and with ores containing carbonates and oxides of copper, and fused for six hours, as in the second operation. Any suiphide of iron which was left unchanged in the roasting is now converted into oxide of iron by the oxide of copper, the latter metal taking the sulphur. The whole of the oxide of iron combines with the silicic acid to form a fusible slag, the composition of which is approximately represented by the formula 3FeO . 2Si0 2 . The matt or regulus of white metal which collects beneath the slag is nearly pure subsulphide of copper (Cu 2 S), half the sulphur existing in the protosulphide (CuS) having been removed by oxidation in the furnace. The white metal is run into sand-moulds and cast into ingots. The tin and other foreign metals usually collect in the lower part of the ingot, so that, for making best selected copper, the upper part is broken off and worked separately, the inferior copper obtained from the lower part of the ingot 338 POLING OF COPPER. being termed tile-copper. The ingots of white metal often contain "beautiful tufts of metallic copper in the form of copper moss. The slag separated from the white metal (metal-slag) is much more fluid than the ore-furnace slag, and contains so much silicate of copper that it is preserved for use in the melting for coarse metal. (5.) Roasting the white metal, to remove tiie sulphur and obtain blistered copper. The ingots of white metal (to the amount of about 3 tons) are placed upon the hearth of a reverberatory furnace, and heated for four hours to a temperature just below fusion, so that they may be oxidised at the surface, the sulphur passing off as sulphurous acid, and the copper being converted into oxide. During this roasting the greater part of the arsenic, generally present in the fine metal, is expelled as arsenious acid. The temperature is then raised, so that the charge may be completely fused, after which it is lowered again till the 12th hour. The oxide of copper now acts upon the sulphide of copper to form metallic copper and sulphurous acid gas, which escapes with violent ebullition from the melted mass ; Cu^S + 2CuO = S0 2 *- Cu 4 . When this ebullition ceases, the temperature is again raised so as to cause the complete separation of the copper from the slag, and the metal is run out into moulds of sand. Its name of blister copper is derived from the appearance caused by the escape of the last portions of sulphurous acid from the metal when solidi- fying in the mould. The slag (roaster slag) is formed in this operation by the combination of a part of the oxide of copper with silicic acid derived from the sand adhering to the ingots, and from the hearth of the furnace. The slag also contains the silicates of iron and of other metals, such as tin and lead, which might have been contained in the white metal. This slag is used again in the melting for white metal. (6.) Refining, to remove foreign metals. This process consists in slowly fusing 7 or 8 tons of the blistered copper in a reverberatory furnace, so that the air passing through the furnace may remove any remaining sul- phur as sulphurous acid, and may oxidise the small quantities of iron, tin, lead, &c., present in the metal. Of course, a large proportion of the copper is oxidised at the same time, and the suboxide of copper, together with the oxides of the foreign metals, combines with silicic acid (from the hearth or from adhering sand) to form a slag which collects upon the sur- face of the melted copper. A portion of the suboxide of copper is dis- solved by the metallic copper, rendering it brittle or- dry copper. (7.) Toughening or poling, to remove apart of the oxygen and bring the copper to tough-pitch. After about twenty hours, the slag is skimmed from the metal, a quantity of anthracite is thrown over the surface to pre- vent further oxidation, and the metal is poled, i.e., stirred with a pole of young wood until a small sample, removed for examination, presents a peculiar silky fracture, indicating it to be at tough-pitch, when it is cast into ingots. The chemical change during the poling appears to consist in the re- moval of the oxygen contained in the suboxide present in the metal, by the reducing action of the combustible gases disengaged from the wood. The presence of a small proportion of suboxide of copper is said to confer greater toughness upon the metal, so that if the poling be continued until the whole of the oxygen is removed, overpoled copper of lower tenacity is EXTRACTION OF COPPER IN THE LABORATORY. 339 obtained. On the other hand, the brittleness of underpoled copper is due to the presence of suboxide of copper in too large proportion. Tough-cake copper is that which has been poled to the proper extent. When the copper is intended for rolling, a small quantity (not exceed- ing \ per cent.) of lead is generally added to it before it is ladled into the ingot moulds. The chemical changes which take place during the above processes will be more clearly understood after inspecting the subjoined table, which exhibits the composition of the products obtained at different stages of the process, these being distinguished by the same numerals as were employed in the above description. Products obtained in smelting Ores of Copper. In 100 parts. Ore. Roasted Ore. Coarse Metal. Roasted Coarse Metal. White Metal. Blister Copper. Refined Copper. Tough- pitch Copper. Copper 8-2 17-9 19-9 1-0 34-3 (!) 8-6 17-6 12-5 4-5 34-3 1-1 (2.) 33-7 33-6 29-2 (3.) 33-7 33-6 13-0 11-0 (4.)' 77-4 0-7 21-0 (5.) 98*0 0-6 0-2 (6.) 99-4 trace trace 0-4 (7.) 99-6 trace trace 0-03 Iron . . Sulphur, .... Oxygen, .... Silicic acid, . . . Sulphuric acid, . . Ore Furnace Slag. Metal Slag. Roaster Slag. Refinery Slag. Oxide of iron (FeO), Suboxide of copper (Cu 2 0), . . . Silicic acid, (2.) 28-5 0-5 30-0 ... (4.) 56-0 0-9 33-8 (5.) 28-0 16-9 47-5 (6.) 3-1 36-2 47-4 Slue metal is the term applied to the regulus of white metal (from process 4), when it still contains a considerable proportion of sulphide of iron, in consequence of a deficient supply of oxide of copper in the furnace. Pimple metal is obtained in the same operation when the oxide of copper is in excess, so that a portion of the copper is reduced, as in process 5, with evolution of sulphurous acid, which produces the pimply appearance in escaping. The reduced copper gives a reddish colour to the pimple copper. Coarse copper is a similar intermediate stage between white metal and blistered copper. Tile copper is that extracted from the bottoms of the ingots of white metal, when the tops have been detached for making best select copper. Rosette or rose copper is obtained by running water upon the toughened metal, so as to enable the metal to be removed in films. Anglesea or Mono, copper is a very tough copper, reduced by metallic iron from the blue water of ther copper mines, which contains sulphate of copper. 237. For the purpose of illustration, copper may be extracted from copper pyrites on the small scale in the following manner : 200 grains of the powdered ore are mixed with an equal weight ot dried borax, and fused in a covered earthen crucible (of about 8 oz. capacity), at a full red heat, for about half an hour. The earthy matters associated with the ore are dissolved by the borax, and the pure copper pyrites collects at the bottom of the crucible. The contents of the latter are poured into an iron mould (scorifying mould, fig. 241), and when the mass has set, it is dipped into water. The semi-metallic button is then easily detached from the slag by a gentle blow ; it is weighed, finely powdered in an iron mortar, and introduced into an earthen crucible, which is placed obliquely over a dull fire, so that it may not become hot enough to fuse the ore, which should be stirred occasionally with an iron rod to promote the oxidation of the sulphur by the air. When the odour of sulphurous acid is no longer perceptible, the crucible is Y 2 340 IMPURITIES IN COMMERCIAL COPPER. placed in a Sefstrom's blast-furnace (fig. 237), and exposed for a few minutes to a white heat, in order to decompose the sulphates of iron and copper. When no more fumes of sulphuric acid are perceived, the cru- cible is lifted from the fire, held over the iron mortar, and the roasted ore quickly scraped out of it with a steel spatula. This mixture of the oxides of copper and iron is reduced to a fine powder, mixed with 600 grains of dried carbonate of soda and 60 grains of powdered charcoal, re- Fig. 241. turned to the same crucible, covered with 200 grains of dried borax, and heated in a Sefstrom's furnace for twenty minutes. The crucible is then allowed to cool partly, plunged into water to render it brittle, and carefully broken to extract the button of metallic copper, which is weighed to ascertain the amount contained in the original ore. 238. Effect of impurities upon the quality of copper. The information possessed by chemists upon this subject is still very limited. It has been already mentioned that the presence of a small proportion of suboxide of copper in commercial copper is found to increase its toughness. It is believed that copper, perfectly free from metallic impurities, is not im- proved in quality by the presence of the suboxide, but that this substance has the effect of counteracting the red-shortness (see p. 315) of commercial copper, caused by the presence of foreign metals. Sulphur, even in minute proportion, appears seriously to injure the malleability of copper. Arsenic is almost invariably present in copper, very frequently amount- ing to O'l per cent., and does not appear to exercise any injurious influence in this proportion ; indeed, its presence is sometimes stated to increase the malleability and tenacity of the metal. Phosphorus is not usually found in the copper of commerce. When purposely added in quantity varying from 0*12 to 0*5 per cent, it is found to increase the hardness and tenacity of the copper, though rendering it somewhat red-short. Tin, in minute proportion, is also said to increase the toughness of copper, though any considerable proportion renders it brittle. Antimony is a very objectionable impurity, and is by no means uncom- mon in samples of copper. Nickel is believed to injure the quality of copper in which it occurs. Bismuth and silver are very generally found in marketable copper, but their effect upon its quality has not been clearly determined. All impurities appear to affect the malleability and tenacity of copper, more perceptibly at high than at low temperatures. The conducting power of copper for electricity is affected in an ex- traordinary degree by the presence of impurities. Thus, if the conducting power of chemically pure copper be represented by 100, that of the very pure native copper from Lake Superior has been found to be 93, that of the copper extracted from the malachite of the Burra Burra mines in South Australia was 89, whilst that of Spanish copper, remarkable for containing much arsenic, was only 14. Pure copper is obtained by decomposing a solution of pure sulphate of copper by the galvanic current, as in the electrotype process. If the negative wire be attached to a copper plate immersed in the solution, the pure copper may be striped off this plate in a sheet. EFFECT OF SEA- WATER UPON COPPER. 341 239. Properties of copper. The most prominent character which confers upon copper so high a rank among the useful metals is its mal- leability, which allows it to be readily fashioned under the hammer, and to be beaten or rolled out into thin sheets ; among the metals in ordinary use, only gold and silver exceed copper in malleability, and the com- parative scarcity of those metals leads to the application of copper for most purposes where great malleability is requisite. Although, in tenacity or strength, copper ranks next to iron, it is still very far inferior to it, for a copper wire of -^ inch in diameter will support only 385 Ibs., while a similar iron wire will carry 705 Ibs. without breaking; and in consequence of its inferior tenacity, copper is less ductile than iron, and does not admit of being so readily drawn into exceedingly thin wires. The comparative ease with which copper may be fused, allows it to be cast much more readily than iron ; for it will be remembered that the latter metal can be liquefied only by the highest attainable furnace heat, whereas copper can be fused at about 2000 F., a temperature generally spoken of as a bright red heat. As being the most sonorous of metals, copper has been, from time immemorial, employed in the construction of bells and musical instru- ments. The readiness with which it transmits electricity is turned to account in telegraphic communication, its conducting power being almost equal to that of silver, which is the best of electric conductors. In con- ducting power for heat, copper is surpassed only by silver and gold. Copper is not so hard as iron, and is somewhat heavier, the specific gravity of cast copper being 8 '92, and that of hammered or drawn copper 8-95. The resistance of copper to the chemical action of moist air gives it a great advantage over iron for many uses, and the circumstance that it does not decompose water in presence of acids, enables it to be employed as the negative plate in galvanic couples. 240. Effect of sea-water upon copper. When copper is placed in a solution of salt in water, no perceptible action takes place ; but in the course of time, if air be allowed access, it becomes covered with a green coating of oxy chloride of copper (CuCl . 3GuO . 4HO), the action probably consisting, first, in the conversion of the copper into oxide by the air, and afterwards in the decomposition of the oxide by the chloride of sodium ; 4CuO + NaCl = CuCl . 3CuO + NaO. The surface of the copper is thus corroded, and in the case of a copper-bottomed ship, the action of sea-water not only occasions a great waste of copper, but roughens the surface of the sheathing, and affords points of attachment to barnacles, &c., which injure the speed of the vessel. Many attempts have been made to obviate this inconvenience. Zinc has been fastened here and there to the outside of the copper, placing the latter in an electronegative con- dition ; the copper has been coated with various compositions, but with very indifferent success. Muntz metal, an alloy of 3 parts of copper and 2 parts of zinc, has been employed with some advantage in place of copper, for it is very much cheaper and somewhat less easily corroded ; but the difficulty is by no means overcome. Copper containing about 0'5 per cent, of phosphorus is said to be corroded by sea- water much less easily than pure copper. 241. Danger attending the use of copper vessels in cooking food. The use of copper for culinary vessels has occasionally led to serious conse- 342 ALLOYS OF COPPER. quences, from the poisonous nature of its compounds, and from ignorance of the conditions under which these compounds are formed. A perfectly clean surface of metallic copper is not affected by any of the substances employed in the preparation of food, but if the metal has been allowed to remain exposed to the action of the air, it becomes covered with a film of oxide of copper, and this subsequently combines with water and carbonic acid derived from the air, to produce a basic carbonate of copper,* which, becoming dissolved, or mixed with the food prepared in these vessels, confers upon it a poisonous character. This danger may be avoided by the use of vessels which are perfectly clean and bright, but even from these, certain articles of food may become contaminated with copper, for this metal is much more likely to be oxidised by the air when in con- tact with acids (vinegar, juices of fruits, &c.), or with fatty matters, or even with common salt, and if oxide of copper be once formed, it will be readily dissolved by such substances. Hence it is usual to coat the in- terior of copper vessels with tin, which is able to resist the action of the air, even in the presence of acids and saline matters. 242. Useful alloys of copper with other metals. The most important alloys of which copper is a predominant constituent are included in the following table : Composition of 100 parts. Copper. Zinc. Tin. Iron. Nickel. Aluminum. 64 36 Muntz metal, .... German silver, . . . Aich (or Gedge's) metal, Sterro-metal, .... Bell metal, 60 to 70 51 60 55 78 40 to 30 30-5 38-2 424 0-8 22 i : 8 1-8 18-5 Speculum metal, . . . Bronze 66-6 80 4 33-4 16 Gun metal, .... Bronze coinage, . . . Aluminum bronze, . . 90-5 95 90 l'" 9-5 4 ... ... 10 Brass is made by melting copper in a crucible, and adding rather more than half its weight of zinc. It is difficult to decide whether brass is a true chemical compound, or a mere mechanical mixture of copper and zinc, because it is capable of dissolving either of those metals when in a state of fusion. The circumstance that it can be deposited by decom- posing a solution containing copper and zinc by the galvanic current, would appear to indicate that it is a chemical compound, and its physical pro- perties are not such as would be expected from a mere mixture of its constituents. A small quantity of tin is added to brass intended for door-plates, which renders the engraving much easier. When it has to be turned or filed, about 2 per cent, of lead is usually added to it, in order to prevent it from adhering to the tools employed. Brass cannot be melted without losing a portion of its zinc in the form of vapour. When exposed to frequent vibration (as in the suspending chains of chan- deliers) it suffers an alteration in structure and becomes extremely brittle. * Often erroneously called verdigris, which is really a basic acetate of copper. CUPRIC OXIDE. 343 The solder used by braziers consists of equal weights of copper and zinc. In order to prevent ornamental brass-work from being tarnished by the action of air, it is either lacquered or bronzed. Lacquering consists simply in varnishing the brass with a solution of shell-lac in spirit, coloured with dragon's blood. Bronzing is effected by applying a solution of arsenic or mercury, or platinum, to the surface of the brass. By the action of arsenious acid dissolved in hydrochloric acid, upon brass, the latter acquires a coating composed of arsenic and copper, which imparts a bronzed appearance, the zinc being dissolved in place of the arsenic, which combines with the copper at the surface AsO a 4- 3HC1 + Zn 3 = As + 3ZnCl + 3HO . A mixture of corrosive sublimate (chloride of mercury, HgCl) and acetic acid is also sometimes employed, when the mercury is displaced by the zinc, and precipitated upon the surface of the brass, with which it forms, a bronze-like amalgam. For bronzing brass instruments, such as theodolites, levels, &c., a solution of bichloride of platinum is employed, the zinc of the brass precipitating a very durable film of metallic platinum upon its surface (PtClj + Zn 2 = Pt + 2ZnCl). Aich-metal is a kind of brass containing iron, and has been employed for cannon, on account of its great strength. At a red heat it is very malleable. Sterro-metal (oreppos, strong) is another variety of brass containing iron and tin, said to have been discovered accidentally in making brass with the alloy of zinc and iron obtained during the process of making gal- vanised iron (p. 294). It possesses great strength and elasticity, and is used by engineers for the pumps of hydraulic presses. Aluminum bronze has been already noticed, and $he alloys of copper and tin will be described under the latter metal. A very hard white alloy of 77 parts of zinc, 17 of tin, and 6 of copper, is sometimes employed for the bearings of the driving-wheels of loco- motives. Iron and steel are coated with a closely adherent film of copper, by placing them in contact with metallic zinc in an alkaline solution of oxide of copper, prepared by mixing sulphate of copper with tartrate of potash and soda, and caustic soda. The copper is thus precipitated upon the iron by slow voltaic action, the zinc being the attacked metal. By adding a solution of stannate of soda to the alkaline copper solution, a deposit of bronze may be obtained. 243. OXIDES OF COPPER. Two oxides of copper are well known in the separate state, viz., the suboxide CugO, and the oxide CuO. Another oxide, Cu 4 0, has been obtained in a hydrated state, and there is some evidence of the existence of an acid oxide. The black oxide of copper (cupric oxide), CuO, is the black layer which is formed upon the surface of the metal when heated in air. It is em- ployed by the chemist in the ultimate analysis of organic substances by combustion (p. 73), being prepared for this purpose by acting upon copper with nitric acid to convert it into nitrate of copper (p. 126), and heating this to dull redness in a rough vessel made of sheet copper, when it leaves the black oxide ; CuO . JST0 5 = N0 4 + + CuO. At a higher temperature the oxide fuses into a very hard mass ; but it cannot be de- composed by heat. Oxide of copper absorbs water easily from the air, but it is not dissolved by water ; acids, however, dissolve it, forming the 344 SULPHATE OF COPPER. salts of copper, whence the use of oil of vitriol and nitric acid for cleans- ing the tarnished surface of copper ; a blackened coin, for example, im- mersed in strong nitric acid, and thoroughly washed, becomes as bright as when freshly coined. Silicic acid dissolves oxide of copper at a high tem- perature, forming silicate of copper, which is taken advantage of in pro- ducing a fine green colour in glass. Red oxide or suboxide of copper (cuprous oxide), Cu/), is formed when a mixture of 5 parts of the black oxide with 4 parts of copper filings is heated in a closed crucible. It may also be prepared by boiling a solution of sulphate of copper with a solution containing sulphite of soda and car- bonate of soda, in equal quantities, when the suboxide of copper is preci- pitated as a reddish yellow powder, which should be washed, by decanta- tion, with boiled water 2(CuO.S0 3 ) + 2(NaO.C0 2 ) + NaO . S0 2 = Cu 2 + 3(NaO.S0 3 ) + 2C0 2 . The suboxide of copper is a feeble base, but its salts are not easily ob- tained by direct union with acids, for these generally decompose it into metallic copper and oxide of copper, which combines with the acid. In the moist state it is slowly oxidised by the air. Ammonia dissolves the suboxide, forming a solution which is perfectly colourless until it is allowed to come into contact with air, when it assumes a fine blue colour, becoming converted into an ammoniacal solution of the oxide. If the blue solution be placed in a stoppered bottle (quite filled with it) with a strip of clean copper, it will gradually become colourless, the oxide being again reduced to suboxide, a portion of the copper being dissolved. When copper filings are shaken with ammonia in a bottle of air, the same blue solution is obtained, the oxidation of the copper being attended with a simultaneous oxidation of a portion of the ammonia, and its conversion into nitrous acid, so that white fumes of nitrite of ammonia are formed in the upper part of the bottle. If the blue solution be poured into a large quantity of water, a light blue precipitate of hydrated oxide of copper is obtained. The ammoniacal solution of oxide of copper has the unusual property of dissolving paper, cotton, tow, and other varieties of cellulose, this substance being reprecipitated from the solution on adding an acid. Suboxide of copper, added to glass, imparts to it a fine red colour, which is turned to account by the glass-maker. Quadrant-oxide of copper, Cu 4 0, has been obtained in combination with water by the action of protochloride of tin and potash upon a salt of copper. Cupric acid is believed to be formed when metallic copper is fused with nitre and caustic potash. The mass yields a blue solution in water, which is very easily decomposed, with evolution of oxygen and precipitation of oxide of copper. The existence of an unstable oxide of copper, containing more than one equivalent of oxygen, is also rendered probable by the cir- cumstance, that oxide of copper acts like binoxide of manganese in facili- tating the disengagement of oxygen from chlorate of potash by heat (page 14). 244. Sulphate of copper. The beautiful prismatic crystals known as blue vitriol, blue stone, blue copperas, or sulphate of copper, have been already mentioned as formed in the preparation of sulphurous acid (p. 196), SULPHATE OF COPPER. 345 by dissolving copper in oil of vitriol, a process which is occasionally em- ployed for the manufacture of .this salt. A considerable supply of the sulphate is obtained as a secondary product in the process of silver-refin- ing (p. 207). The sulphate of copper is also manufactured by roasting copper pyrites (FeCuS 2 ) with free access of air, when it becomes partly converted into a mixture of sulphate of copper with sulphate of iron FeCuS 2 + 8 = FeO.S0 3 + CuO . S0 3 . The sulphate of iron, however, is decomposed by the heat, losing its sulphuric acid, and leaving simply peroxide of iron (see p. 322). When the roasted mass is treated with water, the oxide of iron is left undis- solved, but the sulphate of copper enters into solution, and may be ob- tained in crystals by evaporation. These crystals, as they are found in commerce, are usually opaque, but if they are dissolved in hot water and allowed to crystallise slowly, they become perfectly transparent, and have then the composition ex- pressed by the formula CuO . S0 3 + 5HO. If the crystals be heated to the temperature of boiling water, they lose four-fifths of their water, and crumble down to a greyish white powder, which has the composition CuO . S0 3 + HO, and if this be moistened with water, it becomes very hot and resumes its original blue colour. The whitish opacity of the ordinary crystals of blue stone is due to the absence of a portion of the water of crystallisation. The fifth equivalent of water can be expelled only at a temperature of nearly 400 F., and is therefore generally called water of constitution (see p. 49), the formula of the crystals being then written CuO . S0 3 . HO + 4Aq. The crystals dissolve in four parts of cold and two parts of boiling water. The solution reddens litmus. The sulphate of copper- is largely employed by the dyer and calico- printer, and in the manufacture of pigments. It is also occasionally used in medicine, in the electrotype process, and in galvanic batteries. If a solution of sulphate of copper be mixed with an excess of solution of potash, a blue precipitate of hydrated oxide of copper (CuO . HO) is produced. On boiling this in the liquid, it loses its water and becomes black oxide. The paint known as blue verditer is hydrated oxide of copper obtained by decomposing nitrate of copper with hydrate of lime. When ammonia is added to solution of sulphate of copper, a basic sulphate is first precipitated, which is dissolved by an excess of ammonia to a dark blue fluid. On allowing this to evaporate, dark blue crystals of ammonia-sulphate of copper, CuO . S0 3 , 2NH 3 , HO, are deposited. - They lose their ammonia when exposed to the air. A basic sulphate of copper, CuO . S0 3 , 4(CuO . HO), constitutes the mineral brochantite. Sulphate of copper cannot easily be separated by crystallisation from the sulphates of iron, zinc, and magnesia, because it forms double salts with them, which contain, like those sulphates, 7 equivalents of water. An in- stance of this is seen in the black vitriol obtained from the mother-liquor of the sulphate of copper at Mansfeld, and forming bluish black crystals isomorphous with green vitriol, FeO . S0 3 . 7HO. The formula of black vitriol may be written (CuMgFeMnCoNi)O . S0 3 . 7IIO 346 CUPROUS CHLORIDE. the six isomorphous metals being interchangeable without altering the general character of the salt. Arsenite of copper or Scheele's green has been mentioned at p. 245. The basic phosphates of copper compose the minerals tagalite and libethenite. The basic carbonates of copper have been noticed as forming the very beautiful minerals blue malachite, or chessylite, and green mal'achite. Mineral green (CuO . C0 2 , CuO . HO) has the same composition as green malachite, and is prepared by mixing hot solutions of carbonate of soda and sulphate of copper. When boiled in the liquid, it is gradually converted into black oxide of copper. Silicates of copper are found in the minerals dioptase, or emerald copper, and chrysocolla. 245. Chlorides of copper. The chloride of copper (cupric chloride) (CuCl) is produced by the direct union of its elements, when it forms a brown mass, which fuses easily, and is decomposed into chlorine and sub- chloride of copper, the latter being afterwards converted into vapour. When dissolved in water, it gives a solution which is green when concen trated, and becomes blue on dilution. The hydrated chloride of copper is readily prepared by dissolving the black oxide in hot hydrochloric acid, and allowing the solution to crystallise ; it forms green needle-like crystals (CuCl. 2HO). A solution of chloride of copper in alcohol burns with a splendid green flame, and the chloride imparts a similar colour to a gas flame. Oxychloride of coppei" (CuCl . 3CuO . 4HO) is found at Atacama in prismatic crystals, and is called atacamite. The paint Brunswick green has the same composition, and is made by moistening copper with solu- tion of hydrochloric acid or of sal-ammoniac, and exposing it to the air in order that it may absorb oxygen Cu 4 + HC1 + 3HO + 4 = CuCl.3CuO.4HO. The Brunswick green of the shops frequently consists of a mixture of Prussian blue, chromate of lead, and sulphate of baryta. Subchloride of copper (cuprous chloride}, Ci^Cl, is formed when fine copper turnings are shaken with strong hydrochloric acid in a bottle of air (Cu 2 + HC1 + = Cu 2 Cl + HO). The subchloride dissolves in the excess of hydrochloric acid, forming a brown solution, from which water precipitates the white subchloride of copper, for this is one of the few chlorides insoluble in water. When exposed to light, it assumes a purplish grey tint. It may be obtained in larger quantity by dissolving 5 parts of black oxide of copper in hydrochloric acid, and boiling with 4 parts of fine copper turnings, the brown solution being afterwards precipitated by water. If the solution be moderately diluted and set aside, it deposits tetrahedral crystals of the subchloride. Ammonia (free from air) dissolves the subchloride to a colourless liquid, which becomes dark-blue by contact with air, absorbing oxygen. The ammoniacal solution of sub- chloride of copper is employed as a test for acetylene (p. 84), which gives a red precipitate with it. The solution may be preserved in a colourless state by keeping it in a well-stoppered bottle, quite full, with strips of clean copper. When copper, in a finely divided state, is boiled with solution of hydrochlorate of ammonia, the solution deposits COPPER AND SULPHUR. 347 colourless crystals of the salt Cu 2 Cl . NHg. If the solution of this salt be exposed to the air, blue crystals are deposited, having the formula Cu 2 Cl . NH 3 + CuCl . NH 3 + HO, and on further exposure, a compound of this last salt with hydrochlorate of ammonia is deposited. The solu- tion of subchloride of copper in hydrochloric acid is employed for absorbing carbonic oxide in the analysis of gaseous mixtures (p. 252). When this solution is exposed to air it absorbs oxygen, and deposits the oxychloride of copper. A strong solution of hydrochlorate of ammonia or of chloride of potassium readily dissolves the cuprous chloride, even in the cold, forming soluble double chlorides. The solution in chloride of potassium does not absorb oxygen quite so easily as that in hydro- chlorate of ammonia. 246. Sulphides of copper. Copper has a very marked attraction for sulphur, even at the ordinary temperature. A bright surface of copper soon becomes tarnished by contact with sulphur, and hydrosulphuric acid blackens the metal. Finely divided copper and sulphur combine slowly at the ordinary temperature, and when heated together, they combine with combustion. A thick copper wire burns easily in vapour of sulphur (p. 189). Copper is even partly converted into sulphide when boiled with sulphuric acid, as in the preparation of sulphurous acid gas. This great attraction of copper for sulphur is taken advantage of in the process of kernel-roasting for extracting the copper from pyrites containing as little as 1 per cent, of the metal. The pyrites is roasted in large heaps (p. 186) for several weeks, when a great part of the iron is converted into peroxide, and the copper remains combined with sulphur, forming a hard kernel in the centre of the lumps of ore. This kernel contains about 5 per cent, of copper, and can be smelted with economy. Children are employed to detach the kernel from the shell, which consists of peroxide of iron and a little sulphate of copper, which is washed out with water. The subsulphide of copper (Cu 2 S) has been mentioned among the ores of copper, and among the furnace products in smelting, when it is some- times obtained in octahedral crystals. It is not attacked by hydrochloric acid, but nitric acid dissolves it readily. Copper pyrites, is believed to contain the copper in the form of subsulphide, its true formula being Cu 2 S . Fe 2 S 3 ; for if the copper be present as sulphide, CuS, the iron must be present as protosulphide, and the mineral would have the formula CuS . FeS. Now, FeS is easily attacked by dilute sulphuric or hydro- chloric acid, which is not the case with copper pyrites. Nitric acid, how- ever, attacks it violently. Sulphide of copper (CuS) occurs in nature as indigo-copper or blue copper, and may be obtained as a black precipitate by the action of hydrosulphuric acid upon solution of sulphate of copper. When this precipitate is boiled with sulphur and hydrosulphate of ammonia > it is dissolved in small quantity, and the solution on cooling deposits fine scarlet needles containing a higher sulphide of copper combined with hydrosulphate of ammonia. A pentasulphide of copper (CuS 5 ) is obtained by decomposing sulphate of copper with pentasulphide of potassium ; it forms a black precipitate, distinguished from the other sulphides of copper by its solubility in car- bonate of potash. The sulphides of copper, when exposed to air in the presence of water, 348 CHARACTERS OF LEAD. are slowly oxidised and converted into sulphate of copper, which is dis- solved by the water. It appears to be in this way that the Hue water of the copper mines is formed. - Phosphide of copper (Cu 3 P), obtained as a black powder by boiling solution of sulphate of copper with phosphorus, has been already men- tioned as a convenient source of phosphuretted hydrogen. Another phos- phide, obtained by passing vapour of phosphorus over finely divided copper at a high temperature, is employed in Abel's composition for magneto-electric fuzes, in conjunction with subsulphide of copper and chlorate of potash. Silicon may be made to unite with copper by strongly heating finely divided copper with silicic acid and charcoal. A bronze-like mass is thus obtained, containing about 5 per cent, of silicon. It is said to rival iron in ductility and tenacity, and fuses at about the same temperature as bronze. 247. Equivalent and atomic weights of copper. When pure black oxide of copper is heated in hydrogen, 39*5 parts by weight of the oxide give up 8 parts (one equivalent) of oxygen, to form water with the hydrogen, leaving 31 '5 parts of copper. If the black oxide, then, be regarded as containing single equivalents of its elements, the equivalent of copper will be 31*5 ; but if the red oxide (which contains twice as much copper in proportion to the oxygen) be supposed to contain single equivalents, that of copper would be 63. The isomorphism of the black oxide of copper with the protoxide of iron (FeO) and the oxide of zinc (ZnO), which it replaces in their sulphates without alteration of crystalline form, leads to the belief that it resembles them in composition, and that the equivalent weight of copper is 31*5. That copper is a diatomic element, i.e., that its atomic weight is twice its equivalent weight (or ru = 63), is shown by its specific heat, and by the constitution of its compounds. Thus, the nitride of copper, N6u 3 , obtained by the action of ammonia gas upon heated oxide of copper, re- presents ammonia (NH 3 ), in which three atoms of copper occupy the place of three atoms of hydrogen. The atomic formulae for some of the more important compounds of copper would be red oxide Ou. 2 O, black oxide 6uO, subsulphide 6u 2 S, sulphide hi&, cuprous chloride (subchloride) , water, referring to its fluidity, apyvpov, silver). Mercury is not met with in this country, but is obtained from Idria (Austria), Almaden (Spain), China, and New Almaden (California). It occurs in these mines partly in the metallic state, diffused in minute globules or collected in cavities, but chiefly in the state of cinnabar, which is a sulphide of mercury (HgS). The metal is extracted from the sulphide at Idria by roasting the ore in a kiln (fig. 252), which is connected with an extensive series of con- Fig. 252. Extraction of mercury at Idria. densing chambers built of brick-work. The sulphur is converted, by the air in the kiln, into sulphurous acid gas, whilst the mercury passes off in vapour and condenses in the chambers. At Almaden the extraction is conducted upon the same principle, but the condensation of the mercury is effected in earthen receivers (called aludels) opening into each other, and delivering the mercury into a gutter which conveys it to the receptacles. The cinnabar is placed upon the arch (A, fig. 253) of brick-work, in which there are several open- ings for the passage of the flame of the wood fire kindled at B ; this flame ignites the sulphide of mercury, which burns in the air passing up from be- low, forming sulphurous acid gas and vapour of mercury (HgS + 2 = Hg + S0 2 ), which escape through the flue (F) into the aludels (C), where Fig. 253. the chief part of the mercury condenses, and runs down into the gutter (G). The sulphurous acid gas 368 USES OF MERCURY. escapes through the flue (H), and any mercury which may have escaped condensation is collected in the trough (D), the gas finally passing out through the chimney (E), which provides for the requisite draught. In the Palatinate, the cinnabar is distilled in cast-iron retorts with lime, when the sulphur is left in the residue as sulphide of calcium, and sulphate of lime, whilst the mercury distils over 4HgS + 4CaO = 3CaS + CaO . S0 3 + Hg 4 . The mercury found in commerce is never perfectly pure, as may be shown by scattering a little upon a clean glass plate, when it tails or leaves a track upon the glass, which is not the case with pure mercury. Its chief impurity is lead, which may be removed by exposing it in a thin layer to the action of nitric acid diluted with two measures of water, which should cover its surface, and be allowed to re- main in contact with it for a day or two, with occasional stirring. The lead is far more easily oxidised and dissolved than the mercury, though a little of this also passes into solution. The mercury is afterwards well washed with water and dried, first with blotting-paper, and then by a gentle heat. Mercury is easily freed from mechanical impurities by filtering it through a cone of paper, round the apex of which a few pin-holes have been made. 267. Although mercury in its ordinary condition is not oxidised by air at the ordinary temperature, it appears to undergo a partial oxidation when reduced to a fine state of division, as in those medicinal prepara- tions of the metal which are made by triturating it with various sub- stances which have no chemical action upon it, until globules of the metal are no longer visible. Blue pill and grey powder, or hydrargyrum cum cretd, afford examples of this, and probably owe much of their medicinal activity to the presence of one of the oxides of mercury. 268. Uses of mercury. One of the chief uses to which mercury is devoted is the silvering of looking-glasses, which is effected by means of an amalgam of tin in the following manner : a sheet of tin-foil of the same size as the glass to be silvered is laid perfectly level upon a table, and rubbed over with metallic mercury, a thin layer of which is afterwards poured upon it. The glass is then carefully slid on to the table, so that its edge may carry before it part of the superfluous mercury with the impurities upon its surface ; heavy weights are laid upon the glass so as to squeeze out the excess of mercury, and in a few days the combination of tin and mercury is found to have adhered firmly to the glass ; this coating usually contains about 1 part of mercury and 4 parts of tin. In this and all other arts in which mercury is used (such as barometer-making) much suffering is expe- rienced by the operatives, from the poisonous action of the mercury. The readiness with which mercury unites with most other metals to form amalgams is one of its most striking properties, and is turned to account for the extraction of silver and gold from their ores. The attrac- tion of the latter metal for mercury is seen in the readiness with which it becomes coated with a silvery layer of mercury, whenever it is brought in contact with that metal, and if a piece of gold leaf be suspended at a little distance above the surface of mercury, it will be found, after a time, sil- vered by the vapour of the metal which rises slowly even at the ordinary temperature. From the surface of rings which have been accidentally whitened by mercury, it may be removed by a moderate heat, or by warm dilute nitric acid, but the gold will afterwards require burnishing. Zinc plates are amalgamated, as it is termed, for use in the galvanic battery, by rubbing the liquid metal over them under the surface of dilute sulphuric acid, which removes the coating of oxide from the surface of the zinc. The amalgam of zinc is not acted on by the diluted sulphuric acid used MERCUROUS AND MERCURIC OXIDES. 369 in the battery (see p. 20) until the circuit is completed, so that no zinc is wasted when the battery is not in use. A combination of 5 parts of mercury and 2 parts of zinc is also used to promote the action of electrical machines. The addition of a little amalgam of sodium to metallic mercury gives it the power of adhering much more readily to other metals, even to iron. Such an addition has been recommended in all cases where metallic sur- faces have to be amalgamated, and especially in the extraction of silver and gold from their ores by means of mercury. < Iron and platinum are the only metals in ordinary use which can be employed in contact with mercury without being corroded by it. Mer- cury, however, adheres to platinum. The following definite compounds of mercury with other metals have been ob- tained by combining them with excess of mercury, and squeezing out the fluid metal by hydraulic pressure, amounting to 60 tons upon the inch: Amalgam of lead, Pb 2 Hg b 2 H H silver, iron, FeHg " Amalgam of zinc, Zn 2 Hg copper, CuHg platinum, PtHg 2 The amalgam of silver (AgHg 2 ) has been found in nature, in dodecahedral crystals. A very beautiful crystallisation of the amalgam of silver (Arbor Diance) may be obtained in long prisms having the composition AgHg 3 , by dissolving 400 grains of nitrate of silver in 40 measured ounces of water, adding 160 minims of concentrated nitric acid, and 1840 grains of mercury ; in the course of a day or two crystals of 2 or 3 inches in length will be deposited. 269. Oxides of mercury. Two oxides of mercury are known, the sub- oxide Hg.,0, and the oxide HgO ; both combine with acids to form salts. Suboxide of mercury, black oxide or mercurous oxide (Hg^O), is obtained by decomposing calomel with solution of potash, and washing with water (HgjCl + KO = Hg. 2 + KC1). It is very easily decomposed by exposure to light or to a gentle heat, into oxide of mercury and metallic mercury. Red oxide of mercury, or mercuric oxide (HgO), is formed upon the surface of mercury, when heated for some time to its boiling point in con- tact with air. The oxide is black while hot, but becomes red on cooling. It is used under the name of red precipitate in ointments, and is prepared for this purpose by dissolving mercury in nitric acid, evaporating the solution to dryness, and gently calcining the nitrate of mercury (HgO . N0 5 ) until the nitric acid is expelled. The name nitric oxide of mercury refers to this process. It is thus obtained, after cooling, as a brilliant red crystal- line powder, which becomes nearly black when heated, and is resolved into its elements at a red heat. It dissolves slightly in water, and the solution has a very feeble alkaline reaction. A bright yellow modification of the oxide is precipitated when a solution of corrosive sublimate is decomposed by potash (HgCl + KO = HgO + KC1) ; the yellow varfety is chemically more active than the red. When oxide of mercury is acted on by strong ammonia, it becomes converted into a yellowish white powder which possesses the properties of a strong base, absorbing carbonic acid eagerly from the air, and combining readily with other acids. It is easily decomposed by exposure to light, and, if rubbed in a mortar when dry, is decomposed with slight detonations, a property in which it feebly resembles fulmi- nating silver (p. 364). The composition of this substance is represented by the formula 4HgO . NH 3 . 2HO, and it is sometimes called ammoniated oxide of mercury. When exposed in vacuo over oil of vitriol, it loses 2HO, becoming 4HgO . NH S , but if heated to about 260 F., it evolves another equivalent of water and becomes brown.* * It has been stated that by heating it for some time in a current of dry ammonia, the whole of the hydrogen may be expelled as water, leaving the oxide of tetra-mercurammo- niuni, NHg 4 0, which is very explosive, and combines with water to form a hydrate which produces salts with the acids. 2 A 370 MERCURIC CHLORIDE OR CORROSIVE SUBLIMATE. It now contains Hg 4 3 NH2, and may be regarded as a compound of oxide of mer- cury with ammonia in which one equivalent of hydrogen is displaced by mercury (NH 2 Hg , 3HgO), a view which would explain, in a simple manner, the evolution of ammonia when the substance is fused with hydrate of potash NH 2 Hg,3HgO + KO.HO = NH 3 + 4HgO + KO. This substance is sometimes called mercuramine; it forms salts with the acids ; the sulphate of mercuramine has the composition (NH 2 Hg, 3HgO)S0 3 . By passing ammonia gas over the yellow oxide of mercury as long as it is absorbed, and heating the compound to about 260 F. in a current of ammonia as long as any water is evolved, a brown explosive powder is obtained, which is believed to be a nitride of mercury, NHg 3 , representing ammonia in which the hydrogen has been displaced by mercury. It yields salts of ammonia when decomposed by hydrated acids. 270. The salts formed by the oxides of mercury with the oxygen-acids are not of great practical importance. Protonitrate of mercury or mercurous nitrate is obtained when mercury is dissolved in nitric acid diluted with five volumes of water ; it may be procured in crystals having the composition Hg 2 . NO 5 , 2Aq. The prismatic crystals which are sometimes sold as protonitrate of mercury consist of a basic nitrate, 3(Hg 2 . N0 5 ), Hg 2 . HO, prepared by acting with diluted nitric acid upon mercury in excess. When this salt is powdered in a mortar with a little common salt, it becomes black from the separation of suboxide of mercury 8(Hg a O . N0 6 ), Hg 2 . HO + 3NaCl = 3Hg 2 Cl + 3(NaO . N0 5 ) + Hg 2 + HO ; but the neutral nitrate is not blackened (Hg 2 . N0 5 + NaCl = Hg 2 Cl + NaO . NO S ). These nitrates cannot be dissolved in water without partial decomposition and pre- cipitation of yellow basic nitrates. Nitrate of mercury or mercuric nitrate is formed when mercury is dissolved with an excess of strong nitric acid, and the solution boiled. It is better to prepare it by saturating strong nitric acid, diluted with an equal measure of water, with oxide of mercury. It may be obtained in crystals of the formula 2(HgO . NO,), Aq. Water decomposes it, precipitating a yellow basic nitrate, which leaves oxide of mercury when long washed with water. Sulphate of suboxide of mercury or mercurous sulphate (Hg 2 . S0 3 ) is precipitated as a white crystalline powder when dilute sulphuric acid is added to a solution of proto- nitrate of mercury. Sulphate of mercury or mercuric sulphate (HgO . S0 3 ) is obtained by heating 2 parts by weight of mercury with 3 parts of oil of vitriol, and evaporating to dryness. Mer- curous sulphate is first produced, and is oxidised by the excess of sulphuric acid. It forms a white crystalline powder, which is decomposed by water into a soluble acid sulphate, and an insoluble yellow basic sulphate of mercury, HgO . S0 3 . 2HgO, known as turbith or turpeth mineral, said to have been so named from its resembling in its medicinal effects the root of the Convolvulus turpethum. 271. CHLORIDES OF MERCURY. The chlorides are the most important .of the compounds of mercury, the subchloride "being calomel (Hg 2 Cl) and the chloride, corrosive sublimate (HgCl). Vapour of mercury burns in chlorine gas, corrosive sublimate being produced. Corrosive sublimate, chloride of mercury, bichloride or -perchloride of mercury, or mercuric chloride, is manufactured by heating 2 parts by weight of mercury with 3 parts of strong sulphuric acid, and evaporat- ing to dryness, to obtain mercuric sulphate (Hg + 2(HO.S0 3 ) HgO. S0 3 + 2HO + S0 2 ), which is mixed with 1J part of common salt and heated in glass vessels (HgO . S0 3 + NaCl = NaO . S0 3 + HgCl), when sulphate of soda is left, and the corrosive sublimate is converted into vapour, condensing on the cooler part of the vessel in lustrous colourless masses, which are very heavy (sp. gr. 5*4), and have a crys- talline fracture. It fuses very easily (at 509 F.) to a perfectly colour- less liquid, which boils at 563 F., emitting an extremely acrid vapour, which destroys the sense of smell for some time. This vapour condenses WHITE PRECIPITATE. 371 in fine needles, or sometimes in octahedra. Corrosive sublimate dis- solves in three times its weight of boiling water, but requires 16 parts of cold water, so that the hot solution readily deposits long four-sided prismatic crystals of the salt. It is remarkable that alcohol and ether dissolve corrosive sublimate much more easily than water, boiling alcohol dissolving about an equal weight of the chloride, and cold ether taking up one-third of its weight. By shaking the aqueous solution with ether, the greater part of the corrosive sublimate will be removed, and will remain dissolved in the ether which rises to the surface. Water in which sal-ammoniac has been dissolved will take up corrosive sublimate more easily than pure water, a soluble double chloride (sal alembroth) being formed, which may be obtained in tabular crystals of the composition HgCl, 3JS"H 4 C1, HO. A solution of corrosive sublimate in water con- taining sal-ammoniac is a very efficacious bug-potion. The poisonous properties of corrosive sublimate are very marked, so little as three grains having been known to cause death in the case of a child. The white of egg is commonly administered as an antidote, because it is known to form an insoluble compound with corrosive sublimate, so as to render the poison inert in the stomach. The compound of albumen with corrosive sublimate is also much less liable to putrefaction than albumen itself, and hence corrosive sublimate is sometimes employed for preserving anatomical preparations and for preventing the decay of wood (by combining with the vegetable albumen of the sap). Chloride of mercury unites with many other chlorides to form soluble double salts, and with oxide of mercury, forming several oxychlorides of mercury, which have no useful applications. White precipitate, employed for destroying vermin, is deposited when a solution of corrosive sublimate is poured into an excess of solution of ammonia; 2HgCl + 2NH 3 = NH 3 .HC1 4- NH 2 Hg.HgCl. White precipitate. The true constitution of white precipitate has been the subject of much discus- sion, but the changes which it undergoes, under various circumstances, appear to lead to the conclusion that it represents the hydrochlorate of ammonia, NH 3 . HC1, in which the hydrogen of the hydrochloric acid, and one-third of that of the ammonia, have been displaced by mercury. When boiled with potash, it yields ammonia and oxide of mercury NH 2 Hg.HgCl + KO.HO = NH 3 + 2HgO + KC1. If it be boiled with water, it is only partly decomposed in a similar manner, leaving a yellow powder having the composition (NH 2 Hg . HgCl) . 2HgO, produced accord- ing to the equation 2(NH 2 Hg.HgCl) + 2HO = NH 3 .HC1 + (NH 2 Hg . HgCl) . 2HgO. White precipitate. Yellow precipitate. A compound corresponding to this yellow precipitate, but containing chloride of mercury in place of the oxide, is precipitated when ammonia is gradually added to solution of corrosive sublimate in large excess, the result being a compound of white precipitate with two equivalents of undecomposed chloride of mercury, (NH 2 Hg.H g Cl).2HgCl. If white precipitate be heated to about 600 F., it evolves ammonia, and yields a sublimate of ammoniated subchloride of mercury, 2HgoCl . NH 3 , leaving a red crystalline powder which is insoluble in water and in diluted acids, and is un- changed by boiling with potash ; it may be represented as a compound of chloride of mercury with hydrochlorate of ammonia in which the whole of the hydrogen has been displaced by mercury (NHg 3 . HgCl) .HgCl. When solution of corrosive sublimate is added to a hot solution of sal-ammoniac, 2 A2 372 CALOMEL OR MERCUROUS CHLORIDE. mixed with ammonia, a crystalline deposit is obtained on cooling the liquid, which is known as fusible white precipitate, and represents hydrochlorate of ammonia, in which one-fourth of the hydrogen has been displaced by mercury, its composition being NH 2 Hg.HCl. The same compound is formed when white precipitate is boiled with a solution of sal-ammoniac NH 2 Hg.HgCl + NH 3 .HC1 == 2(NH 2 Hg.HCl). The above compounds possess a special interest for the chemist, as they were nmong the first to attract attention to the mobility of the hydrogen in ammonia, which has since been so well exemplified in the artificial production of organic bases by the action of ammonia upon the iodides of the alcohol-radicals. The relation of these compounds to each other is here exhibited : "White precipitate, .... Produced with corrosive sublimate in excess, by boiling with water, by heating to 600 sal-ammoniac, NH 2 Hg.HgCl (NH 2 Hg.HgCl).2HgCl (NH 2 Hg.HgCl).2HgO NH 2 Hg.HCl (NHg 3 . HgCl). HgCl. 272. Calomel, subchloride or protochloride of mercury, or mercurous chloride (Hg 2 Cl), unlike corrosive sublimate, is insoluble in water, so that it is precipitated when hydrochloric acid or a soluble chloride is added to mercurous nitrate. The simplest mode of manufacturing it consists in intimately mixing corrosive sublimate with 1 eq. of metallic mercury, a little water being added to prevent dust, drying the mixture thoroughly, and subliming it; HgCl + Hg = Hg 2 Cl. But it is more commonly made by adding another equivalent of mercury to the materials employed in the preparation of corrosive sublimate. 2 parts by weight of mercury are dissolved, with the aid of heat, in 3 parts of oil of vitriol, and eva- porated to dryness; Hg + 2(HO.SO 3 ) = HgO . S0 3 + S0 2 + 2HO. The residue of mercuric sulphate is intimately mixed with 2 more parts of mercury, and the mixture afterwards triturated with 1 J parts of common salt, until globules are no longer visible. The mixture is then heated, so that the calomel may pass off in^vapour, which condenses as a translucent fibrous cake on the cool part of the subliming vessel, leaving sulphate of soda behind; HgO.S0 3 + Hg + NaCl = Hg 2 Cl + NaO.SO,. For medicinal purposes the calomel is obtained in a very fine state of division by conducting the vapour into a large chamber, so as to precipitate it in a fine powder by contact with a large volume of cold air. Steam is some- times introduced to promote its fine division. Sublimed calomel always contains some corrosive sublimate, so that it must be thoroughly washed with water before being employed in medicine. When perfectly pure calomel is sublimed, a little is always decomposed during the process into metallic mercury and corrosive sublimate. Calomel is met with either as a semitransparent fibrous mass, or an amorphous powder, with a slightly yellow tinge. It is heavier than cor- rosive sublimate (sp. gr. 7*18), and does not fuse before subliming; it may be obtained in four-sided prisms by slow sublimation. Diluted acids will not dissolve it, but boiling nitric acid gradually converts it into mer- curic chloride and nitrate, which pass into solution. Alkaline solutions convert it into black suboxide of mercury, as is seen in black-wash, made by treating calomel with lime-water (Hg 2 Cl + CaO = Hg 2 + CaCl). Solution of ammonia converts it into a grey compound (NH 2 Hg 2 . Hg 2 Cl), which is the analogue of white precipitate (NH 2 Hg. HgCl), containing Hg 2 in place of Hg. Mercurous iodide (Hg 2 I) is a green unstable substance, formed when iodine is tri- turated with an excess of mercury and a little alcohol. The beautiful scarlet VERMILION OR MERCURIC SULPHIDE. 373 mercuric iodide (Hgl) has been noticed at p. 173. Its vapour has the remarkably high specific gravity 15-68. If mercuric iodide be dissolved in iodide of potassium, the solution mixed with potash, and some ammonia added, a brown precipitate is formed, which may be repre- sented by the formula NHg 3 . Hgl . 2HO ; its formation can be explained by the equation, 4HgI + 3KO + NH 3 = NHg 3 . Hgl . 2HO + 3KI + HO. A solution of mercuric iodide in iodide of potassium, mixed with potash, is employed as one of the most delicate tests (Nessler's test) for ammonia in waters ; T T gr. of ammonia in half a pint of water is distinctly recognised by the brown yellow tinge caused by this test. ' 273. Sulphides of mercury. When mercury is triturated with, sulphur, the black subsulphide of mercury or mercurous sulphide (Hg 2 S) is formed ; it was termed by old writers Ethiop's mineral, and is an unstable com- pound easily resolvable into metallic mercury and mercuric sulphide (HgS). The latter has been mentioned as the principal ore of mercury, and is important as composing vermilion. The native sulphide of mercury, or cinnabar, is found sometimes in amorphous masses, sometimes crystallised in six-sided prisms varying in colour from dark brown to bright red. It may be distinguished from most other minerals by its great weight (sp. gr. 8*2), and by its red colour when scraped with a knife. Neither hydrochloric or nitric acid, separately, will dissolve it, but a mixture of the two dis- solves it as mercuric chloride, with separation of sulphur. Some speci- mens of cinnabar have a bright red colour, so that they only require grinding and levigating to be used as vermilion ; and if the brown cinna- bar in powder be heated for some time to 120 F. with a solution of sul- phur in potash, it is converted into vermilion. Of the artificial sulphide of mercury there are two varieties, the black, which is precipitated when corrosive sublimate is added to hydrosulphuric acid or a soluble sulphide, and the red (vermilion), into which the black variety is converted by sublimation, or by prolonged contact with solutions of alkaline sulphides containing excess of sulphur, though, so far as is known, the conversion is effected without chemical change, the red sul- phide having the same composition as the black. In Idria and Holland, 6 parts of mercury and 1 of sulphur are well agitated together in revolving casks for several hours, and the black sulphide thus obtained is sublimed in tall earthen pots closed with iron plates, when the vermilion is de- posited in the upper part of the pots, and is afterwards ground and levigated. The sublimed vermilion, however, is generally inferior to that obtained by the wet process, of which there are several modifications. One of the processes consists in triturating 300 parts of mercury with 114 parts of sulphur for two or three hours, and digesting the black product, at about 120 F., with 75 parts of hydrate of potash andJtOO of water until it has acquired a fine red colour. The permanence of vermilion paint is, of course, attributable to the circumstance that it resists the action of light, of oxygen, carbonic acid, aqueous vapour, and even of the sulphuretted hydrogen and sulphurous or sulphuric acid which contaminate the air of towns, whereas the red paints containing lead are blackened by sulphuretted hydrogen, and all vegetable and animal reds are liable to be bleached by atmospheric oxygen and by sulphurous acid. When the black precipitated mercuric sulphide is boiled with solution of corrosive sublimate, it is converted into a white chlorosulphide of mercury, HgCl . 2HgS, which is also formed when a small quantity of hydrosulphuric acid is added to corrosive sublimate. 274. Equivalent and atomic weights of mercury. The analysis of the 374 ATOMIC WEIGHT OF MERCURY. red oxide of mercury proves it to contain 1 equivalent (8 parts by weight) of oxygen combined with 100 parts of mercury ; therefore, assuming it to be composed of one equivalent of each element, the equivalent of mercury would be 100. But if the black oxide, which contains 200 of mercury combined with 8 of oxygen, be regarded as composed of single equivalents, that of mercury will be 200. The greater stability of the red oxide, how- ever, encourages the belief that it contains one equivalent 'of mercury and one of oxygen, for the black oxide is easily resolved into metallic mercury and the red oxide. This argument also applies to other mer- curic compounds, which are decidedly more stable than the mercurous compounds. Thus, calomel (mercurous chloride) exhibits a disposition to separate into metallic mercury and mercuric chloride, leading to the belief that the equivalent of chlorine (3 5 '5) is combined with one equivalent (100) of mercury in the latter, and with two equivalents (200) in calomel. Moreover, the strongly basic character of the red oxide of mercury classes it with the oxides of silver and lead, which were allowed to contain single equivalents, whilst the feebly basic character and instability of the mercurous oxide places it on a par with the suboxide of copper. In determining the atomic weight of mercury, we are able to compare it with hydrogen, under similar physical conditions, for the specific gravity of the vapour of mercury has been found to be 6 '9 7 6, or 100 times that of hydrogen. If 1 vol. or 1 atom of hydrogen, therefore, be taken to weigh 1, 1 vol. or 1 atom of mercury should weigh 100. The specific gravity, or weight of 1 vol. of calomel vapour, is 8*35. If the atom of mercury = 100, calomel will contain 2 atoms of mercury and 1 atom of chlorine Weight of 2 vols. of mercury vapour, . 13*952 1 vol. of chlorine, . . . 2-470 16-422 which represents, as nearly as can be expected, the weight of 2 vols. of calomel vapour. Hence, 1 molecule (or 2 vols.) of calomel vapour con- tains 2 vols. of mercury vapour (or 2 atoms) and 1 vol. (1 atom) of chlorine, and its molecular formula should be Hg 2 Cl, or the same as its equivalent formula. The specific gravity of the vapour of corrosive sublimate is 9 '8 Weight of 1 vol. of mercury vapour, . 6 '9 7 6 1 vol. of chlorine, . . . 2*470 9-446 so that 1 volume of corrosive sublimate vapour contains 1 vol. of mercury and 1 vol. of chlorine, thus presenting a deviation from the hydrochloric acid type, in which 1 vol. of each of the elements form 2 vols. of the com- pound. In order to bring corrosive sublimate under the general rule that one molecule of a compound body occupies two volumes, its molecular formula must be written Hg 2 Cl g , representing 2 vols. Similar reasoning leads to the conclusion that the bromides of mercury have the molecular formulae Hg 2 Br and Hg 2 Br 2 , and the red iodide of mercury Hg 2 I 2 . The vapour of vermilion has the specific gravity 5 -51. Since 1 vol. of sulphur vapour (at 1900 F.) weighs 2*23, and is combined with mercury ATOMIC FORMULAE OF MERCURIAL COMPOUNDS. 375 in the proportion of 16 to 100, the weight of mercury combined with it iii vermilion is 13*952 2 vols. of mercury vapour weigh 1 vol. of sulphur vapour weighs 13-952 2-230 16-182 amounting as nearly as possible to three times the specific gravity of the vapour of vermilion. Hence, 3 vols. of vermilion vapour contain 2 vols. o* 2 atoms of mercury vapour, and 1 vol. or 1 atom of sulphur vapour ; whereas, in accordance with the composition of hydrosulphuric acid, the 2 vols. of mercury and 1 vol. of sulphur should be condensed into 2 vols. The anomaly might be explained on the supposition that the high tem- perature requisite to convert the vermilion into vapour suffices to suspend the attraction between its elements, so that the vapour of which the specific gravity is taken is not really that of the compound of mercury and sulphur (which should occupy two vols.), but a mixture of the 2 vols. of mercury vapour and 1 vol. of sulphur vapour, occupying 3 vols. This view of the temporary decomposition of the vapour receives some slight support from the convertibility of the black into the red sulphide by sub- limation. The above considerations would lead to the adoption for vermilion of the molecular formula, Hg a S ( = 2 vols. ?) The specific heat of mercury is twice as great as it should be if its atomic weight be = 100, and this, conjoined with some other considera- tions, has led many chemists to adopt 200 as the atomic weight of mer- cury, thus making it a diatomic metal. It is evident that in calomel the 200 parts of mercury, which are combined with 35-5 parts ,of chlorine, occupy the place of 1 part of hydrogen in hydrochloric acid, so that mercurosum, Hg' (or the mercury in mercurous salts), is monatomic ; whilst in corrosive sublimate the 200 parts of mercury are combined with 71 parts of chlorine, and occupy the place of 2 parts of hydrogen in hydrochloric acid ; hence mercuricum, Hg" (or the mercury in mercuric salts), is diatomic. The following table exhibits the formula? of some of the chief com- pounds of mercury on the three views : Equiv. Formula. Hg = 100. Atomic Formula, Hg = 100 = 1 vol. Atomic Formula, Hg = 200 = 2 vols. Mercurous oxide, Hg 2 = 208 Hg 4 O =416 Hg 2 O = 416 ^ Mercuric oxide, HgO = 108 Hg 2 O = 216 HgO = 216 Calomel, Hg 2 Cl == 235-5 { Hg 9 Cl = 235-5 = 2 vols. HgCl = 235-5 = 2 vols. Corrosive sub- ) liraate, j HgCl = 135-5 | Hg 2 Cl 2 = 271 = 2 vols. HgCI 2 = 271 = 2 vols. Mercurous sul- ) pliide, . . \ Hg 2 S = 216 Hg 4 S = 432 Hg 2 S = 432 Vermilion, . HgS = 116 { Hg 2 S = 232 = 3 vols. HgS = 232 = 3 vols. White preci- 1 pitate, . . j NH 2 Hg . HgCl = 251-5 NH 2 Hg.HgCl = 251-5 NH 2 Hg"Cl = 261-5 376 USES OF BISMUTH. BISMUTH. 275. Bismuth, though useful in various forms of combination, is too brittle to be employed in the pure metallic state. It is readily distin- guished from other metals by its peculiar reddish lustre and its highly crystalline structure, which is very perceptible upon a freshly broken surface; large cubical (or, strictly speaking, rhombohedral) - crystals of bismuth are easily obtained by melting a few ounces in a crucible, allow- ing it to cool till a crust has formed upon the surface, and pouring out the portion which has not yet solidified, when the crystals are found lining the interior of the crucible. It is somewhat lighter than lead (sp. gr. 9-8), and volatilises more readily at high temperatures. Unlike most other metals, bismuth is found chiefly in the metallic state, disseminated, in veins, through gneiss and clay-slate, The chief supply is derived from the mines of Schneeberg, in Saxony, where it is associated with the ores of cobalt. In order to extract the metal from the masses of earthy matter through which it is distributed, advantage is taken of its very low fusing point (507 F.) The ore is broken into small pieces, and in- troduced into iron cylinders which are fixed in an in- clined position over a fur- nace (fig. 254). The upper opening of the cylinders, through which the ore is in- troduced, is provided with an iron door, and the lower opening is closed with a plate of fire-brick perforated Fig. 254. Extraction of bismuth. for the escape of the metal, which flows out when the cylinders are heated, into iron receiving pots, which are kept hot by a charcoal fire. Commercial bismuth generally contains considerable quantities of arsenic, sulphur, and silver ; it is sometimes cupelled in the same manner as lead, in order to extract the silver, the oxide of bismuth being afterwards again reduced to the metallic state by heating it with charcoal. Pure bismuth dissolves entirely and easily in diluted nitric acid (sp. gr. 1 -2) ; but if it contains arsenic, a white deposit of arseniate of bismuth is obtained. Hydro- chloric and diluted sulphuric acids will not act upon bismuth. The chief use of bismuth is in the preparation of certain alloys with other metals. Some kinds of type metal and stereotype metal contain bismuth, which confers upon them the property of expanding in the mould during solidification, so that they are forced into the finest lines of the impression. This metal is also remarkable for its tendency to lower the fusing point of alloys, which cannot be accounted for merely by referring to the low fusing point of the metal itself. Thus, an alloy of 2 parts bismuth, 1 part lead, and 1 part tin, fuses below the temperature of boiling water, although the most fusible of the three metals, tin, requires a temperature of 442 F. Bismuth is also employed, together with antimony, in the con- struction of thermo-electric piles. EQUIVALENT AND ATOMIC WEIGHTS OF BISMUTH. 377 276. Oxides of bismuth. Three compounds of bismuth with oxygen have been pre- pared; bismuthous oxide Bi0 2 , bismuthic oxide Bi0 3 , and bismuthic acid Bi0 5 . Bismuthous oxide (Bi0 2 ) is obtained as a black precipitate by reducing terchloride of bismuth with protochloride of tin in the presence of an excess of potash. It is easily converted into bismuthic oxide when heated in contact with air. Bismuthic oxide, or teroxide of bismuth (Bi0 3 ), is the basic and most important oxide of the metal. It is formed when bismuth is heated in air, or when nitrate of bismuth is decomposed by heat, and is a yellow powder which becomes brown when heated, and fuses easily. Bismuthic oxide forms the rare mineral bismuth- ochre. Bismuthic acid (Bi0 5 ) is formed when teroxide of bismuth is suspended in a strong solution of potash through which chlorine is passed, when a red solution of bis- muthate of potash is obtained, and hydrated bismuthic acid (HO . Bi0 5 ) is precipi- tated as a red powder, which becomes brown and anhydrous at 270 F. It is easily decomposed by heat, evolving oxygen and leaving Bi0 3 . BiO 5 . "When heated with acids it also evolves oxygen, and forms salts of bismuthic oxide. The bismuthates of the alkalies are very unstable, being decomposed by water. 277. The only two salts of bismuth which are known in the arts are the basic nitrate (trisnitrate of bismuth or flake-white) and the oxy chloride of bismuth (pearl-white). The preparation of these compdunds illustrates one of the characteristic properties of the salts of bismuth, viz., the facility with which they are decomposed by water with the production of in- soluble basic salts. If bismuth be dissolved in nitric acid, it acquires oxygen from the latter, and becomes teroxide of bismuth, which combines with nitric acid to form the nitrate of bismuth (Bi0 3 . 3N0 5 ), and this may be obtained in prismatic crystals of the composition Bi0 3 . 3N0 5 + lOAq. If the solu- tion be mixed with a large quantity of water, it deposits a precipitate of flake-white (Bi0 3 . N0 5 + HO), or basic nitrate of bismuth, the remainder of the nitric acid being left in the solution. Pearl-white has the composition BiCl 3 . 2Bi0 3 + HO, and is obtained by dissolving bismuth in nitric acid, and pouring the solution into water in which common salt has been dissolved. Terchloride of bismuth (Bi01 3 ) may be distilled over when bismuth is heated in a current of dry chlorine ; it is a deliquescent fusible solid, easily dissolved by hydro- chloric acid, but decomposed by water, with formation of the above-mentioned oxychloride of bismuth; 3BiCl 3 + 6HO = BiCl 3 .2Bi0 3 -f- 6HC1. This compound is so insoluble in water that nearly every trace of bismuth may be precipitated from a moderately acid solution of the terchloride by adding much water. Bismuthous sulphide (BiS 2 ) is- sometimes found in nature, but more frequently bismuthic sulphide (BiS 3 ) or bismuth glance, which occurs in dark-grey lustrous prisms isomorphous with native sulphide of antimony. It is also obtained as a black pre- cipitate by the action of hydrosulphuric acid upon bismuthic salts. Bismuthic sul- phide is not soluble in diluted sulphuric or hydrochloric acid, but dissolves easily in nitric acid. 278. Equivalent and atomic weights of bismuth. The analysis of the chloride of bis- muth has shown it to contain 35-5 parts by weight (1 equivalent) of chlorine com- bined with 70 parts of bismuth ; but the very marked analogy which exists between this chloride and the terchloride of antimony has led to the belief that it is also a terchloride, containing 3 equivalents of chlorine combined with one equivalent (210 parts) of bismuth, and the assumption of the number 210 for the equivalent of bis- muth, will be found to receive confirmation from the general analogies of this metal with antimony and arsenic. The specific heat of bismuth confirms the conclusion drawn from the composition of the chloride, that the atomic weight of bismuth is identical with its equivalent, or 210, and that this element is triatomic, like nitrogen, phosphorus, and arsenic among the non-metals. The atomic formula for bismuthic oxide is Bi 2 ^ 3 ; bismuthic chloride, BiCl 3 ; bismuthic sulphide, Bi 2 S 3 . 378 CKUDE ANTIMONY REGULUS OF ANTIMONY. ANTIMONY. 279. Antimony is nearly allied to bismuth in "both its physical and chemical characters. It is even harder and more brittle than that metal, being easily reduced to a black powder. Its highly crystalline structure is another very well-marked feature, and is at once perceived upon the surface of an ingot of antimony, where it is exhibited in beautiful fern-like markings (star antimony). Its crystals belong to the same system (the rhombohedral) as those of bismuth and arsenic. It is much lighter than bismuth (sp. gr. 6*715), and requires a higher temperature (800 F.) to fuse it, though it is more easily converted into vapour, so that, when strongly heated in air, it emits a thick white smoke, the vapour being oxidised. like bismuth, it is but little affected by hydrochloric or dilute sulphuric acid, but nitric acid oxidises it, though it dissolves very little of the metal, the greater part being left in the form of antimonic acid. The best mode of dissolving antimony is to boil it with hydrochloric acid and to add nitric acid by degrees. Antimony is chiefly found in nature as grey antimony ore or sulphide of antimony (SbS 3 ), which occurs in Cornwall, but much more abundantly in Hungary. It is found in veins associated with galena, iron pyrites, quartz, and heavy spar. In order to purify it from these, advantage is taken of its easy fusibility, the ore being heated upon the hearth of a re- verberatory furnace, with some charcoal to prevent oxidation, when the sulphide of antimony melts and collects below the impurities, whence it is run off and cast into moulds. The product thus obtained is known in com- merce as crude antimony, and contains sulphides of arsenic, iron, and lead. To obtain regulus of antimony or metallic antimony, the sulphide of antimony is sometimes fused in contact with refuse metallic iron (such as the clippings of tin-plate), when sulphide of iron is formed, and collects as a fused slag upon the surface of the melted antimony SbS 3 + Fe 3 - 3FeS + Sb . The antimony thus obtained always contains a considerable proportion of iron. A purer product is procured by another process, which consists in roasting the sulphide in a reverberatory furnace at a temperature insuffi- cient to fuse it, for about twelve hours, when most of the sulphur and arsenic are expelled as sulphurous and arsenious acids, carrying with them a considerable quantity of oxide of antimony. The roasted ore has a brown-red colour, and contains both oxide and sulphide of antimony : it is mixed into a paste with % its weight of charcoal saturated with a strong solution of carbonate of soda. The mixture is strongly heated in crucibles, when the oxide of antimony is reduced by the charcoal, and a portion of the sulphide, having been converted into oxide by double decomposition with the soda (SbS 3 + 3NaO = Sb0 3 + 3NaS), is also reduced, the re- mainder of the sulphide combining with the sulphide of sodium to form a slag which floats above the metallic antimony; the latter is cast into ingots for the market, and the slag, known as crocus of antimony (chiefly 3NaS . SbS 3 ), is employed for the preparation of some of the compounds- of the metal. On the small scale, antimony may be extracted from the sulphide by fusing it in an earthen crucible with 4 parts of commercial cyanide of potassium, at a moderate heat; or by mixing 4 parts of the sulphide with 3 of bitartrate of potash and \\ of OXIDES OF ANTIMONY. 879 nitre, and throwing the mixture, by small portions, into a red-hot crucible, when the sulphur is oxidised and converted into sulphate of potash by the nitre, which is not present in sufficient quantity to oxidise the antimony, so that the metal collects at the bottom of the crucible. The brittleness of antimony renders it useless in the metallic state ex- cept for the construction of thermo-electric piles, where it is employed in conjunction with bismuth. Antimony is employed, however, to harden several useful alloys, such as type-metal, shrapnel-shell bullets, Britannia metal, and pewter. Amorphous antimony. The ordinary crystalline form of antimony maybe obtained, like copper and other metals, by decomposing solutions containing the metal by transmitting the galvanic current ; but in some cases the antimony is deposited from very strong solutions in an amorphous condition, having properties very different from those of ordinary antimony. The best mode of obtaining it in this form is to decompose a solution of 1 part of tartar emetic (tartrate of antimony and potash) in 4 parts of a strong solution of terchloride of antimony (obtained by heating hydro- chloric acid with sulphide of antimony till it refuses to dissolve any more), by the aid of three cells of Smee's battery, the zinc of which is connected by a copper wire with a plate of copper immersed in the antimonial solution, whilst the platinised silver of the battery is connected with a plate of antimony in the same solution, at some little distance from the copper plate. The deposit of antimony which forms upon the copper has a brilliant metallic appearance, but is amorphous, and not crys- talline, like the ordinary metal. If it be gently heated or sharply struck, its tem- perature suddenly rises to about 400, and it becomes converted into a form more nearly resembling crystalline antimony. At the same time, however, thick fumes of terchloride of antimony are evolved, for this substance is always present in the amor- phous antimony to the amount of 5 or 6 per cent.,* so that, as yet, there is not suffi- cient evidence to establish beyond a doubt the existence of a pure amorphous form of antimony corresponding to amorphous phosphorous, however probable this may appear from the chemical resemblance between these elements. 280. Oxides of antimony. There are two well-known oxides of anti- mony, the teroxide (Sb0 3 ) and antimonic acid (Sb0 5 ). Teroxide or sesgui- oxide of antimony, or antimonic oxide, is formed when antimony burns in air, and is prepared on a large scale by roasting either the metal or the sulphide in air, for use in painting as a substitute for white lead. It is also found in nature as white antimony ore or valentinite. Antimonic oxide forms a crystalline powder usually composed of minute prisms having the shape of the rarer form of arsenious acid (p. 251), whilst occasionally it is obtained in crystals similar to those of the common octahedral arsenious acid, with which, therefore, antimonic oxide is isodimorpJwus.^ When heated in air it assumes a yellow colour, afterwards takes fire, smoulders, and becomes converted into the antimoniate of teroxide of antimony (Sb0 3 . Sb0 5 = Sb0 4 ), which was formerly regarded as an inde- pendent oxide. The teroxide is insoluble in water, but acids dissolve it, forming salts, though its basic properties are weak, and its salts rather ill defined. Potash and soda are also capable of dissolving it, whence it is sometimes called antimonious acid.% Antimonic acid (Sb0 5 ) is formed when antimony is oxidised with nitric acid ; it then forms a white powder, which should be well washed and dried. When heated it becomes pale yellow, and is decomposed at a high * It has been plausibly suggested that the sudden rise of temperature may be due to the presence of an antimony compound analogous to the so-called chloride of nitrogen, the latter element being connected with antimony by several chemical analogies. f The octahedral form appears to be produced only when the prismatic form is slowly sublimed in a non-oxidising atmosphere. The mineral exitele is prismatic oxide of anti- mony, and senarmontite is the octahedral form of that oxide. J Two crystallised antimonites of soda have been obtained, the neutral antimonite NaO. Sb0 3 + 6Aq., and the terantimonite NaO. 3Sb0 3 + 2Aq. ; the former is sparingly soluble, the latter almost insoluble in water. 380 CHLORIDES OF ANTIMONY. temperature, leaving Sb0 3 . Sb0 6 . It is dissolved by solution of potash, forming antimoniate of potash. A better method of obtaining the antimoniate of potash consists in gradually adding 1 part of powdered antimony to 4 parts of nitre fused in a clay crucible, when the oxygen of the nitre converts the antimony into antimonic acid, which combines with the potash. The mass is powdered and washed with warm water to remove the excess of nitre aiid the nitrate of potash, when the insoluble anhydrous antimoniate of potash is left ; and on boiling this for an hour or two with water, it becomes hydrated and dissolves. The solution, when evaporated, leaves a gummy mass of antimoniate of potash, having the composition KO. Sb0 5 + 5Aq. When the solution of antimoniate of potash is treated with carbonic acid, a crystalline precipitate of biantimoniate of potash (KO . 2Sb0 5 ) is obtained. If antimoniate of potash be fused (in a silver crucible) with hydrate of potash, it becomes converted into metantimoniate of potash (2KO . Sb0 5 ), which is decomposed by water into potash and bimetan- timoniate of potash (KO . HO . Sb0 5 ), which may be crystallised from the solution. This latter salt is valuable as a test for soda, since the bimetan- timoniate of soda, NaO . HO . Sb0 5 , is one of the very few salts of soda which are insoluble in water, and is therefore obtained as a crystalline precipitate when the bimetantimoniate of potash is added to a solution containing soda. The solution of bimetantimoniate of potash is gradually changed by keeping, into antimoniate of potash (KO . Sb0 5 ), which does not so readily precipitate soda. It will be remarked that the aiitinioniates correspond in composition with the ' monobasic (or meta) phosphates, whilst the metantimoniates represent the bibasic (or pyro) phosphates. Naples yellow is a compound of antimonic acid with oxide of lead. 281. Antimonietted hydrogen (SbH 3 ?) is obtained, mixed with free hydro- gen, when an alloy of zinc and antimony is acted on by diluted sulphuric acid, or when a solution of a salt of antimony (tartar emetic, for example) is poured into a hydrogen apparatus containing zinc and dilute sulphuric acid (fig. 255). If the gas be inflamed as it issues into the air, it burns with a livid flame, emitting fumes of antimonic oxide, and when a piece of glass or porcelain is depressed in the flame (fig. 256) it becomes coated with a black film of metallic antimony. A red heat decomposes the gas into its elements, so that if the tube through which it is passing be heated with a spirit lamp (fig. 257) a lustrous black deposit of antimony will be formed just beyond the heated part. The composition of anti- __ monietted hydrogen is not certainly established, since Fig. 255. it has never been obtained unmixed with hydrogen ; but it is believed to contain SbH 3 , because, when passed into nitrate of silver, it gives a black precipitate containing SbAg 3 . It would then be analogous to ammonia (NH 3 ), phosphuretted hydrogen (PH 3 ), and arsenietted hydrogen (AsH 3 ). Very minute quantities of antimony are detected in chemical analysis by converting it into this form. Fig. 256. 282. CHLORIDES OF ANTIMONY. Chlorine and anti- mony combine readily, with evolution of heat and light ; the chlorides are among the most important compounds of this metal. SULPHIDES OF ANTIMONY. 381 Tercliloride or sesquichloride of antimony (SbCl 3 ) may be prepared by distilling 3 parts of powdered antimony with 8 parts of corrosive sublimate, when calomel and an amalgam of antimony are left, and the terchloride of antimony (boiling at 433 F.) distils over Sb 2 + 4HgCl = SbCl 3 + SbHg 2 + Hg a Cl . It can also be obtained by boiling powdered antimony or sulphide of antimony to dry- ness with strong sulphuric acid, and distil- ling the sulphate of teroxide of antimony thus obtained, with common salt. The ter- chloride is a soft grey crystalline fusible P itr 257 solid, whence its old name of butter of anti- mony. It may be dissolved in a small quantity of water, but a large quantity of water decomposes it, forming a bulky white precipitate, which is an oxychloride of antimony (3SbCl 3 + 6HO = SbCl ? . 2Sb0 3 + 6HC1). When hot water is added to a hot solution of terchloride of antimony in hydrochloric acid, minute prismatic needles are deposited, containing SbCl 3 . 5Sb0 3 , and formerly called powder of Algarotli. The terchloride of antimony, in its behaviour with water, much resembles that of bismuth. Terchloride of antimony is occasionally used in surgery as a caustic ; it also serves as a bronze for gun-barrels, upon which it deposits a film of antimony. Pentachloride of antimony (SbCl 5 ) is prepared by heating coarsely powdered antimony in a retort, through which a stream of dry chlorine is passed (fig. 199), the neck of the retort being fitted into an adapter, which serves to condense the pentachloride. One ounce of antimony will require the chlorine from about 6 oz. of common manganese and 18 oz. (measured) of hydrochloric acid. The pure pentachloride is a colourless fuming liquid of a very suffocating odour ; it combines energetically with a small quantity of water, forming a crystalline hydrate, but an excess of water decomposes it into hydrochloric and hydrated metantimonic acids, the latter forming a white precipitate SbCl 5 + 7HO = 5HC1 + 2HO . SbO Pentachloride of antimony is employed by the chemist as a chlorinating agent ; thus, olefiant gas (C 4 H 4 ) when passed through it, is converted into Dutch liquid (C 4 H 4 C1. 2 ), and carbonic oxide into phosgene gas, the penta- chloride of antimony being converted into terchloride. The pentachloride of antimony is the analogue of pentachloride of phosphorus, and a chlorosulphide of antimony (SbCl 8 S 2 ), corresponding to chlorosulphide of phosphorus, is obtained as a white crystalline solid by the action of hydrosulphuric acid upon pentachloride of antimony. 283. Sulphides of antimony. The tersulphide or sesquisulphide of antimony (SbS 3 ) has been noticed as the chief ore of antimony. It is a heavy mineral (sp. gr. 4 -63) of a dark-grey colour and metallic lustre, occurring in masses which are made up of long prismatic needles. It fuses easily, and may be sublimed unchanged out of contact with air. It is easily recognised by heating it, in powder, with hydrochloric acid, when it evolves the odour of hydrosulphuric acid, and if the solution be poured 382 ATOMIC WEIGHT OF ANTIMONY. into water, it deposits an orange precipitate. This orange sulphide, which has the same composition as the grey sulphide, is also obtained by adding hydrosulphuric acid to a solution of a salt of antimony (for example, tartar- emetic) acidulated with hydrochloric acid. It may be converted into the grey sulphide by the action of heat. The orange variety constitutes the antimony vermilion, the preparation of which has been described at p. 213. Native tersulphide of antimony is employed, in conjunction with chlorate of potash, in the friction-tube for firing cannon ; it is also used in per- cussion caps, together with chlorate of potash and fulminate of mercury. Its property of deflagrating with a bluish- white flame when heated with nitre renders it useful in compositions for coloured fires. Glass of antimony is a transparent red mass obtained by roasting the tersulphide of antimony in air, and fusing the product ; it contains about 8 parts of teroxide and 1 part of tersulphide of antimony. Red antimony ore is an oxysulphide of antimony, Sb0 3 . 2SbS 3 . Pentasulphide of antimony (SbS 3 ) is obtained as a bright orange-red precipitate by the action of hydrosulphuric acid upon a solution of penta- chloride of antimony in hydrochloric acid. Both the sulphides of antimony are sulphur-acids, capable of combining with the alkaline sulphides to form sulpliantimonites and sulphantimoniates respectively. Hence they are easily dissolved by alkalies and alkaline sulphides. Even metallic antimony, in powder, is dissolved when gently heated with solution of sulphide of potassium, in which sulphur has been dissolved, any lead or iron which may be present being left in the residue, so that the antimony may be tested by this process as to its freedom from those metals. Mineral kermes is a variable mixture of teroxide and tersulphide of antimony, which is deposited as a reddish-brown powder from the solution obtained by boiling tersulphide of antimony with potash or soda. It was formerly much valued for medicinal purposes. Schlippe's salt is the sulphantimoniate of sulphide of sodium (3NaS , SbS 5 , 1 8HO) and may be obtained in fine transparent tetrahedral crystals. 284. Equivalent and atomic weights of antimony. The solid chloride of antimony (terchloride) has been found to contain 35*5 parts by weight (1 eq.) of chlorine, combined with 40'66 parts of antimony, so that if this chloride be assumed to contain 1 equivalent of antimony, combined with one of chlorine, the equivalent weight of the metal would be 40*66. But, upon this supposition, the liquid (penta-) chloride would contain 1 eq. of antimony and If eq. of chlorine, whilst the analogy of this chloride with pentachloride of phosphorus shows that it must contain 5 eqs. of chlorine, and that the solid chloride must contain 3 eqs. of chlorine com- bined with 1 eq. of antimony ; hence, the equivalent weight of antimony is 122. The specific heat of antimony, and its isomorphism with arsenic, show that its atomic weight is identical with its equivalent, so that it usually acts the part of a triatomic element, occupying the place of three atoms of hydrogen. The weight of 1 volume, or specific gravity, of the vapour of terchloride of antimony, has been found to be 8*1. Assuming it to have a normal constitution, and to contain, in 2 volumes, 1 vol. of antimony vapour and 3 vols. of chlorine, the specific gravity of vapour of antimony would = 8*79. EXTRACTION OF TIN FKOM TIN-STONE. 383 Weight of 2 vols. vapour of SbCL, . . 16-20 3 vols. chlorine, . . . 7 '41 1 vol. of antimony vapour, . 8 -7 9 The weight of 1 voL of antimony vapour, therefore, would be rather more than 122 times that of 1 vol. of hydrogen, so that this number may be accepted as the atomic weight of the metal. The atomic formulce of some of the chief compounds of antimony are antimonic oxide, Sb.,0 3 ; antimonic acid, Sb 2 O 5 ; sulphantimonious acid, Sb a & 3 ; sulphantimonic acid, Sb 2 S 5 ; terchloride of antimony, SbCl 3 ; pentachloride, SbCl 5 . The equivalent of antimony was formerly taken at half its present value, whence the names of sesquichloride, &c., instead of terchloride, &c. TIN. 285. Tin is by no means so widely diffused as most of the other metals which are largely used, and is scarcely ever found in the metallic state in nature. Its only important ore is that known as tin-stone, which is a binoxide of tin (SnO.,), and is generally found in veins traversing quartz, granite, or slate. It is generally associated with arsenical iron pyrites, and with a mineral called wolfram, which is a compound of tungstic acid (W0 3 ) with the oxides of iron and manganese. Tin-stone is sometimes found in alluvial soils in the form of detached rounded masses ; it is then called stream tin ore, and is much purer than that found in veins, for it has undergone a natural process of oxidation and levigation exactly similar to the artificial treatment of the impure ore. These detached masses of stream tin ore are not unfrequently rectangular prisms with pyramidal terminations. The Cornish mines furnish the largest supplies of tin, and "those of Malacca and Banca stand next. At the Cornish tin-works the purer portions of the ore are picked out by hand, and the residue, which contains quartz and other earthy impurities, together with copper pyrites and arsenical iron pyrites, is reduced to a coarse powder in the stamping-mills, and washed in a stream of water. The tin-stone, being extremely hard, is not reduced to so fine a powder as the pyritous minerals associated with it, and these latter are therefore more readily carried away by the stream of water than the tin-stone. The removal of the foreign matters from the ore is also much favoured by the high specific gravity of the binoxide of tin, which is 6*5, whilst that of sand or quartz is only 2 '7, so that the latter would be carried off by a stream which would not disturb the former. So easily and completely can this separation be effected, that a sand con- taining less than one per cent, of tin-stone is found capable of being economically treated. In order to expel any arsenic and sulphur which may still remain in the washed ore, it is roasted in quantities of, 8 or 10 cwts. in a reverbera- tory furnace, when the sulphur is disengaged in the form of sulphurous acid, and the arsenic in that of arsenious acid, the iron being left in the state of sesquioxide, and the copper partly as sulphate of copper, partly as unaltered sulphide. To complete the oxidation of the insoluble sulphide of copper, and its conversion into the soluble sulphate, the roasted ore is moistened with water and exposed to the air for some days, after which the whole of the copper may be removed by again washing with water. 384 PURIFICATION OF TIN. A second washing in a stream of water also removes the sesquioxide of iron in a state of suspension, and this is much more easily effected than when the iron was in the form of pyrites, since the difference between the specific gravity of this mineral (5*0) and that of the tin-stone (6 -5) is far less than that between sesquioxide of iron and tin-stone. The ore thus purified contains between 60 and 70 per cent, of tin ; it is mixed very intimately with about J of powdered coal, and a little lime or fluor spar to form a fusible slag with the earthy impurities ; the mixture is sprinkled with water to prevent its dispersion by the draught of air, and thrown on the hearth (A, fig. 258) of a reverberatory furnace, in charges of between 20 and 25 cwts. The temperature is not permitted to rise too high at first, lest a portion of the oxide of tin should combine with the silicic acid to form a sili- cate, from which the metal would be reduced with difficulty. During the first 6 or 8 hours the doors of the furnace are kept shut, so as to exclude the air and favour the reducing action of the carbon upon the binoxide of tin, the oxy- gen of which it converts into car- bonic oxide, leaving the tin in the metallic state to accumulate upon the hearth beneath the layer of slag. When the reduction is deemed com- plete, the mass is well stirred with an iron paddle to separate the metal from the slag ; the latter is run out first, and the tin is then drawn off into an iron pan (B), where it is allowed to remain at rest for the dross to rise to the surface, and is ladled out into ingot-moulds. The slags drawn out of the smelting-furnace are carefully sorted, those which contain much oxide of tin being worked up with the next charge of ore, whilst those in which globules of metallic tin are disseminated are crushed, so that the metal may be separated by washing in a stream of water. The tin, when first extracted from the ore, is far from pure, being con- taminated with small quantities of iron, arsenic, copper, and tungsten. In order to purify it from these, the ingots are piled into a hollow heap near the fire-bridge of a reverberatory furnace, and gradually heated to the fusing point, when the greater portion of the tin flows into an outer basin, whilst the remainder is converted into the binoxide, which remains as dross upon the hearth, together with the oxides of iron, copper, and tung- sten, the arsenic having passed off in the form of arsenious acid. Fresh ingots of inn are introduced at intervals, until about 5 tons of the metal have collected in the basin, which is commonly the case in about an hour after the commencement of the operation. The specific gravity of tin being very low (7 -285), any dross which may still remain mingled with it does not separate very readily ; to obviate this, the molten metal is well agitated by stirring with wet Fig. 258. MANUFACTURE OF TIN-PLATE. 385 wooden poles, or lowering billets of wet wood into it, when the evolved bubbles of steam carry the impurities up to the surface in a kind of froth ; the stirring is continued for about three hours, and the metal is allowed to remain at rest for two hours, when it is skimmed and ladled into ingot- moulds. It is found that, in consequence of the lightness of the metal, and its tendency to separate from the other metals with which it is con- taminated, the ingots which are cast from the metal first ladled out of the pot are purer than those from the bottom ; this is shown by striking the hot ingots with a hammer, when they break up into the irregular prismatic fragments known as dropped or grain-tin, the impure metal not exhibiting this extreme brittleness at a high temperature. The tin imported from Banca is celebrated for its purity (Straits tin). When the tin ore contains wolfram, it is usual to purify it before smelt- ing, by fusion with carbonate of soda in a reverberatory furnace, when the tungstic acid is converted into tungstate of soda, which is dissolved out by water and crystallised. This salt finds an application in calico- printing. On the small scale, tin may be extracted from tin-stone, by fusing 100 grains with 20 grains of dried carbonate of soda, and 20 of dried borax, in a crucible lined with charcoal, exactly as in the extraction of iron (see p. 321). 286. By its physical characters, tin is very readily distinguished from other metals. If a bar of tin be bent, it emits a peculiar crackling sound. With the exception of lead and zinc, it is the least tenacious' of all the metals in common use ; its ductility is therefore very low, and lead is the only common metal which is more difficult to draw into wire at the ordinary temperature. Tin may, however, be drawn at 212 F. In fusibility, tin surpasses all the other common metals, becoming liquid at 442 F., but it is not easily vaporised. Its malleability is also very great, only gold, silver, and copper exhibiting this quality in a higher degree. This malleability is shown in the manufacture of tin-foil, where plates of the best tin are hammered down to a certain thinness, then cut up, laid upon each other, and again beaten till extended to the required degree. Tin-plate, it must be remembered, is made in a very different way, by coating sheets of iron with a layer of tin ; the best kind, known as Hock tin, being that which is covered with the thickest layer of tin, and after- wards hammered upon a polished anvil in order to consolidate the coating and make it adhere more firmly. Tin, being unaltered by exposure to air at the ordinary temperature, will effectually protect the iron from rust as long as the coating of tin is perfect, but as soon as a portion of the tin is removed so as to leave the iron exposed, corrosion will take place very rapidly, because the two metals form a galvanic couple, w r hich will decom- pose the water (charged with carbonic acid) deposited upon them from the air, and the iron, having the greater attraction for oxygen, will be the metal attacked. In the case of galvanised iron (coated with zinc), on the contrary, the zinc would be the metal attacked, and hence the greater durability of this material under certain conditions. For the manufacture of tin-plate, the very best iron refined with char- coal (see p. 310) is employed, and the most important part of the process consists in cleansing the iron plates from every trace of oxide which would prevent the adhesion of the tin. To effect this they are made to undergo 2s 386 GUN METAL. several processes, of which the most important are (1), immersion in diluted sulphuric acid; (2), heating to redness; (3), hammering and roll- ing to scale off the oxide ; (4), steeping in sour bran ; (5), immersion in mixed diluted sulphuric and hydrochloric acids ; (6), scouring with "bran ; (7), washing with water ; they are then dried for an hour in a vessel of melted tallow which prevents contact of air, and immersed for an hour and a half in melted tin, the surface of which is protected from oxidation by tallow ; after draining, they are dipped a second time into the tin to thicken the layer ; then transferred to a bath of hot tallow to allow the superfluous tin to run down to the lower edge, whence it is afterwards removed by liquefying it in a vessel of melted tin, and shaking it off by a sharp blow. About 8 Ibs. of tin are required to cover 225 plates, weigh- ing 112 Ibs. T erne-plate is iron coated with an alloy of tin and lead. In tinning the interior of copper vessels, in order to prevent the contamination of food with the metal, the surface is first thoroughly cleaned from oxide by heating it and rubbing over it a little sal-ammoniac (hydrochlorate of ammonia, NH 3 . HC1), which decomposes any oxide of copper, con- verting it into the volatile chloride of copper (CuO + NH 3 . HC1 = CuCl + HO + NH 3 ). A little resin is then sprinkled upon the metallic surface, to protect it from oxidation, and the melted tin is spread over it with tow. Pins (made of brass wire) are coated with tin by boiling them with cream of tartar (bitartrate of potash), common salt, alum, granulated tin, and water ; the tin is oxidised at the expense of the water, and is then dissolved by the acid liquid, from which solution it is reduced by the action of the zinc in the brass, for zinc is more highly electro-positive than tin, and is therefore capable of precipitating the metal from its solutions. 287. Alloys of tin. The solder employed for tin wares is an alloy of tin and lead in various proportions, sometimes containing 2 parts of tin to 1 of lead (fine solder), sometimes equal weights of the two metals (common solder), and sometimes 2 parts of lead to 1 of tin (coarse solder). All these alloys melt at a lower temperature than tin, and, therefore, than lead. In applying solder, it is essential that the surfaces to be united be quite free from oxide, which would prevent the adhesion of the solder ; this is insured by the application of sal-ammoniac, or of hydrochloric acid,* or sometimes of powdered borax, remarkable for its ready fusibility and its solvent power for the metallic oxides. Tin forms the chief part of the alloys known as pewter and Britannia metal, the former being composed of about 4 parts of tin and 1 of lead, whilst the latter contains, in addition to the tin, comparatively small quantities of antimony, copper, and lead. Another similar alloy is com- posed of 12 parts of tin, 1 of antimony, and a little copper. Gun metal is an alloy of 90-5 parts of copper with 9'5 of tin, especially valuable for its tenacity, hardness, and fusibility. In preparing this alloy, it is usual to melt the tin, in the first place, with twice its weight of copper, when a white, hard, and extremely brittle alloy (hard metal) is obtained. The remainder of the copper is fused in a deoxidising flame on the hearth of a reverberatory furnace, and the hard metal thoroughly mixed with it, long wooden stirrers being employed. A quantity of old * It is customary to kill the hydrochloric acid by dissolving some zinc in it. The chloride of zinc is probably useful in protecting the work from oxidation. PROPERTIES OF TIN. 387 gun metal is usually melted with the copper, and facilitates the mixing of the metals. When the metals are thoroughly mixed, the oxide is re- moved from the surface, and the gun metal is run into moulds made of loam, the stirring being continued during the running, in order to prevent the separation, to which this alloy is very liable, of a white alloy contain- ing a larger proportion of tin, which has a lower specific gravity, and would chiefly collect in the upper part of the casting. In casting cannon (erroneously called brass guns), the mould is placed perpendicularly with the muzzle upwards, the upper part of the mould being about 3 feet longer than is required for the gun, so that a superfluous cylinder of metal or dead-head is formed, in which the separated alloy collects, together with any oxide or dross which may have run out with the metal ; pro- bably, also, the weight of this column of metal hastens the solidification and hinders the separation of the metals, at the same time increasing the density and consequent tenacity of the metal at the breech of the gun; this dead-head is cut off before the gun is turned and bored. The metal is run into the mould at a temperature as near its point of solidification as possible, so as to diminish the chance of separation. The purest commer- cial qualities of copper and tin are always employed in gun metal. Bronze is essentially an alloy of copper and tin, containing more tin than gun metal; its composition is varied according to its application, small quantities of zinc and lead being often added to it. Bronze is affected by changes of temperature, in a manner precisely the reverse of that in which steel is influenced, for it becomes hard and brittle when allowed to cool slowly, but soft and malleable when quickly cooled. The art of making bronze was practised before any progress had been made in working iron, and ancient weapons were very commonly of this material. Bronze coin (substituted for the copper coinage) is composed of 95' copper, 4 tin, and 1 zinc. Bell metal is an alloy of about 4 parts of copper and 1 of tin, to which lead and zinc are sometimes added. The metal of which musical instru- ments are made generally contains the same proportions of copper and tin as bell metal. Speculum metal, employed for reflectors in optical instruments, consists of 2 parts of copper and 1 of tin, to which a little zinc, arsenic, and silver are sometimes added to harden it and render it susceptible of a high polish. A superior kind of type metal is composed of 1 part of tin, 1 of anti- mony, and 2 of lead. Tin is not dissolved by nitric acid, but is converted into a white powder, the binoxide of tin ; hydrochloric acid dissolves it with the aid of heat, evolving hydrogen ; but the best solvent for tin is a mixture of hydrochloric with a little nitric acid. When the metal is acted upon by hydrochloric acid, it assumes a crystalline appearance, which has been turned to account for ornamenting tin-plate. If a piece of common tin- plate be rubbed over with tow dipped in a warm mixture of hydrochloric and nitric acids, its surface is very prettily diversified (moire metallique) ; it is usual to cover the surface with a coloured transparent varnish. Commercial tin is liable to contain minute quantities of lead, iron, copper, arsenic, antimony, bismuth, gold, molybdenum, and tungsten. Pure tin may be precipitated in crystals by the feeble galvanic current 2 B 2 388 STANNIC AND METASTANNIC ACIDS. excited by immersing a plate of tin in a strong solution of stannous chloride, covered with a layer of water, so that the metal may be in con- tact with both layers of liquid. 288. OXIDES OF TIN. Two oxides of this metal are known the prot- oxide, SnO, and the binoxide, Sn0 2 . Protoxide of tin (SnO), or stannous oxide, is a substance of little prac- tical importance, obtained by decomposing stannous chloride with an alkali. Its colour varies, according to the mode of preparing it, from black or olive-coloured to red. It is a feebly basic oxide, and therefore dissolves in the acids ; it may also be dissolved by a strong solution of potash, but is then easily decomposed into metallic tin and the binoxide which combines with the potash. Binoxide of tin (Sn0 2 ), or stannic oxide, has been mentioned as the chief ore of tin, and is formed when tin is heated in air. Tin-stone or cassiterite, as the natural form of this oxide is called, occurs in very hard, square prisms, usually coloured brown by peroxide of iron. In its insolu- bility in acids it resembles crystallised silica, and, like that substance, it forms, when fused with alkalies or their carbonates, compounds which are soluble in water ; these compounds are termed stannates, the binoxide of tin being known as stannic acid. Stannate of soda is prepared, on the large scale, for use as a mordant by calico-printers. The prepared tin ore (p. 384) is heated with solution of hydrate of soda, and boiled down till the temperature rises to 500 or 600 F. ; or the tin ore is fused with nitrate of soda, when the nitric acid is expelled. It crystallises easily in hexagonal tables having the compo- sition NaO. Sn0 2 , 4Aq., which dissolve easily in cold water, and are partly deposited again when the solution is heated. Most neutral salts of the alkalies also cause a separation of stannate of soda from its aqueous solution. The solution of stannate of soda has, like the silicate, a strong alkaline reaction, and when neutralised by an acid, yields a precipitate of hydrated stannic acid, HO . Sn0 2 . If the solution of stannate of soda be added to an excess of hydrochloric acid, the stannic acid remains in solu- tion, and if the liquid be dialysed (see p. 104), a jelly is first formed, which gradually liquefies as the chloride of sodium diffuses away, and eventually a pure aqueous solution of stannic acid is obtained, which is very easily gelatinised by the addition of a minute quantity of hydrochloric acid, or of some neutral salt. The great similarity between stannic and silicic acids is here very remarkable. When heated, stannic acid is converted into metastannic acid. Metastannic acid (Sn 5 IO ) is obtained as a white crystalline hydrate when tin is oxidised by nitric acid ; when washed with water and dried by exposure to air, it has the composition Sn 5 10 . 10HO, but when dried at 212 F. it becomes Sn 5 10 . 5HO. If more strongly heated, it assumes a yellowish colour, and a hardness resembling that of powdered tin-stone. Putty powder, used for polishing, consists of meta- stannic acid ; as found in commerce it generally contains much oxide of lead. Meta- stannic acid is insoluble in water and diluted acids, and when fused with hydrated alkalies, is converted into a soluble stannate ; but if boiled with solution of potash it is dissolved in the form of metastannate of potash, which will not crystallise, like the stannate, but is obtained as a granular precipitate by dissolving hydrate of potash in its solution. This precipitate has the composition KO . Sn 5 10 . 4Aq. ; it is very soluble in water, and is strongly alkaline. When it is heated to expel the water, it is decomposed, and the potash may be washed out with water, leaving meta- stannic acid. The hydrated metastannic acid may be distinguished from hydrated STANNOUS AND STANNIC CHLORIDES. 389 stannic acid by the action of protochloride of tin, which converts it into the yellow inetastannate of tin (SnO . Sn 5 10 . 4Aq.) Stannate of tin is obtained as a yellowish hydrate by boiling protochloride of tin with hydrated sesqtiioxide of iron ; Fe 2 3 + 2SnCl = SnO . Sn0 2 + 2FeCl. It is sometimes written Sn 2 3 , and called sesquioxide of tin. 289. CHLORIDES OP TIN. The two chlorides of tin correspond in com- position to the oxides. Stannous chloride, or protochloride of tin (SnCl), is much used by dyers and calico-printers, and is prepared by dissolving tin in hydrochloric acid, when it is deposited, on cooling, in lustrous prismatic needles (SnCl . 2Aq.), known as tin crystals or salts of tin. The solution of the tin is generally effected in a copper vessel, in order to accelerate the action by forming a voltaic couple, of which the tin is the attacked metal. When gently heated, the crystals lose their water, and are partly decomposed, some hydrochloric acid being evolved (SnCl -f HO = SnO + HC1) ; but, at a higher temperature, a great part of the chloride may be distilled in the anhydrous state ; the anhydrous chloride is generally prepared by distill- ing powdered tin with corrosive sublimate, when it remains in the retort as a brilliant grey solid, which requires a bright red heat to convert it into vapour. When water is poured upon the crystals of stannous chloride, they are only partially dissolved, a white oxy chloride of tin (SnCl . SnO . 2Aq.) being separated. A moderately dilute solution of stannous chloride absorbs oxygen from the air, and deposits a white compound of bichloride and binoxide of tin; 2SnCl -f 2 = SnCl 2 . Sn0 2 . If the solution contains much free hydrochloric acid it remains clear, being entirely converted into bichloride of tin. A strong solution of the chloride is not oxidised by the air, and the weak solution may be longer preserved in contact with metallic tin. Stannous chloride has a great attraction for chlorine as well as for oxygen, and is frequently employed as a deoxidising or dechlorinat- ing agent. Tin may be precipitated from stannous chloride by the action of zinc, in the form of minute crystals. A very beautiful tin tree is obtained by dissolving granulated tin in strong hydrochloric acid, with the aid of heat, in the proportion of 8 measured oz. of acid to 1000 grs. of tin, diluting the solution with four times its bulk of water, and intro- ducing a piece of zinc. Stannic chloride, or bichloride of tin (SnCl 2 ), is obtained in solution when tin is heated with hydrochloric and nitric acids ; for the use of the dyer, the solution is generally made with hydrochlorate of ammonia (sal- ammoniac) and nitric acid (nitromuriate of tin). The anhydrous bichloride is obtained by heating tin in a current of dry chlorine, when combination takes place with combustion, and the bichloride distils over as a heavy (sp. gr. 2 -28) colourless liquid, volatile (boiling point, 240 F.), and^giving suffocating white fumes in the air. When mixed with a little water, energetic combination takes place, and a crystalline hydrate (SnClj . 5Aq.) is formed, which is decomposed by an excess of water, with separation of hydrated stannic acid. Stannic chloride forms crystallisable double salts with the alkaline chlorides. Pink salt, used by dyers, is a compound of stannic chloride with hydrochlorate of ammonia (NH 3 . HC1 . SnCl 2 ). 290. Sulphides of tin. The protosulphide, or stannous sulphide (SnS), is found in Cornwall as tin pyrites, and may be easily prepared by heating tin with sulphur, when it forms a grey crystalline mass. It is also obtained as a dark brown precipitate by the action of hydrosulphuric aeid upon a solution of stannous chloride. Protosulphide of tin is a sulphur- 390 EQUIVALENT AND ATOMIC WEIGHTS OF TIN. base, but it may be dissolved by alkalies if some sulphur be added, which converts it into the bisulphide, a decided sulphur acid. Bisulphide of tin, or stannic sulphide (SnS 2 ), is commonly known as mosaic gold or bronze powder, and is used for decorative purposes. It is prepared by a curious process, which was devised in 1771, and must have been the result of a number of trials. 12 parts by weight of tin are dis- solved in 6 parts of mercury; the brittle amalgam thus' obtained is powdered and mixed with 7 parts of sulphur and 6 of sal-ammoniac. The mixture is introduced into a Florence flask, which is gently heated in a sand-bath as long as any smell of hydrosulphuric acid is evolved ; the temperature is then raised to dull redness until no more fumes are disengaged. The mosaic gold is found in beautiful yellow scales at the bottom of the flask, and sulphide of mercury and calomel are deposited in the neck. The mercury appears to be used for effecting the fine division of the tin, and the sal-ammoniac to keep down the temperature (by its volatilisation) below the point at which the bisulphide of tin is converted into protosulphide. Mosaic gold, like the metal itself, is not dissolved by hydrochloric or nitric acid, but easily by aqua regia. Alkalies also dissolve it when heated, since the bisulphide of tin is a sulphur acid. On adding hydro- sulphuric acid to a solution of stannic chloride, the stannic sulphide is obtained as a yellow precipitate. 291. Equivalent and atomic weights of tin. When tin is oxidised by nitric acid, 8 parts by weight (1 eq.) of oxygen are taken up by 29*5 parts of the metal, and if the oxide thus formed be composed of single equivalents, 2 9 '5 must be the equivalent weight of tin; but the existence of another oxide, containing only half as much oxygen, and the analogies between the first mentioned oxide and silicic acid (Si0 2 ), lead to the conclusion that the oxide obtained by the action of nitric acid is a binoxide, contain- ing 16 parts by weight of oxygen, combined with 1 eq. of tin, when the equivalent weight of the metal would be 59. But the specific heat of tin shows that its atomic weight must be repre- sented by the number 118, and this receives confirmation from the specific gravity of the vapour of stannic chloride. Weight of 1 vol. of stannic chloride vapour, . 9*20 2 vols. (1 molecule), . ' . .18-40 tin contained in it, ... 8 '35 chlorine contained in 2 vols. of stannic chloride, . ' + ,. .10*05 Since 2 '47 is the specific gravity or weight of 1 vol. of chlorine, the number 10 '05 represents 4 vols. of that gas; and if it be allowed that 2 vols. of stannic chloride represent, as usual, 1 molecule, it will contain 1 atom of tin and 4 atoms (or vols.) of chlorine, and its molecular formula will be BnCl 4 (Sn = 118). Tin, therefore, would be a tetratomic element like carbon and silicon, one atom being capable of occupying the place of four atoms of hydrogen, and the atomic formulce for some of its chief compounds would be stannous oxide, SnG ; stannic acid, SiiO 2 ; stannous chloride, SnCl 2 ; stannic chloride, BnCl 4 ; stannous sulphide, BnS; stannic sulphide, TITANIUM TITANIC ACID. 391 292. TITANIUM, which stands in close chemical relationship to tin, used to be described as a very rare metal, but it has lately been found to exist in considerable quantity in iron ores and clays, although no very important practical application lias hitherto been found for it. The form in which it is generally found is titanic acid (Ti0 2 ), which occurs uncombined in the minerals rutile, anatase, and brookite, the first of which is isomorphous with tin-stone, and is extremely hard like that mineral. In combination with oxide of iron, titanic acid is found in iron-sand, iserine, or menachanite (found originally at Menachan in Cornwall), which resembles gunpowder in appearance, and is now imported in abundance from Nova Scotia and New Zealand. Some specimens of this mineral contain 40 per cent, of titanic acid, combined with protoxide of iron. To extract titanic acid from it, the finely ground mineral is fused with three parts of carbonate of potash, when carbonic acid is expelled and titanate of potash formed ; on washing the mass with hot water, this salt is decomposed, a part of its alkali being removed by the water, and an acid titanate of potash left, mixed with the oxide of iron. This is dissolved in hydro- chloric acid, and the solution evaporated to dryness, when the titanic acid, and any silicic acid which may be present, are converted into the insoluble modifications, and are left on digesting the residue again with dilute hydrochloric acid ; the residue is washed with water (by decantation, for titanic acid easily passes through the filter), dried, and fused at a gentle heat with bisulphate of potash. The sulphuric acid forms a soluble compound with the titanic acid (Ti0 2 .S0 3 ), which maybe extracted by cold water, leaving the silicic acid undissolved. The solution contain- ing the titanic acid is mixed with about twenty times its volume of water, and boiled for some time, when the titanic acid is separated as a white precipitate, exhibiting a great disposition to cling as a film to the surface of the flask in which the solution is boiled, and giving it the appearance of being corroded. The titanic acid becomes yellow when strongly heated, and white again on cooling ; it does not dissolve in solution of potash like silica, but when fused with potash it forms a titanate, which is decomposed by water; the acid titanate of potash which is left may be dissolved in hydrochloric acid, and if the solution be neutralised with carbonate of ammonia, hydrated titanic acid is precipitated, very much resembling alumina in appearance. By dissolving the gelatinous hydrate in cold hydrochloric acid, and dialysing, a solution of titanic acid in water is obtained, which is liable to gelatinise spontaneously if it contain more than one per cent, of the acid. Titanic acid is employed in the manufacture of artificial teeth, and for imparting a straw-yellow tint to the glaze of porcelain. If a mixture of titanic acid and charcoal be heated to redness in a porcelain tube, through which dry chlorine is passed, bichloride of titanium (TiCl 2 ) is obtained as a colourless volatile liquid, very similar to bichloride of tin. By passing the vapour of the bichloride of titanium over heated sodium, the metallic titanium is obtained in prismatic crystals resembling specular iron ore in appearance. Like tin, it is said to dissolve in hydrochloric acid with liberation of hydrogen. The most remarkable chemical feature of titanium is its direct attraction for nitrogen, with which it combines when strongly heated in air. By passing ammonia gas over titanic acid heated to redness, a violet powder is formed, which is a nitride of titanium (TiN). Beautiful cubes of a copper colour and great hardness, formerly believed to be metallic titanium, are found adhering to the slags of blast-furnaces in which titaniferous iron ores are smelted ; these contain about 77 per cent, of titanium, 18 of nitrogen, and rather less than 4 of carbon, and are believed to consist of a compound of cyanide with nitride of titanium, TiCy, 3Ti 3 N. A similar compound is obtained by passing nitrogen over a mixture of titanic acid and charcoal heated to whiteness. Violet-coloured crystals of sesquichloride of titanium (Ti 2 Cl 3 ) are obtained by pass- ing hydrogen charged with vapour of bichloride of titanium through a red-hot por- celain tube ; it forms a violet solution in water, which resembles stannous chloride in its reducing properties. When a solution of titanic acid (or acid titanate of potash) in hydrochloric acid is acted on by zinc, a violet solution is formed, which deposits, after a time, a blue (or green) precipitate, which appears to be a sesquioxide of titanium (Ti 2 3 ), and rapidly absorbs oxygen from the air, being converted into titanic acid. A. protoxide of titanium (TiO) is said to be obtained as a black powder when titanic acid is strongly heated in a crucible lined with charcoal. Bisulphide of titanium is not precipitated, like bisulphide of tin, when hydrosul- phuric acid acts upon the bichloride ; but if a mixture of the vapour of bichloride 392 TUNGSTEN TUNGSTIC ACID. of titanium with hydrosulphuric acid is passed through a red-hot tube, greenish- yellow scales of the' bisulphide, resembling mosaic gold, are deposited. Titanium, like tin, is classed among the tetratomic elements ; its equivalent is 25, and its atomic weight 50. 293. TUNGSTEN is chiefly found in the mineral wolfram, which occurs, often associated with tin-stone, in large brown shining prismatic crystals, which are even heavier than tin-stone (sp. gr. 7'3), from which circumstance the metal derives its name, tungsten, in Swedish, meaning heavy stone. The symbol -(W) used for tungsten is derived from the Latin name wolframium. Wolfram contains the tungstates of iron and manganese in somewhat variable proportions, but its general composition is expressed by the formula MnO. W0 3 , 3(FeO . W0 3 ). Scheelite, tungstate of lime (CaO . W0 3 ), is another mineral in which tungsten is found. Tungstate of soda is employed by calico-printers as a mordant, and is sometimes applied to muslin, in order to render it inflammable. It is obtained by fusing wolfram with carbonate of soda, an operation to which tin ores containing this mineral in large quantity are sometimes submitted previously to smelting them. Water extracts the tungstate of soda, which may be crystallised in rhomboidal plates having the composi- tion NaO . W0 3 , 2Aq. When a solution of this salt is mixed with an excess of hydro- chloric acid, white hydrated tungstic add (HO.W0 3 + Aq.) is precipitated; but if dilute hydrochloric acid be carefully added to a 5 per cent, solution of tungstate of soda, in sufficient proportion to neutralise the alkali, and the solution be then dialysed (p. 104), the chloride of sodium passes through, and a pure aqueous solution of tungstio acid is left in the dialyser. This solution is unchanged by boiling, and when evaporated to dryness, it forms vitreous scales, like gelatine, which adhere very strongly to the dish. It redissolves in one-fourth of its weight of water, form- ing a solution of the very high specific gravity 3-2, which is, therefore, able to float glass. The solution has a bitter and astringent taste, and decomposes carbonate of soda with effervescence. It becomes green when exposed to air, from the deoxidis- ing action of organic dust. When the hydrated tungstic acid is heated, it loses water, and becomes of a straw-yellow colour and insoluble in acids. There are at least two modifications of tungstic acid, which bear to each other a relation similar to that between stannic and metastannic acids. The most characteristic property of tungstic acid is that of yielding a blue oxide (W0 2 , W0 3 ) when placed in contact with hydrochloric acid and metallic zinc. A very remarkable compound containing tungstic acid and soda is obtained when bitungstate of soda (NaO . 2W0 3 . 4HO) is fused with tin. If the fused mass be treated with strong potash, to remove free tungstic acid, washed with water, and treated with hydrochloric acid, yellow lustrous cubical crystals are obtained, which are remarkable, among sodium compounds, for their resistance to the action of water, of alkalies, and of all acids except hydrofluoric. The composition of these crystals appears to be NaO . W0 2 . 2 W0 3 . The binoxide of tungsten (W0 2 ) appears to be an indifferent oxide, and is obtained by reducing tungstic acid with hydrogen at a low red heat, when it forms a brown powder which is dissolved by boiling in solution of potash, hydrogen being evolved, and tungstate of potash formed. Metallic tungsten is obtained by reducing tungstic acid with charcoal at a white heat, as an iron-grey infusible metal of sp. gr. 17-6, very hard, not affected by hydro- chloric or diluted sulphuric acid, but converted into tungstic acid by the action of nitric acid. When tungsten is dissolved in about ten times its weight of fused steel, it forms an extremely hard alloy. When tungsten is heated in chlorine, the terchloride of tungsten (WC1 3 ) sublimes in bronze coloured needles, which are decomposed by water. When gently heated in hydrogen, it is converted into the bichloride (WC1 2 ), but if its vapour be mixed with hydrogen and passed through a glass tube heated to redness, metallic tungsten is ob- tained in a form in which it is not dissolved even by aqua regia, though it may be con- verted into tungstate of potash by hypochlorite of potash mixed with potash in excess. Bisulphide of tungsten (WS 2 ) is a black crystalline substance resembling plumbago, obtained by heating a mixture of bitungstate of potash with sulphur, and washing with hot water. Tersulphide of tungsten (WS 3 ) is a sulphur-acid, obtainable as a brown precipitate by dissolving tungstic acid in an alkaline sulphide, and precipitat- ing by an acid, 294. MOLYBDENUM derives its name from ptiufaam, lead, on account of the re- semblance of its chief ore, molybdena, to black lead. Molybdena is the bisulphide of molybdenum (MoS 2 ), and is found chiefly in Bohemia and Sweden ; it may be recog- MOLYBDENUM VANADIUM. 893 nised by its remarkable similarity to plumbago, and by its giving a blue solution when boiled with strong sulphuric acid. It is chiefly employed for the preparation of molybdate of ammonia, which is used in testing for phosphoric acid. For this purpose the bisulphide of molybdenum is roasted in air at a dull red heat, when sulphurous acid is evolved, and molybdic acid (Mo0 8 ) mixed with oxide of iron is left. The residue is digested with strong ammonia, which dissolves the molybdic acid in the form of molybdate of ammonia, obtainable in prismatic crystals on evaporation. When a solution of molybdate of ammonia is added to a phosphate dissolved in diluted nitric acid, a yellow precipitate of phosphomolybdate of ammonia is produced, which contains molybdic and phosphoric acids combined with ammonia, by the for- majtion of which very minute quantities of phosphoric acid can be detected. If hydrochloric acid be added in small quantity to a strong solution of molybdate of ammonia, the molybdic acid is precipitated, but it is dissolved by an excess of hydrochloric acid, and if the solution be dialysed, the molybdic acid is obtained in the form of an aqueous solution which reddens blue litmus, has an astringent taste, and leaves a soluble gum-like residue when evaporated. Molybdic acid fuses at a red heat to a yellow glass, and may be sublimed in a current of air in shining needles. In contact with diluted hydrochloric acid and metallic zinc, it is con- verted into a blue compound of molybdic acid with binoxide of molybdenum (Mo0 2 . 4Mo0 3 ) which is soluble in water, but is precipitated on adding a saline solution. Molybdate of lead (PbO . Mo0 3 ) is found as a yellow crystalline mineral. The binoxide of molybdenum (Mo0 2 ) is basic, and forms dark red-brown salts. Prot- oxide of molybdenum (MoO) is obtained by adding an alkali to the solution resulting from the prolonged action of zinc upon a hydrochloric solution of molybdic acid. It is a basic oxide which absorbs oxygen from the air. Metallic molybdenum is obtained by reducing molybdic acid with charcoal at a white heat, as a white metal, fusible with difficulty, unacted upon by hydrochloric and diluted sulphuric acids, but converted into molybdic acid by boiling with nitric acid. It is rather a light metal, its specific gravity being 8*62. When heated in chlorine it yields bichloride of molybdenum (MoCl 2 ), which forms a red vapour, and condenses in crystals resembling iodine, soluble in water. A protochloride (MoCl) is also known. The tersulphide (MoS 3 ) and tetrasulphide (MoS 4 ) of molybdenum are sulphur-acids. In addition to the natural sources of molybdenum above mentioned, there may be noticed molybdic ochre (an impure molybdic acid), and the difficultly fusible masses called bear, from the copper works in Saxony, which contain a large amount of molybdenum combined with iron, copper, cobalt, and nickel. 295. VANADIUM (Vanadis, a Scandinavian deity) was originally obtained from certain Swedish iron ores, but its chief ore is the vanadiate of lead, which is found in Scotland, Mexico, and Chile. Vanadic acid has also been found in some clays, and in the cupriferous sandstone at Perm in Kussia. By treating the vanadiate of lead with nitric acid, expelling the excess of acid by evaporation, and washing out the nitrate of lead with water, impure vanadic acid(VO s )is obtained, which may be purified by dissolving in ammonia, crystallising the vanadiate of ammonia, and decomposing it by heat, when vanadic acid is left as a reddish-yellow fusible solid, which crystallises on cooling, and dissolves sparingly in water, giving a yellow solu- tion. It dissolves in hydrochloric acid, and if the solution be treated with a redu- cing agent (such as hydrosulphuric acid) it assumes a fine blue colour, from the pro- duction of bichloride of vanadium (VC1 2 ). If a solution of vanadiate of amcaonia be mixed with tincture of galls, it gives an intensely black fluid, which forms an excellent ink, for it is not bleached by acids, alkalies, or chlorine. By heating vanadic acid with potassium, metallic vanadium is obtained as a white metallic powder, which is not attacked by sulphuric or hydrochloric acid, but dissolves in nitric acid, forming a blue solution of nitrate of binoxide of vanadium. The protoxide of vanadium (VO) appears to be an indifferent oxide. Terchloride of vanadium (VC1 3 ) is a volatile yellow fuming liquid. Bisulphide of vanadium (VS 2 ) is obtained as a black precipitate by the action of an alkaline sulphide upon the bichloride of vanadium ; it appears to be a sulphur-acid, for it dissolves in an excess of the alkaline sulphide, fuming a purple solution. 296. Niobium (formerly called columbium} has been obtained from a rare dark grey hard crystalline mineral known as columbite, occurring in Massachusetts. This mineral contains niobic acid (Nb0 2 ) combined with the oxides of iron and manganese. The niobic acid is extracted by a laborious process, and forms a white powder 394 METALLURGY OF PLATINUM. sparingly soluble in hydrochloric acid. Niobium itself has been obtained as a black powder insoluble in nitric acid and in aqua regia, but dissolved by a mixture of nitric and hydrofluoric acids. Tantalum, formerly believed to be identical with niobium, occurs in the tantalite and yttrotantalite of Sweden, which contain tantalic acid (Ta0 2 ) * resembling niobic acid. Niobium and tantalum have recently been found to the amount of 2 or 3 per cent, in the tin ore of Montebras. PLATINUM. 297. Platinum (jplatina, Spanish diminutive of silver) is always found in the metallic state, distributed in flattened grains through alluvial deposits similar to those in which gold is found ; indeed, these grains are generally accompanied by grains of gold, and of a group of very rare metals only found in platinum ores, viz., palladium, iridium, osmium, rhodium, and ruthenium. Eussia furnishes the largest supply of platinum from the Ural Mountains, but smaller quantities are obtained from Brazil, Peru, Borneo, Australia, and California. The process for obtaining the platinum in a marketable form is rather a chemical than a metallurgic operation. The ore containing the grains of platinum and the associated metals is heated with a dilute mixture of hydrochloric and nitric acids, by which the platinum is converted into bichloride of platinum (PtClJ and dissolved, whilst . the iridium and osmium are left in the residue. The solution is then mixed with some chlo- ride of ammonium, which combines with the bichloride of platinum to form a yellow insoluble salt (ammonio-chloride of platinum, NH 3 . HC1 . PtCl 2 ) . This precipitate is collected, washed, and heated to redness, when all its constituents, except the platinum, are expelled in the form of gas, that metal being left in the peculiar porous condition in which it is known as spongy platinum. To convert this into compact platinum is by no means an easy task, on account of the infusibility of the metal, for it remains solid at the very highest temperatures of our furnaces. The spongy platinum is finely powdered in a wooden mortar (as it would cohere into metallic spangles in one of a harder material) and rubbed to a paste with water ; this paste is then rubbed through a sieve to render it perfectly smooth and uniform, and introduced into a cylinder of brass, in which it is subjected to pressure so as to squeeze out the water and cause the minute particles of platinum to cohere into a somewhat compact disk ; this disk is then heated to whiteness and beaten into a compact metallic ingot by a heavy hammer ; it is then ready for forging. A more modern process for obtaining platinum from its ores is based upon the tendency of this metal to dissolve in melted lead. The platinum ore is fused in a small reverberatory furnace, with an equal weight of sul- phide of lead and the same quantity of oxide of lead, when the sulphur and oxygen escape as sulphurous acid, and the reduced lead dissolves the platinum, leaving undissolved a very heavy alloy of osmium and iridium which sinks to the bottom. The upper part of the alloy of lead and platinum is then ladled out and cupelled (page 353), when the latter metal is left in a spongy condition, the lead being removed in the form of oxide. The platinum is then fused by the aid of the oxyhydrogen blow- pipe in a furnace made of lime (fig. 259), whence it is poured into an * Ta0 5 according to more recent experiments. PROPERTIES OF PLATINUM. 395 Fig. 259. ingot mould made of gas-carbon. The melted platinum absorbs oxygen mechanically like melted silver, and evolves it again on cooling (see page 354). Platinum articles are now frequently made from the fused metal, instead of from that which has been welded. Its resistance to the action of high temperatures and of most chemical agents, renders platinum of the greatest service in chemical operations. It will be remembered that platinum stills are employed, even on the large scale, for the concentration of sulphuric acid. In the form of basins, small crucibles, foil, and wire, this metal is indispensable to the analytical chemist. Unfortunately, it is softer than silver, and therefore ill adapted for wear, and is so heavy (sp. gr. 21*5) that even small vessels must be made very thin in order not to be too heavy for a delicate bal- ance. Since it expands less than any other metal when heated, wires of platinum may be sealed into glass without danger of splitting it by unequal expansion. Its malleability and ductility are very considerable, so that it is easily rolled into thin foil and drawn into fine wires ; in ductility it is surpassed only by gold and silver, and it has been drawn, by an ingenious contrivance of Wollaston's, into wire of only -5 o-|o~oth of an inch in diameter, a mile of which (notwith- standing the high specific gravity of the metal) would only weigh a single grain. This remarkable extension of the metal was effected by casting a cylinder of silver around a very thin platinum wire obtained by the ordinary process of wire-drawing. When the cylinder of silver, with the platinum wire in its centre, was itself drawn out into an extremely thin wire, of course the platinum core would have become inconceivably thin, and when the silver casing was dissolved off by nitric acid, this minute filament of platinum was left. Platinum is sometimes employed for the touch-holes of fowling-pieces on account of its resistance to corrosion. A little iridium is sometimes added to platinum in order to increase its elasticity. The remarkable power possessed by platinum, of inducing chemical combination between oxygen and other gases, has already been noticed. Even the compact metal possesses this property, as may be seen by heat- ing a piece of platinum foil to redness in the flame of a gauze gas-burner, rapidly extinguishing the gas, and turning it on again, when the cold stream of gas will still maintain the metal at a red heat, in consequence of the combination with atmospheric oxygen at the surface of the platinum. A similar experiment may be made by suspending a coil of platinum wire in the flame of a spirit-lamp (fig. 260), and suddenly blowing out the flame when the metal is intensely heated ; the wire will continue to glow by inducing the combina- tion of the spirit vapour with oxygen on its surface. By substituting a little ball of spongy platinum for the coil of platinum wire, and mixing some fragrant essential oil with the spirit, an elegant perfuming lamp has been con- trived. Upon the same principle an instantaneous light apparatus has been made, in which a jet of hydrogen gas is kindled by falling upon a fragment of cold spongy platinum, which at once ignites it by inducing its combination with the 396 PLAT1NOUS AND PLATINIC OXIDES. oxygen condensed within the pores of the metal. Spongy platinum is obtained in a very active form by heating the ammonio-chloride of pla- tinum very gently in a stream of coal-gas or hydrogen as long as any fumes of hydrochloric acid are evolved. If platinum be precipitated in the metallic state from a solution, it is obtained in the form of a sooty powder, called platinum-black, which possesses this power of promoting combination with oxygen in the highest perfection. This form of platinum may be obtained by dissolving the metal in aqua regia, which converts it into bichloride of platinum (PtCl 2 ), evaporating the solution to dryness, and heating the residue on a sand-bath as long as it smells of chlorine. The chloride of platinum (PtCl) thus obtained is dissolved in a strong solution of potash and heated with alcohol, when the platinum-black is precipitated, and must be filtered off, washed, and dried at a gentle heat. Platinum in this form is capable of absorbing 800 times its volume of oxygen, which does not enter into combination with it, but is simply con- densed into its pores, and is available for combination with other bodies. A jet of hydrogen allowed to pass on to a grain or two of this powder is kindled at once, and if a few particles of it be thrown into a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen, explosion immediately follows. A drop of alcohol is also inflamed when allowed to fall upon a little of the powder. Pla- tinum-black loses its activity after having been heated to redness. Although platinum resists the action of hydrochloric and nitric acids, unless they are mixed, and is unaffected at the ordinary temperature by other chemical agents, it is easily attacked at high temperatures by phos- phorus, arsenic, carbon, boron, silicon, and by a large number of the metals ; the caustic alkalies and alkaline earths also corrode it, so that some discretion is necessary in the use of vessels made of this costly metal. When platinum is alloyed with 10 parts of silver, both metals may be dissolved by nitric acid. 298. Oxides of platinum. Only one compound of platinum with oxygen is known in the separate state, the other having been obtained in combination with water. The protoxide, PtO (platinous oxide), is precipitated as a black hydrate by decomposing the protochloride with potash, and neutralising the solution with dilute sulphuric acid. It is a feeble base, and decomposes when heated, leaving metallic platinum. Binoxide of platinum, Pt0 2 (platinic oxide), is also a weak base, but occasionally plays the part of an acid, whence it is sometimes termed platinic acid. The hydrated binoxide (Pt0 2 . 2HO) is obtained by mixing- solution of bichloride of platinum with excess of potash, heating until the precipitate of platino-chloride of potassium (KC1, PtCl 2 ) is redissolved, and adding acetic acid, which gives a brown precipitate of the hydrated binoxide ; this may be freed from water by a moderate heat, and at a higher temperature loses its oxygen. Platinate of soda (NaO . 3Pt0 2 . 6Aq. ) may be crystallised from a solution of the hydrated binoxide in soda. Platinate of lime is convenient for the separation of platinum from iridium, which is generally contained in the commercial metal ; for this purpose the platinum is dissolved in nitro-hydrochloric acid, the solution evapo- rated till it solidifies on cooling, the mixed chlorides of iridium and platinum dissolved in water, and decomposed with an excess of lime with- out exposure to liyht ; the platinum then passes into solution as platinate of lime, and the platinic acid may be separated from the filtered solution BICHLORIDE OF PLATINUM. 397 by exposure to light. Acids dissolve binoxide of platinum, forming salts of a brown colour which have not been crystallised. If binoxide of pla- tinum be dissolved in diluted sulphuric acid and the solution mixed with excess of ammonia, a black precipitate of fulminating platinum is obtained, which detonates violently at about 400 F. This compound is said to have a composition corresponding to the formula NH 3 , HO, Pt0 2 + HO (hydrated platinate of ammonia) ; and might also be represented as NHPt . 4HO, or a combination of water with ammonia (NH 3 ), in which two equivalents of hydrogen are replaced by one equivalent of platinum (which, in the binoxide, Pt0 2 , represents H 2 ). Chlorides of platinum. The bichloride, or platinic chloride (PtCl 2 ), is the most useful salt of the metal, and may be prepared by dissolving- scraps of platinum foil in a mixture of four measures of hydrochloric acid with one of nitric acid (100 grains of platinum require 3 measured ounces of hydrochloric acid), evaporating the liquid at a gentle heat to the con- sistence of a syrup, redissolving in dilute hydrochloric acid, and again evaporating to expel excess of nitric acid. The syrupy liquid solidifies on cooling to a red-brown mass, which is very deliquescent, and dissolves easily in water or alcohol to a red-brown solution. If the concentrated solution be allowed to cool before all the free hydrochloric acid has been expelled, long brown prismatic crystals of a combination of the bichloride with hydrochloric acid are obtained. The bichloride of platinum is re- markable for its disposition to form sparingly soluble double chlorides with the chlorides of the alkali metals and the hydrochlorates of organic bases, a property of great value to the chemist in effecting the detection and sepa- ration of these bodies. A good example of this has lately been afforded in the separation of potassium, rubidium, and coesium. The chlorides of these three metals having been separated from the various other salts contained in the mineral water in whieh they occur, are precipitated with bichlo- ride of platinum, which forms combinations with all the three chlorides. The platino-chloride of potassium is more easily dissolved by boiling water than those of rubidium and coesium, and is removed by boiling the mixed precipitate with small portions of water as long as the latter acquires a yellow colour. The remaining platino-chlorides of rubidium and coesium. are then heated in a current of hydrogen, which reduces the platinum to the metallic state, and the chlorides may then be extracted by water, in which they are very soluble. Platino-chloride of potassium (KC1, PtCl 2 ) forms minute yellow octa- hedral crystals ; those of rubidium and coesium have a similar composition and crystalline form. Platino-chloride of sodium differs from these in being very soluble in water and alcohol ; it may be crystallised in long red prisms, having the composition (NaCl, PtCl 2 , 6Aq.) Ammonio-cMoride of platinum (NH 3 .HC1, PtCl 2 ) has been already noticed as the form in which platinum is precipitated in order to separate it from other metals. It crystallises, like the potassium-salt, in yellow octahedra, which are very sparingly soluble in water and insoluble in alcohol. It is the form into which nitrogen is finally converted in analysis in order to determine its weight. When heated to redness, this salt leaves a residue of spongy platinum. The bichloride of platinum is sometimes used for browning gun-barrels, &c., under the name of muriate of platina. 398 PLATOSAMINE AND PLATINAMINE COMPOUNDS. Protochloride of platinum or platinous chloride (PtCl). The bichloride of platinum may be heated to 450 F. without decomposition, but above that temperature it evolves chlorine, and is slowly converted into the protochloride, which is reduced, at a much higher temperature, to the metallic state. Platinous chloride forms a dingy green powder, which is insoluble in water and in nitric and sulphuric acids, but dissolves in hot hydrochloric acid, and in solution of platinic chloride, yielding in the former a bright red, in the latter a very dark brown-red solution. Its solution in hydrochloric acid is not precipitated by chloride of potassium, 'but a soluble double chloride (KC1, PtCl) may be crystallised from the liquid. If hydrochlorate of ammonia be added to the hydrochloric solution, a double salt of hydrochlorate of ammonia with protochloride of platinum (NH 3 . HC1 . PtCl) may be obtained in yellow crystals by evaporation. If, instead of hydrochlorate of ammonia, free ammonia be added in excess to the boiling solution of protochloride of platinum in hydrochloric acid, brilliant green needles (green salt of Magnus) are deposited on cooling, which contain the elements of platinous chloride and ammonia (PtCl . NH 3 ) ; but from the behaviour of this compound with chemical agents, its true formula would appear to be N 2 H 5 Pt . HC1, PtCl, in which the place of 1 equivalent of hydrogen in two of ammonia is occupied by platinum. By heating this salt with an excess of ammonia, the platinous chloride which it contains may be decom- posed, and when the solution is allowed to cool, it deposits yellowish-white prismatic crystals of hydrochlorate of diplatosamine; N 2 H 5 Pt.HCl + Aq., the production of which may be represented by the equation N 2 H 5 Pt . HC1, PtCl + 2NH 3 = 2(N 2 H 5 Pt . HC1) . By decomposing a solution of this salt with sulphate of silver, the sulphate of dipla- tosamine is obtained ; N 2 H 5 Pt . HC1 + AgO . S0 3 = N 2 H 5 Pt . HO . S0 8 + AgCl. When the solution of sulphate of diplatosamine is treated with hydrate of baryta, sulphate of baryta is precipitated, and a powerfully alkaline solution is obtained, which yields crystals of hydrate of diplatosamine N 2 H 5 Pt . 2HO, a strong alkali which may be regarded as a compound of water with 2 equivalents of ammonia (N 2 H 6 ) in which 1 equivalent of hydrogen is replaced by platinum. The hydrate of diplatosa- mine has a strong resemblance to the hydrated mineral alkalies, eagerly absorbing carbonic acid from the air, and expelling ammonia from its salts. When the hydrate of diplatosamine is heated to 230 F. it gives oif water and ammonia, and becomes converted into a grey insoluble substance, which is hydrate of platosamine, NH 2 Pt.HO, and may be regarded as a compound of water with a single equivalent of. ammonia (NH 3 ), in which one-third of the hydrogen is replaced by platinum. This substance is also a base, and forms salts, most of which are insoluble ; the sulphate of platosamine, NH 2 Pt . HO . S0 3 + HO, may be regarded as sulphate of ammonia (NH 3 . HO . S0 3 ), in which 1 equivalent of the hydrogen is replaced by platinum. The hydrochlorate of platosamine (NH 2 Pt . HC1) is isomeric with the green salt of Magnus, and may be obtained from that compound by dissolving it in a, hot solution of sulphate of ammonia, from which it crystallises on cooling."* If the hydrochlorate of platosamine, suspended in boiling water, be treated witli chlorine, it is converted into hydrochlorate of platinamine, NHPt . 2HC1, which may be represented as the hydrochlorate of an ammonia, in which 2 equivalents of hydrogen have been replaced by 1 equivalent of platinum in the condition in which it exists in the bichloride (PtCl 2 ), where it is equivalent to H 2 . The conversion of the hydrochlorate of platosamine into hydrochlorate of platinamine may be repre- sented by the equation, NH 2 Pt . HC1 + 01 = NHPt . 2HC1. By boiling the hydro- chlorate of platinamine with nitrate of silver, it is converted into nitrate of platina- mine (NHPt . HO . N0 5 ), and when this is dissolved in boiling water and decomposed by ammonia, the hydrate of platinamine (NHPt, 4HO) is obtained in yellow prismatic crystals, having the same composition as that assigned to fulminating platinum. Several other platinum compounds derived from ammonia have been obtained, but cannot at present be so conveniently classified. The following table exhibits * The salts of diplatosamine are distinguished from those of platosamine by the action of nitrous acid, which gives a fine blue or green precipitate or coloration with the former. For the cause of this change, and for many other interesting points in the history of these platinum compounds, the author sorrowfully refers to the elaborate and accurate memoir by his lamented colleague, the late Mr Hadow, written during his last illness, and published in the Journal of the Chemical Society for August 1860, in which month he died, having there given a summary of the results of persevering and sagacious experimental work, extending over several years. He too truly wrote, that he was " prevented from making any further experiments for some time to come. " He died August 11, 1866, aged 35. PALLADIUM. 399 the composition of those here enumerated, the platinum, as it exists in platinous chloride (PtCl), occupying the place of 1 equivalent of hydrogen, being represented by Pt', and the platinum, as it exists in platiuic chloride (PtCl 2 ), occupying the place of 2 equivalents of hydrogen, by Pt". Hydrate of platosamine, . . . NH 2 Pt' . HO Hydrochlorate of platosamine, . . NH 2 Pt' . HC1 Sulphate of platosamine, . . , NH 2 Pt' . HO . S0 8 + HO 'Hydrate of platinamine, , . . NHPt".4HO Hydrochlorate of platinamine, . . NHPt" . 2HC1 Hydrate of diplatosamine, . . . N 2 H 5 Pt' . 2HO Hydrochlorate of diplatosamine, . . N 2 H 5 Pt' . HC1 Sulphate of diplatosamine, . . . N 2 H 5 Pt' . HO . S0 8 Some of tlfe salts of diplatinamine (N 2 H 4 Pt") have been obtained, this base being derived from two equivalents of ammonia in which H 2 have been replaced by Pt". The sulphides of platinum correspond in composition to the oxides and chlorides, and may be obtained by the action of hydrosulphuric acid upon the respective chlo- rides, as black precipitates. 299. Equivalent and atomic weights of platinum. Platinic chloride, analysed in its pure combination with chloride of potassium, is found to contain 35 '5 parts by weight (1 eq.) of chlorine combined with 49 '3 parts of platinum, and this latter number would represent the equivalent weight of platinum if the platinic chloride contained a single equivalent of chlo- rine ; but since the platinous chloride contains only half as much chlorine as the platinic chloride, it is usual to represent the former as containing 1 eq. and the latter 2 eqs. of chlorine combined with 1 eq. of platinum, so that the equivalent weight . of platinum (the quantity combined with 71 parts or 2 eqs. of chlorine) would be 98 '6, a view which is confirmed by the composition of the ammonia derivatives containing platinum. The specific heat of platinum shows that its atomic iveight must be twice its equivalent weight, or 197 '2, and since, in the platinic compounds, which may be regarded as the normal compounds of platinum, this weight of the metal occupies the place of 4 atoms of hydrogen, platinum is gene- rally regarded as a tetratomic element (Pt iv = 197*2), and the atomic formula! of its chief compounds are written thus : platinous oxide, PtO ; platinic oxide, PtO. 2 ; platinous chloride, PtCl ; platinic chloride, PtCl 4 ; hydrate of platosamine, N 2 H 4 Pt" . H 2 ; hydrate of platinamine, N 2 H 2 Pt iv , 4H 2 j hydrate of diplatosamine, N 4 H 10 Pt". 2H 2 0. 300. PALLADIUM is found in small quantity associated with native gold and pla- tinum. It presents a great general resemblance to platinum, but is distinguished from it by being far more easily oxidised, and by its special attraction for cyanogen, with which it forms an insoluble compound. This circumstance is taken advantage of in separating palladium from the platinum ores, for which purpose thelsolution from which the greater part of the platinum has been precipitated by hydrochlorate of ammonia (p. 394) is neutralised with carbonate of soda, and mixed with solution of cyanide of mercury (Hg, C 2 N), when a yellowish precipitate of cyanide of pal- ladium is obtained, yielding spongy palladium when heated, which may be welded into a compact form in the same manner as platinum. When alloyed with native gold, palladium is separated by fusing the alloy with silver, and boiling it with nitric acid, which leaves the gold undissolved. The silver is precipitated from the solution as chloride by adding chloride of sodium, and metallic zinc is placed in the liquid, which precipitates the palladium, lead, and copper, as a black powder. This is dissolved in nitric acid, and the solution mixed with an excess of ammonia, which precipitates the oxide of lead, leaving the copper and palladium in solution. On adding hydrochloric acid in slight excess, a yellow precipitate of hydrochlorate of pal- ladamine (NH 2 Pd . HC1) is obtained, which leaves metallic palladium when heated. Palladium is harder than platinum and much lighter (sp. gr. 11-6); it is malle- 400 KHODIUM OSMIUM. able and ductile like that metal, and somewhat more fusible, though it cannot be melted in an ordinary furnace.* It is unchangeable in air unless heated, when it becomes blue from superficial oxidation, but regains its whiteness when further heated, the oxide being decomposed. Unlike platinum, it may be dissolved by nitric acid, forming nitrate of palladium (PdO . N0 5 ), which is sometimes employed in analysis for precipitating iodine from the iodides, in the form of black iodide of palladium (Pdl). Palladium is useful, on account of its hardness, lightness, and resistance to tarnish, in the construction of philosophical instruments ; alloyed with twice its weight of silver, it is used for small weights. Of the oxides of palladium, two correspond with those of platinum, and a basic sub- oxide (Pd 2 0) has been obtained by gently heating the protoxide. Bichloride of pal- ladium (PdCl 2 ) is very unstable, being easily decomposed, even in solution, into the protochloride (PdCl) and free chlorine. Both the chlorides form double salts with the alkaline chlorides, those containing the palladious chloride (PdCl) having a dark green colour. A pulverulent carbide of palladium is formed when the metal is heated in the flame of a spirit-lamp. 301. RHODIUM, another of the metals associated with the ores of platinum, has acquired its name from the red colour of many of its salts (p'olov, a rose). It is ob- tained from the solution of the ore in aqua regia by precipitating the platinum with hydrochlorate of ammonia, neutralising with carbonate of soda, adding cyanide of mercury to separate the palladium, and evaporating the filtered solution to dryness with excess of hydrochloric acid. On treating the residue with alcohol, the double chloride of rhodium and sodium is left undissolved as a red powder. By heating this in a tube through which hydrogen is passed, the rhodium is reduced to the metallic state, and the chloride of sodium may be washed out with water, leaving a grey powder of metallic rhodium, which is fused by the oxyhydrogen blowpipe with greater difficulty than platinum, and forms a very hard malleable metal not dissolved even by aqua regia, although this acid dissolves it in the ores of platinum, because it is alloyed with other metals. If platinum be alloyed with 30 per cent, of rhodium, however, it is not aifected by aqua regia, which will probably render the alloy useful for chemical vessels. Rhodium may be brought into solution by fusing it with bisulphate of potash, when sulphurous acid escapes, and a double sulphate of rhodium and potash is formed, which gives a pink solution with water. Finely divided rhodium is oxidised when heated in air. It appears to form two oxides, the protoxide (RoO), which is very little known, and the sesquioxide (Ro 2 3 ), obtained by fusing rhodium with carbonate of potash and nitre, and washing the fused mass with water, which leaves an insoluble compound of the sesquioxide with potash ; on treating this with hydrochloric acid, the sesquioxide of rhodium is left. It is not decomposed by heat, and is insoluble in acids, though it is a basic oxide, and its salts, which have a red colour, are obtained by indirect methods. Sesquichloride of rhodium (Ro 2 Cl 3 ) has a brownish black colour, and does not crystallise. Its aqueous solution is red, and it forms crystallisable double salts with the alkaline chlorides, which have a fine red colour. The double chloride of rhodium and sodium, (3NaCl . Ro 2 Cl 3 ) .18Aq., is prepared by heating a mixture of pulveru- lent rhodium and chloride of sodium in a current of chlorine. It crystallises in red octahedra. On boiling a solution of sesquichloride of rhodium with ammonia in excess, a yellow ammoniated salt (Ro 2 Cl 3 . 5NH 3 ) may be crystallised out, from which metallic rhodium may be obtained by ignition. With sulphur, rhodium combines energetically at a high temperature ; a proto- sulphide and a sesquisulphide have been obtained. 302. OSMIUM is characterised by its yielding a very volatile acid oxide (osmic acid, Os0 4 ), the vapours of which have a very irritating odour (6ffft*i, odour). It occurs in the ores of platinum in flat scales, consisting of an alloy of osmium, iridium, ruthenium, and rhodium. This alloy is also found associated with native gold, and being very heavy, it accumulates at the bottom of the crucible in which the gold is melted. The osmium alloy is extremely hard, and has been used to tip the points of gold pens. When a grain of it happens to be present in the gold which is being coined, it often seriously injures the die. When the platinum ore * Palladium, at a slightly elevated temperature, absorbs, mechanically, many times its volume of hydrogen. Hammered palladium foil condenses 640 times its volume of hydrogen, below 212 F., though it has not the power of absorbing oxygen or nitrogen. Foil made from fused palladium only absorbs 68 times its volume of hydrogen. (Graham, Proc. Roy. Soc., June 1866). RUTHENIUM IRIDIUM. 401 is treated with aqua regia, this alloy is left undissolved, together with grains of chrome-iron ore and titanic iron. To extract the osmium from this residue, it is heated in a porcelain tube through which a current of dry air is passed, when the osmium is converted into osmic acid, the vapour of which is carried forward by the current of air and condensed in bottles provided to receive it. The osmic acid forms colourless prismatic crystals which fuse and volatilise below the boiling-point of water, yielding a most irritating vapour resembling chlorine. It is very soluble in water, giving a solution which exhales the odour of the acid and stains the skin black ; tincture of galls gives a blue precipitate with the solution. Its acid pro- perties are feeble, for it neither reddens litmus nor decomposes the carbonates, and its-salts are decomposed by boiling their solutions. By adding hydrosulphuric acid to a solution of osmic acid, the tetrasulphide of osmium (OsS 4 ) is obtained as a black precipitate, and if this be carefully dried and heated in a crucible made of gas-carbon, metallic osmium is obtained as a brittle mass (sp. gr. 21-4;, which is not fused even by the oxyhydrogen blowpipe, and is not soluble in acids. When obtained by other processes in a finely divided state, osmium oxidises even at the ordinary temperature, and emits the odour of osmic acid. In this state, also, it may be dissolved by nitric acid, which converts it into.osmic acid. By dissolving osmic acid in potash and adding alcohol, the latter is oxidised at the expense of the osmic acid, and rose-coloured octahedral crystals of osmite of potash (KO . Os0 3 , 2Aq.) are obtained; the osmious acid has not been isolated. A protoxide and a binoxide of osmium have been obtained. Osmium appears to form four chlorides protochloride (OsCl), sesquichloride (Os 2 Cl 3 ), bichloride (OsCl 2 ), and terchloride (OsCl 3 ). The protochloride and bichloride are formed by the direct combination of chlorine with osmium ; the former sublimes in green needles, which yield a blue solution in water, soon absorbing oxygen from the air and becoming converted into bichloride. By heating a mixture of pulverulent osmium with chloride of potassium in a current of chlorine, a double chloride of osmium and potassium (KC1, OsCl 2 ), is obtained which is sparingly soluble, and crystallises in octahedra like the corresponding salt of platinum. When decom- posed with nitrate of silver, it gives a dark green precipitate (AgCL, OsCl 2 ). 303. RUTHENIUM.* In the process for extracting osmium from the residue left on treating the platinum ore with aqua regia, by heating in a current of air, square prismatic crystals of binoxide of ruthenium (Ku0 2 ) are deposited, nearer to the heated portion of the tube than the osmic acid, for the binoxide is not itself volatile, being only carried forward mechanically in company with the osmic acid. When binoxide of ruthenium is heated in hydrogen, metallic ruthenium is obtained as a hard, brittle, almost infusible metal, which is scarcely affected even by aqua regia. The pro- toxide of ruthenium (RuO) is a dark grey powder insoluble in acids. The sesquioxide (Ru 2 3 ) and the binoxide (Ru0 2 ) have feebly basic properties. The sesquioxide is not decomposed by heat. The anhydrous binoxide is a greenish blue powder. Ruthenic acid (Ru0 3 ) is known only in combination with bases. 304. IRIDIUM, named from Iris, the rainbow, in allusion to the varied colours of its compounds, has been mentioned above as occurring in the insoluble alloy from the platinum ores. It is also sometimes found separately, and occasionally alloyed with platinum, the alloy crystallising in octahedra, which are even heavier than platinum (sp. gr. 22-3). If the insoluble osmiridium alloy left by aqua regia be mixed with common salt and heated in a current of chlorine, a mixture of the sodio-chlqjides of the metals is obtained, and may be extracted by boiling water. If the solution be evaporated and distilled with nitric acid, the osmium is distilled off as osmic acid, and by adding chloride of ammonium to the residual solution, the iridium is pre- cipitated as a dark red-brown ammonio-chloride (NH 3 , HC1, IrCl 2 ) which leaves metallic iridium when heated. Like platinum, it then forms a grey spongy mass, but is oxidised when heated in air, and may be fused with the oxyhydrogen blowpipe to a hard brittle mass (sp. gr. 21-2), which does not oxidise in air. Like rhodium it is not attacked by aqua regia, unless alloyed with platinum. The pro- duct of the oxidation of finely divided iridium in air is the sesquioxide (Ir 2 3 ), which is a black powder used for imparting an intense black to porcelain ; it is insoluble in acids. The protoxide (IrO) is also more easily acted upon by alkalies than by acids ; its solution in potash becomes blue when exposed to air, from the formation * A new mineral found in Borneo, and named laurite, contains sulphides of ruthenium and osmium. It forms small lustrous granules. 2 c 402 OCCURRENCE OF GOLD IN NATURE. of the binoxide (IrO^). The teroxide (Ir0 3 ) is green. The protochloride (IrCl) and bichloride (IrCl 2 )of iridium resemble the corresponding chlorides of platinum in forming double salts with the alkaline chlorides. There is also a sesquichloride (Ir 2 Cl 3 ), the solution of which has a green colour, and gives a yellow precipitate with mercurous nitrate, and a blue precipitate, soon becoming white, with nitrate of silver. Iridium resembles palladium in its disposition to combine with carbon when heated in the flame of a spirit-lamp. 305. The following table exibits a general view of the analytical process by which the remarkable metals associated in the ores of platinum may be separated from each other, omitting the minor details which are requisite to ensure the purity of each metal. Analysis of the Ore of Platinum. Boil with aqua regia. Dissolved. PLATINUM, PALLADIUM, RHODIUM. Add chloride of ammonium. Undissolved. IRIDIUM, OSMIUM, RUTHENIUM. Chrome iron, Titanic iron, &c. Heat in current of dry air. Precipitated ; PLATINUM asNH 4 CL,PtCl 2 Solution ; Neutralise with carbonate of soda; add cyanide of mercury. Volatilised OSMIUM as Os0 4 . Carried forward by the current ; RUTHENIUM as Ru0 2 . Residue ; Mix with chloride of sodium, and heat in current of chlorine. Treat with boiling water. Precipitated ; PALLADIUM as PdCy. Solution ; Evaporate with hydrochloric acid. Treat with alcohol. Insoluble. RHODIUM as3NaCl.Ro 2 Cl 3 . Dissolved IRIDIUM as NaCl.IrCl 2 Residue. Titanic iron, Chrome iron, &c. The group of platinoid metals exhibits some very remarkable features, and it is to be regretted that it is comparatively imperfectly known in consequence of the diffi- culty and expense attendant upon the purification of the metals. Its members may be arranged in two divisions, the metals in each agreeing closely in their equivalent weights and specific gravities. Platinum, Osmium, , Iridium, Eq. 98-56 99-41 98-56 Sp. gr. 21-5 21-4 21-2 Palladium, Khodium, Ruthenium, Eq. 63-24 52-16 52-11 Sp. gr. 11-4 12-1 11-4 Through osmium, this group of elements is connected with the group containing antimony, arsenic, and phosphorus, which osmium resembles in the facility with which it is oxidised, and in the volatility of the oxide formed. Palladium connects it with mercury and silver by its solubility in nitric acid, and its special attraction for cyanogen and iodine. GOLD. 306. Gold is one of those few metals which are always found in the metallic state, and is remarkable for the extent to which it is distributed, though in small quantities, over the surface of the earth. The principal supplies of this metal are derived from Australia, California, Mexico, Brazil, Peru, and the Uralian Mountains. Small quantities have been occasionally met with in our own islands, particularly at Wicklow, at Cader Idris in Wales, Leadhills in Scotland, and in Cornwall. The mode of the occurrence of gold in the mineral kingdom resembles that of the ore of tin, for it is either found disseminated in the primitive rocks, or in alluvial deposits of sand, which appear to have been formed by the disintegration of those rocks under the continued action of torrents. In the former case, the gold is often found crystallised in cubes and octa- hedra, or in forms derived from these, and sometimes aggregated together SMELTING OF GOLD OKES. 403 in dendritic or branch-like forms. In the alluvial deposits, the gold is usually found in small scales (gold dust), but sometimes in masses of con- siderable size (nuggets), the rounded appearance of which indicates that they have been subjected to attrition. The extraction of the particles of gold from the alluvial sands is effected by taking advantage of the high specific gravity of the metal (19 '3), which causes it to remain behind, whilst the sand, which is very much lighter (sp. gr. 2 '6), is carried away by water. This washing is commonly performed by hand, in wooden or metal bowls, in which the sand is shaken up with water, and the lighter portions dexterously poured off, so as to leave the grains of gold at the bottom of the vessel. On a somewhat larger scale, the auriferous sand is washed in a cradle or inclined wooden trough, furnished with rockers, and with an opening at the lower end for the escape of the water. The sand is thrown on to a grating at the head of the cradle, which retains the large pebbles, whilst the sand and gold pass through, the former being washed away by a stream of water which is kept flowing through the trough. When the gold is disseminated through masses of quartz or other rock, much labour is expended in crushing the latter before the gold can be separated. This is effected either by passing the coarse fragments between heavy rollers of hard cast-iron, or by stamping them, with wooden beams shod with iron, in troughs through which water is kept continually flowing. In some cases it is found advantageous to smelt the ore by fusing it with some substance capable of uniting with the gold, and of being after- wards readily separated from it. Lead is peculiarly adapted for this pur- pose ; the crushed ore, being mixed with a suitable proportion, either of metallic lead, or of litharge (oxide of lead) and charcoal, or even of galena (sulphide of lead), together with some lime and oxide of iron or clay, to flux the silica, is fused on the hearth of a reverberatory furnace, when the fused lead dissolves the particles of gold, and collects beneath the lighter slag. The lead is afterwards separated from the gold by cupellation (see p. 353). In smelting the ores of gold in Hungary, the metal is concentrated by means of sulphide of iron. The ore consists of quartz and iron pyrites (bisulphide of iron) containing a little gold. On fusing the crushed ore with lime, to flux the quartz, the pyrites loses half its sulphur, and becomes sulphide of iron (FeS), which fuses and sinks below the slag, carrying with it the whole of the gold. If this product be roasted so as to convert the iron into oxide, and be then again fused with a fresh portion of the ore, the oxide of iron will flux the quartz, whilst the fresh portion o sul- phide of iron will carry down the whole of the gold contained in both quantities of ore. This operation having been repeated until the sulphide of iron is rich in gold, it is fused with a certain quantity of lead, which extracts the gold and falls to the bottom. The lead is then cupelled in order to obtain the gold. When the ores of lead, silver, or copper contain gold, it is always found to have accompanied the silver extracted from them, and is separated from it by a process to be presently noticed. Gold is sometimes separated from the impurities remaining with it after extraction by washing, by the process of amalgamation, which consists in shaking the mixture with mercury in order to dissolve the gold-dust, and straining the liquid amalgam through a chamois leather, which allows the '2c2 404 REFINING GOLD, excess of mercury to pass through, but retains the solid portion containing the gold, from which the mercury is then separated by distillation.* In the Tyrol, this process is adopted for separating the gold from an auriferous iron pyrites by grinding it in a mill of peculiar construction, with water and a little mercury, the latter being allowed to act upon suc- cessive portions of ore until it becomes sufficiently rich to be strained and distilled. Gold, as found in nature, is generally alloyed with variable proportions of silver and copper, the separation of which is the object of the gold refiner. It may be effected by means of nitric acid, which will dissolve the silver and copper, provided that they do not bear too small a propor- tion to the gold. Sulphuric acid, however, being very much cheaper, is generally employed. The alloy is fused and poured into water, so as to granulate it and expose a larger surface to the action of the acid ; it is then boiled with concentrated sulphuric acid (oil of vitriol), which dis- solves the silver and the copper in the form of sulphates, with evolution of sulphurous acid gas, whilst the gold is left untouched. In order to recover the silver from the solution, scraps of copper are introduced into it, when that metal decomposes the sulphate of silver, producing sulphate of copper, and causing the deposition of the silver in the metallic state. Finally, the sulphate of copper may be obtained from the solution by evaporation and crystallisation. This process is so effectual when the proportion of gold in an alloy is very small, that even ^V^ n P ar ^ f ^is metal may be profitably extracted from 100 parts of an alloy, and much gold has been obtained in this way from old silver-plate, coins, &c., which were manufactured before so perfect a process for the separation of these metals was known. On boiling old silver coins or ornaments with nitric acid, they are generally found to yield a minute proportion of gold in the form of a purple powder. But this plan of separation is not so successful when the alloy contains a very large quantity of gold, for the latter metal seems to protect the copper and silver from the solvent action of the acid. Thus, if the alloy contains more than th of its weight of gold, it is customary to fuse it with a quantity of silver, so as to reduce the propor- tion of gold below that point, before boiling it with the acid. Again, if the alloy contains a large quantity of copper, it is found expedient to remove a great deal of this metal in the form of oxide by heating the alloy in a current of air. Pure gold, like pure silver, is too soft to resist the wear to which it is subjected in its ordinary uses, and it is therefore alloyed for coinage in this country with T J T th of its weight of copper, so that gold coin contains 1 part of copper and 11 parts of gold. The gold used for articles of jewellery is alloyed with variable proportions of copper and silver. The alloy of copper and gold is much redder than pure gold. The degree of purity of gold is generally expressed by quoting it as of so many carats fine. Thus, pure gold is said to be 24 carats fine ; English standard gold is 22 carats fine, that is, contains 22 carats of gold out of the 24. Gold of 18 carats fine would contain 18 parts of gold out of the 24, or f-ths of its weight of gold. Pure gold is easily prepared from standard or jeweller's gold, by dissolving it in hydrochloric acid mixed with one-fourth of its volume of nitric acid, evaporating the solution to a small bulk to expel excess of acid, diluting with a considerable * A small quantity of sodium dissolved in the mercury lias been found very materially to facilitate the amalgamation of gold and silver ores. PROPERTIES OF GOLD. 405 quantity of water, filtering from the separated chloride of silver, and adding a solu- tion of sulphate of iron, when the gold is precipitated as a dark purple powder, which may be collected on a filter, well washed, dried, and fused in a small crucible with a little borax, the crucible having been previously glazed with borax to prevent adhesion of the globules of gold. The action of the sulphate of iron upon the ter- chloride of gold is explained by the equation AuCl 3 + 6(FeO . S0 3 ) = Au + Fe 2 01 3 + 2(Fe 2 3 . 3S0 3 ) . By employing oxalic acid instead of sulphate of iron, and heating the solution, the gold is precipitated in a spongy state, and becomes a coherent lustrous mass under pressure. The metal is employed in this form by dentists. When standard gold is being dissolved in aqua regia, it sometimes becomes coated with a film of chloride of silver which stops the action of the acid ; the liquid must then be poured off, the metal washed, and treated with ammonia, which dissolves the chloride of silver ; the ammonia must be washed away before the metal is re- placed in the acid. In the case of jeweller's gold, it is advisable to extract as much silver and copper as possible by boiling it with nitric acid, before attempting to dis- solve the gold. Gold lace should be incinerated to get rid of the cotton before being treated with acid. The genuineness of gold trinkets, &c., is generally tested by touching them with nitric acid, which attacks them if they contain a very considerable proportion of copper, producing a green stain, but this test is evidently useless if the surface be gilt. The weight is, of course, a good criterion in practised hands, but even these have been deceived by bars of platinum covered with gold. The specific gravity may be taken in doubtful cases ; that of sovereign gold is 17-157. In assaying gold, the metal is wrapped in a piece of thin paper together with about three times its weight of pure silver, and added to twelve times its weight of pure lead fused in a bone-ash cupel (see page 355) placed in a muffle (or exposed to a strong oxidising blowpipe flame), when the lead and copper are oxidised, and the fused oxide of lead dissolves that of copper, both being absorbed by the cupel. When the metallic button no longer diminishes in size, it is allowed to cool, ham- mered into a flat disk, which is annealed by being heated to redness, and rolled out to a thin plate, so that it may be rolled up by the thumb and finger into a cornet, which is boiled with nitric acid (sp. gr. 1-18) to extract the silver; the remaining gold is washed with distilled water, and boiled with nitric acid of sp. gr. 1-28 to extract the last traces of silver, after which it is again washed, heated to redness in a small crucible, and weighed.- The stronger nitric acid could not be used at first, since it would be likely to break the cornet into fragments which could not be so readily washed without loss. The addition of the three parts of silver (quartatiori) is made in order to divide the alloy, and permit the easy extraction of the silver by nitric acid, which cannot be effected when the gold predominates. 307. The physical characters of gold render it very conspicuous among the metals ; it is the heaviest of the metals in common use, with the exception of platinum, its specific gravity being 19 '3. In malleability and ductility it surpasses all other metals ; the former property is turned to advantage for the manufacture of gold leaf, for which purpose a bar of gold is passed between rollers which extend it into the form of a riband ; this is cut up into squares, which are packed between layers of fine vellum, and"beaten with a heavy hammer ; these thinner squares are then again cut up and beaten between layers of 'gold-beater's skin until they are sufficiently thin. An ounce of gold may thus be spread over 100 square feet; 282,000 of such leaves placed upon each other form a pile of only one inch high. These leaves will allow light to pass through them, and always appear green or blue when held up to the light, though they exhibit the ordinary colour of gold by reflected light ; extremely thin leaves of gold, obtained by partially dissolving ordinary gold leaf by floating it on solution of cyanide of potassium, transmit a violet or a red light, according to their thickness, though they still appear yellow by reflected light, and if taken up on a glass plate and heated to about 600 F. they lose their 406 OXIDES OF GOLD. golden reflection and become ruby red, changing to green if pressed with a hard substance. If very finely divided gold be suspended in water, it imparts a violet or red colour to it. Such coloured fluids containing very minute particles of gold in a state of suspension, may be obtained by the action of phosphorus dissolved in ether upon a very weak solution of gold in aqua regia ; on standing for a long time, the particles of finely divided gold are deposited, having the same tint as that, which they previously exhibited when suspended in the liquid; the blue particles being less minute are soonest deposited, but the red particles require many months to settle down. These divers colours of finely divided gold are taken advantage of in painting upon porcelain, and the well-known magnificent ruby red glass owes its colour to the same cause. T -foj-th of a grain of gold is capable of imparting a deep rose colour to a cubic inch of fluid. The extreme ductility of gold is exemplified in the manufacture of gold thread for embroidery, in which a cylinder of silver having been covered with gold leaf, it is drawn through a wire-drawing plate and reduced to the thinness of a hair ; in this way six ounces of gold are drawn into a cylinder two hundred miles in length. Although fusing at about the same temperature as copper, gold is seldom cast, on account of its great contraction during solidification. Gold is not even affected to the same extent as silver by exposure to the atmosphere, for sulphuretted hydrogen has no action upon it, and hence no metal is so well adapted for coating surfaces which are required to preserve their lustre. The gold is sometimes applied to the surfaces of metals in the form of an amalgam, the mercury being afterwards driven off by heat. Metals may also be gilt by means of a boiling solution prepared by dissolving gold in aqua regia, and adding an excess of bicarbonate of potash or of soda. But the most elegant process of gilding is that of electro-gilding, in which the object to be gilt is connected with the negative (zinc) end of the galvanic battery, and immersed in a solution of cyanide of gold in cyanide of potassium, in which is also placed a gold plate connected with the positive (copper) end of the battery, and intended, by gradually dis- solving, to replace the gold abstracted from the solution at the negative pole. A gold crucible is very useful in the laboratory for effecting the fusion of substances with caustic alkalies, which would corrode a platinum crucible. 308. Oxides of gold. Two compounds of gold with oxygen have been obtained, AuO and Au0 3 , but neither of them is of any great practical importance. Teroxide of gold or auric add (Au0 3 ) is prepared from the solution of gold in aqua regia, by boiling it with excess of potash, decomposing the aurate of potash with sulphuric acid, and purifying the auric acid by dissolving it in nitric acid and precipitating by water. It forms a yellow precipitate, which is easily decomposed by exposure to light or to a tem- perature of 500 F. By dissolving it in potash and evaporating in vacuo, the aurate of potash is obtained in yellow needles (KO.Au0 3 , 6Aq.) Protoxide of gold (AuO) forms a dark precipitate when protochloride of gold is decomposed by potash. The chlorides of gold correspond in composition to the oxides. The terchloride of gold ( AuCl 3 ) is obtained by dissolving gold in hydrochloric PURPLE PRECIPITATE OF CASSIUS. 407 acid with one-fourth of its volume of nitric acid, and evaporating on a water-bath to a small bulk ; on cooling, yellow prismatic crystals of a compound of the terchloride with hydrochloric acid are deposited, from which the hydrochloric acid may be expelled by a gentle heat (not exceeding 250 F.), when the terchloride forms a red brown deliquescent mass, dissolving very readily in water, giving a bright yellow solution which stains the skin and other organic matter purple when exposed to light, depositing finely divided gold. Almost every substance capable of combining with oxygen reduces the gold to the metallic state. The inside of a perfectly clean flask or tube may be covered with a film of metallic gold by a dilute solution of the terchloride mixed with citric acid and ammonia, and gently heated. The facility with which it deposits metallic gold, and the resistance of the deposited metal to atmospheric action, has rendered terchloride of gold very useful in photography. Alcohol and ether readily dissolve the terchloride, the latter being able to extract it from its aqueous solution. Terchloride of gold (like bichloride of platinum) forms crystallisable compounds with the alkaline chlorides and with the hydrochlorates of organic bases, and affords great help to the chemist in defining these last. Aurochloride of sodium forms reddish yellow pris- matic crystals (Nad. AuCl 3 , 4Aq.) which are sometimes sold for photo- graphic purposes. ProtoMoride of gold (AuCl) is obtained by gently heating the terchlo- ride, when it fuses and is decomposed at 350 F., leaving the protochloride, which is reduced to metallic gold at about 400 F. The protochloride is sparingly soluble in water and of a pale-yellow colour. Boiling water decomposes it into metallic gold and terchloride. Fulminating gold is obtained as a buff precipitate when ammonia is added to solution of terchloride of gold; its composition is not well estab- lished , but appears to be Au0 3 . 2KE 3 . HO. It explodes violently when gently heated. The Sel d'or of the photographer is a hyposulphite of gold and soda (AuO . S 2 0. 2 , 3(NaO . S 2 2 ), 4Aq.), which is obtained in fine white needles by pouring a solution of one part of terchloride of gold into a solution of three parts of hyposulphite of soda, and adding alcohol, in which the double salt is insoluble. Its formation may be explained by the equation 8(NaO . S 2 2 ) + AuCl 3 - AuO . S 2 2 , 3(NaO . S/) 2 ) + SNaCl + 2(NaO . S 4 5 ). It is doubtful whether the above formula represents the true constitution of this salt, for it is not decomposed by acids in the same manner as ordi- nary hyposulphites. Nitric acid causes the whole of the gold to separate in the metallic state. Purple of Cas&ius, which is employed for imparting a rich red colour to glass and porcelain,- is a compound of gold, tin, and oxygen, which are be- lieved to be grouped according to the formula AuO. Sn0 2 , SnO. Sn0 2 + 4Aq. It may be prepared by adding protochloride of tin to a mixture of bi- chloride of tin and terchloride of gold ; 7 parts of gold are dissolved in aqua regia and mixed with 2 parts of tin also dissolved in aqua regia ; this solution is largely diluted with water, and a weak solution of 1 part of tin in hydrochloric acid is added, drop by drop, till a fine purple colour is produced. The purple of Cassius remains suspended in water in a very fine state of division, but subsides gradually, especially if some saline solution be added, as a purple powder. The fresh precipitate dissolves in 408 EQUIVALENT AND ATOM OF GOLD. ammonia, but the purple solution is decomposed by exposure to light, becoming blue, and finally colourless, metallic gold being precipitated, and binoxide of tin left in solution. The sulphides of gold are not thoro uglily known. When hydrosul- phuric acid acts on solution of terchloride of gold, a black precipitate of AuS, AuS 3 is obtained, which dissolves in alkaline sulphides. The salt NaS, AuS, 8Aq. has been obtained, in colourless prisms soluble in alcohol. The precipitated sulphide of gold is not dissolved by the acids, with the exception of aqua regia. Nitric acid oxidises the sulphur, leaving metallic gold. When hydrosulphuric acid is added to a boiling solution of ter- chloride of gold, the metal itself is precipitated 4AuCl 3 + 3HS + 12HO - Au 4 + 12HC1 + 3(HO . S0 3 ). 309. Equivalent and atomic weights of gold. Terchloride of gold, analysed in its crystalline compound with chloride of 'potassium, was found to contain 35 - 5 parts by weight (1 eq.) of chlorine in combination with 65 '53 parts of gold. The existence of a chloride containing three times as much gold in combination with the above weight of chlorine leads to the belief that the equivalent of gold should be represented by 65 -53 x 3, or 196 '6. The specific heat of gold shows that its atomic weight is also 196 '6, so that the atomic formula? of its chief compounds are protoxide, Au 2 O ; auric acid, Au 2 O 3 ; aurous chloride, AuCl ; auric chloride, AuCl 3 . Gold is usually considered a triatomic element, occupying the place of three atoms of hydrogen. 409 ON SOME OF THE USEFUL APPLICATIONS OF CHEMICAL PBINCIPLES NOT HITHEKTO MENTIONED, CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF THE MANUFACTURE OF GLASS. 310. Glass is defined chemically to be a mixture of two or more silicates, one of which is a silicate of an alkali, the other being a silicate of lime, baryta, oxide of iron, oxide of lead, or oxide of zinc. If silicic acid be fused with an equal weight of carbonate of potash or soda, a transparent glassy mass is obtained, but this is slowly dissolved by water, and would therefore be incapable of resisting the action of the weather ; if a small proportion of lime or baryta, or of the oxides of iron, lead, or zinc, be added, the glass becomes far less easily affected by atmo- spheric influences. The most valuable property of glass, after its transparency and per- manence, is that of assuming a viscid or plastic consistency when fused, which allows it to be so easily fashioned into the various shapes required for use or ornament. The composition of glass is varied according to the particular purpose for which it is intended, the materials selected being fused in large clay crucibles placed in reverberatory furnaces, and heated by a coal-fire or in a gas-furnace. Ordinary window glass is essentially composed of silicate of soda and silicate of lime, containing one equivalent (13*3 per cent.) of soda, one equivalent (12'9 per cent.) of lime, and five equivalents (69*1 per cent.) of silicic acid ; it also usually contains a little alumina. This variety, of glass is manufactured by fusing 100 parts of sand with about 35 parts of chalk and 35 parts of soda-ash : a considerable quantity of broken window glass is always fused up at the same time. Of course, the carbonic acid of the chalk and of the carbonate of soda is expelled in the gaseous state, and in order that this may not cause the contents of the crucible to froth over during the fusion, the materials are first fritted together, as it is termed, at a temperature insufficient to liquefy them, when the carbonic acid is evolved gradually, and the fusion afterwards takes place without effervescence. Occasionally sulphate of soda is employed instead of the carbonate, when it is usual to add a small proportion of charcoal, in order to reduce the sulphuric to the state of sulphurous acid, which is far more easily 410 FLINT GLASS COLOURED GLASS. expelled. Before the glass is worked into sheets, it is allowed to remain at rest for some time in the fused state, so that the air-bubbles may escape, and the glass-gall or scum (consisting chiefly of sulphate of soda and chloride of sodium), which rises to the surface, is removed. Plate glass is also chiefly a silicate of soda and lime, but it contains, in addition, a considerable quantity of silicate of potash (74 per cent, of silicic acid, 12 of soda, 5*5 of potash, and 5*5 of lime). The purest white sand is selected, and great care is taken to exclude impurities. Crown glass, used for optical purposes, contains no soda, since that alkali has the property of imparting a greenish tint to glass, which is not the case with potash. This variety of glass, therefore, is prepared by fus- ing sand with carbonate of potash and chalk in such proportions that the glass may contain one equivalent (22 per cent.) of potash, one equiva- lent (12 '5 per cent.) of lime, and four equivalents (62 per cent.) of silicic acid. The glass 01 which wine bottles are made is of a much cheaper and com- moner description, consisting chiefly of silicate of lime, but containing, in addition, small quantities of the silicates of the alkalies, of alumina, and of oxide of iron, to the last of which it owes its dark colour. It is made of the coarsest materials, such as common red sand (containing iron and alumina), soap-makers' waste (containing lime and small quantities of alkali), refuse lime from the gas-works, clay, and a very small proportion of rock-salt. Flint glass, which is used for table glass and for ornamental purposes, is a double silicate of potash and oxide of lead, containing one equivalent (13 '67 per cent.) of potash, one equivalent (33*28 per cent.) of oxide of lead, and six equivalents (51*93 per cent.) of silicic acid. It is prepared by fusing 300 parts of the purest white sand with 200 parts of minium (red oxide of lead), 100 parts of refined pearl-ash, and 30 parts of nitre. The fusion is effected in crucibles covered in at the top to prevent the access of the flame, which would reduce a portion of the lead to the metallic state. The nitre is added in order to oxidise any accidental impurities which might reduce the lead. The presence of the oxide of lead in glass very much increases its fusibility, and renders it much softer, so that it may be more easily cut into ornamental forms ; it also greatly increases its lustre and beauty. Baryta has also the effect of increasing the fusibilty of glass, and oxide of zinc, like oxide of lead, increases its brilliancy and refracting power, on which account it is employed in some kinds of glass for optical purposes. Glass of this description is also made by substituting boracic acid for a portion of the silicic acid. Some varieties of glass, if heated nearly to their melting point, and allowed to cool slowly, become converted into an opaque very hard mass resembling porcelain (Reaumur's porcelain). This change, which is known as devitrification, is due to the crystallisation of the silicates contained in the mass, and by again fusing it the glass may be restored to its original transparent condition. In producing coloured glass, advantage is taken of its property of dis- solving many metallic oxides with production of peculiar colours. It has been mentioned above that bottle glass owes its green colour to the pre- sence of oxide of iron ; and since this oxide is generally found in small quantity in sand, and even in chalk, it occasionally happens that a glass which is required to be perfectly colourless turns out to have a slight green tinge. In order to remove this, a small quantity of some oxidising agent POTTERY AND PORCELAIN. 411 is usually added, in order to convert the oxide of iron into the sesquioxide, which does not impart any colour when present in minute proportion. A little nitre is sometimes added for this purpose, or some arsenious acid, which yields its oxygen to the oxide of iron, and escapes in the form of vapour of arsenic ; red oxide of lead (Pb 3 4 ) may also be employed, and is reduced to oxide of lead (PbO), which remains in the glass. Bin- oxide of manganese is often added as an oxidising agent, being reduced to the state of oxide of manganese (MnO), which does not colour the glass ; but care is then taken not to add too much of the binoxide, for a very minute quantity of this substance imparts a beautiful amethyst purple colour to glass. Suboxide of copper is used to produce a red glass, and the finest ruby glass is obtained (as already mentioned at p. 406) by the addition of a little gold. The oxides of antimony impart a yellow colour to glass ; a peculiar brown-yellow shade is given by charcoal in a fine state of division, and sesquioxide of uranium produces a fine greenish-yellow glass. Green glass is coloured either by oxide of copper or sesquioxide of chromium, whilst oxide of cobalt gives a magnificent blue colour. For black glass, a mixture of the oxides of cobalt and manganese is employed. The white enamel glass is a flint glass, containing about 10 per cent, of binoxide of tin. Bone ash is also used to impart this appearance to glass. CHEMISTEY OF THE MANUFACTURE OF POTTEEY AND POKCELAIN. 311. The manufacture of pottery obviously belongs to an earlier period of civilisation than that of glass, since the raw material, clay, would at once suggest, by its plastic properties, the possibility of working it into useful vessels, and the application of heat would naturally be had recourse to in order to dry and harden it. Indeed, at the first glance, it would appear that this manufacture, unlike that of glass, did not involve the application of chemical principles, but consisted simply in fashioning the clay by mere mechanical dexterity into the required form. It is found, however, at the outset, that the name of clay is applied to a large class of minerals, differing very considerably in composition, and possessing in common the two characteristic features of plasticity and a predominance of silicate of alumina. It has already been stated (p. 286) that kaolin is a hydrated silicate of alumina, and it is from this material that the best variety of porcelain is made. This clay is eminently plastic, and can therefore be readily moulded, but when baked, it shrinks very much, so that the vessels made from it lose their shape and often crack in the kiln. In order to prevent this, the clay is mixed with a certain proportion of sand, chalk, bone-ash, or heaVy-spar ; but another difficulty is thus introduced, for these sub- stances diminish the tenacity of the clay, and would thus render the vessels brittle, A further addition must therefore be made, of some sub- stance which fuses at the temperature employed in baking the ware, and thus serves as a cement to bind the unfused particles of clay, &c., into a compact mass. Feldspar (silicate of alumina and potash) answers this purpose ; or carbonate of potash or of soda is sometimes added, to convert a portion of the silica into a fusible alkaline silicate. With a mixture of clay with sand and feldspar (or some substitutes), a vessel may be moulded which will preserve its shape and tenacity when baked, but it will be 412 ENGLISH PORCELAIN STONE- WAKE. easily pervious to water, and thus quite unfit for ordinary use. It has, there- fore, to be water-proofed by the application of some easily fusible material, which shall either form a glaze over the surface, or shall become incor- porated with the body of the ware, and the vessel is then fit for all its uses. Handles and ornaments in relief are moulded separately, and fixed on the ware before baking, and coloured designs are transferred from paper to the porous ware before glazing. The manufacture of Scores porcelain is one of the most perfect examples of this art. The purest materials are selected in the following propor- tions : Kaolin (porcelain clay), 62 parts ; chalk, 4 parts ; sand, 17 parts ; feldspar, 17 parts. These materials are ground up with water before being mixed, and the coarser particles allowed to subside; the creamy fluids containing the finer particles in suspension are then mixed in the proper proportions, and allowed to settle ; the paste deposited at the bottom is drained, thoroughly kneaded, and stored away for some months in a damp place, by which its texture is considerably improved, and any organic matter which it contains becomes oxidised and removed; the oxidation being effected partly by the sulphates present, which become reduced to sulphides. It is then moulded into the required forms, and dried by simple exposure to the air. The vessels are packed in cylindrical cases of very refractory clay, which are arranged in a furnace or kiln of peculiar construction, and very gradually but strongly heated by the flame of a wood fire. When sufficiently baked, the biscuit porcelain has to be glazed, and great care is taken that the glaze may possess the same expansibility by heat as the ware itself, for otherwise it would crack in all directions as the glazed ware cooled. The glaze employed at Sevres is a mixture of feldspar and quartz very finely ground, and suspended in water, to which a little vinegar is added to prevent the glaze from subsid- ing too rapidly. When the porous ware is dipped into this mixture, it absorbs the water, and retains a thin coating of the mixture of quartz and feldspar upon its surface. It is now baked a second time, when the glaze fuses, partly penetrating the ware, partly remaining as a varnish upon the surface. When the ware is required to have some uniform colour, a mineral pigment capable of resisting very high temperatures is mixed with the glaze ; but coloured designs are painted upon the ware after glazing, the ware being then baked a third time, in order to fix the colours. These colours are glasses coloured with metallic oxides, and ground up with oil of turpentine, so that they may be painted in the ordinary way upon the surface of the ware ; when the latter is again heated in the kiln, the coloured glass fuses, and thus contracts a firm adhesion with the ware. Gold is applied either in the form of precipitated metallic gold, or of fulminating gold, being ground up in either case with oil of turpentine, burnt in, and burnished. English porcelain is made from Cornish clay mixed with ground flints, burnt bones, and sometimes a little carbonate of soda, borax, and binoxide of tin, the last improving the colour of the ware. It is glazed with a mixture of Cornish stone (consisting of quartz and feldspar), flint, chalk, borax, and sometimes white lead to increase its fusibility. Stone-ware is made from less pure materials, and is covered with a glaze of silicate of soda, in a very simple manner, by a process known as salt- glazing. The ware is coated with a thin film of sand by dipping it in a mixture of fine sand and water, and is then intensely heated in a kiln into BUILDING MATERIALS. 413 which a quantity of damp salt is presently thrown. The joint action of the aqueous vapour and the salt converts the sand into silicate of soda, which fuses into a glass upon the surface of the ware XaCl + HO + Si0 2 - NaO.SiO, + HC1 . Pipkins, and similar earthenware vessels are made of common clay mixed with a certain proportion of marl and of sand. They are glazed with a mixture of 4 or 5 parts of clay, with 6 or 7 parts of litharge. The colour of this ware is due to the presence of peroxide of iron. Bricks and tiles are also made from common clay mixed, if necessary, with sand. These are very often grey, or blue, or yellow, before baking, and become red under the action of heat, since the iron, which is origin- ally present as carbonate (FeO . C0 2 ), becomes converted into the red peroxide (Fe 2 3 ) by the atmospheric oxygen. The impure varieties of clay fuse much more easily than pure clay, so that, for the manufacture of the refractory bricks for lining furnaces, of glass-pots, crucibles for making cast steel, &c., a pure clay is employed, to which a certain quantity of broken pots of the same material is added, to prevent the articles from shrinking whilst being dried. Dinas fire-bricks are made from a peculiar siliceous material found in the Vale of Neath, and containing alumina with about 98 per cent, of silica. The ground rock is mixed with 1 per cent, of lime and a little Water before moulding. These bricks are expanded by heat, whilst or- dinary fire-bricks contract. Blue bricks are glazed by sprinkling with iron scurf, a mixture of par- ticles of stone and iron produced by the wear of the siliceous grindstones employed in grinding gun-barrels, &c. When the bricks are fired, a glaze of silicate of iron is formed upon them. CHEMISTEY OF BUILDING MATERIALS. 312. Chemical principles would lead to the selection of pure silica (quartz, rock-crystal) as the most durable of building materials, since it is not acted on by any of the substances likely to be present in the atmo- sphere ; but even if it could be obtained in sufficiently large masses for the purpose, its great hardness presents an obstacle to its being hewn into the required forms. Of the building stones actually employed granite, basalt, and porphyry are the most lasting, on account of their capability of resisting for a great length of time the action of water and of atmo- spheric carbonic acid ; but their hardness makes them so difficult to work, as to prevent their employment except for the construction of pavements, bridges, &c., where the work is massive and straightforward, and much resistance to wear and tear is required. The millstone grit is also a very durable stone, consisting chiefly of silica, and employed for the foundations of houses. Freestone is a term applied to any stone which is soft enough to be wrought with hammer and chisel, or cut with a saw; it includes the different varieties of sandstone and limestone. The sandstones consist of grains of sand cemented together by clay or limestone. The Yorkshire flags employed for paving are siliceous stones of this description. The Craig- leith sandstone, which is one of the freestones used in London, contains about 98 per cent, of silica, together with some carbonate of lime. The building stones in most general use are the different varieties of carbonate of lime. The durability of these is in proportion to their com- pact structure ; thus marble, being the most compact, has been found to 414 MORTAR CEMENT. resist for many centuries the action of the atmosphere, whilst the more porous limestones are corroded at the surface in a very short time. Port- land stone, of which St Paul's and Somerset House are built, and Bath stone, are among the most durable of these ; but they are all slowly cor- roded by exposure to the atmosphere. The chief cause of this corrosion appears to be the mechanical disintegration caused by the expansion, in freezing, of the water absorbed in the pores of the stone. In order to determine the relative extent to which different stones are liable to be dis- integrated by frost, a test has been devised, which consists in soaking the stone repeatedly in a saturated solution of sulphate of soda and allowing it to dry, when the crystallisation of the salt disintegrates the stone, as freezing water would, so that if the particles detached from the surface be collected and weighed, a numerical expression for the resistance of the material will be obtained. Magnesian limestones (carbonate of lime with carbonate of magnesia) are much valued for ornamental architecture, on account of the ease with which they may be carved, and are said to be more durable in proportion as they approach the composition expressed by the formula CaO . C0 2 , MgO . C0 2 .* The magnesian limestone from Bol- sover Moor, of which the Houses of Parliament are built, contains 50 per cent, of carbonate of lime, 40 of carbonate of magnesia, with some silica and alumina. It is probable that a slow corrosion of the surface of limestone is effected by the carbonic acid continually deposited in aqueous solution from the air ; and it is certain that in the atmosphere of towns the limestone is attacked by the sulphuric acid which results from the combustion of coal and the operations of chemical works. The Houses of Parliament have suffered severely, probably from this cause. Many processes have been recommended for the preservation of building stones, such as waterproofing them by the application of oily and resinous substances, and coating or impregnating them with solution of soluble glass and similar matters; but none seems yet to have been thoroughly tested by practical experience. Purbeck, Ancaster, and Caen stones are well-known limestones employed for building. 313. The mortar employed for building is composed of 1 part of freshly slaked lime and 2 or 3 parts of sand intimately mixed with enough water to form an uniform paste. The hardening of such a composition appears to be due, in the first instance, to the absorption of carbonic acid from the air, by which a portion of the lime is converted into carbonate, and this, uniting with the unaltered hydrate of lime, forms a solid layer adhering closely to the two surfaces of brick or stone, which it cements together. In the course of time, the lime would act upon the silica, pro- ducing silicate of lime, and this chemical action would render the adhesion more perfect. The chief use of the sand here, as in the manufacture of pottery (p. 411), is to prevent excessive shrinking during the drying of the mortar. In constructions which are exposed to the action of water, mortars of peculiar composition are employed. These hydraulic mortars or cements, as they are termed, are prepared by calcining mixtures of carbonate of lime with from 10 to 30 per cent, of clay, when the carbonic acid is expelled, and the lime combines with a portion of the silicic acid from the * Any excess of carbonate of lime above that required by this formula may be dissolved out by treating the powdered magnesian limestone with weak acetic acid. NITRE OR SALTPETRE. 415 clay, producing a silicate of lime, and probably also, with the alumina, to form aluminate of lime. When the calcined mass is ground to powder and mixed with water, the silicates of alumina and lime, and the aluminate of lime, unite to form hydrated double silicates and aluminates, upon which, water has no action. Roman cement is prepared by calcining a limestone containing about 20 per cent, of clay, and hardens in a very short time after mixing with water. For Portland cement (so called from its resembling Portland stone) a mixture of river-mud (chiefly clay) and limestone is calcined at a very high temperature. Concrete is a mixture of hydraulic cement with small gravel. A speci- men of this material from a very ancient Phoenician temple was as hard as a rock, and contained nearly 30 per cent, of pebbles. Scott's cement is prepared by passing air containing a small quantity of sulphurous acid, evolved from burning sulphur, over quick-lime heated to dull redness. The setting of this cement appears due to the presence of a small proportion of sulphate of lime very intimately mixed with the quick-lime. GUNPOWDER 314. Gunpowder is a very intimate mixture of saltpetre (nitre or nitrate of potash), sulphur, and charcoal, which do not act upon each other at the ordinary temperature, but when heated together arrange themselves into new forms, evolving a very large amount of gas. In order to manufacture gunpowder capable of producing the greatest possible eifect, great attention is requisite to the purity of the ingredients, the process of mixing, and the form ultimately given to the finished powder. CHEMISTRY OF THE INGREDIENTS OF GUNPOWDER SALTPETRE. Nitrate of potash (KO . N0 5 ), nitre or saltpetre, is found in some parts of India, especially in Bengal and Oude, where it sometimes appears as a white in- crustation on the surface of the soil, and is sometimes mixed with it to some depth. The nitre is extracted from the earth by treating it with water, and the solution is evaporated, at first by the heat of the sun, and afterwards by artificial heat, when the impure crystals are obtained, which are packed in bags and sent to this country as grough (or impure) salt- petre. It contains a quantity of extraneous matter varying from 1 to 10 per cent., and consisting of the chlorides of potassium and sodium, sul- phates of potash, soda, and lime, vegetable matter from the soil, sand, and moisture. The number representing the weight of impurity present is usually termed the refraction of the nitre, in allusion to the old method of estimating it by casting the melted nitre into a cake and examining its fracture, the appearance of which varies according to the amount of foreign matter present. Peruvian or Chili saltpetre is the nitrate of soda (NaO . N0 5 ) found in Peru and Chili in beds beneath the surface soil. It is often spoken of as cubical saltpetre, since it crystallises in rhombohedra, easily mistaken for cubes, whilst prismatic saltpetre, nitrate of potash, crystallises in six-sided prisms. Nitrate of soda cannot be substituted for nitrate of potash as an ingredient of gunpowder, since it attracts moisture from the air, becoming damp, and appears to be less powerful in its oxidising action upon com- bustible bodies at a high temperature. The Peruvian saltpetre, however, 416 ARTIFICIAL PRODUCTION OF NITRE. forms a very important source from which to prepare the nitrate of potash for gunpowder, since it is easily converted into this salt by double decom- position with chloride of potassium. The latter salt is now imported in so large a quantity from the salt mines of Stassfurth (p. 261), that it enables nitrate of soda to be very cheaply converted into nitrate of potash, and renders Indian saltpetre of less importance to the manufacturer of gun- powder. In order to understand the production of saltpetre by the decomposition of nitrate of soda with chloride of potassium, it is necessary to be ac- quainted with the solubility of those salts and of the salts produced by their mutual decomposition. 100 parts of boiling water dissolve 218 parts of nitrate of soda, 53 ,, chloride of potassium, 200 nitrate of potash, 37 ,. chloride of sodium. 100 parts of cold water dissolve 50 parts of nitrate of soda, 33 ,, chloride of potassium, 30 ,, nitrate of potash, 36 chloride of sodium. It is a general rule that when two salts in solution are mixed, which are capable of forming, by exchange of their metals, a salt which is less soluble in the liquid, that salt will be produced and separated. Thus when nitrate of soda and chloride of potassium are mixed, and the solution boiled down, chloride of sodium is deposited, and nitrate of potash remains in the boiling liquid + KC1 = KO . N0 + When this is allowed to cool, the greater part of the nitrate of potash crystallises out, leaving the remainder of the chloride of sodium in solu- tion. The method usually adopted is to add the chloride of potassium by degrees to the boiling solution of nitrate of soda, to remove the chloride of sodium with a perforated ladle in proportion as it is deposited, and, after allowing the liquid to rest for some time to deposit suspended impurities, to run it out into the crystallising pans. The potash-salt required for the conversion of nitrate of soda into nitrate of potash is sometimes obtained from the refuse of the beet root employed in the manufacture of sugar. Nitrate of potash is sometimes prepared from the nitrates obtained in the nitre-heaps, which consist of accumulations of vegetable and animal refuse with limestone, old mortar, ashes, &c. These heaps are constructed upon an impermeable clay floor under a shed to protect them from rain. One side of the heap is usually vertical and exposed to the prevailing- wind, the other side being cut into steps or terraces. They are occasionally moistened with stable drainings, which are allowed to run into grooves cut in the steps at the back of the heap. In such a mass, at an atmo- spheric temperature between 60 and 70 F., nitrates of the various bases present in the heap are slowly formed, and being dissolved by the moisture, are left by it, as it evaporates on the vertical side, in the form of an efflorescence. When this has accumulated in sufficient quantity, it is scraped off, together with a few inches of the nitrified earth, and extracted with water, which dissolves the nitrates, whilst the undissolved earth is built up again on the terraced back of the heap. After two or three years the heap is entirely broken up and reconstructed. The prin- cipal nitrates which are found dissolved in the water are those of potash, SALTPETRE REFINING. 417 lime, magnesia, and ammonia, the three last of which may be converted into nitrate of potash by decomposing them with carbonate of potash. The formation of nitric acid in these heaps probably results from che- mical changes similar to those which occur in the soils in which nitre is naturally formed, but, at present, these changes are not thoroughly explained. Some chemists are of opinion that the nitric acid is formed by the union of atmospheric nitrogen and oxygen, encouraged by the presence of porous solids, and of matters undergoing oxidation. The explanation which is best supported by experimental evidence is that which refers the formation of nitric acid to the oxidation of ammonia (p. 122), evolved by the putrefaction of the nitrogenised matters which the heaps contain, this oxidation also being much promoted by the presence of the strongly alkaline lime, and of the porous materials capable of absorbing ammonia and presenting it under circumstances favourable to oxidation. In refining saltpetre, for the manufacture of gunpowder, the impure salt is dissolved in about an equal weight of boiling water in a copper boiler, the solution run through cloth niters to remove insoluble matter, and allowed to crystallise in a shallow wooden trough lined with copper, the bottom of which is formed of two inclined planes (fig. 261). Whilst cooling, the solution is kept in continual agitation with wooden stirrers, in order that the saltpetre may be deposited in the minute crystals known as saltpetre flour, and not in the large prisms which are formed when the solution is allowed to crystallise tranquilly, and which con- tain within them cavities enclosing some of the impure liquor from which the saltpetre has been crystallised. The saltpetre, being so much less soluble in cold than in hot water, is, in great part, deposited as the liquid cools, whilst the chlorides and other impurities being" present in small propor- tion, and not presenting the same disparity in their solubility at different temperatures, are retained in the liquid. The saltpetre flour is drained in a wooden trough with a perforated bottom, and trans- ferred to a washing-cistern, where it is allowed to remain for half an hour in contact with two or three successive small quantities of water to wash away the adhering impure liquor ; it is then allowed to drain thoroughly, and in that state, containing from three to six per cent, of water, according to the season, is ready to be transferred to the incorporating mill or to a hot-air oven, where it is dried if not required for immediate use. The mother-liquor, from which the saltpetre flour has been deposited, is boiled down and crystallised, the crystals being worked up with the next batch of grough nitre. The final washings of the flour are returned to the boiler in which the grough nitre is originally dissolved. When the saltpetre contains very much colouring matter, a little glue or animal charcoal is employed by the refiner to assist in its removal. The old method of refining saltpetre consisted in crystallising it three times in large crystals, which were afterwards melted into cakes or cheeses. It not unfrequently happened that the fusion was effected at too high a temperature, when a portion of the nitrate of potash became converted into nitrite of potash (KO . N0 3 ). The test for overfused nitre was solu- 2D Fig. 261. 418 TESTS FOR PURITY OF SALTPETRE. tion of sulphate of copper, which gave a green colour, due to the production of nitrite of copper. The impurities most objectionable in the saltpetre employed for gun- powder would be the chlorides of potassium and sodium, which cause it to absorb moisture easily from the air ; the chief test, therefore, to which the refiner subjects it, is the addition, to its solution in distilled water, of a few drops of solution of nitrate of silver, which causes a mjlkiness, due to the separation of a precipitate of chloride of silver, if the chlorides have not been entirely removed. Moreover, the sample should dissolve entirely in water, to a perfectly clear colourless solution, which should have no effect on blue or red litmus paper, and should give no cloudiness with chloride of barium (indicating the presence of sulphates), or with oxalate of ammonia (indicating lime), when these are added to separate portions of it. Very minute quantities of sulphates and of lime, such as may have been derived from the use of river water in washing the flour, are gene- rally disregarded. 315. Properties of saltpetre. Nitrate of potash is usually distinguish- able by the long striated or grooved six-sided prismatic form in which it crystallises (though it may also be obtained in rhombohedral crystals like those of nitrate of soda), and by the deflagration which it produces when thrown on red-hot coals. It fuses at about 660 F. to a colourless liquid, which solidifies on cooling to a translucent brittle crystalline mass. The sal prunelle of the shops consists of nitre which has been fused and cast into balls. At a red heat it effervesces from the escape of bubbles of oxygen, and is converted into nitrite of potash (KO . N0 3 ), which is itself decomposed by a higher temperature, evolving nitrogen and oxygen, and leaving a mixture of potash and peroxide of potassium. In contact with any combustible body, it undergoes decomposition with great rapidity, the five equivalents of oxygen in the nitric acid (N0 5 ) being available for the oxidation of the combustible substance, and the nitrogen being evolved in the free state ; thus, in contact with carbon, the decomposition of the nitre may be represented by the equation 2(KO.M) 5 ) + C 5 = 2(KO.CCg + 3C0 2 + N 2 . Since .the combustion of a large quantity of material may be thus effected in a very small space and in a short time, the temperature produced is much higher than that obtained by burning the combustible in the ordi- nary way. The specific gravity of saltpetre is 2*07, so that one cubic inch weighs 523 grains (obtained by multiplying the weight of a cubic inch of water, 252'5 grains by 2 '07). Since 101 grains (1 eq.) of nitre contain 40 grains (5 eqs.) of oxygen available for the oxidation of com- bustible bodies, 523 grains, or one cubic inch, of nitre, would contain 207 grains or 605 cubic inches of available oxygen, a volume which would be contained in about 3000 cubic inches of air ; hence, one volume of saltpetre represents, in its' power of supporting combustion, 3000 volumes of atmospheric air. It also enables some combustible substances to burn without actual flame, as is exemplified by its use in touch-paper or slow port-fire, which consists of paper soaked in a weak solution of saltpetre and dried. If a continuous design be traced on foolscap paper with a brush dipped in a solu- tion of 30 grains of saltpetre in 100 grains of water, and allowed to dry, it will be found that when one part of the pattern is touched with a red-hot iron, it will gradually burn its way out, the other portion of the paper remaining unaffected. COMPOSITION OF CHARCOAL. 419 A mixture of 90 grains of saltpetre, 30 of sulphur, and 30 of moderately fine saw- dust (Baume's flux), will deflagrate with sufficient intensity to fuse a small silver coin into a globule ; the mixture may be pressed down in a walnut shell or a small porcelain crucible, and the coin buried in it, the flame of a lamp being applied out- side until deflagration commences. Pulvis fulminans is a mixture of 3 parts of saltpetre, 1 part of sulphur, and 2 of carbonate of potash, all carefully dried ; when it is heated on an iron plate, no action takes place till it begins to melt, when it explodes very violently. 316. CHARCOAL FOR GUNPOWDER. Charcoal has been already described a the residue of the destructive distillation of wood, in which process the hydrogen and oxygen of the wood are for the most part expelled in the forms of wood naphtha (C 2 H 4 2 ), pyroligneous acid (C 4 H 4 4 ), carbonic acid, carbonic oxide, water, &c., leaving a residue containing a much larger proportion of carbon than the original wood, and therefore capable of producing a much higher temperature (p. 61) by its combustion with the saltpetre. The higher the temperature to which the charcoal is exposed in its preparation, the larger the proportion of hydrogen and oxygen expelled, and the more nearly does the charcoal approach in com- position to pure carbon ; but it is not found advantageous in practice to employ so high a temperature, since it yields a dense charcoal of difficult combustibility, and therefore less fitted for the manufacture of powder. The following table exhibits the composition of dried alder-wood and of the charcoal obtained at different temperatures. The incombustible matter or ash of the wood and charcoal is here omitted. In 100 parts. Temperature of charring. Carbon. Hydrogen. Oxygen. Nitrogen. Alder-wood, . . ... 48-63 6-94 44-75 0-68 Charcoal, . . . 518 F. 71-0 4-6 24-4 662 77-2 4-1 18-7 800 82-6 1-9 15-5 2000 83-3 2-3 14-4 5 2300 89-2 1-4 9-4 j 2700 95-4 0-7 3-9 5> Above 3000 98-8 0-6 0-6 This table shows that at temperatures between 800 and 2000 F., there is very little alteration in the composition of the charcoal, and it is within these limits that the charcoal employed for the manufacture of gunpowder in this country is prepared. Between these limits, however, the density and consequent inflammability of the charcoal vary considerably, that prepared at the lower temperatures igniting most readily. Hence it is desirable that the temperature of carbonisation should noli exceed an ordinary low red heat (about 1000 F.) The charcoal prepared between 500 and 600 F. has a brown colour (charlon roux), and although it is more easily inflamed than the black charcoal obtained at higher temperatures, the presence of so large a pro- portion of oxygen so much diminishes its calorific value, that its employ- ment in gunpowder is not advantageous. It is used on the Continent in the manufacture of sporting-powder, and is prepared by exposing the wood, in an iron cylinder, to the action of high-pressure steam heated to about 540 F. The charbon roux is very hygroscopic. Light woods, such as alder, willow, and dogwood (cornel tree), are 420 SULPHUR FOR GUNPOWDER. Fig. 262. Charcoal retort. selected for the preparation of charcoal for gunpowder, because they yield a lighter and more easily combustible charcoal, dogwood being employed for the best quality of powder. This wood is chiefly imported, since it has not been successfully grown in this country. The wood is stripped of its bark, and either exposed for a length of time to the air or dried in a hot chamber. Considerable loss of charcoal takes place if damp wood be charred, a portion of the carbon being oxidised by the steam at a high temperature. In order to convert the wood into charcoal, 1 J cwt. of wood is packed into a sheet iron cylinder or slip (fig. 262), one end of which is closed by a tightly fitting cover, and the other by a perforated plate, to allow of the escape of the gases and vapours expelled during the car- bonisation. This cylinder is then introduced into a cylindrical iron retort built into a brick furnace, and provided with a pipe (L) for the escape of the products, which are usually carried back into the fur- nace (B) to be consumed. The pro- cess of charring occupies from 3 J to 4 hours, and as soon as it is completed, the slip is transferred to an iron box or extinguisher, where the charcoal is allowed to cool. About 40 Ibs. of charcoal are obtained from the above quantity of wood. Charcoal prepared by this process is spoken of as cylinder charcoal, to distinguish it from pit char- coal, prepared by the ordinary process of charcoal-burning described at (p. 57), and which is employed for fuze compositions, &c., but not for the best gunpowder. The fitness of the charcoal for the manufacture of powder is generally judged of by its physical characters. It is of course desirable that the charcoal should be as free from incombustible matter as possible. The proportion of the ash left by different charcoals varies con- siderably, but it seldom exceeds two per cent. This ash consists chiefly of the carbonates of potash and lime ; it also contains phosphate of lime, carbonate of magnesia, silicate and sulphate of potash, chloride of sodium, and the oxides of iron and manganese. The properties of charcoal have been already described ; its great ten- dency to absorb moisture from the air is of some importance in the manu- facture of gunpowder, from its causing a false estimate to be made of the proportion employed, unless the actual amount of water present in the charcoal is known. Tar charcoal is the name given to sticks of charcoal which have acci- dentally become coated with a shining film of carbon left behind by tar which has condensed upon it in the retorts ; it is sometimes rejected by the powder manufacturer. 317. SULPHUR FOR GUNPOWDER. Distilled sulphur (p. 185) is the variety always employed for the manufacture of gunpowder, the sub- limed sulphur being employed for fuze compositions, &c. The alleged reason for the preference is that the sublimed sulphur, having been deposited in a chamber containing much sulphurous and sulphuric acid MANUFACTURE OF GUNPOWDER. 421 vapours, its pores have become charged with acid which would be injurious in the powder; but it has been pointed out (p. 187) that distilled sul- phur consists entirely of the soluble or electro-negative variety of sulphur, whilst sublimed sulphur contains a large proportion of the insoluble or positive sulphur, which would probably influence its action in gunpowder. The sulphur should leave scarcely a trace of incombustible matter when burnt, and after stirring the powdered sulphur for some time with warm distilled water, the latter should only very feebly redden blue litmus. As an ingredient of gunpowder, sulphur is valuable on account of the low temperature (560 F.) at which it inflames, thus facilitating the ignition of the powder. Its oxidation by saltpetre appears also to be attended with the production of a higher temperature than is obtained with charcoal, which would have the effect of accelerating the combustion and of increas- ing, by expansion, the volume of gas evolved. The difference in the inflammability of sulphur and charcoal is strikingly shown by heating a square of coarse wire gauze over a flame till it is red hot in the centre, placing it over a jar of oxygen, allowing it to cool till it no longer kindles charcoal- powder sprinkled through it from a pepper-box, and whilst the cloud of charcoal is still floating in the gas, throwing in sulphur from a second box ; the hot gauze will inflame the sulphur, and this will kindle the charcoal. An iron rod allowed to cool below redness may be used to stir a mixture of char- coal with (3 parts of) nitre ; but if it be dipped into powdered sulphur, at once inflames it, and the flame of the sulphur will kindle the mixture. The effect of the same rod upon mixtures of nitre with charcoal alone, and with charcoal and sulphur, is instructive. The acceleration of the combustion of gunpowder by the sulphur is well shown by laying a train, of which one-half consists of a mixture of 75 nitre and 25 charcoal, and the other of 75 nitre, 15 charcoal, and 10 sulphur, a red-hot iron being applied at the junction of the two trains to start them together. 318. MANUFACTURE OP GUNPOWDER. The proportions of the ingredients of gunpowder have been varied somewhat in different countries, the salt- petre ranging from 74 to 77 per cent., the charcoal from 12 to 16, and the sulphur from 9 to 12*5 per cent. English Government powder con- tains 75 per cent, of nitre. 15 ,, charcoal. 10 sulphur. The powdered ingredients are first roughly mixed in a revolving copper drum, with mixing arms turning in an opposite direction, and the mixture is subjected, in quantities of about 50 Ibs. at a time, to the action of the incorporating mill (fig. 263), where it is sprinkled with water, poured through the funnel (F), or from a can with a fine rose, and exposed to trituration and pressure under two cast-iron edge-runners (B), rolling round in different paths upon a cast- iron bed, a very intimate mixture being thus effected by the same kind of movement as in a common pestle i and mortar, the distribution of the pig. 263. Incorporating mill, nitre through the mass being also assisted by its solubility in water. A wooden scraper (C) tipped with 422 PROPERTIES OF GUNPOWDER. copper, prevents the roller from getting clogged, and a plough (D) keeps the mixture in the path. Of course, the water employed to moisten the powder must be as free from deliquescent salts (especially chlorides, see p. 418) as possible ; the quantity required varies with the state of the atmosphere. The duration of the incorporating process is varied according to the kind of powder required, the slow-burning powder employed for cannon being sufficiently incorporated in about 3 hours, whilst rifle-powder requires 5 hours. The dark-grey slaty mass of mill-cake, which is thus produced, is broken up by passing between grooved rollers of gun metal, and is then placed, in layers of about an inch thick, between copper plates packed in a stout box, in which it is subjected for a quarter of an hour to a pressure of about 70 tons on the square foot, in a hydraulic press, which has the eifect of condensing a larger quantity of explosive material into a given volume, and of diminishing the tendency of the powder to absorb moisture from the air and to disintegrate or dust after granulation. The press-cake thus obtained is very hard and compact, resembling slate in appearance. As far as its chemical nature is concerned, it is finished gunpowder, but if it be reduced to powder and a gun loaded with it, the combustion of the charge is found to take place too slowly to produce its full effect, since the pulve- rulent form offers so great an obstacle to the passage of the flame by which the combustion is communicated from one end of the charge to the other. The press-cake must, therefore, be granulated (corned} or ( broken up into grains of sufficient size to allow the rapid passage of the flame between them, and the consequent immediate firing of the whole charge. The granulation is effected by crushing the press cake between successive pairs of toothed gun metal rollers, from which it falls on to sieves, which separate it into grains of different sizes, the dust, or meal poivder, passing through the last sieve. The granulated powders are freed from dust by passing them through revolving cylinders of wooden frame-work covered with canvas, and the fine grain powder is glazed by the friction of its own grains against each other in revolving barrels. The large grain powders are sometimes glazed or faced with graphite, by introducing a little of that substance into the glazing-barrels with the powder. The powder is dried in a hot-air cham- ber very gradually, so as not to injure the grain, and is once more dusted in canvas cylinders before being packed. Various modifications are introduced into the above processes in different places, but the principles upon which the manufacture is conducted are always the same. 319. PROPERTIES OF GUNPOWDER. Good gunpowder is composed of hard angular grains, which do not soil the fingers, and have a perfectly uniform dark-grey colour. Its specific gravity (absolute density) appears to vary between 1'84 and 1'97, and its apparent density (obtained by weigh- ing a given measure of the grain against an equal measure of water) varies from 0'89 to 0'94, so that a cubic foot will weigh from 55 to 58 Ibs. When exposed to air of average dryness, gunpowder absorbs about 0'5 per cent, of water. In damp air it absorbs a much larger proportion, and becomes deteriorated in consequence of the saltpetre being dissolved, and crystallising upon the surface of the grains. Actual contact with water dissolves the saltpetre and disintegrates the grains. When very gradually heated in air, gunpowder begins to lose sulphur, even at 212 F., this ingredient passing off rapidly as the temperature rises, so that the greater CHEMISTRY OF THE EXPLOSION OF GUNPOWDER. 423 part of it may be expelled without inflaming the powder, especially if the powder is heated in carbonic acid or hydrogen, to prevent contact with air. If gunpowder be suddenly heated to 600 F. in air, it explodes, the sulphur probably inflaming first ; but out of contact with air a higher temperature is required to inflame it. The ignition of gunpowder by flame is not ensured unless the flame be flashed among the grains of powder ; it often takes some time to ignite powder with the flame of a piece of burning paper or stick, but contact with a red-hot solid body inflames it at once. A heap of good powder, when fired on a sheet of white paper, burns without .sparks and without scorching or kindling the paper, which should exhibit only scanty black marks of charcoal after the explosion. If the powder has not been thoroughly incorporated, it will leave minute globules of fused nitre upon the paper. Two ounces of the powder should be capable of throwing a 68-lb. shot to a distance of 260 to 300 feet from an 8-inch mortar at 45 elevation. Very fortunately, it is difficult to explode gunpowder by concussion, though it has been found possible to do so, especially on iron, and acci- dents appear to have been caused in this way by the iron edge-runners in the incorporating mill, when the workmen have neglected the special pre- cautions which are laid down for them. The use of stone upon iron in the incorporation is avoided, because of the great risk of producing sparks, and copper is employed in the various fittings of a powder mill wherever it is possible. The electric spark is, of course, capable of firing gunpowder. 320. PRODUCTS OF EXPLOSION OF GUNPOWDER. In the explosion of gun- powder, the oxygen of the nitre converts the carbon of the charcoal chiefly into carbonic acid (C0 2 ), part of which assumes the gaseous state, whilst the remainder combines with the potash of the nitre to form carbonate of potash (KO . C0 2 ). The greater part of the sulphur is converted into sulphuric acid (S0 3 ), which forms sulphate of potash (KO . S0 3 ). The chief part of the nitrogen contained in the nitre is evolved in the uncom- bined state. The rough chemical account of the explosion of gunpowder, therefore, is that the mixture of nitre, sulphur, and charcoal is resolved into a mixture of carbonate of potash, sulphate of potash, carbonic acid, and nitrogen, the two last being gases, the elastic force of which, when expanded by the heat of the combustion, accounts for the mechanical effect of the explosion. But in addition to these, several other substances are found among the products of the explosion. Thus, the presence of sulphide of potassium (KS) may be recognised by the smell of hydrosulphuric acid produced on moistening the solid residue in the barrel of a gun, and hydrostflphuric acid (HS) itself may often be perceived in the gases produced by the explosion, the hydrogen being derived from the charcoal. A little marsh- gas (C 2 H 4 ) is also found among the gases, being produced by the decom- position of the charcoal, a portion of the hydrogen of which is also disengaged in the free state. Carbonic oxide (CO) is always detected among the products. It is evident that the collection for analysis of the products of explosion must be attended with some trouble, and that con- siderable differences are to be expected between the results obtained by different operators, from the variation of the circumstances under which the powder is fired and the products collected. When the powder is slowly burnt, a considerable proportion of the nitrogen in the saltpetre is 424 PRODUCTS OF EXPLOSION OF GUNPOWDER. evolved in the form of nitric oxide gas (N0 2 ), which, is not found among the products of the rapid explosion of powder. Some of the most recent experiments upon the explosion of 'gunpowder have been made under conditions very similar to those which occur in practice, the powder having been confined in a thin iron case and sus- pended in the centre of a strong iron globe exhausted of air, in which the powder was fired by electricity, so that the gaseous and solid ^products of the explosion remained within the globe, and could be submitted to analysis. Two samples of powder were thus examined, but their c6m- position differed from that of English Government powder stated above, as will be seen by the following table : I. II. Nitre, . ;: . ' . . Sulphur, . . :; Charcoal, viz., Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Ash, . 99-97 100-05 About 570 grs. of powder were exploded in each experiment. The gas collected was found to be inflammable, as would be expected from the flash which is always perceived at the muzzle when a gun is discharged. 100 grs. of sample I. gave 1074 cub. in. of gas at 32 F. and 30 in. Bar. >J II' 5? 1*1*0 The gases contained, in 100 cubic inches I. II. Nitrogen,. . .' ,' . 37-58 .. 35-33 Carbonic acid (C0 2 ), . 42-74 .. 48-90 Carbonic oxide (CO), ' : 10-19 .. 5-18 Hydrogen, . . . 6-93 .. 6-90 Sulphuretted hydrogen (HS), 0-86 .. 0-67 Marsh-gas (C 2 H 4 ), . . 2-70 .. 3-02 100-00 100-00 The products of explosion furnished by 100 grains of each powder. were Sulphate of potash (KO . S0 3 ), . Carbonate of potash (KO . C0 2 ), . Hyposulphite of potash (KO . S 2 2 ), Sulphide of potassium (KS), Sesquicarbonate of ammonia, Charcoal, . . . . ,-.. Sulphur, Nitrogen, . . . . . Carbonic acid (C0 2 ), . Carbonic oxide (CO), . Hydrogen, Sulphuretted hydrogen (HS), Marsh-gas (C 2 H 4 ), 99-83 II. 36-17 20-78 1-77 o-oo 2-66 2-60 1-16 10-06 21-79 1-47 0-14 0-23 0-49 99-32 In both these cases it will be seen that if the charcoal and sulphur which took no part in the combustion be left out of consideration, the CALCULATION OF THE FOECE OF FIRED GUNPOWDER. 425 sulphate and carbonate of potash formed together more than f of the solid products of explosion; and that the carbonic acid and nitrogen taken together amounted, in the one case to T 9 Q-, and in the other to ^ of the gaseous products. If only the chief products of the explosion be taken into consideration, viz., sulphate and carbonate of potash, carbonic acid, carbonic oxide, and nitrogen, the following equation is the simplest which can be constructed from the above numerical data : 7(KO.N0 5 ) + S 4 + C 12 = 4(KO.S0 3 ) + 3(KO.C0 2 ) + 8CO, + N 7 + CO . This equation, however, would represent a gunpowder composed of Nitre, . . . 83-8 Sulphur, . . 7 '6 Charcoal, . . 8-5 99-8 and would require the products of decomposition to be Sulphate of potash, Carbonate of potash, Carbonic acid, Nitrogen, . Carbonic oxide, . 41-2 24-5 20-8 11-6 1-6 997 Seasoning from analogy with other chemical operations, it seems pro- bable that the explosion of gunpowder really includes a number of chemical changes which cannot be simply represented in one equation, and that whilst the above equation, or some similar one, represents the principal reaction which takes place during the explosion, there are other minor reactions in progress, the products of which are found in smaller quantity. 321. CALCULATION OF THE FORCE OF FIRED GUNPOWDER. The mechani- cal force exerted in the explosion of gunpowder depends upon the pro- duction of a large volume of gas from a small volume of solid, the volume of the gas being increased by the expansive effect of the heat generated in the combustion of the charcoal and sulphur. To calculate the amount of this mechanical force, it is necessary to ascertain the volume of gas which would be evolved by a given volume of powder, and the extent to which this gas would be expanded by the heat at the instant of explosion. In order to illustrate this calculation, let it be assumed that the equa- tion given above correctly represents the explosion of the powder, viz. 7(KO.N0 5 ) + S 4 + C 12 = 4(KO.S0 3 ) + 3(KO.C0 2 ) + 8C0 2 + N 7 + CO. Now, it is known, as a result of experimental determination, that 7 eqs. nitrate of potash (101 x 7) = 707 grains. 4 eqs. sulphur ( 16 x 4h = 64 12 eqs. carbon ( 6 x 12) = 72 Gunpowder, . . 843 426 CALCULATION OF THE FORCE OF FIRED GUNPOWDER. At 60 F., and 30 in. Bar. 8 eqs. carbonic acid (22 x 8) = 176 grains = 372-0 cub. inches. 7 eqs. nitrogen (14 x 7) = 98 = 325-4 1 eq. carbonic oxide = 14 = 46-5 743-9 Hence it appears that 843 grains of gunpowder would yield 743 -9 cubic inches of gas measured at 60 F. and 30 in. barometric pressure. If one cubic foot of the powder weighs 58 Ibs., one cubic inch will weigh 234-9 grains, and will evolve 207 cubic inches of gas measured at 60 F. and 30 in. Bar. But the mechanical force exerted by the powder depends upon the volume of this gas at the period of explosion, and in order to calculate this, we must ascertain what would be its temperature at that period. A carefully conducted experiment has shown that the explosion of one part by weight of gunpowder is able to raise the temperature of 61 9 '5 parts by weight of water from C. to 1 C., or to raise the temperature of one part by weight of water from C. to 6 19 '5 C., supposing the water to be capable of bearing so great an elevation of temperature without change of state. This result is generally expressed by saying that the combustion of the powder evolves 619 '5 units of heat (the unit of heat being the quantity required to raise 1 part by weight of water from C. to 1 C.) But the products of the explosion of powder will be raised to a higher temperature than 619'5 C., because their specific heat is lower than that of water. For the purpose of this calculation, the specific heat of a substance may be defined as the quantity of heat required to raise 1 gr. of the substance through 1 of the thermometer, water being taken as the unit. It is evident that if the specific heat of each product of the explosion be multiplied by the actual weight of that product, the result will be the quantity of heat required to raise that product 1 in temperature. The specific heats of the products have been ascertained by experiment, and are contained in the first column of figures in the following table. The actual weight of each product from the explosion of 1 gr. of powder is contained in the second column, and the third column shows the quantity of heat required to raise each product 1 C. (representing as unity the quantity of heat required to raise 1 gr. of water from C. to 1 C.) Sulphate of potash, . Carbonate of potash, Carbonic acid, , .- Nitrogen, u 1'' Carbonic oxide, SpeaHeat. 0-1901 x 0-412 = 0-07832 0-2162 x 0-246 = 0-05319 0-2164 x 0-209 = 0-04523 0-2440 x 0-116 = 0-02830 0-2479 x 0-017 = 0-00421 0-20925 The quantity of heat, therefore, which is required to raise, through 1 C., the joint products of the explosion of one grain of gunpowder is 0-20925 of the above-mentioned unit. Dividing the 619*5 units of heat generated in the explosion, by the quantity of heat required to raise the joint products through one degree, viz., 0-20925, we obtain 2960 C. ( = 5328 F.) for the number of EFFECT OF SIZE OF GRAIN IN GUNPOWDER. 427 degrees through which the products will be raised by the explosion, i.e., for the temperature of the products at the moment of explosion.* It remains to be ascertained what volume would be occupied, at 5328 F., by the 207 cubic inches of gas at 60 F. evolved from one cubic inch of powder. The expansion which gases suffer when heated amounts to T of then- volume at 32 F. for each degree Fahrenheit. Thus 491 volumes of gas at 32 F. become 492 33 F, and, if heated 28 above 32, i.e., to 60 F., they would become 491 + 28, or 519 volumes. If the 491 volumes be heated to 5328 F., or 5296 above 32, they will expand to 491 + 5296, or 5787 volumes. The volume of the gas at the moment of explosion, therefore, will be ascertained from the following proportion Vols. at 60 F. Vols. at 5328 F. Cub. in. at 60 F. Cub. in. at 5328 F. 519 : 5787 : : 207 : 2308 from which it appears that one cubic inch of powder would evolve a quantity of gas measuring 2308 cubic inches at the moment of ex- plosion. Since the pressure exerted by gases upon the sides of a containing space is inversely as their volume, the gas evolved from a cubic inch of powder, if developed in a space exactly filled by the powder, would exert a pressure of 2308 atmospheres, or 34,620 Ibs., or 15 tons upon the square inch. It is here supposed, of course, that the whole of the gas is evolved at once, and is immediately raised to the same temperature, conditions never fulfilled in the use of gunpowder in small arms or in cannon, where the combustion of the charge is not instantaneous but rapidly progressive, where the confining space is rapidly enlarged by the movement of the projectile long before the whole of the charge has exploded, and where the heated gas is cooled by contact with the metal of the piece. The period over which the combustion of a given weight of powder ex- tends will, of course, depend upon the extent of surface over which it can be kindled ; thus a single fragment of powder weighing 10 grains, even if it were instantaneously kindled over its entire surface, could not evolve so much gas in a given time as if it had been broken into ten separate grains, each of which was kindled at the same instant, since the inside of the large fragment can only be kindled from the outside. Upon this principle a given weight of powder in large grains will occupy a longer period in its explosion than the same weight in small grains, so that the large grain powder is best fitted for ordnance, where the ball is very heavy, and the time occupied in moving it will permit the whole of the charge to be fired before the ball has left the muzzle, whilst in small arms with light projectiles, a finer grained and more quickly burning charge is required. If the fine grain powder were used in cannon, the whole of the gas might be evolved before the containing space had been sensibly enlarged by the movement of the heavy projectile, and the gun would be subjected to an unnecessary strain ; on the other hand, a large * Strictly speaking 32 F. should be added, on account of the different positions of the zero in the two scales, but it would not materially affect the result. 428 EFFECT OF ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE ON FIRED GUNPOWDER. grain powder, in a musket, would evolve its gas so slowly that the ball might be expelled with little velocity by the first half of it, and the re- mainder would be wasted. There is good reason to believe that even under the most favourable circumstances, a large proportion of every charge of powder is discharged unexploded from the muzzle of the gun, and is therefore wasted. In blasting rocks and other mining operations, the space within which the powder is confined is absolutely incapable of en- largement until the gas evolved by the combustion has attained sufficient pressure to do the whole work, that is, to rend the rock, for example, asunder. Accordingly, a slowly burning charge will produce the effect, since the rock must give way when the gas attains a certain pressure, whether that happens in one second or in ten. Indeed, a slowly burning charge is advantageous, as being less liable to shatter the rock or coal, and bringing it away in larger masses with less danger. Nitrate of baryta and nitrate of soda are sometimes substituted for a part of the nitrate of potash in mining powder, its combustion being thus retarded.* When gunpowder is slowly burnt, the products of its decomposition are different from those mentioned above ; thus, nitric oxide (N0 2 ), arising from incomplete decomposition of the nitre, is, perceived in considerable quantity, and may be recognised by the red colour produced when it is brought in contact with air. The white smoke resulting from the explosion of gunpowder consists chiefly of the sulphate and carbonate of potash in a very finely divided state ; it seems probable that at the instant of explosion they are con- verted into vapour, and are afterwards deposited in a state of minute division as the temperature falls. The fouling or actual solid residue in the gun is very trifling when the powder is dry and has been well incor- porated ; a damp or slowly burning powder leaves, as might be expected, the larger residue. The residue always becomes wet on exposure to air, from the great attraction for moisture possessed by the carbonate of potash and sulphide of potassium. 322. Effect of variations of atmospheric pressure on the combustion of gunpowder. From the circumstance that the combustion of gunpowder is independent of any supply of oxygen from the air, it might be supposed that it would be as easily inflamed in vacua as under ordinary atmo- spheric pressure. This is not found to be the case, however, for a mechanical reason, viz., that the flame from the particles which are first ignited escapes so rapidly into the vacuous space, that it does not inflame the more remote particles. For a similar reason, charges of powder in fuzes are found to burn more slowly under diminished atmospheric pressure, the flame (or heated gas) escaping more rapidly and igniting less of the remaining charge in a given time. It has been determined that if a fuze be charged so as to burn for thirty seconds under ordinary atmo- pheric pressure (30 inches barometer), each diminution of one inch in barometric pressure will cause a delay of one second in the combustion of the charge, so that the fuze will burn for thirty-one seconds when the barometer stands at 29 inches. The manufacture of gunpowder may be illustrated by the following experiments on a small scale : * Some doubt appears to be thrown upon these principles by the efficiency of nitrogly- cerine in blasting (see that compound). CHEMISTRY OF FUEL. 429 Fig. 264. Distillation of sulphur. Preparation of the ingredients Charcoal. A few small pieces of wood are placed in a clay crucible, which is then filled up with dry sand and heated in a moderate fire as long as any vapours are evolved, when it may be set aside to cool. Sulphur. 500 grains of roll sulphur may be dis- tilled in a Florence flask, using another flask, the neck of which has been cut off (fig. 264), for a receiver, from which the sulphur is afterwards poured, in a melted state, upon a piece of tin-plate. N$tre. 1000 grains of impure nitre are dissolved, at a moderate heat, in four measured ounces of distilled water, in an evaporating dish (fig. 265) ; the solution is filtered into a beaker which is placed in cold water, and stirred with a glass rod until it is quite cold. The saltpetre flour thus obtained is collected upon a filter, thoroughly drained, the filter removed from the funnel, spread out, the saltpetre transferred to another piece of filter paper, and pressed between the paper to remove as much of the liquid as pos- sible ; it is then spread out on paper and dried on a hot brick. (For the mode of testing its purity see p. 418). Mixture of the ingredients. 60 grains of the char- coal, reduced to a very fine powder, 40 grains of the sulphur, also previously powdered, and 300 grains of the dried nitre, are very intimately mixed in a mortar ; 50 grains of the mixture are set aside for comparison. To the remainder enough water is added to make it into a stiff cake, which is well incorporated under the pestle for some time. It is then scraped out of the mortar and allowed to dry slowly at a very gentle heat. When perfectly dry it is crumbled to a coarse powder, and the dust sifted out through a piece of wire gauze. It will be found instructive to compare, in trains and otherwise, the firing of the powder in grains, of the dust, and of the mixed ingredients without incorporation, observing especially the difference in rapidity of burning and in the amount of residue. Fig. 265. CHEMISTRY OF FUEL. 323. Several of the applications of chemical principles in the combus- tion of fuel have been already explained and illustrated. The object of this chapter is to compare the chemical composition of the most important varieties of fuel, and to exemplify the principles upon which their heating power may be calculated from the results furnished by the analysis of the fuel. All the varieties of ordinary fuel, of course, contain a large proportion of carbon, always accompanied by hydrogen and oxygen, and sometimes by small proportions of nitrogen and sulphur. Certain mineral substances are also contained in all solid fuels, and compose the ash when the fuel is burnt. For all practical purposes it may be stated, that the amount of heat generated by the combustion of a given weight of fuel depends upon the weights of carbon and hydrogen, respectively, which enter into combina- tion with the oxygen of the air in the act of combustion of the fuel. It has been ascertained by experiment that 1 grain of carbon (in the form in which it exists in wood charcoal), when combining with oxygen to form carbonic acid, produces a quantity of heat which is capable of raising 8080 grains of water from to 1 of the Centigrade thermometer. This is usually expressed by saying that the calorific value of carbon is 8080, 430 CALCULATION OF CALORIFIC VALUE OF FUEL. or that carbon produces 8080 units of lieat during its combustion to carbonic acid. If the fuel, therefore, consisted of pure carbon, it would merely be necessary to multiply its weight by 8080 to ascertain its calorific value. 1 grain of hydrogen, during its conversion into water by combustion, evolves enough heat to raise 34,400 grains of water from C. to 1 C., so that the calorific value of hydrogen is 34,400. If the fuel consisted of carbon and hydrogen only, its calorific value would be calculated by multiplying the weight of the carbon in one grain of the fuel by 8080, and that of the hydrogen by 34,400, when the sum of the products would represent the calorific value. But if the fuel contains oxygen already combined with it, the calorific value will be diminished, since this oxygen will consume a part of the combustible without generating heat, because it already exists in a state of combina- tion with the carbon and hydrogen of the fuel. For example, 1 grain of wood contains 0'5 grain of carbon, 0'06 of hydrogen, and 0'44 of oxygen. Now, oxygen combines with one-eighth of its weight of hydrogen to 44 form water, so that the 0*44 grain of oxygen will convert -Q- = '055 of the hydrogen into water, without evolution of available heat, leaving only - 005 available for the production of heat. The calorific value of the wood, therefore, would be represented by the sum of 0*005 x 34,400 (= 172) and 0'5 x 8080 (= 4040), which would amount to 4212; or 1 grain of wood should raise 4212 grains of water from C. to 1 C. These considerations lead to the following general formula for calculat- ing the calorific value of a fuel containing carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, where c, h, and o respectively represent the carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in one grain of fuel. The calorific value (or number of grains of water which might be heated by the fuel from C. to 1 C.) = 8080 c + 34,400 (h - -|) or 8080 c + 34,400 h - 4300 o. The calorific value of a fuel, as determined by experiment, is generally less than would be calculated from its chemical composition, in consequence of the absorption of a certain amount of heat attending the chemical decomposition of the fuel. In the case of compounds of carbon and hydro- gen, it has been observed that even when they have the same composition in 100 parts, they have not of necessity the same calorific value, the latter being affected by the difference in the arrangement of the component par- ticles of the compound, which causes a difference in the quantity of heat absorbed during its decomposition. Thus olefiant gas (C 4 H 4 ) and cetylene (CjjjHgjj) have the same percentage composition, and their calculated calorific values would be identical, but the former is found to produce 11,858 units of heat, and the latter only 1 1,055. As a general rule, however, it is found that the calorific values of the hydrocarbons which contain an equal number of equivalents of each element, agree more nearly with the calcu- lated numbers than do those of hydrocarbons which contain an unequal number of equivalents, like marsh-gas (C 2 H 4 ). It must be remembered that the calorific value of a fuel represents the actual amount of heat which a given weight of it is capable of producing, and is quite independent of the manner in which the fuel is burnt. Thus, a hundredweight of coal will produce precisely the same amount of heat in an ordinary grate as in a wind-furnace, though in the former case the fire CALCULATION OF CALORIFIC INTENSITY OF FUEL. 431 will scarcely be capable of melting copper, and in the latter it will melt steel. The difference resides in the temperature or calorific intensity of the two fires ; in the wind-furnace, through which a rapid draught of air is maintained by a chimney, a much greater weight of atmospheric oxygen is brought into contact with the fuel in a given time, so that, in that time, a greater weight of fuel will be consumed and more heat will be produced; hence the fire will have a higher temperature, for the tem- perature represents, not the quantity of heat present in a given mass of matter, but the intensity, or extent to which that heat is accumulated at any particular point. In the case of the wind-furnace here cited, a further advantage is gained from the circumstance, that the rapid draught of air allows a given weight of fuel to be consumed in a smaller space, and, of course, the smaller the area over which a given quantity of heat is distri- buted, the higher the temperature within that area (as exemplified in the use of the common burning-glass). In some of the practical applications of fuel, such as heating steam-boilers and warming buildings, it is the calorific value of the fuel which chiefly concerns us, but the case is different where metals are to be melted, or chemical changes to be brought about by the application of a very high temperature, for it is then the calorific intensity, or actual temperature of the burning mass, which has to be con- sidered. No trustworthy method has yet been devised for determining by direct experiment the calorific intensity of fuel, and it is therefore ascertained by calculation from the calorific value. Let it be required to calculate the calorific intensity, or actual tempera- ture, of carbon burning in pure oxygen gas. 6 grains (1 eq.) of carbon combine with 16 grains (2 eqs.) of oxygen, producing 22 grains of carbonic acid ; hence 1 grain of carbon combines with 2-67 grains of oxygen, producing 3'67 grains of carbonic acid. It has been seen above that 1 grain of carbon evolves 8080 units of heat, or is capable of raising 8080 grains of water from to 1C., or, on the sup- position that the water would bear such an elevation of temperature, the 1 grain of carbon would raise 1 grain of water from to 8080 C. If the specific heat (or heat required to raise 1 grain through 1, see p. 426) of carbonic acid were the same as that of water, 8080 divided by 3 '6 7 would represent the temperature to which the 3*67 grains of carbonic acid would be raised, and therefore the temperature to which the solid carbon producing it would be raised in the act of combustion. But the specific heat of carbonic acid gas is only 0*2163, so that a given amount of heat would raise 1 grain of carbonic acid to nearly five times as high a tem- perature as that to which it would raise 1 grain of water. Dividing the 8080 units of heat (available for raising the temperature of the carbonic acid) by 0'2163, the quantity of heat required to r&ise 1 grain of carbonic acid 1, we obtain 37,355 for the number of degrees through which 1 grain of carbonic acid might be raised by the combustion of 1 grain of carbon. But there are 3 '6 7 grains of carbonic acid formed in the combustion, so that the above number of degrees must be divided by 3 '6 7 in order to obtain the actual temperature of the carbonic acid at the instant of its production, that is, the temperature of the burning mass. The calorific intensity of carbon burning in pure oxygen is, therefore, (37,355 C. -r- 3-67 =) 10,178 C. or 18,352 F. But if the carbon be burnt in air, the temperature will be far lower, because the nitrogen of the air will absorb a part of the heat, to which it contributes nothing. The 2-67 grains of oxygen required to burn 1 grain of carbon would be 432 CALCULATION OF CALORIFIC INTENSITY OF FUEL. mixed, in air, with 8 '9 3 grains of nitrogen, so that the 8080 units of heat would be distributed over 3 '6 7 grains of carbonic acid and 8 '9 3 grains of nitrogen. Since the specific heat of carbonic acid is 0*2163, the product of 3'67 x 0*2163 (or 0'794) represents the quantity of heat required to raise the 3 '6 7 grains of carbonic acid from to 1C. The specific heat of nitrogen is 0-2438; hence 8-93 x 0-2438 (or 2*177) represents the quantity of heat required to raise the 8-93 grains of atmospheric nitrogen from to 1 C. Adding together these products, we find that 0-794 + 2'177 = 2-971 represents the quantity of heat required to raise both the nitrogen and carbonic acid from to 1 C. Dividing the 8080 by 2-971, we obtain 2720 C. (4928 F.) for the number of degrees through which these gases would be raised in the com- bustion, i.e., for the calorific intensity of carbon burning in air. By heat- ing the air before it enters the furnace (as in the hot blast iron furnace), of course the calorific intensity would be increased ; thus if the air be in- troduced into the furnace at a temperature of 600 F., it might be stated, without serious error, that the temperature producible in the furnace would be 5528 F. (4928 + 600). The temperature might be further increased by diminishing the area of combustion, as by employing very compact fuel and increasing the pressure of the blast. In calculating the calorific intensity of hydrogen burning in air, from its calorific value, it must be remembered that in the experimental deter- mination of the latter number the steam produced in the combustion was condensed to the liquid form, so that its latent heat was added to the number representing the calorific value of the hydrogen ; but the latent heat of the steam must be deducted in calculating the calorific intensity, because the steam goes off from the burning mass and carries its latent heat with it. 1 grain of hydrogen, burning in air, combines with 8 grains of oxygen, producing 9 grains of steam, leaving 26'77 grains of atmospheric nitrogen, and evolving 34,400 units of heat. It has been experimentally determined that the latent heat of steam is 537 C., that is, 1 grain of water, in becoming steam, absorbs 537 units of heat (or as much heat as would raise 537 grains of water from to 1 C.) without rising in temperature as indicated by the thermometer. The 9 grains of water produced by the combustion of 1 grain of hydrogen will absorb, or render latent, 537 x 9 =. 4833 units of heat. Deducting this quantity from the 34,400 units evolved in the combustion of 1 grain of hydrogen, there remain 29,567 units of heat available for raising the tem- perature of the 9 grains of steam and 26*77 grains of atmospheric nitrogen. The specific heat of steam being 0-480, the number (0*480 x 9 =) 4'32 represents the quantity of heat required to raise the 9 grains of steam through 1 C. and the specific heat of nitrogen (0-2438) multiplied by its weight (26*77 grains), gives 6'53 units of heat required to raise the 26'77 grains of nitrogen through 1 C. By dividing the available heat (29,567 units) by the joint quantities required to raise the steam and nitro- gen through 1 C. (4-32 + 6*53 = 10-85), we obtain the number 2725 C. (4937 F.) for the calorific intensity of hydrogen burning in air. The method of calculating the calorific intensity of a fuel composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, will now be easily followed. Let c and h respectively represent the weights of carbon and hydrogen in 1 gr. WASTE OF HEAT IN FURNACES. 433 of fuel, and o that of the oxygen. Then = weight of hydrogen required to convert the oxygen into water, and h ~ represents the hydrogen which is available for the production of heat. 8080 c + 34,400 U, - ~ ) represents the calorific value in C., = 8080 c + 34,400 h - 4300 o. 2-67 c = atmospheric oxygen consumed by the carbon ; 8 ^ _ J? j or 8 A o = atmospheric oxygen consumed by the hydrogen available as fuel. 3-34 (2-67 c + 8 h - o) = atmospheric nitrogen = 8-92 c + 26-72 h - 3-34 o. Multiplying this by the specific heat of nitrogen 0-2438, we obtain 2-17 c + 6-61 h 0-81 o for the heat required to raise the nitrogen through 1 C. 0-794 c represents the quantity of heat required to raise the carbonic acid through 1 C., and 4-32 h is the heat required to raise the steam through 1. Accordingly, the available heat, 8080 c + 34,400 h 4300 o, must be divided by 0-794 c + 4-32 h + (2-17 c + 6-51 h - 0-81 o), or 2-96 c + 10-83 h - 0-81 o in order to obtain the calorific intensity. Hence, the calorific intensity, in Centigrade degrees, of a fuel composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, is represented by the formula 8080 c + 34,400 h - 4300 o 2-96 c + 10-83 h - 0-81 o. The actual calorific intensity of the fuel is not so high as it should be according to theory, because a part of the carbon and hydrogen is con- verted into gas by destructive distillation of the fuel, and this gas is not actually burnt in the fire, so that its calorific intensity is not added to that of the burning solid mass. Again, a portion of the carbon is con- verted into carbonic oxide (CO), especially if the supply of air be imperfect, and much less heat is produced than if the carbon were converted into carbonic acid ; although it is true that this carbonic oxide may be con- sumed above the fire by supplying air to it, the heat thus produced does not increase the calorific intensity or temperature of the fire itself. One grain of carbon furnishes 2*33 grains of carbonic oxide. These 2*33 grains of carbonic oxide evolve, in their combustion, 5599 units of heat. But if the 1 grain of carbon had been converted at once into carbonic acid, it would have evolved 8080 units of heat, so that 8080 - 5599, or 2481, represents the heat evolved during the conversion of 1 grain of carbon into carbonic oxide, showing that a considerable loss of heat in the fire is caused by an imperfect supply of air. It has been already pointed out, in the section relating to Coal, that the formation of carbonic oxide is sometimes encouraged with a view to the production of a flame from non- flaming coal, such as anthracite. The table (p. 434) exhibits the average percentage composition of the principal varieties of fuel (exclusive of ash), together with their calculated calorific values and intensities. In all ordinary fires and furnaces, a large amount of heat is wasted in the current of heated products of combustion escaping from the chimney. Of course, a portion of this heat is necessary in order to produce the draught of the chimney. In boiler furnaces it is found that, for this pur- pose, the temperature of the air escaping from the chimney must not be lower than from 500 to 600 F. If the fuel could be consumed by sup- 2 E 434 COMPOSITION AND VALUE OF FUELS. plying only so much air as contains the requisite quantity of oxygen, a great saving might be effected, but in practice, about twice the calculated quantity of air must be supplied, in order to effect the removal of the products of combustion with sufficient rapidity. Much economy of fuel may be expected from the use of furnaces con- structed on the principle of Siemens' regenerative furnace, in which the waste heat of the products of combustion is absorbed by a- quantity of fire-bricks, and employed to heat the air before it enters the furnace, two chambers of fire-bricks doing duty alternately, for absorbing the heat from the issuing gas, and for imparting heat to the entering air, the current being reversed by a valve as soon as the fire-bricks are strongly heated. Carbon. Hydrogen. Oxygen. Nitrogen. Sulphur. Calorific Value. Intensity. Wood (Oak), Peat, .... 50-18 61-53 6-08 5-64 43-74 32-82 ... ... 4212 C. 5654 2380C. 2547 Lignite (Bovey) Bituminous coal, 67-86 79-38 575 5-34 23-39 13-01 0-57 1-85 2-41 0-39 6569 7544 2628 2694 Charcoal, . . . 90-44 2-91 6-63 8003 2760 Anthracite, . . 91-86 3-33 3-02 0-84 092 8337 2779 Coke, .... 97-32 0-49 ^- ^ . 2-17 8009 2761 (For the principles of smoke prevention, and other particulars of the chemistry of fuel, see Coal.) 435 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 324. Although it is impossible to propose a definition of the term organic substance which shall not be applicable to some of the substances commonly regarded as inorganic, it is found advantageous for the purposes of study to treat organic chemistry as a separate division of the science, dealing especially with those substances which are usually obtained, either directly or indirectly, from animals and vegetables. One very important distinction between organic and inorganic substances is, that thj former are for the most part composed of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen, in different proportions and in various modes of arrangement, and that they are, therefore, much more frequently con- vertible into each other by metamorphosis, without extraneous addition of matter, than inorganic substances are. It has been already pointed out (p. 83) that the chemist is gradually learning to produce, though by somewhat clumsy and circuitous processes, many of the substances which were formerly believed incapable of being formed, except through the intervention of life ; but no substance possess- ing an organised structure, such as woody fibre or muscular fibre, and no absolutely indispensable cons'tituent of animal or vegetable frames, if we except water, has yet been artificially procured. It will not escape notice that the four elements which compose the greater number of organic substances, viz., hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon, are, respectively, monatomic, diatomic, triatomic, and tetratomic elements (p. 151), and are, therefore, capable of forming a greater variety of compounds than would be the case if they were elements of equal atomicities. In the following pages, no strictly scientific classification of organic substances has been adopted, since it would often render it necessary to describe, in separate sections, substances which are, in nature, closely^con- nected with each other, but an empirical arrangement has been followed, so that the reader may find his memory assisted and the interest of the subject sustained, by being enabled to bring the facts and explanations into immediate connection with familiar processes of ordinary life.* One of the most conspicuous substances standing upon the boundary between organic and inorganic chemistry is the compound of carbon and nitrogen known as cyanogen, which is intimately connected with inorganic substances through some of the processes for its production, and through its similarity to the chlorine group of elements, whilst the origin and * The number of organic substances known to the chemist is so great that a mere list of them would occupy a volume. In the present work a selection has been made of those which are interesting for their practical applications or instructive from theoretical con- siderations. 2E 2 436 HISTORY OF CYANOGEN. chemical properties of a large number of its compounds give them a claim to be ranked among organic substances. The study of this sub- stance, therefore, will form a fit introduction to organic chemistry. CYANOGEN AND ITS COMPOUNDS. 325. In the beginning of the last century, a manufacturer of colours at Berlin accidentally obtained a blue powder when precipitating sulphate of iron with potash. This substance was used as a colour, under the name of Prussian blue, for several years, before any explanation of its production was attempted, or even before the conditions under which it was formed were exactly determined. In 1824 it was shown that Prussian blue could be prepared by calcining dried animal matters with carbonate of potash, and mixing the aqueous solution of the calcined mass, first with sulphate of iron and afterwards with hydrochloric acid; but the most important step towards the determination of its composition was made by Macquer, who found that by boiling it with an alkali, Prussian blue was decomposed, yielding a residue of red oxide of iron, and a solution which reproduced the blue when mixed with a salt of iron, from which he inferred that the colour was a compound of the oxide of iron with an acid for which the alkali had a more powerful attraction, a belief confirmed, in 1782, by Scheele's observation, that when an alkaline solution prepared for mak- ing the blue was exposed to the air, or to the action of carbonic acid, it lost the power of furnishing the colour, but the escaping vapour struck a blue on paper impregnated with oxide of iron. Scheele also prepared this acid in a pure state, and it soon after obtained the name ofpntssic acid. In 1787 Berthollet found prussic acid to be composed of carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen, but he also showed that the power of the alka- line liquor to produce Prussian blue depended upon the presence of a yellow salt crystallising in octahedra, and containing prussic acid, potash, and oxide of iron, though the latter was so intimately bound up with the other constituents, that it could not be separated by those substances which are usually employed to precipitate iron. Porrett, in 1814, applying the greatly increased resources of chemistry to the investigation of this subject, decomposed Prussian blue with baryta, and subsequently removed the baryta from the salt thus obtained by means of sulphuric acid, when he obtained a solution of the acid, which he named ferruretted chyazic acid, In 1815, Gay-Lussac, having boiled Prussian blue (or prussiate of iron, as it was then called) with red oxide of mercury and water, and crystal- lised the so-called prussiate of mercury, exposed it, in the dry state, to the action of heat, and obtained a gas, having the composition C 2 N, which was called cyanogen* in allusion to its connection with Prussian blue. It was then seen that the substance which had been called ferruretted chyazic acid contained iron and the elements of cyanogen, whence it was called ferrocyanic acid, and its salts were spoken of as ferrocyanates. Robiquet first obtained this acid in the crystallised state, having the composition C 6 H 2 N 3 Fe ; and since it was found that, when brought in contact with metallic oxides, it exchanged the H 2 for two equivalents of the metal, according to the equation H 2 .C 6 N 3 Fe + 2MO = M 2 .C 6 N 3 Fe + 2HO * From Kuaveos, blue. YELLOW PKUSSIATE OF POTASH. 437 it was concluded that the C 6 N 3 Fe composed a distinct group or radical, which was named ferrocyanogen, the acid being called Jiydroferrocyanic acid, and the salts ferrocyanides. 326. Prussiate of potash. The yellow prussiate of potash or fer- rocyanide of potassium (K. 2 .C 6 N 3 Fe + 3Aq.), is manufactured upon a large scale by a process which is the more interesting because it turns to account some of the commonest kinds of refuse, such as old leather, hoof parings, blood, and, in short, any animal matter rich in nitrogen, and not applicable to any more economical purpose. Sometimes these substances are first subjected to destructive distillation for the carbonate of ammonia which they are capable of yielding, and the residual highly nitrogenised charcoal is then used for the production of the ferrocyanide of potassium. Such matters are fused in an iron vessel with carbonate of potash and iron filings, and the fused mass is heated with water in open boilers, when a yellow solution is obtained, which, after evaporation, deposits truncated pyramidal crystals of ferrocyanide of potassium, containing 3 equivalents of water. The theory of this process has been elucidated by the researches of Liebig. If carbonate of potash be strongly heated in contact with pure carbon, there result (page 260) carbonic oxide and potassium, KO.C0 2 + C 2 = 3CO + K; but if the carbon be associated with nitrogen, the reduction will be effected at a much lower temperature, and the potas- sium will combine with 2 equivalents of carbon and 1 equivalent of nitrogen, to form the cyanide of potassium (KC 2 N). When this salt, dis- solved in water, is heated with metallic iron in the presence of air, oxygen is absorbed, and the iron dissolved to form ferrocyanide of potassium 3KC 2 N + Fe + - K 2 .C 6 N 3 Fe + KO. The oxygen may also be acquired from the water, an equivalent quantity of hydrogen being evolved: Prussian blue. For the preparation of Prussian blue it is usual to mix solutions of ferrocyanide of potassium and persulphate of iron, when the blue is precipitated, having been produced according to the equation 3K 2 Fcy + 2(Fe 2 3 .3S0 3 ) - 6(KO.S0 3 ) + Fe 4 Fcy 3 Prussian Mu, in which the symbol Fey represents the group C 6 N 3 Fe (ferrocyanogen), which is capable of playing the same part in many decompositions as if it were an elementary substance. This compound radical has never yet been obtained in the separate state, but it can be traced through a com- plete series of compounds, in which it exactly resembles chlorine' in its chemical relations ; thus the hydroferrocyanic acid (H 2 Fcy), and the fer- rocyanides of the metals (M 2 Fcy), are perfectly analogous to hydrochloric acid and the chlorides, though containing a compound radical instead of a simple one ; but whereas chlorine is a monobasic or monatomic radical, combining only with 1 equivalent of hydrogen or a metal, ferrocyanogen is bibasic or di-atomic ; and hence Prussian blue, the sesquiferrocyanide of iron, corresponding to the sesquioxide (Fe.,0 3 ), has the composition Fe 4 Fcy 3 , whilst the sesquichloride is Fe 2 CL 3 . When Prussian blue is pre- pared by pouring solution of persulphate of iron into an excess of ferro- cyanide of potassium, it is found that, as soon as the excess of the latter salt has been washed away, the precipitate dissolves in pure water, form- 438 PRUSSIAN BLUE. ing what is used by dyers under the name of soluble, Prussian blue. Oxalic acid is capable of dissolving the blue, and this solution forms the basis of ordinary blue ink. Prussian blue is sometimes prepared with the green protosulphate of iron (FeO . S0 3 ), but in that case it is necessary to expose the precipitate for some time to the air, since the first result is a nearly white precipitate, which may be regarded as a double ferrocyanide of iron and potassium (K. 2 Fcy,Fe 2 Fcy). 2(K 2 Fcy) + 2(FeO.S0 3 ) = 2(KO.S0 3 ) + K 2 Fcy, Fe.Fcy . When this precipitate is exposed to the air, it gradually acquires a dark-blue colour, becoming eventually converted into Prussian blue by oxidation 3(K 2 Fcy.Fe 2 Fcy) + 3 = 3K 2 Fcy + Fe 2 3 + Fe 4 Fcy 3 . Prussian blue is easily decomposed by alkalies, a brown residue of sesquioxide of iron being left, Fe 4 Fcy 3 + 6KO = 3K 2 Fcy + 2Fe 2 3 . This decomposition is turned to account by the calico-printer for pro- ducing a buff or white pattern upon a blue ground. The stuff having been dyed blue by passing, first through a solution of a per-salt of iron, and afterwards through one of ferrocyanide of potassium, the pattern is discharged by an alkali, which leaves the brown peroxide of iron capable of being removed by a dilute acid, when the stuff has been rinsed, so as to leave the design white. Hydroferrocyanic acid. By decomposing a cold saturated solution of the ferrocyanide of potassium with about an equal volume of hydrochloric acid, colourless crystals of hydroferrocyanic acid (H 2 Fcy) are obtained, which are insoluble in hydrochloric acid, but readily soluble in water. When a solution of this acid is heated, it evolves hydrocyanic acid (HC 2 N), and deposits a white precipitate of cyanide of iron (FeC2N), which becomes blue on exposure to the air, being converted into Prussian blue ; the simplest way of explaining this, as well as many other decompositions of hydroferrocyanic acid and the ferrocyanides, is to view the radical fer- rocyanogen as formed by the union of three equivalents of cyanogen (C 2 N) and one equivalent of iron, when hydroferrocyanic acid becomes H 2 . Cy 3 Fe, and Prussian blue Fe 4 . 3Cy 3 Fe.* The decomposition of the hydroferrocyanic acid by heat would then be represented by the equation H 2 . Cy 3 Fe = 2HCy + FeCy Hydroferrocyanic Hydrocyanic Protocyanide acid. acid. of iron. and the formation of Prussian blue from this last compound on exposure to air 9FeCy + 3 - Fe 4 . 3Cy 3 Fe + Fe 2 3 . Prussian blue. Hydrocyanic or prussic acid. Advantage is taken of the decomposition of the ferrocyanide of potassium by acids, in the preparation of solution of hydrocyanic acid for medicinal use. For this purpose, 2 parts of the ferrocyanide of potassium in powder are distilled with 1 J parts of oil of vitriol diluted with 2 parts of water, the vapour of hydrocyanic acid * Since Cy requires one equivalent of hydrogen or a metal to saturate its combining power, Cy 3 would require three equivalents, so that Cy 3 Fe would still be capable of receiving two equivalents of a metal, and hence the ferrocyanide of potassium is Cy 3 Fe . K 2 . In Prussian blue the four equivalents of iron represent six equivalents of hydrogen or potas- sium, exactly as in 2Fe 2 Cl ? or Fe 4 Cl fi . HYDROCYANIC OR PRUSSIC ACID. 439 being carefully condensed (see fig. 45). The change is represented by the equation 2K 2 (Cy 3 Fe) + 3(HO . S0 3 ) = 3(KO . SO.) + KFe(Cy 3 Fe) + 3HCy. FeiTocyanide of Ferrocyanide of Hydrocyanic potassium. iron and potassium. acid. There is left in the retort a pale greenish salt, which rapidly becomes blue when exposed to the air, and is probably identical with the double fer- rocyanide of potassium and iron produced when protosulphate of iron is decomposed by ferrocyanide of potassium (p. 438). The solution of hydrocyanic acid thus obtained is colourless, and exhales the remarkable odour of the acid; its acid characters are very feeble indeed, even more so than those of carbonic acid, but it is extremely poisonous, a very small dose destroying life almost immediately. Hydro- cyanic acid is found in laurel-water, and in water distilled from the kernels of many stone-fruits, such as the peach, apricot, plum. In minute closes hydrocyanic acid is a very valuable remedy, and is employed in medicine in solutions of different strengths. One of these, which is known as the acid of the London Pharmacopoeia, contains 2 per cent, of hydrocyanic acid, and is prepared by the process mentioned above. Scheele's acid varies in strength, but usually contains between 4 and 5 per cent, of true hydrocyanic acid. This acid is prepared from Prussian blue, by the process originally employed by Scheele when the acid was discovered. It consists in boiling Prussian blue with water and red oxide of mercury, until the blue colour disappears; peroxide of iron is separated, and cyanide of mercury (HgCy) passes into solution; the latter is filtered, mixed with diluted sulphuric acid, and shaken with iron-filings, which precipitate the mercury in the metallic state, leaving free hydrocyanic acid in the liquid, which is then distilled HgCy + Fe + HO.S0 3 = HCy + FeO . SO S + Hg. In order clearly to understand this process, it must be known that the mercury exhibits a special tendency to combine with cyanogen, which is sufficiently powerful, in this instance, to bring about the decomposition of the ferrocyanogen existing in the Prussian blue, a part of the cyanogen being exchanged for the oxygen of the oxide of mercury. It is from the cyanide of mercury that the pure anhydrous hydrocyanic acid and cyanogen itself are prepared. For these purposes, it may be ob- tained by dissolving the red oxide of mercury in hydrocyanic acid, when a double decomposition takes place, exactly as with hydrochloric acid, HgO + HCy = HgCy + HO, and the cyanide of mercury is ob- tained in square prismatic crystals on evaporating the solution. If these crystals be dried and gently warmed with strong hydrochloric acid, chloride of mercury will be formed, and hydrocyanic acid evolved, HgCy + HC1 = HgCl + HCy. The mixed vapours of hydrochloric and hydrocyanic acid are passed over fragments of marble (CaO . C0 ), which absorb the hydrochloric acid (CaO . C0 2 + HC1 = CaCl + HO "+ C0 2 ), but not the hydrocyanic, since the latter is too weak an acid even to displace carbonic acid. The mixture of hydrocyanic and carbonic acids is passed over chloride of calcium to remove aqueous vapour, and after- wards through a tube cooled in a mixture of ice and salt, when the hydrocyanic acid is condensed to a colourless liquid, which evaporates so rapidly when exposed to the air that it lowers the temperature to the freezing point of the acid, which is about F. ; at a little 440 PREPARATION OF CYANOGEN. above the ordinary temperature (79 F.) it boils, and emits a vapour which burns with a blue flame. When kept for some time it is liable to undergo a spontaneous decomposition, evolving ammonia, and being- converted into a brown mass of uncertain composition. The aqueous solution of the acid suffers a similar change, and since exposure to light favours the decomposition, the medicinal acid is usually kept in bottles covered with paper. The presence of a very small quantity of sulphuric acid prevents this change, and hence the acid prepared by distilling ferrocyanide of potassium with sulphuric acid, which usually contains traces of the latter, can be preserved much better than that prepared by other methods. When hydriodic acid gas is passed into anhydrous hydrocyanic acid cooled by ice, a crystalline body is formed, which has the composition HC ? N . HI. It is readily soluble in water and alcohol, but not in ether, and may be sublimed with little decom- position. This substance is not acid, and does not answer to the tests for hydrocyanic acid. When decomposed by potash, it gives ammonia, formiate of potash, and iodide of potassium, so that it may be regarded as the hydriodate of an ammonia formed by the substitution of one equivalent of the triatomic radical formyle (C 2 H) for the three equivalents of hydrogen ; or hydriodate of formylamine N(C 2 H/ // . HI. 327. Cyanogen itself (C 2 N) can be prepared by the mere action of heat upon the cyanide of mercury (in a test-tube provided with a glass jet for burning the gas, fig. 266). This salt resolves itself into metallic mercury, cyanogen, and a brown substance which has been called paracyanogen (C 6 N 3 ), and appears to have been formed by the union of three equivalents of cyanogen. Cyanogen gas is easily distin- guished from all others by its peculiar odour and its property of burning with a fine peach-coloured flame. Being nearly twice as heavy as air (sp. gr. 1 -8), it may be collected by downward displace- ment, for water dissolves about four times its volume of the gas, yielding a solution which is prone to undergo a spontaneous decomposition Fig. 266. remarkable for the comparatively complex pro- ducts which it furnishes, amongst which we trace the oxalate (NH 4 . C 2 3 ) and formiate (NH 4 . C 2 H0 3 ) of ammonia, and urea (C 2 H 4 N. 2 2 ), all derived, be it remembered, from the elements of cyanogen and water. In its chemical relations cyanogen presents a striking resemblance to chlorine. Thus, at a slightly elevated temperature, potas- sium and sodium take fire in it, forming the cyanides of those metals precisely as the chlorides would be formed. Again, when cyanogen is absorbed by a solution of potash, the cyanide of potassium and cyanate of potash are formed 2KO + Cy 2 - KO.CyO + KCy Cyanate of potash. ^yamdeof just as the chloride of potassium and hypochlorite of potash result from the action of chlorine upon potash, 2KO + CLj = KO . CIO + KC1 . A pres- sure of about 4 atmospheres is required to liquefy cyanogen, when it forms a colourless liquid of sp. gr. 0'87, freezing to a crystalline mass at 30 F. Cyanide of potassium. The most useful of the cyanides is the cyanide of potassium, which is extensively employed in electro-plating and gilding. This salt may be formed by a very interesting process, which is one of CYANIDE OF POTASSIUM. 441 the few in which the atmospheric nitrogen takes part, and consists in passing air over red-hot charcoal which has been previously soaked in a strong solution of carbonate of potash and dried, when the nitrogen requi- site for the formation of the cyanide is absorbed from the air, and carbonic oxide is disengaged KO.C0 2 + C 4 + N - KC 2 N + SCO. Cyanide of potassium. It is probably by a similar change that the cyanide of potassium is pro- duced in the blast-furnaces (page 305) in which iron ores are reduced, the potash being derived from the ash of the fuel. The cyanide is always prepared for use from the ferrocyanide, which is resolved by a very high temperature into cyanide of potassium and carbide of iron, with evolution of nitrogen K 2 Cy 3 Fe = 2KCy + PeC 2 + N. Ferrocyanide Cyanide of of potassium. potassium. In order to avoid the loss of the third equivalent of cyanogen, it is usual to fuse the ferrocyanide with carbonate of potash in the proportion of 3 parts of the dry carbonate to 7 parts of the dried ferrocyanide ; the mixture is fused in a covered earthen crucible, and occasionally stirred until gas ceases to be evolved ; the crucible is then removed from the fire, allowed to stand for a minute or two that the metallic iron may subside, and the clear fused cyanide poured out on to a stone. The change involved in this process is represented by the following equation 2K 2 Cy 3 Fe + 2(KO.C0 2 ) = 5KCy + KO.CyO + Fe 2 + 2CO, Cyanate of potash. whence it will be seen that the commercial cyanide of potassium is con- taminated withcyanate of potash. It also contains a considerable quan- tity of carbonate of potash,' so that the proportion of cyanide is often only 60 per cent. The white porcelain-like masses of cyanide of potassium deliquesce when exposed to the air, and emit the odour of hydrocyanic acid as well as that of ammonia ; the former is disengaged from the cyanide by the action of the atmospheric carbonic acid, whilst the ammoniacal odour is due to the carbonate of ammonia produced by the action of moisture upon the cyanate of potash KO.C 2 NO + 4HO = KO.C0 2 + NH 4 O.C0 2 . Cyanate of potash. Pure cyanide of potassium is deposited in colourless cubical crystals when vapour of hydrocyanic acid is passed into an alcoholic solution of potash, or it may be obtained by boiling the commercial cyanicfe with alcohol and filtering while hot, when the cyanide crystallises out as the solution cools. The use of cyanide of potassium in electroplating and gilding" depends upon the power of a solution of the salt to dissolve the cyanides of gold and silver, forming compounds which are easily decomposed by the gal- vanic current, with deposition of metallic gold or silver upon any object capable of conducting the current, which may be attached to the negative pole (p. 363). Solution of cyanide of potassium is also able to dissolve metallic silver and sulphide of silver, which is taken advantage of in removing photographic stains from the hands and in cleaning silver or gold lace. 442 SULPHOCYANIDE OF POTASSIUM. At a high temperature, cyanide of potassium is a very powerful reducing agent, abstracting two equivalents of oxygen from most of the metallic oxides, so as to liberate the metals, being itself converted into cyanate of potash. Thus, when the binoxide of tin is fused with cyanide of potas- sium, Sn0 2 + KCy = Sn + KO . CyO. This property of the cyanide is often applied in chemical experiments. The cyanate of potash is readily distinguished by the peculiar pungent odour of cyanic acid, which it emits when treated with dilute sulphuric acid, though the greater part of the cyanic acid is decomposed with effervescence, yielding sulphate of ammonia and carbonic acid KO . C 2 NO + 2(HO . S0 3 ) + 2HO = KO . S0 3 + NH 4 . S0 3 + 2C0 2 . When fused cyanate of potash is triturated with dried oxalic acid, and the mass treated with water, a white insoluble substance is left, which has been called cyamelide, and has the composition C.jHN0 2 , being metameric with hydrated cyanic acid, HO . C 2 NO ; when this substance is distilled, hydrated cyanic acid passes over as a colourless liquid, which can only be preserved at a very low temperature, for if the receiver containing it be removed from the freezing mixture employed to condense the cyanic acid, the latter becomes hot and turbid, soon begins to boil violently, and is converted into a white mass of cyamelide resembling porcelain. Cyanide of potassium when fused with sulphur, forms a compound cor- responding to cyanate of potash, but containing sulphur in place of oxygen, and having the formula KS, CyS, which is commonly spoken of as sulphocyanide of potassium, being represented as containing a com- pound radical, sulphocyanogen CyS 2 = Scy. The sulphocyanide of potas- sium is generally prepared by fusing 3 parts of dried ferrocyanide of potassium and 1 part of carbonate of potash (the materials for making cyanide of potassium) with 2 parts of sulphur, in a covered crucible. By washing the cooled mass with boiling water, the sulphocyanide is ex- tracted, and may be obtained by evaporating the solution, in prismatic crystals resembling nitre. By decomposing the sulphocyanide of potas- sium with acetate of lead, the sulphocyanide of lead (PbCyS 2 ) is obtained, and this, when acted upon with sulphuretted hydrogen, yields sulphide of lead and hydrosulphocyanic acid, HCySo, the latter being a colourless oily liquid which may be crystallised by cold. This acid is remarkable for the dark red colour (due to sulphocyanide of iron) which it gives with the per-salts of iron, for which sulphocyanide of potassium is frequently employed as a test. A very delicate test (Liebig's test) for hydrocyanic acid in cases of poisoning is also founded upon that circumstance, for if a watch-glass moistened with yellow sulphide of ammonium (p. 272) be exposed to the action of vapour of hydrocyanic acid, the latter is absorbed and converted into sulphocyanide of ammonium + S 2 + HCy = NH 4 CyS 2 + HS Yellow sulphide Sulphocyanide of ammonium. of ammonium. by applying a gentle heat to the watch-glass, any excess of sulphide of ammonium is volatilised, and a drop of perchloride of iron will then give the blood-red colour with the sulphocyanide. 328. Ferricyanide of potassium. When chlorine is passed into a solu- tion of ferrocyanide of potassium, the liquid assumes a brown colour, and, when evaporated, deposits beautiful red rhombic prisms, which are found, RED PRUSSIATE OF POTASH. 443 on analysis, to have the composition K 3 Cy 6 Fe 2 , having been formed from the ferrocyanide according to the equation 2K 2 Cy 3 Fe + Cl = KjCyJFe, + KC1 . FeiTocyanide Ferricyanide of potassium. of potassium. This salt is known as red prussiate of potash, or ferricyanide of potas- sium, and is used in dyeing; for if a piece of stuff be heated in a solution of the ferricyanide acidulated with acetic acid, a blue compound similar to Prussian blue is deposited in the fibre. Ferricyanide of potassium is also employed for the preparation of Turn- b nil's blue (ferricyanide of iron), which is precipitated when a solution of that salt is mixed with one of sulphate of iron. 3(FeO.S0 3 ) + K 3 (Cy 6 Fe 2 ) = 3(KO . S0 3 ) + Fe 3 (Cy 6 Fe. 2 ) . Ferricyanide Ferricyanide of potassium. of iron. In calico-printing, a mixture of the ferricyanide of potassium with potash is employed as a discharge for indigo, such a mixture acting as a powerful bleaching agent, in consequence of its tendency to impart oxygen to any substance in need of that element, the ferricyanide being converted into the ferrocyanide ; thus K 3 (Cy 6 Fe 2 ) + KO = 2K 2 Cy 3 Fe + . Ferricyanide Ferrocyanide of potassium. of potassium. The ferricyanide of potassium is assumed to contain a compound radical, ferricyanogen (Cy 6 Fe 2 ), which represents a double equivalent of ferro- cyanogen (Cy 3 Fe).* The hydroferricyanic acid (H 3 Cy 6 Fe 2 ) can be obtained in a crystallised state, and many of the corresponding ferricyanides have been examined. Ferrocyanogen and ferricyanogen are not the only compound radicals of this description ; there are cobalticyanogen (Cy 6 Co 2 ), manganicyanogen (Cy 6 Mn 2 ), chromicyanogen . (Cy 6 Cr. 2 ), platinocyanogen (Cy 2 Pt), palladia- cyanogen (Cy 2 Pd), and iridiocyanogen (Cy 3 Ir), but none of these have received any useful applications. The platinocyanides are remarkable for their brilliant colours. 329. Chlorides of cyanogen. When moist cyanide of mercury is shaken up in a bottle of chlorine gas, and set aside for some time in a dark place, the yellow colour of the chlorine disappears, and the bottle is filled with a colourless gas having a remarkably pungent and tear-exciting odour ; this is the gaseous chloride of cyanogen (CyCl) ; HgCy + C1 2 = HgCl + CyCl. If light have access during this experiment, an oily liquid chloride of cyanogen, Cy 2 Cl 2 , is produced. The chloride of cyanogen gas may be liquefied by a pressure of four atmospheres, and if the liquid is kept for some days in a sealed tube, it is converted into a white mass of solid chloride of cyanogen, Cy 3 Cl 3 . When this is acted on by water, it yields cyanuric acid, 3HO . Cy 3 O 3 , according to the equation Cy 3 Cl 3 + 6HO ---- 3HC1 + 3HO . Cy 3 3 . This acid is very interesting on account of its polymeric relation to cyanic acid (HO . CyO), which may be obtained from it by distillation. It is a tribasic acid, and forms, like tribasic phosphoric acid (p. 232), three series of salts, having the formulae, respectively 3MO . Cy 3 8 , 2MO . HO . Cy 3 3 , and MO . 2HO . Cy 3 3 . * The Fe 2 contained in ferricyanogen are equivalent to H 3 or K 3 , as in Fe 2 Cl 3 , hence the Cy s Fe a requires only H 8 or K 3 to complete the saturation of the Cy e . 444 PREPARATION OF FULMINATE OF MERCURY. The cyanide of phosphorus, PCy 3 , has been sublimed in tabular crystals from a mixture of cyanide of silver and terchloride of phosphorus heated in a sealed tube to 280 F. for some hours, and afterwards distilled in a current of dry carbonic acid. Cyanide of phosphorus inflames at a very low temperature, and is decomposed by water, yielding cyanic and phos- phorous acids. 330. Nitroprussides. When ferrocyanide of potassium is boiled with dilute nitric acid, a point is attained at which the solution gives a slate- coloured precipitate with a per-salt of iron ; if it be then boiled with an excess of carbonate of soda, filtered, and evaporated, it deposits ruby-red prismatic crystals of nitroprusside of sodium (Na 2 , Cy 5 N0 3 Fe 2 + 4Aq.), from which the nitroprussides of other metals may be obtained. The hydronitroprussic acid (H 2 , Cy 5 N0 3 Fe 2 + 2Aq.) has also been pre- pared and crystallised. The nitroprussides have been recently proved by the late Mr Hadow to be formed from the ferricyanides by the exchange of one equivalent of cyanogen for an equivalent of nitrous acid (N"0 3 ), and the simultaneous removal of an equivalent of the metal with which the ferricyanogen was combined. Thus ferricyanide of potassium, Kg . Cy 6 Fe 2 , becomes nitroprusside of potas- sium, K 2 . Cy 5 N0 3 Fe 2 , when boiled with nitric acid, other products being formed at the same time by the oxidising action of the nitric acid. Based upon this view of its constitution, a more certain and economical process for the production of nitroprusside of sodium, was devised by Hadow, which consists in acting upon the ferricyanide of potassium with nitrite of soda, acetic acid, and chloride of mercury (corrosive sublimate), when the mercury removes an equivalent of cyanogen, and the chlorine an equivalent of potassium, the nitrous acid of the nitrite of soda entering into the residue of the ferricyanide, and converting it into nitroprusside of potassium, which, by double decomposition with the acetate of soda, yields acetate of potash and nitroprusside of sodium. The cyanide of mercury crystallises out first, and the nitroprusside of sodium may be obtained in crystals from the evaporated solution. The nitroprusside of sodium is used as a test for the alkaline sulphides, with a very slight trace of which it gives a magnificent purple colour. Thus, an inch or two of human hair, fused with carbonate of soda before the blowpipe, will yield sufficient sulphide of sodium to strike a purple tint with the nitroprusside. 331. THE FULMINATES. The violently explosive compound known as fulminate of mercury, which is so largely employed for the manufacture of percussion caps, is connected with the series of cyanogen compounds. Preparation of fulminate of mercury. This substance is prepared by the action of alcohol upon a solution of mercury in excess of nitric acid ; and as this action is of a violent character, some care is necessary in order to avoid an explosion. On a small scale, the fulminate may be obtained without any risk by strictly attending to the following prescription : Weigh out, in a watch-glass, 25 grains of mercury, transfer it to a half-pint beaker, add half an ounce (measured) of ordinary concentrated nitric acid (sp. gr. 1-42), and apply a gentle heat. As soon as the last particle of mercury is dis- solved, place the beaker upon the table, away from any flame, and pour into it, pretty quickly, at arm's length, 5 measured drachms of alcohol (sp. gr. 0-87). Very brisk action will ensue, and the solution will become turbid from the separation of crystals of the fulminate, at the same time evolving very dense white clouds, which have an agreeable odour, due to the presence of nitrous ether, aldehyde, and other PROPERTIES OF FULMINATE OF MERCURY. 445 products of the action of nitric acid upon alcohol. The heavy character of these clouds is caused by the presence of mercury, though in what form has not been ascertained ; much nitrous oxide and hydrocyanic acid are evolved at the same time. When the action has subsided, the beaker may be filled with water, the ful- minate allowed to settle, and the acid liquid poured oif. The fulminate is then collected on a filter, washed with water as long as the washings taste acid, and dried by exposure to air. The chemical change involved in the preparation of the fulminate is complicated by the formation of the secondary products of the action of nitric acid upon alcohol, but if these be left out of consideration, a clear idea of the reaction may be obtained. The fulminate of mercury is found, on analysis, to contain mercury, carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen in proportions corresponding to the formula HgC 2 N0 2 ; if the mercury be supposed to exist in the state of oxide, into ' which it would have been converted by the nitric acid, this formula might be written HgO . C 2 NO. The formula for alcohol is C 4 H 6 2 , and if the above expression for fulminate of mercury be doubled, it becomes 2 HgO . C 4 N 2 2 , and appears to be derivable from alcohol by the exchange of H 6 for !N" 2 , and the addition of 2HgO. It has been remarked (p. 133) that the action of nitrous acid (N0 3 ) upon organic substances frequently results in the removal of H 3 from the substance in the form of 3HO ; and it may be supposed that this acid, resulting from the de-oxidation of the nitric acid by one portion of the alcohol, has acted upon another portion so as to eliminate the whole of its hydrogen, and to leave, in exchange, 2 eqs. of nitrogen; thus, C 4 H 6 2 + 2N0 3 = C 4 N S 8 + 6HO. It is evident that the combining value of the two atoms of triatomic nitrogen is equal to that of six atoms of hydrogen.* The substance C 4 N 2 2 , sup- posed to be combined with the oxide of mercury (though never obtained in the separate state), has been named fulminic acid. The chemical con- stitution of the fulminate will be more advantageously discussed when its properties have been considered. Properties of fulminate of mercury. This substance is deposited in the above process in fine needle-like crystals, which often have a grey colour from the accidental presence of a little metallic mercury. It may be purified by boiling it with water, in which it is sparingly soluble, and allowing the fulminate to crystallise from the filtered solution. Very moderate friction or percussion will cause it to detonate violently, so that it must be kept in a corked bottle lest it should be exploded between the neck and the stopper. Its explosion is attended with a bright flash, and with grey fumes of metallic mercury. The simplest equation to represent the decomposition would be Hg 2 C 4 N 2 4 = Hg 2 + 4CO + N ; and its violence must be attributed to the sudden evolution of a large valume of gas and vapour from a small volume of solid, for the fulminate of mercury, being exceedingly heavy (sp. gr. 4*4), occupies a very small space when compared with the gaseous products of its decomposition, especially when the latter are expanded by the heat. The evolution of heat during the explosion, apparently in contradiction to the rule that heat is absorbed in decomposition, must be ascribed to the circumstance that the heat evolved by the oxidation of the carbon exceeds that absorbed in the decomposition of the fulminate. A temperature of 360 F. explodes fulminate of mer- cury, and the same result is brought about by touching it with a glass- rod * This view is supported by the circumstance that fulminate of silver is abundantly formed when nitrous acid is passed into an alcoholic solution of nitrate of silver. 446 PREPARATION OF FULMINATE OF SILVER. dipped in concentrated sulphuric or nitric acid. The electric spark of course explodes it. Cap composition. The explosion of the fulminate of mercury is so violent and rapid that it is necessary to moderate it for percussion-caps. For this purpose it is mixed with nitrate or chlorate of potash, the oxidising property of these salts possibly causing them to be preferred to any merely inactive substances, since it would tend to increase the tem- perature of the flash by burning the carbonic oxide into carbonic acid, and would thus ensure the ignition of the cartridge. For military caps, in this country, chlorate of potash is always mixed with the fulminate, and powdered glass is sometimes added to increase the sensibility of the mixture to explosion by percussion. Sulphide of antimony is sometimes substituted for powdered glass, apparently for the purpose of lengthening the flash by taking advantage of the powerful oxidising action of chlorate of potash upon that compound (p. 157). Since the composition is very liable to explode under friction, it is made in small quantities at a time, and without contact with any hard substance. After a little of the com- position has been introduced into the cap, it is made to adhere and water- proofed by a drop of solution of shell-lac in spirit of wine. If a thin train of fulminate of mercury be laid upon a plate, and covered, except a little at one end, with gunpowder, it will be found on touching the fulminate with a hot wire, that its explosion scatters the gunpowder, but does not inflame it. On repeating the experiment with a mixture of 10 grains of the fulminate and 15 grains of chlorate of potash, made upon paper with a card, the explosion will be found to inflame the gunpowder. By sprinkling a thin layer of the fulminate upon a glass plate, and firing it with a hot wire, the separated mercury may be made to coat the glass, so as to give it all the appearance of a looking-glass. Although the effect produced by the explosion of fulminate of mercury is very violent in its immediate neighbourhood, it is very slightly felt at a distance, and the sudden expansion of the gas will burst fire-arms, because it does not allow time for overcoming the inertia of the ball, though, if the barrel escape destruction, the projectile effect of the fulmi- nate is found inferior to that of powder. The fulminate of mercury is generally contaminated with oxalate of mercury (HgO . C. 2 { ), which is one of the secondary products formed during its preparation. Fidminate of silver is prepared by a process very similar to that for fulminate of mercury, but since its explosive properties are far more violent, it is not advisable to prepare so large a quantity. 10 grains of pure silver are dissolved, at a gentle heat, in 70 minims of ordinary con- centrated nitric acid (sp. gr. 1 -42) and 50 minims of water. As soon as the silver is dissolved, the heat is removed, and 200 minims of alcohol (sp. gr. 0'87) are added. If the action does not commence after a short time, a very gentle heat may be applied until effervescence begins, when the fulminate of silver will be deposited in minute needles, and may be further treated as in the case of fulminate of mercury.* When dry, the fulminate of silver must be handled with the greatest caution, since it is exploded far more easily than the mercury salt; it should be kept in small quantities wrapped up separately in paper, and placed in a card-board box. * If the nitric acid and alcohol are not of the exact strength here prescribed, it may be somewhat difficult to start the action unless two or three drops of red nitric acid (contain- ing nitrous acid) are added. Standard silver (containing copper) may be used for prepar- ing the fulminate. CHEMICAL CONSTITUTION OF THE FULMINATES. 447 Nothing harder than paper should be employed in manipulating it. The violence of its explosion renders it useless for percussion caps, but it is employed in detonating crackers. Fulminate of silver is sparingly soluble in cold water, but dissolves in 36 parts of boiling water. If a minute particle of fulminate of silver be placed upon a piece of quartz, and gently pressed with the angle of another piece, it will explode with a flash and smart report. A throw-down detonating cracker may be made by screwing up a particle of the fulminate of silver in a piece of thin paper, with some fragments obtained by crush- ing >a common quartz pebble. The explosion of fulminate of silver may be compared with that of the mercury salt by heating equal quantities upon thin copper or platinum foil, when the ful- minate of mercury will explode with a slight puff, and will not injure the foil, but that of silver will give a loud crack and rend a hole in the metal. If a particle of fulminate of silver be placed upon a glass plate and touched with a glass rod dipped in oil of vitriol, it will detonate and leave a deposit of silver upon the glass. When fulminate of silver is dissolved in warm ammonia, the solution deposits, on cooling, crystals of a double fulminate of silver and ammonia, AgO . NH 3 . HO . C 4 N 2 2 , which is even more violently explosive, and is dangerous while still moist. On adding chloride of potassium in excess to fulminate of silver, only half the silver is removed as chloride, and the double fulminate of silver and potassium, AgO, KO, C 4 N 2 2 , may be crystallised from the solution. By the careful addition of nitric acid, the KO may be removed from this salt, and the acid fulminate of silver, AgO . HO . C 4 N" 2 2 , obtained, which is easily soluble in boiling water, and crystallises out on cooling ; by boil- ing with oxide of silver, it is converted into the neutral fulminate. Various other fulminates and double fulminates have been obtained. They are all more or less explosive. Chemical constitution of the fulminates. The fact of the existence of double fulminates and acid" fulminates renders it necessary to write the empirical formula of fulminate of silver, for example, Ag 2 C 4 N 2 4 , instead of AgC 2 N0 2 , in order to show that half of the silver is capable of being exchanged for another metal or for hydrogen. It will be seen that this formula would also represent two equivalents of cyanate of silver (AgO . C 2 NO), but the properties of this salt are entirely different from those of the fulminate. That a strong connection exists, however, between the fulminates and the cyanogen-compounds, is shown by several reactions. Thus, if fulminate of mercury be heated with hydrochloric acid, it is dis- solved with evolution of a powerful odour of hydrocyanic acid, whilst mer- curic chloride and oxalate, with hydrochlorate of ammonia, remain in the solution. Again, if an excess of fulminate of silver be acted on by Hydro- sulphuric acid, cyanic acid may be obtained in solution, and becomes converted into hydrosulphocyanic acid, when the hydrosulphuric acid is in excess. By decomposing the double fulminate of copper and ammonia (CuO . NH 3 . HO . C 4 1N~ 2 2 ) with hydrosulphuric acid, there are produced hydrosulphocyanic acid and urea, the latter having the same composition as cyanate of ammonia CuO.NH 3 .HO.C 4 N 2 2 + 3HS = CuS + 2HO + H. C.;X T S 2 + C 2 H 4 N 2 2 . Hydrosulphocyanic TT acid. These reactions have induced many chemists to regard the fulminates as compounds of the metallic oxides with an acid having the composition 448 PRODUCTS FROM COAL. Cy 2 2 , intermediate in composition between the hypothetical anhydrous cyanic acid (CyO) and the hypothetical anhydrous cyanuric acid (Cy 3 3 ), but neither the anhydrous nor the -hydrated fulminic acid has yet been obtained in a separate form. This view of the constitution of the ful- minates, however, has the recommendation of simplicity, and enables the greater number of their reactions to be easily explained. Fulminate of mercury dissolves when boiled with solution of chloride of potas- sium, and the solution, when evaporated, yields crystals of fulminurate or isocyanu- rate of potash, KG . C 6 N 8 H 2 5 , which has the same percentage composition as acid cyanurate of potash, KG . 2HO . Cy 3 G 3 , but the acid contained in fulminurate of potash forms only one series of salts, and is therefore monobasic. The fulminurates are feebly explosive. The production of fulminuric acid from the hypothetical hydrate of fulminic acid may be represented by the equation 2(2HO . C 4 N 2 2 ) + 2HO = 2C0 2 + NH 3 + HO . C fl N 3 H 2 5 . PRODUCTS OF THE DESTRUCTIVE DISTILLATION OJF COAL. 332. Much of the extraordinary progress made by chemistry during the last half century must be attributed to the introduction and great ex- tension of the manufacture of coal-gas. No other branch of manufacture has brought into notice so many compounds not previously obtained from any other source; and, above all, offering, at first sight, so very little promise of utility, as to press urgently upon the chemist the necessity for submitting them to investigation. Although many important additions to chemical knowledge have re- sulted from the labours of those who have engaged in devising the best methods of obtaining the coal-gas itself in the state best fitted for con- sumption, far more benefit has accrued to the science from investigations into the nature of the secondary products of the manufacture, the removal of which Avas the object to be attained in the purification of the gas. Of the compounds of carbon and hydrogen, very little was known pre viously to the introduction of coal-gas ; and although the liquid hydro- carbons composing coal-naphtha were originally obtained from other sources, the investigation of their chemical properties has been greatly pro- moted by the facility with which they may be obtained in large quantities from that liquid. The most important of these hydrocarbons, benzole or benzine, was originally procured from benzoic acid j but it would have been impossible for it to have fulfilled its present useful purposes but for the circumstance that it is obtained in abundance as a secondary product in the manufacture of coal-gas ; for, leaving out of consideration the various uses to which benzole itself is devoted, it yields the nitrobenzole, so much used in perfumery, and from this we obtain aniline, from which many of the most beautiful dyes are now prepared. The naphthaline found so abundantly in coal-tar possesses a peculiar interest, as having formed the subject of the beautiful researches by which Laurent was led to propose the doctrine of substitution, which has since thrown so much light upon the constitution of organic substances. We are also especially indebted to coal-tar for our acquaintance with the very interesting and rapidly-extending class of volatile alkalies, of which the above-mentioned aniline is the chief representative, and for phenic or carbolic acid, from which are derived the large number of sub- stances composing the phenyle-series. MANUFACTUKE OF COAL-GAS. 449 The retorts in which the distillation of coal is effected are made either of cast-iron or stoneware, generally having the form of a flattened cylinder, and arranged in sets of three or five, heated by the same coal fire (fig. 267). The charge for each retort is about two bushels, and is thrown on to the red-hot Fig. 267. Manufacture of coal-gas. floor of the retort, as soon as the coke from the previous distillation has been raked out ; the mouth of the retort is then closed with an iron plate luted with clay. An iron pipe rises from the upper side of the front of the retort projecting from the furnace, and is curved round at the upper extremity, which passes into the side of a much wider tube, called the hydraulic main, running above the furnaces, at right angles to the retorts, and re- ceiving the tubes from all of them. This tube is always kept half full of the tar and water which condense from the gas, and below the surface of this liquid the delivery tubes from the retorts are allowed to dip, so that although the gas can bubble freely through the liquid as it issues from the retort, none can return through the tube whilst the retort is open for the introduction of a fresh charge. The aqueous portion of the liquid deposited in the hydraulic main is known as the ammoniacal liquor, from its consisting chiefly of a solution of various salts of ammonia, the chief of which is the sesquicarbonate ; sulphide, cyanide, and sulphocyanide of ammonium are also found in it. From the hydraulic main the gas passes into the condenser, which is composed of a series of bent iron tubes kept cool either by the large sur- face which they expose to the air, or sometimes by a stream of cold water. In these are deposited, in addition to water, any of the volatile hydrocarbons and salts of ammonia which may have escaped condensation in the hydraulic main. Even in the condenser the removal of the am- moniacal salts is not complete, so that it is usually necessary to pass the gas through a scrubber or case containing fragments of coke, over which a stream of water is allowed to trickle in order to absorb the remaining ammoniacal vapours. SF 450 PURIFICATION OF COAL-GAS. The tar which condenses in the hydraulic main is a very complex mixture, of which the following are some of the leading components Boiling Point, Equivalent Formula. Sp. Gr. NEUTRAL HYDROCARBONS. Liquid. Benzole, Toluole, 176 F. 230 C 12 H 6 C u H fl 0-88 0-87 Xylole . 284 0-87 Isocumole* .... Solid. Naphthaline Paranaphthaline, . . Chrysene . 338 428 680 Ci 8 H 12 C 2 H 8 ^30^12 C 9 ,H 8 0-85 Pyrene ALKALINE PRODUCTS. Ammonia, ... Aniline, 360 J C'30-^-12 NH, C 12 H 7 N 1-02 Picoline 271 C oH*N 0-96 Quinoline, .... Pyridine 462 240 C 18 H 7 N C, H N 1-08 ACIDS. Carbolic acid, . . . Kresylic . . . . Kosolic . . . . 370 397 '-'ID 6 C 12 H 6 2 C U H 8 2 C 46 H 228 1-07 Acetic . . 243 C 4 H 4 4 1-06 The gas is now passed through the lime-purifier, which is an iron box with shelves, on which dry slaked lime is placed in order to absorb the carbonic acid and. sulphuretted hydrogen, and the last portions of ammonia are removed by passing the gas through dilute sulphuric acid. A great many other methods have been devised for the purification of the gas from sulphuretted hydrogen, but none appears to be so efficacious and economical as that which consists in passing the gas over a mixture of sulphate of iron (green vitriol or copperas), slaked lime, and sawdust (which is employed to prevent the other materials from caking together). The lime decomposes the sulphate of iron, forming sulphate of lime and hydrated oxide of iron FeO.S0 3 + CaO.HO = FeO.HO + CaO.S0 3 . The action of air upon the mixture soon converts the oxide into sesqui- oxide of iron, which absorbs the sulphuretted hydrogen and the hydro- cyanic acid, producing with the former sulphide of iron, and with the latter Prussian blue, or some similar compound. The sulphate of lime existing in this purifying mixture is useful in absorbing any vapour of carbonate of ammonia from the gas, forming sulphate of ammonia and carbonate of lime.t * Benzole, originally derived from benzoic acid; toluole, from balsam of tolu ; 'xyloU, found among the products from wood (v\ov) ; isocumole, isomeric with cumole, obtained from oil of cummin. , f Sesquioxide of iron itself, derived from various natural and artificial sources, is also employed for the purification of coal-gas. COAL-TAR. 451 The action of the sulphuretted hydrogen on the sesquioxide of iron may be thus represented, Fe 2 3 + 3HS = 2FeS + S + 3HO ; and the cir- cumstance which especially conduces to the economy of the process, is the facility with which the sulphide of iron may be reconverted into the sesquioxide by mere exposure to the action of atmospheric oxygen, for 2FeS + 3 = Fe 2 3 + S 2 , thus reviving the power of the mixture to absorb sulphuretted hydrogen. Accordingly, if a small quantity of air be ad- mitted into the purifier together with the gas, it reconverts the sulphide of iron into sesquioxide, and the oxidation is attended with enough heat to convert into vapour any benzole which may have condensed in the purify- ing mixture, and of which the illuminating value would otherwise be lost. The same purifying mixture may thus be employed to purify a very large quantity of gas, until the separated sulphur has increased its bulk to an inconvenient extent, when it is distilled off in iron retorts. The various processes which have been devised for the removal of the bisulphide of carbon vapour are mentioned at p. 217. The purified gas is passed into the gasometers, from which it is sup- plied for consumption. In the manufacture of coal-gas, attention is requisite to the temperature at which the distillation is effected, for if it be too low, the solid and liquid hydrocarbons will be formed in too great abundance, not only diminishing the volume of the gas, but causing much inconvenience by obstructing the pipes. On the other hand, if the retort be too strongly heated, the vapours of volatile hydrocarbons, as well as the olefiant gas and marsh-gas, may undergo decomposition, depositing their carbon upon- the sides of the retort, in the form of gas-carbon, and leaving their hydro- gen to increase the volume and dilute the illuminating power of the gas. These effects are well exemplified in the following analyses of the gas collected from Wigan cannel coal at different periods of the distillation : In 100 volumes. 1st hour. 5th hour. 10th hour. Olefiant gas and volatile hydrocarbons, Marsh-gas 13-0 82-5 7-0 66-0 o-o 20-0 Carbonic oxide, 3-2 11-0 10-0 Hvdroaren, . 0-0 21-3 60-0 Nitrogen, 1-3 4-7 10-0 The increase of the carbonic oxide after the first hour must be attri- buted to the decomposition of the aqueous vapour by the carbon as the temperature rises, and the increase of the nitrogen may probaljly be ascribed to the decomposition of the ammonia into its elements at a high temperature. 333. One of the most useful of the secondary products of the coal-gas manufacture is the ammonia, and this process has been already noticed as a principal source of the ammoniacal salts found in commerce. Next in the order of usefulness stands the coal-tar, which deserves attentive consideration not only on that account, but because the extrac- tion of the various useful substances from this complex mixture affords an excellent example of proximate organic analysis, that is, of the separa- tion of an organic mixture into its immediate components. For the separation of the numerous volatile substances contained in 2 F2 452 COAL-NAPHTHA. coal-tar, advantage is taken of the difference in their boiling points, which will he observed on examining the table at p. 450. A large quantity of the tar is distilled in an iron retort, when water passes over, holding salts of ammonia in solution, and accompanied by a brown oily offensive liquid which collects upon the surface of the water. This is a mixture of the hydrocarbons which are lighter than water, viz., benzole, toluole, xylole, and isocumole, all having, as represented in the table at p. 450, a specific gravity of about 0'85. 100 parts of the tar yield, at most, 10 parts of this light oil. As the distillation proceeds, and the temperature rises, a yellow oil dis- tils over, which is heavier than water, and sinks in the receiver. This oil, commonly called dead oil, is much more abundant than the light oil, amounting to about one-fourth of the weight of the tar, and contains those constituents of the tar which have a high specific gravity and boiling point, particularly naphthaline, aniline, quinoline, and carbolic acid. The pro- portion of naphthaline in this oil augments with the progress of the dis- tillation, as would be expected from its high boiling point, so that the last portions of the oil which distil over become nearly solid on cooling. When this is the case, the distillation is generally stopped, and a black viscous residue is found in the retort, which constitutes pitch, and is employed for the preparation of Brunswick black and of asphalt for paving. The light oil which first passed over is rectified by a second distillation, and is then sent into commerce under the name of coal naphtha, a quan- tity of the heavy oil being left in the retort, the lighter oils having lower boiling points. This coal naphtha may be further purified by shaking it with sulphuric acid, which removes several of the impurities, whilst the pure naphtha collects on the surface when the mixture is allowed to stand. When this is again distilled it yields the rectified coal naphtha. This light oil, especially when distilled from cannel coal at a low temperature, contains, in addition to the hydrocarbons above enumerated, somq. belonging to the marsh-gas series (C TC H 2n ), and others more recently brought to light, belonging to a series the general formula of which is C n H n _ 2 ; but these last appear to be acted on by the sulphuric acid, employed to remove the basic substances from the light oil, in such a manner that they are converted into polymeric hydrocarbons, having the general formula C 2n H 2n _ 4 , of which the three following have been particularly examined : Equivalent formula. C 24 H 20 C 28 H ^32 H 28 The hydrocarbons, C 12 H 10 , C> 14 H 12 , and C 1( formed by the action of sulphuric acid, w Boiling point. 4JOF. 464 536 H 14 , from which these appear to have been Duld evidently be the higher homologues of acetylene, C 4 H 2 . The distillation of cannel coal, and of various minerals nearly allied to coal, at low temperatures, is now extensively carried on for the manufacture of paraffine and paraffine oil. (See Paraffine.) The separation of the hydrocarbons composing this naphtha is effected by a process in constant use for similar purposes, and known as fractional distillation. This consists in distilling the liquid in a retort (A, fig. 268) through the tubulure of which a thermometer (T) passes, to indicate the tempera- ture at which it boils. The first portion which distils over will, of course, SEPARATION OF THE HYDROCARBONS IN COAL-NAPHTHA. 453 consist chiefly of that liquid which has the lowest boiling point ; and if the receiver (E) be changed at stated intervals corresponding to a certain Fig. 268. Fractional distillation. rise in the temperature, a series of liquids will be obtained, containing substances the boiling points of which lie within the limits of tempera- ture between which such liquids were collected. When these liquids are again distilled separately in the same way, a great part of each is generally found to distil over within a few degrees on either side of some particular temperature, which represents the boil- ing point of the substance of which that liquid chiefly consists ; and if the receivers be again changed at stated intervals, a second series of distillates will be obtained, the boiling points of which are comprised within a narrower range of temperature. It will be evident that, by repeated dis- tillations of this description, the mixture will eventually be resolved into a number of substances, each distilling over entirely at or about one par- ticular degree, viz., the boiling point of that substance. To apply this to the separation of the constituents of light coal naphtha. The crude light oil is first agitated with dilute sulphuric acid, which removes any basic substances present in it, and afterwards with a dilute solution of potash, to separate carbolic acid. The adhering potash is removed by shaking with water, and the naphtha is allowed to remain at rest, so that all the water may settle down, and the naphtha may be drawn off for distillation. The naphtha begins to boil at about 160 F., but a small quantity distils over before the temperature has risen to 180, when the receiver may be changed ; between 180 and 200 a considerable quantity of the naphtha distils over, and at the latter degree the receiver is changed a second time. The receiver is changed at every 20 throughout the distillation, until nearly the whole of the naphtha has passed over, which will be the case at about 360.* Ten unequal quantities of liquid will have been thus obtained, diminishing as the temperature rises. Each of these must then be distilled in a smaller retort than the first, also pro- vided with a thermometer. The first portion (160 to 180) will probably begin to boil at 150, and will distil in great part before 160, when the receiver may be changed. When the tempera- ture reaches 170 it will probably be found that nothing remains worth distilling. The liquid passing over in this distillation between 160 and 170 may be added to that which is next to be distilled (180 to 200). * On the large scale, that portion of the naphtha which is distilled over between 180 and 250 F. is sold as benzole, and employed for the preparation of aniline. 454 BENZOLE OR BENZINE. The second portion (180 to 200) will begin to boil at about 175, and will distil over chiefly between that temperature and 185, when the receiver may be changed. Nearly the whole will have passed over before 195, and this last fraction may be added to that previously obtained from 200 to 220. When all the first series of liquids have been thus distilled, it will be found that the second series consists chiefly of six portions distilling between the following degrees of temperature, viz., 150-160, 175-185, 180-190, 240-250, 300-310, 340-350. By another distillation of each of these portions, a third series of liquids will be formed, consisting chiefly of five portions distilling between the following points, viz., 145-150, 175-180, 230-235, 288-293, 336-342. The portion distilling between 145 and 150 is comparatively small in quantity, and has not yet been fully examined. That obtained between 175 and 180 is more abundant than either of the others, and is nearly pure benzole (C 12 H 6 ). The portion boiling between 230 and 235 is chiefly toluole (C U H 8 ), whilst 288 to 293 gives xylole (0 16 H 10 ), and 366 to 342 isocumole (C 18 H la ). In order to separate the benzole completely from the hydrocarbons which still adhere to it, the portion boiling between 175 and 180 is exposed to a temperature of 32, when the benzole alone freezes, the other hydrocarbons remaining liquid, and being easily extracted by pressure. A simpler method of separating liquids which have different boiling points con- sists in distilling them in a flask (F, fig. 269) connected with a spiral worm (W) of Fig. 269. Fractional distillation. pewter or copper, surrounded by water, or some other liquid, maintained at a tem- perature just above the boiling point of the particular liquid which is required to distil over. The greater part of the less volatile liquids will condense in the worm and run back into the flask. Thus, in extracting benzole from the light oil, the liquid in A might be kept at 180 F., when the toluole, &c., would be partly condensed in the worm, and the portion which passed into the receiver would consist chiefly of benzole. When little more distilled over, the temperature of A might be raised to 230 and the receiver changed, when the distillate would contain toluole as its predominant constituent, and so on. 334. .Benzole. The pure benzole or benzine is a brilliant colourless liquid, exhaling a powerful odour of coal-gas; it boils at 176 F., and is very inflammable, burning with a smoky flame. It mixes readily with alcohol and wood-spirit, but not with water. Its property of dissolving caoutchouc and gutta percha renders it very useful in the arts, and it is an excellent solvent for the removal of grease, paint, &c., from clothes and furniture. ANILINE OR PHENYIAMINE. 455 Benzole combines directly with chlorine to form a solid chloride of benzole, 12 H 6 C1 6 , which is decomposed by an alcoholic solution of potash, yielding chlorobenzole. C 12 H 3 C1 3 . -By the action of an aqueous solution of hypochlorous acid upon benzole, a crys- talline body has been obtained, having the composition C 12 H 9 C1 3 O 6 , and called trichlorhydrine of phenose. When acted on by alkalies, this substance yields a sweet substance called phenose, isomeric with dry grape-sugar C 12 H 9 C1 3 6 + 3(KO.HO) = C 12 H 12 ]2 + 3KC1. This substance has not been crystallised ; it forms a deliquescent amorphous mass, which is easily soluble in water and alcohol, but insoluble in ether. It reduces the oxides of copper and silver like grape-sugar, and when acted on by nitric acid is converted into oxalic acid. Phenose has not been found capable of fermentation by yeast. 335. Aniline. The chief purpose to which benzole is devoted is the preparation of aniline, which is subsequently converted into the bril- liant dyes now so extensively used. It has been already noticed at p. 128, that when benzole is dissolved in fuming nitric acid, violent action takes place, and a dark red liquid is formed, from which water precipitates a heavy yellow oily liquid, smelling of bitter almonds, and known as nitrolenzole, which has the composition C 12 H 5 (N0 4 ), and may be regarded as derived from benzole by the substitution of an equivalent of nitric per- oxide for an equivalent of hydrogen C 12 H 6 + HO. NO. = C 12 H 5 (N0 4 ) + 2HO. Benzole. Nitrobenzole. When nitrobenzole is placed in contact with diluted sulphuric acid and metallic zinc, the (nascent) hydrogen removes the whole of the oxygen, and two equivalents of hydrogen are acquired in their stead, producing C 12 H 5 NH 2 , or C ]2 H 7 N, aniline C 12 H 5 (N0 4 ) + H 6 = C J2 H 7 N + 4HO.* Nitrobenzole. Aniline. That aniline has been produced may be shown by neutralising the excess of sulphuric acid with potash, and adding chloride of lime (hypochlorite of lime), which gives a fine purple colour with aniline. The conversion of nitrobenzole into aniline on a large scale is more conveniently effected by gently heating it in a retort, with water, iron filings, and acetic acid, when the deoxidising action of the acetate of iron (FeO . C 4 H 3 3 ), first produced, materially assists the change, this salt being converted into a basic peracetate of iron (Fe.,0 3 . 2C 4 H 3 3 ), which is left in the retort, and the aniline may be distilled over, accompanied by water. At the close of the distillation, a red oil passes over, which solidi- fies to a crystalline mass. This is azobenzide^ C 12 H 5 N, originally obtained by distilling nitrobenzole with an alcoholic solution of potash. (When nitrobenzole, in alcoholic solution, is reduced by zinc in the presence of hydrochloric acid, the solution neutralised by carbon ate of * The change is more intelligible when molecular formulae are employed ; thus Molecular formula. Benzole, . . 6 8 H e Nitrobenzole, . 6 fi H 5 (N0 2 ) Aniline, . . e e H 6 NH 2 which shows that two atoms of oxygen have been displaced by two atoms of hydrogen. 456 DYES FKOM COAL-TAR. soda and boiled with, alcohol, a crystalline compound of aniline with chloride of zinc (ZnCl + C 12 H 7 N) is obtained.) Since aniline is only slightly soluble in water, and has the sp. gr. 1 '02, the larger portion of it collects at the bottom of the liquid in the receiver, which is milky from the presence of minute drops of aniline in suspension. By pouring the contents of the receiver into a tall vessel, the greater part of the aqueous fluid may be separated, and the aniline may be purified by a second distillation, when the remaining water will pass over first, the boiling point of aniline being 360 F. Aniline* presents many striking features; though, colourless when per- fectly pure, it soon becomes brown if exposed to the air ; its odour is very peculiar and somewhat ammoniacal, and its taste is very acrid. A drop falling upon a deal table stains it intensely yellow. But the character by which aniline is most easily recognised, and that which, leads to its useful applications, is the production of a violet colour with solution of chloride of lime, by which a very minute quantity of aniline may be detected. The exact nature of the chemical change connected with the production of this colour has not been determined, but it is known to be an oxidation, and a great number of processes have been patented from time to time for the production of crimson, purple, and violet dyes by the action of various oxidising agents upon aniline. 836. Coal-tar dyes. The first dye ever manufactured from aniline on a large scale was that known as mauvej or aniline purple, which is obtained by dissolving aniline in diluted sulphuric acid, and adding solution of bichromate of potash, when the liquid gradually becomes dark-coloured, and deposits a black precipitate, which is filtered off, washed, boiled with coal-naphtha to extract a brown substance, and afterwards treated with hot alcohol, which dissolves the mauve. The chemical change by which the aniline has been converted into this colouring-matter cannot at present be clearly traced, but the basis of the colour has been found to be a sub- stance which has the composition C 27 H 12 N 2 , and has been termed mauve'ine. It forms black shining crystals, resembling specular iron ore, which dissolve in alcohol, forming a violet solution, and in acids, with production of the purple colour. Mauveine combines with the acids to form salts ; its alcoholic solution even absorbs carbonic acid gas. The hydrochlorate of mauveine, C 27 H 12 N 2 . HC1, forms prismatic needles with a green metallic lustre. Very brilliant red dyes are obtained from commercial aniline by the action of bichloride (tetrachloride) of carbon, bichloride of tin, perchloride of iron, chloride of copper, mercuric nitrate, corrosive sublimate, and hydrated arsenic acid. It will be noticed that all these agents are capable of undergoing reduction to a lower state of oxidation or chlorination, indicating that the chemical change concerned in the transformation of aniline into aniline-red is one in which the aniline is acted on by oxygen or chlorine. The easiest method of illustrating the production of aniline-red, on the small scale, consists in heating a few drops of aniline in a test-tube with a fragment of corrosive sublimate (perchloride of mercury), which soon fuses and acts upon the aniline to form an intensely red mass composed of aniline-red, calomel, and various secondary products. By heating this mixture with alcohol the red dye is dissolved, and a skein of silk or wool dipped into the liquid becomes dyed of a fine red, which is not removed by washing. On the large scale, Magenta (as aniline-red is commonly termed) is generally pre- pared by heating aniline to about 320 F. with hydrated arsenic acid, when a dark semisolid mass is obtained, which becomes hard and brittle on cooling, and exhibits a green metallic reflection. This mass contains, in addition to aniline-red, several secondary products of the action, and arsenious acid. On boiling it with water, a splendid red solution is obtained, and a dark resinous or pitchy mass is left. If * Aniline derives its name from anil, the Portuguese for indigo, from which it may be obtained by distillation with potash. f French for marsh-mallow, in allusion to the colour of the flower. MAGENTA ROS ANILINE CHRYSANILINE. 457 common salt be added to the red solution as long as it is dissolved, the bulk of the colouring matter is precipitated as a resinous mass, which may be purified from certain adhering matters by drying and boiling with coal naphtha. The red colour- ing matter is a combination of arsenic acid with a, colourless organic base, which has been called rosaniline, and has the composition C 40 H 19 N 3 . 2HO (atomic formula, 6 20 H 19 N 3 . H 2 0). If the red solution of arseniate of rosaniline be decomposed with hydrate of lime suspended in water, a pinkish precipitate is obtained, which consists of rosaniline mixed with arseniate of lime, and the solution entirely loses its red colour. By treating the precipitate with a small quantity of acetic acid, the rosaniline is converted into acetate of rosaniline (C 40 H 19 N 3 , HO . C 4 H 3 3 ), forming a red solution, which may be filtered off from the undissolved arseniate of lime. On evaporating the solution to a small bulk, and allowing it to stand, the acetate is obtained in crystals which exhibit the peculiar green metallic lustre of the wing of the rose- beetle, characteristic of the salts of rosaniline. This salt is the commonest com- mercial form of Magenta ; its colouring power is extraordinary, a very minute particle imparting a red tint to a large volume of water. Silk and wool easily extract the whole of the colouring matter from the aqueous solution, becoming dyed a fast and brilliant crimson ; cotton and linen, however, have not so strong an attraction for it, so that if a pattern be worked in silk upon a piece of cambric, which is then im- mersed in a solution of Magenta and afterwards washed in hot water, the colour will be washed out of the cambric, but the red silk pattern will be left. If a boiling solution of the acetate of rosaniline be mixed with excess of ammonia, the bulk of the rosaniline will be precipitated, but if the solution be filtered while hot, it deposits colourless needles of rosaniline, which become red when exposed to the air, from absorption of carbonic acid, and formation of the red carbonate of rosaniline. Water dissolves but little rosaniline ; alcohol dissolves it abundantly, forming a deep red solution. Rosaniline forms two classes of salts with acids, those with one equivalent of acid (monacid salts) being crimson, and those with three equivalents (triacid salts) having a brown colour. Thus, if colourless rosaniline be dissolved in a little dilute hydrochloric acid, a red solution is obtained, which contains the rnonacid hydrochlorate of rosaniline, C 40 N 19 H 3 . HC1 ; but if an excess of hydro- chloric acid be added, the red colour disappears, and a brown solution is obtained, from which the triacid hydrochlorate, C 40 H 19 N 3 . 3HC1, may be crystallised in brown- red needles. For experimental illustration t)f the properties of rosaniline, the liquid obtained by boiling a solution of the acetate with a slight excess of lime diffused in water, and filtering while hot, is very well adapted. This solution has a yellow colour, and may be preserved in a stoppered bottle without alteration. If air be breathed into it through a tube, the liquid becomes red from production of carbonate of rosaniline. Characters painted on paper with a brush dipped in the solution are invisible at first, but gradually acquire a beautiful rose colour. When the red solution of hydrochlorate of rosaniline is slightly acidified with hydrochloric acid and placed in contact with zinc, the solution becomes colourless, the rosaniline acquiring two equivalents of hydrogen, and becoming leucaniline (from xtt/xo? , white) C 40 H 21 N 3 , the hydrochlorate of which (C 40 H 21 N 3 . 3HC1) forms a colourless solution. Oxidising agents reconvert the leucaniline into rosaniline. It has been observed that pure aniline does not yield aniline-red when heated with corrosive sublimate or arsenic acid, it being necessary that it should contain aaother organic base, toluidine (C 14 H 9 N), which is derived from toluole (C 14 H 8 ) in the same way in which aniline is derived from benzole. Since the benzole obtained from coal naphtha almost invariably contains toluole, the aniline obtained from it is very seldom free from toluidine. What share the toluidine has in the production of the red colour is not understood, but if the aniline be prepared with benzole derived from benzoic acid, and therefore free from toluole, no red is obtained. A mixture of 70 parts of toluidine with 30 of aniline, is said to answer best for the preparation of the red and violet colouring matters. Such a mixture would contain two equivalents of toluidine (C 14 H 9 N) and one equivalent of aniline (C 12 H 7 N), or C 40 H 25 N 3 , only requiring the removal of H 6 by an oxidising agent to yield rosaniline C 40 H ]9 N 3 . Aniline-yellow or chrysaniline (from %pva-to$, golden) is found among the secondary products obtained in the preparation of aniline-red. It forms a bright yellow powder resembling chrome-yellow, and having the composition C 4Q H 17 N 3 . It is nearly insoluble in water, but dissolves in alcohol. Chrysaniline has basic pro- 458 ANILINE-BLUE HYDROCYAN-ROSAN1L1NE. perties, and dissolves in acids, forming salts. On dissolving it in diluted hydro- chloric acid, and mixing the solution with the concentrated acid, a scarlet crystalline precipitate of hydrochlorate of chrysaniline (C 40 H 17 N" 3 . 2HC1) is obtained, which is insoluble in strong hydrochloric acid, but very soluble in water. A characteristic feature of chrysaniline is the sparing solubility of its nitrate. Even from a dilute solution of the hydrochlorate, nitric acid precipitates the nitrate of chrysauiline (C 40 H 17 N 3 . HO . N0 5 ) in ruby-red needles. Aniline-blue is produced when a salt of rosaniline (the commercial acetate, for example) is boiled with an excess of aniline, which converts the rosaniline (C 40 H ]9 N 3 ) into triphenylic rosaniline (C 40 H 16 (C 12 H 5 ) 3 N 3 ), which may be regarded as having been formed by the introduction of three equivalents of the hypothetical radical phenyle (C 12 H 5 ) in place of three equivalents of hydrogen, the -latter having been evolved in the form of ammonia C 40 H 19 N 3 .HC1 + 3[(C 12 H 5 ) H 2 N] = C 40 H 16 (C 12 H 6 ) 3 N 3 . HC1 + 3NH 3 . Hydrochlorate of Aniline. Hydrochlorate of rosaniline. triphenylic rosaniline. The hydrochlorate is an ordinary commercial form of aniline-blue ; it has a brown colour, refuses to dissolve in water, but yields a fine blue solution in alcohol. If it be dissolved in an alcoholic solution of ammonia, the addition of water causes a white precipitate of tbe hydrated base, triphenylic rosaniline, C,JEL e (C 10 H K ) Q N Q . 2HO, i-v^i * * i-i-i*... -U 16\ 12 5/3 o which becomes bluish when washed and dried. Just as rosaniline yields leucaniline when acted on with nascent hydrogen, so triphenylic rosaniline yields triphenylic leucaniline (C 40 H 18 (0 12 H 6 ) 3 N 3 ) ; this is not basic like leucaniline, but a colourless neutral substance, which is reconverted into blue by oxidising agents. Compounds corresponding to triphenylic rosaniline, but containing methyle, ethyle, or amyle in place of phenyle, are obtained by digesting rosaniline with the iodides of these radicals, at a high temperature, in sealed tubes. Thus, by the action of iodide of ethyle (0 4 H 5 I) upon rosaniline, a blue crystalline body, insoluble in water but soluble in alcohol, is obtained, which is a compound of ethyle with triethylic rosaniline ; C 40 H 16 (C 4 H 5 ) 3 N 3 . C 40 H 19 N 8 + 4C 4 H 5 I = C 40 H 16 (C 4 H 5 ) 3 N 3 .C 3 H 5 I + SHI. Rosaniline. Ethyl-iodate of tri-ethyl-rosaniline. Aniline-violet appears to be formed in a similar manner. Other compounds have been obtained from aniline, presenting almost every variety of colour. A green dye is prepared by the action of a mixture of hydrochloric acid and chlorate of potash upon aniline, and under particular conditions a black may be obtained with the same agents. Another green has been made by acting upon Magenta with aldehyde. When a solution of acetate of rosaniline is treated with cyanide of potassium, it gradually loses its red colour, and deposits a white crystalline precipitate of a base which has been termed hydrocyan-rosaniline, having the formula C 42 H 20 N 4 , and con- tains the elements of rosaniline and hydrocyanic acid ; but this acid cannot be detected in it by the ordinary tests, leading to the belief that the new base should be regarded as leucaniline (C 40 H 21 N 3 ), in which one equivalent of hydrogen is re- placed by an equivalent of cyanogen '(C 40 H 20 (C 2 N) N 3 ). The hydrocyan-rosaniline is almost insoluble in water, and sparingly soluble in boiling alcohol. When precipitated from its salts by adding an alkali, it becomes pink on exposure to sun- shine. The present extensive application of aniline to the manufacture of these dyes affords a most striking example of the direct utility of pure chemistry to the arts, for only ten or a dozen years ago, the name of this substance was not known to any but scientific chemists, whilst at present many tons are annually consumed to supply the wants of the dyers of silk and woollen goods. 337. Aniline ranks as a powerful organic base, combining readily with acids to form salts which are, generally speaking, easily crystallised. Like ammonia, it unites directly with the hydrated acids, without any separation of water ; thus, the formula for sulphate of aniline is C 12 H 7 N . HO . S0 3 , HOMOLOGUES OF BENZOLE. 459 just as that for sulphate of ammonia is NH 3 . HO . S0 3 . With the hydrogen acids, also, aniline unites like ammonia, for hydrochlorate of aniline is C 12 H 7 N . HC1, and hydrochlorate of ammonia, NH 3 . HC1 ; and exactly as the addition of potash to the salts of ammonia causes the separation of ammoniacal gas, so when added to the salts of aniline, it precipitates that base in the form of oily drops, which render the liquid milky. This resemblance in disposition between aniline and ammonia leads to the impression that they must be moulded after a common type, and. accordingly, aniline is often represented as formed from ammonia (NH 3 ) by the substitution of the compound radical phenyle (Ci 2 H 5 ) for an equivalent of hydrogen, and, upon this supposition, is tQimedphenylamine, This view of the constitution of aniline is supported by the circumstance of its formation when phenic or carbolic acid is heated with ammonia in a tube hermetically sealed ; for there is reason to believe that this acid, mentioned above as one of the chief acid products of the destructive distillation of coal, is a hydrated oxide of phenyle (C 12 H 5 )0 . HO, and its action upon ammonia would then be clearly explained by the equation (C 12 H 5 )O.HO + TH 3 m 2HO + NH 2 (C 12 H 5 ) ' Fhenicadd. When aniline is dissolved in alcohol and acted on by nitrous acid, two equivalents of it lose three equivalents of (monatomic) hydrogen, and acquire, in their stead, one equivalent of (triatomic) nitrogen, depositing a yellow compound, which has been called diazoamidobenzole 2C 12 H 7 N + N0 3 = C 24 H n N 3 + 3HO . Aniline. Diazoamidobenzole. When the nitrous acid acts upon a hot solution, a base is formed isomeric with the above, and called amido-diphenylimide, which is identical with a yellow colouring matter obtained by the.action of stannate of soda upon a salt of aniline. Its slightly acid solutions impart an intensely yellow colour to silk or wool, which is removed by heat, the base being volatile. The action of nitrous acid on aniline affords an example of a general method of producing compounds in which nitrogen is substituted for hydrogen. Accompanying the aniline in coal tar, there are found three other bases, viz., pyridine, picoline, and quinoline. It will be seen that picoline (C 12 H 7 N) is isomeric with aniline, from which, however, it differs in a very striking manner, for its salts are by no means easily crystallisable, and it furnishes no violet colour with oxidising agents, such as chloride of lime. Picoline occurs among the products of the distillation of bones. Quino- line is also formed when some of the vegetable alkaloids are distilled with hydrate of potash. 338. The other constituents of the light coal naphtha, viz., toluole, xylole, and isocumole, though not so important as benzole, on account of their practical applications, stand in a highly interesting relation to it and to each other. These four liquids are members of a homologous series, that is, of a series the members of which differ by the same number of equivalents of the same elements. Thus, toluole (C 14 H 8 ) is seen to contain C 2 H 2 more than benzole (C 12 H 6 ), just as isocumole (C 19 H 12 ) contains C 2 H 2 more than xylole (C, 6 H 10 ). On reference to the table at p. 450, it will be seen that the boiling points of the members of this' series are raised 54 F. for each 460 PHENOLE OK CARBOLIC ACID. addition of C 2 H y Thus, xylole (C 16 H 10 ) boils at 284, or 54 higher than toluole (C 14 H 8 ), which boils at 230, whilst benzole (C 12 H 6 ) boils at 54 below this, or 176. The members of this group are also intimately connected with those of another homologous series, known as the aromatic acids, including Benzoic acid, . . C I4 H 6 4 Toluicacid, . . C 16 H 8 4 Cuminic acid, . . C 20 H I2 4 . By distilling each of these acids with hydrate of baryta, the correspond- ing hydrocarbon is obtained, two equivalents of carbonic acid being removed by the baryta ; thus, C 14 H 6 4 - 2CO a = C 12 H 6 - B S IC **. The similarity between this decomposition and that by which marsh- gas (C 2 H 4 ) is derived from acetic acid (CJ3.f)^ will be at once apparent (see p. 88). Each member of this series of hydrocarbons, when acted upon by nitric acid, yields a iiitro-compound corresponding in composition to nitro- benzole, and this, under the influence of reducing agents (such as acetate of iron, or the hydrosulphate of an alkaline sulphide) yields a base homo- logous with aniline. Thus we have the three following homologous series :- Hydrocarbon. Benzole, C 12 H 6 * Toluole, C 14 H 8 Xylole, C 16 H 10 Nitre-compound. Nitrobenzole, C 12 H 5 N0 4 Nitrotoluole, C 14 H 7 N0 4 Nitroxylole, C ]6 H 9 N0 4 Base. Aniline, C 12 H 7 N Toluidine, C 14 H 9 N Xylidine, C 16 H U N 339. Carbolic or plienic acid, or phenole (C J2 H 6 2 ), derives its interest chiefly from its constituting a great part of the ordinary commercial kreasote (from Kpeag, flesh, and o-w tad ether. The formula C U H A\ should be doubled to expreW comvtlv W of thfe radical (w .4**W ^iwifc). It will be noticed that the cvwp^ttd BrtX or *;** i the K>Te onuuertk>n of the beitsorle series A oo be wpNented M 1^0, (or C^H^O^.C^H^CVK iroU*d by fsu with SOU- B.C1 *>* ^mAy^^ has x> q jl*ffal Vu>^r. . but if boded with infer, bstewly cottwiuxi into feyxirated beiUMJe eidL Whoa oU oT MttMiteMHil IliMH^plKd by hyOwOe of potesh d^sohed i it jMfc ta^tiNfeliCiAlV. whk^h wUl be uwre 1 ^rtk*krtj ftOk^ ttl. ^ IT; r 1 Vi 11 V ^ Til Hi MMlUll ill itMtfcn llaniii mi 11 1 BY fce*y tb% IMMJJJ W <|>M^MI^|I by*O of yteA. it KO.HO s KO.CH r O^ 4 H,, teted i fe*Hty tnk^ ck^elr re^mbli^ bettioicikcid, bo& U The ww reaotts exist its ift the MM of the be>yle series for *ssmi^r the rnjfciMS ift the eompo/ndb derived from oil of citMMfco^ of the Mdkei tfcmKnyl^ " of cimmMMMi would be * hydride of ciwMagJe (C^^O^H* |* by caivifciu^ s^euts it by wi oter t^Mlr to UM! of tt MM )ua bMft ^teitttA. wkfek M by its bekMTtowt wlMft fated with qjB^o, ^ (KO.HO) (C^H^VH > co.cc^ttOgo. CWttfettft* ***. The ' : "* 1 of SJLUCISI AND ITS WRRiVATiYKs Oi.rv\vsips& Oil T*pot*ta A* .fileRd Uquki the $Ucift rs**tti* out* lostd mav V oHuwd by : \U(1YI,K Hiaii 477 Hi", from illnilinl, in k.uihlul \\lnl. n. ..II. ki\m- lli. . .,III|H, ,1 ..... SlllirilH' I ('.Hill- l\ .'llll'lo III ( H|<| \\.lkl Mlltl lli:..i|lll.|i- III .III. I. I. Ill
  • l\, i. Milily in ln'iliii!', \\.iln ;iinl 111 ulr.nhol. It in readily iliHliiiitftiuhftd l'\ ill. I- 'I ..'I. Mil \\lll. ll ll ;;i\. ', \\illi nilKM'lll.rillt'll HUlpllUrid lirill, \\lii. ll in. null I . ll |>li ' rim.' ulnii .i|.|,||,,| lit ll ..... in I kill- ill' UK \\ill..\\ \\li.H ill lilh.l Ullll .hliil.- HIllplllINC i.i.l Mini lil< linilllil.l.K of |Hi|,m. < n mill Inimil I'm n I. \\ Hliil III :. Hi. : "I U I I. -M III l> HI 11,1 III Clllllllill "I. I I" ;.n- Ml. !,,< . III! I Ullll II . M .l:i I I MM HUbHlumUM'lllllHl !%!//;. . uln.-li n ll In,-... In. I L\ II,, minim Mil. . |4 . ' ML n. 'illlll ' ' '.' M" ll| ', Klllllli Hn III \ n.i|.|.r . i . . .i|'.iN.' ,.| ,11,, lin tin , li. n ih. in,', Illlll i(, will ' I. M ml.. I. .1 II,., I ' l.l|,, Mllj',111 I - I Hn |l|'ll(|l|, I III MM III I I ll. .1 I, 11... i,l ii|...n a m \ ,--.ilii 1 1 IH'. M UK- Im lli! mil \\llli tin , 1 1 1 n I . . I ... n I I nl I I. ,i ,i I, n I 1 1 Li' Illlll'. Mm ll.|lllil il!or ulm.mila (O u ll rt C)J A \,'l \ ;.|l ll> III" i Mimpl,' ,,| I Im i l.il.llll \ "I I \ |, iii. li.'lu ll lllilllll.il II" lln ill. I I Inln MI nl' olio olollionl, I," am. lln i i I, >nn. I 111 llm < 1 1 r ll ii ml a i in II, .il miliriin . nmlnl' lln inlln.n,, of .lil.. i nn \nl.l Mil.. (| i ll'iM'Cll I |i| i n I IK'I M r. .1 1 1 .1 i n i 1 1 .IllnlillO III |llll,(l(> of llVill'oj'.oll, Mild Unit u In n I In , .u. I. Mil. ,1 \\ il h diliili ; ,, n I. MM \ \ n lil (illinr pro .In. I i mill i . III. .11 in- ..i ml I" Hn In I lull I" Hn u , I ill, 1 1 mi I, il (uimilu. \\lllrll .ill", nim tlllil .ilu, lin. I i "i|ir. 'I l\ i I \ IM al In .iln in. Tim,-, wo liii-vn Blioin, . . . c yil ii, M o u '.^Jj'' | O,, Ti i. lilurnHiiliciiii', < ' ,,. ( ,|'" <> M t'lll .ill II . (',,',' j I), ..i.. .ih . nlno, < ', l( ,|" 1 O 4 Timl||,,|i,;al|. VVIli'll :ui lu'llli' l:i I'll: , I \\llli In 'I Li I' <>!' |Mi|;ii(||. I In ' I M.I .hsuinhril ill Wlllrl ll.lnl hydrochlorid an, I I.,|,|,M|. lirunliVul iin.ll,;i ..r .///,////, ,/./,/ (llo (' U ll ft O ) urn I ;.,!, Tin :irnl Illll) Illl O I ..... lilllilli'll In, III lln nil nl Mjijl ' I Mlllllll | ..... , .111.1 ll U ill In , , ll III. 1 1 ; .ill, -\ In- Ill-ill In ill;i III.' lillllM I. 1. 1 1 in II I Illl I nil nit l>. n ,.i.- ni'iil lic:ii:i In nil nl' lull, i iiliinnnlu Oil ,.l l.ill.T iilnmmlii. <',, I !<>,, Bonzoioaoid, . ''i, 11 /' ;,!,,!,. , , ( ] |, IIH I,,, i, ..liliilli. il III ll m,, I 11,1. n I I I curl an, I ;iml : ...lium ii|nm |.l I. 0, ll,", + 2(K) U + Na I'll, iii.l.' Oil ini, Siiliryl.r m-i,|, . . . C.JI.O,, ui nncr hy I liinuiiiiilliin ...... Silllrylnl,. ol lv,.i,-||y a:: . li. I,M I h:i\i- IM , i, |r,| I,, collM.I' r Dm Lill, i llllliuml nil .. liylnilr -I lirn/.nslr.-M limy li!i\- n-;-.iinli-l nil nf n|inrn uu ////// >, . 1 1 ) , iiiiiiiiin in- (lir rxi;:lrm-,. of Mm i;nln:il Nttlin/lfi ( < ' , , 1 1 < > , i. "I wllirli ,ili< -, In- iiri.l wuiiLI l>. |,hn liyilruii'il iixiilc Wo llml HUH virw nl' lln . -,.1111111! ,1'lln . I-|..M-|. of |,, M . ,, N |,' p ; , : ill, |;iiirr i. i i >l>l a I nci I W ll ir ll may lie I , ; ;.i i . I, . I a.i mm |M.;II-I| nl' lln ( \\, , i;i,hc.ll.i ::.ill.-\ li II . l that is, about half the quantity which the juice is known to contain, the remainder having been converted into uncrystallisable sugar during the process of extraction. The loss is found to be materially dimi- nished by the use of vacuum parts, in which the evaporation of the syrup is conducted under diminished pressure, and therefore at a lower temperature. Greater economy is also introduced into the manufacture by the use of the crushed canes as fuel for the evaporating fires, and by re- storing their ashes to the land as food for ensuing crops. The skimmings of the clarified juice are also advantageously used as manure. The raw sugar obtained by the process just described contains about 60 per cent, of pure cane-sugar, the remainder consisting of water, un- crystallisable sugar, colouring matter, and various salts and other foreign substances derived from the cane-juice. In the ordinary process of sugar-refining, two or three parts of raw sugar are dissolved in one part of water containing a little lime in solution, and mixed with three or four parts of ground bone-black for every hundred of sugar ; a small quantity of serum of bullock's blood is also generally added. This mixture is heated by the passage of steam through it, when the albumen of the serum is coagulated, and rises to the surface in the form of a scum which entangles the floating impurities as well as the bone-black, and leaves the syrup much lighter in colour, a considerable part of the colouring matter having been removed by the charcoal (p. 59). The syrup is then filtered through a thick layer of coarsely powdered bone-black, and is thus rendered perfectly colourless and ready for evapora- tion, which is conducted in a boiler with double sides, so that it may be 2 i 498 SUGAR REFINING. heated by steam admitted between the two, and furnished with a dome from which the air may be exhausted in order to allow the evaporation to be conducted at a lower temperature, as well as out of contact with the atmospheric oxygen, so as to diminish as far as possible the production of uncrystallisable sugar. The boiling down of the syrup, which would require a temperature of 230 F. at the ordinary pressure, may thus be con- ducted at 160 F. When sufficiently evaporated,* the syrup is transferred to a heated vat, where it is stirred until a confused crystallisation com- mences, and is then drawn off into inverted sugar-loaf moulds of iron or earthenware, and allowed to crystallise during about 20 hours. The crystalline mass is then allowed to drain by the withdrawal of a plug at the apex of the inverted cone, and is washed with a little pure syrup to re- move adhering colouring matter, after which the loaf is dried in an oven and finished by turning in a lathe. The operation of washing with syrup is often referred to as claying, being sometimes effected by placing some powdered sugar upon the base of each loaf, and over this a cream of pure pipe-clay, the water draining from which dissolves the powdered sugar, and the syrup thus formed washes the loaf. The object of the clay appears to be simply to allow the water to flow gradually through the sugar. The process of refining is sometimes shortened by washing the raw sugar with strong syrup, so as to remove the bulk of the impurities at the com- mencement, and a very ingenious method, known as the centrifugal process, has been devised for separating the syrup from the sugar thus washed. The pasty mixture of sugar and syrup is introduced into a cylinder of strong close metallic gauze, which is rapidly turned upon its axis, when the liquid syrup of course flies off through the apertures of the gauze, and is collected by a box surrounding the cylinder. A fresh quantity of syrup is then introduced, and separated in the same manner, so that the washing may be rapidly carried as far as may be deemed expedient. 365. During the wars of Napoleon, when the importation of sugar into France was suspended, this substance was extracted from the beet-root, and this process still forms a very important branch of French industry. The white beet only is employed, on account of the difficulty of separat- ing the colouring matter existing in the juice of the red variety. The juice contains about ten per cent of cane-sugar, half of which only is usually obtained in the crystallised state. The process adopted for ex- tracting it does not differ in principle from that applied to the juice of the sugar-cane. Cane-sugar is also extracted in the United States from the sap of the sugar-maple, which is collected, usually in the spring, from deep incisions through the bark, into each of which a pipe of reed or elder is inserted to conduct the juice into pans placed for its reception, whence it is removed before it has had time to become changed by fermentation. The juice is evaporated rapidly, and the raw crystalline mass sold without further refining. On an average, each tree furnishes about six pounds of sugar during the season. Sugar-candy consists simply of large rhomboidal prismatic crystals of sugar deposited upon strings stretched across crystallising troughs, in which a strong syrup is slowly evaporated at about 170 F. * The state of concentration of the syrup is known by the degree of viscidity which it exhibits between the finger and thumb, by the length of the thread to which it may be drawn, and by the mode in which this curls after breaking. CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF THE SUGARS. 499 Barley-sugar is prepared by evaporating the syrup beyond the crystal- lising point, till it solidifies on cooling, to a vitreous mass, which is poured out on a cold surface and manipulated to the requisite forms. When kept for some time, the transparent barley-sugar becomes crystalline and opaque. Caramel (C 12 H 9 9 ) is a dark-brown substance produced by the action of a temperature of about 400 F. upon melted sugar. It is very soluble in water, and gives an intensely brown liquid, for which reason it is employed for colouring sauces, gravies, brandy, wines, &c. 366. Chemical properties of the sugars. Although cane and grape-sugar appear to be essentially indifferent substances, they are remarkably prone to form combina- tions with many basic metallic oxides. Thus a solution of cane-sugar is capable of dissolving a large quantity of lime, forming a compound (CaO . C 12 H n O u ) which is much more soluble in cold than in hot water, so that on boiling the transparent solution it becomes perfectly opaque, but resumes its transparency on cooling. On boiling the hydrated oxide of lead with a solution of sugar, it is dissolved, and as the solution cools, a white powder is deposited, which has the composition 2PbO . C 12 H 9 9 + HO, the equivalent of water being expelled at a temperature of 212. The composition of this compound would lead to the belief that cane- sugar contains two equivalents of constitutional water, and that its formula should be written C 12 H 9 9 . 2HO. By carefully heating cane-sugar, the compound, C 12 H 10 10 , saccharide, has been obtained, and if this be further heated it yields C 12 H 9 O 9 , caramel. When a solution containing 1 part of salt and 4 parts of sugar is allowed to evaporate spontaneously, it deposits a deliquescent compound con- taining NaCl. 2(C 12 H 9 9 ), 3HO. Many metallic oxides form compounds with sugar, which are readily soluble in alkaline liquids, so that the addition of sugar to solutions of the oxides of copper and iron prevents the precipitation of these oxides by the alkalies. Grape-sugar also combines with many bases. The compounds which it forms with the alkalies are very unstable, and their solutions, which are at first alkaline, soon become neutral in consequence of the conversion of the grape-sugar into glucic acid (3HO . C 24 H 15 15 ) by the loss of the elements of water. By saturating a solution of grape-sugar with common salt, a liquid is obtained which deposits well-defined crystals, having the composition 2(C 12 H 12 12 ) . NaCl . 2HO. When dried at 212 it becomes, 2(C 12 H 12 12 ) . NaCl. The true formula of grape- sugar is obviously C 12 H 12 12 . 2HO, for if it be dissolved in hot strong alcohol (which dissolves far more grape-sngar than cane-sugar) it crystallises on cooling, in prisms, which have the formula C 12 H 12 12 . Two equivalents of water may also be expelled from ordinary grape-sugar at 212 F. The action of sulphuric acid upon cane and grape-sugar is very different ; the former is carbonised and completely decomposed, whilst the latter combines with the sulphuric acid to form sulphosaccharic acid, which yields soluble salts with lime and baryta.* The optical properties of solutions of the sugars are now often turned to account for their identification, and even for the determination of their quantities. Grape- sugar and cane-sugar both rotate the plane of polarisation of a ray froi left to right, cane-sugar having rather a more powerful action, but the uncrystallisable fruit-sugar rotates the plane in the opposite direction, from right to left. If a solu- tion of cane-sugar, possessing the rotatory power from left to right be heated with hydrochloric acid, it acquires the power of rotating the plane of polarisation from right to left, in consequence of the conversion into uncrystallisable sugar. Starch-sugar exhibits three different modes of action upon polarised light, for a solution which has been kept some hours rotates the plane of polarisation only half as much as the freshly made solution ; and if the sugar prepared from malt be dis- solved in water, the solution has thrice the rotatory power which it possesses after being kept, and its rotatory power is one-third higher than that of the freshly dissolved starch-sugar. All these may be reduced at once to the lowest rotatory power by heating them nearly to ebullition and allowing them to cool. * Ethyle- glucose, a bitter, fragrant oily substance, has been obtained by acting upon grape-sugar with bromide of ethyle and potash ; it may be represented by the formula C 12 H 8 (C 4 H 5 ) 2 10 . 2 i2 500 GUN-COTTON PYROXYLINE. 367. Mannite (C 12 H 14 12 ), the sweet principle of manna (the concrete juice of the Fraxinm ornus), has already been noticed as one of the products of that peculiar kind of fermentation known as the viscous, to which beet-root juice is especially liable. It is also found in certain mushrooms, in sea weeds, celery, asparagus, and onions. By treating manna with hot alcohol, and allowing the filtered solution to cool, the mannite may be obtained in beautiful prismatic crystals, which have a sweet taste, and dissolve readily in water. Mannite differs widely from cane and grape-sugar in not fermenting when placed in contact with yeast ; and this circumstance, taken in conjunction with its composition, which differs so much from that of other mem- bers of the saccharine group, has always led to the belief that it was not properly classed among these. Recent investigations have given it a place by the side of glycerine, the sweet principle of fats and oils, as will be seen hereafter. Glycyrrhizine, the sweet principle of the liquorice root, somewhat resembles man- nite, but does not crystallise. GUN-COTTON AND SUBSTANCES ALLIED TO IT. 368. Starch, the sugars, and cellulose, when acted on by the strongest nitric acid, furnish compounds which are remarkable for their explosive character, and are formed by the substitution of nitric peroxide (N0 4 ) for a portion of the hydrogen. By far the most important of these is pyroxyline (rrvp, fire, uAov, wood), which is produced by the action of nitric acid upon the different forms of woody fibre, including wood, cotton, and paper. If a piece of white unsized paper (filter-paper) be soaked for a few minutes in the strongest nitric acid (sp. gr. 1'52), then washed in a large volume of water and allowed to dry, it will be found to have suffered little alteration in appearance or texture, but to have acquired the pro- perty of burning with almost explosive violence on the application of a flame or even of a moderately heated glass rod. This is due to the presence, in the altered paper, of a quantity of oxygen in the form of N0 4 (nitric peroxide), which serves to burn up the paper very rapidly, rendering it in great measure independent of any extraneous supply of oxygen. The N0 4 has been introduced into the paper in the place of an equivalent quantity of hydrogen, which has been converted into water by the fifth equivalent of oxygen in the nitric acid (HO . N0 5 ). The pyroxyline so obtained, however, is always associated with a quantity of unaltered paper, for the water which is formed by the oxida- tion of the hydrogen, dilutes the remaining nitric acid, so that unless a very large proportion of nitric acid were employed, the acid would become so far weakened towards the close of the operation as to be incapable of converting the last portions of paper into pyroxyline. Moreover, since each fibre composing the paper is a very minute tube, often folded several times, it is not possible for the nitric acid to penetrate its entire substance unless the paper be soaked in it for a long time. In order to effect a more complete conversion of the woody fibre into pyroxyline, the nitric acid must be mixed with strong sulphuric acid, which will combine with the water produced by the action of the nitric acid upon the hydrogen of the fibre, and will thus virtually maintain the nitric acid at its greatest strength throughout the operation. Cotton wool, from the looseness of its texture, is more easily converted into pyroxyline than paper. The following proportions may be recommended for the preparation of gun-cotton on a small scale : Dry 1000 grains of pure nitre (p. 429) at a very moderate heat, MANUFACTURE OF GUN-COTTON. 501 place it in a dry retort (fig. 274), pour upon it 10 drms. (by measure) of strong sul- phuric acid, and distil until 6 drms. of nitric acid have passed over into the receiver. Dry some pure cotton wool, and weigh out 30 grains of it. Mix 2^ measured drachms of the nitric acid with an equal volume of strong sulphuric acid in a small beaker. Allow the mixture to cool, immerse the cotton wool, pressing 'it down with a glass rod, cover the beaker with a glass plate, and set it aside for fifteen minutes. Lift the cotton out with a glass rod, throw it into a pint of water, and wash it Fig- 274. thoroughly in a stream of water till it no longer tastes acid or reddens blue litmus paper. Dry the cotton by exposure to air or at a very moderate heat. Very great attention has been paid to the manufacture of gun-cotton during the last few years, with the object of producing a perfectly uniform product which might be employed as a substitute for gunpowder. The following is an outline of the process now generally adopted for the production of large quantities of gun-cotton : 369. Manufacture of gun-cotton. The cotton is employed in the form of loose skeins of about three ounces each, which are thoroughly cleansed by immersion for about 15 minutes in a boiling solution of carbonate of potash, containing 1 Ib. of carbonate to 3 gallons of water (sp. gr. 1'02). This alkaline liquor would dissolve greasy and resinous substances, and the lignine derived from any seed entangled in the cotton, these substances imparting a brown colour to the solution. In order to avoid the necessity of wringing the skeins by hand, they are placed in a centrifugal machine (p. 498), which is a cylnrder made of iron or copper gauze, through which the liquid is whirled out by the rapid rotation of the cylinder upon an axle. The skeins are then washed in running water, again whirled in the centrifugal machine, dried in a warm air chamber, and transferred to stone- ware jars, with air-tight lids to prevent absorption of moisture. The proportions in which it is found most advantageous to mix the nitric and sulphuric acids are 1 part of nitric acid (sp. gr. 1*52) and 3 parts by weight (or 2*45 by volume), of sulphuric acid (sp. gr. 1'84). These proportions of the acids are placed in separate stoneware cisterns with taps, and allowed to run simultaneously, in slow streams, into another stoneware cistern furnished with a tap and an iron lid, through a second opening in which an iron stirrer is employed to mix the acids thoroughly. The mixture is set aside for several hours to become perfectly cool. A quantity of the mixed acids is drawn off into a deep stoneware pan standing in cold water, and provided with a perforated iron shelf, upon which the cotton may be drained. The prepared skeins are immersed, two at a time, in the acid, and stirred about in it for two or three minutes with an iron stirrer. They are then placed upon the perforated shelf, and the excess of acid squeezed out of them with the stirrer. Enough acid is drawn from the cistern to replace that which has been absorbed by the two skeins, and two more skeins are treated in the same way. Since a consider- able rise of temperature is produced by the action of the nitric acid upon the cotton, it is necessary to keep the pan surrounded with cold water. A large proportion of the cotton is doubtless converted into gun-cotton in 502 MANUFACTURE OF GUN-COTTON. this preliminary immersion in the mixed acids; but in order to convert the remainder, it is necessary to allow the cotton to remain in contact with the acid for a much longer period, so as to ensure its penetration into every part of the minute twisted tubes of the fibre. The preliminary immersion of each skein has the advantage of wetting every part with the acid, which could not be so certainly effected if several skeins were thrown at once into a jar, and of preventing the great accumulation of heat which would ensue if the entire chemical action were allowed to take place upon a number of skeins at the same time. The amount of heat evolved during the subsequent soaking in acid is comparatively small. The skeins are next transferred to a jar with a well-fitting cover, in which they are pressed down and completely covered with the mixed acids, of which from 10 to 15 times the weight of the cotton will be required, according to the closeness with which the skeins are packed in the jar. The jar is placed in cold water, and the cotton allowed to remain in the acid for 48 hours. The skeins are then removed, with the aid of an iron hook, to the cen- trifugal machine, in which they are whirled, at first slowly, and afterwards at 800 revolutions per minute, during ten minutes, when the bulk of the acid is separated. In order to wash away the remainder of the acid, each skein is rinsed very rapidly in a large volume of water; for if the water were allowed to come slowly into contact with the mixed acids, so much heat would be evolved as to decompose a portion of the pyroxyline ; the washing by hand is continued in a stream of water until the cotton no longer tastes acid, and the skeins are then allowed to remain suspended in the stream for 48 hours. After having been drained in the centrifugal machine, they are boiled for a few minutes in a solution of 1 Ib. of carbonate of potash in 3 gallons of water, to neutralise any remaining trace of acid,* again drained in the centrifugal machine, and left in the stream for about a fortnight. The gun-cotton is then dried by exposure to air. Divested of merely mechanical details, the manufacture of gun-cotton is seen to consist of the following essential operations : (1.) Cleansing the cotton by boiling with carbonate of potash, and subse- quent washing with water. (2.) Immersion for two or three minutes in a mixture of strongest nitric acid with three times its w r eight of strongest sulphuric acid. (3.) Soaking for 48 hours in a fresh portion of the mixed acids. (4.) Thorough washing with water. (5.) Boiling with carbonate of potash. . (6.) Thorough washing and drying. In the opinion of some manufacturers, it is advantageous to impregnate the finished gun-cotton with a solution of silicate of soda, to dry it, and again wash it with water. It was supposed that the silicate of soda was decom- posed, partly by lingering traces of acid in the cotton, partly by the action of atmospheric carbonic acid, a minute quantity of silica being thus deposited in the fibre, which had the effect of retarding the combustion to a desirable extent, and of diminishing the tendency of the cotton to absorb moisture from the air. Experiments instituted by Abel tend to prove that the advantages of this silicating process are altogether imaginary. * The alkaline bath would also remove any resinous substances produced by the action of the nitric acid upon the seed, &,c., accidentally left in the original cotton. COMPOSITION OF GUN-COTTON. 503 370. Chemical composition of gun-cotton. Perfectly pure gun-cotton contains carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen, in proportions which correspond to the empirical formula C 12 H 7 N :J 0. 22 . The determination of its rational formula is attended with difficulty, because, being an indiffe- rent substance, it does not form definite combinations with other bodies of known equivalent weight, and it is of course impossible to arrive at its volume in the state of vapour, which so frequently affords valuable assist- ance in fixing a rational formula. Having regard to the mode of its for- mation from cellulose (cotton), C J2 H 10 10 , by the action of nitric acid, without evolution of gas, the most probable rational formula appears to be C, 2 H 7 (N0 4 ) 3 O 10 , which represents it as trinitroceHidose, or cellulose in which three equivalents of nitric peroxide have been substituted for three of hydrogen. The action of nitric acid upon the cotton would then be represented by the equation C M H 10 10 + 3(HO.N0 5 ) = C 12 H 7 (N0 4 ) : Ao + 6HO.* Cellulose. Trinitrocellulose. According to this equation, 100 Ibs. of cotton should furnish 183 Ibs. of gun-cotton ; but in practice only about 177 Ibs. are obtained, a part of the deficiency being accounted for by unavoidable mechanical loss, and by small quantities of foreign matters dissolved out by the acids. That the nitrogen is really present in the gun-cotton in the form of nitric peroxide (N0 4 ), as implied in the above formula, is indicated by the action of potash, which dissolves the gun-cotton, and yields a solution containing nitrate and nitrite of potash, exactly the products which are formed by the action of potash upon nitric peroxide (p. 135). Another reaction of gun-cotton which supports the above view of its constitution, is that with hydrosulphate of potassium. If some hydrate of potash be dissolved in alcohol, and the solution saturated with gaseous hydrosulphuric acid, an alcoholic solution of hydrosulphate of potassium (KS . HS) is obtained ; and if the gun-cotton be immersed in this solution, and gently heated, it will be rapidly reconverted into ordinary cotton, and nitrite of potash will be found in the solution C 12 H 7 (N0 4 ) 3 10 + 3(KS.HS) = C 12 H 10 10 + 3(KO.N0 8 ) 4- S fl . Trinitrocellulose. Cellulose. This is the so-called synthetical method of determining the composition of gun-cotton, for of course 183 parts of the latter should furnish 100 parts of cotton. 371. Products of the explosion of gun-cotton. From what has been stated with respect to the products of explosion of gunpowder (p. 423), it might be expected that those furnished by gun-cotton would vary according to the conditions under which the explosion takes place. When a mass of the cotton is exploded in an unconfined state, the explosion is comparatively slow (though appearing to the eye almost in- stantaneous), since each particle is fired by the flame of that immediately adjoining it, the heated gas (or flame) escaping outwards, so that some time elapses before the interior of the mass is ignited. But when the gun-cotton is enclosed in a strong case, so that the flame from the portion first ignited is unable to escape outwards and must spread into the interior of the mass, this is ignited simultaneously at a great number of points, and the decomposition takes place far more rapidly ; a -given weight of * If atomic symbols and the unitary formula for nitric acid be employed, the equation would become e B H 10 5 + 3HNO 8 = e 6 H 7 (NO 2 ),O 5 + 3H 8 O. 504 PRODUCTS OF EXPLOSION OF GUN-COTTON. cotton being thus consumed in a much shorter time, a far higher tempera- ture is produced, and the ultimate results of the explosion are much less complex, as would be expected from the well-known simplifying effect of high temperatures upon chemical compounds. Some of the earliest experiments upon gun-cotton showed that when it was fired in a loose state, nitric oxide, nitrous acid, hydrocyanic acid, &c., were discoverable among the gaseous products, and gave rise to melancholy forebodings of injury to miners and gunners from the inhalation of the poisonous vapours. Further experience has proved that no objection can be made to the use of gun-cotton on this ground, for when it is employed, either in fire-arms or in blasting, it is of necessity fired in a confined state, and the products are simply aqueous vapour, carbonic acid, carbonic oxide, and nitrogen, with a little marsh-gas and hydrogen. The determination of the products of explosion of confined gun-cotton has been effected by Karolyi in the same manner as in the case of gun- powder (see p. 424), by enclosing the cotton in a cast-iron cylinder, strong enough to resist bursting until the combustion of the last portion of the charge, which was suspended in an iron globe exhausted of air, and exploded by the galvanic battery; the total volume of the gases collected in the globe was then determined and subjected to analysis. The amount of gun-cotton fired was about 150 grains. Unfortunately, the formula given for the sample of gun-cotton experimented on does not represent the trinitrocellulose which constitutes pure gun-cotton, being C 24 H 17 N" 5 38 , instead of C^H^NgO^ (representing 2 eqs. of trinitrocellulose), but the difficulty attending the exact ultimate analysis of gun-cotton is so great, that there is greater probability of the analysis being incorrect than of the composition of the cotton having really differed materially from that of trinitrocellulose. 100 grains of gun-cotton gave a quantity of aqueous vapour and gaseous products, calculated to occupy, at 60 '8 F. and 29 '06 in. Bar., 325*5 cubic inches, supposing the aqueous vapour to remain uncondensed at that temperature. The analysis of the gas proved that 100 volumes of the products of explosion contain Aqueous vapour, Carbonic oxide (CO), Carbonic acid (C0 a ), Nitrogen, . Hydrogen, Marsh-gas (C 2 H 4 ), 25-34 vols. 28-95 20-82 12-67 3-16 7-24 98-18 The amount of aqueous vapour was inferred from that of the hydrogen contained in the gun-cotton. If the marsh-gas and hydrogen be left out of consideration, the follow- ing equation will account for the other products of the explosion, sup- posing the gun-cotton to be pure trinitrocellulose C 12 H 7 (N0 4 ) 3 10 = 9CO + 3CO 2 + 7HO + N 3 . According to this equation, 100 grains of gun-cotton should furnish 356 cubic inches of gas and vapour, instead of 325*5 as determined by experi- ment, and the volumes of the products should be Aqueous vapour, . . 28 vols. Carbonic oxide, . . . 36 ,, Carbonic acid, . . . 12 ,, Nitrogen, . . . . 12 EFFECTS OF GUN-COTTON AND GUNPOWDER COMPARED. 505 which do not agree with the experimental results. It is not to be ex- pected, however, that one simple equation should correctly represent all the products of such a decomposition (see p. 425). It has been stated* that, practically, gun-cotton is most effective in guns, when of such density that 11 Ibs. occupy a cubic foot. One cubic inch would then weigh 44 '5 grains, and would evolve (calculating from the result of Karolyi's experiment) a quantity of steam and gas which would occupy 140'5 cubic inches at 60 F. and 30 in. Bar., supposing the steam to be capable of remaining uncondensed. It was calculated at p. 426, that one cubic inch of gunpowder, or 235 grains (58 Ibs. to the cubic foot), would evolve 207 cubic inches of gas measured at 60 F. and 30 in. Bar. It is much to be regretted that, up to the present time, no one has succeeded in determining the heat evolved in the explosion of a given weight of gun-cotton, so that it is impossible to calculate the volume which the products would occupy at the instant of the explosion, and therefore the mechanical effect which the expanded gases are capable of producing. Supposing the products of explosion to be equally expanded by heat at the moment of explosion, it would appear at first sight that gunpowder should produce a greater mechanical effect than an equal weight of gun- cotton 44-5 grs. of gun-cotton occupying 1-0 cub. in. evolve 140'5 cub. in. of gas (cooled) 44-5 gunpowder 0-2 207 If both charges were confined in spaces which they exactly filled, the pressures exerted would be 1035 atmospheres for gunpowder, and 140'5 atmospheres for gun-cotton. Experience, however, has shown that a given weight of gun-cotton pro- duces three times the effect, in artillery, of an equal weight of gunpowder. To account for this, it might be supposed that the heat evolved in the combustion of the cotton exceeds that produced by gunpowder, so that although the gas from the latter is calculated to exert a higher pressure at the ordinary temperature, it is less heated and expanded at the moment of explosion, and therefore exerts less pressure than the gas from gun- cotton. Without any such assumption, however, the superior power of gun-cotton in artillery may be explained by the more complete explosion of the entire charge, and by the greater rapidity of its combustion. It is well known that a very large proportion of the charge of gun- powder is blown out of the gun unburnt, whereas, by proper management, every particle of the gun-cotton may be consumed. But the greater rapidity of the combustion of gun-cotton is probably the most important reason for its greater mechanical effect, since the entire volume of the gas would be evolved before the confining space was ma- terially enlarged by the movement of the projectile, which would thus be exposed to the maximum pressure. Indeed, this rapidity of combustion (due to the nature of gun-cotton as a chemical compound, and not a mechanical mixture like gunpowder) was the chief obstacle to its use in artillery, since it frequently burst the gun in the earlier trials, until it was discovered that, by spinning and weaving the yarn into webs of various degrees of closeness, the rate of combustion could be modified as that of gunpowder is by granulation ; so that whilst the loose yarn burns in the open air at the rate of 1 foot per second ; when twisted into thread * Report of the Gun-cotton Committee to the British Association, 1863. 506 PIIOPEKTIES OF GUN-COTTON. and woven into a web for cartridges, it burns in the open air at the rate of 10 feet per second, and this rate may be varied by varying the tight-- ness with which the thread is twisted. When the charge is confined in a gun, however, the results are not so satisfactory, since the great pressure of the gas first generated drives the flame through the mass of cotton, and produces almost instantaneous ignition throughout, resulting in serious damage to the bore of the gun. It has been found preferable, in making cartridges for fowling-pieces, to dilute the gun-cotton by mixing it with some unconverted cotton. Abel reduces the gun-cotton to a pulp similar to that used by paper-makers, in which state, it may, if necessary, be diluted with ordinary cotton in pulp, and may be compressed into very compact, slowly burning cakes, in which it offers great advantages for making up a charge. In mining operations, such as blasting rocks, it is said that gun-cotton produces the same effect as six times its weight of gunpowder ; and since, in such cases, the space confining the charge is incapable of gradual en- largement, the rate of combustion is not of so much importance as the maximum pressure to which the gas is capable of attaining, so that this result can hardly be explained unless it be supposed that the heat evolved in the combustion of the cotton is really greater than that furnished by gunpowder an assumption which is scarcely consistent with the fact that guns are much less heated by firing a certain number of rounds with gun-cotton than they would be with gunpowder. It must not be for- gotten, however, that since gun-cotton leaves no solid products of explo- sion, the entire amount of heat, whatever that may be, is available for the expansion of the gaseous products, giving it a great advantage over powder, of which the solid products have, of course, to be raised to the same temperature as the gases, without contributing to increase the mechanical effect by their expansion. If the end of a strand of gun-cotton yarn be kindled at a very few points of the filaments, by a spark on touch-paper, or at the end of a piece of string, it will undergo a very slow smouldering combustion, as first observed by Abel ; and if the experiment be made in a narrow glass tube closed at one end, the carbonic oxide may be kindled at the mouth of the tube, whilst the cotton is smouldering inside. 372. Properties of gun-cotton compared ivith those of gunpowder. Gun-cotton is more easily exploded than gunpowder ; the latter requires a temperature of at least 600 P., whilst gun-cotton may explode at 277 F., and must explode at 400 F. It is very difficult to explode gunpowder by percussion, even between a steel hammer and anvil ; but gun-cotton invariably detonates in this way, though the explosion is confined to the part under the hammer. The explosion of gun-cotton is, of course, unat- tended by any smoke, a most important advantage in mines, the atmo- sphere of which is sometimes rendered almost intolerable by the smoke of gunpowder used in blasting. The absence of residue from the gun-cotton prevents the fouling of guns, and renders it unnecessary to sponge them, after each discharge, for the amount of incombustible mineral matter pre- sent in the cotton is very small (from 1 to 2 per cent.), and is entirely scattered by the explosion. It has already been mentioned that the explosion of gun-cotton does not impart so much heat to the metal of the gun as that of powder, the differ- ence being so great that, after firing 100 rounds with gun-cotton, the gun PROPERTIES OF GUN-COTTON. 507 .was not so much heated as after 30 rounds with gunpowder. This important advantage of gun-cotton has been explained by some to depend upon the very high specific heat of the aqueous vapour, which forms so large a portion of the products of explosion. For since the specific heat of steam is 0*48, and that of carbonic oxide (which, among the products from gunpowder, has the highest specific heat) is 0*25, nearly twice as much heat would be consumed in raising the former to a given temperature as in raising the latter ; but it is hardly necessary to account for the result in this manner, when it is remembered that the charge of gun-cotton is only one-third of the charge of powder, that the explosion of the former is so much more rapid, leaving less time for the communication of heat to the metal, and that there are no highly-heated solid products left in contact with the gun. Gun-cotton may be fired upon the palm of the hand with impunity, or upon a heap of gunpowder without kindling it ; although it cannot be doubted that the temperature of the flame is really much higher than the inflaming point of powder. That the recoil of a gun charged with gun- cotton is only two-thirds of that experienced with gunpowder, is a matter for the consideration of the artillerist rather than the chemist. The fact that if gun-cotton be used to effect a breach in palisades, &c., it must be confined in a strong case, whereas gunpowder in a bag would suffice for the work of demolition, is explained by what has been stated at p. 503, viz., that the flame tends outwards so rapidly from loosely-confined guii- cotton, that its explosion is too gradual, and it then produces less effect than powder ; but when tightly confined, the flame, unable to escape, pervades the whole mass, and a nearly instantaneous explosion is the result. It is evident, from the consideration of its manufacture, that gun- cotton is entirely uninjured by water, so that a store of this explosive might be immersed in water in case of need, and would be still service- able after drying, whereas gunpowder is, of course, rendered useless by contact with water, which dissolves out the nitre. Even when exposed to very damp air, gunpowder is liable to injury from the effect of moisture in partially separating the nitre from the other ingredients, whilst gun- cotton only requires exposure to a dryer atmosphere for a short time to render it fit for use. The proportion of moisture retained by gun-cotton, in the ordinary state of the atmosphere, is 2 per cent. As an objection to the employment of gun-cotton as a substitute for gun- powder, it has been asserted that the trinitrocellulose is liable to undergo spontaneous decomposition, which might at any time render the contents of a magazine unserviceable, or might even give rise to the evolution of a sufficient amount of heat to cause an explosion. The origin of thfs objec- tion is to be traced to the old process for preparing gun-cotton, in which the acids were not allowed to act upon the cotton for a sufficient length of time, so that the whole of the cotton was not converted into true gun- cotton, but some less stable substitution products were formed at the same time. Another cause of spontaneous alteration is the imperfect washing of the gun-cotton, whereby minute traces of acid are left in the .fibre. All recent experiments, by Abel and others, appear to have proved that, considering its highly complex character, gun-cotton is a very stable compound under ordinary conditions; although, when kept in a moist state, it developes traces of acid products, the temperature does not rise to any important extent, nor is the explosive quality of the material at all injured. 508 PREPARATION OF COLLODION. 373. Gun-cotton is somewhat harsher to the touch than ordinary cotton, and becomes remarkably electrical when rubbed between the dry fingers. It is insoluble in alcohol and ether, as well as in a mixture of these solvents, though ordinary specimens generally yield a small percentage of soluble matter when treated with a mixture of alcohol and ether, because they contain extraneous matters, such as the other substitution products to be mentioned presently. Acetic ether dissolves it, and so does a mixture of ordinary ether with ammonia. Strong sulphuric acid dissolves it with- out carbonisation, unless any unconverted cotton should happen to be present. 374. Collodion-cotton. When cotton or paper is acted upon by a mix- ture of nitric and sulphuric acids containing more water than is present in that employed for the preparation of gun-cotton (p. 501), compounds are formed which contain less nitric peroxide, and are much less com- bustible than the trinitrocellulose, from which they are also distinguished by their solubility in mixtures of alcohol and ether. In order to render evident the relations between these compounds and gun-cotton, the formula of the latter must be trebled, when we have the following series of nitro-compounds produced by the mixtures of nitric acid, sulphuric acid and water, to which they stand opposite Composition of the mixed acids. (1.) HO . N0 5 + 2(HO . S0 3 ) (2.) HO . N0 5 + 2 (HO . S0 3 ) + 3HO (3.) HO . N0 6 + 2(HO . S0 8 ) + 4HO (4.) HO . N0 5 + 2 (HO . S0 3 ) + 5HO Products of their action on cellulose. C 86 H 21 (N0 4 ) 9 30 C 36 H 22 (N0 4 ) 8 30 C 8G H 23 (N0 4 ) 7 3 o C 36 H 24 (N0 4 ) 6 30 As might be expected, these compounds diminish in combustibility in proportion as the N0 4 contained in them diminishes. The second is that employed for the preparation of photographic collodion, being dissolved for that purpose in a mixture of ether and alcohol. In order to prepare the soluble cotton for collodion, three measured ounces of ordi- nary nitric acid (sp. gr. 1-429) are mixed with two ounces of water in a pint beaker. Nine measured ounces of strong sulphuric acid (sp. gr. 1-839) are added to this mix- ture, which is continually stirred whilst the acid is being added. A thermometer is placed in the mixture, which is allowed to cool to 140 F. ; 100 grains of dry cotton wool, in ten separate tufts, are immersed in the mixture for five minutes, the beaker being covered with a glass plate. The acid is then poured into another beaker, the cotton squeezed with a glass rod, and thrown into a large volume of water ; it is finally washed in a stream of water till it i& no longer acid, and dried by exposure to air. (By adding to the acid which was drained out of the cotton, three drachms more sulphuric acid, and immersing another 100 grains of cotton for ten minutes, a second portion of -soluble cotton may be obtained.) Collodion balloons. These balloons may be made in the following manner : 6 grains of the collodion cotton, prepared according to the above directions, are dissolved in a mixture of 1 drachm of alcohol (sp. gr. -835) and 2 drachms of ether (sp. gr. '725), in a corked test-tube. The solution is poured into a dry Florence flask, which is then turned about slowly so that every part of its surface may be covered with the collodion, the excess of which is then allowed to drain back into the tube. Air is then blown into the flask through a long glass tube attached to the bellows (or to the blowpipe-table, fig. 116) as long as any smell of ether is perceptible. A pen-knife blade is carefully inserted between the flask and the neck of the balloon, which is thus detached from the glass all round ; a small piece of glass tubing is introduced for an inch or two into the neck of the balloon, so that the latter may cling round it. Through this tube air is drawn out by the mouth until one-half of the balloon has left the side of the flask and collapsed upon the other half ; by carefully twisting the tube, the whole of the balloon may be detached and drawn out through the neck CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF WINE. 509 of the flask, when it must be quickly untwisted, distended by blowing through the tube, tied with a piece of silk, and suspended in the air to dry. The average weight of such balloons is two grains. When collodion-cotton is kept for some time, especially if at all damp, it undergoes decomposition, filling the bottle with red fumes, and becoming converted into a gummy mass, which contains oxalic acid. 375. Xyloidine is the name given to a highly combustible substance analogous to pyroxyline, which is obtained by dissolving starch in the strongest nitric acid, and diluting the solution with water, when the xyloidine falls as a white precipitate, which may be collected upon a filter, and washed till free from acid. The composition of xyloidine is C 12 H 8 (N0 4 ) 2 10 , representing starch (C 12 H 10 10 ), in which 2 equivalents of nitric peroxide have been substituted for 2 equivalents of hydrogen. Nitromannite (C 12 H 8 (N0 4 ) 6 12 ) is another explosive body of the same order, obtained by adding powdered mannite (C 12 H 14 12 ), in small portions, to a mixture of equal measures of the strongest nitric and sulphuric acids, which immediately dissolve it, and presently solidify to a mass of minute needles of nitromannite, which may be washed with a large volume of water, and crystallised from boiling alcohol. Under the hammer, nitro- mannite explodes with a very loud report. When heated, it fuses before exploding. WINE AM) SPIRITS. 376. Wine is essentially composed of 8 or 10 parts of alcohol, with 85 or 90 of water, together with minute quantities of certain fragrant ethers, of colouring matter, of bitartrate of potash, and of the mineral substances derived from the grape-juice. Glycerine and succinic acid have also been found in wines, and appear to be constant secondary pro- ducts of the alcoholic fermentation. Those wines in which the whole of the sugar has been fermented are known as dry wines \ whilst fruity wines still retain a considerable quantity of sugar. The preparation of wine differs from that of beer in the circumstance that no addition of ferment is necessary, the fermentation being excited by a substance present in the grape-juice. This juice contains, in addition to grape-sugar, vegetable albumen, tartrate of potash, and the usual mineral salts found in vegetable juices. The husks, seeds, and stalks of the grape contain a considerable quantity of tannin, together with certain blue, red, and yellow colouring matters. When the expressed juice remains for a short time in contact with the air, the albuminous substances contained in it enter upon a state of change, exciting the vinous fermentation in the sugar, and a scum of yeast is formed upon the surface. If this fermentation takes place in contact with the husks of the dark grapes, the alcohol dissolves the colouring matter, and a red wine results ; whilst for the production of white wines, the husks, &c., are separated previously to the fermentation, and the juice is exposed as little as possible to the air. White wines are rather liable to become ropy from viscous fermentation, but this is prevented by the addition of a small quantity of tannin, which precipitates the peculiar ferment. The tannin for this purpose is extracted from the husks and stalks of the grapes themselves. 510 PROPORTION OF ALCOHOL IN WINES. Red wines, sucli as port and claret, are often very astringent from the tannin dissolved out of the husks, &c., during the fermentation. Port wine, when freshly bottled, still retains in solution a considerable quantity of bitartrate of potash (KO . HO . C 8 H 4 10 ), but after it has been kept some time, and become more strongly alcoholic, this salt is deposited, together with a quantity of the colouring matter, in the form of a crust upon the side of the bottle. Thus a dark fruity port becomes tawny and dry when kept for a sufficient length of time, the sugar having been converted into alcohol. When the wine contains an excess of tartaric acid, it is customary to add to it some neutral tartrate of potash (2KO. C 8 H 4 10 ), which precipitates the acid in the form of bitartrate. The preparation of champagne is conducted with the greatest care. The juice or must is carefully separated from the marc or husk, and is often mixed with one per cent, of brandy before fermentation. After about two months the wine is drawn off into another cask, and clarified with isinglass dissolved in white wine, and added in the proportion of about half-an- ounce to 40 gallons. This combines with the tannin to form an insoluble precipitate, which carries with it any impurities floating in the wine. After another interval of two months, the wine is again drawn off, and a second clarification takes place, and in two months more the wine is drawn off into bottles containing a small quantity of pure sugar-candy dissolved in white wine. The bottles, having been securely corked and wired, are laid down upon their sides for eight or ten months, during which time the fermentation of the newly added sugar takes place, and the carbonic acid produced dissolves in the wine, whilst a quantity of yeast is separated. In order to render the wine perfectly clear, the bottle is left for about three weeks in such a position that the deposit may subside into the neck, against the cork, which is then unwired so that the pressure of the accumulated carbonic acid may force it out together with the deposit ; the bottle having been rapidly filled up with white wine, is again corked, wired, covered with tin foil, and sent into the market. Pink champagne is prepared from the must which is squeezed out of the marc after it has ceased to run freely, and contains a little of the colouring matter of the husk. The colour is also sometimes imparted by adding a little tincture of litmus. The proportion of alcohol in wines varies greatly, as will be seen from the following statement of the weight of alcohol in 100 parts of the wine : Port, . . from 15 to 17. Sherry, . 14 to 16. Champagne, 11'5. Claret, . . 8 to 9. Rudesheimer, 7 to 8 '5. Sherry contains from 1 to 5 per cent, of sugar, port from 3 to 7 per cent., and Tokay 17 per cent. ; in the last case, the sugar is increased by adding some of the must concentrated by evaporation to the wine pre- viously to bottling. The bouquet or fragrance of wine is due to the presence of certain fragrant ethers, especially of oenanthic, pelargonic, and acetic ether, formed during the fermentation or during the subsequent storing of the wine. THE ALCOHOLS. 511 It is to the increased quantity of such fragrant ether that the superior bouquet of many old wines is due. 377. Distilled sjtirits. The varieties of ardent spirits are obtained from fermented liquids by distillation, so that they consist essentially of alcohol more or less diluted with water, and flavoured either with some of the volatile products of the fermentation, or with some essential oil added for the purpose. Brandy is distilled from wine, and coloured to the required extent with burnt sugar (caramel). Its flavour is due chiefly to the presence of oenanthic ether derived from the wine. The colour of genuine pale brandy is due to its having remained so long in the cask as to have dis- solved a portion of brown colouring matter from the wood, and is there- fore an indication of its age. Hence arose the custom of adding caramel, and sometimes infusion of tea, to impart the astringency due to the tannin dissolved from the wood by old brandy. Whisky is distilled from fermented malt, which has been dried over a peat fire, to which the characteristic smoky flavour is due. Gin is also prepared from fermented malt or other grain, and is flavoured with the essential oil of juniper, derived from juniper berries, added during the distillation. Rum is distilled from fermented molasses, and appears to owe its flavour to the presence of butyric ether, or of some similar compound. Arrack is the spirit obtained from fermented rice. Kirschwasser and maraschino are distilled from cherries and their stones, which have been crushed and fermented. Some varieties of British brandy and whisky are distilled from fer- mented potatoes, or from a mixture of potatoes and grain, when there distils over, together with ordinary alcohol, another spirit belonging to the same class, but distinguished from alcohol by its nauseous and irritat- ing odour. This substance, which is known as potato-spirit, amylic alcohol, or fousel oil (C 1(/ H 12 0. 2 ) also occurs, though in very minute quantity, in genuine wine-brandy. The manufacturers of spirit from grain and potatoes remove a considerable part of this disagreeable and unwhole- some substance by leaving the spirit for some time in contact with wood- charcoal. THE ALCOHOLS AND THEIR DERIVATIVES. 378. It has already been stated that alcohol is the type of a very im- portant class of compounds closely related to each other in composition and properties. The alcohols are all composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen ; the members of the series represented by common alcohol always contain two equivalents of oxygen, and two more equivalents of hydrogen than of carbon. The number of equivalents of carbon and hydrogen is always an even number, so that the general formula of an alcohol of this series may be written thus, C2 W H 2ft + 202. Thus, in ordinary or vinic alcohol, C 4 H 6 2 , n 2, in wood-spirit or methylic alcohol, C 2 H 4 2 , n = 1, in potato-spirit or amylic alcohol, C ]0 H )2 0, 2 , n = 5. These alcohols constitute, therefore, a truly homologous series (p. 459) of which many members, however, remain to be discovered. The following table includes the alcohols of this series which are at present known : 512 VINIC OR ETHYLIC CLASS OF ALCOHOLS. Chemical Name. Source. Equivalent Formula. Common Name. 1. Methylic alcohol 2. Ethylic 3. Propylic 4. Butylic 5. Amylic 6. Caproic 7. (Enanthic { Destructive distillation of wood Vinous fermentation of sugar Fermentation of grape-husks Fermentation of beet-root . Fermentation of potatoes . . Fermentation of grape-husks Distillation of castor-oil with | potash . , . J C 2 H 4 2 cXo| C 8 H 10 2 C 10 H 12 2 Wood naphtha Spirit of wine Fousel oil 8. Caprylic 10. Rutic Fermentation of grape-husks Oil of rue C 16 H 18 2 C n H 12. Laurie ,, Whale oil C H 6 16. Cetylic Spermaceti . C H Ethal 27 Cervlic , Chinese wax . . C H Cerotene 30. Melissic Melissine The usual gradation in properties attending the gradation in composition among the members of a homologous series, is strikingly exemplified in the class of alcohols. The first eight members of the group, linked together as they are by an almost common origin (being derived, with one exception, from the fermentation of substances nearly allied, and that exception being a product of destructive distillation which may be regarded as an acceler- ated fermentation), and by a regularly ascending composition, would be expected to resemble each other in their properties far more closely than the other members of the class. Accordingly, we find that methylic, ethylic, propylic, butylic, amylic, caproic, cenanthic,* and caprylic alcohols, are all liquid at the ordinary temperature, that they all possess peculiar and powerful odours, and may be readily distilled unchanged. Among these, however, the gradation is not to be overlooked. The two first, methylic and ethylic alcohols, may be mixed with water in all proportions, but the third, propylic alcohol, though freely soluble in water, is not so to an unlimited extent ; whilst butylic alcohol is less soluble, and amylic alcohol may be said to be sparingly soluble in water. Caproic alcohol, the next member, is insoluble in water; whilst caprylic is not only insoluble, but possseses an oily character, leaving a greasy stain upon paper. In their boiling points, and the specific gravities of their vapours, a similar gradation is observed. Alcohol. Boiling Point. Vapour Density. 149-9 F. 1.12 Ethylic, 173 1-61 205 2-02 Butylic, Amylic, Caproic, CEnanthic, Caprylic . . 233 269-8 299-309 327-343 356 2-69 8-15 3-63 4-50 This alcohol is of recent discovery, and has been little examined. ALCOHOLS ALDEHYDES ETHEES. 513 One equivalent of each of these alcohols yields four volumes* of vapour ; or, in other words, if a given weight of the alcohol corresponding to its equivalent number be converted into vapour, that vapour will occupy four times as much space as would be occupied by an equivalent of oxygen at the same temperature and pressure, or twice the space occupied by an equivalent of hydrogen, or of water converted into vapour under the same conditions. The higher members of the group of alcohols are solid fusible bodies more nearly approaching to waxy or fatty matters in their nature, and not susceptible of distillation without decomposition. Far less is known of these than of the alcohols containing less carbon. The true chemical definition of an alcohol of this series rests upon the circumstance, that under the influence of oxidising agents, it first parts with two equivalents of hydrogen, and is converted into an aldehyde (alcohol dehydrogenated), and afterwards absorbs two equivalents of oxygen, yielding an acid. Thus, it has been already shown (p. 492), that vinic alcohol (C 4 H 6 2 ), when exposed to air under favourable conditions, yields aldehyde, C 4 H 4 2 , which, by absorbing oxygen, is converted into acetic acid, C 4 H 4 4 . The formation of an aldehyde would, therefore, be represented by the general formula 2 + 2 - C 2n H 2n 2 + 2HO, Alcohol Aldehyde. and that of the corresponding acid by C 2 H 2tt+2 2 + 4 -,C 2w H 2tt 4 + 2HO. Alcohol. Acid. In addition to this, each of these alcohols, by the loss of the elements of one equivalent of water, yields an ether, corresponding to ordinary ether C 4 H 5 0, which differs from vinic alcohol, C 4 H 6 2 , by the elements of an equivalent of water. The general formula representing the derivation of an ether from an alcohol of the above series is ,. to+1 Alcohol. Ether. Hence every alcohol has its corresponding aldehyde, acid, and ether, so that there are homologous series of aldehydes, acids, and ethers, just as of the alcohols from which they are derived. The only members of the aldehyde and ether series which have received a large share of attention on account of their practical importance, are those derived from ordinary alcohol ; but the series of acids contains many members of importance, to some of which no corresponding alcohols are yet known. The very important homologous series of acids t composed after the general formula C 2n H 2n 4 , includes * Or one molecule of each alcohol yields two volumes (H = 1 vol. ). t Often spoken of as the acetic series of acids, or the fatty acid series. 2K 514 ACETIC SEKIES OF ACIDS. Acid. Source. Equivalent Formula. 1. Formic acid, 2. Acetic Red ants, nettles . . . Vinegar C H 3. Propylic ,, 4. Butyric ,, Oxidation of oils .... Rancid butter v ^4 xi 4 v - / 4 CH0, 6. Valerianic acid Valerian root C 1ft H in O, 6. Caproic 7. (Enanthic 8. Caprylic ,, Rancid butter .... Oxidation of castor oil . . Rancid butter . . C 12 H 12 4 C 14 H 14 4 C A H ft O A 9. Pelargonic acid 10 Rutic or capric acid Geranium leaves .... Rancid butter . . ^16 "16^4 11. Euodic* Oil of rue C 90 H 99 0. 12. Laurie Bay berries 13. Cocinic Cocoa nut oil p 24 TT 24 O 4 14. Myristic 15. Benic Nutmeg butter .... Oil of ben 16. Palmitic C, 9 EL 9 0, 17. Margaric Olive oil? 18 Stearic Tallow C H 19. Balenic 20 Butic Butter Vy 36 ix 86 w 4 C H 21. Nardic 27. Cerotic Bees' wax . v ^40' L - L 40 vy 4 30. Melissic cW 60 60 4 A very gradual transition of properties is observable in the members of this extended series of acids. The first nine members of the series are liquid, the remainder solid at com- mon temperatures. Of the liquids, formic acid boils at 221 F., and the boil- ing points of the other members exhibit a gradual rise up to pelargonic acid, which boils at 500 F. The melting-points of the solid acids also ascend from 86 F. for rutic acid (C 20 H 20 4 ) to 192 F. for melissic (C 60 H 60 4 ). Formic and acetic acids may be mixed with water in all proportions, like their corresponding alcohols, the methylic and ethylic; propylic acid, though soluble to a great extent in water, resembles the correspond- ing alcohol in not mixing indefinitely with water. Butyric acid behaves in a similar manner. Valerianic, caproic, cenanthic, and caprylic acids are sparingly soluble in water. Pelargonic and capric acids are very sparingly soluble, and the remaining members of the series are very decidedly fatty acids, insoluble in water, and forming soaps with the alkalies. The members of the series of alcohols, under the action of powerful dehydrating agents, are capable of parting with the elements of two equivalents of water, furnishing the members of a homologous series of hydrocarbons related to their corresponding alcohols, as olefiant gas or ethylene (C 4 H 4 ) is related to ethylic alcohol. The general formula for the production of the homologues of ethylene (or olefines) from the alcohols may be thus expressed CTT /~\ OTTf^ (~^ T-T Jlo 4. nVJo *" ^XIVJ = W^J-Lfe fragrant. OLEFINES OR OLEFIANT GAS HYDROCARBONS. The known members of this series of hydrocarbons are 515 Name. Equivalent Formula. Corresponding Acid. Corresponding Alcohol 1. Methylene . C 2 H 2 Formic Wood-naphtha 2. Ethylene '". C 4 H 4 Acetic Alcohol 3. Propylene C 6 H 6 Propylic Propylic 4. Butylene . . C 8 H 8 Butyric Butylic 6. Amylene . . C 10 H 10 Valerianic Fousel oil 6. Caproylene . C 12 H 12 Caproic Caproic 7. (Enanthene . C 14 H 14 (Enanthic (Enanthic 8. Caprylene C 16 H 16 Caprylic Caprylic 9. Elaene . . C 18 H 18 Pelargonic 10. Paramylene . C 20 H 20 Rutic Rutic 16. Cetylene C 32 H 32 Palmitic Ethal 27. Cerotene C 64 H S4 C erotic Cerotene 30. Melissene C 60 H 60 Melissic Melissine Of these hydrocarbons, methylene, ethylene, and propylene are gaseous ; butylene is also a gas, but easily condensed to the liquid state ; the re- mainder are liquid at the ordinary temperature. This series exhibits one of the best examples of polymerism or multiple relation of composition, each member of the series being represented by a formula which is a multiple by some whole number of that of the first member of the series. Since one equivalent of each of these hydrocarbons in the state of vapour occupies four volumes* it must follow, if their composition be cor- rectly stated, that their vapour densities exhibit a multiple relation similar to that which exists between their formulae. That this is the case will be seen by the subjoined table, which illus- trates very clearly the importance of determining the specific gravity of the vapour of a volatile substance as a confirmation of the results of analysis : C 4 H 4 Hydrocarbon. Methylene, C 2 H Ethylene, Propylene,f Butylene, Amylene, Caproylene, Caprylene, Elaene, Paramylene, C 20 H Cetylene, C 16 H 16 C 18 H 18 Specific gravity of vapour. 0-490 0-978 1-498 1-852 2-386 2-875 3-90 4-48 6-061 8-007 It will be observed that just as the formula of cetylene (C 32 H 32 ) is a * Or one molecule occupies two volumes (H = 1 vol.). f* These hydrocarbons are sometimes designated by names which refer to the multiple of C 2 H 2 which they contain. Thus propyleue, 3(C 2 H 2 ), is sometimes called tritylene ; buty- lene, tetrylene; caproylene, hexylene; &c. 2K2 516 PREPARATION OF ABSOLUTE ALCOHOL. multiple of that of methylene (C 2 H 2 ) "by 16, so, allowing for errors of experiment, the vapour density of cetylene (8*007) is 16 times that of methylene (0*490). 379. ALCOHOL may be studied as the type of the class to which it gives a name. When any of the fermented or distilled liquors of commerce are sub- jected to distillation, the alcohol passes over during the first part of the process, mixed with a considerable quantity of water ; and if the distilla- tion be continued as long as any alcohol passes over, and the whole of the distilled liquid be measured or weighed, the quantity of alcohol present in the original liquid subjected to distillation, may be inferred (by refer- ence to a table) from the specific gravity of the aqueous spirit distilled from it, since the lighter it is the more alcohol it contains, the specific gravity of pure alcohol being 0*794. The strength of the spirit of wine of commerce is ascertained by deter- mining its specific gravity. That known as proof spirit has the specific gravity 0*920, and is so called because it is the weakest spirit which will answer to the rough proof of firing gunpowder which has been moistened with it and kindled. Any spirit weaker than this leaves the powder moist, and does not explode it. It is then said to be under proof ^ whilst a stronger spirit is spoken of as over proof. Proof spirit contains by weight, in 100 parts Water, ,. , 50*76 Alcohol, . ;v 49*24 A spirit would be spoken of as 30 per cent., for example, over proof, if 100 measures of it, when diluted with water, would yield 130 measures of proof spirit. A spirit 30 per cent, below proof contains, in every 100 measures, 70 measures of proof spirit. By repeatedly rectifying or re- distilling the weak spirit obtained from a fermented liquid, collecting the first portions separately, a strong spirit may be obtained, containing 90 per cent, of alcohol, but mere distillation will not effect a further separa- tion of the water. Weak spirit may be concentrated to a greater extent than this, by leaving it enclosed in a bladder for a considerable period, when the water exudes through the bladder more readily than the alcohol, so that the latter accumulates in the mixture to the amount of 95 per cent. Another method of separating a great part of the water consists in add- ing dry carbonate of potash to the weak spirit as long as it is dissolved, when the mixture separates into two layers, the lower consisting of solu- tion of carbonate of potash in water, and the upper one of spirit, contain- ing 89 per cent, of alcohol. By effecting the separation by means of car- bonate of potash in a graduated tube, this method is sometimes employed for roughly ascertaining the proportion of alcohol in a fermented or distilled liquid, the foreign matters in which prevent any safe inference from the specific gravity. The last portions of water are removed from alcohol by allowing it to stand for two or three days over powdered quick-lime, and distilling, when the lime retains the water in the form of hydrate of lime, and the pure or absolute alcohol distils over. It must then be preserved in well stopped bottles, since it readily absorbs moisture from the atmosphere. Its attrac- tion for water causes it to evolve heat when mixed with that liquid, and PREPARATION OF ETHER. 517 the volume of the mixture is less than the sum of the volumes of its components, showing that combination has taken place. 380. ETHER, or, as it is sometimes erroneously called, sulphuric ether (C 4 H 5 0), is obtained by distilling a mixture of two measures of alcohol with one measure of concentrated sulphuric acid. As soon as the mixture begins to blacken, in consequence of a secondary decomposition of the alcohol, the retort is allowed to cool, another half measure of alcohol is added, and the mixture again distilled as long as ether is obtained. A far better method of obtaining ether is that known as the continuous process. Alcohol of sp. gr. 0'830 is mixed with an equal measure of con- centrated sulphuric acid, and introduced into a retort or flask (fig. 275), Fig. 275. Continuous etherification. which is connected with a small cistern containing alcohol. The mixture in the flask is rapidly raised to the boiling point, and alcohol is allowed to pass slowly in from the reservoir through a syphon furnished with a stop- cock, so as to keep the liquid in the flask at a constant level. A thermo- meter should be immersed in the liquid, the temperature of which should be maintained at 284 to 290 F. By this process, one measure of sul- phuric acid will effect the conversion into ether of thirty measures of alcohol. The boiling point of ether being very low (94'8 F.) necessitates the employment of a good condensing arrangement in this process. The liquid which distils over contains about two-thirds of its weight of ether, with about one-sixth of water, and an equal quantity of alcohol. Traces of sulphurous acid are also generally present. To obtain the pure ether, it is shaken with water containing a little carbonate of potash, when the water dissolves the alcohol, and the potash removes the sulphurous acid ; the ether being very sparingly soluble in, and much lighter than water (sp. gr. 0*74), rises to the surface, holding a little water in solution. This upper layer is drawn off and freed from water by distillation in a water-bath, at a very low heat, over quick-lime. The explanation of the chemistry of this process of etherification will be more intelligible after some other changes to which alcohol is liable have been studied. 518 PREPAKATION OF ETHYLIC IODIDE. The most striking properties of ether are its peculiar odour and its great volatility ; its rapid evaporation when poured upon the hand gives rise to a sensation of intense cold ; and if a little ether be evaporated by blowing upon it in a watch-glass with a drop of water hanging from its convexity, the water will be speedily frozen. Ether is also exceedingly inflammable ; and since its vapour is very heavy (sp. gr. 2*59), and passes in an unbroken stream through the air for a considerable distance, great care should be taken to avoid pouring it from a bottle in the neighbourhood of a flame. Its flame is far more luminous than that of alcohol, and much acetylene is produced during its imperfect combustion (p. 85). The high specific gravity, volatility, and inflammability of ether vapour admit of illustration by some curious experiments : If a small piece of sponge be saturated with ether and placed in the centre of a large wooden tray, two or three inches deep, the latter will soon be entirely filled with the vapour, as may be shown by applying a lighted match to one corner. A jug may be warmed by rinsing a little hot water round it, and this having been thrown out, a few drachms of ether may be poured into the jug, which will imme- diately become filled with ether vapour, and from this several glasses may be filled in succession, the presence of the ether vapour being proved by a lighted taper. A pneumatic trough may be filled with warm water, a small test-tube filled with ether inverted with its mouth under the water, and the ether quickly decanted up into a gas-jar also filled with hot water, where it will be immediately converted into vapour, and may be decanted through the water into other vessels, and dealt witli like a permanent gas. Some cold water poured over the jar containing it at once proves its condensible character. When ether is acted upon by hydrochloric, hydrobromic, or hydriodic acid, the oxygen of the ether enters into combination with the hydrogen of the acid, and the chlorine, bromine, or iodine, occupies its place. Thus, with hydrochloric acid C 4 H 5 + HC1 = C 4 H 5 C1 + HO. In a similar manner, hydrobromic ether, C 4 H 5 Br, and hydriodic ether, C 4 H 5 I, may be formed. The best method of obtaining the two last, how- ever, consists in distilling moderately strong alcohol with phosphorus, and either bromine or iodine, when pltosphovinic or phoaphethylic acid and hydriodic ether are formed 6C 4 H 6 2 + P + I 5 = 5C 4 H 5 I + 2HO . C 4 H 5 . P0 5 + 4HO.* Alcohol. Phosphovinic acid. These three ethers are colourless fragrant volatile liquids, which are of the greatest value in the investigation of the constitution of complex organic compounds. This remark applies particularly to hydriodic ether (iodide of ethyle), which is less volatile than the others, and therefore more easily manage- able in experiments requiring a high temperature. Iodide of ethyle, or ethylic iodide, is prepared by distilling 1400 grains of ordinary alcohol (sp. gr. 0-84) with 2000 grains of iodine, and 300 grains of ordinary vitreous phosphorus. The iodine and phosphorus are added alternately, in small portions, * If alcohol be written C 4 H 5 O . HO, it will be seen that this change is precisely similar to that which occurs in the preparation of hydriodic acid by the simultaneous action of phosphorus and iodine upon water 6[(C 4 H 5 )O.HO] + P + I 5 = 5(C 4 H 6 )I + (C 4 H 5 )0 . 2HO . PO., + 4HO 6(HO.HO) + P + I 5 = 5HI + H0.2HO.PO S + 4HO . THE ALCOHOL-RADICALS. 519 to the alcohol in the retort, which is immersed in cold water to moderate the action, and occasionally shaken. When the whole has been added, the retort is connected with a Liebig's condenser, and heated in the water-bath, when about 2 measured ounces of iodide of ethyle mixed with alcohol will pass over. This is shaken in a stoppered bottle with about an equal measure of water, which dissolves the alcohol, leaving the iodide of ethyle to collect at the bottom as an oily layer (sp. gr. 1-97). After as much as possible of the upper aqueous layer has been removed with a siphon or pipette, the iodide is poured into a small retort containing fused chloride of calcium in powder to remove the water. The retort is closed with a cork, and set aside for some hours, when the iodide of ethyle may be distilled off in the water- bath, and condensed in a Liebig's condenser. 381. ALCOHOL-RADICALS. If ethylic iodide be poured over granulated zinc contained in a stout glass tube, which is then exhausted of air, herme- tically sealed, and heated for two hours in an oil-bath to 300 F., a crys- stalline substance is deposited which is a compound of iodide of zinc with zinc-ethyle (C 4 H 5 Zn), whilst a colourless liquid separates, consisting of a mixture of three hydrocarbons, which have been liquefied by their own pressure. On breaking the extremity of the tube under water, this liquid rapidly escapes in the form of gas, which proves on examination to contain olefiant gas (C 4 H 4 ), hydride of ethyle (C 4 H 6 ), and ethyle (C 4 H 5 ), the last of which may be obtained nearly pure by collecting the last portions of gas separately, since ethyle is the least volatile of these hydrocarbons. Neglecting the secondary decompositions which give rise to the other products, the formation of ethyle would be represented by the simple equation: C 4 H 5 I + Zn - Znl + C 4 H 5 . Ethylic iodide. Ethyle. Ethyle is a colourless gas, having a faint ethereal smell, insoluble in water, and requiring a pressure of two or three atmospheres for its liquefaction. The interest which attaches to it is due to its being regarded by many chemists as the" radical or starting-point of the series of com- pounds derived from vinic alcohol, which is thence spoken of as the ethyle series, and this view of the constitution of those compounds was in favour long before the compound C 4 H 5 was obtained in the separate state, this being a discovery of very recent date. Mention has already been made of the existence of another radical methyle (C 2 H 3 ) obtained by a similar process, which may be regarded as the starting-point of the wood-spirit series. Butyle (C 8 H 9 ), amyle (C }0 H U ), and caproyle (C 12 H 18 ), the supposed radicals of the butylic, amylic, and caproic alcohols, have also been ob- tained, these being liquids with progressive boiling points. We are thus in possession of several members of a homologous series of hydrocarbons, which may be designated the alcohol-radicals, and represented by the general formula, C 2ft H 2n + 1 . It will be evident that the series of aldehydes (C 2n H 2n 2 ) and of acids derived from the alcohols (C 2n H 2n + 2 2 ), may be regarded as the hydrated oxides of other radicals (C 2n H 2n _i) which resemble the non-metallic or electro-negative bodies rather than the metals, by their disposition to yield acid rather than basic substances when oxidised. Thus, in the series derived from common alcohol C 4 H 4 2 = (C 4 H 3 )O.HO. Aldehyde. C 4 H 4 4 = (C 4 H 3 )0 3 .HO Acetic acid. 520 DUPLICATE NATURE OF THE ALCOHOL-RADICALS. We should thus have corresponding series of electro-positive and electro-negative radicals Electro-positive radicals. 1 Methyle, C 2 H 3 Ethyle, C 4 H 5 Propyle, C 6 H r Butyle, C 8 H 9 Amyle, C 10 H n &c. Electro-negative radicals. Forrayle, C 2 H ? Acetyle, C 4 H 3 Propionyle, C 6 H 5 ' Butyryle, C 8 H 7 Valeryle, C 10 H 9 &c. The electro-negative radicals have not been obtained in the separate state. 382. The formulae above given for the alcohol-radicals represent each equivalent* as yielding only two volumes of vapour (0=1 vol.), in which respect they would form exceptions to the rule which holds good with all other compounds of carbon and hydrogen, viz., that one equivalent in the state of vapour occupies four volumes (p. 460). t This anomaly would disappear if the formulae were doubled, so that ethyle became C 8 H 10 , amyle C 20 H 22 , and so on. Experiment has shown that these formula really must be doubled in order to express correctly the constitution of the hydrocarbons ; for if a mixture of iodide of ethyle and iodide of amyle (C 10 H U I, prepared from fousel oil just as iodide of ethyle is from alcohol) be heated with sodium, a colourless liquid is ob- tained, which is a true combination of ethyle and amyle (C 4 H 5 . C 10 H n ) C 4 H 5 I + C 10 H U I + Na 2 = 2NaI + C 4 H 5 . C 10 H U Ethyle-a my le. In a similar manner, ethyle -butyle (C 4 H 5 . C 8 H 9 ), methyle-cap- royle (C 2 H 3 . C 12 H 13 ), butyle-amyle (C 8 H 9 . C 10 H U ), and butyle-caproyle (C 8 H 9 . C 12 H 13 ), have been obtained. These double radicals all yield four volumes of vapour for each equivalent of the compound, J showing that the ordinary formula for methyle (C 2 H 3 ), which furnishes only two volumes, must be converted into that of a double radical, methyle-methyle (C 2 H 3 . C 2 H 3 ), which would give four volumes of vapour, and in a similar manner, ethyle would become (C 4 H 5 , C 4 H 5 ), butyle (C 8 H 9 . C 8 H 9 ), and so on. This duplicate nature of the radicals at once explains the circumstance that they do not unite directly with chlorine, bromine, &c., as might have been expected. Thus ethyle, with iodine, does not combine to form iodide of ethyle, because the ethyle itself is an ethylide of ethyle. Again, the formation of zinc ethyle (C 4 H 5 Zn), and of hydride of ethyle (C 4 H 5 H), during the action of zinc upon iodide of ethyle, becomes intel- ligible upon this view. Indeed, the first stage of this action appears to consist in the formation of zinc-ethyle C 4 H 5 I + Zn 2 = C 4 H 5 Zn + Znl. Iodide of ethyle. Zinc-ethyle. In the second stage, the zinc-ethyle acts upon a fresh portion of iodide of ethyle, producing iodide of zinc and the double radical ethyle C 4 H 5 I + C 4 ELZn = Znl + C 4 H 5 . C 4 H 5 . Iodide of ethyle. Zinc-ethyle. Ethyle. * Or each molecule as yielding one volume of vapour (H = 1 vol.) t Or one molecule in the state of vapour occupies 2 vols. (H = 1 vol. ) + Or one molecule yields two volumes of vapour (H = 1 vol.) HYDRIDES OF THE ALCOHOL- RADICALS. 521 The hydride of ethyle itself clearly corresponds to the double radical ethyle, one-half of which is replaced by an equivalent of hydrogen (C 4 H 5 . H), itself occupying two volumes, like the compound C 4 H 5 which it has displaced. The simultaneous formation of hydride of ethyle and of olefiant gas during the action of zinc upon iodide of ethyle, might be represented by the equation 2C 4 H 5 I + Zn 2 = 2ZnI + C 4 H 5 .H + C 4 H 4 . Iodide of ethyle. Hydride of ethyle. Hydride of ethyle is the representative of a series of homologous hydro- carbons, of which the first member, the hydride of methyle (C 2 H 3 . H), is identical with marsh-gas. The following table exhibits some of the chief members of the marsh- gas series of hydrocarbons (general formula C 2w H 2n+2 ), as well as the cor- responding alcohol radicals,* general formula 2(C 2n H 2n + 1 ) Radical. Hydride.f Methyle, . . C 2 H 3 . C 2 H 8 C 2 H 3 .H=C 2 H 4 Ethyle, . . . C 4 H 5 . C 4 H 5 C 4 H 5 . H = C 4 H 6 Butyle,. . . C 8 H 9 .C 8 H 9 C 8 H 9 . H = C 8 H 10 Amyle, . . . C JO H U .C 10 H U C 10 H U .H = C 10 H 12 The three first of these hydrides are gaseous, the last a volatile liquid. If ethyle (C 4 H 5 = E) be accepted as the radical of the alcohol series, then ether (C 4 H 5 0) would become the oxide of ethyle, and alcohol (C 4 H 6 2 = C 4 H 5 0. HO), the hydrated oxide of ethyle; and it will be seen that upon this view a considerable number of the relations of these bodies can be readily explained. 383. On referring to the action of hydrochloric acid upon ether, it will be seen to resemble exactly that of the same acid upon the basic oxide of a metal, consisting in an exchange between the chlorine of the acid and the oxygen of the base. Chloride of ethyle may also be produced by the action of hydrochloric acid upon alcohol (EO . HO), just as chloride of potassium is produced by the action of that acid upon hydrate of potash EO.HO + HC1 = EC1 + 2HO. Alcohol. Chloride of ethyle. It would be expected that the action of other acids upon alcohol would correspond to their action upon hydrate of potash, and with several acids this is really the case, although it is far more difficult to break up the alcohol than the hydrate of potash. If alcohol be boiled for many hours with dry oxalic acid (HO . C 2 3 ) in a flask provided with a long tube, so that the volatilised alcohol may run back, it is found that, on diluting the solution with water, a heavy fra- grant liquid separates, which has the composition C 4 H 5 . C 2 3 , and is termed oxalic ether. Its formation may be thus represented EO.HO + HO.C 2 3 = EO.C 2 3 + 2HO . Alcohol. Oxalic acid. Oxalic ether. * See also American petroleum, p. 468. f Each of these hydrides is isomeric with the radical immediately preceding it. Thus hydride of ethyle has the same composition as methyle, and is regarded by some chemists as identical with it. 522 NITEOUS ETHER HYDROXYLAMINE. It is formed far more easily in the presence of strong sulphuric acid, since this developes the ether (EO) to combine with the oxalic acid. % By treatment with hydrate of potash, the oxalic ether is decomposed, yielding oxalate of potash and alcohol ; thus EO.C 2 3 + KO.HO - KO.C 2 3 + EO.HO. But if the oxalic ether be mixed with only half the quantity of hydrate of potash required for this decomposition, there is obtained, instead of oxalate of potash, a salt, crystallising in pearly scales, having the composition KO. EO. 2(C 2 3 ), the formation of which is easily understood 2(EO.C 2 3 ) + KO.HO = KO.E0.2C 2 3 + EO.HO. Oxalic ether. Oxalovinate of potash. By decomposing this salt with hydrofluosilicic acid (see p. 181) to remove the potassium in an insoluble form, a new acid is obtained, which has the composition HO . EO . 2C 2 3 , and is called oxalovinic or oxo.lethylic acid. It might evidently be also called the binoxalate of oxide of ethyle, since it corresponds in composition to the binoxalate of potash, KO . HO . 2C 2 3 . Most of the acids form, with oxide of ethyle, compounds corresponding to oxalic ether ; thus, by distilling acetic acid with alcohol and sulphuric acid, and diluting the distilled liquid with water, acetic ether (EO . C 4 H 3 3 ) is separated, remarkable for its very fragrant odour, which has a share in the perfume of cider, perry, vinegar, and of many wines. The ether used in medicine under the names of sweet .spirits of nitre, nitrous ether, and nitric ether, is essentially a solution of nitrous ether (C 4 H 5 . N0 3 ) in alcohol, and is prepared by distilling alcohol with nitric acid, when a violent and complicated reaction takes place, one portion of the alcohol being converted into aldehyde, at the expense of a part of the oxygen of the nitric acid 2(C 4 H 6 2 ) + HO.N0 5 = C 4 H 4 2 + C 4 H 5 O.N0 3 + 4HO. Alcohol. Aldehyde. Nitrous ether, Nitrous ether is a very volatile liquid, characterised by a powerful odour of rennet-apples, and in the pure state decomposes spontaneously, evolving nitric oxide. True nitric ether (EO . N0 5 ) may also be obtained as a fragrant, heavy oily liquid, by distilling alcohol with nitric acid, under certain precautions. It is decomposed with explosion at a temperature of about 200 F. By the action of nascent hydrogen upon nitric ether, a basic substance is produced, which has been named hydroxylamine, in allusion to its remarkable formula, NH 3 2 , which might be regarded as ammonia, NH 3 , in which one equivalent of hydrogen is replaced by hydroxyle, H0 2 C 4 H 5 O.N0 5 + H 6 = C 4 H.O.HO + 2HO + NH 3 2 . Nitric ether. Alcohol. Hydroxylamine. In order to obtain this base, 5 parts of nitric ether are acted on by 12 parts of tin and 50 parts of concentrated hydrochloric acid. When the action is over, the alcohol is expelled by heat, the tin precipitated by hydrosulphuric acid, the solution evapo- rated to dryness, and the residue boiled with absolute alcohol, which leaves some hydro- chlorate of ammonia undissolved. The hydrochlorate of hydroxylamine (NH 3 2 . HC1) crystallises in long needles from the alcoholic solution. From the sulphate of hydroxy- lamine, by decomposition with baryta, a solution of the base itself may be obtained; but pure hydroxylamine has not been isolated from the solution, since it has a ten- dency to decompose into ammonia, water, and nitrogen 3NH 3 2 = NH 3 + N 2 + 6HO. Hydroxylamine. The chloric ether used for medicinal purposes is riot an ether in the true sense of SULPHOVINIC ACID. 523 the term, but a solution of chloroform (C 2 HC1 3 ) in alcohol. Chloroform will be more particularly described hereafter. Perchloric ether (C # H 5 O . C10 7 ) is only interesting from the circumstance that, although an oily liquid, it explodes violently under a sudden blow. JBoracic ether, which has the remarkable formula (3EO . B0 3 ), is formed when ter- chloride of boron is decomposed by alcohol BC1 3 + 3(EO.HO) = 3EO.B0 3 -f- 3HC1 and may also be obtained by heating anhydrous boracic acid with an excess of alcohol under pressure. It is lighter than water (sp. gr. 0'88), and boils at 246 F. When heated with anhydrous boracic acid, it is converted into EO . B0 3 , which is decomposed by heat into 3EO . B0 3 and EO . 3B0 3 , the latter being a vitreous solid. When bichloride of silicon is decomposed by alcohol, the compound 2EO . Si0 2 is produced SiCl 2 + 2(EO.HO) = 2EO.Si0 2 + 2HC1. Silicic ether. This silicic ether is a colourless liquid, of sp. gr. 0-93, and distilling unchanged at 330 F. It has an ethereal odour, and burns with a brilliant flame which deposits silica. When poured upon the surface of water, it gradually decomposes, with separation of gelatinous hydrated silica 2EO.Si0 2 + 2HO = 2(EO.HO) + Si0 2 . Alcohol. When the ether is kept in a moist atmosphere, it deposits a hard transparent mass of silica, known as artificial quartz. Two other silicic ethers have been obtained, having respectively the composition EO . Si0 2 and EO . 2Si0 2 ; the former liquid, the latter viscous. Carbonic ether (EO . C0 2 ) may be obtained by heating carbonate of silver with iodide of ethyle in a sealed tube ; AgO.C0 2 + El = EO.C0 2 + Agl. The compound 2EO . C0 2 has been obtained by the action of sodium upon an alcoholic solution of chloropicrine C 2 C1 3 (N0 4 ) + 4(EO . HO) + Na 4 = 3NaCl + NaO . N0 3 + 2(2EO . C0 2 ) + H 4 . Chloropicrine. Alcohol. Subcarbonate of ethyle. When carbonic acid is passed through a solution of hydrate of potash in absolute alcohol, the carbovinate of potash is obtained, in crystals having the composition KO.E0.2C0 2 , corresponding to bicarbonate of potash, KO.H0.2C0 2 . By the action of syrupy phosphoric acid upon alcohol, the compound 2HO . EO . P0 5 , phosphovinic acid, is formed, and by neutralising it with a base, a phosphovinate may be obtained, composed after the general formula 2MO . EO . P0 5 . A second acid is formed at the same time, having the formula HO . 2EO . P0 6 , its salts being MO . 2EO . PO S . Phosphovinic acid is found abundantly in the residue from the preparation of iodide of ethyle. The true phosphoric ether (3EO . P0 5 ) is also said to have been obtained. The true sulphuric ether (EO . S0 3 ) can only be formed by passing tha vapour of anhydrous sulphuric acid into ether. It is an oily liquid, heavier than water, and decomposed by heat, defiant gas and alcohol being found amongst the products, for C 4 H 4 + C 4 H 6 2 = 2^ 4 H.OJ. The fragrant liquid known as heavy oil of wine, which is formed towards the latter part of the preparation of ether and of defiant gas (page 85), appears to contain the sulphate of oxide of ethyle, together with some hydrocarbons of the olefiant gas series. When decomposed with a solution of potash, light oil of wine rises, which contains hydrocarbons of ths olefiant gas series. 384. When ether or alcohol is added to concentrated sulphuric acid, much heat is evolved, in consequence of the combination of the oxide of ethyle with sulphuric acid, to form sulphovinic or sulphethylic acid, HO . EO . 2S0 3 or bisulphate of oxide of ethyle, corresponding in com- position to the bisulphate of potash, KO . HO . 2S0 3 . If baryta be now added to the solution, the uncombined sulphuric acid will be precipitated 524 THEORY OF FORMATION OF ETHER. in the form of sulphate of baryta, but the sulphovinic acid will combine with the base to form the sulphovinate of baryta, which may be obtained by evaporating the solution, in rhombic prisms which have the formula BaO . EO . 2SO 3 . 2Aq., and are easily soluble in water. By cautiously adding sulphuric acid to the solution of sulphovinate of baryta till the whole of the baryta is precipitated as sulphate, and evaporating the filtered liquid in vacuo, the pure sulphovinic acid is obtained as a syrupy liquid liable to spontaneous decomposition, and readily decomposed when heated with water, into alcohol and sulphuric acid HO.E0.2S0 3 + 2HO = 2 (HO . SO.) + EO.HO. Sulphovinic acid. Alcohol. 385. Vinic acids are not formed by monobasic acids. It must be noticed that although the greater number of the acids are capable of forming ethers, only a few of them produce vinic acids. Indeed, only those acids form vinic acids which there is reason to believe are polybasic, i.e., require more than one equivalent of a base for the formation of a neutral salt (p. 256). Thus, sulphuric acid should probably be represented by the formula 2HO . S 2 6 instead of by HO . S0 3 ; when sulphate of potash would become 2KO . S. 2 6 , bisulphate of potash KO . HO . S^0 6 , and sulphovinic acid EO . HO . S 2 6 , the tendency to form a vinic acid depending upon the possibility of replacing a portion of the water of hydration in the acid by oxide of ethyle. In the case of nitric acid, which is undoubtedly a mono- basic acid, and does not form acid salts, no vinic acid can be produced the formula of the acid being HO . N0 5 , the water of hydration must be entirely or not at all replaced by the oxide of ethyle. 386. Theory of etlierification. When sulphovinic acid is decomposed by heat, especially in the presence of excess of alcohol, a large proportion of ether is found among the products, and this has given rise to a very general opinion with chemists, that the production of sulphovinic acid is an intermediate stage in the formation of ether, by the ordinary process of distilling alcohol with sulphuric acid. At first sight it would appear that the etherification of alcohol in this process was sufficiently explained by reference to the attraction of sulphuric acid for water, and consisted in a simple removal of water from the alcohol by the acid, for C 4 H 6 2 - HO - C 4 H 5 . Alcohol. Ether. When it is found, however, that a continuous stream of alcohol, flowing into heated sulphuric acid in a retort, is converted into ether and water, which is not retained by the sulphuric acid, but distils over with the ether, and that this may go on almost without limit, this explanation is no longer tenable. Accordingly, the formation of ether from alcohol by the action of sul- phuric acid is generally referred to the formation of sulphovinic acid as soon as the alcohol and the acid are brought in contact, and the subsequent decomposition of this sulphovinic acid, in the presence of water or alcohol, into hydrated sulphuric acid, water, and ether ; thus HO.E0.2S0 3 + HO = 2(HO.S0 3 ) + EO, or Sulphovinic acid. Ether. HO.E0.2S0 3 + EO.HO = 2(HO.S0 3 ) + 2EO Sulphovinic acid. Alcohol. Ether DOUBLE ETHERS. 525 The hydrated sulphuric acid thus set free would of course give rise to the formation of a fresh quantity of sulphovinic acid, which would be decomposed in its turn, and so on without limit. A strong argument in favour of this view is deducible from the follow- ing experiment : When amylic alcohol (the hydrated oxide of amyle, C 10 H U . HO) is mixed with concentrated sulphuric acid, it forms sulphamylic acid (C 10 H U . HO . 2S0 3 ), corresponding to sulphovinic acid, and if this be heated in a retort, and alcohol be allowed to flow into it, as in making ether, the first portion which distils over is found to be a true double ether, composed of one equivalent of ethylic, and one equivalent of amylic ether (C 4 H 5 . C 10 H U 0), the production of which would be represented by the equation HO . C 10 H n O . 2S0 3 + C 4 H.O . HO = C 4 H 5 . C 10 H n O + 2(HO . S0 3 ). Sulphamylic acid. Alcohol. Amylethylic ether. On continuing the distillation, nothing but ordinary ethylic ether is obtained. The existence of these double ethers might have been anticipated from what has been said with respect to the double radicals (p. 520), but the mode of formation in the above instance certainly affords support to the view, that ether results from the decomposition of sulphovinic acid by alcohol in the ordinary etherifying process. On the other hand, this theory of etherification is shaken by the cir- cumstance, that if vapour of alcohol be passed into boiling sulphuric acid, of sp. gr. l - 52 (boiling at 290), almost the whole of the alcohol is resolved into water and ether, which distil over, so that either no sulphovinic acid is formed, or it is only formed to be immediately decomposed. If the acid have the sp. gr. 1*61 (boiling at 330), no ether is obtained, the alcohol being resolved into olefiant gas and water. Moreover, hydrated phosphoric acid cannot be substituted for the sul- phuric acid in the preparation of ether, notwithstanding that it also forms a vinic acid. Hence, many chemists are inclined to attribute to sulphuric acid a specific action by contact (catalytic action) upon alcohol, causing its resolu- tion into water and ether, or olefiant gas, according to the temperature. This view receives some confirmation from the behaviour of sulphuric acid towards cellulose and certain other substances, in which it causes important transformations, without itself appearing to take part in the change. In connection with this subject, it is remarkably interesting to observe, that alcohol may actually be reproduced from olefiant gas and water under the influence of sulphuric acid. If concentrated sulphuric acid be vio- lently agitated in a vessel containing olefiant gas, the latter is absorbed, and on diluting the acid with water and distilling, a quantity of alcohol is obtained. This observation of modern date is in favour of the opinion, long since maintained by many chemists, that olefiant gas, and the hydrocarbons homologous with it, should really be regarded as the radicals of the various alcohols and their derivatives. Upon this view, ether would become the hydrate of ethylene (C 4 H 4 . HO), alcohol would be the li-hydrate of ethy- Zene(C 4 H 4 .2HO), &c. 526 WATER-TYPE VIEW OF ALCOHOLS AND ETHERS. 387. But there are some other facts which conduct us to another opinion with respect to the constitution of ether and alcohol. "When potassium or sodium is thrown into absolute alcohol, the metal is dissolved with disengagement of heat and rapid evolution of hydrogen, and a crystalline compound is formed, known as potassium-alcohol (ethy- late of potash) or sodium-alcohol (ethylate of soda), and containing an equivalent of the metal in the place of an equivalent of hydrogen ; the action of potassium upon alcohol would be thus represented C 4 H 5 O.HO + K = C 4 H 5 O.KO + H. Alcohol. Potassium-alcohol. Other alcohols behave in a similar manner. No one can fail to be struck with the similarity which exists between the action of potassium upon alcohol and upon water, and chemists have naturally endeavoured to refer both actions to a common type. This may be done without difficulty, if it be borne in mind that the actual result of the decomposition of water by potassium is not potash, KG, but hydrate of potash, KO . HO, which may with great propriety be regarded as a double equivalent of water in which half the hydrogen has been displaced by potassium, KH0 2 . The decomposition of water by potassium would then be represented by the equation + K = + H. = |J Alcohol may be represented with equal fitness, as water in which half the hydrogen is replaced by ethyle (C 4 H 5 ), or EH0 2 , and the action of potassium upon it may be thus expressed + H - Potassium- alcohoL In a similar manner sodium-alcohol would be formed.* When sodium-alcohol is heated in a sealed tube with the iodide of one of the alcohol-radicals, the sodium combines with the iodine, whilst the alcohol-radical enters into the place of the sodium, and a double ether is formed. Thus, if iodide of methyle (C 2 H 3 I) be decomposed by sodium-alcohol 2 Potash, . . x 1 2 Ethyle series. C 4 H 5 Ethyle. K , r, v M , Q Mcohol The molecular formulae are more convenient for exhibiting the relation between water and alcohol, and their derivatives. Thus if a molecule (see p. 52) or two atoms (or volumes) of hydrogen be taken as the type, the derivation of these com- pounds from it may be easily traced. (Atomic weights ; = 12, H = 1, = 16. Atomic volumes ; = 1 vol. (?), H = 1 vol., = 1 vol.) Molecular formulce (2 vols.) Hydrogen, HH Water, HH . Hydrate of potash, KH0 Ethyle, e 2 H 6 .0 2 H 5 . Ether, e 2 H 5 .0 2 H 5 .0 Ethylate of potash, K . 2 H 5 . Alcohol, H .0 2 H 5 .0 Methyl-ethylic ether, 6H 3 . 2 H 5 . Ethyl-amyle, e 2 H 6 . 5 H n 388. Compounds have been obtained corresponding to alcohol and ether, in which the place of the oxygen is occupied by sulphur, and which bear the same relation to hydrosulphuric acid as alcohol and ether bear to water. TT Hydrosulphuric acid, %H!} S * Sulphide of potash, f} S , O H 1 TC 1 Mercaptan, 4 H 5 I S 2 Hydrosulphate of potassium, V S 2 All these compounds are distinguished for their powerful odour of garlic. This is especially the case with mercaptan, which is notoriously one of the most evil- smelling chemical compounds. It is prepared by distilling solution of hydrosulphate of potassium (obtained by saturating potash with hydrosulphuric acid) with sulpho- vinate of potash, or better, of lime KO . C 4 H 5 . 2S0 3 + S 2 = S 2 + 2(KO . S0 3 ) . Sulphovinate of potash. Mercaptan. Mercaptan is a light, very volatile and inflammable liquid, sparingly soluble in water. That it is constituted after the type of hydrosulphuric acid is shown by its action upon metals and their oxides. Potassium acts upon it precisely as it does upon alcohol K = < S S + H Mcrrantan Mercaptide of potassium Mercaptan. Qf potas8ium . mercaptan . 528 CYANIDES OF ALCOHOL-RADICALS. Its name was bestowed in allusion to its action upon the oxide of mercury, when it forms a white crystalline inodorous compound, insoluble in water but soluble in alcohol 4 H 5 } S 2 + H S = 4 Hg } S 2 + H0 ' Mercaptan. Mercaptide of mercury. 389. Hydrocyanic ether (C 4 H 6 .C 2 N = ECy), or cyanide of ethyle, fs obtained by distilling sulphovinate of potash with cyanide of potassium KO . EO . 2S0 3 + KCy = ECy + 2(KO . S0 3 ) . Sulphovinate of potash. Hydrocyanic ether. The cyanide of ethyle is a volatile poisonous liquid, smelling strongly of garlic. Its most interesting feature is, that when boiled with a solution of potash, it furnishes propylate of potash, whilst ammonia is evolved C 4 H 6 . C 2 N + KO . HO + 2HO = KO . C 6 H 6 3 + NH 3 . Hydrocyanic ether. Propylate of potash. In a similar manner, the cyanides of all the alcohol-radicals, when boiled with solution of potash, yield the potash-salt of the acid which stands next in the homologous series. Thus cyanide of methyle (C 2 H 3 . C 2 N) yields the potash-salt of acetic acid belonging to the ethyle series ; cyanide of amyle (C 10 H n . C 2 N) yields caproate of potash belonging to the caproyle series, and so on. This mode of decom- position argues strongly that hydrogen is really the type of these radicals, for when hydrocyanic acid (HC 2 N) is boiled with solution of potash, it yields the potash-salt of formic acid, the lowest member of the homologous series KO . HO + 2HO = KO . C 2 H0 3 + NH, . Hydrocyanic acid. Formiate of potash. Thus, leaving the potash out of consideration ; H.C 2 N + 4HO = C 2 H 2 4 + NH 3 Cyanide of hydrogen. Formic acid. C 2 H 3 .C 2 N + 4HO = C 4 H 4 4 + NH 3 Cyanide of methyle. Acetic acid. C 4 H 5 .C 2 N + 4HO = C 6 H 6 4 + NH 3 . Cyanide of ethyle. Propylic acid. A plausible explanation of these changes may be given, if the hydrocyanic acid (HC 2 N) be represented as ammonia (NH 3 ), in which two equivalents of hydrogen are replaced by two equivalents of carbon (just as one equivalent of hydrogen in water is replaced by one equivalent of carbon to form carbonic oxide). N Hydrocyanic acid. Water. Formic acid. Ammonia. H J 4 -t- IN { Cyanide of methyle. Acetic acid. N!H I ^2 5:1. = '~W + J 2 Cyanide of ethyle. Propylic acid. The cyanides of the alcohol radicals will be again referred to under their other designation of nitrilcs. ARSENICAL ALCOHOL OR ALCARSIN. 529 KAKODYLE SERIES ORGANO-METALLIC BODIES. 390. One of the most pleasing results of the progress of investigation in chemistry, is the discovery of the true position among classified com- pounds which is to be assigned to some substance hitherto regarded as anomalous, and as destroying by its presence the symmetry and complete- ness of an otherwise perfect classification. Such was the case, until within the last few years, with Jcakodyle, and the bodies derived from it. Discovered long before the science of organic chemistry was prepared to receive it, it taxed the ingenuity of chemists to find a place for it in their arrangement of organic compounds, and always occupied an anomalous and isolated position. Modern research has now brought to light a whole series of compounds, which would not have been complete without kako- dyle, and this hitherto incomprehensible substance has at length been assigned its proper place. When a mixture of equal weights of arsenious acid and dry acetate of potash is submitted to distillation, a heavy poisonous liquid is obtained, which has a most disgusting odour of garlic, and takes fire spontaneously when exposed to the air. This liquid, which has long been known under the names of alcarsin (arsenical alcohol), and Cadet's fuming liquor, has the composition C 4 H 6 AsO, and its production may be represented (if the various secondary products be neglected) by the equation 2(KO.C 4 H 3 3 ) + As0 3 = C 4 H 6 AsO + 2(KO.C0 2 ) + 2C0 2 . Acetate of potash. Alcarsin. If acetic acid be represented by the formula derived above (p. 528) from its formation in the action of water upon cyanide of methyle, the formation of alcarsin would be easily explained. Acetate of potash would then be represented by the formula ' 2 3 p > 4 , and its action upon arsenious acid might be thus ex- pressed Arsenious acid. Acetate of potash. Alcarsin. Alcarsin has the properties of a base ; it is capable of combining with the oxygen acids to form crystallisable salts, and in contact with the hydrogen acids it furnishes water, together with a salt of the radical of the acid. Thus, with hydrochloric acid, we have C 4 H 6 AsO + HC1 = C 4 H 6 AsCl + HO. Alcarsin. Chloride. The best method of obtaining this chloride consists in dissolving the alcarsin in alcohol, and adding an alcoholic solution of chloride of mercury, when a white crystalline solid is obtained, composed of C 4 H 6 AsO . HgCl ; and on distilling this with hydrochloric acid (out of contact with air), another spontaneously inflammable liquid is obtained, of insupportable odour, and composed of C 4 H 6 AsCl. By distilling this chloride with zinc in an atmo- sphere of carbonic acid gas, a third unbearable liquid is procured, which has the formula C 4 H 6 As,' x " and has been named kakodyle, in allusion to * This formula represents only two volumes of vapour for each equivalent. Strictly speaking, therefore, it should be doubled (see p. 520.) 2L 530 KAKODYLE SERIES. its intolerable odour (KCIKOS, bad). This substance is obviously the radical from which the compounds just mentioned are immediately derived; thus Kakodyle, C 4 H 6 As = Kd Alcarsin, or oxide of kakodyle, C 4 H 6 AsO = KdO Chloride of kakodyle, C 4 H 6 AsCl = KdCl. The remarkable properties of kakodyle leave no doubt as to its being really the radical of these compounds, in the same sense in which potas- sium is the radical of the oxide and chloride of that metal, for kakodyle enters into direct combination with chlorine and with oxygen, its attraction for the latter being so energetic as to cause its spontaneous inflammation in the air. The discovery of this radical, comporting itself in all respects like a metal, was of the utmost importance in its effect upon organic chemistry, affording very strong ground for belief in the existence of other quasi- metallic radicals, such as ethyle, methyle, &c., which have only recently been isolated. A similar service had been previously rendered to the science by the discovery of the compound radical cyanogen (C 2 N) belong- ing to the electro-negative class opposed to the metals, and for a long time these two remained the only compound radicals which had been obtained in a separate form. When kakodyle is brought gradually in contact with oxygen, it is first converted into the oxide of kakodyle (C 4 H 6 AsO), and subsequently into kakodylic add (HO . C 4 H 6 As0 3 = HO . Kd0 3 ), which forms prismatic crystals, unaltered by air, and destitute of poisonous character. When treated with hydrochloric or hydrosulphuric acid, it yields ter chloride (KdCl 3 ) and tersulphide of kakodyle (KdS s ). The most poisonous member of this series is the cyanide of kakodyle (C 4 H 6 As . C 2 N = KdCy), which is easily obtained in crystals by decompos- ing cyanide of mercury in solution with oxide of kakodyle HgCy + KdO = HgO + KdCy . A very minute quantity of this substance diffused in vapour through the air has the most dangerous effect upon those inhaling it. The following are the most important members of the kakodyle series : Kakodyle, C 4 H 6 As = Kd Oxide of kakodyle, C 4 H 6 AsO = KdO Sulphate of kakodyle, C 4 H 6 AsO . S0 3 = KdO . S0 8 Sulphide of kakodyle, C 4 H 6 AsS = KdS Chloride of kakodyle, C 4 H 6 AsCl = KdOl Kakodylic acid, ' HO . C 4 H 6 As0 8 = HO . Kd0 3 Kakodylate of silver, AgO . C 4 H 6 As0 3 = AgO . Kd0 8 Tersulphide of kakodyle, C 4 H 6 AsS 8 = KdS 8 Terchloride of kakodyle, C 4 H 6 AsCl 3 = KdCl 3 391. Organo-metallic compounds. The only way of referring kakodyle to any known series was to regard it as an association of arsenic with two equivalents of methyle (C 2 H 3 ), and this supposition necessitated the existence of other compounds of a similar nature, formed, that is, by the association of an inorganic element with a quasi-metallic radical. Accord- ingly, within the last few years, it has been discovered that by heating the iodides of methyle, ethyle, and amyle, with zinc, compounds of those radicals with the metal can be obtained, and these compounds, like kako- dyle, are distinguished by their remarkable attraction for oxygen. PREPARATION OF ZINC-ETHYLE. 531 Nor are arsenic and zinc the only elements with which these radicals can be associated; boron, potassium,' sodium, magnesium, aluminum, cadmium, tin, antimony, bismuth, lead, and mercury may be made to furnish similar compounds, and the principle is now fully established that the alcohol-radicals can enter into combination with metals to form com- pounds which are, in some cases, capable of direct union with oxygen and other electro-negative elements, for which they exhibit a greater attraction than the metals themselves. 'The members of this class of organo-metallic bodies which have been the subjects of some of the most important researches deserve special attention. Zinc-ethyle is prepared by the action of zinc upon iodide of ethyle Zn 2 = C 4 H 5 Zn + Znl. 800 grains of bright freshly granulated and thoroughly dried zinc are placed in a half-pint flask (E, fig. 276), which is connected with the carbonic acid apparatus (A), C 4 H 5 I Fig. 276. Preparation of zinc-ethyle. - from which the gas is passed through strong sulphuric acid in the bottles (Band C) where it is thoroughly dried. A second perforation in the cork of the flask (E) allows the passage of the tube /, which passes through the two corks in the wide tube F, and dips into a little mercury in D. A stream of cold water is kept running through the wide tube (F), being conveyed by the caoutchouc tubes 1 1 When the whole apparatus has been filled with carbonic acid, the cork of the flask (E) is removed, and 400 grains of iodide of ethyle (perfectly free from moisture) are introduced, the col "k being then replaced. The carbonic acid is again passed for a short time, and then cut off by closing the nipper-tap (T) upon a caoutchouc connector, when the gas escapes through the tube(G), which dips into mercury. A gentle heat is then applied by a water-bath to the flask (E) till the iodide of ethyle boils briskly, the vapour being condensed in the tube/, and running back into the flask. In about five hours the conversion is complete, and the iodide ceases to distil. The nipper-tap (T) is again opened and a slow current of carbonic acid allowed to pass ; the position of the condenser (F) is reversed (fig. 277), and the tube/ is connected, by the cork K, with the short test- tube ; the longer limb of a very narrow syphon (I) of stout tube passes through a second perforation in the cork (K), the shorter limb passing into the very short test-tube (P), the cork of which is also furnished with the short piece of moderately wide tube (L). For receiving and preserving the zinc-ethyle, a number of small tubes are prepared of the form shown in fig. 278. The long narrow neck (R) of one of these is passed down the short tube (L) to the bottom of P, the other end (N) of the tube being connected with an apparatus for passing dry car- bonic acid. The whole of the apparatus being filled with this gas, the nipper-lap is 2 L 2 532 ZINC-ETHYLE ZINC-METHYLE. closed, and the flask (E) heated on a sand-bath, so that the zinc-ethyle may distil over, a slow stream of carbonic acid being constantly passed into P, the excess Fig. 277. Collection of zinc-ethyle. escaping through L. When enough zinc-ethyle has collected in the tube (0) a blowpipe flame is applied to the narrow tube (N), which is drawn off and sealed ; the syphon tube (I) is then gra- -x -^ dually pushed down, so that its **~ longer limb may be sufficiently im- mersed in the zinc-ethyle, and the nipper-tap (T, fig. 276) is opened, Fig. 278 when the pressure of the carbonic acid forces over a part of the zinc- ethyle into the tube P. By heating the tube (M) with a spirit-lamp, so as to expel part of the carbonic acid, and allowing it to cool, it will become partly filled with zinc-ethyle, and may be withdrawn and quickly sealed by the blowpipe. The spontaneous inflammability of the zinc-ethyle, and its easy decomposition by water, render great care necessary in its preparation. If an alloy of zinc with one-fourth its weight of sodium be employed, the conversion may be effected in an hour. If any moisture were present in the materials employed, it would decompose a corresponding quantity of the zinc-ethyle, yielding oxide of zinc and gaseous hydride of ethyle C 4 H,.Zn + HO - C 4 H 5 .H + ZnO . Zinc-ethyle. Hydride of ethyle. Zinc-ethyle is a colourless liquid of powerful odour, heavier than water (sp. gr. 1'18), and boiling at 244 F. In contact with atmospheric air, it takes fire spontaneously, burning with a dazzling greenish-blue flame, which emits white clouds of oxide of zinc. If a piece of porcelain be depressed upon the flame, a deposit of metallic zinc is formed, surrounded by a ring of oxide, which is yellow while hot, and white on cooling. When oxygen is allowed to act very gradually upon zinc-ethyle, zinc- alcohol (or ethylate of zinc) is formed, corresponding to potassium and sodium-alcohol (ethylates of potash and soda), which have been already described C 4 H 5 .Zn + 2 - ZnO.C 4 H 5 0. Zinc-alcohol. Under the gradual action of other electro-negative elements, zinc-ethyle is decomposed into compounds of zinc and ethyle with the particular element employed ; C 4 H 5 . Zn + I 2 = C 4 H 5 I + Znl. Zinc-methyle (C. 2 H 3 . Zn) is prepared by the action of zinc upon the iodide of methyle (C 2 H 3 I), and resembles zinc-ethyle in its general character ; it isj however, far more volatile and more energetic in its reactions than zinc-ethyle, and is decomposed with inflammation and explosion when AKSENIO-TKIMETHYLE ARSENIO-TKIETHYLE. 533 brought in contact with water, yielding oxide of zinc and marsh-gas (hydride of methyle). C,H 3 .Zn + HO - C 2 H 3 .H + ZnO . Hydride of methyle. Zinc-amyle (C 10 H U . Zn) is not so violent in its reactions ; it does not inflame when exposed to air, but absorbs oxygen very rapidly. Potassium-etliyle and sodium-etliyle (C 4 H 5 . K and C 4 H 5 . Na) have as yqt been obtained only in combination with zinc-ethyle by heating this liquid in a sealed tube with potassium or sodium, when metallic zinc is separated, and the alkali-metal takes its place 3(C 4 H 5 .Zn) + Na = 2(C 4 H 5 . Zn), C 4 H 5 . Na + Zn . The double compound of sodium-ethyle with zinc-ethyle is a crystalline solid which decomposes water with great violence, forming soda, oxide of zinc, and hydride of ethyle.* Its behaviour with carbonic acid is very interesting and important. When the crystalline compound of sodium-ethyle with zinc-ethyle is introduced into a bulb-tube through which dry carbonic acid gas is passed, much heat is evolved, zinc-ethyle distils off, and a white solid is left in the bulb, which is found to consist of the propylate of soda, NaO . C 6 H 5 3 , formed according to the equation C 4 H 5 Na + 2C0 2 = NaO.C 6 H 5 3 . This reaction is one of very great importance, representing the first suc- cessful attempt to produce directly one of the organic acids from carbonic acid, and indicating a general method for the formation of the other acids of the same series. Thus, if sodiuni-methyle be treated in the same way, it yields acetate of soda C 2 H 3 Na + 2C0 2 = NaO.C 4 H 3 3 . By heating iodide of methyle in a sealed tube with a compound of arsenic and sodium, kakodyle or arsenio-dimetJiyle is obtained 2(C 2 H 3 .I) + AsNa 2 = As(C 2 H 3 ) 2 + 2NaI Kakodyle. and thus kakodyle finds its place among the organo-metallic bodies, the existence of which it foreshadowed. When iodide of ethyle is treated in a similar manner, arsenio-diethyle, As(C 4 H 5 ) 2 , or ethyle-kakodyle, is obtained. 392. Arsenio-trimethyle, or trimethylarsiiie, As(C 2 H 3 ) 3 , and arsenio- triethyle or trietliylarsine, As(C 4 H 5 ) 3 , may be obtained either by acting upon the iodides of methyle and ethyle with a compound of arsenic with three equivalents of sodium 3(C 2 H 3 .I) + Asl^a, = As(C 2 H 3 ) 3 + 3NaI or by decomposing zinc-methyle or zinc-ethyle with terchloride of arsenic 3(C 4 H 5 Zn) + AsCl 3 = As(C 4 H 5 ) 3 + SZnCl. Arsenio-triethyle has a kakodylic odour, but does not take fire when ex- posed to air, although it oxidises with great rapidity. Like kakodyle, it * Strange to say, when this compound of sodium-ethyle with zine-ethyle is heated, it leaves metallic sodium and zinc. 534 ALUMINUM ETHIDE TKIBORETHYLE. is capable of producing a base by combination with oxygen, which has the formula As(C 4 H 3 ) 3 O. 2 , and is called arsenic triefhoxide. Similar com- pounds have been obtained in which the oxygen is replaced by chlorine, iodine, and sulphur. Other arsenical compounds of ethyle and methyle have been produced, containing four equivalents of the alcohol-radical and one equivalent of an electro-negative element, such as oxygen or iodine, but the oxide of tetrethyl-arsonium, As(C 4 H 5 ) 4 0, and its congeners are really substances belonging to the ammonium family, and they will be again alluded to else- where. Stibethyle, Sb(C 4 H 5 ) 3 , or stibiotriethyle, and stibiotrimethyle, Sb(C. 2 H 3 ).., are obtained by processes similar to those which furnish the corresponding compounds of arsenic, which they much resemble. Stibethyle has a powerful odour of onions, and takes fire spontaneously in air. It combines with two equivalents of oxygen, chlorine, iodine, and sulphur, with great energy. So powerful is its attraction for chlorine, that it displaces hydrogen from concentrated hydrochloric acid Sb(C 4 H 5 ) 3 +.2HC1 = Sb(C 4 H 5 ) 3 .Cl 2 + H 2 . Bichloride of Stibethyle. The binoxide of stibethyle is a basic substance. The iodide of tetre- thylstibonium, Sb(C 4 H 5 ) 4 I, belongs to the ammonium family. Mercuric methide (Hg . C 2 H ) and ethide (Hg . C 4 H 5 ) are formed by the action of zinc-methyle and zinc-ethyle upon chloride of mercury Zn.C 4 H 5 + HgCl = ZnCl + Hg.C 4 H 5 . The methyle compound is the heaviest liquid (except metallic mercury) which is known ; its specific gravity is 3 '07, so that glass floats upon its surface, Aluminum ethide, Ai 2 (C 4 H 5 ) 3 , is obtained by decomposing mercuric ethide with aluminum, 3HgE + A1 2 = Hg 3 + Al^. It is a colour- less liquid, spontaneously inflammable, and decomposed by water. The corresponding methyle compound, A1 2 (C 2 H 3 ),, solidifies a little above 32 F. into a transparent crystalline mass. Triborethyle B(C4H 5 ) 3 , corresponding in composition to boracic acid, BO.,, has been obtained by the action of zinc-ethyle upon boracic ether (3C 4 H 5 O.B0 3 )- 3EO.B0 3 +' 3ZnE = BE 3 + 3(ZnO.EO). Boracic ether. Zinc-ethyle. Triborethyle. Ethylate of zinc. It distils over as a very light (sp. gr. 0'69) colourless liquid which has an irritating odour, and is insoluble in water. It inflames spontaneously in air, burning with a beautiful green flame, and explodes when brought in contact with pure oxygen. By gradual oxidation it is converted into the compound BE 3 4 , which may be distilled in vacua without decom- position. When this liquid is mixed with water it is decomposed, yield- ing alcohol, and a volatile white crystalline body, BH 2 EQ 4 BE 3 4 + 4HO = BH 2 E0 4 + 2(EO.HO). Alcohol. This substance has an agreeable odour, and a most intensely sweet taste ; it is very soluble in water, alcohol, and ether. Boric methide) B(C 2 H 3 ),, is formed by the action of a strong ethereal solution of zinc-methyle upon boracic ether 3EO.BO, -f SZiiMe = BMe 3 + SZriO.EO. Boracic ether. Zinc-methyle. Boric methide. Ethylate of zinc. BORIC METHIDE S1LICIUM-ETHYLE. 535 Its formation in this manner proves that triborethyle is not a result of the mere deoxidation of boracic ether, but is produced by the substitu- tion of three equivalents of ethyle for the oxygen in the boracic acid. Boric methide is a heavy (sp. gr. 1'93) colourless gas, having an intoler- ably pungent tear-exciting odour, and capable of liquefaction under a pressure of three atmospheres at 50 F. When it issues very slowly into the air from a tube, it undergoes partial oxidation, and produces a lam- bent blue flame, invisible in daylight, and incapable of burning the fingers; but when it comes rapidly into contact with air, it burns with a bright green hot flame, remarkable for the immense quantity of large flakes of carbon which it disperses through the air, apparently because the boracic acid produced envelopes them and prevents their combustion. Boric methide combines with an equal volume of ammonia gas, producing a white, volatile compound NH 3 . BMe 3 , which is deposited in fine crystals from its ethereal solution, and may be sublimed without decomposition. Its vapour, like that of sal-ammoniac, occupies eight volumes instead of four. Water absorbs very little boric methide, but alcohol dissolves it readily. Solutions of the alkalies and alkaline earths also absorb it, and potash decomposes the ammonia compound, but the combinations of boric methide with the alkalies do not crystallise, and are decomposed even by carbonic acid. Silicmm-ethyle, SiE 2 , results from the decomposition of bichloride of silicon with zinc-ethyle ; it is not decomposed by water or by solution of potash, is lighter than water, and burns with a bright flame. Silicium- ethyle is especially interesting as the source of a new alcohol in which a part of the carbon appears to be replaced by silicon. The formula of this alcohol is said to be S^C^H^O.,, which may be represented as the (miss- ing, see p. 512) alcohol C 18 H 20 2 (nonyle-alcohol), in which two equivalents of carbon are replaced by two equivalents of silicon. SUidum-methyle, Si(C 2 H,). 2 , is obtained by the action of chloride of silicon upon iodide of methyle in the presence of zinc. It is a liquid which burns with a luminous flame, producing white fumes of silica. 393. The following table exhibits the composition of the principal com- pounds of alcohol-radicals with inorganic elements which have yet been analysed, omitting some of the compound ammonias, which will be noticed hereafter : Compounds of alcohol-radicals with inorganic elements. Equivalent Formula. Inorganic Type. Sodium-ethyle, .... NaE* NaO Magnesium-ethyle, MgE MgO Aluminum-ethyle, AW A1A Zinc-methyle, .... ZnMe ZnO Zinc-ethyle, .... ZnE ZnO Zinc-am yle, .... ZnAyl ZnO Stan-m ethyle, .... SnMe SnO Stan-ethyle, .... SnE SnO Sesquiethide of tin, . Sn 3 E, Sn f O. Diethiodide of tin, . . . Sn 2 E a I Sn 2 3 * Strictly speaking, these formulae should be doubled, for, as they stand at present, they correspond only to two volumes of vapour. Thus sodium-ethyle should be NaJE- and so on, excepting A1 S B Sn 2 E,, Sn 2 EJ, BiE,, SbEa, AsMe r and their derivatives. 536 CONSTITUTION OF ORGANO-METALLIC RADICALS. Compounds of alcohol-radicals with inorganic elements. Equivalent Formula. Inorganic Type. Stannic ethide, .... SnE 2 Sn0 2 Stannic ethylomethide, SnEMe* Sn0 2 Stannic iodethide, SnEI Sn0 2 Bismuthous ethide, . BiE 3 Bi0 3 - Bismuthous dichlorethide, . BiEClj Bi0 3 Plumbic ethide, .... PbE 2 Pb0 2 Mercuric ethide, HgE HgO Mercuric methide, . . . HgMe HgO Stibethyle SbE 3 Sb0 3 Antimonic triethoxide, . V SbE 3 2 Sb0 5 Iodide of tetrethyl-stibonium, . SbE 4 I Sb0 6 Kadodyle, . AsMe 2 AsS 2 Oxide of kakodyle, . '. '*. AsMe 2 O As0 3 Arsenious dioxymethide, . AsMe0 2 As0 3 Trimethyle-arsine, . AsMe 3 As0 3 Monomethyl arsenic acid, . AsMe0 4 As0 5 Kakodylic acid, AsMe 2 3 AsO s Sulphokakodylic acid, AsMe 2 S 3 As0 5 Terchloride of kakodyle, . AsMe 2 Cl 3 As0 5 Ethyl-kakodylic acid, . . AsE 2 3 As0 5 Arsenic triethoxide, . AsE 3 2 As0 5 Oxide of tetrethylarsonium, AsE 4 As0 5 Oxide of dimethyl-diethylarsonium, AsMe 2 E 2 As0 5 Triborethyle, .... BE 3 B0 3 Boric methide, .... BMe 3 B0 3 Silicium-ethyle, SiE 2 Si0 2 Silicium-methyle, SiMe 2 Si0 2 These compounds are evidently formed upon the types of the inorganic combinations of the respective elements. Those elements which combine in only one proportion with oxygen or sulphur, also combine in one pro- portion with an alcohol-radical ; whilst those which form more than one compound with oxygen and sulphur also generally form corresponding compounds with alcohol-radicals. Thus zinc, which combines with only one equivalent of oxygen or sul- phur, also associates itself with one equivalent of methyle, ethyle, or amyle. Aluminum also combines only in one proportion with the alcohol- radicals, but that proportion corresponds with the composition of alumina, the only oxide of aluminum. Tin, on the other hand, forms three distinct series of compounds with the alcohol-radicals, composed according to the types of the protoxide, sesquioxide, and binoxide of tin, respectively. And it must be observed that as long as the type is adhered to, the particular radical occupying a place in the compound appears to be a matter of indifference ; thus we find, in the bodies composed after the type of sesquioxide of tin (Sn 2 3 ), one in which the places of the three equivalents of oxygen are occupied % ethyle, and another in which only two of the places are occupied by ethyle (an electro-positive or quasi-metallic or basylous radical), whilst the * Formed by the action of zinc-methyle upon the stannic iodethide, ZnMe + SnEI = SnEMe + Znl. CONSTITUTION OF THE ALKALOIDS. 637 third is filled by iodine (an electro-negative or chlorous radical). The tin- compounds illustrate peculiarly well the true constitution of these com- pounds, for the stan-ethyle and stan-methyle, composed upon the type of stannous oxide, exhibit the same tendency which is noticed in that oxide to resolve themselves into metallic tin and compounds of the Sn0 2 type ; thus, when stan-ethyle is subjected to distillation 2SnE SnE 2 + Sn ; just as when stannous oxide is boiled with potash, 2SnO = Sn0 2 + Sn . Among the members of the arsenic series, we have kakodyle composed after the type of realgar, AsS 2 , which has no corresponding oxide j then trimethylarsine representing arsenious acid, and oxide of tetramethyl- arsonium (AsMe 4 0), corresponding to arsenic acid ; and just as arsenious acid is converted into arsenic acid under the influence of oxidising agents, so, but much more easily, the oxide of kakodyle (AsMe. 2 G), composed upon the type As0 3 , is converted into kakodylic acid (AsMe 2 3 ), repre- senting the type As0 5 . The stability of kakodylic acid necessarily follows from its constitution, the combining tendency of arsenic is saturated in the type As0 3 , the force of chemical attraction can go no further. The discovery of these remarkable compounds draws more closely together the departments of inorganic and organic chemistry, exhibits a facility of interchange among elementary and compound radicals which was not before suspected, and, whilst helping to establish the doctrine of compound radicals, teaches that the theory of types must be regarded as one of the most important guides in research. OEGANIC ALKALOIDS AMMONIAS. 394. The attraction which the vegetable alkaloids have always possessed for the chemical inquirer is easily accounted for ; composing, as they do, so very small a portion of the plants in which they are found, and yet repre- senting, in many cases, the whole virtue and activity of such plants in their action upon the animal body, it is very natural that their composi- tion should have been very carefully studied, with a view to explain the changes by which they are produced in the plants, and, if possible, to imitate those changes in order to obtain these valuable remedies by arti- ficial means. In this study, however, the chemist has to contend with difficulties of no insignificant character ; for even in the determination of the ultimate composition of these alkaloids, their high equivalent weights and comparatively small proportion of hydrogen render the exact determi- nation of this substance a matter of great difficulty, so that even at the present time the composition of some of the less known alkaloids can hardly be said to be definitely established. The following table includes the most important of those alkaloids which are extracted from plants : Alkaloid. Source. Equivalent Formula. Morphine Opium . . C H 1Q NO ft Codeine C H NO Narcotine Papaverine ....... 0.H M NO U C,,H 01 NO a Quinine Cinchonine Cinchona bark .... C 40 H 24 N 2 4 C 40 H 2 N 2 2 Quinidinc C H N " 538 CONSTITUTION OF THE ALKALOIDS. Alkaloid. Source. Equivalent Formula. Caffeine Coffee ....... \ Theine Tea . J 16 H 10 N 4 4 Theobromine Strychnine Cacao-nut Nux vomica C 14 H 8 N 4 4 a,H N o Brucine C^H^NoCL Nicotine Tobacco . C in HN Solanine Atropine Daturine Cocaine Potato-shoots Deadly nightshade . '-! Stramonium . . . . . | Coca-leaves . . . .'"'.' C 34 H 23 N0 6 C<, A H 01 NO fi Hyoscyamine Emetine Aconitine Henbane, Ipecacuanha Aconite Veratriiie Coniine Piperine White hellebore . . Hemlock Pepper . . . ^64^62^2^16 C 16 H 15 N C cH NoO C 9 ) Capsicine Sparteine Curarine Cayenne pepper .... Common broom .... Curara poison C 16 H 13 N C 20 H 15 N From this table it is seen that the alkaloids invariably contain nitrogen ; and though this element generally forms a comparatively small part of the weight of the alkaloid, not exceeding 31 per cent, in theobromine, which is the richest in nitrogen, and falling as low as 3 '2 per cent, in narcotine, which is the poorest, it is from this element that chemists have always started in their speculations upon the constitution of these important bodies. The earliest view of any importance respecting the constitution of the alkaloids was that of Berzelius, who, resting upon the constant presence of nitrogen and hydrogen in these substances, regarded them as compounds of certain neutral substances (then unknown in the separate state) with ammonia, to which they owed their alkaline characters, and this opinion was much strengthened when it was discovered that certain organic bases (though not those actually found in plants) could be produced by the direct combination of ammonia with neutral substances ; thus oil of mustard (C 8 H 5 IS[S 2 ), when combined with ammonia (NIL), yields the base tliiosinnamine (C S H 8 N 2 S 2 ). To this view it was objected, that ammonia could not be detected in these organic bases, and as the doctrine of the displacement of one element by another, or by a quasi-element, gained ground, it was suggested that the organic bases might be really constituted in the same manner as ammonia itself, the place of a portion of the hydrogen being occupied by a group composed of carbon and hydrogen, or of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. This view of the constitution of the alkaloids, therefore, would at once propose ammonia as the type of this large class. In the earlier attempts to refer the organic bases to ammonia as their type, it was said that just as that substance is composed of four atoms (one of nitrogen and three of hydrogen), so are the organic bases, but that these contain only two separate hydrogen-atoms, the place of the third atom of that element being occupied by a compound which discharges the functions of that third atom of hydrogen, and does not destroy the alka line character of the original ammonia type. ETHYLATED AMMONIAS. 539 To apply this view to one of the least complex of the organic bases, aniline (C 12 H 7 N), we might represent it as ammonia (NH 3 ), in which the third atom of hydrogen had been displaced by the hypothetical compound radical phenyle (C 12 H 5 ) for C 12 H 7 N NH 2 . C 12 H 5 , phenylamine. This view of the constitution of aniline was supported by the fact, that aniline may be obtained by the action of heat upon phenate of ammonia ; thus NH 3 .HO.C 12 H 5 - 2HO = NH 2 .C 12 H 5 Phenate of ammonia. Aniline. and as the substances derived from ammoniacal salts by the loss of two equivalents of water were called amides (being supposed to contain amidogen, NH 2 (see p. 239), this theory was spoken of as the amide-theory of the constitution of organic bases. Later research has only extended this theory, having proved that ammonia is the type of at least the greater number of organic bases, and that not only one, but all three of the hydrogen-atoms, are movable, and may be displaced by compound radicals, whilst even the nitrogen of the type also admits of replacement by other elements of the same chemical family, viz., by phosphorus, arsenic, and antimony. A more instructive example of the elasticity of a type cannot be given. 395. Ethylated ammonias and their derivatives. When iodide of ethyle (C 4 H 5 I) is heated in a sealed tube with an alcoholic solution of ammonia, in the proportion of single equivalents, a crystalline compound is formed, which might at first be regarded merely as a combination of the two bodies employed to produce it (C 4 H 5 I . NH 3 ) ; but when this substance is distilled with potash, it furnishes, instead of ammoniacal gas, a vapour which condenses, under the ordinary pressure in a receiver cooled by ice, to a very light colourless liquid, which boils at 6 5 '6 F., and has a powerful ammoniacal odour. By analysis, this liquid is found to have the composition C 4 H 7 N, being, in fact, ammonia in which one-third of the hydrogen has been displaced by ethyle. That this is the true view of its constitution does not admit of a doubt, since it so nearly resembles ammonia in all its characters, that it might easily be mistaken for that substance. The ethyl-ammonia or ethylia, or ethylamine, has not only the modified odour of ammonia, but is powerfully alkaline, and combines readily with acids, forming salts, many of which may be crystallised. It is, as might be expected, more inflammable than ammonia. The crystalline compound formed by the action of iodide of ethyle upon ammonia is the hydriodate of ethylamine (H (C 4 H 5 ) C 4 HJ + N^H N\ H V.HI (H { H j the hydrogen expelled from the ammonia having taken the place of the ethyle in the iodide, forming hydriodic acid, which remains in combina- tion with the ethylamine. Chloride of ethyle and bromide of ethyle, when heated with ammonia, yield, respectively, the hydrochlorate and hydrobromate of ethylamine, but the iodide of ethyle is preferred for this and similar experiments, as being less volatile, and, therefore, more manageable in sealed tubes. 540 TRIETHYLAMINE. When the hydriodate of ethylamine is distilled with potash, it behaves just as hydriodate of ammonia would do if similarly treated :NH 3 .HI + KO - NH 3 + KI + HO Hydriodate of ammonia. Ammonia. m 2 .C 4 H 5 .HI + KO = NH 2 .C 4 H 5 + KI + HO. Hydriodate of ethylamine. Ethylamine. Ethylamine also combines with the oxygen-acids in the same manner as ammonia Sulphate of ammonia, . . . NH 3 , HO . S0 3 Sulphate of ethylamine, . . NH 2 . C 4 H 5 , HO . S0 3 . If any further proof were wanted that ethylamine is really composed after the type of ammonia, it would be afforded, by the circumstance, that ethylamine may be prepared by distilling cyanic ether with hydrate of potash. Cyanic ether (C 4 H 5 . CyO = C 4 H 5 . C 2 NO) is obtained by distilling sulphovi- nate of potash with cyanate of potash KO . CyO + KO . C 4 H 5 . 2S0 3 = C 4 H 5 . CyO + 2(KO . S0 3 ) . Cyanate of potash. Sulphovinate of potash. Cyanic ether. Now, cyanic ether is simply cyanic acid, in which an equivalent of ethyle occupies the place of an equivalent of hydrogen Cyanic acid, . . . HO . CyO Cyanic ether, . . . EO . CyO . When cyanic acid is distilled with hydrate of potash, it yields ammonia and carbonate of potash HO . C 2 NO + 2(KO . HO) = NH 3 + 2(KO . C0 2 ) and since cyanic ether contains an atom of ethyle, in place of an atom of hydrogen, it would be expected to furnish an ammonia in which a similar displacement had been effected EO.C 2 NO + 2(KO.HO) = NH 2 E + 2(KO.C0 2 ). Cyanic ether. Ethylamine. If ethylamine be again acted upon by an equivalent of iodide of ethyle, a second atom of hydrogen may be displaced by ethyle, and the hydriodate of diethylamine is obtained 'A) (C 4 H 5 ) H V + C 4 H 6 I = NJC 4 H 5 V .HI Et, iy ,a mi ,,, w;- as$* and from this hydriodate the diethylamine is obtained by distillation with potash, as a colourless and inflammable liquid, strongly ammoniacal, and having a much higher boiling point than ethylamine (134 '6 F.) In its chemical relations diethylamine is a decided ammonia. In order to remove the third atom of hydrogen, it is only necessary to subject diethylamine to the action of iodide of ethyle C 4 H 5 C 4 H 5 C 4 H 5 I = H ) (C 4 H 5 Diethylamine. Iodide of Hydriodate of ethyle. Triethylamine. When this last hydriodate is distilled with potash, the triethylamine is obtained as a colourless liquid, presenting the strongest evidence of its relationship to ethylamine and diethylamine as well as to ammonia. It is powerfully alkaline, and boils at a higher temperature than diethylamine.* * Just as ethylamine is obtained by the action of hydrate of potash upon cyanic ether, so triethylamine is formed when ethylate of potash (potassium-alcohol) acts upon cyanic ether - EO.C 2 NO + 2(KO.EO) = NE 3 + 2(KO.C0 2 ). HYDRATED OXIDE OF TETRETHYLIUM. 541 But the action of iodide of ethyle does not stop here, for if triethyla- mine be again heated with it, an equivalent of that base combines with an equivalent of the iodide to form the compound N(C 4 H 5 ) 3 . C 4 H 5 I, which may be represented as hydriodate of triethylamine in which the place of the hydrogen in the hydriodic acid is occupied by ethyle. But it will be remembered that the hydriodate of ammonia (NH 3 . HI) is sometimes regarded as the iodide of a hypothetical compound metal ammonium (NH 4 ), and it would appear admissible to view the above 'compound as iodide of ammonium (NH 4 I), in which the four atoms of hydrogen are displaced by ethyle ; it would then be called iodide of tetre- tliylammonium (NE 4 I), or iodide of tetrethylium. Unlike the preceding compounds, the iodide of tetrethylium may be boiled with solution of potash without decomposition, but if a solution of this substance be treated with oxide of silver, iodide of silver is formed, and when the solution is filtered and evaporated in vacua over sulphuric acid, it deposits needle-like crystals having the composition N(C 4 H 5 ) 4 .HO. This substance, which is called the hydrated oxide of tetrethylium, is exactly similar in properties to the hydrates of potash and soda ; it is deliquescent, absorbs carbonic acid eagerly from the air, is exceedingly alkaline and caustic, expels ammonia from its salts, forms soaps with the fats, and behaves in every respect like the hydrate of a fixed alkali. Its taste is very bitter as well as alkaline. It is obviously not an ammonia, but is composed after the type of hydrate of potash (KO . HO), and contains, in place of the potassium, the hypothetical radical tetrethylium, N(C 4 H 5 ) 4 , or ammonium (NH 4 ) in which the four atoms of hydrogen have been displaced by ethyle. The action of oxide of silver upon the iodide of tetrethylium is now intelligible NE 4 I + AgO- + HO = NE 4 O.HO + Agl. Iodide of Hydrated oxide of tetrethylium. tetrethylium. The new alkali is easily decomposed ; even at a temperature below the boiling point of water, it is resolved into triethylamine, olefiant gas, and water N(C 4 H 5 ) 4 O.HO = *T(C 4 H 5 ) 3 + C 4 H 4 + 2HO, Triethylamine. It will be remembered that the solution of ammonia in water may be regarded as containing the hydrated oxide of ammonium, for NH 3 + 2HO - NH 4 O.HO which latter would be the true type of the hydrated oxide of tetrethylium ; but so great is the want of stability in this case, that all attempts to isolate the hydrated oxide of ammonium have resulted in the production of ammonia and water. Like potash, the oxide of tetrethylium is capable of forming salts with the oxygen-acids without the intervention of an equivalent of water, thus Sulphate of potash, .. . KO.S0 3 Sulphate of oxide of tetrethylium, (NEJO . S0 3 . It would naturally be expected that by the action of the iodides of other alcohol-radicals upon ammonia, compounds should be obtained correspond- ing to those belonging to the ethyle series ; thus we have 542 AMMONIUM-BASES. (Type; ammonia NH g ). Methylamine* NH 2 . C 2 H Ethylamine, NH 2 . C 4 H Amylamine, NH 2 . 1( " Dimethylamine, NH.(C 2 A ! H 3 ) 2 Diamylamine, NH . (C 10 H n )., Trimethylamine, N(C 2 H 3 ) 3 Triethylamine, N(C 4 H 6 ) 3 Triamylamine,t N(C 10 H n ) 3 Diethylarnine, NH . (C 4 H 5 ) 2 (Type ; imaginary liydrated oxide of ammonium, NH 4 . HO.) Hydrated oxides of Tetramethylium, N(C H 3 ) 4 O.HO Tetrethylium, N(C 4 H 5 ) 4 . HO Tetramylium, N(C 10 H n ) 4 0. HO But even here, the elasticity of the types and the replacing power of the alcohol-radicals are not exhausted. If methylamine (NH 2 . Me) be acted upon by iodide of ethyle, the hydriodate of methyl-etliylamine is formed NH 2 .Me + El NHMeE.HI Methylamine. Iodide of ethyle. Hydriodate of methyl-ethylamine. and by distilling this with potash, the methyl-ethylamine, much resembling the other ammonia bases, is obtained. Again, on subjecting this base to the action of iodide of amyle, and distilling the product with potash, a new ammonia base is procured, in which all three equivalents of hydrogen are replaced by different radicals ; this base is called methyl-ethyl-amylamine, and its composition is repre- sented by the formula N(C,H 3 ) (C 4 H 5 ) (C 10 HJ = NMeEAyl. If we had started with aniline (phenylamine, NH 2 . C 12 H 5 ) in the above experiment, treatment with iodide of methyle would have furnished methyl-aniline or methyl-phenylamine, NH . C 12 H 5 . C 2 H 3 ; and by treating this with iodide of ethyle, we should obtain ethyl-methyl-phenylamine, NC 12 H 5 . C 2 H 3 . C 4 H 5 ; the action of iodide of amyle upon this last ammonia would give the iodide of methyl-ethyl-amylophenylium, and on decomposing this with oxide of silver there would be obtained the hydrated oxide of methyl-ethyl-amylophenyl-amnionium N(C 3 H 3 )(C 4 H 5 )(C, H 11 )(C 12 H 5 )0 . HO a base formed upon the hypothetical type of hydrated oxide of ammonium, in which each of the four equivalents of hydrogen is replaced by a different radical. This complex substance affords an excellent example of the difference between an empirical and a rational formula ; its empirical formula, C 2S H 25 N0 2 , which simply shows the result of its ultimate analysis, teaches nothing with respect to its constitution, which is at once clear when the rational formula as above written is placed before us. Phenylamine, NH 2 (C 12 H 5 ), is found among the products of the destructive dis- tillation of rosaniline (p. 457), whilst ethyl-rosaniline (aniline-violet) yields ethyl- phenylamine or ethyl-aniline, NH(C 12 H 5 )(C 4 H 5 ), and phenyl-rosaniline (aniline blue) yields di-phenylamine or phenyl-aniline, NH(C 12 H 5 ) 2 . * Methylamine, which is a gas at the ordinary temperature, is far more soluble in water than any other gas ; water dissolves 1150 volumes of methylamine, the solution exactly resembling that of ammonia. t Even the hypothetical hydrocarbon cetyle (C 32 H 33 ), the radical of ethal, has been sub- stituted for the nitrogen in ammonia. The base tricetylamwe, N(C 32 H 33 ) 3 , which is thus formed, contains only 2 per cent, of nitrogen. INVESTIGATION OF THE CONSTITUTION OF THE ALKALOIDS. 543 Diphenylamine has also been obtained by digesting hydrochlorate of aniline with free aniline at a high temperature, when hydrochlorate of diphenylamine is obtained, which is decomposed by a large excess of warm water, the diphenylamine rising to the surface as an oil which solidifies on cooling. The change may be expressed by the following equation : NH 2 (C 12 H 5 ).HC1 + NH 2 (C 12 H 5 ) = NH(C 12 H 6 ) 2 . HOI + NH 3 . Ditoluylamine, NH(C U H 7 ) 2 , maybe procured in a similar way by digesting hydro- chlorate of toluidine with toluidine. Phenyl-toluylamine, NH(C l2 H 5 )(C 14 H 7 ),'is formed by the action of aniline on hydro- chlorate of toluidine, or by that of toluidine on hydrochlorate of aniline. Under the action of nitric acid, di-phenylamine gives rise to di-nitro-diphenylamino, NH[C 12 H 4 (N0 4 )] 2 , in which the same type is preserved, though nitric peroxide (N0 4 ) is substituted for one-fifth of the hydrogen in the phenyle. When treated with chloride of benzoyle (C 14 H 5 2 . Cl), diphenylamine yields diphenyl-benzoylamine, N(C 12 H 6 ) 2 (C 14 H 5 2 ). It will be observed that certain of these bases derived from the alcohols have the same empirical formulae as those derived from coal-tar and other sources, with which, however, they are by no means identical. Thus, tolui- dine (C^HgN) has the same composition as methyl-aniline (NH.C lt2 H 5 . C.,H,,) ; but the former is a crystalline solid, and the latter an oily liquid. Again, when iodide of ethyle acts upon toluidine, an equivalent of hydrogen is displaced by ethyle, and ethylo-toluidine is obtained. The composition of this base, C 14 H 8 (C 4 H 5 )N, is the same as that of methyl-ethyl-aniline, N(C. 2 H 3 )(C 4 H.)(C 1 ,HJ, and as that of cumidine (C, 8 H ]3 N); but in their chemical properties these bodies exhibit such a difference as would be expected from the difference in their constitution. 396. Investigation of the constitution of the alkaloids. It will be evi- dent that the principles developed in the experiments just described may be applied in investigating the constitution of the bases extracted from plants. Let it be supposed that ethylamine (C 4 H 7 IS T ) was a vegetable alkali of unknown constitution ; when it was found that by the action of iodide of ethyle two out of the seven atoms of hydrogen could be displaced, it would te at once inferred that these two atoms occupied a very different position from the other five, and that the constitution of the compound would be more properly expressed by writing the formula C 4 H 5 . H.-.N. On applying the same principle to the examination of the natural alkaloid, coniiiie (C 16 H 13 N), it was found possible, by the action of iodide of m ethyle, to remove only one atom of the hydrogen, so that the formula C 16 H 14 . H . N would more correctly represent the constitution of coniine, which might be then regarded as ammonia in which two atoms of the hydrogen have been displaced by the group C 1H H 14 , or in which each of these atoms has been displaced by the group C 8 H 7 . If we were acquainted with an iodide of this group, we have every reason to expect that its action upon ammonia would lead us to the artificial formation of coniine. * Nicotine, morphine, and codeine will not part with any of their hydro- gen under the action of iodide of ethyle, and must therefore be placed upon the same footing as triethylamine, N(C 4 H 5 ). j , in which all three atoms * The group Cj,H 7 is often assumed as the radical of butyric acid (C 8 H 8 4 ), and it is at least a curious coincidence, that when acted upon by nitric acid, coniine actually yields butyric acid. 544 POLY- AMMONIAS DIAMINES. of hydrogen are already replaced. Upon this view they would be repre- sented thus Nicotine, N(C 10 H 7 )'" Morphine, N(C 34 H 19 6 )'" Codeine, ^(C 36 H 2 A)"' The mark ('") signifying that the groups are triatomic, or have the same replacing value as three atoms of hydrogen. When these bases are acted upon by the iodides of alcohol-radicals, there are formed, as would be expected, iodides upon the type NH 4 I, from which may be obtained fixed alkalies resembling the hydrated oxide of tetrethylium. Thus we have the hydrated oxides of Methyl-morphyl-ammonium, N(C 34 H 19 6 ) /// (C 2 H 3 )0 . HO Ethyl-codeyl-ammonium, N(CJS n 0^ w ^CJ3. 6 )0 . HO Ethyl-nicotyl-ammonium, ^(C^H^^^C.H^O . HO 397. Poly-ammonias. In speculating upon the constitution of the vegetable bases, it must not be forgotten that some of them contain two equivalents of nitrogen ; this is the case, for example, with cinchonine (C 40 H 24 2 2 ), quinine (C 40 H 24 N 2 4 ), and strychnine (C 42 H 22 N 2 4 ). If the whole of the nitrogen in these bases be due to the ammonia type, they must be composed after the type of a double atom of ammonia, N 2 H 6 . In the case of strychnine, it is found that the action of iodide of ethyle fails to remove any portion of the hydrogen, so that if the base be really com- posed after the ammonia type, it must be represented by two atoms of ammonia (N 2 H 6 ), in which the whole of the hydrogen has been displaced by the group (C 42 H 22 4 ), when its formula would be N 2 (C 42 H 22 4 ) vi , the replacing group in this case being hexatomic, or equivalent to six atoms of hydrogen. That it is by no means necessary for each atom of hydrogen to be displaced by a single group or radical, is seen in a great many organic compounds; thus, in chloroform (C 2 H)Cl 3 j we have the triatomic group C 2 H (commonly called formyle) occupying the position of three atoms of hydrogen which would be required to combine with the three atoms of chlorine ; again, in Dutch liquid, (C 4 H 4 )C1 2 , we have the diatomic group C 4 H 4 (ethylene) occupying the place of two atoms of hydrogen. If the view above explained with respect to the constitution of some of the natural alkaloids be correct, it ought to be possible to form artificially a base in which two or three atoms of hydrogen had been displaced by means of a diatomic or triatomic radical. 398. Diamines. When olefiant gas or ethylene, C 4 H 4 , is brought in contact with bromine, the compound C 4 H 4 Br 2 , corresponding to Dutch liquid (C 4 H 4 C1 2 ), is obtained, and from the action of ammonia upon this bibromide of ethylene, there is derived a new alkaline base, having the composition N" 2 H 4 (C 4 H 4 )", or two atoms of ammonia (N" 2 H 6 ), in which the diatomic ethylene replaces two atoms of hydrogen. Such bases, formed upon the double ammonia type, are called diamines, whilst those which correspond to a single atom of ammonia are called monamines. The base above mentioned is named ethylene-diamine. The diamines, like the double atom of ammonia from which they are derived, are capable of combining with two equivalents of hydrochloric or any similar acid, which is implied by stating that they are diacid. When Dutch liquid (bichloride of ethylene, (C 4 H 4 )"C1 2 ) is heated to 300 F. with strong ammonia in a sealed tube, an action takes place corresponding to that of a TRIAMINES OR TRIPLE AMMONIAS. 545 double atom of hydrochloric acid (H 2 01 2 ) upon a double atom of ammonia (N 2 H 6 ), which would give rise to a double atom of hydrochlorate of ammonia (N 2 H 6 . H 2 C1 2 ) ; in the product of the action of Dutch liquid upon ammonia (N 2 H 4 (C 4 H 4 ) 2 "C1 2 ), the places of four atoms of hydrogen are occupied by two atoms of the diatomic group (C 4 H 4 ). But here the correspondence ceases, for whilst the hydrochlorate of ammonia, when decomposed with oxide of silver, would yield ammonia and chloride of silver, the new compound, when thus treated, yields a fixed alkaline base, resem- bling hydrate of potash, and having the composition N 2 H 4 (C 4 H 4 ) 2 "0 2 . 2HO, which represents a double atom of the hypothetical hydrated oxide of ammonium 2(NH 4 .HO), in which four atoms of hydrogen have been displaced by two atoms of the diatomic ethylene. The name hydrated oxide of diethylene-diammonium ex- presses the composition of this substance, which is remarkable for its stability, a temperature above 300 F. being required to effect its decomposition, when it furnishes a volatile alkali, having the composition N" 2 H 2 (C 4 H 4 ) 2 ", and called di- ethylene-diamine, being evidently formed from a double atom of ammonia, in which four atoms of hydrogen are replaced by two atoms of the diatomic ethylene. Its production may be explained by the equation N 2 H 4 (C 4 H 4 ) 2 "0 2 .2HO = N 2 H 2 (C 4 H 4 )/ + 4HO . By acting upon the new ammonia with iodide of ethyle (C 4 H 5 I), the two equiva- lents of hydrogen may be displaced by ethyle, yielding diethyl-diethylene-diamine, N 2 (C 4 H 5 ) 2 (C 4 H 4 ) 2 ", or a double atom of ammonia (N 2 H 6 ), in which H 2 are replaced by two atoms of ethyle, and H 4 by two atoms of ethylene. By treating phenylamine (aniline), NH 2 (C 12 H 5 ), with bichloride of ethylene (Dutch liquid), the diphenyl-diethylene-diamine, N 2 (C 12 H 5 ) 2 (C 4 H 4 ) 2 ", is obtained, which represents a double atom of ammonia (N 2 H 6 ), in which H 2 are replaced by two atoms of phenyle, and H 4 by two atoms of ethylene. By the action of chloro- form upon aniline, formyl-diphenyl-diamine, N 2 (C 2 H) /// (C 12 H 5 ) 2 H, has been obtained, in which H 3 are replaced by the triatomic formyle (C 2 H), and H 2 by phenyle. It has been seen that phenylamine is produced by the deoxidising action of ferrous acetate upon nitrobenzole (C 10 H 5 . N0 4 ). When di-nitrobenzole is treated in a similar way, phenylene-diamine, & 2 H 4 (C 12 H 4 y' is obtained, which is evidently derived from a double atom of ammonia, in which H 2 are replaced by the diatomic group phenylene (C 12 H 4 ), which bears the same relation to phenyle (C 12 H 5 ) as ethylene (C 4 H 4 ) bears to ethyle (C 4 H 5 ). By treating di-nitrotoluole and di-nitrocumole witli ferrous acetate, tolylene-diamine- and cumylene-diamine are obtained, which are di- ammonias, in which H 2 are replaced by the diatomic radicals tolylene (C 14 H 6 )" and wmylene (C 18 H 10 )". These three diamines are called the aromatic diamines, since the diatomic groups phenylene, tolyleue, and cumylene are closely connected, through benzole (C 12 H 6 ), toluole (C W H 8 ), and cumole (C 18 H 12 ), with the aromatic acids, benzoic (C 14 H 6 4 ), toluic (0 16 H 8 4 ), and cuminic (C 20 H 12 4 ). Paraniline (G 24 H 14 N 2 ) is obtained as a secondary product in the manufacture of aniline, with which it is polymeric. Its properties are very different from those of aniline, for it is solid at the ordinary temperature, forming silky needles which melt when heated, and boil beyond the range of the thermometer, distilling unchanged. It combines with acids, forming beautiful crystalline salts, the study of which proves it to be a diamine. 399. Triamines. The triamines are formed upon the type of a treble atom of ammonia (N 3 H 9 ), in which the hydrogen is replaced either entirely or in part by other radicals. Thus, diethylene-triamine, N 3 H 5 (C 4 H 4 ) 2 ", and triethylene-triamine, N 3 H 3 (C 4 H 4 ) 3 ", are obtained by the action of bi- bromide of ethylene (C 4 H 4 Br 2 ) upon ammonia. They are powerfully alkaline liquids, which are capable of absorbing carbonic acid from the air. The triamines are generally capable of forming three classes of salts, the tnonacid, diacid, and triacid salts, containing respectively one, two, and three equivalents of acid. Di-ethylene-di-ethyl-triamine, N 3 H 3 (C 4 H 4 ) 2 ''(C 4 H 5 ) 2 , is produced by the joint action of ethylamine and ammonia upon bibromide of ethylene 2[(C 4 H 4 )"Br 2 ] + 3NH 2 (C 4 H 5 ) + NH 3 = N 3 H 3 (C 4 H 4 ) 2 (C 4 H 6 ) 2 . SHBr + NH 2 (C 4 H 6 ) . HBr . 2 M 546 TETRAMINES OR QUADRUPLE AMMONIAS. It forms splendidly crystallised salts, and is evidently derived from three atoms of ammonia (N 8 H 9 ), by the substitution of two atoms of ethylene (C 4 H 4 ) 2 " for H 4 , and two atoms of ethyle (C 4 H 5 ) 2 for H 2 . Carbotriamine (guanidine), N 3 H 6 6 iv , is a treble atom of ammonia, in which four atoms of hydrogen are replaced by one atom of tetratomic carbon (see p. 153). It is formed by heating ammonia with subcarbonate (ortliocarbonate) of ethyle iu a sealed tube to about 300 F. 2(2C 4 H 6 . C0 2 ) + 3NH 3 + 2HO = N 3 H 5 C 2 ".2HO + 4(C 4 H 6 O.HO). The change is more clearly explained by representing the subcarbonate of ethyle as formed upon the type of four equivalents of water (H 4 4 ) in which H 2 are replaced by (C 4 H 6 ) 2 , and the remaining H 2 by C" (as in C"0 2 ). 2[ (C $P 2 }0 4 1 + 3NH 3 + 2HO = N 3 H 6 C 2 ".2HO + ( C *jSjW* 1 6 Subcarbonate of ethyle. Guanidine. 4 eqs. alcohol. Guanidine may also be obtained by heating chloropicrine in a sealed tube, with an alcoholic solution of ammonia, to 212 F., when the following reaction ensues C 2 C1 8 (N0 4 ) + 3NH 3 = N 3 H 6 C 2 " . HC1 + 2HC1 + N0 3 + HO . Chloropicrine. It will be remembered that the subcarbonate of ethyle itself is obtained by the action of sodium upon an alcoholic solution of chloropicrine (p. 523). Melaniline, C 26 H 13 N 3 , a crystalline base, produced by the action of chloride of cyanogen upon aniline, may be regarded as diphenyl-guanidine, N 3 H 3 (C 12 H 5 ) 2 C 2 ", or guanidine in which two atoms of phenyle have replaced two of hydrogen. The beautiful aniline dyes appear to be salts of certain triamines formed by the replacement of the hydrogen in a treble atom of ammonia by hydrocarbon radicals. According to Hofmann, rosaniline, the base of the aniline red produced by the action of oxidising agents upon aniline containing toluidine, is possibly phenylene- ditolylene-triamine, N 3 (C 12 H 4 )' / (C 14 H 6 ) 2 ' / H 3 . 2HO, the phenylene being derived from the aniline, NH 2 (C 12 H 5 ), and the tolylene from the toluidine, NH 2 (C 14 H 7 ) . Ani- line blue, formed by the action of aniline upon aniline red, would be phenylene- ditolylene-triphenyl-triarnine, N 3 (C }2 H 4 )''(C U H 6 ) 2 "(C 12 H 5 ) 3 . 2HO, having been formed from rosaniline by the substitution of three atoms of phenyle for H 3 . Aniline violet, the result of the action of iodide of ethyle upon rosaniline, would be phenylene- ditolylene-triethyl-triamine, N 8 (0 la H 4 )"(C 14 H 6 ),"(C 4 H 5 ), . 2HO, or rosaniline contain- ing three atoms of ethyle in place of H 3 . The trichloride of diethylem-triammonium, N 3 (C 4 H 4 ) 2 "H 8 . C1 3 , has also been ob- tained. 400. Tetramines are formed upon the type of four atoms of ammonia, and therefore contain four atoms of nitrogen, and are able to combine with four atoms of a hydrogen acid. Thus, if bibromide of ethylene be allowed to act upon ethylene-diamine in the presence of hydrobromic acid, the hydrobromate of triethylene-tetramine is obtained .(C 4 H 4 )"Br 2 + 2N 2 (C 4 H 4 )"H 4 + 2HBr = N 4 (C 4 H 4 ) 3 "H 6 . 4HBr Ethylene-diamine. and if this be decomposed with oxide of silver, a strongly alkaline solu- tion is obtained, which contains triethylene-tetramine, N 4 (C 4 H 4 ) 3 "H 6 , or a quadruple atom of ammonia (N 4 H 12 ), in which half the hydrogen is replaced by three atoms of diatomic ethylene. By acting on C 4 H 4 Br 2 with ethylamine, a salt is obtained, having the compo- sition N 4 (C 4 H 4 ),"(C 4 H,) 4 H 2 . Br 4 , representing four atoms of bromide of ammonium (N 4 H 16 Br 4 ) in which H 10 are replaced by 5(C 4 H 4 )", and H 4 by (C 4 H 5 ) 4 . From this bromide a strongly alkaline base, the hydrated oxide of pentethylene-tetrethyl-tetr- ammonium, N 4 (C 4 H 4 )/(C 4 H 5 ) 4 H 2 4 . 4HO, is obtained, which is formed upon the type of four atoms of the imaginary hydrated oxide of ammonium (NH 4 0. HO). TRIETHYLPHOSPHINE. 547 The action of iodide of ethyle (C 4 H 5 I) upon this base replaces each of the remain- ing atoms of hydrogen by ethyle, yielding N 4 (C 4 H 4 ) 6 "(C 4 H.) 6 H0 4 . 4HO and N 4 (C 4 H 4 );'(C 4 H S ) 6 4 .4HO. When diethylamine (NH(C 4 H 5 ) 2 ) acts on bibromide of ethylene, the bromide of tri-ethylene-octethyl-tetrammonium, N 4 (C 4 H 4 ) 3 // (C 4 H 5 ) 8 H 2 . Br 4 , is obtained, which also furnishes a powerfully alkaline base, N 4 (C 4 H 4 ) 3 "(C 4 H S ) 8 H 2 4 . 4HO. 401. We are not entirely dependent upon purely artificial processes for the ammonia bases containing alcohol-radicals. Many processes of putrefaction furnish certain of these bases which had hitherto been over- looked in consequence of their resemblance to ammonia. Thus, putre- fying flour yields ethylamine, trimethylamine, and amylamine ; trimethy- lamine is also found in the roe of herrings, as also in putrefied urine and in the chenopodium vulvaria; it may also be obtained by distilling ergot of rye with potash. Methylamine, ethylamine, propylamine (NH 2 . C 6 H 7 ), butylamine (NH 2 . C 8 H 9 ), or petinine, and amylamine, are found among the products of the destructive distillation of bones. 402. Ammonias and ammonium bases containing phosphorus, arsenic, and antimony. It might be expected that the ammonia type was not susceptible of any further modifications, but it has been found that even the nitrogen of that type may be represented by other elements which are chemically related to it. Antimony, arsenic, and phosphorus, it will be remembered, all form compounds with three atoms of hydrogen, SbH 3 , AsH 3 , and PH 3 , which may be regarded as formed upon the ammonia type. Neither of these substances, however, possesses any alkaline character, the last alone being capable of combining with certain acids (hydrobromic and hydriodic). Mention has already been made of the circumstance that compounds corresponding to antimonietted, arsenietted, and phosphuretted hydrogen may be obtained, in which the place of the hydrogen is occupied by cer- tain alcohol-radicals; but in these cases the hydrogen does not admit of partial replacement, only those compounds which correspond to triethy- lamine and trimethylamine having been obtained. Triethylstibine, Sb(C 4 H 5 ) 3 , and triethylarsine, As(C 4 H 5 ) 3 , have already been noticed amongst another class of bodies to which they seem properly to belong, since they are not capable of forming salts corresponding to those of ammonia, and appear really to be composed after the types Sb0 3 and As0 8 (see p. 536). With triethylphosphine, however, the case is different ; this substance, P(C 4 H 5 ) 3 , is a true ammonia, capable of forming salts with the acids, like ethylamine, although exhibiting, unlike that body, a very powerful ten- dency to combine directly with two equivalents of oxygen and sulphur, to form compounds resembling those of the arsenic and antimony series (see p. 537), and formed upon the type of phosphoric acid (P0 5 ). Thus we have Binoxide of triethylphosphine, PE 3 O 2 Bisulphide, . . . PE 3 S 2 and the corresponding compounds containing methyle. Triethylphosphine is obtained by the action of terchloride of phos- phorus upon zinc- ethyle, PC1 3 + 3ZnE = PE, + 3ZnCl. It is a vola- tile liquid of a very peculiar powerful odour, the vapour of which, when mixed with oxygen, explodes with great violence at a temperature far below -212. 2 M 2 548 . PLATAMMONIUM COMPOUNDS. By acting upon triethylstibine, or stibio-triethyle, with iodide of ethyle, an iodide is obtained which, when decomposed by oxide of silver, yields the hydrated oxide of tetrethylstibonium (SbE 4 . HO), formed after the type of hydrated oxide of ammonium (NH 4 . HO). In a similar manner there are obtained the hydrated oxides of tetrethyl- arsonium (AsE 4 . HO) and tetrethylphosphonium (PE 4 . HO), and their corresponding methyle compounds. These substances are precisely similar in properties to the hydrated oxide of tetrethylium, being powerfully caustic alkalies bearing a close resemblance to hydrate of potash. A very remarkable base has also been obtained, composed after the type of a double atom of the imaginary hydrated oxide of ammonium (I^ 2 H 8 2 . 2HO), in which one atom of nitrogen has been replaced by phosphorus, and the other by arsenic, whilst of the hydrogen, two atoms are replaced by the diatomic radical ethylene (C 4 H 4 ) // , and the remainder by ethyle. This base has been styled the hydrated oxide of ethylene- hexethyle-diphospharsonium, and its formula is PAs(C 4 H 4 y(C 4 H 5 ) 6 2 .2HO. This base combines with two equivalents of acids to form salts, and behaves in every respect as a double equivalent of hydrate of potash would do. By acting upon triethylphosphine with chloroform (C 2 HC1 3 ), contain- ing the triatomic radical formyle (C 2 H)'", a chloride has been obtained which is composed upon the type of three atoms of chloride of am- monium (3NH 4 C1 = IST 3 H 12 C1 3 ), in which one-fourth of the hydrogen is replaced by formyle and the rest by ethyle ; the composition of this chloride is therefore (P 3 (C 2 H)'"(C 4 H 5 ) 9 C1 3 ) ; from this compound various salts have been obtained containing the corresponding oxide, combined with three equivalents of the acids, but the hydrated oxide itself has not been obtained. 3P(C 4 H 5 ) 3 + (C S H)'"C1 3 = Triethylphosphine. Chioroform. 403. The insight into the constitution of the bases derived from ammonia, which has been acquired in the researches detailed above, has induced chemists to endea- vour to apply the same principles to certain inorganic hases derived from ammonia by the action of metallic salts. Thus, by the action of (proto) chloride of platinum upon ammonia (see p. 398), a compound is obtained which may be regarded as simply PtCl . NH 3 ; but when this is treated with oxide of silver, the Cl is removed in the form of chloride of silver, and a caustic alkaline base is separated, which has the formula PtO . NH 3 . HO, or rather, viewed upon the type of hydrated oxide of ammonium, NH 8 Pt.O.HO, hydrated oxide of platammonium, or hydrate of platosamine. By employing ethylamine instead of ammonia, there would be obtained NHoEPt . . HO, hydrated oxide of ethyloplatammonium. When the compound PtCl . NH 3 (or rather NH 3 Pt . 01, chloride of platammonium) is again treated with ammonia, it yields NH 3 Pt . Cl . NH 3 , and when this is decom- posed with oxide of silver, another caustic alkali is obtained, having the composition NH 3 Pt . . NH 3 . HO, which may be regarded as NH 2 Pt(NH 4 )0 . HO, the hydrated oxide of platammon-ammonium, or hydrate of diplatosamine ; it would then become a hydrated oxide of ammonium (NH 4 . HO), in which one atom of hydrogen is replaced by platinum and another by ammonium. Very remarkable and beautiful crystalline compounds have also been obtained, which are formed after the type of chloride of platammonium, but contain either phosphorus, antimony, or arsenic, in place of nitrogen, and ethyle in place of hydrogen ; these are AMIDES. 549 Chloride of plato-triethyl-phosphonium, . . PPt(C 4 H 5 ) 8 .01 arsonium, . . AsPt(C 4 H 5 ) 3 . Cl stibonium, . . SbPt(C 4 H 6 ) 3 . Cl Corresponding salts have also been obtained containing gold iii the place of platinum, and forming beautiful colourless crystals. In some bases, chlorine, bromine, and even nitric peroxide (N0 4 ) have been introduced in the place of hydrogen into the alcohol-radical, but in all these cases the basic energy is diminished by such substitution, and in some altogether destroyed. Thus, in the aniline (phenylamine) series, we have Chloraniline, , . . NH 2 (C 12 H 4 C1), weak base. Dichloraniline, . . . NH 2 (C 12 H 3 C1 2 ), weaker base. Trichloraniline, . . . NH 2 (C 12 H 2 C1 3 ), neutral. Nitraniline, . . . NH 2 [C 12 H 4 (N0 4 )], weak base. Dinitraniline, . . . NH 2 [C 12 H 3 (N0 4 ) 2 ], neutral. 404. Amides. When oxalate of ammonia (NH 4 . C 2 3 ) is subjected to distillation, a white, crystalline sparingly soluble substance is obtained, which has been named oxamide, and is represented by the formula NH 2 . C 2 2 . This substance is derived from the ammonia-salt by the loss of 2 equivalents of water NH 4 O.C 2 3 - 2HO - NH 2 .C 2 2 and its close relationship to oxalate of ammonia is shown by the circum- stance that it is reconverted into that salt, if heated with water in a sealed tube to 436 F., or by simply boiling it with water to which a little acid or alkali has been added. Oxamide is more readily prepared by decomposing oxalic ether with ammonia, when it is obtained as a white crystalline precipitate C 4 H 5 O.C 2 3 + NH 3 = C 4 H 6 O.HO + Oxalic ether. Alcohol. Oxamide. If one of the compound ammonias, such as ethylamine and aniline, be employed instead of ammonia, etJilyoxamide and oxanilide are produced C 4 H 5 O.C 2 3 + NH 2 .C 4 H 5 = C 4 H 5 O.HO + NH . C 4 H 5 . C 2 2 , Oxalic ether. Ethylamine. Ethyloxamide. C 4 H 5 O.C 2 3 + NH 2 .C 12 H 5 = C 4 H 5 O.HO + NH . C 12 H 5 . C 2 3 . Aniline. Oxanilide. Oxamide is the representative of a large class of bodies, known as the amides, which may be denned as substances capable of being converted, by the assimilation of the elements of two equivalents of water, into the ammonia-salts from which they are derived. Some other interesting members of this class are here enumerated, together with the corresponding ammonia-salts Formamide, . . . NH 2 . C 2 H0 2 Acetamide, . . . NH 2 . C 4 H 3 2 Butyramide, . . . NH 2 . C 8 H 7 2 Benzamide, . . . NH 2 .C 14 H S 2 Formiate of ammonia, NH 4 . C a H0 8 Acetate, .... NH 4 O.C 4 H 3 8 Butyrate, .... NH 4 O.C 8 H 7 8 Benzoate, .... NH 4 O.C 14 H 5 8 It is evident that these amides may be regarded as derived from ammonia by the substitution of a compound group for one of the three atoms of hydrogen. 550 NITRILES IMIDES. When binoxalate of ammonia (NH 4 . C 2 0,, HO . C 2 3 ) is distilled, at a moderate heat, a solid acid substance is left in the retort, which is known as oxamic acid, NH 2 . C 2 2 , HO . C. 2 3 , and may be regarded as composed of oxamide (derived from neutral oxalate of ammonia), with the extra equivalent of hydrated oxalic acid. That it contains no oxalic acid as such is proved by its yielding soluble crystallisable salts with lime and baryta, both which yield insoluble salts with oxalic acid. When the solution of oxamic acid in water is boiled, it is reconverted into the binoxalate of ammonia NH 2 . C A, HO . C 2 3 + 2HO = NH 4 . C 2 3 , HO . C 2 3 . Oxamic acid. Binoxalate of ammonia. Oxamic acid is the representative of a limited class of acids formed in a similar manner.* 405. Nitriles. When oxalate of ammonia is mixed with anhydrous phosphoric acid and distilled, it loses four equivalents of water, leaving cyanogen, NH 4 . C 2 3 - 4HO = C 2 IS T . In a similar manner, benzoate of ammonia yields benzonitrile NH 4 O.C 14 H 5 3 - 4HO = C 14 H 5 N. Benzoate of ammonia. Benzonitrile. The new compound is an oil which has a powerful odour of bitter almonds, and is reconverted into benzoate of ammonia by boiling with dilute acids or alkalies. The term nitrile is applied to all similar substances which are derived from ammoniacal salts by the loss of four equivalents of water, and are capable of reconversion into those salts. It will be remembered that many of these nitriles are identical with the cyanides of the alcohol- radicals. Oxalonitrile, NC 2 = Cy, cyanogen. Formonitrile, NC 2 H = HCy, hydrocyanic acid. Acetonitrile, NC 4 H 3 = C 2 H 3 . C 2 N, cyanide of methyle. Propionitrile, NC 6 H 5 = C 4 H 5 .C 2 N, ethyle. Benzonitrile, NC 14 H 5 = C 12 H 5 . C 2 N, phenyle. A by no means numerous class of substances, frequently spoken of as the imides^ are obtained by the action of heat upon the acid ammonia salts of certain bibasic acids, by the loss of four equivalents of water, thus NH 4 O.HO.C 20 H 14 6 - 4HO = NH . C 20 H 14 4 . Bicamphorate of ammonia. Camphorimide. 406. If the amides be regarded as immediately derived from ammonia by substi- tution, their want of alkaline properties must be ascribed to the introduction of an electro-negative radical in place of the hydrogen (see p. 520). Thus, if oxalic acid be regarded as HO . (C 2 2 )0, the hydrated oxide of oxalyle, then oxamide may be viewed as ammonia, in which one atom of hydrogen has been displaced by that radical ; N * Strictly speaking, oxalic acid being a bibasic acid, 2HO . C 4 6 , its ammonia-salt should be written 2NH 4 . C 4 6 , when oxamide would become N 2 H 4 . C 4 4 , and the formula of oxamic acid would be doubled, but this would in no way affect the general principles stated in the text. "I* This designation was originally employed upon the supposition that these bodies con- tain the imaginary radical imidogen, NH ; and, in a similar manner, the amides were supposed to contain amidogen, NH 2 . METAL- AMIDES. 551 Again, if benzoic acid arid salicylic acid, respectively, be regarded as hydrated oxides of benzoyl, (C 14 H 5 2 )0 . HO, anifof salicyle, (C U H 6 4 )0 . HO, then their amides would be represented Benzamide, N I " 5 2 I "2 Salicylamide, N | U H 6 4 ( "2 and it should be possible to procure them from ammonia by processes similar to that which furnishes ethylamine, &c. It is found that when chloride of benzoyle is Heated with ammonia, benzamide is really produced C 14 H 6 2 .C1 + 2NH 3 = NH 2 .C 14 H 5 O a + NH 4 C1 . Chloride of benzoyle. Benzamide. But we ought also to be able to carry the substitution farther by displacing the remaining hydrogen ; accordingly, when benzamide and salicylamide are heated together, ammonia is disengaged, and benzoyl-salicylainide obtained ( CuH 5 2 ( C U H 5 4 f C 14 H 5 2 H{ H * { H = N {0 1( H A + NH S . Benzamide. Salicylamide. Benzoyl-salicylamide. Amides have even been obtained in which the three atoms of hydrogen in ammonia are displaced by different radicals. It is evident that the iniides might be regarded as ammonias in which two atoms of hydrogen have been replaced by a diatomic radical, thus Camphorimide, N { ( C 2oH-i and the nitriles, as ammonias in which all the hydrogen has been replaced by a triatomic radical, but experimental evidence is scarcely in favour of these views. If the amides be really derivatives from ammonia, it would be expected that similar bodies should be derived from phosphuretted hydrogen (PH 3 ). An example of these is furnished by tribenzoyl-phosphide, P(C 14 H 5 2 ) 3 , which is obtained by the action of chloride of benzoyle upon phosphuretted hydrogen. PH 3 + 3(C 14 H 5 2 .C1) = P(C 14 H 5 2 ) 3 + 8HC1. Chloride of benzoyle. Tribenzoyl-phosphide. 407. Metal-amides. The possibility of substituting metals for the hydrogen in ammonia has only recently been fully established, though it had long been known that when potassium and sodium were heated in gaseous ammonia, hydrogen was evolved, and potassamide and sodamide were produced + K - NHK + H. When potassamide is heated, ammonia is evolved, and tripotassamide (NK 3 ) produced If ammoniacal gas be passed into an ethereal solution of zinc-ethyle, hydride of ethyle is evolved, and a white amorphous precipitate of zincamide separates NH 3 + C 4 H 5 .Zn = NH 2 .Zn + C 4 H 5 .H. Zinc-ethyle. Zincamide. Hydride of ethyle. When zincamide is brought in contact with water, it is decomposed with evolution of heat, yielding hydrated oxide of zinc and ammonia NH 2 Zn + 2HO = JSTH } + ZnO.HO. The decomposing action of zinc-ethyle upon the bases derived from 552 CHLOROFORM. ammonia is parallel with that upon ammonia itself. Thus, with aniline NH 2 .C 12 H 5 + C 4 H 5 Zn = NH.Zn.C 12 H 5 + C 4 H 5 .H Aniline. Zinc-ethyle. Zinc-phenylimide. Hydride of ethyle. When the zinc-phenylimide is treated with water, of course aniline is re- produced. When 'diethylamine is heated with zinc-ethyle N(C 4 H 5 ) 2 H + C 4 H 5 Zn = ^(C.H^Zn + C 4 H 5 .H. Diethylamine. Diethylzincamine. When zincamide is heated above 400 F., it is decomposed into ammo- nia and nitride of zinc (NZn 3 ), which represents ammonia, in which the three atoms of hydrogen are replaced by zinc Zincamide. Nitride of zinc. The nitride of zinc is a grey powder, which is unaffected by a red heat, if air be excluded. If it be moistened with water, it becomes red hot, being decomposed with great violence, according to the equation NZn 3 + 6HO - NH 3 + 3(ZnO.HO). It might be anticipated that if the amides be truly formed after the ammonia-type, they should behave towards zinc-ethyle in the same manner as ammonia and aniline. By heating oxamide with zinc-ethyle, one of its atoms of hydrogen may be replaced by zinc NH 2 .C 2 2 + ZnC 4 H 5 = NH.Zn.C 2 2 + C 4 H 5 .H. Oxamide. Zinc-oximide. In a similar manner, acetamide (NH 2 . C 4 H 3 2 ) is converted into zinc- acetimide (NHZn . C 4 H 3 2 ). These bodies are reconverted into their cor- responding amides and oxide of zinc, when treated with water. DEEIVATIVES OF THE ALCOHOLS. 408. Chloroform. Among the useful substances prepared from members of the alcohol series, chloroform (CgHClg) occupies a prominent position. It is prepared by distilling 1 part of alcohol with 6 parts of chloride of lime, and 24 parts of water, until about 1J part has passed over; the distilled liquid, consisting chiefly of water and chloroform, separates into two layers, the heavier being chloroform (sp. gr. 1 *5). The upper aqueous layer having been drawn off by a siphon, the chloroform is shaken with oil of vitriol to remove certain volatile oils, which have dis- tilled over with it, and as soon as it has risen to the surface of the oil of vitriol, it is drawn off and rectified by distillation, until it boils regularly at 142 F. The chemical change involved in the preparation of chloroform appears to consist of two distinct stages, in the first of which the alcohol is con- verted into chloral by the action of the chlorine furnished by the chloride of lime, C 4 H 6 2 + CJ^ = C 4 HC1 3 2 + 5HC1; the hydrochloric acid is, of Alcohol. Chloral. course, neutralised by the lime. In the second stage, the chloral is acted upon by the hydrate of lime, which is always present in commercial chloride of lime, and is converted into chloroform and formiate of lime, C 4 HC1 3 2 + CaO.HO = CaO.C 2 H0 3 + CJBEG^-. Chloral. Formiate of lime. Chloroform. PERFUME-ETHERS. 553 Chloroform is remarkable for its very fragrant odour, and for the power of its vapour to produce insensibility to pain, for which purpose it is often used in surgical operations. This property is not peculiar to chloro- form, but is possessed in different degrees by most other liquids of power- ful ethereal odour, such as ordinary ether, bisulphide of carbon, bichloride (tetrachloride) of carbon, &c. Chloroform is also used for dissolving caoutchouc, which it takes up more readily and abundantly than any other liquid, and is employed for extracting the poisonous alkaloids (par- ticularly strychnine), when mixed with organic matters. The name chlo- roform has been conferred upon this substance on the supposition that it contained the radical of formic acid (formyle C 2 H), and it is sometimes styled the ter chloride of formyle. This belief is encouraged by its behaviour with an alcoholic solution of potash, when it yields formiate of potash and chloride of potassium C 2 HC1 3 + 4(KO.HO) = KO.C 2 H0 3 + 3KC1 + 4HO. Chloroform. Formiate of potash. But the processes by which it may be formed would lead us to regard it as a substitution-product from marsh-gas (hydride of methyle, C 2 H 3 . H). If marsh-gas be diluted with an equal volume of carbonic acid, and to 1 volume of this mixture at least 1 J volume of chlorine be added, chloro- form is slowly produced, C 2 H 4 + C1 6 = 3HC1 + CfLC\. Chloroform is also formed by the action of chlorine upon chloride of methyle C 2 H 3 C1 + C1 4 = C 2 HC1 3 + 2HC1. Wood-spirit (hydrated oxide of methyle) may be employed instead of alcohol for the preparation of chloroform. If chloroform be distilled in a current of chlorine, it is converted into bichloride of carbon, C 2 HCI 3 + CL, - C 2 C1 4 + HC1 . When chloroform is heated with amalgam of potassium, acetylene (C 4 H 2 ) is disengaged, which is polymeric with the hypothetical radical formyle C 2 H . Bromoform (C 2 HBr 3 ) and lodoform (C 2 HI 3 ) have no practical interest. Chloral (C 4 HCI 3 2 ), which has been mentioned as resulting from the action of chlorine upon alcohol, may be regarded as aldehyde (C 4 H 4 2 ), in which 3 atoms of hydrogen are replaced by chlorine. The most interesting feature of chloral, which is a colourless oily liquid, is its spontaneous transformation into a porcelain-like mass, which has the same composition as the liquid, and may be reconverted into it by distillation. 409. Perfume-ethers. Certain of the compound ethers, formed by the combination of oxide of ethyle and its analogues with the acids of the acetic series, are employed in perfumery and confectionery. Thus, the butyrate of ethyle, or butyric ether (C 4 H 5 . C 8 H 7 3 ), pre- pared by distilling butyrate of potash with alcohol and sulphuric acid, has a decided flavour of pine apples. Acetate of amyle (C 10 H n O . C 4 H 3 3 ) has a very strong resemblance in taste and smell to the jargonelle pear ; it is obtained by distilling fousel oil (hydrated oxide of amyle) with acetate of soda and sulphuric acid. The valerianate of amyle, which has the flavour of apples, and is known as apple-oil, is obtained by distilling fousel oil with sulphuric acid and bichromate of potash, when the chromic acid of the latter oxidises one 554 ALDEHYDES. portion of the hydrated oxide of amyle (C 10 H n O . HO), converting it into valerianic acid (C 10 H 9 3 . HO), which then unites with another portion of oxide of amyle, forming the valerianate of amyle (C 10 H n O . C 10 H 9 3 ). 410. ALDEHYDES Vinic or acetic aldehyde. It has been already noticed (p. 492) that a considerable loss of alcohol has occasionally taken place in the manufacture of vinegar, in consequence of the formation of aldehyde (C 4 H 4 2 ) instead of acetic acid (C 4 H 4 4 ) by a partial oxidation of the alcohol. In order to prepare aldehyde in quantity, alcohol is distilled with sulphuric acid and binoxide of manganese, or with sulphuric acid and bichromate of potash, or it may be oxidised by chlorine in the presence of water. Three parts of binoxide of manganese in fine powder are introduced into a retort, and a mixture of 3 parts of sulphuric acid and 2 of water, which has been allowed to cool, is poured upon it. 2 parts of alcohol (sp. gr. -85) are then added, the mixture very gently heated, and the vapours condensed in a Liebig's condenser, or in a worm (fig. 196) supplied with iced water. If bichromate of potash be employed, 3 parts of the salt are introduced into the retort with 2 parts of alcohol. The retort is placed in cold water to moderate the action, and a mixture of 4 parts of sulphuric acid with three times its volume of water is allowed to flow slowly into the retort. A very gentle heat may be applied when the action has moderated. In these processes the alcohol is oxidised according to the equation C 4 H 6 0. 2 + 2 = C 4 H 4 2 + 2HO. Alcohol. Aldehyde. In the first process the oxygen is derived from the binoxide of manganese, leaving sulphate of manganese (MnO . S0 3 ) in the retort ; in the second process, the chromic acid of the bichromate furnishes the oxygen, sulphate of chromium (Cr. 2 3 . 3S0 3 ) being formed. As might be expected, a portion of the alcohol is oxidised to a higher degree, and converted into acetic acid (C 4 H 4 4 ), so that some acetic ether comes over together with the aldehyde. Another product, acetal, is also found in the distillate, which has the composition C 12 H 14 4 , and may be regarded as resulting from the union of 2 eqs. of ether formed by a secondary action of the sulphuric acid upon the alcohol, with 1 eq. of aldehyde (2C 4 H 5 . C 4 H 4 2 ). By redistilling the aldehyde with an equal weight of fused chloride of calcium in a gently heated water-bath, it may be freed from most of the water and alcohol, which are left behind in the retort, the boiling point of aldehyde being only 67'8 F. After rectification, it may be separated from the acetic ether and acetal, by taking advan- tage of its property of combining with ammonia to form a compound which is insoluble in ether ; the rectified aldehyde is mixed with twice its volume of ether, placed in a bottle surrounded by ice, and saturated with gaseous ammonia (p. 117), when white needle-like crystals of aldehyde-ammonia (NH 3 . C 4 H 4 2 ) are deposited. By distilling this compound with diluted sulphuric acid, and condensing the vapour in a thoroughly cooled receiver, pure aldehyde is obtained, from which the last por- tions of water may be removed by standing over fused chloride of calcium and a final distillation. Aldehyde may be recognised by its peculiar acrid odour, which affects the eyes, as well as by its volatility and inflammability. It absorbs oxygen from air even at the ordinary temperature, and is gradually con- verted into acetic acid. Its attraction for oxygen enables it to reduce the salts of silver to the metallic state, and a characteristic test for aldehyde consists in adding a little nitrate of silver and a trace of ammonia ; on heating, the silver is deposited as a mirror on the sides of the test-tube. In contact with hydrate of potash, aldehyde undergoes decomposition, yielding a brown substance (resin of aldehyde) and a solution of acetate ACETIC ALDEHYDE. 555 and formiate of potash, may be reproduced KO.C 4 H 3 3 By distilling a mixture of these two salts, aldehyde KO.C 2 H0 3 = 2(KO.C0 2 ) + C 4 H 4 2 . Acetate of potash. Formiate of potash. Aldehyde. These reactions lend some support to the opinion, that aldehyde should be represented as being framed upon the model of a molecule of hydrogen (HH), in which the place of one atom of hydrogen is occupied by acetyle (C 4 H 3 2 ), the hypothetical radical of acetic acid. For if formiate of potash be distilled with hydrate of potash, it yields carbonate of potash and two atoms of hydrogen, KO . CJH0 3 + KO.HO = 2(KO.C0 2 ) + HH; and if acetate of potash be employed instead of the hydrate, aldehyde is obtained instead of hydrogen KO . C 2 HO S KO.(C 4 H a 2 )0 = 2(KO.C0 2 ) + (C 4 H 3 2 )H. On this view it is easy to explain the tendency of aldehyde to undergo oxidation, both the radical, acetyle, and the hydrogen, acquiring oxygen, and forming acetic acid, just as hydrogen is converted into water by oxi- dation.* Type. Molecule of water, HO . HO Acetic acid, (C 4 H 3 2 )0 . HO Type. Molecule of hydrogen, H . H Aldehyde (hydride of ace- tyle), C 4 H 3 2 . H As might be anticipated, it is found that when vapour of aldehyde is passed over heated hydrate of potash (mixed with lime) it yields acetate of potash and hydrogen, C 4 H 3 2 . H + KO . HO - H . H + KO . (C 4 H 3 2 )0 . By the action of potassium, the atom of hydrogen may be displaced from the aldehyde, and the compound (C 4 H 3 2 )K obtained. In contact with water and sodium amalgam, aldehyde combines with the nascent hydrogen, and produces alcohol. Chlorine displaces three- fourths of the hydrogen from aldehyde, producing chloral, C 4 C1 3 H0 2 , which has been already noticed as yielding chloroform when acted on by alkalies. Perfectly pure aldehyde cannot be kept for any length of time, even in sealed tubes, since it becomes converted into metaldehyde and elaldehyde, which have the same composition as aldehyde, but differ widely from it in properties, metaldehyde being a crystalline solid, and elaldehyde a liquid, boiling at 201 F. The true formula of elaldehyde would appear to be C 12 H 12 B , for the specific gravity of its vapour is 4 '52, or three times that of aldehyde vapour (1-53). Metaldehyde is reconverted into aldehyde when heated to 400 F. in a sealed tube. When aldehyde is treated with a saturated solution of bisulphite of soda (NaO . HO . 2S0 2 ), it forms a crystalline compound, which is soluble in water, but insoluble in the saline solution, and contains the elements of 1 eq. of the aldehyde and 1 eq. of the bisulphite. If the view above referred to is correct, which represents aldehyde as the hydride of acetyle (the radical of acetic acid), each of the acids belong- ing to the acetic series would be expected to have a corresponding alde- hyde. Accordingly, just as acetate of lime, when distilled with formiate of lime, yields acetic aldehyde, so valerianic, cenanthic, and caprylic * Aldehyde is also sometimes represented as the hydrated oxide of the hydrocarbon designated acetyle at p. 520, when its formula becomes (C 4 H 3 )0 . HO. . " 556 ACETONES OR KETONES. aldehydes may be obtained by distilling the corresponding lime-salts with formiate of lime. The chief aldehydes of this series which have at present been examined are Acetic aldehyde, . . . 4 H 4 2 * Propionic aldehyde, . . C 6 H 6 2 Butyric aldehyde, . . C 8 H 8 2 Valeric aldehyde, . . C 10 H 10 2 (Enanthic aldehyde, . . C l4 H 14 O a Caprylic aldehyde, . . C 16 H 16 3 Rutic aldehyde, . . . C 20 H 20 O a Euodie aldehyde, . . C 22 H 22 O a Laurie aldehyde, . . C 24 H 24 3 The radicals corresponding to acetyle, which may be regarded as asso- ciated with hydrogen in these aldehydes, have not, for the most part, been isolated j a substance having the same composition as butyryle (CgH^O.,), the supposed radical of butyric acid (C 8 H 8 4 ), has, however, been obtained from that acid by an indirect process. Acetic, propionic, and butyric aldehydes have been found among the products of the oxidising action of a mixture of binoxide of manganese and sulphuric acid upon fibrine, albumen, and caseine. Valeric aldehyde is obtained, like acetic aldehyde, by distilling the cor- responding alcohol (amyle-alcohol, C 10 H 12 2 ) with sulphuric acid and bichromate of potash. Capric (rutic), euodic, and lauric aldehydes are found in essential oil of rue. The higher aldehydes of the series are not so easily oxidised as those containing a lower number of carbon equivalents. When an aldehyde is heated with one of the bases derived from ammonia by the substitution of an alcohol-radical for one atom of hydro- gen, the other two atoms of hydrogen of the ammonia are replaced by the diatomic hydrocarbon of the aldehyde ; thus 2NH 2 C 10 H U + 2C 14 H 14 2 *= 4HO + N 2 (C 10 H n ) 2 (C 14 H 14 )/ . Amylamine. (Enanthic aldehyde. Di-cenanthylene-di-amylamine- This reaction has been recommended for the determination of the replaceable (or typical) hydrogen in organic bases. 411. ACETONES. If the lime salts of the acids of the acetic series, instead of being distilled with formiate of lime, as for the preparation of the aldehydes, be distilled alone, or with quick-lime, a series of homo- logous products is obtained, each of which is isomeric with the aldehyde of the series next below it in the table, though totally different from that aldehyde in properties. Thus, by distilling acetate of lime with lime, the liquid acetone (C 6 H 6 2 ) is obtained, which has been already noticed among the products of the distillation of wood 2(CaO.C 4 H 3 3 ) = 2(CaO.C0 2 ) + C 6 H 6 2 . Acetate of lime. Acetone. Acetone has the same composition as propionic aldehyde. By similar * It will be remarked that these aldehydes are isomeric with the compound ethers formed by their acids ; thus, acetic aldehyde is isomeric with acetic ether, for 2C 4 H 4 2 = G 4 H fi O.C 4 H 3 3 but the sp. gr. of aldehyde vapour (1-63) is only half that of acetic ether vapour (3 -06). OIL OF BITTER ALMONDS AN ALDEHYDE. 557 processes the following acetones (or Jtetones, as they are frequently called) have been obtained : Acetone, :, -. . C 6 H 6 2 Propione, . . * C 10 H 10 2 Butyrone, . . . C 14 H U 2 Valerone, . . . C 18 H 18 2 These substances are allied, in some of their properties, to the aldehydes, especially in forming crystalline compounds with bisulphite of soda. Hence many chemists have been led to believe that they are composed, like the aldehydes, after the model of a molecule of hydrogen, but that in the acetones the radicals of the corresponding acids are associated, not with an atom of hydrogen, but with an atom of the hydrocarbon radical of the next lower alcohol. Thus, the acetone of the acetic series (C 6 H 6 2 ) would be composed of the radical acetyle (C 4 H 3 2 ) associated with methyle (C. 2 H 3 ), and this view of its constitution is supported by the formation of acetone, when chloride of acetyle is acted upon by zinc-methyle C 4 H 3 2 .C1 + C 2 H 3 .Zn = C 4 H 3 2 .C 2 H 3 + ZnCl. Chloride of acetyle. Zinc-methyle. Acetone. In a similar manner, chloracetene (resulting from the action of chloro- carbonic acid on aldehyde) yields acetone when acted on by methylate of soda (sodium-methyle-alcohol) (C 4 H 3 )C1 + (C 2 H 3 )Na0 3 = NaCl + C 4 H 3 2 .C 2 H 3 . Chloracetene. Methylate of soda. Acetone. Further corroboration is obtained by distilling a mixture of equivalent quantities of acetate and valerianate of potash, when an acetone is obtained, which contains valeryle (C 10 H 9 2 ), associated with methyle (C 2 H 3 ) KO.C 4 H 3 3 + KO.C 10 H 9 3 = 2(KO.C0 2 ) + C 10 H 9 2 . C 2 H 3 . Acetate of potash. Valerianate of potash. It will be remembered that when acetate of potash is distilled with hydrate of potash, it yields marsh-gas by a precisely parallel reaction KO.C 4 H 3 3 + KO.HO = 2(KO.C0 2 ) + H.C 2 H 3 . Acetate of potash. Marsh-gas. Acetone may also be prepared by distilling sugar with eight times its weight of quick-lime, when it is accompanied by another liquid, metavetone, C 6 H 5 0, which differs from acetone in being insoluble in water. When this liquid is heated with bichromate of potash and sulphuric acid, it is oxidised and converted into metacetonic or propionic acid, HO . C 6 H 5 3 , which may also be produced by the oxidation of acetone. 412. The description above given of the properties of aldehyde will have recalled those of some of the essential oils containing oxygen. Thus, essential oil of bitter almonds (C 14 H 6 2 ), when exposed to air, absorbs oxygen, and is converted into benzoic acid (C 14 H 6 4 ), just as aldehyde (C 4 H 4 2 ) passes into acetic acid (C 4 H 4 4 ). Moreover, oil of bitter almonds forms a crystalline compound with bisulphite of soda, similar to that formed by aldehyde, and its conversion into this compound is some- times resorted to in order to obtain the pure oil. In constitution, also, oil of bitter almonds (hydride of benzoyle, C 14 H 5 2 . H) closely resembles aldehyde (hydride of acetyle, C 4 H 3 2 . H), and just as the latter may be obtained by distilling acetate of potash with 558 POLYATOMIC ALCOHOLS. formiate of potash, so benzole aldehyde (oil of bitter almonds) may be obtained from benzoate of potash KO.(C 14 H 5 2 )0 + KO.C 2 H0 3 = 2(KO . C0 2 ) + C 14 H 5 2 .H. Benzoate of potash. Formiate of potash. Benzole aldehyde. Oil of bitter almonds is produced, together with some aldehydes of the acetic series of acids (p. 556), when certain albuminous bodies are oxi- dised by sulphuric acid and binoxide of manganese. When benzoic aldehyde is acted on by an alcoholic solution of hydrate of potash, an oily liquid is obtained, which stands in the same relation to benzoic aldehyde as alcohol bears to acetic aldehyde 2(C 14 H 5 2 .H) + EX). HO = KO . (C 14 H 5 2 )0 + C 14 H 8 2 . Benzole aldehyde. Benzoate of potash. Benzoic alcohol. The hydrochloric ether of benzoic alcohol, C 14 H 7 C1, is sometimes called chloride of benzyle, the radical benzyle, C 14 H 7 , being supposed to have the same relation to the benzoic series as ethyle has to the acetic series. By the action of ammonia upon chloride of benzyle, benzylamine, NH 2 (C 14 H 7 ), and tri-benzylamine, N(C 14 H 7 ) 3 , have been obtained ; the former is isomeric with toluidine, but is by no means identical with it, for benzylamine is a liquid having basic properties far more powerful than those of tolui- dine, and it is very readily soluble in water, which dissolves but little of the latter base. The benzoic acetone or benzone (C 26 H 10 2 ) has been obtained by the distil- lation of benzoate of lime. It is often called benzophenone, being regarded as an association of benzoyle with phenyle, C 14 H 5 2 . C 12 H 5 ; for when distilled with hydrate of potash, it yields benzoate of potash and benzole (hydride of phenyle) C 14 H 5 2 -C 12 H 5 + KO.HO = KO.(C 14 H 5 2 )0 + C 12 H 5 .H. Benzophenone. Benzoate of potash. Benzole. Oil of cinnamon (p. 476) or hydride of cinnamyle (C 18 H 7 2 . H) is the aldehyde of cinnamic acid (C 1S H M 4 ) ; and essential oil of cummin contains the aldehyde (C 20 H n 2 . H) of cuminic acid (C 20 H 12 4 ), and yields cuminic alcohol (CjjH^Oj when treated with alcoholic solution of potash. Oil of spiraea or hydride of salicyle (C 14 H 5 4 . H) is the aldehyde of salicylic acid (C 14 H 6 6 ). Hydride of anisyle (C 16 H 7 4 . H), obtained by the oxidation of oil of aniseed, is the aldehyde of anisic acid (C lf; H H O p ), and of anisic alcohol (C 1G H 10 2 ). These aldehydes allow their associated atom of hydro- gen to be displaced by chlorine more readily than the aldehydes of the acetic series, to form chlorides of their respective radicals (p. 475). GLYCOL POLYATOMIC ALCOHOLS. 413. It has been already shown (p. 526) that alcohol may be con- veniently regarded as composed after the fashion of a molecule of water (H 2 O) in which half the hydrogen has been displaced by ethyle (6 2 H B ) ; according to this view alcohol is represented by the molecular formula H(6 2 H 5 )0 ; and it is a monatomic alcohol, for it contains the monatomic radical (O 2 H 5 )'. But if, following the same plan, a diatomic radical, such as ethylene (C 4 H 4 )", were to displace half the hydrogen in water, the dis- placement could not be effected in less than two molecules of water (H 4 O 2 ), and a diatomic alcohol would result. Glycol (C 4 H 6 4 ) is the representative of the diatomic alcohols, and may be regarded as four equivalents of water, in which half the hydrogen is replaced by ethylene (H (C 4 H 4 )"0 4 ). It is obtained by the action of GLYCOL. 559 biniodide of ethylene (formed by the direct union of olefiant gas with iodine) upon acetate of silver 2(AgO.C 4 H 3 3 ) + (C 4 H 4 )"I 2 = 2AgI + (C 4 H 4 )"0 2 . 2C 4 H 3 3 . Acetate of silver. * Binacetate of glycol. The binacetate of glycol thus formed corresponds to the acetic ether ((C 4 H 5 )0 . C 4 H 3 3 ) derived from common alcohol; but since glycol is diatomic, it combines with two equivalents of acetic acid. When the result of this action is distilled, the binacetate of glycol passes over as a colourless liquid, which sinks in water, and boils at 365 F.* Glycol can be obtained from the binacetate by digesting it with hydrate of potash for some time at 360 F., and distilling, when the glycol passes over, its boiling point being 387 F. It is a colourless liquid, having a sweet taste, whence it derives its name (y\vKv 2 Vinic alcohol, C 4 H 6 O a ^j. ,, 1 2 Type, two molecules of water, H 4 4 = H f ^ 4 Glycol, C 4 H S 4 Type, three molecules of water, H 6 6 = H 2 V 6 Hj H 2 ) Diethylene-trialcohol, C 8 H 10 6 = (C 4 H 4 )'' V 6 (cXrJ Glycerine, C 6 H 8 6 , c jA,,, j 6 TT \ Type, four molecules of water, H 8 8 = 2 > 8 Triethylene-tetralcohol, C 12 H 14 S - / 2 w, 8 ACETATES ACETONE. 563 The compounds formed by the action of acids upon these alcohols would then be represented by such formulae as the following : Acetic ether, .... ^/S^y \ 2 W4-"-5/ J Monacetateofglycol, . . ^^^JO Binacetate of glycol, . . ^/c J H V' } 4 Acetobutyrate of glycol, (C 8 H 7 2 )' > 4 flWJ Monacetine, .... ( 4 5 ^ 1 O e Diacetine, ..... $$jffi'}* Triacetine, ..... ^CJHJ^ } 6 ACETIC ACID THE FATTY ACID SERIES. 414. The most useful of the acids belonging to the acetic series (see p. 514) is acetic acid itself, the preparation of which has been already de- scribed. Many of its salts are extensively employed in the arts. Acetate of alumina (A1 2 3 . 3C 4 H 3 3 ) is used as a mordant by the dyer and calico- printer. Acetate of lead or sugar of lead (PbO . C 4 H $ 3 , 3Aq.) is pre- pared by dissolving litharge (PbO) in an excess of acetic acid, when the solution deposits prismatic" crystals of the acetate which are easily dis- solved by water and alcohol. Goulard's extract, or tribasic acetate of lead, is prepared by dissolving litharge in solution of acetate of lead ; it may be obtained in needle-like crystals, which have the composition (3PbO . C 4 H 3 S , HO). Verdigris, or basic acetate of copper (2CuO . C 4 H 3 3 , 6HO), is prepared by piling up sheets of copper with layers of fermenting husks of grapes (the marc of the wine-press), when the oxide of copper, formed at the ex- pense of the oxygen of the air, combines with the acetic acid furnished by the oxidation of the alcohol. Acetone (C 6 H 6 2 ) is obtained by the destructive distillation of acetate of lime 2(CaO . C 4 H 3 3 ) - 2(CaO.CO t ) + C 6 H,0 2 Acetate of lime. Acetone. a decomposition which possesses some general interest since the lime-salts of the other acids of the acetic series yield ketones in a similar manner (see p. 556). The acetone thus obtained is an ethereal liquid lighter than water, boil- ing at 133 F., and burning with a luminous flame. It is easily miscible with water, but separates when hydrate of potash is added, rising to the surface. Under the action of chlorine, acetic acid loses an atom of hydrogen, taking chlorine in its place, and forming chloracetic add, HO . C 4 H.,C10 3 ;* * Bichloracetic acid, HO . C 4 HC1 2 3 , has recently been obtained. 2 N 2 564 ANHYDRIDES OF ORGANIC ACIDS. and if the action be promoted by sun-light, trichloracetic acid may be formed, HO . C 4 C1 3 3 , which may be crystallised. This latter acid has a peculiar interest on account of its being concerned in the production of acetic acid from inorganic materials, which was one of the first examples of the actual synthesis of organic compounds. By passing vapour of sulphur over red-hot carbon, bisulphide of carbon, CS 2 , is formed. When this is boiled with a mixture of hydrochloric and nitric acids, a white crystalline substance is obtained, which contains CSC1 2 2 . By passing the vapour of this substance through a red-hot tube it suffers decomposition, and liquid protochloride of carbon, C 4 C1 4 , is found among the products 4CSCLA = C 4 C1 4 + C1 4 + 4S0 2 . By exposing this chloride of carbon, in the presence of water, to the action of chlorine encouraged by sunlight, tricliloracetic acid is obtained C 4 C1 4 -f 4HO + C1 2 - HO.C 4 C1 3 3 + 3HC1 . By acting upon the solution of trichloracetic acid with amalgam of potas- sium, acetate of potash is formed HO.C 4 CLA + K 6 + 4HO = KO.C 4 H :J 3 + 2(KO.HO) + 3KC1. Trichloracetic acid. Acetate of potash. From the acetate of potash, of course, acetic acid is readily obtained. The synthesis of acetic acid has been effected in a simpler manner by the action of chlorocarbonic acid upon marsh-gas, when hydrochloric acid and acetic oxychloride are formed C 2 H 4 + 2COC1 - (C 4 H 3 0,)C1 + HC1. Acetic oxychloride. When the acetic oxychloride is decomposed by water, acetic acid is pro- duced (C 4 H 4 2 )C1 + 2HO - HO.C 4 H 3 3 + HC1 . This appears to be an example of a general method of synthesis of the volatile fatty acids, starting from the marsh-gas hydrocarbons derived from them ; thus, hydride of amyle, C 10 H 12 , treated in a similar manner, yields caproic acid, HO . C 12 H U S . 415. Anhydrides of organic acids Acetic anhydride. The course of investigation by which, of late years, much light has been thrown upon the true constitution of acetic acid, and therefore of many other organic acids, is of a very instructive character. The strongest acetic acid which can be prepared (see p. 466) is known as glacial acetic acid, from its crys- tallising in icy leaflets at about 55 F. This acid has the composition C 4 H 4 4 ; but if it be neutralised with carbonate of soda, the acetate of soda obtained has the formula NaO . C 4 H 3 3 , showing that the elements of an equivalent of water have been removed from the acid in the act of combining with the soda. This has led chemists to regard ordinary acetic acid as hydrated acetic acid, a compound of water with anhydrous acetic acid, C 4 H 3 0, ; but all attempts to obtain this body by the abstrac- tion of water from acetic acid have failed entirely. The application of the principle of substitution or displacement, however, has brought this substance to light. ACETIC ANHYDRIDE. 565 When acetic acid is distilled with terchloride of phosphorus, a colourless, very pungent liquid is obtained, which is commonly spoken of as acetic oxychloride, C 4 H 3 2 C1, and may be regarded as the anhydrous acetic acid from which one equivalent of oxygen has been removed, the vacancy being filled up by an equivalent of chlorine 2[HO.(C 4 H 3 2 )0] + PC1 3 - HO + HC1 + PO, + 2[(C 4 H 3 2 )C1] . Acetic acid. Acetic oxychloride. ' That this acetic oxychloride (or chloride of acetyle) really bears a very close relationship to acetic acid, and is, in fact, composed after the same type, is shown by the action of water, which at once reproduces the acetic acid, exchanging its oxygen for the chlorine of the oxychloride (C 4 H,0 2 )C1 + 2HO = HO . (C 4 H a O,)0 + HC1 Acetic oxychloride. Acetic acid. but the C 4 H,0 3 thus formed combines immediately with an equivalent of water to form the hydrated acetic acid. The action takes place with explosive violence. If hydrate of potash be allowed to act upon the chloride of acetyle, it is the potash which exchanges its oxygen for the chlorine, whilst the water, as before, enters into combination with the C 4 H 3 3 (C 4 H 3 2 )C1 + KO.HO - HO.(C 4 H 3 2 )0 + KC1 . But if acetate of potash (KO . C 4 H 3 3 ) be employed instead of hydrate of potash, the potash still exchanges its oxygen for the chlorine ; but the C 4 H 3 3 with which it was combined, enters into combination with the C 4 H 3 :i formed during the reaction, and thus produces a double atom of the radical supposed to exist in acetic acid, and commonly spoken of as acetic anhydride (G 4 H 3 o 2 )ci + Ko.c 4 H 3 o 3 - C.HA.C.HP, + KCI. Acetic oxychloride. Acetate of potash. Acetic anhydride. Acetic anhydride has also been obtained by heating dry acetate of lead or of silver with bisulphide of carbon in a sealed tube to about 320 F. for several hours, the tube being occasionally opened to relieve the pres- sure of the carbonic acid evolved 2(PbO.C 4 HA) + CS 2 - 2PbS + C0 2 + 2(C 4 HX\) . The acetic anhydride is a neutral oily liquid which may be distilled off in the above experiment. Its smell recalls that of acetic acid, but affects the eyes strongly. It sinks in water, but dissolves slowly, with evolution of heat and formation of hydrated acetic acid.* The most convincing proof that this anhydride is really an association of two atoms (each representing two volumes of vapour (O = 1 volume)) is obtained by acting upon the acetate of potash with the benzoic instead of the acetic oxychloride, when a benzo-acetic anhydride is formed, con- * If acetic anhydride be heated with an excess of binoxide of barium, it yields acetate of baryta, carbonic acid, and methyle gas (p. 519). 2(C 4 H 3 3 ) + Ba0 2 = BaO . C 4 H 3 0. t + C 2 H 3 > 2C0 2 . By absorbing the carbonic acid with potash, the pure methyle gas is easily obtained. 506 CONSTITUTION OF ACETIC ACID. taining benzoic anhydride (C 14 H 5 O ,) in combination with acetic anhydride (C 4 HA)- (C 14 HA)C1 + KO.C 4 HA = KC1 + C 14 HA-C 4 HA Benzoic Acetate of Benzo-acetic oxychloride. potash. anhydride. and the true nature of this double anhydride is seen by its conversion into a mixture of hydrated benzoic and acetic acids when left in contact with water. By methods similar to that employed for acetic acid, the anhydrides of many other organic acids may be obtained, being thus removed from the list of hypothetical compounds to take their places among recognised forms of combination. The mode of formation of these anhydrides, however, occasions serious doubt as to the propriety of regarding the acids in their ordinary form as hydrates, or compounds containing water. If acetic acid, for example, be really a hydrate of the radical C 4 H 3 3 , why are we unable to remove the water by the application of some dehydrating agent, instead of having recourse to the above circuitous process ? The answer appears to be, that the acetic anhydride is really formed by a process of substitution, and is not to be regarded as pre-existent in the ordinary acetic acid. Ordinary acetic acid may, with great advantage for explaining many points in its history, be regarded as composed after the type of two equivalents of water in which half the hydrogen is replaced by the com- pound group C 4 H 3 2 HO.C 4 H 3 3 = C A C The composition of the acetic oxychloride (C 4 H 3 2 C1), and of acetamide, . C 4 H 3 2 , speaks strongly in favour of this view. Acetate of potash would then be represented by the formula , = KO.C 4 HA being formed from acetic acid by the substitution of potassium for the hydrogen ; and if we represent hydrate of potash upon the water-type, its behaviour with acetic acid would be thus expressed 1 Croton-seed oil. Angelic . . Angelica root. Pyroterebic C 12 H 10 4 Turpentine. Damaluric . C 14 H 12 4 Cow's urine (Sa^axo;, a calf). Campholic . C 20 H 18 4 Camphor. Moringic Moringa aptera (oil of ben). Hypogeic . } 1 Oil of ground nut. Physetoleic } C 32 H 30 4 1 Sperm-whale oil (Physeter macrocephalus). Oleic . . C 36 H 34 4 Most oils. Doeglic . . C 38 H 36 4 Doegling train oil. Brassic . . 1 f Mustard seed (fixed) oil. Erucic . . | * \ Colza oil (Brassica oleifera). These acids are monobasic, their salts being formed by the substitution of 1 eq. of a metal for 1 eq. of hydrogen, or of 1 eq. of a basic protoxide for 1 eq. of water. The following table exhibits the principal members of the allyle series, together with the corresponding members of the ethyle series : Ethyle Se ries. Allyle Series. Ethyle, . . , C 4 H 5 .C 4 H 5 Allyle, C 6 H 5 .C 6 H 5 Ether, . C 4 H 5 O.C 4 H 6 Allylic ether, C 6 H 6 . C 6 H 6 Alcohol, C 4 H 5 .-HO Allylic alcohol, . C 6 H 6 . HO Iodide of ethyle, . C 4 H 5 I Iodide of allyle, . C 6 H 5 I Acetic ether, C 4 H 5 O.C 4 H 3 3 Acetate of allyle, C 6 H 5 . C 4 H 3 8 Aldehyde, . C 4 H 4 2 Allyle aldehyde, . C 6 H 4 2 (acroleine) Acetic acid, . C 4 H 4 4 Acrylic acid, C 6 H 4 4 Sulphide of ethyle, C 4 H 5 S Sulphide of allyle, C 6 H 5 S (oil of garlic) Triethylamine, N(C 4 H 5 ) 3 Triallylamine, N(C 6 H 6 ) 8 Hydrated oxide of Tetrethylium, . }N(C 4 H 6 ) 4 O.HO Hydrated oxide of Tetrallylium, . | N(C 6 H 5 ) 4 . HO 2o 578 STEARIC GLUCOSE GLUCO-TARTARIC ACID. It has been seen (p. 479) that glycerine, when distilled with biniodide of phosphorus, yields iodide of allyle (C 6 H 5 I). When this liquid is treated with bromine it yields a crystallisable terbromide of allyle, C 6 H 5 Br 3 ; and if this be decomposed by acetate of silver, it furnishes the glyceride known as teracetine, thus C 6 H 5 Br 3 + 3(AgO.A) = C (i H 5 3 .3A + SAgBr. Terbromide of allyle. Acetate of silver. Teracetine. When teracetine is submitted to the action of hydrate of baryta, glyce- rine is reproduced C 6 H 5 3 -3A + 3(BaO.HO) = C 6 H 8 6 + 3(BaO.A). Teracetine. Glycerine. Acetate of baryta. This affords an interesting example of the conversion of a monatomic radical, allyle (C 6 H 5 )', into a triatomic radical, glyceryle (C 6 H 5 )'". 422. A very interesting chemical similarity has been pointed out between glycerine and mannite (C 6 H 7 O e ). It will be remembered that the former is a constant product of the alcoholic fermentation, and the latter of a peculiar kind of fermentation (the viscous), to which sac- charine liquids are subject. When mannite is heated, under pressure, with the acids of the acetic series, it forms compounds corresponding to those obtained when glycerine is so treated. Thus, with stearic acid C 6 H,0 6 + S(C x R. x O t ) = C U4 H 108 U + 7HO. Mainite. Stearic acid. But it will be observed that 7 equivalents of water are here eliminated instead of 6 eqs., as in the case of glycerine. The further examination of mannite explains this, for it is not that substance which is the true ana- logue of glycerine, but one which is obtained by heating mannite to 400 F., when it loses an equivalent of water, and is converted into mannitane C 6 H 7 6 - HO = C 6 H 6 5 . Mannite. Mannitane. This mannitane or mannite-glycerine is a viscous substance, presenting a very strong resemblance to glycerine, so that it is not unlikely to have been mistaken for this substance in examining some of the natural fats. The mannite-glycerides, or compounds formed by heating mannite with the fatty acids, are scarcely to be distinguished from stearine, palmitine, &c. They are saponified by alkalies in exactly the same manner. Cane-sugar and grape-sugar are capable of forming compounds corre- sponding to those obtained by the action of acids upon glycerine and mannite. Thus, if grape-sugar be heated to 250 F. for several hours in contact with stearic acid, it is converted into a fusible solid, insoluble in water, but soluble in alcohol and ether C 12 H 12 12 + 2(0,11,0,) - C 84 H 7B M f 6HO. S53S5J stearic aci(L stearic glucose - When grape-sugar is heated with tartaric acid, a similar reaction takes place, but the resulting product is a new acid C 12 H 12 12 + 2(2HO.C 8 H 4 10 ) = 2HO . C 28 H 16 28 + 6HO. SSytoSS)! Tartaric acid. Gluco-tartaric acid. Cane-sugar behaves in a similar manner. NITROGLYCERINE. 579 423. Nitroglycerine, or glonaine. This violently explosive substance is very easily prepared by dissolving glycerine in a mixture of equal measures of the strongest nitric and sulphuric acids, previously cooled, and pouring the solution in a thin stream into a large volume of water, when the nitro- glycerine is precipitated as a colourless heavy oil (sp. gr. 1*6). It is advisable to add the glycerine to the mixed acids in very small quantities at a time, and to cool the mixture in a vessel of water after each addition. When the nitroglycerine has subsided, the water may be poured off, and the oil shaken several times with water, so as to wash it thoroughly. The formation of nitroglycerine resembles that of gun-cotton (see p. 503), three equivalents of hydrogen being removed from the glycerine by the oxidising action of the nitric acid, and three equivalents of nitric peroxide introduced in their place C 6 H 8 6 + 3(HO.N0 3 ) = C fi H 5 (M)J 8 6 + 6HO. Glycerine. Nitroglycerine. This oil is far more violent in its explosive effects than gun-cotton, more nearly resembling the fulminates, though not so easily exploded. If a drop of nitroglycerine be placed on an anvil, and struck sharply, it explodes with a very loud report, even though not free from water ; and if a piece of paper moistened with a drop of it be struck, it is blown into small fragments. On the application of a flame or of a red-hot iron to nitroglycerine, it burns quietly; and when heated over a lamp in the open air it explodes but feebly. In a closed vessel, however, it explodes at about 360 F. with great violence. For blasting rocks the nitroglycerine is poured into a hole in the rock, and exploded by the concussion caused by a particular kind of fuze charged with a little gunpowder. It has been stated to produce the same effect in blasting as ten times its weight of gunpowder, and much damage has occurred from the accidental explosion of nitroglycerine "in course of transport. When nitroglycerine is kept, especially if it be not thoroughly washed, it decomposes, with evolution of nitrous fumes and formation of crystals of oxalic acid; and it may be readily imagined that, should the accumulation of gaseous pro- ducts of decomposition burst one of the bottles in a case of nitroglycerine, the concussion would explode the whole quantity. Nitroglycerine is readily soluble in ether and in wood-spirit, and some- what less soluble in alcohol ; it is reprecipitated by water from these last solutions. It solidifies at 40 F. A drop of nitroglycerine is said to cause very violent headache, and in larger doses it appears to be decidedly poisonous. OILS AND FATS. 424. A very remarkable feature in the history of the fats is the close resemblance in chemical composition and properties which exists between them, whether derived from the vegetable or the animal kingdom. They all contain two or more neutral substances which furnish glycerine when saponified, together with some of the acids of the acetic series or or series closely allied to it. One of the most useful vegetable fatty matters is palm-oil, which is extracted by boiling water from the crushed fruit of the Elais Guineensis, an African palm. It is a semi-solid fat, which becomes more solid when kept, since it then undergoes a species of fermentation, excited apparently 2 o 2 580 SERIES OF BIBASIC FATTY ACIDS. by an albuminous substance contained in it, in consequence of which the palmitine (C 102 H 98 O 12 ) is converted into glycerine and palmitic acid. The bleaching of palm-oil is effected by the action of a mixture of sulphuric acid and bichromate of potash, which oxidises the yellow colouring matter. Cocoa-nut oil is also semi-solid, and is remarkable for the number of acids of the acetic series which it yields when saponified, viz., caproic, caprylic, rutic, lauric, myristic, and palmitic. These fats are chiefly used in the manufacture of soap and candles. Salad oil, or sweet oil (olive oil), is obtained by crushing olives, and an inferior kind which is used for soap is obtained by boiling the crushed fruit with water. When exposed to a temperature of about 32 F. a con- siderable portion of the oil solidifies ; this solid portion is generally called margarine (C 108 H 104 12 ) ; it is much less soluble in alcohol than stearine, though more so than palmitine. When saponified, margarine yields glycerine and margaric acid (C^H^OJ. This acid appears to be really composed of stearic and palmitic acids, into which it may be separated by repeated crystallisation from alcohol, when the palmitic acid is left in solution. The fusing-point of margaric acid is 140 F., that of stearic being 159, and that of palmitic, 144, but a mixture of 10 parts of pal- mitic with 1 part of stearic acid fuses at 140. That portion of the olive oil which remains liquid below 32 con- sists of oleine (C 114 H 104 12 ), and forms nearly three- fourths of its weight. Oleine is not so easily saponified as the solid fats, and is resolved by that process into glycerine and oleic acid (C 36 H 34 4 ), which differs from the other fatty acids by remaining liquid at temperatures above 40 F., and by absorbing oxygen from the air, when it is converted into a new acid which is not solidified by cold. Oleic acid is used in greasing wool for spinning, being much more easily removed by alkalies than olive oil which was formerly employed. Oleate of ammonia is sometimes employed as a mordant for the aniline dyes on cotton. The characteristic feature of oleic acid is its furnishing a solid crys- tallised acid when submitted to destructive distillation ; this acid is called sebacic acid, and is one of a series of bibasic acids, most of the other mem- bers of which may be obtained from oleic acid by the action of nitric acid. Bibasic Fatty Acid Series. Acid. Equivalent Formula. Source. Oxalic C 4 H 2 8 Oxalis acetosella (wood sorrel), &c. Malonio C 6 H 4 8 Oxidation of malic acid. Succinic C 8 H 6 8 Amber (succinum). Lipic C 10 H 8 8 Oxidation of oleic acid (\'nros,fat). Adipic C 12 H 10 8 (adeps,fat). Pimelic C U H 12 8 (a-T/KfXjJ, fat). Suberic Ci 6 H u 8 Oxidation of stearic acid, and of cork (suber). Anchoic * . Lepargylic | } C 18 H 16 8 Oxidation of Chinese wax, and of cocoa-nut oil. Sebacic C 20 H 18 8 Distillation of oleic acid. * From ayxw, to throttle, from its suffocating vapours, t From XtVa/oyos, having white skin. FIXED OILS. 581 The neutral salts of the acids of this series are formed by the displace- ment of two equivalents of hydrogen by a metal, or of two equivalents of water by a basic protoxide. Thus, neutral succinate of potash has the composition C 8 (H 4 K 2 )0 8 ,'or 2KO . C^O V It is worthy of remark, that nine acids of the series, C 2n H 2 , l 4 (from acetic to capric inclusive), are found among the products of the action of nitric acid upon oleic acid. It is well known that salad oil becomes rancid, and exhales a disagree- able odour after being kept for some time. This appears to be due to a fermentation similar to that noticed in the case of palm oil, originally started by the action of atmospheric oxygen upon albuminous matters present in the oil ; the neutral fatty matters are thus partly decomposed, as in saponifi cation, their corresponding acids being liberated, and giving rise (in the case of the higher members of the acetic series, such as caproic and valerianic) to the disagreeable odour of rancid oil. By boiling the altered oil with water, and afterwards washing it with a weak solution of soda, it may be rendered sweet again. Almond oil, extracted by a process similar to that employed for olive oil, is also very similar in composition; but colza oil, obtained from the seeds of the Brassica oleifera, contains only half its weight of oleine, and hence solidifies more readily than the others. Colza oil is largely used for burning in lamps, and undergoes a process of purification from the mucilaginous substances, which are extracted with it from the seed, and leave a bulky carbonaceous residue when subjected to destructive distillation in the wick of the lamp. To remove these the oil is agitated with about 2 per cent, of oil of vitriol, which carbonises the mucilaginous substances, but leaves the oil untouched. When the carbonaceous flocks have subsided, the oil is drawn off, washed to remove the acid, and filtered through charcoal. Linseed oil, obtained from the seeds of the flax plant, is much richer in oleine than any of the foregoing, exhibiting no solidification till cooled to 15 or 20 F. below the freezing point. It exhibits, however, in a far higher degree, a tendency to become solid when exposed to the air, which has acquired for it the name of a drying oil, and renders it of the greatest use to painters. This solidification is attended with absorption of oxygen, which takes place so rapidly in the case of linseed oil, that spontaneous combustion has been known to take place in masses of rag or tow which have been smeared with it.* The tendency of linseed oil to solidify by exposure is much increased by heating it with about 2 V^ n f litharge, or -j^th of binoxide of manganese ; these oxides are technically known as dryers, and oil so treated is called boiled linseed oil. The action of these metallic oxides is not well understood. The strong drying tendency of linseed oil is supposed to be due to a peculiarity in the oleine, which is said not to be ordinary oleine, but to furnish a different acid, linoleic acid, when saponified. When linseed oil is exposed for some time to a high temperature, it becomes viscous and treacly, and is used in this state for the preparation of printing-ink. If the viscous oil be boiled with dilute nitric acid, it is converted into artifi- cial caoutchouc, which is used in the manufacture of surgical instruments. This property appears to be connected with the drying qualities of the oil. * During the oxidation, a volatile compound is formed which resembles acroleine in smell, and colours unsized paper brown. It has been suggested that the brown colour and musty smell of old books may be due to the oxidation of the oil in the printing-ink. 582 FATS SPERMACETI. Castor oil, obtained from the seeds of Ricinus communis, also yields a peculiar acid when saponified, termed ridnoleic (HO . C 36 H 33 5 ), con- taining two more equivalents of oxygen than oleic acid, which it much resembles. The destructive distillation of castor oil yields osnanthic acid (HO . C^H^Og), and oenanthole or oenanthic aldehyde (C U H 14 2 ), and by distilling it with hydrate of potash, caprylic alcohol (C 16 H 18 2 ) is ob- tained. As in the case of olive oil, the cold drawn castor oil, which is expressed from the seeds without the aid of heat, is much less liable to become rancid. Castor oil is much more soluble in alcohol than any other of the fixed oils. The various fish oils, such as seal and whale oil, also consist chiefly of oleine, and appear to owe their disagreeable odour to the presence of cer- tain volatile acids, such as valerianic. Cod-liver oil appears to contain, in addition to oleine and stearine, a small quantity of acetine (C 18 H 14 12 ), which yields acetic acid and glycerine when saponified. Some of the constituents of bile have also been traced in it, as well as minute quantities of iodine and bromine. Butter contains about two-thirds of its weight of solid fat, which con- sists in great part of margarine (see p. 580), but contains also butine, which yields glycerine and butic acid (HO . C 40 H 39 3 ) when saponified. The liquid portion consists chiefly of oleine. Butter also contains small quan- tities of butyrine, caproine, and caprine, which yield, when saponified, glycerine and butyric (HO . C 8 H 7 3 ), caproic (HO . C ]2 H n 3 ), and capric (HO . C^H^Og) acids, distinguished for their disagreeable odour. Fresh butter has very little odour, being free from these volatile acids, but if kept for some time, especially if the caseine of the milk has been imperfectly separated in its preparation, spontaneous resolution of these fats into glycerine and the volatile disagreeable acids takes place. By salting the butter this change is in great measure prevented. The fat of the sheep and ox (suet, or when melted, tallow) consists chiefly of stearine, whilst in that of the pig (lard) oleine predominates to about the same extent as in butter. Margarine (or palmitine 1) is also present in these fats. Human fat contains chiefly oleine and margarine (or, if we do not admit the independent existence of the latter, palmitine and stearine). Sperm oil, which is expressed from the spermaceti found in the brain of the sperm whale, owes its peculiar odour to the presence of a fat which has been called phocenine, but which appears to be valerine, as it yields glycerine and valerianic acid (HO . C 10 H 9 3 ) when saponified. The beautiful solid crystalline fat, known as spermaceti or cetine, differs widely from the ordinary fatty matters, for when saponified (which is not easily effected), it yields no glycerine, but in its stead another alcohol termed ethal (C 32 H 34 2 ), which is a white crystalline solid, capable of being distilled without decomposition. The soap prepared from spermaceti, when decomposed by an acid, yields palmitic acid (HO . C 32 H 31 3 ), (formerly called ethalic acid), to which ethal is the corresponding alcohol. Palmitic acid and ethal are formed from spermaceti by the assimilation of the elements of water, just as stearic acid and glycerine are formed from stearine C 64 H 64 4 + 2HO = C 32 H 34 2 + HO . C 32 H 31 3 . EthaL Palmitic acid. WAX, 583 Upon the compound radical theory, ethal would be represented as the hydrated oxide of cetyle (C 32 H 33 )0 . HO, and as the alcohol of the cetyle series running parallel with the ethyle series. The following characteristic members of the series have been studied : Cetyle Series. Cetylene, C 32 H 32 Cetylic ether, C 32 H 33 . Ethal, C 32 H 33 . HO Palmitic acid, C 32 H 31 3 . HO Spermaceti, C 32 H 33 . C 32 H 31 3 Ethyle Series. Ethylene, C 4 H 4 Ether, C 4 H 5 Alcohol, C 4 H 5 . HO Acetic acid, C 4 H 3 3 . HO Acetic ether, C 4 H 6 . C 4 H 3 8 Chinese wax, the produce of an insect of the cochineal tribe, is analogous in its chemical constitution to spermaceti. When saponified by fusion with hydrate of potash, it yields cerotine or cerylic alcohol (C 54 H 65 . HO), corresponding to ethal, and cerotic acid (HO . C 54 H 53 0.,), corresponding to palmitic acid. Cerotic acid is also contained in ordinary bees' wax, from which it may be extracted by boiling alcohol, and crystallises as the solu- tion cools. It forms about two-thirds of the weight of the wax. Bees' wax also contains about one-third of its weight of myricine (C 92 H 92 4 ), a substance analogous to spermaceti, which yields, when sapo- nified, palmitic acid and melissine (C 60 H 61 . HO), an alcohol corresponding to ethal. The colour, odour, and tenacity of bees' wax appear to be due to the presence of a greasy substance called ceroleine, which forms about ^th of the wax, and has not been fully examined. The tree-wax of Japan is said to be pure palmitine. Wax is bleached for the manufacture of candles, by exposing it in thin strips or ribands to the oxidising action of the atmosphere, or by boiling it with nitrate of soda and sulphuric acid. Chlorine also bleaches it, but displaces a portion of the hydrogen in the wax, taking its place and causing the evolution of hydrochloric acid vapours when the w.ax is burnt. The following table includes the principal fatty bodies and their corresponding acids, with their fusing points : Neutral Fats. Equivalent Formula. Chief Source. Fusing Point. Fatty Acids. Equivalent Formula. Fusing Point. Stearine* C 114 H lloOi2 Tallow 125 to 157 Stearic C 36 H 36 4 159 Palmitine C 102 H 98 12 Palm oil 114 to 145 Palmitic C 32 H 32 4 144 Margarine C 108 H 1M 12 Olive oil 116 Margaric C 34 H 34 4 140 Oleine C,,4H 10 A S M Below 32 Oleic C 3eH 31 4 40 Cetino C 64 H 64 4 Spermaceti 120 Palmitic C 32 H 32 4 144 Myricine C 92 H S24 Bees' wax 162 " ' VEGETABLE ACIDS. 425. Oxalic acid. This very poisonous acid occurs pretty abundantly in the vegetable kingdom, being found in the leaves of the wood sorrel as binoxalate of potash (salt of sorrel, KO . HO . 2C 2 3 + 2Aq.), in the stalks of rhubarb, in some sea-weeds, as oxalate of soda, and in lichens, some of which contain more than half their weight of oxalate of lime. Oxalate of lime has also been found in wood. In certain unhealthy conditions of the * Stearine and palmitiue are said to present three modifications with different fusing points. 584 PREPARATION OF OXALIC ACID. animal frame, oxalate of lime is produced, being either excreted in the urine, or forming a calculus (mulberry calculus) in the bladder. In such cases the oxalic acid appears to be formed in consequence of an imperfec- tion in that oxidising process by which the carbon and hydrogen of the various parts of the frame are finally converted into carbonic acid (CO.,) and water (HO), the production of oxalic acid (CgHOJ representing the penultimate stage of that process. With the exception of carbonic acid, no carbon compound is more com- monly met with than oxalic acid, as a product of the action of oxidising agents upon organic substances, especially upon those which do not con- tain nitrogen, such as sugar (C 12 H u O n ), starch (C 12 H 10 10 ), and woody fibre. Oxalic acid is largely employed in calico-printing, in cleansing leather and brass, as a solvent for Prussian blue in the preparation of blue ink, &c., and for taking iron-mould out of linen. It is manufactured on the large scale by oxidising saw-dust with a mixture of hydrate of potash and hydrate of soda; the latter would not produce oxalic acid without the hydrate of potash, and this alone would be too expensive. 1 eq. of hydrate of potash and 2 eqs. of hydrate of soda are mixed in solution, which should have the sp. gr. 1-35, made into a thick paste with sawdust, and heated upon iron plates for several hours ; hydrogen is evolved, from the decom- position of the water in the alkaline hydrates, the oxygen serving to convert the wood into oxalic acid, which forms more than one-fourth of the' weight of the grey mass finally obtained. On treating this mass with cold water, a quantity of oxalate of soda is left undissolved ; this is boiled with hydrate of lime, when the oxalic acid is converted into the insoluble oxalate of lime, and hydrate of soda is dissolved ; the oxalate of lime is then decomposed by dilute sulphuric acid, when the sparingly soluble sulphate of lime is formed, and the solution yields crystals of oxalic acid (HO. C 2 3 . 2Aq.) on evaporation. The whole of the alkali originally employed is recovered by evaporating the liquors to dryness, calcining to destroy organic matter, and decomposing the alkaline carbonates with hydrate of lime. The sawdust yields about half its weight of crystallised oxalic acid. Before the introduction of this process, oxalic acid was sold at nearly twice its-present cost, being then usually obtained by the action of nitric acid either upon molasses or upon starch-sugar* (p. 495) in leaden vessels, which were found to remain unattacked by the acid as long as any sugar remained unoxidised. For experiment on the small scale, oxalic acid may be prepared by gently heating 100 grains of starch with 1 measured ounce of nitric acid (sp. gr. 1-38), when abundant fumes of nitrous acid (N0 3 ) will indicate the deoxidation suffered by the nitric acid. When this has abated, the solution may be transferred to a dish, and slowly evaporated to about one-sixth of its bulk ; on cooling, a mass of beautiful four-sided prismatic crystals of oxalic acid will be obtained. The crystals of oxalic acid may be represented by the empirical formula C 2 H 3 6 , but when they are heated to 212 F. they lose water, melting first, if the heat be suddenly applied,t but efflorescing without fusion if heated gradually. The dried or effloresced oxalic acid has the composi- tion C 2 H0 4 , showing that 2 eqs. of water of crystallisation have been exr- * Hence the common name, acid of sugar. t By suddenly heating the crystals with a lamp in a test-tube, much of the acid may be sublimed in long prismatic crystals. PROPERTIES OF OXALIC ACID. 585 pelled, and that the crystals would be more correctly represented by C 2 H0 4 . 2 Aq. On neutralising oxalic acid with potash and soda, salts are obtained which, when dried at 212 F., have the composition KO . C 2 0., and NaO . C 2 3 , and if solutions of these salts be precipitated by nitrate of lead or of silver, the oxalates of lead (PbO . C 2 3 ) and of silver (AgO . C 2 3 ) are obtained. Hence it would appear that the composition of anhydrous oxalic acid is C 2 3 , and that the acid dried at 212 F. should be represented as HO . C 2 3 . All attempts, however, to procure C 2 , itself have failed. If the dried acid be heated to about 320 F., it sublimes in crystals, but above that temperature it is decomposed into water, carbonic acid, carbonic oxide, and some formic acid (see p. 567). When heated with dehydrating agents, such as sulphuric acid, it is also decomposed into carbonic acid and carbonic oxide (p. 79). It would appear, therefore, more consistent with the results of experiment, not to insist upon the existence of the C 2 3 , but to write the dried oxalic acid as C 2 H0 4 , representing its salts as being formed by the displacement of the hydrogen by a metal, thus, oxalate of potassium, C 2 K0 4 , oxalate of silver, C 2 Ag0 4 . But oxalic acid has the power of forming acid salts, in which only a part of the hydrogen is displaced by the metal, such as binoxalate of potassium, KO . HO . 2C 2 0. } , or C 4 (KH)0 8 ; it also forms two compound ethers, oxalic ether or oxalate of ethyle, C 4 H 5 . C 2 0,, or C 2 (C 4 H 5 )0 4 , and binoxalate of ethyle or oxalovinic acid, C 4 H 5 . HO. 2C 2 0.,, or C 4 (C 4 H 5 )H0 8 ; so that it would appear to be necessary that oxalic acid should be represented by the formula C 4 H 2 8 , when it would be a bibasic acid, requiring 2 eqs. of a metal to form a neutral salt. It will be seen that this formula has been adopted at p. 580, where oxalic acid is repre- sented as the first member of the bibasic fatty acid series. Oxalic acid is rather sparingly soluble in cold water, requiring about nine times its weight ; hot water dissolves it more abundantly, and it is moderately soluble in alcohol. The aqueous solution is intensely acid, more nearly resembling the strong mineral acids than one of vegetable origin, and is exceedingly poisonous, a property which is the more dan- gerous on account of the resemblance of the crystallised oxalic acid to Epsom salts (sulphate of magnesia), from which, however, it may be readily distinguished by its sour taste and by the action of heat, which entirely dissipates the oxalic acid, but only expels water from Epsom salts. Fortunately, a considerable quantity of the acid is required to cause death, in ordinary cases 100 grains or more. The chemical anti- dote employed to counteract its effect is chalk suspended in water, the lime of the chalk combining with the acid to form the insoluble and harmless oxalate of lime (CaO . C 2 3 ). The insolubility of the oxalate of lime renders the oxalic acid one of the most delicate tests for lime, which may be detected, for example, in common water, by adding oxalic acid and a slight excess of ammonia, when a white cloud of oxalate of lime is produced. Conversely, of course, salts containing calcium (chloride of calcium, for instance) may be employed to detect oxalic acid, the precipi- tated oxalate of lime being distinguished from other similar precipitates by its insolubility in acetic acid. As might be expected from its composition (C 2 H0 4 ), oxalic acid is easily converted into carbonic acid and water by oxidising agents ; thus, if a hot solution of oxalic acid be poured upon powdered binoxide of manganese, violent effervescence takes place from the rapid evolution of carbonic acid., 586 PREPARATION OF TARTARIC ACID. Binoxalate of potash (KO . HO . 2C. 2 3 + 2Aq., or KHO^.H^) is sold under the names of salt of sorrel and essential salt of lemons, and is employed for the same purposes as oxalic acid. It is a sparingly soluble salt, requiring 40 parts of cold water to dissolve it, and has occasionally caused accidents by being mistaken for cream of tartar (bitartrate of potash), from which it is readily distinguished by the action of heat, which chars the bitartrate, but not the binoxalate, an alkaline mass con- taining carbonate of potash being left in both cases. Quadroxalate of potash (KO . 3HO . 4C 2 3 + 4Aq.,orKH 3 2e 2 4 . 2H 2 O) is also sometimes sold as salts of lemon ; it is even less soluble than the binoxalate. Oxalate of ammonia (NH 3 . HO . C 2 3 + Aq., or (NH 4 ) 2 2 4 . H 2 O), so much used in chemical analysis as a precipitant for lime, is obtained by mixing solution of oxalic acid with a slight excess of ammonia, and eva- porating the solution, from which the oxalate of ammonia crystallises, on cooling, in fine prismatic needles. The action of heat upon this salt has been described at p. 549. Oxalate of silver (AgO . C 2 3 , or Ag 2 O 2 4 ) is obtained as a white preci- pitate when nitrate of silver is added to oxalate of ammonia. It is re- markable for being decomposed with a slight explosion when heated in the dry state, metallic silver being left, AgO . C 2 3 = Ag + 2C0 2 . 426. Tartaric acid. The most important of the vegetable acids is tar- taric acid (C 8 H 6 12 ), which occurs in many fruits, but more especially in the grape, the juice of which deposits it, during fermentation, in the form of bitartrate of potash, which is known in commerce as tartar or argol. This salt dissolves with difficulty in cold water, but may be dissolved in boiling water, from which it crystallises in prisms on cooling. When thus purified, it is known as cream of tartar, and has the composition KO.C 8 H 5 U , representing tartaric acid in which the elements of one equivalent of water have been replaced by those of potash. The solution of this salt is acid to test-papers, and if it be neutralised with potash and evaporated, it yields crystals of a very soluble salt, having the composition 2KO . C 8 H 4 10 . This is regarded as the neutral tartrate of potash, cream of tartar being a bitartrate, KO . HO . C 8 H 4 10 , inasmuch as tartaric acid is a bibasic acid, requiring two equivalents of an alkali to form a neutral salt. The crystallised tartaric acid is therefore regarded as 2HO . C 8 H 4 10 , the two equivalents of water being replaced by an alkali in order to form a neutral salt, whilst, if half the .water only be replaced, an acid salt or bitartrate is produced. In order to prepare tartaric acid, which is largely used in dyeing and calico-printing, the impure bitartrate of potash is boiled with water, and carbonate of lime (chalk) is added as long as it causes effervescence from the escape of carbonic acid ; the result of this change is the formation of tartrate of lime, which is insoluble, and tartrate of potash, which dissolves in the water 2(KO . HO . CgHpJ + 2(CaO.C0 2 ) - Bitartrate of potash. Carbonate of lime. 2KO.C 8 H 4 10 + 2CaO.C 8 H 4 10 + 2HO + 2C0 2 . Tartrate of potash. Tartrate of lime. Chloride of calcium is then added to the mixture, which converts the whole of the tartaric acid into the insoluble tartrate of lime 2KO.C 8 H 4 10 + 2CaCl = '2KC1 + 2CaO . C S H 4 10 . TARTAR-EMETIC. 587 The tartrate of' lime is strained off, washed, and boiled with diluted sul- phuric acid, when sulphate of lime remains undissolved, and tartaric acid may be obtained in crystals by evaporating the filtered solution 2CaO.C 8 H 4 10 + 2(HO.S0 3 ) - 2HO.C 8 H 4 10 + 2(CaO.S0 3 ). Tartrate of lime. Tartaric acid. Large transparent prisms are thus obtained, which are very soluble in water. When kept, the solution, unless very strong, deposits a curious fungoid growth, and acetic acid is found in it. When heated to about 340 F., the crystals fuse without loss of weight; but on examining the fused mass, it is found to be no longer tartaric acid, but a mixture of two new acids. One of these, metatartaric acid, has the same formula as tar- taric acid (2HO . C 8 H 4 10 ), but cannot be crystallised. Its salts are more soluble in water than the tartrates, and ara converted into the latter when boiled with water. The other acid, uotartoric, is also uncrystallisable, but has the formula (HO, C 8 H 5 U ), being a monobasic acid, one equiva- lent of the basic w r ater of the tartaric acid having been incorporated with the acid itself. The isotartrate of potash (KO . C 8 H 5 O n ) has the same composition as the bitartrate (KO . HO . C 8 H 4 10 ), but is far more soluble. It is converted into that salt by boiling with water. At 374 F. tartaric acid loses its basic water, and is converted into tar- taric anhydride (C 8 H 4 ]0 ), which is a white insoluble substance, convertible into tartaric acid by prolonged contact with water. Tartar-emetic. One of the commonest salts of tartaric acid is tartar- emetic, the double tartrate of antimony and potash, which is prepared by boiling antimony with sulphuric acid, driving off the excess of acid by heat, and digesting the residual teroxide of antimony with cream of tartar and a little water for some hours. The changes involved in the process are thus represented Sb 2 + 3(HO.SO a ) = 2Sb0 3 + 3HO + 3S0 2 Sb0 3 + KO.HO.C 8 H 4 10 - KO.Sb0 3 .C 8 H 4 10 + HO. Bitartrate of potash. Tartar-emetic. On boiling the mixture with water, and filtering, the cooled solution deposits octahedral crystals,- of the formula KO . Sb0 3 . C 8 H 4 10 . Aq. The water of crystallisation may be expelled at 212 F. ; and if the salt be heated to 400 F. it loses two additional equivalents of water, and becomes KO . Sb0 3 . C 8 H 2 8 , which is reconverted into tartar-emetic when dissolved in water. When a little hydrochloric acid is added to a solution of tartar-emetic, a precipi- tate of teroxide of antimony is formed, which dissolves easily in an excess of the acid. If kept for a length of time in solution, tartar-emetic is decomposed, octa- hedral crystals of teroxide of antimony heing deposited, and the solution ceases to be precipitated by hydrochloric acid. The reaction to test-paper, which was slightly acid, is now slightly alkaline. Compounds perfectly analogous to tartar-emetic have been obtained, in which the antimony is replaced by boron or by arsenic, and the potassium by silver, lead, or sodium. It will be observed that tartar-emetic, and its analogues, present an anomaly in their composition, for it might be expected that the teroxide of antimony (Sb0 3 ) would replace three equivalents of potash instead of one. The composition of the substance KO . Sb0 3 . C 8 H 2 8 is very singular, but it might be reconciled with that of crystallised tartaric acid by repre- 588 RACEMIC ACID. senting it thus, C^KSb"')*^, that is, crystallised tartaric'acid (C 8 H ti 12 ), in which one equivalent of hydrogen has been replaced by potassium, and three equivalents by the triatomic antimony. The beautiful prismatic crystals known as Roctielle salt consist of a double tartrate of potash and soda (KO. NaO . C 8 H 4 10 , 8Aq.), prepared by neutralising cream of tartar with carbonate of soda. Tartaric acid has been obtained artificially by the action of nitric acid upon sugar of milk or gum, which supplies a link of connection between this acid and the members of the sugar group which accompany it in plants. Tartaric acid is easily convertible into succinic and malic acids, as might be anticipated from an inspection of their formulae Tartaric acid, . . 2HO.C 8 H 4 10 Malic . . 2HO.C 8 H 4 8 Succinic . . 2HO.C 8 H 4 6 When tartaric acid is heated with phosphorus and iodine in the presence of water (or, which amounts to the same thing, when it is heated with hydriodic acid), the acid is deoxidised, and malic and succinic acids are produced, thus 2HO.C 8 H 4 10 + 4HI = 2HO.C 8 H 4 6 + I 4 + 4HO . Tartaric acid. Succinic acid. Tartaric and malic acids are frequently associated in fruits, and succinic acid is found among the products of fermentation of grape-juice. Succinic acid may be reconverted into tartaric acid by heating it with bromine and water, when it is converted into bibromosuccinic acid, 2HO . C 8 (H 2 Br 2 )0 6 , which furnishes tartaric acid when decomposed with oxide of silver 2HO . C 8 (H 2 Br 2 )0 6 + 2AgO + 2HO = 2HO . C 8 H 4 10 + 2AgBr . Bibromosuccinic acid. Tartaric acid. When bromosuccinic acid, 2HO . C 8 (H o Br)0 6 , is decomposed with oxide of silver, malic acid is formed 2HO . C b (H 3 Br)0 6 + 3AgO = 2AgO.C 8 H 4 8 + AgBr + HO. Bromosuccinic acid. Malatc of silver. 427. The tartaric acid found in grapes is accompanied, particularly in those of certain vintages and districts, by another acid called racemic or paratartaric acid, which has the same composition as tartaric acid, but crystallises with two equivalents of water (2HO . C 8 H 4 10 . 2Aq.) The crystalline forms of these acids are the same, but the crystals of racemic acid effloresce, from loss of water, when exposed to the air. Solution of racemic acid is precipitated by the salts of lime, which do not precipitate tartaric acid unless it be previously neutralised. Moreover, although racemic acid forms, with potash and oxide of antimony, a salt corresponding in composition to tartar-emetic, this does not crystallise in octahedra, but in tufts of needles. There is a marked ditference in the action of these two acids and their salts upon polarised light, for solutions of racemic acid and the racemates do not alter the plane of polarisation, whilst tartaric acid and the tartrates rotate it to the right. On carefully examining the crystalline forms of the tartrates, Pasteur observed that they generally presented an exception to that law of crystalline symmetry, which requires that a modification existing on any edge or face of a crystal should be repeated on all its other similar edges or faces, whereas in the crystals of the tartrates, certain of the edges are truncated without any corresponding modification of the others, and hemihedral forms are thus produced. Now, in general, it is found tKat if a substance forms hemihedral crystals, their hemihedrism is of such a character that they can be superposed upon each other, so that the united crystals shall exhibit CITRIC ACID. 589 a perfect symmetry upon each side of the plane of junction ; but the hemihedrism of the tartrates is such, that the crystals do not exhibit this symmetry when superposed upon each other, but when one is superposed upon the reflection of the other in a mirror, so that instead of presenting crystals which are, as usual, partly right and partly left-handed in their want of symmetry, the crystals of the tartrates are either all right-handed or all left-handed hemihedral crystals. When the action of solutions of these salts upon polarised light came to be examined, it was found that the right-handed crystals always rotated the plane of polarisation to the right, whilst the left-handed crystals produced a left-handed rotation. On separating the acids from these salts, they resembled each other precisely in all their chemical properties, but the acid from the right-handed salts furnished crystals which were hemihedral right-handedly, whilst that of the left-handed salts furnished left-handed hemihedral crystals ; moreover, the solution of the right- handed acid exerted a right-handed rotation upon the plane of polarisation, which was turned in the opposite direction by a solution of the left-handed acid. The former acid has been named dextro-tartaric acid, and is the usual form in which this acid is met with ; the other acid has been called Isevo-tartaric acid. In their chemical relations these acids are perfectly identical ; for the chemist they are botli the same tartaric acid, equally well adapted for all the uses to which this acid is applied. Pasteur found that the double racemate of soda and ammonia furnished a crop of crystals containing both right-handed and left-handed hemihedral forms, and on separating them by hand, he found that the action of their solutions on polarised light corresponded with their hemihedrism, and on isolating the acids, the right- handed crystals furnished dextro-tartaric, the left-handed, Isevo-tartaric acid. This analysis of racemic acid was soon confirmed by its synthesis. On mixing concentrated solutions of equal parts of dextro-tartaric and Isevo-tartaric acids, a considerable rise of temperature was observed, showing that combination had taken place, and the solution which had no longer the power of rotating the plane of polarisation furnished crystals of racemic acid. This remarkable instance of chemical combination between two acids which are, in their chemical properties, perfectly identical, to furnish a new acid differing from both, affords, by analogy, some support to the theory of the duplex constitution of many elementary and compound bodies. 428. Citric acid (C r2 H 8 14 ) occurs in lemons, oranges, and most acidu- lous fruits. It is prepared from lemon-juice, which contains the acid in a free state, by neutralising it with chalk, when the citrate of lime (3CaO . C 12 H 5 O n ) is obtained, which is decomposed by dilute sulphuric acid ; the filtered solution, when evaporated, yields prismatic crystals of citric acid, which contain C 12 H 8 14 . 2Aq. They fuse at 212F., and lose the two equivalents of water of crystallisation. From the formula of the citrate of lime, it will be seen that citric acid is tribasic, and should be written 3HO . C 12 H 5 11 ; hence, like ordinary phosphoric acid, .it forms three series of salts. The citrates of soda, for example, have the com- position Na0.2HO.C 12 H 5 O u .2Aq. 2^aO.HO.C 12 H 5 O n .2Aq. When citric acid is heated above 300 F., it is converted into aconitic acid (3HO . C ]2 H 3 9 ), another vegetable acid found in the different varieties of monkshood (aconitum). Citric acid is employed in dyeing and calico-printing, as well as in medicine. By fermentation in contact with yeast, the citrate of lime is converted into acetate and butyrate of lime, with evolution of carbonic acid and hydrogen. The crude citrate of lime prepared in Sicily, and imported for the preparation of the acid, is found sometimes to undergo this change spontaneously, so that it has been 590 MALIC ACID TANNIC ACID. recommended to neutralise the hot lemon-juice with carbonate of magnesia (which is abundant in Italy), when the tribasic citrate of magnesia is precipitated in minute crystals. By dissolving this precipitate in a fresh quantity of hot lemon-juice, and evaporating, the bibasic citrate of magnesia is obtained in crystals, which is recom- mended as the best form in which to import the acid into this country. 429. Malic acid (2HO . C 8 H 4 8 ) is a crystalline acid found, as its name implies, in apples, and in many other fruits. It is present, together with oxalic acid, in rhubarb. Tobacco leaves also contain it in the form of bimalate of lime, CaO . HO . C 8 H 4 8 . In order to extract the malic acid from rhubarb stalks, it is converted into malate of lime, the solubility of which enables it to be separated from the insoluble citrate and tartrate of lime. The juice is squeezed out of the stalks by a press, nearly neutralised with slaked lime suspended in water, and chloride of calcium is added. The precipitate containing tartrate, citrate, phosphate, and oxalate of lime, is filtered off, and the liquid boiled down, when malate of lime (2CaO . C 8 H 4 8 ) is separated. This is washed and added to hot nitric acid, diltited with ten measures of water, as long as it continues to be dissolved. On cooling, bimalate of lime (CaO . HO . C 8 H 4 8 ) is deposited, which is dissolved in water and decom- posed by acetate of lead, when it gives a curious precipitate of malate of lead (2PbO . C 8 H 4 8 . 6Aq.), which becomes crystalline on standing, and fuses in the liquid below the temperature of boiling water. By suspending the malate of lead in water, and decomposing it with hydrosulphuric acid, the lead is separated as sulphide, and a solution of malic acid is obtained, which gives deliquescent prismatic crystals of the acid when evaporated to a syrup and set aside. Malic acid is decomposed by heat into two isomeric acids, the malceic and fumaric 2HO . C 8 H 2 6 ; the latter is found in the plant known as fumitory (Fumaria officinalis). An excellent source of malic acid is the juice of the unripe berries of the mountain-ash, in which it is accompanied by a volatile oily acid of pungent aromatic odour ; this has been called parasorbic acid, and has the formula HO . C 12 H 7 3 . When fused with hydrate of potash, or boiled with a strong mineral acid, it suffers a remarkable conversion into a crystalline solid acid, having precisely the same composition, called sorbic acid. Under the influence of yeast, in the presence of water, malate of lime is converted into succinate and acetate of lime 3(2HO . C 8 H 4 8 ) = 2(2HO.C b H 4 ) + HO.C 4 H 3 3 + 4C0 2 + 2HO . Malic acid. Succinic acid. Acetic acid. The amide of malic acid, malamide, C 8 H 8 N 2 6 (malate of ammonia, 2NH 4 . C 8 H 4 8 minus 4HO), has attracted some attention, because it has the same composition as asparagine, a crystalline substance extracted from the juice of asparagus, marsh-mallow root, and some other plants ; but it is not identical with it, though asparagine, when acted on by nitrous acid, yields malic acid C 8 H 8 K 2 6 + 2N0 3 . = 2HO.C 8 H 4 8 + 2HO + N 4 . Asparagine. Malic acid. Asparagine is really the amide of another acid, the aspartic, into the ammonia-salt of which it becomes converted when heated for some time with water C 8 H 8 N 2 6 + 2HO - NH 4 0.-C 8 H G N0 7 . Asparagine. Aspartate of ammonia. 430. Tannic acid, or tannin (C 54 H 22 :!4 ), the astringent principle of gall-nuts, from which it may be extracted by water, is characterised by TANNING. 591 two very useful properties, viz., that of yielding a "black precipitate with the salts of peroxide of iron, and of forming a tough insoluble compound with gelatine and gelatigenous membrane, the first being turned to account in the preparation of ink, and the second in that of leather. For the preparation of ink, three quarters of a pound of bruised nut- galls are digested in a gallon of cold water, and six ounces of green vitriol (sulphate of iron) are added, together with six ounces of gum, and a few drops of kreasote. The mixture is set aside for two or three weeks, being occasionally agitated, and the ink afterwards poured off from the undissolved part of the nut-galls. Pure sulphate of iron (FeO . S0 3 ) and tannic acid might be mixed without change ; but when the mixture is exposed to the air, oxygen is absorbed, converting the protoxide of iron (FeO) into sesquioxide (Fe 2 3 ), which combines with the tannic acid to form a black precipitate of tannate of sesquioxide of iron, the exact composition of which is not known. The gum is added to render the liquid viscous, so as to prevent the subsidence of the black precipitate, and the kreasote prevents the ink from becoming mouldy. The brown colour of the ink in old manuscripts is due to the tannic acid having been partly removed by oxidation, leaving the brown peroxide of iron ; the stain of iron-mould left by ink on linen after washing is due to the entire removal of the tannic acid by the alkali in the soap. Tanning. When infusion of nut-galls is added to a solution of gelatine, the latter combines with the tannic acid, and a bulky precipitate is obtained. If a piece of skin, which has the same composition as gelatine, be placed in the infusion of nut-galls, it will absorb the whole of the tannic acid, and become converted into leather, which is much tougher than the raw skin, less permeable by water, and not liable to putrefaction. The first operation in the conversion of hides into leather, after they have been cleansed, consists in soaking them for three or four weeks in pits containing lime and water, which saponifies the fat, and loosens the hair. The same object is sometimes attained by allowing the hides to enter into putrefaction, when the resulting ammonia has the same effect as the lime. The loosened hair having been scraped off, the hides are soaked for twelve hours in water containing T^Vtf^h of sulphuric acid, which removes adhering lime, and opens the pores of the skin, so as to fit it to receive the tanning liquid. The tanning material generally employed for hides is the infusion of oak-bark, which contains querci-tannic acid, very similar in properties to tannic acid. The hides are soaked in an infusion of oak-bark for about six weeks, being passed in succession through several pits, in which the strength of the infusion is gradually increased. They are then packed in another pit with alternate layers of coarsely ground oak-bark ; the pit is filled with water, and left at rest for three months, when the hides are transferred to another pit, and treated in the same way ; but, of course, the position of the hides will be now reversed that which was uppermost, and in contact with the weakest part of the tanning liquor, will now be at the bottom. After the lapse of another three months the hide is gene- rally found to be tanned throughout, a section appearing of a uniform brown colour. It has now increased in weight from 30 to 40 per cent. The chemical part of the process being now completed, the leather is sub- jected to certain mechanical operations to give it the desired texture. For tanning the thinner kinds of leather, such as morocco, a substance called 592 GALLIC ACID. sumach is used, which consists of the ground shoots of the Rhus Coriaria, and contains a large proportion of tannic acid. Morocco leather is made from goat and sheep skins, which are denuded of hair by liming in the usual way, but the adhering lime is afterwards removed by means of a bath of sour bran or flour. In order to tan the skin so prepared, it is sewn up in the form of a bag, which, is filled with infusion of sumach, and allowed to soak in a vat of the infusion for some hours. A repetition of the process, with a stronger infusion, is necessary ; but the whole operation is completed in twenty-four hours. The skins are now washed and dyed, except in the case of red morocco, which is dyed before tanning, by steeping it first in alum or chloride of tin, as a mordant, and afterwards in infusion of cochineal. Black morocco is dyed with acetate of iron, which acts upon the tannic acid. The aniline dyes are now much employed for dyeing morocco. The kid of which gloves are made is not actually tanned, but submit- ted to an elaborate operation called tawing, the chief chemical features of which are the removal of the excess of lime,* and opening the pores of the skin by means of a sour mixture of bran and water, in which lactic acid is the agent ; and the subsequent impregnation of the porous skin with chloride of aluminum, by steeping it in a hot bath containing alum and common salt. The skins are afterwards softened by kneading in a mixture containing alum, flour, and the yolks of eggs. The putrefaction of the skin is as effectually prevented by the chloride of aluminum as by tanning. Wash leather and buckskin are not tanned, but shamoyed, which con- sists in sprinkling the prepared skins with oil, folding them up and stocking them under heavy wooden hammers for two or three hours. When the grease has been well forced in, they are exposed in a warm atmosphere, to promote the drying of the oil by absorption of oxygen (p. 581). These processes having been repeated the requisite number of times, the excess of oil is removed by a weak alkaline bath, and the skins are dried and rolled. The buff colour of wash-leather is imparted by a weak infusion of sumach. Parchment is made by stretching lamb or goat skin upon a frame, re- moving the hair by lime and scraping, as usual, and afterwards rubbing with pumice stone, until the proper thickness is acquired. Tannic acid, like many other proximate constituents of vegetables (see p. 476), when boiled with diluted sulphuric acid, yields grape-sugar, whilst a new acid may be obtained from the solution, which is known as gallic acidt CJH.O,, + 10HO = S^HA.) + C, 2 H 14 14 . Tannic acid. Gallic acid. Grape-sugar. The addition of dilute sulphuric acid to the infusion of gall-nuts pro- duces a precipitate composed of tannic and sulphuric acids, but this dissolves when boiled with excess of sulphuric acid, suffering the above change. 431. Gallic acid (3HO . C 14 H 3 7 ) is also formed by the oxidation of tannic acid when exposed to the air, particularly in the presence of the * Polysulphides of sodium and calcium are sometimes employed for removing the hair. t It will be perceived that tannic acid is analogous in constitution to the gluco-tartaric acid mentioned at p. 578, which splits into grape-sugar and tartaric acid when boiled with diluted sulphuric acid, exactly as tannic acid splits into grape-sugar and gallic acid. PYROGALLINE OR PYROGALLIC ACID. 593 matters associated with it in the gall-nut, which seem to act like the ferment in the quick vinegar process (p. 492). The method generally practised for obtaining gallic acid consists in exposing powdered nut-galls in a moist state to the action of the air for some weeks, in a warm place, when oxygen is absorbed, and carbonic acid evolved, the powder becoming covered with crystals of gallic acid (tannic acid does not crystallise). By boiling the mass with water the gallic acid is extracted, and since, unlike tannic acid, it is very sparingly soluble in cold water, the greater portion crystallises out as the solution cools, in long silky needles, containing C I4 H 6 1? + 2Aq. In this process another acid is obtained in small quantity, which is insoluble in water, and has been called ellagic acid (HO . C U H 2 O 7 ) ; it possesses some interest, because it is found as a product of animal life in certain intestinal concretions or bezoars, occurring in the antelopes of Central Asia. In most astringent substances a small quantity of gallic acid accom- panies the tannic. Gallic acid dissolves in oil of vitriol with a red colour, and when the solution is poured into water, a red-brown precipitate is obtained, called rafigallic acid (C 14 H 6 10 ), which is interesting from its property of dyeing calico red, if previously mordanted with alum. When powdered nut-galls are heated in an iron pan surmounted with a cone of paper (see benzoic acid, p. 473) to about 420, a quantity of crystals sublime into the cone, which are pyrogallic acid (C ]2 H 6 6 ), or more properly, pyrogalline, for it is doubtful whether it is really an acid substance. Its formation from the tannic acid of the galls is explained by the equation C 54 H 22 34 + 2HO = 4(C I2 H 6 6 ) + 6C0 2 . Tannic acid. Pyrogallic acid. As its name implies, this acid may also be obtained by the action of heat upon gallic acid, which suffers a similar decomposition.* This substance is extensively prepared for use in photography, in which art its great tendency to absorb oxygen is called into play, rendering it capable of decomposing the salts of silver with immediate separation of the metal. The solution of pyrogallic acid soon becomes brown when exposed to the air, from absorption of oxygen, and if it be mixed with an alkali, it absorbs oxygen almost instantaneously, acquiring a very dark brown colour. This property renders pyrogallic acid very useful in the analysis of air and of other gases containing uncombined oxygen ; a portion of air con- fined in a graduated tube over mercury (see fig. 7 3), is shaken with a strong solution of potash to absorb carbonic acid, and the diminution of volume having been noted, some solution of pyrogallic acid is intro- duced ; on shaking for a few seconds, the oxygen is entirely absorbed, when the volume of the nitrogen may be observed. The salts of tannic and gallic acids are not very well known. The latter appears to be a tribasic acid, so that its true formula would be 3HO . C J4 H 3 7 , the 3HO being replaceable by a basic oxide. * By heating gallic acid under pressure with two or three parts of water to 410 F. for half-an-hour, and evaporating the solution, it is said that the theoretical quantity of pyro- gallic acid may be obtained. 2 p 594 COMPOSITION OF OPIUM. The acid character of pyrogallic acid is very feeble. The three acids are distinguished by their action upon the salts of iron. With pure protosulphate of iron (FeO . S0 3 ) neither tannic nor gallic acid gives any reaction, but pyrogallic acid gives a deep indigo blue solution ; whilst with persulphate (Fe 2 3 . 3S0 3 ) or perchloride (Fe 2 Cl 3 ) of iron, the two former give a bluish-black precipitate, and pyrogajlic acid gives a bright red solution. The presence of tannic acid in a vegetable infusion is easily recognised by the addition of perchloride of iron, but the hue which is produced is not the same in all astringent substances, because they contain different varieties of tannin. All these varieties, however, differ from tannic acid properly so called, in not furnishing pyrogallic acid when heated. The astringent principle of catechu and kino, which are used by tanners, is called mimotannic acid. VEGETABLE ALKALOIDS. 432. In some plants the vegetable acids are combined with vegetable alkalies or alkaloids ; thus, in opium, the morphine is combined with meconic acid ; in cinchona bark, the quinine is combined with kinic acid. The methods adopted for the separation of these alkaloids from the acids and other substances associated with them are among the most important processes of practical chemistry. Extraction of the alkaloids from opium. Opium is the concrete milky juice which exudes on incising the unripe capsules of the Papaver somni- ferum, and is imported into this country from Persia, Turkey, Bengal, and Egypt, in the form of round masses or cakes enveloped in leaves ; it has a dark colour, a soft waxy consistence, and a peculiar characteristic odour. "Different samples vary much in composition, but the following result of an analysis of Smyrna opium will give an idea of the nature of this com- plex drug : 100 parts of Smyrna Opium contained Gum, Caoutchouc, Resin, Oily matter, Meconic acid, Morphine, . Narcotine, . 26-2 6-0 36 2-2 5-0 10-8 6-8 Narceine 6-7 Meconine, . . . 08 Codeine, .... 0-7 Colouring and other organic 1 *... matters, Water, .... 9-9 The medicinal value of opium appears to be due chiefly to the morphine (C^H^NOu), which is present, for the most part, in the state of meconate of morphine ; in order to obtain it in the separate state, the opium is cut into slices and digested with water at a moderate heat for two or three hours ; the liquor is then strained and evaporated, a little chalk being added to neutralise the free acid. The concentrated solution, containing chiefly morphine and codeine, in combination with meconic and sulphuric acids, is mixed with solution of chloride of calcium, when the meconic acid is precipitated in combination with lime, carrying with it a great part of the colouring matter, and leaving in solution the hydrochlorates of morphine and codeine, which may be obtained in crystals by evaporation. EXTRACTION OF QUININE. 595 The hydrochlorates are decolorised with animal charcoal and recrystallised. On adding ammonia to the solution containing these salts, the morphine only is precipitated, and may be purified by crystallisation from alcohol, which deposits it in white rectangular prisms, having the formula C, 4 H 19 N0 6 + 2Aq. The solution from which the morphine has been precipitated still con- tains the hydrochlorate of codeine, and on decomposing it with potash, the codeine is precipitated in crystals, of the composition C 36 H. 21 N0 6 + 2Aq. The mother-liquor from the hydrochlorates of morphine and codeine contains narcotine, narceine, meconine, thebaine, and papaverine, together with resin and colouring matter.* The leading features of morphine are its sparing solubility in cold water, its bitter taste and alkaline reaction, and narcotic poisonous pro- perties. It is generally identified by its giving an inky blue colour with perchloride of iron, and a golden yellow with nitric acid. The hydrochlorate of morphine (C 34 H 19 NO 6 . HC1), or muriate of mor- phia, is the chief form in which this alkaloid is used medicinally. Narcotine (C 46 H 25 N0 14 + 2Aq.) possesses some interest as having been the first base extracted from opium, whence it may be obtained by simply treating the drug with ether, in which the morphine is insoluble. The greater part of the narcotine is left in the residue after exhausting the opium with water, from which it is extracted by digestion with acetic acid; on neutralising the solution with ammonia, narcotine is precipi- tated. It is a weak base, and has no alkaline reaction. The meconic acid which exists in opium is a tribasic acid, having the formula 3HO . C 14 HO n ; it is soluble in hot water, and crystallises on cool- ing in plates which contain six equivalents of water of crystallisation. It gives a blood-red colour with solution of perchloride of iron. 433. Extraction of quinine. The cinchona or Peruvian bark, so highly prized for its medicinal qualities, is obtained chiefly from the districts around the Andes, and is imported in three varieties, of which the yellow cinchona is richest in quinine, the pale or grey bark in cinchonine, whilst the red bark contains both these bases in considerable quantity. The alkaloids are combined with Tdnic acid, and with a variety of tannin known as quinotannic acid. In order to extract them, the bruised bark is boiled with diluted hydrochloric acid, and the filtered solution, containing the hydrochlorates of quinine and cinchonine, is mixed with enough lime diffused through water to render it alkaline. The quinine and cinchonine, which are very sparingly soluble in cold water (requiring about 400 times their weight to dissolve them), are precipitated together with some of the colouring matter of the bark. The precipitate having been collected upon a linen strainer and strongly pressed, is treated with boiling alcohol, which dissolves both the alkaloids, leaving any excess of lime undissolved. A part of the alcohol is then recovered by distillation, and the solution containing the quinine and cinchonine is neutralised with sulphuric acid, so as to convert the alkaloids into sulphates, and is then decolorised with animal charcoal, and allowed to crystallise. Sulphate of quinine, being much less soluble in water than the sulphate of cinchonine, crystallises out first, leaving the latter in solution.. * KdaSeia, a poppy head ; vapw\. torpor ; firiKaw, a poppy. 596 KINONE HYDROKINONE. The sulphate of quinine is dissolved in water and decomposed by am- monia, when the quinine is separated as a white powder, which may be dissolved in alcohol and crystallised. The liquid from which the sulphate of quinine has been deposited con- tains, in addition to the sulphate of cinchonine, another base having the same composition as quinine, but distinguished from it by the indisposi- tion of its sulphate to crystallise. This base is termed quinidine, and is- produced from quinine under the influence of an excess of acid ; it is the most important constituent of the substance called quinoidine or amorphous quinine, which is prepared for sale from the mother-liquors of the sulphate of quinine, and forms a cheap substitute for quinine in medicine. Quinine crystallises in small prisms, which have the composition C 40 H 24 N 2 4 . 6Aq., and although sparingly soluble, even in boiling water, it has an extremely bitter taste, which is also possessed by its salts. Quinine is employed in medicine in the form of sulphate (CJBWVHO.SO, + 7Aq.) which requires as much as 700 parts of cold water to dissolve it, but is readily dissolved in water acidulated with sulphuric acid, when it is con- verted into the acid sulphate of quinine (C 40 H, 4 N 2 4 . 2(HO . SO 8 )). The solution is remarkable for its action upon light, for although it is perfectly colourless when held directly in front of the eye, if seen obliquely it appears to have, especially at the edge, a beautiful pale blue colour. This phenomenon, which is termed fluorescence, has been already referred to in the case of other substances (p. 478). Quinic or Tcinic acid. By evaporating the infusion of cinchona bark from which the quinine and cinchonine have been separated by lime, crystals of kinate of lime are obtained, and by decomposing these with sulphuric acid, the kinic acid (2HO . C 28 H 20 20 ) passes into solution, whence it may be obtained in prismatic crystals. This acid is chiefly interesting on account of the peculiar properties of some of its derivatives. When distilled with sulphuric acid and binoxide of manganese, the oxygen evolved from the mixture converts the kinic acid into a new substance, which condenses in beautiful yellow needles, called kinone 2HO . C 28 H 20 20 + 8 = 2(C ie H 4 4 ) + 4CO., + 14HO. Kinic acid. Kinone. The same substance is obtained in a similar manner from one of the constituents of the coffee-berry (caffeic or caffeotannic acid). By dissolv- ing kinone in water containing sulphurous acid gas, and evaporating the solution, colourless crystals of hydrokinone are obtained C 12 H 4 4 + 4HO + 2S0 2 = C 12 H 6 4 + 2(HO.S0 3 ). Kinone. Hydrokiuone. When a solution of kinone is mixed with one of hydrokinone, beauti- ful green crystals are deposited, which are known as green hydrokinone (C 12 H 4 4 . C 12 H 6 4 ), and may also be obtained by the action of oxidising agents, such as ferric chloride, upon hydrokinone. When kinone is acted on with hydrochloric acid and chlorate of potash, it is converted into a yellow crystalline body, known as perchlorokinole or chlor anile (C 12 C1 4 4 ), which is also obtained in a similar way from aniline, salicirie, and isa- tine. Potash dissolves it when heated, giving a purple solution. COMPOSITION OF COFFEE. 597 434. Theme or caffeine Tea Coffee. A very remarkable instance of the application of chemistry to explain the use of widely different articles of diet by different nations, with a view to the production of certain analogous effects upon the system, is seen in the case of coffee, tea, Para- guay tea, and the kola-nut (of Central Africa), which are very dissimilar in their sensible properties, and afford little or no gratification to the palate, owing what attractions they possess chiefly to the presence, in each, of one and the same active principle or alkaloid, which has a special effect upon the animal economy. This alkaloid is known as caffeine or theine, and is associated in the three articles of diet men- tioned above, with various substances, which give rise to their diversity in flavour. The raw coffee-berry presents, on the average, the following composi- tion : 100 parts of Raw Coffee contain Woody fibre, 84-0 Water, 12-0 Fat 12-0 Cane sugar and gum, . . . . 15-5 Legumine, or some allied substance, . 13-0 Caffeine, 1*5 Caffeic acid, 4-0 Mineral substances, . . . . 7-0 When the raw berry is treated with hot water, the infusion, which con- tains the sugar and gum, the legumine, caffeine, and caffeic acid (C 14 H 8 O 7 ), has none of the peculiar fragrance which distinguishes the ordinary be- verage, and is due to an aromatic volatile oily substance termed caffeone, formed during the roasting to which the berry is subjected before use. This volatile oil, which is present in very minute quantity, is produced from one of the soluble constituents of the berry (probably from the caffeic acid), for if the infusion of raw coffee be evaporated to dryness, the residue, when heated, acquires the characteristic odour of roasted coffee. The roasting is effected in ovens at a temperature rather below 400 F., when the berry swells greatly, and loses about ^th of its weight, becoming brittle, and easily ground to powder. It also becomes very much darker in colour, from the conversion of the greater part of its sugar into caramel (p. 499), which imparts the dark-brown colour to the infusion of coffee. If the roasting be carried too far, a very disagreeable flavour is imparted to the coffee by the action of heat upon the legumine and other nitrogenised substances contained in the berry. From 100 parts of the roasted coffee, boiling water extracts about 20 parts, consisting of caffeine, caffeic acid, caramel, legumine, a little sus- pended fatty matter, fragrant volatile oil (caffeone), and salts of potash (especially the phosphate). The undissolved portion of the coffee contains, beside the woody fibre, a considerable quantity of nitrogenised (and nutri- tious) matter, and hence the custom, in some countries, of taking this residue together with the infusion. In order to extract the caffeine from the infusion of coffee, it is mixed with solution of tribasic acetate of lead, to precipitate the caffeic acid and a part of the colouring matter. Through the filtered solution, sulphuretted hydrogen is passed to remove the lead as sulphide, and the liquid filtered 598 TEA COCOA. from this is evaporated to a small bulk, Avhen the caffeine crystallises out in white silky needles, which have a bitter taste, and the composition C 16 H 1(r N" 4 4 . 2HO. Its basic properties are very feeble. The constituents of the leaves of the tea-plant (Thea Sinemsis) exhibit a general similarity to those of the coffee-berry. In the fresh leaf we find, in addition to the woody fibre, a large quantity of a substance containing nitrogen, similar to legumine, an astringent acid similar to tannic acid, a small quantity of caffeine, and some mineral constituents. The aroma of tea does not belong to the fresh leaf, but is produced, like that of coffee, during the process of drying by heat, which developes a small quantity of a peculiar volatile oil, having powerful stimulating pro- perties. The freshly-dried leaf is comparatively so rich in this oil that it is not deemed advisable to use it until it has been kept for some time. Green and black tea are the produce of the same plant, the difference being caused by the mode of preparation. For green tea the leaves are dried over a fire as soon as they are gathered, whilst those intended for black tea are allowed to remain exposed to the air in heaps for several hours, and are then rolled with the hands and partially dried over a fire, these processes being repeated three or four times to develope the desired flavour. The black colour appears to be due to the action of the air upon the tannin present in the leaf. Boiling water extracts about 30 parts of soluble matter from 100 of black tea, and 36 from 100 of green tea. The principal constituents of the infusion of tea are tannin, aromatic oil, of which green tea contains about 0'8 and black tea 0*6 per cent., and caffeine, the proportion of which, in the dried leaf, varies from 2 '2 to 4'1 per cent., being present in larger quantity in green tea. The spent leaves contain the greater part of the legumine, and a con- siderable quantity of caffeine, which may be extracted by boiling them with water, and treating the decoction as above recommended in the case of coffee. If tea be boiled with water, the solution precipitated with tribasic acetate of lead, the filtered liquid evaporated to dryness, and the residue cautiously heated, the caffeine sublimes in beautiful crystals. Cocoa and chocolate are prepared from the cacao-nut, which is the seed of Theobroma Cacao, and is characterised by the presence of more than half of its weight (minus the husk) of a fatty substance known as cacao-butter, and consisting of oleine and stearine, which does not become rancid like the natural fats generally. The cacao-nut also contains a large quantity of starch, a nitrogenised substance resembling gluten, to- gether with gum, sugar, and theobromine, a feeble base very similar to caffeine, but having the composition C 14 H 8 isT 4 4 . The seeds are allowed to ferment in heaps for a short time, which im- proves their flavour, dried in the sun and roasted like coffee, which de- velopes the peculiar aroma of cocoa. The roasted beans having been crushed and winnowed to separate the husks, are ground in warm mills, in which the fatty matter melts and unites with the ground beans to a paste, which is mixed with sugar and pressed into moulds. In the pre- paration of chocolate, vanilla and spices are also added. From the composition of cocoa and chocolate it is seen that when con- sumed, as is usual, in the form of a paste, they would prove far more nutritious than mere infusions of tea and coffee. TOBACCO. 599 Caffeine appears to be a methylated derivative from theobromine, for when it is boiled with potash, methylamine is evolved, and by acting with iodide of methyle (C 2 H 3 I) upon a silver-compound obtained from theobromine, C 14 (H 7 Ag)N 4 4 , the silver and methyle change places, yielding Agl and caffeine, C 14 H r (C 2 H 3 )N 4 4 , or methyle-theobromine. 435. The vegetable alkali strychnine (C 42 H 22 N 2 4 ), only too well known for its activity as a poison, is contained in crow-fig or Nux-vomica, the seed of the poison-nut tree of the East Indies, and in several other plants of the same family. The strychnine appears to be combined, in the nux- vomica, with lactic acid, and is accompanied by a second alkaloid, brucine (C 46 H 26 N 2 8 ). In order to extract it, the bruised seeds are boiled with water acidulated with hydrochloric acid, the solution is strained, and ren- dered alkaline by adding hydrate of lime, which displaces the strychnine and brucine from their combination with the acid, and separates them in the form of a precipitate. When this is boiled with alcohol, the excess of lime remains undissolved, whilst the strychnine and brucine are carried into solution ; and since the former is less soluble in alcohol than the latter, it is deposited, before the brucine, on evaporating the liquid, in the form either of octahedral or prismatic crystals, which have an intensely bitter taste. This remarkable bitterness is one of the most prominent characters of strychnine; for although 7000 parts of water are required to dissolve one part of this alkaloid, the solution possesses an intolerably bitter flavour, even when further diluted with 100 times its weight of water. Chloroform and benzole both dissolve strychnine with great ease; and since these liquids refuse to mix with water, they are often employed to extract the poison from a large bulk of aqueous liquid by agitating it with a small quantity of one of them, which is then separated from the water and evaporated, in order to obtain the strychnine in the solid form. Very minute quantities may then be identified by moistening with strong sulphuric acid, and adding a minute quantity of chromate of potash, when the chromic acid acts upon the strychnine, giving rise to products of oxida- tion, which pervade the liquid in the form of beautiful purple streaks. Curarine, C 20 H 15 N, is a crystalline alkaloid which has been extracted from the woorari or curara poison employed by the American Indians for poisoning arrows. It dissolves easily in water and alcohol, but not in ether. Strong sulphuric acid gives it a fine blue colour. 436. TOBACCO owes its active character chiefly to the presence of a vege- table alkali which is not found in any other plant than the Nicotiana tabacum, from the leaf of which the various forms of tobacco are manu- factured. This alkali, nicotine (C 10 H 7 N), is distinguished from most others by the absence of oxygen, and by its liquid condition at th ordi- nary temperature. In order to extract the nicotine from tobacco, the leaves are boiled with water, which dissolves the alkaloid, in combination with malic and citric acids. The liquid, having been strained, is evaporated to a syrup and mixed with alcohol, when it separates into two layers, of which the upper contains the salts of nicotine dissolved in alcohol, the lower aqueous layer retaining the greater part of the extraneous vegetable matters. The alcoholic layer having been drawn off, is next shaken with potash, to combine with the acids, and with ether to dissolve the nicotine then set free. On decanting the ethereal solution of nicotine which rises to the surface, and evaporating the ether, the nicotine is left in the form of an oily liquid, which is colourless when perfectly pure, but soon acquires a 600 COLOURING MATTER OF PLANTS. dark brown colour when exposed to the air. It is very readily distin- guished by its very pungent, irritating odour, recalling that of tobacco, and which is very perceptible at the common temperature, although the boiling point of nicotine is so high as 480 F. Water, alcohol, and ether dissolve nicotine with facility. The poisonous action of this alkaloid upon animals is very powerful, death almost immediately following its adminis- tration. The Virginia tobacco contains more nicotine than other varieties, the alkaloid amounting to nearly 7 per cent, of the weight of the leaf dried at 212 JF., whilst the Maryland and Havannah varieties contain only 2 or 3 per cent, of nicotine. Tobacco is remarkable for the very large amount of ash which it leaves when burnt, amounting to about one- fifth of the weight of the dried leaf, and containing about one-third of car- bonate of potash, resulting from the decomposition of the malate, citrate, and nitrate of potash during the combustion. The presence of this latter salt in large quantity (3 or 4 parts in 100 of the dried leaf) distinguishes tobacco from most other plants, and accounts for the peculiar smouldering combustion of the dried leaves. Cigars are made directly from the tobacco leaves, which are only mois- tened with a weak solution of salt in order to impart the requisite sup- pleness; but snuff, after being thus moistened, is subjected, in large heaps, to a fermentation extending over eighteen or twenty months, which results in its becoming alkaline from the development of carbonate of ammonia (by the putrefaction of the vegetable albumen in the leaf) and of a minute quantity of free nicotine, which imparts the peculiar pungency to this form of tobacco. The aroma of the snuff appears to be due to the production of a peculiar volatile oil during the fermentation. The proportion of nicotine in snuff is only about two per cent., being one-third of that found in the unfermented tobacco; and a great part of this exists in the snuff in combination with acetic acid, which is also a result of the fermentation. It is also not improbable that a little acetic ether is pro- duced, and perhaps some other acids and ethers of the acetic series (e.g., butyric and valerianic), of which extremely minute quantities would give rise to great differences in the aroma of the snuff. VEGETABLE COLOURING MATTERS. 437. Notwithstanding the great variety and beauty of the tints exhi- bited by plants, comparatively few yield colouring matters which are sufficiently permanent to be employed in the arts, the greater number of them fading rapidly as soon as the plant dies, since they are unable to resist the decomposing action of light, oxygen, and moisture, unless sup- ported by the vital influence in the plant, some of them even fading during the life of the plant, as may be seen in some varieties of the rose, which are only fully coloured in those parts which have been partly obscured. The green colouring matter of plants has been termed chlorophyll* and is a resinous substance containing carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen, which has never yet been obtained in so pure a condition that its composi- tion could be accurately determined, since it cannot be crystallised or distilled, and is therefore not amenable to the usual methods by which organic substances are obtained in a pure state. When green leaves are boiled with alcohol, the latter acquires a fine green colour, and, when evaporated, deposits the chlorophyll. When the * XXa>/oo?, green ; /ios, soup. t The animal matter of bone appears to be isomeric with gelatine, and is called osseinc. WOOL SILK. 617 chondrine, the latter containing considerably more oxygen and less nitro- gen. The simplest formulae which have been assigned to them are Gelatine, . . . Chondrine, . . . but they both contain phosphates of lime and magnesia in a very intimate state of association. The characteristic properties of gelatine are the tendency of its solution to gelatinise on cooling, and the formation of an insoluble compound with tannic acid. The latter is the foundation of the art of tanning (p. 591), and the former is turned to account in the preparation of jelly, size, and glue. A solution containing only one per cent, of gelatine will set on cooling, though if it be repeatedly boiled it loses this property. Isinglass is a very pure variety of gelatine prepared from the air bladder of fishes, especially of the sturgeon. For the manufacture of glue the refuse and parings of hides are gene- rally employed, after being cleansed from the hair and blood by steeping in lime water, and thoroughly exposed to the air for some days, so as to convert the lime into carbonate, and prevent the injurious effect of its alkaline character upon the gelatine. They are then boiled with water till the solution is found to gelatinise firmly on cooling, when it is run off into another vessel, where it is kept warm to allow the impurities to settle down, after which it is allowed to gelatinise in shallow wooden coolers. The jelly is cut up into slices, and dried upon nets hung up in a free current of air. Spring and autumn are usually selected for drying glue, since the summer heat would liquefy it, and frost would, of course, split it, and render it unfit for the market. Size is made in a similar manner, but finer skins are employed, and the drying is omitted, the size being used in the gelatinous state. The best size is made from parchment cuttings. By the action of acids or alkalies upon gelatine, two crystalline organic bases may be obtained, known by the names of glycocoll, glycocine, or sugar of gelatine (C 4 H 5 N0 4 ), and leucine (C 12 H 13 N0 4 ). It will be seen that glycocine is isomeric with nitrous ether (C 4 H 5 0. N0 8 ), and leucine with the (at present unknown) nitrous ether of the caproic series. Leucine has been found in bullock's lungs and in calf's liver. A large number of animal substances very nearly resemble gelatine in their composition ; among these are hair, wool, nails, horns, and hoofs. Hair contains, in addition to carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen, from 3 to 5 per cent, of sulphur. Wool has sometimes to be separated from the cotton in worn-out mixed fabrics. The mixture is plunged into diluted hydrochloric acid, dried at 220 F., and submitted to the action of a machine (devil), which removes the cotton, rendered brittle by the action of the acid, in the form of dust, and leaves the wool fibres -untouched. When the object is to save the cotton fibre, the fabric is exposed to high-pressure steam, which has no action upon cotton, but converts the wool into a brown matter easily re- moved by a beating machine, and sold, for manure, as ulmate of am- monia. Silk is said to consist of three layers, the outermost consisting of gela- tine, and soluble in water; the next of albumen, soluble in acetic acid on boiling ; and the third of a nitrogenised substance called sericine, which is 618 UKEA. insoluble in water and acetic acid. Spider's threads appear to consist of this substance. Sponge consists of a similar material, which has been called fibroine. 447. URINE. The urine of animals is characterised by the presence of certain substances which are only met with in very minute quantities, if at all, in a state of health, in the other fluids of the body. " The most im- portant of these are an organic base called urea, uric acid, and hippuric acid. Urea. When human urine is evaporated to about an eighth of its original bulk, and mixed with an equal volume of nitric acid, a semi- solid mass is formed consisting of pearly scales of nitrate of urea (C 2 H 4 N 2 ? . HO . N0 3 ). If these be washed with cold water, afterwards dissolved in boiling water, and treated with carbonate of baryta, the nitric acid combines with the baryta, and the carbonic acid having no tendency to combine with the urea, passes off, leaving the urea in solution C 2 H 4 N 2 2 . HO. N0 5 + BaO . C0 2 = C 2 H 4 N 2 2 + BaO . NO. + HO + C0 2 . Nitrate of urea. Urea, After filtering from the excess of carbonate of baryta, the liquid is evaporated on a water-bath, when a mixture of urea and nitrate of baryta is obtained, from which the urea may be extracted by hot alcohol. On evaporating the alcohol, beautiful prismatic crystals of urea are deposited. These crystals, when once separated from the urine in a pure state, may be preserved indefinitely even if dissolved in water; but the urea occur- ring in the urine is very soon decomposed, a putrefactive decomposition being excited by the mucus, a changeable substance somewhat resembling albumen, which collects in feathery clouds in the urine. The change which is thus induced in the urea results in its conversion into carbonate of ammonia C 2 H 4 N 2 2 + 4HO = 2(NH 4 . C0 2 ) . Urea. Carbonate of ammonia, It is in consequence of this change that the urine so soon exhales an ammoniacal odour. In order to effect the same change in pure urea, it is necessary to heat it with water under high pressure. When urea is combined with hydrochloric acid, and the hydrochlorate is heated, it furnishes hydrochlorate of ammonia and cyanuric acid, according to the equation 3(C 2 H 4 T 2 2 .HC1) == 3(NH 3 .HC1) + Hydrochlorate of urea. Cyanuric acid. When cyanuric acid is distilled, it yields 3 equivalents of hydrated cyanic acid (HO . C 2 jSTO), and the connexion thus established between urea and the cyanogen series becomes intelligible when we see that this base is isomeric with cyanate of ammonia (NH 3 . HO . C 2 lSrO). In fact, by combining hydrated cyanic acid with ammonia, and evaporating the solution, no cyanate of ammonia, but simply urea, is obtained. Upon this has been founded a process for obtaining urea artificially, which has attracted a great deal of attention as one of the earliest examples of the production in the laboratory, of a complex substance formed in the animal body. For the artificial production of urea, 56 parts of well-dried ferrocyaiiide of potassium are intimately mixed with 28 parts of dried binoxide of manganese, and the mixture heated to dull redness in an iron CONSTITUTION OF UREA. 619 dish, and stirred until it ceases to smoulder. The oxygen supplied by the binoxide of manganese converts the potassium and part of the cyanogen of the ferrocyanide into cyanate of potash, the remainder of the cyanogen being burnt, and the iron converted into oxide - 9 = 2(KO.C 1 NO) + 2C0 2 + N + FeO . Cyanate of potash. On treating the residue with cold water, the cyanate of potash is dis- solved out, and after the insoluble portion has subsided, the liquid may be poured off, and 41 parts of sulphate of ammonia dissolved in it. Sul- phate of potash and cyanate of ammonia are thus formed KO.C.NO + NH 3 .HO.S0 3 = KO.SO 3 + NH 3 .HO.C 2 NO and if the solution be evaporated to dryness (on a water-bath) the latter salt is transformed into urea, which may be separated from the sulphate of potash by alcohol, which dissolves the urea only. 448. The true constitution of urea has been the subject of much discussion among chemists. The circumstance that, under certain conditions, this base assimilates the elements of four equivalents of water and is converted into carbonate of ammonia, has led to the opinion that urea should be classed among the amides (p. 549), when it would be represented as derived from two equivalents of carbonate of ammonia (NH 4 O . C0 2 ) by the loss of four equivalents of water, just as oxamide is derived from oxalate of ammonia 2(NH 4 O.C0 2 ) - 4HO = C 2 H 4 N 2 O a Carbonate of ammonia. Urea. 2(NH 4 . C 2 3 ) - 4HO = 2(C 2 H 2 N0 2 ) . Oxalate of ammonia. Oxamide. The question naturally presents itself, whether the various bases formed by sub- stitution from ammonia (p. 539) would furnish corresponding ureas when acted upon by cyanic acid. This has been actually found to be the case; ethylamine NH 2 (C 4 H 6 ), for example, acting'upon cyanic acid, yields ethyl-urea, which is isomeric with the cyanate of ethylamiue, just as urea is isomeric with cyanate of ammonia. NH 2 (C 4 H 5 )HO.C 2 NO = C 2 H 3 (C 4 H 5 )N 2 2 . Cyanate of ethylamine. Ethyl-urea. It is evident that if urea be derived from a double molecule of ammonia by the substitution of C 2 2 for H 2 , then ethyl-urea will be derived in a similar manner from a double molecule of ethylamine. N 2 H 4 (C 4 H 5 ) 3 N 2 H 3 (C 4 H 5 )(C 2 2 )". Ethylamine. Ethyl-urea. In this case it will be observed that the diatomic group, C 2 2 , is substituted for one atom of the hydrogen, and one atom of its representative, ethyle. It will be remembered that the amides can be obtained by the action of ammonia upon the corresponding ethers; thus oxalic ether treated with ammonia gives oxamide, and the conversion may be intelligibly represented thus (CO)-) H o (OA)") V^4 vy 4/ I Q -t- H > N = H VN 4- S Oxalic ether. Ammonia. Oxamide. AlcohoL In a similar manner, carbonic ether, when heated in a sealed tube with an alcoholic solution of ammonia, yields urea and alcohol HO (0,0,)" + H. I IT. = i r Carbonic ether. Ammonia. Urea. Alcohol. 620 URIC OR LITHIC ACID. When cyanic ether (C 4 H 5 . C 2 NO) is acted on by ammonia, it yields ethyl-urea, the action being precisely parallel to that of ammonia upon cyanic acid HO.C 2 NO + NH 3 = NH 3 .HO.C 2 NO Cyanic acid. Urea. (C 4 H 5 )O.C 2 NO + NH 3 = NH 3 .(C 4 H 5 )O.C 2 NO. Cyanic ether. Ethyl-urea. Many other compound ureas of this description have been obtained, in which the hydrogen is partly or entirely replaced by the alcohol-radicals. The relation existing between these and their prototype, urea, will be seen in the following examples : Urea, ..... C 2 H 4 N 2 2 f C 4 H 5) Ethyl-methyl-urea, . . C 2 \ C 2 H 3 I N a O, I H 2 J Tetrethyl-urea, . . . C 2 (C 4 H 5 ) 4 N 2 2 Diphenyl-urea, . . . |^ I N 2 2 . The supposition that urea is really constituted upon the ammonia type derives some confirmation from the circumstance, that a number of substances have been obtained which bear the same relation to urea as the amides do to ammonia. They are, therefore, sometimes styled ureides, and sometimes compound ureas, in which a negative or acid radical occupies the place of a part of the hydrogen. In illustra- tion of the mode of formation of the bodies of this class, the production of benzureide or benzoyl-urea may be referred to* When ammonia acts upon chloride of benzoyle, it yields benzamide and hydro- chloric acid C 14 H 5 2 .C1 + NH 3 = C 14 H 5 2 -NH 2 + HC1. Chloride of benzoyle. Benzamide. If urea be substituted for the ammonia, benzureide and hydrochloric acid are formed C 14 H 5 2 .C1 + C 2 H 4 N 2 2 = C ]4 H 6 2 . C 3 H 3 N 2 2 + HC1 . Chloride of benzoyle. Urea. Benzureide. Both reactions become much more intelligible if urea and its derivatives be allowed to be composed upon the ammonia type NH 8 + (C 14 H 5 2 )C1 = NH 2 (C 14 H 5 2 ) + HC1 Ammonia. Chloride of benzoyle. Benzamide. N 2 H 4 (C 2 2 )" + (C 14 H 5 2 )C1 = N 2 H 8 (C U H 5 2 ) (C 2 2 )" + HC1 . Urea. Chloride of benzoyle. By similar processes there have been obtained Acetyl-urea, .... N 2 H/C 4 H 3 2 )(C 2 2 ) " Butyryl-urea, . . . N 2 H 3 (C 8 H 7 2 ) (C 2 a )", &c. 449. Uric acid. When human urine is acidified with hydrochloric acid and allowed to stand for some time, it deposits minute hard red grains, consisting of uric acid (C 10 H 4 N 4 6 ) tinged with the urinary colouring matter. In urine the acid is present as urate of soda and urate of ammonia, which are often deposited from urine in slight derangements of the system, when they are present in excess, these salts being very much more soluble in warm water than in cold. Since uric acid and its salts are very common ingredients of calculi, this acid is sometimes called lithic acid (XMos, a stone). As the quantity of uric acid in human urine does not exceed 1 grain in 1000, recourse is had to other sources for the preparation of this acid, ALLOXAN MUREXIDE. G21 which is now extensively used for the preparation of the murexide employed in calico-printing. The excrements of the boa-constrictor and of birds, which consist almost entirely of acid urate of ammonia, and guano, which has been formed by the partial decomposition of the excrements of sea-birds, are excellent sources of uric acid. The separation of the uric acid from acid urate of ammonia is easily effected by dissolving it in solution of potash, filter- ing, and adding hydrochloric acid, when the uric acid, which requires lOjOOO parts of cold water to dissolve it, is precipitated as a white crystalline powder. When a solution of potash is saturated with uric acid in the cold, and boiled down out of contact with air, small needle-like crystals are deposited, having the composition 2KO . C 10 H 2 N 4 4 , and if this be dissolved in water, and carbonic acid be passed through the solution, half the potash is re- moved as carbonate, and a granular precipitate of acid urate of potash, KO . HO . C 10 H. 2 N 4 4 , is deposited. Uric acid, therefore, is a bibasic acid, and the formula of the acid itself (C 10 H 4 N 4 O 6 ) should be written 2HO . C 10 H 2 N 4 4 . When uric acid is added by degrees to strong nitric acid, it dissolves with effervescence and evolution of heat ; the solution, on cooling, deposits octahedral crystals of a substance called alloxan (C 8 H 2 N 2 O g ), which may be represented as formed by the oxidation of the uric acid according to the following equation C 10 H 4 N 4 6 + HO.N0 6 = C 8 H 2 N- 2 8 + 2C0 2 + N 2 . + NH 3 . Uric acid. Alloxan. Alloxan has the curious property of staining the fingers of a beautiful pink colour, and its solution gives an intense purple colour with sulphate of iron. A connexion is established, by means of alloxan, between uric acid and urea, which becomes important, because these two bodies, accompanied by a small quantity of allox-an, are always found together in the urine. Alloxan appears to be the intermediate stage in the conversion of uric acid into urea by oxidation, for if a solution of alloxan be boiled with peroxide of lead (Pb0 2 ) carbonic acid is evolved, and the alloxan is con- verted into urea by oxidation C 8 H 2 N 2 8 + 2HO + 4Pb0 2 = C 2 H 4 N 2 2 + 6C0 2 + 4PbO . Alloxan. Urea. When sulphuretted hydrogen is passed through a solution of alloxan, the liquid is troubled by the separation of sulphur, and deposits prismatic crystals of alloxantine (C 16 H 4 N 4 14 ), which is derived from two equivalents of alloxan by the removal of two equivalents of oxygen 2C 8 H 2 N 2 8 + 2HS = C 16 H 4 ]Sr 4 O 14 + 2HO + S 2 T Alloxan. Alloxantine. If 4 grains of alloxantine and 7 grains of crystallised alloxan be dissolved in half an ounce of hot water, and 80 grains of a cold saturated solution of carbonate of ammonia added, the carbonic acid is disengaged with effervescence, and the liquid assumes a brilliant purple colour, depositing as it cools splendid crystals, which have a red colour by transmitted light, and reflect a play of green and gold, like the wing of the sun-beetle. This magnificent substance is known as murexide, and appears to be formed according to the following equation C 1G HA0 14 4- C S H 2 N 2 8 + 4NH 3 .. C 4 H 12 N 10 1C + GHO . Alloxantine. Alloxan. Murexide. 622 HIPPURIC ACID. The beautiful colour of murexide has been applied in dyeing and calico- printing, being prepared for that purpose from the uric acid furnished by guano. 450. Hippuric acid. Another acid peculiar to the urine, and found in very minute quantity in human urine, is hippuric acid (C 18 H 9 ISr0 6 ), so named because it occurs in far larger quantity in the urine of horses (tWos, a horse) and cows, the cow's urine yielding more than 1 per cent, of the acid. It is generally prepared from cow's urine by evaporating it to about an eighth of its bulk, and adding an excess of hydrochloric acid. On standing, long prismatic needles of hippuric acid are deposited. It is remarkable that this acid can be obtained only from the urine of stall-fed cows, or of horses kept at rest, for if the animals are actively exercised, the above treatment educes benzoic acid (C 14 H 6 4 ) in place of hippuric. Again, only the fresh urine yields hippuric acid, for after putrefaction, only benzoic acid can be obtained from it. Conversely, if benzoic acid be administered to an animal, it makes its appearance as hippuric acid in the urine. The relation between these two acids becomes evident when hippuric acid is boiled for some time with strong hydrochloric acid ; on cooling, the solution deposits crystals of benzoic acid, and if the liquid separated from these be evaporated, neutralised with ammonia and mixed with alcohol, crystals of glycocoll (p. 617) are obtained + 2HO = C 14 H 6 4 + C 4 H 5 N0 4 . This result has been confirmed synthetically by acting upon the com- pound resulting from the action of glycocoll on oxide of zinc, with chloride of benzoyle (p. 475), when hippuric acid is reproduced. C 4 (H 4 Zn)lSr0 4 + C 14 H 5 2 .C1 = ZnCl + C 18 H 9 N0 6 . Zinc-glycocolL Chloride of benzoyle. Hippuric acid. Hippuric acid, therefore, may be represented as benzoyle-glycocoll, 9A(C U H B ? )N0 4 . A very interesting illustration of the doctrine of substitution is connected with these acids. By acting upon hippuric acid with nitric and sulphuric acids, it is converted into nitro-hippuric acid by the substitution of NO 4 for one equivalent of its hydrogen, and if this acid be boiled with hydrochloric acid, it yields nitrobenzoic acid, just as hippuric yields benzoic acid . + 2HO Nitro-hippuric acid. Nitro-benzoic acid. Glycocoll. In contact with bases, hippuric acid forms salts of the general for- En n uH ^ 8 ' S that the acid itself should be writ* 611 as T i a addition to the organic substances which have been already men- d as occurring in the urine (urea, uric acid, mucus, hippuric acid, ie), it always contains a large proportion of alkaline and earthy alts, especially of chloride of sodium, phosphate and sulphate of potash, fl phosphates of lime, magnesia, and ammonia. FOOD OF PLANTS. 623 The average composition of human urine may be thus stated Water 956-80 Ur ea, 14-23 Uric acid, 0-37 Mucus, ] 0-16 Hippuric acid, kreatinine, colouring matter, I and unknown organic matters, . J Chloride of sodium, 7-22 Phosphoric acid, 2-12 Potash, ^.93 Sulphuric acid, 1-70 Lime, 0-21 Magnesia , Q-12 Soda 0-06 999-94 CHEMISTEY OF VEGETATION. 451. The ultimate elements of plants, that is, the substances with which plants must be supplied in one form or other, to sustain their growth, are carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, sulphur, phosphorus, chlorine, silicon, potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese. Of these, the carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, sulphur, and phos- phorus are grouped together to form the various organic compounds furnished by plants, the remaining elements being arranged generally in the following forms : Chlorides of potassium and sodium, Sulphate of lime, Silicates of potash and soda, Phosphates of iron (manganese?), lime, magnesia, and ammonia, Compounds of potash, soda, and lime, with vegetable acids. Plants are capable of receiving food either in the form of gas through the instrumentality of their leaves, or in solution by their roots. The carbon, which is their most important constituent as regards quantity, is taken up in the form of carbonic acid by both these organs of the plant. This carbonic acid is derived either from the surrounding atmo- sphere or from the decay of the organic matters contained in the soil which surrounds the roots of the plant. The hydrogen is derived partly from water and partly from the am- monia which is carried down to the roots of the plant by rain, or is evolved in the putrefaction and decay of the nitrogenised organic matters of the soil. The ammonia also forms one great source of the nitrogen in plants, another being the nitric or nitrous acid, which is either brought down by the rain, or formed within the soil by the nitrification of tin- ammonia (p. 122). As to the oxygen, it is obtained both from tj?e car- bonic acid and water, which contain this element in larger proportion than is ever present in any vegetable product. The sulphur and phosphorus contained in the organic parts of the plant appear to be chiefly derived from the sulphates and phosphates of the soil. The chlorine, silicon, and the metals, are derived from the mineral con- stituents of the soil. It is not difficult to imagine the course of formation of a fertile soil from a primary rock (of granite, for example) under the influence of the atmosphere and rain, exerted through a very long period. 624 ACTION OF MANURES. It will be remembered that granite consists essentially of quartz (silica), feldspar (silicate of alumina and potash or soda), and mica (silicates of alumina, iron, potash, and magnesia); in addition to these there may always be found in granite minute quantities of phosphate of lime, of sul- phates, of chlorides, and of manganese. By the disintegration of such a rock under the action of air and moisture (p. 286), a soil will be formed containing the various mineral substances required for the food of the plant. If now, upon the thin layer of soil thus formed over the face of the rock, some seeds of the lower orders of plants, the lichens, for instance, be deposited, they will grow and fructify, deriving their carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen from the air and rain, and their mineral constituents from the soil. The death of these lichens would add new elements of fertility to the soil, in the shape of the food which they had condensed from the air, and of the saline ingredients which had been converted within their organisations into forms better suited to sustain the higher orders of plants. Given, then, the seeds of a higher vegetation, a similar process may be supposed to take place, and at length animals would be attracted to the spot by the prospect of vegetable food, and by transporting to it elements which they had derived from other sources, would eventually confer upon it the highest fertility. The soil then coming under tillage, the crops raised upon it are consumed by animals and removed to a distance, so that the mineral food contained in the soil is by degrees exhausted, and unless it is restored the soil be- comes barren. To restore its fertility is the object of manuring, which consists in add- ing to the soil some substance which shall itself serve directly as food for the plant, or shall so modify, by chemical action, some material already present in the soil, as to convert it into a state in which the plant may take advantage of it. As examples of substances which are added as direct food for plants, may be enumerated (1.) The ashes of peat, turf, coal, &c., which furnish the mineral sub- stances originally obtained from the soil by the vegetables from which these materials were formed. (2.) Gypsum, or sulphate of lime, and sulphate of magnesia, which ap- pear to be valuable not only as sources of sulphur, calcium, and mag- nesium, but because they are capable of decomposing the carbonate of ammonia, which is either brought down by rain or evolved by putrefaction in the soil, and of converting it into sulphate of ammonia which is re- tained in the soil, whereas the carbonate, being a volatile salt, would be again exhaled into the air and lost to the plants. (3.) Phosphate of lime, or bone-ash, which is most commonly con- verted into the soluble superphosphate of lime (p. 223) by treatment with sulphuric acid, before being employed as a manure. (4.) Chloride of sodium, or common salt, serves as a source of sodium, for in contact with the carbonate of lime, which is found in all fertile soils, it is partly converted into carbonate of soda, which may in turn be converted into silicate of soda, or any other salt of that alkali necessary to the growth of the plant. (5.) Nitrate of soda (Peruvian nitre) is held to be of great service in some cases, as yielding both soda and nitrogen in a form serviceable to the plant. (6.) The silicates of potash and soda, which are especially useful to FALLOWING - ROTATION OF CROPS. 625 th C ' e rr C nto a considerable proportion of silica their stems; since, although that substance is contained in abundance **> - "urse, flfcS r JT**S* Pknts ' P lou g hed into a >il, would obviously furnish food for other plants by their gradual putrefaction and decay * (.) li tones, which furnish carbonic acid and ammonia by the putrefac- lime gelatinous matter, as well as a large supply of phosphate of (10.) Urine, yielding much carbonate of ammonia by the decomposition ol its urea and uric acid, and an abundance of the phosphates and other saline matters required by the plant. (11.) Solid excrements of various animals, containing the insoluble salts (especially phosphates) of the animal's food, as well as easily putres- cible organic matters yielding much ammonia and sulphuretted hydrogen. (12.) Guano, the dung of carnivorous sea-birds, which owes its very high value partly to the large proportion of urate of ammonia and other nitrogenised organic substances which it contains, and partly to the pre- sence of phosphates and salts of the alkalies. (13.) Soot, which appears to act chiefly by virtue of the salts of ammonia derived from the destructive distillation of the coal. The chief substance employed for acting chemically upon the consti- tuents of the soil, so as to render them more serviceable to the plant, is lime, which modifies in a very important manner both the organic and mineral portions of the soil. Its action upon the former consists in promoting its decay, and the conversion of its elements into those forms, viz., carbonic acid, water, ammonia, and nitric acid, in which they may be of service to the plant. Upon the inorganic constituents of the soil lime acts by assisting the decomposition of minerals, particularly of those which con- tain the alkalies (such as feldspar), and thus converting them into soluble forms. In some cases fertility is restored to an apparently exhausted soil, with- out the addition of manure, by allowing it to lie fallow for a time, so that, under the influence of the air and moisture, such chemical changes may take place in it as will again replenish it with food available for the crops. It is not even necessary in all cases that the soil should be altogether re- leased from cultivation ; for even though it may refuse to feed any longer one particular crop, it may furmsh an excellent crop of a different description, and, which is more remarkable, it may, after growing two or three different crops, be found to have regained its power of nourishing the very crop for which it was before exhausted. Experience of this Has led to the adoption of the system of rotation of crops, by which a soil is made to yield, for example, a crop of barley, and then successive crops of grass, beans, turnips, and barley again. The possibility of this rotation is partly accounted for by the difference in the mineral food removed from the soil by different crops ; thus turnips require much of the alkalies and lime ; wheat, much alkali and silica ; barley, much lime and silica; and clover, much lime, so that the soil which had been exhausted for wheat, because it no longer contained enough soluble silica, might still yield sufficient alkali and lime to a crop of turnips, and when the alkali was exhausted, might furnish enough lime '- R 626 GROWTH OF PLANTS. to a crop of clover, after which, in consequence of the chemical changes allowed by lapse of time in the soil, more of the original minerals com- posing it might have been decomposed and rendered available for a fresh wheat crop. Another explanation of the benefit of systems of rotation may be given in those cases in which the debris of the preceding crop are allowed to remain on the land, Some plants, extending their roots more deeply into the soil, avail themselves of mineral food which is beyond the reach of plants furnished with shorter roots, and when the refuse of the former plants is ploughed into the land, the surface is enriched with the food collected from the sub-soil. Our knowledge of the chemical operations taking place in the plant, and resulting in the elaboration of the great variety of vegetable products, is very slight indeed. "We appear to have sufficient evidence that sugar and starch, for example, are constructed in the plant from carbonic acid and water, that gluten results from the mutual action of the same com- pounds, together with ammonia, or nitric acid, and certain sulphates and phosphates, but what the intermediate steps in this conversion may be we are not in a position even to hazard a guess. All seeds contain starch, gluten, or some similar nitrogenised substance (legumine, for example), together with mineral matters, these being pro- vided for the nourishment of the young plant until its organs are suffi- ciently developed to enable it to procure its own food from the air or from the soil. During the process of germination the seed absorbs oxygen and evolves carbonic acid, and since the albuminous constituent is the most mutable substance present, it is probably this which undergoes oxidation, and excites the conversion of the insoluble starch into soluble sugar. At this stage the seed requires, as is well known, a fair supply of water, the elements of which are required for the conversion of the starch (C 12 H 10 10 ) into sugar (C 12 H 12 1? ) ; water is also required to dissolve the sugar as well as the altered albuminous matter and the mineral salts, in order to form the sap of the embryo plant. These constituents of the sap, directed by the mysterious vital energy in the seed, buildup the root, which extends itself in search of nourishment down into the soil, and the leaves which dis- charge a similar function with respect to the air. As soon as the leaves are developed, the plant becomes able to decompose carbonic acid, water, and ammonia, to provide the organic components of its sap. Some part of these changes at least appears to take place in the leaves of the plant, from which, during the day-time, oxygen (together with a little nitrogen) is continually evolved. The leaves have been compared to the lungs of animals, the functions of which they reciprocate, for whilst, in the lungs of animals, an absorption of oxygen and an evolution of carbonic acid is observed, in the leaves of plants, it is the carbonic acid which is absorbed and oxygen is disengaged. In the dark, plants exhale carbonic acid, but in much smaller quantitv than they decompose in the light. That oxygen must be evolved, if plants construct their carbonaceous apounds from carbonic acid and water, is obvious on reflecting that all Jompounds contain less oxygen, in proportion to their carbon and nyarogen, than is contained in carbonic acid and water. us, we may conceive the formation of all the compounds of carbon RIPENING OF FRUITS. 627 and hydrogen, or of those elements with oxygen, which are met with in plants, by the concurrence, in various proportions, of carbonic acid and water, and the separation of the whole or a part of their oxygen To take an example; cellulose (C 12 H 10 10 ) would result from the coali- tion of 12 eqs. of carbonic acid and 10 eqs. of water, with separation of 24= eqs. of oxygen. Again, malic acid, C 8 H 6 10 , would require 8 eqs of carbonic acid and 6 eqs. of water, whilst 12 eqs. of oxygen would be 'set It is equally easy to represent the formation of nitrogenised compounds from carbonic acid, water, and ammonia, with separation of oxygen, for the nitrogen in all such compounds is present in so small a number of equivalents, relatively to the carbon and hydrogen, that the amount of oxygen separated from the carbonic acid and water would always far more than suffice to convert the whole of the hydrogen of the ammonia into water, even if this hydrogen did not itself take part in the formation of the compound. Suppose, for instance, that the formation of quinine is to be accounted for 40C0 3 + 18HO + 2NH 3 C 40 H 24 N 2 O 4 + O 94 . Quinine. If sulphur be a constituent of the vegetable compound to be formed, it is ^ conceivable that the sulphuric acid derived from the sulphates pre- sent in the soil should co-operate with the carbonic acid, water, and am- monia. If the composition of gluten be correctly represented by the formula ^2i6H 169 N 27 68 S 2 , the equation explaining its formation from the above con- stituents of the food of the plant would be written 216C0 2 + 88HO + 27NH 3 + 2S0 3 = The chemical tendency of vegetables, therefore, is to reduce to a lower state of oxidation the substances presented in their food, whilst animals exhibit a reciprocal tendency" to oxidise the materials on which they feed. With respect to the last stage in the existence of the plant, the ripening of the fruit, we know a little more concerning the chemical changes which it involves. Most fruits, in their unripe condition, contain cellulose, starch, and some one or more vegetable acids, such as malic, citric, tartaric, and tannic, the latter being almost invariably present, and causing the pecu- liar roughness and astringency of the unripe fruit. The characteristic constituent of unripe fruits, however, ispectose, a compound of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, the composition of which has not been exactly determined. Pectose is quite insoluble in water, but during the ripening of the fruit it undergoes a change induced by the vegetable acids, and is converted intopectine (C^H^OJ, which is capable of dissolving in water, and yields a viscous solution. As the maturation proceeds, the pectine itself is transformed into pectic acid (C^H^O^), and pectosic acid (CjjHjjOjo), which are soluble in boiling water, yielding solutions which . gelatinise on cooling. It is from the presence of these acids, therefore, that many ripe fruits are so easily convertible into jellies. Whilst the fruit remains green, its relation to the atmosphere appears to be the same as that of the leaves, for it absorbs carbonic acid, and evolves oxygen ; but when it fairly begins to ripen, oxygen is absorbed from the air, and carbonic acid is evolved, whilst the starch and cellulose 2n2 628 PRESERVATION OF WOOD. are converted into sugar, under the influence of the vegetable acids (p. 496), and the fruit becomes sweet. It has been already seen that the conver- sion of starch and cellulose (C 12 H 10 10 ) into sugar (C 12 H 12 O 12 ) would simply require the assimilation of the elements of water, so that the absorption of oxygen and evolution of carbonic acid are probably necessary for the con- version of the tannic and other acids into sugar. For example C 54 H 22 34 + 2HO + 0^ = 2C 12 H 12 12 + 30 GO, Tannic acid. Fruit-sugar. 3C 8 H 6 12 + 6 = C 12 H 12 12 + 6HO + 12C0 2 . Tartaric acid. When the sugar has reached the maximum, the ripening is completed ; and if the fruit be kept longer, the oxidation takes the form of ordinary decay. The scheme of natural chemistry would not be complete unless provi- sion were made for the restoration of the constituents of plants, after death, to the atmosphere and soil, where they might afford food to new genera- tions of plants. Accordingly, very shortly after the death of a plant, if sufficient moisture be present, the changeable nitrogenised (albuminous) constituents begin to putrefy, and chemical motion being thus excited, is communicated to the other parts of the plant, under the form of decay, so that the plant is slowly consumed by the atmospheric oxygen, its carbon being reconverted into carbonic acid, its hydrogen into water, and its nitrogen into ammonia, these substances being then transported in the atmosphere to living plants which need them, while the mineral consti- tuents of the dead plant are washed into the soil by the rain. Moist wood is slowly converted by decay into a brown substance, which has been called humus, and forms the chief part of the organic matter in soils. Alkalies dissolve this substance, and on the addition of an acid to the brown solution, a brown precipitate is obtained, which is said to contain humic, ulmic, and geic acids, but these substances do not crystal- lise, and their existence as definite acids appears to be somewhat doubt- ful. Two other acids of a similar kind, crenic and apocrenic acids (KPJVT), a well), have been obtained from the same source, and are also found occasionally in mineral waters. When it is desired to preserve wood from decay, it is impregnated with some substance which shall form an unchangeable compound with the albuminous constituents of the sap. Kreasote (p. 460) and corrosive sublimate (kyanidng) are occasionally used for this purpose, the wood being made to imbibe a diluted solution of the preservative, either by being soaked in it or under pressure. In Boucherie's process for preserving wood, the natural ascending force ot the sap is ingeniously turned to account in drawing up the preservative solution. A large incision being made around the lower part of the trunk the growing tree, a trough of clay is built up around it, and filled with a weak solution of sulphate of copper, acetate of iron, or chloride of calcium, .liven after the tree has been felled, it may be made to imbibe the pre- erving solution whilst in a horizontal position, by enclosing the base of the trunk in an impermeable bag supplied with the liquid from a reservoir, ine impregnation of the wood with such solutions not only prevents growth f eCay '- rendeiS ** l6SS Hable to the attacks of ^sects and the CHEMISTRY OF DIGESTION. 629 NUTRITION OF ANIMALS. 452 Between the chemistry of vegetable and that of animal life there s this fundamental distinction, that the former is eminently constructive and the latter destructive. The plant, supplied with compounds of the simplest kind carbonic acid, water, and ammonia constructs such com- plex substances as albumen and sugar ; whilst the animal, incapable of deriving sustenance from the simpler compounds, being fed with those of a more complex character, converts them eventually, for the most part into the very materials with which the constructive work of the plant commenced. It is indeed true, that some of the substances deposited in the animal frame, such as fibrine and gelatinous matter, rival in com- plexity many of the products of vegetable life ; but for the elaboration of these substances, the animal must receive food somewhat approach- ing them in chemical composition. It is to this nearer resemblance between the food of animals and the proximate constituents of their frames, that we may partly ascribe the greater extent of our knowledge on the subject of the nutrition of animals, which is, however, far from being complete. The ultimate elements contained in the animal body are the same as those of the vegetable, but the proximate constituents are far more numerous and varied. The bones, containing the phosphates and carbonates of lime and mag- nesia, together with gelatinous matter, require that the animal should be supplied with food which, like bread, contains abundance of phosphates, as well as the nitrogenised matter (gluten) from which the gelatinous substance may be formed. In milk, the food of the young animal, we have also the necessary phosphates, whilst the caseine affords the supply of nitrogeneous matters. Muscular flesh finds, in the gluten of bread and the caseine of milk, the nitrogenised constituent from which its fibrine might be formed with even less transformation than is required for fhe gelatinous matter of bone, since the composition of fibrine, gluten, and caseine is very similar. The albumen and fibrine of the blood have also their counterparts in the gluten and caseine of bread and milk, whilst all the salts of the blood may be found in either of these articles of food. Bread and milk, therefore, may be taken as excellent representatives of the food necessary for animals, and the same constituents are received in their flesh diet by animals which are purely carnivorous, but in a higher stage of preparation. It is natural to suppose that those parts of the frame which contain no nitrogen should be supplied by those constituents of the food which are free from that element, such as the starch in bread and the sugar and fat in milk. Before the food can be turned to account for the sustenance of the body, it must undergo digestion, that is, must be either dissolved or otherwise reduced to such a form that it can be absorbed by the blood, which it accompanies into the lungs to undergo the process of respiration, and thus to become fitted to serve for the nutrition of the various organs of the body, since these have to be continually repaired at the expense of the constituents of the blood. 030 COMPOSITION OF BILE. The first step towards the digestion of the food is its disintegration, effected by the teeth, with the aid of the saliva, by which it should be reduced to a pulpy mass. The saliva is an alkaline fluid characterised by the presence of a peculiar albuminous substance called ptyaline (TTTVW, to spit), which easily putrefies. The action of saliva in mastication is doubtless in great part a mechanical one, but it is probable that its alkalinity assists the process chemically, by partly emulsifying the fatty portions of the food. The liability of ptyaline to putrefaction -favours the supposition that it may act in some way as a ferment in promoting the digestion. This disintegration of the food is of course materially assisted by the cooking to which it has been previously subjected, the hard and fibrous portions having been thereby softened. The food now passes to the stomach, in which it remains for some time, at the temperature of the body (98 K), in contact with the gastric juice, the chief chemical agent in the digestive process. The gastric juice, which is secreted by the lining membrane of the stomach, is an acid liquid, containing hydrochloric and lactic acids. It is characterised by the presence of a peculiar substance belonging to the albuminous class of bodies, which is called pepsine (TT^TTTW, to digest), and possesses the remarkable power of enabling dilute acids, by its mere presence, to dissolve such substances as fibrine and coagulated albumen, which would resist the action of the acid alone for a great length of time. An imitation of the gastric juice may be made by digesting the mucous membrane of the stomach for some hours in warm very dilute hydrochloric acid. The acid liquid thus obtained is capable of dissolving meat, curd, &c., if it be maintained at the temperature of the body. The pepsine prepared from the stomach of the pig and other animals is sometimes administered medicinally in order to assist digestion. The principal change which the food suffers by the action of the gastric juice is the conversion of the fibrinous and albuminous constituents into soluble forms ; the starch is also partly converted into dextrine and sugar, but the fatty constituents are unchanged. The food which has thus been' partially digested in the stomach is called ^7 physiologists chyme, and passes thence into the commencement of the intestines (the duodenum), where it is subjected to the action of two more chemical agents, the bile and the pancreatic juice. Bile consists essentially of a solution of two salts known as glycocholate and taurocholate of soda. Both glycocholic and taurocholic acids are resinous, and do not neutralise the alkali, so that the bile has a strong alkaline character. Another characteristic feature of this secretion is the large proportion of carbon which it contains. Glycocholic acid has the composition HO . C 52 H 42 lSrO n , and contains therefore 67 per cent, of carbon, whilst taurocholic acid, HO . C 52 H 44 13 S 2 , contains 61 per cent. The names of these acids have reference to the circumstance that they furnish respectively glycocoll and taurine, together with two new acids free from nitrogen, when they are boiled with dilute hydrochloric acid HO.C 52 H 42 NO U + HO = CJB^O. + C 4 H 5 N0 4 Glycoeholic acid. Choloidic acid. Glycocoll. HO.C 62 H 44 N0 13 S 2 + 2HO . C 4 H 7 KO fi S 2 ., Taurocholic acid. Taurine . ' Cholic acid! CHEMISTliY OF NUTRITION. G31 Taurine forms colourless crystals of great beauty, and is remarkable for the large proportion (above 25 per cent.) of sulphur which it contains It also presents an interesting example of a complex animal derivative which may be artificially prepared in. a very simple manner. When defiant gas is passed over anhydrous sulphuric acid, it is absorbed, 1 the product be dissolved in water, neutralised with ammonia and evaporated, crystals of isethionate of ammonia are obtained C 4 H 4 f 2S0 3 + NH 3 + 2HO NH 3 . HO . C 4 H 5 S 2 O 7 . Isethionate of ammonia. When this salt is moderately heated, it loses two equivalents of water and leaves taurine NH 3 .HO.C 4 H 5 S 2 7 2HO . C 4 H 7 N0 6 S a . Isethionate of ammonia. Taurine. Another characteristic ingredient of the bile is cholesterine* (C^H^OJ, a crystalline substance somewhat resembling the fate, and often deposited in large quantity in the form of biliary calculi. It has also been found in peas, wheat, and some vegetable oils. The peculiar colouring matter of the bile has never been obtained in a pure state. A peculiar substance called glycogen, or animal starch (C 12 H 10 10 ), has been found in the liver, and becomes speedily converted into sugar after death, by assimilating the elements of water. The special function of the bile in the digestion of the food has not been explained, but from its strongly alkaline reaction it does not appear improbable that it assists in the digestion of fatty substances. The pancreatic juice is another alkaline secretion, which differs from the bile in containing a considerable quantity of albumen, and is very putrescible. Its particular office in digestion appears to consist in promot- ing the conversion of the starchy portions of the food into sugar (p. 496), though it also has a powerful action upon the fats, causing them to form an intimate mixture, or emulsion, with water, and partly saponifying them. The digestion of the starch and sugar is completed by the action of the intestinal fluid in the further passage of the food through the intestines, so that when it arrives in the small intestines, all the soluble matters have become converted into a thin milky liquid called chyle, which has next to be separated mechanically from the insoluble portions, such as woody fibre, &c., which are excreted from the body. This separation is effected in the small intestines by means of two distinct sets of vessels, one of which (the mesenteric veins) absorbs the dissolved starchy portions of the food, and conveys them to tin- liver, whence they are afterwards transferred to the right auricle of the heart. The other set of vessels (lacteals) absorbs the digested fatty matters,, and conveys them, through the thoracic duct, into the subclaviaii vein, and thence at once into the right auricle of the heart. From the right auricle this imperfect blood passes into the right ventricle of the heart, and is there mixed with the blood returned from the body by the veins, after having fulfilled its various functions in lh- system. The mixture, which has the usual dark brown colour of venous blood, is next forced, by the contraction of the heart, into the lungs, where it is distributed through an immense number of extremely fine vessels traversing the lungs, in contact with the minute tubes containing * From X"^> Hie ; tin. timi, 19, definition, I. Concrete, I!.".. Condenser, Liebig'.-. 648 INDEX. Condurrite, 240. Condy's disinfecting fluid, dJ8. Coniine, 538. constitution, 543. Constitution of salts, 252. Converting furnace, 316. Converting vessel, Bessemer's, 314. Cooking, 616. Copal, 472. Copper, Cu, 335. acetylide, 84. action of nitric acid on, 126. on ammonia and air, 344. on water, 24. alloys of, 342. amalgam, 369. ammonio-sulphate, 345. Anglesea, 339. arsenite, 245. basic acetate, 563. carbonates, 335, 346. phosphates, 346. best selected, 337. blistered, 338. chlorides, 346. cleaned, 344. compounds, atomic formulae, 348. detected in lead, 355. diatomic, 348. dry, 338. effect of impurities on, 340. phosphorus on, 340. sea- water on, 341. electric conductivity of, 340. electrotype, 340. emerald, 346. equivalent and atomic weights, 348. extraction in laboratory, 339. fusing point, 341. glance, Cu 2 S, 335. hydrated oxide, 345. hydride, 234. Lake Superior, 340. lead in, 339. metallurgy of, 335. moss, 338. 'native, 335. nitride, 348. ore, grey, 335. red, 335. variegated, 335. ores, 335. fusion for coarse metal, 336. white metal, 336. roasting, 335. treatment of, for silver, 361. overpoled, 338. oxide, CuO, 343. oxides, 343. oxychloride, 341, 346. peacock, 335. pentasulphide, 347. phosphide, 236, 348. poling or toughening, 338. precipitated, 84. properties of, 341. pyrites, CuFeS 2 , 335. quadrant-oxide," 343. refining, 33 3. rose, 539. sand, 335. separated from silver, 365. Copper silicates, 346. smelting, composition of products from, 339. smelting, summary of, 335. smoke, 336. Spanish, 340. subchloride, Cu 2 Cl, 346. suboxide, Cu 2 0, 344. subsulphide, Cu 2 S, 347. sulphate, CuO . S0 3 , 344. action of heat on, 210 in bread, 494. sulphides, 347. tinning, 342, 386. tough-cake, 339. tough-pitch, 338. underpoled, 339. verdigris, 342. vessels for cooking, 341. with aluminum, 290. Copperas, FeO.S0 3 , 323. blue, 34l. Coprolite, 222, 230. Coquimbite, 324. Coral, 278. Corpse-light in coal-mines, 91. Corrosive sublimate, HgCl, 370. antidote to, 371. antiseptic properties, 371. molecularformula, 374. Corundum, 288. Cotton, 465. and wool, separation of, 617. dissolved by ammonio-cupric solu- tions, 344. Cr, chromium, 331. Crackers, detonating, 447. Cream, 608. Cream of tartar, 258, 586. Creasote, 462. Crenic acid, 628. Cress, essential oil of, 479. Cresylic acid, C U H 8 O 2 , 462. Cr0 3 , chromic acid, 331. Cr 2 O 3 , sesquioxide of chromium, 332. Crocus of, antimony, 378. Crookes' discovery of thallium, 360. Cross-stone, 180. Crotonic acid, 577. Crow-fig, 599. Crucibles, 413. black lead, 56. graphite, 56. Cryolite, 266. Crystalline lens, 612. Crystallisation, 47. Crystals from the leaden chambers, 202. CS 2 , bisulphide of carbon, 215. Cu, copper, 335. CuCl, cupric chloride, 346. CuoCl, cuprous chloride, 346, Cudbear, 602. Cumidine, 543. Cuminic acid, HO . C 20 H U 3 , 476. alcohol, 558. Cummin, essential oil, 476. Cumyle, 476. hydride, 476. Cumylene, 545. diamine, 545. CuO, oxide of copper, 343. INDEX. 649 CuO . S0 3 , sulphate of copper, 344. Cupel-furnace, 353. Cupellation on the large scale, 353. small scale, 355. Cupric acid, 344. chloride, Cud, 346. oxide, CuO, 343. Cupros-acetyle, chloride, 84. oxide, 84. Cuprous acetylide, preparation, 83. chloride, Cu 2 Cl, 346. ammoniacal, 346. solution, preparation, 84. oxide, Cu 2 0, 344. Curarine, 599. Curcumine, 602. Curd of milk, 608. Curing animal matters, 635. Current, electric, 20. CuS, sulphide of copper, 347. Cyamelide, 442. Cyanic acid, hydrated, 442. ether, 540. Cyanide of phosphorus, 444. potassium, KC 2 N, 440. commercial, 441. from blast-furnaces, 441. Cyanides of alcohol-radicals, 528. Cyanine, 601. Cyanogen, C 2 N, 436. chlorides, 443. compounds, 436. preparation, 440. solution, metamorphosis of, 440. Cyano-metallic radicals, 543. Cyanuric acid, 443, 618. Cy 3 Fe, ferrocyanogen, 437. Cylinder-charcoal, 57, 420. Cymole, C 20 H 14 , 465, 471. DADTLE, 470. hydroehlorate, 470. Damaluric acid, 577. Daturine, 538. Davy-lamp, 90. Dead head, 387. Dead oil of coal-tar, 452. Decay, 64. Decolorising by charcoal, 59. Decomposing-cell, 20. Decomposition, definition, 1. Definition of acid salt, 253. alcohol, 513. atomic heat, 283. basic salt, 253. normal salt, 253. salt, 253. Deflagrating collar, 10. spoon, 7. Deflagration, 88. Dehydration, 50. Deliquescence, 49. Density, absolute, 422. apparent, 422. Deodorising by charcoal, 59. chlorine, 146. Dephlogisticated muriatic acid, 146. Derbyshire spar, 177. Desilverising lead, 352. Destructive distillation, definition, 56. Detonating tubes, 157. Devitrification, 410. Dextrine, C 12 H 10 10 , 486. Dextrotartaric acid, 589. Dhil mastic, 357. Diacetine, 563. Diacid diamines, 544. Dialysis, 104. Diamines, 544. aromatic, 545. Diamond, 53. ash of, 55. combustion of, 54. dust, 55. glazier's, 55. Diamylamine, 542. Diaspore, 288. Diastase, 488. Diathermanous, 216. Diatomic elements, 152. Diazoamido-benzole, 459. Dichloraniline, 549. Dichlorhydrine, 575. Didymium, Di, 293. Diet, regulation of, 632. Diethacetic acid, 570. ether, 569. Diethoxalic acid, 561. Diethylamine, NH(C 4 H 5 ) 2 , 540. Diethyl-diethylene-diamine, 545. Diethylene-diamine, N 2 H 2 (C 4 H 4 )2, 545. -diammonmm, hydrate of, 545. -diethyl-triamine, 545. -trialcohol, 562. -triamine, 545. -triammonium, trichloride, 546. Diethylzincamine, 562. Diflusibility of gases, definition, 27. law of, 29. measurement of, 28. rate of, 28. Diffusion-tube, 28. Digestion, 629. Dimethacetic (butyric) ether, 569. Diuiethoxalic acid, 561. Dimethylamine, 542. Dimorphous, 55. Dinas fire-bricks, 413. Dinitraniline, 549. Dinitrobenzole, 128. Dinitro-diphenylamine, 543. Dioenanthylene-diamylamine, 556. Dioptase, 346. Diphenylamine, 543. Diphenyl-benzoylamine, 543. -diethylene-diamine, 545. -guanidine, 546. -urea, 620. Diplatinamine, 399. Diplatosamine, 398. hydrate, 398. hydrochlorate, 398. sulphate, 398. Direct combination, 4. Discharge in calico-printing, 145, 606. Disinfectant, MacDougall's, 461. Disinfecting by chloride of lime, 1 1<>. chlorine, 145. ferric chloride, 324. manganates, 327. Disinfecting fluid, Burnett's, 298. Condy's, 327. Disintegration of rocks, 71. 650 INDEX. Disodacetic ether, 569. Displacement, collection of gas by, 31. Dissociation of pentachloride of phosphorus, 238. Dissociation of sal-ammoniac, 271. vermilion vapour, 375. Distillation, 45. definition of, 45. destructive, 56. dry, 56. fractional, 452. Distilled sulphur, 420. water, 45. Dithionic (hydrosulphuric) acid, S 2 5 , 213. Ditoluylamine, 543. Doeglic acid, 577. Dolomite, MgO . CaO . 2C0 2 , 280. Dough, 493. Downcast shaft, 70. Dryers, 581. Drying gases, 49. in vacuo, 207. oils, 581. over oil of vitriol, 207. Ductility of copper, 341. Dung as manure, 625. -substitute, 246, 268. Dutch liquid, C 4 H 4 C1 2 , 86. action of chlorine on, 162. Dutch metal in chlorine, 140. Dyad elements, 152. Dyeing, 604. EARTHENWARE, 413. Earths, alkaline, 24. proper, 285. Ebonite, 482. Economico-furnace for lead-smelting, 351. Effervescence, 71. Efflorescence, 48. Eggs, 614. Egg shells, 65, 614. Elaene, 515. Elaidic acid, 574. Elaldehyde, 555. Elba iron ore, 302. Electrical amalgam, 369. Electrogilding, 406. Electrolysis, definition, 21. of hydrochloric acid, 141. of water, 19. Electro-negative elements, 21. Electroplating, 363. Electro-positive elements, 21. Element, definition, 1. Elements, non-metallic, general review, 250. Elemi resin, 472. Ellagic acid, 593. Embolite, 366. Emerald, 292. of Limoges, 368. Emery, 288. Emetics, 587. Emetine, 538. Empirical formulas, 74. Empirical and rational formulae, 467. Empyreumatic, 470. Emulsine, 474. Enamel glass, 411. Endosmose, 612. English sulphuric acid, 201 Epsom salts, 281. Equivalent, definition, 23. formulae, 36. of a base determined, 121. of an acid determined, 75. Equivalent volumes of the alcohol-radical*, 520. Equivalent volumes of the ethers, 527. olefines, 515. Equivalents, table of, 2. Erbium, 293. Erucic acid, 577. Erythric acid, 602. Erythrite, 603. Esculetine, 478. Esculine, 478. Essence of almonds, 474. turpentine, 469. Essential oils containing sulphur, 479. extraction of, 470. Ethal, C 32 H 34 O 2 , 582. Ethalic acid, 582. Ether, C 4 H 5 0, 517. chemical constitution, 525. decomposition by heat, 83. molecular formula, 527. water-type view, 527. Etherification, continuous, 517. theory of, 524. Ethers, derivation from alcohols, 513. double, 525. doubled formulas, 527. perfuming and flavouring, 553. Ethylamine, NH 2 (C 4 H 5 ), 539, 547. Ethylammonia or ethylia, 539. Ethylaniline, 542. Ethylate of potash, 526. soda, 526. zinc, 532. Ethyl-codeyl-ammonzum, hydrate of, 544. Ethyle, C 4 H 5 , 519. Ethyle-amyle, 520. -butyle, 520. cyanide, 528. hydride, 521. hypothesis, 521. iodide, 518. kakodyle, 533. orthocarbonate, 523. subcarbonate, 523. sulphide, 527. Ethylene, C 4 H 4 , 85. bibromide, 544. binoxide, 559. diamine, N 2 H 4 (C 4 H 4 ), 544. hexethyl-diphosphonium, hydrate of, 548. hypothesis, 525. Ethylformiate of soda, 568. Ethylglucose, 499. Ethylic alcohol, 512. bromide, 518. chloride, 518. ether, 517. iodide, 518. Ethyl-methyl-phenylamiue, 542. -urea, 620. nicotyl-ammonium, hydrate of, 544. Ethylo-platammonium, hydrate of, 548. toluidine, 543. Ethyloxamide, 549. Ethyl-urea, 619. Euchlorine, 160. INDEX. 651 Eudiometer, Cavendish's, 33. etymology, 33. siphon, 34. Ure's, 34. Eudiometric analysis of air, 34. marsh-gas, 99. Euodic acid, 514. Euphorbium, 480. Eupione, 465. Eupyrion matches, 160. Evernic acid, 602. Excretion, 632. Explosion of hydrogen and oxygen, 32. Explosions in coal-mines, 89. F, FLUORINE, 177. Fagotting, 312. Fallowing, 625. Fast colours, 604. Fats, 579. table of, 583. Fatty acid series, 514. Fatty acids, preparation, 573. Fey, ferrocyauogen, 437. Fe, iron, 300. Fe 2 Cl 3 , perchloride of iron, 324. Fe 4 Fcy 3 , Prussian blue, 436. Feldspar, 285. potash-, 290. soda-, 290. Fennel, essential oil of, 476. FeO, protoxide of iron, 322. Fe 2 3 , peroxide of iron, 322. Fe 3 4 , magnetic oxide of iron, 323. FeO . S0 3 , protosulphate of iron, 323. Fermentation, 64. acetous, 492. alcoholic, 490. arrested by sulphurous acid, &c., 198, 491. production of carbonic acid in, 64. viscous, 491. Ferric acid, Fe0 3 , 323. chloride, 324. molecular formula, 324. vapour density, 324. oxide, 322. sulphate, 324. Ferricum, 325. Ferricyanogen (ferridcyanogen), Cy 6 Fe 2 , 443. Ferrocyanates, 437. Ferrocyanic acid, 437. Ferrocyanide of potassium, K 2 Cy 3 Fe, 437. action of sul- phuric acid on, Ferrocyanogen, Cy 3 Fe, 437. Ferrosoferric oxide, 323. Ferrosum, 325. Ferrous oxide, 322. sulphate, 323. Ferruretted chyazic acid, 436. FeS 2 , iron pyrites, 185. Fibrine, blood-, 614. extracted from blood, 612. muscle-, 614. vegetable, 493. - Fibroine, 618. Fibrous bar-iron, 312. Filtration, 59. Finerv-cinder, 2FeO. Si0 2 , 31". Fire-bricks, 413. Fire-clay, 286. Fire-damp, 88. conditions of inflammation, 89. indicator, 89. Fire, white, composition for, 249. Fires, blue flame in, 77. coloured, 158. Fish oils, 572. shells, 65. Fixing photographic prints, 212. Flags, Yorkshire, 413. Flake-white, 377. Flame, analysis of by siphon, 95. blowpipe, 98. cause of luminosity in, 92. definition of, 8, 92. effect of atmospheric pressure on, 97. oxygen on, 99. wire-gauze on, 90. experimental study of, 93. extinction by gases, 67. extinguished by carbonic acid, 67. good conductors, 90. nature of, 92. oxidising, 98. reducing, 98. relation of fuel to, 97. separation of carbon in, 94. structure of, 92. supply of air to, 96. Flames, simple and compound, 92. smoky, 97. Flask, to make a three-necked, 95. Flesh, 615. composition of, 616. juice of, 615. Flint, 102. and steel, 102. Flints dissolved, 268. Florence flask, 14. Floss-hole, 311. Flour, proximate analysis of, 493. Flowers bleached by sulphurous acid, 198. Fluoboric acid, 182. Fluorescence, 478, 596. Fluoric acid, HF, 177. Fluoride of calcium, 177. silicon, 179. Fluorides, 179. Fluorine, F, 177. attempts to isolate, 1 79. calculated specific gravity of, 170. Fluor-spar, CaF, 177. Flux, Baume's, 419. in iron smelting, 304, 306. Food, effect of, upon respiration, J533. exportation, 634. plastic constituents of, 632. preservation of, 635. respiratory constituents of, 632. Forge-iron, 309. Fonnamide, 549. Formic acid, HO . C g H0 3 , 514, 567. Foi-monitrile, 550. Formulae, atomic, 36. calculation of, 74. empirical and rational, 1>7. equivalent, 36. molecular, 51. Formylamine, hydriodate of, 404. 052 INDEX. Formyl-diphenyl-diamine, 545. Formyle, C 2 H, 520. terchloride of, 552. Fouling of guns, 428. Foundry-iron, 309. Fousel-oil, 511. Fowler's solution, 245. Fractional distillation, 452. Frankincense, 480. FranJdinite, ZnO . Fe 2 3 , 323. Free-stone, 413. Freezing-apparatus, 116. in red-hot crucible, 197. mixtures, 117, 130, 271. of water, 46. with bisulphide of carbon, 216. French chalk, 280. Friction-tubes, 157. composition for, 157. Fructose, C 12 H 12 O 12 , 496. Fruits, ripening of, 627. Fuel, calculation of calorific intensity, 432, value, 430. chemistry of, 429. practical applications of, 431. Fuels, composition of, 434. illuminating, composition of, 97. Fuller's earth, 286. Fulminic acid, 445. Fulminate of mercury, C 4 Hg 2 N 2 4 , 444. action of hydrochloric acid on, 447. preparation, 444. properties, 445. silver, 446. Fulminates, chemical constitution, 447. double, 447. Fulminating gold, 407. platinum, 397. silver, 364. Fumaric acid, 590. Fumigating with chlorine, 146. sulphurous acid, 198. Fuming sulphuric acid, 201. Fumitory, 590. Funnel-tube, 25. Fur in kettles, 40. Furfuramide, 568. Furfurine, 568. Furfurole, C 10 H 4 4 , 568. Furnace, charcoal, 106. regenerative, 434. ^ reverberatory, 311. Sefstrbm's, 321. Furnaces, theory of, 430. waste of heat in, 433. Fused common salt, 108. Fusible alloy, 299. Fusing-points of fats, 583. Fusion, 105. Fustic, 601. Fuze, Armstrong percussion, 229. Oadolinite, 293. Galbanum, 480. Galena, PbS, 349. Gallic acid, 593. Gall-nuts, 590. Galvanic battery, 20. Galvanised iron, 294. Gamboge, 480. Gangue, 306. Garancine, 602. Garlic, essence, artificial production, 480 essential oil of, 479. Garnet, 290. Gas, air vitiated by, 69. -burner, Bunsen's rosette, 45. ring, 46. smokeless, 96. -carbon, 449. composition of, 101. -cylinder, 12. -holder, 54. valuation of, 96. -jar, 14. manufacture of, 449. Gaseous hydrocarbons, analysis of, 99. Gases, diffusion of, 19. expansion by heat, 427. in waters, 39. Gastric juice, 630. Gaultheria, oil of, 467. Gauze burner, 96. Gaylussite, 278. G edge's metal, 342. Geic acid, 628. Gelatine, 616. German silver, 330. Germination, 487, 626. Geysers, 103. Gilding, 406. porcelain, 412. Gin, 511. Gl, glucinum, 292. Glass, 409. bottle, 410. coloured, 410. composition of, 409. corrosion by hydrofluoric acid, 478. crown, 410. decolorised, 410. etched, 178. flint, 410. -gall, 410. manufactxire of, 409. of antimony, 382. plate, 410. plate perforated, 202. -pots, 413. silvered, 363. window, 409. Glauberite, 268. Glauber's salt, 138. Glaze for earthenware, 413. Glazier's diamond, 55. Globuline, 612. Glonoine, 597. Glucic acid, 499. Glucina, 293. separation from alumina, 293. Glucinum, Gl, 292. Glucose, C 12 H 14 O 14 , 487. artificial, 495. stearic, 578. Glucosides, 476. Gluco-tartaric acid, 578. Glue, 617. Gluten, 493. varieties of, 494. Glutine, 493. Gly eerie acid, 561. alcohol, 576. ether, 576. INDEX. 653 Glycerides, 575. Glycerine, C 6 H 8 6 , 576. converted into glycol, 576. extraction of, 575. molecular formula of, 562. properties, 576. soap, 573. triatomic, 562. Glyceryle, C 6 H,, 562. Glycocholic acid, 630. Glycocoll (glycocine), C 4 H 5 N0 4 , 617. Glycogen, 631. Glycol, C 4 H 6 4 , 558. acetobutyrate of, 562. aldehyde of, 560. binacetate of, 559. chlorhydrine of, 559. converted into alcohol, 562. nionacetate of, 562. Glycolic acid, HO . C 4 H 3 Oj, 560. Glycols, 558. Glycyrrhizine, 500. Glyoxal, 560. Gneiss, 291. Gold, Au, 402. and sodium, hyposulphite, 407. assay by cupellation, 405. coin, 404. compounds, atomic formulae of, 408. crucible, 406. dissolved, 167. equivalent and atomic weights, 408. extracted from old silver, 404. extraction, 403. fulminating, 407. identification of, 126. in chlorine, 140. lace cleaned, 441. treatment of, 405. leaf, 405. oxides of, 406. physical properties, 405. protochloride, AuCl, 407. refining, 404. removal of mercury from, 368. ruby, 227, 406. separated from silver and copper, 207. standard, 404. specific gravity of, 405. sulphides of, 408. terchloride, AuCl 3 , 406. testing, 405. thread, 406. triatomic, 408. Goulard's extract, 563. Gradational relations of elements, 182, 275, 283. Grains, brewers', 489. Granatite, 180. Granite, 285. disintegration of, 286. Granitic rocks, 258. Granulated zinc, 25. Grape-husks, 509. juice, 509. sugar, Ci 2 H u 14 , 487. composition, 499. distinguished from cane- sugar, 495. Grapes, colouring matter of, 601. Graphite, 55. ash of, 55. Graphite crucibles, 56. in cast-iron, 55, 307. uses of, 56. Grease removed from clothes, 454. Green, arsenical, 245. borate of chromium, 333. Brunswick, 346. chrome, 332. colour of plants, 600. fire, composition for, 158. flame of baryta, 277. boracic acid, 110. copper, 346. thallium, 361. malachite, 346. mineral, 346. Kinman's, 330. salt of Magnus, 398. vitriol, 323. Grey copper ore, 335. Grey iron, 308. nickel ore, 330. powder, 368. Gristle, 616. Grotto del Cane, 66. Grough saltpetre, 415. Groups of non-metallic elements, 250. Grove's battery, 20. Guaiacum resin, 472. Guanidine, 546. Guanite, 282. Guano, 621, 625. Guelder rose, 570. Gum Arabic, 482. British, 486. Senegal, 483. tragacanth, 483. Gum-resins, 480. Gums, 482. Gun-cotton, C la H 7 (N0 4 ),O lo , 500. atomic formula, 503. compared with gunpowder, 505. composition, 503. equation of explosion, 504. in mining, 506. Karolyi's experiments on, 504. manufacture, 501. summary of, 502. objections to, 507. preparation on the small scale, 501. products of explosion, 503. properties, 506. pulp, Abel's, 506. reconversion, 503. silicated, 502. slow combustion of, 506. woven, Lenk's, 506." Gun-metal, 342, 386. Gun-paper, 500. Gunpowder, 415. calculation of force, 425. collection of gases from, 424. composition, variations in, 481. dusting, 422. effect of pressure on explosion of, 428. equation of explosion, 425. examination of, 423. facing, 422. glazing, 422. granulating or corning, 422. 654 INDEX. Gunpowder, heat of combustion, 426. hygroscopic character, 422. incorporation, 421: influence of si/e of grain, 427. manufacture, 421. mechanical effect, 427. preparation in the laboratory, 429. pressing, 422. products of explosion, 423. slow combustion, 428. properties, 422. smoke, 428. specific heat of products from, 426. temperature of combustion, 427. volume of gas from. 424. white, 158. Gutta percha, 482. Gypsum, 279. II, HYDROGEN, 19. Hsemateine, 601. Hsematine, 613. Haematite, brown, 301. red, Fe 2 3 , 301. Hsematosine, 613. Hsematoxyline. 601. Hair, 617. Hair-dye, 357, 365. Halogen, definition of, 10. Halogens, general review of, 182. Haloid salts, 10, 182. Hammer-slag, 312. Hard metal, 386. Hardness, degrees of, 43. permanent, 43. temporary. 43. Hard water, 40. Harrogate water, 45. Hartshorn, spirit of, 116. Hausmannitc, Mn 3 4 , is 326. HBr, hydrobromic acid, 169. HC1, hydrochloric acid, 147. HCy, hydrocyanic acid, 438. Heat and temperature, 431. atomic, 37. rays separated from light, 172, 216. relation to chemical attraction. 12. Heath's patent (steel), 318. Heating of hayricks, 61. Heat of combustion of hydrocarbons, 430 Heat-units, 426. Heavy lead-ore, Pb0 2 , 357. spar, BaO . S0 3 , 275. Hemihedral crystals, 588. Hemming's jet, 90. Hepatic waters, 45. EtF, hydrofluoric acid, 177. HF. SiF 2 , hydrofluo-silicic acid, 181. Hg, mercury, 367. HgCl, mercuric chloride, 370. Hg 2 Cl, mercurous chloride, 372. HgO, mercuric oxide, 369. Hg 2 0, mercurous oxide, 369. HgO, N0 5 , mercuric nitrate, 370. H 2 0, NO S , mercurous nitrate, 370. HgS, sulphide of mercury, 367. Hg 2 S, mercurous sulphide, 373 HI, hydriodic acid, 174. Hippuric acid, HO,C 18 H 8 NO S , 622. artificial formation, 622. extraction from cow's urine, 622. HO, water, 38. HO^Jnnoxide of hydrogen, 50. HO . Ascetic acid, 563. 3HO . Ci^ citric acid, 589. Homogeneous metal, 319. Homologous series, 459. Honey, 496. HO . N0 5 , hydrated nitric acid, 123. HO . 0, oxalic acid, 583. Hoofs, 617. Hops, 489. essential oil of, 470. Hornblende, 291. Horn-lead, 359. -silver, 365. Horns, 617. Horse-chestnut bark, 478. -hair inflamed by nitric acid, 128. -radish, essential oil of, 479. HO . S0_ 3 , hydrated sulphuric acid, 200. 2HO . T, tartaric acid, 586. Hot blast, theory of, 432. blast iron, 305. saturated solution, 47. HS, hydrosulphuric acid, 189. Humic acid, 628. Humus, 628. Hyacinth, 293. Hydrargyrum cum creta, 368. Hydrated acids, 50. bases, 49. Hydrate of lime, CaO . HO, 49. potash, KO . HO, 50. Hydrates, 47. Hydraulic cements, 414. main, 449. Hydrides of alcohol-radicals, 521. Hydriodate of potash, 176. Hydriodic acid, HI, 174. composition by volume, 175, gas, preparation, 175. reducing properties, 175. solution, preparation, 175. ether, 518. Hydroboracite, 282. Hydrobromic acid, HBr, 169. composition by volume, ether, 518. Hydrocarbons, 82. heat of combustion of, 430. turpentine-series, 470. Hydrochloric acid, HC1, 160. absorption by water, 147. action of heat on, 148. action on metallic oxides, 150. action on metals, 149. nitric acid, 167. plants, 149. analysis of, 150. atomic constitution, 151 . composition by volume, decomposed by the bat- tery, 131. equivalent, 150. INDEX. 655 Hydrochloric acid from alkali- works, 148. gas, preparation of. 147. liquid, 149. molecular formula, 151. properties, 147. pure, preparation of, 148. synthesis of, 140. valuation of, 148. yellow, 148. Hydrochloric ether, 518. gas, dry, preparation, 148. Hydrocyanic acid, HC 2 N, 438. anhydrous, 439. Liebig's test for, 442. ether, 528. Hydrocyan-rosaniline, 458. Hydroferricyanic acid, H 3 Cy 6 Fe 2 , 443. Hydroferrocyanic acid, H 2 Cy 3 Fe, 437. Hydrofluoboric acid, 182. Hydrofluoric acid, HF, 177. action on metals, 178. silica, 178. calculated specific gravity, 179. composition, 179. gas, 178. Hydrofluo-silicic acid, HF . SiF 2 , 181. decomposed by heat. 181. Hydrogen, H, 19. and arsenic, 246. carbon, 82. sulphur, 190. binoxide, 50. calorific intensity calculated, 432. value, 31, 430. chemical properties, 30. relations, 38. determination, in gases, 35. displaced by sodium, 23. etymology of, 30. experiments with, 27. flame, 31. identification of, 21. natural sources, 19. peroxide, 50. persulphide, 195. phosphides, 235. physical properties, 26. poured up through air, 27. preparation with iron, 24. zinc, 25. selenietted, 219. sulphuretted, 189. Hydrokinone, 596. Hydronitroprussic acid, 444. Hydroselenic acid, HSe, 220. Hydrosulphocarbonic acid, 217. Hydrosulphocyanic acid, HCyS 2 , 442. Hydrosulphuric acid, HS, 189. action on iodine, 175. metallic chlorides, 193. oxides, 192. solutions of metals, 193. sulphurous acid, 214. composition, 194. disposal of, 191. liquefied, 195. molecular formula, 194. pi'eparation, 190. production in waters, 211. solution of, 191. Hydrosulphuric acid, test for, 192. use in analysis,- 193. ether, 527. Hydrotelluric acid, HTe, 221. Hydroxylamine, NH 3 2 , 127, 522. Hyoscyamine, 538. Hypobromous acid, 169. Hypochlorite of lime, CaO . CIO, 145. Hypochlorous acid, CIO, 154. action on sal-ammoniac, 167. Hypogeic acid, 577. Hyponitric acid, 134. Hyponitrous acid, 132. Hypophosphites, 234. Hypophosphorous acid, PO, 234. Hyposulphates, 214. Hyposulphindigotic acid, 604. Hyposulphite of soda, NaO . S 2 2 , 213. and perchloride of iron. 214. decomposed by acids, 2137 decomposed by heat, 213. Hyposulphites, 211. constitution of, 213. Hyposulphuric (dithionic) acid, S 2 O 5 , 213. Hyposulphurous acid, S 2 O 2 , 211. formed from sulphur- ous acid, 213. I, IODINE, 170. Ice, 46. Iceland spar, CaO . C0 2 , 278. Illuminating gas from water, 78. Imides, 550. constitution of, 651. Imidogen, NH, 550. Incorporating mill, 421. Incrustation on charcoal, 99. Incrustations in boilers, 41. Indian fire, 249. Indican, 603. Indifferent oxides, 11. Indigo, action of chlorine on, 144. blue, C 18 H 5 N0 2 , 603. copper, CuS, 347. reduced, 603. vat, preparation, 604. white, C 16 H 6 N0 2 , 603. Indigotine, 604. Indium, 299. oxide, 299. Induction coil, 22. tube, Siemens', 15. Ink, 591. blue, 438. from logwood, 601. red, 601. stains removed, 154. vanadium, 393. Inorganic substances, definition, 3. Inosite, C 12 H 12 12 , 615. Instantaneous light, 395. Intensity and quantity, electric, 21. Introduction, 1. Intumescence, 267. lodates, 174. lodic acid, 10,., 173. Iodide of nitrogen, 176. potassium, 176. 656 INDEX. Iodide of silver, Agl, 366 Iodine, I, 170. action on ammonia, 17o. potash, 172. and starch, 172. bromides, 176. chloride, IC1, 176. etymology of, 171. extraction from sea- weed, 171. identified, 172. oxides, 173. terchloride, IC1 3 , 176. test for, 172. tincture of, 172. Iodised starch paper, 15. lodoform, 553. Iridium, Ir, 401. ammoniochloride, 401. -black, 401. chlorides, 402. oxides, 401. Iron, Fe, 300. action of acids on, 322. air of towns on, 294. hydrochloride acid on, 149. on water, 24. amalgam, 369. and carbon, 307. and oxygen, 10. and potassium, ferrocyanide, 438. bar-, 312. basic persulphate, 200. bisulphide, 302. black oxide, 323. bright, 308. burnt in bisulphide of carbon flame, 216. carbonate, 397. cast, 307. chemical properties, 231. chlorides, atomic formulae, 324. cold short, 315. cyanide, FeC 2 N, 438. diatomic, 324. equivalent and atomic weights, 324. extraction in the laboratory, 321. ferricyanide, 443. fibre in, 315. galvanised, 294. glance, 302. grey, 308. group of metals, general review, 334. homogeneous, 319. in blood, 612. in zinc, 297. iodide, 176. magnetic oxide, Fe 3 4 , 323. metallurgy, 302. mottled, 308. -mould, 322, 591. occurrence in nature, 300. of antiquity, 320. ores, 300. British, composition, 301. calcining or roasting, 303. oxides, 322. atomic formulae, 324. passive state of, 322. perchloride, Fe 2 Cl 3 , 324. peroxide, Fe 2 O 3 , 322. action of hydrosiilphuric acid on, 193. Iron persulphate, Fe 2 3 . 3S0 3 , 324. phosphates, 324. phosphorus in, 315. plates cleansed, 385. protochloride, 324. proto-sesquioxide, 323. proto-sulphate. 323. uses, 323. protoxide, FeO, 10, 322. prussiate, 436. pure, preparation of, 321. purification, 309. pyrites, FeS 2 , 185, 302. pyrophoric, 11, 80. red oxide, 322. red short, 315. refining, 310. rust, ammonia in, 121. rusting of, 322. sand, 302. scales, 312. scurf, 413. separation from manganese, 328. sesquichloride, 324. sesquiferrocyanide, 438. sesqui-iodide, 177. sesquioxide, 11. sesquisulphate, 324. smelting, English method, 303. specular, 406. steely, 315. sulphate, action of heat on, 210. nitric acid on, 131. sulphide, preparation, 190. sulphuret, 190. sulphur in, 315. tincture of, 324. tinned, 385. triatomic, 325. useful properties of, 302. variation in strength of, 315. white, 308. wire, composition, 313. works of the Pyrenees, 321. wrought or bar, composition, 313. direct extraction, 320. manufacture, 309. Tseritie, 391. Tsethionic acid, 631. Isinglass, 617. Isocumole, 450. Isodimorphism, 379. of antimonious oxide and arsenious acid, 251. Isomerism, 467. explanation of, 463. Isomorphism, 251. Isoprene, 481. Isotartaric acid, 587. Isoterebenthene, 469. Ivory-black, 59. JATROPHINE, 486. Jellies, fruit, 627. Jelly, 617. Jet for burning gases, 31. Jeweller's rouge, 322. Juice of sugar-cane, 497. Juniper, essential oil of, 470. K, POTASSIUM, 258. INDEX. 657 Kakodyle, C 4 H 6 As, 529. chemical constitution of, 530. chloride, 529. cyanide, 530. oxide, 529. series, 529. Kakodylic acid, 530. Kaolin, 286. Kapnomor, 465. Karolyi's experiments on gunpowder, 424. KC1, chloride of potassiiim, 261. KC1, PtCl^ platinochloride of potassium, 397. , KCy, cyanide of potassium, 440. KCyS 2 , sulphocyanide of potassium, 442. Kelp, 170. Kermes mineral, 382. Kernel roasting, 347. Ketones, 557. K 2 Fcy, ferrocyanide of potassium, 437. K 3 Fdcy, ferricyanide of potassium, 443. KI, iodide of potassium, 176. Kid, 592. King's yellow, 249. Kinic acid, 596. Kino, 594. Kinone, C 12 H 4 4 , 596. Kirschwasser, 511. Kish, 55. Klumene, 83. KO, potash, 259. KO . CIO S , chlorate of potash, 155. KO . CO 2 , carbonate of potash, 258. KO . Cr0 3 , chromate of potash, 332. KO . 2Cr0 3 , bichromate of potash, 331. KO . CyO, cyanate of potash, 442. KO . HO, caustic potash, 259. KO . HO . 2C0 2 , bicarbonate of potash, 261. KO . HO . 2S0 3 , bisulphate of potash, 210. Kola nut, 597. KO . Mn. 2 7 , permanganate of potash, 327. KO . NO.,, saltpetre or nitre, 415. KO . Sb6 5 , antimoniate of potash, 380. KO. SbOg.T, tartar-emetic, 587. Koumiss, 609. Kreasote, 460, 635. Kreatine, C 8 H 9 N 3 4 , 615. extraction from flesh, 615. Kreatinine, C 8 H 7 N 3 02, 615. Kresyle, 462. Kresylic acid, 0^0*, 462. Krupp's steel, 320. Kryolite, 3NaF. A1 2 F 3 , 179. KS, sulphide of potassium, 262. Kupfernickel, Ni 2 As, 330. Kyanising wood, 628. LAC, 604. seed, 472. stick, 472. Lacquer, 472. Lacquering, 343. Lactarine, 610. Lactic acid, HO . C 8 H 5 5 , 561, 608. converted into butyric, 569. propionic, 609. preparation, 608. anhydride, C 6 H 6 4 , 609. fermentation, 608. series of acids, 560. Lactide, 609. Lactine, C u H,,0 la , 610. Lactometer, 611. Lsevotartaric acid, 589. Lagunes, boracic, 109. Lakes, alumina, 288. Lamp, action explained, 93. -black, 56. without flame, 395. Lanarkite, 359. Lanthanium, La, 293. Lapis lazuli, 291. Lard, 582. Laughing gas, 130. Laurel water, 439, 475. Laurent's doctrine of substitution, 463. nomenclature. 463. Laurie acid, 514. alcohol, 512. Laurite, 401. Law of multiple proportions, 135. Lead, Pb, 348. acetate, PbO . C 4 H 3 3 , 563. action of acids on, 355. sulphuric acid on, 205* on water, 24, 44. amalgam, 369. argentiferous, 352. basic carbonate, 356. chromate, 332. binoxide, 357. calcining, 351. carbonate, native, 359. chloride, PbCl, 359. chlorosulphide, 360. chromate, PbO . Cr0 3 , 332. colic, 358. compounds, atomic formulae, 360. diatomic, 360. dichromate, 332. equivalent and atomic weights, 360. extraction in the laboratory, 354. fusing point of, 348. -glazed earthenware, .412. hard, 351. hydrated oxide, 357. improving process, 351. in cider, &c., 356. iodide, Pbl, 173, 360. malate, 590. metallurgic chemistry, 349. molybdate, 393. native, 349. ores, 349. oxide, use of, in glass, 410. oxides, 356. oxychloride, 359. peroxide, PbO 2 , 357. phosphate, 359. plaster, 576. protoxide, PbO, 356. pyrophorus, 356. selenide, 360. smelting, 349. Spanish, 351. specific gravity, 348. sulphate, PbO . SO,, 349, 359. sulphides, 360. tartrate, preparation, 356. tribasic acetate, 563. uses, 355. vanadiate, 393. Lead-vitriol, PbO. S0 3 , 359. Leaden cisterns, danger, 44. coffins, corrosion, 356. 2T 658 INDEX. Leadhillite, 359. Leather, 591. Leaven, 494. Leaves, formation of, 626. Lecanoric acid, 602. Leeks, essential oil of, 479. Legumine, 610. Lemery's volcano, 189. Lemons, essential oil of, 470. Lepargylic acid, 580. Lepidolite, 272. Leucaniline, 457. triphenylic, 458. Leucic acid, HO . C 12 H n 5 , 560. Leucine, C 12 H 13 N0 4 , 617. Leucone, 108, 166. Li, lithium, 272. Libethenite, 346. Lichens, colouring matter from, 602. Liebig's condenser, 46. Life, its extremes meet, 635. Light, action on chloride of silver, 205. -rays separated from heat, 172, 216. Light carburetted hydrogen, 88. oil of coal-tar, 452. Lignine, 464. Lignite, 63. composition, 434. Lime, CaO, 278. action on soils, 625. agricultural uses, 625. bicarbonate, 41. bimalate, 590. burning, 278. carbonate, CaO . C0 2 , 278. in waters, 41. fat, 279. hydrate, CaO . HO, 278. hypochlorite, 145. hyposulphite, 195. kilns, 278. -light, 37. lactate, 608. overburnt, 279. oxalate, CaO . C 2 3 , 535. platinate, 396. poor, 279. purifier, 450. -stone, CaO . C0 2 , 278. sulphate, CaO . S0 3 , 279. superphosphate, 223. test for, 585. water, 279. Linen, 465. Linoleic acid, 581. Linseed, 483. oil, 581. boiled, 581. Lipic acid, 580. Liquation of argentiferous copper, 361. Liquor ammonias, 113. sanguinis, composition, 613. Liquorice root, 500. Litharge, PbO, 356. Lithia, 272. carbonate, 272. mica, 272. phosphate, 272. Lithic (uric acid), 621. Lithium, Li, 272. blowpipe test for, 272. equivalent weight, 275. Litmus, 602. commercial, 603. paper, 5. Loadstone, Fe 3 4 , 11, 302. Loam, 286. Logwood, 601. Looking-glasses silvered, 368. Lucifer matches, 157, 228. tipped with sulphur. 225. Luminosity of flames, 92. Lunar caustic, 364. Lupuline, 489. Luteoline, 601. Luting for crucibles, 295. iron joints, 189. MACDOUGALL'S disinfectant, 61. Madder, 601. Magenta, 456. Magic lantern, oil for, 471. Magnesia, MgO, 280. ammonio-phosphate, 282. arsenite, 244. borate, 282. calcined, 282. carbonate, 281. citrate, 590. hydrate, 282. hydraulic, 282. medicinal, 281. phosphate, 282. silicates, 280. sulphate, MgO . S0 3 , 281. Magnesian limestone, 280. for building, 414. Magnesite, 280. Magnesium, Mg, 280. action on water, 24. chloride, 108, 282. extraction from sea- water, 263. diatomic, 285. equivalent and atomic weights, 283. extraction, 281 nitride, 280. properties, 280. silicide, 108. Magnet-fuze composition, 348. Magnetic iron ore, Fe 3 O 4 , 302. Magnus' green salt, 398. Malachite, 335. Malseic acid. 590. Malamide, 590. Malic acid, 2HO. C 8 H 4 8 , 590. converted into acetic, 590. succinic, 590. extracted from rhubarb, 590. formed from siiccinic, 588. tartaric, 588. Malleability of copper, 341. Malleable cast iron, 319. Malonic acid, 580. Malt dust, 488. high dried, 491. Malting, 487. Manganate of potash, 326. Manganese, Mn, 325. action on water, 24. alum, 326. binoxide, action of sulplmric acid on, 210. INDEX. 659 Manganese, black, 325. carbonate, 326. chlorides, 328. diatomic, 328. equivalent and atomic weights, 328. hydrated peroxide, 325. oxides, 325. peroxide, 325. protoxide, MiiO, 326. recovery from chlorine residues, 328. 1 x red oxide, 325. separation from iron, 328. sesquioxide, Mn a 3 , 326. spar, MnO . C0 2 , 326. sulphate, MnO . S0 3 , 326. test for, 326. Manganic acid, Mn0 3 , 326. Manganite, Mn 2 3 . HO, 326. Manna, 500. Mannitane, 578. Mannite, C 6 H 7 6 , 500. glycerides, 578. glycerine, 578. stearine, 578. Mantle of flame, 94. Manures, 624. Manuring, 624. Maraschino, 511. Marble, 278. Margaric acid, 514, 580. Margarine, 573. Marine glue, 481. Marking-ink, 365. Marl, 286. Marsh-gas, C 2 H 4 , 88. and chlorine, 144. composition by volume, 100. eudiometric analysis, 99. identified, 88. molecular formula,. 83. preparation, 88. series, CznHzn + z, 521. Marsh-mallow, 483. Marsh's test for arsenic, 247. Mascagnine, NH 4 . S0 3 , 269. Massicot, PbO, 356. Matches, 157. eupyrion, 160. lucifer, 228. safety, 228. silent, 228. vesta, 160. without phosphorus, 228, Matt, 337. Matter, definition of, 1. Mauve, 456. Mauveine, 456. Meadow-sweet, oil of, 476. Meal powder, 422. Meconic acid, 3HO.C U H0 1U 595. Meerschaum, 280. Melaniline, 546. Melissene, 515. Melissic acid, 514. alcohol, 512. Melissine, 583. Menachanite, 391. Mendipite, PbCl. 2PbO, 359. Menthene, 471. Mercaptan, 527. Mercaptide of mercury, 528. Merchant bar iron, 312. Mercuramine, 370. Mercuric ethide, Hg. C 4 H S , 534. iodide, Hgl, 373. methide, 534. nitrate, HgO . N0 5 , 370. sulphate, HgO.S0 3 , 370. Mercuricum, 375. Mercurosum, 375. Mercurous iodide, Hg 2 I, 372. nitrate, Hg 2 . NO 5 , 370. sulphate, Hg 2 O.S0 3 , 370. Mercury, Hg, 367. action of hydrosulphuric acid on, 192. ammoniated oxide, 369. subchloride, 371. bichloride or perchloride, 370. black oxide, Hg 2 0, 369. chloride, HgCl, 370. chlorosulphide, 373. compounds, molecular formulae. 375. cyanide, HgC 2 N, 439. diatomic, 375. equivalent and atomic weights, 373. extraction from its ores, 367. frozen by liquid sulphurous acid, fulminate, Hg 2 C 4 N 2 4 , 444. iodide, 173. metallurgy of, 367. nitrate, HgO . N0 5 , 370. nitric oxide of, 369. nitride, 370. oxides, 369. protochloride, Hg 2 Cl, 372. protonitrate, Hg 2 O.NO w 370. prussiate, 436. red oxide, HgO, 369. stains removed from gold, 368. subsulphide, 373. sulphate, 370. sulphide, 367. uses of, 368. volatility of, 368. yellow oxide, HgO, 369. Metacetone, 557. Metacetonic (propylic) acid, 514. Metal, definition, 11. Metalamides, 551. Metaldehyde, 555. Metallic oxides, action of hydrochloric acid on, 150. Metallurgy of copper, 335. iron, 302. lead, 349. tin, 383. zinc, 295. Metals, action of hydrochloric acid on, 149. hydrosulphuric acid on, 192. oxygen-acids on, 126. sulphuric acid on, 207. on water, 23. burnt in sulphur vapour, 189. chemistry of, 258. classification of, 23. iron group, gi neral review, 334. noble, 24. 2x2 660 INDEX. Metals, of the alkalies, general review, 274. of the alkaline earths, 282. of the earths proper, 285. platinum group, 402. relations to oxygen, 8. Metal-slag (copper), 338. Metameric, 467. Metantimonic acid, 380. Metaphosphates, normal ratio of, 254. Metaphosphoric acid, HO . P0 a , 231. Metastannic acid, Sn 5 O 10 , 388. Metastyrole, 472. Metatartarie acid, 587. Metaterebenthene, 469. Meteoric iron, 300. Methyl-acetyle, 557. Methylamine, 542, 547. Methylaniline, 542. Methylated spirit, 473. Methyle, C 2 H 3 , 466. -caproyle, 520. iodide, 467. oxide, 466. -phenylainine, 542. prepared from acetic anhydride , 565. salicylate, 467. series, 467. -theobromine, 599. -valeryle, 557. Methylene, 515. Methylethylamine, 542. Methylethylamylophenylium, hydrate of, Methylethylaniline, 542. Methylethylic ether, 526. Methylmorphylammonium, hydrate of, 544. Methylic acetate, 466. alcohol, C.H.O^ 466, 512. formiate, 467. hydrate, 466. Mg, magnesium, 280. MgO, magnesia, 280. MgO . S0 3 , sulphate of magnesia, 281. Mica, 285, 290. Microcosmic salt, 232. Mild alkali, 9. Milk, 608. adulteration, 611. coagulation of, 608. composition of, 611. Mill-cake, 422. furnace, 312. Millstone grit, 413. Mimotannic acid, 594. Mine iron, 306. Mineral alkali, definition, 8, green, 346. silicates, 290. waters, 45. yellow, 359. Mines, ventilation, 70. Minium, Pb 3 4 , 357. Mirbane, essence of, 128. Mirrors, manufacture, 368. Mispickel, FeS 2 . FeAs, 240. Mixture and compound, distinction, 19. Mn, manganese, 325. Mn0 2 , peroxide of manganese, 325. Moire metallique, 387. Molasses, 496. Molecular formula of acetylene, 83. ammonia, 120. Molecular formula of arsenietted hydrogen, 247. arsenious acid, 244. bisulphide of carbon, 218, calomel, 374. carbonic acid, 82. oxide, 82. chloride of aluminum, 292. ' chloride of silicon, 165. corrosive sublimate, 374. dichloride of sulphur, 219. ferric chloride, 52. glycerine, 562. hydrochloric acid, 151. hydrogen, 52. hydrosulphuric acid, 194. marsh-gas, 83. nitric acid, 129. anhydride, 130. oil of vitriol, 209. olefiant gas, 83. oxygen, 52. phosphuretted hydro- gen, 237. stannic chloride, 390. sulphurous acid, 199. vermilion, 375. water, 52. Molecular formulae, 51. of alcohols, 558. chlorides of carbon, 164. etherand alcohol, 527. mercury compounds, 375. oxides of chlorine, 161. oxides of nitrogen, 137. Molecular volumes of alcohol-radicals, 520. olefines, 515. weight, 52. Molecule, definition, 52. of water, 52. Molecules, 51. Molybdate of lead, 393. Molybdena, MoS 2 , 392. Molybdenum, Mo, 392. bisulphide, 392. blue oxide, 393. chlorides, 393. metallic, 393. oxides, 393. sulphides, 393. 393. dialysed, 393. ochre, 393. Monacetine, 563. Mona copper, 339. Monad elements, 152. Monamines, 539. Monatomic elements, 152. Monkshood, 589. Monobasic acids, constitution of, 255. Monophosphamide, 239. Monostearine, 575. Mordants, 605. Moringic acid, 577. INDEX. 661 Moritannic, acid, 601. Morocco leather, 592. Morphine, C 34 H 19 N0 6 , 537. characters of, 595. constitution, 544. extraction, 594. hydrochlorate, 595. Mortar for building, 414. Mosaic gold, 390. Mountain ash berries, 590. Mucic acid, 483. Mucilage, 483. Mucus, 618. Muffle, 355. Mulberry calculus, 584. Multiple proportions, law of, 135. Mundic, FeS 2 , 302. Muntz-metal, 341. Murexide, 621. Muriate of morphia, 595. Muriatic acid, 147. Muscle formed from food, 629. Mushrooms, 500. Muslin, uninflammable, 269, 392. Mustard, essential oil of, 479. artificial production, 479. Myricine, 583. Myristic acid, 514. Myronic acid, 479. Myrosine, 479. Myrrh, 480. N, NITROGEN, 112. Na, sodium, 262. NaCl, common salt, 262. Nails, 617. NaO, soda, 266. NaO . 2B0 3 , borax, 109, 267. NaO . C0 2 , carbonate of soda, 264. NaO . HO, caustic soda, 266. NaO . HO . 2CO.J, bicarbonate of soda, 266. 2NaO . HO . P0 5 , phosphate of soda, 232, 268. NaO . N0 5 , nitrate of soda, 415. NaO . S0 3 , sulphate of soda, 268. NaO . S 2 2 , hyposulphite of soda, 211. NaO . W0 3 , tungstate of soda, 392. Naphtha, coal, 452. wood, 466. Naphthalic acid, 464. Naphthaline, C 20 H ? , 462. chlorides, 463. chlorine substitution-products from, 463. nitro - substitution - products from, 464. Naphthalising, 95. Naples yellow, 380. Narcotine, 537. extraction, 595. Nardic acid, 514. Negative pole, 20. Nessler's test for ammonia, 373. Nettles, acid of, 567. Neutralisation, definition, 9. Neutrality of constitution, 253. NH 3 , ammonia, 113. NH 4 , ammonium, 269. NH 4 C1, chloride of ammonium or sal-am- moniac, 114. NH 4 C1, PtCl 2 , ammonio-chloride of plati- num, 394. NH 3 , HC1, sal-ammoniac, 114. NH 4 O, oxide of ammonium, 269. NH 4 . C0 2 , carbonate of ammonia, 270. 2NH 4 . 3CO.y sesquicarbonate of ammonia, 269. _ NH 4 . O, oxalate of ammonia, 586. NH 4 O . S0 3 , sulphate of ammonia, 269. NH 4 S, sulphide of ammonium, 271. Ni, nickel, 330. Nickel, Ni, 330. action on water, 24. arsenical, NiAs, 330. arsenio-sulphide, 330. glance, NiAs, NiSj, 330. oxides, 330. sulphate, 330. sulphides, 331. Nicotine, C 10 H 7 N, 538. constitution, 544. extraction, 599. properties, 600. Nil album, 295. Niobic acid, Nb0 2 , 393. Niobium, Nb, 393. Nipper-tap, 142. Nitraniline, 549. Nitrate of potash, action of heat on, 133. solubility, 416. silver prepared from standard silver, 365. soda, solubility, 416. Nitrates, composition, 129. decomposition by heat, 129. formation in nature, 122. normal ratio of, 254. oxidising properties, 128. Nitre, KO . N0 5 , 413. action on carbon, 418. artificial production, 416. cubic, 280. examination of, 418. -heaps, 416. overfused, 417. properties, 418. purified in the laboratory, 419. refining, 417. relation to combustion, 418. Nitric acid, N0 5 , 123. action on benzole, 128. charcoal, 126. hydrochloric acid, 167. indigo, 125. metals, 126. organic substances, 127. phosphorus, 126. sulphurous acid, 202. turpentine, 127. anhydrous, 129. cause of colour, 124. combining weight, 128. decomposed by heat, 124. light, 125. distillation of, 125. formed from air, 123. ammonia, 122. from batteries, 134. fuming, 125. hydratcd, HO . N0 5 , 123. molecular formula, 129. oxidising properties, 126. preparation on the large scale, 124. 662 INDEX. Nitric acid, preparation (Jn a small scale, 124. properties, 125. strongest, preparation, 125. test of strength, 125. unitary formula, 129. anhydride, 129. equivalent, 129. ether, 522. oxide, N0 2 , 130. absorbed by sulphuric acid, 204. behaviour with hydrogen, 132. composition by volume, 136. equivalent, 136. identified, 130. pure, preparation, 131. with bisulphide of carbon, 142. peroxide, N0 4 , 134. composition by volume, 136. Nitrification, theory of, 122. Nitriles, 550. Nitrites, 133. Nitrobenzoic acid, 622. Nitrobenzole, C 12 H 5 (N0 4 ), 455. preparation, 128. Nitrogen, N, 112. atomicity of, 152. binoxide, 130. bisulphide, 218. bromide, 170. bulbs, 120. chemical relations, 113. chloride, 166. preparation, 166. circulation in nature, 113. combining volume, 120. weight, 120. determination, 120. etymology, 18. function in air, 19. group of elements, 251. identification of, 19. iodide, 176. oxides, 123. atomic constitution, 137. general review, 135. peroxide, 134. preparation, 112. properties, 18. protoxide, 130. Nitrogenised bodies identified, 60. Nitroglycerine, 579. use in blasting, 579. Nitrohippuric acid, 622. Nitromannite, 509. Nitromuriatic acid, 167. Nitrophenisic acid, 461. Nitroprussides, 444. Nitrosubstitution products, 128. Nitrotoluole, 460. Nitrous acid, N0 3 , 132. action on hydrosulphuric acid, action on organic substances, 133. commercial, 134. , composition by volume, 136. equivalent of, 136. formed from ammonia, 122. oxidising and reducing power, 135. ether, 522. Nitrous oxide, NO, 130. composition by volume, 136. equivalent, 136. identified, 130. Nitroxylole, 460. NO, nitrous oxide, 130. NO 2 , nitric oxide, 130. N0 3 , nitrous acid, 132. N0 4 , nitric peroxide, 134. N0 5 , nitric acid, 123. Noble metals, 24. Non-metallic elements, 1. Nordhausen oil of vitriol, 200. Normal ratios of salts, 254. Normal salt, unitary definition, 257. Normandy's still, 46. Nuggets, 403. Nutrition of animals, 629. plants, 623. plastic elements of, 632. Nux-vomica, 599. 0, OXYGEN, 4. 0, oxalic acid, 583. Oak bark, 591. Ochres, 286. CEnanthene, 515. (Enanthic acid, 514, 582. synthesis, 570. alcohol, 512. GEnanthole, 582. Oil gas absorbed by sulphuric acid, 209. Oil of spiraea, 476. Oil of vitriol, HO.S0 3 , 200. brown, 205. decomposed by boiling, 208. dehydrated by phosphoric acid, 209. dissociation of, 209. distillation of, 206. manufacture, 203. molecular formula, 209. sulphate of lead in, 206. Oil of wine, 523. Oils, 579. Olefiant gas, C 4 H 4 , 85. absorbed by sulphuric acid, 209. combination with chlorine, 86. composition by volume, 100. converted into alcohol, 525. decomposed by chlorine, 87. heat, 87. the spark, 87. identification of, 86. molecular formula, 83. preparation, 85. with iodine, 176. Olefines, C 2 H 2n , 514. Oleic acid, HO . C 36 H 33 3 , 580. action of nitric acid on, 581. Oleine, C 114 H 104 12 , 572. synthesis of, 575. Olibanum, 480. Oligist iron ore, 302. Olive-oil, 573, 580. Olivine, 282. Onions, 500. essential oil of, 479. Onyx, 102. Oolite limestone, 278. Oolitic iron ore, 302. INDEX. B63 Opal, 102. Opium, composition, 594. extraction of alkaloids from, 594. Orange chrome, 2PbO . CrO 3 , 332. Orange, essential oil of, 470. Orceine, 602. Orcine, 602. Ore-furnace, 336. Organic analysis, elementary, 73. and inorganic substances, 435. chemistry, 435. matter identified, 53. siibstances, definition, 3. synthetical formation, 83. Organo-metallic bodies, 529. table of, 535. Oriental alabaster, 43. Orpiment, red, AsS 2 , 249. yellow, AsS 3 , 249. Orthoclase, 290. Orthophosphates, normal ratio of, 254. Orthophosphoric acid, 3HO. P0 5 , 232. Osmazome, 616. Osmic acid, Os0 4 , 400. Osmiridiwn, 394. Osmium, Os, 400. chlorides, 401. oxides, 401. tetrasulphide, 403. Osseine, 616. Oxalates, 585. Oxalethylic acid, 522. Oxalic acid, HO . C,0 8 , 583. analysis of, 74. bibasic, 585. chemical constitution, 585. doubled formula, 585. fatal dose, 585. occurrence in nature, 583. preparation, 584. properties, 585. test for, 585. uses, 584. ether, 521. Oxalonitrile, 550. Oxalovinic acid, 522. Oxalyle, G) v 550. Oxamic acid, 550. Oxamide, NH 2 . C 2 O 2 , 549. Oxanilide, 549. Oxidation, definition, 5. of tissue, products, 632. Oxides, 5. metallic, action of hydrochloric acid on, 150. li ydrosulphuric acid on, 192. sulphuric acid on, 209. nomenclature of, 11. Oxidising blowpipe flame, 98. Oxycalcium light, 38. Oxygen, O, 4. absorption by pyrogallic acid, 593. atomicity of, 152. blowpipe flame, 99. burnt in ammonia, 122. combustion in, 6. detected in mixed gases, 130. determination of, in gases, 34. effect on flame, 99. electro-negative. 51 . Oxygen, electro-positive, 51. etymology, 8. evolved from steam, 102. experiments with, 6. extracted from air, 12. group of elements, 250. identified, 12. natural sources, 4. preparation, 11. from bichromate of pot- ash, 210. from chloride of lime, 155. from sulphate of zinc, 210. from sulphuric acid, 207. properties, 4. purification, 53. relation to metals, 8. non-metals, 8. Oxygenated water, 50. Oxygenised muriatic acid, 146. Oxyhydrogen blowpipe, 37. Oxymuriatic acid, 146. Ozone, 14. electrolytic, 21. experiments with, 16. in the atmosphere, 16. nature of, 52. specific gravity of, 52. test for, 15. Ozonisation by ether, 16. phosphorus, 16. Ozonised air, 15. oxygen, 15. Ozonising tube, 15. P, PHOSPHORUS, 222. Paint blackened by hydrosulphtiric acid, 192. removed from clothes, 484. Paintings, effect of light and air on, 192. Palladamine, hydrochlorate, 399. Palladium, Pd, 399. carbide, 400. chlorides, 400. cyanide, 399. nitrate, 400. oxides, 400. Palmitic acid, 514. Palmitine, C 102 H 9S 0, 2 , 572. synthesis of, 575. Palm-oil, 572, 579. bleaching of, 579. Pancreatic juice, 631. Panification, 494. Papaverine, 537. Paper, 465. action of nitric acid on, 500. dissolved by ammonio-eupvir solu- tions, 344. for cheques, &c., 487. for photographic printing, 21 1. Paracyanogen, C 6 N 3 , 440. Parafline, C*H*, 465, 467. extraction, 467. oil, 468. Paraguay tea, 597. Paramylene, 515. I'aranaphthalinc, 4('. 664 INDEX. Paratartaric'acid, 588. Parchment, 592. size, 617. vegetable, 496. Paris yellow, 359. Parsley, essential oil of, 470. Partial saturation, method of, 571. Parting of gold by sulphuric acid, 207. Passive state of metals, 322. Patent yellow, 359. Pattinson's process, 352. Paviine, 478. Paving stones, 413. Pb, lead, 348. PbCl, chloride of lead, 359. Pbl, iodide of lead, 360. PbO, protoxide of lead, 356. PbO. A; acetate of lead, 563. PbO . C 4 H 3 3 , acetate of lead, 563. PbO . Cr0 3 , chromate of lead, 332. PbO . S0 3 , sulphate of lead, 349, 359. PbS, sulphide of lead, 349. Pd, palladium, 399. Pea, iron ore, 301. Pear flavour, 553. Pearlash, 258. Pearl hardener, 280. Pearls, 65. Pearl-spar, 282. Pearl white, BiCl 3 , 2Bi0 3 , 377. Peas, 610. Peat-bog, 62. composition, 434. Pectic acid, 627. Pectine, 627. Pectose, 627. Pectosic acid, 627. Pelargonic acid, 514. Pentathionic acid, S 5 5 , 214. Pentethylene-tetrethyl-tetrammonium, hy- drated oxide of, 546. Pepper, essential oil of, 470. Peppermint, essential oil of, 471. Pepsine, 630. Perchlorates, 159. Perchloric acid, C10 7 , 159. hydrated, 159. ether, 523. Perchlorokinone, 596. Perchromic acid, 333. Percussion cap composition, 446 fuze, 160. Perfume-ethers, 553. Perfumes, extraction of, 471. Peridase, 282. Pericline, 290. Periodates, 174. Periodic acid, I0 7 , 174. Permanent gas, 4. ink, 365. white, 275. Permanganate of potash, KO . Mn 2 0~, 327. Permanganates, normal ratio of, 2541 Permanganic acid, 327. Peroxide, definition, 11. Perspiration of the skin, 569. Peruvian bark, 595. , Petiniue, 547. Petrifying springs, 42. Petroleum, 88, 468. Peucyle, 470. Pewter, 386. Phenic acid, 460. Phenole, C 12 H 6 2 , 460. Phenose, 455. Phenylamine, 459, 539. Phenylaniline, 542. Phenyle, C 12 H 5 , 459. hydrated oxide of, 459. Phenylene-diamine, 545. Phenylene-ditolylene-triamine, 546. Phenylene-ditolylene-triethyl-triamine, 546. Phenylene - ditolylene - triphenyl - triamine, Phenylic hydride, 462. Phenyl-toluylamine, 543. Philosopher's wool, 295. Phlogistic theory, 146. Phlogiston, 146. Phloretine, 478. Phloridzeine, 478. Phloridzine, 478. Phocenine, 582. Phosgene gas, C 2 2 C1 2 , 165. Phospham, 239. ' Phosphamic acid, 239. Phosphates, normal ratio of, 254. Phosphethylic acid, 518. Phosphides, 227. Phosphites, 234. Phosphodiamide, 239. Phosphoglyceric acid, 576. Phosphomolybdate of ammonia, 393. Phosphorescence, 224. prevented, 225. Phosphoric acid, P0 5 , 229. anhydrous, preparation, atomic formula, 237. bibasic, 232. common, 232. composition, 233. di-hydrated, 231. glacial, 230. hydrated, preparation, 230. molybdic test for, 393. monobasic, 232. monohydrated, 231. tribasic, 232. trihydrated, 232. anhydride, 231. ether, 523. Phosphorised oil, 225. Phosphorite, 222. Phosphorous acid, P0 3 , 233. Phosphorus, P, 222. action of potash on, 235. allotropic modifications, 226. amorphous, 226. and oxygen, 5. black, 227. bromides, 238. burnt under water, 160, 235. chemical relations, 227. chlorides, 237. cyanide, 444. distilled, 226. fuze composition, 229. iodides, 238. match-bottle, 225. occurrence in nature, 222. oxides, 229. INDEX. 665 Phosphorus, oxychloride, 237. composition, 238. pentachloride, 237. action of am- monia on, 239. composition, 238. poisonous properties, 227. precipitation of metals by, 227. preparation, 222. properties, 222. red, 226. suboxide, 235. sulphides, 238. sulphochloride, 238. terchloride, 237. action of ammonia on, 239. composition, 238. transformed by iodine, 233. viscous, 227. vitreous, 226. Phosphotriamide, 239. Phosphovinic acid, 518. Phosphurets, 227. Phosphuretted hydrogen, gaseous, PH 3 , 235. analogy with am- amonia, 236. composition, 236. liquid, 236. molecular formula, 237. solid, 236. Photographic baths, recoverv of silver from. 365. Photographic printing, 212. Phthalic acid, 464. Phyllocyanine, 601. Phylloxanthine, 601. Physetoleic acid, 577. Picamar, 465. Picoline, 450. Picric acid, 461. Picrotoxine, 479. Pig iron, 305. Pimelic acid, 580. Pimple metal (copper), 339. Pine apple flavour, 553. Pinic acid, 470. Pink salt, NH.Cl.SnCl,, 389. Pins tinned, 386. Pipe-clay, 286. Pipeline, 538. Pipette, curved, 73. Pit charcoal, 420. Pitch, 452, 468. Pitchblende, 300. Pittacal, 465, 468. Plants and animals, reciprocity of, 634. changes after death, 628. chemical changes in, 626. constructive power of, 627. evolution of carbonic acid by, 04. food of, 71, 623. nutrition of, 623. reducing functions of, 626. ultimate elements of, 623. Plaster of Paris, 273. overburnt, 279. preparation, 279. Platammon-ammonium, hydrated oxide, 548. Platammonium, hydrated oxide, 548. Platina, muriate, 397. Platinamine, 398. Platinates, 396. Platinised asbestos, 132. Platinochloride of potassium, KC1 . PtClj, Platinoid metals, general review of, 402. Platinum, Pt, 394. amalgam, 369. Platinum, ammonio-chloride, NELC1 . PtCl 394. and rhodium alloy, 400. attacked by sulphuric acid, 207. bichloride, PtCl., 397. black, 395. compounds, atomic formulas, 399. corroded, 396. by arsenites, 244. phosphorus, 227. silicon, 107. crucible heated, 105. equivalent and atomic weights, 399. extraction, 394. fulminating, 397. ores, analysis, 402. oxides, 396. protochloride, PtCl, 398. separation from iridium, 396. spongy, 396. stills for sulphuric acid, 205. sulphides, 399. tetratomic, 399. uses of, 395. Platosamine, hydrate, 398. hydrochlorate, 398. sulphate, 398. Plato-triethyle-arsonium, chloride, 549. -phosphonium, 549. -stibonium, 549. Plumbago, 55. Plumbic acid, Pb0 2 , 358. Pneumatic trough, 12. P0 3 , phosphorous acid, 233. P0 5 , phosphoric acid, 229. Poison-nut, 599. Pole, negative, 20. positive, 20. Pollux, 274. Polyammonias, 544. Polyatomic alcohols, 544. Polyhalite, 281. Polymerising by sulphuric acid, 452. Polymerism, 515. Populine, 478. Porcelain, 411. English, 412. glazed, 412. painting, 412. Porous cell experiment, 29. Porphyry, 290. Porter, composition, 491. Portland cement, 415. stone, 414. Port wine crust, 510. effect of keeping, 510. Positive pole, 20. Potash-albite, 290. Potash, KO, 259. anhydrous, 260. antimoniate, KO . SbO a , 380. arsenite, 244. atomic formula, 261. 666 INDEX. Potash, aurate, 406. biantimoniate, 380. bicarbonate, KO . HO . 2C0 2 , 261. bichromate, KO . 2Cr0 3 , 331. bimetantimoniate, 380. binoxalate, 584. bisulphate, KO . HO . 2S0 3 , 124, 210. bitartrate, 259, 586. bi-urate, 621. bromate, 168. bulbs, 73. carbonate, KO . CO^ 258. caustic, 259. chlorate, KO . C10 5 , 157. chromate, KO . Cr0 3 , 332. cyanate, KO . C 2 NO, 442. ferrate, 323. from wool, 259. fulminurate, 448. fused, 259. hydrate, KO . HO, 259. atomic formula, 261. hydriodate, 176. in flesh, 615. iodates, 174. isocyanurate, 448. manganate, 326. inetantimoniate, 380. metastannate, 388. nitrate, 415. solubility, 416. oleate, 573. osmite, 401. perchlorate, 159. permanganate, 327. plumbate, 358. prussiate, K 2 Cy 3 Fe, 437. quadroxalate, 586. red prussiate, 443. sulphate, KO . S0 3 , 210. tartrate, 2KO . C 8 H 4 10 , 586. terchromate, 332. test for, 48. trithionate, 214. urate, 621. Potassamide, NH 2 K, 551. Potassium, K, 258. action on hvdrosulphuric acid, 192. action on water, 23. alcohol, 526. amidide, 551. atomic weight, 261. binoxide, 262. bisulphide, 262. blowpipe test for, 261. bromide, 168. chloride, KC1, 261. extraction from sea- water, 263. solubility, 416. cyanide, K . C 2 N, 440. pure, 441. equivalent weight, 261. ethyle, 533. extraction, 260. ferricyanide, K 3 Cy B Fe 2 , 443. ferrocyanide, K 2 Cy 3 Fe, 437. heated in carbonic acid, 76. iodide, KI, 176. mercaptan, 527. pentasulphide, 262. Potassium peroxide, 262. platinochloride, KC1 . PtCl 2 , 397. properties, 260. silicon" uoride, 181. sulpharsenite, 249. sulphide, KS, 262. sulphocyanide, K.CyS 2 , 442. tersulphide, 262. tetrasulphide, 262. Potato, composition, 483. spirit, 511. starch, extraction, 483. Pottery, 411. Press cake, 422. Preston salts, 270. Promethean light, 160. Proof spirit, 516. Propione, 557. Propionic (propylic) acid, 514. Propionitrile, 550. Propionyle, 520. Propylamine, 547. Propylene, 515. Propylene-glycol, 561. Propylic acid, HO . C 6 H A, 514. Propylic acid, artificial formation, 533. Propylic alcohol, 512. Proteine, 614. Proximate organic analysis, 451. Prussian blue, Fe 4 Fcy 3 , 436. constitution, 438. decomposition by alkalies, 438. native, 324. preparation, 437. soluble, 438. Prussiate of potash, action of sulphuric acid on, 79. Prussic acid, HCy, 436. in bitter almond oil, 479. of the Pharmacopoeia, 439. Psilomelane, 325. Pt, platinum, 394. PtCl, platinous chloride, 398. PtCl 2 , bichloride of platinum, 397. Ptyaline, 630. Puddled bar, composition, 313. bars, 312. steel, 320. Puddling, disadvantages of, 313. dry, 313. loss in, 313. mechanical, 314. process of, 311. Pulvis fulminans, 419. Pumice stone, 286. Purbeck stone, 414. Purple of Cassius, 407. Putrefaction, 64. ammonias furnished by, 547. modern researches on, 635. Putty powder, 388. Pyrene, 464. Pyridine, 450. Pyrites arsenical, 240. capillary, NiS, 331. efflorescent, 201. extraction of sulphur from, 185. Fahlun, 219. oxidation in air, 201. white, 201. P^yrogallic acid, 593. .INDEX. 667 Pyrogalline, 593. Pyroligneous acid, C 4 H 4 4 , 465. ether, 466. Pyrolusite, Mn0 2 , 325. preparation of oxygen from, 12. Pyromucic acid, 568. Pyroplioric iron, 80. Pyrophorus, lead, 356. Pyrophosphates, normal ratio of, 254. Pyrophosphoric acid, 2HO. P0 5 , 231. Pyroterebic acid, 577. Pyroxylic spirit, 466. >Pyroxyline, 500. QUADREQDIVALENT ELEMENTS, 152. Quantity and intensity, electric, 21. Quartation of gold, 405. Quartz, 102. artificial, 105, 523. Quercetine, 478. Quercitannic acid, 591. Quercitrine, 478. Quercitron, 606. Quick lime, CaO, 49. Quicksilver, 367. Quince-seed, 483. Quinic acid, 596. Quinidine, 537. extraction, 596. Quinine, C 40 H 24 N 2 O 4 , 537. amorphous, 596. extraction, 595. sulphate, 596. Quinoidine, 596. Quinoline, 450. Quinotannic acid, 595. RACEMIC ACID, 588. Radicals, alcohol-, 539. negative, 520. polyatomic, 544. positive, 520. Radishes, essential oil of, 479. Railway bars, 312. Rain water, 38. Raisins, 496. Rancid oils, 581. Rangoon tar, 468. Rational formulae, 74. Ratios, normal, of salts, 254. Realgar, AsS 2 , 249. Reaumur's porcelain, 410. Red copper ore, Cu 2 0, 335. Red dyes, 605. fire, composition for, 158. flowers, colouring matter of, 601. lead, Pb 3 4 , 357. -ore, PbO . Cr0 3J 332. ochre, 301. orpiment, 249. paints, 373. precipitate, 369. -shortness, 315. silver-ore, 3AgS . AsS,, 240. sulphide of antimony, 382. Reduced, 12. Reducing blowpipe flame, 98. Reduction of metals by carbonic oxide, 80. on charcoal, 99. Refinery, 309. Refining cast-iron, 309. Refraction of saltpetre, 414. Refrigerator, Carre's, 116. Regulus, 337. Regulus of antimony, 378. Rennet, 609. Resins, 472. Resists (calico-printing), 606. Respiration, 63. formation of carbonic acid in, 63. in confined air, 68. Retort, 46. Rhodium, Ro, 400. oxides, 400. sesquichloride, 400. sodiochloride, 400. sulphides, 400. Rice, composition, 484. Ricinoleic acid, 582, Rinman's green, 330. Rising of bread, 494. Rivers, self-purifying power of, 39. River-water, 39. Ro, rhodium, 400. Roasting, effect on sulphides, 194. meat, 616. Rochelle salt, KO . NaO . C 8 H 4 10 , 588. Rock crystal, 102. Rock oil, 468. Rock salt, 262. Rocks, disintegration, 71. Roman cement, 415. Rosaniline, 457. acetate, 457. action of cyanide of potassium on, 458. triethylic, 458. triphenylic, 458. Rosette copper, 339. Rosiclers, 366. Rosin, 469. soap, 470. Rosolic acid, 450. Rotation of crops, 625. Rubian, 601. Rubidia, 274. Rubidium, Kb, 273. equivalent weight, 275. platinochloride, 397. properties, 274. separation from potassium, 397. Ruby, 288, 332. Ruby glass, 406. Rue, essential oil of, 556. Rufigallic acid, 593. Ruhmkorff 's induction coil, 22 Rum, 511. Rust, 2Fe 2 3 .3HO, 11, 321. ammonia in, 121. ^ Rusty deposit in waters, 45. Ruthenic acid, 401. Ruthenium, Ru, 401. Rutic acid, 514, alcohol, 512. Rutile, Ti0 2 , 391. Rye flour, 494. S, SULPHITE, 183. Saccharide, 499. Saccharine matters, 495. Safety-lamp, behaviour in mint's, !*1. Davy's, 90. precautions in using, 91. Stephenson's, 89. 668 INDEX. Safflower, 601. Saffron, 601. Sago, 485. Salad oil, 580. Sal-alembroth, 371. Sal-ammoniac, NH 4 C1, 114. action on metallic oxides, 271. composition by volume, 271. vapour-density of, 271. Sal gem, 262. Salicine, 476. derivatives, 476. Salicyle, C U H 5 4 , 477. hydride, 477.. Salicylic acid, HO . C U H S 5 , 477. Saligenine, 477. Saline waters, 45. Saliretine, 477. Saliva, 630. Sal polychrest, 211. Sal-prunelle, 418. Salt-cake, 264. Salt as manure, 624. common, 262. definition, 10. etymology, 252. extraction, 262. fused, 108. -gardens of Marseilles, 263. -glazing, 413. of lemons, 586. of sorrel, 584. of tartar, 259. preservative effect, 635. table-, 263. unitary definition, 256. useful applications, 263. Salting of meat, 616. Saltpetre, KO.N0 5 , 415. as manure, 624. i cubical, NaO.N0 5 , 415. -flour, 417, impurities, 418. prepared from nitrate of soda, 416. properties, 418. refining, 417. old process, 417. tests of purity, 418. Salt-radical, definition, 10. Salt-radicals, 182. Salts, acid, 253. atomic unitary formulae, 257. basic, 253. binary theory, 254. constitution of, 252. definition, ,253. double, constitution, 255. haloid, 182, 252. mutual decomposition of, 416. neutral, 253. normal, 253. normal ratios of, 254. oxyacid, 252. water-type theory of, 254. Sal volatile, 270. Sand, 102. Sandarach, 472. Sandstone, 413. Craiffleith, 413. Sap of plants, 626. Saponification by steam, 575. sulphuric acid, 574. Saponification, theory of, 572. Saponine, 479. Sapphire, 288. Sarcosine, C 6 H 7 N0 4 , 615. Saturated solution, 47. Savin, essential oil of, 470. Saxon sulphuric acid, 200. Saxony blue, 604. Sb, antimony, 378. SbCl 3 , terchloride of antimony, 381. SbCl 5 , pentachloride of antimony, 381. Sb0 3 , antimonic oxide, 379. SbO 5 , autimonic acid, 379. SbS 3 , tersulphide of antimony, 381. Scammony, 480. Scarlet dyes, 605. Scheele's green, 2CuO . HO . AsO s , 245. prussic acid, 439. Scheelite, CaO . WO 3 , 392. Schlippe's salt, 382. Scotch pebbles, 102. Scott's cement, 415. Scrubber, 449. Se, selenium, 219. Seal-oil, 582. Sea-water, 45. extraction of salt from, 203. Sea-weed, 500. Sebacic acid, 580. Secretion, 632. Sedative salt, 109. Seeds, composition, 626. germination, 487. Sefstrom's furnace, 321. Sel d'or, 407. Selenic acid, Se0 3 , 220. Selenides, 219. Selenietted hydrogen, 220. Selenious acid, Se0 2 , 220. Selenite, 279. Selenium, Se, 219. chlorides, 220. sulphides, 220. Seltzer water, 45. Separating funnel, 83. Sericine, 617. Serpentine, 282. Serum, 612. Shaft, downcast, 70. upcast, 70. Shamoying 592. Shear-steel, 317. Sheep-dipping compositions, 244. Shell-lac, 472. Sherry, 510. Shot, 355. Si, silicon, 102. Sicilian sulphur, 184. Siemens' induction-tube, 15. regenerative furnace, 434. Sienna, 286. SiF 2 , fluoride of silicon, 179. Signal-light composition, 249. Silica, Si0 2 , 102. amorphous, 104. crystalline, 104. dissolved by hydrofluoric acid, 178. gelatinous, preparation, 181. in plants, 103. in waters, 103. Silicate of alumina and soda, 289. soda, 103. INDEX. 669 Silicated soap, 573. Silicates, 105. normal ratio of, 254. Silicic acid, SiO 2 , 102. atomic formula, 109. bibasic, 106. equivalent of, 106. formerly Si0 3 , 109. hydrated, 104. solution of, 104. ether, 523. Silicide of magnesium, 108. ^Silicium, 106. ethyle, 535. methyle, 535. Silicon 1 uoric acid, 181. Silicon, Si, 102. action of hydrochloric acid on, 166. amorphous, 107. and nitrogen, 107. a tetratomic element, 165. atomic weight, 109. bisulphide, 218. chloride, SiCl 2 , 165. combining weight, 108. diamond, 107. fluoride, SiF 2 , 179. composition byvolumej 81 . importance in mineralogy, 180. preparation, 180. fused, 107. graphitoid, 107. hydride, 107. hypothetical vapour-density, 165. resembles carbon, 107. Silicone, 108. Silk, 617. Silver, Ag, 361. action of hydrochloric acid on, 149. hydrosulphuric acid on, 192. amalgam, 369. arsenite, 244. basic periodate, 174. bromide, AgBr, 366. chloride, AgCl, 365. action of light on, 212. reduction of, 365. cleaned, 192. coin, 363. compounds, atomic formulae of, 366. crucibles, 364. detected in lead, 355. equivalent and atomic weights, 366. extracted from its ores, 213. extraction by amalgamation, 362. from copper-ores, 361. lead, 352. frosted, 363. fulminate, Ag 2 C 4 N 2 4 , 446. fusing-point, 364. fulminating, 364. glance, AgS, 366. hyposulphite, 212. in lead, 352. iodide, 173. metaphosphate, 231. native, 361. nitrate, AgO . N0 5 , 364. preparation from standard silver, 365. nitride, 364. Silver ore, red, 366. oxalate, 586. oxide, AgO, 364. oxides, 364. oxidised, 363. periodate, 174. plate, 363. properties, 364. pure, preparation, 363. pyrophosphate, 231. recovered from photographic baths, refining, 362. separated from copper, 365. solder, 363. stains removed, 364. standard, 362. subchloride, 366. sulphide, AgS, 366. native, 361. tarnished, 192. tree, 369. triphosphate, 232. Silvering brass or copper, 363. dry, 363. glass, 363. Simple solution, 47. SiO 2 , silicic acid, 102. Siphon eudiometer, 34. Size, 617. Slag, blast-furnace, composition, 306. iron in, 309. iron-refinery, 310. lead-furnace, 350. metal (copper), 338. ore-furnace, 337. puddling-furnace, 313. refinery (copper), 339. roaster (copper), 338. Slaked lime, CaO . HO, 278. Slaking of lime, 49. Slate, 286. Slow portfire, 418. Smalt, 329. Smelling-salts, 270. Smoke, cause of, 62. consumption, 62. prevention, 62. Smokeless gas-burners, 96. Sn, tin, 383. SnCl, protochloride of tin, 389. SnCl 2 bichloride of tin, 389. SnO, protoxide of tin, 388. Sn0 2 , binoxide of tin, 388. Snow, 46. SnS, protosulphide of tin, 389. SnS 2 , bisulphide of tin, 390. Snuff, 600. 50 2 , sulphurous acid, 196. 50 3 , sulphuric acid, 200. S 2 2 , hyposulphurous acid, 211. Soap, 571. arsenical, 244. Castile, 573. glycerine, 573. mottled, 573. -nut, 479. palm-oil, 572. rosin in, 573. silicated, 573. transparent, 573. -wort, 479. 670 INDEX. Soap, yellow, 573. Soaps decomposed by acids, o/o. Soda, NaO, 266. acid pyrophosphate, 233. action on hard waters, 43. aluminate, 289. arseniates, 246. arsenite, 245. ash, 265. manufacture, 264. atomic formula, 268. basic periodate, 174. biborate, 267. bicarbonate, 266. bimetantimoniate, 380. bisulphate, 209. bitungstate, 392. carbonate, NaO . C0 2 , 264. manufacture from common salt, 264. medicinal, 265. caustic, NaO . HO, 266. chloride, 155. common phosphate, 2NaO . HO . P0 5 , 232. crystals, 265. hydrate, 266. hypochlorite, 155. hypophosphite, 234. hyposulphite, NaO . S 2 2 , 211. use in photography, 212. in blood, 615. -lime, 120. -lye, 266, 572. manganate, 327. manufacture of, history, 264. influence on useful arts, 265. metaphosphate, 233. nitrate, 268, 415. conversion into nitrate of pot- ash, 416. solubility, 416. obtained from kryolite, 266. oleate, 572. palmitate, 572. phosphate, 2NaO . HO . P0 5 , 268. phosphite, 234. platinate, 396. pyrophosphate, 233. silicate, 103, 268. stannate, NaO . Sn0 2 , 388. stearate, 572. subphosphate, 232. sulphate, NaO . SO 3 , 268. extracted from sea- water, 263. sulphite, 199. sulphoxy-phosphate, 238. test for, 380. tetrathionate, 214. tungstate, NaO . W0 3 , 385, 392. urate, 621. washing-, 265. waste, 212. -water, 71. powders, 71. Sodacetic ether, 569. Sodamide, NH 2 Na, 551. Sodium, Na, 262. action on water, 23. -alcohol, 526. -amalgam, 119. Sodium and oxygen, 8. atomic weight, 268. aurochloride, 407. blowpipe-test for, 266. chloride, 262. commercial importance, 137. solubility, 163, 416. equivalent weight, 268. -ethyle, 533. extraction, 267. fluoride, 179. -glycol, 560. line in the spectrum, 273. nitroprusside, 444. pentasulphide, 213. platinochloride, 397. silicofluoride, 108. sulphantimoniate, 193. sulpharseniate, 193. sulpharsenite, 250. sulphostannate, 193. Soffioni, 109. artificial, 110. Softening waters, 43. Soft soap, 572. water, 40. Soils, formation, 71, 623. impoverished, 624. iron in, 323. Solanine, 538. Solder, 355. brazier's, 343. coarse, 386. fine, 386. silversmith's, 363. Soldering, use of sal-ammoniac in, 271. Soluble glass, 268. Solution, 47. Soot, 62. as manure, 625. Sorbic acid, 590. Sorrel, salt of, 584. Soup, 616. Sparkling wines, 71. Sparteine, 538. Spathic iron ore, FeO . C0 2 , 302. Specific gravity of gases defined, 4. influence of tempera- ture on, 194. liquids, defined, 46. determined, 115. solids, defined, 46. Specific heat defined, 426. of atoms, 37. of magnesium, 284. relation to equivalent weights, 283. Specific heats of potassium, sodium, and lithium, 284. Spectroscope, 273. Spectrum analysis, 273. use of bisulphide of car- bon in, 216. Specular iron ore, Fe 2 O 3 , 302. Speculum metal, 342, 387. Speiss, 329. Spelter, 296. Spermaceti, 582. Sperm oil, 582. Spheroidal state, 197. Spices, preservative effect of, 635. INDEX. 671 Spiegel-eisen, 319. Spindle, MgO . A1 2 3 , 288, 3243. Spirit, methylated, 473. of salt, 138. of wine, 516. Spirits, 511. of turpentine, 469. Spirting avoided, 105. Sponge, 618. ashes of, 171. Spongy platinum, 394. Spontaneous combustion of phosphorus, 12. Springs, petrifying, 42. Spring water, 39, 71. Sprouting of silver, 354. Sr, strontium, 277. SrO, strontia, 277. SrO . C0 2 , carbonate of strontia, 277. SrO . N0 5 , nitrate of strontia, 277. SrO . S0 3 , sulphate of strontia, 277. Stains of fruit removed, 197. Stalactites, 42. Stalagmites, 42. Stannates, 388. Stannic acid, Sn0 2 , 388. dialysed, 388. hydrated, 388. chloride, SnCl 2 , 389. molecular formula, 390. oxide, Sn0 2 , 388. sulphide, SnS 2 , 390. Stannous chloride, SiiCl, 389. oxide, SnO, 388. sulphide, SnS, 389. Star antimony, 378. Starch, C 12 H 10 10 , 483. action of water on, 485. a glucoside, 487. and iodine, 172. blue, 291. commercial, 485. extraction from potatoes, 483. rice, 484. wheat, 484. from different plants distinguished, 485. in food, 485. iodised, 487. paste, preparation, 15. Stassfurthite, 261, 416. Staurotide or staurolite artificially formed, 180, Steam, composition by volume, 35. decomposed by carbon, 78. chlorine, 142. electric sparks, 22. latent heat of, 432. specific gravity calculated, 35. Stearic acid, HO . C^B.,,0^ 514, 573. Stearic glucose, 578. Stearine, C 1U H 110 12 , 572. candles, 574. synthesis of, 575. Steatite, 280. Steel, 315. annealing, 318. Bessemer, 319. blistered, 316. cast, 317. distinguished from iron, 319. German, 320. hardening, 318. Steel, Krupp's, 320. made with coal-gas, 319. manufacture, 315. mild, 319. natural, 320. nitrogen in, 319. Parry's, 319. puddled, 320. shear, 318. tempering, 318. tilted, 317. titanium in, 319. Stereochromy, 268. Sterro-metal, 342. Stibethyle, Sb(C 4 H 5 ) 3 , 534. Stibiotriethyle, 534, 547. Stibio-trimethyle, 534. Still, 45. Stockholm tar, 468. Stone, artificial, 268. -coal, 63. decayed, 414. test of durability, 414. -ware, 412. Storax, 42. Stout, composition, 491. Straits tin, 385. Stream-tin ore, 383. Strontia, carbonate, 277. nitrate, SrO . N0 5 , 277. sulphate, 277. Strontianite, SrO . C0 2 , 277. Strontium, Sr, 277. action on water, 24. diatomic, 285. equivalent and atomic weigh ts,283. properties, 277. sulphide, 277. Struvite, 382. Strychnine, C 42 H 22 N 2 4 , 538. constitution, 544. extraction, 599. identified, 599. properties of, 599. Stucco, 280. Styracine, 472. Styrole, 472. Suberic acid, 580. Sublimate, corrosive, 370. Sublimation, 114, 473. Sublimed sulphur, 420. Substitution, 23. of chlorine for hydrogen, 144. Succinic acid, 2HO. CH 4 8 , 473, 580. conversion into tartaric, 588. formed from tartaric, 588. Succussion, 205. Suet, 582. Sugar, action of oil of vitriol on, 206. adulteration, 495. -candy, 495. -cane, composition, 497. extraction, 496. from beet-root, 498. linen, &c., 495. -lime, 499. loaf-, 498. maple-, 495. of flesh, 615. of fruits, C 12 H 12 0, 2 , 496. of gelatine, 617. of manna, 500. 672 INDEX. Sugar of milk, C 12 H 12 O 12 , 608. preservative effect of, 635. raw, 497. -refining, 60, 497. starch-, 495. uncrystallisable, 496. with chloride of sodium, 499. with oxide of lead, 499. Sugars, 495. chemical properties, 499. optical properties, 499. Sulphamylic acid, 525. Sulphantimoniates, 382. Sulphantimonites, 382. Sulpharsenic acid, 250. Sulpharsenious acid, 250. Sulphate of soda and lime, 268. crystallisation of, 48. composition, 48. Sulphates, 209. acid, 210. action of heat on, 210. atomic formulae of, 211. double, 210. in common use, 211. native, 183. normal, 253. reduced to sulphides, 210. unitary formulae of, 211. action of air on, 193. native, 183. precipitated by hyposulphites, Sulphindigotic acid, 604. Sulphindylic acid, 604 Sulphites, 199. normal ratio of, 254. Sulphobenzolic acid, 468. Sulphocarbonates, 217. Sulphocarbonic acid, 217. Sulphocyanide of ammonium, preparation Sulphocyanogen, CyS 2 , 442. 3id, 574. Sulph lphogl lpholei ycen Sulpholeic acid, 575. Sulphopalmitic acid, 575. Sulphophosphotriamide, 239. Sulphosaccharic acid, 499 Sulphostearic acid, 575 Sulphovinic acid, C 4 H 5 0. HO . 2S0 3 , 523. Sulphoxyphosphoric acid, 238. Sulphur, S, 183. -acids, 193. action of alkalies on, 189. lime on, 195. allotropic states of, 188. amorphous or insoluble 187 and oxygen, 7. atomic weight, 194. -bases, 193. chemical relations, 189. chloride, SCI, 219. combining volume, 194 dichloride, S 2 C1, 218. molecular formula, 219 dimorphous, 188 distilled, 185. ductile, 187. electro-negative, 187. electro-positive, 187. Sulphur, examination of, 421. extraction, 184. from copper-pyrites, 186. from iron-pyrites, 185. flowers of, 185. for gunpowder, 420. function in gunpowder, 421. group of elements, 221. home sources of, 135 iodide, SI, 219. milk of, 186. occurrence in nature, 183. octahedral, 188. of coal mines, 91. ores, 183. oxides, 195. oxidised and dissolved, 189. by nitric acid, 126. plastic, 187. prismatic, 188. properties, 186. refining, 185. roll-, 185. rough, 185. -salts, 193. subiodide, S,J, 219. sublimed, 185. test for, 444. uses, 186. vapour-density, 195. Sulphureous waters, 45. Sulphuretted hydrogen, HS, 189 Sulphuric acid, S0 ? , 200. action on bromides, 170. copper, 196. fats, 574. fluor-spar, 177. lead, 205. metallic oxides, 209. metals, 207. organic matters, 206. silver, 207. anhydrous, 209. preparation, 201. attraction for water, 206. bibasic, 211. caution in diluting, 206. combinations with water, 208. composition, 208. concentrated, 206. concentration, 205. decomposition by heat 207 diluted, turbidity of, 206 distillation of, 206. formation, 200. from the chambers, 205. fuming, 200. glacial, 208. ydrated, HO. S0 3 , 200. manufacture, 203. chemical prin- ciples, 201. history of, 201. illustrated, 202. summary, 206. Nordhausen, 200. polymerising by, 452. INDEX. 673 Sulphuric acid, reduced by hydriodic acid, 175. use in gas-analysis, 209. vapour-density of, 208. anhydride, 209. decomposed by heat. 208. ether, 517. Sulphuring casks, 198. Sulphurous acid, S0 2 , 196. a reducing agent, 198. action on hydrosulphuric acid, 219. nitric acid, 202. nitric peroxide, 202. zinc, 213. composition, 199. hydrated, 197. liquefaction, 196. molecular formula, 199. properties, 196. reduced by phosphorous acid, 234. separated from other gases, 358. solubility in water, 197. anhydride, 200. Sulphuryle, 198. Sumach, 592. Superphosphate of lime, 223. Supersaturated solution, 48. Swedish iron ore, 302. Sweet oil, 580. Sweet spirits of nitre, 522. Syenite, 291. Sylvic acid, 470. Symbols, 2. Sympathetic ink, 49. Synaptase, 474. Synthesis of acetic acid, 533, 564. acids of the acetic series, 569. butyric acid, 569. formic acid, 568. guanidine, 546. hippuric acid, 622. leucic acid, 561. neutral fats, 575. organic substances, 83, 435. propylic acid, 533. taurine, 631. urea, 618. volatile fatty acids, 569. water, 33. T, TARTARIC ACID, 586. Tagalite, 346. Talc, 280. Tallow, 572, 582. Tank-waste, 212. Tannic acid, 590. Tannin, 590. Tanning, 591. Tantalic acid, TaO a , or Ta0 5 , 394. Tantalite, 394. Tantalum, Ta, 394. Tap-cinder, composition, 313. Tapioca, 485. Tar-charcoal, 420. Tar, coal, 450. wood, 465. Tan-agon, essential oil of, 476.6 Tartar, 586. salt of, 259. -emetic, KO . Sb0 3 . T, 587. Tartaric acid, 2HO . C 8 H 4 10 , 586. artificial formation, 588. bibasic, 586. conversion into malic acid, 588. conversion into succinic acid, 588. formed from succinic acid, 588. anhydride, 587. Tartrate of potash and soda, 588. Taurine, C 4 H T NO 6 S 2 , 631. artificial formation, 631. Taurocholic acid, 630. Tawing, 592. Te, tellurium, 220. Tea, composition, 597. Telluretted hydrogen, 221. Telluric.acid, Te0 3 , 221. Telluride of bismuth, 220. Telluride of potassium, 221. Tellurium, Te, 220. characterised, 221. foliated, 220. graphic, 220. sulphides, 221. Tellurous acid, Te0 2 , 221. Temper spoilt, 318. Tempering, colours in, 318. Tenacity of copper, 341. iron, 341. Tendons, 616. Tennantite, 240. Terbium, 293. Terebene, 469. Terebilene, 470. Terequivalent elements, 152. Terne-plate, 386. Terpinole, 470. Terstearine, 575. Test tube, 13. Tetrad elements, 152. Tetramercurammonium, oxide, 369. Tetramethylium, hydrated oxide, 542. Tetramines, 546. Tetramylium, hydrated oxide, 542. Tetrathionic acid, S 4 5 , 214. Tetratomic elements, 152. Tetrethylarsonium, hydrate, 548. Tetrethylium, hydrated oxide, N(C 4 H 5 ) 4 . HO, 541. iodide, 541. Tetrethylphosphoiiium, hydrate, -548. Tetrethylstibonium, hydrate, 548. Tetrethyl-urea, 620. Thallium, Tl, 360. alcohol, 526. equivalent and atomic weights, 361. extracted from flue-dust, 360. for green fire, 361. salts, 361. Theine, C I8 H 10 N 4 4 , 538. Thtnardite, 268. Theobromine, C U H 8 N 4 4 , 538, 598. converted into caffeine, 599. Theory, atomic, 36. Thermometers for very low temperatures, 216. 2 u 674 INDEX. Thionyle, 198. Thiosinnamine, 538. Thorina, 293. Thorinum, Th, 293. Thorite, 293. Thyme, essential oil of, 470. Tile copper, 338. Tiles, 413. Tin, Sn, 383. action of acids on, 387. nitric acid on, 127. on hydrosulphuric acid, 192. water, 24. alloys of, 386. amalgam, 368. bichloride, SnCl 2 , 389. binoxide, Sn0 2 , 388. bisulphide, SnS,y 390. boiling, 384. compounds, atomic formulae, 390. crystals, 389. dropped, 385. equivalent and atomic weights, 390. extraction in the laboratory, 385. foil, 385. grain, 385. identified, 385. impurities, 387. metallurgy of, 383. nitromuriate, SnCl 2 , 389. Tin-ore of Montebras, 394. Tin-ores, mechanical treatment of, 383. oxychloride, 389. plate, 385. properties of, 385. protochloride, SnCl, 389. protosulphide, SnS, 389. protoxide, SnO, 388. pure, preparation, 387. pyrites, SnS, 389. refining by liquation, 384. salts, 389. sesquioxide, 389. stannate, 389. -stone, Sn0 2 , 383. tetratomic, 390. tree, 389. Tincal, 109. refining of, 267. Tinned iron, 385. Tinning brass, 386. copper, 386. Tin-white cobalt, CoAs, 329. Titanic acid, Ti0 2 , 391. dialysed, 391. extracted from iron-sand, 391. hydrated, 391. properties, 391. Titanic iron, 302. Titanium, Ti, 391. bichloride, 391. bisulphide, 391. cyanonitride, 391. metallic, 391. nitride, 391. protoxide, 391. sesquichloride, 391. sesquioxide, 391. tetratomic, 392. Tl, thallium, 360. Toast, 486, 494. Tobacco, 599. Tokay, 510. Tolu balsam, 472. essential oil, 470. Toluidine, 457, 460, 543. Toluole, C 14 H 8 , 450. Tolylene, 545. diamine, 545. Topaz, 179, 288. Touch-paper, 418. Touch-stone, 127. Trap-rock, 291. Treacle, 496. Tree- wax of Japan, 583. Triad elements, 152. Triacetine, 563. Triacid triamines, 545. Triamines, 545. Triamylamine, 542. Triatomic elements, 152. Tribasic phosphates, 232. phosphoric acid, 232. Tribenzoyl-phosphide, 551. Tribenzylamine, 558. Triborethyle, B(C 4 H 5 ) 3 , 534. Tricetylamine, 542. Trichloracetic acid, HO . C 4 C1 3 3 , 564. Trichloraniline, 549. Trichlorhydrine, 455. of phenose, 455. Triethylamine, N(C 4 H 5 ) 3 , 540. Triethylarsine, As(C 4 H 5 ) 3 , 533, 547. Triethylene - octethyl-tetrummonium, hydrat- ed oxide, 547. Triethylene-tetralcohol, 562. Triethylene-tetramine, 546. Tri-ethylene-triamine, N 3 H 3 (C 4 H 4 ) 3 , 545. Triethylphosphine, P(C 4 H 5 ) 3 , 547. Triethylstibine, Sb(C 4 H 5 ) 3 , 547. Trimethylamine, 547. Trimethylarsine, 533, 542. Trinitro-ceUulose, 503. Trinitrocresylic acid, 462. Trinitrophenic acid, 461. Triphane, 272. Triple phosphate, 282. Tripotassamide, NK 3 , 551. Trithionic acid, S 3 5 , 214. Tungsten, W, 392. binoxide, 392. blue oxide, 392. chlorides, 392. metallic, 392. separated from tin-ores, 385. steel, 392. sulphides, 392. test for, 392. Tungstic acid, W0 3 , 392. dialysed, 392. Turbith or turpeth mineral, 37 J. Turkey red, 601. Turmeric, 602. action of bbracic acid on, 110. Turnbull's blue, Fe 3 Fdcy, 443. Turner's yellow, 359. Turpentine, C 20 H 16 , 469. action of nitric acid on, 127. hydrates, 470. hydrocarbons, 470. in chlorine, 143. Turquoise, 291. Tuyere pipes, 304. Type-furniture alloy, 352. INDEX. 675 Type-metal, 355, 387. Types, chemical, 151. U, UKIC ACID, 621. Ulmate of ammonia as manure, 617. Ulmic acid, 628. Ultramarine, artificial, 291. green, 291. Umber ,286. Uniequivalent elements, 152. Unitary definitions, 256. % formula of nitric acid, 129. oil of vitriol, 209. phosphoric acid, 237. formulae, 50. of chlorates, 161. hypochlorites, 161. nitrates, 129. sulphates, 211. Upcast shaft, 70. Uranium, U, 299. oxides, 300. Urea, C 2 H 4 N 2 2 , 618. analysis of, 121. artificial formation, 618. chemical constitution, 619. extraction from urine, 618. isomeric with cyanate of ammonia, 618. nitrate, 618. Ureides, 620. Uric acid, 2HO . C 10 H 2 N 4 4 , 621. action of nitric acid on, 621. bibasic, 621. extraction from boa-excrement,621. urine, 621. Urine, 618. as manure, 625. composition, 623. putrefaction of, 618. VACUUM-PANS, 497. Valentinite, 379. Valerian, essential oil of, 470. Valerianic acid, SO . C 10 H 9 3 , 514, 570. Valerian root, 570. Valerine, 582. Valerolactic acid, 560. Valerone, 557. Valeryle, 520, 557. Vanadic acid, -V0 3 , 393. Vanadium, V, 393. chlorides, 393. ink, 393. metallic, 393. oxide, 393. sulphide, 393. Vapour-densities, influence of temperature on, 194. Vapour-densities of the olefines, 515. Varnishes, 473. Vegetable parchment, 208. Vegetation, chemistry of, 623. Venetian red, 322. Venice turpentine, 469. Ventilation, illustrations of, 69. necessity for, 69. Veratrine, 538. Verdigris, 563. Verditer, 345. Vert de Guignet, 33. Vermilion, HgS, 373. Vesta matches, 160. Vinegar, composition, 493. French, 493. malt, 493. manufacture, 492. mother of, 493. sulphuric acid in, 493. white wine, 493. Vinic acids, 524. Vitelline, 614. Vitriol-chambers, 203. corrosive properties of, 206. Vivianite, 324. Volcanic ammonia, 267. Volcano, artificial, 189. * Voltameter, 33. Volume of gas, calculation of, 13. Volumes, combining, 37. of compound gases, 37. Vulcanised caoutchouc, 481. Vulcanite, 482. W, TUNGSTEN, 392. Wad, 325. Walls, efflorescence on, 268. Washing precipitates, 105. Wash-leather, 592. Watch-spring for burning in oxygen, 10. action upon metals, 23. analysis, 19. atomic formula, H 2 O, 36. chemical relations of, 47. crystallisation of, 46. decomposed by battery, 19. heat, 21. distilled, 45. electrolysis of, 19. from natural sources, 38. -gas, 78. hard, 40. molecule, H^Oa, 52. of constitution, 49. of crystallisation, Aq., 48. oxygenated, 50. purification, 45. soft, 40. synthesis, 33. Waterproof cloth, 481. felt, 481. Waters, ammonia detected in, 373. mineral, 45. Water-type theory of acids and salts, 254. Watery vapour, 47. Wavellite, 291. Wax, bees', 583. bleaching, 583. Chinese, 583. Weld, 601. Welding, 315. Well-water, 39. Welsh coal, 63. Whale-oil, 582. Wheat, composition, 484. sprouted, 488. Wheaten flour, 494. Whey, 609. Whisky, 511. White gunpowder, 158. iron, 308. lead, 358. manufacture, 358. ore, PbO . CO,, 349. 676 INDEX. White metal, Cu 2 S, 337. precipitate, NH 2 Hg . HgCl, 371. fusible, NH 2 Hg.HCl,372. vitriol, 298. Willow-bark, bitter principle, 476. Windows, crystals on, 269. Wine, 509. Wines, dry, 509. fruity, 509. proportion of alcohol in. 510. red, 509. ropy, 492. white, 509. WAter-green oil, 467. Wire iron, 312. Witherite, BaO . C0 2 , 275. Wolfram, 383, 392. Wood, carbonisation of, 57. -charcoal, 56. combustion, 56. composition, 464. destructive distillation of, 56, 464. for gunpowder-charcoal, 419. -naphtha, C 2 H 4 2 , 466. preservation of, 628. -smoke, 635. -spirit, 466. -tar, 465. Woody fibre, 465. Wool, 617. Wool and cotton, separation, 617. Worm, 45. Wormwood, 473. Wort, 489. Wrought iron, 309. XANTHEINE, 601. Xanthine, 601. Xylidine, 460. Xyloidine, 509. Xylole, 450. YEAST, 489. dried, 491. Yellow, chrome, 332. dyes, 606. fire, composition for, 286. flowers, 601. ochre, 301. orpiment, 249. Paris, 359. Yttrium, Y, 293. | Yttrotantalite, 394. I ZAPFBE, 329. Zinc, Zn, 294. -acetimide, 552. action of air on, 294. hydrochloric acid on,' 149. sulphuric acid,on, 297. on water, 24. -alcohol, 531. -amalgam, 369. amalgamated, 368. -amide, NH 2 Zn, 551. -amyle, 533. and oxygen, 9. arsenide, 246. arsenite, 244. boiling-point, 295. carbonate, 294. chloride, 298. atomic formula, 298. diatomic, 298. dissolved by potash, 298. distilled, 295. equivalent and atomic weights, 298. -ethyle, C 4 H 5 Zn, 531. extraction, 295. Belgian method, 296. English method, 295. Silesian method, 296. granulated, 25. hyposulphite, 213. identified, 297. impurities in, 297. metallurgy of, 295. -methyle, 532. nitride, 552. ores, 294. oxide, ZnO, 298. atomic formula, 298. in glass, 410. oximide, 552. phenylimide, 552. removal of lead from, 297. sulphate, ZnO . S0 3 , 298. action of heat on, 210. sulphide, 294. valerianate, 570. -white, 298. Zircon, 293. Zirconia, 293. Zirconium,. Zr, 293. ZnS, sulphide of zinc, 294. THE END. XKILT, ANl> COMPANY. I'RIXTEHS. KPlXBUHfiH. 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