^oFThe /^LPHA -ZETA SOGCTT ^^^' '^'^i A^5 -"^^^S^l I;/ f' ^"^A^^ V«Ti Mr- 4 PRESS OF MELLING & GASKINS, ALTON , I LLI NOI S. '^(.tZJ'^ 1. Maytie M. Kesinger. 2. Edna E. Conn. 3. J. A. Siarkvveather. 4. Bertha F. Osiborn. 5. Nelle Barker. 6. Ziila V. Parker. 7. W. H. F. Jones. 8. Dow S. Biirdick. 9. Sidney O. Jones. 10. Chas. P. Clark. 11. Edward L. James. 12. Bertha Thacker. 1.5. Olive B. Christy. 14. Leila M. Clark. 15. William W. Greene. THE ALPHA ZBTA OF TO-DAY. 31. Logan D. Trent. 32. Chas. E. Henry. 33. Maida M. McConnick. 3). Fritz Resevsky. 35. John J. Eldred. 36. Florence Ada Wells. 37. Arthur L. Wood. 38. Sallie C. Hardwick. 39. T. Harley Marsh. 40. Georf!e E. Heal. 41. Flora E. Tilton. 42. Frank F. Loveless. 43. Minnie A. Wells. 44. Leonard C. Trent. 16. W. Edw. Raftety. 17. Breese Glass. 18. Alyce M. Swisher. 19. William S. Eldred. 20. D ira Stroud. 21. Roscoe B. Favoriglit. 22. Ettie W. .vlarsh. 23. Oliver W. Sanders. 24. Clive Yeager, 25. Ola K. Livermore. 26. James E. Lemar. 27. Harry J. Tietsort. 28. Frances E. Coulter. 29. Barnett D. S. Wyllie. 30. Genevieve Webster. 45. Samuel G. Cook. 46. John O. Guthrie. 47. George Herrin. 48. Percy O. Enslow. 49. Hugh y. Morton. 50. Emma O. Ford. 51. John B. Webb. 52. Laura B. Guthrie. 53. Bertha Stroud. 54. Howard F. Jones. 55. A. A. Benfield. 56. George C. Cutler. 57. Chas. K. Swain. 58. Eva J. Ruyle. ^mi - QLi^xxtx^xxxxiixi Historv OF THE TOGETHER WITH domplcte Kosters of Cctire an^ f^onorary 211 embers, BY WIM. W. jG^REENE, Secretary of the History Committee of Alpha Zeta Society. O f'urposi- high in the lu-art of youth, O mission great to In- seekers of Truth ! They have lived and wrought from the dawn of Time.— They have wa/cened the earth to life sul'lime. O youth, lohtitever thy name may he. Thou art one of these in the Old A. '/.. — [C. A. HoBBS, Class of 'bq. ILT.ITSTKATEI) \VITI1 roUTVOM': I'l.AT i;.\ list ot pi^Us:. The Alpha Zeta of To-Day, Interior of College Chapel, Rev. John M. Peck, D. D., Benjamin Shurtleff, M. D., Shurtleff College Buildings, Rev. Erastus Adkins, D. D., Presidents' Group No. i. Presidents' Group No. 2, Presidents' Group No. 3, Presidents' Group No. 4, Presidents' Group No. 5, Presidents' CJroup No. 6, Presidents' Group No. 7, Alpha Zeta in 1870, Shurtleff's First Girls, Presidents' Group No. 8, Presidents' Group No. 9, Presidents' Group No. 10, Presidents' Group No. 11, Presidents' Group No. 12, Dr. and Mrs. Justus Bulkley, Alpha Zeta Hall, Miss Maida M. McCormick, Old-Time Professors, Old-Time Honorary Members, The Present Faculty, Recent Honorary Members, A Group of Notable Alpha Zetan Plate "A," Plate "B," Plate "C," Plate ' D," . Plate "E," The Parker Family, Plate "F," The Tomlinson Family, Plate "G," Plate "H," Plate "I." A Group of Our Soldiers Grave of John M Hobbs, PAGE. Frontispiece ix XV xxi xxvii 9 15 23 35 53 61 69 79 85 93 lOI 107 117 125 133 141 151 171 175 179 185 189 201 213 225 235 247 267 281 293 311 321 333 345 352 357 jv ©ontjent^s* Preface, ..... Introductio.v, .... History — Ch.\p. I. Beginnings, Ch.\p. II. Early History, Ch.\p. III. Other Literary Societies, Ch.\p. IV. Ante-Bellum Progress, Chap. V. An Era of Intense Activity Chap. VI. Advent of the Fair Sex, Chap. VII. Broader Culture and Social Growth Chap. VIII. Alpha Zeta Up to Date, A Birthday Poe.m, ...... List of Presidents, ..... Honorary Members, ..... General Roster, (with biographical sketches) Our Soldier Boys, ...... Our Foreign Missionaries, .... Appendix, ....... PAGE. vii 8 39 46 63 92 112 132 156 164 192 35i J59 363 ^tticitt:^. PRESIDENT, VICE-PRESIDENT, . RECORDING SECRETARY, . CORRESPONDING SECRETARY, CRITIC TREASURER, .... EDITOR-IN-CHIEF, LIBRARIAN HISTORIAN. POET-LAUREATE, SERGEANT-AT-ARMS, CHAPLAIN, .... MAIDA M. McCORMlCK ABSALOM A. BENFIELD FLORENCE ADA WELLS WILLIAM W. GREENE JOHN O. GUTHRIE ROSCOE B. FAVORIGHT T. HARLEY MARSH JAMES A. STARKWEATHER W. EDWARD RAFFETY SALLIE C. HARDWICK . CLIVE YEAGER FRITZ L. RESEVSKY 4-, M Ptriefctce. '^^ T IFE is a very breatli in its brevity, and lie does well who strives in full realization of the fact; but he surely errs who deems the span too brief for an occasional glance of retrospect. There is profit in the contem- plation of that which has gone before — in a moment's withdrawal from the busy struggling turmoil, to indulge a thought of the past, so rich in lessons for present and future guidance. Thus is character broadened and strength- ened, and useful knowledge gained. History has ever been a most fruitful field of investigation. Even amid the tense and varied activities of college life the study of history has its place. Noting the efforts and the successes of the manly men who have preceded us, we are roused to greater realiza- tion of the value of life and inspiration to act well our part. We are lifted to a higher plane- We are brought into touch with a host of lives and reap the benefit of their experiences, learning the heights tf) strive for and the pitfalls to avoid. It is one of the immutable laws of God that work must precede worth. Toil develops men as nothing else can. The pioneer institution of higher learning in the West has naturally been to a very large extent the eilucator of the poor and the struggling — young men determint'd to hew out for them- selves at whatever cost an education and a career. It is likewise true that the record of the pioneer literary society oi the West is a record of the sort of struggle which fits young men to take their part in life. Many is the youth who has come from the plow and hoe to Shurtleff College, and there plowed and hoed again in the hard clay of adverse circumstance 'til he at last attained the magnificent fruition springing from a mind-soil well tilled and enriched. And many a college graduate who has become successful in professional or business life, has said that his literary society work, with its educative power and its quickening of the ability to express oneself, was fully as valuable to him as the training received in the class-room. The literary society occupies a most responsible sphere of usefulness, for upon the development of correct and noble literary taste and culture more than anything else depends the uplifting and refinement of a man or a nation. There is more than one youth whose first appearance upon Alpha Zeta's rostrum was a miserable failure, yet withal a magnificent success, as it inspired within him the determination that he would never yield to despair as long as he could work, and who by steady grinding toil has gained a reach of thought and a power of persuasion which in legislative hall, in metropolitan pulpit, or on the far off mission field, have helped to mould for truth and righteousness the life of a world. While our fifty years show little of worldly glitter or gaudy display, they do show men, such as rule the world and rule it well. Alpha Zeta's life is a half century of growth and development. We are stronger to-day than ever before, and as we consider the past with its struggles and victories we are inspired to nobler, holier living and stronger and more earnest effort to raise still higher the standard of Shurtleff's literary attainment, and of literary attainment throughout the West as far as her ever-widening influence shall extend. A good history is tlie best prophecy. This book is designed to furnish in convenient form the record of the Alpha Zeta Society's life and the livesof her members since leaving the dear old Hall. Here we were brothers and sisters, but our ways have separated. Since we parted, life has changed from rosy morn to sunny noon or peace- ful twiligiit. Yet shall we not in an occasional hour of rest and meditation find both pleasure and profit in gazing into so many dear and familiar faces of the past, treading the memory- land of merry college days, speaking again from the old rostrum, and recalling in sweet reverie the happiest years and experiences of our lives? Is it not a satisfaction to learn definitely the present locations of our old college and society chums who are still "in the land of the living" — what they have become and done in the world and "How kindly Fate has dealt with them Since cruel Time has intervened ? " We believe that this volume possesses some value as a reference book, and will help us to realize better the meaning of the apothegm, "/ am an Alpha Zetan,'' but it will fully have accomplished its mission if it help to foster and perpetuate in the he.arts of the past, present and future Alpha Zetans a deeper spirit of frateriiit.\^ and a crrt'ater Ionc for truth, which is only of God; binding toy[ether in closer heart-ties the members of this Society, whose object is truth and its expression, and whose past is rich in the development of those thiivjs which form true life and cliaiacter; causing us to vitally realize that the broadest and best life is that of sympathizing love. Quite a nuniber of attempts ha\e been made' in the past to preserve- the history of our Society in proper form, but our Annual of 1per A'.tnn. III.. Jini,- /, /.'\o.S'. /t ixtfo&iictioit. m ^ T^HE lite of the Alpha Zeta Society of Shurtleff College is closely linked vvitli the longer, larger life of the Institution to which it is so valuable an adjunct, and by way of introduction we can do no better than to give our readers at least a brief sketch of the old College so dear to the heart of every loyal Alpha Zetan. Old Shurtleff, "built upon the sacrificial bones of devoted men,'' has lived through pioneer days to witness the onward march of civilization, until the West has receded westward and this State can proudly claim the second largest city in America; until refinement, cul- ture and learning abound where but a couple of generations ago the bear and bison roamed at will and bloodthirsty savages held undisputed sway over virgin forest and prairie. Who can say what a large part of this devel- opment of the Great West has been due, directly or indirectly, to the strong, solid, earnest educational life of Old Shurtleff! The following historical sketch of the College was prepared by Dr. Justus Bulkley, and by him read upon the occasion of our Seventieth Annual Commencement, June, 1897: In May, 1817, the board of the Baptist Triennial Convention appointed J. M. Peck and James E. Welch, missionaries to the Missouri Territory. On July 25 following, Mr. Peck, with a wife and three small children began his journey of 1,200 miles, in a one-horse covered wagon. After more than four months' toilsome and dangerous traveling, he reached St. Louis, Dec. 1, 1817, then a small village, and as he expressed it, "a land of darkneSs." After three years of unremitting labor, attended with many successes and JOHN MASON PbCK, I). I). IoLMM-.i; 01 KoCK Sl'KlNO Si:MlNAKV. defeats, for some reason it was thought best to dissolve the connection between these missionaries and the Triennial Convention, and July*), 1820, they received a letter from the secretary stating that their mission was closed. The reasons given for this acton the part of the Triennial Con- vention were, the want of ample funds for its vigorous prosecution; a sup- position on the part of the board that this region would be soon suffering by the immigration into it of preachers from the Middle and Eastern States, and the opposition in the West. Mr. Peck was directed as speedily as practica- ble to remove to Fort Wayne and join Rev. Mr. McCoy in his labor among the Indians. He did not comply. Two years later, in April, 1.S22, Dr. Peck- removed with his family to Pock Spring, Illinois, which henceforth became his home and the center of his multiplied labors until his earthl\- mission was ended. DR. PECK'S PLAN FOR A CHRISTIAN SCHOOL. Before Dr. Peck came West a part of his cherished plans was to estab- lish a seminary for the common and the higher branches of education. Hence we find in his journal under February, 1819, these statements: "It has been in our plan at first, even before we left Philadelphia for this region, to establish a seminary for the common and higher branches of edu- cation, and especially for the training of school teacheis and aiding the preachers now in office, or who may hereafter be brought forth in tlu- churches." . . . "Our aim was not to establish a regular theological institution, or to lay the foundation and build up a college. The writer never had the gift of anticipating and attempting great things. It has been his rule through life to do wlu.t he could tor the present, trusting to Pro\i- dence for the future.'' For the purpose of securing a proper location for his seminarx', Dr. Peck, under the same date, informs us that he visited several places within fifty miles of St. Louis, among them St. Charles. Mo., and Alton, III. In 1817 Hon. Hufus Haston had laid out a town at Alton and giwn it its name after his son, Alton R. Haston. I quote from Dr. Peck's diary: "The late Hon. Rufus Easton, of St. Louis, who had become interested in the landed property projected as the site of Alton City, exacted the promise that we should not decide on our location until we had visited and explored that site— or rather the village now known as Upper Alton, two and a half miles in the rear, on elevated and lu-althx' ground.'' For some reason Dr. Peck was not suff-'iciently pleased with this locaHty to select it as the site of his school, and he asserts that "it was three or four years before 1 again visited Upper Alton." Meantime lie selected Rock Spring as the location for the intended seminary, in 1826 he made his first visit to the Eastern States, traveled there nine months, explained and advocated his plans, and obtained help to the amount of $750. hi 1827, seventy years ago, his school was founded. ROCK SPRING SEMINARY. It opened with twenty-five students and in a few weeks the number increased to 100. But the location was an unfortunate one. It was in the country eighteen miles east of East St. Louis. There was no way to reach it except by stage, as it was on the stage route from St. Louis to Vincennes, Ind., and Louisville, Ky. As a result it suspended in 1831. it is not my purpose to-day to determine whether the honor of founding Shurtleff College belongs to Dr. John M. Peck, to Rev. Hubbel Looniis, to Dr. Benjamin F. Edwards, or to Dr. Jonathan Going, or others. These are, 1 think, substantially the facts: in June, 1831, Rev. Jonathan Going, of Worcester, Mass., was sent by Baptists in the East to look after the interests of education connected with our denomination in the West. He visited Illinois with a view to aiding in the permanent establishment of an institution of learning whose priinary design should be the education of the rising ministry of that great Western valley. In company with Dr. Peck and Dr. Benjamin F. Edwards, of Edwardsville, he visited Upper Alton. The question of the permanent location of the institution was warmly discussed. Dr. Peck, with his characteristic perseverance and determina- tion, strenuously contended that Rock Spring Seminary should continue to receive the co-operation and material aid of the denomination in the East and thus afford increased facilities for supplying the demands for liberal education. Dr. Edwards, on the other hand, who was a trustee and a warm friend of Rock Spring Seminary, had become perfectly satisfied before the visit of Dr. Going in 1831, that Rock Spring did not possess the natural ad- vantages requisite to make it the site for such an institution of learning. He had already expressed his preference for its location in what is now Middle Alton, and in the teeth of decided opposition from strong and earnest brethren of his own church at Edwardsville (then a very strongchurch), he had used his influence in favor of its removal to Alton. At this time there resided in Alton and its immediate vicinity a number of liberal-minded and lariif -hearted gentlemen, wlinse attention had already been directed to the importance and necessity ol such a school at tiiis point. And they had al- ready taken incipient measures to found here an institution ot learning which they hoped would develop into a college. These incipient measures had not, however, taken det'mite shape previous to the arrival ot Dr. Goin^i in 1831. The doctor, with far-reaching sagacity, unbiased by local preferences and prejudices, took in the situation at a glance, and became satisfied that Alton possessed advantages afforded by no other point in the West, being located on free st)il, and near the junction of three ;:reat ri\LTs, the main channels of trade, travel, and national communication before the days of railroads. It is asserted that after consultation with Dr. Peck, Benjamin F. Edwards, Wm. Manning, Geo. Smith, Stephen Griggs and perhaps others, the very spot upon which our college now stands was selected by Dr. Going as the site for the seminary, provided the title to the land could be secured. ALTON SEMINARY ESTABLISHEIJ. The title to the land was secured through the agency of Go\-. Ninian Edwards, and on June 4, 1832, Alton Seminary was established by the organization of a Board of Trustees, consisting of Benjamin F. Fdwards, Hubbel Loomis, Enoch Long, William Manning and Stepiien Griggs. How long the opposition of Dr. Peck continued, I cannot determine, but it is a singular fact that his school closed in 1831, and that with his wonderful interest in education, and indomitable energy of character, he did not be- come a member of the Board of Trustees of Alton Seminary until March 6, 1835. This is the record at a meeting March 6. 1S3S: "Voted that John M. Peck, George Hoskin and Albert W. Cavarly be added to the Board of Trustees." And yet Dr. B. F. Edwards, the last survivor of the Rock Spring board, a member of the Alton Seminar>- board in June, 1832. and chairman of the meeting in which this new organization was effected, sa\'s: "Rock Spring Seminary was removed to Upper Alton and there continued as Alton Seminary, and it was definitelv underst )od because ot a previous arrangement to remove, that this was to be done when the new location at Upper Alton was decided upon and the new organization there was formed." From all the facts as I gather them, it seems to me not unjust to regard all these men as entitled to the credit of establishing this Institution, while it is perfectly proper to regard Rock Spring Seminary as the germ out of which, by a process of evolution, Shurtlell College was developed, and hence perfectly proper to regard this as the seventieth an- niversary of the College. The seminary thus originated was put under the direct and almost ex'clusive control of Rev. Hubbel Loomis, who from June, 1832, until his resignation in June, 1836, was entrusted with its interests, even to the employment of assistants. During his administration there were educated such men as Elias R. Fort, John Rogers and Noah Flood, of Missouri; Elihu J. Palmer, of Illinois; J. M. Frost, of Kentucky, and Samuel Baker, D. D., from England. LANDS AND CHARTER. On the very day that the board of trustees was organized, June 4, 1832, arrangements were made to purchase 362 acres of land, embracing a tract of 122 acres upon which the College now stands, and three eighty- acre tracts entered by Mr. Loomis and held in trust by him for the College. In March, 1833, a charter was granted by the state legislature incorporating the seven gentlemen who were named as "The Trustees of Alton College of Illinois." In this charter it was provided that no particular religious faith should ever be required of those who became its trustees; that no professor of theology should ever be employed as a teacher in the College, and that no theological department should ever be connected therewith, on the pen- alty of forfeiture of the charter. The charter was not accepted. The trustees of Alton Seminary were not to be baffled by this unfriendly legis- lation. They resolved to push their enterprise and bide their time. In January, 1835, they determined to attempt to raise $25,000, and hoped to raise ^20,000 of it in the East. Early in the year Dr. Peck undertook this gigantic enterprise. After meeting the Triennial Convention in Richmond, he visited Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Providence and other cities. He was gone until November 18, traveling 5,260 miles. He secured the $20,000, $10,000 of which came from Dr. Benjamin Shurtleff, of Boston, on certain conditions, one of which was that the institution should bear his name. While Dr. Peck was thus at work in the East, Hon. Cyrus Edwards was at work in the Illinois legislature. By dint of immense labor and log- rolling, combining the educational interests of other portions of the State, and of other denominations, he with others procured a college charter. The bill under which the charter was granted was sufficiently liberal in its pro- visions to permit the establishment of any number of colleges, under the control of any religious denomination. In this charter, however, the offen- BHNJAiWlN SHUKTLHFF, .W. h. Ol- HOSTON, MAbS. sive feature prohibiting^ a tlu'uloyieal department was retained. This LJiarter, thou^ih distasteful, was accepted, and the trustees of the seminary, without dissolviiiiZ their mutual co\'enant, became the board of trustees of Alton College of Illinois. Their property was transferred to the new insti- tution, except fifty acres of land which they reserved for the education of the ministry, together with such other gifts as had been made f(»r that especial purpose. In doing this they passed the resolution "That it is and shall ever continue to be a prominent object to aid in the education of young men of genuine piet\', di'signed for the gospel ministry in this section of the valley of the Mississippi." Of this board of trustees Ke\-. Hubbrl Loomis was chosen prosideiit and Stephen Griggs secretary. THE NAME CHANGED. In January, 1836, in consequence of the gift of SlO,000 by Benjamin Sliurtleff, M. U., of Boston, Mass., the name of the institution was changed to Shurtleff College, of Alton, Illinois, the nanie it bears to-day. In Feb- ruary, 1841. the legislature repealed that part of the charter forbidding a theological department, and permitted the trustees to establish "additional departments for the study of any or all of the liberal professions." Imme- diately after the repeal of this offensive article the board of the seminary transferred to the trustees of the college all the property it had secured by gift or purchase lor theological purposes. I^UILIJINGS. The first building erected was the academic hall. It was built of brick and was two stories high. On the first floor were the chapel and library; on the second floor were two rows of small, low, dark, ill-constructed, poorly ventilated rooms, used by the students as dormitories. These two rows of rooms were separated by a dark hall, extending the entire length of the building. The heating apparatus was unique if not admirable, bach r(»om had a stove. All the pipes from the several lonms passed over the door ot each room into the hall, where they were joined to a larger pipe which extended the entire distance of the hall a few inches above yovu' head, and which entered the chimney at the extreme south end. The smoke trom these several pipes at times was like the smoke ot a furnace and absolutely refused to pursue the channel provided for it, but with the most unblushing effrontery and pertinacity persisted in returning to the room whence it orig- inated and taking up its permanent abode with such of the students as desired to study. 1 occupied one of those rooms for a season and found it anything but a delight. This building lias since been remodeled- The upper story has been removed and it now furnishes a place for our library. The second building was of stone, it occupied the site of the present residence of Dr. Clarke. It was a main building with two wings. The basement contained a large dining-hall and two kitchens. The second story, with the wings, contained two suites of rooms for families. The third story contained a number of students' rooms or dormitories. It was built at a cost of $4,300. The trustees gave it the modest name of Seminary Hall and Refectory. This building, with the grounds, was sold to Herman C. Cole, of Chester, Illinois, who tore down the building and erected on its site the elegant residence of Dr. Clarke. The third building was the present college dormitory. it is built of brick with stone foundations. it is four stories high, and had originally sixteen rooms for students on each floor. Under Dr. Kendrick's adminis- tration was built our new Chapel, our Annex for ladiesand our Gymnasium. THE DESIGN OF THE FOUNDERS. The primary design of the founders of Shurtleff College was to provide for the most thorough and liberal instruction, literary, scientific, classical, and theological, of the Baptist ministry in this Western valley, at the same time providing similar facilities for the young of all classes who would avail themselves of these privileges. This object of ministerial culture has been kept steadily in view under every administration of the College. While in the academic, scientific and classical departments, denominational peculi- arities have no place and can have none, yet so thoroughly are the Baptists imbued with the idea not only of making it a Christian college of the most pronounced type, but also of keeping it under denominational control, that during all the past, with very few exceptions, all of its presidents, profes- sors and instructors have been earnest members of Baptist churches. During almost its entire history its teachers have been a unit in policy and principles. The result has been that the moral character of the school has ever been of the highest order, and never higher than to-day. While ministerial education was the chief aim of the founders of the school, a distinct theological department was not established until June, 1863, Then, without a dollar to endow a theological professorship, trem- bling with the most anxious solicitude, but with ear reverently upturned to catch the whisperings of di\iiie Providence, tlie trustees beheved that they distinctly heard the voice of God comniandinii them to go forward. When the school opened the following September, quite a large class of young ministers presented themselves for a course of theological instruction. Rev. E. C. Mitchell, of Rockford, Illinois, was elected as professor of bibli- cal studies and sacred rhetoric, and a junior theological class organized. So pressing was the labor crowding upon tiiis department that your speaker, who was then pastor of the Upper Alton Baptist Church, consented for the time being to give gratuitous instruction in the department of ecclesiastical history and church polity. June 8, 1864, Rev. R. H. Pattison, D. D., was called to the chair of systematic theology, and in September, at the opening of the college-year, he was on the ground, and measures were taken immediately to secure endowment funds for the theological de- partment, which were wonderfully successful. Whatever may be done in the future, the past is assured, and large numbers have gone forth to bless the world and extend the boundaries of the Zioii o\ our God. DONORS. It would be dittlcull, it not impossible, to do justice to all who ha\e generously and in many instances with great liberality contributed to the general or special funds of the institution. To severe trials Shurtleff has not been a stranger. Yet tliese very trials in many instances have been a blessing, not a curse. I have already referred to Ur. Peck's second visit to the Eastern States in 1835 when Dr. Shurtleff donated SIO.OOO and $10,000 more was secured from other persons. Then Hon. Cyrus Edwards gave to the College, as the foundation of the Edwards professorship (»f mathematics and natural philosophy, a valuable tract of land from which about SlO,000 was realized. Elijah Gove and wife, of Quincy, gave an aggregate of $25,000, then each by will left a large amount, making a total of $60,000 or $80,000. H. N. Kendall, of Upper Alton, gave from $10,000 to $12,000; Dr. E. Marsh at one time $5,000, besides smaller sums; J. L. Blair, a similar amount; Mrs. Stephen Griggs, $6,000; Elias S. Converse, of Boston, $5,000. David Pierson, of Carrollton, Major Hunter and Richard Flagg, of Alton; I. O. Pierce and D. J. Hancock, of St. Louis; Rev. Mr. PuUiam, of Belleville; ScUiuiel Wood, of Morgan county; E. G. Miner, of Winchester, and many others, ha\e been large contributors. Besides these large amounts, donations varying from $1,000 downward have been given by scores who lacked only the ability to have been numbered with the largest benefactors of the College. No college can accomplish its mission without large endowments. This College to accomplish the mission of its founders must have several hundred thousand dollars. The Baptists of Illinois have these funds, and 1 believe in the not far distant future God will open their hearts to meet these pressing necessities. THE CENTENNIAL JUBILEE. in 1876 and 1877, the centennial of our nation and the jubilee, it was deemed opportune and desirable to put forth extra efforts to add $100,000 to the permanent funds of the Institution. To secure this end the services of one of the most successful solicitors in the Baptist denomination in the United States were secured. Rev. G. J. Johnson, D.D., entered upon the task, and pursued it witli indomitable energy and unflagging zeal during the year 1876, and at the jubilee meeting of 1877 he reported that $75,000 had been secured by reliable pledges, a part of which, however, was condi- tioned on securing the entire amount, $100,000. He was requested to continue his labors until the whole amount was secured. He did so, and while there was considerable shrinkage, a very large sum was realized. We welcome the grand old veteran to our Seventieth Anniversary to-day after his absence of twenty years, CO-EDUCATION. During the administration of Dr. Read, two young ladies applied for admission to the college classes. They wished to complete the classical course of study. After a careful inquiry into the fruits of co-education where adopted, with much hesitation the prayer of these two girls was granted. This opened the way for the reception of all young women who desire to avail themselves of its advantages. Large numbers of the purest and noblest young women have been among our graduates. RELIGIOUS PROSPERITY. At every step of our progress especial tokens of divine approval have marked our history. Founded in earnest prayer, consecrated to God from its origin, directed to the one great aim of prox'idingthe purest and best pos- sible culture for the rising ministry, God has wonderfully blessed the College with frequent and powerful outpourings of His spirit. Several extensive and precious revivals of religion have been enjoyed. Scarcely a year has m SHURTLEFF COLLHGH BUILDINGS. passed without special tokens of divine blessinjz; in the conversion of souls. Besides this a lar^e number of young men, converted while in college, have been led by the Holy Spirit to consecrate life and talent to the gospel minis- try. Never was the stanJarLJ of Christian character higher, nor the religious atmosphere purer than to-day. To parents who are contemplating the sending of sons or daughters from home for moral and intellectual culture, we can with confidence commend Shurtleff College as a place where the very strongest safeguards are thrown around them, and the most hallowed influences continually aid in their development. The entire atmosphere is constantly and heaxily cliarged with tiie riclust cK-mi-nts of spiritual life and acti\'ity. THE OUTLOOK. In view of tlie wonderful possibiUtics of the Collegt^ and its command- ing location, the moral and intfi-llectual character of the millions who will immediately after us crowd the thoroughfares of this great valley cannot be a matter of indifference to the patriot, the philanthropist and the Christian. Great perils threaten the immediate future, to which 1 may not refer. The Christian school and the Christian college will be most potent factors in determining the character of the future millions of this land, and the ques- tion of the perpetuity of our form of gowrnment and our free institutions. THE PIONEERS. We pause a single moment to pay our tribute to our co-laborers who have gone before. Of those who founded our Institution all are gone. Hon. E. G. Miner, of Winchester, now eighty-eight years of age, is the oldest surviving trustee of the Institution. Of the presidents, two are liv- ing— Dr. Read, of California, and Dr. Kendrick. of St. Louis. Of the early professors and teachers, Russell, Dodge. Howes, Pattison, Washington and Warren Leverett, Newman, Castle, Fairman, and others have passed away. Mitchell aiui iiu'self alone are left. 1 can almost hear the foot-falls of the multitudes on the other shore. We drop a tear or place a tlower upon their grave, then rush into the thickest of the fight, 'til we are borne from the battlefield upon our shield. And "May He who sees the sparrows fall, who counts the ocean's sands, Then take us to that better home, -that house not made with hands." ^^Cf^it^plyit to Si;wrtlc££* All hail, Old Shurtleff ! For some score of years Thou'st sat alone — not "on the seven hills," But in a quiet corner of the streets Of undulating Upper Alton, Thou Still lookest calm, and very dignified — With something of a classic goodliness hi thy right-angled brick and mortar. Thou Uploomest in the darkness, as a dream That tills my mind, of years departed — years When curious passers by would pause to look. And, 'mid the hazel-trees would press their way; And with their thoughts far down the future time. Say, '7//V es/o," — magic words: and straight uprose Thy many-windowed front. And 1 have thought (1 say't most modestly) a very useful hint 1 could have dropped, had 1 been there. 'Tis this: The round -topped knolls, and cedar-crowned bluffs, O'erlooking miles of scenery, vasty wastes. And broad expanse of stream — earth's noblest stream. Were obviously designed for greater use Than German cabins and potato-fields; And careful Nature, chary of her charms. Had heaved them up to build a college on, Undoubtedly. But coming down the years, "A change comes o'er the spirit of my dream," Wondrous at times, at times monotonous. Thy life hath had its changes — days of sun. And days of shadow. Like some ocean barque, "Well built and tall," thou'st cloven many seas, And from the storm kin^ shorn his flamy locks. When like old Neptune, rising from the wave. He heaved his billows like a thunder- shock Against thee. I have heard thy halls Resound to passing feet, while overhead Were wastes of beam and rafter, grimly bare, Yawning like th' abyss of chaos; and I watched The progress of inhabitation, as the world New risen from nothingness. The epochs passed, Of rusting sunbeams, and of spider webs. Of quietude just verging into strife, Of dingy skeletons of unbuilt rooms, "Inhabited by bats and feather beds," And erst by fowls unwillingly constrained From neighboring hen-roosts, and 'twas said — Most darkly whispered — that at midnight hour 'Twas haunted by strange noises, and the ghosts Of murdered individuals of the feathered tribe. These epochs passed, and were forgotten; and a change Came round thee, blessing all thy towers with light Of better days. Forth went thy sons in troops Of one or Jialf a doien at a time. To bless the world— to make the cannons boom Most thund'rously in life's far-reaching battle. To glorify their glorious selves, and thee. And others came, most venturously to walk The bridge that reaches o'er tlie gulf of years, From Ignorance to dignified A. B., Which glitters on the topmost spire of Fame. But, as in Mirza's vision, many fell Through pitfalls. Many thrust each otlur in, While many, loitering lazih', were thrown Over the side, into the gulf beneath. Where soon they tloated to Oblivion. Shurtleff! thou hast brave sons, who o'er the lore Of buried ages dreamingly consume The midnight tallow, and awake betimes, Some liours after breakfast. Some mayhap Enticed by sirens or bewitched by eyes Whose depths outshine the "Crescent" or the ''Star,' Or Beauty robed in silken gossamer Of crinoline, do much neglect their books; Absorbed, forget the fictions of the past In astronomic peerings at the moon. As doth Minerva's owl; and oft they make Night vocal with such melody As that sagacious bird. Some few live on, Monotonous as the ignoble crowd, To graduation. This is college life. Hear now. Old Shurtleff! Soon will end my verse; Soon, too, the cold world will enwrap the heart Of him who sings thee now thus feelingly. Yet with my parting strain 1 would invoke Rich blessings on thee. Long may'st thou stand A lighthouse on this dark Egyptian shore, To which thy boys, when scattered o'er the earth, May look for cheer and halcyon memories. d- ^^'fe 22^ -iv^« l!>tc.tcivu. ■ V ' ClIAl' TICK' 1. BhGINNIN(i$. (I^RHVIOIIS TO OCTOBHK. 1.S4S.) 'X'Hb oldest non-sc-dft (.(tllfUr litfiaiN' s<)i.icly in tlir West," known as ^ tlu- ArLPHA ZETA SOCIETY OF SHURTLHI"I- COLLE(3E, was organizfd on tlir tliiitct^Uh day of Oclobrr, 1S4S. Aicuiatt.' historical data relating to tlif (.'arlicM' socit-tii-s ol wliirh ours was tlu- tiiial outgrowth is exceed in III >' limited, and tlirse priniitixr oi'iani/ations are almost entirel\' obscured in the twiliuht. dei'p and misty, ot an a^je all but forgotten. I'he ofticial records ol these societies — in such cases as records were kept at all — seem to Iku'i- been loiiii since lost or destro\ed, and in the remotest days ot the protoplasmic Alpha Zeta we iiropi- blindl\' lor we know not what. We learn, however, from our Alpha ZtTa Animal, published in l.S7(), that the i-arliest recoriis ol tlu' Soeiet>' /lu'ii pieser\L'd dated as far back as Januarx', 1' to bu\' fuel and lights but also to subscribe for the Missouri KelMiblitwi. Thert' were nobk-, earnest youn^ men in the Society, and tlKuijih their ad\antaiies wc-re e.\tremel\- limited they knew h(»w to emploN" well what opportunities the\- had. Thus they carved out tor themselx'es ruj^.eed, manl\' characters. .At this n-mote period of our history the College was almost entirely- surrounded b\- thi- \ir,Lun forest. Upper Alton consisting merely of a lew do/en houses in the timber. A favorite custom of our ancestral Shurtleff boys was to wander forth amid tlu- solitude and jjrandeur of the miifhty oaks and elms, and tlu-re, where the air was delicious and the smiling face of Nature tiieir inspiration, to practice aloud orati(»ns, debates and declamations. Idiis became so common that the residents of the town came to think nothinii of it, e.xcept — " It's a way they have at Youiil' Shurtleff." Of thr old houses which made up the Upper Alton of the MUs, Liindmi)rK$. several still remain. The historic "Old Stone Boardinji- House " and " Old Stone Church," however, are amon^ the number which have loiiu; e.xisted only in the memories of old-timers. The Boardiny- House stood for many years on the spot now occupied V>\ the residence oi Ur. and Mrs. Clarke, and was tlu- temporary lionu- of a con- siderable number of the old Shurtk-lf bo\s. It was, of coursi-, a brand-new I In this liouse Dr. John M. Heck eiliteii and published ///.• Il'ts/fiii I'ioiirtr .tiui liii/>ttst StitHifiiriiHnitfi. .in outurowth of /'//.• /'i,iii,'i-r. the first paper published in Illinois. building then, and quite magnificent in that day. Tiie first OL-cupants, we understand, were tlie Pease family, the two sons, Calvin and George, be- coming afterward prominent Alpha Zetans. Mr. Zephaniah Lowe, the man who built the Dormitory, and who lived to a very ripe old age, also lived in the Boarding- House for some time. Until they erected houses of tlieir own, Prof. Washington Leverett and his family occupied one of the "wings," Prof. Warren Leverett and family the other, and to this day Grandmother Leverett — one of the oldest residents of the town — loves to recount the old times when she "mothered" the boys, listening with sympathetic ear to their troubles and ministering to their viuied needs. '1 he Old Stone Cluuch stood upon a knoll on the southwest corner of Mrs. Clarke's present prem- ises. The house on College Avenue, two doors east of the modern Martha Wood Cottage, was erected about 1SJ6 by Father Loomis, and has since been occupied by his descendants, until the summer of 1897, when his daughter, our beloved "Grandma Edwards," passed to her reward at the age of eighty-eight. This is one of the oldest houses in Upper Alton. The old Bostwick estate (afterward Kendall Place), now the property of the Western Military Academy, and the old Chouteau place, occupied by Mr. A. H. Mills, are also familiar landmarks of half a century ago. The long stone house on the south side of College Avenue, one block west of the College grounds; the two-story frame opposite on the north, afterward the home of President Read; the old Clawson house where Mr. George Levis now lives, and Mrs. Batchelder's residence opposite (then the Presbyterian parsonage) — have all witnessed the passing of two generations. Other relics of "ye olden tyme " are the old Capt. Little property near Dr. James' home in the north end of town, and the house just north of Rev. Jas. Osborn's in Salu, where 'Squire Randall and his fair daughter Peachy lived. " Father Rodgers' " brick house, just west of the Chicago & Alton "cut off," gave place but a few years since to the elegant residence of his son, Col. A. F. Rodgers, the present Mayor of Upper Alton. Others of these old houses are to-day little more than crumbling ruins, or have been replaced by modern dwellings. "Hibbard's Oftice" was one of the various interesting rooming-places for the students of the later '40s. It was situated but a short distance from the College, and contained two rooms, hi one of these S. G. Russell, Justus Bulkley, Grant Israel and Fountain Jones all studied together, and in the other they all slept. We note that John Freeman and chum hung out tor ;i whilf at "T\w Holt* in the Wall" — this Ix-iiiy tin- tainiliar to^mi- meii of a room in tlu' basmient of tlu- "Coik-m' Buiklinu" or iJormitory. The iokrs in wiiirii tlu'St.- old stikk-nts si'ini-o«.\asionall\' in- PlCilsiruj diil^iJ 1\\- wi\- of necessary relaxation, were of c(»iirse in Pr«inK$. harmony with tlu-ir toilsome, striiimliniz sort of life, and there- fore intensely practical. "Ye smoothe manne" was sometimes met with, despite the spirit of the a^ie, and amonjz the innocent little pastimes in which he indulged we may mention that of placing rails across the pathways the Professors would have to tread on dark- nights; arran^in^ buckets of water o\er the outside of the class-room door so that said buckets would pour out their contents upon the devoted head of the first one who opened the door; or buildinjz a sort of abattis outside the door so as to keep it closed. "The Swashay Order of the Double Ninety-Nines" is the signifi- cant appellation of an early secret society of which our Archa-oloyical Hditor has succeeded in excax'atin^z a few traces. Tradition has it that the initia- tory rites were a trifle rough — or might be so considered at the present day. In the spring of 1846, when war was declared with Mexico, Peck's several of our brave Shurtleff lads were of course eager for the Bad Boy. fray, not to say thirsting for Mexican gore. Dr. John M. Peck's "bad boy" Henry was among this number, and on one bright sunny afternoon in May he played hookey and went down tit Lower Alton, which was the rendezvous of the Illinois troops bound for the scene of con- flict. This occurred on Fridav'. The next day our youthful hero \'oIini- teered, and had bren quietly (.Irilling with the soldii-rs for eight or nine days when paterfcunilias put in an appearance and drily remarked, as he collared the ardent young patriot: " \n\\ may go to Mexico, but it will be to Mexic(» on the farm." He went. The character of our old friend- John M. F'eck, founder of Rock Spring Seminary, whence Shurtleff sprang, is oni' that stands out in particularl\- b )ld relief. Like Paul, he was apostk' to the (lentiles (of modern times), and as the forerunner of Shurtleff College, with all her hallowi-d influence, a veritable John the Baptist up-to-date. Tall, athletic, bright-e\ed, ver\- energetic in speech and manner, he was a marxc-l of strength and enilur- ance, a pioneer of the pioneers, possessing implicit faith in (iod, fearless self-reliance, and an absolutely iinincible will, so that his \er\' presence was a recognized power and inspir.ition among men. When addressing the Illinois Baptist Cimeral Assmiation, or other august body, John M. Pi'ck mi^lit be runjj; down repeatedly, but lie never failed to keep the floor until he had presented his cause and finished his speech, however long it might be. Such men are the rocks upon which God builds theological seminaries and colleges. When Peck was making preparations to establish the first high-grade institution of learning in the West, none more firmly than him- self believed that the desired result would be accomplished, and the chips which flew from that immortal tree he felled on the spot where Rock Spring Seminary was built, were like brands of fire, kindling the whole region into an educational blaze. McKendree, Illinois, and other colleges even farther away, owe their origin directly to the founding of Rock Spring Seminary, and the resistless energy and unconquerable determination of that mas- ter-spirit "who has done more to mould the character not only of the State of Illinois, but of the great Mississippi Valley, than any other man who ever lived." The sparks struck off from such souls burn on forever. Well does his "Memoir" close with the words, "5/ inoininieiiiiiiii Qitivris, ciniinispice." Another of these old-school types — mi'n of sterling worth and free from fancy-work — was "Father Loomis," whose likeness appears in one of our plates of Honorary Members. He was a splendid old gentleman — plain, frank, strong, original, practical, consecrated to God and never faltering at the call of duty. One of the earliest members of our Society wrote us recently: "About forty of us boys took our meals with old Father Loomis. With eagle eye he would scan the table and then repeat the following, which is always fresh in my memory: 'Indulgent Father, we are thankful for the opportunity of surrounding this table of comforts. Bless the food prepared for our use, pardon all our past sins, and receive us into Thy hands; for Christ's sake. Amen.' Then there was a general rush, and always plenty of food, but it would have been hard to gather up 'seven baskets full' afterward." The old pioneers of these far distant days — Peck', Going, bdlicnlioil Rodgers, Loomis, Edwards and the' Leveretts — were strong and ns it godly men, of firm faith, indomitable energy and dauntless liniS Ibcil. courage. Life was a far more serious matter then than now, and a liberal education in the youthful days of Dr. Samuel Baker, Gen. John M. Palmer,' Rev. Noah Flood,' Hon. Nathan Cole, Dr. Justus Bulkley, Col. A. F. Rodgers and the Sherwoods, cost hard and grinding 1 Gen. Palmer, while a youth attending Alton Seminary in the '30s. supinirted himself by means of a small cooper shop which he and a Mr. Randle operated near the Institution. 2 Sufjgestive name for an old-timer. self-saciitice. Edikation was worth more tlifii, aiul tlu-ii' was im tiuu- aiul little inclination for idling, or slipshod, halt-way work in anything: under- taken. "M)/ /() si't'iii, but to /v," was the motto in every day life. Money was not usually obtained by merely writing honu- for a ilraft for $25 every now and then. They "said nothing, but sawed wood." In fact, buck-saw and axe were commonly included in the course at that time — if not com- pulsory, at least very popular electives. Tlu- stru^igle for existence made the survival of the fittest the literal rule, and men were moulded into hard stern stuff indeed. Amid such settings the embryonic Alpha Zeta Society was nourished, and as it tjrew from strength to strenjjth it assumed somewhat larger pro- portions, and became more generally recognized as a powerful factor in Shurtleff College affairs. The spirit of truth-seeking in which the College and Society were founded, is irresistible, and in earnest, manly, whole- souled consecration the truth was sought and founel. The first public meeting of which we have accurate record was held March 28, 1845, the exercises being substantially the same as at the prix-ate meetings — debate, essays, orations, etc. On May 8, 1846, Justus Bulkle\' and S. S. Gilbert were appointed a committee to select a new name for the Society. At the next meeting the name '' Philoniatlienn'' (Hager for Knowl- edge) was chosen. The meetings in these very early days were held on Friday evenings, as has been the custom ever since. On Commencenn-nt occasions the Society was addressed by distinguisiied speakers from abroad. This is another custom which has been handed down to the presi-nt time. Hon. O. H. Browning, of Quincy, was the orator in 1847. if' n\ nii,i lUIUs /rt/ns. iS./j-iSjO Zeta Society of shurtleff College" chosen, whicii title it has borne ever since, and under which it was incorporated in accordance witli the laws ot Illinois on the twentieth of April, 1a;iin\ S/. Louis Mas^aiine, etc. Quite a number of news- papers were donated by their editors, and a few books, including a Webster's Unabridged hictionary, by other friends of the new Society. This Reading-room (as the College had not yet established one) was a great boon to the students, and they availed themselves of its privileges with a very high sense of appreciation. The contents of the books, papers and magazines were eagerly devoured and carefully assimilated. Although very much absorbed in their college work, the old boys always took a keen interest in the affairs of the day, as we note from the subjects of their debates. The old Reading-room, as has been stated, was in the southwest corner of the first floor of the Dormitory — the present location of Alpha Zeta Hall. Only one room was used, however, whereas we now have the four thrown into one. Nobly did the oki boys work to build up and improve our Society John and increase her facilities, yet we must in justice say that to Triblc. Joliu Trible more than any one else belongs the honor of organ- izing and promoting the Alpha Zeta Society of Shurtleff College. Years afterward when the call came he "went forth in the high noon of his I Siiicii becoiiio a staiul.ird ihciue aiiiniiK lilerary societies and debating clubs, and slill in dispnte. 12 manliood to battk' tnr \Uv laiul o| liis adoplioii, ami imw lilK ;in lioiiort'd soldier's Liraxc." Ht- was oiu' ni tlu- most slioiiir-snukJ ainl inauiianiinoiis of men, and it is a matter nt re^irl that we Ikim- laiUd to st\ m'e a lik'eiiess of him for this volume. These days nl the later '40s and iaii\- 'SOs saw many a nnhk- ProminciU \-oun.L^ man in Alpha Zeta-sueli as Wm. L. Kod^i-is, "the Pioneer denial, jo\ ial ^ Dnii adi' and model elassmatc. who difd at Collejze n)cmbcrs. whiU- his ambition was boundless and his hopes hi».'h,'' of whom anntlua' wiiti-s: "I eonsidt-r him tlu- most takaiteil member duiin^ my Loniu-Ltion with the Society. He was a natural orator, and whichexer side in debate he was on was jJeneially sueeessful." ( ieorj^t' 1. Newell was another prominent membt-r. n\ whom one of oiu' Si'\entieth Commencement orators said: "I donbt it anmnu thdsr ix-pairin^i to these classic haunts in more recent yeais thni' ha\e ix-cn any who could throw o\'er an audience the sprll — as pntfut as it is mysterious — of jit-nuinc ora- tory with a more consummate effect than that wrouaht a^iain aiiil aiiain, and with perfect ease, by Cjeor^e 1. Newell, him ot the L'olden mouth." These too were the days of Capt. Henry S. Spauldiny, another who luui^ht .gallantly for tlu- vindication of the principle ol human libert\-. the bravest and truest of soldiers; Spencer (i. Russell, tor many yi-ars a lawyer, still li\'in<^ at an advanced a^^e at Bluffdale, 111., calml\- nestled in that beautiful spot amid his books; Capt. C. A. Peasf, ol Sprintitiekl. Ilk, anotlu-r oki survivor who still recalls most vividly and pleasantly his school days at dear old Shurtleff ; Dr. J. B. Jackson, of Chica.y[o, who has lony aiul nobly upheld the banner of the Cross in that city; Kew (i. A. Pease, the Fields, the Randolphs, the Kays, the Leveretts, l.awton, Mize, Moore and many others. Days of iiood earnest work thev were, when these younji men, now old — aye, many of them lono; since dead — were tired with fervent ambition to lead the march of progress. Believing it profitable and inter- esting to our readers, we give below, almost in its eiitiretx'. a letter received from Capt. Pease, now aged and crippled, but as true and lo\-al an Alpha Zetan to-day as any of us: Si'uiNcvKiKi.i), 111 , April I <. 1897. \l\ Dear Old .\i.piia Zkta Society: Confined to my room by a stroke of par.ilysis (iftccn nioiitlis sincf wliicii has left me permanently afflicted and with failinfj health, how my heart rejoiced on receiving your circular, and swelled with the dear and sweet recollections of my college days ! The only days I spent in school were in Hpper Alton; first in the old brick school iioiise, then in 13 the old Academy building — afterward the preparatory department and Chapel. Father Loomis was my teacher there. I saw the first brick laid in the present but now old College Building. After ten years' absence I returned to my loved school life at Shurtleff. I at once joined the Alpha Zeta Society, and took a \ery active part in its work and welfare. Once more, as a recollection of yesterday, I am sitting in our Hall, and see around me many dearly loved faces — all eager to engage in forensic struggles. We were equals there, marked by strong individualities. It was true of us that "when Greek meets Greek, then comes the tug of war." With my own hands I helped fit up the old reading-room in the southwest corner of the lower floor, and also the debating room northwest corner of the fourth floor, made by throwing three rooms into one. I wonder if any of the old arm chairs which I helped pur- chase and carry to the room are still there ! I suppose not, but the sight of one of them would do my old eyes good. Well do I remember two scenes, one in the Hall and the other in the Reading-room. 1. We were one night arranging for the periodicals for another year. Perhaps not wisely, I strongly advocated, almost alone, the continuation of our subscriptions for the British quarterlies and the best of American monthlies. Others urged in their stead lighter reading. To my surprise I won, and I presume that those quarterlies and others which, as librarian, I carried from the office and spread with loving hands on the tables of the Reading- room, are now bound volumes in your library. If I remember rightly, some of the first were bound before I left College. 2. On the eve of the Presidential election of 1852 several of us boys were gathered in the Reading-room engaged in conversation. I made this remark: "Boys, I shall vote to- morrow for Scott. This election means little, but four years from to-day probably — and at the farthest eight from now — the only question will be slavery. The triumph of the anti- slavery cmdidate will result in a war between the North and the South. That war will be the greatest and bloodiest on record, for the South will never give up their slaves until they have spent the full value of their slaves in defense of the institution; and I expect to be in that war " These words I well remember; for the war came — "much of which I saw, a part of which I was." For over three years I carried a commission in a regiment always at the front. The whistling of the bullets and the screeching and bursting of shells above and around me at Island No. 11, the siege of Corinth, luka, the battle of Corinth, the siege of Vicksburg, the siege of Jackson, Miss, the battle of Missionary Ridge, the battles on our advance and the siege of Atlanta, still ring in my ears. I came home broken in health and carrying, I doubt not, the seeds of the disease which has culminated in my present affliction* I have never regretted my soldier life. I did what I thought was my duty. Two other memorable scenes rise before me as I look back to my association with the dear old A. Z. boys. A number of us one day gathered in the hall and administered to each other what was then called "laughing gas." The effect on each was different. Some fell to the floor senseless and motionless. Some were made wild and crazy and ran through the halls and out on the campus like maniacs. I can see Russell now as he threw his arms around an oak tree (then small) just north of the building, clasping it to his breast, calling it his dear sweetheart and covering its rough bark with kisses. Others did equally foolish but 14 PKHSIhHNTS' (iKOUP NO. 1. 1. *Geo. I. Newell. 47. 2. *Saml. S. Gilbert. 43. V John B. Jackson, "49. 4. Orson L. Harlei. '47. 5. Benj. S. Fieeinaii, '44. 6. Calvin A. Pease, '50. */h: -. Jas. \V. I.eveiilt, ji>. S. *Ebene/er Kodgers, '5^. y. Horace J. Looniis, '49. laughable things. An hdur or S(i restorerl all in their ncirm.il condition The experiment was not repeated. The other scene was remarkable and seemingly impossible, but it was a fact About eight of us (the A 7. boys were always together,) met in the room of one of the boys one night and were conversing about the strange phenomena attending circles formed with clasped hands— a new thing then. It was proposed that we try a circle. About six of us seated ourselves around a light table, clasped our hands togetlier making a complete circle, and then in perfect silence fixed our eyes on a coin placed in the center of the table. Soon the table began to tip, and just afthat moment |olm \'> Jackson, who stood outside the circle witching us closelv, ami who w.is ;i bundle ot nerves, suddenly rose to his tiptoes, stretched his right hand upward to its fullest extent, and, with a far-away, ecstatic look, exclaimed in apathetic voice, "O, I am so happy," with a long drawn intonation on the last two words. I can see and hear him as f write — as though it were last night instead of neaily forty-five years ago. Young Sherwood, whose hands had tipped the table unconsciously, suddenly rose to his feet with a fixed, vacant stare and fell back on the bed behind him, rigid, senseless and motionless ('harles Kay rushed from the room into the hall and com- menced running its full length, leaping high and declaiming. As 1 stepped to the door I heard one of his sentences which I well remember — spoken in a loud, clear voire. It was; "As I look down the long vista of time to the days I spent in Old Shurtleft, 1 remember how little they appreciated me then." Others were differently affected, but in a less degree Although one of the circle, I was in no way affected or excited, myself. In a short time Sherwood returned to a normal stale The others got Kay into his room, and I found them almost as much excited as he was, struggling with him as he rushed around the room and tried to throw himself from the open window I told them that ipiiet was what he needed, and requested all of them to leave the room. Locking the door, I drew him gently to a seat on thssids of hii bed bsside me, and placing one arm upon his shoulder and taking his hand in the other, commenced a quiet conver.sation with him, and in the course of half an hour he wa€ rational enough to be gotten to bed. I don't think he had the slightest recollection of what he had done. The next morning all seemed right except Jackson, who was still nervous and unable to entirely control himself — though in a day or two he was all right. We had formed circles a few times before, with slight results, but this was enough. No more circles w'ere formed. So far as I know, it was never alluded to. We were content to go back to Cicero, Euclid and I'lato, and leave such startling and mysterious things to others. .\giin I am on the College green engaged in athletic sports, or on Saturdays we are wandering together through the then almost unbroken forest on Wood River in search of wild nuts and fruits which were found in abundance ; or going south through the swampy woods which then reached unbroken from Shields' Branch to Wood River and from the bluff to the rivers bank. All this tract was sombre from its dense mass of gigantic trees, and full of wild animals of many kinds. .\t length we reached the Father of Wafers, in which we bathed and fished to our hearts' content. Often the village girls, and the pupils of Prof. Kimb.'dl's I'emale .\cademy in the old Bostwick House, would crowd our Hall to hear our debates, orations and essays. Their presence had the same effect on us as had that of the ladies of old who surrounded the lists, upon the knights who engaged in mortal strife on the tented field .\g;iin I rim onre more in the ( )ld Stone Church on a Sabb.ith morning, .mil, looking 17 around, see in their stitt-backed pews Deacons Greene, Dodge, Smith, the sainted Father Elwell — the dearest, truest friend and confidant of all the College boys, — Father Lo.omis, Father Rodgers, I'rofessors Washington and Warren Leverett ; tall, angular, near-sighted, scholarly Adkins, sweet singing Castle and dear old Dr. Bulkley ; of all who come before my vision I believe he is the only one remaining outside the golden gates. I well remember his first coming to Shurtleff as Professor of Mathematics, and how we together worked hard over problems in trigonometry and surveying, more like brothers than as teacher and pupil. Of course he will remember the names and incidents I have mentioned as none of your present members can. God grant that when. Brothers and Sisters, your heads are silvered for the grave, your recollections of what is passing among you now may be as clear and sweet as are my recol- lections of college days. Personal difficulties and unpleasant events may have happened then. They are forgotten, and only the brightest, dearest pictures pass before my mental vision. May it be the same to you. Fraternally and affectionately your friend, CALVIN A. PEASE. The first Annual Exhibition of the Alpha Zeta Society was held on Friday evening, March 21, 1851,' the program of which we are very glad to be able to present below verbatim, a genuine printed copy having been furnished us by one of tiiese old-time members: I. Prayer Music. Prologue, - - - . 3. Essay, "Tobacco," 4. Oration, "Perverted Talent," Mrsir. Essay, "The Door-keeper's Soliloquy,' Oration, "Talent Developed by Application." J. C. Crowder, Liberty Prairie Essay, "Influence of Speculative Minds," - C M. Kay, Payson Forensic Discussion, "Would the United States be justifiable in making a grant of land to the Hungarian Refugees?" G. L. Griswold, Brighton J. E. Moore, Canton Oration, "Advantages and Character of the West," J. R. Kay, Payson Music. Oration, "Characters of Howard and Napoleon Contrasted," O. L. Barler, Washington Essay, "The Prairies," - - - C. A. Pease, Jersey ville Even Cunningham, Brighton2 G. W. S. Bell, Petersburg^ G. I. Newell, Upper Alton S. M. Brown, Mendon 1 At this date there were aboiU twenty niembers in the Society. 2 We are unable to state positively whether or not members from abroad were known as "Gentleman from Brighton," "Gentleman from Petersburg," etc., (according to the amusing custom in the negro colleges of the South) but the above program seems to lend some plausibility to the i(iea. 18 12. Dialogue. "Desperate Case vs. Desperate Means." S. G Kt ssKi.i.. Blutldale nK.\MATIS PERSON.!-;. Pktkr I'lNCH, - - - G. I. Foster. Kiniiykunick, Wis. Rdhin Crow, - - S. G. Russell, Hliitt.lalc Bill Shincilk, George Gilbert, I'pper .Mttin Prof. Shv, - - - - r. a. Slieiwooii, l'|i|>i-r .Mion Music. I V T'resident's .VtUlress, "Kvery Man a Debtor to his Profession," John Trii'.i.k, F^iasa Mrsi. Our Udiinitury at first consisted ot but two stories. In tlie DciliCillion vear 18.S.^, li()\ve\t,'r, the two upper stories were added, and of I)CU' soon afterward tiiree rcjonis in tlie nortiiwest corner of the Tcurib ?lcor fourth tlo(.)r were, by request of the Society, tluown into cuv, Hdll. fitted up by members of the Society, and occupied for th'j first time on the 29th of December. All alona during the fall of 1853 preparations were in progress towarti the tittino up of this new fourth floor meeting-place, and on October 14th a committee of three — J. B. Jack- son, J. K. Kay aiui N. Wilson — was elected "to see to the furnishing of the new hall and confer with the M. R. 1. Society' in reference to the mutual use of tlie room." This Committee on Room from time to time reported progress. At lengtii on December 23d a Committee on Arrange- ments reported an order of procedure for Thursday evening, December 29th, which date was finally decided upon for special exercises in dedication of the New Hall, H. S. Baker, Esq., of Alton, having accepted the invitation to address the Society (»n the occasion, and $28.00 from the "Book Fund" having been appropriated to defra\- necessary expenses of the affair. .At 6:30 p.m. of the appointed day the Society met in the New Hall, each decked in the official badge and his "best suit of clothes," and after the invocation by the President of tlie College, Dr. N.N. Wood, the New Hall was formally dedicated, amid bursts of fiery eloquence and soft strains of inspiring melod.w The regular meeting on December 30th, 1853, was held in the New Hall, but as a series of revival meetings at the Baptist Church occurred soon afterward, the Si»ciet_\' adjourned its regular exercises until February 24th. I l-"oi iiifonii;Uiiiii logardiiiK this bddy, set: Cli.T)>t(r 111. 19 Public Meetings at this time were not frequent, but Exhibitions, Sociciv consisting of orations, essays (or paper,) debate, and sometimes P)ii$ic. an exercise of a dramatic character, or a dialogue, were held regularly about Christmas time. On these occasions Professor and Mrs. Kimball, of Wayland Female Seminary,' Professor Castle and others very kindly furnished us music. A few years later Mrs. Chandler, a very fine alto, frequently favored us in this way, and a very popular quartet was composed of Mrs. Dr. Read, alto, her sister, Miss Daniels, soprano. Prof. Castle, an exquisite tenor, and A. L. Cole, a student wlio possessed a very deep, rich barytone voice. We had a number of members in these days who were good singers, such as R. B. Smith, J. W. Amiss, J, W. Terry and C. H. Bristol. A Glee-Club, maintained from year to year, was an important feature of our Society life throughout the '60s and '70s, as well as at xarious times since. The Philharmonic Society was a musical organization of whicli very little is known. We are inclined to the belief that it originated in tlie fall of 1S56. Its meetings were held every Thursday evening "for the practice of sacred and secular music." One bright Saturday in the college year 1852-53, an incident Prol". f\. (amusing in retrospect) occurred which threatened to make a V§. serious breach between the Senior and Junior classes and the PbrcnclOiJV. Faculty. A phrenologist strolled into the College grounds, and our merry youths, "knowing a good thing, etc.," met him very politely, and at length escorted him up to the Alpha Zeta Hall on the fourth floor, where, with some twenty or thirty victims to operate upon, he proceeded to examine heads "to a fare-ye-well."' In the midst of his character delineations and interesting revelations from the book of destiny, 1 This Seminary was founded upon tlie Bostwick estate by Prof. Kimball. The building was erected by Mr. Bostwick about 1836, and was one of the most magnificent residences in the West at that time, being elegantly built and finished. A tall fence of fancy iron-work, surmounting a low stone wall, bounded the large, well-kept grounds on the west side, while the beautiful "porter's lodges," the two lofty pillars at the main entrance of the house, and the inside furnishings— all in Colonial style and a reproduction of those of the White House— lent a charming air of affluence to the entire premises. Some years later this property, together with a tract of about 100 acres adjoining, was purchased by the late H. N. Kendall, Esq., one of Shurtleft's greatest benefactors, and for years a member of the Board of Trustees. Mr. Kendall laid out the grounds in elaborate style, and named his place "Rural Park." A number of years afterward " Rural Park Seminary, ' (S. Adams, principal,) occupied the premises, which, about 1872, became the property of Shurtlett, being used as the Young Ladies' Dormitory and Boarding Hall until 1878, when Dr. Edward Wymau bought the place and established Wyman Institute, a home school for boys, which contitiued in operation until succeeded in 1892 by the Western Military Academy of to-day, under the able Presidency of Col. Willis Brown and his successor, Col. A. M. Jackson. 2 No freaks were discovered, except the one that notified the Professor. 20 it occurred to some one that the whole affair iiii^iit be considered somewliat irregular and it would perhaps be fully as well to notify Prof. Adkins of the proceedings. Now the genus phrenologist, in the eyes of the severely con- servative and orthodox Professor A., ranked but little below the book-agent, the green-goods man and like ungodly monstrosities, and upon hearing the dire tidings that this sacriligious crank had dared invade the hallowed pre- cincts of Old Shurtleff to exploit his intolerable tomfoolery, his ire was kindled and he forthwith hied him in haste to the fourth tloor to disperse the gather- ing. This he succeeded in doing most effectually, and the vials of his righteous wrath were poured forth in such floods that his censure of those who participated in the meeting was somewhat stronger than the boys felt they deserxed. Members of the higher classes were chiefly involved in the transaction, and they were considerably aroused and excited, but through the kindly offices of President Wood the troubled billows ceased their hea\- uig and the affair was settled satisfactorily to all parties. Tin- phrenolo- gist, though considerably grieved, made good his escape in the melee, and "never came there any mf)re." We learn from record of meeting May 6th, 185,^, that r^'vised ?ir$l Rcvi$ion Constitution and By-Laws were then adopted. We find that of revisions were made every few years thereafter until 18.S7, Constitution when Constitution and By-Laws were priiitt'd as last revised, iinil Bv-l.i1lPS. having been in vogue thus ever since, with but few radical changes. The first election of officers under the Revised Con- stitution of Ma\- 6th. 185.^, resulted as follows: C. A. Pease, presitient; J. M. Miller, vice-president; John H. Moore, corresponding secretary ; N. Wilson, recording secretary and treasurer ; Samuel Bishop, librarian. Kay and Russell were appointed Hxecutixe Committee; Foster and Weeks, Question Committee, and Lowe and Randolph, Committee on "Ways and Means.'' A new order of exercises was determined upon at this meeting, and a committee appointed to draw up the same. Follf>wiiig was adopti'd: 1. Call to Order. 1. Iinocation. ^. Roll Call. 4. Reading Minutes of Pre\'ious Meeting, and action on same. 5. Reception of Members. 6. Payment of Fees. 7. Criticism on fornu-r Fssay. 21 8. Declamation (whenever on program.) 9. Essay, and Appointment of Critic for same. 10. Oration, and Appointment of Critic for same. 11. Reading of Question and Names of Disputants. 12. Debate. 13. Decision upon the Debate. 14. Critic's Report. 15. Report of Question Committee, and Selection of Question. 16. Reports of Officers. 17. Reports of Standing Committees. 18. Reports of Special Committees. 19. Unfinished Business. 20. New Business. 21. Assessment of Fines. 22. Good of the Society. 23. Adjournment. There was no sharp distinction drawn between the business and Thcv literary portions of the program, essays, orations, etc., being UlcrKcii "called for" as regular orders of the day, and "Recess" seems to Hiiril. have been an unheard-of thing. The fact is, it was all business — and very serious business — to the Alpha Zetans of these ante- bellum days, it is observed further that they did not rely much upon memory work ; their memories were strong enough apparently. But they went at their work "hammer and tongs," and pounded out a remarkably large number of original compositions,' at the same time learning how to argue a question pro and con, and to hold up their respective sides heroic- ally, it is a striking fact that the Alpha Zetans of this period labored as hard in the field of literary effort as they ever had in the field of corn. We of to-day will do well to emulate them in many particulars. "Improvement in original composition and extemporaneous Viiricllcs speaking" being the fundamental design of the Society, essay of and oration on the one hand and debate on the other, occupied txcrciSC. f(jr many years the most prominent place upon our programs — in fact, there was very little else in the way of literary num- bers — declamation, dialogue, dramatic exercises, etc., beingindulged in only I We iiidge, however, from Uie ratlier limited muiiber of tliese vvliich we have examined, that they are on the wliole scarcely up to our standard of to-day in literary merit — which is of course not remarkable in view of the difference in culture between the two periods. PRHSIDHNTS' (iROUP NO. 2. 3. Thos. M. r.ong, I. Peter H. Siccnsir,). s'l. '53- 4. SpiiK 1 1 (", Ki f). I.ewis N. H,iiley. '57. 2. G. W. S. Bell. '50. 5- Joliii II Ml C. Maple, 5:: semi -occasionally in the private meetings. "Debate meetings" and "essay meetino[s" alternated, the discussions ordinarily beinji very l(jn^ and serious, and the essays likewise. One Friday evening there would be a debate, copious criticisms upon it. and then a question chosen and debaters appointed for two weeks later.' The next meeting would be devoted to the reading of essays and dehvery of orations, appointment of a critic on each production,^ reading; of critiques upon tlie essays and orations of last essay meeting, and appointment of essayists and orators (usually two of each) for four weeks afterward. At these meetings if any one failed to fulfill an appointment tlie time was frequently tilK'd out with voluntarv' exercises, which were nearly always extemporaneous speeches, although essays and orations were sometimes held in reserve for such emergencies and sprung on the Society at theauspicious monuMit. Noteworthy among the essayists and editors of the Society paper in the early and middle '50s stand John C. Crowder, lolni H. M(»ore, Z. W. Hobbs, H. L. Field, Dodge, Ellis, Greene, Kinman, Bowers, Thomas and Gallaher. Tlu' immense practical \alue of debate was well recognized by Dcbillc, the early Alpha Zetans, and \ery li\ely and earnest indeed were '15 Vcars their forensic struggles. In one of our well-known Alpha Zeta avJC. speakers of this date the political idea was strongly developed, and in his impassioned flights of oratory he would frequently forget himself and address the members of the Society as "Fellow Citizens." Another "boy'' of this period rt'lates that in the early days of his connection with Alpha Zeta he was extremely shy and bashful, but during a debate one evening upon a subject in whicli he was interested and fairly well posted, he all at once found himself on his feet discussing tin- question with itn earnestness and freedom that utterlx' surprised him. Hiuouraged by this effort and the congratulations of his fri^'uds, he perse\ered, and we are pleased to state that he at length became one of our \ery best debaters. V>iic. 14th, 1X55, "McEiliyot's American Debater" was adopted as the Society's standard of reference. There were usually four disputants in these days — two principals, e^Kli empowered to select a colleague from the house. One of the principals had choice of sides, the other had choice of an assistant. Incase a principal debater failed to show up on the ap- 1 I'oi a lime il whs ciistdiii.ii y to appuiiU rlisputanls and ilioosc llic qiieslion fi'iii svioks in aills were paid tinough the Hxecutive Committee, by order on the treasurer. Most of the papers and magazines were ordered tinough Alton Papers booksellers^Hibbard & Metcalf, Kellenberger & Atwood, and iind others. We note, howe\er, that the Neu' York Tribune was PeriOiliCillS. ordered direct from Greeley & Co., and that The National Era and several of the larger magazines were also obtained direct from the publishers. For some reason there was a great deal of difficulty in getting the periodicals regularly. Among the magazines taken by the Society we note Harper's, FiitnanTs, Knickerbocker'' s, Blackwood's, Eclectic, Silli- maiTs Journal, North American Review, Home Journal, and Littell's Living Age: while the newspapers included the New York Kecorder, Congressional Globe, Washington Union, Boston Atlas, Missouri Republican, Alton Courier and Alton Telegrapli. Before the establishment of tiie lu-w second-lloor Reading- bfforis room on June 9, 1857, several efforts were maile to secure to Secure more commodious quarters," and a more suitable location Deu' which wouIlI insure greater pri\ ac\-. Reriodicals were not Readinif Room, infrequently purloined from the Reading-ro(»m, :\u^ this became so serious that the Facultv was appealed to f*^'^^^ PRtSIhHNTS' GROUP NO. ^. 1. *Restores C. Siiialley. 'sy. 4. John H. \Voo. MapK', liiH iJrJ that tlic lu-xt Exhibition should consist ot tive orations, debate and dialoiim.. Pmi. Adkins was in\'ited to take charge of the same, drilling the participants, and Professors Castle and Kinibal! were asked to furnisli the music.-. The event occurred on Friday evening, Dec. 22, tlie Society meeting at p.m.* in the Hall and marching in procession to tlie church. Two members served as ushers, reser\'ing seats in front for the Society. Fourhundri'd programs were printed, the expense being borne by subscription, as was customary. Tile president, Geo. A. Pease, occupied the chair and called off the exer- cises, which were opened with prayer and closed with music by tin- choir of the church. We note that the ladies of the town were shortly after- ward thanked for their assistance in the arrangements for the Exhibition, and it is pleasing to know tiiat they so kindly aiiled us then as now. On Jan, 26, 1855, we note the abbreviation "Prex." used for the first time in the records, in February, Prof. Castle, upon written rcLiuest in behalf of the Faculty, is granted the use of our Hall as a ' 'declamation - room." Soon after the Hall is thrown open for a series of chemistry lec- tures. On Thursday, June 28, at 2:30 p.m., a very interesting discourse entitled, "Peculiar Types of Character in Old and New Countries," was delivered before the Society by Rev. Ur. S. \. McMasters, pastor of St. Paul's Episcopal church of Alton. A vote of thanks was returned to liim, and a copy of the address requi'sted for publication in Tlw Cliristiiiii Tii)h'S. [Jr. McMasters was pro /t'liipore President of SliurtU'ff tiuring the next college year. In the fall of 1855 Alpha Zeta received notice tliat the sum of fifty dollars had been bequeathed to the Society by a former member. Get). L. Griswold, of Brighton. The Exhibition of Dec. 21, 1855, included a comic dialogue, ''Hob Comic iiiui Noh," in which Ebenezer Rodgers played the role of "Hob" DinlOvjIlC. and Thomas Long represented "Nob," F. ,\\. Ellis being ''Bouncer." A handsome edition of Shakespeare was given as a prize for the best declamation, of which there were four, and also four orations, the program being arranged by Prof. Castk', as usual. This, we 2 This Si cms in iiidicale tlwil llic ICshiliilii ii was at lliis liii;c liolil as cailv as f>-,n p iii 37 JJ^IiSHti believe was the first time an admission fee was cliarged at an Exhibition, a net profit of $17.40 beinjz reported. On Friday evening, Feb. 11-, 1856, we note tliat "after regular busi- ness" patriotic speeches were made and a resolution appropriate to the Day adopted. in the spring of 1856 the Hall was considerably improved Hall and beautified, the numerous friends of the Society kindly Improvement, bearing part of the expense. The floor was carefully painted, ceiling whitewashed and walls papered. A neat secretary's stand was purchased, and thanks returned Messrs. Field, Greene and Gallaher for some large framed pictures, in May we note the past minutes were corrected by a committee of two, and on June 13 Father Loomis and Rev. 1. Woodbury favored the members with instructive talks on the objects and consequences of the Society. On June 26 the Annual Address was delivered in "The Grove," east of the Dormitory, by Rev. W. D. Haley of Alton. Seven of our more prominent members graduated in this year — John Pope Baker, Henry W. Bowers, George P. Guild, Geo. A. Pease, Wm. Randolph, Ebenezer Rodgers and Nathaniel Wilson. 38 CHAPTER III. OTHtK LITtHAKY SOCIETIES. IN addition tn Alpha Zeta several other literary societies tloiirished at Shuitleff in the '50s and '60s. In the college-years 1852-53 and 1853-54 two especially are noted — "The Juvenile Debating Society of Shurtleff College" and ''The Society of Moral and Religious Inquiry." The former was composed entirely of the young hoys in the Preparatory Department, including George B. Dodge, Samuel DeBow, Tom and Willis Long, Cyrus and Willie Leverett, Geo. Mosher, Ebenezer and Edward Rodgers, John W. and Judson Teasdale, Wilberforce Hurlbut and Frank Adkins. The organization existed only a couple of years or less, when it died a natural death, most of its members afterward joining the Alpha Zeta. The Society of Moral and Religious Inquiry, familiarl\- known "IWarin." as M. R. I. or "Maria," was, as its name indicates, composed of staid and sober theologs, ascetics of the deepest dye, who met on Saturday evenings in the rooms of its respecti\e members (and later in the Alpha Zeta Hall) to tussle with weighty problems of Being, Subconsciousness, Predestination and the Origin of Evil. The meetings were devoted alternately to a discussion of some question of religious inter- est, and the presentation of papers or "reports" prepared by the members upon the moral and religious condition of the world. The M. R. I. was formed about 1850, continuing until 1868, when it was supplanted by the "Theological Society," which was sustained as a society for less than two years. The membership of M. R. I. included at different times such men as Hopps and Howell (our Damon and Pythias), Simmerwell, Bishop, James and William Leverett, Geo. A. Pease, Foster, Jackson, Moore and Lawton, the majority being also Alpha Zetans. 39 The society of most prominence, however, among these minor Hcia organizations was the PHILOMATHIAN, bearing the same name Pbilo. (witli different spelling) but in no wise related to the old Philo- mathean which grew into the Alpha Zeta. This new Philo was originated in the following manner. One of the articles in Alpha Zeta's constitution having long permitted only students in the College Department to become members, the urgent need of a lower-grade society soon made itself felt. The "Juvenile Debating Society" mentioned above fulfilled this want for a time, but for two or three years after its demise the same need frequently became apparent and the question of a Preparatory Depart- ment society was repeatedly agitated. At length, in the spring of 1856, the Philomathian was instituted, being encouraged by the Alpha Zeta Society, many of wiiose members took part in its exercises. The young society certainly had some very good and interesting meetings in 1856, '57 and '58. Noteworthy among the Alpha Zetans who nursed and encouraged the infant Philo in those years were Frank M. Ellis, Harry M. Gallaher (afterward prominent in Sigma Phi), Henry L. Field and Thomas W. Greene. These gentlemen aided materially in its organization, assisted occasionally in its meetings, and secured a number of pictures for the walls. The membership numbered twelve or fifteen at the start, most of these at the same time belonging to the Alpha Zeta. On June 20, 1856, Alpha Zeta granted a petition from the Philomathian requesting the use of the Hall on Saturday evenings. The petition was granted subject to withdrawal, Philo to bear her just proportion of expense for lighting, heating, etc., and to hire the same janitor Alpha Zeta em- ployed. After fierce debate the following additional proviso was rejected : "That the Philomathians meet with open doors, and at no time form them- selves into a secret society." Sept. 26, 1856, Philomathian returns thanks for the use of the Hall, and H. M. Gallaher moves that same be laid away in the archives of the Society and recommended as a good specimen of English composition. We quote from the "Sigma Phi Manual" of 1867 the following brief historical sketch of the Philomathian -Sigma Phi Society: On Saturday evening, January ig, 1856, a few students, convinced that a literary society adapted to the wants of those just entering upon a course of study, was a deeply felt neces- sity, met in the room now used for the College Library, and after due deliberation consti- tuted themselves "The Philomathian Society of Shnrtleft College." .... They 40 continued to meet in the Library Room until Septemlier of the same yeir. when tlie Alpha Zeta Society kindly oflered tliem the use of their Hall Diirinfj; this year the society received mnny valu ible additions to its membership, priiicii) ills' fioin the Alpha Zeta Society, bringing with them both experience and influence In October, 1858, a committee was appointed to obtain permission from the College Faculty to convert two rooms on the first t^ )or into a h dl for the use of this society. The reijuest was readily granted, and those faithful ,nul energetic members, H Sawyer, Wise, Yerkes, Hodge, C). W. Cox and others at once proceeded to fitting up the hall, which was opened on the 4th of March, 1859, and celebrated by an address before the Society by the Rev P. Steenstra, of St. Louis In April of that year the old name "I'hilomatliian" was changed to "Sigma Phi," from the two Greek words Selos Philoi (lovers of light) .... The new college-year opened with an auspicious occurrence. The F"acuUy had decided to place the societies upon an equal footing, and no longer regard this as a stepping-stone to any other Chained down no longer by restricting laws, they unanimously deter- mined to have no superior. The partition of another room was immediately taken down, and in four weeks afterwards, Nov. 18, 1839. the society held its first public meeting in the new hall. Tlie "Alpha Sigma,"' a society for students ot tlu' Preparatory /llpbil Department, existed during 1867-8 and a part of 186S-9. There $kjmn. was during tliis time, we understand, a college law to the effect that only members of the College classes should join the Alpha Zeta or Sigma Phi. Thus of course the need of a society for the benefit of Preparatory students became again urgent. The Alpha Sigma mi-t in "Chapel No. .^," but the Theological Society wanted the same room, and succeeded in obtaining it of the Faculty, histead of merely changing their time of meeting, the Alpha Sigma betook themselves to room 21 on the second floor. This room, howewr, was utterly inadequate to their necessities (the society numbering about fifty or si.xty), and they proceeded to disband, burying the society at dead of night, in due form, and with appropriate ceremonies. The solemn funeral cortege proceeded from the west door of the Dormitory to the place of interment — the hollow southwest of that building. Here was laid to rest the coff'm which contained, 'tis said, the remains of Alpha Sigma. The impressive burial rites included a finieral oration by John Olson, of the recently defunct. An old Alpha Sigman says: "After this a move was made to induce the Faculty to permit us to join the College societies, which in a few weeks was granted. In the meantime we had carefully compared the merits of the two societies, and I may say thi' cream of the Sub classes joined the Alpha Zeta Society, this old Society being noted for its dignity, I Also caller) the "Siib &: Snb-Siib." 41 untiring efforts for good, and manly way of meeting all or dealing with all questions, even though perplexing." But the really dark, fell, dire effort of all Shurtleff's history to n)onh$ date, in the way of a society, was that which successfully of brought about the "Zelogalosians, or Monks of St. Momus." $1. n)onniS. Our Archaeologist, being strictly on the inside track in this matter, has secured full official data as to this unchartered but justly celebrated organization — this Great Secret Society of Old Shurtleff ! Alas! it never lived to see its second birthday, but came to an untimely end shortly before Commencement, 1859. Early in December, 1857, a number of Freshmen' held frequent and prolonged conversations touching the advisability and practicability of organizing a secret literary and social society in the College. After pro- found deliberation, numerous plans having been projected and rejected, the matter came to a focus in the formation of a "club," which was to be con- ducted after the manner of a monastic order and to hold weekly meetings, on Wednesday evenings. Though originated chiefly by Freshmen it in- cluded "the elect" of all classes, without distinction of other affiliations or rank, it was a good fellowship club, devoted to informal literary and con- versational" improvement and jolly companionship. The members, being known by the general term "Monks," had each a special club name also. These names were chosen by each member according to his particular fancy. The following are some of them: Benedict, Friar Tuck, Ajax, Geoffrey, Gregorius, Falstaff, Plato, Old Mortality, Tacitus. The official costume consisted of a scarlet cowl and gown with rope girdle, similar to that affected by monkish orders, and the officers — elected by ballot every eight weeks— were known as Lord Abbot, Coadjutor, Purveyor, Scrivener and Janitor. The Lord Abbot was togged out in sweller style than the rest, and was of course master of ceremonies, the Coadjutor officiating in his absence. The Purveyor's duty was to provide viands for the refreshment of the Brotherhood at every meeting, the expense being borne by a weekly stipend which he collected of all. The Scrivener had charge of the Frater- nity's funds (except the weekly stipend), and kept a record of such portion of the proceedings as it was desired should be recorded. The Janitor acted as doorkeeper and vigilante. 1 Looking for trouble, as usual. 2 Discussion of the lives, characters and writings of great men was an interesting feature of the meetings. 42 Wf karn from the Constitution that any College student having Inside sonit' knowlcd.ue of the classics and possessing the requisite quali- Dalfl. ties t(i inaki.' a pk^asant companion, was eligibk- tn membership, but he must receive the entire vote of the Fraternity. The initia- tion fee was $1,00. Fifteen was the limit of membership. No into.xicating liquors were allowed in thr iiu-etings of the Fraternity. Tiicre was a some- what elaborate initiation ceremony. One knctck and a scratcii was the signal for admittance. The Janitor then inquired of the applicant, "What do you want .-"' The name of the literary e.xercise of the evening was required as countersign. When a member or members of the BrotlKrhood graduated from Col- lege a special farewell meeting was held in tht-ir honor. The first regular meeting of the Zelogalosians was held Dec, 16, Exercises 1857, in No. 36 on the third floor of the Dormitory. The meet- Of Ibe ings were opened and closed by singing an ode composed by the n)cnk$. Fraternity, and the time was occupied in much the same way as in the regular literary society meetings, with the additional feat- ures of interesting initiatory rites, which were very solemn and conducted largely in Latin ; convivial and humorous conversation; partaking of the "refection," etc., which latter portions of the program were certainly the exact opposite of solemn. We note that at one meeting the exercise is to give "a metaphorical definition of ^/o^//^//c^ in ten words;" at another "a monosyllabic sentence on life, twenty words in length." At one time each Monk brought in a carefully prepared autobiography; again, an extract from the writings of his favorite author, and again, fifteen peculiar words are given, to be incorporated in a theme by each Frater. On one occasion a stanza of four lines on "Woman" was the order of the day, and we give below those voted first and second best : "There is music and beauty and rapture and light Wherever she wanders, and elsewhere is night. Oh, the spirit of Innocence laughs in her eyes, And the gods never fed on such sweets as her sighs " "True woman's love so high and free Dispels my mind's sad. withering gloom. And what would life without it be? — A dreary journey to the tomb," 43 Tile meetings were held in tiie rooms of the various members, in $pCi)kilKj the Dormitory, thouo;h quite often adjournment was taken to dis- Of ?rats! tant woods and solitary jilens where dismal hooted the midnight owl and horrid things crept about in the inky shadows! Here our Praters were in their element, and a very strikingly picturesque — if not gruesome — scene they presented in their long unearthly robes, standing solemnly around the glaring bonfire, or yelling and dancing about in weird, wild orgies. Afterward they slept soundly in their big tent, and enjoyed the return in the fresh air of early morning, followed by good performance in the class-room, as though nothing extraordinary had occurred. But this agreeable state of things could not last. The Order Exil of the Monks of St. Momus was altogether too select an affair. ZclOijalosinns. Its membership included only the men of highest character and most brilliant scholarship, and so many were "not in it" that the members' were subjected to many annoyances, which culminated one evening in an attempt to force an entrance and break up a meeting. Faster and more furious grew the bombardment, imtil there arrived upon the scene "a very dignified personage whom all respected," and the frolic ceased rather abruptly. That was the last official meeting of the Zelogalosians. The Faculty held something in the nature of a judicial examination, we under- stand, fining the marauders, and the Order of the Monks was dissolved. A pledge was thereafter required of young men received into the College, to join no secret societies during their connection with the Institution. We close this tale of the Monks of St. Momus with the "CARMEN SANCTl MOMI." (SuiiK to the tune of "Vive la Coiiipagnie.") Levati singuli comites scyphos, Vive Fraternitas. Bibete salutem recenti fratri, Vive Fraternitas. Chorus — Vive tu ! Vive tu ! Vive tu ! etc, etc.. Vive Fraternitas Gratulans fratrem cum candidu manu, Vive Fraternitas. Quisque cors palpito varum in mente, Vive Fraternitas. Wlioiii the boys were not long in discoveiiii};. 44 Litera horam nunc certe habebit, Vive Fraternitas. Faciens puram letitiam cordis, \'ive Fraternitas. Tuta ab visu investigationis, Vive Fraternitas. Ciaudio carmine hora' volabunt, \'ive Fraternitas. At the be^iiinin^ ot the last term of 1860-61 a number of "Ulhill students and youn^ ladies of the village formed themselves into Dot the ''What Not Club," for social and literary enjoyment, the Club." meetings being held in rotation at the Immesof the several young lady members. There were in all sixtt-'cn members — eight couples, — and the exercises, while mainly literary, were quite varied, some features being decidedly unique. Several of those who were members testify that they had glorious times at these meetings. There was a "Presiding Genius" (P. G.) and "Vice Presiding Genius" (V. P. G.), the oftices going in turn to the several members — a lady and a gentleman each time. The escorting of the ladies was determined by drawing lots for their names. In a fanciful sort of way the young men gave the young ladies titles from the books that charmed them : ''Hilda" and "Miriam," from Hawthorne's Marble Faun, "Priscilla," ''Rosebud," etc. The exercises included the reading of the "What Not Journal," games of various sorts, acting of charades, and refreshments. The Club only existed for one term, when "it dissolved like a summer sunset, leaving the brightest of memories." There have been other literary societies at Shurtleff from time to time, but as data in regard to them is quite meager, we refrain from further pro- longing this chapter. One organization of a more or less questionable character is said to have held its meetings in the old belfry of the Dormitorv. 45 CHAPTER IV. ANTE-BELLUM PROGRESS (1856-57 THROUGH 1860-61.) 'T'HIS period of our history has to do with a remarleing fastened on the coat with red ribbon. One of the Upper Alton ladies, Mrs. Grinstead, is, we nt)te, rendered a vote of thanks for "efficient aid" in preparation of these badges. They were under the control of the Society, being loaned to tlu- members on state oc- casions. They were worn, we believe for the first time, at the Hxliibition of Dec. 19, 1856. The plan of this Exhibition was arranged by a com- mittee of three in consultation with Prof. CastK'. who also furnished the vocal music for the occasion. Front seats were reserved lor the Societ_\', Monticello Seminary was invited, and the program was as follows: 49 Music. Invocation. Music. Oration, "Let there be Light, " - - - S. S. Boone Oration, "Jewi.sh Nationality," - - - Jos. B. Lemen Music. Declamation, (A'ossiit/i) - - - - F. M. Ellis Declamation, [GilfUkni) - - - - J. W. Amiss Music. Colloquy — Scene in a Student's Room, G. B. Douge and T. M. Long Music. Oration, "Mission of the Orator," - - - H. L. Field Oration, "The Golden Age and the Age of Ciold," Wm. B. Gilbert Music Dialogue, (selected) DRAM.^TIS PERSON.^. Tkanscendentalist, - - - - H. M. Gallaher Philosopher, - - - Win. W. Foutch Logician, - - - T. A. Slater Linguist, - - - - ^ R. B. Smith Elocutionist, - - - G. B. Dodge Mathematician, - - - - - T. W. Greene Poet, - - - - - - S. S. Boone Patriot, - - - - - - Wm. B. Gilbert Yankee Studhins, - - - - T. M. Long Music. On Oct. 24 a liandsomely framed engiaviny: of the Senate of 1850 was brought forth and presented to the Society with an appropriate speech by H. L. Field. Some twenty members had contributed toward the purchase. . . . On Feb. 6, 1857, resolutions on the death of a former member, Wm. Randolph, Jr., were passed by the Society, and a copy sent to his family. The resolutions were also published in the Alton Courier. At the meeting of a week later, Mr. Maple read an eulogy on the deceased. . On March 20 several amendments to the By-Laws suggested by H. L. Field were adopted, with slight changes. One of these amendments provided for a roll-call at every meeting, absentees without reasonable excuse to be fined ten cents each. hi the spring of 1857, great efforts were again made to DcU' secure a better location for the Reading-room. In April Second ?locr President Read offered to deliver a series of lectures to Rcailincj Room, which admission should be charged, the proceeds, or a por- tion thereof, to be used in fitting up a new Reading-room for the Society. This offer was very gratefully accepted, and a committee 50 of ten appointed to proLiirf tickets anJ attend t:,,|,>:» ..... ?• ?f?/y '-.Mll'^. :^3/ ,:, 1.;;;;:^';^ t,!^:l^;%r ^ ^VV^-V N Cl,a,....ers. 7... ; Caloway Nash, Y.j 3. Addison B. Tonilinson, Ym 4- Thomas J. Keith, Y,-;. >) A.l.lison I.. Cole, Y.i " Jnhn I-. Ildward, Yif.. Debate, "Resolveil, 'I'll at tlic rnit>n is tcmlini; to Decay." Allirmative, 1\ M Ki.i.is. N. M. Hkown Negative, J. I' Lauton, A J Dki.ano Mi'sir. Oration, "Chaiactcrs of (ircat Mt-n, W C Lkvkhktt Reading of "The Crescent," - T S Luwk Mrsic. Oration, "Literature of the Bible," 11 M. (".ai.lahkk Oration, "OlHces of the True. ' - ')' W. Grekne Mi'sic. Benediction. ''Tile Eveniniz Star" lias been loaned us tor perusal, and we note "The that it consists of a short editorial, a poem — "Too Bright to bvciliiuj Last," a liumorous letter from "Mrs. Jerusha Partington'' — Sliir." contributed by P. H. Steenstra ; "The Love of the Marvelous" — an essay by H. A. Warnt'; "Cieneral News,' ami Z. W. Hobbs" "Apostrophe to Shurtleff." On Saturday evening, October 30, 1858, .Wr. A. W. Alexander, of St. Louis, delivered before the Society an address, entitled "Napoleon." We note it was the custom from this time on, for a ^iood many years, for the Society to have in the course of the colleo;e-year several lectures by prominent men. Admission was charged in most cases. Prof. Castle usually arranged for the music. In November two amendments to the By-Laws are passed; \iz., **3ournflr' that the business portion of the program shall follow the literary Inslilulcd. part, and that an editorship shall be established and a Society paper read at regular meetings. On Dec. 3, the literary e.xer- cises are accordingly the first thing on the program, and the ALPHA ZH TA JOURNAL, Vol. I, No. 1, is read by H. H. Northrop. The edit<.rs were at first elected as a committee of two, at each election of oliticers. The program of the Annual L.xhibition of l)ec. 22, IS.^S, was arranged by those who took part, the debaters choosing their own question. The I One item tieiii;;, "It is ciiri t-iitly i'e|>urtcrfn pri'lly well .idlicrcil lo l>v tlip Soricly, and lias rt-siillcd in Kf-il bfiichl. 59 In the spring of 1861 the boys were debating such questions as ''Resolved, That a Division of the Union of the United States would be BtMK'titial to the People." " Resolved, That Lincoln should hold and furnish Supplies to the Forts ill the Seceding States." The exciting events in our National life were now fast absorbing all interest and attention, and college life was a secondary matter indeed. On one occasion, about the spring of 1861, when the war-fever **/1 Hot was at its height, one of our members, being on for an essay, had Time." chosen to write a "Justification" of the South in taking up arms against the North. "By the time he had finished," we are told, "yes, and before, the people in their adjacent homes for two blocks away tiiought there was war in reality. The audience, ladies and all, stood upon their seats, hissing, cheering and waving whatever came into their grasp." Our informant, when he thinks of that eventful night, is reminded, he says, of the sublime classic, ''There'll he a Hot Time in the Old Town To-night." 60 PRtSIDHNTS' GROUP NO. 5. 1. Samuel D. Badger, '68. 2. *John B. English, "66. 3. Lemuel J. Hancock, '6i(. 4. Charles B. Roberts. '68. 5. Irenaeus I). Foulon. '64. 6. John W. Hrimm. '68. 7. William S. Roberts, '71. 8. Solomon Draper, '66. riiAi'i i:i\ w AN ERA OF INTHNSh: AC1I\H^ (isr.l-f.i THK()i;(,ll ISf/^-Zo. ) nPHH year 1801 -()2 t)pt.'iK'i.l 'miJ llic lioiiois ot war, and tlit- lirst qiicstinn chosen for debate is, ''Rrsolvt'if, That Christianity fnibids War undir ail Circumstances." Declamation is now included as part of the exercises of the Public Meetinjis. In No\'eml^i r wi- note the formation of the Alpha Zeta Glee-Club by Mr. C. h. Bristol, who is also acti\'e in the ?ir$l purchasinti, ne.xt year, of a tine new piano for the Society — the Sociciv first we ever had. It was a Marshall & Tra\er, and upon its arrival Pinno. from St. Louis the boys proceeded to boost it up to the fourth floor. This was no easy task, but was soon safely accomplished. During xacations the piano was loaned or rented, President Read's family being given the use of it one summer, and Messrs. Drapir and Thanb\'ah using it at other \acation times. A year or so afterward it was rented at five dollars per term, and still later, members were allowed to use it gratis, provided such use were out of stud\' hours. The music of thes(»ciety was, up to this time, and even somewhat later, largely on the church style, song-books being distributed and all taking part in concert. We note some time after this that A. 1-. Cole purchases on bthalf of the Society the necessary hymn-books for use at an Annual t.xhibition. Considerable money is spent by the Society for song-books and sheet music in these- years; also for tiie instruction and training of the (ilee-Club, which, besides Bristol and Cole, comprised such singers as Chambers, l.oomis, Phillips, Stone, Dorward, Miller, Coffey, O. B. Read and Thanbyah. The Glee-Club was well maintained, and formed a strong dependence of the Society for music at b:)th public and private meetings, although Prof. and Mrs. E. A. Haight, (now of Kirkwood, Mo.,) Mrs. Prof. Mitchell. Miss Hattie iJaniels, the Misses Pattison and si'wral others often assisted us very greatly with the music. The JOURNAL of Nov. 22, ISOl. edited by T. S. Mize and R. C. $:nalley, contains the following brief editorial, which is but an indication of 03 how little the North dreamed — even after the vivid object-lessons of Sumter and Bull Run — what an awful war was on: In assuming the duties of our position as Editors of the Journal, we send greetings to its friends and patrons, hoping that the interest which they have heretofore taken in its wel- fare may still continue. The principles and line of policy adopted by it in times past it will still boldly and defiantly proclaim, meeting if need be the scowl of the offended and the smile of the well-wisher. With our colors unfurled and our principles proclaimed, we shall wage the battle of the right, and we the chosen few who are assembled here to-night should esteem it a happy privilege that we are permitted to enjoy the necessities of life, the com- forts of home and our accustomed privileges whilst the very pillars of society are being shaken to their lowest depths, whilst our country is tottering to and fro with convulsions which threaten its perpetuity, whilst war with its attendant train of evils is desolating some parts of our country, and whilst the cry of woe is heard from our sick and suffering soldiers. Yet we hope ere drear winter has passed that the cloud that now darkens our political horizon may be seen rolling back, and that happy spring-time with its bright skies, its open- ing buds and the cheerful song of its birds, may bring happier times for us. Therefore, entrusting to Providence the events of the future, we submit to our friends this evening the JotJRN.M., hoping that it may deserve your attention and meet your approval. Here is a specimen of the jokes contained in this Journal: Will the Sophomores please solve this problem : "If hair is worth $2 a bushel, how much will the Junior whiskers come to?" A Ki'eat fad of the Journal in these days was the writing up "Chronicles." of various incidents of the College life, Society roasts, etc., in the form of "Chronicles," the chapters being numbered consecutively Irom issue to issue. Chapter 19 tells us of the "decree issued by Daniel the Learned,'" that the "prophets" should cease a pleasing pastime in whicii they had been indulging, viz., piling hay^ against the door of tile "luwer of wood and drawer )f water, "^ named Voss, insomuch that he was unable to make his exit from his room. Another somewhat amusing incident which had recently occurred is vividly portrayed thus: Now it came to pass that certain young prjphets went to mike music for Martha, a fair damsel. Now it came to pass, after they had sounded the psaltery and the harp, Susan, the mother of Martha, came to the door, and Nathan embraced and kissed her, thinking that she was Martha. Then Susan smote Nathan and told him to depart to his home. Now this made Nathan exceeding wroth, for Susan ruffed up his whiskers, of which he was very proud. 1 President Read. 2 We presume this fniiiished the subsistence of tliesc students. 5 Janitor. 64 In liccfiiibci, Kf\ . l)r. Smith, i>t (ioJlu-v, lt.».turii.l bi-fun.- the Socifty on tho suhject, "The Divine and Human in tlu- Pri-scnt War.'' The* Puhhc Mt-etin^is now consisted ol essay, declamation and Journal, with debate by two participants, and occurred every third Friday eveniny. Extemporaneous criticism ol debate at these meetin^is is ab(»lished. One of the questions discussed at this time is as follows: ' ' Rcsolvt'ii , That the Si^ns of the Times indicate a speedy Restoration of Peace." ^ ...^ One-half the proceeds of the Annual h.\hibiti(»n of December, |),|..f 1^>61, was devoted to the relief, through the Upper Alton Aid Society, of the sick and wounded soldiers. J.uiuary 24, 1862, is the first time a proaiam is inserted in the minutes in anythin^i like modern style. It consists of criticism on essay, declama- tion, two essays, debate, JOURNAL and music. The projiram of tlu- Public Meeting of Di^c. 14, 1862, was as follows: Music, "A Hundred Years Ago and a Hundred Years to Come." Messrs. Bristol and Cole Criticism on Cooper's Essay, . . . . Levi Fosdick. Essay, "Something of Feeling, " - - - C. A. Hobbs. Criticism on Boyer's Kssay, - - - C. E. Bristol. Declamation, •Washington's Sword and Franklin s Staff, " K. A Stewart Essay. "Wait," ------ E. Whitney Music, "Placing a Daughter at School, " - - Messrs. Bristol and Cole Debate: "Resolved, That Moral Causes have exerted a greater Influence in forming National Character than Physical Causes." Affirmative, H. H. Beach Negative. H M Street. A Z. Journal. - - - - - - N. A. Boyer. Music. "Lilla Lee. " Solo and Duett, - - - Messrs. Bristol and Cole. At this time the oftlce of Treasurer is made a distinct one, and to the two Standing Committees — Executive and Question — are added the Auditing and Reading-room Committees. The duties of the latter one included posting in a conspicuous place in the Room the names of those entitled to its privileges and the regulations governing; also to present on or before the first of December a list of the periodicals for the ensuing year. Rev. L. C. Carr, of Jerseyville, lectured before the Society KcaililKj-K\vm nn April 14, 1862. On April IS, the Glee-Club for the first Tiiriicil Over time gave music at a Public Meeting. April 25, the question 10 ?ilCiiHs. discussed is, "Rt'SolvcJ, That the President's Resolution in regard to Emancipation Ought to be Adopted." On this evening also it is decided that the Reading-room be tiuiu-d o\er to tlu- Faculty of the College, according to tlu- followint' rc-solulion : 65 A\-so/7'id. That we resign to the Faculty of Shurtleff College our right in the Reading- room, provided that they (the honorable Faculty) shall collect termly from every student such a sum as they shall deem sufficient to maintain the Reading-room in good style, and that they use the money thus collected in procuring such magazines, journals, newspapers, etc., as they shall deem proper, and spend the residue in defraying the incidental expenses ; and provided that the Alpha Zeta Society release the Sigma Phi Society from the amount yet to be expended by them in the Reading-room, viz., $7.91 ; and provided further that if the Faculty shall at any time wish to be released from this agreement, it is distinctly under- stood that the said Reading-room is to be delivered again to the Alpha Zeta and Sigma Phi Societies as equal owners. This resolution is not to take effect until a similar one shall have been passed by the Sigma Phi Society. At the last meeting of the college-year, toasts to the Senior and Junior classes are proposed and responded to. All the exercises of the Society were tinged more or less deeply with the spirit of the great Civil conflict which was going on and in which all were so vitally interested. It was of course impossible to keep the matter out of one's thoughts, and debate, essay and oration were pregnant with ideas and con- jectures upon the vital issue of the hour, while the music, re-echoing the rapid pulse-beats of the Nation, consisted mainly of war-songs and express- ions of loyalty to the Union. A new badge was adopted in the fall of 1862, "of silver or galvan- Tbird izcd compound," bearing the monogram of A. Z. ; and as had been Biidijc. the custom previously, the badges were entrusted to the care of the Treasurer, being obtained from him only on the proper occasions. This was the third badge of Alpha Zeta, and we are inclined to the belief that it was the large, round one. The Exhibition this fall was about three weeks earlier than usual. Five hundred programs were printed — a much larger number than ever be- fore. A large, substantial stage was built for the occasion, the expense and labor being shared equally with Sigma Phi. This stage was long used by the two Societies in public entertainments held at the church. A carpet, curtains, and "stage fixtures" were purchased for this platform. The net receipts from this Exhibition were $35.25. About the middle of December, Mr. Enos Clark, of St. Louis, gave a very interesting and instructive lecture before the Society, on the subject, 66 "Illusiniis; " aiul Prnl. Castli- ;ilsn kctun-J hi-tori- us on "Aiuii'iit hpit Poetry." As \vt" have suimesteJ hy a previous instaiKi-, it was customary Dctllb not only to pass resolutions of respect and sympathy up«»n the Ol death tit a niemher, but also to appoint some one t(» deli\'er an I). ^.Bovcr. eulojzy on the deceasi-d. tarl\' in January. 1S6.^, Mr. Nicholas A. Bt)yer, one of our prominent activ'i- memhi-rs dietl of consumpti(»n durinji his course of stud\-.' Mr. C. h. Bristol prepan-d and nad tin- sUi-tch c(»mmemorati\e of his lite. We ^i\e hi-low tiu- re'SoUitions passed at tlu' time b\' the Society: Whereas, It has pleased Almighty Clod to remove from earth N A lioyer, a brother-member of our Society, and Whereas, we desire to express in some degree our deep sorrow at the loss which we not only as a Society but also as individuals have suffered in his death; Therefore, be it A't'so/7z opened upon the oral request of the Professor, he threw his weight against it, and there stood a young man with slee\-es rolled to his elbows and three chickens nicel\- skinned, just ready to be fried. The Professor threw back the bedding and disclosed two other brave sons of Sigma Phi who enjoyed chicken. Unable to discover that the boys had any vested rights in the fowls, he then calmly walked off with the booty, delix'ering the same to the rightful owner. The boys had quite a little fad at this time in regard to debate. DciU The alphabetical Roll of Members was separated by the Secretary UlrinKIc into two Divisions, alternate names being placed upon each sheet. in Debate. On one evening, leaders being appointed from the First Division, x'olunteers to the number of twelve or fourteen, all from the same Division, would proceed to choose the side of the debate they would sustain. At the next meeting the Second Division would furnish all tlie disputants. The appointments and choosing of sides, of course took place two weeks' in advance of the discussion. These debates with six or eight on a side grew very popular, and also proved quite profitable. We give below a couple of questions thus debated: ''Resolved, That the immediate Annexation of Canada should be encouraged by the United States Government;" ''Resolved, That the acts of President Johnson justify an Impeach-nient." In this college-year 1866-67 the number of Public Meetings is reduced to three per year — to occur in October, February and May. . . . The President of the Society is required to hand in a written report at the close of his term of office, the penalty for failing to do so being a 25 -cent tine. The reading of several toasts and hearty responses to same at this I A usage which had been recently inaugurated, two weeks' notice being given on all exercises (not Public) except orations, which were prepared on four weeks' notice. 81 Coinnu'iicement-time also, is a f()rejj;leani of tlie "Reunion" vvhicli is insti- tuted next year. As has previously been stated, the tjrowth of our Society library was for years dependent chiefly upon the donations of friends and members; and although the growth up to this time — especially during the last two years — had been very gratifying, yet our Alpha Zetans were very desirous of securing a constant supply of the latest publications as they appeared. To meet this want, the following motion was adopted September 13, 1867: "That this Society make an effort to raise during the present college- year, by pledges payable within five years, the sum of at least $1,000, the interest of which shall be continually applied for the benefit of our Society library." Messrs. Field, Griftln and Titterington were appoint- l.ibrarv ed a committee to prosecute the work of raising this Library bndou'imnt. Endowment, and by their vigorous efforts secured in a little over two months the desired sum in pledges. The proceeds of this Fund was for some years applied to the purchase of valuable current literature and the completion of our sets of standard works. At the time our Annual of 1870 was published, the amount of this Fund had grown to $1,542.00, following being the list of donors, with amounts subscribed: Henry L. Field |ioo oo Geo, W, Griffin ft 25 00 Smiley N. Chambers 100 00 B. H. Evans 25 00 John H. Loomis 100 00 Edw. A Stone 25 00 Samuel O. Curtiss 100 00 E. B. Miller 25 00 P. S. Moxom 100 00 Geo. W. Hill 25 00 I. D. Foulon 50 00 John F. Howard 25 00 Solomon Draper. 50 00 John L. Jackson 25 00 Kobt. J. Mitchell 50 00 C. B. Roberts 25 00 Henry E. Mills 50 00 T. C. Coffey 25 00 H. S. Pettengill 50 00 Andrew Eagan 25 00 Orson B. Read 50 00 H. W. Bray ton 25 00 J. M. Bower 50 00 J- T. Covel 25 00 O. D. Taylor 50 00 EH. Lovett 25 00 B. F. Draper 50 00 L. J. Hancock 25 00 C. A. Hobbs 25 00 J. W. Primm 25 00 Linn Bedell 25 00 AC. Hancock 25 00 Wm. H. Dorward 25 00 I A. Smith 25 00 D. H. Drake 25 00 W. H. Hearne 12 00 W. W. Reagan 25 00 C. F. Miner 5 00 John M. Titterington 25 00 Total $1,542 00 82 SdiiK- i»t tlK'Sr plt.'Ll>Zfs w'vw paid in, hut in most cases only annual interest was paid, and at lenjitii i«n Oct. 26, 1S77, tiie Trustees nf the Society were empowered to collect the remainder ol the noti-s. It is hii .SV J.ouis. .),'«., .l/ri/, /Sj;;. Pied / (twiTucr, /\'(ts., Sc/>/i-///t>f>\ /Sj SARAH H. BULKLEY, (t(l i; niduadon) \/rs. Sara// />'. h'olxrts, />ou)is. Ill SIIUHTLHFF'S FIRST GIRLS. On llir iJ (it Si'ptfinhiT, 1S7(), is luld tlu- first "i-xpi-rii-iut' "Lxpcricncc iiua-tiiiu" <>t which wc havi' ifcitrd. Thi-sc nifc-tinns wcrt' l))ccliiKj." tor sonu' time aftiTward n-^iular occurrtMHcs, vi-ry intt-ri'stinu aiui pnititabU' "seasons" wlu-n thr nu-mbers compared notes on tlieir summer expi-riences aiui i-njoyed a l^it of informal socia- bility. All were full of renewed zeal and enthusiasm for tiie welfare of the Society, and eajier to push through a yood >\;n's work. On the 2 VI of September, Misses H. L. Read and Sarah h. Bulkley are received as active members of our Society, and are by vote exempted from payment of their fees for the college-year. The ladies are honored with ofil'ices at once, Miss BulUlev beinji chosen recordinjji secretary and Miss Read editress. At the election of January 17 , Miss Bull\ tlu- imisii' of this tinu'. In NoxcinbtT, 1S74. our brloxt-d Dr. I^attisoii was laid to n-st. Hi* was a man ot rare purit\' and swi'c-tncss of tliaraLtiT, and womlirtul consc- craiion to Ciod. On Januar\- 15, 1S7S, tlit- Society ^irants tin- usi- of tlu- Hall tor Satur- day t'veninys to tlif "Academic (or Amateur) Society" — an oruanizati(»n similar to the old Alpha Siyma, but about which we know \'ery little. A spelling-match, at the suggestion of Prof. Dodge, is one of tin- inti-r- esting features of this year. Re\'. F. M. Ellis addressed the Alumni at Commencenu-nt, and Prof. Mathews, of Chicago Uni\'ersit\', lectured before the Literar\' Societies. There seems to ha\'e been an immense amount of useless nego- CcllCijC tiation, year after year, between the two Societies o\'er the l.cclurc matter of lectures, and when at last the College Lecture Course Course. under the present arrangement was instituted by Presidi-nt Kendrick every one heaved a sigh of relief. The purchase of Alaska, the reduction of the salary of the President of the United States, and the Freeilom of Ireland are among the weighty questions discussed in Alpha Zeta's Hall by the youths of this period. We note O. E. Badger favors the Society with an "allegorical disser- tation,'' but are unable to learn the exact nature of this exercise. On Dec. 4 the audience is gratified by a pleasing address from Prof. Tyson, of Howe Institute. . . . In January, 1876, the list of members was care- fully revised and the practice of roll-call at every regular meeting, which had fallen into disuse, was resumed. The program of the Public Meeting of Frida>', Februar\- IS, was as follows: Invocation. .... Rev. Mk Si.v Instrumental Duet, Misses Kutii C Mii.i.s and Fanmk N. Bii.ki.k\' nel)ate : " /\'fS(>/TC'«//>•) - - Miss Laika Piiii.i.M's The custom tor tlu- Pri'sidt.'iit-(.'l(.\t to appoint liis committees immed- iately upon his election had obtained up to Feb. '■), 1X77, but since that election it has been the rule to name the committees later. The program ot March 16, 1877, was dropped (or the benefit of itur Sub- Fresh members, who jiave a very creditable program of declamations and recitations. "Robert's Rules of Order" is at this time substituted for "Cushin^'s Manual" as our standard authority on parliamentarv law. This is done at the sujz^estion of T. J. SanforLJ. On Tuesday, June 12, H.\-President Read, then of Brooklyn, Gcldcn N. v., addressed the Literary Societies of Shurtleff Collejie. Diibilcc It was "an eloquent and masterly review of the duty and Commcnccmcnl. mission of the scholar." Rev. C. A. Hobbs, of the class of '69, also read one of his bri^zht, witty poems. This great Commencement occasion was one of the most memorable of all in the history of the Colleiie — beinjj the GoLk'U Jubilee of its foundinu, — and is too well known in all its details to require further memion lu're. Several committees were successiveK' appointed in the sprin^i of Prcscnl '77 to take steps toward securing a first-floor room for the Hdll Society Hall. Almost 24 years the Alpha Zetans had toiled up Scciircil. those stairs, and though the physical exercise was much appre- ciated, there came a time when the Alpha Zetan of the period longed for an abidinij-place terrestrial. Those in charge of this matter in the spring had failed to "get in on Ihe ground floor," but during the summer two loyal Alpha Zetans, Francis W. Parker and Herbi-rt H. Branch, remained in Upper Alton, and when the Trustees of the College announced to them through iJr. Kendrick that the Society might move downstairs into its present location in the southwest division of the first floor of the Uormitory, they proceeded at once to prepare for the grand removal. With iheir own hands they removed the partitions which sepa- rated our present Hall into ilu- four original rooms. The studding consisted lOS of 4x4 oak, and had to be chopped down hke trees, as it was mortised above and below into heavy beams. Tlie finishing up was done after College re-opened, and tlie Society met two or three times in the Theologi- cal Library until the finisliing touclies had been given to the new Hall. A great deal of credit and gratitude is due Messrs. Parker and Branch in con- nection with this event, which marked still another era in our Society life. S. D. Wham and Justus L. Bulkley were also especially prominent in this enterprise, though Baker, Wells, Jones, Bovell and the rest who were not specially delegated, did noble work also. When the plasterers and carpen- ters had completed their work, an elegant Brussels carpet for the new Hall, and the finest wall and ceiling paper obtainable were purchased in St. Louis. And a glorious old jubilee there was among the Alpha Zetans that fall! Of course there v/as lots of money to raise, but they went about it enthusiastically and the amount — about $300 — was soon rolled up. Oct. 4, 1877, is the first record of our having special judges 3iuUj(S upon debate at the ordinary meetings. The President, F. W. for Parker, introduced this innovation, and it has been the custom Debate, ever since. Messrs. Anderick', Gee and Elisha English have the honor of being the first of the judges. The question was '' Kesolved, That Russia was justified in declaring War against Turkey," and the decision was rendered in the affirmative, the Critic's report being given in during the consultation of the Judges. On the 19th of October, the Society receives a brief report from Mr. Bovell in relation to the Intercollegiate Oratorical Contest held at Monmouth a day or two previously. This fall the disturbances created during our Friday evening meetings becomes so serious that committees from the two Societies lay the case before the Town Council and request a special police service for Friday evenings. This is at length secured at a slight expense. On motion of Wells, the Society changes its order of exercises so that the business session shall precede the literary program, the former being held from 7:00 until 7:30 p.m. This order was continued for several months. At this time the National game — base-ball — was very popular at DvC ibe Shurtleff. Walraven and Geo. E. Dye for three years manned "Pbcnom." the battery, and during that time the Shurtleff boys were never defeated. Mr. Dye's pitching was simply marvelous, and dur- ing these years the enthusiasm never flagged. 106 1. Sibyl Swain, h'. 2. F. W.iiriii Tl rs.iii. HI, Alli.it M ll;iiri>;..n. h, PKhblDHNrS' (iKOUr NO. '). I llaiiyC- KuMuil.ls, ««.. S MjiiiiiiiiK MMylicId Mrliilvi.-. Ss I. P;ivi.l |- M, InlM.' sr, ; Alvii, W ll.iv.. II. •> s |..hii I K...«rli. -.s*. <| (°,i lllll.li' Clilllnll I '.ill On March 8 the leguhir projjrani was postponed one week, tor an extra projzram representing the Congress of the United States. This scheme was engineered by a committee of three, and was very successfully carried out. pro\'ing an (.■xcelieiit parlianHMitar\- drill. Major J. B. Merwin, of St. Louis, lectured hi'fore tlu' two Societies in June. An old custom of Alpha Zeta was for the retiring Presi- SHidcnts' dent, after his little valedictory speech, to conduct his Sclf-Ocvcrnmeiil. successor to the chair, in the fall of 1878, J. F. Baker, on retiring from this oft'ice, escorts Frank 1. Merchant to the rostrum amid deafening applause. During Merchant's able administra- tion several noteworthy events transpired. One of these was the matter of self-government on the part of the students. A "tender" looking in this direction was made by the Faculty and accepted by the students, who then elected officers to compose the "General Assembly" for the year, as follows: President, Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer, Marshal, Prosecuting Attor- ney, Chief Justice and First and Second Assistant Justices. There was also a "Senate" elected for the college-year. Trials for various misde- meanors were held, and fines and other penalties imposed, the Faculty sustaining and enforcing all the decisions of the Court. The plan proved quite generally satisfactory, but it remained in operation only about two years. This fall marks the inauguration of the well-known "Joint ?irsl Sociable" of the two Literary Societies, and the memory of 3oinl nearly every Shurtleff student of these later years contains ScciaL pictures of this great event at the beginning of the season, when every one is "on their best beliavior" and the delight- fully fascinating pleasure of making the acquaintance of the new students is the order of the evening. The contest spirit crops out again, for the third time. On Sept. 27, Alpha Zeta receives a challenge from Sigma Phi, and promptly accepts it. The terms seem to be unsatisfactory in some wa\', howe\-er, and nothing more is heard of the matter. The question of paying fines is vigorously agitated, and the litllowing resolution is passed : 109 Whereas, The clause in our Constitution relating to fines for the non-performance of duty has virtually become a dead letter; Therefore, be it Resolved, That as a Society we reaffirm our belief in the justness of the clause and pledge ourselves to support our President in his efiorts to enforce this provision of the Constitution. Several members about this time and a little later are suspended from the Society for non-payment of fees and fines, and the result is greater diligence and promptness in the performance of duty. Upon payment at a later date the majority of these, however, have their names stricken from the "suspended" list. Every few years it seems to become necessary for a college literary society to wake up its members a little on the subject of payment of dues, fines, etc., and the President who makes advancement in this direction is certainly to be commended and upheld. At a called meeting Feb. 7, 1878. a committee is appointed to draw up resolutions on the death of Miss Dollie Elwell, one of our members. The Hall was draped heavily in black at this time. A brand-new revision of the Constitution goes into effect on the last Friday of the second term of 1878-79. Dr. Ganse, of St. Louis, delivered the Annual Address before the Literary Societies at Commencement. The College Review made its debut this fall, superseding the old Qui Vive. A couple of chandeliers and about a dozen lamps were purchased. The library was put in good order, a considerable number of new books bought, and a library fee of one dollar per year fixed upon, the proceeds to be used in the purchase of new books. in October a farce entitled "Handy Andy" was given at a regular Friday evening meeting, by H. S. Black and E. L. Chapin. . . . Two ushers were appointed for regular meetings, and the practice was con- tinued for a long time. ... A Society bulletin -board was a character- istic of this period. . . . The Madison County Medical Society held their annual meeting in our Hall. . . . The Annual Exhibition occurred as late as April 23. 110 On March 11. J. F. Baki-r prestMits a numbi-r ot aiiH-iKlnuMits /1mcndmcnt$. to tlie Constitution and By-l-aws, amony these beinji the provision still in effect that the Corresponding Secre- tary, Treasurer and Librarian sliall be' elected at the first electinn, in September, holdin^i ottice throujihout the college-year. The control of the interoceanic Canal, and tln' administration of the Indian Bureau, are among the questions brought up and discussed in debate. . . . The Constitution, By-Laws and Rules of Order are printed in pamphlet form. . . . April 9, the following resolution is passed, on the occasion of a generous donation of books from Maj. H. L. Field: ''Resolved, That we express to Maj. Field our appreciation of the interest still manifest in our welfare, and tender him a hearty vote of thanks for the \aluable addition to our library." At the Reunion, now held in the afternoon, the Society listened Reunion, to an inspiring speech from Dr. Fairman on "Eloquence," one of his points being that eloquence does not always embody truth, but truth always finds eloquence. J. F. Baker spoke upon "The Character of a Literary Society." Dr. Ellis entertained the audience with personal reminiscences of the earlier history of the Society. The Farewell Address to tlie Seniors was delivered bv Miss Fannie Gillham. Ill CHAPTER VII. BROADER CULTURE AND SOCIAL GROWTH. (1880- A N Alpha Zetiin of the early '80s writes of the youn^ men of liis time: "Many pleasant memories arise as 1 turn over the leaves of life's book to those meetings in Alpha Zeta. Manyf aces crowd upon me as in fancy 1 sit and look upon the rostrum. Chapin, tall, auburn-haired, stands looking out from under deep brows, earnestly voicing his ideas. McKee, large, with leonine mustache, impressively speaks to us. Merchant, who thought in Latin, keen of eye, with the intellect and manner of a scholar, addresses us. The dark Foulon twins sparkle forth with wit and humor. Wiemers, tall and slightly stooped, fond of argument, exercises his forensic powers. Pepperdine, another tall boy, thrills us with his eloquence. Then Merriam, Roach, Johnson, Kendrick, Ed Knight, H. S. Black, Freeman, Place, Dillard, Perrine, Garr, McCormick and many others, with character- istic manner, arise and have their say. Ah! they are boys no longer." On February 19, 1881, the first ''Parliamentary" of which we Institution have record, is held. These meetings were usually on Saturday of the evenings, and were presided over by a Chairman elected at first "Pari." by the Society. Any members who wished to attend were at liberty to do so. Two or three were appointed to devise a num- ber of "bills" to be brought up for consideration, and other "business" was proposed on the spur of the moment. The meetings were of decided benefit to the participants, a great many points in parliamentary law being learned in this informal way. The ladies also frequently attended these meetings. For a while the two Societies, we understand, held their parlia- mentary drills conjointly, meeting in their respective halls alternately and choosing in turn the one to act as Chairman. Among the questions debated were: ''Resolved, That the Assassination of the Czar was a benefit to his Country." 112 "kt'solvi'ii, Tliat R(tscot' Conklin^ was Justifk-J in Witlulrawiii^ from the Senate." ''Ri'SolveJ, Tliat the State ot Missouri Coniniitted Murder in thr Removal of Jesse James." "On one occasion a new mt-mher arose to .mswir an opponent in }\ $aJ Jeb.ite. 'Mr. President,' lie said, and tlien h.- stopp.-d. Tliere Case, he stood gesticulatinji and strujz^lin*: to speaU, but not anotlier word could he utter. He had to sit down, and a more complete picture ot dejection it would ha\'e been hard to imi^ine. The critic expressed regret that the gentleman could not voice his arguments, addinji that he was i'\ idently too lull tor utterance." We jzive below the program of the Hxhibition of April i'), ISSl. The music was furnished by the Collejze Band. Invocation Mesic, 'Prize Banner Commandery (Jjicksiep. " - - /'lax^sltii Declamation, "True Science." - - " J Howakd Mekria.m Music. Selection. "Linden Polkn," - Douizitti Essny. "Power of InHuence." - - - A J Kkndkk k Music. "First Kiss Waltx," .... - I a mot hi- Oration, "The Dissipation of Cieniu-^." - - F I> Hnon Music, "Enchanting Polka." (Solo for Cornet.) - W'utzlii- Recitation. "Illinois at Donelson," - - Miss Fannik CIii.i.ham I list aire Comiquc. - - - - - J- FouLON Music, Clrand Potpotirri — "Chips .... Heycr Oration. "Defense of the Medi.TPval SiMi it. • - WM F Wiemkrs Music, Quickstep, . - - - - /aiist On the death of Presidi-nt (iarlield in September, ISSl. the Mall was heavily draped in black, and the business portion of the pro^iram was post- poned, the Society enjiauinjz in a Memorial service. Speeclies weri- made by Dr. BulUley, Mr. Mills and Professors Fairman, ClarUi- and Castle. Three musical numbers were rendered. ''The fall and winter <.f ISSl were marked b.\' \ery many annoy- "ToU'll ances by the town boys, who sought to break up the meetinus of VS. the Societies by their ns. 5 Hxwiird C I ill"!!. 'Sy. (). J 1-r.ink Gillliain. '88. 7. Ailoipli G. Mizell, '89. plans for scaling the building, tlit- rinjziny abruptly ceased. The explana- tion of the mystery is this: One of the boys, on opening his window in the Dormitory opposite the old Chapel, had iieard a little scraping noise. Reaching down, he felt a cord sliding bacl< and fi)rth. Quietly drawing his bed up to the window, he gave the cord a pull and slipped it over one of the bed -posts. It came loose from something, and was easily hauled in. Later developments brought out the fact that one end of the cord had been fastened to the ankle of the man in the room just below — the other end being run through a pulley on the wall, and attached to the bell ovt-r on the old Chapel. This fellow liad been lying innocently in his bed and amusing himself by drawing the cord to and fro, with the results above described. When tlie jerk on the cord came our hero was yanked out of bed, and hastened to sever his connection with the- bell for fear of being dragged out of the window. He had a swell ankle the next morning. Among the last of the Public Meeting programs we note the following of Dec. 7, 1883: Prayer. Instrumental Uuet, Turandot (overture), "Chinese Melody," Misses Bertha Bulklev and Kate Merchant Declamation, "The Glory of our Country," - - J- D. Madding Reading, "The Blacksmith's Story," - - - Miss Libhie Branch Vocal Solo, "Angel's Serenade," - - - - Miss Jennie Siem Oration, "Classic Feticism," - - - - J. I. Taylor Recitation, "Mona's Waters, " - - - Miss Olive Powless Guitar Solo, "Boccaccio's March," - - - - w. E. Kelley Alpha Zeta Journal, - - - - - E. G. Knight Vocal Solo, "Bobolink," . . . . Miss Jennie Siem Debate, "KcsolTcd, That Napoleon Bonaparte was a Christian." Affirmative, H. S. Black Negative, E. B. Roach Guitar Solo, "Chimes of the Suwanee River," - - W. E. Keli.e\' On Feb. 19, 1884, the Society instructed the Public Meeting /Inclbcr Committee to arrange with the Sigma Phi committee to have SdijvjCStion a Contest if possible instead of the regular Hxhihitions in of •) Contest. April. There was a difficulty, however, one side being unable to secure a satisfactory orator and the other failing to find a suitable reciter. So the matter was again dropped. Dr. Geo. C. Lorimer, then of Chicago, delivered the Annual Address before the Societies at the Commencement of 1884, his theme bt^ng "The Foreigner in America." 119 A steady advance in athletic sports — particularly base -ball — Base Ball marked these years of the '80s. This was the time when and Shurtleff had perhaps the finest base -ball team in her history. Olbcr Sports. E. B. Roach (catcher) and Enoch Johnson (pitcher) formed the "old reliable" battery, with Ed. Kendrick at short, while Woodrow, Kenyon, Frank and King Morrill, Bonham and Caldwell did most excellent field and base work. Boxing started up with a boom in the fall of 1884, and black eyes and dislocated noses were "de ting." Foot-ball was not neglected, although it was engaged in mainly for exercise and recreation. Roller-skating at the Alton rink was quite extensively indulged in also, until the craze subsided. Tennis was not yet in vogue, but croquet was very popular among the lighter forms of outdoor exer- cise. Prof. Washington Leverett's famous croquet ground was for over a decade a peculiarly fascinating stamping-ground for students, to say nothing of professors and "men about town." An air of jolly good-fellowship surrounded the place, and many a lean, cadaverous student chased away gnawing care and nervous headache on that old croquet ground, to the tune of the ball and mallet. To the writer — and we venture the same is true of many another — this pastime has never seemed so pleasant elsewhere. The rivalry which had prevailed between Alpha Zeta and Sigma Contest. Phi since the formation of the latter Society, was particularly strong in the early '80s, and at length on the 31st of October, 1884, our Society received a communication from Sigma Phi suggesting that the two Societies dispense with their Exhibitions this year and engage in a joint Contest instead. Alpha Zeta signified her willingness to meet her rival, and on April 24, 1885, occurred the first regular literary Contest in the history of the Society. The preliminaries were carefully arranged by a joint committee from the two sides, the contestants worked very faithfully, and at the appointed time the New Chapel was packed, much excitement prevailing. The program follows: Caliph of Bagdad. A Vindication of Lovejoy, An Independent Judiciary, INVOCATION. OVERTURE. nECLAM.\TIONS. Minnehaha Orchestra E. A. Kendrick J. V. RowE Come Fairies, Trip it, Juno Quartet 120 Budget, ....... C.RArK ror.F. Journal, ..... C. C. Ham. MUSIC. Lust Spiel (Keler Bela), , Minnkmaha Orciikstra ORATIONS. The Unsolved Problem, . . E. G. Knk.ht War and Its Inevitable Results, ... F. H. Morrii.i. MUSIC. When the Violets are Blooming, (Freeman) . Juno Quartet RKCITATIONS. The Skeleton in Armor, .... Lillian Blair Rizpah, ....... Alice E. Holt MUSIC. Bohemian Girl, (Selection) Minnkiiaha Grciiestra DEBATE. KesolTfd, That Woman's Suffrage Would be Detrimental to Society, Aff. H. S. Black. Neg. Byron Barber MUSIC, Den Sorgen Trotz Waltz, Minnehaha Orchestra 1 Dr. E. Wvman, Upper Alton. DECISION OK THE JUDGES, -: Kev. Thos. Gordon, Alton. ( J. B. Merwin, P-sy., St. Louis. The Judges' decision was for Si5j;ma Phi, our Society winning only the recitation. Yet the Contest was reaUy very close, and many competent and unprejudiced literary men in the audience decided in favor of Alpha Zeta's orator and debater. The Sigma Phians were of course highly elated over their victory, and on the following Monday evening they assembled in their hall for the purpose of carrying on a mock burial of Alpha Zeta. The funeral oration, however, was unceremoniously interrupted by the sudden entrance of Dr. Kendrick, who confiscated the box labeled "A. Z.," and ordered the crowd to disperse, which it promptly did. The disturbances created every Friday evening by the town roughs just outside the Society Halls, had again become so great that steps were taken toward holding the programs on Friday afternoons. The arrange- ment, however, was never consummated. On April 26 our Society held memorial serxices in \iew Death of of the recent death of Mrs. Fannie Roberts, (//('(• Bulk- n)r$. Tannic Roberts. ley) at her home in Kansas City, Mo. She was esteemed very highly by all. The Hall was draped in mourning and the following resolutions were adopted by the Society: 121 Inasmuch as it has pleased the All-Wise Creator, in his mysterious Providence, to take away from our number, and from the household of our fellow-member, our honored and esteemed friend, Mrs. Fannie Roberts, therefore, do we, the members of Alpha Zeta Society, Resoh'e, That in her we have lost one whose presence was encourngement, whose coun- sel was always of wisdom, and whose friendship was a pledge of confidence; That, as we bow in humble submission to the Divine Will, we pray that her noble Christian life may be our example; that her earnest, generous desire for the good of others may be ours; and that we may never forg«3t the beanty and purity of her Christian character: That we sincerely mourn her death, and extend our heartfelt sympathy to our fellow- member, her husband, and to our beloved professor, her father, and to the large circle of friends called to suffer with them in their bereavement; That these resolutions be placed on the Society records; that they be printed in the College J\evieiu, and a copy sent to Rev. John Roberts. Mr. E. G. Kni^lit was our delegate this fall to the State hitercoilegiate Oratorical Meet at Blackburn University, Carlinville, Illinois. One of our old members, who was in the verdant stage at this period, gives the following graphic description of his "first speech:" I shall never forget my debut on Alpha Zeta's rostrum. When I looked out over that — as it appeared to me — vast sea of calmly expectant faces, my self-possession took flight and I vainly wished that I might accompany it. I remembered the first sentence, so I began, and the remainder of my selection just rolled out of its own accord, as I suppose I kept my mouth open. The sound of my own voice startled me; it seemed that some other fellow was talking. At first it seemed so loud that I feared that "other fellow" would disturb our friends in Sigma Phi Hall. But soon the sound began to recede and grow faint in the distance, imtil it was gri'dually lost to my ear. I don't know what happened after that, but when I regained thorough consciousness I found myself seated in the audience and my friends kindly applauding my efforts. The ofifice of Sergeant-at-Arms was created in October, 1885, Scrycani- and the Constitution amended accordingly. A large star- shaped at-/lrms. badge was secured for this custodian of the peace, who, with his numerous deputies, soon became a terror to the rowdies from the town who sought to make it unpleasant for us during the rendition of the programs, it was of course a trifle annoying to have a large rock or chunk of coal go bumping along through the outer hallway when the audi- ence was attentively listening to recitation, oration, music, etc. — or to have a stone come smashing through the window-pane at any minute — or to liave some tough empty all the chambers of a six-shooter into the air near the 122 vvinJrA^! Niv^rthfless this nvjali elem.-nt, yrowintj; nv)re bold, bt^gan to push its way into the Society Hall during the exercises, and as a conse- quence tlie following resolutions were adopted: "Resolveii, That hereafter, in the regular meetings (if the Alpha Zeta Society, none be allowed admission except those to whom inxiuitions have been extended by vote of the Society. ''Resolveii, further, that invitations be extended to all the- students ot Shurtleff College, to the members of the' Faculty, and to all honorar\- and former members of Alpha Zeta. ''Resolved, further, that upon the vouch of any active member a friend may be admitted for the evening." Committees were appointed to procure and distribute invitation cards, and four gentlemen of flu- Society detailed to keep the obstreperous spirits on the outside in check during the meetings. The Sigma Phi Society not long afterward followed our example in establishing the oftice of Sergeant - at-Arms, and the disturbances at the Halls subsided, for the time being at least, though a constant guard was kept. This custom of admitting persons to our meetings by invitation card was in effect but a short time, although the Society continued the plan of sending out eacli fall a large number of invitations to the "exercises of the year." This fall the Society printed a large number of ribbon badges, Annual and this has become a custom since — with both Societies. New- Ribbon badges are usually obtained every year, the style frequently Badges, varying a little. They are brought forth for tiie first time at the Joint Sociable of the Societies held at the beginning of the year, and there is no difficulty in determining the literary affiliations of the old members. In the latter part of January, 1886, Alpha Zeta challenged Sigma Phi to a contest. The challenge was accepted, and on the 30th of April the second Contest occurred, in the presence of an immense crowd. The following is the program: I'RAVKR. PIANO DUET DECLAMATIONS. Col IngersoU's Address to the Soldiers at Indianapolis. - J. V. E. Marsh p:mmefs Vindication. - - - - " - V. C Knic.ht PIANO AND \I()I.IN ni'ET 12.^ Alpha Zcta Journal, - - - Miss Manning Mayfield Sigma Phi Budget, .... Miss Mamie Taggart VOCAL DUET. RECITATIONS. Virginia, ..-.-- Miss Hattie L. Yerkes Kit Carson's Ride, . . . - - Miss Sibyl Swain VOCAL SOLO. ORATIONS. The Light of the Nineteenth Century, - - - C. C. Hall Relation of .Esthetics to Ethics, . . . Miss Alice Gillham VOCAL SOLO. EXTEMPORANEOUS DEBATE. Affirmative, T. S. Young. Negative, E. A. Kendrick. VIOLIN SOLO. Judges; Pres. E. A Tanner, Jacksonville; Prof. J. Pike, Jerseyville; Rev. H. S. Mills, Alton. The decision gave the victory again to Sigma Phi — by a scant majority out of 540 points. The next morning, in accordance with a previous arrangement, tlie victorious contestants were hauled in a wagon through the streets of the town, by tlie defeated ones. This was doubtless a benefit to both Societies, as it furnished a means for letting off the "high head of steam" which had been generated. In the evening, Sigma Phi very courteously gave our Society a reception and banquet, which was much enjoyed. The Society Hall was refitted very beautifully in tlie spring of Hnli 1886. It was re-paperc^d, new curtains were put up, a con- nicclv siderable sum expended for new pictures, the system of light- Rcfittcd. ing greatly improved, and a beautiful bit of statuary — -"Diana and the Deer'" purchased. While these improvements were being made on the Hall, two regular programs were postponed, and the Society enjoyed a sociable at Dr. Bulkley's and another at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Mills. Later on another Society sociable was held at the hospitable home of Dr. and Mrs. James. A special program was presented on April 2, when the newly fitted Hall was re-occupied. Next fall the large hollywood letters "A" and "Z" which so long adorned (Kir Hall, were secured and put up over the rostrum. The Drill Committee, a suggestion of Mr. T. S. Young, was established I Also the "tin lioss," which tlie hoys and girls of the period will remember vvjtli a smile. 124 PRHSIUHNT'S GROUP NU. 11 1. I-r.iiicis ]■; Coiiltci. \j2. 1. Claia Bell \'.im Huusui. yl 3. T.iiiiHr S (iiiTiltoii. yi. ^. Ko-e M. Mi.ler, '.ji. ^ Nillif G. Scott 'fS. () Anna 1;. Wempoii, 'S;. about this tiiiU', tlKuiuli it did ii"t bLx-itiiie a standing committrt.' for a year or two. Tiiis is anotluT ^ood tiling that Si^ma Plii sdoii attc-rward bejian to push aloii^i. It had become customary at this time — as it is at tlie presc-nt da\', lor all the prosi'ii'n appointments to be madt- three weeks in advance. The Secretary also read at each nuTtinti the nanus of tlie appointees for one, two or three week's hiter. Tiie interest in debate lan^uisliod badl\- at tiiis pi^riod. I hr Dccndcncc disprtants were frequently allowed to ch(»ose their own ques- Of tions, and often insufficient preparation was made, the debates Debate. thus losinji in xi^or and life. It was not an uncommon tiling to postpone or drop this exercise, which was generally regarded as a bugbear; and consequently the opportunity for much valuable training was lost. The life of a literary society, like all other phases of life, is deter- mined largely by impulse, and the current as it flows along winds now here, now there, according to environment and the spirit of the age. One form of mental and literary e.xercise would suddtMih- bfcoiiu- "all the rage," and after a time perhaps as suddenK" drop into the background. In November, 1886, extemporaneous speaking, which had been receiving less attention than formerly, enjoyed a "boom" in our society— chirtly through the efforts of Mr. Young. This is a valuable form of training, and one in which the Alpha Zetans have quite regularly engaged in these last years. At the time of its revival twelve years ago, the speaker was not given his sub- ject until he had reached the platform and taken his stand; he was then expected to speak from three to five minutes on the topic assigned. It was not until some time afterward that the present custom was adopted, in accordance with which the subject is assigned the speaker a few minutes in advance. The music of the '80s was remarkably fine. The College Here the Band, consisting of some fifteen or twenty pieces, was in the Btinil Plays, flood-tide of its success and usefulness, furnishing music for public occasions at Shurtleff and in neighboring towns, and occasionally giving concerts, which grew to be quite popular. Our Alpha Zeta Orchestra assisted considerabl\' in the music for the programs, as did the various trios, quartets and sextets which we from time to time organized. But perhaps the largest part of the music for programs was supplied by our many friends living in the Altons, to whom we have always been greatly 127 indebted. Flute, guitar, cornet, zither, and even accordeon, contributed their varied melodies. On the 15th of February, 1887, the use of the Hall is granted Class Day. for the Annual Class- Day Banquet on Washington's Birthday. The celebration of Class -Day as one of the swellest events of the college -year had only recently become a feature of Shurtleff life. The institution of the custom certainly marked a forward step. in the month of February our Society again challenges Sigma Phi to a literary contest, the challenge is finally accepted, and the usual great preparations made on both sides. Here is the program, dated April 29, 1887: The Unknown Speaker, The New South, The Budget, The Journal, Brier-Rose, The Death Bridge of the Tay, The F'ower of Thought, The Ideal State, INVOCATION. MUSIC. DECLAMATIONS. MUSIC. PAPERS. MUSIC. RECITATIONS. MUSIC. ORATIONS. J. Wash. Buck S. H. BOWYER Miss Olive C. Bulkley Miss Manning Mayfield Miss Lucy L. Greene Miss Sibyl Swain B. W. Wiseman R. C. Denison MUSIC. DEBATE. yuestion — "Kcsoh'cd, That it is the duty of American citizens who believe in Prohibition to seek the adoption of this principle through the support of existing political parties other than the National I'rohibifion Party " Affirmative, E. A Kendrick. Negative, J E Coombs The music was furnished by tht- College Band. The Judges were Prof. J. H. Collins, of Springfield, 111.; Rev. Wm. Harris, St. Louis, Mo., and Rev. W. G. Thomas, Kirkwood, Mo. In each one of the five exer- cises the part of each contestant had been so splendidly performed and the differences were so very slight, that the large audience awaited the decision in breathless suspense. For the third time, Sigma Phi won, securing the paper, recitation and oration — although the last was so closely 128 contested that it was practically even. Halt the net proceeds of this last Contest was given to the College Band. Since the Contest of 18cS7 eacli of the two S )cieties has been challenged once or twicc- by the other, but no further Contests have been held. These three Contests, while all were decided in favor of Sigma Phi, proved to be a great benefit to both Societies in the way of stinuilation to more earnest effort. And while on the surface it would appear a crushing series of defeats for our Society, yet we have the satisfaction of knowing that of the three Contests of '85, '86, and '87, the first was extremely close and the other two \irtually ties. The literary and musical portion of the Reunion this year was as follows: INVOCATION HY 1)K. HUI.KLEV Ai.i'iiA Zkta Orchestka B. W. Wis?:man Enoch Johnson . Mrs II. IC. Mills, and Miss Morriss . B TenBroek E. S. TowsoN Miss Manning Mayfield Miss Maykiei.d and F. W. Thompson Speeches, Dr. I^ci.ki.kv, 1'kok. Roach, H. E Mills, W. K Anderkk. Rev. Dr. Harris, then pastor of the Delmar Avenue Baptist Church, St. Louis, Mo., delivered the Annual Address before the Literary Societies on Monday evening, May .50, 1887. Music, Address of Welcome, Alumni Address, Instrumental Duet, Recitation, Vocal Solo, Recitation, Instrumental Duet, The Alpha Zeta "President's Reception" seems to have sprung info being about this time, the tirsc one on record being held Sept. 20, 1887, at the hospitable home of the Millses. The regular meeting of Sept. 30, 1887, is worthy of particular Biij mention. It was one of those rousing old occasions dear to the n)ccliiuj. heart of the Alpha Zetan. We were fortunate in having with us a number of our old-time members and friends, and the speeches made by Dr. Bulkiey, Prof. Castle, Messrs. Mills, Field and others, expressing the heartiest interest in the welfare and prosperity of the dear old Society, stirred the hearts and inspired the souls of all. Eleven new mem- bers joined our ranks at this meeting. Southern Illinois, familiarly known as "Egypt," sent her usual full delegation during these years of the latter '80s. 129 The Constitution. By-Laws, Rules of Order and Act of Incorporation of the Society were together printed in hand-book form at this time by Mr. F. W. Nolte, then the College printer, Fi\e hundred copies were published. The Constitution and By-Laws had recently undergone a thorouo[h re\ision. In January. 18SS. Mr. Jas. T. Coghill, when returning from a DCillh cf State ^ . .\\. C. A. Conference at Champaign, 111., was injured 3n5. C. while changing cars, and died at Mattoon, Jan. 26, before his CCvjhill. relatives could reach him. He was President of the Shurtleff Y. W. C. A., and a noble Christian man. He blessed his fellows even in his death. The boys, thus suddenly brought face to face with the solemnity of life, were spiritually quickened, and in a little series of Y. M. C. A. meetings which followed there were a number of conxersions, as well as a vivid awakening to greater consecration and more earnest Christian living. The Society had the Hall draped in black at the time of Mr. Coghill's death, and the profound grief and sympathy of all the students found expression in appropriate resolutions, which were communicated to the bereaved family and also published in the College Review. We give these resolutions verbatim : Whereas, God in His infinite wisdom has been pleased to call from our midst, while yet in the very bud of manhood, our beloved friend and fellow student. James T. Coghill, and Whereas, The near and dear relation which we, the students of Shurtleff College, have ever borne with him during the four years of his stay among us, makes it fitting that we express our heartfelt sorrow at this, our common bereavement; therefore, be it /^esoh-fd. That we have lost in him a kind, true-hearted companion — one whose every effort seemed to be to make others happy. /Hesolt-ed. That in him we have always found that true anxiety for the spiritual welfare of his associates which distinguishes a true follower of the Lord. Ever humble, slow to take offense, quick to render help, patient and uncomplaining, he was a "light set upon an hill." /Resolved. That we sincerely mourn his death and extend to his loved ones our heartfelt sympathy in this sad bereavement. Resoh'ed, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the parents of the deceased, and also to the College Rei'iezL- for publication. For a year or two the business of the Society had really P^cntbU required more time than could well be given in connection with Business the regular literary program from week to week, and the necessity n^cdina. of the case demanded that a different arrangement be made. .Accordingly, on April 13. 1888, it was decided by vote of the Society that a regular business meeting should be held once a month, and 130 the Constitution was so anu-iuU^i. This arran^rnn-nt lias proved a ^n-at benefit to the Society, affording nioie time for tlie program anil i-nablin;: members to take part oftener. It was just about this tinir tiiat that lt.■tr^.•sllin^ly candid little Episode, critique upon the newly created "Upper Alton Hiyh School Journal" appeared in the Kevieu\ and the students — to say nothinjz <>f a ^zood many others — were treated to a n-al li\'e sensation in the way of a would-be caning inflicted upon our Keview editor-in-chief by the irate principal of the public school. It was a touching (up) episode. Truly, the cane were mighty, but the pen even more so in the long run. The program of tin- Annual Exhibition of May hS, 1.SS8, was as follows: INVOCATION. INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC. Selection, ... - - Mandolin Qlartet RECITATIONS. "The Burning Ship," . - . - F.W.Thompson "The Vision of Sir Launfal," - Miss Olive C. Bulkley Vocal Solo, "Springtime," - - Miss Harriett Gripping declamations. "The Curse of Regulus," ----- J- E. Buck "Extract from the Last Speech of Emmet," - Miss Sibyl Swain Vocal Duet, "The Pale Moon," F. W. Thompson and F. W. Nolte PAPERS. Alpha Zeta Journal («) - - - Miss G. P. Clinton Alpha Zeta Journal (l>) - - - - - T. J. Cable Guitar Solo, Selection, - - - -WE. Kelley orations. "Hannibal, the Warrior," - - - - G. W. Gibbens "The Recognition," . . - - Miss Manning Mavfield Vocal S)lo, "O Mio Fernando," .Miss Harriett Gripping Debate. Question, •■h'cso/rcd. That the Prohibition Party, Rather than the Democratic Party, is Entitled to Preference on the Part of the Patriotic American Citizen." Affirmative, A J Donaldson. Negative, Mark Goode Ciuitar Solo, Selection. - - - - W. E Kelley The Reunion was held on Tuesday, June 5, and the Tuesday before Commencement was for years the regular time for the Hvunions of both Societies. "The Ethics of the Nineteenth Century" was the subject of a scholarly address before the Literary Societies by Rev. J. G. Merrill, of St. Louis. 131 CHAPTER VIII. ALPHA ZETA UP TO DATE. (1888-1898.) nPHE last years of the '80s are inseparably linked with the names and ■^ personalities of Ben Wiseman, J. E. Coombs, Whiting, Heald, Gideon, Madding, Nietert, Towson, J. E. and J. W. Buck, "Peg-Leg" Smith, Gibbens, Nolte, Ed. Hill, "Carter" Harrison, Jas. Coghill, Thomp- son, Reynolds, Mcintyre and Johnnie Roach. Among the ladies we may mention Miss Gertie Clinton, Misses Osborn, Beaman, Riggs, the Holt girls, Maude Murphy, Manning Mayfield, OUie Bulkley, Willie Bondurant, Alice Whiteside, the Gonterman girls, Sibyl Swain, Estelle Venters, May Kirby, Maude Harris, Jennie Stelle, Teresa Joesting and the VanHoosers. This latest decade has been a time of splendid improvement. Electri- city has superseded kerosene in the lighting of the Hall, steam heat has taken the place of stove heat, and the Hall has been magnificently fitted up. in the fall of 1888 the long wished-for Ladies' Dormitory and *'C-0-t, Boarding-Hall blossomed forth in our "Martha Wood Cottage," C-O-t, the lovely College home of the fair co-ed. Hon. Samuel Wood, C-O-t-Iiiyc." of Jacksonville, a member of Shurtleff's Board of Trustees, gave $1000 toward its erection as a memorial to his deceased wife, Martha, and the building therefore bore her name. Sweet are the associa- tions entwined about "the Cottage," and sweetly will their memory linger in the hearts of Shurtleff boys and girls. Friday, Dec. 7, 1888, the historic red-pepper episode occurred. l;^^ Some ill-disposed person or persons scattered a quantity of Cay- enne pepper through the hall of Sigma Phi, and sneezing suddenly became a fad. A number of the Sigma Phians were inclined to the belief that some Alpha Zetan was responsible for this piece of work, but the writer begs to state that, while this matter has always remained to the general public shrouded in deepest mystery, yet he has very good 132 i' • A ^i^^/.'^H '^^ ^''^:^ll0l^:^ 2 PV "l\,"- "^'•'■'••^S. •■'^9 3. Kalpl, VV. Hobl.s, •,„ I- Vi<-I..r L. Ij„k,.. M,^ PHtSlbtNTS' GROUP NO. li. ''• / ilarlcy. Marsh. •«.;.'' ■ 7. James A. Pal.ner. •««. 8. Cly.l,. K. ()sl„„„. sf, •)■ S.„„.„,| G Cook. -yo. Mj^.. :::';"'? ,''^"'«fv. -95. J. Mill N I, |,(.|||;,, i;. reason to bcliew tliat tlu- thing was neitht-r inspired nor accomplished by any Alpha Zetan or Alpha Zetans. The Judgment Day will probably dis- close the real status of the case. The affair was very strongly condemned by our Society, and a joint committee from Alpha Zeta and Sigma Phi inves- tigated the matter, but no clues were discovered, so far as known. On May 24, 1889, the Society received an invitation fmm Ur. Ulvman Edward Wyman, Principal of Wyman Institute, to attend their Ticid Annual Exhibition of Field Sports. These annual exhibitions were Dav- very enjoyable occasions. The work of the boys in the gymna- sium and in their various field drills was excellent, showing that careful attention had been paid to the physical development of the boys, as well as to the training of their minds. An interesting incident occurred in connection with our Alpha Zeta f\ Hope Exhibition this spring, which was held on Thursday, May 30. Bliijhlcd. About half past nine o'clock on the evening of Wednesday, the 29th, one of our Alpha Zeta boys spied a faint glimmering light up in Chapel Hall. Tliinking this somewhat singular, he proceeded to inves- tigate. Cautiously approaching and finding the outer door unlocked, he noiselessly entered and proceeded up the stairs to one of the stage wings, through which he saw the feeble light still glimmering. Creeping along on the floor little by little, he gained a point from which he could view the entire room from behind the Faculty cliairs on the rostrum. There in the semi -light he perceived four "jolly Sigs'' busily engaged in substituting water for oil in the chandeliers. Our hero calmly watched them for a while, until certain as to the identity of each, and then noiselessly with- drew without being discovered. Later that night the Alpha Zeta boys repaired to Chapel Hall and replaced oil in tiie chandeliers. Thursday evening, when the exercises commenced, quite a number of unusually jolly Sigma Phians sat back in the alcove, eagerly waiting the consummation of their coup, but they began to evince a certain uneasiness as "the band played on" and no sensational developments occurred, and ere long their jollity had somehow all died out. The truth was only too clear. A courteous note from Sigma Phi soon afterward, censuring the action of her members who were engaged in this disgraceful affair, adjusted the matter satisfactorily to the majority of our members. We give below the program of thr Annual Exhibition of May 30, 1889: 135 Invocation, -.-.-- prof. D. G. Ray Instrumental Solo, "Dying Poet," [(iottsc/ialk) - Miss Adelia Randall Oration, "Despotism and Democracy," - - W. J. Beaven Recitation, "Shamus O'Brian," - - Miss Manning Mayfield < Thompson Instrumental Trio, "Give Me my Own Native Isle," - \ Reynolds f Nolte Debate, Qi^iestion; '•A'cso/r'ed, That the Complications Arising from the Presence of the Negro in the United States are Greater than they were Thirty Years Ago " Affirmative, J J. Roach. Negative, J T. Brown Vocal Solo, "The Merry Zingarra," (Balfe) - Miss Pearl Hewitt Recitation, "The Blacksmith's Story," - - Will Nolte Alpha Zeta Journal, Vol. IX., No. 30, - Miss Nellie Scott Vocal Quartet, "Over the Waters," - - - Arion Quartet The next fall a number of improvements were made upon our Hall. Mrs. Dora Grant presented the Society witli l^eautiful rostrum drapery, and "Aunt Mary" Bulkley donated the tine portrait of Dr. Bulkley which now adorns the wall. The Society lamps were sold and several large brass lamps purchased. Tlie Alpha Zeta "President's Reception" was held at the home of our good friend, Miss Anna Clinton. On December 13, 1889, occurred the death of Prof. Wash- Dcatb of ington Leverett, LL. D., within but a few days of his 84th Dr. Lcvcrdl. birthday. Dr. Leverett's entire life, from young manhood, was devoted to the service and upbuilding of Shurtleff, his official connection with the institution being mucli more extended than that of any other man. So modest, lovable and philanthropic was he that even in his old age liis companionship was delightful. On April 4, 1890, we were deligiited to hear a few earnest words of cheer and advice from our old-time member, Rev. J. M. Titterington, who joined Alpha Zeta in 1866. Hon. Smiley N. Chambers, then of Vincennes, hidiana, delivered tlie Annual Address before the Literary Societies. 136 In llu' rally OO's \hv "I A'liii-a -1 land Sorii-ty,'' compnsrd of l.cnil-t1-Ht1lul tlK' ladies of Upper Alton who were deeply interested in Sliurt- SociclV- leff's welfare, put the Dormitory into better shape than it had been before, overseeinjj extensive cleanin^:, paintin*!, papering and plastering;. And not lonji afterward, through their kind and persistent efforts, steam heat and electric lights were introduced throughout. About this time there were a numbL'r of interesting little tricks per- r petrated by the students, among which might be mentioned the "Annex Menagerie" affair; tilling the Cottage yard with cats secured from \'arious portions of the town; the placariied lamp- post, the pear episode and its echo at the dropping of the Ciass-Uay ban- ner. The various little happenings, while some were undoubtedly malicious and caused bitter feeling and interesting Review editorials at the time, were in the main diwrting and calculated to make oases in lifi-'s sun -parched desert. Our opening program, of Sept. 19, 1890, was as follows: lN\OCATION. MUSIC. Valedictory Address, .... Pres. J. J. Roach INSTALLATION OK NKW I'KKSIDF.NT. Recitation, "Kit Carson's Ride, " - - - Sikyl Swain Declamation, "The Blacksmith's Story," - - F. W. Noltk MUSIC. Alpha Zeta Journal, .... Bkktha M. Rush MUSIC. Declamation, "Medley," - - - - A. G. Mizeli. Recitation, "A Kiss Deferred," - - Anna B. Strait Oration, "The Educational Demand of our Nation," J. H. Coulter MUSIC. RECESS. Debate, "A'csoli'cd, That it is the Duty of Civilized Nations to Colonize and Govern those Countries Inhabited by Barbarous Races " Affirmative, W. H. Fuller. Negative. W. J. Beaven L)uring these last few years Alpha Zeta has, as usual, enjoyed n)lisic excellent music at her ordinary programs and Exhibitions. The Su'CCl. Orchestra, "A. Z. Troubadours," and the "Angelic Quartet'' flourished in the days of Will Nolte, Marshall Weir, John Coulter, Mizeli, Chas. Jones, Geo. Coghill, Needles and Angelf; while many of the girls — Misses Cook, Mayfield, Swain, the Conn's and others — were excel- lent pianists and vocalists, and right merrily did the inspiring okl College 137 songs ring out. The "guitar songs'' of John H. Coulter, ahas "Pet," fur- nished a deUghtful feature of our programs, receptions, etc., during the early '90s. The W. M. A. banjo-club occasionally treated us to jolly airs. One of our Alpha Zeta Quartets of this period gained quite a reputation in Central and Southern Illinois, where they "toured" from time to time, as a pleasant diversion. We give herewitli one of their programs, which was rendered at Virden, ill: PART I. Darkies' Patrol, ..... l.aiising Banjos and Guitars. Cornet Solo, "Sweetest Flower Waltz," . . Cox Chas. Jones. "Peabody's Masterpiece," .... Peabody Adolph Mizell. Paragon March, ..... Foden Mandolins and Guitars. Violin Solo, "II Trovatore, ' . . Singelee M. W. Weir, Jr. Guitar and Song, ..... Selected J. H. Coulter. "Evening Schottische," .... Albert Banjos and Guitars. PART II. "College Oil Cans," ..... McGidre J. H. Coulter. Guitar Duet, ...... Selected Messrs. Mizell and Coulter. Cornet and Violin, "The Lost Chord," . . Emerson Messrs. Jones and Weir. "Grimes on Perseverance," .... Grimes Adolph Mizell. "Merry Travelers' Quickstep," . . . Albrecht Banjos and Guitars. Cornet Duet, "Water Lily," .... I'homas Messrs. Jones and Mizell. Banjo and Song, ..... Selected J. H. Coulter. "Medley Waltz," ..... Weir Mandolins and Guitars. (Miss Leila Cook, Accompanist.) In tlie fall of 1890 Pierson Gymnasium sprang into existence, the $1000 from the generous hand of David Pierson, Esq., of Carrollton, 111., having been the successful starter. 138 On L)fL. 5, the use <•! tin- f^all was i,'iaiitrd tor the Freshman Pou'cr of banguet. One of the somewliat pecuhar cust), Overture, "The Comrades," . fiozvman Alpha Zeta Orchestra. Oration, .... "The Statesman in History" John Coulter. Recitation, . . . Selection from "Evangeline" SiBVL Swain. Cornet Solo, Waltz, "Sounds from the Heart," rocfhc W. H. Fuller. Debate, " Rcsol'i'cd, That Resort to Mob Violence for the Punish- ment of Crime is Sometimes Justifiable." Affirmative, W. J. Beaven. Negative, W. H. Harriss. Declamation, . . . "The Old Actor's Story" F. M. Frush. Vocal Solo, "Galop Rondo," .... Giimbert Miss Sophie Weir. Alpha Zeta Journal, . . Vol. XL, No 31 Miss Nellie Scott. Recitation, .... "Going Somewhere" Miss Leila Cook. Guitar and Song, ..... Select John Coulter. The Annual Address before the Societies at the Commencement of 1891 was delivered by Dr. Wm. Lawrence, pastor of the Second Baptist church, of Chicago, his subject being "Charles Kingsley." 140 REV. JUSTUS BUI-KLEV. D.l)., 1,1. .1) Horn /.cicfsUr, X. )., July Crtuiiiati-il from S/inrtliff' Ci'/Zfi,-,-. C/iirtiiii-tit. lS.f--.fQ Proffssor of Matlteiiiatics at SliurtUff. /Sj_j-sj : Professor of Chiirih History mui Polity at SInirtliff, 1S65 to date: Acting-Prcsi,tfnt of ShurtU-fT. iSjo-^j: Dcgref of D.l^. from Cliitago l')ii7'rrsity. /S'yj. Degree of Li., n. from SliHrtleJf. I Soy. mjl^ ^^^ *"nK((rnmlOliin)iin of Shiirllcfr CcllCi^c MRS. JUSTUS BULKLEY. ( ^'Auut Mary" ) /torn ill Halifax Co., la., .lu^' ib, /Sj/. A PERFECT WOMAN, NOBLY PLANNED TO WARN, TO COMFORT AND COMMAND DR. ANU MRS. JUSTUS BULKl.hY WlitMi tlu' Alplia Zctaiis nturiuJ in llu' tall of '<)! tlit-y Inuiui tlu' Hall beautifully itMioNatcd, and a Lordial vote of thanks was tenLk-ied Misses Mayfleld and Swain, who had had charge of tliis work. The Alpha Zeta President's Reception was iield this fall at the home of tlu- Maslields — now the residence of President de Blois. l])isturbances in the hallways during the usual Frida\' e\en- "Dc Pou'Cr uv in^ meetings of the Societies, had a^ain become \ery fre- dc l.ail'." quent, aiui the xarious efforts' made to remedy the evil were at length successful. Mr. Hiram Cornelius was particularly active in this direction, instituting several "lawsuits" against the offenders and at length bringing the matter to a satisfactory adjustment, for the time being. On Tuesday, January 20, 1892, Dr. Chas. C. Hall, of the Class of '86, one of Alpha Zeta's brightest and most promising members of recent years, died at his father's home near Virden, 111. Less than a year previously he had graduated from Rush Medical, taking the valedictory in a class of 170. He had been converted while attending Shurtleff, and was greatly respected. Miss Rita Webster read before the Society a memorial of Dr. Hall, and a floral tribute, accompanying our resolutions of sympathy, was sent to liis parents. On the 30th of January, that noble, sweet-souled man, Death of Orlando L. Castle, LL. D., died. He had been a Professor Dr. 0. L. Cnstlc. in Shurtleff College for almost 39 years; a man of rare scholarship, admirable literary taste, e.xceedingly modest. thoughtful, earnest and conscientious. He was one whose mind dwelt on the beautiful and the good. He took a far deeper interest in the youths he taught than they themselves knew, and he kept trace of and carefulK- watched their later careers. The spring of '92 marks the passing of the old sto\'e and the 'TricilV. placing of electric lights in the Hall of Alpha Zeta. The \illage had for some time previously enjoyed the metropolitan splendor of a dozen or more arc lights at the principal corners, and when incandescent lamps began to be used in the houses of the village our Society proceeded to purchase several new electric chandeliers and made arrangements with the Illuminating Company for a number of these lamps. I Sucli as diiiiipin^ Imrkets of coal on the crnwil (loiii the foiii th-stoiy wiiulows. 143 In March, Miss Anna Strait,' a former member possessing considerable ability as an artist, presented the Society with a large and handsome oil painting of Niagara Falls. it is very realistic, and in its elegant frame now occupies a position of prominence at the back of the rostrum. The program of the Alpha Zeta Exhibition of May 6, 1892, was as follows: INVOCATION. Piano Solo, .... Prof. W. D Armstrong Declamation, .... Ralph W Hobbs Recitation, ..... Miss Grace Enos Oration, . . . . . . W. J. Beaven Music, . SiiuRTLEFF College Quartet Alpha Zeta Journal, . . . . E. C. Angell Recitation, . . . , . Miss Tamar Scott Vocal Duet, . . Misses Alice and Josephine Holt Oration, .... Miss Mary Merriam Declamation, . . . .CM. CiiLsoN Cornet and Violin Duet, Chas. Jones and M. W. Weir, Jr. Late in January, 1893, the entire vicinity of the Altons, and in Ulnnn facttlie whole State, was appalled at the frightful holocaust which Horror, occurred at Wan n,^ a little railroad crossing about three miles from Upper Alton. One Saturday morning a train on the C. C. C. & St. L. railroad was derailed at this point and the cars badly smashed. Upon learning the news, a number of Shurtleff boys went down to look at the wreck. A very large crowd had assembled, and as they stood viewing the scene of destruction the fire from the engine was communicated to the cars, and soon all was ablaze. A lot of tank-cars filled with oil stood near and all at once the one nearest to the conflagration exploded, filling the air with the burning fluid which as it fell to earth wrought terrible havoc among the crowd. Several of the students were marred for life, and Hiram Cornelius was killed outright, his body being charred almost beyond recognition. The students drew up the following resolutions at this time: 1 Now Mrs. Fred Rail. 2 Now East Alton. 144 WnKREAs, It has pleased the All-Wise God our F"ather, by a sad and mysterious I'rovi- dence, to call suddenly from our midst our lamented fellow-student and your beloved son and brother, Hiram Cornelius ; and, Whkrkas, We know the unfeigned faith in Christ which ruled in his life and con(]uered in his death ; therefore be it A'fso/7-e-(/. That we, the students of Shurtleff College, extend to you, the bereaved parents and kin of the deceased, our most sincere and heartfelt sympathy, liut while we mingle with yours our sorrow, we yet rejoice with you because we "sorrow not as those who have no hope." By order of students in session January ^i, iJ^g.s W.M H. Fuller, Llicik E. Smith, A R, Palmkr, ('intiniitlif. The spring of 1893 was tlie OLOiision ot a littlt* episodt- in whicli ?rcc(?) ice cream, Fieshies, Soplis, others, squealers, and "the deadly Ice postoftlce key'' tiyured very conspicuouslw The Freshimn, it Cream, seems, held a banquet one niiiht at the hospitable home ot Prof. Kay. ice cream was booked on the menu, but the Sophomores desired that ice cream, "and desired it niitzhty badly." Result: a foik-d attempt to secure the cream, a broken imse or two, and several black eyes. On May 5, we were favored with a liood speech by our old friend Mclntvre, (.f the Class of 1S8S. These earlier 9U's were the xiuorous days of Chapman, Bea\en, Coul- ter, Gillham, Frush, the Gilsons, Fuller, Mizell, Harriss, Tilton, Hobbs, Helmkamp, Duke, Osborn and Marsh. Prominent anions our youn^ ladies were Misses Wempen, Miller, Hnos, Hutled^e, ttherin^ton. Coulter. Frost, Hartford, McCormick, tl e Scott ^i'l^. flit Carrs and the Hardwicks. A novel feature of our programs was an occasional "club solo" by **Club Mr. A. A. Wageley, one of our members, who was Instructor in Solos." Gymnastics at Shurtleff. He was e-xceedingly clever with the Indian clubs, and when these solos were given the lights were turned off and Mr. WageU-y appeared with a pair of clubs specially prepared as torches, and the evolutions made a very pretty sight. On February 6, 1894, Miss Emma Pace left faj/-a Mrs. J. B. True Recitation, . . "The Story of Some Bells" Rose Miller. Declamation, . . "A Superior Argument" Geo. H. Helmkamp. Piano Solo, Minuet, . /\tdfr(-cL'ski Miss ViETH. 146 On TiksJax'. Juiu- S, LJi. C. A. Hoblis, ol 1 J(.l;i\an, Wis., lectiirtal bftorf tlif Literary Socifties. riu' tali (il 1X04 mariss tlii' bf^inniiiii ot {\\v Prt-sick-ikv ul Dr. dc Blois Ur. de Blois, uiult-r wliosi- able .miidance Sliurtleff has been Becomes steadily advaiuiii^ to tlie Iroiit. Of magnificent enthusiasm, President of noble, teiukr heart, and magnetic attractiveness, our youn^ Shurllcl'f. President has ahtad\' won a splendid reputation in the West, and Shurtleft reali/t.-s that she has been wry hiyiil\' faxori-il in securing such a man to tiuide iier pi-ogrt-ss. Dr. A. W. Claxon, one of our old members, fa\dri\l us with a spt-ech on the evening of Sept. 2S. . . . An instrumental solo by a music-bo.\ is a novelty introduced at one nieetinii. On Thanksgiving Day, 1894. a little Reunion of our Chicago members was held in that city. Miss hlla H. Morse ga\e a reception in honor of Miss Sara N. W_\'cl • ( (0) Etude de Style, . . Ravina Miss Constance Mills. Alpha Zeta Journal, . Vol. XVI., No. 28 Miss Edith Mills. Violin Solo, "Cradle Song," .... Simon James B. True, Jr. 148 T-, J- \ Ut) "Farmer blel)bins at Football, Reading, -.,,,,,- . , ,,. •, . .. ^ t in) Kentucky Philosophy, Miss Mmda McCormuk Oration, . . "The Scholar in Politics J () GlTHRIK. Vocal Solo, .... Selected Mrs. Jamks H. Trie Reading, "riie Chariot Race" AiDRKV A, Toni). Immediately after the pioj^rani an inlnrmal reception was liclJ in tlu- Society Hall, stirring speeches being made by Harriss, Fiusii, Tilton and Professors Chipman and Smith. Just prior to the opening of the college-year 1896-97 the Hall was very nicely fixed up b\- a faithful committee. New window-shades, an elegant president's stand and chair, and a very handsome picture — a large marine view donated by Mrs. H. E. Mills — were among the improvements and decorations this fall. The ladies of the village were tendered a \'ote of thanks by the Society for their kind assistance and liberal donations. The Alpha Zeta President's Reception was held at the H. '/.. Prcsidcnl's home of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Mills, whom we have e\er Reception counted among our most faithful friends and helpers. It at Ibe would be very difticultto express the gratitude and fraternal n)ilU Heme. love which Alpha Zeta, past and present, feels toward this family. Always ready to do us a faxor, alwa\\s true as steel, the loss from our midst of Mr. and Mrs. Mills and their beautiful daughters left an aching void. This reception was the last occasion on which our Society had the delight of a \isit to the Mills home, for soon afterward the family moved to Southern California on account ot .\\r. Mills' health, which is now quite robust again. The Constitution and By-Laws underwent their last rexisioii at this time, and a while later 500 copies were printeil in pocket form, as revised. This revision, however, involved but few radical changes. The regular program for Friday, (October 2, was deferred until the next evening on account of the absence of a number ot tlu' participants at the Intercollegiate Oratorical and Athletic Meet in Bloomington. . . On Nov. 6, an interesting general debate was conducted; subject, "Ri'solvtui, That the Election of McKinley was a Triumph of Plutocracy over l)t inocracy." On April 30, Alpha Zeta was pleased and edified by a splendid speech from our old friend, Walter H. Harriss, of the Class of '96. The artistic designs of Mr. T. H. Marsh have for several years been seen on our programs, and a great deal of credit is certainly due him, — and also Chairman Wyllie, of the Printing Committee to-day, — for their careful, neat work, and tasteful, catchy designs upon the Society programs. One of the waves of the whirling eddy of the glorious Seventieth Com- mencement was our Alpha Zeta Banquet, at which quite a number of our old hustlers of years gone by expressed in apt and witty strain their allegiance to the Grand Old Literary Society of the West, and their delight in being able to meet with her present members on such an auspicious occasion. At the beginning of this last college-year our Hall was re-fitted Hali in fine style, a magnificent new Brussels carpet, new chairs with Clccjontlv the A. Z. monogram beautifully wrought in the backs, new cur- ?il(cd up. tains and stage drapery all contributing toward making our weekly meeting-place more handsome and elegant than ever before. This task was a very great one, and we are indebted almost entirely to "Aunt Mary" Bulkley for its successful consummation. We can never repay the debt of gratitude we owe Dr. Bulkley and Aunt Mary. Tlieir lives have greatly blessed ours, and their memories will be sweet in Alpha Zeta long after they have passed to their reward. In February fine photograph portraits of Dr. de Blois, Dr. Ken- Bcautihil drick and Prof. W. D. Armstrong were unveiled by Misses Portraits Florence Wells and Alyce Swisher, dressed in pure white. Unveiled. Appropriate speeches were then made by Mr. T. H. Marsh and others, Dr. Bulkley at length responding in a happy vein to the hearty calls of our members. Not long afterward, a beautiful portrait of our dear "Aunt Mary" was formally presented to the Society, in a splendid speech by Mr. T. H. Marsh. Our Hall is more than beautified — it is glorified — by the speaking likenesses of so many of the noble and true. Their faces look upon us in benediction, and furnish us true inspiration to seek only the best and the highest. As we gather here from time to time we are not unmindful of God's goodness in giving us so many blessings. 150 ■JZ > N m H > > r Tlif increased interest in ati)letics whicli Sluirliett has developed during these last tew years is t(i(» well Untiwn to require more tlian passing mention in tiiis sketch. Our maiiniticent tootbaU team is seldom defeated, while in track and field work tlu- Shurtleff men are pushing steadil\' to the front in the State hitercollegiate Athletic records. The enthusiasm in this important department of collejie work is rapidly grow'injz, and the value of a well-rounded manhood — trained body, mind and spirit— is now universally recognized, and such training sought. On November 5, we were favored with speeches by several old mem- bers — Miss Nellie Scott, of the Class of '94, Mr. Joe Darrow, Miss Annie Goodwin and Marshall W. Weir, Jr A "sweet potato" (ocarina) quartet — Messrs. Wyllie, Wood, James and Henry — was a very pleasing novelty at the regular meeting of November 12. Two encores. In the latter part of January, Mr. Wiseman, the Alton photographer, came up and took the annual photograph of the Society, an excellent picture of the group being secured. A "post-graduates' program" was held on March 11. An entertainment occurred April 11, in which a farce and hoop drill figured. Following is the program: Waliz. Caprice, A'. 'If h'oriii W 1) AkMSI K()N(.. ■The Bird that (",ime in Spring, " Julius licindht Miss Kdna Dokki rv. "The Revel of the X;ii;ids, " ..... .Misses Ethkl Huitt. Ai.yce Swishek, Edna Conn. Leu.a Clark, Marie Wood, Minnie Wells, Florence Wells, Sallik Hakduk k, Mary Dknmson. "Spring Tide," lUchcr Mrs. M. VON Hinzer. ,,. ,. ^,,,. . \ (a\ Berceuse, . /'. Ihiiti v lolin ObligHti), ■. , , c A /'./.,. *' / (/») Serenade, .... hoiDi Capt. L. WvMAN. FARCE A BOX OF M()NKI".VS CAST Mis. OndeRo Jones, Miss Fl. oka Tiltun Miss Sierra Beiigaliiie. Iiei niece, Mi^s Lily Coultkh Lady Guineverre Llandpooie. Miss Maida MiCukmk k ICdward Ralston, » (Inleresled in a ( Lkonakd Tkksi Clianncy Osielliorpe, i Gold Mine) t' Bahnkt r Wvm.ik Between the .\cts the following will be given "Tannhauser," . . I utif^r Miss Bkssik Dokkm V "Two Grenadiers," A' Si It it nut nil Major \()N BiNZKK 153 And this is the spring of '98. The campus is carpeted afresh To DdU. with an emerald matting. Tlie trees are draped witli siiimmer- ing robes of rich and glossy green. Flowers bloom in the parterre and birds sing everywhere. Tennis balls speed across the nets. Youths and maidens stroll up and down the shaded paths, or enjoy a tete-a- tete upon the Cottage steps or the iron benches scattered over the campus. No spot is safe from the unerring aim of the kodak fiend. From aflag-staff in front of the Gym floats Old Glory, and from several Dormitory win- dows hangs the Cuban banner. Patriotism is high at Shurtleff, and Alpha Zeta does not lack the enthusiasm of former years. As the Grand Old Society moves majestically on toward the century mark, she cannot but continue to grow and prosper, for she is founded upon TRUTH. Our hope and prayer is that her sons and daughters may ever prove faithful to their trust, keeping unsullied her fair fame and matchless motto— "NOT TO SEEM, BUT TO BE." 154 5V Witil^l^n^ poent. ( riie follmiihig poem, in the iiietn- of " Hiauiat/ia," ivas 7-i-ad by the autlior. /.. //'. Hohhs, at the celebration of Shurtleff's tiwnty-first birthday. The celebration 71'as comiiicted by the Junior and Senior Classes.) (TOAST): I'OETRY. "■'J'he I'oicc of the bcanliftil : the music tlial sicells from the .l-'.olicin Harp of Nature, zvhen sifept by the 'Breath of Pass/on/ May Aynerica be as rich iu poets as her California is in gold, and may their fame be propot'tionate to her sky-reaching moiintnins, mighty lakes, imperial plains, and iitiriTaled riTers.^^ (RESPONSE) Hail! Seniors, Juniors, one and all! Forget we here hard study's thrall, And thank our stars that there is knowledge Of something more than books in college. Though intellect must live on learning. And fuel keep the thought-fires burning, Yet it is good to stop awhile, With other things the way beguile, Than old Greek verbs and Latin nouns. And mathematics' abstract rounds. And intellect on this good eve His stony dignity must leave. And throw aside his monkish stole To lead us in the "flow of soul," hispired by all that fills the board Of plenty's tempting, luscious hoard; And while we're feasting 'Vow atnore" 1 fain would tell a dreamy story. Which, if you will, I'll now relate About the dav we celebrate. 156 While the li^lit in unki aiul purple Drifted from the fields ot sunset, While the shadows dim and heavy Stole from rejjions in the east- land, While the dying rays of twilight Fading in the waves of darkness, Half disclosed the dome of Shurtleff, Looming in the darkness skyward, Then methought a weird-like spirit From the dark and dreamy past -land. Came upon the breeze of evening As it s\va\ed the sighing oak trees, Swept around the massive towers Like the swelling waves of OLean. And beneath its spell of magic Shurtleff, looming in the darkness. Took a form more grand and noble. Than the common brick and mortar. Then came trooping from the past- land Spirits of the years departed, Weird -like spirits, one and twenty, Who had seen Young Shurtleff's entrance In the land of art and science, 111 the tields of classic learning; Who had watched the crying infant hi its swaddling clothes and blankets, Watched its pale and sickly childhood, Watched its youth of pain and sorrow Which is always Genius' birthright; Seen at last its youth completed — Its minority accomplished. At the Master Goblin's bidding They had come to make rejoicing That in life it still e.xisted; That old Time with feet (f iron Had not trampled it to ashes. 157 Then upon the tops of chimneys Which around the roof are rising, Perched the spirits one and twenty, Lili:.N r <>i' rill': alpha /.kta socikty. W> o n o r a trit 3lt cm b ct'S JVlpl^t ^cUx §ocicin oC ^buriUCe ©ollci^c. *Deceased. Addresses placed after the names of the deceased indicate place of death Where the State is omitted nftfr a town, Illinois is understood. FACULTY OF SHURTLEFF COLLEGE. P *Rev. *John *Rev. *Rev. ^=Rev. =^Rev. *Rev. *Rev. *Rev. *Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev. PRESIDENTS. Joshua Bradley, A. M.— 1827-28. Russell, LL.D.— 1828-29. John M. Peck, D. D.— 1829-31. Hubbel Loomis, A. M. — 1832--^5. Washington Leverett, LL.D. — Acting — 1836-41. Adiel Sherwood, D. D. — 1841-45. Washington Leverett, LL.D. — Actino; — 1846 49. Norman N. Wood, D. D.— 1850-55. S. Y. McMasters, LL.D.— P/o TenipoiY—\H55-56. Daniel Read, LL.D.— 1856-70. Justus Bulkley, D. D.— //f//;/^- 1870-72. A. A. Kendrick, D. D.— 1872-94. Austen K. de Blois, Ph. D. — 1894 to date. 173 PROFESSORS. *Rev. John M. Peck, D. D., Theology— 1827-31. *John Messenger, Mathematics, etc. — 1827-31. *Dr. Ebenezer Marsh, English Branches — 1830. *Rev. Washington Leverett, LL. D., Mathematics and Natural Philosophy — 1836-53. *Rev. Zenas B. Newman, A. M., Oratory, Rhetoric and Belles Lettres — 1841-44. *Rev. Warren Leverett, A. M., Latin and Greek Languages and Literature -1841-53. *Rev. Adiel Slierwood, D. D., Mental and Moral Science and Christian Theology— 1841-45. *Rev. Erastus Adkins, D. D., Oratory, Rhetoric and Belles Lettres — 1847-56. *Rev. Norman N. Wood, D. D., Mental and Moral Science and Christian Theology— 1850-55. Rev. Justus Bulkley, D.D., Mathematics and Natural Philosophy— 1853-55. ^Orlando L. Castle, A. M., Oratory, Rhetoric and Belles Lettres— 1853-92. *Rev. Erastus Adkins, U. D., Latin and Greek Languages — 1853-55. *Rev. Washington Leverett, LL.D., Mathematics and Natural Philosophy — 1855-68. '''Oscar Howes, A. M., Latin and Greek Languages and Literature — 1855-73. Ebenezer Marsh, Jr., Ph.D., Chemistry, Geology and Mineralogy — 1856-63. Rev. Edward C. Mitchell, D. D., Biblical Studies and Sacred Rhetoric— 1863-70. ^"Rev. Warren Leverett, A. M., Associate Professor of Ancient Languages — 1865-68. Rev. Justus Bulkley, D. D., Church History and Church Polity— 1865 to date. *Rev. Robert E. Pattison, D. D., Systematic Theology and History of Doctrines— 1865-69. ^Charles Fairman, LL.D., Mathematics and Natural Philosophy — 1868-72. *Rev. Nathaniel M. Wood, D. D., Systematic Theology and History of Doctrines— 1871-73. 174 CM.U-TIMH PKOFHSSOKS. *Natli.iiii(;l M. Woo.l. I). I) *Koberl E. I'attiscjii. D. I). Edward C. Mitchell, O. I) Kbenczer Marsh, Jr., Hi. I). *()scar Howes, A. M. ♦Warren Leverelt, A. M. ♦Deceased. -. 'Pres. Adiel Sher^vood. D. 1). 8. ♦Washinutoii Kevereit, l.l-.U, 9. *Pres. Daniel Read. l.L.D. 10. •George H. UodRe, ,A . .\I . .ir. Pres, Adiii A. Kendrick. D.D 12. *Cliarles Fairmaii, LL.U. H. ^Orlando L. Castle. LL.D. i(. John C. C. Clarke. A. M. 15. Jiistns Miilkley, D. D.. LL.D. i(>. James M. SiiHer, D. D. Rev. James M. Stitler, I). D., Biblical Literature ami IntL-rpretatinn — 1S71-74. William Ashmore, A. M., Latin and Greek Languages — 1874-75. Rev. Thomas M. Stewart, A. M., Mathematics and Natural Philosophy — 1874-75. Rev. J. C. C. Clarke, A. M., Latin and Greek Lan^ua^es and Biblical Interpretation — 1875-86. *Charles Fairman, LL.U., Mathematics and Natural History, Chemistry and Geology — 1875-95. Rev. David G. Ray, A. M., Latin and Greek Languages— 1889-93. Rev. W. H. H. Avery, A. M., Intellectual and Moral Science— 1891-94. Rev. Walter H. Bradley, A. M., International Law and Political Economy --1891-95. Timothy Cloran. Jr., A. M., Greek and Modern Languages — 1893-97. James Archy Smith, M, S., Mathematics — 1895-97. Samuel Ellis Swartz, Ph. B., Science— 1895 to date. George Ernest Chipman, A. M., Latin and Political Science — 1895 to date. Charles Hoben Day, A. M., Modern Languages — 1897 to date. Victor Leroy Duke, A. B., Mathematics— 1897 to date. PRINCIPALS OF SHURTLEFF ACADEMY. *Rev. Zenas B. Newman, A. M.— 1835-39. *Rev. Warren Leverett, A. M.— 1839-41. Rev. Justus Bulkley, A. M.— 1846-49. *William Cunningham, A. M.— 1849-50. Philip P. Brown, Jr., A. M. — 1850-53. Edward A. Haight, A. M. — 1866-69. *George B. Dodge, A. M.— 1870-82. Richard D. Swain, A. M.— 1887-94. Rev. Harry H. Tilbe, A. M.— 1894-95. George Ernest Chipman, A. M. — 1895-97. Charles Hoben Day, A. M.— 1897 to date. 177 TUTORS. *Rev. Hubbel Loomis, A. M.— 1835-36. *Rev. Samuel S. Allard— 1838-39. Rev. Justus Bulkley, A. M.— 1846-49. *William Cunningham, A. M.— 1849-50. Rev. John B. Jackson— 1851-52. Alexander A. Ansman, M. D. — 1853-57. •^James R. Kay, Ph. B.— 1853-54. Rev. Elihu J. Palmer— 1854-55. William A. Castle— 1855-56. Rev. O. L. Barler, A. M.— 1864-72. John U. Hodge, A. M., M. D.— 1867-70. *Lewis C. Donaldson, A. B.— 1867-72. E. M. Joslyn, IW. D. — 1872-75. Rev. Thomas M. Stewart, A. M. — 1873-74. Edwin W. Reid, A. B -1875-76. Robert Gibson, M. D.— 1875-76. Lucius M. Castle, A. B. -1876-79. John U. Hodge, A. M., M. D. — 1876-80. Frank 1. Merchant, A. B.— 1880-84. Augustus L. Abbott, A. B.— 1881-84. David G. Ray, A. M.— 1882-89. Waldo Fisher, M. D.— 1885-86. Edgar B. Roach, A. B.— 1885-86. James T. Torrey, M. D.— 1886-87. L. F. Schussler, IV\. D., LL. D.— 1889-91. John D. Pace— 1890-91. Ora P. Seward, A. M.— 1890-91. Harry R. Lemen, M. D.— 1892-94. Annette Griggs, Ph. B.— 1894 to date. Thomas W. Todd, A. B.— 1895. 178 H^n'' i.^""'"."" Danrels. Rev" E'^rT." "^ -"'"^^ • J ;,•'■ Gliomas. A. M *Hon. Cyrus Edwards. LI.. D •Deceased. OLD-TIME HONORARY MEMBERS i-.v, rftl VV. Padisoii. .\. .\j •^ev. A. C. O.sborn, D. I) ;aii. 7. L. F. Schussler. M IJ , I.I,. I). 8. Miss Ella A. BiilKlev. g. Miss Orl.ivi.i Dodi;,. 10. Miss Siidif Chrisnian. 11. Miss Constance S. Mills. 12. Miss Louise VVenipen. I %!■- \. Hie Holt-King Miss SaJit.' Clirisiiian, • . . . Upper Alton. Miss Nt'llif Dorsey, .... LJpprr Alton. Miss Anna Johnson, .... Upper Alton. 1895-96. Miss Winifred White, . . . .St. Louis, Mo. Si \ Ilcinpstead St. 1896-97. Miss Barber. ...... Miss Harlan. ....... Miss Gahie Johnson, .... Greentii'ld. Mrs. J. C. Richardson Rochester, N. Y Mrs. John Walil, Upper Alton. Total (Dupi.u atk'^ Duducted), 226. 'i^^' 'pHEKK is many a gem in the path of life, Which we pass in idle pleasure, That is richer far than the jeweled crown, Or the miser's hoarded treasure. It may be the love of a little child, Or a mother's prayer to heaven, Or only a beggar's grateful thanks For a glass of water given. — Alpha Zeta Jocrnal, Feb. 20, 1885. 191 etTjetral ^o^s^ter. A Complete List of the Past and Present Active Members of the Alpha Zeta Society, with Biographical Sketches. (Alphabetically Arranged According to Year of Joining.) EXPIjANATOKY. '■'■ .Means J)i'et*ase(l. Addresses placed after the names of the deceased indicate place ot deat^. t Means Not Lncated. Slandin,!;- liefore the nanH> of a deceased member it siii'nifies that the place of death has not been learned. Where the ytai'e is omitted after a town or county. Illinois is understood, ex- cept occasionally in the case of a larg'c city. The addresses taken \'vim\ ilie College catalngues ari" placed in parentheses wliiMi "ot kP-OAvn to be present addresses. In lli(> case of members residing in large cities, tli/ business address ait>ne has in .-I few instances been inserted when house address has not been learned. The expression "'entered Sliurtleff College" as used in these sketches does not ne((ssarijy have reference to tlie College Department projier. The great majority of the clergymen in this Koster are Baptists. We have made careful note of every~ exceptional case; hence wlnni no denomination ife miMitioned. the Baptist is understood. It is to be remembered tiiat many of the memliers of our Society before the name was changed to Alpha Zeta. remained in tlie College after->vard and weie active members of the Alplia Zeta Society. 1843-44 (Lyceum.) KEV. .irSTl'S BULKLIOY. I». I).. LI.. I). ----- Upper Alton. "In the annals of Shurtleft! College no name is more highly honored than tliat of tlie man who is now the Senior Professor in that time-honored Institution. ".Justus liulklcy was born in Leicester. Livingstone Co., N. Y., on the 2:!d of .Tuly. 1810. In the spring of 1837 he came with his parents. Lorey and Harriet Kulkley. to the State of Illinois. Soon after his removal to the 192 Wost ht' was converted, and in the autuiim of is:'.7 he iiiiiied with Die Hap- iisi ("hereh in Barry. Til. Feeling' divinely called to the work of tlie l'os- pel niiiiisti-y. he was lieens(>d to pfeach by the Itarry Hai.tist Clmrch oh the iOth of .March. 1S4'_'. At about the same iteriod he entered upon a course of study at Shurtleff Colle-e. Kor upwards of half a cntury he has l.e.'n con- ueclod. more or less inliiiialely, wiili SliurtielVs v.-iryiii- f(.rtiines. -Immediately upon liis .unidUMi i..i;, in IMT. Mr. I'.uild.'y s .-.iMlity and scholarship wer(> re.-o,i;iii/.ed hy his .\lnia Mater and he was elected to ih- Principalship of the Academic Depart nn'nl. a i.osilion wln.-h he In-ld for two years. On the 14th of February. IX-l'.t. he was ordained at I'pp.'r Alton, and "in the course of the same month h.. .nne pastor of tiie U.iptist Clmrch In .Terseyville. This happy pastorate continued for four ycirs and a lialf. .•m.l in September, 18.^3, Mr. Bulkley resi-n..! his eli.irue :.i .lerseyville to take the chair of Mathematics at Slinrtleir. 'IMie same success which had crowned his work as a prea.dier .-.t tended Ids .areer as a teach.'r. in Ls.-,."- he entered up.n the active .luties .d" the ministry once m.n-e. liecomin- i.:i- tor at CarroUton, where he remained for nine years. In the sprinji of 1>'W he was called to the pastorate of ilie Ipper Alton Baptist Church, and in September. ISG.!. he resigned, to lu-conie pr.d'i'ssor of Chur.-h HisL.ry m ShnrtlefC College, and during the thirty years iliai h,-.v.« roilowd lie has devoted his time and labor to the interests of lli.' colle-e. at.u tlu- welfare of the students. Rev. Bulklev was marrii'd .Tuly 27. 1S4T. to Miss Lucy I'erry bh-. who passed away August 24. 1.S4S. On .lune 2.-.. I.^Mi). he marri-d Harriet (ireen Newell, and of the nine children born to tlH.m. lour still surviv. Sarah Klleii is the wife of Dr. V. B. Kob(>rt>. Downs. 111.: Kuuiia C m.n-ri.'d I. X. Ve.hler. nnd lives in Unshville. 111.; Bcrtlia itiow Mrs. K. B. U<.ach. is laboring with her husband on the forei.uii mission tield. wl.ih- Olive C. the youngest, resides in .Tacksonvllle. 111. On .lanuary I-'.. l.ss(.. Dr. Btilkley was ni.irricl to Mi.ss Mary B. Head, a native of Viiginia. "Dr. Bulkley's life has been one of ceaseless activity. As pastor. a> teacher, as President of the Board of .state .Missions, as Fresid.-nt of tlie Education Society, as acting Prosi.lent of Shurthdf Colle.iie during two crit- ical years of its history, as Moderator of the Oeneral Association on many occasions, and in many other important otticial positions. J>r. Bulkley has exhibited that strength and that wisdon, wiii.h h.ive m.idc liim a recgnized leader of men. No man has e.xerted a wider or nobler ititlucti.-e .nid no ni.an has done more to mould and guide the d.-nonunational litV of the St.itc -Vs a scholar .and think. -r Dr. I'.ttlkley h.is romtn.indr.l Hie admiration „r veneration after generation of students. 11. ■ lias be-'ii .i cireful student. 1„„1, „f men and bo.d .ilways been carried forward in .i spirit of fre.> in.niiry. mingled witli an iiiieiise .h'Sirc for the attainment of that wliicli is deep .iiid strong .ind .ibidiie.:. 193 "His preaching is direct, forceful, and magnetic. It exhibits nothing of the passion for sensation and display too common in this day. It is full of tenderness and power. In his relations Avith men, his manner is ever char- acterized by quiet dignity and noble kindliness of spirit. He lias won midti- tudes of friends, for liimself. for the college, and for the cause of truth and righteousness. "Though beyond his three-score-years-and-ten. Dr. Bullvlcy lias to-day the vigor and life, tiie hopefulness and enthusiasm, of a young man. He takes a keen interest in athletic sports, and enters heartily into everything that concerns the happiness and welfare of the students. By his splendid Christian manhood he has endeared himself to all who know him. His name is an honor to the Institution to wliich he has given an unfaltering and loyal devotion." The degree of D. D. was conferred upon lilm by tlie old Chicago Univer- sity, and in June, 1897, on the fiftieth anniversary of his graduation, he re- ceived the degree of LL. D. from his Alma ilater. In spite of his advanced age. he not only ably fills the diities of his professorship, but almost in- variably spends his Sundays in preaching for churches in this part of the State. tl. G. CALKINS. tllOX THOMAS r. COWAN. . . . - - (Morgan Co i *tWILLlAM CUNNINGHAM. A. M. - - - (Brighton.; Tutor in ShurtlefJc College. 1849.30. For years afterward a prominent teacher in Madison Co.. 111. *t.IAMES B. BEVMONDSON. (Scott Co.i *JOHN FREEMAN. ....... Decatur. He was born .Tanuary 1-1, ISoO, in Boston, jNIass.. his early youth being spent in the Eastern Stales. In 184;^. however, lie came West to attend Shurtleff College; this was through the influence of liis uncle. Dr. Benjamin Shurtleff. for whom the institution was named. After leaving Shurtleff Col- lege in 1849. he crossed tlie plains with ox team and Indian pony, for C^ali- fornia, where he .irrived six iiiontlis later and engaged in mining gold and fighting Indians (under (Jen. .lolm C. Fremont! for tliree years, when he returned to Boston, soon afterward embarking for the scene of the Crimean War. On his return he removed to Illinois and oim'IkmI a farm of lialf a section in Shelby Co., one mile east of Moweaqua. He remained in this State until the time of his dejith. wliicli occurred at Deca.tur. July 27, ISHd •*HON. SAMUtJL S. GILBERT. .... - Culiiiville. Born at Cloncestei-. Essex Co.. Mass., .January 27, 1827, of English an- 194 p t-estry. Tic r (MiroiM'i: .•ilmrlifll ('njh'i;!'. liviii;.; with m Mi:iiili ii .-iimiI .-iinl wiii-lviii;: li;ii-ri Tor ills iM);iril Tor iivc yrjirs. I |uin Icavlnu- colli'.irc lie i.nmlii ^ilund tor .-i >liiui iiiim- in rpi" i" .\linii. .thI then ivmnvod to I'jifiiiivillc wlicrc tin- iciiijiiiuh-r of li.s lit';' \v;is sjh'iii. Ii. IS.")! .Mr. (;illi(>rt ni.inifil .Miss Fr.iiict's .Mel "lure. He siiiditMl l;i\v willi II iii .lohn A. CIii'siiiui. .•111(1 w.is ;i(liiiiti»'il to tin- l.-ir in l>*in. in IS.'i'J lie w.i- eiectfd Coiiniy .Ind.uc lie iwii-;' hidd llic ullict' nt" .Mnslcr in J'liaiK ci y. jiiid ill 1>74 \v;is a iiiniii ( r ni ilic Illiiinis I.ivuislal iin-. In politics lie was a I>('iiiiicr;ii. acliiiji Willi tlir Ktpuliliran paiiy. Imwcv rr. Iioni l*^!!! to \S't'2. iMirinti- his ivsidciict- of aliinsi titty years in Carliiivil!;' lie niaintaiinii :i Iiijili cliaractcM' profi'ssioiially and piTsniiaiiy. winning' tlic i'( spfct of ili" »'iiti"(> coninuniity. Ilis death oeeun.d .lamiary Ur.. IMic. 'ihrrc ssns siii- vive him — E. A. and ('has. V . lawyers nf York. .Neli.. and \V. \V.. p/ojirietoi* of St. (Jeorge Hotel, ("arlinville. *;kobeut s. ckkk.vk. *Y.TAMKS II. IilHIiAKI*. ■ivIIOKACK C. IIIP.HAUn. vJOIIN I'. HILL. v.lOSl': KOXAZI.V.NO M.\iri'lNKZ. *vin:V. AXHllKW .MOFFET. *;f;EOiuH-: ii. sheuwood *-;rex.7a.mi.\ taylok. *vWILLIAM <;. TAYLCtlt. EmYAKl) TKAIUE. CHAULES \. \YEST. il'ltper .Mlili. (I'pli. r .\ll 111. I il'|)l);'|- .Mi'iii." KJree.ie Co.) iC(iaiiuil;i. .Mexieo.i iLainiiille.i (rp])er .Vlt.iii.i iSimal Creek.) (Walerlno.i .lerseyville. I'nlare. Cal. 1844-45. (Lyceum.) ■EI>^^ AU1> LEWIS 1',.VKi:K. a. :,I. - - Huen.is Ayres. Soutli America. Sou of David .lewett Hake;- and Sarah T. Fairchild-Haker. His failier. a native of East Iladdam. Conn.. i:radiiated from Hamilton Cullege. N, Y.. in ISlti. two years later settliii}; in Kaskaskia. 111., where Edward L. was horn on the :{d of June. lS2i>. In the autninn of IM."! the suh.ieet of onr sketch en tt red the Ereshnian Cla>s of Slmrtleri Cnllejie at tlie a.ue of H. gradiiatin.u; in .Iinie. 1V47, with the decree id .\. I'... and receiviiiLr liis .\. M.. three years later. The l-'rc^hman Class of 1S|::-I was (|iiiie l.iruc Inn nidy ihire rem;iineii and coiiijileted ilie course- Kev. .1. Unllvley. Win. Ciinniimh.i in .iml Mr. H.-iker, las After spending several years in study at tlie T>aAv School of Harvard University, he hecame cilitor in isno of tlic "Altdii Telegrap'h." He lafter- Avard served several terms in the Illinois liegislatnre. In 1855 he was mar- ried to ]\Hss Julia Cook Kdwaras, of Springfield, 111., and in the same year became editor of the "Illinois State Journal" at Springfield, which position he occupied until 1870. when he was appointed I'nited States Assessor of In- ttrnal Revenue for the Sin-ingfiylil District. I'hree years later Pre.sident Gi'ani appointed liini rnited States Consul to Buenos Ayres, Argentine Republic, which post he tilled continuously, through all the changing administrations, until the time 'il' Jiis drnlli in the spring of 1S;J7. His remains were interred at Springfii'ld. Ill . w lilcli i ity. d'.spite liis extended absences in Sontli Amer- ica, had been liis li(}nit' since liis mai'Tiage. As a studeni Mr. Maker gav<> himself to his tasks with diligence and en- thusiasm. He Av;is thin'ougli. accurate and faillifnl, as well as genial :ind companionable. "His talents were of a high order, enabling him to fill witJi credit to himself and honor to his family any position to which he as]»ired.' He was a nicinlicr of the I'l'ote-^tant Episcopal Cliurch. 'IREY. AUGUSTUS B. CKAAI. . . - . (Metamora.) CYRUS P. CROSS. - - - (Jrass Valley. Cal. BENJAMIN SHURTLEFF FREEMAN. - - Box 1554. Boston. Mass, Mr. Freeman Avas born in Boston. IMass., August 29, 1827. Wlien (|ail:' .1, youth he came West, entering Shurtleff shorrly after his brother John (see '43-4). He did not graduate, but upon leaving College returned to Boston, Avhere for some time he occupied a responsible position in the Custoui House, and afterward engaged in the real estate business, which lie lias since pursued very successfully, having interests in the West as well as ,:the [East. JJEFFERSON FRUIT. _..--. (Ridge Prairie) ISAAC EDWARDS HARDY. M. D. - - Hartley, Hartley Co.. Tex. He Avas born jSIarch 8, 1825, his parents settling in Hamilton Co.. 111., in October of the same year. Avhere they lived until 1837, Avhen they removed to Upper Alton. He entered the Preparatory Department of Siiurtleff Colleg(> in the fall of 1830, remaining until June, 1844, Avheu he began to study med- icine with Dr. B. K. Hart, of Alton. In June. 184G, he volunteered in the [Mexican War. On his return he entered the University of Louisville, Ky.. as a student of medicine, graduating in ;March. 1840. Dr. Hardy practiced in St. Oenevieve Co.. Mo., until 1S5L'. Avlien he returned to Alton, removing to his present home in 1880. Dr. Hardy Avas A. A. Surgeon in tlie Civil ^^'ar, At present he is inc:i- pacitated from business on account of blindness. 196 *OI.IVKK T. .lONKS. .M. I). - - - - W.i.m, T.-x. ('••111!,' Ill SliiM-IIc'i' uiiiii I, Jill. II Ki'Mli lin 111. i I. «'l;iir Cti. lini In..!- yi'.i.s ■•i.tro, li>;i villi; a fMiiiily. *Y.)()Si-.lMI II. K.\'1V.. (St. l/)iiis. .Mil) IIKMIV M, I'KCK. 'rni.-.v. CmI. Kiilcrcd the I'i'cii,ii-;ili;iv 1 1( p.'irl iiiiiil ai' SlMii-tlifr in IMl-U. wiiiit- .-i iiu-.c hu.A, ami .-ludicd iu llic i-iiis.slcal rnr.isc (oi a nuiiilur of vcais. He U'fl collcjio ill the siiriii.i; of l.'-4(>. and in lyAl) w.iii \V( .•^t wiili Ilif a r.L';.iia ■:!.•;. lijiviiiii sixMil iiiii.>d Shurtleff ColleiiC in 1S47-S. and was enua.ired in larmini:- wlun the 'lold i'( v.m' took liiui across ilie iil.-iiiis lo C.-ilifornia. wli<'i-i for two yt ars lic mined ^old. iieinu' fir .1 lime hrpuly Slici-iff (d' Sacramento Co.. umier I'eii .\lc( 'nllodi. In ilic r;ill of is:.] lie rci\iriied iiuine for ;i short visit. t))i his way li.icU to tii.' u: Id Tudds lie w.-is wrecked nfi' liie Cull of California. I.andin.u' at ien.u'tii witli oilier snrvivoi> on .Marjiiu'retta Island, he was m:iile purser, liaviii^- in idi.iiue suine t^.'i.ikio. Rescued by a whalins vissid and auain reacdiiiii; S.icramenio. he airain Iiccaine Deputy Sht-rlff. On the death - f his f.-itlnr in the sjuMim- of 1>."."«. Mr. Kod.ucrs reiuriicil rn I'lijier Alioii. opera tiiiu' tlie f.-irm .-ind <.iw leiil until tlie Civil War Imdce out. when he was elccti d Captain of Co. H, Fiulit iei li Illinois Infantry, am' snuu after Lieutenant Colomd. Ai the l:;iitle of I'crryville. Ky.. Coi. nodsrers A\as wounded ar.AMUI"L MENDOX BROWN, A. M. - - Macon, Franklin Co., Neb. He was born October 8. 1819, his father, Rev. Jonathan Brown, being one of the pioneer Baptist ministers of Illinois. Following in his father's steps, he prepared himself for the ministry, and after many years of earnest toil, chiefly in Illinois, he settled upon a fa'-m at Macon. Neb., where he leads a quiet retired life, though still a well-preserved old gentleman. He preaches occasionally and is often requested to deliver addresses on public occasions. *■; JAMES R. ELLIOTT. - . . - - - - (Richland.) tWILLIAM FRUIT. (Ridge Prairie.) tWILLIAM T. KAY. -------- (Payson.) ILEVEN H. LUCKETT. ------ (St. Charles, Mo.) TXILY. ADDISON D. MADEIltA. _ . - - Independ-ence, Mo. Presbyterian minister. jMARVIN T. MOORE. - - (Waterloo.) 193 tJKSSE (J. W. TAI-MKIt. M. I). (St.MiinRton.i (Jraduiiti'd froni a iiicdical cdlli^Lrt' in (Mnciiiiiati. ().. am! allcrwanl re moved to ('alifuniia. 'I'ravclcd cMriisivcIy in Ai:siralia and .Mexico. .]AMf:S TEAK '.Ml W JIsi si.. Kan.Mas City, M(, KEVRKyN T. TEAK. Sub Station H. St. Joseph. Mu. MOHN MILTON RODfJEKS .M. I>. Abeideeii. Mi.ss. Anotlier son of "Fatlier Kodyi rs," wa.s horn July 11. l.SL'!». in Ilcvward Co., Mo. His youth was s^>ent at tlie homo in I'pijer Alton, whither his father had reni<»vod. and wliere lie ;ittende(l Shiii-tlefi' Colleu'e. In isiii he wt-nt to Californi;i. ;ind upon retiirnlny; a year or two later entered I'ost Medical Col- le^'p in St. Eouis. lie completed his course, however, in the State Medical College at .\ew Orleans. La., practicing for a year at La (Jrangt'. Tex., and afterward locating in Aberdeen, Miss. Here, while yet a younj; man. ho died of consumption brou^'hl fni by exjiosnre in the mines of California sev- eral years before. •tJOllN SHANNON. ._...- (Sparta. i •CAIT\ HENRY STARR SPAULDINlL - Vineland. Glouce.ster. Co.. N. J. Rorn November 28. 1822. in Edwardsville. 111.; the son of I). A. and Julia Spauldlng. As a boy he was an ardent student, and durinp his attendance at Shurtleff College his scholarship was very high, though he was unabh- to finish his course. In 18r)r» he marrifd Anna Marie .McMahan. a pcrtMess of more than ordinary ability. ILr health was frail, and ten years later stu- died. Two daughters were born to them, one of whom survives. Mr. Spaulding volunteered in the army S<'ptemt)er in. ISf.L', and was chosen orderly sergeant of Ci'mp.iny F.. Twenty-fourth New .Ier>ry, to wlii( h State he had removed not long before. He di.'^played such uall.-intry on the field of Fredericksburg tliat his )iame headed the list of promotions. Trann ferrod to Company 1 as Second Lieutenant, he took part iu the battle of Chancellorsville. exhibiting .•uliiiiralile liravery and nerve, while snflerin..' from an excruciating wound. He was afterward Captain of Company H, Thirtj'-fcighth New Jersey, serving until the dose of the war and winning the respect and love of ;ill by his ciMsisteiit Christian life. After peat-e was declared, he turned his sword into a prunitig hook, and later he taught school in various New Jers.-y counties. In l.*»7.S he -.narried Lizzie K. Gray, of Vineland. N. J., a leaclier and authoress, who. witli tlielr son Henry Seville, survivt s liim. His death occurred .\i>ril 12. lSlce of the Peace of Oswego for seventeen j-ears. tR. SQUIRE. -------- (Richland.) MAJ. JOSEPH SIDNEY S:MITH. - - Bates Station, Sangamon Co. Was born July 21, 1.S27, in Franktt.i't, Ky. In is;i4 he came wim hiS father and family to Sangamon Co.. 111. After a period of study in Shurtleff he purchased in 1858 a tract of land at Kates Station, which lias since been his residence. In 1862 he enlisted in the Tenth Illinois Cavalry, was elected Major and served in trans-Mississippi Deipartment. Immediately upon the close of the war he took an overland train of 120 mules and twenty wagons to Cali- fornia, suppl.ving military posts and stage routes with corn. He returned home in 186G via Isthmus of Panama nnd New York, and has since t)een engaged in the cattle trade between Texas and the Northwest. In 1881 he established a cattle ranch in Montana, to which he brings each year j'oung c.ittle from Texas, Arizona and New Mexico, fattening them for the Chicago n.arket. Although absent a large portion of each summer, he has resided in Illinois. HIRAM D. WOOD. ------- oelwein, la. 200 1. *Alonzo T. Harlow. Ksn <:-. 2. Frof. Rirh,,rd P. Rider A Vf • 3. Rev.PhilipS. MoxomDo v.* 4- Avery C. Hancock, M. D., Y,,S. •Deceased. A GROUP OF NOTAB..1-: ALPHA ZKTANS. 5 *J«^';
  • S Cli'vchiiiil Avf.. (■liii;i;.'i). 111.; Ollicf. Idc, l,;ik,. Si. \\';is horn in .lulmstDWii. IJckiiij: ('»>.. ().. in 1S12S. The family I't'nutvod to Illim»is iu 1S;{.S, an. I Ors.ni I'nicrcd Slii;rtK'H in 1S47. ^'radualin^ In lsr.4. Do ct'niher 127 ol' sanu" vcai- lie was inarrii'd lo Knudint' A. ('ondon. of Si. Louis and sliiiiliy afterward liccaiui' pastur of tlu- Haptlst C'hurcii at ("htsU-r, 111. Mr. Kark'r is a scicnliric stciiouraplicr. and was enframed in ti'acliin:^ sliort- I'.and and other branehes lOr a period df icn ye;irs. In l.S(ir> he returned to Upper Alton, and in ISTt; removed lo Chieaj;o. where he has since resided. In 1876 Mr. Harler aefijited ihe doctrines of the "New Church," the min- istry of which he intheld for many years: Imt he lias iinw retired from active service. Tliis rhanixe of faith lias nm alieiiau d him from his friends in other churches. *iDAVII) (J. BUOOKS. M. I). .... ..I .neshoru.i ♦1 HENRY W. BUCKMASTElt. .... (Alton.) DANIEL S. DAYIE. - - - - - JonesFioro. SA.MIEL.I. DELAI'LAINK. :.()7 (n'allnn St., St. Louis, Mo. rroiirietor St. Lawicnce Laundry. •KEY. J()SL\H T. DICKSON. (iranville. Mo.. .Marcli IL IMiS ♦I'.EN.IAMIN E. DICKSON. - - - : In Indian Territory about LSiMJ. *i\\lLLL\M L. DOUOHEKTY, .M. D. .... (.k.nesboro.) ♦JAMES FISHBACK. - \Yashington, D. C. Internal Kevenue Collectrjr at .lacksonville for many years, and after- ward occupied a government position in ^Vashin.sJ;ton. CAI»'r. EK-VNCIS ^Y. EON. .... Alvin. Brazoria Co.. 'l\'\. Eani'.er. *(;E0U<;E L. (MUSWOLD. ...... Uri;:hion. KEY. CHARLES .M. KAY. A. B. - - Si.rini: L.ike. Mich. IIARYEY LEMEN. ...... Waterlo.i. •HON. WILLIAM B. LOOMIS. .... .Miniie.ipolis. about LS7(;. ♦.lAMES E. MATHE^YS. .... Dover. Kayelle Co.. Mo. lELIAS McMURTRY. - - - - ■ . (Waterloo.) •ALBERT J. METCALE. .... Ipper Alton. Son of Jamos Melcalf .-iiid brother of Lyne S. A very bri^'ht. proniisiii'.: student; he died durini: liis colleire course, at the a^re of IS. He e;)i!!r:icted 2U3 pnenmoniu iu a game of bail during inclemont weather, and died soon afterward. *tiIIRAM G. MILLEK. - - - . . (Brimfield, Peoria Co.; •KEY. GEORGE IDE NEWI:LL. - - . . Rochester. N. Y. Was born in \Yarren. lrierl'2. He vras a young man of line pusence, an earnest and conscientious srudent:, enthusiastic and zealous in his college and society work. He was a tinished writer, a fluent and forcible speaker. AYhile at Sliurlleff he took part in many society and college debates, and upon several Commencement occasions (there being few graduates) was among the orators. He Avas a cliarter mem- lier of the Alpha Zeta Society, and one of its early preside-nts. A Rochester Diiiversity correspondent Avrote the followin/,' to a New York paper: "Geo. I. Neweil joined our ranks one year ago. He was one of tli-'^se individuals a\)io gain Uie esteem and win llie conhtleiice of .".!' v.'ith whom they are acquainted. He had endeared himself both to tne faculty and students, was successful in his studies and gave promise ox much future usefulness. His death fell upon the college like an electric shock." Thus passed away— his life work scarce begun— a young man of fine abilities, .-i true .;':eni;i man. an eai'nest Cliristian. iDAYID H. NICHOLS. - - - irrovincetown, Wliitesido Co.) nviLLIAM L. RODGERS. ...... Upper Alton. Another brother of Col. A. V. Kodgers; was l)()rn in Howard Co., .Mo.. September, 1831, his father's family soon afterward coming to Upper Alton, wliere he devoted himself to studj'. His life was full of promise, but death claimed him while yet in ilie midst of liis college course. He was a great reader, and wlun toiling in his father's field usually had a book which he would read when he could snatch a moment from his work. His memory was marvelous, and he was a good debater and fine writer. SI'ENCER G. RUSSELL, A. M. ----- Bluffdale. Y\'as born February lit, 1S2S. at Bluffdale, Greene Co., 111., on the place his father (Settled in 1827. His father was .Tohn Russell, one of the earliest Pre§- 204 idents of riM!r:'oir ('(i!!exo. wlicro SiienotT Ix-caiiio a studciif at the a^'o of IS, • i;.,.i::;lii!^ \v. ; . c classkal couiso .luiic. lsr>.'5. lie thon beijan readiiiK law wiili .ludpt- C. \t. Ildd^cs, at C'arndltnii. and in isr»5 was admitted to llio liar, uin'iiiu^' up his pnicticc In that city. .luiif :2(i. \S' .. !^!m : ,11'ir cDii: rri'd iipnii liiiii tlic dc^ircc nf A. M. lie wa.s inar/icd Dowmber 10, 1S."0, to lAHiisa (". Sitciitcr, aflcrw.ird i-.'iun\ ir.^' to UhinnaJf. \\ hicli lias since Irecii his lioiiic. *U:FA. OV.L.WIM) .1. SIII:i;M.\.\. - (M.-tamora.i .TUltOK THOMAS ADIKI. SI I Kia\< X )1 >. .I.frnson City. Mo. This eminent jurist was lioin .luuc 12. 1s:M. the son of Kcv. Adicl Sher- wood, at one time rresident of Sluirtleff ('ollrjic. After leaving SlnirtlelT he was fini'.iuated at ('iuciiiiiati Law Si iiool. in ISTii he w.is elected to tin- Supf«-nie Court of the St;ite . Hi.'! fallnT was for many years a leadin.sr member of the bar of Illinois, and the itroceedin^rs of the Supreme Court of the Slate upon the occasion of his d«'ath will be found reported in Vol. 53, of the Illinois Iteports. Judge Baker was educated at Slnirtleff. from which institution he irr.-id nated in 18.14 with the de.ijree of A. I'.. In isss the (le,u:ree of LL. h. w.is conferred upon him by his Alniii Mater, -\fter graduation he read law for two ye:v.-s in liis f"alhin'"s ollice. w;is adnulied to llic i'ar ia l.*-."!*). when he removed to Cairo. 111., and entered upon the practice of his profession, residing in that city for over forty years. He served one term as City At- torney, an.i w.",s Mayor of Cairo in 1.S04 and isr>."». In M.in h. isi;;*. he w.-is elected Circuit Judge to fdl a vacancy, and was re-elected to the Circuit beiicii in IST.*?. 1ST!> and l'.S,"». Upon the organization of the Appellate Court in 1>77. he was assijLnied liy the Siipieme Court to be one of th<> three .ludges of the Apiiell.'ite C^ourt for the Fourth District, and was re-.assigne.l to «.nih ( I'm (' fi)i- tile terms nf three ye;irs. beirinniii.i,' !:■. .Imiic, 1s7!i. .'iinl 205 June. 1882. In 1885 he was transferred by the Supreme Court to the Ap- pellate Court for the Second District. I^pon the death in .Tune, 1878, of Judge Sidney Breese, of Carlyle, Clin- ton Co., one of the Justices of the Supreme Court of Illinois, he was ap- pointed by Gov. Shelby M. Cullom to fill the vacancy of eleven months tbereliy occasioned. In .lune. 1888, he was elected by the people of the First Supreme Court District by a majority of over .3.100. to be a .Justice of that Court for a term of nine years. Judge Baker comes of old patriotic Itevnluntionary stock. His paternal great-grandfather was a private soldier in the Connecticut Line, and died of hardships and exposure at Valley Forge, and his father's maternal grand- father was captain of an American privateer during the war for independence. In politics .Judge Baker has always been a Republican, his first vote, in 1856, being for .John C. Fremont for President and Wm. H. Bissell for Governor, and he has voted for every Republican candidate for Governor from that day to this. He was married in 1864 to Miss Sarah Elizabeth White, eldest daughter of Capt. John C. White. He has five children, two sons and three daughters. His eldest son, David .Jewctt Baker. Jr.. is a First Lieutenant in the Twelfth United States Infantry: and .John White Baker, the younger, is a practicing attorney in Cairo. The eldest daughter, Mary B. Galiger, lives at Gaines- ville. Tex., and Margaret and (Genevieve F. reside at home with their parents. In 1807 Judge Baker removed to Chicago. "MOIiN C. BOWI^JAN. ...--. xew York. "^.JOHX C. CROW^DER. .-.--- Liberty Prairie. Was born in Tennessee, .January 21, ISoO. Died at Liberty Prairie, No- vember 17, 1853, of consumption, superinduced by too close confinement to his studies at Shurtleff College, where he -vAas jireparing himself for the ministry of the Cumberland Presbyterian CluircJi. He vras a wonderful mathematician, l^rillianl and origin;il as a writer, and possessed natural skill as an artist. *1 GEORGE GILBERT. . - - - - (Upper Alton.) *vREV. DAVID M. HOWELL. ... - - (Mascoutah.) *y.JOHN R. IvEACH. ------- (Carrollton.) *JOSIAH WALKER PRESTON. . . . - - Chicago, 111. Was born at Warsaw. N. Y.. on the 31st of August. 1832, and came W^esl with his parents wlien six years of age. They settled in Aurora, 111., where he lived until he came to Shurtleff College. At the close cf his college days he wont to Oregon, where he resided several years, being employed in the office of his brother, John B. Preston, who was at tbat time Surveyor-Geii- 206 eral of the Territory. Tteturniiifi to Alton, he m.inifd .Miss I'mm.i Clawsotl. oldest (l;nislit<'r of L. .1. C'law.sou. Ill lNt;i lu' nMnov(>(l to Chicapo, wiuTe ii." Im'cmiih' very ■iiroininciii in eoiii- niorcial cin-los, boinsj rro.sldcnt ; tlie fire of tliat year Mr. Preston never lost faitli in the fntnre of (MiioaRo, and before the ruins of the Chamber of Comnierfe were sutlicieiitly eool for workmen to attempt the recovery of tlic j^rain receipts and other valiinliles linricd be- neatli the criimhlinp walls, ho i)rovided quarters for the Hoard on Canal street, and commenced Inisiness liefore many of its members liad recovered from the shock. He was a man of ni/iiriiiiiccnt iircscnct'. full of kindly iiiipulse*. ^rt nernn.s to a fault, and beloved by all who knew him. His well-rounded character was above reproach. He was a man of ixcui.il and sunny temperament, who made and retained friends everywhere. .Mr. rnsron's useful and eventful career was brought to a sudden close in the ')'Ai\ year of his ajxe by ,1 stroke of apoi)Iexy May 10. IH80. Mrs. Preston afterward removed to California. t.I.VMES E. TANDY. ( Hoi'l^iii-^viih-.i HON. .JOHN :\r. WOODSON. - - mi Olive St.. St. I.oujs, .Mo 1849-50. ♦t(;EORrjE M. ATWOOD. .... . . (Alton. 1 t.T.XMES W. BAILEY. lAlton.i *ARAHEL BROWN. Irvini;. about ^ficd in Ore;ron ab;.ut ISCT. ALBERT ESTABROOK. . - . . - . Raymond. Born in Liberty Prairie. Madison Co., 111.. September l.";, 1S,'{0. workins on the farm until the fall of lS4it, when he entered Shurtlcff. In ilie sjjrinj; of 1S.")0 he made ati 7. to .Miss S:ir:ili P.voii.cly. ;ni(l continuing his mercantile pursuits. .\ft(>r ten years Ik^ loc.-iieil in (tnialiM. wImtc he freitrlued and hauled 207 supplies for the Union Pacific Ry. Here his wife died, and he went to Lan- caster Co., Neb., locating a homestead on the site of the city of Lincoln. He followed farming in the West for several years, but in 1874, seized with an irresistible longing for a home in his dear native State, he returned to Illinois, settling on a farm in Montgomery Co., near Raymond, where he expects to spend his reinaining days. He was married in IM'.it to Miss Clara King, a Madison Co., (ill.) girl. *GEOKCE I. FOSTER, Ph. B. . . . . - Tecumseh, Neb. "Was born in Haddam. Conn., February 2.'). 1.S27. At the age of five, he moved with his parents to Illinois, where he grew to manhood on his father's farm near Monticello Senunary at Godfrey. 'At the age of 20, he enlisted in the war Avith Mexico, serving sixteen months. Soon after his leturn he entered Shnrtlefl" College, graduating witli the class of 1854. In 1856 he removed to Minnesota, where he remained two years and where he was married to Mi.ss Lovina J. Pierce. In the fall of 1858 he, with his wife, returned to Illinois, settling in .Terseyville, where he was engaged in teaching and surveying until 18S5, when he went West and located on a farm near Tecumseh, Neb., where his death oceiu-red September 15. 1886. Mr. Foster was converted at an early age, uniting with the Baptist Church. For many years he taught the Bible class in the .Terseyville Baptist Sabbath (School. He left a wife and five children. *tBYRON L. GREGORY. - (Whitehall.) *tMATTITEW GRIFFIN. ....-- (Fayetteville.) REV. .TOSEPHUS BRADFORD HOPPS. - - - Wilsonton, Kan. Born July 22, 1822, in the Province of New Brunswick. AVhen about 21 years old he went to sea, as was the habit of many of the "Blue Noses." After traversing the rolling waves for a couple of years he removed to Illi- nois, where he engaged in farming. Ere long he felt a calling to fit himself for the ministry. After two years of hard study in Shurtleff he went with his bosom friend, David Howell, to St. Clair Co., 111., where he taught schoo: for a time and on the 8d of February, 1850. married ?kliss ]\Lary Jane Fike. On April 9, 1850. he and his wife and lier fatlier's family started ovei the plains in ox teams for California, his intention being to obtain enougli gold to enable hiju K\n return and complete his education at Old ShurtletT. while his wife .studied at :Monticello. But alas for human hopes! TWenty- two years elapsed before Mr. and Mrs. Hopps could return, and the story of famine, sickness, deaths and losses on the plains and in tlit- mining camps would make interesting reading. He returned eastwjird in 1872. finally locat- in Wilsonton, Kan. Rev. Hopps has ever tried to uphold Clu-isf as the Savior of men. nnd during his residence In Kansas he has organized a Baptist Church in his 208 citj-. bolnj? instruiiK'iir.'iI rer-<'ntl.v in flic crcctidii of .-i. licaniiful liousc of worship. whi<"h is oiitiicly free f'roiii ili-tit. IJEV. JOHN I!. .lACKSnX. I ». 1 >. .-.tjc, Muiiin,. Ave. Ciiic;!;:!). III. Was horn NovciuIkt 7. Is'.l'. iic.-ir <':uTnllt(iii. 111.. wImtc he rrsidfil tiiiiil tlio fall of \SV.l u licii lie wiMil to SliiirilclT Colic;:)- (o tak4> some special stiitlios prcpar.ilnry in a .• misc in sncilicinc. lie eliaiiijed his jilati, howt-ver. eoncludini: to take llu' full classical course, which lie coiiipl(*.ei: in lS."i."). Having inciinv liile h«'en converted diii-in,i; a series of juiweifiil revival nieetin.ixs <-iinilii(ied liy liie .< I, Itraicd i;ider .I.i.mIi Kn:iii]i. yonn.i,' .lackson deci(h>(l to devote his life to the Lord's set \ ice. OnlMiiied ]ins!oi- tist Churcii at \'ii(l"ii. 111., in Noveinhcf. lS'i.">. he continued to s(>rve th:il church until ISf.o. when he entered the Kochester. (.\. V.i Thodo.iric.il Semi- nary, liis class hoiufi tlie tirst to take the extended (three years) course. He 18(i7. when he went to Chica.i.'o to cn^ajre in work for the l{ai)tist rnioii hocanie pastor .it Alliion. N. Y.. in .May. ISC:',. rcmainin.i: the:.- ,:j:esis in Shurileff. and at ilie same lime a professnrship in the oUl I'liiversity of ('hicatiu. After careful consideration both pioJYers were decl■!';•;^ Mr. Jackson's healtli havin.s; hpcome enfeebled. For a (luarter of a century he has not been able to eni^auc in active work where fidl service would be reijuired. altiionixh at two different times he served ihe University Place uiow Mem i--i;il) Clinrdi as actini: ]):istor- I'elieved of the burdens to some extent; and was for over live years i)astor of the Hyde Park Baptist (^liurch. preacliinu ou^v oiue each Sunday. *.TAMES IJ. KAY. M. I >. - - - - (Payson.i Henver. in IMU. *.TOHX W. KM:!:I.A.\1>. . . . . . (Jri^r-sville. in ]<[>:,. ♦KORKIIT LKMEX. ------- Cnllinsvillc HORACE J. LOOMIS. . - - . 4 pitkin Place. Pueblo. Coio. A proiuincnt ^^>stern educator, h.ivinjr moved ^Vest for the ])urp(ise <>f repralninc his liealfh. in which he was successful. He has si>;'nt many years in New .Mexico, having been instrumental in buildinjr up the T«'rritorial Nor- mal Scliool at Silver City, one of the best educational institutions in the West. Mr. Loomis recently removed to Pueblo. Colo., where he is en;;a;:ed in business. *P.EN.IAMIN MASON. --.-.-- Carr.illinu. The (ddest son nf l>i-. Ceo. B. Mason, late of Creeiu' Co.. 111.: fnrmerly of 209 Lancaster, (larrard Co., Ky., whero Benjamin was born in the year 1831. Tlie family settled on a farm about ten miles east of Carrollton, in April, 1846. After some time spent In study at Shurdeft' College, he read law, after- "ward locating in Coiorado, where he remained for several years, being Judge ■of the Miners' Court in the Black Hawk District. In the spring of 18G2 he returned to Illinois, entering into a law partnersliip with Hon. H. C. Withers, of Carrollton. In 1864 he warmly supported Lincoln for the Presidency. He was a brainy man, and proA-ed himself capable of filling responsible positions. He died suddenly at Carrollton October 27, 18<>9. *REV. .TOHN EVELAIID MOORE. A. M. - - - - Maysville, Mo. Baptist clergyman. Ordained August, 1S.j4. I'astor, Brigliton, 111., 1854; Woodburn and Bunker Hill, 111., 1854-50; Auburn, Kan., 185G-G2. Member Kansas Legislature, lSGl-02. In U. S. Militarj Service, 18G2-GG. Pastor at Woodlnirn, 111., 18G6-G9; Perry, 111., 18G9; Maysville, Mo., 18G9-T5. Died De- cember, 5, 1875. *lREZIN H. C. NOEL. - (Winchester.) *KOBERT N. RATTAN. . - . - (Upper Alton.) Richmond, Va. Was born April 15, 1834, in Tireene Co.. 111. His father, Merrill Rattan, was of a family very prominent in the pioneer liistory of the couuiy. He went West in 18.54. without completing his course at Shiirtleff.. He won considerable celebrity as a scout in Colorado, being familiarly known among the Indians asi "The (grasshopper." At the breaking out of the Rebellion he volunteered in a Kansas regiment, was captured somcAvliere in Tennes- see, and died of starvation in Llbby Prison in 18G4. ♦MARCUS LINDSAY TUNNELL. . . . - Rockdale, Tex. Son of Jesse and Mary G. (Parker) Tunnell; was born near Glasgow, Ky., February 7, 1831. After leaving Sluirtleff lie was married in Winchester, 111., February 7, 1853, removing to Texas, where he was iby turns teacher, lawyer, physician amd preacher. He studied law with Hon. Ashbel Smith, of Galveston. He served in the Confederate army for four years. Mr. Tunnell died in the fall of 1887. He was of Huguenot ancestry. In religion a Methodist, baptized by immersion. 1850-51. REV. GEORGE W. S. BELI;. ------ Tallula. Served during the Civil War, being mustered in as First Lieutenant of Company F, Twelfth Kansas Infantry, being afterward promoted to the Cap- taincy of the same company. Has for many years been engaged in the w^ork of the Gospel minislry, and is now pastor of tlie Baptist Church at Tallula. 210 REV. SAMFKI. lUSHOl'. A. ^[.. .M. I>. All Mrdcnt rrdliililtiniiisi. t\\ II.I.IA.M I.. IIT-N\. HI().\.\Ll>. {.l.icUsonvilie.i SiocUion. Cal.. in ^'^ havin.g been devoted to mtMcaniile inirsnits. iiiiiil l.'^M. wlieii hi' w.is com- pelled to retir" from more active life. oMin.u to ilie iutiriniiies of .lue. air- gravated by army life. A member of the liaptist Clmrcji for tifty-si.x years. Ciiii. I'e.ise has spent about forty in Sunday School work, endeavoring to le.nl tlie children under his intiuence to a higher life in thought ami practice. He was married April 2, 18.">9. and has seven diildren. all grown. *REV. (JEORdE ABEL PEASE. A. P.. . . . . I'.iirbury. Xel). Older brother of Calvin A.; was liorn .lune L\ l.s.'.o. ;ii o.iU or.h.ird. Orleans Co., N. V. His parents i-enioved to Ipper .Mion in l.s:U. and .•ifter ward to . Jersey Co.. 111., where he attended tlie eommnu schools. In M.-irch. 1S."»L he entered SlmrtletT Coliege. .ind in ilie following three iiionlhs made .-i yt'ar's piMgress. Being nn.ible to aiiend colle.ire c various positittns of Heacoii, Clerk, Treasui-er and Super- intendent of the Sunday School. Mr. Spears attended ShurtlelT for about eigliteeu iiuintlis. He was united in marriage January 12, 1854, to .Martha 11., daughter of Kev. .T. L. Turner. a Baptist minister. In August, 18(52, he volunteered as a soldier in the late Avar, serving about a year and a half in the One Hundred and Fourteenth Illinois Volunteer In- fantry, when he was honorably discharged. He died on the Kith day of November, 1862. honored and respected by all Avho kn(Mv him. and in full hope of the life beyond. *tSlMON J. STOOKEY. - - - (Centerville Station, St. Clair. Co.) EEV. CYRUS F. TOLMAN, D. D. - - G9 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. District Secretary American Baptist Missicmary ITuion. JOHN W. TRABUE, ]\I. D. ------ Butler. Mo. JAMES J. TRUSCOTT. - - - Benjamin, Knox Co., Tex. *EDWARD G. TURNER. - - - - Denmark. la.. Al)out 1887. Came to ShurtlefT College from Quincy. 111. ISIarried Miss Carrie Taze- well, of Upper Alton. afterAvard removing to Denmark, la., where most of the remainder of his life Avas spent. His Avife and a married son siu-vive, the latter living in Indianapolis, the former in Burlington, la. 212 ^iP^^" Pl.ATH "A." , Albert Estabiook. 49- 2 •John Freeman. 43- , .teorfie I. Foster. 49- , David Rankin. 5^, 5. Albert C. Keenc, 5« ♦ Deceased. 6 Fdwatd C. ..UK-.. '5^ 7 Ebene/er\\l>'tnc>. <•> »■ Robert H Sii.itb. 5S .J •James W, Hell, s. I'.lw.ud Ki'duers. '57- , .'Nicl.olabA.Boyer. 57 ',,. Uenrv A. War. .e, 56- , S S Olinstead. 03. \l Sa.....el ]. Delapla.ne. 4/ 7 GeofRe 1). Thomas, ja. 1851-52. VLKONAUI. A I. A MS i i l.nll.y. Mmssj MAMKS W. i:i;i,I.. I'h. l;. . ,)„ ^mv t.. Sl. L..uis. Mu. linrii in Sjiii-MiiKiii Cu.. 111.. S. piniilici- js. IM'T. liviii- wiili his pniciiiN on tho farm uulil ninrin- Slmi-tli'lT Collc^:!-. ( IrMdiLitiiii.^ in iln- scii'iitilic C'()ursi> ill 1S."»:{, hi' id.iU clMrjic of ili(> I'otcrslim- lli-li Si-liu..l. holdiiitr lliis poslriou until ilic ( ivil ^\■.■u• lirdkf out. wiicii In- ciilisifd in CuMiii.inv I". Oui> Ilnndrod and Fourteenth Illinois Inrantry. serviui;- wilh disiinctinii until taken shk in liie vicinity of N'icksltnr,-. and ordered to the Imsiiiial near St. Louis. .Mo. lledi"d on liie way. NoveiidK'r 11'. INt;."!. his remains lieini; brott^'hl home and l.iid to icsi in Die Inioii Cemetery. Some years hofore liie w.w. .Mr. I'.ell \\;is married to .Mary K. I'arley. tluve ehildreii ln-inji- horn to liieni. llnrarc i:., uf ( 'iiiea.u«>. and .Mrs. Lillian Hamilton, of Delhi. 111., survivin,:;. A loyal soldier, a uood citizen and ;i lirm iiclicver in llic rcliiiion cd' .Icsus Christ, dyin.u- triunip]i;intly in the f;iilh that saves tlie soul. *tKr»AAI\ .1. HKMKNT. *.TA\:ES li. UEKNAKI). iChcsterlield. M;n-i.u|iin Co i -((.iuiiicy.i St. .loscpli. .Mo.. .Iul\. iN'.tT. *ALEXAXI)EU X. CIIOWDEU. . . . . . r.altimore. .Md. liorii in Illinois March 2, 1832. Ilemoved to r.aliiiiuiri' in iscd. w liere he enya.iied in the jrrocery business, t-ontinuin.i:- tlie same IHr oNcr iliiriy ye;irs. He died id' lieart disease .laiiuary 2."). 1S'.>7. leavinu a u idow auil sever.il itfowii children. •;CIIAKLES \V. IMNLAT. (.I:icksiinville.) KE\'. lIE.MiV U'lllEK FIELD. .V. .M.. I'.. D. - - Kalam.i/.n,.. .Mich. Was l)(U-n .M;iy 8, 1833, on a farm iie.ir .Xnrlli S|irin.ulicid. \"l. His pifpar- atory education was roceivi'd at l^'ranklin C(ille.i:i'. Ind. lie entered Sliurtleff in the f;ill of ls.")l. urjidu.atin,::' Ifom the classical coitrse in ls.">T. lie .also completed the llieologieal course in .htne. ISC.S. and w.is p.isior ;ii .M.-nntoket:!. la., 18(iS-7n. He was married to .Miss .Mary L. Sc.iver. .Iniie 2:i. lNf.!>. Later he enjiaged in missionary work umler the auspices id" the .\merican Baptist Fuhlication S(H-;ety: was A;:'ent (d' Shurtl(>fl' CoIle.ue fur .i yen-, aisn teaehinj: school in I'pper .\llon for a nuiniicr (d' yc.ir~^. His p.istoiates h.-i ,e incluiled West Point. I:i.. .\(dxi>mis. 111., .lud Kaidoul, 111. He was .-iciively en.ua.i;i'd in I lie Fnited Slates .Milit.ary service durini: ilie entire Civil War. niiikin.ir a lirilliani rec(n-d ;ind litially liec(uninu- .M.i.jiir nf the One Hundred and 'rwentyd'i>.iri h Illinois Ue.uMinent. .\m. \nlunte<'rs. *.I(>IIX I'lELD. A. I'-. - Ossa waltiinne. K.in.. .Inly :'.. IN'.Ci. After ,:ir;iduatin.ii- from Sluiiticff in .lune. is.'i.'.. he lau-lit schcnd in Sprim:- 215 ticld. Ill , for t\\o years; arti'rwanl at I'leasaiit I'lains. 111., Jasper ("ity. Iiul., and Wellsville, Kan. VllOV. EBEXEZEK :MAKSH, A. M.. Ph. D. - - - Upper Alton. A. M. Harvard University; Pli. D., University of (ioettingen. Student in Graduate Department, Harvard University, lo52-3. Student at Heidelberg and Goettingen, 1853-55. Hunter Lecturer on Chemistry. Geology and Mmei- alogy, ShurtlefC College, 185!;-(')::;. Chemist and Druggist. Altoi^ and Upper Alton, 1863 to date. JAilES MINEIt, M. D. - - - - - ^ Winchester. Was born in Winchester, ill., January l(i, 1835. Alt-nded S!'i;rt\^ff C(j1- lege, 1851-54. (iradualed at Jcllerson Medical (JoUege. Philadelphia. I'a., class of 18G1. Commissioned Surgeon April. 1802. by Gov. lates. to go to Shiloh. September, 18C.2, commissioned First Assistant Surgei-n. One Hun- dred and First Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry. Member Morgan Co. Medical Society, Illinois State Medical Society and American Medical Associalion. *tLlAIXGFIELD ^lOKE. A. M., M. I). - - - - (Upper Alton.) fLUCIUS M. OLDEN. ..--.- (Woodburn.i tG. S. POMEKOY. ..----- Kiuincy.* WILLIAM M. POTTS. ------- Whitehall. M. B. IIOBIXSON. ------ (Edwardsville.j PvEUBEN H. WEEKS, A. M., B. I). - - - (Not traced to date.; Was born in Schenectady, N. Y.. September, 1833. CGii\erted aud bap- tized at Canton, 111., in 1848. Took his preparatory course of study at Shurtleff, entering in-esliman Class of Madison University (now Colgate) in 1853, graduating in 1857, and from the Theological Dept., in 1859. :Married Miss Samantha Keed. of Cortland, N. Y., September 12. 1859. P-istor of Baptist Church in Monticello, Minn.. November, 1859. afterward holding pastorates at Henrietta, Carlton and Sand Lake, X. Y. tPAIiKER J. WHITXBY. .-..-. (Boston, Mass.) S852-53. A\'. C. CALI>\VELL. -...--- Loami, Sang;jmon Co. *-?nOF. (JEOPiGE BOAKDMAX D0IK4E, A. M. - - Upper Aitnu. He Avas born at Jerseyville. 111., February 27. 18b f. Entered Shartleft' Preparatory Depr. in 1S51, becoming an active member of the Juvenile De- bating Society. During tlie four years of his college course he was aji active member of the Alj)ha /eta Society, only college classmen being permitted at this tim(> to join tlie regular literary society. He graduated Avith tlie degree 216 of A. I>., in 1S."(T. Id'iivcrcd tlic .M;is|fr"s Oniiimi nnd n ci-ivrd ilic (lci,'i-,'( (il A. M. ill l.V(i(». I'nif. Ddd.irc I.-ni.ulil Inr niiii' .vc.-irs in tlic iiisiitiitinii lUr 7n. wlu'ii In- ai-rculi'd Ilii' im.('i»;iriiiit'nt of Wynian In.-;tltnto. In l.ssCi he ri'ast'd t'.Midiiiii; and went inia tin- n-al rstatc liu.siiit'ss in Si. Louis, in wliicdi ln' was cimiincd .it tin- time id' liis dcatii. Ki ii;-.;ary 7. IMU. Prof. I>odj;c w.is a in;ij;iiilircnt spii-inn'ii id' syinnirtrir;il Clirisiian man liDod. Till' studmts 'i:id.li wliiiin lu' assiic-iatrd. and he led liis inipils to lidtiiT idtals. in>pirin;: tin ni to tlicir liijilu'st ciTorls to nalizi' ilu'ir lu'si. Hr w.is a in.-in id rar;' rxcrntiv, aliility. and wondcrlnl powi'j- as iraclnr .-iiid lin.incicf. Km- iiiany ycir.s prior to his death Treasurer ol' SliurtUdt Cidlejie and tlie Ipper Alinn li.ip tist ('linreli. he was also tlie rriuisilory id" many other trusts. Fidtlitv to diilv w.is ilic kev-iuitc of his rii.irjieler. *EIAVAIfl> l>()KSi:V. vI'EKRY .1. FISIIKK. T.OYAL ]'. (;U1SW()L1>. r.TOIIN C. HAUDrASTLE. REV. EZEKIEL KIX.MAX. *('HAKLES ("ARUOL LAW IJENCE. KOBEKT W. LE.MEN. tW. B. LOOM IS. *UEV. TUrM.VX S. LOWE. A. 15. I'piier Alt lit. il'rrryi Whileh.lll. K'.-irndliuii i Bhionditdd. la. Collinsville. I''ri elilllL'. rohdeii. .I.iimarv. 1""^4. KEY. .lOSEl'lI (". MAl'l.E. I>. 1». . - - - . Tienimi. M... "Was horn Xoveinlier 18, Uli'^, in Ouenisey Co.. o., and ai the ;i;:(' nf ■'■ came to Teoria Co.. 111., with his parents. Wlieii he had ;:rowii to y.uini; manhood he entered Sluntletf CoHejre to I'l himself for his lil'v'-wnrU. jrr:>'- eatin;; in the idassieal eonre .Inne. ISoT. and reeeiviuf; the de>rrei' of A. .M. in l>':iii. 'I'lie luiiiorary drui'ei' of l>. 1 ». was afterward conferred uii.ni him liy William .lewell ('idlei^e. and also l>y r.aylor I'niversity. Waco. Tex. Imiiiidi.-iti ly I'poii his i;r;idiialiuii. Itev. .Majth^ lir-.uMii to iire.-ich in Cape (Jir.irdean. .Mo.. In in^' ordained to the otlii-e in Octoher. l."""!?. lie w.is m.i'"- ried the livth of Septemlier. IVi.v. to S.irali E .lnden. .Vfter siiemlinu sevcr.a' years. -It C.ipr Cir.irde.-iii in ilic dniildc r.ip.niiy ,i[' pasiu- ;ind sidioo] tcacln r. J 17 lie was enlknl in 18(j4, to the pastorate of the Fh-st Baptist Church, Oweiis- boro, Ky., entering upon tlie duties of liis new held iu January, 1865. Some years later he moved Avestward on aceoaut of his health, accepting the pas- torate of the First Baptist Cliurch in Kansas City, Mo. Was afterward pas- tor iu Springfield, ]Mo., and again at Cape Girardeau, and was offered the Presidency of Stephens College, Columbia, Mo., but declined tlie position. He was commissioned ))y the Governer of Missouri to represent the State at the World's Exposition, Paris, France. During liis absence he visited several other European countries, sending back grapliic descriptions for pub- lication in the Central Baptist, of St. Louis, Mo. For eight years Dr. Maple was Cliairman of tlie Stale Mission Board of Missouri. While pastor at Marshall, Mo., tlie church under his leadership erected a house of wor.ship which is one of the handsomest and best build- ings in Central Missouri. From Marshall he Avent to Keokuk, la., in the fall of 188U. This church had had much to discourage it, but during the more than ten years of Dr. Maple's pastorate there has been steady gi-O'wth and aAvakening. January 1, 1898, Dr. Maple became pastor of the Baptist Church in Tren- ton, Mo., his present home. JOSEPH M. MILLER. (Clinton.) Lamed, Kan. (St. Louis, Mo.) Virdeu. (Clinton.) Winchester. (Godfrey.) GEORGE D. THOMAS. - - - Thomas House, Belleville. 111. General Agent Wilkinson's Matchless Mineral Water of Alabama. HON. NATHANIEL WILSON, LL. D., !>12 Farragut Square, Washington, D. C. Lawyer. ROBERT S. YOUNG. - - - 100-12 N. Main St., St. Louis, Mo. Of the firm of Funsten Bros. & Co., commission merchants. tRE\ REV. JOHN H. MIZE. 1 GEORGE W. ORME. ABEL S. RANDOLPH. *tWILLIAM RANDOLPH, JR., Ph. B. DAVID RANKIN. tBENJAMIN G. SMITH. *tREV. DANIEL E. ALVORD. tJAMES A. BEEN. *tHENRY W. BOWERS, A. M. *tSANDERS BURGESS. 1853-54. (Hamilton.) (Red Bud.) (Alton.) (Sulphur Springs, Mo.) 218 tEZRA 1). I».\\IS().\. ...... (Ciovcl.iii.l 1 *KEV. (JKUUiJi: r. (ilir.LV .\. Nf. IMiilndflphiM. I'm. li;i]»tist clcr'^yni; 'I. l''isi(ir.iii's in lllimiis mid Wi-;cniisiii. I >i(v' ;il I'iiil:i (I('Ililii;i, r.i.. Aju-ll 'i, 18!iii. *ZAC(iii-:rs w ALLiiif noiu:s, a. n. - - - - ipiMi- aiii.h. W;is honi in ls.31 ihmi- ("l.iyinii, Adiiuis Ci... 111., ilii- I'.iiiuly aftiTw.-ird rt'ii:f>vin;r {v Fnirwcatlicr. wIkm-i' lie \v:is ciiiiviTlcd ;it ilic ;i.uf nf 11. Hi- \\;is oajicr for .•ui ('ducMlidii. and diii-iii.ir :i iioruid of tcachinir at (''•iyt< limiH' f(Hir iiiilfs to till' villa.iTc and Itack every day. His ((iniiii.i;' lo Slmrtlclf Avas lar^iely due to the iiiHiieuce nf 1 ir. .Iii' erectiHl a monnuuni to his m.-ninry. Tlioil.iih laborin.L; under in.iny dillli-uh ies and d.'pi ndeni alnmsi eniii-ely upon liiniself for supiunr, he diii.uently cnli.ivaied his ;;ifls and j;ainod while yet a student a fine reputation as a writer, l.olh of essays anil poetry, ^.'iviii;.' prouiiso of iJiajiniliceiit achievemenis as a puci. "His intellect was nf a liiirl: order, his taste delieate and severe, and his inia.uination rieli and fervid" Several roqiio.sts for aiiitles and luteins fin- niau.iy.ines ,ind reviews l.iy uu opened on his tahli' at Ilie time of iiis de.ath. •KKV. .lOIlX r. L.VWTO.X. .--... Osre.ila. Mc AVa.s horn in Ilartland. \'t.. Anunsf l."i, 18JS. After attending: sehool at the ueadeiny in his native lown. he came to ( Jrisffsville, 111., in LSol*. soon afterward attending' Shurtleff rolh-ge for a time. He was ordained in ilie First Baptist Church of (iriii'.iisville. He was ni.irried on the 1st of May. 18G0, to Miss Mary I'olloek. of tliat city, .soon afterward removing to Kan- sas, where he enira;:'ed in work under tin auspices i\f ilie li.iptist Home .Mis- sion Sofiety. AVhen tlie Ki^lielliun lirnke (Uit lie iciunicd in Illinois and en- listed in file Thin'y-third Kej;iiiieiit Illinois \"(d(inleers. at the elo.se cd' the war loeatiufi with his family in St. ('lair Co.. .Mn. His life was spent in teaehinj; and preaehinjr. Seven years were s]»ent as a missionary and teacher in the Indian Territory under the Anieriean Home Mission Society. He was a .ufeai Sunday Scluxd worker, and will hinu' he rememltered as one of !he pionei'r IJaptisis of the Southwest. His de.ith occnrr( (1 at Osceola, .Mo., Octoher 1.1), iS\)i. ^\\]]AA.\M W.\KIM:.\ I>i:VFlM-:T'r. .... I.itHe Ko, k. Aik. A\;is horn in I'piier .Vltoli, .Novemher '2'2. IMl. eldest S(Mi of I'rof. V\':ii- reii Leverett. He was a (|niet, tliou;;htfnl lioy. fond of study .-ind it.iriiiul- larly apt in mathematics, \\hen oiil.v 17 years of a;r" he ;:iaduated from Shurtleff Colleyje in the class of 1S(>(» and afterward tau^xht school at neiVli- l)oriii.ir towns, readini,' Ulackstone in his leisure time. 219 At the call for vohinteei's in Au,i;iist. 18(i2. he enlisted as a private in Company C. One Hundred and TAventy-fourth Illinois Infanrry, Capt. H. L. Field. In XoA-ember of the same year, at Camp Donglas. Springfield, Brig.- Gen. Brayman made him his confidential clerk. Later on he became Cap- tain of a colored company, and served for a time on Gen. Palmer's staff. On one occasion. Avliile liiintin.i;- guerrillas in Western Kentucky, he wrenched his ankle very badly in clindiing a steep bank. For the next twenty-four hoiirs he was obliged to be in the saddle, and Avhen he coiikl have surgical aid it was too late to prevent permanent lameness. After the war was over he studied law, first with (ien. Brayman in ^-'ipring- field. and afterward in Little Itock, Ark., wiiere he was admitted to the bar. becoming a very successtul practitioner. He was also Secretary of the Cairo and Fulton liy. for some years. On .January .3. ISTl, he was mar- ried to Miss "S'iola ]\Iyer. :Mr. Leverett died at his heme in Little Bock No- vember 12, 1874. He was a man Avho poss;>ss9d remarkable insight into the moral aspect of affairs, was unflinching in Iii.< adherence to riglit, and known in business circles as stanch and reliable. THOMAS .M. LONG, A. M. - - - - Alton. Was born August 20, 1S3(). in Baltimore Co., Md. After his parents re- moved to Illinois, he pursued the classical course r. (Upper Alt on. » *EBEXEZEB BODGEI^S, .JB., Ph. B.. M. I). - - - Upper Alton. Was born Octobet .13, I8;i7, at the old homestead in Upper Alton. He was the fourth son of "Father Bodgers." After grar.uating from Shurtleff in the class of 1850, he taught schtol east of town for two winters, and tlien took up the study of medicine at the Post Medical College, St. Louis, 'Slo., com- 220 pletiiiji: tlic course^ whh lidiuir. luii'i!):,' liis siiinnicr v;u-;itiiiiis lie liml licoh :issoci;il('(l witli Dr. L.-illiy in r]iiici' Alio., win'i-c lie ciiicn'd iiip.iii ilic itr;ic tici> (if Ills iii-(irt'ssi()ii ;iii(l Sdiiii srciiitd :i vor.V larjje piil roiiavi'. He \v;U' lU'vt r inarriril, liis dcaili occiirrinu' in ilic |ii"iini' of inanliDdd i>uriii- the war lir. Knilncrs was AssisiaiH Surjicun oi' ;lii' I-'.iirlii inl* Illinois Inlaiury. his siTviti's in this capacity iirovui^ o.\cfi'.liij;;ly valiiahlc. He was a natm-al physician, liis iKiwcr tu (liaj;n(is<» a ea.sp at a ;rlaucc liciiij: marvelous. tMH.TOX II . ST()^V^:. - - ... (Qalucy.) yKKV. .1. K. K. TSCIllUCIl. . . . ,si. L. 1>. .... Hrddklyn. N. Y. Was lii)i-ii ill lli.nuinspdri. ().. .Inly .".1, I.'^.'IS. in Ins c.irly yonin his faim'r's family rcmnvcil to \\'i>o(ll'dV(l Cn.. 111. He canic t:) Slmrtlrll' rnilcui' ""a pear boy, with only ril'iy ciniIs in liis pockiM, luit imssrsscd of an all-cdiisiimin;' desire to preach ilic Cdsjicl of .[csus Christ." I'.y toilsome. (Ictermineil effort he worked his way tlirouuii st>veral years ot stmly at Shinileff Callej^c havinj; in 1S()(1-1 wilhinil .tiradiiatinji'. His lirst iiast;irate was at r.riirli*:in. 111. Later. HldniniiiLiidn. 111.. .Miclriuan .\ve.. ('hica.ii'o. First r>apiist ("linrch. Denver, Cold.. Ti-'Miidiit Tciiiplc. Hostoii. Kutaw I'lace. l^.altiiiidre. ;iiid AN'.-ish- Inilton Ave.. I'rodklyn, X. V.. successively enjoyed his p.isi iral lai: n-s. He died of apopli'.xy .lime 2S. 1S1)7. on which dati' he was atteiidint; an ordination service at the Tabernacle Baptist Church, Krooklyn. Immediately after deliverinji the eliarse to the candidate, he left the ehv.rcl< and rassed to the street, where his death oeeurred V;M'y soon afterward, notw itlisiandins; the efforts of the uhysiciaii who was sniiiiuniic 1. "He was a man of iidsvert'ul physical tr.iine and cdininandin.i;' pi', seiice: eoiirteons and genial in his Intercourse with ineii: of .ui ii!> tnis spirit and large-hearted sympathy. He drew the lie.-iris ol iiirii tu him wherever h" Avent, and held them in the closest bonds df I rii'iulshiii. lie combiiu'd in a rare degree the simplicity and gentleness nf the child with the strength ami courage of the man. He stood in tlu' froii! r.iiik ol mir linest orators, .'ind as a result his services were in const.iiu di'iiiand at diir ii.itioiial gatherings. He ])ossessed iintiring energy and an indoinitalile will. Whatevei he did ln' dill to the best of his ability: a tireless worker to tlu' very day of Ids de;itli. From humblest beginnings he reached the very highest pusiiidii nf iicpnl.i r- Ity and iisefuhiess attainable in the r>ai)tisi dencinination.' HEXHV FUICK. I llin. I'nlaski Co. 221 *TlEV. THOMAS W. GREENE, A. M. - - - Camptonville, Cal. Was born in Stamford, Conn., February 10, 1837. of pati'ioiic and God- fearinsr ancestry, inheritins; "many noble traits of cliaracter, wliieh by rigi'd self-discipline under the direction of Divine grace, developed a noble and useful man." In 1838 his father's family came AA'est, settling on a farm near Metamora. Woodford Co., 111., where he was eonvei'ted at the age of 15 and united with the Baptist Church. His youth Avas spent in sever*" physical toil. Upon deciding to devote his life tO' the service of God, he ■entei'ed the Preparatory Dept. of Shurtleff College in 'September, 1854, grad- uating in the class of 1800 with second honors. Tie immediatelj^ entered the Theological Seminary iu Kochester. N. Y., grniluatin;.;- in 18G3. These years of his education were full of struggle and sc^llMlciiinl. desperate conflict and victory. His first pastoi'ate was at "S^'inchester. 111., ^^ilere he was ordained in April, 18r)4-. On the 15th of November. ISOC). he was married' to Miss ^lary lyevex'ett, the older daughter of Prof. AVarren Lcverett. of Shurtleff College. "He remained in Winchester until Septembci', ISCT. liaving baptized more than sixty ])er.sons. His second pastorate was in Litchfield rrom 18G7 to 1868. He was compelled by ill-health to abandon this field, removing to Lawrence, Kan., wliere he engaged in .iom-nalism. His health having im- proved, in 1872 he became pastor at .Tunction City, Kan., then at Fort Scott. Kan., and Denver, Colo. In the latter part of 1875 he became President of California College at Yacaville, since reuidvcil tn Oakl-iud. Two brief years of severe labor for this college oxertaxed liis ^tri'iigth, and mi the 2lM of August, 1877, he passed to his reAvard. his death occurrhig at C'amptdiivillc. a o.uiet village among the Siei'ras, Avhere in tlie liDuie of dear relatives h<^ had been enjoying a t'c-w weclcs" rest. He sleeps in one of Califm-nia's beauti- ful cemeteries, far from the home ct" his early life, far from the classic halls of Old Shurtleff, whei'e he and his early friend, Frank il. Ellis, strug- gled together against fearful odds to secure the necessary i-quipment for effectual ministerial service in the Kingdom of Clirist." *GEORGE HUNTER. ------- Carlinville. Was born in Yorkshire. England, coming to Illinois wiiile yet a lad. After spending some time as a dry goods clerk in Carlimille he attended Shurtleff College, afterward studying law in Carlinville. being admitted to the bar and engaging in practice in that city. At the outbreak of the Civil War, Mr. Hunter enlisted as a private iu Company K, Seventh Regiment Illinois Yolunteer Infantry, for the three months' service, going on duty at Cairo, 111. At the end of the three mouths he re-enlisted for the remainder of tlin war, as did nearly all the members of his regiment. He was at lengtli com- missioned Captain of his company, commanding Company K for over three years, always conducting himself as a gallant soldier and an ai)le and effi- cient officer. Capt. Hunter served on the staff' of the commander of his 222 brigade. Tho Sovciiili TN'.iriiiuMit \v;i>; ••imiiiiii.-illy un duly in tlic Army of llic Temiossoo. At tho closo (if the \v;ir (';iiil. Iliiiiirr n'siiiiHil llic |U':irii(c df !;iw .-it rnrlinvillc, wIkm-c he cMiitiimcil in liis piiircssimi uiiiil iic.-ir llic cud til' lii>< life. In IMJ lie \v:is clc-icd ;i uicmiicr of tiic Sratf I'mMrd ol' Kqiializntion. servin.ir for four ycn's in this capacity. Capt. Iliinlcr w.is an oarncst stuth'ui. ami liccanic iiuiic a scliolarly ni.ni. Ho was a irood lawyer, an hcmoralih' and useful ciii/.cn. uprijjhi in :ill liis dealings, rospectcd and ostovnu'd. He died in l.ST'.t. 'iwo chfldren, now in Califoi-nia. survive liini. VHEZKKI.MI .KMIXSON. tMAKSH.M.l, W. .lUH.NSUX. .... i Il.iz.-h illc. .Mo.i r'EKIH.V 1,. K.W. - - - . I'h.icnix. Ari/.. liank prcsidcnl. *JAMKS H. M((;riUK. - - (Marissa.i Died in CaliforniM in Isr.T. *vIi(>N. CARRY E. .MORE. A. M. . - . . isi. Louis. Mo.' For some years a r'ongressman from .\rl. riTCFIER. - (R.irry.i *^[OORE C. F. RAXDOEIMI. _ . - . . . l»elhi. Was born in Somers(>t Co.. X. .T.. l>ecenil'cr !). 1n:!4. and conu' West willi his parents wlien lie was .1 smnJl boy. .\i ilie ji-c of ir, he was c(mverieral)le period in teaching, rhongli he preached sev(>ral tiuu's in the vicinity cf his home. April T. ISoS, he was married to Miss i:ie;inor Mi-I>ow. r>oss than ihrei' months had elapsed, however, when a sudden .11 tack of eontr,.stion of ilie stomach resulted fatally, his spirit ])assing away from earth on .Inly 4. TSri8. *tREy. MOSES M. R.VXDOI.IMI. ... (Clinton. 1 I'ROF. RICILVRI) r. Rn»EK. .\. M. .... IJherty, Mo Lived ;ir \Vooe was prosecuted far beyond the ordinary college courses in those branches. He has always been a snccessfnl teacher, and has great love for the work. His experience has been quire varied, having successively occupied the Toi- lowing positions: Principal of pultlic scli0!)ls In Illinois twelve years; Principal public school at Boonville, Mo., two years; Associate Principal State Normal School, Cape CJirardeau. ^lo.. thi-ee years; President Stephens CoUeg-e for Young Ladies, Columbia. ^lo., six years; Principal Academic Dept., William Jewell College. Liberty, ]Mo., foiirteeu years. This last position he still occupies, being also Associate Pi'Ofessor of Latin in the col- lege. In 1894 ShurtlefL College coaiferred upon him the honorary degree of ]\J aster of Arts. At the age of Gl Prof. Ilider is still in vigorous healrh, and (teaches with no abatement of zeal or zest. His constant associatioii with young people has kept him young in his sympathies, and he desires no higher encomium than to be called "The Friend of the Boys." The Lord has taken from him his entire family, so that his church work antl teaching constitute the sum of his eartldy effort. fDEWITT C. KOBBINS. ..... . (Chester.) tWJLTER S. ROBBINS. ..--... .Chester. > *1REY. -JOHN SAWYER. A. M. ..... (Bunker Hill.) tS. ^L SIIAAV. .--.-.- (South Union, Ky.) 1855-56. COL. JOHN POPE BAKER, Ph. B. .... gt Louis, Mo AVas born at Kaskaskia, 111., July 24, lz. 7. Walter S. D. Smith, Y,2. S. E. A. Clement, '63. 9. John Leverett, "66. 10. Elliott Hreese Glass, '65. 11. Amos E. Benbow, '64. 12. Robert Gibson, 'fi4. 13. Frank M. Coard, '65. 14. Lorin G. Catchpole, Yi/>. t(>. llorarp Bernard, "(15. 17. John J. W. Place, '(14. is. Edwin B. Miller, '«>. iij. John E. InKhain, 'Mi. 20. 'Edward Q. Urainblc. "65. .tiim;!-: wim.iam !•.. cii.iiKirr. (iiv N;iii..ii,il r..iiik nid-.. (".•liru. 111. i:i)\VAKI> CI.AKK .IA\li:S. A. M., M, It. ritl"T Alton. It. nil .Kiiuiisi L's. is::."., in .MIiMiiy. N. V. .Mnvnl W<'sl willi his p.-ii-ciil.-; !ii viivly yoiuli. Ijiicrcd SlmrllcH ('ullcuc in St'iiIcnilMi-. l.v.'.d. ;ri';iiin;itin.i.' wiii' tlu' cl.-iss (if is.'iT. « '«in.i)l<'l('(| tlic ritursi' ;ii llic ( "(rllciic (if I'liysici;ins ;inil Snrj;v(>ns. New V.irk Ciiy. in .\i.iriii. ISd.".. On itccfniliiT ."!. lSt;s. I »r. .hinics \\;is niarrird :ii i'.ri.Liiilnii. 111., lu .Miss Si's.in .M.-irii- Knusi in.-in. lie sn.iii ;iriiT\\;niI cnli'i-fil npun llir pr.-ni ire .if his prorcssiiin in rpprr .Midii. \\ hrrc lie Ikis ri'iii;iliicil cxcr siiii !• ■i-.I. (I. .lOXKS. tD. I>. I.KACII. - . . - .lOSKIMI H. I.i:>'i:\. I'll. H. l'';irn\t'r. iMtr.KKT s'r.MXTox im;mi..\. I'h. i; *;.IA.MKS MONWd.W. *tSlI)NKY IIOHIXSOX. "WILT.IAAI J. KOHIXSOX. '='rii()M.\s .\. SI. .\'n:u. KoliKKT I*.. SMI'llI. I'll. r.. WILLIAM i:i)\v.m;i> WKr.i;. Iron nicrchnnt. *;it(ii'i:K'r li:slik \\i:r.i'. •;ui:rHi;x i:. wirr.Moui:. (< ;ri.a,u>\ ilI'M I itrllcx iHc.l ( iiliin.-viilc.i C.iiru ( \\ ipiidlinrn.i iIppiT All in. 1 K.nis.-is ( "iiy. Mo. ( J.llVfSlnn. Tr.X Shcrniiin Ilonsp. ( 'hiciuo. Ill Loins Chill. X.'w ^ ork ("ity. llppiT Alloll.l ( .\IoiUlon\ illf.i .lOIIX W. .\.MISS. HKXKV c. r..\Kxi;s 1856-57. (Si. Li pasinr.ilc h,' in^' a I CarthaiLrc. 111. March L'S. Lsr.ij, he was married to .Miss r.cll.i .ianr < ii-.ili.i ni. ai Itii-uiiii'-' liaiii. Sclinylcr <'n.. 111. Two suns, with tiic widow, survive Kr\. I'.iiridiani 227 tvas an earnest, able minister, and liis labors— wliicli were !a:-gel.v evan- gelistic—were blessed to the conversion of souls. As pastor and evangelist he acconiplished much good in Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Oregon and Brltisli Colnnibia. He died suddenly of heart failure November 25, 189n. REA'. ALEXANDER J. DELANO, A. M.. B. D. - - - Port Byron. Was born in Canada West, July 1>, 1832. Came to Illinois in 1S48; was reared on a farm, receiving a fair common school edncatioii:. Upon attaiiung his majority. Mr. Delano taught school for a year or tnj^-o, and in 1850 canu- as a student to Sliurtleff College, where he took the full classical course of study, gradua.ting with highest honors in the class of 1S(;2 and afterward receiving the degree of A. M. in course. On June 7, 1863, in the old Baptist Church at ITpper Alton, he was mai-- ried by Dr. Read to J^Iiss L. C. Ford, of Homer, N. Y. After graduation, Rev. Delano supiilied the pulpit of the tapper Alton Baptist Church for sev- eral months. His life has been faithfully devoted to the ministry, havini.- held pastorates at various points in Illinois. *HOUSTON DISHON. ... - (.lonesboro.t tpper Alton. =!AA ILLIAM W. FOUTCH. - - - (Berlin.) Died in tlie army. AA'ILLIAM P. HANCOCK. - - <>721 Smiley Ave., St. Louis. Mo. Office, 314 Odd Fellows' Bldg. District Agent, Northwestern Mutual Life Ins. Co.. of Milwaukee. tALLEN ]McDOW. ------- (Newbnrn.i iW. B. MURPHY. ..---- (Linn C'-eek, Mo.) *W. D. H. NOYBS. :\r. D. .---.- Pittsfielu. rJAMES PADON. -------- (Troy.) tJAMES M. RICE. .--..-. (Quiucy.) *tJOSEPH H. ROBINSON. ------ (Upper Alton.) tISAAC C. SIMMONS. - - (Warsaw.) REV. PETER H. STEENSTRA, D. D. - - - Cambridge, Mass. Was born January 24, 1833, near Franeker, r'riesland, Netherlands. When his parents came to America he went West, and after several years of pre- paratory stud}' elsewhere, entered the Junior Class of Shurtleff College, graduating in the class of 1858, afterward receiving from liis Alma ^Nlater the honorary degree of D. D. On November 4, 1858, he was married to Miss S. B. Learned, of St. Louis. Mo. His later life-work may be thus summarized: Pastor Baptist Church, Dorchester, Mass., 18G0-(>3. Rector Protestant Episcopal Church, Newtou. ?klass., lSr.4-70. Professor of Biblieal I>iteratui-e 228 l>lo '•KiMiliick" ,i;:()l(l iiiiiu". which is woiUi'd rrtun a 2.(Mi(l-f(mt imiiu'l. He has iTsicU'd in San Dit-^io for several y.'ars past. tht)U>;ch his niiiiiii^ iiileresis re- ie(l of consumiitioii duriiiu )iis (iiiirse itf study at Sliurllefl ("olle;:e. ♦vWII.LlA.M II. CLAYTON. ..... diiper Allon.i ELIAS COCKIiELL. ,leis<-yville. tC. A. DAKLEY. ♦yJA.MES .M. <;AKUi:rS()N. ri. i; ..... (rpper Alton.) *.\LO\Z() T1I(».M.\S i[.\i:r.()\\ . .... Kimms\viri<. .Mo. Was liorn .Mai-cli U4. lS4ti. ai llarnsonville, ill. He Avas tlie son of the lato N(>ah B. Hai'lmv. who was lioiii in Maine Fehruaiy 7. ISH, ri'nioving to Illinois with his parents in ISlo. He eaine down the Ohio, and up the Mississippi iu a keel boat, landing,- at Kaskaskia, then tlu' metropolis of the ^^ssissippi Valle.v. Six years l.iw r the family moved to Ilarrisimville. where N. B. Harlow was married ami Wuiv/.u T. born and reared. A. T. Harlow's father was a farmer and merchant, and when not in scliool Lou was kept, iuisy on tlie farm or in llie store. At the ajre i)f 17 he. I'liiered Shurtleff Colle.u;e. .Vfier two and one-half years of study failing ln-alili compelled him to return home, where he rented for a short time and then entered Jones' Commercial Colley;e, St. Louis, Mo.. j;raduatinj;- in 1S(»(». Ke- turniusr io Harrisonvdle 1" was admitted as i)artner lin his father's business, to which he devoted several years of his life. In the autnmn 'uf 1N<'4 he secured a position as bookkeeiier for llarlow vV: Walil in St. Louis, .\liou! two years lati>r he become a member of the Mercliants' Exchan.ire of ili.ii city, eujiafiinjj in the commission bii.^^iness with a .Mr. Clark, wlio sold out bis interest two years later to SamiKd II. ISrcwii. the tirin continuiii.^: as llarlow iV: Brown and doiui? a prosjieroiis i)usiness for three yt-ars. when T. H. Uelston succeeded .Mr. Brown. Five years latt'r Mr. (Jcision died, and C. H. Spencer and J. E. Cariieiuer were admittt'd to the linn, wluch was then styled "Harlow, Spencer A: Co.," by far the largest wheat receivers m St. Louis for years. Mr. Harlow was never ujes-^ed witli rolui.si liealili. ami on sever;il occa- sions was oIdi;;ed to relimini.sji business for the winter, spendinu tlie cold season in the South. In the fall of 18S1 his health completely jrave w.iy. ;ind he retired from the lirm ( f Harlow. Spencer ^: Co. 'I'ln'ii wilii his family he spent a year in ('.ilifornia. returnin.t;- with hi'allh restored. Iml nol eiijiaf.'- inj; in any busim ss until June. ISv.l. when he associated himself with the Billinjrsley iV Nanson Commission Comp.iny mow the Nanson Commission Companyi. coni;niiim.' with them until his de.iili. .iaiiuai'y :;i. lS;t|. 229 liK.XUV ALLEN WAUXE. A. B. - - Komvood. :Maaison Co., X. Y. Was linni Manli 2S. ISoC. in Ciueiimati. O.. but tlie greater portion of his early lite was spent in St. l.oul^^ -Mo., wliere lie Avas convertea while iiev. I). Kead was pastor of tlie Second Baptist Clmi-ch. Dr. Read took a deeip interest in younti' Warne. and upon liecomin- President of Shnrtleff Colleg-e. urii-ed liim to take a course of study in that institution. This he did. grad- uaiing in the classical course in 18G1 with the second houors. He was a very devoted and conscientious student, enthusiastic and hearty in all he iiiuler- idulv. and liis intlueiice npon his fellow students was decidedly whulesonie and tiplitting. Mr. Warne was a prominent actor in every religious and lilcrai-y ninvenunt al Shortleff College from ISoC- to ISdL After leaving Sluiftlefl' College. :Mr. VN'arne tngaged in scIiodI Icacii.ing in llliiuiis, Iowa and New Y(n'k. Afterward he entered conunercial life, ludd- ing sies'eral positiims as bookkeeper and office correspnanlent in Cliicago. and as salesman, traveling through Illinois and Iowa. He at letigtli s>'ttled in New York State, ri'tiriiig from inf)re active life, deviating liimsclf to scientiti' studies and reading. Kenwood is situated in a beautiful region, iUid Mr. Warne li;is a line garden in wiiich lie takes great delight. He is an enthusiastic student of botany, zoology and microscopy. NA'I'IIANIEL A. WIIIi'TLE. _ . - - ricas;int Cap. Mo. 1857-58. tBEN,]AMlN F. ALLEN. . . . . . (Benton. AIo.i *CYIUTS A. BAILEY. . . - . - - :Mesilla. N. M After leaving Sliurtleff College he served tuider Crant m the Civil War. He lielonged to the Tliirty-third Illinnis A'olanteers. Al the close of the war his health was badly shattered. ;uid in hope of recovery he studied medicine, graduating from a IMiiladelphia. medical school, afterward pnicticiug his profession for fifteen or twrnty years in Southern Kansas. He next spe;it a year in Califf:.rnia. and then renmved to Mesilla. N. ^I.. wliere he died in 1S02. leaving a wife and live childiTU. He lived a noble life, and left an lionm'able record. LEW^IS N. BAILEY. - - - iMl.') Twentieth St., San Diego, Cal. Brother of Cyrus A. (see preceding sketch.) After his college days were over he went Sontii ;ind eiigiiged in teaching at Houston. Tex. At tlie md- biTak of the Itebellioii he Joined the Confederate army, doing cavalry service throughout the war. He and his brother Cyrus (wlio w;is on tlie Union side) were more than once encamped witldn siglit of each other's camip fires, but knew nothing of this until alter tlie war. Since 1868 Mr. Bailey has made his home in California, where he has been rancher, merchant and ndner, being at present proprietor of the valua- 230 :iii(l Iiit('ri)i'('l.il Kin in ili>> l",|iisi ni),il Tlicul.iuic.il Si-liiml. (':iniliriil;;r. M.-iss.. IMm Id (l;ilc I'mf. ShNMisIrn is tlic antlior of "(Jod as liiit.v and 'I'finily.'" and i lanslator and editor nf '■l-ansic's rnnunciilarics on .ludjics and Kuili." *.IAMi:S M. STOOKKY. I'.rll, ■villi" Ki;\". .I(»HN W. TliKKV, A. M. ... Sn,-,niu. N. M. \\'as li,ii-n al ( )i icrvillc .Irrst y Co.. 111., (ten. her 1:!. ls:;i;. Ilis ■. arly cdii.-i tion was (iliiaincd in llic llainiliou Sclinul in ihal villauf. wliitli srliiiol was I'r.dcwt'd and t'slalilislicd liy 1 M-. llaniilton .ilinnl llic lime llial Shnrllcrf Cnl- \i-iXr was fi)Und(>d. Alici- aii.-iid'n.u a srlc.i sclmnl in .ltiscy\ illc uliiainin- a Tfachcr's ('crrilii-atc and tcarliinji fur a season. In- cHtorcd SlinrtlclV Ciillcuc gradual inj;' Ironi tlu' ilassical conrs(> in isr.l with the honors of his class. Tin- suinini'i- aftiT .uradnalion. Mr. Tony ontcrnl llio ministry, prcachiii)^ al Paiia, 'raylorvilh" ami Tolo. 111. .Mr. 'I'orry took an active pai'i in lip- Lincoln camipaiun as Ndtcr. s|icakci-and ini'nilicr of ilic "Wide .\ wake (ti-y;an- ization;" also parlicipaling in the laneuln n-eeplion and rat ilicat ion at Spi-in.u.- held in ISCd. In .Vii.mist, lSiV2, he iR'canie First LiiMitenanl iif ("onipany < ". One Hundred ami Tweiity-fourlli Illinois Infaniy, liavin.t; secured the en- iistnienl of a eonsi(h'ralde iiari id' this conipany in .Icrsey ami .Madison ('(MU- tit's. He took i)art, iu (Jrant's campaigns in 1S(>2 and ISi;:',, in 'reiinessee. Louisiana and -Mississippi until after reinherlon's surremh'r at N'ickshurg. wlieii on aei-oiint of ill-lieallli he was obliged to olter his resignation, which was accepted and the disidiargi' signed l»y (leii. <;rant. At>or leaviu.n' the army and making a slnn-i visit to his home, he cnliTed the Theological l»ept. of Colgate itlien .ALadisoni riuversiiy. gi-adnaiing in in;."), lie aftei'ward liehl pastorales at Centralia. 111., and .Mailison. liid. After the close of this latter pastorale. Ilie greater imii of the ne.\t two o'" three years was spent in Europe, p.iri of tlie time under appointment of ihe Missionary Union al >LMdrid. Spain, associated with I'rof. W. I. Knapp. Here he hecaine aeiiuainted with the lan.guage of the coiuitr.N, and was soon aide lo read, write and make speeches in Sjiauish. In the (virly part of 1S7:; .Mr. Terry settled in Color.ido. Iieiiig led to go West on acconnl nl' ins healtli. and shortl.\- afierward he wenl into tlie hank in.g and real estate l)usiness at 'i'rinidad. Colo. In issosi he si»«>nl a pt'riod of time in lids husiiu'ss in Kansas City, Mo., afierward removiu.g lo Socorro. .\. M.. where he m^w liM's. inlerested in real csiate. irrig;il ion ;ind tdher enterprises incident to an undeveloped counlry. Here lie h;is iicdd several pulilic (dfices. among u liicli m.iy he mciilioncd tlmsc of City Councilman. County Treasurer, I'lesidenl IJo.ird of Kegenis of .Ni w .Mexico Schoid of Mines, etc. Mr. Terry h;is a wife and three children living r.iiil .1.. I'L' ye.ars old.' .loiin r... Id. now ;i siudeni in l he .New .Mexico Iniversiiy ,ii Allunjueripi' , .'ind I lelcii. s vears of age. M .Mr. Hai-Iinv was elected Mee-l'i-esldeiit of the Mercliauts" Exchange in 1S81, and iu lSi)4 received the unauiniuus vote of tlie members for tlie posi- tion of President, lieins installed oii January S, only a short time before his de'ath. He was the first President of the organization who has died in office. Mr. Harlow was marided rwice. by his second wife liaviiig two children, both boys, aged respectively S and C years. He was a member in high standing of Tuscan Lodge A., F. & A. M., and St. Louis Koyal Arch Chap:er. He was also a member of the Presbyterian Church, being J^uperintendeut of the Windsor Harl)or Sunday School up to the time of his death and having occupied the position for about twenty-five years. Thoroughly huaiest and upright, staunch and true, none li() y\ue St.. St. Louis. :\Io. Bookkeeper, Compton iV: Sons Litli. Co. t J AMES D. :\IOOBE. ....... < Jersey ville.) tJOHN H. PIPKIN. ------- (Concord, Mo.) EDWABD ItOIXiEBS. ------ Upper Alton. THOMAS E. SEXTON. .-.--- .lerseyville. *yALBAKTES SILSBE. ------ iSummerville.) 1858-59. JIIXJE GEOKGE JOHNSON GILLHAM. I'h. P., LL. B, 22(j Wellington St., Memphis, Tenn., Otiice, Soutliern Express Bldg. Was born January l.">, 1811, in Madison Co., 111. After Ids graduation from Shurtleff College with the class of l,S(i(> l,e stui'^cd ];iw in St. Louis, and later, in .Martdi, 1S(>4, graduated in tlie law department of tlie University of :Micliigain at Ann Arboa-. In the same year he located at Memphis, Tenn.. wliere he has since iiracticed law continuously, with the exceptions mentioned below. In 18i>5 Mr. (Jdlliaiii was appointed Special .Fudge of tlie Supreme Court of Tennessee, in place of one of the judges who was disiiu.alitied. In 181X! he was reappointed by the Govei'uor to the same ]Kisition, an.l in 1897 speait 232 a part of tho time on ilic liciicli of that rourl. In the fall of IMMi iw was electod Stati» SiMiatur fm- ,i tcini of two yt'ars. In June, IMTd. Mr. (lillliaiii was luarriiMl to Miss Maria II. Kcit. nf Mi'in- pliis, Tenn. REV. ALBERT CYUrS KKKNi;. I'll. H. - - - Walfrlou ii. S. D Was horn iu ^\'is(•onsm, whore his panMits wMtled in 1S;{4. IIi- was cou- verttil while a small boy, was baptized at the ajre of IS into the fellowship of the Laucasitor. (Wis.i Baptist Chureh. and SDun bcyan his studies to lit himself for the (Jospel niinistry. to which lie felt that (Jod had called him. After studyiiij; in the aeadeinies ai .Maishall and I'aris. 111., he entertnl Shurt- leff Collejre. Sfaduatiui-' with tlie class of ISCd' ;ind innneiliately enterint? upon his life-work. He was ordained in 1S(>;J, and February li.'.. ISiJl was married iu Keokuk. la., to Miss Nellie C. Miner, of Jerseyville. 111. Rev. Keem' was pastor for four years at T'nion. Wis., and then aecrpttMl a call to Lima. Ind. This place provini;- nnliealtlifnl. he remm-ed' to Fair- mount, 111., afterward lioldinii i)astorates at KaiUvakee, Morrison. Belvidere and Sycamore, 111. An illness affectinj; the optic nerve h'ft him for three aTid oue-half years unable to study, and in accordance with medical advice he removed to South Dakota to try the beni'lit of the climate. While await- ing the rostonition of impaired vision he gave mucli tame to temperance work in South Dakota and Nebraska. When alile to resume his ttastoral work, he took charge of the Baptist Cliurch at Arlington, S. D.. ;ind has since served the churches at Ipswich and Watertowii, the latter being his present field of labor. During the years of his ministi-y Rev. Keeue has had the privilege of baptizing several hundred persons into the fellowship of the various churches under his care. »REV. THOMAS SANFORD MIZE, A. B. - - - - Clinton, Wis. Was born January 27, 1840. He was baptized by Rev. i<::3jah Dodson at Troy, III., iu 1852. He graduated fi-om Shurtleff College in the class of 18C.2. teaching scliool at Belleville, 111., for a time and afterward being licensed to preach by the Belleville Baptist Church. He entered Rochester Theological Seminary in 1803. and after several years o^ study an that in- stitutiou, was ordained at Faribault, Minn., December lt>, 18(it3. He entered upon the duties of his tirst pastorate January 3, 1807, at Clin- ton, Wis., where he et of considerable abuity, tus writings wliil.- at ccJle^^ bearing the marks of true genius. PROF. JOHN H. WOODS. A. M. - - - Jacksonville. Was born in Alton, 111.. .Vugusi 24, ls;V.t: the son of .Inlm 1{. and Sarah W. Woods. He euiercd Slmrtlefl College in 18.">0, graduating with lirst honors of his cla>s. .lune 21, 18(iU. He pursued a i>ost-graduate course at Yale for a time, and in 1801 was a teacher in (Jreylock Institute, South W'lliamstown. Mass.. .afterward teaching in the Collegiate Institute of New Haven. Conu. He then entered the army, serving as Adjutant of the One Hundred and Fifteenth Illinois Infantry in Tennes^see and Kentucky, 18G2-3. In 18()3 lie became instructor in the Ueaf and Dumb Asylum, Jacksonville', 111., a position wliicli he still holds. He occupies the Chair of Language, Literature and History, and has been Librarian of the Institution since 1875. Prof. Woods has given much attention to tlie work of compiling indexes. NoteAvorthy among his works of this character are Lange's Commentary of the New Te.stament (10 vols.), Greek and Topical Index, Emerson's works (12 vols.), Literary World (38 vols.). Notes and Queries (4 vols.), Book Buyer (.4 vols.), and Semi-Annual Index to the Critic (.2.5 vols.). He has also published translations of several French stories. He was instrumental in the organ- ization of the Jacksonville Litera'-y Lnion ajul the Jacksonville Art Associa- tion, and is Secretary of the Jacksonville Public Library. Under his long- continued management the Library of the Deaf and Dumb Institution has increased to 12,(1()() volumes. Prof. Woods was married September 25, lS(j(3, to Miss Mary Cornelia Head, of Alton. 111. He has been an elder in the Presbyterian Church fo-r the past fifteen years, and takes an active part in religious Avork. 1859-60. KEY. MAIISHALL M. COOPEK. . . . - . Jerseyville. His youth was spent on a farm until the fall of 185i), when he entered upon a course of study in Shurtleff College. Owing to lack of means, he le! i college without graduating, and began to teacli school at Litchfield, 111. He coaitinued to tcacli until 1ST2. when lie left tlie school room to devote his life fo the Gospel uDuisiry. He has been a faithful pastor, and is an. earnest and attractive preacher. Mv. Cooper is the founder of two Oi-atoiical Contest Bureaus for Prohibition and Woman's Suffrage. Thousands of his silver and gold medals are worn by successful contestants all over the United States. He has three times bot'U nominated for Congress by the Prohibition party. IJEV. LEVI FOSDICK. ..-..-. Pella, la. AVas born in Washington Co., N. Y., February 10, 1831, coming to Illinois in 1844, and uniting with the Baiptist Church of Steuben, Marshall Co., in 1848. He Avas licensed to preach in 1852, afterward attending Fairmount Theological Seminary. Cincinnati. O. He was married in 18.50, and came t« Shurtleff College in 185S. After a considerable time spent in study at tlii>; institution, Mr. Fosdick a(cei)ted the call of the Laniartine Baptist Church. Fond Du Lac Co., Wis., where he was ordained January 28. 18(53. During the next eight year.s Rev. Fosdick preached at various points in Wisconsin, also doing evangelistic Avork. He oi'ganized a church at AVood- hull, and was ihstrumeutal in the erection of a .'j;3,()00 house of Avorship at New Castle. In tne suinmer of 1S71 he AA'ent to loAva as a general collecting 234 1. Moses A. Newell, '66. 2. George \V. Melton. '66. 3. Adolphus H. Harks. '66. 4. George S. Beekinan, '67. 5. William A. Bonhain, '67. ♦Deceased. PLATE "C." 6. Marshal D. Hedal. '68. 7. Hdward A. Stone, '66. 8. William K. Anderick, '71 y. William II. Hearne, '68. 10. Rush English, '70. 11. Isaac D. Wood. '(<-. 12. KIden H. Lovett. '68. 13. William C. Marlow, '72. 14. Warren N. Wilson. '71. 15. William H. Ferguson, '71. 16. John C. Carter. '71. 17. Gc'orgfll. .Mi/1-. '72. 18. Helen Winthrop-Merrill, '72. 19. Mary E. Barrett-English, '71. 20. 'Robert Sturgeon, '74. n.ffont nnd Sunday School Missionnry for tlio Aniorioan baptist rublioation SDck'ty. Ill' \v;is .•irtcrwjinl jiasior of several clmn-lics in Iowa ami or;:;; nizt'il tour otliors. while his evaiiyclisl ic hiluirs liave liceii hlesse.l in the cdiivr'-- sion of many souls. In Ihe sumniir of iS'.U Mr. Fusdick remnved to \Vashin;;t<(n Co.. Ala., hut returned to Uiwa in 1M<(;, since which limi' he has nut Ix en enj,'aj.'ed i'U pas- toral woric. *tTHOK.\T<).\ nr(illi:S. (Otter (Yeok.i *tl{KV. LKWIS 1'. KINNFAX. (Cri.tr^'sville.i *\\ILLIAM 10. MOSKS. - - - ( Winch<'ster.i Chicatrn in lSC.."i. SA:MrKL 1?. OUHM. .---.- Kansas City. Mo. Armour Bldi;., Fifth and Delaware Sis. Att(U-iiey-at-T.aw. F.T,T.\S rF.\MN•" the days of his minority wore spent in faryi work and attondiii.ir the i>ulilic schools. At the asje of 21 he entered Shurtleff Collefie. successfully cnm- X>leting the classiiai course in 18'!4. Ho took hijih rank as .a st\ideiit. .and w.is loved and esteemed by both Faotilty and fellow studtmts. While at coih jre he united with the Upper Alton Baptist Church. lie afterward siuditMl l.iw for a short time at the I'mvorsity of Michiiran. I)ut as tlie climate of th.it State did not agree with him he removed to SiJriiiglield. 111., studyini: l.aiv under Stuart. Edwards & Brown. Mr. Smalley was married Xovemher 1(>. 18(>r>. to Miss M. F. Carsun. of Woodburn. He was admitted to the bar in 1S(>7. removing tln' sanu' year to Cai'linville, 111., where he engaged in the])ractice nf his pivjfession. He was a studioxis and conscientious lawyer, but close application tt) study and business at length proved too severe a strain for a constitution not verv strong, and he died before i-eaching middle ago. Xovemlicr s. 1S7.-. .nfter an illness of three weeks. He was buried at Hunker llill. ill. His wife ;i]id two children now reside at Woodburn. 111. *F.EX.1A.MIX F. SFEXCE. - - - (Huidcer Hill.) T»ied in Texas. ♦.lOHX V. WKKX. ... - (Sjiring Hills, o.i Ippi'r .\ll(Ui Hied at college in tli(> inidsi .)f liis course. He w.is a very taiihlul student. and an earnest ;ind d«>voled Christaan. Was preparing himself to l.alior as n missionary on the foreign hold, but in tlie prime (»f his strong young m;inhood was smitten wilii tyidioid fever, and dieil in liis room in tiio pormitory in isct. 237 The funeral was liekl in the old Chapel, and when President Read asked for some one wno would "take Wren's place"' in preparation for the work of a foreign missionary, two students responded. 1860-61. JOHN A. COKY. ---.-. JorseyviJle. *v.TORN R. CCnVEN. ---..-. (Terseyville.i OLIA'ER J. FLICK. ----- 4;{0 Bnchtel Ave. Akron. (). AVas boi'n in Somerset Co.. Pa., in 1838, and upon the death of his father in 1849 emigrated to Ohio, and thence to Northern IlMnois, still lajer remov- ing to Madison Co., and attending ShurtlefL' College during the exciting period of the war. His youth was a time of hard struggle, as he was compelled to rely wholly upon himself for his means of support. H'orvvever, he attended college for several years, though not continuously, teaching school for a time In order to help himself along. After leaving college .several years were spent in Missouri. Kansas and Colorado, and In 187o he went to CaliCorni;! and has since lived in the West, until recently. Mr. Flick's life has been a checkered and adventuroixs one. and he has heen engaged in many different pursuits, such a^? silver mining and Indian fighting. He has lived for longe;" or shorter periods in each State and territory west of the Mississippi River, and visited nearly every mining camp in the West, but strangely enough has never met a single ShurtlefF College man in all his travels. He was living in Seattle at the time of r!i<- great fire, and sustaaiicd considcrnbh^ loss. He has never married. tFRKDKIUCK S. (JILIIorSEN. - - - . iSugar Creek. .Mo.) REV. IMOEEAY FLETCHER (IKAY. B. J>.. M. D. - - St. Louis, M(,. Baptist clergyman. Pastor. INIankato. Minn.: Faribault. Minn.; Hannibal. Mo.: St. Louis, MO. in Fiiited States :Military Service. 18t)S-(ir». Afterward took a, course in mi'iiciiie, and became a practicing phy.slcian. REV. CHARLES A. HOBBS, D. D. - - - - Delavan. Wis. Was born near Clayton. Adams Co., 111., April 21. 184-1. His father. Rev. AVm. Hobbs. Avas an early and prominent Baptist minister in Illinois. Charles began Jiis course of study at Shurtleff College in 18G0-G1. and grad- uated in 18(;!>. liis studies being inteiTupted by tliree years of service in the United Stat(>s army during tlie Civil W;vr. He was valedictorian of his class, receiving the Osborn prize for scholarsliip. He studied theology for a time at Shurtleff College, but afterward attended the Union Theological S&minary of ('hicago. now th>e Divinity Scliool of the University of Chicago. In 1872 he received the degree of B. I), from Union Theological Seminary. He first spent ten years as pastor at Mason City, 111., afterward remov- ing to Batavia, 111. After four and a half years at the latter point, he ac- 238 ceptfHl tli«^ rail of lilt' cliiipcli at Dvlavan, A\is., iMitiTiii;,' iiixtii liis em. and a Christmas poem entitled "Kabes of Hethlehem," have been itiiblished in book form. The Baptist Publication Society has just issued another of Mr. Ilobbs' works coverlnjr a period of experience in Illinois, entitled "Hoys of I'rinceville. ,)'• Tenipi>rance lieforin in llie Fifties ami After." He has coiitribmeil qniii; largely to newspapers, magazines and reviews, one of his most notable articles. "AUeg'ed Cruelty of (Jod to tjie C.inaanites." having: been i)nblished in the Baptist Review. .\s a jjastor and i)re.ic];er he stands amon^ the best. and 'i.s very hij^hly esteefned by his co-laborers. Ilis church at l>clavau occupies a position of prominence amonj; the Wisconsin Kaiitists. and he Is very active and enthusiastic in !>. V. I', r. work. •JOHN MILTON HOBIiS. - - Died on the battlefield at VicksburR. Older brother of Dr. C. A. Hobbs; was born XovemI)er (1, 1S4'J. near Clay- ton. Adams Co.. 111. He had spe-nt but a few moiitlis in study ;ii Slim-tleff College when the call came for volunteers in the service of the country, and he enlisted in the I'hirty-third Illinois Volunteer Infantry, serving gallantly for nearly two y(\'i rs. a( lenstli yielding up his young life on the altar of human liberty .Inly (">. 1M'>.'t. He was engaged in tlie siege and eaptiire of Vicksbnrg. dying two days after tlie surrender, his death being due mainly to the exposure and hardshi]) he liad undergone. He died in tliv blessed assurance of eternal life beyond the grave, and his remains were interred in the National Cemetery at Vick.sbnrg. He was sincere, brave, self-sacriliciiig and generous, and liis brief life wa^ a success. It is a satisfaction to l.e alile to iircseiii in our SoldlnM- Boy De- partment an excelh lit engraving of tlie sjiDt. marktd by the Hag lie loved, where John .M. Hobbs has long lieeii sleciiiiig the sleep tlial knows no awakening. *.TOHN .M. KINO. I'ekin. Born .March 20. 1,S44. Entered upon a cour.se of study at Shurtleff Col- lege, but left at the tlrst call for vidunteers. and died suddenly at his honn^ in IVkin. December 21. ISC-l. from the efl'eets of his army life. "W very in- teresting, able young man." tOEORGE W. STOCKKR. ...... dpper Alton.. tA. O. SITTON. (Trivoli.) 239 JOHN EATON VEItffREES, A. M. Pittsfield. Was born April 12, 1839, at Perry. Pike Co., Hi. He entered Slnirtleff Collegre in 18G0, and graduated in 1804, receiving the degree of A. B., and later A. M. in course. He spent five months in the Volunteer Service of the United States in 18(14. For eighte'en years he held the Presidency of the Grand lUver College, Edlnburg. Mo., mow at Gallatin, INIo.). He afterward held for a term the office of Superintendeut of the Gnindy Co.. Mo.. Public Schools. Mr. Vertrees has been married twice— to Miss A. A. Ayer, of Janesville. Wis., in August, 18G7, aiirl Miss S. J. Peery, of Ediuburg. Mo., June, 1875. Since 1882 he has been quite successfully engaged in the mercantile business in Pittsfield. ♦LIEUT. PETER G. WEYHRICH. - - - (Pekin.j Died in the Avar. *yGEOR(4E WHYTE. ..-..-- (Jersey ville.^ tRORERT H. WHYTE. ...--. (Jerseyville.) 1861-62. tWILLIAM S. ANDERSON. ..--.- (Belleville.) REV. HENRY HUDSON BEACH. A. B. ... Charles City, la. Was born July 24. 1844. in EatO'u. ^Madison Co.. N. Y. During his firs't .vear at Shurtleff College. 1801-2. he completed the required wfU'k of two yeai'S, at I'ength graduating in Juno. 18(!(>. having spent 110 days in the TTniited States Military Service. He was principal of tlie Bunkt-r Hill. 111.. High School for a time; entered Newton Tlipological Seminary in September. 1SG6. graduating in June. ISOi*. On July 1, 1809, lie was married at Brooklyn. N. Y'., to Miss Catherine F. Wells, of that city. The pastorates of Rev. Iicach have included Znucsvilh'. (>.. whrre he was ordained pa.stor of the Market Street Baptist Clnn-cli in January. 1870; Syci moi-e Street Church. Milwaukee, AVis.; Owatniiua. Minn.; Lake City. Minn.; 'Sheboygan Falhs.. Wis.; Api)reton, Wis.; Leadville, Colo.; BroadAvay Baptisi Churcli. Denver, Colo.; (i olden, Colo.; and Charles City, la., where he began his labors November 18, 1894. and is still engaged in the work. ♦REV- CHAUNOEY E. BRISTOL. A. B. . . . Hopkimton. N. Y. He was gifte'd witli a very fine voice, becoming prominent as a soloist in the public exercises at college. He was a devoted student, a nolile young num. preparing himself for work on the foreign mission field. This work, however, he never entered upon, .ilthDUgh ho :preached for some time at ^li'- ford. O., and Fulton, Kan. REA'. ADDISON LEWIS COLE, D. D. - - - Santa Ana, Cal. Was born in Culpepper Co., Va.. February 9, 1831. He was brought up on a farm in Illinois, where he worked until the age of 27. when he entered the Preparatory I)epartnu'nt of Sliurtleff College. lie worked his way 240 through ciitin'ly witliout (l<»lit, pradualiiif; witli the class (»r i.S(ii'. He was tho first stiKh'iil to I'litir Ihi- ii(>\v Thcohiyical Iicpartiiiciit of ShurtldT Cul U'iiC Irniu whicli ih'i>artm('iit he .iri-adtiati'd in ISC.C. wiih ilu- dc;,'!"!'!' of K. I> Ik' was ofthiiiicd liy thi' rppiT Alton Haiitist Cimii li. aflcrwaid lioidiii^ pastorates at Owa'toiuia. .Minn.: (Irand .Xvcmic ("lini-cli. .M il wanUcc, Wis.; Contfal Clnifcli, .Minncaiiojis. Minn.; St. ("Innd. .Minn.: I'irsi (■liunJi. S.cia menti), Ca!.. and l>i.\on, ("al. lie look a (Mnu'sc in nicdi<-in.' at I>ansvilli'. N. Y.. ISTI-TC. .Ml-, ("oic has l.tvn very successful in his iiasioral worU. whicli lias lie. n markcil by steady jrrowth in the ciiurrhes of which he had chai'iiie. lie has been active in Snnday School work, and often .Modefatof of piiltlic .iratlieriii;.'s and Sunda.v School conventions: was for years special a.ircnt ot the .Vnicricaii Bihlo Union, .•iiid ff(> w'as Chaplain of the Min- nesota Senate for two' years: also Secretary of California Cnllcire for two years, receivinji- the (h\a;rpe of 1>. I>. in issi Ironi that ins.titntion. Since 1882 he has resided in Santa Ana. Cal.. havini: now retired from .active service. tC,EOR(;E W. (iKlFFIN. (Mascontah.i in:V. WILLIAM HEXKY STED^LVX. 1). D. - - - Champaiirn. Was born Au.srust. 12. 1840, in Bedford Co.. I'a. lie entered SlmrtletT Col- lejre hi the fall of 18r.2. .irradnatino; in ISdO with the degree of A. B. lie w.as married .Inne 13. ISOD. to Miss Hello Kiniberlin. of Ivonisian.a. Mo. He li;is been pastor succes.^ively at SlH>M)yviIle. Areola. Crhana and Mendota. 111.: Detroit. .Mich.. ;ind Clianipaitrn. III., haviiig been eiiga.^'ed in the woii< ;ii th" latter point for ilic p.ist tour ye.irs. ii(> received the Ucgrei' ot I >. i ». tnuii ins Alma Mater in iss;». *nARL()\\' .M. STKIOET. - (I'ocaiioiUas. i Hied in the w.ir. at Xicksbiirg. Kl'W.Mjn A. STIAUT. ...... .I;i<-ksMiivillc. tTI10:MAS -M. Tini'LETT. - - d'erry.! tEKENEZEU WIHTXEV. --.-.. (Keokuk. la.i 1862-63. HENRY MAin YX CAIIU. Alton. Was Imumi in Chardon. ().. in the celebrjiled ■"Wesiern licscrve," May If,. 184.".. With his f.ather. Uev. L. C. Carr. ho came to Moline. 111.. In IS'C. and in Angiist. isr.l. tlie family settled in .lersr yville. 111. While living here he i'ntered Sliurileff College in ISC.:!, during the slorniy war iicrinartmeni fif A.ii'i'iculture. REV. CHARLES THOMAS FLOYD. A. B. ■ - Mound Valley. Kan. Was born in Kentucky June 15, ISol. Graduated from the classical course :ix Shurtleff Colle^ge in 18(i7. Pastor of the Baptist Churches in Puehlo and Canon City. Col., ISOU-TO; BroAvnsville, Mo.. 1870-72; lola, Kan., 1872-70: Independence, Kan., 1870-79; Colunduis, Kan., 1879-80; Chetopa, Kan., ISSO- 83; Mound City, Kan.. 188:5-8:.; Mound Valley, Kan., 1889 to date. Mr. Eltjyd was niai'ricd in IKO;) to Miss Mary M. Miller, of Pleasant Hill. ]\Io. REV. .lONATHAN M. LAPPIX. - . . . Washington. Ind. AIDLIA C. McELVAIX. - - - - - - I >u Quoin. AVas born June 1, 18-i;}, and reared on liis father's farm. In tli:' fall oi' 1802 he entered Shurtleff College, but in ^lay, 1804, enlisitiMl witli a nnml;c>' of other students, in Company I>, One Hundred and Thirl y-third Illinois Volunteers. Cap't. -folin Carstons. of Coal P>r;inch, comm.'indini.;'. rp;in i;:Mni;: mustered out of service in September. 1804. he si)cnt anotlicr yc.ir of study at Shurtleff. flis later life li:is l;cen devoted to farming in tlie vicinity of Du Quoin. WILLIAM F. MITCHELL. M. D. . . . . Lancaster, Mo. (Jraduated from the Department of Medicine in the University of Mich'- gan in 1808. afterward taking post-graduate courses in Chicago and New York, giving special attention to diseases of the eye. ear, iwase lie jiassed away in tlie r.rinie of lif(>. Ociolier 1."i. 1^;>.">. .\ wife survives liiii;. to. M. BROWN. - (Terie Haute. Ind.i tJ. H. BULLOCK. ....... (Tonica.i E. A. CLEMENT. AFtou. ♦ISAAC W. .MAITIN. Jerseyville. Was liorn Marcli 1(1. 1.S44. in .ferseyville. 111. where liis boyhood da.vs were spent. After a year of study at Sliurtleff ColU'ire he bej'rau teaehing school, but after five nr six years his health failed and he was obliged to give up Ills worlv. In the yc.ir IS"!) li(^ was married to Miss .M.iry A. Licldiii. His death oc- ctirred at .lerseyville. .vt'giist 1. IS!)4. *F1,'.\NK MERIWETHER. - - - (ShiT»man.) Near Taeonia. Wash. Afrer leaving Slmrileff College he was succe.'-.ively newsboy. braktMiian .•111(1 coiidtictor on tii<> Illinois Central Railroad; afterward engaging in tlie hiiiiber business at Ceiitrali.i. 111. In ]HS."> he went to Wasliiiigton Territory f(tr his he.'ilth. and on Ai)ril iL*. bSST. was killed by a falling tree, while selecting bridge timber in tlic mr)untains near T.-icoina. His body w;is brought home and luiried ,ii Sliiimian. HEyUV IMiMlNli MILLS .\. M. - - LMll.'i First Si.. San ni«'go. Cal. Otlirc. I .nvyers" Block. Wa.=i born in Monirose, Snsiinelianna Co.. Pa., .lunc '2\. ls."«n. son of Bartlet Hinds Milis. a prominenr Icmiteraiicc cdui-jitor. (irg-ini/cr and lecturer in the 243 Order of (!ood Templars. His mother was a Ilalsey, tracing liaclv directTy to Thomas Halsey. v\iio came from Hertfordshire. F^nglaud. to INIassacluisetts, afterward settliiiii' in Simtliamp.ton, L. I. In 1865 Mr. Mills" fatiier i-emoved witli liis family to T'i)i)er Alt(m. 111., where Henry has lived the greater por- th)u of his life. He was educated at Shurtleff Coiiege, graduating in isi:0 with the degree of A. I>. A few years lattM' he received tlie degree of A. M. from his Alma INIater. After teaching a country school for a yi-ar, Mv. ]\Iills took up the study of law at the St. Louis LaAV School, where he was graduated in 1872. taking highest honors and the prize for best thesis. He was admitted to the bar one year before his gradua.tion. August IM). 1877. he was married to Miss Emma llrown Sprague. Miiose parents were among the earliest settlers of the ?,Iuskingum Valley, Oliin, emigra.ting 1hitli(>r from New England, wlierc they served in the Revolutionary War. INIr. Mills has always avoided political offices, devo'ting his entire time to his profession. He is llic author Ox "Law of Eminent Domain," published in 1878, which called foi' a second revised edition, ivceiving favorable com- ment from laiw periodical.* and the ^onrts, and being a standard reference book oil the subject. In the aiitumn of 18:)r» ^Nlr. Mills with his family removed to San Diego. f'al.. for the benefit of the climate. Here his health has been restored and Uc" IS at presi'uf practi<'ing his profession. He has three beautiful daughters and two younger sons. REV. CALOWAY NASH, A. M., D. D. - - - - Jerseyville AVas boi^n of Baptist parentage in Union Co.. Tenn., iMarch 18. 1840. His early life was spent on the farm, witli the privilege of attending the districi school in the winter seasons. At the breaking out of the Rebellion his home was laid waste, and as he remained loyal to the old flag, he left for the North in thie spring of 18G2, entering Shurtleff College in ]8(i3 and remaining two years. In May. 1SG4, he volunteered with many oilier students in the One Hundred and Tliirty Third Illinois Inf.-uitry, sjicuding three moii.tlis ;it Rock Island Barracks, in this short time his licaUli was seriously impaired by malarial poison and indigestion, which after thirty years of service in the Christian ministry has finally forced him to retire. In 1865 Mr. Nash entered the ministry of the Methodist Episcopal Church. of which he has been a, menil)er since his fourteenth year. His active service has beeii mainly in Southern Illinois, having beon pastor in Brighton. Upper Alton, Edwardsville, f^entralia, Fairfield, Mt. Vernon, Carl)ondale, Mt. Car- mel, Olney and Jerseyville. For four years he was presiding elder of fiie Mt. yernon District. Some years ago the Grant Memorial University of Chattanooga, Tenn., conferred on him the degree of A. M., and in 1894 Mc- Kendree College honored him with the degree of Doctor of Divinity. In 1884 he was elected delegate to the General Conference of his elm-, ch which con- 244 veiled ill riiihulrliiliia. I';i., when' lie lind ilie liniK.r i)( i-.\s\\]i'^ liis vole fcir \Vni. 'iMvldr ;is Missioiuiry liislioi* lo Africa. Mr. .X.isli li.is travelrd extensively tliruiixliout llie I'liiied Mali s, and i.s an ardent lover ef his eoiinliy and ol" true Ainerieanisin. He wa.s niariied May Ki. l.vct!. to .Miss Kiiiina A. rimUard. of Alton. Three of his children a!>' now livinir. ^yllKV. FKAXCIS .N.Wl.oK. l;. 1 ». lUnoiiiin;,'Ion. S. S. Ol.MsriOAl). . . I'.nnker Hill. ^Vas ttorn in Jersey Co.. HI., .laniiai.x 17. 1S44. Si.\ years later his parents romuved lo Shipniau. Macoupin V». Aliei- two years spent in study at Shun- left" College, he settleil upon a f.inii iie.ir I'.unk* ; Hill, wliicli ha-s sine*- hwii his home. On Decenilier L'S. l,s,;.-,. lu- w.-is inaiiied lo .Miss M;iiy K. Snialley. of Bunker Hill. Ki>WAU]> IMIILLII'S. - - ."iiic. Collinsville Ave.. East St. l.oiiis. Kngaged in bus'ness al the .N.il i(iiial Slnck Yards. |-(r. X. SlMl'SOX. ....... ,i{i,.ii Prairie. I KKV. A1»I>1S(>.\ r.lSlior TO.MI.I.XSO.X. i;. D. - - Teiniic. Ariz, Was imrii in Adams ("o.. 111.. T'chi'iiary --. 1.S41. ('onverhd al llie a.u'c oi IS. 1h> soon fell called lo pr(>ach llie (idspcl. He ;;radnalfd in llienluizy :ii Shurtleft' Colle.^e in IStJC, and has since devoted his life to the Wi)rk of soni- winnin.ir. in which (Jod has greatly bh'.ssod liks eftorts. He is at present ver.\ l)leasantly situated as pasitor at 'J'empe. Ariz., wheie the Territorial Norma: School is located. ^Ir. Tomlinson was .Moderator of the Arizmia Baptisi Association in lSi»T. in:V. DAVli* ('. WTLKIXSOX. - - :',17 I-:. Sevemli St.. Oll.iw.i, K.iii. He left lliii old home.s.Kad in Ihe siiriiig id IS.V.t. and w ciil \Vcsi "in ur.iw up with the cotmtry," settlin.g on the site of Louislmrg, Kan., wher*' he eii- ga.ged in farmiii,:?. He was converted in ISlU. Hi' passed through the "l?o?-- der Ti nor War" wi(h a Company of si.xty men. Soon afterward he returned lo his old home in .Manchesler. 111. P.eing advised hy lOlder Kafferly and other Baptists to altenil Shurilefi ('iillcg;'. lie ai once eiiiered thai institution, where he was warmly welcomed hy rresidcnt Head and iMliers. Diirin.ir liis period of study in Shurtleft. he did ronsiderable missionary wmk al ('n:il Branch and other points in the vicinity of I'pper Alton. In isdi; he s|iriii lii>; vacation preaciiing in Kansas, and siioke the last words of Impe in ihe notorious Ben. Louis jirior to his e-Mcnlion on Ihi loth «d' .Viignsi. On his re- tin"n to college in Seplemhcr. he Itrought two Miami Indi;iiis with him. .M length his hcallh ciuiiiicll' d him lo give up his siudies, ami he spent fdiir years in fTie emplny of the American Tr.ici Sm-ii ly. In lS(;j) .Mr. Wilkin.son went to Kansas, wli.'re he w.is insi nimeiiial in liie (>i'g;inization of the ".Miami HajiliSi .Nssucialiim." Several .\iMrs of success ml labor was accomplished iimlrr the auspices of this association. chiirche> 245 being organized and chiircl" edilices erected, wliile the revival meetings were blessed in the conversion of many souls. On account oT tailing hcaltli. Kev. ^^'illcihson retired some years ago froui active iinstoral worlc, altliDiigli he still continued to preach a portion of the lime. He now holds a city office, and as his health returns expects to de- vote himself again entirely to the ministry. t.I. WILSON. 7.M. WILSON. 1864-65. ; ALBHirr FUANKLIN I'.AIUD. . . . . .Meclianicsburu. AMOS EDWARD SENEOW. - - - - - Epper Alton. "\^'as iboru in Wood River Township, near Alton. 111., Eebruary 20, 1850, the son of Richard Morcroft Benbow and Triphena Hurlbut-Beubow. His father was born in Worcestershire, England, tracing his ancestry directly to Admiral John Benbow. wlio, when his leg iiad been shot off in a naval en- gagement, ret used to go below, but lay ia ids hammoclv and commanded his squadron until the victory Mas Avon. Riciiard Benbow come tO' America before he had quite completed liis college course, landing ai New Orleans after a two months' voyage in the sailing ves.sel Sir liichard Cobden. He at once proceeded to St. Louis, tlien removed lo Peoria, and still lai^n- removed to Madison Co., 111.. Avhcrc lie engaged in farming near Alton. Here the sub- ject of our sketcli was born Eebruary 20, IS.jO. His father moved into Upper Alton when Amos was only a year old, and here the boy's youth waa spent in attending the public .school of the village. Later, he attended Shurtleff College for three years. Mr. BenboAV has hlled a large number of responsible offices in villa.;'-, county and State, having been almost cjnstautly in the public eye for the past thirty years. He has been Mayor of Upper Alton, .Justice of ihe E.-ace. Assessor, Deputy United States Mar.sha) for the Southern District of Illinois and Secretary of the Madison County Democratic Executive Commit'tee. He has been very prominent in works of public improvement in our village. For several years he was engaged in the real estate business, and was one of Tn-; active promoters in the erection of our new business block frout»d with gran- itoid pavement. He has long advocated a good system of water works for Upper Alton, and figured extensively upon the cost of a plant in this town. At present Mr. Benoow is representing a large amount of c-apital in the mtroduction of the new Acetylene (las Light. He has the general agency for Illinois and a portion of ^Missouri, liis lu'adquarters being at Alton. We present Mr. Benbow's pictiu'e in tlie uniform of Sergeant .^la.^or of the Knights of Pythias. He is also an Odd l-cllow and a Mason. ?A6 1. Frank B. Black. 76. 2. 'Fannie N. Biilkley-RoLeits 3. Edward C. Dennv. ^y^. 4. Kingman N. Morrill, '78 5. Charles A. \'allette. '73. 6. John H. Duncan, 77. 7- W. Sanford Gee, '72. 'Deceased. PLATh "n." H. Henrv Sriiiili/. ■-(,. y. Uailie S.|iiicrMiidKull. •-, i<>. Rita S. Wclistcr. 'Ni >i. I aura H. Phillips Baker, 76. 12. Nellie KisinK-KnIow, ^s i.i. Justus I,. Bulklev. '76. i|. Will I-. \\ Hiker, •77 iv Kiioch loliMson. '7.;. Id .Sauiuel A. I'errine. 77. 17- ♦Newton J. McCorniick, ■7.). 18. Ceorgia flark Cany, '78. ig. James I. Taylor, ■7^. -'<.. A May BlackClavton, ■7^. IJOIl.X CHAWFOKI* COX. i KiK.xvillc. T.-uti.i lauulii Inr suiiic linic ainnnu ilit- cdlorfil iicciplc in iiic S(i;;ili. m:\. I>A.\ii:i, HAI.I. l»KAKi:. a. l;., it. I». Wauki-slia, Wis. Al"u-f lii-adi.aiiu.i: Irdin inc classical course ..f Sliuiiiclf Ci.llcjiL' in l,St»l», ho siiout. a .year in tlii' siiul.v of iln'iilit;.;^ ami tlii'u ifiiiuvcd to I'cwaiiki'i', Wis., wliero lie was (iidaiiu'ii pastor in Doeeiulior, ISHK l.aler on, Iw rosunu'il his tluH»lu.sj:ieal studies In ('liicaj;o, coiiiijletiiii; tin* eoiuse in -May, ISTo. Ho was at once accei)ted as a missionar.v to tiu' Telujius. Ixit did not sail until Seii- "(iiilier. lST-1. Ill licc(iiih(r. 1S7."». .Mr. iMake. in coiiiiiany willi Uev. .1. L. C'lough. \;siied Km iiool. a in u missicu siaiioii. and here .Mr. Dralve in'jcan wark in .luiy, ISTd. In Mareii. 1871), Kev. Itrake was cuniiielled, on accuiini ol lailiiiLC liealtli, to rilurn to Anu'rica to recuiieraie. .Mler eijilii years in lius l.iiid, llire<.' ol wliicii were spent iu ( 'alitOniia. no reiuriied to .Madras, airivin.L:' llieie Deeen;- Iter ;j, l.SST. On lite ITtli uf .January. ISSS. he was ni;irried In .Miss 1. "i\ Aic-v ander. of Toronto, Canada, \\iili wliuin lie liad iiavek'd I'roni I'xisinn. They lalioi\>d tojretlier in .Madras until Si'pteniber 21. ISiH. when .Mrs. Drake died of cholera. Shortly afttu'ward, .Mr. Drake spent a year and a lialf in thit-' eountry. lie then w i m hack lo .Madias. Iml si.Meeii niniiihs ktier was aj^aio obliged lo ri'turu lo llie riilled Slates, wliere lie lias since remained, a. eon siderable period of time li.avin.u lieeii spent in llie .lackson Sanatorium ai Dausville, X. Y. BEXJAMLN F. DKAl'EU. Malvern, Ark. I'llOF. 1. D. FUFLO.N, A. .M.. LL. 1',., .M 1). - .-.(U Hriuliton Tlaee, Fast St. Louis. Was born October lii. 1S4'J. ai La Fere. Departmeui of the Aisne, Fi'auce. ami eame to America with his iiaiciiis iu 1838. He entered ShurllelT College as a Sub-Freslimau iu 18lJ4-(ir>. ami .:;iaduated iu 181U. While he.'e he was prouiiueui iu literary society W(U-k and in the Alpiia /eta (ilee (Mul). He was one of the founders of tlie •■(,)ni \ ive." oai- lirsi colU-ge paper. He iveeiv.Hl the l''resfiinau prize for eliiciiiioii .-iiid ihe .Mills I'rize .Medal at graduation. In September, 187li, he accepted tlie positimi of teacher of Frenen and LatiJ in li;e Illinois Industrial rniversity at riiampaign. afterward completing tin: ceurst at the St. Louis Law Sclmul and enuji^ing m tlie practice of law in St. Louis. In 187.") .Mr. Fotiloii grailiialed fium llie 1 limieop.iihic .Medic.il College of Missouri, but continued the practice of law until ISiU, when he removed to Cahokia, 111., and look up tin- lite of a physician, in ISlKi locating in Eassi. St. lA)Uis. In aildilioii to his dtlier law woru. .Mr. Foulnii ucciipied the Chair of .Med- ical .lurisiirudence in the llomeopjitliic .Medii-.il Cullege of Missouri from 187r» 249 to 1894, since which date he has beeu Professor of Pai'diatrics in the siamo institution. He was married to Miss Henrietta H. Bradley at Champaign, 111., June 3, 1871). Mr. Fo'Ulon as a musician, and was editor of "Kunkers Musical Re- view" for several years. He also founded and edited in St. Louis for a year "La Patriote," a French weekly. For seven years he was editor of "The Clinical Reporter." REV. ROBERIT GIBSON, B. L).. M. D. - - - - Upper Alton. Was born in Dundas, Ontario, January 7, 18:>S. He entered Shiu'tlefC Col- lege in 'j^eptemlier, isri."*. where he graduated from the Theological Depart- ment in 1SG8. He afterward graduated from tlie Missouri Medical College, St. Louis. Mo. June 1). 18(;!), he was married to Miss Agatha Humbert, daugliter of Dr. F. Humbert, of Upper Alron. 111. Dr. (xibson was for three years pastor of The First Baptist Churcli of Louisiana, Mo., and for two years pastor at Pay- son, 111. Since 1875 he has been practicing medicine and doing medical mis- sionary work in Alton and vicinity, and preaching occasionally. He has for seventeen years been Superintendent of tlie Cherry Street Baptist Sunday School, the largest in tlie city of Alton. Dr. Gibson is the founder of the Alton Y. M. C. A., of wliicli lie was the first president. He was at one time Instructor in I'hysiology and Anatomy at Shurtleff College and is at present a trustee. Health officer of Alton for two years. President of Alton <'liarity Work. Secretary of Alton Humane Society. tJOHN HENDERSON. ------- (Wliitehall i tJOHN MADISON JOHNSON. - - - - (J. lir.s .u's Depot, Teun.) LEWIS YOUNG McADAMS. ------ Jerseyville. JOHN TIFFIN McKERNAN. - . . . Sarcoxie. Mo. REV. JOHN JOSEPH WILDY PLACE, I.. D. - - - Wahoo, Neb. Was born Jaiiuary 9, 183(), on his father's farm near Vevay, Ind.. wliere he worked hard until 17 years of age, attending tlie country scuool in the win- ter seasons. At tlie above age he studied for six months in tlie city school of Vevay, afterward spending one term in Franklin College. In his twentieth year he went to Illinois to look after some land belonging to his father, and while there engaged a school for tiie winter, continuing to teach thereafter for three yeai^s. He was converted in his sixteenth year. Even in his boyliood he felt a desire to ibeconie a preacher, and at length voAved he would preach/ if 9iie should never have more than one shirt to his back. He was married to Miss Mary E. Baker in Pilvc Co.. 111., August 20. 1859, soon afterward spending 250 t iulilt I'll iiiniitlis ill his olil Iiiili;iii;i lu)iiu>, w licrc llic ciiun ii licensed liiin to proiU-li. He reliinied to llliiiiiis iii ISdii, ;iiul iliere siieiit his tune in l(-aehiny school ami preaehinj; lor iliree or four years, liaiili/.inv: about lifty cojiverts. He entered Shurtli'ft ColU-^e 'I'iieolo.^ieal 1 >ei»aiMineiit in ixil. and since his uraduatioii in ISlIT has iu'id numerous pastorates in Illiiiois. Florida ami Nehraska. tlllHHI M. SAMPSON. - (Veniee.i *IION. ()ll\ Il.Li: A. SNEDKKKK. - . . . . .lerseyville. Was Itorii ill Jerseyville, 1I1...I dill' 11, IMS. His early lile was sjicot at lioiiie. (Uie mile east of the town, with his part'iits. who coiiducli'd a nurs.'ry. In his ytiuth 111' studied in tlu> piihlic school, alierward attendiiif^ Sliurtlelf ("tdiejjje, and tiuishin,n- his education at The Commercial Collefre uf Chicago. He was admitted to the bar in IMl. :iml praciiceii law siiccessrully lor many years. Thiui.irh a stroll:; Ueioililican. Mr. SiiedcUei- was twice ( lected u the State Le:j;islature from a Democratic district. He was married in \S~:', to Miss Emma Hel/.ell. uf riiiladeii)hi.i. who siili lives in Jerseyville with the two suns, Isaac and Frank. .Mr. Smileker was a nuMubor of the Baptist Clirrch. and an lioiie.vt. of C. I'. Ililch. In Septemlier, INS'.), lie went West, iieiiif; for a bm;; time in the brick biisi- iii-ss at Denver, where he still resides. HOKACE HEHXAKD. I'ayson. GEOKGE EDWIX I'.L.\CK. - - - - - Chicajio. In tile Hour and fc^'d luisiiiess. 251 JOHN H. BOYER, M. D. - Virden. *EDWABD GORDON BRAMBLE. - . . . . Decatur. Was born near Lalayette, Incl., February 14, 1845. Here he spent his early boyhood with his parents, who moved to Ohio in 1855, and three years la-er to Decatur, 111. In May, 1802, he entisted in Company I, Sixth-eighth Illinois Infantry. He was atterward transferred to Company B, Seventeenth Illinois. After tlie war he spent some time at Shurtleff College, afterAvard enterine; the employ of Postmaster W. J. Usrey, of Decatur. In 1871 he accepted the position of mail agent between St. Louis and Decatur, serving in this capacity until December, 1881, when he was seriously injured in a wreck at Carpenter, 111. For seven years he was mailing clerk under Postmaster Lytle at Decatur. He was engaged in the confectionery and ice business from 1889 until 1893, when he resumed his old position as mailing clerk. His death occurred November 30, 1895, after an illnesis of three mouths. He was a genial, kind-hearted man, devoted to his family and courteous to all. He had a very wide circle of friends and acquaintances. REV. HENRY WOOD BRAYTON, A. M. - 334 S. Sixth St., San Jose, Cal. State Superintendent of the Children's Home-Finding Society of Califor- nia. Has held several pastorates in the West. LUCIUS MARSH CASTLE, A. ]\I. - - - - - Springfield. Teacher of English Literature in Higli St-lu)ol. REV. LORIN GEORGE CATCHPOLE, B. D. - Black River Falls, Wis. Was born in Plaintield, Will Co., 111., October 30, 1844. Childhood and youtli Avere spent upon the farm, assisting in its labors and attending school when opportunity offered. At the age of 21 he spent a short time in study at Nortlnvestern College, then at Plainfield. afterward graduating from the Theological Department of Shurtleff College in 1870. In August of the same year he accepted a call to the First Baptist Church of I^a Salle, 111., where he was ordained the following November. After two years of labor in this field, he spent two and a halt years as pastor at Richmond, Hi., and twenty-one years in Wisconsin, at Waterloo, Black Riv«r Falls, Wyauwega and other points. From 1888 until 1893 Mr. Catchpole ably filled tiie position of Financial Secretary of Wayland Academy, Beaver Dam, Wis. He afterward held pas- torates at St. Charles and Minnesota City, Minn., being recalled in 1897 to Black River Falls, Wis., where lie is still laboring. *OLIN J. CLAUSON, A. B.. LL. B. - . - . New York City. Received the degree of A. B. in 1871 from the University of Rochester; LL. B., Columbia College. New Y'ork City, 1873. Lawyer in New York City. Died February 24, 1879, aged 29 years. 252 .lAMKS 1',. ( I-I\'l"().\. - - . . Il.irv.'v. St<'vriis Co.. Wash. FKANK .M. COAKIi. :MH\*._. Kasi Slate .str.-.l, .la.ksoiiviUr. EutoriHl Sliui'ili'ir ("iilU'i:!' iimiu'diali'ly al'lcr tlirt'c years" sfi-\ hm- in Hie Ignited States army diirini; ilie Iteliellioii. lie was a lunir lioy. He wdre l>s soldier uiiifoi-in. and snlisisied cliii'lly mi Kendall t-raeUers. lie siudied nniil 1 or l! o'idiirk in the nioruiiiir, ruse at 5 and sawed wood. I'orceil at last, i>. of W.iver- ly. III., dautrhter of "rnele (Jeor.ue Kuapp," so well known to the old settlers in MoTijan County. Mr. Coard is an upright Christian man, and resp«H'toii and loved by hosts of acquaintances aiul friends. Hit was a member of Cnmp.any (J. One Ilundretl .•iiid First Illinois, .and his .•uir.y rcenrd w:is credit.'ililc. til. J. COCKKEI.L. - - (N.wiiern.. ARTIirir L. COOUESIIALL. Chicago. Traveling salesman for an electi-ical concern. HAKKY C. COEE. Chester. WILEIAM W. COWAN. Virdeii. tRAMT\VL OLIVER CUKTISS. iTr.Miton.i .TFDGE CIIAIIEBS NELSON DANIELS. - Willimantic. Conn. Was born In Barre, Orleans Co.. N. Y.. .Inly L'. 1S4!). His fa i her died when ("liarles was 8 years old. and he removed lo Colund)ia. Conn., with his mother where they resided until Charles was 1(! yrars old. when ho en'tered tlie I're paratoi-j' Department of Shurtleff Colle.ge. I'pper Alton, 111.— this opportunity being afforded him by his nnole. Dr. Daniel Read, who- was at that time President of the Ccdiege, After remaining a little more than m year, circmn- stances compelled him lo give up his course of stud.v. and he returned to Connecticut, where ho worked upon a farm until 21 years of ago. when he entered the service of a railroad comp.any at Willimantic, with whicli ho re- mained ten .years. lie then accepted tlie position of bookkeeper fur a lum- ber firm in the same city. In 1800 President Harrison appointPil Mr. Daniels Postmaster at Wil limantic, which office he hold until 1804. He was eleotefl Judge of the Proli-ite Court for the District of Windham, assuming his duties on the 1st of .I:in uary, 1807. Ho was married in 1877 to Miss Susii' E. Little. They have two children. Nelson Archie. IS. and draco Lillian. It!, both students of the Willimantic High School. .Iiidgo Daniels is a Ereemjisiui. K'niglit 'rmipl.-ir, odd T'ellow. 253 member of the Royal Arcanum and A. O. U. W. In politics he is and always has been a Repuliliean. tSTEPHBN B. DANIEL. ...... (Metropolis.; CHARLES S. DELAY. - - - 34 Channing avenue, St. Louis, Mo. (Care Mrs. N. B. Browning.) fREV. FRANCIS M. DeMARANYILLE. - . - . (Decatur.) *EDSON ASA DODGE. . . . . Jerseyville, September, 1894. REV. WILLIAM HAMMOND DORAVARD. - - Napa, Napa Co., Cal. Was born in Little Hampton, England, May 21. 1838. Came to Wisconsin in 1849. Was converted at Neosho, Wis., in 1857. In 18G3 enlisted in thi? Twenty-ninth Wisconsin Infantry, being mustered out in 186.5 at the close of the war. After three years of study in Shurtleff College, he took a tTieo- logical course at Hamilton, N. Y., gi*aduating in 1871. in which year he was ordained at Albany, beginning his ministry at Bath-on-the-Hudson in August. He was also pastor at Wilson. N. Y., for a time, and then removed to Illinois, where he held pastorates at Freeport. Pontiac and Danville. In 1881, broken in health, he moved to Iowa, Avhere after recovering somewhat he preached at various points— Mapleton, Oskaloosa. Sheldon and Algona. For a year and a half he was Financial Agent of Central University, Bella, la. After a pastorate at Faribault. Minn., he went to the Pacific Coast, preach- ing at C/orvallis, Ore., and supplying various churches in California, where he ,is now residing in the hope of recovering his health and being able to devote his entJre time to the work. God's blessing has been bestowed upon the pastoral labors of Rev. Dor- ward. He has baptized 210 persons, and through his Instrumentality (ivo liouse.s of worsliin have been erected. \A'ILLIA?.[ HART DUFF. - - . - Excelsior Springs. Mo. Bookkeeper in a flouring mill. tGEORGE FERRE. ------- (Mowea^jua.) HIRAM N. FOSTER. - . - - Chitwood, Lincoln Co., Ore. SAMUEL GOODWIN FOSTER. - - - . . Aubuvii. Editor and publisher of "The National Guardian." ELLIOTT BREBSE GLASS. ----- Edwardsville. Was born at Centerville, St. Clair Co., ill., April 10, 1845; eldest son of Co melius and Elizabeth J. Glass. While a l>oy he worked on his father's farm, attending the district school m tlie winter months. In the fall of 18G4 h'.i entered Shurtleff College, and remained there until the spring of 1868. H<' then studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1870 by the Supreme Court 254 of tilt' Stall'. In ISTi: lie was aiipuiiilcd Stair's Alldi-iicy to lill a vai-ancy. niul ill the fall of the same year iKmiiiialfd as a caiididatf . In ISSS lie was iiy .1 iaiiic majority cleftcd Pri'sideiit of tlio Eihvards- villo lioard of ImIik at i.ui. Ijciii-j; .M.iyor of the saiiiC' city In 1SSU and IS'.Ki. In 1SiH2 lie was I'lecied Slate's .Vtim-ney. deelininfr re-election in ISiXi. Mr. (I'lass is a eliartt r iiit inlier of the Kiii;;lits of Pythias. lie has always taken an aetive jtart in polities. fre(iuently Iteinu a dele;:ate to county. State. Conjrressional and Jiiilicial conveiii mns. and dniimr rresidi'iii ial c.impai;;ns iiiakin.ir Deniocr.uic sp/eches in vaiimis pari of the Stale. In 1S74 he was married in I'liper Alton to .Mis- i;inlora Stocki'r. 'I'liey have two children. Kreese and ( Jenevieve. tPKNM.VMIN I'K.WKl.IX l!i(;iri". . . . . (-south Maeon.i UFA. FHKI>1:K1('K II ill. . - - . . Mindeii. Net.. (JEOUGE W HILL. - - . - IW.M'reston Place. St. Loiii.s Mo. Superinreiideut Ite.uina Flour Mill Co. REV. THOMAS .1. KEITH. I >. I >. - Vineeiiiies. Iiid. Was horn in Knox Co.. Ind.. Septeiiilier 1!1. ISI'J. Cimverted at tlie a.trt of i;i. he united willi the liaptist Clinrdi. He enlisted in the Cnioii army Aitpust r?l, ISOl, and was honoral ly discliarsjed in ISCiC with the rank of First Lieutenant. He eiiteied Sliurtleff Colleiro in April. ISCiti. ;j:radualin.i.' in the-oloffv in 1S(W). Mr. Keith was ordained jj.isior of tlie P.aplist Clmi'ch at \Vankesli;i. Wis.. Au^'ust lit. ISC.O. a ureat revival folloAviui;- in lS(;i»-7endin,:r four years at (ioalpara. wliere lie cnnstructed jrrammar and dictionar.v of the (iaro lanuua.L;!'. translat iiiu' tlie four Cosjiels into tliat tongue. March 21, 1S7(!. lie returned to the rniteil States on account of liis health. For eleven year.s he held pastcu-ates in low.i. at .Ma IS A. WINTERS. ------ Pueblo, Colo. tCLARENCE E. WOODRUFF. ----- (Pittsfield.) 256 1866-67. \\ ll.l.lAM STANCKl.I. I'.ruro.N. .V- S.r.m.l Si.. N. W.. \V:.sl,in;,'i..n. 1 ►. C. lli.IiN M ,uii\ I rniiifiit clcrU^liip. J!:SSK K. ( Ai.WAl.I.Al.KK. - " .lr,->..vv :11.-. in:V. WKSl.KV AhAM CAIN. - - - ' M.-li-in.. I.o.l^'.-. K:.n. Iir)\ ^Vll KV XKWION rilA.\!i:!:i:S. a. M.. I.ruhk,. I'.l.l-. linli^ti.Ml.mis. In.l. Wi. !)..•.. Ml -•:.lw.n.ls,,:Mi. Knox V... I.i.i.. MMnh IS IM:.. His nnn.l.v w:.«. .-unouLr Uu- im.n...r.< of r.u- l:.-,-:.! Nnrtluvsi. Lis u^v:uu}f:Uhrv having- sri tlr,l ..a Maria Vn^rk shnilly aft. r tl..' Ki'vclnti.mary War. Ilr was a mai. -f ,pnr.. thai, usual intrl.T-r.uH-. an.l in his lllVliinc lirhl a nuuil.-r m' mum, taut ..Ili.TS II.. ha.i tw.^lv.. .l.il.livn. Of tins miml.."r. Al.'xan.l.T. tlu' lalh.T of Sniil.-.v in U).^ . ailv -Ki's .-.uistni.-t..,! a stoam saw mill at tlu' town ..f Kd- wanlsm.n t.. saxv iiunl.-r 'n-r llu- S..iitl..M->i luark.'i. This v..niu.v im.vin^' un- sm-cossfnl hnaiK-iaHy. h- ivtm-n.Ml iiMsr.: t,. Uu" s...-,,.- ..f his hirih. wh.-n- h- • nn-a^t'il in farniinn- an.l dicil in l*<">. ' The mother of our subjert was Kachel Keith, n native of Kentucky, who moved to Knox Co.. In.l.. abont ISW. She ha.l stronjr .lualities of nnn.l an.l iH-art. Her .U-ath o.^-urre.! six months pri.u- to that nf her hushau.l. On.. son and two dau.irhters survived them. The ^^ubject of this ske.> 1, liv..,l on a farm until ^S^^:^. wh..n h.^ enlist..! n. the One Hundred and Fifu-.^nth Indiana Volunte..rs. remainin.L' in th.- army rntil \u«n7st ISr.C. servin- in both infantry and artill.'ry ami takm- pari m the battle of Nashville. 'IVun.. in December. isn4. After the war he entere.i Shurtieff College m-a.-uiatins' in 1^7.. with the honors of the class. lie was a prominent society worker, an.l a favoril.' with stn.l..n.s .nul pruf..ssors. After reading' law in St. Louis. Mo., for a year. h.> l-.Mn pra.-t.<-.. n. \ m- cenn.'s in 1ST12. the next year formin.u' n partnersnip with Wm. II. I..\\..lt. ^vhi.•h cntinu.Ml m.lnl.M-rupic.r, v vnnil isv... when. wiHiont .solicitation, he was app..;n..-.l by l-.vs>d..ii, lla.rls.n Inii..,! States District At..rney for tn- Dis.rlct o'- Indiana, rcn.le.^in,' n. .essary his rcn.oval to Indianap.dis. In December iS'.tO. lu' opened a law ..tli.e at lndianap..lis with Saml. O. I'i.d<.-ns and ('has. W. M.iores as partners, an.l this partm-rshi,. siill .•..ntinu.-s, th. firm Ix-in- on.- <.f th.- b.-st known in the State. Mr ("hamb.-rs h.is always been a.-tive in politi.-s. b.-inu' ..no of th.- h-a.li.m politicians of m.liana. 11.- is a im-ndu-r ..f ,h.- .;. A. U.. a thirty-se.-.-nd .le tree Mason an.l a me.ub.r of the Pnsbyt.M-ian Chur.-h. 11- hns always t.-,ken a great inten'st In edncati.mal matt.-rs. He was f-r many y.-.us S.-.r.-tary of the Koard of Trustees of Vin.-enn..s Iniversity. an.l is at pr.-s.mt a member of that boar.l. On May .-'.I. 1S7<;. he was married to Isadora McCor.l. .langl-.- t.-r ..f \Vm. M.-Cor.l. ..f :i pi.m.-. r family of Knox C.).. In.l. 257 EDWARD EVERETT COLE. ------ Fargo, N. D. *WILI.IAM K. DEAN. . . . . ^ -vestfield, Mass., in 1883. *tKEV. DEWIS C. DONADDSON. A. B. SOLOMON DRAPER. A. B., LL. B. - - - - Niobrara. Xel.. Was born January 18, 184.j, at ^Lirkol. Huntington Co., :n(l. He entered Shurtleff College in 186G, graduating in .Inne. 1S72, taking tlie highest honors of his class. In March, 1874, he graduated in law at the LTniversity of Michi- gan, and has since been engaged in the practice of his profession at Niol)rara. Neb. October 10, 1876, he was married to Miss Ann Eliza Sessions at Ann Ai'bor. Mich. He was a member of the Nebraska Legislature in 1S8:> and 1884. Was ''(Uinty Attorn(>y of Knox Co.. Neb., 189.'^,-4. tCYKI\S S. KCAN. -.-----. ((niapin.) *REV. .JOHN RRBCKP:NRID(;E KXCLISH. D. D., M. D. - De Land. Fla. Was l)orn in Carrollton. 111.. .lune 12ti. 184."). Wlien 11 years of age he was baptized by Dr. .1. Bulkley into the fellowshij) of the Baptist Cluircli of his native town. lie belonged to a pnmiinent family. He attended tlie common schools until 10. when he spent one year in teaching and two as clerk in a store. Then after studying law a couple of years in Chicago, he opened an office in Springfield. During these years he liad been struggling with his conviclion of duty to preach the Compel of .lesus Clu'ist. In a wonderful reviv;il in Springtiehl he ent(^red with ardor into the Avork of soul-winning. Soon afterward he abandoned the law for the iminisrry, entering Shurtleff College in Septeml^er. 1805., and (b voting ten years to prejiaration for tlie ministry. I{(\Tcliing Alton witli %'l in money, vigorous constitution and energy and the indomita- ble i»ni')ii:s:' to give liis lif(> to (Jod. lu' e.'U'ncd Tlie me;ins of liis sui)])orl. su]> plying churches in the v'cinity of Alton, traveling on foot and preaching wit'i power and success. He also persuaded four of his brothers to come to Shurt- leff, ;ind was instrumental in leading three of tln-m to Clivist. .Tidm B. Englisli was gifted in oratory, and received tlu' gold medal at his graduation fi'om tlie classical course in 1872. Three years later lie graduated from tlx' Shurtleff Theological Department, receiving the degrees of B. D. and A. M.. :ind the tiieological prize for oi'atory. June !.">. 187."), he was mar- ried at Slielbyvillc. 111., to Sliss Mary Elida Barrett, of the class of 187"). ti woman of line intellectual powers and great strength of charact(>r. Till' first pastorate of Mr. English Avas in Fort lli)\v;ird. Wis. I'rom tliis place lie went to Vermont St. Cliurcli. <\)uincy. 111., and jifterward to the First B.'iptist Clnircli of Salem. X. .1 Four y;'ars were tlieii devoted to the work of tlie Anieric.-in Baptist Fublication Society and tlie M:irylaiid State 258 TlliMll As-:iici;llinli, clll|-i|i.U wlljch linic he i|ii| Ihc WiilU til MM I'V.lllirrlisl. Mild ii is Mltiiiucd iliMl .'iH' tlidUSMiMi iH'isdiis cuiirt sscd Clirisi in iMimfctin)i Willi liis iircMrJiiui;-. lie Mliri-wMrd did iiiM.::iiHicciil \\s Sliiirllcll liniiuri'il .Mr. Kn,u;lisii wiili liic dcjircc m" ! >. D.. Miid in IMn; cniifcirrd llir ili-i:.;-, I' .\. .M. uiKUi .\Irs. Kn.iilish. I>r. Eii.:rlish kept ahrcasi ol Hm- limes and in cltisi' imicli willi tiic n«i\i*- nuMits for thi,> njiliftin.ii' of men. II.' was an canu'st advucate ^t( I*r diiliiti m. and his uiloranci's upnii tlir ImImu' t|in siioii wcit piiwrrrnl mmi! cfl n i i\ r. His death (icctii'icd iSeccnilM r ."lo. I>".t7. in Me Land. I"1m.. wlicrc lie IimiI .iiisi mi- ccplcd a call tn ilic ikisih-mU' nl' ihc I'.apiist ('liurcli Miid the ('liair i>\' < M-altii-.v and Riliiical Literature in .Inlni I'.. Siris.m riiivcrsii y. His twn siin< li.ivc jpst ciimideted the FreshniMii v.'mi- in llie liiiversiiy. I'.. II. KVAXS. .... ... . (I'edria.i IIKV. .KtllN FLKMIXc; IIOW.MM). A. 11.. I'.. 1 >. i:i I'asi'. Was iiiirn .March L'fi. LS-IC. ai l-'ranUlnii. hid. lie eiiicied Siiiirilcll' ( ' .! l(\:i-e in ]S\\i\. liradeatin.i: rrnin c!:issi(al ciuirse in IMl: rimii 'riicdnLiic.il I »e partn';'!!! in \SH. lie w.is m.-nried uii .Iiinc '!>■. IViL la Miss .Maiiie I-, r.ea.iian. nf Lincidn. lil. lie was in ili(> Lnitcd Slates .MiliiMi-.\ Service ihe Imsi yeMr (if liie ('i\il War. Uev. lliiward Iims held ihe I nlluw in.-- pasim-ales: S]iriii.i;!iei,~. .Mi.. LsT ! 7.'. Bunker Hill. 111.. lM.")-7'.t: Knwners (li-.ive. ill.. ly7:iM: 1 1 im wmIIi.i. Kan. I.ssi-s;',: .Marseilles. 111., Inm'.m;: i>i.\ m. 111.. issiMiii: I-;i \':i<:>. 111.. l>;iii i.i dale. \IV.\\ lOIlX KXSICX lX(;iL\M. I'.. I>. . . .. - Whliini:. Ind. ^^Ms iNirn ill ^^■hiteside Cn.. 111.. .Iiiiie li'.t. L^Ki. iiiiisi (if his youthful d.iys hein.-i' siieiii in ("aridll (':•.. (.n ihe lieiiiesieMd of his f:ither. Uev. Ihiiineti, Il'.jrhani. lie was ( (inverted mi ilie M;i;-e of IN. Mini iie( iiseil 1 1 preach two years later and served for some time as siiperiineiideiii ol' ilie I'.Mpiisi Salihath School near his honie. 'I'wd terms we-e speiii Ml .Ml ('Mrroll Seminary. He served three years as a s ddier. two years ms serLicMiii. In Seittend'er. lv';".;'.. he was ordained while home on f iirloii.L;!!. On ihe L'7ili of .\ii.irnsl. isc.r,. he was inarri((l to >!iss .Mar.\- .M. Cosiier. who accomiiaiiied him to Sniirilelf (■idleu;e. where he uradiialed in iheoloizy in ISCH. lie o( ciiiiied pastorales al Shipnian and !^1 I'aso. 111.. removiii-_' to XehrasUa in L'^-Tl. wliei-e he was em:Mi:('(l in Home .Mission work for twenty- live years. preadiiiiL: mi (lillei(ni limes :ii I'.x.ier. (;ild ui. I'r.iken How and Lincoln. His work was hlessed. live .diiireh oriranizai ions, one assoeialioii. tell houses of woi-ship and l.'.ti haiilisms iieim: aimm;;- the visilde resnlis. Owiiij: to Impaired he.ilih and ihe ih'alh of his wife in 1>'.h;. he removed 259 with his youug'er ohihlron to Wliitins'. Ind.. and is now retired from active ministerial work. JOSEPH LEWIS IKWIX. - 1707 Thirty-fourth St.. N. W.. Washin.^ton. D. C. REV. JOHN LOVIXGTOX JACKSON, D 1). - .".-.24 Madison Ave., Chicago. Was born in Brantford. Oat., May ;il. 18-19. In ISO.") he removed to Rocli Island. III., wliere he was converted and joined the Baptist Church under the ministry of Ilev. E. C. ^I. Burnham. He entered Shurtieff Preparatory Department in 1S()(). and remained untU the completion of his Sophomore year, when, in 1870. he entered the I'liiversity of Chicago, graduating with the degree of A. B. in 1872, immediately entering the Bapiist Theological Seminary of tliat city and completing the course in 1874. His first pa.stf)rate was at Downer's Grove. 111., where he was ordained in June. 1874. In 1S7() he became p.-iStor of I'arlv I'lace Baptist Church, Aurora, 111., where he remained eight years. During his pastorate In that city the membership of the church was doubled and a new church edifice erected. In 1884 he was called to the I'irst Baptist Church of Bloomington, 111.. Avhere he remained for six years. A new church was also erected by this congre- gation during his pastorate. A^'liile Inn'e he received the degree of D. D. from Sliurtleff. In 18!*(i lie accepted the call of the Fountain St. Church, Grand Rapids, INIich.. and in Novendier, 18!»ii. that of the Hyde Park Church. Chicago, his present Held of lalior. This is the •'University Church." being attended by many of tlie j.rofessors and students of the I'niversity of Chicago. JOHN LEVERETT. ------- Upper Alton. Youngest son of Prof. Warren Leverc>tt: was born August Hi. 1853. in Upper -\ltou. where he has resided all his life. He was a gentle, quiet boy. fond of music and study anfi home. His early education was received in his home, and later on he eut«^red the Preparatory Department of Shurtieff Col- lege. He made a fine record for scholarship, but at the beginning of his Sophomore year left college and went to work in a book store, continuing in the same business up to date, at the same time being agent of the Chicago and Alton Railroad at this point, an expert telegrapher, correspondent for newspapers, an officer in two building associations, and Treasurer and Trustee of Shurtieff College for several years. In the affairs of the town and the various orders to Avhich he belongs, he Is faithful and reliable and alway.s ready to bear his full share of responsibility. In October, 1877. he was married to Miss Amy Hamilton, daughter of the late Rev. B. B. Hamilton, of Whitehall, 111. For many years Mr. Leverett has been organist of the Upper Alton Baptist Church, and treasurer of the Sunday School. His life has been one of busy, quiet usefulness. He has a charming liome. and his son and daughter botli attend Sliurtleff College. 260 ALANSON L. r.'n^•IS. - lUl'.t S. •l"\v.'iil.v-si'( .,.1 1 Si., l/m. i,|.i. Si-h. ('.•irjtfiilcr. liKV. (;i;(tlt(;K W. MKI/IOX. ..... nii;,u;i. K-.m. li:il>(isi cU'ruviiiMii. Iii:\'. KhWlX 1;. Mil, 1,1:1:. . - HliKt.iiiii^'ioii. lli'iiiiepiii Co.. .Mum. \\ as l;.iiii :\\ l.awrc'iict'iiuru-. Im';.. .luly S. I,v-14. Wlicii lie was Kt years uh.. llie ramiiy n^iiuivetl lo IWuuiiuiigiuii. .Mum., wheri- In- atlt'iuU-d llic rural scliu )l> for Ji fi'W iiKiiillis of i-acli year, lie w.is cuiivii-lctl at llic auf of li;. juinii;; the lilooiiiiii,i;'lo!i liaptis' Cliiucli. Kiilisiiu.ir in ('(unii.iiiy 11. I'lrsi Kc;,'iiiiciit, Miunosota \ uIhuuht liilantiv. lie scivcil as Coipor.il .iinl Scrjii-aiil il(iii;i;i the war of the Ileliellioii. lieii.ji huiinialily iliscliar;;e(l at ils closr. In Septeinlier, ISCm. he eouiun'iiced a ilassical course of study at the .Min- nesota. Haptist riiiveisity. IIastin,iis, Miiui. Si.\ mouths later ilie university laih'd, and in Oclolier. ISCiC. he cnuliuucd his studies iu Sluii'lieri Coiled*'. Three years later lie was euinpelleil lo leave cdlleue and laUe di.ir.iie of his father's farm, tt-aehing school in the winter seasons. lie was married in .March, l,S7."i. and removed to Morida, where he resided for a year, when he returned to .Minnesota and resumed his teaching. .\t his father's death in 1,S77 he bought the old homeste.id. which lias since lieen his home. His family consists of tiiree daughters .ind tHiir sons, ilir two oidt st attending the .Miniu'apolis High School. OTIS A. .MILLEU. .... Ki Keiinet t St.. .\slicvillc. .\. C. Brother of Edwin 1'..: was horn in I.a wieiiccl;nrg. Ind.. .liny 14. IN-I.S. his youth being passed at I.h.iiiiiingtun. .Minn. .Mici' s,)iiic liiiii' sp.nt in stud.v at Shurtleff College, he was married hi ilarcli, IMo, to .Miss Ellen I'ond re- moving to Tallahassee, Fla., in 1S72. where for four years he was engaired iu school te.aching. Since thin li,' li.is navcled extensively in I'lurid.i. (!eorgi;i and Tennt ssee. ;is .-i p.irlrait p.-iiiiler ;iiid leaclier of .•iri. reiiitviiig lo Knox- ville. Teiin.. in 1S7!1. wiiere lie engaged in tlie re.il estate business. He settled in .Vsheville. N. ('.. in 1.VS7. where he has a studio and work.^i iu crn.von. pastel and oil. He is a niemher of the rresbyn'rian Church. Has three children — a son aged I'l*. and two d.iuglilcrs. 11 .•ind 7 respecl ively. THO-MAS I>. .MILKOY. - - 14(ili lioiigl.is St.. tHiiaa.i. .New. .MOSES A. -NEWELL. ....... (Jir.uu. Was birn in iJreeiie Co.. 111.. ()ciobi-r L'."., I.v47. .Viler leaving Sliurlleir College he was married to Miss S. E. (Jrceiie. of K.iymoiid. 111.. February S. 1K71'. and settled on a farm live miles c.-ist of (;ir;ird. wiiere his life h;is iieen spent. .Mr. .\ewcll li.is four sons and ;i daughter. :ill lumw 11. lie is a member of tlie .Methodist Chiireli. but iiiii strongly s 'ei.iri.-iii in his views, li, his early 261 lilc Jie was a lU-piib.icaii, luU has l'.ji' many years past bei'U an active I'i\>- liiliitionist. liK\'. ALl'l'^UT ()(!]. K. - - lis WoiKliuff i'lacc, IndianapoKs. Inu. Suiicrintcnil' lit Slate .Missions, Indiana Baptist Convention. KKV. ADOM'JirS 1!. I'AKKS. - ;J2:J Ninth Ave., West, Ilalcliinson, Kun. After takinji- a preparatory course at Shurtleft' College, lie graduated at Blaekbui'ii University. CarliuvlUe, 111., in LSTl. atterward took a tiieologieai cni'rs;' and was onlr.ii'.ed by ilic Alton i'resbytery in {(ctulier. IST.'!. iNii. i'arks lias lieeii an active ininisrer ot the rresl)yterian Clinrcli in Illinois and Kansas, ler the past live .\e;iis having );eeii pastor at large ot the Larncii Presbyiiry. making his home at Hutciiinson ami traveling over the sjiith western tiiird of the State. His family consists of Avife and tliree children. CIlltiSTIA.X C. I'Ari.. .... .v,(i K. Secnml St., Alton. Dealer in groceries and gi'iienil mercli;indisc. VtJiiAIiLEL-i O. I'ETEUSON. .... - (Silver Creek. .\el)., IIEXUY S. PETTIXCJILL. .... - Kcdl.inds, Cai. •*C. M. 1'()I;lEY. . . , - - Died m California, in 18i)U. tAKCIIlBALI) L. UK.\I). ..--.. (Upper Alton., *KEV. WILLI.V.M \\ . Ki'.A;;A;\, .V. B.. Died in BraiiU'rd. Minn., in Dect'inlu'r. l.^iU). TIIO.MAS 'IWVLOK KlIEA. - - 12ir2 N. McLe;iii St., Bloomington. tA. E. UUSSELL. ....--- (Kostniond.) FBA.NK SCISSO.X- ......-- LincoLi. tllEXUV H. S.Mrril. - . . . . . iCli.-imllerville.i EbW.MM) .\. STONE, I ). i ). - - - - - Upper Alton. Illinois State Sumlay Sclioid .Missionary. -tJA.MES VOOKIIIIOS STBYKEK. ..... (.Jersey ville.) HENRY C. TEKUY. .... ... Otterville. KEY. JOHX MARK TlTTEUIXirroN, A. B. - - - Springtield. Was born at Edgington, Rock Island Co.. 111.. F(>braary .'>. IXi;!. (Graduated from Shnrtleff College clase'cal course in l.S(>S, and has since iield pastorates as follows: Edgington, III., lS(!.S-7(): Manchester, Mich., lS7(t-73; Fenton. Mich., 187:5-74; Oxford, Mich., 1874-77; Eaton Rapids, 1877-81; Allegan. Mich.. 1881-83; Kewanee. 111.. 1883-8-"); Roseville. 111.. 188r,-S!»; (Greenville. 111.. 18SJ- 02; Yirden, 111.. 18'.l2-r»."'); Waverly, 111., 18!>.V.»7. On May 4, 18G9, Mr. Titterington was married at ( nicago to Miss A. S. Bronson, daughter of Dr. Miles 15ronson. missionary to Assam. They have 262 live cliihlrt'U liviii^i: llic l \\ .. eldest h.n,' :il icmictl S.iiiil Idt ('ul!.';:r. In ISUT .Mr. 'rillcriiii^tdu iviircil li-.uu ii:c luiiiisic.v. :iii(l li;is (■ii.ii.i^'nl in r;iiiiiiii;r iii'mc Siniii.ulichl. 111. KEY. I AKI.OS Wil.CO.X. yA\ ILI.LV.M KDWIN V(tr><;. ill. A. i;ai;i)i:.\. "C. T. BEEK.MA.N. Illllnil. S. I» (Clu'slcrliclil.i 1867-68. - - - - rclfrslnii-'^'. C;i:()It(iE SI'EAUS r.EEK.>IA.\. - - I'll .\. Si.\tli SI., Si.iiii.ulU'l(I. lii. \\';is liDiM' ill .MviiMnl ("d., ill.. .\l;i.V 14, 1SI!», aihi iXMicil on liis Ijiriic.'V, farm. Ai the ai;i' ol' 10 )>e t'lili'i't'd ,\ortli San,u:aiiiiiii Acadfiiiy. .■^pciuliii^' Imir tt'i-iii.s ilifii'. He tlu'ii stiulu'il lor a year at llliiioi.s CoUc^i' and nearly three years at Sliurtlell. allerward teaeliiiiu' school lor :i time and tr;iveliii.ir .. - ionica. Was horn .\(iV( iiilici- 11, iMT. iicir lUdomiugtoii, .Monrue ('.•., liid. He en- t«>red Sliurtleff College in Septouiber, 18G7, graduating from the classical de- partment in June. IMl, and from tlie Tlicidogieal Deiiartmeiit three years l.-iler. While .-it lending SliurtlelT Cdllege lie received three pn/.cs for or.-ilnry, ^Ir, ('olfey was ordaiiu'd -lanuary .'>!, IMo. immediately liecniiiing pastor at Tuscola. 111. He lias since held pastorates at CJriggsville, Etlingham and Pittstiidd. 111.: Kirkwood. .Mo., and Apideinn, Wis. For nine years lie was engaged in Home .Mission wmk in K.iii>n<. He was married in I'jiper Allen. 111., .I.iiiuai\ I'V, IM-"., in .Miss .luli.-i .\. \;illetle. vAM.Mo.x 1,. (Hh:i:.\. *ALI'.Ein' .1. LVUX. v(). 1>. TAVI.di;. .lU. yCAHEV IIMUKV. iH.'innilial, .\! India. (r.nll.ilo, .\. V.I (( 'h:inipaign.i 20i ISAAC D. WOOD. - - - 17M-2 Twcnty-tliird Avt'.. Onkiaiul, Cal. District Missionary uf llic California Kaptist State Association. 1868-69. KEY. SAMUEL DOUGLASS BAD(iEK. A. B.. I'.. D. - - Sui.crior. Ncli. Was born in Bellel'onlaiue, O.. August Hi. 1M7. eldest son of .lolni C. Bad- ,i;-cr and Eliza J. Douglass-Badger. His earlier years were spent on a farm. Li 1S()i) lie entered Sluirtleff College, graduating in 1ST4 with tlie degree ui A. l\. He tlien \tn>k Die course at the Baptist 'I'iieological Seminary al Cliicago, coiiipleting ir in 1S77 and lu'coming pastor of ili(> Baptist Cluircli at Taylorvilh'. 111., where lie was ordained (Ui iiis :!(illi birthday. In 1S78 he re- ceived the degree of A. M. from his Alma Mater. On June 27, 1889, lie was married to Miss A. .1. Billingsley, a graduate of lowing College. They li;i\(' lliree cliildi'en. Mr. P.adger has held pastorates at Seward .-ind (,'reigluon. X.'li.: K.intoui. Iluditcstoii and Salem. 111., ami Knoxville, Li. Li 1.-8" lie was offered an imiiurtaiil educational position in Japan, but preferred to continue in his pastoral work in tliis coiuitry. On the ist of Eebruary, ISIKS. .Mr. Badger began his pastorate at Superior. Xeb.. a beautiful little city in tlie southern part of that State. M.VBSHALL D. BEDAL, M. D. ----- - Blair. Xeb. W.is liorn Etbruary i:>, 1810. at Brighton, Prince Edward's District. Can- ada ^^■est. Wlien he was ." years of age his parent.s located in the State of Wisconsin, ami in IX.-iC. ihey removed to St. Charles, ^linn., where he speni tlie remaining yc.-irs of his boyhood. Depending upon his own resources and having resolved lo olitain an ediicitioii. he commenced to attend a jirivate normal scliool in liochesler, ;\linn.. where he spent two terms. He afterwar<; taiTght school two winters, commencing his coiirsi> of study at Sliurlleff Col- lege in the autumn of 1S(;8. He also studied in the University of Chicago for tAVo years, and at length look tlie tlirec ye.ii's' course at Miami Medical Col- lege, Cincinnati, O., graduating iu 1874. Dr. Bedal practiced medicine in Minnesulji for two years, aflcr wiiicli Ir; removed lo Blair. Xeb., wliere he now resides and li;is been eng;igeil in tlie coiitintied pr;ictice of medicine and surgery for Iwcnty-oiie years. He is a member ni' \ho Xebraska Slate ;\Iedical Society. Chairman of Wio Board of Commissioners of Insanily of Washington Co.: w.-is f(ir sever.il ye.-irs United States Examining Surgeon for I'ensions. and is examiner for sevi'ral life insurance companies. Uor the past six yens he has given considerable at- tention to the treatment of alcoholism and llie oiiium habit, having success- fully treated several liuiidrcil i)atients. He is a iuc'iuIk r of the Blair Lodge, I. O. O. E., has served one term as Mayor of tlie cily. and is ;i mcmlier of thc First Baptist Church. Dr. Bedal was married in 1874 to iNliss l^ottie .\. Kivenbnrgh al Chicago, 264 Ill They liMvr six <-liii(li cii Allu-rt. I^hl'-i-ih', Svlvcst<.'r. II;iyiiioiiil. Nellie nntl Lottie. *.TAMI-:S THOMAS ("t>\i:i.. A. r.. Oied in X.u VniU Cny. "I'l'McIier ill Sliiiiilert ('(ilie.iic rre|i,ir;i lory 1 )eii;ii-l iiieiii. ISH-T."!. 1>A\11> r. DAVIS. ... i{,,y. Welier Cn.. r'l.ll'. W:i.s horn in .lelVei'son Co.. 111.. .M.iich C. IMC. iivliii; on m r.Mriii iiiilil li yenr.s of nixv. wiicn he nlieiidetl llic imlilic school of S;iieiii. 111., for iwi. years, and aflerward ^\■asllill;rloll Seiiiinary, Kichvii-w. Hi. lie i;iii.i;hi sejionl in Marion Co.. 111. .in l.S(;;{. and in Madison Co. for two yi'.irs tollowiiijr. Then he entered ShnrllelT Collejic lie was. however, coiiiiielled to leave ColU>jr" after a few months on aoeoiint of poor health, .-iiul snoii resniiied scliooi teachinji'. In lS7(t he removed lo Omaha. Nel>.. and in ISTli went to Sali L;ike City. I'l.-ili. l"(ir tiie l.ist Iwelity-tive years he li;is lieeii eii;;;i;,'ed in fann- ing: and saw niillini;-. *WTLLlA^r Di<: r.or/r. *;-KLi i:it\v.\iM»s. I'rankfc.ri. Ind.. .Inly r.>. Ls.-^c, (Milch. 'll. liid.i AVERY ClIAMKEKS HAN'COCK. .M. 1). - - 1 l.ii i in-lmi. .N<-1.. "Was liorn in Sontliern Indiana in 1S47. .iiid w.is well developed iiy the di-- cipliiie of hard farm ialior in his y.uiih. lie secured tlie rudiments of ;iii education in tlu' common schools, hut iu'lnji" vt'ry desirous of risinjr hi.irher, J:... on^Kjiir,.,! in teachiuu; school and music, at which he succeeded remaiKaiily well. A few years later he \.'\'\ hunie with his brother Lemuel, {'■u- Shurtlen' Collejie. when; they arriveil in Mie fall of 1S(;,S. and had a iiard sirn.tr.irle i(< Uiake their way. our subject ;it ieiiulh ilruii])iii,u- oui and relurnin.ir to school teachiui;'. lie lias occupied ni;iiiy ini]iiirl;!iil principalships of luililic sclmols. In liSSd he was married a; Hill.^'.» he decideil to study medicine. an(! since his .graduation has boeu e ui;;! ued in tiie practiei' of this i)rofession. his wife hcMnir an invaluabie assistant. lie en.ioys ;i vei-y i^ood practice. In earlj life he heeanie I llieniiier of tile liajilisl ('lmri-]l. I.K.MIKL .lEFFKItSO.X II.WCOCK. .\. .M.. SdS K. ir.lh St.. Kansas City. Mo. Brother of Avery C.: wis horn in .lelfersim Co.. Ind.. in 1.S4S. and irrewi up on his father's farm witl: hni little oppn-iunity for atteiidiuu- school until 14 years of a.ue. Ih' al^^o i.iimlil sclmoj for i wo ye;irs. and in 1.*«t;.s came t-i Shurtleff Collejie with his hrolher. lie linally <-onipleic(l ihr cl.issic.-il c.nirse in l.V?.". receiving the de.m'ce of .\. .M. in l.^Ts. .Mr. Hancock's life li.is lieen dexoied lo le.iehin.ir. servin.i; ;in priiieip;ii ov suiierintendent at .Mowea.iua, Miiionk and Lanark, III.: Moiile/aima. Koches- ester and Winamac. lud.: Si.i.^ourney and I'ella. la., and r.ismarck. N. 1 >. lie is ;it presenl hi char.i:i' of the .\daiiis School. K.ins.is City. .Mo. While 205 :il Pt'lla, la., lu- i^'ccivcii llic huiiurary dciircc of A. !,i., which lie had alsj received from liis AJma .A!;ilei'. AVILLIAM H. HEaU.XE. - 2i;> Minerva St.. Indianapolis. Ind Was born in WA~> on a f.irni in I'.artliolomew Co.. Ind , where he spent his youth until ISlU. at whieli time he lefl tlie sc-hool I'oom to enter the service of his covintry, enlisiinii' as a private in Company ('. Sixth Indiana Vohmteers Tliree years were spent in the army. In the fail of ISdS he entered Shurtlert Collej>-e. remaininji' until 1.S70. While here he assisied in orsjianizin.u- and con ducting- a mission Sabbath Scliool at Coal Branch. Since leaving College -Mr. Hearne has been eng.iged in the manufacture of cooperage in Indianajiolis. and has been actively engaged in religious work, being a niendiei- ci llu' F.oard of City Missions wldeli lias in the past ten years establislieu s"veral liaptist churches in the city. He h.is been a' the head of the Cordcn Haplist .Mission Sunday Scliocd for years. UK\. KLDEX IIKiaiEUT LOVETT. . . . . Davenport. la. AVas 1)()rn in IS."!!*, in Linc(dn. Me. \\"itli his fallier's fannly he came Wesi in IM;."'.. spendi!ig his i:oyhood in ElU River. Minn. After a preparatory course of study al Sliurtleff College, lie altemhMl (^olgate Eniversity. Hamil- ton. X. Y.. receiving his ilieological ti'aining in Hamilton Theological Sem- inary. .Mr. Lovett li.is hclii p.isiorales at \Aalioa. X. V.. East Ave. Church. Eong Island City, X. Y., West liaptist Church, Oswego, X. Y., and Calvary Baptist Church, Daven])ort. la.. Ins work everywhere resulting in large accessions In llie iiu nibei'ship, incrc ;ised benevolence and greater e.arnestness and unanimity. April ;>, 181)2. he began his labors in Davenport, where he stili resides, ai- liioi'gh ;it present engaged in evangelistic work throughout the State. KEY. .JUHX CABUIEL MAXCJE. - - - In Switzerland. Is a member of the Plymonth I'rethren. JOSEPH II. :\IAXWEEL. ----- Hackett City. Ark. *tWIEEIAM MAXWP:EE. - - - (.Caledonia, :\Io.) Died in 1878. *HESLOP H. McOULLOCH. - ... - Uising Sun, Ind, KEY. PHIEIP STAFFORD MOXOM, D. D. - - Springtield, Mass. 83 Dartmouth Terracts W;!s born in Maikham. Canada, August Id, 1848. AA'hile a child he re- moved with his parents to Ogle Co.. 111., and received his early education at De Kalb. In January. 18()2, he went out with the Fifty-eighth Illinois In- fantry and was in tlie battle of Fort Donelsou. In October, 18G3, he en- listed in Company C. Seventeenth Illinois Cavalry, serving tmtil honorably discharged in November. lS(i.l. On returning from the war, he entered Kal- amazoo (?ilich.) Coifege in l.SCjd, and while there was baptized into the fel- 266 1. I.illinn Fiill3f;c-i. 'Si. 2. Middy E. B.ii tieil-l-'ace, '-,i). 3. Fiiiinie I. Allen, ■79. 4. Alice E. Iliilt-Paliiicr, '^4. .S. Fred S. Rohinsnti. 'jy. (>. Victor Sew;ird, 'bo. 7. Alwinc L. Muellci-MeKOwen, 'H7. ♦Deceased, PLATt "H." .'■. i.i'oiiuiii P.iikciMDiii.inue, ■ y. Miiii.ic A. Ncfcc, 'Mi. 10. .Miiiiiiir Kcimeily-Niillfi. 'H). 11. (icniuf \- Kciiiii-dy, 'H3. 12. Wcsli y Kirl)V. '.S3. 13. Aniiii- !•:. Mcavfii. 'Sz. 14- ♦Albeit F. Mallbv. ■»3. I,, C. I cwis Hi-<-keiiM-vci. 'Nj il>. J. 1). Maddiiii:. 'Nj. 17. I'rescoll S. llc.ild. 'fti. iS. John P. .NtcKav. S4 19. *Jaiiies T. CoKJiili. '.Si. ao. GeoiKc W. Sliadwirk. '83. lowship of the Raplist Chnrch. lie .'jftcrwnrd >;pi'iit two yonrs in Sluirtlcff Colk'jre. niul Ilioii rotiinictl to MiclU.L'.-m to tcjicli. hi ISTI he 1m';::iii llio sliui.v of law ill tlu' ortico of May iV HiicU. K.ilaiuazon. Mirli.. Inii vny sd.ui mImii doueil this for tlii' worl^ of tlic miiiisuy. His first pastorale was al Krli.-viir. Midi., where lie was i.rdaiiied Seji- tonibcr 1!», 1S71. lie was pasior fur over ilii-ee years al Alliinii. Midi.. mikI went in l.S7r> to Mt. Morris, N. V., in Sepiemlier of that year eiiieriii;: lli" Rochoster Tlu'olo.i:;ieal Seminary, where he completed the eours<' in IMN. April 1. 1ST.S. he l)e.u:aii liis pastorate al tlie First liaptist ("Imndi of Cieve- Jand. and in July of the same year lonk ilie deuri'e liei^^an Ins service in Springfield. .Mass.. as pas- tor of the South Con.. 1 >. rr(iiii I'.inwn Fniv<'rsity. Dnrin.c his residence in I-Joston. l»r. .Mnxom liccame closely id(Mitilied with the literary life of the city, and was a menUxn- of the Kound Talile ("lull. President of the Brownins Society ;ind also of the Apiial.adiian Mountain Club. He is now a niemlier ol" iht' .\nierican Peai'e Society, liavinji been a delegate to the Internation.il Fe.ice ConLrresses at London in ispo. nt Kerne in 1802, Chleagro in ISU.'! and .Vnlwi-ip in l.V'.t4. Also a meinliei- of llie Snciei> of Biblical Literatiire and K.\e,t;esis, American Economic Association. Amer- ican Academy of Political and Social Sciences, the Leasrue of Catholic Fully, the TTventieth Century Club of Boston, the T'nivei'siiy Club, and hniKiinry member of the Dartmouth Alumni Association. I>r. ^loxoni has written and published numerous articles on social and re lig'ious questions, being the author of "The Aim of Life." a volume of stirring addresses to young people on practical questions of life and conduct. lit- also wrote a paper entitled "An Argument for Immortality." for thi' World's Parliament of Keli.gions. In 1Mi."> lie g;ive ;i course of h'ciiii-cs lietme Hie Lowell Institute, Boston, on "'I'lie Church in the First 'fliree Ceniuries." These lectures were .afterward published in book form, and in Hie siuIng of 180(> Roberts Bros. (Boston! i)ublished "Tlie Religion of Hope." .-i volume of sermons pre.-iched by I >r. Moxom during his Boston pastor.iie. For three successive ye.-irs he lias been on liie I'>o,ii-d of I're.idiers of ll;irv.ird Fniver- sity. and has i)re;idie;iriniouili. Wdlesley. Vassar .-ind oilier educational iiisi iiiu ions. He was married September (">. 1S71. to .Miss Isabel Fdliott. daughter of Hon. Adam Elliott, of Barr.v. Midi, 'lliey have four children living— Philip W. T.. now in II:irv:ird I'niversity. Howard Osgood. Edith Kiiowles and Ralph Pendleton .Moxom. who are in 'ihe Springfield Mdiools. JOSEPH T1I(>.MPS()X (k;LE. Liidilield. I'.arnier near Lilditidd. and ireasu'-ei- of the lownsliip. 269 iJOHX W. PANK"K. --.-..- (Ciihokin.; .IA:MES T. rOLK. - - - - - (Jrot'iiwnod. liul. 1!EV. .!OlI>: WHITE PULMM, A. ,|{. - - - - Siyriiigliekl. Was boi'u in St. Claii' Co.. 111.. Novrinlior IT, IS^IH. His fallu'r, James L., was a native of this State; bis mother. .Teannette, of North Carolina. He is of French Hnj.Taeno't extraction, the original name beinji' "de la Pryme." H^' was converted at the age of 17, and soon felt himself called to the work ut the ministry. He was the oldesr of nine children— thr?e h.oys and six girls— and his father's mean.s Avere limitiMl. After teaching school for a year he entered the Preparatory Department of Shnrtleff College in the fall of 1808, graduating in 1874. From Shnrtlcff lie went to Newton Theological Seminary, where he was graduated in 1S77. In January, 1878. he married Miss Laura L. Cook, of Edwardsville. who died in March. 1885. leaving an only daughter. Clara E.. who has been attending Shurtleff Academy. In October, 1880. ^Nlr. Primm married Mrs. Mary E. Woolford. of Carroll- ton, and to them have been born two sons, James K. and Philip T., and onf daughtei". P.-iulini". IT(> has been pastor of Baptist chni-chcs in Atlanta. Lin coin. Floriil.'i, CaiTullton, Irbaiia ami Carlinvilh". 111. He now i'e,-;ides in Springfield. tHENRY clay reed. ------ (Logansport, Ind.' CHARLES BROCKWAY RCd.l'^UTS A. 1' . P.. i >.. M. D. - Downs. McLean ( o. Baptist clergyman foi' sral years. Pliysici.-m. tISAAC a. smith. ------- (Warren. Ind.> DEWITT CLIXTOX DWICIIT V.'inTC( ).MP. - ISIO W. 24lh St.. Chicago. ]\LachinisT. ^^•Il>LLV^i JOUXSON ZIMMKK.MAN. ----- Ilarvel. 1869-70. '■WILLIAM BADLY. ------- I'pper Alton. ■*WILLIAM ROSS BI'RROr(;ns. - - - (Jutiirie, Okla.. in 1S1>1. CRO:\n^ ELL CASEY. - - - - - - - Ewing ELIJAH TAYLOR CASSEL. A. B.. M. .h. - - Hasting.s. Nelv LINTS THB.VLP CASTLE. - - - Upper Alton. ABRAHAM C COLSON. Atterlierry. Menard Co ROBERTS MOROE DRY. - - - - Du <,)u;>iii. School teacher. JAMES CORBIX FOLEY. - - - 20() Broadway. New York City. Lawyer. 270 tALHEUr I.rci.W iI.\i;M(»\. HK.VPV WILLIAM llAin INC. inCITAKl* BATEFOKl* lluon. MorcliaiU. iNi'lii:isk;i City. Nfli.i I'lilici- AKdp. limiU.T Hill. KDWIX SI'TTnTOK IIOW'KLL. A. 1!. 11(IL> SI. Louis Av(>., Knst St. Louis, -vrtcr liis ,iir:uli;;iti()ii I run Simrtlirr in Is?."), ho was »'ii;r:i;:(>(l in lln- prac- tift' of law for a wiiiic: afu-rwai-d Iccaiiii' a ilc'ilcr in funiiinrr, ami more iTcontly in tlic roal t'statc liusiiicss. VLESLKV iL\('.M.L\ LLi ;( ; i:'l'|-. - ... - iliiiMT .MioiM .TEIJO.ME LAFAYETTE LOVE. M. I >. L (>. (>. F. I'.jixk. Wliilin-r. Kan. K'l niovni to Ills jirfscn! licnmn in IM::. praciicin^ iiiciiiiini' nnti] IS'Sd. A\!t:'n lit' lest Ills licariiii;-. hi'ini:' hum- alilr in Ji^'ar only lliroM;;li a (unvcivv.iiion til lie. Mr. L;iV(' is at iinscnr ( iinaucil in li.nnllin- rc.il . sialf. loans .inil ii'surancr *;WILL1A.M FKOSI'l''.!; LONXI']. ----- irpiMT .\lion.> *T.I()I1\ MOOKE. ------- (IppiT .Ml. Ml. I 1?ENT(>\ FOLK MFin'liV. Fin. kn.yvillc Lnnilh'i- ili'alcr. illLHEKT L. FKITFIIETT. .M, D. - . . . I'aiilHny. .\rl.. Was born in Jersey ("n.. 111.. .\ul;iisi l'.'i. IM.---. His yniiiji was spcnl on lii< fathor's farm nntil tlic fall of isr,'.). win n In- cnii rcil tlic Frciiaraiory Kcpari- niont of Shnrllcff ( 'ollc.uc. attciiilinu- liic two rollowinu' years, llr .-iricrwarii taiifilit school and I'ariiicil. sindyinu' nicdii-inc nudri- ijic diri'i-iinii of iIh' laic Dr. J. O. Hamilton, as o])porlnnily offci-cd. In the fall of FST-I ]u> ontcrod Knsli .Medical Collc-c. Chiciiid. m-adiiaiiiii. in tlu» sprln.u of IKTS and pi iK-ticini:' his profession in Illinois uiiiil Ishi. wli.-o he removtd to Nebraska. He was married in b'<7<') to .Miss Id.i M. Fi-eiiiii. a foianer stndent of SlinrilelT. lb-. I'rileliell isai presein a im nilier of i lie .\inericaii .Medie.il .\ss lei.alioii, Xt braslational (Jnard. scrvin.i; with them in ilie Siin.x In- dian ^^'ar of 1.S'.»t-)n. ami dnrin^- the .uri'ai strike of the Soiilli Omaha Fack inj; Ilon.se eni|doycs. For the past eleven years he has been :i snr.ireon of ilc ('hica::d. Itock Island and Fa time. The majority of his teaching was done 'in sod houses, which, though rough looking, ansAvered the purpose very well. Avhile in intelligence and studious habits the pupils woidd compare fav(jrably wiih those living nearer the center of civilization. In 1891 Mr. Bell sold oft his property in Nelirjiska and moved with his family back to Illinois, where he is now teacliing school near Camden. JOSEPHUS .IITSTUS BROWN, M. I). - - - - - Troy. SARAH B. BULKLEY-ROBERTS. Downs. The oldest daughter of Dr. J. Bulkley, was born in Jerseyville, 111., .lan- uary 30. 18.52. After her father became Professor of Church History in the College in 1804, she and Hasseltine Read, d.-nigliicr nt Tresident Read, ap plied for admission to the College classes on the ground that no institutioi\ for the education of women in the West ofti-red !hrm a course of study as thorough as they desired. After consideralde objection on the part of mem- bers of the Faculty, they were admitted, thus fully opening the Institution to women. Miss Read did not live to graduate. Miss Bulkley was graduated in 1873--the iirst lady graduate of the College. On the 2r)th of June, 1873, she was married to Rev. Charles B. Roberts, of tlie class of 1871. a Baptist clergyman. IFci- liiisliand subsequently be- came a f)hysician. They ai'e now living in Downs. I]]., where he is practicing his profession. Mrs. Roberts is the motlitn- of a large family, to whose cul- tivation and welfare slie devotes herself with an assiduity, earnestness .ami conscientiousness born of high moral pni-pose and cultured Christian intellect. Her home is the center of her consecrated affections and of her life. CAROL HERBERT CO(t(H^:SIIALL. - - - Webster ({roves. Mo. Ofiice, 417 lIoll;ind Bldg.. St. Louis. Attorney-at-law and .Tustice of the Peace. JOHN ROBERT CONOVER. ------ Tallula. Farmer and stock dealer. TJOHN frank D ANN el. ------ (Shetheld.l *BELL TUMEY ENGLISH, A. M., M. D. . . - - Marion, la. Was born near Carrollton, 111., March 12. 18.'i4. He. with his twin brother. Lindsay, graduated at Shurtleff College in the class of 1877. afterward com- pleting the course at the University of Medicine. Louisville. Ky. After a few years of successful practice, chiefly at Marion, la., he died at liis home .huu- 9, 1894, leaving a widow and two beautiful boys. He was a devout man. and greatly interested in Cjiristian Avork. 272 r •liKV. ELISIIA KN(;LIsn. A. M.. M. I>. Clii.-.i^'o. W.is horn jit (";irry an nld.-:- bi-otluT. .Idliii H.. Ill atli'iid Slmrll.-n ('(dlcirc and .all llir C inc yoiiii-cr brothor.s wciv coiivcrftMl diniiiu .1 i-.-vival of n-liiri.iii ai ilir riipci- Alinii r..ii> list riuircli. 'riioii IdIIowimI cniivictioiis of duly, lit- yiddi-il liis stri.ii;; pci-- si.iial .iiiiliiti(»ii at tli!> voice til" (Jud, and with licrnii- palii'iici-. faith and .self- (hMiial. stnisjjrlod fm- the cducaliuii he w.is dcifiiiiiiicd to si-ciirc lie at. Iciiirth jiradnatt^d ffoni Shurih-tr ('ollcj^'i- in ilir tl.iss i.r ISTC. and two yt-.n-:- hiti'f foinph'ti'd the Ilicolouic.Ml coni'sr in ilic s.inif I nsi il nl imi. II<' was m dainod ar Kearney. Nel*.. and aflfrwaid lalini-d .11 \inion :ind (liinndl. la. .•md llunm. S. I >. .M (irinnrll li(> was very acliv<> in lli.' liulil Cor proliilii, i-m in Inwa. an"d was i aiiicsi. .luuri'ssivc and i'h>nienls in the ehni-eh wliieli he was seekin.:.' to nnite. and at len.irlli the strain i)roved too inneh for his vitality. Ileniorrha.tre n\' the Innirs fidlowed and soon consuniiition was f'asi a((iinii)lislnn.i:' its deadly work. After siteiid- iujr some time in (iVeeley. Colo., in the hojie of reeoverin.Lr. he came to ("hieajro. whore his (h'ath occui-red .hine !». T^'.tl. Durinir his last illness lie was v;>ry ])atienl in the midst of irreat idiysieal sufferin.i:-. \]\<- failli was sironi;-. .and his life nohle. sweei .itid pnre. lie w a - bnrieil in the Iteantifnl cenn-tery at Sprinutield. 111. He lefi a wife .iiid iw, Ilea n t i f nl (hi nul it er s. *1J\?).SAV i:\(HdSH. .\. .M.. M. H. - - . - < arr..!!-!! Vonn,u:er brother of Klisha. Knsh and .lolni I'... ;md twin lire, her of I',,! I En.irlish. was born on his fathei-"s lann near < 'arrnllien. Marrli li'. 1,sr>4. The twins wen* the youngest In tin Ciinily of ten children. Hnrin.ir their boyhiod. the family moved to Spriniilield. W Idle ri'sidinj:- here, their brother .Itdiii entered Shnrtleff Coll(\c<'. ami tlnniitili his intlnenec^ I'ell ami lanenetit id' his health. Lindsa.v beua" the study of medicine in the Louisville (K.v.i Medical Iiuversity. from whi' li he ffra(biated in 1S7!) with the hi.;;hest homnvs in a class of nearly one hundred. In Au.cnst, ISTD, he was married in Carrollton. III., to Miss Alice lioberts. daughter of Uev. .lohn K. Koberls. He at once entered into the practice of his pr'.:'. to ('arrollton. where he built up an extensile praci ice .md won the esteem and contiilt'iice of all with whom he came in contact. His l.isi jllness was a determined tiulit .iir.ainsi disease. He had an excellent <-onstitnt ion and received the iiesi of attention from his fjiinil.v and many friends, liut i;r( w slowly weakei- :i'el linally died .Inne !.'<;. 1S.S.">. His death seemed especially s.id on account of his yontl: and bri;;hl prospects. He Avas a conscientious, simple-hearti'd. generous (Mirisiian. His wife .md two little danuhiers survive. 27S RrSH ENGLISH. - - Mariuii. la. After gradxiatinfi' from the Carrolltoii Hiiiii School at the a.nc of 1."), he be- gan teaching in the vieinity of that city, and several years later entered Shnrtleff College, where he spent one year. After six more years of school teaching he returned to Shiu-tleff and went tliroi.igh the Sophomore year. After teaching for a. time at Kane, 111., ln^ removed in 18S2 to Sonth Dakota, where he tanght for three years, devoting considerable tune to farming. Ite- tnrning to Greene Co., 111., he continued his chosen worlv nntil called to Ite Principal of the Elkton (S. D.^ public schools, his wife taking the place of Assistant Principal. In 1891 he moved to ]Marion, la., his present home, wliere he is actively engii^ed in the insurance business. He is a great believer in the principles of Democracy, being a free trader. He believes that the best way to sup- pre.ss the liquor curse is to drink wry little liiiiun-. Mr. English was a very fine student in College, evincing especial aptitud^:' for mathematics. He has ahso proved himself ;in able instructor, tilling witli marked success tlie various positions which lie lias lield. His family cnns'sis of his Avife and danghlcr. lie is an active wurlvi'r in llie Baptist Church ana Sunday School. = I!ASSELTIXE LOVINA READ. . . - . Lawrence. Kan. Daughter of President 1>. Itead, was born in St. Louis, Mo.. April. lSr>3. and while a child came to I'jiper Alton, where her father entered upon liis duties as President ot Shurtleff College. She received the best of training in her youth, and became a skilled musician. In 1870 she and Miss Sarah Bulk- ley entered Shurtleff College. Both were excellent students. Miss Head did not remain to gi'aduate, her beautifid young life being cut sliort by the hand of death on September 13, 187.'>. WILLIAM JUDSON HEXRY ROBERTS. - - - Upper Alton REV. JOHN EMERSON ROBERTS. A. B.. B. I>.. Coates House, Kansas City, Mo. Graduated at Shurtleff College in the class of bSTt!. I'aslor of The Church of This World (Unitarian). ROBERT TEMPLETON STILLW ELL, A. M. - 5523 Maple Ave., St. Louis, .Mo. 15 Insurance Exchange. Was born December 21t. 1853, in Newport. Ky. Entered Shurtleff Col- lege in 1871, graduating in the class of 1S75. He then entered the Washing- ton University Law School, St. Louis, ]\!().. graduating in 1877, since which time he lias been actively engaged in the practice of law in that city. He "Avas married to Miss Emma F. Williams, of Cleveland, O.. September 1, 1880. ALBERT O. TERRY. - - - 1215 Shawmut Place, St. Louis. Mo. 824 Chestnut St, A member of the tirm of Terry Bros., dealers in real estate. 274 VA'.y. i:i.isii.\ i:i'\\ AKi' rvsox. a. m,. it. i». - (•.•iiirnniin. (JiMiluiilfd ill lln' iljissical and lln'v;ii:il (li'|».iniiioiits «)l SlimllfiT ('<>l- le^t' .111(1 was pastiir at Duliilii. Minn., for ;i citiisiih'raldi' Iciigtli of liiiu-. Is iinw Idi-.iicd o:- i!i(' I'.icilic ("oast. ;n(»aii r. \\iiiri;M;i:. 1'i:a.\k \\(»Kr)i:.\. \i. i» ( .M.ir(|ii.iii(l. .Mo. I N, graduatinjr witli ili.' class of ISTS. and pursuiii}; posi-^traduati- work lor a yt'ar .•ifterw.ird. lie was iii.irrii'd to Miss Amanda K. S.-w.ird al Patoka. 111.. Novcinlicr lie. IvT'.i. :iiid lins held the Haplist pastor.-iii-s .-ii I'.i'ihc!, iiaiivillc and Waiikcuan. III.. Ilir liisi in-iiii:- his present ticld ot l;iiior. in-:\ . OSCAIJ i:r(ii;M-; ]'..\Im;i:K. a. .M. - r.rownin.u. S.linyiei- Co. BrotliiM- of Kcv. S. It. I'..idu<'r. of liir cl.-iss of 1S74. w:is horn .-it I'.rll.'foii- taine. ().. .May HH. is.'..".. lie cnicrcd Slmrllrff (•(dlrirc in the f:;ll of ISTI. yradliatin.i;- witil the deulee of .\. \\. in ISTT. In 1>S.'> he reeeived the de;:lee of A. M. from Ids Alm.i .M.iier. Mr. H.id,i;-er is a Metluidist l':i)is( tji.-ii rler-ymau. Il<' w.is m.irried \<, \\\« .leiiiiii' Miller, at 'r.iylorvilje. 111.. Nov. 'J I. ISSii. In isM lie was re,-eive,J (Ui iri;il ;it lUiiiu's CunfeiTiice. and lia^ held pasioniies at .\iliens. I>;iwsnn. II;irdin. (";imdeii. ('Iiandlerville and I'.rownin.u'. 111., liie last point heinu- hi< liresrnl hie.-ilion. I'or hve years In- l.ihored in (Miio and I'lorida. vKHENh/KIt li.MM.V (Ipper .Mton MAKY ELII'A ll.V KUK f f i:.N< i i.lSI 1. .\. .M.. .M. I ». - i >e L.ind. 11a. Miss Barrctr w;is liorii (»<;olier !'.». is.'.:;, in I'l-eepori. III. She ln-eanie a inipil of Okaw Seminary. Sle'lhyville. 111,. ;ind siilise.|neni ly itiended Knr.al I';irk Semin.-iry. Tpper Alton. 111. SJiorily after Shiirtlcff Colle.-i' oiieiied lici doors to yoiniv wcinuii. .Miss I'.ai-reti entered tln' Colli'ue. -i-adiiai iiiu wiin distinetimi in the d.-i-s id' IST-". a 'lass w idcli ranked niiii^u.illy iiiuli. lle> excellence in scliojarship .-r the scIkkiIs w iiere she ii.id sindied prior to enter- iiij: Slnirtleff was -e ih.in sustained in lier Cnlle-e ronise. SJie unite 1 Willi the Ipiier .\lloii r.aptist . she was mairh-d at lur home in Slndtiy \ iih'. 111., t.i Ke . .I(din H. Kiii-dish. of tlie .-l.-iss .if IST'J. They went immedi.iiely to I'ori Howard, u is., where .Mr. Mnulisli had .•iceei.ied ;i c.ill to lier |p.isi.ir of t"i. Baptist ("imrcli. Here, .-is in other tiehls where her hiisliaiid laboied ijnimy. 111.. S.ilem. X. I., r.altimor.-. .Md.. .New.irk. N. .1.. New York City ami linallv He Laml. IM.i. .Mrs. ICiiirlisli has displ.iyed remark.ihle :il>ility .-iiul ;i cli.-irac- 275 ter of high womanly qualities in thosp varied and trying positions in which a pastor's wife is placed. While in Baltimore she and lier hnsband pursued a full course in medicine, graduating with honor, lie from Ihe Baltimore Medical College and she from the Woman's iledlcal Cortege, in 1SS4. Immediately upon graduation she re^ ceived tlie api»ointment of Clinical I'liysician in the Woman's College, a position wliicli she resigned wlien lier private practice, cliurch and homo duties re~qiiired more of her time. In June, 189(;, Shurtleff College confen-ed upon Mrs. Dr. Knglisli tlie degree. of Master of Arts, in recognition of licr ability and attainments. In 1897. when lier late linsband was called to tlie jiastorate of the De Land Baptist Churcli and the Chair of Oratory ;ind Biblical Literature in Stetson Univer- sity. Mrs. Dr. English was .also called to the Clialr of History in the same institution, entering upon tier work Septembei 2'.>. Three children have been lioin to ;\ir. and .Mrs. English. Metta A'., the first-born, a beautiful ;nid i.ai'cly gifted girl, was "called liome" at tlie early age of 17. The two sous, Aden and I'aul, 1!) and 17 re-speetivelj', are enthus- iastic students In Stetson Univei'sity, wlicre tluir expenses are paid throMgh out the course under the terms of the Pulitzer pri/>(> scluilarsliips. wliich \hoy Avon in the New York grammar .schools. *tTPIOMAS HAIUMSON BOW?iIAN. ..... (Piasa.) *KEV. WILLIA]M IIEXKY BKADT. - - - Died in Swatow, China. After leaving Shurtleff College lie removed lo Nebraska, and afrerward AA(^nr to China as .a iiiissiimary. wlierc^ lie died of Hright's disease in llie win- ter of 189."i. ^Memorial services were held in the P.aptist churclu's of St Charles and ^^'inolla. Aliiiii.. which lie had .allended when ;i \(t(itli. ITHOMAS ALBERT BBUNK. ..... (Cotton Hill.. PEV. .TOHN C. CARTElt. ... . . . I'atoka. Was born ]Marcli 2."), IS lit. in Clinton Co., 111. His youth was spent on a farm. ;ittending the district scliool three inontiis of the year. Al the age of 21 lie entered Shurtleff College, devoting si.x; years to i)rep;irati(m for the Gospel ministry, being ordained in .January, l.S7<). He has been pastor of the Baptist churches iit Troy. 111.. l>ownian's (irove. la., Logan, la., Craiid .Imiction, la.. Sublette. 111.. Albany. Wis., .and Patoka. 111. tGILBEuT MAUSII CLEAYELAND. .... (.Medina, N. Y.> CHARLES O. DANNEL. .....-- Kemper. SAMUEL F. DOUGLASS, M. D. ... Renault. Monroe Co. WILLIAM HENRY FERGUSON, M. D. - - I>a Crosse, Rush Co., Kan After leaving Shurtleff' College he entered the St. Louis Medical College from which he gradtiated in 187(), since which tiiue he has been engaged iii the practice of his profession. He is also ^Mayor of La Crosst-, 276 Lrni,i:i5i:uKV w. loiti*. ( .ni.vi.. Scliodl i(';icli.'r. tAl>A I'l.irrcIIKlJ IIICKS. i\\,\„-r All. III.. Mil.KS .KtllX m I'l' .MAX. C. .iliii.ir. ScMfs lUiiir r.i.. .\..|.. t.KUlN .lA.MKS Ki: 1:1,101 J. i W iiK.iiM. .Minn.. lil Til ("ArilKKlXK .MILLS. A. .M. . - Ippfi- All(.n \\';is Itiiin in runildf. .X. V. :inil wliil.- ,1 ciiiid ciinif wiili licr luircnls to Illinois, rnicrinu- SlnnildT ("dilcxi' in ISTl. ;in.l uiMilu.-il inu' in Ihc .urt'.-il chiss of ISTC. Slic .•il'ciw.ir.l ici-('ivt'(l ihc (lci:rcr ..r .\. .M. Iiimi Sliiuilcll" ("ollcjif. For livf years .Miss .Mills stiulicd Frcncli and .Mnsic in Si. Lonis. .Mo., also takin.i; soni«> posi-jinulualc work in Slini-llcH' Collet'. Slic ariciwanl lanjrli' Latin and Fi-cndi in .Mt. Carroll Sfniinary. .Ml. Carroll. 111., stndyin;; Ccrinaii at the same time; was l'rincii)al of .Minir.i I'cmalc Collect', ( Irt-cnv ille. 111.. (an;xlii inai li.'iiiaiics at Sjtrin.nlii'ld. 111., .111. 1 ini.T .11 Shui-ilfll Collcirc when' slu- w.is l"oi- scvfi'.-il years I'reeepi r/ss ol .Marili.i W.i.i.l Cidle.u:e. In iN'.d .Miss .Mills r.miule.l ilie .Mlmi Ciui^erx .iiory of .Musi.- .-iiid .\rl. which has ,i;rou n very rapidly in ip.ipiilariiy, ii.i\iiiL:- .insi i-nnipleied iis si'venth Near id' snceessl'ul w.irk. MOILX .l()Slir.\ XOIJLF. ----- IHed near Ceiiiralia. 1;K\. CKOiaJF CAK'l'FK I'LCK. .\. 1! Indi.inola. la. Was horn .lanuary :!. 1S4'.». a! .Mason Cily. 111. lie entered ShnrtlelT Coi- le.sj:e in Septeniher, ISTl. .iiradu.-iiin.i;' froiii llie .l.issieal e.inrse in .Inn.'. 1>>7.'>. afterward takiii.s; the eourse at .Xew inn 'I'he.do.-ieal Seinin.iry. (Hi.lnne I'.i. iss). he was married to .Miss .Vnna <'rowl. of Ma.son Cily. 111. Si.\ and ..iie-hair years wi're spi-nt in .Mason City, and live .ind one-half in Winieisei. l.i. .Mr. Peek has sinet* htdd pastorates in Omaha. .Xeh.. and Indianola. la., liie laiter city lieiiiii- his tield of labor at the pres-Mii lime. *yALBKirr 11. iMtrrciiK'rr. - - . . . kj,.,] j,, i,s74. *I1AIJLAX I'ACF KFAI). Win.hesler. A\as horn in .Vn.ueliea. .Vlle,ij;any Co.. .X. V.. .Vpril 1. ISoS. In INtil lie eamo with his father's fjimily to Wiinhester. Ill . where his death o<-eiirred Si'p- tember 1. hsTii. lie ;iil.'nd.. 1 >. TV I'im- St.. Hnrlin;:ton. Vf. \\as horn in Xt'w Carlisle. Clark Co.. (>.. .\pril 1. IM.".. .Vfter some time spent in study at .\nn Arbor and Kalamazoo. .Mich., he entered the Senioi* Class id" Shnrtleff Colh-.iie in September. ISTl. .irradiialin.i; from ilie classical course the following .lime. Thice years Liter he c.diiplele.l the theolo;;ica! course at llie same liisi ii 111 ion. li.'L.nnniii.i:' p.isioral work in .lanesville. Wis. June 1."!, INT."). He was ati.rward iiasior for some years ai I'hiladelidiia. I'.i. (Spruce St. Church), and Uocklaml. .Me. Ill l.S.SS Kev. Kobeits re<-ei\ed from his .Miii.i Maler llie hoii.ir.iry dcL're" 277 of Doctor of l>iviiiity. 81111-0 Aiiguist, 18!»1, lie has liccu pastor of the First Baptist Churcli of Burliiigron. "N't. He was married on November 2G, 1805, to Miss Julia Backus Sterliiiii-, of Battle Creek, Mich. Diiriug his pastorate ill Maine he was I'residi-nt of the ^Nlaine Baptist Educatiou {Society. JOHN FLETCHER TATE. . - - . . Winterset, la. THEODOKE F. TP^IIllY. - - - .j82t; Maple Ave., St. Louis, Mo. 824 Chestnut S:. Of Terry Bros., real i state dealers. *SAMUEL ELLICOTT TYSON. - - - . - llankinson. S. D. triKNKY J. WERTZ. ...--. (Upper Alton.) SAMUEL HENRY \N ILSON. .... Ava, Jackson Co. JUDGE WARREN NELSON WILSON. .... Baldwin. Was born Februai-y 8, 1851, at Baldwin, 111. Attended Shnrtleff College from 1870 until 18T:i, afterward studying- law and being admitted to the bar in Springfield, HI.. .Fanu.-iry ~>. iSTT. He has since been engaged in the prac- tice of his i)rofessi(in. In .Mari-li. isvo. Mr. Wilson w.-is appniated .M;ister in Cliancery. serving fo'' six years. In November, INsr.. lie was elected County Judge of Randolph County, iind w-is re-ele(-ted in IMM). He was married December 2r>, 1877, to Miss Helen Crittenden, and they have three sous and a daughter. Judge Wii son is at present engaged in farming and practicing law at Baldwin. In re ligioii lie is ;i I'resliyterian. in i)')liti(-s a I>enio<-rat. 1872-73. LELIA E. ALBRO-DIl'DELLE. ..... Matloou. JT;DCE JOHN CHARLES BOWMAN. .... Carrollton. Was born in Carrollton, May 18, LSr.C). son of Dr. A. Bowman, who settlet] in that c-ity in IS.".;!. The family removed to ^^'hitehall in 1SU4. and here the Son attended the public school, afterw.-ird laking a four years' course in Shurtleft College. lie gr.iduated in law at the .Missouri State T'niversit.\ , Columbia. iNIo., in the spi-iiig of ISS4, being admitted the same spring to prac- tice in the courts of Illinois and Missouri. After teaching school at Wrightsville for two years he began the practice of law in Whitehall. He was married to Miss Mattie Cooper, daugliter of William T. Cooper, near \\'rig]itsville. May 1(>. 188<'). They have two children, bofh boys. Mr. Bi)wm.-iii was elected County Judge of (4r(H'ne Co. in 1890. and re-elected in I8!>4. In bSU.j he removed to Carrollton. where he has since resided. ILUTHER MADISON CATES. .... (Rock Spring, N. C, WILLIAM JACKSON CRAWFORD. A. :M. - 382 Marion St., Salem, Ore. Graduated from Shurtleff College with the degree of A. B. in 187(5. and two years later completed the course in tlie Theological Department of the 278 sjimo Colh'uc. i\'c('iviiiu: lii> A. M. dciiicc in 1."'Mi. Allcr ;i slmri pMsinrMtc in McMinnvillc. Ore. In- .mi;.',ii:('i1 in ir.-iciiniL: siIukiI .-iml li:is iIcmiIciI liinis.'lf n, this WDfli I'vcr since. Ii;ivinu hccii siir. . . . . . . cain,. for st'Vi'n or ci^ht years in llie pnhlic schools of Sonlliern Illinois. I-;ntei-('(i Shnftlell ("olle-c in ISTU. remainini:- a year: reentered in the l.all of ]s~{\. ^iradualiny in theolo-y in 1N7.S. Ill tile course ol his pastoral labors Mr. (Jee has served chnrciio in .Ml Vernon. 111., Indianapolis. Ind.. IJncoln. Xeh.. and I'oril.ind. Oie. He also held a pastorate in Idaho, and w.is inr a time chaplain of iiie .Nelpiask.i l.e^is laliiri'. In IS'.h; lie received ilie hoiiorar.\ di';:ree of hocior ol" Divinity. lir. Cee is a stam-li ISaiMisi. lie was m.irried to Miss Ijiieline 1'. Covin;,' ton in I'raiiUlin. Ky.. Anuiist l^o. ISTi). lie is at present pastor ol the Kirs* Baptist ("liurcli of C.-iiro. 'I'honuii of retirin.Li' disposition, he is a m:in of roco.unized ability and h.is iicen n.-^elnl in ednc.itional ,ind demmiinatioiial work. ErillJAI.M CO.MI'TO.X Cir.KiJSUX. tJOIIN IIHXKV (JKKKU. t(JEt)K(iK KUAKI>M.\X ll.MJKIS. WILLIAM WILKKS IIAKKISS. Fanner. •-•=N\1LLI.\.M KEATI.Xi;. llast Xewlicin. » Wnndluirn.' ( l!rid;:-eloli. .X. .1. rinckiiey ville. Callionn Co. Seattle. Wasli. JCIIX ci^LBKursox KKiril. . - - . Ti-aclu'r in tlie piildic sciiools. AVILl.I.VM C(>LK.M.\X .M.VKI.OW. . . . . . Siinlii'ld. \\'as horn in Ferry Co.. 111., (.'ciolier US. isi'i. being reared on a larm and atteiuliny the district school. lie alterward spent mie winter in study ai rinckiK'yville. and jiarl of one year at Shurtleff College. Ilis life since ilii>. time lias been de\(ited io farminu. in w liich he has been successful. .Mr. Marlow w.is mariied in IsTI i > Sirihla C.as.'y. They have lour sons. A dauirliTer died at the .luc of l.'l. Mr Marlow is a Clirisliaii ^eiitleniaii. and a lover of all tii.ii leinls to uplift liinii.aiiily. CFOIKJF HASKFl.L Ml'/Al. L.n iied. Kan. I >ealer in linnber ,ind I'oal. 279 ItEV. FRANK :MOItTOX. - - - 1214 Missouri Ave., St. Louis, Mo. After leaving Shurtleff College circumstances compelled him to enter bus- iness life, which he followed until 1.890, when he gave up a position of trusL and responsibility whicn he liad held for over twenty years Avith M. J. Stein- berg, the hatter, and ciilci-ed tnlly into the work of the (Jospei ministry. lie is at present pastor ot tlic Fee I^'ee Baptist Chnrcli at I'attonville, ;\1().. and missiduary. under tlie Stale F>oard, for the soutliern part of tlie City of St. Louis. Tlirongliout all tlie years (;f liis business experience Mr. Morion devoted every moment of liis spare linie to study or churcli work. He is a man of sterling Christian cliaracter. anil absolutely reliable. He has invented and p.-itcnted a successful process of ventilation for preserving wheat in the elevator. HON FKAXCIS WAKXFR FAUKFU. A. .M. - :54:J() Vernon Ave., Chicago. Suite 1410, Marquette Bldg. AVas born at Alton, 111.. April 1, IHTiS. Entered the Freparatory Depart- ment of Shiu'tleft" College in 1872. graduating from tlie classical course in 1878. While in College he was .always foremost in (-very goml work f(n' the ad- vancement of tiie interests of tlie Institution, .-lud ;i very active and e;iriiesi worker in the Society. In 1877 he was l);i])liy,ed by Dr. A. A. Keiidrick into the fellowship of the Upper Alton Baptist Churcli. After studying law in various law .illices of Chic.igo. he was adniitied to practice Ix'tore the Suprenu' Court of the Sl;ile of Illinois in the spring ot; 1.SSU, and served as K.\;iiiiiner in tlie Fiiiled Sl;ites I'atent Ottice at Wasli- ington, I). C. from 1881 to 1883. On September 1."). 1,883, he Avas married b> Dr. Kendrick at St. Louis, lo Miss Theres.i Alm;i Cliapmau. a former Shurtleft student. In ISNl he delivered the .M.aster's ()r;i!ion and took the .Master's degree in course. In the fall of 1S84 Mr. F;irker was elecl'd .i ineiiilier of tlie Thii'ly-r(jurtl: (Jener;il Assemlily of the Staie of Illinois, lo reiireseiit tlu' Kepublicau inter- ests of the First Seii.alorial District ot Chicago, in which city he h;id jusf loc.-ited. He served eflicicntly on the judiciary, corp;ii';ilioii. iiinnicin:!! and other committees, and took an active part in tlie re-election of Gen. John A. Logan to the United States Senate. He w.is .-Kbiiitted to practice before the Sui»renie Court of the I iiited St;iti'S ia bs8(;. Mr. Farker was oiu' of the founders and lirst .Moderator of the Calvary Baptist Church. Chicago, in 181(2; Fresident of the Chicago Baptist City Mis- sion Society, 1894-7; Vjce-l'resident of the Baptist Social Union of Chicago; was elected a Trustee ot Shurtlcff College in 1.^'9."), and a member of the Ad- visory Board of the Y. M. C. A. of Chicago in ISKC. For some years past he has been very successfully pi-acticing patent l;iw in Chicago, where ho is a nieiid>cr of the .Memori;il F.a]ilis( Ciiurch. ()rieiil;d Consistory. Fnioii League, 280 D) 1. Norman. 2. Leslie. THH PARKLR FAMILY 3. Francis VV. Parkur, '->. 4. Theresa A. Cliapiiian Paikcr, ';i s. Ki .inrls W., ]r. '• Trov I.. Konwood ;in(l IIAinillun CIiiIk. .iikI rcrciiil.v hmU :iii .iciivc \t:\\\ in i»r;.Miiiy.iii^ tln' Cliicjijro SlmrllflT Aliiiniii A>>iiri;iliiiii. Fraiu-is \V. I'.nkci- is our of Ihnsc hkmi wIkisc ii.-hih- niic :i;ii in.illy ;i>sm fiatt's Willi the wnrd ••sm-ciss." ll(> is m man of siipiili .iinl wcll-ilirccicd i'iu in I,ciii(ii>ii. Mr. aiiil Mrs. I'arkiT jiavi- an i-li'^'aiit Ihmik' ami lour splciidi'i hoys It is a plcasmc \i, he ;ii,i(. i,, pivsciil our n-ailcrs an t-n- .urraviiiT o' iliis laiiiiiy uroUji. l;i;\ . FRANCIS WAVLANI) l'.\ KSc )\s. A. I?.. H. I >.. I'll. I >. .Marslialllown. la. Was horn in ( Jri,irusvill('. 111.. .\nuMisi ii!t. IMli, rcc-ivinj: a uooil coihiiiom s<'lit)()l t'diication in tli.n |il.icc. !)i- (Mi;:.iui'd in hiisiiicss at an cirly a;,'i'. hii bi'inj; convinced thai ii wis hjs (. iiy to preach, lie sidd out and lie;:aii pic para'Ion for ilie niinisiry. riiicndiiii:, Sliurllett ("olle;'(' and ^radnaiiii:.' uiiii iIp- degree of A. H. in isTT and P.. 1 >. in ISTN. haviiii,' '■iii.idr np" iwo years dm- in,i.' his atleiidance ai ihc Cnllcuc. in I v.i_' h,. n-civcd ilic dr-rce of I'll. 1 ». from Sliurtlefi. Novcniher I'S. IST^. lie w.is iiuiiried ;ii Terry. Tike Co. 111., lo Miss laiiiii;' 'P. \'ertrees. His lirst pastorale was ,ii (Jlenwood, la., where he reiiiaiiiec lor over twelve years, in which titiic ilie iiieinhership was aliont doiilded and -Mr. Parsons in addiiimi io iiis pastor;il duties siics. .Miss \Vintlirii» was Ikmii in P.osion. .Mass.. .Inly Jt;. Ps.Vi. .Xfu-r her alleiid ance at ShiirlleH" Colleire in Pjiper .Mion. seven yeai's wtic sjieiit with the K. (J. i>nn .Mcrcaniile .\u'i'iicy. St. I.oiiis. .Mo. ,\d\einlier li".. ISS'J. she wa- 283 married in St. Louis to Nelson W. Merrill, and they lived in Omaha, Xeb., until June, 188G, when they removed to Spriuglield, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill are very active church and temperance workers. Three children — Bernice, Herbert and Rutli — have gladdened their liome. 1873-74. TMADISON BAGBY. ...... (St. Louis. Mo.; REV. WILLIA:M IIEXKY BEEBY. A.iL. B. I). - - Fairmounr. After leaving Shurtleff College, having graduated trom tlie classical coursi- in 1880 and from the llieological Department in 1882, he labored tor six ytart. in Minnesota under Tlie American Baptist Home Mission Society. After a short pastorate in Illinois, lie went to India as missionary of the American Baptist ^Missionary Union. He labored for tive years, chiefly in Kazipett and Deccan. baptizing 197 Telugus. At length his health broke with malarial fever and he w.is oliligcd lo' rctiun lo lliis country to recruit. He has lectured considerably upni his work en llie foreign liehi, and has recently accepted a regular pasforate at Fnirnioiint. Verinillion Co. Mr. Bceby was married in .lone. ISSO. to Miss Clara Iticli. of Fidelity, .Jer- sey Co. riiey have hve cliildreii -Florence, l-'rank. Fan). Kutli and Nellie. Mr. Beeby is ;i very earnest, consecrated Cliristinn woi'ker. He received tlie degree ot A. .M. from Sliurllelf in ISS'.t. yADONlRA.M .IFDSON COLE. - . i M inne;ip(piis. Miini.) •iYVILTON S. COLLAWN. . . - - (Bowling (Jreen, Va.; -^■JOEL B. COMl'TON. .... . _ . Chicago. tLUClUS A. CUMMINS. ..---- (Boseolul, Wis.) =•KE^^ I. F. DAA'IS. ----- Hied in New York in iSlHi. FRANK COREY FENITT. - - - Oklalioma City, Okla. Dealer in real estate. JOSEPH S. FORREST. - . - - . Schullyville. I. T. Choctaw Indian. Now a prominent olllcial of the Clnjctaw Nation. tEVANS GREENE. -------- (Medora ) CARRIE N. HARRIS. ------ Wichita. Kan. ALBERT HEMINOVER. ------ Bloomington. Farmer. BENSON HUME. ----- Chambersburg. Pike Co. tWILLIAM F. McCALL. ------ (Brighton.; *M AN FORD JAMES RICKS. ----- Topeka, Kau, After spending a year in study at Siiurtletf College lie attended Wesleyan University at Bloommgton, graduating in bSSO, and tlien taking up la'A. 284 studying for ;i time Ml lli.« Wt'slcvMii [..iw Srlioul jiiid .-ilso in ili.- (.tlin- ul Sttvoiisoii iV: Kwiiiir in I'liiiiiiiiiiirinii. .hhI lirini: ;iiliiiii h-il In llic li;ir in l^sl. Sliortly MfliTW.-ird lie i-cnKivrd in 'I'niu'k.i. K.in.. :inil lirr.inn- ni;in;i^in;; "iliio:' »)( "Till' K:nis;i-; KMinicr." w liirh hr Mnd rinf. II < '. KrM.iii |i:ii| |inr«-li,i.,cd. lie died of typlioid Icvc" in iv^'J. .lAV TKANK SIIKAiJAiA.N. Wiclnlii. K.iii. Sui)(>rinlt'ndcni dl liic Snnd.iy Sclini.I oi' ihc IMisi li.iptlsi Clinrcli. r'or :i linu' rrcsiTicni ul' ilic K.iu^.is r,,i|.iisi Assnri.-ii i:iM. ciiAiii.Ks A. \- \i.i,i;tim-;. - - .v.:;i M.ipir .w... si. LuuIs. m... Aniiri(;in ( 'cntr.-il I'ld^'. \\';is liuiii in ( 'iiiiinn.-iti. ( ».. M.ncli !». IS.M. Soon Ml'lcrw ;ii'd his p;ii-"ni.s ri'movcd ^( Iti'llcvillc. 111.. ,ind :ii ilir clnsc u{ ilic \v;ir •-.•nni- lo Si. I.uiii-;. will re lie ;ii[rndcd ill:' l"r;inklin r;i;inini.ir S<-1 1 .nid l.iici' ijic Ijiirii Si-lm pI. hi IML' Ills r.-imily rcniDVcd i.. 1 ppcr Allnn. 111., and in Ilic TmII lie ii','.u:;t i tcricl.iiifr school in the Woixl IJivci- disirici. rinilinniiijr the work for .Iirct- yi';irs. In Scptcinlicr. 1.v7r>. lie cnicrcd ShuillcH ('oll('j;o. Inil he left Itcfort- !ho olost^ of the year and icsiini'.'d scimnl tcachin.!; in ('honlcan Island scliool- lionx . Madiso!! ( 'o. In 1S7(i he idilaincd ciiiplDynicni wiili th;- Wils >n \ Tdiiis Invcsiim ni Cu.. 81. IxiMi^. at a salary of Slid pci- ninnili. tcadiiim- niuhi school al Ihc same time and aitcmdin.i: tlic Si. l.onis Law Schonl. iniciidini;- in lake np the orac- ticc of law. Tim he was oliii-cd \n remain in linsiness. and in .\pril. IST'.l. fi,...(.j,i, ;l ;, posllion as hoDUkeeju'r for Hemis Urns. I'.ai: Cu.. Si. l.miis. -^uIk"- qr.ntrlj becomin.ii- cashier and remaiiiinii: wiili ilieiii in all almni eleven ye;!i-. In .m;I.\-. l.v'.Mi. he liecaine cashiei- and l>oidvkee|ier nf ihc Missdiu'i IClec'.ric l.i,L:lil .-'I'l! Power Co.. and afler cmisididal ion willi liie lOdison llliimiuali'i .; Co.. of St. Lonis. was relaincd as cashier (d Ihe new M issonri-Kdisoii lOlectric Co.. which posiliim he now oi-ciijiics. He is ;ilso Seerci.iry .and Treasurer 01 the Edwardsville Electric IJulit and I'nwci- Co.. wliidi cnnip.iny ^ivcs liirli' to the people of Edwardsville. 111., and also maiinfactnrcs arlilii-i.il ici . Mr. Vallefte was baptized into ilie Tpper Alton liaimsi Cluireh in I'd- ruary. .1S7.">. and upon his removal to St. Louis united with the Second Hap- tist Church. He was married Oetolier i:5. \SSi\. to Miss Sarah E. I mis. oi IL'irtford. Conn, 'i'lie'v now hav(> four children, two Iidvs .and t ,vo i^irls. JT LEV E. v.\.\ iioosin: s run »i:u. t<;E()U(;E n. wiirn;. tV, ILLIA.M W. will IE. .Nokomis. I Leli.ailoll.l ('i'rentoii.i I>.\Vn> HAK.VETT. ELORA HIKn(H'-Sri:.\CE. 1874-75. KlkUMlluec. 1. r 4'JS7 I'ailiii .Vve.. St. Louis. M. 285 ItEV. THOMAS SCOTT BON'ELL, A. M., K. D. - - - Fort Dodge, la. Was born in Cliarleston, Coles Co.. 111., Detpmber 25, 1853. Entered the Preparatory Depafcment of Slinrtleff in 1874, j-radnating- from the College in ISTJt with the highest honors of his class. After a year in Itochester Theo- logical Seminary he retnrned to Shurtlefl'. graduating from the Theological Department in 1881 and immediately entering upon the pastorate of the Paiia Bitptist Church, being ordained tbe follo^Yiug August. September IS, 1881, he was married to Miss Ellen L. Mulilemann, of Wood- burn, 111., al.so a member of the Shurtleff class of 1879. Removing to Iowa in 1882, he was pastor at Carroll, and later at Council Bluffs and Indianola He has been located at P"'ort Dodge since Api-il, ISiil. REV. HETvBERT HARVEY BRANCH, A. B., B. D. - - Carbondale. Was born February G, 18.54, in Mt. Cilead, Morrow Co., Ohio; son of Rev. AVilliam Branch and Lucy C. Knapp-Braneh. He entered Shurtleff College in the college year 1874-75, graduating from the classical course in June, 1880., anci from the Theological Depai'tment in 1882. On JNIay 10, 1881. he Was married by Dr. A. A. Keiidrick to Miss Clar;i Blanche Russell, of St. I.ouis. Alo. .Mr. Bi-anch was pastor at lieloit. Kan.. fr(Mn 18S2 until 1888; tlien at First Bapti.>-r Church of Quincj'. 111., from 1888 to 18!>:!, since wliicli d.'itc he hns been in charge of the First Baptist Cluu-cli of C;irli(inil;ile. FRAXCP].S XEWEEL BULKLEY-R.OBERTS. - - Kans.is City, Mo. The third daughter of Dr. .1. Bulkley. was born in Carrollton. 111., April 23, 185(1 Her early educarion was secured in the public schools of Carrollton, and after her father removed to Upper Alron in 18t>:i she entered Shm-tleft College and was gi-aduated in the cLiss of 187(>. After graduation she taught for a season in Mr. Carroll Seminary, IVlt. Carroll, 111. She was married to .lohn E. Roberts in Upper .Vlton. September 2("(, 1878. He was also a menduM' ol the 'iuirlleff clnss of UsTO; was for several year^' a Baptist minister, hut changed his views ;iii(l eiitei-ed the Unil.-irian ministry. At this time they removed to Ivansas Cily, .Mo.. .Mr. Koberts" former i)astorate having been in Carrollton. ]\Irs. Robei'ts died in Emporia. Kan.. .Vprll 2;]. 18.85, on her 2i»th birthday. She left three children, two sons and a daughter. She was an earnest, de- voted Christian wife and mother, thoroughly consecrated to the interests of her churcli and her honte. THERESA ALMA CHAPMAN-PARKER. - .34.30 Vernon Ave., Chicago. Her girlhood was spent in the old village of Tapper Alton, where she at- tended Shurtleff College for so;iu> time, although she did not remain to graduate. She afterward taught in M.. Carroll Seminary, :Mt. Carroll, ill., and subsequently in Almira Female College, (ireenvilie. 111., being associated Avith Miss Ruth C. r^lills at both these institutions. 286 r Sln' \v;is iii.irru'd SeiHciiilicr 1."., ISS;!. |<> ricni. I'i;iii>f ilic clnss of ISTs. liMviiiir since reside, 1 in ( "liie.-i^r". 111. iClIAKI.KS i:i>\\Ai:i» (LA VTON'. .... .( 'Iiii i li.ini.i Kli\AAlM> C. J>i:.\NV. Kl l .,,i;i,l... K;in. rpiin leaviuir Siinrtlelt College h,. reiiirned to his old home at IMasa. 111., and entered inlo Inisiness. In IMT he removed to Kansas, and has since been the Icidiii;: dc.iler in dry uoimIs ;ind i:i'nci-al nicrch.-mdisc .n 1-;! l)o|-:id.i. :(;i-;(H{(;k ('. I)(M(;iii;kty. ...... i.vn-oia.,- i;i;\'. liKoriCi; i:i,i,i:kv i>^ i:. .... wiiinw. cai. Was bofii in ('lininn. ill.. .M.i\ I.'.. lS."..j. Al'lef a residence of ten \e:ir.o in Eikharr. 111., he removed to Sjirinyrlield. 111., where he became a telef:rapli operator. Here he wa.'^ eoiiverted and joined the First liaptisi ClMn'ch. Not Ions after\v:ird Ue entereil ShnrtletT Colleire id prei»are hiinseH' for the «;o> pel miiHstry. He was a nu'iidier ^t^' the class (d' ISSu diirin;:- his stay :it Sluirtlefr, but did not lemain lo jiradnate. lieinu m.irried in 1>S() lo :\iiss .Mlii K. Hardinjr. of Henson. 111., his lirsr p.isioraie. Ut^ afterward eiiiercd V. .M. ('. .\. w.nk in ( 'iiic.iuo. iroini; iliciicc to .Minne apolis. Minn., as (JiMieral Secretary. In ivs:'. he reentered the tninistry. hold- ing successful pasiorates at Wilbur. .\eb.. S.uii.i .\na .ind Los .\njieles. (.'a! His eiiurcli at Willow. C'al., is to-d.-iy liie l.irucsi. wc.ilihicsi ami must in Huenrial between Sacramento :ind I'lirlland. .Mr. Dye h;is hccn cm-respenden; ami editor of several p;iper>: w.is City Pre.sident of the Los An.ii'cles V. 1*. S. ( '. '•;. for two years. Secretary of the California Bai)tist Ministers" Conlerence ilircc years, and has .ilsn been K • eordin.i;" Secretary of the Soulliern ( 'aliforni.i ("(invention. .\l jircscnt he i» Seeretarv of iiie Convention for .Xoiihcrn .ind Central California. tCAKTITLV .M. I'l LLl >S- W 1 LS( t.\. a. MUNDY FRKNCH. ... Train Dispatcher C, C. C. and St. L. Ky. rrahlc<|nah. I. "i". Matioon Hi:.\.iAMlN W. (JAlHi. CEORcno H. (;ui:i:.\i;. Horse C.ivc. Ilnii Co.. K.\. L'si'i; N. SpiTni:' .Vve.. Si. Louis. Mo. Secretary Loeldin \\'hip and (."ollar (.'o. loII.N .T. (iUEENE. l{ockbrid-.;e. 1 a finer. *yCHAULES E. ILM..L. - - iL.ith.im.i W.is dn.wn.-d Ar.REirr C. HCUD. ... .lerseyville. \\ILL1AM L. .MI:1IA(;AN. - ::t)i:; Clark Ave.. St. Louis. Mo. Bookkeeper. St. Louis (Jroccry ;ind i^ineensware To. 287 ELLEN L. MUHLEMANN-BOYELL. Ph. B. - - - Fort Dodge, la. Miss JNJuhlemanu was born iu Jersey viile, 111., February 28, IS.IT, of Swiss parentage. At an early age slie went with the family to Woortburn. 111. After teaching Frencii for a yivir at tlie Jacksonville Female Seminary slie entered ShurtlefP College, graduating from the scientific course in 1870. During the next two years she taught iu a German boarding school at Cincinnati, O. Ou September 13, 18S3. occurred iier marriage with Kev. Thomas S. Bovell. They have five daughters. Although a busy pastor's wife, slie has still found time to study considerably and to teach tlie uuidcrn langu;igfs and nrusic. ANNIE NAVrKIS-IIINlMCHW. ---..- Alton. rriiOMAS W. I'OWELL. --.-... (Ottawa.) FRANK SAIJOENT. ---.... Upper Alton. (iEOKUE II. SCirAPEl{. ---... Nokomis. Druggist. lUCHAItD SIMMONS. --.--. GreenHi-,d. Hardware dealer. ELIHF T. STOI^T. - . . . co;) s. El"veutli St.. Springfield. Druggist and newsdealer. *-iI{OP.EKT STI KGEON. ------ I W(i(id])urn.i IT. E. WATKINS. ------ - (Upper Alton.) STUBAREN I). WHAM. - - - - Ciil t<'r City. :Marinn Co. Agent Cliicago and Fasteni Illinois It. IJ. CARRIE A. WIHTTLESEi-WI.XXKCAK. - - - Sioux City, la. REV. WARREN EUi Clmn-li. MAl'llli:W CIlAXi K. tAWA M. coon. v.KMlX .1. ((ION. tsoLON F. 1)i;i,am:v. ♦JESSIE IHtEW. - - . . *1>()LIE EEWELL. tJ. I>. EKWIX. .... F. E. FElUnsoX. EEWOOD S. .lOXES. ( 1 ». Wiii.ln-sl.T. lI'MIIil.l ( I'aii.i.t (Xi'iii.i.) Mll-^ko-rr. I. 'I"., in ISS'J. rpixT Aiidii. (Jcrscyvillci (';ii'<' 1 (cciiiiir Mf^'. <"u.. Cliica-ru, Kisiiii: Cilv. Xch. W'.is liorii Ml .li'i-s.'vvilli'. 111.. .\i)\cmlici- 1. IN.'i.". Entered the l're]i;ir:itui-> Keparliiieiii i>\' Slmrllef!' Cilleu,' in IST.'v. hiii w.is eoiniK'Ued (ui .leeoiiiil uf failillj:' lie.-lllll In iliseiUll illUe llie eiilll'^e (lni-ill-- his l"reslim;l II .Ve.ir. .M'ler leaviii.i; ColU'.irt' lie s\)cu\ a luiiiilicr dI .vcars in fa nil in,:,', leaeliiii.i: and travel in Missouri. Aricansas. Kansas and Xeln-aska. Was (•n.i,'a;,'ed in Ilie real estate and insurance hnsiness in Kansas. 1s.V!;-!iii. ami iMisiniaster at IJiisseii Siiriiii.'s. Kan.. l.S,ST-SU. Mr. .Tones is at presiMit residing at IJisiim' ('ii.v, Xeli.. eni^.-iLicd in wriiiii;; for newspaiK'rs .-ind farm ioiuii.ils. ALBERT JBWETT KEXl»i:iCI>:. .\. P.. - - I'nri Smith. .\iU. Born in "Wauivt'slui. Wis.. Ocidhe: .">. isc.'i. speiidin.ir Hie e.ii].\ .ve.ars uf Ids life ill St. Ltiuis. .Mo., ami lemovinu with his parents to Tpjier .Mluii in tlie early TO's. He entered Sliurtleli' Culle-e in is?.". ;;r;idn.ilim;- in ISN.", wilii second lionors. In l.vM lie accepted .i positinii on th' ■■|>ail.\' I >isp;iicli." of Onialia. Xeli.. .-is repoi-ier. and :i few ninniii> l.iici- was made city editor of tiie "Omaha Bee." lillinj;- this otlice until .M i.\. ISST. when he rcninved lo Chicajro. as oftcrin.i:' a hro.ider ;ind iietter lield. Starting' in iis a reporter on tin- "('hioapo Daily Xcws." he w.is siici-essively made telej^rajdi editor, eilitnri.il writer and city editor, fur .i time lilliii.i: llie position of m.-m.-iirinir editor. W the close of the WnrliTs F.iir. duriiii;- which .Mr. KendricU hail .-in ex- cellent np|>orliinity of sind.xiiiLi the resiinri'cs nf ilie differcni p:iris of the country, he cinicluded to ud iiiln Imsihess fi.r himsi'll' in the Smiih. .-ind seleci- injr Fei-atioiis. loc;iled there, pur- ch.-isinir the "Daily .Xcws liecord.' lie was the lirsi imldisher in .\rkans;is to introduce typesetliiif- niachines. The ".Xews Ue<-ord" has recently eii-cied its own linildin.ir. .•ind is r.ipidly develoiiin.u.' into one of the most v.-iliialde m-ws Jt.lper p|-Mperlies in Ihe siii.-lller cities ,i\' the SiHllll. .Mr. Ki'iidrick was m.irrii-d mi is.s.s to .Miss .Minnie 1.. Il.i/.eii. id' .Minne apidis. .Minn. 'I'liree children li.i\e ln'cii h.un tu iheni. 289 I^?A BELLA J. LOWIS. Pli. B. - - - - - Moriisoiivillc. REX. OHARLE8 HAl^SEY McKEE, A. M. - - - Athfii.i, Ore. Was ))(ini in Edgar ('').. III.. April 11. isr.r.. Eulcri'il ShiirlU'ff Collejiie in 1873, gradnariuij with tlu' dogree of A. B. in ISSl. lie received the degree of A., M. a few years later. He studied theology at Sluirtleff College for a year, was ordained in Deceniher, \HH'2, and afterward tanghl school for two years. He liecanie pastor of the Baptist ("liurch at Xnlvoniis, HI., April 1, 1884. In 1880 he accepted the pastoi'.-ile of the church at (ioodwin. S. D., one year later entering the service of I lie American Baptist Home Mission Society of New York and spending .seven years as missionary pastoi and district missionary in Soiitli Dakota. After a two years" pastorate at Albany, Ore., from 1894 to 189(J, he re-entei-ed tlie service of the abo\'e Society and is at present engaged in niissionai'y work in Eastei'n Oregon, with liead- qiiarters at Athena. Mr. McKee w;is mnri-ied at Plainheld. 111.. Oecember <). 1884. to Mis.'? Melva J. Spencer, of Appleton. ^^'is. They li.ixc three sons and a little (hiugh- ter. the boys being members of the Athena B.iptisI Cliiircli. ntOE. PRANK IVA.X MERCHANT. Ph. I). - - - Vermillion. S. D. Was born in New York City. Decendier 2.'!, 18"i. liis i»arents being Albert and Candace (Downs) Merciiant. His ancestors of Colonial days fonght bravely in tlie Revolutionary War. The subject of this sketcli passed his boyhood in Bennington. Vt., and vicinity, where tlie families of both liis parents have resided for several generations, When I'rank was 13 years old his father died, and his mother with her two sons and daughter removed to Cedar Falls, la., where his elementary education was obtained. He also learned the tinner's trade, serving three years as an jipprcntice. His ambition was to secure a lilier.il education, and in tlie latter p;irt of his apprenticeship he took up the study of Ivatin and Greek, applying himself diligently in the early morning and after his day',s work was over. He Avas l)aptiz;ed at Cedar Falls by Dr. Wm. H. Stitler (then pastor of the Baptist Church in that city), who took a deep interest in young Merchant, encouraging and assisting him in llis studies. At length he entered ShnrtlefC College in 1870 and graduated in 1880 with a magnificent record, having attained probably as high a grade of scholarship as was ever reached by a Shurtleff graduate. From 1880 to 1885 he taught Latin, Greek and German in tlie Shurtleff Preparatory Department, then went to Germany and devoted himself to the study of Classical Philology and Phil- osophy at the University of Berlin until 1800, when lie received from the University the degree of Doctor of Pliilosophy. After anotlier year spent in study and travel in (Germany. lu> accepted tlie Cli;iir of Latin Language and Literature in the State University of South Dakota at Vermillion, which he still occuijies. 290 SAUAII i:. MITCIIKI.I.. Ki'Jd M..iis(iii St.. !'.-nii.i. :-S. v.. Norr. i.l.Ts.'yvilliM ^VASIIINC'PON r.. TAIIIsKK. Kl^'iii. KIv\". II KMtV roi.i.AKh. .Mciiil and T>ifi' in Clnlsi " a religious wfi-kly. EVA KAXIxtLI'II IM.ACKSroi'K. .... ( ;iiiiiiis..ii. Cul... After leaviuj: SliiirtlftT ('(illcuf slic iaii.irlii scIiodI for a few years, ami was united in inarriaire with .Insepli HIackstock. nf (Jnnnisdu. (""ido., where they still resld*.'. Throe stronj; healthy hoys till the hniiie with ji»y. ALICE V. UISiX(;-l)OrTHET'r. S^-JU X. Caini.l.ci; Si.. Siinn^'lh-ld. .M-i. NETTIE RISINl>-EXLOW. ..... Pittsliinir. Tex. Miss Kisinji was horn in s'4. and have lived in Texas ever since twelvo yenrs in Pittsburi:. .Mr. .ind .Mrs. lOnlow h.ive three i-hihinMi Il.nr-y It., a Freshman in the Stale Iniversiiy .-it .Vusiin: Stella .Vnneiie. H. .'ind Charles Eastoa. lo. boili :itteiidin.ir .Icff. I»avis CoIIclm' at I'itisi.iii-u. where .Mrs. Enlow is te.-ichcr of music. EltAXCIS DWKiHT KOOn. .\. .M.. P.. I>. - - - Avon Park. Fla. Was born at Godfrey. 111.. .Inne 1.".. l.s.V.i. He entered Shnrtleff Cidlcu'c in ].S7."». {rraduatiug with the class of issi. H" w.is Principal of the .\lton IIi;.'h School in 1881-82, and then spent two years in study at ihe Yah- l>iviniiy School and two at Chicairo Theoloirical Seminary, receiviiiir the de^rrce n>f p.. D. from the latter. Mr. Rood was mai'ried to Mi>s .\niiella <"i imver .it Chnutau(jna Lake. N. Y.. August 27. 18S."». He is a ( 'i>ii.urc.u';ii ional minister. His lirst pasiorate after frradiiatin.LT from tlic Semip.iry was lie;iun in l.s.si; ;it the .Xorili Con^^iie- national Church. Ihiudewood, Chic.-iiio. whepc ln' rem.iiiied for over four yi'ars. His voice and hcailii l.-iiliiiLT. he speiii some time in ret ni>er;ition. re- luovinir t() Florida si'Veral ye.-irs .-iiro and orjrani/.inir the Con;rrev'alion;il Church of .\von T*:irk. of which he is now ]>aslor. HATIII': S(,H IKK .Mrnc, F/rr. - - - Alma. Il.irl.in Co.. Xeb. Aficr Icaviuir Shut llelT College .Mi>. 18.")7. When he was (luite young his parents removed to Fairbury. 111., where he attended the public school. His father being unable to pi-ovide for the expenses of hi.s college training, young ^^'ells worked his Avay through, by teaching school a portion of each year, and also doing chores, sawing wond. etc. He entered the Illi- nois Wesleyan at Blooniington in 1872, where he did tAvo years" work. He was converted and j lined the Baptist Cliurcli of L''.iTrbury. 111., in tlie s])ring of 1875, wlTile teaching school near that place. He immediately decided to devote his life to the Baptisi ministry, and entered Shurtleff College, graduat- ing from the classicnl course in 1878 and from th'^ Theological Department in 1880. He received the degree of A. :\I. in 1884, and Ph. D. in 1894. Mr. Weils was married July l.">, 1880. to Miss .lennie May 8hiv(>ley. ot Fairbury, 111. He has held pastorates at Fidelity and Pittsfield, 111., and Hiawatha. Kan. Since June, 1892, he has been pastor of the Edgerton Place Baptist Chnrch in Kansas City, K.nn. His pastoral soi-vice has been greatly blessed. While at Hiawatlia tlie nieniliership of his cliurch was more than doulded, and during his Kansas City pastorate a beautiful new house of worship I'as been erected to meet the growing needs of the church. RUBY WHITTLESEY-BISSELL. Ettingham. 1876-77. WALTER APPERSON. ------- Areola. 'REV. JOHN FRANK BAKER. A. B., B. D. - - Spokane Falls. Wash. Was born ,Tune 1, 1853, on the old Tippecanoe battlefield in Indiana. His early life was spent in Michigan and Illinois, where his father. Hoy. .7. C. Baker, held pastorates and was eng.-iged in general missionary work. In 1S74. when the family renuived to the Paeitic Coast, John, the oldest son. remained 292 M> 1. S. Arthur Winlitiiiaii, '83. 2. Josephine Holt. "Hs- 3. Hieaker H Williams. '83 4. MyroiiC. Miner. '85. 5. F. Marion Johnson. '86. b. John B. Reynohis. •85. 7. j allies E. Cooinbs, 'S6. S. Willie Hon.liir; I,. Sadie 1-. J'lr- It. SI.. 10 Chariest r..lholl. .SO 11. Ida M Wichinian Keynolds. 86. 12. John V. WliitiiiK. '8}. 13. Maude 1:. Murphy .Aekeis. '.'^i 14. John li. Curiy, '85 .lines T lUi>wn. Samuel K. Skiuiiel. Hj. .\ll.eil T f.riMith. 'SS. Nathaniel I Heatoii. 87 Teiesa A. Joestili»J. 87. K I nest V. Mallbv, Wi. p in ScllO!>l :il lU(i(i)nill.i:li)ii, 111. Twd yc;lls l;ilrl- lie w.is fililc I> l.lUi- ;i(lv,lll t;i,s,'fs of (iiiiinnmiiih s MlViiidt'd ;ii Slmrilcll ('i.llf;j('. ciiicrin;: in lli<- \':i\] or 1S7»i ami .CMatliialiii;: willi tli.- (h';:rt\' of A. It. in ISSil. One year was also sprni in llio 'riuolo^rical Hcpari nuiii of SImrlli'll". rollowrd liy i wo yi-ais in tlio liaptist Union Tlir )Io.irical Seminary. Moiixan rarl<. 111. Alit r ;:iailiiaiin,ii from llic laliiT in .M.i.x. )ss;;. Ii,- \\a-> manird .liiiu' li' to .Miss Laura 10. riiillips. ol" Ijipcr .Vlloii. ami on An;:u.sl 1 Sflilcd as pasior of iln- Firs; It.ip list CliMich of S| ukan.' Falls. Durin.u' Mr. P.ai7*k Ihi! when (iid.\- alioiii half way liiroUL'li ili.- course was stricken with typhoid fever. After a severe illness (d' several months he l»e- jran teacliins scduxd near AVoods" Station, iiortlieasi of Fpper Alton, and the followin.ir year tati.ixlit at I'.othalin. 111. While eiiLiaufd in school te.icliinj; he liad studied shorihaml eviMiiuiis and Saturdays, and in ilie sjn-inu: of ls,v.'{ comiiKMiced a lerni as court reporter in the District Court ai Fdw.irdsville, and afterwaid reiioried for The courts of Carlinville. S.ilein .and Chester. 111., until February, l.vsi;. wIhmi he jicceptcil .i p(]siion with F.-iiili.inks. M until .lanu.iry. l>'.i;t, wiicn lie was transferred to the Kansas City liramli. On .May 1. IStli;, Mr. I!lack .iccepied the Wi stern ;i-('ncy of the ciu-por:i tion '".loiies (d' I'.inuiiamioii." the pii'sideiit of which T:LKLI<]Y. A. .M., V,. 1). - Inya Kara, Wyo. (iraduj'.'ed from tlic classical conr.st> at Shurtleft" College in 1883. Received the deirroe of A. .M. in 1SS7, ami is alsD a graduate of the Theological Depart- ment. From 1S84 until 1802 he was a missionary in Burma under the Amer- ican Baptist Mis.sionary Fnloj). Ifeturning to this country in 18U2, he resided in Upper Alton for a year, -was afterward pastor at Ashley, 111., and una.Uy removed ti) the West. Avhtre iie has been living at Fairview, Neb., and Inya Kara, Wyo. Ylv. I';i)k;e\ was married on Marcli o. 1884, to Miss Josie lloru'-y, of Fclci'sl.urg. 111. r WILLIAM K. BUTLEU. ------- (Carlyle.j CELESTIXA r. CHAPMAX-STOOKEY. - 1427'/!.. ("hamplaiu Ave.. Chicago. 'tTIMOTlIY S. DOixJE. - (Upper Alton.) WILLIA?.! A. FORSTEK, M. I). - - ;i28-0 Rialio Bldg.. Kausus City, ilo. A native of Denniarlv; was horn May 11, 18.1(!. His Tatlier, I)r. Andrew P. Forster, was a physician of note, who died in Fort Scott, Kan., at the age of 71. Ilis mother, of English parentage, noAV resides in Kansas City, Mo. At 11 years of age the suliject of our sketch emigrated with his parents to America, settling in LaSalle Co.. 111., where William spent his youth on tht; farm until 18 years of age, when he entered the High School at Touica, 111., subsecincntly attending Shurtleff Coll<>ge. During his college course he paid his own way by doing whatever he could, boarding himsplf most of the time, his fare being of the scantiest. On Sunday he walked four miles to a Baptist ?.Iission Sabbath School, of wliicli lu' was suiK'rinicndent and Bible class teacher. After leaving Sluirtlelf College he entered the Homeopathic Medical Col- lege of Missouri, at St. Louis, graduating in 188(t, and taking first prize for snrgerj-. He was surgeon in charge of the free dispensa;*y of the college, and assistant surgeon of the Good Samaritan Hospital. Removing to Fort Scott, Kan., he went into pai'mershii) with his father. He afterward practiced two and a half years In Nevada, Mo., then spent another year at Fort Scott, and in June, 188.5, went to Kansas City. Mo., where he has remained ever since, having attained high rank as a homeopathic physician and surgeon. Dr. Forster was married December (>, 1M)4, to Mrs. Fannie C. widow ot Thomas T. Roe, and daughter of .Tohn A. and Sarah E. Cannon. The Doctor has two children by a' former marriage. .lessie H., 1.3, and AValter L., 10. Dr. Forster is a member of the American Institute of Homeopathy, Missotfri In- stitute of Homeopathy, Kansas State Homeopathic Medical Society, Missouri Valley Homeopathic Medical Association and the Homeopathic Club of K».n- sas City. For si.\ years he was Professor of Surgery in the Homeopathic; 296 .Mfdii.-il ('ollf;;c (pf K.iiis.'is ("My. ( f which hf is ;i cli.-iru r Hicniln'r ;:ntl (.ue of the fouiiilers. ami is at pn'sc:i! I'lMlfssiH- of Sii.-;;t'ry iu tht» Colk';^i' ol Hdii-CDpatliii- Mt'dii-iiu' aiul Sui-;;!'r.v of tlic Kaiisa^N City I'niversity. MOSK'S II. IIAKT. ..... Cn'i;:!!!..!!. .M(.. tOKVlLI K \. KKI.L. - .Sal. in.) tFRANKl.l.X .M.ir. ISTS, when slic (•iilcrcd Mi. ("arridl St-nniiary. .Mi. ('ari'')ll. 111., I'tMurnnit;- in l>(MHSidicr, isT'.i. Two ycai- wfn alii ruard siiciii ir yinutlcfl" Collt'gc. Juno 12. \HS'.',, she was luarried to Kcv. .1. !•'. Hai^i-r, and ri-niovrd ti tlic Pai-ilic Coast, Avhorc .Mr. lUikcr s.Mticd .\n.nusi 1 as pasior nl' iln- r,;iniisl Church of SpokaiU' Fails. Wasli. Siiiri' ilic dc.ith (d' licr iiusliand. .Vn^iist '.i. 1887, Mrs. Baker lias I'.ceii eiiiploycd as ;i tc.iciirr and siipiTiniciidciii of ilir Chinese Mission Schnuls in Oaklaiui. (":il.. .uiii roiiland. nvr. Shr is n >w in Oaklan.l. JCII.\ WILDY FL.VCK, A. H. - - l.Mi Nassau St.. .New York City In loan and real estate Inisiness at I'dooiningloii. 111., ISM-si".. .\i 1 1.isi iiil'-. Nell.. lS8i»-.S!). Afterward iirarticed law in .\cw York Ciiy lor .a linie. and is at present a nieniTier WIX E. KEKi). IKilLVCE E. ROBEKTS. .Vircnt of the Wcsicrn I'liion iWiildini I .Ncwlici'ii.i loS .lacks .11 Si.. Cliicaj,'o. i;nid. Okla. Si. .loscidi. Mich. TIIO.MAS .r. S.V.\I"()1M). KEV. IIE.NHY SCIIFLTZ. ..... Pastor (d' the St. .loscph li.iplisi Chiircli. ALICE L. STAl USCUAl.X. - - 12227 E. Founii SI., l.is Ani.'.dcs, Cal. t.MABTIlA ELLE.N WII.V.M. ...... (S.ileiu.i *ISAAC C. WOOLEUY. .... iSciota.) 11E\". .I.\MES .1. BKISTUW. .lOSEl'll C. F.Kl.NK. 1877-78. i;.l.-.ir. .Nch. Spriii;:ticld. 297 BERTHA BULKLEY-ROACH, A. M. - - Rangoon, British Burma. The sixth daughter of Dr. J. Bnlkle.v, was born in Upper Alton, 111., Octo- ber 31, 1865. She entered Shurtleff College at an early age, exhibited apti- tude for learning and was graduated in the class of 1S83, before she was 1^ 3'ears old. She also became quite prolicient in music. After graduation slie engaged in teaching; at Almira College. Greenville, 111., one year-, and at Shuvtleff College two years. On August 16, 1887, she was married to Edgar B. Roach in Upper Alton, and they immediately sailed for Rangoon, Burma, under appointment as mis- sionaries of the American Baptist Missionary Union. Mr. Roach is professor 'in the Rangoon Baptist College. They are both very earnest, happy and suc- cessful in their Avork. Two little boys till their iiome with sunshine and joy. REV. ARTHUR A. CAMBRIDGE. - - West Medford, Mass. JOHN COLUMBUS CARXER. . - - . - McLeauslwro. Dealer in monumeuts and headstones. HON. JOHN H. DUNCAN. ------ Marion. Son of Capt. Samuel Duncan; was born in Benton, Ky.. June 27, 1S.j8. In the spring of 1865 he removed with his parents to Illinois, where he worked on a farm and attended the public schools until his eighteenth year, when he attended Shurtletf College for a period of two years. He was chosen princi- pal of the Cai'terville (HI.) public schools, serving in that capacity for four years. In 18S2 he was elected County Superintendent of Williamson County, and re-elected in 1886 by a greatly increased majority. While acting as County Superintendent lie estal)lished and edited "Our Public Schools," a local educational journal, and also assisted in establisliing and editing the "Leader," the Republican organ of tlie county. In 1890 iNlr. Duncan was elected to tlie State Legislature as a Representa- • live of the Fifty-first District, and re-elected in 18U2 without opposition. At the clos*» of his second term ho accep'ted a position as traveling salesman for Simmons Hard.ware Co., which position he still holds. He is also interested in a retail hardware and furniture store at Marion. In 1883 ^Nlr. Duncan was niarricd to Mis.-'. Mary M. Spiller, of Marion, 111. TJiey have a daughter, Bosa. of ihirteen summers. Mr. Duncan is an ardent Republican, an active worker in the Christian Cliurcli and a member of the Masonic fraternity. EDWARD W. FEN'ITY, M. D. Kane. JOEL J. FOULON, A. B., M. I). - - - - French Village Was born at Highland. 111., January ."). 1862. He entered ShurtlefC College in 1877, graduating from the classical course in 1882. and afterward from the Missouri Medical College, St. Louis. He practiced his profession in Beav- er Creek, 111., for two years, removing in 1889 to French Village, where he 298 l);is sim-c cuiu iiuii'd i)r;icl ifiii.u-. He w.is in.iirifd April I. IW'''. to Miss Kli/,;i- bclli M. Mills, nf i;,;i\( r Clrrk. 111. ZKrilAMAll S*1I.AS l(»l !.(».\. A. 11.. M. 1 >. - Frt'iicli Vill.i-.-. Twill liioilifi- 111' .lipcl ,1.; ciiiri'cd SliiirilflV <'()lici:c :il llu- s;mif linn- ;is the laiti'i". i'i;iili'aliii.i; ill till' saiiii- class, mid ;ilsu ;:i-adiiatiii;: fi-'i;ii iln' -li.-siiu'i ^ledit'a) College at the same lime. At'ler practicing; medicine at Highland, HI.. :ur two u'ars. lie removed to French \illage, where he l.;i-; .-since been iii partnership wilh his lu-.dlier. He was married at Woodluini. 111.. March 'S2. J.SSS. to :Miss Aiiiiic M. lleafy. FANMK F. (JILFHA.M-I'IFIJCK. IMi. W. - Epwiirtli. White Co. Alter gradiiatiiig rrom ShurtlclT Cnllege willi tlir class ol" ISS-J. Miss <;ill- tijim sjHMit three ye;ir.N lu .eaching ar Wanda. III., in tlie public sclmcils, hik! (ine year tcacliiiiu' .i |iri\a'e scIkhiI. In September, iSSCi, slie was ni;irricd lu Rev. U. Kdw. I'lcrce. ,i iiiiiiisler of the .Methodist Episeoi)al Clmrili. (JKOllOK 11. II.MIKISO.N. ...... Hcrriii. Farmer. .irJ;St).\ IIOISF. - .... i{„x Kici. Kiverside. Cal. D.VXIFL .M. Krri'l.\i;i;U. ...... l|.i'cr Alton. .Merchant. (;p:OI{(;E W. MeKEK. -.-... (Jnodwiii. S. 1» SA.MI'FL ALKF.N FiMn; I .\" E. - Imiuir. .\ag.i Hills. .\ss;mi. India. Was born near (ireensbnrg. Ind.. February 1!». Is.V.t. At ilir age of seven he removi'U to Centralia, 111., with his parents. Sinin after his cdnversidii .-ii rlie ago of 17. he entered Shnrtlefi' College with tlu' n\inistry in view, rem.iin iiig three y:'ars. :ind .afterward .iir.idiiating from the Cliic.iga Inlveisiiy in lS,>'..'i. In bv>'".» Jie ciiiiipleteil the I heohigiiM 1 ciiiirse ;i i .Morgan I';irk Scmin.-iry. lie sn)tpoited liimself while seeiiiing his ediic.itidn. In 18S1) he aeeei>;ed iiie pastorate of the l^'irsl l'..iplisi Church. .M.irshall- town. la., and A])ril 1. is'.ij. resigned to enter the foreign mission held. lb- was married .Tune '.». issi, to .Miss Kosie Eandt. (►f DavenpcuM, la. They sailed for Assam. Indi.i. September liS, 1S!I2, bound for Molung, a station among the Xa.ga Hills. .\fter laboring the:*- for two years they opened up the ii(>w si.-itiou ol' Iiiipiir. larliier u|i in iiie Hills, where they arc pn-secuiing the work with great vigoi- and success. •;•.TA^!ES .1. rrtl.M.M. ..... (I'lneUneyvillci LEWIS .\r. KII.EV. ..... Kingnijiii. Kan. iJOHX FITZ KOP.EKPS. i.Vshl.iiid, .Neb.i CEOKtH': K. 'PFCKIOK. ..... llor.ice. l-:d-.ir Co. (Jrain deali-r. 299 WILL. F. WALKER, IMi. B. - - - GlSf, Lrxington /we.. Chica.iiiu. After a short time si](Mit in study at Shtirtleff Oolleg-e lie removed to Algona, Li.. where h:^ studied for two years and tlieu entered the State T'ni- versity at Iowa City, graduating in 1SS4 with the degree of Bachelor of Philosophy. Seven years Avere spent in traveling over an extensive territory in the interests of a wholesale house, prior to locating in Chicago, where he is now a member of the firm of Hays & Wallcer. engaged in tlie Imsincss ot making real estate loans and investments. Mr. Walker was married in 1S92 to Miss May Colbiirn, of Algona. Li. They have a daughier about two years old. WILLIAM PKiANCIS WIEMEIIS, A. M., LL. B. - 4G Columbia St.. Cliicago. Suite 030 Chicago Opera House Bldg. Was born February 14, 1857. in St. Louis, Mo., of German parentage. His boyhood and youth were spent on a farm near Bethalto, 111. At tlie age of 18 he became ;i teacher in one of the public schools of Madison Co.. and so continued until 20 years of age, when he entered S'hurtleff Coll(\ge. pursuing the classical course and graduating in 1882. He immediately went to Chicago to study jurisprudence, and in 1884 was graduated from the Union College of Law. now the Law Department of the Northwestern University. In Ihe same year he was admitted to the bar and commenced the practice of law in Chicago, where he has iM>en l)usily engaged in liis profession ever since. Mr. Wiemers was married Se]>tember 11, 1889, to Miss" Clara B. ICenison. of Chicago. In 18!);_{ the Circuit Court of Cook C'ounty appointed him j>Iaster in Chancery of said court, which position he stiP holds. He received the de- gree of Master of Arts from his Alma Mater in 1897. .Mr. AYiemers is a thir- ty-second degree Mason, and a member of numerous Chicago club.s and societies, among others flie Marciuette and Hamilton Clubs. 1878-79. REV. HENRY STILLS BLACK, B. D. - - - AVallaco. Idaho. Converted at the .ige of 20, he entered Shurtleff College in September. 1878, graduating from the Theological Department in 1880. and being ordained the same year. He was married .June 8, 1880, to Miss Clara Violet Stockbridge, <)f Pana. 111. After successful pastorates at Pana and Carlinville, 111., he be- came Financial Secretary of tlie Illinois Baptist Education Society, retaining this position for one year. .Inly 1. 189;!, he took charge of the Baptist Church at Kewanee, 111., removing three years later to Wallace, Idaho, where he is doing good v\-ork as ])asfor of the Baptist Churcli. Vice-President of the State Convention (Eastern Waslungton and Northern Idaho) and President of the State B. Y. P. U. EDWIN L. CHAPm. ...... Springfield. Attorney-at-law. 300 GEORGIA n.AUK-rAItTY. .7iili;i.tt.i. I.lalio AftiT spciidinj,' s('V(>r:il .vo;irs in study ;it SlnirtlffT CoIIcki'. Miss Clark at- TeiuU'd Alinira Collt'po. rirccnvillc. III.. wIutc siic was valcdictttriaii (»f tin- olass (if ISS:^. Slit> nitcrward taiiLrht fdi- srvcral yi'.irs in tlic pulilic sclmols of Missouri. In lyS.") slu^ iii.iiri«-d .Mr. H. .1. ("any. uf S;ilcm. Md.. .-.iid in l.V.iT tlioy rcniovod to Jiiliaclia. Idaiiu. tlirii pn>s»'iit Ikhih'. ♦SYLVKSTEU S;. (^U'/AX. (GripKsv)ll.-.) I>i.'d in Nrw .M.-xico. •S. M. DAVIS. DoiMviral. Ta.. in 18<)1. ED.MO.XD DILT.ARI). M. D. - - - ... Litclili.'ld. at Shurtlcff ColU-frc in ls,si,', with the hi.chost honors of her class, and siuco that time has hoon engaged in tcachinj? at .Vltim. NETTIE I'OKWOODKEI.EAM. . . . . . I^oatricc. X() X. Twcnty-si.\th St., Omaha, Neb. After two years of study iu Shurtleff Collope, lie began to learn a trade, J»ut finally abandoned this and enlisted in the United States army. His army experience extended almost continuously from May. 1881, to the latter jiart of isn4, Avhen he ceased the life of a soldier. Mr. Haveu was converted in July, 1SH2. after siieudiuK tlic trn>;itcr p;irt of two nights in T'l'iytr '^"cl struggle. He had previously been ;in avcAved in- fidel, but Ood in His wouderful mercy opened his eyes and Iirouglit him l'> the li.ght. Aft(>r his conversion he labored t>arncstly am! unceasingly for the conversion of liis comrades, and since leaving the army has been eug.aged in Christian work as he found opportunity. Mr. Haven was married in 1804 to Miss Julia E. Noyes, who was preparing; herself for foreign missionary service. They have recently been holding themselves in readiness to go under ilie auspices of the Christian and Mis- sionary .\llianc(> to work among the hidi.-nis in tl)e central portion of .^oiith Americ;i. HON. .lAMES \V. Kli'/MIELER. Ntedora H9AAC S. McCOl.I.IM. - (S.-ottsville.) REV. KIN(;MAX X. MORUILL. Rurlinglon, Wis After leaving Shurtleff College he atlcnded Eastman Rusiness t'olh'ge. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., from whicii he gr;idu:ite(l in iss.".. Eor foitr years he was employed as a booklceeper, and then entered the R.aptist rninn Theologl .^01 cal Seminary at Morfjan Park. 111., ^jjrailuatliij; with the class of 1892. His first pastorate was at TTausaii, Wis., where he was ordained September 29, 1S92. Since July 1, ISO."), he has been pastor of the Baptist Church in Bur- lington, Wis., where he w"as married October 27, 1897. tWILLARD P. SEARS. (Upper Alton.1 tG. W. VAUGHAN. . . . . . (Gladesville. Va.) tROBERT S. WADE. (Quincy.) LEWIS D. WATERS. Prove City, Utah, 1879-80. FANNIE I. ALLEN. - - - - 33r5 Auditorium, Spokane, Wash. AVas born at Alton, 111., April 28, 18(31. She acquired her early education in the public* schools of that ciTy. iiraduating from the High School in 187(3, at the age of 1.5 years. Tlie first year thereafter was "spent in the study of music and afterward she took a special course preparatory to teaching. In 1879 Miss Allen entered the Preparatory Department of Shurtleff College, remain- ing for one year and subsequently teaching for five years in tho Alton schools. She was converted at the age of 12. uniting wicli the Cumberland Presby- terian Church and taking a class in the Sunday School, but after careful study of the subject of baptism joined the Baptists in 1885. That same year she left Alton and went to Walla Walla, Wash., where her brother-in-law, Rer. .1. H. Eeaven. of the class of 1884. was pastor of the Baptist Church. During five years spent at this point slie engaged quite extensively in church work, and at the end of that time began the cour.se in the Baptist Missionary Training School of Chicago. She graduated in 1892. and in the same year was appointed by the Woman's Baptist Home Mission Society as general missionary for Washington and Northern Idaho, with headquarters at Spokane. Her work among the women and children on that held has been very successful, particularly in the First Cliurch of S]>okan-^-, of which she is a member. In .Tune, 1895, Miss .Allen accepted the position, under the American Bap- tist Home Mission Society, of superintendent of the Chinese Baptist Mission at Spokane; this in connection witli lier work as general missionary for Eastern AA'ashingfon and Northern Idaho, giving up the work in AA'estern Washington. She is a consecrated Christian woman, and her years of train- ing, especially along religious lines, iiave admirnbly fitted her for usefulness in her chosen field. MIDDY E. BARTLETT-PACE. Upper Alton. Daughter of William and Sarah .lane Bartlett; was born near AVorden, Ma(tison Co.. 111., .Tanuary 22, 18(31. Ent(M-ing Shurtleff College in 1879, she 302 pursuod tlio classical cnnrso for nearly IliriM' years. Slie very iimdi ajii'iT fiati'd and onjuycil the privile;.M's: iif the ('(ilh';;e ami her literary suciety. Pu- si'veral yeai's Miss I'.arlleli sin ces^l'iilly citiiiiiiiled a inilliiiery stdi'e In rppei Altdii. .May 12. i.'-1>r>, she w.is marrieil to \'v,'i. .1. D. I*n eanie as an iminiirvant to San Francisco, Cal. lie was converted in Southwest Oregon at tlie ape of IS. and decided to devote liis life to the niin- i.stry. Thron.ffh the inrtiience . front rortland. Ore., tlie llrsi ])erson he met in the dormitory was a new- student just froiu Portland. .Me. lie preached regularly while purstiiuK his colIe<:e work, praduatins with the class of 1S84 and suhsequi'iitly receivius: the deprree' of A. M. In l.SSt! he completed the theological course. 7.ir. Be.aven w.is married Apr*! 27. ISSCi. to .Miss Minnie M. Allen, of Alton. III. He lieuan his pastor;il labors in Eastern Wasninpton, and did k<">'1 service for the Master in Walla Walla and Spokane until ISDii. when he re- turned to Illinois anil Has since been i)astor at Metidota, wlitu'e he is very sui-- eessful. riis work in ^^'as)lin,l;ton w;is that of a luoneer. .atid In* was larjudy iiistrumi'iil;il in the i>r.u;ini/alion of the llaplist ("oiiveiilioii of iji.-ii Suite. A. MAY KLACK-CLAYTOX \\>\h'V Alton. M"lss Black was born in Canton, Fulton Co.. 111., and at an early a;;e rj^ moved to Madison County with her parents, settlini.' in riii>cr Alton in August, 1879, and attenditiji- Shurtl(>ff Collese for one year. On April 127. 1SS12, she' was married to Mr. Wm. II. Clayton, of I'pper Alton, where she has since resided. CHARLOTTE HI'UTOX. Cpper Altoa YJOSEPH BUTTERWORTH. . . . . . (Warren. U. I. • EVA.X II. CASEY. Ewini;. AXXELEA COXOVER-ROOl). ... - Avon Park. Fla. After leavinj: ShurlletT Colleire Miss Conover studied art in Xorthw(>stern Pniversity, Evanston. 111., ar the Philadelphia .\ri School ;inil .-ilso the Yale Art School. She was married .at Chautauqua I.;ike. X. Y.. .Ku'^usi :J7. iss.",. to :Cev. Fr.-iiicis O. Rood, of the class of ISSl. a Con.Lrre;:atii)ual cler;:ymap. Tliey have since resided in I'jiulcw oixl. III., .iiid more recently in .\vnn I'aik. Fla. lIAHOrX W. DAVIS. St. .losepli. Mich. TIIO.MAS DOOFINi;. ....... Alton. Merchant. MAKt F. FOLEY ....... Macomb. N. LEE FOLEY. ..--.-.. Macomb. tW. A. FOLEY. (Littleton.) COLUMBUS ELZA FREEMAN. ..... Topeka, Kan. Was born near Ashley, 111., September 21, I808. At the age of 20 he en- tered Ewing College, where he remained a year and then spent two years and one term at Shurtleff. The following three years he was engaged iu school teaching and studying law in the office of A. H. Carter at Ashley, 111. In January, 1SS5, he was admitted to the bar by the Supreme Court ot Illinois, and soon afterward began the practice of law in Beloit. Kan. Iu 1892 he removed to Topeka, where he is engaged ,in building up an extensive commercial law practice iu Kansas and adjoining States. Mr. Freeman is a man of strong literary tastes, being a great reader. He is a bachelor and a member of the Presbyterian Church. ENOCH .TOHNSON. A. B. - - 636-8 Endicott Bldg.. St. Paul, Minn. Was born in Moline. II!., February 22, 1860. Entering Shurtleff College in 1879, he was graduated in .T\ine. 1883. He afterward taught school for a year at Marcus. la., and then studied law in the Law Department of Wash- ington University, St. Louis, Mo., and practiced his profession in that city until 1887. when he removed to St. Paul, Minn., becomilig associate editor of West Publishing Company's law publication.s. A year later he began the practice of law in St. Paul, which he has continued there ever since. From 1892 until 1894 Mr. .lohuson was City .Justice of St. Paul. ' CHARLES W. KEISER. - - - 817 Fannin St., Shreveport. La. *NEAV'.|'ON JUDSON McCORMICK. . - - . . Raritan. Was born September I'k 1855, near Kirkwood, 111. His early education was received in the country schools. After teaching for several terms he entered Shurtleff College in 1879. remaining until February, 1881, wlien he was called home by the death of his mother, and did not return. In 1883 he became principal of the public schools at Raritan. 111., and also entered into newspaper work with F. M. Bonham. establishing the "Raritan Bulletin." In 3884 he removed to Little York. 111., and established the "Ensign." He be- came editor of tlie "Warren Coanly Democrat" at ^lonmouth, 111., in 1889, but in a few years failing health compelled him to give up this work and he went North to recuperate, spending nearly two years among the lakes. He died at Raritan, May 3. 1895. Mr. McCormick was married to Miss Fannie Maynard. of Raritan, 111., February 25. 1892. While he resided at Monmouth he was superintendent of tlie Sunday School in the First Baptist Churcli. JOHN HOWARD MERRIAM, A. B., LL. B. - Pasadena. Cal. Was born in 1801, working on a farm during his boyhood and afterAvard 304 in a store. He attended Shurtloff Collejie and graduated in the class of 1S84, then taught school for a'.Vc.n- at lifs noiiic in Lan;irk. 111. After studyiug law •in Oswego, K;iii.. for two years he hecjiine clerk in the AiiJuiMiit (letieral's otfiee, AVar I (eparliiu'iit, Wasliiiiginn. I >. C. I[e rei'|iartnient < oinpleted tlie law course at Columbian Vniversity. His lirsi two yi'.irs in ("aUt'nrnia were spent in seeking health, and livi> more serving as .Insiice of ilie l*e;ice. at the same time practicing law to some extent in tlie liigher courts. .Mrs. Merriam died in the fall of IS'.Mi. le.-iving a son now live years of age. IIK\. K. EDWAKh I'IKllCi:. A. I'.. Kl.w.irlii. \\liit<- Co. UraduatiMl in ilie scientific course at llie Soutliei-n Illinois .Normal I'liiver- sity, Carbondale. with the class of LSTS. After a year of school teaching in White County and one year's attendance at Shurtleff College, he gr.iduatetl from the classical course at McKeiidree in IS.Si'. Kcv. Pierce was stationed one year each at <;r;ifton and St. Illmo l>y ihe Southern Illinois Conference of tlie MciIhmIIsi i;i>is(iiiial Clnu'cli. I'lntereH (.iarreti Biblical Institute at Hvansion. III., in tlie fall of 1>M :ind gr,i(lii:it- ed in 1S87. In S<>pteinber, L'^Sd. he was m.-irried to Miss I',innie l'\ ( ;illli,in!. of Wanda. III. After his coui'se at t!ie(;:irreM Insiituii-. .Mr. I'icrce spent iwn yc.-.rs preacliing in Ihe Sipulhern llliimis ( 'unrcrencc, .mihI ilicn renin\cd wi'h his wife to .New Mexico, where they were engaged in missionary work for three years. Since returning to lllinnis .\Ii-. I'ierce has occujtied pastorates at .Mt. C;irmel. (Jr.iyville .-nid i'^pwcMi li. ilie l:isi being his i)i-esent ch;irgi'. WILLIAM II. I'lLKCH. . . . . IM,ino. Keiwhill Co. lltOF. KDCAK HKllxiL.MAN lULVCII. A. .\I. - U.iiigoon. British Burma After his graduation at Sliurtlelf College with the class of S4 he was In- structor in .M;ithenialics in the Institution for a year. I'l-om l.s,s,"» to IS'.lii h'- was rresideut of Rangoon B.i])tlst College. Kangoon. r.urm.i. lie then spent a year in Americji, and im liis reiiiin to Burma became Superintendent , and the fol- lowing year he went to Nebraska to work for an uncle who was a cattle dealer. In 1877 youn,^ Taylor drifted to Sutton, Neb., where two years were spent in farm work nnd attending school. In 1879 ho was urged by Benja- min Garr, a Shurtleff TToy of Sutton, to attend this Instittttion. He arrived in Upper Alton poor in purse, but ricli in ])luck, lived with "Grandma Atkins,' swept recitation rooms, and sawed wood— literally and figuratively. When about half through his college course lie left Sliurtlefl" and in 1880 began teaching in the public schools of Illinois. Ill 1887 Mr. Taylor was married to a former Shurtlefbte. ^Miss H. A. INlor- ton, of Shipman. 111. They have three childreri. For nine years he continued to teach in Illinois, in 18!)'-' obtaining by examination a State Teachers' Cer- tificate. In 1805 his health compelled him to give up school room work, and he lias since been a piano tuner, devoting much time to music and having published a number of his ■own compositions. HARRY A. WOOD. ....... Ro.semond. 1880-81. JESSE A. CHEISEBRO. ...... Taylorville. MAMIE AMELIA CONGDON-BARBER. - - Corwith. Hancock Co., la. tEDWARD HANSON CONNOR. ...... (Alton.) IROLLIE MINNIE COOPER, Ph. B. - - - - (Upper Alton.) tGARRETT H. CRUZAN. ...... (Griggsvllle.) tOREY CULTER. - - (El Paso, Kan.) HORACE M. CULTER. ...... El Paso, Kan. Druggist. JOHN RILEY GORDON. - - - - Riggs, Boone Co., Mo. Farmer. DANIEL B. KiTTINGER. ..... Upper AUon. Merchant. 306 REV. KHWAUn CILES KNKIHT. A. M. ir.ir. N. iL'tli SI., riiil;i.l.-lplii:i. 1';^ Was horn in Salt'in. N. .1., Octolicr 4. ]S(;4. lOnlcrcd Slmiilffl' ('ullf;:c in ISSO and was iriailnattMl in lss<; with tlic (lt>;,'r('f' oC liacliclor uf Arts. lu SepTonilTiM- of tiic saini> year h*' cntt'it'il CroztT Hapti.^t TJieolof^ical Seminary. Choster. I*a.. ooniith'tinu' I'lic caursc in ISSil. In lV)irnary. I.S'.kX ho was failed to the pasforaie of tiie ."sorth Kaplist ("linreli, riiiladoljilila, I'a.. and wot oriTainod to flie niinisiiv. After two ami om-lialt' years witli this cliure-li uc resigned. Iv Soptembor. 1S02. lie was conlirmed and l)ecaine a fominnnicaut of tbp I'rotestant Kpiscopai Cliureli, and assisted tlie Rev. Win. M. .lefferis, I). I)., now tlio veiieralile arduloacon of Texas, in the estaldishment of the (Jhnrch of the Holy Comninnidn. Tacoma, Wasli. In .March, IS'.i;'), he was ordained to the deaeonate of lin' Protestant Episeopal Chnreh hy Die Ut. Key. .lohn' Adams Paddock, I>. I>.. Hishop nf Washin.irton. Ut'tnrninj: to Piiiladelplna. ho Spent a year in special stndy .•iml in .Tnne. IS'.M, was ordained to the priest- hood of the Protestant Episcopal Church hy lU. liev. Ozi W. A\'hit;iUer. D. I).. Rishop of Pennsylvania, ami was c.illed to tlie rertor.-ite (if the St. Jliia. GEORtiE FRAXKLIX MOODY. .... P.eilford. In. GEORGE PEPPERDIXE. Si.ringfield. Mo. Attorney-at-law. CHARLES HERBERT POPE. Herrln. l-jfrner. tMATTIIEW L. QIIXX. ..... (Carllnville., tMARY D. REILEY. .... (Tppor Alton.) VICTOR SEWARD. W.irdiier, Idalio. Bookkeei)er tor the Stemwinder .Mining and .Milling Comp.iny. KATHERIXE A. SPBXCE-DP KOCIIER. - - De Soto, Mo. EMMA STARKWEATIIER-.MEACI11:R. - 4'.U Washington Pdvd.. Chicago. tGEORGE HARDWICKE WATERS. .... (Carlinville.t 1881-82. RHODA RARTLETT. ..... Tpper Alton. School teacher. WILLIAM K. BRAXCII, .M. D. .''.Sod Delmar Ave.. Si. I.oiiis. .Mo. ♦WILLIAM EDGAR COFIHCE. Lit)erty, Xet.., .laim.iry 0, ISSO. tHETTIE M.VY EXGLlSH-i ; .\TES. .... (Pi. per Alton.; 307 LILLIAN FULLAGAR. - - - - 7 S. Peoria St., Chicago. Has been engaged in teaching school in Chicago since 1885. She is now in charge of the eighth grade of the .7ohn M. Smith School. t JAMES E. GATES. -------- (Yirden.) tOKA Z. aiLWORTFI. - - ( Jersey ville.) ♦CHARLES CHILTON HALL. Ph. B., M. D. - - - - Virden. Was born February 27, 1868. After graduation at Shurtleff in rlie class of 188(3, he pursued the course at Rush Medical College, Chicago, graduating in 189^ with first nonors in a class of 3 70. He had just settled In Chicago and entered upon the practice of his profession, when he was seized Avith a severe attack of la grippe, which developed into typhoid pneumonia and caused hi.s death January 24. 1892, when all seemed full of promise for his future use- fulness. Mr. Hall was an Instructor in the Preparatory Department for one year following his graduation from ShurtJeft' College. He was a conscientious, noble-minded man. and was very highly esteemed by a large circle of friends RILLA HARRIS-DOOLING. -.--.. Alton. JAMES E. LONG. ------ Caimi, White Co. Foreman of the press room, "Carmi Times" *MARY ELLA MlTCHELL-DOltSEY. - - - . . Moro. fJESSL! B. MURROW. ------- Atoka, I. T. MINNIE A. NEECE. -----.. Waverly. The daughter of Jes.se H. and .Tulia E. Neeee: was born in El Triumpho,, Mexico, but since early childhood has lived witli her parents on a farm near Waverly, 111. She was for some time a student at Shurtleff College, where sne gave herself to her work with earnestness and took high r^:ik. From very early childiiood Miss Neece has been a member of tlie Waverly BapTi_st Church, consecrating her talents with unselHsh devotion to its up- building. For three years she was Worthy Matron of Waverly Chapter No. 300, Order of the Eastern Star. She is also a member oi the lUinoiSi Grand Cliapter of the Order, representing the first joint of the Central Star, Grand Adah. KITTIE L. PARKER-HAYWARD. - - - . . Medora. LEONORA PARKER-MONTAGUE. - . - . Brodhead, Wis DANIEL MEHURIN PARKS. .--.-. Plymouth. OLIVE I. POWLESS-MEGOWEN. .... Upper Alton. Milliner. JACOB T. SCHELDT. .... 407 Addison Ave.. Chicago. 308 .lA.Ml-.S ADKISOX •[■(►MI.INSON. Cr.issdiilr. n.-ar Chiciifro. i'l^Ci ( "haiiiliiT 111' I 'n-iiiii •;t<% Was Ixtrii ill (Juiiiry. Ill, .laimar.v S. ISCI. licini; Hi,, st'cdinl in a family o*" tin <'liil(ln'ii. Wliiii iii> was ITi years of i\^i' liis fatlirr rcinovcd to a farm near Eini»oi-ia. Kan., ami in tlu' winter (if ISSO .lames did cli-ires fur his l)()ard and allended Mie grammar seluKu in Aun'riens, Kan. In Hie snmmer o' ISSl he was jtersnaih-d by his uneh', Uev. Addisfui H. 'J'ondinsdn. a former praduafi- (if Shunh'ff Colleye, io attend lli:il Inst itni Km. After .selling notioi.S from town to town, ne.irini: IpiH r .\ilnii each day, he finally arrived nhuut the uiiddle of An^'iisi, issi. eiiit rini; CnUefre hi September. He rt-mainoo for three year.s. boarding; with "(Irandin.a Atkins," doinu' chores, janitor wort etc.. and making his own way. Mr. Tomlinsiin left Shiirtlcir College in ISSl. ;ind w;is married on August IS of that year. Ih- has ihrc( lovely little girls, Alta. Kntli .•iiid Ihdeii. and a boy, .Tamie. We give on;- re;iders n hue engraving of the entire family group. XIr. Tomliuson has Ix-en very successfully engagi^l in the life insurance bus iness for nearly ten years, havipg recently been ap)ioiiited general agent for the E(iuitable Life, the largest ;iiid strongest company in the world. PARK SEDGWICK WEBSTEK. ..... Upper Altou Merchant. RITA STEWART WEHSTEH. ..... Ipper Alton. Teacher in the jmblic schools. MARY CORNBMA WILLI A MS LA WHENCE. - - I'lipcr Altou. Her early life w:is spent at her father's farm in Wood River Townshjii, Mad- ison Co.. 111., about three and one-half miles east of Upper Altcui. After three years' attendance at ShurtlefT C(dlege, she was married February L'd, 1SS4, to Mr. Wni. H. L.awrence. of Hethalto. The first ten years of her married life was spent in Litchtield and St. Louis, but for your years past she has resided in T'iMier Altcu 1882-83. ANNIE E. BEAVEN. ..... Burton, King Co., Wash. Assistant in the "Missionary Children's Home." C. LOUIS BECKEMEYER. Upper Alton. Was born near Hudleytown, .lackson Co., Ind., March !!',>. Is.'iS. At the age of six he went West, with the family, his failicr having bought a farm about three miles northeast of Upper .\llon, wliere Louis ;iiid his jiarents still reside. At the age of KJ he joined the (Jerm.in .M. E. Church of Alton, of which he is still an active memtier. .\fier spending parts of two years in Shurtleff College, he returned home and has been operating the farm ever since. 309 EDWARD S. BONHAM. Trustee of Lewis Township, Clay Co., Ind. Howesville, Ind. *tELMEK E. BONHAM. LIBBIE BKANCH-DORAN. LIZZIE COFFEY-DOKMAN. (Wright, Ind.) Died in 1887. 121G N. Eleventh St., St. Joseph, Mo. Oak Cliff, Tex. MILLARD L. FIELD. .... . . Topeka, Kan. After leaving Shurtleff College in une, 1883, he entered the University ol Kansas in September, graduating two years later by making up a year's work. He has since been engaged in teaching in the West, most of this time in the capacitj' of principal. For about eight years he has been principal of the Lincoln School, largest in Tiopeka. Mr. Field usually spends his summers in conducting Normal Institutes. For"~some six years he has been Superintendent of the First Baptist Sunday School of Topeka. CLYDE KELLY. Milliner. ARTHUR KEN YON. REV. ANDREW II. KNICHT. JULIA LOHR-STACK. ARTHUR LOUTHAN. *THOMAS E. LOUTHAN. tGEORGE W. McCOLLUM. EMMA MUSSON-BONNELIv. W ALS A N El^^ TON -H AN D. tCHARLES R. TEACH. tBERTHA A. RIGGS. tJ. V. ROWE. EMMA A. SCOTT\ tLYMAN M. SCOTT\ ♦tHENRY SMART. REV. GEORGE STEEL. B. D Patoka. Atlanta. South Obselic, N. Y. Biughamtou, N. Y'. Areola. Areola. (Scottsville./ Los Angeles, Cal. 705 W. Seventieth St., Chicago, (O'P'allon.) (Godfrey.) (Locust Grove, I. T.) Box 31, O'Fallon. CO" Fallon.) (Troy.) Hillsboro, Mo. Was born in Y^orkshire, England, February 6, 1845, coming to America at a very early age. The family settled in Missouri. He was married May 11. 1869, to Miss Mary Mildred Lee in Jefferson Co., Mo. Being desirous of tak- ing a course in theology, he removed with his family to L'pper Alton, entered 310 2. Aita. THE TOMLINSON FAMILY 1- J.iiiies A. Toiiiliiisoti. 'Si. -V Helen. 4. Jamie. 6. Mrs. James A. Toinlinsoii. V Kiitli. St. IX.U1S Co.. Mo., au.l "aU IIiU. M. I u r v.-:ii» in vark.ul Ih,. laltor l,.-,Mon,l... II.- afl.rwar.l ,nv;,..l,...l f... llu.. .» o<,„n.r,- ..hur,.lu.s of •"'"■'■"•"'.'''■;""•,,„. ^,i„„„ri ,...;:l»lu.ur,.. having l...,-, „, „..,., „.rvo„ ';;-:;-;■;;:,,,'■,: ::;,.„.„^,,„ ,-o,„„.v. a, eloc-ied in Nov.Mubor. ISiU. as K. pi. • « lu lu • jj,. ,,.,« rrr.ntl.v socm-o.l :i C-Nvrnment nppni.nnu.nt uiul.-, tlu' ( n .1 Son of Kk„ar<, (>^v..n a,„> ^•-■••. '- ' ' „ ^ . ";,; ..,„,„ „.. ,.„,„„ .i,,, 1,1. fatl.ors family lo .lorscy ( o,. III.. " 1 » i I" ,,„,„,,,„,, ,„ n,„.,i, I'aiolina. M. fa.U..,. „i..„ an,, ,„o nMnahnl.T of '::;;".,",• ,„ „n. faU of Here Bon was o„nver.,.,\. Jouuns t u '■••"•"•",.„„„„,„, v., ,.., an,l In 1872 1.0 left l,o,ne a.nl wont to vvork ,n a s,o , .,. I •'■'"'- \^^ .on. ,0 Kansas. ,vl,ore l,o ^;- -.-- ,7,,;; ;;,•,,;:,■:; •'l':,! taUon The oonvlotion that he was .-all -.1 ot (.o.l ' „ev. possosslon of yonn« W.setnan. ao.l upo ; - , ,„ .j,,,,,,,.^ ,.„,. .lol.n I.', llowatal. <.f tho class of 18. . ''^ ''^ •";^., .^„„ i,^, eM....-i.'...-.' -as lose. He ontor,.a .1... ...s.itnfon ... U.c f lo l^*^;; '",',„ ,„„„. „„ „„, a repetition of .l.a, o'""";'"" » ? C^- ^n "'^.Un, .ml. «.". own way. He sawo.l W.....1. .1..1 a .til. ', '"■;■„ ,,„„ ,.,.„,, ,„• ,„- „ve., for .ml... a Ion. thne on * .1.. ^'^T^J'^^^^^^L win, ,1 las- eolle^e oonrso no ';'^^:^^Z,Z„^;:^2..y".l f..n..win. s..p, l...- of 1883, he '■•°'' "' ''° ■;'^ ,,,!^',, erwar.l pnrs.tin, sotne tln.olo.i.al sttnli... but remained but a snort uuu, „,,.„<,.. ,„. .locrnttnl tht^ fall «r While hoi-e he ^^•as ins'nin...i.tal n. ,h. > ^- ; _ ',,., .n-.-wani l.-l-n... tist Cl.r.v.i.. m June, l.s'.U. h.- n.lurn.Ml m Kninlh...... . ami at Girard and MorrisunviUe. Ill npuriau- m Mis.- Mary oo iQ'wi \!r W .;. \ .„. i,dwanlsviU. 111. Sne d..-' K Burroughs, daughter ..1 Ju.l.c ""> "- ,,ad.'r-o,iu' an ,, the St. Loui. Bap.is, H.-spua ; ^'-^V n h da lue... Ksth.r ano operation. Mr. W.s.-n.an was h ^ h ^^ ,,;^.^.,.,,^, „,,,,,,, ,, Edith, the older about ^x >--^>^ "„-'-^; \ ,„^„.,.i,,i ,., Miss Came ro:;r;er;:.a;rn;\;,ns:r:^>;i^'K:.;.:.- -■^•■'- W. Al.nl Ma...r. an.l h. Lsl.c^ Lo ioo..iv,.,l .1 • P" ^'■ i\i 1883-84. SUSAN M. BEAMAN. . . . - 9772 Howard St., Chicago. After leaving Sliurtleff College she taught for three successive years near Worden, 111., and was afterward in charge of the primary department ot Bethany School (near Godfrey, 111.) for one year. She subsequently took up kindergarten training work in the Chicago Free Kindergarten Association, graduating in 1891, and afterward teaching for five years at McCowen Oral School for Young Deaf Children, Chicago, 111. Miss Beaman now has charge of the Kindergarten and Primary Depart- ment for the Deaf in Chas. Kozmiuski Public School, Chicago, her work being given by means of the oral method entirely. JOHN EDWARD BUCK. - - - - Benton, St. Louis Co., Mo. Office 320 Olive St., St. Louis. Was born at Litchfield. 111., .lanuary <'>. l.SOG. His early years were spent on a farm. He entered Shurtleff College in 18S:5, and left in 1890, having secured a situation in St. Louis as proof-reader. Tlie following year he was advanced to the position of associate editor of the "St. Louis Dry Goods Re- porter," in which position he continued for several years, being at the same time St. Louis correspondent for a number of other trade journals, among tlieni "1"he Sp(jkesman." Cincinnati. ().; "Textile America," New York; ' Farm Implement News," Chicago; "Implement Tr;ide .lournal." Kansas City, and "Threshermen's Review," I'ort Huron, Mii-h. Mr. Buck was married April 23, 1890, to Miss Annie L. Kyner, of Decatur, 111, He is at present associate editor of "Stoves and Hai'dware Reporter," at St. Louis. tWILLIAM GEORGE CHANCE. - - - . . ,st. .Jacob.) FLORA ELLEN CLOTFEITl'ER. - - - Ellis, Ellis, Co., Kan. ROSE ALMA DAILY-WILLIAMS. - - - - Omaha. Neb. ♦WILLIAM AMOS EVANS. - ----- Du Quoin. Was born near Du Quoin, 111.. August 10, 1S07. At the age of 16 he entered a railroad office at St. John's, 111., to learn telegraphy, etc., but through the influence of Prof. Ray he decided to attend Shurtleff College, entering in the fall of 1888 and remaining a little more than one college year, wlien he was called home by the death of his mother, in October, 188.'>. He afterward en- ga;red in farm work. On June 10, 1880, lie was drowned while nathing in a river near his home. REV. GEORGE W^ILLIAM GIBBENS, A. B. - - - - Barry. Came from the farm to Sluirtleff College in the fall of 1883, graduating from the classical course in 1890. He afterward graduated from Crozer 314 Theolo^ual S.Muinary. (•h.-sUT. P:... in \KC,. II.- work.Ml his way ,hrou;:h ..-n conscoiuivo yoars oi stu.ly with Imi l.ul.- outsi.h. liuan.-ial ="^sistan.-.- Upon sra.lnalin.u' from Croy.rv lu- ivsi:,MM'.l his ,.asi...a..- in 1 lula.h-lph.a. where he had preaehe.l for nearly tw,. years <.f his seminary e.mrse. an.l re- turned t.> the ol.l larn. near Uarry. HI., lor a rest, lie is nuw .naiot.j; Min- day School worl; a sp.eial sin.ly. hein-^ Sunday S.h,.ul evan....l.si t.,r like County. ,,.. ,, ,,ii.|/,v \i < - - Mountain Home. Ark. niOF. Tiii Si i:n v). cini.oN. m- ^• Professor of Mai lu'inaiics iu .Moun!;iin Home Collet:.'. rJOSEPH mn ANT IlAU.irn-. - .I.-.'s summit. Mo.; PiiEscoTT SILAS r.KAu.. " , ;^"' ''^^ ^'- ^::;;::- \fter leavin- SliunlnT CoUe.Lre in iss.'. he aiieud.-.l Knox ( oll.-^. . (.ahs- bur- 111 homj: jiraduated from thai insiiiuii.m in IsM*. Affr tea.-hiufr for twrwiuters. and six years of business l,f.-. lu- he.an to ti, lumself for the GCspel ministry, entering- the Theolo^-i.-al 1 ...partuuMU of .he I n>v-rsny ... Chieajro in the fall of 1S'.>7. at the same tin.e havin.u' in .Imr.:,- .1..- Knl.i-'ewo.x. Mission of the Eastern .Vv. P.ai-tisi Clnuvh ..f .loli.'i. twiLi.is VADON iii:m»kicks. ''^'' .\lion (JEORiiE V. KE.^^K1>^. MINNIE KENNEDY-NITTEU. ''•''' -^^"'" ... Ji-rseyville. WESLEY Kinm. - - - Druggist. Are.ila. WALTER LOI'TIIAN. - - " P.ridj.'ep.>rt. Alter leaving ShurtlelT College he taught .school for several years, and afterward studied law. heing a.l.nitte.l to the bar in IS'..... ami having pra.- tieed successfully ever sin.-.-. In iNi.l 1- was appoin.e.l .Masl..r >n < ham.-ry of Lawreuee (\)unty. whi<-h posiii.m he still holds. ^,.,..x- - - - Teierstiurg. ALBERT F. MALTIU . - - Completed tlu- ..mrs,. in Sl.nril.'ir College, business .lepartm.m.. a.i.l then spent a year as bo.,kk..-p.M- lor a 'I'T g Is h.mse at ()akf..rd. 111. He after- ward removed to Hen... N.'V.. a.wl s.ill la,.T was ..mpl..y.-l in a lan.l ..Ih.-e at Garden Citv, Kan. His dealli o.-cunv.l in INM'. HERMAN LEWIS NIETEUT. .M. U. ■ - Tlo S. F..ur,h St.. St. Lou.s.M... ELLA M. OSBOUX ArWA'rKK. ■ - " " ' ^'^■^' , , ,,r.i./»T.v - .I.'imestown. Ark. JAMES MARSHALL OSKORN. Principal of the Arkansas State Normal S.h..ol. HARRIEl^r DATES RKiGS. - - (.o.lfi.J. 315 WILLIAM SCHWEICKHAKDT. . - - . Siniiigtiekl, Mo. WILLIAM E. SEGRAVES. . . . . Ilayncs, Jersey Co. REV. GEORUE W1LL1A:M SHADWICK. - . . . Seiota. Pastor of the Baptist Clivircli of Sciota. At the same time studying: medi- cine in the Homeopathic Medical College of Missouri. ■fSAMUEL PAUL SMITH. (Qiiincy.) STiEFHEN DOUGLAS STAFF. Ramsey. Farmer. ANDREW DUFF WEBB, A. M. - - - - - ML Veniou. Was born near Ewiiig, Franklin Co., 111.. January 4, IStU; sou of Elijah T. and Nancy T. Webb, pioneer settlers. Andrew Avas reared on a farm ana attended the common schools until the age of l-t, when he entered Ewlng College, remaining there continuously until the spring of 1SS4, when he en- tered the Senior (,'lass at Shurtleff College, gradujiiting with the degree of A. B. June 4, 1884. The degree of A. M. was conferred upon him by Shurtleff College in 1890. After leaving College, ^Ir. Webb tauglit two terms of school, one at Frank- lin, Morgan Co., 111., and one at Aspen, Colo. He then studied law at Mt, Vernon and was admitted to the l)ar in LSSl), liaving since practiced his pro- fession fn that city. He is now a member of the law lirm of Webb & Harriss, and has served for two terms as Master in Chancery of Jefferson; Co. He is al-so City Attorney of Mt. Vernon. Mr. Webb was married March 14, 1888, to Miss Clara B. Green, of Cobden, 111. He is a member of the B;iptist Church, and of the Masonic fraternity. SIDNEY ARTHUR WIGHTMAX. ... - Upper Alton. Was born July 22, 18G5, at Gru-enville, Bond Co., 111., spending the first eighteen years of his life on his father's farm near that place, attending the country schools during the winter months. In the fall of 1883 he entered the Business Department of ShurtlefC College, working for his board at the home of Prof. Geo. B. Dodge. In March, 1885, he accepted tlie position of clerk in Leverett's book store, Upper Alton, 111., where he was employed for twelve years. In March, 1897 he gave up his position in the book store and engaged in the laundry business in Upper Alton, in which he is now very successful. Mr. Wightman was married in April, 1891, to Miss Bertha E. Wright, ot Upper Alton. Two daughters and a son gladden and bless their pleasant home. tJAMES W. WILLIAMS. . . . - . (Beaver Dam, Ky.) REV. LUEAKER HENDERSON WILLIAMS. - - Danville. 316 1884-85. REV. .70ITX ANDFOKICK. .Iu(l,i. Wis. OEOH(JE S. HEKKM.W. . . . . . Tis^'ali. *USYSSES (;r \NT rilAr.MA.N. . - . . K:i\ 111. .11.1. Aft<>r U'avins Sluirtlofl' C'olI('-.'(< lu- ntl. -idcd tlio Illinois Stait> Normal I'm ver.sit.v. Xorinal. III., for two years. IIo then taujrht school for tlirec yt-ars, ■when his healfh failrd and lio tinally passed away on tlie !>th of January. 1891, in the 27th year of his aire. CAROLINE COCrlllLL. - - 109 E. Coal Ave.. An)u. I). S. - - 202 W. Slate St.. Rockfoid. I^ntered Shurtleff Colle,sre in ISS.^. and graduated with the class of ISltl. Three years later he srraduated from tlie Chicairo Tolleire of P.Mital SurLri-ry. and has since been pr.'icticin.ij: dentistry in Rockfor.l. •EDGAR J. HILL. --.-... Murphysltoro. After leavin.;:: Shurtleff College ht> m.-irried an.l settled in Murphysliorn, ■where he died in November. 1897. after a linirerin.tc ■llness. h>avins wife ami infant daucliter. ALICE ESTHER HOLT-PALMER. B L. - - - - Chicago. After attending Shurtleff College during 18S4-Sr.. and l.«sr.-S(i. Miss II. dt entered the I'niversivy of "Wisconsin. Madison. Wis., where sh(» gradtiated in ISSS with the degree of B. T>.. at tii" s.-mii- time being awarded the prize in oratory. Three years were then devoted to the study of vocal music and elocu- tion in Chica.go. and slu^ h.'is since taught one or both tlus(> branches in the following institutions: Jennings Seminary. Anroia. 111.: South Dakota Agri cultural College. Brookings. S. D.: Alton Conscrv.it.ny .)f Music. Alt.ni. 111., and Shurtleff College. I'ppcr Alton. She h.is been coiincctc.l witli Shurilcif College during 1897-98. Miss Holt ■v\'as married Novcmbor Id. 1X>.">, to T>r. \\ W. P.iluicr. ;i gra.l- uate of St. L'Ouis Medical College. They have recently removed to Chicago, where Dr. P.ilmer is engaged in the practice of his iirofession. REV. JOHN I'UICE MK.W. - - - (;ruliville. .IclT.'isoii ('.... Mo. Was born at Crubville. Mo.. May 9, 18(;2. being the youngist of si.\ chil- dren. At the age of 19 he was converted an.l joine.l the Bethlehem Bapfis* Churcli ne.nr liis hnine. .\ftcr n ye.-ir or tw.) at Sliurlli'lT College lie waM 317 ordained to the Gospel ministry in 1887, entering upon his pastoral work with the Bethlehem and Pisgah churches, of Jefferson Co., Mo., in which count;' almost all of his work has been done. Was also pastor of Oakland, House's Spring and Calvary churches, three years at each place. During three years of his work he was acting as District Missionary of the Jefferson County Baptist Association, and organized the First Baptist Church of Festus, Mo. Mr. McKay was married in 1S8S to Miss Lula Maud Musick, of Koberts- ville, Mo. Thej' have one son. MAUDE E. :MURPHY-ACKETiS. ----- Abilene. Kan. IMiss ^lurphy was born in Illinois, NoA-ember S, 1807. She attended the ])ublic scliools in her youth, and taught school for a time previous to entering Shurtleff College in 1884. where she spent one year. In tlie fall of 188.") she went to Marion, Kan., and spent two years there in tlie Ili.iili School, from which she graduated in 1887. She at once returned to Illinois, liaving ac- cepted the position of first a.ssistant in the schools of Girard. 111. P^or the next two school years she taught at Abilene, Kan., where lier father's family bad settled. Miss Mtirphy was married in ISUl to Mr. H. E. Ackers. Her husliand be^ ing in poor health, they went .South, visiting Nashville, Tenn.. Birmingham. Ala., and other points, finally settling in Athvnta, Ga. Remaining here until Mr. Ackers' health was greatly improved, they returned to Abilene. Kan., in Aughst, 1892, and have since resided in that city. REV. F. WILL NOLTE, A. B. - . - - Creal Springs, 111. Was born March 27, 1860, in St. Louis, Mo. On liis conversion he was baptized into the fellowship c* the Second Baptist Church in that city, December 31, 1882, during the pastorate of Dr. W. W. Boyd. In the fall ot 1883 he came to Shurtleff College, remaining until his Junior year, having instituted and managed during this time a printing and pubFishing depart- ment in connection with the College. In 1889 he Avent to Amherst, Mass., and graduated there i i the classical course in 1800. He then returned to Shurtleft College and pursued theological studies. After his ordination, November 17, 1892, at the Second Baptist Church of St. Louis, he was called to the pastorate of the Baptist Church of Mui"phys- boro. 111., where he remained three years. He then accepted the position of Professor of Sciences at Ewing College, Ewing, 111., afterward resigning to become Principal and Professor of Greek at Creal Springs College, Creal Springs, 111. In addition to these duties, Mr. Nolte has recently accepted the pastorate of the First Baptist Church in that city. tARTHUR HAYES SMITH. (Moro.j THOMAS STALLINGS - - - 1417 Lucas Place, St. Louis, Mo. Student in Law Department of Washington Universitj\ 318 BAARKXT TKX intOKK. - SS.")! r;i;r<' IMvd., St. I.ouis, Mo. Oilier. :',-2-2 Ilollaml 151.1;;. .Towt'lcr. Ki:V. K.MOKV SII.\lLi:r: TOWSo.N. 11:: Sdl.ir si., Hrisml. 'Ci'iin. ■Rcolor KiiKiiiiii'l ri'oicsi.'iut l']|>isco]);il rinircli. KEY. .rOlIX \1\1.\N Wlini.Nc;. l;. ]>■■.- Kcw.-incc. \r;is rioni ill l>ii\ci-. Mo.: .MmitIi s. 1st;:;. .Murli of Ins cnri.v life wa.s spent in Illinois, liis latliei-. Kcv. Chiii' s Whiiiiii;. Iiavjn.i,' jiastoratos at Quincy and Canton. When ne.irly lliroiiuli i lie piihlic sclmols. lie devoted live years to pri vate study with liis father. He iheii sp'iii a year at Sliurtleir rolje^re. and .1 year at .A!or.u:an Park Seminary, .and liiiaily twn years at itoehesiei- 'riieolo,i:i-aI Senunary. uradnatin;; in isss. Mr. Wiulin.ii's lirst and second jiasioraies were at Hlair and Fairlmrv. N'eli. He entered npon his iircsent jiasiorate at Kewanee. in Oetoher. IMk;. J. rKI':.ST().X Wll.SOX. - - . . . Winter Park. Kla. ROBERT HEX.I.\M1X Wll.SdX. - - ( Jriihville. .leffersi.n Co.. Mo. Since leavinu' SJiuitlelT Coliciic he h:is lieeii a successfnl teacher of JetVer- son Co.. Mo., for tlie past twelve years, hdlilini; a lirst tirade cerlilieate. On An.sust ll*. iS!»7. .Mi". Wilson was iiiariicd lo Miss Anna .McKay, a iironi Inent teacm^r also of .lefferson Connty. J AC(>R JOSEPH WISEM.W. ..... Jersey vilie. ^lerchant. REV. THOMAS SHIELDS YorXC. - - - - San Jos(>. Cal. Was horn .March is. 1S(;:;. spent one year in I >aveii|Mirl ila.i llijrh School. Served three yars as apprentice and three years as jininn'yiii.in locomotive niacliinisf. He attended (leiieva (Ojleue in iss:;-|. and afterward studied ;u SlinrtlefC C(>U(\i:o until Juti(\ ISS7. wIkmi lie w.-is m.-irried to Miss X.innie .\. (iillham, of I ppor Alton. Mr. Yonn;; entered npon his ])asioral work and was ordained in July. 1.*>S7, and spent t(Mi years as pastor in Illinois. Hnrini; two years of tliis time he pursued theoloiiical stndit^s at ShurtlefT Colle,i:e a!id at Chica.L'o rnivcrsily. In February, ISOt;, .Mr. and Mrs. Yonn?: removed to .\llin(|nei-(iue. .X. .M., under appointment of the Home ^lission Society, and in Octolicr of the same year settled at San Jose, Cal.. where ^Ir. Youiil;- iias since heen pastor of the Bap- tist Tabernacle. 1885-86. WIT>FREr) E. AXDERICK. - ..... ]inck drove. GEORCE ELOYD AXHERSOX. . . . . . St. Cliarles. Mo. County Snrveyor. ^VILLARD YAEE BAKER. Mi. Sterling. Attorney-at law. 319 UEV. JAMES MARION BARRETT. - - - Saidora, Mason Co. Was born in New Madrid, Mo., February 1. 3849. Converted at the age o^ 19, lie joined the Baptist Cliarch and determined to devote himself to the work of the ministry. He was ordaintd Marcii 10, 1878, by the Shiloh Baj)- tist Church, near Carlinville, 111. Before his ordination lie had preached ai Palmyra. 111. After spending some lime in study at Slmrtleff College, he en- gaged in missionary ajid evangelistic worlc. also serving churches at Mt. Oin^e, Prairie Grove, New Douglas, Lebanon, Pleasant Ridge, Stauiiion, Alhambra, New Hope and Franklin, 111. Mr. Barrett was united in marriage with :M1ss Susan Jones, daughter of Rev. J. R. Jones, of Bunker Hill. 111., October 20, ISSl. They have four sons and four daughters. He is now pastor at Snicarte, Mason Co., where he has been preaching for about eight years. ^YILLIE BONDURANT-KITZ:\IlLLEPv. - - .501 Roanoke St.. Roanoke, Va. After leaving Shurtleff ('ollege m 1890 :Miss Bondurant removed t<. Roanoke. Va., aftein\ard living for a time at Lynchburg. Va. She was mar- ried to Mr. Geo. M. Kitzmiller, of Roanoke, April 22. 189G, and they have re- sided in that city ever since. fJAMES WASHINGTON BUCK. _ . . . (Baltimore, Md.; REV. ALVIN W. CLAXON, A. B., :M. D. - - - - Bunker Hill. ■\Vas born near Mattoon, III.. Mai-cli .'50. ISr.r). spending liis eai'ly life on the farm wit-h his parents. At the age of 11 he began work on a farm as a hired man. He was converted in 1882. and a year later baptized into the memlier- ship of Calvary Baptist Church at ^Mattoon. Feeling that he was called to the work of the ministry, he entered Shunleff College in lSSr> for a course of study. The greatest part of seven years Avas now devoted to study at Shurt- leff College and preaching at various points Ari'ola. 111.. Bunker Hill, Ml., and I>e Soto. Mo. In February. 1892. Mr. Claxoii was ordained to fl.ie Gospel ministry at the Mattoon Baptist Church, and in Septemlier .Iissouri, St. Louis, where he graduated in 1897 with the honors of his class. GERTRUDE P. CLIXT0N-(UL:M0RE. - - Tavoy, Biitish Burma. Gertrude Price Clinton was I»oi'n December 22. 18(i8, in Spriugheld, 111., where her early education was received in the public schools. Converted at the age of 16, she united A\ith tlie (^mtral Baptist Churcli of Springtield. aiui in 188.5 entered Shurtleft College, graduating in 1889. During the ne.vt .a ear she did some teaching and at ihe same time pursued studies in the Theological 320 'w'^^^mm 1. Hannah M. Van Hooser, '88. 2. Edward B. Pace, '87. 3. Louis E. Harrison, '87. 4. William C. Hart, '88. 5. Vannie L. Draper, '88. (\ Mary B. Mitchell, '88. 7. George E. Cogliill, '89, PLATE "G." 8. Fuller]. Swift, '89. 9. Miles B. Titterington, '89. 10. Anna B. Strait-Rail. 89. 11. Warren P. Clark, '88. 12. A. Frank Byarlay, 'i>o. 13. Jennie E. Hulbert, '89. 14. Louise Fuller-Searles, '90. 15. Emma P. Van Hooser, '90. 16. Emma Wood-Gibson, "87. 17. Mary W. Merriani, '90. 18. John V. Campbell, "90. 19. Fannie E. Williams, '90. 20. Arthur C. Smith, 'i>o. r>cpartmt'nl of SlmrllcIV C'olh'S*^ iirfparaiiuv id iiiiiiiii;ii-y work (in the foi'ci^n licld. to which work slic liclirvcd Coil h.id cMllcd her. In .Inly, 1;S')0, she was niipointcd by ihc American Itaplist Missionary I'nion to assist Prof, and >rrs. K. I?. Koach in llicir work at tlic Itaiilisl ('olIi';ie of Kan.u^oon. Rurina, wht'rc slu> iirrivcd in N'o\ cnibfr of tliai year. On Marcli ;>. IStU. .Miss Tlinton was married to Trof. I>.ivid ('. (Jilinore. ;. gradnate or Kotdiester University and also ;i ic.ichcr in ilic l:an;roon I'.aitiisi Colleg:e. For live years tliey tauirln almost com jmnnisly in tliis collc^'e, luit in March, 1890, the serio.i.-. illness of Mr. (iilinorc iicccs-ii.ucd ;i rcinrn in America. Over a year was sjuMit in this connlry. and in Septemiier. 1^07, they sailed ajrain for Bnrma. early in November re.Mchini: Tavoy. tlic new station to which they had liecn .tppoinicd. REV. .lOIIX RDCaR (TRUV. .... Pis-.ih. .Moi-.m Co. ■Was horn in Harrison Co.. Iiid.. .\|)ril !'.». ISCO. rciiiu\ iii;z to Mor;::in Co.. lllf, in 1S7."». where he worked on a larm nnlil IssCi. In iii:ii ycni' he Itesrai; his study in Shurtleff Collei^e, with the ministry in view. He Icti the CSn.\. - r^uiiNhiiitr. Cal STEPHEN ALEX.VXHER IMNN. I'umcroy. Wash V.TAMES EDWIN FANSLER. .Ban's Stoic Macuipiii Co., tMARY SCOTT FOSTER. .... ,i.;;,si St. Lmiis.) GEORGE EDWARD HHJ.. .... Kdwardsville. Was horn in Madison Co.. 111.. Nnvcmli''r 7. IMm. He ^ladiialcd in IS'.K' from Shnrtleff Coliesre. and afliMward tan.uiit schiml and also rc.id law in an Edwardsville law oMlce, at len.nth passinj; the exainiiiai ion for entrance mro the Senior Class of th(> St. T.onis t.aw Sch.iol. from which he .:.'radnaled iu 1W>2. In May. 180-'. he was .idmilie.l 1m the Illiimis bar. and h;is since pr.ac- ticed his iirofession at l-Mwardsville. JOSErillNE HOl/r. .--..- .Mankato. Minn. Teacher in lln^ Staii' .Nonnal ScIhmiI. MANNING MAYFnOLD-.MclNTVRE. IMi. R. l,:ikeporl. Cal. Was Itorn in ( arlinville. 111., afterward rcinoviML: wiili lier parents to Upper Alton, where siie attended Slmrlleff Cnlle-e and iiradnated with the class of ISIHI. In IM'O she stndit d lor a lime ;il tlie Saiivenr Summer Schoo; of Lans'iasos. and also studied (ireek in Slnirtleff Collevie after uradnation from the Institution. In ISDU'.i;'. she was i iisi nidor in Cennan in liie Slmri lelT Preparatory IJei^artnient. (;n May :'>. IS!)."!. sTie was married to .Mr. D.ivid 1'. Mclniyre. of tlic class rtf I8SS. and they have since resideil in Lakepnrl. C.il.. where in .iddilion to her domestic duties .Mrs. Mi-lmyre lias tauirht a larire private cl.ass in I'rendi. tllORACE JAMES McFAKLAN. - . . . (Upper Alton.) tCLAUDP] F. McFAllEAN. . . . . . (Upper Alton.) REV. MYRON CLARK MINER. - . . . . Byron. Minn. AVas born at Monnionth. 111.. .lannary 10. ISod. The family soon after re- moved to Sontlieastern Minnesota, and Myron S])ent the years of his yonth in workinu' on the lionic farm. I<'eeling a call to preaeh. he began the work of preitaration.. devotin.ii' two years to study in the Ili.uh School of Austin. Minn. His health was simiewhat impaired, and he spent a considerable period of tflne in Sontli L»akola. where he organized several Sunday Schools, iwo of which have since developed into Baptist churches. Mr. ^Miner entered Shurtleff College in the college year 3884-85, speeding some four years in tlie Institution. Since his college days he has held pastor- ates in Steele. N. 1).. Breckenridge. Minu.. and Byron. Minn., the last named ])lace being liis jirc^sent lield of labor. SA:MUEL HO\''r OLIPHANT. . , . . . Sherman. Tex. RE^^ .lOHN BURNETT REYNOLDS. - - Appleton. Niagara Co., N. Y. T'pon leaving Shurtleff College in 3S8S he went immediately to Kansas as a missionary, and a year later became pastor of the Emporia Avenue Cliurcii, Wicnita. Kan. After a year in this pastorate he went to Paola, where he was successful in reuniting llu' chui'cli, was iloderator for two years of the Miami Association, and organized the young people for associational B. Y". P. U. work. m January. 18'J2. Mr. Reynolds accepted the call of the First Baptisi Church of Eau Claire. \\'is., one of the largest in the State. During this pas- torate his cliurrli built .-mil dedicated the "Washington Chapel, several milesi in tTie country, and tliis. Avith the Altoona Chapel and East Eati Claire Mis- sion, iiroved ;i fruitful I'iehl of labor for tlie jtastor and his assistant, licv. F. W. KinsU'v. Tii(> young ]K'oi>Ie of this church also conducted two branch Unions. Mr. Iicynoins was instrnment.-il in tlie fornnition of the Kan Claire A.ssociation, being its first Moderatoi-. lie also organized five associational B. Y. P. Unions in tli(> Stale, and was an active promoter of the "Boys' Brigade" movement. In connection with Messrs. Rickard and Adams he started and published for some time "The Sentinel." a Boys' Brigade paper. In October, 3894, he was called to act as a general missioniiry for the New Y'ork State Board, anil lias since been eiigjiged in this v.'ork of helping and en coilraging feeble churclies. OSCAR A. SEAGO. Jerseyville. REV. SAMUEL ROBERT SKINNER. ... - - Areola, j-BI»HRAIM ERNEST SNIDER. ..... (Carbondale.) IDA STILLEY. ...... Olena, Olena Co., Ark. 324 SIKYl. SWAIX. l','\y,-r Ciiy. ,M . . 'l ( ;ici:tl- ill lllc i'l'ircc ( l\\ l,;i|>Ilsl (■nllruc ICSTKLTJ-: .\. Ai:.\THUS-U(iA('il. J^r. K. I>ivisi..ii St.. Ih'cMliii-. 1886-87. vT.OnS S. r.ACKMAN. - - (( Miiiilcii. A rk.' ^VMCK KKHJII T-SOAl'S. Si.-iiiiUnii. in iv.i''.. TFiOMAS .li:i'KrOi:S<»X CAr.I.ij. . i'.-l.iliim.i. S..ii.mii.! C... r.il. Aui'iii S.iii l'rMiici>i{-.i Miul Nnrlli r.-icilic li.iilw.i y ri)iiiii;mv. ViOSALTlS COl.HKK'r. ImiikI.is. Ki.lil.nnl (<,. Ki:\'. .lA.MKS i;i,l,S\V rt iiicivcn id Om-iila. Kiinx ( o.. III., and at ili.- a^c ol' 1 ) li- was uviTsiTi- ill iiii> >))iiiniin: rudiii of a i-nticm mill near Km-k l-laml. II" al irrw arii (■iiiul'iricil fur a year a lar^c cri'amcry aiiil < lic'sr ra.. ain. ( ii.nai^i (1 ill wli.'ii laisinu. iu'lnir activr in rcliiriniis. icmiiciamc ami ii.iliiica' affairs. llrrc In- was dITcin'iI ilic rrMliiliiiimi iiomiiial inn in liic Sialf I,';; islati.n'c. .Mr. <■ ili< ('iiiri-ci Slinrllcrt ('(.llc.i:i' in llif lali ni issc,. |nirsiiiii;r llicdldj.-- ical stmlics. \\ liih' ;i siikIchi licrr lit- siii)|ilic(l rlnirclu's in I'Mwardsvillc .\iilmrii, (Jiranl abd r>('ilii. In llii" {'residential c-;impai.un .siniiiped .^-'an.iiaimiii Cmmi.v in ilu' inieresi of ilie rrnliihitiim (■.•iiiilidai ■ tVir ilic Legis- lature, speakin.ii' rre(|m'!iil.\ in Sprinuiield. wliere he was siu^n .a tier warn called td lie assuei.ile pasKiy with Rev. (>. (). I'li'tclier. 1 >. 1>.. wlilli spi'eial eliar.iii' (if missidii wurk in the cily. .M'ler a ver.v sm-cessriil \vdrk here he i( sijiiied td take np ,L;enei-al 'uissinii.iry work in Xdil hi .isii ni .Mniitana. si.\ iiK^nths later reiiidviim- tn Laeniuier. Wash., dii aeeoiint nf the iliniale. I.e.s.v than I wd .\cars" ser\iee in this plin-e resulted in the inere.i-e of memhership Ifdiii 4."! td l.".(». the ere.-tidii i>\' a lieaiitiliil chapel in the cdtiniiy and a> liii" •i.irsdiiau'e in tdwn. llis next lield nl' l.ilidr was X'icioria. H. (". His paster. i;( in this city was cut short hy the chronic illness of one (d' his children. 7d . > ('(loiniis and family now i-emovi d In l-ns .\ii;.::'les. ("al.. while Mr. ('(lojiiiis. in company with Kev. ( •rson W. \li':\t\. eiijraired in evan;:ciisiie work in t)ii- tario. ^^■lnal!a. In this they w c re very .successful, with the hjessiiifr id" (Jad After some time spent at I,os .Vim.dM-,. Mi. ('ddtiilis eiiic'el iiiti evamrelisjn work in K; stern WashiimiMi:. and tiiiall\- settled at Colfax .\pril 1. T'.tri. where he has siiic(- liccn loc.-ncd. Mr. ('(lonil)s has lieeii very .liiiv in I".. V. I'. \'. work in the Wesi. He was at one time ( 'ciivent ion rresideiit in \\"esterii W;isliiii;;idii. and iidw tills 325 this ortico for EjisIlth W;ishiii.a:toii and Northern Idaho. lie was Superintend- ent of the C. C. C. Assembly hehl at Cliatc-olet. Ida'ho. in .Inly, 1897. He is Professor of Bible Insti'uction in Colfax College, and also a Trustee of the institution. He is Moderator and Secretary for Foreign Missions in the Palonie Association. IHAKRY Z. DAA'IS. (Kidgway, Wis.; t.MAKY A. DEXISON. -..--. a>ivide, Jefferson Co.) MASO:\ a. FITZITUdll. - - - Box 14.'5(], Cripple Creek, Colo. Consulting engineer for a mining company. tL'OUlS PHILIP FLAPAUS. - - (Plum Hill, Washington Co.) LAURA <;ONTEBiMAN. ----- Edwardsville. iNIAKK GOODE. ----- 1241-9 State St., Chicago. OHice of Indian Affairs. Buying Department. REV. SAMUEL JOSEPH (4ItEAR. - - Loveland, Larimer Co., Colo. EVBRPTPT PEE (HiBEN. :si. D. - - - - Carpenter, Miss. t\V ALTER E. IRWIN'. . . . ^ . . . (Jerseyville.) SADIE FIMjLEY JARRETT. - - 1417 Stewart Place, St. Louis, Mo. After leaving Shnrtleff College she studied at the Beethoven Conservatory of Music, St. Louis. ;ind has become an accomplished pianist. REV. F. MARION JOHNSON. . - - - . Upper Alton. REV. (iEORGE W. KEPPLER. - - - i'almyra. Otoe Co., Neb. MAE EMMA KIRBY. ------ Jerseyville. Completed tlie Teachers' Course at Shnrtleff College and has since been engaged in school teaching. HENRY A. LYON. - - - 914 Ninth St., N. E., Washington, D. C. Employe of the (lovernment Printing Ottice. BriNp:vST V. MALTBY. --....- Carmi. After leaving Shtu'tleff College in 1890 he entered Bryant iK: Stratton Bus- ■ntss College, St. Louis. Upon graduating from this school he accepted a position with Messrs. Storms «fc Smith, grain dealers, Carmi, HI., and has re- mained with them since. DAVID FLOYD McINTYRE, A. B. • Lakeport. Lake Co., Cal. Was born in Lake C^o., Cal., April 20, 18CG. He entered the Junior Class at Shnrtleff College in September, 188(>, graduating in 1888 Avith the degree of A. B. He afterward ptu'sued law studies in Lakeport, Cal., where he was admitted to the bar jn 1891 and has since practiced his profession. He wa-y District Attorney of Lake County in 1893 and 1894. On May 3, 1893, Mr. Mclutyre was united in marriage to Miss Manning Mayfleld. of Upper Alton, 111. 326 WILT. 1AM SA.Mri;i. MOdKi:. I'nxliKc Kxcliiiiiir.-. Clii.;!-... CLYDK EAUXKST OSHOKN. I'm. It. Mi. X.iik.m. Tiistnictiir iii Science. .Ml. \"eriinii lli.uli Sclmul. MALCOLM CILl'.i:!:!' i'(t>\ DLL. .... L.iiili.iiii. .\.'1>. HAURY ('Li:.M)i:.\l.\ Ui:V.\(>Ll>S. .\. i;. S.m l-|;mci>.i.. C.il. WILLIA.M FUi:i»LI{I(K i;i< 11. Zeiiul.i.i. S.iii^r.iiiMiM Cm. JOHN .iri>s().\" KOAL'ji. .\. n.. ll. i;. ... aihui-.i. .xd. Wa.'* horn nr (iii'anl. 111., .1 niu.iry l.». ISTu. His lather. ]Uv. \\. ( '. Knadi, i.s a Bapti.st niiiiistei'. He eiiier( il SlniiilelT Culle-c in Sepieintier. issc. aud after st'veral inlerrupiinis id his cdiirse. maduaicil in isii:',. He then siutwu. 111., in 1S<>T. Entered Shnrileri" CoUe^re in ISSti, reniainin.u: for two years, afterward spending some tinn- in simly at M'abash Collej^e. Crawfordsvilh'. Ind. He is now operaiin.ir a small coal miii near Saline Mines, 111. FITZ \VAIIREN THOMI'SOX. A. 1'... LL. I'.. - Salin.is. ,\I..nlerey Co.. Cal. Was born in iKs .Moines, la.. Ocioher •_'(!. Lsc.T. lie lived m his naiive Stale until 18S;->, when witli his piU'ents he removed lo L;ikei:nri. Cal. In l.^.sc, he entered ShurtlefC Coileiic .:;raduaiinv: from tin- classical conrse in is;i(i. Twf. years later he jrradualed from tlie Iowa Slate rniversity .ii Ii)w;i City, was admitted to the bar .ii.d praciic(>d in thai ciiy for a year. In \S'M !i,. ,•,■- moved to Lakeport. Cal.. where he coiiiinned to practice his pr(d"ession nnii! 1S!>T. when lie accepted the position of mana.irer of the Bneiia Visla Land and Fruit Company s extensive (ncliard and ranch near Salinas. Mr. Thompson is an e.xcellent cornetist. He ))layed with the low.i Stair Rand at the Midwinter Fair in San Francisco. JAMES TELLIER TOWEY. .M. 1'. ... Covin-ton. Ind Was born in Cincinnati. «).. .Line J7. is.".i». His father died, leaving' the family in destiture circnmstam-cs. and at the ajre of seven .lames was itl;ice(i 327 in au orphan asylum at Ciiicinuati, where he remaiut'd for tAvo jears. He was then boiiiul out to a farmer named Isaac Asbury, residing in Tarlv Co.. ind. At the aye of 1.") young Towey enlisted in Company H, of the TAventy- tifth Ind. Vol. Infantry, serving under Capt. S. Boyer and participating in Sherman's great ^larch to th-e Sea. After about a year of actual service he returned to his former employer. He went to school for a time, and, giving up tarm work, engaged in school leaching at the age of 17. He continued to teach for eight years and then entered the Indiana Medical College at In- dianapolis, graduating in 187$), and practicing his profession until 1S8G. li; (hat year he removed to Ipper Alton, 111., and spent eighteen months in the study of theology and the classics at Shurtleff College. Since leaving Shurl- leff he practiced medicine for some time at Muncie, 111., and in the fall ol 1897 removed to Covington, Ind. Dr. Towey Avas married to Miss Mary E. Ross in 1877. They have one daughter. Bertha, 18 years old. JOHN THOMAS WHITLOCK, A. B., :\I. D. - - Dlx, Jefferson Co. Graduated from Shurtleff College Avitli the class of 1887; from ^Missouri Medical College in 188!>. Xoav practising liis ])rofession in Dix, 111. IDA MAY WKiHTMAN-KEYNOLDS. . . . . M.idison. After leaving Shurtlpff College slie studied sliorlhaud and tyix'Avriting. and afterward tauiiht ihese brandies for a number of years. On July 14, 189t), she Avas married to Mr. Joseph C. Heynolds, an employe of the St. Douis Merchants" Bridge iV: Terminal Railroad Association. Their present home is in Madison. 111. iREV. REASON WILEY. . . - . . (Westfield.^ 1887-88. MINNIE BERTHA BARTLETT. - - - Dt-ihi. Teaching school at Otteiville, 111. OLIVE C. BULKLEY. .------ Jacksonville. FRANK HUGH BONDURANT. . . - - . Norfolk, Va. Employe of The Norfolk. Beach and SoullKri! Railroad Co. REV. JAMES THOMAS BRO\\N. . . . . iMucKucyviilc. Pastor First Bajif.st Cluiri-li. PERCY L. CATLETT. _-.-.- Fainiioiiiii. FANNIE D ARROW-OAKLAND. - - C.'m (icrdon St.. Chicago. 'tZADIE DONALDSON. ------ (Fpiwi' Alton.. FREDERICK MARSHALL EDWARDS. JvL. B. - - Del'n. After leaA'ing Shurtleff College he entered the Gem City Business Culiege. Quincy, 111., from AA'hich he graduated. After reading laAV in Jerseyville, 111., 328 f'ov a year lie cutoicil tlu- I,:i\v 1 icparinicnt n( WiLsliinutoii riiivcrsii.v. Si. Louis. .Mo., jrratlu.iiiii^ i.i .liiiu'. is;i7. liaviii.i,' licfii ailiiiili.-il l.i ilic liar -i. Fi'bni.ii-y of lliai year, ilf is soon in ciiirr ii|iii,i ihc pi-.n-i ice ui' liis iirnl'i'ssjou. i.Al-KKNS i:.\()S. M. I». ;;i.-, .\. .M.,iii .-^i.. l),.,;itiw. t.ioiix m:\vt(>.\ k[nk. (Wiu.ii.'si.T., KLI.IS ^\. ii.\l»IiIS. . . \i\„u. I'l'dprirtDi- .Miiiii Sti'.iiu l,.ciniiliy. JA.Ml.S CLOl'TOX (;.\||.:s. - I.ak.' City, Colo. .Maua,ircr "I.aUc Ciiy D.nly 'riiiirs." .IKSSIK OI.IVK (JOXTKU.MA.N. K.hv anisviili-. MAri>E K. IIAIfKISS-KKOWX. i;,l\^ .inlsvilli*. LOriK 1:I>.n:KR il.MiUlSO.N. |i,i (^imin. NATHAXIKJ, •]•. H1-:AT(1X. lu.l HhiiV, c.u. After Icaviiiii' smirllcCl' Coiif:;.' nc ri'inou'd lo C.iiiii.nii.i. ;iii,| li.is .siiici- hiMMi sncrcssrully (■ii;;;mMl in iioi-l icai! iiiT. LorisE K. iii:Kr;-()iM'KxuiX(;. si. i,,.uis. Mo. iCKCllJA TT(>r,!..\l{l). - - - (.M.'ivillc.' TKKESA AXX .lOKSTI X< ;. IMic, S. C.'Iii.t Si.. I'.ln.niiiii.i,'ioii. 1 .TAMKS KKWAIJI) LK.MAU. C| 1 A \ I iJ.KIJN I l.i.i;. KKV. WILLI A.\I W. LLWIS (\iil.!\ ill.-. S. I*. t.IK-f5SK II. -Mri'ClIlOLL. .... (C.iiii.'nt.'iM MILI»KEI> -MOliltlSS. - - St.iiioii .\. K.iiisas City. Mo. ALWIXK L. MLKLLKIi-.MH.OW i-.v. . . . Ipp.,- aIioi; ^^i.ss .Muelh'i- was iinni in Si. Louis. .Mo.. sp(Mit Hirer years in < Jeriiiauy. and rheii eaiiie lo Iiiper Alton, ill., wiiere .^lie liiiislied tlie course in ilu' jtMi- lio sehool. Afier sixMidiii^ij; a (Miisideralile lime in stady at llie Collej;e slie entered tin; Sluirtien Seluxd of .Music, and in LViH wa.s one of tlie first two graduates in vocal music. 'I'iie next suniiiier was sitent in travel in (Jerinany. I'lioii luH" return she was married to Mr. Charles K. .Me.nowen. an Ipjier Alton merchant. KBV. KDWAItn P.LXXKI r I'.VCi:. I'h. i;. - <;r:inrs r.i>s, yc;irs u\t\ iie irr.idiialed from ilie Wiiiches- Cnr Hiffh School, enlered Shunleff Colle.i,^e in LVSd and i:i-.idiiaiei| in 1>'.il!. Hi *hen entered tlv Soinie'ri! i'.;i]in-li(- H- .s ii..iia,,i^ tin majority of wliotii ire enrolled at the end of this Roster. 329 last being his present field of labor. He has been temporarily engaged in evangelistic work on one of the "chapel cars." Mr. Pace was for some time Moderator of the Southern Oregon Baptist Association. rt-BDITH C. SCOTT. ....... (OlLvillon.) REV. JACOB RILEY SPAINHOLFR. - - , . Mnncie. HUGH STEEL. - . . - . . Hillsboro, Mo. FRANK EVERETT STELLE. .---.. l>elhi. . JENNIE MAY STELLE. ----... Delhi. REV. JOHN BEDFORD WEBB. . - . - UPPER ALTON. ANNA ELIZABETH AVEMPEN, A. B. - - - - Alton. Teacher in the Upper Alton pnblic schools. MARY ALICE AVHITESIDE. ----- Edwardsville. HENRY" HARRISON WILLOUGHBY. - . - - Hillsboro. After leaving Shnrtieft' College he read law and was admitted to the bar in 1896. Is now engaged in the practice of his profession' at Hillsboro, 111. Deputy Sheriff of Montgomery County. City Attorney for the town of Hills- boro. EMMA WOOD-GIBSON. ----- Franklin, Morgan Co. 1888-89. GEOIKJE EVERETT ANDERSON. I'eoria. REV. WEBLEY JOSHUA BEAVEN, A. B., B. D. - - Cramer Hill, N. J. Graduated at Shurtleff College with first honors of the class of 1894. Afterward spent one j-ear in study at the Sotithern Baptist Theological Sem- inary, Louisville. Ky., and two years at Crozer Seminary, Chester, Pa., grad- uating in 1897, and entering ujion tlie pastorate of tlie First Baptist Church. Camden, N. J. REV. El.IJAH OLIVER BUTLER. - . - - Stonington. FANNIE CARSTENS-AATLLLAMS. - - . - . Danvihe. CORINNP: CATLET^-. - - - - - - Fairmount. REV. HOWARD R. CHAPMAN, A. B., B. I). - 4.52 Genesee St., Rochester, N. Y. Was born in Rockford, III.. September 10, 1808. Two years later his family removed to Hoopeston, 111., where Howard's boyhood was spent on his father's farm, attending the country schools in ihe winter seasons. He was converted at the age of l«i, and was called of God to preach the Gospel. He entered Shurtleff College in 1888, graduating with the class of 1894. During the latter part of his college course he preached at Woodburn. 111., where he was pastor from February. 189o, until Septendier, 1894, when he entered Rochester Theological Seminary, Rochester. N. Y., graduating in 1897. Mr. Chapman was married on June 9, 1897, to Miss Mamie Carr, of Galatia, 330 111. Sciiii'ialuT 7. lS!t7, Ii(> was orihiiiK'd ;ii lidt'licsitr. wIkm-c Im- is iiuw jiiislor of the Stmlli HnjMist Ciiincli. REV. WAKTvEN TLEASAN"!' CI. A UK. Aslil.tii-i. Was horn lU'ar IV'ti-rshiir;;. III.. .March 1. l.sci. ImrjiiK his hoyliood lir ai temlod the I\'ttM-si)iiry; Ili.uh Sch'ool. At llu' a;,'f ut IS he was coiivt'i-ItMl. unit ins with tho Hai)list ("liuich. In IS.S4 ho was niarrlod to .Miss .\iina li. Alkiie, and in I.S'.n was ordained to tlic (;osi)rI ministry. Atli'inlrd Slmiilcr!' Collt'se in 18S!>-'."t(i. Mr. Chtrk lu'Id pastor.itcs in Wavcily and Orion. III., hclorc scitlinj; at Ashland, where he is now pastor of the Haplist ("hnrrli. .lOII.X WALLER ("(XJIIILL. - . . . K...s<.\ illr. W.nivn Ci. After leavinsj: Shnrtleff ('ollf.u:(' he lan.iihl for five years, and then en;,':i;ie(i in farminf? and stock raisin.u'. wliicli has been his oci-npation ever since. Iii ISO;? he was married to Miss I'lu-lie .lane Ilustioi Tlii'v have two little dauirliters. HARUT WINFIELl) COLEAN. .lersey ville. ♦REV. JAMES ALHERT CORXELIIS. - - Seneca. L.iS.ille Co. REV. LUTHER CORY. . . . . . School. W hiie Co. VANNIE LORE'rrA DRAl'ER. - . . . M.ilvern. Ark. I ELLA LLOYD EXCJLISH. ( H.iriH'lt.. REV. WILLL\:M HARVEY FULLER. A. i;. - - Momen<-e. KaidiaUee Co. Was born near Lake (Jeneva. Wis.. .Inly 2.'}. ISCT. His I)oyhood was spent in farm work and attendance at the connlry school. At the a.i:e of 14 he en- tered the Lake (Geneva Hiirh Scliool. .m-adnatini.;' fonr yeai's Liter. I>nrin.u' these four years younfr Fnller had been oliliueii to depiMid .-ilniosi entirely upon himself for support, doini; farm work in ilie snninier time. .Vfii'r two years spent in teaching:: district schools, hi' heard of Old SluuMlell" -t iiron.i.'li his brother. Rev. H. E. Fuller, of Belleville. III. Arrivinj; at I'ltjier Alton in the fall of ISSS for a course of study in the Institnlion. he fonnd his way t:iiitist Chuix-h (St. Louis), and was there ordained in .May. lS;i.*i. In Sei)tember. IS'.Ci. he took ui> his residence in Chicairo. imrsninu' iheoloiric.il sindies at the Divin- ity School of the T. of C. and (i(;irly yonlh lie /ittended the i)ul)lic school of J'-ranklin. and .'it the age nf twenty-oiu' entered Shui'tleff. Since leaving college he has been a successftd farmer. :Mr. Hart W!is miuried nt Fraiddin, 111., August 2S. ISIU, ro Miss Matiie Fanning. MARGARET E. IIAin'SOCK-HARRIS. HoO Cleveland Ave., East St. Louis. EVA HUME. ...... Arkansas City, Ark. ARTHUR ISAAC KELLY. ...._. Stone Fort. Dealer in hardware, stoves and fuinitui'c. tESTHER BELLE LAURIE. ..... (.Licksnnvine.) MARY ANNA LIVERMORE. .... 'irnro. X. S. Daughter of the late Rev. Silas Liverniore, was Ixirn in T'hiladelphia in 1804. When quite young she c:ime ^^'est with her parents, and, after living in St. Lotus for sever.al .vears. rliey removed to Shelh.vville, 111. ^Uss Livc't- more completed the course in the Shelliyvilh' i)ulilic sclnxils. attiunhHl Wi st- ern Female Seminary, O.xford, ().. for two .vears, ;in(l then entered the Freshman Class of Shurtleff ("uliege. Soon after her cnnversion she felt herself called to be a foreign missionary, ;ind was twice accepted by ' he Forei.gn Missionai-y Board, but each time iier physician ])ronounced her physically unable to engage in this work. After leaving Shurtleff in isOli slie wmit to New York City ;ind scn-ved as assistant pastor and (dnirch missiiniary (d' ilie ll(p])e Baptist Cliurcli: after- ward serving the :\Iemorial I?ai)tist (.'hurch of Philadelphia for two y(\ars in the same capacity. In order to more thoroughly tit herself for hei' work she 332 PLATH "II. 1. Anna M. Voiiii^^-Best. yo. 2. barali N. Wyckott-Treadway, yo. 3. Helen L. Young, yo. 4. Herman O Kirij;. yi. 5. Aaron J. Smith, yo. f>. Jerome Campbell, 'yi. 7. Christian A. IChrli.itiil. 02. «. Mav A. Kntleili;e. yi. y. VViiliam M. CoRhill. '92. 10. M. Lonise Hardwick, 'yi. 11. Daisy Teinplin, '90, 12. Marshall \V. Weir, Jr., 'yo. i.l. Mamie O. '"arr-Cliapinan, 'yz. 14. Roberta Can Tliompsiui, 'yj. 11. A. Idle II W.itts, yt. 16. Stella Hartforcl. 'yv 17. Burton ]■.. Clittonl. '92. iM. Harriet E. RobinRS, '92. 19. Eva J. Conn-Hoiinner, '91. 20. CUr.i W. Eleck, '93. took a yoar's study in Crozcr Tlu'olo^rlcal SiMiiinary. an a student in tlio Divinity Sciiool of Ciiica^jo rnivcrsity, wlicnco siic went to Boston iind laliorod Idi- two yoars as missionary of tiii' Hufitjlt's Strec^C iiaptist f'luiicli. In IS'.iT .she roniovt-d to Nova Scotui, where she is still eu- jliifXod in cliiir.ii worl;. EDWIN EVEltETT M.-KI.WIK. - 1S()(! S. Ttli St.. SprinRHcld. MAKY BROWN MITCHEI.I.. . . . Bcix 117.".. San Jose. Cal. I'pou leaving SlutrtlelT. in ISSlt. slie went to California, and ^niduated from the Talifornia Scliool of Minliods. at San .lose, in .June. 1Si»4, .since- wliieli time slie lias lieen attively enma^^ed in lvinder;rarten work. She taiijrht for three years in a [irivate scIkmiI ai Waisunville, Cal. JAMES ASBriiV PA I. M Kit. A. li. - - Ti.per Alton. Graduated in .hine. IS'.tT, .md li;is snice lieeii teacliini,' l)i)ukkeei)iny in Shurtleff Collej^e, Business DcpMil iiieui. NELLIE GOLDSMITH SCOTT. I'll. B. .... Payson. (Graduated from Shurtleff with liie class of l.M»4. .nnd was during 18!>4-5 Assistant Principal of tlie I'j.iicr Alton IIii;ii Scliool. KEV. JOSEPH STIRMLlNtJEK. Ja.Uson. .Mo. Was born in Lincoln Co., .Mo., .huie ^^\. isiio. He was convened at the age of twenty-two. and five years later was licensed to jtreach. After study- ing for a time at McCune College, Louisiana, .Mo.. Sliurtlelf College and the Southern B;;^)tist Theological Seminary at Louisville, he held the Baptist pastorate of Talmage, Neb., for two years, and that of Alexandria. Nel)., for one year. In lSi)7 he was pastor at St. Charles. .Mo., and has recenily laUcn charge of the chiu'ch at Jackson. Mr. Stiriulinger was married in .\iiril. iv.t.">. lo Miss IMlie Ingram, of Pike Co., Mo. LUCY UNDERWOOD, . . . . . Garden City, Mo. WILLIAM MOSES UNDERWOOD. Garden City, Mo. HANNAH :MAY VAN HOOSER, ^VvhU City, .Mo. Teacher of vocal music. LULI' WALTKR-NKVLIX. - l'l)per Alton. 1889-90. rJEN.VINGS ARNOLD. - tSpringlield i MARY ARNOLD-BALLOU. .... Si)ringli.'ld LMACJGIE CATHERINE BARBER. ... (Mexic... Mo.i ELEANOR CAPPS. Chicago. Music teacher. 335 ANNA H. ALIvIRE-CLARK. Asliland. G'EORGE ELLETT COGHILL, A. B. - KiO E. Coal Ave., Albuquerque, N. M. Was born in WasJiinston County, ill.. March 17, 1872. Hi.--, early years were spt'ut upon liis t"aiii('r''< Tarni. lie entered SliurtlelT in the fall of 1S8!), but left in the fall of IS'.d fur I'.rown L'niversit.\ . I'rovidence. 11. 1.. where he entered as a j ardor, .ni-aduiatin.i;- with the class of 1890. In Brown he "\va« a member of the Alpha Tau 0)nega fraternity, member of tlie Symphony Society and "Hamuuer and Tongs" (dramatic). He was also one of the com- mencement, speakers. Mr. Coghill is at present siiidying the biological sciences under Prof. C. I.. Herrick, and teaching in tlie rni\:i'rsity of New .Mexico, at Albuciuerque. ANNA LEILA COOK. ...... Vinita, I. T. .TOIIX HE:MPHILL COCLTI;!!, A. B.. LL. B. - 803 Rookery, Chicago. ^^'as born at :\l;irissa. 111., .ianuary 17. ls7o. Received academic education at Af.irissa AcaiUuny, lieing valedictorian of the class of 1889. He tijtered Shurtleff .is Ereshuuni in the fall of 1889, graduating In 1893. lii June, 189r>, he completed the course in the Chicago College of Law, and has since been practicing his pi'ofession in the city of Chicago. CHARLES L. DUXCA.X. - - - .lohnston City, Williamson County. Merchant. CHARLES L. FLANDERS. - . . . - . Havana. Local editor of "The Havana Republican." REV. WILLIAM JOSEPH (4AITHER. _ . - . Palmyra. SELONIUS E. GIDEON. - - . _ . Corsicana, Tex REV. WALTER IIIRA.M HARRISS. A. B. - - - Du Quoin. Was born at I'inckneyville. 111.. November 2."), 1871. After taking a pre- l)-rati)ry course' at EwJng College. Ewing. 111., he entered Shurtleft', graduat- ing in 1S9(), and, aflcr the lapse of a year, entered the class of 1900 In K.-clii ster Theological Seminary, where he is still pursuing his studies. Mr. Harriss did consideralile iireacliing during his course of study at Shurtleff. his lirst pastorate iiaving been at Marissa, 111., from December, 1893. until September. 1897. Since 1891 he has l)een a Prohibitionist, support- ing the party by voice and vote. During his term as Vice-President of the Illinois B. Y. I'. V. he served as B. Y. P. U. editor of "The Baptist News," of Du Ouoin. REV. ISA.VC STEE.X HICKS. Mattoon. JENNIE ELIZABETH HULBERT. . . . - . Nokomis. MAMIE J. ISAACS. .-.-.. New Douglas. EDWARD C. JAMES, JR. Upper Alton, Y'ard superintendent of the Equitable Powder Manufacturing Co. 336 tEl>WAKI» UrsSKI.I. .lOHNSON. ... (Sprin^'CH-lil.i LICV AI.ICi: KKNDKICK. Wclislcr Cn.v.-s. .Mo. KEV. 'I\ II.\Kl.i:V M.MtSII. A. I'.. ri'l'lli: AI/l»t.\. Since u'r:i(liKiIii(ii :il Sliiirlli'lT. in .lime. IS'.tT. he luis Im'cii i'Ii^m^ciI in liic stiiily of (Ji-ft'lv Ml tin- liisiitiitioii. .11 the s.imi- liiiit- liliiiiic tin* pulpit of Iin' ('arlinvilic r..ipi i~;i ( 'luiiili. . ADoi.rms (;()i:iM).\ .\ii/,i;ij.. .\. i;.. .\i i». . . sihii.vviii.-. Wms lioi-ii ii'-;ii- .M.irioii. Willi.iiiisn!! Ci... 111.. .Inly PJ. IsTl. lie .11 i.-mli'.l tlic ((nnnnni schools until sixicrn vcmts of .•i;,^c, iiiid tlicn spcni uvi-r .-i yi:ir ;it Kwinu; ("ollcKf. Kwin.u. 111. lOnlci'cd SlnirtlctT in llic fail of 1 s> • :inii ;;r;tt)u:it('(l in IS'.M. On tlic luisis of llic conip;ir;ilivc pfcliinin;iry tf.iinin;,', In* fcccivcil ;i scli;tl;irslii)> Mt the (■liic;iu:n Ciillciic of IMiysiciMiis and Snr;;cons. ffoni wliicli instil III imi lie ur.-iiln.iicil in .VjM-il. l.*-!iT. lie \\;is niie uf t lie fonnii I'fs and for two yc.irs one of llie piililisliers of the "I*. iV S. I'le.xns." ;i medical journal issued liy the Culleue of riiysicians and Surgeons. .Mf. Mizell was inaiTied on .Noveintiei- 4. is;»7. to Miss Cora Conn, of Sliei ityville. 111., ami lias since been enira.u'i d in the pi-aclice nf his itnd'essiiii at Humboldt. Cules Co.. and Shelliyville. ELLA IH'MrUKKY .MOKSi:. .".Nil l.oks ni Ave. Cliica-o. EBE.X T()1>M.\.\ I'AilE. Leeds. .\. 1 >. .TA?»fES (J KEEN LEAF KEY.XOl.l S. .... .lonesluu-o. ''(;i:OK(n<: EIXJAU UOHEUTS. .... Hcrrlns rrairi'.'. tBEKTILV M. UrsiL - - .... . (I'.-rry.i MAE SANXEIt-BUHTOX. ....-.- Wdudl.iirn. JOILN WILLIAM SKIXXKK. .... Ar. ol.i. FL'AXK S'I'EVEXSOX. Woudmnn. ANX.V 1'.. S'rKArr-K.\I>I,. -"."M W <'" si.. Tyler. Tex. 1;E\". IMI.I.EK .1011 X S\\ll'r. Cohinil.ns. Ind. Was liorn in o'l'alloii. Hi., l-'ehrn.ary 1.'.. ISCP. His f:iiiier. Ke\ . .l.iiii W. Swift, was ;i L.-ijilist niiiiisiei-. The family removed to Missouri when l^'uller was hut a ye.ir old. .iiid lliei-e his ymilii was speiil in alti'iidance at the puii- lie sclioois ;iiia also ;it Uii' old M oiil --omery City Cidleu'c. I,e.i\iii;r the latter witlxii'l ,i:r;idu,!liii,L;-. he taie;h! in :i . .Mr. Titterington ^\as ui.-irried February (>, 1894, to Miss Clara E. Webster, of Upper Alton. He is now engaged in his professi(ni at Hardin, 111., wliere he iias built up an extensive country practice. .lOH.X REUBE.X UNDERWOOD. ..... Carrolltoii, Foreman Jol) i )ei»;irtineiit ■"Cjirfolltun Patriot." , NORMAN WALTRIP. ...... (ireenheld. Real estate, loans :iiid insurance. MARY E. WHEELOCK. --.-... Alton. Teacher of music. ALTA IRENE WIDLIAMS. . . . . . Pinckneyville. ANNA E. WILLIAMS-MARLOW. - ... Pinckneyville. GRiACE T. WILSON-BIRD. .... Madison, Wis. 1890-91. rEDLA M. BROCKMAN. ----- St. Louis. Mo. AARON FRANK BYARLAY. ...... Roseville. Was born in Roseville, 111.. IMarch 24, 1870. At the age of sixteen he com- pleted the coiu-se in the Roseville High School, and a year later attended Monmouth College for a short time, afterward spending a year at Shurtleff. Since his college days ^Nlr. Byarlay has been Assistant Postmaster at his home town, and is at present devoting himself to farming. 338 JOHN TOUN(i CAMl'liKLL. ( Ir.ilinii. COllV K. roNX-.MIZHLL. Sli.'lliy vili.-. SAMIKI, (JDOllCl-: COOK. lA V 1-(»UVI LI.K. 1M:\. IIKKI'.KKT L. DKUi;. .I.Ts.-yvillc. lilOX.IA.MIN rOLEMAX DUKE. - .M..iiiii..nili. FKAXK MAKIOX FRUSH. A. B. - - ICiinxvillt-. luwa Attended the public school of his nativt town. Knox vilic. I.i.. .nid ^nadnau'd theivfroin in 1SS4. The next six yeafs wefe spent in farmin;: and sclnml teaeliinsr. In the fall of IMXi lie came to Slmrtleft C-ilh u'e. -radnatiiiu; w.tl: the class of 1S!H;. Mr. Fnisii is at jirescnt Deputy CUvk of tiif District ronr: of Marion County, la. LOriSE FFLLElt SEAULKS. D.-lavaii. \Vi^ ' CYRUS M. GILSOX. Knoxvill.-. la • JOHN E. GILSON. Knoxvilie. la JOHN OLIVER GUTHRIE. liAYM(»XD. THOMAS A. .lOirXSOX. . - - . . . Allon. OLIVER a. LEXXIXG. Uppi-r Alt..n. MARY WHITE MERRIAM. Atlanta Was horn in TazeA\ ell County. 111. Her early education was received in tlit- district schools and the Atlanta Ilijih School, from whicli she j,'raduated i;; ]88(J. The next two years were spent at Almira CoUejje. Greenville. 111., studying mi;sic. Miss Merriain then taujrht school for two years and in the fall of 1800 entered Shurtleff Colleire. where she reniaiin^d until the Christina!" holidays of 180.S. since whir-h lime sli(> has been teachimr in the public schnnis of Alianfa and actively euuas'ii.ir in <'hurch work. •WILLIAM M. MULBERRY. . . . . VcMiice. Auirusl 14. isiM;. WILLIAM SaXFORD XEEDLFS. ..... R, 1S'.»4. in the midst of lier frcslini.-in ye.ir. tULYSSES SAMUEL PIXKERTOX. ..... (Herdan.i tJOIIX HENRY REED ... - . (Jersey ville., NELLIE SANNER. - Wo..dbnrn. ORLISTUS B. SHEIRRY. .... Cn-.il S|»rings. REV. AARON J. SMITH. .... r.nd.i. "Bureau Co. Was Iwrn in Kew;i.iu'<'. HI.. OctolxT :>. ISC.I. In his early ye.irs he at- tended district school and worked on his father's farm. \\ the age nf tifteeii he was converted and bapli7A'd in Spoon River. At lifiicn lie taught a conn- 339 try school. When he Avas twenty-four years ohl he entered the Northwestern Normail, of Geueseo, 111., where he remained for nearly three years and was lir-ensed to preach. He was married on August 29, 1889. to Miss Ha.ttie G, Shephard, of Buda, 111., and ]\Ir. and Mrs. Smith soon afterward entered Shurr- leff College, Avhere they remained for over two years. During this time Mr. Smith supplied rhe pulpits of seA'eral ehui'ches in the vicinity of Upp<'r Alton. He was ordained December 2(>, ISlMi. Since his college days lie has lu-ld pas- torates at Graymont and Fittsficjld. 111., and Centerville, la. On account of failing health Mr. Smith was at last ol)liged to retire from the ministry for a liine. anil in the fall of 1897 erected a greenhouse and took charge of a fruit farm at Buda. III. ^Ir. and Mrs. Smith have a son and a daughter. HATTIE (i. SHEPHARD-SMITH. ---... Buda. ARTHUR CARROLL f^MlTH. - - . - . Pinckneyville. HOSEA HARRISS STRAIT. - - 211 N. Third St.. St. Louis. Mo. Employe St. Louis Printers" Supply Co. ARTHUR BRAMLBT SWAIN. ..... peirce City, Mo. CHARLES K. SWAIN. UPPER ALTON. DAISY TBMPLIN. ....... Upper Alton. CLINTON U. TRl'E. - - 5837 Von Yersen Ave.. St. Louis, Mo. Since leaving SuurtlefL he has lieen engaged in tlie study of mechanical engineering at Wa.shington T'niversity. St. Louis. EM:MA p. YAN HOOSP:r. - 4535 Cote Brilliante Ave.. St. Louis. MARSHALL W. WEIIt. JR. . . . . . Belleville. FANNIE EMBLINE WILLIAMS. Ph. B. - - - Upper Alton. Graduated fr";r Shurtleff College in 1897. Teatluu- in I'pper Alton public schools. 1897-8. ELIZABP]TH C. W1LS0N-:M0SS. - - - Albion. EdAvards Co. SARAH N. WYCKOFE-TREADWAY. ..... Yirden. ANNA :M. YOUNG-BEST. ...... Edinburg. HELEN L. YOUNCJ. ....--- Nokomis. Daughter of .lames Young was liorn near Nokomis. 111. She spent tAA'o years in study in Uie Music and Art Department of Shurtleff College, and lias .since resided in Nokomis with her parents. 1891-92. EUGENE CHESTER ANGELL. . . . . Good Will. S. D. Teacher in an Indian school. REY. ROBERT ELMORE BUliT. ..... Falrtield. REY. JEROME CAMPBELL. .... Woonsocket. S. D. Pastor First Baptist Church. 340 CIIAin.KS F. ("LAKIDCK. Si-ll(inl tcMclMT. KVA .1. CONN i'.(ii.i\(;i:i:. *KK\'. IIIKA.M AI'.KAM ( (» U M :i .1 I S. t.MAKV .1. I»A\ IS. N'irdni. S1i«'11p.v\ illf. I W rlliii.iil. I:i.l IHcil Ml l-;.is| Allnii. irii|M'|- Allnll.l riU)l\ VICTOU LKltOV DIKK. A. H. - .Momiioiiili (^;i;i(lii.il('il li'Mii SliurlU'lT Collcjii' in .hiii.'. IS'.tT. rruffssor ol' .Mjitliciii.ilic: ill SlmrlJctr. 1N'.)7-S. .liTscyvillc W(HK|i(llr;l. ;r>2l W. ('hcslinii SI.. St. Lmiis. .Mo. Merrill Mt-nii! Aiilmrii ArcolM .M.M(. (iKACH ENOS. - . •(JERTKinE SAK.Ml I'lCOSl'. HAUL LKKOY iiVlK. Mcdicil .^tudciil. . GKOKCJE W. IlAKDWrrK. .MARY I.onSK 1I.\K1)\VI('K - AKTIITK ALHEKT IIAKT. VEIIXOX V. IIAKTFOUL). GEOIvGE HBNUY IIEI.MKAMl'. Siiidcnt in IIiM-iuy Medical ColU'.no. CliicafKi. 111. IIKV. IIALIMI AY. IIOHI'.S. A. K., K. I>. - VAM; llu.irhill Ave. \Y. Sup. rinr. \Yi>. Graduated li(Hii Sliurtlen' with class of IS'M, and fi-oin tlie l>iviiiily Scliooi of tlK' T'niversity (d' ('liica,i:ii in IS'.tT. I'.astor of tlie First T.aiHisi Clnircli. \Y','sr SuMci'ior. \Yis. ARCHIKALI> I. .JONES. r.niiil.uii. Stndcni at Ewiiii:: ("ollc.iif. CIIAKLES .TONES. M.iiissa. tHEKMAX OTTO KIN*;. ...... il'onliac.i P:LIZAKET11 MAKSII.MJ. FAI KIE. .... .Fuk.sniivUlc. WILLIAM WASIIIX(rT()N FEE. ... Wliiiciiall. l-'niit farnici' and iioulliy dealer. ROSE .MAY MIFFER. I'll. H. Allen. ("raduated troii: SliurilelT in llie class of lS!t.".. .-nid lias since lieeii a le.iclier in 'tlie .Mliui Hi.uli School. AFOIS O. M()N"I'.\<;. ..... .Melrose. >Fiiii 111 ilie employ (d' liie ( I rca I .Xoi'lheni Raili-oad. KEY. \Y1FF1A.M ROl'.Y Ni;\Y.\F\X. ... W.ikelield. K.i< tALYIX ro\YFESS. ..... iFpi-ei- .Mioii.i MAY A. itl'IFFlxJE. ... .\llon. 341 TAMAK I). SCOTT-TILTOX, Ph. P.. - 176 William .St., Providence, R. I. Graduated from Sliurtleft' College in 1895. and afterward taught in the Baptist College at Memphis, Teun. On August ol, 1S!)7, she was married to Mr. H. C. Tilton, also of the class of 1895. REV. LAFAYETTE L. STIERW.ILT. - . . . . Anna. LIZZIE MAY TITTERINGTOX. - - . . . Kewanee. Teacher of elocution. .L^MES B. TRUE. JR. - - 5S37 Von Versen Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Student at Washing-ton University. -MARY VINA WAKELAND. ------ Hoopeston. ADDIE HARRIET WATTS. ------- Alton. Missionary in Monterey and San Luis Potosi, Mexico, 1897. CHARLES HENRY WEEKS. - - Livingston Farms, Melville, N. I ». OSCAR YARNELL. M. I). . . - - Cerro Gordo, Piatt Co, 1892-93. .lOHN IIIRSH ADDYMAN. - - - - Leed.s, England. JOHN COOLING ANDERSON. - - - . . U]iper Alton. REA-. BARNABAS E. ANTROBUS. - - . - :NLui(hester. LEVI HENRY BARLOW. ----- Christine. S. D. School teacher. ALV.M IE ETTA BONN ELL. --..-. Up])er Alton. RICHARI) RUSSELL BUCKLES. - . - . - Newbern. MA:\IIE O. CARR-CHAPMAN. - 4.12 Genesee St., Itochester, N. Y. ROBERTA CARR-THO.MPSON. ----- Decatur. Tex. REV. (HLBBRT W. CLAXON. - - - Arthur. Moultrie Co. BITRTON E. CLIFFORD. - - l.Ki:. Title and Trust Building, Chicago. Was liorn in ^Mercer Co., 111.. ^Iny 7, 187.";. At the age of twenty ho en- tered Shurtleff" College, and afterward .graduated from Bnrlin.gton Colleg;-. Burlin.gton, la. He then pursued a course of studies at tlie TTuiversity of Chicago, and lias since been engaged in leg;il worlc in Chicago. -fEUGENE F. CLINE. --.....- (Pana.i WILTJAM HAWES (H)GHILL. - lu9 E. Coal Ave., Albu(iuer(nje. N. :M. Attended Shurtleff (College during the years 1892-3 and 1893-4; then, after teachin.g school for two years, re-entered with the class of 19(10. Noav in tlie enijdoy of the Ali>U(|uer(iue Land and Irrigation Company. EDWARD J. COOK. ------- Taylorville. Sehool teacher. FRANCES ELIZABETH COULTER. - - . - MARISSA. 342 LOItA .\MA.\I».\ hAKKoW. ( »' l\ill<.ii. JEKOMK Vor.Nc; Kl>\\Ai:i>S. I'..;isiuu. ('Ml. Ajrout Soutlit'in I'.icilic Unilw.iy. CHRISTIAN AI»AM KI I KI I A KI • l". - .\,.w Y<.rk H;ill. Kdiiisvill.'. K\ Studenl, SoiiiIkmii l'>,iiitisi riiciilnjric.il Sciiiiii;iry. .IKNMI-: lOTHKUIXcnON SCOT r. Sliilnli. Si. n;iir C... (TyAKA M. I'I:NTTV. . . . . . . K;iii<'. WINIFUKI) l-'KOSr. - . - . W.Mp.llMiiii tCHAKLES WILLIAM IIAKKIS. .... (.Xrwh.rn.. OSCAK .lOIIXSO.X. .... iijd:; i;. Kldi.r.Ml.. St.. Ii.'.jiini. WILLIAM E. KELLEY. ... . - Alt.ni. MAKTLX E. .MAN(J. .... . Miiumk. VIOLA MAKTIX-LAM r.EKT. .... CriHrii.l.'ii. tllOSE MITCHELL. .... iSpriimfn'M. Mn.i JI'DSOX WILIUK MOX l(;(>.Mi;i;V. ..... Ail.iiit:i. RKV. FKAXKLIX ('U.\KLKS UN .\ I'SI< »( 'K. rijiiiili.'lil. \Vi>. rnstor First Uiiplist Climcli. IIAKKIET ELSIE ROHIXCS. ..... !',ii>:lii.iii. Scliool toaclicr. TII(>^L\s F. sniLossLi:. ...... r.mr.i. Xfi«. tJAMES ITtAXKLlX SECKAN KS. .... (XcwImtii.i AjNNIE F. still. ..-..-■ FitiMT Alton. ■fLOT'ISE STI'K(;E(>X. ...-.- (SI. Lniiis. Mo.i FLORA E. TILTOX. II'I'KK .\LI<>X. CLARA HELL V.\X IIOOSEII. .... LFPEK .\L'I(>X. MA'BJIL WHITAKEK. ...... SuiimuTticlil. FLORA HELLE WILSOX. ...-.-- .Mcilnni. ScliooI ti'.-U'licr. EDWARD X. \\IXI»SOK. R. WILLIAM ZIEBOLD. ...--- Rc.l Uii.l ^^"ith (J. Zii'liold A: Soli. Hour ni;:inil';icnin'r.>;. 1893-94. SAMIEL K.\/Lnr r.rcKXHLL. ... - E.isi SI. Louis. -Assistant in Hh' I'osiollicr at tin- Xatioiial Stock V.-irils. LILIAN CARI{. Calalia. . M.\R10X E. CL.MtK. Kirksvillc. Mo. 343 MARY E. COF'FEE-MOOIIE. - Wnodlmrn. CLARA WILH?:'L.MIXA FLECK. . . - . . Xokoniis. W;is 1)01-11 in St. Louis. Aio., ;iiul ar tlie au'e of tivo rvMiiovcil with her pa- rent.s to Xokomis. 111., wbero she attended tJie pnblic schools until 18!»L In that year she entered the Music and Art Department of Shurtleff College. In the sprin.iT of 1S'n4 she I'eturned lionie. and lias since been teadiins music in Nokoniis. tMARY HART. - (Alton.) STELIyA irARTKOIU). I'll. P.. - - - _ - Areola. (Jradnated from Shnrtlefl' in JS!»7, and has been teacliin.::- si-liool at Lever- ett. 111. MAMIE HILDEr.KAXD. . - - . . JOHX ERXEST IIOHLIT. - - . Instructor in the Peirce City P)aptist College. JESSE v. .lOXES. . . - . JACOB KESIXCJEK. - . - . . ELSIE MAY MAX(;E. ..... EFFIE WIXIFPKI* MARSH. . - . . MAIHA .M. McCORMlCK. ..... LUTIE y. l»OPE-AVEEKS. . . . . . tCORA GERTRUDE RICHARDSOX. AVALTER A. SITTHERLIX. - - - GEORCE TOMLIXSOX. .... ARCHER ALEX AXDER WA(H:LE^' Physical director of the Covin .ton Y. M. C A. REV. CYRILS AV. AVP]BR. . - - Pastor First Baptist Clinrcli. JAMES B. YOHAXXAX. ... Studemt in Rochester T'lie'clocical Seminary. 1894-95. XELLIE BFCKXELL-HALE. tSARAH :may CARSOX. REV. LYMAX HARVEY COFFMAX. Pastor First Baptist Church. BLAXCH MABEL DUKE. tCHARLES lOADS. . . . . ELIZABETH EA'A EHRHARDT. Alton. Peirce Cit.v. Mo. Raymond. AVrishtsville. Iligiilanh. I'PPER ALTCX UPPER ALTOX. Alton. (Pleasant Pla.as.j Rus.sellville. Ind. Alio 1. Covington, Ky. Vinieu. IJocliester. X. V. Hoopestoii. (Hillslioro.i Roodiionse. 413 S. Main St., Monmouth. (Girard.) [/13 Couri St.. Pekiu. 344 1. Jesse V. Jones, '93. 2. Blanch M. Duke, •/'. 13. Otillie Carson, '95- 14. James B. Vohannan. '')i- 15. Waller A. Sulherlin, 93. i(). Joseph Stamper, '94. 17. Cyrus W. Webb, '91 18. Audrey A. Todii. '95. 19. Edythe M. Roberts. '95 20. Daisie V. Rice, '94 FRANK FLAXDEKS. ...... .-pp.-r .\lln;i. REV. EDW.XUI) K. (ai.ICK. li. D. - liiii» \V. Cliiinli St.. Cliiiiniiai^ii. fJr.uluMli'il fidiii Slmnh'IT iii ISDT. and has siucr liccii i-ii^rau'rii in t'vaii;,'t'l isth' work. SAI.EIF ('I..VUK II Ai;ii\\ KK. ... MIMtKITT. REV. AKTIirU r. HOIXJSOX. CdT lliinl St.. La Sall^-. ^^■as bom in Ivniiisioii-mi-'ruaiiir- t'liiiiiiy oi' Sui'ii'v. Ki'.;;lanil. .I;:iiiiar.v 1. 18G(5. He was cdnviM'tcd at llic i-.tic of ciulilccii. aiiii liapli/.cil i-'chniary li'J. ISSi"). into tli(> iVllowsliij) of Hnii.van Hai)tisi Clinnli. Kin;;ston-on-'l'hann's. Was ono of the charter nicnihcrs of ihc Hnnyan ("haiicl Yonn;: Men's 'I'laininj: Class. His tirsi aitcniiii .ii pnlilic siic.ikini: w.is ;ii an oi)i'n-air nn'ciini: in liis native rown. .Mardi '21. iss;. I irvui inu- liis life \n the Linspel ministry, lie took a eoitfse of f]lenloi:ic-,ll study In IJverponl. l';ilt:land. Whel'e he was lalef ordained and iiidd iiis tlrst jiastorate. In the fall of ism ji.. cnne lo .\nierie;i and made a hee-line for Slinrtleff CoUejie. .\fier a season of snidy at this institntion. he aeeei)ied the eall of the Baptist ("hiireli ;it ('layioa. III. nn July 1. ISDT. he resijined his pastorate v.t riayton and went to l.a Salle, wheit he lias since been pastoi' of the {''irst Baptist <'hnreii. On Aiisrnst 2:'., 1S!»7. .Mr. Hod-sDn was married to .Miss Flora Birket;. of I'eoria. 111. ETIIKL M.W urn r. -.-... ri.i.er Alton. ELIZA AX.X .lOIlXSOX. .-..-. riij.er .Vlioii. WALTER EKXEST LI-OYl). . . . . I'riiieeton. Kas. LILLlE 1. <)VLVTT-('(JX. Vermont. EVA VIOLET I'OWLESS. ...... liiixr .\lion. -MARY LFCY FRKE. ... . . . . i Alton. • DAISIE VIIUJIXIA RICE. Ipi-er .\lion. LOnS.V .F.\XE ROSS. - - - - • - - - - l»elhi. JOSEl'U ST.V.Ml'ER. .--..... Alton With R. ^I. Stamp. -r in real estate and loan Imsiness. BERTHA STROIH. ..... II'I'IIR Al.ToX. DORA STRorO. ....... I ri'KR Ai.rox. WALTER E. rilO.M.VS. -..-.- Carrolllon. LEOXARh ('. PKKXT. - - - - CoKltoXW. 1895-96. BERT R.. BARRY. - ... R..odhonse. ABSALOM ALEXAXDER BIOX IM i;i.l >. M II.W .\ L K I'.E. WIS. DORA V. BEREITER. ... I,., .>;.,||<-. 347 ELNORA BEREITER. La Salle. . HERBERT ALBERT BROWNING. Barnett. OTILLIE CARSON. ----- Ramsey. Fayette Co. Teaelier in Fayette County i)ul)lie schools. JOSEPH A. D ARROW. cr Fallon. t RHYS DAVIPIS. -------- (Danville.) LEON DERR. -------- Jerseyville. CHAUNCEY S. DICKHUT. ------ Quincy. Instructor in penmanship in the Gem City Business College. ROSCOE.BARNET FAVORIGIIT. CLARA MAY FELTON. tFxVNNIE FERN HOWELL. EDWARD LESTER ,L\.MES. WILLIAM LEANDER KESIXGER. ANNA MILLER LONG. REV. LESIvIE F. MILFORD. EDITH CYNTHIA MILLS AMOS DELANEY MOSCRII'. BERTHA I'EARL OSBORN. WILLIAM EDWARD RAFFETY. WILLIA:*I THOMAS RICHARDSON, A. B. MILWAUKEE, WIS. -H.V) Lan,t,'ley Ave., Chicago. (I'aris.) LITCHFIELD. Upper Alton. North Alton. Upper Alton. 242."> First St.. San Diego, Cal. ITrPER ALTON. UPPER ALTON. ROODHO!fSE. Rochester, N. Y. Graduated from Shurtleft" in ISIMJ. Instructor in Alton High School, 1S.X5-7. Student at Rochester Theological Seminary, 1S97-S. EDYTHE MORTON ROBERTS. - . . . . Carrollton. JAMBS A. STARiCWE-\THER. - - - . DI VERNON. AUDREY ADAIR TODD. . - . - . ST. LOUIS, MO. BOSCOE S. WALLACE. ----- - Aurora. 1896-97. NBLLE BARKER. ... - REV. FRED WESLEY CARSTENS. OLIVE BLANCHE CHRISTY. CARTHAGE. Litchfielu. UPPER ALTON. 'WILLIAM WESLEY COMBS. EDNA EARL CONN. BREESE GLASS. ANNIE CLARA GOODWIN. WASHINGTON, PA. Died in I pper Alton. SHELBYVILLE. EDWARDSVILLE. Bunker Hill. 348 OS(\\li BKXTOX IIKSS. .... II. i tick. GEOIUJE IIIOKUIX. .... . MT. VKKNON. JOAN Ol.ni-: IIOP.SO.N. l|.|,.r Allnii. DAVID .lOIIXSOX. II.nninoiHl. SIDNEY OKVAL .lOMOS. .... . . MIVONK. WILLIAM H. IMtA.NKLIX I()M:S. - - - W ASI I L\ < IIO \. I'A. ZOA VIOLA KELLEY. n.:nini\. BERTRA:M WELCH. . . - . MT. \KKN(».\. i.\D. EDW.JlRD M. WER'I'. (:.ii.<. ,-. 1897-98. CHARLES LOriS BAP MS'I'ARK. ..... DI'.LHl. ARTHI'R CHARLES DARROW. OFALI.nN. MAUDE ETHEL D.MtUOW. ... (il'.M.i.nN CHARLES PRICE CLARK. PI.\S.' LEILA -MAY CLARK. - PL\S.\ BERTHA MAY CRANE. ..... CIK.MJD GEORGE CHESTER CCTLER. CAKin.\(;E. 349 CHARLES P. EISENMENGER. JOHN JTTLUTHEN ELDRED. WILLIAM SAMUEL ELDRED. I'p]iR(^Y OLIVER ENSLOW. EMMA OLIVE FORD. LAURA BELLE GUTHRIE. GEORGE EDWARD HEAL. CHARLES EDWARD HENRY. HOWARD FIDELIO JONES. MAY TIE M. KESINGER. OLIVE ORILLA LEWIS. FRANK F. LOVELESS. ZULA VIOLA PARKPJR. CLYDE B. REA. EVA J RUYLE. OLIVER AVENDELL SANDERS. WALTER KAY SMART. LOUIS DANA SPENCER. JULIA BERTHA THACKER. HARRY JAMES TIETSORT. LOGAN DOUGLAS TRENT. FLORENCE ADA WELLS. MINNIE ALICE WELLS. (iEORGE W. WHITE. ARTHUR LEE WOOD. MARIE ELIZABETH WOOD. BARNETT D. S. WYLLIE. CLIVE YEAGER. WARREN VILLE. THOMASVILLE. THOMASVILLE. GIRARD. GREENFIELD. RAYMOND. WOODBURN. MARISSA. SAN DIEGO. CAL. CARLIN VILLE. CARTHAGE. CARLINVILLL. ELDORADO SPRINGS. MO. UPPER ALTON. HAMILTON, NEB. STONINGTON, PAYSON. OCEOLa. (HRARD. GIRARD, CORDOVA. MARISSA. WAVERLY. LOV ELAND, COLO. PISGAH. PISGAH. MARISSA. NEW:\IAN. SUMMARY. Located, ---..-.. §44 No Trace, ---.-... 224 Known to be Dead, .---... 205 Total, ----- 1,273 Number of life sketches, three lines or over, - - - 302 .SPECIAL.. — For the sake of variety in perusing tills long and monotonous Roster^ pages 22q, 2jo and 23 1 VI ay be read in renter se order. 350 1. Maj. Joseph S. Smith. 2. Maj. Henry L. Field. 3. Capt. Edmund D. Keirsey. *Deceased. A GROUP OF OUR SOLDIERS. 4. *Capt. Henry S. Spauiding. 5. Gen. John M. Palmer. 6. *Capt. William W. Leverett. -. Ass't-Surg. James Miner. M. Col. Andrew F. Rodgers. 9. Oliver J. Flick. ())ur §olMcc iOou^ri. A List of Alpha Zetans Who Have Served Their Country and the Union on the Field of Battle. ■^"Deceased fService not learned. In cases where the service is known, it is in th.- inf..ntry .nd the ('iv.l War unless something else is distinctly specified. The yenrs ;.fter the n mies denote lime ot j.^inin^ the Society, and refer to General Rosier. -i^JOHN FREEMAN, '43, Indian fi.LilittT undtT (Icn. John C. Fremont. *W. G. TAYLOR, '43, served in Mexican War. ASS'T SURG. ISAAC E. HARDY, '44. Volunteer in Mexican War; A. A. Surgeon in Ci\il War. COL ANDREW F. HOUGERS, '44, Co. H, id 111. inl.. Mexican War; Capt. Co. B, SOtii 111., Civil War; Lieut. -O-l. Co. B, SOtii ill.. Civil War; Colonel Co. B, SUtli 111., Civil War. *tCAPT. JOHN TRIBLE, '44, served in Civil War. *CAPT HENRY S. SPAULDlN(i, '45, Orderly Sergeant. Co. B. 24th New Jersey; Second l,ieut. Co. 1. 24th New Jersey; Capt. Co. B. 3Stli New Jersey. CAPT. HDMUND 1). KEIRSEY, '46, First Lieut. C. K, Sdth 111.; Capt. Co. K, 8()tli 111, 353 MaJ. JOSEPH S. SMITH, '46, Major in 10th III. Cavalry. tHlRAM D. WOOD, '46, served in Mexican War. tCAPT. FRANCIS W. FOX, '47, served in Civil War. *tGEORGE 1. FOSTER, '49, served in Mexican War. *tJOHN E. MOORE, '49, served in Civil War. *tROBERT N. RATTAN, '49, served in Civil War; died of starvation in Libby Prison. CAPT. GEORGE W. S. BELL, '50, First Lieut. Co. F, 12th Kansas; Capt. Co. F, 12th Kansas. tCAPT. Calvin a. pease, '50, served in Civil War. *tGEORGE A. PEASE, '50, served in Civil War. *HENRY C. spears, '50, 114th 111. Vols. *JAMES W. BELL, '51, Co. F, 114th 111. (died in army). MAJOR HENRY L. FIELD, '51, Capt. 124th III. Vols.; Major 124th 111. Vols. ASS'T SURG. JAMES MINER, '51, Ass't Surgeon, 101st ill. Vols. tJOHN H. MlZE, '52, served in Mexican War. *J0HN p. LAWTON, '53, 33d 111. Vols. ^WILLIAM W. LEVERETT, '53, Co. C, 124th III.; Private Secretary to Brig. -Gen. Brayman ; Captain of a colored company. THOMAS M. LONG, '53, Employed in Commissary Department. *ASS'T SURG. EBENEZER RODGERS, JR., '53, Ass't Surgeon, SOtli 111. ^=CAPT. GEORGE HUNTER, '54, Co. K, 7th 111. Vols.; Capt. Co. K, 7th ill. Vols. *+MOSES M. RANDOLPH, '54, served in Civil War. 354 Col. JOHN P. Baker. '55, BirM-ttrd Major tor <:allanti>- at Pirasant Hill; Bi\t. lj(.'Ut.-Ciil. \nY nuTitmious st.T\ic(.-s (.iuriii^: tin- Ci\il War. *tJAMES MONAGAN, '55, served in Ci\il War (died in army). *tROBERT 1.. WEBR, '55, served in Ci\il War (died in navy). *tWlLLIAM W. FOUTCH, '56, served in Civil War (died in army). *tJOSEPH H. ROBINSON, '56, served in Ci\ il War (died in army). LIEUT. JOHN W. TERRY, '56, First Lieut. Co. C, 124th Illinois. *CYRUS A. BAILEY, '57, SM Illinois Volunteers. tJOHN H. WOODS, '58, served in Civil War. *tTHORNTON HUGHES, '59, served in Civil War (died in army). '^i-LEWIS P. KlNMAN, '59, ser\ed in Civil War. OLIVER J. FLICK, '60, Frontiersman and Indian Fighter. tRiOLLAY F. GRAY, '60. served in Ci\il War. SERGT. CHARLES A. HOBBS, '60. First Serjeant Co. B, OOtli 111. \ols. *JOHN M. HOBBS, '60, .^.vl Illinois Volunteers (died in army). 'i'tJOHN M. KING, '60, served in Civil War. tJOHN E. VERTREES, '60, served in Ci\il War (100-da\- \ol^.) *tLlEUT. PETER (i. WEYHRICK, '60, served in Ci\il War. tHENRY H. BEACH, '61, served in Ci\il War (lOO-day Vols.) *tHARL(J\V M. STREET, '61, serwil in Ci\il War (died in arm\). AIULIA C. McHLVAIN, '62, Co. h, l.^VI 111. \'o|s. CALOWAY NASH, '6.^, ISM 111. \ols. *EDWARD (i. BRAMBLE, '65. Co. I, 6,Slli ill.; Co. H, 17tli 111. FRANK M. COARU, '65, Co. G. lOlst 111. 355 William H. DORWARD, '65, 29tli Wisconsin. tLlEUT. THOMAS J. KEITH, '65, served in Civil War. tCHARLES F. MINER, '65, Served in Civil War. SMILEY N. CHAMBERS, '66, 115th Ind. Vols.; also in artillery service. tJOHN F. HOWARD, '66, served in Civil War (100-day Vols.) tSERGT. JOHN E. INGHAM, '66, served in Civil War. SERGT. EDWIN B. MILLER, '66, Corporal Co. H, 1st Minn. Vols.; Ser- geant Co. H, 1st Minn. Vols. WILLIAM H. HEARNE, '68, Co. C. 6th Ind. Vols. PHILIP S. MOXOM. '68, Co. C, 17th 111. Cavalry. JAMES T. TOWEY, '86, Co. H, 25th Ind. Vols. CHARLES K. SWAIN, '90, 111. Naval Cadets (1st Battalion), War with Spain. 356 < n if) DO c: O O 2 > n m m H m -< en X O z c > < m O ■n c_ O X z ■j: O □0 CD C/) O O ur 3F circles 11 jHtCTacmavic!:;;. *Deceased. These are nearly all B:iptists, and have ^one out im.lt-r the auspu.-s ..I the various Baptist organizations. The yeais after the names denote time of joiniuf; the Society, and refer to (leneral Roster. REV. CYRUS F. TOLMAN, I). L)., 'SO; tliiet- years in Assam, rliit-tly at Novv^ong. REV. JOHN W. TERRY. A. M., '56; at Madrid, Spain, undrr appoint- ment of the American Baptist Missionary Union. REV. DANIEL H. DRAKE, A. B., B. D., '64; lour years amonu tlie Telu- (jLis at Kurnool ; ti\e years at Madras. REV. THOMAS J. KEITH, D. L)., '65; tour years at Goalpara, Assam. Made a grammar and dictionary of the Ciaro lan^uaye, and trans- lated the four Gospels into that tongue. REV. MOUN(i THANBYAH, '65; a native Karen who came to America and obtained an education, then relumed to work among hi> people. *REV. WILLIAM H. BRADT, '71; missionary to China. Died in IS'b- REV. WILLIAM H. BEEBY, A. M., B. D.. 7.^. one year learning TeUigu language, and preaching at Madras, India; four vears am .ng the Telugus near Secunderabad and at Kazipet, Deccan. MRS. BERTHA BULKLEY-ROACH, A. M.. '11 \ ten years' service in Rangoon. REV. JUSTUS L. BULKLEY, A. M., B. D., "76; eight years in Burma. 359 REV. Samuel a. PERRINE, 77; five years at Molung and Impur, Naga Hills, Assam. PROF. EDGAR B. ROACH, A. M., '79; four years Supt- Baptist Mission Press, Rangoon, Burma; seven years Professor in Rangoon Baptist College. MRS. GERTRUDE P. CLINTON-GILMORE, Ph. B., '85; live years a teacher in Rangoon Baptist College; seven months at Tavoy, Burma. 360 IVppen&i.v, AND RULES OF ORDER oi- riiK JVlpInt Sctn Soctctn of ^Intrtlcfi CoUcc^c PREAMBLE. We, the undersiijned, bein^ desirous of enlariiin^ and einieliiiiii our fund of general information, strengthening our mutual powers, carefully cultivating our moral and social natures, and gaining correct information as to the manner of doing business in deliberative bodies — in the pursuit of which objects we desire to exhibit a due consideration for the opinions and feelings of others, to maintain a perfect command of temper, and to seek for the truth in all our exercises; do declare ourselves an association for mutual improvement in elocution, composition, debate, critici>m, business, music, and adopt for our government the following CONSTITUTION. ARTICLE I . NAME. The name of this association shall be the ALPHA ZETA SOCIETY OF SHURTLEFF COLLEGE. A H T I C L H II. MEMBERSHIP. SECTION 1. The members of this Society shall be of four classes — active, associate, constitutional and honorary. Sec. 2. Any student of Shurtleff College shall be eligible to election as an active member of this Society, and may become such on receiving the 363 approval of tlie Executive Committee, a vote of two-thirds of the members present at any regular meeting, signing the constitution and paying the fee of initiation. Sec. 3. Associate members shall be those who are excused by vote of the Society from their literary duties for a term or more ; also of those honorably dismissed from College while active members. Any of the latter class on returning to College may become active by paying the fee for the current term. Sec. 4. Any active or resident associate member failing to pay his dues to the Society at the time required, shall thereafter be considered a constitutional member, and as such shall have none of the privileges of an active member except to rank himself with the Society on public occasions and to be present at its literary meetings. He may, however, be restored to active membership by vote of the Society and payment of a fee of fifty cents. Sec. 5. Honorary members of this Society shall consist of all its Alumni, the Faculty of Shurtleff College, including that of the Theological Department, and such other literary or professional gentlemen or ladies os the Society may elect by a two-thirds vote. Sec. 6. Any member excepting an honorary member, on joining any other literary society of the College, shall cease to be a member of this Society. ARTICLE 111. OFFICERS. The officers of this Society shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Corresponding Secretary, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, Librarian, Critic, Editor-in-Chief, Chaplain, Sergeant-at-Arms, Historian, and Poet- Laureate. ARTICLE IV. DUTIES OF OFFICERS. SECTION 1. It shall be the duty of the President: 1st. To preside at all meetings of the Society. 2d. To announce the business in the order in which it is to be acted upon. 3d. To receive and submit in proper manner, all motions and propo- sitions presented by members, and to announce the result. 4th. To enforce on all occasions a due observance of the rules and regulations of the Society. 5th. To appoint all committees not otherwise provided for. 6th. To see at the beginning of his term that there is a full Board of Trustees. 7tli. To make the regular literary appointments. 364 8th. To vnW ill all cases of balloliiiu, hut in no othi-r t-wi-pt a tii-, when he shall ^iive the castinfi; xote. 9th. To authenticate by his siiinatuir. wlun ni-ci-ssary, all the acts, orders and proceedings of the Society. lOtli. To inform the Society, when necessary- or when referred to lor that purpose, on any point of order or practice. 11th. hi general to represent and stand for the Society ckclarin^ its will and in all things obeying implicitl\- its commands. 12th. Before leaving his chair at the close of his term ol oflice, he shall deli\er a valediciory address, not e.xceeding ten minutes in length. SEC. 2. it shall be the duty of the Vice-President to perform the duties of President in the absence of that officer, or in case of his vacating the chair to participate in the proceedings. SEC. .•?. It shall be the duty of the (Chaplain to open each regular meeting with prayer. Sec. 4. The Corresponding Secretary shall conduct the correspond- ence. He shall take the chair and act as PresieUnt in the absence of botii President and Vice-President. Sec. 5. The Recording Secretary shall keep a faithful record of all the proceedings of each meeting; he shall also be responsible tor all books, papers and writings of the Society committed to his care, and shall trans- fer the same to his successor at the close of his term of office; he shall at all times keep on hand an alphabetical list of the active members, and an- other of the honorary members; he shall furnish weekly to the drill com- mittee a list of those on the program for the following week; he shall conduct the roll-call and immediately report all delinquencies to the President; he shall inform in writing those upon whom fines have been imposed, and report the same to the President; he shall notify members of their appoint- ment to any otf^ice or duty, and shall issue all required notices. Sec. 6. The Treasurer shall receive from the former Treasurer all moneys belonging to the Society; he shall also collect all initiation and term fees and fines, and receive all donations of money; he shall pa_\' out money as ordered by the Society, on receiving a writtc-n order then-ior signed by the President and the Recording Secretary ; shall keep an accu- rate account of all receipts and I'xpenditures, and at the close of his term (»t office shall make a written repoit of the same, and shall turn ox'erall mone.vs or other pmpi-rtN' of the Society in his possession, to his successor in office. Sec. 7. I he Librarian shall be elected at the beginning of eacii col- lege-year, and shall continue in office through(»ut the year, such Librarian upon election becoming a member of the Board of Trustees; he shall pro- vide and keep an entire classification and catalogue of all the books; at each regular meeting he shall open the library and issue books, which shall not be retained longer than two weeks. The issue of each book shall be carefully registered. For all books lost on account of his negligence, he JG5 shall refund to the Society fifty per cent of the appraised value- To the Trustees he shall make a quarterly report of all books lost and received, and of the general condition of the library. At the close of his term of office he shall make a written report of the condition of the library when he took charge of it, the number of books, if any, received during his term of office, and the whole number belonging to the library at the time of his report, and shall turn over all books, papers and writings belonging in his department, to his successor in office. Sec. 8. The Critic shall, at each regular meeting, criticise all the ex- ercises of the Society which in his judgment are subject to criticism. Sec. 9. It shall be the duty of the Editor-in-Chief to examine care- fully each issue of the ALPHA ZETA JOURNAL, eliminating everything he deems objectionable. He shall also bind each volume and keep it on file in a presentable shape; shall prevent any mutilation of the JOURNALS, and shall be responsible for the papers unless he can report upon whom the blame rests- SEC. 10. The Historian shall preserve the records of the Society, and all papers relating to its history that may come into his possession ; he shall provide and keep a list of all the members of the Society, together with such facts regarding them as he may consider of interest or import- ance to the Society. Sec. 11. It shall be the duty of the Poet-Laureate to write up, in verse, the principal events in the Society's life, as they transpire. Sec. 12. The Sergeant-at-Arms shall preserve order in the hall dur- ing the meetings; he shall also act as doorkeeper and as usher. ARTICLE V. STANDING COMMITTEES. SECTION 1. There shall be five standing committees of three mem- bers each, appointed by the President, for each official term, viz.: Executive Committee, a Committee on Questions, a Drill Committee, a Committee on Music, and a Printing Committee. Four standing com- mittees shall be chosen by the Society for the college-year, viz.: an Auditing Committee, a Committee on Public Exercises (of which the Cor- responding Secretary shall be Chairman), a Lecture Committee, and a Review Committee. Sec. 2. The Committee on Public Exercises shall have general supervision of all public meetings of the Society, and shall procure suitable places for holding the same. For each of these meetings they shall elect the participants, determine the number, character and arrangement of the exercises — subject, however, to the will of the Society — and do all in their power to promote its highest good and development. They shall report to the Society their plans for each public meeting, at least eight weeks 366 betore tilt* same is to (>L\ur. Wlu-ii Contests occur, tin- Coinniittta- sli.ill have tlie same power as in public meetings. SEC. 3, The Executi\e Committee shall lia\e charge o| tin- Society Hall, and shall see that the same (with furniture therein) is Uept in K'ood order. They shall see that the stage is put up and other necessary ar- rangements made for public meetings and lectures, calling on otlier mem- bers for assistance when necessary. They shall purchase, by order of the Society, any furniture or other property which may from time to time be needed. They shall also constitute a Membership Committee and shall pass upon the names of all prospectixe members, and no name shall be proposed to the Society that shall not meet with their approval. At the close of their term of oftlce, they shall make a full written report of their doings. SEC. 4. The Committee on Questions shall at each regular literary meeting present at least three questions suitable for discussion at the third regular literary meeting thereafter. SEC. 5. The Auditing Committee shall examine and \erify all reports of the Treasurer, Corresponding Secretary and librarian, and report the result before going out of office. SEC. 6. The Committee on Music shall see that suitable music is prepared and furnished for each regular literary meeting. SEC. 7. The Drill Committee shall see that all on the program are prepared and drilled. SEC 8. The Lecture Committee shall, in conference with a similar committee from Sigma Phi, and with the President of the College, arrange for College Lecture Courses. SEC 9. It shall be the duty of the Keviez^' Committee to write the Society notes for each issue of the College paper. SEC 10. It shall be the duty of the Printing Committee to arrange for the printing of the programs for each literary meeting. AKTICLt VI. JANITOR. The Janitor shall be hired by the Executive Coniniittcc and appro\ed by the Society at the sec(»nd regular business meeting of each year. Said Committee shall determine his compensation, which shall not exceed (me dollar and fifty cents per month. In case of failure to discharge his duties satisfactorily, or in case of periiiannil inability, the Committee shall refer the matter to the Society, which may declare the office vacant. APIICI.H \'ll. FAILURE OR INABILITY. In case any ofticer or committeeman fails to discharge his duties satis- factorily, or in case of any permanent inability, the Trustees, upon 367 complaint of not less than three members, shall refer the matter to the Society, which may declare the office vacant and proceed to a new election. ARTICLE VIII. AMENDMENTS. No alterations or amendments of the Constitution shall be made with- out the concurrence of two-thirds of the active members present at a regular meeting, notice of the proposed alteration or amendment having been given at least two weeks before the action of the Society thereupon. BY-LAWS. ARTICLE 1 . MEETINGS. Section l. The meetings of this Society shall be weekly and monthly. Sec. 2. The weekly meetings shall be held every Friday evening during the college-year, at 8 o'clock, unless otherwise ordered by the Society. The monthly meetings shall be held upon the first Monday even- ing of each month during the college-year, with the exception of the month of January, when it shall be held on the second Monday of said month; and September, when it shall take place on the first Monday follow- ing the opening of College. SEC. 3. The annual meetings shall be held at a time selected by the Committee on Public Exercises and approved by the Society. SEC. 4. Nine members shall constitute a quorum to do business, at any meeting of the Society. SEC. 5. A special meeting may at any time be called by the Presi- dent, at the written request of five members. Sec. 6. A roll of the active members shall be called at every regular business meeting of the Society, at the time appointed for the opening exercises. SEC. 7. The Society shall enter into no literary contests with any other Society of Shurtleff College. ARTICLE 11. CHARACTER OF THE MEETINGS. SECTION 1. The literary exercises of each weekly meeting shall consist of declamations, orations, essays, unwritten speeches, extemporan- 368 eons speeches — imt to excei-J liw miiiutis in Ifiij^th, subji-it li exi-ieise; liihatc, aiul siuli otlur prifiuni- ances as the Society may decide upon. Sec. 2. Declainieis, essayists, orators, etc., sliail be appoiiiti-d tlirte weeks previous to their appearand', but no membi-r shall be requinti 1o perform any of these duties oftmi-r than onci- in two weeks. ARTICLh III. DEBATH. Section l. IIk' question for debate' siiall be cIiomu three wi-eks previous to its discussion. The President shall appnint disputants wlm shall choose sides. Sec. 2. No exercise shall exceed ei^ht minutes in lenjith; nnr shall any member speak more than once on debate, but tlu' afllrmative mav ha\e three minutes in which to review arguments. ARTICLE IV. FEES. Section l. To become an active member (^f tins S(Kiet>, an uiuu- tion fee one dollar shall be required. SEC. 2. A term fee of fifty cents sliall be required from eacli active and resident associate member, within two weeks after the openinji of each College term, provided that such fee shall not be required for the tirst term of any member's connection with the Society. ARTICLH V. ELECTIONS. SECTION 1. An election of officers shall take place at the tirst regular business meeting of each college-year, and thereafter on the tirst Monday of November, second Monday of January, and first Monday of April. SEC. 2. The Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, Hditcr- in -Chief, Librarian, Historian, and Poet-Laureate shall be elected at the lirst regular business meeting of each college-year; their term of ni'Ucr to contiinn- om- year. SEC. 3. A special election may be held at an\' regular business meet- ing, to fill a vacant office. SEC. 4. All officers shall be elected by ballot except the Chaplain, who shall be appointed by the President. SEC. 5. All voting on the admission of honorary members shall be by ballot. Sec. 6. The Auditing Committee, the Committee on Public Hxer- cises. and the Lecture [Committee shall be elected at the first ri'gular business meeting of the college-year. 309 ARTICLE VI. FINES. Section l. Any mt-mber who fails to till his place on the program, either in person or by substitute, without a reasonable excuse, shall be fined twenty-five cents. Sec. 2. Any member using tobacco or refreshments in the Society Hall, leaning his head against the wall, or in any way soiling or defacing the furniture, or otherwise conducting himself in a manner unbecoming a gentleman or lady, shall be fined not less than ten nor more than fifty cents. Sec. 3. Any active member not present at the roll-call of any busi- ness meeting without a reasonable excuse shall be fined ten cents. If absent from the entire meeting, this fine shall be increased to twenty-five cents. Sec. 4. When the unpaid tines or dues of any member shall exceed fifty cents, he shall become a constitutional member until such fines or dues are paid. Sec. 5. All fines shall be imposed by the President, subject, however, to an appeal to the Society. ARTICLE VII. MISCELLANEOUS. Section l. Any part of the Constitution, By-Laws or Rules of Order may be suspended for a single meeting by a vote of two-thirds of the mem- bers present at such meeting. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the Corresponding Secretary, at the last weekly meeting of the college-year, to read before the Society a con- densed report of its operations during the year, number of public meetings, public lectures, and the income therefrom, the number of books added to the library, the condition of the Society at the time the report is made, and its immediate wants; which report shall be filed away among the records of the Society. Sec. 3. All final reports of the Corresponding Secretary (both of cor- respondence and Society public exercises), the Recording Secretary, Treasurer, Librarian and the Executive and Auditing Committees, shall be written, and shall be filed away at least until the close of the college-year, together with the Society correspondence. ARTICLE Vlll. AUTHORITY. In all questions of parliamentary usage not herein specified, "Robert's Rules of Order" shall be our standard authority. 370 A !<• I I C I. h IX. AMENDMENTS. Tliest^ By-Laws, and Kuk's of Order tollowiiiu, may be altt-ri'd or amended in tlie same manner as the Constitution. (See Constiliitinn, Art. VI.) RULES OF ORDER. 1. After the meeting has been called to order, each member shall tal> ^' THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY This book is DUE on the last date stamped below ! University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 305 De Neve Drive - Parking Lot 17 • Box 951388 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90095-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. S641G8 _^eml:icenten- — nial histoid society. MR 181950 ; C W LOMiiS^ t LD 4931 S641G8 .S UCLA Young Ri-scnrch Llb.nry LD4931.S641 G8 L 009 531 231 uc NdiirHi ir. Hi AA 001323 762 3 «