jiiil jiLlliir H The Ewing Genealogy with Cognate Branches A Survey of the Ewings and Their Kin in America By Presley KIttredge Ewing and Mary Ellen (Williams) Ewing IIFT COPYRIGHT. 1919, BY PRESLEY K. EWINC The Ewixg Genealogy with Cognate Branches In Memoriam The Day You Went The day you went my world was done. There came no comfort from the sun Nor from the love of life that lurks In sunlight, nor from all the worlds Of faith and old philosophy, — Till one young rose leaned down to me And shot my brooding like a wing; The most foolhardy, gallant thing In all this rocking world, conceived Of morning dew . . . and I believed ! It bannered upward from the sod The visible defense of God. — Beatrice W. Ravenel. After the manuscript of this book was complete and arrangement made for its publication, on April i, 1919, at the family home in the City of Houston, Mary Ellen (Williams) Ewing, one of the authors, as the culmination of a lingering illness, peacefully and with her last expression a smile, passed into eternity, her remains being interred in the family vault, St. John's Cemetery, Thibodaux, Louisiana, The loss in her death to humanity, to services of benefi- cence and philanthropy, was recognized by all familiar with the course of her life. The floral offerings, in number and beauty, were a rare tribute. The Associated Press heralded abroad her untimely departure, while the leading local dailies, The Houston Post, The Houston Chronicle and The Houston Press, recounting her life's services and achieve- ments herein narrated, as with one voice proclaimed her praise. The Houston Press, noting the fact of her being "widely known throughout the State and Nation," referred to the reforms she had effected in the public schools, saying, "A part of Mrs. Ewing's religion was sanitation ;" it also re- 427372 IV The Ewinc Genealogy with Cognate Branches ferred to her efforts to secure women on the school board, adding, "It was due to the campaign she waged that women are on the school board today." Further of her it was said : "The passing of Mrs. Ewing takes from Houston one of the city's most useful women, and her death will be mourned by many a person whom she be- friended. She was a woman of tireless energy, and although she was a society leader, much of her time and effort were spent in helping others and in work for the public good." The Houston Chronicle, with a double-column picture of her, and stating under heavy headlines that death had called "One of Texas' Noted Women Whose Life Was Devoted to Welfare Work for Mankind," declared that in her death, "a life of great usefulness and activity was ended," and further : "The name of Mrs. Ewing was long associated with all affairs of the City and State which had to do with uplift work or civic welfare. She was a woman of strong personality, public spirited, and the life of social events. Her many deeds of public and philanthropic service gave her a place in 'Noted Women of Texas,' published by the Bio- graphical Press." This paper in an editorial thus said : "Announcement of the death of Mrs. Presley K. Ewing brings a feeling of sorrow and sympathy from many Houston hearts. A life that was de- voted to good deeds and that encompassed much for the happiness and uplift of mankind is ended. "In Mrs. Ewing were combined those graces which make for life's finest realizations. Active at all times in the church and social life of the city, she managed to also find time for much constructive work in lightening the burdens and enlarging the opportunities of those whose lines had not fallen in pleasant places. "Her death touches, as did her life, the heart of Houston." The Houston Post editorially spoke as follows : "A host of friends who had known and loved her through the many years of residence here are filled The Ewing Genealogy with Cognate Branches v with sorrow over the death of Mrs. Presley K. Ewing at her home in this city Tuesday morning. To her family and her friends she was the embodi- ment of all that was good and noble in Southern womanhood and in their memories she will ever live as a shining example of the devoted wife and mother, the undisputed queen of her home and family circle, the most optimistic and generous of friends. "The influence of Mrs. Ewing extended far be- yond her personal acquaintanceship, however, for throughout the length and breadth of the State she was known as one of the most distinguished and able of the public spirits of Texas. Although pos- sessed of gifts and graces which made her a favo- rite of society circles, she devoted much of her time and talent to the improvement of the public wel- fare. She was connected with innumerable move- ments and organizations for the uplift of the people of Texas economically, mentally, morally and spiritually. Her work for the women and children of the city and the State particularly has been in- valuable, as she has played a distinguished part in ushering in the new era of justice and recognition for women and the welfare of the child. "The forces of progress and righteousness have suffered a great loss in the death of Mrs. Ewing." Let us who knew her best, her husband and her daugh- ters, add only this : Her exalted life, with its sweet helpfulness, will remain as a light for guidance, to inspire and bless the work of others. Though she be dead, it shall not die. For "there is something that mantles through its beauty that cannot wholly perish." We who suffer from her loss, forgetting doubts and fears, see now through the mists of tears and surgings of sorrow the "young rose," leaning down to us, "conceived in morn- ing dew" — "It bannered upward from the sod. The visible defense of God." The Ewing Genealogy with Cognate liRANCUEs PREFACE With affectionate greetings, we dedicate to our posterity these pages, a labor of love and, as we think, of just family pride. The work was at first intended to be only a sketch of the immediate family of the authors, and in a measure that plan has been preserved, especially as concerns the details of per- sonal history; but in other respects the design has been greatly enlarged and the work so arranged that any branch may be extended indefinitely from the point where it enters, going in like manner into the particulars of its personal history as far as desired. The arrangement of blank pages at the end has been adopted to facilitate such a course. Neither cost nor time nor care has been spared to make the contents of this little history portray, not a romance, but the facts as they were, so that they may be relied upon as accurate and accepted as authentic. Birth, marriage and death records have been explored wherever available, both as confirmative and in quest of new light. Records still preserved have revealed to us marriages and births, which will appear herein, occurring more than a hundred years before the War of the Revolution (i 776-1 781). In addi- tion, our research has extended to many histories, some now obscure and others out of sale print, and also to the archives of family branches, wherever obtainable. This task has been performed, not because we are pur- suers of phantoms, or fatuous of a useless aristocracy, or given to blind hero-worship, but because we believe that noble aspirations, lofty aims and deeds of exalted service, when found in a family, may properly be perpetuated as a legacy to the generations yet unborn, if not for emulation, at least as a source of encouragement to their efforts, of inspiration for their endeavors. If then, what we have written shall serve, in other days The Ewixg Gexealogy with Cognate Branches vii to come, as a light, a landmark or a hope to some weary or faltering feet pursuing the pathway of life, so that, seeing, they may take heart again, we shall have reward enough. Standing as we necessarily do upon the narrow Present, slipping as we speak, there can be only two real sources of happiness — our memories of the past, our hopes of the future. Whether these pages contribute to the fountain of either m.ust be judged by others; at least, the purpose which has animated us will not be condemned, and in the thought of Lord Byron, "What is writ, is writ." Presley Kittredge Ewing, Mary Ellen (Williams) Ewing. The Ewing Genealogy With Cognate Branches ILLUSTRATIONS Page Ewing Coat of Arms 2 "Across the Fields of Yesterday" 4 Ariel, the Home of Dr. Fayette Clay Ewing 10 Alice Brevard (Ewing) Walker 72 Dr. James B. Bowling 81 Ephraim McLean Ewing 91 Dr. Fayette Clay Ewing 95 Captain Ewing Werlein 97 Dr. Fayette Clay Ewing II 98 Rev. Quincy Ewing loi Eliza Josephine (Kittredge) Ewing 103 Kittredge Coat of Arms 105 Dr. Ebenezer Eaton Kittredge 119 Martha Wills (Green) Kittredge 120 Ann Elizabeth (Kelly) Kittredge 125 Elm Hall 131 Presley Kittredge Ewing 155 Mary Ellen (Williams) Ewing 161 Williams Coat of Arms 162 Captain Charles Clark Williams 164 Field Coat of Arms 166 Eudora Elizabeth (Cross) Williams I75 Josie Vesta (Ewing) Vinson 179 Gladys (Ewing) Combes 181 Dr. Abbott C. Combes, Jr 182 The Grandsons, Kittredge and Presley Ewing Vinson. .184 The Ewing Genealogy With Cognate Branches ILLUSTRATIONS Page Ewing Coat of Arms 2 "Across the Fields of Yesterday" 4 Ariel, the Home of Dr. Fayette Clay Ewing 10 Alice Brevard (Ewing) Walker ^2 Dr. James B. Bowling 81 Ephraim McLean Ewing 91 Dr. Fayette Clay Ewing 95 Captain Ewing Werlein 97 Dr. Fayette Clay Ewing II 98 Rev. Quincy Ewing loi Eliza Josephine (Kittredge) Ewing 103 Kittredge Coat of Arms 105 Dr. Ebenezer Eaton Kittredge 119 Martha Wills (Green) Kittredge 120 Ann Elizabeth (Kelly) Kittredge 125 Elm Hall 131 Presley Kittredge Ewing 155 Mary Ellen (Williams) Ewing 161 Williams Coat of Arms 162 Captain Charles Clark Williams 164 Field Coat of Arms 166 Eudora Elizabeth (Cross) Williams 17S Josie Vesta (Ewing) Vinson 179 Gladys (Ewing) Combes 181 Dr. Abbott C. Combes, Jr 182 The Grandsons, Kittredge and Presley Ewing Vinson. .184 The Ewing Genealogy With Cognate Branches TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter I. Page The Origin and Early History of the Ewings 3 Chapter II. The Different Branches of the Ewings in America. ... 5 Thomas and Finley Ewing 5 James Ewin • 6 Nathaniel Ewing 6 William Ewing 7 Charles and Robert Ewing 7 Chapter III. Nathaniel Ewing, the Emigrant; His Birth, Marriage, Career and Descendants 11 Chapter IV. William Ewing, Emigrant : His Birth, Children and Family Distinction 18 Chapter V. Henry Ewing, Son of Emigrant William Ewing: His Career and Descendants 20 Chapter VI. Andrew Ewing, Son of Emigrant William Ewing : His Career and Descendants 25 Chapter VII. John Ewing, Son of the Emigrant William Ewing: His Marriage and Descendants 38 Chapter VIII. Charles Ewing, the Emigrant : His Birth, Career, Mar- riage and Children 40 XII The Ewing Genealogy with Ccgnate Bbanches Chapter IX. Page Robert Ewing, the Emigrant : His Birth, Career, Mar- riage and Children 42 Robert Ewing 1 42 Mary Baker Ewing 44 Chapter X. Sidney Ann, Martha (Betty), Polly and Jane Ewing, Daughters of Robert and Mary Baker Ewing, and Their Descendants 45 Sidney Ann Ewing 45 Martha (Betty) Ewing 46 Polly ( Patty) Ewing 48 Jane Ewing 50 Chapter XL John, Baker, Young, Urban, Reuben and Chatham Ewing, Sons of Robert and Mary (Baker) Ewing, and Their Descendants 51 John Ewing 51 Baker Ewing 51 Young Ewing 51 Urban Ewing 52 Reuben Ewing 56 Chatham Ewing 56 Chapter XII. Finis Ewing, Youngest Son of Robert and Mary (Baker) Ewing, and His Descendants 58 Chapter XHI. Robert Ewing H, Son of Robert and Mary (Baker) Ewing : His Birth, Career, Marriage and Children 74 Robert Ewing H 74 Jane (McLean) Ewing 83 Chapter XIV. The McLean Tree : Lineage of Jane McLean, Wife of Robert Ewing II 84 Ephraim McLean 85 Elizabeth Davidson 88 The Ewing Genealogy with Cognate Branches xiii Chapter XV. Page Ephraim McLean Ewing, Son of Robert and Jane Ewing: His Achievements, Marriage and Children 91 Ephraim McLean Ewing 91 Jone Pope (Mclntyre) Ewing 93 Chapter XVL Dr. Fayette Claj" Ewing, Son of Ephraim McLean and Jane (Mclntyre) Ewing: His Career, Marriage and Descendants 95 Fayette Clay Ewing 95 Eliza Josephine (Kittredge) Ewing 103 Chapter XVH. The Kittredge Tree : Paternal Lineage of Eliza Jose- phine Kittredge, Wife of Dr. Fayette Clay Ewing. . 105 John Kittredge 107 Dr. John Kittredge 108 Dr. Francis Kittredge 1 108 Dr. Francis Kittredge H no Abigail (Richardson) Kittredge 114 Dr. Stephen Kittredge 116 Elizabeth (Eaton) Kittredge 116 Chapter XVHL The Kittredge Tree Continued : Dr. Ebenezer Eaton Kittredge: His Career, Marriage and Descendants 119 Dr. Ebenezer Eaton Kittredge 119 Martha Wills Green 120 Ann Elizabeth Kelly 125 Chapter XIX. The Green Tree : Maternal Lineage of Eliza Jose- phine Kittredge, Wife of Dr. Fayette Clay Ewing 132 Thomas Green 1 132 Thomas Green H 132 Thomas Green HI 133 Thomas Marston Green 134 Chapter XX. The Green Tree Continued : Everard Green, His Career, Marriage and Descendants 141 XIV The Ewing Genealogy with Cognate Bbanches Page Everard Green 141 Elizabeth Kirkland 145 Chapter XXI. The Green Tree Continued : The Family Achieve- ments and Distinction 147 Chapter XXII. Presley Kittredge Ewing, Son of Fayette Clay and Eliza Josephine (Kittredge) Ewing: His Career, Marriage and Children 155 Presley Kittredge Ewing 155 Mary Ellen (Williams) Ewing 161 Chapter XXIII. Williams, Field and Mills Trees : Lineage thereunder of Mary Ellen Williams, Wife of Presley K. Ewing 164 The Williams Tree 164 The Field Tree 166 Thomas Field 169 Thomas Field II 170 Jeremiah Field 170 William Field 171 Abner Field 173 William Field II " 174 Mary Pierce Field 175 Eudora Elizabeth Cross 175 The Mills Tree 177 John Mills 178 Elizabeth Mills 178 Chapter XXIV. Josie Vesta (Ewing) Vinson, Daughter of Presley Kitt- redge and Mary Ellen (Williams) Ewing: Her Life, Marriage and Children 179 Chapter XXV. Gladys (Ewing) Combes, Daughter of Presley Kitt- redge and Mary Ellen (Williams) Ewing: Her Life and Marriage 181 Gladys Ewing 181 Abbott Carson Combes, junior 181 Chapter XXVI. Conclusion 184 The Ewing Genealogy With Cognate Branches CHAPTER I THE ORIGIN AND EARLY HISTORY OF THE EWINGS "Ewing" is historically stated to be the Anglified form of Ewen or Ewin, derived from Evan or Evghan, which was in Latin Eugenius, and several of the ancient "Kings of Scots" bore the name of Ewen or Eugenius, one of them having been a distinguished leader of his race in the great wars against the Romans/ Another of the name (Devonaldus filius Ewyn) was wit- ness to a charter granted by Walter, Steward of Scotland, in 1 1 77, and in the middle of the Sixteenth Century the Ewings acquired the lands, in County Dumbarton, which were an ancient possession of the Earls of Lennox, and they also possessed valuable estates in County Argyll.' The authentic ancient Ewing coat of arms consists of arg., a chevron az., ensigned with a banner gu., charged with a canton az., thereon a saltire arg., all between two mullets in chief gu., sun in splendor in base, also gu., with crest and motto as shown in illustration. The Ewings are of Scottish extraction, and were long settled in the W'est of Scotland, but the branches of the family in America, to which this record particularly relates, were of Scotch-Irish descent. The clan with which these Ewings were identified was allied with the Campbells, as opposed to the Gordons, and doubtless many a time on the field of battle its members were inspired by the romantic, thrilling song — "The Campbells are comin', Oho, Oho ; The Campbells are comin'. Oho, Oho, The Campbells are comin' to bonnie Loch Leven, The Campbells are comin'. Oho, Oho." •Scottish Nation; Phelan's History of Tennessee, p. 132; Weeklcy's Romanc of Names, p. 38. 'Burke's Landed Gentry, p. 12U. ii' - • TilE fiwiNG Genealogy with Cognate Branches Ewing progenitors of whom we are writing, being Pres- byterians, left their seat, which was on the River Forth near Stiriing Castle, in the vicinity of Loch Lomond, on account of religious persecution of the Protestants. First, they went to the Isle of Bute, in Scotland, and then settled at or near Coleraine, County Londonderry, of Ulster, to the North of Ireland. Members of the family conspicuously took part in the notable revolt of the Irish Presbyterians in that County in 1689, when the siege of Londonderry by King James II of England proved unsuccessful. That King, it will be re- called, was an ardent Romanist, intensely inimical to the Dissenters. Whatever may have been the part taken by the Ewings in the siege just mentioned, it is beyond doubt that in the battle of the Boyne, fought on the river of that name in Eastern Ireland, July 12 (N. S.), 1690, in which King James II was opposed by William of Orange, Captain Charles Ewing took part on the side of the Irish Protestants under William of Orange, and was awarded by the latter for his valor in the battle a silver-handled sword. This sword was brought to America by a descendant of Captain Charles Ewing, but was later stolen.^ The anniversary of this battle of the Boyne, as the result of which James II was forced to abdicate in favor of the rule of William and Mary, is still celebrated by the Orange- men or Irish Protestants. The dissatisfaction of the Dissenters over the conditions which had prevailed in Ireland, among them the sacra- mental test which served to disqualify them for office, and the tenantry system with its high and burdensome rents, and the increase of tithes for clergy not of their faith and en- tertaining a different view of civil and religious liberty, had resulted in a desire on the part of many of them to escape the irritating situations of the Old World, and to seek their fortunes in America.^ 'Autobiography of Thomas Ewing, by Clement L. Martzolff, Vol. XXI, Ohio Stats Archaeological & Historical Society Publications. =James Seaton Raid's History of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, particularly Vol. Ill, pp. 201-262. q ID : n^u-- (_ 1/1 iij m m 1 lfl„ UJ |_ u W U (fl CHAPTER II THE DIFFERENT BRANCHES OF THE EVVINGS IN AMERICA THOMAS AND FINLEY EWING who were brothers, emigrated from County Londonderry, Ireland, about 1718, to Southampton, Long Island, thence to New Jersey. The illustrious career of members of this branch of the family, particularly in Ohio, is a part of familiar history. Thomas Ewing, born 1695, died 1747; married Mary Maskell, born 1701, died 1784, who was a daughter of Cap- tain Daniel Maskell. They lived at Greenwich, New Jersey, one of their sons being Thomas Ewing, born 1722, died 1772, whose third wife was Sarah Vickars, by whom he had a son, George Ewing, born 1754, died 1825, who was a Lieutenant in the Continental Army, and whose wife was Rachel Harris. From this union was born Thomas Ewing (1789-1871), United States Senator from Ohio, who married Maria, a daughter of Hugh Boyle, whose wife was a daughter of Neil and Eleanor (Daugherty) Gillespie, senior, who lived opposite Brownsville, Pennsylvania, but in Washington County. Thomas and Maria Ewing were the parents of seven chil- dren: (i) Philemon Beecher, late of Lancaster, Ohio; (2) George; (3) Ellen B., who became the wife of General William T. Sherman; (4) Hugh Boyle, late of Lancaster, Ohio; (5) Thomas, once a democratic candidate for Gov- ernor of Ohio; (6) Maria, wife of Colonel Clement F. Steele, and (7) General Charles Ewing. Two of the sons of Thomas Ewing (1695-1747) were officers in the Militia during the Revolution, and another son, Samuel, was a County Judge. The emigrant Thomas Ewing was a deacon, and his son Thomas an elder, in the Presbyterian Church at Greenwich. Finley Ewing, the emigrant brother, was the lineal ances- tor of General Hugh Ewing, late United States Minister to The Netherlands. These brothers, Thomas and Finley, were sons of Captain Charles Ewing, who was rewarded for his valor by William, Prince of Orange, in the battle of the Boyne, with the silver- handled sword before mentioned. (5) 6 The Ewing Genealogy w'tii Cognate Branches A descendant of this emigration with whom the authors ^re acquainted is Thomas J. Ewing, a prominent citizen of "Houston, Texas, connected with large business interests. To go at greater length into the personal history of this distinguished branch of the family would be to indulge in unnecessary repetition, as its illustrious career has already been written into enduring records/ JAMES EWIN son of William and Mary Ewing of the North of Ireland, married Deborah Dickson, and of this union was born a family of children in the townland of Tawley, County Leitrim, Ireland. After marrying, he, James Ewing, adopt- ed the former spelling of his surname, dropping the g. He emigrated from Ireland and settled in New York City about the year 1822. There are in America numerous descendants of this branch, which included James L. Ewin, Esq., who was a registered attorney of the United States Patent Office, Washington, D. C., and a man of prominence in his profession." NATHANIEL EWING was born at or near Coleraine, County Londonderry, Ire- land, about 1692, died September 6, 1748, and emigrated thence to America in 1725 with his wife, Rachel Porter, who was his cousin, and their children then born. His father was William Ewing, born about 1665-1670, near Stirling Castle, in Scotland, whence he went to County Londonderry, Ireland, taking up his abode at or near Cole- raine, which was probably in or about the year 16S5, for in that year, during Passion W^eek, the rites of the Church of Rome were openly celebrated at Westminster with full splendor, and in the same year, the suppression of the Duke of Monmouth's rebellion in England, and that of the Earl of Argyll in Scotland, was followed by great severities, practiced by the King (James II of England and VII of Scotland), resulting in many of the Scotch Presbyterians fleeing from Scotland to the North of Ireland to escape the religious persecutions imposed upon them.' William Ewing, who was the son of William Ewing and his wife, Eliza M ilford, married twice ; by the first marriage ^Autobiography of Thomas Ewing, Vohinie XXI. Ohio State Archaeological & Historical Society Publications; Biog. Ency. of Ohio, Volume 1, page 273, Volume 6, page 1491; Scott's History of Fairfield County, Ohio, 1877. -Sketch by James L. Ewin of Washington, D. C. The International Cyclopedia, page 229. The Ewixg Genealogy with Cocnate Braxciie- 7 he had one son, the emigrant Nathaniel, and by the second marriage he had four sons and a daughter : WilHam, Joshua, James, Samuel and Anne, and possibly other children. All of these named were immigrants to this country, and some at least accompanied their half-brother Nathaniel to America, in 1725, and in the same emigration were members of the Porter and Gillespie families, and also David Breading. ERRATA. Pp. 5, 8 and 9. The text, in ascribing to Gen. Hugh Boyle Ewing lineal descent from Finley Ewing, an "emigrant brother" of the emigrant Thomas Ewing. followed the Biog. Ency. & Portrait Gallery of Ohio. Vol. 6, at p. 1491, where it is said: "The father of the emigrant, Finley Ewing, was of the Clan Colquhoun * * *". This sentence was evident- ly faulty in not being so framed as to make "father" instead of "emigrant" the antecedent of Finley Ewing; for a close study of the context, as well as extrinsic matter, makes it certain that Gen. Hugh Boyle Ewing was a des- cendant of the emigrant Thomas Ewing. Whether the latter's father was named Finley or Charles, or bore both names, is not certain, the traditions and evidences being conflicting, but whatever his Chris- tian name, it was the father of the emigrant Thomas Ewing. who was the gallant Captain in the Battle of the Boyne, to whom the silver-handled sword was awarded for valor, as stated in the text. some of them, removing to Georgia. One of the grandsons, and perhaps others of the family, subsequently went to Texas, where a number of their de- scendants may be found, with some of whom the authors have a personal acquaintance, among them Edna Ewing, the cultured and socially attractive wife of John Bonner, of Houston, who is an esteemed citizen and high-ranking Mason. CHARLES AND ROBERT EWING who v/ere brothers, were born in County Londonderry, Ire- land, probably at or near Coleraine, about 1715-1725, and 6 The Ewing Genealogy wttii Cogjs^ate Branches A descendant of this emigration with whom the authors ^re acquainted is Thomas J. Ewing, a prominent citizen of "Houston, Texas, connected with large business interests. To go at greater length into the personal history of this distinguished branch of the family would be to indulge in unnecessary repetition, as its illustrious career has already been written into enduring records/ JAMES EWIN n f; L n( L ra th R SF Ol _ „. ..-^.i^*o.i.vi, ti.ivi. ciiui \jx i,in_ x^aii of Argyll in Scotland, was followed by great severities, practiced by the King (James II of England and VII of Scotland), resulting in many of the Scotch Presbyterians fleeing from Scotland to the North of Ireland to escape the religious persecutions imposed upon them.' William Ewing, who was the son of William Ewing and his wife, Eliza Milford, m.arried twice; by the first marriage ^Autobiography of Tliomas Ewing, Volume XXI, Ohio State Archaeological & Historical Society Publications; Biog. Ency. of Ohio, Volume 1, page 273, Volume 6, page 1491; Scott's History of Fairfield County, Ohio, 1877. ^Sketch by James L. Ewin of Washington, D. C. The International Cyclopedia, page 229. The Ewixg Genealogy with Coc.xate Bkaxciie- 7 he had one son, the emigrant Nathaniel, and by the second marriage he had four sons and a daughter : William, Joshua, James, Samuel and Anne, and possibly other children. All of these named were immigrants to this country, and some at least accompanied their half-brother Nathaniel to America, in 1725, and in the same emigration were members of the Porter and Gillespie families, and also David Breading. Nathaniel Ewing and his half-brother, Joshua Ewing, settled in Maryland on the east side of the Susquehanna, in Cecil County, near the Pennsylvania line. The half- brother, James Ewing, took up his abode in what became Prince Edward County, Virginia, and the other half-broth- ers, William for certain, and Samuel probably, settled in Pennsylvania ; but we have no record of the descendants of the half-brothers Joshua, Jamics and Samuel. WILLIAM EWING was probably born in County Londonderry, Ireland, about the year 1710, but family tradition, evidently confusing him with his father, has fixed his birth at Stirlingshire, Scotland, in the vicinity of Glasgow, near Loch Lomond, whence his father emigrated to County Londonderry, Ireland. This tradition has also accorded to him, likely again confusing him with his father, an elder brother Robert, who v/as a feudal baron. This emigrant, himself Scotch, probably married in Ire- land an Irish girl before coming to America, which accounts for the manifest Scotch-Irish ancestry noticeable in the descendants of this branch of the family as well as in those of the other branches. William first settled in Pennsylvania, and later went to Virginia, where he died, his widow and children, at least some of them, removing to Georgia. One of the grandsons, and perhaps others of the family, subsequently went to Texas, where a number of their de- scendants may be found, with some of whom the authors have a personal acquaintance, among them Edna Ewing, the cultured and socially attractive wife of John Bonner, of Houston, who is an esteemed citizen and high-ranking Mason. CHARLES AND ROBERT EWING who v/ere brothers, were born in County Londonderry, Ire- land, probably at or near Coleraine, about 171 5-1 725, and 8 The Ewing Genealogy with Cognate Branches emigrated thence to America about the period between 1 735- 1747- They were cousins of the emigrant Nathaniel Ewing, and on their arrival in America, they first went to his home, in Cecil County, Maryland, but shortly after accompanied their cousin, the emigrant James Ewing, Nathaniel's half- brother, to what became Prince Edward County, Virginia, and later they joined a new adventurous colony and settled near the Peaks of Otter, in Bedford County, Virginia, where they remained until they died. The relationship of the different Ewing emigrants to whom we have referred, is doubtless already apparent to the thoughtful reader. We have seen that Thomas and Finley Ewing were broth- ers, and that Robert and Charles Ewing were brothers, and that the latter were cousins of Nathaniel Ewing and his half-brothers and sister. While direct or positive evidence is wanting as to further kinship, the circumstances are con- vincing that all the Ewing emigrants we have noted were relatives, with the possible exception of James Ewin, the emigrant who settled in New York. In the family of the authors, there has been from the earliest a tradition, that Captain Charles Ewing, the gallant soldier rewarded by William of Orange for valor in the battle of the Boyne, was of their family ; he was the father of the emigrants, Thomas and Finley Ewing, and hence the tradition could be true only on the theory of these emi- grants being cousins of the emigrants, Robert and Charles Ewing, or otherwise related. When the historic causes leading to the exodus of the Ewings from their seat near Stirling Castle, in Scotland, to the North of Ireland and thence to America, are considered in the light of the fact that they came to this country, not Scotch alone, but Scotch-Irish, and that the emigration from Ireland was from the same vicinity, it seems irre- sistibly clear that the Ewing emigrants mentioned were all in some manner related. In concluding this chapter, we observe that there have been men and women in each generation, from each of the branches we have considered, distinguished in practically every walk of life, exemplifying our country's best ideals and traditions, and making for the perpetuity and glory of its institutions. As illustrative of this we mention a few of The Ewing Genealogy with Cogis-ate Branches 9 the leaders in thought and action, in addition to those whose careers are elsewhere given. Emma Pike Ewing, educator, born Broome County, New York, 1838; married W. P. Ewing, 1863; dean Chautauqua Assembly Cooking School ; professor domestic economy, Iowa Agricultural College ; director Model School of House- hold Economics, affiliated with Marietta College, Ohio ; author of "The Art of Cookery," and other books.' Hugh Boyle Ewing, born Lancaster, Ohio, October 31, 1826, died 1905; married Henrietta Young, 1858; practiced law in St. Louis, Missouri, and later at Leavenworth, Kan- sas; was major to brigadier general and bvt. major general on the side of the Union in the Civil War ; minister to The Hague, 1866-70; author of "A Castle in the Air," besides other writings.' James Stevenson Ewing, born McLean County, Illinois, July 19, 1835, a lawyer, cousin and partner of the United States Vice President (1893- 1897), Adlai Ewing Steven- son, who was born in Christian County, Kentucky, son of John T. and Eliza (Ewing) Stevenson. He (James S. Ewing) was United States Minister to Belgium in 1893- 1897.= John Gillespie Ewing, lawyer, born Lancaster, Ohio, May 22, i860, son of Philemon B. and Mar)- Rebecca (Gillespie) Ewing; professor mathematics and later of history and eco- nomics, Notre Dame University ; State deputy of Indiana Knights of Columbus." James Ewing, physician, born Pittsburgh, December 25, 1866; professor pathology, Medical Department, Cornell University; author of articles on "The Signs of Death," "Sudden Death," etc' Nathaniel Ewing, jurist, born Uniontown, Pennsylvania, June 17, 1848; died March 28, 1914; appointed Judge Four- teenth Judicial District of Pennsylvania, and later United States District Judge, Western District of Pennsylvania.' James Caruthers Rhea Ewing, born Rural Valley, Penn- sylvania, June 23, 1854; Presbyterian minister and mission- ary in India ; professor in Theological Seminary in India ; president Forman Christian College, Lahore, India, after- wards dean faculty of arts, Punjabu, later vice-chancellor.' Thomas Ewing, Jr., born Leavenworth, Kansas, May 21, ^Who's Who in America, 1903-1905, page 466. =Id., 1906-1907, page 567. 'Id., 1912-1913, page 664. 10 The Ewing Genealogy with Cognate Branches 1862; son of General Thomas and Ellen (Cox) Ewing; a lawyer, distinguished for his achievements as a solicitor of patents/ Robert Ewing, born Mobile, Alabama, September 27, 1859; has had phenomenal success in newspaper enterprise; became publisher and owner of N. O. Daily States ; State Tax Collector Fourth Municipal District; Louisiana mem- ber Democratic National Committee, and member of Louis- iana Constitutional Convention.' The honors to the family from these distinguished per- sons, as observable from the places of their birth, are pretty equally distributed among the different emigrations to which we have adverted, and hence their achievements may be re- garded a common heritage. 'Who's "Who in America, 191G-1917, page 776 CHAPTER III NATHANIEL EWING, THE EMIGRANT; HIS BIRTH, MARRIAGE, CAREER- AND DESCENDANTS NATHANIEL EWING as before stated, married his cousin, Rachel Porter, about 1721, at or near Coleraine, County Londonderry, Ireland, and from the marriage were born the foHowing children: 1. Sarah, born at or near Coleraine, 1722; married Rob- ert Potts. They lived in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, above where Harrisburg now stands, and reared there a considerable family. 2. William, born at or near Coleraine, 1 723-1 724; died September 10, 1788; married Kitty Ewing, daughter of the emigrant, Joshua Ewing. 3. Anne, born on the Atlantic Ocean, 1725; died 1809. 4. John, born Little Britain, Lancaster County, Pennsyl- vania, June 21, 1732; died September 8, 1802; married Han- nah Sargent. He was a distinguished clergyman of Phila- delphia, Pennsylvania, and has been referred to as "the noted Philadelphian." 5. James, born June 21, 1732 (a twin to John) ; died 1818-1819; married Peggy Ewing. 6. Rachel Margaret, born Little Britain, 1735; married her cousin, William Ewing. 7. George, born at Little Britain, September i, 1737; died April, 1785. 8. Alexander, born 1740, died June or July, 1799; mar- ried Jane Kirkpatrick. William Ewing, the eldest son of Nathaniel the emigrant, lived in Maryland until his death, leaving two children, a daughter Rachel, who married Stephen Dancy, and a son, Nathaniel, who went to Kentucky, joined the Kentucky Militia, and was killed at Fort Meigs, under General Har- rison. Anne, daughter of the emigrant Nathaniel Ewing, married in 1745 James Breading, born 1726, who lived in Notting- ham, Pennsylvania, but afterwards purchased a plantation adjoining the Maryland line and Susquehanna River, in Pennsylvania, where they reared six children : Mar}', Na- thaniel, Rachel, David, Sarah and Anne. The eldest daughter, Mary Breading, married Hugh Laughlin and lived in Fayette County, Pennsylvania, having a large family. (11) 12 The Ewing Genealogy with Cognate Branches Nathaniel Breading, the eldest son, born at Little Britain, March 17, 1751 ; died April 15, 1821, at Tower Hill Farm, near Merrittstown, Fayette County, Pennsylvania; married in Cecil County, Maryland, June 17, 1784, his cousin, Mary Ewing (daughter of George Ewing, son of the emigrant Nathaniel), born Nottingham, April i, 1767; died at Alle- gheny, Pennsylvania, August 31, 1845; removed to Fayette County, Pennsylvania ; their children, besides those dying in infancy, being George, born August 19, 1785; Mary Ann, born September 4, 1787; James Ewing, born October 19, 1789; William, born December 3, 1791 ; Sarah, born Janu- ary 3, 1796; Harriet, born May 11, 1803; Caroline Mar- garet, born August 3, 1807, and Elizabeth, born August 8, 1810. The daughter, Caroline Margaret, married a Mr. Trevor, the youngest son of the marriage being Francis Nathaniel Trevor, of Lockport, New York. Another of the daughters is understood to have married George Hogg, of Allegheny, Pennsylvania, the father of John T. Hogg and Nathaniel Breading Hogg. Nathaniel Breading, son of James and Anne (Ewing) Breading, was in the service of the Revolutionary Army, 1777-1778, at Valley Forge, in receiving and distributing goods bought and sent to the Army by his uncle, George Ewing, while his younger brother, David Breading, was Temporary Aide to General Maxwell, at Princeton, and was General Washington's guide, under General Maxwell's de- tail, in leading the former to the retreating army of General Lee, at whom it is said W^ashington swore vehemently, deprecating and countermanding the retreat which Lee had ordered. George Ewing, son of the emigrant Nathaniel, married April 8, 1766, Mary Porter, daughter of James and Ellen (Gillespie) Porter; he, James Porter, being the brother-in- law of the emigrant Nathaniel, and having emigrated from County Londonderry, Ireland, shortly after the arrival in America of Nathaniel Ewing and his half-brothers and sis- ter. Children of this union were : 1. Mary, born April i, 1767; died August 31, 1845, ^t Allegheny, Pennsylvania ; married Nathaniel Breading, as above stated. 2. William Porter, born May (or December) 19, 1769; died October 21, 1827, Fayette County, Pennsylvania; mar- ried Mary Conwell, 1791. They had a son, John H., born The Ewing Genealogy with Cognate Branches 13 October 5, 1796, Fayette County, Pennsylvania, who mar- ried a daughter of James Blaine, son of Colonel Ephraim Blaine of Revolutionary fame. It may be here remarked that this James Blaine was also the father of Ephraim Blaine II, who married Maria Gillespie, daughter of Neil Gillespie, Jr., and his wife, Miss Purcell, of Centerville, Washington County, Pennsylvania ; from which union were born seven children, among them the illustrious United States Senator and statesman from Maine, James G. Blaine, defeated for the Presidency of the United States by Grover Cleveland, in 1884. 3. Ellen (or Eleanor), born August 3, 1774; married William Oliphant ; lived and died near Marietta, Ohio. 4. Nathaniel, born April 10, 1772; died August 6, 1846, near Vincennes, Indiana. 5. James, born September 25, 1776; married Rebecca Morgan, and died 1859, in Missouri, leaving sons and daughters, having previously lived in Prince Edward Coun- ty, Virginia, where he married, subsequently removing in 1843-1844 to Chariton County, Missouri. Their youngest daughter married Dr. Dewey, of Keytesville, Missouri, to whom was born a daughter who married Andrew Mackay, of St. Louis, Missouri. He (George Ewing) was a Commissary under appoint- ment of Colonel Ephraim Blaine to purchase for the Army, and under this appointment he bought and sent goods, upon his own personal responsibility, to Washington's Army at Valley Forge, in the winter of 1777. The Government being unable to pay the debts he thus incurred, his individual property was all sold to satisfy them, leaving him and his family destitute ; he died, and the family was taken to Fay- ette County, Pennsylvania, 1786, by his son-in-law, Na- thaniel Breading. Nathaniel Ewing, son of George and grandson of the emigrant Nathaniel Ewing, married October i, 1793, Ann Breading. Their children were : Mary, born June 16, 1794; died November 3, 1865; married February 26, 1818, Dr. William Carr Lane. Rachel, born June 10, 1796; died Jan- uary 24, 1836; married May 3, 1820, Daniel Jencks, of Terre Haute, Indiana. George W. born March 4, 1798; died September 15, 1838; married May 11, 1837, Grace H. Law, Vincennes, Indiana. James, born April 6, 1800; died March 10, 1877; married July, i860, Eliza Shaw. Eliza, born August 3, 1802; died July, 1808. Sarah, born July 14 The Ewing Genealogy with CogiXate Beaxches 12, 1804; died March 10, 1877; married November 28, 1822, John Law. Harriet, born February 9, 1807; died August 10, 1877; married November 29, 1826, James Farrington. WiUiam Lane, born January 31, 1809; died October 2.2, 1873. CaroHne Sidney, born February 11, 181 1; married November 21, 1833, George W. Mears. Nathaniel, born April 13, 1815; died November, 1816. The father of these children, Nathaniel Ewing, the younger, was a man of remarkable ability. He was at one time head of the Newark Academy, Delaware, being induced to accept the position by his uncle. Rev. John Ewing, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He removed to Vincennes, In- diana, in 1807, to fill an appointment from the Government as Receiver of Public Moneys ; subsequently he became a member of the Territorial Legislature, and was distinguished for legislative talents of a high order; he was one of the men who, in spite of great opposition, insisted that Indiana, upon her admission to the Union, should be a free State. He died at Mont Clair, Indiana, in 1846, aged seventy-four, having exerted mentionable influence upon the period in which he lived.^ The descendants of Nathaniel Ewing have, in a marked degree, left their impress upon the history of St. Louis, and are still making history ; and to a very notable one of them, we now direct attention. William Lane Ewing, son of Nathaniel and Ann (Bread- ing) Ewing, was born at Mont Clair, the family homestead, near Vincennes, Indiana; and after enjoying a successful business career of several years, he embarked, on January I, 1839, in the wholesale grocery and commission business in St. Louis, Missouri, with Pierre A. Berthold and Louis P. Tesson. The firm of Berthold & Ewing won a high place in the business world, and was rapidly advancing to fame and fortune when, in 1849, the business was destroyed by fire. Mr. Ewing, nothing daunted by the unexpected calam- ity, soon resumed business under the name of William L. Ewing & Co., which became one of the largest establish- ments in the city. He was identified with many private and public enterprises, and was much honored; he was presi- dent of the Merchants National Bank, a member of the St. Louis Agricultural and Mechanical Association, was one of the original members of the Merchants' Exchange, and a stockhold er and director in numerous other enterprises of ^Scharf's History of St. Louis, Volume 1, page 717. The Ewing Genealogy with Cogxate Branches 15 importance to the city and State. He died October 26, 1873, at Dailey Springs, near Florence, Alabama, where he had gone for his health, and was buried in Calvary Cemetery, St. Louis, Missouri.' William Lane Ewing, married February,^ 1838, Claire Berthold, sister of his partner, Pierre A. Berthold, and daughter of Bartholomew and Pelagic C. Berthold. Their children were: Auguste Berthold, born April 6, 1839; mar- ried September 8, 1869, Mary McCausland. Ann Emily, born August 26, 1841. William Lane, born March 16, 1843; married July 17, 1883, Mary Fleming. Nathaniel P., born January 23, 1845; died May 13, 1846. Pelagic Isabel, born November 19, 1846; married October 4, 1865, Charles T. Taylor. George, born April 9, 1848; died September 6, 1853. James, born .April 13, 1850; died April 21, 1852. Ernest L., born July 14, 1851 ; died July 30, 1852. Emily Kennedy, born March 2, 1853; died February 13, 1869. Frederick Berthold, born March 2, 1853 ; died February 10, 1897; married September 11, 1878, J. Valle. Clara Louise, born September 7, 1855; married February 27, 1878, Wil- liam Sidney Wilson. Ann Emily Ewing, daughter of William Lane Ewing, married (i) July i, 1865, William Covington Mitchell, and (2) February 19, 1879, George W. Kerr. From her mar- riage with William Covington Mitchell was born a number of children, among them Clara Pelagic, born November 24, 1867; died April 20, 1901 ; married November 26, 1890, Malcolm Macbeth, a prominent real estate and financial agent of St. Louis, Missouri. Their children, Clara Mitchell Macbeth, born October 25, 1893; George Kerr, born Sep- tember 24, 1896; D. St. Julien, born September 13, 1898; Malcolm Mitchell, born April 20, 1901 ; Agnes Pearson, born and died April 20, 1901. A distinguished branch of the Ewings, which we accredit to this emigration, descends from Nathaniel Ewing, of or near Charlotte, and afterwards of Statesville, North Caro- lina, who was a soldier in the War of the Revolution, a member of Capt. James Houston's Company, and engaged in the battles of Ramsour's Mill, Kings Mountain and Cow- pens. He married a daughter of Col. Alexander Osborne,' and a son of this union was Adlai Osborne Ewing, who married Sophia Goodrich Gillespie Wallis. JScharfs History of St. Louis, Volume 1, page 717. =WheeIer's History of North Carolina, Vol. II, pp. 216, 232, 368. 2 16 The Ewing Genealogy with Cognate Branches A son of this last marriage, Jolin Wallis Ewing (1808- 1855), married Maria McClelland Stevenson (1802-1883), daughter of James Stevenson and Nancy Young Brevard/ in Christian County, Kentucky, October 12, 1830, later re- moving to Woodford County, Illinois. They had seven children : Adlai, died in infancy ; Nancy Jane, married E. B. Winchester in 1854, and they were the parents of five children ; James Stevenson,"" whose career has been else- where mentioned herein, married Catherine Spencer, June, 1866, and they were the parents of six children; William Gillespie, married Ruth Goodrich in April, 1865, and from this union there were three children : Henry A., married March, 1866, Elizabeth J. Merriman, of Hinsdale, Massa- chusetts, and from this marriage there were seven children ; Adlai Thomas, married Kate Hyde, of New York, and to them were born four children. Issue of Henry A. Ewing and Elizabeth J. Merriman : 1. Henry Wallis, born November 17, 1867; married August 5, 1893, Alice Elizabeth Sweet, born February 4, 1869. Children: Henry Wallis, born September 5, 1894; married March 3, 1918, Mary Arden Kelley, born Novem- ber 25, 1894. In the War with Germany, he was ist Lieut- enant, 131 Field Artillery, American Expeditionary Forces, in France, stationed at Coetquiban, 1918; Abbie Jane, born August I, 1897; Lucius Winchester, born May 31, 1901 ; Lawrence B., bom May 31, 1901, died 1902; Alice Sweet, born January 6, 1906, and Adlai Merriman, born August 24, 191 2. 2. May Brevard, born December 24, 1869; married June 15, 1893, Charles F. Scott, born September 7, 1866. Child- ren : Ewing Carruth, born August 28, 1894; Ruth Merri- man, born December 30, 1897; Angelo Campbell, born November 17, 1899; Charles F., born February 14, 1908. 3. Adlai Merriman, born January 22, 1872; married June 16, 1896, Mary Ella Taylor, born August i, 1875. Child: Anne McMillin, born January 30, 1897. 4. Elliott Winchester, born April 13, 1874; died August 19, 1891. 5. Richard Avery, born May 20, 1877, married Lulu Jane Myers, February 22, 1900. Children : Elizabeth Merriman, born March. 6, 1901 ; James B., born September 'History and Genealogical Record of the Stevenson Family, by Rev. Samuel Harris Stevenson, 1900. nVho's Who in America, 1906-1907, page 567. The Ewing Genealogy with Cognate Brancties 17 ]8, 1902; Grace Vernon, born September 16, 1904; Ruth born December 23, 1907. 6. Ruth Stevenson, born May 4, 1880; married Perry O. Hanson, June, 1902. Children: Eleanor, born July 14, 1903; Richard Ewing, born October 31, 1905; Ada ]vuth, born September 8, 1907; Margaret Merriman, born July 12, 1909; Elizabeth Moody, born September 13, 1914. 7. Sarah Catherine, born December 8, 1882; married Alexander R. Stroup, June 29, 1907. Children : Wilson Elliott, born May 2, 1908; Henry Ewing, born March 22, 1910; Robert D., born May 21, 1912; Mary Elizabeth, born November 8, 1914. Eliza Ann Ewing, born October 20, 1809, was the daugh- ter of Adlai Osborne Ewing and Sophia Goodrich Gillespie, and hence a sister of John Wallis Ewing. She married John Turner Stevenson (1808- 1857), son of James Steven- son and Nancy Young Brevard, and from this union was born, October 23, 1835, the distinguished statesman before mentioned, Adlai Ewing Stevenson, twice Democratic nominee for Vice President of the United States.^ The other children of this union were, Sophia Elizabeth, lorn July 23, 1833; James Bell, born October 10, 1838; died December 11, 1889; William W., born August 15, 1840; Eielding Alexander, born September 23, 1844; John Calvin, born September 27, 1847, and Thomas W., born August 16, 1 85 1. Adlai Ewing Stevenson, married December 20, 1866, Letitia Green, who was born January 8, 1843. Their children were, Lewis Green, born August 15, 1868; Mary Eliza, born September 18, 1872; died January 18, 1895; Julia Scott, born June 30, 1874, and Letitia Ewing, born June 22, 1876. Still another branch of this emigration is the family of George Ewing, identified with the early history of Houston, Texas, where his son, Nathaniel Ewing, a prominent citizen, now resides. He was a companion of Bowie and Travis, and an Alcalde of Austin's First Colony, in the days of the Republic. The descendants of this emigration, often referred to as the Cecil County emigration, are scattered throughout the Union, with their firm impress everywhere on the Nation's progress, but they are perhaps more numerous in Pennsyl- vania, Virginia, parts of Kentucky and Tennessee, and in Indiana and Illinois, than in the other States. nVho's Who in America. 190X1905. page 1420. CHAPTER IV WILLIAM EWING, EMIGRANT: HIS BIRTH, CHILDREN, AND FAMILY DISTINCTION WILLIAM EWING was, as we have seen, of unmixed Scotch ancestry, but was probably born in County Londonderry, Ireland, about 1710, and there married to an Irish girl, making his descendants Scotch-Irish, as they unquestionably are. It has also been shown that this emigrant first settled in Pennsylvania, and later removed to Virginia, where he died, and that some of the family then took up their abode in Georgia, descendants branching out to other States, notably Texas. The children* of the emigrant, William Ewing, were as follows : 1. Henry, whose career and descendants will be given in a succeeding chapter. 2. Andrew, whose career and descendants will also be given in a separate chapter. 3. John, whose career and children will be similarly stated in a separate chapter. 4. Elizabeth, married Hugh Devier. 5. Nancy, married a Mr. Hogshett. We have no record of the descendants of these daughters. True to the family distinction in the old country, de- scendants of the emigrant William soon became prominent in America. Henry Ewing, one of the sons, removed to Kentucky, where he has descendants, some of them quite noted for achievements of a high order. Andrew Ewing, another son, removed to Tennessee, where he was actively connected with the early development of Nashville, having been one of its founders. His de- scendants are numerous, many of them quite prominent, *The names of children are numbered 1, 2, 3, etc.; grandchildren are numbered (1), (2), (3), etc.; and where clearness requires, great grandchildren are numbered 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc., after which letters are used. (18) The Ewinq Genealogy with Cognate Branches 19 among whom are included Judge Robert Ewing, a man of lofty character and splendid abihties, who made as Mayor of the City of Nashville an enviable record. Caruthers Ewing, the eminent lawyer of Memphis, Ten- nessee, is probably of this branch, but authentic information to that effect has not been obtained. Another worthy scion of the family is Felix Grundy Ewing, now living like his ancestors did of old, at his country-seat, "Glen Raven," near Cedar Hill, Tennessee, maternally descended from the illustrious Felix Grundy (1777-1840), born in Virginia, Chief Justice of Kentucky (1807), twice a member of Congress from Tennessee, in 1829 a Senator and an active supporter of President Jack- son, and (1838) appointed Attorney General of the United States.' ^The International Cyclopedia, Volume VII, page 126. CHAPTER V HENRY EWING, SON OF EMIGRANT WILLIAM EWING : HIS CAREER AND DESCENDANTS *nENRY EWING eldest son of the emigrant William Ewing, was the first Justice of the Peace for Rockingham County, Virginia, and Clerk of the Court, 1782-1792; removed in 1792 to Hardin County, Kentucky, where he died. He married Jane Rodg- ers : Issue : (i) John Ewing (Henry, William), born 1761, died August 14, 1796; moved with his father to Hardin County, Kentucky, and died there; married Sallie Davis (father Walter Davis), who died in Christian County, Kentucky, 1805. Issue : 1ST. Henry Clayton Ewing (John, Henry, William), born December 7, 1788; died March 17, 1855. Owing to his father's death when he v/as still a child, he became the ward of his great uncle, Andrew Ewing (William), of Nashville, Tennessee, and later became Deputy Clerk under Nathan Ewing. He married Elizabeth Hill (daughter of Dan Hill), January 12, 1815. Issue: (a) John Hill Ewing, born March 10, 1816; died No- vember 21, 1885; married (first) Susan H. Goodwin, No- vember 8, 1838. Issue: (aa) Henry Clayton Ewing, born November 18, 1839; died January 8, 1862; married Elizabeth May, i860, and had a daughter, Henry. (bb) William Goodwin, born January 17, 1842; died July 30, 1882; married (first) Sallie House, 1866. Issue: Mary Hamilton, born March 14, 1868. He mar- ried (second) Martha Hillman, October 25, 1870. Is- sue: Henry Clayton, born August 11, 1871 ; Susan, born October 7, 1872, married Henry M. Harris, De- cember 6, 1893 ; John Hill, born March 24, 1874; Grace, born October 8, 1875; George Hillman, born August 28, 1877; Andrewena, born January 13, 1881. (cc) Alice, born January 8, 1844; died March 26, 1881 ; married William Donelson, December 17, 1870. Issue: Mary Elizabeth, born May 6, 1872; John, born •To Dr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Fox (q. v.) we are indebted for information of the births, marriages and deaths of the descendants of the emigrant William. (20) The Ewixg Genealogy with Cognate Branches 21 February 12, 1874; Alice Ewin, born October 18, 1876, died January 7, 1892; W'ena, born May 12, 1880. (dd) Susan Goodwin, born February 22, 1846; married Frank O. Anderson, September 19, 1867. Issue: Garland E., born July 21, 1868; Mary E., born September 15, 1870; Susan M., born February 5, 1873; Alfred E., born February 10, 1883. (ee) Andrewena. born June 4, 1848; married Wil- liam Perkins May, November 25, 1875. Issue: Eliza- beth, born October 9, 1878; Annie, born December 5, 1881 ; Susan Ewin, born January 17, 1886. He (John Hill Ewing) married (second) Catherine (De Graffinreid) Perkins, a widow, February, 1855. Issue: (aa) James W, P., born November 12, 1855. (bb) Catherine D., born October 25, 1857. (cc) Lucinda, born September 15, 1859. (dd) John Overton, born August 5, 1881 ; married Adair Humphries, November, 1887. Issue: Lucy Herndon, born June 16, 1889; James, born June 22, 1891. (ee) Elizabeth, born December 24, 1863; married Abram Martin Baldwin, June 7, 1887. Issue: Abram Martin, born April 14, 1888; Katherine, born July 23, 1890. (ff) Benjamin Russ De Graffinreid, born August 7, 1866. (b) Lucinda G., born December 27, 1817; died March 2^, 1883, in Clarksville, Tennessee; married May 23, 1837, James H. Wright, born in Virginia, November 16, 1812; died March 17, 1856. Issue: (aa) Susan Rowena Wright, born February 20, 1839; died April 21, 1879; married Edmond Turnley, April 2/, 1858. Issue: James Harvey, born March 9, 1859; married Sallie Jetton Carney, November 18, 1885. Edwin Perry, born April 24, 1862; married Willie Golladay, October 22, 1884; children, Nettie, born January 29, 1888, and Robert Moseley, born Janu- ary 9, 1890. Lucinda Garner, born February 10, 1869; died July, 1869. William Wright, born October, 1870; died June, 1879. Nettie, born September 8, 1872. (bb) Elizabeth Hill, born August 29, 1842, died March 23, 1863, unmarried. (cc) Henry Clayton, born June 30, 1844; died June 19, 1845. 22 The Ewiisq Genealogy with Cogxate Lraxches (dd) Florence, born April 8, 1846; married Mar- cellus Turnley, January 23, 1867. Issue: Emma, born December 11, 1867; married Dr. Pike Adair, June 2.'j, 1888. Alpha Wright, born August 2}^, 1869; married Joseph W. Alford, September 9, 1891 ; child, Florence, born January 3, 1893. Susan W., born December i, 1870; married Thomas J. Flood, May 6, 1891. Lu- cinda Ewin, born December 2},, 1874; died January 11, 1875. Mary Hester, born November 14, 1879. Mattie Ewin, born June 2^, 1883; died September 5, 1884. (ee) Jennetta Pendleton, born December 16, 1848. (ff) William Hickman Ewin, born August 5, 1851 ; married September, 1878, Martha A. Neblett, who died at Clarksville, Tennessee, September 9, 1894. Issue: William H., born and died 1879; Elizabeth Hill, born September, 1880; Anna Neblett, born 1882; John Ewin, born about 1884. {gg) Martha Ewing, born Januar}' 29, 1853; died April 23, 1891 ; married April 7, 1887, R. M. Scott, who died at Cordile, Georgia, May 26, 1890. Issue: Flor- ence E., born February 13, 1888, and John Wright, born December 17, 1889. ] (hh) James Harvey, born February 25, 1855; died July 31, 1855. (c) Sallie Davis, born June 12, 1820; died 1865, un- married. (d) Martha Hill, born April 4, 1822; died May, 1852, unmarried. (e) William Hickman, born December 3, 1824; died December 5, 1867, unmarried. (f) Jennetta Hall, born July i, 1827; died June 9, 1850; married John T. Pendleton, October 21, 1846. Children: Henry Ewin, born 1847, died unmarried, and James K., born and died 1850. (g) Watts Davis, born March 29, 1830; died October 29, 1855; married Georgianna Sebree, October 25, 1853. Child: Martha S., born 1854, died 1855. (h) Mary Elizabeth, born April 2, 1833; married Wil- liam P. Cannon, February 21, 1856. Children: William Perkins, born January 31, 1858; John Hill, born September 6, 1859; Thomas F. P., born September 24, 1861 ; Elizabeth Ewin, born August i, 1863, married O. Boxby, December 6, 1894. (i) Theresa Green, born September 17, 1836; married The Ewixo Gexealoqt with Cogxate Branches 23 Samuel F. Perkins, June 29, 1858; lived in Franklin, Ten- nessee. Issue : (aa) Leah Letitia Perkins, born April 30, 1859; married Leland Jordan, January 15, 1879. Children: Theresa A., born November 10, 1879; Samuel Per- kins, born April 23, 1881 ; Mary, bom December 28, 1883; Leland, born March 14, 1885; Letitia Perkins, born April 21, 1887; Montfort, born March 11, 1889; Elizabeth Ev.in, born September 10, 1891, and Martha, born December 6, 1893. (bb) Elizabeth Ewin, born May 11, i860; married John H. Henderson, May 21, 1879. Children: Sam- uel, born July 24, 1880; died July 21, 1881. Thomas Feam Perkins, born May 9, 1882; Theresa Ewin, born April 26, 18S5; John Hughes, born June 2-j, 1888, and Sally, born October 25, 1892. (cc) Thomas Feam, born March 12, 1863; ^^^'^ January 29, 1872, unmarried. (dd) Samuel F. and Theresa, twins, born Febru- ary 3, 1865; former died January, 1866, unmarried, and latter married Frank Y. McGavock, October 15, 1884. Children : Theresa Perkins, born May 28, 1885, and Louise Grundy, born June 3, 1890. 2ND. Watts Davis Ewing (John, Henry, William), born January, 1791 ; engaged in mercantile business where Tren- ton, Kentucky, now stands; in 1818 moved to Nashville, Tennessee, and settled on a farm near what is now Fayette- ville, where he remained until his death. Married his cousin, Margaret Donley. Issue : (a) William Ewing, dates of birth and marriage not ascertained, nor name of wife. Children, three sons : Charles, Robert and William. (b) Charles died when a lad about eleven years old. (c) Ephemia died at about twenty-two years of age. (d) John, said to have married and had nine daughters. (e) Henry, dates and name of wife not known; had two sons, Edwin and Henry. 24 Tjie Ewing Genealogy with Cognate Bkanches (f) Watts. (g) James. 3RD. Jennetta Ewing (John, Henry, William), married Edwin Hall, of Virginia ; moved with him to Kentucky. Issue : One child. 4TH. John Ewing (John, Henry, \\'illiani) died in in- fancy. (2) Henry (Henry, William), no record of him. (3) Andrew (Henry, William) is said to have had sons who lived in Southwestern Missouri. (4) Sally (Henry, William), married John Davis. Chil- dren : Margaret, Martha, Ewin, James, John and Allen ; two last moved to Franklin County, Missouri, in 1820. CHAPTER VI ANDREW EWING, SON OF THE EMIGRANT WILLIAM EWING: HIS CAREER AND DESCENDANTS ANDREW EWING son of the emigrant William, was born March 15, 1740; died April 30, 1813. He married Susannah, daughter of Thomas Shannon, of Virginia, and moved from Rockingham County, Virginia, to Tennessee in 1780, and settled at the present site of Nashville. He was one of the founders of the City of Nashville, was one of the Commissioners in laying off the town, and in 1783 became Clerk of the Court of Davidson County, which then embraced a large portion of the State, and held this position until his death. Citizens of Nashville erected a granite shaft, in the Court House square, in his memoiy and that of his associates. It may be noted too that his wife was one of the founders of the First Presbyterian church of Nashville, now the largest church in that city. Issue : (i) Andrew Ewing (Andrew, William), born July i, 1768; died May i, 1830; married Sarah, daughter of Wil- liam Hickman. No issue. (2) Margaret Ewing (Andrew, William), born June 4, 1769; died June i, 1862; married Andrew Castleman. Issue, as far as known : Robert, and Cinthia, married Professor Richard Beard, D. D., of Princeton, New Jersey. (3) William Ewing (Andrew, William), born Novem- ber 29, 1771 ; died November 24, 1845; niarried Margaret Love, May 26, 1795. Issue: 1ST. Andrew B. Ewing (William, Andrew, William), born July 27, 1796; died May 15, 1880. He was born on the "Granny White" Pike, near Nashville, Tennessee; was a physician ; tv/ice President of the Medical Society of Tennessee, and several times President of the County So- ciety. He married Eliza McGavock, daughter of Captain Hugh McGavock, at Max Meadows, Virginia, May i, 1821. Issue : (a) William Ewing (Andrcv»' B., William, Andrew, William), born May 2, 1823; married (first) Lucinda Mc- Gavock, of Max Meadows, Virginia, and (second) Lida Withers. He served both in the Mexican War and Confed- erate Army, in the latter in command of a company of cavalry at the time of his death. He was Representative of 26 The Ewing Genealogy with Cognate Beanches Williamson County, Tennessee, in 1861. Issue by Lucinda : (aa) Andrew B. Ewing (William, Andrew B., Wil- liam, Andrew, William), born July 25, 1851 ; married February 8, 1882, Blanche, daughter of Edwin Crutcher. (bb) Joseph William, born February 17, 1853; died January 16, 1889, unmarried. (cc) Lillie Eliza, born March 24, 1855; married William J. Brown, October 25, 1882. Children : Susie Elizabeth, born August 26, 1887; William Johnston, born January 27, 1890; Milton Ewing, born May 10, 1895- Issue by Lida : (aa) William Milton (William, Andrew B., Wil- liam, Andrew, William), born December 9, 1862; mar- ried Maggie, daughter of D. F. Mills, May 18, 1886. Children: Milton M., born January 21, 1887; died March, 1887. William D., born May, 1889. Marga- rette, born 1891. (b) Hugh McGavock Ewing (Andrew B., William, An- drew, William), born December 11, 1824. (c) Randal Milton Ewing (Andrew B., William, An- drew, William), born June i, 1829; resided in Franklin, Tennessee; was appointed Attorney General of the Ninth Judicial Circuit of Tennessee when the State seceded in 1861, and again held the same ofifice in 1864-1865; was elected Vice President of the Tennessee Bar Association, 1884-1885 ; married Mary Ellen, daughter of James Rodgers McGavock, September 13, 1853. Issue: (aa) Carrie Eliza Ewing (Randal Milton, Andrew B., William, Andrew, William), born September 17, 1854. (bb) Charles Andrew, born September 25, 1857; married Sarah Elizabeth Owen, November 22, 1887. Children: Pleasant Andrew, born February 23, 1889; John Owen, born December 26, 1890, and Ellen, born June 20, 1893. (cc) Francis McGavock, born December 26, 1861 ; married Eliza McClung, daughter of John Marshall, January 15, 1892. Children: Randal, born and died December 26, 1892, and John Marshall, born September 3, 1894. (dd) William F., born February 20, 1864. The Ewino Genevlogy with Cognate Branches 27 (d) Andrew J. Ewing (Andrew B., William, Andrew, William), born May 17, 1835; died about 1890, unmarried. (e) Susan Mary Ewing (Andrew B., William, Andrew, William), born January 2, 1841. (f) Ann Eliza Ewing (Andrew B., William, Andrew, William), born August i, 1843. 2ND. Joseph Love Ewing (William, Andrew, William), born May 31, 1798; died 1864; married Sarah E., daughter of David McGavock, November 11, 1824. 3RD. Felix Grundy Ewing (William, Andrew, William), born September 2, 1800; married Sarah McRorry, Septem- ber 2, 1824. 4TH. Susannah Shannon Ewing (William, Andrew, Wil- liam), born July 4, 1804; married Major William Harts- field, April 4, 1838. 5TH. Milton P. Ewing (William, Andrew, William), born April 4, 1806; died September 28, 1837, unmarried. 6th. Eliza Milford Ewing (William, Andrew, William), born December 24, 1807; married James G. Dunaway, Jan- uary 3, 1828. 7TH. William L. Ewing (William, Andrew, William), bom November i, 1890; married Nancy R. Thompson, Feb- ruary 16, 1832. 8th. Jesse H. Ewing (William, Andrew, William), born September 10, 181 1; married Martha Jane, daughter of Matthew Johnson, of Williamson County, Tennessee, Janu- ary 7, 1841. 9TH. Cyrus G. Ewing (William, Andrew, William), born September 26, 1813; died November 27, 1835, un- married. lOTH. Margaret A. Ewing (William, Andrew, William), born December 11, 1815; married (first) Dr. Andrew J. White, December 7, 1835; married (second) Dr. Robert Glass; married (third) Mr. D. Cameron. iiTH. Mary Jane Ewing (William, Andrew, William), born October 5, 1817; married Pleasant A. Smith, February 16, 1837. Issue: (a) William C. Smith (Mary Jane, William, Andrew, William). (b) Pleasant A., married Martha Thompson Hamilton, October 18, 1866. Children: William Ewing Smith, born January 15, 1868; Mary Hamilton, born August 15, 1873; Nannie F., born August 30, 1878, and Nellie French, born February 23, 1882. 28 The Ewino Genealogy with Cognate Branches (4) Amelia Ewing (Andrew, William), born January 7, 1774; died November, 1836; married in Nashville, Ten- nessee, 1795, Moses Speer, who died July 11, 1840, in Hous- ton County, Texas, said to be a descendant of an Irish baron, Henry Speer, residing in County Londonderry. She removed to Texas in 1833. Issue: 1ST. Andrew Ewing Speer (Amelia, Andrew, William), born March 27, 1796; died 1837; married Elizabeth Wil- liams. Issue: (a) John Ewing .Speer, born 1826. (b) Susan, born 1831 ; married A. P. Scruggs. Child: Rosa Vulnor, born 1868. 2ND. Moses G. Speer (Amelia, Andrew, William), born January 9, 1798; died 1814, unmarried. 3RD. Jesse Lee Speer (Amelia, Andrew, William), born December 4, 1799; died 1890. 4TH. James Green Hill Speer (Amelia, Andrew, Wil- liam), born July 28, 1801 ; died 1832; married Eliza O'Brien. Issue : (a) .Sarah Amelia Speer, married Mr. Jackson. (b) John Moses, married, but date of marriage and name of wife not obtained. Child : William. (c) Mary Ann, born March, 1832; married Mr. Bartlett. 5TH. Thomas Hickman Speer (Amelia, Andrew, Wil- liam), born June 6, 1803; died 1838. 6th. Nathan Ewing Speer (Amelia, Andrew, William), born May i, 1805; died 1870; married 1830, Eliza Jane, daughter of Erancis P. Blair, of District of Columbia. Chil- dren : George; "Bettie," died 1872; married Dr. Fisher. 7TH. Edward Young Speer (Amelia, Andrew, Wil- liam), born April 11, 1807; died 1881. 8th. Mary W. Speer (Amelia, Andrew, William), born January 9, 1809; died 1849; married Rev. G. Garrett, No- vember 15, 1832. Issue: (a) Mary Susan Garrett, born April 11, 1834; married Rev. James A. Peebles, June 11, 1855; lived in Arkansas. Issue: (aa) Seth G. Peebles, born August 11, 1856; mar- ried Tennie Jackson, 1883. (bb) Maria D., born July 16, 1858; married Eugene Skillern, October 16, 1878. Children: Eugene Ander- son, born November 21, 1879; Mary Gertrude, born February 20, 1882; Valeria, born June 20, 1885; Julia The Ewixg Genealogy with Cogxate Bbaxciies 29 Garrett, born July i6, 1887; Lottie, born September 21, 1889; William Albert, born October 28, 1891 ; Minnie P., born March 2, 1894. (cc) Julia A., born June 14, i860; married C. W. Garner, January 12, 1881. Children: Myrtle A., born January 13, 1882; died November, 1882. Walter, born and died November, 1882. Laura Irene, born Novem- ber, 1883. William, born July, 1886; died December, 1886. (dd) John William, born November 25, 1862. (ee) James Albert, born March 18, 1864; died July, 1864. (ff) Mary Elizabeth, born March 19, 1866; mar- ried John A. McClure, October i, 1889. Children: Florence, born July 17, 1890. Grace, born March 10, 1892; died March 11, 1893. John Peebles, born De- cember 31, 1893. (gg) Alberta G., born August 14, 1873; died Sep- tember, 1873. (b) Ann Amelia, born March 13, 1837; married Wil- liam Wallace, September 11, 1863. (c) Helen J., born January 23, 1841 ; married John A. Billups, December 24, 1867. No issue. (d) William Andrew, born August 3, 1843; <^ied July 28, 1861, unmarried. (e) Emma F., born November 24, 1846; married (first) Goodwyn My rick, December 31, 1878, and (second) F. M. Whitehead, November, 1890. No issue. 9TH. John Fletcher Speer (Amelia, Andrew, William), born December 10, 181 1 ; died 1846. lOTH. Samuel W. Speer (Amelia, Andrew, William), born August 15, 1813; was a distinguished divine in Ken- tucky. He married (first) Abigail Wilmath in 1837, ^"^ (second) Antoinette, daughter of John Bliss, of Witherham, Massachusetts, August 20, 1850. Child by Abigail, a daugh- ter, Abigail. Children by Antoinette : John Bliss, died in infancy ; Charles Ewing, died in childhood ; Harriet, died aged 9 years; Samuel Marshall, died aged 19 years. iiTH. Susan S. Speer (Amelia, Andrew, William), bom April 12, 1815; married William McPherson, September 21, 1837. She went to Talladega County, Alabama, 1835, and organized the first school for girls in the county, at that time of the Creek Indian Nation. Issue : 30 The Ewing Genealogy with Cog.nate Branches (a) Harriett Janetta McPherson, born October 25, 1841 ; married H. J. Hamilton, a farmer, October 29, i860, in Fayetteville, Alabama. Issue : (aa) Daisy Ezelle Hamilton, born December 29, 1863; married Rufus P. Loony, October 25, 1884. Chil- dren: Rufus Linton Loony, born August 10, 1885; Annie Louise, born February 2, 1887; Hamilton, born January 25, 1889. (bb) Susan Stella, born November 14, 1866. (cc) Hudson, born November 14, 1868; married Ruby Avereth, December 7, 1893. Child : Erma, bom October 14, 1894. (dd) Ida Lucila, born September 2;^, 1873. (ee) Jannetta, born May 5, 1876. (ff ) Jessie Ewing, born July 16, 1878. (gg) Margaret Williamson, born March 16, 1881. (hh) Robert Irvin, born March 30, 1885. (b) William G., born February 9, 1844; married Miss Wallis, February 9, 1873, near Fayetteville, Alabama. Child: Wallis D., born October 22, 1873. (c) Robert J., born January 4, 1846; died March i, 1884; married Annabella Love, March 13, 1880, near York, Nebraska. Children : (aa) Jesse William, bom December 13, 1880. (bb) Bessie, born December 25, 1882. (d) Margaret Roxana, born August 28, 1848; married James Mims, a merchant, January 15, 1868, at Fayetteville, Alabama, and lived at Oxford, Alabama. Issue : (aa) Eleanor, born March 31, 1870; married Kin- alder W. Hawly, December 28, 1892. (bb) Charles McPherson, born July 29, 1873, (cc) James William, born June 20, 1876. (dd) Susan Elizabeth, born February 18, 1879. (ee) Mary Lou, born September, 1883. (ff) Samuel McPherson, born October 12, 1891. (e) Charles C, born February 7, 1851 ; became a bank- er; married Louise Lehnhofif, November 25, 1884, near Lin- coln, Nebraska. (f) Samuel Speer, born June 25, 1855; was a farmer; married Anna K. Kelly, August 25, 1881, at Wetumpka, Alabama. I2TH. Margaret C. Speer (Amelia, Andrew, William), born February 12, 1817; died 1877; married Thomas Lew- ellen, 1837. The EvriNG Genealogy with Cognate Branches 31 (5) Nathan Ewing (Andrew, William), born February II, 1776; died at Nashville, Tennessee, May i, 1830; mar- ried Sarah, daughter of Daniel Hill, who died at Nashville in 1855; moved to Tennessee in 1780 and was Clerk of the County Court of Davidson County from 1813 until his death. Issue : 1ST. John Overton Ewing (Nathan, Andrew, William), born 1800; died 1826; married Lemira, daughter of William Douglass in Louisville, Kentucky, November 6, 1823. He was a physician, began the practice of medicine in Nash- ville with Dr. A. G. Ewing as partner, under the firm name, J. O. & A. G. Ewing; he had established a high character in his profession before his death. His widow married Major John Boyd and died June 12, 1838. Issue : (a) Hill Ewing, who died in infancy. (b) John Overton, born August 2^, 1826; died October 8, 1866; married (first) January, 1843, Margaret (daughter of Alex Campbell, who died October 22, 1848; married (sec- ond) Sarah E., daughter of John M. Bass, of Nashville, Tennessee, December 14, 1852. Issue by Margaret: Alex. Overton Ewing, born May 22, 1848; died October 5, 1849. Issue by Sarah : (aa) John Bass Ewing, born January 28, 1855. (bb) Boyd, born August 8, 1856 ; died April 3, 1897. (cc) Felix Grundy, born August 8, 1858; married Jane, daughter of George Washington, of Robertson County, Tennessee, October 28, 1891. (dd) Henry Overton, born May i, i860; died March 16, 1905; married Minnie, daughter of H. S. Chamberlain of Chattanooga, Tennessee, January 20, 1892. Children: Margaret Louise, born March 5, 1893 ; Rosalind, born July 28, 1894; Winifred, born De- cember 21, 1898. (ee) Malvene Bass, born March 24, 1865; married Dr. William H. Fox, of Washington, D. C, December 31, 1889. 2ND. Henry Ewing (Nathan, Andrew, William), bom 1802; died 1846-1847; married Susan, daughter of Samuel Grundy, and sister of Hon. Felix Grundy. He was Clerk of the Court of Davidson County, Tennessee, and later moved to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Issue: (a) Lemira Ewing, married William S. Eakin, a mer- chant of Nashville. Child: Hugh. 3 32 The Ewixg Genealogy with Cognate Branches (b) Sarah, married Thomas Eaken, a banker of New- York. Children : Henry, died unmarried ; Susan, died un- married; Jeannie; Thomas. 3RD. Albert G. Ewing (Nathan, Andrew, William), born 1804; died 1872; married (first) Jane C, daughter of Alex. Campbell, and married (second) Mary Jane Marsilliott. He was a Campbellite minister and moved from Tennessee to Illinois (Eureka and Bloomington). Issue by Jane C. : (a) Margaret Ewing, married Joseph H. Pendleton, a lawyer, October 31, 1848, at Bethany, Virginia, and lived in Wheeling, West Virginia. Issue: Joseph Minor; John Overton; Henry Harwood; Ida Ewing, married F. P. Jep- son, having a child, Evelyn Ewing; Virginia Campbell, mar- ried A. N. Wilson, child John Overton Pendleton ; Margaret Josephine, married G. S. Hughes, child John Overton Pen- dleton ; Elizabeth Winston. (b) Henry, died at birth. (c) Sarah, married J. W. Bush at Bethany, Virginia, who was a planter and lived at Huntsville, Texas. Children : Fanny Overton, married Mr. Lee; Kate Ewing, married Mr. Heflin; Rawlings; Sarah, married Mr, London; Ewing; Leonard, Mattie, and Etta. Issue of Albert G. Ewing by Mary Jane : (a) Rowena Ewing, married James B. Stevenson in Eureka, Illinois, and lived at Coulton, California. Child : Anna, married Mr. Bullis. (b) Jane, married Mr. Davidson, Eureka, Illinois. Child : Annie. (c) Alberta, died 1872, unmarried. 4TH. Orville Ewing (Nathan, Andrew, William), born February 6, 1806; died October 10, 1876; married (first) Milbrey H., daughter of Josiah Williams, in Nashville, Ten- nessee, January 26, 1832, and married (second) Susan C. Avery, a widow, in Groton, Connecticut, October 17, 1866. He was a banker, president of the Planters Bank of Nash- ville, the precusor of the American National Bank of Nash- ville; lived in Nashville; died at Gainesville, Florida. No issue by Susan C. Issue by Milbrey H. : (a) Margaretta Williams Ewing, born February 21, 1833; died October, 1849, unmarried. (b) Edwin H., born January 19, 1835; died July 26, 1873, in Nashville, Tennessee, where he was a merchant; married Emma, daughter of Alex. Eakin, June 10, 1856, in Shelbyville, Tennessee. Issue : The Ewing Genealocv with Coonate Branches 33 (aa) Alexander Ewing, born February 26, 1857; died August 4, 1858. (bb) Milbrey, born February 29, 1859; married Edwin H. Fall, October 10, 1878. Children: Thomas Malone, born September 16, 1881 ; Margaret Eakin, born July 9, 1887, and Edward Hicks, born November 29, 1889. (cc) James, born May 25, 1861 ; died December 31, 1873. (dd) Andrew, born March 13, 1866; died Septem- ber 13, 1891, unmarried. (ee) Edwin H., born March 29, 1868. (ff) Emma, born November 4, 1872; married Wal- ter Keith, January 11, 1893. Child: Milbrey, born Oc- tober 22, 1893. (c) Albert G., born October 30, 1836; was a lumber merchant; lived in Nashville, Tennessee; married Harriet or Henrietta, daughter of Mark Cockrell, November 8. 1865, in Nashville. Issue: (aa) Rowena Ewing, born November 11, 1866; married Risley P. Lawrence, October 8, 1884. Chil- dren: Risley P., born September 9, 1885; died August 22, 1886; Albert Ewing, born September 7, 1887; Thompson, born March 11, 1889; Benjamin Pontz, born November 24, 1890; Rowena E., born February 3- 1893. (bb) Albert G., born January 27, 1868. (cc) Susan, born May 31, 1869; died March 13, 1870. (dd) Mark C, born December 31, 1870. (ee) Orville, born May 5, 1872. (ff) Mary, born September 15, 1873. (gg) Edgar, born March 7, 1875; died August 24, 1875. (hh) Milbrey, born July 6, 1876. (ii) Harrietta, born March 16, 1878. (jj) Robertson C, born April i, 1880; died April 13, 1880. (kk) Margaret, born August 28, 1884. (d) Rowena W., born July 7. 1838; married October 2, 1865, John C. Thompson, a distinguished lawyer of Nash- ville, Tennessee. Children : Ewing, born November 24, 1866. Morgan, born October 26, 1868; died May 3, 1893, 34 The Ewing Genealogy with Cognate Branches unmarried. Albert E., born January 28, 1871 ; died Novem- ber 30, 1874. (e) Henry, born December 23, 1840; died June 13, 1873; was a a journalist; lived in Nashville, Tennessee, and St. Louis, Missouri; married Emma, daughter of Edwin T. Burr, in Batesville, Arkansas. Issue : (aa) Katheryne Burr, born November 9, 1865; married (first) Alfred Rhodas, child Leigh E., born August T.'j, 1886; married (second) George T. Pum- pelly. (bb) Henry, born May 21, 1867; married June 21, 1888, Laila, daughter of Ira Rowe. Children : Laila, born April 7, 1889; Katheryne, born January 9, 1891 ; Milbrey, born October 11, 1892. (cc) Edwina B., born August 2-], 1872. (f) Orville, born February 5, 1843; hardware and lum- ber merchant in Nashville, Tennessee; married July 25, 1865, Irene, daughter of W. E. Watkins. Issue: (aa) Jane Watkins, born December 5, 1866; mar- ried James L. Morrow, February 28, 1889. Children: Irene, born May 19, 1890; Elizabeth, born December 22, 1891 ; James L., born November 14, 1893. (bb) Margaret, born October 10, 1868; died No- vember 16, 1876. (cc) Orville, born October 25, 1870; died Septem- ber 5, 1871. (dd) Samuel Watkins, born June 28, 1872; died October 30, 1876. (ee) Evans, born October 23, 1875. (ff ) Orville, born September 14, 1881. (g) Josiah Williams, born July 21, 1848; married Jen- nie, daughter of Pryor Smith, of Rome, Georgia. Child : Annie, born April, 1873. 5TH. Edwin Hickman Ewing (Nathan, Andrew, Wil- liam), born December 2, 1809; was a lawyer of Murfrees- boro, Tennessee; member of United States House of Rep- resentatives (1845-1847) ; married Rebecca P., daughter of Josiah Williams, December 20, 1832. He (Edwin H. Ewing), was one of the great lawyers of Tennessee; served by special appointment of Judge of Tennessee Supreme Court, and was instrumental in establishing Peabody Col- lege in Nashville. Issue: (a) Josiah W. Ewing, born August 11, 1834; died Aug- The Ewing Genealogy with Cognate Branches 35 ust 4, 1890; married Ada B. Hord, November 21, 1855. Issue : (aa) Thomas, born September 4, 1856; married Kate Tutt, of Elizabeth, New Jersey. No children. (bb) Orville, born 1864; married Evie Orman. Child : Orman. (cc) Emmet, born August 21, 1867. (dd) Josephine, born January 20, 1871 ; died Sep- tember, 1895; married Walter D. Fox, May 17, 1892. (b) Jane C, born December 30, 1836; died February 14, 1871 ; married (first) December 3, 1856, Emmet Eakin, and (second) August 17, 1868, Dr. James Wendell. Issue by Emmet Eakin : (aa) Rowena, born December 3, 1857; married April 3, 1879, Dr. G. W. Overall. Children: George, born November 10, 1880; died November 11, 1880, and Ada, born October 12, 1882; died October 13, 1882. (bb) Arthur, born January 6, i860; died 1882, un- married. (cc) Florence, born April 23, 1862; married James H. Reed, May 24, 1881. Children: Ethel, born June 30, 1882; Lovie, born April 12, 1884; \\'il!iam, born September 20. 1885; Emmet, bom April 10, 1888; James, born November 29, 1891 ; Ellis Baskette, born October 9, 1894. (dd) Sallie, born January 10, 1864; married George House, May 9, 1889. Child: Florence, born February 14, 1890. Issue by James W^endell, M. D. : Jane Caroline, died aged 10 years. (c) Orville, born August 8, 1840; died December 31, 1862, unmarried. (d) Florence, born May 13, 1842; died June 13, 1896; married (first) October 11, 1866, Andrew J. Fletcher, who died April, 1871, and married (second), May 20, 1873, Daniel Perkins. Children by Andrew : Edwin Ewing, born August 20, 1867; died December 9, 1889, unmarried. Mary Dean, born January 11, 1870; died June 3, 1877. Children by Daniel: Thomas Moon, born April 30, 1876; died June 15, 1876. Rebecca W., born February 6, 1878. Sarah, bom March 18, 1880. 6th. Andrew Ewing (Nathan, Andrew, William), born June 15, 1815; died June 13, 1864, in Atlanta, Georgia; was a lawyer, a member of the United States House Representa- 36 The Ewing Genealogy with Cognate Branches tives (1849-1851), and Colonel in the Confederate Army; married (first) Andrew Hynes' daughter Margaret, born February i, 1819, who died January 7, 1840; married (sec- ond) Rowena, daughter of Josia Williams. He (Andrew Ewing), was a forceful and eloquent speaker; a man of great public spirit ; a Democrat and party leader ; opposed Secession but went with his people, and used his fortune to build a Gun Factory in Nashville just before its fall; he served as Judge of Gen. Bragg's Military Court. Issue by Margaret : (a) Hynes Ewing, married Hattie Hiter, and v^as killed in Kentucky. No children . Issue by Rowena : (a) Rebecca Ewing, born June 30, 1842; married in Nashville, Tennessee, December 25, 1865, Henry Watterson, the famous editor of the Louisville Courier-Journal. Issue: (aa) Ewing, born July 4, in or after 1866; married Jean Black. (bb) Milbrey, born August 4, 1871 ; married Wil- liam Alonzo Miller. (cc) Henry, born February 3, 1877. (dd) Harvey, born February 12, 1879. (ee) Ethel, born June 24, 1880. (b) John, born February 10, 1844; died unmarried. (c) Milbrey, born February 2."], 1846; married Septem- ber 18, 1866, in Nashville, Tennessee, Spencer Eakin, who was connected with the St. Louis, Nashville & Chattanooga Railroad Company. Issue : (aa) Rebecca, born December 24, 1868; died Jan- uary 31, 1870. (bb) Stella, born July 12, 1874; married February 6, 1895, Angus Allmond, who lived in Louisville, Ken- tucky. (cc) Spencer, born July 12. 1874. (dd) Margaret, born March 24, 1876. (ee) Rowena, born February 13, 1878. (ff) Andrew, born November 9, 1879; died April 1880. (gg) Milbrey, born July 9, 1881 ; died August, 1882. (hh) Deery, born November 13, 1883. (d) Nathan, born July 12, 1847; niarried Margaret Per- kins. Issue : Elizabeth, Robert and Andrew. (e) Robert, a lawyer, was born August 10, 1849; mar- The Ewing Genealogy with Cognate Branches 37 ried Hattie, daughter of Rev. Thomas A. Hoyt, March 28, 1876. He lives in Nashville, Tennessee, where he was mar- ried. Was Clerk and Master of the Chancery Court (1876- 1882), and in October 1883, became Chairman of the Board of Public Works and Affairs; was later Mayor of Nash- ville. Issue : (aa) Mary, born January 3, 1877. (bb) Alice, born September 15, 1878; died Sep- tember 22, 1879. (cc) Robert, born March 15, 1880; died July 26, 1894. (dd) T. Hoyt, born November 14, 1881. (ee) Andrew, born January 19, 1883; died October 2, 1883. (ff) William Cooper, born April 29, 1884. (gg) Harold, born July 15, 1885. (hh) Lily Hoyt, born August 10, 1886. (ii) Louise, born November 30, 1888. (jj) Norris, born January 25, 1890. (kk) Esmond, born August 4, 1891. (11) Hattie H., born January 23, 1893; died June 22, 1893. (mm) Rebecca, born November 15, 1894. (f) Thomas, born March, 1852; died unmarried, (g) Maggie, born July 15, 1854; died unmarried, (h) William, born October, 1856; died unmarried. (6) Elizabeth Ewing (Andrew, William), born March 14, 17795 married Thomas Shannon. CHAPTER VII JOHN EWING, SON OF THE EMIGRANT WILLIAM EWING : HIS MARRIAGE AND DESCENDANTS JOHN EWING son of the emigrant William, was born 1741, died May 17, 1822. He married Phebe Davidson and remained in Rock- ingham County, Virginia, with his father on the parental homestead, which later was owned by his grandson, William D. Ewing. Issue : (i) Ann Ewing (John, William), born July 9, 1770; married Thomas Shanklin. (2) James Ewing (John, William), born April 4, 1773; married Grace Shanklin; moved to Kentucky, afterwards to Missouri. Issue : Joseph, Elizabeth, Cyrus, Jesse, Ruth, Sophronia and William G. (3) Mary Ewing (John, William), born October 8, 1775; married John Pruce. (4) William Ewing (John, William), born August 15, 1780; died January 14, 1857; married Elizabeth Bryan. He lived and died on or near the old homestead in Rockingham County, Virginia. Issue : 1ST. Jesse Ewing (William, John, William), born 1808; died 1870; married Lavinia Bryan about 1844. 2ND. Nancy B. Ewing (William, John, William), born 1810; died April 21, 1889, unmarried. 3RD. George W. Ewing (William, John, William), born 1813; died October 10, 1848, unmarried. 4TH. Henrietta Ewing (William, John, William), born 1816; died January, 1886; married Robert Sittington. 5TH. Phebe A. Ewing (William, John, William), born 1819; died May 11, 1892, unmarried. 6th. Benjamin B. Ewing (William, John, William), born 1821 ; died October 8, 1862, unmarried. 7TH. Rebecca D. Ewing (William, John, William), born 1823; died February 2, 1889, unmarried. 8th. Daniel B. Ewing (William, John, William), bom 1825 ; died February 8, 1885 ; married Frances Barbour, October, 1852. Issue: Bryan, died in infancy; William Nicholson, Lucy Barbour, Carrie Summerville, Elizabeth Bryan, Maybelle and Jeannie Pendleton. 9TH. Mary E. Ewing (William, John, William), born May 2^, 1827. (38) The EwiNG Gexealogy with Cognate Branches 39 lOTH. Elizabeth A. Evving (William, John, William), born 1828; married John T. Brown. No issue. iiTH. William D. Ewing (William, John, William), born 1829; married October, 1859, Margaret Sellers, and lived at the old homestead in Rockingham County, Virginia, near his sisters Elizabeth and Mary E. No issue. (5) Hannah Ewing (John, William), born December 8, 1782; married James Mallory. (6) Elizabeth Ewing (John, William), born November 7, 1784; married Colonel Conner. (7) John D. Ewing (John, William), born April 2, 1788; married Drusilla DeL. Tate; he was a minister, many years in charge of the church at Falling .Spring, Rocking- ham County, Virginia, where he died and was buried. Issue : 1ST. Philander Ewing (John D., John, William), died unmarried. 2ND. Phebe Jane Ewing (John D., John, William), mar- ried Daniel Morgan. 3RD. William P. Ewing (John D., John, William), mar- ried Anne Sturgess. 4TH. Anne Eliza Ewing (John D., John, William), mar- ried Samuel Jetter. (8) Jesse Ewing (John, William), born July 2, 1791 ; died 1808, unmarried. CHAPTER VIII CHARLES EWING, THE EMIGRANT: HIS BIRTH, CAREER, MARRIAGE AND CHILDREN CHARLES EWING the emigrant, was quite prominent in the early history of Virginia, as indicated by the pubHc records/ Among the references to him is an ancient record of Bed- ford County, showing that on March 24, 1755, he with other "Vestrymen," took "usual oaths to his Majesty's person and government," conforming to the "doctrine and discipline of the Church of England."' He died in the year 1770, leaving a will that v/as admitted to probate July 24, 1770, in Bedford County, Virginia. Surviving him were his wife, Martha, daughter of Rev. Caleb Baker, and seven sons and two daughters. The sons were Charles, William, Robert, Samuel, George, David and Caleb. The daughters were Mary and Martha. The widow Martha was a sister of Mary Baker, the wife of the emigrant Robert Ewing ; in other words, the brothers married sisters. The son William left a will, admitted to probate on April 23, 1810, in which he refers to his wife Anna, to his three brothers, Charles, George and David, and to Polly and Betsy as heirs of his brother Caleb, and to Mitchell Ewing, "his brother's son," necessarily the son of the brother Robert, or the brother Samuel. This Mitchell Ewing, grandson of the emigrant Charles Ewing, married on December 2y, 1797, Phebe Cox, and later, on March 25, 1805, married Nancy Beard, daughter of Samuel Beard. William E. Ewing, son of William Ewing and grandson of Mitchell Ewing just mentioned, is now living near Frank- lin, Nebraska, on a farm, enjoying that simple pastoral life which has been associated in all ages with the best and pur- est in aspiration and deed. He, William E. Ewing, was born May i, 1853 ; was gradu- 'Early Records of Bedford County, Virginia. ^History of Bedford County, Virginia, 1753-1907, page 10. (40) The Ewi.ng Genealogy with Cognate Branche& 41 ated in the Class of 1876 from what is now the Virginia Polytechnic Institute, at Blacksburg. He married, Decem- ber 18, 1878, Eliza Cofer, of Bedford County, Virginia, and from the union were born Lydia Buford, died unmarried; Lewis, now residing at Santa Anna, California ; Loula, mar- ried Calvin Ball, and resides at Guide Rock, Nebraska; Ella, married Crenshaw Sprout, residence Yuma, Colorado ; Edward M., resides at Cogswell, North Dakota; Charles G. and Alice Lee, both of whom reside at Franklin, Nebraska. The descendants of the emigrant Charles Ewing are numerous, but are widely scattered, and owing to this fact and loss of records from the ravages of war and time, we have not succeeded in gathering authentic information of many of them, though many have had successful and dis- tinguished careers. CHAPTER IX ROBERT EWING, THE EMIGRANT: HIS BIRTH, CAREER, MARRIAGE AND CHILDREN ROBERT EWING I was a man of distinguished ability, evidently a leader in his community, of determined character and resolute purpose in the execution of his plans and designs. He was born in County Londonderry, Ireland, probably at or near Coleraine, about 171 5-1725, and finally settled, as we have seen, with his brother Charles, in what is now Bed- ford County, Virginia. Some of his residence in Virginia is understood to have been in what was at the time Augusta County. He qualified on June 22, 1754, under commission from the King (George II), as one of the Justices of the County Court for Bedford County, which was a court of general jurisdiction, with records and a clerk, having chancery powers besides other jurisdiction, and in that capacity he served for a number of years, the records showing that he was serving on July 22, 1754; on May 24, 1756, and on June 25, 1771-' He was appointed and presided as one of the Judges of the "Court of Oyer and Terminer" to try for murder one Hampton, who was convicted and hanged.'' He was a member of Captain Thomas Buford's volunteer company, raised in Bedford County, which constituted a part of the army under General Andrew Lewis (Lord Dun- more's War) in the battle with the Indians at Point Pleas- ant, October to, 1774.' It appears that he made a payment to the County in 1756 for provisions for the Militia.' On August 27, 1770, he received a grant of 194 acres of land.' In religion he was a Presbyterian, an elder in that church ; and he was the first signer (probably the author) of a re- markable petition, full of point and vigor, from Peaks of Otter Presbyterian Church, Bedford County, May, 1774, to the General Assembly of Virginia, asking that the elders Wide, Records of Bedford County, Virginia. ^History of Bedford County (1753-1907), pages 14-15. 'Virginia Colonial Militia, page 86. *Boogher's Gleanings of Virginia History, page 63. ''Record Book 39, page 98. (42) The Ewing Genealogy with Cognate Branches 43 thereof be enabled to take and hold land and slaves (O temporal mores!) to the use of the minister under proper regulations. This petition was signed, among others, by Charles Ewing, Robert Evving, Jr., William Boyd, John Ewing, Adam Linn, William Ewing, Joseph Linn, Adam Linn, Abraham Ewin (sic), James Boyd and Caleb Ewing.' The records of Bedford County disclose a deed, dated July 28, 1783, recorded August 25, 1783, of which Robert was the first signer, and from its vigorous style, probably the author, conveying certain slaves in trust to the elders of the Peaks of Otter Presbyterian Church, the profits of said slaves or their issue to be used for supporting a regular minister, and for such other church purposes as the elders and a majority of the congregation might agree upon. This deed was signed, among others, by William Ewing and John Ewing. As indicative of Robert's public spirit, we note that on March 24, 1783, he wrote to the Governor of Virginia, from Bedford County, informing him that the Sherifif had refused to give security for collection of taxes, and intimating very strongly that under the situation the people of Bedford County, though it was one of the first inland counties of the State, were not inclined to pay as demanded.' Both Robert and Charles lived in Bedford County until their deaths, Robert's death occurring in May or June, 1787, his will being dated March 2, 1786, with a codicil dated May 14, 1787, and having been filed for probate in the Bed- ford County Court, June 25, 1787, as shown by the county records. The will disposed of considerable land, both in Virginia and Kentucky, the ownership in Kentucky being explained by the fact that at least much of Kentucky was carved out of Augusta County, Virginia. He, the emigrant Robert Ewing, married about 1747- 1750, Mary Baker, the children of which marriage (order of birth unknown) were, as follows: 1. Sidney Ann, died prior to the death of her father; married Adam Linn. 2. John, married Martha (surname unknown.) 3. Martha (Betty) who married Capt. John Mills of Botetourt County, Va. 4. Robert (q. v.). ^Virginia Historical Magazine, Volume 12, pages 417 to 421. 'Calendar of Virginia State Papers, Vol. IV, p. 459. 44 The Ewino Genealogy with Cognate Branches 5. Baker, probably one of the eldest sons. 6. Young, also probably an elder son. 7. Urban, died in Cooper County, Mo., about 1828; mar- ried Mary (Polly) Ewing, daughter of George Ewing. 8. Reuben, born 1766, died 1823; married Frances Whitsett. 9. Polly (Patty), married John Ewing, son of George Ewing. 10. Chatham, born in Bedford County, Va., 1770; died in Lafayette County, Mo. ; married Elizabeth Campbell. 11. Jane, married Peter Kelley, a soldier of the Revolu- tion. 12. Finis, the youngest child, born in Bedford County, Va., July 10, 1773; died at Lexington, Mo., July 4, 1841 ; married Jan. 15, 1793, Margaret Davidson. MARY BAKER EWING the wife of the emigrant, Robert Ewing, w'as, as stated, the sister of Martha who was the wife of the brother, Charles Ewing. She was probably born in Virginia, in what became Prince Edward County, about the year 1730; her father was Rev. Caleb Baker, a prominent Presbyterian clergyman of that county, and evidently a man of strong will and sterling qualities of character. Of her personal history, we have ascertained nothing further, but surely the mother of a galaxy of sons like hers, who are accredited by history so uniformly with worthy achievements of high order, must have been richly endowed with those attributes which make "a perfect woman, nobly planned." CHAPTER X. SIDNEY, ANN, MARTHA (bETTY), POLLY, AND JANE EWING, DAUGHTERS OF ROBERT AND MARY BAKER EWING, AND THEIR DESCENDANTS *SIDNEY ANN EWING daughter of Robert and Mary (Baker) Ewing, was born in Bedford County, Va. ; died prior to the death of her father ; married Adam Linn, Issue : (i) Nancy, married Abraham Boyd, 1796. Issue: 1ST. John, born Nashville, Tenn., about 1798; married Betsy McLean; he removed with his parents while young, to Trigg County, Ky., and later to Texas, where he was several times elected to the Congress of the Republic of Texas ; he was one of the founders of Trinity University, Tehua- cana, Texas. Issue : Martha, Lucas, Horace and Putnam. 2ND. Linn, born Nashville, Tenn., Nov. 28, 1800, died Paducah, Ky., Dec. 16, 1859; married (i) Alice Bennett, and (2) Mrs. Dixon; he removed with his parents to Trigg County., Ky., and later, in 1826, to Calloway County, Ky., and was a member of the State Legislature from that county 1827-30; he returned to Trigg County, and was elected to State Legislature from that county 183 1-2, defeated for Congress in 1832, elected to Congress in 1834, defeated for Congress in 1836, elected to Congress in 1838, where he served until 1854, being Speaker of the House, 1850-4; he was Lieutenant Governor of Kentucky in 1859. Issue with Alice Bennett, (a) Ward, an attorney-at-law, married Miss Ware, of Paducah, Ky. ; (b) Butler, never married; (c) Linn, an attorney-at-law at Murray, Ky., and (d) Felix, who was a physician. Issue with Mrs. Dixon, a daughter, Rhea, deceased. 3RD. Martha, married 1816, George Haines Gordon, and removed to Missouri in 1832. Issue: (a) Nancy Haines, born 1817, married Lexington, Mo., 1838, Thomas Shelby. Issue, Adelaide, married 1859, Evan Young; George; Alice, married Travis Buford ; Martha, married Samuel Huston, child Nancy, married Edward Lee of Kansas City, Mo.; Thomas married (i) Ella Chinn, and (2) Ella Wash- ington ; Nancy, married Mr. Thompson ; Linn, married *We acknowledge indebtedness to F. M. Cockrell, Esq., of Louisville, Kentucky, for some of the genealogy of Robert Ewing's descendants not in the direct line of the authors; using the same in some instances in reliance on its correctness without opportunity to verify. (45) 46 The Ewing Genealogy with Cognate Branches Lillian Kelly, and Forrest, married Belle McFadden. (b) John Boyd, unmarried. (c) William, born 1821, a physician, member of Mis- souri Legislature from Lafayette County, i860, and sur- geon 1st Missouri Cavalry, C. S. A.; married Margaret Green, daughter Col. Lewis Green, war of 1812. Issue: Martha, married James Harrelson; Mary, married M. Graham; Katherine; Lucy; Florence, married Frank Barnes ; Jane, married Robert Lankf ord ; Nancy ; Leila, and two daughters who died young. (d) Emevine, married James Ruffner, of West Virginia. Issue : Henry, Charles, James, and Florence, married J. F. Merryman, attorney-at-law, St. Louis, Mo. (e) Mary, married 1849, Hiram F. Walker. Issue: Martha, married Henry Winslow; Samuel, married Mary Laws; Lucy, married W. R. Doran; Gordon, married Beatrice Clinton ; Walter ; Mary Ellen, married John Ban- nister; Addie, married Joseph Williams, and Paris, all liv- ing at San Saba, Texas, at last account. (f) Linn, married 1846, Catherine Fulkerson (sister of Reuben B. Fulkerson). Issue: George, married Molly Shelby; Fred, married Margaret Evans; Benjamin, married Catherine Chanselor; John, married Edna Reaves; Martha, married Travis Buford; Sally; Ella, married Edward White, and Katherine, married John Bishop of St. Louis, Mo. (g) George, married Victoria Bennett. Issue, Alma, married C. C. Marshall. (h) Lucy, married Milton Ewing. Issue, see Milton Ewing, infra. 4TH. Alfred, married Lucy Harrison, Issue : John, an attorney-at-law, married Sarah Cook; George, a physician, unmarried ; Abraham, an attorney-at-law, married Miss O'Bannon ; Agnes, married Mr. Grimes, of Paducah, Ky. ; Adeline, and Martha, married Mr. Small. 5TH. Rufus, married Eliza Bennett. Issue: Rufus, married Adelia Noel. MARTHA ( BETTY) EWING daughter of Robert and Mary (Baker) Ewing, was born in Bedford County, Va., and married John Mills, of Bote- tourt County, Va., a captain in the Revolutionary War. Issue : (i) Robert (Bartus), mentioned in the will of Robert The Ewing Genealogy with Cognate Branches 47 Ewing I ; he removed to South Kentucky, and thence to Louisiana. (2) Mary, born 1780, married George Scroggins, of Virginia, in 1809; removed from Virginia to Kentucky, and thence to Missouri in 1838. Issue: Martha, born 1810, died 1891, SaHne County, Mo., married James Brown 1826; Sally, married 1834, Samuel Durley; George, married Mary Rollins; Charles M., married 1848, Mary Rice; Mildred, married 1837, Milton Thompson, and she died 1851; Thomas, married 1850, Rebecca Curry. (3) John S., married Agnes Hayden. (4) Caleb, lived near Little Rock, Ark. (5) Ulysses, also lived near Little Rock, Arkansas. (6) Archie, nothing known of him. (7) Nancy, married John B. S. Ewing, who died dur- ing Civil War; and she died in Texas, March, 1852. Issue: Polly; Martha, married Mr. Paschal; Butler, reared partial- ly by Wm. Lee Davidson Ewing (son of Finis Ewing) ; John, married Miss Davis; Charles; Sally, married Mr. Carter; George, and Ephraim. (8) Charles Ewing, born 1796, died Jan. 1859, married Elizabeth Allen Bell, near Lexington, Ky., 1822; she was born 1795, died in Cass County, Mo., March 1881 ; was a daughter of John Bell and Jane Mills, sister of Capt. John Mills. Issue : 1ST. Elizabeth Jane, born 1824, died 1900, unmarried. 2ND. John Henderson Bell, born 1826, died 1844, un- married. 3RD. Benjamin Franklin, born 1828, died 1899, Cass County, Mo., married Elizabeth Griffith, of Georgetown, Ky. Issue: Charles, of Pleasant Hill, Mo., and a daugh- ter, who married William Bean, of St. Louis, Mo., grand- son of Rev. J. L. Yantis. 4TH. William Milton, born 1831, died 1901, Warrens- burg, Mo., married 1867, Mary Eliza Dunlap, sister of Louise G. (infra), daughter of James Dunlap of Boyle County, Ky. Issue : A daughter, of Warrensburg, Mo. 5TH. Charles Ewing, born April, 1834, died August 12. 1905 ; was private on staff of Gen. Marmaduke, C. S. A,, for three years; married 1859, Louise G. Dunlap, sister of Mary Eliza (supra). Issue: Benjamin, married Margaret Robinson; Virginia O., married Henry Engels; William Dunlap, married Lula Routt; Katherine M., married L. M. 4 48 The Ewixg Genealogy with Cognate Branches Helmerick; Emma B. married E. L. Brannock, of Pleasant Hill, Mo. ; Henry Ewing, married Nell Noland. Issue : Florence, died in infancy. 6th. Mary Bell, married 1856, Levin D. Foree. Issue: Charles Mills, unmarried; Lucy, married Barton Wherrett; Lilly, married B. B. Thornton ; Edward, married Ada Skill- man; Flora, married (i) Roger Blackwell, and (2) Walter Foree. There were probably several other children, whose rrames we have not been able to secure. /TH. Joseph Henry, born and died in 1841. POLLY (patty) ewing daughter of Robert and Mary (Baker) Ewing, was bom in Bedford County, Va. ; married John Ewing (son of George Ewing), born June 20, 1761, who was a member of the first County Court, Campbell County, Ky., 1794-95. The marriage was in Bedford County. Issue : (i) Adeline, born Sept. 2, 1787. (2) Robert Mills, born March 20, 1789. (3) Baker, born Nov. 5, 1795. (4) Polly Baker, born Sept. 3, 1797. (5) Urban Epinetus, born Feb. 25, 1799, died Louis- ville, Ky., was a practicing physician ; married ( i ) April 10, 1823, Sallie Lloyd Robert Moore, born Feb. 24, 1807, died Aug. 4, 1833, only child of Robert K. Moore and Mrs. Katherine Allen Price. Issue : 1ST. Robert Allen Karney Moore, born June 14, 1824, died May 27, 1825. 2ND. Katherine Allen Karney Moore, born October 13, 1825, married Robert Barclay Hopkins, of Anne Arundel County, Maryland. Issue: (a) Urban Ewing, born 1844, died 1874, unmarried; (b) Robert Barclay; (c) Gerard, died in infancy; (d) Kate Butler, married Hite Thompson, of Louisville, Ky. Issue : Katherine Hopkins, married Wm. Beard, Jr., of Chicago, 111., children, Katherine and Elizabeth ; Sarah Elizabeth, married William Hall Wilson, of Louisville, Ky., no children; (c) Thomas Ewing; (f) Sallie Ewing, born 1859, ^^^^ 1879, unmarried; (g) Mar- shall Ewing, lived in Louisville, Ky., married Mary Cook, several children. 3RD. Robert Allen Karney Moore (2), born May 12, 1827, died Jan. 8, 1849. 4TH. Mary Lloyd Moore, bora Feb. 15, 1829; married The Ewinq Genealogy with Cognate Beanchej-' 49 (first) Thomas Eaches, and (second) Henry Hartman. Issue by first marriage (none by second) : Ewing, lived at Richmond, Va. ; married Somer Hayes; children: Katherine Ewing and Elizabeth Travers ; Katherine Ewing, married Benjamin H. Ridgeley ; no children. 5TH. Sallie Moore Ellen Adelia, born Jan. 19, 183 1 ; died Louisville, Ky., May 20, 1907; married (first) Aug. 5, 1852, Dr. Nathaniel Burwell Marshall (Chief Justice John, James Keith), born Mar. 16, 1824; died May 22, 1861. Issue: (a) Sallie Ewing, married June 20, 1888, William J. Harding; children: William Jarvis, born May 6, 1889; Marshall Burwell, born Oct. 22, 1890, and Ewing Lloyd, born May 26, 1892. (b) Burwell Keith, born Mar. 9' 1857; graduated from University of Virginia; attorney- at-law, Louisville, Ky., married June 21, 1883, Lizzie Veech. Issue: Richard Veech, born Sept. 12, 1884; lived in St. Louis, Mo.; married Ellen Chauncey; one child, Richard, born Oct., 191 1 ; Elizabeth Veech, born Aug. 14, 1886; Mary Louise, born April 9, 1888; Sallie Ewing, born Nov. 9, 1891 ; Burwell Keith, born April 22, 1897. (c) Ewing, born Sept. 16, 1858, M. D., Louisville, Ky. ; married Martha Sneed; children: Alice Sneed, Mary Lloyd, and Evan, (d) Claudia Burwell ; married James Bruce Morsen ; several children ; one named Thomas, (e) Mary Lloyd ; married Phillip T. Allen; one child, Phillip T. She (Sallie Moore Ellen Adelia) married (second) Henry L. Pope; one child, Henry L., of Louisville, Ky; unmarried. 6th. Urban John Donaldson, born Jan. 18, 1833; died June, 1834. He (Urban Epinetus Ewing) married (second) Jane Butler. Issue : 1ST. Mildred; married (first) George Burgwin Ander- son, who died during the Civil War. Issue : Ewing and George Burgwin. She (Mildred Ewing) married (second) James Manderson Carlisle. (Had a son, Calderson, by a first marriage). Issue: Mildred, married Augustus Burg- win (her cousin); home, Pittsburg, Pa.; Pierce Butler, died young. 2ND. Nellie; married John Montgomery Wright. Issue: Jean ; married Frank Swope ; no children ; Margaret Fors- ter; married Mr. Waller, of New York City; one of their children named George Wright. 50 The Ewing Genealogy with Cognate BRANCHEb 3RD. Jane Butler; married George Keats Speed. Issue: Jennie Ewing; married Calvin Morgan Duke, son of Gen. Basil Duke, of Louisville, Ky. ; children : Basil and Ewing; Emma Keats; married Henry A. Sampson of Richmond, Va. ; child, Emma Keats; Phillip; married Lucy Mason; other children : Ewing, Nellie Ewing, Joshua Fry, and George Keats. (6) Nancy M., born Sept. 7, 1801. (7) Winifred L., born Oct. 11, 1804. (8) George W. (9) Ellen (Nellie). JANE EWING daughter of Robert and Mary (Baker) Ewing, was bom in Bedford County, Virginia; married Peter Kelly, a soldier of the Revolution. Their daughter, Sarah (1784- 1807), married Zadock Adair. Child: Weyman, a distinguished Presbyterian minister, married Delthia Staunton de Berry, daughter of Lemuel de Berry and his wife, Delthia Ellis. Issue : (i) Mary Adair, married John Magruder Wynne, of Huntsville, Texas, and later Captain George W. Farris. Issue by John Magruder Wynne : Gustave Adair, married Samuella Gibbs. Children : (a) Mae Samuella, married Ike Barton McFarland, of Houston, Texas. She is a woman of scholarly attainments and superior ability, and is President of Chautauqua Circle, Houston, and has for several years been prominently and officially connected with the Daughters of the American Revolution, and is now (1919) State Secretary and one of two candidates for State Regent (Texas). (b) Jane Sophronia, married Dr. Joseph Revis Lay; one child, Magruder Wynne. (c) Mamie Staunton, married William Cox; one child, William Adair. (d) Florence Magruder, married Charles G. Barrett. (e) Ara Adair, married Tyler Haswell; one child, Ara Wynne. (2) William de Berry, married Lulu Nors worthy; two daughters, Katie and Louise. (3) Priscilla, married Cowper Shelton Taliaferro. Issue : Weyman, married Katie White ; two daughters, Katie and Louise. ERRATA P. 50, I. 30, et seq. Under Jane Ewing, (b), (c), (d) and (e) were sisters and not children of Gustavus Adair Wynne, whose children were : (aa) Mae Samuella, married Ike Barton McFarland; (bb) Gibbs Adair married Lela May Brown; fee) Florence Sanford, died in childhood; (dd) Sabra Lois married William Reynaud. P. 96, I. 18. The date of birth of Leila A^^ills Ewing should be 1855. P. 123, I. 29. Williard should be Willard. P. 127, last line. Jaunita should be Juanita. CHAPTER XL JOHN, BAKER, YOUNG, URBAN, REUBEN AND CHATHAM EWING, SONS OF ROBERT AND MARY (bAKER) EWING AND THEIR DESCENDANTS. JOHN EWING son of Robert and Mary (Baker) Ewing, was born in Bed- ford County, Va. He and his wife Martha, had a son Robert (Bartus), mentioned in the will of the emigrant Robert Ewing, and a daughter Sidney, who married in 1793 Micajah Roland, and another daughter, name not known, who married a Mr. Frazier. John was one of the executors named in the will of his father, Robert Ewing. BAKER EWING son of Robert and Mary (Baker) Ewing, was born in Bed- ford County, Virginia. He was a delegate to the General Assembly from Lincoln County, Ky., in 1788; was first Registrar of the Kentucky Land Office from June 26, 1792, to 1798, and was a mem- ber of the Kentucky Legislature, from Franklin County, in 1802. He seems to have been, at one period at least, a mer- chant, as he was taxed for a retail store in Franklin County, Ky., June, 1797. YOUNG EWING son of Robert and Mary (Baker) Ewing, was born in Bedford County, Va. From the records of Christian County, Kentucky, it ap- pears that Young Ewing was thrice married. The name of his first wife is unknown ; by her he had a daughter, Polly B., who married Ephraim B. Davidson. His second wife was Winefred Warren, and his third, Evelina A. Jennings.' Whether he had other children by these subsequent marri- ages has not been ascertained. He was one of the three original Magistrates of Logan County, Ky., in 1792; was Justice of the Peace, Logan County 1794; member of the Kentucky Legislature from Logan County, 1795; one of the first Trustees of Newton Academy, established by the Kentucky Legislature, Dec. 22, ^Deed Records of Christian County, Kentucky, and Perrin's History of Christian County. (-.1) 52 The Ewing Genealogy with Cognate Bkanches 1798; member of the Kentucky Constitutional Convention, Christian County, 1799; an elder in the Cumberland Presby- tery in 1804; member of the Kentucky Legislature, 1800- 1807; member of Kentucky State Senate, 1808-1816, 1819- 1826; Presidential Elector 1824; and Colonel in the War of 1812. Contemplating the career of this distinguished man, we are led to recall what is said by a local historian, in referring to the Ewings : "One of the eras in the history of Logan County, Ken- tucky, is referred to as 'When the Ewings came and brought the law with them.'" URBAN EWING son of Robert and Mary (Baker) Ewing, was born in Bed- ford County, Virginia, about 1828; moved to Logan County, Kentucky, about 1796, and was a member of the Kentucky Legislature from Logan County, 1803, 1807, 1809, 1811, 1814, 1816; was a soldier in the war of 1812. He moved to Cooper County, Missouri, about 1818-1819, where he lived until his death, being buried there in the Lebanon Cumberland Presbyterian graveyard. He married at Abingdon, Virginia, March i, 1787, Mary (Polly) Ewing, daughter of George Ewing. She died in Lafayette County, Missouri, September 18, 1832, and is buried about four miles west of Lexington, in the Ewing graveyard. Issue : (i) William Young Conn, born January 23, 1788; married (first) in Logan County, Kentucky, October 14, 1 8 10, Ann Read (sister of Anthony Foster Read), who died in Logan County, Kentucky, April 12, 1812. Issue of first marriage : 1ST. James Urban; married (first) Amanda S. Stapp, of Lafayette County, Missouri, and (second) Addie A. Wil- son of Lafayette County, Missouri. 2ND. Sally Ann, died December 7, 1883; married Wm. H. Renick, of Lafayette County, Missouri. Issue: Eliza- beth Ann, married George W. Livisay; John Strother, married Rebecca Pullett ; James William, married Elizabeth Livisay; Columbus, married Clara Pullett; Mary Read, married David J. Moore ; Ephraim Foster, and Susan P. He (William Young Conn) married (second) October ^Sketch by Dr. A. L. Butt, of Russellville, Kentucky. The Ewing Genealogy with Cogxate Branche& 53 22, 1840, Sallie D. Porter (Mrs. Sallie D. McKae). Issue of this second marriage : 1ST. Mary M., married Robert R. Moore, of Lafayette County, Missouri. 2ND. Pamela S., married F. L. Fishback. 3RD. L. Jane, married Dr. W. W. Woodward, of La- fayette County, Missouri. (2) Baker \\'\, born January i, 1790. (3) Reuben A., born 1792, died Cooper County, Mis- souri, May, 1871, buried there at Lebanon; he moved to Cooper County, Missouri, in 1819- 1820; member of Mis- souri State Senate 1840- 1844; married 181 3, Mary (Polly) Hammond, who died 1875; buried at Lebanon. Issue: 1ST. William Caldwell, born July 14, 18 14; died January 20, 1882, at Eureka, Arkansas; went to Cooper County, Missouri, with his parents, in 1819; member of the Missouri Legislature, from Cooper County 1854-1855, 1879; married February 3, 1845, Lucretia Perry Corum, daughter of Henry Corum. Issue : Nine children, among them Oscar F., born May 8, 1854; married October 23, 1888, Sue W. Rodgers; Eva E., born November 22, 1859, married December 11, 1885, Sterling P. Coe; William Henry Clay, born August 5, 1864, married November 20, 1889, Celeste Stephens; Lilly. 2ND. Mary J. 3RD. Jarvis H., born in Cooper County, Missouri, Oct- ober 26, 18 19; married Martha A. Marye September 10, 1856; she was born July, 1836. Issue: Margaret S., Mary D., Nanny Lee, Reuben A., Ida F., Everett L., Nadine, Stella, Fanny Bell, married Emanuel Stephens, but died seven months after marriage. 4TH. Margaret R., twin to Sally A. She married June 20, 1855, John H. Stephens. Issue: Sally E., married John W. Wheeler ; Anna R., married Robert L. Harrison, and three other daughters, Mattie, Gussie, and Clara Lin- dell. The other children of Reuben A. Ewing and Mary (Polly) Hammond were Sally A., twin to Margaret R. ; Amanda F., married Dr. H. H. Miller; Robert Morrow; Finis v., and Job. (4) Nellie Caldwell, born September 9, 1793, died Jan- uary 18, 1857, Cooper County, Missouri, married Logan County, Kentucky, 181 1, Anthony Foster Read, born Nel- 54 The Ewing Genealogy with Cognate Branches son County, Kentucky, December 30, 1788; died Cooper County, Missouri, October 3, 1845, and buried there, at Pleasant Green ; he was a member of the Kentucky Legisla- ture for many years, and was Sheriff of Todd County, Ken- tucky; they moved to Cooper County, Missouri, in 1826, and settled near the Cumberland Presbyterian Church at Lebanon. He was a Judge of the Cooper County Court, 1 831-1834; he was the son of John Read and Sally Foster, born December 29, 1766, aunt of Hon. Ephraim H. Foster, of Tennessee. His grandfather, John Read, came from London, England, in 1725, settled in Alexandria, Virginia, and married Nancy Sebastian, Spanish, a sister of Hon. Benjamin Sebastian, Governor of Louisiana. Issue : 1ST. Sally Foster, born October 11, 1812, died Cooper County, Missouri, July 28, 1848, married Henry Rubey Foster, born March 4, 1803, died February 8, 1873. Issue: Amanda Ellen, born February 17, 1832, died July 3, 1851, unmarried; and Anthony Winston, born October 20, 1837, died September 11, 1865. 2ND. Mary Elizabeth, born February 17, 1814, died Cooper County, Missouri, June 20, 1872, and buried there, at Pleasant Green; she married April 13, 1831, Anthony Smith Walker, born Bourbon County, Kentucky, November 19, 1805, died at Pleasant Green, Cooper County, Missouri, September 26, 1863; his father, Winston Walker, was born in Henry County, Virginia, September 25, 1780, died Cooper County, Missouri, August 30, 1855, moved to Kentucky, and from there to Cooper County, Missouri, in 1826, mar- ried August 19, 1800, Polly Rubey, born Berkeley, Virginia, March 18, 1785, died June 13, 1872; his grandfather, Samuel Walker, was an only son, born, Virginia, March 16, 1739, died Overton County, Tennessee, January 4, 1834, moved to North Carolina after close of Revolutionary War, married Nancy Smith. He, Anthony Smith Walker, was Assessor of Cooper County, 1835, Judge of the Cooper County Court, 1842, and member of Missouri Legislature, Cooper County, 1844-1860. Issue: James Henry, born April 8, 1832, married September 15, 1857, Belle West, of Kentucky; Addison Read, born January 6, 1834, died December 31, 1836; Mary Ellen, born September 23, 1836, married John L. Hickman ; Anthony Addison Winston, born April 15, 1839, married December 3, 1868, Margaret Tutt, had a daughter, Margaret ; John Read Samuel, born The Ewing Genealogy with Ccgnate Branches 55 March i8, 1846, died January 1900, married October 13, 1880, Alice Brevard Ewing (Robert, Finis, Ephraim Brevard), (q. v.) ; Sarah Florence, born June 29, 1849, died June 21, 1885, married Allen H. Conkwright. 3RD. William E., born April 19, 1820, died January 23, 1847, rnarried Caroline McQueen, daughter of Col. Mc- Queen, of Lafayette County, Missouri. 4TH. Anthony James, born December 23, 1824, died July 25, 1876, married January 14, 1847, Evaline J. Ewing (Robert Chatham, Robert). Issue: Betty, married John Deckard; Nannie, Foster, Eva, married George Titsworth; Finis C, Sally, Blanche, Anthony James, and Katherine. (5 Polly Baker, born February 6, 1795, died Lafayette County, Missouri, buried in the Ewing graveyard, married Maj. Bryant Sanders, of Kentucky, buried with his wife. Issue, Mary J., Reuben E., Sidney C, and John W. (6) Nancy W., born January 12, 1797, married Kyrum Dunn, no issue. (7) Sidney R., born February 2, 1799, married Joshua Campbell, no issue. (8) George N. E., born February 22, 1801, married Lucinda Rubey, daughter of Thomas Rubey and Jane Car- son ; he, Thomas Rubey, was a brother of Polly Rubey, who married Winston Walker, they being, as we have seen, the parents of Anthony Smith Walker. Issue : 1ST. Araminta. 2ND. Milton, married 1859 Lucy Gordon (Robert, Sid- ney Ann, Nancy). Issue: George Gordon, married Ollie Crockett, and lived at last account in Nevada, Missouri ; Young, married Lizzie Taul ; William H., married Mary Prewitt ; Betty R., married Willis Merrill ; Martha married D. F. Woodward ; Lee Boyd, an attorney-at-law, married Edith Moore, and at last account lived in Nevada, Missouri ; Charles Milton. 3RD. William H., married Mrs. Susan Jane Ewing Fort (Robert, Finis, Thompson McGready), (q. v.). (9) Jane J., born January 23, 1803, in Logan County, Kentucky, died in Cooper County, Missouri, and buried there at Pleasant Green, with her husband; she married September 6, 1821, William B. Rubey, born 1800, brother of Lucinda, who married Jane J.'s brother, George N. E. Ewing. Issue: Urban Ewing, George W., William H., Smith W., Francis M., Thomas, and Lavinia. 56 The Ewing Genealogy with Cognate Bkanches REUBEN EWING son of Robert and Mary (Baker) Ewing, was born in Bed- ford County, Virginia, 1766, died 1823. He was a member of the Kentucky Constitutional Con- vention, 1799, from Logan County; one of the Judges of the First Court of Quarter Sessions, Logan County, 1801 ; and Associate Justice of the First Circuit Court, 1803, and a member of the Kentucky Legislature, from Logan County, 1822; he married about 1791, Frances C. Whitsett, daughter of William Whitsett and Ellen Menus. Issue : (i) James W., married Lucile Breathitt, daughter of Caldwell Breathitt (brother of Governor John Breathitt of Kentucky). Issue: Ellen, married and had children, Lucile and Cobie. (2) Young, died unmarried. (3) Mary, married Ephraim McLean. Issue: 1ST. Sarah Ellen, married George Thomas Blakey, of Logan County, Kentucky. Issue : William, an attorney- at-law of Evansville, Indiana, married Carrie McDonald, of New Albany, Indiana; Lucile, married Dr. Thomas Whit- sett Blakey (her cousin) of Hopkinsville, Kentucky; a child, Sally George; Susan, married General Heard, of Washing- ton, Georgia; George Davidson, married Miss Heard, daughter of General Heard by former marriage. 2ND. George Davidson, went to California, and became wealthy; he is supposed to have died November 4, 1897. (4) Elizabeth, married Andrew Jackson McLean, of Logan County, Kentucky. Issue : Two daughters, one of whom married Rev. J. S. Guider, a prominent Cumberland Presbyterian minister. CHATHAM EWlNG son of Robert and Mary (Baker) Ewing, was born in Bed- ford County, Virginia, in 1770, and died in Lafayette County, Missouri. He moved from Abingdon, Washington County, Virginia, to Logan County, Kentucky, in 1796, and thence to Lafay- ette County, Missouri, in 1821, and lived there until his death, he and his wife both being buried in the Ewing grave- yard near his home. He was a leading elder in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church; married April 14, 1790, Elizabeth Campbell, born in Virginia, 1766, daughter of Moses Campbell. Issue: The Ewing Genealogy with Cognate Branches 57 (i) Young, born January 1791, married Elizabeth Renick, daughter of Col. Henry Renick. (2) William, born September 23, 1792, died August 13, 1813, unmarried. (3) Jane C, born February 25, 1795, married Rev. Green P. Rice, of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. (4) Calvin, born January 4, 1796, died January 2, 1798. (5) Robert, born February 20, 1798, married Elizabeth Campbell, daughter of Aaron Campbell and Grace William- son. (6) John D., born November 30, 1800, died and buried in Clay County, Missouri, married in Clay County, Missouri, Ruth Moore. Issue : Charles R., John D., Robert C, and Nettie C, married L. Arnold, and she died in 1881. (7) Chatham S., born November 30, 1800 (twin to John D.), married Mrs. Mary Anderson Ewing Kavanaugh (Robert, Finis). Issue: Willie A., married Charles Lee Ewing (Robert, Finis, Thompson McGready), (q. v.). (8) Mary (Polly), born October 13, 1802, married Robert Archie Renick. (9) Nellie W., born April 28, 1806, married Harvey Gleaves, ( 10) Finis W., born November 30, 1809, having a daugh- ter by his marriage, Aletha Jane, who married Washington Perry Ewing (Robert, Finis), (q. v.). CHAPTER XII. FINIS EWING, YOUNGEST SON OF ROBERT AND MARY (BAKER) EWING, AND HIS DESCENDANTS. FINIS EWING the twelfth child and youngest son of Robert and Mary (Baker) Ewing, was born in Bedford County, Virginia, July 10, 1773, died at Lexington, Missouri, July 4, 1841. He moved to what is now Tennessee, with his older brothers and sisters, after the death of their father, and settled about six miles north of Nashville, Davidson Coun- ty, near the Spring Hill Church ; removed to Logan County, Kentucky, in 1794, and settled about eight miles from Russellville, near the Red River Meeting House. Began preaching in 1800, and was ordained by the Cumberland Presbytery in November, 1803. The Cumberland Presby- tery seceded in December, 1809, and the Cumberland Presbyterian Church was organized February 10, 1810, by Finis Ewing, assisted by Samuel McAdoo, Samuel King and Ephraim McLean. He, Finis Ewing, removed to Christian (now Todd) County, Kentucky, about 1811-1812; lived at Ewingsville post office, was post master of Ewingsville, and had pas- toral charge of the Lebanon congregation. He left Kentucky for Missouri in May, 1820, settled in Cooper County, Missouri; established there Ewingsville post office, and was post master, and organized the New Lebanon congregation. He was appointed Registrar of the Land Office by Presi- dent Jackson in 1830, and held that office until 1841. He removed to Lafayette County, Missouri, in 1832, and settled first near Lexington, and in 1836 moved to Lexing- ton, where he lived until his death. His sermons have been published, and a biography has been written of him, entitled "Ewing, Rev. Finis E., one of the Fathers and Founders of the Cumberland Presby- terian Church." He married in Davidson County, Tennessee, January 15, 1793, Margaret Davidson, born January 23, 1774, died December 12, 1868, daughter of General William Lee David- son, born 1746, and killed in the War of the Revolution, while serving as a General on the side of Independence, at the battle of Cowan's Ford on the Catawba River, February I, 1781. He had succeeded Griffith Rutherford in com- (58) The Ewing Genealogy with Cognate Branches 59 mand. ' Mary Brevard, wife of General William Davidson, and mother of Finis's wife, Margaret, was the daughter of John Brevard and his wife, nee McWhorter. An interesting biography has been written of General Davidson's wife, Mary Brevard, entitled "Aunt Peggy." Issue of the marriage of Finis Ewing and Margaret Davidson : (i) Winifred Warren, born August 23, 1794, died Cooper County, Missouri, June, 1838; married February 28, 1822, Cooper County, Missouri, Henry Magrada Rubey, born January 27, 1798, died July 3, 1876. Issue: 1ST. Mary Angeline, born December 3, 1822, died Sep- tember 14, 1896, married October 31, 1845, Rev. Peter Rea of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church ; children : Ann Winifred, Caroline Frances, married Professor T. W. Johnston, of Booneville, Missouri; Joseph Henry; Mary Harrison, and Robert. 2ND. Margaret Jane, born August 16, 1824, died Nov- ember 3, 1875, married Charles Bohannon; children: Charles, went to California soon after Civil War, and Alice, married Mr. Fowler of Pettis County, Missouri. 3RD. Pamela McLean, born October i, 1826, married Rev. James Martin of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Marshall, Missouri; child, Minnie, married October 31, 1893, Rev. G. B. Beatty, of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Westport, Kansas City, Missouri. 4TH. Thomas Lee, born November 18, 1828, died in infancy. 5TH. Virginia, born November 12, 1832, married Wil- liam Corum. (2) William Lee Davidson, born in Logan County, Kentucky, March i, 1796, died in Springfield, 111., March 25, 1846; he removed to Illinois about 1818, while it was yet a territory ; was appointed Receiver of public moneys for Vandalia District by President Monroe, February 11, 1825; member of Illinois Legislature, Fayette County, 1831 ; elected Speaker of the House; Major of the Spy Battalion, 3rd Brigade, Illinois Troops, in the Black Hawk War of 1832; member of Illinois State Senate, 1832; elected Presi- dent of the Senate. He became acting Governor of Illinois November 15 to 'Arthur's Western North Carolina, pages 151-152; Wheeler's History of North Carolina, Volume 11, pages 232-233; Moore's History of North Carolina, Volume 1, page 305. 60 The Ewing Genealogy with Cohnate Brancuec! December 9, 1834, on resignation of Governor John Rey- nolds. He was elected to the United States Senate December 29, 1835, to March 4, 1837, to fill vacancy caused by the death of Honorable Elisha K. Kane. He was a member of the Illinois Legislature, Fayette County, 1840, elected Speaker of the House; was a General in the Illionois State Militia ; elected State Auditor by the Illinois Legislature March 6, 1843, re-elected February 18, 1845, si^<^ died in office. He married May 3, 1827, Caroline S. Berry, died Sep- tember 17, 1883, daughter of Colonel Elisha Berry, State Auditor of Illinois, and prominent in early Illinois affairs. Issue : 1ST. James Thompson, born March 16, 1828, died Jan- uary 4, 1869, unmarried. 2ND. Margaret Mildred, born Fayette County, Illinois, November 16, 1830, married May 24, 1849, Michael Gun- daker Dale. Issue: Ewing (M. D.), born March 6, 1850, died unmarried; Emma Berry, born July 26, 1851, died in childhood; James B., born July 6, 1853, of Edwardsville, Illinois, married January 23, 1887, Rebecca Lee Evans, a child Douglas, born February 29, 1892; Carrie May, born May 25, 1855, died April, 1871 ; Anna, born June 3, 1858, died in childhood; Charles Stapp, born July 2, 1867, died 1904, St. Louis, Missouri, married 1895, Elba Stilwell ; Lee Ewing, born August 3, 1872, of St. Louis, Missouri, mar- ried and had child, E. Ewing; Samuel G., born August 25, 1877, died February 1905, unmarried. 3RD. Elijah Finis, born November 21, 1832, died in in- fancy. 4TH. Charles Edgar, born July 18, 1837, died in infancy. 5TH. Alice Caroline, born August 31, 1839, died in in- fancy. 6th. Jessie Marion, born Fayette County, Illinois, Sep- tember 22, 1842, married June 4, 1868, Granville Malcolm Cole, of Kansas City, Missouri, born Ashtabula County, Ohio, November 20, 1834, died Kansas City, Missouri, Aug- ust 27, 1909. Issue : (a) Dale Stapp, born June 25, 1869, died December 6, 1885. (b) Caroline Marie, of Kansas City, Missouri. (c) Jessie Mildred, married January 1900, James T. Kelly, died January 26, 191 1. Children: Ewing Cole, born The Ewing Genealogy with Cognate Branches 61 December 19, 1900; Katherine Louise, born December 18, 1902; Caroline Mildred, born March 28, 1906; James Dan- iel, born September 12, 1908. (d) Clement King, born October 16, 1874; married November 1905, Frankie Hyder; child, Clement King. (e) Lynette, born June 15, 1876, died 1905, unmarried. (f) Louise, born August 25, 1878, died January 23, 1895- (g) Granville Malcolm, born May 18, 1880, of Kansas City, Missouri. (h) Margaret, born November 8, 1881, of Eugene, Oregon, married October 16, 1909, Emmet Joseph Mont- gomery Finneran. (i) Edward Ewing, born January i, 1884, of Kansas City, Missouri, married October 9, 1907, Emily Barzen; child, Ewing Barzen, born September 12, 1909. (3) Thompson McGready, born Logan County, Ken- tucky, June 15, 1798; died February 20, 1871, removed to Christian (now Todd) County, Kentucky, with his parents about 1811-1812; member of the Kentucky Legislature, Todd County, 1827-1828; Presidential Elector, Kentucky, 1832; moved to Missouri, settled in Lafayette County, and was a member of the Missouri Constitutional Convention of 1845. He married (i) September 18, 1819, Mary Pettis Barron, born in Virginia, 1804, died in Todd County, Ken- aucky, 1833. Issue : 1ST. Susan Jane, born Todd County, Kentucky, July 8, 1821, died Roswell, New Mexico, September 10, 1890; married (i) Todd County, Kentucky, 1838, Washington Fort, who died in 1840. Lssue of this marriage, one child, Mary D., born August 6, 1839, married 1858, C. Benjamin Russell, of Robinson County, Tennessee. Their issue : Wil- liam H., born February 18, i860, married at Whitesboro, Texas, March 12, 1884, Ella Kelly. Their children: Ben- jamin Kelly, born September 29, 1889; James C, born June 21, 1890, died May 21, 1892, and Lawson, born October 18, 1892; Fort, born January 26 1862, died December 3, 1862; C. Benjamin, born January 16, 1864, died March 7, 1864; Dora Myrtle, born January 11, 1866, married August 20, 1890, James B. Lockbridge, of Kansas City Missouri; Mamie, born August 2j, 1872, married December 2(i, 1892, M. J. Bowen, of Wilmington, Delaware; Daisy Ewing, born March 6, 1875; Fannie, born December 20, 1877. 62 The Ewing Genealogy with Cognate Bbanches Susan Jane Ewing married (second) William H Ewing (Robert, Urban, George N. E.) of Lexington, Missouri. Issue of this marriage : (a) Medora, born October ii, 1842; married March 28, 1861, James H. Catron, of Lexington, Missouri. Issue: Bedie, born March 13, 1862, married 1885, E. K. Bradley of Nebraska City, Nebraska; child, Henry C, born 1893; a son (M. E.) born December 6, 1866, married July 21, 1891, Mary W. Lawton, of Nebraska City, Nebraska; a child (J. H.) born March 2, 1872. (b) Betty G., born April 13, 1849; married March 21, 1866, Charles W. Haines, of Liberty, Missouri. Issue : Jen- nie B., born January 6, 1867; married March 22, 1888, W. C. Burris, of Windsor, Missouri. Children : Mildred, born March 21, 1889, died February 7, 1890; D. Haines, born October 20, 1891, and Katherine, born January 11, 1894; Mittie S., born July i, 1869, died February 9, 1872; Dola E., born December 29, 1873; Ewing, born September 28, 1876, died October 31, 1877; William H., born July 24, 1878, died July 27, 1882; Mamie B., born November 6, 1887. (c) Thompson McGready, born i860, died in infancy. 2ND. Albert Barron, born January' 23, 1824, died 1850, in California ; unmarried. 3RD. Pamela Margaret, born Todd County, Kentucky, November 9, 1825; died Danville, Kentucky, March 13, 1879; married Lafayette County, Missouri, June 18, 1845, Charles E. Bowman, of Danville, Kentucky. Issue: Mary G., born 1846, died in infancy; Sally An- nette, born 1848; Georgette Ewing, bom 1852; Wilmoth Wallace, born 1856; Charles Ewing, born 1859, died 1896, St. Louis, Missouri; unmarried. 4TH. Charles Lee, born Todd County, Kentucky, May 10, 1827; removed with his parents to Lafayette County, Missouri; married Lafayette County, Missouri, December 6, 1 85 1, Willie A. Ewing (Robert Chatham, Chatham S.). Issue : (a) Sonoma D., born October i, 1854, died February 20, 1859. (b) Chatham H., born September 6, 1858; died May 28, 1859. (c) Mary Susan, born July 18, i860; married November 11, 1883, Chatham E. Prather, of Lafayette County, Mis- The Ewing Genealogy with Cognate Branches 63 souri; children: Albert Ewing, born September i, 1884; Henry Lee, born October 10, 1886; John L., born January 17, 1888; Willie T., born April 17, 1891. (d) Charles Lee, born March 17, 1866. 5TH. Theodore Thompson, born March 11, 1829; died 1855, in Central America. 6th. Mary Barron, born Todd County, Kentucky, Oct- ober 6, 1831; died Nappa, California, May 1881 ; married December 6, 1853, Judge William C. Wallace, of Nappa, California; died 1895. Issue, William C, born 1858; Belle, born 1862, and Lee Ewing, born 1864, all in California. He, Thompson McGready Ewing, married (second), on April 6, 1836, Mrs. Piety D. Greenfield, who died in Ken- tucky, 1840. Issue of this marriage : 1ST. Finis, born August 30, 1837, Todd County, Ken- tucky, and removed with his parents to Lafayette County, Missouri. He married (first) October 14, 1858, Mrs. Delinia Wim- berly of Montgomery County, Tennessee, died April 6, 1867. Issue : (a) Ella D., born September 7, 1859; married February 7, 1878, Thomas C. Mimms; children: Sallie D., born Dec- ember 9, 1878; Thomas C, born March 19, 1883; Maude, born August 1886, died in infancy; George D., born January 16, 1889. (b) Maude, born 1861 ; died August, 1863. (c) A son, name not known, died in infancy. He, Finis Ewing, son of Thompson McGready Ewing, married (second) February 8, 1870, a lady, surnamed Polk, of Tennessee. Issue:' Bowman C, born July 7, 1871 ; Finis J., born April 28, 1874; Bessie May, born September 6, 1876, died October 7, 1882; Maude, born August 5, 1879; Polk T., born April 19, 1883 ; Robert Lee, born June 4, 1885; May D., born June 28, 1890. 2ND. Piety Fort, born March 6, 1840; died August 18, 1840. He, Thompson McGready Ewing, married (third) in Lafayette County, Missouri, February 3, 1842, Anne Marie Windsor. Issue of this marriage : 1ST. Isadora Windsor, born Lafayette County, Mis- souri, April 12, 1843; di^d Lexington, Missouri, June, 1882; married Lexington, Missouri, December 1862, John E. Burden, of Lexington, Missouri. Issue: 5 64 The Ewing Genealogy with Cognate Bbanches (a) Eugene M., born October, 1863; died 1868. (b) Eldridge, born January, 1865. (c) Charles Triplett, born 1867; died 1869. (d) Anna Patti, born 1870; married 1893, Thomas J. Burgess of St. Joseph, Missouri; child: Irene Patti, born 1894. (e) Isadora Maude, born 1873. 2ND. Eugene M., born December 21, 1845; ^i^^ un- married. 3RD. Arnold Thomas, born July 20, 1847; ^i^d June, 1882, at Lexington, Missouri. 4TH. Thompson McGready, born July 15, 1849; married 1884, Alice G. Hill, of Nappa, California; died 1884. 5TH. Henr}' B., born June 21, 1851. 6th. Maria P., born Lafayette County, Missouri, July 27, 1853; married February 19, 1884, Charles W. Sullivan, and lived near Garden City, Cass County, Missouri. Issue : Anna M., born December 1885; died August 1886; Edgar H., born February 10, 1887; Bessie, born July 7, 1889; Willie, born December 15, 1891. 7TH. Betty R., born July 17, 1855; married January 10, 1895, James M. Warren, of Warrensburg, Missouri. 8th. Ida M., born June 15, 1857. 9TH. Lee Davidson, born February 18, 1859; died 1909; married October, 1893, Jessie Warmack, of Clarksville, Tennessee. They are understood to have had two sons. (4) Polly, born September 15, 1800; died October 9, 1800. (5) Dovey Bryan, born September 13, 1801 ; died October 27, 1802. (6) Baxter McGee, born September 9, 1803; died August 16, 1822. (7) Mary Anderson, born Logan County, Kentucky, June 25, 1805; married (first) July 11, 1821, Archibald Kavanaugh ; died September 1837. Issue : 1ST. Baxter, who married and had a daughter, Fanny; he died in Ray County, Missouri, and she moved to Califor- nia. 2ND. Anna, married (first) Dr. Diggs, of Lexington, Missouri, and (second) Rev. Dr. C. A. Davis, of Memphis, Tennessee, of which union were born a daughter, Molly, and two sons. 3RD. Finis (M. D.), was a surgeon in the Confederate States Army, and afterwards died in Mexico. The Ewing Genealogy with Cognate Beanches 65 4TH. Pamela, died in New Mexico; she married Reuben Letton. Issue, two sons. Buck and Archibald. She, Mary Anderson Ewing, married (second) Chatham S. Ewing (Robert, Chatham). Issue, see Chatham S. Ewing, supra. (8) Margaret Davidson, born Logan County, Kentucky, July 28, 1807, died September, 1897; married Cooper Coun- ty, Missouri, December 13, 1826, Rev. Robert Sloan of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church; he was born May 11, 1801 ; died May 27, 1868, and was a son of Alexander Sloan, who came to Cooper County, Missouri, about 1819- 1820. Issue: 1ST. Alfred Baxter, born September 24, 1827; M. D. ; lived Kansas City, Missouri; married December 20, 1855, Mary A. Railey. Issue : (a) Charles Clarence, born October 18, 1856; married November 27, 1878, Mary Townsend Addams; children: Edith Terrill, born October 16, 1879; Helen, born March ]6. 1881 ; died June, 1881, and Earl Bodgess, born December 9, 1884. (b) Sally Lee Davidson, born April 3, 1859; lived Kan- sas City, Missouri; married May 11, 1881, William Rankin Hogsett; child: William Sloan, born September 29, T883. (c) Robert Tarlton, born March 30, 1861 ; M. D. ; lived Kansas City, Missouri; married May 25, 1887, Carrie R. Parks; child: Mary Roberta, born May 17, 1888. (d) Rowland Bodgess, born December 29, 1866. (e) Alfred McGready, born July 10, 1870. (f) Alice Patton, born December 3, 1875; married Wil- liam Smallwood. 2ND. Frances Kavanaugh, born September 16, 1829; married January 14, 1847, Greenup J. Jones. Issue : (a) William Stone, born October 5, 1847. He married (first) October 9, 1870, Mary Depp; died May 15, 1884. Issue: Walter Lee, born November 15, 1872; Jessie Frances, born August 23, 1874; married June 6. 1896, Louis Dougherty; Harry, born April 2, 1876; Mary D.. born May 7, 1884. He married (second) August 18, 1885, Eva C. Smoot. (b) Robert Lewis, born January 28, 1850; married January 18, 1872, Louisa Columbia Snider. Issue, Mary Edith, born January 8, 1873; married October 9, 1893, Charles Rarick ; Children: Hazel Ewing, born June 3. 1894; died April 30, 1895, and Charles De Leon,, born September 66 The Ewing Genealogit with Cognate Branches 9, 1896; Fanny Marilla, born May 14, 1878; Charles Clin- ton, bom December 11, 1881 ; William Snider, born August 5, 1886; Robert Sloan, bom October 15, 1889. (c) Alfred Price, born January 29, 1852; died Septem- ber 29, 1872. (d) Porter McClanahan, born January 3, 1854. (e) Alexander McGready, born April 2y, 1856; married May 21, 1895, Lizzie Walker. Issue: Mary Frances, born September 5, 1896. (f) Lizzie M., born April 8, 1858; married November 6, 1879, Reuben K. Johnson. Issue: Alfred Givens, born August 21, 1880; John Wornald, born July 22, 1883; died November 11, 1886; Finis Ewing, born July 16, 1886; Fan- nie Kesiah, born March 7, 1888, (g) Charles Lee, born June 29, i860; married June 6, 1886, Ella Stewart. Issue: Raymond Stewart, July 29, 1889; died October 6, 1895. (h) Mary Katherine, born June 15, 1866; died Decem- ber 6, 1896; married August 3, 1887, William T. Longshore. Issue: Jones William, born July 17, 1892; Mary Lillian, born July 17, 1892. (i) Edwin Franklin, born December 17, 1868. (j) James Bryant, born April 5, 1871. (k) Clarence Givens, born May 18, 1873; died March 18, 1893. (1) Claude Emmet, born February i, 1875. 3RD. Ewing McGready, born August 10, 1831, died St. Louis, Missouri, February 3, 1906; married November 6, 1856, Helen Chew. Issue: (a) Katherine L. (b) Mary L., married David Humphreys. Issue: Ew- ing L. and David. (c) Roberta L., married Willard Oliver. Issue: Wil- lard. (d) Frances L., married Charles P. J. Bryant, of Kan- sas City, Missouri. (e) Helen Chew, married William W. Keyser. (f) Ewing D. 4TH. Katherine Winifred, born October 13, 1833; died August 12, 1867; married January 13, 1852, Silas Price Keller. Issue : (a) Mary Bartriff, born Febmary 18, 1853; married October 8, 1879, Allen Glenn. Issue: Hugh Gibson, bom February 13, 1881 ; Price Keller, born September 7, 1882; The Ewing Gene.\xogy with Cognate Branches 67 Mary Elizabeth, born April 22, 1884; Allen Bristol, born December 25, 1885; Margaret, born and died December 13, 1887, "Winifred Sloan, born February 3, 1889; Robert Charles, born April 8, 1891 ; Ewing Suggett, born April 16, 1893; Helen Brown, born August 18, 1895. (b) Fannie, born December 24, 1854. She married (first) October 9, 1878, Sumner C. Bristol; died September 13, 1884. Issue: Katherine Curtis, born August 9, 1879, and Helen Glenn, born May 21, 1883; died January 6, 1885. She married (second) Franklin Lee Miller, of Kansas City, Missouri; no issue. (c) Jennie, born June 29, 1857; died May 29, 1864. (d) Helen Campbell, born November 3, 1859; married June 3, 1891, William Bailey Upton. Issue: William Bailey, born March 15, 1892; Mary Frances, born February 22, 1894; died October 7, 1895. (e) Charles Price, born May 27, 1862; married Septem- ber 25, 1890, Maude Irwin. Issue, Margaret McLellan, born November 29, 1891 ; Helen Davis, born September 16 1896. (f) Robert William, born January 30, 1865; died June 10, 1894. (g) Katherine Sloan, born June 26, 1867; died May 3, 1869. 5TH. Alexander Thompson, born February 18, 1836; married Mary McClanahan, February 7, 1871. Issue: Harriet Lee, born June 25, 1872, died November 5, 1879; Margaret C, born October 25, 1874, and Charles W., born April 16. 1876. 6th. Robert Lee, born July 18, 1838; died November ro, 1885; married February, 1873, Anna Wood; died July 1885 ; no issue. 7TH. Finis Ewing, born December 23, 1840; died Feb- ruary 21, 1851. 8th. Charles W., born December 24, 1842, at Harrison- ville, Missouri. He married (first) April 8, 1875, Alice Patton ; died December 10, 1875; no issue. He married (second) January 28, 1880, Jennie Todd. Issue: (a) Florence Ewing, born May 10, 1881 ; married December 20, 1900, Harry Scott Vaughn, of Nashville, Tennessee. Issue: William Scott, born December 8, 1902; Charles Sloan, born October 31, 1904; Houghton Davidson, born August 12, 1907. (b) Helen Todd, born July 13, 1885. 68 The Ewing Genkalogy with Cognate Branches 9TH. Margaret Pamela, born February ii, 1845; died December 18, 1866; married August 20, 1865, William L. Yantis; no issue. lOTH. Mary Phoebe, born September 6, 1847; died August 5, 1849. iiTH. Ephraim Perry, born February 19, 1850; died December 24, 1879; married November 25, 1874, Ada Hunter. Issue: Ephraim Hunter, born January 8, 1876, and Lee Roman, born October 6, 1878. I2TH. James Finis, born February 7, 1852; died October 15, 1852. (9) Pamela Jane, bom Logan County, Kentucky, August 4, 1809; died in Austin, Texas, 1881 ; she married (first) James W. Read, of Danville, Kentucky; died Febru- ary 6, 1829. Issue : 1ST. Mary, married Robert Mitchell Forbes; born in Virginia, afterwards of Port Lavaca, Texas. Children : (a) Fannie, married W. G. Sterrett, of Dallas, Texas. (b) Alice, widow of W. J. Townsend, of Dallas, Texas. (c) Jeannette, married W. A. Blackwell, of Cuero, Texas. (d) Robert Ewing, living in State of Washington. (e) Maggie, married Otto Staerker, of Cuero, Texas. (f) Richard, of St. Joseph, Missouri. Pamela Jane married (second) in 1830, Horsely Rea, born 1804; died December 7, 1849. 2ND. Carrie, a daughter of this union, was born in Booneville, Missouri, May 13, 1836; married November 16, 1854, at Lavaca, Texas, George Preston Finlay, who be- came a prominent and distinguished lawyer of Texas, and was an orator of great force and eloquence; he was born November 16, 1829, in Augusta, Perry County, Mississippi, and died March 24, 191 1, being buried in Austin, Texas. Issue : (a) Julia Howard, born August 27, 1855; married May 17, 1881, Hart H. Settle, of Galveston, Texas. Issue: (aa) Julia Finlay, born July 29, 1882; married May 2.2, 1907, Robert Lawson Pierce; children: Julia Settle, born June 25, 1908, and Elizabeth Lawson, born May 17, 1910. (bb) George Finlay, born January 4, 1885. (b) Quitman, born July 21, 1865; married November 6, 1889, Alice Josephine Downs, of Waco, Texas. Child: Alice Dorothy, born January 31, 1897. The EwiXG Genealogi with Cognate Branches G9 (c) Virgilia Octavia, born March 12, 1870; married February 26, 1895, David Edw. Simmons, a lawyer of distinction, who was Assistant Attorney General of Texas, and later U. S. District Attorney for the Southern District of Texas. Children : (aa) George Finlay, born October 25, 1895, who was Second Lieutenant Adjutant of the Medical Corps in the War with Germany, and (bb) David Andrew, born May 31, 1897, who was Second Lieutenant of the air service in that war. (10) Finis Young, born in Kentucky, October 19, 181 1 ; died May 12, 1891 ; married Jane T. Price. Issue: 1ST. Anna, married Benjamin Newsom. Issue: (a) Emma, married Joseph D. Sheppard. Issue: Lucy, Benjamin N., Joseph D. (b) Rush Elmore. (c) Carrie C, married Paul Harding. Issue: Paul, died in infancy. (d) Grace, married twice (first), George Miller Clarke. Issue : George Miller. 2ND. Carrie A., married John D. Clayton. 3RD. William Lee Davidson, married Lizzie Ballantine. Issue : Willie, died in infancy. 4TH. Finette. died in infancy. 5TH. Katherine, died unmarried. 6th. Emma, died in infancy. 7TH. Charles, married Dora Hall. (11) Washington Perry, born March 16, 1814; died June, 1867; married December 18, 1834, Aletha Jane Ewing (Robert, Chatham. Finis W.). Issue: 1ST. Aletha Olivia, married Frank W. Shattuck, lived in California. Issue : Arthur Ewing; William Finis, married Millie Camm, child Paul ; Rena ; Frank Olivia ; Mattie Newell; Aletha Lee, married Henry Ellsworth. Children: Arthur Shattuck, Olivia, Rena, and Mildred Aletha. 2ND. Lee Davidson, died in infancy. 3RD. Mary Henrietta, died St. Louis, Missouri, 1866, of cholera ; married David K. Newell. Issue : a daughter. Bet- tie, married Robert A. Barr. Child : Aletha Mary. 4TH. Finis Young, of Vernon County, Missouri. He married (first) Mattie Davis. Children: Finis Lee and Mattie Olivia. He married (second) Anna Phillippy. Children, besides one who died in infancy ; Jane Elizabeth, Anna Washington, and Arthur Washington. 70 The Ewing Genealogy with Cognate Branches 5TH. Washington Perry, married (first) Roberta Kava- naugh. Issue: Carrie Kavanaugh. He married (second) Hattie Rees. Issue: William Rees, Mary Emma, Frank Finis, and Bessie. 6th. Lee Davidson, was a practicing physician, lived in Texas ; married Bettie Harris. Issue : Delmar Harris, mar- ried Nannie Gordon Drake; Finis Waldo; Duke; Lee Bre- vard ; Forest Otha. (12) Robert Chatham Donnell, born in Todd County, Kentucky, March 16, 1816; married November 9, 1841, Maria L. Harris. Issue : Ella Harris, married J. C. Robin- son. Children : Roberta, Norma, Aubrey E., Wirt J., and Irene F. ; Roberta M., married John E. McCormick; Clar- ence O. ; Norma D., married W. F. Chadwick; Minnie R., died in infancy; Finette W., died in infancy; Mary A., died in infancy; Robert Finis, died unmarried. (13) Ephraim Brevard (Barnett), born Todd County, Kentucky, May 16, 1819; died in Missouri June 21, 1873, of brain fever; moved to Cooper County, Missouri, with his parents in May, 1820, and thence to Lafayette County, Missouri, in 1832; attended Cumberland College, Prince- ton, Kentucky ; studied law in private law school of Judge Buckner, St. Louis, Missouri ; completed his law studies in the office of his brother, Robert Chatham Donnell, in Rich- mond, Missouri; admitted to the bar, Richmond, Missouri, 1842, and immediately formed a partnership with his said brother. He was Secretary of the Missouri State Senate, 1846; member of the Missouri Legislature, from Ray County, 1848; Presidential Elector the same year; appointed Secre- tary of State, Missouri, April 7, 1849, and served to 1852; was elected Attorney General of Missouri August, 1856; elected to Missouri Supreme Court, August, 1859, office vacated by Convention of 1861. He resumed the practice of the law in Jefferson City, Missouri, in the autumn of 1861 ; moved to St. Louis, Mis- souri, in 1864, and there continued his law practice; was elected Circuit Judge, St. Louis, Missouri, and was elected to Missouri Supreme Court, November, 1872. for eight years, dying in office.' He married, Ray County, Missouri, June 4, 1845; Ehza- >The Green Bag, Oct., 1899, containing his biography by Judge Charles W. Sloan; Phelan's Hist, of Tenn., pp. 135, 224; 51-53 Mo Repts.; Biogra- phy of Finis Ewing, entitled "Ewing, Rev. Finis E., one of the Fa- thers and Founders of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church." The Ewing Genealogy with Cognate Branches 71 beth Ann Allen, died Jefferson City, Missouri, daughter of Dr. Thomas Allen and Nancy Watkins, said Nancy a daugh- ter of Col. Thomas Watkins and his wife, Elizabeth A. Venable, daughter of Nathaniel and Elizabeth Woodson Venable, and grand daughter of Abraham and Martha Davis Venable, of Virginia. Issue : 1ST. Anna, born Richmond, Missouri, March 29, 1846; died Washington, D. C, January 6, 1894; she was a very brilliant and accomplished woman. On July 23, 1873, she married Francis Marion Cockrell, a distinguished leader, born October i, 1834, son of Joseph Cockrell and Nancy Ellis, of Johnson Co., IMissouri; he was a Brigadier General, C. S. A.; U. S. Senator from Missouri, 1875-1905; was Interstate Commerce Commissioner to relocate the boundary lines between Texas and New Mexico. Issue : (a) Ewing, born May 28, 1874; an attorney at law, abode, Warrensburg, Missouri ; graduate of Harvard, A. B,, University of Virginia, LL. B., Columbia University, A. M. ; prosecuting attorney of Johnson County, Missouri, 1902- 1910; married Staunton, Virginia, June 3, 1896, Leacy Peachy Williams, daughter of Leroy Eustace Williams and Flora McDonald of Virginia. Issue : Anna Ewing, born June 22, 1898; Flora McDonald, born June 14, 1900; Francis Marion, born December 14, 1906; Eustace Williams, born November 5, 1909. (b) Marion, born August 3, 1875, abode Norwich, Con- necticut; married Februar}^ 14, 1903, Edson Fessenden Gallaudet, a graduate of Yale. Issue : Francis Cockrell, bom April 14, 1904; Marion Cockrell, born Februar}' 10, 1907, and a child Denise. (c) Francis Marion, born Januarys 17, 1877; attended Columbian University, Washington, D. C. ; married Nov- ember 5, 1902, jMiller Pope, born February 6, 1879; daugh- ter of W. S. Pope and Lucy Miller, of Jefferson City, Missouri. He is a leading business man, of enterprising capacity, and has been engaged in discharge of the active duties of president of the Cockrell Manufacturing Co., Ltd., operating at Gramercy, Louisiana, with his headquarters in Louisville, Kentucky. (d) Ephraim Brevard, born May 7, 1881 ; married St. Louis, Missouri. Hazel Hogan. (e) Allen Vardaman. born January 22, 1883, married Mrs. Frances Elliot Reed. 72 The Ewing Genealogy with Cognate Branches (f) Anna Ewing, born May 26, 1884; abode Athens, Greece; married July, 191 1, Lambros A. Coromilas. 2ND. Alice Brevard, born 1847-1848, Richmond, Mis- souri; died January 10, 1914; married Jefferson City, Mis- souri, October 13, 1880, John Read Samuel Walker (Robert, Urban, Nellie Caldwell, Mary Elizabeth), born March 18, 1846; died January, 1900, a man of marked prominence, who attended Yale, was admitted to the bar at Booneville, Missouri, a member of the Missouri Legislature, from Coop- er County; U. S. District Attorney for Western District of Missouri, removing after his appointment as such to Kan- sas City, Missouri, where he lived until his death. Issue; Alice Brevard, bom July 29, 1881, died 1897; John Read, born December 31, 1882; Ewing Anthony, born December 16, 1885; Ephraim Brevard, born November 17, 1893. She (Alice Brevard Ewing W^alker) was a woman of dis- tinguished and remarkable ability, of not only State but National fame. She was Vice President General and Hon- orary Vice President General of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, and a lifesized por- trait of her is hung in the Continental Memorial Hall, Wash- ington, D. C. She was possessed of much oratorical ability ; was the chosen speaker on "Daughters' Day" at the Lou- isiana Purchase Exposition, and at the Jamestown Exposi- tion, and once before a Committee of the United States Senate. She had served as President for the Daughters of the Confederacy and the Women's Christian Temperance Union, and was the organizer of the Round Table Club of Jefferson City, being the first study club of Missouri. At the time of her death, she was Honorary member of the Booneville Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revo- lution ; Honorary member of the .Stonewall Jackson Chap- ter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy ; Honorary member of the Old Men's Association ; a Charter member of the 19th Century Club; a member of the Kansas City Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution ; Vice- President General for life of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, and a member of the Missouri Valley Historical Society.' 3RD. Henry Watkins, born Richmond, Missouri, July 4, 1849; died Battle Creek, Michigan, September i, 1898; was educated in the public schools of St. Louis, Missouri, grad- ' Resolutions of the Kansas City Chapter of the Daughters of the American Rev* olution, adopted Jan. 19, 1914 ALICE BREVARD EWlNGi WALKER The Ewing Genealogy with Cognate Branches 73 uating from the High School with the highest honors ; he was graduated from the Missouri State University, 1872, B. A., winning orator's medal. He was elected Clerk of the Missouri Supreme Court in 1873, after the death of his father, and served until 1891, declining re-election. In 1884, he purchased a controlling interest in the Tribune Printing Office, of Jefferson City, Missouri, and was editor of the Tribune until his death; he was president of the Missouri Press Association, 1896-1897; was a charter member of the Missouri Society, Sons of the Revolution, and on the first Board of Managers ; also a member of the Society of Colon- ial Wars. He married, Jefferson City, Missouri, Mattic Chappell. Children: Mary, Clay, Jack, and Dorothy; last named born January 1894. 4TH. Margaret, married in 1877, John Cabell Wilkin- son, born December 13, 1846; son Jane Browder Cabell, born July 14, 1823, died January 21, 1849, and Thomas Parks Wilkinson, a lawyer. He, John Cabell Wilkinson, served in the C. S. A., and afterwards was prominently connected with the Hargadine-McKittrick Dry Goods Com- pany, in St. Louis, Missouri. Issue of this marriage : Mar- garet, William Tudor, Jane Alice, John Cabell, Elizabeth Allen (dead), Florence Ewing and Dorothy Brevard. CHAPTER XIII. ROBERT EWING II., SON OF ROBERT AND MARY (BAKER) ewing; his birth, career, marriage and children. robert ewing ii son of Robert Ewing I and Mary Baker, {q. v.), was bom in Bedford County, Virginia, 1760, died in Logan County, Kentucky, July 14, 1832; buried in the old Red River Churchyard, about five miles northeast of Adairville, Ken- tucky. He was one of the signers of the petition of the Peaks of Otter Presbyterian Church, Bedford County, Virginia, May, 1774, to the General Assembly of Virginia. He was a soldier in the War of the Revolution. He moved to Davidson County, Tennessee, then North Carolina, in 1784; was a member of the North Carolina Legislature from Davidson County, 1 787-1 789, and was a member of the North Carolina Convention of 1789 for adoption of the United States Constitution. He moved to Logan County, Kentucky, in 1792; was a member of the Kentucky Legislature, from Logan County, 1797; member of the Kentucky State Senate, 1806-1818, and President of the Senate, 1818. He was Presidential Elector in 1808, and again in 18 12, and again in 18 16, He was commissioned Brigadier General, December 19, 1799, commanding the nth Kentucky Brigade, including regiments of Logan, Henderson, Muhlenburg, Christian and Livingston Counties. He was Brigadier General in the War with Great Britain in 1812. The inscription on his tombstone is suggestive of his illus- trious career, and his fine qualities of character. It follows : IN MEMORY OF GENERAL ROBERT EWING, "A Soldier of the Revolution, who departed this life 14th of July, 1832, in the 73rd year of his age. He was born in Virginia in 1760, removed to West Tennessee in 1781, from whence he was elected and served two sessions in the North Caro- lina Legislature. Was married to Jane McLean (74) The Ewing Genealogy wpih Cognate Branches 75 on the 4th of July, 1787; removed to Logan County, Kentucky, in 1792; was elected to the Legislature of Kentucky in 1797 and served 21 years in succession, sixteen (16) in the Senate and the last two as its President. He was the Oracle of his family, and among his neighbors, emphatic- ally a Peacemaker." As we read that epitaph of service, speaking to us from the moldering dust of a hero who toiled in the wilderness of the land we love, we are much impressed by what is said in Foote's Sketches, page 83, in these words : "Men will not be able to understand till they have opened the treasures of history and drawn forth some few particulars respecting the origin and religious habits of the Scotch-Irish and be- come familiar with their doings previous to the Revolution — during the painful struggle — and the succeeding years of prosperity." He, Robert Ewing H, married at Adairville, Logan County, Kentucky, July 4, 1787, Jane McLean. Issue: I. ELIZABETH (Bctsy) DAVIDSON, born June i, 1788, Davidson County, Tennessee, died May 14, 185 1 ; married General Thomas Jefferson Townsend. Issue : (i) Robert Jefferson, born August 18, 1807; died of cholera, July 23, 1849; married December 23, 1845, Sarah Ann Beauchamp. Issue: 1ST. Gilson Columbus, born September 24, 1846; died October 5, 1861. 2ND. Robert Presley, a prominent physician and sur- geon of Adairville, Kentucky, born April i, 1848. He married (first) November 25, 1875, Emma Tyler Smith, daughter of Rev. Darrell B. Smith, of Todd County, Ken- tucky. Issue: A daughter, Martha Smith, unmarried, liv- ing in Nashville, Tennessee. He married (second) June, 1900, Thomsie Moore, daughter of William Moore of Adairville, Kentucky. Issue : Roberta Moore, born July 9, 1902, now a beautiful girl in her teens, as the poet would say, "where the brook and river meet." (2) Albert B., born January 12, 1810; died October 31, 1873, unmarried. (3) Jane Pamela, born October 7, 1813; died February 20, 1892; married (first) Samuel Bowling; no issue. She married (second) Joseph Link. Issue: Joseph P., married (first) Georgie Radford. Issue, Wil- 76 The Ewixg Genealogy with Cogxate Branches liam Whitfield, married Sallie Thurman ; children : Anna May, Emmet, Robert Edward, and Joseph, died at lO years of age. He, Joseph P. Link, married (second) Eliza- beth Crozier. Child: Kathleen, married Mr. Barker, abode Western Canada. (4) Eliza Ann, born November 4, 1815; died October 30, 1865; married John W. Judkins. Issue: 1ST. Jane, born April 2.^, 1834; died July 18, 1880, unmarried. 2ND. Florence M., born July 2, 1836; died February 15, 1895; married 1865, Edwin R. Moore. Issue: (a) Roy, born 1866; married July, 1900, Addie May Phelps. Children: Edward Richard, born September 12, 1902; Smith Judkins, born November 3, 1905; William Herbert, born April i, 1913. (b) Presley, born July 18, 1869; died February 4, 1895, unmarried. (c) Joseph, born 1879. 3RD. John, born 1846, died 1894; married, 1868, Nannie Burns. Issue : (a) Thomas R., born 1869; married Nettie Ryan. (b) Callie, born 1871 ; died unmarried. (c) Estelle, born 1873; married Egbert Moore. Child: Mattie Nadine. (d) Maud, born 1875; died unmarried, (e) Harold, born 1877. (f) Norma, born 1879. (5) Mary M. A. D., born August 4. 1818; died July, 1874; married 1833, Francis Marion Beauchamp. Issue: 1ST. Victoria E., born May 2, 1838; died June 24, 1877; married May 14, 1868, Thompson E. Fort. Issue: (a) Daisy Catharine, born April 15, 1870; died July 30, 1870. (b) Frank Thomas, born September 11, 1871. (c) Guy Earl, born July 18, 1873; married October 15, 1901, Myrtle Gupton. (d) Mabel, born July 30, 1875; married January 10, 1903, E. F. True. Child : Frank Fort, born September 20, 1907. 2ND. Francis Marion, born March 19, 1840; married May I, 1867, Frankie Simmons. Issue: Robert E., bom January 3, 1869; married June 8, 1909, Bennie Lett. Child: Robert Coleman, born March 24, 191 1. 3RD. Thomas Jefferson, born 1843. The Ewing Gexealogy with Cognate Bbaxcties 77 4TH. Elizabeth, born 1844; married Joseph Fort; moved to Arkansas. 5TH. Presley, born 1847; died in infancy. 6th. Robert B., born March 8, 1850; married July 8, 1869, Columbia Fuqua. Issue : (a) Paul, born May 6, 1870; married October 12, 1898, Chester Weldon. Issue: Helen C, born December 6, 1900; Worthington, born October 3, 1904; Frank H., born July 23, 1906. (b) Eulalie, born December 11, 1872; married October II, 1894, C. C. Simmons. Issue: R. Tilden, born August 8, 1895; Pauline W., born September 3, 1896; Lon B., born March 3, 1898; Charles H., born April 19, 1901 ; Felix M., born September 24, 1909. (c) Kenneth, bom September 5, 1875; married January 1, 1900, Cora B. Perry. Issue: Mary Hazel, born Decem- ber 14, 1900; Roberta, born August 10, 1902; Paul, bom December 24, 1904; Virginia E., born March 23, 1907; Douglas, born May 9, 1909; Isabel, born June i, 1911. (d) Wilbur, bom October 31, 1879; married April, 1905, Fannie Britt. Issue: Bertha M., born February, 1906; Eulalie, born June 1907; Robert H., born July, 1910. (e) Felix, born July 3, 1884; married May 1909, Theresa Dolores Witz. Issue : Robert Cameron, born February, 1910; Norma, born February, 191 1. (f) Norma, born August 19, 1887; married February 2, 1909, Charles A. Sweatt. Issue : Cecelia B., born 1909. (g) Egborn, born February 19, 1890; married Novem- ber 2^, igi2, Hattie E. Browning. 7TH. Anna, born 1859; ^^^^ 1889; she married Mr. Warren. 8th. Edwin Eugene, born 1864; died 1892; he married, 1886, Capitola Tisdale. (6) Martha M. C, born June 13, 1821 ; died August 17, 1855; married 1848, P. O. Gilbert. Issue: 1ST. Elizabeth, born 1849; died 1880, unmarried. 2ND. Martha, born 1851 ; married Lewis C. Garrigus, abode Portland, Oregon. Children : Mary Edith, Hallie, Lewis, and Annie. 3RD. Presley, born, 1853; died 1913; married 1877, AUie Dardon. (7) Presley Ewing, born February i, 1823; died Dec- ember 21, 1896; married 1844, Amanda Offutt. Issue: 78 The Ewing Genealogy with Cognate Branches 1ST. Robert Ewing, born March 24, 1845; died March 20, 1863, Confederate States Army, killed at Milton, Tennessee. 2ND. Thomas Jefferson, born July 3, 1846; married (first) Anna Ewing (Robert, Robert, George Washing- ton). Child: Claud. He married (second) Bettie V. Wooten. Children : Wooten and Robert. 3RD. Martha Jane, born July 6, 1848; married October 5, 1876, Reuben Burrow Penick. Issue : Lola M., born June 1878, unmarried; Eva Gilson, born January 20, 1886, abode Nevada, Missouri. 4TH. Tighlman, born February 2, 1850; died without issue. 5TH. Presley, born February 19, 1852; married Febru- ary, 1874, Fannie Calloway. Issue: (a) Virgil Emmet, bom 1875, abode Oklahoma; mar- ried Mattie Soyer. (b) Joseph, born July, 1876, abode Fort Worth, Texas; married Lena Lowe. (c) John Thomas, born February, 1878, abode Galves- ton, Texas. (d) Tighlman Offutt, born 1881, abode Galveston, Texas. (e) Sabrie Elizabeth, born 1885, abode Oklahoma; mar- ried Oscar Campbell. (f) Robert, bom 1886; died 1890. (g) Richard, born 1888, abode, Galveston, Texas, (h) Edward, born 1891, abode, Oklahoma. 6th. Susan Ann, born 1854. 7TH. Joseph, born January, 1856; died December 28, 1868. 8th. Gilson Ewing, bom March 18, 1858; married Sep- tember 29, 1886, Beulah Eubank. Children: Hal Eubank, born June 19, 1888, and Mary A., born July 14, 1892. 9TH. William (Major), born August, 1862; married May 5, 1881, Mattie Grider Hunt. Issue: (a) Bessie Ewing, born September 4, 1883; married September 5, 1904, James Leslie Orndorff. Children : Martha Grider, born June 8, 1906, and Joseph Tilden, born June 13, 1910. She, Bessie Ewing (Townsend) Orndorff, of Bowling Green, Kentucky, is a member of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, an- cestor Robert Ewing II. ; her National Number being The Ewing Genealogy wrrn Cognate Branches 79 104334, citing National Number 64894, and National Num- ber 98957. (b) George Hunt, born December 15, 1888. (c) Thomas Jefferson, born August 15, 1892, lOTH. Elizabeth Davidson, born November 2"], 1863; married June 7, 1882, Dr. A. L. Britt. Issue : Winnie Estelle, born March 2, 1884; married October 15, 1913; Henry G. Sandifer; AUyne Amanda, born December 13, ERRATA. P. 75. Elizabeth (Betsy) Davidson died May 14, 1867. P. 79. Elizabeth Davidson Townsend's husband was Dr A. L. Butt, not Britt. P. 82. Sarah Temple Holeman was born August 28, 1897. ne was uiic ui mc v^umniiaonjin-io w.*. m.^ k^v*^^»^».»^ ^ of the State, in association with Justices John F. Phillips and Alex H. Martin." The author of the sketch cited in the foot-note refers to Henry Clay Ewing as being a grandson of General Robert Ewing, saying: "His grandfather on his father's side was Gen- eral Robert Ewing, of Logan County, Kentucky, ^Sketch by Ex-Gov. T. T. Crittenden, in St. Louis Christian Advocate of Jan. 15, 1908. 78 The Ewing Genealogy with Cognate Branches 1ST, Robert Ewing, born March 24, 1845; died March 20, 1863, Confederate States Army, killed at Milton, Tennessee. 2ND. Thomas Jefferson, born July 3, 1846; married (first) Anna Ewing (Robert, Robert, George Washing- ton). Child: Claud. He married (second) Bettie V. Wooten. Children : Wooten and Robert. 3RD. Martha Jane, born July 6, 1848; married October _ ,O^C r>„..U \i,.^^r...r V>^.^\fA^ Tcci^. T /^lo A/r Krvrn born June 19, 1888, and Mary A., born July 14, 1892. 9TH. William (Major), born August, 1862; married May 5, 1881, Mattie Grider Hunt. Issue: (a) Bessie Ewing, born September 4, 1883; married September 5, 1904, James Leslie Orndorff. Children : Martha Grider, born June 8, 1906, and Joseph Tilden, born June 13, 1910. She, Bessie Ewing (Townsend) Orndorff, of Bowling Green, Kentucky, is a member of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, an- cestor Robert Ewing H. ; her National Number being The Ewing Gknealogy wiih Cognate Branches 79 104334, citing National Number 64894, and National Num- ber 98957. (b) George Hunt, born December 15, 1888. (c) Thomas Jefferson, born August 15, 1892. lOTH. Elizabeth Davidson, born November 2^, 1863; married June 7, 1882, Dr. A. L. Britt. Issue : Winnie Estelle, born March 2, 1884; married October 15, 1913; Henry G. Sandifer; AUyne Amanda, born December 13, 1886; Mattie Alberta, born September 15, 1892. 2. EPHRAIM MCLEAN (g. V.). 3. ROBERT ALLEN, born March 4, 1792; died December 8, 1857, near Jefferson City, Missouri; studied law in Ken- tucky under Honorable John J. Crittenden; moved to Mis- souri, located at Jefferson City, and practiced law; was County Judge of Cole County, in that State. He married, Callaway County, Missouri, Jane Ramsey, daughter of General Jonathan Ramsey. Issue : (i) Missouri, married Robert Randolph Jefferson. Issue : Jennie, married Mr. Dunscombe ; Maria, married Charles McCarty ; Mary, married Joseph F. Edwards. Children : William, married Sophie Kaiser, and Ethel, married John Boone. (2) Robert, unmarried. (3) Maria, born Februar}^ 9, 1826; died January 31, 1905. She married Judge Alton Long, who was a mem- ber of the Missouri State Senate, 1846- 1850. (4) Henry Clay, born August 15, 1828; died March 22, 1907. He was Attorney General of Missouri, from 1 873- 1 874, to 1875-76, Charles Hardin being at the time Governor; also one of the Fish Commissioners of Missouri for several years. He was a member of Missouri Legislature, from Cole County, 1 881 -1883. He was one of the Commissioners of the Supreme Court of the State, in association with Justices John F. Phillips and Alex H. Martin.' The author of the sketch cited in the foot-note refers to Henry Qay Ewing as being a grandson of General Robert Ewing, saying: "His grandfather on his father's side was Gen- eral Robert Ewing, of Logan County, Kentucky, 'Sketch by Ex-Gov. T. T. Crittenden, in St. Louis Christian Advocate of Jan. 15, 1908. 80 The Ewing Genealogy wrrii Cognate Branches a soldier of the Revolution, and a general in the War of 1812." He (Henry Clay Ewing) married Georgia Childs, hut it is understood there was no issue of the marriage. (5) Ephraim, died young. (6) Hannah, died at twelve years of age. (7) Ashley W., born December 28, 1838; died March 22, 1905; was a member of the Missouri Legislature, from Cole County, 1877-1879; married Sallie Bolton, but no issue. (8) Gilson (twin to Ashley W.), born December 28, 1838; married and had issue: Janet, married Howard Boone, of Kansas City, Missouri; Paul, unmarried; Olive, married W. A. Dallmeyer, of Jefferson City, Missouri; Anne, married George W. Hobbs; Ephraim. 4. POLLY BAKER, born April 30, 1794; died May 22, 1873. She married (first) Rev. Philip McDonald, of the Cumberland Presbyerian Church, born 1794; died 181 5. Issue: Philip Monroe, a minister; married and had child: Molly. She married (second) Barksdale Spencer. Issue: (i) James B., born 1824; died September 16, 1854. (2) Robert, born 1826; died without issue. (3) John, bom October 20, 1828; married Caroline Porter; no issue. (4) Mary Jane, married (first) Mr. Winlock. Issue: Eliza, Mattie, Richard, and Robert. She married (second) Mr. Tisdale. Issue: William, Wilson and Capitola, married Eugene Beauchamp. (5) Ephraim Ewing, married and had several children. (6) Randolph, married and had several children. (7) Martha G., born June 10, 1835; died June 3, 1870. She married Dr. William Simmons. Issue : 1ST. Richard L., died in infancy. 2ND. Ewing, married (first) Forest Hendrickson, sev- eral children, and married (second) name of wife not known, by whom he had several children. 3RD. Myrtle, born April 10, 1867; died May 29, 1897; married January 20, 1887, Robert Henry Fugate, by whom she had a child^ Myrtle, bom April 20, 1897. 5. PATSY MILLS, born February 4, 1796; she married (first) Mr. Fort., no issue, and (second) James Ross, by whom she had a son, James, lived in Mississippi and killed during the Civil War; also another child, Trippe. Dr. jas. b. bowlin: The Ewing Genealogy with Cognate Branches 81 6. CHATHAM TOMLiNSON, borii April 4, 1798; died December 17, 1819, unmarried. 7. SOPHRONIA, born May 15, 1800; died October 17, 1868; married April 22, 1819, Dr. James B. Bowling, an eminent physician and surgeon, of Adairville, Kentucky, under whom the authors' ancestor, Fayette Clay Ewing I., began the study of medicine and surgery, and of whom the tenderest memories were always cherished and transmitted to his children, one of whom, — his eldest daughter Leila — frequently corresponded with Dr. Bowling during his life. The issue of the marriage of Sophronia Ewing and James B. Bowling follows : (i) Robert Chatham, born February 19, 1820; died March 3, 1886; was a member of the Kentucky Legislature, from Logan County, for six years, and Circuit Judge for ten years; married January 7, 1845, Lucy C. Temple. Issue : 1ST. James R., born March, 1846; died 1901 ; married October 5, 1870, Emma Walters. Issue: (a) Robert Walters, born August 12, 1871 ; M. D. ; abode. South Pasadena, California; he married July 4, 1900, Margaret Duncan. Children: Robert W., born June 12, 1903; Anna Margaret, born December 16, 1905; Wil- liam C, born October, 191 5. (b) Willett Lee, born May 20, 1881 ; M. D. ; abode, Pasadena, California; married December 22, 1912, Mar- guerite Newman. Children: James Robert, born Novem- ber 7, 1913, and a child born June, 191 5. 2ND. Temple, born August 10, 1849, died July 9, 1884; married October 3, 1877, Ladie Anderson. Issue: (a) Ula, born July 4, 1878; married E. Ruff Barnes, June 9, 1897. Children: Justus Mac, born December 2, 1902, and Robert Bowling, bom June 9, 1906. (b) Temple, born July 2-], 1880, unmarried. (c) Umphrey, born February 4, 1882; married July 2, 1910, Minnie Hails. Children : Umphrey, born August 3, 191 1, and Ella U., born December, 1913. 3RD. Ella, born August 10, 1851, abode Bowling Green, Kentucky; married September 21, 1886, James Umphrey; no issue. She is a member of the National Society D. A. R., National Number 98957, ancestor, Robert Ewing, and is entitled also to a bar under ancestor, Ephraim McLean. 4TH. Elizabeth, born July 10, 1853; died July, 1886, unmarried. 82 The Ewing Genealogy with Cognate Branches 5TH. Annie B., born July, 1857; died November 6, 1896; married December 31, 1884, George W. Eichelberger. Issue: Roberta, born February 9, 1888; married Septem- ber II, 1907, Emmet R. Trippe. A child: Gordon, born October 18, 1908. 6th. Lula, born December 10, 1859; married George A. Holeman, October 26, 1881. Children: Lucy McGin- nis, born July 9, 1883, and Sarah Temple, born August 28, 1887. (2) William E., born June 16, 1821 ; died June 3, 1878; married Eliza Jane Winston; no children, (3) James M., born December 22, 1822; married Lucy C. Snadon; no children. (4) Henry Gilson. born October 16, 1828; died Decem- ber 24, 1874; married Sallie Snadon, August i, 1849. Issue : 1ST. Mary Helen, born March 28, 1851 ; married Dr. Benjamin Wood November 22, 1866. Issue: (a) Sallie B., born October 4, 1869; married Alex G. Warfield, February 28, 1887. Issue: Gilson H., born July 10, 1888; Ben S., born May 20, 1890, and Alex G., born October 27, 1892. (b) Henry G., born October 20, 1874; married Nellie Robinson, November 30, 1898; one child, Salaida Robinson. (c) Flelen B., bom March 19, 1876; unmarried. (d) Ewing C., born January 28, 1881 ; married Sallie Harris, April 11, 1900. Children: Ewing H., born in 1902, and Ben S., born in 1908. (e) James Weston, born June 15, 1884; unmarried. (f) Bowling S., born July 12, 1886; unmarried. (g) George M., born June 16, 1888; unmarried, (h) Louise E., born December 5, 1896; unmarried. 2ND. George S., abode Clarksville, Tennessee; married Lady Bugg, June 19, 1876; no issue. 3RD. James M., abode Clarksville, Tennessee; married Sallie Sugg, January 9, 1878; daughter Martha Bell, bom June, 1881 ; married Dr. James Whitworth, December, 1904. One child: James Bowling, born July 29, 1912. '8. JANE HOWARD, bom April 30, 1804; died September 6, 1831 ; married General Thomas W. Townsend. Issue: Martha Jane, died young; William, moved to Texas, mar- ried Penelope K. Campbell, several children. 9. GILSON PAYNE, born April 27, 1807; died February 16, 1879; unmarried. The Ewing Genealogy with Cognate Branches 83 10. GEORGE WASHINGTON, bom Logan County, Ken- tucky, November 29, 1808; died May 20, 1888. He was a member of the Kentucky Legislature, from Logan County, 1842-1844, and 1859-1863. He was a member of the Provisional Confederate Con- gress, 1861-1862, and a member of the Permanent Confed- erate Congress, 1863-1864/ He married (first) January 18, 1836, Susan C. Moss, who died September 15, 1841. Issue: Henry Clay, born November 9, 1837; died February 18, 1879; married November 10, 1863, Bettie Carr. Issue: Susan Moss, born August 13, 1867; married November 16, 1886, Samuel Hart. Their issue: Clay Ewing, born October 19, 1887; married October 25, 191 1, Mrytle King; Henry, born November 13, 1889; Gilson Ewing, born August 25, 1894. He (George Washington Ewing) married (second) August 28, 1846, Nannie L. Williams, died December 4, 1883. Issue: John Anna, born April 30, 1848; died June 25, 1879; married three times; (first) James Fetter. Children: James and Blossom, both died young; (second) Dr. T. J. Townsend. Child : Claud, abode Oklahoma ; married twice and had issue; and (third) Leonard T. Brawner, no issue. JANE (MCLEAN ) EWING wife of Robert Ewing II., was the daughter of Ephraim McLean and his wife, Elizabeth Davidson. She was born in Western North Carolina in 1769, and died in Logan County, Kentucky, in 1847, having married as stated, on July 4, 1787. She was in statue tall and stately, of the handsome rather than pretty type, a queenly woman of the strong and self- poised sort, well calculated to give to the world sons and daughters for useful service of an exalted character. ^Wood's Confed. Handbook, p. 18; McEIroy's Kentucky in the Nation's History, p. 511. CHAPTER Xi^. THE MCLEAN* TREE: LINEAGE OF JANE MCLEAN, WIFE OF ROBT. EWING II. The McLean family was among the most illustrious of the clans of the Scottish Highlands, famous in achievement and of ancient ancestry. The name is authoritatively stated to have originally been written "Mac-Ghille-eain." reduced under Gaelic contraction to Gilleain, meaning "Servant of St. John." The family is said to trace with precision to "Old Dougall of Scone," from whom through several gen- erations was descended Gilleain, the first chief and founder, about 1250, of the Clan Mac Gilleain, afterwards abbre- viated to McLean. The clan originated in the Island of Mull, which is separated from the mainland of Scotland by the Sound of Mull on the north and the Firth of Lorn on the east. After defeat of the Danes by Somerled, Thane of Argyle, Mull and Morvern became free. Subse- quently Angus Og MacDonald, fifth in descent from Somerled, received for faithful services rendered to Robert Bruce considerable land, including the island of Mull, and on July 12, 1390, granted to Lachlan MacLean, probably the fifth chief of the clan, a large estate in Mull and other isles. It would be interesting, but tedious in detail, to pur- sue the history of the clan through the periods of its suc- cessive chiefs,, one of whom (Lachlan Og, 8th Chief) mar- ried Catherine, daughter of Colin Campbell, ist Earl of Argyle; therefore, lest interest should lag, we pass over as undecisive of any controlling event, the intermediate his- tory down to Lachlan, i6th Chief, whose leadership began in the earlier part of the seventeenth century. The clan was then at the zenith of great power and influence, and was in high favor with Charles I, King of England, who, about 163 T, created the chief of baronet by the title of Sir Lachlan MacLean of Morvern. But the outskirts of this promising sky were fringed with dark clouds. The civil wars which resulted in the decapitation of King Charles I changed into hostility the attitude of the kingly power towards the clans, which unfriendliness was encouraged by jealousies among the clans themselves, notably the Clan Mac Lean, the Clan Mac Donald, and the Campbells, the latter Marquises of Argvde. Oppressive laws soon followed, among them the *This is properly and was formerly spelled MacLean, but we follow the spelling pretty generally adopted by the historians of America. (84) The Ewing Genealogy with Cognate Branches 85 disarming act by which the clans were deprived of their weapons under heavy penaUies, and worse still, the act for- bidding the national costume of the Highlands, under penal- ty for second offense of transportation, and compelling the use of the Lowland garb, so despised by the Highlanders. These and other acts of oppression, notably religious per- secutions, which we have already described, drove thous- ands of Highlanders from their native heath, sadly and tearfully, many immigrating to America, among them the ancestors of the McLeans of whom we are writing.' EPHRAIM MCLEAN son of Mr. and Mrs. John McLean, of Scotland, latter daughter of Ephraim Moore of that country, was born in Scotland in 1730, and immigrated for America with his elder brother Charles in 1750, settling in Western North Caro- lina, where in 1761 he married Elizabeth Davidson, daugh- ter of John Davidson.^ He, Ephraim McLean (name sometimes by clerical in- advertence written McLain or McClain), was a recognized patriot of the Revolution. He was probably a member of the Convention which adopted the Mecklenburg Declara- tion of Independence, and was certainly a member, present and actively assisting, at an important meeting of the Com- mittee of Safety, which was a sort of legislative body created for the purpose of aiding the cause of Independence, and he was a member of the House of Commons of the General Assembly of North Carolina, from Burke County (which was formed from Rowan County), for the year 1778, and a senator from such county for the years 1779- 1780, which was a service promotive of the cause of Independence.' He was probably also a soldier for Independence in the War of the Revolution, and severely wounded in the Battle of King's Mountain, fighting against immediate relatives in the British Army commanded by a Scotchman, Patrick Ferguson.* He shortly after removed to Harrodsburg, Kentucky, thence to about four miles above Nashville, Tennessee, where he settled on a tract of 600 acres in the bend of the ^McLean Ancestry and Posterity, by John J. McLean, pp. 4-15. "Hist. Sketch of McLean Family in America (1750-1885), by Alney Mc- Lean, of Rutherford Co., Tenn. nVheeler's History of North Carolina, Vol. II, pp. 368, 62, 356, 101-108. ^"Western North Carolina (1730-1913)" by John Preston Arthur, p. 101, citinp; Mattic S. Candler's "History of Henderson County," and also Id., pp. 151-152. 86 The Ewing Genealogy with Cognate Branches Cumberland River, known as "McLean Bend;" in the Nash- ville Centennial, 1880, he was referred to in a history of the early settlement, then published in the newspapers, as hav- ing been one of the three school trustees a hundred years before; he returned to Harrodsburg about that time, and near the close of that century removed to Maury County, Tennessee, and settled on Knobb Creek, where he remained until about 1820, when he went, at the advanced age of 90 years, to spend his remaining days with his sons, Alney and Robert, in Kentucky, where he died in 1823 at 93 years of age.' By his marriage, he had eleven children, besides a daugh- ter dying in infancy, who was the last child. They were nine sons and two daughters, as follows : 1. John, born 1762, and was killed by the Indians. 2. George, born 1764, married his cousin, the eldest daughter of General William Davidson, and settled in Logan County, Kentucky, about 12 miles west of Russell- ville, where he lived, reared a family and died. His young- est son, Andrew Jackson, lived on a farm in that vicinity and died there in 1884 at y^ years of age. 3. Ephraim, bom 1766, and died in Tennessee, and wa. buried on Snow Creek, Maury County, in that State. 4. JANE, born 1769, married General Robert Ewing, and was the mother of Justice Ephraim McLean Ewing (q. v.) 5. Mrs. Robert (McLean) Brank, born 1770, and was the mother of two sons, Houston and Ephraim ; the latter, a lawyer, was a student under Judge Alney McLean. 6. Samuel, born 1772, lived and died near Lawrence- burg, in Tennessee. 7. Alney, born 1774, a lawyer and jurist, who married and had children, including (i) William, a farmer; (2) Thornton, a Presbyterian minister of distinction, who re- sided in Mississippi and there died; (3) Robert Davidson, who was a lawyer and jurist (Judge of Circuit Court), lived in Grenada, Mississippi, and died there in the yellow fever epidemic of 1878, as did his wife, two daughters and a son; (4) A daughter Eliza Ann (McLean) McBride, and (5) a daughter Tabitha, who is understood to have been quite accomplished and learned. She never married. 8. Charles, born 1776, lived in Maury County, Tennes- see, until 181 1, and died in Rutherford County, Tennessee, in 1825. He married in 1799, Sallie Vance, who died in 'Hist. Sketch of McLean Family in America, supra. The Ewing Genealogy with Cognate Branches 1847 ^t the age of 69 years. From this union were born ten children, six sons, namely, David, Ephraim Baxter, Charles Grandison, William (M. D.), Robert Brank and Alney, and four daughters, Susan Howard Davidson, Pris- cilla Brank McCutcheon, Sarah Jane Baird and Cynthia Nadley. All lived and died in Tennessee except Dr. Wil- liam McLean, who lived and died in Tyler County, Texas, and Mrs. McCutcheon, who lived and died in Arkansas. The son Alney, who is the author of the sketch to which reference is herein made, lived at Middleton, Tennessee. He married in 1845, when he was 30 and she was 18 years of age, Martha J. Moore, a sister of Honorable William R. Moore, of Memphis, Tennessee, who was elected to Congress from that District in 1882. From this union were born several sons, including Robert Moore, William Watkins, Walter Baxter, and four daughters, Fannie, who married L. B. Jarmon, a baptist minister, and Sallie, who married H. H. Norman, a farmer, and Ella, who married W. S. Early of Nashville, and Lela Vance, all of whom lived in Tennessee. 9. William, born 1778, lived and died in Tennessee, and was buried on Snow Creek, in Maury County, He married and had three sons, Andrew, William and Samuel, the first named of whom lived in Nashville, and the others in Mar- shall County, Tennessee. 10. James, born 1780, and lived and died in Hinds County, Mississippi. He married and had one son. Dr. Ephraim McLean, and a daughter, Eliza Hannah, who married and lived at Hot Springs, Arkansas. 11. Robert, born 1782, at Harrodsburg, Kentucky. He married a Miss Wilson, by whom he had five children, three sons and two daughters. The eldest son, Robert, was a physician in Muhlenberg County, Kentucky ; the sons Edward and Alney went with their father to Mississippi and settled there. The daughter Celia married Robert Rus- sell, and lived in Clarksville, Tennessee. The other daughter was Eliza.^ Ephraim McLean, the subject of this division, was a magistrate of Rowan County, North Carolina, under ap- pointment December 23, 1778.° He has been accepted, under application of Gladys Ewing (now Mrs. Abbot Carson Combes), National Number ^Hist. Sketch of McLean Family in America, supra. 'North Carolina Colonial Records, Vol. 23, p. 996. 88 The Ewing Genealogy wrrn Cognate Branches 123437, by the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, as a recognized patriot who, with unfailing loyalty, rendered material aid to the cause of Independence — ■ (i) "In his services as a member from Rowan County, North Carolina, of the Committee of Safety, which, in con- junction with the Mecklenburg Declaration of Indepen- dence, was created and existed as an aid to the cause of Independence," and (2) "In his services as a civil officer, being a member of the House of Commons, of the General Assembly of North Carolina, from Burke County (which was formed from Rowan County) for the year 1778, and a Senator from Burke County for the years 1779 and 1780, which was promotive of the cause of Independence.'" ELIZABETH DAVIDSON wife of Ephraim McLean, was bom about 1743, died about 1820; married, as before stated, in 1761. The Davidsons came to Western North Carolina from near Philadelphia, in Pennsylvania, probably Lancaster County. George Davidson was the father of General Wil- liam Lee Davidson, born in Lancaster County, Pennsyl- vania, 1746, who was killed, as we have seen, in an en- gagement with Cornwallis at Cowan's Ford on the Catawba River, February i, 1781.' Robert Davidson, of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, was the father of John Davidson, born December 15, 1735, Major in the War of the Revolution, and a signer of the Mechlenburg Declaration of Independence, who married Violet Wilson, daughter of Samuel \\''ilson.'' John Davidson (not Major John David- son) was the father of Elizabeth Davidson, wife of Ephraim McLean and mother of Jane McLean (q. v.), and of Wil- liam Davidson, Colonel in the War of the Revolution, and he was also probably the father of the John Davidson who married Nancy Brevard, and of the Ephraim Davidson who married Jane Brevard.* George Davidson, father of General William Lee David- son, and Robert Davidson, father of Major John David- son, and John Davidson, father of Elizabeth Davidson, nVheeler's Hist, of North Carolina, Vol. 2, pp. 368, 62; Alney McLean's Hist. Sketch, supra. nVheeler's Hist, of North Carolina, Vol. II, pp. 232-3, 263-4. «Jd., Vol. II, p. 262; Application Madeline Orr, N. S. D. A. R., Nat. No. 66823. *Id., Vol. II, p. 238; Alney McLean's Hist. Sketch of the McLean Family in America, 1750-1885. The EwiiNG Genealogy with Cognate Branches 89 were probably brothers as they all appear to have come from near Philadelphia, the near-by county of Lancaster, in Pennsylvania, at or about the same time, 1760, with their ages corresponding in that relationship, and the estab- lished fact that General William Lee Davidson and Colonel William Davidson were cousins, tends to confirm this conclusion/ The intermarriages of the illustrious Davidson and Bre- vard families are worthy of mention. There were eight sons and four daughters in the family of John Brevard and his wife, who was a Miss McWhorter. Mary Brevard, the eldest daughter, married General Wil- liam Lee Davidson; Nancy Brevard married John David- son, and Jane Brevard married Ephraim Davidson, these latter two husbands being probably the sons of John David- son, the father of Elizabeth Davidson, wife of Ephraim McLean. It may be remarked that the fourth Brevard daughter, Rebecca, married a Mr. Jones, and moved to Tennessee." Alexander Brevard, one of the eight sons mentioned, married Sallie Davidson, a daughter of Major John Davidson.^ John Brevard's eight sons, to-wit: Ephraim, John, Hugh, Adam, Alexander, Robert, Benjamin and Joseph, were all soldiers in the War of the Revolution, and while he, John Brevard, the father, was too old to serve as a soldier, he was a recognized patriot, who, with unfailing loyalty, rend- ered in every way material aid to the cause of Independence, even contributing to the soldier service his youngest son, Joseph, then under his control as only 17 years of age; and in consequence of his loyalty, he suffered as a penalty the burning of his home by the infuriated Tories, who greatly hated the Brevard family on account of its united and ex- tensive support of the Revolutionary cause.* A distinguished branch of the Davidson family sprang from William Davidson, the Colonel in the War of the Revolution, who was, as we have seen, a son of John Davidson, the father of Elizabeth Davidson, wife of Ephraim McLean. Colonel William Davidson was the first Representative from Buncombe County in the North Carolina State Senate ; he was the father of William Mitchell Davidson, of Hay- 'Arthur's Western North Carolina, pp. 151-152. -Wheeler's Hist, of North Carolina, Vol. II, pp. 237, 238. 'Id., Vol. II, p. 240. nVheeler's Hist, of North Carolina. Vol. II, pp. 237-238 90 The Ewing Genealogy with Cognate Branches wood County, North Carolina, who was born January 2, 1780, died in Washington County, Texas, May 31, 1846, married January 10, 1804, Elizabeth Vance, who was born March 23, 1787, died April 15, 1861, she being the daughter of David Vance, of Revolutionary fame, who was the father of David Vance, a Captain in the War of 1812, and grandfather of "the great war Governor and Statesman of the old North State," Zebulon Vance, who was born May 13, 1830 and died April 14, 1894, while serving as United States Senator from North Carolina, having been a member of Congress, Captain and Colonel in the Confederate Army, and Governor of the State.' William Mitchell Davidson had a son. Colonel Allen Turner Davidson, born on Jonathan's Creek, Haywood County, North Carolina, May 9, 18 19, and died at Ashe- ville, North Carolina, January 24, 1905. He was a promin- ent lawyer, and represented his section in the Confederate Congress. He married, 1842, Miss Elizabeth A. Howell, and children of the marriage, worthy scions of a noble lineage, are. Honorable Theo. E. Davidson, late Attorney General of the State of North Carolina; Wilbur S. David- son, President of the First National Bank of Beaumont, Texas; and Honorable Robert Vance Davidson, late At- torney General of Texas. 'Arthur's Western North Carolina, pp. 98-99, 151-52, 259, 645. EPHRAIM MCLEAN EWING CHAPTER XV. EPHRAIM MCLEAN EWING, SON OF ROBERT AND JANE (MCLEAN) EWING; HIS ACHIEVEMENTS, MARRIAGE AND CHILDREN. EPHRAIM MCLEAN EWING son of General Robert Ewing and Jane McLean (q. v.), was born December 4, 1789, in Davidson County, West Ten- nessee; went with his father in 1792 to Logan County, Kentucky, where he died June 11, i860, being interred there in Maple Grove Cemetery. He was prosecuting attorney of Logan County, Judge Broadnax presiding. He was a Presidential Elector in 1821-1822, and again in 1832-1833. He served in the Kentucky Legislature during the years 1 830- 1 832. He was commissioned Justice of the Court of Appeals of Kentucky, being the highest court of the State, March 5, 1835,* and in the spring of 1843, April 11, he was ap- pointed Chief Justice," and served in that capacity until he resigned, which was in the spring of 1847, after the autumn term of 1846.' In 1850, March 4, he was by Governor Crittenden ap- pointed and served on the Commission to Codify the Laws of Kentucky. The Biographical Encyclopedia of Kentucky, recounting his achievements, refers to him as "the son of General Robert Ewing, a distinguished Revolutionary soldier," and continues : "He received a fine literary education and was trained in the law at Transylvania University ; he lived at Russell- ville, Kentucky, where he became one of the most able lawyers and distinguished men of the State ; he was ex* ceptionally successful and popular, and managed to ac- cumulate a large fortune ; he was a man of finely balanced mind, solid judgment and of noble sentiments and great liberality of heart ; his conscientious convictions led him to free his slaves and start them well in life for themselves. In his will, he left a handsome bequest to Bethel College, at Russellville, and Cumberland University, at Lebanon, Tennessee; he was a learned and able lawyer, and one of '3 Dana (Ky.) Repts., p. 8. ^3 B Monroe (Ky.), 389. •7 B. Monroe (Ky.), 246. (91) 92 The Ewing Genealogy with Cognate Beanches the most just, upright and valuable men who have lived in Southern Kentucky. He married the brilliant and accom- plished Jane Mclntyre," etc. He married in Logan County, Kentucky, September 8, 1 82 1, Jane Pope Mclntyre, of Elizabethtown, Hardin County, Kentucky. Three sons were born of this marriage, Presley Underwood,* born September i, 1822, Fayette Clay, born March 4, 1824, and Henry Quincy, born August 15, 1826, besides a son, born September 5, 1830, who died January 16, 1831. I. PRESLEY UNDERWOOD, the cldcst SOU, was graduated at Center College in Danville, Kentucky, in 1840; studied law with his father, then Chief Justice of State, and was graduated from the law department of Transylvania Uni- versity, at Lexington, Kentucky, in 1842; then went on an European tour, and upon his return, in 1848, was elected to the Kentucky Legislature, and served in 1848-9. In 185 1, he was elected to the United States Congress over a worthy and popular opponent, Beverly L. Clark, and was re-elected in 1853 without opposition. He died, unmarried, at Mammoth Cave, Kentucky, on September 27, 1854, of cholera, and was buried in Logan County, Kentucky.' The Biographical Encyclopedia of Kentucky says of him : "He was the eldest son of the distinguished Judge E. M. Ewing, of the same town (Russellville), and Jane P. Mc- lntyre, one of the most brilliant and accomplished women of her time. He was the opponent in politics of John C. Breckenridge, and served in the Legislature several times with him — both equally brilliant and commanding in ap- pearance, equally handsome and chivalrous, and both equal- ly matchless in their oratory; he possessed traits of charac- ter to a remarkable degree of both his parents ; like his father, learned and brilliant; and like his mother, gentle, vivacious, and fond of society, in which he was a natural leader; the evening before his death he was surrounded by a charming circle of friends, who were entranced by the sweet strains he was drawing from a violin, of which in- strument he was master; his untimely demise was sincerely mourned by his large acquaintance, among them a beauti- ful and accomplished young lady of Cincinnati, to whom it was said he was engaged to be married ; on his tomb, the *This middle name was complimentary to Chief Justice Ewing's asso- ciate on the Bench, Justice Underwood (vide, Ky. Reports above cited). ^Biographical Ency. of Ky., sub nom. The Ewing Genealogy with Cognate Branches 93 words 'Died ere his prime,' are a touching tribute to his memory." George D. Prentice, the great editor of the Louisville Courier-Journal, editorially referred to him in that paper at the time of his death, as follows : "Thus has perished in the pride of early manhood one of the most brilliant young men of our State, He was a wit, a scholar, a politician, an orator, a man of genius and a statesman. Though young, he had won a distinguished position in Congress. He did not speak often in that body, but every speech added to his reputation. If his life had been spared, he would have placed himself high among the ablest and most useful men of the nation. "The death of Mr. Ewing is a public calamity, but it will carry peculiar affliction to the hearts of many who knew him personally. He was the soul of every society in which he mingled. There are thousands who will cherish his memory, for 'none knew him but to love him.'" 2. FAYETTE CLAY, (q. V.). 3. HENRY QUINCY, the third son, who died January 5, 1858, was a lawyer of great promise, and lived and died at Russellville; he was an ardent lover of Shakespeare, and possessed of marked histrionic ability. He never married. It is said that, on an occasion, his father sent him to Chicago to look into a title he was buying, in preference to Presley, who was four years older, appraising him as the safer law- yer of the two, though Presley was undoubtedly more brilliant. The "Ewing Lot" in Maple Grove Cemetery, at Russell- ville, Kentucky, besides dates of births and deaths on separ- ate slabs, shows these inscriptions : "Hon. Presley Ewing, Elected to the Kentucky Legislature August 1848. Re-electced August, 1849. Elected to U. S. Congress August, 1851. Re-elected August 1853. Died ere his prime." "Jane Pope Ewing, a wife, a mother, a Chris- tian. She is not dead but sleeping." JANE POPE (mCINTYRE) EWING wife of Ephraim M. Ewing, is described in every contempo- raneous reference to her as one of the most brilliant and accomplished women of her time. This consensus of encomium leaves no doubt of her intellectual superiority. She was also an inspiring wife, a devoted mother, and 94 The Ewing Genealogy with Cognate Branches possessed of the Christian graces, as attested by the in- scription on her tombstone. She was born in Hardin County, Kentucky, October 30, 1795, and died in Logan County, Kentucky, August 26, 1851, where she was buried in Maple Grove Cemetery, at Russellville. DR. FAYETTE CLAY EWING CHAPTER XVI. DR. FAYETTE CLAY EWING, SON OF EPHRAIM MCLEAN AND JANE (mCINTYRE) EWING; his CAREER, MARRIAGE AND DESCENDANTS. FAYETTE CLAY EWING was the second son of Ephraim M. Ewing and Jane P. Mclntyre; he was born in Logan County, March 4, 1824; studied medicine under his uncle, Dr. James Butler Bowl- ing, at Adairville, in that county, and later was graduated in medicine and surgery ; he then in early life went South, and settled in Thibodaux, Louisiana, Lafourche Parish, a rich sugar section, and soon enjoyed a lucrative practice in his profession, in which he became distinguished, both in medicine and surgery, notably in the treatment of yellow fever, cholera, and the malignant type of typhoid fever often prevalent in that section. He was army surgeon of recognized superior capacity in the Civil War (C. S. A.), and was specially esteemed in his profession as a remarkable diagnostician, quick and accurate, and equally ready of execution — it was with him in life, one to decide and to do. He married, in Assumption Parish, Louisiana, on Febru- ary 3, 1852, Eliza Josephine Kittredge, the handsome and accomplished daughter of Dr. Ebenezer Eaton Kittredge and his wife, Martha Wills Green, at "Elm Hall," the luxurious home where she was bom August 3, 1833. At this wedding, which was a brilliant function, the Rt. Rev. Leonidas Polk, then Episcopal Bishop of Louisiana, and afterwards General in the Confederate Army, officiated. Dr. Ewing was an ardent democrat, particularly during the period of reconstruction, and was always a generous compaign supporter. He acquired a large estate, consisting of three very valu- able sugar plantations, in Lafourche Parish, Louisiana, bearing the names, "Raceland," "Ariel," and "Melodia," the last of which he purchased from a sale of Chicago property which his father. Judge E. M. Ewing (q. v.), shortly be- fore dying, had given him while he was on a visit to the parential home at Russellville, Kentucky; and during the same visit, his father also gave him the family silver, in- cluding a massive sterling silver tea set, now owned by his son, Presley Kittredge (q. v.). (9.1) 7 9G The Ewinq Genealogy with Cognate Branches Dr. Ewing died at his plantation home, "Ariel," May 31, 1872, and was buried in St. John's (Episcopal) Cemetery, Thibodaux, Louisiana. His was a life, apart from his successful worldly career, overflowing with nobility of soul, with charity for the fail- ing, with kindness for the suffering, and at all times merci- ful ; and he was as man and physician, with every society in which he mingled, the fascination and attraction of all. He was tenacious of his positions, which he regarded as based on the just and right — as firm as adamant with the outer world, but with the inner circle of home, yielding as the marble, tenderly twining as the vine ! The inscription on his tomb — "The Beloved Physician" attests the beauty of his life in the practice of his profession. Issue of Dr. Ewing's marriage with Eliza Josephine Kittredge : I. LEILA WILLS, bom at "Elm Hall," September 7, 1851, and graduated, with first honor, from Locquet Institute, in New Orleans, Louisiana, 1873 ; she was married at "Ariel," Lafourche Parish, Louisiana, January 24, 1878, to the Rev. Shepard Halsey Werlein, B. A., D. D., New Orleans, Louisiana, born in that city June 23, 1851, s. of Philip Peter Werlein and his wife, Margaret Halsey. Issue : (i) Halsey Werlein, Junior, an Episcopal minister, of fine pulpit oratory and engaging presence, late of San Jose, California, born November i, 1878; he is a graduate of Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee; Harvard Uni- versity, Cambridge, Massachusetts, and in theology, of the University of the South, Sewanee, Tennessee, and has had conferred upon him the degrees, B. A., M. A., from Van- derbilt; M. A. from Harvard, and B. D. from the Univer- sity of the South. He married November 22, 1905, Sarah Elizabeth Reynolds, born July 27, 1885, daughter of Dr. Dudley S. and Mattie (Bruce) Reynolds. Children: Sarah Elizabeth, bom at Jackson, Mississippi, August 22, 1909, and Mathilde Bruce, born at San Jose, California, April 7, 1912. (2) Wilmer, born and died in Houston, Texas, January 31, 1881. (3) Quincy, now rapidly advancing in the United States Government service, Washington, District of Columbia, born December 14, 1886; married June 23, 1914, in Phila- delphia, Pennsylvania, where the bride was visiting rela- CAPT. EWING WERLEIN The Ewiag Genealogy with Cognate Branches 97 tives, Miss Margaret Reid, of Amite, Louisiana, born August 2, 1892, daughter of Judge Robert R. Reid, of that city. Child: Leila Margaret, born February i, 1917, Washington, District of Columbia. (4) Ewing, born August 4, 1889, a lawyer of recognized ability in Houston, Texas, having the degrees, B. S. and LL. B., from Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana; he promptly volunteered on war being declared against Germany, went into the officers' training camp at Leon Springs, near San Antonio, Texas, and after three months' training, without previous military experience, was on August 15, 191 7, commissioned as Captain of the U. S. A. (Reserve), and went into active service as such officer, where he remained until honorably discharged at the end of the war. He acquitted himself throughout with distin- guished ability, serving as adjutant of the Third Officers' Training School, Camp Kearny, California, and being com- mended in terms of great praise by the commanding Gen- eral of his division for his skilful and efficient services, with direction that the commendation be placed to the credit of his army record. He also served as Company Com- mander in the Fourth Officers' Training School, Camp Fre- mont, California, as Assistant Adjutant of the Eighth (Regular Army) Division, and as Adjutant of the 115th Ammunition Train. (5) Presley Ewing, a physician and surgeon, of New Orleans, Louisiana, having the degree, M. D. He was born September i, 1891 ; married July 21, 1915, Sarah Richard, born August 13, 1891. One child: Presley Ewing, born San Jose, California, May 8, 1916. He en- listed as a volunteer in the war with Germany, was com- missioned as lieutenant to the Medical Corps, assigned to Nose, Throat and Ear Department ; first served at the Base Hospital, Camp Dodge, Des Moines, Iowa, later serving with the American Expeditionary Forces, France and the U. S. Army of occupation at Coblenz, Germany. (6) Philip Prentiss, born May 7, 1893, has degree B. A. from Tulane University; was a student for three years at Oxford, England, under a Cecil Rhodes scholarship, then returned to enter the U. S. A. in the war with Germany, in which he served under commission as lieutenant. 2. IDA MAY, born at Thibodaux, Louisiana, August 6, 1858; died in New Orleans, Louisiana, December 21. 1918; she was graduated with first honor from the Virginia The Ewino Genealogy wrxii Cognate Branches 99 married October 21, 1885, in Washington, District of Columbia, Martha Mac Donald, of that city, born 1862, daughter of James Whitsitt Mac Donald, who was a Con- federate soldier, and his wife, Sarah Magdalen Cooper, daughter of Douglas H. Cooper, who was an officer of the United States Army in the war with Mexico in 1848. In the war with Germany, Dr. Ewing served with the Medical Corps, Nose, Throat and Ear Department, at Camp Beauregard, Louisiana, with several assistants; he was at first commissioned as Captain, later as Major. The issue of the marriage of Dr. Ewing and his wife, Martha MacDonald : (i) Fayette Clay, born May 18, 1887; married May 14, 191 3, Fairfax Cary, of Memphis, Tennessee, daughter of Hunsdon Cary, and died at Sewanee, Tennessee, without issue, November 28, 1914, in the flower of his youth, while success and honor were widening for him. The following excerpts from the resolutions adopted at the joint meetings of the "Faculties of the University of the South," December i, 1914, tell the story of his too brief life: "The sudden death of Professor Ewing at Sewanee, Nov- ember 28, 1914, came as a shock to his colleagues in tl.ie Faculties of the University of the South. * * * Mr. Ewing came of good stock, of a fine old Southern family distin- guished for intellectual ability, as well as for learning and culture. His gifts were, doubtless, partly hereditary, but he had begun to make the most of them. "He received his academic training in part at Sewanee, and then went to the University of Virginia, where he graduated in June, 1910, with the degree of Civil Engineer. Soon after his graduation, he secured a position in the Con- struction Department of the Frisco Lines, where he served about two years, and was rapidly promoted, becoming a Resident Engineer. In June, 1912, he was appointed Resi- dent Engineer with the Vandalia Railroad (Pennsylvania Lines). In May, 1914, he became Associate Professor of Civil Engineering in the University of the South. * * * In May, 1913, he was married to Miss Fairfax Cary, of Mem- phis, Tennessee, a most worthy daughter of one of the oldest historic families of Virginia." We may add that on April 24, 191 1, as though premoni- tory of his death (which was from sudden heart failure), 100 The Ewing Genealogy with Cognate Branches he wrote for the Sewanee Purple a poem, the last stanza of which follows : "Nowhere is there a spot so fair As at Sewanee; For earth and sky are blended there, Down at Sewanee ; And when life's twilight falls for me, I trust it will my future be To rest beneath some shelt'ring tree In old Sewanee." He was buried in the beautiful forest cemetery at "old Sewanee." (2) Ephraim Mac Donald, now of New Orleans, Lou- isiana, born September 18, 1889; married March, 1914, his cousin, Olivia Munson (daughter of E. P. Munson and his wife, Nellie Jones), born at "Glenwood," 1882. Child: Olivia Munson, born in New York City, December 28, 1915- He has taken the degrees, A. B., M. A., Sc. D., and M. D., and has thus early in life filled the position of Associate Professor of Physiology in the University of New York and Bellevue Medical College, and also that of Acting Professor in charge of the Department of Physiology in Fordham Uni- versity Medical College, New York, during 1914-1915, in the absence of Professor Knaur, who went to the European war; and, in addition to the above, he has been quoted as authority on the physiology of the heart, three times in Stewart's Text Book of Physiology, 7th edition, a standard work; and in the last edition of Green's Farmacology, like- wise a standard work, reference is made to his original research work, when twenty years of age, at the University of Missouri. (3)Presley Kittredge, born July 11, 1891 ; married at "Glenwood," June 11, 191 1, his consin, Mrytle Munson (daughter of E. P. Munson and his wife, Nellie Jones), born December 21, 1889; he is now a journalist, in New Orleans, Louisiana, having formerly been manager and editor-in-chief of the Hamilton Press, in Hamilton, Illinois. Children : 1ST. MYRTLE MUNSON, bom March 15, 1912. 2ND. PRESLEY KITTREDGE, born AugUSt 13, I9I4. 3RD. FAYETTE CLAY, bom Novcmbcr 5, 191 5. Ill REV. QUINCY EWING The Ewing Genealogy with Cognate BranchEvS 101 (4) Donald MacDonald, a journalist, born April 11, 1895; was a student at the University of Missouri, and there gave fair promise, in view of remarkably good work as business manager and editor on the University publica- tion, the Daily Missourian, of success in his chosen vocation. After exhausting every effort to enlist for fighting service in the war with Germany, failing to get in on account of a foot ball accident, he secured a position and served as photographer in the Aviation Corps. 5. JESSIE ALINE ("Maggie"), born in New Orleans, Louisiana, May 18, 1864; died October 18, 1900, in Lou- isiana, near Patterson, where she was buried; she was married at "Ariel," December 23, 1880, to Charles E. Gillis, a sugar planter of Lafourche Parish, Louisiana. Issue : (i) Ewing, born March 9, 1888; married at Gulfport, Mississippi, September 18, 1917, Martha Brown, bom November 21, 1899. He volunteered promptly for service in the War with Germany, first serving as Second Lieuten- ant, then promoted to First Lieutenant, and later promoted to the office of Captain. (2) Wallace, born January 21, 1890; he also volun- teered for service in the war just mentioned, was not ac- cepted, but was later drafted into service. (3) Gary, born March 17, 1893; he as a volunteer joined the U. S. Marines in the beginning of the war, went across, and was in gallant serv'ice until the close of hostilities, having been in the engagements with the enemy in the Sectors Champagne (Blanc Mont), Argonne, St. Mihiel, Verdun, Toulon, Marbache, Soissons, and Chateau- Thierry, and participated in the march to the Rhine for the occupation of the Coblenz Bridgehead. (4) Aline, born January 26, 1896; died and buried in New Orleans, Louisiana, September 14, 1912. 6. QUINCY, Episcopal minister and writer of renown, also successful farmer, postoffice, Napoleonville, Louisiana; born at "Ariel," January 11, 1867; was educated in the academic and theological courses, University of the South, Sewanee, Tennessee; assistant minister Trinity Cathedral, Cleveland, Ohio, 1890-1891 ; Dean Christ Church Cathedral, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1891-1893; Rector St. James Church, Greenville, Mississippi, 1895-1903, and of Church of the Advent, Birmingham, Alabama, 1903-1906, and of Christ Church, Napoleonville, since 1906; author of 102 The Ewing Genealogy with Cognate Branches "Education," "The Heart of the Race Problem," "The Higher Education," and other treatises.' He married in New Orleans, Louisiana, August 2.2, 1895, Mary Carter (Bower) Hart, a widow of that city, daughter of E. L, Bower, who was a Major in the Con- federate Army; she is a cultured and highly educated wo- man, a descendant on her maternal side of the distinguished Carter family, of Virginia, who owned "Shirley," a beauti- ful and picturesque home-site, located about the point where the Appomattox enters the James, in Charles City County, which in 1723 became the home of John Carter, eldest son of Robert Carter. It stands, as has been well said, "four- square to the world, three stories high, in the midst of a lawn shaded by giant oaks."" The issue of this marriage : (i) Enid, born August 8, 1896, very brilliant and ac- complished; she was graduated from the University of Louisiana, Baton Rouge, degree of Bachelor of Arts, with first honor, before she was eighteen years of age, and was shortly after awarded the position, at Baton Rouge, of Directress of Organized Charities, a position she filled with marked ability until her resignation, to enter Tulane University, to fit herself for a higher order of work. Later she performed service of importance with the Red Cross in the war with Germany. She is a member of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, with five ancestral bars. She was married July 14, 1919, at Christ Church Chapel, New Orleans, to Edward Austin Cary of Port Arthur, Texas. He served as a Lieutenant with the U. S. Aviation Corps, in the War with Germany. (2) Quincy, junior, born February 6, 1903, a graduate of the High School, Napoleonville, Louisiana, where he gave evidence of a sharp and incisive intellect, and evinced qualities of leadership and aptitude for public speaking; he was winner in the State Spelling Test of March 29 and 30, 191 7, and is now a student of Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana. 7. Kate Adelaide, a beautiful blonde, born at "Ariel," November 16, 1870; died in New Orleans, Louisiana, of pneumonia, February 5, 1884. She had at her early age written a story that was published in the Donaldsonville Chief, thus commended by the managing editor: 'Who's Who in America, 1912-13. '^Lancaster's Hist. Va. Homes and Churches, pp. 98-104. ELIZA JOSEPHINE (KITTREDGE) EWING CH. XVI 120 The Ewing Genealogy with Cogxate Branches 103 "The composition is very creditable for one so young, and gives promise of future achievements of a brilliant character." ELIZA JOSEPHINE (kITTREDGE) EWING the wife of Dr. Fayette Clay Ewing, senior, was the daugh- ter of Dr. Ebenezer Eaton Kittredge and his wife, Martha Wills Green, and reference is made for her Kittredge and Green ancestry to the cognate branches to follow. She was born at "Elm Hall," Assumption Parish, Lou- isiana, on August 3, 1833, and married on February 3, 1852; she was highly educated and a gifted musician, played the piano with great proficiency, having a remarkable touch ; she spoke English and French with equal erudition and fluency. After her graduation, she traveled extensively with her father through the East, incidentally visithig his relatives in Boston, Massachusetts. She was no ordinary woman — commanding and hand- some in appearance, of superior endowments and high cul- ture, courageous and strong of purpose, she went about daily doing her duty as she saw it, brooking no opposition in its performance; and until the last, in her eighty-first year, clear of mind and thought, and in close sympathy with the ebb and flow of life and the progress of things, she preserved what in all vicissitudes had been characteristic of her, a never-failing indomitable spirit, the same as that which Lord Lytton immortalized as present to the end in the unconquered and unconquerable Armand Richelieu. It was a leading thought with her to have her three sons a lawyer, a physician and a minister, and having moulded their ambitions to that end, she derived great pleasure from the fact that her hope was realized, and that each was dis- tinguished enough in his profession to appear in "Who's Who in America," among the leading men of the Nation. Withal the. tributes paid to her husband's mother, Jane Pope Mclntyre, as besides brilliant and accomplished, "a wife, a mother, a Christian," would equally apply to her. She loved her husband with a worshipful and almost idolatrous devotion, regarding him always, like an English- man traditionally does his King, as one who can do no wrong; tov/ards her children, her love was one continuous illumination of motherly sacrifice or willingness to sacrifice, never dimming, never waning. She was a confirmed mem- ber of the Episcopal Church, and from her religion, ex- 104 The Ewing Genealogy with Cognate Branches emplified in many kindly acts, light and comfort came to her. After her husband's death, in 1872, she managed the estate, and completed the education of their children; later she lived at her home, "Idlewild,"* an attractive cottage in a yard banked with flowers, at Sewanee, Tennessee, the Alma Mater of her youngest son, Quincy (q. v.), whence during each winter she would visit her children in the South ; and on one of these perennial visits, March 29, 1914, at New Orleans, where her two eldest daughters re- sided, she fell asleep in death, and was buried beside her husband in vSt. John's Episcopal Cemetery, Thibodaux, Louisiana. The tombstone inscription to her is a fitting memorial : "Her life 'Pure in its purpose and strong in its strife.'" *Tlie cottage remains in the family, being the summer home of her son, Presley Kittredge Ewing (q. v.)- ^itttBiiig^B CHAPTER XVII. THE KITTREDGE TREE: PATERNAL LINEAGE OF ELIZA JOSEPHINE KITTREDGE, WIFE OF DR. FAYETTE CLAY EWING. The Kittredge family is noted for its numerous and dis- tinguished physicians and surgeons, extending back through each generation, and particularly is this true of the family in the New England States. In James Thacher's "Medical Biography and Memoirs of Eminent Physicians Who Have Flourished in America" (published in Boston in 1823), re- ferring to Thomas Kittredge, M. D., M. M. S. S., as "a dis- tinguished practitioner of surgery and medicine throughout the State of Massachusetts," it is said : "The family of which he was a member has become so distinguished for surgical skill in New England, that in many places the name alone is a passport to practice, and the number of practitioners of the name is very considerable." Doctor Oliver Wendell Holmes' portrayal of Dr. Kitt- redge, in "Elsie Venner," as the leading and gifted physi- cian in the town in which he lived, was the recognition from a high source of the name as appropriate for one illustrat- ing the ideals of the noble profession. The achievements of the Kittredges, however, have not been confined to medicine and surgery, but many of the family have become distinguished in other pursuits, among whom we mention a few, all descended from John Kitt- redge, the English emigrant who shared in the founding of Billerica, Massachusetts. Abbott E. Kittredge, born at Roxbury, Massachusetts, July 20, 1834, was graduated from Williams College, and became a famous clergyman, being at one time president of the General Synod of the Reformed Church in America; he died December 17, 1912.' Alfred B. Kittredge, born Cheshire County, New Hamp- shire, March 26, 1861, was graduated from Yale; removed to Sioux Falls, and after practicing law there, and holding other important offices, was elected and served as United States Senator from South Dakota, 1901-1909; he died 'Who's Who in America, (1903-1905). "Who's Who in America, 1912-1913. 10.5 106 The Ewino Genealogy with Cognate Branches George Lyman Kittredge, of Cambridge, Massachusetts, graduated from Harvard (A, B.) and University of Chi- cago (LL.D.), is Professor of Enghsh at Harvard, Fellow of American Academy Arts & Sciences, and author of The Mother Tongue (with Sarah Louise Arnold), Words and Their Ways in English Speech (with late James K. Greenough), and Old Farmer and his Almanack (1905).' Henry Grattan Kittredge, born at Claremont, New Hampshire, January 22, 1845; son of Thomas B. Kittredge, of Keene, New Hampshire ; descendant of Dr. Francis Kitt- redge, surgeon in the War of the Revolution (q. v.), was educated at Trinity College ; married Worcester, Massa- chusetts, October 12, 1870, Martha S. Hodges; he was (in addition to other distinctions) a specialist in industrial journalism, a famous organizer of textile exhibits, well known as a writer and expert on textiles in the United States and England, and author of Utilization of Wastes and By-Products. He died June 5, 1909.' Walter Kittredge, born at Merrimac, New Hampshire, October 8, 1834; son of Eri and Lucretia Kittredge, graduated from Merrimac Normal Institute; married in 1861, Annie E. Fairfield, of New Boston, New Hampshire; was after 1856 until his death, 1905, a song composer, writ- ing words and music of many songs and giving concerts, singing his own songs, including "Tenting on the Old Camp Ground," and "Scatter the Flowers Over the Gray and the Blue," besides a number of others.' George Watson Kittredge, born North Andover, Massa- chusetts, December 11, 1856; son of Joseph and Henrietta Frances (Watson) Kittredge, B. S. from Massachusetts Institute Technical (1877); married Georgia Davis, of Louisville, Kentucky, October 17, 1888, is a civil engineer of rare accomplishments, and after holding other important railroad positions, has been since 1906 Chief Engineer of the New York Central & Hudson River Railroad, and of the Terminal Railway of Buffalo, and of the New Jersey Shore Line Railroad.* Josiah Edwards Kittredge, born Boston, October 12, 1866; died December 21, 1913; son Josiah (M, D.) and Sarah Whiting (French) Kittredge, was graduated from nVho's Who in America, 1916-1917. -Who's Who in America, 1903-5, and 1914-15. ^Who's Who in America, 1903-5, and 19L'6-7. % who died in Mt. Vernon August 6, 1851 ; he was a physician and surgeon, and (to use the words of the historian) "he was long and favorably known as a skillful surgeon and physician." The children of his 'Records of Billerica. ^Town Records of Tewksbury. 110 The Ewing Genealogy with Cognate Branches marriage were: ist, Betsy, born May i8, 1782; died August 5, 1786. 2nd., Nabby, born 1790; married Jesse Smith. 3rd, Zephaniah, born September 15, 1785; died August 3, 1873; married Mary Wheeler of Hancock, who was born in August, 1788, and died February 25, 1880. 4th, Betsy, born 1788; died March 5, 1799. 5th, Nancy, born 1790; married Uriah Wilkins, and died in Stowe, Vermont, Jan- uary 10, 1832, and 6th, Fanny, born 1799; died September 16, 1821.' DR. FRANCIS KITTREDGE II was the son of Dr. Francis and Lydia Kittredge. He was born in a part of Billerica, July i, 1728, afterwards called Tewksbury, and died in Walpole, New Hampshire, April 17, 1808. He married February 20, 1752,' Abigail Richard- son of Billerica, daughter of Andrew and Hannah J. Rich- ardson, who was born March 6, according to the town records, 1725, but according to the tombstone, 1730.' Born of this marriage were sixteen children, the youngest re- corded being Melicent, born September 30, 1777.' The children of this marriage noted in the town records of Tewksbury are : 1. Jesseniah, born March i, 1764; died August 8, 1829; married Lydia Newton Bond. 2. STEPHEN, born January 19, 1766; married Elizabeth Eaton. 3. Rhoda, born December 19, 1767; married Amaziah Porter. 4. Achsa, born April 30, 1772; married Job Giddings. 5. Susanna, born November 29, 1773. 6. Melicent, born September 30, 1777; married (first) Earle Giddings, (second) Jason Beckwith.* Other children of this marriage were Paul ; Francis, mar- ried, Lucy Crosby ; Molly ; Elizabeth, and Abigail, married Zephaniah Kidder.° Of the remaining children, there was another Achsa, born June 16, 1770, and died January ^y, 1771." Three children were Amy, married, Timothy Crosby; Rachel, married Mr. Foster, and Lydia, married Mr. Mathews.' The remaining child is not accounted for, prob- ably died in infancy. ^History of Amhurst, pp. 661-662. ^Records and History of Billerica, and Tombstone at Walpole, N. H. 'Records of Tewksbury. ^Records of Tewksbury. ^History of Walpole, N. H. "Records of Tewksbury. 'Nat. No. 101542, N. S. D. A. R., App., Martha Hodges Kittredge Bearce. The Ewing Genealogy with Cognate Branches ill As explanatory and interesting, we quote from the Wal- pole Town History, publisiied in 1880, sub nom. Kittredge, Francis, Dr., as follows : "It is curious to note how some incident, seemingly trivial at the time, and wholly disconnected with what follows, changes the whole aspect and condition of an individual's future life. Following is a case in point. More than a hundred years ago (the precise time not known), one of the Bellows family of this town broke his leg, and as sur- geons were not plenty in the vicinity, his friends were forced to the alternative of sending to Tewksbury, Massachusetts. There they found Dr. Francis Kittredge, who came to Wal- pole, set the bone, and stayed till his patient was out of danger. During his stay, he was persuaded to take up a lot of land and remove to Walpole. He selected the farm now owned by Charles E. Watkins, which was then an unbroken forest. He had by his wife Abigail sixteen children, several of them dying in infancy. Dr. Frank, as he was called, was a celebrated 'bone setter.' which in those days was a special gift. In connection with his son, Jesseniah, the celebrated salve, known at the time as 'Kittredge grease' was prepared, which was highly valued for its supposed healing properties. He was famous, as was also his son Jesseniah, in treatment of old sores and chronic complaints in general. How many of Dr. Frank's children were born in town, has not been ascertained nor how many lived to maturity. Their ages are not known, and consequently cannot be methodically arranged. He died April 17, 1808, aged 80 years, and she died February 15, 181 2, aged 82." DR. JESSENIAH KITTREDGE, the son abovc noted, who died August 8, 1829, married February 28, 1793, Lydia Newton Bond, who was born March 22, 1772, died September 4, 1837, and was a daughter of Thomas Bond of North Brook- field, Massachusetts, and to them were born Lydia Kitt- redge, who married Francis Fisher, and the children to her by this marriage were Francis K., Horace N., and John H. Fisher. Horace N., a soldier, scholar and author of great renown, married Kiameche C. Mason, of Charlestown, Massachusetts, November 13, 1865,' and from this union were born Francis M., Mary L., Sarah G. and Horace C. Fisher. There was also born to Dr. and Mrs. Jesseniah and Lydia (Bond) Kittredge a son, Thomas Bond, who was a p hysi- 'Who's W^ho in America, 1914-1915. 8 112 TiiK p:\ving Gknealogy wrrir Cognate Branches cian and surgeon, at Keene, New Hampshire, born Feb- ruary 17, 1802; died December 8, 1881 ; married October 24, 1836, Caroline A. Smith, descendant of one of the Colonial Governors of Connecticut. A son of this marriage, Henry Grattan Kittredge, born January 22, 1841 ; died June 5, 1909.' He married Martha Sargent Hodges, October 12, 1870, and from this union were born five children, namely: Alice, Isabel, Thomas Bond, Louise, married Samuel B. Haynes, West Hartford, Connecticut, and Martha Hodges, married Clarence P. Bearce, East Providence, Rhode Island. The authors have enjoyed with the two latter an interesting correspondence, which bespeaks for them the high culture and refinement to be expected from their noble lineage. The son, Thomas Bond, born March 20, 1878, Reading, Massachusetts, died October 14, 1918, at Providence, Rhode Island; married Emily Volk, born Hitchcock, Texas, Feb- ruary 16, 1889. Issue, a daughter, Arielle, born San An- tonio, Texas, November 15, 191 5. The v>'idow, Mrs. Emily Volk Kittredge, whom w^e know, is an admirable type of fine womanhood, such as might well be selected for alliance with the Kittredge family. Another son of the marriage of Dr. Jesseniah and Lydia Kittredge, was Jesseniah, junior, also a physician and sur- geon, born in Walpole, New Hampshire, February 24, 1800; died in Waverly, Massachusetts, November i, 1877, who married May Bellows Stone (born August 22, 181 1; died February 20, 1886), in October, 1833, at Watertown, Massa- chusetts, her home; and of him, Thomas Bellows Peck, in his w^ork. The Bellows Genealogy, at page 478, observes : "Dr. Kittredge belonged to a well known and highly re- spected family of physicians, and was the fifth in direct line to follow that profession. He was in the sixth genera- tion from John Kittredge, the emigrant ancestor, who came to this country from Oulton, or Lowestoft, Suffolk County, England, and was one of the original settlers, in 1660, of Billerica, Massachusetts, living in that part of the town which was afterwards set off as Tewksbury. The line of descent was through Dr. Jesseniah and Lydia (Bond) Kitt- redge, of Walpole; Dr. Francis and Abigail (Richardson) Kittredge, of Tewksbury and Walpole; Dr. Francis and Lydia Kittredge, of Tewksbury ; Dr. John and Hannah (French) Kittredge, of Tewksbury, to John Kittredge, the iWho's Who in America, 1912-1913 The Ewing Genealogy with Cognate Branches 113 immigrant, and his wife, Mar}^ Littlefield, from whom all of the name of Kittredge in this country are believed to be descended. Dr. Kittredge's mother, Lydia Bond, who was bom March 22, 1772, and died September 4, 1837, was daughter of Thomas Bond, of Brookfield, Massachusetts, and was in the fifth generation from William Bond, of Watertown, the ancestor of most of the families of Bond in New England. His grandfather, Dr. Francis Kittredge, removed from Tewksbury to Walpole about 1790,* and built and lived in the large Colonial house about two miles and a half southeast of the village on what is still sometimes called 'Kittredge Hill.' " FKANCis, son of Dr. Francis and Abigail Kittredge, who himself became a physician and surgeon, was a soldier for Independence of the Revolutionar}^ War, bom at Tewks- bury, Massachusetts, July 2, 1758, and served three months, in 1776, private in Capt. Edward Farmer's Company, Col. Jacob Gerrish's Regiment. February 20 to May 20, and for six months, 1776, private in Capt. Samuel Tay's Company, Col. Jonathan Reed, and for three months, 1777 or 1778, in Capt. Edward Farmer's Company, Col. Jonathan Reed, and for two months, 1779, surgeon's mate in Capt. Nathaniel West's Company on ship "Black Prince," serving in the Regiment of Guards at Bunker Hill, and engaging in the Penobscot Expedition, and perhaps performing other ser- vices.* He died at Tewksbury, Massachusetts, on Novem- ber 9, 1837. He was married August 26, 1782. to Lucy Crosby, of Amherst, Massachusetts, who died September 4. 1803. Their children were Francis, born Januar}' 26, T783; Paul, born August 26, 1784; Lucy, born September 17, 1786; Lydia, born August 21, 1788; Susanna, born September 8, 1790; Joel, born March 30, 1893, died August 8, 1793, and Joel Crosby, bom July 31, 1794, died Septem- ber 7, 1832.° The son Paul Kittredge, who was also a phy- sician and surgeon, was born as stated, August 26, 1784, and died August 10, 1845; he married January 17, 1808, Rebecca Martin, of W"etherfield, Vermont, by whom he had fourteen children, four of them being physicians." Under this line, Mrs. Estelle S. (Kittredge) Perham, wife of Walter Perham, of Chelmsford, Massachusetts, has been •Probably in or before 1784. ^Records of Mass. Archives, Boston State House, Vol. 19, p. 76; File 29947, Revolutionary V^ar, Department of the Interior, T'ension Bureau, Wash- ington, D. C. -Records of Tewksbury. 114 The Ewing Genealogy with Cognate Branches accepted as a member of the National Society of the Daugh- ters of the American Revolution, National Number 22736, she being a daughter of Cullen Fordyce and Amy (Hull) Kittredge, and her father a son of Dr. Paul and Rebecca (Martin) Kittredge, thereby making her a great grand- daughter of the Revolutionary soldier, Dr. Francis Kitt- redge, and his wife, Lucy Crosby.' The subject of this division. Dr. Francis Kittredge, was surgeon for the side of the patriots in the War of the Revolution, for which see — Journal of the Third Provincial Congress of Massa- chusetts, page 374. Bond's History of Watertown, page 57. Hazen's History of Billerica, pages 85, 86. Aldrich's History of Walpole, pages 303, 304, 305. Under this service by him as hospital surgeon, Mrs. Martha Hodges (Kittredge) Bearce has been accepted as a member of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, National Number 101542, besides quite a number of other descendants, some of whom are elsewhere mentioned in that connection. ABIGAIL (RICHARDSON) KITTREDGE wife of Dr. Francis Kittredge, was born at Billerica, Massa- chusetts, March 6, according to the town records, 1725, but according to the inscription on her tombstone 1730, and died February 15, 181 2, at Walpole, New Hampshire. She was married February 20, 1752, at or near Billerica, and had sixteen children. She was the daughter of Andrew and Hannah (Jefts) Richardson, her mother being the daugh- ter of Henry Jefts.' The Richardsons were one of the earliest and most noted of the New England families. ANDREW RICHARDSON, father of Abigail, was one of three brothers, the other two being Thomas and Jonathan, and these are the three brothers mentioned in history as having gone in a company of thirty-six soldiers under Capt. John Lane to Dunstable and Groton as a "relief," July 4, 1706. He (Andrew) was born in Billerica, Massachusetts, June 16, 1678; married by Joseph Williams, a judicial officer, to Hannah Jefts, December 9, 1707; she died October 31, 1749, ^Application Estelle S. Perham, Nat. No. 22736, N. S. D. A. R. 'Records of Billerica and Tewksbury, Mass.; Tombstone Inscriptions, Kittredge Lot, Walpole, N. H., and John Vinton's Richardson Memorial, pp. 513-14. The Ewing Genealogy with Cogxate Branches 115 and he on December 23, 1752, in Billerica ; he left a will dated December 10, 1750, probated January 15, 1753; he lived and died on a farm in the easterly part of Billerica, which his father gave him by will dated October 14, 1705. Children of this marriage were : i. Andrew, born January 18, 1709, married Elizabeth Winn of Billerica, December 25, 1733, having one child, Andrew. 2. Hannah, born July 7, 1712; married Benjamin Kidder. 3. Phoebe, bom March 4, 1716; married Mr. Marshall, having children, Isaac, Phoebe and Samuel. 4. Elizabeth, born December 9, 1719, married John Blanchard. 5. Mary, born May 26, 1722, married Joseph Danforth. 6. Abigail, bom March 6, 1725.' THOMAS RICHARDSON, the father of Andrew and grand- father of Abigail above mentioned, was born in Woburn, Massachusetts, October 1645, married Mary Stimpson.' THOMAS AND MARY RICHARDSON were the father and mother of Thomas and great grandparents of Abigail Rich- ardson. This grand-parent, Thomas, who died in Woburn, August 28, 165 1, was the youngest of three brothers, Ezekiel, Samuel and Thomas, who in co-operation with others were the founders of Woburn, and the formation therein, in 1641, of a church. Ezekiel, the eldest brother, came from England in the fleet with W'inthrop, in 1630, by the 6th of July, when fifteen ships of that fleet had arrived. It is supposed that the two younger brothers, Samuel and Thomas, arrived as much as five years later. This is in- dicated by the fact that their names did not appear in a list of the inhabitants of Charleston, dated January 9, 1633, and the first notice of either is when Mary, the wife of Thomas, joined the Church, February 21, 1635. Later, in 1637, t)0th Samuel and Thomas united with the church and received the grant of a house plot, and were admitted as freemen of the Colony and made citizens. The children of this marriage of the immigrant Thomas with Mary, which probably occurred on the eve of their departure from England, were: i. Mar>% born at Charleston, baptized November 17, 1638; married John Baldwin. 2. Isaac, born May, 1643; married Deborah Fuller. 3. thomas, born October, 1645; married Mary Stimpson. 4. Ruth, born April. 1647. 5- Phoebe, born January, 1648. 6. Nathaniel, bom January, 1650; married Mary, whose surname seems 'John Vinton's Richardson Memorial, pp. 513-14. -Jd.. pp. 506-507. IIG The Ewing C4enealogy with Cognate Branches to have been lost in the charm of the first. These last five vi^ere born in Billerica. Ruth or Phoebe, the records leave it uncertain which, married Lieutenant Thomas Fuller, of England, ancestor of many of the Fullers of Nev/ England. DR. STEPHEN KITTREDGE was the son of Francis Kittredge and his wife, Abigail Richardson, and was born at Tewksbury, Massachusetts, January 19, 1766, and died at Walpole, New Hampshire, July 25, 1800; he married Elizabeth Eaton in Walpole, New Hampshire, on June 16, 1791, the Rev. Thomas Fessenden officiating.^ The children of this marrage were : 1. Stephen, became a physician and surgeon, went to Cincinnati, and died early. 2. Roswell, born May 8, 1793, also a physician and sur- geon, who went West and died young. 3. Susan (Suky), born December 5, 1795. 4. EBENEZER EATON, born February 3, 1799.' The probate records of Cheshire County, at Keene, New Hampshire, show that the widow, Elizabeth Eaton Kitt- redge, qualified as administratrix of the estate of her de-- ceased husband, Stephen Kittredge, August 13, 1800, and that she afterwards (some time prior to June 18, 1807) married Amos Garnsey, of Westminister, Vermont, which is directly across the Connecticut River from Walpole.^ From the record of deeds of that county, it appears that he (Amos Garnsey) was guardian of the minor children, Stephen Roswell, Suky and Ebenezer Eaton, conveying as such land of theirs on October 29, 1806,^ for a considera- tion of $942, and that he resigned as guardian on May 13, 1807.' ELIZABETH ( EATON ) KITTREDGE wife of Dr. Stephen Kittredge, was born in 1769, probably at Hampton Falls or Candia, New Hampshire, and died in the West in 1853; she was married, as stated, (first) to Dr. Stephen Kittredge, June 16, 1791, and (second) to Amos Garnsey. Her parents were Ebenezer Eaton and his wife, Anne Brown, who were married at Kensington, New Hampshire, by the Rev. Jeremiah Fogg, on June 9, 1762.° 'Records and Hist, of Walpole, N. H. 2 Id. ^Probate Records of Cheshire County, Keene, N. H. ^Records of Deeds, Vol. 50, p. 347, Cheshire Co., N. H. ■'Registry of Deeds, Id. ■^Department of Vital Statistics, Concord, N. H. The Ewing Genealogy with Cognate Branches 117 EBENEZER EATON, the father, was born at Hampton Falls, April lo, 1735, son of John and Hannah (Fowler) Eaton, and died at Walpole, New Hampshire, August 27, 1805. He married (first) Anne Brown as above stated, and (second) Comfort Emerson, in Walpole, New Hampshire, Novem- ber 10, 1793.' Children by his marriage with Anne Brown were: Eliphalit, eldest son, married about 1792, Elizabeth being his wife's first name; Elizabeth, born 1769; Josiah, married Zeruah Robinson, in Walpole, New Hampshire, April 23, 1809; Abigail, dates not known; Calvin, born 1786; died March 4, 1809.' There were probably other children. The father, Ebenezer Eaton, was a Revolutionary sol- dier, ranking corporal, in the cause of Independence; he was a corporal in Capt. Joshua Bailey's Company, Col. Thomas Stickney's Regiment, General Stark's Brigade of New Hampshire Militia, which marched from Hopkinton, July, 1777, and joined the Northern Continental Army, and he participated in the engagement in which the company took part on July 22, of that year.' He probably otherwise served in the great struggle for freedom. His removal to Cheshire County, New Hampshire, in or near Walpole, was probably after the close of the Revolutionary war, as indi- cated by the records of family events. ANNE BROWN, the first wife of Ebenezer Eaton, and mother of Elizabeth Eaton, was born at Kensington, New Hampshire, March 15, 1743; died in or near Walpole, New Hampshire, between 1786 (the year of her youngest child's birth) and 1793 (the year of her surviving husband's second marriage). Her lineage comes through many prominent families of New Egland ; she was the daughter of Nehemiah Brown and Anne Longfellow, who were married January 26, 1738, at Kensington, New Hampshire. Anne Longfel- low, born August 2, 1719, was the daughter of Nathan Longfellow and his wife, Mary Green, who were married May 28, 1713. Mary Green, born April 15, 1701, at Hamp- ton, New Hampshire, was the daughter of John Green and his wife, Abiel Marston, who were married December 23, 1695. Abiel Marston, born April 12, 1677, at Hampton, New Hampshire, was the daughter of Ephraim Marston (born December 2, 1654, son of Thomas Marston), and his ^Records of Walpole, N. H. =Id. •'N. H. Revolutionary Rolls, at Concord, Vol. 2, p. 182. 118 The Ewinq Genealogy wmi Cognate Bbanohes wife, Abiel Sanborn, who were married February 3, 1666. Abiel Sanborn was the daughter of Jabez Sanborn and Abiah Masten, who married December 29, 1716, groom nineteen years and bride fourteen years of age.* Other children bom to Nathan and Mary (Green) Long- fellow were: Jonathan, born May 23, 1714; Samuel, born May 8, 1716; Jacob, born July 20, 1722; Sewall, born October 6, 1724; Abigail, born February 5, 1726; Nathan, born June 8, 1729, and Green, born April 5, 1731. Other children born to John and Abiel (Marston) Green were: Jeremiah, born November 26, 1697; Abraham, bom August 28, 1707; John, born March i, 1710; Phoebe, born June 19, 1715; Anna, bom May 18, 1718. Other children born to Ephraim and Abiel (Sanbom) Marston were: John, born February 11, 1680; Thomas, born July 14, 1687; Jeremiah, bom November 5, 1691, and Ephraim, born July 14, 1687.' *We have conformed the early dates to the present reckoning of time, instead of commencing the year at March 25, as was in some instances done before 1752. 'Department of Vital Statistics, Concord, N. H. DR. EBENEZER EATON KITTREDGE CHAPTER XVIII. THE KITTREDGE TREE CONTINUED: DR. EBENEZER EATON, HIS CAREER, MARRIAGE AND DESCENDANTS. DR. EBENEZER EATON KITTREDGE the son of Stephen Kittredge and his wife, Elizabeth Eaton, was born in Walpole, New Hampshire, February 3, 1799; was qualified to practice in medicine and surgeiy, then went to Mississippi, going on a flat boat from Cincinnati down the Mississippi river; he settled in Jefferson County in that State, and shortly afterwards obtained his medical degree and diploma as physician and surgeon. He was profession- ally called by Mrs. Elizabeth Green, widow of Everard Green, to "Gayosa," their family home, and there met the daughter, Martha Wills Green, whom he soon after mar- ried, October 5, 1820, the marriage license being issued October 3, 1820.' We pause here for a bit of romance : It is a tradition in the family, well recognized, that the mother of Martha Wills Green (Mrs. Elizabeth Kirkland Green) fiist saw Dr. Kittredge at Washington, in Jefferson County, Miss- issippi, where he had located, and was so impressed with his appearance, that she inquired who he was. The answer came: "A young Yankee doctor who has just hung out his shingle." To which she replied : "Well, I like his looks, like the way he moves; he is smart, I see that." Not long after, when a doctor was needed in her home, she sent for him ; then followed his courtship of Martha Wills, at that time a slip of a girl, and later his proposal of marriage to her. The marriage was opposed pretty generally by her relatives, probably because of the prejudice among the aris- tocratic families of the South in its early days agamst matri- monial alliances with new arrivals from families of the North. The mother, however, was very friendly to the marriage, discerning, no doubt, the merit and strong char- acter, and foreseeing the success, of the expectant groom. The climax of her argument was, "If he ever gets drowned, there will be no use looking for him down stream" — mean- ing, of course, that he would never "go with the current." About 1828, Dr. Kittredge removed with his family to Assumption Parish, Louisiana, near Napoleonville, being a ^Record Book of Marriage Licenses, Jefferson Co., Miss., from 1805 to 1827, p. 158. (110) 120 The Ewing Genealogy wrrii Cognate Branches pioneer in that section, where he acquired what afterwards became one of the most magnificent sugar plantations in the State, which he called "Elm Hall," and where he con- structed a mansion home that remained the residence of the family during his life and until long after his death. He was one of the wealthiest of the Louisiana planters, eminent in his profession, and honored and esteemed by all. His elegant home was the center of education, culture, and refinement. When Dr. Kittredge and his gifted son, Joseph Kirkland, were surrounded by the former's bril- liant sons-in-law, Fayette Clay Ewing, George Wesley Race, George W. Jones, Joseph B. Whittington and Robert N. Sims, all scholars and wits, there was an assembly of men, flashing out fires of intellect, rarely witnessed in any home — all possessed of grace and charm of manner, handsome and commanding in appearance, and gifted with a fluency and resource of conversation at once attractive, interesting and ornate. Dr. Kittredge (E. E.) died October 19, 1867, at his sum- mer home, Winchester Springs, Tennessee, lamented by numerous relatives and friends, especially in the East, and South. MARTHA WILLS GREEN (wife of Dr. Ebenezer Eaton Kittredge) was born at "Gayosa" December i, 1804; died November 18, 1836, at "Elm Hall." She is buried in the family vault at Napoleon- ville, Louisiana, in the cemetery of the Episcopal Church which was built by her husband, and the Rector of which at this Avriting is her grandson, the Rev. Quincy Ewing. She was a very beautiful woman, of patrician cast, as may readily be seen from her accompanying picture. Issue of Dr. Kittredge's marriage with Martha Wills Green, his first wife : 1. Elizabeth Eaton, born March 9, 1822, in Jefferson County, Mississippi; died August 31, 1847, ^t "Elm Hall," Assumption Parish, Louisana. She married Edmund Par- sons Dwight, a lawyer then practicing in New Orleans, Louisiana. No issue survived her. 2. Mary Louise, born October 11, 1825, in Jefferson County, Mississippi ; died at "Glenwood," Assumption Parish, Louisiana, February 3, 1887. She was much be- loved for her kind acts and broad sympathies by all who knew her, and her funeral, preceded at her special request MARTHA WILLS (GREEN> KITTREDGE TuE EwixG Genealogy wrru Cognate Branches 121 by a band of music, was generally attended by the people of that section regardless of race or creed. It was indeed a day of universal mourning. She was married on April 3, 1844, by the Rt. Rev. Leonidas Polk, to George Washington Jones (son of John and Marion Jones,) born June 5, 181 7, in Ohio; died at "Glenwood," Assumption Parish, Lou- isiana, March 25, 1889; he was one of the most highly esteemed sugar planters of that part of the State. Issue of their marriage : (i) Cora Wills, who was a brilliant belle of New Orleans society, was born February 6, 1845; ^^^^ i" Chi- cago, Illinois, October, 1899; married at "Glenwood" Jan- uary 25, 1872, to Walter F. Moring, born Amelia Court- house, Virginia, 1842; died Chicago, Illinois, June 25, 1886. Issue: ist. ^'George Race, born January 24, 1873; married June 21, 1898, in Chicago, Illinois, Fanny Pendleton Whit- ten, born December 12, 1876, in Covington, Kentucky; died June II, 1914, in New York City. Children: George P., born in Chicago, Illinois, April 8, 1899, and Dorothy, born in Chicago, August 5, 1900. 2nd. Cora Martha, born in Chicago, January 27, 1879, married in Napoleonville, Lou- isiana, November 21, 1900, Weaker Irving Barton, born in Louisiana in about the year 1863; died December 23, 1906, in Ascension Parish, Louisiana. Children: Walter Irving, born August 23, 1901, and Cora Moring, born July 31, 1906, both in Ascension Parish, Louisiana. (2) Stephen, died when five years old. (3) Elizabeth Clarendon, born December 16, 1848; married (first) April 3, 1869, William Sims, a Captain in the C. S. A., and later a prominent lawyer of Napoleon- ville, Louisiana, born in 1838; died at "Glenwood," Septem- ber 8, 1876, and (second) she married on June 2, 1897, at Gonzales, Texas, Edward Pugh Munson, born September 16, 1853; died June 25, 1911, at "Glenwood." She is a lady of rare scholarly attainments, of imposing appearance and charming personality, and was on December 13, 1916, accepted as a member of the National Society of the Daugh- ters of the American Revolution, National Number 126582, with two bars, ancestors Francis Kittredge, surgeon, and Col. Thomas M. Green (q. v.), but entitled to a third bar, ancestor Corporal Ebenezer Eaton (q. v.). No issue by her second marriage; by the first the following: ist, Mary "Italics are sometimes used for ready reference to great grandchildren. 122 The Ewing Genealogy with Cognate Branches Louise (Loulie), born February 21. 1870; married in Hous- ton, Texas, December 31, 1888, George Burgess, of Gon- zales, Texas, born in Wharton County, Texas, September 21, 1861, and a member of the United States House of Representatives for sixteen consecutive years. 2nd. George William, a physicion and surgeon, born December 26, 1871 ; died September 16, 1915; married January i, 1906, his cousin, Olivia Amanda Kittredge. No issue. Dr. Sims was a self made man, and by his own efforts succeeded in educating himself, being graduated from the Gross Medical College, of the Rocky Mountain University, at Denver, Colorado, Class of 1897; he practiced his profession for a short time at Denver, then moved to Texas, practiced at Kerrville; was assistant surgeon in the war with Spain (1898), of Third Texas Infantry, serving at Camp Mabry, Austin, Texas, at Fort Clark, Texas, and at Fort Mcintosh, Laredo, Texas; was special examiner, appointed by the War Department, in mustering out the Third Infantry (1899); was appointed, on recommendation of United States Army officers. Contract Surgeon (1899), and ordered to the Phillipines, whither he went on the trans- port Morgan City, having a journey of great peril and nar- row escape. In 1906, after the marriage noted, he took a post-graduate course at the Polyclinic Department of the Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana, then removed to Texas, and practiced at Karnes City and Falls City until 1910, when he went to San Antonio, and there practiced until his death. He was a close student of "Anaesthesia," and wrote an exhaustive work on "Psycho-Dynamics;" he was, shortly before his death, nominated by the People's Municipal League, of San Antonio, Texas, for Commis- sioner of Sanitation and Parks and Public Property, but after an exciting race was defeated. 3RD. WILLIAM NICHOLS, bom March 10, 1873; died July 10, 1885. 4TH. RUFFiN MORiNG, born November 20, 1875; died in Houston, Texas, August 2, 1891. (4) Kate Josephine, a first honor graduate of the Locquet Institute, New Orleans, Louisiana, and a highly cultivated musician, was born November 14, 1852; died September 6, 1905; married at "Glenwood" in 1878 to William Henry Gibson, of Brooklyn, New York, bom 1844; died 1884, in New York. Issue: Ethel May Gibson, born August 5, 1880, now residing in Mount Vernon, New York. The Ewing Genealogy wrrn Cognate Branches 123 (5) Evelyn, distinctive in her aptitude for mathematics and practical business, and her optimistic qualities, was born October 4, 1855; married July 7, 1881, to John B. Foley, of Assumption Parish, Louisiana, born July 2^, 1854; died December 14, 1910. Issue: ist. W'xlliard Jones, born June 13, 1882; married October 14, 1908, Gertrude A. Askev^, of Minnesota Junction, Wisconsin. One child, Wil- lard Jones, born September 12, 1909. 2nd. John B., Jr., born May 5, 1886; died December 9, 1886. 3rd. Evelyn FJodxe, bom December 5, 1887; married June 18, 1913, William Whitmell Pugh, physician and surgeon, of As- sumption Parish. Their children, William Whitmell, junior, born March 25, 1914, and John Foley, born December 12, T915. 4th. Arthur Moring, born August 28, 1889, He en- tered the service as a volunteer, September, 191 7, in the War with Germany ; went into the training camp at Camp Lee, Virginia, in January, 1918, and was recommended for commission as Second Lieutenant, but before receiving it, was sent across as master engineer of the Corps of Civil Engineer, and served to the end of the war. 5th. Kirkland Green, bom August 4, 1892; died same date. 6th. Mary Louise, born February 14, 1896. (6) Isabel, remarkable for her classic beauty, was born July 31, 1857, at "Glenwood;" died November 16, 1898, at San Antonio, Texas; married at "Glenwood" December 7, 1882, to Judge John Warner Johnson, born August 2, 1830, at Bridgeport, West Virginia. One child, Loula Belle, born Houston, Texas, February 28, 1884; married January 4, 1907, at "Glenwood" Charles Williard Black, of Cincinnati, Ohio, born January 25, 1879. Their children: Virginia Louise, born December 8, 1910, and Barbara, born May 24, 1913, both at Los Angeles, California. (7) Nellie May, a woman of great energy and mas- culine force of character, was bom May 3, 1859; died June 21, 1895; married April 28, 1881, Edward Pugh Munson, of Assumption Parish, Louisiana, who after her death mar- ried Elizabeth Clarendon (Jones) Sims (q. v.). He was born September 16, 1853; died June 25, 1911. Issue: ist. Olivia, born in April, 1882, married March, 1914, her cousin Ephraim Ewing (q. v.) ; child, Olivia, born December 28, 1915. 2nd. Nellie May, bom September 8, 1883; married October 2, 1907, Aubrey Bartlett, born about 1877, of New Orleans, Louisiana. Children, Nellie May, bom August 5, 1908, Cosame Julian, born July i, 1913, Olivia, born 124 The Ewixg Genealogy wrni Cognate Branches October 15, 191 1, and Walter, born Februar>', 191 5. yd. Lilian Kittredge, born November 24, 1886; married March 10, 1909, Clarence Clifford Barton of Assumption Parish, Louisiana, born in 1887. Children: Lilian M., born May 2"/, 1910; Rebecca, born April 13, 1912; Elizabeth, bom May 13, 1914, and Flora, born December i, 1915. 4th. Myrtle, born December 21, 1889; married June 11, 191 1, to her cousin, Presley Kittredge Ewing 11, born July 11, 1891. Children: Mrytle, born March 15, 1912; Presley Kittredge III, born August 13, 1914, and Fayette Clay, born November 5, 1913. 5th. Stephen Clarendon, born Septem- ber 28, 1892; married April 28, 1917, Adele Pratt, daughter of Dr. George Pratt, of New Orleans, Louisiana. 6th. Edward Preston, born July 26, 1894; married February 17, 191 7, Gertrude Graner. He, Edward P. Munson, husband of Nellie May, was a man of remarkable business capacity, and was one of the wealthiest and most highly esteemed sugar planters of Louisiana. (8) Florence Olivia, possessed of a rare and beautiful voice, was born January i, 1861 ; died July 31, 1901 ; mar- ried James J. McConnell, M. D., of Georgia ; died 1903 ; no issue. (9) Lilian, the prototype of her beautiful grandmother (q. v.), was born August 13, 1862; died December 8, 1897; married August, 1890. Children: ist. Emma Lucile, born April 12, 1891 ; married May i, 1914, Arthur Boyd Reese, born November 10, 1881. Child: Arthur Boyd, Jr., born November 30, 191 5. 2nd. Lilian Mary Louise Jamison, born July 15, 1896. (10) GEORGE wiLLARD, M. D., bom July 21, 1865; died May 9, 1899; he married Rosa Lee Dickson; no issue. 3. Orvilie Milo, born December 26, 1827; died October 16, 1829. 4. Joseph Kirkland Green, born October 4, 1830; died September 17, 1897; married Fannie Mary Ivy on Decem- ber 4, 1866. He was graduated from Harvard, Class 1851, which became famous for having produced from its sixty- four members eleven distinguished professors. Issue : ( 1 ) Ivy, a lawyer, of New Orleans, Louisiana ; married Marietta Larousini, having a child, Frances. (2) Willoughby Eaton, a physician and surgeon, of Napoleonville, Louisiana; married ist. a widow, Marie (Fouche) Girard, who died September 17, 1915. Issue: r^^m m ^B #' \ 3 1 ■R \^ 1 ^ -# m 1 L.. i m. ^ ANN ELIZABETH KELLY KITTREDGE The Ewing Genealogy with Cognate Branxhes 125 a son Willoughby. He married (second) Corinne (Suchon) Hodges, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Edward Suchon, in New Orleans, Louisiana, March 14, igiy. (3) OHvia Amanda, married her cousin, George Will- iam Sims (q. v.) ; no issue. 5. ELIZA JOSEPHINE, wife of Fayette Clay Ewing, M. D. (q. v.). 6. Olivia Corinna, born October 6, 1835; died October 15, 1916, while residing at her picturesque home, Sewanee, Tennessee; she was a scholarly and highly cultured woman; the widow of George Wesley Race, born April 2y, 1821, died June 17, 1881, who was a distinguished lawyer of New Orleans, Louisiana, and a member of the noted firm of Race, Foster & E. T. Merrick ; her marriage to him was at "Elm Hall," April 19, 1855. The issue of this m.arriage were five promising children, who all died in childhood, the first not named, and the others, Stephen Kittredge, Corinna Elizabeth, George Eaton, and Fannie Louise. This daughter, Olivia Corinna (Kittredge) Race, was a member of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, National Number 125569, entitled to two bars, applications having been granted under two an- cestors, original under Surgeon Francis Kittredge, M. D., and supplemental under soldier. Col. Thomas M. Green, husband of Martha Wills* (q. v.). Copies of these appli- cations which may be obtained, at a cost of twenty-five cents each, along with blank applications, from the Regis- trar General of the National Society, Daughters of Ameri- can Revolution, Continental Memorial Hall, Washington, Districtof Columbia, will be useful as guides in preparing applications for membership by descendants of Dr. Ebenezer Eaton Kittredge or of Col. Thomas M. Green. DR. KITTREDGe's SECOND MARRIAGE Three years after the death of his first wife, Martha Wills Green, Dr. Kittredge, on September 20, 1839, married ANN ELIZABETH KELLY born in Illinois, December 15, 1819, then of New Orleans, Louisiana; died February 26, 1889; she was a very lovable character, and highly esteemed by all who knew her for her many splendid qualities of noble womanhood. The issue of this marriage : *She was also entitled to a third bar, under Corporal Ebenezer Eaton. 126 TiiE EwiNG Genealogy with Cognate Branches I. Mary Ann, noted in the family for her strength of character and fixed convictions, was born October 29, 1840, at "Elm Hall;" died September 19, 1915; married (first) April 11, 1861, Joseph Benson Whittington, born September 20, 1836; died November 12, 1884; he was a prominent lawyer of New Orleans, Louisiana, and after- wards of Napoleonville, Louisiana; she married (second) on February 27, 1889, at Areola, Louisiana, W. S. Goodwin, of Kansas City, Missouri, who died April 10, 1895. No is- sue of this latter marriage, but by her first marriage the issue was, as follows : (i) Joseph Kittredge, born March 26, 1864; married October 15, 1888, Marie de Gravelle, of Patterson, I^u- isiana, born December 19, 1863; died January 13, 1902. Children: St. Clair Joseph, born August 30, 1889; Gladis lone, born September 30, 1891 ; Mary Jessie, bom October 19, 1893; Leila Marie, born April 12, 1895, died April 19, 1896; Lucille Marie, born September 27, 1896; Marion Elizabeth, born January 22, 1898; Mary Adele, born Dec .r.- ber 15, 1900, and Joseph Kittredge, junior, bom December IS, 1900. (2) Harry Kirkland, bom July 19, 1867; married October 6, 1897, DoUie Belle Splane, of Washington, Lou- isiana, bom April 22, 1867. Children : Harry Kirkland, junior, bom September 14, 1898; Mary Belle, bom Novem- ber 3, 1901 ; died February 25, 1902, and Mildred Louise, born May 2y, 1903. (3) Mary Louise, born October 19, 1869; died August 18, 1901 ; married January 27, 1897, Robert L. Baker, of Hazelhurst, Mississippi, bom October 28, 1868, now a sugar planter of Assumption Parish, near Napoleonville. Louisiana. Children : Joseph Kittredge, bom October 1 5, 1897; Ralph Douglas, born November 10. 1898, and Mary- Louise, born August 9, 1901. (4) Bessie Kittredge, born June 21, 1873; died Febru- ary I, 1916; married June 17, 1899, William M. Crawford, merchant, of Washington, Louisiana, born May 4, 1863. Children: William Benson, born April 14, 1900; Louise Whittington, bom April 14, 191 1, died April 14, 191 1, and Mary Delia, born April 26, 1912. (5) Marion Wilmer, born March 24, 1875; married June 22, 1908, Douglas Eldridge Rivers, of New Orleans, Louisiana, bom September 3, 1875. Children: Bessie Whittington, born May 20, 1909; Enid Louise, bora Decem- TiiE EwiNG Genealogy wmi Cognate Branches 127 ber Q-j, 1910, died July 25, 19 12; Lena Marie, born Septem- ber 26, 1912, died November 22,, 1912; Douglas Eldridge, junior, born June 2, 19 14, and MoUie Kittredge, born July 12, 1915. 2. Henry Eaton, born at "Elm Hall" July 12, 1842; died at Glasgow, Kentucky, October 19, 1862. 3. Jessie Amanda, of the attractive Saxon type of beauty, was born at "Elm Hall," January 6, 1845; died at Jackson, Tennessee, December 3, 1883; married October 13, 1869, Edward Benton McNeil, a Baptist minister, born August 13, 1837; died August 1904, at Jackson, Tennessee. Issue of this marriage: (i) Eaton Kittredge, a physician and surgeon, born at Winchester Springs, Tennessee, October 9, 1868, now of La Mesa, New Mexico. (2) Edward Benton, Junior, a lawyer, born at Long- view, Mississippi, November 28, 1869; died at El Paso, Texas, August 14, 1908. (3) Walter Anderson, a lawyer and real estate broker of San Antonio and Mercedes, Texas, born at Longview, Mississippi, December 22, iSy2. (4) Harr}^ Pendleton, born at Longview, Mississippi, December 26, 1873, now a farmer at La Feria, Texas. (5) Lessie Benning, born at Longview, Mississippi. August 6, 1875; died a few weeks later. (6) Robert Irving, a physician and surgeon of El Paso, Texas, born at "Elm Hall," January 24, 1877; rnarried in Washington, District of Columbia, June 10, 1908, Eliza- beth Keeling, born in Memphis, Tennessee, May 15, 1885. Children, Robert Irving, junior, born at El Paso, Texas, July 21, 1913, and Mary Elizabeth, born at El Paso, Texas, May 20, 1916. (7) Percy Rutledge, born at Jackson, Tennessee, Nov- ember 30, 1883; died February 2^, 1909. 4. Emma, a beautiful and buoyant girl, of marked ex- ecutive ability, was born at "Elm Hall" July 16, 1847; <^ic^ finest pl antations of Assumpton Parish, and it is safe 'Tombstone at "Gayosa." (141) 142 The Ewing Genealogy with Cognaie Bbanches to say that no citizen of that section is more highly esteemed than he, not only for his skill and success as a planter, but for his sterling character. 2. Louisa Sparks, born November 12, 1807; married (first) Anthony Ferryman. Issue: (i) Elizabeth, married Dr. Irvin Quinn, and had sev- eral children, among them a daughter, who married Gordon, whose son married Carrie Kittredge Barton. (2) David, died without issue. (3) Laura, married Dr. Stead, no issue. (4) Martha, married Major Livingston Mimms, a very brilliant man ; no issue. After the death of Anthony Ferryman, the widow, Louisa Sparks, married 2nd., Alexander Rogers Green,* January 14, 1836, at Holmesville, Mississippi. Issue of this marriage : (i) Margaret (Mag) Louisa, born July 2^, 1838, died without having married. (2) Caroline Frances, born near Terry, at Fine Spriiigs, Mississippi, July 13, 1840; died July 13, 1875; married June 2^, i860, at Fine Springs, Hinds County, Misssisippi, to Samuel Livingston. Issue: ist. Guy, born September 11, 1861, died June 29, 1863; 2nd. Clifton, born April 3, 1865, died January 19, 191 5, married at Bentonia, Yazoo County, Mississippi, January 28, 1897, Nettie Taylor; children: Samuel Hilary, born January 9, 1898, and Clifton, born August 25, 1899. 3rd. Bertha, a lady of rare gifts and chamiing personality, born June 14, 1868; she is unmar- ried, now residing in Jackson, Mississippi. 4th. Frank, born August 26, 1871, died January i, 1898. 5th. Wills, born May 20, 1875, died July 13, 1875. (3) Cora Octavia, born September 11, 1842; married William Wallace Montgomery, both dead. Issue: ist. Louise, born February 15, 1865, married Joseph Lipscomb, Jr. ; they have five children, two married, but names not furnished. 2nd. Wallace, born July 26, 1867, and has died. 3rd. William Alexander, born January 25, 1870; married Lillian Fastel Smith, December 8, 1897; children: Lillian, born April 14, 1899, and Anna Davis, born June 18, 1901. 4th. Robert Estelle, born November 20, 1870, now living in Chickasha, Oklahoma ; he is married and has two children. *He was from Maine, and was a scholarly and cultured gentleman, but as far as known not related to the Greens of his wife's family. The Ewing Genealogy with Cognate Branches 143 (4) Antonio Mayson, born September 11, 1845; ', born November 25, 1882, now residing in San Antonio. Texas. Issue, a son Robert, born July 6, 1904. 4. Abner Everard, who measured up to the standard of his proud family, married Sarah Jane Wood, daughter of Ethan Allen and Nancy (Collins) W'ood, of Mississippi, Ethan Allen Wood was a big man every way, honored and honorable. Issue of the marriage of Abner Everard and Sarah (Wood) Green were three sons and three daughters, as follows : (i) James Payne, a very cultivated and highly edu- cated gentleman, who has long been prominent and influen- tial in his section in public affairs ; he was graduated as a lawyer, and taught school at one time in Port Gibson, Miss- issippi ; married Felicia Anna W^ailes, daughter of Colonel B. L. Covington Wailes, State Geologist, author of "Miss- issippi Geology," a rare work and still a standard. They had three sons and two daughters, all of whom died be- fore maturity except the son, Abner Everard, who grew to manhood, was graduated from the University of the South, at .Sewanee, Tennessee, as a civil engineer, and later became a licensed lawyer of both the common and civil law. At the time of his death, in his young manhood, he was dis- trict attorney of Tensas Parish, Louisiana. (2) Robert A., died October 15, 1917; he married Magda Turpin, of New Orleans, Louisiana, who pre-de- ceased him ; no issue. (3) W^illiam Kirkland, born October 29, 1849; married April 29, 1885, Alice Smith, born March 12, 1866; he died April 2-^, 1913. Issue of the marriage, a daughter, Leila Lake, born May 9, 1886, who married October 9, 1907, Grant Green Alexander, of Greenville, Mississippi, born 10 144 TuE EwiNG Genealogy mith Cognate Branches September 12, 1882. They have one child, AHce Lake, horn August 27, 1908. (4) Fannie Adele, the eldest daughter, now living in New Orleans, Louisiana, married Dr. Robert Payne, who is dead ; no issue living. (5) Irene, married H. Otey Railey, a cousin on the Green side, both dead ; they had a promising son, Frank, who grew to manhood, and died in New Orleans, Louisiana. (6) Leila C, never married, and is now living at "Gayosa," the old homestead, with her brother, James Payne, and his wife, Anna (Wailes) Green. Though all are old, each past "three score years and ten," and bereft of the dear ones gone before, they are yet young in thought and feeling, awake with alertness to events of interest; and, sustained by the "blessed hope of immor- tality," they are patiently waiting to answer the final sum- mons when it comes, "like one that wraps the drapery of his couch about him and lies down to pleasant dreams." Everard Green, the head of this division, was a princely man, and if we were asked what of his personal history, what of his life and career, we would answer, that of a wealthy Southern planter in the ante-bellum days, super- vising imperiously his lordly estate, and enjoying luxuri- ous, but remarkably cultivated and refined, association with his equally high-born and grandly endowed neighbors who were possessed of similar estates. Thus, in this gladsome way, days would glide into weeks, and the weeks into months and years, passing as swiftly and sweetly as tho wafted along on the zephyr-laden notes of an Aeolian harp. Yet, pausing a moment, may we indulge the reflection that, deeply impressed as we are with the exaltation of service dedicated to help of those engaged in moving the great en- gine of the world's progress, we have no regret for the de- parture of those halcyon times, grand as they were, when contemplated from the dazzling splendor of their dizzy heights. The burial of them, tho in tears and blood, has resulted, as we think, in a resurrection where may be seen glimpses of the radiance of a "New South" approaching more nearly the equality of opportunity and the brotherhood of man. For a continuation of the Green line under Everard Green's daughter, Martha Wills, who became the wife of Dr. Ebenezer Eaton Kittredge (q. v.), see the Kittredge tree, supra. The Ewing Genealogy with Cognate Branches 145 ELIZABETH KIRKLAND wife of Everard Green (q. v.), was a Virginian by birth, and while the name, sometimes written Kirtland, would in- dicate Scotch origin, yet it is an old English name, the family hailing principally from Cumberland. The "General Armory" gives the family coat of arms as granted in the time of William I. The origin of the family in this country seems to have been the arrival on the Hopetvell, in 1635, of two brothers, Philip, born 1614, and Nathaniel, born 1616, who were sons of Philip Kirkland, probably of Sherington, Bucks County, England, whose wife's name is not known. Susanna, a sis- ter of these brothers, married John Westall. The son Nathaniel, with his brother Philip, went to Long Island, and settled in Southold, but returned to Lynn, of which he was selectman in 1678, and where he died in 1686. He married Parnell Kirkland, and their, issue were three sons, Matthew, Philip, and John, born in Lynn August 1659, died January 20, 1716, and five daughters, Ann, Hannah, Elizabeth, born in Lynn, March 20, 1664, married William Pratt, Mary, and Martha, born May 15, 1667, married (first) Joseph Blaque, and (second) Captain William Southworth, of Compton, Long Island. The son John, married Lydia, daughter of Lieutenant William Pratt, and lived in Saybrook; he was adopted by his aunt and uncle, Susanna (Kirkland) and John Westall, and succeeded to their estate. He became quite prominent in local affairs, having been appointed lieutenant of the fort at Saybrook in 1702 and again in 1708.' The issue of Lieutenant John and Lydia (Pratt) Kirk- land were : (i) John, born July 11, 1681, married Temperance, daughter of Rev. Thomas and Hester (Hosmer) Bucking- ham, of Saybrook, March 3, 1 702-3. (2) Priscilla, married Thomas Jones. (3) Lydia, married (first) Griffin, and (second) Conklin. (4) Elizabeth, married John Shipman. (5) Nathaniel, married (first) Sara Chapman, and (second) Phoebe De Wolf. (6) Philip. (7) Samuel, married Martha Whittlesey. (8) Daniel (Rev.), born J une 17, 1701, Alma Mater 'Colonial Records of Conn., vols. IV and V. 146 The Ewing GENEALociv with Cognate Branches Yale, was first pastor of Newent Church, Norwich, Con- necticut, 1720,' married July 15, 1723, Mary Perkins, by whom he had five sons and seven daughters, among them Rev. Samuel Kirkland, missionary to the Oneida Communi- ty, and father of President John Thornton Kirkland (Kirt- land) of Harvard. (9) Parnell, married John Tully. Temperance, daughter of John and Temperance (Buck- ingham) Kirkland, married Lieutenant Andrew South- worth, and Hannah, daughter of Elizabeth (Kirkland) and John Shipman, married Samuel Southworth ; and Eliza Lucy, daughter of one of these unions, married William Goodwin Lewis, who had by her a son, Henry Martyn Lewis. Elizabeth (Kirkland) Green is doubtless a descendant, through some ancestor who removed to Virginia, of the Kirkland family above mentioned, but as a result of the devastation in the South of the Civil War, the connecting links have been lost. This we know, however, that she was worthy of the best in ancestr}' ; she was resolute of purpose, active in endeavor, and courageous in her convictions — no namby-pamby woman she, but a patriotic daughter and wife, ready ever to dare for the right ; like Portia, "so fathered and so husbanded." James Hampton Kirkland, of Nashville, Tennessee, the very distinguished scholar, linguist and author, now Chan- cellor of Vanderbilt University, is probably of the same lineage as Elizabeth (Kirkland) Green, but unfortunately his family records have not been preserved, so that verifi- cation is impossible.' Among other descendants of the illustrious family may be reckoned the family of the name in Houston, Texas, formerly of Mississippi, which is held in high estimation and includes Rosa B'.lizabeth (Kirkland) Noyes, widow of L. T. Noyes, a high Mason and successful business man ; Louise (Kirkland) Haralson, widow of E. M. Haralson, who was a lawyer; Ida (Kirkland) Mullen, wife of Dr. Joseph Mullen, a leading specialist of the eye, nose and throat ; Edwin Wells Kirkland, a successful business man, and the descendants of William Hinds (named for Major Hinds) Kirkland, deceased. ^Saybrook Records, Vol. II, p. 4. nVho's Who in America, 1916-17. CHAPTER XXI. THE GREEN TREE CONTINUED: THE FAMILY ACHIEVEMENTS AND DISTINCTION. We observe, in closing our narrative of the Greens, with the cognate branch of Kirklands, that confusion has arisen in some of the histories as to the different Thomas's of the Green Hne, and as to the habitat of Colonel Thomas M. Green during certain periods ;' but the confusion it is be- lieved can be easily cleared away. Weaving the threads of history into the woof of family tradition, with harmoniz- ing effect, we have no difficulty in concluding that Colonel Thomas M. Green, he of Revolutionary fame, lived in James City County, Virginia, where he was born and mar- ried, until in or about 1766, when he removed to North Carolina, and Georgia, remaining there until hostilities broke out between Great Britain and the Colonies ; that he then went back to Virginia for service in the war, and there enlisted and served in the war as soldier, with the rank of colonel, and later returned, after the Revolutionary war was over, to the Georgia section, and thereafter for a time, before permanently becoming established, may have lived or had his headquarters in Natchez, Mississippi; that about 1783, he became involved in the altercation to be men- tioned with the .Spanish authorities, was arrested and taken to New Orleans, J-ouisiana, but was released, and that in or before 1785, he became finally settled on his vast estate, the homestead of which was known as "Gayosa," in what is now Jefferson County, Mississippi. These conclusions are supported by cogent circumstances. The result of a close investigation which we procured to be made in the Congressional Library, Washington, District of Columbia, is that the arrest and incarceration in New Orleans must have taken place between 1783 and 1785. The grant for the estate, including "Gayosa," is understood to have been in 1785, at any rate preceding a will made that year, now held as an heirloom, whereby he devised "Gayosa," to his youngest son Everard, and made therein no mention of his wife, Martha Wills, which indicates that she had already died, and that hence the perilous journey to New Orleans on the occasion of his arrest, which cost her life, had pre- viously occurred. "Gayosa" was named for the Spanish Governor before whom he was taken when arrested. 'The Cabells and Their Kin, p. 306. (147) 148 Tjie Ewing Genealogy with Cognate Branches Couple these circumstances with the certain evidence that he, Colonel Green, did remove from Virginia before the War of the Revolution, which as is known was being waged between 1776 and 1781, and that he was a soldier, holding the rank of Colonel, in that war, and the probable evidence, that his soldier service was under enlistment in Virginia, we are drawn almost irresistibly to the deductions announced. Since writing the above, we have been favored with an apparently very ancient sketch of the Green genealogy, dated August 28, 1867, by W. Holmes, a descendant of J, Remsen Holmes, who married Augusta, daughter of Thomas M. Green, the Congressman (vide, supra). It tends to confirm the views we have expressed concerning the abodes of Colonel Thomas Green, the officer in the Continental Army, before and after the Revolution; for it is there stated that Colonel Green's children whose nativity was after 1765 and before 1774, namely, Henry Marston, Elias and Filmer Wills were born in North Carolina, and that the previous births of his children were in James City County, Virginia, and the subsequent ones, that is, of Abra- ham, September 28, 1774, and of Everard, April 15, 1776, were in Georgia (Sketch, p. 2). In Force's "American Archives," 5th Series, page 595, proceedings of July, 1776, referring as we understand to Thomas Marston Green, husband of Martha Wills, it is said: "Colonel Green, representing that only fifty (50) of his Flying Camp Company are now in this town, armed, ac- coutred and ready to march, and that a number of the drafts of some of the companies of his Battalion have not yet joined them, requests the sentiments of this Committee whether those who are (ready) shall march for the camp under his command, and what method shall be taken to oblige the other drafts to follow." The social eminence and political prominence and in- fluence of the Green family are well attested by the his- torical excerpts to follow. In Lowry and McCardle's "Histoiy of Mississippi," Chapter VI, page 155, it is said: "The Committee elected was Colonel Thomas M. Green* Daniel Burnett, Justus King, Dr. John Shaw, Anthony *He was a son of Col. Thdmas Marston Green, senior, the Revolutionary ancestor. The Ewing Genealogy with Cognate Branches 149 Hoggett, James Stewart, Chester Ashley, and Abner Green* and these were all representative men, gentlemen of character and education, who founded large families, made fortunes, and their descendants to-day may be found in large numbers in Mississippi and Louisiana." In chapter VIII, page i86, it is stated: "In December, 1802, the Legislature was again in ses- sion. It enacted a number of laws, established Jefferson College, and elected Colonel Thomas Marston Green a delegate in Congress in place of Honorable N. Hunter, who died at the Capital during the session." Mrs. Clifton R. (Katherine Charlotte Green) Brecken- ridge. National Number 146, and Mrs. John Cox (Evie Green) Inge, National Number 66217, were accepted as members of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, by descent from their great great grandfather, Thomas Marston Green (husband of Martha \\'ills), as a soldier with the rank of colonel in the War of the Revolution; and in the former's application, in stat- ing his Revolutionary services, the applicant quotes as fol- lows from J. F. H. Claiborne's "Mississippi as a Province, Territory and State," Vol. i, pp. 96, 228: "Thomas Marston Green, an accomplished gentleman and most useful citizen, was the son of Colonel Thomas Green, the head of a numerous family and influential con- nection. He (Colonel Thomas Green) was a Virginian and an officer of the Continental Army. Removed to Georgia and was associated with General George Rodgers Clarke and General Elisha Clarke of Georgia, in their schemes of attacks on the Spaniards. Colonel Green, with a large party of friends, went to the Holston River, built boats and descended the Tennessee to its mouth, expecting there to find General George Rodgers Clarke, and his party, but not finding them and being unable to ascend the Ohio with their boats, they continued on to Natchez. Colonel Thomas Green (the father of the delegate) had an inter- view with the Spanish Governor, as agent for the State of Georgia, and claimed the entire district for that State. He was a bold, determined and persistent man. The Spanish authorities, finding that he was likely to excite a tumult, had him arrested and sent to New Orleans. His devoted wife soon followed and from exposure and anxiety died shortly after her arrival. This touched the heart of the *He was also a son of Col. Thomas Marston Green, senior, tlif,' Revo- lutionary ancestor. 150 The Ewing Genealogy with Cogxate Branches Spanish Governor and Colonel Green was released. The family settled on the waters of Cole's Creek, in Jefferson County. "Colonel Cato West and General Thomas Hinds were his sons-in-law, and by intermarriages it constituted one of the largest connections in the district. Colonel Thomas Green was a man of indomitable resolution. He made the overland journey to Georgia, and was mainly instrumental in getting the Legislature to pass the act asserting the juris- diction of Georgia over the Natchez district, and organizing it into a county named Bourbon, in 1785. "His son, Thomas M. Green, was the second delegate to Congress. His son, Abner Green, married a daughter of Colonel Hutchins. "Thomas Marston Green (the son just mentioned) was a warm friend of General Jackson's. It was to his house General Jackson sent his future wife (Mrs. Robards) while her divorce was being obtained, and she remained there fifteen months, and was married to Jackson in his house." In support of the statement of Revolutionary service contained in her application, Mrs. Breckenridge gives the following references : " 'Mississippi as a Province, Territory and State," by J. F. H. Claiborne, Vol. i, pp. 96, 228; 'Poore's Political Register;' Sparks' 'Memories of Fifty Years,' pp. 150., 5; Family Bible, Letters and Papers." In William H. Sparks' "The Memories of Fifty Years," Chapter XI, pages 149, 151, referring to General Andrew Jackson and his marriage to Mrs. Rachel Robards, a young woman whose divorce was the result of her husband's jealousy of Jackson, incidentally pays a high tribute to the social standing and character of the Greens, as follows : "It was during the period of his commercial enterprise in Mississippi that he formed the acquaintance of the Green family. This family was among the first Americans who settled in the State. Thomas M. Green and Abner Green were young men at the time, though both were men of family. * * * "The friends formed in this section of country by Jack- son were devoted to him through life, and when he sent (for it is not true that he brought) his future wife to Miss- issippi, it was to the house of Thomas M. Green, then TiiK EwiNG Genealogy with Cognate Branches 151 residing near the mouth of Cole's Creek, and only a few miles from Bruinsburgh. * * * "That there was any thing disreputable attached to the lady's name is most improbable. She was more than fifteen months an inmate of the house of Green, who was a man of wealth and remarkable for his pride and fastidiousness in selecting his acquaintances. He was the second Terri- torial Representative of Mississippi in Congress, was at the head of society socially, and certainly would never have permitted a lady of equivocal character to the privilege of a guest in his house, or to the association of his young daughters. During the time that she was awaiting a divorce (which she had applied for to the Spanish authori- ties), Mrs. Robards was at times an inmate of the house of Abner Green, of Second Creek, where she was always gladly received; and he and his family were more particu- lar, if possible, as to the character and position of those they admitted to their intimacy than Thomas M. Green." Lowry and McCardle (History of Mississippi, Chapter VI, p. 140), speaking of the marriage of Mrs. Rachel Robards and Andrew Jackson, and referring to the fact that Colonel Thomas Green, as a magistrate of Bourbon County, which then comprised the territory of Jefferson and other counties, united them in marriage, similarly pronounces high eulog>' upon the Green family, saying : "Mrs. Robards divided her time between the families of the brothers, Thomas M. and Abner Green, both of whom were leaders in public affairs and in social life. The first sat in the Congress of the United States as the second delegate from the Mississippi Territory. * * * Both were held in the highest esteem as men of courage and unsullied honor. Thomas M. Green resided near the bank of Cole's Creek, in what is now known as Jefferson County. The next year, 1791, Andrew Jackson returned to Natchez and during the summer of that year, he and Mrs. Rachel Robards were married at the residence of Thomas Marston Green in Jefferson County. * * * "Colonel Thomas Green, the father of Thomas M. and Abner Green, had been for years the agent of the State of Georgia, and upon the establishment of the county of Bourbon in the Mississippi Territory, was appointed a magistrate of the county." In "The Cabells and Their Kin," page 306, it is stated : 152 The Ewing Genealogy .vnii Cognate Ekanches "Colonel Thomas Marstoii Green, a colonel in Conti- nental Army. After Revolution removed* to Georgia. ***" A family tradition has been, and it has found its way into a history,' that Martha (W^ills) Green's mother was Ann Howard, descendant of the noted Howard family of England, of which Catherine, daughter of Lord Edmund Howard, and niece of Thomas Howard, Earl of Surrey and third Duke of Norfolk, was fifth wife of Henry VHI of England; but unless the name was in America changed to Harwood, the claim is illusory, at least a mistake. It is interesting to note, as suggesting the recognition by the people of the conspicuous services of the Greens in the public affairs of Mississippi, that when the commissioners mentioned as appointed by the Legislature, composed of Major Thomas Hinds, Lieutenant Governor James Patton and Dr. William Lattimore, had chosen the Capitol, naming it Jackson, they "selected a site for the State House, and called the square 'Capital Green ;' they set aside another for a court house, and this was called 'Court Green;' a third square was reserved for a college, and called 'College Green.' " The descendants of the Green line, if otherwise qualified, are eligible to the patriotic societies predicated upon official Colonial service, such as the Virginia Society of Colonial Dames of America, under ancestors, as follows : I. MAJOR HENRY FiLMER, a British officer, born in Eng- land, who resided in the Colony of Virginia from before 1653 to after 1673, dying subsequent to 1673. He and his wife Elizabeth, were the parents of Martha (Filmer) Green, wife of Thomas Green H (q. v.), and he was a member of the House of Burgesses from Tames City County, for 1642-1643.' Under him, Katherine (Carson) Breckenridge (q. v.), a member of the Virginia Society of Colonial Dames of America, thus presents in her application her claim for membership : "Henry Filmer, son of Sir Edward Filmer, of East Sut- ton, Kent, England, came to Virginia before 1642; was a Burgess for James City County 1642-1643, and soon after "This should be, as the authors have shown, "returned" to Georgia, un- less he lived in North Carolina before the Revolution and in Georgia after, he having previously "removed" to that section and gone back to Virginia, his old home, for enlistment in the War of the Revolution, in which he serv- ed as Colonel from at least July, 1776, to its close in 1781 (Vide, supra). 'The Cabells and their kin, p. 306 et seq. ^Stanard's Colonial Virginia Register, p. 63. The EwixG Genealogy with Cognate Branches 153 removed to A\'arwick County, where he was Hving as late as 1673. He rnarried EHzabeth (surname not given) and had a daughter Martha, who married Thomas Green. They had a son Thomas Green (1665-1730), who married Eliza- beth Marston (November 25, 1672 — August 11, 1759), and had a son Thomas Marston Green who was born in James City County, married Martha, daughter of Filmer Wills, and later removed to Mississippi. Thomas M. and Martha Green had a son, Abner Green, who was born January 21, 1762, married November i, 1784, Mary, daughter of Colonel Anthony Hutchins, and dying February 21, 1816, left a daughter Caroline C. Green, who married May 17, 1814, Colonel Joseph Carson (October 7, 1785 — May 2y, 1817) and had a son James Green Carson (March 8, 181 5 — August II, 1863), w^ho married on July 28, 1835, Cath- erine, daughter of William P. Waller, of Frankfort and Lexington, Kentucky. James and Catherine Carson had a daughter Katherine Breckenridge, who married Clifton Rhodes Breckenridge. "References : Standard's 'Colonial Virginia Register,' Virginia Magazine of History and Biography XV, 'Clay Family' (Filson Club), 219-223." 2. Major William Harwood, born and resided in ^\'ar- wick County, Colony of Virginia, died June 2, 1737, was a member of the House of Burgesses from Warwick County, 1 714, and probably longer, and for many years Justice of that County.' He married, but owing to the destruction of the Warwick County Records, it has been impossible to ascertain the name of the wife or date of marriage ; but from the union there was born a daughter Ann, about 1714-1716, who became the wife of Filmer Wills, and to them was born a daughter Martha, in James City County, Virginia, March 31, 1734, who married Colonel Thomas Marston Green (q. v.). He, Major William Harwood, was the son of Major Humphrey Harwood, who was a Burgess for Warwick County, Virginia, 1685, and in 1692-1693;' he patented, 1652, a tract of 2070 acres of land in Warwick County, granted in 1637, to his father. Captain Thomas Harwood. He, Captain Thomas Harwood, came to Virginia in 1620, and on June 28 of that year was appointed a member of the Council (the higher legislative body), and was re- 'Stanard's Colonial Virginia Register, pp. 100; Virginia Gazette. =Id. pp. 85, 89. 154 The Ewing Genealogy wmi Cognate Branches appointed on July 24, 1621 ; but later, in 1629, 1630, 1633, and 1642, he was a Burgess for Mulberry Island, and in 1644, 1645, 1648, and 1649, he was a Burgess for W^arwick County, being Speaker of the House in 1648-1649. In 1652, he was again appointed to the Council/ Colonel William Harwood, Burgess for Warwick Coun- ty, 1 742-1 775, and a member of the Virginia Convention of 1776, was doubtless a son of Major William Harwood, who died June 2, 1737; hence a brother of Ann Harwood.' It has long been asserted in the Green family that Ann Harwood mentioned was the daughter of Colonel William Harwood, the member of the Virginia Convention of 1776. To have been her father, he must have married her mother when he was just grown, and have been about 80 years old at the time he was a member of such Convention. Still these restrictions are not inconsistent with his being her father, but do tend strongly to make it probable that the text is correct in ascribing Ann Harwood's paternity to Major William Harwood instead of to his son. Colonel William Harwood. However, as she was undoubtedly the daughter of one or the other, and as each was in his time a member of the House of Burgesses, either thus making a descendant eligible to the Virginia Colonial Dames, dis- cussion of the question would seem to be academic. ■Stanard's Colonial Virginia Register, pp. 115 et seq. ■Stanard's Colonial Virginia Register, pp. 29, 51, 54-58, 60, 62, 64, 67. CH. XXII PRESLEY KITTREDGE EWING CHAPTER XXII. PRESLEY KITTREDGE EWING, SON OF FAYETTE CLAY AND ELIZA JOSEPHINE (kITTREDGE) EWING; HIS CAREER, MARRIAGE AND CHILDREN. PRESLEY KITTREDGE EWING* son of Dr. Fayette Clay Ewing, senior, and Eliza Josephine Kittredge (q. v.) ; born at "Ariel," Lafourche Parish, Lou- isiana, July 21, i860; attended a preparatory school at Pass Christian, Mississippi, between 1870-1873; shortly after his father's death (1872), he temporarily discontinued school, owing to financial reverses in his family, and then, thirteen years old, personally solicited and obtained from a New Orleans merchant, to whom he introduced himself, advances on his own account for a country plantation store, from which he made the money to resume school ; he later (1878) entered the University of Mississippi, at Oxford, whence he was graduated in 1881, before he was twenty-one years of age, in both the academic and law courses, which he had paralleled, taking in the former the degree Ph.B., and in the latter the degree LL.B. (first honor and valedic- torian) ; he not only thus led his class, but developed high talents as an orator, having taken the Phi Sigma and Wil- loughby Read medals for oratory, and having been chosen annual orator; his speech as a Junior, "The Wandering Jew," thrilled and captivated his audience, eliciting an ova- tion at the conclusion, and was published generally in the Mississippi, Memphis and New Orleans papers. He settled in Houston, Texas, where he was admitted to the bar in the spring of 1882, and has since there resided and engaged in the practice of his profession, which has extended to the highest courts, Federal and State, including important cases, personally argued by him, in the United States Supreme Court. His practice has been at all times general, varied as the body of the law, and confined to no particular branch, but perhaps the greatest display of his talents has been in the equity field of jurisprudence and in litigation over land and commercial interests ; he is said by his profession to have "lulited by his wife. (155) 156 The Ewing Genealogy with Cognate Branches pioneered or developed more or as many great juridical principles as any lawyer of the South.' He was for a number of years in his practice a partner of Geo. Goldthwaite and Henry F. Ring, and an associate of John Lovejoy, all distinguished lawyers, under successive finn names, Goldthwaite & Ewing, Goldthwaite, Ewing & Ring, and Ewing & Ring. In 1899, he was elected and served as President of the Texas Bar Association ; he is also a member of the Harris County Bar Association, and of the American Bar Association. In April, 1905, he was commissioned and served as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Texas." He campaigned with brilliant success in the East for the Democratic National Committee under invitations, begin- ning in 1908; was one of the few Southern orators honored by such choice for the sections allotted to him. During his itinerary of 1908, he spoke at Syracruse, New York, with Vice-Presidential candidate John W. Kern (after- wards United States Senator from Indiana) to about ten thousand persons, completely winning his audience, includ- ing Senator Kern, who afterwards wrote of him : 'Vide, Texas Reports, Rutherford v. State, 15 App.. 236, 16 Id., 649; Cole V. Bammell, 62 Tex. 108; Continental Nat. Bank of N. Y. v. Weems, 69 Tex. 489; Overstreet v. Root, 84 Tex. 26, s. c. 78 Tex. 571; Smith v. Swan, 2 T. C. A. 563, and XIV; Branch v. Baker, 70 Tex. 190; Cantrell v. Dyer, 6 T. C. A. 551; Cargill v. Kountze, 86 Tex. 386; Masterson v. Burnett, two cases 37 S. W. 987, 27 T. C. A. 370; Houston Cemetery Co. v. Drew, 13 T. C. A. 536; Inman & Co. v. St. Louis S. Ry. Co., 14 T. C. A. 39; Dunlap v. Green, 23 U. S. App. 24, s. c. 60 Fed. Rep. 242; Herman v. Likens, 90 Tex. 448; Ab- lowich V. Greenville Nat. Bank, 95 Tex. 429, 433-4 (Though not the attorney of record in these two cases, Judge Ewing in each prepared the argument which resulted in the decision); Niday v. Cochran, 42 T. C. A. 292; Brown v. Canterbury, 101 Tex. 86; Herndon v. Burnett, 21 T. C. A. 25, confirmed and supplemented in his other cases of Sydnor v. Texas Savings, etc., Assn., 42 T. C. A., 138, 94 S. W. 451, and Brewer v. Cochran. 99 S. W. 1033, and Frugia v. Trueheart, 106 S. W. 736; Downey v. Hatter, 48 S. W. 32; Am. Legion of Honor v. Giesberg, 17 T. C. A. 2, 42 S. W. 785; Tinsley v. Ander- son. 171 U. S. 101, 1. ed. 91; House v. Am. Surety Co.. 21 T. C. A. 590, 54 S. W. 303; Besson v. Richards. 24 T. C. A. 64, 58 S. W. 611; First Nat. Bank of Houston v. Ewing &• Ring. U. S. App., 103 Fed. 168, writ of certiorari de- nied. 179 U. S. 686; Naquin v. Tex. Savings, etc.. Assn., 67 S. W. 85, 908, s. c. 95 Tex. 313, 58 L. R. A. 711; Tinsley v. Magnolia Park. 59 S W. 629; Nelson v. Bridge, 98 Tex. 523; Calder v. Davidson, 59 S. W. 300; Kimball v Houston Oil Co.. 100 Tex. 336, s. c. 114 S. W. 662, and 103 Tex 94- Moore v. Snowball, 98 Tex. 16, 66 L. R. A. 745; Peden Iron & Steel Co v. Ocean Accident & Guarantee Corp., Ltd., U. S. App., 151 Fed 992- Murphy V. Galveston, H. & N. Ry. Co.. 100 Tex. 490. s. c. 101 S. W 439 9 'l R A (N. S.) 762; Beaumont. S. L. & W. Ry. Co. v. Olmstead, 120 S. W. 596; Hous- ton Oil Co. v Mason, U. S. App., 173 Fed. 1021; City of Beaumont v. Master- son. 142 S. W. 984; Houston & Tex. Cent. Ry Co. v. Gray, 137 S W 729. t u-ir^ Tex. 42; Central Bank & Trust Co. v. Hill. 160 S. W. 1099; Solan & Bllhngs V. Pasche, 153 S. W. 672; Succession of Race (La. Sup. Ct.) 80 So Kep. 234. "Vide. City of Austin v. Cahill, 99 Tex. 172. 175 et seq. The Ewtno Genealogy with Cognate Branches 157 "Judge Presley K. Ewing of Texas, is a profound jurist, a Prince amongst men, and one of the finest democrats between the oceans," He is the author of treatises, legal and literary, which have evoked great praise, among them. The De-facto Wife, and The Rise and Progress of Education. His renown as an orator is established and generally re- cognized, and as a specimen of his eloquence as also of his lofty professional ideals, reference is made to his speech, at a Bar banquet, as published in part/ He represented successfully before the Trans-Mississippi Commercial Congress, at Wichita, Kansas, in May, 1899, the plan of United States Government appropriation for deep water gulf outlet from Houston." Upon the death of Mr, Justice Lurton (1914), and shortly after of Mr, Justice Lamar (1916), and the resigna- tion of Mr. Justice Hughes (1916), of the United States Supreme Court, he was enthusiastically endorsed for Justice of that Court ; perhaps no one was ever more strongly or widely endorsed for the position. Among those urging his appointment were Justices from four State Supreme Courts, including that of his own State, and the Senate of Texas unanimously, and it is affirmed by those in a position to know, that he would have received one of the two latter appointments, had the President given either to the South. Not for the purpose of eulogy, but merely as reflecting the estimate in which Judge Ewing is held as man, lawyer and jurist by his compatriots, we quote from a few of the endorsements of him to the President for the Supreme Court : Honorable Joe H. Eagle, Member of Congress from Texas : "He would make one of the illustrious judges on that exalted bench, whose labors would make — not only for the establishing of justice — but also for the abiding glory of the Supreme Court as the final arbiter, under tlie Consti- tution, of questions affecting or determining the ultimate result of our system of free government. "I hope this may in no sense be taken as fulsome; and I excuse my positive utterances concerning Judge Ewing on the ground that I personally by long contact know these »Shurter's Am. Oratory of To-day, p. 189. = Who's Who in America. 1916-17. 158 The Ewing Genealogy with Cognate Branches statements are true ; and I know of no other man of whom I would say these things." Judge Norman G. Kittrell, jurist and journalist : "Any man who attains, as Mr. Ewing has done, a place at the head of the bar of Texas, must necessarily be a lawyer of the highest order of ability; and that he stands abreast of the ablest lawyers at this or any other bar, cannot be truthfully denied." Hon. Joseph C Hutcheson, ex-member of Congress from Texas : "In mental qualifications, temperament and physical ap- pearance, nature has marked him for the position ; a scholarly lawyer, a trained jurist, and a profound thinker." Chief Justice T. J. Brown, of the Supreme Court of Texas : "I believe Mr. Ewing qualified to fill the place well and ably, and 1 know that his character personally and profes- sionally is such as to commend him to your kind considera- tion. His professional training has given him a broad c-\n- prehension of legal questions which enables him to reach sound conclusions." Justice F. A. Monroe, of the Supreme Court of Louisiana : "Would be an eminently proper person to be selected." Justice W. R. Blakemore, of the Supreme Court of Oklahoma : "Judge Ewing is a man of the highest legal attainments, a profound scholar, of judicial temperament, and a fine sense of honor. No man better equipped for the perform- ance of the duties of this high office can be found." Justice Garret J. Garretson, of the Supreme Court of New York: "Judge Ewing is of irreproachable personal character and reputation, of superior intellectual and educational en- dowment, and as a lawyer ranks among the best and ablest in the country. His high standing as a man and a jurist is not confined to his State and the 'Southland,' but extends as well throughout the "Northland' and the whole country." The Houston Post: "He is a man in the prime of life and activity, he is recognized wherever he is known as one of the South's most eminent jurists, and his high personal character would splendidly accord with the traditions of the august tribunal which his friends believe he would adorn." The Ewing Genealogy wrrn Cognate Brancjies 159 The Houston Chronicle : "Mr. Ewing has a wide acquaintance over the United States. In several campaigns he has carried the battle flag of democracy into doubtful states. "His ability to meet the requirements of the position is universally conceded. Physically, morally, intellectually and in the element of professional attainments he measures up to the dignity and to the responsible duties of the position." The Memphis News Scimitar: "His profound scholarship and discursive reading have enriched his mind with a fund of encyclopedic information, both legal and historical, and he is looked upon by the legal profession of Texas as one of the master minds at the bar. Certainly if President Wilson should elevate him to the position, he will select the peer of any of the great lawyers whose names are being mentioned." Judge Ewing was for many years President of the ZZ Club, the oldest social organization in Texas, and as such a social leader, with a personality and conversation easily adaptable and of peculiar attractiveness ; he is a member of the important local clubs; he is a Master Mason, a Knight Templar, a Shriner and an Elk, and of the college fra- ternities, a Beta-Bheta-Pi. There has been reserved for the last what Mr. Ewing declares the best achievement of his life, his marriage on February lo, 1885, three years after he began practice, to Mary Ellen Williams, to whom he had been engaged for seven years — since their college days. From this marrige were born two daughters : 1. josiE VESTA, born February 11, 1886, and 2. GLADYS, born April 17, 1893 (q. v.). The career of these daughters, as students and socially, has been very similar; both went to a private school until qualified for the sixth grade, then advanced to graduation in the Houston High School, each there receiving her diploma at 16 years of age, with a leading record. After obtaining the High School diplomas, both took a finishing course at the Finch School, in New York City, where each received with high honor a post graduate diploma, besides a special diploma in elocution ; both have been social successes, popular and attractive, and much sought after and honored not only in Houston and sister cities of the South, but in leading cities of the East and West ; both have always 11 160 The Ewing Genealogy wrni Cognate Branches borne with them, as though an engravement on the family escutcheon, their lofty ideals of womanhood, but never obstrusively ; and finally, both have a genius for poetry, V^esta winning when a High School student a prize offered for the best Christmas carol, and Gladys being accorded high honor at the Finch School for poems which have been by critics likened to Wordsworth. Commenting on one of her poems, "A Vision," inspired by seeing Maude Adams in Peter Pan, the famous editor and writer, Michael Wil- liam Connolly,' thus said : "That child ought to write more; she has a message for the world." We insert, as an easy way of describing their poetic work, the following: A CHRISTMAS CAROL (Vesta Ewing) "Brave shepherds were watching In Bethlehem, When angels brought tidings Unto them. " 'Behold a child is born. This very night. The Savior, Christ Our Lord, The Light of Light.' "The simple peasants bowed In homage there Before the Child who lay In manger bare. "And Mary pondered these things In her mind. And knew her Child was bom To bless mankind. "And so in after years We worship Him Who gave His life to save Our souls from sin. "For though upon the cross He nobly died. Yet his great teachings were Not Crucified." Wide, Who's Who in America, 1916-17. MARY ELLEN (WILLIAMS) EWING The Ewinq Genealogy with Cognate Bbanohes 161 A VISION. (Gladys Ewing) "The wonders of the world are manifold — That is God's gracious gift to all mankind ; Yet some there are who do not seek to find The treasures He bestowed. The quest of gold Has lured till warm and tender hearts grow cold, A sordid search of gain controls the mind, The sacred thoughts of life are cast behind. And love of self o'ershadows young and old. Oh, Peter Pan, come from thine elfin home And teach us to forget and laugh once more; With thee to 'Never, Never Land,' we'll roam And faith renew in childish fairly lore. Let Youth and Joy and Love o'er all abide, A Fairyland is Life when thou art guide." Both of the daughters, Vesta (Ewing) Vinson, and Gladys (Ewing) Combes (q. v.) are members of the Na- tional Society of the Daughters of the American Revolu- tion, National Numbers 123439 and 123437, respectively, each with eight bars ; ancestors, Robert Ewing, Ephraim McLean, Surgeon Francis Kittredge, Corporal Ebenezer Eaton, Colonel Thomas Marston Green, Captain William Field, Major Abner Field and John Mills (q. v.). They are also eligible to membership in the Virginia Society of Colonial Dames; ancestors, Robert Ewing V (q. v.), and Henry Filmer and William Harwood.' MARY ELLEN ( WILLIAMS) EWING* wife of Presley K. Ewing, was born August 7, 1862, in St. Mary's Parish, Louisiana; married at "Sunnyside," the parental home, in Lafourche Parish, Louisiana, on Febru- ary lo, 1885. Mrs. Ewing has, and deservedly so, a prominent place in "The Texas Women's Hall of Fame," published by the Biographical Press, Austin, Texas (page 220), for her life has been checkered with deeds of public and philanthropic service, acts of patriotic devotion, and sympathetic help- fulness to the wear>^ of foot and saddened of heart. 'The Virginia Society excludes justices of the peace of colonial times, liiit Kohert Ewing was not a justice of the peace; he was a judge under com- mission of King (ieorge 11 (1754) with circuit court and chancery powers, of a court record, having unlimited and general jurisdiction in civil mat- ters, extending to capital felony in criminal cases. (V^ide, Records of Bed- ford County, Va.) -Vide, "Green Tree," supra. •Edited by her husband. 162 The Ewinq Genealogy aa'ith Cognate Branches She has been secretary of the Ladies Parish Association, Christ (Episcopal) Church, and of the Robert E. Lee Chapter, Daughters of the Confederacy, and of the Ladies Reading Club, all of Houston, Texas; she has been First Vice-President of State Congress of Mothers, and of St. Humane Society; she has been President of the Ladies Reading Club, of Parent-Teacher Association, State Presi- dent of Sunshine Society, and Chairman of Legislative Committee of Harris County Suffrage Association ; she was at the time of her death First Vice-President of the Harris County Humane Society, Honorary President of Child's Welfare League, President of the Nobis Club (social), and comparatively recently, at San Antonio, refused the First Vice-Presidency of State Suffrage Association, for want of time to discharge the arduous duties of the position. She was commissioned by Governor O. L. Colquitt on April i6, 1912, as a delegate to represent the State of Texas at the Southwestern Conference on Tuberculosis, at Waco, Texas, and similarly she was commissioned on April 8, 1913, as a member of the Board of State Bureau of Child and Animal Protection, and in like manner she was ap- pointed a delegate to the State Conference of Charities and Corrections, held at Fort Worth, Texas, November 30 to December 2, 1913, inclusive. The thought of doing something for the public weal was with her a dominant one, and in this line of pursuit, she was an inventor, as a sanitary measure, of an improvement in street cleaners, for the suction, ignition and immediate consumption of street sweepings, and was granted there- for Letters Patent of the United States. Mrs. Ewing may be justly described as having been in her advocacy of measures, aggressive and determined in her positions, but at the same time she was of engaging and winning personality, optimistic, and as before suggested, genial and of sunny temperament, cheerful and fond of society, public spirited, ready in debate and resourceful in support of her contentions ; a philanthropist and benefac- tress, full of sympathy for the weak or suffering, and often eloquent in her appeals for reforms in their interests. As a club woman, she ever turned towards helpfulness of others less fortunate ; as president of the Ladies Reading Club, she established a system of circulating libraries for the benefit of the country people; as president of the Par- ent-Teacher Association and United Mothers Club, she ably HJtlliflms The Ewing Genealogy wmr Cognate Branches 163 battled through the Press and by personal canvass for the adoption, and largely succeeded in the establishment, of twelve reforms in the public schools, called the "twelve necessities," looking to improved sanitation, safety and de- velopment of the children, and as an aid to that end, she advocated women on the school board, which resulted in an exciting municipal campaign over an amendment she had proposed to the city charter, in which she acquitted her- self with great honor, the Press, even in Canada, portray- ing her as a woman who, though a social leader, had turned her talents to the service of humanity. She ardently took up the fight for shorter hours for the store clerks, known as the "six o'clock movement," and was instrumental in effecting that reform ; in the course of her advocacy of it, she eloquently argued before the State Federation of Women's Clubs at San Antonio, and the National Federa- tion of Women's Clubs at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, much of her speech in the latter instance being published as a special dispatch by great dailies. Through all her enthusiastic pursuit of public affairs, she lost none of her domestic charm, but remained always the cynosure of attractiveness in the home, loving and be- loved by her husband, daughters, and grandchildren, de- voted to their interests and successes, and often helpfully promotive of them. Mrs. Ewing was accepted as a member of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Na- tional Number 130955, with three bars, ancestors, John Mills, Captain William Field and Major Abner Field. CHAPTER XXIII. WILLIAMS, FIELD AND MILLS TREES: LINEAGE THEREUNDER . OF MARY ELLEN WILLIAMS, WIFE OF PRESLEY K. EWING. Mrs. Ewing was the daughter of Charles Clark Williams, and of his wife, Eudora Elizabeth Cross, and the great granddaughter of William Field and his wife, Elizabeth Mills. THE WILLIAMS TREE Her father, Charles Clark Williams, who was bom August 21, 1833, and died August 11, 1900, is understood to have been descended from Honorable William Williams, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, whose life of great sacrifice and achievement is familiar to all, and through him from the Pilgrim ancestor, Robert Williams, who came to America, with his wife, Elizabeth Stratton, in the Rose, 1625, and helped to found the town of Roxbury, Massachusetts, but, owing to the destruction by fire of the family records, the intermediate links cannot be given with completeness. Much historic interest centers in the name Williams; in different forms it is found in German (Wilhelm, meaning "helmet of resolution"), and in Dutch, Danish, Bohemian, French, Italian and Greek. A tradition with many ad- herents traces the name to a tribe of North Wales in the ninth century. The great seal of William the Conquerer "Willhelmus" indicates that he was a Williams. Oliver Cromwell was a member of the Williams family; Carlyle has it, "Cromwell alias Williams." His ancestor of the blood was Morgan Williams, a Welshman of con- siderable property, who married a sister of Lord Thomas Cromwell, afterwards Earl of Essex, whose descendants assumed the name of Cromwell. Morgan Williams' father was William Williams, who held a position of honor in the house of the Duke of Bedford. It is also asserted that Cromwell was a descendant of Richard Williams, who as- sumed the name of Cromwell from his maternal uncle Thomas Cromwell, Secretary of State to Henry VIII., with lineage extending to the barons of the eleventh century. Roger Williams, born in Wales, the founder of Rhode Island, was a contemporary of Cromwell, both born in 1599, and it is said they were personal friends. (164) CAPT. CHARLES CLARK WILLIAMS CH XXIII The Ewing Genealogy wrrii Cogxate Bkanciies 165 The coat-of-arms of the Williams family of Wales, and of Norfolk, England, which was that of the Pilgrim, Robert Williams, here reproduced, is sable, a lion rampant, argent, armed and languid, gules ; crest, a fighting cock, symbol of watchfulness; motto, Y Fyno Dwy Y Fydd — "What God willeth will be ;" side motto. Cognosce occasionem — "watch your opportunity !"* The author just cited in the footnote (Eleanor Lexing- ton) to whom we are indebted chiefly for the above his- toric narrative, thus observes upon the patriotic ardor of the family : "The Williams' have always been true to their flag in war. Call to arms aroused their fighting blood. They were in the ranks, they were fifers, drummers, drum- majors, ensigns, surgeons, quarter-masters, sergeants, cap- tains, corporals, colonels, lieutenants, adjutants, majors, generals, brigadier-generals. "Joseph Warren, who fell at Bunker Hill, was fifth in descent from Robert Williams, Pilgrim. General Otto Wil- liams was a confidant of Washington's. William Williams, also a lineal descendant of Robert, was a member of Con- gress, 1776, and a signer from Connecticut." Charles Clark Williams, the father of Mrs. Ewing, re- ceived his early education at Georgetown Military Academy, Kentucky ; he was the son of Joseph Crawley (born 1773, died 1857), ^ scholarly man, a college professor of Greek and Latin, and of Harriett (Gark) Williams, who were born in Culpepper County, C. H., Virginia, and afterwards lived in Baltimore, Maryland, whence they re- moved to Lexington, Kentucky, and later, in 1828, to Lafourche, Louisiana. He accompanied his parents in these removals, and, having espoused the cause of seces- sion, he joined the Confederate army in 1862, was a gal- lant soldier, serving as captain of company C in Colonel Vick's regiment of infantry, and participating in the en- gagements at Bisland, Brashear (now Morgan City) and Vermillion bayou. In 1855, he married Miss A^melia Camp, of New Orleans, Louisiana, who died the following year, leaving no issue; and, on February 13, 1861, he married Miss Eudora Elizabeth Cross, from which union was born the daughter, Mary Ellen, who was the eldest child, and in her are to be found many of her father's splendid qualities to *Eleanor Lexington's sketch in the Times Democrat, of New Orleans, La. 166 The Ewing Genealogy wrni Cognate Branches a very marked degree; among them, a resolute purpose, dauntless and invincible, indefatigable energy in the prose- cution of an endeavor, and withal a sunshiny temperament like a benediction. His capacity to overcome opposition as well as obstacles was strikingly shown by the readiness with which he repaired the ravages of the Civil War, which destroyed the considerable fortune he had accumulated ; for thereafter, he rapidly became one of the wealthiest and most influential of the sugar planters of his section (La- fourche, Louisiana), and best of all, through the trying ordeal of the regaining struggle, he preserved untarnished his unswerving integrity and honor, bearing ever aloft the family escutcheon, and so guiding his course that he, re- spected by all and loved by those who knew him, might at each nightfall exclaim : "Tomorrow, do thy worst, I've lived to-day !" THE FIELD TREE This is a family woven illustriously into the history of America, with talents in intellectual pursuits as diversified as the affairs of men. Notable among the distinguished of the name, being of the same family, are included David Dudley Field, D. D. (1781-1867), of Connecticut (who was graduated from Yale and became one of the most venerable of the ministers of New England), and his re- markably gifted sons, (i) David Dudley (1805-1904), graduated from Williams College, a very eminent lav.yer; (2) Stephen Johnson, bom 1816, famous Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States; (3) Cyrus West (1819-1892), of great and successful business enterprise; (4) the Rev. Henry Martyn, born 1822, a prominent minis- ter and distinguished author." The task of tracing the lineage of the Fields has been in the main relieved of original research by us, as that work has been so admirably performed by others, from whom we quote freely. In "Genealogy of the Fields of Providence, Rhode Island," as traced by Mrs. Harriet A. Brownwell, we read : "It is said by the genealogist of the family of Zachariah Field, who first settled in Dorchester, Massachusetts, that 'the first individuals of the name of Field, — William and John — that settled in Providence, emigrated to this coun- try in 1632, and no record of this family is to be found in ^Int. Encyclopedia, Vol. 5, pp. 830 831. jfitlb The Ewing Genealogy with Cognate Branches 167 Rhode Island earlier than 1636. At tliat time we find the name of William Ffeld, Ffeild, or Ffield, and a year later that of John Ffeld, Ffeild, or Ffield, in the public records of Providence.' "Roth William and John Ffield were employed in the transaction of the business of the colonies, and both were appointed members of a Committee for arranging and estab- lishing a 'General Court' at Newport, Rhode Island, in 1646. "It is stated by Henry M. Field, the genealogist of the family of his father, David Dudley Field, D. D., of Stock- bridge, Massachusetts, that a few years after the arrival of his ancestor, Zachariah Field, who settled in Dorchester, Massachusetts, two brothers, William and John Field, ap- peared at Providence, from whom are descended a large number of Fields in the State of Rhode Island.' " (In- troduction, p. 3). Again (p. 5), as follows: "Most of the descendants of Thomas Field, the nephew and heir of the first William Field, settled in other States, where they and some of their descendants have left an honorable record. The sons of Captain (William) Field of Field's Point, were all of them noted men. A person who was familiar with the society of their day said of them, 'no young men in the State were more looked up to than Abner and Nehemiah Field.' They both held commissions in the Continental Army before they were 21 years old, and were present at the battle of Bunker Hill. They were lead- ing men in public life and some of their descendants are among the most enterprising Western men. 'Hon. George Field, of Cranston,' the youngest son of Captain William, held a high social position and was noted for his moral and social qualities. He was always in public life. His stern sense of right and his unyielding integrity, his stately and dignified bearing, caused him occasionally to be alluded to as an 'Old Roman Senator.' One of our orators in describing the Rhode Island Assembly of other days alluded to 'George Field, the Cato of the Senate.' " In "Record of the Family of the late Rev. David Dudley Field, D. D.," by his youngest son, Henry Martyn Fiekl, it is said (p. 5) : "The name of Field is an ancient and honorable one in England. Some who have made a study of the subject pro- 168 The Ewing Genealogy wrru Cognate Branches fess to have traced it back to the time of WilUam the Conquerer." And again (same page) : "It (the Field Family) runs back directly to one who came to New England not more than lo or 12 years after the Pilgrims landed on Plymouth Rock, who was himself a Puritan and bore the old scriptural name of Zachariah. A few years later, two brothers, William and John Field, appear at Providence, from whom are descended the large number of Fields in the State of Rhode Island. In 1644 Robert Field came to the Massachusetts Colony, and the year after removed to Flushing, on Long Island, where with others he obtained land from the Dutch Governor at New Amsterdam, as New York was then called. He became the ancestor of the Fields of Long Island and New Jersey. * * * * "This Zachariah Field was the son of John Field, a grandson of John Field, the astronomer." And (p. 10) : "Timothy Field, a descendant of Zachariah, fought in the Revolution — joined Seventh Regiment in Kentucky, and was appointed sergeant major." In the work of two volumes "Field Genealogy," by Fred- erick Clifton Pierce, which purports to give a record of all the Fields in America whose ancestors were in this Coun- try prior to the year 1700, it is said (Vol. I, pp. 9-10) : "The name of Field is an ancient and honorable one in England, and can be traced far back of the Conquest. Probably not a dozen families in England can prove so high an antiquity. * * * Burke states in one edition of his 'Landed Gentry,' under the head of De La Field, that this family was originally in Alsace near the Vosges Moun- tains, where it was seated at the Chateau de la Field, near Colmar from the darkest period of the middle ages ; and the Counts de la Field were the once powerful proprietors of the demesnes and castles near Colmar, of which the lat- ter still bears their name. These lords had large possessions in Alsace and Lorraine, and are frequently mentioned in the wars of these countries. * * * The ancestor of the Field family, the first of whom there is any record, was Huber- tus de la Field, who went to England with William the Conqueror in the year 1066 from near Colmar in Alsace, on the German border of France. He was of the family of the Counts de la Field, who trace back to the darkest The EwiNG Genealogy wrrii Cognate Branches 169 period of the middle ages, about the sixth century. In Alsace the de la Fields entertained in the XI Century Pope Leo IX and his court on the way to consecrate Strasburgh. The edifice received many benefactions at their hands, and several of them are interred there in the Chanteries they founded." And at p. 23 : "Hubertus de la Field received of William the Conqueror large grants of land for military services. In the XIV century, in consequence of wars between England and France, the English de la Fields dropped their French pre- fix de la, and ever after wrote their name Field. As previ- ously stated, Sir Hubertus, the first in England, settled in Lancaster near the city of Chester." Again (pp. 108-113), it is said: "In the sixteenth century the name is illustrated by a dis- tinguished astronomer, John Field, who was the first to in- troduce the Copernican system into England. Copernicus died in 1543, leaving as a legacy to the world, his great work, 'The Revolution of the Celestial Orbs,' in which he overthrew the system of Ptolemy, which had ruled the world for over 2,000 years." The author just cited (Frederick Clifton Pierce), after reviewing the Rev. Henry Martyn Field's proofs that .the family to which these pages relate is descended from the astronomer, John Field, thus comments (p. 113) : "These testimonies create a probability, amounting to a moral certainty * * * These combined proofs can hardly leave a doubt in the minds of the several branches of the Field family, in America, that they are descended from John Field, the astronomer." THOMAS FIELD "the nephew and heir of the first William Field," was born about 1648, in England, died August 10, 1717; he swore allegiance to King Charles II., June i, 1667, and was chosen Treasurer of the town of Providence, Rhode Island, where he resided, on June 3, 1672' He married in Providence, Rhode Island, Martha Harris, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth (Austin) Field; she died about 1717.' He was the son of Thomas Field, probably bom in Thurnscoe, England, grandson of William Field, great ^Early Records, B. 3, 323. ^Frederick C. Pierce's "Field Genealogy." Vol. 1, pp. 124-126. 170 The Ewing Genealogy with Cognate Branches grandson of John Field, and great great grandson of Richard Field, and great great great grandson of Wil- liam Field, whose father was also named William, but the author just cited, while tracing these ancestors, does not review their families, simply saying in a note: "Names of early ancestors are dropped. See former generations.'" Children born to Thomas and Mary (Harris) Field were : (i) THOMAS, born January 3, 1670; married (first) Abigail Hopkins, and (second) Abigail Chaffee. (2) Mary, born June i, 1673; married John Dexter. (3) Amos, bom 1677, died unmarried. (4) William, born June 8, 1682, married Mary Mathewson. (5) Martha, married Thomas Mathewson. (6) Elizabeth, married John Yeats, junior, January 24, 1709= THOMAS FIELD son of Thomas and Martha (Harris) Field (q. v.), bom Providence, Rhode Island, January 3, 1670; died there on July 17, 1752; married (first) Abigail Hopkins, daughter of William and Abigail Hopkins, and (Second) Abigail Chaffee, April 28, 1737, she dying shortly after 1752. Children, being by his first wife, were : (i) Thomas, born 1696. (2) Stephen, wife's name Sarah; he died at sea Sep- tember 10, 1727. (3) Jeremiah, bora before 1706; married Abigail Waterman. (4) Nathaniel, married Margaret Barstow. (5) Anthony, married Mehitable Whipple. (6) Joseph, born before 1699; died at sea October 5, 1736, probably unmarried.^ JEREMIAH FIELD son of Thomas and Abigail (Hopkins) Field (q. v.), was bom in Providence, Rhode Island, before 1706, died Sep- tember 2, 1768, where he then resided, either Cranston or Providence, Rhode Island; he was married December 27, 1725, to Abigail Waterman, daughter of Justice Richard Waterman. Children of the marriage were: 'Id., Vol 1, p. 105. -'Field Genealogy," Vol 1, pp. 124-126. ■Id., Vol. 1, pp.' 175-177. The Ewinq Genealogy with Cognate Branches 171 (i) WILLIAM, born April 30, 1728; married Waite Wescott. (2) Abigail, born Januar)^ 2j, 1730; married October 7, 1743, Benjamin Gorham ; he was the son of Jabez, son of Captain John Gorham, of Gorhamburg, England, and Desire Rowland, who came to America in the Mayflower. (3) Sarah, bom March 16, 1735, died in Chester, Ver- mont; married George Rounds, January, 1758. (4) James, born July 31, 1738; married (first) Hannah Stone, and (second) Jane Stone. (5) Thomas, bom September 7, 1741, married Deliver- ance Hammon. (6) Daniel, born August 30, 1743; married Hannah Whitman. (7) Jeremiah, born July 14, 1746; married Lydia Colwell. (8) Hannah, born November 13, 1749; married Jere- miah Randall.' WILLIAM FIELD son of Jeremiah and Abigail (Waterman) Field (q. v.), was born, Providence, Rhode Island, April 30, 1728, died in 1816; he married January 4, 1750, Waite Wescott, daughter of Thomas Wescott; she was bom in 1732, died September 23, 1808. Their children were: (i) Remember, bom September 7, 1751 ; died April 12, 1755- (2) Pardon, born May, 1753; died April, 1755. (3) ABNER, bom July 5, 1754; married Rebecca Payne. (4) Moses, bom March 21, 1756; died December 6, 1763- (5) Nehemiah, born May 15, 1757; married Sarah Whitman. (6) Roxana, born February 20, 1759; died unmarried, March 26, 1778. (7) Esther, bom January 10, 1761 ; married July 13, 1783, Captain William Waterman, of Cranston, Rhode Island. (8) David, born March 2", 1763; married Mary Greene. (9) Huldah, born August 2, 1764; died April 11, 1S24; married (first) Mr. Tabor, and (second) John Warner, February 22, 1798. i"Ficld Genealogy," Vol. 1. pp. 242-244. 172 The Ewinq Genealogy with Cognate Branches (10) Rhoda, born February 14, 1767; died unmarried, December 26, 1832. (11) George, born December 25, 1768; died August 29, 1839; married Abigail Davis, daughter of Moses Davis; she was born 1775, died August 26, 1873. (12) Eleanor, born December 13, 1772; died unmar- ried, March 8, 1864/ From the authority just cited, same reference, we quote, as follows : "The presence of the French allies inspired the life of the town. * * * The officers were on terms of pleasant intimacy with the leading families, and their presence im- parted an additional charm to social gayety. * * * The old Field homestead, at Field's Point, was much frequented by the French officers, where they were always sure of a hearty hospitality, and where they participated in social assemblies. * * * "The patriotism of the Field Family was of the purest sort. In 1780, William Field was appointed captain of a company in the 2nd regiment, ' of Providence County Militia. * * * "The Field family at the Point were numerous. The last survivor of the William Field family was Eleanor, a woman of uncommon natural endowments. She sold the Point estate to the City of Providence, and removed to Elmwood, and died March 8, 1864, aged 91 years." Captain William Field, the subject of this division, served as captain in the War of the Revolution, for the cause of Independence, of Third Company Militia, Cranston, May, 1778, down to June, 1779, and was captain, appointed in February, 1780, of a company in the Second Regiment of Providence County Militia, which service is established by the following references : C. R. S. A., Vol. 8, p. 394, Vol. 9, p. 9 : Field Genealogy (1901) by Frederick Clifton Pierce, Vol. I, pp. 63, 364, 546. Revolutionary Defenses in Rhode Island, by Edward Field, pp. 7, 80, 88. Records of State of Rhode Island and Providence Plan- tations. Rhode Island Society Military Papers. '"Field Genealogy," Vol 1, pp. 364-365. The Ewino Genealogy wpth Cognate Branches 173 ABNER FIELD son of (Captain) William and Waite (Wescott) Field, (q. v.), was born July 5, 1754, Providence, Rhode Island, died in 1792; he married (first) Chloe Whipple, no chil- dren, and (second) Rebecca Payne, daughter of Captain John Payne, of Cranston, Rhode Island, February 2,2, 1779; she was bom in 1760, died June 19, 181 1. He was survived by four children, all born of the second marriage, namely : (i) WILLIAM, born in 1780, died in 1845; married Elizabeth Mills. (2) Robert Wescott, born February 28, 1781 ; married his cousin Lydia, daughter of Pardon and Elizabeth (Wil- liams) Field. (3) Abner Whipple, bom in 1775; married Betsy Tarbell. (4) Stephen, born January 10, 1791 ; married Mary Jordan.' The text just cited, same reference, has this to say: "Major Abner Field * * * was the son of Captain Wil- liam Field of Field's Point, Rhode Island. Abner was noted for his personal bravery. When he heard the news of the battle of Bunker Hill and the burning of Charleston, he instantly (1777) joined the volunteers, the Pawtuxet Rangers, at Cranston or Longneck, now called Pawtuxet Neck, under Lieutenant Colonel Oliver Arnold, second de- tachment. In July, 1778, he was on duty at Pawtuxet under Colonel Benjamin Arnold." Again (pp. 364-365) : "Abner and Nehemiah Field were distinguished for per- sonal bravery. When the news reached them of the battle of Bunker Hill, and the burning of Charleston, like Putman, they instantly left the field, and with rifle in hand joined the volunteers crowding on the scene of action. They were placed in the body of reserves. During the war Abner was taken prisoner and thrust into the notorious Jersey ship prison. Both Abner and Nehemiah held commissions." The following references established the services of Abner Field, above mentioned, in the cause of Independence as a soldier of the Revolutionary war, also similarly of his brother Nehemiah : "Field Genealogy," by Frederick Clifton Pierce, Vol I, pp. 63, 364-365. 546. "■Field Genealogy," Vol 1, p. 546. 174 The Ewing Genealogy with Cognate Branches Revolutionary Defenses in Rhode Island, by Edward Field, pp. 7, 80, 88. Rhode Island Society Military Papers. Genealogy of the Fields of Providence, Rhode Island, by Harriet Brownwell, p. 5. Records of State of Rhode Island and Providence Plan- tations. Nehemiah Field, the brother above mentioned of Abner Field (q. v.), was a soldier in the War of the Revolution, ensign in Captain Jeremiah Olney's 4th. Company, Colonel David Hitchcock's Regiment of the Army of Observation, 1775. He (Nehemiah) was born May 15, 1757, Provi- dence, Rhode Island, died May 15, 1815, married August 27, 1 781, Sarah Whitman, bom September 25, 1761, died July 21, 183 1. Their children were: (i) Arthur F., born December 18, 1782, wife's name Chloe; (2) Aaron Leland, bom October 14, 1787, married (first) Anna Ostrander. and (second) Diana Mowr)^ (3) William Whitman, and (4) Amy Waite; the last two having died apparently witli- out issue. Amy Waite certainly so, she dying in infancy.' WILLIAM FIELD son of Major Abner and Rebecca (Payne) Field (q. v.), was born in Providence, Rhode Island, in 1780, probably in January, died in Lafourche Parish, Louisiana, in 1845; married Elizabeth Mills, daughter of the Revolutionary soldier, John Mills, in 1841 ; she was bom in 1795, died in 1845. William Field left Rhode Island when young and un- married, and went West, finally settling on the Lafourche in Louisiana, and seems in consequence of drifting away from early associations to have been lost sight of for a time in the East and assumed to have died young, unmarried. In point of fact, after settling in Louisiana, he was pros- perous and accumulated considerable wealth. Field Lake, near Lockport, Louisiana, was named for him. He was an architect, but engaged in various business enterprises, be- came prominent in the section of his domicile and when he died on the Lafourche, in 1845, ^e was much eulogized by the Press and lamented by a large circle of relatives and friends. As stated, he married Elizabeth Mills, in 18 14, and by her he had eleven children : i"Field Genealogy," pp. S46-.W. EUDORA ELIZABETH (CROSS) WILLIAMS The Ewixg Genealogy wirii Cogxate Branches 175 (i) William, born 1815, died 1848. (2) Eliza, died 1897. (3) Sarah C. (4) John Haywood, died 1854. (5) MARY PIERCE, born 1819, died March 13, 1893. (6) Hudson, died 1866. (7) Josephine, bom 1845. (8) Edwin, died 1853. (9) Fielding, died young. (10) Adalia, died young. (11) Maria, born September 21, 1835, ^i^^ Januarj^ 15, 191 1, married \\'illiam Darden. MARY PIERCE FIELD daughter of William and Elizabeth (Mills) Field (q. v.) was born in Lafourche Parish, Louisiana, in 1819, died March 13, 1893, and was buried in St. John's (Episcopal) Cemetery, at Thibodaux, the seat of the parish just men- tioned; she was married March 3, 1844, to Benjamin Franklin Cross, who was a sugar planter of the Lafourche, born in 1823, died in 1868. They had one child, Eudora Elisabeth, born February 12, 1845. Mrs. Mary Pierce (Field) Cross, after the death of her husband, lived at "Sunny side," the home of her son-in-law, Charles Clark Williams, and by her tender care and gentle ministrations she became so endeared to her daughter's children, that they regarded her not as grandmother only, but as their dualistic mother, and as such her memory re- mained hallowed in their hearts. EUDORA ELIZABETH CROSS daughter of Benjamin Franklin and Mary Pierce (Field) Cross, was born in Lafourche Parish, February 12, 1844, died in New Orleans, Louisiana, October 21, 1918, married February 12, 1861, Charles Clark Williams, before men- tioned, who was born August 21, 1833, died August 11, 1900. They had eleven children: 1. MARY ELLEN (q. V.), bom in St. Mary's Parish, in or near New Iberia, Louisiana, on August 7, 1862, wife of Presley K. Ewing, and mother of Josie Vesta (Vinson) and Gladys Ewing (Combes) ; she died April i, 1919. 2. Charles Albert, born and died in 1864. 3. Joseph Crawley, born February 12, 1866. 4. Dora Louise, born December 8, 1867, married at "Sunnyside," April 4, 1888, Henry Garland Bush, of New 12 176 TiiE EwiNG Genealogy with Cognate Branches Orleans, Louisiana, born October lo, 1866; he died Feb- ruary 20, 191 1. Children: (i) John Garland, born February 28, 1891, in New Orleans. He was a first lieutenant in the World War. (2) Phillis Gresham, born October 25, 1892, in New Orleans; married December 14, 1916, William Victor Wrightson, of New Orleans, born November 12, 1886. (3) Harry, born September 3, 1893. He was also a lieutenant in the World War, and fought overseas. (4) Ruby Bethea, born December 26, 1901. (5) Gretchen, born September 5, 1905. AH born in or near New Orleans, Louisiana, except Gretchen, born in Atlanta, Georgia. 5. William Franklin, born December 26, 1869, married in New Orleans, March 4, 1916, Marie (LeFoul) Loubat, a widow. 6. Charles Clark Williams, junior, born November 17, 1871, died at "Sunnyside," August 10, 1887. 7. Minnie Roberta, unmarried, born March 17, 1874. 8. Daisy Belle, born November 2^, 1875; married April 24, 1895, Beverly Smith, M. D., of Franklin, Louisiana, born April 17, 1870. Children: ( 1 ) Beverly Chew, B. A., University of Virginia, and later from same University, degree M. D., born at Frank- lin, Louisiana, February 7, 1896. (2) Daisy Belle, born same town, April 6, 1899, a student at Sophie Newcomb, New Orleans, Louisiana. 9. Ruby Bethea, born July 28, 1877; ^^^^ November 14, 1918. 10. Morgan Whitney, born June 29, 1879; died in Nev»' Orleans, Louisiana, May 19, 1914; married January 11, 191 1, near Zachary, Louisiana, at the bride's home, Judith Coleman Mills, his cousin, born about 1880. Children: (i) Morgan Whitney, born January 12, 1912; died June 5, 191 7, in New Orleans, Louisiana. (2) Judith Coleman, born May 29, 1914 — both born near Zachary, Louisiana. 11. Warren Dudley, born February 12, 1881, married in Donaldsonville, Louisiana, on June 24, 191 5, Elizabeth St. Vrain Moebius, born November 14, 1892, Point Coupee Parish, Louisiana, daughter of John and Ida Clara (Brown) Moebius. All the children of C. C. and Eudora E. Williams were The Ewing Genealogy with Cognate Ckancues 177 born at "Sunnyside," Lafourche Parish, Louisiana, except Mary Ellen, whose place of birth has been given. The "Little Mother," as she was called in the family, Eudora (Cross) Williams, removed from the old home- stead, "Sunnyside," before her death, taking up her abode in New Orleans, Louisiana. Possessed of a charming per- sonality, with a certain poetic grace and alertness of in- terest, she was in society a general favorite. Even to the last, traces of her early great beauty were visible ; indeed in every line of her face, it would not have been difficult to discern, as some writer has expressed it, "a dimple of her youth." Always devoted in her sacrifices as a wife and of motherhood, and kindly considerate of others, her life was luminous with virtues which have adorned exalted womanhood in all the ages of enlightenment. Minnie Roberta and Ruby Bethea Williams (q. v.) be- came members of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, National Numbers 1 25106 and 128979, under Captain William Field and Major Abner Field, also under John Mills, each entitled to three ances- tral bars. The other descendants of William and Elizabeth (Mills) Field, if otherwise qualified, are similarly eligible to the patriotic societies. THE MILLS TREE JOHN MILLS the great great grandfather of Mary Ellen (Williams) Ewing, was the son of Amos and Mary (Wright) Mills; he was born in Virginia, 1758, and removed thence with his parents to Pennsylvania, where he engaged with them in farming; he was a gallant soldier, under enlistment in Pennsylvania, for Independence in the War of the Revolu- tion; he stood (for he was one of them) "where stood the embattled farmers and fired the shot was heard around the world." Mrs. Ewing (Mary Ellen) has been accepted as a mem- ber of the National Society of the Daughters of the Ameri- can Revolution, tracing to him as her ancestor. National No. 130955. In her application his soldier-service is refer- red to as having been as "a Private in Captain Joseph Gard- ner's Company, Second Battalion, East Notingham, Chester 178 The Evving Genealogy wrm Cognate Branches County Militia, commanded by Colonel Evan Evans, 1778," and reference is made therefor to "Page 521, Volume Five, Pennsylvania Archives, Fifth Series." Under the evidence, with apparent proper elimination, this is correct; but whatever the company or companies or period or periods of his service, the essential fact is beyond question, that he was a soldier for Independence in the War of the Revolution. In addition to family tradition and ancient letters, bear- ing convincing evidence of his Revolutionary service in Pennsylvania, there is still in the family of his grandson, Thomas L. Mills, M. D., of Zachary, Louisiana, the sword which has been handed down as worn by him, John Mills, in the War of the Revolution, and upon which there is the inscription : "Draw me not without reason, put me up not without honor." He (John Mills) removed about the beginning of the year 1781 to Point Coupee Parish, Louisiana, where on April 16, of that year, he was married to Ferine Marioneau, who was born in 1762, and died in 1829; he died in 1825.* Their children were : 1. Mary, born 1782, married Mr. Pierce. 2. Plaegah, born 1790, died unmarried. 3. Ferine, born 1793, married Hudson Tabor. 4. ELIZABETH, bom 1795, married William Field. 5. John, born 1797, married Eunice Lilly. ELIZABETH MILLS daughter of John and Ferine (Marioneau) Mills, and great grandmother of Mary Ellen (Williams) Ewing (q. v.) was born in 1795, and died in 1845; she married William Field (q. V.) in 1814. From this point the Mills line is the same as the Field line (supra), to which we refer. 'Records of Point Coupee Parish, La. JOSIE VESTA (EWING) VINSON CHAPTER XXIV. JOSIE VESTA (eWING) VINSON, DAUGHTER OF PRESLEY KITTREDGE AND MARY ELLEN (WILLIAMS) EWING! HER LIFE, MARRIAGE AND CHILDREN. JOSIE VESTA EWING daughter of Presley Kittredge Ewing and Mary Ellen Wil- liams (q. v.), was born at "Sunnyside," Lafourche Parish, Louisiana, on February ii, 1886; educated as already stated and passed her young ladyhood at the parental home in Houston, Texas. She was married at Christ Church (Episcopal), Hous- ton, Texas, on April 22., 1908, to Joseph Carroll Vinson, born April 28, 1878, son of Baldridge Tyler and Alice (Baldridge) Vinson, of an old and honored Southern family. At the wedding, which may be numbered among the most brilliant in the South, the Rt. Rev. George H. Kin- solving, Bishop of Texas, and the local rector, the Rev. Peter Gray Sears, and the bride's uncle, the Rev. Quincy Ewing, of Louisiana, officiated. After her marriage, she and her husband lived in San Francisco, California, then in Tucson, Arizona, and again in San Francisco. Born of the union were two sons, (i) Kittredge (baptized Joseph Kittredge), born at Tucson, Arizona, April 27, 1910, and (2) Presley Ewing (first called but not baptized John Dana), born at San Francisco, California, November 22, 191 1, both vigorous and promis- ing lads, and the pride, joy and hope of the entire family. Since October 28, 1914, Vesta has been single, living at the home of her parents, Houston, Texas, with her little boys, in the midst of a circle of admiring and warm friends ; she is Secretary of the Lady Washington Chapter of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution, also a member of the Chatauqua, and her papers before the Houston Circle have attracted attention and elicited much praise for their high excellence; she is a voracious and re- tentive reader, and is often appealed to in the family as "The encyclopedia." Joseph Carroll Vinson is as before stated the son of Baldridge Tyler Vinson, born December 6, 1842, near Franklin, Louisiana, died November 26, 1918, and his wife, Alice Baldridge, born April 2.2^, 1848, at (179) 180 The Ewing Genealogy with Cognate Branches Franklin, Louisiana, died September 15, 1919; they were cousins, married July 19, 1876. Alice Baldridge was the daughter of Joseph Hodges Baldridge, born August 20, 1824, died December 22, i860, and his wife, Sue Ann Vaughan, born 1828, died April 15, 1850 at Franklin, Louisiana; they were married May 12, 1847. Joseph Hodge Baldridge was the son of J, W. Baldridge, born May 16, 1798, died September 3, 1876, and Sallie Wells Hodge, born May 20, 1807, died October 17, 1887; they were married in Sumner County, Tennessee, February 2/, 1823. Sallie Wells Hodge was the daughter of Joseph Hodge, bom in England, 1755, died February 28, 1822, in Sumner County, Tennessee, and his wife, Euphemia Agnew, born about 1765, died about 1815; they were married in Guilford County, North Carolina, February 20, 1782. Joseph Hodge was an emigrant from England, a settler in North Carolina, and was a soldier, ranking major, in the Revolutionary War, on the side of Independence; and, while under the command of General Nathaniel Greene, he was severely wounded in the battle of Guilford Court House, on March 15, 1781/ For his gallant services in the cause of Independence, he received a grant of valuable land in Sumner County, Tennessee, where he later lived and died. He was the son of John Hodge and his wife, Agnes Shaw, of England. 'Juhn Allan VVeyeth's "With Sabre and Scalpel," page 531. CH XXV GLADYS (EWING) COMBES CHAPTER XXV. GLADYS (EWING) COMBES, DAUGHTER OF PRESLEY KITTREDGE AND MARY EI.LEN ( WILLIAMS) EWING: HER LIFE AND MARRIAGE. GLADYS EWING daughter of Presley K. Ewing and Mary Ellen Williams (q. v.), was born in Houston, Texas, April 17, 1893; ^'^^ her elder sister, she was educated in the Houston High School, and the Finch School (post graduate) of New York, and passed her young ladyhood at the parental home in Houston. She had a leading part in the Carnival at Houston the year she made her debut, and was Maid of Honor the following winter to the Queen of the Rex Car- nical, New Orleans, Louisiana. She was also a brilliant figure in Washington, District of Columbia, society during the winter of 1915-1916. Though thus prominent in social life, she was never exclusively devoted to its behests, but was much identified with church and charity work, and at all times both earnest in endeavor and faithful in service. She married at the family home in Houston, Texas, April 25, 191 7, Abbott Carson Combes, junior, B. S. and M. D., of Elmhurst, Long Island, New York. The wedding was a very brilliant function, and the clergyman officiating was her godfather vmcle, the Rev. Quincy Ewing, of Louisiana. Since their marriage, she and her husband have lived in Elmhurst, New York, where he is engaged in the practice of his profession. Dr. Combes was a volunteer for service in the war with Germany, and was commissioned first lieutenant of the Medical Corps, serving until his honorable discharge on cessation of hostilities. Born of this marriage, a son, named for his father, on May 2f, 191 8, who passed away when about a month old, June 16, 1918, but he lived not in vain, for he left at least to his bereft parents the sacred memory of newly awakened love, and the rekindled hope of blessed immortality. ABBOT CARSON COMBES, JUNIOR husband of Gladys Ewing, was born July 4, 1884, son of Abbott Carson Combes, M. D., and his wife, Marie Louise de Raismes ; he was graduated from Columbia College, New York, degree B. S., and from the College of Physicians and (181) 182 The Ewinq Genealogy wpth Cognate Branches Surgeons, Medical Department, of Columbia College, M. D., and promptly entered the practice of his profession. He is a Mason, Royal Arch, a member of a Colonial War So- ciety and of the medical fraternity, Chi-Zeta-Chi. The family from which Dr. Combes descends is a dis- tinguished one, and in it men of importance may be particu- larly noted ; for example, in the line of ancestry, we in- stance Thomas Jones, a lieutenant, John Seaman a captain, and Daniel Whitehead, a major; Robert Waterhouse, Chap- lain to the King; William Pope, Knight of the Bath, Baron and Earl; Sir Richard Combes, knighted Februaiy 5, 1660; Pierre Charles de Raismes, Counsel to the King and Treas- urer of France ; and Degory Priest, who came to America in the Mayflower. The emigrant ancestor of the Combes family was Rich- ard, of Hemel Hempstead, England, and the family were settled at Hempstead, Long Island, as early as 1669. The line of descent is, Richard,' John,' Daniel,' Nathaniel,* Nathaniel," Benjamin," Clinton,' Abbott,' Abbott." Nathaniel* was a recognized patriot of the Revolution, who with unfailing loyalty rendered material aid to the cause of Independence. Benjamin of the line is understood to have fought in the War of 1812, Dr. Abbott C. Combes, senior, formerly Adjunct Profes- sor of the Post-Graduate Medical College, New York City, a member of the Founders and Patriots Society, and for twenty-two years of the New York National Guards, and Captain therein, is a prominent physician and citizen of Elmhurst, Long Island, born July 21, 1858, at East Rock- away, New York, married January 18, 1882, Marie Louise de Raismes. Issue : Martha married James Robinson ; Abbott Carson, (q. v.) ; Clinton, a lawyer of New York City, in the firm of which Elihu Root is head ; J. de Raismes, Captain Medical Corps, United States Army in France ; Marie Louise ; Rodney, in the Navy, and Richard, in the Army, of the United States, in the War with Germany. Marie Louise de Raismes, wife of Dr. Abbott Combes, senior, born November 2, 1857, died October 30, 1912, was of noted French lineage, traceable as far back as the 12th Century ; daughter of Jean Francois Joseph de Raismes, born in Paris, France, 1803, and Martha Ella Holt, his wife. The fam.ily name is associated Avith the town of Dr. ABBOTT C. COMBES. J R. The Ewing Genealogy with Cognate Branches 183 Raismes, in French Flanders. A first cousin of Marie Louise de Raismes was Maria de Raismes, an author and orator, and a leading spirit in the Women's cause in France ; except Joan d'Arc, she is the only woman whose statue has been erected in a public square in Paris. Martha E. Holt, the mother of Marie Louise de Raismes, was a descendant of Nicholas Holt who came to America in 1636, and a granddaughter of William Chaffee, who fought in the Revolution, taking part in the important battle of Stony Point. Another ancestor, Samuel Manning, was an ensign in the Billerica, Massachusetts, Militia, and under him the family is eligible to membership in the societies based on service in the Colonial Wars. CHAPTER XXVI. CONCLUSION There are probably a few in every family who are ready to debase brains as a means of exalting brawn — to these, groping in the lower levels, there will be no vision for this book. There are others, however, who see in the world's ad- vancement and greatness the accomplishments of both body and mind, working together, but with the latter the soar- ing quality, — to those, and there are many, we are per- suaded these pages will be read not without pleasure, aye, even largely as an incentive, and in some respects as an inspiration. The benefits likely to follow from a record of family achievements, if worthy, are believed to be sufficient to justify the labor and cost of preparation. We are inclined to largely agree with Edmund Burke, that— "Example is the school of mankind, and they will learn at no other.'" We do entirely agree with Edward Everett, where he said in his famous speech of July 5, 1858:' "The character, the counsels, and example of a great man * * * may guide us through the doubts and difficulties that beset us; they may guide our children and our chil- dren's children in the paths of prosperity and peace, while America shall hold her place in the family of nations." To the scoffer at family history, we commend a perusal of thoughts to follow, from great men. John Ouincy Adams, in his speech at Plymouth, Decem- ber 22, 1802, said: "Think of your forefathers ! Think of your posterity !" If we may be pardoned another quotation from Edmund Burke, it was he who observed :' "People will not look forward to posterity who never look backward to their ancestors." No undue claim has here been made for ancestry, as the preface indicates; indeed, the authors cheerfully concede, 'On a Regicide Peace, Vol. V, p. 331. ^"Washington Abroad and at Home." 'Reflections on the Revolution in France, Vol. Ill, p. 274. (184) The Grandsons KITTREDGE AND PRESLEY EWING The Ewing Genealogy with Cognate Branches 185 as they themselves think, that family alone never made a man truly great, and that "thought and deed, not pedigree, are the passports to enduring fate." They also recognize, with Seneca,' that "he who boasts of his descent, praises the deeds of another." But, at the same time, these observations are only part of the truth, and standing alone are "lights that do mislead." What Sallust'' says, is equally true : "The glory of ancestors sheds a light around posterity; it allows neither their good or bad qualities to remain in obscurity." A striking thought on the subject is that of Goethe in Faust :' "What dazzles, for the moment spends its spirit ; W^hat's genuine, shall posterity inherit." While we have already sufficiently expressed our own view, we may in emphasis of it adopt the following from Whately's Annot. on Bacon's Essay of Nobility : "Bishop Warburton is reported to have said that high birth was a thing which he never knew any one disparage except those who had it not, and he never knew anyone make a boast of it who had anything else to be proud of." Dear reader, the point of parting has been reached. We have wandered together in groves of sacred memories, to be treasured ; we have stood with honored ancestors on cliffs of immortal fame, but at every pause we have been reminded, have we not, of the common end of all. For us, the sun will soon be setting, with darkness closing in our departure, but let us hope it may rise, and continue to rise, with the effulgence of a radiant morning, upon generations yet unborn, wearing worthily the name we bear. FINIS ■Hercules Furens. CCCXL. 'Jugurtha LXXXV. 'Vorspiel auf dcni Theater, L. INDEX INDEX A. Page "Across the Fields of Yesterday" 4 Adair, Mary 50 Priscilla 50 " Weyman 50 " William de Berry 50 " Zadock 50 Adams, John Quincy 184 Agnew, Euphemia 180 Alexander, Laura Lavinia 141 Allen, Elizabeth Ann 70 " Dr. Thomas 70 Alsace and Lorraine 168 Anderson, George Burwin 49 Ariel, the Home of Dr. Fayette Clay Ewing 10 Arnold, L 57 Avery, Susan C 3^ Baird, Sarah Jane (McLean) 87 Baker, Alice Jeanette 141 Rev. Caleb 40 Edward Oates 141 Eliza 141 Eliza Ann 141 Everard Green 141 Fred Nash 141 John F 141 Joseph K 126 Laura Lavinia 141 Lizzie Antonia 141 Martha Gordon 141 Mary 43 Mary Edith 141 Mary Louise 126 Nellie 141 N. Quintard 141 Ralph D 126 Robert L 126, 141 Thomas 141 Thomas Francis 141 Page Baker, Walter Kirkland 141 " William C 141 Baldridge, Alice 179 Joseph Hodge 180 J. W 180 Baldwin, John 115 Ballantine, Lizzie 69 Barbour, Frances 38 Barrett, Charles G 50 Barron, Mary Pettis 61 Barstow, Margaret 170 Bartlett, Aubrey 123 Barton, Arvon Allen 130 Ashton C 1 30 Bonnie Carrie 129 " Carrie K 130 *' Carroll 130 " Clara Smith 130 " Clarence C 124 Clifton Ivy 130 " Elijah Donald 129 Ethel May 131 ■' Frank Kittredge 130 " Herbert William 130, 131 " Lavinia 129 Mabel Lee 131 Maud Ethel 130 Maude Marion 131 Norwood P 131 Robert Ruffin 129 Sallie 130 " Samuel K 130 Walter Irving 121 Battle of the Boyne 4 Battle of Cowan's Ford 58 Battle of King's Mountain 85 Bearce, Clarence P 112 Beard, Nancy 40 Beard, Richard 25 Beauchamp, Anna yj " Edwin E yy " Elizabeth yy " Francis Marion 76 INDEX III. Page Beauchamp, Presley yy Robert B yy " Sarah Ann 75 " Thomas J 76 " Victoria E 76 Beckwith, Jason no Bell, Elizabeth Allen 47 Bennett, Alice 45 Eliza 46 Bentley, Granville D 129 Berry, Caroline S 60 Col. Elisha 60 Berthold, Bartholomew 15 Claire H, 15 Pelagie C 15 Billerica, Mass 108 Billups, John A 29 Black, Barbara 123 Charles W'illard 123 Virginia Louise 123 Blaine, Col. Ephraim 13 Ephraim II 13 " James 13 " James G 13 " Maria Gillespie 13 Blair, Eliza Jane 28 Blakey, George Thomas 56 Blanchard, John 115 Blaque, Joseph 145 Bohannon, Charles 59 Bond, Lydia Newton no, 1 11 Bonner, Edna (Ewing) 7 John 7 Bowling, Annie B 82 Elizabeth 81 Ella 81 George S 82 " Henry Gilson 82 Dr. James B 81 James R 81 James M 82 Lula 82 Mary Helen 82 IV. Page Bowling, Robert Chatham 8i William E 82 " Temple 81 Bowman, Charles E 61 Bowmar, Joseph 138 Boyd, Abraham 45 Alfred 45 John 45 Linn 45 Martha 45 Rufus 46 Boyle, Maria 5 Bracey, William M 143 Brank, Ephraim 86 Houston 86 •' Robert 86 Breading, Anne (Ewing) 11 " Anne 11 " Caroline Margaret 12 " David II " Elizabeth 12 " George 12 " Harriet 12 " James 11 " James Ewing 12 Mary 11 Mary Ann 12 Nathaniel 11, 12 Rachel 11 Sarah 11, 12 William 12 Breathitt, Caldwell 56 " Governor John 56 " Lucille 56 Breazeale, Captain Hopkins Payne 128 Breckenridge, Clifton R 139 " James C 139 " General John C 139 Mary Carson 139 " Susanna Preston Lees 139 Brevard, Adam 89 " Alexander 89 " Benjamin 89 Page Brevard, Ephraim 89 " Family, The 89 Hugh 89 Jane 89 John 89 " Joseph 89 Mary 59, 89 " Nancy 89 " Nancy Young 16 Rebecca 89 Robert 89 Brown, Anne 116, 117 " James 47 " John T 39 " Nehemiah 117 Bryan, Elizabeth 38 " Lavinia 38 Buckingham, Hester (Hosmer) 145 " Temperance 145 " Rev. Thomas 145 Bugg, Lady 82 Burden, John E 63 Burgess, George 121 Burke County, North Carolina 85 Burke, Edmund 184 Burns, Nannie 76 Burr, Emma 34 Bush, Gretchen 176 " Lieutenant Harry 176 " Henry Garland i/S " John Garland 1 76 " J. W 32 Phillis Gresham 176 Ruby Bethea 176 Butler, Jane 49 Cabell, Jane Browder 73 Mildred M I34 Caffrey, Eliza 140 Cameron, D 27 Camp, Amelia 165 Campbell, Aaron 57 Page Campbell, Elizabeth 44, 56, 57 " Jane C 32 Joshua 55 " Margaret 31 Moses 56 " Penelope K 82 Campbells, The 3, 84 Canada, Lucius T. M 130 " Barton Kittredge 130 Cannon, William P 22 Carlisle, James M 49 Carr, Bettie 83 Carson, Catherine 139 " Edward Lees 138 " James Green 138 " Colonel Joseph 138 Joseph 138 William Waller 138 Cary, Lieutenant Edward Austin 102 " Fairfax 99 Castleman, Andrew 25 " Cinthia 25 Robert 25 Catron, James H 62 Chadwick, W. F 70 Chaffee, Abigail 170 William 183 Chapman, Sarah 145 Chappell, Mattie ']2, 73 Charles 1 84 Cheatam, Abbey 133 " Edward 133 James 133 " Leonard 133 Chew, Helen 56 Clan MacDonald 84 MacGilleain 84 " MacLean 84 Clarke, General Elisha 149 " General George Rodgers 149 Clay, Amy 133 " Brutus Junius 134 " Cassius M 134 Page Clay, Charles 133 " Henry 133, 134 General Green 134 Clayton, John D 69 Cockrell, Allen Vardaman 71 Anna Ewing ^2. " Ephraim Brevard 71 " Ewing 71 Francis Marion 71 Harriet 33 " Marion 71 Cole, Granville M 60 Combes, Dr. Abbott Carson, junior 181, 182 Dr. Abbott Carson 181, 182 " Benjamin 182 Clinton 182 Daniel 182 '■ Gladys (Ewing), Daughter of Presley Kitt- redge and Mary Ellen (Williams) Ewing: Her Life and Marriage, Chapter XXV. 181-183 Captain J. de Raismes 182 John 182 Marie Louise 182 Martha 182 Nathaniel 182 Richard, The Emigrant 182 Sir Richard 182 Richard (U. S. A.) 182 Rodney (U. S. N.) 182 Conclusion, Chapter XXVI 184 Condon, Mary 132 Conner, Colonel 39 Conwell, Mary 12 Coromilas, Lambros A 72 Corum, Lucretia Perry 53 William 59 Counts de la Field 168 Courreges, Ernestine 129 Cox, Phebe 40 " William 50 Crawford, Louise W 126 Mary Delia 126 William B 126 William M 126 Page Cromwell, Oliver, alias Williams 164 Lord Thomas 164 Crosby, Lucy no, 113 Timothy no Cross, Benjamin F 175 " Eudora Elizabeth 165, 175 Crownover, Arthur 129 " Emma 129 " Margaret Heloise 129 " Robert Nicholls Sims 129 Curry, Rebecca 47 D. Dabney, Ewing 98 " Thomas Ewing 98 Dr. Thomas Smith 97, 98 Dale, Michael Gundaker 60 Dalferes, Juanita 127 Danforth, Joseph 115 Darden. William 175 Daugherty, Eleanor 5 Davidson, Colonel Allen Turner 90 Elizabeth 85, 88 " Ephraim 89 " Ephraim B 51 Davidson Family, The 88 Davidson, George 88 " Jane 140 John 85, 88, 89, 135 Major John 88, 89 Margaret 44, 58 Robert 88 " Robert Vance 90 Sallie 89 Theo. E 90 Wilbur S 90 Colonel William 88, 89, 90 General William Lee 58, 86, 88, 89 William Mitchell 89, 90 Davis, Abigail 172 Allen 24 " Ewing 24 " James 24 Page Davis, John 24 " Margaret 24 Martha 24 Mattie 69 Sallie 20 Dawson, Samuel 133 DeBerry, Delthia Staunton 50 De Gravelle, Marie 126 Del. Tate, Drusilla 39 De Raismes, Jean Francois Joseph 182 Maria 182 " " Marie Louise 181 " " Pierre Charles 182 Devier, Hugh 18 De ^Volf, Phoebe 145 Dexter, John 1 70 Dickson, Deborah 6 Rosa Lee 124 Dissenters, The 4 Donley, Margaret 23 Douglass, Lemira 31 Dunaway, James G 27 Dunlap, Louise G 47 " Mary Eliza 47 Dunn, Kyrum 55 Durley, Samuel 47 Dwight, Edmund Parsons 120 E. Eakin, Emma 32 Emmet 35 Spencer 36 Thomas 32 William S 32 Eaton, Corporal Ebenezer 116, 117 Eliphalit 117 Elizabeth no, 116, 117 Calvin 117 John 117 Josiah 117 Hannah (Fowler) 117 Elm Hall, the home of Dr. Ebenezer Eaton Kittredge. .131 Page Emerson, Comfort 117 Emigrant Charles Ewing 7 Finley Ewing 5 " James Ewin 6 " Robert Ewing 7 " Nathaniel Ewing 6 " Thomas Ewing 5 " William Ewing 7 Eugenius 3 Evan 3 Ewen 3 Ewin 3 Ewin, James, Emigrant 6 James L 6 Mary 6 " William 6 Ewing Coat of Arms 2 Ewings in America, Different Branches of the, Chapter II 5 Ewings, Origin and Early History of the. Chapter 1.. . . 3 (A) Ewing, Abbie Jane 16 Adeline 48 Adlai Merriman 16 Adlai Osborne 15 Albert Barron 62 Alberta 32 ' Albert G 32, 33 Aletha Jane 57, 69 Aletha Olivia 69 Alexander 11 Alice Brevard 72 Alice Caroline . 60 Alice Sweet 16 Amanda F 53 Amelia 28 Ann 38 Anna 69, 71 Anne 7> 1 1 Ann Eliza 27 Ann Emily 15 Anne Eliza 39 INDEX XI. Page Ewing, Andrew 1 8, 24, 35, 36 Andrew, Son of the Emigrant William Ewing: His Career and Descendants, Chapter VI... 25 Andrew B 25 Andrew J 2"] Araminta 55 Arnold Thomas 64 Auguste Berthold 15 (B) Ewing, Baker 44, 48, 51 Baker W 53 Bartus (Robert) 51 Baxter McGee 64 Benjamin B 38 Betsy 40 Betty G 62 Betty R 64 Betty (Martha) 45 Bryan . 38 Butler 47 (C) Ewing, Caleb 40 Calvin 57 Caroline Sidney 14 Carrie A 69 Carrie Summerville 38 Caruthers 19 Charles 23, 40, 69 Charles, Emigrant 7 Charles, The Emigrant : His Birth, Career, Marriage and Children, Chapter VHI 40 Captain Charles 4, 5 General Charles 5 Charles Edgar 60 Charles Lee 57, 62 Charles R 57 Chatham 44, 51, 56 Chatham S 57, 65 Chatham Tomlinson 81 Clara Louise 15 Clarence 70 Clay 73 Page Ewing, Cyrus 38 " Cyrus G 2.'j (D) Ewing, Daniel B 38 David 40 Donald MacDonald loi Dorothy 73 " Dovey Bryan 64 (E) Ewing, Edwin H 32, 34 Elijah Finis 60 " Eliza 13 " Eliza Ann 17 Eliza Josephine (Kittredge) 103 Eliza M 2.-] Elizabeth 18, 37, 38, 39, 56 Elizabeth A 39 " Elizabeth B 38 Elizabeth Davidson 75 Ella Harris 70 " Ellen 13, 50 " Ellen B 5 Elliot Winchester 16 " Emily Kennedy 15 " Emma 69 Emma Pike 9 Enid 102 " Ephemia 23 " Ephraim 47, 80 " Ephraim Brevard (Barnett) 70 " Ephraim MacDonald 100, 124 Ephraim McLean, Son of Robert and Jane (McLean) Ewing: His Achievements, Marriage and Children, Chapter XV 79, 91 " Ernest L 15 ' Eugene M 64 Evaline J 55 (F) Ewing, Fayette Clay 92, 93, 99 Dr. Fayette Clay, Son of Ephraim McLean and Jane (Mclntyre) Ewing: His Career, Marriage and Descendants, Chap. XVI 95 Page Ewing, Dr. Fayette Clay II 98, 99 Felix Grundy i9> 27 Finette 69 Finette W 7° Finis 44, 63 Finis, Youngest Son of Robert and Mary Baker Ewing, and His Descendants, Chapter XII 58 " Finis V 53 " Finis W 57 Finis Young 69 Finley, Emigrant 5 " Florence 35 Frederick Berthold 15 (G) Ewing, George 5, 11, 12, 15, 17, 40, 47 George N. E 55 George W 13. 38 George Washington 83 Gilson 80 Gilson Payne 82 Gladys 159, 161, 181, 183 (H) -wing, Hannah 39, 80 Harriet 14 Henrietta 38 Henry 18, 20, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34 Henry, Son of Emigrant William Ewing: His Career and Descendants, Chapter V 20 Henry A 16 Henry B 64 Henry Clay 79> 83 Henry Clayton 20 " Henry Quincy 92, 93 Henry Wallis 16 Henry Watkins '/2, 73 " Hill 31 General Hugh 5 Hugh Boyle 5,9 Hugh McGavock 26 Hynes 36 XIV. INDEX (I) Page Ewing, Ida M 64 Ida May 97, 98 " Isadora Windsor 63 (J) Ewing, Jack 73 James 7, 11, 13, 15, 24, 38 James, Emigrant 6, 11 James Caruthers Rea 9 James Stevenson 9, 16 James Thompson 60 James Urban 52 James W 56 Jane 32, 44, 45, 50 Jane Butler 50 Jane C 35, 57 Jane Howard 82 Jane J 55 Jane (McLean) 82 Jarvis H 53 Jeannie Pendleton 38 Jennetta 24 Jennetta H 22 Jesse 38, 39 Jesse H 27 Jessie Aline loi Jessie Marion 60 Job 53 John II, 18, 20, 23, 24, 36, 43, 47, 48, 51 John, Son of the Emigrant William Ewing : His Marriage and Descendants, Chapter VII. 38 John, Baker, Urban, Reuben and Chatham, Sons of Robert and Mary (Baker) Ewing, and their Descendants, Chapter XI 51 John Anna 83 John B. S 47 John D. . . . 39, 57 John Gillespie 9 John H 12, 20 John Overton 31 John W 16 Joseph 38 Joseph Love 2y Page Ewing, Joshua 7 Josiah W 34 Josie Vesta 159, 160, 179, 180 (K) Ewing, Kate Adelaid 102, 103 Katherine 69 Katherine A. K. M 48 Kitty II (L) Ewing, Lawrence B 16 Lee Davidson 64, 69, 70 Leila Wills 96 Lemira 3^ Lucinda G 21 Lucius Winchester 16 Lucy Barbour 38 L. Jane 53 (N) Ewing, Nathan 31-36 Nathaniel, Emigrant 6, 8, 11 Nathaniel, The Emigrant : His Birth, Marriage, Career and Descendants, Chapter III 11 Nathaniel Ewing 7, 13, 15, I7 Nathaniel P I5 Nancy 18 Nancy B 38 Nancy J 16 Nancy M 50 Nancy W 55 Nellie 49 Nellie Caldwell 53 Nellie W 57 Norma D 70 (O) Ewing, Orville 32, 34- 35 (P) Ewing, Pamela Jane 68 Pamela Margaret 62 Page Ewing, Pamela S 53 Patsy Mills 80 Peggy II Pelagie Isabel 15 " Phebe A 38 Phebe Jane 39 Philander 39 Philemon Beecher 5 Piety Fort 63 Polly 40, 45. 47, 5^, 64 " Polly Baker 48, 51, 55, 80 " Polly (Patty) 48 (M) Ewing, Maggie 37 Margaret 11, 25, 32 Margaret A 2y " Margaret Davidson 65 Margaret Mildred 60 Margaret R 53, 73 Margaretta W 32 Maria 5, 79 Maria F 64 Martha 40, 43, 45, 46 Mary 12, 13, 38, 40, 52, 56, 57. 73 " Mary A 57. 64, 65, 70 Mary (Baker) 44 " Mary Barron 63 Mary E 22, 38 Mary Ellen (Williams) 159, 161, 164 Mary Henrietta 69 Mary J 27, 53 Mary L. M 48 Mary M 53 Mary (Polly) 44 Medora 62 Milbrey 36 Mildred 49 Milton 55 Milton P 27 " Minnie R 70 " Missouri 79 Mitchell 40 Page Ewing, Presley Kittredge, Son of Fayette Clay and Eliza Josephine (Kittredge) Ewing: His Career, Marriage and Children, Chapter XXII 98, 155- 163 Presley Kittredge II 100, 124 Presley Underwood 9^ (Q) Ewing, Rev. Quincy loi, 102 Quincy, junior 102 (R) Ewing, Rachael n. I3 Randall Milton 26 " Rebecca 3^ " Rebecca D 38 " Reuben 44, 5^> 5^ Reuben A 53 " Robert 9» 36, 37, 40, 43, 5h 57, 79 Robert, Emigrant 7 Robert, The Emigrant: His Birth, Career, Marriage and Children, Chapter IX 42 Robert II., Son of Robert and Mary (Baker) Ewing: His Birth, Career, Marriage and Children, Chapter XIII 74 Robert Allen 48, 79 Robert Chatham Donnell 70 " Robert C. 57 Robert Finis 7° Robert ( ludge) 19 Robert Mills 48 Robert Morrow 53 Roberta M 70 " Rowena 3^ Rowena W 33 " Ruth 38 Ruth Stevenson 17 (S) Ewing, Sallie Moore 49 " Sally 24, 47 " Sally A 52, 53 Page Ewing, Samuel 7, 40 Sarah 1 1, 13, 14, 32 " Sarah Catherine 17 " Sidney 51 " Sidney Ann 43> 45 " Sidney Ann, Martha (Betty), Polly and Jane Ewing, Daughters of Robert and Mary Baker Ewing, and Their Descendants, Chapter X 45 " Sidney R 55 Sophronia 38, 81 " Susan Jane 61 Susan Mary 2^ " Susannah Shannon 27 (T) Ewing, Theodore Thompson 63 Theresa Green 23 " Thomas 5, 9, 37 Thomas, Emigrant 6 Thomas J 6 Thomas (U. S. Senator) 5 " Thompson McGready 61, 62, 64 (U) Ewing, Urban 44, 51, 52 Dr. Urban Epinetus 48, 49 Urban J. D 49 (W) Ewing, Washington Perry 57, 69, 70 Watts 24 " Watts Davis 22, 23 " William 6, 7, 11, 25, 37, 38, 40, 41, 57 William Caldwell 53 William D 39 " William, Emigrant 7 " William, Emigrant : His Birth, Children and Family Distinction, Chapter IV 18, 19 " William E 41 William Gillespie 16, 38 William H 55. 61 William Lane 14, 15, 27 " William Lee Davidson, Major and Senator. .59, 60 INDEX XIX. Page Ewing, William Lee Davidson 69 William Nicholson 38 William Porter 12, 39 William Young Conn 52 Willie A 57, 62 Winifred L 50 Winifred Warren 59 (Y) Ewing, Young 44, 51, 56, 57 Farrington, James 14 Farris, Captain George W 50 Ferguson, Patrick 85 Field Coat of Arms 166 Field Tree, The 166-177 Field, Abigail 171 " Major Abner 167, 171, 173 Abner Whipple 1 73 Adalia 175 " Amos I/O " Anthony 1 70 Daniel 171 David 171 " David Dudley 166 Edward 1 74 Edwin 175 Eleanor 172 Eliza 175 " Elizabeth 170 " Esther 171 " Fielding 175 George 167, 172 Hannah 171 Henry Martyn 166 Hubertus de la 169 Hudson 175 Huldah 171 James 171 " Jeremiah 170 John 167, 168 " John, the Astronomer 168, 169 XX. INDEX Page Field, John Haywood 175 Joseph 170 Josephine 175 Lydia i73 Maria I75 Martha 170 Martha Harris 169 Mary 170 Mary Pierce I75 Moses 171 Nathaniel 170 Nehemiah 167, 171, 173, 174 Pardon 171 Remember 171 Rhoda 172 Robert 168 Robert Wescott 173 Roxana 171 Sarah 171 Sarah C i75 Stephen 170, 173 Stephen Johnson 166 Thomas 167, 169, 170, 171 Timothy (Sergeant Major) 168 William 167, 168, 169, 170, 173, 174, 175 Captain William 167, 171 Zachariah 166, 168 Filmer, Sir Edward 152 Major Henry 132, 152 Martha 132 Finlay, George Preston 68 " Julia H 68 " Quitman 68 " Virgilia Octavia 68 Fishback, F. L 53 Fisher, Betty ( Speer) 28 " Francis iii Francis K 1 1 1 Horace N in John H Ill Fleming, Mary 15 Sallie 141 Fletcher, Andrew J 35 Page Foley, Arthur Moring 123 Evelyn Elodie 123 " John B 123 John B., junior 123 Kirkland Green 123 Mary Louise 1 23 Willard Jones 123 Forbes, Robert Mitchell 68 Foree, Levin D 48 Fort, Mary D 61 Susan J. Ewing 55 " Washington 61 Fortescue, Winifred 9^ Foster, Ephraim H 54 " Henry Rubey 54 Rachel (Kittredge) no " Sally 54 French, Hannah 108 Fuller, Deborah 115 " Lieutenant Thomas 115 Gallaudet, Edson F 71 Garnsey, Amos 116 Garrett, Ann Amelia 29 Emma F 29 " Rev. G 28 Helen J 29 Mary Susan 28 William A 29 Garrigus, Lewis C 77 Gayosa i47 Gibbs, Samuella 50 Gibson, Ethel May 122 William Henry 122 Giddings, Earle no Job no Gilbert, Elizabeth 77 Martha 77 " P. 77 " Presley 77 Gillespie Family 7 Gillespie, Niel 5 Page Gillis, Aline lOi " Charles E lOi " Captain Ewing loi " Gary loi Wallace loi Girard, Marie 124 Glass, Dr. Robert ^^ Cleaves, Harvey 57 Goethe 185 Goodrich, Ruth 16 Gordon, Carolyn Barton 130 Charles Manship 130 George Haines 45 Lucy 55 Gorman, Benjamin 171 " Captain John 171 Green Tree, The: Maternal Lineage of Eliza Jose- phine Kittredge, Wife of Dr. Fayette Clay Ewing, Chapter XIX 132 Green Tree, The, continued : Everard Green, His Career, Marriage and Descendants, Chapter XX.. . . 141 Green Tree, The, concluded : The Family Achieve- ments and Distinction, Chapter XXI 147 Green, Abner 137, 149 Abner Everard 143 Abraham 118, 140 Colonel Abram 133 Abram Ashbury 140 Alexander Rogers 142 Amy 133 Ann 133 Ann Harwood 140 Anna 118 Antonio Mayson 143 Augusta 137 Caroline C 138 Caroline Frances 142 Cora Octavia 142 Edmund 133 Elias 140, 148 Eliza Celeste 138 Eliza McKinney 141 Elizabeth 132, 133, 134, 135 INDEX XXIII. Page Green, Everard 140. I44. MS. H^ Fannie Adele I44 Filmer i33- mS Filmer Wills 137. MO Grief 134 Hannah 133 Henry Filmer 134 Henry M 140, 148 Irene I44 James 137 James Payne 143 Jane 135 Jeremiah 118 John 117-118, 132, 133 Joseph Kirkland 134 Lelia C 144 Leminda 136 Letitia 17 Louisa Sparks 142 Lucy 133 Lucy Estelle 143 Margaret Louisa 142 Margaret Wharton 130 Marston 134 Martha 132, 133 Martha Wills 119, 120, 134, 135, 139, 140 Mary ii7- ^33 Mary (Polly) 135 Mary A. M 137 Matilda Susan 139 Obedience 133 Patty 133 Phoebe 118 Rebecca 133, 134, 137 Robert A 143 Sally 133 Susanna 133 Thomas, Emigrant 132, 133 Thomas H, "The Seagull" 132 Thomas IH 133 Thomas H 137 Thomas Marston 133, 134, 140 Thomas Marston, junior 134 Page Green, Colonel Thomas Marston 147, 148, 149 Colonel Thomas Marston (junior) 148, 149 Wharton 130 William 1 33 William Marston 137 William Kirkland 143 Greene, Mary 171 Greenfield, Piety D 63 Griffith, Elizabeth 47 Grundy, Felix 19 Susan 31 H. Haines, Charles W 62 Hall, Dora 69 " Edwin 24 Hamilton, H. J 30 Martha T 27 Hammon, Deliverance 171 Hammond, Mary (Polly) 53 Hanson, Perry 17 Haralson, E. M 146 Haralson, Louise (Kirkland) 146 Harris, Bettie 70 " Maria L 70 Rachel 5 Harrison, Lucy 46 Hart, Mary Carter (Bower) loi, 102 Hartsfield, Major William 27 Harwood, Ann 134, 153 " Major Humphrey 153 " Captain Thomas 1 53 " Colonel William 1 54 Major William 134, 153 Haswell, Tyler 50 Hayden, Agnes 47 Haynes, Samuel B 112 Hickman, Sarah 25 Hill, Elizabeth 20 " Jane 107 " Sarah 31 Hinds, General Thomas 150 " Major Thomas 136 Page Hodge, John i8o Major Joseph, Emigrant i8o " SalHe Wells i8o Hodges, Martha Sargent 112 Hogan, Hazel 71 Hogshett, Nancy (Ewing) 18 Holmes, J. Remsen 137 Holt, Martha Ella 182 " Nicholas, Emigrant 182 Hopkins. Abigail 1 70 John 135 Hord, Ada B 34 Howard, Ann 1 52 " Catherine 1 52 " Lord Edmund 152 Thomas, Earl of Surrey 152 Howell, Charles B 135 Elizabeth A 90 Howland, Desire 171 Hoyt, Hattie 36, 37 Hutchins, Colonel Anthony P 137 Mary 137 Hynes, Margaret 35, 36 I. Isle of Bute 4 Ivy, Fannie Mary 124 J- Jackson, General Andrew 150 Sarah Amelia (Speer) 28 James II, King of England 4 Jamison, Lilian Mary Louise 124 Jefferson, Jennie 79 Maria 79 Mary 79 " Robert Randolph 79 Jefts, Hannah 114 Jencks, Daniel 13 Jennings, Evelina A 51 Jetter, Samuel 39 Johnson, Judge John Warner 123 Loula Belle 123 Page Johnson, Martha J ^J Jones, Cora Wills 121 Elizabeth Clarendon 121 Evelyn 123 Florence Olivia 124 Francis 1 34 George Washington 120, 121 George Willard 124 Greenup L 65 Isabel 123 Kate Josephine 122 Lilian 124 Nellie May 123 Stephen 121 Thomas 145 Lieutenant Thomas 182 Jordan, Mary 173 Judkins, Florence 76 Jane 76 " John 76 John W 76 Kavanaugh, Anna 64 Archibald 64 " Baxter 64 " Finis 64 " Pamela 65 " Roberta 70 Keeling, Elizabeth 127 Keen, Terry 133 Keller, Silas Price 66 Kelly, Ann Elizabeth 125 Anna K 30 " Mary Arden 16 Peter 44, 50 " Sarah 50 Kidder, Benjamin 115 Zephaniah no Kirkland, Ann 145, 146 Archelaus 135 Rev. Daniel 146 Edwin Wells 146 Page Kirkland, Eliza Lucy 146 Elizabeth 141, HS " Hannah 145 Ida 146 John 145 " John Hampton 146 " John Thornton 146 " Louise 146 Lydia 145 Martha 134, 145 Mary 145 Matthew 145 Nathaniel 145 Parnell 145, 146 Philip 145 " Priscilla 145 Rosa Elizabeth 146 " Samuel 145 " Rev. Samuel 146 " Temperance 146 " William Hinds 146 Kittredge Coat of Arms 105 Kittredge Family, The 105 Kittredge Tree : Paternal Lineage of Eliza Josephine Kittredge, Wife of Dr. Fayette Clay Ewing, Chapter XVH ." 105 Kittredge Tree : Dr. Ebenezer Eaton Kittredge, His Career, Marriage and Descendants, Chapter XVHI 119 Kittredge, Abbott E 105 Abigail 108, 1 10 " Achsa 1 10 Alfred B 105 " Alice 112 Amy no " Ann Elizabeth (Kelly) 125 " Benoni 108 Carrie 130 " Charmian 107 " Cullen Fordyce 113 " Daniel 108 Dr. Ebenezer Eaton 116, 119, 120, 125 Eliza Josephine 105, 125, 132 Elizabeth (Eaton) 116, 120 XXVIII. INDEX Page Kittredge, Elizabeth no Emma 127 Estelle S 113 Frances 124 Francis 108, 109, 1 10, 1 13 Dr. Francis 108, 109, 113 Dr. Francis II no Francis Robert 129 George L.yman 106 George Watson 106 Hannah 108 Henry Eaton 127 Henry Grattan 106, 112 lola 130 Isabel 112 Ivy 1 24 Jacob 108 James 108 Jane 108 Dr. Jesseniah no, iii Dr. Jesseniah (junior) 112 Jessie Amanda 127 Joel . . . 113 John, Emigrant 107, 108 Dr. John 108 Jonathan 108 Joseph 108 Joseph Kirkland Green 124 Josiah 109 Josiah Edward 107 Louise 112 Lucie Estelle 129 Lucy 113 Lydia 109, no, in, 113 Mabel Hyde 107 Martha Hodges 112 Mary Ann 126 Mary Louise 120, 121 Melicent no Mirah 108 Molly no Oena 130, 131 Olivia Amanda 122, 125 Page Kittredge, Olivia Corinna 125 Orville Milo 124 Paul no Dr. Paul 113 Rachel no Rhoda 1 10 Roswell 116 Solomon 109 Dr. Stephen no, 116 Stephen 116 Susan 116 Susanna no, 113 Thomas 112 Thomas Bond 112 Walter 106 William 108 Willoughby 124 Dr. Willoughby Eaton 124 Zephaniah 109 Kline, Alice 128 Lane, Dr. William Carr 13 Law, Grace H 13 " John 13, 14 Lay, Dr. Joseph Revis 50 Lehnhof f, Louise 30 Letton, Reuben 65 Lewellen, Thomas 30 Lewis, Henry Martyn 146 William Goodwin 146 Lilly, Eunice 178 Link, Joseph 75 Linn, Adam 43 Nancy 45 Littlefield, Francis 107 Mary 107 Livingston, Bertha 142 Clifton 142 Frank 142 " Guy 142 Samuel 142 Wills 142 Page Loch, Lomond 4 London, Jack 107 Long, Judge Alton 79 ' 18 17 18 18 18 18 18 76 Longfellow, Abigail Ann " Green " Jonathan " Nathan 117, " Samuel " Sewall Loubat, Marie Le Foul Love, Annabella 30 " Margaret 25 Lowestoft, England 108 Mc. McBeth, Malcolm 15 McCaleb, Emily H 137 McCaleb, Laura 137 McCausland, Mary 15 McClanahan, Mary 67 McConnell, Dr. James J 124 McCormick, John E 70 McCoy, Dr. Thomas 137 McDonald, Rev. Philip 80 Philip Monroe 80 McFarland, Ike Barton 50 McGavock, Eliza 25 " Lucinda 25 " Mary Ellen 25 " Sarah E 27 Mclntyre, Jane Pope 92-94 McKae, Sallie D. Porter 53 McLean Tree, The: Lineage of Jane McLean, Wife of Robert Ewing II, Chapter XIV 84 McLean, Alney 86, 87 Andrew 87 Andrew Jackson 56, 86 Betsy 45 Celia 87 Charles 85, 86 Charles Grandison 87 Cynthia 87 INDEX XXXI. Page McLean, David 87 " Edward 87 Eliza 87 " Eliza Ann 86 " Eliza Hannah 87 Ephraim 56, 88 " Ephraim, the Emigrant 85, 86 " Dr. Ephraim 87 " Ephraim Baxter 87 " George 86 George Davidson 56 " James 87 Jane 84, 86 John 85, 86 Logan Haynes 130 " Priscilla Brank 87 Robert 87 Robert Brank 87 Robert Davidson 86 Samuel 86, 87 Sarah Ellen 56 Sarah Jane 87 Susan Howard 87 " Thornton 86 William 86, 87 McNeil, Eaton Kittredge 127 Rev. Edward Benton 127 Edward Benton, junior 127 Harry Pendleton 127 Lessie Benning 127 Mary Elizabeth 127 Percy Rutledge 127 Robert Irving 127 Walter Anderson 127 McPherson, Charles C 3° Harriett J 3° Margaret R 30 Robert J 3° Samuel Speer 3^ William 29 William G 30 McQueen, Caroline 55 McRorry, Sarah 27 Page Norsworthy, Lulu 5^ Noyes, L. T 146 Rosa Elizabeth (Kirkland) 146 o. O'Brien, Eliza 28 Offutt, Amanda 11 Oliphant, William 13 Osborne, Colonel Alex 15 p. Paschal, Polly (Ewing) 47 Payne, Captain John 1 73 Rebecca 171, i73 Dr. Robert I43 Peebles, Rev. James A 28 Pendleton, John T 22 Joseph H 32 Perham, Estelle S. (Kittredge) 113 Walter 113 Perkins, Daniel 35 Margaret 36 Mary 146 Samuel F 23 Perryman, Anthony 142 David 142 Elizabeth 142 " Laura 142 Martha 142 Phillippy, Anna 69 Pierce, Frederick Clifton 173 " Mary (Mills) 178 Pope, Miller 71 William, Knight of the Bath, Baron and Earl. . .182 Porter, and Gillespie Families 7 " Amaziah no " Caroline 80 " Ellen Gillespie 12 " James 12 Mary 12 Rachel 11 Potts, Robert 11 Pratt, Lydia 145 Page Pratt, Lieutenant William 145 William 145 Price, Jane T 69 " Katherine Allen 48 Priest, Degory 182 Prosser, Dorothy 128 Pruce, John 38 Q. Ouinn, Dr. Irvin 142 R. Race, Corinna Elizabeth 125 " Fannie Louise 125 " George Eaton 125 George Wesley 125 Radford, Georgie 75 Railey, H. Otey 144 James 139 Ramsey, Jane 79 " General Jonathan 79 Randall, Jeremiah 171 Rea. Carrie 68 " Horsely 68 " Rev. Peter 59 Read, Ann 52 Anthony Foster 53 " Anthony James 55 " James W 68 " John 54 " Mary 68 " Mary Elizabeth 54 " Sally Foster 54 " William E 55 Reed, Frances Elliot 71 Reese, Arthur Boyd 124 Emma Lucile 124 Reid, Margaret 96 Renick, Elizabeth 57 Robert Archie 57 " William H 52 Rice, Rev. Green P 57 Mary 47 Page Richard, Sarah 97 Richardson, Abigail 113, 114, 115 Andrew 114, 115 "' EHzabeth 115 '' £.zekiel 115 " Hannah 115 " Isaac 115 Mary 115 Nathaniel 115 " Phoebe 115 Ruth 115 Samuel 115 Thomas 115 Rivers, Bessie Whittington 126 " Douglas Eldridge 126, 127 " Enid Louise 126 Lena Marie 127 Mollie Kittredge 127 Robards, Rachel 1 50 Robinson, J. C 70 " James 182 " Zeruah 117 Rodgers, Jane 20 Roland, Micajah , 51 Rollins, Mary ' 47 Ross, James 80 Trippe 80 Rounds, George 171 Rubey, Francis M 55 George W 55 Henry M 59 Lavinia 55 Lucinda 55 Margaret Jane 59 Mary Angeline . 59 Pamela McLean 59 Smith W 55 Thomas 55 Thomas Lee 59 Urban Ewing 55 Virginia 59 William B 55 William H 55 Page Russell, C. Benjamin 6i Robert 87 s. Sanborn, Abiel 118 Jabez 118 Sanders, Major Bryant 55 John W 55 Mary J 55 Reuben E 55 Sidney C 55 Sargent, Hannah 11 Scott, Charles F 16 Scroggins, Charles M 47 " George 47 Martha 47 Mildred 47 Sally 47 " Thomas 47 Seaman, Captain John 182 Sebastian, Benjamin 54 Nancy . 54 Sebree, Georgianna 22 Sellers, Margaret 39 Seneca 185 Settle, Hart H 68 Shanklin, Grace 38 " Thomas 38 Shannon, Susannah 25 " Thomas 37 Shattuck, Frank \\' 69 Shaw, Agnes 180 " Eliza 13 Sherman, General William T 5 Shipman, John 145 Siege of Londonderry 4 Simmons, David Edward 69 Dr. William 80 Sims, Alice 128 " Ann E 129 " Christian Kline 128 " Dr. Eaton Kittredge 128 " Emm.a 129 Page Sims, Emma Kittredge 129 Ernestine 129 Francis Kelly 129 Dr. George William 122, 125 Grace 129 Harry Vernon 129 Captain Harry Vernon 128 Heloise 129 Lavinia 1 29 Marguerite 128 Mary Louise 121 Nita 128 Robert Nicholls 127, 128 Ruffin Moring 122 William 121 William Nichols 122 Sittington, Robert 38 Sloan, Alexander Thompson 67 Alfred Baxter 65 " Charles W 68 " Ephraim Perry 68 " Ewing McGready 66 " Finis Ewing 67 Frances Kavanaugh 65 James Finis 68 " Katherine Winifred 66 " Margaret Pamela 68 Mary Phoebe 68 Rev.' Robert 65 " Robert Lee 67 Smith, Alice 143 Dr. Beverly 176 " Dr. Beverly Chew 176 Caroline A 112 Daisy Belle 176 Emma Tyler 75 II Jennie 34 Pleasant A 27 William C 27 Snadon, Lucy C 82 Sallie 82 South worth, Lieutenant Andrew 146 Samuel 146 Page Sonthvvorth, Captain A\^illiam 145 Speed, George Keats 50 Speer, Abigail 29 " Andrew Evving 28 Bettie 28 " Edward Young 28 " George 28 " James Green Hill 28 Jesse Lee 28 John Ewing 28 John Fletcher 29 John Moses 28 Margaret C 31 Mary W 28 Moses 28 " Moses G 28 Nathan Ewing 28 Samuel W . 29 Sarah Amelia 28 Susan 28 " Susan S 29 " Thomas Hickman 28 Spencer, Barksdale 80 Catherine 16 " Ephraim Ewing 80 James B 80 John 80 Martha G 80 " Mary Jane 80 Randolph 80 Robert 80 Splane, DoUie Belle 126 Stapp, Amanda S 52 Steele, Colonel Clement F 5 Stephens, John H 53 Stevenson, Adlai Ewing 17 " Fielding Alexander 17 James 16 " James B 17, 32 " John Calvin 17 John Turner 17 " Julia Scott 17 Letitia Ewing 17 Page Stevenson, Lewis Green 17 Maria McClelland 16 Mary Eliza 17 " Sophia Elizabeth 17 " Thomas \V 17 Stimpson, Mary 115 Stirling Castle 4, 6 Stone, May Bellows 112 Hannah 171 Jane 171 Stroup, Alex. R 17 Sturgess, Anne 39 Sugg, Sallie 82 Sullivan, Charles W 64 Sweet, Alice Elizabeth 16 Tabor, Hudson 1 78 Tarbell, Betsy 173 Taliaferro, Cowper S , 50 Taylor, Charles T 15 Mary Ella 16 Temple, Lucy C 81 Thompson, John C 33 Milton 47 Nancy R 27 Richard R .139 Tisdale, Mary J. (Spencer) 80 Townsend, Albert B 75 Eliza Ann . , 76 Elizabeth Davidson 79 Gilson Columbus 75 Gilson Ewing 78 Jane Pamela 75 Joseph 78 Martha Jane 78, 82 Martha M. C yj Martha Smith 75 Mary M. A. D 76 Presley 78 Presley Ewing '/J Robert Ewing , 78 Robert Jefferson 75 Page Townsend, Dr. Robert Presley 75 Roberta Moore 75 Susan Ann 7^ Thomas Jefferson 78 General Thomas J 75 General Thomas W 82 Tighlman 78 William 82 Major William 78 Trevor, Caroline M. (Breading) 12 Turner, James I33 Turpin, Magda I43 u. Umphrey, James 81 Valle, J -. 15 Vance, David 9° Elizabeth 90 " Sallie 86 ■' Governor Zebulon 90 Vaughan, Sue Ann 180 Venable, Abraham 7^ " Elizabeth A 7^ Elizabeth \\'oodson JT- " Martha Davis 7^ Nathaniel 71 Vickars, Sarah 5 Vinson, Alice (Baldridge) I79 " Baldridge Tyler 179 " Joseph Carroll I79 Joseph Kittredge 179, 184 Josie Vesta (Ewing), Daughter of Presley Kittredge and Mary Ellen (Williams) Ewing : Her Life, ]\Iarriage and Children, Chapter XXIV I79- 180 " Presley Ewing 179, 184 Volk, Emily .' 112 VVailes, Felicia Anna I43 B. L. Covington I43 Page Walker, Alice Brevard 72 " Anthony Smith 54 Elizabeth 133 " Ephraim Brevard 72 " Ewing Anthony 72 John Read 72 " John Read Samuel 72 Mary 133 " Thomas 133 Wallace, William 29 Judge William C 63 Waller, Catherine 138 " William S 138 Wallis, Sophia Goodrich Gillespie 15 Warburton, Bishop 185 Warmack, Jessie 64 Warner, John 171 Warren, James M 64 " Joseph 165 " Winefred 51 Waterhouse, Robert 182 Waterman, Abigail 170 Captain William 171 Watkins, Irene 34 Nancy 70 Colonel Thomas 70 Watterson, Henry 36 Wendell, Dr. James 35 Werlein, Captain Ewing 97 Rev. Halsey 96 Philip Prentiss 97 " Dr. Presley Ewing (Lieutenant) 97 Quincy 96 Rev. Shepard Halsey 96 " Wilmer 96 Wescott, Waite 171 West, Colonel Cato 139, 150 Whatley 185 Whipple, Mehitable 170 White, Dr. Andrew J 27 Whhehead, Major Daniel 182 F. M 29 Whitman, Hannah 171 " Sarah 171 INDEX XLIII. Page Whittington, Bessie Kittredge 126 " Gladis lone 126 Harry Kirkland 126 " Joseph Benson 126 Joseph Kittredge 126 Leila Marie 126 " Lucille Marie 126 Marion Elizabeth 126 Marion Wilmer 126 Mary Adele 126 " Mary Jessie 126 Mary Louise 126, 141 St. Clair Joseph 126 Whittlesey, Martha 145 Whitsett, Frances C 44, 56 William 56 Wilkerson, James 133 Priscilla 133 Sarah 133 Wilkinson, Dorothy Brevard 73 Elizabeth Allen 73 " Florence Ewing y^ " Jane Alice 73 John Cabell 73 " Margaret 73 " Thomas Parks 73 William Tudor y^ William and Mary 4 William the Conqueror 164 Williams Coat of Arms 162 Williams, Field and Mills Trees : Lineage thereunder of Mary Ellen Williams, Wife of Presley K. Ewing, Chapter XXVIII 164-178 Williams Tree, The 164-169 Williams, Anne A 129 Charles Albert 175 Charles Clark 164, 165, 166, 175, 176 Daisy Belle 176 " Dora Louise I75 Elizabeth 28 " Elizabeth Stratton 164 Eudora Elizabeth (Cross) 165, 175 Page Williams, Harriet (Clark) 165 Joseph Crawley 165, 175 Judith Coleman 176 Leachy Peachy 71 " Llewellyn Alexander 129 Mary Ellen 159, 161-163, 175 Milbrey H 31 Minnie Roberta 176 " Morgan - • • 164 " Morgan Whitney 176 " Nannie L 83 General Otto 165 " Oliver Cromwell, alias 164 Rebecca P 34 Robert, Pilgrim 164, 165 Roger 164 Rowena 36 Ruby Bethea .176 " Sims Cunningham 129 " Warren Dudley 176 William 164 " William Franklin .176 Williamson, William .-133 Wills, Filmer i34 Martha I34 Wilmath, Abigail 29 Wilson, Addie A 52 " William Sidney 15 Winchester, E. B 16 Windsor, Anne Marie 63 Winlock, Mary J. (Spencer) 80 Winn, Elizabeth 115 Winston, Eliza Jane 82 Withers, Lida . .' 25 Wood, Anna . 67 " Dr. Benjamin 82 " David 138 Ethan Allen 143 Nancy Collins 143 " Sarah Jane 143 Woodward, Dr. W. W 53 Wright, James H 21 " John Montgomery 49 Page Wrightson, William Victor 176 Wynne, Ara Adair 50 Florence Magruder 50 Gustave Adair 50 " Jane Sophronia 50 " John Magruder 50 Mae Samuella 50 " Mamie Staunton 50 Y. Yantis, William 1 68 Yeats, John ' /O U C BERKELEY LIBRARIES CDM4'1 "=17007