rawHHfflfflHfl 1819-1919 CENTENNIAL r r ,r * c , r t * " BROTHER jo^than'' FRIE f J«$ AND ADVISER OF GENERAL WASHINGTON Governor Died August' t7, /785 - dftt&miwdtj William -Mfred FRIEND AND ADVISER OF PRE§U>£N^ LINCOLN Gov^ripr- 1858 -1866 Born in Leb9nonJi^2& f J804k Died February &r I 875 Sr I #04. <*ftt*t thrust l^m&^n 0$' Preset w&f { GoveWpor /n&er#at/ona/ Disfrribf/on Bofft in New Harr-, ford, Nov.28,1844 6 THREE GREAT WAR GOVERNORS. OF THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT j^iai? of (Eotmwttntt THE ONE HUNDREDTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE FIRST MEETING OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY, UNDER THE PRESENT CONSTI- TUTION AND THE SECOND GENERAL LEGISLATIVE REUNION 4 iLiifi K si Hi" twit ii h u iv THE CAPITOL, HARTFORD, WEDNESDAY, MAY 7, 1919 Compiled by WILLIAM HARRISON tAtLOk Secretary of the Centennial Committee HARTFORD Published by the State 1919 o^ STXCHANGtt Publication Approved by The Board of Control THE CASE, LOCKWOOD ft BRAINARD CO. HARTFORD. CONN. PREFACE. This volume is published by the State of Connecticut, in accordance with Senate Joint Resolution No. 47, passed May 6, 19 19. Thirty- five hundred copies were authorized by the Board of Control. The introduction was kindly written, at my request, by George S. Godard, State Librarian. The plain facts are given in the report, no attempt being made to elaborate. The Registration Cards show that 1,387 state officers and members of the General Assembly and 465 other officials and invited guests; a total of 1,852 were present at the Centennial. A majority of the 803 additional members, who had signified their intention of being present, owing to the inclemency of the weather did not come. Two thousand one hundred and ninety state officers and members of the General Assembly acknowledged the receipt of the invitation sent out by the committee. The heartiest thanks of the Centennial Committee are extended to all who assisted in making the Centennial such a decided success. It is hoped this volume will prove of increasing interest and value. Mt^tiJZyZ^ 416725 INTRODUCTION. GEORGE S. GODARD, State Librarian. That was a remarkable gathering which met on Capitol Hill Wed- nesday, May 7, 1919. In response to an invitation from the General Assembly, extended through a Special Legislative Committee, con- sisting of three Senators and eight Representatives, working through William Harrison Taylor, " Souvenir Taylor," as its Secretary, those who had served the State as State Officers or members of the General Assembly, or officers thereof, came together to celebrate the One Hun- dredth Anniversary of the first meeting of the Connecticut General Assembly under our present Constitution. By special arrangements, Governor Marcus H. Holcomb welcomed the Ex-Governors in the Executive Chamber; Lieutenant-Governor Wilson welcomed the Lieutenant-Governors in his room; Secretary of State Perry, Treasurer Gilpatric, Comptroller Webster, and Attorney- General Healy, each welcomed their predecessors in their respective offices. In like manner the members of the Senate of 19 19 welcomed their predecessors by Districts, while the members of the House of 1919 received their predecessors by Counties. While the day was far from a pleasant one, those invited began to arrive early, and it was not long before the Capitol, brilliantly lighted for the occasion, was resounding with the merry laugh and hearty greetings of those who came from all parts of the State and were meeting those whom perhaps they had not met for many years. The brilliant lights, the hearty hand shakes, the cordial greetings, the united singing, the generous lunch, and the numerous signs of greet- ings and directions, characteristic of Secretary Taylor, all contributed towards making the day a success socially. The program which had been arranged for the occasion and which had to be presented in the Representatives Hall, rather than on the Capitol grounds as planned, was appreciated. The assemblage having been called to order by Senator Albert H. House, Chairman of the Centennial Committee, and prayer having been offered by Senate Chaplain Rev. Charles H. Puffer, the address of welcome by Governor Marcus H. Holcomb, the historical address by Ex-Governor and Ex-Chief Justice Hon. Simeon E. Baldwin, the poem upon " The Spirit, of Connecticut The Constitution State " by Herbert Randall, the address by Hon. Charles Hopkins Clark, Editor of the "HARTFORD COURANT," upon the Capitals and State Houses of Connecticut, and the addresses of Lieutenant-Governor Clifford B. Wilson, representing the Senate, and Speaker James F. Walsh, representing the House, all contributed to make the occasion a memorable one, as was evidenced by the hearty rendering of "America " which closed the program. At the State Library a special exhibit was made of all those items relating to the development of the Connecticut Constitution. In the exhibit was shown the old charter and the Constitution of 1818, both housed in an artistic fire-proof vault just under Stuart's portrait of Washington in Memorial Hall. In adjoining cases was a collection of the several revisions of Connecticut Law from the first one, together with the original manuscript journal of the Constitutional Convention of 18 1 8. The mural decoration by Albert Herter of New York, which occupies the panel back of the Judges Bench in the Supreme Court Room, commemorates the assembling of the citizens of Windsor, Hart- ford and Wethersfield at the moment they are about to adjourn, having completed the formulating of " THE ELEVEN FUNDAMENTAL ORDERS " now recognized to be the first written constitution in the modern sense. Thomas Hooker, occupying the central part of the scene, is shown in the act of making his famous declaration " In matters of greater consequence which concern the common good a General Council chosen by all to transact businesses which concern all I conceive under favor most suitable to rule and most safe for relief of the whole." This great declaration has been fittingly inscribed on a tablet inserted in the center of the tile floor in Memorial Hall at the State Library, which tile also shows the evolution of the seals of Connecticut. Probably for the first time the contents of the Connecticut Constitu- tion Tablet, erected on the northwest wall, near the battle flags, by the Daughters of the American Revolution, came to be appreciated. This epitome of Connecticut's unique place in modern political history, was for use at the Connecticut State Building at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition at St. Louis, 1904, by Mrs. John M. Holcombe of Hartford, a member of the National Board of Lady Managers. The frame which 6 was executed by Albert Entress of Hartford, except the inside moulding, which was made from an oaken beam taken from the most ancient of the Gold Street houses bordering the ancient cemetery in which the settlers of Hartford are buried, is of charter oak contributed by Mrs. Samuel Colt, Miss Alice Elliott Trumbull and Mrs. Holcombe. The four dates carved upon this frame, namely, 1639, tne Consti- tution born in Connecticut; 1662, charter secured by John Winthrop and an infant republic protected; 1687, charter hidden in the oak and the Republic preserved; 1789, adoption of the United States Constitu- tion on Connecticut Model, are pivotal dates in the history of Connecti- cut, whose position in political history is unique, as evidenced by the following quotations from leading historians, all of which have been so beautifully illuminated by Mr. Charles L. N. Camp of New Haven upon this our Connecticut Constitution Tablet : CONNECTICUT, THE CONSTITUTION STATE " The eleven fundamental orders of Connecticut, with their pre- amble, present the first example in history of a written constitution." Green : " Short History of the English People." " The birthplace of American democracy is Hartford ! Government of the people, by the poeple, and for the people first took shape in Connecticut. The American form of commonwealth originated in Connecticut and not in Massachusetts, Virginia, or any other colony. The Connecticut Constitution of 1639 was the first written constitution in the history of nations." Alexander Johnston. " It was the first written constitution known to history, that created a government." John Fiske. "Alone of "the thirteen colonies, Connecticut entered into the War of the Revolution with her governor and council at her head under the constitution of her Royal Charter." Leonard Woolsey Bacon. " It is on the banks of the Connecticut, under the mighty preaching of Thomas Hooker, and in the constitution to which he gave life, if not form, that we draw the first breath of that atmosphere which is now so familiar to us." Johnston: "Connecticut" (American Commonwealths.) " Thomas Hooker, the man who first made possible our American democracy." Elliott: "History of New England." " The Connecticut Constitution of 1639 is the foundation of the republican institutions of the colony and state. It may claim on higher considerations the attention of students of politics, science, and general history." J. Hammond Trumbull. " The first constitution written out as a complete frame of civil order in the new world embodies all the essential features of the con- stitutions of our states, and of the republic itself as they exist at the present day." Horace Bushnell. 7 Those who were permitted to witness and join in these anniversary exercises commemorating our first one hundred years under our present constitution, were impressed' with the great work which had been accomplished by those citizens of Connecticut who have " gone on before " and of responsibilities which rest upon those now living to see to it that those liberties, those opportunities, and those responsi- bilities which are ours shall be handed on inviolate, to those who shall assume the conduct of affairs in the days to come. All returned to their homes understanding as never before the real meanings of those declarations made upon the Connecticut Constitution Tablet now keeping company with those sacred flags which represent another side and another victory in the life of Connecticut. State Librarian. % CLERK'S REPORT. SOUTHINGTON, CONN., May 12, I919. General Assembly Centennial Committee, Wm. H. Taylor, Secretary, Hartford, Conn. My dear Taylor: — As per your request of the 7th inst, I herewith enclose my report, in brief, as clerk of the Centennial Committee : March 12, 1919 — At State Library. The meeting of the Com- mittee for the One Hundredth Anniversary of the first legislative meeting of the General Assembly under the present Constitution for the purpose of organization, was held at the State Library on March 12th, 1919. Present: Senators House, Hemenway and Bissell, and Representatives Eaton, Davis, Barnes, Wright, Geary and Alvord. Senator House was appointed Chairman and Mr. Barnes was appointed Clerk. VOTED That this Committee recommend that a Centennial Celebration be held on the 7th of May, 1919. Senators Hemenway and Messrs. Geary and Davis were appointed to prepare a program and proper bill to present to the legislature. VOTED That the exercises be confined to a literary and musical program. VOTED That a committee be appointed to wait on the Governor and learn his wishes regarding the details of the Centennial exercises. The Chairman appointed Senator Hemenway and Messrs, Eaton and Davis to wait on the Governor in accord with the above vote. VOTED That an appropriation not to exceed $5,000 be asked for. VOTED To adjourn subject to the call of the Chairman. March 2/, ipig — At State Library. The second meeting of the Committee was held on March 27th and was called to order at 2 :30 P. M. by the Chairman, Senator House. William Harrison Taylor and State Librarian Godard met with the Committee. Senator House reported that the report of the Preliminary Com- mittee advising the appropriation of five thousand dollars for this purpose had been passed by the General Assembly and the Preliminary Committee had been appointed a permanent committee to take in charge the arrangements for the centennial exercises. Senator Albert H. House of the 7th District was elected permanent Chairman. Representative Frank H. Barnes, Southington, Clerk, and William Harrison Taylor, Secretary. * Robert O. Eaton, North Haven ; William H. Hall, Willington, and Senator Charles C. Hemenway, Hartford, were elected Committee on Speakers. Senator House, State Librarian Godard and Mr. Taylor were appointed a Sub-committee on Printing and Badges and asked to report at the next meeting of the Committee, to be held Tuesday after- noon, April 1st, immediately after adjournment of the General Assembly. April 1, ipip — At Capitol. The third meeting of the Centennial Committee was held in the afternoon of April 1st, at the Capitol. House Chairman Davis presided. It was voted that the Secretary be directed to send circular latters, with attached blank for names, to the several members of the General Assembly, as per proof submitted. It was voted that three thousand badges be purchased from the Whitehead & Hoag Co., as per sample submitted, at a cost of 25 ^c each, total $765. It was voted that the contract for five thousand copper plate invitations be granted to the Gustave Fischer Co., for $435.00, Mr. Fischer to submit form of same for approval before printing. It was voted that the Secretary be instructed to send out these invitations at the earliest date possible. It was voted that the Secretary be instructed to communicate with the bandmaster of the Governor's Foot Guard Band, and report at the next meeting of the Committee. April J, igip — At State Library. The fourth meeting of the Centennial Committee was held on Thursday afternoon, April 3rd, at the State Library, Senator House presided. It was voted that the Secretary be instructed to engage the Governor's Foot Guard Band of thirty-five pieces, in accordance with terms submitted in a letter to him by Wm. M. Redfield, bandmaster. The following persons were appointed as members of the Recep- tion Committee of the Centennial : To receive ex-State Officials: Hon. Marcus JEL Holcomb, Gov- ernor; Hon. Clifford B. Wilson, Lieut.-Governor ; Hon. Frederick L. 10 Perry, Secretary; Hon. G. Harold Gilpatric, Treasurer; Hon. Morris C. Webster, Comptroller; Hon. Frank E. Healy, Attorney-General. To receive ex-Senators: The members of the Senate. To receive ex-Speakers: Hon. James F. Walsh, Speaker. To receive ex-Chaplains: Rev. Charles H. Puffer, Chaplain of the Senate ; Rev. Homer W. Hildreth, Chaplain of the House. To receive ex-Clerks: Edward J. Kenealy, Clerk of the Senate; Leo J. Noonan, Ass't Clerk of the Senate ; W. Arthur Countryman, Jr., Clerk of the House; J. Frederick Baker, Ass't Clerk of the House. To receive ex-Representatives : Mr. Stevens of Berlin, Mr. Green of Hartford, Mr. Beckwith of West Hartford, Mr. Turney of Windsor, Mr. Ney of Farmington, Mr. Brewer of East Hartford, Hartford County; Mr. Osborn of Branford, Mr. Walter of Cheshire, Mr. Healey of Waterbury, Mr. Gaillard of New Haven, Mr. Loucks of Wallingford, Mr. Pope of Oxford, New Haven County; Rev. Mr. Phillips of Huntington, Mr. Shaw of Redding, Mr. Huxford of Stam- ford, Mr. Morris of Newtown, Mr. Kenealy of Stamford, Mr. Bailey of Danbury, Fairfield County; Mr. Vincent of Kent, Mr. Jones of New Hartford, Mr. Rudd of Salisbury, Mr. Strong of Winchester, Mr. Curtiss of Woodbury, Mr. Green of New Milford, Litchfield County; Mr. Williams of Norwich, Mr. Smith of Groton, Mr. Allyn of Ledyard, Mr. McNicol of Griswold, Mr. Graham of Lisbon, Mr. Reynolds of Lyme, New London County; Mr. King of Windham, Mr. Franklin of Brooklyn, Mr. Dorrance of Plainfleld, Mr. Haines of Pomfret, Mr. Kent of Putnam, Mr. Baker of Ashford, Windham County; Mr. Emily of East Haddam, Mr. Wilcox of Middletown, Mr. Gates of Old Say- brook, Mr. Moore of Saybrook, Mr. Chittenden of Killingworth, Mr. Asman of Durham, Middlesex County; Mr. Talcott of Vernon, Mr. Higgins of Coventry, Mr. Cook of Andover, Mr. O'Halloran of Staf- ford, Mr. Fuller of Somers, Mr. Reed of Union, Tolland County. Resident Committee: Mayor Richard J. Kinsella, Chairman; Hon. Morgan G. Bulkeley, Hon. Frank A. Hagarty, Hon. Edward L. Smith, Hon. Charles Hopkins Clark, Hon. Newton C. Brainard. May i, ipig — At Capitol. The fifth meeting of the Committee was held on Thursday afternoon, May 1st, at the Capitol, Senator House presided. The Secretary reported that an excellent box lunch would be furnished by the Waldorf System (Baldwin Division) for 40c per box, including hot coffee. It was voted that his report be approved and that 2,500 boxes be ordered. It was voted to accept with heartiest thanks the kind offer of Representative Charles G. Morris, of Newtown, president of the New Haven Dairy Company, 11 to furnish 2,500 boxes of ice cream for the lunch with the compli- ments of the company. May 6, ipig — At Capitol. At the sixth meeting of the Com- mittee on Tuesday, May 6th, it was voted — That the Secretary be empowered by the Committee to purchase tokens, at a price not to exceed $20.00 each to be presented to the oldest member in point of years and that the oldest member in point of service and that the Speaker of the House be invited to present the tokens. May 7, 19 19 — At Capitol. On May 7th the Committee held a meeting in the forenoon for the purpose of completing arrangements for the day. May 8, ipip — At Capitol. The last meeting of the Committee was held late in the afternoon of May 8th, at the Capitol, when the following votes were past: VOTED VOTED VOTED That William H. Taylor be, and hereby is instructed to com- pile the records and statistics of the Centennial Celebration of the General Assembly held at the State Capitol on May 7th, 19 19. That William H. Taylor be allowed for his services as Secre- tary of the Centennial Committee and for compiling records of the Centennial Celebration, the balance of the appropria- tion (namely $1,513.26), after all bills have been paid, and any further sum the Board of Control may deem proper. That Secretary Taylor be instructed to extend a hearty vote of thanks from the Committee to George S. Godard, state libra- rian ; Morris C. Webster, comptroller ; George A. Parker, superintendent of parks ; Garrett J. Farrell, chief of police ; all those who took part in the literary exercises ; Charles Bart- lett, the V. M. C. A. song leader; Wm. M. Redfield, bandmaster of the Governor's Foot Guard Band ; Robert H. Morrison, manager of the Waldorf System (Baldwin Division) ; Repre- sentative Charles G. Morris, president of the New Haven Dairy Company, and all others who contributed to the success of the Centennial Celebration. Attest. C4*A, 12 FINANCIAL STATEMENT. RECEIPTS. March 19, 1919, State appropriation $5,000.00 EXPENDITURES. April 2, The Case, Lockwood & Brainard Co. : Stationery 3 I -50 April 5, Clark & Smith: Stationery 22.05 April 7, Clark & Smith : Stationery 6.75 vEtna Stamp Works : Rubber stamps 1.65 April 8, David A. Wilson, Postmaster: Postage stamps 255.60 April 22, Clark & Smith: Stationery 19-30 April 23, The A. Pindar Corp. : Engraving 3.25 April 25, Whitehead & Hoag Co. : 3,000 badges 765.00 April 28, The Gustave Fischer Co. : 5,000 sets copper engraved invitations 435 -oo May I, American Railway Express Co.: Express 3.47 May 6, Bill Brothers: Cartage 4.80 May 6, O. J. Hatfield : Placards 24.50 May 6, Daniel McAuliffe: Services 3.50 May 7, I. O. O. F. : Use of coffee cups 10.00 Wm. M. Redfield, Manager: Governor's Foot Guard Band 156.00 13 Robert H. Morrison, Manager Waldorf System (Baldwin Division) : 2,500 lunches 1,000.00 E. Habenstein: Catering 375-00 Lux, Bond & Lux, Inc. : Two loving cups and engraving .... 40.00 John Coombs : Flowers 70-75 The Case, Lockwood & Brainard Co. : 5,000 programs 86.65 May 8, Mrs. S. B. Greene : Services 45-00 Glenna A. Libby : Services 99.00 Young Men's Christian Association : Expenses of Song Leaders C. O. Pardo and Charles Bartlett (serv- ices free) 27.97 William Harrison Taylor: Services, etc 1,513.26 $5,000.00 (Attest) Secretary. 14 RESOLUTIONS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. The following actions were taken by the General Assembly in re- gard to the Centennial Celebration, as recorded in the Journals of the Senate and House. JOURNAL OF THE SENATE. Senate Joint Resolution No. 47. By Senator Hemenway of the Second District, a resolution concerning a celebration in commemora- tion of the One Hundredth Anniversary of the First Meeting of the Connecticut General Assembly, and calling for a committee of three Senators and six Representatives. On motion of Senator Hemenway of the Second District, the resolution was passed, under a suspension of the rules and transmitted to the House. The following is the resolution: Resolved by this Assembly: That a joint special committee consisting of three Senators to be appointed by the President of the Senate and six Representatives to be appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives is hereby raised for the purpose of preparing such legislation as it may believe to be necessary or suitable, and to introduce the same within thirty days from the passage hereof, relating to a legislative or public cele- bration to be held on the seventh day of May, 1919, in commemoration of the one hundredth anniversary of the first meeting of the Con- necticut General Assembly, Passed January 30. Senate Joint Resolution No. 47. (See House Journal, January 30th.) A resolution concerning a Celebration in Commemoration of the One Hundredth Anniversary of the First Meeting of the Con- necticut General Assembly, was received from the House, the resolu- tion having been amended by Schedule "A" and passed. The Senate had previously passed the resolution. On motion of Senator Klett of the Sixth District, the Senate re- considered its former action. The amendment was then adopted. The resolution was then passed as amended by Schedule "A." The following is the amendment: Schedule "A" At the end of line two, strike out the word u six," and insert in lieu thereof the word " eight." Passed February 5. 15 Senate Joint Resolution No. 47. (See Senate Journal, January 30th.) A resolution concerning a Celebration in Commemoration of the One Hundredth Anniversary of the First Meeting of the Con- necticut General Assembly, and calling for a committee of three Sena- tors and six Representatives. The President announced the following appointments to said com- mittee: Senators House of the Seventh District, Bissell of the Twenty-fourth District and Hemenway of the Second District. (Re- appointed as Senate Committee to make arangements for a public cele- bration). Passed February 13. Senate Bill No. 553. The report of the Special Committee on the One Hundredth Anniversary Celebration, on a bill entitled "An Act concerning a Celebration of the One Hundredth Anniversary of the First Meeting of the Connecticut General Assembly," recommending the reference of the bill to the Committee on Appropriations, was re- ceived from the House, the bill having been referred, and the report of the committee accepted. The bill was so referred, and the report of the committee accepted, in concurrence. Passed March 13. Senate Bill No. 553. (See Senate Journal, March 13th.) The report of the committee on Appropriations, on a bill entitled " An Act concerning a Celebration in Commemoration of the One Hundredth Anniversary of the First Meeting of the General Assembly," was taken from the table on motion of Senator Mead of the Twenty-seventh District, recommending the passage of the bill, was received. Under a suspension of the rules, the bill was read the third time, and explained by Senator Mead of the Twenty-seventh District, chair- man of the committee on the part of the Senate. The bill was then passed and the report of the committee accepted. The following is the bill: Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Assembly convened : Section 1. A special committee consisting of three senators to be appointed by the President of the Senate and eight representatives to be appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives is raised for the purpose of making such arrangements as may be suitable for the conduct of a public celebration to be held on the seventh day of May, 1919, in commemoration of the one hundredth anniversary of the first meeting of the Connecticut General Assembly under the constitu- tion adopted A. D. 1818, and to carry out the purposes of this act the sum of Five Thousand Dollars is appropriated, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to defray the expenses which may be incurred by said committee, and the comptroller is directed to draw his order on the treasurer for such expenses upon vouchers approved by a majority of the members of said committee. Sec. 2. This act shall take effect from its passage. Passed March 18. 16 The following resolution was introduced by Senator House of the Seventh District: Senate Joint Resolution No. 85. Resolution authorizing the Pub- lication of Report of the Committee on the General Assembly Cen- tennial. Under a suspension of the rules, the resolution was read the third time, and explained by Senator House of the Seventh District. The resolution was then passed. The following is the resolution. Resolved by this Assembly : That the comptroller shall cause to be printed, at the expense of the state, such number of copies of the report of the committee on the general assembly centennial as the board of control shall determine, not exceeding thirty-five hundred copies. Passed May 6. JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE. The following resolution was received from the Senate, having been passed and transmitted under a suspension of the rules : Senate Joint Resolution No. 47. Resolution concerning a Cele- bration in Commemoration of the First Meeting of the Connecticut General Assembly. On motion of Mr. King of Windham, the resolution was tabled. Passed January 30. Senate Joint Resolution No. 47. Resolution concerning a Cele- tion in Commemoration of the One Hundredth Anniversary of the First Meeting of the Connecticut General Assembly. On motion of Mr. King of Windham, the resolution was taken from the table. The resolution was then amended. The resolution was then passed as amended, under a suspension of the rules. The resolution is as follows : Resolved by this Assembly : That a joint special committee consisting of three senators to be appointed by the president of the Senate and six representatives to be appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives is hereby raised for the purpose of preparing such legislation as it may believe to be necessary or suitable, and to introduce the same within thirty days from the passage hereof, relating to a legislative or public celebration to be held on the Seventh Day of May, 1919, in commemoration of the One Hundredth Anniversary of the first meeting of the Connecticut General Assembly: The amendment is as follows : Schedule "A" "At the end of line two, strike out the word ' six,' and insert in lieu thereof the word ' eight \" Passed January 31. 2 17 The Speaker announced the following appointments to special committee : Committee raised 'by Senate Joint Resolution No. 47, concerning a celebration in commemoration of the One Hundredth Anniversary of the First Meeting of the Connecticut General Assembly : Messrs. Davis of Danbury, Hall of Wellington, Eaton of North Haven, Wright of Pomfret, Barnes of Southington, Alvord of Torrington, Geary of Waterford, Caine of Naugatuck. (Re-appointed as House Committee to make arrangements for a public celebration.) Passed February 20. Senate Joint Resolution No. 47. (See House Journal, January 31st.) The report of the Joint Special Committee on a resolution concerning a celebration in commemoration of the one hundredth anni- versary of the first meeting of the Connecticut General Assembly, recommending the rejection of the resolution and the passage of a sub- stitute bill therefor and the reference of the substitute bill to the com- mittee on Appropriations, was received from the Senate, the substitute bill having been so referred, and the report of the committee accepted. The House concurred in the action of the Senate. Passed March 13. Senate Joint Resolution No. 47. (See House Journal, March 13th.) The report of the committee on Appropriations, on a resolution concerning a Celebration in Commemoration of the One Hundredth Anniversary of the First Meeting of the Connecticut General Assembly, recommending the rejection of the resolution and the passage of a sub- stitute bill therefor (Senate Bill No. 553, entitled " An Act authorizing a Celebration in Commemoration of the One Hundredth Anniversary of the First Meeting of the Connecticut General Assembly"), was received from the Senate, the bill having been passed, under a suspen- sion of the rules, and the report of the committee accepted. Under a suspension of the rules, the substitute bill was read the third time, and explained by Mr. Davis of Danbury. The substitute bill was then passed, and the report of the committee accepted, in concurrence. The following is the bill : Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Assembly convened: Section 1. A special committee consisting of three senators to be appointed by the President of the Senate and eight representatives to be appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives is raised for the purpose of making such arrangements as may be suitable for 18 the conduct of a public celebration to be held on the seventh day of May, 1919, in commemoration of the one hundredth anniversary of the first meeting of the Connecticut General Assembly under the con- stitution adopted A. D. 181 8, and to carry out the purposes of this act and the sum of Five Thousand Dollars is appropriated, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to defray the expenses which may be in- curred by said committee, and the comptroller is directed to draw this order on the treasurer for such expenses upon vouchers approved by a majority of the members of said committee. Sec. 2. This act shall take effect from its passage. Passed March 19. The following resolution was received from the Senate, and passed, under a suspension of the rules, in concurrence : Senate Joint Resolution No. 85. Resolution authorizing the Pub- lication of Report of the committee on the General Assembly Centen- nial. The following is the resolution : Resolved by this Assembly: That the comptroller shall cause to be printed, at the expense of the State, such number of copies of the report of the committee on the General Assembly Centennial as the Board of Control shall determine, not exceeding thirty-five hundred copies. Passed May 6. 19 PRELIMINARY WORK. Special notices in regard to the General Assembly Centennial were printed in the " Legislative Bulletin " throughout the session. The first notice appeared January 23rd and was as follows : " It is proposed that the members of the General Assembly meet in the House at an early date for the purpose of considering the advisability of appointing a special committee on Centennial of the General Assembly, under the present Constitution, Wednesday, May 7, 1919, and to take such action as is deemed proper. All members in favor of the proposed Centennial will please see William H. Taylor, Compiler of the Pocket Manual, for further particulars." The first meeting of the Centennial Committee, which was later appointed, was held at the State Library March 12th, and the call for adjourned meetings appeared regularly in the Bulletin. In order to ascertain the names and residences of all the surviving state officers, senators and representatives, a circular-letter was sent by the Secretary, for the Committee, to all the members of the 1919 Legislature, as follows : " In order that the necessary arrangements for the celebration of the One Hundredth Anniversary of the General Assembly of Connecticut, under our present Constitution, May 7, 1919, may be made, your special committee appointed to arrange for the same, ask your immediate assistance in com- piling a list of all those now living who have at any time served either as State Officials, or as members or officials of the General Assembly. In order that such a list may be available for the use of the committee at an early date, each member of the General Assembly is urged to write upon the accompanying sheet, the name, and if possible the address, of all such State Officials and members and officials of the General Assembly now or heretofore residing in his town. These lists should be handed to the Clerks of the Senate or House, or mailed as soon as possible to the Secretary of the Committee, P. O. Box 1242, Hartford. It is hoped that this, our Second Legislative General Reunion, may sur- pass the first one, held in 1886, when of the four thousand seven hundred and eighty-two reported as then living, two thousand four hundred and ninty-one were present, as shown by the official register in the State Library. Connecticut expects every man to do his duty." The accompanying sheet was headed: 20 >/n#b*07&€€> tyt^e/fr/tjy, ^/tlo^/y 7~s/.9S<9 A?09n/me*bC€n& sowse/etten/ ^.c/ock/ ywzrtwtzs t^yi/tMe/6, wAtr/s^zl &.&^/i4mjO€Mf' V/ty t^A^ / fo*s;iomSpriiisa,l907-Hlt >) !Giutn$ 101 FREDERICK L. PERRY Secretary, 1917 — Hon. Frederick L. Perry, of New Haven, Secretary of State since 1917, was born at Manchester, March 14, 1871. Was educated in the public schools and in Beacon Academy, at Colchester. Was admitted to the Bar in 1897 after having graduated from Yale Law School. He is a Republican and was president of the Board of Alder- men for two terms, 1910 to 1914. Represented New Haven in Gen- eral Assembly of 1915. Elected Secretary of State in 1916 and re- elected in 1918. Secretary of the Board of Selectmen of New Haven which passed out of existence at the time of the consolidation of town and city governments in 1897. Was also Secretary of Shell-Fish Commission for a number of years previous to becoming Secretary of State. TREASURERS E. STEVENS HENRY Treasurer, 1889- 1893 Hon. Edward Stevens Henry, of Vernon (Rockville), State Treasurer from 1889 to 1893, was born in Gill, Mass., February 10, 1836. He is the oldest son of Edward F. and Eliza A. (Stevens) Henry. At the age of twelve he removed with his parents to Rock- ville, where he was educated in the public schools of that town. At the age of nineteen he entered the dry goods business and soon be- came actively interested in the organization and management of the leading financial institutions of Rockville. In this work, in public service, and the care of his large estate and as a breeder of thorough- bred stock he has spent his life. He was an organizer and has, for many years been treasurer of the People's Savings Bank of Rock- ville. The public positions which Mr. Henry has held have been many and important. For fifteen years he was active trial justice at Rockville; in 1883 he was a member of the Connecticut House of Representatives; in 1887 was a State Senator; in 1894 he was Mayor of Rockville and in the same year was elected a member of Congress. He served as a member of the fifty-fourth to the sixty-second Con- gresses (1895 to 191 3), and his long term of office justly gained for him the title of "Veteran Congressman." In 1888, Mr. Henry was delegate-at-large to the Republican National Convention at Chicago. He is a member of the Sons of the American Revolution, the American Jersey Cattle Club, the Connecticut Historical Club and the fraternal order of Masons. On February 11, i860, Mr. Henry married Lucina E. Dewey of Lebanon. 101 CHARLES W. GROSVENOR Treasurer, 1897- 1899 Hon. Charles W. Grosvenor, of Pomfret, State Treasurer from 1897 and 1899, was born in Pomfret, May II, 1839. He is the eldest son of John W. and Phebe G. (Spaulding) Grosvenor. He and his, brother Benjamin have been largely the means of making Pomfret one of the leading summer resorts of New England. Mr. Grosvenor during the rebellion served as sergeant of Co. D., 18th Conn. Vol. He is past Commander of the A. G. Warner Post, G. A. R., of Putnam. He was a member of the House of Representatives in 1881 and 1885 and a member of the Senate in 1886. He has been president of the Windham County Agricultural Society; first vice-president of the Woodstock Agricultural Society and president of the Eighteenth Connecticut Volunteers' Association. HENRY H. GALLUP Treasurer, 1 901 -1905 Hon. Henry Haskell Gallup, of Norwich, State Treasurer from 1901 to 1905, was born in the town of Preston, June 2, 1846. He is the son of Isaac and Maria Theresa (Davis) Gallup. He traces his ancestry through many generations to John Gallup, a native of Dor- setshire, England, who came to this country in 1630. After receiv- ing his education in the public and private schools, he was engaged in teaching for four winters. At the age of twenty-two he went to Norwich and began work as a clerk in a store. On March 1, 1871, he became partner in a firm engaged in the leather and finding trade. In 1873, with others, he formed the Norwich Belt Manufacturing Company, with which he has been associated ever since, and from December, 1892 to Jan. 1, 1902, he was the sole proprietor. The com- pany was then incorporated and he has since been Treasurer, Presi- dent and now Chairman of Board of Directors and General Manager. From 1888 to 1909 he was a director in the Thames National Bank and has been president of the Norwich Industrial Building Company since its organization. He was also president of the " Norwich Bulle- tin " Company, is a vice-president of the Chelsea Savings Bank, was president of the Crescent Fire Arms Company for twenty-six years and is president of the Smith Granite Company, of Westerly, R. I.. 102 JAMES F. WALSH Treasurer, 1905- 1907 Hon. James F. Walsh, of Greenwich, State Treasurer from 1905 to 1907, was born in Lewisboro, N. Y., March 15, 1864, and is a son of James F. and Annie E. Walsh. He was educated in the public schools of his native town, and at the age of eighteen re- moved to Greenwich where he entered the law office of his brother, Hon. R. J. Walsh, as student. On January 20, 1888, he was admitted to the Fairfield County Bar, continuing to practice in partnership with his brother until January, 1890, when he opened an office of his own. He has met with signal success, having built up an unusually large and lucrative practice. He was prosecuting attorney of the Borough Court from its organization in 1888 until June, 1905, when he re- signed upon being appointed by Governor Roberts, Judge of the Criminal Court of Common Pleas of Fairfield County. Judge Walsh is a strong Republican, a highly respected member of the Episcopal Church, I. O. O. F., and Indian Harbor Yacht Club. He married April 11, 1893, Emily Gene Tweedale, the daughter of Joseph Tweedale of Portchester, N. Y. Judge Walsh has been a member of the House of Representatives two sessions, 1901 and 1919, being Speaker of the House the present session. In 1907, as Senate Chairman of the Judiciary Committee, he was the leader of the Senate. FREEMAN F. PATTEN Treasurer, 1907-1911 Hon. Freeman F. Patten, of Stafford (Stafford Springs), State Treasurer from 1907 to 191 1, was born in that town, November 3, 1856. After receiving a common school education in his home town and three years of more advanced training at the Wesleyan Academy at Wilbraham, Mass., he, at the age of nineteen, became clerk in the savings bank at Stafford Springs. Two years later he started his successful career as a woolen manufacturer. In 1900, Mr. Patten retired after an experience of a quarter of a century in the woolen business. Since then he has given his time to the management of his extensive real estate holdings and to the filling of various public positions. He has served as treasurer and later warden of the Bor- ough of Stafford Springs; treasurer of the school district; director of the local Savings Bank; governor of the Country Club and presi- dent of Stafford Springs Cemetery Association. He is a Republican in politics, a Methodist in creed and a Shriner in fraternal affiliations, He represented Stafford in the General Assembly of 1905. 103 COSTELLO LIPPITT Treasurer, 1911-1913 Hon. Costello Lippitt, of Norwich, State Treasurer from 191 1 to 1 91 3, was born in East Killingly, December 12, 1842, and when ten years old removed with his parents to Norwich. His education was acquired in the district schools of his native town, the public schools and Free Academy of Norwich and Wesleyan University, where he was graduated with the degree of A.B. In 1867, the degree of M.A. was conferred upon him. Upon leaving college Mr. Lippitt entered the Thames National Bank, but in 1865 accepted a clerkship in the Norwich Savings Society, and since 1881 has been secretary and treasurer of this bank, which ranks as second largest savings bank in the State. He is also president of the Merchants National Bank. Mr. Lippitt is a Republican and thirty-third degree Mason. He has been prominent in local politics and has served his city as Mayor. EDWARD S. ROBERTS Treasurer, 1913-1915 Hon. Edward Spellman Roberts, of North Canaan, State Treas- urer from 191 3 to 191 5, is a native of Goshen and was born April 15, 1842. He is the son of Frederick and Hannah (Spellman) Roberts and on September 4, 1867 married Lois Jane Briggs of East Canaan. In July, 1862, he enlisted in Co. F., 2nd Regiment, Connecticut Volunteers, and served as 1st Sergeant until the close of the war. He taught school twelve years and for over twenty years has been secretary, treasurer and general manager of the East Canaan Co- operative Creamery Company and a director of the Norfolk Savings Bank. He has represented his town in the General Assembly two sessions, 1875 and 1889, and has been Chairman of the School Board of East Canaan and a Justice of the Peace for many years. He is a Royal Arch Mason; Past Master of the Blue Lodge; Past Commander Department of Connecticut G. A. R. and a member of the Patrons of Husbandry. FREDERICK S. CHAMBERLAIN Treasurer, 1915-1919 Hon. Frederick Stanley Chamberlain, of New Britain, State Treasurer from 191 5 to 1919, was born in New Britain, August 19, 1872, the oldest child of Valentine B. and Anna (Smith) Chamber- 104 lain. He was educated in the public schools of New Britain and at the age of sixteen he obtained a position with the Mechanics National Bank as office boy, remaining with that bank until 1907, when, being assistant cashier, he resigned to take the position of cashier and direc- tor of the New Britain National Bank, the position which he now holds. He has always been a Republican and was for several years a representative of the third ward as councilman and alderman, resigning the office of alderman in 1908 after having been elected City Treasurer. Mr. Chamberlain has been elected to that office each election since, and for several years without any opposition, having had the uncontested support of both Republicans and Demo- crats. On November 18, 1919 he resigned the office of City Treasurer, to become a director of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Mr. Chamberlain represented the city of New Britain in the State Legis- lature in 1909 and was House Chairman of the Committee on Appro- priations. He has also been President of the Board of Finance and Taxation since its inception. G. HAROLD GILPATRIC Treasurer, 1919 — Hon. G. Harold Gilpatric, of Putnam, the present State Treas- urer, was born in Warren, R. L, July 8, 1881. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Gilpatric and removed with his parents to Putnam when he was but two years old. He was educated in the public schools of Putnam and graduated from the Putnam High School in the class of 1899. At the age of eighteen he began his suc- cessful business career by entering the First National Bank of Putnam. In January, 1908, he became cashier and still holds that important position. He has been an active member of the Republi- can State Central Committee for nine years. On October 19, 1905, Mr. Gilpatric married Miss Irene Wheelock, daughter of the late Hon. Eugene A. Wheelock, formerly head of the Putnam Woolen Company. They have three children, a daughter and two sons. Among the varied business interests with which Mr. Gilpatric is identified aside from cashier of the bank, is president of the Paris, Kentucky, Water Company; director of the Adrian, Michigan, Water Company; member of the board of water commissioners of the city of Putnam; treasurer of the Putnam Foundry & Machine Corpora- tion, and a director of the Putnam Woolen Company. Fraternally Mr. Gilpatric is a Mason and past master of the 105 Quinebaug Lodge of Putnam, a Shriner and Knight Templar; also member of the Odd Fellows and Elks, and president of the Putnam Country Club. Mr. Gilpatric was the first county chairman of the State Council of Defense and was local chairman of the Liberty Loan campaigns. In November, 19 18 he was elected State Treasurer for the term of two years, 1919-1921. COMPTROLLERS FRANK D. SLOAT Comptroller, 1883-1885 Gen. Frank D. Sloat, of New Haven (now of Washington, D. C.)j State Comptroller from 1883 to 1885, was born at Fishkill, N. Y., September 28, 1835. When quite young he moved to Putnam County, N. Y., where he worked summers for his father and others at farm work and attended the district school winters. When he was nearly seventeen he became a clerk in a country store and later was a clerk in New York City. He then became a salesman for the New York Steam Heating Company and two years later, in 1859, he be- came manager of the company's manufactory, located at New Haven. He was occupying that position when the war of the Rebellion com-* menced. He became an active member of the New Haven Grays and in the early autumn of 1862 enlisted in a company then recruiting for the 14th Regiment C. V. Being too late to enter that regiment, his company was assigned to the 27th Regiment, C. V. He was elected Second Lieutenant and later appointed First Lieutenant and pro- moted to Captain of the company. He was engaged in the battles of Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville, and was among those of his company sent to Libby Prison. The term of service of the regiment having expired it returned to New Haven, where General Sloat accepted the position of bookkeeper and confidential secretary for Mr. C. S. Bushnell. Between 1867 and 1870, he had charge of a large iron interest in Wisconsin. He then became treasurer of the Victor Sewing Machine Company at Middletown and in 1873 was also elected president, which position he held for several years. General Sloat is a prominent Mason and member of the G. A. R. He is past-Commander of Admiral Foote Post, G. A. R. of New Haven. He served on Governor Andrew's staff as Paymaster-General and under Governor Bigelow as Quartermaster-General. Gen. Sloat for many years has held the important position of Financial Clerk in the Patent Office at Washington, D. C. 106 ASAHEL W. MITCHELL Comptroller, 1905- 1907 Hon. Asahel W. Mitchell, of Woodbury, State Comptroller from 1905 to 1907, is the son of Hon. Asahel W. and Harriet (Allen) Mitchell and was born in Woodbury, October 16, 1865. Mr. Mitchell was in 1883 with the Bradstreet commercial agency at New Haven, after which he was in the office of the American Ring Company at Waterbury. Owing to the failing health of his father he went home, in October, 1887, to take charge of his affairs and has resided in Woodbury ever since. His father died September 10, 1888. Mr. Mitchell has been superintendent of the Woodbury Water Company for many years. He has held the offices of town clerk, auditor and justice of the peace for several years. He was a member of the House in 1897 and the Senate in 1899. DANIEL P. DUNN Comptroller, 1913-1915 Hon. Daniel P. Dunn, of Windham (Willimantic), State Comp- troller from 1913 to 1915, was born in that town September 14, 1859. He was married April 23, 1889, to Miss Julia A. Rice, of Hartford. He has been engaged in the newspaper, cigar and tobacco business since 1884. He is affiliated closely with several fraternal organiza- tions, amongst them being San Jose Council, No. 14, K. of C. ; Court Windham, No. 97, F. of A ; Willimantic Conclave, No. 751, I. O. H. ; Division No. 1, A. O. H. and Norwich Lodge, No. 430, B. P. of Elks. He was one of the incorporators of the St. Joseph's Hospital ; also an active member of the Putnam Phalanx, of Hartford. He has held several political offices, including Mayor and Registrar of Voters. He is a Democrat and was a member of the General Assembly four sessions, 1903, 1907, 1909 and 191 1. MORRIS C. WEBSTER Comptroller, 191 5 — Hon. Morris Catlin Webster,' of Harwinton, State Comptroller since 191 5, was born at Harwinton, September 28, 1848, and is a lineal descendant of John Webster, who was one of Connecticut's Colonial Governors, serving two terms, 1656-57; three of his ances- tors were Revolutionary soldiers and one earned distinction by carry- ing General Arnold, when wounded, from the battlefield at Saratoga. 107 Through his mother he is connected with the Catlin family, so many of whom have held prominent and responsible positions in the State. Mr. Webster was educated at Winchester Institute, then a flourishing military academy in charge of Col. Ira W. Pettibone, and began busi- ness in the employ of Hart, Merriam & Co., of Hartford, where he remained six years. From Hartford he went to Milwaukee, thence to New York, then engaged for himself in business at Terry ville, and in 1878 accepted the position of secretary and superintendent of The Malleable Iron Works in New Britain, which he held until May 16, 1902. In New Britain Mr. Webster began his political career. He served three years in the Common Council; fifteen years on the School Board; was Representative in the Legislature of 1897, and has served two years as Mayor. He was Building and Loan Com- missioner from March, 1891 to 1907 and a member of the General Assembly, from Harwinton, two consecutive sessions, 191 1 and 1913, being Speaker of the House of Representatives the latter session. ATTORNEYS-GENERAL CHARLES PHELPS Attorney-General, 1899- 1903 (See Secretaries for biographical sketch.) WILLIAM A. KING Attorney-General, 1903- 1907 Hon. William Albert King, of Windham (Willimantic), Attor- ney-General from 1903 to 1907, was born in Greenfield, Mass., July 22, 1855. He was educated at Monson Academy and Amherst College, graduating in the class of 1878. He was admitted to the Bar in 1880, locating at Stafford Springs. Since 1889, he has been successfully engaged in the practice of law at Willimantic. He was a member of the General Assembly from Stafford in 1882 and from Windham in 1899, 1901 and 1919. The last two sessions he was Republican leader of the House, being chairman of the Judiciary Committee. In 1901 he was a member of the Commission to revise the Statutes. MARCUS H. HOLCOMB Attorney-General, 1 907-1910 (See Governors for biographical sketch). 108 S^^^r^Tps Tfi William A. King ^^arcuTTTirF^ Attorneys-Centra] of (fonnecticul JOHN H. LIGHT Attorney-General, 1910-1915 Hon. John H. Light, of Norwalk, Attorney-General, was appointed September 15, 1910, by Governor Weeks to fill the un- expired term of Marcus H. Holcomb and in November, 1910, was elected for the full term of four years commencing on the 4th day of January, 191 1. He was born in Carmel, Putnam County, New York, on March 27, 1855, and graduated from the Chamberlain In- stitute, at Randolph, N. Y., with honors, in 1880. In 1883 he was admitted to the Fairfield County Bar and has since successfully con- tinued in the practice of law in South Norwalk. In 1884, he was appointed attorney for the city, and filled that office continuously, under both Democratic and Republican administrations for twenty- four years. In February, 1896, Mr. Light was appointed Prosecuting Attorney of the Criminal Court of Common Pleas for Fairfield County, and held that office until November 5, 1900, when by Governor George E. Lounsbury, he was appointed Judge of the same Court, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Judge R. Jay Walsh, of Greenwich. By the next General Assembly, Mr. Light was appointed Judge of said Court for the unexpired portion of Judge Walsh's term, and was also appointed for the full term of four years, beginning July 1, 1901. Judge Light was a member of the General Assembly in 1899 and 1901, the latter session being Speaker of the House. He has held several other offices including: member of the Committee of the South Norwalk School District; member School Board of the Town of Norwalk ; acting school visitor ; president and director of the Public Library; director of the City National Bank of South Norwalk; one of the managers and Board of Directors of the South Norwalk Savings Bank and treasurer of Fairfield County. GEORGE E. HINMAN Attorney-General, 191 5- 19 19 Hon. George E. Hinman, of Windham (Willimantic), Attorney- General from 191 5 to 1919, was assistant clerk of the House of Representatives in 1899, clerk of the House in 1901, assistant clerk of the Constitutional Convention in 1902, clerk of the Senate, 1903, clerk of bills, 1905, 1907, and 191 1, engrossing clerk in 1909. In January, 1919, he was appointed by Governor Holcomb a judge of 109 the superior court for the term of eight years from August 23, 1919. He was born in Alford, Mass., May 7, 1870, graduated from the Great Barrington (Mass.), high school in 1888, engaged in news- paper work, coming to Willimantic in 1901, and was for three years editor of the Willimantic Journal. Resigning this position in 1895, he studied law in the office of former Attorney-General Wm. A. King and at the Yale Law School, was admitted to the Bar in March, 1899, and has since practiced successfully in Willimantic. In addition to the above-mentioned state offices, he was county health officer from 1903 to 1914, secretary of the Republican State Central Committee 1902 to 1914, and has held several town and city offices. He married, September 26, 1899, Nettie P. Williams of Willimantic. They have two children, Russell W., born January 30, 1907, and Virginia G., born August 23, 1909. FRANK E. HEALY Attorney-General, 1919 — Hon. Frank E. Healy, of Windsor Locks, the present Attorney- General of the State, was born in Windsor Locks, November 8, 1869. He was graduated with honors from the Law School at Yale, in the class of '93, and during his course there took the Kent Club prize for oratory. In June, 1893, he was admitted to the Bar, and has since practiced law in Hartford. He was Assistant Clerk of the House of Representatives of '97, Clerk in '99, Clerk of the Senate in 1901, Clerk of the Constitutional Convention in 1902, Clerk of Bills in 1903, and Engrossing Clerk in 1905. He has had the honor of being a leading member of the General Assembly three consecu 7 tive sessions. In the session of 1913, he was the Republican Leader of the House, being chairman of the Judiciary Committee, and in the sessions of 191 5 and 1917, he was Speaker of the House. He was Tax Commissioner from 1905 to 1907; has been an active member of the Republican State Central Committee for many years and was a member of the Commission to revise the Statutes in 191 5. In November, 1918, he was elected Attorney-General for a term of four years, beginning in January, 1919. 110 LOVING CUPS Presented fro Chester &JXXtnx4f#vd Oldest Living Member of the General Assembly 6 Born -October 26 1814- ' House o-f Representatives 1858 October ISHSez yHl^-^^Of^ 1853, 1864) IS65, «875 OLDEST LIVING LEGISLATORS. The two silver loving cups, presented by Speaker James F. Walsh, in behalf of the State, to Chester R. Woodford of Avon and Colonel Albert L. Hodge of Roxbury, in the House of Representatives on May 7th were, after they had been suitably engraved, personally presented to them early in June. Senator Albert H. House, chairman of the Centennial Committee motored to Avon and presented Mr. Woodford his loving cup in the following words : Mr. Woodford, it is with great pleasure and honor that I pre- sent to you, as chairman of the 1919 Centennial Committee of the state of Connecticut, a loving cup. This cup is given to you as a token of friendship and esteem as being the oldest living member who has rep- resented our state in the Legislature, and we congratulate you and your family for the many years of service that you have been able to render your town and state. We trust that this loving cup will be handed down by you to the future generations so that at the two hundredth anniversary in the year 2019 some member of your family will be able to attend and carry with them a message informing the assembly that this cup is now held by the family as a great treasure, it being presented to you by the State in 1919. Once more I can assure you that I deem it a great honor to be privileged to converse with you, the oldest legislator of this good old state, and I trust that in the future you may enjoy all the pleasures of living as you have in the past. Secretary Taylor of the Committee supplemented Senator House's remarks with a few appropriate words. Mr. Woodford, his son and two daughters, who were present, extended their heartfelt thanks to the state and the committee for the loving cup which bears the follow- ing inscription : Presented to Chester R. Woodford, Esq., Avon, Oldest Living Member. Born October 26, 1814. House of Representatives, 1858. Ill The loving cup for Colonel Hodge was presented to him by Rev. James O. Emerson, the member of the House of Representatives from Roxbury. His presentation speech was as follows: Colonel Hodge: One hundred and one years ago the people of Connecticut registered the changes in their sentiments and customs by the adoption of a new constitution. The following year the General Assembly of the State met for the first time under its new constitution. It seemed desirable to the members of the General Assembly in its January session of 1919 that some suitable recognition should be made of this one-hundredth anniversary of the beginning of the work of this body under the present order. A program was accordingly ar- ranged for the 7th day of May. It consisted in a reunion of those who had served the State either in the General Assembly or other offices at which speeches were made by the Governor and other State officials, also by other distinguished men who reviewed the history of the State's constitutional life and seats of government, and other appro- priate exercises were enjoyed. On that occasion you were present. It was noted at that time, that your life, lacking some three years, had run parallel with that of the General Assembly as at present consti- tuted. It was also noted that your first term as a member of the General Assembly antedates that of any other member now living. The committee in charge felt that such a circumstance deserved some consideration at their hands. They have therefore procured this beautiful loving cup, which they have had suitably engraved, and which they have sent to me, as a member of the present General Assembly from your town, with the request that, on behalf of the State, I present it to you, as a token of the esteem and honor in which you are held. With the congratulations and best wishes therefore of the committee, and of your fellow citizens of the State, I with the greatest pleasure, perform the task assigned me, and present you, on behalf of the State, this loving cup. Colonel Hodge responded as follows: Representative Emerson: I wish to thank you and through you, the Legislature of 1919, for the beautiful loving cup you have just handed me. Growing old may have its drawbacks, but it certainly has its happy moments. I have lived a long and happy life, and some of its most pleasant moments have been spent in the Legislature of our good old State. This cup, this gift, this last token of remembrance seems to fill out — fill-me-up, and all I can say more, is I thank you. 112 The inscription on the cup for Colonel Hodge is : Presented to Albert L. Hodge, Esq., Roxbury, Oldest Living Member in Point of Service. Born October 15, 1822. House of Representatives 1 853- 1 864- 1 865 and 1875. On the reverse side of both the cups is the following inscriptions : State of Connecticut. The One Hundred Anniversary of the First Meeting of the General Assembly Under the Present Constitution, Capitol, Hartford. Wednesday, May 7, 19 19. The Secretary also presented to Mr. Woodward a penny of 1814 and one of 1918, and to Colonel Hodge a penny of 1822 and one of 1918. CHESTER R. WOODFORD. Oldest Living Member. Hon. Chester Randolph Woodford, of Avon, the oldest living member of the General Assembly, was born October 26, 18 14, in that part of the town of Farmington called Northington, now known as Avon. He is the seventh generation in descent from Thomas Wood- ford, a native of England, who came to America at an early age, locating first at Cambridge, Mass. In 1633, Thomas Woodford came to Hartford with Rev. Thomas Hooker's company and during his resi- dence there he took an active part in the affairs of the colony, serving as town crier and fence viewer among other offices. Joseph Wood- ford, the next in line of descent was born in Hartford, and in 1666 removed to Farmington, where he became an extensive land owner. Joseph Woodford, 2nd, was born in 1677 in Farmington and also owned a large tract of land, and was engaged in farming. The Wood- ford's owned nearly all the land in the " Society of Northington " — the part of the town where they located. Captain William Woodford, our subject's great-grandfather, was born in Northington, and became a leading citizen and prominent agriculturist of Farmington. During the Revolutionary War, he was captain of a company. Captain Dudley Woodford, the grandfather of our subject, was a large land owner, and spent his entire life on the old homestead. Like his father, 8 113 he was active during the Revolution and also was captain of a company. Chester Woodford, father of our subject, was born in 1782 on the old homestead and in 181 1, he married Stella Bishop, who died in 1887, at the ripe old age of ninety-seven. They had five children of which Chester Randolph was the second. Mr. Woodford spent several years traveling as collector and salesman for a clock company and in 1838 went to Illinois, where he was engaged in the clock business and fur trade with his uncle, Joseph Bishop. In 1841 he returned to his native town, where he bought a hundred-acre tract known as the Webster farm; here he has since been engaged in the growing of tobacco and dairying. He was the first tobacco grower in the town of Avon, and dealt extensively in tobacco for several years as a member of the firm of Wheeler & Co. He built his present house in 1855. He was president of the Avon Creamery for several years. Mr. Woodford was the member of the General Assembly from Avon in 1858, and has for many years served his town as selectman, tax collector, assessor and justice of the peace. For eighty-five years he has been a member of the Congregational Church, with which his family had been identified from an early period. He cast his first vote for Martin Van Buren, and since the formation of the Republican party he has been a staunch supporter. In 1840 Mr. Woodford was married, in Avon, to Harriet, daughter of Ashbel and Esther (Bissell) Webster, who died in 1898. Six children were born to their union: Mary Estella, Anna Maria, Frederick Gustavus, Prescott Hamilton, Harriet Elizabeth and Carrie Annette. Prescott H., who was a member of the Legislature in 1913, now operates the home farm for his father. ALBERT L. HODGE. Oldest Living Member in Point of Service. Hon. Albert Lafayette Hodge, of Roxbury, oldest member of the General Assembly in point of service, was born in Roxbury, October 15, 1822. He is the son of Chauncey and Ruth Ann (Bunnell) Hodge. His great-grandfather, Daniel Hodge, was killed, near Stam- ford, during the Revolutionary War. His grandfather, Philo Hodge, was at the battle of Bunker Hill and served throughout the war. His war record shows three enlistments. Albert L. Hodge, for fifteen years, worked on the farm in summer and taught school in winter. On May 16, 1845, ne was chosen Colonel of the Twelfth Regiment Infantry, which position he held until the law was changed. In July, 114 1 866, he entered the employ of the American Steel Company, and later was promoted to superintendent. In 1870, in connection with J. B. Leavenworth, he laid the foundation of his present successful coal, lumber and hardware business. The business has for several years been carried on under the firm name of A. L. Hodge & Son. Mr. Hodge has held several town offices including: selectman, constable, grand juror, justice of the peace, member of the Board of Relief and postmaster. He has had the honor to represent his town in the Legislature four sessions, 1853, 1864, 1865 and 1875. He is a prominent member of the Masonic fraternity, being past master of Rising Star Lodge, No. 2J, A. F. & A. M. On October 25, 1846, he married Jane E. Wells of New Milford. Two children have been born to them : Elizabeth J. and Charles W., who was a member of the General Assembly in 1886; is vice-president of the First National Bank of New Milford, and now has charge of the business of A. L. Hodge & Son. (Mr. Hodge died March 17, 1920.) 115 CONNECTICUT STATE GOVERNMENT. 1919. EXECUTIVE CHAMBER. Second floor, Capitol. Marcus H. Holcomb, Governor, P. O. address, Southington. John Buckley, Executive Secretary. Frank D. Rood, Chief Clerk. Governor's Staff. Brigadier-General George M. Cole, The Adjutant-General. Colonel Frank J. Regan, Quartermaster-General. Colonel Phineas H. Ingalls, Surgeon-General. Colonel William C. Cheney, Commissary-General. Colonel Alton Farrel, Paymaster-General. Colonel Arnon A. Ailing, Judge-Advocate-General. Rear Admiral William S. Cowles, Naval Aide. Major Samuel Russell, Jr., Aide-de-Camp. Major John N. Brooks, Aide-de-Camp. Major John P. Elton, Aide-de-Camp. Colonel Edward Schulze, Assistant Adjutant-General. Colonel Charles E. Smith, Assistant Quartermaster-General. SECRETARY'S OFFICE. Second floor, Capitol. Frederick L. Perry, Secretary. P. O. address, New Haven. Richard J. Dwyer, Deputy Secretary. Elmer H. Lounsbury, Chief Clerk. James A. Morcaldi, First Assistant Clerk. TREASURER'S OFFICE. First floor, Capitol. G. Harold Gilpatric, Treasurer, P. O. address, Putnam. Charles F. Sumner, Deputy Treasurer. Lewis W. Phelps, Chief Clerk. Thomas H. Judd, Assistant Clerk. BUREAU OF SCHOOL FUND. First floor, Capitol. Charles W. Skinner, Clerk. William H. Pond, Clerk. 116 COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE. First floor, Capitol. Morris C. Webster, Comptroller, P. O. address, Torrington R. D. F. Clarence Bissell, Deputy Comptroller. John H. Belden, Chief Clerk. John L. Wilson, Superintendent of the Capitol. Frank W. Congdon, Assistant Superintendent. John D. Kelly, Master Mechanic. Matthew K. Cooney, Guide. ATTORNEY-GENERAL'S OFFICE. Second floor, Capitol. Frank E. Healy, Attorney-General, P. O. address, Windsor Locks. STATE LIBRARY COMMITTEE. The Governor, Marcus H. Holcomb (ex-oflicio). The Secretary, Frederick L. Perry, and Hon. William Hamersley. STATE LIBRARY. State Library and Supreme Court Building. George S. Godard, librarian and superintendent; Fanny I. Yale, librarian's assistant ; Effie M. Prickett, chief division archives ; Helen Coffin, chief divi- sion legislative reference ; Aldina A. L. Galarneau, supervisor probate files ; Louise M. Bailey, chief cataloguer ; M. V. B. Barker, supervisor periodicals ; Christian N. Due, supervisor of reading room ; Kathryn C. Belden, supervisor Memorial Hall ; Lucius B. Barbour, examiner of public records ; Florence H. Herman, supervisor receiving room ; Christian N. Due, photostat operator ; Charles J. Fancher, assistant superintendent of building. DEPARTMENT OF WAR RECORDS. CONNECTICUT STATE MILITARY CENSUS. George S. Godard, director. MILITARY DEPARTMENT. MILITARY EMERGENCY BOARD. The Governor {ex officio). Lucien F. Burpee, Benedict M. Holden, Hartford; J. Moss Ives, Danbury; George M. Cole, Hartford. Adjutant General's Office. Brigadier-General George M. Cole, Adjutant-General, Colonel Edward Schulze, Assistant Adjutant-General, Lorenzo D. Converse, Clerk. Quartermaster's Department. Colonel Charles E. Smith, Assistant Quartermaster-General, George E. Cole, Clerk. 117 UNITED STATES SENATORS AND REPRESENTA- TIVES FROM CONNECTICUT SINCE 1819, AND THEIR TERM OF SERVICE. Senators. [The names of those who are deceased are marked *.] Name. Residence. * Samuel W. Dana Middletown, * James Lanman Norwich, * Elijah Boardman New Milford, * Henry W. Edwards New Haven, * Calvin Willey Tolland, * Samuel A. Foot Cheshire, * Gideon Tomlinson Fairfield, * Nathan Smith New Haven, * John M. Niles Hartford, * Perry Smith New Milford, * Thaddeus Betts Norwalk, * Jabez W. Huntington Norwich, * Roger S. Baldwin New Haven, * Truman Smith Litchfield, * Isaac Toucey Hartford, * Francis Gillett Hartford, * LaFayette S. Foster Norwich, * James Dixon Hartford, * Orris S. Ferry Norwalk, * William A. Buckingham Norwich, * James E. English New Haven, * William W. Eaton Hartford, * William H. Barnum Salisbury, * Orville H. Piatt Meriden, * Joseph R. Hawley Hartford, Morgan G. Bulkeley Hartford, Frank B. Brandegee New London, George P. McLean Simsbury, Years of service. l8lO-2I 1819-25 1821-23 1823-27 1825-31 1827-33 1831-37 1833-35 1835-39, 43-49 1837-43 1839-40 1840-47 1847-51 1849-54 1852-57 1854-55 1855-67 1857-69 1867-75 1869-75 1875-76 1875-81 1876-79 1879-1905 1881-1905 1905-1911 1905- 1911- Representatives. [In instances where no districts are given the elections were at large.] [The names of those who are deceased are marked *.] Dis- Con- Years of Name. Residence. trict. gress. service. * Arnold, Samuel Haddam, s 2 35 i857~59 * Baldwin, John Windham, 19, 20 1825-29 ♦Barber, Noyes Groton, 17-24 1821-35 * Barnum, William H Salisbury, 4 40-45 1867-77 * Belcher, Nathan New London, 3 33 i853~55 * Bishop, Wm. D Bridgeport, 4 35 1857-59 * Boardman, Wm. W. New Haven, 2 27 1841-43 ♦Booth, Walter Meriden, 2 31 1849-51 * Brandegee, Augustus New London, 3 38-39 1863-67 Brandegee, Frank B. a New London, 3 57~59 1902-05 a Elected to fill vacancy to March 4, 1903, and for the 58th and 59th sessions of Con- gress. Resigned in 1905 to become U. S. Senator, to fill vacancy caused by death of Senator Orville H. Piatt. 118 Dis- Name. Residence. trict. * Brock way, John H Ellington, 6 * Buck, John R Hartford, i * Burnham, A. A Windham, 3 * Burrows, Daniel Groton, * Butler, Thomas B Norwalk, 4 * Catlin, George S Windham, 3 * Chapman, Charles Hartford, 1 * Clark, Ezra, Jr Hartford, 1 * Cleveland, Chauncey F Hampton, 3 * Dean, Sidney Thompson, 3 * DeForest, Robert E Bridgeport, 4 * Deming, Henry C Hartford, 1 * Dixon, James Hartford, 1 Donovan, Jeremiah Norwalk, 4 * Eaton, William W Hartford, 1 * Edwards, Henrv W New Haven, * Ellsworth, William W. a Hartford, ♦English, James E New Haven, 2 * Ferry, O. S Norwalk, 4 * Foot, Samuel A Cheshire, Freeman, Richard P New London, 2 * French, Carlos Seymour, 2 Glynn, James P Winsted, 5 * Granger, Miles T North Canaan, 4 * Haley, Elisha : Groton, 3 * Hawley, Joseph R Hartford, 1 Henry, E. Stevens Vernon, I Higgins, Edwin W. b Norwich, 3 * Hill, Ebenezer J. c Norwalk, ^ ♦Holt, Orrin Wellington, 6 * Hotchkiss, Julius Middletown, 2 * Hubbard, John H Litchfield, ' 4 * Hubbard, Richard D Hartford, 1 ♦Hubbard, Samuel D Middletown, 2 * Huntington, Jabez W Litchfield, * Ingersoll, Colin M New Haven, 2 * Ingersoll, Ralph I New Haven, * Ingham, Samuel Saybrook, 2 * Jackson,. Ebenezer, Jr. d Middletown, * Judson, Andrew T Canterbury, * Kellogg, Stephen W Waterbury, 2 * Kennedy, William Naugatuck, 5 * Landers, George M New Britain, 1 * Lilley, George L Waterbury, Lonergan, Augustine Hartford, 1 ♦Loomis, Dwight, Hartford, 1 Mahan, Bryan F New London, 2 * Merwin, Orange New Milford, Merritt, Schuyler d Stamford, 4 * Miles, Frederick Salisbury, 4 * Miner, Phineas a a Resigned in 1833. b Elected to fill vacancy to March 4, of Rep. Frank B. Brandegee to U. S. Senate, c Died during term, d Elected to fill vacancy, e Died during term, f District changed from Second to Third. 119 Con- gress. 26,27 47,49 36,37 17 31 28 32 34,35 3i,32 34,35 52,53 38,39 29,30 63 48 16, 17 21-24 37,38 36 ' 16, 18 s 23 1 64,65 50 64,65 50 24,25 63, 65, 54-62 59-62 54-62 64,65 25 40 38,39 40 29,30 21-24 32,33 19-23 24,25 24 24 41-44 63 44,45 58^60 63, 65, 66 36,37 63 19,20 65,66 46,47 5i 24 23 Years of service. 839-43 881-83, 885-87 859-63 821-23 849-51 843-45 851-53 855-59 849-53 855-59 891-95 863-67 845-49 9I3-I9I5 883-85 819-23 829-33 • 861-65 859-61 9-21, 25, 33-35 915- 887-89 915- 887-89 835-39 873-75, 879-81 895-1913 905-1913 895-1913 915-1917 837-39 867-69 863-67 867-69 845-49 829-35 851-55 825-33 835-39 834-35 835-37 869-75 9I3-I5 875-79 903-09 9T3-I5 917 859-63 9I3-I5 825-29 917- 879-83 889-91 834-35 1907, caused by election Dis- Cotv Name. Residence. trict. gress. Mitchell, Charles L : . New Haven, 2 48, 49 Oakey, P. Davis Hartford, 1 64 Osborne, Thomas B Fairfield, 4 26, 27 Phelps, Elisha Simsbury, l6 '^ j Phelps, James Essex, 2 44-48 Phelps, Launcelot Colebrook, 5 24-25 Pigott, James P New Haven, 2 53 Plant, David Stratford, 20 Pratt, James T Rocky Hill, 1 33 Reilly, Thomas L Meriden, f 3 62-63 Rockwell, John A Norwich, 3 29, 30 Russ, John Hartford, 16, 17 Russell, Charles A. e Killingly, 3 50-57 Seymour, Edward W Bridgeport, 4 48, 49 Seymour, Origen S Litchfield, 4 32, 33 Seymour, Thomas H Hartford, 1 28 Simonds, William E Canton, 1 51 Simons, Samuel Colebrook, 4 28 Smith, Truman Litchfield, 5 jjj j 4 29, 30 ( Sperry, Lewis South Windsor, 1 52, 53 Sperry, Nehemiah D New, Haven, 2 54-61 Starkweather, Henry H New London, 3 40-45 Sterling, Ansel Sharon, 17, 18 Stevens, James Stamford, 16 Stewart, John Chatham, 2 28 Stoddard, Ebenezer Woodstock, 17, 18 Storrs, William L Middletown, 2 |£ 22 { Strong, Julius L Hartford, 1 41, 42 Tilson, John Q New Haven (at large), 61-62, 3 64-65, Tomlinson, Gideon Fairfield, 16-20 Toucey, Isaac Hartford, 1 24,25 Trumbull, Joseph a Hartford, 1 26, 27 Tweedy, Samuel Danbury, 23 Vance, Robert J New Britain, 1 50 Wait, John T Norwich, 3 45-50 Waldo, Loren P Tolland, 1 31 Warner, Levi Norwalk, 4 45 Warner, Samuel L Middletown, 2 39 Welch, William W Norfolk, 4 34 Whitman, Lemuel Farmington, 18 Whittlesey, Thomas T Danbury, 4 25 Wildman, Zalmon b Danbury, 24 Willcox, Washington F Deep River, 2 51,52 Williams, Thomas W New London, 3 26,27 Woodruff, G. C Litchfield, 4 37 Woodruff, John New Haven, 2 34, 36 j Young, Ebenezer Killingly, 21-24 a Elected for unexpired portion of term in 1834. b Died at Washington, Dec. 10, 1835. Years of service. 883-87 915-17 839-43 819-21 825-29 875-83 835-39 893-95 827-29 853-55 911-15 842-49 819-23 887-1902 883^87 851-55 843-45 889-9I 843-45 839-43 845-49 891-95 895-19H 867-77 821-25 819-21 843-45 821-25 829-33 839-4 I 869-73 9OO-13 015- 819-27 835-39 839-43 833-35 887-89 877-87 849-51 877-79 865-67 855-57 823-25 837-39 835 889-93 839-43 861-63 855-57 859-61 829-3S 120 STATE OFFICERS OF CONNECTICUT SINCE 1819 AND THEIR TERM OF OFFICE Name Governors. [The names of those who are deceased are marked *, Residence. Term of Service. [Present P. O. Address, if living, in Italics.] Oliver Wolcott Litchfield, Gideon Tomlinson Fairfield, John S. Peters Hebron, Henry W. Edwards New Haven, Samuel A. Foot Cheshire, Henry W. Edwards New Haven, William W. Ellsworth Hartford, Chauncey F. Cleveland Hampton, Roger S. Baldwin New Haven, Isaac Toucey Hartford, Clark Bissell Norwalk, Joseph Trumbull Hartford, Thomas H. Seymour Hartford, Charles H. Pond, a Milford, Henry Dutton New Haven, William T. Minor Stamford, Alexander H. Holley Salisbury, William A. Buckingham Norwich, Joseph R. Hawley Hartford, James E. English New Haven, Marshall Jewell Hartford, James E. English New Haven, Marshall Jewell Hartford, Charles R. Ingersoll, b New Haven, Richard D. Hubbard Hartford, Charles B. Andrews Litchfield, Hobart B. Bigelow New Haven, Thomas M. Waller New London, Henry B. Harrison New Haven, Phineas C. Lounsbury Ridgefield, Morgan G. Bulkeley Hartford, Luzon B. Morris New Haven, O. Vincent Coffin Middletown, Lorrin A. Cooke Winsted, George E. Lounsbury Ridgefield, George P. McLean Simsbury, Abiram Chamberlain Meriden, Henry Roberts Hartford, Rollin S. Woodruff New Haven, George L. Lilley, c Waterbury, Frank B. Weeks '.Middletown, Simeon E. Baldwin New Haven, Marcus H. Holcomb Southington. 1817-27, 1827-31, 1831-33, 1833-34, 1834-35, 1835-38, 1838-42, 1842-44, 1844-46, 1846-47, 1847-49, 1849-50, 1850-53, 1853-54, 1854-55, 1855-57, 1857-58, 1858-66, 1866-67, 1867-69, 1869-70, 1870-71, I87I-73, 1873-77, 1877-79, 1879-81, 1881-83, 1883-85, 1885-87, 1887^89, 1889-93, 1893-95. 1895-97, 1897-99, 1899-1901, 1901-1903, 1 903-1 905, 1905-1907, 1907-1909, 1909, 1909-1911, 1911-1915, 1915- year. u years. Years of Service. 10 years. 4 " 2 " 1 1 3 4 2 " 2 " 1 year. 2 years. 1 year. 3 yrs. I m. 11 months. 1 year. 2 years. 1 year. 8 years. 1 year. 2 years. 1 year. 1 " 2 years. 3 yrs. 9 m. 2 years. 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 1 m. 15 d. yr. 8 m. 15 d. 4 years. o Governor Pond was elected Lieutenant-Governor in April, 1853, and became Acting- Governor by resignation of Governor Seymour on October 13, 1853, when the latter was appointed Minister to Russia. b By Constitutional Amendment of 1875, the term for 1876-7 was made to expire- January, 1877. c Died in office April 21, 1909, and Frank B. Weeks became governor. 121 year. years. year. years. year. years, year. Lieutenant Governors. IT he names of those who are deceased are marked *.] Residence. Term of Service. Years Name [Present P. O. Address, if living, in Italics.'] of Service. ♦ Jonathan Ingersoll, a New Haven, 1816-23, 6 yrs. 8 m. ♦David Plant Stratford, 1823-27, 4 years. ♦ John S. Peters Hebron, 1827-31, 4 " No Election 1831-32, ♦Thaddeus Betts ..Norwalk, 1832-33, ♦Ebenezer Stoddard Woodstock, 1833-34, ♦Thaddeus Betts Norwalk, 1834-35, ♦ Ebenezer Stoddard Woodstock, 1835-38, ♦ Charles Hawley Stamford, 1838-42, ♦ William S. Holabird ....... . Winsted, 1842-44, ♦ Reuben Booth Danbury, 1844-46, ♦ Noyes Billings New London, 1846-47, ♦ Charles J. McCurdy Lyme, 1847-49, ♦ Thomas Backus Killingly, 1849-50, ♦Charles H. Pond Milford, 1850-51, ♦ Green Kendrick Waterbury, 1851-52, ♦ Charles H. Pond Milford, 1852-54, ♦ Alexander H. Holley Salisbury, 1854-55, ♦ William Field Pomf ret, 1855-56, ♦Albert Day Hartford, 1856-57, ♦ Alfred A. Burnham Windham, 1857-58, ♦ Julius Catlin Hartford, 1858-61, 3 years. ♦ Benjamin Douglas Middletown, 1861-62, 1 year. ♦ Roger Averill Danbury, 1862-66, 4 years. ♦Oliver F. Winchester New Haven, 1866-67, 1 year. ♦ Ephraim H. Hyde Stafford, 1867-69, 2 years. ♦ Francis Wayland New Haven, 1869--70, 1 year. ♦ Julius Hotchkiss Middletown, 1870-71, 1 " ♦ Morris Tyler New Haven, 1871-73, 2 ♦ George G. Sill Hartford, 1873-77, 4 ♦Francis B. Loomis New London, 1877-79,, 2 ♦ David Gallup Plainfield, 1879-81, 2 ♦ William H. Bulkeley Hartford, 1881-83, 2 ♦ George G. Sumner Hartford, 1883-85, 2 ♦ Lorrin A. Cooke Winsted, 1885-87, 2 ♦ James L. Howard Hartford, 1887-89, 2 ♦ Samuel E. Merwin New Haven, 1889-93, 4 ♦ Ernest Cady Hartford, 1893-95, 2 ♦Lorrin A. Cooke Winsted, 1895-97, 2 ♦ James D. Dewell New Haven, 1897-99, 2 Lvman A. Mills Middle field, 1899-1001, 2 Edwin O. Keeler Norwalk, 1 901-1903, 2 Henry Roberts Hartford, 1903-1905, 2 Rollin S. Woodruff New Haven, 1005-1007, 2 Everett J. Lake Hartford, 1907-1909, 2 Frank B. Weeks, b Middletown, 1909, 3 Dennis A. Blakeslee New Haven, 1911-1913, 2 Lyman T. Tingier Rockville, 1913-1915, 2 " Clifford B. Wilson Bridgeport, 1915- a Died January 12, 1823. b Governor Weeks was elected Lieutenant-Governor and became Governor on the death of Governor Lilley, taking the oath of office April 22, 1909. years. m. 15 d. years. 122 Secretaries. [.The names of those who are deceased are marked *.] Residence. Term of Service. Years Name [Present P. O. Address, if living, in Italics.'] of Service. * Thomas Day Hartford, 1810-35, 25 years. * Royal R. Hinman Southbury, 1835-42, 7 " * Noah A. Phelps Hartford, 1842-44, 2 " * Daniel P. Tyler Pomf ret, 1844-46, 2 " * Charles W. Bradley Hartford, 1846-47, 1 year. * John B. Robertson New Haven, 1847-49, 2 years. ♦Roger H. Mills New Hartford, 1849-50, 1 year. * Hiram Weed f Danbury, 1850, 1 month. ♦John P. C. Mather New London, 1850-54, 3 yrs. 11 m. * Oliver H. Perry Fairfield, 1854-55, l year. * N. D. Sperry New Haven, 1855-57, 2 years. * Orville H. Piatt Meriden, 1857-58, . 1 year. * John Boyd Winchester, 1858-61, 3 years. ♦J. Hammond Trumbull Hartford, 1861-66, 5 " * Leverett E. Pease Somers, 1866-69, 3 " ♦Hiram Appleman Groton, 1869-70, 1 year. Thomas M. Waller New London, 1870-71, 1 " ♦Hiram Appleman $ Groton, 1871-73, 2 years. * D. Webster Edgecomb Fairfield, 1873, 12 days. * Marvin H. Sanger Canterbury, 1873-77, 4 years. * Dwight Morris Bridgeport, 1877-79, 2 * David Torrance Derby, 1879-81, 2 Charles E. Searls Thompson, 1881-83, 2 * D. Ward Northrop Middletown, 1883-85, 2 * Charles A. Russell Killingly, 1885-87, 2 * Leverett M. Hubbard Wallingford, 1887-89, 2 * R. Jay Walsh Greenwich, 1889-93, 4 John J. Phelan Bridgeport, 1893-95, 2 ♦William C. Mowry Norwich, 1895-97, 2 Charles Phelps Rockville, 1897-99, 2 * Huber Clark Willimantic, 1899-1901, 2 Charles G. R. Vinal Middletown, 1901-1905, 4 Theodore Bodenwein New London, 1 905-1909, 4 Matthew H. Rogers Bridgeport, 1909-1913, 4 Albert Phillips Stamford, 1913-1915, 2 Charles D. Burnes Greenwich, 1915-1917, 2 Frederick L. Perry New Haven, 1917- t Died in office, June 7, 1850, and John P. C. Mather was appointed by the General Assembly, June 21, 1850, to fill the vacancy. t Resigned April 25, 1873, and D. W. Edgecomb was appointed to the vacancy by Governor Jewell. 123 Treasurers. [The names of those who are deceased are marked *.] Residence. Term of Service. Years Name [Present P. O. Address, if living, in Italics.] of Service. * Isaac Spencer . . Haddam, 1818-35, 17 years. ♦Jeremiah Brown Hartford, 1835-38, 3 " * Hiram Rider Wellington, 1838-42, 4 " * Jabez L. White, Jr Bolton, 1842-44, 2 " ♦Joseph B. Gilbert Hartford, 1844-46, 2 " * Alonzo W. Birge Coventry, 1846-47, 1 year. * Joseph B. Gilbeert Hartford, 1847-49, 2 years. * Henry D. Smith Middletown, 1849-51, 2 " * Thomas Clark Coventry, 1851-52, 1 year. * Edwin Stearns Middletown, 1852-54, 2 years. * Daniel W. Camp Middletown, 1854-55, 1 year. * Arthur B. Calef Middletown, 1855-56, 1 " ♦Frederick P. Coe Killingly, 1856-57, 1 " * Frederick S. Wildman Danbury, 1857-58, 1 " * Lucius J. Hendee Hebron, 1858-61, 3 years. * Ezra Dean Woodstock, 1861-62, 1 year. * Gabriel W. Coite Middletown, 1862-66, 4 years. * Henry G. Taintor Hampton, 1866-67, 1 year. * Edward S. Moseley Hampton, 1867-69, 2 years. ♦David P. Nichols Danbury, 1869-70, 1 year. * Charles M. Pond Hartford, 1870-71, 1 " * David P. Nichols Danbury, 1871-73, 2 years. * William E. Raymond New Canaan, 1873-77, 4 " * Edwin A. Buck Willimantic, 1877-79, 2 " * Talmadge Baker So. Norwalk, 1870-81, 2 " * David P. Nichols f Danbury, 1881-82, 1 year. * James D. Smith Stamford, 1882-83, 1 " ♦Alfred R. Goodrich Vernon, 1883-85, 2 years. ♦Valentine B. Chamberlain ...New Britain, 1885-87, 2 " ♦Alexander Warner Pomfret, 1887-89, 2 " E. Stevens Henry Rockville, 1889-93, 4 " ♦Marvin H. Sanger Canterbury, 1893-95, 2 " * George W. Hodge Windsor, 1895-97, 2 " Charles W. Grosvenor Pomfret, 1897-99, 2 " ♦Charles S. Mersick New Haven, 1899-1901, 2 " Henry H. Gallup Norwich, 1901-1905, 4 " James F. Walsh Greenwich, 1905-1907, 2 " Freeman F. Patten Stafford Springs, 1907-1911, 4 " Costello Lippitt Norwich, 1911-1913, 2 " Edward S. Roberts Canaan, 1913-1915, 2 " Freder'k S. Chamberlain New Britain, 1915-19, 4 " G. Harold Gilpatric Putnam, 1919- t Died January 2, 1882, and James D. Smith was appointed by the Governor to nit the vacancy. 124 Comptrollers. IT he names of those who are deceased are marked *. Residence. Term of Service. Name [Present P. O. Address, if living, in Italics.} * James Thomas Hartford, 1819-30, * Elisha Phelps Simsbury, 1830-34, * Roger Huntington Norwich, 1834-35, * Gideon Welles Hartford, 1835-36, * William Field Pom fret, 1836-38, * Henry Kilbourn Hartford, 1838-42, * Gideon Welles Hartford, 1842-44, * Abijah Carrington New Haven, 1844-46, * Mason Cleveland Hampton, 1846-47, * Abijah Catlin Harwinton, 1847-50, * Rufus G. Pinney Stafford, 1850-54, * John Dunham Norwich, 1854-55, * Alexander Merrell New London, 1855-56, * Edward Prentis New London, 1856-57, * Joseph G. Lamb Norwich, 1857-58, * William H. Buell Clinton, 1858-61, * Leman W. Cutler Watertown, 1861-66, *Robbins Battell Norfolk, 1866-67, * Jesse Olney Stratford, 1867-69, * James W. Manning Putnam, 1869-70, * Seth S. Logan Washington, 1870-71, * James W. Manning Putnam, 1871-73, * Alfred R. Goodrich Vernon, 1873-77, * Charles C. Hubbard Middletown, 1877-79, *Chauncey Hubbard So. Coventry, 1879-81, * Wheelock T. Batcheller Winsted, 1881^83, Frank D. Sloat Washington, D. C. 1883-85, * Luzerne I. Munson Waterbury, 1885-87, * Thomas Clark No. Ston'ton, 1887-89, * John B. Wright Clinton, 1889-91, * Nicholas Staub New Milford, 1891-95, * Benjamin P. Mead New Canaan, 1895-99, * Thompson S. Grant Enfield, 1899-1901, * Abiram Chamberlain Meriden, 1901-1903, * William E. Seeley Bridgeport, 1903-1905, Asahel W. Mitchell No. Woodbury, 1905-1907, * Thomas D. Bradstreet Thomaston, 1907-1913, Daniel P. Dunn Willimantic, 1913-1915, Morris C. Webster Torrington, R. D. 1915- Years of Service. II years. 4 1 year. 1 << 2 years. 4 (< 2 2 M 1 year. 3 years. 4 <« 1 year. 1 " 1 " 1 «< 3 years. 5 " 1 year. 2 years. I year. I u 2 years. 4 2 «« 2 a 2 ** 2 it 2 " 2 " 2 <« 4 " 4 " 2 " 2 « > 2 <( 2 (( 6 " 2 " II Attorneys-General Residence. Term of Service. Years Name [Present P. O. Address, if living, in Italics.'] of Service. Charles Phelps Rockville, 1899-1903, 4 years. William A. King Willimantic, 1903-1007, 4 " Marcus H. Holcomb, a Southington, 1 007-1910, 3 yrs. 8 m. 9 d. John H. Light, b Norwalk, 1910-1915, 4 yrs. 3 m. 21 d. George E. Hinman Willimantic, 1915-1919, 4 years. Frank E. Healy Windsor Locks, 1919- o Resigned to become a judge of the Superior Court. b Appointed September 15, 1910, by Governor Weeks to fill unexpired term of Marcus Holcomb. Elected for full term of 4 years in November, 1910. 125 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTA- TIVES OF CONNECTICUT. 1819 to 1919 [The names of those who are deceased are marked *.] Present P. O. Names. Towns. address. * Plant, David, Stratford, * Phelps, Elisha, Simsbury, * Beers, Seth P., Litchfield, * Ingersoll, Ralph I., New Haven, * Foot, Samuel A., Cheshire, * Young, Ebenezer, Killingly, * Phelps, Elisha, Simsbury, * Edwards, Henry W., New Haven, * Welles, Martin, Wethersfield, * Ingham, Samuel, Saybrook, * Huntington, Roger, a Norwich, * Storrs, William L. Middletown, * Ingham, Samuel, b Saybrook, * Cleveland, Chaun. F. Hampton, * Wightman, St'm'n K., Middletown, * Boardman, Wm. W., New Haven, * McCurdy, Charles J., Lyme, * Wightman, St'm'n K., Middletown, * Billings, Noyes, New London, * McCurdy, Charles J., Lyme, * Boardman, Wm. W., New Haven, * Beardslee, Cyrus H., Monroe, * Foster, La Fayette S., Norwich, * Lewis, John C, Plymouth, * Seymour, Origen S., Litchfield, * Ingham, Samuel, Saybrook, * Phelps, Charles B., Woodbury, * Eaton, William W., Hartford, * Foster, La Fayette S., e Norwich, * Kendrick, Green, Waterbury, * Baldwin, Austin, Middletown, * Kendrick, Green, Waterbury, * Bulkeley, Eliph. A., Hartford, * Burnham, Alfred A., Windham, * Perry, Oliver H., Fairfield, * Brandegee, Augustus, d New London, * Deming, Henry C, Hartford, * Carter, Josiah M., Norwalk, * Cleveland, Chaun. F„ Hampton, * Rice, John S., Farmington, * Foster, Eleazer K., New Haven, * Gallup, David, Plainfield, * Wait, John T., Norwich, * Ives, Charles, East Haven, * Piatt, Orville H., Meriden, 126 Years of service. 1819, 20. 182 1. 1822, 23. 1824. 1825, 26. 1827, 28.. 1829. 1830. 183 1, 32- 1833. 1834. 1834. 1835. 1835, 36- 1837. 1838, 39. 184O, 41. 1842. 1843. 1844. 1845. 1846. 1847, 48- 1849. 1850. 185 1. 1852. 1853. 1854. 1854. 1855. 1856. 1857. 1858. 1859, 60- l86l. l86l. 1862. 1863. 1864. 1865. 1866. 1867. 1868. Names. * Foster, La Fayette S., * Burnham, Alfred A., * Bugbee, Edwin H., * Treat, Amos S., * Eaton, William W., *Doolittle, Tilton F., * Durand, Charles, Waller, Thomas M., * Harrison, Lynde, * Briscoe, Charles H., * Wright, Dexter R., * Marcy, Dwight, * Case William C, * Hall, John M., * Pine, Charles H., * Harrison, Henry B., * Simonds, Wm. Edgar, * Tibbits, John A., * Hoyt, Huested W. R., Perry, John H., * Paige, Allan W., * Brooks, Isaac W., * Fessenden, Samuel, * Barbour, Joseph L., Brandegee, Frank B., Light, John H., * Kenealy, Michael, Holcomb, Marcus H., Tilson, John Q., Banks, Elmore S., Scott, Frederick A., Webster, Morris C, Healy, Frank E., Walsh, James F., Towns. Norwich, Windham, Killingly, Woodbridge, Hartford, New Haven, Derby, New London, Guilford, Enfield, New Haven, Vernon, Granby, Windham, Derby, New Haven, Canton, New London, Greenwich, Fairfield, Huntington, Torrington, Stamford, Hartford, New London, Norwalk, Stamford, Southington, New Haven, Fairfield, Plymouth, Harwinton, Windsor Locks, Greenwich. Present P. O. address. New London, Southport, New London, So. Norwalk, Southington, New Haven, Fairfield, Terryville, Torring'n r.f.d. Windsor L'ks, Years of service. 1870. 1870. 187 1 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876, 1877 1878 1879 1880 l88l 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1889. 189I 1893 1895 1897 1899 1901 I903 I905 I907 1909 I9II 1913 1915 I9I9 17. a Resigned May 24, 1834, having been appointed Comptroller, and William L. Storrs was appointed to fill the vacancy. b Resigned May IS, 1835, and Chauncey F. Cleveland was chosen to fill the vacancy. c Resigned June 8, 1854, having been elected U. S. Senator, and Green Kendrick was chosen to fill the vacancy. d At a special session, held Oct. 9, 1861, the speaker, Mr. Brandegee, being detained from the House by illness, Mr. Deming was chosen speaker pro tempore. e Resigned June 16, 1870, having been chosen Judge of the Supreme Court of Errors, and Alfred A. Burnham of Windham was chosen to fill the vacancy. 127 MEMBERS AND OFFICERS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT, MAY SESSION, 1818. STATE OFFICERS His Excellency OLIVER WOLCOTT, Esq., Governor His Honor JONATHAN INGERSOLL, Esq., Lieut.-Governor THOMAS DAY, Esq., Secretary ISAAC SPENCER, 2D, Esq., Treasurer ELISHA COLT, Esq., Comptroller ASSISTANTS Hon. Jonathan Brace, Esq., Frederick Wolcott, Asa Chapman, Elias Perkins, William Bristol, Elijah Boardman, Hon. David Tomlinson, " Sylvester Wells, " John S. Peters, " James Lanman, " Enoch Burroughs, " Peter Webb, Esq. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES speaker Gideon Tomilson, Esq., of Fairfield Elisha Phelps, Esq., Samuel A. Foote, Esq., Clerks Michael Olcott, Hartford Jonathan W. Edward, Hartford Andrew Pratt, Berlin Luther Beckley, Berlin Enos Ives. Bristol Theodore Pettibone, Burlington Darius Moses, Canton Shubael Griswold, East Hartford Benjamin Lyman, East Hartford Abner Read, East Windsor Joel Holkins, East Windsor Elam O. Potter, Enfield William Dixon, Enfield John Mix, Farmington George Norton, Farmington Samuel Wells, Glastonbury David E. Hubbard, Glastonbury Zadoce Wilcox, Granby Joseph Pinney, Granby Philander Humphreys, Hartland Lent Benham, Hartland Joel Foote, Marlborough Elisha Phelps, Simsbury Zelotes Phelps, Simsbury . Roswell Moore, Southington Chester Grannis, Southington Elisha Gunn, Suffield Martin Sheldon, Suffield Ezekial P. Belden, Wethersfield Levi Lusk, Wethersfield William Alford, Windsor Eliakim Marshall, Windsor Thomas Ward, New Haven Henry W. Edwards, New Haven Eli Fowler, Branford Josiah I. Linsley, Branford Samuel A. Foote, Cheshire ■ Silas Hitchcock, Cheshire Sheldon Curtiss, Derbv James Thomson, East Haven Nathaniel Griffing, Guilford Samuel Robinson, Guilford 128 Amasa Bradley, Hamden Othniel Ives, Meriden Philo Bronson, Middlebury Benjamin Bull, Mil ford Samuel B. Gunn, Milford Daniel Pierpont, North Haven Jared Hawley, Oxford Curtiss Hinman, Southbury Abel Sanford, Wallingford Elkanah Hall, Wallingford James M. L. Scovill, Waterbury Timothy Gibbud, Waterbury Justus Thomas, Woodbridge Chauncey Tolles, Woodbridge Erastus Welton, Wolcott Henry Channing, New London William Stockman, New London Cushing Eells, Norwich Newcomb Kinney, Norwich William Whiting, Bozrah Benjamin Trumbull, Colchester John R. Watrous, Colchester Joshua Tracey, Franklin Nathan Geer, Griswold Noyes Barber, Groton Philip Gray, Groton Frederick Perkins, Lisbon Richard E. Selden, Lyme Peter Comstock, Lyme Oliver Comstock, Montville Nathan Pendleton, No. Stonington Stanton Hewitt, No. Stonington John T. Mott, Preston John Brewster, Preston George Hubbard, Stonington William Randall, Stonington Isaac Frink, Waterford Gideon Tomlinson, Fairfield Thomas F. Rowland, Fairfield Samuel Tweedy, Jr., Danbury Zalmon Wildman Danbury William Meeker, Brookfield Isaac Howe, Greenwich Clark Sanford, Greenwich Abner Hyde, Huntington Samuel Wheeler, Huntington Nathan Seeley, New Canaan Jabez Treadwell, New Fairfield Gideon Botsford, Newtown Joseph B. Wheeler, Newtown William L. Street, Norwalk Dan Taylor, Norwalk Billy Comstock, Redding Aaron Sanford, Jr., Redding Eliphalet Brush, Ridgefield Jabez M. Gilbert, Ridgefield John Orton, Sherman James Stevens, Stamford Thaddeus Bell, Stamford David Plant, Stratford Ephraim L. Wilcoxson, Stratford Daniel Seeley, Trumbull Stephen Wheeler, Weston Oliver C. Sanford, Weston Erastus Sturges, Wilton John Baldwin, Windham Edmund Badger, Windham David Brewster, Ashford David Kyes, Ashford Vine Robinson, Brooklyn Solomon Payne, Canterbury Asa Butts, Canterbury Asahel Kingsley, Columbia Joseph Prentiss, Hampton Shubael Hutchins, Killingly Andrew Leavins, Killingly Simeon M. Webster, Lebanon Isaiah Loomis, Lebanon William Bennett, Mansfield Seth Dunham, Mansfield Sessions Lester, Plainfield Oliver Coates, Plainfield Pardon Kingsley, Pomfret Samuel Allen, 2d, Pomfret Dixon Hall, Sterling John Jacobs, Jr., Thompson Elijah Nicholls, Jr., Thompson William Gallup, Voluntown John Fox, Woodstock John McClellan, Woodstock Stephen Russell, Litchfield Ephraim S. Hall, Litchfield John Merrills, Barkhemsted Oliver Mills, Barkhemsted Nehemiah Lambert, Bethlem Jabez Brewster, Canaan Nathaniel Stevens, Canaan Asaph Pinney, Colebrook Rufus North, Colebrook Noah Rogers, Cornwall Philo Swift, Cornwall Julius Beach, Goshen William Stanley, Goshen William C. Abernethy, Harwington Uriah Hopkins, Harwington Abel Beach, Kent Aaron Austin, New Hartford Asa Goodwin, New Hartford Orange Merwin, New Milford Homer Boardman, New Milford Nathaniel Stevens, Norfolk Augustus Pettibone, Norfolk Calvin Butler, Plymouth Josiah R. Eastman, Roxbury Daniel Johnson, Salisbury Abijah C. Peet, Salisbury Hezekiah Goodwin, Sharon Thomas St. John, Sharon Lyman Wetmore, Torrington John Gillet, Jr., Torrington Homer Sacket, Warren Daniel B. Brinsmade, Washington Joseph Whittlesey, Washington Amos Baldwin, Watertown Matthew Adams, Winchester Riley Whiting, Winchester 129 Nathan Preston, Woodbury Philo Murray, Woodbury John Alsop, Middletown Nathan Starr, Jr., Middletown John Brainerd, 2d, Haddam George W. Smith, Haddam Enoch Sage, Chatham Nehemiah Gates, Chatham Bridgman Guernsey, Durham Asahel Strong, Durham Isaac Spencer, Jr., East Haddam Richard Lord, East Haddam George Carter, Killingworth Benjamin Hill, Killingworth Joseph Hill, Saybrook John Stannard, Saybrook Eliphalet Young, Tolland Gurdon Thomson, Tolland Ichabod M. Warner, Bolton Cephas Brigham, Coventry Jasper Fitch, Coventry Asa Willey, Ellington Daniel Burrows, Hebron Simon House, Hebron Joseph Abbott, Somers Reuben Chapin, Somers Benning Mann, Stafford Gardner Cady, Stafford Ing'sby W. Crawford, Union Nathaniel Newell, Union Lemuel King, Vernon Daniel Glazier, Willington Jonathan Sibley, Jr., Willington OCTOBER SESSION, 1818 SPEAKER Gideon Tomlinson, Esq., of Fairfield Samuel A. Foote, Esq., Henry W. Edwards, Esq., Clerks John Russ, Hartford Henry Kilbourn, Hartford Luther Beckly, Berlin Andrew Pratt, Berlin Tracy Peck, Bristol Sylvester Norton, Burlington William Stone, Canton Richard Pitkin, East Hartford Levi Goodwin, East Hartford Timothy Ellsworth, East Windsor Abner Reed. East Windsor Henry Terry, Enfield William Dixon, Enfield John Mix, Farmington George Norton, Farmington Samuel Welles, Glastenbury Marvin Dayton, Glastenbury Benajah Holcomb, 2d, Granby John W r illey, Granby Samuel Benjamin, Hartland Israel Williams, Hartland Joel Foote, Marlborough Oliver C. Phelps, Simsbury Asa Hoskins, Simsbury Roswell Moore, Southington Chester Grannis. Southington Horace King, Sufneld Elisha Gunn, Sufneld Asher Robbins, Wethersfield Levi Robbins, Wethersfield Odiah Loomis, Windsor Joseph H. Russell, Windsor Thonfas Ward, New Haven Henry W. Edwards, New Haven Samuel A. Foote, Cheshire Silas Hitchcock, Cheshire Eli Fowler, Branford Josiah I. Linsley, Branford Sheldon Curtiss, Derby James Thompson, East Haven Nathaniel Griffing, Guilford William Todd, Guilford Russell Pierpont, Hamden Elisha Curtiss, Meriden Philo Bronson, Middlebury Benjamin Bull, Milford Samuel B. Gunn, Milford Stephen Munson, North Haven Abel Wheeler, Oxford W T arren Mitchell, Southbury James Humiston, Wallingford George Merriman, Wallingford Ashley Scott, Waterbury Andrew Adams, Waterbury Justus Thomas, Woodbridge Chauncey Tolles, Woodbridge Erastus Welton, Wolcott Amasa Learned, New London William Stockman, New London Charles Thomas, Norwich Erastus Coit, Norwich William Whiting, Bozrah Samuel A. Peters, Colchester John R. Watrous, Colchester Andrew Hyde, Franklin William Cogswell, Griswold Noyes Barber, Groton Philip Gray, Groton Joseph L. Lyon, Lisbon Peter Comstock, Lyme Samuel B. Mather, Lyme John Fitch, Montville Samuel Chapman, No. Stonington Daniel Packer, No. Stonington James Cook, Preston Jonathan Brewster, Preston Samuel F. Denison, Stonington Amos Williams, Stonington 130 Charles Avery, Waterford Gideon Tomlinson, Fairfield Thomas F. Rowland, Fairfield Eden Andrews, Danbury Matthew Wilkes, Danbury Heman Burch, Brookfield Isaac Howe, Greenwich Charles Smith, Greenwich Samuel Beardsley, Huntington Nathan G. Birdsey, Huntington Nathan Seeley, New Canaan Benjamin Bearss, New Fairfield Bennett Perry, Newtown Jacob Beers, Newtown Benjamin Isaacs, Norwalk Dan Taylor, Norwalk William Sanford, Redding John Meeker, Redding Eliphalet Brush, Ridgefield Jabez M. Gilbert, Ridgefield William Giddings, Sherman James Stevens, Stamford Thaddeus Bell, Stamford David Plant, Stratford James E. Beach, Stratford Lewis Fairchild, Trumbull Joseph Bennett, Weston Eliphalet Cooley, Weston Eliphalet Taylor, Wilton Amos D. Allen, Windham Joshua Smith, Windham Stephen Knowlton, Ashford Jedediah Watkins, Ashford Shubael Brown, Brooklyn Solomon Payne, Canterbury Asa Butts, Canterbury Asahel Kingsley, Columbia Ebenezer Grifnn, Hampton Robert Grosvenor, Killingly James Danielson, Killingly Charles 'Abel, Lebanon Joshua Hall, Lebanon William Bennett, Mansfield Seth Dunham, Mansfield Oliver Coates, Plainfield Erastus Lester, Plainfield Joseph Scarborough, Pomfret William Osgood, Pomfret Jeremiah Young, Sterling Wyman Carrol, Thompson Jesse Ormsby, Thompson Sterry Kinne, Voluntown John Fox, Woodstock Ebenezer Skinner, Woodstock Stephen Russell, Litchfield Phineas Lord, Litchfield Zophar Case, Berkhempsted Zalmon Howd, Berkhempsted Joseph H. Bellamy, Bethlem Seth Andrews, Canaan Joshua Cornwall, Canaan Rufus North, Colebrook Timothy Babcock, Colebrook Philo Swift, Cornwall Noah Rogers, Cornwall William Stanley, Goshen Samuel Lyman, Goshen Wm. C. Abernethy, Harwinton Roswell Alford, Harwinton Abel Beach, Kent Aaron Austin, New Hartford Asa Goodwin, New Hartford Homer Boardman, New Milford Orange Merwin, New Milford Augustus Pettibone, Norfolk Nathaniel Stevens, Norfolk Jacob Hemingway, Plymouth Elisha Patterson, Roxbury Silas Reed, Salisbury Alexander Lamb, Salisbury Oliver Kellogg, Sharon Ansel Sterling, Sharon Abel Hinsdale, Torrington William Battell, Torrington Augustus Curtiss, Warren John N. Gunn, Washington Noble Day, Washington Amos Baldwin, Watertown Daniel Phelps, Winchester Nathaniel B. Gaylord, Winchester John P. Marshall, Woodbury Elijah Sherman, Jr., Woodbury John Alsop, Middletown Hosea Goodrich, Middletown Enoch Sage, Chatham Nehemiah Gates, Chatham Abel Lyman, Durham Manoah Camp, Durham Ezra Brainard, Haddam John Brainard, 2d, Haddam Chevers Brainard, East Haddam William Hungerford, East Haddam George Elliott, Killingworth Dan Lane, Killingworth Amb. Whittlesey, Jr., Saybrook Samuel Colt, Saybrook Eliphalet Young, Tolland William Eldridge, Tolland Ichabod M. Warner, Bolton Elisha Edgerton, Coventry Daniel White, Coventry Asa Willey, Ellington Simon House, Hebron Thomas Wells, Hebron Reuben Chapin, Somers Oliver Chapin, 2d, Somers Jasper Hyde, Stafford Ephraim Dimick, Stafford John Crawford, Union Eleazer Bugbee, Union Lemuel King, Vernon Spafford Brigham, Willington Daniel Glazier, Willington 131 MEMBERS AND OFFICERS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT, MAY SESSION, 1819. STATE OFFICERS His Excellency OLIVER WOLCOTT, Esq., Governor His Honor JONATHAN INGERSOLL, Esq., Lieut-Governor THOMAS DAY, Esq., Secretary ISAAC SPENCER, Esq., Treasurer ELISHA COLT, Esq., Comptroller ♦senators Hon. Jonathan Brace, Esq., " Frederick Wolcott, Esq., " Elias Perkins, Esq., " William Bristol, Esq., " Elijah Boardman, Esq., " David Tomlinson, Esq., Hon. Sylvester Wells, Esq., " John S. Peters, Esq., " Enoch Burrows, Esq., " Peter Webb, Esq., " David Hill, Esq., " Joshua Stow, Esq., HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES SPEAKER David Plant, Esq., of Stratford Ansel Sterling, Esq., Ralph I. Ingersoll, Esq., Clerks Michael Olcott, Hartford Thomas S. Williams, Hartford Samuel Hart, Berlin Thomas Lee, Berlin Tracy Peck, Bristol Sylvester Norton, Burlington Thomas Bidwell, Canton Daniel Pitkin, East Hartford Joseph Pitkin, East Hartford Timothy Ellsworth, East Windsor Elihu Wolcott, East Windsor Henry Terry, Enfield William Dixon, Enfield Timothy Pitkin, Farmington John Mix, Farmington Samuel Wells, Glastenbury David E. Hubbard, Glastenbury Orrin Lee, Granby Nahum Holcomb, Granby Asa Bushnell, Hartland Jared Newell, Hartland Joel Foote, Marlborough Roger Whittlesey, Southington Roswell Moore, Southington Horace King, Suffield Apollos Fuller, Suffield Asa Hoskins, Simsbury James Goodwin, Simsbury Ezekiel P. Belden, Wethersfield Levi Lusk, Wethersfield Joseph H. Russell, Windsor Oliver Filley, Windsor Ralph I. Ingersoll, New Haven Charles Bostwick, New Haven Eli Fowler, Branford Jonathan Rose, 2d, Branford •Note. — After the adoption of the Constitution in 1818 the name Senators was substituted for Assistants. The regular October Session was also dispensed with. 132 Silas Hitchcock, Cheshire Samuel Peck, Cheshire John Humphreys, Jr., Derby Bela Farnham, East Haven Nathaniel Griffing, Guilford William Todd, Guilford Roger Dorman, Hamden William Yale, Meriden Philo Bronson, Middlebury Benjamin Bull, Milford Samuel B. Gunn, Milford Stephen Monson, North Haven Abel Wheeler, Oxford Curtiss Hinman, Southbury Samuel Cook, Wallingford Samuel Tuttle, Wallingford Ward Peck, Waterbury James M. L. Scovill, Waterbury Justus Thomas, Woodbridge Chauncey Tolles, Woodbridge Luther Andrews, Wolcott Lyman Law, New London Jacob B. Gurley, New London Calvin Goddard, Norwich Newcomb Kinney, Norwich Perez Cheesborough, Bozrah Samuel A. Peters, Colchester John R. Watrous, Colchester Ira Abel, Franklin Thomas Avery, Groton Stephen Billings, Groton Elisha I. Abel, Griswold Thomas Kinsman, Lisbon Moses Warren, Lyme Samuel B. Mather, Lyme Mumford Dolbear, Montville Samuel Chapman, No. Stonington Daniel Packer, No. Stonington James Cook, Preston Jonathan Brewster, Preston Samuel F. Denison, Stonington Amos Williams, Stonington Asa Wightman, Waterford John Hull, Fairfield Jeremiah Sturges, Fairfield Friend Starr, Danbury Zalmon Wildman, Danbury Czar Starr, Brookfield Enos Lockwood, Greenwich Stephen Waring, Greenwich Nathan G. Birdseye, Huntington John Peck, Huntington Samuel T. Barnum, New Fairfield Isaac Richards, New Canaan Joseph B. Wheeler, Newtown Jeremiah Beers, Newtown Benjamin Isaacs, Norwalk Andrew Hanford, Norwalk Billy Comstock, Reading Hezekiah Read, Jr., Reading Gamaliel Benedict, Ridgefield Bradley Hull. Ridgefield Thaddeus Bell. Stamford Isaac Lockwood, Stamford David Plant, Stratford Reuben Tweedy, Stratford Jedediah Graves, Sherman Samuel Gregory, Trumbull Oliver C. Sanford, Weston Stephen Wheeler, Weston Erastus Sturges, Wilton Amos D. Allen, Windham John Baldwin, Windham Stephen Knowlton, Ashford Jedediah Watkins, Ashford Roger W. Williams, Brooklyn Daniel Frost, Jr., Canterbury Asa Butts, Canterbury Elam Loomis, Columbia Joseph Prentiss, Hampton Luther Warren, Killingly David Chase, Killingly Charles Abel, Lebanon Joshua Hall, Lebanon Edmond Freeman, Mansfield Artemas Gurley, Mansfield Erastus Lester, Plainfield Vincent Hinkley, Plainfield Joseph Scarborough, Pomfret Lemuel Ingalls, Pomfret Dixon Hall, Sterling John Nichols, Jr., Thompson John Jacobs, Jr., Thompson Sterry Kinney, Voluntown Ebenezer Skinner, Woodstock John McClellan, Woodstock John Welch, Litchfield Phinehas Lord, Litchfield Zophar Case, Barkhemsted Salmon Howd, Barkhemsted Joseph H. Bellamy, Bethlem Samuel Robbins, Canaan Ovid Plumb, Canaan Launcelot Phelps, Colebrook Enos North, Colebrook Oliver Burnham, Cornwall John H. Pierce, Cornwall Samuel Lyman, Goshen William Stanley, Goshen William C. Abernethy, Harwinton Enos Frisbie, Harwinton Lewis Mills, Kent Aaron Austin, New Hartford Asa Goodwin, New Hartford Orange Merwin, New Milford Eli Todd, New Milford Augustus Pettibone, Norfolk Nathaniel Stevens, Norfolk Jacob Hemingway, Plymouth Eli M. Smith, Roxbury Daniel Johnson, Salisbury Abijah C. Peet, Salisbury Oliver Kellogg, Sharon Ansel Sterling, Sharon Elihu Cook, Torrington John Gillet, Jr., Torrington 133 Samuel Leavitt, Washington Joseph Whittlesey, Washington Daniel Hecox, Watertown Judah Eldred, Warren James Beebe, Winchester James Boyd, Winchester Reuben Martin, Woodbury Nathan Preston, Woodbury John Alsop, Middletown Elisha Coe, Middletown Enoch Sage, Chatham Benjamin Hurd, Chatham Thomas Lyman, Durham John Swathel, Durham Cheves Brainard, East Haddam Wm. Hungerford, East Haddam John Brainard, 2d, Haddam Stephen Tibballs, Haddam Jared Elliott, Killingworth Moses Wilcox, Killingworth Clark Nott, Saybrook Elisha Sill, Saybrook William Eldridge, Tolland Hezekiah Nye, Tolland Ichabod M. Warner, Bolton Cephus Brigham, Coventry Jasper Fitch, Coventry John Hall, Ellington Thomas Wells, Hebron Eleazer Sweetland, Hebron Oliver Chapin, 2d, Somers Joseph Abbott, Somers Jasper Hyde, Stafford Ephraim Dimock, Stafford IngMsby W. Crawford, Union Nathaniel Newell, Union Phineas Talcott, Vernon Jonathan Sibley, Jr., Willington Daniel Glazier, Willington 134 DELEGATES AND OFFICERS TO THE CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION OF THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT OF 1902 President — HON. CHARLES B. ANDREWS, of Litchfield. Vice-Presidents — HON. JOHN H. PERRY, of Fairfield; HON. THOMAS M. WALLER, of New London. Chaplains — REV. WILLIAM MARTIN BROWN, of Bloomfield; REV. CHARLES H. SMITH, of Plymouth. Clerk — FRANK E. HEALY, of Windsor Locks. Assistant Clerk — GEORGE E. HINMAN, of Windham. HARTFORD COUNTY Hartford Avon Berlin Bloomfield Bristol Burlington Canton East Granby East Hartford East Windsor Enfield Farmington Glastonbury Granby New Haven Waterbury Ansonia Beacon Falls Bethany Branford Cheshire Derby East Haven Guilford Hamden Madison Meriden New London Norwich Bozrah Colchester East Lyme Franklin Griswold Groton Lebanon Ledyard Charles Hopkins Clark Robert J. Holmes Charles M. Jarvis William Martin Brown Noble E. Pierce E. Samuel Gillette Edward H. Sears Julius G. Dickinson Percy S. Bryant Howard A. Middleton Thompson S. Grant Amasa A. Redfield Henry E. Loomis William C Case* Theodore M. Maltbief Hartland George W. Miller Manchester Frank W. Cheney Marlborough Frederick Cooley New Britain Robert J. Vance Newington George E. Churchill Plainville Aquila H. Condell Rocky Hill Owen R. Havens Simsbury Joseph L. Bartlett Southington Marcus H. Holcomb South WindsorLewis Sperry Suffield Charles C. Bissell West HartfordWilliam H. Hall Wethersfield Stephen F. Willard Windsor D. Ellsworth Phelps Windsor LocksThomas L. Healy NEW HAVEN COUNTY Norris G. Osborn Francis P. Guilfoile Denis T. Walsh Adna D. Warner Samuel R. Woodward Louis A. Fisk Alonzo E. Smith Daniel E. McMahon William K. Stevens Edward Griswold James H. Webb John H. Meigs H. Wales Lines Middlebury Milford Naugatuck No. Branford North Haven Orange Oxford Prospect Seymour Southbury Wallingford Wolcott Woodbridge George W. Wallace Dumond P. Merwin John H. Whittemore George L. Ford Marcus D. Marks Samuel J. Bryant William O. Davis David B. Hotchkiss William H. H. Woostei Plenry B. Russell John B. Kendrick Evelyn M. Upson G. Halsted Bishop NEW LONDON COUNTY Thomas M. Waller Frank T. Brown E. Judson Miner Harley P. Buell Edwin C. Chipman J. Henry King Arthur M. Brown Henry L. Bailey Isaac Gillette William I. Allyn Waterford Lisbon Lyme Montville No. Stonington Old Lyme Preston Salem Sprague Stonington Voluntown Charles A. Gallup Calvin D. Bromley James L. Raymond Joseph F. Killeen James F. Brown Joseph S. Huntington George A. Frink Alvah Morgan William J. Riley Frank H. Hinckley E. Byron Gallup Died December 23, 1901. f Elected December 30, 1901. 135 FAIRFIELD COUNTY Bridgeport Danbury Bethel Brookfield Darien Easton Fairfield Greenwich Huntington Monroe New Canaan Daniel Davenport Eugene C. Dempsey Howard H. Woodman Elmer H. Northrop Thaddeus Bell Edgar G. Jennings John H. Perry R. Jay Walsh Sturges Whitlock Edwin C. Shelton Benjamin P. Mead Wilton H. New Fairfield Newtown Norwalk Redding Ridgefield Sherman Stamford Stratford Trumbull Weston Westport E. Chichester Homer L. Wanzer Charles H. Northrop Asa B. Woodward Jonathan B. Sanford William O. Seymour George A. Barnes Schuyler Merritt Henry P. Stagg Ormel Hall Frank Gorham Rufus Wakeman WINDHAM COUNTY Windham Eugene S. Boss Hampton Putnam Byron D. Bugbee Killingly Ashford Thomas K. Fitts Plainfield Brooklyn Henry M. Evans Pomfret Canterbury Levi N. Clark Scotland Chaplin William J. Groesbeck Sterling Eastford Monroe F. Latham Thompson Woodstock George Austin Bowen William H. Burnham Aurin P. Somes Edwin Milner Thomas O. Elliott Gerald Waldo Claramon Hunt Randolph H. Chandler LITCHFIELD COUNTY Litchfield Winchester New Milford Barkhamsted Bethlehem Bridgewater Canaan Colebrook Cornwall Goshen Harwinton Kent Morris Charles B. Andrews Wellington B. Smith Charles M. Beach Hubert B. Case Abner P. Hayes Marcus B. Mallett John H. Belden Julian H. Smith Philo M. Kellogg Henry G. Wright Clarence M. Ely Irwin J. Beardsley Lyman W. Whittlesey New Hartford Norfolk North Canaan Plymouth Roxbury Salisbury Sharon Thomaston Torrington Warren Washington Watertown Woodbury John Fox Smith William O'Connor Charles W. Camp Charles H. Smith George R. Crofut Donald T. Warner George S. Kirby Frank W. Etheridge Orsamus R. Fyler Noble B. Strong John C. Brinsmade Augustus N. Woolson Horace D. Curtiss MIDDLESEX COUNTY Middletown Haddam Chatham Chester Clinton Cromwell Durham D. Ward Northrop George M. Clark William N. Markham Wilbur A. Brothwell Charles A. Pelton Edward S. Coe Frederic P. Hubbard East Haddam Essex Killingworth Middlefield Old Saybrook Portland Saybrook Albert E. Purple George H. Blake Lauren L. Nettleton Fred W. Terrill William H. Smith Asaph H. Hale Frederick L'Hommediei Westbrook Theodore D. Post TOLLAND COUNTY Tolland Loren Newcomb Hebron Andover Elliot P. Skinner Mansfield Bolton J. White Sumner Somers Columbia William A. Collins Stafford Coventry Alexander S. Hawkins Union Ellington Francis M. Charter Vernon Marshall Porter Ralph W. Storrs George E. Keeney Edwin C. Pinney Milton H. Kinney Charles Phelps Willington William H. 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The appended list of State Officers, Senators and Representatives, who attended the Centennial was compiled from the registration cards, signed on May 7th at the Capitol. Several persons, however, failed to sign a card as requested, which will account for their names not appear- ing in this list: 1853 Representative : Albert L. Hodge, Roxbury. 1863 Representatives : Henry E. Hinman, Harwinton. John E. Tryon, Glastonbury. 1864 Representatives : Albert L. Hodge, Roxbury. John E. Tryon, Glastonbury. 1865 Representatives : William Bulkeley, Berlin. Albert L. Hodge, Roxbury. 1866 Representative : Peter Skiff, Kent. 1867 Representative : Thomas M. Waller, New London. 1868 Representatives : Edward B. Bennett, Hampton. James N. Loomis, Granby. Thomas M. Waller, New London. Robert R. Wolcott, Wethersfield. 1869 Representative : William H. Hill, Redding. State Officer 1870 Thomas M. Waller, New London, Secretary. Representatives : Joseph N. Cowles, Norfolk. Almon Day. East Haddam. Jasper A. Fitch, Andover. Julius W. Knowlton, Stratford. Horace J. Ward, Hartland. 1871 Representatives : Julius W. Knowlton, Stratford. Harvey L. Roberts, Winchester. Charles E. Searls, Thompson. Milo P. J. Walker, Union. 1872 Representatives : Cyrus Avery, Groton. Ezra Briggs, Voluntown. Dwight S. Case, Barkhamsted. Jaspar A. Fitch, Andover. H. Wales Lines, Meriden. William H. Pond, Milford. Leroy A. Smith, Haddam. Thomas M. Waller, New London. 1873 Senator: Harvey L. Roberts, Winchester. Representatives : William G. Anthony, Scotland. Alonz6 W. Burns, Milford. Samuel H. Case, Barkhamsted. Almon Day, East Haddam. George W. Hurlburt, Roxbury. Frederick W. S. Ward, Bolton. 149 i874 Representatives : Richard W. Bacon, Bethlehem. John D. Botelle, Cromwell. Charles M. Joslyn, Tolland. Charles Page, North Branford. 1875 Representatives : John H. Beach, Trumbull. Charles F. Brooker, Torrington. Clarence H. Brown, Wallingford. Albert L. Hodge, Roxbury. William H. Kelsey, Clinton. William H. Pond, Milford. Albert E. Purple, East Haddam. Edward S. Roberts, North Canaan. Gideon M. Wakelee, Huntington. 1876 Representatives: Samuel G. Davidson, Bethany. E. Byron Gallup, Voluntown. William H. Kelsey, Clinton. John P. Lewis, Farmington. John W. Norton, Guilford. Thomas M. Waller, New London. 1877 Representatives : Henry Atwater, Derby. J. Cleveland Capen, Bloomfield. Lucius J. Grant, South Windsor. Charles E. Hart, New Britain. John H. Perry, Fairfield. 1878 Representatives : Eugene S. Belden, Rocky Hill. Hartwell N. Brainard, Glastonbury. Jason Bugbee, Jr., Wellington. James T. Coogan, Windsor Locks. Henry Davis, Durham. Silas W. Fowler, Durham. William H. Hall, West Hartford. Francis H. Parker, East Haddam. John H. Perry, Fairfield. John B. Smith, Sharon. Horace A. Stannard, Norfolk. 1879 Representatives : Lucius A. Barber, Hartford. Samuel W. Bradley, Canaan. E. Judson Miner, Bozrah. Frank R. Post, Hebron. Everett P. Russell, Somers. Leroy A. Smith, Haddam. Grove J. Tuttle, East Haven. 1880 Senators : William A. Collins, Columbia. H. Wales Lines, Meriden. Representatives : Selah G. Blakeman, Huntington. Andrew J. Bowen, Eastford. Barton Jacobs, Thompson. Emerson A. Merriman, Meriden. Joseph M. Merrow, Mansfield. E. Judson Miner, Bozrah. Frederick L. Nichols, Wolcott. Francis H. Parker, East Haddam. A. Heaton Robertson, New Haven. Joseph B. Stetson, Brooklyn. 1881 State Officer: Charles E. Searls, Thompson, Secretary. Senators : William A. Collins, Columbia. E. Buel Root, West Hartford. Representatives : Henry S. Beers, Brookfield. F. Clarence Bissell, Hebron. Percy S. Bryant, East Hartford. Geo. F. Douglass, New Hartford. Thomas O. Elliott, Pomfret. Lucius H. Fuller, Putnam. David H. Judd, Bethlehem. James Lawton, Middletown. Emerson A. Merriman, Meriden. George F. Morris, Woodbury. Amos Northrop, Bridgewater. John H. Perry, Fairfield. Theodore D. Pond, Brooklyn. Sheldon B. Thorpe, North Haven. Joseph S. Warner, Lebanon. Gideon H. Welch, Torrington. George C. F. Williams, Cheshire. 1882 State Officer : Charles E. Searls, Thompson, Secretary. Representatives : Samuel W. Bradley, Canaan. George H. Clark, Hartland. Thomas O. Elliott, Pomfret. Lucius H. Fuller, Putnam. John A. Haling, Marlborough. James T. Hubbell, Wilton. James Lawton, Middletown. George W. Merrow, Mansfield. Charles H. Owen, Manchester. J. Frank Pratt, Southington. A. Heaton Robertson, New Haven. E. Buel Root, West Hartford. Howard W. Taylor, Danbury. Asahel J. Wright, Killingly William A. Wright, Branford. 150 i88 3 State Officer: Thomas M. Waller, New London, Governor. Representatives : Charles J. Abel, Lebanon. Fredus M. Case, Windsor. George G. Durant, Bethel. James T Hubbell, Wilton. Daniel N. Morgan, Bridgeport. John S. Perkins, Salisbury. J. Frank Pratt, Southington. George P. Savage, Cromwell. N. Douglas Sevin, Norwich. Henry G. Viets, Granby. John T. Walsh, Middletown. William A. Wright, Branford. 1884 State Officer: Thomas M. Waller, New London, Governor. Representatives : Thomas B. Atwater, Southington. Anson W. Bristol, Canton. Alfred U. Charter, Ellington. John Coats, Windsor Locks. Aquilla H. Condell, Plainville. Lorenzo D. Converse, Somers. Henry Fields, Newington. Judson E. Francis, Durham. William H. Golden, Meriden. George O. Higby, Meriden. Samuel B. Home, Winchester. Clinton T. Inslee, East Windsor. Albert G. Kneeland, Lebanon. Oscar A. Leonard, Tolland. Wesley A. Miller, Har.land. John W. Norton, Guilford. Orrin W. Oles, Colebrook. Sherman Sanford, Farmington. Albert N. Stillman, Hartland. Frank H. Thomson, Bethlehem. Irvin N. Tibbals, Chatham. J. Herman Tubbs, Old Lyme. 1885 Senators : William H. Golden, Meriden. Daniel N. Morgan, Bridgeport. A. Heaton Robertson, New Haven. Representatives: Samuel W. Bradley, Canaan. Thomas P. Bristol, Brookfield. Irving W. Charter, East Haddam. Albert B. Dibble, Wetsbrook. George W. Harris, Wethersfield. Edward S. Hawley, Huntington. Clinton T. Inslee, East Windsor. Charles M. Joslyn, Hartford. Charles N. Loomis, Bolton. Charles Phelps, Vernon. Mayo S. Purple, Chatham. Levi M. Reed, Union. Frederick H. Thomson, Bethlehem. Robert C. Usher, Plainville. Olin Wheeler, South Windsor. 1886 Senators : William H. Golden, Meriden. Daniel N. Morgan, Bridgeport. A. Heaton Robertson, New Haven. Representatives : G. C. Beckwith, New Hartford. Charles E Blodgett, Portland. Frederick J. Booth, Easton. Hart E. Buell, Hebron. Wheeler M Case, Simsbury. Sheldon L. Catlin, Harwinton. Michael Connery, Redding. Charles W. Hodge, Roxbury. Thomas H. Kehoe, New Britain. Charles F. Lincoln, Andover. William J. Munson, Watertown. Gilbert T. Nettleton, Durham. George F. Pardee, Cheshire. Edgar L. Pond, Plymouth. Willis F. Robinson, Branford. Henry B. Russell, Southbury. Charles E. Searls, Thompson. Arthur J. Silliman, East Haddam. John H. Smart, East Windsor. Grove J. Tuttle, East Haven. Edgar G. Wallace, Prospect. Hubert E. Warner, Hamden. John L. Wilson, Suffield. 1887 Representatives : John M. Allen, Woodstock. Richard W. Bacon, Washington. Edwin R. Brown, Cheshire. Owen E. Case, Barkhamsted. Wallace Case, Barkhamsted. John Clarke, Lebanon. William H. Cowles, Southington. John A. Deming, Colebrook. Martin V. B. Dunham, Fairfield. Frank D. Fenton, Mansfield. William Foulds, Manchester. Vine R. Franklin, Brooklyn. D. Lynsted Gates, East Lyme. Henry Grant, South Windsor. William Green, Bethel. Tohn C. Hawkins, Griswold. "Edward S. Hawley, Huntington. Henry E. Hinman, Harwinton Hiram Hurlburt, West Hartford. Clinton T. Inslee, East Windsor. Thomas H. Kehoe, New Britain. Dietrich E. Loewe, Danbury. Alfred E. Phelps, Glastonbury. Oliver A. Raymond, East Haddam. John A. Reeve, Burlington. 151 Wilson C. Reynolds, East Haddam. Edwin G. Smith, Chester. Charles O. Thompson, Pomfret. George W. Tingley, Stonington. J. Eugene Tucker, Columbia. Gideon H. Welch, Torrington. 1889 State Officer: Morgan G. Bulkeley, Hartford, Governor. Senators : Joseph N. Cowles, Norfolk. Lucius H. Fuller, Putnam. William B. Sprague, Andover. Representatives : Sessions L. Adams, Plainfield. Arthur P. Atwood, Norfolk. Wallace K. Bacon, Middletown. Samuel J. Bryant, Orange. Frank T. Buell, Clinton. Eugene W. Chaffee, East Haddam. J. Carl Converse, Stafford. Daniel P. Cooley, Granby. Willard A. Cowles, Torrington. Theophilus Eaton, North Haven. Wallace T. Fenn, Wethersfield. Myron Heck, Union. Albert E. Holcomb, Windsor. Frederick W. Holden, Derby. Herman W. Huke, Torrington. Olin E. Hunt, Bolton. Andrew F. Jones, New Canaan. John N. Lewis, Voluntown. Noble E. Lord, Hebron. Frank C. Lummis, Chaplin. Harry T. Miner, Vernon. Charles S. Munger, Essex. George B. Munger, Madison. Thomas W. O'Keefe, Middletown. Steven T. Palmer, Huntington. William A. Parsons, Durham. John H. Perry, Fairfield. Frederick A. Pinney, Bloomfield. Edwin M. Ripley, Farmington. Edward S. Roberts, North Canaan. Henry F. Tracy, Enfield. Edson A. Welch, Windsor. Samuel P. Willard, Colchester. Isaac Wolf, New Haven. 1891 State Officer: Morgan G. Bulkeley, Hartford, Governor. Senators : Frederick W. Holden, Ansonia. Noble E. Pierce, Bristol. Representatives : Wilbert N. Austin, Plymouth. Heman O. Averill, Washington. Thomas F. Bradley, Newtown. William A. Braun, Danbury. Wilbur A. Brothwell, Chester. Frank T. Buell, Clinton. George W. Buell, Marlborough. Alonzo W. Burns, Milford. John B. Cannon, Suffield. Henry Clapp, Hampton. Andrew T. J. Clarke, Canterbury. Charles Coffey, Granby. Edwin J. Crandall, Tolland William Crane, Ellington John A. Deming, Colebrook. Theophilus Eaton, North Haven. Thomas O. Elliott, Pomfret. Walter Fitzmaurice, New London. William A. Foster, East Granby. Henry F. Gibson, Woodbury. Andrew M. Grant, Mansfield. William H. Hill, Redding. Edmund A. Hoskins, Simsbury. Edgar G. Jennings, Easton. . Andrew F. Jones, New Canaan. Isaac S Knapp, New Fairfield. John N. Lewis, Voluntown. E. Newton Loveland, Wethersfield. David B. Mansfield, Harwinton. Adrian J. Muzzy, Bristol. John L. Saxe, Waterbury. Charles H. Smith, Groton. John N. Walbridge, Tolland. 1893 Senators : Charles F. Brooker, Torrington. Charles Coffey, Granby. Marcus H. Holcomb, Southington. Frederick W. Holden, Ansonia. Daniel N. Morgan, Bridgeport. Charles Phelps, Vernon. Noble E. Pierce, Bristol. Representatives : Miles H. Aborn, Ellington. Leslie E. Adams, Wethersfield. William C. Barhite, Ridgefield. J. Ely Beebe, Lyme. Lucius W. Bigelow, Simsbury. Charles S. Birge, Harwinton. Minor Blackman, Prospect. William A. Braun, Danbury. John C. Brinsmade, Washington. Wilbur A. Brothwell, Chester. Lewis O. Catlin, Harwinton. George F. Chapin, Enfield. Chester H. Clark, Durham Luman C. Colt, Winchester. E. Herbert Corttis, Thompson. Sidney W. Crofut, Killingly. Timothy M. Crowley, Meriden. Thomas E. Duncan, Windsor. 15; Thomas O. Elliott, Pomfret. Walter Fitzmaurice, New London. Carl A. Green, Granby. William H. Hall, Willington. Owen R. Havens, Rocky Hill. Oliver A. Hiscox, Woodstock. Charles E. House, Manchester. Charles K. Hunt, Winchester. George L. James, Mansfield. Andrew F. Jones, New Canaan. Edwin O. Keeler, Norwalk. George Keeler, Cheshire. Isaac S. Knapp, New Faifireld. G. Philip Lecrenier, East Haddam. E. Newton Loveland, Wethersfield. George R. McKenna, Stonington. Joseph Pierpont, North Haven. William S. Randall, Huntington. Homer E. Remington, Windham. John L. Saxe, Waterbury. Henry A. Spafard, Hebron. Edw. P. Spencer, New Hartford. William B. Stoddard, Milford. Dwight B. Tiffany, Winchester Frank H. Tillinghast, Plainfield. Grove J. Tuttle, East Haven. Horace J. Ward, Winchester. Frank L. Wilcox, Berlin. Senators : 1895 Heman O. Averill, Washington. Charles Coffey, Granby. Johnson D. Dayton, Derby. Edward E. Fuller, Tolland. Representatives: Charles L. Backus, Andover. George O. Balch, Ashford. Andrew J. Bowen, Windham. Edward H. Brockett, Simsbury. Cqnrad Buckingham, Fairfield. H. Hopkins Catlin, Harwinton. William C. Cheney, Manchester. Andrew M. Clark, Cornwall. Charles H. Clark, Southington. J. Carl Converse, Stafford. E. Herbert Corttis, Thompson. Enock A. Douglas, Sterling. William F. Downer, Hamden. John A. DuBon, Windsor. Robert O. Eaton, North Haven. Charles F. Froidevaux, Avon. Merritt E. Gallup, Ashford. Charles C. Georgia, Farmington. Charles O. Gillette, Haddam. Elizur S. Goodrich, Wethersfield. Charles W. Granniss, East Haven. Charles A. Grav, Ledyard. George H. Hall, Bristol. William H. Hall, Willington. Edbert D. Hammond. Cromwell. Hiram E. Hodge, Marlborough. George C. Hopkins, Warren. Henry C. Hull, Clinton. Silas E. Jeralds, Cheshire. George T. Johnson, Norfolk. Andrew F. Jones, New Canaan. Edwin O. Keeler, Norwalk. Charles Keller, Bridgeport. Samuel C. Kingman, Washington. Perkins L. Lathrop, Coventry. John P. Lewis, Farmington. Josiah J. Linsley, North Branford. Everett E. Lord, Killingworth. Appleton Main, Preston. Lyman A. Mills, Middlefield. David M. Mitchell, Southbury. William H. Newton, Wallingford. George W. Ogden, Wilton. Carlton E. Osborn, Hartland. Benjamin Page, Meriden. Francis H. Robbins, Wethersfield. Alberto T. Roraback, No. Canaan. Willard A. .Roraback, Torrington. George W. Rouse, Voluntown. Jesse W. Ruick, Granby. Elford C. Russell, Orange. Gould A. Shelton, Huntington. Charles H. Smith, Groton. David L. Somers, Woodbury. George L. Talmadge, Prospect. Andrew Turnbull, New Britain. James P. Vaill, Goshen. Lawrence VanAlstyne, Sharon. Fred O. Vinton, Mansfield. Edgar M. Warner, Putnam. William J. Warner, Hebron. Charles J Welch, Windsor. Francis H Whiton, Manchester. Frederick W. Yutzler, Cornwall. 1897 State Officer: Charles Phelps, Vernon, Secretary. Senators : J. Carl Converse, Stafford. Elizur S. Goodrich, Wethersfield. Edwin O Keeler, Norwalk. John N. Lewis, Voluntown. Charles G. R. Vinal, Middletown. Representatives : Henry E. Baldwin, Woodbridge. Willard V. Barber, Torrington. John H. Barnes, Norwich. Ralph Beers, North Branford. Charles S. Bradley, Branford. D. Luther Briggs, Middletown. Edgar B. Case, Hartland. Anson B. Clinton, North Haven. John H. Fish, Newington. Charles B. Frisbie, Cromwell. William G. Gallagher, Meriden. Robert A. Griffing, Hartford. Robert S. Griswold, Wethersfield. George H. Hall, Bristol. William H. Hall, Willington. 153 Robert J. Holmes, Avon. Henry C. Hull, Clinton. Joseph G. Hyatt, Westport. Charles S. Hyde, Brooklyn. James H. Hyde, Franklin. Edson B. Lockwood, Watertown. Albert H. Lyman, Andover. David B. Mansfield, Harwinton. E. Judson Miner, Bozrah. Asahel W. Mitchell, Woodbury. Herbert J. Moss, Cheshire. Adrian J. Muzzy, Bristol. Charles J. Parker, New Britain. Alexander T. Pattison, Simsbury. Charles S. Peck, Danbury. Charles H. Ricketts, Somers. Alberto T. Roraback, Canaan. Henry T. Sellew, Chatham. Charles F. Shepard, Chatham. Leander H. Snow, Eastford. Lester C. Strong, Winchester. Stephen A. Talmadge, Prospect. Charles A. Thompson, Ellington. Charles O. Tryon. Glastonbury. Howard N. Wakeman, Fairfield. Charles D. Way, Hebron. Morris C. Webster, New Britain. Francis H. Whiton, Manchester. Walter L. Wilder, Canton. 1899 State Officers: Lyman A. Mills, Middlefield, Lieu- tenant-Governor. Charles Phelps, Vernon, Attorney- General. Senators : John H. Barnes, Norwich. Elizur S. Goodrich, Wethersfield. William H. Hall, Willington. Edwin O. Keeler, Norwalk. Asahel W. Mitchell, Woodbury. Adrian J. Muzzy, Bristol. Charles G. R. Vinal, Middletown. Gideon H. Welch, Torrington. Representatives : Wilbert N. Austin, Plymouth. John H. Belden, Canaan. Charles S. Bradley, Branford. Ezra Briggs, Voluntown. Elliott B. Bronson, Winchester. George S. Carey, Scotland. William B. Carey, No. Stonington. Samuel H. Case, Barkhamsted. George E. Churchill, Newington. Charles H. Clark, Southington. Charles S. Curtiss, Woodbury. Homer P. Deming, Colebrook. John O. Enders, West Hartford. Alfred N. Filley, Bloomfield. James S. Forbes, East Hartford. Harrison B. Freeman, Hartford. David N. Gaines, Hartland. Winslow B. Gallup, Chaplin. Charles C. Godfrey, Bridgeport. Andrew Gordon, Enfield. Albert A. Gorham, Redding. E. Morton Granger, East Windsor. Charles W. Granniss, East Haven. Robert W. Green, Brookfield. George A. Harmon, Suffield. Charles R. Hathaway, Manchester. Edwin W. Higgins, Norwich. Frederick A. Hunt, Columbia. Luther J. Leavitt, Woodstock. John H. Light, Norwalk. William E. Luke, Danbury. Edward H. McCall, Lebeanon. Wilbur S. Miller, Hartland. Herbert J. Mills, Bristol. Robert C. Mitchell, Southbury. Dwight F. Newton, Granby. D. Walter Patten, North Haven. Almon B. Phelps, East Granby. Frank R. Post, Hebron. Gilbert S. Raymond, Preston. Fayette W. Rossiter, Guilford. Powell G. Seeley, Washington. Andrew Slater, Farmington. Llewellyn P. Smith, Lebanon. Charles S. Spaulding, Cheshire. Albert A. Stone, Watertown. Edwin O. Sumner, Eastford. Charles A. Thompson, Ellington. Fred H. Thompson, Bethlehem. Francis L. Upham, Union. Fred O. Vinton, Mansfield. J. Raymond Warren, Lyme. Z. Silas Wellman, Clinton. George A. Williams, Killingly. William R. Wood, South Windsor. James P. Woodruff, Litchfield. Fayette L. Wright, Pomfret. 1901 State Officers : Henry H. Gallup, Norwich, Treas- urer. Edwin O. Keeler, Norwalk, Lieu- tenant-Governor. Charles Phelps, Vernon, Attorney- General. Charles G. R. Vinal, Middletown, Secretary. Senators : Wilbur A. Brothwell, Chester. Elizur S. Goodrich, Wethersfield. Andrew Gordon, Enfield. Edgar L. Pond, Plymouth. Charles A. Thompson, Ellington. Fayette L. Wright, Pomfret. 154 Representatives : Charles G. Allyn, Hebron. Charles W. Bates, East Granby. John H. Belden, Canaan. George E. Bicknell, Meriden. Harvey P. Bissell, Ridgefield. William J. Brew, Newtown. Charles R. Buell, Columbia. John P. Callahan, Branford. Levi N. Clark, Canterbury. Charles J. Conrad, Huntington. Charles C. Cook, West Hartford. Willis Covell, Pomfret. S. Hart Culver, Seymour. Henry H. Davenport, Pomfret. Charles H. Dawley, Colchester. John A. Foster, Stafford. Harrison B. Freeman, Hartford. Francis L. Griswold, Somers. William H. Hall, Simsbury. Edward P. Hazard, Sharon. Williarn H. Hill, Redding. Floyd F. Hitchcock, Woodbury. Samuel V. Hubbard, Cromwell. Arthur E. Humphrey, Simsbury. Frederick G. Humphrey, Canton. Oliver C. Jennings, Fairfield. George C. Kellogg, New Hartford. Ned E. Kendall, Granby. Albert B. Landon, Salisbury. Henry Lee, Bridgeport. Charles N. LeGeyt, Barkhamsted. John H. Light, Norwalk. Howard A. Middleton, E. Windsor. Benjamin I. Miller, Avon. Frank W. Morey, Ashford. Alson G. Morris, Goshen. George F. Morris, Woodbury. William O'Connor, Norfolk. Charles Page, North Branford. Arthur E. Parmelee, Killingworth. Halsey B. Philbrick, Hartford. Azel R. Race, Franklin. Joel H. Reed, Stafford. Frank Roberts, East Hartford. William B. Roe, Brookfield. Eugene A. Rogers, Barkhamsted. T. Macdonough Russell, Middlet'n. Sherman Sanford, Farmington. Robert Scoville, Salisbury. Leslie C. Seymour, Windsor Locks. Andrew N. Shepard, Portland. Frederick A. Stoddard, Litchfield. E. Irving Stone, Bethlehem. William H. Taylor, Putnam. Henry E. Terrell, Cheshire. Rollin U. Tyler, Haddam. Edgar G. Wallace, Prospect. James F. Walsh, Greenwich. George N. Webster, Burlington. Stephen F. Willard, Wethersfield. Henry H. Willes, Vernon. Robert J. Woodruff, Orange. 1902 (Constitutional Convention.) Officers : John H. Perry, Fairfield, Vice- President. Thomas M. Waller, New London, Vice-President. Delegates : William I. Allyn, Ledyard. John H. Belden, Canaan. John C. Brinsmade, Washington. Wilbur A. Brothwell, Chester. Percy S. Bryant, East Hartford. Samuel J. Bryant, Orange. George E. Churchill, Newington. Levi N. Clark, Canterbury. Edward S. Coe, Cromwell. William A. Collins, Columbia. Thomas O. Elliott, Pomfret. • Henry M. Evans, Brooklyn. E. Byron Gallup, Voluntown. William H. Hall, Willington. Wm. H. Hall, West Hartford. Marcus H. Holcomb, Southington. Robert J. Holmes, Avon. Mayro Keeney, Somers. George S. Kirby, Sharon. Freder'k L'Hommedieu, Saybrook. H. Wales Lines, Meriden. Howard A. Middleton, E. Windsor. Noble E. Pierce, Bristol. Henry B. Russell, Southbury. Jonathan B. Sanford, Redding. Gerald Waldo, Scotland. Howard H. Woodman, Bethel. 1903 State Officers: Henry H. Gallup, Norwich, Treas- urer. Charles G. R. Vinal, Middletown, Secretary. Senators : Nelson J. Ayling, Norwich. William P. Bailey, Bethel. Charles C. Cook, West Hartford. Thomas F. Noone, Vernon. Charles Page, North Branford. Alexander T. Pattison, Simsbury. James F. Walsh, Greenwich. Frank L. Wilcox, Berlin . Rollin S. Woodruff, New Haven. Representatives : Thomas P. Aitkin, Manchester. Alexander Arnott, Manchester. William C. Backus, Windham. Frank H. Baker, Stafford. Henry L. Beach, Bristol. Alfred S. Bennett, Cheshire. George E. Bicknell, Meriden. 155 Elliott L. Bidwell, Saybrook. Frank E. Blakeman, Stratford. George H. Bradford, Montville. John Bransfield, Portland. Charles S. Briggs, Lebanon. Theodore L. Bristol, Ansonia. Lee L. Brockway, Lyme. David A. Brown, Tolland. Elton W. Buell, Hebron. Edgar D. Bunnell, Hartland. Orville B. Burton, Trumbull. Owen E. Case, Barkhamsted. Minotte E. Chatfield, New Haven. J. Howell Conklin, Chatham. Wallace Dann, Norwalk. Frank Driggs, Barkhamsted. Fred B. Eaton, Mansfield. James H. Elliott, Harwinton. Joseph H. Elliott, Pomfret. Henry M. Evans, Brooklyn. Charles T. Gregory, Wilton. Charles C. Harris, Wethersfield. Floyd F. Hitchcock, Woodbury. William Hohbein, Burlington. Arthur W. Howard, Wethersfield. Edward L. Hutchinson, Andover. Charles S. Hyde, Canterbury. Fessenden L. Ives, Goshen. Stephen E. Jennings, Saybrook. Mayro Keeney, Somers. George S. Kirby, Sharon. Henry N. LeFebvre, Avon. Albert B. Landon, Salisbury. James N. Loomis, Granby. James R. Mead, Greenwich. Isaac F. Miles, New Britain. John B. Parker, Windsor. Lovel D. Parmelee, Killingworth. Edward H. Persons, Winchester. David N. Porter, Thompson. Henry J. Potter, Woodstock. Edward L. Reidy, Winchester. George H. Robertson, Coventry. Alva F. Sayles, Sterling. Geo. F. Scarborough, W. Hartford. Robert Scoville, Salisbury. Leslie C. Seymour, Windsor Locks. J. Arthur Sherwood, Easton. Edwin T. Smith, Hebron. George W. Smith, Milford. Irving N. Tibbals, East Haddam. William H. Wakelee, Southbury. J. Raymond Warren, Lyme. Albert B. Wells, Granby. E. Stanley Wells, Newington. Andrew G. Williams, Pomfret. James P. Woodruff, Litchfield. 1905 State Officers : Theodore Bodenwein, New Lon- don, Secretary. Asahel W. Mitchell, Woodbury, Comptroller. James F. Walsh, Greenwich, Treas- urer. Rollin S. Woodruff, New Haven, Lieutenant-Governor. Senators : William P. Bailey, Bethel. Frank H. Baker, Stafford. George E. Bicknell, Meriden. Minotte E. Chatfield, New Haven. Patrick McGovern, Hartford. Alexander T. Pattison, Simsbury. Finton J. Phelan, Waterbury. John F. Shanley, New Haven. Representatives : Howard O. Allen, East Windsor. William I. Allyn, Ledyard. Arthur A. Bailey, Windsor. Alfred S. Bennett, Cheshire. Daniel D. Bidwell, East Hartford. Frank B. Bishop, Madison. William S. Bishop, Andover. Alfred L. Burdick, Westbrook. John A. Chappuis, Warren. Frank Cheney, Jr., Manchester. Charles H. Clark, Southington. Walter H. Clark, Hartford. Francis M. Coe, Litchfield. Elbert M. Cushman, Granby. Frank W. Dakin, Sharon. Frank O. Davis, Pomfret. Everard W. Day, Chatham. James H. Day, Old Saybrook. Jerome A. Downs, Bethany. Thomas O. Elliott, Pomfret. John O. Fox, Putnam. Charles F. Froidevaux, Avon. Frank W. Fuller, Marlborough. Olin E. Gibbs, Norfolk. Edward D. Gillette, Easton. E Samuel Gillette, Burlington. Robert W. Green, Brookfield. Arthur H. Griswold, Wethersfield. Charles A. Griswold, W. Hartford.. William H. Hall, Willington. Owen R. Havens, Rocky Hill. William L. Higgins, Coventry. William H. Hill, Redding. Marcus H. Holcomb, Southington. Ward G. Holman, Eastford. C. Albert Honold, Barkhamsted. Ernest T. Huke, Torrington. Arthur J. Hull, Monroe. Joseph G. Hyatt, Westport. Charles S. Hyde, Canterbury. Milton C. Isabel, Ansonia. Elmer Jackson, Wilton. Mayro Keeney, Somers. Frank J. Kilborn, Washington. Edward W. Kneen, Huntington. 156 John M. Larned, Stafford. Henry Lee, Bridgeport. Mortimer M. Lee, Norwalk. Frederick L. Lehr, New Haven. Samuel D. Loper, Sharon. James Lowry, Brooklyn. William Marvin, Lyme. E. Allen Moore, New Britain. Angus Park, Sprague. Freeman F. Patten, Stafford. James A. Perry, Milford. Marvin Pierce, Harwinton. David N. Porter, Thompson. Hubert F. Potter, North Haven. Levi M. Reed, Union. Edward L. Reidy, Winchester. Albert C. Roberts, Salisbury. William C. Robinson, Columbia. George L. Rockwell, Ridgefield. Frederick H. Rolf, Guilford. Frederick A. Scott, Plymouth. C. C. Shannon, Bridgewater George W. Smith, Milford. Calvin A. Snyder, No. Stonington. Royal K. Southwick, Cornwall. Correll A. Spencer, New Hartford. Adelbert H. Stevens, Killingworth. Lewellyn J. Storrs, Mansfield. Marvin H. Tanner, Winchester. Robert C. Usher, Plainville. Charles F. Wanger, Salisbury. Eugene Ward, Roxbury. C. Daniel Way, Hebron. William H. Webster, Berlin. 1907 State Officers: Theodore Bodenwein, New Lon- don, Secretary. Marcus H. Holcomb, Southington, Attorney-General. Freeman F. Patten, Stafford, Treasurer. Rollin S. Woodruff, New Haven, Governor. Senators : Francis Atwater, Meriden. Dennis A. Blakeslee, New Haven. John M. Brady, New Britain. D. Luther Briggs, Middletown. Irving H. Chase, Waterbury. Ralph M. Grant, South Windsor. George H. Hall, Bristol. Mayro Keeney, Somers. Patrick McGovern, Hartford. Howard A. Middleton, E. Windsor. Henry J, Potter, Woodstock. John F. Shanley, New Haven. Andrew N. Shepard, Portland. James F. Walsh, Greenwich. Representatives : William I. Allen, Ledyard. Joseph W. Alsop, Avon. Miles W. Aspinwall, Washington. Irwin C. Atchison, Sherman. Arthur A. Bailey, Windsor. Carlton J. Bates, Chester. C. Edward Beach, W. Hartford. Frederick A. Beckwith, East Lyme. Arthur E. Bidwell, Glastonbury. Daniel D. Bidwell, East Hartford. Arthur J. Birdseye, Farmington. Stephen F. Boucher, Bridgeport. Benjamin B. Broadbent, Hamden. Frederick O. Brown, Lebanon. H. Beecher Brown, Plainfield. John Brown, Orange. Charles D. Burnes, Greenwich. Selah A. Burnham* Andover. Herbert Case, Barkhamsted. Eugene D. Caulkins, Old Lyme. Frank Cheney, Jr., Manchester. George H. Clark, East Granby. George T. Clark, Beacon Falls. Thomas Clark, Ansonia. Hewitt Coburn, Jr., Manchester. Herbert R. Coffin, Windsor Locks. Alvin F. Collins, East Hampton. Michael Connery, Redding. Tyler Cruttenden, Norwich. S. Hart Culver, Seymour. Martin J. Cunningham, Danbury. Frank O. Davis, Pomf ret. Chauncey Dickinson, Haddam. E. Hart Fenn, Wethersfield. Edward A. Fuller, Suffield. John W. Gallup, Killingly. Henry F. Gibson, Woodbury. Edward D. Gillette, Easton. Arthur G. Gordon, Enfield. George E. Green, Berlin. Arthur G. Griffin, East Haddam. William L. Higgins, Coventry. Charles M. Hotchkiss, Cheshire. Arthur J. Hull, Monroe. Frederick A. Jewell, N. Hartford. Raymond J. Jodoin, Sprague. Walter I. Kellogg, Canaan. Frank J. Kinney, Branf ord. Frederick P. Latimer, Groton. Frederick L. Lehr, New Haven. William J. Lord, Stonington. William A. Lyman, Columbia. Marcus D. Marks, North Haven. William Marvin, Lyme. William R. May, Pomfret. Edward H. Middlebrook, Sharon. Frank W. Morey, Ashford. Frederick Morton, Rocky Hill. Francis I. Nettleton, Huntington. Thomas F. Noone, Vernon. Frederick D. North, East Windsor. Lovel D. Parmelee, Killingworth. 157 James A. Perry, Milford. Samuel G. Redshaw, Ansonia. Charles H. Rogers, East Haddam. Elijah Rogers, Southington. Asa M. Ross, Thompson. B. Sturges Selleck, Ridgefield. Calvin A. Snyder, No. Stonington. Albert W. Stokes, Westbrook. Albert E. Sumner, Mansfield. Nathan A. Tuttle, Torrington. Charles W. Vibert, South Windsor. J. Raymond Warren, Lyme. Burton M. Welch, Chaplin. John T. Welles, Wethersfield. Lucius E. Whiton, New London. Arthur D. Williams, Middletown. James S. Williams, Glastonbury. John P. Winchell, Cornwall. William H. Wilson, Harwinton. Watson S. Woodruff, Orange. 1909. State Officers: Marcus H. Holcomb, Southington, Attorney-General Freeman F. Patten, Stafford, Treasurer Frank B. Weeks, Middletown, Lieutenant-Governor, and Gov- ernor Senators : Albert N. Abbe, New Britain. William I. Allyn, Ledyard. Joseph W. Alsop, Avon. Dennis A. Blakeslee, New Haven. George H. Bradford, Montville. Samuel S. Chamberlin, Hartford. Irving H. Chase, Waterbury. John H. Courtney, New Haven. James H. Day, Old Saybrook. E. Hart Fenn, Wethersfield. William L. Higgins, Coventry. Philip L. Holzer, Bridgeport. Frederick P. Latimer, Groton. Luzerne Ludington, New Haven. John F. Shanley, New Haven. Moses W. Manwaring, Bridgeport. Howard A. Middleton, E. Windsor. Charles S. Peck. Danbury. Charles E. Searls, Thompson. Representatives : Charles G. Agard, Torrington. Frank Arrigoni. Durham. George H. Atkins, Torrington. Edward Baker, Canterbury. Frederic A. Bartlett, Bridgeport. W. M. Beckwith, New Hartford. Elmer E. Bennett, Canterbury. Andrew S. Bidwell, E. Hartford. John H. Blakeslee, North Haven. William H. Bliss, Columbia. Benjamin R. Briggs, Plainfield. John C. Brinsmade, Washington. Burton N. Bristol, Canton. William F. Broughton, Stonington.. William Brownlee, Willington. John Buckley, Union. Leon L. Buell, Marlborough. William Bulkeley, Berlin. Edward T. Bunyan, Colchester. Harry M. Burke, Manchester. Charles D. Burnes, Greenwich. Charles E. Burnham, Hampton. Alexander F. Carey, Southington. Geo. M. Carrington, Winchester. Fred S. Chamberlain, New Britain. Fayette C. Clark, Bridgeport. Leon A. Coe, Barkhamsted. Herbert R. Coffin, Windsor Locks. Frederick M. Colton, Granby. Michael Connery, Redding. S. Hart Culver, Seymour. Hobart H. Curtis, Newtown. John A. Dady, Putnam. Carl F. Dean, Glastonbury. Charles J. Dewey, South Windsor. William H. Dewey, Granby. George A. Dickinson, Haddam. William H. Dougal, Washington. Augustine C. Feley, Hartland. John H. Fish, Newington. Edward A. Fuller, Suffield. Edward E. Fuller, Tolland. Edward E. Foote, Hebron. John A. Frink, Sterling. George H. Gabb, Bloomfield. Washington I. Gadbois, E. Lyme. William H. Goddard, Wallingford. William G. Griswold, Wethersfield. William S. Griswold, W. Hartford. John S. Hall, Lyme. William H. Hall, Willington. Walter S. Hastings, Windsor. C. Robert Hatheway, Windsor. Marcus E. Helm, East Windsor. Richard T. Higgins, Winchester. Henry S. Hitchcock, Woodbury. Dan D. Home, Montville. Louis W. Howe, Glastonbury. Horace W. Hubbard, Cromwell. Walter D. Humphrey, Roxbury. Frederick W. Huxford, Stamford. Raymond J. Jodoin, Sprague. William C. Johnson, Newtown. Edwin H. Keach, Killingly. Edward A. Kelsey, Clinton. Edward E. King, East Hartford. Isaac S. Knapp, New Fairfield. Henry F. Kyle, Bethel. Urgele Lafrance, Plainfield. Isaac G. Larkin, Lebanon. Perkins L. Lathrop, Coventry. Frank V. A. Loucks, Cornwall. James Lowry, Brooklyn. Robert V. Magee, Watertown. 158 Joseph McKachnie, Putnam. Arthur W. Marsden, Madison. Joseph M. Metcalf, Tolland. Charles Mueller, New Britain. William A. Nelson, Ansonia. Lewis G. Northrup, Bridgewater. George W. Ogden, Wilton. Francis H. Parker, Hartford. Arthur E. Parmelee, Killingworth. Simeon Pease, Fairfield. Henry A. Post, Westbrook. John H. Reynolds, Coventry. Henry B. Russell, Southbury. Frederick A. Scott, Plymouth. Gould A. Shelton, Huntington. Robert Sinclair, Monroe. Alden C. T. Smith, Chester. Charles H. Smith, Groton. George F. Smith, Milford. John C. Smith, New Hartford. Adelbert H. Stevens, Killingworth. Frederick A. Stoddard, Litchfield. Charles O. Thompson, Pomfret. Frank M. Thompson, E. Windsor. Ransom B. Tifft, Ashford. Frank A. Wallace, Wallingford. Wilfred V. Warner, Wolcott. Jesse H. Wheeler, Easton. Louis B. Whitcomb, Andover. Lucius E. Whiton, New London. Whiting J. Wilcox. Cornwall. 191 1 State Officers : Simeon E. Baldwin, New Haven, Governor. Dennis A. Blakeslee, New Haven, Lieutenant-Governor. John H. Light, Norwalk, Attorney-General. Senators : Joseph W. Alsop, Avon. Charles S. Avery, Norwich. Arthur A. Bailey, Windsor. Frederick A. Bartlett, Bridgeport. John C. Brinsmade, Washington. Thomas O. Elliott, Pomfret. E. Hart Fenn, Wethersfield. Charles B. Frisbie, Cromwell. Joseph M. Halloran, New Britain. Parley B. Leonard, Vernon. Arthur W. Marsden, Madison. Garry Paddock, Bridgeport. Angus Park, Sprague. Charles S. Peck, Danbury. John F. Shanley, New Haven. Frank C. Woodruff, Orange. Representatives : Myron R. Abell, Lebanon. Hestes W. Alford, Windsor. William I. Allyn, Ledyard. Frank Arrigoni, Durham. Arthur P. Atwood, Norfolk. Arthur S. Bailey, East Hampton. Jacob Beisiegal, Woodbridge. Joshua Belden, Newington. Elmer E. Bennett, Canterbury. Andrew S. Bidwell, East Hartford. Arthur E. Bidwell, Glastonbury. Frank Blakeslee, Plymouth. John H. Blakeslee, North Haven. Edward S. Boyd, Woodbury. Walter W. Bronson, Washington. Eugene W. Bull, Kent. William H. Burr, Westport. Martin L. Caine, Naugatuck. William P. Camp, Durham. John H. Candee, Easton. Alexander F. Carey, Southington. Edmund E. Case, Bloomfield. Clifford E. Chapman, East Lyme. George S. Clark, Milford. Samuel A. Coe, Ridgefield. Willis Covell, Pomfret. John F. Craney, Norwich. Myron E. Crawford, New Canaan. William H. Crawford, Stratford. Eugene R. Day, Chatham. Emery W. Dolittle, Southington. Hector Duvert, Putnam. Marvin D. Edgerton, Bristol. Wallace T. Fenn, Wethersfield. Arthur J. Gallagher, Newtown. Edward B. Goddard, Granby. William H. Goddard, Wallingford. Lucius J. Grant, South Windsor. Charles N. Hall, New Milford. William H. Hall, Willington. Frank D. Hallett, Winchester. Frederick C. Hoskins, Simsbury. Frederick W. Huxford, Stamford. Charles S. Hyde, Canterbury. James H. Hyde, Franklin. William S. Hyde, Manchester. Fred C. Hydel, Avon. Milton C. Isbell, Ansonia. Charles J. Johnson, Thompson. Stephen I. Johnson, Ellington. William C. Johnson, Newtown. Edwin H. Keach, Killingly. Amory J. Kebler, Sterling. Matthew P. Kelly, Windsor Locks. Edward A. Kelsey, Clinton. Edward E. King, East Hartford. George S. Kirby, Sharon. William C. Knowles, Haddam. Urgele Laf ranee, Plainfield. Arthur W. Lamb, Sharon. Perkins L. Lathrop, Coventry. Herman E. Learned, Lisbon. Charles Loucks, Wallingford. Frank A. Luhrsen, Tolland. Robert V. Magee, Watertown. Wilbur S. Miller, Hartland. Frederick W. Miner, New Britain. 159 Monroe E. Mitchell, Canton. Charles W. Murphy. Danbury. Michael D. O'Connell, Stafford. Clayton A. Parmelee, Saybrook. Friend J. Peck, Hamden. Albert Phillips, Stamford. Michael P. Rice, Branford. Harry W. Reynolds, East Haddam. Edward L. Roberts, North Canaan. Frederick A. Scott, Plymouth. A. V. W. Sherman, W. Hartford. Andrew Slater, Farmington. Edward L. Smith, Mansfield. J. Warren Stark, Lyme. Charles L. Spencer, Suffield. William E. Stetson, Andover. Claude W. Stevens, Berlin. Lewellyn J. Storrs, Mansfield. James H. Stuart, Sherman. John M. Tatem, Eastford. Henry E. Terrell, Cheshire. Charles O. Thompson, Pomfret. Dwight B. Tiffany, Winchester. Daniel F. Tucker, Columbia. Charles S. Turner, Chaplin. William P. Tyler, Middlebury. John N. Walbridge, Tolland. Wilfred V. Warner, Wolcott. Albert B. Webb, Brooklyn. Morris C. Webster, Harwinton. Frank M. White, Guilford. Lucius E. Whiton, New London. James M. Whittelsey, Morris. Howard N. Wilcox, Bristol. Ray C. Wildman, Brookfield Harry Wood, Tolland 1913 State Officers: Simeon E. Baldwin, New Haven, Governor. John H. Light, Norwalk, Attorney-General. Albert Phillips, Stamford, Secretary. Edward S. Roberts, North Canaan, Treasurer. Senators : Charles S. Avery, Norwich. William C. Cheney, Manchester. Frederick M. Colton, Granby. Edwin H. Keach, Killingly. Mayro Keeney, Somers. John H. Mountain, Middletown. Frederick L. Neebe, Meriden. John H. Perry, Fairfield. John L. Purcell, Hartford. Harry W. Reynolds, E. Haddam. John F. Shanley, New Haven. Claude W. Stevens, Berlin. Hanford S. Weed, New Canaan. Representatives : Christopher L. Avery, Groton. Edward Baker, Canterbury. Ransom L. Baldwin, Meriden. Walter H. Baldwin, Cheshire. Dwight M. Banks, Fairfield. Wilson A Barber, East Windsor. Henry M. Betting, Preston. Arthur E. Bidwell, Glastonbury. Edward S. Boyd, Woodbury. Archibald H. Bradley, Burlington. William H. Breen, Cornwall. Patrick F. Bresnahan, Norfolk. Elbert L. Bunnell, Barkhamsted. Martin L. Caine, Naugatuck. Edward T. Carter, Plainville. Lyman P. Case, Winchester. Edward J. Carroll, East Hartford. George H Champlin, Columbia. Frank W. Chappell, Chaplin. John Clancy, Farmington. John W. Collins, Washington. Clark Congdon, Sterling. Frank W. Congdon, Hampton. Charles F. Couger, Newtown. John F. Craney, Norwich. Peter Crona, New Britain. Bradford W. Danielson, Plainfield. Henry H. Davenport, Pomfret. Charles E. Davis, North Haven. Homer P. Deming, Colebrook. Samuel S. Denton, Ridgefield. Junius Z. Douglass, Bristol. Horace M. Dunbar, Sharon. Kirk W. Dyer, Cromwell. Richard B. Eno, Simsbury. Ernest L. French, Plainfield. Ernest S. Fuller, Somers. Merritt E. Gallup, Pomfret. Louis A. Gowdy, Somers. Fred. A. Griswold, Wethersfield. Charles N. Hall, New Milford. John S. Hall, Lyme. William H. Hall, Willington. Alfred W. Hanmer, Wethersfield. Robert W. Hayes, Hartland. Frank E. Healy, Windsor Locks. John J. Hemmeler, Willington. Charles W. Hodges, New Canaan. Heman T. Holdredge, Stonington. Edwin T. Hook, Newtown. Collins W. Hudson, East Windsor. W. S. Hungerford, E. Haddam. Carroll W. Hutchinson, Hebron. William S. Hyde, Manchester. Elmer Jackson, Wilton. Charles J. Johnson, Thompson. John Johnson, Tolland. D. Clark Joyce, Brookfield. Herman P. Kopplemann, Hartford. C. W. Leavenworth, Wallingford. Charles D. Lockwood, Stamford. Charles N. Loomis, Bolton. Charles L. Luce, Newington. 160 Henry H. Lyman, Middlefield. Archibald Macdonald, Putnam. Robert V. Magee, Watertown. Thurman P. Maine, N, Stonington. Arthur W. Marsden, Madison. Abram Martin, Salisbury. Henry C. Messenger, N. Hartford. Ariel Mitchelson, Simsbury. Cady R. Morse, Bethel. Charles Mueller, New Britain. Joseph H. North, Goshen. Frank K. Noyes, Lebanon. Alfred L. Ohmen, Warren. Clarence H. Perry, Scotland. Martin E. Pierson, Bristol. William J. Reel, North Canaan. Michael P. Rice, Branford. Thomas J. Ryle, Stamford. Emory P. Sanford, Redding. John W. Sanford, Jr., Hamden. James T. Shea, Lisbon. John L. Sherman, Orange. Frederick E. Silliman, Easton. Frederick J. Snyder, Coventry. Herbert L. Spear, Suffield. Charles L. Spencer, Suffield. Howard H. Spencer, N. Hartford. C. Parker Stearns, Andover. Samuel L. Stevens, Danbury. Carlos H. Storrs, Ansonia. Walter F. Storrs, Mansfield. Theodore Sturges, Cornwall. Abel P. Tanner, New London. Howard W. Taylor, Danbury. Arthur C. Titus, Washington. Dudley L. Vaill, Winchester. John Van Wie, Branford. Daniel Webster, Berlin. Morris C. Webster, Harwinton. Albert R. Wells, Southington. Truman E. Wheeler, Woodbury. Daniel T. Williams, Colchester. Prescott H. Woodford, Avon. 1915 State Officers : Charles D. Burnes, Greenwich, Secretary. Fred. S. Chamberlain, New Britain, Treasurer. George E. Hinman, Windham, Attorney-General. Marcus H. Holcomb, Southington, Governor. Morris C. Webster, Harwinton, Comptroller. Clifford B. Wilson, Bridgeport, Lieutenant-Governor. Senators : John H. Barnes, Norwich. Frederic A. Bartlett, Bridgeport. Harvey P. Bissell, Ridgefield. Louis R. Cheney, Hartford. Benjamin H. Hewett, Stonington. Edward E King, East Hartford. Henry H. Lyman, Middlefield. Robert V. Magee, Watertown. James R. Mead, Greenwich. John M. O'Connell, Bridgeport. James A. Peasley, Waterbury. Martin E. Pierson, Bristol. John L. Purcell, Hartford. Frederick M Salmon, Westport. John M. Tatem, Eastford. Charles O. Thompson, Pomfret. Wm. P. Tyler, Middlebury. Lucius E. Whiton, New London. Representatives : Sessions L. Adams, Plainfield. W. Burton Allen, Litchfield. Dionigi Arrigoni, Durham. John Ash, Pomfret. Bennett C Atwood, Watertown. Bronson W. Atwood, Middlebury. Oscar F. Atwood, Brooklyn. Edmund S. Backus, Thompson. Albert J. Bailey, Norwich. Edward Baker, Canterbury. Alexander M. Bassett, Ashford. Thomas W. Beaumont, Cromwell. Edward W. Bennett, Cornwall. Frank E. Boardman, Middletown. Arthur E. Bowers, Manchester. Jervis D. Brown, Jr., Milford. John Brown, Orange. Edward T. Carter, Plainville. Lyman P. Case, Winchester. Charles H. Caul, Norfolk. Ernest P. Chesbro, Windham. George E. Churchill, Newington. Charles H. Clark, Southington. George T. Clark, Beacon Falls. Ernest L. Coles, Middlefield. Clark Congdon, Plainfield. Frank Q. Cronin, New London. Charles S. Curtiss, Woodbury. Marion R. Davis, East Lyme. Welcome Davis, Eastford. Richard H. Deming, W. Hartford. John B. Dillon, Shelton. Robert O. Eaton, North Haven. E. Hart Fenn, Wethersfield. Charles S. Fuller, Somers. Milan J. Gilman, Colebrook. Eugene E. Goddard, Granby. Arthur B. Goodrich, Glastonbury. Henry C Goslee, Morris. Owen E. Goslee, East Granby. E. Clayton Goodwin, New Britain. Edward Hall, Plainfield. George B. Hall, East Haddam. John S. Hall, Lyme. William H. Hall, Willington. Edward Handel, East Hartford. William H. Heald, Stafford. Frank E. Healy, Windsor Locks. 11 161 Joseph H. Henderson, Norwich. Thomas Hewes, Farmington. John L. Hitchcock, Hartland. William Hohbein, Burlington. Clifford E. Hough, Washington. Albert H. House, Windsor. Warren C Hubbell, Huntington. James H. Hutchins, Pomfret. Frederick W. Huxford, Stamford. William S. Hyde, Manchester. Fred C. Hydel, Avon. Milton C. Isbell, Ansonia. Edgar G. Jennings, Easton. Francis H. Johnson, Lisbon. Allen W. Jones, Westbrook. D. Clark Joyce, Brookfield. George B. Klebes, Sharon. Charles C. Lacey, Fairfield. C. Huntington Lathrop, Franklin. C. W. Leavenworth, Wallingford. James E. Loughlin, Enfield. Edgar R. LaPlace, Saybrook. Archibald Macdonald, Putnam. Geo. N. McKendry, New Canaan. Samuel G. McLean, Glastonbury. William C. Marble, Haddam. Arthur W. Marsden, Madison. Abram Martin, Salisbury. Chester E. May, Woodstock. George Mexcur, Bloomfield. William L. Meyer, Hartford. Edward L. Mitchell, Southbury. Ivan L. Morehouse, Stratford. Stanley D. Morgan, Waterford. Peter Morgansen, Tolland. Egbert A. Norton, Colebrook. Frank J. Pavelka, Killingworth. Frederick M. Peasley, Cheshire. S. Arnold Peckham, Windham. Echford G. Pendleton, Preston. Frederick L. Perry, New Haven. Jerome C. Potter, Guilford. John S. Pratt, Harwinton. Francis A. Randall, Vernon. John Reid, Bethel. Thomas P. Reilly, Naugatuck. John H. Reynolds, Coventry. Fernando C. Ross. Thompson. James E. Ryan, Ridgefield. John W. Sanford, Jr., Hamden. Edwin W. Schultz, New Britain. Samuel C. Shaw, Redding. Harry R. Sherwood, Westport. Daniel E. Smith, Chester. William F. Smith, Hamden. William F. Smithwick, Bristol. Herbert L. Spear, Suffield. Samuel R. Spencer, Sufneld. Nelson L. Stark, Bozrah. Wilbur Sturges, Weston. E. Everett Swan, East Haddam. Stephen A. Talmadge, Prospect. Benjamin F. Taylor, Washington. Frederick N. Taylor, Lebanon. Howard W. Taylor, Danbury. Herbert E. Thatcher, Somers. James A, Thomas, Lebanon. Matt A. Tinker, Montville. George M. Tracy, Derby. Charles F. Tristram, Norwalk. William B. Tuttle, Plymouth. Dudley L. Vaill, Winchester. Albert R. Wells, Southington. Dudley Wells, Wethersfield. John G. Wightman, Stafford. Elias F. Wilcox, Stonington. John H. Wiltshire, Bethlehem. John H. Yost, Vernon. 1917 State Officers : Fred. S. Chamberlain, New Britain, Treasurer. George E. Hinman, Windham, Attorney-General. Marcus H. Holcomb, Southington, Governor. Frederick L. Perry, New Haven, Secretary. Morris C. Webster, Harwinton, Comptroller. Clifford B. Wilson, Bridgeport, Lieutenant-Governor. Senators : Sessions L. Adams, Plainfield. John H. Barnes, Norwich. Frederic A. Bartlett, Bridgeport. Harvey P. Bissell, Ridgefield. Edward S. Boyd, Woodbury. Edward W. Broder, Hartford. John E. Doughan, New Haven. William H. Hall, Wellington. Charles C. Hemenway, Hartford. Frank H. Hinckley, Stonington. Herman P. Kopplemann, Hartford. William J. Larkin, Waterbury. Harry A. Leonard, New Haven. Henry H. Lyman, Middlefield. Archibald Macdonald, Putnam. James R. Mead, Greenwich. Frederick L. Neebe, Meriden. John M. O'Connell, Bridgeport. Elijah Rogers, Southington. Frederick H. Rolf, Guilford. Charles L. Spencer, Suffield. Robbins B. Stoeckel, Norfolk. Representatives : Sidney E. Ackley, East Haddam. William I. Allyn, Ledyard. Oscar F. Atwood, Brooklyn. Heman O. Averill, Washington. Edmund S. Backus, Thompson. Albert J. Bailey, Norwich. Edward Baker, Canterbury. Frank H. Barnes, Southington. William A. Barnes, Ansonia. 162 Gustavus C. Beckwith, N. Hartford. Jesse L. Benedict, Ridgefield. Emil T. Berger, Trumbull. Enoch T. Birdsey, Middlefield. Jonathan E. Bliss, Clinton. Frank E. Boardman, Middletown. Arthur E. Bowers, Manchester. George H. Bradford, Montville. William H. Brewer, E. Hartford. Aldemar A. Brodeur, Putnam. Jervis D. Brown, Jr., Milford. Robert T. Buell, Marlborough. George P. Bugbee, Willington. William G. Bushnell, Westbrook. Martin L. Caine, Naugatuck. Nehemiah Candee, Norwalk. Lyman P. Case, Winchester. Theodore G. Case, Granby. Charles H. Caul, Norfolk. Augustus E. Chappuis, Warren. Constant W. Chatfield, Voluntown. William Chew, Bridgeport. Frank W. Churchill, Rocky Hill. Charles E. Clark, Woodbridge. George T. Clark, Beacon Falls. Wesley N. Clark, Granby. Edward S. Coe, Cromwell. Walter W. Collar, Norfolk. Charles J. Conrad, Shelton. George B. Cowles, Woodbury. William S. Cowles, Farmington. S. ( Hart Culver, Seymour. William T. Curry, Lebanon. Frank I. Date, Franklin. William J. Day, Barkhamsted. Asahel R. DeWolf, East Lyme. Leonard M. Dickinson, Hartland. John B. Dillon, Huntington. Junius Z. Douglass, Bristol. Charles O. Eakland, Wilton. Robert O. Eaton, North Haven. Richard B. Eno, Simsbury. William H. Eustice, Plymouth. Oliver D. Filley, Bloomfield. John H. Fish, Newington. Peter FitzHenry, Waterbury. Charles C. Ford, Washington. Ernest S. Fuller, Somers. I. Kent Fulton, Salisbury. Gourdin Y. Gaillard, New Haven. Howard S. Gilbert, Bethel. William H. Goddard, Wallingford. James Graham, Lisbon. Fremont M. Granniss, Litchfield. Byron H. Griswold, Glastonbury. Frederick D. Griswold, Goshen. Charles N. Hall, New Milford. Edward F. Hall, New Britain. Richard J. Hall, Ansonia. Ray L. Harding, Lyme. Samuel P. Hayes, Bethlehem. Walter Hayles, Hamden. William H. Heald, Stafford. Frank E. Healy, Windsor Locks. Patrick J. Healey, Waterbury. George R. Hempstead, Groton. Joseph H. Henderson, Norwich. Howard Hicock, Southbury. William L. Higgins, Coventry. Oliver A. Hiscox, Woodstock. Henry S. Hitchcock, Woodbury. John P. Hollowell, Preston. William A. Holt, New London. Edmund A. Hoskins, Simsbury. Edward A. Hoxie, Lebanon. Stephen R. Hoyt, Darien. Eugene F. Hutchinson, Columbia. Frederick W. Huxford, Stamford. Paul P. Ives, Guilford. H. Roger Jones, New Hartford. Lee H. Kellogg, Canaan. Sidney D. Kelsey, Killingworth. John E. Kingsbury, Coventry. Charles C. Lacey, Fairfield. August L. Lange, Meriden. Geo. W. P. Leavenworth, Roxbury. William H. Leete, Enfield. Hurvey M. Luther, East Haddam. Arthur W. Marsden, Madison. Frank E. Miller, Canterbury. John C. Miller, Ellington. Albert L. Mills, Hampton. Maurice E. Minor, Plymouth. Monroe E. Mitchell, Canton. Thomas F. Molloy, Derby. Ivan L. Morehouse, Stratford. Richard H. Morgan, Cheshire. Robert B. Morse, New Canaan. Edgar W. Munson, Hamden. Elwin N. Myers, East Windsor. Raymond Pack, Morris. Frederick H. Page, Durham. Fitz Henry Paine, Pomfret. Cleon L. Parmelee, Killingworth. George S. Parsons, Enfield. Frederick M. Peasley, Cheshire. William F. Piatt, Milford. John S. Pratt, Harwinton. William A. Preston, Cornwall. Archibald G. Prisk, Wallingford. J. Laurence Raymond, Lyme. William J. Reel, North Canaan. Thomas P. Reilly, Naugatuck. Wilson W. Robotham, Farmington. Willard B. Rogers, Manchester. Franklin M. Rose, Essex. Malcolm D. Rudd, Salisbury. James E. Ryan, Ridgefield. Walter E. Savage, Meriden. Wilfred W. Savage, Wethersfield. Samuel C. Shaw, Redding. W. Franklin Sheldon, Plainfield. Harry R. Sherwood, Westport. William J. Simpson, Plainville. Howard B. Smith, Middlebury. Leonard Smith, Mansfield. Samuel R. Spencer, Sufneld. Charles G. Stone, Durham. 163 Edward C. Stoughton, Thomas-ton. John J. Sweeney, Bozrah. Charles B. Tammany, Easton. Edward E. Thompson, Glastonbury. Howard W. Taylor, Danbury. Otto H. Tiedeman, Sharon. Charles R. Treat, Orange. F. Romaine Tucker, Willington. Dudley N. Vaill, Winchester. Arthur M. Waitt, Sharon. Wilfred V. Warner, Wolcott. Duane J. Webster, Burlington. John G. Wightman, Stafford. Elias F. Wilcox, Stonington. Samuel R. Woodward, Bolton. John H. Yost, Vernon. 1919 The names of all the members of the General Assembly of 1919 are printed on another page of this book. Of the 293 members, 247 were present. 164 NAMES OF THOSE NOT PRESENT at the GENERAL ASSEMBLY CENTENNIAL The following persons acknowledged the receipt of an invitation to the Celebration, but for various reasons were unable to attend: 1858 Representative : Chester R. Woodford, Avon. 1862 Representative : Erastus S. Day, Colchester. 1863 Representative : George M. Woodruff, Litchfield. Representative : Erastus S. Day, Colchester. 1865 Representatives : Merrick A. Marcy, Union. George M. Woodruff, Litchfield. 1866 Representatives : J. Warren Johnson, Enfield. Merrick A. Marcy, Union. Richard Wheeler, No. Stonington. 1869 Representatives : Horace Belden, Simsbury. Tim. C. Coogan, Windsor Locks. 1870 Representatives : Jepthah G. Bill, Griswold. L. Legrand Hopkins, N. Fairfield. J. Warren Johnson, Enfield. 1871 Representatives : James W. Cheney, Manchester. L. Legrand Hopkins, N. Fairfield. Robert M. Jewett, Lyme. William C. Russell, Orange. 1872 Senator: Lucius Brown, Preston. Representatives : Marcius A. Cady, Stafford. Nathaniel L. Knowlton, Ashford. George M. Woodruff, Litchfield. 1873 Senator: Merrick A. Marcy, Union. Representatives : Robert N. Cochrane, Cornwall. Tim. C. Coogan, Windsor Locks. Henry E. Dimock, Tolland. Dwight J. Glazier, Stafford. Virgil F. McNeil, Cornwall. Henry B. Sisson, Lyme. Alpheus W. Tyler, Haddam. 1874 Senator: Merrick A. Marcy, Union. Representatives : J. Dwight Chaffee, Mansfield. Edmund Day, Seymour. Erastus S. Day, Colchester. Monroe Hart, Barkhamsted. Phineas C. Lounsbury, Ridgefield. Avery A. Stanton, Sterling. Alpheus W. Tyler, Haddam. 1875 Senator: Tim. C. Coogan, Windsor Locks. Representatives : Ephraim Bridge, Enfield. Frank A. Case, Barkhamsted. Lucius H. Foote, Durham. Jared A. Gallup, Voluntown. Charles A. Hawkins, Tolland. L. LeGrand Hopkins, N. Fairfield. James B. Palmer, Lisbon. William D. Ruby, Willington. Charles F. Smith, Orange. Jerome Tourtellotte, Putnam. Smith C. Wheeler, Oxford. 165 Senator: 1876 Tim. C. Coogan, Windsor Locks. Representatives : Marcius A. Cady, Stafford. Lucius H. Foote, Durham. George A. Hammond, Mansfield. .Daniel B. Mallory, Sherman. James B. Palmer, Lisbon . Francis Pinney, Ellington. Henry B. Sisson, Lyme. Charles F. Smith, Orange. Everett S. Warner, Rocky Hill. 1877 Senators : Daniel B. Mallory, Sherman. Lucius Brown, Preston. Representatives : James G. Curtiss, Woodbury. George W. Dains, Harwinton. Salmon B. Giddings, Hartland. Charles A. Hawkins, Tolland. Orrin S. Thompson, N. Hartford. 1878 Senator : Lucius Brown, Preston. Representatives : Irwin J. Beardsley, Kent. John H. Fuller, Marlborough. Joseph O. Goodwin, E. Hartford. William P. Marcy, Union. Samuel N. Morgan, Salem. Job F. Seamans, Killingly. Henry B. Sisson, Lyme. 1879 Representatives : Edwin P. Augur, Middlefield. Frank A. Case, Barkhamsted. Allison N. Clark, Plainyille. George E. Cook, Harwinton. Frederick H. Dunham, Chatham. Martin W. Frisbie, Southington. Thomas H. Fuller, Scotland. James G. Gregory, Norwalk. Merrick A. Marcy, Union. Charles B. Northrop, Ridgefield. William B. Perry, Salisbury. William M. Smith, Chaplin. Orrin S. Thompson, N. Hartford. Henry Young, Tolland. 1880 Representatives : Ezra B. Bailey, Franklin. Henry M. Barbour, Canton. John W. Edgerton, Tolland. Martin W. Frisbie, Southington. Henry P. Lane, Barkhamsted. Merrick A. Marcy, Union. John A. Moore, Colebrook. Cyrus B. Newton, Stafford. Frederic E. Rice, Granby. Charles S. Smith, Kent. Jerome Tourtellotte, Putnam. John M. Wood, Coventry. 1881 Representatives : Edwin S. Agard, Tolland. Samuel M. Bailey, Wolcott. Virgil R. Barker, Harwinton. Richard G. Beebe, Stafford. Charles F. Burt, Hebron. Fitch L. Comstock, Waterford. Stiles A. Crandall, Ledyard. Charles W. Grosvenor, Pomfret. Denzel B. Hoadley, Bethany. L. Legrand Hopkins, N. Fairfield. Edward H. Jacobs, Killingly. John H. Selden, Chatham. Jared H. Stearns, Mansfield. Dwight W. Tuttle, East Haven. William H. Vining, Colebrook. Moses A. Wadhams, Goshen. 1882 Representatives : George A. Allen, Torrington. Samuel M. Bailey, Wolcott. John W. Coogan, Windsor Locks. Andrew W. Culver, Beacon Falls. Alfred W. Hutchinson, Hebron. J. Warren Johnson, Enfield. Joseph C. Leffingwell, Bozrah. Augustus F. Read, Lisbon. Edward D. Robbins, Wethersfield. Hubert S. Scovill, Goshen. Lewis E. Smith, Ridgefield. James H. Warner, Rocky Hill. S. Brainard West, Columbia. 1883 Representatives : Ezra B. Bailey, Windsor Locks. Elihu Carlisle, Goshen. Marvin P. Colman, Coventry. Oliver P. Cowdery, Hartland. William H. Doyle, Litchfield. Arthur W. Eaton, East Hartford. Herman Fleischer, New Britain. Frank Gorham, Weston. E. Stevens Henry, Vernon. George P. McLean, Simsbury. Timothy B. McNamara, Plymouth. Leonard J. Nickerson, Cornwall. Newton Osborn, Newington. Henry A. Richmond, Preston. Edward D. Robbins, Wethersfield. George L. Rosebrooks, Mansfield. Willis D. Rouse, Plainfield. Guilford Smith, Windham. Jabez Southworth, Saybrook. Timothy C. Tiffany, Barkhamsted. Orren C. West, Vernon. 166 State Officer: Frank D. Sloat, New Haven, Comptroller. Senator: Edmund Day, Seymour. Representatives : Myron E. Cable, Washington. Charles A. Clark, Marlborough. John H. Fanton, Danbury. David S. Gilmour, Norwich. Frederick A. Granniss, Cheshire. Phineas M. Griswold, Madison. Albert Hall, Willington. Lyman Hewitt, Wethersfield. Gilbert H. Holcombe, Burlington. George A. Hopson, Wallingford. Hadlai A. Hull, Stonington. Robert M. Jewett, Lyme. Henry McKinney, Stafford. George P. McLean, Simsbury. Clark C. Palmer, Griswold. Judson A. Potter, Willington. Charles T. Preston, Killingly. Franklin Y. Silliman, Chester. Smith C. Wheeler, Oxford. 1885 Senators : J. Dwight Chaffee, Mansfield. Edmund Day, Seymour. Representatives : Curtiss C. Atwell, Durham. Henry E. Bradley, Washington J. Raymond Douglass, Salem. David S. Gilmour, Norwich. John S. Griffin, East Haddam. Charles W. Grosvenor, Pomfret. George A. Hammond, Putnam. J. Henry King, Lebanon. Charles R. Marvin, Saybrook. Stephen D. Moore, Preston. John J. Phelan, Bridgeport. Charles A. Satterlee, Ledyard. William M. Stark, New London. Henry W. Trowbridge, Roxbury. Alfred N. Wildman, Danbury. 1886 Senators : J. Dwight Chaffee, Mansfield. Charles W. Grosvenor, Pomfret. George P. McLean, Simsbury. Representatives : Samuel Ashwell, Rocky Hill. Oscar L. Beardsley, Huntington. Fred H. Bevans, Bethel. Benjamin L. Bronson, Wolcott. Thomas S. Brown, Chatham. Arthur H. Galpin, Wethersfield. Jerome F. Gibbs, Kent. William Hamersley, Hartford. George A. Hammond, Putnam. William H. Hammond, Hampton. Nelson T. Hungerford, Sherman. Thurston B. Lillibridge, Norwich. William V. McNerney, Vernon. Frederick A. Pierson, Ellington. Harris Pendleton, Guilford. John J. Phelan, Bridgeport. William C. Sanford, Redding. Job F. Seamans, Killingly. Frank L. Stephens, Barkhamsted. 1887 State Officer: Phineas C. Lounsbury, Ridgefield. Governor. Senators : Ezra B. Bailey, Windsor Locks. O. Vincent Coffin, Middletown. Edgar J. Doolittle, Meriden. E. Stevens Henry, Vernon. Representatives : Wellington M. Andrew, Orange. Caleb Anthony, Scotland. Emerson E. Barker, Branford. John D. Bassett, Norfolk. William W. Bolles, Marlborough. William H. Brackett, Willington. Simon C. Bradley, Fairfield. Joseph W. Chesebro, Stonington. Frederick F. Finney, Woodbrdge. Charles Griswold, Guilford. Sidney E. Hawley, Brookfield. L. Legrand Hopkins, Danbury. Ezra M. Horton, Union. William R. Kurd, Bristol. John B. Kendrick, Wallingford. Courtland Lamb, Ledyard. Albert H. Lanphere, Waterford. Thurston B. Lillibridge, Norwich. Wm. W. B. Markham, Chatham. George W. Mitchell, Southbury. Newton Osborn, Newington. Ransom F. Smith, Cornwall. Frederick Stockman, Bethlehem. Charles A. Wheaton, Eastford. Benjamin C. Woodin, Hamden. 1889 State Officer: E. Stevens Henry, Vernon, Treasurer. Senators : O. Vincent Coffin, Middletown, George E. Keeney, Somers. Representatives : Julius H. Barnard, Colebrook. Trescott C. Barnes, New Hartford. Edwin I. Bell, Portland. Lodowick Bill, Lyme. Fisk Brainard, Chatham. Walter S. Carpenter, Putnam. Henry T. Child, Woodstock. Myron L. Cooley, Southbury. 167 George W. Dains, Harwinton. Edward W. Dewey, Granby. Alfred E. Hammer, Branford. George A. Haskell, Griswold. Sidney E. Hawley, Brookfield. Walter S. Hewitt, Hebron. George G. Hungerford, Sherman. John B. Kendrick, Wallingford. Frederick E. Knapp, New Fairfield. Joseph Peabody, Waterford. Arthur B. Porter, Coventry. Robert A. Potter, Plainville. Robert S. Purdy, Darien. David Russ, Ashford. William W. Sunderland, Danbury. Dwight W. Tuttle, East Haven. Jason R. Viets, East Granby. Thomas Walker, Southington. Silas B. Wheeler, Stonington. William H. Wright, Killingworth. 1891 State Officer: E. Stevens Henry, Vernon, Treasurer. Senators : George W. Dains, Harwinton. Noble E. Pierce, Bristol. Representatives : Roscius Back, Union. Ira G. Bailey, Haddam. John G. Bromley, Lisbon. Frank S. Brown, Washington. Cassius S. Chase, Killingly. Frederick H. Dunham, Chatham. William L. Egleston, Norfolk. George E. Emmons, Morris. Frank W. Fitch, Preston. Charles F. Green, Goshen. Gardiner Greene, Norwich. , Linus H. Hall, Wallingford. William B. Hawley, Sherman. Franklin P. Hayes, Bethlehem. John Keough, Bloomfield. Nathaniel L. Knowlton. Ashford. James P. Little, Columbia. William T. Marsh, Litchfield. William V. McNerney, Vernon. George W. Mitchell, Southbury. Alvah Morgan, Salem. Michael J. Moroney, Burlington. A. D. Parmelee, Killingworth. Arthur B. Porter, Coventry. Robert S. Purdy, Darien. George T. Sanger, Plainfield. Francis S. Skiff, Cornwall. Charles L. Spooner, Kent. Cyrus H. Stewart, N. Stonington. Robert M. Thompson, Lyme. Richard H. Tucker, Old Saybrook. Dwight W. Tuttle, East Haven. Frank L. Wellman, Durham. Silas B. Wheeler, Stonington. Henry M. White, Torrington. State Officer: 1893 John J. Phelan, Bridgeport, Secretary. Senator : George E. Keeney. Somers. Noble E. Pierce, Bristol. Representatives : Ira G. Bailey, Haddam. William C. Blanchard, Lebanon. John G. Bromley, Lisbon. Arthur B. Calkins, East Lyme. Charles H. Calor, Plainville. Myron N. Clark, Norfolk. Herbert L. Culver, Colebrook. Stephen D. Curtis, Ashford. Erwin S. Fairchild, Trumbull. Willis W. Hall, Marlborough. William Hamersley, Hartford. Irving W. Hammond, Hampton. Edwin H. Harris, Salem. William B. Hawley, Sherman. Albert A. Hubbard, No. Canaan. Ardon L. Judd, Stratford. John D. Luby, Burlington. William N. Markham, Chatham. William T. Marsh, Litchfield. William V. McNerney, Vernon. John D. Moffitt, Scotland. Elisha G. Morton, East Windsor. N. !L. Parmelee, Killingworth. Arthur B. Porter, Coventry. Fred Prentice, Hebron. Caleb F. Rose, East Haddam. George T. Sanger, Plainfield. Harvey Tucker, Simsbury. Curtis B. Warner, New Hartford. Arthur G. Wheeler, Stonington. Theodore F. Wheeler, Southbury. George J. Whipple. Colebrook. Frank B. Wood, Cornwall. 1895 State Officer: O. Vincent Coffin, Middletown, Governor. Senators : Benjamin H. Lee, New London. James P. Little, Columbia. Representatives : Sereno Alderman. Burlington. Samuel J. Allen, East Windsor. Samuel M. Bailey. Wolcott. George E. Bidwell, East Granby. Francis H. Bird, Pomfret. John A. Carrier, Chatham. John S. Champlin, Coventry. Edwin H. Clark, Morris. John E. Fahey, Vernon. Charles E. Ford, Canaan. Arlan P. Francis, Newington. Dwight S. Fuller, Suffield. 168 Gardiner Greene, Norwich. George P. Hill, East Lyme. Elbert O. Hull, Monroe. Frank R. Jackson, Woodstock. Frederick A. Jacobs, Killingly. Gurden B. Marcy, Eastford. Ernest A. Markham, Durham. William T. Marsh, Litchfield. F. H. Mayberry, E. Hartford. Alvah Morgan, Salem. Lucius B. Morgan, Plainfield. Henry B. Noyes, Stonington. Benjamin F. Page, Harwinton. F. H. Parmelee, New London. N. S. Parmelee, Killingworth. John L. Roberts, Kent. Amasa P. Taber, Plainfield. George Wallace, Union. Edward R. Wooster, Bridgewater. State Officer 1897 Charles W. Grosvenor, Pomfret, Treasurer. Senators : Lucius Brown, Norwich. Samuel A. Herman, Winchester. Benjamin H. Lee, New London. Dwight W. Tuttle, East Haven. Representatives : Edwin S. Agard, Tolland. S. Langdon Alvord, Winchester. Harry E. Back, Union. Richard Baldwin, Plymouth. John H. Ball, Durham. Orren W. Bates, Sterling. Charles F. Boswell, Preston. Daniel E. Bradley, Berlin. Charles H. Brown, Putnam. Dale D. Butler, Middletown. Arthur B. Calkins, East Lyme. Robert N. Cochrane, Milford. Edward M. Day, Colchester. Iverson C. Fanton, Weston. E. Hart Geer, Lyme. Charles E. Graham, Orange. Addison J. Greenslit, Hampton. George Gregory, Darien. Marcus A. Griffin, Granby. Donald M. Gunn, Groton. Edwin L. Heath, Vernon. Samuel Hodgkinson, Wallingford. Edward H. Hotchkiss, Torrington. Dwight L. Humiston, Bethany. George F. Humphrey, Bloomfield. Frederick A. Jacobs, Killingly. Frederick C. Juul, Wellington. Walter Kingsley, Plainfield. John M. Leach, Stafford. Clarence F. Loomis, N. Hartford. George A. Mills, Lebanon. Albert Morgan. Salem. Dan. A. Murphy, New Fairfield. Herbert E. Parmelee, Guilford. Robert H. Perkins, Warren. Charles H. Rich, East Haddam. Matthew H. Rogers, Bridgeport. Edward W. Seeley, Roxbury. John O. Shares, Hamden. Edwin J. Sheldon, Suffield. John S. Usher, Tolland. A. R. Wadsworth, Farmington. J. Frank Welles, Wethersfield. Samuel G. Winchester, Burlington. William S. Wortman, Bethel. 1899 Senator: Frank R. Jackson, Woodstock. Representatives : Richard J. Beebe, Stafford. Charles D. Bent, Enfield. Moses Chapman, Montville. Edgar A. Clarke, New Hartford. Henry I. Clark, Old Saybrook. William Conklin, Salisbury. John H. Davis, Hamden. Frank S. DeWolf, Salem. Iverson C. Fanton, Weston. Lucius W. Fox, Harwinton. Charles A. Gates, Windham. Frank H. Hinckley, Stonington. Samuel Hodgkinson, Wallingford. Ebenezer A. Hoyt, Ridgefield. Franklin V. Kibbe, Somers. Fred. E. Knapp, New Fairfield. Albert H. Lanphere, Waterford. James R. Lanyan, Cheshire. George H. Maxson, Stonington John H Metgs, Madison. Charles H. Moore, New Britain. Lawrence Mullaley, Windsor. Daniel M. Nichols, Trumbull. Patrick O'Donnell, Cornwall. Clarence F. Osborn, Norwalk. James B. Palmer, Lisbon. Frederick N. Porter, Bethel. Norris W. Rathbun, E. Haddam. Watson E. Rice, Stamford. Henry Roberts, Hartford. Melvin E. Snow, Norfolk. Hugh Stirling, Bridgeport. Addison C. Taintor, Colchester. Edwin S. Thomas, Orange. William H. Vining, Colebrook. A. R. Wadsworth, Farmington. Francis G. Waldo, Hebron. Andrew E. Warner, Chester. Robert E. Webster, Union. Clifton H. Wright, Ashford. Edwin O. Wright, Goshen. 1901 State Officer: George P. McLean, Simsbury, Governor. 169 Senators : Wallace S. Allis, Norwich. Charles H. Brown, Putnam. James R. Lanyon, Cheshire. Henry Roberts, Hartford. Andrew J. Sloper, New Britain. Representatives : Frank H. Abbe, Enfield. William E. Attwood, New Britain. Elmore S. Banks, Fairfield. Joseph B. Banning, Saybrook. Earle S. Baxter, Colebrook. James E. Beebe, Lyme. Henry W. Beecher, Southbury. Charles D. Bent, Enfield. Franklin P. Brainerd, Durham. Arthur M. Brown, Griswold. Arthur B. Calkins, East Lyme. Edgar T. Clark, Milford. Marcus A. Covell, Thompson. Granville A. Durant, Bethel. John E. Ellis, Hebron. John E. Fahey, Vernon. Charles A. Gates, Windham. Frank Gorham, Weston. Abner P. Hayes, Waterbury. Frank H. Hinckley, Stonington. Mills Hungerford, Sherman. George W. Keeler, Cheshire. Robert W. Keeler, Wilton. John B. Kendrick, Wallingford. Joseph F. Killeen, Montville. James E. A. Knowlton, Ashford. Albert H. Lanphere, Waterford. Walter A. Main, Orange. George H. Maxson, Stonington. Alvah Morgan, Salem. Maurice F. Mulville, Norfolk. Frederick H. Perry, Chester. Charles H. Post, Guilford. Arthur M. Pratt, Cornwall. Frank W. Rising, Suffield. Bradley W. Sanford, Ridgefield. J. Samuel Seranton, Madison. George R. Smith, Cornwall. Sheldon B. Smith, Roxbury. William H. Smith, Old Saybrook. Valette D. Stearns, Mansfield. Clarence F. Stotts, Hartland. J. White Sumner, Bolton. Wm. W. Thompson, E. Windsor. E. Austin Wadhams, Goshen. A. R. Wadsworth, Farmington. Frank J. Wales, Monroe. James R. Warner, East Haddam. F. Ernest Watkins, Manchester. E. Frank White, No. Stonington. Granville Whittlesey, Danbury. Samuel H. Williams, Glastonbury. IQ02 (Constitutional Convention) Henry L. Bailey, Groton. Irwin J. Beardsley, Kent. Arthur M. Brown, Griswold. Harley P. Buell, Colchester. George A. Frink, Preston. Frank Gorham, Weston. Frank H. Hinckley, Stonington. George E. Keeney, Somers. John B. Kendrick, Wallingford. J. Henry King, Franklin. William N. Markham, Chatham. John H. Meigs, Madison. Schuyler Merritt, Stamford. Alvah Morgan, Salem. Noble E. Pierce, Bristol. Edwin C. Shelton, Monroe. William H. Smith, Old Saybrook. J. White Sumner, Bolton. 1903 State Officers: Henry Roberts, Hartford, Lieutenant-Governor. William A. King, Windham, Attorney-General. Senators : Arthur M. Brown, Griswold. Eddie S. Davis, Middletown. Charles A. Gates, Windham. Charles E. Graham, Orange. Frederick A. Jacobs, Killingly. Representatives : Willard I. Ailing, Berlin. Elmore S. Banks, Fairfield. Oscar L. Beardsley, Huntington. Homer S. Beers, Westport. Frank A. Benedict, Seymour. Wareham W. Bentley, Bozrah. Arthur C. Bradley, Weston. Arthur M. Brainard, Glastonbury. Edward L. Clark, Orange. John M. Clark, Chaplin. Samuel P. Clark, East Haddam. Michael J. Connor, Enfield. Marcus A. Covell, Thompson. Andrew W. Culver, Beacon Falls. Thomas F. D'Arsey, Enfield. John H. Davis^ Preston. Frank H. Deming, Hampton. Michael T. Downes, Wallingford. Daniel P. Dunn, Windham. Jacob Frey, East Windsor. George A. Frink, Preston. Roswell Grant, South Windsor. Howard M. Guernsey, Thomaston. David R. Hawley, Farmington. Allerton C. Kibbe, Ellington. William F. Kirchberger, Morris. Louis J. Korper, Willington. William E. LaBelle, Killingly. Everett J. Lake, Hartford. Albert H. Lanphere, Waterford. James R. Lanyon, Cheshire. 170 Freeman A. Libby, Putnam. Frank T. Maples, Norwich. Carlos V. Mason, Bristol. F. H. Mayberry, E. Hartford. Homer N. Neil, "Wellington. Henry F. Parker, Vernon. William F. Quigg, Marlborough. Watson E. Rice, Stamford. Charles B. Searle, Windsor. Edwin C. Shelton, Monroe. J. Arthur Sherwood, Easton. Herbert K. Smith, Hartford. Hiram A. Smith, Colebrook. Lucius K. Stevens, Clinton. Frank L. Stiles, North Haven. Henry C. Thresher, Stafford. George Towne, Union. David P. Walden, Scotland. William H. Warner, Woodbridge. E. Frank White, No. Stonington. 1905 State Officers : Henry Roberts, Hartford, Governor. William A. King, Windham, Attorney-General. Senators : William E. Attwood, New Britain. D. Newton Barney, Farmington. Reuben S. Bartlett, Norwich. Austin I. Bush, East Lyme. Alfred E. Hammer, Branford. Everett J. Lake, Hartford. Matthew Hogan, Hartford. F. H. Mayberry, E. Hartford. Representatives : William A. Agard, Tolland. Levi H. Apley, Goshen. Amos H. Armington, Killingly. Curtiss B. Atwood, Watertown. Elmore S. Banks, Fairfield. Orren W. Bates, Sterling. Wareham W. Bentley, Bozrah. Charles B. Carlson, Haddam. Herman M. Chapin, N. Hartford. Philo Cleveland, Harwinton. Michael J. Connor, Enfield. Andrew W. Culver, Beacon Falls. John H. Davis, Preston. Alton Farrel, Ansonia. George T. Fowler, No. Branford. William H. Geer, Lebanon. George E. Goodman, Bloomfield. Constant W. Gower, Hartland. Howard M. Guernsey, Thomaston, Edward C. Hammond, Waterford. George A. Hammond, Putnam. Charles H. Hanmer, Wethersfield. Luke W. Henderson, Wolcott. George H. Hewitt, Lebanon. Edward P. Hollowell, Preston. Frank N. Hoskins, Simsbury. Thomas Hoyt, Stamford. Frederick L. Huntington, Meriden. Charles S. Hurlbut, Tolland. Frederick A. Ives, Cheshire. George H. Johnson, Morris. John B. Kibbe, Somers. James D. Kimball, Woodbury. Karl C. Kulle, Windsor Locks. Frank T. Maples, Norwich. Samuel J. Marsh, Waterbury. Charles R. Marvin, Saybrook. John J. Northrop, Newtown. C. Henry Olmsted, East Hartford. Henry C. Parker, East Haddam. Richard H. Pascall, Portland. Lewis H. Phelps, Wallingford. William H. Phillips, Chaplin. Frank H. Raymond, Hebron. Marcus L. Reynolds, Bridgeport. Howard A. Rix, Salem. Ernest N. Robinson, Durham. Emor A. Smith, Hartford. Myron W. Sperry, Bolton. Evelyn E. Stevens, Clinton. Walter S. Vail, Franklin. Charles F. Wanger, Salisbury. William H. Warner, Woodbridge. 1907 State Officer: Everett J. Lake, Hartford, Lieutenant-Governor. Senators : Harley P. Buell, Colchester. John M. Donnelly, Bridgeport. Alton Farrel, Ansonia. Charles A. Gates, Windham. Samuel Hodgkinson, Wallingford. Flavel S. Luther, Hartford. Thomas J. Spellacy, Hartford. Representatives : William E. Albin, Westport. Frank E. Allen, Scotland. John W. Allen, New Britain. Philip C. Arnold, Chatham. Alfred H. Auger, Middlefield. Telley E. Babcock, Plainfield. Roscius Back, Union. Oscar D. Baker, Ashford. Elmore S. Banks, Fairfield. Frank C. Barnes, Plymouth Webster E. Burbank, Suffield. Alfred D. Cady, Plainville. Charles B. Carlson, Haddam. Roswell Chamberlain, Hebron. Marshall E. Charter, Ellington. Sherman Cogswell, Washington. Michael J. Connor, Enfield. George A. Cosgrove, Wellington. Fred. E. Dickerman. Winchester. Albert P. Dossin, Meriden William H. Doyle, Litchfield. Eli Gledhill, Stonington. Carlos J. Gurley, Willington. 171 John W. Hale, Cromwell. James B. Hall, Hartland. Charles J. Heineman, Meriden. David H. Husband, Marlborough. Arthur M. Keith, Eastford. David D. Kyle, New Milford. Josiah B. Lougee, Canton. ' William M. Low, Norwalk. William J. Malone, Bristol. William T. Marsh, Litchfield. Samuel N. Morgan, Colchester. J. Edward Newton, Durham. Matthew O'Brien, Norfolk. William Oliver, Cornwall. William E. Page, Kent. Charles J. Parsons, E. Windsor. Charles H. Peck, Stratford. Charles A. Perkins, Lebanon. Sidney S. Piatt, Southbury. David M. Plumb, Prospect. Henry A. Pratt, Essex. Frederick H. Quintard, Norwalk. Edward P. Rice, Granby. H. Richardson, N. Stonington. Albert F. Rockwell, Bristol. Michael F. Shea, Canterbury. Ernest W. Smith, Hartford. Frank C. Smith, Middletown. Albert L. Sperry, Woodbridge. John S. Sullivan, Bozrah. George W. Thayer, Union. Charles J. Thorp, Trumbull. Charles H. Tibbits, Wallingford. Ira D. Tucker, Simsbury. Charles H. Weber, Vernon. William C. Welton, Warren. William W. Welton, Bridgewater. Edgar M. Wheaton, Putnam. Joseph F. Wooster, Goshen. Nymphas M. Wright, Hartland. Luther K. Zabriskie, Preston. 1909. State Officer: Matthew H. Rogers, Norwalk, Secretary. Senators : Walter L. Goodwin, Hartford. Charles J. Heineman, Meriden. Flavel S. Luther, Hartford. Albert W. Phillips, Derby. Frank L. Stiles, North Haven. Representatives : Elmore S. Banks, Fairfield. Joseph Barr, Suffield. Frank H. Brown, No. Stonington. Thomas E. Burroughs, Saybrook. Charles P. Bushnell, Norwich. F. Olin Chaffee, Woodstock. Samuel R. Chidsey, East Haven. Charles E. Curtiss, Simsbury. Hiram Davis, Ridgefield. H. S. Dormitzer, Woodbury. Salvator D'Esopo, Hartford. Cornelius R. Duffie, Morris. Daniel P. Dunn, Windham. Ambrose J. Fenn, Harwinton. Robert M. Fenn, Middlebury. John F. Fields, Bozrah. George Forster, Vernon. Arthur R. Gillette, Hebron. Arthur T. Grosvenor, Pomfret. John P. Grosvenor, Pomfret. Abner P. Hayes, Waterbury. Horace L. Hine, Cheshire. Calvin B. Humphrey, Colebrook. Aaron Johnson, Manchester. Herbert C. Keech, Killingly. David D. Kyle, New Milford. Benedict E. Lyons, Thomaston. Chester S. Maine, No. Stonington, William J. Malone, Bristol. Albert G. Martin, Stonington. Lewis McLaughlin, Stafford. Andrew G. Morse, Eastford. Harry H. North, Goshen. Charles B. Northrop, Ridgefield. Wilbur F. Parker, Meriden. John W. Payne, Griswold. David M. Plumb, Prospect. Robert L. Quinley, Stafford. Frederick H. Quintard, Norwalk. Melancthon Riddick, Woodstock. Albert F. Rockwell, Bristol. John H. Root, Norfolk. Clifton D. Rosha, Bethany. John W. Schumacher, Ansonia. Charles W. Scovill, Haddam. Gershom C Simpson, E. Haddam. Frank C. Smith, Middletown. Guilford Smith, Windham. Edmund C. Spencer, Old Saybrook. Charles H. Strong, Chatham. J. White Sumner, Bolton. James F. Thurston, Preston. Lyman T. Tingier, Vernon. Wilbur F. Tomlinson, Danbury. Fred J. Vaill. Goshen. Charles E. Williamson, Darien. Roscoe H. Wright, Ashford. 191 1 State Officers : Costello Lippitt, Norwich, Treasurer. Matthew H. Rogers, Bridgeport,. Secretary. Senators : George A. Hammond, Putnam. Peter Lawlor, Waterbury. Charles F. Mitchell, New Haven. Wilbur F. Parker, Meriden. William J. Pierce, Hartford. Thomas J. Spellacy, Hartford. 172 Representatives : John S. Addis, New Milford. Elmore S. Banks, Fairfield. Joseph Barr, Suffield. Nathan P. Beardsley, Roxbury. D. Frank Bedient, Ridgefield. George E. Bidwell, East Granby. Asa Brainard, Colchester. Charles H. Calor, Plainville. Joseph W. Chesebro, Stonington. Samuel R. Chidsey, East Haven. Stiles M. Clarke, Monroe. Daniel P. Dunn, Windham. Frederick G. Eberle, Hartford. Joseph R. Ensign, Simsbury. Charles W. Evarts, Milford. John F. Fields, Bozrah. Christian F. Fox, Meriden. Edward A. Gaylord, Hartland. Milo C. Griffin, Granby. Chester Hart, Barkhamsted. Aaron Johnson, Manchester. George M. Keeler, Cheshire. Daniel J. Kelley, Saybrook. James E. Kelsey, Westbrook. Winfield S. Kenyon, Woodstock. Nathaniel L. Knowlton, Ashford. Houston Landon, Old Saybrook. Albert H. Lanphere, Waterford. Ernest L. Latimer, Norwich. Arthur R. McOrmond, Ansonia. Joshua Meltzer, Bridgeport. Sidney V. Osborn, Branford. Hollis H. Palmer, Preston. Charles H. Peck, Stratford. Charles M. Perrin, Woodstock. William H. Phillips. Hampton. Burton D. Potter, Hamden. Charles A. Proulx, Union. John H. Reid, Bethel. Frank S. Richmond, Thompson. Samuel Russell, Jr., Middletown. Thomas L. Shea, Woodbury. George Simpson, Enfield. Guilford Smith, Windham. Arthur L. Spicer, Willington. Andrew Steele, East Windsor. Frank L. Stephens, N. Hartford. John S. Sullivan, Bozrah. D. Welton Thompson, Bethlehem. William E. Thorns, Waterbury. Lyman, T. Tingier, Vernon. John M. Wadhams, Goshen. Eugene G. Walker, Union. Charles E. Williamson, Darien. K. Herman Wollmann, Burlington. J. M. Woodhouse, Wethersfield. 1913 State Officers : Daniel P. Dunn, Windham, Comptroller. Lyman T. Tingier, Vernon, Lieutenant-Governor. Senators : Edward B. Gaylord, Winchester. George H. Johnson, Morris. George M. Landers, New Britain. Frederick M. McCarthy, Ansonia. John F. McDonough, Naugatuck. John .F. McGrath, Waterbury Michael J. Quinn, New Haven. John M. Wadhams, Goshen. Joseph H. Whitcomb, Bridgeport. Representatives : John S. Addis, New Milford. Amos H. Armington, Killingly. Conrad G. Bacon, Middletown. Walter M. Barnum, Kent. Marshall Beach, Monroe. D. Frank Bedient, Ridgefield. Homer V. Beebe, Mansfield. John M. Bessette, Brooklyn. Edward Bragg, East Hartford. William A. Bree, New Haven. Frank H. Brown, No. Stonington. Allen B. Burdick, Preston. William A. Carroll, Norfolk. Lyman P. Case, Winchester. Joseph W. Chesebro, Stonington. Charles O. Clark, Windsor. Thomas H. Collins, Farmington. George Cook, Goshen. Richard F. Cuddihy, Derby. William H. Dawley, Voluntown. William T. Delaney, Norwich. Edwin R. Dimock, Tolland. Charles W. Evarts, Milford. James E. Fagan, Bloomfield. Isaac G. Geer, Ledyard. Elmer E. Hall, Marlborough. Franklyn P. Hayes, Bethlehem. Thomas L. Haynes. Old Lyme. Bernard E. Higgins, Torrington. Thomas J. Hine, Ansonia. Frederick W. Hoxie, Franklin. Henry H. Hunt, Glastonbury. Frederick C. Jones, S. Windsor. Bernard A. Kelley, Ellington. Timothy Kennedy, Windsor. William F. Kirchberger, Morris. Houston Landon, Old Saybrook. Henry P. Lane, Barkhamsted. Albert H. Lanphere, Waterford. Lewis Latimer, Salem. William H. Lewis, Westbrook. James M. Lynch, Waterbury. William M. Maltbie, Granby. James R. May, New London. John H. McMurray, Bridgeoort. Prentiss W. Morse, Woodstock. Charles F. Newton, Granby. Herbert C. Nickerson, E. Haven. Dennis O'Brien, Portland. Arthur B. O'Keefe, Orange. Charles W. Pierson, Lyme. Joseph Plessis, Putnam. 173 Louis J. Pons, Roxbury. Burton D. Potter, Hamden. Albert E. Rathbone, Hebron. Allen W. Rathbun, Groton. Frank S. Richmond, Thompson. Harry Rider, South Norwalk. Lucius C. Ryce, West Hartford. Hiram A. Smith, Colebrook. Julius C. Stremlau, Meriden. Edward B. Sullivan, Guilford. William E. Thorns, Waterbury. John W. Treadwell, Trumbull. Eugene G. Walker, Union. Lewis C. Wilcox, Guilford. Edward R. Wooster, Bridgewater. Eugene A. Wyant, Oxford. 1915 Senators : S. Landon Alvord, Winchester. Hubert E. Bishop, Norwalk. William A. Bree, New Haven. William H. Comley, Jr., Bridgeport. Charles W. Evarts, Milford. Charles J. Heineman, Meriden. George W. Klett, New Britain. William H. Lewis, Westbrook. Thomas J. Molloy, Hartford. Dwight W. Tuttle, East Haven. John M. Wadhams, Goshen. Representatives : John S. Addis, New Milford. Walter A. Allen, Willington. William J. Atchison, Sherman. Alfred B. Aubrey, Meriden. Joseph D. Austin, Ledyard. Harry E. Back, Killingly. Oscar D. Baker, Ashford. Earle A. Barker, Branford. William J. Barker, Canterbury. Harry R. Bartlett, Tolland. John N. Brooks, Torrington. Benjamin Brown, Norfolk. Herbert A. Chittenden, Granby. Edgar T. Clark, Milford. John M. Claxton, Torrington. Charles T. Crandall, Groton. Harry N. Curtiss, Simsbury. Tyler D. Davidson, Bethanv. William M. Foord, Stamford. George B. French, Essex. William J. Galvin, Hartford Joseph H. Glasson, Bristol. Lyle C. Gray, No. Stonington. Roger M. Griswold, Berlin. Burton E. Hoskins, Barkhamsted. George C. Hosford, Thomaston. Ernest M. Howard, Bolton. Jesse A. James, Newtown. Charles H. Kenyon, Groton. Frederick E. Knapp, N. Fairfield. Fred H. Lawton, Canton. Clayton A. Lord, Hebron. Charles J. Martin, Orange. William B. Mitchell, Preston. Herbert C. Nickerson, E. Haven. Dennis O'Brien, Portland. Charles T. Osborn, Hartland. Sidney V. Osborn, Branford. William E. Page, Kent. Clayton E. Peck, Cheshire. Harley Perkins, Warren. James H. Perry, Ridgefield. Charles W. Pierson, Lyme. William N. Pinney, Ellington. Joseph Plessis, Putnam. William F. Quigg, Chatham. Frederick A. Rathbun, Hebron. Lee F. Revere, North Branford. Benjamin R. Ritch, Woodstock. J. Frank Rogers, Salem. Winfield S. Rogers, Litchfield. Frederick P. Sherman, Monroe. Francis S. Skiff, Canaan. Edmund C. Spencer, Old Saybrook. Edward J. Stanford, New Haven. Andrew Steele, East Windsor. John W. Treadwell, Trumbull. Tressillian G. Tucker, Columbia. Daniel W. Williams, Colchester. Charles E. Williamson, Darien. Ralph K. Woodward, Sharon. Alfred H. Wright, Goshen. 1917 Senators : John N. Brooks, Torrington. John Y. Caldwell, Bridgeport. Frank H. Hinckley, Stonington. Henry H. Hunt, Glastonbury. George W. Klett, New Britain. James R. May, New London. William F. Quigg, East Hampton. Charles E. Williamson, Ds^^ Representatives : Harry E. Back, Killingly. Earle A. Barker, Branford. David L. Brockett, Suffield. Edward O. Buck, Wethersfield. John J. Burke, East Hartford. Charles H. Camp, Brookfield. John M. Claxton, 'Torrington. Wallace S. Coker, East Haven. Wilbur W. Cooper, Colebrook. Frederic J. Corbett, Hartford. Richard Covert, New Britain. Henry P. Crawford, Greenwich. Jesse Dearden, Tolland. Fred. H. Dunham, E. Hampton. Frank P. Fenton, Windham. William M. Foord, Litchfield. Walter L. Frazier, Barkhamsted. Addison E. Frink, Andover. Charles S. Gates, Old Saybrook. Joseph H. Glasson, Bristol. Frederick W. Goodrich, Portland. 174 Bert C. Hallock, Mansfield. Edward W. Hazen, Haddam. Thomas H. Holian, Newtown. Arthur M. Keefe, Hebron. R. Leland Keeney, Somers. Frederick E. Knapp, N. Fairfield. James E. A. Knowlton, Ashford. Horace G. Lewis, No. Stonington. John L. Mahoney, Oxford. Wm. E. Markham, E. Hampton. Patrick A. Marren, Derby. Charles J. Martin, Orange. Henry Martin, Tolland. John O. Northway. Colebrook. Sidney V. Osborn, Branford. Ernest L. Palmer, East Granby. Eli S. Roberts, Bridgewater. Carl H. Rogers, Salem. Charles B. Russ, Chaplin. Frederick P. Sherman, Monroe. George H. Stone, N. Stonington. George A. Sullivan, Guilford. Charles T. Swanson, Cornwall. Carlyle C. Thomson, W. Hartford. George R. Towne, Union. Lester F. Turney, Windsor. Eli Wakeman, Weston. Thomas Walker, Southington. George Weigold, Torrington. Hiram B. West, Norwalk. Charles H. Williams, Plainfield. William M. Wooding, Bethany. 175 APPENDIX. LENGTH OF SESSIONS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. Since the operation of the amendment to the Constitution of 1884 providing for biennial sessions, the General Assembly has convened and adjourned as follows : In 1887 Met January 5th 1889 << " 9th 1891 " i< 7th 1803 « <« 4th 189.S ** <« 9th 18Q7 << « 6th 1899 it <« 4th 1901 " it 9th 1903 M <« 7th 1905 it 4th 1907 it " 9th 1909 it <« 6th 1911 U 4th 1913 it it 8th 1915 " «< 6th 1916 tl September 12th 1917 « January 3d 1918 it March 19th Ad jot irned May 19th. June 22d. Dead-lock Session. Adjourned June 30th. " July 9th. a June 12th. tl June 20th. « June 17th. « June 18th. a July 19th. « August TSt. <« August 24th. <« September 26th. (« «« June May 4th. 1 8th. (Special Sessio n) Adjourned September • 1 2th. " May 17th. (Special Session) Adjou rned March 20th, 1918. u May 8th, 1919. 1919 " January 8th Under the provisions of Article XXXV of the Constitution, adopted 191 1- 1912: "The General Assembly shall adjourn sine die not later than the first Wednesday after the first Monday in June following its organization." LEGAL HOLIDAYS IN CONNECTICUT New Year's Day January first Lincoln Day, February twelfth Washington's Birthday, February twenty-second Memorial Day, May thirtieth Independence Day, July fourth Labor Day, First Monday of September Columbus Day, October twelfth Christmas Day December twenty-fifth And the day designated by the Governor as a day of Fasting and Prayer, customarily Good Friday; and the day designated by the Governor as a day of Thanksgiving, customarily the last Thursday of November. 176 CONNECTICUT TOWNS IN THE ORDER OF THEIR ESTABLISHMENT SINCE 1819; WITH THE ORIGIN OF THEIR NAMES. Salem, named from Salem, Mass., and inc. as New Salem, from Colchester, Lyme and Montville, May, 1819. Darien, inc. from Stamford, May, 1820, and named from the Isthmus of Darien. Bridgeport, name descriptive, 1800; inc. from Fairfield and Stratford May, 1821. Chaplin, society, named 1809 from its deacon, Benj. Chaplin; inc. from Mansfield and Hampton, May, 1822. Orange, inc. from Milford and New Haven, May, 1822, and named from Wm. of Orange (III. of Eng.). Manchester, inc. from East Hartford, May, 1823, and named from Manchester, Eng. because of manufacturing. Monroe, inc. from Huntington May, 1823, and named from Pres. James Monroe. Madison, inc. from Guilford May, 1826, and named from Pres. James Madison. Prospect, inc. from Cheshire and Waterbury, May, 1827; named as fine lookout place. Avon, inc. from Farmington May, 1830, and named from Avon river at Strat- ford-on-Avon. North Branford, Named as society, 1768; inc. from Branford, May, 1831. Bethany, named as parish, 1762; Heb. = house of dates; inc. from Woodbridge May, 1832. Bloomfield, inc. from Windsor, Farmington and Simsbury, 1835 ; named from a Hartford family. Westport, inc. from Fairfield, Norwalk and Weston May, 1835 J name descriptive. Chester, parish 1640; named from Chester in Cheshire; inc. from Saybrook May, 1836. Ledyard, inc. from Groton May, 1836; named from Col. Wm. Ledyard, com- mander at Fort Griswold, Groton, 1781. Clinton, inc. from Killingworth May, 1838, and named from Gov. Dewitt Clinton of N. Y. East Lyme, named 1816; inc. from Lyme and Waterford May, 1839. Westbrook, parish named 1810 as west parish of Saybrook; inc. from Saybrook, May, 1840. Portland, inc. from Chatham May, 1841, and named from Portland, Dorsetshire, famed for quarries. Rocky Hill, name given Stepney parish from a hill in it, 1826; inc. from Wethers- field May, 1843. Naugatuck, inc. from Bethany, Oxford and Waterbury May, 1844; Algonkin name = one tree. Easton, inc. from Weston May, 1845; named as east part of Weston. South Windsor, inc. and named from East Windsor, May, 1845. Eastford, named as east parish of Ashford, 1777; inc. from Ashford May, 1847. Andover, parish named 1747, perhaps from Andover, Mass. ; inc. from Coventry & Hebron, May, 1848. New Britain, parish named 1754 from (Great) Britain ; inc. from Berlin May, 1850. 12 177 Seymour, inc. from Derby May, 1850, and named from Gov. Thomas H. Sey- mour. Cromwell, inc. from Middletown May, 1851, and named from Oliver Cromwell. Old Saybrook, inc. from Saybrook May, 1852, and named at the same time. Essex, parish named 1820 ; named from Essex, England ; inc. from Old Saybrook, May, 1854. West Hartford, named 1806; inc. from Hartford May, 1854. Windsor Locks, named 1833 from canal locks there; inc. from Windsor, May, 1854. Bethel, named 1759; Hebrew = house of God; inc. from Danbury May, 1855. Old Lyme, inc. as South Lyme, from Lyme, 1855 ; named Old Lyme, 1857. Putnam, inc. from Pomf ret, Thompson & Killingly May, 1855 ; named from Israel Putnam. Bridgewater, named 1803; name descriptive; inc. from New Milford May, 1856. Scotland, parish named by first settler, Magoon, a Scot, 1706; inc. from Wind- ham May, 1857. East Granby, named 1822; inc. from Granby and Windsor Locks June, 1858. North Canaan, named 1813; inc. from Canaan (whence its name) May, 1858. Morris, inc. from Litchfield May, 1859, and named from James Morris, prom- inent resident. Sprague, inc. from Lisbon and Franklin May, 1861, and named from W. Sprague, village founder. Middlefield, named 1744 from rural part of Middletown ; inc. from Middletown, May, 1866. Plainville, named 1831 = earlier name "Great Plain;" inc. from Farmington May, 1869. Beacon Falls, name descriptive, 1856; inc. from Bethany, Oxford, Naugatuck and Seymour May, 1871. Newington, parish named 1718, from Newington in Surrey or Stoke-N., Middle- sex (London), inc. from Wethersfield, July, 1871. Thomaston, inc. from Plymouth May, 1875; named 1866 from Seth Thomas, clock mfr. there. Ansonia, inc., from Derby, April, 1889; named from Anson G. Phelps, founder of mfg. village. 178 CITIES IN CONNECTICUT WITH DATE OF INCORPORATION. New Haven, New Haven County, January session, 1784 New London, New London u " 1784 Hartford, Hartford " May session, 1784 Middletown, Middlesex tt (< 1784 Norwich, New London u " 1784 Bridgeport, Fairfield tt « 1836 Waterbury, New Haven " -«< 1853 Meriden, M tt << 1867 New Britain, Hartford <( <( 1870 Danbury, Fairfield tt January session, 1889 Rockville (Vernon), Tolland tt " 1889 Ansonia, New Haven " u 1893 Derby, <« (( tt 1893 Nor walk, Fairfield " " 1893 Stamford, " tt it 1893 Willimantic (Windham), Windham It tt 1893 Putnam, <« (( " 1895 Bristol, Hartford " tt 1911 Shelton (Huntington), Fairfield tt (( 1915 Winsted, Litchfield County, named January session, 1917 BOROUGHS IN CONNECTICUT WITH DATE OF INCORPORATION. Stonington, New London County, May session, 1 801 Guilford, New Haven << October session, 1815 Newtown, Fairfield " May session, 1824 Colchester, New London tt «< 1846 Wallingford, New Haven " «< 1853 Danielson (Killingly), Windham " << 1854 Greenwich, Fairfield " tt 1854 Fair Haven East (New Haven) New Haven it « 1872 Stafford Springs (Stafford), Tolland «« " 1873 Litchfield, Litchfield IS January session, 1879 Torrington, Litchfield (( " 1887 New Canaan, Fairfield " <( 1889 Southington, Hartford " 11 1889 Branford, New Haven " «< 1893 Naugatuck, New Haven 11 u 1893 Jewett City (Griswold), New London u <« 1895 Fenwick (Old Saybrook), Middlesex (« << 1899 Farrrrington, Hartford «« tt 1901 Ridgefield, Fairfield M tt 1901 Groton, New London (( It 1903 Woodmont (Milford), New Haven «« tt 1903 Bantam (Litchfield), Litchfield «« tt 1915 179 CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS With Population in 1910. 1st. County of Hartford — 250,182. 2d. Counties of Tolland, Windham, New London, and Middlesex — 211,710. 3d. Towns of Cheshire, Meriden, Wallingford, Bethany, Hamden, North Haven, North Branford, Guilford, Madison, Woodbridge, Orange, Milford, New Haven, East Haven, and Branford — 217,139. 4th. County of Fairfield — 245,322. 5th. County of Litchfield and the towns of Southbury, Middlebury, Water- bury, Wolcott, Oxford, Naugatuck, Prospect, Beacon Falls, Seymour, Ansonia and Derby — 190,403. SENATORIAL DISTRICTS With Population in 1910. 1. Hartford, wards 8, 9, and 10 — 31,309. 2. Hartford, wards 3, 4, 5, and 6 — 34,596. 3. Hartford, wards 1, 2 and 7 — 33,010. 4. East Hartford, Glastonbury, Manchester, Marlborough, Newington, South Windsor, Rocky Hill, and Wethersfield — 35,152. 5. Avon, Berlin, Bristol, Burlington, Farmington, Plainville, Southington, and West Hartford — 37,570. 6. New Britain — 43,916. 7. Bloomfield, Canton, East Granby, East Windsor, Enfield, Granby, Hart- land, Simsbury, Suffield, Windsor, and Windsor Locks — 34,629. 8. New Haven, wards 8, 9, 12, and 14 — 38,914. 9. New Haven, wards 1, 2, 10, and 13 — 27,151. 10. New Haven, wards 3, 4, and 5 — 38,987- ti. New Haven, wards 6, 7, 11, and 15 — 28,553. 12. Branford, East Haven, Guilford, Hamden, Madison, North Branford, North Haven, and Wallingford — 32,469. 13. Meriden — 32,066. 14. Bethany, Cheshire, Milford, Naugatuck, Orange, Prospect, Woodbridge, and Wolcott — 32,823. 15. Waterbury, wards 1, 2, and 3 — 44,176. 16. Waterbury, wards 4 and 5 — 28,965. 17. Ansonia, Beacon Falls, Derby, Middlebury, Oxford, Seymour, and South- bury— 33,178. 18. Groton and New London — 26,154. 19. Ledyard, Norwich, and Preston — 31,215. 20. Bozrah, Colchester, East Lyme, Franklin, Griswold, Lyme, Lebanon, Lis- bon, Montville, North Stonington, Old Lyme, Salem, Sprague, Stonington, Vol- untown, and Waterford — 33,884. 180 21. Bridgeport, voting districts, I, 2, 3, 4, and 5 — 37,411. 22. Bridgeport, voting districts, 6, 7, 8, and 11 — 29,376. 23. Bridgeport, voting districts, 9, 10, and 12 — 35,267. 24. Bethel, Brookfield, Danbury, New Fairfield, Redding, Ridgefield, and Sherman — 34,250. 25. Easton, Fairfield, Huntington, Monroe, Newtown, Stratford, Trumbull, Weston, and Westport — 30,189. 26. Darien, New Canaan, Wilton, and Norwalk — 33,530. 2y. Greenwich and Stamford — 45,299. 28. Ashford, Eastford, Killingly, Putnam, Thompson, and Woodstock — 21,678, 29. Brooklyn, Canterbury, Chaplin, Hampton, Plainfield, Pomfret, Scotland, Sterling, and Windham — 26,683. 30. Goshen, Harwinton, Litchfield, New Hartford, and Torrington — 24,104. 31. Barkhamsted, Canaan, Colebrook, Cornwall, Kent, Norfolk, North Canaan, Salisbury, Sharon, and Winchester — 22,055. 32. Bethlehem, Bridgewater, Morris, New Milford, Plymouth, Roxbury, Thomaston, Warren, Washington, Watertown, and Woodbury — 24,101. 33. Cromwell, Middlefield, and Middletown — 23,973. 34. Chester, Clinton, Durham, East Haddam, East Hampton, Essex, Haddam, Killingworth, Old Saybrook, Portland, Saybrook, and Westbrook — 21,664. 35. Andover, Bolton, Columbia, Coventry, Ellington, Hebron, Mansfield, Somers, Stafford, Tolland, Union, Vernon, and Willington — 26,459. REPRESENTATION IN THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. There are 168 towns in the state — each, making 258 members of the Ho atorial Districts; and the State into 5 Hartford County has New Haven County has New London County has Fairfield County has Windham County has Litchfield County has Middlesex County has Tolland County has -90 send two representatives, and 78 one use ; these towns are divided into 35 Sen- Congressional Districts. 7 Senators and 45 Representatives. 10 Senators and 39 Representatives. 3 Senators and 30 Representatives. 7 Senators and 34 Representatives. 2 Senators and 24 Representatives. 3 Senators and 42 Representatives. 2 Senators and 22 Representatives. 1 Senator and 22 Representatives. POPULATION OF CONNECTICUT BY COUNTIES, 1910. Hartford, New Haven, New London, Fairfield, Total for the State, 250,182 Windham, 337,282 Litchfield, 91,253 Middlesex, 245.322 Tolland, 181 48,361 70,260 45,637 26,459 1,114,756 THE UNITED STATES AND TERRITORIES. The Thirteen Original States. Ratified the c««— . Ratified the States. SS3SE States Constitution. oxai«.». Constitution. Delaware Dec. 7, 1787 South Carolina May 23, 1788 Pennsylvania Dec. 12, 1787 New Hampshire June 21, 1788 New Jersey Dec. 18, 1787 Virginia June 25, 1788 Georgia Jan. 2, 1788 New York July 26, 1788 Connecticut Jan. 9, 1788 North Carolina Nov. 21, 1789 Massachusetts Feb. 6, 1788 Rhode Island May 29, 1790 Maryland . . . .Apr. 28, 1788 Organization of Territories and Admission of States into the U nion. States. Territory organized. State admitted. Vermont Out of New Hampshire and New York Mar. 4, 1791 Kentucky Out of Virginia June 1, 1792 Tennessee Out of North Carolina June 1, 1796 Ohio Ordinance, 1787 Nov. 29, 1802 Louisiana March 3, 1805 April 30, 1812 Indiana May 7, 1800 Dec. 11, 1816 Mississippi April 7, 1798 Dec. 10, 1817 Illinois February 3, 1809 Dec. 3, 1818 Alabama March 3, 1817 Dec. 14, 1819 Maine Out of Massachusetts Mar. 15, 182a Missouri June 4, 1812 Aug. 10, 1821 Michigan January 1 1, 1805 June 15, 1837 Arkansas March 2, 1819 Jan. 26, 1836 Florida March 30, 1822 Mar. 3, 1845 Texas Annexed Dec. 29, 1845 Iowa June 12, 1838 Dec. 28, 1846 Wisconsin April 20, 1836 May 29, 1848 California From Mexico Sept. 9, 1850* Minnesota March 3, 1849 , May 1 1, 1858 Oregon August 14, 1848 Feb. 14, 1859 Kansas May 30, 1854 Jan. 29, 1861 West Virginia Out of Virginia June 10, 1863 Nevada March 2, 1861 Oct 31,1864 Nebraska May 30, 1854 Mar. 1, 1867 Colorado February 28, 1861 Aug. 1, 1876 North Dakota March 2, 1861 Nov. 3,1889- South Dakota March 2, 1861 Nov. 3, 1889 Montana May 26, 1864 Nov. 8, 1889 Washington March 2, 1853 Nov. 11, 1889 Idaho March 3, 1863 July 3, 1890 Wyoming July 25, 1868 July 11, 1890 Utah September 9, 1850 Jan. 4, 1896 Oklahoma May 2, 1890 Nov. 16, 1907 New Mexico September 9, 1850 Tan. 6, 1912 Arizona February 24, 1863 Feb. 14, 1912 Tekkxtokies. or ^ f n d T E RR iTO R rES. J^ District of Columbia* l July 16,1790 Alaska July 27,1868 District ot Columbia J Mar 3I?Q1 Hawaii April 30) inoo> New Possessions: A government for Porto Rico was established by the Fifty-sixth Congress. The Phillippines are under a provisional civil government, Guam, Tutulia and the- Isthmian Canal Zone under governors, all appointed by the President. * Reduced from 100 to 70 square miles by recession of part of Virginia in 1846. 182 PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES. fel ^ 5 Name. Where from Term of Office. 1789 George Washington, Virginia ...... .8 years. 1797 John Adams, Massachusetts, . . .4 years. 1801 Thomas Jefferson, Virginia, 8 years. 1809 James Madison, Virginia, 8 years. 1817 James Monroe, Virginia, 8 years. 1825 John Quincy Adams, Massachusetts, ...4 years. 1829 Andrew Jackson, Tennessee, 8 years. 1837 Martin Van Buren, New York, 4 years. 1841 Wm. Henry Harrison,* Ohio, 1 month. 1841 John Tyler, Virginia, 3 years 11 months. 1845 James Knox Polk, Tennessee, 4 years. 1849 Zachary Taylor,f Louisiana, 1 year 4 mos. 5 days. 1850 Millard Fillmore, New York, 2 years, 7 mos. 26 days. 1853 Franklin Pierce, New Hampshire, .4 years. 1857 James Buchanan, Pennsylvania, 4 years. 1861 Abraham Lincoln,^ Illinois, 4 years 1 mo. 10 days. 1865 Andrew Johnson, Tennessee, 3 years 10 mo. 20 days. 1869 Ulysses S. Grant, Illinois, 8 years. 1877 Rutherford B. Hayes, Ohio, 4 years. 1881 James A. Garfield,|| Ohio, 6 mos. 15 days. 1881 Chester A. Arthur, New York, 3 years 5 mos. 15 days. 1885 Grover Cleveland, New York, 4 years. 1889 Benjamin Harrison, Indiana, 4 years. 1893 Grover Cleveland, New York, 4 years. 1897 William McKinley,ff Ohio, 4 years 6 mos. 9 days. 1901 Theodore Roosevelt, New York, 7 years 5 mos. 21 days. 1909 William H. Taft, Ohio, 4 years. 1913 Woodrow Wilson, New Jersey, * Died in office April 4, 1841, and was succeeded by Vice-President Tyler. t Died in office July 9, 1850, and was succeeded by Vice-President Fillmore. t Assassinated April 14, 1865, and was succeeded by Vice-President Johnson, April 15 1865. (I Died September 19, 1881, from wound by assassin, and was succeeded by Vice- President Arthur. 1f Died September 14, 1901, from wound by assassin, and was succeeded by Vice- President Roosevelt. 183 CONTENTS. Page Preface 3 Introduction 5 Clerk's Report 9 Financial Statement 13 Resolutions of the General Assembly 15 Preliminary Work 20 General Legislative and County Reunions 23 Literary Exercises 29 Prayer — Rev. Charles H. Puffer 30 Address of Chairman — Senator Albert H. House 30 Address of Welcome — Governor Marcus H. Holcomb 31 Historical Address — Ex-Governor Simeon E. Baldwin 32 Poem, "The Spirit of Connecticut, 'The Constitution State'" — Herbert Randall 39 Address, Capitals and State Houses of Connecticut " — Hon. Charles Hopkins Clark 41 Address, " The Senate " — Hon. Clifford B. Wilson 49 Address, " The House " — Hon. James F. Walsh 53 Connecticut, " The Constitution State " 58 State Flag 59 Public Seal of Connecticut 60 Fundamental Orders, 1638-39 62 Charter of 1662 63 The Constitution of Connecticut 64 Oliver Wolcott — First Governor of Connecticut under the Present Constitution 78 Biographical Sketches of the State Officers of Connecticut, Living 1919 . 80 Governors — Thomas M. Waller 80 Phineas C. Lounsbury 81 Morgan G. Bulkeley 81 O. Vincent Coffin 83 George P. McLean 84 Henry Roberts 85 Rollin S. Woodruff 86 Frank B. Weeks 87 Simeon E. Baldwin 88 Marcus H. Holcomb 9* 185 Page Lieutenant-Governors — Lyman A. Mills 92 Edwin O. Keeler 93 Henry Roberts 85 Rollin S. Woodruff 86 Everett J. Lake 93 Frank B. Weeks 87 Dennis A. Blakeslee 94 Lyman T. Tingier 95 Clifford B. Wilson 95 Secretaries — Thomas M. Waller 80 Charles E. Searls : 96 John J. Phelan 97 Charles Phelps 98 Charles G. R. Vinal 98 Theodore Bodenwein 99 Matthew H. Rogers 99 Albert Phillips 100 Charles D. Barnes 100 Frederick . L. Perry 101 Treasurers — E. Stevens Henry 101 Charles W. Grosvenor 102 Henry H. Gallup . 102 James F. Walsh 103 Freeman F. Patten '. 103 Costello Lippitt 104 Edward S. Roberts 104 Frederick S. Chamberlain 104 G. Harold Gilpatric •. 105 Comptroller — Frank D. Sloat 106 Asahel W. Mitchell 107 Daniel P. Dunn 107 Morris C. Webster 107 Attorneys-General — Charles Phelps 9$ William A. King 108 Marcus H. Holcomb 91 John H. Light 109 George E. Hinman 109 Frank E. Healy no Oldest Living Legislators in Chester R. Woodford 113 Albert L. Hodge 114 Connecticut State Government, 1919 116 Military Department, 1919 "7 United States Senators and Representatives from Connecticut since 1819 and their term of service 118 State Officers of Connecticut since 1819, and their term of office 121 186 Page Speakers of the House of Representatives of Connecticut, 1819 to 1919 . . 126 Members and Officers of the General Assembly of the State of Connecticut : Session of 1818 128 Session of 1819 132 Session of 1919 137 Delegates and Officers to the Constitutional Convention of the State of Connecticut of 1902 135 Names of those Present at the General Assembly Centennial, May 7, 1919 149 Names of those not Present at the General Assembly Centennial 165 Length of Sessions of the General Assembly 176 Legal Holidays in Connecticut 176 Connecticut Towns in the Order of their Establishment Since 1819; with the origin of their names 177 Cities in Connecticut with Date of Incorporation 179 Boroughs in Connecticut with Date of Incorporation 179 Congressional Districts of Connecticut 180 Senatorial Districts of Connecticut 180 Representation in the General Assembly 181 Population of Connecticut by Counties, 1910 181 The United States and Territories 182 The Thirteen Original States 182 Organization of Territories and Admission of States into the Union 182 Presidents of the United States and terms of office 183 187 ILLUSTRATIONS. Page- Connecticut's Three Great War Governors Frontispiece Invitation to the Centennial Facing Page 20 Official Program of the Centennial 22 Governor Marcus H. Holcomb 31 Charter of 1662, Constitution of 1818 and Stuart's Portrait of Washington, in Memorial Hall, State Library 32 Old State Houses of Connecticut 41 Senate of the State of Connecticut, Session of 1919 49 Old Charter Oak and Charter Oak Chair 49. House of Representatives of Connecticut, Session of 1919 53 Evolution of the Public Seal of Connecticut 58 Oliver Wolcott — First Governor of Connecticut under the Pre- sent Constitution 78 Group Portrait of Governors, Living 1919 80 Group Portrait of Lieutenant-Governors, Living 1919 92 Group Portrait of Secretaries, Living 1919 96 Group Portrait of Treasurers, Living 1919 101 Group Portrait of Comptrollers, Living 19 19 , 108 Group Portrait of Attorneys-General, Living 1919 108 Group Portrait of Oldest Living Legislators : — Chester R. Woodford and Albert L. Hodge, with Loving Cups ... in Group Portrait of Speakers of the House of Representatives of Connecticut, Living 1919 126 Group Portrait of the Officers of the Senate and House of 1919 137 188 416725 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Illllll II 111 Hlif