.^^J- -w^" ^-^^. ^^_^.;x^-^— /i. ^ i NOTICE. We call special attention to the Index at the close of the hook, as there you will find every SUBJECT treated of; and every NAME mentioned in the volume recorded, with the pages on which they may be found. V. '^ / THE HISTORY OF WATE^FOI[D, OXFOIjD COUf(TY, MjlIN COMPRISING HISTORICAL ADDRESS, By Henry P. Warren; RECORD OF FAMILIES, By Rev. William Warren, d.d.; CENTENNIAL PROCEEDINGS, By Samuel Warren, Esq. PUBLISHED BY DIRECTION OF THE TOWN. PORTLAND: HOYT, FOGG & DONHAM, 1879. PRINTED BY B. THURSTON & CO. Vx/ PREFACE. This book has grown out of the Centennial Cele- bration of Sept. 1, 1875. The Address is, in plan, the same as given at the Centennial. It was kept in this form rather than thrown into the topical order usually followed in local history, to retain the life and symmetry of the subject-matter. In the Address there is much of general history, notably in " The Sketch of Maine in 1775," "Separation from Massachusetts," and "Trans- portation Facilities ; " but as the particular is best understood when given in relation to the general and comprehensive, we think that this fact needs no justification. But few authorities have been named, as the sources from which local history is drawn are well- nigh innumerable. The Family Records were an after thought. We iv;i27S87; VI PREFACE. regret that they are not more complete, but a cor- respondence impossible nnJer the circumstances would be necessary to any essential enlargement of them. The report of the Centennial is complete, so far as its Editor could make it. All speakers were in- vited to send a copy of their remarks, most of whom complied. Each editor is solely responsible for his part of the book. Each family has now in print the skeleton of its history. We hope it will insert any facts that may be gathered, and send a copy to Henry P. Warren, Gorham, Maine. We thank all our friends who have helped us in gathering what is chronicled in this book. May we particularize Jabez Brown (deceased), Thaddeus Brown, and Josiah Monroe, whose aid has been well- nigh invaluable ? We offer this book to the town — at whose expense it is published — with the heartfelt wish that it may do something toward fostering that local interest and pride, which are powerful incentives to good citizen- ship. CONTENTS. HISTORICAL ADDRESS. I. History of the Grant and Survey of Waterford, 1690-1775, . . 9-29 II. Plantation History of Waterford, 1775-1797, 30-68 III. Town History, 1797-1820, before separation, ..... 69-113 IV. Town History, 1820-1875, after sep- aration, ..... 141-224 RECORD OF FAMILIES, .... 225-310 CENTENNIAL PROCEEDINGS, 1875, . 311-344 MEMORIAL OF REV. JOHN A. DOUGLASS, 345-357 INDEXES : I. Of Subjects, 357-360 II. Of Surnames, .... 361-371 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. We are met to-day, my townsmen, to celebrate no brave deed of arms. There is no Concord Bridge nor Bunker Hill in Waterford. You have come to hear the homely story of how a few brave men and women conquered a wilderness. For a hundred years, — ending 1763, — the New England Colonies and Canada were in active hostili- ty, or recruiting their strength during an armed truce. National hate and provincial jealousy con- spired to make the struggle between England and France in the new world pitiless and obstinate. Three generations of New England farmers were trained in the savage school of frontier warfare, un- til there were bred into them the traditions of the soldier. The heroes, who met and worsted British Regulars at Bunker Hill, Bennington, and Saratoga, were trained in the old French wars; they were comrades of Putnam, Warner, Stark, and Prescott. 2 10 , HISTORICAL ADDEESS. During these years innumerable expeditions were sent against the chain of forts which guarded the approaches to Canada and the fisheries of the Gulf of St. Lawrence. The French retaliated with war parties of Canadi- ans and Indians, who devastated the frontier settle- ments of New England until, in 1690, there were left in all the Province of Maine only four towns, — Wells, York, Kittery, and Appledore, or the Isles of Shoals. That year the colonies determined to carry the war into Africa, so they fitted out a double expedi- tion against the Canadas. The part composed of troops from Connecticut, New York, and western Massachusetts was to march against Montreal by the way of Hudson River and Lake Champlain. The other, composed for the most part of troops from eastern Massachusetts, under the command of Sir William Phipps, was sent against the city of Quebec. Both attempts wretchedly failed. There was raw bravery enough, but little skill. Camp diseases thinned the ranks of the little army besieging Que- bec ; after a few skirmishes it re-embarked ; storms accompanied the fleet on its homeward route. At length the shattered transports straggled into Bos- ton harbor. The pious fathers and sisters of Mount Royal were as sure that Providence had worsted the English as were the clergy of New England that the PHIPP'S EXPEDITION. 11 same kind agency scattered the fleet of d'Anville, fifty years later. The expenses of the expedition were enormous, considering the resources of the infant colony. Phipps had paid the cost of his enterprise against Nova Scotia, in the spring of that year, by plunder- ing the wretched Frenchmen; Massachusetts ex- pected to pay the charges of this by appropriating the revenues and trade of Canada, when conquered. In her extremity she issued paper money in amounts ranging from 2s. to £10; the whole sum put into circulation was £50,000. This was the first expe- rience of New England people with incontroverti- ble paper money, the blood-bought currency that our demagogues tell us of New England liked it then just as well as she does now. In spite of the fact that the credit of Massachusetts was pledged to its future redemption, the soldiers grumbled and de- manded something tangible. The colony, though destitute of money, was rich in lands. Besides the millions of unappropriated acres in the District of Maine, there were great tracts in central Massachu- setts and in the territory between the Merrimack and Connecticut rivers (then in dispute between Massachusetts and New Hampshire), comprisino" what is now Cheshire and the greater part of Hills- borough, Merrimack, and Sullivan counties, New Hampshire. 12 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. Oar Massachusetts fathers, shrewdly reasoning that possession is nine points in the law at the least, concluded to grant a part of this disputed tract to the soldiers, or heirs of those who had fought in the different French and Indian wars, giving eight town- ships to those who served under Sir William Phipps, in 1690 in his expedition against the Canadas. These are known in history as the Canada Town- ships/ Massachusetts had another object in view, beside barring the claim of New Hampshire, by pre- occupying these lands ; she hoped by pushing settle- ments into the wilderness to protect the older parts 1 Massachusetts granted thirty-seven townships, in all, in this dis- puted territory, most of them for military services in the French and Indian wars. The eight townships in New Hampshire granted for services in the expedition of 1690, under Sir William Phipps, were Bakers-town (Salisbury), Sylvester Canada (Richmond) (Turner, Me.), Beverly Canada (Dunbarton), Ipswich Canada (New Ipswich), Todds- town (Henuiker) (Waterford, Me.), Salem Canada (Lyndeborough), Rowley Canada (Rindge) (Bridgton, Me.), and Bow. The Maine townships indicated in the above list were subsequently granted in lieu of the townships that were surrendered in New Hamp- shire. Three townships in Maine, Raymond, Sudbury Canada (Bethel), and Phipps Canada (Jay), two townships in Massachusetts, Dorchester Canada (Ashburnham) and Roxbury Canada (Warwick), were original grants for services in the same expedition. Most of the townships in Cumberland county, except those on the sea coast, Buxton in York county, Lovell, Sweden, Fryeburg, Stow, Bethel, Rumford, and Water- ford in Oxford county. Jay in Franklin county, and Turner in Andro- scoggin county, were grants for military services during the hundred years of Indian warfare, ending with the expulsion of the French from Canada. LAND TITLES. l3 of the Province against Canadian and Indian inva- sions. One of the companies in the Canadian expedition of 1690 was from the counties of Middlesex and Worcester, Mass., and was commanded by Capt. An- drew Gardner. In 1735, Massachusetts gave John Whitman and others, soldiers or heirs to soldiers in Capt. Gardner's company, a tract of land six miles square, the sixth in the line of towns granted to the Suncook proprietors, so called. The present name of this town is Henniker, N. H. It was known as Todds-town, or No. 6, for the first few years of its history. The grantees held possession of their townships but a few years, for in 1739 the king of England, who had been made arbiter in the dispute between New Hampshire and Massachusetts, decided in favor of the claim of New Hampshire, and the line was run as it now is. Twenty-eight new townships were thereby transferred to New Hampshire. This decision destroyed the title by which the proprietors of these Canada townships in south- western New Hampshire held their lands. Some made terms with the Masonian proprietors of New Hampshire; others abandoned their lands and ap- plied to the Province of Massachusetts for relief; among the latter were the proprietors of Todds- town. Under date of Feb. 26, 1774, they sent to 14 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. the General Court of Massachusetts the following petition : PROTINCE OF THE MASSACHUSETTS BAY. To his Excellency, Thomas Hutchinson, Captain General and Com- mander in Chief in and over this Province. To the Honorable, His Majesty's Council and to the Honorable House of Representatives in General Court aforesaid assembled, Feb. 26, 1774. The petitions of the subscribers in behalf of ourselves and others, grantees of the township No. 6 in the line of towns, hum- bly showeth that the great and general Court of this Province, at their session, 1735, granted a township of the contents of six miles square, being IsTo. 6 in the lines of towns between the Connecticut and Merrimack rivers; that the grantees were at very considerable expense in clearing its roads, building mills, etc., etc., in said township; that by the late running of the line between this gov- ernment and the government of New Hampshire the said town- ship was taken into the government of New Hampshire, and your petitioners and their associates have lost their interests therein, together with the money expended for bringing forward the set- tlement of said township. Your petitioners humbly request that your excellency and hon- ors would in your known wisdom and practice grant petitioners and other grantees and proprietors of township No. 6, in lieu thereof, a township in some of the unappropriated lands in the eastward part of the Province, or otherwise relieve your petitioners as your excellency and your honors in your wisdom shall think proper, and your petitioners, as in duty bound, shall ever pray. John Gardner. Stephen Maynard. Seth Rice. LAND TITLES. 15 The following is the answer to the above Petition. Feb. 24, 1774. Oa the petition of John Gardner and others in behalf of them- selves and the proprietors of a township of the contents of six miles square, — granted to John Whitman and others, — called No. 6 in the line of towns between the Connecticut and Merrimack rivers, WJiereas, It appeai-s that the proprietors of said township ex- pended much money and labor in making roads and other ways bringing forward the settlement of said township, and that the whole of said township fell within the limits of said government of New Hampshire, for which the grantees have received no consid- eration from this Province of New Hampshire, Therefore, resolved: That in lieu thereof there be granted to the proprietors and legal representatives or assigns of the original grantees, who were sufferers by losing their lands, a township of seven miles square in the unappropriated lands belonging to this Province. Provided; that the grantees settle thirty families in said township within six years, and lay out one sixty-fourth part for the use of the first settled minister,^ and one sixty-fourth part for the grammar school ,2 and one sixty-fourth part for Harvard College.^ 1 There were three lota known as the Ministerial Lots, L. 9, R. 5, L. 2, K. 12, and L. 15, R. 14; the latter was in the three tiers set off to Norway. Mr. Ripley cleared a few acres in L. 9, R. 5, and used it for a pasture; this lot was afterward sold for $667.00. L. 2, R. 12 was sold for $196.00 and four-fifths of L. 15, R. 14 was sold for $51.00. These sums make up the ministerial fund, the interest of which is divided pro rata among the four churches. 2 There were three School Lots, L. 4, R. 3, L. 9, R. 16, the third lot was in the three tiers set off to Norway. These lots were sold for about $1,000. This $1,000 constitutes what is called the school fund. Both the ministeri- al and school fund are loaned to present or past citizens of Waterford, who are required by law to give indorsed notes. Some of these notes have be- come worthless. 3 L. 10, R. 10 was known as the Harvard College Lot. It was covered with heavy growth of pine timber. It was sold very early in the town's history. Two of the college lots were in the three tiers set off to Norway. 16 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. Provided, also, that said township be laid out adjoining to some former grant in that part of the unappropriated lands lying east of the Saco river, and Col. Whitcomb and Capt. Gardner, of Cam- bridge, with such as the honorable board, the council, may join, be a committee to determine who are to be admitted as proprietors in said township; and if any of the grantees of said township No. 6 shall appear to have been compensated, that said committee shall admit other sufferers in their stead, the expenses of said committee to be paid by said grantees. Provided, also, that said proprietors return a plan taken by a surveyor and chainman under oath into the secretary of State's office within one year, for confirmation. In council read and concurred in, and Artemus Ward is joined. In the month of May of this year an outline map of this township, afterward Waterford, was left with the secretary of State in Boston. The state- ment that accompanies this plan reads as follows : Land granted to the Suncook proprietors. A plan of the town- ship, of the contents of seven miles square, granted by the General Assembly of the State of Massachusetts Bay lo the Kev. John Gardner, in lieu of a township granted to John Whitman and others that fell within the limits of New Hampshire on running the lines between the State aforesaid and the said State of New Hampshire, with an allowance of one rod in thirty for swag of chain, with an allowance of 2,500 acres for ponds; said plan was taken by a surveyor and two chainmen on oath and returned into the secretary's office in May, 1774. The lands north, east, and west were at that time ungranted and unsurveyed, and the north-eastern boundary of Bridgton was not well defined. The two north-western lots, 1 and 2, Kange 14, beyond SUKVEY OF WATERFORD. 17 the Kezar ponds, were considered worthless by the surveyor, so lines were not run around them ; fifty years later they were valuable timber lots. The surveyor could not find the north-west boundary line of Bridgton,^ so he surveyed but half lots in the south-west corner of the town, — Range 1, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, — and in compensation for the loss took from the unassigned State lands on the north of Water- ford, now Albany, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, in north Range 1. This survey, ordered by the State, was preliminary to the survey ordered by the proprietors. The first survey outlined the town, the second supplied the Range and cross lines, or in local phrase, the warp and filling. Mr. Jabez Brown, of Stow, Mass., and Col. Joseph Frye, of Pequawkett,2 with ten assist- 1 That part of Bridgton was not lotted until 1793, and was very im- perfectly surveyed. 2 Fryeburg, I give the meanings of some of the Indian names that were applied to ponds, rivers, and localities in this section of Maine, copied from the Reports of the Maine Historical Society, volume 4, which may be received for what they are worth; probably not strictly accurate. Androscoggin, high fish place. Casco, place of victoiy. Coos, cuckoo. Keersarge, high place. Ossipee, pine river. Penacook, nut place. Pequawkett, crooked place, pelican, sandy land. Suncook, goose place. [For others see note next page.] 18 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. ants, conducted this second survey commencing early in the summer of 1774. It was their inten- tion to divide the town into lots of 160 acres each. The land was of little value, the hills and ponds were just as numerous then as now, their time was limited, so the surveyors run their lines carelessly. The cross lines north and south were run at very unequal distances from each other, the extremes of inequality being in the ratio of 7 to 12. Tradition says the Range lines east and west were run as fol- lows : One surveyor took the east the other took the west township lines, hoping to meet ; sometimes they met, more often they did not, thus making "jogs." The unequal distance of our cross lines ac- counts in the main for the inequality in area of our lots, varying in size as they do from 120 to 254 acres ; the careless running of those Range lines ex- plains our "jog" lots. The surveyors feared that they would not com- plete their work before winter, so in the fall of 1774 Mr. Russell, of Pequawkett, was added to the survey- ing party. He had a fancy that it was not neces- sary to set a compass but once in running a line. Sebago or Tabaga, meeting of waters or great water. Songo, where the trap sprung and failed to catch the game. Saccarappa, where it empties toward the rising sun. Sabattis. This is a corruption of Jean Baptiste, a name often given Indian converts by the French missionaries. SURVEY OF WATERFORD. 19 This conceit of his may account for some of the most ragged lines. Chaplin's map, while generally accurate, fails to show all the eccentricities in the lots of Waterford. The surveying party was supplied with food by a pack man, Daniel Barker,^ who " backed " provisions from Stevens Brook.'^ After finishing their work the surveyors compared notes and came to the fol- lowing conclusion ; that " the devil would be to pay " when settlers came in and found their 160 acre lots varying in size from 120 to 254 acres, and that they would grow dizzy in trying to follow the zigzag Eange lines. Tradition says that later the proprietors sent sur- veyors to re-run the lots ; but settlers had come in and the surveyors saw that it would lead to endless confusion, so they returned to Boston, leaving the snarl of lines unraveled. The proprietors now threw their lands on the market. 1 This Barker, who afterward settled on lot 3, R. 4, was a giant in strength. He would leave his house, near the foot of Meeting House hill, in the morning, walk over Beech hill to Major Samuel Warren's, — four miles, — reap an acre of rye, bind and shock it, take a bushel of corn for his pay, and " back " it home. 2 Bridgton Center. The mills were half way between the lower vil- lage at Bridgton Center and Long pond. They were built by Jacob Stevens, of Andover, Mass. 20 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. Let US briefly glance at Maine as it was one hun- dred years ago. The Province at that time was di- vided into three counties, York, Cumberland, and Lincoln. This division was made in 1760.^ York county included the territory within its present lim- its. Flints-town,^ Bridge-town,^ and the westerly half of Oxford county. The eastern county line run as now to the southern boundary line of Flints-town, thence it run to the center of Sebago pond, thence north through Sebago and Long ponds, between Waterford and Cummings Purchase,^ Oxford ^ and No. 4,^ Sudbury Canada^ and New Penacook,* to Canada line. Along the coast were old towns whose settlement dated back to the earliest history of New England. All of these, Kittery,^ Wells-town," Arundel," and Pepperelborough,^^ were settled before 1645, and most of them ten years earlier, as was Berwick," 1 Previous to that date York county included the whole territory of the present State. York was the shire town, where all jury trials were held except those of a minor class. At that date the population of the Province was about 17,000. 2 Baldwin, Sebago, and part of Naples. 2 Bridgton, part of Harrison, and a part of Naples. * Norway. ^ Albany, 6 Greenwood. ^ Bethel and Hanover. 8 Rumford. » Kittery and Elliot. 1° Wells and Kennebunk. " Kennebunkport. 12 Saco. 18 Berwick, No. Berwick, and So. Berwick Wherever in this address the towns are not referred to in a foot note the name and limits are the same now as in 1775. SKETCH OF MAINE. 21 Newichawannock of our early New England history. These towns had a population of about 10,000. Beside farming they manufactured lumber exten- sively, which they sent in ships, built in their own yards, to the coast towns and to the West Indies, exchanging it for the luxuries of tea, coffee, rum, molasses, and sugar, or for the manufactured goods of Europe, which they distributed through York county and upper New Hampshire until the railroads de- stroyed them as local centers of trade. What was true of the coast towns of York county was true of those of Cumberland. The relative importance of these towns then was tenfold greater than now, with the exception, perhaps, of Biddeford and Falmouth Neck (Portland). Their absolute wealth at that time was sufficient to give them a respecta- ble position among the old towns of Massachusetts. Back of this tier of coast towns was Berwick and what were called new towns, — Sanford,^ Lebanon, and Buxton. Above these towns were the following plantations, — Coxhall,^ Little Falls/ Hubbards-town,* Parson-town,^ Massabesic,^ Ossipee,^ Flints-town,^ Bridge-town,® the Pequawkett grant,^° Brownsfield," 1 Sanford and Alfred. 2 Lyman. SHollis. * Newfield. ^ Parsonsfleld. ^ Waterborough. ^ Limington. * Baldwin. * Bridgton. 10 Fryeburg and Stow. " Brownfield. 22 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. and Sudbury Canada. These plantations, except Coxhall, the Pequawkett grant, and Brownsfield, were not settled until after 1767, and had but a handful of inhabitants each. The Pequawkett grant and Brownsfield had a population of five hundred or more.^ Sudbury Canada was a wilderness, save where Lieut. Nathaniel Segar had cleared a few acres in 1774. A few townships, as Waterford and New Suncook,^ had been surveyed and were await- ing settlers. Except at the three places that I have mentioned western Oxford county was an unsettled and for the most part an unsurveyed wilderness. Through the coast tier of towns to Falmouth Neck, and beyond to Georgetown,^ Belfast, and Ma- chiasport, wound a rough cart road, so near impassa- ble that twelve years later the stage was two days in making the trip from Portsmouth to Stroudwater, Falmouth Neck, — less than sixty miles. For fifteen 1 Lovel and Sweden. 2 Georgetown, Phipsburg, Arrowsic, and Bath. 2 In 1768 Capt. H. Young Brown, the proprietor of Brownfield, who lived in Pequawkett, told Rev. Paul Coffin, d. d., that there were in Fryeburg and his town (Brownfield) 300 souls, 100 fighting men. This ratio of able bodied men to population, 1 to 3, held good in all the new towns for the first ten years of their liistory. Capt. Brown was an of- ficer in the French war and was a prominent man of his times in west- ern Maine. He owned at one time 23,544 acres of land, all the town- ship of Brownfield. SKETCH OF MAINE. 23 years a postman had carried the mail to Falmouth Neck from Portsmouth over it, and tradition says that a brave dog during the last French war carried the mail tied around his neck from Portsmouth to Wells-town. The hero was shot by the Indians while on duty. From Pepperelborough north to Pequawkett, through Little Falls, Ossipee, and Brownsfield, ran a rude way, well nigh impassable for teams save in winter.^ In the summer the river was commonly used in spite of its many rapids. Down its swift currents floated bateaux, for supplies from the coast towns. 1 Eev. Paul Coffin, d.d., of Buxton, in his "Ride to Piquackett," in 1768, speaks of making tlie trip from Saco river, in Buxton, in thirteen hours and a half, being on his horse eleven hours. This road was much better than most of the north and south roads in "Maine at that time, as it ran over pine plains most of the way. The state of the roads in Maine in 1775 may be judged from the following note to the memory of Rev. Paul Coffin, d.d., published in Maine Historical Soci- ety Collections, volume 4. " In July, 1777, Stephen Gorham, Esq., late of Boston, with his wife, commenced a journey to Buxton to visit his sister Coffin. They traveled to Saco in a chaise, but were here advised not to attempt to go in a chaise to Buxton, as no vehicle of the kind had ever passed on the road. But his wife being unaccustomed to riding on a pillion he made the attempt and was four hours on the road, walking himself to steady the chaise. Dr. Coffin, Mr. Gorham, and their wives beino- de- sirous to visit the late Judge William Gorham, of Gorham, a relative ten miles distant by the then road, were obliged to try the pillion." Yet both Gorham and Buxton had been incorporated towns for twelve years and more, and had a population of perhaps 500 each. 24 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. Across from the head of Winnipiseogee lake to Ossipee pond, thence to the Saco river, straight as an arrow, stretched the bloody trail over which the Sokokis Indians and their Canadian allies swept down upon the brave settlers on the Piscataqua, un- til Lovewell and his heroes, following them to their mountain fastness, well nigh exterminated them. Over this trail came Col. Frye, the hero of Fort William Henry (who begged Monroe to allow him to cut his way through the Indian and Canadian savages of Montcalm), the Osgoods, Bradleys, Fes- sendens, Capt. Brown, and others to the infant settlements on the Saco ; over it too came the Twitch- ells, Ingalls, Chapmans, Burbanks, and Grovers, who pushed on to the Androscoggin by the " Scoggin road." When famine threatened the infant settlement at Pequawkett, in the winter of 1766, men were sent on snow shoes to Concord, N. H., for food, and over this trail they hauled in supplies on moose sleds. It was used for years, until it was superseded by a road which followed about in the same course. From Pequawkett, by way of great Kezar pond, over Sabattis mountain to the Waterford Kezars, under Bald Pate and Rattle-snake mountains, near the Albany basins, by Songo pond to the Androscog- gin, just above Bethel hill, run the Scoggin or Pe- quawkett trail. It branched at the foot of Bald Pate in Waterford, and ran over Beech hill, by Mutiny SKETCH OF MAINE. 25 brook, west of Bear pond, to the head of Long pond. This was a favorite route with the Androscoggin In- dians when journeying in the summer to the sea- coast to fish, or to visit the Sokokis at Pequawkett. An easy day's journey carried them to the Saco or the head of Long pond. By canoes they floated down the Saco to Pepperelborough, or paddled over the lakes below us to the Presumpscott, and floated down the Presumpscott to the sea. By it the early settlers of Sudbury Canada, New Penacook, and Peabody's Patent ^ came to their wilderness homes from Pequawkett, and when the Indians attacked the growing settlements on the Androscoggin in 1781, and carried Lieut. Segar and others into Cana- dian captivity, Lieut. Stephen Farrington led twen- ty-three men over this trail in hot, although vain, pursuit of the savages. From Falmouth to Pequawkett ran a rough cart road through Gorham (over Fort hill), Pierson-town,^ joining the Saco trail at the river. This road was cut through as early as 1760. Over it, every year, the people of Gorham drove two hundred or more cattle to be wintered on the great meadows of Frye- burg. During the summer they cut and stacked hundreds of tons of hay for their use. The herds- men depended upon game mainly for food, taking iGilead. 2Standish. 3 26 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. with them to their winter camp little except meal and pork. A blazed path ran through the woods west of Se- bago pond in 1767, through Flints-town to Stevens brook, which was cut by the proprietors of Bridge- town. This road was not passable for wheeled vehi- cles until thirteen years later. The proprietors of Bridge-town had given Capt. Richard Kimball, in 1768, a lot of land, including a part of the present village of North Bridgton, on condition that he would keep a store and run a sail boat over the Sebago and Long ponds for the convenience of im- migrants. This he did for years. These were the scanty means of intercommunica- tion in York county one hundred years ago ; yet they were not scantier than were the means and wants of the pioneers who were struggling with the wilderness. The shire towns in 1775 were York and Biddeford. In 1799 all the inhabitants and territory north of great Ossipee river were formed into a dis- trict for the convenience of registering deeds, the office for which was kept at Fryeburg. The county contained a population of about 15,- 000, one-half the population of the State ; its taxa- ble property was about equal to that of the other two counties combined. Cumberland county had the same eastern limit as at present, as far north as Livermore ; thence it run north two degrees on a true course to Canada line. SKETCH OF MAINE. 27 Along the coast, as in York county, were old towns Scarborough, Cape Elizabeth, Falmouth,^ North Yar- mouth,^ Brunswick, and Harpswell. Except Harps- well, the settlement of these towns also dated back to the earliest colonial times. They were engaged in fishing, farming, and lumbering, each in its season. Falmouth Neck had a population of about 1,900 and was the seat of a considerable lumbering trade and some ship building. The population of these coast towns was less than 10,000. The towns and plantations skirting these coast settlements made a narrower fringe than the back settlements of York county. Gorham, Windham, and New Gloucester had been but recently incor- porated. Above were the plantations of Pierson or Hobbs-town, New Boston,^ Raymond-town,^ Syl- vester Canada,^ and Otisfield,® the last three of which could not have had a hundred inhabitants. The population of these three towns and the plantations was not less than 3,000. North of these plantations, in eastern Oxford county, a few surveys had been made, but there was not an inhabitant. There was no road nor trail into the wilderness further than Raymond-town, except 1 Portland, Cape Elizabeth, Westbrook, Deering, and Falmouth. 2 Yarmouth and North Yarmouth. ^Gray. *Kaymond, Casco, and part of Naples. 5 Turner. '' Otisfield and a i>art of Harrison. 28 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. one along the Androscoggin, and that led no further than to the Falls ^ at Pejepscot. The population of the county was not far from 12,000. The shire town was Falmouth. Lincoln county included all the rest of Maine, or roundly, all of Maine east of a line drawn straight north to Canada from the great bend of the Andros- coggin at Livermore. The incorporated towns in this huge county, with the exception of Topsham and Belfast, were scattered along the Kennebec, Sheepscot, and Damariscotta rivers. The Kennebec was settled as far north as Nor- ridgewock; the incorporated towns on it were Georgetown, Pownalborough,^ Woolwich, Bowdoin- ham,^ Pitts-town,* Hallowell,^ Vassalborough,^ and Winslow.' Georgetown and Pownalborough were flourishing towns, with a population of perhaps 3,000 ; the others were in their infancy, containing a few hundred inhabitants each. Straggling settlers were located on the Androscoggin above Brunswick and Topsham, as far as Lewiston Falls. At this time the Kennebec was one of the main 1 Lewiston. 2 Dresden, Alna, Wiscasset, and Swans Island. * Bowdoinham and Richmond. *Pittston, Gardiner, and West Gardiner. ^Hallowell, Augusta, Fartningdale, Manchester, and Chelsea. "Vassalborough and Sidney. '' Winslow and Waterville. SKETCH OF MAINE. 29 routes to Quebec. The New England almanacs of one hundred years ago gave as particularly the dis- tance from Norridgewock to Quebec ^ as from Boston to Norridgewock. Edgecomb, Newcastle, Boothbay, Bristol, and Waldoborough had been but recently incorporated, and contained in all perhaps 2,000 inhabitants. The coast east of Bristol (Pemaquid) to Machiasport, and the Penobscot river to Orono, was scarred with rude clearings, few of which were made previous to 1760. The location of these towns and the poverty of the soil made the inhabitants at first more fishermen than farmers. The population of this county was not far from 9,000. Pownalborough was the shire town. The entire population of the Province was about 36,000;' it paid one-twelfth of the State tax of Massachusetts. Maine is a beautiful State to-day; before man 1 The route to Quebec in Canada was as follows : Great Carrying Place, 30 miles from Norridgewock. Chaudierre, 42 " " " Sartigan, 60 " " " Quebec, 96 " " " 2 The census of 1764 and 1772 gave the white and black population of the State by counties as follows : 1764. 1772. Tork, 11,362 13,398 Cumberland, 8,291 10,139 Lincoln, 4,371 5,563 Totals, 24,024 29,100 30 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. disfigured her fair face she must have justified the seemingly extravagant praise of the early explorers. The bold coast, the thousand estuaries, the countless rivers, brooks, and ponds, the magnificent swells of land, made our State easily first in natural attrac- tions. But the disrobing of Nature proves often a sad disenchantment. A slope of ten thousand acres, when clothed with a heavy forest growth, shows none of its bogs or knolls, and but few of its rocks. Brooks and rivers shrink as the sun, pouring upon the naked land, dries the rills that once fed them, while a thousand storms wash from the rocks the moldering earth that once kindly hid them. Waterford, with its twelve ponds covering in the aggregate 1,784 acres, its beautiful Songo river flow- ing eighteen miles in the town, its fertile ridges with their perfect slopes, was a beautiful township ; and such it must have seemed to David McWain, its first settler. PLANTATION HISTORY OF WATERFORD. 1775—1797- David McWain was born in Bolton, Worcester county, Mass., Dec. 24, 1752. It was from this coun- ty and the adjoining county of Middlesex that Capt. Gardner's company was recruited, and doubtless SKETCH OF McWAIN. 31 some of his townsmen were proprietorsi of the township of Waterford. Bolton, Harvard, Stow, Northborough, and Rowley furnished most of its early settlers. Of his early life I know but little. In the spring of 1775, with a companion, he started for the wilderness of Maine, they having purchased, for 1 40, the lot of land on which he afterward settled. There is a tradition that he was arrested at Dover, N. H., as a deserter from the Continental army and sent back to Bolton. This cannot have been true. Soldiers were easily raised in the spring of 1775, and the military organization of Massa- chusetts was too imperfect for such action in a far-away lumber town in New Hampshire. In the excited state of the public mind at that time, McWain and his companion, harmless though their business was, may have seemed dangerous persons to the people of Dover. They were detained at this town a few days. The companion, discouraged, sold to McWain his interest in the lot. Accompa- nied only by his dog McWain again started for his 1 The proprietary and plantation records of Waterford are lost. Who the proprietors were at any one time I cannot say. The records of Mas- sachusetts fail to give their names. I have gathered facts enough to convince me that no one person held a large number of lots in the town previous to its settlement, and that but few of the early settlers were original proprietors. Dr. Stephen Cummings, originally of Ando- ver, Mass., afterward a celebrated physician of Portland, was clerk of the proprietors. This explains the fact that plantation meetings were held at his house. 32 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. forest home by the way of Portland, Sebago lake, and Long pond. He may have come with Capt. Benjamin Kimball, in his sail boat, from Pierson-town to Stevens Brook. He may have come by the bridle path cut out on the west side of the pond in 1767, from Pierson-town through Flints-town to Stevens Brook. At this little saw-mill village, — which for years furnished the people of Waterford with their nearest grist mill and store, — McWain supplied himself with necessary provisions for a month's stay, and then boldly struck into the wilderness. He had a rude plan of Waterford with him. He followed Bear Brook until he reached his range line, and fol- lowed that until he reached his lot. On a corner of it, under a shelving rock, he prepared to spend the night. Building a huge fire he lay down to sleep. During the night he awoke very thirsty; remember- ing a spring some distance back he went to it. After satisfying his thirst, he said that a sense of his loneliness came over him, and iron man that he was, he hurried back to the company of the dim light of his camp-fire. On a corner of his lot,^ near the river, he built his cabin. Supposing himself the only settler between Bridgton and Canada, he was surprised one day by the homely sound of a rooster crowing. Supposing 1 Lot 10, Range 5. SKETCH OP McWAIN". 33 that the fowl had strayed from the settlements below, he thought no more of it. A few days later an Indian squaw leaped from behind a tree almost upon him, apparently to frighten him. She beckoned him to follow her to his cabin, and in the Indian tongue de- manded something. He offered her different arti- cles to no purpose, until he brought salt, which she ate with the greediness of an animal salt-hungry. He went with her to her camp, at what is now known as Mc Wains Falls, where he found quite a party of Canada Indians fishing. They feasted him on muskrat soup and other de- lectable compounds, which he ate with all the relish he could assume. He fished and hunted with them, selling his peltries at Stevens Brook. They stole his silver, so with a large auger he bored a hole into a pine tree and in the cavity put it, carefully re- placing the bark. He forgot the money and the place of its deposit. Years after a hired man, felling trees, struck into this bonanza, — fifty dol- lars or more. He carefully collected the silver and carried it to McWain. For some time the old man sat in front of his fire, head on his hands, lost in thought. At length he recalled the circumstance. Thus unwittingly McWain taught the early settlers of Waterford a lesson which the wisest heeded, that the safest bank of deposit in a new country is a pine tree. 34 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. McWain spent the winters of 1775 and 1776 in Bolton. He returned to Waterford in the spring of 1777, and never revisited his native place. He lived a solitary life. Once a month he went to Stevens Brook for supplies. One month he failed to come at the usual time. The settlers at the little saw-mill village waited a few days, and then sent in a party to see if " Mac " (as he was familiarly called) was sick ; he was just able to drag himself to the door and let them in. For four weeks he had lain in his camp, prostrated by a slow fever. Yet this man of iron nerve never entertained a thought of abandon- ing his lonely home ; his fitful dreams were rather of reclaiming the fertile acres on his beautiful ridge. On his second return from Bolton, in 1776, he brought with him a cow big with calf. Bread and cream, berries and wild game were his choice food for years. His only table furniture was a dish and spoon. He was never married, and lived without a house- keeper for thirty years or more, — one of his hired men doing the house-work. Tradition says that in 1815, without any of those pleasant warnings which custom has sanctioned, he bluntly asked a certain young lady whether she would come to his house as " mistress or maid." Confused, she blunderingly an- swered, " as maid." He never gave her an opportunity to rectify her mistake, somewhat to her disappoint- SKETCH OF McWAIN. 35 merit it is said. McWain seemed indifferent to women; his cattle were positively afraid of them. If a woman went into his barn, the cattle would bel- low and thrash around in their stanchions as though mad. One day when plowing with his great four-ox team (he always kept four oxen, having a wholesome contempt for " steer teams "), Mrs. Eli Longley stepped over the wall directly in front of him. Wildly bel- lowing, with tails erect, the cattle tore across the field, smashing the plow against a rock and breaking the chain that connected them ; they disappeared in the forest and were not seen for hours. McWain had a true pioneer's horror of being crowded. One morning as he stood on the huge rock behind his camp (south-east of the old McWain house), he spied smoke curling up through the forest in the direction of Paris, some twelve miles away. " Humph," said he, " I would like to know who is settling over there right under my nose ! " His farm ^ was eight hundred acres in extent. He had one hundred and sixty acres of land improved in 1803 ; that year he kept forty head of cattle and fattened, chiefly upon milk, thirteen hundred weight of pork. He died in 1825. In his will he made a few be- quests to his old servants, giving to his hired man his 1 Mc Wain's farm embraced lots 10, 11, and 12 in Range 4 and 10 and 11 in Range 5. 36 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. out lot/ and to his housekeeper (that did not become mistress) a few hundred dollars. He gave the rest of his property to his nephew and namesake on the condition that he should live upon it, which he did until his death. McWain was a man of medium height, but rather spare in figure ; he was courteous though reticent, and strictly moral in his habits. He read his Bible through once a year. His coming here so long be- fore other settlers was providential, for he supplied them with grain until they could raise enough for their own use, they paying him in work. Hundreds of bushels of wheat and corn did he supply to these men, which they converted into hominy by a hand- mill, or "backed" from his house to the grist-mill at Stevens Brook, twelve miles away, and after 1790 to Jewell's mill, at Waterford City. When the settlers were pinched for food during the cold seasons of 1814-1816, refusing to sell his surplus corn to traders from Norway for cash, he kept it for his neighbors, and sold it to them for less than the market price, taking his pay in work. He heaped rather than " stroked " the half-bushel measure by which he sold to these half-starved people. During the years 1780 and 1781 three other men with their families attempted a settlement in Water- 2 Lot 2, Range 4. MIGRATION FROM MASSACHUSETTS. 37 ford, but the hardships of frontier Hfe forced them to withdraw to the older parts of the State. The close of the Revolutionary war led to the rapid settlement of Maine.^ The young men of 1 The following is a complete list, so far as I can furnish it, of the Revolutionary soldiers who settled in Waterford. I attach to their names a statement of their services during that war. This statemen of their services depends in part upon traditional testimony. John Atherton, served throughout the war. Joel Atherton, served throughout the war. Jabez Brown, Lieutenant in the French and Adjutant in the Revolu- tionary war. Aseph Brown. Thaddeus Brown, served a year or more. Daniel Barker, served throughout the war. Ephraim Chamberlain, served three years. David Chaplain, served under Lieut. Green in the Burgoyne campaign. Daniel Chaplin, served under Lieut. Green in the Burgoyne campaign. Lieut. Thomas Green, was an officer in the French war and served throughout the Burgoyne campaign. Africa Hamlin, Quartermaster during the war. America Hamlin. The father of these Hamlins was an officer in the war and a member of the Society of the Cincinnati. Israel Hale, served throughout the war. Oliver Hale, served in the Burgoyne campaign. Jona. Houghton, served in the Burgoyne campaign. Benjamin Hale, served in campaign against Cornwallis. Samuel Jewell, was in the battle of Bunker Hill. John Jewell, served throughout the war. Asa Johnson, served in the Burgoyne campaign. Joseph Kimball, served throughout the war. Jonathan Longley, served in the Burgoyne campaign. Eli Longley, served over a year. Eliphalet Morse. [See note next page. ] 88 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. Massachusetts were in the Continental service during the war as regulars, or as well-drilled militia men were often in the field to resist invasion. The former returned home penniless, though their pock- ets were stuffed with paper. The militia or minute men, who were more often married, had suffered from the destruction of domestic and foreign trade, a worthless currency, and the constant interruptions to their business caused by real or reported inva- sions. The close of the war found the regulars without money, the minute men in debt. After a few congratulations over their success, they soberly studied their situation. There were no trades for them to learn, and they were too old to learn them had there been any. Massachusetts was no more a manufacturing State in 1783 than is Alabama to-day. The fisheries and commerce afforded the more enterprising men along the coast an opportunity to gain comparative wealth. A few professional men and traders there were in every town, but nine-tenths of the people were farm- ers. The eldest son (by the unwritten law of primo- geniture that has always existed among the fixrmers Josiah Proctor, served in the Navy. Eber Rice, served three months. David Stone. Stephen Sanderson, served six months. Abram Whitney. Phineas Whitney, served throughout the war. Judah Wetherbee, was in the battle of Bunker Hill. MIGRATION FROM MASSACHUSETTS. 39 of New England) could stay at home with the par- ents and take the old farm ; but the younger boys must shift for themselves. This was the alternative before them, — ten or more years of hard work as a farm laborer before they could hope to have money enough to buy in Massachusetts a poor farm, or ten years or more of hard labor and privation — with in- dependence — in Maine ; in the latter the sanguine could see an Eden, the sober a rude plenty ! What wonder then that for forty years there was a con- stant exodus of the most enterprising young men from the farms of Massachusetts to the wilds of Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont ! This drain was not checked until the breaking out of the " Ohio fever," in 1815, and the rise of manufacturing in southern New England. Perhaps it is not too bold an assumption to make, that had the discovery of the application of steam been postponed forty years, Maine would have been to-day by far the richest of the New England States, and Somerset and Aroos- took counties would have been as thickly settled as are Cumberland and Androscoggin. The frontier line of Maine has hardly been advanced a mile, ex- cept in the eastern part, since 1820. If we sometimes complain that our boys gravitate toward the mother State, let us not fail to remember that every institution we prize, — the church, the school, our family and social life, — every characteris- 40 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. tic we possess, — our courage, faith, honor, and patri- otism, — was given to us by the mother State. It was her wisdom, — prejudice calls it selfishness, — which for one hundred years nursed and protected the infant settlements of Maine, and prevented the French civilization of Lower Canada from fastening itself on eastern Maine. The proprietors of the town, to encourage immi- gration, gave to a few of the first settlers their lands ; they also offered the first thirty persons who would clear three acres of land, " put it into profit," and build a house sixteen feet square, — in other words, do what was called " settling duty," — a right in the lands which the proprietors thought worthless except for the timber. Most of the parties who gained the right sold it for a trifle. They also prom- ised the first boy born in Waterford fifty acres of land to be given when he should come of age.^ This tract of land lay just east of Kedar brook, stretching from the pond some way above the parsonage. The proprietors offered their lands at very low prices. Lot 4, R. 12, was purchased by Major Samuel War- ren at fifty cents an acre, and he had the choice be- tween lot 4, R. 12, and lot 7, R. 10. Mr. Thaddeus Brown purchased lot 8, R. 7, for fifty cents an acre. 1 Epbraim Hapgood was the recipient of this bounty. The first girl born in town was Clarissa Johnson. r BOUNTIES TO EAELY SETTLERS. 41 But both of these men were obliged to do " settling duty." These were average lots ; probably the best did not cost more than $2.00 an acre at that time, 1786. But as the town filled up the price of land rose rapidly. Between 1800 and 1810 wild land was probably as high in Waterford as it is to-day. In 1805 lot 4, R. 9 was sold for $800. It is said that lot 6, R. 10 had some time before this been sold for $1,000. Most of the early settlers bought their land on credit. Benjamin Sampson, of Stow, Mass. (who bought lot 3, R. 13, and one of the Perley lots on Crooked river, and had two or three hundred dollars left), was one of the " solid " men of Waterford at that time. These lots purchased by Mr. Sampson were heavily timbered with pine, and were sold by him for a trifle, — less than $200. Fifty years later they were worth a fortune ; not less than $40,000. I have mentioned that five or six years after Mc- Wain settled here three men came in with their families ; but they were forced to withdraw to the older settlements on account of the difficulty of getting subsistence. One of them tried a second time, and a second time was forced to withdraw. In 1783, Daniel Barker,^ Jonathan Bobbins,^ Aseph Brown,^ America Hamlin,^ Africa Hamlin,^ and Europe iL. 3, R. 4. 2L. 5, R. 6. ^L. 5, R. 5. *L. 6, R. 3. 6L. 6,R. 4. 4 42 HISTORICAL ADDEESS. Hamlin came. Their lots were all in the south and south-west parts of the town. Their families did not come until two years later. Sept. 8th, of the same year, Philip Hor, originally from Taunton, but last from Brookfield, Mass., came to examine a lot ^ of land which he had previously bought, about half a mile west of Joel Plummer's. The next June two of his sons came with him ; they spent the summer clearing land. Late in the fall he returned to Brookfield, leaving his sons to brave the severity of a long winter, or go to the older set- tlements. At that time there was considerable lum- bering done in the coast towns. June, 1785, he came with his wife, who was from Norton, Mass. They suffered great hardships on the way. Their house- hold goods were brought from Stevens Brook on the backs of those who helped them in ; for at this time the Scoggin trail, a mere bridle path, was the only road into Waterford. They were disappointed in a house and provisions, which they had bargained for. So Mr. Hor built a hut of hemlock bark, and this was their only shelter for two years. They had not even a cow. Their nearest neighbors were three miles away, the Ham- lins, who lived south of Tom pond. During six weeks of winter this family saw no human beings but themselves and no animal but a dog. When they wanted meal they had either to back the corn iL. 5, K. 9. PHILLIP HOE, SAMUEL WARREN, AND OTHERS. 43 twelve miles to Stevens Brook, or go out and get a horse, which occupied a day, take the grist to mill, which occupied another, and the third day return the horse. Mrs. Hor was for some time the only woman in the plantation in full communion with the church. In 1785 and 1786 there came in NathanieP and John Chamberlain,^ Thaddeus Brown ^ of Harvard, Mass., Asa Johnson * of Templeton, Mass., John Atherton,^ Josiah Proctor « of Acton, Mass., Eber Rice ^ of Northborough, Mass., Samuel Warren * of Harvard, Mass., and Jonathan Barnard, who after- ward moved to Bridgton. Most of these settlers came without their families. Pardon me if, in this early history of "Waterford, I tell the story of the first ten years of the life of my grandfather, Major Samuel Warren. I tell it because it is more familiar to me than is that of the men who settled here with him. I tell it, too, because in its main features it must be similar to the life led by all of them. His father, William Warren, was drowned in the Kennebec below Norridgewock, in 1774. He was the first settler of that town. He left a large family of children in comparative pover- ty. The widow and her children returned to Massa- chusetts after his death. As soon as Samuel was old iL. 2, R. 3. 2 L. 6, R. 7. ^ l. g, R. 7. * L. 10, R. 8. s L. 6, R. 4. 6 L. 6, R. 11. ' L. 7, R. 12. ^ l, 4^ r_ 12. 44 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. enough he went back to the Kennebec and learned the coopers' trade ; he followed his trade when he could get work, and fished when work was dull. At the age of twenty he bought of John Cham- berlain, one of the proprietors of Waterford (a chance acquaintance that he had made while work- ing on the Kennebec), the right to eighty acres of land, being allowed his choice between the lot on which he afterward settled and that afterward purchased by Eber Rice, Esq. He ran in debt for his land, paying for it fifty cents an acre. With characteristic caution he ventured at first to buy but half a lot. He came to Waterford across the country from the Kennebec guided by his pock- et compass. Late one afternoon he reached the top of Beech hill, above the Bryant farm. Climbing a tree to get his bearings he took in the prospect, and beautiful as that view is to-day, how much grand- er must it have been one hundred years ago ! Be- fore him lay that grand amphitheatre of mountains, some sixty peaks in all, stretching from the mount- ains of the Umbagog region on the north to the Ossi- pee range on the south, all clothed with the modest yet rich garment that kindly Nature gave them, ex- cept where some bald granite face peered through the green robes that enswathed it. Stone, McWains pond, and the Kezars flashed like diamonds below him, while Long pond stretched out a thread of sil- PHILLIP HOK, SAMUEL WARREN, AND OTHERS. 45 ver toward great Sebago and the sea. A hundred smokes curled up from Stevens Brook, Otisfield, New Suncook, Oxford, and Cummings Purchase, but the gashes in the forest were so slight that he could not see them. A virgin forest unscarred by fire kindly clothed every hill, hiding all physical deformities. Just as he was descending the tree he spied smoke curling up from the foot of the mountain. A pioneer had settled on the spot where Samuel H. Warreu now lives. Taking the direction from his compass he started for it ; that night he spent in the pioneer's cabin. The next day he examined his lot, and was satisfied that soil which could bear such beeches and rock maples must have virtue enough in it to grow good crops of corn. Opposite him, where Cyrus Green now lives, had settled a man by the name of Barnard, who afterward moved to North Bridgton. The first year he cleared some fifteen acres on the north-east corner of his farm, living in a little hut made of bark. His corn he bought at Bethel Hill, fourteen miles away; this he "backed" home. He sowed his land that fall with rye, and went back to the Kennebec ; he worked at his trade all winter, taking his pay in alewives. These he loaded on a bateau and with them started for Portland from be- low Norridgewock. A head wind met him at Merry- meeting bay. Nothing daunted he boldly pushed across the angry waters, just escaping shipwreck. 46 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. The alewives he sold in Portland, and with the mon- ey purchased clothing. He returned to his little clearing and provided himself with food and a few comforts. He made a bedstead of spruce poles, a bed- cord of elm peelings ; he brought a bed-tick with him and filled it with straw, which he purchased from his neighbor across the road. That year he in- creased his clearing. Late in the fall he returned to Norridgewock and spent the winter. During these two years his food consisted of corn-cake, wild berries and game. On his return in the spring of 1788, he found that Lieut. Thomas Green of Row- ley, Mass., had bought the lot occupied by Mr. Bar- nard, and was settled there with eight children. From that time he boarded with them until he mar- ried Mary, the eldest daughter, in 1794. In 1788, just fourteen years from the time that he reached Waterford penniless, he built and finished the two-storied, square house now owned and occupied by his son, Daniel Warren, and a barn 30 by 70, and paid for them as soon as they were finished. How did he do this ? Soon after he came to Waterford he foresaw that there would be in a few years a demand for a brick mason, to lay chimneys in the new houses that would inevita- bly be built ; so he learned how to make and lay bricks, and for years he worked at his trade when- ever occasion offered. He built nearly all the chim- PHILLIP HOK, SAMUEL WARREN, AND OTHERS. 47 neys in Waterford, and in parts of Lovell and Alba- ny. Old men tell me that after a hard day's work at brick laying, working from sun to sun, he would return home, eat his supper, and then if there was sufficient moon spend the evening piling or burning piles. Winters he worked at his trade as cooper. That was the way the pioneers of Waterford who succeeded worked. What cared they for misshapen hands and bent frame ! They had in their eye and bearing that magnificent pride that is born of honor- ble success. The story of his energy and sacrifices is the history of all the old-fashioned, two-storied houses and big barns that were built seventy-five years ago in Waterford. Lieut. Green i was followed by quite a colony from Rowley, Mass. Deacon Stephen Jewett ^ and his sons, Nathan^ and Ebenezer,* Moses Hobson^ (who worked for the deacon in Rowley), Jonathan,^ SamueP and Josiah Plummer^ (Samuel came first), Joshua,^ Eze- kiel,^° Samuel " and Humphrey Saunders,^^ Daniel ^^ and David Chaplin.^* Some of these men had served under Lieut. Green in the French and Revolutionary wars. Throughout this address, in a note, L. and R. against a party's name refer to the Lot and Range on which they lived. 1 L. 4, R. 13. 2 L. 6^ R, 13. 3 l. 5^ r. 13, 4 l. 5, R. 13. 5 L. 6, R. 13. 6 L. 6^ R. 9. 7 L. 5, R. 8. ^L. 5, R. 7. 9 L. 6, R. 11. 1° L. 6, R. 9. " L. 6, R. 10. 12 l. j^ r. h. 13L. 6, R. 12. i*L. 3,R. 12. 48 HISTOEICAL ADDRESS. The north-west part of Waterford was for a long time called " Rowley," and the old Lovell road from North Waterford as far as the Lovell line was called " Rowley street." The road from North Bridgton to Waterford Flat was the first built in town, probably about 1787. It ran near the old Scoggin trail from the head of the pond to the old Methodist meeting- house, thence through what is now Waterford City to Waterford Flat. This road was the thoroughfare over which the early settlers of Waterford, Oxford, and Sudbury Canada came into the wilderness ; and over it our fathers went out to purchase supplies of Capt. Kimball at North Bridgton, or to mill at Stevens Brook. The exact date of the coming of the settlers from Rowley I cannot determine, — except Lieut. Green, Samuel Plummer, and Moses Hobson, — probably about 1790. Their coming and that of Eli Longley ^ of Bolton, Mass., in 1789, and Eber Rice' of North- borough, Mass., led to the building or rather cutting out of the first road through Waterford. This, rougher than a modern logging road, left the Scog- gin trail at Waterford City and ran to the Flat by the old road, thence over Plummer hill, back of Joshua Saunders' and William Kilborn's to a point half a mile east of Peter E. Mosher's, thence straight iL. 6, E. 6. 2L. 7, E. 10. PLANTATION EOADS. 49 to the Scoggin trail below Samuel H. Warren's. It was built in 1788 or 1789. The coming of Solomon Stone' and Deacon Nurse ^ of Bolton, Mass., about 1790, and the demand for a road to Oxford (for settlers began to come into Ox- ford in 1784), led to the building of what used to be called the Albany road. It extended from the Flat by Solomon Stone's and Deacon Nurse's, across to the Moses Bisbee farm, thence into Albany. This road was built about 1790. The growing settlements on the three tiers after- ward set off to Cummin gs Purchase (Norway), and the coming of Asa Johnson' and Thaddeus Brown,* led to the building of what is now called the old road to Norway. The coming of Samuel Warren, Lieut. Thomas Green, Daniel Chaplin,^ and Humphrey Saunders « from Rowley, together with the growth of New Suncook (Lovell), which was settled in 1777, com- pelled the building, about 1800, of what is called the Sabattis road, which left the Scoggin trail near Sam- uel H. Warren's, and followed what is called the old Lovell road over Sabattis mountain to the head of great Kezar pond. This was built about the year 1800. These roads and all the roads in Maine were for iL. 8, R. 9. ^L. 8, R. 10. ^L. 10, R. 8. * L. 8, R. 7. 5 L. 3, R. 12. ^ l, j^ r, h. 50 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. years rude affairs. The journey of our fathers from Massachusetts to Waterford involved innumerable discomforts. Some came in coasters as far as Port- land, then through Gorham, Standish, and over the lakes to the head of Long pond. Others toiled over the wretched road which ran through Flints- town and Bridge-town, on horseback, in ox-carts, and more often on foot. Whenever it was known that a settler was coming in or going through to Ox- ford or Sudbury Canada, the people turned out en masse with oxen or horses and helped them along ; and if there were not enough of these they did not hesitate to use their own stout shoulders in carrying his scanty baggage. But our fathers were poor men, and it was little they brought with them into the wilderness. Until Eli Longley opened his store at the Flat in 1801, the people bought the few groceries and dry goods that they must have from those who had taken produce to market in Portland, and brought back a few goods in exchange. John Chamberlain, who bailt the house opposite the old meeting-house, Dr. Cummings, who lived in the house now occupied by Rev. John A. Douglass, Benjamin Sampson, who lived near Sampsons pond, all kept a few necessary articles in their houses. The people also bought some goods at North Bridgton and Stevens Brook. RELIGIOUS PRIVILEGES. 51 But the wants of the people were few, and a very scanty supply of goods met all their demand. Until about 1790 all boards were hauled in from Stevens Brook, and all corn was ground there or at Bethel Hill. About that time a saw-mill was built near the mouth of Bear brook, just west of the house of Josiah Monroe. A grist-mill was built about the same time on the spot now occupied by Stanwood's bucket factory. Jacob Gibson, better known as " Cam " Gibson, built the saw-mill ; Ezra Jewell the grist-mill. This saw-mill was a great con- venience, as the people soon after began to build frame houses. Mr. Jewell built two or three years later the first frame house in Waterford, close by his mill. During these early years the people were natur- ally deprived of church, school, and social privi- leges to a very considerable extent; they made up for the loss as best they could. They depended, in part, for religious instruction on the benevolent labors of ministers settled in the older towns of Maine and New Hampshire, who made occasional missionary tours ^ through Oxford and Kennebec 1 Some of the best fragmentary history of Maine that we have are the diaries of these missionary ministers. Especially rich is that of Rev. Paul Coffin, d.d., of Buxton, who made repeated tours through western Maine. He found the people much more given to religious disputation than to earnest living. A new country, with its unsettled habits of life and thought, is a paradise for zealous, willful sectarians. 52 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. counties — the "new country" so called. Among these were Revs. William Fessenden of Fryeburg, Marrett of Standish, Nathan Church of Bridgton, and Robie of Otisfield. No one was more beloved than Father Hidden of Tamworth, N. H. Socially a favorite, an eloquent speaker, his labors were greatly blest. In the records of the old church I find the following entries: "Sept. 1, 1793, Joseph and John, sons of Stephen and Mary Sanderson, were baptized by the Rev. Mr. Little of Wells, while on a mission. Oct. 1, 1797, Sarah, daughter of the same parents, baptized by the Rev. Mr. Fessenden of Fryeburg. Oct. 25, 1799, Charlotte, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Thompson of Standish (on Charles Hayes' account), by Rev. Mr. Marrett." Meetings were for the most part held in the sum- mer and irregularly ; sometimes in a barn, often out of doors. During cold weather deacon meetings were occasionally held in private houses ; often at Eli Longley's log house, a sort of hotel, half-way be- tween the Flat and Rev. Mr. Douglass', on the lower side of the road. As many of the early settlers were Christians, members of churches in Massachu- setts, doubtless their influence was considerable in maintaining religious life among these independent and somewhat irreligious men. It is certain that the religious life of the people was low at this time, for among the weightiest reasons that urged our fathers SCHOOLS AND SOCIAL LIFE. 53 to adopt a town government was this, " that their children were growing up wild and uncultivated." There were no schools supported by public tax. Private schools were held in different houses a few weeks in the year. Still the demand for them was not pressing in the earliest history of the town, as most of the settlers were young people, and were not married until just before or soon after their coming to Waterford. Social opportunities were greatly restricted. Mrs. Thaddeus Brown was in town six months before she saw a woman. There was much visiting from camp to camp by the early settlers, the visitors traveling by spotted lines. Except to the very poor, whose sufferings made it impossible for them to enjoy the novelty of the situation, this life, with its makeshifts, its droll surprises, and above all its possibilities, had great fascinations. The log house, the home of all, was rude, but warm in winter and cool in summer. No blasts of death came from air-tight stoves to stupify and kill, but generous fire-places rather. These ventilators left the air clean and pure, if sometimes rather cold. Furniture was a matter of simple convenience, else of little consequence ; a rough table, a few blocks of wood for chairs, and a settle were all at first. The 64 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. land was rich. The best ridges bore generous crops for half a generation. Even hemlock plains, if tickled with the hoe and not tickled too often, would laugh a harvest. Chintz bugs, weevils, Col- orado beetles, middle-men, and all the other parasites which so harass the farmer of to-day, were not then. Clothing was expensive, and the girl who was fortu- nate enough to own a calico dress was an object of envy. Calico was from fifty to sixty-five cents a yard, and five yards made a dress pattern. The people were eminently social ; this was nat- ural. One hundred grown-up strangers, representing at least fifty towns, were suddenly thrown together. Each had his own past history and the history of his locality to tell the other of; and fifty localities in eastern Massachusetts, seventy-five years ago, on account of the absence of newspapers and books, represented more social and historic traditions than would the same number of places to-day, one hun- dred times as far apart. Then there was well-nigh perfect equality. Each owned simply himself The new start that all were making fired even the most sluggish ; but nature, in time, asserted herself The shiftless in Massachusetts were shiftless still ; the low were low still, and each went to his own social place. But the new experi- ences of pioneer life, the privations and successes, were all unfailing sources of kindly neighborhood talk. POSTAL FACILITIES. 55 Postal facilities then were greatly restricted. I find that in May, 1775, the Provincial Congress of Massachusetts established a general post-office in Cambridge, and appointed postmen to ride on the principal routes ; among others as far east as George- town in this State, at the mouth of the Kennebec river. Joseph Barnard was the post-rider between Portsmouth and Falmouth-town.^ There were three post-offices provided for Maine, — at Wells, Falmouth Neck, and Georgetown. The mail was carried once a week. Mr. Barnard did not average to carry for years more than four or five letters each trijD. In 1788 the whole number of letters sent from the Falmouth post-office was but fifty-seven. January, 1787, Mr. Barnard, the old post-rider, put on a stage-carriage drawn by two horses between Falmouth-town and Portsmouth. This was the first attempt to carry passengers in this State by public conveyance. Mr. Barnard advertised to leave Portsmouth in the morning, reaching Arundel ^ the same day. Broad's tavern (Stroud water ^) the second, Falmouth Neck the morning of the third. The dis- tance from Portland to Portsmouth was less than sixty miles. One can judge from the length of time — more than two days — the condition of the roads. Until 1784 the only mail route between Boston 1 Portland. ^ Kennebunk. ^ Deering. 56 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. « and the east was over the coast road, by way of Sa- lem, Newburyport, Portsmouth, York, Falmouth- town, and Brunswick, to Georgetown. The distance from Boston to Fahnouth-town at this time was 118x0 miles. In 1784 another mail route was es- tablished from Boston, through Andover, Haverhill, Exeter, and Dover, to Wells, there joining the route I have just mentioned. In 1785 the mails were car- ried to Hallo well and Norridgewock. In 1788 they were carried from Georgetown to Wiscasset, Blue Hill, and Gouldsborough, and in 1789 to Machias. The mail routes were not much extended for the next ten years.^ In 1793 the post-ofi&ces in Maine were at York, Wells, Biddeford, Portland, North Yar- mouth, Brunswick, Bath, and Wiscasset. In 1797 there were thirteen: at York, Wells, Kennebunk, Berwick, Waterborough, Biddeford, Portland, North Yarmouth, Brunswick, Bath, Hallowell, Wiscasset, Norridgewock, and Passamaquoddy. In 1798 a post- office was established at Fryeburg ; about the same time, or a little earlier, one at Bridgton and Paris. Previous to that time Oxford county depended upon iln 1785 a road was opened from Falmouth-town to Upper Coos, through New Gloucester, Bakers-town (Poland and Miuot), Shepard- field (Hebron), No. 4 (Paris), Sudbury Canada (Bethel and Hanover), Shelburne, N. H., to Northumberland; in 1805 from Fryeburg through the White Mountain Notch to Upper Coos. About the same time a road was opened from Portland to Bethel by way of Windham, Raymond, Bridgton, Waterford Flat, and Hunt's Corner (Albany). INCOEPORATION OP WATERFORD. 57 the courtesy of the postmaster at Portland for any mail matter. He sent it into the back comitry by any responsible person who happened to be in Portland. There is no written record of the plantation meet- ings of Waterford. They were held at Eli Longley's log house, at Dr. Cummings', and John Chamber- lain's. Of these meetings tradition has but one voice, and that is that they were — to state the case mildly — very turbulent. The rights and duties of a plantation, if well defined by law, were but poorly understood by the majority of -the people ; at best these powers were limited. Our fathers had grown up under town government, and naturally made awkward work of regulating themselves by the makeshifts of plantation law. The shiftless and mean prevented all taxation save for road building, and but little was spent for that. The inconveniences and evils of plantation gov- ernment led our fathers to petition for incorporation Dec. 19, 1795. They were unanimous in this wish, although they could not agree as to details. The main point of disagreement was the location of the meeting-house, which was also to be used as a town- house. Naturally each section wished to avoid the hills in the center of the town as much as possible. 5 68 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. The three tiers of lots afterward set off to Norway were at that time a part of the plantation of Water- ford, although they were but scantily settled. There were no inhabitants in Bisbee-town/ and but few along Crooked river below. If the meeting-house was located at the geograph- ical center of the town, it would be built near where Mr. Thaddeus Brown now lives, lot 8, R. 7 ; but that would compel the people in the north part of the town to climb the Rice or little Beech hill, — quite a climb whichever way you take it. This they were unwilling to do. No recourse remained but to change the geographical center of the town. There- fore a petition was prepared and sent to the General Court, then in session, praying that the town might be incorporated with three tiers of lots set off to Cummings Purchase (Norway). This would make lot 6, R. 7 the central lot, and naturally locate the meeting-house there. The people in the north and west parts of the town favored this, as did those liv- ing in the Plummer neighborhood. The south part of the town was willing to compromise by locating the meeting-house on the Flat, where Mr. Porter now lives j to this the north part of the town would 1 Bisbee-town includes the north-east part of Waterford. It was set- tled about 1825 by the Blsbees, who came from Sumner, Me. INCORPORATION OF WATERFORD. 69 not consent. With this statement, the petition and counter petitions explain themselves. PETITION FOR INCORPORATION. To the Honorable Senate and House of Kepresentatives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, in General Court assembled, January, a.d. 1796. The petition of the subscribers, inhabitants of the plantation of Waterford in the county of York, humbly showeth, that settle- ments began to be maide on this plantation about nine or ten years ago, that we have at this time upwards of sixty families, that your petitioners, like other plantations in similar circumstances, labor under many inconveniences for want of an incorporation, in par- ticular the public worship of the Deity, schooling our children, who are in danger of growing up wild and uncultivated, to the great grief of those of us who are parents, and also for want of roads, etc., etc. For these reasons and others that might be men- tioned, we pray your honors that we may be incorporated into a town by the name of Waterford, according to the plan herewith exhibited, saving and excepting the three most eastermost tiers of lotts from north to south, which tiers of lotts with the settlers that are on any of them, it is our prayer that they may be set to and incorporated with the settlers of Cummings Purchase and others that may be incorporated with them, and in this last request we have no doubt but that they will join with us, as it will be much more convenient for them to be connected with the settlers on Cummings Purchase than with the inhabitants of Waterford, or otherwise relieve your petitioners as you in your wisdom shall think proper, and we as in duty bound will ever pray. Waterford, Dec. 19, 1795. (Signed) Nathaniel Jewett, Stephen Jewett, Ebenezer Jewett, Ezekiel Sanders, Seth Kussell, Samuel Warren, • Samuel Sampson, William Warren,, 60 HISTOEICAL ADDRESS. David Whitcomb, Thomas Green, Stephen Cummings, Daniel Green, Eleazor Hamlin, Daniel Chaplin, John Chamberlain, Abijah Warren, Hannibal Hamlin, Benjiman Sampson, Isaac Hor, Samuel Plummer, John Hor, Nathan Jewett, Abram Hor, Phineas Sampson, Joshua Sanders, Jonathan Houghton. Phillip Hor, Israel Hale, Ephraim Davenport, Samuel Brigham. Richard Brigham, The Senate and House, Jan. 27, 1796, referred the petition to the Committee on Apphcation for Incor- poration of Towns, to hear the parties and report. An order was sent to the assessors of the plantation of Waterford to appear and show cause, if any, why the petition of Stephen Jewett and others should not be granted. To this was sent the following reply : COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS. To the Honorable the Senate and the House of Representatives in General Court assembled. Agreable to an order of the Honorable Cort of the 26th of Janu- ary last, dyrecting the inhabitants of the plantation of Waterford to appear and show cors, if any they had, why the petition of Stephen Jewett and others praying that the plantation of Water- ford might be incorporated by the name of Waterford, with the exception of the three most eastermost tears of lots, might not be granted. The inhabitants of the plantation aforesaid, being met in plantation meeting on the 29th of September last, voted by a ma- jority of said meeting that Africa Hamlin, Malboro Kingman, and Nathaniel Chamberlain be a committee to remonstrate against the INCORPORATION OF WATERFORD. 61 prayer of the said petitioners in behalf of a majority of the inhab- itants of said plantation. A true copy of the minutes. Afkica Hamlin, Clerk of Plantation. "We the undersigned, being chosen as a committee to remonstrate against the above-mentioned petition, do offer the following rea- sons as our objections against the said prayer. 1st. Because the roads happily convean the present center; whereas by making a new one it will be inconvenient on account of ponds, etc., etc. 2d. Because a river running through said plantation will cause the inhabitants to make and maintain two extensive bridges, with little more than one tear of lots opposite said bridges adjoining the above-mentioned tear of lots. 3d. Because there are three public lots that will become amena- ble to taxation if transferred. 4th. Because the signers of the above-mentioned petition living in the west and north-west parts of the plantation wish to get rid of one-fifth part of the plantation for no other cause than to con- vean themselves with the public buildings hereafter to be erected, whereas they do not own one inch of the settling lots in the three tears of settling lots, and the owners of one hundred and eighty- two lots of land are opposed to the prayer of said petition. 5th. Because the inhabitants living on the three tears of lots are opposed to being set off. 6th. Because the owners of the soil of the three tears of lots own farms and other landed property in said plantation, and we pray that they may not be separated. These being our reasons, which we conceive will be ample suflScient to prevent the above- mentioned prayer from being granted. We however gladly submit them to your honers' better judgement and as in duty bound will ever pray. Waterfoed, Oct. 27, 1796. r Africa Hamlin, Com. ■< ISTath'l Chamberlain, (Malboro Kingman. 62 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. With this protest was sent the following petition : COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS. To the Honorable Senate and House of Eepresentatives of the Commonwealth aforesaid in General Court assembled. Your petitioners, being the inhabitants and non-resident propri- etors of the plantation of Waterford in the county of Cumberland,^ beg leave to inform your honors that there is between fifty and sixty families in said plantation; that the inhabitants labour under many inconveniences for want of proper authority to raise money for the support of schools and various other purposes to promote the peace and prosperity of the plantation. Your petitioners there- fore pray that the inhabitants of said plantation may be incorpor- ated with the privilege of a body politick, reference being had to the confirmation of the grant of the town for the bounds of the same and as in duty bound will ever pray. PROPRIETORS AND INHABITANTS. John Nurse, David McElwain, Colman B. "Watson, Joel Atherton, Thaddeus Brown, David Hammond, William Brown, Abijah Swan, Ephriam Chamberlain, Jonathan Longley, Malboro Kingman, Africa Hamlin, John Atherton, Moses Stone, Daniel Barker, Asaph Brown, Jacob Gibson, Jonathan Bobbins, John Holland, Phineas Whitney, Oliver Hale, Eli Longley, Abijah Brown, Silas Brown, Abraham Conant, Solomon Stone, John Stevens, James Chamberlain, Stephen Sanderson, Francis Gardner, Reuben "Whitney, Jotham Johnson, Isaac Smith, James Kendall, jr. Nathaniel Chamberlain. 1 The use of Cumberland instead of York was doubtless a slip of the pen. INCORPORATION OF WATERFORD. 63 Read and concurred in by House of Representa- tives Nov. 17, 1796. To this the original petitioners sent the following answer : To the Honourable Senate and Honourable House of Representa- tives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in General Court assembled, November A.D. 1796. The memorial of us the subscribers, inhabitants of the planta- tion of Waterford, humbly showeth that a plantation meeting was held by the inhabitants of this place on the 29th of September past. It was voted in said meeting that the inhabitants do not consent to have any part of their plantation annexed to Cummings Purchase, consequently a remonstrance was ordered to be pre- sented to your honors against a former petition presented by your memorialists, praying that this plantation might be incorporated, exclusive of three tears of lots on the east part, which lots we pray might be annexed to Cummings Purchase. The business of said meeting was transacted under the assumed appelation of a majori- ty of the inhabitants, but your memorialists beg leave to observe that the business of said meeting was hurled on in an uncommon manner; the people had not collected when the vote was taken, persons were allowed to vote that were not inhabitants of the plantation, consequently a small majority was obtained. Your memorialists humbly concieve that such a mode of proceeding was as contrary to law as it was void of justice. Your memorialists beg leave further to observe that considerable contentions have arisen in this place respecting a spot on which to erect a meeting- house. A respectable number of the principal inhabitants that were opposed to each other mutually agreed to chuse a disinter- ested committee from other towns to determine on the spot where to erect a meeting-house. The committee was accordingly chosen, consisting of three gentlemen, viz. , Moses Ames, William Swan, and Josiah Pierce, esquire. They met and acted on the matter and their report was that Davenports hill so called was the most suitable place for a meeting-house as the town was then situated. 64 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. "We beg leave to inform your honors that the above-mentioned bill is the most central place of the inhabitants now and in our opinion ever will be, and if a former prayer is granted by your honors re- specting three tears of lots being annexed to Cummings Purchase, it will be within a few rods of the center of the town. These things your memorialists can abundantly prove if further proof is necessary. We beg your honors to take these matters into your consideration, and do as your honors should think proper and we as in duty bound will ever pray. Eleazer Hamlin, Phillip Hor, Abram Hor, Ezekial Sanders, Humphrey Sanders, John Hor, Joshua Sanders, David Whitcomb, Seth Ramsdell, Isaac Hor, Samuel Plummer, Nathaniel Jewett, William Warren, Nathan Jewett, Stephen Cummings, Hannibal Hamlin, Phineas Sampson. Stephen Jewett, Ebenezer Jewett, Samuel Warren, Richard Bryant, Samuel Sampson , Samuel Brigham, Asa Case, Benjiman Flint, Darius Holt, Lemuel Shee, Daniel Chaplin, Abijah Warren, Benjiman Sampson, Thomas Green, Daniel Green, Thomas Green, jr. Read and concurred in by House and Senate Feb. 3, 1797. Feb. 14, 1797. The standing committee of both houses for the incorporation of towns reported that the petitioners have leave to bring in a bill of incor- poration, excepting the three easternmost tiers of lots in said plantation. INCOEPORATION OF WATERFORD. 65 March 2, 1797. An act of incorporation was passed. It read as follows : An act to incorporate part of the plantation called Waterf ord , in the county of York, into a town by the name of Waterford. Sect. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Eepresenta- tives, in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same. That all that part of the plantation aforesaid which is con- tained within the following bounds, viz., beginning at the north- westerly corner of Otisfleld, thence running north, 65 degrees east, twelve hundred and seventy rods, by said Otisfield to the di- viding line between the third and fourth tier of lots, westerly from the easterly side line of said Waterf ord ; thence north, 25 degrees west, on the dividing line between the said third and fourth tier of lots to the north-westerly side line of said "Waterford; thence south, 65 degrees west, 640 rods, on a new township called Oxford to a stake and stones; thence south, 65 degrees west, 650 rods, to a stake and stones; thence south, 65 degrees west, 340 rods, to a stone set in the ground; thence south, 25 degrees east, 160 rods, to a stone in the ground; thence south, 65 degrees west, 315 rods, to a stake and stones standing in the easterly side line of said Kew Suncook; thence south, 25 degrees east, by said Kew Suucook, 2,020 rods west, to a pine tree, the south-westerly corner of said Waterford, which is the south-easterly corner of the aforesaid New Suncook, standing in the northerly end line of Bridgton aforesaid; thence south, 25 degrees east, 100 rods, to the first bound, together with the inhabitants thereon, be and hereby is in- corporated into a town by the name of Waterford; and the said town is hereby invested with all the powers, privileges, and im- munities which other towns in this Commonwealth do or may by law enjoy. Sect. 2, And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that Simon Frye, Esq., be and he hereby is empowered to issue his warrant to some suitable person, inhabitant of said Waterford, requiring time to notify and warn the inhabitants thereof to meet at some convenient time and place, for the purpose of choosing 66 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. all such officers as towns are required by law to choose, in the month of March or April annually. The plantation history of Waterford covered a space of twenty-two years, from 1775 to 1797, or for statistical convenience from 1775 to 1800. During this time the growth of the State and county was very rapid, as will be seen by the following table, which gives the population of each at different dates between those years until after 1820. The following and subsequent tables are taken from Greenleaf's Survey of Maine. Counties.^ 1775.2 1777.2 1784.2 1790. 1800. York, 15,000 15,908 19,909 27,560 34,284 Cumberland, 12,000 13,476 15,621 23,481 31,898 Lincoln, 9,000 12,916 20,791 18,608 27,998 Waldo, 2,432 6,695 Hancock, 5,763 8,947 Washington, 2,526 4,536 Kennebec, 9,105 17,995 Oxford, 3,3333 9,896 Somerset, 2,146 5,509 Penobscot, 1,154 3,009 Total, 36,000 42,400 56,321 96,108 151,719 1 The numbers in this table previous to the year 1790, assigned to York and Cumberland counties, include also all which at that time were settled in the present county of Oxford and a part of Franklin county; and those assigned to Lincoln include all the residue of the State. At and after the year 1790, the numbers express the population of the towns and planta- tions which in 1820 formed the respective counties, without regard to ex- tent at the time of enumeration. 2 The population these years are estimates. 8 Oxford county at this time included the towns of Jay, Livermore, and Turner. These towns are included in Oxford county in making up the county population, but excluded from the list of towns. In all town lists I shall give only those towns that are now included in Oxford county. INCOEPORATION OF WATERFORD. 67 The double line of incorporated towns on the coast between the Piscataqua and Penobscot bay in 1775, had now reached an average width of ten/ with a wide fringe of flourishing plantations behind them. Between the Penobscot and St. Croix there was now an average width of two incorporated towns. The number of towns had increased from thirty-four to one hundred and thirty-six. Oxford county, which McWain twenty-five years before had found a wilderness except at Pequawkett and Sudbury Canada, now contained twelve incorporated towns and as many large plantations. Between the same dates the population of the Province of Maine had increased from 36,000 to 151,729, a gain of more than four hundred per cent in less than one generation. This great increase was largely due to immigration.*^ Greenleaf estimates the yearly increase by immi- gration between 1775 and 1800 to have been 2,600, or in the aggregate 47,112. The bulk of these im- 1 Here and there among these towns were large plantations which for economic or other reasons had delayed incorporation. 2 Massachusetts and Connecticut swarmed for f oi-ty years after the close of the Revolutionary war. Between 1782 and 1820 Massachusetts lost by migration 288,546 of her population, Connecticut 237,659. Most of the emigrants from eastern Massachusetts, between the first date and 1810, settled in Maine and New Hampshire ; those from the western part of the State in New Hampshire, Vermont, and New York. The Connecticut emigrants between the same dates went to Vermont and the Middle States for the most part. 68 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. migrants came from eastern Massachusetts, and were for the most part adult males and females. The old towns of Oxford county received their population direct from Massachusetts, the newer by migration from the older either in Oxford or Cum- berland counties. The rule will hold good in our county, that the more direct the population of a town came from Massachusetts the his/her the civili- zation of that town has always been. It was this wholesale migration from Massachusetts and Con- necticut into northern New England after the Revo- lution, that made the institutions and character of northern and southern New England homogeneous. The following table gives an incomplete yet in- teresting statement of the population of the towns in Oxford county in 1790 ^ and 1800. 1790 1800 Albany (Oxford) * settled 1784, incorporated 1803, 69 Andover (E. Andover), settled 1780, incorporated 1804, 22 175 Bethel and Hanover (Sudbury Canada), settled 1773, in- corporated 1796, 100 616 Brownfield (Brownsfield), settled 1765, incorporated 1800, 250 287 Buckfield (Buck-town or No. 5) , settled 1776, incor. 1793, 453 1002 Dixfield,* settled 1795, incorporated 1803, 137 Fryeburg and Stow (Fryeburg-addition, Pequawkett), settled 1763, incorporated 1777, 547 734 Gilead (Peabodys Patent),* settled 1780, incor. 1805, 88 1 The towns starred made no returns of population ; with the excep- tion of Paris they could have had but a handful of settlers each. The population, not enumerated, could not have exceeded 500 either year. LIST OF TAX PATERS, 1797. 69 Hartford (East Butterfield),* settled 1783, incor. 1798, Hebron and Oxford (Philips Gore), settled 1776, incor- porated 1792, Hiram, settled 1780, incorporated 1807, Lovell and Sweden (New Suncook),* settled 1777, incor- porated 1800, Newry (Bostwick),* settled 1781, incorporated 1805, Norway (Rustfield, Lees Grant, Cummings Purchase), settled 1781, incorporated 1796, Paris (No. 4),* settled 1779, incorporated 1793, Porter (Portersfield),* settled 1784, incorporated 1807, Rumford (New Penacook),* settled 1777, incor. 1800, Sumner (West Butterfield), settled 1783, incor. 1798, Waterfordji settled 1775, incorporated 1797, 243 530 981 192 203 202 92 448 609 844 272 262 189 330 150 535 TOWN HISTORY. 1797 — 1820. The following is a list of the tax payers in Water- ford at the time of its incorporation, the lot and range on which each settled, and the names of the parties now owning or occupying them. Names. Joel Atherton, John Atherton, John Atherton, jr., Samuel Brigham, Asaph Brown, Abijah Brown, 1797. L. 9, R. 2. L. 9, R. 2. L. 6, R. 4. L. 2, R. 9. L. 5, R. 5. L. 3, R. 5. 1875. Jonas Atherton. John Atherton. Manson. N. of Mr. Stanwood's. George K. Hamlin. iWaterford had fourteen polls in 1786. Beckoning five inhabitants to a poll, this would make a population of seventy. 70 HISTORICAL ADDEESS. Adonijah Brown, John Brown, Thaddeus Brown, William Brown, Silas Brown, Daniel Barker, Daniel Barker, jr., Joseph Barker, Edward Baker, Daniel Chaplin, David Chaplin, Dr. Stephen Cummings, Mrs. Eunice Conant, Ephraim Chamberlain, N athaniel Chamberlain, John Chamberlain, Ephraim Davenport, Josiah Dudley, Zechariah Fletcher, Samuel Earnsworth. Lieut. Thomas Green, Daniel Green, Jacob Gibson, Oliver Hale, Israel Hale, Benjamin Hale, Hannibal Hamlin, Eleazer Hamlin, America Hamlin, Africa Hamlin, David Hammond, Jonathan Houghton, Abram Hor, Philip Hor, Isaac Hor, John Hor, L. 3, R. 4. Capt. L. Houghton. L. 9, R. 8. L. 8, R. 7. A. K. P. Kimball. L. 8, R. 7. Thaddeus Brown. L. 7, R. 7. A. K. Cross. L. 2, R. 4. A. W. Hale. L. 2, R. 4. (( u L. 2, R. 4. I. S. Cheever. L. 11, R. 3. John I^". Baker. L. 3, R. 12. Misses S. & H. Chaplin. L. 6, R. 12. L. 6, R. 7. Rev. John A. Douglass. L. 5, R. 5. West of Mr. Stanwood's, L. 9, R. 9. A. Kimball. L. 2, R. 3. Eleazer Hamlin. L. 6, R. 7. AVilliam Kingman, jr. L. 6, R. 7. Charles L. Plummer. L. 4, R. 1. Pine Grove House. L. 9, R. 3. J. Fogg. L. 4, R. 12. Cyrus Green. L. 4, R. 12. (( (( L. 4, R. 4. J. S. Grant. L. 4, R. 5. Mrs. C. Perley. L. 5, R. 5. Thomas Swan, L. 1, R. 4. Eleazer Hamlin. L. 8, R. 4. D. Purington. L. 5, R. 7. Rev. Mr. Kendall. L. 3, R. 3. Charles Hamlin. L. 6, R. 4. Charles Jordan. L. 10, R. 3. Fogg. L. 7, R. 2. Stearns. L. 4, R. 9. Philip Hor. L. 4, R. 9. (( a L. 6, R. 12. A. Allen. L. 6, R. 12. T. Kilborn. LIST OF TAX PAYEES, 1797, 71 Capt. Stephen Jewett, L. 5, R. 13. liTathan Jewett, L. 5, R. 13. Lieut. Ebenezer Jewett, L. 6, R. 13. Nathaniel Jewett, L. 6, R. 13. Widow Sally Jewell, L. 5, R. 5. John Jewell, L. 7, R. 8. Asa Johnson, L. 10, R. 8. Malboro Kingman, Lebeus Kingman. Joseph Kilgore, L. 7, R. 4. Benjamin Kilgore, L. 7, R. 4. Eli Longley, L. 6, R. 6. Jona Longley, L. 4, R. 4. David McWain, L. 10, R. 5. Ebenezer Moulton, L. 2, R. 6. John Nurse, L. 8, R. 11. Samuel Plummer, L. 5, R. 8. Seth Ramsdell, L. 6, R. 9. Eber Rice, L. 7, R. 10. Jona Robbins, L. 5, R. 6. Jeremiah Robbins, L. 5, R. 6. James Robbins, L. 5, R. 5. Mrs. Betsey Sanders, L. 6, R. 7. Ezekiel Sanders, L. 6, R. 9. Humphrey Sanders, L. 1, R. 11. Samuel Sanders, L. 6, R. 10. Stephen Sanderson, L. 2, R. 5. Phineas Sampson, L. 6, R. 8. Benjamin Sampson, L. 5, R. 11. Samuel Sampson, L. 6, R. 9. Josiah Shaw, L. 3, R. 6. Jonathan Shaw. Thomas Sinclair. Samuel H. "Warren. Peter E. Mosher. Earnum Jewett. Stanwood's Bucket Fac- tory. Where the town farm is. J. Chadbourne. L. 10, R. 7. Benjamin Pride. Calvin Hamlin. Andorus Kilgore. Dr. Shattuck. Under Bald Pate. Solomon Hall. Josiah Willard, Pike. J. C. George W. Plummer. William Plummer. C. Rice. Stanwood's Pasture. Frank Chute, Wm. Mon- roe, W. A. Monroe. Amos Sanders. Freeman Horr. C. Kneeland. Freeman Horr. William Haines. Eben Plummer. Joel Plummer. J. M. Shaw. 72 HISTOEICAL ADDRESS. Isaac Smith, Solomon Stone, Moses Stone, Joel Stone, William Stone, Simeon Stone, Elijah Swan, Samuel Warren, William Warren, Abijah Warren, Coleman Watson, Eliphalet Watson, David Whitcomb, James Wright, L. 5, R. 5. L. 8, R. 9. L. 9, R. 4. L. 8, R. 9. L. 9, R. 8. L. 9, R. 4. L. 8, R. 4. L. 4, R. 12. L. 2, R. 11. L. 3, R. 11. L. 8, R. 8. L. 8, R. 2. L. 2, R. 6. L. 1, R. 4. Luther Houghton. Everett. Sumner Stone. John Everett. Andrew Kimball. Sumner Stone. Henry Young. Daniel Warren. Henry Jewett. Isaac Jewett. Edward Hilton. Jona. P. Howe. Samuel S. Watson. George Learned. The valuation of the town in 1800 was $29,395. The following is a list of the live stock owned in town that year. Horses, 79 Colts, two years old, 8 Colts, one year old, 13 Oxen, 118 Cows and three year olds, 298 Cattle, 2 years old, 102 Cattle, 1 year old, 115 Two years later the number of dwelling-houses was 107. Of these six were two-storied, eighty-six were low-framed or one story, and JBfteen were log. There were but one or two finished houses in town. There were eighty framed barns. This is a good record for less than twenty years of work. It must be borne in mind that McWain was the only settler in Waterford until 1784. PHYSICAL FEATURES: ORIGIN OF NAMES. 73 Waterford when incorporated (and no change has been made since in its boundary lines) was seven and one half miles long, and six and three-fourths wide. It contains 50,625 square miles, or 31,775 acres, 1,734 of which are included in ponds. The course of the town lines is 22^ 30' west and vice versa. Its latitude is 44° 8' north ; its longitude is 78° 35' west from London. Waterford lies among the foot hills of the White mountain chain ; it is the last town among them to the south-east. The great physical feature of the town is Beech hilP with its numerous peaks. This hill includes all of Waterford north of Moose, Bear, Tom, and Mc Wains ponds, and west of Crooked river. The western slopes of this hill lie in Lovell and Sweden. Its different peaks are known as the Beech, Howard, Jewett, Proctor, and Rice hills. Beech hill gained its name from its heavy growth of beech. This was not a very common wood in Massachusetts; naturally it attracted the attention of the early settlers. The different peaks are all named after the first settlers who owned them. The north and east sides of Beech hill have a deep soil ; but on these slopes the hill is " iron-sided." In II follow the geological rather than the traditional or local view, in grouping all the hills north of Tom pond and west of Crooked river as peaks of Beech hill. 6 74 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. spite of this there is no more profitable farming land in Waterford if it is patiently worked. It is well adapted to orcharding, and for the most part makes excellent pasturage. The south and west sides of the hill are much less rugged than the other slopes. There are no better upland farms in Oxford county, and certainly none more beautiful for location, than those in West Waterford and along the Plummer ridge. The lowlands in the extreme northern part of the town and along the Crooked river are made up of plain and meadow, the one good land for crops the other for grass. Besides Beech hill the town contains several smaller mountains. Bald Pate was so named by the early settlers because its top, when the town was settled, was entirely denuded of trees ; a fire had just swept over it. Mt. Tire 'm is said to have received its name from the expression used by the Indians when climbing its steep sides, " tire um Injuns." Hawk mountain was named by some lumbermen from Westbrook, who were " masting " at its foot, nearly a century ago. They saw a large hawk fly over it and so gave it its name. Bear mountain was so called because a bear was killed while attempting to swim the pond at its foot. Temple hill was so named because many of the early settlers came from Temple, Mass. Below the chain of ponds that cross our town lie beautiful PHYSICAL FEATURES: ORIGIN OF NAMES. 75 ridges. No fairer slopes than these can be found in Maine. In the valleys at the foot of Beech hill lie eight of our ten ponds, the pride of our town. The largest covers 484 the smallest 40 acres — 1,734 in all. It would be hard to find an elevation of any considera- ble importance in Waterford from which a number of these ponds are not in sight. The origin of the names of some of our ponds is doubtful. I give the traditions for what they are worth. The Kezar ponds (and what is called Chap- lins pond is properly one of the Kezars) were named after a celebrated hunter by the name of Kezar, who haunted that net-work of ponds — Kezar pond in Fryeburg, upper Kezar pond in Lovell, and the Ke- zars in Waterford. Doubtless the Kezars and Chap- lins ponds, together with the meadows of Daniel Warren and George Green, were a great pond until Nature burst the granite dam at Kezar Falls, and converted a single fall into what is now a beautiful cascade. Pappoose pond is said to have been so named by the Indians, because a pappoose was drowned there before the whites came to Waterford. This may be true, as the first settlers found an Indian opening just east of the pond, as well as one near Prides bridge. McWains, Bog, Island, and Duck ponds gained their names for obvious reasons. 76 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. Thomas pond is said to have received its name from Thomas Chamberlain, who, when chased by the Indians, hid under a shelving rock on the south side of it. This rock is half out of water in a dry time. Tradition also says that this was the Chamberlain who killed Paugus in the Lovewell fight. I may here state that the Chamberlain family was always freely drawn on by our fathers when it was necessa- ry to find a hero in Indian skirmish or legend. Bear and Moose ponds are said to have received their names because early in the history of the town a bear was killed in one and a moose in the other. Crooked river was so called on account of its crooked course in the town, its whole length in Waterford being eighteen miles and fourteen rods. Another and the proper name for this river is Songo, as it drains Songo pond in Albany and was so called by the Indians. But to return to the early days of our town his- tory. On the 7th of March, 'Squire Frye, as directed by the General Court of Massachusetts, instructed Eleazar Hamlin to summon the people of Waterford to assemble at the new dwelling-house of Dr. Stephen Cummings to choose the town ofiicers re- quired by law. I give the summons and the proceedings of the first and second town meetings in full, excepting an FIRST TOWN MEETINGS. 77 item concerning the building of some roads in the western part of the town. COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS. York ss. To Eleazar Haraliu of Waterford iu said county, greeting. In the name of the Commonwealth aforesaid you are hereby re- quired and directed to notify and warn all the freeholders and other inhabitants of the town of Waterford, in due coars of law, who are qualified as the law directs to vote in town meetings, to assemble and meet at the new dwelling-house of Stephen Cum- mings in said Waterford, on Thursday the twenty-seventh day of April next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, and when so assembled to proceed and choose a moderator to govern said meeting and all such officers as towns are by law required to choose in the month of March or April annually. Given under my hand and seal at Fryeburg in said county of York, the twenty-seventh day of March, in the 3'ear of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven, and twenty-first year of the independence of the United States of America. Simon Frye, Justice Peace. By virtue of a warrant directed to me by the Hon. Simon Frye, Esq., I hereby notify and warn all the freeholders and other in- habitants of the town of Waterford, qualified as the law directs to vote in town meetings, to assemble and meet at the new dwelling- house of Doct. Stephen Cummings in said Waterford, Thursday the twenty-seventh day of the present month, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, and when so assembled to proceed 1st. To choose a moderator to govern said meeting. 21y. To choose all such officers as towns are by law required to choose in the month of March or April annually. Waterford, April 6, 1797. -c^^^ ,„.-r. rr .,,-.■ T-vT S Inhabitant Eleazar Hamlin, | ^^ Waterford. 78 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. "Waterford, April 27, 1797. I hereby certify that I have notified and warned the inhabitants of the town of Waterford to meet at the time and place and for the purpose within mentioned, in compliance with a warrant to me directed by the Hon. Simon Fry e, Esq. Eleazar Hamlin. On the first artical choose Africa Hamlin, moderator. 21y. Choose Africa Hamlin, town clerk. Sly. Choose Lt. Molbory Kingman , moderator. 41y. Choose Africa Hamlin, first selectman. Choose Daniel Chaplin, second selectman. Choose Solomon Stone, third selectman. 51y. Choose Africa Hamlin, Daniel Chaplin, and Solomon Stone, assessors. 61y. 71y. Choose David Whitcomb, constable and collector. Sly. Choose David Whitcomb, Doct. Stephen Cummings, John Athertou, Edward Baker, Joel Stone, Daniel Barker, Isaac Smith, Abijah Warren, and Molbory Kingman, surveyors of the highways. 91y. Choose Eleazar Hamlin, John Kurse, Daniel Barker, tith- ingmen. lOly. Choose Daniel Green, deer reaf. Illy. Choose Ebenezer Jewett, Samuel Plummer, Oliver Hap- good, Molbory Kingman, Elijah Swan, and Israel Hale, hog con- stables. 121y. Choose Phineas Sampson, pound keeper. 131y. Choose Benjaman Killgore, Eliphalet Watson, Kathaniel Jewett, and Asa Jonson, field drivers. 141y. Choose Silas Brown, leather sealer. 151y. Choose Doct. Stephen Cummings, sealer of waits and measures. 161y. Choose Colman Watson, surveyor of lumber. 171y. Choose Josiah Shaw and Benjaman Sampson, fence viewers. FIRST TOWN MEETINGS. 79 The report of a town meeting held June 7, 1797, at Dr. Stephen Cummings', runs as follows : The iahabitaats being meet, proseded to business. 21y artical. Voted one hundred dollars for the purpose of hiring preaching in said town the present seson. Sly artical. Voted to rais one hundred dollars for schooling and appropriated by the selectmen. 41y. Voted to rais five hundred dollars to make and mend roads. 51y. Voted six shillings a da}' shall be allovvd for a man till the last of September by working ten hours, after that fore shillings. Voted three shillings for a yoak of oxon. 61y. Voted to rais one hundred dollars to defray town charges. 71y. Voted the selectmen be a committee to procure a preacher in the best method in their power. 8Iy. Choose Eli Longley, treasuror. Choose Daniel Barker, highway surveyor. 91y. Voted that the warrants for town meetings shall be posted up at Mr. Eli Longley 's. Voted to reconsider the 9th article. lOly. Voted that the town meeting shall be warned by being posted at the corn mill (Ezra Jewell's) and Doct. Stephen Cum- mings', and that each adjournment shall be posted by the town clerk at each place above mentioned. At a town meeting held at Eli Longley's Aug. 21, 1797, the following items of business among others were transacted : 21y. Voted that town of Waterford petition the General Cort at their next session for to let the town be joined to the county of Cumberland. 51y. Voted that a committee of five should be chosen to district out the town into school districts. Voted Eli Longley, America 80 HISTOEICAL ADDEESS. Hamlin, Eber Eice, Eliphlet Watson, Samuel Warren be a com- mittee for the purpose. 61y. Voted that the sum of eighty dollars be granted to build each scholhous. 71y. Voted that the town meetings shall be held at Mr. Eli Longley's for the future. Sly. Voted to except the Constitution of the State of mane. Voted to not send a deligate. Voted to wright to the convention at Hallowell. 91y. Voted that the selectmen be a committee to petition the General Cort for to let the town of Waterford to the county of Cumberland. The proceedings of the first town meeting are sig- nificant; for after choosing town officers, the first vote that the town took was to appropriate out of their poverty $100 for preaching; the second vote appropriated $100 for schooling; then the town turned its attention to roads. We will, if you please, preserve this order, so characteristic of the God- fearing, intelligent, and business-like fathers of our town. During the summers 1797 and 1798 the town hired Rev. Lincoln Ripley of Concord, Mass., to preach to them, paying him thirty dollars each year for his services besides boarding him and his horse. His trips to Waterford were probably missionary tours, undertaken while pursuing theological studies with Dr. Ezra Ripley of Concord, Mass., his brother. ECCLESIASTICAL AFFAIRS: CONGREGATIONALISTS. 81 July 1, 1798, the town voted/ fifty- two to seven- teen, to call Mr. Ripley. Messrs. John Nurse, Joel Stone, Daniel Barker, Hezekiah Hapgood, and Africa Hamlin were appointed a committee to present the invitation. The salary offered was this, two hun- dred pounds^ as a settlement. This included the use of the ministerial lands, valued at one hundred and fifty pounds, seventy pounds salary for the first year, and five pounds additional each year until it should amount to a hundred pounds, — this to con- tinue during his active ministerial life. Should he become incapacitated for work he was to receive a pension of fifty pounds a year during his natural life. This salary was payable in produce at its market rates, with ten per cent deducted for prompt quar- terly payment. For ten years or more the town sold at public auction at town meeting the supply- ing of ten cords of wood to Rev. Mr. Ripley ; the average price was $1.00 a cord. Mr. Ripley accepted the call and returned to Waterford, preaching most of the time until his installation, Oct. 1, 1799. The council to ordain 1 Appropriations for support of minister, supplying him with wood, and hiring a janitor were articles in the warrant, and were as freely and warmly discussed in town meetings as road, school, or other gen- eral appropriation. 2 The pound was equivalent to three dollars and thirty-three cents in decimal currency ; the shilling to sixteen and two-thirds cents. 82 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. and install him met at the house of Dr. Stephen Cummings, where Rev. John A. Douglass now lives. There were present at this council Rev. Dr. Ezra Ripley of Concord, Mass., Rev. Nathan Church of Bridgton, Rev. William Fessenden of Fryeburg, Rev. Mr. Robie of Otisfield, Rev. John Simkins of Harwich, Mass., Rev. Samuel Hidden of Tamworth, N. H., Rev. Mr. Marrett of Standish, Hon. Simon Frye, Esq. of Fryeburg, and Deacon Peabody of Bridgton. Naturally the clergymen in this council came from a distance, for at this time there was but one Congregational minister within the limits of Oxford county. Rev. William Fessenden of Fryeburg ; there were two Baptist ministers at that time in the coun- ty, one at Fryeburg the other at Paris. The growth of Congregationalism in Oxford county was slow, for in 1813 there were but thirteen Congregational churches in this county, although there were four- teen Calvinist Baptist churches; most of the latter have become extinct. To return to the council. Rev. William Fessen- den was chosen moderator. Rev. Mr. Marrett, scribe. The pastor elect passed a satisfactory examination. The council then organized the church. It was com- posed of the following members : INSTALLATION OF MR. RIPLEY. 83 Edward Baker, Eber Rice, David Chaplin, Joel Stone, Daniel Chaplin, Solomon Stone, Ephraim Chamberlain, Ezekiel Sanders, Thomas Green, Samuel Sanders, Stephen Jewett, Stephen Sanderson, Nathan Jewett, Samuel Warren, Eben Jewett, David Whitcomb, Samuel Plummer, James Wright. The deacons chosen were John Nurse, Stephen Jewett, and Ephraim Chamberlain. It is noticeable that in the early records of the old Congregational and Baptist churches no mention is made of female membership, although the majori- ty of the church then as now were women. The order of exercises at the ordination and in- stallation was as follows : Introductory prayer by Rev. Nathan Church. Sermon by Rev. Ezra Ripley, d.d. Ordaining prayer. Rev. Samuel Hidden. Charge to the pastor. Rev. William Fessenden. Right hand of fellowship, Rev. Mr. Robie. Concluding prayer by the pastor. The exercises took place upon a huge boulder which stands between the house now occupied by Mr. Ripley and the spot where the church was soon after built. The sacrament of the Lord's supper was ad- ministered for the first time to this church October, 84 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. 1798. Rev. Lincoln Ripley preached from the text, " What mean ye by this service ? " Meetings were held in Mr. Ripley's house or barn, as the season allowed, until the building of the meeting-house, four years later. The meeting-house was not located without fur- ther struggle. We have seen that its location de- layed the incorporation of the town nearly two years, and caused the setting off of three tiers of lots to Norway. After the incorporation of the town the north and north-west parts insisted upon building on Daven- port hill, where Samuel Plummer now resides ; the south and south-west parts insisted on locating it where Mr. Porter's house now stands. The location on Kingman hill was a compromise. McWain in particular was greatly angered by this location, and made an oath that he would never enter the house and he never did, neither attending church or town meeting (the town meetings for thirty years were held in the old meeting-house) during the rest of his life. Mr. Ripley remonstrated with him for absent- ing himself from church. "I vum," said the old man, " Jeptha kept his vow and I will mine." The story runs that the two factions were equally di- vided until Dea. Nurse made the majority. He was remonstrated with by the people in the south part of the town. " Blessed are the peace makers," said THE TOWN CHURCH. 85 the good deacon. Forty years later the battle was fought over again, and this time the south part suc- ceeded. In 1800 the town decided to build at once. Waterford, never niggardly, makes under date of Aug. 23d of that year the following liberal provision of rum and sug-ar for the crowd that was to do the grading of the land. " One barrel of good West India rum to be to the acceptance of the committee on grading, struck off to John Chamberlain at $1.56 a gallon. One hundred pounds of West India sugar of the best kind, struck off to the same at 18^ cents a pound." The allowance certainly was liberal, about a quart to a man. Capt. Ephraim Hapgood had charge of the rum. Tradition has preserved another vote passed by the crowd that assembled on that September morning. " Whoever gets drunk to-day must come to-morrow and dig a stump," runs the resolution. Tradition in a postscript adds that four or five came the next morning. In 1801 the frame was erected and the walls were covered. At the March meeting of that year I find the following vote was passed : " Voted to choose a committee of three to seat the meeting-house. Voted that the meeting-house be seated by age." The care of the meeting-house was bid off to Jo- siah Proctor for six dollars. The town specified his duties as follows : " To open the doors on all public 86 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. days and shut them after the people had withdrawn ; to keep the steps clear of snow ; to sweep the house seven times in a year — after March meeting, April meeting, in the months of May, July, September, November, and January j to provide water when there shall be any children to be christened." Sure- ly this laborer was worthy of his hire. The cost of the meeting-house was about $3,000 ; the pews sold at auction for a little more than $2,000. It was a heavier burden than the war debt incurred by Waterford in the late Rebellion, for the valuation of Waterford in 1802 was only $30,130. The cost of the meeting-house therefore represented one-tenth of the valuation of the town. The same year the town raised $1,000 for general expenses, and finished its payment for school-houses just built, about $600. The men who made a pleasure jaunt of carrying a bushel of corn ten miles to mill, who often felled an acre of hard wood growth in a day, laughed at burdens like these. For those days the old church was a handsome structure. I have before me as I write a plan of it. It stood north and south, and consisted of main house and porch. The main house was forty by fifty, the posts were twenty feet high ; the porch was sixteen feet square, the posts being a little lower than in the main house. Around it ran two rows of windows ; the upper tier in the main house contin- THE TOWN CHURCH. 87 ued around the porch. There were three entrances, all at the porch, one at the front and one on either side. To the main house there was but a single en- trance, and this at the center. Square pews com- menced on either side of this entrance, and continued around the walls of the house within perhaps ten feet of the pulpit. This intervening space on either side was filled with slips like the pews in a modern meeting-house. The slips on the right hand of the pulpit were called the men's seats, on the left the women's seats. These were in early times seats of honor, occupied by the old men and women ; later they fell into partial disuse, except as they were oc- cupied by the deacons at communion service. The body of the house was divided by a broad aisle, on either side of which were two rows of small square pews, irreverently called " sheep-pens." The pulpit was a box or close pulpit, with doors on either side. The top of it was in the general shape of the letter V, though the stiffness of the legs of the angle was relieved by curves and breaks. Its top was covered with an elegant cushion, pre- sented to the church by Rev. Dr. Channing's society, of Boston. Fastened in a socket and attached to the base of the pulpit was a baptismal font, the frame of iron not unlike in shape the skeleton of a bracket lamp. 88 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. Around three sides of the church ran a gallery, reached by stairs in the porch, and by a single door directly over the entrance to the lower floor. Square wall pews ran around the gallery on either side. In front of these was an aisle. Three short aisles led from this, at right angles, to the front of the gallery, one in front of the entrance door and one on either side. The spaces between these short aisles were filled with a double row of benches. The slips on the right side were called the men's seats, those on the left the women's seats. They were free, and were generally occupied by irregular attendants on church services and the old people, save those di- rectly opposite the pulpit around to each side aisle, which were occupied by the full choir, headed by the responsible chorister with his wooden pitch-pipe. The pews throughout the church were five feet by six and were entered by a door, the whole sur- mounted by a balustrade perhaps six inches high. " These tempted little eyes to look through in search of other eyes, and little fingers to play with their pillars, to the great annoyance of staid mothers." A seat ran across the back of this pew. At the end of it, next the door, invariably sat the head of the fam- ily ; a custom borrowed perhaps from the days of Indian surprises, when the men must be ready at an instant's warning to hurry with their guns to the de- fense of their families. Diagonally across the pew THE TOWN CHURCH. 89 sat the wife, where the choir and the minister alike were in full view. A short seat, long enough for two children, was fastened to the front of the pew. All these seats were hinged to cleats fastened to the sides of the pew. During prayer they were raised ; at the close of the exercise they dropped with a rat- tling not unlike the fire of an awkward militia squad at muster. The house was finished and ceiled with " clear stuff," and handsomely painted except the pews ; the outside of the house was painted yellow. For twenty years foot-stoves, soapstones, and hot bricks were the only means of supplying artificial heat to the worshipers, although many a service was held when the thermometer marked twenty and thirty degrees below zero at the door. When degener- ate children suggested stoves the fathers stout- ly opposed; but yielding to the inevitable, they placed the hated thing in the main passage and kept it fiercely hot. It filled the aisle with its glowing presence. Those who sat in the pews near often crowded away from the red-hot fury. The pew doors of sapless pumpkin pine tried in vain to sweat a protesting drop of pitch ; they only grew black in the face — they were slowly carbonized. To crown all, the stove committee instead of carrying the fun- nel straight to the ceiling, thence through the roof by a short chimney, carried it out through the lower 7 90 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. side windows in the rear of the house. Some of you remember the result. Our prevailing wind in the winter is north-west. These black eyes looked into this wind. Every adverse gust drove the smoke back into the house; pyroligneous acid dropped from every joint of the horizontal funnel, staining the clean pine^ pews. The blinding smoke often made all eyes weep within, while the black orbs sticking from either window wept grimy tears on the clean, white snow without. The sorrowing at- tendants often longed for the clean cold of other days. For twenty-five years the church expenses were met by general taxation. The ministerial tax list was made out by the town assessors and handed to the town constable for collection. The form in which it was made out and the manner in which it was collected were in all respects the same as in the case of the town tax for general purposes. There lies before me as I write the ministerial tax of 1802. The poll tax was seventy-five cents. Real and per- sonal estate were taxed six mills on a dollar. The amount raised was $270.06,5. I extract from the list the names of the ten persons who paid the high- est taxes and the amount assessed against them. David McWain, poll .75, R. E. ^5.98,2, P. E. $1.66,2, total .^8.39,4. Oliver Hale, poll .75, R. E. $3.36, P. E. .84, total $4.95. Hannibal Hamlin, polls $2.25, R. E. $1.35, P. E. .69, total $4.29. SUPPORT OF PREACHING. 91 Jona. Eobbins, polls $1.50, R. E. S1.71, P. E. $1.06,8, total $4.27,8. Samuel Plummer, poll .75, R. E. $2.14,8, P. E. .68,2, total $3.58. Lt. Thos. Green, polls $1.50, R. E. $1.42,8, P. E. .78, total $3.70,8. Josiah Dudley, poll .75, R. E. $2.62,2, P. E. $1.05, total $4.42,2. Capl. Stephen Jewett,poll.75, R. E. $2.41,8, P. E. .76,2, total $3.93. Samuel Warren, polls $1.50, R. E. $1.22,4, P. E. .68,4, total $3.40,8. The remainder of the taxes vary in amount from seventy-five cents to three dollars and a quarter. The number of taxes assessed was one hundred and nine. The assessors in their warning to Mr. Brigham, the town constable, say : " If any person shall re- fuse or neglect to pay the sum that he is assessed in said list, you are to distrain the goods and chattels of such persons to the value thereof, and the distress so taken keep for the space of four days at the cost of the owner ; and if he shall not pay the sum so assessed to him within four days, then you are to sell at public vendue the distress so taken for pay- ment thereof with charges, first giving forty-eight hours' notice of such sale by putting up advertise- ments thereof in some public place in the town, and the overplus arising from such sale, if any there be, besides the sum assessed and the necessary charges of taking and keeping the distress, you are immedi- ately to restore to the owner. And for want of goods and chattels whereon to make distress, — be- sides tools necessary for his trade or occupation, beasts and plow necessary for the cultivation of his 92 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. improved lands, any utensils of household keeping for the purpose of upholding life, bedding and ap- parel necessary for himself and family for the space of twelve days, — you are to take the body of such person so refusing or neglecting, and him commit into the common jail of said county, there to remain until he pay the same, or such part thereof as shall not be abated by the assessors for the time being, or by the Court of the General Sessions of the Peace for the said county." This was law in 1802, and though some were restive under it, no one at that time thought of attempting its evasion. Another law was frequently evaded. It required every man, under penalty of a fine, to attend church once in three months. From this statement we see that the parish and town were the same. All owned or were assigned pews in the meeting-house, all paid some tax to sup- port preaching. So long as the people were united, the arrangement was as perfect as any that could be devised. The tax that each paid was but a trifle ; it was the people's church and all had rights in it. Then church attendance was very general. Every respectable family was represented at divine service. The minister, was he faithful, reached every home by his Sunday services or by pastoral visitation. Although in all outward respects the church was prosperous there were signs of trouble within. Bap- ECCLESIASTICAL AFFAIRS: BAPTISTS. 93 tist and Methodist missionaries — always with zeal sometimes without discretion — throughout the new part of Maine were taking advantage of the disor- ganization of church relations, incident to a new country, to build up societies. The great bulk of church members who had moved from Massachusetts to Maine were connected with the Congregational church, then the State church in all New England. Mr. Ripley most earnestly opposed these mission- aries, and perhaps unwisely. Naturally a timid man, in the confusion which this strife of sect cre- ated, he thought he foresaw the fall of the church and the reign of Anti-Christ. We who look back upon the strife since the smoke has cleared away, must allow that his fears were not wholly ground- less, for the Christians in our State are to-day sadly divided by sectarian lines. As early as 1803 I find mention made of the Bap- tists in Waterford. Mr. Ripley, in his historical sketch published in 1803, says : " There are some Baptists in town, and the serious among them, so far from trying to cause divisions among their fellow Christians, seem disposed to attend constantly on the public institutions of religion with the Congre- gationalists." Subsequently Mr. Ripley modified this kindly opinion. Rev. Arthur Drinkwater and Rev. Reuben Ball, the former settled at Bethel the 94 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. latter at Bridgton Center, were active in organizing a church. Mr. Ball was a popular man, and by his instrumentality a society with twenty-five male members was formed in 1814. It was organized in the old meeting-house. The members lived in the Plummer neighborhood or contiguous to it. During the winter meetings were held in the Plummer district school-house and at Mr. John Kimball's (south of Mr. Samuel Plummer's). In summer at Mr. Eben Cross' (Mr. Samuel Plummer's). Elder Josiah Hough- ton and Mighill Jewett preached for them a portion of the time for several years. They preached in the summer and kept school in the winter. The mem- bers were for the most part elderly people. "Master Chaplin," the learned blacksmith, was their deacon. The church enjoyed its greatest prosperity about 1814. That summer quite a number of converts were baptized in the pond before us. I find no mention of the church as an organization after 1818. The members that signed off from the Congrega- tional to the Baptist church were John Kimball, Samuel Sanders, Samuel Haskell, Josiah Plummer, Stephen Mof&ts, Benjamin Sawin, Eben Cross, Eben Cross, jr., Samuel Plummer, Nathan Jewett, David Chaplin, Ezekiel Sanders, Daniel Billings, Josiah Houghton, Samuel Haskell, jr., Amos Smith, jr., Sam- uel Page, Jonathan Houghton, Amos Smith, and Or- lando Coolidge. Doubtless this church owed its ECCLESIASTICAL AFFAIRS: BAPTISTS. 95 origin to Mr. John Kimball, who moved from Port- land to Waterford in 1807, and was perhaps the most influential member. Baptist missionaries came to Waterford at his invitation. This church gained some strength from the more rigid of Mr. Ripley's flock, who thought their pastor a little lax in doc- trine. In this connection I will give a brief sketch of Baptist ministers who were raised up in our Waterford church. JOSIAH HOUGHTON. He was son of Major Jonathan Houghton. He first learned the cabinet maker's trade, which he left, and after a brief period of study entered the minis- try and was settled in Turner and Winthrop, Me., also in Newburyport, Mass. He was afterward made secretary of the Baptist Home Missionary Society for Maine. He was a man of talents, of fine address, and was highly useful in the ministry. MIGHILL JEWETT. He was son of Nathan, and grandson of Dea. Stephen Jewett. He preached for several years in the Baptist, afterward in the Universalist denomina- tion. He had good talents and gifts, but broke down mentally and passed away. He was never set- tled but preached as an itinerant. 96 HISTOEICAL ADDEESS. LYMAN JEWETT, D.D. He was son of Nathan and brother of Mighill. Graduated at Brown University and at Newton The- ological Seminary. He became a missionary to In- dia. He is eminent as a Hebrew scholar, and has translated a part of the scriptures into the Telligu language. He stands high in the foreign field and in the denomination at home. SAMUEL HASKELL, D.D. After spending his minority principally in Water- ford, he left town and studied for the Baptist minis- try. He stands high in the denomination, but we have few facts of his life and ministry. The Methodist church in Waterford properly dates back to 1802. Methodist missionaries came to Waterford that year and made a few converts. In 1806 Waterford was a part of the Poland circuit. In 1810 the first Methodist class was formed ; Jo- siah Shaw was its leader. This class consisted of the following persons : Josiah Shaw, Peter Gerry, Mary Gerry, Israel Hale, and Oliver Haskell. For a number of years they met at Mr. Shaw's house in the winter, in his barn in the summer. Their numbers increased so that the accommodations were inadequate, and a small church was erected in 1818 at what is known as Mutiny Corner, one ECCLESIASTICAL AFFAIES: METHODISTS. 97 mile west of Waterford City. But the growth of the City village made a change in location desirable, so the old church was abandoned and a church was built on the present site in 1836. It was modeled after the Universalist church in Norway. John San- derson was the contractor. The price agreed upon was $1,425. He took his pay in pews. Oliver Hale, jr., presented the church with a bell. The name " Wesleyan chapel " was given to this church. In 1844 it was burned; in 1845 rebuilt. During this time the society met in Capt. Abel Houghton's hall. Oliver Hale, jr., presented the new church with a bell. In 1850 the society built a parsonage which they still own. Naturally there was strong opposition to this Methodist church. Good men doubted the expedi- ency of its establishment ; by none however was it so strongly opposed as by the irreligious part of the community. Their traditions were all Congregation- al. It was the standing order ; so with the blind instincts of a false conservatism they rudely and bitterly opposed the early Methodist preachers. Of course these missionaries and their friends asked permission to use the old meeting-house — the town's meeting-house. The story runs that the Sabbath following one of these missionary meetings Mr. Rip- ley preached to his people — many of whom had heard the new comer — from the following text: 98 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. " What went ye out into the wilderness for to see, a reed shaken by the wind ? " Forty years ago the church wielded a wide influ- ence. Its strength was especially in the south and west parts of the town. Many earnest and success- ful preachers were raised up in this church ; the fol- lowing is I think a complete list. JOSIAH SHAW. He was born in Standish, Me., Oct. 3, 1773 ; came to Waterford about the year 1796. He was a mem- ber of the convention that formed the Constitution of Maine in 1819, and was a member of the first legislature of the new State in 1820. He was or- dained by the Methodist conference in 1818, and had large influence in this church and in the town. His early advantages were few, but native intellect, a retentive memory, a fine personal presence with a magnetic voice gave him position and power in the church and town. He was a local preacher, did not travel ; was always acceptable and highly re- spected. JOHN SHAW. He was son of Josiah Shaw, and entered the Methodist ministry in 1821. He was employed on several circuits in the State and was an earnest and acceptable preacher. He was born Feb. 12, 1800, in Waterford, and died in Limington, Me., Aug. 20, 1825. METHODIST MINISTERS RAISED IN WATERFORD. 99 STEPHEN SANDERSON. He was son of Stephen Sanderson ; settled as a farmer in Sweden. He entered the Methodist min- istry as a local preacher, afterward the Congrega- tional ministry. He preached with acceptance, and without salary for some forty years in Sweden, Lov- ell, Stoneham, and elsewhere. He labored hard through the week, studied his sermons while at work and was remarkable for power to quote scrip- ture. He was a good man and citizen, and exerted an excellent influence in his day. AARON SANDERSON. He was also son of Stephen, and has honored the Christian ministry for nearly half a century both as preacher and presiding elder over various districts in Maine. His praise is in the churches. He has a son who now stands high as a preacher in the de- nomination. MOSES SANDERSON. He is brother to the above ; entered the Metho- dist ministry about the same period, but was con- strained, I think from poor health, to leave it for other pursuits. NATHANIEL PRIDE. He was a thrifty farmer in town, but felt himself called to the Christian ministry, which he pursued in 100 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. the Methodist connection, as an itinerant preacher, till his death. He was a modest man, of good mind, and left behind an excellent character and record. WILLIAM BROWN. He was son of William Brown. He early left farming for study, and afterward entered the Meth- odist ministry. He left his calling for a while for other pursuits ; finally became chaplain in the Fed- eral army ; has since died. JONATHAN FAIRBANKS. He was bred a farmer, but felt moved to enter the Methodist ministry without much preparatory study ; but he had good sense, good principles, and loved his work. He was licensed by the Methodist order, and traveled much on different circuits in the State, and was accounted everywhere a useful and faithful laborer. The school-houses which the town voted to build in 1797 were not completed until 1800. They were located as follows : One about forty rods from Dan- iel Warren's, toward North Waterford, on the upper side of the road ; the second was at the City, oppo- site Mr. Stanwood's; the third was near Capt. Thomas Swan's; the fourth was opposite and just below Joel S. Plummer's ; the fifth was near the head of McWains pond ; the sixth stood near SCHOOLS AND SCHOOL-MASTERS. 101 Jabez Brown's. The reason assigned for not lo- cating one of them at the Flat was that the people there were already blessed with a dangerous number of privileges, — a tavern, post-office, and a church within reasonable distance. Eber Rice, Esq., and David Chaplin were the first school-masters in Waterford. Miss Eunice Stone and Miss Baker were the first school-mistresses, so far as appears from the town records. The following is a statement of the manner in which the $100 ap- propriated in 1797 was expended. David Chaplin, order for teaching a school, |39.00,0 Eber Rice, order for teaching a school, 11.25,0 Samuel Sanders, order for boarding a school-master, 7.50,0 Widow Betsey Sanders, order for boarding a school-master, 5.12,5 "Widow Sally Jewell, order for boarding a school-master, 6.75,0 Eunice Stone, order for teaching a school, 13.33,0 Edward Baker, order for his daughter's teaching a school, 5.42,0 There lies before me as I write the arithmetic used by Squire Rice m his schools. It is entirely in manuscript, neatly and even elegantly written, con- taining about as much matter as a copy of " Green- leaf's Common School." Here let me say a word of these old masters. Squire Rice was the legal adviser of the little colony for a quarter of a century, and town clerk — except the first year — for the first twenty years of the town's incorporated history. The records that he left are 102 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. neat, legible, and clear. He set an example which subsequent clerks have faithfully followed. May I venture to offer a suggestion. Keep a good town clerk in office till he dies, no matter what his politics. The accuracy and fullness of your rec- ords will depend upon this. You have excellent town records because in the past you made but in- frequent changes. Squire Rice was the first representative of Water- ford in the General Court of Massachusetts, select- man, and the first justice of the peace.^ An honest. Christian man, he wielded great influence in town. David Chaplin, known throughout Waterford as " Master Chaplin," was a genius. He read his Greek Testament with ease, propounded and solved theo- logical riddles, made on his anvil (he was a black- smith by trade) a hundred curious things, but could not shoe a horse without " pricking " him. So care- less was he in dress that he was often half undressed. So introspective was he that he made his own world. He had nearly every talent but faculty. He was a giant in stature, as were all the original Chaplins. But to return to the schools. As illustrating the range of study in our schools in those days, I will 1 Stephen Jewett was appointed in 1799 first justice of peace. He declined the ofiice and recommended Eber Rice. The first deputy sheriff resident in Waterford was Major Hannibal Hamlin, who was afterward high sherifE of Oxford county. SCHOOLS AND SCHOOL-MASTERS. 103 give a recommendation made by the school commit- tee to the town, and adopted March, 1802. The committee recommend that each school- master open and close his school with due solemnity; that the town during pleasure adopt Mr. Prentiss' new spelling book in the several schools in said town, and that the American Preceptor be considered the classical book for reading in said schools; other books to be occa- sionally used as opportunity may offer. It is further recommended that each scholar whose progress in reading may require shall be furnished with a "Preceptor" above mentioned, and that each lower scholar shall be furnished with a spelling book, and that all who write in said school shall be furnished with necessary imple- ments. The sensible practice of providing all scholars with school books at town expense is seen to be as old as our schools. The six districts had expanded by 1830 to twelve; the school-houses then erected have been in turn re- placed. To-day we have almost without exception new school-houses throughout the town. On the whole, improvement has been made in ed- ucation. The range of study is wider; of necessity the education is broader, if instruction is properly given. Arithmetic is no longer the outmost bound or range of school study. In one respect we have doubtless fallen behind. There are fewer masters than formerly. No substitute has ever been or ever can be found for those bright, ambitious young men, who, if their knowledge was crude, had iron wills ; who knew that lazy boys were the rule and not the 104 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. exception ; who, if they could not arouse enthusi- asm, could inspire wholesome fear of shirking. In those early days a decent self-respect made nearly every ambitious boy a school-master. After he had taught one or two successful schools he could retire to some other occupation without disparagement.^ After building the church and school-houses, our fathers applied themselves to the work of road building; and surely no one can have traveled through the town of Waterford without being im- pressed that they were fond of two forms of labor, — laying stone wall and building roads. Ages hence the use of the unnumbered miles of piled stones in Waterford will be a puzzle to the scientist. For the multiplication of roads in our town there is some excuse. Nature threw in the hills so promiscuously and so inconveniently that a great milage of roads is necessary. About 1805 the main town road ran from North Bridgton, west of Bear pond, through Waterford City and Flat, the Plummer neighborhood, back of Joshua Sander's, by Peter E. Mosher's and Samuel H. Warren's, to the foot of Bald Pate, where it iln 1825 there were 394 scholars in the town. The amount of money raised by taxation was $344. The interest ou the school fund was §70. One-third the teachers that year were males. The population of the town was 1,035. GROWTH OF TOWN ROADS. 105 joined the Scoggin trail. There were two branches of this road on the west ; one through West Waterford over Sanderson hill, the other from S. H. Warren's to Lovell, known as the Sabattus road. There were three branches on the east ; one at Waterford City, over Athertons hill, by Sumner Stone's and Mc Wains pond, to Harrison ; the other two at Waterford Flat, the one known now as the old Norway, the other as the old Albany road. Short roads branched from these to different houses. These were all the roads in Waterford. About this time a road was opened to Sweden, leaving the old road at Meeting-house Corner. Near this date a road was opened from the Jewett guide- board (about a third of a mile east of Peter E. Mosher's) through to Albany and Bethel, by way of Hunts hill. This was called the Sawin road. Pre- vious to this there had been only a foot-path from Dea. Jewett's across to Gen. Sawin's. After this road building our fathers rested until about 1820, when the road by Samuel Warren's was pushed through to Harrison Flat. About 1835 it was seen to be necessary, on ac- count of the great increase in teaming and general travel, to avoid the hills as much as possible. This led to the building, at great expense, of the road under Bear mountain^ which shortened the distance to Portland by three miles. This was built by Capt. 8 106 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. Thomas Swan, who has built many of om- modern roads. Within the next ten years the new road to Nor- way, and the valley road from Waterford Flat to Bethel (through North Waterford and Albany), were built. The Bisbee-town road was extended to Nor- way in 1832; the lower road to Lovell was con- structed in 1858. The building of the road to Nor- way brought back the upper Androscoggin and Coos county travel, which had been diverted by opening a road through Greenwood. The length of roads in town to-day cannot be less than one hundred and fifteen miles. Eli Longley built the first hotel and store and was the first postmaster in Waterford. Mr. Longley built a log house about half-way between the Con- gregational church and Mr. Douglass', on the east side of the road. His lot included the whole of the Flat village. The road by his house was a thoroughfare to Ox- ford (Albany) and the plantations on the Androscog- gin, by way of the Scoggin trail. Such drafts upon his hospitality were made that he decided to move down the hill, and open a public house where the Water- cure establishment now stands. He built a one- story house, afterward the ell to a two-story house, which was until about 1820 the only tavern in SKETCH OF ELI LONGLEY. 107 Waterford. In front of it swung his sign, which the oldest of you can remember : Eli Longley's Inn, 1797. A man of broad views, he planned for the village which he foresaw would spring up. He laid out this great common even larger than it is now, for in his plan the road from the Plummer neighborhood was to describe the same curve west as east. He built the store now occupied by Oliver Porter in 1802. This he sold two years later to Calvin Farrar, together with the land south of the road from the brook on the one side to the Pond bridge on the other. He opened, in 1801, the first postr office north of North Bridgton in this (the central) part of Oxford county. Mr. Longley built the first "potash"^ erected on Waterford Flat. On the common in front of his tav- ern the trainings were held for forty years. In his log house on the side of the hill missionaries preached to the assembled people. At his inn on the Flat were held the first town meetings. His tav- 1 There were two " potash " at the Flat. The first was located just west of A. S. Kimball's house. It was built by Eli Longley about 1800. The second was below Mrs. John Wilkins'. Squire Farrar built it and Levi Brown afterward owned it. As the clearing of land ceased, the supply of ashes was diminished, and these factories were abandoned. 108 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. ern was the social headquarters of the town. Mr. Longley spent his means freely in building up Waterford. In 1817 he was attacked with the " Ohio fever." He sold his tavern to Capt. Peter Warren of Port- land, and started for the West. The story runs that he found a farm in Pennsylvania that suited him. One evening he negotiated for its purchase. That night it was so cold that the corn froze. The cold season that had disgusted him with Maine had fol- lowed him. He found that there were drawbacks in Pennsylvania as well as in New England. He arose at daybreak, saddled his horse and left the country. He returned to Waterford and tried to re-purchase his inn. Failing in this, he moved to Eaymond and bought the hotel so long known as Longley's, afterward Sawyer's tavern. He died there in 1839. Most of the mill-sites in Waterford were occupied early in the present century. I give their history down to the present time, commencing with those at Waterford City. The sites at Waterford City are numbered from the foot of Tom pond. 1st. A saw and grist-mill was erected about 1810 by Abram Whitney. The successive owners have been Abram Whitney, Lewis Jewell, Thomas Hap- good, and Cobb & Hapgood. MILLS. 109 2d. A foundry was built here about 1847 by Mil- ler & Cummings, who cast stoves, axle-trees, and plows. 3d. A plaster-mill was built on this site by Josiah Monroe in 1848 ; it was afterward converted into a woodshop by James 0. Longley. E. Wilkins has a tannery on this site. 4th. A saw and grist-mill was built here about 1790 by Ezra Jewell. The grist-mill was the first in Waterford. Mr. Jewell's wife tended it much of the time. It was followed by a blacksmith shop, in which was a trip-hammer. This shop was owned and run by Richard Bailey, who was a skillful workman. He made edged tools. Mr. Stanwood purchased this site about 1870, and on it erected his bucket factory. 5th. Isaac Smith built a saw-mill here about 1795. In 1810, Josiah Farrar bought the site and built a cloth-mill, in which wool was carded and cloth was dressed. He also manufactured linseed oil. (There was a great deal of flax raised in Waterford and vicinity at that time.) George K. Hamlin afterward built a saw-mill on this site. It is now occupied by Watson's salt-box factory. 6th. In 1809 Timothy Frisbie built a black- smith shop, where he worked at his trade and made scythes. In 1820 this was converted into a carriage- shop, and has been since used for that purpose. 110 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. 7th. Oliver Hapgood built a carding-mill on this site about 1810. Daniel Brown, William Morse, Zebedee Perry, and E. W. Ayer have been successive owners. 8th. AVilliam Monroe built a tannery here about 1802, where he did a large country business for many years. He was in partnership with Josiah Atherton. He was followed by his son Josiah Monroe, and he by another son, Merrick Monroe. William Monroe was a tanner and currier by trade, a good business man and a public spirited citizen. He was a man of large influence in town and held many local offices. 9th. The first saw-mill in Waterford was built by Jacob Gibson, within a few rods of the outlet of Bear brook, near Josiah Monroe's. Pride's saw and grist-mill was built by Jedediah Cailifif, about 1809. Nathaniel Pride succeeded CailifF, and built a new grist-mill further down the stream. The successive owners to this mill have been Isaac Watson, Rufus Chadbourne, Marshall Sanderson, Amos Upton, and Peter Haskell. The McWain saw and grist-mill was built about 1830 by David McWain, 2d. The successive owners have been Andrews, Samuel Hale, Joseph Dan- iels, and Livingston G. Robinson. Sanderson's saw-mill was built on Mutiny brook. MILLS. Ill about 1835, by Joseph Sanderson. It was sold by him to John Sanderson. Dudley's mill, on Bear Pond brook, was built by Joseph Dudley, about 1799. Nathan Whitney, Josi- ah Monroe, and the Harrison Water Power Company have successively owned it. The first saw-mill at North Waterford was built about 1806, by Jonathan Longley (known as Skipper Longley) and Samuel Page, who purchased the mill- site of Major Samuel Warren. Mr. Page sold to James Russell and Gen. Sawin. They re-built the saw-mill with a grist-mill in the lower story. It has had numerous owners since, — Moses Young, Philip Barrows, Danville Bisbee, Lebroke & Bell, Lebroke and Samuel Locke (who re-built the mills sub- stantially as they are now), Lebroke & Edgerley, Albert and Lyman Jewett, and C. G. Knight, who is their present owner. The title to these mills has been so long in dispute that I may have omitted the names of some of the owners. A fulling-mill was built at North Waterford, just below the saw-mill, about 1820, by Nathaniel Jewett. After his death James Russell and a Mr. Perkins of Conway, N. H., run it until it was abandoned. Farnham Jewett bought and still owns the privilege. Orlando Coolidge and Josiah Atherton built, about 1833, a saw-mill about a mile below the North Wa- terford mills. 112 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. A shingle-mill was built at Kezar Falls by John Walker, and afterward owned by James Walker, both of Lovell. Fortunately for the lovers of nature, it was not a paying investment. Lynch's Mills. Mills were built on this site by Benjamin Proctor about 1810. He owned a tract of land which included the present Lynch property, about 2,500 acres in all. In his day, as now, it was the finest body of pine timber in this section of Oxford county. It was sold about 1830 to Daniel Brown, Esq., for less than $3,000. Mr. Brown soon sold it to James Osgood of Fryeburg. Up to this time the mill had simply supplied local demand. Mr. Osgood built new mills and sent some lumber to Portland by the canal. About 1840 the mill passed into the hands of Moses Petty, who sold a share to Caldwell. After Mr. Caldwell's death Mr. Petty again became the sole owner. Mr. Petty sold to John Lynch, about 1850. I give the history of Lynch's Mills because, al- though located in Albany, it has always had close business connection with North Waterford. Wild lands of all kinds, especially those covered with pine timber, were a favorite investment with shrewd men in the old States, and in the oldest towns WILD LANDS AND PINE TIMBER. 113 of the new States after the close of the Revolution- ary war. This was natural, for at that time there were no corporations, and one must needs invest his surplus money in navigation or lands. The history of every town in Oxford county would show that until within the last fifty years the most valuable tracts of timber lands were for the most part held by non-residents. The amount of land held by these parties for speculative purposes varied in size from a single lot to the famous Bingham purchase or pur- chases, which in 1803 amounted to 2,350,000 acres in different parts of the Province of Maine. The legislation of Massachusetts had stimu- lated this non-resident ownership, for hundreds of square miles in Maine had been granted to soldiers, or the heirs of soldiers, who had done service in the French wars, or in some way had served the State. These parties for the most part sold their rights for a trifle, and shrewd men bought them up. For ex- ample, the father of the Hamlins owned land enough in the town of Waterford to present each of his sons with a lot. The lots in this section of Oxford county that were best fitted for farms were sold to settlers as early as 1800. Those retained by non-residents or by shrewd residents were the timber lots, cov- ered with a heavy growth of white pine, although white pine in Waterford at this time had a prospect- 114 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. ive value only. Non-residents were of course obliged to employ agents to look after their timber, for many settlers had no more twinges of conscience when stealing shingle stuff or even logs from propri- etary lands, than has the crooked citizen of swin- dling his government by smuggling. The story is told (and I do not doubt its truth) that an honored pastor in our county, whose father owned several timber lots in the town where he was settled, one day went to see one of his parishioners with refer- ence to joining the old church. The parishioner's land joined one of the paternal lots. The people at the house said to the minister : " Father is in the woods getting out shingle stuff, down below the house." The good minister hitched his horse and went down to see him. He found him riving shin- gles from an old pumpkin pine. He noticed that the shingle-maker seemed very nervous. Just as he was about to mention the subject of joining the church, the other broke out with, " I know this old pine is a leetle over the line, but I thought I would cut it down as it was gittin old, and I could pay you for it afterward jest as well." Mr. Thaddeus Brown was agent for most of the non-resident owners of wild lands in Waterford from 1800 until 1820, or later. These owners were Wil- liam and Barnard Douglass ^ of Portland, Josiah^ 1 and 2 L. 1, R. 13. L. 10, R. 13. L. 1, R. 12. L. 8, R. 6. L. 7, R. 2. WILD LANDS AND PINE TIMBER. 115 Pierce, Esq., of Baldwin (he bought the Douglass lots), William Cross ^ of Newburyport, Mass., Mr. Beemis'^ of Watertown, Mass., Esquire Perley' of South Bridgton, and Major Samuel Warren * of Waterford. I give the ownership of the lots about 1820 ; of course they have changed hands many times since. It will be seen by this statement that the most valu- able pine lots in Waterford were in the north-west part of the town and along Crooked river. Bisbee- town until after 1820 was a great pine forest. The only road into it from North Waterford was a log- ging road. The first lumbering done in Waterford was in 1808.^ This was done below Bakers Falls on Crooked river. The price paid was $2.00 a thou- sand for logs in the river. No timber was cut less than twelve and commonly not less than fourteen inches through. These logs would average not far from three to the thousand. Of course the stump- 1 L. 11, R. 1. L. 5, R. 10. North half of L. 5, R. 9. L. 3, R. 13. 2L. 7, R. 9. L. 1, R. 5. 3L. 10, R. 8. L. 10, R. 9. L. 9, R. 11. North half of L. 9, R. 9, and south half of L. 11, R. 7. * L. 2, R. 13. L. 6, R. 14. North half of L. 5, R. 14. 5 The accessible timber in the coast towns had been exhausted as early as 1790. In 1798 and earlier considerable timber was hauled into Sebago pond from Raymond and Standish. One man in Raymond in 1798 sold logs to the value of §1,100. 116 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. age could not have amounted to much, perhaps sev- enty-five cents. In the winter of 1813 there was logging on lot 10, R. 10 and on lot 10, R. 13. All the best timber in Waterford on the Crooked river, except the Perley and Warren lots, was cut previous to 1830. It did not average to bring sev- enty-five cents a thousand on the stump. The amount cut from some of these lots was enormous. From the Knight lot, L. 7, R. 13, 6,000,000 feet were drawn off. The Perley lots were not sold until about 1850. They were said to have brought over $40,000. The timber on the Warren lot, L. 6, R. 14, was sold about 1843 for $5,000. The timber on Crooked river all went to Saccarappa ; most of it to Nathan- iel and John Warren, and Joseph Walker. Phineas Eastman of Lovell, Daniel Brown and Thaddeus Brown, sen., of Waterford, were also engaged in lumbering for many years. It is questionable on the whole if the white pine, the proudest tree in the American forest, has not been a disadvantage to the town. It certainly has led to a great deal of shiftless farming. Men neg- lected their farms, knowing that a winter's work in the woods for some lumberman, or a winter's log- ging from their own lots, would pay the over-due store bill or tax. Still the pine is the most profita- ble crop for some of our lands. POSTAL FACILITIES. 117 I have said that Mr. Longley opened the first post- office within the present limits of Oxford county, except at Fryeburg and Paris. Of course at the time of its estabUshment the weekly mail was very small.^ Probably the mail matter for an entire year, -^and this Waterford post-office supplied all of west- ern Oxford county except the part below and about Fryeburg, — did not equal in bulk that brought into Waterford now in a single day, although the town then, 1801, was nearly half as large as now. Until 1814 the people in western Oxford county, except about and below Fryeburg, depended upon chance persons to bring them their mail matter from Waterford Flat. During these years and later we did a considerable business with Albany and the An- droscoggin valley. Cars ran from that valley to Waterford Flat, at first over the Scoggin trail, later through Hunt's Corner (Albany). They consisted of long poles of tough, well-seasoned wood lashed to either side of a horse, dragging on the ground. Across the lower ends of these poles was fastened a box, in which " salts," made by boiling down ashes, were brought to the potash factories at Waterford Flat and exchanged for light groceries or spirits. 1 In contrast with this I give the mail brought daily to one of the three offices in Waterford in April, 1878. The other two average about the same. Daily newspapers, six ; weekly newspapers, one hundred and sixty ; letters received, thirty -five. 118 HISTOKICAL ADDRESS. These " cars " generally came in trains to give assist- ance in case of need. This mode of conveyance was common in early times. The first mail carrier between Portland and Waterford was Jacob Howe ; Seba Smith followed him. Mr. Howe made the round trip once a week, reaching Waterford Friday night. His route was through Windham, Bridgton (east side of the pond) to Waterford Flat, thence through Norway, Oxford, Poland, and Gray to Port- land. In 1814 post-offices were established at Bethel and Rumford, later at Albany, Greenwood, Wood- stock, and in the towns in western Oxford county ; but until about 1830 Waterford was the distributing office for western Oxford county. That year the mail from Portland reached Water- ford Friday. Saturday the postman made a circuit through Sweden, Lovell, Fryeburg, Denmark Corner, South Bridgton, Middle Bridgton back to Waterford Flat, fifty-two miles. Monday he went to Swifts Corner, Norway, Nor- way Village, Paris Cape, Paris Hill, Woodstock, Hamlins Gore and Rumford Corner, forty-four miles. Tuesday he returned to Waterford Flat by way of Bethel Hill and Hunts Corner, thirty-three miles. For all this horseback torture he received $190 a year. The postman carried his papers in saddle- bags, his letters in a mail-bag by themselves. As he approached a house or village on his route he sound- ed his horn and threw out the papers to subscribers. MILITIA. 119 The rates for postage were as follows at that date : Twenty-five cents for four hundred miles and over ; eighteen and two-thirds cents for one hundred and fifty to four hundred miles; twelve and one-half cents for eighty to one hundred and fifty miles ; ten cents for thirty to eighty miles ; six cents for any distance less than thirty miles. This was the post- age on single sheets of any size and accounts for the size of old-fashioned letter paper. Newspapers paid one cent each, if published within the State or one hundred miles outside the State ; one and one- half cents if at a further distance. There were no postage stamps or envelopes in those days. The postage due was generally marked on the letter, although it could be prepaid. The post-master collected it from the party to whom the letter was sent. The postage on papers was a perquisite of the postman. No wonder that people made postmen of their friends, a custom the origin of which I used to wonder about when a boy. The older of you will recall the poor or mean men who collected around a stage tavern fifty years ago to find some traveler who would carry a letter for them and so save them the postage. No sooner was the town incorporated than the militia were organized. In the fall of 1799 they first assembled. They chose the following officers : 120 HISTOEICAL ADDRESS. Dr. Stephen Cummings, captain ; Seth Wheeler, first lieutenant; James Robbins, ensign. The company, consisting of seventy-two, rank and file, paraded be- fore the door of Eli Longley's tavern, where prayer was offered by Rev. Mr. Ripley. In 1801 a company of horse was formed from the militia companies of Waterford and Bridgton. The of&cers were Capt. Kimball, Lieut. Robbins, and Cor- net Smith. All able-bodied men between eighteen and forty- five were by law compelled to train. They were obliged, if able, to provide themselves with a musket, knapsack, belt, scabbard, cartridge box, priming wire and brush ; if unable, the selectmen were obliged by law to provide for them. The privates were without uniform for the most part. The regulation colors for officers and privates were blue with red facings. Some of the militia had previously trained in Massa- chusetts, where all were compelled to wear uniforms, so they wore their old dress. The composition of a regiment at that time was as follows : It was made up of a convenient number of companies, — from six to ten. The company offi- cers in an infantry regiment were captain, lieutenant, and ensign (or second lieutenant), four sergeants and four corporals. The field officers were colonel, two majors, and an adjutant. The field officers were elected by the line ofl&cers, the line officers by their MILITIA. 121 companies. The legal complement of the company was sixty-four. Each regiment was made up of two battalions, each commanded by a major. There were two trainings each year and a muster. The first training came on the first Tuesday in May, the second was the week before muster. The mus- ter occurred either in September or October. These trainings were under the direction of the company officers. The muster was under the direction of the regimental officers; the fine for non-attendance was $3.00. The trainings were held on Waterford Flat, on the spot where you are now seated. The musters were held at Bethel until 1822, afterward often at Lovell. The equipments were inspected both at the May training and at the muster ; by the captain at the former, by the brigade inspector at the latter. At the May training the clerk of the company read the laws applicable to the occasion. In 1807 the Waterford company was divided. Samuel Warren was at that time in command. Two companies were formed known as the east and west companies. Samuel Warren was captain, Daniel Green 1st lieutenant, Josiah Wright ensign of the former ; Simeon Woodbury was captain, Silas Jones 1st lieutenant, and Ephraim Hapgood ensign of the latter. The west company took in all of North Waterford as far as the Jewett guide-board, and all 9 122 mSTOEICAL ADDRESS. west of the old road to Bridgton ; the east company included the rest of the town. In 1810 a regiment was formed, made up of com- panies from the following towns : Albany, Newry, Rumford, and Andover one company each ; from Bethel and Waterford two companies each. The officers were Amos Hastings, Bethel, colonel ; Samu- el Warren, Waterford, 1st major ; Amos Hill, Bethel, 2d major; William Monroe, Waterford, adjutant. To this regiment was attached a company of cavalry under the following officers : Oliver Pollard, Water- ford, captain ; , 1st lieutenant; Eli Long- ley, cornet. The Waterford militia after 1822 belonged to a regiment made up of six companies from the follow- ing towns : Albany and Sweden one each ; Water- ford and Lovell two each and a troop of cavalry. One of the Lovell companies was a rifle company ; its uniform was gray trimmed with red. Capt. Stephen He^,ld commanded it. The first officers of this regiment were John Atherton, Waterford, colo- nel ; Isaac Wardwell, Albany, lieutenant-colonel ; John Swan, Lovell, major ; Sprout Hapgood, Water- ford, adjutant. During this period, — from 1799 until 1820, — there was general interest taken in military matters. Of- ficial positions were eagerly sought by the ambitious, although often a disadvantage to the successful as- pirants. MILITIA. 123 Officers were tempted and by custom compelled to lavish expenditures for equipments, uniforms, and horses, which many could ill afford. They vied with each other in a profuse hospitality on muster day, and every line officer's house, did he wish to retain his popularity, must be open to the rank and file of his company or his regimental associates. The field officers were especially tempted to indulge in ex- travagance. A gentleman in Waterford, who was for twelve years a line and field officer, estimated that it cost him during that time twelve hundred dollars to " support his rank." The results gained in the way of discipline were very slight. It is questionable whether a week's drill for four hours each day, under competent offi- fcers, would not have produced better results than ten years' service in the militia. There were com- pensating advantages however, especially to the officers. Acquaintances were often formed, friend- ships established, which were a life-long pleasure and benefit to these men. It inevitably led to a freer, broader social life than we have to-day. The leading men in Lovell, Waterford, Bethel, Newry, Rumford, and Albany naturally met once a year, either on the muster field or at each other's houses. Doubt- less these semi-annual drills did something to keep alive the martial spirit which no nation can afibrd to let wholly die out. 124 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. The war of 1812 brought hard times to Water- ford. Our trade was then as now with Portland, and Portland was practically bankrupt. The embar- go stopped foreign trade, and coasting was made hazardous by British cruisers. There was conse- quently an almost entire suspension of exchange. It was then seen that the hated middleman has his uses. The embargo act was passed in 1808. February, 1809, the people met in town meeting and chose a committee to frame a petition to the Massachusetts legislature, protesting against this act. The commit- tee were Hannibal Hamlin, David Chaplin, Abram Whitney, Eleazer Hamlin, and Calvin Farrar. The petition reads as follows ; it is certainly well put. To the Honorable Senate and House of Representatives of Massa- chusetts, now in session. The inhabitants of the town of Waterford, in legal town meet- ing assembled, respectfully represent, That although the inhabitants of this town are not a commercial people, but whose employment is cultivation of the soil, yet they sensibly and severely feel the pressure and evils of the present calamitous and distressing times. We believe we have borne, and shall continue to bear, with patience and fortitude, any necessary burdens or privations which are necessarily and constitutionally imposed upon us by our rulers; but when we see and feel the de- structive effect of measures, the inutility of which have been so ably and eloquently made manifest by the minority in Congress, we are indeed filled with alarming apprehensions. If we resort to the market where formerly our produce brought a great price, the alteration is truly deplorable; our produce briugs us scarce money enough to defray our expenses on the road, and instead of that WAR OF 1812. 125 contentment and prosperity which formerly prevailed among the citizens of those places, we now see desi:)ondency and misery. The embargo has stopped the circulation of money, and to enforce it armed men are patroliny- their streets and gun-boats are ma- neuvering on their waters. Should we attempt to petition Con- gress on this distressing subject, the presumption is that our recommendation would be unheeded or disregarded. We, there- fore, inhabitants of the town of Waterford, respectfully solicit your honorable body to take such immediate and constitutional steps as in your wisdom you shall deem proper, to relieve us, in common with others in this part of the State, from the accumu- lated evils and embarrassments under which we now suffer. And we beg leave to express to your honorable body our entire appro- bation of those salutary measures you have already taken on this important subject, and as in duty bound will ever pray. The town accepted the report of the committee, and voted that it be printed in the Portland Gazette. They also voted that the number of dissenting votes — two — be printed with the prayer. During the war two calls were made upon Water- ford for troops, the first in 1812. At this time six- teen men were drafted from each company and stood as minute men for a year. They drilled twice in Bethel with the drafted men from Bethel and Rumford, and occasionally together at the Flat. Capt. Keyes of Rumford acted as captain of these drafted men, Capt. Abel Houghton of Waterford was ensign. Gov. Strong refused to allow drafted men to leave the State, so at the end of the year they were dismissed. In 1814 another draft was made. It consisted of 126 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. the following persons: John Atherton, jr., Jabez Brown, Josiah Brown, Heman Brown, Luther Brig- ham, Daniel Billings, Moses Bisbee, Daniel ChapHn, jr., Eben Cross, jr., Bryant Brigham, Austin Frisbee, Caleb Hersey, Samuel Haskell, Oliver Hapgood, Sprout Hapgood, Israel Hale, Charles Hale, Benja- min Hale, Sullivan Jones, Lewis Jewell, Nathan Jew- ell, John Jewell, jr., Jerry Kimball, Isaiah Kimball, Isaac Kilborn, Gabriel Kilgore, George Longley, Stephen Muffitt, John Proctor, Josiah Pride, Samuel Page, John Page, Amos Smith, Abijah Warren, Per- ley Warren, Samuel Wheeler, Silas Trull, Judah Wetherbee, jr. The Waterford, Albany, and West Bethel drafted men made a company. The men, singly and in squads, started for Portland in 1814, taking their ac- coutrements with them. They were in barracks in a rope-walk near Vaughan's bridge for a while ; they afterward encamped near Portland pier. Their offi- cers were Joseph Holt, Albany, captain; Aaron Cummings, Albany, lieutenant ; Eleazer Twitchell, Bethel, ensign. The soldiers were kept busy on intrenchments which were thrown up at Fish Point, near the Grand Trunk railroad yard. They were drilled daily and did some picket duty. The soldiers were rather lawless and much addicted to stealing. One compa- ny made itself particularly obnoxious to the people COLD SEASONS. 127 of Portland in this respect. Its captain is said to have paid over seventy dollars on account of its thieving propensities. Iron bars, hoes, shovels, scrap-iron, — anything that could be of use on a farm, — were conveyed to their barracks, and sent home by friends who came to Portland to see them. The Waterford section had this rather dubious com- pliment paid them : " they stole less than the rest." The drafted men were out forty-one days and re- ceived each sixteen dollars and fifty cents for ser- vices. Business had not recovered from the depressing influences of the war before the famous cold seasons came on; these included 1815, 1816, and 1817. Of the three 1816 was the coldest. On the 26th day of May, 1816, snow fell to the depth of eighteen inches, and for a day or more the sleighing was good. An aged man present tells me that he chopped wood all day in June with his coat on, the snow flying in squalls about him. June 7th, 8th, and 9th it snowed and ice formed thick as window-glass, while the surface of the ground was frozen. During these three years no corn was raised in Waterford, or bare- ly enough for seed. But little wheat or rye was raised at that time, so the people were in great straits for food. Rye was two dollars and fifty cents a bushel, and scarce at that ; pork was a shilling or 128 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. more a pound, and flour was twenty dollars a barrel. The Perleys and Ingalls of Bridgton raised a lit- tle corn during these cold seasons, so the coun- try was not destitute of seed when the famine was passed. One man went from Waterford to Portland and bought a bushel of corn, which he brought home on horseback. There is a tradition that the poorest of the people boiled brake roots and ate them in milk, and that skim-milk cheese was eaten as a sub- stitute for bread. A good deal of grain was hauled from Portland, but prices ruled high there, as the cold seasons affected all New England. The superstitious thought the cold seasons were ominous of the end of the world, and fancied that they could see spots on the sun. Added to the suf- ferings for want of food was the calamity of fire. In 1817 a terrible fire swept through South Albany. No attempt was made to stop it, but only to ward it off the buildings. It burned over immense tracts of wood land and destroyed two barns. Finally all Waterford and Albany turned out and fought it. This fire was a providence in disguise, for the people cleared great tracts of land over which it had run, and sowed it with rye ; the next year they reaped a most bounteous harvest, and the spots on the sun obligingly suspended growth. This was the nearest to a famine ever known in northern New England. It is comforting to know PHYSICIANS. 129 that improvements in transportation make such a calamity to-day impossible. During the plantation history of our town physi- cians in Oxford county were few and but little need- ed. Open houses, plain food, a wholesome disregard of foolish conventionalities in dress and daily life on the part of women, together with plenty of work, kept people generally healthy. Brave women at- tended their sex at critical times and with success. The first physician in Waterford was Dr. Stephen Cummings. He came here about 1795. He lived where Mr. Douglass now resides. He removed to Portland about 1800, where he had an extensive practice, and ranked among the first physicians of the State. Dr. Samuel Crombie followed him. He came from New Boston, N. H. ; was in feeble health, and soon after died of consumption. Dr. Luke Lincoln, also from New Boston, was the next in order. He remained in town but a short time. Little is known concerning him. Dr. Charles Hay seems to have been the next physician in the place. He resided on the Kingman farm, just north of the old meeting-house. His health failing, he left town. Dr. Cushi Hathaway was here a short time, but nothing definite can be learned of him. 130 HISTOKICAL ADDRESS. Dr. Abner Johnson, known in connection with the famous "Anodyne Liniment," was next here, and lived in the house formerly occupied by Dr. Hay. He remained several years, then removed to Brewer in this State. Dr. Young Walker was next ; he came from Denmark. He lived on the Carter place, west side of the pond. He remained in town long after he ceased to practice. He had natural and acquired talents that could have insured him eminent success. Dr. Leander Gage came to Waterford from Bethel, Me., in 1817. He erected and lived in the house where Mr. Porter now resides. He stood high in the profession, indeed was far broader than his profes- sion. He was a man of commanding presence and influence ; often moderator at town meetings, an influential member of the school committee, an earn- est christian, a public spirited citizen, enthusiastic in his profession, — he left his mark on Waterford. He continued in practice here until his death in 1842. The first lawyer on the Flat was Henry Farwell, a man of superior ability. He came here about 1806. He moved to Dixfield and died there. Edward Andrews, a native of Massachusetts, fol- lowed him. He became a minister, went to New York and died there. LAWYEKS,-SOCIAL LIFE. 131 Charles Whitman, a native of Portland, com- menced practice here in 1817. He married Rowena Coffin of Waterford. After practicing in Waterford for twenty years, he was appointed department clerk at Washington, where he died. Mr. Whitman was a gentleman socially ; self-respectful and not ambitious of public distinction. He was a peace-maker rather than an exciter of litigation. He was a man of public spirit and took great pride in the town. Elijah L. Hamlin, a native of Paris, was cotempo- rary with Mr. Whitman. After practicing law a short time in Waterford, he moved to Bangor. Though a man of superior ability, he did not seek distinction in his profession. He became identified with the growth of Bangor and was largely connected with its public business. He was several times mayor, and was once whig candidate for governor of the State. / During these years — from 1797 to 1820 — farm Avork was done mostly with oxen ; horses were few ; cart wheels were seldom iron-rimmed ; plows were huge and home-made and mostly of wood. Traveling was largely on horseback for both sexes, in the saddle or on the pillion, man and woman, husband and wife, tandem. " Raisings " were common. One hundred and eighty-one frame buildings of all kinds were erected previous to 1803. 132 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. Buildings were heavily timbered, and raised a broadside at a time, and under not a little stimula- tion. It was inspiring to the by-standers as well as to the sturdy workmen at the frame, when the mas- ter carpenter, in proud consciousness of authority, took his stand, and with more than military air and lungs shouted, "All ready ! Take her up ! " Shout- ing, " Heave ho ! " as the side went slowly up, till it was near the perpendicular ; then, with an al- tered tone, he cried, " Halt," and so the whole, till the heavily timbered skeleton was erected. The aged and decrepit, well helped to grog, busied them- selves in making the needed pins to hold the frame together. All complete, some rustic wit, skilled in the art of putting things, mounts the frame and "names" the building in rude, racy doggerel, be- speaking all good things for the owner, his good wife, sons, and fair daughters, and this for all time. Carpets were not then; the floors were sanded rather, and swept capriciously or ornamentally by fantastic flourishes of the broom. Pins were scarce ; thorns were used largely instead. Flowers and things of taste were rare ; things of art were criti- cized as extravagance, savoring of godless pride and vanity. Furniture was simple, neat, and suflicient. Hair cloth, veneered furniture, — all that wretched aping of gentility that so mars the simplicity and attractiveness of modern rural life, — was unknown. SOCIAL LIFE. 133 Bonnets then were bonnets, shading the face and the beauty, not unlike the section of a broad um- brella. Boots were rare ; shoes were worn, if any- thing. Clothing was home-made and coarse, the rough surface of those home-wrought fabrics being as useful to the skin as the modern crash or Turkish towel. Many in this assembly can remember their experience in "breaking in " a tow shirt. Each farm was a factory village as well. The farmer made many of his tools, did rough mechanical work, cobbled and sometimes made his shoes. His wife spun yarn, wove woolen and linen cloth, cut and made the family clothes. The store was but lit- tle patronized. That modern mill-stone — a huge store bill — was seldom hung around the necks of our fathers. Waterford for the first half century of its history raised its own bread and meat, made much of its own sugar, raised the raw material and manu- factured most of its clothing. The nice sub-divisions of labor peculiar to modern times are profitable only when each division can find constant employ- ment at its specialty. It is questionable whether New England farmers, especially in the hill towns of northern New England, far from markets, can afford to become simply producers of raw material. Does not their prosperity demand that, to a considerable extent, they return to the habits of their fathers and become mechanics as well as farmers ? Certain- 134 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. ly Waterford, all Oxford county, ought to raise its own bread and might do so. Our fathers did not ask themselves whether it paid to raise Indian corn or any other necessary. One thing they knew, that loafing and consequently debt did not pay. The growth of Maine, Oxford county, and Water- ford between 1800 and 1820 is shown by the follow- ing tables.^ 1810. 1820. York, 41,877 46,283 Cumberland, 42,831 49,445 Lincoln, 38,570 46,843 Waldo, 19,941 22,253 Hancock, 13,499 17,856 Washington, 7,870 12,744 Kennebec, 31,565 40,150 Oxford, 18,630 27,104 Somerset, 12,286 21,775 Penobscot, 7,831 13,870 Total, 228,705 298,335 The line of settlements in our State was pushed back between 1800 and 1820 west of the Kennebec an average of but a single (incorporated) township; east of the Kennebec an average of six, or about forty miles. The frontier towns then are for the most 1 These numbers express the aggregate population in 1810 and 1820, of the towns and plantations which formed the respective counties when incorporated. For population of counties and towns in 1790 and 1800, see pages 66 and 68. GROWTH: 1800—1820. 135 part frontier towns to-day. The growth of our State since 1810 has been mostly by natural increase. The population of Oxford county by towns in 1810 and 1820 was as follows:' 1810. 1820. Albany, 165 288 Andover, 264 368 Baclielder's Grant, I oi. ^ 101 Fryebuig Academy Grant, f '^^^ Stoneham, 131 Bethel and Hanover, 975 1,267 Brownfield, 388 727 Buckfield, 1,251 1,501 Denmark, 436 792 Dixfield, 403 595 Fryeburg and Stow, 1,004 1,186 Gilead, 215 328 Greenwood, 273 392 Hartford, 720 1,113 Hebron, 1,211 1,727 Hiram, 336 700 Lovell, 365 430 Mexico, 14 148 Newry, 202 303 Norway, 1,010 1,330 Paris, 1,320 1,894 Peru, 92 342 Porter, 292 487 Eumford, 629 871 Sumner, 611 1,058 Sweden, 249 Waterford, 860 1,035 Woodstock, 236 409 Scattering, 138 808 1 Only those towns are enumerated which are now — 1878— a part of Oxford county. 136 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. The valuation and live stock owned in Waterford in 1810 and 1820 was as follows: •o ® a o 11 §^ c2 . «52 ^2 Ct3 o 5 S O a; g > K o ^ o >. o oo >, a >> t ^ 1810 $61,036 108 13 27 98 423 197 183 1820 73.250 116 186 447 TOWN OFFICIALS AND POLITICAL RECORD. 1798. C. David Whitcomb. M T. 1 C. Eleazer Hamlia. Eber Rice. Pres. Elec. ^Solomon Stone. S. M Africa Hamlin. Daniel Chaplin. 1801. Solomon Stone. M. Eleazer Hamlin. T. Eli Longley. T. C. Eber Rice. C. David "VVhitcomb. 1799. S. M. Lieut. James Robbins. Thaddeus Brown. Jonathan Plummer. M Dr. Stephen Cummings. T. Josiah Shaw. T. C. Eber Rice. C. Samuel Brigham. S. M. Solomon Stone. Eleazer Hamlin. Dr. Stephen Cummings. Gov. Elbridge Gerry, D. 36. Caleb Strong, F. 32. T. Solomon Stone. 1802. C. David Whitcomb. M. T.C. Eleazer Hamlin. Eber Rice. 1800. S. M. Thaddeus Brown. M Dr. Stephen Cummings. Jonathan Plummer. T. C. Eber Rice. Jonathan Stone. S. M. David Me Wain. T. Solomon Stone. Solomon Stone. C. Samuel Brigham. Ephraira Chamberlain. Gov. Caleb Strong, F. 45. T. Solomon Stone. E. Gerry, D. 22. iM., Moderator; T. C, Town Clerk; S. M., Selectmen; T., Treasurer; C, Collector. TOWN OFFICERS:— POLITICAL RECORD. 137 1803. M. Solomon Stone. T. C. Eber Rice. S. M. Thaddeus Brown. Samuel Warren. Jonathan Stone, jr. T. Dr. Cushi Hathaway. C. John Chamberlain. Gov. Caleb Strong, 62. M. T. C. S.M. T. C. Gov. 1806. Hannibal Hamlin. Eber Rice. Simeon Woodbury. Hannibal Hamlin. James H. Robbing. Jonathan Plummer. James H. Robbins. Caleb Strong, D. 84. James Sullivan, F. 17. Adonijah Brown, 1. 1804. M. Hannibal Hamlin. T. C. Eber Rice. S. M. Jonathan Stone, jr. Hannibal Hamlin. Eber Rice. C. John Chamberlain. Gov. Caleb Strong, F. 64. J. Sullivan, D. 8. Pres. (David Cobb, F. 73. Elec. ( James Sullivan, D. 1. 1807. M. Jonathan Houghton; T. C. Eber Rice. S.M. Eber Rice. Daniel Chaplin. Samuel Warren. T. Josiah Shaw. C. Jonathan Houghton. Gov. Caleb Strong, F. 88. James Sullivan, D. 21. Elbridge Gerry, Esq., 1, M. Hannibal Hamlin. 1808. T. C. Eber Rice. M. Simeon Woodbury. S. M. , Jonathan Stone, jr. T. C. Eber Rice. Jonathan Houghton. S. M. . Eber Rice. America Hamlin. Daniel Chaplin. T. Jonathan Plummer. Samuel Warren. C. Isaac Smith. T. Josiah Shaw. Gov. Caleb Strong, F. 67. C. Simeon Woodbury. James Sullivan, D. 6. Gov. Christopher Gore, F. 96. E. Gerry, D. 1. James Sullivan, D. 21. 10 138 HISTORICAL ADDEESS. 1809. M. Simeon Woodbury. T. C. Eber Rice. S. M. Samuel Plummer. Solomon Stone. Calvin Farrar. T. Calvin Farrar. C. Simeon Woodbury. (Grov. Christopher Gore, F. 110. Levi Lincoln, D. 15. M. T.C. S. M, T. C. Gov. 1810. Solomon Stone. Calvin Farrar. Solomon Stone. Abraham Whitney. Daniel Green. Calvin Farrar. Thaddeus Brown. Christopher Gore, F. 105. Elbridge Gerry, D. 17. 1812. Simeon Woodbury. Eber Rice. Solomon Stone. Eber Rice. Jonathan Plummer. Calvin Farrar. Thaddeus Brown. Caleb Strong, F. 109. Elbridge Gerry, D. 29. William Phillip, 2. Pres. ( Nath. Goodwin, F. 9.3. Elec. i John Woodman, D. 12. M. T.C. S. M T. C. Gov, 1813. Daniel Green. David Farrar. Daniel Green. Jonathan Plummer. William Monroe. T. Calvin Farrar. C. Thaddeus Brown. Gov. Caleb Strong, F. 110. Joseph B. Varnura, D. 22. M. T.C. S. M. M. T.C. S. M. T. C. ,Gov. 1811. Solomon Stone. Calvin Farrar. Daniel Green. Eli Longley. Joseph Pi'att. Calvin Farrar. Thaddeus Brown. Christopher Gore, F. 84. Elbridge Gerry, D. 23. M. T.C. S. M. T. C. Gov. 1814. Daniel Green. David Farrar. William Monroe. Solomon Stone. Abraham Whitcomb. Calvin Farrar. Eli Longley. Caleb Strong, F. 111. Samuel Dexter, D. 28. TOWN OFFICERS,— POLITICAL RECORD. 139 1815. 1818. M. Daniel Green. M. Daniel Green. T. C. David Farrar. T. C. Eber Rice. S. M. William Monroe. S. M. William Monroe. Solomon Stone. Jonathan Plummer. Abraham Whitcomb. Daniel Green. T. Calvin Farrar. T. Calvin Farrar. C. Ebenezer Jewett. C. Ebenezer Jewett. Gov. Caleb Strong, F. 118. Gov. John Brooks, F. 106. Samuel Dexter, D. 33. Benj.Crowninshield,D.19 1819. 1816. M. Solomon Stone. M. T. C. S. M. T. C. Gov. Daniel Green. David Farrar. Solomon Stone. Abraham Whitcomb. William Brown. Calvin Farrar. William Willard. Gen. John Brooks, F. 105. Samuel Dexter, D. 30. T. C. S. M. T. C. Gov. Eber Rice. Daniel Green. Samuel Plummer. Solomon Stone. Jonathan Plummer. Theodore Stone. John Brooks, F. 78. Benj.Crowninshield,D.26 1820. M. Solomon Stone. T. C. Daniel Brown. 1817. S. M. Daniel Green. M. Daniel Green. Samuel Plummer. T. C. Eber Rice. Peter Gerry. S. M. William Monroe. T. Jonathan Plummer. Jonathan Plummer. C. Theodore Stone. Daniel Green. Gov. William King, D. 86. T. Calvin Farrar. Ezekiel Whitman, F. 61 C. Thaddeus Brown. Scattering, 4. Gov. John Brooks, F. 103. Pres. (Joshua Wingate, jr., 22, \ Wm. Moody, 22. Henry Dearbourne, D. 24. Elec. 140 HISTORIC A.L ADDRESS. Representatives to the Massachusetts Legishiture from Waterford : 1803. Eber Kice. 1813. Calvin Farrar, 1807. Eber Rice. 1814. Calvin Farrar. 1809. Hannibal Hamlin. 1815. Calvin Farrar. 1810. Hannibal Hamlin. 1816. Calvin Farrar. 1811. Calvin Farrar. 1819. Eber Rice. 1812. Calvin Farrar. The discussion of the question of separation of the District of Maine from Massachusetts commenced as early as 1785. Repeated conventions were held in Portland, which were but thinly attended. It was impossible to get more than a third, sometimes not a quarter, of the towns to send delegates. In 1792 the question of separation was submitted to a popular vote in the district with the following result: yes, 2074; no, 2525. The people of Lincoln county (Lincoln county included substantially all the country between the Androscoggin and Penobscot), were the most ardent advocates of the change. From their geographical position they suffered most from the inconveniences incident to district government. The coast towns in York county were bitterly op- posed to separation. They met in convention, and voted to request the state of New Hampshire to take them under its charge, if Massachusetts would not allow them to stay annexed to her. SEPARATION FROM MASSACHUSETTS. 141 In 1797 the records of the "Supreme Court" were moved to the counties to which they appertained, and the clerks of the counties were authorized to authenticate copies. This removed one of the prin- cipal causes of opposition to district government, and there was no further agitation of the question of separation until 1807, when the district voted, yes, 3,370; no, 9,404. Waterford voted, yes, 1; no, 80. This matter was allowed to rest until 1815. The subject was again revived, and an organized effort was made to accomplish the object. The opposition to separation was political, sentimental and practical. The state of Massachusetts was strongly Federalist in politics. The district of Maine was Democratic, or very close. The Federalists of Maine to a very con- siderable extent preferred to be under Federal rather than Democratic rule, although they had to submit to certain inconveniences. The sentimental objec- tion influenced many. Massachusetts was the early home of doubtless more than half the men that voted on this question. Go back one generation and it was the home of nine-tenths. Separation from Massachusetts meant, or seemed to mean, the sund- ering of a hundred ties which bound them to the past. The practical or economic objection had some weight; it undoubtedly would make a perceptible increase of taxation. The arguments in favor of separation were obvious. 142 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. You can understand the feelings that influenced at that time the mass of people in our State by imagin- ing how you would feel if the question of di- viding this old town was proposed. Societies were formed in different places, public meetings were held, and leading gentlemen in the district made great exertions to arouse the people to favorably consider the subject. Numerous petitions were sent to the legislature requesting that the sub- ject might be submitted to a popular vote. The request was granted, and the vote taken, with the following result: yes, 10,393 j no, 6,501. Waterford voted, yes, 38 ; no, 85. The legislature of Massachusetts at once passed another act, regulating the principles on which a separation might take place, and authorized the in- habitants to send delegates to meet in Brunswick the last Monday in September, 1816. They were also required to give their votes on the question whether it is expedient to form the district into an independent state, which votes were to be returned to said convention ; and if it appeared that a majority of five to four of the votes so returned were in favor of separation, the convention was to proceed to form a constitution, and not otherwise. The vote stood as follows: yes, 11,927; no, 10,539. Delegates were chosen. Eber Rice, Esq., represented Water- ford. SEPARATION FROM MASSACHUSETTS. 143 Separation was plainly lost. But some smart pol- iticians construed this act to mean not an aggregate majority of five to four of all votes returned, but the ratio of the majorities in the several towns and plantations. This peculiar manipulation of votes was known in political circles at that time as the " Brunswick arithmetic." By thus interpreting the vote the required ma- jority was obtained, and application was made to the legislature of Massachusetts to sanction the sep- aration. The legislature quietly cancelled this smartness by the resolve, "That the powers of the Brunswick convention had ceased, and that it was inexpedient for the present General Court to adopt any measures in regard to the separation of the District of Maine." January 18 and 19, 1819, the senators and repre- sentatives from Maine, friendly to separation, met and decided to urge their towns to forward petitions in favor of separation, and asked that the question be again submitted to a popular vote. In response, the legislature passed an act authorizing the people to vote on this question on the fourth Monday in July, and if a majority of fifteen hundred was ob- tained in its favor, that delegates should be chosen to meet in Portland the second Monday in October, 1819, to frame a constitution for the new state. This act passed by a large majority. The discussion 144 HISTOKICAL ADDKESS. throughout the state was earnest and thorough, and resulted in a majority of 9,959 in favor of separation. Waterford voted, yes, 42 ; no,. 52. This convention met at Portland, Oct. 11, 1819. Mr. Josiah Shaw w;as our delegate. The convention framed our present constitution. December 7, 1819, Waterford voted to accept the result of the convention held in Portland. Yes, 35 ; no, 23. April 3, 1820, the first election of state officers occurred under the new constitution. May 31, of the same year, the first legislature convened at Port- land. It is evident that the opposition to separation came from Maine rather than Massachusetts. When- ever a proper request was made to gain the sanction of the legislature to test the matter, permission was freely granted, and the final conditions of separation were perfectly fair. TOWN HISTORY. 1820 — 1875. The divorcement of the church from state control followed closely on the separation of the district from the mother state. We have seen that the Congregational was the SEPAKATION OF CHUKCH AND STATE. 145 established church in Waterford, as it was gen- erally in New England. At the time of its founding in 1798 there was entire unanimity in the town (so far as the records and traditions show) as to the advisability of building the meeting-house, and hiring a Congregational minister. Mr. Ripley was not the unanimous choice of the people; but the opposition to him was on personal not ecclesiastical grounds. During the last of his ministry here, the old-time christian harmony was rudely broken, as it was throughout the state. The causes of this I will briefly state. Their bearing on each other and rela- tive importance belongs properly to an eclesiastical history. 1st. The activity of other denominations, especially the Methodist and Baptist. The Baptist denomination was quite strong in Oxford County at this time. In 1813 there were thirteen Baptist and only twelve Congregational ministers within the county limits. Naturally, these denominations did not care to support both their own and the Congregational church. So they demanded to be released by law from paying to the support of Congregational preaching. A law was therefore passed by which any one could avoid pay- ing his ministerial tax by bringing a certificate from some other parish in town, stating that he was a member of it -, as then he was supposed to contribute 146 HISTORICAL ADDEESS. to its support. Of course many took advantage of this, and joined other societies with which they had no sympatliy, and for whose support they gave little or nothing. The following is a copy of one of these certificates made out in 1805: This certifies that is a member of the Society called Methodist in Waterford. Committee of the Society, \ ' (Stephen Sanderson. This was the first certificate of this kind that I find on the town records. 2d. The growth of the Unitarian and Universalist denominations and free-thinkers throughout New England, especially in Massachusetts, and in the Dis- trict of Maine. Naturally, persons holding these views did not care to support Orthodox Congrega- tional preaching. 3d. The feeling that the union of church and state, or, if you prefer, the taxation of all to support a single church, was non-American ; was contrary to the spirit if not the letter of our Bill of Rights. This view came to be held by the Congregationalists 'themselves, though at first they stoutly resisted it. In 1815 the town, through a committee, had asked Mr. Ripley to relinquish a portion of his salary. He consented, on the condition that the money relin- SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE. 147 quished be a nucleus for a fund for the support of a learned Cono-refjrational minister. o o The opposition to paying the minister tax became so bitter that the town refused in 1819 to keep its agreement with Mr. Ripley longer, and voted not to raise his salary. They subsequently reconsidered this vote. This action was clearly illegal, as the contract could be broken only by mutual consent, or by the advice of a council. This year the constitutional convention met at Portland, and framed a constitution for the new state. According to this, no one could be taxed to support a minister save with his consent. This consummated the separation of church and state. But the new law did not go into effect until the ratification of the con- stitution, and the town was restive; so again in 1820 they voted not to raise Mr. Ripley's salary, and sent to him a committee, asking the terms upon which he would make a final settlement with them. Mr. Rip- ley made the following proposals, which were ac- cepted. That the salary for 1820 be paid in full ; that a note of hand for $250 be given him; that the par- sonage lands be appropriated according to original design; that his personal and real estate be exempt from taxation during his natural life, except toward the support of a learned Congregational minister. This agreement was faithfully kept, though twice 148 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. an unsuccessful attempt was made at town-meeting to tax him. August 20, 1821, the town voted to ex- tend a call to Kev. John A. Douglass, salary $400. The town and church united in this call. Attempts were made by the town authorities to collect the minister tax in 1821 and 1822. Many refused to pay and were arrested. The constable started for Paris with one party. John Baker was raising a barn that day, so the constable's party in- sisted that they ought to stop and help. The consta- ble consented ; the parties helped themselves so freely to the rum and other refreshments that the officer was glad to leave them. 1822, Mr. Levi Brown, town constable, arrested (not to their discredit) Joel Ather- ton, Henry Houghton, George Bryant, John Jewell, jr., and others, and took them to Paris for refusing to pay the minister tax. At first they decided to re- fuse to give bail and stay in jail, but squire Howe of Bridgton advised them to pay under protest, and then sue the selectmen. They did this and recovered. The selectmen, to save further prosecutions, made haste to refund taxes already paid. It was not the amount of the tax that made it so unpopular, it was the grim " you must " of the constable. Mr. Ripley closed his labors in Waterford, Novem- ber 7, 1821. Mr. Douglass, his successor, is with us to-day ; still the honored senior pastor of the church, the old- SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE. 149 est settled minister in the State ; he is in the serenity of his old age, enjoying the unshaken confidence of all. In 1822, I find that parties left the Congregational church without transferring their connection to any other society, by giving notice as follows : "Waterford, Oct. 1, 1822. To Daniel Brown, Clerk of Waterf ord : This may certify that I do not wish to belong to the 1st Congregational Church and Society in said town, or be taxed in that Society. Forty-six left that year. It may be interesting to trace the town con- nection with the old meeting-house, until its sale in 1843. In 1832 the town voted that the trustees of the ministerial fund be directed to divide the interest of it amono; the several religious societies of Waterford. Each year I find that the town chose a sexton to care for the meeting house. This was because it was still used as a town-house. The growth of the villages in the lower part of the town changed the center of population, and made the meeting-house hill seem steeper than ever; so the town asked the church in 1841 to send a joint peti- tion to the Legislature to get permission to sell the old meeting-house, and use the proceeds in building a town-house on the Flat. In 1843 the house was 150 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. sold and torn down. A part of its timbers were used in constructing the present town-house. Several years before, in 1836, the old church de- cided to abandon its meeting-house and rebuild. A bitter discussion now arose between the north and south parts of the town as to the location of the new meeting-house. The north part said the center of territory was north of Davenport hill, and that the major j^art of the support of the minister came from the north part of the town, and declared that if the meeting-house was moved south of the old site, they would secede, and build a house at the Jewett guide board, about half a mile to the east of Peter C. Moshier's. The question was referred to a committee from abroad, who located the house part way down the hill from the old location, toward the Flat. The north demurred. Then the south part decided that the new church should be located on the Flat, and argued that the valley road, then anticipated, would practically make the new location nearer to the north part of the town than was the old. A meeting was held in the old school-house, that formerly stood opposite Daniel Warren's, of all those in the north part of the town that were in favor of building a meeting-house at the Jewett guide-board. The Chaplins, Greens, Warrens, Jewetts, Capt. Thomas Kilborn, Mr. Henry Sawin, the Hors, and others, LOCATION OF NEW MEETING-HOUSE. 151 were there. Capt. Daniel Green presided. There was great unanimity and enthusiasm. During the debate, a young theological student, who was doubt- ful as to the enterprise, suggested to Dea. Wilham Warren in an undertone, that, as it seemed the house was sure to be built, it was important that steps should be taken to call an ecclesiastical council, and be set off and formed into a new church ; then they would be regular and could hold ecclesiastical rela- tions with the other churches ; while if the new house was built without taking the proper steps, and wor- ship be established there in a way that might seem irregular, they would fall under censure, and fail to get their house dedicated or be organized into a church, and could not be represented in the County Conference. On the presumption that their case was right, it would be safe and best to proceed orderly and with the sanction of the churches. The deacon thought steadily for a few minutes, then rose, and presented these as his own views, and moved that they did not proceed till such steps had been taken. Several hesitatingly acquiesced, and said they were too fast. At length a leading man arose and said that if all this had got to be done they might as well go home, and left the house. Several followed. There was a quandary. At length others said, " it is of no use," and departed, till at length the moderator was left alone with the young student who had made 152 mSTOEICAL ADDRESS. the suggestion to the deacon, and who had lingered to see the result of the whole. The moderator turned to him, and said, " Well, I guess we may as well go." This ended all formal opposition. Re- luctantly and nobly the north acquiesced in the proposed location. The valley-road was built, and accomplished all that was claimed for it. The present church was built in 1837. In 1862, the people of North Waterford, assisted to some extent by those of South Albany, built a meeting-house at the Corner village, at a cost of about $2600. The great majority of the people who built this house were Congregationalists. Irregular j^reach- ing services were held until 1865. That year a church was formed, known as the second Congre- gational church, consisting of about fifty members, thirty-two of whom were dismissed from the first Congregational church. The deacons of the first church have been John Nourse, Ephraim Chamberlain, Stephen Jewett, Moses H. Treadwell, William Warren, Solomon Stone, Edward Carlton, Amos Gage, Caleb Swan, Samuel Warren, and William W. Kilborne. The deacons of the second church have been Jacob H. Green, Samuel W. Kilborne, Perley W, Kilborne, Samuel C. Watson, and Isaac P. Beckler. Rev. Lincoln Ripley was a native of Barre, Mass., CONGREGATIONAL MINISTERS. 153 and graduated from Dartmouth College in 1796. He was respected in college for christian demeanor and industrious scholarship. He was rather below medium stature and size. His voice and countenance bespoke dignity of character and kindliness of feeling. His power as a preacher was in the line of reverent reasoning from the scriptures. He was watchful and exemplary as a pastor, and loved the souls of his people. As a man and christian he was without guile and above reproach. He was settled in 1799 ; was dismissed in 1821. He survived his active ministry some thirty-five years. His last days were spent in the family of Stephen Plummer, under the immediate care of his devoted niece, Miss Martha Robinson. Old friends gladly ministered to his few wants, and his days were spent like the apostle John's, praying for the peace of his people. He was constantly stripping himself to supply the needs of others. Always dig- nified yet always amiable, he was a model christian gentleman. Mrs. Ripley was the daughter of Rev. Mr. Emerson, of Concord, Mass., and was aunt to Ralph Waldo Emerson. She was a lady of character and intellect, and thoroughly identified with the interests of the church and people. Rev. John A. Douglass succeeded Mr. Ripley in the ministry at Waterford in 1821. He has now 11 154 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. held the pastorate fifty-eight years. He was a native of Portland, Me., graduated from Bowdoin College in 1814, and studied theology with Rev. Dr. Abiel Abbott, of Beverly, Mass. His ministry has been noted for uniformity and freedom from strife. As a preacher he was thought- ful, accurate, and thoroughly evangelical. He avoided extravagances in style and measures and everything doubtful and erratic in sentiment. There were a goodly number of additions to the church in 1822, and an extensive revival in 1831, when the church was nearly doubled. In one in- stance three generations united on the same day, son, mother, and grandmother. Another revival was enjoyed in 1840, another in 1857. At one time the -church numbered over 200 members. Mr. Douglass still survives at the advanced age of eighty-six, enjoying the confidence and affection of all. Mrs. Douglass, his second wife (his first wife died early), had eminent qualities of mind and character. It is impossible to measure her influence and exam- ple upon the mothers and daughters in town. She united quietness with energy, freedom from ostenta- tion with great power of influence. Rev. William W. Dow was a native of Portsmouth, N. H., and graduated from Dartmouth College and Andover Seminary. He succeeded Mr. Douglass as CONGREGATIONAL MINISTERS. 155 stated supply. He remained two years. He proved himself a man of scholarly tastes, had literary ability, and left many friends in town. Rev. Andrew J. Smith was settled as colleague- pastor in 1873. He graduated from Bowdoin College and Bangor Seminary. He won the confidence and esteem of the people. He was earnest, methodical, and argumentative as a preacher, and had much mental acuteness and great moral excellence. A re- vival was enjoyed in the last year of his ministry. He died of consumption in 1876, while pastor of the church. The ministers of North Waterford Church have been Rev. Joseph Ky te, now in Buxton ; Rev. J. W. H. Baker, now residing in New Sharon, Me.; Rev. Wellington Newell, now ministering in Greenfield, Mass. ; Edwin Sherburne (licentiate), and Rev. H. H. Osgood, the present pastor; neither of whom were installed over the church. Each had excellencies and a measure of success. Revs. Jona. Fairbanks, Samuel Gould and Isaac Libby each ministered here for a short season. The following is, I think, a complete list of min- isters raised up in the Congregational churches : Rev. Thomas T. Stone, d.d., born in 1799, was son of Dea. Solomon Stone, graduated from Bowdoin Col- lege in 1821; was settled first in Andover, Me., 156 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. afterward taught the academy at North Bridgton ; was then settled in East Machias, Me. ; afterward in Salem, Mass., in the Unitarian minstry ; still later in Bolton, same state, where he now resides, in feeble health. He also preached for some time in Brooklyn, Conn. He wrote essays on the subject of peace, which were republished in England. A volume of his sermons has excited attention for their breadth and beauty of thought. Rev. Isaac Knight had been a farmer in town, but left the farm for study. He graduated from Bowdoin College, was settled in New Chester, N. H., after- ward in Franklin, same state ; on whose ministry Daniel Webster, when there, used to attend. He was a devout man, had singleness of purpose and w^as useful in his work. Rev. Cyrus Hamlin, d.d., was the son of Major Hannibal Hamlin; resided in Portland for several years, where he learned the jeweler's trade, which he left for study. He graduated from Bowdoin College in 1834, and at Bangor Seminary in 1837. ' That year he entered the' service of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, and embarked for Turkey. He married Henrietta Jackson, of Dorset, Vt., touching whom the volume '• Light on the Dark River " was written by Mrs. Lawrence. Dr. Hamlin resigned his connection with the Board to take the presidency of Robert college, Constantinople. His CONGREGATIONAL MINISTERS. 157 labors in Turkey as teacher, and founder of this world-renowned college, together with his influence in promoting christian education in that empire and the east, have given him a name throughout the civilized world. He is now professor of theology in Bangor Seminary. Rev. William Warren, d.d., son of Major Samuel Warren, graduated from Bowdoin and Andover ; was ordained in Windham, Me., in 1840, where he preached and taught till 1849, when he was installed at Upton, Mass., where he remained till 1856, when he was called to his present service as district secre- tary of American Board of Commissioners for For- eign Missions. Samuel M. Haskins, d.d., Episcopalian, is son of Robert Haskins, and nephew of Rev. Lincoln Ripley. He entered the Episcopal ministry some forty years since in Brooklyn, N. Y., and has easily obtained an honorable position in that city as a faithful and suc- cessful minister. Rev. Ezekiel Cof&n, Universalist, was first a teacher, and then entered the work of the ministry in con- nection with the Universalist denomination. He has occupied good positions, and has won confidence by earnest labors, good sense and habits, and wise meth- ods of working. Daniel Green is a son of Thomas Green, 3rd. He is at present a student in Bangor Seminary. 158 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. The first mention I find of the Universalist church in the town records is January 11th, 1820. Eleven persons that year certified that they were members of a Universalist society. The Universalist society, according to the church records, was formed Nov. 9, 1830. Forty-six persons signed the call. The following is the list of names Joel Atherton, Crumbie Atherton, Luther Bisbee, Volney Bisbee, Francis Barker, John Barker, Daniel Billings, John Brown, Jabez Brown, Molbory Brown, Samuel Brown, Thaddeus Brown, jr., Perez Bryant, George Bryant, John Bryant, Orlando Coolidge, Ezekiel Coffin, Stephen Coffin, Josiah Ellsworth, Sprout Hapgood, Oliver Hapgood, Thomas Hapgood, Joseph Hale, Benjamin Hale, Jonathan Houghton, Moses Houghton, Luther Hamlin, William Hamlin, Cyprian Hobbs, James Jordan, Ezra Jewell, Danforth Jewell, ■ Sanders Kimball, John G. W. Kimball, Sumner Kimball, Eli Longley, Stephen Longley, Samuel Merrill, John E. Perkins, Joshua Sawyer, Daniel G. Swan, Daniel T. Watson, Abram Whitcomb. UNIVERSALIST MINISTERS. 159 Nothing further than organization was effected until 1832, when the society voted to hire Brown's hall (in Dr. Shattuck's house), as a place of meeting. Preaching services were held there much of the time until 1844. That year the church now occu- pied by them at the City was built at a cost of $1100. The church was dedicated Nov. 26th, 1845. For some years after regular religious services were maintained. In 1867 the meeting-house was sold to Messrs. Josiah Monroe, John C. Gerry, Albert Stan- wood and Charles Young ; each pew-owner receiving two dollars fifty cents. The church reserved the right to occupy the hall, rent free, each Sunday. The lower part of the building is used for school purposes, the upper part as a village hall. The following is a list of the ministers in the order of their settlement, as nearly as can be given : Benjamin B. Murray, John L. Stevens, Darius Forbes, T. J. Tenney, Benjamin Hawkins, M. Byram, Zenas Thompson, Costello Weston, Gurley, L. F. McKenney, Edwin Quimby, 0. A. Rounds. Bev. Sylvanus Cobb has preached here occasionally. This church has sometimes united with Norway in support of a minister. For the last three years it has united with the church at Bridgton Center, Rev. 160 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. Mr. Rounds preaching half the day at each place. The greatest prosperity of the church was about 1845. From 1820 to 1840 the commercial activity of the state was very great, and of necessity made a great showing; for transportation in the interior, — except on the Kennebec and Penobscot and the Cumberland and Oxford canal and its connections, — was entirely by teams. Travel was by stages and private con- veyance, except as the few steamboats just entering into competition along the coast may have interfered. Of course the travel, especially in the western half of the state, was enormous ; for besides being the more populous section, it was the route from upper New Hampshire and Vermont to the sea coast by way of the Saco or Androscoggin valleys. Most farmers once and oftentimes twice a year went to market; some of western York to Dover, N. H. ; much of York and western Oxford to Saco ; while Cumberland, part of York, and most of Oxford, went to Portland. The farmers from New Hampshire (Coos county) and upper Vermont generally traveled in com- pany for mutual assistance in case of accidents. The oldest of you can remember the long line of red pungs, the two, four, six, eight and even ten horse- teams, that transported produce to the coast towns TAVERNS. 161 and carried back the West India goods and liquors, which made up the bulk of the stock in trade of a country trader forty years ago. There was a constant stream of immigration, as well as the business travel incident to a population of 300,000 people ; and in certain seasons of the year a large number of land speculators, agents and owners were moving through the country to attend to their several interests. Naturally the crowds of teamsters and the busi- ness and pleasure travel demanded extensive hotel accommodations ; of these in Waterford I will briefly speak. Although Mr. Longley was the only man in Wat- erford who hung out a sign until 1817, he was not the only hotel keeper in town. Every man was liable to be called upon to entertain travelers. Be- side the stream of immigrants from Massachusetts and New Hampshire which poured for years into Oxford,^ New Pennycook," Peabodys Patent,' Bost- wicks Plantation,"* East Andover^ and Cummings Purchase,® there were crowds of speculators, land agents, proprietors and marketmen constantly on the 1 Albany. 2 Rumf ord, Rumford was settled from Concord, N. H. 3 Gilead. * Newry. 5 Andover. ^ Norway. 162 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. road. Moreover, all the immigrants who succeeded tolerably well, made at least one journey to Massa- chusetts to tell their friends of their success, and their friends in turn must needs come, some of them, to see whether they told the truth. No wonder the Massachusetts boys of seventy-five years ago, grind- ing a scanty living from some sterile farm, thought Maine a paradise, as they saw riding home well- mounted and well-dressed, the brother who fifteen years before had left home with his axe, his pack and his mother's blessing. Perhaps the proudest moment of my grandfather's life was when he took his bridal tour to Massachusetts in 1794, his wife and himself mounted on his own horses. Poverty had taught the immigrants, years of sacrifice had taught the traveler, the necessity of economy, so they let the land agents, speculators, and proprietors patronize the hotels, while they, if possible, secured cheaper accommodations at farm-houses. They carried with them all the provisions they could stuff into their saddle-bags, if they traveled in the fall, and big boxes of provisions if in the winter. All they re- quired was food for their horses, a chance by the fire, and a bed; and some even objected to paying for the latter luxury, lying on the hay or kitchen floor to save the fourpence that was commonly asked by farmers for lodging. It was a common sight in those days to see half a score of men sitting around TAVERNS. 163 the huge fire-place at a country inn, eating bread and cheese from their little boxes, and patronizing the hotel only to the extent of a horse baiting, a bed and a glass of flip. My grandfather could have told of one of these economists who came with his daughter to his house on Saturday and stayed till Monday, making an aggregate of ten meals and four lodgings, besides the food for his horse. As the horse was brought to the door Monday morning the gentleman turned to my grandfather and asked him for his bill, " Two dollars," he replied. " I will be obliged to you if you will take one," answered the traveler. Grandfather took it and said nothing. Verily that was the day of small economies — by small men. After the death of Peter Warren (who had pur- chased in 1817 the old tavern of Eli Longley), Domin- icus Frost, Henry Houghton, William Brown, and George Kimball were proprietors. In 1847 the house was converted into a hydropathic institution under the care of Prof Calvin Farrar, a.m., who was followed by Dr. Prescott, and he in turn by Dr. Shattuck, who now owns and has charge of it. It is now known as the Maine Hygenic Institute. It is now exclusively a hospital for lady patients. The treatment is eclectic. In 1817 William Morse opened and kept a hotel in the house now occupied by Mr. Stanwood. Calvin 164 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. Danley some years later kept a hotel in the house now occupied by Mr. Charles Young. Two hotels were opened at Waterford City about 1820. The house now kept by Luther Houghton was opened by Capt. Abel Houghton, who was in turn followed by his son, Capt. Luther Houghton, the present proprietor. About 1825 William Sawin converted the house where Dr. Wilson now lives into a hotel, and kept it for several years. Oliver Hale, about 1856, rented the residence of Elbridge Gerry, Esq., which was converted into a hotel styled the Lake House. His cousin, Washing- ton Hale, succeeded him. The house was burnt in 1871, and rebuilt in 1873 at a cost, with its furni- ture, of $10,000. It is now known as the Waterford House, and has been kept by Horace Maxfield, Cyrus Pluramer, John A. Drew and Charles L. Applebee. The Dudley Brothers built a hotel known as the Pine Grove House in 1874, a little way from Dud- ley's mills. This house was built to accommodate summer company. Eben Jewett, about 1825, opened a public house at North Waterford. The house then stood on the old road to Albany — a hundred rods west of Farnum Jewett's. It was afterward moved to its present location and kept as a hotel by his son Farnum. MAIL ROUTES AND STAGES. 165 Sumner Stone, about the same time, kept tav- ern in the house now occupied by him. At that time the road by his house was the principal road to Norway. Eli Longley, jr., kept a hotel further on at the head of McWains pond. About 1850 Peter C. Moshier opened a hotel at North Waterford. He was followed by Mr. Graham, who in turn was followed by John C. Rice, the present proprietor. Philip Barrows kept a hotel a few years where Mr. Russell now lives. Maj. Samuel Warren entertained travelers during the first part of the century. The old Lovell road was the route over which the New Hampshire people came who settled on the Sandy river and at New Penacook (Rumford). Below Waterford there were numerous hotels. One at North Bridgton, two at Bridgton Center, Chute's afterward Church's at Naples, Longley's at Raymond ; three at Windham — North Windham, Windham Hill, and Windham Center — and five or more in Portland. The Elm and American houses were the great stage taverns. The Elm stood at the corner of Federal and Temple streets; the American on Congress street, where Deering block now stands. The policy of the Post Office Department for twenty years or more previous to 1840, tended to 166 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. build up great stage-lines ; for by law the mails must be carried in four-horse stage coaches, and any per- son who bid off a mail-route was compelled by United States law to buy at fair appraisal enough of the stage stock of the party who had previously car- ried the mail to fairly equip himself. Of course the effect of this law was to check and in most cases wholly to prevent opposition, and consequently build up great stage companies on all the principal lines. The stage-lines in western Maine in 1835 (I men- tion this date because it marks the time of the greatest prosperity of staging in our state), with two exceptions, centered in Portland. The Portland post-office was the distributing post-office for the state, and it was naturally the center of all travel from within the state, and the distributing point of travel from without the state. Mr. Barnard's two-horse passenger coach, which in 1787^ was more than two days in going from Fal- mouth-town to Portsmouth, in 1830 had grown into the Portland Stage Company — a stock company under the management of Enoch Paine, who was its agent at Portland, and Alexander Rice, who was its as:ent at Portsmouth. These men were the sons of the gentlemen who put on the daily mail-stage be- 1 Until 1806 the only stage-route in Maine was between Portsmouth and Portland. At that date a passenger coach was run to Augusta, in 1810 to Farmington. MAIL ROUTES AND STAGES. 167 tween Portland and Portsmouth a few years previous. Their capital was about $100,000. Their headquar- ters in Portland were at the old Elm House, corner of Temple and Federal streets. Their stables were where the Free-street block now stands. They had stables of their own at Kennebunk, Saco, and Ports- mouth. They owned three stage-routes; that from Portland to Portsmouth, from Kennebunk to Dover, and what was known as the back-route from Portland to Dover, N. H., by way of Gorham and Alfred. Of course there were connections at Portsmouth for Boston by the lower route (followed by the Eastern railroad a few years later), and from Dover to Bos- ton by the upper route, (afterward taken by the Boston and Maine railroad). From Portsmouth to Boston the stage-line was owned by the Eastern Stage Company. The Portland Stage Company owned two hundred or more horses; sleighs and stages in proportion. Between Portland and Ports- mouth they run two stages, a mail and an accom- modation. The mail-stage, a six-seated coach, ran through to Boston seven times a week, leaving Portland each morning at five a.m., — breakfasting at Saco, dining at Portsmouth, taking supper at Salem, and reaching Boston at eight p.m. A half-hour was allowed for each meal. Five sets of horses were used between Portland and Portsmouth, the changes being made at Saco, Kennebunk, Wells, and Cape 168 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. Neddick. Five sets were used between Portsmouth and Boston ; the changes were made at Hampton, Newburyport, Ipswich, and Salem. The stage was on the road thirteen hours and a half. The time made was eight miles an hour. Since 1783 the dis- tance from Boston to Portland had been reduced to one hundred and eight miles by straightening the roads. The fare from Portland to Boston was $8.00 j $4.00 to Portsmouth. The accommodation stage, a nine passenger coach, left Portland for Boston six times a week. It break- fasted at Portland, dined at Kennebunk, spent the night at Portsmouth, dined the next day at New- buryport, and reached Boston in time for supper. This stage carried no mails. The fare was $6.00 to Boston, $3.00 to Portsmouth. The mail-stage connected each day at Kennebunk with a mail-stage which run to Dover. Fare from Portland to Dover, $3.00. A mail-stage run from Portland to Dover by the way of Gorham and Alfred three times a week. The distance was sixty miles, fare $3.00. This was known as the back route to Boston. It was formerly a part of the Haverhill Stage Company line. This company was a very extensive affair, having its headquarters in Haverhill, Mass., with lines running to Boston, Concord, N. H., Lowell, Newburyport, Salem, and Dover, N. H., and a capital of not much MAIL ROUTES AND STAGES. 169 less than $250,000. It was started in 1804, at first between Haverhill and Boston; the stage did not run to Dover, N. H., until about 1820. Hiram Plum- mer of Haverhill was the agent in 1835. Next in size was the Maine Stage Company. They owned all the lines which run between Portland and Augusta, except what was known as the back route. Its headquarters in Portland were at the Elm House, owned and kept at that time by Hale & Waterhouse. Its Portland stables stood where the Chestnut street school-house now stands. Mr. S. T. Corser, recently superintendent of the A. and S. L. R. R,, was the Port- land agent. Their Brunswick agent was David Shaw. Their headquarters at Augusta were at the Augusta House. The Augusta agent was Jabez Sawin. This company owned two hundred or more horses, and a proportionate number of sleighs and coaches. Their capital stock was $75,000. The mail from Portland east was called the "great eastern mail." It was a huge affair, sometimes weighing a ton. It was carried underneath the driver's seat and in a big box on the rack, and some- times in an extra. From Bath it was forwarded to Bangor by the way of Wiscasset, Thomaston, and Belfast; from Augusta to Bangor by way of Vassal- borough, China, and Dixmont. Seven times a week the Maine Stage Company sent this mail from Port- land at six A.M. by a six-passenger coach. The stage 12 170 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. breakfasted at Yarmouth, dined at Richmond, and reached Augusta at three in the afternoon. The fare from Portland to Augusta was $4.00; distance sixty miles. The Maine Stage Company owned two other lines between Portland and Augusta, — the Southwest Bend route and the Union line. Stages run daily, except Sundays, over the Southwest Bend route by way of Walnut Hill (North Yarmouth), Pownal, Durham, Lisbon, Wales, and Winthrop. The distance was sixty miles; the fare was $3.00. The Union Line was a tri-weekly ; it run through Union, Lisbon Falls, Litchfield, and Hallowell. r The distance was fifty-six miles; the fare was $3.00. There were numerous short lines of stages from Portland to the suburban towns. These were all dailies. One run from Portland to Yarmouth, leav- ing Portland at five p.m., reaching Yarmouth at seven. The distance was twelve miles ; the fare was seventy-five cents. Another run from Portland to Brunswick, leaving Portland at three p.m. The distance was twenty-six miles, fare $1.50. This was owned by the Maine Stage Company. A third run from Portland to Saco,. leaving Port- land at five P.M. The distance was sixteen miles, fare $1.00. This was owned by the Portland Stage MAIL ROUTES AND STAGES. 171 Company. All these short lines run into Portland in the morning. There were two cross-lines, so called, in western Maine, ending at Augusta. The first connected with the line of stages which run from Concord through Center Harbor, Tamworth, and Conway to Fryeburg. From Fryeburg this line run across the country through Lovell, Waterford, Paris, Buckfield, Turner, and Winthrop to Augusta. The round trip was made once a week, if the con- dition of the roads permitted. There was more exercise per mile for the horses by this than perhaps by any other route in the western part of the state, for the roads often sought the high and steep hills. When the driver left Fryeburg in the spring for Augusta, friends crowded around with tearful good- byes ; it was like the parting scenes when a "banker " leaves Gloucester for the Georges in February. The second of the cross-routes run from Dover, N. H., through Alfred, Hollis, Standish, Windham, Gray, Lewiston, and Greene to Augusta. The east- ern end of this line, from Gray to Augusta, was owned by Lewis Howe; from Gray to Alfred by George R. Kimball and Whitney ; from Alfred to Dover, N. H., by Henry Say ward and Joseph Emer- son. This route owned seventy-five horses ; coaches and sleighs to correspond. 172 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. A daily stage connected with this line at Gray for Portland, and a tri-weekly at Reed's tavern Danville for Farmington by way of Turner, Livermore, Jay, and Wilton. The distance from Danville to Farm- ington was forty-five miles, the fare was $3.50. Mr. Beedle owned this line. A, stage run from Portland to Paris Hill by way of Gray, New Gloucester, Poland, and Oxford. The distance was fifty miles, the fare was $2.50. This line connected at Paris with two tri-weeklies, one of which run through Woodstock, Greenwood, Bethel, Gilead, and Shelburne to Lancaster, N. H. ; the other through North Paris and Rumford to Andover. The Paris line was owned and driven by Grove Water- house of Paris. A stage run from Portland to Conway by the way of Baldwin and Fryeburg. The distance was sixty miles, the fare was $3.00. Connecting with this was a tri-weekly, which run through the Notch to Lan- caster. The Conway line was owned and driven by John Smith of Fryeburg, more recently the owner and landlord of the Oxford House in that town. The Paris and Conway stages were tri-weeklies. About 1812 William, son of Gefteral Benjamin Sawin, bought the mail-route between Waterford and Portland. He generally traveled horseback ; but if any one wished he would carry them to Portland in a wagon. In 1815 he used a two-horse stage or MAIL ROUTES AND STAGES. 173 wagon to carry occasional passengers and the mail. In 1820 he used four horses a part of the time. People came from the back country — Albany, Bethel, Rumford, Gilead, and Newry — to take the stage for Portland. The Waterford stage about 1830 passed into the control of Colonel Scribner of Raymond and Eliakim Maxfield of Waterford. They run a tri-weekly from Waterford to Portland by way of Bridgton, Ray- mond, and Windham. The distance was forty-five miles, the fare $2.50. This line connected at Water- ford Flat with a tri-weekly which run through to Bethel Hill by way of Hunts corner, Albany. It was then owned by Eliakim Maxfield and Samuel Whittier, landlord of the American House. In 1845, Col. Humphrey Cousins, a native of Po- land, now of Gorham, bought into this line. It was then owned by Mr. Maxfield and Samuel Whittier of Portland, proprietor of the American House. It was then running a four-horse stage to Portland every other day, and was a very paying route. Mr. Max- field was a most excellent manager. A man of the highest business integrity, he was universally re- spected. The travel and express business was large, and this company carried all the mails between Port- land and Waterford on this stage-route. Col. Humphrey Cousins, then a young man, was the beau ideal of a stage-driver; tall, courteous. 174 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. capable, and generous to a fault, — while Mr. Whit- tier backed the company liberally. The company were on the high road to fortune when the enter- prising men of Bridgton Center, North Bridgton, and Harrison decided to make use of the beautiful chain of lakes below us which furnish a water-way thirty miles long. So in 1846 under the name of the Sebago and Long Pond Steam Navigation Company,^ they decided to build a little steamboat to ply on these lakes, connecting with stages at the one end for Portland, at the other at Bridgton Center with North Conway, with Lovell, and at Harrison Flat with Waterford Flat, North Water- ford, Albany Basins, and Bethel Hill. Maxfield, Whittier, and Cousins were to take part of the stock and throw up their stage-route. The Steam- boat Company was to run the stage from Harrison Flat to Bethel Hill, and from Chadbournes landing to Portland. A private company^ at Lovell village was to run a six-horse coach to Bridgton Center con- ^This company bad the sole and exclusive right of employing and using steam power for the purpose of navigation on Long and Sebago Ponds and intervening waters, during the term of ten years. The last meeting of the Steamboat Company was held at the hotel of Almon Kneeland, Harrison, January 11, 18(30. Geo. Pierce, Samuel F. Perley, and Eliakim Maxfield were chosen directors. ^ This company consisted of Col. James Walker, Eben Nutter, Samuel Thoms, James Hutchins, Eliakim Maxfield, and Colonel Humphrey Cousins. OPPOSITION STAGE. 175 necting with the boat. Col. Cousins was to drive and act as agent for this stage-Hne from Lovell vil- lage to Bridgton Center, then go over the lake and drive from Chadbournes landing to Portland. All these arrangements were made in the spring of 1846. In 1847 Mr. Friend came from New York to build the boat, and it was hoped that she would be running by September. That summer, was put on the famous opposition line by George R. Kimball of Waterford, and Richard Gage of Bridgton Center. Mr. Gage kept a hotel at Bridgton Center, opposite the Bridgton House kept by Mighill Davis. The Waterford stage always stopped with Mr. Davis ; Mr. Gage naturally hoped to divert at least a part of the travel to his hotel. The opposition hoped too to get a share of the travel from Portland to the foot of the lake, after the boat was put on. There was some complaint that Mr. Maxfield was a slow driver. Most of us can testify that there was some truth in that assertion. The story is told that as late in the afternoon Mr. Max- field was leisurely driving through Raymond he overtook a wag quite famous in that country. The old man turned as the stage came upon him, and said, " Well, well, I am glad to see you ; I heard that you was coming." ''How did you hear?" said Max- field. " Why," said the old man, " Major just 176 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. came along with a drove of lambs, and said that he passed you back at Church's" (Naples). Maxfield whipped up his horses. Generally he laughed last. One day an old lady was waiting for him at a cross-road just below Bridgton Center. She not only had a liberal amount of baggage, but a loom which she wished transported — for nothing, of course. It was in the spring of the year, the traveling was ter- rible. " Madam," said Maxfield, " I am sorry, but I can't take this loom. I have promised to put on a saw-mill just below." The contest between the old line and the oppo- sition was an unequal one. Nearly every man of property from the foot to the head of the ponds had stock in the steamboat line, and so would naturally support it ; besides the old line had a stable full of horses and large capital. Previously the fare was two dollars from Waterford Flat to Portland ; it was now put down to fifty cents, and if a party remon- strated at this they were carried for nothing. The whole country seemingly went to Portland. Such an inroad of country cousins was never seen before ; numerous extras were hired. Often more than a hundred passengers were carried. Each stage started from Waterford as soon after six as possible, " and got to Portland before the other!" Unless the traveling was very bad they always reached Portland in time for dinner — one o'clock. OPPOSITION STAGE. 177 A well-known business man who had two boys at North Bridgton at school, that were taking advantage of the low fares and coming home every Friday with a parcel of friends to spend Sunday, came to Colonel Cousins at the American House, full of pretended anger, and demanded of him that the fare should be at once restored to two dollars. He declared that he was eaten out of house and home, and said there was nothing left in his house but a ham-bone and some salt fish. The Portland, Saco and Portsmouth railroad was at that time completed to Portland ; so Cousins and Kimball used to go to the depot each night to solicit passengers. One night a lot of young fellows from Albany and Waterford arrived on the train. Mr. Kimball wanted to carry them and said that he would get to Waterford first. Cousins said that if he didn't get there first he wouldn't charge them anything. The boys saw a possible chance of saving a half-dollar each, so they concluded to go with Cousins. At precisely seven Cousins left the Ameri- can House with a six-horse coach, and fourteen through passengers. In four hours and forty min- utes he drove into the company's stable at Waterford Flat ; the distance was fifty miles. There were three sets of horses used. It is needless to say the boys had to pay their fare. Of course there was not the best of feeling be- 178 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. tween the rival drivers. Occasionally they locked wheels; and once when the four-horse coach under- took to head the six which was rushing by, the driver of the six turned in and struck the off fore wheel of the smaller coach with tremendous force ; this threw the pole around with such power as to knock down the near "wheeler," and ended in a general wrecking of harnesses, but fortunately did no other damage. Perhaps the best time made during the whole flight was in the winter. The roads were covered with ice. There was not a spot of bare ground as big as your hand between Waterford and Portland. The old line had just bought a huge open four-seat sleigh. There were twenty passengers aboard. The oppo- sition was just behind ; the air was sharp and bracing, and the Colonel let them out. From the American House to Windham Hill they were just fifty-five minutes. As soon as they drove in sight a mile below the Hill, the stable boys rushed out with six fresh horses who were already harnessed, and stood them in double line. The Colonel drove up between them. Not a soul moved from the sleigh. Six eager loafers unfastened the tired horses; in a twinkling the fresh ones took their places ; they were crazy to go. All summer they had been engaged in occasional brushes with the opposition, and were as eager as their driver. A man stood at the head of each horse. The hostler STEAMBOAT ENTERPRISE. 179 threw the reins to the Colonel. " Straighten them out," said the Colonel. The stable boys started them up until the tugs drew. "Let 'em go," said the Colonel, and they were off like a flash. They never broke their run until some ways above Upper corner. North Windham. And you who teamed over that road thirty years ago, remember that it is no gentle descent from the Hill to the plain. The run was made from Windham Hill to Raymond, eight miles, in thirty minutes. The opposition for that day at least was distanced, and the rest of the trip was taken more leisurely. During this year Max- field drove a mail-stage, and drove it slow. Timid people rode with him. If the Colonel had a severe brush on one trip, Maxfield the next jogged those horses over the route. But to return to the boat enterprise. The arrange- ments made in 1846 were completed and carried out in 1847. The Waterford Stage Company, sold their stage interest to the Steamboat Company, taking $1200 in company stock in part payment. In the summer of 1847 the Fawn made her first trip. Her cost was over $8000. She was but a little more than a portable steam-engine. Her boiler was large enough for a river steamer. A few passengers could with care be stowed away on her bow and stern. She made the round trip three times a week. The old stage-line had a contract for carrying the mail 180 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. wliich comjDelled them to keep on a mail-stage through the summers of 1847 and 1848. From No- vember until May the stages run as formerly between Waterford and Portland. The Steamboat Company paid fairly for a year or two ; but the opening of the Grand Trunk railroad with its connecting stage-lines ruined the enterprise. Her boiler was taken out and sent to Moosehead Lake, the hull was abandoned. The stockholders got back a very small percentage of their investment. Travel came now to Waterford, Bridgton, and Harrison by the Grand Trunk railroad. Mr. Maxfield bought out the Fryeburg and Paris sections of the old Augusta, Fryeburg^ and Concord stage-line of Mr. Thomas S. Abbott of Portland, which he continued to run until his death, and which his son Horace Maxfield run until the opening of the Portland and Ogdensburg railroad. He then sold the part from Waterford Flat to Paris to John F. Rice of North Waterford, who united it with his line from Paris to North Lovell (by way of North Waterford and East Stoneham), which he had run since about 1855. All these stages in western Maine in 1835 carried the mails,^ except the accommodation stages between 1 In 1840 the Post Office Department changed its policy and allowed what were known as " star bids." By the terms of these a party bidding off the mails could carry them as he pleased. This of course tended to break down the old routes. 'STAGE ROUTES. 181 Portland and Portsmouth, and Portland and Augusta. They were four-horse coaches, and carried either six or nine passengers. It was not common in those times to carry passengers on the top of the coach. The stage companies always held themselves in readiness to provide extra coaches and horses if business demanded. During the summer they often dispatched three or four extra coaches (six seats) through to Boston or Augusta. Any one could hire a coach by paying $24.00 to Portsmouth or Augusta, the price of six seats, or $29.00, the price of nine seats; double these sums hired a coach through to Boston. It was not uncommon for parties who were going through to Boston or Augusta together, to travel "private freight" as it was called. These great companies also furnished a horse, chaise, and driver to a single individual. The charge was $12.00 from Portland to Augusta or Portsmouth, $24.00 through to Boston. The introduction of steamboats greatly injured the coast-lines of stages. These commenced to run be- tween Boston and Portland as early as 1823. In ten years from that time they were running between all the prominent coast-towns and along the rivers. The Portland and Boston steamboats made the trip in about the same time as now. The fare was $5.00, Of all this great system of stage-lines that were in their glory in 1835, but one remained in 1850, 182 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. and that was the old White Mountain line from Port- land through Standish, Baldwin, and Fryeburg to North Conway ; and this at last succumbed to the Portland and Ogdensburg railroad. The railroads not only superseded the stages, but it will be noticed that for the most part they followed in the courses that these had marked out. We have seen that the proprietors of Bridgton early utilized the water-ways below us, — Long and Sebago ponds, — by granting to Jonathan Kimball of North Bridgton a lot of land, on condition that he build and run a sail-boat between the head of the pond and Standish for the convenience of immigrants. The project of a canal between Sebago pond and Saccarappa was considered as early as 1791. Two companies were formed; the one to build this canal, the other to build a canal from Presumpscot river above Saccarappa Falls to Fore river. The estimated expense was $20,000 ! Nothing came of this project. In 1821 another charter was obtained for a canal from Waterford Flat to Fore river, under the name of the Cumberland and Oxford Canal. The '• head of the canal" (in anticipation) was near the town- house. Esquire Whitman even contracted with a party for dumping a lot of stumps at the " landing." A lottery was granted the proprietors by which CUMBERLAND AND OXFORD CANAL. 183 they were allowed to raise $50,000 to assist them.i In 1825 the Canal Bank was incorporated with a capital of $300,000, on condition that a quarter part of its capital be invested in the stock of the Cum- berland and Oxford Canal. The work was com- menced in 1828 and finished in 1830, at a cost of $206,000. Considerable stock was sold in Waterford. It is needless to say that it was worthless, except the $75,000 guaranteed by the Canal Bank. The canal, until the opening of the Atlantic and St. Lawrence railroad, did a large business, and was a great advantage to the people of this section. The canal interests were greatly injured by the Atlantic and St. Lawrence railroad. The opening of the Portland and Ogdensburg railroad caused its abandonment. Heavy goods of all kinds were brought to Harrison Flat, North Bridgton, and Bridgton Center in the summer, stored and distributed through the back country of Maine, Coos county, N. H., and even 1 Sixty years ago it was very common in the New England States for a town to get legislative permission to organize a lottery to build any pviblic w ork. In 1784 eleven lotteries were authorized by Massachusetts to aid in building bridges, roads, mills, etc. The managers of these lotteries were appointed by the state. Of course it was an expensive and demoralizing way for a community to raise money. The custom undoubtedly grew out of the peculiar restiveness under taxation of a people wholly engaged in agriculture. The same unwillingness to be taxed, and the same methods of avoiding direct taxation, are in vogue in the South to day. 184 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. upper Vermont, in the winter. More than a hun- dred canal boats were in use. The Blakes of Harri- son Flat did the largest business. "Farmers Head- quarters" was painted in large letters along the front of their spacious store. They even sold goods at Portland prices. Much of the Androscoggin and Coos teaming passed through Waterford, making business lively at our hotels. I have given you in brief the growth of trans- portation facilities in western Maine. First the rugged road which wound along our coast in 1783, and crept a little up the Saco, Androscoggin, and Kennebec. Six years later it had reached Machias. As late as 1793 there was not a post-office in Maine five miles from the ocean. Thirteen years later a passenger coach run to Augusta; seventeen years later to Farmington; twenty years later to Water- ford. From this time stages multiplied until every town had regular communication with the outside world. The amount of property invested in staging in western Maine in 1835 could not have been much less than $300,000. The number of miles of staging was a little more than eight hundred ; the daily run was not far from five hundred and fifty miles. The num- ber of horses used was about six hundred. From this, one can estimate the number of coaches, sleighs, and sets of harnesses in use. No wonder that timid SURPLUS EEVENTJE. 185 people prophesied the ruin of horse breeders, coach, sleigh, and harness makers, and taverns ; or as one of these croakers told Mr. Niles (so long senior partner in Niles & Co.'s express of Dover, N. H.), then a driver between Haverhill and Dover, " When stages come off, Niles, I'll bet my life I can buy a horse for $2.00." Great pride was taken by the stage companies in their teams. The strings of horses used on the Portland or Augusta ends of the different routes were care- fully selected. The profits of staging from 1820 to 1840 were large. It is said that the Portland Stage Company had on its books a vote passed during the season of its greatest prosperity, that the company should never declare more than twenty-four per cent divi- dend. With the stages came the canal, which worked a great local change in freighting. The introduction of steam into Maine was to a very considerable extent in advance of the wants of the people. An agricultural state, which lived largely within itself, which imported little and exported less, no wonder that our railroads failed to pay. We have to a certain extent grown up to them. Many of you recall the fact that there was a sur- plus revenue during the administration of Jackson. Our democratic fathers did not know what to do with it, and so distributed it among the states ; the 13 186 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. states did not know what to do with it, so they dis- tributed it among the towns, and the towns by their action showed plainly that they were in the same predicament. In 1837 the town appointed a com- mittee consisting of Lewis Jewell, Sprout Hapgood, and Levi Brown to take charge of the surplus reve- nue. They were to lend it in sums not exceeding one hundred dollars to any man or company of men who would give sufficient security, and pay yearly interest in advance. This interest was to be appro- priated for the benefit of the town schools. This vote was not carried into effect; for in 1839 the town voted that the selectmen pay to each individual or his guardian the proportion of the surplus revenue due them, which was $2.75. In 1839 there was a furious controversy over the location of our north-east boundary line. " No fight so bitter as a land fight " — whether waged between neighbors or nations, is an Anglo-Saxon proverb. When as children you read the story of the old French war, you doubtless wondered that the scat- tered colonists who had barely scarred the shores of the Atlantic, should dare famine, Indian invasion, and death, to wrest from the French the country west of the Alleghanies — five hundred miles away; and with the means of inter-communication then known to them, more than three hundred years distant from EASTERN BOUNDARY. 187 general settlement. It was not a blind avarice, a greed of land, that made our fathers beggar them- selves to wrest the valley of the Mississippi from the French. God made the Anglo-Saxon the Roman, the civilizer, of the new world. He can not help his destiny, he ought not to try. The struggle over the northeast-boundary was be- tween Anglo-Saxons, and it mattered little for civili- zation which way the contest terminated. Of course we thought we were right, and were ready to fight for our rights. The governor of the state called out ten thousand militia, a part of whom rendezvoused at Augusta during the month of March. The quota of Waterford, consisting of ten men, was united with that of Albany, Sweden, Lovell, and Stowe, under the command of Capt. David Haskell of Al- bany. Colonel Ripley of Paris was in command of the companies from this county. The town hired teams and caj^ried its men to Augusta. At a meet- ing a few days after the draft the town passed the following vote : " That men drafted, or going into actual service, receive four dollars a month from the town, and that those drafted hiring substitutes receive the amount that they pay their substitute, provided that the sum does not exceed four dollars a month." The Waterford squad stopped in Augusta at the Eagle hotel on Water street. The people of Augusta had reason to remember the Madawaska war for 188 HISTOKICAL ADDRESS. years. The soldiers drilled but occasionally, and of course had a great deal of idle time. They were ununiformed, so that it was impossible to distinguish soldier from citizen; consequently the perpetrators of rowdyish acts could not be easily detected. The firmness and good judgment of General Scott, and afterward of Mr. Webster, probably averted the im- pending war. The soldiers returned home after an absence of six weeks or more. There was no change in the local organization of our militia until 1825. That year a second cavalry company was formed through the influence of Thomas Kilborne, who had trained in such a company in Bos- cawen, N. H. Major Theodore Stone, who had served with honor in the regular militia, was elected captain as a compliment to his military career. He declined the honor, and Thomas Kilborne was elected in his place; with Levi Brown as first lieutenant, William Stone, cornet. This company, in connection with one afterward formed in Bethel, constituted a battalion, of which Lieutenant Levi Brown was elected major ; but in a few years it was disbanded for want of interest. Some of the officers of the Waterford company were, Jacob H. Green, Oliver Hale, jr., Cyrus Hough- ton, and Luther Houghton, who was the last captain. Until about 1830 the militia were well organized, and there was general interest in military matters. THE MILITIA. 189 The growth of peace principles and the temperance reform did much to destroy popular interest in them. There were certain evils attending trainings and musters. At this time the use of liquor was unre- stricted. Naturally men away from home, who were accustomed to its use, drank to excess. There was considerable rowdyism consequent upon the gather- ing of so many soldiers and outsiders. Between 1830 and 1844, the date of the disbanding of the state militia, the whole thing had become a farce. Incompetent officers were chosen; the men were disorderly or rowdyish. As an illustration of this, I give the following incident that occurred at Lovell village. Colonel Hartford, village hotel- keeper, ordered the Waterford company to be pres- ent at roll-call at five a.m. Provoked at the unreas- onableness of this, they reached there at four a.m., and filed by his house. As they passed by the door of the bar-room, each put the muzzle of his gun, which was loaded with a blank cartridge, within a few inches of it and fired, the charge passing through the door. I do not learn that the colonel dared make any remonstrance. Another colonel from Rumford received his elec- tion on account of his incompetency. In a speech which he was obliged to make on receiving the office, he said, " I can't make a speech, but what I lack in brains I will try and make up in rum." 190 mSTOEICAL ADDRESS, In 1835 I find that sixty-nine out of seventy-eight men were absent from the roll-call of Company B. In 1840 I find the following entry in one of the company books : " Owing to the extraordinary skill of the colonel the company performed many won- derful military manoeuvres through the day, at the close of which the company was dismissed with great honor. Joseph Shaw, clerk." This is the last entry made by the clerk for company B, and probably gives in brief the story of the last training : " The company met at the time and place appointed, was paraded, sized, and the roll called. A portion of the law was read and various shameful scenes were enacted, at the close of which the company was dis- missed." A few figures showing the extent of the military resources of the state in 1820 may be of interest. The organized militia consisted that year of infantry, 28,397; cavalry, 1,020. The infantry was divided into forty-five regiments. These regiments made six divisions and twelve brigades. The cavalry consisted of one regiment, five battalions, and two unattached companies, commanded by one colonel and nine majors. The artillery consisted of one regiment, eleven batteries, and two unattached companies, com- manded by a colonel and nine majors. There were forty-two companies of light infiintry and five com- panies of riflemen. The light infantry, cavalry, and TEMPERANCE REFORM. 191 artillery were equipped at their own expense. They drilled more frequently and took more pride in their appearance than did the infantry. It was estimated that the value of military stores in the arsenal was $171,292, and that the arms and equipments of the soldiers and officers were worth $243,500. The annual expense of the militia to the state was- $150,000. The history of the temperance reform in Water- ford is substantially the same as in every agricultural town in the state. Until 1821 the use of spirit was general, and its sale was unrestricted by law. In 1828 there were retailed in town three thousand one hundred gallons of ardent spirits, about three gallons to each inhabitant. Besides an enormous amount of ardent spirits, cider of all grades of strength was in universal use. No cellar was properly stored with winter supplies that did not contain at least several barrels of cider. This beverage was omnipresent; a pitcher of it stood on the table, and a jug of it went regularly to the corn and hay field. It was an anti- dote for every pain and ill. Major Samuel Warren was a temperance man for the times ; yet as late as 1825 he was accustomed to provide half a barrel of New England rum for haying and harvesting. That summer he laid in one-fourth the usual supply. His sons displeased at this scanty provision, refused to 192 HISTOEICAL ADDRESS. drink any. To their surprise they found themselves in better condition at the end of the haying season than on any previous year. It is needless to say that spirits have never since been brought on to that farm. In 1821 the town imposed the first license stricture on the sale of spirit. The license fee was six dollars and twenty-five cents. Each storekeeper in town took out a license and sold liquor in quantities to suit. An inspection of one of the old accounirbooks of those days is interesting. My uncle, Perly Warren, kept store in the house now occupied by Daniel Brown, Esq. Nearly every other charge in his account-book is for " rum." So often did he write this word that the charge was simply an E, with a straight line after it, with a figure three appended — the price of a drink. In 1823 the town inserted a clause in the license requiring the liquor to be " spent " off the premises. One year the selectmen made out a list of confirmed drunkards and posted it in every store. The store- keepers were not allowed to sell to these. This re- striction was of course evaded by the drunkards get- ting some one to purchase for them. Afterward the selectmen instead of posting handed the names of these unfortunates to the sellers. In 1831 the town voted sixty-four to thirty-three not to license. In 1832 the friends of license rallied PHYSICIANS. 193 and voted to license. In 1845 the town voted not to license. In 1858 the Maine law was submitted to a popular vote, the town voting in its favor eighty- nine to one. I do not believe that there is a man in this audience that would have the hardihood to say, that for the last five years there has been drank in the town of Waterford one gallon of distilled or fermented liquors, where fifty were drank sixty years ago. Without regard to party we are, — substan- tially, — all prohibitionists. The following is a list of doctors and lawyers who came to town between 1820 and 1875. It will be borne in mind that Dr. Leander Gage was in success- ful practice here until 1846. Dr. John French was cotemporary with Dr. Gage. He did not remain long. Dr. Lewis W. Houghton, a native of Waterford, followed him, and with good success. He resided where A. S. Kimball, Esq., now lives. He finally removed to Windham and after many changes died in Naples, Me. Dr. Seth C. Hunkins took the place of Dr. Hough- ton, (who took his place in Windham). He remained several years, then removed to Portland, where he died after service in the war as surgeon. Drs. Millett, Fessenden, and Bradbury practiced each a short time in town. 194 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. Dr. S. L. Weston from Otisfield practiced here for some time with success. Dr. Charles L. Wilson, a native of Newfield, is now located on the Flat, and has a large practice. Dr. Prescott, hydropathic, Dr. Goodenow, Thom- sonian, practiced here for a season, and perhaps others whose names we have not found. Dr. Shattuck has long been at the head of the Hygienic Institute, an eclectic establishment, which has a large patronage and much success. Before the village had grown up and given the place increased importance, several physicians located in North Waterford, but only for a brief time, — Drs. Gordon, Osgood (since of North Yarmouth), and J. B. Eastman, who afterward became a clergyman. The first physician who settled in the village was Dr. W. W. Greene. Dr. E. B. Pike followed Dr. Greene, but after a few years of practice studied theology and went into the ministry. Dr. Peables followed Dr. Pike. He remained not very long, but had good success. Dr. N. D. Faunce followed him. He is now the physician of the place, and has a large practice. George F. Emery followed Mr. Whitman, who had established himself here about 1817. He was born in Paris, Me. He moved to Portland, became clerk LAWYERS. 195 of the United States District Court, and is now con- nected with the Boston Post. Elbridge Gerry, son of Peter Gerry, was born in Waterford, and commenced practice about 1835. He was member of Congress from this District. A man of popular abilities and bearing, he was taking a high place in his profession when stricken down by disease, which has unfitted him for active business for the last twenty-five years. He now resides in Portland. M. B. Bartlett, a native of Bethel, followed him. He moved to Wyandot, Kansas; thence to Fort Gates, Florida, where he now resides. Josiah S. Hobbs was born in Lovell. He practiced both at North Waterford and Waterford Flat. He was afterward Register of Probate for this county, and is now state librarian. James L. Haskell was a native of Sweden. He practiced here but a short time, and died of con- sumption. Thomas J. Brigham was born in Buckfield. After living here a short time he moved back to Buckfield, A. S. Kimball, a native of Waterford, commenced and is still in successful practice here. Nathaniel Howe is the only lawyer who has ever practiced at Waterford City. He moved here from North Bridgton early in the present century. He was a lawyer of high distinction. In all relations he 196 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. inspired and held the public confidence. He died in Waterford, The following is a list of physicians and lawyers who have gone from Waterford. Castilla Hamlin, son of Africa Hamlin, practiced successfully for some years in the eastern part of the state. He afterward moved to Rhode Island and died there. George Haskall, son of Samuel Haskall, practiced medicine in Illinois. Charles E. Carlton, son of deacon Edward Carlton, practices in Norwich, Conn. He is distinguished as an occulist. Thomas H. Gage, son of Dr. Leander Gage, is in practice at Worcester, Mass. He is recognized as one of the ablest physicians in his section. William W. Greene, son of Capt. J. H. Greene, com- menced practice at North Waterford. He has held professorships in several medical colleges, and always with marked success. He is now in large practice in Portland, and is recognized as one of the leading surgeons in the United States. John A. Douglass, son of Rev. John A. Douglass, and graduate of Bowdoin college, has a large and successful practice in Amesbury, Mass. William H. Horr, also son of William Horr, suc- cessfully practices medicine at Salmon Falls, N. II. PROFESSIONAL MEN RAISED IN WATERFORD. 197 Orrin A. Horr, son of William Horr, is in good practice in Lewiston, Me. Mrs. Horr, daughter of William Kingman, late of Waterford, is an author- ized and useful physician. Jacob L. Horr, son of Stephen Horr, is physician and druggist at Cumberland Mills, Me., and has a good practice. George L. Kilgore was son of Liberty Kilgore, practiced some time in Windham, Me. He resides in Melrose, Mass. O'Neil W. Robinson, son of O'Niel W. Robinson, practiced law in Bethel, his native town. He was a major in the late war, and died of disease con- tracted in the service. Moses M. Robinson (son of the same), was captain in the late war. He now practices law in New York City. Both the Robinsons were graduates of Bow- doin college. Jonathan Stone, son of Moses Stone, began the practice of law in the West, and soon after died. Hon. Henry Carter, son of John Carter, merchant, practiced law in Bridgton, afterward in Portland, during which time he was editor of Portland Adver- tiser. Later he removed to Haverhill, Mass., where he has represented the county in the state senate. He resides in Bradford. Jacob L. Greene, son of Capt. J. H. Greene, prac- 198 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. ticed law in the West, was colonel in the army, and is now president of the Connecticut Mutual Insur- ance Company of Hartford, Conn. Albert Barker, son of Joseph Barker, practices law in Colebrook, N. H.; is also editor. Thomas B. Swan, son of Capt. Thomas Swan, is in a good practice at Mechanic Falls. Elbridge Gerry, jun., son of Hon. Elbridge Gerry, is a native of Waterford, but pursued his pro- fessional studies after his father left town, and now practices law in Portland. Edward Sanderson, son of Col. John Sanderson, practiced law for a while^ afterward became a farmer. O'Neil W. Robinson, a native of Chatham, N. H., and afterward trader in Bethel and Portland, moved to Waterford in 1839. He was high sheriff of Oxford county from 1842-1850, and state senator in 1856. He was a large owner of pine and spruce timber in Berlin and Milan, N. H. He devoted his attention to the management of this during the last part of his life. George M. Gage, son of Dr. Leander Gage, grad- uated from the Normal school in Bridgewater, Mass., and was for several years the successful principal of the Normal school in Farmington, Me. He has since been principal of the State Normal school in Minnesota. AKTEMAS WARD. 199 C. C. Rounds, son of Capt. Nathaniel Rounds, after a thorough preparation as a teacher, was elected principal at Farmington, following Mr. Gage. He still holds the position, in which he has had good success. Stephen C. Horr, a graduate of Bowdoin College, taught successfully in the West, but his health failed, and he died in the midst of much usefulness in the profession. Samuel F. Greene, son of Capt. J. H. Greene, is a successful teacher in the college for mutes in Belle- ville, Ontario, Canada. Charles F. Browne (Artemas Ward), son of Levi Browne, has now become a historic character. His popularity abroad is even greater than in his native land. There was genius in him, and a genial nature. There was neither malice in his wit, nor in his heart. He was unrivaled in strange turns of thought, in his power of grotesque grouping, in unlooked-for hits and sudden surprises. He was modest in this that he knew what he was, and what he was not ; what his art was, and what it was not. And from the first no one was ever more surprised at his success than himself Think what we may of his wit, we cannot be indifferent to the distinction that he gave his native town. 200 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. The first store on Waterford Flat was opened in 1802 by Eli Longley. He was followed by Calvin and Daniel Farrar in company, Daniel and Levi Brown in company, Major Whitman, Hannibal Ham- lin, Perley AVarren, Sprout Hapgood, Oliver Hale, jr., Oliver Porter, Livingston G. Robinson, and Ambrose A. Knight. The first store at the City was kept by Oliver Hale and Robert Haskins in company, opposite James S. Grant's, a half-mile below the City. This store was opened a few years later than that by Mr. Longley. They were followed by Daniel Brown, William Morse, William Willard, John Carter, Oliver Hapgood, Mon- roe and Swan, Messrs. Nelson, Noble, Young and others. A store was kept for some time near the old Methodist meeting-house. The first storehouse at the City was erected where the post-office now stands, about 1819. There was no village at North Waterford until after 1830. Fifteen or more years before, Samuel Page had built a small house a few rods back of the present hotel. With the exception of perhaps an acre around Mr. Page's buildings, a heavy growth of pine covered the land now occupied by the Corner village. Mr. Page owned a saw and grist-mill on the site of the present mills. The increase of population in " Bisbee Town," East MERCHANTS. 201 Stoneham and Albany, led to the establishing of a store at North Waterford.^ The first traders at North Waterford (who kept in a little store directly opposite John B. Rand's, right in the corner of the old Lovell and Albany roads), were William Boswell and Moses Young (who built the present hotel, although he used it for a dwelling- house), Mr. Whitney and William W. Green. A store opposite was built and occupied somewhat later by Milton Jewett. He was followed by John York, John B. Rand, Jewett and Rand, Rand and Jewett, and John B. Rand, who is the present proprietor. Mr. Green, who was a thorough business man and a public spirited citizen, did much to build up the Village. He died in the prime of his powers in 1862. John B. Rand, native of Portland, a man of great energy, business tact, and public spirit, was contem- temporary with Mr. Green. He is still actively en- gaged in business at the Corner village. Mr. Horace M. Fiske is also in successful trade at North Waterford, and is the present postmaster. The war — its cost in men and money, its gain bj sacrifice — is too fresh in your memories for me to ^West Stoneham was settled nearly as early as Waterford. East Stoueham was not settled to any extent until after the beginning of the present century, when the people of Waterford were enjoying comparative prosperity. For years these early settlers (Granters they were called) made a brave struggle with nature before they succeeded in wresting a living from their rocky hills. 14 202 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. need recite in detail the part that the young men of Waterford acted in it. They did their duty mod- estly and bravely. Citizen soldiers they were, sol- dier citizens they are to-day, bringing into their every-day life the habits of obedience to authority, and steady performance of duty which they learned in the camp and on the field. Untitled — most of them — their heroism is lost in that mighty stream of sacrifice that buried the rebellion. Here, in these hill towns of Maine, are most keen- ly felt the losses by the war. The city must be fed, and though a pestilence sweep it, in a few months none who walk its crowded streets would notice a trace of the destroyer. But the abandoned or half cultivated farms, the stricken parents, who feebly, almost aimlessly, continue the daily rounds of irk- some duty, will for a generation witness to the havoc wrought by the southern rebellion in the farming towns of New England. The drain of war, the subsequent drain to the city in consequence, were the heaviest blows that Waterford has ever received. The list ^ of soldiers that I give tells its own sad story. Thirty died of wounds or disease contracted in the service — four in confederate prisons — and this out of an aggregate of one hundred and four. 1 In this list only men who went from Waterford are given. The town bought substitutes to some extent. It is impossible to get an accurate list of these. SOLDIERS, 1861—1865. 203 INFANTRY. Names. Rank. Augustus E. Horr, P. J. Mellen Webster, P. Andrew S. Hapgood, P. Austin W. Sylvester, died of disease in Port- land Oct. 31, 1863, Corp. Albert B. Whittier, P. Kapoleon Adley, drafted, P. Cyrus S. Green, drafted, P. "William Eussell, drafted, transferred to sharpshooters, killed at Hatchers Kun April, 1865, George H. Billings, Calvin H. Horr, drafted, Elbridge "W. Whiting, died of disease Feb. 28, 1864, Henry H. Allen, George M. Knight, Lafayette Seavey, Charles O. Wood, William K. Kneeland, United States regular, Edwin Plummer, died of disease on board transport August, 1864, William Plummer, Samuel D. Parker, captured Oct. 19, 1864, at Cedar Creek, died in Salisbury prison Dec. 1, 1864, Charles Billings, died at New Orleans of dis- ease September, 1863, Moses M. Robinson, Dexter B. Brown, wounded at Port Hudson, discharged Sept. 22, 1863, Melzer Chadbourne, discharged for disability, Lewis Longley, died at Waterford of disease contracted in service, John Monroe, Length Co. Reg. of Service. G 1st 3 mos. G 1st 3 mos. G 1st 3 mos. D 7th 3ys. I 7th 3ys. B 8th ly. B 8th 1 y. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. B 8th ly. F 9th 3ys. D 9th ly. C 9th ly. G 10th 2 ys. 10th 2ys. G 10th 2 ys. A 12th 3 ys. B 12th 3 ys. C 12th 3 ys. C 12th 3 ys. C 12th 3 ys. P. G 12th 3ys. Capt. G 12th 3ys Serg. G 12th 3ys. Corp. G 12th 3ys. P. G 12th 3ys. Mus. G 12th 3ys 204 HISTOKICAL ADDRESS. Length Names. Rank. Co. Keg. of Service. Hendrick Smith, discharged for disability March 12, 1862, P. G 12th 3 ys. Almon Guy Ward, discharged for disability, O. S. G 12th 3 ys. George L. Watson, Corp. G 12th 3 ys. William W. Watson, P. G 12th 3 ys. John Stevens, died in Sweden, Me., of dis- ease contracted in the service, P. G 12th 3 ys. Jeremiah Jordan, died of disease May 31, 1864, Franklin B. Blanchard, drafted, Alonzo H, Heath, drafted, George Page, William A. Allen, discharged for disability, soon after died, Wesley A. Stevens, Albion Poole, missing after action Sept. 19, 1864, Augustus E. Horr, George White, Moses W. Rand, died at Portland Dec. 8, 1862, of disease, Capt. D 16th 3 ys. S. Harrison Plummer, died at Waterford February, 1864, of disease contracted in the service, Capt. D 16th William B. Etter, wounded at Fredericks- burg, died Jan. 23, 1863, Serg. D 16th Timothy Butters, taken prisoner July 3, 1864, died at Sahsbury Kov. 29, 1864, P. D 16th Jesse A. Cross, discharged for disability Nov. 24, 1862, Serg. D 16th Isaac F. Jewett, wounded at Fredericksburg, transferred to V. R. C, Corp. D 16th Laforest Kimball, wounded at Gettysburg, discharged March 28, 1864, Corp. D 16th Andrew Kimball, P. D 16th P. H 13th 3ys. p. 14th ly. p. D 14th ly- Corp, , G 14th 3ys. P. H 14th 3ys. P. H 14th 3ys. P. H 14th 3ys. P. H 14th 3ys. P. 14th 3ys. 3ys. 3ys. 3ys. 3ys. 3ys. 3 ys. Sys. SOLDIERS, 1861—1865. Names. Rank. 205 Co. Reg. Length Service. D 16th 3 VS. D 16th 3ys. D 16th 3ys. D 16th 3ys. Nathan S. Milliken, P. OUver H. McKeen, Wag. Dean A. Kilgore, discharged on account of disability March 10, 1868, P. Charles Plummer, C. S. Walter E. Stone, died of disease June 18, 1863, Serg. D 16th 3 ys. Edward L. Hamlin, wounded at Fredericks- burg Dec. 13, 1862, transferred toV. R. C. Charles H. Stevens, killed at Gettysburg, Moody K. Stone, Isaac W. Wood, John M. Webster, died at Petersburg July 11, 1864, of disease contracted at Belle Isle prison, Orlando S. MiUiken, killed in action May 6, 1864, Thomas B. Perkins, died of disease Sept. 17, 1864, Oren Lord, wounded at Gettysburg, died Oct. 29, 1863, David Lord, William A. Allen, John Atherton, Albert P. Bisbee, David P. Bisbee, Volney Bisbee, 2d, died in hospital in Wash- ington Feb. 15, 1863, Joseph Burnell, Eli Cole, Elliott Chase, Lewis F. Dudley, Charles W. Danley, George T. Dresser, Henry Dustin, ,p- D 16th 3ys. p. D 16th 3 ys. p. D 16th 3ys. p. D 16th 3ys. Serg. D 16th 3ys. P. F 17th 3ys. P. F 17th 3ys. P. K 17th 3ys. P. K 17th 3ys. P. K 23d 9 mos. Corp. K 23d 9 mos. P. K 23d 9 mos. P. K 23d 9 mos. Serg. K 23d 9 mos. P. K 23d 9 mos. P. K 23d 9 mos. P. K 23d 9 mos. Serg. K 23d 9 mos. Mus. K 23d 9 mos. P. K 23d 9 mos. P. K 23d 9 mos. 206 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. Names. Kank. Co. Reg. John L. M. Davenport, P. K 23d Oris E. Haskell, P. K 23d William Haines, Wag. K 23d Charles B. Harlow, P. K 23d Edwin J. Jordan, Corp. K 23d James Libby, P. K 23d Sewall P. Millett, P. K 23d Alfred D. Proctor, P. K 23d Aaron Page, ** P. K 23d Paris Page, P. K 23d Wesley A. Stevens, P. K 23d Ora Seavey, P. K 23d George W. Wood, P. K 23d Andrew J. Woodward, deserted 1862, P. K 23d Alvin T. Whittier, P. K 23d Charles L. Houghton, Serg. K 23d Lewis P. Stone, O. S. K 23d George A. Haskell, died of disease June 17, 1864, at New Orleans, P. G 29th 3 ys. George E. Hinman, transferred to Veteran Eeserve Corps, P. G 29th 3 ys. Charles W. Danley, starved to death Jan. 4, 1864, at Danville, Va. P. B 32d 3 ys. Zenas Bisbee, died at Waterford July 9, 1868, of disease (Mass. Eegiment), P. G 43d 3 ys. Length of Service. 9 mos. 9 mos. 9 mos. 9 mos. 9 mos. 9 mos. 9 mos. 9 mos. 9 mos. 9 mos. 9 mos. 9 mos. 9 mos. 9 mos. 9 mos. 9 mos. 9 mos. ARTILLERY. Samuel E. Cromwell, captured June 22, 1864, died in confederate prison Jan. 7, 1865, Art'r M James A. Coffin, died March 5, 1864, Daniel Green, wounded at Spotsylvania, dis- charged April 18, 1865, Daniel W. Kilborne, mortally wounded at Spotsylvania June, 1864, William W. Kilborne, wounded at Spotsylva- nia June, 1864, Edwin Chaplin, mortally wounded at Spot- sylvania June, 1864, P. E 1st 1st 3ys. 8ys. P. L 1st 3ys. P. L 1st 3ys. P. L 1st 3ys. P. L Ist 3ys. F 1st 3ys. M 2d 3ys. M 2d 3ys. nth U. S. I, 3ys. ly. TOWN DEBT, 1861—1865. 207 Length Names. Rank. Co. Reg. of Service. CAVALRY. George H. Butters, P. E 1st 3 ys. Melzer W. Chadbourne, P. M let 3 ys. Lewis S. Merrill, killed in battle, Corp. F 1st 3 ys. Dennis H. Merrill, died in Salisbury prison Dec. 29, 1864, P. Daniel Kay, died at ITew Orleans of disease, 1864, P. Lafayette Seavey, P. George A. Annis, killed at Gettysburg July 3, 1863, P. NAVY. Levi L. Brown, Josiah Weeks, The following is a list of the bounties voted and expenses incurred in enlisting men during the war. 1862. Amount voted 16th Maine Regiment, $ 800.00 1862. Amount voted nine months' men, 3,000.00 1864. Amount voted to twenty-three men who went into service January, 1864, with $90 extra, 7,565.00 1864. Aug. 30th, town voted .$100 for each year's service to any who would enlist; two men enlisted, one for a year the other for two. The amount of both bounties together with cost of enlisting was, 325.00 1864. Oct. 10th, town voted to pay drafted men who went or furnished substitutes $300 each ; thir- teen went or furnished substitutes, 3,900.00 1865. Jan. 2d, town voted to raise $5,000.00 to fill its quota under call December, 1864, 5,000.00 1865. Feb. 13th, town voted an additional sum, 2,200.00 $22,790.00 1863—1864, $4,000 was assessed. Debt Feb. 13, 1865, $18,790.00 208 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. There is still $3,600 of this debt unpaid. The highest rate of taxation since the war has been three and one-half per cent. The following is a list of town officials, the guber- natorial and presidential votes, and the representa- tives of Waterford since 1820.^ M. T. C, S. M, T. C. Gov. 1821. Solomon Stone. Eber Rice. Solomon Stone. Peter Gerry. Eber Eice. Jonathan Plummer. William Willard. Albion K. Parris, D. 64. Ezekiel Whitman, F. 60. 1822. M. Daniel Green. T. C. Daniel Brown. S. M. Peter Gerry. Daniel Green. America Hamlin. T. Charles Whitman. C. Levi Brown. Gov. Albion K. Parris, D. 72. Ezekiel Whitman, F. 51. 1823. M. Daniel Green. T. C. Daniel Brown. S. M. Peter Gerry. Daniel Green. Jonathan Plummer. T. Samuel Plummer. C. Levi Brown. Gov. Albion K. Parris, D. 60. iln this list of officials and votes the following abbreviations are used: M., Moderator; T. C, Town Clerk; S. M., Selectmen; T., Treasurer; C, Collector; D., Democrat; R., Repviblican; W., Whig; N. R., National Republican ; D. R., Democratic Republican ; L., Liberty ; F. S., Free Soil; M. L., Maine Law; K. N., Know Nothing. It should be borne in mind that until 1833 the democratic party were generally called republican ; I have used in this book the word democrat in- stead. The list of town officials, gubernatorial and presidential votes, and list of representatives, previous to 1821, can be found on pages 136, 137, 138, 139, and 140. TOWN OFFICEKS, ETC. 209 1824. 1828. M. William Muuroe. M. Dr. Leamler Gage. T. C. Daniel Brown. T. C. Charles Whitman. S. M. Peter Gerry. Daniel Green. Jonathan Plummer. S. M. Charles Whitman. Lewis Jewell. Daniel Chaplin. T. Samuel Plummer. T. Samuel Plummer. C. William Morse. C. Henry Houghton. Gov. Albion K. Parris, D. 82. Gov. Enoch Lincoln, D. 60. Scattering, 2. Pres. (Levi Hubbard, 151. Prea. (Thomas Phillebrown, 45. Elec. (Dr. Cornelius Holland, 42. Elec. (James Campbell, 45. 1829. 1825. M. Dr. Leander Gage. M. William Munroe. T. C. Charles Whitman. T. C. Daniel Brown. S. M. Charles Whitman. S. M. Nathaniel Howe. William Munroe. Lewis Jewell. Daniel Chaplin. Jonathan Plummer. T. Samuel Plummer. T. Samuel Plummer. C. Henry Houghton. C. Oliver Hale, jr. Gov. Jona. G. Hunton, N". R. 108. Gov. Albion K. Parris, D. 108. Scattering, 4. Sam'l E. Smith, D. E. 1830. 55. 1826. M. Dr. Leander Gage. M. Daniel Green. T. C. Charles Whitman. T. C. Charles Whitman. S. M. , Peter Gerry. S. M. , Jonathan Plummer. Peter Gerry. Leander Gage. Daniel Brown. Josiah Farrar. T. Samuel Plummer. T. Samuel Plummer. C. Daniel Chaplin, jr. C. Henry Houghton. Gov. Jona. G. Hunton, N. R. 144. Gov. Enoch Lincoln, F. 69. 1827. Sam'l E. Smith, D. K. 1831. 95. M. Theodore Stone. M. Dr. Leander Gage. T. C. , Charles Whitman. T. C. . Charles Whitman. S. M, , Jonathan Plummer. Peter Gerry. Charles Whitman. S. M, . Peter Gerry. Daniel Brown. Lewis Jewell. T. Samuel Plummer. T. Samuel Plummer. C. Henry Houghton. C. Sprout Hapgood. Gov. Enoch Lincoln, D. 116. Gov. Dan'l Goodenow, N. E. 108. Scattering, 5. Sam'l E. Smith, D. R. 102. 210 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. 1832. M. Theodore Stone. T. C. Charles Whitman. S. M. Peter Gerry. Daniel Brown. Lewis Jewell. T. Samuel Plummer. C. Sprout Hapgood. Gov. Dan'l Goodenow, N.E.127. Sam'l E. Smith, D.Il.106. Pres.rLevi Hubbard, 113. Elec. ( Isaac Lane, 103. 1833. M. Lewis W. Houghton,M.D. T. C. Levi Brown. S. M. Lewis Jewell. John Sanderson. Jonathan Hougton. T. Josiah Atherton. C. Aaron Sanders. Gov. Daniel Goodenow, W.IOO. Kobert P. Dunlap, D.89. 1834. M. Lewis W. Houghton, m.d. T. C. Levi Brown. S. M. Lewis Jewell. Jonathan Longley. Henry Sawin. T. Josiah Atherton. C. Moses Young. Gov. Peleg Sprague, W. 128. Eobert P. Dunlap, D. 118. 1835. M. Lewis W. Houghton, m.d. T. C. Levi Brown. S. M. Peter Gerry. Nathaniel Pride. Jonathan Houghton. T. Josiah Atherton. C. Josiah Atherton. Gov. Eobert P. Dunlap, W. William King, D. 1836. M. Daniel Brown. T. C. Levi Brown. S. M. Josiah Atherton. Nathaniel Pride. Daniel Chaplin. T. Josiah Atherton. C. Thomas Treadwell. Gov. Eobert P. Dunlap, D. 96. Edward Kent, W. 86. Pres. f Joseph Tobin, 75. Elec. I Ellis B. Usher, 62. 1837. M. Sprout Hapgood. T. C. Lewis W. Houghton, m.d- S. M. Lewis Jewell. Levi Brown. Sprout Hapgood. T. Daniel Brown. C. Thomas Treadwell. Gov. Edward Kent, W. 112. Gorham Parks, D. 95. 1838. M. Sprout Hapgood. T. C. Lewis W. Houghton, M.D. S. M. Lewis Jewell. Levi Brown. Sprout Hapgood. T. Daniel Brown. C. Eowland H. Gerry. Gov. Edward Kent, W. 147. John Fairfield, D. 144. TOWN OFFICERS, ETC. 211 1839. M. Sprout Hapgood. T. C. Lewis W. Houghton,M.D. S, M. Levi Brown. Sprout Hapgood. Luther Bisbee. T. Daniel Brown. C. Moses Young, Gov. John Fairfield, D. 128. Edward Kent, W. 127. 1840. M. Sprout Hapgood. T. C. Lewis W. Houghton,M.D. S. M. Levi Brown. John C. Gerry. Eli Longley. T. Daniel Brown. C. Moses Young. Gov. Edward Kent, W. 156. John Eairfield, D. 124. Pres. (Isaac Hsley, 160. E lee. (Jonathan P. Eodgers,134. 1841. M. Sprout Hapgood. T. C. Lewis W. Houghton,M.D. S. M. Sprout Hapgood. Josiah Munroe. Jonathan Houghton. T. Daniel Brown. C. Lewis M. Perry. 1842. M. John C. Gerry. T. C. Elbridge Gerry. S. M. Sprout Hapgood. Josiah Munroe. Jonathan Houghton. T. Daniel Brown. C. Thomas Perry. Gov. John Fairfield, D. 123. Edward Robinson, W. 36. James Appleton, L. 42. 1843. M. Sprout Hapgood. T. C. John C. Gerry. S. M. Samuel Plummet. Samuel Dudley. Edward R. Morse. T. Daniel Brown. C. Augustus G. Wilkins. Gov. Hugh J. Anderson, D. 101. Edward Robinson, W. 48. James Appleton, L. 48. 1844. M. Sprout Hapgood. T. C. John C. Gerry. S. M. Josiah Munroe. Samuel Dudley. Thomas Perry. T. Sprout Hapgood. C. Chaplin Nelson. Gov. Hugh J. Anderson, D. 141. Edward Robinson, W. 78. James Appleton, L. 41. 1845. M. Sprout Hapgood. T. C. John C. Gerry. S. M. Levi Brown. Samuel Plummer. Joseph Shaw. T. Daniel Brown. C. Charles A. Ford. Gov. Hugh J. Anderson, D. 99. Freeman H. Morse, W. 48. Samuel Fessenden, L. 40. 212 HISTORICAL ADDEESS. 1846. S. M . Josiah Munroe. M. Sprout Hapgood. Daniel Chaplin. T. C . John C. Gerry. Daniel Plummer. S. M . Joseph Shaw. T. Edward Carleton. John Sanderson. C. John Holt. David Bisbee. Gov. John Hubbard, D. 117. T. Edward Carleton. George F. Talbot, "W. 60. C. Charles A. Ford. Gov. John W. Dana, D. 102. David Beounson, "W. 50. 1850. Samuel Fessenden, L,70. M. Joseph Shaw. 1847. T. C . Edward Carleton. M. Elbridge Gerry. S. M. , Lewis W. Houghton, m.d. T. C. John C. Gerry. Joseph Shaw. S. M, J , Daniel Chaplin. Thomas Sawin. Thomas Sawin. T. John C. Gerry. Thomas Swan. C. John Holt. T. Edward Carleton. Gov. John Hubbard, D. 113. C. John Holt. William G. Crosby, TV. 53. Gov. J. W. Dana, D. 91. David Beounson, W. 34. George F. Talbot, F. S. 47, Samuel Fessenden, L. 58. 1851. M. 1848. Oneil W. Eobinson. M. T. C. Joseph Shaw. Edward Carleton. T. C. J. C. Gerry. S.M. Joseph Shaw. S. M. Josiah Munroe. Thomas Sawin. Daniel Chaplin. Daniel Plummer. Daniel Plummer. T. Daniel Brown. T. Edward Carleton. C. Charles A. Ford. C. John Holt. Gov. J. W. Dana, D. 132. Elijah Hamlin, W. 61. 1852. Pres. Samuel Fessenden, L.62. [Joseph Adams, 64. M. T. C. Elbridge Gerry. John C. Gerry. Joseph Shaw. Thomas Sawin. Elec. - Kufus Mclntire, 117. Charles S. Davis, 38. S.M. 1849. M. Sanderson. M. Joseph Shaw. T. Oneil "W. Robinson. T. C. John C. Gerry. C. Charles A. Ford. TOWN OFFICERS, ETC. 213 1853. M. Joseph Shaw. T. C. JohnC. Gerry., S. M. Joseph Shaw. Samnel Plummer. Amos Saunders. T. Josiah Munroe. C. Stephen Lovejoy. Gov. Albert Pillsbury, D. 129. William G. Crosby,W. 56. Anson P. Morrill, M.L. 20. Ezekiel Holmes, Y. S. 48. 1854. M. M. B. Bartlett, Esq. T. C. Josiah Munroe. S. M. Josiah Munroe. David Bisbee. Stephen Lovejoy. T. Oneil W. Robinson. C. Moses Young. Gov. Albion K. Parris,D. 149. Anson P. Morrill, M. L. and K. N. 110. Isaac Eeed, W. 14. 1855. M. Josiah Munroe. T. C. Edward Carleton. S. M. David Bisbee. Samuel Plummer. Charles Baker. T. Daniel Plummer. C. Stephen Lovejoy. Gov. Samuel Wells, D. 179. A. P. Morrill, E, 123. Isaac Reed, W. 6. 1856. M. John C. Gerry. T. C. Josiah Munroe. S. M. David Bisbee. Samuel Plummer. John B. Sanderson. T. Daniel Brown. C. Stephen Lovejoy. Gov. Hannibal Hamlin, R. 162. Samuel Wells, D. 150. Noah Smith, jr., 162. Pres. (William P. Haynes, 150. Elec. ( Scattering, 8. 1857. M. John C. Gerry. T. C. S. L. Weston. S. M. Josiah Munroe. Samuel Plummer. Thomas Sawin. T. Daniel Brown. C. Stephen Lovejoy. Gov. M. H. Smith, D. 163. Lot M. Morrill, R. 158. 1858. M. Joseph Shaw. T. C. S. L. Weston. S. M. Daniel Plummer. Samuel Warren. Eliakim Maxfield. T. Emerson Wilkins. C. Stephen Lovejoy. Gov. Lot M. Morrill, R. 170. M. H. Smith, D. 166. 1859. M. Joseph Shaw. T. C. S. L. Weston. S. M. Daniel Plummer. Joseph Shaw. John A. Green. T. Emerson Wilkins. C. Stephen Lovejoy. Gov. M. H. Smith, D. 159. Lot M. Morrill, R. 159. 214 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. 1860. M. Joseph Shaw. T. C. D. W. Nohle. S. M. Samuel Plummer. John B. Kand. Marshal Sanderson. T. Oneil W. Eobinson. C. James W. Fogg. Gov. E. K Smart, D. 183. I. Washburn, jr., E. 177. Pres. (William Willis, R. 155. Elec. j William P. Haines,D. 140, 1861. M. John C. Gerry. T. C. D. W. Koble. S. M. Samuel Plummer. John B. Rand. Marshal Sanderson. T. D. W. Noble. C. James W. Fogg. Gov. I. Washburn, jr., R. 141. John W. Dana, D. 115. C. D. Jameson, W.D. 67. 1862. M. John C. Gerry. T. C. Charles Young. S. M. John B. Rand. John B. Sanderson. Marshal Sanderson. T. Daniel Brown, 2d. C. John Holt. Gov. Bion Bradbury, D. 156. Abner Coburn, R. 135. 1863. M. John C. Gerry. T. C. D. W. Noble. S. M. John B. Rand. David Bisbee. Samuel Plummer. T. Daniel Brown. C. John Holt. Gov. Bion Bradbury, D. 169. Samuel Cony, R. 157. 1864. M. John C. Gerry. T. C. D. W. Noble. S. M. John B. Rand. David Bisbee. Samuel Plummer. T. Daniel Brown. C. David T. Hapgood. Gov. Joseph Howard, D. 172. Samuel Cony, R. 136. Pres. (W. P. Haynes, D. 169. |j. B. Brown, R. 129. Elec. 1865. M. John C. Gerry. T. C. D. W. Noble. S.M. John B. Pond. Daniel Bisbee. Samuel Plummer. T. Daniel Brown. C. David T. Hapgood. Gov. Joseph Howard, D. 158. Samuel Cony, R. 124. 1866. M. John C. Gerry. T. C. Daniel W. Noble. S. M. John B. Rand. Josiah Munroe. Alfred S. Kimball. T. Daniel Brown. C. Samuel S. Hersey. Gov. Eben F. Pillsbury, D. 159. J. L. Chamberlain, R. 142. TOWN OFFICERS, ETC. 215 1867. T. M. John C. Gerry. C. T. C. Daniel W. Noble. Gov. S. M. John B. Kand. Alfred S. Kimball. Charles Young. T. Daniel Brown. M. C. Sanders Kimball. T. C. Gov. Eben F. Pillsbury,D. 160. S. M. J. L. Chamberlain,R. 123. 1868. T. C. M. John C. Gerry. T. C. Charles L. Wilson. S. M. John B. Rand. Alfred S. Kimball. Charles Young. Gov. T. Daniel Brown. C. John F. Shedd. M. Gov. Eben F. Pillsbury,D. 194. T. C. J. L. Chamberlain,R. 137 , S. M. Pres. ( Philip Eastman, 68. Elec. ( George L. Beal, 128. T. C. 1869. M. John C. Gerry. Gov. T. C. , Charles L. Wilson. S. M, , Alfred S. Kimball. Pres. Charles Young. Elec. John F. Shedd. T. Daniel Brown. C. Samuel S. Hersey. M. Gov. Franklin Smith, D. 161. T. C. J. L. Chamberlain, R . loe '■ S. M, Nathan G. Hichborn ,3. 1870. M. John C. Gerry. T. T. C . Charles L, Wilson. c. S. M ;. Charles Young. George Knight. Waldo T. Brown. Gov. Daniel Brown. Samuel S. Hersey. Chas. W. Roberts, D. 172. Sidney Perham, R. 112. 1871. John C. Gerry. Charles L. Wilson. John C. Gerry. Waldo T. Brown. Thomas H. Sawin. Daniel Brown. David F. Hapgood. Charles P. Kimball, D. 177. Sidney Perham, R. 108. 1872. Alfred S. Kimball. Charles L. Wilson. Waldo T. Brown. Benjamin Tucker, jr. Daniel S. Hapgood. Alfred S. Kimball. William Douglass. Charles P. Kimball, D. 202, Sidney Perham, R. 108. ( William H. Simpson, 105, I Samuel S. Spring, 100. 1873. Alfred S. Kimball. Charles L. Wilson. , Benjamin Tucker, jr. Henry A. Jewett. Justine Mclntire. Alfred S. Kimball. William Douglass. Joseph Titcomb, D. 179. Joseph WilUams, I. 4. Nelson Dingley, jr., R. 103. 216 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. 1874. 1875. M. Alfred S. Kimball. M. Alfred S. Kimball. T. C. Charles L. Wilson. T. C. Charles L. Wilson. S. M. Benjamin Tucker, jr. S.M. John B. Band. Samuel Warren. Daniel Brown. Justine E. Mclntire. John E. Swan. T. Alfred S. Kimball. T. Alfred S. Kimball. C. William Douglass. C. William Douglass. Gov. Joseph Titcomb, D. 150. Gov. Charles W. Boberts, D. 197. Nelson Dingley, jr., R.99 Selden Connor, B. The following is a list of the men who have rep- resented Waterford, and the towns with which it is classed, in the Maine Legislature. 1820. Josiah Shaw, D. B. Waterford. 1821. Josiah Shaw, D. R. Waterford. 1822. Josiah Shaw, D. R. Waterford. 1823. Philip C. Johnson, D.N. R. Lovell. 1824. Daniel Brown, N. R. Waterford. 1825. Benjamin Webber, F. N. R. Sweden. 1826. Eleazer Hamlin, F.N. R. Waterford. 1827. Stephen Heald, F.N. R. Lovell. 1828. Eleazer Hamlin, F. N. R. Waterford. 1829. Benjamin Wyman, W. R Lovell. 1830. Samuel Nevers, D. R. Sweden. 1831. Aaron Cummings, D. R. Albany. 1832. Peter Gerry, D. Waterford. 1833. Samuel Kevers, D. Sweden. 1834. Sprout Hapgood, D. Waterford. 1835. Moses Pattee, D. Albany. 183G. Peter Gerry, D. Waterford. 1837. Samuel Nevers, D. Sweden. 1838. Daniel ChapUn, W. Waterford. 1839. Moses Pattee, D. Albany. 1840. Peter Gerry, D. Waterford. 1841. Franklin Hosmer, D. Sweden. REPRESENTATIVES. 217 1842. Sprout Hapgood, 1843. No representation. 1844. Josiah Monroe, 1845. Elbridge Gerry, 1846. John Hill, 1847. Sewall Frye, 1848. William Pingree, 1849. Thomas Trull, 1850. Jonathan Houghton, 1851. John C. Gerry, 1852. Charles A. Ford, 1853. Charles A. Ford, 1854. Samuel Brown, 1855. Charles C. Sanderson, 1856. Joel S. Sawyer, 1857. Josiah S. Hobbs, 1858. Josiah S. Hobbs, 1859. George H. Brown, 1860. Enoch W. Woodbury, 1861. Jacob N. Lovejoy, 1862. Samuel Warren, 1863. Sumner Evans, 1864. George Burnham, 1865. Merrick Monroe, 1866. P. Parker Dresser, 1867. Lewis Frost, 1868. John B. Rand, 1869. Andrew M. Peables, 1870. Samuel L. Gould, 1871. Joseph Knight, 1872. Hilton McAUister, 1873. John Heselton, 1874. Alfred S. Kimball, 1875. William H. Whitcomb, D. Waterford. D. Waterford. D. Waterford. D. Sweden. D. Denmark. D. Denmark. D. Sweden. D. Waterford. D. Waterford. D. Waterford. D. Waterford. D. Albany. D. Sweden. D. Stoneham. R. Waterford. R. Waterford. R. Mason. R. Sweden. R. Albany. R. Waterford. R. Stoneham., R. Gilead. R. Waterford. R. Albany. R. Sweden. D. Waterford. D. Waterford. R. Albany. R. Sweden. R. Stoneham, R. Albany. D. VVaterford.. D. ^Norway. 15 218 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. An examination of this record shows that the town was overwhelmingly federalist until the sepa- ration from Massachusetts. The agitation of that question changed party relations everywhere in the State, and noticeably in Waterford. From 1820 to 1875, inclusive, the democratic candidate for gov- ernor has received a majority of votes cast forty times, all others, sixteen times. Since 1861 the democratic gubernatorial vote has always been a majority. The growth of Maine, Oxford county, and \Yater- ford is shown by the following tables. York Cumberland . . Lincoln Waldo Hancock Washington. . Kennebec Oxford Somerset Penobscot Franklin Piscataquis. .. Aroostook. . . . Androscoggin Sagadahoc Knox 183U 51,710 60,102 37,654 29,788 22,-553 21,2y4 38,929 27,538 35.787 22,963 15,938 8,499 3,369 19,851 14,943 1840 54,023 68,658 41,423 41,509 28,646 28,327 51,384 32,115 33,912 46,049 20,800 13,138 9,413 22,532 17,619 1850 (50,098 79,538 27,002 47,230 34,372 38,811 57,908 35,463 35,.581 63,089 20,027 14,735 12,.529 25,748 21,669 28,355 1410,934 509,548 602,155 628,285 628,828 1860 62,107 75,591 27,860 38,447 37,757 42,534 55,655 36,698 36,753 72,737 20,403 15,032 22,479 29,726 21,790 32,716 1870 60,174 82,021 25,597 34,522 36,495 43,343 53,223 33,488 34,611 74,643 18,807 14,803 29,609 35.866 18,803 30,823 1 These statistics are for the most part taken from the Maine State Register. GROWTH OF MAINE. 219 Albany.... Andover . . , Bethel Brownfleld, Buckfield.. Byron Canton Denmark . . Dixfield..., Fryebur^.. Gilead Grafton Gi-eenwood Hanover . . Hartford . . . Hebron . . . , Hiram . . . . , Lovell Mason Mexico Newry . . . . , Norway Oxford Paris Peru Porter Roxbury.. . Rumford . . . Stoneham.. Stow Sumner . . . Sweden Upton Waterford. - Woodstock Milton 1830 1840 1850 1860 387 691 747 853 399 551 710 814 1620 1300 2253 2523 936 1360 1320 1398 1510 1629 1659 1705 219 296 323 759 919 926 1025 954 1143 1203 1171 890 1169 1180 1181 1353 1536 1523 1625 377 313 359 347 71 59 168 111 694 836 1118 878 .... 257 257 1297 1472 1293 1155 915 945 839 895 1026 1233 1210 1283 698 941 1193 1339 .... 93 136 344 447 482 671 345 463 450 474 1712 1786 1963 1982 1101 1254 1233 1281 2307 2454 2882 2828 666 1002 1109 1121 841 1133 1208 1240 122 227 246 251 1120 1444 1375 1375 198 313 484 463 165 376 471 551 1099 1269 1151 1154 487 670 696 728 109 111 219 1123 1381 1448 1407 573 819 1012 1025 271 1870 651 757 2286 1324 1494 242 984 1070 1049 1508 329 94 846 188 996 743 1393 1018 127 458 416 1955 1633 2766 932 1105 162 1212 425 427 1170 549 187 1286 995 258 The valuation and live stock in Waterford at the different decades from 1830 to 1870, .inclusive, are as follows : ■ a o ■s © . ^2 o2 lis ea •- o © ^2 a . ©^ a IT ® ® ^ s -52 •2 u a S2 © ^ Pj O >, O Ox .a CO 1830 $103,392 145 29 35 331 616 313 310 1840 261,293 149 12 11 180 594 312 318 141 1850 281,217 201 26 20 412 834 418 401 2382 1860 351,189 246 50 26 338 765 375 437 1593 1870 403,651 275 17 25 268 733 320 418 1299 220 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. These tables ^ show that our State has hardly held its own m population since 1850. This decade un- doubtedly marked high tide in our agricultural towns. We have seen that western Maine was set- tled for the most part between 1783 and 1810. The sons of the early settlers generally settled in the home towns. Brought up amid privations, trained to work, they made thrifty farmers. The men who settled Waterford were rare men, but those of the second generation — many of whom are still with us and held in deserved honor — were doubtless their superiors. I doubt if the history of either of the other states can furnish the equal of the men of this second generation, the first native born generation in Maine. ' The circumstances under which they were raised were exceptional. The growth of manufacturing towns, the enlarge- ment of trade, together with the war, called away very many of the sturdiest young men of the third generation. Waterford and all the agricultural towns of Maine keenly feel this loss. There is a brighter future for our hill towns. The equilibrium between manufacturing and agriculture, so rudely disturbed by the war^ is being restored. We are learning what has always been true, that for farmers of small 1 Only those towns are enumerated which in 1875 were included in Oxford county. For population of counties and towns in 1790 and 1800, see pages 66 and 68; in 1810 and 1820, see pages 134 and 135. CONCLUDING KEMARKS. 221 capital Maine (Oxford county), all things considered, offers greater inducements than any southern or western State. We are more hopeful, and conse- quently more industrious. Let us thank God for the hard times, for they have saved the agricultural towns of Maine. I have sketched the institutions of Waterford rather than written its history. I have told you that Waterford was laid out seven miles square. What is that save a geographical fact ? That at a later time a meeting-house was built and a church was gathered. What are these but ecclesiastical facts ? That Waterford made a manly, if mistaken, protest against the embargo. What is that but a political fact ? The history of Waterford no man can write. Seven miles square! Turn it about! Did it mean more than fifty square miles ? Yes. It meant fifty square miles of virgin forests filled with growths of black pine and giant maples, threaded with brooks and flashing with ponds. It meant stony fields, now hedged by walls of rock which you and your fathers built ; where you learnt the hated yet necessary lesson that there is pleasure in duty done, however irksome that duty. It meant tangled swamps of giant trees, which man has conquered, and which have themselves lent to their conquerors, as conquered giants always do, their own mighty 222 HISTORICAL ADDRESS. strength. It means these beautiful school-houses, the pride and ornament of your town. It means cheerful, happy homes and precious memories of those who are gone. Yonder cellar, a tangle of wild raspberry bushes, half hiding rough beams and huge, misshapen stones, marks the spot where once struggled the hopes, fears, loves, and fancies of child- hood. Disappointments, prides, ambitions, all were there. Be reverent ! Memory kindly mosses over the roughnesses of these pioneers, but sets in clear relief their kindliness, their indomitable courage. Yonder church, all these churches, were built, yes! were dedicated, yes ! Is that all ? Genius immor- talizes itself by putting upon canvas love and faith. Whole galleries of Murrillos and Raphaels are but attempted personations of these qualities. But within these humble church walls, these galleries of living souls, many an eye has beamed with love of a Saviour found, or been raised in a triumph of faith as almost it pierced the veil that hid the mysteries of God ! What was the protest against the embargo ? A hundred angry men venting their hate ? No ! It was a hundred indignant men putting into words of fire thoughts that burned ! It was the old revolu- tionary spirit, and it flashed out again fifty years later, when their indignant sons emphasized protest with bayonets. CONCLUDING EEMARKS. 223 Ah ! friends, you cannot measure nor weigh nor grapple with a sunbeam, yet it is real. You cannot with a surveyor's chain mark the limit, or by rhet- oric measure the courage of industry, the heroism of christian struggle, the beauty of love and faith, the power of ambition, the glow of patriotism, yet they are real ; they go to make up character, and the real history of Waterford is the history of its noble characters. One thought more and I am done. The charac- ter of our fathers made the future of Waterford as it did its past. A nation and a town's past is its promise of a future. You cannot ascend without a point of departure, and the higher that point of de- parture the greater the heights you may hope to reach. God grant that a hundred years from to-day our children may be able, as do we, to look behind them for their bow of promise. RECORD OF FAMILIES. The following record covers the first half century of the town. In some instances it takes in families of the second and in a few cases those of the third generation. It includes those that came here or were formed here as such, before the first half century of the town closed. Families came to town during the first half century who did not remain long, and have left behind them no reliable trace of their history. The record of such of course we cannot give. It has been found difficult often to obtain names and dates, and in some cases we have wholly failed to find them. We have found discrepancies between the records preserved in families and those made by the town. We have done what we could to make these statistics of the first half century com- plete and accurate. Valuable aid in this woi»k of recording the families has been rendered by Thaddeus Brown, Esq., who has our thanks. RECORD OF FAMILIES. ALLEN. Robert Allen married Ann Perry. They moved ' to Waterford from Reading, Mass., in 1821, having six children. They lived half a mile west of the old meeting-house, on the northern slope of the mountain. Children : John, m. Hannah Holt. Elizabeth, m. 1st, Enoch Wilson; 2d, Benjamin Emerson. Perry. Anna. Robert L., m. 1st, Rebecca H. Horr; 2d, . Mary, m. Wm. Hinman. ATHERTON. John Atherton, born 1762 ; married Anna Shaw, born 1776. He was a farmer, and lived half a mile east of the lower village. He was one of the first settlers in town, and a soldier in the revolutionary war four years. Children : Josiah, b. 1791; m. 1st, Betsey Carter; 2d, Mary Barker. John, b. 1793 ; m. Harriet Atherton. Ezra, b. 1795. Joseph, b. 1797 ; m. Susan Boston. Jonathan, b. 1799. Oliver, b. 1801; m. 1st, Mary Williard; 2d, MaryPhinney; 3d, Julia Atherton. Joel, b. 1803. Anna, b. 1807; m. Josiah Ellsworth. Mary, b. 1810. 228 HISTORY OF WATERFORD. Colonel JoHX Atherton (2d gen.), who married Harriet Atherton, was son of John Atherton. He resided ou the old place. JosiAH Atherton (2d gen.), who married first Betsey Carter, second. Mart Barker, was the son of John ; re- sided in the lower village ; was a merchant and tanner. Children : Mary A. Maria F. Elizabeth W. Charles. George. Oliver Atherton (2d gen.), v/ho married first Mart Wil- LiARD, second. Mart Phinnet, third, Julia Atherton, suc- ceeded his brother. Col. John, upon the farm east of the City. Children : John, ra. Margaret Brown. Charles. Jane, m. Lewis Silla. Joel Atherton, born 1764, in 1791 married Nanct Crom- BiE. They moved from Rindge, N. H., in 1793, and resided on Temple hill. He was a soldier of the revolution. Children : William, b. 1791 ; killed by the fall of a tree. Crombie, b. 1793; m. Mary Wheeler. Nancy, b. 1795 ; m. Eber Stone. Harriet, b. 1797 ; m. Col. John Atherton. Betsy, b. 1799; m. William Monroe, ji-. Rebecca, b. 1801 ; m. Simon Stevens. Patty, b. 1804; m. Silas Hamlin. Mary, b. 1806 ; m. Luke Moore. Sally, b. 1809; m. Sumner Kimball. Julia, b. 1812 ; m. Oliver Atherton. RECORD OF FAMILIES. 229 BAILEY. Richard Bailey married Emma Hilton. He came to Wa- terford from Westbrook, Me. ; resided in the lower village ; was a blacksmith of superior skill in edged tools and in the heavy and difficult work of the trade. Children : Emily, m. Thomas Churchill. Osgood, m. Sarah Greene. Richard, m. Kitson. Maria, m. Stephens. BAKER. Edwaed Baker, born in 1756, married first Hephzibah Fairbanks; second, Polly Fletcher ; third, Mrs. Stevens. Mr. Baker came from Berlin, Mass. ; was one of the early set- tlers ; was a farmer, and lived in the south-east corner of the town where J, N. Baker now resides. Children : Sally, b. 1779; m. Joseph Greene. Luke, b. 1781 ; m. Eleanor Hunnewell. Kesiah, b. 1784; m. Daggett. John, b. 1786; m. 1st, Nancy Shurtleflf; 2d, Martha Stevens. Edward, b. 1788; m. Mary Jordan. Hephzibah, b. 1791 ; m. Coolard. Persis, b. 1793. Betsey, b. 1796; m. Gale. Samuel, b. 1799 ; his fate unknown. Nancy, m. Artemus Woodsum. Abel, m. Clarissa Evans. The last two were children of the second marriage. Luke Baker (2d gen.), who married Eleanor Hunnewell was son of Edward Baker, and resided near him, in the vicinity of Harrison. 230 HISTORY OF WATERFORD. Children : Cyrus, m. Julia A. Caswell. Luke. Asa, m. Rachel Lovejoy. Ellen, m. Charles Garner. Albert. Thomas, m. Maria Ross. John Baker (2d gen.), who married first Nancy Shurt- LEFF, second, Martha Stevens, was also son of Edward Baker, and succeeded him on the home place on Baker's hill, in the south-east part of the town. Children : Harriet F., b. 1817; m. Henry Upton. George, b. 1819 ; m. in Massachusetts. Charles, b. 1821. John N., ra. Jane M. Plummer. Elizabeth. BARKER. Daniel Barker married first Eunice Brown; second, Widow Barker. He came to town in 1783 from Stowe, Mass.; was a farmer, and lived in South Waterford, near Bridgton line ; was in the revolutionary war during the whole period. Children : Joseph, m. Huldah Stiles. Eunice, m. Abijah Brown. Lucinda, ra. Nathan Grover. Rufus, m. Nancy Kimball. Francis, m. Allen. William, m. Achsah Knox. Allen. RECORD OF FAMILIES. 231 Joseph Barker (2d gen,), who married Huldah Styles, was son of Daniel Barker, and resided on the old place ; a farmer. Children : Everline, b. 1803 ; m. a Mr. Winslow of Xew Gloucester. Azro, b. 1804. Almasa, b. 1806 ; m. Ephraim Hilton, Amaudar, b. 181U ; m. Jane Clark ; was a teacher and minister. Lorinda, b. 1812. Joseph, b. 1815. Eollin, b. 1818. Albert, b. 1820; m. 1st, Nancy Irish; 2d, Lucinda Dinsmore; is a lawyer and editor in Colebrook, X. H. James Barker, born 1777, married in 1799 Eunice Stone. He settled half a mile east of the Flat ; a farmer. Children: Sophronia, m. Samuel Brown. Caroline. Harriet, m. Cyrus Plummer. Julia, ra. Ezra Stone. Ralph. Eunice, m. Rufus Moore. William. Caroline. BILLINGS. Charles Billings, born 1790, married first, in 1812, Mary Stone ; second, in 1826, Elizabeth Gould, Mr. Billings came from Temple, Mass. ; was a farmer ; resided west of Mc- Wains pond, afterward in different places in town. Children : Julia A., m. Eben Plummer. Mary S., m. Blodget. Amanda. Marshall C, m. 1st, Christiana Bryant; 2d, Ellen Kingman. Henry S., m. Roxy Caswell. Peter J., m. 1st, Kimball; 2d, ■ : Leander S. Emily, m. Metell. 232 HISTORY OF WATERFORD. Daniel Billings, born 1780, married Sarah Khiball, born 1786, He came from Temple, Mass.; was a joiner; lived first on Temple hill and then in the lower village. Children : Louisa, m. William Hamlin. Caroliue, m. G. F. Wheeler. George C, m. Rebecca Whitcorab. Maria, m. Calvin Houghton. James R., m. Esther Clark. John D., m. Esther Knowlton. Miranda. BISBEE. Moses Bisbee, born in 1766, married Ellen Buck. He moved to Waterford in 1817 from Sumner, Me., and resided in the neighborhood that now takes his name ; a farmer. Children : Polly, m. Roswell Adley. Moses, m. 1st, Hannah Swan ; 2d, Ellen Beatie. Robert D., m. Foster. Calvin. Jonathan T. Ellen C, m. Dennis Brackett. Jane, m. Eliakim Long. Elvira, m. Francis Hamlin. Luther Bisbee, born 1796, married Mary Wardwell. He came to Waterford from Sumner, Me., in the year 1820 ; was a farmer, and lived in the east part of the town in the Bisbee neighborhood. Children : Hiram. Maria. Addison. Cohimbia, m. Levi Millett. Caroline, m. Francis M. Sampson. Byron, m. Adeline Knight. Walter, ra. Martha Knight. Winslow. RECORD OF FAMILIES. 233 VoLXET BisBEE, bom 1801, married Ruth Briggs. He came from Turner to Waterford in 1824, and settled in the Bisbee neighborhood. He now resides in the village at North Waterford. He has one son : Daniel Bisbee. BRIGHAM. Samuel Brigham (we have not the name of his wife) came from VVestborough, Mass., and settled in West Waterford; was a farmer. He left town, and no full record of him since has been obtained. Children : Lucy, b. 1786. Samuel, b. 1788; m. in Sweden. Polly, b. 1789. Liscum, b. 1791. George B., K .^qo Lucy, ) Lucy m. Amos Smith. Bryant, b. 1794. Levi, b. 1796. Nahum, b. 1798; m. in Boston. Antipas, b. 1800; m. in Massachusetts. Lincoln, b. 1801. Sophia, b. 1803. Thomas, b. 1805. Dexter, b. 1807. Luther Brigham married Rosomok Jones. He came from Stowe, Mass., and settled in the Gambo neighborhood; a farmer. Lydia, m. Rufus Priest. Mehitabel. Sophia, m. Abel Moore. Mary, m. Joseph Flint. Lewis, m. Swallow. Calvin, m. Ball. Maria, m. Nathan Hilton. 16 Children : 234 HISTORY OF WATEEFORD. BROWN. Abu AH Brown married first Sally Barker; second, Lucy LoNGLEY. He came from Stowe, Mass., about the year 1790, and settled in the west part of the town ; a farmer. Children : Artemas, b. 1792; m. Turner. Eunice, b. 1794. Abraham C, b. 1796, Aram, b. 1798; m. Ruth Morse. Elvira, b. 1800; m. Ezra Haskell. Aram Brown (2d gen.), who married Ruth Morse, was son of Abijah Brown, and resided in the west part of the town ; a farmer. Children : John C. Mercy G. Ann W., m. 1st, George W. Stevens; 2d, Thomas Trull. Ruth J., m, Oliver Hale. Adonijah Brown married Miriam Carruth. He moved from Marlborough, Mass., about the year 1795 ; was a farmer ; lived in several places in town. Children : Mary. Charlotte, b. 1801; m. 1st. Nathaniel Pride; second, Mills; third, Ezra Haskell. Moses, b. 1803 ; m. Mehitabel Skillings. Lucy, b. 1806. Elmer, b. 1808. Asaph Brown, born 1761, married Hannah Shaw. RECORD OF FAMILIES. 235 Children : Nabby, b. 1784 ; m. Heraan Brown. Kobbins, b. 1786; m. Hannab Lovejoy. Polly, b. 1787. Hannah, b. 1790. Josiab, b. 1792; m. Mehitabel Lovejoy. Caty, b. 1794 ; m. Ellingwood of Bethel. Asaph, b. 1797. Susanna, b. 1799 ; m. Stearns of Bethel. Nancy, b. 1801. Thaddeus Brown married Mary Pollard. He removed to Waterford from Harvard, Mass., in 1786; was one of the early settlers in town ; lived about a mile east of the Flat ; was a farmer and a dealer in lands and in timber. Children : Daniel, b. 1784 ; m. Ann Hamlin. Malbory, b. 1789; m. 1st, Nancy Scripture; 2d, Mrs. Betsey Dupee. Jabez, b. 1791 ; m. 1st, Sally Hamlin ; 2d, Eveline Hale. Susan, b. 1794; m. John Meserve. Levi, b. 1796; m. Caroline E. Farrar. Thaddeus, b. 1798; m. Asenath Nourse. Mary, b. 1800; m. Elijah Flint. Mercy, b. 1802 ; m. Samuel Merrill. Sarah, b. 1804; m. Cyprian Hobbs. Capt. Malbory Brovtn (2d gen.), who married first Naxcy Scripture, second, Mrs. Betsey Dupee, was son of Thad- deus Brown ; lived in South Waterford where Mr. Ellis now resides ; was a blacksmith and farmer. He excelled as a grace- ful military officer. Children : Mary Jane, b. 1819 ; m. Greorge Fuller. Nancy M., b. 1821; m. Calvin Hamlin. Elizabeth A, b. 1823; m. 1st, John C. Warren; 2d, Gideon Ellis. Levi L., b. 182.5; m. Almeda Bean. Harriet W. Calvin. 236 HISTORY OF WATERFORD. Thaddeus Bkown (2d gen.), who married Asenath NouRSE, was son of Thaddeus Brown, and resides with his son Waldo on the jplace once owned by William Brown. Children : Theodore (Capt), m. Clara A. Bryant. Daniel, m. Mary B. Stone. Mercy, m. Scribner Chadbourne. John. Mary, m. Charles H. Hale. Waldo T., m. Margaret G. Plummer. Ellen M. Myra A., m. William H. Bailey. Nettie. Jabez Brown (2d gen.), who married Sally Hamlin, was son of Thaddfius Brown, sen. ; resided on the old place. He retained a remarkable recollection of the events of the town, which has been useful to the historian. Children : Europe H. Daniel W. Angeline. Fanny. Angeline. Mark. Maliala, m. John J. French, Angela, m. Emerson Wilkins. Caroline. Clara, m. Edward Jackson. Melinda. Caroline L., m. Elbridge Stone. William Brown married Betsey Wheeler. He came from Stow, Mass. ; lived in Gambo district ; a farmer ; after- ward moved to the Flat and kept hotel. RECORD OF FAMILIES. 237 Children : Samuel, b, 1792; m. Sophronia Barker. Josiali, b. 1795 ; m, Phebe Sawiu. Calvin, b. 1797; m. Mrs. Lamson. John, b. 1801 ; m. Sophia Hamlin. Betsey, b. 1803 ; m. Capt. Nathaniel Rounds. C. C. Rounds, their son, is now principal of the Normal school at Farmington. Lucinda, b. 1806; m. George Kimball. William, b. 1809; m. Frances C. Allen; was chaplain in the late war. BRYANT. Richard Bryant, born 1766, married in 1789 Mary Whit- ney, born 1766. Mr. Bryant came from Harvard, Mass., and lived on the south side of Beach hill ; a farmer. Children : Sally, b. 1789; m. Joseph McAlister. Nancy, b. 1791 ; m. Jacob French. Polly, b. 1793 ; m. Joseph Saunderson. Betsey, b. 1795 ; m. Col. John Saunderson George, b. 1797 ; m. Nancy Chubb. Melinda, b. 1799; m. Dea. Henry Houghton. Eliza, b. 1802 ; m. Eben Plummer. Perez, b. 1804; m. Caroline Moore. John, b. 1808 ; m. Elizabeth Hapgood. BURNELL. Samuel Buknell, born in Gorham, Me., in 1782, married in Harrison, Me., January, 1808, Jane Richardson, born in Minot, Me., in 1793. Children, Born in Bridgton : John, b. December, 1808 ; m. Rose A. Beattie of Bethel. Samuel, b. October, 1810; m. Sarah Tukey of Raymond. William, b. December, 1812; m. Nancy Beattie of Bethel. Jane, b. June, 1816; m. Elihu Lynde of Stoneham, Mass. 288 HISTORY OF WATERFORD. Born in Waterford : Jemima, b. April, 1819; m. Sanders Kimball of Waterford. Elias, b. January, 1821 ; m. Mary Rich of Buxton. Elijah, b. October, 1825; m. Lucind Preston of Topsham. Aaron, b. October, 1827; died, aged 14. Joseph, b. March, 1829; m. Deborah Richardson of Bluehill. Lydia, b. February, 1833 ; m. James Miles of Lowell, Mass. Edwin, b. November, 1836; m. Mary Maloy of Hartford, Conn. CARTER. John Carter married first Amelia Hamlin; second, Eu- nice Daggett. Mr. Carter came from Bridgton ; was long in trade in the lower village ; lived between the villages, west of the pond. Children : Emerson F., m. 1st, Sax'ah Kimball; 2d, Pamelia Kimball; was a teacher by profession ; now resides at Pittsfield, Mass. Henry, m. Elizabeth A. Caldwell ; is a lawyer ; edited the Portland Advertiser; now practises in Haverhill, Mass; resides in Brad- ford ; has been a member of the Massachusetts Senate, and is now a judge. John, m. ; does business in Boston. Catharine, m. John F. Hathaway. CUMMINGS. Dr. Stephen Cummings, born in Andover, Mass., 1772, married in 1795 Eleanor Hale of Temple, New Hampshire. He removed to Portland and became a physician of great dis- tinction. Died in Cape Elizabeth, 1854. Children : Nathan, b. in "Waterford, 1796 ; m. in 1824 Emily Ilsley of Portland. He was a merchant and at one time collector of customs in Port- land, and d. there, 1878. Sarah, b. in Waterford, 1798; m. in 1826 Charles Bradley of Boston; d. in Portland, 1875. RECORD OF FAMILIES. 239 Sumner, b. in Waterford, 1800; unmarried; d. in Portland, 1848. Stephen, b. in Portland, 1803; m. Fanny Whitney of Norway; d. in Norway, 1863. John Moreland, b. in Portland, 1812; m. in 1849 Harriet Corser of Portland ; d. in Cape Elizabeth, 1878. Fitz Henry, b. in Portland, 1816; d. in Portland, 1837. CARLTON. Dea. Edward Caklton, born 1799, married in 1824 Ach- SAH Monroe. He came from Portland about the year 1823 ; lived on the Flat, afterward west of the pond ; was a cabinet maker, and for some time was postmaster. Children : Caroline, m. Greenwood. Maria. Emily. Elizabeth, m. William W. Greene, m.d. George. Ellen. Edward. Edward. Charles M,, m. Mary Greenwood. He was a physician and occulist in Norwich, Conn. John A. CHAMBERLAIN. Dea. Ephraim Chamberlain married Persis Barrett. He came from Littleton, Mass., and settled in the Gambo neighborhood. Children : Rebecca, b. 1787; m. Humphrey Saunders. Ephraim, b. 1789 ; m. Abigail Holt, John, b. 1792 ; m. Phebe Haskins. Lois, b. 1795 ; m. Francis Cummings. Lydia, b. 1797. Persis, b. 1803 ; m. Jonathan Wardwell. 240 HISTORY OF WATERFORD, CHAPLIN. Daniel Chaplin married Mary Saunders. They came from Rowley, Mass., and resided in North Waterford. He was a farmer and blacksmith ; was often in town office ; was a soldier in the Revolution. Children : Daniel, b. 1792 ; m. Fanny Davenport. Caleb, b. 1795. John S., b. 1797. MaryS.,b. 1800. Amos, b. 1802. Dolly, b. 1804; m. Joseph Bennett. Lydia, b. 1806 ; m. Ethan Allen. Lois P., b. 1810. Capt. Daniel Chaplin (2d gen.), who married Fanny Davenport, was son of Daniel Chaplin; lived on the old place ; was much in town business ; was representative in the legislature. He constructed a lithograph map of the town. Children : Mary, m. Nathaniel D. Hodsdon. Daniel, m. Elizabeth B. Treadwell. Serena D. Harriet D. Edward, was killed in the late war. David Chaplin married Jane Saunders. He was brother of Daniel ; came from Rowley, Mass. ; resided in North Water- ford; was a farmer and blacksmith, skilled in curious work and arts. He was teacher, student in the Greek, a soldier in the Revolution ; was deacon of the Baptist church ; had one child, Jane, who died in infancy. CILLET. John Cilley, born 1792, married in 1821 Lydia Moulton, born 1794. He came from Gorham, Me., in 1821 ; settled in the south-west part of the town, where Paul Whitcomb had lived ; a farmer. RECORD OF FAMILIES. 241 Children : Sarah, m. A. D. Hamlin. Maria G., m. William Lunt. John. William F., m. 1st, J. M. Atherton ; 2d, C. Foss. George M. Melinda L., m. Frank Harding. COOLIDGE. Henry Coolidge (the name of his wife not ascertained) came from Cambridge, Mass. ; settled on the south side of the pond, on what is now called Coolidge hill. Children : William. Mercy, m. Dr. Samuel Crombie, Orlando, m. 1st, Betsey Haskell ; 2d, Martha Merrill. Mary, m. Joseph Pratt. John G. W., m. Mrs. Zipporah Andrews. Henry. Jonas. John G. W. Coolidge (2d gen.) married Mrs. Zipporah Andrews of Bridgton ; lived with his father on Coolidge hill ; a farmer ; afterward left town. Children : John H., m. Jacobs. Frances E., m. Dr. Houghton, out west. Helena, m. Ainsworth. Orlando Coolidge (2d gen.), who married first Betsey Haskell, second, Martha Merrill, was son of Henry Cool- idge ; resided east of Tom pond ; a farmer. Children : Henry, b. 1816. Mercy W., b. 1818. Jonas, b. 1823. Elizabeth, I ^_ ^^^4, Orlando. 242 HISTORY OF WATERFORD. CROMBIE. De. Samuel Crombie came into town about 1807 and mar- ried Mercy Coolidge. He died in 1809, and by his request was buried with his head pointing directly toward the north and his feet toward the south. CROSS. Capt. Ebenezer Cross married in 1793 Abigail Webb. Capt. Cross, born in Newburyport, Mass., moved to Portland, Me,, and followed the seas. He afterward settled in Water- ford, and lived where Samuel Plummer resided. He died in Portland. Children : Ebenezer, m. Lucinda Longley. Miriam A., d. in Belfast, 1821. Sarah A., m. Benjamin Walker. Mary, m. Eben L. Dyer, Catherine, d, young. Catherine, m, J, B, Scott, Jane G. Eliza A., m. John Dela. Ebenezer Cross (2d gen,), who mai-ried Lucinda Long- ley, was son of Capt. Ebenezer Cross ; lived where Eben Plummer lately resided ; was a farmer, and at one time a trader at the Flat. He afterward removed to Bridgton. Children : Jane, m, John Eilborn, William W., ra. Hannah W, Cranmore. DAVENPORT. Ephraim Davenport, born 1762, married Sarah Prince, born 1762, He came to Waterford about 1792 from Massa- chusetts; afterward removed to North Bridgton. He was skilled as house joiner and mill-wright. RECOED OF FAMILIES. 243 Children : John, b. 1790 ; m. Eliza Reed. Silence, b. 1792. Fanny, b. 1794; m. Capt. Daniel Chaplain. Nancy, b. 1796. Serena, b. 1798; m. Hon. John L. Megquier. Ephraim, b. 1800; m. Sally Kimball. Elias B. Harriet, m. Thomas Mead, Esq. Ephraim Davenport (2d gen.), who married Sally Kim- ball, was son of Ephraim Davenport ; lives a farmer in the east part of the town, near Norway. Children : Byron, m. Martha Potter. Elias. Abigail, m. Jonathan Chapman. Francena, m. Theodore French. Jonathan K., m. Mary . Mary, m. Benjamin Cook. John L. M., m. Harriet Lincoln. DAVIS. Deliverance Davis married in 1810 Eliza Stewart. He came from Boscawen, N. H. ; was a tanner by trade ; was civil magistrate ; lived just above the Flat. Children : Mary, b. 1809; m. William Horr. Eliza, b. 1813 ; m. Benjamin Blood. Jonas, b. 1818; m. Mrs. Billings. Albert, m. Fannie Watkins. DOUGLASS. Rev. John A. Douglass, born 1792, married first, in 1822, Elizabeth Abbott, born 1798; second, in 1824, Lucy Ab- bott, born 1802. Mr. Douglass came from Portland in the spring of 1821 ; was ordained pastor of the Congregational church Nov. 7, 1821; died Aug. 7, 1878. 244 HISTORY OF WATERFORD. Children : Harriet E., some years lady principal of Gorham seminary. William A., of whom a brief memoir was written. John A., M.D., m. Helen Howarth. Abby A., deceased. Lucy E., m, John Eveleth, m.d. Emma F., deceased. William A., is high sheriff of Oxford county. Clara M., teacher. Alfred S., d. in infancy. Marion L. H., d. while young. DUDLEY. Joseph Dudley married Lucy Maynard. He came from Acton, Mass., in 1798 ; lived in the south part of the town; was the proprietor of mills. Children : Hannah, b. 1792. Rebecca, b. 1795. Joseph, b. 179S ; m. Abigail Morse. Israel, b. ]801. James, b. 1803; m. Lucinda Dillingham. Samuel, b. 1805. John, b. 1807. Lucy, b. 1809; m. Gee Harmon. Mary, b. 1812. Hosea E., b. 1822; m. Fanny Barnes. James Dudley (2d gen.), who married Lucinda Dilling- ham, was the son of Joseph, and resided in the south part of the town, near Harrison ; was engaged in farming and milling. Children : Lucinda D., m. C. Jeffords. James E., m. Eliza Burns. Nancy J., m. Stephen Pattee. Charles M. Samuel. John, m. Susan Backman. Lewis F,, m. Amy Fernald. Frederick E. RECORD OF FAMILIES. 245 Joseph Dudley (2d gen.), who married Abigail Morse, was son of Joseph Dudley, and resided with the Dudley- brothers, near the mills in the south part of the town. Children : Joseph W., m. Elizabeth Earles. Albert. Samuel. Israel, m. Thirza Kilgore. Matilda. ELLSWORTH. JosiAH Ellsworth, born 1803, married Anna Atherton, born 1807. He came from Bridgton, Me., in 1820; learned the clothier's trade of Josiah Fan-ar ; resided in the lower vil- lage ; worked also at the carpenter's trade. Children : Mark T., m. Lydia Tomlinson. Anna L. Caroline B., m. Joseph Perry. Cyrus M., m. in Massachusetts. Anna L. Charles W., m. in Boston. FAIRBANKS. Jonathan Fairbanks man-ied Susan Cahoon. He came from Berlin, Mass. ; was a farmer ; lived in Gambo district, near the foot of McWains pond. Children : Lucretia, m. Bowdoin "Wood. Sophia, m. Josiah Pride. Susan, m. Norcross. Ephraim, m. in Massachusetts. Jonathan, m. Sylvina Morton ; was a Methodist preacher ; d. recently. 246 HISTORY OF WATERFORD. FARRAR. Calvin Farrar, Esq., born 1778, married Bathsheba Bates, 1797. He was from Guildhall, Vt. ; resided on the Flat ; a merchant ; was in town and state office. Children : Caroline E., b. 1806 ; m. Maj. Levi Brown. Nancy W., b. 1810; m. John Gerry, Esq. ; d. 1841. Maria, b. 1811; m. Roland Gerry; d, 1844. Luther (Col.), b. 1813; graduated at Bowdoin College; m. Sophronia Hume ; d. 1843. Calvin (Col.), b. 1814; graduated at Bowdoin College; was proprietor of the Hydropathic Institution in Waterford ; d. 1859. Mercy, b. 1816; m. C. J. F. Eastman. David, b. 1818. David Farrar, unmarried, brother and partner of Calvin, was a man of note in town, holding various public offices. JosiAH Farrar married Betsey Prince. He came from Guildhall, Vt. ; lived in the lower village in the house where Luther Houghton now lives; was a clothier by trade. Children : Calvin, b. 1808 ; graduated at Bowdoin College about 1882. Annette, b. 1811; m. 1st, Daniel G. Swan; 2d, John A. Briggs. Josiah, b. 1814. Edward, b. 1816. Harriet, b. 1818; m. John A. Briggs. GAGE. Leander Gage, m.d., born in 1792, married in 1820 Ann B. Sargent, born 1794. Dr. Gage was from Bethel, Me. ; began practice in Waterford about 1817; built and occupied the stand now owned by Mr. Porter; was a man of commanding influence, and had a wide practice and reputation; died 1812. RECORD OF FAMILIES. 247 Children : Phebe, b. 1821 ; was a teacher. Frances, b. 1823; m. Col. Humphrey Cousens. Irene, b. 1825; m. Dea. Samuel Warren. Thomas H., m.d., b. 1827; m. Annie M. Lane. Ann, b. 1829; m. Calvin Foster; was a teacher in Boston. Maiy, b. 1831 ; teacher in Boston. Lois, b. 1832. George M., b. 1834; m. Elizabeth Webber; was principal of State Normal school ; afterward same in Minnesota. GREENE. Lieut. Thomas Greene, born in 1743, married Lydia Kil- BOEN, born 1748. They removed from Rowley, Mass., in 1788; came in a schooner to Portland, and but partially escaped shipwreck ; settled in North Waterford where Cyrus Greene now lives. Jonathan Barnard had begun on the lot, but soon after removed to North Bridgton. Lieut. Greene was an officer in the French and revolutionary wars; was famed for courage and enthusiasm in battle ; once led the regiment to victory when its commander had fled, so says tradition. Children : Daniel, b. 1770; m. Elizabeth Warren. PoUy, b, 1772; m. Maj. Samuel Warren. Thomas, b. 1775; m. Tabitha Holt. Sarah, b. 1777; m. Dudley Swan. Dorothy, b. 1779 ; m. Dea. William Warren. Lydia, b. 1782 ; m. Capt. Abel Houghton. Joseph, b. 1784; m. Catherine Willard. Elizabeth, b. 1786; m. Capt. Abel Houghton. Capt. Daniel Greene (2d gen.), who married Elizabeth Warren, was son of Lieut. Thomas Greene, whose entire fami- ly came with him from Rowley. Capt. Greene succeeded his father on the old place; was farmer and shoemaker; w^as long in town office, also justice of the peace. 248 HISTORY OF WATERFOKD. Having no children, they brought up as their own : Lucy A. Horr, who raanied James Coffin. Daniel G. Swan, who married Annette Farrar. Joanna Hale, who married William York. Thomas Green, who married Eliza Kimball. Abel Baker, who married Clarissa Evans. Thomas Greene (2d gen.), born 1775, who married Tabitha Holt, was son of Lieut. Thomas, and came with the family from Rowley ; settled on the road leading from North to West Waterford. He lost his life in taking down the frame of a barn. Children : Sarah A., b. 1800. Tabitha, b. 1801 ; m. Dea. Leonard Grover. Jacob H., b. 1802; m. Sarah (Frye) Jewett. William W., b. 1805; m. Ruth Corser. Thomas, b. 1808 ; m. Elizabeth Kimball. Joseph Greene (2d gen.), who married in 1809 Catherine WiLLARD, born 1784, was son of Lieut. Thomas Greene. He lived half a mile south of Daniel Warren; then moved to the old Willard place ; was a farmer ; had great physical strength ; was killed by the falling of a tree. Children : Samuel W., m. Eliza Beatie. Sophia, m. Asa Cummings. Sarah M. E., in business in Lowell, Mass. Dolly. William, m. Mary Carter. Daniel, m. Coretha Joselyn. Cyrus, m. in the west. Joseph, m. in Boston. There were two infants. RECORD OF FAMILIES, 249 GERRY. Peter Gerry, born in 1776, raavried first Polly Cutler, born in 1782 ; second, Elizabeth Farrar, widow of Josiah Farrar. He moved to Waterford about 1797 from Harvard, Mass. His first wife was born in Sudbury, Mass. He settled in the west part of the town ; was a farmer, civil magistrate, and for several years represented the town in the legislature. Children : Mary, b. 1804 ; d. 1844. John C, b. 1808; m. 1st, Nancy W. Farrar; 2d, Nancy W. Sawin. Roland H., b. 1810; m. Maria A. Farrar; d. 1842. Abbie, b. 1812; d. 1817. Elbridge, b. 1815; m. Anna S. C. Jenness; is attorney at law in Port- land ; bas represented the town in the State legislature and the district in congress. HALE. Oliver Hale married first Eunice Fletcher; second, Elizabeth Newton. He was from Harvard, Mass.; walked all the way to the wilderness of Waterford and brought an ox- chain on his shoulders, which is now in the possession of one of his descendants. He went on an ox-sled to Gray to be mar- ried, forty miles distant, and returned with his bride in the same way. Children : John, ra. Matilda Cockrain. Sally, b. 1791 ; m. Jonathan A. Russell. Betsey, b. 1793. Charlotte, b. 1794; long a teacher in Portland; m. Maj. Tbos. Perl'ey.^ Lucinda, b. 1797; m. Joseph C. Walker. Eunice, b. 1799 ; m. 1st, Charles Mason ; 2d, Ayers Mason. Mary, m. Capt. Luther Houghton. Oliver, m. 1st, Harriet Waite; 2d, Mary Ann Lincoln; 3d, Ruth Jane Brown. 17 250 HISTORY OF WATERFOED. Israel Hale married Esther Taylor. He came from Harvard, Mass., in 1795, and settled in the west part of the town, where Capt. Thomas Swan now lives. Children : Polly, m. Daniel Holt. Esther, m. Moses Howe. Charles, m. Packard. Mercy, m. John Thurston. Benjamin, m. Polly Shaw. Alpheus, m, Mary Arnold. Sumner, m. Mary Shackley. Eber, m. Jemima Richardson. Israel. Charles Hale (2 gen.), who married Packard, was son of Israel ; lived a while in West Waterford, afterward in Sweden. Children : Elbridge G., b. 1811. Charles, b, 1813. Lovesty, b. 1814. George W., b. 1819. John R., b. 1821. Sally, b. 1823. Nancy B., b. 1825. Benjamin Hale, born 1765, married first Susan Whitney ; second, Mercy Rand. He came from Harvard, Mass., in 1785, and settled in the Pluramer neighborhood. He was a tailor by trade, dividing his time between his trade and his farm. Children : Abel, b. 1794. Joseph (Lieut.), b. 1796; m. Janette Howe. Susanna, b. 1798. Eveline, b. 1800; m. Jabez Brown. Benjamin, b. 1802. Mary, b. 1804 ; m. Dea. Benjamin F. Stone. Joanna, b. 1806; m. William York. Abel W., b. 1813; m. Susan Buruham. RECORD OF FAMILIES. 251 Lieut. Joseph Hale (2d gen.), who married Janette Howe, has during his married life resided on the Flat, and divides his time between his trade as shoemaker and farming ; has no children. HAMLIN. The progenitor of all the Hamlins that settled early in Ox- ford county was Eleazer, of Harvard, Mass. He owned a large tract of land in Waterford. He had seventeen children. He oflfered each of his sons land enough to make a farm if they would settle on it. Four of them, Africa, America, Eleazer, and Hannibal, accepted the offer. There were then only twelve families in town. Mrs. Africa Hamlin, with a little child in her arms, was drawn upon a moose sled from Long pond to her wilderness home. When asked if she was not homesick (her husband was not with her), she answered, " no, not at all." Africa Hamlin married Susanna Stone. He came from Harvard, Mass.; settled in South Waterford; a farmer; wag first town clerk and was often in town office. Children : Nabby. Poladore, m. Nancy Park. Almira, m. Maj. Theodore Stone. Susanna, m. Gabriel Kilgore. Castelo, M.D., m. Rebecca E. Haskins. Lydia, m. John Wilkins. America Hamlin married first Sally Parkhurst ; second, Betsey Brown. He also was from Harvard, and resided near his brother Africa. 252 HISTORY OF WATERFORD. Children: Pamelia, m. John Carter. Luther, m. Hannah Kimball. America, m. Huldah Keyes. Sally, m. Jabez Brown. Sophia, m. John Brown. Silas, m. Martha Atherton. Lewis. Fanny, m. William Burnhara. William Henry, m. Brown. Rufus G. America Hamlin (2d gen.), who married Huldah Keyes, was son of America Hamlin, and settled south of his father, near Harrison. Children : Albert, m. Sarah Woodsom. Nancy, m. Long. Maria, m. Wilkins. Edwin, m. Martha Lombard. Lovina, m. Kennison. Almira. Jenny. Luther Hamlin (2d gen.), who married Hannah Kimball, was son of America Hamlin, and resided on the home place daring a part of his life. Children : George, m. 1st, Esther Weston ; 2d, Martha Woodard ; 3d, Charlotte Angle. Calvin, m. Maria Brown. Luther. Prescott. Mary. Capt. Poiadore Hamlin (2d gen.), who married Nancy Park, was son of Africa Hamlin, and resided on the old place. RECORD OF FAMILIES. 253 Children : Eliza Ann, m. Enoch PeiTy. . Margaretta, d. young. Eleazer Hamlin married Sally Bancroft. He came with his brothers from Harvard, and settled in the south-west part of the town. He was trusted in town affairs, and repre- sented the town in the legislature. Children : Francis, m, 1st, Rebecca Parker; 2d, Mrs. Harding; 3d, Elvira Bisbee- Addison, m. Betsey Kneeland. John, m. 1st, Mary Evans; 2d, Caroline Evans; 3d, Mary Rich, William, m. Louisa Billings. Sally. David T., m. Harriet Robbins. Lucy. Eleazer, m. Mary Ann Hapgood. Also several infants. Maj. Hannibal Hamlin married Susan Faulkner. He came with his brothers to Waterford from Harvard ; resided where John Everett now lives ; held town office and was high sheriff for Oxford county. Children : Susan, m. William W. Stone. Rebecca F., m. Charles Farley. Hannibal, m. Fannie Abbott. Cyrus, D.D., president at Robert College, Turkey; m. 1st, Henrietta Jackson; 2d, Miss Lovell, missionary in Turkey; 3d, Mary Ten- ney, also missionary in Turkey. HAPGOOD. Capt. Hezekiah Hapgood married Dorcas Whitcomb. He came from Stow, Mass., in 1797 ; lived in the south part of the town ; was by occupation a farmer. 254 HISTORY OF WATEEFOED. Children : Sally, m. Gedothan Alexander. Mercy, m. Moses Nourse. Betsey, m. Jesse Dunham. Jonathan. Ephraim, m. Fanny Willard. William, m. Mary Hai-nden. Sprout, m. Betsey Sawin. Polly, m. Elbridge Harnden. Hezekiah. Thomas (Capt.), m. Jane McWain. Catharine, m. Silas Warren, Capt. Ephraim Hapgood (2d gen.), born 1788, who married Fanny Willakd, was son of Hezekiah Hapgood. The family moved from Stow, Mass., in 1797. He lived in several places in town ; was a farmer. Children : Eliza A., m. Charles A. Ford, Sherman W., m. Fletcher in Anson. Frances. Conant B. Nancy, m. G. A. Stewart. Charles, m. Savage. Sprout Hapgood (2d gen.), who married Betsey Sawin, was son of Hezekiah Hapgood ; was farmer on the west side of Temple hill, afterward merchant. He was adjutant in the mi- litia. Children : Lyman, m. Elizabeth Smith, Margarette, m. Enoch Moody. Lydia, m. Dr. Levi Howard. Frances. Andrew, m. Annie Winter. Annette. Helen. EECORD OF FAMILIES. 255 Oliver Hapgood, born 1762, married Lucy Tuttle. He was from Stow, Mass. ; settled in the south part of the town ; a farmer. Children : Ephraim, b. 1786; m. Boston; the first male child born in town. Lucy, b. 1788 ; m. Samuel Town. Artemas, b. 1789 ; m. Betsey Haskell. Nathaniel T., b. 1791. Oliver, b. 1794; m. Abigail Welch. Ephraim Hapgood (2d gen.), who married Boston, was the first male child born in town. Children : Ephraim, b. 1815. Lucy E.,b. 1817. Willis S., b. 1819. Oliver, b. 1822; m. Jael Sanderson. John F., b. 1824; m. Young. Richard. HASKELL. Samuel Haskell (the name of his wife I have not found) came from Stow, Mass., and lived on the south side of Tom pond, where Henry Young now lives ; a farmer. Children : Betsey, m. Orlando Coolidge. John, m. Thirza Stone. Samuel, found dead in the woods. Ward. Two daughters, names not ascertained. George, d.d., a Baptist clergyman in Michigan. HASKINS. Robert Haskins, born 1774, married in 1797 Rebecca Em- MERSON, born 1776. They moved to Waterford from Boston in 1802 ; settled on Plummer hill, afterward on the place now 256 HISTOKY OF WATEEFORD. called " Elm Vale," in South Waterford, near Bear pond. Mr. Haskins was one of sixteen children, three of whom died young. The average age of the thirteen that lived was eighty years. He was a fai-mer and manufacturer. The father of Mrs. Haskins was Rev. William Emerson of Concord, Mass., who served as chaplain and lost his life in the revolutionary war. Ralph Waldo Emerson was her nephew. They brought their second babe to town in a basket as its bed, lashed to the front of the chaise, the first vehicle of the kind ever seen in town, it is said. The horse was led by the bit nearly all the way from the foot of Long pond by reason of the badness of the road. Children : Rebecca E,, b. 1799; m. Castela Hamlin, m.d. Thomas W., b. 1801 ; m. Mary Ann Loren. Phebe R.,b. 1803; m. John Chamberlain. She was baptized at ser- vice held in the barn of Rev. Mr. Ripley. Robert, b. 1804 ; m. Lucretia Childs. William E., b. 1806; m. F. M. Hodges. Ralph T., b. 1808 ; m. M. A. Browning. Casper L., b. 1810. Lincoln Ripley, b. 1812. Samuel M., d.d., b. 1813; m. 1st, Adeline Peck; 2d, Sarah Weldman. Hannah U., b. 1814; m. Augustus Parsons. Sarah R., b. 1816; m. Samuel Ansley. Charlotte F., b. 1823; m. 1st. Rev. Charles Cleaveland; 2d, William Cleaveland. HAY. Chables Hay, m.d., born 1768, married in 1797 Ciiloe Smith, born 1774, in Taunton, Mass. They moved to Water- ford from Turner, Me., in 1798, and resided just north of the old church, where Miss Kingman now lives. RECOED OF FAMILIES. 257 Children : Charles, m. 1st, Mary Jones ; 2cl, Henrietta B. Bessy. Vesta L., m. Washington Hartshorn. Nancy L., m. Allen Parsons . John K., d. aged 18. Charlotte T., m. Francis Sweetsir. Eliza B., m. Levi G. Crosman. Joseph E., d. early. George S., m. Eunice C. Babb. Joseph E., 2d, d. aged 18. Sophia A., m. Appleton Hay. Zilpha A., unmamed. Henry H., m. 1st, Josephine S. Gilson; 2d, Eleanor Seavey. HOBSON. Moses Hobson, born 1779, married Lucy Walcott. He came to Waterford from Rowley, Mass., in 1793 ; resided in North Waterford, just south of the village; was a farmer. Children : Catherine S., b. 1805 ; m. Sumner Stone. Laurena, b. 1807 ; m. Peter C. Mosher. James F., b. 1811. George (Capt.), b. 1816; m. Philena Stevens. Elizabeth, b. 1819. HORR. Philip Horr married Han"N"ah Harrington. Mr. Horr moved from Norton, Mass., to Brookfield, Mass., and thence to Waterford. His was the first family as such in town. Mrs. Horr was the first woman in town. They came here soon after the revolutionary war, and lived half a mile west of Joel S. Plummer. Children : Hannah, m. Asa Johnson. Asa. Isaac, m. Rebecca Heald. John, m. 1st, Atherton; 2d, Anna Hobbs. Abram, m. Mary Hall. Abigail, m. Elijah Potter. 258 HISTORY OF WATERFORD. Isaac Horr (2d gen.), who married Rebecca Heald, was son of Philip, and came with the family from Massachusetts ; settled in North Waterford. Children : Tryphena, b. 1795; m, Jonathan Bartlett. Betsey, b. 1796. Stephen, b. 1798; m. Hannah Adams. Betsey, b. 1800. Isaac C, b. 1802 ; m. Eleanor Flint. Josiah, b. 1804 ; m. 1st, Hannah Heald ; 2d, . Asa, b. 1806. Rebecca H., b. 1808; ra. Robert L. Allen. Calvin, b. 1810; m. Harriet Paine. Mary, b. 1814 ; m. 1st. Cyrus Haskell ; 2d. Joseph Riggs. Abram Horr (2d gen.), who married Mary Hall, was son of Philip Horr; came with him from Massachusetts and helped make the first family as such that settled in Waterford. He resided on the old place. Children : Eleanor, m. Stephen Plummer. William, m. Mary Davis. Daniel, m. Louisa Estes. Sarah, m. Leonard Jones. Hannah, m. Nathaniel Barker. Philip, m. 1st, Catherine Estes; 2d, Mary Nay. Frederick. HOUGHTON. Maj. Jonathan Houghton married first Rachel Hale ; second, Mrs. Mary Bryant. He was from Harvard, Mass.; lived in West Waterford ; was a cooper and farmer. Children : Abel, b. 1784 ; m. 1st, Betsey Green ; 2d, Lydia Green. Jonathan, b. 1786 ; m. 1st, Thirza Flint ; 2d, Susan Littlefield. Mary, b. 1788 ; m. Levi Howard. RECORD OF FAMILIES. 259 Josiah (Rev.), b. 1790; m. 1st, Joan Richards; 2d, E. Richards. Henry, b. 1791; m. 1st, Melinda Brj'aat; 2d, Susan Brown. Rachel, b. 1793 ; m. Artemus Fairbanks. Sally, b. 1795; m. Stephen Nourse. Mary, b. 1797. Betsey, b. 1799; m. Abram Whitcomb. Cyrus (Lieut.), b. 1801; m. Leonora Thorpe. f*;;-.}b.i603. Lewis W., M.D., b. 1806; m. 1st, Mary Ann Nourse; 2d, Esther Wes- ton ; 3d, Susan Henrys. Capt. Abel Houghton (2d gen.), who married first Betsey Greex, second, Lydia Greex, was son of Maj. Jonathan Houghton, and came to Waterford with the family. He re- sided in several places in town ; was a farmer and house joiner, and kept hotel in the City. Children : Luther, m. 1st, Ruth P. Jewett; 2d, Mary Hale. Calvin, m. Maria Billings. Betsey, m. M. R. Mason. Levi H., m. Elizabeth Robbins. Daniel, I m. Jane Jacobs. Eliza, ) m. 1st, Leander Willard ; 2d, Asa Fletcher. Dea. Jonathan Houghton (2d gen.), who married first Thieza Flint, second, Susan Littlefield, resided in West Waterford, having exchanged with his brother Abel in the care and support of his parents ; a farmer. Child : Louisa, m. Calvin Whitcomb. Dea. Henry Houghton (2d gen.), who married first Me- linda Bryant, second, Susan Brown, resided first where Samuel H. Warren now lives, then kept hotel at the Flat, afterward in Windham, where he was in trade ; afterward in Norway. 260 HISTORY OF WATERFORD. Children : Mary Ann, m. George Plummer. Henry, died. Melinda B., m. James McPhail. Edwin Brown, major in the army, also historian of the regiment. Frank, m. Louise Goodrich. HOWE. Hon. Nathaniel Howe married Mary Chase. He came to Waterford from North Bridgton ; resided in the lower vil- lage, where Mr. Young now lives. He was a lawyer of dis- tinction and a member of the State senate. Children : William L., m. . Algernon S., m. Caroline Bradbury. Lucy, m. George W. Andrews. Mary, m. Rev. Jacob Chapman. Augusta. Ophelia, m. Simon Andrews. Charles, m. Mary F. Longley. MosES Howe married first Elizabeth Temple; second, Esther Hale. He came from Marlborough, Mass., and re- sided in West Waterford ; a farmer. Children : Hannah, b. 1802. Janette, b. 1803; m. Lieut. Joseph Hale. Melinda, b. 1804. Almerino, b. 1806; m. Mary Rand. Lucy. Betsey, m. John Farwell. Harriet. JEWELL. Ezra Jewell married Sarah Conant. He moved from Stow, Mass. ; lived in the lower village, called the City ; was the fifth family in town. RECOKD OF FAMILIES. 261 Children : Nathan, b. 1780; m. Betsey Pollard. Sally, b. 1782; m. Oliver Stone. Lewis, b. 178.5 ; m. 1st, Nancy Longley ; 2d, Lydia Spurr. Mary, b. 1789 ; ra. Nathan Brooks. Charlotte, b. 1791 ; m. Maj. William Morse. Ezra, b. 1794; m. Charlotte Brooks. Nathan Jewell (2d gen.), who married Betsey Pollard, was son of Ezra Jewell, and came with the family from Stow, Mass. He lived in the City, and was a miller. Children : Betsey, b. 1804; m. Archibald Dunmore. Lorinda, b. 1805; m. Samuel Dearborn. Ezra, b. 1807 ; m. 1st, Frances Sawyer ; 2d, Eliza O. Kimball. Nathan, b. 1809; m. Elizabeth Treat. Jonathan, b. 1810; m. 1st, Achsah E. Bailey; 2d, Harriet M. Peck. David, b. 1812; m. Lucretia Burnham. Lydia S., b. 1814; m. Spenser Skinner. William, b. 1816. Mary B., b. 1818: m. Lewis Bowman. Levi, b. 1820. Lewis Jewell (2d gen.), who married first Nancy Long- ley, second, Lydia Spurb, was son of Ezra Jewell ; lived just above the lower village ; was the owner of mills ; was often in public ofiice. He had no children. John Jewell, born 1759, married Lucy Cutting, born 1752. He lived on the farm now owned by the town. Children : John, b. 1788. Danford, b. 1790. Betsey, b. 1792. 262 HISTOET OF WATERFORD. JEWETT. Capt. Stephen Jewett, born 1743, married in 1764 Eliza- beth Little, bom 1744. Capt. Jewett moved from Rowley, Mass., about the year 1790 ; settled where Samuel H. Warren now lives, in North Waterford. See elsewhere a brief de- scription of him as a man. He bore the office of deacon in the church, and died in 1822, his wife in 1819. Children: Nathan, b. 1765; m. Hannah Emerson. Ruth, b. 1767; d. 1790. Ebenezer, b. 1768; d. 1768. Ebenezer, b. 1770; d. 1771. Ebenezer. b. 1772; m. 1st, Susan Stickney in 1794; 2d, Mary Farring- ton, b. 1780. Nathaniel, b. 1773; d. 1798. Hannah, b. 1776; m. Jonathan Plummer. Elizabeth, b. 1778; m. Samuel Plummer. Nathan Jewett (2d gen.), born 17(35, married Hannah Emerson in 1792. Mr. Jewett was born in Rowley, Mass. ; was son of Dea. Stephen Jewett ; settled on the farm now owned by Peter C. Mosher, in North Waterford. He removed to Buckfield about the year 1821. Children : Stephen, b. 1793; time and manner of death unknown. Emerson, b. 1795; m. 1st, Dorcas A. Beard; 2d, Martha Mills. Mighill, b. 1797 ; was a Baptist preacher, afterward Universalist. Henry, b. 1799; d. in Massachusetts. Daniel, b. 1801; m. 1st, Sarah Mann; 2d, EUzabeth Manning. Albert, b. 1803; resides in Waterford. Stillman, b. 1804; m. Judith Plummer. Mary, b. 1806; m. James G. Sanborn. Louisa, b. 1809. Sumner, b. 1811 ; m. Mary E. Ray. Lyman, d.d., b. 1813; m. Ephemia Davis; is a missionary in the Tel- igu country, India; is learned in the ancient languages and trans- lator of the Scriptures into the Teligu language. RECORD OP FAMILIES. 263 Lieut. Ebenezer Jewett (2d gen.), born 1772, married first, in 1794, Susan Stickney, born 1770, died 1796; second, in 1797, Mary Farrinqton, born 1780. He was son of Dea. Stephen Jewett; lived just south of where Farnum Jewett now lives; was a farmer and inn-holder. Children : Ebenezer, b. 1796; m. Tabitha Frye. Nathaniel, b. 1798 ; m. Sarah Frye. Susan, b. 1799 ; m. Gen. Parsons Haskell. Jacob F., b. 1801; m. 1st, Julia Merrill; 2d, Ann Holmes. Philander, b. 1803. Leander, b. 1804; m. 1st, Lucy Conant; 2d, Mary Hastings. Maria, b. 1806 ; m. William Boswell. Farnum, b. 1808; m. Louisa Wood. Ruth P., b. 1811 ; m. Capt. Luther Houghton. Otis, b. 1812. Milton, b. 1814; m. 1st, Harriet Dresser; 2d, Eliza Sanderson; Sd, Mrs. Packai'd. Caroline E., b. 1820. Stephen, b. 1822. Ebenezer Jewett (3d gen.), who married Tabitha Frye, was gi'andson of Stephen Jewett and son of Ebenezer Jewett, He lived in Ijhe Plumraer district on the south slope of Rice hill. Children : Henry A., b. 1820; m. 1st, Tabitha Chaplin ; 2d, Abbie A. Webster. Isaac F., b, 1822. Nathaniel, b. 1824. Samuel S. Abbie. Samuel S., m. Noyes. Susan P., m. George Rand. Isaac F., m. Nancy Warren. 264 HISTORY OF WATERFORD. Nathaniel Jewett (3d gen.), who married Sarah Fbye, was son of Ebenezer, sen., and grandson of Capt. Stephen Jewett. He lived in a part of his father's house where his grandparents had lived and died. He worked at carding and clothing in North Waterford. His widow married Capt. Jacob H. Greene. They had the following Children : Edwin F., b. 1829. William W., M.D., b. 1831; m. 1st, Elizabeth Carlton; 2d, Elizabeth Lawrence. Edwin F., b. 1833. Sarah A., b. 1835; m. Osgood Bailey. Jacob L., b. 1837; m. 1st, Melorna Wood; 2d, Caroline Barron. He was colonel in the war; attorney at law; now president of an in- surance company in Hartford, Conn. George F., b. 1840; m. Deborah Rideout. Samuel F., b. 1843; m. Caroline C. Howard; is teacher in college for mutes in Canada West. JOHNSON. Abner Johnson, m.d,, born 1787, married in 1812 Julia Sargent, born 1785. Dr. Johnson was a native of Bridgton, Me. He resided while in town just north of the old meeting- house; was afterward extensively known as inventor and man- ufacturer of the "Anodyne Liniment." He died in 1847; his wife in 1877, aged 92. Children : Harriet S., b. 1813; m. Rev. Aaron C. Adams. MaryS., b. 1816; d. 1838. Charlotte E., b. 1818; m. William S. McKay. Samuel J., b. 1821; m. 1st, Lauretta Parker; 2d, Elizabeth Tasker. Thomas S., b. 1S25; m. R. C. Wright; d. 1850. Charles F. A., b. 1827; m. Sarah C. Jewett. Dudley H., b. 1830; m. Sarah Ketchum; was killed at Chancellor- ville 1863. RECORD OP FAMILIES. 265 Asa Johnson, born 1761, married Hannah Horr, born 1763. He cnrae to Waterford in 1786 from Templeton, Mass. ; lived in the east part of the town ; a farmer. He was one of the early settlers in Waterford. Children : Clarissa, b. 1787 ; m. Caleb Hersey. She was the first girl born in town. Hannah, b. 1788 ; m. Henry Sawin. Asa, b. 1791 ; m. Charlotte Peabody, Lucy, b. 1794; m. Abram Newbegin. Ira, b. 1796 ; m. Mary Towne. Sally, b. 1798; m. Thomas Sawin. Elijah, b. 1800 ; m. Lucy Goddard. Mary, b. 1802 ; m. Joseph Riggs. Leonica, b. 1804 ; m. Samuel Whiting. These lived till the youngest was over forty years of age. The Johnson family generally were remarkable for longevity. JONES. Silas Jones married Rebecca Powers. They removed to Waterford from Berlin, Mass., in 1798. I can get no further account of the family than these names. Children : Rebecca. Silas. William. Anne. Samuel. Lorenzo. Dolly. Caleb. Mary. KILBORN. Capt. Isaac Kilborn married first, Hannah Sweet ; sec- ond, Abigail Fowler. He was from Ipswich, Mass.; came 18 266 HISTORY OF WATERFORD. to Watevford about the year 1808 ; resided in the north part of the town in several places, afterward removed to Windham and kept hotel; had great physical strength, and served in de- fense of Portland in 1814. Children : Ruth, m. Jacob Manchester. Hannah, m. Stephen Pettengill. Joseph, m. Hannah Sweetsir. Eliza, m. Joseph Motley. Isaac, m. 1st, Hannah Kemp : 2d, Catherine Leavitt. KILBORNE. Thomas Kilboene, born 1792, married in 1823 Lydia War- ren, born 1803. He came from Boscawen, N. H., in 1820 ; settled in North Waterford on the Nathan Jewett place, now owned by Peter C. Mosher ; moved to West Waterford where Capt. Abel Houghton had resided ; is now settled on the Proc- tor place. North Waterford, with his son William W. Children : Samuel W., d. in infancy. Samuel W., 2d, m. Sarah S. Grover. Thomas P., d. 1848. Charles P., d. about 1850. Parley W., m. Phebe A. Gould; lives in Missouri. Mary Ann, m. Joshua Saunders. William W., m. Maria Saunders; was wounded in the war. Sarah, ra. William L. Grover. Daniel W., d. in Washington, D. C, of a wound received in battle. Amos G., d. young. Emma. KILGORE. Benjamin Kilgore, born 1768, married Olive Grover. He came to Waterford in 1795 from Shelburne, N. H. He was a farmer, and lived where his son. Col. Andorus Kilgore, afterward resided. RECORD OF FAMILIES. 267 Children : Andorus, b. 1795; m. 1st, Eliza Roberts ; 2d, Harriet Lord; 3d, Lovi- na Holden. Benjamin, b. 179T; m. Annie Kimball. Sallie, b. 1799; m. Jobn Roberts. Abigail, b. 1800; m. John Guerney. Oliver. Col. Akdorus Kilgore (2d gen.), who married first, Eliza Roberts; second, Harriet Lord; third, Lovina Holdek, was son of Benjamin Kilgore ; came with the family to Waterford in 1795 from Shelburne, N. H. ; lived on the old place. Children : Harriet, b. 1827 ; m. Edward Cobb. John, b. 1830; m. Mary McKnight. Jane, b, 1833; m. George B. Miller. Julia, b. 1836. Benjamiis" Kilgore (2d gen.), born 1796, who married Emma Kimball, was son of Benjamin Kilgore; came to town with the family, and resided near the old farm, just south of Tom pond. Children : Olive, m. George Waterhouse. William, m. out West. Joseph, m. Mercy Abbott. Emma, m. Charles Shepherd. Thirza, m. Israel Dudley. Kimball, m. Betsey Abbott. Abigail, m. Levi Brown. Charlotte, m. James Kimball. Drusilla, m. Stephen Pettee. 268 HISTORY OF WATERFORD. KIMBALL, Isaac Kimball, born about 1740, married Abigail Ray- mond, born 1742. Mr. Kimball was from Wilton, Mass. ; lived in South Waterford, near where Mr. Ellis now resides. Children : Abigail, b. 1763. Isaac, b. 1765. John, b. 1767 ; m. Billings. David, b. 1769 ; m. Mille Stone. Mary, b. 1771 ; m. Seth Wbeeler. Jonathan, b. 1773; m. 1st, Abigail Holt; 2d, Betsey Bowers. George, b. 1775. Abigail, b. 1778 ; m. John Wilkins. Sarah, b. 1780 ; m. Daniel Billings. Hannah, b. 1783 ; m. Luther Hamlin. William, b. 1785; m. Abigail Scripture. Betsey, m. Fiske. David Kimball (2d gen.), who married Mille Stone, lived on the Flat ; was a blacksmith by trade. Children : Mille, m. William Morse. Asenath, m. George Wheeler. David, m. in Massachusetts. Polly, m. Davis. Dimmy, m. Thomas Owen. Sumner (Capt.), m. Sally Atherton. Achsah. Luther, m. Affie Blaisdell. Lorinda, m. Haven Hutchinson. Jane, m. John Dodge. Joel, m. Oliva Watson. George K., m. Harriet McKinuey; was a stage driver and owner. RECORD OF FAMILIES. 269 Jonathan Kimball (2d gen.), who married first Abigail Holt, second, Betsey Bowers, was sou of Isaac Kimball, and settled on the old place. Children : Sarah, m. Ephraim Davenport. Jonathan. Isaac, m. Mary Adams. Jonathan. Wilder B., m. Mary Edwards. EUzabeth K., m. Thomas Greene. Abigail H., m. Rev. Cyrus Stone, a missionary in India. George, m. Ednah Blackington. John. Mary. John Kisiball, born 1758, married 1781 Susanna Knight, born 1758. He came from Portland, and settled one mile north of the Flat in the Pluramer district; a farmer; was a leading man in the Baptist church. Children : John, m. Nancy Day. Amelia. Joseph. William. Susan, m. Joshua Gordon. Eliza. Moses. Charles F., m. Betsey Waite. Jane, m. Samuel Plumraer. George, m. Lucinda Brovrn. KINGMAN. William Kingman married Elizabeth Monroe in 1809. He came to Waterford from Portland about the year 1831 ; lived just north of the old meeting-house; was farmer and cabinet maker. 270 HISTORY OF WATERFORD. Children : William, m. 1st, Harriet Plummer ; 2d, Caroline Howell. John, m. Charlotte Allen. Harriet N". Elizabeths., m, Oren A. Horr, m.d. Mrs. H. is an authorized physician. KNIGHT. Abel Knight married Mercy Watson in 1794. He lived in the east part of the town, in what is called Gambo district ; a farmer. Children : Coleman W., m. Ann Libbey. Isaac (Rev.), m. Phebe Beeman. John, m, Mercy Bangs. James, m. Lucy Upton. Hannah, m. . Abner F., m. Mary Watson. Ruth, m. Sylvester Mason. Patience, m. Jonathan Kimball. Mary, m. Joseph Huse. LONGLEY. Eli Longley, born 1762, married in 1789 Mary Whitcomb, born 1767. He removed from Bolton, Mass., in 1789 ; settled just north of the Flat, afterward on the Flat, where Dr. Shat- tuck's establishment now is. He was postmaster, inn-holder, merchant, and held various town offices. He removed in 1817 to Raymond. The date on his "sign" in Waterford and in Raymond was " 1797." Children : Polly, b. 1785 ; m. Samuel Wheeler. Eli, b. 1787 ; m. 1st, Betsey Barker ; 2d, Laura McWain. Sally, b. 1790; m. Stephen Sanborn. Lucy, b. 1792. EECORD OF FAMILIES. 271 George W., b. 1794; m. Abigail Spurr. Sophia, ), iTQA. m. Winthiop Brown, M.D. Lucinda, J "' ■^'""' m. 1st, Eben Cross; 2d, John Mead. Lucy, b. 1799; d. 1878. Rebecca, b. 1802 ; m. Hon. John Sawyer. Laurinda, b. 1805; m. Dea. James Walker. Fannie W., b. 1807. Mary A., b. 1808; m. Daniel Cook. Fisher A., b. 1812. Eli Longley (2d gen.), who married first, Betsy Bar- ker ; second, Mrs. Laura McWain, was son of Eli Longley, and came with the family from Bolton, Mass., in 1789. He set- tled in the east part of the town, near the head of McWain's pond, and kept hotel. His second wife was widow of David McWain, and they resided on the old McWain place. Children : David M. W., m. . Thomas P. Elizabeth. Alvin. Jonathan Longley married Mary Osbournb. He came fi'om Stow, Mass. ; lived in south-west part of the town ; a farmer. Children : Thomas, m. in Greene. Abel, m. Anne Spurr. Nancy, m. Lewis Jewell. Jonathan, m. Lydia Robbins. James, m. Columba Hubbard. Ira. Abel Longley (2d gen.), who married Anne Spurr, was son of Jonathan Longley, and lived on the old place on the north side of " Perry hill." 272 HISTORY OF WATERFORD. One child : Mary F., m. Charles Howe. Jonathan Longley married Susan Barker. He was brother to Eli ; lived in north-west part of the town, just south of "Bald Pate." He was from Stow, Mass. In 1817, he moved to Kentucky, with his numerous family. It is feared that they fell a prey to the Indians. He was noted as a singer, and for skill on the violin. He was long time the chorister ; he also taught music. Children: Susan. Silas. Frauklin. Lucy. Arlington. Betsy. Leonard. Two or tbi-ee others not remembered. McWAIN. David McWain married first, ; second, Laura WiLLARD. He removed from Bangor, N. Y., to Waterford, about the year 1824, to take the estate left hitn by his uncle, David McWain. He lost his first wife in New York. Children : Jane, m. Capt. Thomas Hapgood. William, m. Harriet Kilgore. David, m. in New York. Leavett, m. Rebecca Kilgore. Andrew. Angeliue, m. Marshall Sanderson. Almoda, m. Charles Sanderson, lawyer. I RECORD OF FAMILIES. 273 MONROE. William Monroe, Esq., bom 1779, married in 1798 Acii- SAH Sawyer, born 1778. Esquire Monroe and wife came to Waterford from Harvard, Mass., in 1802 ; and lived in the lower village. He was a tanner and currier by trade, also was town and civil magistrate. Children : William, m. Betsey Atherton. Achsah, m. Dea. Edward Carltou. Eliza, m. Nathan Barnard. Josiah, m. Jane Sawin. Eebecca. Merrick, m. 1st, Eunice Kennard ; 2d, Betsey Burke. John. Atherton. Daniel, m. 1st, Sarah A. Housen; 2d, Elizabeth Bent. Mary E., m. Daniel L. Millett. Calvin B. Mercy A., m. John Holt. Charles W., m. Abby Kimball. Kebecca. William Monroe (2d gen.), who married Betsey Ather- ton, was son of Maj. William Monroe, and has resided in sev- eral places in town ; a farmer. Children : William A., m. Harriet Fogg. Elizabeth, m. Jonathan R. Longley. James C, m. Catherine Morse. Nancy, m. Warren Bent. Joel A., m. Carrie Handy. Amanda M., m. John Shaw. Edward C, m. 1st, Combs ; 2d, . MOORE. Stephen Moore married Mille Davis in 1804. He came from Stow, Mass.; lived on the east side of " Rice Hill," in "Gambo;" a farmer; was remarkable for his height, six feet and six or seven inches. 274 HISTORY OF WATERFORD. Children : Abel, ra. Sophia Brigham. Davis, drowned when young; 1817. Milton, married in Massachusetts, name not known to us. Luke, m. Polly Atherton. Cyrus, m. Hannah Upton. Rufus, m. Eunice Barker. Betsey. Jane. MORSE. William Moese married first, Ann Wheeler; second, Millie Kimball. He came to Waterford from Stow, Mass., and settled in the south part of the town. Children : William, m. Charlotte Jewell; inn-holder, South Waterford. Ann, m. Charles Dorr. Henry. Harriet, m. Howe. Albert, m. in New York (name not known.) Jane. Jonathan, m. Chloe Willard. Sarah. Major William Morse (2d gen.), born 1791, who married Charlotte Jewell, was son of William Morse, and came from Stow, Mass., with the family. He kept hotel in lower village. Children : William, b. 1816. Sarah, b. 1817. Catharine, b. 1820. George Bradley, b. 1823. Charlotte Matilda, m. Albert Stanwood. Jonathan Morse (2d gen.), who married Chloe Willard, was son of William Morse, sen., and came to Waterford with the family from Stow. He lived in different parts of the town ; was farmer and drover. EECOKD OP FAMILIES. 275 Children : Charlotte, m. Charles Dorr. Granville, m. 1st, Sophronia Stone; 2d, Julia Stone. Sarah, m. 1st, Dorr; 2d, Jodonn. Six children died in infancy. MOULTON. JosiAH MouLTON, born 1776, married 1792 Mary , born 1776. Children : Sally, b. 1797. Lydia, b. 1799 ; m. John Silla. Josiah, b. 1801. NELSOK Moses Nelson married Hitta Pingree. Originally from Rowley, Mass.; they came from Harrison, Me., in 1817, and set- tled on Temple hill. Children : Jeremy, m. Deborah Wheeler. Oliver, m. Rebecca H. Anderson. Moses, m. Margarette Anderson. Joseph. Benjamin, m. Susan Fogg. Mehitable, m. Benjamin F. Smith. Joseph, m. Mary Weston. Chaplin, m. Emily Hicks. MosES Nelson (2d gen.), who married Margarette An- derson, lived on Temple hill, near Harrison ; a farmer. Children : George, m. . Sarah. Anne. Oliver Nelson (2d gen.), married Rebecca H. Anderson, and resided near Moses Nelson's, on Temple hill. No children. 276 HISTORY OF WATEKFORD. NOURSE. Deacon John" Nourse, born 1740, married first, Hezediah Hapgood, born 1746; second, Sarah Sawyer, born 1753. He came from Bolton, Mass., in 1790 ; settled in Gambo district, north-east jjart of the town ; was chosen first deacon of Congre- gational church.^ Children : Samuel, m. Rebecca Moore. Mary, m. Jonas Hohnan. John, m. Hannah Whitcomb. Francis, m. Abigail Puffer. Moses, m. 1st, Mercy Hapgood ; 2d, Dolly Howard. Daniel. Judith. Lovina, m. Jonathan Whitcomb. Eunice. Sally. Eunice, 2d. 1 1 have a letter from Rev. T. T. Stone, d.d., Bolton, Mass., giving some recollections of Deacons Nourse and Chamberlain, of so much interest, that I will make extracts from it. " Can you remember Deacons Nourse and Chamberlain as I do, sit- ting in the deacons' seat, under the pulpit of the old meeting-house? Deacon Nourse (the name used to be Nurse, no o in it,) was, I think, a native of Bolton, Mass. A nephew of his was for some time, in the same official relation to this (Bolton) church, as he was to that of Wa- terford. ... I have a very distinct remembrance of the Waterford deacon, and of his family, neighbors of my father. Of the more impor- tant qualities of deacon Nourse, I was too young when he died, to know much. But of some more superficial traits, I retain a clear rec- ollection. He was social in his habits, and loved to call on his neigh- bors, seeming to take great pleasure in telling stories. . . His stories were ratlier of the humorous kind . . than of the grave and serious order. So, indeed, his general cast was rather playful, than somber, though there was no doubt (that I am aware), of his essential earnest- ness. . . He died in the spring of 1819, of measles. Deacon Chamberlain was a nearer neighbor, and of quite different manners. His calls were seldom. He was not given to story-telling. He was comparatively reserved in conversation; was grave, not hu- morous, though without the sliglitest toucli of severity, or of affected solemnity. A man of real worth, without pretense, whose religion penetrated his character, but never displayed itself from his tongue. He seemed to my mind as one of tliose men whom we almost instinc- tively feel ourselves inclined to pronounce faultless. Deacon C. was uncle to Daniel Webster's first wife, Grace Fletcher. He once fold me that this niece of his used to say she would never marry a man who did not know more than she did. Probably the world would say she kept her resolution. KECOKD OF FAMILIES. 277 Moses Nourse (2d gen.), who married first, Mercy Hap- good; second, Dolly Howard, was son of Deacon Nourse, and came with the family to Waterford, and resided near or with his father. Children : Nancy, b. 1809; m. Daniel Watson. Mercy, b. 1811. Dolly, b. 1812; m. Samuel C. Watson. Lovina, b. 1814. Mary, b. 1817. Daniel, b, 1818. Eliza, b. 1821 ; m. William C. Atberton. Matilda. John Nourse (2d gen.), married Hannah Whitcomb. He was son of Deacon Nourse, came with the family to Waterford, and lived on the east side of Rice hill. Children : Abel. Asenath, m. Thaddeus Brown, Esq. PAGE. Samuel Page married Betsey Davis. His was for a long time the only family at the " Corner," where the village at North Waterford now is. His house stood in the rear of Rice's hotel. He owned and run the mills ; moved to Windham some sixty years ago. Children : Enoch. Samuel, m. 1st, Lucy Grant ; 2d, Mary Rogers. Moses, m. 1st, Mary Brown ; 2d, Jane Demming. John, m. Rebecca Maybury. 278 HISTORY OF WATERFORD. Hannah, m. Ezra Maybury. Betsey, m. Eli McDonald. Joan, m. Amos Knight. Lydia. PERKINS. John E. Perkins rnarried Bozwell. They were na- tives of Conway, N. H. Mr. Perkins was a carder and clothier by trade, and run the mills at the head of the island, near the saw-mill at North Waterford. Children : ' William, m, Sarah Cotton. John, m. Margaret Cotton. Thomas, m. Jane Perkins. PERRY. Chandler Perry married Delight Morse. He came from Bethel, Maine, lived on a beautiful hill in the south-west part of the town ; was a farmer. Children : Thomas, m. Phebe Stone. Enoch, m. Eliza A. Hamlin. Catharine. Lewis, m. Priscilla Coolidge. John. Charles, m. Burnham. PIKE. Moses Pike came from York county about 1815, and lived in the west part of the town. Children : Nathaniel, m. Sally Shaw. John, m. 1st, in Boston ; 2d, E. Richardson. Elias, m. in Boston. Rachel, m. Isaac Whitcomb. Hiram. RECORD OF FAMILIES. 279 Nathaniel Pike (2d gen.), son of Moses, born 1796, mar- ried Sally Shaw. Lived a farmer in West Waterford. Children : Sherman, b. 1821. John S., b. 1823. Lyman, b, 1826. PLUMMER. Jonathan Plumsier, born 1768, married Hannah Jewett, born 1776, daughter of Deacon Stephen Jewett. Mr. Plum- mer came from Rowley, Mass., resided in the Plummer neigh- borhood, so called, two miles north of the Flat, on the old road. He was entrusted with town business, and died at the age of eighty-seven. He was a farmer and mechanic. Children : Eliza, b. 1799. Stephen, b. 1801 ; m. Eleanor Horr. Ednah, b. 1804. Mark, b. 1811. Nancy. Samuel Plummer, born 1769, married in 1797 Elizabeth Jewett, born 1778, daughter of Deacon Stephen Jewett, Mr. Plummer came to Waterford from Rowley, Mass., about 1790 ; settled in the neighborhood bearing his name ; was a farmer and house carpenter ; held town office; had a fine voice for singing. Mrs. P. lived to the age of ninety-one. Children : Daniel, b. 1799 ; m. Emma Stone. Eben, b. 1801; m. 1st, Eliza Bryant; 2d, Julia Billings; 3d, Mary Knight. Samuel (Capt,),b. 1803; m. Jane Kimball. 280 HISTORY OF WATERFORD. Cyrus, b. 1805 ; m. Harriet Barker. Elizabeth, b. 1808 ; m. Col. Thomas Treadwell. Sophia, b. 1811; m. Jotham Goodenow, (phys.) George W., b. 1814; m. Mary A. Houghton. Edwin, b. 1816; died young. Daniel Plummee (2d gen.), who married Emma Stone, was son of Samuel Plummer, and grandson of deacon Stephen Jewett. He lived where Joel S. Plummer now lives ; was often in town business. Children : Amanda, b. 1827 ; m. Gershom Hamblin. Frances, b. 1829. Thomas, b. 1831 ; m. Georgia Bolster. Joel S., b. 1832; m. Francis A. Wheeler. Edwin, b. 1836; died in the army. Nancy S., b. 1837; m. Gershom Hamblin. Daniel L., b. 1841. Mellen. b. 1851. JosiAH Plummee, born 1778, married Sally Lovejoy. He came from Rowley, Mass., and settled in the Plummer neigh- borhood ; was a farmer. Children : Sally, b. 1800 ; m. Daniel Young. Hannah, b. 1802 ; m. Nathaniel Young. Abigail, b. 1804; m. Caleb Rowe. Mary, b. 1806. Catharine, b. 1808. Josiah, b. 1811. Harriet, b. 1814 ; m. William Kingman. Josiah, m. Nancy Rand. Leander, m. 1st, Lucia Rowe; 2d, Louisa HoiT. RECORD OF FAMILIES. 281 PRATT. Joseph Peatt, married Lucy S. Coolidge. He came from Harvard, Mass., in 1807 ; lived on the Flat, in the house now owned by Dr. Wilson ; was by trade a shoemaker. Children : Joseph W., b. 1810. Mary K, b. 1813. Lucy, b. 1814. EHza P., b. 1818. PRIDE. Beistjamin Pride married Berry. He came from West- brook in 1814 ; lived near the foot of Me Wain pond ; a farmer. Children : Eunice, m. David Gay. Nathaniel, m. Charlotte Brown ; was a Methodist preacher. Josiah, m. Sophia Fairbanks. Nancy, m. Benjamin Haskell. Benjamin, m. Sarah Whitcomb. Charles, m. in Turner ; name not given. PROCTOR. Benjamin Proctor married first, Hannah Gardiner ; sec- ond, Betsey Coffin. He came from Danvers, Mass., about the year 1805, lived a short time in Albany, near Lynch e's mills ; owned mills there, was a large land holder. He afterward lived in Waterford, on the place now owned by deacon Wil- liam W. Kilborne. 19 282 HISTORY OF WATERFORD. Children : Benjamin G., m. Hannah Nourse. Perley, m. Laura Harriman. John, m. 1st, Lucinda Stone ; 2d, Mary Shedd; 3d, Eliza Farrington. Daniel, resided in Massachusetts. Thomas, m. 1st. Delinda Coffin ; 2d, Annette A. Boswell. Sarah, m. Gardiner Martyn. Hannah G., m. Davis. John" Proctor (2d gen.), born 1794, wbo married first, Lu- cinda Stone; second, Mart Shedd; third, Eliza Farring- ton, was son of Benjamin Proctor, and resided half a mile east of the old Proctor place ; a farmer. Children : Mary A. W., b. 1820; m. James Shedd. Henry, b. 1822. Marcia G., b. 1824. Lucinda S., b. 1825; m. Hubbard Marston. Sarah, b. 1829; m. 1st, Charles Eastman; 2d, Trueman Crosby. Harriet M., b. 1835; m. Horace Hutchinson. Caroline, b. 1836; m. George O. Farmer. Henry, b. 1838; m. Eliza F. Knight. Lucy M., b. 1839; married Richard Parker. Daniel, b. 1841. Benjamin P., b. 1843 ; m. Laura Harriman. Thomas Proctoe (2d gen.), who married first, Belinda Coffin ; second, Annette A. Boswell, was son of Benjamin Proctor, and resided for some time with his father, afterward removed to the village. He was farmer and mechanic. Children : Sarah, b. 1824. William 0.,b. 1826. Charles E., b. 1829 ; m. in Massachusetts. RECORD OF FAMILIES. Elizabeth W., b. 1831. William P., b. 1833. Belinda A., b. 1837 ; m. Oliver McKeen. James L., b. 1841. Thomas L., b. 1842; m. Albra Bumpus. Almira F., b. 1845; m, John Holt, Lucy J., b. 1848; m. Frank Knight. Daniel. Alvira C, m. James Brown. JosiAH Proctor, born 1763, married Deborah Tuttle, born 1768. He came to Waterforcl about the year 1785, fol- lowed farming and the cooper's trade. He lived half a mile west of the old meeting-house. . Children : Mary T., m. Wales Jordan, Sarah G., m. James Jordan. Lydia P., m. Thomas J. Jordan. Stephen T., m. Susan M. Stone. Josiah, m, Rebecca Paine. John K., m. 1st, Phebe Paine ; 2d, Hannah C, Paine. Abigail W., m. George H. Kendrick. RICE. Ebeb Rice, born 1764, married Rebecca Gamwell. He came from Northboro, Mass., in 1785 ; was the seventh settler in town; lived on the place where his daughters Rachel and Sophia now reside. He was farmer, teacher, surveyor ; was long in town oflBce, was justice of the peace, and for years rep- resented the town in the legislatui-e of Massachusetts, before the separation, which he earnestly opposed. 284 HISTORY OF WATERFOKD, Children : Betsey, b. 1790; m. Asa Foote. Ebor, b. 1792 ; m. Elizabeth G. Frye. Rachel, b. 1794. Otis, b. 1798. Samuel, b. 1802; m. 1st, Mary Bisbee; 2d, Barbara Burches; 3d, Jen- ney Lervey. Sophia, b. 1805. Eber Kick (2d gen.), born 1792, who married Elizabeth G. Fete, was son of Eber Rice, Esq., and resided one mile south oi' liis father; afterward settled near him on the old farm. Children : John F., m. Mary Ann Irish; is hotel keeper and stsge owner at North Waterford. Mary Anu. Sarah E., ra. Henry Millett. William R. , m. Maria Steadman, Louisa, n). .Joseph L. Rand. Charles, m. Elizabeth Green. George B., m. Harriet Marsh. RIPLEY. Rev. Lincoln Riplet, born 1761, married about 1798 Phe- BE Emerson, of Concord, Mass. Mr. Ripley graduated at Dartmouth College in 1796 ; was the first pastor in town ; set- tled in 1799. He lived just south of the old meeting-house, where, on cold winter Sabbaths, his house was crowded during recess, and the open fire supplied foot-stoves for the mothers and sisters, in the cold church. In summer, the toell, with " oaken bucket " and tin dipper, was always at the service of the people, who crowded around it on the Sabbath. Mr. Rip- ley had no children, but adopted Martha Bliss, Ann S. Sargent, RECORD OF FAMILIES. 285 Martha Robinson (who took care of him through his length- ened life), and Noah Ripley, who, with his wife and three chil- dren, was drowned in the Bay of San Francisco. Mr. Ripley died at the age of ninety-seven, respected and beloved by all who had ever known him. He died at the house of Stephen Plummer, where he had lived for several years. ROBBINS. JoN-ATHAisr RoBBiNS, bom 1749, married Catharine Max- well, born 1743. He came from Stow, Mass., made his farm on the south spur of Mt. Tirem ; was one of the first settlers. James RoBBms, born 1767, married Delight Gilbert, born in Sharon, Mass., 1770. They came from Watertown, Mass., in 1798, and resided during most of their life in the south-west part of the town. Children : Lydia, b. 1799 ; m. Jonathan Longley. Delight, b. 1801. Alonzo, b. 1802; m. 1st, Cynthia Willard; 2d, Sarah Kimball; 3d, Sophia "Willard. Harriet, b. 1805; m. Tilden HamUn. James, b. 1809. Josiah, b. 1811 ; m. Ellen Brown. Elizabeth, b. 1816; m. L. H. Houghton. ROUNDS. Nathaniel Rounds, born 1799, married in 1822 Betsey Brown. Capt. Rounds moved from Buxton, Maine, to Water- ford, in 1816 ; died in 1868. He resided in the lower village ; was a skilled blacksmith. 286 "history of waterford. Children : Jane, b. 1822; m. Calvin M. FoUett. Edwin, b. 1827; m. Maria Jordan. Cyrus, b. 1829; died 1833. Charles C, b. 1831; m. Kate N. Stowell. Is Principal of State Nor- mal School, at -Farmington. Harriet, b. 1834. Harriet E., b. 1835. Rowena, b. 1839. Christiana, b. 1842. RUSSELL. James Russell, born 1777, married 1804 Dolly Russell, born 1784. They moved from Andover, Mass., their birth- place, to Albany, Maine, afterward, in 1817, to Waterford, He was proprietor of the mills located near the village in North Waterford. His was then the only family, where the village now stands. He afterward removed to West Bethel. Children : Dolly, b. 1805. James, b. 1807. Lydia A. , b. 1808 ; m. 1st, Moses Gould, m.d. ; 2d, Dea. Leonard Grover. Dolly, b. 1811. Daniel G., b. 1813. Jacob, b. 1816; m. McElvane. Henry J., b. 1818; m. Margarette Upperman. Charles, b. 1820; (m.d.) m. Asenath Willis. Joel, b. 1822 ; m. Caroline Bartlett. "Warren F., b. 1825. Melvina, b. 1828. SAMPSON. Benjamin Sampson, born 1769, married Mollt , born 1763. He came from Bolton, Mass.; first lived on a small lot north of Daniel Chaplin ; sold goods on a small scale ; then KECORD OF FAMILIES. 287 moved within half a mile of Page's mills (village). He was skilled with the gun, trap, and fish pole, and was sexton in North Waterford for more than half a century. Children : Abigail, b. 1793. Polly, b. 1796. Betsey. Nancy, b. 1798; m. Simeon Farmer Isabella, b. 1802. Amos, b. 1805. Samuel Sampson, born 1766, married first, Kirza , born 1768 ; second, Mary Farn"sworth. He settled on the place where the late Daniel Pluramer lived. He did not long remain in town ; was a farmer, and a cooper by trade. Children : Polly, b. 1785; m. Eben Watson. Sally, b. 1787; m. Paul Whitcomb. Emery, b. 1791 ; m. in New York. Eunice, b. 1796. Josiah, b. 1798. Eosamond, b. 1801. David, b. 1803. Keziah and Samuel, b. 1806. SANDERSON. Stephen Sanderson, born 1758, married Mart Dudley, born 1760. He came from Littleton, Mass., in 1788 ; settled in the south-west part of the town, near Sweden. Children : Mary, b. 1782 ; m. Sullivan Jones, Eebecca, b. 1785 ; m. Simeon Hayward. Stephen, b. 1787; m. Abigail Barnard; was a Methodist, afterward, a Congregational, preacher. 288 HISTORY OF WATERFORD. Joseph, b. 1789; m. Mary Bryant; the first couple married, where both were born in town. John (Col.), b. 1792; m. Betsey Bryant. Sarah, b. 1796 ; m. Rev. John Adams, a Methodist preacher. Moses, b. 1799; m. Jane Randall; also a Methodist preacher. Aaron, m. Catharine Howard; was a Methodist preacher and presid- ing elder. SAUNDERS. EzEKiEL Saunders, born 1768, married Maey Todd, born 1771 ; had no children. Came from Rowley, Mass., lived in the Plummer neighborhood ; was a farmer. He belonged to the Baptist church. Joshua Saunders married in 1792 Elizabeth Stickney. They moved to Waterford, from Rowley, Mass., and settled in the north part of the town, upon the place now owned by Joshua Saunders. Mr. S. died in 1797. After his death Mrs. S. married Joseph Farrington. Children : Amos, b. 1793; m. Silvia Stone. Betsey, b. 1795 ; died 1852 ; was a teacher. Samuels. (Famngton), b. 1803; m. Eunice W. Farley, of Ipswich, Mass., where they resided several years; then removed to St. Louis, Mo., where he did an extensive and prosperous business. Amos Saunders (2d gen.), married in 1824 Silvia Stone. He was son of Joshua, and succeeded his father on the farm in North Waterford ; was also engaged in lumber business. He died in 1876. RECORD OF FAMILIES. 289 Children : Joshua, m. Mary Ann Kilborne, Catharine, m. James Chadbourne. Elizabeth, resides in Lowell, Mass. Theodore S., m. Elizabeth Pluramer. Maria, m. Deacon William W. Kilborne. Humphrey Saunders, born 1771, married first, Jane Wright, born 1765; second, Rebecca Chamberlain. He came from Rowley, Mass., settled in North Waterford, near Lovell, as a farmer. He died in Sweden. Children : Humphrey (deacon), m. Araminta Dresser. David, had various ingenuity ; lived at home. Martha, m. Daniel Smith. Samuel Saunders, born 1776, married 1802 Esther Tread- well, born 1778. He came from Rowley, Mass., with several brothers, and settled in the Plumraer neighborhood ; a farmer. He removed to Westbrook (Woodford's Corner), in 1819, and kept public house. He was prominent in the Baptist denomina- tion ; died aged seventy-nine ; his wife aged ninety-five. Children : Hannah, b. 1803; m. Simeon Hersey. Thomas, b. 1804. Joshua, b. 1807 ; m. Jane Rogers. Samuel, b. 1810 ; was drowned in 1818. Jane, b. 1815. SAWIN. Gen. Benjamin Sawin, born 1748, married 1772 Martha Howe, born 1751. He was one of the early settlers ; lived on the old road from North Waterford to Albany, near the town line. He was a farmer ; died 1817. 290 • HISTORY OF WATERFORD. Children : Martha, d. 1831. William, m. Betsey Temple. Dorothy, m. Thomas Wood. Benjamin, m. Betsey Thayer. Phebe, m. Lewis Holden. Henry, m. Hannah Johnson. Thomas, m. Sally Johnson. William Sawin (2d gen.), who married Betsey Temple, was son of Benjamin Sawin. He kept hotel on the Flat, was for a long time stage owner, and driver from Waterford to Portland. Children : Betsey, b. 1797; m. Sprout Hapgood. Phebe, b. 1798; m. 1st, Josiah Brown; 2d, Ballard. William, b. 1800. Julia, b. 1802 ; m. John Strickland. Harriet, b. 1805 ; m. Folsom. Lyman, b. 1806. Jabez, b. 1808 ; m. in Augusta. Mary A., b. 1810. Mary A., b. 1811. Jane, b. 1813; m. 1st, William Hoyt; 2d, Josiah Monroe, Esq. Lydia, b. 1816. Nancy W., b. 1819; m. John Gerry, Esq. Henet Sawin (2d gen.), who married Hannah Johnson, was son of Gen. Benjamin Sawin, and resided on the old place, near Albany. Children : Martha, b. 1815; m. Charles W. Whitney. Clarissa, b. 1818. Caroline, b. 1819. RECORD OF FAMILIES. 291 SHAW. Rev. Josiah Shaw, born 1773, married first, 1795 Sarah Poor, born 1777, of Brownfield, Maine ; second, Betsey Has- kell, born 1789, in Harvard, Mass. Mr, Shaw moved from Standish, Maine, in 1795. He resided in West Waterford, where his son James M. Shaw now lives. Was originally a farmer ; became a Methodist clergyman, and was honored as a preacher. He represented the town in constitutional conven- tion and general court. Children : Polly, b. 1795; m. Benjamin Hale. Josiah, b. 1797 ; m. in Standish ; d. 1842. John, b. 1800; was a Methodist preacher; d. 1825. Sally, b. 1801 ; m. Nathaniel Pike ; d. 1828. Anne, b. 1804; m. Solomon Noble; d. 1869. Joseph, b. 1807 ; m. Abby Willard ; d. 1862. Rachel, b. 1810 ; m. John D. Gossum. James M., b. 1817; m. 1st, Elvira Noble; 2d, Esther J. Hall; 3d, Har- riet U. Stone. STEVENS. Jonas Stevens, born 1785, married 1810 Sally Sprague, born 1792. He lived half a mile above the Flat; was a farmer. Children ; William, m. Martha Seavey. Ardelia, m. Moses Seavey. Sally, m. George Chadwick. Betsey, m. Alvah Holden. Mary, m. Thomas Taylor. Susan, m. Alphonzo Goddard. Emily, m. Marshal Barnes. Charles, died in the late war. Augustus, m. . James A., m. Sarah Wheeler. 292 HISTORY OF WATERFORD. STONE. Jonathan Stone married Susanna Moore. He removed to Waterford about 1796, and settled south of Tom jjond, where Samuel Warren now lives. He came from Groton, Mass. Children : Jonathan, m. Catherine Willard. Solomon, m. Hepzibah Treadwell. Moses, m. 1st, Polly Hamlin ; 2d, Ruth Porter. Oliver, m. Sally Jewell. Simeon, Susan, m, Africa Hamlin. Jonathan Stone (2d gen.), who married Catherine Wil- lard, came from Harvard, Mass., with the family, and resided on the old place. Children : Theodore, m. 1st, Elsie Stone ; 2d, Almira Hamlin. Silvia, m. Amos Saunders. William, m. Susan Hamlin. Maj. Theodore Stone (3d gen.), who married first, Elsie Stone ; second, Almira Hamlin, was son of Jonathan Stone j lived on the home place, and afterward, just east of Tom pond. Children : Sophronia. Catharine, m. 1st. Albion K. P. Dunham ; 2d, Merrill. Sophronia W., m. Granville Morse. Mary. Moses Stone (2d gen.), who married first, Polly Hamlin ; second, Ruth Porter, was son of Jonathan Stone. He came from Groton, Mass., and resided where Sumner Stone now lives; a farmer. RECORD OF FAMILIES. 293 Children : Elsie, b. 1790; m. Maj. Theodore Stone. Hannibal, b. 1792. Polly, b. 1794; m. Charles Billings. Amanda, b. 1795. David P., b. 1796. Jonathan, b. 1797 ; a lawyer. Rufus, b. 1800. Sumner, b. 1802 ; m. 1st, Catherine Hobson ; 2d, Martha Frost. Luther, b. 1805. Calvin, b. 1807 ; m. Katy Knight. Henry, b. 1809; m. Haskell. Oliver Stone (2d gen.), who married Sally Jewell, was son of Jonathan Stone, senior ; came to Waterford, with the family, from Groton, Mass., and lived near where Samuel Warren now resides ; was a farmer. Children : Alonzo, m. Sally Watson. Daphne. lO^ra, m. .Tulia Barker. Samuel, m. Adelaide Jones. Lewis. Oliver. Sarah A., m. Simon Watson. Daphne. Leander G. Dea. Solomon Stone (2d gen.), who married Hepzibah Teeadwell, was son of Jonathan Stone. He came from Gro- ton, Mass., with the family, and resided on Stone hill, in Gara- bo district ; a farmer. Children : Solomon, b. 1797 ; m. Eunice Edwards. Thomas T., d.d., b. 1799; m. Laura Poor. Susan M., b. 1806; m. Stephen Proctor. 294 HISTOKT OF WATERFORD. Solomon Stone (3d gen.), who married Eunice Edwaeds, was son of Deacon Solomon Stone, and lived on a part of the old place ; a farmer. Children : Mary Jane, m. Geo. W. Pattee. Abby, m. Andrew J. Pattee. Laura. Ellen, m. 1st, .James Jordan; 2d, Joseph Small. Joel Stone, born 1766, married Lucinda Parkhurst, born 1772. He resided in the Gambo district; a former. Children : Lucinda, b. 1796 ; m. John Proctor. Eber, b. 1797 ; m. Nancy Atherton. Nancy, b. 1800; was a teacher. Emma, b. 1803 ; m. Daniel Plummer. Sarah, b. 1806; m. Moses Young. Eber Stone (2d gen.), who married Nancy Atherton, lived on the home place. Children : Augusta, m. Joel Stone. Oscar, m. Mary Kenney. Moody K., m. Maria Merrill. Joel A., m. Anuice McEUory. Nancy, m. Henry Danley. William, m. Elizabeth H. Wilkins. Walter, died in the war. David Stone married Lucy W. Sampson. He came from Harvard, Mass., in 1796, and lived in the west part of the town, near Sweden. RECORD OF FAMILIES. 295 Children : Susan W., m. Deacon Aaron Cummings ; no children. Joseph, m, Mary Bridge ; eight children. James (deacon), m. Harriet Holden; seven children. Rebecca, m. Jeremiah Hale ; three children. David S., m. Eliza Walker; six children. Hiram, m. Polly Wheeler ; four childi-en. Lorenzo, m. Jemima Tubbs ; two children. Lydia R., m. William Foster ; three children. Henry M., m. Elizabeth Forsythe; two children. Thomas S., m. Sarah Tread well. SWAN. DuDLET Swan, born 1774, married first, Sally Gbeen, born 1777 ; second, Mrs. Sarah Lang. He came from Bethel, Maine, and resided in the north part of the town, near Lovell 5 was a cooper and farmer. Children : Betsey, b. 1797. Daniel, b. 1799 ; m. Annette Farrar. Caleb, b. 1800. Dolly, b. 1802. Sarah, b. 1804. Abel, b. 1807 ; m. Betsey Swan. Joseph, b. 1809. Thomas, 1 , lom. m. Eliza Sanderson. Lydia, Jo-l»10' Mary, b. 1814. Caleb P., b. 1823. Charles D. THOMPSON. Edward Thompson married Collet. He came from Shelburne, N. H.; resided in several places in town. 296 HISTORY OF WATERFORD. Children : Joseph M., m. Catharine Whitney. James, m. in New Gloucester. Greenleaf, died at sea. Edward Castor, m. Caroline S. Sampson. Elizabeth S., m. Alvin C. Shaw. Joseph M. Thompson (2d gen,), born 1804, who mariied in 1825 Catherine Whitney, born 1804, was from Gray. His father removed to Waterford, and apprenticed him to the blacksmith trade, in which he excelled. He early left that busi- ness, and kept hotel ; first, in New Gloucester, then was pro- prietor of the Casco House, Portland ; was city marshal. Af- terward, he was proprietor of the Glen House, Gorham, N. H., a favorite resort for travelers and boarders, and was one of the best kept houses in the country. Children : Caroline E., m. Joseph R. Lufkin. Abram W., m. Frances E. Stevens. Charles M., m. Annette E. Eastman. Harriet N., m. Stephen H. Ciunmiugs. George F. TREAD WELL. Mrs. Thomas Trbadwell came to Waterford with her family from Littleton, Mass. She was born in 1742, died in 1839, at about the age of ninety-seven. Her husband, Thomas Treadwell, was a soldier in the Revolution. After his death, with characteristic fortitude and heroism, Mi-s. Treadwell came with her family to this then wilderness ; was a woman of great force of character. RECORD OF FAMILIES. 297 Children : Hepzibah, m. Deacon Solomon Stone. Hannah, m. Farnsworth. Moses (deacon), m. Jane Hawes. Esther, m. Samuel Saunders. Sally, m. Gen. John Perley. Deacon Moses Treadwell (2d gen.), married Jane Hawes. He was the son of Thomas Treadwell, and came with his mother to Waterford after the Revolution. He lived in the Plummer district, and served as captain, in the defense of Port- land, in the war of 1814. Children : Jane, b. 1806; m. Deacon Asa Gould. Thomas (Col.), b. 1807; m. 1st, Elizabeth Plummer; 2d, Sarah Whit- comb. Maria, b. 1809. Mary H., m. 1st, Elijah Holt; 2d, Joseph Kellogg. Sarah P., b. 1816; m. Thomas S. Stone. Samuel, b. 1818. William H., b. 1822; m. in Boston. WALKER. Dr Young Walker married Mrs. Mercy Crombie, widovr of Dr. Samuel Crombie. He resided between the two villages, west of Tom pond. He had natural and acquired qualifica- tions for eminence in his profession. Children : Jane, m. Stephen Ball. William. 20 298 HISTORY OF WATERFORD. WARREN. Abijah Warren, born 1770, married in 1801 Lydia Saun- ders, born 1776, He came from Harvard, Mass., about 1798 ; lived in North Waterford, west of Beech hill. Was teacher of common schools, and of music ; also a farmer. Children : Betsey, b. 1799. John C, b. 1816; m. Elizabeth Brown. Maj. Samuel Warren, born 1766, married in 1794 Polly Green, born 1772. He came to Waterford in 1786. He lived where Daniel Warren now resides ; he was farmer, cooper and brick layer, and dealt in timber. Children : Perley, b. 1795 ; served in the war of 1814 ; afterward traded on the Flat; died 1825. Mary, b. 1797 ; m. Deacon Amos Gage. Sarah, b. 1799 ; died 1821. William, b. 1801 ; died in infancy. Lydia, b. 1803 ; m. Capt. Thomas Kilborne. William (Rev.), b. 1806; m. Mary H. Lamson. Daniel, b." 1808 ; lives on the home place. Eliza, b. 1812; died young. Samuel, b. 1815; m. Irene B. Gage. Mary G. Swan, a niece, b. 1814 ; resided in the family till her death in 1842. Deacon William Warren, born 1774, married first, Dor- OTHA Green ; second, Ruth Kilborne ; third, Sarah Allen. He came from Harvard, Mass., about 1794, an invalid ; had no children ; lived in North Waterford ; a farmer and cabinet maker. His apprentices were Abel Houghton, Josiah Hough- ton (afterward a Baptist clergyman), Josiah Moulton, Stephen I RECORD OF FAMILIES. 299 Eastman (deacon), Nathaniel Lovejoy, Abiel Whiting, Jacob H. Green, William W. Green, who had large influence in building up the village at North Waterford, also in building the house of worship, and in sustaining preaching there. Capt. Petee Waeren married for his second wife Eunice LiBBEY. He was successor to Eli Longley in the tavern on the Flat; came to town about 1818, from Portland, whei-e he had reared a family from his first marriage, an account of which we have not obtained. From the second marriage, there were Ann and Eliza. They removed to the South, and we have no further knowledge of them. WATSON. Eliphalet Waxson, born 1759, married Zipporah Par- tridge, born 1757. Children : Eben, b. 1783 ; m. Polly Sampson. Rhoda, b. 1791. Rebecca, b. 1795. Eben Watson (2d gen.), who married Polly Sampson, lived in different places in town ; was a farmer by occupation. Children: Sally, m. Alonzo StoEe. Samuel S., m. Harriet Anthoine. Mary, m. 1st. Abner F. Knight ; 2d, Eben Plummer. Simon N., m. Sarah Stone. Coleman Watson, born 1751, married Patience Thomes born 1748. He came from Buxton, Maine, in 1795, lived in Gambo district ; a farmer. 300 HISTORY OF WATERFOKD. Children : Mercy, b. 1774 ; m. Abel Knight. Stephen, b. 1776 ; m. Hannah Nourse. Hannah, b. 1778; m. Samuel Scribner. Isaac, b. 1779; m. Deborah Sampson. John, b. 1781 ; m. Polly Bangs. Eunice, b. 1783 ; m. Eben Bisbee. James, b. 1785; m. in Massachusetts. Edmund, b. 1797; m. Hepzibah Flint. Isaac Watson (2d gen.), who married Deborah Sampson was son of Coleman Watson. He came with the family from Buxton, Maine, at the age of fourteen, and resided in the Gambo district ; a farmer. Children : James S., m. Mary WiUiams. Daniel T., m. 1st, Nancy Nom-se; 2d, Mary Tidd. Samuel C, m. Dolly Nourse. Ansel L., m. Mahala Casely. Mercy, m. WilUam Merrill. Olive, m. Joel S. Kimball. Christopher. Eliza, m. Amos Flint. Lincoln R., m. Persis Mitchell. , Nancy S., m. Gushing L. Mitchell. Alice S. Stephen Watson (2d gen.), who married Hannah Nourse, came fi*om Buxton, Maine, and lived in the east part of the town. Children : Lois, m. Justus Lowe. Mary. John, m\ Eliza Peabody. William, m. Elmira Lary. 1st, m. Abel, Susan Homes ; 2d, Cordelia Burbank. RECORD OF FAMILIES. 301 WHEELER. Samuel Wheeler married Polly Longley. He came from Stow, Mass., and resided in West Waterford ; was a farmer by occupation. Children : Polly, b. 1803; m. Hiram Stone. Harriet, b. 1806 ; m. Nathaniel Rollins. Lucy L., b. 1809; m. E. Maxfield. Sophia, b. 1814; m. 1st, James Dingley; 2d, Langley. Elizabeth, b. 1821 ; m. James Whitcomb. George Wheeler, born 1781, married Asenath Kimball. He came from Stow, Mass., and resided on the Flat, where he died. His widow married a Mr. Bradbury. Children : George F., b. 1810; m. Caroline Billings. Calvin, b. 1811. Mary A., b. 1813. WHITCOMB. Abraham Whitcomb, born 1765, married Sally Atherton. He was from Harvard, Mass.; settled in West Waterford in 1800, near " Duck pond," afterward, on the south-west side of "Beech hill." Children : Abraham, m. Ist, Betsey Houghton ; 2d, Mary E. Horr. Sarah. Isaac, m. Rachel Pike. Joel. Calvin, m. Louisa Houghton. William, m. Mary A. Harris. Polly, m. Ai Burnham. Sally. Betsey, m. Robert Barstow. 302 HISTORY OF WATERFORD. Abraham Whitcomb (2d gen.), married first, Betsey Houghton; second, Mary E. Horb. He was son of Abra- ham Whitcomb, and settled with his father on the south side of " Beech hill." Children : John, b. 1819; m. 1st, Sarah B. Hamlin; 2d, Etta H. Kneeland. Eliza, b. 1822 ; m. 1st, Stephen Sanderson ; 2d, Milton Jewett. Elona. Isaac Whitcomb (2d gen.), married Rachel Pike. He was son of Abraham, senior, and was settled in the same neighborhood, West Waterford ; a farmer. Children : Melville, m. Lucia Plummer. Mary Ann. Marcellus, m. Ellen Fiske. David Whitcomb, born 1764, married AIary Eaton, born 1776. He came to Waterford from Bolton, Mass., and settled in the south part of the town ; a farmer. Children : Betsey. Sallie, 1 , . Polly, ) twins; m. Darius Wilkins. David, m. Lavinia Piper. Ephraim, m. Eliza Merrill. Mercy. WilUam. Rebecca, m. Andrew Maybury. Paul Whitcomb, born 1778, married in 1806 Sally Samp- son, born 1788. He came from Bolton, Mass., and lived in the south-west corner of the town, near Sweden, to which place he afterward removed. He was a farmer and joiner, and in Sweden, was proprietor of mills. RECORD OF FAMILIES. 303 Children : Elmina, m. John Nevers. Sarah, m. Col. Thomas Treadwell. Mercy, m. Luke Sawyer. Mary F. Ephraim O., m. Eliza P. Richardson ; was a Methodist preacher. Eliza W., m. Eben P. Hinkley. Rebecca A., m. 1st, George Billings; 2d, Jonas Davis. Caroline, m. P. T. Kimball. William E., m. Elizabeth C. Wentworth. Valentine, m. 1st, Alice ; 2d, Nancy A. Mack. Emehne, m. 1st, Henry S. Fogg ; 2d, James A. Borden. Susan. WHITMAN. Chaeles Whitman, Esq., born 1792, married in 1838 Rowe- NA Coffin. Mr. Whitman was a lawyer; came fi'om Portland, and opened a law office here in 1817. He removed to Wash- ington, D. C, in 1837, where he died in 1850. He was a pub- lic-spirited man, and was much in town business. Children : Charles Sidney, b. 1840 ; m. N. De S. Bostick, lawyer. Elizabeth Smith, b. 1841 ; died 1864. Margaret McLellan, b. 1844 ; died 1845. Louisa, b. 1847. Lucia, b. 1848; m. Charles P. Russell, merchant WHITNEY. Abeam Whitney, born 1754, married first, Hittt Ware, born 1759 ; second, Sarah Whitman, born 1760 ; third, Cath- erine Wood, born 1766 ; fourth, Mrs. Sarah Conant Jew- ell, born 1762. Mr. W. moved from Stow, Mass.; was high sheriff of Middlesex county, came to Waterford in 1805, lived in the lower village ; was engaged in mills. 304 HISTORY OF WATERFORD. Children : Sally, m. Bancroft Williams. Abigail, m. James Williams, Lucy. John. Jonathan, m. Abigail Brooks. Catherine, m. Joseph M. Thompson. Abram, m. Mary A. Hopkins. Christopher, m. Dolly Brooks. WILKINS. John" Wilkins, who married Abigail Kimball, removed from Massachusetts, and resided on Temple hill ; a farmer. Children : John. John, m. Lydia Hamlin. Abigail, m. Levi Whitney. Laurinda, m. Stephen Lovejoy. William K., m. Lorania Lovejoy. Emerson, m. 1st, Rhoda Nutting; 2d, Algela Brown. Augustus, m. Sarah Lowell. Samuel N., m. Christiana Hobbs. Eliza A., m. Otis Trafton. Calvin. Harriet, m. Josiah Lovejoy. John Wilkins (2d gen. and 3d gen. from Isaac Kimball), who married Lydia Hamlin, was son of John Wilkins, and resided first on Temple hill, then in Harrison, finally on the Flat in Waterford. Children : Susan H., teacher in Brooklyn, N. Y. Eliza H., m. 1st, William Stone; 2d, Fred. M. Atherton. RECORD OF FAMILIES. 305 WILLARD. Barzilla Willard, born 1751, married in 1777 Sylvia Kingman, born 1754. He moved from Harvard, Mass., to Waterford, in 1805, and settled on a farm in the south-west part of the town. He died in 1831, aged eighty. His wife, born in Bridgewater, Mass., died at the age of ninety-one. Children : Lewis, b. 1782; m. 1st, Mary Plaisted; 2d, Mary Moulton. Catharine, b. 1784; m. Joseph Green. Ira, b. 1785 ; died 1868. Fanny, b. 1788 ; m. Ephraim Hapgood. Chloe, b. 1790 ; m. Jonathan Morse. William (Capt.), b. 1793; m. Jael Prince. Sophia, b. 1796; m. Alonzo Robbins. Also two infants ; the children were all born in Harvard. Lewis Willard (2d gen.), born 1782, who married in 1807, Widow Mary Moulton, was son of Barzilla Willard, and came with the family to Waterford, from Harvard, Mass., in 1805. He lived in the west jDart of the town ; a farmer; died 1851. Children : Mary, b. 1807 ; m. Oliver Atherson. Abigail, b. 1809 ; m. Joseph Shaw. Catharine, b. 1811; m. Carter Holt. Eben, b. 1813; m. 1st, Hannah Barker; 2d, Mary Barker. Josiah, b. 1815 ; m. 1st, Mary Noble ; 2d, Louisa Bell. Jane, b. 1818 ; m. Eben Bell. Ehza, b. 1820 ; m. John Pike. Capt. William Willard (2d gen.), who married Jael Prince, was son of Barzilla Willard, lived in the lower village, was a harness maker, and carriage trimmer. He afterward kept hotel in Westbrook, Maine. 306 HISTORY OF WATERFOED. Children : Elizabeth. Leander G., b. 1818; m. Eliza Hougliton. Alexander, b. 1820. Albion Sbenstone, b. 1822 ; m. in Massachusetts. Marietta L., b. 1824; m. in Massachusetts. Ellen, b. 1826; m. George Lilly, in Massachusetts. Matilda, b. 1828 ; m. George Libby. WOOD. Daniel Wood married Bethiah Gates. He lived in the Gambo district ; a fanner. Children : Susan, b. 1799; m. Samuel Pike. Bowdoin, b. 1800; m. 1st, Lucretia Fairbanks ; 2d, Lucretia Richards. Sally, b. 1802; m. Jacob Gilson. Mary, b. 1804 ; m. Jonathan Martin. Amelia, b. 1806 ; m. Nathaniel Horr. CaHsta, b. 1809; m. William Foster. Charlotte, b. 1813; m. Eli Merrill. Harriet D., b. 1815. WRIGHT. James Wright married Mary — Children : Richard, b. 1781. Mary, b. 1783; m. Humphrey Saunders. Martha, b. 1786. Rachel, b. 1793. Dorcas, b, 1795; m. William Nevers. Betsey M., b. 1804. Eliza, b. 1805; m. Sylvester. Betsey M., b. 1809. RECORD OF FAMILIES. 307 YOUNG. Capt. Moses Young, born 1803, married Sarah Stone, born 1805. He came from Fryeburg, Maine, about the year 1824 ; settled in North Waterford, wliere the village now is ; afterward, South Waterford, where Mrs. Young now lives. Children : Charles, m. Harriet Kilgore. Maria, m. Icbabod Hayes. Henry, m. Ella Abbott. Amanda M., m. Stephen Caswell. Abbie, m. Henry H. Savage. Some families, whose records were not obtained till after the foregoing was in press, as follows : FARMER. Simeon Farmer married Nancy Sampson. They came from Massachusetts. He was sexton in North Waterford for many years ; resided on the Benjamin Sampson place. Children : Mary Jane, m. in Massachusetts. Eliza. Amos. George O., m. Caroline Proctor. KILGORE. Benjamin Kilgore married Ruth Hazelton, and moved to Waterford, with their family, from Fryeburg, about the year 1800, and settled in the south-east part of the town, near John Baker. 308 HISTORY OF WATERFORD. Children : Benjamin, died at sea. Dominicus, m.. Hannah Grover. Gabriel, m. Susan Hamlin. Reuben, m. Mary Bergen. Mary, m. Joseph Eastman. Naomi, m. Daniel McKenny. Liberty, m. Jane Edwards. Gabbiel Kilgore (2d gen.), who married Susan Hamlin, was son of Benjamin Kilgore, who married Ruth Hazelton, and came to Waterford, with his parents, from Fryeburg. Children : Caroline, m. Henry Bailey. Hamilton, m. Mary Stevens. Harriet, m. William McWain. Susan, m. Henry Dana. Almira, m. Samuel Skillings. Rebecca, m. Leavett B. McWain. Charlotte. Emerson, m. Helen Hale. Henry, m. Jane Stewart. Reubbn Kilgore (2d gen.), who married Mary Bergen, was also son of Benjamin and Ruth Kilgore, and came from Fryeburg, with them. Children : Mary A., died young. Dean A., m. Mary Hill. Nancy B., m. 1st, Ezekiel Dustan; 2d, Edward Hilton. Huldah P., ra. George Dennis. Eveline, m. Aldrus Adams. Ruf us K., m. Philinda Harthorn. Caroline A., m. John Mallard. Liberty, m. Susan Keene. Leander D., m. Lydia Twombly. Andrew, m. Livonia True. RECORD OF FAMILIES. 309 Some few errors will be noticed in the foregoing records: " was " for is, in connection with Dr. Carlton's record ; " Col." got in before the names of Luther and Calvin Farrar. The press mistook an abbreviation for College, in the margin of the revised proof, for that of colonel, which was not among their honors. Other errors may be detected. The change in the style of names will be noticed. The Bible names of the first half century are mostly superceded now by softer and more musical ones. It, will be noticed that the children of the first half century usually settled in town, and near the old homestead ; whereas, in the last half century, they oftener leave town for the city, manufacturing village, or far west. It will be seen by the foregoing records, that the first half century of the town was an era of large families, averaging for this period of fifty years, but a fraction less than seven children to a family. The contrast in this respect between the Jirst and the last fifty years of our town is noticeable, and not a little alarming. It must be admitted that the growth and prosper- ity of Waterford, in its first half century, was owing considera- bly to the size and health of the families. The thinning of its population, or falling oflT in the census of late, is to be traced largely to this cause. CENTENNIAL OF WATERFORD, 1875 REPORT. History is never complete, but continuous, and like the ever-changing views of a panorama. Since the day we were tracing back, as in the preceding pages, over the checkered scenes of the past, and in the slow progression of events, to the time when these beautiful fields were a solitary wood, and these hills and valleys, a homeless wilderness, years have intervened, and the pen that records, and the events that we recall, become historic. The Waterford Centennial, at once the scene and inspiration of the foregoing narrative of events, is but a continuation, and becomes itself history. Although the annals of a quiet rural town cannot be sup- posed to afford much of interest, except to its own people, yet it had long been felt, that in some way the history of Waterford should be gathered up, while there were yet liv- ing receptacles of the " unwritten years." For its own, at least, the treasure-trove of the past should be preserved, and go down as a most sacred inheritance. And there is sadness in the thought, how little can be saved. The best efforts of the historian do not avail. Its volume cannot be recorded, and, except as it is written upon the hearts and lives of the living, it is lost. The drama but shadows it ; fiction strives to paint it. What romance and the drama aspire to is the real history of a people. " 21 314 WATERFORD CENTENNIAL. In the sacred record, a curse is pronounced on those who " remove the ancient landmarks," so contrariwise there is a blessing in their preservation ; and it is ever pleasant and profitable to inquire for the " old paths." The American people here passed through a t errible crisis, and the fires of patriotism were kindled anew ; the same spirit of liberty and eternal right, that breathed in the decla- ration of independence, lived again and became intensified. The National Centennial was in prospect. From Lexington and Bunker Hill, and all the old battle fields, went up the shout of " liberty preserved." Towns caught up the inspi- ration, and all over the land, from a glad people, was heard the voice of thanksgiving. And truly the nation did inquire for the "old paths," and remembered and kept her "solemn feasts." In the autumn of 1874, Bethel celebrated hers, and Wa- terford began to remember that the next year would complete the hundredth year of her settlement, and the inquiry went around, Shall we have a Centennial ? During the winter of 1874-5, the town authorities, with leading citizens, issued a call, inviting the good people of the town to meet at the town-house and consider the subject. At that and subsequent meetings, there was a very general expression in favor, and a large general committee, repre- senting the different parts of the town, was chosen to take the matter in charge, consisting of Thomas Swan, A. J. Smith, Daniel Brown, Samuel Warren, Waldo T. Brown, John N. Baker, Luther Hougliton, John B. Rand, Farnum Jewett, Samuel H. Warren, and George W. Plummer. These persons met and appointed from their number a com- mittee of three, for general business, viz., Samuel Warren, A. J. Smith, and John B. Rand. WATERFORD CENTENNIAL. 315 The town, at its annual meeting in March, indorsed the cit- izens' meeting, and by vote made it its own, adding John C. Gerry and Josiah Monroe to the general committee. On mo- tion of Joseph Hale, the very liberal sum of five hundred dollars was voted by acclamation, to defray expenses. Early in the spring, the following notice was published in the papers : CENTENNIAL. The citizens of Waterford propose to celebrate the one hun- dredth anniversary of the settlement of the town on the first day of September next. There will be an historical' address, and other exercises appropriate to the occasion. The town mother earnestly calls home all her sons and daughters, to a home-gathering and re-union ; and to all, who for any cause, are interested to participate in this memorial service, she extends a most cordial welcome. A free public dinner will be served on the occasion, and no pains will be spared to make it one of profit and interest to all her guests. Most respectfully, in behalf of the committee, Samuel Warre:?^. Waterford, April, 1875. As the summer advanced, there were numerous meetings of the committee and citizens. To prepare and provide for so large a gathering, as might be expected, was no small labor. Plans were proposed and considered, and the work of prep- aration given into the hands of sub-committees. Special invitations were sent out. The Bridgton Brass Band was hired. As the time drew near, the passers by the way, and 316 WATERFORD CENTENNIAL. the " stranger within our gates," saw a busy scene, and that old Waterford was intensely in earnest. The work was now well in hand, the details of which would not be interesting to the reader. The committee would here express their grateful sense of obligation to all who kindly assisted. Where so many did well, it may seem invidious to particularize. Our thanks are especially due Mrs. Laura Kimball, for a liberal gift in money, and to Mr. Cliarles Young, who generously furnished the canvas and cordage for the pavilion. Thanks are also due to those who kindly lent from their houses to furnish the tables, and particularly to the merchants who held their supplies in abeyance. THE CENTENNIAL. For several days preceding, busy heads and hands had been hard at work in anxious preparation. The first day of September dawned beautifully clear, arid the young autumn sun, breaking over the eastern horizon upon a cloudless sky, gave promise of a glorious day. His beams first tipped with gold the peaks of Tire-'em, then fal- ling upon the quiet bosom of the lakelet at his base, they were refiected in one broad sheen of beauty, and still onward they pursued tlie retreating shadows from valley to valley, till hill and mountain and the whole face of nature, were lit up with one broad smile of gladness. In the song and cheer of that beautiful morning anxious hearts rejoiced. Upon the tri- angular common, beneath the shades of the graceful elms, an immense pavilion had been erected, and in the rear angle toward the church, upon a dais-like area, were ample accom- modations for the speakers and numerous honorary guests ; for the choir, the reporters and the band. Here the ladies had displayed their skill in artistic ornamentation. Appro- WATERFORD CENTENNIAL. 317 priate mottoes, tastefully arranged with festoons of flowers, and wreaths of evergreen, pictures, relics, etc.; and here, as elsewhere, was displayed the national ensign with its proudly waving banners. Upon the grounds of A. S. Kimball, Esq., and Joseph Hale, long rows of tables had been erected, suf- ficient to seat some eighteen hundred people ; and as the eye ran along their extended lines, with their comfortable awnings, set off with such drapery as was suggested by the taste of those in charge of the different divisions ; and later in the morning, as hospitable hands of matrons and maidens were seen loading them down with appetizing viands, no further suggestion was needed of large festive possibilities. Long before the appointed hour all the highways and by- paihs leading to Waterford Flat presented a scene such as the oldest denizens of the town had never witnessed ; a moving throng of carriages filled with eager faces, and pedes- trians, all pressing to the common rendezvous. With hearts swelling proudly for the old mother, we saw that the sons and the daughters were there. Old age, with sprightly tread, and children with happy faces, grandmothers and grandsires with whitened locks, sturdy manhood, young men and maidens, all were come to do honor to the homes of their youth. Conspicuously from various points the national banner flung out its graceful folds, and as the crowd beneath swayed to and fro on the beautiful common, each heart, lifted above obstreperous mirth to the dignity of silent joyousness an- swers, the scene was one to be witnessed and never forgotten. At the appointed hour came the call of the president to order, and the exercises commenced with a grand overture by the band. 318 WATERFOKD CENTENNIAL. Mr. A. S. Kimball, the president of the day, gave a neat and appropriate address of welcoma, as follows : Fellow Citizens: We meet to-day for the purpose of celebrating the one hun- dredth anniversary of the settlement of this good old town. We feel that it is well for us that we are hei'e. The heavens smile benignly upon us. Our fields are laden with abundant harvests. Our hillsides lift their heads above us, crowned with their luxuriant foliage, as if in praise to the great Author of heaven and earth, for the many blessings which we enjoy. One hundred years ago all these broad fields and pastures, as far as the vision extends, were one vast forest. The footprint of civilization had left no imprint thereon. Here the massive trees of the forest spread out their giant branches, shielding the rich verdure beneath from the rays of the summer sun. The silence was unbroken, save by the murmuring waters, the chirp of birds, the footfall of the deer, or the occasional tramp of the red man, who held undisputed sway over all this extensive do- main. But a change came. One solitary man penetrated the then unbroken solitude, and erected a cabin within the wilder- ness. After a time others came within our limits, and the sound of the axe re-echoed over from clearing to clearing. The settlers' cabins multiplied, and the primeval growth, which had with- stood the storms and tempests of Centuries, disappeared. Since which, our hills and valleys have been developed into fruitful fields, now seen upon every hand, and our villages teeming with the diflereut industries, have sprung up. The sons and daughters of Waterford have located them- selves in almost every land and clime within the pale of civili- zation, and I have yet to learn that they have ever betrayed their trust, or been unfaithful to the principles of virtue and integrity, which characterized the early settlers of this town ; hence I bid you all a cordial welcome home ; you who are the WATERFORD CENTENNIAL. 319 children of Waterford ; you who have ever resided here ; and to all who have come to assist us in appropriately celebrating this most important epoch in the history of the town of Wa- terford, I extend a most cordial welcome. And while we think and speak of those who have gone before, let us, their descend- ants, ever keep in remembrance the example furnished by the fathers and mothers who steadily toiled on through adversity and prosperity, as their works abundantly show. Truly, they have furnished us with a lofty standard, by which to try our- selves. Let us therefore renew our pledges of fidelity to their memory, as we gather around this centennial altar, that our works may serve as a footprint in the sands of time to those who in the untold generations to come, shall gather up the un- finished work we have begun. Again I bid you all a cordial welcome home, and thank you for coming to assist us in performing the services of the day. Prayer was offered by the chaplain, Rev. A. J. Smith. From the choir broke forth the cheering strains of "Home Again," and as its pleasing numbers swelled forth and were caught up by the vast assemblage, many a heart thrilled in response. Mr. Henry P. Warren then gave the historical address, and as the scenes and incidents of past days were vividly recalled by the speaker, and musty records were made to give up their treasures, the interest of the large con- course of people was manifest. As the dim outlines of a past age came out in bold relief, and events and passages of former times were vividly portrayed, with many of which some present were familiar, or perhaps bore a part, the in- terest grew into the most wrapt attention. No attempt will be made to outline it, as the address itself makes up the vol- 320 WATERFORD CENTENNIAL. ume of the preceding pages. Nor will the reader understand that it was given except in brief. After the address and a voluntary by the band, dinner was announced by the President, and a cordial invitation was ex- tended to all. The divine blessing having been invoked by Rev. David Garland of Bethel, the audience, as fast as they could be seated, repaired to the tables, where a sumptuous dinner was served upon the grounds as stated above. As in a grand but quiet scene upon the plains of Judea, outside the village, and upon its border, the bold mountain craggs looking down in the rear, the multitude sat down, "by companies," "and did eat and were filled." A festive scene is one of participation, and not for description ; and if the hilarious but orderly cheer which prevailed might be used in judgment, the dinner was enjoyed. The number dined can only be approximated. But if we remember that the tables had been arranged for some eight- een hundred people, and in the estimation of those in charge, they were filled from two to three times, some idea of the number present may be formed. Large as was the number, there was enough for all, and food remained upon the tables for other thousands. Of this part of the programme a re- porter says : " The most complete order prevailed during this most difficult part of the performance, and the admira- ble manner of serving the vast multitudes evinced a com- plete and masterly organization of forces." After dinner, as the seats were being rapidly filled, a fear- ful accident occurred, and two persons were badly but not fatally injured. A vicious horse had broken loose, and dragging a heavy piece of timber, rushed furiously over the seats and among the gathering audience, causing a terrible panic ; yet, as if by miracle, only the two persons named WATERFORD CENTENNIAL. 321 above were seriously injured. Order having been restored, the exercises of the afternoon commenced with a salutatory by the band, and in response to sentiments offered by the president, it was pleasantly and profitably spent in listening to addresses by numerous speakers, nearly all of whom were natives of Waterford. The large area of well-filled seats, with eager and attentive faces, gave ample assurance that the exercises, interspersed with excellent music, were en- joyed. The first sentiment, offered by the president, was : The Fathers and Mothers of Waterford. Response by Rev. William Warren, d.d., of Gorham, Me. Mr. President : Some one has said that this seemed to him like the funeral of the old century. It seems to me to be rather the resurrection of the old century. To-day the past of this town comes up before us in joyous review. Those early historical scenes, the sacrifices and sufferings accompanying them, have been set before our view in order and in fresh light, and have been given a new life. Those men and women who made this town what it is, whom we have known personally, or through dim tradition, have in a sense revived to our view and acquaintance to-day. They live again and are with us in a sense in these our festivities. We greet them, we take them by the hand, as it were, on this commemorative occasion. Yes, fathers and mothers, with all the heart we welcome you back to the scenes of life, to our fellowships and our festivities on this centennial occasion. The obsequies of the past ? No, rather its resurrection on this hundredth birthday of the town! How little there is of us that death can arrest or the grave can hold! There are things stronger than death. The triumph of the grave is brief. All 322 WATERFORD CENTENNIAL. that is truly noble hath immortality. It is the privilege of all in life to do that which outlives life ; to build characters and forecast destinies which death itself cannot destroy. This occasion leads to the reviving and renewing of forgot- ten scenes. Here we review the noble acts and imperishable virtues that gave early character to this town. These do not perish, they are robed in immortality. We register them upon tablets that cannot fade on this commemorative occasion. But I am expected to speak particularly of the original fami- lies of Waterford ; and perhaps, because, though a son and a grandson of first settlers here, I am an old man and yet the twilight of my own recollections but touches the vanishing of theirs. It is pleasant for me to speak of those early families that so impressed my childhood and youth, and left upon the town their likeness and image. They still survive in the char- acter tliey gave to Waterford. We dwell on their memory with pleasure ; let this day help to make it imperishable. I do not claim that those pioneers of the town were perfect, that tliey wholly escaped the temptations and habits of their time. But sir, I only wonder that their faults were so few ; that they withstood wrong influences so well ; and that so few of them fell into vice and dishonor. How little they had to do with and how scanty were their privileges! We care to make no ungrateful records to-day. It is not the shaded leaf or blotted ledger that stands open before us. It is the brighter pages of honorable history of successful life on which we have to dwell ; the review of noble courage, of rare self-denial, of manly aspirations, rising often to inspira- tions ; these are before us now and impel us to put the cen- tury properly and honorably upon the calendar of time. We recall with pride the hardihood and privations of those fathers and mothers, who faced danger, forced obstacles and impossibilities well-nigh in this then unbroken wilderness. We call to mind the sacrifices they made in leaving pleasant homes, WATERFOED CENTENNIAL. 323 and their comparatively easy life ; exchanging safety for peril, society for solitude, and competence, it may be, for the rude- ness and sacrifices of pioneer life. How I used to marvel at my mother's story of leaving her old home in Massachusetts, the beauties of Prospect Hill on the one hand, and charming Plum Island on the other, for this cold and dreary wilderness of Wa- terford ; nor the emotions I felt, half a century afterward, when I stood for the first time, on a thanksgiving morning, upon that same enchanted Prospect Hill (near the foot of which she had lived), overlooking the town and distant Plum Island, gateway to the sea, and remembered that dear mother, who left all this fifty years before for a wilderness home ! But God gave the heart and the hope and the nerve ! Those fathers and moth- ers came here under the inspiration of a noble manhood and womanhood. They built for themselves houses and homes, rude of course ; felled the forests, turning it into fields and farms, and planted institutions as well as vineyards for them- selves and for us. Can we forget them ? How can we but ad- mire them ? And what vicariousness of skill and service they brought with them ! A brave old lady whose husband was out in two Avars, whom the bullets did not hit, was often both physician and nurse. And how did the mothers and fathers rejoice in her presence and skill. It was a day when little had to stand for much ; when a few had to do the work of many, and com- mon sense to serve often for science and professional skill. In a more personal glance at these root-families, I pass by the Warrens, but not so properly the Greens ; Thomas, out in the French and Revolutionary wars, a hero in many battles. He came here early to help conquer the wilderness. He came with his large family of sons and daughters, all of whom set- tled near him. He and wife (the lady just referred to), lived to a great age, and were loved and honored of all to the end. His old neighbor in Rowley, Captain Stephen Jewett, soon 324 WATERFORD CENTENNIAL. followed and became his neighbor here. He brought his large family of sons and daughters, who settled around hira. He was keen of perception, delighted in debate, especially for doctrine, as his noted controversy with his minister shows. And then the Chaplins, Daniel and David, the latter a teach- er, versed in Greek, mighty in the scriptures, and skilled in va- rious mechanisms. The former, grave, steadfast and useful ; serving the town variously, as did his son Daniel after him. And the Saunders's, Joshua, Ezekiel, Samuel and Humphrey, brothers from the same old seed town ; they were men of sober life, upright and honest — lovers of order and truth. The above men were all from the same parish in Massachusetts, giving the name of Rowley to North Waterford. Neighbors to these; were General Sawin, Benjamin Proctor, and others more re- cent, who helped to subdue this harder portion of the town, and to make it perhaps the more thrifty and prosperous in the end. These were men not to be omitted. And then the Plummers ; Jonathan, free in manners, as from all guile; of sturdy common sense, which gave him (and quite to his credit), the title of "Judge"; and Samuel, enterprising and prosperous; useful in town business, the church chorister, set- tling his large family around him ; and Josiah, of good habits and life. These gave the neighborhood north of the Flat its name. And the Horrs; Philip, the first to move into town with his family ; his sons, Isaac, Abraham, and John (deacon), were like their father, peaceable and exemplary citizens. In West Waterford, were the Houghtons. Major Jonathan, his sons, Abel, Henry, and Cyrus, were in military life ; Jon- athan was Representative, and both he and Henry were dea- cons ; Josiah was a clergyman, and Lewis a physician. Let me speak of the Hales. Oliver once led the town in wealth ; Benjamin was noted as the town tailor ; Israel reared his large family where Capt. Thomas Swan now lives. WATERFORD CENTENNIAL. 325 And then the Stones ; Jonathan, Moses, Solomon, Oliver, Joel, and David, all useful men and good citizens, taking their share in town business, and in giving it character and prosperity The Browns also. Tliaddeus, of sharp intellect and instincts, of strong memory and will, was largely successful in business. Daniel, his son, was long in trade here, and was in both branch- es of the Legislature; Levi, his brother and partner, command- ed M battalion of cavalry, and was useful in town affairs. Wil- liam was brother and neighbor to Thaddeus. He afterward kept public house on the Flat. Jabez and Thaddeus, sons of Thaddeus, senior, have kept alive the historical traditions of the town. And lastly, the Hamlins, having for names the four conti- nents (as far as these went), Eleazer, fond of history and soci- ety, often in town business, and thrice in the Legislature ; Han- nibal, major, in the militia, and high sheriff of the county, of large influence and capacity ; Africa, often and early intrusted with town affairs. Dr. Cyrus, father of Vice-President Ham- lin, settled in Paris. This family of Hamlins did much to give early character and strength to the town. I have glanced at these original fimilies in groups mostly. But there are individual names of special honor, that have been alluded to in the Address, with others upon which I cannot now dwell, as Longley, Baker, Monroe, Farrar, Cross, Rice, Gerry. I name the moi, you notice, but the women are equally de- serving, and were largely influential in their families, in the rearing of noble sons and daughters. But how little can one do in this hurried way to give a true impression of those early families. It is happy that they were made of material that constitutes strong and prosperous com- munities. They grew in mental and moral strength by means of the school-house and the sanctuary. Toil was their pastime, 326 WATEEFOED CENTENNIAL. business and self-denial, their vocation, and honorable dealing, their fixed habit. Mr. President, we are reaping the harvest of such sowing. And it is fitting now that we set up our stone at this opening of the new century, upon which we will inscribe our grateful memory of those fathers and mothers, and will write with a reverent hand and heart for ourselves, Thus far the Lord has helped us ! The sons and daughters of Waterford noio residents of other States and Countries. Resj)onded to by Rev. Dr. Cyktjs Hamlin, of Robert College, Constantinople, Turkey. Felloio Citizens of Waterford : After so many long years of absence, I rejoice to meet you once more on the shores of time ; and I esteem it an honor to be called upon to speak to you on behalf of those who, like myself, have been called to dwell and to do life's work in other states and foreign lands. We return to our old home always to find it more beautiful, more attractive than ever. In the prosecution of my work, I have had the opportunity to see something of the most celebrated places in Europe, with re- gard to natural scenery. What can one find in Switzerland more beautiful than our native town, with its hills and charm- ing lakes, which would be in the highest degree poetical, if we did not call them " ponds." In the autumn of 1834, 1 climbed one morning the hill at my right, in company with the poet Longfellow. In looking down upon that beautiful sheet of water and its surroundings, after mentioning this and that place in Switzerland of which it re- minded him, he added, "Indeed this is Switzerland." I believe the more we travel in foreign lands, the more " our hearts untraveled" will return to the beautiful hills and vales and lakes, to testify that God has indeed given us " a goodly WATERFOED CENTE.VNIAL. 611 heritage," in full harmony with the character of the men and women whom we venerate as our fathers and mothers. But you will naturally expect me to speak of the foreign work in which the sons and daughters of Waterford have been engaged. The emigration from this town into almost every state of the union has been so great that I will not attempt to follow it. Those whom you have thus sent forth have ob- tained and are still hokling posts of honor and usefulness, and some of them are here to salute you and to speak for them- selves on this centennial day. To foreign peoples, as missionaries, you have sent four, Tliis number may be far less than your duty, but it is far greater than the average. Many towns of the state have not sent one; and but very few have sent more than one. Of these four, one was a teacher among the North American Indians, one a teacher in India, one a missionary and teacher in Turkey, and one a mis- sionary and an able translator of the scriptures in India. Now I am sure you have done well to remember those dis- tant peoples in their darkness and degradation by sending to them some of your sons and daughters. We are always hear- ing from certain persons that '• charity should begin at home," and I always fear that with such it stays at home. About its beginning 1 do not know. Our christian faith began at Jeru- salem and then went forth into all the world. That which he- gins right never stays. As you have made a beginning in this grace, go on unto per- fection ; and let your sentiments, your feelings and your princi- ples of christian charity embrace the world. This is Christ- like and truly noble. But I have been told that I shall be expected to say some- thing to you, ray neighbors and fellow townsmen, with regard to my personal work abroad. I left this country in 1838, and for twenty-two years was a missionary of the American Board 328 WATERFORD CENTENNIAL. in Constantinople, and for about twenty years, was principal of the " Bebec Seminary." In 1860, I entered upon the M'ork of founding an American college on the Bosphorus, now known as Robert College, from Christopher R. Robert of New York, who has supplied nearly all the funds, about 1200,000. This college is the first of those missionary colleges which are now crowning the missionary work wherever it has been successful. Into that institution are gathered nearly two hundred students of many races, of many languages, and of many religions ; for Turkey is composed, not of a jDCople, but of many peoples — fragments of the old Roman Empire. All these youth, of whatever race, language or fiith, study the English language and the Christian Scriptures. These forces, a common language, a common education, and a common Bible, are mighty forces with which to assail the old fortresses of Oriental error and darkness and superstition. Nothing can stand before them. These educated youth will ere long fill places of trust and power. The old, the unchange- able East is changing. The old is passing away, the new is coming in. The human mind, throughout all those untvangel- ized regions, seems to be growing weary of the old forms of su- perstition and oppression, and from the Isles of Greece to the Isles of Japan, over the broad continent of Asia, it is waking up and stretching forth after some betttr mode of life, and of social and of religious organization. " The whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now, waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God." The Turkish Em- pire feels this great and divine movement in every part. The Bible is going forth in all its languages to all its peoples. The Koran is losing its power. The decayed and corrupt Chris- tianity of the East is reviving. Schools are becoming better, and more numerous. The press is sending forth the newspaper into all the land, evangelical churches are widely established the gospel is freely preached, and surely a new era has dawned upon the Empire. Whether false religion will expire without WATERFORD CENTENNIAL. 329 a bloody struggle, is one of the unknown things of the future, to be left to the all-controlling providence of God. I do not feel that I could have done any better work elsewhere, that I could have been more useful or more happy in any other situa- tion, than I have been in Turkey, Of the great work accom- plished there, I have done a very insignificant part, but what has been done will live forever. I have come home for the special work of obtaining an en- dowment for the college. That accomplished, I shall return, gladly, joyfully, to my work; not that I love my native land less, but that Eastern land more. The Clergy of Waterford. Responded to by Rev. Delano Perrt, of the Methodist church, South Waterford. We are not favored with a copy of this address. The Medical Profession. Responded to by Dr. Thomas H. Gage, of Worcester, Mass., with address and original poem. 3Ir. Chairman^ Ladies and Gentlemen: I ought to be, and I am, deeply sensible of the kindness and courtesy to myself personally which is expressed in your greet- ing. It is pleasant after long absence to return and greet once more some of the faces which were familiar in my youth, and to find that I am not myself entirely forgotten. You have made complimentary allusion to the representation by this town in the medical profession. For the very small share in that compliment, which I can appropriate to myself, I thank you; but I thank you much more on behalf of those others, born and educated here, who have gone out from the place to achieve eminence and success in that noble calling, and whose absence here to-day is a matter of regret and disappoint- ment to us all. I thank you too, still more, on behalf of that great memory to which you and others have kindly and repeat- 22 330 WATERFORD CENTENNIAL. edly alluded to-day, and which, of course, for me personally overshadows all other memories of the occasion. But it is not ray purpose to make a speech. I do wish, how- ever, to express my deep sense of gratitude to those good citizens of tliis beautiful town, who conceived the idea and plan of this pleasant reunion, and who have labored so suc- cessfully to carry it out. I know that their labors and anx- ieties in connection with it have been great, and I sincerely trust that their reward may be great also; not only in present pleasure but in grateful memories for them and their successors forever. Unable to contribute anything more substantial in aid of the enterprise, will you allow me to offer an imperfect but grateful tribute in verse ? No great event of world-wide fame We celebrate to-day ; No proud historic field can claim The honors that we pay. The fact we here commemorate Will scarce detain us long. Or much afford, of good or great, For eulogy or song. Within the pathless forest came, A hundred years ago, A woodman, of familiar name, To lay the forest low. Inspired with no ambitious aim. Averse to blood and strife, He fled the scenes of deathless fame, To seek a quiet life ; WATERFORD CENTENNIAL. To seek perchance, within the wood, Amid its i^eacefid charms, A safe retreat in solitude, Secure from war's alarms ; — With little thought his poor retreat Would be a scene of fame, Where eager pilgrim throngs would meet To bless his humble name. But yet, how often we observe, In Heaven's eternal plan, That humblest means are made to serve God's purposes to man. The place where that plain woodman came, And hewed the forest down, Through Heaven's benignant care became A fruitful, thriving town. The pleasing scene on every hand. Which all the landscape fills, — The rock-bound, yet productive land. And richly wooded hills. Attracted here a noble race Of men inured to toil. Who braved the hardships of the place. To try a virgin soil. The early fathers of the town Were of that sturdy stock. Which took its prestige and renown From grand old Plymouth Rock. 332 WATERFORD CENTENmAL. And with them, to the wilderness, In manly hearts they bore The same religious earnestness The pilgrims did of yore ; — The same grand love of Liberty, The same respect for Law, The same broad Christian Charity, And reverential awe. And, lest this ardor should abate. And faith itself grow cool, They brought those pillars of the State, The Church and Common School. Not yet, of course, those forces raised To present scope and power, But germs within the seed embraced — The bud, but not the flower. Yet many a dark and bitter day Of mingled hopes and fears, And many a sorrow marked the way Of those brave pioneers. Full oft the promised harvest failed, And famine pressed them sore, And many a strong man's spirit quailed, That never quailed before. But still their faith did not abate, Nor did their ardor cool — They kept those pillars of the State The Church and Common School. I WATERFORD CENTENNIAL. 666 And built a simple school-house where They turned the virgin sod, And near it raised in faith and prayer, A temple to their God. Who can recall without a thrill, That place of praise and prayer, The ancient church upon the hill. And those who worshiped there ? Who can forget the cottage near. That scene of saintly grace, Which made it seem through many a year, To us a sacred place ? Who can compute the priceless worth, The measure or extent, Of that good influence in the earth. Its gentle inmates lent ? Who stands unmoved within the place Which holds in sacred trust, Some loved, revered, and sainted face, That slumbers in the dust? These are the lives and memories To which we tribute pay ; Theirs are the bloodless victories We celebrate to-day. The Legal Fraternity. Responded to by Albert Barker Esq., of Colebrook, N. H. The committee regret that of this speech also they have no report. 334 WATERFORD CENTENNIAL. Being called upon by the President, Capt. Thomas Swan made interesting general remarks. He related some amusing anecdotes, and referring to the peculiar internal nomencla- ture of the town, told how his own neighborhood came to be dubbed with the euphonious sobriquet of Blackguard. He recalled pleasing incidents and reminiscences of the fathers. The Professional Farmers — the tnen icho dug upon our rug- ged hillsides, and laid the foundations of society in Wa- terford. Responded to by Dr. N. T. True, of Bethel. ■ Mr. President: I have no claim on your attention to-day. I am neither a native of your goodly town, nor have I ever been a resident, but as a visitor and a traveler I have taken a deep interest in everything pertaining to its history. Artemas Ward, who you know was born within ten rods of this spot, once told the story of the fellow who made fun of his " wax figgers " while on exhibition in a certain town. Artemas told bini he knew something would happen to him for his im- pudence, and surely enough, it was not long after this that an old aunt willed to him a farm up in Oxford county. Now Ar- temas Ward, though a native of this town, did not realize how many thrifty farmers there are within its borders. As I passed through a portion of the town this morning, I was delighted with the green fields, waving with corn and wheat, and the neat and conveniently arranged dwellings, sur- rounded with fruitful orchards, I was instinctively led to ask myself how this could be brought about in so hard and rocky a soil. The answer came as instinctively as the question. It is the consequence of intelligent agriculture. No ignorant com- munity could bring about such a result. Your farmers are thinking men, and consequently intelligent men. They are temperate and industrious men. Each man is an industrious man, sitting on his little throne, and caring for nobody, so far WATERFORD CENTENNIAL. 335 as relates to the expression of his own opinions. As I looked across a deep valley, to a distant mountain side, I could see dotted here and there the wliite houses gleiiming in the sun, and I needed nothing more to tell me that a virtuous and happy people are living there. But why this state of things in contrast with so many other rural spots on the face of the earth ? 1 will tell you. Your fathers planted a church in the centre of the town, and school- houses in every neighborhood. I have visited every school in your town and have been struck with the intelligence of your teachers, and the earnest devotion of your children to their studies. This is the primal cause of your successful agriculture. You have always raised up strong men and strong women, and less than most towns, you have been but little affected by em- migration. I sometimes envy those towns that are somewhat seclud- ed from the great highways of travel. As I see a boy in your schools plodding away at his books, and shut out from the excitement of larger towns, I am sure if he settles down in his native town he will be an honorable citizen, or if his ambition rouses him up to a spirit of adventure, he will be sure to be- come no ordinary man. His early, thoughtful habits have most admirably trained him for a position of superiority over his fel- low men. Such has always been the history of your town, and this solves the problem of the beautiful homes dotted over your valleys and hillsides. Mr. President, I thank you for your special courtesy and I congratulate you on the success of your Centennial Celebration. The American Flag the only thing American that will bear Striping. Responded to by Rev. David Garland of Bethel. Mr. President and Fellow-citizens : That Flag, waving majestically in the breezes over our 386 WATERFORD CENTENNIAL. heads is an American production. She originated in American skill, and she has come to be elevated high in the air by Amer- ican hands. She is the most beautiful and noted of all the na- tional flags under the whole heavens. Whenever she is seen by the nations of any clime, they are reminded of the fact that she is a guardian spirit watching over constitutional liberty es- tablished in America, Nearly a century she has occupied this place of high trust. At certain seasons during this long period, she has endured great trials. Now and then, she has fought nobly for her honor, and struggled heroically and deterrainately for her very existence. In the early part of her life she had a dread conflict with a foreign power. It came against her with the violence of the foaming waves of an angry sea; yet she en- dured the shock of battle with becoming fortitude. Many of her soldiers, noble men, contending for her life and fighting for her glory, were struck down by grape shot and cannon balls, and she herself was terribly lacerated by the deadly weapons of her enemy, while many of her brave soldiers perished in that hostile conflict with a foreign force. She herself calmly en- dured its violent stripings, secured a joyful victory, became cured of all her grievous wounds, and again assumed her high position as the guardian spirit of constitutional liberty. Of very recent date, she has had a most fearful conflict for her life with a mightier enemy. Millions all of a sudden rose up in great fury against her, and sought to strike her out of existence. Those millions slie had for many years watched over constantly and perpetually, with all the tenderness of an afiectionate mother, and had ever in view their highest interests. This was to her at a dreadful cost. Hundreds of thousands of her truest friends and boldest advocates perished in the storm. They freely ofiered their lives in sacrifice that she might survive the conflict. While she shed tears over the death of the mul- titude, that for her life moved forward heart to heart and shoulder to shoulder, to meet the violence of the raging tern- WATERFORD CENTENNIAL. 337 pest, she herself endured bravely the blows that fell upon her both thick and fast. Of all the aids (American) employed to resist the onslaught of the angry host, she only bore heroically and undismayed the severe stripiiigs inflicted. Very ennobling was to her the rigid discipline experienced in that one of the most cruel of all wars. Thousands in breathless surprise watch- ed attentively her progress while in the fight ; and when the violent storm had become changed into a peaceful quietus, they with shouting cried, glory to the dear old flag. Her complete and marked victory overall her awful stripings received, greatly elevated her character in the view of the cloud of witnesses. And by reason of her signal triumph over her deadly foes, for- eign nations have come to the belief that all adverse forces had better be cautious how they make a rash attempt on her life. For having passed safely through that fiery ordeal, when even to her view the bright heavens gathered thick darkness, her renown as one of power, has become greatly inci'eased among the warriors in all lands. Though generation after generation of American citizens have served their day under her benign protection, and fulfilled their part in the great drama of life, and passed away from earth, she to-day occupies firmly her true position, retaining all her original freshness and beauty, exhibiting no visible signs of having ever received severe strip- ings from her many foes. As she for nearly a century, has been regarded by all nations as a guardian spirit watching over con- stitutional liberty established in America, God grant that she may continue to retain her high office on and on into far distant ages in the future, that generations yet unborn may greatly re- joice in her vigorous life, and talk freely of her glory, even though at periods it may be to her an inevitable necessity to re- ceive the severe stripings of bitter enemies. 338 WATERFORD CENTENNIAL. Opening a wide field for general remarks, and interchange of sentiments, the President announced Our Centennial^ and called upon the Chairman of the Com- mittee to answer. Friends^ Ladies and Gentlemen : It was said by one of old, "last of all by me also, and as of one born out of due time," so I am permitted to pick of the crumbs of this I'oyal feast. On this beautiful birthday of au- tumn — of mellow autumn, — in this glorious sunlight all nature clothed in her "beautiful garments," beneath these bending skies, smiling and peaceful, as never a storm had ruffled their azure depths, nor rolling thunders vaulted through their sounding caverns, — amid all these happy auguries, we celebrate the hundredth anniversary of the settlement of our good old mother town. For her children her old heart yearns with a fond mother's love, and to-day she lays upon them all the hand of blessing. And especially you who come, and to-day have drawn the old latch-string, has she bidden with her warmest welcome. We did not ask if you have forgotten the old mother, who dandled you upon her knee. We know, until "the silver cord be loosed, and the pitcher be broken at the fountain," till expiring nature shall fiiil, the touching, tender thought of early home and its memories, first, last and midst, out of your hearts shall never die. Standing here hand in hand to-day, what gush of memories are welling up in our hearts; and there come to us thoughts too big for utterance. Like some mellow winds, toying with the chords of a thou- sand stringed harp, come back to us the memories of other days. In the strong, expressive language of Israel's shepherd king, "We spend our years as a tale that is told ;" and ever as songs in the night is the " old, old story." As the breath of WATERFORD CENTENNIAL. 339 summer on our fevered hearts, from the happy, loving homes of our youth, fixmiliar voices are whispering of pleasant spring- times, of joyous summers; of the glad, golden harvests of "long ago." They come to us in the sprightly tones of laugh- ing childhood, in the gleeful shout of sportive youth, and all along the vista of our riper manhood, like the thrilling numbers of a song, comes back the story of the years. Gathered here to-day, multitude voices are telling the same " old story." If we turn to the lakelet at our feet, with its bright ri2:)pling waters, it has a tale of joy or of sorrow. The mountain at our right, with its bold craggy cliffs, it too has a voice. With glad presence looking on to-day, all these grand old mountains and hills have words to us. These homes — all these beautiful homes — what a story are they telling ; and in weird tones from yonder grave, there is speech that no tongue can utter; — and, friends, when we shall come to lie down with that gathered host, our years too will be " as a tale that is told," and God grant that it may be worth the telling. Kind friends, you came at our bidding ; we have given you the hand of a joyous welcome; we bid you go with blessings richer than earth can give ; and may the scenes of this day, with its pleasant reunions and happy greetings, pictured in this glorious sunlight, holding in loving embrace, hill, mountain and valley, be engraven for good on all our hearts. God grant that in its happy auspices, it may be but the bright horoscope of other, and better, and more beautiful days, and hearts that have met to-day, be growing to that deeper and more exalted commu- nion, which shall make us meet for a better and a brighter home, and go with us down the centuries in a more glorious world to come. 340 WATERFOKD CENTENNTAL. Next in order, or rather out of order, Father Douglass was called, and venerable in his eighty third year said : Mr. President and citizens : I rejoice to see this day, and to meet so many of the descend- ants of those noble men and women, who came into the wil- derness to make for themselves and thdr descendants a home, and to plant here christian institutions to bless their posterity and the world. On the return of this day, at the end of the next one hun- dred years, we shall not be here, but may God grant that we may meet around that great white throne in heaven — to cele- brate the praises of redeeming love forever. Addresses were made by Dr. Oren Horr, of Lewiston, and J. M. Shaw, Esq. The next speaker announced was Dr. John A. Douglass, of Amesbury, Mass., who replied : Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen : I am not a speech maker and not being at all competent to say anything that would do justice to Waterford or its people, I will with the permission of the master of ceremonies — propose a toast. There is one class among those who live, or have lived in Waterford that should not be forgotten to-day, and that I at least shall never cease to honor ; a class that has had no small part to perform in making Waterford and its children what they are. The deeds of the /hiAers of Waterford, have been related, — the hope and promise of the young men have been described — the young ladies have had their share of praise, and now remembering some who will be seen here no more, as well as many who still live to do us good, I propose as a toast : The Old Ladies of Waterford. WATERFORD CENTENNIAL. 341 Our Next Centennial. Responded to through the orator of the day, in an original poem by Miss Clara M. Douglass. A hundred years to come! Alas! Like sliadows gliding o'er the grass, That leave no traces as they pass. So do our lives go by. When next the day returns, for all To meet and mark the Century's fall. We shall not heed the gathering call, We shall not make reply. The eyes that smile and weep to-day, The lips that words of welcome say, The feet that walk the homeward way, Shall be beneath the sod. Eyes, lips and feet of welcome guest. Or happy host, shall be at rest, Hands folded on the quiet bi-east, The spirit gone to God. And must we be forgotten ? No ! Streams make their history where they flow ; So may our story downward go, A hundred years to come. If but our lives that chord shall keep, Begun by those who lie asleep. They shall, as long, in tones as deep, Do honor to our home. The Committee Avere kindly remembered in a vote of thanks, and the services were concluded by the audience rising and singing the grand old Doxology, " Praise God from whom all blessings flow." And thus, with one of God's 342 WATERFORD CENTENNIAL. most beautiful days, was closed the exercises of this most memorable occasion. Dust returneth to its dust, but deeds never die, and the generations live and repeat themselves in the hearts and lives of the living. The years, so eventful in their periods, are ever green in the memory of men. Like music over tlie waters, is the story of the years that are gone. If the young dream of life is gorgeous, the vision of age is of the beautiful past. As the sun declined toward the western mountain, at the close of these recitals, the people lingered ; as if bound by some pleasing spell, they seemed loth to go. The vision tarried ; age was young again. To the awakened memory the springtimes of other days came back, and. mingling with the mellow autumn winds, was the breath of the summers of " long ago." Strong men and women were children again, and beneath the old roof-tree were living over the scenes of earl}' home. From the old play -ground rang out the merry shout of childhood and youth. They sat once more beneath the lintel, upon the familiar door-step, and recast the young dream of life. Within they heard the voices of mother and sister, and around the well-remembered fireside they nestled in the old home love, that was as no other has been. "My heart, sweet home, wliat gladness tills, And pleasures so divine ; My soul, no sound of music thrills, As home that once was mine." The spell must be broken, yet so glad was the hour, as if resting on the scene and hallowing it, was the sweet incense of a mother's love, and a sister's tender care, and mingling WATERFORD CENTENNIAL. 343 their presence, the spirits of a past age liovered over and rejoiced. In review of the occasion that mai'ks the closing year of the centenary, we rejoice that in all its parts it was so well sustained. And the committee would again express their most grateful sense of obligation to all who contributed to make it what it was. All propitious powers seemed to lend their willing agency. The provision was ample and hearty. The old homestead bustled with new life and activity. The great household was all astir in earnest preparation. The guest-chambers were swept and garnished. The fatlings were killed, and with full larders the feast was made ready. The weather was fine — from benignant skies the sun looked down in his glory. The elements at rest, seemed in abeyance. All nature put on her gala robes, and kept holiday. The scene was grand and inspiring. The fields, all teeming with their burden of yellow grain, and the ripening harvest were smiling with plenty, and from hill and valley there seemed voices of welcome — the whole landscape was glad with invi- tation. In honor of the old mother there was no stint. Nature and art were laid under contribution. For her adornment and crown of rejoicing, the gardens and the meadows sent garlands of choicest flowers. From the mountain dells came gems of emerald green. Even the old forests, so grand upon the hillsides and in the valleys, in honor sent whole battalions of their most graceful saplings. From grand mothers' boudoir and gaiTet came antiquities and relics, the priceless keepsakes of a ruder age, when solid comfort had not given place to luxurious fashion. Above all, from happv 344 WATERFOED CENTENNIAL. homes, the people, all abounding with that hospitality and cheer that can gladden any occasion, brought themselves ; — all contributing, with the excellent speaking and music, to make glad this day of rehearsals, and for itself a bright and beau- tiful memory. APPENDIX. It seems fitting that one who has passed away during the preparation of this history, who has been a central figure, during most of the years it covers, and whose memory is so embahned in the hearts of all this people, should have more than a passing notice. We regret that we are not able to give an excellent likeness of Father Douglass, now in posses- sion of the family. In its place, we offer the reader a no less true delineation, in a paper written by Rev. Dr. Warren of Gorham, and read at his funeral as part of the memorial service. 23 APPENDIX. 347 REV. JOHN ABBOTT DOUGLASS. Pastor of the First Church in Waterford fifty-six years. BY REV. WM. WARREN", D.D. After the first ten years of Mr. Douglass' ministry in Wa- terford, he ceased to be my pastor. I left the town perma- nently, and have known him since only as I have revisited the place, and met him at his home and on public occasions. Con- sequently, my particular acquaintance with him is less than that of most of you, who have known him through life as a friend and pastor. And yet, I ask the favor to say some things at his burial, which have been impressed upon my mind as true and just. I wish to say them in the way of showing my interest in him, and my sympathy for his family and his people. Mk. Douglass was a man of marked indimduality ; I mean, there was great distinctness of character in him. He was alto- gether himself, and no one else. He did not take on charac- ter, nor take in influences as readily as most persons do. He was not easily moved and molded by outside impressions. He was a man of true, natural independence of character, respect- ful to all, and se{/'-respectful also. He was always himself solely, and never sought to be another, or any other than him- 348 APPENDIX, self. This was not from self-conceit, but from the force of his own firm nature. He was always (though modestly), true to himself, to his own convictions and principles. These he did not try to conceal, nor to force upon others. He was a man of great caution, and of true and safe conservatism. These per- tained to his v)ords, as well as to his acts. His thoughts always fore-run his words. He did not speak, and then think ; but he thought and then spoke, or was silent, as he chose. He often did more by silence than by utterance, by not doing than by doing. A wise forecast with calm self-control did much for him, and through him for others. It made him conqueror, where some may have thought him cowardly. He seldom had to re- trace his steps, or take back his words. This gradually gave him an acknowledged influence and power in society. His marked individuality, his independence of mind and manhood constituted him a sort of authority in the place. He was all this without being arbitrary or domineering. A prudence per- vaded him, a modesty veiled him. It is seldom that one has such acknowledged influence and decided qualities of character, and yet bears them so modestly and naturally. He copied no one; he had no need to. He respected the thoughts of others, and weighed them, but it was his nature to think for himself, and to act independently. He had natural ingenuity, that was apt at various devices ; so that if all conveniences and arts of human life were suddenly lost, he was the one who would sufier least by the loss, as hav- ing an inventive skill of his own, by which he could extempo- rize life and its conveniences, and gradually replace the loss. He was less dependent on books than most men ; for he was not an echo of others. And yet he did not despise others, nor their opinions, though he might not assent to them. He was a candid judge ; he was a candid critic; he was a candid listener. APPENDIX. 349 He chose to listen, rather than to lead in conversation. He was the freest of almost any man I ever knew, fi"oni the coarse hab- it of monopolizing conversation ; and the kindred one of talk- ing of one's self offensively, or of one's affairs and family. He was slow to obtrude his opinions; he never needlessly made a show of knowledge. He was not ambitious of distinction or of place, but held the even tenor of his way, calm in his own in- dividuality, his unconscious influence and attainments unto the end of life. It would follow that such a man would have stahiliti/ and xiniformity of character. It was so Avith Mr. Douglass. You always knew where to find him. System was not a second, but 2i first nature with him. You saw it in his planning, not less than in the execution. Method characterized him ; method in sermonizing, method in everything. Though he had great ver- satility of mind, he was remarkably free from fluctuations of mind. In the conflict of opinions, and under transverse winds of doctrine, you knew where to find Mr. Douglass. Consist- ency not less than system, characterized him. It was difficult to detect anything extemporaneous in his ways or mental work- ings, anything irrelevant, or loose, or hap-hazard in him, either as a minister or as a man. He did things in his own way, and always did them in about the smne way (as one has to do who acts in the best way, and who sees through things intuitively.) He wrote his sermons in his own uniform style — a neat, chaste and thoughtful style — imitating no one, borrowing from no one. His theological views were the average views of good thinkers and safe biblical scholars. If seldom brilliant in his utterances, he was always safe, accurate and thoughtful in his discourses and conversation. If there was much uniformity in the struct- ure and treatment of his sermons, it was because it was impos- sible that he should be inconsistent with himself, and with his 350 APPENDIX. own ideals which gave his ministry a uniform and conservative cast. It would be expected that such a man would come in prog- ress of time to possess a rounded character^ having compact- ness, symmetry and completeness. If dazzling in no one par- ticular, his life and ministry here have been a steady and health- ful light. He stood forth in the public view not to dazzle, but as an epistle known and read of men. In how many respects has he been your exemplar and guide ? During this full half century, he has been calmly and silently putting his real im- press upon us ; while we may not have felt the molding hand. This town is indebted to Mr. Douglass and his lamented wife, in more ways than you are aware of. It was never their ambi- tion to lead, or to seem to lead ; they never attempted to say or do startling things, yet there was a silent impression and molding that came from their unfelt hand, which will never be obliterated. If Mr. Douglass said less to you in private than you might have expected, or than others may have said, yet his very si- lence had a voice; there was an utterance in his whole influ- ence ; there was a power of steadfastness and of example in him which outweighs words in worth. If winds of controversy shook the place, the eye naturally turned on him. His steadfastness was a talisman more assuring than argument. It was argu- ment. But better than all, Mr. Douglass was a safe leader in relig- ious things. He was no extremist. You did not have to hear him preach very long before you felt that he believed the Bible to be true, and that he believed that Jesus Christ was the only Saviour of the world. He never tired in his preaching of the atonement of Christ.^ his sacrificial offering on the cross for sin, for our sins, and the sins of the world. He hung the hope of APPENDIX. 351 the world on the cross. He saw every doctrine of religion cen- ter in the cross. He made religion to consist in a hearty and practical belief in the Lord Jesus Christ as the Redeemer of the world. He inculcated morality in every form, but would have it an evangelical morality, to be worth anything in salvation. So his ministry was truly a gospel ministry, not a sensational one, not a startling one ; but on the whole a useful and success- ful one. Several revivals of religion marked its progress ; one in 1822; a more powerful one in 1831 ; another of less power in 1840 ; another of larger extent in 1857 ; and still another in connection with the labors of his colleague, Rev. Mr. Smith, in 1876. Upon the whole, it is a remarkable man in many respects, that has left you; a man of sharply delineated character, of truest manhood, of unshaken principle ; gifted with great dis- cernment and sagacity, having insight by nature into the rela- tion and fitness of things ; of the thoroughest common sense, accurate in judgment, unambitious (he delighted to have others benefit his people), unostentatious, with rare contentment in his position, without covetousness or the whisperings of re- proach ; such a one has passed from among you to the heavenly home, where many loved ones awaited him, and the Saviour, we doubt not, has welcomed him. It is rare that one passes away from earth so full of years, and with all the conditions of life so fully met. He had crowned the half century of his ministry in the same place. How few there are in this age who do this! It has been a peaceful and pleasant ministry, quite free from agitation and hurtful contro- versy. And then, he never lost the affection and confidence of his people, nor they his. He loved them and they loved him unto the end. 352 APPENDIX. Another condition was most happily realized in his compan- ion, Mrs. Lucy Abbott Douglass; who shared his labors and trials a full half century. Few have done as much, and done it so well, as she. Indeed, very few xoere so much, and yet so free from faults, as she. Rarely have ever so many ex- cellences met in one. She was too much to be lost to either friendship or society. Such are not lost. The indebtedness of this town to her example in the one respect of training her family is more than can be estimated. Friends of my earlier and later manhood, farewell ! Take these poor words as the tribute and token of my regard for you, which I would leave as chaplets upon your graves. Under such favoring conditions as these Mr. Douglass labor- ed on until the responsibilities of his work had become heavy; he then chose to have them shared by another, who took the place of colleague, to whom he became as a father, and he to him as a son, but who fell prematurely in death. And there stands over him as he lies robed in death, one justly dear to him, upon whom the mantle of the deceased pastor and of the deceased colleague has fallen. May he be strengthened in this trying hour, now that his tried friend and counselor has gone to bis rest and crown. APPENDIX. 353 The following poem was read at the funeral : THE PASTOR'S FUNERAL. He yet speaketh. BY EEV. J. E. RAiS^KIN. The Sabbath bell, to him so sweet, The bell obeyed so many a year, Rings out again our ears to greet ; The people meet; will he appear? Will he walk up the wonted aisle, His thin and silv'ry locks behind, Radiant with that paternal smile. That spoke his gentle, tranquil mind ? Ah, yes, he comes ! the sweet old man, The wise, the beautiful, the good; And we again his face shall scan, And see him stand, where oft he's stood. He comes as ne'er he came before ; He comes, but others bear him on ; He comes to speak to us once more, Tho' voice and eye and soul are gone. The living say the fitting word. The living chant, the living pray; But yet it seems that we have heard The dead more audibly to-day. INDEXES INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 357 INDEX I. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Address Historical, by Henry P. Warren, 9-223. Addresses Centennial: A. S. Kimball, 318; Rev. William Warren, d.d., 321; Eev. Cyrus Hamlin, d.d., 326; Eev. Delano Perry, 329; Dr. TbomasH. Gage, 329; Albert Barker, .383; Capt. Thomas Swan, .334 Dr. N. T. True, 334; Eev. David Garland, 335; Samuel Warren, 338 Eev. John A. Douglass, 340; Dr. Oren Horr, 340; James M. Shaw 340 ; Dr. John A. Douglass, 340. Baptist church and ministers, 93-6 ; Baptists in Oxford county, 145. Birth of first boy in Waterford, 40, 255; first girl, 40, 265. Blacksmiths, 102, 109, 229, 235, 240, 268, 285. Boundary between Massachusetts aud New Hampshire settled, 13. Boundaries of Waterford, 65, 73. Brick layer, 298 ; brick making, 46. Bucket factoi-y, 109. Cabinet making, 239, 269, 298. Canada townships, 11. Canal projected, 182. Carding mill, 110, 264. Carpenters, 242, 245, 259, 279, 302. Carriage building aird trimming, 109, .305. Centennial celebration: town action, 314-15; proceedings, 313- 344, addresses, see that title ; poems, see that title. Chaise, the first in Waterford, 256. Church, the first organized, 82. Of diflferent denominations, see their names. Clothier, 246, 264, 278. Cold seasons, 36, 127. Congregational churches and ministers, 80, 148, 152, 155; Second church, 152. 358 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Cooperage, 47, 238, 281, 287, 295, 298. Douglass, Rev. John A., Memorial of, 347. Dwellings: bark, 42; log houses, .53, 72, 106; first frame house, 51; dwellings in 1802, 72 ; other references, 46, 50, 131. Embargo, remonstrance against, 124. Family, the first in Waterford, 257. Families, Eecokd of, 225-309. Flax, 109. Foundry, 109. Fulling mill. 111. Habits and Customs, Early, 45, 53, 131. Harness maker, 305. Harvard College lot, 15. Henniker, N. H., see Todds-toion. Hills in Waterford, 73. Hotels: the first one, 106, 161; others, 161. Hygienic Institute, 163, 194. Incorporation of Waterford : petition for, 57-60 ; petition and remon- ti-ance as to boundaries, 60; answer to remonstrance, 63. Act of, 65. Indian names of places, 17. Land grants to soldiers of 1690, 12. Lawyers of and from Waterford, 130, 194, 197. Live stock in Waterford, see Valuation. Local description of Waterford, 73. Log houses, 53, 72, 106. Lots: owned by settlers, with number, 40-3, 47-9, 58; owners of in 1797, 69-72 ; owned by non-residents, 114-15 Lumber trade, 21, 27, 115. See also Pine timber. Mail, carried by dog, 2:3. See Postal Facilities. Maine: one hundred years ago, 20; successive tiers of towns settled? 20-22, 134; settlements after the Revolution, 37; separation from Massachusetts, 140; population, see Population. McWain, the first settler of Waterford, ;30-36. Meeting houses: location of in controversy, 57, 84 ; the first house, 84-90; others, 150-2. Meetings, plantation, .57; town, 76. Memorial, Rev. J. A. Douglass, by Rev. William Warren, d.d., 347-:353. Merchants, 50, 106, 200, 228, 246, 259, 270, 286. Methodist church and ministers, 93, 96-100. Military training of early N^w England, 9. Militia, 119-123, 188. See also Soldiers. Mills and mill-sites, 19, 51, 79, 108-112, 261, 277, 286, 303. Mill-wright, 242. Ministerial lots and fund, 15, 149. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 359 Ministers : early visiting, 51 ; settlement of the first minister, 80 ; of the several denominations, see their names. North-eastern boundary trouble, 18G. Oxford county, towns when settled and incorporated, 08 ; population of county and towns, see Population. Paper money, provincial, 11 ; continental, 38. Physicians of and from Waterford, 129, 193, 196. Pine timber, 21, 112-16. Plaster mill, 109. Poem, at funeral of Rev. J. A. Douglass, by Rev. J. E. Rankin, 353. Poems, Centennial: by Dr. Thomas H. Gage, 329; by Clara M. Doug- lass, 341. PoUtical record of Waterford, 136-42, 144, 208-17. Ponds in Waterford, 75. Population: Maine, in 1760, 20; in 1764 and 1772, 29; in 1775 to 1800, 66; in 1810 and 1820, 134; in decades 1830-1870, 218. Oxford county, in 1790 and 1800, 66-69; in 1810 and 1820, 134-5; in decades 1830-1870, 219. Waterford, in 1786, 1790, and 1800, 69; in 1810 and 1820, 135; in decades 1830-1870, 219. Postal facilities and routes, 23, 54-7, 117-119, 165. See also Stage Routes. Potash, 106. Religious worship, early, 51 ; appropriation for in 1797, 79-80; later, see Churches and Ministers, Meeting houses, and Taxation. Representatives, lists of, 140, 216. Ripley, Rev. Lincoln, the first minister, 80-2, 148. Roads, early, 22-27; the " Scoggiu trail," 42; first road built in Water- ford, 48; others, 48-50, 104-6, 165, 184, 256. See also Stage Routes. Rowley, colony from, 47-8. Schools: early, 53; votes regarding and appropriation for in 1797, 79- 80; school houses, 100; school lots and fund, 15, 186. Settlement of Waterford, .30. Settlers: McWain, 30; of 1780 and 1781, 36; of 1783, 41; of 1785 and 1786, 43; from Rowley, 47-8. Shingle mill, 112. Shoemakers, 247, 251, 281. Soldiers : of 1690, 11-13 ; of the Revolution, 37 ; of the war of 1812, 125 ; of the North-eastern boundary dispute, 187 ; of the war of 1861, 202-7. Songo river, proper name of Crooked river, 76. Stage Routes and Owners, 22, 55-7, 165-185. Steamer Faimi, 174, 179. Stores, trading: the first one, 50, 106, 200 ; others, 200. Surplus Revenue, 186. Surveys of Waterford, 16-19. Tailors, 250, 324. 360 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Tanners, 109-10, 228, 243, 273. Taxation for religious purposes, and its discontinuance, 90, 145-9. Tax-payers, list of in 1797, 69. Teachers of and from Waterford, 101, 157, 198, 240, 264, 283. Temperance, 85, 189, 191-3. Todds-town, now Henniker, N. H., 13; petition of grantees, 14; answer to petition, 15 ; Waterford granted in place thereof, 1-5. Town house, 149. Town officers of Waterford, and political record, 78-9, 136-40, 208-17. Towns: granted for military service, 11; successive tiers settled in Maine, 20-22, 27: Canada townships, 12; in Oxford county, 68. Transportation: saddle, 131; moose-sled, 251; "cars" on poles, 117; ox sleds, 249 ; puugs, 160 ; first chaise, 256 ; coaches, see Stage Routes. Universalist church and ministers, 158. Valuation and live stock, of Waterford, in 1800, 72 ; in 1810 and 1820, 136; in decades 1830-1870, 219. War: of 1690, 10; of the Revolution, 37; of 1812, 125; of the North- eastern boundary threatened, 186 ; of 1861, 201-7. West Indies, trade with, 21. INDEX OF NAMES. INDEX I I INDEX OF SURNAMES. The examiner should uote that a particular surname may occur more than once on a given page. Abbott, 1.54, 243, 2.5.3, 267, 307 Adams 212, 258, 264, 269, 288, 308 Adley, 203, 232 Aiusworth, 241 Alexander, 2.54 Allen, Family '227 ; 70, 203-5, 230, 236, 240, 258, 270, 298 Ames, 63 Anderson, 211, 275 Andrews, 110, 1.30, 241, 260 Angle, 252 Annis, 207 Ansley, 256 Autlioine, 299 Applebee, 164, 180 Appleton, 211 Arnold, 250 Atherton, Family 227; 37, 43, 62, 69, 78, 110, 111. 122, 126, 148, 158, 205, 210, 228, 241, 245, 252, 2.57, 268, 273-4, 277, 294, 301, 304-5 24 Ayer, no Babb, 257 Backman 244 Bailey, Family 229; 109, 2.36, 261, 264, 308 Baker, Family 229 ; 70, 78, 83, 101, 148, 155, 213, 230, 248, 314, 325 Ball, 93-4, 233, 297 Ballard, 290 Bancroft, 253; Bangs, 270, 300 Barker, Family 230; 19, 37, 41, 62^ 70, 78-9, 81, 158, 198, 227-8, 231, 234, 237, 258, 270-2, 274, 280, 293, 305, 333 Barnard, 43, 45-6, 55, 166, 247, 273, 287 Barnes, 244, 291 Barrett, 239 Barron, 264= 362 IXDEX OF NAMES. Barrows, Ill, 165 Barstow, 301 Bartlett, 195, 213, 258, 286 Bates, 246 Beal, 215 Bean, 235 Beard, 262 Beatie, 232, 237, 248 Beckler, 152 Beedle, 172 Beeman, 270 Beemis, 115 Bell, 111,305 Bennett, 240 Bent, 273 BeounsoD, 212 Bergen 308 Berry, 281 Bessy, 257 Billings, Family 231; 94, 126, 158, 203, 232, 243, 253, 259, 268, 279, 293,301,303 Bisbee, Family 232; 49, 58, 111, 126, 158, 200, 205-6, 211-14, 233, 253, 284, 300 Blackington, 269 Blaisdell, 268 Blake, 184 Blauchard, 204 Bliss, 284 Blodget, 231 Bolster, 280 Borden, 303 Bostick, 303 Boston, 227, 255 Bos well 201, 203, 278,282 Bowers, 268-9 Bowman, 261 Brackelt, 232 Bradbury, 193, 214, 260, 301 Bradley, 24, 238 Bridge, 295 Briggs, 233, 246 Brigham, Family 233; 60, 64, 69, 91, 126, 136, 195, 274 Broad, 55 Brooks, 139, 261, 304 Brown, Family 234; 17, 22, 24, 37, 40-1, 43, 49, 53, 58, 62, 69, 70, 78, 100-1,107, 110, 112, 114, 116, 126, 136-9, 148-9; 158-9, 163, 186, 188, 192, 199, 200, 203, 207-9, 210-17, 225, 228, 230-1, 235-7, 246, 249^ 250-2, 259, 267, 269, 271, 277, 2.81, 283, 285, 290, 298, 304, 314, 325 Browning, 256 Bryant, Family 237; 44, 148, 158, 231, 236, 258-9, 279, 288 Buck, 232 Bumpus, 283 Burbank, 24, 300 Burches, 284 Burgoyne, 37 Burke, 273 Burnell, Family 237; 205, 238 Burnham, 217, 250, 252, 261, 278, 301 Burns, 244 Butters, 204, 207 Byram, 159 Gaboon, 245 Cailiff, 110 Caldwell, 112, 238 Campbell, 209 Carlton, Family 239; 152, 196, 212-13, 264, 273, 309 Carruth, 234 Carter, Family 238; 130, 197, 200, 227-8, 248, 252 Case, 64 Casely, 300 Caswell, 230-1, 307 Chadbourne, 71, 110, 203, 207, 236, 289 Cbadwick 291 Cbamberlain, Family 239; 37, 43-4, 50, 57, 00-2, 70, 76, 83, 85, 136-7, 150, 214-15, 256, 276, 289 Channing, 87 INDEX OF NAMES. 363 Chaplin, Family 240; 19, 37, 47,49, 60, G4, 70, 78, S3, 94, 101-2, 124, 126, 136-7, 150, 206, 209, 210, 212, 210, 243, 2G3, 286, 324 Chapman, 24, 243, 260 Chase, 205, 260 Cheever, 70 Childs, 256 Chubb, 237 Church, 52, 82-3, 165 Churchill, 229 Chute, 71, 165 Cilley, Family 240; 241 Clark, 231-2 Cleaveland, 256 Cobb, 108, 137, 159, 267 Coburn, 214 Cockrain, 249 Coffin, 22-3, 51, 131, 157-8, 206, 248, 281-2, 303 Cole 205 Colley, 295 Combs, 273 Conant, 62, 70, 260, 263 Connor, 216 Cony, 214 Cook, 243,271 Coolard, 229 Coolidge, Family 241 ; 94, 111,158, 242, 255, 278, 281 Cornwallis, 37 Corser, 169, 239, 248 Cotton, 278 Cousins, 173-5, 177-9, 247 Craumore, 242 Crombie, Family 242; 129, 228, 241, 297 Cromwell, 206 Crosby, 212-13, 282 Crosman, 257 Cross, Family 242; 70, 94, 115, 126, 204, 271, 325 Crowuinshield, 139 Cummings, Family 238; 31, 50, 57, 60, 04, 70, 76-9, 82-, 109, 120, 126, 129, 136, 216, 239, 248, 295-6 Cutler, 249 Cutting, 261 Daggett, 229, 238 Dana, 212-13, 308 Daniels, 110 Danley, 164, 205-6, 294 Davenport, Family 242 ; 60, 70, 206, 240, 243, 269 Davis, Family 243; 175, 212, 258, 262, 268, 273, 277, 282, 303 Day, 269 Dearborn, 139, 261 Dela, 242 Demming, 277 Dennis, 308 Dexter, 138-9 Dillingham, 244 Dingley, 215-16, 301 Dinsmore, 231 Dodge, 268 Dorr, 274-5 Douglass, Family 243 ; 50, 52, 70, 82, 106, 114-15, 129, 148, 153-4, 196, 215-16, 244, 340-1, 345, 347, 349, 350, 352 Dow, 154 Dresser, 205, 217, 263, 289 Drew, 164 Drinkwater, 93 Dudley, Family 244; 70, 91, 111, 164, 205, 211, 245, 267, 287 Duuham, 254, 292 Dunlap, 210 Dunmore, 261 Dupee, 235 Dustan, Dustin, 205, 308 Dyer, 242 Earles, 245 Eastman, 116, 194, 215, 246, 282, 296, 299, 308 364 INDEX OF NAMES. Eaton, 302 Edgerly, Ill Edwards, 269, 293-4 Ellingwood, 235 Ellis, 235, 268 Ellsworth, Family 245 ; 158, 227 Emerson,... 153, 171, 227, 255-6, 262 Emei-y, 194 Estes 258 Etter, 204 Evans, 217, 229, 248, 253 Eveleth, 244 Everett, 72, 253 Fairbanks, Family 245; 100, 155, 229, 259, 281, 306 Fairfield, 210-11 Farley, 253, 288 Farmer, Family 307; 282, 287 Farnsworth, 70, 287, 297 Fairar, Family 246; 107, 109, 124, 138-9, 140, 163, 200, 209, 235, 24.5, 248-9, 295, 309, 325 Farrington, 25, 262-3, 282, 288 Farwell, 130, 160 Faulkner, 2.53 Faunce, 194 Fernald, 244 Fessenden,..24, 52, 82-3, 193, 211-12 Fiske, 201, 268, 302 Fletcher,. .70, 229, 249, 254, 259, 276 Flint, 64, 233, 235, 258-9, .300 Fogg 70, 214, 273, 275, 303 Follett, 286 Folsom, 290 Foote, 284 Forbes, 159 Ford, 211-12, 217, 254 Forsythe, 295 Foss, 241 Foster, 232, 247, 295, 306 Fowler, 265 French, 193, 236-7, 243 Friend, 175 Frisbie, 109, 126 Frost, 163, 217, 29 Frye, 17, 24, 65, 76-8, 82, 217, 248, 263-4, 284 Fuller, 235 Gage, Family 246 ; 130, 152, 175, 193, 196, 198-9, 209, 247, 298, 329 Gale, 229 Gamwell, 283 Gardiner, Gardner, 13-16, 30, 62, 281 Garland, 320, 335 Garner, 230 Gates, 306 Gay, 281 Gerry, Family 249; 96, 136-9, 159, 164, 195, 198, 208-17, 249, 290, 315, 325 Gibson, 51, 62, 70, 110 Gilbert, 285 Gilson, 2.57, 306 Goddard, 265, 291 Goodenow, 194, 209-10, 280 Goodrich, 260 Goodwin, 138 Gordon, 194, 269 Gore 137-S Gorham 23 Gossum, 291 Gould,. . ..155, 217, 231, 266, 286, 297 Graham, 165 Grant, 70, 200, 277 Green, Greene, Family 247; 37, 45-9, 00, 64, 70, 75, 78, S3, 91, 121, 138-9, 150-2, 157, 188, 194, 196-7, 199, 201, 203, 206, 208-9, 213, 229, 239, 248, 258-9, 264, 269, 284, 295- 298-9, 305, 323 Greenleaf, 101 Greenwood, 239 Grover 24, 230, 2JS, 266, 286, 308 Guerney, 267 Gurley, 159 Haines, 71, 206, 213-14 INDEX OF NAMES. 365 Hale, Family 249 ; 37, 60. 62, 70, 78, 90, 96, 98, 110, 126, 158, 164, 169, 188, 200, 209, 234-6, 238, 248, 250-1, 258-9, 260, 291, 295, 308, 315, 317, 324 Hall, 71,257-8,291 Hamlin, Family 251 ; 37, 41-2, 60-2, 64,69, 70-1, 76-8, 80-1, 90, 102, 109, 113, 124, 131, 136-7, 140, 156, 158, 196, 200, 205, 208, 212-13, 216, 228, 232, 235-8, 241, 252-3, 256, 268, 278, 280, 285, 292, 302, 304, 308, 325-6 Hammond, 62, 70 Handy, 273 Hapgood, Family 253; 40, 78, 81, 85, 108, 110, 121-2, 126, 158, 186, 200, 203, 209, 210-12, 214-17, 237, 254-5, 272, 276-7, 290, 305 Harding, 241, 253 Harlow, 206 Harmon, 244 Harnden, 254 Harriman, 282 Harrington, 257 Harris, 301-2 Hartford, 189 Hartshorn, 257, 308 Haskell, Family 255; 94, 96, 110, 126,187, 195-6, 206, 234,241,258, 263, 281, 291, 293 Haskius, Family 255 ; 157, 200, 239, 251, 256 Hastings, 122, 263 Hathaway, 129, 137, 238 Hawes, 297 Hawkins, 159 Hay, Family 256 ; 129, 130, 257 Hayes 52, 307 Hay ward, 287 Hazelton, Heselton, 217, 307-8 Heald, 122, 216, 257-8 Heath, , 204 Henrys, 259 Hersey, 126, 214-15, 265, 289 Heselton, see Hazelton. Hich born, 215 Hidden, 52, 82-3 Hill, 122, 217, 308 Hilton, 72, 229, 231, 233, 308 Hinkley, 303 Hinman 206, 227 Hobbs, 158, 195, 217, 235, 257, 268, 304 Hobson, Family 257 ; 47-8, 293 Hodges, 256 Hodsdon, 240 Holden, 267, 290-1, 295 Holland, 62, 209 Holman, 276 Holmes, 213, 263, 300 Holt, 64, 126, 212, 214, 227, 239, 247-8, 250, 269, 273, 283, 297, 305 Hopkins, 304 Hor, Horr, Family 257 ; 42-3, 60, 64, 70-1, 150, 196-7, 199, 203-4, 227, 243, 248, 258, 265, 270, 279-80, 301-2, 306, 324, 340 Hosmer, 216 Houghton, Family 2.58; 37, 60, 70, 72, 94-5, 98, 125, 137, 148, 158, 163-4, 188, 193, 206, 209, 210-12, 217, 232, 237, 241, 249, 259-60, 263, 266, 280, 285, 298, 301, 306, 314, 324 Housen, 273 Howard, 214, 254, 258, 264, 276-7, 288 Howarth, 244 Howe, Family 260; 72, 118, 148, 171, 195, 209, 250-1, 272, 274, 289 Howell, 270 Hoyt, 290 Hubbard, 209, 210, 212, 271 Hunkins, 193 Hunnewell, 229 Hunton, 209 Huse, 270 Hutchins, 174 Hutchinson, 14, 268, 282 Hsley, 211, 238 366 INDEX OF NAMES. Ingalls, 24, 128 Irish, 231, 284 Jacksou, 156, 185, 236, 253 Jacobs, 241, 259 Jameson, 214 Jefferds, 244 Jenness, 249 Jewell, Family 260; 36-7, 51, 70, 79, 101, 108-9, 126, 148, 158, 186, 2U9-10, 261, 271, 274, 292-3, 303 Jewett, Family 262; 47, 59, 60, 64, 70-2, 78, 83, 91, 94-6, 1U2, 105, 111, 121, 139, 150, 152, 164, 201, 204, 215, 248, 259, 26o-4, 266, 279, 302, 314, 323 Jodonn, 275 Johnson, Family 264; 37, 40, 43, 49, 02, 71, 78. 130, 216, 257, 265, 290 Jones, Family 205; 121, 126, 233, 257-8, 287, 293 Jordan, 70. 158, 204, 206, 229, 283, 286, 294 Joselyn, 248 Keene, 308 Kellogg, 297 Kemp, 266 Kendall, J 62. 70 Keudiick, 283 Kennard, 273 Kenney, 294 Kennison, .252 Kent, 210-11 Ketclium, 264 Keyes, 125, 252 Kezar, 75 Kilborn, Kilborne, Families 265 and 266; 48, 70, 126, 150, 152, 188, 2li6, 242,247, 281,289, 298 Kilgoie, Family 266 and 307; 71, 78 126, 1U7, 205,245, 251, 267, 272, 308 Kimball, Family 2G8; 26,32, 37, 48, 70, 72, 94-5, 107, 120, 126, 158, 163, 171, 175, 177, 182, 193, 195, 204, 214-17, 228, 230-2, 236, 238,243, 248, 251, 261, 267, 269,' 270, 273-4, 279, 285, 300, 303-4, 316-18 King, 139,200 Kingman, Family 269; 60, 62,70-1, 78, 129, 197, 231, 256, 270, 280, 305 Kitson, 229 Kneeland, 71, 174, 203, 253, 302 Knight, Family 270; 111, 116, 156, 200, 203, 215, 217, 232, 269, 278-9, 282-3, 293, 299, 300 Knowltou, 232 Knox, 230 Ky te, 155 Lamson, 298 Lane, 210,247 Lang, 295 Langley, 301 Lary, 300 Lawrence, 156, 264 Learned, 72 Leavitt, 266 Lebroke, Ill Lervey, 284 Libby, Libbey, 155, 206, 270, 299, 306 Lilly, 306 Lincoln, 129, 138, 209, 243, 249 Little, 52, 262 Littlefield, 258-9 Locke, Ill Lombard, 252 Long, 232, 252 Ijongt'ellow, 326 Longley, Family 270; 35, 37, 48, 50, 52, 57, 62, 71, 79, 80, 106-9, 111, 117, 120, 122, 126, 136, 138, 158, 161, 163, 165, 200, 203, 210-11, 234, 242, 260-1, 271-3, 285, 299, 301, 325 Lord 205,267 Loren, .256 Lovell, 253 Lovejoy. 213, 217, 230, 235, 280, 299, 304 Lovewell, 24, 75 INDEX OF NAMES. 567 Lowe, 300 Lowell 304 Lufkiu, 296 Lunt, 241 Lyucb, 112 Lynde, 237 Mack, 303 Magqxiier, 243 Mallard,.., 308 Maloy, 238 Manchester, 266 Mann, 262 Manning, 262 Manson, 69 Marrett, 52, 82 Marston, 282 Martin, Martyn, 282, 306 Mason, 249, 259, 270 Maxfield, 1Q4, 173-6, 179, 180, 213, 301 Maxwell, 285 Maybury, 277-8, 302 Maynard, 14, 244 McAlister, 217, 237 McDonald, 278 McEllory, 294 McElvaine, 286 McElwain, same as McWain, ... 62 Mclntire, 212, 215-16 McKay, 264 McKeeu, 205, 283 McKenney, McKinney, 159, 268, 308 McKnight, 267 McPhail, 260 McWain, Family 272 ; 30-6, 41, 62, 67, 71-2, 84, 90, 110, 136, 165, 254, 270-1, 308, Mead, 243, 271 Merrill, 158. 207, 235, 241, 263, 292, 294, 300, 302, 306 Meserve, 235 Metell, .231 Miles, 238 Miller, 109, 267 Millett 193, 200, 232, 273, 284 Milliken, 205 Mills, 2.34,262 Mitchell, 300 Moffits, 94 Monroe, Munroe, Family 273; 24, 51, 71, 109-11, 122, 138-9, 159, 203, 209, 211-14, 217, 228, 239, 269, 290, 315, 325 Montcalm, 24 Moody, 139, 254 Moore, Family 273; 228, 231, 233, 237, 274, 276, 292 Morrill, 213 Morse, Family 274; 37, 110, 163^ 200, 209, 211, 234, 244-5, 261, 268, 273, 275, 278, 292, 305 Morton, 245 Mosher, 71, 104-5, 150, 165, 257, 262, 266 Motley, 266 Moulton, Family 275; 71, 240,298, 305 Muffitt, 126 Murray, 159 Nay, 2.58 Nelson, Family 275; 200, 211 Nevers, 216, 303, 306 Newbegin, 265 Newell, 155 Newton, 249 Niles, 185 Noble, 200, 214-15, 291,305 Norcross, 245 Nourse, Nurse, Family 276; 49, 62, 71, 78, 81, 83-4, 1.52, 235-6, 254, 259, 277, 282, 300 Noyes, 263 Nutter, 174 Nutting, 304 Osbourne, 271 Osgood, 24, 112, 155, 194 Owen, 268 368 INDEX OF NAMES. Packard, 250, 263 Page, Family 277; 94, 126, 200, 204, 206, 278 Paine, Payne, 166, 258, 283 Park, 251-2 Parker, 203,253, 264,282 Parkhurst, 251, 294 Parks, 210 Parris, 208-9,213 Parsons, 256-7 Partridge, 299 Pattee, 216,244,294 Paugus (Indian) 75 Peables, Peebles, 194, 217 Peabody, 82, 265,300 Peck, 256,261 Perham, 215 Perkins, Family 278;. ..Ill, 158, 205 Perley,.70, 115-16, 128, 174, 249, 297 Perry, Family 278; 110, 211, 227, 245, 253, 329 Pettengill, 266 Petty, Pettee, 112, 267 Phillebrown, 209 Phillip, l;^« Phiuney, 227-8 Phips, 10-12 Pierce, 63, 115, 174 Pike, Family 278; 71, 194, 279, 291, 301-2, 305-6 Pillsbury, 213-15 Pingree, 217, 275 Piper, 302 Plaisted, 305 plummer. Family 279 ; 42, 47-8, 58, 60, 64, 70-1, 78, 83-4, 91, 94, 100, 104, 107, 136-9, 153, 164, 169, 203-5. 208-9, 210-14, 230-1, 236-7, 242, 257-8, 260, 262, 269, 270, 280, 285, 287-9, 294, 297, 299, 302, 314, 324 Pollard 122,235,201 Pond, 214 Poole, 204 Poor, 291,293 Porter, 58, 84, 107, 130, 200, 246, 292 Potter, 243,257 Powers, 265 Pratt, Family 281 ; 138, 241 Prentiss, 103 Prescott, 9, 163, 194 Preston, 238 Pride, Family 281 ; 71, 99, 110, 126, 210,' 234, 245 Priest 233 Prince, 242, 246, 305 Proctor, Family 281 ; 38, 43, 85, 112, 126, 206, 282-3, 293-4, 307, 324 Puffer, 276 Purinton, 70 Putnam, 9 Quimby, 159 Ramsdell, 64, 71 Rand, 201, 204, 214-17, 2.50, 260, 263, 280, 284, 314 Randall, 288 Rankin, 353 Ray, 207, 262 Raymond, 268 Reed, 213,243 Rice, Family 283; 14, 38, 4-3-4, 48, 71, 80, 83, 101-2, 136-9, 140, 142, 165-6, 180, 208, 277, 284, 325 Rich, 238, 253 Richards, 259, 306 Richardson, 237-8, 250, 278, 303 Rideout, 264 Eiggs, 258,265 Ripley, Family 284; 15, 80-4, 93, 95, 98, 120, 145-8, 152-3, 157, 187, 256, 285 Robbins, Family 285; 41, 62, 71,91, 120, 136-7, 253, 259, 271, 305 Roberts, 21.5-16, 267, 328 Robie, 52, 82-3 Robinson, 110, 153, 197-8, 200, 203, 211-14, 285 Rodgers, Rogei-s, 211 , 277, 289 Rollins, 301 INDEX OF NAMES. 369 Ross, 230 Rounds, Family 285; 159, 160, 199, 237, 286 Rowe 280 Russell, Family 286; 18, 59, 111, 165, 203, 249, 303 Sampson, Family 286; 41, 50, 59, 60, 64, 71, 78, 232, 287, 294, 296, 299, 300, 302, 307 Sanborn, 262, 270 Sanders, Saunders, Family 288; 47-8, 59, 60, 64, 71, 83, 94,101, 210, 213, 239, 240, 266, 289, 292, 297-8. 306, 324 Sanderson, Family 287; 38, 52,62, 71, 83, 97, 99, 110-11, 146, 198, 210, 212-14, 217, 237, 255, 263, 272, 295, 302 Sargent, 246, 264, 284 Savage, 254, 307 Sawin, Family 289; 94, 111, 150, 164, 169, 172, 210, 212-13, 215, 237, 249, 254, 265, 290, 324 Sawyer, 108, 158, 217, 261, 271, 273, 276, 303 Say ward, 171 Scott, 188,242 Scribner,. 173, 300 Scripture, 235, 268 Seavey, 203, 206-7, 257, 291 Segar, 22, 25 Shackley 250 Shattuck, 71, 159, 163, 194 Shaw, Family 291 ; 71, 78, 96, 98, 136-7, 144, 146, 169, 190, 211-14, 216, 227, 234, 250, 273, 278-9, 296, 305, 340 Shedd, 215, 282 Sbee, 64 Shepherd, 267 Sherburne, 155 Shurtleflf, 229, 230 Silla, 228, 275 Simkius, 82 25 Simpson, 215 Sinclair, 71 Skillings 234, 308 Skinner, 261 Small, 294 Smart, 214 Smith, 62, 72, 78, 94, 109, 118, 120, 126, 137, 155, 172, 204, 209-10, 213, 215, 233, 254, 256, 275, 289, 314, 319, 351 Sprague, 210, 291 Spi'ing, 215 Spurr, 261, 271 Stan wood, 69, 70-1, KO, 109, 159, 163, 274 Stark 9 Steadman, 284 Stearns, 70, 235 Stephens, Stevens, Family 291 ; 19, 62, 159, 204-6, 228-9, 230, 234, 257, 296, 308 Stewart, 243, 254, 308 Stickney, 262-3, 288 Stiles, 230-1 Stone, Family 292; -38, 49, 62, 72, 78, 81, 83, 101, 105, 136-9, 152, 155, 165, 188, 197, 205-6, 208-9, 210, 228, 231, 236, 250-1, 253, 255, 257, 261, 268-9, 275-6, 278-9, 280, 282-3, 288, 291, 293-5, 297, 299, 301, 304, 307, 325 Stowell 286 Strickland 290 Strong, 136-9, 125 Sullivan, 137 Swain, 273 Swallow, 238 Swan, Family 295;. 62-3, 70, 72, 78^. 100, 106, 122, 152, 158, 198, 200, 212, 216, 232, 246-8, 250, 298, 314,. 324^ 334 Sweet, 265 Sweetsir, 257, 266 Sylvester, 203, 306 370 INDEX OF NAMES. Talbot, 212 Talker, 264 Taylor, 250, 291 Temple, 260, 290 Tenuey, 159, 253 Thayer, 290 Thompson, Family 295; 52, 159, 296, 304 Thorns, Thomes, 174, 299 Thorpe 259 Thurston, 250 Tidd, 300 Titcomb, 215-16 Tobin, 210 Todd, 288 Tomlinson, 245 Towne, 255, 265 Trafton, 304 Treadwell, Family 296; 152, 200,240, 280, 289, 292-3, 295, 297, 303 Treat, 261 True, 308,334 Trull, 126,234 Tucker, 215-16 Tukey, 237 Turner, 234 Tuttle, 255, 283 Twitchell, .24, 126 Tworably, 308 Upperman, 286 Upton, 110, 230, 270, 274 Usher, 210 Varnum, 138 Waite, 249, 269 Walcott, 257 Walker, Family 297; 112, 116, 130, 174, 242, 249, 271, 295 Ward, 16, 204 "Ward Artemas," (Charles F. Browne), 199, 334 Wardwell, 122, 232, 239 Ware, 303 Warner, 9 | Warren, Family 298; 19, 40, 43-6, 49, 59, 60, 64, 71-2, 75, 78, 80, 83, 91, 100, 104-5, 108, 111, 115-16, 121-2, 126, 137, 150-2, 157, 163, 165, 191-2, 200, 213, 216-17, 235, 247-8, 254, 259, 262-3, 266, 292, 299, 314-15, 319, 320, 323, 345, 347 Washburn, 214 Waterhouse, 169, 172, 267 Watkins, 243 Watson, Family 299; 62, 72, 78,80, 109, 110, 152, 158, 204, 268, 270, 277, 287, 293, 300 Webb, 242 Webber, 216, 247 Webster, . .156, 188, 203, 205, 263, 276 Weeks, 207 Welch, 255 Weldman, 256 Wells, 213 Wentworth, 303 West, 267 Weston, 159, 194, 213, 252, 259, 275 Wetherbee, 38, 126 Wheeler, Family 301 ; 120, 126, 228, 232, 236, 268, 270, 275, 280, 291, 295 Whitcomb, Family 301 ; 16, 60, 64, 72,78,83, 136, 139, 158,217,232, 240, 253, 259, 270, 276-8, 281, 287, 297, 302-3 White, 204 Whiting, 203, 265, 299 Whitman, Family 303; 13, 15, 16, 131, 139, 182, 194, 200, 208-10 Whitney, Family 303; 38, 62, 108, 111, 124, 138, 171,201,237,239,250, 290, 296, 304 Whittier, 173-4, 203, 206 Wilkius, Family 304; 107, 109, 211, 213, 236, 251-2, 2()S, 294, 302 Willard, Family 305; 71, 139, 200, 208, 247-8, 254, 259, 272, 274, 285, 291-2, 306 Williams, 215, 300, 304 Williard, 227-8 INDEX OF NAMES. 371 Willis, 214,280 Wilson,. . . .164, 194, 215-16, 227, 281 Wingate, 139 Winslow, 231 Winter, 252 Wood, Family 306; 203, 205-6, 245, 263-4, 290, 303 Woodbury, 121, 137-8, 217 Woodman, 138 Woodsum, 229, 252 Woodward, Woodard, Wright, Family 306; 72, 83, Wyman, 206, 252 121,264, 289 216 York, •72,201 Young, Family 307; HI, 200-1, 211, 213-15, 255, , 248, 250 159, 164, 260, 28U, 294, 316 CORRECTIONS. Pwic 46, seventeenth line. For " 1788," read " 1798;" and for "four- teen " years, read " twelve " years. Par/e 50. twenty-fifth ^ine. For "Sampson's pond," read "Chaplin's pond." PcKje 6S. nineteenth line. For " 1773," read " 1774." Pa/je 73. sixth line. Insert that the coarse of the town lines there given, "w^as taken in 1850." Par/e 7G. first line. For " Tlionias pond," read " Tom pond." Paije S5, ftmrteenth line. For " Capt. Ephraim" Hapgood, read " Capt. Hezekiah." Pa'ie 109. thirteenth line. Richard Bailey occupied the "6th," not •■ 4th,'' mill-site. Pa:/e 11:2. si.dh line. For " 1810." read " 1800." Pr places. FOURTEEN DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. RECEIVED 23Feb'56jL NOV 1 1 ' 6b -12 M FEB 1 6195?^ lU \8Sl LOAN DEiPT. 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