:^F{@Nk SAN FRANCISCO VEREIN. LIBRARV OF THK University of California. OIKT OK CZi. Received /oc.<^(-^t- i8q o. Accession No.(o (o 7 ^'3 Class No. PORTRAITS FROM ALBUM MARIANI (ALL RIGHTS RESERVED) [tJII7BRSITrl "New York MARIANI & COMPANY 'I 1893 ^o^ ^v^ Copyrighted, 1893, by Mariani & Company. ENGRAVINGS BY H. BRAUER, PARIS. MAURICE VIEL, PARIS. JOHN P. DAVIS, New YORK. E. CLEMENT, New YORK. TYPOGRAPHY BY DE LEEUW, OPPENHEIMER * CO., N. Y, IFntrobuction. HE ALBUM MARIANI as issued in Paris, France, is a compilation of "Portraits Contemporains," etched by that celebrated master, Adolphe Lalauze, with interesting autographs and biographies. This Album appears at stated intervals, each of the series containing from twenty-five to thirty-five portraits, and with those already published and in preparation, there are upwards of 600 persons of note and distinction in the world of Authors, Composers, Physicians, Lawyers, Bankers, Churchmen, Academicians, Sculptors, Painters, Lyric and Dramatic Artists, Army and Navy Officers, Statesmen, Journalists and Poets, all, most distinguished men and women of the present time, who have, as if by mutual collaboration, extended to Monsieur Mariani appropriate words of praise for the services rendered by him to each individually — for the beneficial results obtained by them from the use of that world-famed " tonic par excellence," •' Vin riariani.*' Aforesaid Album is published in an " Edition de Luxe," regardless of all expense, and is offered by Mons. Mariani as a compliment to his many friends and admirers ; the demand for the Album was so greaj that the entire edition is exhausted. At the earnest request of many of our friends, we have decided to publish some of the portraits appearing in the Album Mariani, giving translations of the autographs, and have added a few of the popular American favorites among the lyric and dramatic artists whose praises of '• Vin Hariani " coincide with those extended by our European friends. While our main object in view is to more fully popularize among an appreciative public a beverage worthy and efficient, and at the same time agreeable, strengthening to the system, the body and brain, we trust sincerely our compilation may be enjoyable to many and interesting to all. With thanks to our many patrons, we recommend "Vin ilariani " to all who are not yet familiar with it, strictly on its own merits, and instead of lauding its virtues ourselves, we refer with pleasure to the following lines, which are but an echo from the many thousands of Europeans and Americans who sing our praise. Respectfully submitted, MARIANI & COMPANY, 52 West 15th St., New York City. Paris : 41 Boulevard Hauttmann. Laboratory : Neullly S/Selne. London : 239 O«(ord Street, N. W. Iportraits. Charles Gounod Adelina Patti Mgr. Cardinal Lavigerie Albani Ambroise Thomas Octave Uzanne A. Robida Sarah Bernhardt Henri Rochefort Clementine De Vere-Sapio Bartholdi Henry Irving F. Domingo Sir Morell Mackenzie Emma Eames Rosita Mauri Lillian Russell Coquelin Cadet Charles Fauvel Louise Abbema Rose Dalaunay Emma Juch Fanny Davenport Felicia Mallet Jules Claretie Mounet-SuUy Edouard de Reszke' Faure E. Fursch-Madi Sir Augustus Harris Max Alvary Jessie Bartlett-Davis Henri Pille Giuseppe Del Puente Rene'e Richard Clara Poole-King Coquelin Aine* Louise E. Paullin Victorien Sardou Beatrice Cameron Zelie de Lussan Victor Capoul Ex-Emperor Dom Pedro Herbert Kelcey Marie Tempest Madeleine Lucette Campanini Augusta Holmes Armand Silvestre Berthelier 5t mm ^ m -i J. m W-. S m J ffff WWT^T m mm ^ THE COCA PLANT. (Not Cocoa or Cacao.) N aiming to secure the physiological effects of this drug in reference to its tonic action, the develooment of its stimulating properties is most sought. Except iu such cases where wine is absolutely objectionable, by far the most effective form of administering Coca is the vinous one, whereby the active and resinous principles of the leaf are held in solution. Aside from the special ability and care, the outcome of many years' exclusive devotion on the part of M. Mariani to the manufac- ture of Coca preparations, he employs none but leaves fresh and selected, containing their entire volatile principles ; and too much stress cannot be laid on the advantage of his using invariably a pure, fine quality of grape, of his own production. This wine (containing tannic acid and traces of iron) blends admirably with the Coca, and being readily diffusible, forms with this drug an unequaled tonic ; its action extends to the entire economj^, its agreeable taste renders it always acceptable, even to the most sensitive stomach. It is diffused through- out the entire system, gives tone and renewed vitality, without depress- ing reaction ; it can be taken indefinitely without producing constipa- tion, and this cannot be said of other tonics. The Paris Academy of Sciences and Medicine, under the super- intendence of the well-known Professor Beclard, thoroughly tested all Coca preparations, and the Academy and its members use exclusively Mariani's preparations of Coca for their physiological and therapeutical experiments, and have given to the Wine of Coca his name, it being known to the medical profession as " VIN HARIANI," which he considers as the highest honor that could be awarded him. BRANCH OF COCA (Natural Size). PLANTED AND RAISED BV MR. A. MARIANI, PARIS. As per the numerous published articles in the medical journals throughout Europe and in the United States, and the written opinions in our possession of over seven thousand physicians, the most brilliant results were obtained with Mariani's Coca preparations and can be thus summarized : " Diffusible tonic stimulant in aneemia, nervous depression, tardy con- valescence and general 'flalaise,' brain exhaustion, malarial and wasting fevers, influenza (la grippe) and its complications." " Stimulant, with special reference to the nervous system, in all those morbid states in which there are much depression and atony." "Tonic in laryngeal and gastric complications, stomach and intestinal troubles." " Strengthener of the entire system, with beneficial action on the respiratory and digestive organs." "Topically, in convulsive cough, laryngitis, stomatitis, etc." The demand for " VIN flARlANl " is steadily increasing from year to year, notwithstanding the substitutions and imitations with which the market has been flooded. We cannot aim to gain support through the cheapness of our preparation. It is our constant endeavor to give a uniformly reliable, effective and honest article, and we respectfully ask personal testing, strictly on its own merits, thus enabling all to judge whether "VIN HARIANI," which has stood continued therapeutic tests by the medical profession throughout Europe and America for thirty years, is deserving of its high repute and esteem. While the many imitations, so-called Coca Wines, bring into discredit, and destroy confidence in, a valuable drug, they in the end come to be very expen- sive when proven to be without efl&cacy. That many have imitated Mariani's Wine, can be considered a compliment to Mr. Mariani, as his was the original Wine of Coca, and by the medical profession is recommended as the standard preparation. We therefore particularly caution to insist on obtaining " VIN riARIANI." ©HAi^ijEs Gounod. ^ h^t^ oi ^M A •vc*- ^. rh xrl^y-t^ , ^*.h.f,^f»,y}^ V^/"**!^ /^«- C«./" */^*>v<.»^a/^(''* ^h- a. Ufi^OoCA ffUi~ /*r»n. t«.^4 »«*v <». %t.htr{ ^^ /^*/>5 A foi^i/t.yyf' t-^nf*. f>y-J •^erct-S / // en / ]^[,)V.1' •pi ' w3 ^^ J ±^ 'h'.u.'f. nf>ih,twf, nifii..h€.t,i'4it.vih }h«.vi ~A ->«. -V- ^ i^: i I A . i^-'Vn*,pi.ff-s\ T affords me great pleasure to state that I have used " Vin riariani " for many years and with excelleut results ; I know of no better or more healthful stimulant. Rudolph Aronson. ^^^ ^^^ I gladly add my testimony in praise of your unexcelled "Vin riariani ; " I have found it a marvelous stimulant, not only to the voice but to the entire system. Viola Allen. V or Tm •4. m:^ <■ ■#\ flMBI^OISB ©HOMAS. /^ 7c ^/h '^j-^ ' ^ J O »-i .**t.--^-. I '^ C^V^f*'^ c^ Z «<^/2 !) *> s«(r??5^J*f!SS^^!gg -;««1'-W:v-\SS5 Acting on the advice of Sir Morell Mackenzie, I tried " Vin riariani " some years ago. I found so much benefit from its use I take it now whenever over-fatigued, and find it always an admirable tonic for the voice. Wilson Barrett. "Vin riariani " is the greatest of all tonic stimulants for the voice and system. During my professional career, I have never been without it. Lillian Blauvelt. I have great pleasure in testifying to the merits of the *'Vin riariani," which I have taken several times, and always with the best possible results, both physically and vocally. J. H. Barnes. OGIPAVB UZANNE. -£-•#-«,> '^ jZ-c^'y^^A^ ■e^'^u^^x.^^ • ^ O'^f^ ;'**^-/" t^^s^i^ eX^ r^iay^ /^li5C.<^-«- ^^/^sr?*- ^'^^ ^:2^!^?*-<*'2-«-yrJrx_ ,4ty*^ if^^4>^C^ Z-rf^^^-z*- r^ hZyH^u^>^n^ ^y^yCf-n^d. /S^3 sap X*^*-^ -."-^5 ^**^. TAKE great pleasure in recoiumending to all, particularly to singers, the " Vin flariani " as a most delightful tonic for the throat and vocal organs. It was first brought to my notice, some years ago, through my throat doctors (Fauvel, of Paris, and Mackenzie, of London), and I have used it constantly since. Am never without it, at home or traveling. Blanche Stone Barton. I have used your " Vin flariani " for some years, both in England and here. It is the best tonic I know of an actor can use whilst at work. KyrlE BellEW. Sai^ah Bbi^nhai^diii. I have been delighted to find '< VIN HARIANI " in all the large cities of the United States, and it has, as always, largely helped to give me that strength so necessary in the performance of the arduous duties which I have imposed upon myself. I never fail to praise its virtues to all my friends, and I heartily congratulate you upon the success which you so well deserve. SARAH BERNHARDT. .^^^4^: ^ -^^ (TRANSLATION FROM OPPOSITE PAGE.) At last! At last! It has been discovered — they hold it, that celebrated microbe so long sought after — the microbe of microbes that kills and destroys all other microbes. It is the great, the wonderful, the incomparable microbe of health. It is, it is " Vin riarianil" ROBIDA. p. FJOBIDA. ,f^"''^/^^',^i.^^ t£i<- ^^-1e^ /tec — ./S^-^ d<^ ^ "♦ 4^- [TRANSLATION FROM OPPOSITE PACE.] Your precious " Vin riariani " has completely reformed my constitution ; you ought certainly offer some to the French Govern ment. Henri Rochefort. [niiTBRsiTri J^ENI^I I^OGHEPOI^'I'. a fc-v>< -•-'»« •' [TRANSLATION FROM OPPOSITE PAGE.] *' Vin riariani " seems to brighten and increase all our facul- ties ; it is very probable that had I known of it twenty years ago, the Statue of Liberty would have attained the height of several hundred metres. I console myself, however, with the thought that this pre- cious wine will give nie the strength to carry out certain other projects already formed, and for which accept thanks from. Yours cordially, Bartholdi. tJ 4: ^c-J-iJii.^ /!<^2. •JHE wonderful efficacy of " Vin flariani " was first called to my attention by the celebrated Doctor Chas. Fauvel, of Paris. I bave used it for the past seven years steadily when over fatigued or otherwise unfitted to meet my engagements as a singer. I have never found it to fail. I constantly recommend the " Vin flariani " to my pupils and fellow artists. LiLUE P. Berg. The late Dr. Elsberg recommended " Vin flariani " to me when I had been suffering with hoarseness from a severe cold, and had a long New England tour before me. I found it to act like magic upon my vocal organs. I found it also an excellent nervine. I consider Mr. Mariani a benefactor to public speakers and singers. Settie Blume. I^BUI^Y Il^VING. I can certainly add my testimony to the virtues of "VIN riARIANI," which I have found excellent, and am well convinced of its quality. HENRY IRVING. ^^ T'^HE famous " Vin Mariam " has been in such constant de- '^'9> , . . . ^. >f mand for 3'ears, that it hardly needs a word said in its favor. $\'a^^^J^^i^ I desire to say, however, that Mrs Clarke and I are never without it, and consider it indispensable as a voice tonic in our teach- ing as well as public singing. Charles Herbert Clarke. ^^^ After having given the " Vin flariani " a fair trial, I have found it very beneficial for my exhausting profession, " teaching sing- ing." It strengthens not only my voice, but my whole nervous system, that I can go through my heavy daily work. LuiSA Cappianl p. Domingo. ^.xce,.. GIVE j'ou my name cheerfully in order that others may be benefited as have been my musical friends and my pupils, as well as myself, by the use of " Vin flariani," which should be used as a tonic. I have recommended it to my pupils in singing, who have suffered from harsh emission of the voice, with great success. Clara Brinkerhoff. There is nothing that I welcome so much during my fatiguing journeys as the "Vin flariani." When completely exhausted it will enable me to carry out my programme. I am especially glad that it can be almost universally found. Terf,sa Carreno. I take pleasure in indorsing the wonderful "Vin Hariani." It cannot fail to be as beneficial to others as it is to me. Isabelle Coe. SlF? fflOl^ELiLi fflAGI^ENZlB. -CfiUA. /I- /7?tX>CZ4tA>€^r^ JU* 0urH4>'^ [TRANSLATIOM OF ABOVE.] It is not a difficult matter to write what every one who knows you has frequently expressed. Your " Vin flariani " is without doubt the best of tonics, and you, my dear Mariani, are certainly the best of friends. J. COUSTE, President, Chamber of Commerce, Paris. Gmma Games. I find "VIN MARIANI" a most delightful and efficacious tonic; of in- estimable value to singers. EMMA EAMES-STORY. ^ <^/^f >:*^ i£<^??^>-7 ^is ^?^^*»fcif t^-r-l^ ■^ ^i ^:^r^e- .^ ■^'i*-^^ <£*/ ya-^-^^ ^e^^^ ^^^^^./^,i?^*>i»^^2.^ JiL '»•-•-«'■«- /Ca,.*/^ it-u**'^. Cx/-, !,< i<^i«.» %f t'v^^e.^{^ >ijt> A. ^^^-^ HE " Vin nariani" so well known as a tonic, is to be particularly recommended to all singers. Louise Natali-Graham. "Vin nariani " is a jewel. I am never witliont a bottle of it. Its effect upon the vocal cords is wonderful, and as a general tonic I find it superior to anything I have ever used. I take great pleasure in recommending it to all singers and public speakers. Katherine Germaine. ^^^ " Mariani " wine has done me a world of good, and I am glad to attest to its superiority at any time. DeWolf Hopper. /'■ / «c "^^ mt^^ f*-, ^c - «k»«M/>^«*^ i&*« /iu»c^ ^-gt— \y \ ' 1 - ^ J F#= — f4^ F^=^ ^( "J h • : x^ J-V — ^ te . 1 ...-f^ ^ ■^^ i -i^ -+ '3 • "^ ^ 1 — ^ — *3 5> ^ / ' "^ g( t ^ —.4 4- £^^. ^^,i5»-^^ JS HAVE used your " Vin riariani," and have found it to be the most efficacious of tonics. Grace Henderson. Madame Valleria has desired me to state that she was greatly benefited by the using of your wine. Dr. Morell Mackenzie recom- mended Madame Valleria in a similar instance to use your wine, and then, as now, she obtained instant and complete benefits from so doing. R. H. Percy Hutchinson. I take great pleasure in testifying to the excellent effects of " Vin nariani." As a voice and nerve tonic, I consider it has no equal. All singers should give it a trial, and once having done so, they would never be without it. Fred'k W. Jameson. €MMA ^UGH. I take pleasure in stating that I have used your " VIN HARIANI " during the past three years. I have found it beneficial, greatly assisting me during arduous operatic and concert work. It perceptibly smoothens the throat and strengthens the system. EMMA JUCH. %,° TJ ^ AVING suffered from weakness in my voice caused by con- V ^ stantly playing 'Meg Merrilies," I used " Vin flariani," ^^2^^ji!^^>i and found it a most beneficial tonic, which I can recommend heartily to every sufferer, and I really think it my duty to let you know it. I would have done so long ago had not my unfortunate accident at Newport prevented. Janauschek. I have used the " Vin flariani " with great advantage to my- self, finding it most beneficial as a tonic, and extremely effective in dissipating the lassitude that one feels from change of climate and atmospheric changes. I have much pleasure in giving my testimony to the excellence of the " Vin flariani." Tom Karl. Fanny DAVENPOf^'n. "VIN MARIANI " has been the most wonderful tonic for me during my three years' work in "Fedora;" at times when I felt completely worn out and unable to exert myself after a matinee, a small quantity taken has so strengthened me and carried me through the task with a sort of superhuman power. I consider "VIN flARIANI" the most wonderful tonic of this age. FANNY DAVENPORT. HAVE had occasion at innumerable times to test the surely astonishing, beneficial results of the best tonic of our age — the "Vin flariani " — both upon myself and a great number of pupils and friends. There is probably no other professional that knows better the dire feeling of utter exhaustion of the nerves than the overworked vocalist and vocal teacher. Yet one small glass of "Vin flariani " will work like a magic charm imme- diately after it is consumed, and fresh vigor will run like a reviving electric fluid through the whole body. It affords me great pleasure and satisfaction to have this opportunit}' of expressing my gratitude to you for this great invention. Leo Kofler. ^^^ " Vin Hariani " is an excellent tonic for vocalists. I have used the same and find that it greatly strengthens the system, and is especially invigorating when taken shortly before singing. I can only speak of " Vin flariani " in the highest terms. Ida Klein. FELiIGIA fflAliliSiP. V' I^.OUR "Vin riariani" is a tonic which certainly strikes the " tonic key " of a nervous system, and is just the thing for artists who must brave the footlights. Since trying it, nervousness does not trouble me as heretofore when play- ing in public. I am indebted to my eminent friend. Dr. Aug. Caille, for recom- mending to me a tonic so eflfective and agreeable. Carl V. Lachmund. Your admirable " Vin flariani " has carried me through so many trials that I consider it the best of tonics and an invaluable restorative after a tedious rehearsal or matinee. Do you wonder 'tis my vade mecuni ? Genevieve Lytton. Jules (Slaf^biiiie:. "VIN MARIANI" is so invigorating a tonic that one hesitates in giving an opinion in order to fully do it justice. It gives to the body and brain renewed vitality. For all, especially artists and brain workers, "VIN MARIANI" is the supreme remedy. Shopenhauer, whose greatness of mind is not disputed, would certainly have been even more brilliant, and certainly less bitter, if he had had in his Frankfort abode an ample supply of this delicious wine. JULES CLARETiE, Manager of the Comfdie Fran^aise. (TRANSLATION FROM OPPOSITE PAGE.) When we drink it, we sing, are gay, we love, we dream of the future, of glory, of the infinite. In fact, vothiug can be better than " Vin riariani," unless it be Mr. Mariani himself. MOUNET-SULLY, Of the Comidie Fran(aise. IDOUNBili-SUIiliY. 'I'^J^. f^jl HAVE great pleasure in testifying as to the great benefits I have received from the use of " Vin flariani." I suffered from a severe sore throat, and having to sing through an opera every night, my doctor ordered me to use the wine during the intervals. I did so with the most beneficial results, and always now keep it in my dressiug-room. I find it most useful not only as a tonic, but as a gargle. Richie Ling. ^^^ It is always with feelings of pleasure and confidence that I turn to the "Vin flariani" when suffering from fatigue, either vocal or physical. Whenever occasion presents itself, I recommend it to my fellow-artists. Sofia Scalchi-Lolli. V'/^ Gdouai^d de FJeszi^b. With pleasure do I state that I consider "VIN MARIANl" an excellent tonic, specially useful to singers. EOOUARD DE RESZK^. )HERE is great pleasure in testifying to the wonderful effects of your " Vln flariani." As a tonic, when over-fatigued from teaching, and as a stimulant to the vocal cords, I have found it really invaluable, and shall always recommend it to ray pupils. Eduardo Marzo. I can but confirm all that has already been said of " Vin riariani." It is the sovereign remedy, giving strength and resist- ance to the vocal cords. Gabrielle Krauss. Let me add my testimony to the fact that "Vin flariani" is certainly a great help to the voice and system. Madge Kendal. @. Paui^b. o^ «^Jwoa* viTu-y. OOAO^^'Vf 1>»~> i\i'^^tyJ^CJ^^'i»MU^ ^ ' \J. u^yf- ijv*-''**'- ^^^-^ t"* ^^^^\r\J^ <.^OS^»>1 ^is^p^i fj ^J ^^\T ^^IN MARIANI" is exquisite and of the greatest benefit. I ^ ^ heartily recommend it to all whose nervous system requires '^^'S^f ^7^ ■"v-?^ ^ A— ^ >^'^- > ^J^- -^AM -rr-r^Trnr ^ - r^^-^— -fH- J > =" ;^ > > .'S4. UlGTOI^ ©APOUL. Your wine has indeed again saved me! Upon my arrival at the opera, just before the commencement when I was to sing, I found I had got a severe attack of aphonia, which disappeared as if by enchantment after I had taken slowly a glassful of your wonderful "VIN flARIANI." It is to be hoped that all singers will become aware of and utilize the excellent properties of your preparation. I have tried everything, and never have found anything like it. VICTOR CAPOUL. ''V^^S^ «>ET me add my mite to the many praises already given Mr. Mariani for his admirable Wine of Coca. I certainly consider it, above all others, a most won- derful tonic for the voice and system. Emma Thursby. The shock resulting from a very severe accident that I incurred a few months ago had greatly impaired my nervous system. I was advised to take " Vin flariani." The effect of its use has been ex- cellent in keeping up my strength, and I am much pleased to recom- mend it as an invaluable tonic. Camilla Urso. ^^-^ "Vin riariani " is not only delicious, but has done us also a world of good. We would not possibly be without it. Johannes Wolff. Joseph Hollman. DOM eSDI^O. y^^^^ ^ New England Conservatory of Music, Boston, Mass. T is with pleasure that we testify to the merits of " Vin riariani," and we gladly do all that is in our power to further introduce a preparation of so great service to those having occasion to use the voice. Lyman W. Wheeler. J. Harry Wheeler. Boston, Mass. Permit me to add my testimonial to the very effective results attained by the use of the "Vin nariani." In recommending it to my pupils I am sure of their having (and so found it true) the same result as in my case. The effect upon the throat and voice is almost instantaneous, enabling me to procure with much better and easier effect whatever result I may wish to attain, and can finish an evening's performance with as fresh a voice as I be- gan. Indeed, I cannot speak too highly of the " Vin flariani," which I use constantly. Julius E. Ward. ^^^ Of TBM ^ [TJHI7KESIT71 F?EF^BBF{iIi I^EIiGBY. I have great pleasure in stating that I have found your "VIN MARIANI" to be of the greatest value to nne in my professional duties. My wife (Miss Caroline Hill) has used it, and we both agree it is the best of all tonics. HERBERT KELCEY. jERY glad was I to find in your " Vin flariani " an ex- cellent remedy for strengthening and refreshing the vocal cords after feeling tired. It gives relief directlj'^, and has the great value not to dry the throat. I will always recommend it as the best tonic singers can take. Van Zante. Metropolitan Opera House, New York. It is with great pleasure that I testify to the most excellent' services rendered me by your " Vin riariani " a la Coca du Perou. I find that it exercises a stimulating effect on the mucous mem- branes of the upper air passages, and in the condition of vocal fatigue is simply indispensable, Carl Zobel. Oaf^ib Sempbsii, For several years I have taken your " VIN MARIANI," and when I say that I would not be without it, it is only paying that wonderful tonic its just due. MARIE TEMPEST. What the Principal Medical Journals in the United States say of Mariani's "Coca Erythroxylon," Showing the esteem in which it is held by the medical profession and the general apprecia- tion of Mariani's endeavors to popularize this valuable drug. New York Hedical Journal. " M. Mariani's admirable ' Treatise on Erythroxylon Coca ' certainly deserves professional recognition. While not entering into the exhaustive details embodied in former works, it substitutes therefor that which, from a practical standpoint, is far more valuable — i. e., clinical data from com- petent observers. A careful selection of articles relating to Coca will be found in its pages, and much that is instructive and interesting can be gathered from its perusal. This work comes at an oppor- tune time, as it reconciles many conflicting statements and opinions regarding the efficacy of Coca. " Virginia fledical Monthly. " This neatly issued book contains a great deal of useful information about the therapeutics of the Coca preparations. The ' Vin Mariani,' used as a general tonic, has gained for itself universal esteem. It is more tonic than iron or quinine, and does not produce constipation ; it combines nicely with hypophosphites, and even with bromides, when such a combination is needed. We have used ' Vin Mariani ' in practice, and have found it to equal the claims made for it." Philadelphia fledical News. " In this volume M. Mariani has gathered the testimony of a large number of the profession in various parts of the United States as to the therapeutic value of the preparation of Coca known as ' Vin Mariani." One of the secrets of the admirable character of this tonic is, that it is made with a pure, fine quality of grape wine, of M. Mariani's own production, which blends admir- ably with the fresh selected Coca leaves, which alone are used." Philadelphia Hedical Times. "In this, the publisher has collected the indorsements of Mariani's Coca Wine by prominent physicians in this country, with practical notes upon the uses of this drug. In truth, the array of notable names is a strong one ; far too strong in standing, as well as in numbers, to allow of the charge of interested motives." JflADBLiEINB liUGBipOiB. I am delighted to add my mite to the many indorsements of your "VIN MARIANI." When I say I know of no substitute, I am but echoing the verdict of thousands of "workers" who have benefited by its use. MADELEINE LUCETTE. St. Joseph Medical Herald. "A complete resume' oi all the knowledge on the uses of Coca, and is well worth reading. It is pubHshed by Messrs. Manani & Co., who manufacture that excellent preparation, ' Vin Manani.' The work has the opinion of hundreds of the leading practitioners, all of them speaking in the highest terms of • Vin Manani.' " The Medical Bulletin. " This volume contains many valuable suggestions as to the use of Coca from the pens of emi- nent authorities in this country and abroad, together with quite a ponderous list of eminent medical gsntlemea, who are constantly prescribing the Coca preparations of Manani. It possesses interest- ing therapeutic hints." Daniel's Texas Medical Journal. " A neat volume submitted as an evidence of the esteem in which ' Vin Mariani Erythroxylon Coca ' is held by the medical profession. Prof. Fauvel is quoted as saying ' Vin Mariani ' is the tonic par excellence, and can be given for any length of time without producing constipation, an effect common to nearly all other tonics." ^^^ In consideration of the high esteem in which " VIN MARIANI " is universally held, and to record the success attending our e.Torts during thirty years at the hands of the Medical Profession, we have pleasure in submitting aforesaid testimony with a view that this standard preparation may become further popularized. In recognition of the truly meritorious character of the preparation, and the demonstrated superiority, we hope for a continuance of kind support. Among many awards to Mr. Mariani for the high standard and excellence of his preparations of Coca, we mention ; Gold Medal and Silver Medal from the Academie Nationale de France. Gold Medal and a Grand Diploma of Honor fromths Wine Exhibit of Bordeaux, France. Gold Medal and a Diploma of Honor at the Hygienic Exhibit at Amsterdam, Holland, and Gold Medal and Diploma at Leamington, England, the jury surnaming his " Vin Manani," " Wine for Athletes." iTALiO (sAMPANINI. Many years ago I had occasion to inform you of the high esteem in which I held your Coca preparation. I can but reiterate my appreciation of the value of your "VIN MARIANI." In cases of vocal fatigue. I know of no remedy which can be so thoroughly relied upon. The occasions are countless where the wonderful tonic and stimulating effects of "VIN flARIANl" permitted me to give with ease "encores" at times when, I feel confident, without this wine, I should have been reluctantly compelled to refuse to accede to the requests of my audi- ences. The fact that all my friends and fellow-artists are unanimous in their praise of "VIN riARIANI" as a voice tonic and stimulant to the system is abundant proof of its truly meritorious character. ITALO CAMPANINI. %>^ Of IHB^^ [translation prom opposite page.] With the greatest pleasure I express to you, Mr. Marian:, my entire gratitude for the strength I obtained from your marvelous wine, which carried me through my work while composing the " Triumphal Ode " and the " Hymn of Peace." Augusta Holmes. pUGUSiPA F7OLMBS. I'U <\ I h f RIVAL PREPARATIONS OF COCA New York Medical Journal, October 24, 1885. "In another column we publish a letter from Dr. W. Oliver Moore, calling attention to an injustice that certain competing pharmacists have practiced toward Messrs. Mariani & Co., in ' pirating ' published records of the successful use of the Mariani preparations of Coca, and at the same time craftily making these records appear to apply to their own preparations. It is very much to be regretted that a house that has been so punctilious in avoiding even the semblance of any offense against the courtesy of trade should have been treated in this shabby way by some rival manufacturers." To the Editor of the New York Medical Journal : Sir: In your issue of January 3, 1885, page ig, in a report of a paper read before the New York Medical Society, on "The Physiological and Therapeutical Effects of the Coca Leaf and its Alkaloid," occurs the following : " For over twenty years Dr. Fauvel has used it, both internally in the form of ' Vin Mariani,' and also by local applications to the pharynx and larynx in spray or by brush, in the form of a fluid extract, or, more recently, of a concentrated non-alcoholic preparation more of the nature of a cordial (prepared by Mariani & Co.)." Several manufacturers of Coca preparations have taken occasion to quote from this paper, each in turn substituting the name of his own production instead of the one mentioned in the original. As the preparations of Ccca mentioned in my paper were personally tested and found to be the best of a large number experimented with, I wish to call attention to these misquotations and substitutions. Very truly, W. Oliver Moore, M.D. *,* We have taken the trouble to compare the report of Dr. Moore's remarks with the little book on Coca prepared by M. Mariani, and with the circulars issued by a number of manufacturers of Coca preparations ; and we certainly think that some of these manufacturers have taken an un- warrantable liberty in appropriating work that evidently cost M. Mariani a good deal of time and no little outlay of money. — Editor. pF^MAND SlLYESTI^B. l\t/>VVVlt.t>ni^ ^CATA^h/i- ivrt (»»« H'^'ii^H/* ^'t{t«i.^o^ <'«*c*.-^, /•^r t' l*< ■»- a-- Bbi^thbliei?. My Dear Mariani: Your marvelous wine needs certainly no further recommendation, as everyone is familiar with it, and no one would be without it. I claim " VIN MARIANI" can have no equal; it will live forever. BERTHELIER. HIT *^RIS, 41.3" Haussmann . ;| IK^'ARIAKI Mm^m^ TONIC 111 SljlW'"' bose -""Mivaiii pas. One M^ stfl ■a[i# Jllisanl 5 Francs^ m' ieaU.an<' idtcO M lt>3 I""" Prominent American Medical Authors ON "VIN HARIANI." " La Grippe and its Treatment," by Cyrus Edson, M.D., Health Department, City of N. Y. D. Apple ton &• Co., Publishers, New Yori. " In the great depression caused by the disease and in the convalescence, special attention is called to the value of ' Vin Mariani.' " "Brain Exhaustion," by J. Leonard Corning, M.D. D. Appleton &» Co. " Of all remedies with which I am acquainted, the extract of Coca is the best for dealing with this condition of irritability — not excepting the bromides. " It has the soothing effects of the latter remedies, but without their characteristic depressing influence. The preparation of Coca, known as ' Vin Mariani," is the best in the market. It possesses the decided advantage of being manufactured from the fresh leaves, which is an indispen- sable requisite." The author continues on page 212, praising " Vin Mariani" over other remedies, showing its great superiority, and says : " It is a remedy, par excellence, against worry. Besides exercising an invigorating effect upon the cerebral centers, it imparts an indescribable sensation of satisfaction." •• Headaclie," by J. F. Baldwin, M.D. Columbus Medical Journal " We used the justly celebrated ' Vin Mariani ' personally for the relief of headache — which is the bane of our life. This wine has for its active ingredient a concentrated extract of the leaves of Erythroxylon Coca — the plant from which the anaesthetic is obtained. Although we have used the 'Vin' only when we felt the attack coming on, it has uniformly aborted the attack promptly and thoroughly. We have used it with patients and with essentially the same success. We have also prescribed it as a tonic in dyspepsia and nervous prostration, and with excellent results." "Brain Rest," by J. Leonard Corning, M.D. G. P. Putnam^ s Sons. " In cases of functional brain trouble, complicated by inordinate irritability and worry, I wa-; formerly in the habit of giving bromides in moderate doses during the hours of wakefulness, wiih a view to bringing the brain into a condition of sufficient tranquillity toward evening to render super- vention of sleep possible. " Since the introduction of the Coca preparations, however, I have almost entirely abandoned the use of the bromides. But when I do have occasion to resort to them, I am in the habit of giving Coca as well, with a view to counteracting the depression which is such a disagreeable collateral effect of these salts. " The preparation of Coca known as ' Vin Mariani' is the one to which I resort in meeting the exigencies incident to excessive and habitual worry. " Of ' Vin Mariani ' I need hardly speak, as the profession is already well aware of its virtues. Of all tonic preparations ever introduced to the notice of the profession, this is undoubtedly the most potent for good in the treatment of exhaustive and irritative conditions of the central nervous system. " Mr. Angelo Mariani has spent many years in the careful study of the Coca plant, and a3 a result his preparations are unrivaled. The profession certainly owes a debt of gratitude to this gen- tleman for his valuable labors in this direction." •• Heart Strain and Weak Heart," by Beverly Robinson, M.D. Aew York Medical Record. " Among well-known cardiac tonics and stimulants, I know of no drug quite equal to Coca. It does much at times to restore the heart muscle to its former tone. I have obtained the best effects from the use of ' Vin Mariani.' '• In ' Vin Mariani ' we have a powerful stimulant to the economy that frequently will strengthen or g^ve tone to the nerves in a rapid manner, that no other drug with which I am familiar can accomplish. " I have repeatedly felt this effect on myself when extremely fatigued from overwork or want of sleep. ' Vin Mariani' is, I believe, the best preparation, on account of the great care exercised by its maker. " "Coca Erythroxylon, as a Cardiac Tonic," by Henry Conkling, M.D. Brooklyn Medical Journal. " Coca Erythroxylon given under the form of ' Vin Mariani ' has been most successfully em- ployed, and has, in our experience, proved most beneficial in restoring and saving muscular force.'' "St. Louis Alienist and Neurologist," Editor, C. H. Hughes, M.D. "I take pleasure in attesting my appreciation of 'Vin Mariani.' I prescribe it by preference over all others in my practice, because I think it is of better quality than the domestic Coca Wines, and I am glad that I can use and commend it." ••Coca in Hoarseness of Professional Singers," by Chas. E. Sajois, M.D. The Journal of tite American Medical Association. ' The fact that many of the Coca wines on the market are but solutions of cocaine in either shsrry or part wine, renders it quite possible that anaesthesia of the posterior portion of the larynx might be caused by contact with the drug during the act of deglutition, and thereby interfere -with the functions of the vocal organs. I noticed this effect— a stiffness in the throat— while trying a number of brands to ascertain which would best serve my purpose. The preparation which I pre- scribe (' Vin Mariani '), made from the leaves, does not produce this effect, owing to the infinitesi- mal quantity of cocaine that it contains — all anaesthetic action being furthermore antagonized by the tannic acid present not only in the leaves themselves, but in the exceptionally pure wine forming the excipient. A great advantage of ' Vin Mariani ' is that it exerts its action without giving rise to constipation. It can for that reason be administered continuously, with much benefit at times, in cases in which muscular weakness causes tremulousness of the voice." Medical Society of tlie County of New York. The President, Dr. Daniel Lewis, in the chair. " The Physiological and Thsrapsutical Effects of the Coca Leaf and its Alkaloid," by Dr. William Oliver Moore. The entire article appeared in the New York Medical Journal ; also in the Quarterly Bulle- tin of th3 Clinical Society of the New York Post-Graduate School and Hospital. " Coca is a tonic of great value in all asthenic conditions ; it is also an anti-spasmodic ; and, next to alcohol, a food-replacing agent of immense value. The ' Vin Mariani ' has the most potent influence, and I have reason to believe that its effect is better than that of other preparations." ••New Remedies," by Henry Schweic, M.D. A'ew York Medical Monthly. The only preparations of Coca which have given me uniformly good results are those of Mons. Mariani, of Paris. My attention was first called to ' Vin Mariani ' as applied to laryngeal diseases by the late Dr. Louis Elsberg, as well as by the writings of Charles Fauvel and Morell Mackenzie. " •• Influenza and its Complications," by J. H. Cowell, M.D. Chicago Medical Era. "Many patients recover very slowly. The lassitude and weakness calls for something in the nature of a tonic, and for this purpose I am satisfied that I have found a preparation that answers the purpose. I refer to the ' Vin Mariani.' " "Causticum in Laryngeal Affections," by W. W. Van Baum, M.D. Philadelphia Hahnemannian Monthly. " In these cases of long-standing laryngeal affections, the virtues of Erythroxylon Coca have long been recognized ; it will unquestionably benefit and will materially assist the action of the remedies. I rely on the brand of ' Mariani,' which was used in the cases reported. This tonic Coca wine of Mariani is pleasant. " ' Vin Mariani ' is quite palatable to the patient. I direct school teachers, annoyed with fre- quent attacks of hoarseness, to take a wineglassful of this Coca wine immediately before each school session. My experience has been gratifying." See "Foster's Encyclopedic Medical Dictionary," Vol. II, "Coca Mariani." " Annual Universal Medical Sciences," 1891, Vol. V, A 34, Laffont on " Mariani's Coca." JV. B. — To quote all the indorsements ayid writings on " Vin Mariani'' that have appeared in medical books and journals in this country and in Europe would fill several large-sized books, we there/ore simply refer to the foregoifig, ajid prefer calling attention to the product itself, and ask a careful test of same on its own merits, there- by proving its true usefulness and well-deserved reputation as the standard preparation of Erythroxylon Coca. PARIS: 4t Boulevard Haussmann. Laboratory: N«ullly S/Seine. LONDON: 239 Oxiord Street, N. W. MARIANI & COMPANY, 52 West Fifteenth Street, NEW YORK. k-*^ /r» -nnr * ''V 0* TEK ItrVITSSSIT UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. SSepSi vvy 22Aug5UU LD 21-95m-ll,'50(2877sl6)476 RETURN TO the circulation desk of any University of California Library or to the NORTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY Bldg. 400, Richmond Field Station University of California Richmond, CA 94804-4698 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS • 2-month loans may be renev\/ed by calling (510)642-6753 • 1-year loans may be recharged by bringing books to NRLF • Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date. DUE AS STAMPED BELOW SENt ON ILL MAY 3 2002 U. C. BERKELEY 12,000(11/95) CT106 M3 UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA LIBRARY