Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/catalogueofcolleOOprobrich CATALOGUE OF THE COLLECTION OF BOOKS, aitusOTpts, una Wraths of %xt, BELONGING TO MR. HENRY PROBASCO, CINCINNATI, OHIO, {Oakwood, Clifton.) 1873 .^^qq/ ^^. ^.Z/- ^^aS ^ o ^ J^. Q7&^ M7__ NOTE. SEVERAL catalogues being required for special purposes, it was thought desirable to print a 'limited number, the most of which will be given to public and private libraries' and bibliophile friends. The present collection was accumulated during years which were devoted mainly to the duties of an extensive business. With scant time for needful studies, limited means for buying, and few opportunities in Cincinnati, until recently, for obtaining bibliographical information, its deficiencies are apparent. Without any pretensions, therefore, to consid- eration as a Library, which it is not, it may claim the attention of bib- liophiles as possessing that peculiar interest which attaches to any valuable collection of books as reflecting in some degree the individual- ity and personal tastes of its owner. With a desire to add interest to the collection, important additions were made to it during an eighteen months' tour in 1866-67. These were Biblical Codices, Psalteriums, Breviaries, Missals, Histories ; vol- umes printed on vellum ; specimens of early printing ; rare editions of the Bible, the Fathers, Shakespeare, Dante, the Aldine and Elzevir classics ; illustrated works of permanent value, particularly the Natural Sciences and Travel ; also volumes supposed to be unique ; those formerly owned by distinguished personages ; specimens of bindings of early Italian and French workmanship, in leather-mosaic, niello, bronze, and ivory ; artistic productions, commencing with Grolier, and embra- &76r IV cing the best obtainable specimens of almost all the art-binders since that period. There will be found appended a catalogue of the Paintings and other important objects of interest. These have been added for the gratification of the friends who have expressed a desire to recur to them as reminiscences of helpful, exalted hours spent in the presence of artists who have achieved distinction at home, and whose names are honored in both hemispheres. HENRY PROBASCO. Oakwood, Clifton, ist May, 1873. CATALOGUE. A BBOTT, Jacob. The Corner Stone, or a Familiar Illustration of the Principles of Christian Truth ; with a Preface by J. P. Smith. Boston, 1835. I vol. \21no, half calf . A Summer in Scotland. New York, 1848. I vol. 1 2 mo, half calf . ABRANTES, Duchesse d'. See Junot. ACOLUTHIA lectoris, sive Sylliturgica (graece). Venetiis, apud Fede- ricum Turrisanum, 1549. I vol. Svo, printed in red atid black, with one woodcut, blue morocco. {Niedrk.) From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 51. ADAMS, H. G. Cyclopaedia of Sacred Poetical Quotations. London, 1854. 1 vol. i6mo, cloth. ADAMS, John. Letters addressed to his Wife. Edited by C. F. Adams. Boston, 1841. 2 vols. i2mo, cloth. ADAMS, John Quincy. Lectures on Rhetoric and Oratory. Cam- bridge, 18 10. 2 vols. Svo, half calf . ADAMS, Nehemiah. The Communion Sabbath. Boston, 1856. I vol. x2mo, calf. ADAMS, William. The three Gardens, Eden, Gethsemane, and Para- dise ; or, Man's Ruin, Redemption, and Restoration. New York, 1856. I vol. i2mo, cloth. I ADDISON, Joseph. Works: a new Edition, with Notes by Richard Hurd. London, Cadell, 1811. 6 vols. roy. %vo, maroon morocco gilt. {Hayday.) With a portrait engraved by Picart, ADUNATIONE de i quattro evangelisti in uno, cioe vita, passione & resurrettione di Jesu Christo nostro Salvatore. Con una breve espositione molto utile e necessaria ad ogni fidel Christiano. Venetia, ne la contrata de S. Maria Formosa^ 1556. I vol. 8vo, brown morocco. The covers of this copy bear the Arms of Louis-Charles de Valois, comte d'Auvergne. yEGIDIUS, S. Franciscus. Aurea verba. See Gerson, J. ^LIANUS, Claudius. Varia historia, ad mss. codices nunc primum recognita et castigata, cum versione Justi Vulteii, sed innumeris in locis ad graecum auctoris contextum emendata, et perpetuo commen- tario Jacobi Perizonii. Lugduni in Bat., 1701. I vol. in 2, d>vo, with an engraved title-page and vigfiettes, brown morocco. {Clarke.) iESCHINES. Due orationi, 1' una di Eschine contra di Tesifonte, r altra di Demosthene k sua difesa, di Greco in volgare nuovamente tradotte per un gentilhuomo Firentino. Vinigia, in casa di figliuoli di Aldo, 1554. I vol. Svo, brown morocco. ^SCHYLUS. ^schyli tragoedije sex (graece). Venetiis, in cedibus Aldi et Andrece soceri, 15 18. I vol. Svo, blue morocco gilt, lined with silk. {Bozerian.) First edition. From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 1864. Tragedies ; literally translated, with critical and illustrative Notes, and an Introduction, by T. A. Buckley. London, ^^^«, 1849. I vol. Svo, half calf . ^SOPUS. .^sopi fabulas cum interpretatione vulgari : et figuris acri cura emendatae. Brixi/E, impendio Ludovici Britdnici : etfratrum, MD. xxij. Die xij. Octobris. (1522.) I vol. 4to, with woodcuts, green lei'ant morocco. {English binding.) From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 2068. ^SOPUS. ^sop's Fables, with his Life : in English, French, and Latin. Newly translated. Illustrated with 112 sculptures. To this Edition are likewise added 31 new figures representing his life. By Francis Barlow. London, 1687. I vol. folio, large paper, brown morocco. {Bedford.) Fables of .^sop and other Eminent Mythologists. By Sir R. L'Estrange. London, 1738. 1 vol. ZvOy calf extra. {Bedford.) Select Fables of Esop and other Fabulists; in three books. London, Dodsley, 1761. I vol. 8vOf calf extra. Seautiful edition printed by Baskerville, with medallion cuts. .iiEsop's Fables, embellished with in elegant engravings. [Sam- uel Croxall.] 'Lo^no^, printed by Davidson, 1818. I vol. 8vo, calf. iEsop's Fables ; a new Version by Rev. Thomas James. With more than fifty illustrations by J. Tenniel. New York [1848]. I vol. 8vo, cloth. The Fables of ^sop, with a Life of the Author, illustrated with one hundred and eleven engravings frpm original designs by Her- rick. New York, 1865. I vol. i2mo, maroon morocco. AGASSIZ, Louis. Lake Superior ; its Physical Character, Vegetation, and Animals. With a Narrative of the Tour by J. E. Cabot. Boston, 1850. I vol. 8vo, with illustrations, cloth, AGRICOLA, Daniel. Passio domini nostri Jesu Christi. Basile/e, T. Vuolff, 1520. 1 vol. sm. 4to, half red morocco. AGUILAR, Grace. The Women of Israel. New York, 1851. 2 vols. i2mo, morocco. AKENSIDE, Mark. Poetical Works. London, Bell and Daldy, 1866. I vol. xdmo, calf {Matthews^ ALBERTIS, Leo Baptista. Leonis Baptistaj Alberti Floretini viri clarissimi libri de re aedificatoria dece. Parrhisiis, B. Remboldt et L. Hornken, 15 12. I vol. 8vo, vellum. ALBERTUS DE PADUA. Incipit solene opus expositidis Evange- lioru dominicaliu tocius anni reverendi magistri Albert! de Padua ordinis fratru heremitarum sci Augustini. {In fine :) Liber Vene- Tiis impressus per magros Add de Rotuuil et Andrea de Corona finit ano 1476. I vol. folio, 248 leaves, in 2 columns, rubricated capitals, half red levant morocco. {Hardy- Mennil.) ALBERTUS MAGNUS. Incipit liber Alberti magni ordinis predica- torum de adherendo deo. Tractatulus de remediis contra pusillani- mitatem scrupulositatem contra deceptorias inimici per Johannem Gerson. Epistola domini Bonaventure cardinalis de modo profici- endi compendioso. Brevis et utilis doctrina juvenum domini Bona- venture. s. 1. et a. [ULMiE,y". Zai7ier, circa 1473.] I vol. folio, 40 leaves, rubricated capitals, half brown levajtt morocco. {Hardy-Mennil.) ALBIN, Eleazar. Insectorum angliae naturalis historia : accedunt annotationes a Guil. Derham. Londini, 1731. I vol. \to, Holland paper, colored plates, green morocco. A Natural History of Birds. London, 1731-38. 3 vols. 4to, Holland paper, colored plates, green morocco. ALBRITIO, LuiGi. Panegirici sacri del padre Luigi Albritio della Compagnia di Giesu. Roma, / de Lazzcri, 1655. I vol. 8vo, red morocco gilt. ALBUM DU CHASSEUR. Illustrd de 12 photographies d'aprbs les dessins de M. C. F. Deiker j legendes par M. de La Rue. Paris, Rothschild, 1865. I vol. ob. folio, half morocco. ALBUM VON MUNCHEN : verlag von A. Meysel in Dresden. Debit bei H. Manz. I vol. ob. ^0, cloth. ALCIATUS, Andreas. Andreae Alciati emblematum libellus, nuper in lucem editus. Venetiis, Aldifilios, 1546. I vol. Svo, with woodcuts, red levant morocco, gilt and marbled edges. {Hardy-Mennil.) "II est fort rare, et on y trouve 84 fig. en bois." — Brunei. Clarissimi viri D. Andreas Alciati emblematum libri duo. LuG- DUNi,y; Tornasium et G. Gazeium, 1554. I vol. i6mo, with woodcuts, calf extra. {Koehler.) From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 2101. ALCIATUS, Andreas. Les Emblemes de maistre Andre Alciat, mis en rime frangoyse, et puis nagueres reimprime avec curieuse cor- rection. On les vend a Paris eft la maison de Chrestien Wechel a lescu de Basle, m. d. xl. 1 vol. Svo, 115 woodcuts, green morocco. " Exemplaire AuDENET. Edition en caracteres italiques." From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 2108. ALCOCK, Sir Rutherford. The Capital of the Tycoon j a Narra- tive of a Three Years' Residence in Japan. London, Longmans, 1863. 2 vols. 8w, half calf . ALEXANDER, James W. Consolation : in Discourses on Select Top- ics, addressed to the Suffering People of God. New York, Scrib- ner, 1853. I vol. 8vo, dark morocco. Discourses on Common Topics of Christian Faith and Practice. New York, Scribner, 1858. 1 vol. 8vo, dark morocco. Forty Years' Familiar Letters. Edited by John Hall. New York, Scribner, i860. 2 vols, xzmo, with portrait, cloth. The Man of Business considered in his various Relations. By J. W. Alexander, J. Todd, W. B. Sprague, S. H. Tyng, I. Ferris, and J. F. Stearns. New York, 1857. 1 vol. xzmo, half calf . ALEXANDER, Joseph Addison. Sermons. New York, i860. 2 vols. i2mo, cloth. ALEXANDER DE ALES. Summa universae theologise. Pars prima. {In fine:) Finis prime partis. Vex Jodnem antonium de birretis ac Frdciscum gyrardenghum. Papie m. cccc. lxxxix. I vol. 4to, 224 leaves, in 2 columns, half red morocco. ALFORD, Henry, Dean of Canterbury. How to Study the New Tes- tament. London, 1868. I vol. x6mo, cloth. Letters from Abroad. Second Edition. London, 1865. I vol. \2mo, cloth. ALIACO OR ALLIACO, Petrus de. Meditationes. See Gerson, J. ALISON, Sir Archibald. History of Europe from the Commencement of the French Revolution to the Accession of Louis Napoleon, 1774 - 1852. Edinburgh, Blackwood, i860 - 69. 22 vols, and Index, 8vo. Atlas, ob. folio, calf extra. {Hay day.) Miscellaneous Essays. Reprinted from the English originals, with the author's corrections. Philadelphia, 1847. I vol. 8vo, half morocco. ALLIBONE, S. Austin. A Critical Dictionary of English Literature, and British and American Authors, living and deceased. Phila- delphia, 1870-71. 3 vols. roy. 8vo, half brown morocco. ALT, Rudolf. Malerische Ansichten von Wien. Wien, verlag von L. T. Neumann, s. a. I vol. 4to, cloth. AMBROSIUS S., mediolanensis. De officiis libri tres. {In fine:) Im- pressus mediolani per Christoforu Valdarfer Ratisponensem m. cccc. lxxiiii. 1 vol. sm. Ofto, old calf . " Premier livre impr. par Valdarfer k Milan." — Brunei. In this copy thirty leaves, containing the Life of St. Ambrosius and other pieces, are wanting. AMERICAN ECLECTIC ; or. Selections from the Periodical Litera- ture of all Foreign Countries. Conducted by A. Peters, S. B. Treat, and others. Jan., 1841, to Nov., 1842. New York, 1841 -42. 4 vols. Svo, half russia. AMERICAN PIONEER ; a Monthly Periodical devoted to the Objects of the Logan Historical Society. Cincinnati, 1842-43. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco. AMES, Fisher. Works : with a Selection from his Speeches and Cor- respondence. Edited by his son, Seth Ames. Boston, 1854. 2 vffls. Svo, calf. AMES, Joseph. Typographical Antiquities ; or the History of Printing in England, Scotland and Ireland ; containing Memoirs of our Ancient Printers, and a Register of the Books printed by them. Be- gun by the late Joseph Ames ; considerably augmented by Wm. Herbert ; and now greatly enlarged, with copious notes, and illus- trated with appropriate engravings; by the Rev. T. F. Dibdin. "Lo^no^, printed for W. Miller bj W. Savage, 1810- ig. 4 vols. 4to, calf extra. AMMAN, JoBST. Genuinae Eicones Ducum Bavariae ex principe familia Bavarica illustrissima et vetustissima oriundorum, ab anno Virginei partus ccccxcii. usque ad annum mdcxvi. Adjectis quorundam Uxorum eiconibus. A Jodoco Ammano pictore Noribergensi facte et aeri incisje. I vol. folio, half calf . {Simier.) 84 planches de portraits, accompagnees d'une explication manuscrite en alle- mand. 2 portraits ajoutes, independants de cette collection. (Y.) Le titre est manuscrit C'est dans ces belles planches, a I'eau-forte et au burin, que JoBST Amman se montre un artiste eminent et s'abandonne a toute la liberte de sa pointe. Bel exemplaire, epreuves remontees. From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 3132. AMMAN, JoBST. Stand und Orden der H. Romischen CathoHschen Kirchen, darinn aller Geistlichen Personen. Franckfort am Mayn, in verlegung S. Feyrabends, 1585. I vol. 4^0, woodcuts, red levant morocco, richly gilt. {Hardy.) The text is translated from the Latin into German by J. Ad. Lonicerus. AMMONIUS. Ammonii Hermiae in quinque voces Porphyrii commen- tarius, correctionibus quamplurimis, & locorum imaginibus illustratus (graece). Y^^ktus, apud Aldiflios, 1546. I vol. Svo, 78 leaves, half vellum. Bound with this, and bearing the same date, is the following: — Ammonii Hermia: in pradicamenta Aristotdis coinmcntarius. Aristotelis vita {grcece). 152 leaves. Ammonii Hermiae in Aristotelis de interpretatione librum com- mentarius (graece). Venetiis, apud Aldi ftlios, 1546. I vol. Svo, 188 leaves, half vellum. ANACREON. Anacreontis Teii Odaria (graece) praefixio commentario quo poetae genus traditur et bibliotheca Anacreonteia adumbratur. Additis var. lectionibus. Parm^e, ex reg. typ. {Bodoni), 1 784. I vol. 4to, uncut. " Belle edition executee en grec cursif." — Brunei. Odes d'Anacreon (texte grec) avec liv compositions par Giron- det, traduction d'Amb. Firmin Didot. Paris, F. Didot, 1864. I vol. i6mo, vellum paper, text within red lines, photographs, crimson levant morocco. {Galette.) Anacreon, Sappho, Bion et Moschus, traduction nouvelle en prose, suivie de la Veillee des Fetes de Venus, et d'un choix de pieces de diff^rens auteurs, par M. M"- C"'. (Jul. -Jacq. Mouton- net de Clairsons). Paris, Le Boucher, 1773. I vol. Svo, with plates, old marbled calf 8 ANCONA, AuGusTiNus de. See Augustinus de Ancona. ' ANDERDON, J. L. The River Dove, with some Quiet Thoughts on the Happy Practice of AngHng. London, Pickering^ 1847. I vol. i6mo, half calf. ANDERSEN, Hans Christian. The Improvisatore ; translated from the Danish by Mary Howitt. Author's edition. New York, 1869. I vol. 8vo, half blue morocco. In Spain ; and a Visit to Portugal. New York, 1870. 1 vol. Zvo, cloth. ANDERSON, Christopher. The Annals of the English Bible. Lon- don, Picker ing, 1845. 2 vols. 8vo, thick paper, half morocco. Only 25 copies on tliick paper. ANDRE, Ed. Le mouvement horticole, 1865-66. Paris, _/ Roths- child, 1866-67. 2 vols. i6mo, half blue morocco. Les plantes ^ feuillage omemental. Paris, yi Rothschild, 1866. I vol. i6jno, half blue morocco. ANDREAS, Antonius. Questioes famosissimi doctoris Antonii An- dree de tribus principiis rerum naturalium. (/« fine :) Expliciunt questiones ... per magistrum Laurentium {Canozium) de lendenaria Padue impressae. mcccclxxv. I vol. folio, 65 leaves, in 2 columns, half calf ANGELS OF HEAVEN. Meditations on the Records of Angelic Visitations and Ministry, contained in Scripture. Selected from the works of Augustine, Calvin, Bishop Andrews, Bishop Hall, and other writers. With 12 photographs after Raffaelle, Rembrandt, etc. London, 1870. I vol. sm. d^to. ANGELUS DE CLAVASIO. See Clavasio. ANNA, S. Hier beghint ter eere gods een notabel gheuoechlic boecxke seer profitelic eii salich alle mesce. Voerede va die historic oft dat leue m die geslachten der salichster vrouwen sinte Ann en, een moeder der glorioser maghet marien. s. 1. s. a. [Antverpen, Adri- aan van Liesveldt, 1496.] 1 vol. 8vo, half bound. ANNIVERSARY CALENDAR. London, 1832. 2 vols. Svo, half calf ANNUAL of Scientific Discovery : or, Year-Book of Facts in Science and Art. 1850-52; 1857; 1861. Boston, 1850-61. 5 vols. i2mo, cloth. ANTIGONUS. Antigoni Carystii historiarum mirabilium collectanea (gr. et, lat.). Joan. Meursius recensuit et notas addidit. Lugd. Batav., apud I. Elzevirium, 16 19. I vol. 4to, vellum, ANTIQUITES de I'empire de Russie. See ARCHiEOLOGiE. ANTONINUS, S., archiep.flormt. Defecerunt Reverendissimi Antonini archiepiscopi flo. ordinis predicatoru necnon cum aliquibus con- clusionibus ac decisionibus in foro conscientie nuper repertis et ipressis. [Insignia L. A. Juntae.] Venetiis, per Fetrii Jo. de qua- rengiis Bergomesem, die xxi Nbvemb., 1499. I vol Svo, old calf. Summae theologicae prima pars. {In fine:) Hie finis prime partis sume Anthonini impressioni que dedite Venetiis Leonardu Wild de Ratisbone, 1481. I vol 238 leaves, in 2 columns, vellum. Summae theologicae secunda pars. {In fine:) Impressu e opus pns Venetiis, v^qsis Johdnis de Colonia, 1477. I vol. 375 leaves, in 2 columns, vellum. SummjB theologicag tertia pars. {In fine:) Cum diligentia ac impensa magistri andree de carbaro impressa Venetiis, anno dni 1485. I vol. 416 leaves, in 2 columns, vellum. Tractato volgare di frate Antonino arcivescovo di Firenze che e intitolato Curam illius habe. Firenze, Lorenzo di Morgiani, 1493. I vol. 4I0, vellum. ANTONINUS, Marcus Aurelius. The Emperour Marcus Antoninus his Conversation with himself : together with the preliminary Dis- course of the learned Gataker : as also the Emperour's Life ; writ- ten by M. Dacier and supported by the authorities collected by Dr. Stanhope. To which is added the Mythological Picture of Cebes the Theban, translated by J. Collier. London, 1726. I vol. Svo, old calf. APPIANUS. [De bellis ciyilibus romanis.] Ad divum Alfonsum Ara- gonum et utriusque Sicilie regem in libros civiliu belloru ex Appiano lO Alexandrino in latinu traductos Prefatio incipit felicissime. {In fine:) Appiani Alexandrini sophiste Romanoru liber finit qui Cel- ticus inscribitur. Traductio P. Candidi. Impressum est hoc opus Venetiis per Bernardu pictorem et Erhardum ratdolt, m. cccc. LXXVII. I vol. sm, folio, russia. APULEIUS, Lucius. L. Apuleii Madaurensis Metamorphoseos libri XI., cum notis et amplissimo indice Joannis Pricoei : accessit ejusdem index alphabeticus scriptorum qui in Hesychii Graeco vocabulario laudantur. GouDiE, G. van der Hoeve, 1650. 1 vol. Svo, green morocco. AQUINO. See Thomas de Aquino. ARABIAN NIGHTS. The Thousand and One Nights; commonly called, in England, the Arabian Nights' Entertainments. A new Translation from the Arabic, with copious Notes ; by E. W. Lane. Illustrated from original designs by Wm. Harvey. London, Knight, 1841. 3 vols. roy. Svo, half calf . ARAGO, Francois. Popular Astronomy. Translated from the origi- nal, and edited by W. H. Smyth and R. Grant. London, 1855. 2 vols. Svo, calf. Popular Lectures on Astronomy. Translated, with Notes, by W. K. Kelly. London, 1854. 1 vol, i6mo, cloth. ARATUS. See Astronomi veteres. ARC, Jeanne d'. Memoirs of Jeanne d'Arc, surnamed La Pucelle d'Or- leans ; with the History of her Times [by W. H. Ireland]. London, Triphook, 1825. 2 vols. Svo, large paper, 5 plates, half brown morocco. 50 copies printed on large paper. ARCH-^OLOGIE. Antiquites de I'empire de Russie, editdes par ordre de sa majeste I'Empereur Nicolas I. Moscou, 1849 - 53. Text, I vol. \to ; plates, 6 vols, in 5, folio, green morocco gilt. {Bedford.) Vol. I. Saintes, croix et omements d'eglise, 1 14 pi. II. Costumes des Tsars, 102 pi. III. Armes, armures, sellerie, 148 pi. IV. Costumes et portraits des Tsars, Boyards, etc., 38 pi. V. Coupes, aiguiferes et objets d'orfevrerie, 73 pi. VI. Monuments civils, religieux et meubles, 40 pi. II " Magnifique ouvrage renfermant 515 planches imprim^es sur papier i dessin glace. Les planches, coloriees avec le plus grand soin, reproduisent avec exactitude de nombreux monuments de I'art byzantin, d'anciens costumes, et des modeles de I'omementation fort remarquables en usage aux XV° et XVI* siecles." — Brunei. ARCUSSIA DE CAPRE, Ch., seigneur (TEsparron. La Fauconnerie divisde en dix parties. Avec les portraicts au naturel de tous les oyseaux. Rouen, Vatiltier et Besongne, 164^-/^4. I vol. sin. 4^0, red levant morocco, gilt and marbled edges. {Belz- Niedrk.) ARGYLL, Duke of. See Campbell, George Douglas. ARIAS MONTANUS, Benedict. Humanae salutis monumenta. B. Ariae Montani studio constructa et decantata. Antverp, ex proto- typog. regia Christ. Platinus^ i57i' I vol. 8vo, with engravings on copper. ARIOSTO, LuDOVico. Orlando furioso, omato di varie figure, con alcu- ne stanze, et cinque canti d' un nuovo libro del medesimo, nuova- mente aggiunti et ricorretti con alcune allegorie, et nel fine una breve espositione, et tavola di tutto quello che nell' opera si contiene. Venecia, appresso Gabriel Giolito de Ferrari, 1554. I vol. 8vo, morocco, in colors, gilt a?id gauffered edges. {French binding of the 16th century.) Orlando Furioso. Venecia, Ant, Zatta, 1772. 4 vols. 4to, vellum. Edition printed on blue paper, with engraved borders and illustrations. Orlando Furioso, in English heroical verse : by Sr John Har- ington of Bathe Knight. Now thirdly revised and amended, with the addition of the Authors Epigrams. London, printed by G. Miller, 1634. I vol. folio, with engravings on copper, russia. This copy contains Mortimer's designs from Hoole's unfinished edition, many other extra plates, manuscript notes, and paper cuttings. Orlando Furioso ; translated into English verse from the Italian, with Notes by Wra. Stewart Rose. London, Murray, 1823-31. 8 vols. Svo, tree calf I Poesie varie, con annotazioni. Firenze, G. Molini, 1824. I vol. i2mo, buff paper, brown levant morocco. ARISTOPHANES. Aristophanis comoediae novem, cum commentariis antiquis et valde utilibus ad' ea quae prius excusa fuerant additis, in- 12 diceque copiosissimo omnium quae animadvertere oportet (grsece, ed. A. F. Varchiensi). Florentine, ^er hceredes Philippi Juntce^ 1525- 1 vol. 4fo, calf extra. " Cette edition aussi belle et aussi rare que celle ^Alde, a encore I'avantage d'etre plus exacte et plus complete. " — Brunet. From the library of M. Yemen iz, No. 1885. ARISTOPHANES. Comedies. A new and literal Translation, from the revised Text of Dindorf, with notes and extracts from the best metrical versions ; by Wm. J. Hickie. London, Bohn, 1853. 2 vols. Svo, half calf . ARISTOTELES. Opera omnia ; Theophrasti de historia libri x., et de causis plantarum libri vi. (graece). Venetiis, impr. dexteritate Aldi Manucii, 1495-98. 5 vols, folio, vellum. First edition well executed. Of this copy the first two volumes are complete ; the third has only 259 leaves instead of 457 ; the first part of the fourth (226 leaves) containing Theophrasti de historia plantarum, etc., is wanting j the fifth volume is complete. Besides these five volumes there is a duplicate copy of the last part of Vol. IV. with MS. Greek notes upon the margin. L' Ethica d' Aristotile. Tradotta in lingua vulgare fiorentina et comentata per Bernardo Segni. Firenze, L. Torreniino, 1550. I vol. 4I0, vellum. Rettorica et Poetica d' Aristotile. Tradotte di greco in lingua vulgare fiorentina da Bernardo Segni. Firenze, L. Torrentino, 1549- I vol. 4to, vellum. ARNOLD, Richard. The Customs of London, otherwise called Ar- nold's Chronicle ; containing among divers other matters, the origi- nal of the celebrated poem of the Nut-brown Maid. Reprinted from the first edition, with the additions included in the second. London, i8ii. 1 vol. 4/^, red morocco gilt. {Stamper.) ARNOLD, Thomas. History of the later Roman Commonwealth, from the End of the Second Punic War to the Death of Julius Caesar ; and of the Reign of Augustus : with a Life of Trajan. London, 1857. 2 vols. Svo, calf extra. History of Rome. London, 1857. 3 vols. Zvo, calf. 13 ARNOLD, Thomas. Introductory Lectures on Modern History. Ed ited with a preface and notes, by H. Reed. New York, 1845. 1 vol. i2mo, cloth. ARS MEMORANDI. Rationarium evangelistarum omnia in se evan- gelia, prosa, versu, ymaginibusq qum mirifice complectens. {In fine:) Peroratio . . . ista tibi Thomas Badensis cognomento Anshelmi tradi- dit . . . PHORCiE, 1505' I vol. 4^0, 18 leaves, fifteen woodcuts, half red morocco. Rationarium evangelistarum omnia in se evangelia prosa, versu, imaginibusq qua mirifice coplectens. {In fine:) Peroratio... ista tibi Thomas Badensis cognomento Anshelmi tradidit .... Phorc^, 15 10. I vol. 4fo, 1 8 leaves, fifteen woodcuts, green levant morocco. {Niedr'ee^ From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 564. ART, L', de verifier les dates des faits historiques, des chartes, des chroniques, et autres anciens monumens, depuis la naissance de notre Seigneur. Troisibme Edition. Paris, 1783-87. 3 vols, folio, old marbled calf . "Bonne edition de cet ouvrage trfes-estim^." — Brunei. ART JOURNAL, 1847 - 1869. London, 1847-69. 18 vols, 4to. Illustrated Catalogue of the Industry of all Nations, 1851. Lon- don, 185 1. I vol. 4to, cloth. ART OF CONVERSATION, The, with Durections for Self-Education. New York, Carleton, 1864. I vol. i2mo, cloth. ARTEMIDORUS DALDIANUS. Artemidori Daldiani de somniorum interpretatione libri quinque. A Jano Cornario latina lingua con- scripti. LuGDUNi, apud S. Gryphium, 1546. I vol. Svo, green levant morocco. {CapS.) ARVINE, Kazlitt. The Cyclopedia of Anecdotes of Literature and the Fine Arts. Boston, 1855. I vol. 8vo, cloth. ASCONIUS PEDIANUS, Quintus. Asconii Paediani Expositio in iiii orationes M. Tullii Cic. contra C Verrem, etc. ; Victorini com- mentarii in libros M. T. C. de inventione, & Georgii Trapezuntii in orationem pro Q. Ligario. Venetiis, Aldi et Andrece soceri, 1522. I vol 8vo, vellum. 14 ASSOCIATION of American Geologists and Naturalists. Reports of the Association, embracing its Proceedings and Transactions, 1840- 42. Boston, 1843. I vol. Svo, doth, ASTIE, J. F. Louis Fourteenth, and the Writers of his Age : being a course of Lectures. Introduction and translation by Rev. E. N. Kirk. Boston, 1855. I vol. i2mo, half calf. ASTRONOMI VETERES. Julii Firmici Astronomicorum libri octo integri et emendati, ex Scythicis oris ad nos nuper a.lati. — Marci Manilii astronomicorum libri quinque. — Arati pnoenomena Ger- manico Caesare interprete cum commentariis et imaginibus ; Arati ejusdem phoenomenon fragmentum Marco T. C. interprete; Arati ejusdem Phoenomena Ruffo Festo Auienio paraphraste; Arati ejus- dem Phoenomena graece. — Theonis commentaria copiosissima in Arati Phoenomena grsece. — Procli Diadochi Sphaera graece ; Procli ejusdem Sphaera Thoma Linacro Britanno interprete. Venetiis, cura et diligentia Aldi Ro7nani mid. (1499.) I vol. folio f russia. " Edition rare et d'une tres belle execution," — Renonard. ATHENvEUS (graece). Venetiis, apud Aldum et Andream socerum, 1514- I vol folio, blue morocco gilt. {Simier.) Fine copy of the first edition ; at the end of the volume is a copious table in manuscript. From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 2560. ATKINSON, Thomas Witlam. Oriental and Western Siberia: a Narrative of Seven Years' Explorations in Siberia, Mongolia, etc. With map and illustrations. London, 1858. I vol Svo, cloth. Travels in the Regions of the Upper and Lower Amoor, and the Russian Acquisitions on the Confines of India and China. With Adventures among the Hunting and Pastoral Tribes. London, i86o. I vol. Svo, with illustrations, cloth. ATLANTIC MONTHLY, The. Boston, 1857-60. 5 vols. Svo, half calf . ATWATER, Caleb. A History of the State of Ohio. Cincinnati, 1838. I vol. Svo, calf 15 ATWATER, Caleb. The Writings of C. Atwater. Columbus, 1833. I vol. Svo, calf. AUDEBERT, J. B., and VIEILLOT, L. P. Histoire naturelle et gdndrale des colibris, oiseaux-mouches, jacamars et promerops. Paris, Desray^.\?>o2. I vol. bound in 2, 4/1?, large paper, with colored plates, half calf , AUDIBERTUS, Camillus Maria. Regiae Villas poetice' descriptasj et regiae celsitudini Victoris Amedei II. etc.; dicatae a Camillo Maria Audiberto, August^e Taurinorum, 1711. I vol. sm. 4to, with plates, old calf gilt. AUDUBON, John James. The Birds of America; from original draw- ings by J. J. Audubon. [Engraved and colored by W. H. Lizars, and R. Havell.] London, 1827-38. 4 vols, elephant folio, 4^^ plates, halfrussia. Subscriber's copy. Ornithological Biography; or, An Account of the Habits of the Birds of the United States ; accompanied by descriptions of the objects represented in the work entitled The Birds of America. Edinburgh, Black, 1831-49. 5 vols. 8vo, with woodcuts, half calf extra. AUDUBON, John James, and BACHMAN, John. The Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America. New York, 1845-54. Text 3 vols. roy. Svo ; plates 2 vols, large folio, half russia. AUDUBON, Lucy. The Life of John James Audubon. With an In- troduction by J. G. Wilson. New York, 1869. I vol. i2mo, cloth. AUGURELLUS, Joannes Aurelius. Venetiis, in ced. Aldi, 1505. I vol. Svo, morocco, richly ornamented in colors. {Early Italian binding^ This edition of the poems of Augurellus, which is beautiful and rare, contains neither Chr'ysopceics lib. 3, nor Geronticoji lib. i. The first complete edition is thatof 1515. J. Aurelius Augurellus. Venetiis, in adibus Aldi, 1505. 1 vol. Svo, old calf. AUGUSTINUS, S. Aurelius. Confessionum libri xiii. {In fine:) Explicit confessionu bte augustini libri xiii. Anno dni mcccc. lxxxii. in pfesto lauretii. I vol. ^to, 177 leaves, old calf . i6 AUGUSTINUS, S. Aurelius. The Confessions of S. Augustine. Revised from a former translation by E. B. Pusey. Oxford, Par- ker^ 1838. I vol. Zvo, calf. Liber beati Augustini ypponensis episcopi de consensu evangelis- tarum partitus in quatuor libros. {In fine:') In civitaie Zaugingen impressus anno millesimo quadringentesimo septuagesimo tercio. (1473-) 106 leaves, folio, bound with Albertus Magnus. This very rare edition is the only one known to have been printed at Laugin- GEN during the 15th century. [Opuscula varia.] Tractatus de caritate j de resurrectione futura mortuorum sermones duo; tractatus de fuga mulierum; de conti- nencia; epistola leronimi ab Paulinu presbiterum; de contemptu mundi ; sermo de comuni vita clericoru. s. 1. et a. [1467.] I vol. Ofto, old calf. Plura ac diversa divi Aurelii Augustini sermonum opera. Basile^e, [per y. de Amerbach.'] 1494. I vol folio, 296 leaves, in 2 columns of ^2 lines, vellum. [Sermones.] Eusebius Corradus Mediolanensis canonicus regu- laris cogregationis lateranensis ad sanctissimum dominu nostrum Sixtum quartu pontificem maximum : pro auferendo de ecclesia errore scribentium : Sanctu Augustinu ecclesie doctore fuisse herem- itam. {Infijie:) Finis adest trium Sermonum beati Augustini de clericorum vita moribusque una cum vita Sancti Augustini, necnon ejusdam epistole ipsius . . . Padue p mgrm Matheu Cerdonis. Anno domini. 1484. I vol. sm. 4to, 36 leaves, red morocco. Queste il libro di sancto Augustino de la cita di dio. s. 1. s. a. I vol. sm. folio, 321 leaves, in two columns of ^'j lines, first page of text illuminated, bound in vellum. Edition imprimee avant I'annee 1480." — Brunei. S. Augustines Manuell, or litle booke of thf Contemplation of Christ, or of Gods worde, whereby the remembraunce of the heav- enly desires whiche is falne a sleepe may be quickned up agayne. At London, printed by John Daye dwellyng over Aldersgate. 1577. London, reprinted, 1850. I vol. sm. 8vo, cloth. 17 AUGUSTINUS DE ANCONA, Triumphus. Incipit Summa Au- gustini de Ancona de suma potestate ecclesiastica. August^e, JJ^. Schussler?) 1473. I vol. folio, russia, with clasps. AUMALE, Henri E. P. L. d'Orleans, Due d', Lettre sur I'histoire de France; addressee au Prince Napoldon. Londres, 186 i. I vol. Zvo, blue levant morocco, dentelle borders, author's monogram and crest upon the sides. [Chatelin.) This copy contains an autograph letter of the Due d'Aumale. AUSMO or AUXMO, Nicolaus de. [Supplementum summae Pisa- nellae.] In noie dni nostri Jhesu christi. Amen. Incipit liber qui dicit Supplementum. {In fine:) Impressum e hoc opus Venetiis per Franciscum de Hailbrun et Nicolau de Frankfordia socios MCCCCLXXIIII. I vol. folio, 334 leaves, in 2 columns, rubricated capitals, brown levant morocco. {Hardy-Mennil.) AUSTIN, Sarah. Fragments from German Prose Writers. With Bi- ographical Sketches of the Authors. New York, Appleton, 1841. I vol. i2mo, cloth. AUTOGRAPH Leaves of our Country's Authors. Baltimore, Cush- ings 6^ Bailey, 1864. I vol. 4to, cloth. AUTOGRAPHS. The Services of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, as ordered by the Bishops, during the Civil War. For the benefit of the U. S. Sanitary Commission. Brooklyn, February 2 2d, 1864. Lith. by Hatch 6f Co. New York. I vol. sm. 4to, cloth. AVELLANEDA, Gertrudis Gomez de. Devocionario nuevo y com- pletisimo en prosa y verso. Sevilla, 1867. I vol x6mo, morocco, with clasps. AYTOUN, William Edmondstoune. Lays of the Scottish Cavaliers, and other poems. With illustrations by J. H. and W. H. Paton. Edinburgh, Blackwood, 1865. I vol. sm. 4to, red morocco gilt. 3 i8 BABAULT, Charles. La pustule maligne. Paris, y. Roths- child, 1867. I vol. i6mo, half morocco. BABBAGE, Charles. The Ninth Bridgewater Treatise. A Fragment. London, Murray, 1838. I vol. Svo, calf. BACK, Sir George. Narrative of the Arctic Land Expedition to the Mouth of the Great Fish River, and along the Shores of the Arctic Ocean, 1833-35. Illustrated by a map and plates. London, 1836. I vol. a^to, tree calf extra. {Hay day.) BACON, Francis, Lord. Sylva sylvarum, sive historia naturalis, et novus Atlas. Amst'el., apud L. Elzevirium, 1648. I vol. sm. 127710, red leva7it 77iorocco. {Lortig.) Works, Philosophical, Literary and Professional. Collected and edited by J. Spedding. , London, Lo7ig77ia7is, 1857-59. 7 vols. Svo, cloth. BADEAU, Adam. Military History of Ulysses S. Grant, from April, 1861, to April, 1865. Vol. I. New York, i868. I vol. roy. Zvo, cloth. BAERLE, Kasper van. See Medicea Hospes. BAGEHOT, Walter. Estimates of some Englishmen and Scotchmen ; a series of articles reprinted by permission, principally from the National Review. London, 1858. I vol. Svo, half calf . BAILLIE, Joanna. Dramatic and Poetical Works. London, Long- mans, 1853. I vol. Svo, cloth. BAIRD, Spencer F. Mammals of North America ; the Descriptions of Species based chiefly on the Collections in the Museum of the Smithsonian Institution. Philadelphia, 1859. I vol. 4to, with colored plates, cloth. Birds of North America; the Descriptions of Species based chiefly on the Collections in the Museum of the Smithsonian Insti- tutlDn. By S. F. Baird, with the co-operation of J. Cassin, and G. N. Lawrence. — Atlas. I vol. 4to, with colored plates, cloth. 19 BALDASSINIUS, Hieronymus. Concilium Tridentinum cum collec- tanea doctorum, sacrae rotae decisionum, et S. C. Concil. resolu- tionum. Ferraris, 1763. I vol. Svo, Holland paper^ old red morocco gilt. BALDWIN, William, A Treatise of Morrall Philosophie ; wherein is contained the worthy sayings of philosophers, emperours, etc. First gathered and set forth by William Baldwin, and now inlarged by Th. Palfreyman. London, Th. Snodhatn^ 16 10. I vol. i6mo, old calf. BALLADS. Ancient Spanish Ballads ; historical and romantic. Trans- lated, with Notes, by J. G. Lockhart. London, Murray, 1856. I vol. sm. 4I0, cloth. Ballads and Songs of Brittany; translated from the "Barsaz- Breiz " of Vicomte Hersart de la Villemarque ; with some of the original melodies harmonized by Mrs. Tom Taylor. With illustra- tions by J. Tissot, J. E. Millais, J. Tenniel, etc. London, Mac- viillan, 1865. I vol. sm. 4to, green morocco. A Book of Roxburghe Ballads. Edited by John Payne Collier. London, Longmans, 1847. I vol. sm. 4to, brown morocco. {Riviere.^ A Collection of Seventy-nine Black-Letter Ballads and Broad- sides, printed in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, between the years 1559 and 1597. Accompanied with an introduction and illustrative notes. London, Lilly, 1867. I vol. 8vo, cloth. English and Scottish Ballads. Edited by F. J. Child. Boston, Little 6- Brown, i860. 8 vols. i6mo, large paper, tree calf. {Riviere.) The Legendary Cabinet : a Collection of British National Ballads, by J. D. Parry. London, 1829. I vol. 8vo, calf. BALZAC, HoNORE de. Les Contes drolatiques colligez ez abbayes de Touraine et mis en lumiere par le sieur de Balzac pour I'esbatte- ment des pantagruelistes et non aultres. Illustrde de 425 dessins par Gustave Dore. Paris, Caen, 1861. I vol. Svo, India paper, half morocco. 25 copies printed on India paper. 20 BALZAC, Jean-Louis Guez de. Les Oeuvres diverses du sieur de Balzac, augmentees en cette edition de plusieurs pieces nouvelles. Amsterdam, D. Elzevier, 1664. I vol. sin. i.2mo, brown morocco. BAMBERGISCHE Halssgerichts und Rechtlich ordnung, in peinlichen sachen zii volnfarn alien Stetten, Communen, Regimenten, Amptleu- ten, Vogten, Verwesern, Schultheyssen, SchofFen, und Richtem, dienstlich, fiirderlich und behiilsslich, darnach zii handeln und rechtsprechen, gantz gleichfbrmig gemeynen geschriben Rechten. u. s. w. Meyntz, y. Schoffern, 153 1. 1 vol. folio, woodcuts, red morocco. BANCROFT, George. History of the United States, from the Dis- covery of the American Continent. Boston, Little &• Brown, 186 1. 8 vols. 8vo, large paper, portrait of the author and India proof s , . brown morocco. 50 copies printed for C. B, Richardson &= Co. BAPTISTA MANTUANUS. See Mantuanus. BARBARUS, Hermolaus. Castigationes plinianas, et emendatio in Melam Pomponium. Cremon^e, Carolum a Darleriis, 1495. 2 pts. in I vol. folio, half green morocco. . BARBER, John Warner, and HOWE, Henry. Our Whole Country : or the Past and Present of the United States, historical and descrip- tive. Illustrated by six hundred engravings. Cincinnati, 186 i. 2 vols. Zvo, half dark calf BARBERINO, Francesco. Documenti d'Amore. Roma, N. Mas- cardi, 1640. I vol 4fo, with plates by C. Bloemart and others, russia gilt. These poems were composed towards the end of the 13th century. BARCLAY, John. Argenis. Editio novissima cum clave, hoc est nominum propriorum elucidatione hactenus nondum edita, Lugd. Batav., ex off. Elzeviriana, 1630. I vol. sm. \2nio, old red morocco gilt. Argenis, figuris seneis adillustrata suffixo clave, hoc est nominum propriorum explicatione atque indice locupletissimo. Noriberg^, impensis B. W. M. Endteri. [1673.] I vol. i2mo, old morocco, gilt and gauffered edges. 21 BARCLAY, John. Euphormionis Lusinini, sive Jo. Barclaii Satyri- con partes quinque cum clavi : accessit conspiratio anglicana. LuGD. Batav., apud Elzevirios, 1637, 1 vol. sm. i2mo, old red morocco gilt, BARETTI, Giuseppe. A New Dictionary of the Italian and English Languages, based upon that of Baretti. Compiled by J, Davenport and G. Comelati. London, 1868. 2 vols. Zvo, half brown morocco. BARING-GOULD, Sabine. Curious Myths of the Middle Ages. London, Rivingtons, 1866. I vol. Zvo, cloth. Iceland; its Scenes and Sagas. London, 1863. I vol. 2>vo, with illustrations and map, cloth. BARLANDUS, Hadrianus. Hollandiae comitum historia et icones ; cum selectis scholiis ad lectoris lucem ; ejusdem Barlandi Caroli Burgundiae ducis vita ; item Ultrajectensium episcoporum catalogus et res gestae ; ejusdem argumenti libellus Gerardo Noviomago auctore. Francofurti, a/w^/ ^. Wechelum, i^S^. I vol. 2>vo, with portraits, garnet morocco gilt. (Simier.) From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 3563. BARNARD, George. The Theory and Practice of Landscape Paint- ing in Water Colours. Illustrated by a series of twentyrfour designs, coloured diagrams, and numerous woodcuts. London, 1855. I vol roy. Svo, cloth. BARRETT, Joseph H. Life of Abraham Lincoln. Cincinnati, 1864. I vol. \2mo, cloth. BARRETT, V^ A.viE.Vi, pseud. See Scoville, J. A. BARROW, Isaac. Works ; published by Archbishop Tillotson. Lon- don, B. Aylmer, 1700. 3 vols, in 2, folio, with portrait by D. Loggan, panel calf. BARROW, John. Tour in Austrian Lombardy, the Northern Tyrol, and Bavaria in 1840. London, 1841. I vol. i2mo, half calf . BARTH, Henry. Travels and Discoveries in North and Central Africa; being a Journal of an Expedition undertaken under the auspices of H. B. M.'s Government, in the years 1849-55. Lon- don, 1857-58. 5 vols. Svo, half calf 22 BARTHOLOM^US, Anglicus. See Glanvilla. BARTLETT, John. Familiar Quotations : being an attempt to trace to their source passages and phrases in common use. Boston, 1868. I vol. Svo, large paper, calf extra. {Matthews.) BARTLETT, John Russell. Dictionary of Americanisms. A Glos- sary of words and phrases usually regarded as peculiar to the United States. Boston, 1859. I vol. 8vo, cloth. The Literature of the Rebellion : a Catalogue of Books and Pam- phlets relating to the Civil War in the United States ; . . . together with Works on American Slavery, etc., etc. Boston, 1868. I vol. \to, large paper, half brown morocco. BARTON, Benjamin Smith. Elements of Botany; a new Edition, revised, with an Account of the Life and Writings of the Author, by W. P. C. Barton. Philadelphia, 1836. I vol. 8vo, with illustrations, half calf BARTON, William P. C. Flora of North America; illustrated by coloured figures, drawn from nature. Philadelphia, 182 i -23. 3 vols. 4to, half red morocco. BASKERVILLE, Alfred. The Poetry of Germany: consisting of selections from upwards of seventy of the most celebrated Poets, translated into English Verse, with the original text on the oppo- site page. Third Edition. Philadelphia, 1856. I vol. izmo, dark green morocco. BATEMAN, Josiah. The Life of the Right Rev. Daniel Wilson. London, Murray, 186 1. I vol. 8vo, with portrait, cloth. BATILLIUS. See Le Bey de Batilly, Denis. BATTY, Elizabeth Frances. Italian Scenery, from Drawings made in 181 7 by Miss Batty. London, 1820. 1 vol. Svo, large paper, green morocco. BAUDARTIUS, Wilhelmus. Polemographia auraico-belgica, sive viva delineatio ac descriptio praeliorum, obsidionum, etc. qu^ du- rante bello in Belgii provinciis sub ductu Guillelmi et Mauricii gesta sunt. Amstelodami a/z/^ J/; Colinium, 1622. 2 vols, bound in i, ob. 4to, 285 copper plates, vellum. 23 BAUDERVAL. Portraits de personnages historiques. Collection de 104 planches, comprenant les portraits de tous les rois, reines, empereurs, impdratrices, savants, compositeurs, artistes, mar^chaux, dcrivains frangais et Strangers depuis le rbgne de Charles VII. jusqu'k Napoleon III. Aquarelles de Bauderval. Paris, A. Fon- taine, s. a. I vol. /^to, morocco mosaic lined with green morocco gilt, with the portraits of Napoleon III. and the Empress Eugi^nie painted in oil upon the covers. {Chambolle-Duru.) BAXTER, Richard. A Christian Directory : or, a summ of Practical Theologie, and Cases of Conscience. London, 1673. I vol. folio, old marbled calf. BAY PSALM BOOK. See Psalms. BAYLE, Peter. Dictionary, Historical and Critical. The second Edition, to which is prefixed the Life of the Author, revised, cor- rected and enlarged by Des Maizeaux. London, 1734-38. 5 vols, folio, thick paper, russia. With portrait by James Smith. BAYNE, Peter. The Christian Life, Social and Individual. Boston, 1856. I vol 1 2 mo, half brown morocco. Essays in Biography and Criticism. First series. Boston, 1857. I vol. i2mo, half dark calf. Essays in Biography and Criticism. Second series. Boston, 1865. 1 vol. \2mo, cloth. BEAUMONT, Francis, and FLETCHER, John. Works; with an Introduction and explanatory Notes by Henry Weber. Edinburgh, 1812. 14 vols. 8vo, with portraits, calf. BECKFORD, William. Italy ; with Sketches of Spain and Portugal. By the author of "Vathek." Second Edition, revised. London, Bentley, 1834. 2 vols. 8vo, calf gilt. BECKMANN, Johann. History of Inventions, Discoveries, and Ori- gins ; translated from the German by Wm. Johnston. Fourth Edi- tion, carefully revised and enlarged by Wm. Francis and J. W. Grif- fith. London, H. G. Bohn, 1846. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 24 BEDELL, Gregory Thurston. Fellow Workers. Two Sermons preached on Sunday the 2d day of October, 1859, in the Church of the Ascension, New York. Also, Notitiae Parochiales. New York, 1859. I vol. i2mo, doth. BEDFORD, Henry. The Life of St. Vincent de Paul. New York, 1858. 1 vol. i2mo, half calf. BEECHER, Henry Ward. Sermons : selected from pubhshed and unpublished Discourses, and revised by their Author. New York, 1868. 2 vols. Svo, cloth. BEECHEY, Sir Frederick William. Narrative of a Voyage to the Pacific and Beering's Strait, to co-operate with the Polar Expedi- tions : performed in His Majesty's Ship Blossom. 1825-28. Lon- don, 183 1. 1 vol. in 2 parts, with plates and maps, tree calf extra. {Hay- day.) BEETHOVEN, LuDwiG VAN. Letters. (1790- 1826.) From the col- lection of Dr. Ludwig Nohl. Translated by Lady Wallace. Lon- don, 1866. 2 vols, Svo, cloth. Letters. (1790- 1826.) From the collection of Dr. Ludwig Nohl. Translated by Lady Wallace. New York, 1868. 2 vols, in I, \2mo, half calf. BEHAM. See Sebald Beham. BELL, Robert. Editor. Art and Song ; a Series of original highly finished Steel Engravings from masterpieces of art in the nineteenth century ; accompanied by a collection of the choicest Poems in the EngUsh language. London, Bell 6^ Daldy, 1867. I vol. 4to. BELLEW, J. C. M. Poets' Comer : a Manual for Students in English Poetry. With Biographical Sketches of the Authors. London, 1868. 1 vol. Svo, half crimson calf. Sermons. London, 1856-57. 2 vols. Svo, cloth. 25 BELLOWS, Henry W. The Old World in its New Face. New York, Harpers, 1868-69. 2 vols. i2mo, doth. BELON, Pierre. La nature et diversity des poissons, avec leurs pour- traicts, reprdsentez au plus prfes du naturel. Paris, C. Estienne, 1555- I vol. obi. Zvo, with woodcuts, calf. From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 717. Les Observations de plusieurs singularitez et choses memorables trouvees en Grece, Asie, Judee, Egypte, Arable et autres pays es- tranges, redigees en trois livres par P. Belon du Mans. Revuez de rechef et augmentez de figures, avec une nouvelle table de toutes les matibres traictees en iceux. Anvers, C. Plantin, 1555. I vol. Svo, with woodcuts, half dark morocco. " Edition la plus rare de cet ouvrage." — Brunei. Portraits d'oyseaux, animaux, serpens, herbes, arbres, hommes et femmes d' Arable et Egypte, observez par P. Belon du Mans ; le tout enrichy de quatrains pour plus facile cognoissance des oyseaux & autres portraits. Plus y est adioustd la carte du Mont Attos et du Mont Sinay, pour rintelligence de leur religion. Paris, Guil. Cavellat, 1557. I vol. 4to, with 216 woodcuts, old calf . From the library of M, Yemeniz, No. 721. BEMBO, Pietro. Delle Rime di M. Pietro Bembo. Terza impressi- one. Roma, Valerio Dorico, \^\?>. I vol. sm. 4to, printed on blue paper, red levant morocco. {Bau- zonnet-Trautz.) Gli Asolani di messer Pietro Bembo. Vinegia, nelle case d'Aldo Romano et d' Andrea Asolano, 15 15. I vol Svo, 119 leaves, brown morocco. Gli Asolani di P. Bembo. Venecia, appresso Gualtero Scotio, 1553- I vol Svo, morocco. Rare edition in fine old Venetian binding. Petri Bembi opuscula aliquot quae sequenti pagella connumeran- tur. LuGDUNi, apud Gryphium, 1532. I vol. Svo, green levant morocco. {Duru.) 4 26 BENKARD, J. B. Historical Sketch of the Gennan Emperors and Kings. An explanatory Text for the Representations of the Impe- rial-Hall, Translated from the German, by F. Haas. Frankfort ON THE Main, 1855. I vol. Svo, cloth. BENNER, H. Collection de vingt-quatre portraits de la famille impd- riale (de Russie) peinte par H. Benner. St. Petersbourg, chez M. Saint-Floreni, s. a. 1 vol. folio, red morocco. BENOIST, Fi^Lix. La Normandie illustrde ; monuments, sites et cos- tumes, ddssinds d'aprbs nature par F. Benoist, et lithographies par les premiers artistes de Paris : les costumes ddssinds par H. La- laisse ; texte par MM. Bordeaux et Bosquet sous la direction de M. A. Pettier pour la Haute-Normandie, et par MM. Charma, Le Hdricher, etc., sous la direction de M. G. Mancel pour la Basse- Normandie. Nantes, Charpentier, 1852-54. 2 vols, folio, half green morocco. BENOIST, Philippe. Paris dans sa splendeur; monuments, vues, scenes historiques, descriptions et histoire. Dessins et lithographies par MM. P. Benoist {pour le plus grand nombre et avec I'aide de la photographie), Jules Arnout, Bachelier, A. Bayof, etc. ; vignettes de Fdlix Benoist et Catenacci; texte par MM. Audiganne, P. Bailly, E. Fournier, Le Roux de Lincy, P. Merimde, etc. Paris, H. Charpentier, 1861. 3 vols, folio, large paper, blue morocco gilt. , BENTON, Thomas Hart. Abridgment of the Debates of Congress from 1789 to 1856, New York, D. Appleton, 1857-63. 16 vols. Zvo, half morocco. BERANGER, Jean Pierre de. Chansons de B^ranger. Edition revue par I'auteur contenant cinquante-trois gravures sur acier d'aprbs Charlet, A. de Lemud, Johannot, etc. Paris, Perrotin, 1859. 2 vols. Svo, half morocco. Dernibres chansons de Bdranger de 1834 k 185 1, avec une pre- face de I'auteur; illustrdes de 14 dessins de A. de Lemud. Paris, Perrotin, i860. I vol. Svo, half morocco. 27 BERANGER, Jean Pierre de. Ma Biographic dcrite par B^ranger, avec un appendice et des notes ; omde d'un portrait en pied dessind par Charlet, d'une photographic d'aprbs Ic marbrc dc M. Geofifroy- Dcchaumc, et de huit gravurcs d'aprbs Daubigny, Sandoz et Wat- tier. Paris, Perrotin, i860. I vol. 8vo, half morocco. BERKELEY, Everard. The World's Laconics ; or the Best Thoughts of the Best Authors. In Prose and Poetry. With an introduction by Wm. B. Sprague. New York, 1853. I vol. i2mo, cloth. BERNARD, Auguste. Geofroy Tory, peintre et graveur, premier im- primeur royal, reformateur de I'orthographe et de la typographic sous Frangois i^''- Deuxibmc Edition entibrement refondue. Paris, Tross, 1865. I vol. Svo, printed upon vellum, woodcuts, red levant morocco with rich dentelle borders upon the exterior and interior. {Hardy-Mennil. ) BERNARD, Pierre Joseph. Ocuvres dc P. J. Bernard, orn^es de gravurcs d'aprbs les dessins dc Prud'hon ; la derni^re estampe gravdc par lui-m^mc. VARis,Didot Taine, 1797. I vol. 4/^7, red morocco gilt. BERNARDUS, S. Dc honcstatc vite. See Isidorus, S. Sermoni vulgari devotissimi di sancto Bernardo, ridocti in lingua toscana. Firenze, impr. per L. Mordant &* G. di Maganza^ 1495- I vol. 4to, 120 leaves, half russia. BERNI, Francesco. Orlando Innamorato ; translated into Prose, and interspersed with Extracts in the same stanza as the original, by W. S. Rose. Edinburgh, 1823. 1 vol. Svo, tree calf. BERQUIN, Arnold. Idylles. Paris, 1775. 2 vols. i6mo, large paper, with 25 plates, calf. BEVERIDGE, William. Private Thoughts on Religion, and a Chris- tian Life ; with the Necessity and Advantage of frequent Commun- ion. In two parts. New Edition, carefully revised. London, 1853- 2 vols, in I, \6mo, dark calj. 28 BEWICK, Thomas. History of British Birds. The Figures engraved on wood by T. Bewick. Newcastle, 1797 - 1804. 2 vols. Svo, red morocco. First edition. Select Fables ; with Cuts, designed and engraved by Thomas and John Bewick, and others, previous to the year 1784; together with a Memoir ; and a descriptive Catalogue of the Works of Messrs. Bewick, Newcastle, 1820. I vol. Svo, large paper, half red morocco. BEZA, Theodore de. Icones, id est verae imagines virorum doctrina simul et pietate illustrium, . . . quibus adjectae sunt nonnullae pic- turse quas Emblemata'vocant. Geneva, y. Laonhwi, 1580. 1 vol. ^to, green levant morocco. {Chambolle-Duru.) BIBLE. Biblia sacra polyglotta, complectentia textus originales, hebraicum cum pentateucho samaritano, chaldaicum, graecum ; ver- sionumque antiquarum, samaritanae, graece lxxii. interp., chaldaicae, syriacai, arabicae, aethiopicae, persicae, vulg. lat. quicquid comparari poterat. Cum textuura et versionum orientalium translationibus latinis. Cum apparatu appendicibus, tabuUs, variis lectionibus, annotationibus, etc. Edidit Brianus Waltonus. Londini, i??ipr. Thorn. Roy croft ^ 1657. 6 vols, folio, ruled, portrait by Lombart and plates by Hollar, blue morocco extra. {Bedford.^ A loyal copy of this valuable Polyglot Lexicon heptaglotton, hebraicum, chaldaicum, syriacum, samari- tanum, sethiopicum, arabicum conjunctim ; et persicum, separatim. Cui accessit brevis et harmonica grammaticae omnium praeceden- tium linguarum delineatio. Authore Edmundo Castello. Londini, impr. Thorn. Roy croft, 1669. 2 vols, folio, ruled, portrait by Faithorne, blue morocco extra. {Bedford) " This Lexicon embraces all the oriental languages in Walton's Polyglot, and is designed to complete it." — Lowndes. Biblia sacra polyglotta textus archetypes versionesque prag- cipuas ab ecclesia antiquitus receptas necnon versiones recentiores anglicanam, germanicam, italicam, gallicam, et hispanicam com- plectentia. Accedunt prolegomena in textuum archetyporum, ver- 29 sionumque antiquarum crisin literalem auctore Samuele Lee. Lon- DiNi, S. Bagster, 1831. I vol. folio, brown morocco. BIBLE. BiBLiA SACRA LATiNA 6 translationc et cum praefationibus S. Hieronymi. {Iji fine :) Explicit biblia ipressa Venetiis p Frdciscu de hailbrwi et Nicoldu de frankfordia socios. m. cccc. lxxvi. I vol folio, 454 leaves, in 2 columns of ^i lines, original bhiding, with brass bosses and comers. A perfect copy. This rare edition has neither pagination nor catchwords, but the signatures are complete, and a running title designates the different books of the Bible. Fol- lowing the colophon are 33 leaves containing a full table of Hebrew words. Biblia sacra latina e translatione et cum praefationibus S. Hieronymi. {In fine-) Explicit biblia impressaY'E.m'E.'iusper Fran- ciscum de hailbrun. M. cccc. lxxx. I vol. 4to, 469 leaves in 2 columns of $1 lines, brown levant mo- rocco. Edition like the preceding in respect to pagination, catchwords, signatures, etc. This copy is beautifully printed upon vellum, and enriched with several borders and miniatures, painted in delicate colors heightened with gold. More than 200 initial capitals are also illuminated. Only one other copy upon vellum is known to exist, — that of the Bibliothlque impiriale de Paris, described in Van Fraefs Catalogue, Vol. I. p. 30. Biblia Integra : summata : distincta : supemedata : utriusq : testameti concordatiis illustrata. {In fine.-) Explicita est biblia psens, Basilee suma lucubratione : per fohdnem froben de Hammelburck. Anno nonagesimo-primo supra MillesimH. quaterq cente-simu die vero vices imaseptima Junii. [ 1 49 1 .] I vol. 8w, 489 leaves in 2 columns of ^6 lines, old calf. " La plus ancienne Bible qui ait paru en petit format est, je croix, celle de Bile, par Jean Froben de Hammelburck, 1491, le 2^7 juin." — Brunei. Biblia cu Concordantiis Veteris et Novi testameti. Sanctus Hieronymus interpres Biblie. {In fine :) Per AnthoniU Koberger Nuremberge impssa. Anno post xpi nativitate prima supra Millesimu et quingetesimu. ( 1 5 o i . ) I vol. A^to, 434 leaves, in 2 columns, vellum. Biblia cum concordantiis Veteris et Novi testaraenti et sacroru canonum. {In fine:) Venetiis mddato et expesis nobilis viri Luce antonii de giunta Floretini diligenter impress a anno dni 15 19. I vol. Svo, with woodcuts, vellum. 30 BIBLE. BiBLiA SACRA, integru utriusq testameti corpus coplectes, dili- geter recognita et err^edata, Cu concordatiis simul et argumetis. Parisiis, ex off. Thielmanni Kerver^ 1546. I vol. 8vo, brown levant morocco, gilt and marbled edges. BiBLiA SACRA ad Optima quasque veteris, ut vocant, tralationis exemplaria summa diligentia, pariq fide castigata. Lugduni, apud Sebastianum Gryphium, anno a Christo nato mdl. 3 vols, folio, red morocco, gilt and gauffered edges. (^Italian bind- ing, old and rich.) "Exemplaire du cardinal FarnIcse, avec ses armes sur les plats." (Y.) From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 3. BiBLiA R. Stephanus lectori en tibi Biblioru vulgata editio, in qua juxta Hebraicorum versuum rationem singula capita versibus dis- tincta sunt . . . Oliva Roberti Stephani, 1555. I vol. Svo, morocco in colors, gilt and gauffered edges. {Early French binding.) BiBLiA sacra, ad optima quaeque veteris, et vulgatae translationis exemplaria summa diligentia, parique fide castigata. Cum hebrai- corum, caldaeorum et graecorum nominum interpretatione ; acces- serunt indices copiosissimi. Lugduni, apud G. Rovillium, 1566. I vol. folio, with woodcuts, old calf . Biblia ad vetustissima exemplaria nunc recens castigata. Vene- Tiis, apud hcBred. N. Beuilaquce, 1583. I vol. with woodcuts, vellum. Biblia sacra vulgatae editionis Sixti Quinti pont. max. jussu recognita atque edita. (dementis VIIL auctoritate iterum revisa.) 'R.ouM, ex typog. apost. Vaticana, 1592. 1 vol. folio, large paper, vellum. Known as the Bible of Clement VIIL; it has 6 leaves of preliminary matter, 1 13 1 pages, and an appendix containing the Prayer of Manasseh, and the Third and Fourth Books of Esdras. Bibliorum Sacrorum vulgatae versionis editio, jussu Christianis- simi Regis ad institutionem serenissimi Delphini. Parisiis, excu- debat Fr. Amb. Didot natu maj., 1785. 2 vols, in 4, ^to, morocco mosaic in special design, lined with red morocco richly gilt, enclosed in chamois-lined cases. {Cham- bolle-Duru.) One of 2 copies printed upon vellum. From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 6. 31 BIBLE. Sacr^e ScRiPTURiE veteris novaeque omnia (grsece), Venetiis, in cedib. Aldi et AndrecR soceri, 15 18. I vol. folio, large paper, dark blue morocco. {Simier.) " Edition belle et tres-rare de la version des Septante." — Renouard. From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 2. The Byble in Englyshe, that is to saye the content of all the holy scrypture, bothe of ye olde and newe testament, truly trans- lated after the veryte of the Hebrue and Greke textes, by ye dyly- gent studye of dyverse excellent learned men, expert in the forsayde tonges. Prynted by Rychard Grafton 6^ Edward Whitchurch. [Paris & London,] 1539. I vol. folio, with woodcuts, brown morocco. {Bedford.) Fine copy of the First Edition of the Great Bible brought out under the super- intendence of Thomas Crumwell, Earl of Essex. The first title-page is a fac- simile from a later edition, as the Arms of Crumwell are effaced ; but in all other respects this copy is perfect, agreeing in every particular with Fry's collation. The Byble in Englyshe of the largest and greatest volume, auctorysed and apoynted by the commaundemente of oure moost redoubted Prynce, and soveraygne Lorde Kynge Henrye VIII. supreme heade of this his churche and Realme of Englande : to be frequented and used in every churche win this his sayd realme, accordynge to the tenour of his former Injunctions geven in that behalfe. Oversene and perused at the comaundemet of the kynges hyghnes, by the ryghte reverende fathers in God Cuthbert bysshop of Duresme, and Nicolas bisshop of Rochester. London, E. Whit- church, 1 541. I vol. folio, with woodcuts, brown morocco. {Bedford^ Cranmer's Bible issued in November, 1541. This is a complete and genuine copy of the November issue, with the exception of the Prologue (3 leaves) which, according to Fry, is a reprint The Byble, that is to say all the holy Scripture : In whych are cotayned the Olde and New Testamente, truly & purely tras- lated into English, & nowe lately with greate industry & diligece recognised. London, y. Daye and W. Seres, 1549. I vol. folio, brown morocco. Matthew's translation revised by Edmund Becke. The whole Byble, that is the holye Scripture, of the olde and new Testament, faithfullye translated into Englyshe by Myles Cover- 32 dale, and newly oversene and correcte. London, prynted by Rych- arde Jugge, 1553. % I vol. Afto, brown morocco. {Pratt.) The Zurich edition printed by Froschover in 1550, revised by Jugge, with a new title-page and almanac. BIBLE. The holie Bible, conteyning the olde Testament and the newe. London, /n«/^^ by Richard Jugge, 1568. I vol. folio, brown morocco gilt. {Riviere^ First edition of the Bishops' Bible, beautifully printed in large gothic type, and illustrated with many excellent woodcuts, and three portraits engraved on copper, viz. Queen Elizabeth (on the title), Lord Leicester in armor, and Lord Burleigh. Copies of this rare Bible are seldom found in good condition, but the present one is fine and perfect, corresponding exactly with Lowndes' collation. The Holy Byble, conteining the Olde Testament and the Newe. Authorised and appointed to be read in Churches. London, im- printed by Chr. Barker, 1585. I vol. folio, brown morocco, gilt and gauffered edges. {Bedford^ Another edition of the Bishops^ Bible. The Holy Bible, conteyning the Olde Testament and the Newe. Authorised and appoynted to be read in Churches. London, im- printed by the Deputies of Christopher Barker, 1595. I vol. folio, russia. Bishops' Bible. The Psalms according to Crantner's version. The Bible, that is the holy Scriptures conteined in the Olde and Newe Testament, translated according to the Ebrew and Greeke [also the Booke of Psalmes collected into English meeter by Thomas Sternhold and others]. London, imprinted by the Deputies of Chr. Barker, 1599. 1 vol. 4to, brown morocco. {Bedford.) Genevan version. The Holie Bible faithfully translated into English, out of the authentical Latin, diligently conferred with the Hebrew, Greeke, etc., by the English College of Doway. Doway, L. Kellam, 1609-10. 2 vols, 4to, old calf. First edition of the Romanist version. The Holy Bible, Conteyning the Old Testament and the New : Newly Translated out of the Originall tongues : and with the former Translations diligently compared and revised by his Maies- 33 ties speciall Comandement. Appointed to be read in Churches. London, impr. by Robert Barker, 1611. I vol. folio, dark blue morocco, gilt and gauffered edges. {Bed- ford.) First edition of the authorized translation now in use, called King James's Bible. There were two impressions issued in 161 1, both in large type, with en- graved title by Boel, and letter-press title within woodcut border. This is a superb copy of \}a& first issue. It has been compared with Fry's col- lation, and every leaf proved genuine except the last one in Revelation, which is supplied from the second issue, BIBLE. The Holy Bible, Conteyning the Old Testament and the New. Newly Translated out of the Originall tongues : and with the former Translations diligently compared and revised by his Maiesties speciall Comandement. Appointed to be read in Churches. London, impr. by Robert Barker, 161 1. I vol. folio, dark blue morocco. {Pratt.) Second issue of the edition of 161 1, with reprints. The Holy Bible containing the Old Testament and the New. Newly translated out of the Original Tongues and with the former Translations diligently compared and revised. Cambridge, y. Field, 1657. I vol. Svo, blue morocco. The Holy Bible containing the Old Testament and the New, newly translated out of the Original Tongues, and with the former Translations diligently compared and revised by his Majesties spe- cial command : with most profitable Annotations upon all the hard places. AMSTERDAM,y^r S. Swart, 1679. I vol. folio, old morocco, ■ The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments : newly translated out of the Original Tongues and with the former Translations diligently compared and revised. Oxford, printed by T. and R. Baskett, 1743. I vol. 4/^, with engravings by jf. Stuart, dark green morocco. The Book of Common Prayer, printed by Baskett, Oxford, 1 739, is bound with this Bible. The Holy Bible, containing the Old Testament and the New : translated out of the Original Tongues, and with the former Trans- 5 34 lations diligently compared and revised. Cambridge, printed by jfohn Baskerville, 1763, I vol. folio y panel calf. *' One of the most beautiful books ever printed." — Lowndes. BIBLE. The Holy Bible, including the Old and New Testament and the Apocrypha (authorized version) 3 with explanatory notes by that late liberal-minded pontiff Clement XIV. Translated from the Latin by an English divine. London, G. Kearsley, 1784. 1 vol folio, dark blue morocco. (A if ken.) "The notes in this edition are falsely ascribed to GanganellL" — Lmvndes. See also Brunei. The Comprehensive Bible, containing the Old and New Testa- ments, according to the Authorized Version ; with various readings and marginal notes, parallel passages, etc. London, Bagster, 1827. 2 vols. 4fo, purple morocco. Copy on extra fine paper ruled by hand. The Holy Scriptures of the Olde and Newe Testamente ; with the Apocripha; faithfully translated from the Hebrue and Greke by Myles Coverdale, sometime Lord Bishop of Exeter m. d. xxxv. London, reprinted from a copy in the Library of the Duke of Sussex, by S. Bagsier &> Sons, 1838. I vol. 4to, with portrait of Coverdale, purple morocco lined with morocco richly gilt, silver gilt clasps and corners, gilt and gauffered edges. {JIayday.) J. W. K. Eyton's copy. The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments. Oxford, University Press, 1841. I vol. i6mo, morocco. The Holy Bible, translated from the Latin Vulgate. (Douay Version.) Published with the approbation of the Rt. Rev. J. Hughes, D.D. New York, 1844. I vol. roy. Svo, dark morocco. The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments, with the Apocryphal Books, in the earliest English Versions, made from the Latin Vulgate by John Wycliffe and his followers. Edited by the Rev. Josiah Forshall and Sir Frederic Madden. Oxford, University Press, 1850. 4 vols. 4to, dark morocco. {Riviere.) "Valuable as a specimen of the English language in the fourteenth century." — Lowndes. 35 BIBLE, The Holy Bible containing the Old and New Testaments. Oxford, University Press, 1858. I vol. i6mo, morocco back with olive-wood sides {bound in Beth- lehem). The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments. London, Eyre d^ Spoitiswoode, 1859. I vol 8vo, morocco. The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments. Cambridge, University Press, s. a. I vol. 4/(?, blue morocco, gilt and carmine edges. The Large-Print Paragraph Bible in separate books. Lon- don, Bagster, s. a. 29 parts, Svo, brown morocco. La Bible, qui est toute la saincte escriture contenant le Vieil et le Nouveau Testament. Autrement, la vieille & nouvelle alliance. Avec argumens sur chacun livre, figures, cartes, tant choro- graphiques qu'autres. (Gen£ve) De Pimprimerie de F. Estienne, 1567- ^ parts in i vol. Svo, brown morocco gilt. La Bible qui est toute la saincte escriture du Vieil et Nouveau Testament; autrement I'ancienne et la nouvelle alliance. Le tout reveu et confer^ sur les textes hebreux et grecs. Suivant la copie de Charenton. [Avec les pseaumes de David, mis en rime par Clement Marot et Theodore de Beze.] Leide, 1665. 1 vol. Svo, morocco, with gold clasps and ornaments. La Sainte Bible qui contient le Vieux et le Nouveau Testament. Edition nouvelle, faite sur la Version de Genbve, reveue et corrigde j . . . le tout disposd en cet ordre, par les soins de Desmarets, et de H. Desmarets. Amsterdam, Elzevier, 1669. 2 vols, folio, russia gilt. "Cette Bible est trfes-remarquable par sa belle execution typographique." — Brunet. La Sainte Bible selon la vulgate ; traduction nouvelle avec les dessins de Gustave Dor^. Tours, A. Mame etfils, 1866. 2 vols, folio, red levant morocco lified with green moire-antique, rich dentelle borders. {CapL) First edition. 36 BIBLE. BiBLiA, das ist die gantze heylige Schriffl;, teutsch, Doct. Mart. Luth. Edition . . . mit schonen Figuren. Franckfort am Mayn, bey Joh. Feyrabend, 1583. I vol. folio, colored title-page and plates, boards covered with morocco, gilt and gauffered edges. BiBLiA, dat is de gantsche H. Schrifture vervattende alle de cano- nijcke Boecken des Ouden en des Nieuwen Testaments. Amstel- DAM, P. Aertsz van Ravesteyn, 1660. I vol. folio, boards covered with leather, brass comers and clasps. BiBLiA, dat is de gantsche H. Schrifture vervattende alle de cano- nijcke Boecken des Ouden en des Nieuwen Testaments. Dor- drecht, by Hendrick-en yacob Keur, 1686. 1 vol. folio, with maps, old russia. Edition remarkable for its typography. BiBLiA, das ist die gantze Heilige Schrifft, Alten und Neuen Testaments, verteutscht durch D. Martin Luther, mit Kupffer- stiicken. Franckfurt am Mayn, M. Merians, 1704. I vol. folio, old calf gilt, with clasps. Biblia, mit Ausslegung, das ist, die gantze Heilige Schrifft, Altes und Neues Testaments, D. Martini Lutheri: mit einer kurtzen, jedock griindlichen Erklarung dess Textes, D. Lucae Osiandri, Senioris, u. s. w. Luneburg, C. y. Stern, 17 11. 1 vol. folio, original binding. Biblia, das ist die gantze Heilige Schrifft verdeutscht durch D. Martin Luther. Nijrnberg, y. A. Endters, 1736. • 2 vols, folio, fine copper-plate engravings, russia gilt. Die Bibel, oder die ganze heilige Schrift des alten und neuen Testaments, nach der deutschen Uebersetzung Dr. Martin Luther's. Berlin, Decker, s. a. I vol. ^0, text within borders, purple morocco. ( Vogt. ) An Biobla Naomhtha (the Books of the Old Testament trans- lated into Irish, by William Bedel ; the New Testament translated by William O'Domhnuill). Lunnduin, 1690. I vol. Svo, dark calf. Biblia en lengua Espanola traduzida palabra por palabra de la verdad Hebrayca por muy excelentes letrados vista y examinada 37 por el officio dela Inquisicion. Ferrara, a casta y depensa de jfero- nimo de Vargas^ i553- I vol. folio, printed in 2 columns, vellum. Rare edition. BIBLE. La Biblia que es, los sacros libros del vieio y nuevo testa- mento, trasladada en Espaiiol (por Cassidoro Reyna). s. 1. {B&le.) 1569. I vol. 4to, old morocco. " Edition peu commune, comiue sous le nom de Bible de VOurs" — Brunei. Libri prophetarum. Paribus, ex off. Simon Colincei, 1537. 1 vol. i6mo, morocco in colors, gilt and gatiffered edges. {French binding of the i6th century.) "Exemplaire apparemment de la bibliotheque de Henry II,, roi de France." Novum instrumentu omne, diligenter ab Erasmo Roterodamo recognitum et emendatum (graece et latine), cum annotationibus. Apud inclytam Germanise Basilaeam. BasilejE, in ced. y. Frobenii, 1516. 2 vols, in \, folio, brown morocco gilt. {Riviere. ) First edition. Novum Testamentum (graece). Ex bibliotheca regia. Luteti^e, R. Stephanus, 1546. I vol. i6mo, green levant morocco. {CapL) Novum Testamentum (graece). Ex bibliotheca regia. Luteti^, ex ojf. Rob. Stephani, 1549. I vol. iSmo, morocco ornamented in silver and gold, gilt and gauf- fered edges. {Early Italian binding.) This edition is distinguished from the preceding by an error in the preface, — plures is printed pulres. Novum Testamentum (graece). Luteti^, R. Stephanus, 1569. I vol. \2mo, brown levant morocco, gilt and marbled edges. {Lor- iig-) Novum Testamentum (graece). Luteti^e, R. Stephanus, 1569. I vol. i2mo, old calf gilt. Novum Jesu Christi Domini nostri Testamentum, ex regiis aliisque optimis editionibus cum cura expressum (graece). Sedani, y. jFan7wni, 1628 {in fine 1629). I vol. ^2mo, red morocco gilt. {Bedford.) " Jolie Edition, en trfes-petits caractferes, et ou il n'y a, dit-on, que trois fautes d'impression. " — Brunei. 38 BIBLE. Novum Testamentum (graece). Juxta exemplar Joannis Millii accuratissima impressum. Editio prima Americana. Wigornle, excud. I. Thomas, 1800. 1 vol. i2mo, old calf . Novi Testamenti vulgata quidem seditio, sed quse ad vetustissi- morum utriusque linguae exemplarium fidem, nunc deraum emen- data est diligentissime, ut nova no desideretur, adjectis scholiis, et doctis, et piis ; & quibus opus est locis, ita locupletibus, ut pro comentariis sufficere possint. Authore Isidoro Clario Brixiano monacho Casinate. Venetiis, apud Petrum Schoeffer, i54i' 2 vols, in I, Zvo, old calf. Original binding with Novum Testamentum Jacobi Barocii stamped in gilt upon the covers. Novum D. N. Jesu Christi Testamentum arabice. Ex biblio- theca Leidensi. Edente Thoma Erpenio. Leid^e, in typog. Erpe- niana, 16 16. I vol. 8vo, old calf. The English Hexapla, exhibiting the six important English Translations of the New Testament Scriptures, the original Greek Text after Scholz, with the various readings . . . preceded by a his- tory of English translations and translators. London, Bagster, s. a. I vol. 4fo, dark morocco. The Newe Testament of oure Saveour Jesus Christ translated by M. Wil. Tyndall, yet once agayno corrected with newe Annota- cyons very necessary to better onderstondynge. Where unto is added an exhortacion to the same of Erasmus Rotero. with an Engelshe Calendar. And a Table, necessary to fynde easly and lyghtly any story contayned in the fowre Evangelistes, & in the Actes of the Apostles, m. ccccc. xlix. I vol. i2mo, brown levant morocco. {Bedford.) A fine, perfect copy. Lea Wilson says in his collation of this Testament, "I believe the edition to be much earlier than 1549, and printed at Antwerp or in Holland ; but probably put forth by Day about this period, with the title and two leaves (h i and h 8) re- printed." The Newe Testament of our Lord Jesus Christ, translated out of Greeke by Theod. Beza. Whereunto are adjoyned large expositions of the phrases and harde places, by the Authour and 39 others : together with a Table or Concordance conteining the prin- cipal! wordes and matters comprehended herein. Englished by L. Tomson. London, imprmted by Chr. Barker^ 1583. I vol. \to, panel calf . " Handsomest and best edition of Beza's version." — Lowndes. BIBLE. The Newe Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ ; published in 1526, being the first translation from the Greek into English, by that eminent scholar and martyr, William Tyndale. Reprinted verbatim; with a memoir of his life and writings, by George Offor. London, S. Bagster, 1836. I vol. Svo, portrait engraved by N. Whittock, dark morocco. The New Testament in English translated by John Wycliffe circa mccclxxx. Now first printed from a contemporary Manuscript formerly in the Monastery of Sion, Middlesex, late in the Collection of Lea Wilson. London, W. Bickering, 1848. I vol sm. 4/<7, brown morocco. {Bedford.) The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, translated out of the original Greek ; and with the former transla- tions diligently compared and revised. Oxford, University Bress, 1857. I vol. diamond /^2>mo, brown morocco. The First New Testament printed in the English Language (1525 or 1526) translated from the Greek by William Tyndale ; re- produced in facsimile with an introduction by F. Fry. Bristol, 1862. I vol post Svo, cloth. The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. With Engravings on wood from Designs of Era Angelico, Pietro Perugino, Francesco Francia, Lorenzo di Credi, Era Bartolommeo, Titian, and others. London, Longman, 1864. I vol. Afto, brown morocco gilt. {Hayday.) Large paper. 250 copies printed. The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ ; illustrated by a plain explanatory Comment and by authentic Views of Places mentioned in the Sacred Text, from sketches and photo- 40 graphs taken on the spot. Edited by Ed. Churton and Wm. B. Jones. London, 1865. 2 vols. 8vo, calf. BIBLE. The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, after the Authorized Version. Newly compared with the original Greek, and revised, by Henry Alford. London, Strahaji, 1869. I vol. i2mo, cloth. The New Testament : the Authorized English Version ; with introduction and various readings from the three most celebrated manuscripts of the original Greek text, by C. Tischendorf. Tauch- nitz Edition, volume 1000. Leipzig, 1869. I vol i6mo, brown morocco. Le Nouveau Testament, c'est a dire, La Nouvelle Alliance de nostre Seigneur Jesus Christ, tant en Latin, qu'en Fragois : les deux translations traduictes du Grec, respondantes I'une a I'autre, verset a verset, notez par nombres, etc. Paris, E. Estienne^ 1552. I vol, Svo, old morocco. Le Nouveau Testament, c'est \ dire. La Nouvelle Alliance de nostre Seigneur Jesus Christ. [Avec les Pseaumes de David mis en rime Frangoise, par C. Marot, et T. de Beze.] La Have, y. &> D. Sieucker, 1664. 1 vol. Svo, green levant morocco, gilt and marbled edges. {Duru.) Le Nouveau Testament de nostre Seigneur Jesus Christ, traduit en Francois selon I'edition Vulgate, avec les differentes du Grec. Nouvelle edition, revue & exactement corrigee : avec des figures en taille douce excellemment gravdes. Mons, G. Migeot, 1699. 2 vols. i2mo, half blue morocco. {Simier.) From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 40. Le Nouveau Testament de notre Seigneur Jesus-Christ, traduit en Francois par Mesenguy. Nouvelle edition avec une preface par M. Silvestre de Sacy. Paris, Techener, i860. 3 vols. 1 2mo, Holland paper, red levant morocco. {Belz-Niedrk.) Dat NYE Testament Jhesu Christi D. Mart. Luth. Mit schonen unde korten Summarien. Magdeborch, W. Kirchener, 1569. I vol. Svo, vellum. 41 BIBLE. Das Neue Testament deutsch durch D. Martin Luther. Berlin, Decker, 1851; I vol. folio, morocco with bronze ornaments, bosses and clasps. {Vogt.) One of 80 copies published for the Londojt Exhibition, 1851, beautifully printed, with illustrations on India paper after designs by Kaulbach and others. Il Nuovo Testamento di Giesu Christo Salvatore nostro. Nuovamente dal I'original fonte greco in lingua toscana tradotto. Lyone, appresso Gulielmo Rouillio, 1552. I vol. i2mo, with fine woodcuts, blue levant morocco, gilt and marbled edges. {Niedree.) From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 3780. Il Nuovo Testamento di Jesu Christo nostro Signore, Latino et volgare diligentemente tradotto dal testo greco. Lyone, ap- presso Guil. Rouillio, 1558. I vol. i2mo, green levant morocco, gilt and marbled edges. {Nie- dree.) Bibles not cited in the preceding list will be found with Manuscripts at the end of the Catalogue. BIBLE COMMENTARY. The Commentary wholly Biblical : an Ex- position in the very Words of Scripture. London, Bagster, s. a. 3 vols. 4to, blue morocco. BIBLE PRINTS. Brosamer, Hans. Biblia veteris et novi Tes- tamenti historiae, artificiosis picturis effigiatae. Francofurti, H. Gulffericus, 1551. 3 parts in i vol. Svo, with woodcuts, dark morocco. Text in Latin and German. Figures de la Bible. 1 vol. Zvo, half red morocco. {Koehler.) A collection of 219 copper-plate engravings, without text. From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 178. Histoire du Vieux et du Nouveau Testament, enrichie de plus de quatre cens figures en taille-douce. Anvers, P. Mortier, 1700. 2 vols, folio, fi,rst proofs; dark morocco. "Cette ouvrage, connu sous le nom de Bible de Mortier, est recherche i cause des gravures dont il est ome. " — Brunet. 6 42 BIBLE PRINTS. Krausse, Johann Ulrich. Heilige Augen-und Gemiiths-Lust, vorstellend alle Sonn-Fest und Feyrtagliche nicht nur Evangelien sondern auch Epistelen und Lectionen. Augs- PURG, 1706. I vol. folio, 120 engravings, half red morocco. Heilige Augen-und Gemiiths-Lust, etc. Augspurg, 1706. I vol. folio, 120 engravings, vellum. Historischer Bilderbibel. Augspurg, 1705. 5 parts in i vol., with 135 engravings, vellum. LuYKEN, Jan. Afbeeldingen der merkwaardigste Geschiede- nissen van het Oude en Nieuwe Testament, door Jan Luiken, en met nieuween leerzame Beschryvingen opgeheldert. Amsterdam, ^. Covens cS^ C. Mortier, 1729. I vol. folio, 62 large plates and 29 vignettes, first impressions, vellum. RoYAUMONT. L'Histoire du Vieux et du Nouveau Testament, representee avec des figures & des explications ^difiantes. Paris, Pierre le Petit, 1670. I vol. 4to, dark green morocco lined with red morocco, rich dentelle borders. {CapL) First edition. La Bible de Royaumont. Histoire de I'Ancien et du Nouveau Testament, revue, corrigde et augmentde par un ancien professeur de th^ologie : publide avec I'agrdment de M'' I'Archeveque de Paris. Paris, 1854. I vol roy. 8vo, with engravings, purple morocco lined with pur- ple silk, gilt clasps and corners. Text within tinted borders. Saurin, Jacques. Taferelen der voornaamste Geschiedenissen van het Oude en Nieuwe Testament, en andere boeken, bij de heilige Schrift gevoegt, door de vermaarde kunstewaars Hoet, Hou- braken, en Picart getekent, en van de beste meesters in koper ges- neden, en met beschrijvingen uitgebreid. Graavenhaage, P. de Hondt, 1728. 3 vols, folio, super-royal paper, first proofs, calf Tableaux du Vieux & Nouveau Testament ou sont representees en 150 figures, les histoires les plus remarquables du Vieux & Nou- 43 veau Testament, gravies par las plus habilles maitres. Amster- dam, Reinier en Ottens, s. a. 1 vol. 4^0, with i^o plates. Text in French and Dutch. BIBLE PRINTS. Veteris Testament! figurae. L'Ancien Testament mis en figures. Novi Testament! figurae. Le Nouveau Testament m!s en figures. V s. I. De rimpr. de P. Mariette. 2 vols, in I, ob. ^io, vellum. BIBLIOPHILE FRANCAIS, Le. Gazette illustr^e des amateurs de livres, d'estampes, et de haute curiosity. Paris, Bachelin-Deflo- renne, 1868-69. 4 vols. 8vo, half red morocco. BIBLIOTHECA ANGLO POETIC A ; or, a descriptive Catalogue of a rich and rare Collection of early English Poetry ; in the posses- sion of Longman & Co. Illustrated by occasional extracts and re- marks, critical and biographical. [Compiled by A. F. Griffiths.] London, Longman^ 18 15. 1 vol. Svo, calf. A rare Collection, made by T. Park, and added to by Thomas HilL BICKHAM, W. D. Rosecrans' Campaign with the Fourteenth Army Corps, or the Army of the Cumberland. By W. D. B. Cincin- nati, 1863. I vol. i2mo, cloth. BIGELOW, Jacob. Nature in Disease, illustrated in various Discourses and Essays. Boston, 1854. 1 vol. x2mo, cloth. BILLING, Archibald. The Science of Gems, Jewels, Coins and Medals, ancient and modern. London, Bell &* Baldy, 1867. I vol. Svo, with photographic illustrations, cloth. BILSON, Thomas, Bishop of Winchester. The Effect of certaine Ser- mons touching the Full Redemption of mankind, by the death and bloud of Christ-Jesus. Preached at Paules Cross and elsewhere in London. London, P. Short for W. Burre, 1599. I vol. 4to, blue morocco. {Lewis.) BIRCH, Thomas. Heads of illustrious Persons of Great Britain, en- 44 graven by Houbraken and Vertue ; with their Lives and Characters, by T. Birch. London, 1813. I vol. folio y portraits after Holbein, Vandyke, etc., half russia. An edition with retouched impressions of the plates. BIRINGOCCIO, Vannuccio. De la pirotechnia, libri X. dove ampiamen te si tratta non solo di ogni forte & diversita di Miniere, ma anchora quanto si ricera intorno k la prattica di quelle cose di quel che si appartiene k I'arte de la fusione over gitto de metalli come d'ogni altra cosa simile k questa. Venetia, Roffi,nello, 1540. 1 vol. /\.to, with plates, vellum. " Ce traite, qui a eu beaucoup de succes dans le temps, se trouve difficilement, quoiqu'il en ait ete fait plusieurs editions. La premiere et la plus belle, est celle de Venise, 1540." — Bnmet. BISHOP, J. Leander. a History of American Manufactures from 1608 to i860. Philadelphia, 1864. 2 vols. 8vo, with portraits, cloth. BLACKBURN, Henry. The Pyrenees; a Description of Summer Life at French Watering Places. With illustrations by G. Dord, and a new map of the Central Pyrenees. London, 1867. I vol. %vo, cloth. Travelling in Spain in the Present Day. London, 1866. I vol. Svo, cloth. BLACKSTONE, Sir William. Commentaries on the Laws of Eng- land. With practical Notes by J. Chitty. London, 1826. 4 vols. ?>vo, half calf. BLACKWELL, Elizabeth. The Laws of Life, with special reference to the Physical Education of Girls. New York, Putnam, 1852. 1 vol. i2mo, cloth. BLADES, William. The Life and Typography of William Caxton, England's first Printer, with evidence of his typographical connec- tion with Colard Mansion, the Printer at Bruges. London, J. Lilly, 1861-63. 2 vols. Afto, large paper, with facsimile plates, half morocco. 250 copies printed. BLAIR, Hugh. Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres. A new Edition, with an introductory Essay by Thos. Dale. London, 1845. I vol. Svo, calf. ■ 45 BLAIR, Hugh. Sermons. To which is prefixed the Life and Char acter of the Author, by J. Finlayson. With a Portrait. London, Tegg, 1840. I vo/. Zvo, calf. BLANCANDIN et I'Orgueilleuse d' Amour, roman d'aventures. Publid pour la premibre fois par H, Michelant. Paris, Tross, 1867. 1 vol. Svo, printed upon vellum, red levant morocco, elegant dentelle borders. {Hardy-Mennil.) BLANCHARD, Samuel Laman. Sketches from Life. Edited, with a Memoir of the Author, by Sir E. B. Lytton. New York, 1846. 2 vols, in I, \2mo, cloth. BLAND, Robert. Collections from the Greek Anthology ; and from the Pastoral, Elegiac and Dramatic Poets of Greece. London, Murray, 18 13. 1 vol. 8vo, calf. BLARRORIVO, P. de. Insigne Nanceidos opus de bello Nanceiano. {In fine:) Impressum in celebri Lothoringie pago divi Nicolai de portu, ^tx petru Jacobi. Anno m. d. xviii. I vol. folio, with woodcuts, calf. An excellent copy of this historic poem. "On en trouve difficilement des exemplaires bien conserves." — Brunei. BLENKARN, John. British Timber Trees. London, 1859. I vol 8vo, half morocco. BLESSINGTON, Countess of. See Gardner. BLOOMFIELD, Robert. Views in Suffolk, Norfolk, and Northampton- shire illustrative of the Works of R. Bloomfield, accompanied with Descriptions : to which is annexed a Memoir of the Poet's Life, by E. W. Brayley. London, 1806. I vol. 4to, large paper, proof plates, green morocco. {Lewis.) Bound with the above is the following work : — Views in North Britain, illustrative of the Works of Robert Bums; accompanied with Descriptions and a Sketch of the Poefs Life. By y. Storer and y. Greig. London, 1805. This unique and interesting volume is enriched with an autograph letter of R. Bloomfield, many portraits and proof engravings after Stothard and others, por- traits of Bums (one of which is Thurston's original drawing), and three poems in the autograph of Bums, viz,, "The Soger's Return," "Amang the Trees where humming bees," and "First thoughts of an Elegy designed for Miss Burnet of Monboddo." George Daniel's copy with his MS. notes. 46 BLUME, Carl Ludwig. Flora Javae nee non insularum adjacentium, adjutore J. B. Fischer, cum tabulis lapidi serique incisis. LuG- DUNi Batavorum, 1828-36. 3 vols, folio, with colored plates, half green morocco* Flora Javae et insularum adjacentium. Nova series. [Orchidese.] LuGDUNi Batavorum, 1858. 1 vol. folio, with colored plates, half green morocco. BOARDMAN, Henry A. The Bible in the Counting-House : a Course of Lectures to Merchants. Philadelphia, 1854. I vol. i2mo, brown morocco. BOCCACIO, Giovanni. Ameto (overo comedia delle nimphe fioren- tine). FiRENZE, gli heredi di Ph. di Giunta, 1529. I vol. 8vo, brown morocco. II Decameron di messer Giovanni Boccaci cittadino fiorentino. Si come lo diedero alle stampe gli SS!^' Giunti I'anno, 1527. Am- STERDAMO, 1 665. I vol. i2mo, red levant morocco ^It. (flardy-Mennil.) An Elzevir edition, although printed anonymously. II Decameron. Firenze, tipog. air insegna di Dante (edizione seconda), 1827. 1 vol. sm. izmo, vellum paper, russia. The Decameron or Ten Days Entertainment of Boccaccio, trans- lated from the Italian, . . . with remarks on the Life and Writings of Boccaccio [by E. Dubois]. London, 1804. 2 vols. Svo, large paper, with a portrait, calf. Decamerone di Messer Giovanni Boccaccio. London, Picker- ing, 1825. 3 vols, in I, Zvo, printed on India paper, citron morocco gilt. {Hay day.) This beautiful volume contains a portrait and ten vignettes (India proofs) en- graved by A. Fox from designs by T. Stothard. Only 25 copies on India paper. Flammette, Coplainte des tristes amours de Flamette a son amy Paphile, translatee ditalien en vulgaire francoys. On les vend Lyo par Claude Nburry- diet Le Prince. 1532. I vol. Svo, with woodcuts, blue morocco gilt. {Bauzonnef-Trauiz.) From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 3768. 47 BOCCACIO, Giovanni. Genealogiae deorum gentilium libri XV. [Acced.] Joannis Bocchacii de Certaldo de montibus ; silvis ; fon- tibus ; lacubus ; fluminibus ; stagnis ; seu paludibus ; de nominibus maris liber incipit. Regii, Barth. et Laurent, de JBruschis, 1481. I vol. folio, 358 leaves, old calf. Boccace de la genealogie des dieux. {A la fin:) Cy ftnist fehan hocace de la genealogie des dieux Imprime nouvellement a Paris La mil cccc. quatre vigtz et. dixhuit. Pour Anthoine Verard libraire demoiirant a Paris sur le pont nostre dame a lymage saint jfehan levdgeliste . . . I vol. folio, with woodcuts, red levant morocco lined with blue morocco, richly gilt. {Thibaron-Echaubard.) La Storia del Calonaco da Siena, owero la Ruffianella, attribuita a Giovanni Boccaccio, copiata da un codice del sec. XV. e ridotta a moderna lezione. Londra, 1863. I vol. sm. ^to, printed on vellum, bound in brown morocco. La Storia del Calonaco da Siena, owero la Ruffianella, etc. Londra, 1863. I vol. sm. ^to, vellum. BOCCHIUS, Achilles. Symbolicarum quaestionum de universo genere quas serio ludebat libri quinque. BoNONiiE, in ced. novce acadeinice bocchiance, 1555. I vol. Svo, brown morocco, gilt and gauffered edges. {Bedford.) The first edition, valuable on account of the plates by GiULio Bonasone. Symbolicarum quaestionum di universo genere quas serio ludebat libri quinque. BoNONiiE, 1574. I vol. sm. \to, brown morocco. {David.) BODEMAN, Edward. Xylographische und typographische Incunabeln dei Koniglichen ofFentlichen Bibliothek zu Hannover. Mit Flatten. Hannover, 1866. I vol. /^to, boards. BODENHAM, John. Politeuphuia, Wits Common- Wealth : or a Treas- ury of divine, moral, historical and political Admonitions. London, y, H.for W. Freeman, 1699. I vol. i2mo, calf. {Bedford.) Politeuphuia, Wits Common-Wealth. London, y. H. for W. Freeman, 1699. I vol. \2mo, panel calf . 48 BODIN, Joan. Demonomania de gli Stregoni, ciob furori, et malie de' demoni, col mezo de gli huomini : Divisa in Libri IIII. di Gio. Bodino Francese. Tradotta dal Kr. Hercolo Cato : con una Confutatione dell' opinione di Gio. Vuier. Venetia, presso Aldo, 1589. I vol. 4fo, vellum. BOHN, Henry G. A Guide to the Knowledge of Pottery, Porcelain, and other Objects of Vertu. Comprising an illustrated catalogue of the Bernal Collection, an introductory essay, and an engraved list of marks and monograms. London, H. G. Bohn, 1857. I vol. 8vo, cloth. BOISSARD, Janus Jacobus. Onuphrii Panvinii, Bartholomaei Mar- liani, Petri Victoris, Jani Jacobi Boissardi topographia Romae, cum tabulis geographicis, imaginibus antiquae et novae urbis, inscriptioni- bus, marmoribus, aedificiis sepulchris, et quicquid est a veneranda antiquitate ; magna diligentia asre incisis. Francofurti, in bibliqp. Bryano, 1627. 6 parts in 2 vols, folio, marbled calf. Second edition, containing the same plates as the first, although the impressions are fainter. Theatrum vitse humanae a J. J. Boissardo vesuntino conscriptum et a Theodoro Bryio artificiosissimis historiis illustratum. Excussum typis Abrahami Fabri, Mediomatricorum typographi. s. 1. et a. [1596-] I vol. ^to, with portrait and 60 copper plates, blue morocco gilt. BOISSIEU, Alphonse de. Ainay son autel, son amphitheatre ses martyrs. Lyon, L. Ferrin, 1865. 1 vol Zvo, printed on vellum, bound in brown levant morocco extra. {CapL) BOLTON, James. Harmonia Ruralis ; or an Essay towards a Natural History of British Song Birds : illustrated with figures the size of life, of the birds, their nests and eggs. London, Bohn, 1845. 2 vols, in I, Afto, 80 colored plates, half green morocco. BOLZANIUS, Urbanus. Urbani Bolzanii Bellunensis Grammaticae institutiones ad graecam linguam, a mendis quamplurimis, quae paulatim ex impressorum irrepserant incuria vindicatae. Venetiis, Aldus, 1560. I vol. 2)V0, vellum. 49 BONANNI, FiLipPO. Gabinetto Amionico, pieno d'Instromenti sonorl indicati, e spiegati. Roma, 1722. 1 vol. Afto, vellum. Ordinum religiosorum in ecclesia militanti catalogus eorumque indumenta in iconibus expressa, et oblata Clementi XI. a P. Phi- lippo Bonanni. Rom^e, typis Georgii Flachi, 1707-12. 3 vols. 4I0, vellum. Text in Latin and Italian. BONAPARTE, Charles Lucien. American Ornithology; or the Natural History of Birds inhabiting the United States, not given by Wilson. With Figures drawn, engraved, and colored from nature. Philadelphia, S. A. Mitchell^ 1825-33. 4 vols, in 2, 4^0, half russia. Iconografia della fauna italica per le quattro classi degli animali vertebrati di Carlo L. principe Bonaparte. Roma, dalla tipog. Salviucci, 1832-41. 3 vols. 4/0, with 180 colored plates, half vellum. BONAR, HoRATius. Hymns of Faith and Hope. First and second series. New York, 1866. 2 vols. i6mo, cloth. BONAVENTURA, S. Die Legend des heyligen vatters Francisci. Nach der beschreybung des engelischen Lerers Bonaventure. Nurem- berg, Hieron. Holtzel, 15 12. I vol. 4to, 50 colored plates, half red morocco. Dieta salutis a beato bonaventura, ultimate emedatum : ac parisiis noviter impressum. VARisiis,per Petrti le Dru, 1498. I vol. Svo, vellum. Meditationes vitas domini nostri Jesu Christi. {In fine-) Impres- sum hoc psens opusculu i Augusta, p me Gintherum dictu zeyner de reutlingen 1111.° ydus Marcii, anno LX.° octavo (1468). I vol. folio, bound with Rabanus. "Ce volume tres-rare, est regarde comme le premier livre impr. h. Augsbourg." — Brunei. Sancti Bonaveture tractatus et libri que plurimi. Argentine, M. Flach, 1489. I vol folio, old binding. 7 50 BONELLI, G., Martelli, N., and Sabbati, L. & C. Hortus romanus juxta systema J. P. Tournefortii strictius distributus. RoMoE, sumpf. Bouchard d Gravier, 1772-93. 8 vols, folio ^ with 800 colored plates, half vellum. Vols. I and 2 are bound in russia and contain colored portraits of Clement XIV. and Card, de Bemis. The Arms of the Cardinal are stamped upon the covers. BONIFACIUS VIII. Sextus liber decretalium, cum additionibus Johanis Andrae. Parisiis, T. Kerver, 15 13. I vol. 4to, old calf. Bound with the above are the following works bearing the same imprint : — (i. ) dementis V. constitutiones cum una apparatu Johanis Andra:. (2.) Extravagantes fohdnes XXII. BONNEY, T. G. The Alpine Regions of Switzerland and the Neigh- bouring Countries ; a pedestrian's notes on their physical features, scenery, and natural history. With illustrations by Whymper. Cambridge, 1868. I vol. 8vo, cloth. BONPLAND, A. See Humboldt, F. H. A. von. Personal Narrative, etc BOOK OF COSTUME ; or, Annals of Fashion from the earliest pe- riod to the present time. By a Lady of Rank. London, ColburHy 1846. I vol. Svo, with woodcuts, calf. BOOK OF PRAISE, from the best English Hymn-Writers ; selected and arranged by Roundell Palmer. Cambridge, 1864. I vol. iZmo, half calf . BOOK of the Royal Horticultural Society. See Murray, Andrew. BOOSEY, Thomas. Piscatorial Reminiscences and Gleanings, by an Old Angler and Bibliopolist. To which is added a Catalogue of Books on Angling. London, Pickering, 1835. I vol. i6mo, half greeji calf. BORIE, Victor. Le mouvement agricole en 1866. Paris, y. Roths- child, 1867. I vol. i6mo, half blue morocco. , 51 BORROW, George. The Zincali ; or an Account of the Gypsies of Spain. With an original Collection of their Songs and Poetry. Philadelphia, 1843. I vol. Zvo, half russia. BOSSUET, jACQUES-B]fiNiGNE. Oraisons fun^bres de Bossuet, FMchier, et autres orateurs; avec un discours prdliminaire et des notices, par M. Dussault. Paris, Z. yamt^ {impr. de Didot PainL) 1820-22. 4 vols. Svo, large vellum paper ^ first proofs^ half purple morocco. {Cocheu.) This fine copy has a double set of portraits and vignettes after designs by De- senne, H. Vernet, and Hersent. BOSTON, Mass. An Account of the Celebration commemorative of the Opening of Railroad Communication between Boston and Can- ada, September, 185 1. Boston, 1852. 1 vol. Svo, dark green morocco. Lord Macaulay's copy. BOSWELL, James. The Life of Samuel Johnson. Including a Jour- nal of a Tour to the Hebrides. New Edition, with additions and notes by J. W. Croker. To which are added two supplementary volumes of Johnsoniana by Hawkins, Piozzi, Murphy, and others. London, Murray, 1844. 10 vols. i6mo, with 50 illustrations, calf. BOTTA, Carlo. Italy, during the Consulate and Empire of Napoleon Buonaparte j translated from the Italian. Philadelphia, 1829. 2 vols, in I, old calf . BOTTA, Paul Emile. Monument de Ninive, d^couvert et d^crit par M. P. E. Botta ; mesurd et dessind par M. E. Flandin. Ouvrage publid par ordre du gouvernement, sous la direction d'une commis- sion de ITnstitut. Paris, imprimerie nationale, 1849 -50. 5 vols, folio, plates on India paper, half green morocco. T. I - II. Architecture et sculpture. Ill - IV. Inscriptions. V. Texte. BOTTA, Vincenzo. Dante as Philosopher, Patriot, and Poet. With an Analysis of the Divina Commedia, its plots and episodes. New York, 1865. I vol. Svo, cloth. 52 BOUCHER, F. Oeuvres de Moliere. Gravures. See MoLifeRE, J. B. P. DE. BOUQUET DE LA GRYE, A. Guide du garde forestier. Paris, y. Rothschild, 1866. I voL i6mo, half blue morocco. BOUQUET DES BERGERES. See Portraits. BOURASSE, Jean Jacques. La Touraine, histoire et monuments; public sous la direction de M. I'abbd J. J. Bourassd. TouRS, A. Mame 6>' Cie., 1855. I vol. folio, rose paper, morocco mosaic richly gilt in special de- sign, maroon morocco lining with heavy dentelle borders. {CapL) This copy has a double set of plates, one before lettering, and the other upon rose paper. BOUYER, Fri^d^ric. La Guyane Frangaise, notes et souvenirs d'un voyage exdcutd en 1862 -1863. Ouvrage illustrd de types, de scenes et de paysages par Riou, et de figures d'histoire naturelle par Rapine et Delahaye. Paris, 1867. 1 vol. 4to, red morocco. BOVEE, C. N. Intuitions and Summaries of Thought. Boston, Veazie, 1862. 2 vols. i2mo, cloth. BOWMAN, S. M., and Irwin, R. B. Sherman and his Campaigns : a Military Biography. New York, 1865. 1 vol. 8vo, with portraits and maps, half calf . BOWRING, Sir John. Specimens of the Russian Poets ; translated by J. Bowring. With preliminary remarks and biographical notices. London, 1821-23. 2 vols. i2mo, crimson calf extra. BOYCE, William. Cathedral Music ; being a Collection in Score of the most valuable and useful Compositions for that Service, by the early English Masters, selected by W. Boyce, newly edited, with an Appendix to each volume, containing additional Services; and a Life of Dr. Boyce. London, R. Cocks &> Co., 1849. 3 vols. 4to, half brown morocco. 53 BOYD, A. K. H. The Graver Thoughts of a Country Parson. Boston 1863. I vol. i2mo, cloth. BOYNTON, Edward C. History of West Point, and the Origin and Progress of the U. S. Military Academy. New York, 1863. I vol. 8vo, with maps, doth. BRACE, Charles Loring. Home-Life in Germany. New York, 1853. I vol. \2mo, cloth. BRADFORD, Duncan. Wonders of the Heavens, being a Popular View of Astronomy. New York, 1843. I vol. 4to, half red morocco. BRANCODORO, C^sare. Parentalibus Pii Sexti oratio. Venetiis, Ant. Zatta, 1799. 1 vol. folio, printed on vellum, half calf. BRAND, John. Observations on Popular Antiquities; chiefly illus- trating the Origin of our vulgar Customs, Ceremonies, and Super- stitions. Arranged and revised, with additions, by Henry Ellis. London, 18 13. 2 vols, ^to, calf. BRANDE, William T., and Cox, G. W. A Dictionary of Science, Literature, and Art. London, Longmans, 1867. 3 vols. Svo, calf extra. BRANNON, George. Vectis Scenery : being a Series of original and select Views exhibiting the Picturesque Beauties of the Isle of Wight, with ample descriptive and explanatory Letter-press. New- port, Isle of Wight, s. a. I vol. A^to, cloth. BRANT, Sebastian. Salutifera Navis. Narragonice profectionis nunqua satis laudata Navis p Sebastianum Grant . . . nuper fabricata : atque jam pridem per J. Locher in latinum traducta, etc. {In fine:) Finis Narragonicce navis per Sebastianum Brant . . . Impressum (LuGDUNi) per jacobum zachoni de romano A. D. m.cccclxxxviii. die xxviii mensis yunii. I vol. Svo, garnet levant morocco. {Bauzonnet-Trautz.) This edition contains a letter of J. Locher, dated 1497 ; from which it may be concluded that the date 1488 for the impression, should read 1498. From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 3774. 54 BRANT, Sebastian. Navis stultifera a Domino Sebastiano Brant primu edificata . . . deinde ab Jacobo Lochero philomuso latinitate donata ; et demu ab Jodoco Badio Ascensio vario carminu genere no sine eorundem familiari explanatione illustrata. i^In fine .•) Navis stulti- fere opusculu finit impressum (Basilic) p Nicolau lamparter. Anno M.CCCC.VJ. die vero xxvj. mensis Augusti. I vol. 4fo, with woodcuts, red morocco. The date 1406 on the last leaf is an error, and should read 1506. See Brunet. Shyp of Folys of the Worlde, translated out of Laten, Frenche and Doche into Englysshe tonge, by Alexander Barclay Preste. (Latin and English.) London, Rycharde Pynson, 1509. I vol. folio, with numerous cuts, dark brown morocco. The Latin text is printed in Roman type, and the English in black letter. Stultifera Navis . . . The Ship of Fooles, wherein is shewed the folly of all States, with divers other workes adjoyned unto the same, very profitable and fruitfuU for all men. Translated out of Latin into Englishe by Alexander Barclay Priest. London, y. Cawood, 1570- I vol. folio, with woodcuts, russia. BRATHWAIT, Richard. Ar't asleepe Husband ? A Boulster Lec- ture ; stored with all Variety of witty Jeasts, merry Tales, and other pleasant Passages, &c. By Philogenes Panedonius. London, 1640. 1 vol. 1 2mo, dark morocco. {Pratt.) This copy contains a frontispiece by Marshall, and the four leaves, usually wanting, at the end. BRAUN OR BRUIN, Georg. Civitatis orbis terrarum, [in aes incisae et excusae, et descriptione topographica, moraH et politica illustratae] libri V. Colonic Agrippin^e, 16 12. 5 vols, folio, colored plates, half vellum. Engravings by F. Hogenberg and ^S*. van den Noevel. BREMER, Fredrika. The Homes of the New World. Translated by Mary Howitt. New York, Harpers, 1853. 2 vols. i2mo, half calf . BREVIARIUM AMBROSIANUM Caroli S. R. E. Cardinalis tit. S. Praxedis. archiepiscopi jussu recognitum, atque editum. Medio- LANi, apud Pontios, et Besutios fratres, 1582. I vol. 8vo, old morocco gilt, with clasps. 55 BREVIARIUM ROMANUM novissime post omnes alias impressiones recognitum, atque emendatum. Venetiis, 1536. I vol. 2>vo, old calf ^ gilt and gauffered edges. BREVIARIUM ROMANUM, ex decreto Sacrosanct! Concilii Triden- tini restitutum. Pii V. pont. max. jussu editum. Cum calendario Gregorian©, et officiis k Sixto Quinto pont. max. ordinatis. Vene- tiis, apud yunias, 1596. I vol. z^io, with woodcuts, red morocco gilt, in case. BREVIARIUM ROMANUM ex decreto S. S. concilii Tridentini resti- tutum S. Pii V. pont. max. jussu editum dementis VIII. et Urbani VIII. auctoritate recognitum cum officiis sanctorum novissime per summos pontifices usque ad hanc diem concessis. Rom^, ex typ. Tiberina, 1856. I vol. with plates, red morocco gilt. BREVIARIUM secundum ordinem fratrum predicatorum. {In fine:) Venetiis impressum per Franciscu de hailbrun mcccclxxx. 1 vol. Svo, capitals in red and blue, russia. BREWSTER, Sir David. A Treatise on Optics. Philadelphia, 1844. I vol. i2mo, cloth. BRIDGEWATER TREATISES. London, Pickering, 1833-37. 12 vols. Svo, marbled calf . Chalmers, Thomas. On the Power, Wisdom and Goodness of God as man- ifested in the Adaptation of External Nature to the Moral and Intellectual Con- stitution of Man. 2 vols. KiDD, John. On the Adaptation of External Nature to the Physical Condi- tion of Man. I vol. Whewell, William. Astronomy and General Physics, considered with reference to Natural Theology, i voL Bell, Sir Charles. The Hand ; its Mechanism and Vital Endowments as evincing Design, i vol. Roget, Peter Mark. Animal and Vegetable Physiology, considered with reference to Natural Theology. 2 vols. BucKLAND, William. Geology and Mineralogy considered with reference to Natural Theology. 2 vols. KiRBY, William. On the Power, Wisdom and Goodness of God as mani- fested in the Creation of Animals, and in their History, Habits and Instincts. 2 vols. Prout, William. Chemistry, Meteorology, and the Function of Digestion, considered with reference to Natural Theology, i vol. 56 BRIEFE Information of the Affaires of the Palatinate. Privately printed^ 1624. I vol. sm. 4^0, 59//., calf. Written in favor of Frederic V. , king of Bohemia. BRIGITTA, S. Orationes sancte Brigitte, cum Oratione sancti Au- gustini. s. I. s. a. I vol Svo, bound with Opusculum multarum. BRISTED, Charles Astor. Five Years in an English University. New York, 1852. 1 vol. i2mo, cloth. BRITISH ESSAYISTS : with Prefaces, Biographical, Historical, and Critical, by Jas. Ferguson. Second Edition. London, 1823. 40 vols. iZmo, red morocco. BRITTON, John. Architectural Antiquities of Great Britain, repre- sented and illustrated in a Series of Views, Elevations, Plans, etc. of the various ancient English Edifices : with historical and descrip- tive accounts of each. IjONBON, Zonpnans, 1807-14. 4 vols. 4to, large paper, brown morocco, gilt. A fine copy. BROCKEDON, William. Italy, Classical, Historical, and Pictu- resque ; illustrated in a Series of Views from Drawings by Stanfield, Roberts, Brockedon, and others. Preceded by an introductory es- say, by Camillo Mapei. Glasgow, Edinburgh, and London, 1856. I vol 4to, large paper, green morocco. Illustrations of the Passes of the Alps, by which Italy communi- cates with France, Switzerland, and Germany. London, 1828-29. 2 vols. 4to, large paper, proofs, olive morocco. BRONTE, Charlotte. Jane Eyre : an Autobiography. By Currer Bell. Second Edition. London, 1848. 3 vols. Svo, half calf . BROOKE, E. Adveno. The Gardens of England. London, T. Mc- Lean, s. a. I vol. folio, with 1 6 vignettes on india paper, and 2 7 colored lithographs, half green morocco. BROOKS, Charles T. German Lyrics. Boston, 1853. i vol. i6mo, cloth. 57 BROTHERHEAD, William. The Book of the Signers : containing Fac-simile Letters of the Signers of the Declaration of Indepen- dence ; illustrated also with sixty-one engravings from original pho- tographs and drawings, of their residences, portraits, etc. Phila- delphia, 1861. 1 vol. folio, half brown morocco. BROUGHAM, Henry, Lord. Works. London, Griffin 6- Bohn, 1862. \\ vols. Zvo^ half brown morocco. Vol. I. Lives of the Philosophers of the Time of George III. II. Lives of Men of Letters of the Time of George III. III. -V. Sketches of Statesmen of the Time of George III. VI. Natural Theology. VII. Rhetorical and Literary Dissertations and Addresses. VIII. Historical and Political Dissertations. IX. -X. Speeches on Social and Political Subjects. XI. The British Constitution. BROWN, David Paul. The Forum ; or Forty Years Full Practice at the Philadelphia Bar. Philadelphia, 1856. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. BROWN, Hugh Stowell. Twelve Lectures to the Men of Liverpool. Liverpool, 1858. I vol. Svo, cloth. BROWN, J. J. American Angler's Guide ; or Complete Fisher's Man- ual for the United States. New York, 1849. [ vol. 1 2 mo, half calf . BROWN, John P. Turkish Evening Entertainments. The Won- ders of Remarkable Incidents, and the Rarities of Anecdotes. By Ahmed-Ibn-Hemdem, the Ketkhoda. New York, Putnam, 1850. I vol. X2mo, c oth. BROWNE, Daniel Jay, The Trees of America, Native and Foreign. New York, Harpers, 1857. I vol. sm. 4fo, with illustrations, cloth. BROWNE, G. F. Ice-Caves of France and Switzerland ; a Narrative of Subterranean Exploration. London, 1865. I vol. Svo, cloth. 8 58 BROWNE, Junius Henri. Four Years in Secessia : Adventures within and beyond the Union Lines. Hartford, 1865. I val. Svo, cloth. BROWNE, Sir Thomas. Works ; including his Life and Correspond- ence. Edited by S. Wilkin. London, Pickering, 1835-36. 4 vols. Zvo, calf. Religio Medici : to which is added Hydriotaphia, or Urn-Burial, a Discourse on Sepulchral Urns ; and also Christian Morals. A new Edition. London, 1845. I vol. I bmo, half dark calf BROWNELL, Thomas Church. The Family Prayer Book, or Book of Common Prayer, and Administration of the Sacraments, and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church, according to the use of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States ; accom panied by a general Commentary. Philadelphia, Lippincott, i860. I vol. Svo, calf BROWNING, Elizabeth Barrett. Essays on the Greek Christian Poets, and the English Poets. New York, 1863. I vol. i6mo, cloth. Poems. New York, 1862. 4 vols. i6mo, cloth. BROWNING, W. S. The History of the Huguenots. London, Pick- ering, 1839.. 3 vols. Svo, calf. BRUNET, Jacques-Charles. Manuel du libraire et de I'amateur de livres, contenant 1° Un nouveau dictionnaire bibliographique. 2° Une table en forme de catalogue raisonne. Paris, Didot, i860- 65. 6 vols, in 12, ray. Svo, large Holland paper, half brown levant mo?'occo. {David. ) 100 copies on Holland paper. BRY, Jean Theodore and Israel de. [Grands voyages.] P. 11. Brevis narratio eorum quae in Florida Americas provicia accide- runt •• . . quae est secunda pars Americae ; Additas figurae inco- larum . . . item declaratio religionis, rituum vivendique ratione ipsorum, auctore Jacobo Le Moyne, cui cognomen de Morgues. 59 p. IV. Americae pars quarta, sive insignis et admiranda historia de reperta primum occidentali India a Christophoro Colombo . . . scripta ab Hieronymo Bezono Omnia elegantibus figuris in aes incisis expressa a Theodoro de Bry. Francofurti ad Mcenum, y. Wecheli, 1591-94. I vol. folio, vellum. BRYANT, William Cullen. A Forest Hymn \ with Illustrations by John A. Nows. New York, [i860.] 1 vol. sm. 4.I0, half brown morocco. Poems. Collected and arranged by the Author. New York, Appleton, 1855. 2 vols. i2mo, brown morocco. BRYDGES, Sir Egerton. Excerpta Tudoriana ; or Extracts from Elizabethan Literature. With a critical Preface. Kent, Fress of Lee Priory, 18 14 - 18. 2 vols, bound in i, Zvo, russia gilt. Only 150 copies printed. BUCHANAN, Robert. The Culture of the Grape, and Wine-mak- ing. With an Appendix, containing Directions for the Cultivation of the Strawberry, by N. Longworth. Cincinnati, 1855. I vol. i2mo, cloth. BUCHANAN, Robert. Wayside Posies : Original Poems of the Country Life. Pictures by G. J. Pinwell, J. W. North, and Fred. Walker ; engraved by the brothers Dalziel. London, Routledge, 1867. 1 vol. ^to, red morocco. BUCKLE, Henry Thomas. History of Civilization in England. London, Longman, 1864. 2 vols. 8vo, half brown levant morocco. BUD^US, Guillielmus. Guillielmi Budaei Parisiensis Secretarii Regii libri v. de Asse, & partib. ejus post duas Parisiensis impres- siones ab eodem ipso Budaeo castigati, idq authore Jo. Grolierio Lugdunensi Christianissimi Galloru Regis Secretario, et Gallicaru copiarum Quaestore, cui etiam ob nostra in eum observantia ^ nobis illi dicantur. m. d. xxii. Venetiis, in ced. Aldi et Andrece Asulani soceri, 1522. I vol. 4to, vellum. Scarce, and the only edition sought after. 6o BUDGEN, M. L. Episodes of Insect Life. By Acheta Domestica, M. E. S. New York, 1852. 3 vols. 1 2 mo, half green morocco. BULFINCH, Thomas. The Age of Fable ; or Beauties of Mythology. Boston, 1863. I vol. i2mo, cloth. Legends of Charlemagne 3 or Romance of the Middle Ages. Boston, 1863. I vol. i2mo, cloth. BULWER, James. Views in the Madeiras, executed on stone, by Messrs. Westall, Nicholson, Harding, Nash, etc., after drawings from nature by J. Bulwer, London, Rivmgton, 1827. 1 vol. folio, purple calf gilt. BULWER LYTTON, Edward G. E. L., Lord Lytton. Novels. Ed- inburgh, Blackwood, 1859-62. 37 vols. 16 jno, cloth. Alice, or the Mysteries ; The Caxtons, a Family Picture ; Devereux ; The Dis- owned ; Ernest Maltravers, or the Eleusinia ; Eugene Aram ; Godolphin ; Harold, the Last of the Saxon Kings ; The Last of the Barons ; The Last Days of Pom- peii; Leila, or the Siege of Granada ; Calderon, the Courtier ; My Novel, or Va- rieties in English Life ; Paul Clifford ; Pelham, or Adventures of a Gentleman ; The Pilgrims of the Rhine ; Rienzi, the Last of the Roman Tribunes ; What will he do with it ? Zanoni. BUN SEN, Frances, Baroness. A Memoir of Baron Bunsen, late Minister Plenipotentiary and Envoy Extraordinary of His Majesty Frederick William IV. at the Court of St. James. London, 1868. 2 vols. Zvo, cloth. BUNYAN, John. The Works of John Bunyan. With an Introduc- tion to each Treatise, Notes, and a Sketch of his Life, Times, and Contemporaries; edited by George Offor. Glasgow, 1850-51. 2 vols. roy. Svo, half morocco. The Pilgrim's Progress ; most carefully collated with the Edition containing the Author's last Additions and Corrections. With explanatory Notes, by Wra. Mason ; and a Life of the Author by J. Conder. Fourth Edition. London, Fisher, s. a. I vol. Zvo, 25 engravings, dark green morocco. The Pilgrim's Progress. With a Life of John Bunyan, by Robert Southey. Illustrated with engravings. London, Murray, 1830. I vol. 2)V0, large paper, dark calf This copy contains 61 additional illustrations, of which 17 are by Stothard. 6i BUONAPARTE, Nicolo. La Vedova commedia facetissima. Fio- 'SCENZK, per Filippo Giicnti, 1592. I vol. 8vo, vellum. Louis Napoleon's copy, containing an autograph letter. SURGES, Sir James Bland. The Birth and Triumph of Love ; a Poem. By Sir James Bland Lamb. With the original designs by an illustrious personage, engraved by P. W. I'omkins. London, 1823. I vol. 8vo, half dark calf. BURGESS, H. W. Eidodendron. Views of the general Character and Appearance of Trees, foreign and indigenous, connected with Picturesque Scenery. [With botanical and historical illustra- tions of the Oak, by G. Burnett] London, 1827. I vol. folio, with portrait and 54 plates on India paper, half green morocco. This copy contains 25 additional drawings of trees, by Miss S. A. Youngs G. R. Lciais, A. Aglio. and others. BURGKMAIER, Hans. Hans Burgkmaier's Turnier-Buch (nach Anordnung Maximilians L). Herausgegeben von F. von Hefner- Alteneck. Frankfurt am M., Keller, 1853. 14 parts, folio, with 28 plates in gold and colors. BURGKMAIER, Hans, and VOGTHER, Heinrich. Ernewrtes Geschlechter Buch. Der loblichen dess Heiligen Reichs Statt Augspurg Patriciorum darunder 80. vorauss lustige zierliche Con- trafacturen, der Schildt, Helm und Wappen, Ehrngemeldter Gesch- lechtern, von weylande den Kunstreichen Mahlern in Augspurg, J. Burckmair und H. Vogther, vor Anno 1545. in Stahel zierlich geradiert die ubrigen von W. P. Ziiiierman auffs fleissigst hinzu- gethan worden. In drey underschiedliche Bucher abgetheile. Getruckt zu Augspurg in Kupffer und Stahel geradirt vrx geatze, durch W. P. Zimmerman, 16 18. I vol. folio, half red morocco. BURIDANUS, Johannes. Questiones Joannis buridani super decern libros ethicorum aristotelis ad nicomachum. Parisiis, jf. Petit et B. Aubri, 15 18. I vol. folio, old morocco. Bound with this work are the following : — (i) Questiones jfohannis buridani super octo libros politicorum Aristotelis. Parisiis, N. de Pratis, 15 13. 62 (2) Johdnis hiridani suhhasstme qtiestiones super octo fhisicoriim libros Aris- totelis. Parhisiis, Peti-i le Dru, 1509. (3) In Mctaphysicen Aristotclis. Questioftes argutissimm Magisfri Joannis Buridani. Parisiis, J. Badius Ascenshis, 15 18. (4) Dialectices sititoribus questionum pars prima super summularum Buridani tractatum primuni a M, Anthonio Silvestro diligenti cura edita prostat. s. 1. s. a. BURKE, Sir Bernard. A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire. London, 1856. I vol. 8vo, half russia. BURKE, Edmund. Works and Correspondence. A new Edition. London, Rivington, 1852. 8 vols. ?>vo, tree calf. BURNET, Gilbert. The Court Sermon, 1674. Cincinnati, 1868. 1 vol. \2fno, cloth. Supposed to have been written by G. Burnet ; printed from a manuscript in possession of R. Clarke of Cincinnati. History of His Own Time ; with Notes by the Earls of Dart- mouth and Hardwicke, Speaker Onslow, and Dean Swift. Oxford, University Press, 1833. 6 vols. Svo, calf. The History of the Reformation of the Church of England. Oxford, University Press, 1829. 6 vols, and Index, Svo, calf. BURNS, Robert. The Poems, Letters, and Land of Robert Burns ; illustrated by W. H. Bartlett, T. AUom, and other artists. With a new Memoir of the Poet, and Notices, critical and biographical, of his Works, by A. Cunningham. London, Virtue, s. a. 2 vols. 4to, half dark calf, BURROW, Edward I. Elements of Conchology, according to the Linnean System, illustrated by twenty-eight plates. New Edition. London, 1845. I vol. iimo, cloth. BURTIN, Francois Xavier de. Treatise on the Knowledge neces- sary to Amateurs in Pictures. Translated and abridged from the French, by Robert White. London, Longmans, 1845. I vol Svo, cloth. BURTON, John Hill. The Book-Hunter. Edinburgh, Blackwood, 1862. I vol. i6mo, half brown morocco. 63 BURTON, Richard F. The City of the Saints, and Across the Rocky Mountains to California. With illustrations. New York, 1862. I vol. Svo, half calf . BURTON, Robert. The Anatomy of Melancholy. What it is, with all the kinds, causes, symptomes, prognostickes, and severall cures of it, etc. By Democritus Junior. Seventh Edition, corrected and augmented by the Author. London, H. Cripps, 1660. I vol. folio, russia. BURY, Richard de. Philobiblon, a Treatise on the Love of Books. First American Edition, with the literal English Translation of John B. Inglis, collated and corrected, with Notes, by S. Hand. Albany, Munsell, 1861. I vol. Svo, large paper, half blue morocco. 30 copies printed on large paper. BUSBEQUIUS, AuGERius Gislenius. A. Gislenii Busbequii omnia qu£e extant. Lugd. Bat a v., ex off. Elzeviriana, 1633. I vol. 24mo, boards. BUSCHIUS, Hermannus. Aureum reminiscendi memoradiq per breve opusculum mirum in modum natural! prestans memorie uberrimum suffragium litteris quoq alphabeticis ac figuris varie dispositionis ornatum quarum occasione q libet res memoranda facilius ac citius ad memoriam reduci potest. ZwoLis,/^r A. Kempen, 1502. I vol. sm. 4fo, with sitigular woodcuts^ green levant morocco extra. ( Trautz-Ba uzonnet, ) From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 570. BUSHNELL, Horace. Sermons for the New Life. New York, s. a. I vol. \2mo, cloth.- Work and Play \ or Literary Varieties. New York, 1864. I vol. \2mo, cloth. BUSSERONUS, Petrus. Sapphicae Petri Busseroni medicam colentis facultatem, Horae, ad fidissimorum christicolarum usum ; De salu- tifero Christi adventu, de ignominiosa illius morte, de codignis eiusdem Matris illibatae Laudibus, cum septem monstris mortalibus, & prasconiis Ccelicolarum, Delphineis in oris editse. Lugd., apud yEgid. et yac. Huguetan, 1538. I vol. Svo, calf. {Bauzonnet-Trautz.) A rare volume. The ornamental borders and woodcuts are copies from the celebrated Heures h r antique of Geofroy Tory. From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 15 12. 64 Sapphicae Petri Busseroni medicam colentis facultatem, Horae, ad fidissimorum christicolarum usum, etc. Lugd., apud ^Egid. et yac. Huguetan, 1538. I vol. 8vo, brown levant morocco extra, {Bruyere.) BUTLER, C. M. Inner Rome ; Political, Religious, and Social. Philadelphia, 1866. 1 vol. i2mo, cloth. BUTLER, Joseph. Works; to which is prefixed, a Preface, giving some Account of the Character and Writings of the Author, by Samuel Halifax. Oxford, University Press, 18/^^- ^o. 2 vols. Svo, dark calf. BUTLER, Samuel. Genuine Poetical Remains ; with Notes by Robert Thyer. With a Selection from the Author's Characters in Prose. Illustrated with humorous woodcuts, and portraits of Butler and Thyer. London, 1827. I vol. roy. Svo, India proofs, half purple morocco. Hudibras ; with Dr. Grey's Annotations. A new Edition, cor- rected and enlarged. London, 1819. 3 vols. roy. Svo, with portraits, plates, and woodcuts, India proofs, half dark morocco. BUTLER, William Allen. Nothing to Wear; an Episode of City Life. Illustrated by Hoppin. New York, 1857. 1 vol. \2mo, cloth. BUTLER, William Archer. Lectures on the History of Ancient Philosophy. Edited by William H. Thompson. Philadelphia, 1857- 2 vols. Svo, half calf. Sermons Doctrinal and Practical. First Series. Edited, with a Memoir of the Author's Life, by T. Woodward. Eighth Edition. London, 1869. I vol. Svo, half dark calf. Sermons Doctrinal and Practical. Second Series. Edited from the Author's MSS. by J. A. Jeremie. Fifth Edition. London, 1866. I vol. Svo, half dark calf. 65 BYERLEY, John Scott. Relics of Literature; by Stephen Collet London, 1823. I vol. Svo, calf. BYRON, George Gordon Noel, Lord. Poetical Works. Boston, Little, Brown, 6>* Co., s. a. 10 vols. i6mo, calf extra. CyEREMONIALE episcoporum dementis VIII. primum nunc denuo Innocentii Papae X. auctoritate recognitum. Homes, typ. camerce apostol., 165 1. I vol. 4to, with plates, old red morocco gilt. C^REMONIALE ecclesiae romanae. See Marcellus. C^SAR, Caius Julius. Commentariorum de bello Galico libri VIII. De bello civili Pompeiano libri IIIL De bello Alexandrino liber I. De bello Africano liber I. De bello Hispaniensi liber I. Vene- Tiis, in cedibus Aldi, et Andrece soceri, mense JVbvemb. m. d. xix. I vol. Svo, with woodcuts and maps, brown morocco. C. Julii Caesaris Commentarii ab. Aldo. Manutio Paulli. F. Aldi. N. emendati. et scholiis illustrati. Venetiis, apud Aldum, 1576. I vol. Svo, vellum. Caesar's Commentaries on the Gallic and Civil Wars : with the supplementary Books attributed to Hirtius ; including the Alexan- drian, African, and Spanish Wars. Literally translated, with notes and a very elaborate index. London, Bohn, 1856. I vol Svo, half calf . C. Julii Caesaris quae extant ex emendatione Jos. Scaligeri. Lugd. Batavorum, ex off. Elzev., 1635. I vol. sm. 1 2 mo, red levant morocco. {Trautz-Bauzonnet.) This is the original of three editions issued the same year. C. Julii Caesaris quae extant, accuratissimb cum libris editis et mss. optimis collata, recognita et correcta; accesserunt annota- tiones Samuelis Clarke ; item indices locorum, rerumque et ver- borum utilissimae. Tabulis aeneis ornata. Londini, sumpt. et typ. y. Tonson, 17 12. I vol folio, large paper, old red morocco. 9 66 A perfect copy. " II faut voir si la grande planche No. 42, qui represente un tanreau sauvage dont il est fait mention dans le texte, page 135, n'a pas ete enlevee du volume, ou si elle n'est pas dechiree ; cette planche etant singulierement estimee, les exemplaires ou elle manquerait perdraient une notable partie de leur valeur." — Brunei. CAIRN, The. A Gathering of Precious Stones from many Hands. London, Routledge, 1849. I vol. i6mo, cloth. CAIRNES, J. E. The Slave Power ; its Character, Career, and prob- able Designs : being an attempt to explain the real issues involved in the American Contest. London, 1862. 1 vol. Svo, cloth, CALAMY, Edmund. The Nonconformist's Memorial : being an Ac- count of the Ministers who were ejected or silenced after the Restoration. [Edited] by Samuel Palmer. London, Hogg^ 1778. 2 vols. Zvo, with portraits, old calf. Thirteen Sermons concerning the Doctrine of the Trinity ; to- gether with a Vindication of that celebrated Text, i John v. 7, from being spurious. London, 1722. I vol. Svo, old calf. CALENDAR of the Prayer-Book illustrated. With an Appendix of the chief Christian Emblems from early and medieval monuments. Oxford & London, % Parker 6^ C septuaginta duobus (1472). 1 vol. folio, vellum. Hailbrun printed two editions under the same date ; this is a copy of the second edition. CARDONNEL, Adam de. Picturesque Antiquities of Scotland, etched by Adam de Cardonnel. London, 1788-93. 2 vols. Zvo, printed on vellum, green morocco, lined with silk. CARLETON, George W. Our Artist in Cuba. Fifty Drawings on Wood. New York, Carleton, 1865. I vol i6mo, cloth. CARLYLE, Thomas. Collected Works. London, Chapman &> Hall, 1869. 13 vols. Svo, half calf extra. History of Friedrich II. of Prussia called Frederick the Great. Vols. 1-3- London, 1858-62. 3 vols. Svo, cloth. The Life of John Sterling. Boston, 185 i. I vol 1 2 mo, half calf CAROSO, Fabricio. Nobiltk di Dame del S' Fabritio Caroso da Sermoneta, libro, altra volta, chiamato il ballarino, nuovamente dal proprio Auttore corretto, ampliato di nuovi Balli, di belle Regole, & alia perfetta Theorica ridotto : con le Creanze necessarie k Ca- valierie, e Dame. Aggiontovi il Basso, & il Soprano della Musica : & con I'intavolatura del Liuto k ciascun Ballo. Omato di vaghe & bellissime figure in rame. Y'EiiKnx, presso il Muschio, 1600. I vol. 4to, calf. {Niedree^ From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 3140. CARRIERE, E. A. Traitd g^ndral des Conifbres, ou description de toutes les espbces et varidtds de ce genre aujourd'hui connues! Nouvelle edition. Paris, 1867. I vol. in two parts, Svo, half red levant morocco. {David.) CARTAS TURCAS, 6 continuacion de las cartas persianas de Montes- quieu. Madrid, 1824. I vol. 2\mo, calf. CARTIER, Jacques. Relation original du voyage de Jacques Cartier 71 au Canada en 1534. Documents inddits sur Jacques Cartier et le Canada (nouvelle serie) publics par H. Michelant et A. Ram^. Paris, Tross^ 1867. 2 parts in i vol. Zvo, printed upon vellum, bound in red levant morocco, with rich dentelle borders. {Ifardy-Mennil.) CASANOVA, J. Les premiers pas dans I'agriculture. Paris, ^. Rothschild, i866. I vol. \6mo, half blue morocco. CASSIODORUS, Magnus Aurelius. In hoc corpore continentur tripertite historic ex Socrate,'Sozomeno et Theodorico in unu col- lecte et nuper de greco in latinu translate libri numero duodecim. {In fine:) Per Johanne Schussler regie urbis Augiistensis civemTjm diligeter impressi, Anno salutifere incarnationis Christi Hiesu. Mil- lesimo quadringetesimo septuagesimo secundo. (1472.) I vol. folio, ijiitials in colors, dark green levant morocco. {Hardy- Mennil.) CASTELLANI, Augusto. Gems. Translated from the Italian by Mrs. J. Brogden. London, 187 i. I vol. 8vo, cloth. CASTELLI, CosTANzo. Forty-three Drawings of Neapolitan Costume. By Costanzo Castelli. Napoli, 1786. I vol. folio, man uscript title-page, green morocco gilt. {Zaehnsdorf ) A collection of illustrations in water colors. CASTIGLIONE, Baldesar. II libro del Cortegiano del conte Bal- desar Castiglione, nuovamente stampato, et con somma diligenza revisto. N\^^Q.\K,in casafigliuoli di Aldo, i^\\. I vol. Zvo. II libro del cortegiano del conte Baldesar Castiglione, di nuovo rincontratb con I'originale scritto di mano de I'auttore : Con la tau- ola di tutte le cose degne di notitia : et di piu, Con una brieue raccolta de le conditioni, che si ricercano ^ perfetto Cortegiano, & "k Donna di Palazzo, Vinegia, in casa dd fglioli di Aldo, 1547. 1 vol. 8vo, old morocco gilt. A copy formerly belonging to David Garrick. CATALOGUES. Abbotsford. Catalogue of the Library at Abbots- ford. Edinburgh, 1838. I vol. ifto, uncut, half morocco. Presented to the Maitland Club by J. G. LockJiart. 72 CATALOGUES. Allan, John. Catalogue of the Books, Auto- graphs, Engravings, and miscellaneous articles, belonging to the Estate of the late John Allan. New York, 1864. I vol. Zvo, large paper, with MS. prices, half brown morocco. Only 100 copies printed. Andrade, lo'&f. Maria. Catalogue de la riche bibliothbque de D. Josd Maria Andrade. Leipzig, 1869. I vol. 8vo, half morocco. Aquila, Le Comte d'. Collection de M. le comte d'Aquila. Tableaux et aquarelles de I'dcole moderne. Paris, 1868. 1 vol. 8vo, with MS. prices, half morocco. Astorga, Le Marquis d\ Catalogue de la biblioth^que de son excellence le marquis d' Astorga. Paris, 1869-70. 2 vols. 2)V0, half morocco. Bachelin-Deflorenne. Catalogue d'un choix de beaux livres anciens et modernes. Paris, 1870. I vol. Svo, half morocco. Baker, George. Catalogue of G. Baker's Collection of Points and Drawings, sold by auction, June, 1825. London, [1825.] I vol. Svo, with MS. prices, green morocco. Benzon, E. L. S. Catalogue of the Library of E. L. S. Benzon, 10 Kensington Palace Gardens. London, Whittingham, 1867. I vol. roy. Svo, large paper, half brown morocco. Bond, L. Montgomery. Catalogue of the Collection of Books, Autographs, Coins, etc., of Mr. L. M. Bond of Philadelphia. Philadelphia, 1870. 1 vol. Svo, half morocco. Boston, Public Library. Index to the Catalogue of Books in the Upper Hall of the Public Library of Boston. With Supple- ment. Boston, 1861-66. 2 vols. roy. Svo, half morocco. Brown, John Carter. BibHotheca Americana. A Catalogue of Books relating to North and South America in the Library of John Carter Brown of Providence, R. I. With notes by J. R. Bart- lett. 1493 -1800. Providence, 1865 -71. 3 parts in 4 vols. Svo, uncut, cloth. 100 copies of the first part, and 50 copies of the second and third, printed for private circulation. 73 CATALOGUES. Brunet, Gustave. Curiosit^s bibliographiques et artistiques, livres, manuscrits, etc. Geneve, 1867. I vol. Zvo, half morocco. Brunet, Jacques Charles. Catalogue des livres rares et prd- cieux composant la biblioth^que de feu M. J. C. Brunet. Paris, Z. Potier, 1868. I vol. 8vo, half morocco. Burton, William E. Bibliotheca Dramatica. Catalogue of the Library of the late Wm. E. Burton, the distinguished Comedian, sold at auction. New York, i860. New York, i860. I vol. Svo, large paper, with MS. prices, half morocco. {Mat- thews^ Cap:6, M. Catalogue des livres rares et pr^cieux, la plupart en belles reliures anciennes et modernes, composant la biblioth^que de feu M. Capd. Paris, L. Potier, 1868. I vol. Svo, half morocco. Catalogue des livres anciens et modernes rares et curieux dans tons les genres provenant des collections du due de La Vallibre, de M. le baron J. Pichon, etc. Paris, Bachelin-Deflorenne, 1869. I vol. Svo, half morocco. Catalogue des livres rares et pr^cieux, manuscrits et imprimds composant la bibliothbque de M. S. G. . . . Paris, L. Potier, 1869. I vol. Svo, half morocco. Catalogue of Books and Pamphlets principally relating to America. New York, 1870. I vol. Svo, half morocco. Catalogue of an extraordinary Collection of Works relating to America. New York, Bradstreet Press, 1868. I vol. Svo, half morocco. Catalogue of the Library at Oakwood, N. J. New York, 1868 I vol. Svo, half morocco. Chaud:^, a. Catalogue des livres et vignettes composant la bibliothbque de feu M. A. Chaudd. Paris, L. Potier, 1867. I vol. Svo, half morocco. 10 74 CATALOGUES. Cincinnati, Ohio. Catalogue of the Public Li- brary of Cincinnati. Cincinnati, 187 i. I vol. 8vo, cloth. Claghorn, James L. Catalogue of Works of Art belonging to J. C. Claghorn. Philadelphia, 1869. I vol. Svo, cloth. Costa de Beauregard, Le Marquis. Catalogue des livres manuscrits et imprimis, composant la bibliothfeque de feu M. le marquis Costa de Beauregard. Paris, Z. Fotier, 1868. I vol. Svo, half morocco. Daniel, George. Catalogue of the most valuable, interesting, and highly important Library of the late George Daniel, Esq., of Canonbury. London, 1864. I vol. 4/(7, with MS. prices and names, half brown morocco. Davis, William Jackson. Catalogue of the Private Library of the late Mr. W. J. Davis. [With a Memorial by H. B. D.] New York, 1865. I vol. 4to, large paper, half morocco. Only 75 copies printed. Double, L:6opold. Catalogue de la bibliothbque de M. L. Double. Paris, Techener, 1863. I vol. Svo, half morocco. Dowse, Thomas. Catalogue of the Private Library of Thomas Dowse of Cambridge, Mass. Presented to the Massachusetts Historical Society. Boston, y. Wilson, 1870. I vol. Svo, half morocco. Ensched]^, I. AND J. Catalogue de la bibliothbque formde pendant le XVIII^ sibcle par MM. I. et J. Enschedd. Amsterdam, 1867. 1 vol. Svo, half morocco. Fontaine, Auguste. Catalogue de livres anciens et modernes, tares et curieux, de la librairie A. Fontaine. Paris, 1870-72. 2 vols. Svo, half morocco. Forrest, Edwin. Catalogue of the Library of Edwin Forrest. Philadelphia, privately printed, 1 863. I vol. Svo, with portrait, half morocco. 75 CATALOGUES. Galerie de San Donato. Catalogue de vingt-trois tableaux des ^coles flamande et hoUandaise provenant de la cdlbbre Galerie de San Donato k Florence. Paris, 1868. I vo/. 2>vo, half morocco. Gancia, G. Catalogue de la Biblioth^que de M. G. Gancia, composde en partie de livres de la premibre biblioth^que du Card. Mazarin. Paris, 1866. I vol. Svo, half morocco. Grenville, Thomas. Bibliotheca Grenvilliana ; or Bibliograph- ical Notices of Rare and Curious Books, forming the Library of the Right Hon. Thomas Grenville. London, W. Nicol, 1842 -48. 3 vols. Svo, calf extra. {Bedford.) Gr]6sy, Hilaire. Catalogue des livres prdcieux composant la biblioth^que de M. H. Gr^sy. Paris, 1869. I vol. Svo, half morocco. Heber, Richard. Bibliotheca Heberiana. Catalogue of the Library of Richard Heber, sold by auction. London, 1834-36. 1 2 parts in 5 vols. Svo, with MS. prices, half morocco. Hervey, James B. Catalogue of an unrivalled Collection of Books in the richest and most elegant Bindings ; the Library of J. B. Hervey. New York, s. a. I vol. Svo, half morocco. HiBBERT, George. Catalogue of the Library of G. Hibbert, Esq., of Portland Place. London, W. Nicol, 1829. I vol. Svo, half red morocco. Hochart, M. Catalogue d'une prdcieux collection de livres anciens et modernes provenant du cabinet de M. Hochart. Lille, 1869. I vol. Svo, half morocco. Holliday, George H. Catalogue of the extensive and valu- able Library formed by the Hon. G. H. Holliday of Carlinville, 111. New York, 1870. I vol. Svo, half morocco. HosMER, Zelotes. Catalogue of the choice Collection of Books forming [his] Library, sold by auction, Boston, May, 1861. Boston, 1861. I vol. Svo, half brown morocco. 76 CATALOGUES. Humphrey, Henry B. Catalogue of the valuable Library of H. B. Humphrey. Cambridge, Riverside Press ^ 187 1. I vol. 8vo, half morocco. ■ KoucHELEFF Besborodko, Ze conite. Catalogue de 43 tab- leaux de maitres anciens prpvenant de la collection de M. le comte KouchelefF Besborodko. Paris, 1869. I vol. Svo, half morocco. Lilly, Joseph. Catalogue of the entire stock of rare, curious and important Books and Manuscripts of the late Mr. J. Lilly. London, 187 i. I vol. Svo, half morocco. London. Royal Institute of British Architects. Cata- logue of the Printed Books and Manuscripts in the Library of the Institute. London, 1865. I vol. \to, half morocco. Luzarche, Victor. Catalogue des livres et manuscrits com- posant la bibliotheque de M. V. Luzarche. Paris, 1868. I vol. Svo, half morocco. Maunsell, Andrew. Catalogue of English printed Bookes. Part I ; concerneth matters of Divinitie. Part II ; Sciences mathe- maticall. Arts of Warre and Navigation, Phisick and Surgerie. London, Windei, 1595. I vol folio, calf. New York City. Astor Library. Catalogue or Alphabet- ical Index of the Astor Library. [With Supplement] New York, 1857-66. 3 vols. Svo, half morocco. Newcomb, H. D. Catalogue of Modem Paintings in the pos- session of H. D. Newcomb. IjOVISWiia.^, j^rivately printed, 1867. I vol Svo, large paper. Ordway, George W. Catalogue of the Library of G. W. Ord- way, Chicago, 111. New York, 1869. I vol Svo, privately printed, cloth. Pichon, J. Catalogue des livres rares et prdcieux, manuscrits et imprimds de la bibliotheque de M. le baron J. P. . . . Paris. Z. Potier, 1869. I vol. Svo, half morocco. 77 CATALOGUES. Poole, Henry Ward. Catalogue of Printed Books and Manuscripts belonging to Prof. H. W. Poole. Cambridge, Riverside Press, 1 8 7 1 . I vol. 8w, half morocco. Prince, Thomas. Catalogue of the Collection of Books and Manuscripts which formerly belonged to the Rev. T. Prince, by him bequeathed to the Old South Church, and now deposited in the Public Library of the city of Boston. Boston, 1870. I vol. 8vo, with portrait, half morocco. Quaritch, Bernard. Catalogues. [Nos. 239 - 240, 243, 246, 248-267, 269-270,280.] London, 1867-71. 3 vols. Svo, half morocco. Rice, John A. Catalogue of the Library belonging to Mr. J. A. Rice of Chicago, 111. New York, 1870. I vol. %vo, half morocco. SiLVESTRE, L. C. Catalogue des livres de la bibliothbque de feu M. L. C. Silvestre. Paris, 1868. I vol. Svo, half morocco. Smets, Alexander A. Catalogue of the Private Library of Mr, A. A. Smets of Savannah, Ga. [Also a Catalogue of his col- lection of Autographs.] New York, 1868. 1 vol. Svo, half morocco. Catalogue raisonnd of curious Manuscripts, early printed and other rare Books ; composing part of the Library of Mr. Smets. Savannah, printed for private circulation, i860. I vol. Svo, half morocco. SoTHERAN, Henry. Catalogues. [Nos. 68-79, 81-83, 85, 89-90.] London, 1870-71. I vol. Svo, half morocco. Sparks, Jared. Catalogue of the Library of Jared Sparks. Cambridge, Riverside Press, 187 1. I vol. Svo, half morocco. Stevens, Henry. Bibliotheca Historica ; or a Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts relating to North and South America. Boston, 1870. I vol. Svo, half moi'occo. 78 CATALOGUES. Sussex, Duke of. Bibliotheca Sussexiana. London, 5 parts in i vol. 8z'o. Sykes, Sir Mark Masterman. Catalogue of [his] splendid, curious, and extensive Library sold by auction, by Mr. Evans. London, 1824. 2i parts in i vol. Svo, half calf . Taillandier, a. Catalogue des livres composant la biblio- theque de feu M. A. Taillandier. Paris, Z. Poiier, 1868. 1 vol. Svo, half morocco. Tross, E. Catalogue de livres anciens qui se trouvent \ la librairie Tross "k Paris. Paris, 1868-72. 2 vols. Svo, half morocco. Van der Helle, M. Catalogue de la bibliothbque de M. Van der Helle [avec table des prix d'adjudication]. Paris, 1868. I vol. Svo, half morocco. White, Richard Grant. Catalogue of a Collection of Books, forming the Library of Mr. R. G. White. New York, Jenkins, 1870. I vol. Svo, half morocco. Wight, Andrew. Catalogue of the Library of A. Wight of Philadelphia. New York, 1864. I vol. Svo, large paper, half morocco. Woodward, W. E. Bibliotheca Americana. Catalogue of the Library of W. E. Woodward of Boston Highlands, Mass. Bos- ton, 1869. 1 vol. Svo, half morocco. Yemeniz, N. Catalogue de la bibliothbque de M. N. Yemeniz ; prdcddd d'une notice par M. Le Roux de Lincy. Paris, Bachelin- Defiorenne, 1867. 2 vols. roy. Svo, large Holland paper, with MS. prices and names, half brown morocco. {David.) One of 50 copies on Holland paper. CATECHISM OF HEALTH. Philadelphia, 183 i. I vol. iSmo, morocco. CATESBY, Mark. The Natural History of Carolina, Florida, and the 79 Bahama Islands ; containing the Figures of Birds, Beasts, Plants, etc., with their Descriptions in English and French. Revised by Mr. Edwards. London, 1754. 2 vols, folio y with map and 220 colored plates^ russia. CATHERINA DA SIENA. Obra de las epistolas y oraciones de la bien auenturada virgen sancta catherina de sena de la orde de los predicadores. Las quales fueron traduzidas del toscano en nu- estra lengua castellana. Alcala de Hen ares, 15 12. I vol. folio, half brown morocco. CATLOW, Agnes. Popular Conchology. London, Longman, 1843. I vol. i6mo, cloth. CATLOW, Agnes, and REEVE, Lovell. The Conchologist's Nomen- clator j a Catalogue of all the Recent Species of Shells. London, 1845. I vol. Svo, half dark calf CATS, Jacob. Werken. 7 vols. \to, copperplates, vellum. (i.) Houwelyck. Middelburgh, van de Venne, 1625. (2.) Trou-ringh met proef-steen. Dordrecht, Havius, 1637. (3. ) Spiegel van den Ouden ende Nieuwen Tijdt. Graven-Hage, Burckoorn, 1632. (4.) Proteus ofte Minne-beelden. — Emblemata moralia et seconomica. — Em- blemata in linguam, Anglicum transfusa. — Galathee. Rotterdam, Waesberge, 1627. (5.) Silenus Alcibiades. Amsterodami, Janssonii, 1620. Maechden-Plicht ofte ampt der Jonckvrouwen. Middelburgh, van der Hellen, 1618. (6.) Self-stryL Middelburgh, z'^w ^^ Venne, 1621. Tooneel van de mannelicke achtbaerheyt. Middelburgh, van de Venne, 1622. Gedachten op slapeloose nachten en 82 jarig leven. Leyden, van der Deyster, 1732- Overgebleven gedichten ; Lof-en rouw-gedichten. Leyden, van der Deyster, 1767. (7.) Ouderdom, buyten-leven, op Sorgh-vliet. AMSTERDAM, Schipper, 1656. Hof-gedachten. Amsterdam, Schipper, 1655. Aspasia. — Huwelycx fuyck. — Doot-kiste. Amsterdam, 6i-/«))/^r, 1655. Moral Emblems, with Aphorisms, Adages and Proverbs, of all ages and nations, from J. Cats and R. Farlie. With illustrations, freely rendered from designs found in their works, by J. Leighton. London, Longman, i860. I vol. ^io, green morocco. 8o CATTERMOLE, Richard. The Book of the Cartoons : the Engrav- ings by Warren, London, 1840. 1 vol. roy. Svo, dark blue morocco. The Great Civil War of Charles I. and the Parliament ; with illustrations, from drawings by Geo. Cattermole. London, 1844- 45- 2 vols, in I, Zvo, brown morocco. \HeaWs Historical Annual^ CATULLUS, Caius Valerius. Catullus. TibuUus. Propertius. Vene- Tiis, in ced. Aldi, et AndrecB soceri, 15 15. I vol. Svo, morocco gilt. A fine specimen of early Italian binding, with the date Bononia, M.D.XLliii. XXVII Jun., stamped upon the cover. Catullus. Et in eum Commentarius M. Antonii Mureti. Vene- Tiis, apud P. Manutium, Aldifilium, 1554. I vol. Svo. Catulli, Tibulli et Propertii opera. BiRMiNGHAMiiE, y. Basker- ville, 1772. I vol. Svo, calf extra. {Petit.) CAVALERIIS, Joannes Baptista de. Ecclesiae anglicanae trophaea, sive sanctorum martyrum qui pro Christo catholicoeque fidei veritate asserenda, antiquo recentiorique persecutionum tempore mortem in Anglia subierunt, passiones. Romae, in collegio anglico per Nico- laum Circinianum depictse, nuper autem per Jo. Bap. de Cavaleriis Eeneis typis representatas. RoMiE, B. Grassi, 1584. I vol. sm. folio, sprinkled calf . Pontificum Romanorum effigies, opera et studio J. B. Cavalleriis. RoMiE, apud Zanettiim, 1580. 1 vol. Svo, vellum. CAVENDISH, George. The Life of Cardinal Wolsey by G. Caven- dish, his gentleman usher ; and Metrical Visions from the original autograph manuscript. With Notes, by S. W. Singer. Chiswick & London, 1825. 2 vols. Svo, with illustrations, half calf CAVENDISH, William, Duke of Newcastle. A General System of Horsemanship in all its branches, containing a faithful Translation 8i of the work of Cavendish, Duke of Newcastle. London, y. Brindley, 1743. 2 vols, in 1, folio, old calf. Unique copy containing a double set of plates, original drawings, and manu- script notes. CAXTON, William. The Game of the Chesse. Reproduced in fac- simile from a copy in the British Museum. With a few remarks on Caxton's Typographical Productions. London, 1851. 1 vol. folio, brown calf. CAYLUS, Madame de. Souvenirs de Madame de Caylus, nouvelle Edition avec une introduction et des notes par C. Asselineau. Paris, Techener, i860. I vol. Svo, Holland paper, with portraits and plates, green levant morocco. {Cape.) CELLINI, Benvenuto. Vita di Benvenuto Cellini scritta da lui me- disimo, tratta dall' autografo per cura di Giuseppe Molini, con brevi annotazioni. Firenze, tipografia aW insegna di Dante, 1830. 1 vol. 2\mo, vellum paper, russia. Memoirs of Benvenuto Cellini, a Florentine Artist ; written by himself. Translated by Thomas Roscoe. London, C Davies, 1817. 1 vol. 4to, red levant morocco. {Duru.) A collection of 74 engravings after Robert Smirke, proofs before lettering, on India paper. L'Ingdnieux hidalgo Don Quichotte de la Manche. Traduction de Louis Viardot, avec les dessins de G. Dore. Paris, Hachette, 1863. 2 vols, folio, red levatit morocco richly gilt, lined with red watered silk. {CapL) The Life and Exploits of the ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote de la Mancha. Translated from the original Spanish by Charles Jarvis. London, 1756. 2 vols. 4to, russia. Third edition with 68 plates by Vander Gucht, after designs by Vanderbank. Life and Exploits of the ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote de la Mancha ; translated by Chas. Jarvis : now carefully revised and corrected : with a new translation of the Spanish Poetry ; to which is prefixed a copious and new Life of Cervantes. London, 1801. 4 vols. roy. 8vo, calf. Exemplary Novels ; to which are added El Buscapid, or the Serpent, and La Tia Fingida, or the Pretended Aunt. Translated from the Spanish byW. K. Kelly. London, Bohn, 1855. I vol. Zvo, calf CHACE, The, the Turf, and the Road ; by Nimrod. With illustrations by Aiken and Gilbert. London, Miirray, 1843. 1 vol. 8vo, cloth. CHALMERS, Alexander. The General Biographical Dictionary ; containing an historical and critical Account of the Lives and Writings of the most eminent Persons in every nation ', particularly the British and Irish. London, 181 2- 17. 32 vols. 8vo, calf. CHALMERS, George. An Introduction to the History of the Revolt of the American Colonies; being a comprehensive view of its Origin, derived from the State Papers contained in the public offices of Great Britain. Boston, 1845. 2 vols, in I, 8vo, cloth. 83 CHAMBERS, Robert. Cyclopaedia of English Literature. Edin- burgh, 1844. 2 vols. roy. 8w, calf. CHAMBERS, Thomas K. Digestion and its Derangements : the principles of rational medicine applied to disorders of the aliment- ary canal. London, 1856. I vol. i2mo, cloth. CHAMBERS, William. Memoir of Robert Chambers with Autobio- graphic Reminiscences of William Chambers. Edinburgh and London, 1872. I vol. 8vo, half morocco. CHAMPIER, Symphorien. Index librorum in hoc volumie cotetorum. Domini Symphoriani Champerii physici Lugduii libelli duo. Pri- mus de medicine Claris scriptoribus in quinque partibus tractatus. Secundus de legii divinaru conditoribus, etc. I vol. 8vo, I woodcul, vellum. This volume has neither date nor place of imprint, but many bibliographers attribute it to the press of J. de Catnpis at Lyons, 1506. CHANDLER, Samuel. A Critical History of the Life of David. Oxford, University Press, 1853. I vol. 8vo, calf. CHANNING, William Ellery. Discourses, Reviews and Miscel- lanies. Boston, 1830. 1 vol. 8vo, half calf . CHANTS et Chansons populaires de la France. Nouvelle Edition illus- trde d'aprbs les dessins de MM. E. de Beaumont, Daubigny, Du- bouloz, E. Giraud, Meissonier, Pascal, Staal, Steinheil et Trimolet ; graves par les meilleurs artistes. Paris, Gamier freres, 1854. 2 vols, in I, roy. 8vo, half morocco. CHAPONE, Hester. Letters on the Improvement of the Mind. Addressed to a lady. London, C. Whittingham, 1822. I vol i6mo, green morocco. CHARLES I. OF England, basiaika. The Works of King Charles the Martyr : with a collection of Declarations, Treaties, and other Papers concerning the Differences betwixt his said Majesty and 84 his two Houses of Parliament. With a history of his life. Lon- don, 1687. I vol. folio, calf. CHARLES I. OF England. Histoire entiere et veritable du proces de Charles Stuart, roy d'Angleterre. Londres, imprim'e par y. G., 1650. I vol Zvo, brown morocco lined with red morocco tooled with gold. {Simier.) From the library of M. Yemen iz, No. 2800. CHARLES, Elizabeth R. Chronicles of the Schonberg-Cotta Family. New York, 1864. I vol i2mo, cloth. Mary, the Handmaid of the Lord. New York, 1865. I vol, i2mo, cloth. Wanderings over Bible Lands and Seas. New York, 1866. I vol. i6mo, cloth. CHARLETON, Walter. Gualteri Charletoni Exercitationes de differentiis & nominibus animalium. Quibus accedunt Mantissa Anatomica, et quaedam de variis fossilium generibus, deque diffe- rentiis et nominibus colorum. Editio secunda, novisque iconibus ornata. Oxoni^, 1677. 3 parts in i vol. folio, red morocco. CHARRON, Pierre. De la Sagesse, trois livres. Leyde, Elzeviers, 1646, I vol. sm. i2mo, green levant morocco. {Trautz-Bauzonnet.) First Elzevir edition. "L'edition de 1646 est fort belle et preferee h. celles de 1656 et 1662." — Pieters. CHARTS. A Correct Account of the most Eminent Professional Men who have presided in the several Courts of Judicature, with the official dates of their appointment from the earliest period of their institution up to the present time. London, s. a. I folded chart. Genealogical Chart of the Kings and Queens of England, from the reign of William the Conqueror to that of Her Most Gracious Majesty Victoria the First. London, s. a. I folded chart. 85 CHARTILUDIUM LOGICE. See Murner, T. CHASLES, PHiLARfeTE. Anglo-American Literature and Manners. New York, 1852. - I vol. i2mo, cloth. CHATEAUBRIAND, Francois Auguste, vicomte de. Atala par le Vte de Chateaubriand, avec les dessins de Gustave Dord. Paris, Hachette, 1863. 1 vol. folio, red levant morocco gilt. {CapL) The Beauties of Christianity. Translated from the French by F. Shoberl. London, 18 13. 3 vols. Svo, calf. Itindraire de Paris k Jerusalem. Pr^c^de de notes sur la Grbce et suivi des voyages en Italie et en France. Paris, Didot, 1852. 2 vols. i2mo, half calf . Travels to Jerusalem and the Holy Land through Egypt. Trans- lated from the French by F. Shoberl. London, Colburn, 1835. 2 vols. i2mo, half calf CHAUCER, Geoffrey. Legende of Goode Women. Edited with an Introduction and Notes, by Hiram Corson. Philadelphia, 1864. I vol i6mo, half blue morocco. The Works of our Ancient, Learned, and Excellent English Poet, Jeffrey Chaucer. To which is adjoyn'd the Story of the Siege of Thebes, by John Lidgate, Monk of Bury. Together with the Life of Chaucer, London, 1687. I vol. folio, with portrait, calf extra. CHEEVER, George B. The Pilgrim in the Shadow of the Jungfrau Alp. New York, 1846. 1 vol. i2mo, half calf. CHENIER, Andr]^. Podsies ; Edition critique, dtude sur la vie et les ceuvres d' Andre Chenier variantes, notes et commentaires, lexique et index par L. Becq de Fouqui^res. Edition ornde d'un portrait d'Andrd Chenier. Paris, 1862. 2 vols. roy. Svo, vellum paper, citron morocco with rich dentelle borders, gilt and marbled edges. ( Gruel.) CHESTERFIELD, Earl of. See Stanhope, P. H. 86 CHEVREUL, Michel Eugene. Principles of Harmony and Contrast of Colours, and their applications to the Arts. Translated from the French by Charles Martel. London, 1859. I vol. 8w, cloth. CHILLINGWORTH, William. Works. Ninth Edition. London, 1727. I vol. folio, old calf . CHRISTIAN ARMOR, The; with illustrative Selections in Prose and Poetry. Boston, Am. Tr. Soc.y 1865. I vol. i2mo, cloth. CHRISTINE, Queen of Sweden. Pens^es de Christine, reine de SuMe, avec une notice sur sa vie. Paris, A. A. Renouard, 1825. I vol. i2mo, with portrait and facsimile of writing, text within red borders. Beautiful copy printed upon vellum. CHRISTUS CRUCIFIXUS : Carmen cothurnatum catastrophicumq, crudeles Christi, etc. {In fine-) Impressum Francoforti ad Moenum, ex qfficiana hceredum Christiani Egenolphi, mdlxxvi. I vol. sm. Svo, with woodcuts, blue levant morocco. {Miedree.) Text in Latin and German. From the library of M, Yemeniz, No. 204. CHRONOLOGIE et Sommaire des Souverains en 1681. I vol. folio, russia. CHRYSOSTOMUS, Joannes. A Sermd made by John Chrisostome, patriarche of Constantinople, of pacience, of y*" end of y° world, and of y^ last judgemet. Whereunto is added another Homelie made by John Brentius of the vertue of Christes resurrectio tras- lated into Englishe by Thomas Sapson. London, N. Hyll, 1550. I vol. Svo, calf. CHURCH PSALMIST, or Psalms and Hymns for the public, social and private Use of Evangelical Christians. Philadelphia, Presby- terian Pub. Com., s. a. I vol. %vo, brown morocco. CHURCHILL, Charles. Poetical Works ; with copious Notes and a Life of the Author by W. Tooke. Boston, Little &* Brown, 1854. 3 vols. x6mo, calf. 87 CHURCHILL, Charles. Poetical Works; with a Memoir by J. L. Hannay, and copious Notes by W. Tooke. Revised and corrected. London, Bell ^^ JDaidy, 1866. 2 vols. i6mo, large paper, calf. {Matthews.) CHURCHILL, Charles Henry. The Life of Abdel Kader. Lon- don, 1867. I vol. 8vo, cloth. CHURTON, Edward. Early English Church: with a Preface by L. Silliman Ives. New York, 1842. I vol. i2mo, cloth. CICERO, Marcus Tullius. [M. Tullii Ciceronis Opera.] Veneths, Aldus, 1561 -65. 10 vols. 8vo, stamped vellum, gilt and gauffered edges. Epistolae ad Atticum, ad M. Brutum, ad Quinctum fratrem. Cum correcti- onibus Pauli Manutii. I vol. Epistolce familiares. Pauli Manutii annotationes brevissimas in margine ad- scriptse. Ejusdem Manutii scholia. Verba graeca, latinis expressa. I vol. De Officiis libri III. Cato major vel de senectute : Lselius, vel de amicitia : Paradoxa Stoicorum sex : Somnium Scipionis, ex libro sexto de Republica. Cum annotationibus Pauli Manutii. I vol. Orationes. 3 vols. De Oratore libri III, De optimo genere Oratorum. De claris Oratoribus. Scholia Pauli Manutii. I voL De Philosophia. Cum scholiis Pauli Manutii. 2 vols. Rhetoricorum ad C. Herennium libri IIII. incerto auctore. Ciceronis De in- ventione libri III. Topica ad Trebatium, Oratoria; partitiones. Cum correc- tionibus P. Manutii. i vol. Opera \ cum optimis exemplaribus accurate collata. Lugd. Batav., ex off. Elseviriana, 1642. 10 vols. sm. \2mo, vellum. T. I, De Oratore. II. - IV. Orationes. V. Epistolarum ad familiares libri XVI. VI. Epistolas ad Atticum aliosque. VII. -VIII. Opera philosophica. IX. De Officiis libri tres. Cato major vel de senectute. Lselius. Paradoxa. Consolatio. X. Fragmenta. A complete set, accompanied by an extra copy of Vol. IX, printed in 1642, but having Somnium Scipionis in place of Consolatio. "Cette edition, faite sur le texte de Gruter, est tr^s-jolie et fort recherchee." — Brunei. M. Tullii Ciceronis Epistolarum familiarium libri sexdecim. Ubertini Clerici Crescentinatis in Ciceronis epistolas commentarii. Martini Philetici in quasdam epistolas electas commentarii. Georgii 88 Merulae Alexandrini in epistolam ad Lentulum Spintherem accurata interpretatio, etc. i^Infine :) Marci Tullii Ciceronis epistolce famili- ares cu tribus comentariis Octaviani Scotti impmsis Venetiis pdiligenter impresses expliciunt m.cccc.lxxxxiiii. 1 vol. folio, half blue morocco. CICERO, Marcus Tullius. Epistolarum libri XVI. ad familiares ut vulgo vocantur, ex recensione Joannis Georgii Graevii cum ejus- dem animadversionibus, et notis integris Petri Victorii, P. Manutii, H. Ragazonii et aliorum. Amstel. et Lugd. Batav., apud D. El- zevir ium et Hackios, 1677. 2 vols. Svo, old red morocco. Copy witli the Arms of Louis-Dauphin, father of Louis XVI., stamped in gilt upon the covers. Orationes per Philippu Beroaldu recognitae et diligeter correctae. Addita in calce oratione adversus Valerium quae hactenus incognita fuit. {InfiJie:) Hoc opus impressit Benedictus Hectoris Bononiensis ea diligentia, qua si omnes operibus formandis uterentur bene cum litteris agereiur. Anno m. cccc. lxxxxix. I vol. folio, red levant morocco. {Hardy-Mennil.) M. Tullii Ciceronis Orationum volumen primum. Parisiis, R. Stephanus, 1543. I vol Svo, morocco ornamented in colors, gilt and gauffered edges. {Early Italian binding.) " Cette estimable edition est la premiere dans laquelle Robert Estienne ait fait usage de son bel italique." — Re7iouard, Orations. Literally translated by C. D. Yonge. London, Bohn, 1852-56. 4 vols. Svo, half calf . Cicero on Oratory and Orators ; with his Letters to Quintus and Brutus. Translated by J. S. Watson. London, Bohn, 1855. I vol. Svo, half calf . Three Books of Offices, or Moral Duties ; also his Cato Major, an Essay on Old Age ; Laelius, an Essay on Friendship; Paradoxes ; Scipio's Dream ; and Letter to Quintus on the Duties of a Magis- trate. Literally translated with notes, by C. R. Edmonds. Lon- don, Bohn, 1856. I vol. Svo, half calf . 89 CICERO, Marcus Tullius. In omnes de arte rhetorica M. Tullii Ciceronis libros, item in eos ad C. Herennium scriptos, dictissi- morum virorum commentaria, in unum veluti corpus redacta ac separatim k Ciceronis contextu, quern k diversis impressum nemo jam in sua bibliotheca nonhabet, ne quis inani sumptu gravaretur, edita. Accessit in omnes libros rerum ac verborum memorabilium plenissimus index, Venetiis, apud Aldifilios^ i5Si- 2 parts in i vol. folio, half vellum. CINCINNATI, Ohio. History of the Great Western Sanitary Fair. Cincinnati, 1864. I vol. Svo, cloth. Spring Grove Cemetery; its History and Improvements, with Observations on ancient and modern Places of Sepulture. Cin- cinnati, R. Clark, 1869. I vol 4to, with photographs, cloth. Spring Grove Cemetery. Report for 1857. Cincinnati, 1857. I vol. 2)V0, cloth. CIST, Charles. Cincinnati in 1841 ; its Early Annals and Future Prospects. Cincinnati, 1841. I vol. \2tn0, cloth. Sketches and Statistics of Cincinnati in 1859. Cincinnati, 1859. 1 vol. \2ino, cloth. CLARENDON, Earl of. See Hyde, E. CLARK, John A. Glimpses of the Old World ; or Excursions on the Continent, and in the Island of Great Britain. Philadelphia, 1840. 2 vols. \2mo, cloth. CLARKE, Mary Cowden. Complete Concordance to Shakspeare; being a Verbal Index to all the Passages in the Dramatic Works of the Poet. Boston, s. a. I vol. roy. Svo, dark calf. Shakespeare Proverbs ; or the Wise Saws of our Wisest Poet collected into a modern instance. New York, 1848. I vol. i6mo, cloth. 12 90 CLARKE, Mrs. Stirling. The Ladies' Equestrian Guide; or the Habit and the Horse. With illustrations, from photographs by H. Watkins. London, 1857. I vol. 4fo, cloth. CLARKE, William. Repertorium BibUographicum ; or some Account of the most celebrated British Libraries. London, Clarke, 18 19. I vol. ray. Svo, engraved portraits, half russia. CLAUDIANUS, Claudius. CI. Claudiani opera quam diligentissime castigata, quorum indicem in sequenti pagina reperies. Venetiis, in ced. Aldi et Andrea soceri, 1523. I vol. Svo, half green morocco. CLAVASIO, Angelus de. Summa Angelica de casibus conscientiae. {InfiJie :) Venetiis, impressa per Georgiu de arrivabenis Mantuanii: Anno dhi M.cccc. nonagesimo secundo. I vol. Svo, 519 leaves, old morocco, gilt and gauffered edges. Summa AngeHca de casibus conscientiaa. {In fine :) Venetiis, impressa per Faganinum de paganinis Brixiensem anno dni m.cccc. xcix. I vol. Svo, 458 leaves, original binding. CLEMENS, Samuel L. The Innocents Abroad, or the New Pilgrims' Progress. Hartford, 1869. I vol. Svo, half morocco. CLONARD, Conde de. Historia organica de las armas de infanteria y caballeria Espanolas. Madrid, 185 i -59. 16 vols, in S, 4to, with colored plates, calf COBARRUBIAS, Pedro de. Remedio de Jugadores. Nuevamente anadido y emendado : con muchos au sos y sentencias que hasta aqui no se auian sacado a luz en impression ninguna. Alio md.xliii. Salamanca, J. de jfunta. I vol. Svo, blue morocco lined with silk. [Binet.) COBBETT, William. Advice to Young Men, and (incidentally) to Young Women, in the middle and higher ranks of Ufe. New York, 1831. I vol. iSmo, half calf 91 COBBETT, William. Selections from Cobbett's Political Works. With Notes historical and explanatory by J. M. and J. P. Cobbett. London, s. a. 6 vols. Zvo, half calf. H. T. Buckle's copy. COBBOLD, R. H. Pictures of the Chinese, drawn by themselves. Described by R. H. Cobbold. London, Murray, i860. I vol. 8vo, cloth. COCKBURN, James. Swiss Scenery ; from Drawings by Maj. Cock- burn. London, 1820. I vol. roy. 8vo, large paper, green morocco. COCLES, Bartholomeus. Physiognomiae epitome olim \ B. Coclite bononiensi conscriptum, cum absolutissima Chiromantiai ratione Andreas Corvi, nunc vero recens, summa diligentia, prodit in lucem per J. Multagrum. Argentorati, Cammerlander, 1541. I vol. 8vo, half red morocco. CODE NAPOLEON. See France. COFFIN, Charles Carleton. Our New Way round the World. Boston, 1869. I vol. 8vo, cloth. COHN, Albert. Shakespeare in Germany in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries ; an Account of English Actors in Germany and the Netherlands, and of the Plays performed by them during the same period. With two plates of fac-similes. London, 1865. 1 vol. \to, large paper, half red morocco. Author's presentation copy. 12 copies printed on large paper. COLERIDGE, Hartley. Poems. With a Memoir of his Life by his brother. London, J/b^t?«, 185 1. 2 vols. i6mo, cloth. COLERIDGE, Samuel Taylor. Aids to Reflection. Edited by D. Coleridge. London, Moxon, 1866. 1 vol. i2mo, calf. Biographia Literaria, or Biographical Sketches of my Literary Life and Opinions. Edited by H. N. and Sara Coleridge. Lon- don, Pickering, 1847. 2 vols. x2mo, calf. 92 COLERIDGE, Samuel Taylor. Confessions of an Inquiring Spirit. Edited by H. N. Coleridge. London, Moxon, 1853. 1 vol. i2mo, calf. Dramatic Works. Edited by D. Coleridge. London, Moxon, 1852. I vol. i2mo, calf. Essays on His Own Times, forming a Second Series of The Friend. Edited by his daughter. London, Pickering^ 1850. 3 vols. x2ino, calf. The Friend ; a Series of Essays to aid in the Formation of fixed Principles in Politics, Morals, and Religion. London, Pickering, 1850. 3 vols. X2mo, calf. Lay Sermons, i. The Statesman's Manual. 2. Blessed are ye that sow beside all Waters. Edited by D. Coleridge. London, Moxon, 1852. 1 vol. 1 2 mo, calf. Notes on English Divines. Edited by D. Coleridge. London, Moxon, 1853. 2 vols. i2mo, calf Notes, Theological, Political, and Miscellaneous. Edited by D. Coleridge. London, Moxon, 1853. I vol. i2?no, calf. On the Constitution of the Church and State. Edited by H. N. Coleridge. London, Moxon, 1852. I vol. \2ino, calf Poems. Edited by D. and Sara Coleridge. London, Moxon, 1865. I vol. \2mo, calf. COLES, Abraham. Dies Irae in Thirteen Versions. New York, i860. I vol. 8vo, morocco. COLLECTEN auch TaufF und Traubiichlein. Nurnberg, Katharina Gerlachin, 1585. I vol. sm. 4fo, printed upon vellum, original binding with clasps. Bound with the above is the following work, bearing the same imprint : — Christ- liche Vermanung, alle Sontage, vor der Predigt und Communion, der Hemeine fiir zulesen. 93 [COLLECTION de 56 belles estampes sur bois, enlev^es d'un livre d'Heures, et colle'es sur des feuilles petit in folio ; au bas de cha- cune est un quatrain en frangais et en caractbres gothiques. A la tete du volume on a placd un beau portrait grave sur cuivre.] I vol. folio ^ green morocco. From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 163. COLLECTION des specimens du papier-monnaie de France, 1720-93. I vol. ob. Ofto, red morocco. COLLECTION of Articles on Free Churches. By the Rector of a Free Church. New York, 1857. 1 vol. i2mo, cloth. [COLLECTION of Engravings, representing some of the principal Pal- aces and Gardens in Holland and France ; designed by Petrus Schenck, Nic. Visscher, G. Valck and others.] 3 vols. ob. 4I0, calf. These volumes are lettered Gezichien van Holl. COLLECTIONNEUR, Le, de timbres-poste. 1864-6. Paris, Maury, 1864-66. 2 vols in I, 4/^, half red morocco. COLLET, Stephen. Pseud. See Byerly. COLLIER, Jeremy. An Ecclesiastical History of Great Britain, chiefly of England, from the first planting of Christianity to the end of the reign of King Charles II. With Life of the Author by Thomas Lathbury. London, 1852. 9 vols. 8vo, half calf . COLLIER, John Payne. A Bibliographical and Critical Account of the Rarest Books in the English Language, alphabetically arranged. London, 1865. 2 vols. Svo, half morocco. COLLINS, William. Poetical Works ; with the Life of the Author by Dr. Johnson ; Observations on his Writings by Dr. Langhorne ; and biographical and critical Notes, by Alex. Dyce. London, Pickering, 1827. I vol. Svo, large paper, morocco. {Clarke &* Bedford.) Only 9 copies printed upon large paper. Poetical Works. Boston, Little 6- Brown, 1853. I vol. i6mo, half calf 94 COLOMBO, Cristoforo. De Insulis inventis, Epistola Cristoferi Coloni (cui etas nostra multu debet : de Insulis in mari Indico nup invetis. Ad quas perquirendas octavo antea mense : auspiciis et ere Invictissimi Fernandi Hispaniarum Regis missus fuerat) ad Magnificum dnm Raphaelem Sanxis ; ejusde serenissimi Regis Thesaurariu missa, quam nobilis ac literatus vir Aliander de Cosco : ab Hispano ydeomate in latinu convertit : tertio kl's Maij m. cccc. xciii. Pontificatus Alexandri Sexti Anno Primo. I vol. Zvo, 8 leaves and 4 woodcuts, half red morocco. Fac-simile published in Paris, 1858. COLONIUS, D. Analysis paraphrastica institutionum theologicarum Job. Calvini disputationibus XLi contexta, auctore D. Colonic. LuGD. Bat A v., ex off. Elzeviriana, 1636. 1 vol. sm. \2mo, calf. COLTON, Charles. Life and Times of Henry Clay. New York, 1846. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf . COLTON, Walter. Three Years in California. New York, 1850. I vol. i2mo, cloth. COMBE, Andrew. The Physiology of Digestion, considered with re- lation to the Principles of Dietetics. Boston, 1836. I vol. X2mo, cloth. COMBE, George. The Constitution of Man, considered in relation to external objects. Boston, 1836. I vol. i2mo, cloth. Lectures on Moral Philosophy. Boston, 1840. I vol. i2mo, cloth. CONCIONES, sive orationes ex grsecis latinisque historicis excerptse. Paribus, H. Stephanus, 1570. I vol. folio, green morocco. CONGREVE, William. Works ; consisting of his Plays and Poems. Birmingham, Baskerville, 1761. 3 vols. roy. Zvo, with portrait and plates, calf CONYBEARE, W. J. Essays, Ecclesiastical and Social ; reprinted, with Additions, from the Edinburgh Review. London, 1855. I vol. 8vo, half calf . 95 CONYBEARE, W. J., and HOWSON, J. S. The Life and Epistles of St. Paul. Second Edition, carefully revised and corrected. Lon- don, Longmans, 1856. 2 vols. 8vo, calf. COOKE, William Bernard and George. Picturesque Views on the Southern Coast of England, from the drawings made principally by J. M. W. Turner, and engraved by W. B. Cooke, George Cooke, and other eminent engravers. London, 1826. 2 vols. i?i I, /^to, brown morocco. Subscriber's copy. COOPER, Anthony Ashley, Earl of Shaftesbury. Characteristicks of Men, Manners, Opinions, Times. London, 1723-27. 3 vols. 8vo, dark morocco. COOPER, Charles Henry. Memorials of Cambridge. London, Metcalfe, 1860-66. 3 vols, ^to, large paper, engravings and photographs, half mo- rocco. COOPER, James Fenimore. Choice Works. Revised and corrected with new Introductions. New York, 1856. 20 vols. i2mo, half calf . Vol. I. The Spy. II. The Deerslayer. III. Last of the Mohicans. IV. The Pathfinder. V. The Pioneers. VI. The Prairie. VII. The Pilot. VIII. Lionel Lincoln. IX. The Red Rover. X. Wept of Wish-ton-Wish. XL The Water Witch. XII. The Bravo. XIIL The Headsman. XIV. Home- ward Bound. XV. Home as Found. XVI. The Two Admirals. XVII. Wing-and-Wing. XVIII. Wyandotte. XIX. Jack Tier. XX. Sea Lions. COPE, Sir Anthony. The Historic of two the moste noble capitaines of the worlde, Anniball and Scipio ; gathered and translated into English out of Titus Livius and other Authoures, by Antonie Cope esquier. London, in eed. Th. Bartheleti, 1548. I vol. 4to, half green morocco. COPPEE, Henry. A Gallery of Famous English and American Poets. With an introductory Essay by H. Coppe'e. Philadelphia, Butler, 1859. I vol. roy. 8vo, with 100 steel engravings, green morocco. CORELLA, Juan Roiz de. Comenca lo quart del cartoxa a romancat per lo Reverent e magnifich mestre joan roic de corella cavalier e 96 mestre en sacra theologia. {In fine .•) Ad laiidem e honorem dni nostrijesu christi ejusque virginis marie matris sue : fiiit impressum in civitate urbis valentie die yLvi februarii. Anno dni M. cccc. Lxxxxv. I vol. folio , 176 leaves printed in 2 columns of 40 lines, red mo- rocco. First edition of this very rare work. Corella translated it into Valencian, but the original author is unknown. See Bibliotheca Grenvilliana. CORNEILLE, Pierre. Oeuvres de P. Corneille, avec les notes de tous les commentateurs. Paris, Techener, iyp. de F. Didot, 1854-55. 12 vols. Svo, large Hollaitd paper, portraits and engravings, red levant morocco. {CapL) Only 20 copies printed upon Holland paper. " Edition Lef evre. Ce splendide exemplaire contient plusieurs suites de gra- vures ,avant et avec la lettre." CORNWALL, Barry. Fseud. See Procter, B. W. CORROZET, GiLLES. Hecatongraphie. C'est k dire les descriptions de cent figures et hystoires, contenant plusieurs appophthegmes, proverbes, sentences et dictz tant des anciens que des modernes. Le tout reveu par son autheur. Avecq' privilege. Paris, chez Denys Janot, 1543. I vol. 8vo, with woodcuts aftd borders, calf extra. {Bauzonnet.) From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 1798. Les Blazons domestiques, par Gilles Corrozet. Nouvelle Edition publide par la Socidtd des Bibliophiles fran^ois. Paris, i7nprime par Ch. Lahure, 1865. I vol. sm. Svo, printed upon vellum, red levant morocco, richly gilt in special design. {Chambolle-Duru.) "Exemplaire de societaire." From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 1634. CORYAT, Thomas. Coryats Crudities, Hastily gobled up in five Moneths travells in France, Savoy, Italy, Rhetia comonly called the Grisorls country, Helvetia aliks Switzerland, some parts of high Germany, and the Netherlands. London, W. S., 161 i. I vol. /\^o, frontispiece containing portrait of author by W. Hole, red levant morocco. ( W. Pratt ^ A copy having all the plates and the two very rare leaves of " Errata." COSTELLO, Louisa Stuart. The Rose Garden of Persia. London, Longman, 1845. I vol. Zvo, text within colored borders. 97 COUPER, Robert. Poetry chiefly in the Scottish Language. Inver- ness, Vernon 6^ Hood, 1804. 2 vols. i6mo, half calf. COURTENAY, Thomas Peregrine. Memoirs of the Life, Works and Correspondence of Sir William Temple. London, Longman, 1836. 2 vols. Svo, cloth. COUSIN, Victor. Jaqueline Pascal ; or a Glimpse of Convent Life at Port Royal. From the French of M. Victor Cousin, M. Pros- per Faugbre, M. Vinet, and other sources. New York, 1854. I vol. i2mo, half calf . COUSTEAU, Pierre. Le Pegme de Pierre Cousteau, avec les nar- rations philosophiques, mis de latin en frangoys par Lanteaume de Romieu, gentilhome d' Aries. \,\OYi, par Mact Bonhome, 1560. I vol. 8vo, brown morocco. {CaJ>i.) Book of emblems ; text within borders, and illustrated by woodcuts. COVERDALE, Miles, Bishop of Exeter. Certain most godly, fruitful and comfortable Letters of such true Saintes and holy Martyrs of God, as in the late bloodye Persecution here within this realme, gave their lyves for the defence of Christes holy gospel : written in the tyme of their affliction and cruell imprysonment. London, y. Day, 1564. I vol. 4to, purple morocco. Certain most godly, fruitful, and comfortable Letters of such true Saints and holy Martyrs of God, as in the late bloody persecution here within this realm, gave their lives for the defence of Christ's holy gospel, etc. Imprinted at London by John Day, 1564. [Edited by E. Bickersteth.] London, reprinted, 1837. 1 vol. 8vo, half calf COWPER, William. Life and Letters ; with Remarks on Epistolary Writers. By Wm. Hayley. New Edition. Chichester, 1809. 4 vols. Svo, old marbled calf H. T. Buckle's copy. Poetical Works. London, Pickering, 1853. 2 vols. Svo, tree calf {Riviere.) Cowper, illustrated by a series of Views, in or near, the Park of 13 98 Weston-Underwood, Bucks. Accompanied with copious Descrip- tions, and a brief Sketch of the Poet's Life. London, Vernor 6^ Hood, 1803. I vol. \tOy India proofs, green morocco extra. [Lewis.) George Daniel's copy, containing an autograph of Cowper written in 1762, many additional views on India paper, rare proof portraits of the poet and his friends, and the woodcuts designed by Cniikshaiik for "John Gilpin." COXE, Arthur Cleveland. Christian Ballads : revised Edition, with additional Ballads. Hartford, 1847. I vol. i2mo, cloth. Impressions of England ; or Sketches of English Scenery and Society. New York, 1856. I vol. i2mo, half calf. Moral Reforms suggested in a Pastoral Letter. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1869. I vol. i2mo, cloth. Thoughts on the Services ; designed as an Introduction to the Liturgy, and an aid to its devout use. Philadelphia, 1865. I vol. iZmo, cloth. CRABBE, George. Poetical Works. London, Murray, 1823. 5 vols. 8vo, morocco, [y. Clarke) CRAIGE, Thomas. A Conversation between a Lady and her Horse. Philadelphia, 185 i. 1 vol. i27no, cloth. CRAIK, George Lillie. A Compendious History of English Litera- ture, and of the English Language, from the Norman Conquest. London, 1861. 2 vols. 2>vo, cloth. CRANMER, Thomas, Archbishop of Ca?iterbury. A Defence of the true and catholike doctrine of the sacrament of the body and bloud of our saviour, Christ, with a confutation of sundry errors concern- yng the same. London, Reynold Wolfe, 1550. I vol. 4to, 124 leaves, blue levant morocco. The Remains of Thomas Cranmer, D.D., Archbishop of Canter- bury : collected and arranged by Rev. Henry Jenkyns. Oxford, University Press, 1833. 4 vols. Zvo, calf extra. 99 CRANSTON, John. Cultural Directions for the Rose. London [1870]. I vol. Svo, boards. CRAWLEY, Rawdon. Pseud. See Pardon. CRAYON, The : a Journal devoted to the Graphic Arts. New York, 1855-59- 6 vols. 4fo, half green morocco. CREASY, Sir Edward Shepherd. The Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World : from Marathon to Waterloo. London, 1866. I vol. 8vo, calf. {Rivingtons.) CRESCENTIIS, Petrus de. Petrus de Crescentiis vom Ackerbaw, Erdtwiicher und Bawleiite. xii. Bucher. Straszburg, Harts Kno- blouch, 153 1. I vol folio, with woodcuts, vellum. This volume also contains the following : — Die acht Bucher des hochherumpten Aiirelii Cornelii Celsi vo beyderley Medicine, Neuulich jetzo verdeutscht durch y. Rhiissner. Meyntz, J. Schqffer, 153 1. Von dem nutz der ding die in ackeren gebuwt werde. Vo nutz & buwleut. Von natur, art, gebnich, und nutzbarkeit aller gewachss friichten, thyereren, und alles des der mensch geleben, oder in dienstlicher iibung haben soil. Strassburg, % Schoit, 15 18. I vol. folio, with woodcuts, brown morocco. {Ifardy-Mennil.) CROKER, Thomas Crofton. Researches in the South of Ireland, illustrative of the Scenery, Architectural Remains, etc. London, 1824. 1 vol 4to, with illustrations, cloth. CROLY, George. Poetical Works ; embellished with twenty Etchings by Dagley, from Antique Gems. London, s. a. 2 vols. Svo, calf extra. CROMWELL, Oliver. Cromwelliana. A Chronological Detail of Events in which Oliver Cromwell was engaged, from the year 1642, to his death in 1658 ; with a continuation of other Transactions, to the Restoration. Westminster, M. Stace, 18 10. I vol. folio, half brown morocco. Large paper ; few copies printed for illustration. This copy has extra illustrations and portraits interleaved, some of them very rare and curious. lOO CRONISE, Titus Fey. The Natural Wealth of California. San Francisco, 1868. I vol. Svo, doth. CRUDEN, Alexander. A Complete Concordance to the Holy Scrip- tures of the Old and New Testament ; to which is added a Con- cordance to the Books called Apocrypha. London, 1862. I vol. roy. Svo, dark calf. CRUIKSHANK, George. An Essay on the Genius of George Cruik- shank; by W. M. Thackeray. From the Westminster Review, No. dd, 1840. Illustrated by etchings and woodcuts from his most popular works. 1 vol. 4to, with portrait, text and plates mounted, half red mo- rocco. CUBA, Joannes de. See Hortus sanitatis. CUDWORTH, Ralph. The True, Intellectual System of the Universe. Second Edition, with an Account of the Life and Writings of the Author, by Thomas Birch. London, 1743. 2 vols. \to, russia. CUER, Le, de philozophie translate de latin en francoys a la requeste de Philippes le bel roy de france. Noiivellement imprime a paris par jFehan de la garde libraire. {A la fin ;) Cy finist le cueur de Philosophic . . . et fut acheve Ian mil cinq cens et quatorze. (15 14.) I vol. folio, with woodcuts, calf, gilt a?td marbled edges. {JVie- dree.) From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 501. GUMMING, John. Lectures on Our Lord's Miracles. Phila- delphia, 1854. I vol. \2mo, cloth. Lectures on Our Lord's Parables. Philadelphia, 1854. 1 vol. iimo, cloth. GUMMING, RouALEYN Gordon. Five Years of a Hunter's Life in the far interior of South Africa. New York, 185 i. 2 vols. i2mo, cloth. CURTIS, John. British Entomology : being Illustrations and Descrip- lOI tions of the Genera of Insects found in Great Britain and Ireland ; containing coloured figures from nature. London, 1823 -40. 16 vols, in 8, roy. Svo, green morocco extra. {Clarke?) CURTIUS, RuFUS QuiNTUs. De rebus gestis Alexandri magni. Editio prioribus correctior. Aust'EI.., Juxia exemplar Elzev., 1690. I vol. i6mo, double morocco. {Mackenzie.) The History of Quintus Curtius, conteyning the Actes of the greate Alexander, translated out of Latin into Englishe by John Brende. London, in cBdibus R. Totiell, 1570. I vol i6mo, calf. CYPRIANUS, S. De Duodecim abusivis seculi. See Isidorus. The Genuine Works of St. Cyprian, Archbishop of Carthage ; together with his Life, written by his own Deacon Pontius. All done into English from the Oxford Edition, and illustrated with Notes by N. Marshall, London, 17 17. I vol. folio, old panel calf. CYRILLUS, S. The Catechetical Lectures of St. Cyril. Translated, with Notes and Indices (by R. W. Church). Oxford, Parker, 1838. I vol. Zvo, calf. D AGLEY, Richard. Death's Doings : consisting of numerous Original Compositions in Verse and Prose, the friendly con- tributions of various writers ; principally intended as illustra- tions of thirty Copper-plates, designed and etched by R. Dagley. Boston, 1828. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco. DACRE, Lady Barbarina. Translations from the Italian (chiefly Petrarch). London, 1836. 1 vol. roy. 8vo, boards. 150 copies printed. DALECHAMPS, Jacques. Historia generalis plantarum, in libros XVIII. luVGDXJi^i, apud Rovillium, 1587. 2 vols, in 1, folio, with woodcuts, vellum. I02 DALL, William Healey. Alaska and its Resources. Boston, 1870. I vol. Svo, cloth. DALYELL, Sir John Graham. Some Account of an Ancient Manu- script of Martial's Epigrams ; illustrated by an engraving, and occasional anecdotes of the manners of the Romans. Edinburgh, Constable, 181 1. I vol. 8vo, printed upon vellum, russia gilt. One of 30 copies upon vellum. DANA, James Dwight. System of Mineralogy ; including an ex- tended Treatise on Crystallography. New Haven, 1837. 1 vol. 8vo, calf. DANA, Richard Henry. Poems and Prose Writings. Nev/ York, 1850. 2 vols. \2mo, cloth. DANIEL, William B. Rural Sports ; with a Supplement. London, 1812 - 13. 4 vols. roy. Svo, calf. DANTE ALIGHIERI. La Divina Commedia (col commento di Ben- venuto da Imola, e colla vita di Dante da Giov. Boccaccio). Vine- GIA, de Spiera vendelinfii il stamp atore, 1477. I vol. folio, 377 leaves in 2 columns, russia. First edition of the Divina Commedia with Imola's commentary. This fine copy has an engraved portrait of Dante bearing this inscription : — " Divini poetm Dautis Alighieri effigies h Petro Lombardo anaglyptico opere in martnoi-e expressa anno MCCCCLXXXIV extat Ravenncn in cella sepulcrali ejusdem poetcB." La Divina Commedia (col commento di Benvenuto da Imola e colla vita di Dante da Giov. Boccaccio). Vinegia, de Spiera vende- lin, 1477. I vol folio, vellum. Comento di Christophoro Landino ^orentino sopra la Comedia di Danthe Alighieri. Firenze, per Nicholo di Lorenzo delta Magna, 1481. I vol. folio, 368 leaves, brown levant morocco. {^Bedford.) First edition noted for its typography and copper-plate engravings. The present copy has veiy broad margins, and contains 20 plates illustrating the Inferno. Copies with so many plates are extremely rare. " This book is remarkable as one of the first 4 furnished with copper-plates." — Ebert. I03 DANTE ALIGHIERI. Le terze rime di Dante. Venetiis, in cedlbus Aldi accuratissime, 1502. I vol. 2>vo, brown levant morocco richly gilt. {Hardy- Menriil.) Fine copy with wide margins. This edition was the first issued by Aldus in octavo form. Le terze rime di Dante. Venetiis, in cedibus Aldi accuratissime^ 1502. I vol. Zvo, vellum. La Comedia di Dante Aligieri con la nova espositione di Ales- sandro Vellutello. Vinegia, F. Marcoliniy 1544. I vol 4to, old calf. " Une des meilleures Editions anciennes de Dante, entierement imprimee en italique. " — Brunei. Dante con nuove, et utili ispositioni ; aggiontovi di piii una tavola di tutti i vocaboli piu degni d'osservatione, che k i luoghi loro sono dichiarati. Lione, G. Rovillio, 1575. I vol. sm. i2mo, brown levant morocco, gilt and marbled edges . ( Trautz-Baiizonnet. ) La Divina Commedia con tavole in rame (disegnate da L. Ada- molli e Fr. Nenci). Firenze, alF insegna deW ancora, 1817- 19. 4 vols, folio, large vellum paper, half vellum. " Ces magnifiques volumes sont enrichis de 125 gravures k Teau-forte, et en partie par Lasinio fils. Le IV® vol. renferme les notes d'un anonyme qu'on sait etre M. I'abbe Renzi. " — Brunei. La Divina Commedia di Dante Allighieri ricorretta sopra quattro dei pill autorevoli testi a penna da Carlo Witte. Berlino, i?. Decker, 1862. I vol. ^to, printed upon vellum, with photograph of Dante, red morocco gilt. This beautiful volume was published for the Paris Exposition, and is the only copy upon vellum. The Vision ; or Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise ; translated by H. F. Gary. A new Edition, corrected, with the Life of Dante, chronological view of his age, additional notes, and index. Lon- don, Bohn, 1850. I vol. 8vo, cloth. The Divine Comedy ; translated by H. W. Longfellow. Boston, Ticknor &' Fields, 1867. 3 vols, ^to, cloth. I04 DANTE ALIGHIERI. L'Enfer de Dante Alighieri, avec les dessins de Gustave Dord. Traduction frangaise de Pier-Angelo Fiorentino, accompagn^e du texte italien. Paris, Hachette, 1861. I vol. folio ^ red levant morocco gilt. {David.) Dante's Divine Comedy ; the Inferno. A literal Prose Transla- tion, with the Text of the Original collated from the best Editions, and explanatory Notes. By J. A. Carlyle. New York, 1864. I vol. 12 mo, with photographs from G. Dare's illustrations , half brown morocco. I sette Salmi penitenziali trasportati alia volgar poesia, ed altre rime spirituali illustrate con annotazioni dall' abate Fr. Saverio Quadrio. Bologna, G. Gottardi, 1753. I vol. ^to, vellum. D'ARBLAY, Frances Burney. Diary and Letters of Madame D'Ar- blay. Edited by her niece. London, Colburn, 1842-46. 7 vols. Svo, calf extra. DARLINGTON, William. Memorials of John Bartram and Hum- phrey Marshall ; with Notices of their Botanical Contemporaries. Philadelphia, 1849. 1 vol. SvOy cloth. DARWIN, Erasmus. Poetical Works. Containing the Botanic Gar- den, in two parts ; and the Temple of Nature. With philosophical notes and plates, London, 1806. 3 vols. Svo, calf. DAVID, Joannes. Paradisus sponsi et sponsae. ANTVERPiiE, B. 6- y^. Moretus, 16 18. 2 vols, in I, with engravings by Theodore Galle, vellum. DAVID D' ANGERS, Pierre Jean. Les Mddaillons de David d' Anglers, rdunis et publics par son fils. Paris, 1867. I vol. large ^to, half green morocco. DAVIS, N. Carthage and her Remains ; being an Account of the Excavations and Researches on the Site of the Phoenician Metrop- olis in Africa. London, Bentley, 1861. I vol. Svo, cloth. DAWES, Richard. Lessons on the Phenomena of Industrial Life. London, 1854. I vol. i6mo, cloth. I05 DEANE, Charles. Memoir of George Livermore. Prepared agree- able to a Resolution of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Cambridge, y. Wilson^ 1869. I vol. Zvo, half morocco. DECAISNE, J. Le Jardin fruitier du Museum, ou iconographie de toutes les esp^ces et vari^t^s d'arbres fruitiers cultivds dans cet dtablissement avec leur description, leur histoire, etc. Paris, Didot, 1858-66. 7 vols. 4^0, half green morocco extra. {David.) With plates finely colored. DECISIONES antiquag et novae Rotae Romanae (a variis auctoribus coUectae). MoGUNXiiE, impr. Petrus Schoyffer de Gernszheym, 1477. I vol. folio, vellum. DEFENSORIUM inviolate perpetueque virginitatis castissime dei geni- tricis Marie, s. I. et a. 1 vol. sm. 4/^, with woodcuts, green levant morocco. {Duru.) DE FOE, Daniel. The Life and Adventxires of Robinson Crusoe. Embellished with engravings from designs by Thos. Stothard. London, 1820. 2 vols. roy. 8vo, calf. DEL AFIELD, Richard. Report on the Art of "War in Europe, in 1854, 1855, and 1856. Washington, i860. I vol. ^0, with maps and plates, cloth. DELANGE, Carle, and BORNEMAN, C. Monographic de I'ceuvre de Bernard Palissy, suivie d'un choix de ses continuateurs ou imi- tateurs, dessin^e par MM. C. Delange et C Borneman, et accom- pagnde d'un texte par M. Sauzay et M. H. Delange. Paris, 1862. I vol. folio, with colored plates, half red morocco. DELANGE, Henri and Carle. Recueil de toutes les pieces connues jusqu'k ce jour de la faience fran^aise dite de Henry IL et Diane de Poitiers. Paris, If. &* C. Delange, 1861. I vol. folio, with colored plates, half red morocco. DELANY, Mary Granville. The Autobiography and Correspond- ence of Mary Granville, Mrs. Delany. With Reminiscences of King George the Third and Queen Charlotte. Edited by Lady Llanover. First and Second Series. London, Bentley, 1861-62. 6 vols. 2>vo, half calf extra. io6 DE LILLE, Jacques. The Gardens ; a Poem in Four Cantos. Trans- lated from the French of the Abbd De Lille. London, Bensley, 1798. 1 vol. ^to, half red morocco. DE LOLME, John Louis. The Rise and Progress of the English Constitution ; with an historical and legal Introduction, and Notes, by A. J. Stephens. London, 1838. 2 vols. roy. Svo, cloth. DEMOSTHENES. Demosthenis Orationes (graece) corrigente Paulo Manutio. Y^i^iEnLiis, apud Paulum Manutium, Aldijilium, 1554. 3 vols, in 2, Zvo, red morocco. "Edition rare, mais peu estimee." — Brunei. The three Orations of Demosthenes chiefe Orator among the Grecians, in favour of the Olynthians, a people in Thracia, now called Romania : with those his fower Orations titled expressly & by name against king Philip of Macedonie : most nedefull to be redde in these daungerous dayes of all them that love their Countries libertie, and desire to take warning for their better avayle, by example of others. Englished out of the Greeke by Thomas Wylson, Doctor of the civill lawes. After these Orations ended, Demosthenes lyfe is set foorth, and gathered out of Plutarch, Lucian, Suidas, and others, with a large table, declaring all the principall matters conteyned in everye part of this booke. Lon- don, H. Denham, 1570. I vol. sm. 4I0, half calf . Olynthiac and other Public Orations. Translated with Notes, by C. R. Kennedy. London, Bohn^ 1852. I vol. Svo, half calf . Orations on the Crown, and on the Embassy. Translated with Notes, by C. R. Kennedy. London, Bohn, 1855. > I vol. 2>vo, half calf. Orations against Leptines, Midias, Androtion and Aristocrates. Translated with Notes, by C. R. Kennedy. London, Bohn, 1856. I vol. 2>vo, half calf DENISON, John. The Heavenly Banquet, or the Doctrine of the Lord's Supper set forth in seven sermons. With two Prayers be- I07 fore and after the receiving, and a justification of kneeling in the act of receiving. London, 1619. I vol. ^vo, red morocco. ( C. Lewis.) DENNYS, N. B. Notes for Tourists in the North of China. Hong- kong, 1866. I vol. iimo, half morocco. DE QUINCEY, Thomas. Works. Edinburgh, ^/a^y^, 1862-63. 15 vols. 8vo, calf extra. DES CARS, A. L'Elagage des arbres. Paris, y. Rothschild, 1866. I vol. i6mo, half blue morocco. DESCRIPTION de la grotte de Versailles. Paris, de Vimprimerie royale, 1679, I vol. folio, russia. Collection of engravings, with 11 pages of text by Andri Felibien. DESCRIZIONE delle feste celebrate in Parma I'anno mdcclxix per le auguste nozze di sua altezza reale I'infanta Don Ferdinando colla reale arciduchessa Maria Amalia. Parma, stamp, reale. I vol. large foliOy old calf . This fine work consists of 40 plates designed by Petitot, and engraved by Vol- pato ; with descriptive text in Italian and French. DESPAUTERE, Jean. Methode nouvelle et trbs-exacte, pour enseigner et apprendre la premiere partie de Despautere ; Dans laquelle sans changer ny le texte ny le sens de I'Autheur, tout ce qui appartient aux genres des noms y est si clairement expliqud par figures en taille-douce, que les "plus ieunes en peuvent retirer un merveilleux profit. [Par Louis Couvay.] Paris, chez yean Gaillard, 1649. I vol. Svo, calf extra. {Thouvenin.) Copy with wide margins and fine engravings. From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 1203. DE VERE, Sir Aubrey. A Song of Faith, Devout Exercises and Sonnets. London, Pickering, 1842. I vol. x6mo, cloth. DEWEY, Orville. Discourses on the Nature of Religion ; and on Commerce and Business. With some occasional discourses. New- York, 1847. I vol. 1 2 mo, cloth. io8 DEXTER, Charles. Versions and Verses. Cambridge, 1865. 1 vol. i6mo, cloth. DIABLE, Le, k Paris, Paris et les Parisians. Texte par MM. George Sand, P. J. Stahl, C. Nodier, Balzac, A. Karr, T. Gautier, etc. Il- lustrations par Gavarni, Bertall, Champin, Bertrand, et autres. F ARis, Ifelzel, 1845-46. 2 vols. roy. Svo, half blue morocco. DIALOGI decern variorum autorum (scilicet Dialogus ysidori de spiri- tuali consolacione, Dialogus iheronimi de infirmorum consolacione, etc.). s. I. 1473. [LovANii, yoh. Veldener7\ I vol. folio, 119 leaves in 2 columns of -^^ lines, half calf . DIALOGUE, Le, de consolation entre lame et raison faict et compose par ung Religieux de la reformation de lordre de Fonteurault : nouvellement imprime h Paris md.xxxvij. On les vend en la rue neufeu nostre dame a leseigne sainct lehd Baptiste, pres saincte Gene- viefue des ardans : par Denys yanot. 1 vol. Svo, calf extra. {JViedrk.) From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 268. DIBDIN, Thomas Frognall. A Bibliographical, Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany. London, Bulmer 6^ Nicol, 182 1. 3 vols. roy. Svo, large paper, with numerous fine engravings, russia gilt. A Bibliographical, Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in the Northern Counties of England, and in Scotland. London, 1838. 2 vols. roy. Svo, large paper, with engravings, calf This copy has an autograph letter of Dr. Routh insei-ted ; also a printed leaf containing a chronological list of the author's works. The Bibliographical Decameron ; or Ten Days Pleasant Dis- course upon Illuminated Manuscripts, and subjects connected with early Engraving, Typography and Bibliography. London, 181 7. 3 vols. roy. Svo, large paper, green morocco. Bibliomania ; or Book-Madness : a Bibliographical Romance. Illustrated with cuts. New and improved Edition. London, Bohn, 1842. I vol. roy. Svo, half calf . I09 DIBDIN, Thomas Frognall. Bibliotheca Spenceriana ; or a Descrip- tive Catalogue of the Books printed in the Fifteenth Century, and of many valuable First Editions in the Library of George John, Earl Spencer. London, Bulmer 6- Co., 1814- 15. 4 vols. roy. Svo, large paper, with numerous plates, red morocco. {Hay day.) JEdes Althorpiange ; or an Account of the Mansion, Books and Pictures at Althorp, the residence of George John, Earl Spencer ; to which is added a supplement to the Bibliotheca Spenceriana, London, Bulmer 6^ Co., 1822. 2 vols. roy. Svo, large paper, with plates, red morocco. {Hay day.) Descriptive Catalogue of the Books printed in the Fifteenth Century, lately forming part of the Library of the Duke di Cassano Serra, and now the property of Earl Spencer ; with a general Index of Authors and Editions contained in the present volume, and in the Bibliotheca Spenceriana and ^des Althorpianae. London, 1823. 1 vol. roy. Svo, large paper, red morocco. {Hay day.) An Introduction to the Knowledge of Rare and Valuable Editions of the Greek and Latin Classics; together with an Account of Polyglot Bibles, Polyglot Psalters, Hebrew Bibles, Greek Bibles, and Greek Testaments ; the Greek Fathers and the Latin Fathers. Fourth Edition, greatly enlarged and corrected. London, 1827. 2 vols. roy. Svo, half dark morocco. Interleaved copy with MS. notes. The Library Companion; or the Young Man's Guide and the Old Man's Comfort in the Choice of a Library. Second Edition. London, 1825. I vol. Svo, green morocco. Reminiscences of a Literary Life. London, Major, 1836. I vol. in 2, roy. Svo, large paper, with plates, calf extra. Fine illustrated copy, with many additional portraits, engravings, original drawings, and autograph letters. Typographical Antiquities. See Ames. DICKENS, Charles. Works. Library Edition. London, Chapman &* Hall, s. a. 24 vols. Svo, half calf . no Vols. I. -11. Pickwick Papers. III. - IV. Nicholas Nickleby. V. - VI. Martin Chuzzlewit. VII. - VIII. Old Curiosity Shop. IX. - X. Barnaby Rudge. XI. Sketches by Boz. XII. Oliver Twist. XIII. - XIV. Dombey and Son. XV. - XVI. David Copperfield. XVII. Pictures from Italy ; American Notes. XVIII. - XIX. Bleak House. XX. - XXI. Little Dorrit. XXII. Christmas Books. XXIII. A Tale of Two Cities. XXIV. Great Expectations. DICTIONARIUM graecum copiosissimum secudum ordinem alpha- bet! cum interpretatione latina : Cyrilli opusculum de dictionibus ; Ammonius de differentia dictionum, etc. Venetiis, in adibus Aldi Manutii ro7nani, uiiiD. (1497.) I vol. folio, vellum. DICTIONARY, New, of Quotations from the Greek, Latin and Mod- ern Languages. Philadelphia, i860. I vol. Svo, cloth. DICTIONNAIRE, Le, des huict langaiges ; c'est k sgavoir grec, latin, flameng, frangois, espagnol, italien, anglois, et aleman : fort utile et ndcessaire pour tous studieux et amateurs des lettres. Paris, chez i Guillaume Thibout, 1552. I vol. i6mo, old calf . From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 1221. DIES IR^ in Thirteen Original Versions, by Abraham Coles. New York, i860. 1 vol. Svo, with photographs, green morocco. DILKE, Charles Wentworth. Greater Britain ; a Record of Travel in English-speaking Countries during 1866 - 67. Philadelphia, 1869. 2 vols, in I, Svo, cloth. DIO CHRYSOSTOMUS. Dionis Chrysostomi Orationes lxxx. ap- posita est in extreme libro varietas lectionum, cum orationum indice (grsece). Venetiis, apud Federicum Turrisanum, s. a. I vol. Svo, blue morocco lined with crimson silk, rich dentelle borders. {BozSrian.) Bound with this volume is the foUovnng : — Dionis Chrysostomi oratiuncula de Regno 6^ Tyrannide {gmce). A. Fed. Morello Pr. P. castigata &= ejusdem notis illustrata. Parisiis, e typog. Steph. Preuosteau, 1589. From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 1322. DIOGENES LAERTIUS. Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philoso- phers. Literally translated by C. D. Yonge. London, Bohn, 1853- I vol. Svo, half calf Ill DIONYSIUS HALICARNASSEUS. Dionysii halicarnassei antiqui- tatum sive originum romanorum libri x. Sigismundo Gelenio interprete. Lugduni, apud Seb. Gryphiiim, 1555. I vol. Svo, morocco ornamented in silver and colors, gilt and gauffered edges. {Early Italian binding.) First edition beautifully printed. This copy ends with the sixth book. DIRECTORIUM ANGLICANUM ; being a Manual of Directions for the right Celebration of the Holy Communion, for the saying of Matins and Evensong, etc., according to the ancient use of the Church of England. Edited by F. G. Lee. London, 1865. 1 vol. 4to, vellum. DISRAELI, Isaac. Amenities of Literature, consisting of Sketches and Characters of English Literature. New Edition, edited by B. Disraeli. Cambkibge, J^iversiae I'ress, 1S64. 2 vols, large paper, half green morocco. Privately printed. Curiosities of Literature ; with a view of the Life and Writings of the Author, by his son. Cambridge, Riverside Press, 1864. 4 vols, large paper, half morocco. Privately printed. DIX, John H. Treatise upon the Nature- and Treatment of Morbid Sensibility of the Retina. Boston, 1849. 1 vol. i2mo, cloth. DOANE, George Washington. Life and Writings ; containing his Poetical Works, Sermons, and Miscellaneous Writings. With a Memoir by his son, W. C. Doane. New York, 1860-61. 4 vols. 8w, half calf. DOBSON, Susanna. The Life of Petrarch; collected from "Md- moires pour la vie de Petrarch." Third Edition, embellished with eight copper-plates designed by Kirk, and engraved by Ridley. London, Bensley, 1797. 2 vols. 2>vo, large paper, calf extra. {Lewis.) George DanieV s coYj • DOCTRINAL DE SAPIENCE. See Roye. DODDRIDGE, Philip. Correspondence and Diary illustrative of 112 various particulars in his Life hitherto unknown ; with Notices of many of his Contemporaries ; and a Sketch of the Ecclesiastical History, of the Times in which he lived. Edited from the original MSS. by J. D. Humphreys. London, 1829-31. 5 vols. Svo, half calf . DOGEN, Matthias. L' Architecture militaire moderne, ou Fortifi- cation : confirmde par diverses histoires tant anciennes que nou- velles, & enrichie des figures des principales fortresses qui sont en I'Europe par Matt. Dogen : raise en Frangois par H^lie Poirier. Amsterdam, L. Elzevier, 1648. 1 vol. folio, old calf. DONNE, John. Works ; with a Memoir of his Life, by Henry Alford. London, 1839. 6 vols. 8vo, calf. DORAN, John, Annals of the English Stage, from Thomas Betterton 'to Edmund Kean. Actors, Authors, Audiences. New York, 1865. 2 vols. ?>vo, half red morocco. Table Traits with Something on them. New York, 1855. I vol. i2mo, cloth. DORREGARAY, Jos£ Gil. Historia de las Ordenes de Caballeria y de las Condecoraciones Espanolas, redactada por los escritores siguientes ; Benavides, Fabraquer, Fernandez-Guerra y Orbe, Ferrer del Rio, Garcia Rodrigo, etc. Madrid, T. Rey, 1864-65. 3 vols, in 5, /^to, half red morocco. Copy with full-page plates executed in chromolithography. DOWIE, James. The Foot and its Covering. London, 1861. I vol. i6mo, cloth. DOYLE, James E. A Chronicle of England, B.C. 55 - A. D. 1485. Written and illustrated by J. E. Doyle ; the designs engraved and printed in colours by E. Evans. London, Longman, 1864. I vol. 4to, cloth. DOYLE, Martin. Illustrated Book of Domestic Poultry. London, 1857. I vol. 8vo, half red morocco. "3 DOYLE, Richard. Manners and Customs of ye Englyshe drawn from ye quick, by Richard Doyle. To which be added some extracts from Mr. Pips hys Diary, contributed by Percival Leigh. London [1849]. I vol. obi. ^to, half red morocco. DRAKE, Benjamin, and MANSFIELD, E. D. Cincinnati in 1826. Cincinnati, 1827. I vol. i2mo, cloth. DRAKE, Samuel G. Result of some Researches among the British Archives for Information relative to the Founders of New England ; made in the years 1858, 1859, and i860. Third Edition. Boston, privately printed, 1865. I vol. 4to, half brown morocco. 75 copies in quarto. The Witchcraft Delusion in New England ; its Rise, Progress, and Termination as exhibited by Dr. Cotton Mather, in the Won- ders of the Invisible World ; and by Mr. Robert Calef in his More Wonders of the Invisible World. With a Preface, Introduction and Notes. Roxbury, W. E. Woodward, 1866. 3 vols, /[to, half green morocco. Large paper ; 50 copies printed. DRAPER, John William. Thoughts on the Future Civil Policy of America. New York, 1867. 1 vol. Svo, cloth. DRAYTON, Michael. Poly-olbion. A Chorographicall Description of all the Tracts, Rivers, Mountains, Forests, and other parts of this Renowned Isle oPGreat Britain ; digested into a Poem. Lon- don, 1622. 2 parts in i vol. folio, russia. {Lewis.) DROZ, Fran§ois Xavier Joseph. The Art of Being Happy : from the French of Droz ' Sur I'art d'etre heureux * ; in a series of Letters from a Father to his Children. By Timothy Flint. Boston, 1832. I vol. i2mo, half calf DRUMMOND, William. The History of Scotland, from the year 1423, until the year 1542 ; containing the Lives and Reigns of James I., 15 114 II., III., IV., and V. Illustrated with their Effigies in copper- plates (by R. Gaywood). London, 71 Fabian, 1681. I vol. 8vo, russia. • DRYDEN, John. Works ; illustrated with Notes, historical, critical, and explanatory, and a Life of the Author, by Sir Walter Scott. Second Edition. Edinburgh, 182 i. 18 vols. Svo, calf. DU BARTAS. See Saluste, G. de. DUBOIS, Pierre. Histoire de I'horlogerie depuis son origine jusqu'^ nos jours, pr^cddde de recherches sur la mesure du temps dans I'antiquitd, et suivie de la biographie des horlogers les plus celbbres de I'Europe. Illustrations archeologiques exdcutdes sous la direc- tion de Ferdinand Ser^. Paris, 1849. I vol. 4/^, half dark morocco. DU BREUIL, A. Scientific and Profitable Culture of Fruit Trees. Translated from the French by W. Wardle. London [1862]. 1 vol. Svo, cloth. DUBUISSON, Pierre Paul. Armorial des principales maisons et families du royaume, particulibrement de celles de Paris et de I'lsle de France. Paris, Guerin et Delatour, 1757. 2 vols. 1 2mo, with plates, old red morouQ. DUCHESNE AiN^, Jean. Essai sur les nielles, gravures des orf(fvres florentins du XV* si^cle. Paris, Merlin, 1826. I vol. Zvo, large paper, red morocco. {Leighton.) C. R. Price's copy. Voyage d'un iconophile ; revue des principaux cabinets d'es- tampes, bibliothbques et musdes d'Allemagne, de HoUande, et d'Angleterre. Paris, 1834. I vol. Svo, large vellum paper, half calf . {JBruyh'e.) From the library of M. Yemene, No. 3657. DUCHOUL, Guillaume. Discours de la Religion des anciens Romains. Illustrd d'un grand nombre de medailles et de plusieurs belles figures r^tir^es des marbres antiques. Lyon, RouiUe, 1556. I vol. folio ^ calf. Original edition. 115 DUDEVANT, Amantine Lucile Aurore Dupin. Antonia ; a Novel. By George Sand. Translated from the French by Virginia Vaughan, Boston, Roberts, 1870. I vol. i2mo, cloth. Galerie des Femmes de George Sand, collection de 24 portraits graves sur acier, par H. Robinson, avec un texte par le bibliophile Jacob. Bruxelles, 1843. I vol. 4to, with India proofs^ woodcuts, etc., cloth. DUDEVANT, J. F. Maurice. Le monde des papillons par Maurice Sand. Ornd de 62 dessins par I'auteur, avec une preface de George Sand. Suivi de I'histoire naturelle des Mpidoptbres d'Europe, par A. Depuiset. Avec 50 planches coloriees. Paris, J. Rothschild, 1867. 1 vol. 4to, large paper, half green morocco. DUHAMEL DU MONCEAU, Henri Louis. Traitd des arbres et arbustes qui se cultivent en France en pleine terre. Paris, Guerin et Delatour, 1755. 2 vols. Afto, old calf. First edition, with woodcuts. DUMAS, M. Enquete sur les engrais. Paris, J. Rothschild, 1866. I vol. i()mo, half blue morocco. DURER, Albert. The Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ, pourtrayed by Albert Durer. Edited by Henry Cole. London, Chiswick Press, 1844. 1 vol. sm. 4/3, calf. DU SOMMERARD, A. Les arts au moyen age en ce qui conceme principalement le Palais Romain de Paris, I'Hotel de Cluny issu de ses ruines, et les objets d'art de la collection classde dans cet Hotel. Paris, chez Techener, 1838-46. Text 5 vols, in 2, 2>vo; Plates 4 vols, folio, half dark morocco. {CapL) " Ouvrage splendide et d'un grand interet Les planches ont ete ex^cut^es par les principaux artistes fran9ais." — Briinet. DUYCKINCK, Evert A. and George L. Cyclopaedia of American Literature; with Portraits, Autographs, and other illustrations. New York, Scribner, 1866. 2 vols, in $ parts, ^to, half brown, morocco. 5 Portraits on India paper. n6 DYER, Thomas H. The Ruins of Pompeii. A Series of i8 Photo- graphic Views ; with an Account of the Destruction of the City, and a Description of the most interesting Remains. London, Bell 6^ Daldy, 1867. I vol. 4^0, cloth. DYNUS DE MUGELLO. De regulis juris. {In fine :) Finis regu- larum juris eximii dodoris domini Dini Rome impressarum per ma- gistrum Adam Rot. Anno salutis Millesinw gtmdringentesimo septua- gesimo secundo (1472). I vol. folio, 54 leaves hi 2 columns of ^o lines, broad margins, russia. First edition. E BERT, Friedrich Adolf. A General Bibliographical Dic- tionary. From the German. Oxford, University Press, 1837- 4 vols. Svo, half purple morocco. ECCLESIASTICAL TRACTS. I vol. x2mo, half calf . Edwards, Jonathan. The Distinguishing Marks of a Work of the Spirit of God. Boston, 1741. Stevenson, John. A Rare Soul-strengthening and Comforting Cordial for Old and Young Christians. EDINBURGH, 1744. Geddie, E. Some few choice Sentences and Practices of Emelia Geddie. n. L p. [1741]- Chandler, Samuel. A Short and Plain Catechism. London, 1742. Davis, Jon. Some Queries sent to the Rev. Mr. Geo. Whitefield in the year 1740. Philadelphia, B. Franklin, 1749. Practical Christianity exemplified in the Lives and Characters of two Excellent Ladies. Leeds, j. a. , ECKHEL, Joseph Hilarius. Choix des pierres gravdes du Cabinet imperial des Antiques, representees en xl. planches ddcrites et expliqu^es par I'abbd Eckhel. Vienne, 1788. I vol. folio, old calf ECLECTIC MUSEUM of Foreign Literature, Science, and Art. Edited by J. H. Agnew. New York, 1843. 3 vols. Svo, half russia. 117 EDWARDS, Amelia B. Ballads. New York, Carleton, s. a. I vol. \6mo, cloth. EDWARDS, Charles. History and Poetry of Finger-Rings. New York, 1855. I vol. \zmo, cloth. EDWARDS, Edward. Lives of the Founders of the British Museum ; with Notices of its chief Augmentors and" other Benefactors. 1570- 1870. London, 1870. 1 vol. roy. 8vo, cloth. Memoirs of Libraries ; including a Handbook of Library Economy. London, 1859. 2 vols. roy. 8vo, cloth. EDWARDS, George. Histoire naturelle d'oiseaux peu communs, et d'autres animaux rares et qui n'ont pas dte decrits . . . reprdsent^s sur (deux) cent dix planches, avec une ample et exacte description de chaque figure (en anglais) par G. Edwards. [Avec la traduction frang. par M. D. de la S. R.] Londres, impr.pour Vauteur, i7Si' /^ parts in 2 vols. 4to, 210 colored plates, green morocco lined with silk. {Padeloiip.) Glanures d'histoire naturelle consistant en figures de quadru- pbdes, d'oiseaux, d'insectes, etc., avec les descriptions, par G. Ed- wards (et trad, de I'anglais, avec le texte, par J. Du Plessis et E. Barker). Londres, 1758-64. 3 parts in i vol. ^to, green morocco lined with silk. {Padeloup.) This volume is regarded as part of the preceding work, and contains plates 211-362. "Exemplaire de Le Tellier de Courtanvaux. Riche reliure et splendide exem- plaire pour la grandeur des marges et le coloris, finement execute k la main, de toutes les planches." From the library of M. Yemen iz, No. 720. ELIOT, George, pseud. See Lewes, Mrs. M. J. ELLIS, George. Specimens of the Early English Poets ; to which is prefixed an historical Sketch of the Rise and Progress of the Eng- lish Poetry and Language. With a Biography of each Poet. Lon- don, Washbourne, 1845. 3 vols. i6mo, half brown morocco. ii8 ELLIS, William. Madagascar Revisited : describing the Events of a new Reign and tlie Revolution which followed. London, 1867. I vol. Svo, cloth. Three Visits to Madagascar during the years 1853, 1854, 1856 ; including a Journey to the Capital. With Notices of the Natural History of the Country and of the present Civilization of the People. London, 1858. I vol. 8vo, half calf . ELMES, James. Sir Christopher Wren and his Times j with illustrative Sketches and Anecdotes of the most Distinguished Personages in the Seventeenth Century. London, 1852. I vol. Svo, half calf . ELTON, Charles Abraham. Specimens of the Greek and Roman Classic Poets, in a chronological series, from Homer to Tryphio- dorus ; translated into English Verse, and illustrated with biographi- cal and critical notices. Philadelphia, Bell, 1854. 3 vols. x2ino, portraits on India paper, half calf . ELYOT, Sir Thomas. The Bankette of Sapience ; newly augmented with dyverse tytles and sentences. Londini, in cedibus T. Berthe- ieti, 1539- I vol. i6mo, calf. ELZE, Karl. Lord Byron. A Biography, with a Critical Essay on his Place in Literature. London, Murray, 1872. I vol. Svo, with portrait, half morocco. EMANUEL, Harry. Diamonds and Precious Stones ; their History, Value, and Distinguishing Characteristics. London, 1865. I vol. Svo, with engravings, cloth. EMERSON, George B. Report on the Trees and Shrubs growing naturally in the Forests of Massachusetts. Boston, Little 6^ Brown, 1850. I vol. Svo, half morocco. EMERSON, Ralph Waldo. English Traits. Boston, 1856. I vol. \2mo, cloth. 119 EMERSON, Ralph Waldo. Prose Works. New and Revised Edi- tion. Boston, Fields, Osgood, 6^ Co., 1870. 2 vols. X2mo, cloth. Representative Men. Boston, 1850. I vol. i2mo, half calf. ^ EMORY, William H. United States and Mexican Boundary Survey. See United States. ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA ; or Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and general Literature. Boston, Little 6^ Brown, i860. 2 1 vols, and Index, 4to, russia. ENGLISH GENTLEMAN, The. London, Bell, 1849. I vol. i6mo, cloth. EPICTETUS. All the Works of Epictetus which are now extant ; consisting of his Discourses, preserved by Arrian in four books, the Enchiridion, and Fragments. Translated from the original Greek, by Elizabeth Carter; with an Introduction and Notes. London, 1758. 1 vol. /^to, old calf. EPISTOLARUM Gi^ecarum Collectio. [Pars i.] Epistolae diverso- rum philosophorum, oratorum, Rhetorum sex & viginti. [Pars 11.] Epistolae Basilii Magni Libanii Rhetoris. Chionis Platonici, ^schinis & Isocratis oratorum, Phalaridis Tyranni, Bruti romani, ApoUonii tyanensis, Juliani apostatae. Venetiis, apud Aldum, 1499. 2 parts in i vol. 4to, half vellum. ERASMUS, Desiderius. Des. Erasmi Roterod. coUoquia nunc emen- datiora. Lugd. Batav., ex off. Elzeviriana, 1636. 2 vols. sm. \2mo, half calf . First Elzevir edition. Erasmi Roterodami Opusculum, cui titulus est Moria, id est Stultitia, quas pro concione loquitur. Venetiis, in ced. Aldi et Andrece soceri, 1515. I vol. Svo, bound with Lucianus (edition of 1$ 16). "L'une des plus rares des editions Aldines." — Renouard. The Paraphrase of Erasmus upon the Newe Testamente. Vol I. n. t p. I vol. folio, old calf I20 ERASMUS, Desiderius. The Praise of Folly. Made English from the Latin of Erasmus, by W. Kennet Adorned with 48 copper- plates, including the effigies of Erasmus and Sir Thomas More, from the designs of Hans Holbeine. With a Preface by the translator. London, R. Dodsley, 1740. < I vol. i2mo, old calf. ERCKER, Lazarus. Beschreibung allerfurnemisten mineralischen Erszt unnd Bergkwercks Arten. Frankcfurt am Mayn, 1580. I vol. folio, with woodcuts, half red morocco. ESPY, James P. The Philosophy of Storms. Boston, Little &' Brown, 1841. 1 vol. Svo, cloth. ESQUEMELING, John, History of the Bucaniers of America. Translated into English from several languages. London, 1741. 2 vols. \2mo, old calf . ESSAYS on Social Subjects ; from the Saturday Review. First and Second Series. Edinburgh, Blackwood, 1865. 2 vols. 8w, cloth. ESTIENNE, Charles. Latinae linguae cum graeca coUatio ex Prisciano, et probatiss. quibusque authoribus : per locos communes, Literarum, Partium orationis, Constructionis, ac totius Grammatices. Lute- Ti^, apud Carolum Stephanum, 1554. I vol. 2>vo, green levant morocco, richly gilt. ( Capi). From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 121 i. ETYMOLOGICUM MAGNUM graecae linguse, nunc recens summa adhibita diligentia excusum, et innumerabilibus penb dictionibus locupletatum (grsece). Yk^ktus, apud F. Turrisanum, 1549. I vol. folio, calf. A rare and beautiful edition. EUCLID ES. Elementorum geometricorum lib. xv. Cum expositione Theonis in priores xiii a Bartholomaeo Veneto latinitate donata, Campani in omnes, et Hypsiclis alexandrini in duos postremos. His adjecta sunt phcenomena, catoptrica et optica, deinde protheoria Ma- rini et data. Postremum vero, opusculum de levi et ponderoso, hac- 121 tenus non visum ejusdem autoris. Basile^e, apud yoh. Hervagium, 1537- 1 vol. folio, stamped vellum, with clasps. This copy formerly belonged to Justus Jonas, an intimate friend of Martin Luther. EURIPIDES. Tragoediae septendecim ex quib. quaedam habent com- mentaria. Y'E^'EnLns, apud Aldum, i^o^. 2 vols. Svo, green morocco. First edition of most of the tragedies in this collection. This copy contains i8 tragedies, Hercules furens having been added to the second volume. The Tragedies of Euripides. Literally translated or revised, with critical and explanatory Notes, by T. A. Buckley. London, Bohn, 1854. 2 vols. Svo, half calf . EUSEBIUS. Historia ecclesiastica per Rufinum de grseco in latinam traducta. Mantu^e, J. Schallus, 1479. I vol. folio, half brown morocco. EUTROPIUS. L' Historic d' Eutropio de le vite et fatti de tutti gl' im- peratori romani, nuovamente tradotte di latino in lengua italiana. Venetia, M. Tramezzino, 1544. I vol. Svo, old morocco gilt. EVANGELIA slavice quibus olim in regum Francorum oleo sacro inungendorum solemnibus uti solebat ecclesia remensis vulgo Texte du sacre, ad exemplaris similitudinem descripsit et edidit B. J. Sil- vestre. [Evangelia latine vertit eamdemque interpretationem latinam e regione adjecit B. Kopitar.] Luteti^e Parisiorum, 1843. I vol. 4to, blue levant morocco. A beautiful volume containing 200 leaves, 94 of which are engraved and colored fac-similes, reproduced from a MS. of the fourteenth century. Les Evangiles des dimanches et fetes de I'annee, suivis de pribres \ la sainte Vierge et aux saints. Texte revu par M. I'abbd Delauny (avec un Appendice aux Evangiles par L. Curmer)- Paris, Z. Curmer, 1864. 3 vols, ^to, brown levant morocco, lined with silk. Fine edition enriched with beautiful miniatures, vignettes, and borders, in gold and colors, copied from old manuscripts, and executed by the process of chromo- lithography. 16 122 The first two volumes, containing Les Evangiles, are superbly bound in mo- rocco inlaid with silver niello in special designs, among which are figures of the holy angels, the cross, and emblems of the four evangelists. The Appendix is in plainer binding, but like the other volumes has hoods, comers, and clasps of silver niello. This elegant copy is enclosed in a morocco case lined with red velvet. EVANGELIA. Les Saints Evangiles; traduction de le Maistre de Saci. Paris, imprimerie impiriale, 1862. I vol. folio, large paper, morocco, enclosed in morocco case lifted with velvet. Published for the Great Exhibition in London, 1862, and noted for its beautiful typography. This copy is richly bound ; the exterior being morocco mosaic in special design, the interior, red levant morocco with heavy dentelle borders and a gilt cross. " Chef-d^ceuvre de relitirede Hardy -MenniW EVANS, Hugh Davey. A Treatise on the Christian Doctrine of Marriage. New York, 1870. I vol. Svo, cloth. EVELYN, Chetwood. The Companion. After-Dinner Table-Talk. New York, 1850. 1 vol. j2mo, cloth. EVELYN, John. Diary and Correspondence. Edited by William Bray. London, Colburn, 1854. 4 vols. Zvo, cloth. Silva ; or a Discourse of Forest-Trees, with Notes by A. Hunter, To which is added the Terra ; a Philosophical Discourse of Earth. Fourth Edition. York, 181 2. 2 vols. 4to, with plates, russia. EVERETT, Alexander H. Critical and Miscellaneous Essays. To which are added a few Poems. Boston, 1845. I vol. i2mo, cloth. EVERETT, Edward. The Mount Vernon Papers. New York, i860. 1 vol. i2mo, cloth. Orations and Speeches on various Occasions. Boston, 1850 - 59. 3 vols. Svo, half calf . F 123 ABRIS, Salvator. Sienza e pratica d' arme di Salvator Fabris, divisa in dui libri, Copenhaven, H. IValtkirch, 1606. I vol. folio, with plates, half red morocco. "Livre tr^s difficile i trouver." — Brunei. FABYAN, or FABIAN, Robert. New Chronicles of England and France. Reprinted from Pynson's Edition of 15 16; with a bio- graphical and literary Preface by Henry Ellis. London, 181 i. 1 vol. \to, red morocco gilt. {Stamper,) FAIRBAIRN, James. Crests of the Families of Great Britain and Ireland. Compiled from the best authorities by J. Fairbairn, and revised by L. Butters. Edinburgh, i860. 2 vols. Svo, cloth. FALCONER, William. The Shipwreck ; a Poem. Text illustrated by additional Notes, and corrected from the first and second Edi- tions; with a Life of the Author, by J. S. Clarke. London, Miller, 181 1. I vol. roy. Svo, plates engraved by Fittler, red morocco gilt. FALKENER, Edward. Daedalus ; or the Causes and Principles of the Excellence of Greek Sculpture. London, Longmans, i860. I vol. roy. Svo, with photographs and chromolithographs, cloth. FAMILY PRAYERS. By the Author of "Morning and Night Watches." New York, 1854. I vol. x2mo, cloth. FARADAY, Michael. A Course of Six Lectures on the various Forces of Matter. London, i860. I vol. x6mo, cloth. EARN HAM, Luther. A Glance at Private Libraries. Boston, 1855. I vol. Svo, cloth. FASCICULUS TEMPORUM (auctore Wernero Rolewinck, carthusiensi). 'Erhardus Ratdolt Augustensis impressioni paravit Anno salutis M.cccc.Lxxxiiii. Venetiis. I vol folio, 72 leaves with woodcuts, half calf . 124 FAURIEL, C. C. History of Provengal Poetry. Translated from the French, with Notes, specimens of Verses in the original, and an Introduction by G. J. Adler. New York, i860. 1 jjol. Zvo, doth. FEDERALIST, The, on the New Constitution ; written in 1788. To which are added Pacificus, and the Federal Constitution with all the Amendments. New York, 1802. 2 vols. d>vo, tree calf. FELLTHAM, Owen. Resolves, Divine, Moral, and Political. Lon- don, Pickering, 1840. 1 vol. i2mo, red morocco. {Hay day.) FENELON, FRAN901S DE Salignac de la Mothe. Les Aventures de Tdldmaque, fils d'UIysse. Imprime par ordre du roy pour I'dduca- tion de Monseigneur le Dauphin. Paris, Didot Taint, 1784. 2 vols. Zvo, Holland paper, old calf. 200 copies printed. Les Aventures de T^Mmaque, fils d'UIysse. [Avec gravures d'aprbs les desseins de Charles Monnet, par J. B. Tilliard.] Paris, deVimpr. de Monsieur, 1785. 2 vols. 4to, calf. The Adventures of Telemachus. From the French, by J. Hawkesworth ; with a Life of the Author and Remarks on Epic Poetry. London, 1839. I vol. i6mo, cloth. Dialogues concerning Eloquence in general ; and particularly that kind which is fit for the Pulpit. Translated from the French, and illustrated with Notes by Wm. Stevenson. London, 1722. I vol. 8vo, old calf. Lettre de Fdnelon k Louis XIV. Paris, A. A. Renouard, 1825. I vol. 8vo, olive morocco, rich dentelle borders. {Mackenzie^ Copy printed upon velbim ; with two portraits on Iildia paper. Reflections and Meditations, selected from the Writings of Fdne- lon ; with a Memoir of his Life by J. R. G. Hassard, and an Intro- duction by T. S. Preston. New York, 1865. I vol. i2mo, cloth. 125 FENELON, Francois de Salignac de la Mothe. Treatise on the Education of Daughters ; translated from the French, and adapted to English Readers, with an original Chapter on " Religious Studies." By T. F. Dibdin. Cheltenham, 1805. I vol. Svo, green morocco. "The best English translation of this excellent treatise." — Lowndes. FENESTELLA, Lucius. L. Fenestellse de magistratibus sacerdo- tiisque Romanorum libellus, jam primum nitori restitutus. Pom- ponii Laeti itidem de magistratibus et sacerdotiis et praeterea de diversis legibus Romanorum. Parisiis, apud Sim. Colinceum, 1530. 1 vol. 8vo, Holla7id paper, brown levant morocco. {CapL)' The author who took the name of Fenestella was Andrea Fiocco, a Florentine. FERGUSSON, James. The Illustrated Handbook of Architecture ; being a concise and popular Account of the different Styles of Architecture prevailing in all ages and countries. London, Mur- ray, 1855. 2 vols. Svo, cloth. FERRARIUS, Johannes Baptista. De Florum cultura libri iv. RoM^, S. Faulinus, 1633. I vol. 4to, with plates, red morocco gilt. {Early Italian binding^ Flora, seu de florum cultura lib. iv. Editio nova, accurante B. Rottendorffio. Amstelodami, apud yansson, 1664. I vol. 4to, vellum. FETES publiques donnees par la ville de Paris k I'occasion du ma- nage de M. le Dauphin en 1745. I vol. folio, text within borders, full-page engravings, old calf. FEUCHTERSLEBEN, Ernst von. The Dietetics of the Soul. Edited from the Seventh Edition. New York, 1854. I vol. i6mo, half calf . FEVAL, Paul. Romans enfantins. Paris, E. Ducrocq, s. a. I vol. roy. Svo, with plates, half brown morocco, FICORONI, Francesco de'. Le Maschere sceniche e le figure comiche d'antichi Romani descritte brevemente. Roma, A. d^ Rossi, 1736. I vol. 4to, half vellum. 126 FIELDING, Henry. The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling. Paris, Didot, 1780, 4 vols. Svo, calf. FIGUIER, Louis. The Insect World ; being a popular Account of the Orders of Insects. New York, 1868. I vol. Svo, 564 woodcuts, cloth. FINDEN, Edward and William. The Royal Gallery of British Art. London, Hogarth, s. a. I vol folio, large paper, olive morocco with dentelle borders, (y. Clarke.) Proofs before letters, on India paper. These beautiful engravings are from drawings by Turner, Landseer, Reynolds, etc. FIRMICUS, Julius. See Astronomi veteres. FISHER, John, Bishop of Rochester. Treatyse concernynge the fruyt- fuU saynges of Davyd the kynge and prophete in the seven peny- tencyall psalmes. Devyded in seven sermons. London, pryftted by Wynkyn de Worde, 1509. I vol. Afto, russia. FISHER, P. The Angler's Souvenir, by P. Fisher, Esq., assisted by several eminent piscatory characters, with illustrations by Beckwith and Topham. London, 1835. I vol. i2nio, cloth. FLAGG, William J. Three Seasons in European Vineyards : treating of Vine-culture, Wine-making, etc. New York, 1869. I vol. \2n10, cloth. FLAGG, Wilson. Studies in the Field and Forest. Boston, 1857. I vol. i2mo, half green morocco. FLECHIER, Esprit. Oraisons funbbres. See Bossuet. FLINT, Charles L. Milch Cows and Dairy Farming. Cincinnati, 1858. 1 vol. i2mo, with illustrations, half green morocco. FLINT, Timothy. A Condensed Geography and History of the Western States, or the Mississippi Valley. Cincinnati, 1828. 2 vols. Svo, half calf 127 FLINT, Timothy. Recollections of the Last Ten Years, passed in occasional Residences and Journeyings in the Valley of the Missis- sippi. Boston, 1826. I vol. 8vo, half morocco. FLORIAN, Jean Pierre Claris de. Galat^e, roman pastoral ; imitd de Cervantes. Paris, Didot Vaink, 1784. I vol Svo, red morocco. FLORIST, The, Fruitist and Garden Miscellany. London, 1858-60. 3 vols. Svo, colored plates, half calf . FOLENGO, Theoph. Opus Merlini Cocaii poetae Mantuani Maca- ronicorum, totum in pristinam formam per me magistrum Acquarium Lodolam optime redactum, in his infra notatis titulis divisum : Zani- tonella quae de amore tonelli erga Zaninam tractat ; quae. constat ex tredecim sonolegiis, septem ecclogis et una Strambottolegia : Phan- tasiae Macaronicon, divisum in viginti quinque Macaronicis, tractans de gestis magnanimi et prudentissimi Baldi : Moscheae facetus liber in tribus partibus divisus, et tractans de cruento certamine Mus- carum et Formicarum ; Libellus epistolarum et epigrammatum ad varias personas directarum. Amstelodami, apud Abrahamum d Someren, 1692. I vol, Svo, with plates, dark morocco lined with white satin. From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 1985. FONSACA, Christoval de. A Discourse of Holy Love, written in Spanish. Done into English with much variation and some ad- dition, by Sir George Strode. London, 1652. I vol. Svo, thick paper, old calf. FOOTE, John P. Memoir of the Life of Samuel E. Foote. Cincin- nati, i860. I vol. \2mo, cloth. The Schools of Cincinnati and its Vicinity. Cincinnati, 1855. I vol. Svo, cloth. FORBES, F. E. Five Years in China ; from 1842 to 1847. With an Account of the Occupation of the Islands of Labuan and Borneo by Her Majesty's Forces. London, Bentley, 1848. I vol. Svo, half calf. 128 FORCE, Peter. Tracts and Other Papers, relating principally to the Origin, Settlement, and Progress of the Colonies in North America, from the discovery of the country to the year 1776. Washington, 1836-44. 3 vols. 8w, doth. FOREST ARCADIA of Northern New York; embracing a View of Mineral, Agricultural, and Timber Resources. Boston, 1864. I vol. iSmOy cloth. FORNERIUS, Antonius. Dyalogus Anthonii Fornerii Cuciacen. sacre theologie professoris de peccato original! et conceptione in- temerate virginis Marie, Insign. typogr. Jehan Petit. (In fine :) Jmpressum est parisiis hoc opusculum per magistrum Anthonium denidel Impressore prope collegmm de coqueret comniorantem. I vol. 8w, boimd with Bonaventura, S. Dieta salutis, etc. FORSTER, John. The Life and Times of Oliver Goldsmith. Lon- don, 1863. I vol. 8vo, cloth. FORSYTH, Joseph. Remarks on Antiquities, Arts, and Letters, dur- ing an Excursion in Italy, in the years 1802 and 1803. London, 1816. 1 vol. 8vo, half calf. FORSYTH, William. Life of Marcus Tullius Cicero. With illustra- tions. New York, 1865. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Large paper ; 75 copies printed. FORTUNE, Robert. A Journey to the Tea Countries of China ; in- cluding Sung-Lo and the Bohea Hills ; with a short Notice of the East India Company's Tea Plantations in the Himalaya Mountains. London, Murray, 1852. I vol. 8vo, cloth. Yedo and Peking. A Narrative of a Journey to the Capitals of Japan and China. With Notices of the natural Productions, Agri- culture, etc. London, Murray, 1863. .. 1 vol. 8vo, half calf. FOSCOLO, Ugo. Essays on Petrarch. luO^Txy^y Murray, 1823. I vol. 8vo, half calf. 129 FOSTER, John. Biographical, Literary, and Philosophical Essays. New York, 1844. 1 vol. i2mo, half calf. Life and Correspondence. Edited by J. E. Ryland. New York, 1846. 2 vols. i2mo, cloth. FOUILLOUX, Jacques du. La Venerie de Jacques du Fouilloux, par luy jadis dediee au Tres-Chrestien Roy Charles neufiesme, et de nouveau reveue & augmentee outreles precedentes impressions. Paris, A. VAngelier^ 1606. I vol. sm. 4^0, red levant morocco. {CapL) FOX, Henry Richard, Lord Holland. Foreign Reminiscences. Edited by his son. New York, 185 i. 1 vol i2mo, cloth. FOX, John. Actes and Monuments of Matters most speciall and memorable happening in the Church, with an universal historic of the same. The sixth time newly imprinted with certain Additions thereunto annexed. London, printed for the Company of Stationers^ 1610. 2 vols, folio, calf. FRANCE. Code Napoleon j or the French Civil Code. Translated by a Barrister of the Inner Temple, London, 1824. I vol. Svo, half calf FRANCESCO D'ASSISI, S. Hier beghint een seer deuoet boecrken ghenoempt Sinte Franciscus Soutere. Antwerpen, Cdmer, 15 12. I vol. Svo, half calf . FRANCHIERES, Jean de. La Fauconnerie de Jean de Franchieres, grand prieur d'Aquitaine, avec tous les autres autheurs qui se sont peu trouver traictans de ce subject. De nouveau reveue corrigee & augmentee, outre les precedentes impressions. Paris, A. VAn- gelier, 1602. I vol. 4to, red levant morocco. {CapL) FRANCIS, John W. Old New York ; or Reminiscences of the Past Sixty Years. New York, 1858. I vol. i2mo, cloth. 17 I30 FRANKLIN, Benjamin. Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. Edited from his MS., with Notes and an Introduction by John Bigelow. Philadelphia, Lippincott^ 1868. I vol. 8vo, with portrait, cloth. Large paper j 100 copies printed. Works; containing several Political and Historical Tracts not included in any former Edition, and many Letters official and private, not hitherto published. With Notes and a Life of the Author by Jared Sparks. Philadelphia, s. a. 10 vols. Svo, half calf . FRANKLIN, John. Parables of Our Lord illustrated. London, y. Mitchell, s. a. I vol. /[to, cloth. FRANKLIN, Sir John. Narrative of a Journey to the Shores of the Polar Sea, 1819-22. Illustrated by numerous plates and maps. London, Murray, 1823. I vol. 4to, tree calf {Hay day.) Narrative of a Second Expedition to the Shores of the Polar Sea, 1825-27. Including an Account of the Progress of a De- tachment to the Eastward, by John Richardson. Illustrated by numerous plates and maps. London, Murray, 1828. I vol. 4to, tree calf {Hayday.) FREDOL, Alt-r-ed, pseud. See Moquin-Tandon. FREITAG, Arnold. Mythologica ethica. [ANTVERPiiE, Plantinus, I579-] I vol. sm. Afto, half red morocco. Illustrated with copper-plate engravings. FREMONT, John Charles. Report of the Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains in the year 1842, and to Oregon and North California in 1843-44. Washington, 1845. I vol. Svo, cloth. FRENCH, B. F. History of the Rise and Progress of the Iron Trade of the United States, from 162 1 to 1857. New York, 1858. I vol. 8vo, cloth. FRENCH, Henry F. Farm Drainage : the Principles, Processes and Effects of Draining Land. New York, 1859. I vol. \2mo, cloth. 131 FRISWELL, James Hain. About in the World. Essays by the Author of the "Gentle Life." London, 1864. I vol. i6mo, cloth. Familiar Words : an Index Verborum or Quotation Handbook, with parallel passages, of Phrases which have become imbedded in our English Tongue. London, i866. I vol. i6mo, doth. The Gentle Life. Essays in Aid of the Formation of Character. New York, 1864. I vol. i2mo, cloth. The Gentle Life. Second Series. London, 1866. I vol. i2mo, cloth. FROISSART, Sir John. Chronicles of England, France, and the Adjoining Countries, from the latter part of the reign of Edward II. to the coronation of Henry IV. Translated from the best French editions, with variations and additions from many cele- brated MSS., by Thos. Johnes. Hafod Press, y. Henderson, 1803-05. 4 vols. 4to, red morocco gilt. {Stamper.) FRONTINUS, Sextus Julius. Astutie militari di Sesto Julio Fron- tino huomo consolare di tutti li famosi et eccellenti Capitani, Ro- mani, Greci, Barbari, & Hesterni. Venetia, Comin de Trino, 1541- I vol. 8vo, vellum. FROUDE, James Anthony. History of England. London, 1862-70. 1 2 vols. Svo, half cloth. Short Studies on Great Subjects. London, Longmans^ 1867. I vol. Svo, half calf . Short Studies on Great Subjects. Second Series. London, Longmans, 187 1. I vol. Svo, cloth. FRY, Francis. The Bible by Coverdale mdxxxv. Remarks on the Titles, the Year of Publication, the Preliminary, the Water-marks, &c., with fac-similes. London, 1867. I vol. Svo, printed on vellum, half morocco. 132 FRY, Francis. A Description of the Great Bible, 1539, and the Six Editions of Cranmer's Bible, 1540 and 1541, printed by Grafton and Whitchurch : also of the Editions, in large folio, of the Author- ized Version printed in the years i6ii, 1613, 1617, 1634, 1640, etc London, 1865. I vol. folio, cloth. FUGGER'S BissBucH. See Seutter. FUGITIVE PIECES. London, 1785. I vol. 8vo, boards. Bound with this are the following works by George Dyer, (i) An English Prologue and Epilogtie to the Latin Comedy of Ignoramus, London, *797. (2) The Poef s Fate ; a Poetical Dialogue. London, I'jgy. FULLER, Thomas. The Church History of Britain ; from the birth of Jesus Christ, untill the year m.dcxlviii. London, y. Williams, 1655. I vol folio, calf. This edition also contains the History of the University of Cambridge and the History of Waltham-Abby. The History of the Worthies of England. Endeavoured by Thomas Fuller. laO^Tto^, printed by J. G. W. L. and W. G., 1662. I vol. folio, calf. (Silani.) Fine copy with numerous MS. additions, and a portrait of the author engraved by D. Loggan. The Holy and Profane State. Cambridge, 1648. I vol folio, panel calf , extra. {Bedford.) " Best edition, frontispiece by Marshall, and portraits on the letter-press." — Lowndes. G AILLARD, J. Recherches historiques sur la chapelle du Saint-Sang, k Bruges, avec une description detaillde de tous les monuments archeologiques, qu'on y admire. Ouvrage ornd de 36 planches. Bruges, 1846. I vol. 8vo, half red morocco. GAIUS, Bartholomeus. Series Chronologica patriarcharum, ducum, judicum, regum, pontificum postremorumque regum populi hebraici ab Adam usque ad Agrippam Juniorem eorum gesta breviter com- 133 plectens cum suis iconibus, chronologico ordine, exposita. Rom^e, 1724. I vol. \to, vellum. GALERIE iMPf RiALE DE l'Ermitage. See Gohier-Desfontaines. GALILEI, Galileo. Discorsi e dimostrazioni matematiche intorno a due nuove scienze attenenti alia mecanica & i movimenti locale del Galileo Galilei . . . con una appendice del centre di gravita d'alcuni solidi. 'Lkida, gli Elzevirii, 1638. I vol sm. 4I0, half calf . GALLESIO, Giorgio, Pomona Italiana, ossia trattato degli alberi fruttiferi. Pisa, N. Capurro, 18 17. 1 vol. folio ^ with colored plates, half calf . GARCILASSO DE LA VEGA. Histoire des Yncas, rois du Perou, traduite de I'espagnol de I'Ynca Garcilasso de la Vega (par J. Bau- douin). On a joint k cette ddition I'histoire de la conquete de la Floride. Avec des figures dessindes par feu B. Picart. Amster- dam, y. F. Bernard, 1737* 2 vols. i\to, vellum. Works ; translated into English Verse ; with a critical and his- torical 'Essay on Spanish Poetry, and a Life of the Author ; by J. H. Wiffen. London, 1823. I vol. Svo, calf extra. {Bedford.) GARDINER, William. Twenty Lessons on British Mosses. Illus- trated with 25 specimens. London, 1852. I vol. izmo, cloth. GARDNER, Margaret, Countess of Blessington. The Idler in Italy. London, Colburn, 1839-40. 3 vols. Svo, with portrait by Landseer, cloth. GARDYNE, Alexander. A Garden of Grave and Godlie Flowers. By Alex. Gardyne. The Theatre of Scottish Kings, by A. Garden. Together with miscellaneous Poems by John Lundie. Edinburgh, printed for the Abbotsford Club, 1845. I vol. 4to, blue morocco. One of 2 copies printed upon vellum. J. W. K. Eyton's copy. 134 GARTH, Sir Samuel. The Dispensary j a Poem in Six Cantos. Lon- don, Tonsoji, 1 718. I vol. 12 mo, old calf . GASPARIN, ValiSrie Boissier, comtesse de. Human Sadness. New York, 1864. I vol. i2mo, cloth. The Near and the Heavenly Horizons. New York, 1862. I vol. \21no, cloth. Vesper : translated from the third French Edition by Mary L. Booth. New York, 1863. I vol. i2mo, cloth. GASPEY, T. Bubbles from the Brunnen of Homburg. Darmstadt, 1866. I vol 8vo, with engravings, cloth. GAUTIER, Thi^ophile. Le Capitaine Fracasse, illustre' de 60 dessins de Gustave Dord. Paris, 1866. I vol. 8vo, half red morocco. GAVARNI, SuLPiCE Paul Chevalier, dit. Oeuvres choisies, revues, corrigdes et nouvellement classdes par I'auteur. Etudes de moeurs contemporaines. Avec des notices en tdte de chaque sdrie par MM. T. Gautier et Laurent-Jan. Paris, 1846-47. 4 vols, in 2, roy. Svo, half green morocco. GAY, John. Fables : with the Life of the Author. Embellished with 70 elegant engravings. London, Davidson, 18 16. I vol. Svo, green calf GAZA, Theodorus. In hoc volumine hsec insunt, Theodori Introduc- tiuae gramatices libri quatuor. Ejusdem de Mensibus opusculum sane quapulchtu. Apollonii gramatici de constructione libri quatuor. Herodianus de numeris (graece). {In fine :) Impressum Venetiis in cedibus Aldi Romani, m.cccclxxxxv. I vol. folio, red morocco gilt. {Simier.) " Grammaire tres estimee des Grecs. Cette edition est fort rare, et la pre- miere de ces divers ouvrages." — Renoiiard. From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. i 156. GAZETTEER. Parliamentary Gazetteer of England and Wales. 1840-44. 1jONT)ON, Inillarton, 1845. 4 vols, in 1;^ parts, roy. 2>vo, cloth. 135 GAZETTEER. Topographical, Statistical, and Historical Gazetteer of Scotland. Edinburgh, Fullarton, 1845. 2 vols, in 7 farts, roy. Svo, doth. GELL, Sir William. Pompeiana : the Topography, Edifices, and Ornaments of Pompeii, the result of excavations since 18 19. Lon- don, jfennings, 1832. 2 vols. Svo, with 88 plates, some of which are colored, and 30 vignettes upon India paper, calf. One of 25 copies with etchings on India paper. GELL, Sir William, and GANDY, John P. Pompeiana : the Topog- raphy, Edifices, and Ornaments of Pompeii. London, 181 7 -19. I vol. Svo, with plates, calf GELLIUS, AuLUS. Auli Gellii Noctium Atticarum libri undeviginti. Venetiis, Aldi et Andrece. soceri, 15 15. I vol. Svo, half brown morocco. Two editions were printed in 15 15 ; this is a copy of the second issue. GEMINIANO, DoMiNicus de S. Prima pars lecturae super vi. Decre- talium. {In fine:) Finitur hie pritna pars lecture: Impssa Venetiis per magistrum Jacobum de Rubeis gallicum : Anno m.cccc.lxxvi. quarto Idus septembres. I vol. folio, 323 leaves in 2 columns of ^<) lines, calf. GENTLEMAN'S CALLING, The. Written by the Author of The Whole Duty of Man. London, 1705. I vol. Svo, old panel calf . GERSON, Johannes. Incipit tractatulus de cognicioe castitatis et pol- lucionibus diurnis. Incipit forma absoluconis sacramentalis ejus- dem. s. I. et a. [Colonic, Ulric Zell, 1470.] I vol. 4/*?, half calf . This volume also contains the following tracts, (i) Incipiunt atirea verba sancti Egidii. \Impr. Pet. Schb^er, MogimticB. s. a.] (2) Inciphmt droote meditationes circa septe psalmos penitenciales per reverendis simu patrem dnm Petrii de Ayliaco. s. I. et a. Joannis Gerson de contemptu omnium vanitatum mundi. Vene Tiis, jfo. Bap. Sessa, 1501. I vol. Svo, bound with Opusculum multarum. GESTA ROMANORUM. Evenings with the Old Story Tellers. Se- lect Tales from the Gesta Romanorum. New York, 1845. I vol. i2mo, cloth. 136 GEYLER VON KAISERSBERG, Johann. Predigen Teutsch ; und vil gutter leeren. Augspurg, H. Otfnar, 1508. I vol. folio, woodcuts by Hajis Burgkmaier, original binding. GIARDINO de orazione fructuoso. — Mons orationis. Impressiim VENETiis/^r Oitinum de papia m.ccccc. The following works are also found in this volume. (i) Incominciano le devote meditatione sopra la passione del nostra signore cavate e fondate sopra mesere Bonaventura. Impresso in bologna per Herico dehaerlem Anno dni M. CCCC. Lxxxv. (2) De la fortezza sermone a fiorentino per Don Marco nel 1494 ; Alle Done Giovane admottition del medemo ; Contra gli balli epistola del medemo a mona CaTHtlla di Strozzi ; Stimnlo de amar dio el proximo. Anno 1499. (3) Tractato utilissitno de larte del ben morire. hnpresso in bologna per mi plato di benedicti. Anno domini M.CCCC.LXXXXI. GIBBON, Edward. History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. With Notes by Dean Milman and M. Guizot. Edited with additional Notes by W. Smith. London, Murray, 1862. 8 vols, with portrait and maps, tree calf. {Rivingtons.) GILBERT, William. De Mundo nostro sublunari philosophia nova. Opus posthumum ab authoris fratre collectum pridem et disposi- tum, nunc ex duobus mss. codicibus editum ex musaeo G. Boswelli. Amst. apud L. Elzevirium, 165 1. I vol. /^to, vellum. GILES, Henry. Human Life in Shakespeare. Boston, Lee 6>» Shep- ard, 1868. I vol i6mo, cloth. GILLIES, John. The History of Ancient Greece, its Colonies and Conquests. London, Cadell, 1820. 8 vols. Svo, cloth. GILLY, William Stephen. Narrative of an Excursion to the Moun- tains of Piedmont in the year m.dcccxxiii, and Researches among the Vaudois or Waldenses. London, 1826. I vol. Svo, calf. GILPIN, William Sawrey. Practical Hints upon Landscape Garden- ing. London, T. Cadell, 1835. I vol. Svo, half green morocco. Works. London, T. Cadell, 1800-08. 6 vols. Svo, half blue morocco. 137 Vol. I. Observations on several parts of England, particularly the Mountains and Lakes of Cumberland and Westmoreland, relative chiefly to Picturesque Beauty. II. Observations on the River Wye, and several parts of South Wales. Ob- servations on the Western parts of England. III. Observations on several parts of Great Britain, particularly the High- lands of Scotland. IV. Observations on several parts of the Counties of Cambridge, Norfolk, Suffolk, and Essex. Observations on the Coasts of Hampshire, Sussex, and Kent. V. Remarks on Forest Scenery, and other Woodland Views. VI. An Essay on Prints. Three Essays ; on Picturesque Beauty, on Pictu- resque Travel, and on Sketching Landscape. With a Poem on Landscape Painting. GINZROT, JOHANN Christian. Die Wagen und Fahrwerke de Grie- chen und Romer und anderer alten Volker ; nebst der Bespan- nung, Zaumung und Verzierung ihrer Zug-reit und Last-thiere, von J. C. Ginzrot. Munchen, 1817 -30. 4 vols. ^0, half red morocco. GIRALDI CINTHIO, Giovanni Battista, De gli Hecatommithi di iJl. Giovanbattista Gyraldi Cinthio nobile ferrarese parte prima (e la seconda parte nelle quale si contengono tre Dialoghi della vita civile). iV^/ Monte Regale, appr. L. Torrentino, 1565. 2 vols. Zvo, with portrait, vellum. A complete copy of ih&Jirst edition, which is extremely rare. GIRONDA, Giovanni Giuseppe, Marchese di Canneto. I veri por- tenti del Divine Amore, poema istorico in loda, e su la vita della ven. madre suor Maria Villani, fondatrice dell' Inclito Monistero di S. Maria del Divino Amore di Napoli. Napoli, F. Mosca, 1 730. I vol. sm. 4to, brow7i morocco gilt, lined with purple morocco. This work is preceded by a dedication finely executed upon vellum, and illus- trated with portraits. The title reads as follows : Divote e fedel vaticinio di feli- cissima viril prole alia sacra cesarea catolica viaesth delV augustissima Cristina Elisabetta i?nperadrice regnanie, aggiiinto da Gio Giuseppe Gironda aW istorico stio poema intitolato I veri portenti del Divino Amore, in loda e su la vita della ven. madre suor Maria Villajti. GIURISDIZIONE privativa dell' eminentissimo e reverendissimo Card. Vescovo di Ostia e di Velletri Decano del Sacro Collegio stabilita da costituzioni apostoliche, riconosciuta e dichiarata da decision! del tribunale della Sacra Rota e da cosa giudicata. RoMiE, A. de Valle, 1775 - 1824. I vol. folio, calf gilt, stamped with the Arms of Pope Leo XII. 18 138 GLANVILLA ANGLICUS, Bartholom^eus de. Incipit liber de proprietatibus rerum, (/;/ fine-) Impressus per Petricm ungarum sub anno domini millesimo quadringentesitno octuagesimo secundo. (1482.) s. l. [Lugdufii.l I vol. folio, half red morocco. GLAUBIGER Kinder Gottes Englische Sing-Schule hier auf Erden, Gott zu Lobe, dem Nechsten zur Erbauung, und sich selbst im Herrn zu erfreuen, eroffnet und mit schrifftmassigen Kupffern gezie- ret von Johann Dietrich Herrichen. Ulm, D. Bartholomai, ijij. I vol. 1 2 mo, morocco. GLENNY, George. The Properties of Flowers and Plants. London, 1859. I vol. 8vo, cloth. GOETHE, Johann Wolfgang von. Faust ; a Tragedy. Translated from the German, with Notes, by C. T. Brooks. Boston, 1862. I vol. i6mo, calf gilt. The Poems of Goethe ; translated in the original metres. With a Sketch of his Life by E. A. Bowring. London, 1853. 1 vol. i6mo, cloth. GOETHE-GALERIE. See Pecht, F. GOHIER-DESFONTAINES. Galerie impdriale de I'Ermitage, litho- graphiee par artistes frangais, imprimde par Paul Petit. St. Petersburg, 1845-47. 2 vols, in 3, folio, text in French and Russian, half brown morocco. GOLDSMITH, Oliver. Poems. New Edition, adorned with plates. London, Du Roveray, 1800. 1 vol. 8vo, large paper, red morocco gilt. Works : edited by Peter Cunningham. London, Murray, 1854. 4 vols. ?>vo, calf extra. GORDON, George, and GLENDINNING, Robert. The Pinetum ; being a Synopsis of all the Coniferous Plants at present known. With a Supplement. London, 1858-62. 2 vols. Svo, cloth. 139 GORDON, Mary. " Christopher N9rth." A Memoir of John Wilson. Compiled from family papers and other sources. With an Intro- duction by R. S. Mackenzie. New York, 1863. I vol. Svo, cloth. GOSSE, Philip Henry. The Ancient and Modern History of the Rivers of the Bible. Second Edition, with a map. London, s. a. I vol. Svo, cloth. GOUFFE, Jules. Le livre de cuisine, comprenant la cuisine de manage et la grande cuisine, avec 25 planches en chromo-litho- graphie, et 161 vignettes sur bois; dessin^es d'aprbs nature par E. Ronjat. Paris, 1867. I vol. roy. Svo, half green morocco. {Bain.) GOULBURN, Edward Meyrick. Farewell Counsels of a Pastor to his Flock. London, Rivingtons, 1867. I vol. i6mo, cloth. The Idle Word : Short Religious Essays upon the Gift of Speech, and its Employment in Conversation. London, 1865. ivol. i6mo, dark calf. An Introduction to the Devotional Study of the Holy Scriptures. New York, 1866. I vol. i2mo, cloth. Sermons preached on different occasions during the last Twenty Years. London, Rivingtons, 1866. 1 vol. x6mo, cloth. Thoughts on Personal Religion. London, JRivingtons, 1866. 2 vols. i6mo, morocco. GOULD, JOHN. A Monograph of the Trochilidae, or Family of Humming- Birds. London, 186 i. 5 vols, folio, colored plates, green morocco with heavy gilt borders. {Macomie.) An elegant copy. GOURSAUD, A. Cubage et estimation des bois. Paris, % Roths- child, 1866. I vol i6mo, half blue morocco. I40 GRAFTON, Richard. Grafton's Chronicle, or History of England. To which is added his Table of the Bailiffs, Sheriffs, and Mayors of the City of London, from the year 1189 to 1558, inclusive. London, 1809. 2 vols. A^to, red morocco. [Stamper.) GRAHAM, Sylvester. Lectures on the Science of Human Life. Boston, 1839, , 2 vols. i2mo, old calf. GRAHAME, James, History of the United States of North America. Philadelphia, 1846. 2 vols. roy. 8vo, cloth. GRANDVILLE, J. J. Les fleurs animdes. Introductions par A. Karr ; texte par Taxile Delord. Paris, G. de Gonet, 1847. 2 vols. roy. Svo, half red morocco. First edition. GRANT, Colesworthy. Rural Life in Bengal ; illustrative of Anglo- Indian Suburban Life. Letters from an artist in India to his sisters in England. London, i860. 1 vol. Zvo, cloth. GRANVILLE, A. B. St. Petersburgh ; a Journal of Travels to and from that Capital, through Flanders, the Rhenish Provinces, Prussia, Russia, Poland, Silesia, Saxony, the Federated States of Germany, and France. London, Colburn, 1828. 2 vols. Svo, calf. The Spas of England, and principal Sea-bathing Places. Lon- don, Colburn, 1841. 3 vols. %vo, cloth. GRAP ALDUS, Franciscus Marius. Francisci Marii Grapaldi poete laureati : de partibus aedium ; addita modo verborum explicatione ; que in eodem libro continentur : opus sane elegans. Venetiis, A. de Bindonis, 15 17. I vol. Afto, half vellum. GRATIANUS. Decretum Gratiani Glossis dfTi Joanni theutonici prepositi alberstatensis ; et annotationibus Bartholomei brixiensis. Venetiis, Z. A. Giunta, 15 14. I vol. ^to, old calf. 141 GRAY, Asa. Introduction to Structural and Systematic Botany, and Vegetable Physiology. New York, 1864. I vol. ?>vo, doth. Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States. To which is added Garden Botany. New York, 1863. I vol. 8vo, cloth. GRAY, George Robert. The Genera of Birds : comprising their Generic Characters, a notice of the Habits of each genus, and an extensive List of Species referred to their several genera. Illus- trated by D. W. Mitchell. London, Longman, 1849. 3 vols. 4to, colored plates, half maroon morocco. GRAY, Horatio. Memoirs of the Rev. Benjamin C. Cutler. New York, 1865. I vol. i2mo, cloth. GRAY, Thomas. Poems. New Edition adorned with plates. Lon- don, Du Roveray, 1800. I vol. ?>vo, large paper, red morocco, gilt. Copy containing additional plates and portraits. Poetical Works ; with an Account of the Life and Writings of the Author. London, 18 14. I vol. 2/^mo, calf. Works of Thomas Gray. London, P/V^mw^, 1835-43. 5 vols. 1 6mo, tree calf. GREELEY, Horace. Glances at Europe ; in a Series of Letters from Great Britain, France, Italy and Switzerland, during the Summer of 1851. New York, 1851. I vol. i2mo, cloth. GREEN, Henry. Shakespeare and the Emblem Writers ; an Exposi- tion of their Similarities of Thought and Expression : preceded by a view of Emblem Literature, down to A. D. 1816. With numerous illustrative devices from the original authors. London, 1870. I vol. roy. Svo, cloth. GREEN, Horace. Selections from Favorite Prescriptions of Living American Practitioners. New York, 1858. I vol. Svo, cloth. 142 GREEN, Samuel A. Bibliography of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Boston, J. Wilson, 187 1. I vol. Zvo, half morocco. GREER, Mrs. J. R. Quakerism ; or the Story of my Life. Phila- delphia, 1852. 1 vol. i2mo, cloth. The Society of Friends : a Domestic Narrative illustrating the peculiar Doctrines held by the Disciples of George Fox. New York, 1853. 1 vol. i2fno, cloth. GREGG, JosiAH. Commerce of the Prairies; or the Journal of a Santa ¥6 Trader. New York, 1844. 2 vols. i2mo, cloth. GREGORIUS MAGNUS, S. I morali di S. Gregorio Magno (vol- garizzati da Z. da Strata). Firenze, impr. per Nicholo di Lorenzo delta Magna, i486. 2 vols, folio, russia. {Binda.) First edition of the translation of Z. da Strata. Los morales sobre el libro de Job. (Tr. de lat. en castel. por Alonzo Alvarez de Toledo.) Sevilla, impr. en casa del jfuan Va- rela d^ Salamanca, 1534. 2 vols, in \, folio, calf. GREGORIUS NYSStENUS. D. Gregorii Nyssae Pontificis, magni Basilii fratris, Doctissimus in Hexaemeron Commentarius. Petro Francisco Zino, Veronesi, interprete. Venetiis, P. Manutii Aldi filth 1553- I vol. Zvo, vellum. GRENVILLE, George, Lord Nugent. Memorials of John Hampden, his Party and his Times. Fourth Edition, with a Memoir of the Writer and a general Index. London, i860. 1 vol. Svo, half calf GRIEB, Christoph Friedrich. A Dictionary of the English and German Languages. Philadelphia, 1870. 2 vols. Svo, half drown morocco. GRIFFIN, G. W. Studies in Literature. Baltimore, 1870. I vol. iimo, cloth. 143 GRIMM, Herman. Life of Michael Angelo. Translated by Fanny E. Bunnett. London, 1865. 2 vols, iimo, with photographic portrait, doth. GRISWOLD, RuFUS Wilmot. The Republican Court, or American Society in the days of Washington. With 21 Portraits of Distin- guished Women, engraved from original pictures by Woolaston, Copley, Stuart, and others. New York, Appkton, 1855. 1 vol. roy. Svo, dark morocco. GROTE, George. History of Greece. London, Murray, 1852 - 56. 12 vols. Svo, half calf . GUARDIAN, The. London, 1797. 2 vols. Svo, large paper, blue morocco. GIFENEE, Antoine. Letters of Certain Jews to M. Voltaire, contain- ing an Apology for their own People and for the Old Testament. With critical reflections. Translated by P. Lefanu. Paris, Ky., 1845. I vol. Svo, half brown morocco. GUERIN, Eugenie de. Journal. Edited by G. S. Trebutien. Lon- don, 1865. I vol. 16 mo, cloth. GUICCIARDINI, Francesco. History of Italy, from the year 1490 to 1532. Translated into English by A. P. Goddard. London, Towers, 1753-56. 10 vols. Svo, calf extra. {Bedford.) Maxims. Translated by Emma Martin. With Parallel Pas- sages from the works of Machiavelli, Lord Bacon, and others. London, 1845. I vol. \6mo, half calf. GUICHENON, Samuel. Inventaire des titres recueillis par Samuel Guichenon, prdcddd de la table du Lugdunum Sacroprophanum de P. Bullioud ; publics d'aprbs les manuscrits de la bibliothbque de la facultd de medicine de Montpellier, et suivis de pieces inddites concernant Lyon (par M. Paul AUut). Lyon, impr. de Louis Perrin, 1851. I vol. Svo, crimson levant morocco, gilt and marbled edges. ( Trautz-Bauzonnet. ) Copy on Holland paper, with plates and vignettes. From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 2632. 144 GUIDETTUS, Joannes. Directorium chori ad usum omnium ecclesi- arum, tarn cathedralium, quam collegiatarum, nuper restitutum, et nunc secundo in lucem editum. RoM^, apud F. Coattinum, 1589. I vol. Svo, dark morocco. GUILD, Reuben Aldridge. History of Brown University, with Illus- trative Documents. Providence, 1867. I vol. /^to, half red morocco. 300 copies published by subscription. The Librarian's Manual : a Treatise on Bibliography, comprising a select and descriptive List of Biographical Works ; to which are added Sketches of Publick Libraries. Illustrated with engravings. New York, Norton, 1858. I vol sm. ^to, large paper. Only 10 copies on large paper. GUILLEMIN, Amed^e. The Heavens ; an Illustrated Handbook of Popular Astronomy. Edited by J. N. Lockyer. London, Bentley, 1867. I vol. 8vo, calf extra. GUILLIN, John. A Display of Heraldry. Sixth Edition, improv'd with large additions of many hundred Coats of Arms. London, 1724. I vol. folio, calf GUIZOT, Franqois Pierre Guillaume. Corneille and his Times. London, Bentley, 1852. I vol. &V0, half calf. The Fine Arts, their Nature and Relations. Translated with the assistance of the Author, by George Grove. With illustrations drawn on wood by G. Scharf, Jr. London, 1853. 1 vol. %vo, cloth. History of Civilization, from the Fall of the Roman Empire to the French Revolution. Translated by W. Hazlitt. London, 1846. 2 vols. Svo, half calf Memoirs to illustrate the History of My Time. Translated by J. W. Cole. London, 1858 - 61. 4 vols. Svo, half calf 145 GUIZOT, Pauline de Meulan. Moral Tales. Translated from the French by Mrs. L. Burke. London, Routledge, 1853. I vol. i6mo, cloth. GULLY, James Manby. The Water-Cure in Chronic Diseases. New York, 1854. I vol. 121)10, cloth. GUROWSKI, Adam de. Russia as it is. New York, 1854. I vol. i2mo, cloth. GUTHRIE, Thomas. " Out of Harness." London, 1867. I vol. \2ino, cloth. H ABITUS praecipuorum populorum tam virorum, qukm foemi- narum, olim singulari Johannis Weigelii proplastis Norim- bergensis arte depicti et excusi, nunc vero debita diligentid denuo recusi. Das ist Trachtenbuch ; Darinn fast allerley und der furnembsten Nationen die heutiges tages bekand seyn kleidungen deyde wie es bey Manns und Weibspersonen gebraiichlich, mit, allem fleiss abgerissen seyn, vor zeiten durch Hans Weigel. Ulm, y. Gorlins, printed by Kiihnen, 1639. I vol folio, woodcuts, garnet morocco. {Simier I'A.) From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 31 10. HAGHE, Louis. Portfolio of Sketches; Belgium, Germany. 1850. London, McLean, 1850. 1 vol. folio, half purple morocco. Sketches of Belgium and Germany. London, Hodgson &» Graves, 1840-45. 2 vols, folio, half purple morocco. HAIN, LuDOVicus. Repertorium bibliographicum, in quo libri omnes ab arte typographica inventa usque ad annum m.d. typis express! ordine alphabetico vel simpliciter enumerantur vel adcuratius re- censentur. STuxTGARXiiE, Cotta, 1826-38. 2 vols, in 4, Zvo, half brown morocco. HAKLUYT, Richard. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation, made by Sea or overland, to the remote and farthest distant quarters of the Earth, at any time 19 146 » within the compasse of these 1600 yeres. London, G. Bishop, R. Newberie, and R. Barker, 1599- 1600, 3 vols, folio, red levant morocco. {Jenkins 6- Cecil.) HALL, Edward. Hall's Chronicle ; containing the History of Eng- land during the reign of Henry IV., and the succeeding Monarchs to the end of the reign of Henry VIII. (Edited by Sir Henry Ellis.) London, 1809. I vol. 4I0, red morocco gilt. {Stamper.) HALL, Edward B. Memoir of Mary L. Ware, wife of Henry Ware, Jr. Boston, 1853. I vol. i2mo, cloth. HALL, James. Key to a Chart of the Successive Geological Forma- tions. London, 1852. I vol. \6mo. HALL, James. The West : its Commerce and Navigation. Cincin- nati, 1848. I vol. i2mo, cloth. The West : its Soil, Surface, and Productions. Cincinnati, 1848. I vol. i2mo, cloth. HALL, Joseph. Occasional Meditations. Also the Breathings of the Devout Soul. London, Pickering, 185 1. I vol. 2/^mo, cloth. , Three Centuries of Meditations and Vows, divine and moral; serving for Directions in Christian and Civil Practice. London, 1845. I vol. 24mo, cloth. HALL, Robert. Works. With a brief Memoir of his Life by Dr. Gregory, and Observations on his Character as a Preacher, by J. Foster. London, Bohn, 1850. 6 vols. Svo, calf. HALL, William W. Sleep. Fourth Edition, revised. New York, 1864. I vol. i2mo, cloth. 147 HALLAM, Henry. The Constitutional History of England from the Accession of Henry VH. to the Death of George II. London, Murray, 1846. 2 vols. 8j'(?, calf. Introduction to the Literature of Europe, in the Fifteenth, Six- teenth and Seventeenth Centuries. Third Edition. London, Murray, 1847. 3 vols. Svo, calf. View of the State of Europe during the Middle Ages. London, Murray, 1846. 2 vols. Svo, calf. HALLECK, Fitz-Greene. Poetical Works ; now first collected. Il- lustrated with steel engravings, from drawings by American Artists. New York, 1847, 1 vol. Svo, dark blue morocco. HALLIWELL, James Orchard. A Dictionary of Archaic and Pro- vincial Words, Obsolete Phrases, Proverbs and Ancient Customs, from the Fourteenth Century. London, 1847. 2 vols. Svo, thick paper, russia. {Clarke 6^ Bedford.) Only six copies printed on thick paper. Historical Account of the New Place, Stratford-upon-Avon, the last residence of Shakespeare. London, % E. Adlard, 1864. I vol. folio, thick paper, half morocco. Printed only for presentation. HAMILTON, Anthony, Count. M^moires du Comte de Grammont, par le C Antoine Hamilton. Edition ornde de lxxii portraits, gravds d'aprbs les tableaux originaux. Londres, Edwards, s. a. (1792.) I vol. 4to, green morocco gilt. {Staggemeier.) Beautiful and unique copy printed on vellum, enriched with portraits engraved upon satin. Memoirs of the Court of Charles the Second, by Count Gram- mont, with numerous additions and illustrations, as edited by Sir Walter Scott. Also : the Personal History of Charles ; and the Boscobel Tracts. London, Bohn, 1846. I vol. Svo, cloth. 148 HAMILTON, John C. Life of Alexander Hamilton. New York, 1840-41. 2 vols. Zvo, half calf . HAMILTON, Joseph. A Treatise on the Hamiltonian System of Cultivating the Pine Apple. London, 1845. I vol. \21no, cloth. HAMILTON, Sir William. Lectures on Metaphysics and Logic. Edited by H. L. Mansel and J. Veitch. Edinburgh, Blackwood, 1859-60. 4 vols. 8vo, cloth. Outlines from the Figures and Compositions upon the Greek, Roman, and Etruscan Vases of the late Sir William Hamilton; with engraved borders drawn and engraved by the late Mr. Kirk. London, 1804. I vol. Afto, red morocco. {Sartorius.) HARDING, or HARDYNG, John. Chronicle of J. Hardyng ; con- taining an Account of Public Transactions from the earliest period of English History to the beginning of the reign of King Edward the Fourth. Together with the Continuation of Richard Grafton. To which are added a biographical and literary Preface, and an Index, by Henry Ellis. London, 181 2. 1 vol. 4to, red morocco gilt. (^Stamper.') HARE, Julius Charles. The Mission of the Comforter, and other Sermons, with Notes. London, 1846. 2 vols. Svo, half calf HARE, Julius C. and Augustus W. Guesses at Truth. London, 1859. I vol. Svo, cloth. HARENTALS, Petrus de. Expositio super libru psalmoru regii pphete per reverendu & religiosum prem frem Petru de Harentals. {In fine:) Explicit collectarius super libnun psalmoru. Impssus per me jfohannem Guldeschayff. Anno domini incamatois, m.cccclxxxiii. (Colonic.) I vol folio, 399 leaves in 2 columns, boards covered with stamped leather, brass clasps. 149 HARINGTON, Sir John. The Metamorphosis of Ajax; with the Anatomy and Apology. To which is added Ulysses upon Ajax. Chiswick, 1 8 14. I vol. Svo, half morocco. H ARNIER, WiLHELM VON. Reise am oberen Nil ; nach dessen hinter- lassenen Tagebiichern, herausgegeben von A. von Harnier,miteinem Vorwort von A. Petermann. Darmstadt & Leipzig, 1866. I vol. ob. i\io, colored plates, cloth. HARRIS, Thaddeus William. Treatise on some of the Insects in- jurious to Vegetation. New Edition, enlarged and improved. Edited by Chas. L. Flint. Boston, 1862, I vol. Svo, with illustrations. HARRISSE, Henry. Bibliotheca Americana Vetustissima. A De- scription of Works relating to America published between the years 1492 and 155 1. New York, 1866. 1 vol. A^to, large Holland paper, half brown morocco. Only 10 copies on large paper. HARTE, Walter. History of the Life of Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden, surnamed the Great. Second P^dition corrected ; with alterations and enlargements. London, 1767. 2 vols. 2>vo, with portrait and maps, panel calf . {Bedford.) HARTWIG, G. The Sea and its Living Wonders ; translated from the fourth German Edition and partly rewritten by the Author. New York, 1861. I vol. Svo, purple calf. Tropical World : a Popular Scientific Account of the Natural History of the Animal and Vegetable Kingdoms in the Equatorial Regions. London, Longman, 1863. I vol. Svo, half calf . HARVEY, William. Exercitationes de generatione animalium ; quibus accedunt qusedam de partu, de membranis ac humoribus uteri, et de conceptione ; autore Guilielmo Harveo Anglo. Amstel., apud L. Elzeviriuni, 165 1. I vol. sm. \2mo, purple levant morocco. {Hardy.) HASLEWOOD, Joseph. Some Account of the Life and Publications of the late Joseph Ritson, Esq. London, 1824. I vol. Svo, half morocco. I50 HASSARD, John R. G. Life of the most Reverend John Hughes, D.D., first Archbishop of New York ; with Extracts from his Pri- vate Correspondence. New York, 1866. I vol. 8vo, half green morocco. HASSAUREK, F. Four Years among Spanish-Americans. New York, 1867. 1 vol. i2mo, cloth. HASTINGS, Selina S., Countess of Huntingdon. Life and Times of Selina, Countess of Huntingdon; by a Member of the Houses of Shirley and Hastings. London, 1840. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf . HASTINGS, Thomas. Dissertation on Musical Taste. New York, 1853. I vol. i6mo, cloth. HAVEN, Gilbert, and RUSSELL, Thomas. Father Taylor, the Sailor Preacher. Incidents and Anecdotes of Rev. Edward T. Taylor, for overfortyyearsPastorof the Seaman's Bethel, Boston. Boston, 1872. I vol. \2n10, half morocco. HAWEIS, John Oliver Willyams, Sketches of the Reformation and Elizabethan Age, taken from the Contemporary Pulpit. London, Pickering, 1844. I vol. i6mo, cloth. HAWKER, Peter. Instructions to Young Sportsmen, in all that re- lates to Guns and Shooting. First American Edition, to which is added the Hunting and Shooting of North America, by Wm. T. Porter. Philadelphia, 1846. I vol. Svo, with illustrations., cloth. HAWKINS, Sir John. General History of the Science and Practice of Music. London, 1776. 5 vols. 4to, tree calf. HAWTHORNE, Nathaniel. The Blithedale Romance. Boston, 1865. I vol. i6mo, half calf . The House of the Seven Gables. Boston, 1865. 1 vol. i6mOy half calf The Marble Faun ; or, the Romance of Monte Beni. Boston, 1865. 2 vols. 16 mo, half calf . 151 HAWTHORNE, Nathaniel. Mosses from an Old Manse. New Edition, carefully revised by the Author. Boston, 1865. 2 vols. i6mo, half calf . Our Old Home : a Series of English Sketches. Boston, 1865. I vol. i6jno, half calf . The Scarlet Letter, a Romance. Boston, 1865. I vol. i6mo, half calf. The Snow-Image, and other Twice-told Tales. Boston, 1865. I vol. i6mo, half calf . Tanglewood Tales, for Girls and Boys ; being a second Wonder- Book. With fine illustrations. Boston, 1865. I vol. iSnio, half calf . True Stories from History and Biography. Boston, 1865. 1 vol. i6mo, half calf. Twice-told Tales. A new Edition. Boston, 1865. 2 vols. i6mo, half calf A Wonder-Book for Girls and Boys. Boston, 1865. I vol. iSmo, half calf . HAY, David Ramsay. The Principles of Beauty in Colouring systema- tized. Edinburgh, Blackwood, 1845. r vol. Svo, with colored plates, cloth. HAYCOCK, William. The Gentleman's Stable Manual. London, i860. I vol. i2mo, cloth. HAYDN, Joseph. A Dictionary of Dates relating to all Ages and Nations. London, i860. I vol. Svo, calf. {Hayday.) HAYES, Isaac I. The Open Polar Sea ; a Narrative of a Voyage of Discovery towards the North Pole, in the Schooner " United States." New York, 1867. I vol. Svo, half green morocco. HAZLITT, William. Characters of Shakspeare's Plays. New York, 1845. I vol. 1 2mo, bound with the following work. 152 HAZLITT, William. Lectures on the Dramatic Literature of the Age ofEUzabeth. New York, 1845. I vol. i2mo, cloth. Lectures on the English Comic Writers. New York, 1845. I vol. i2mo, cloth. Lectures on the Enghsh Poets. New York, 1845. 1 vol. 12 mo, bound with the preceding work. Life of Napoleon Buonaparte. New York, 1847. 3 vols. i2mo, cloth. The Plain Speaker : Opinions of Books, Men, and Things. Second Edition. Edited by his son. London, 185 i. 2 vols. i6Tno, calf. Table Talk : Opinions on Books, Men, and Things. New York, 1845. 2 vols, in I, \2mo, cloth. HAZLITT, William Carew. • English Proverbs and Proverbial Phrases ; collected from the most authentic sources, alphabetically arranged and annotated. London, Chiswick Press, 1869. I vol. Svo, cloth. HEAD, Sir Francis Bond. The Emigrant. New York, 1847. 1 vol. i2mo, cloth. A Faggot of French Sticks; or, Paris in 185 1. New York, 1852. 2 vols, in I, i2mo, half calf . A Fortnight in Ireland. New York, 1853. I vol. i2mo, cloth. The Horse and his Rider. London, Murray, i860. I vol Zvo, cloth. HEADLEY, Joel Tyler. The Adirondack ; or, Life in the Woods. New York, 1849. I vol. i2mo, cloth. Letters from Italy. New York, 1845. I vol. i2mo, bound with Calvert's Scenes in Europe. 153 HEBER, Reginald. Sermons preached in England. London, 1829. I vol. Svo, old calf. Sermons preached in India. London, 1829. I vol. 2)V0, old calf. HEDGE, Frederic H. Prose Writers of Germany ; illustrated with portraits. Fourth Edition. New York, 1856. I vol. roy. Svo, brown morocco. HEFNER-ALTENECK, J. H. de. Costumes du moyen-^ge chrdtien ; d'apres des monumens contemporains. Francfort ^/ M. 1840- 54- 3 vols. Afto, crimson morocco richly gilt. {Bedford.) 420 plates finely illuminated in gold, silver, and colors. HEINE, Heinrich. Book of Songs. Translated by C. G. Leland. Philadelphia, Leypoldt, 1864. I vol. \6mo, cloth. HEINEKEN, C. H. von. Idde gen^rale d'une collection complette d'estampes. Avec une dissertation sur I'origine de la gravure et sur les premiers livres d'images. Leipsic et Vienne, Kratis, 1771. I vol. Svo, 2,2 plates, half green morocco. HEINSIUS, Daniel. D. Heinsii orationum editio nova ; auctior atque ita emendata, ut alia videri possit. Accedunt dissertationes aliquot nee unius argument!. Lugd. Batav. ex off. Elseviriana, 1642. I vol. sm. i2mo, calf {C. Lewis.) HELICONIA ; comprising a Selection of English Poetry of the Eliza- bethan Age ; written or published between 1575 and 1604. Edited by T. Park. London, Longman, 18 15. 3 vols. \to, large paper, green morocco. Vol. I. A Gorgious Gallery of Gallant Inventions ; by T. P. [Thomas Proc- ter.] 1578. A Small Handfull of Fragant Flowers; by N. B. [Nicholas Breton.] 1575. A Floorish upon Fancie ; by N. B. [Nicholas Breton.] 1582. Vol. II. A HandefuU of Pleasant Delites ; by Clement Robinson, 1584. Life, Death and Devine Vertues of Francis Earle of Bedford ; by George Whetstone, 1585. The Phoenix Nest ; by R. S. 1593. A Divine Centurie of Spirituall Sonnets ; by Bamabe Bai'nes. 1595. Spirituall Sonnettes, to the Honour of God and hys Sayntes ; by H. C. [Henry Constable.] 20 154 Sad and Solemne Funerall of Sir Francis Knowles ; by Tho. Churchyard. 1596. Life and Death of Thomas Wolsey, Cardinall ; by Tho. Storer. 1599. Vol. III. England's Parnassus; by Robt. Allott. 1600. Churchyard's Good Will. Sad and heavy Verses for the Losse of Abp. Whit- gift ; by Tho. Churchyard. 1604. HELPS, Arthur. Companions of my Solitude. London, 1854. 1 vol. i6mo, half calf . Friends in Council ; a Series of Readings and Discourse thereon. London, 1854. 2 vols. i6mo, half calf. Fruits of Leisure. Essays written in the Intervals of Business. New York, 1852. I vol. 12 jno, cloth. Spanish Conquest in America, and its Relation to the History of Slavery and to the Government of Colonies. London, 1855-61. 4 vols. 8vo, half calf . HELYOT, Pierre. Histoire des ordres monastiques, religieux et mili- taires, et des congregations sdculieres de I'un et de I'autre sexe [par le P. Helyot, continuee par le P. Maximilian Bullot]. Paris, 1721. 8 vols. 4I0, with colored plates, marbled calf. H EM AN S, Felicia. Poems. Edinburgh, ^/<3;^-^z£/vo, cloth. HEROS, Les, de la ligue, ou la procession monacale conduite par Louis XIV. pour la conversion des protestans de son royaume. Paris, chezpere Peters d, Venseigne de Louis-le- Grand, s. a. [1691.] I vol 4to, calf. I . This volume contains 24 grotesque engravings. HERP, Frater Henricus. Speculum aureum decem praeceptorum Dei. {In fine :) Speculi aurei decem pceptorH deifratris Henrici herp ordinis minor u de observdtia opus preclarli in nobili urbe MagUcia . . . p honor abile viru Petru schoyffer de Gernsheym feliciter est consumatii Anno dominice incarnacdii- Millesimoquadritigentesimo septUagesimo quarto. [Mogunti^, 1474.] I vol. folio, brown levant morocco. HERSHBERGER, H. R. The Horseman. New York, 1844. I vol. i2mo, half calf . This volume also contains Hints oti Horsemanship. By an Officer 0/ the House- hold Brigade of Cavalry. London, 1839. 157 HESYCHIUS ALEXANDRINUS. Hesychii Dictionarium (grace). Venetiis, in ced. Aldi et Andrea soceri, 15 14. I vol. folio, red lenant morocco. {Hardy-Mennil.) The first edition. HET GROOTE TAFEREEL der Dwaasheid, Vertoonende de opkomst, voortgang en ondergang der Actie, Bubbel en Windnego- tie, in Vrankryk, Engeland, en de Nederlanden, gepleegt in den Jaare mdccxx. Zynde een Verzameling van alle de Conditien en Projecten van de opgeregte Compagnien van Assurantie, Navi- gatie ... in Nederland, zo wel die in gebruik zyn gebragt, als die door de H. Staten van eenige Provintien zyn verworpen : als meede Konst-PIaaten, Comedien en Gedigten, etc. etc. s. I 1720. 1 vol. folio, vellum. HETZEL, Pierre Jules. Scenes de la vie privde et publique des animaux. Vignettes par Grandville. Etudes de moeurs contempo- raines, publiees sous la direction de P. J. Stahl, avec la collabora- tion de MM. de Balzac, L. Baude, etc. Paris, Hetzel, 1842-44. 2 vols. Svo, half russia. "Ouvrage d'une originalite piquante." — Brunet. HEURES DE NOSTRE DAME. Ccs prescntcs heures a lusaige de Cabray au log sans requerir avec les hystoires de lapocalipse et les miracles nostre dame et plusieurs autres hystoires faictes a latiq ont este imprimees pour Symon Vostre Libraire. (Almanach pour xxii ans, de 1507 k 1528.) s. I. et a. I vol. Svo, printed upon vellum, 2 1 large woodcuts, borders rep- resenting the Dance of Death, broivn stamped morocco. {Hardy.) HEURES de nostre dame. Cespresentes heures de nostre dame ont este nouvellement imprimees a Paris pour Godard. {A la fin :)' Imprimees a Paris pour Guillaume godard libraire detnouraiit sur le pont au change. A lenscigne de Ihome sauvaige: devdt lorloge du Palays. {Almanack de 15 14 a 1530.) I vol. Svo, brown morocco with jewelled clasps. {Kcehler.) Printed upon vellum, and embellished with woodcuts and painted initials. HEURES de la reine Anne de Bretagne. See Livre d'heures. HEURES NOUVELLES, dddie'es k Madame la Princesse ; augmente'es de 158 plusieurs prieres et oraisons tirdes de I'Ecriture Sainte. Paris, C. de Hansy, 1700. I vol. 8vo, with 4 engravings, and 4 pages slightly illuminated in gold and blue, bound in morocco, with silver clasps and ornaments. HEYWOOD, Thomas. The Generall History of Women, containing the Lives of the most holy and prophane, the most famous and infamous in all Ages, exactly described not only from poeticall Fictions, but from the most ancient, modern and admired Historians, to our Times. By T. H. Gent. London, W. H. 1657. I vol. 8vo, calf. Extremely rare. The Hierarchic of the blessed Angells ; their Names, orders and Offices. The fall of Lucifer with his Angells. London, A. Islip. 1635- I vol. folio, with plates, crimson morocco. J. Mitford's copy. HIBBERD, Shirley. The Book of the Aquarium and Water Cabinet. London, 1856. I vol. i6mo, cloth. The Rose Book ; a Practical Treatise on the Culture of the Rose. London, 1864. I vol. i2mo, cloth. Rustic Adornments for Homes of Taste. London, 1866. I vol. i6mo, half green morocco. Rustic Adornments for Homes of Taste. London, 1870. I vol. sm. 4to, 9 colored plates and 230 wood engravings, cloth. HICKS, Thomas. Eulogy on Thomas Crawford. New York, privately printed, 1865. 1 vol. 4.to, 5 plates on India paper, half brown ?norocco. Only 25 copies printed in quarto. HIERONYMUS, S. Epistolse Sancti Hieronymi. {In fine:) Elegan- tissimas Divi Hieronyjni epistolas Antonius Bartolomei Venetiis feliciter impssit m.cccc.lxxvi. Die xxii j?iensis Januarii. 2 vols, in 1, folio, thick paper, old calf. 159 HIERONYMUS, S. Epistole de San Hieronymo vulgare (tradotte da Matheo de Ferrara povero Jesuato). {In fine:) Impressa e la pre- sente opera cosi con diligentia emendata como di jocunde caractere e figure ornata ne la inclita e fiorentissima cita de Ferrara per Maestro Lorenzo di Rossi de Valenza : ne gli anni de la salute del mundo Mccccxcvii. a di xii. de octobre. I vol. folio y woodcut title and illustrations, red morocco. Regula composta per il Beato Hieronymo : Edata ad Eustochio : Dove se Insiegna el modo e la via : che tenere de biano le Sore nel suo Vivere. {In fine:) Finisse la utile e sancta Regula del beato Hieronymo : e deligentemente Impressa i?i Bologna per lo accuratissimo impressore Caligula de Bazalerii citadino Bolognese, m. cccc. lxxxx vi 1 1 . I vol. 4to, vellum, bound with Poggio. HILDRETH, Richard. Theory of Politics : an Inquiry into the Foundations of Governments, and the Causes of Political Revolu- tions. New York, 1854. I vol. \2mo, cloth. HILDRETH, Samuel Prescott. Biographical and Historical Me- moirs of the Early Pioneer Settlers of Ohio. Cincinnati, 1852. I vol. 8vo, cloth. HILL, Thomas. The Arte of Gardening, whereunto is added much necessarie matter, with a number of Secrets : Heer-unto is annexed two proper Treatises, the first intituled The mervailous goverment, propertie, & benefite of Bees : the other The yearly Conjectures, verie necessary for Husband-men, etc. London, Allde, 1608. 1 vol. sm. 4.to, vellum. HILLARD, George Stillman, Six Months in Italy. London, Mur- ray, 1853. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. HIPPOCRATES. Hippocratis aphorismi (gr. et lat.), Hippocratis et Celsi locis parallelis illustrati, studio et cura Janssonii ab Almelo- veen, D. M. Quibus accessit Ludov. Verhoofd index locupletis- simus. Loca parallela ex Boerhavii commentariis, notulas addidit, editionem curavit A. C. Lorry. Parisiis, Theoph. Barrois, 1784. 2 vols. iSmo, red morocco lined with white silk. {Boz'erian.) The only knowii copy printed upon vellum. i6o HIPPOCRATES. The Aphorisms of Hippocrates, and the Sentences of Celsus ; with Explanations and References. Second Edition, corrected and enlarged. By Sir Conrad Sprengell. London, 1735- I vol. Svo, old calf. HISTORIA TRIPARTITA. Scc Cassiodorus. HISTORIC Augusts scriptores. Neruse & Traiani, atq Adriani Caesarum vitaj ex Dione, Georgio Merula interprete. ^lius Spar- tianus. Julius Capitolinus. Lampridius. Flavins Vospiscus. Trebel- lius Pollio. Vulcatius Gallicanus. Ab Joanne Baptista Egnatio Veneto diligentissime castigati. Heliogabali pricipis ad meretrices elegatissima oratio. Ejusdem Jo. Baptistse Egnatii de Caesaribus libri tres a Dictatore Caesare ad Costantinum Palaeologum, hinc k Carolo Magno ad Maximilianu Caesare. Ejusdem in Spartiani, Lampridiique vitas," & reliquorum annotationes Aristidis Smyrnaei oratio de laudibus urbis Romae k Scipione Carteromacho in latinum versa. In extrema operis parte addita Coflagratio Veseui mentis ex Dione, Georgio Merula interprete. Venetiis, iii ced. Aldi et Andrece soceri, 15 19. I vol. 8vo, vellum. HITCHCOCK, Edward. Elementary Geology. Third Edition, with an Introductory Notice by J. P. Smith. New York, 1844. 1 vol. i2mo, cloth. Final Report on the Geology of Massachusetts. Northampton, 1841. 2 vols, in I, 4/(9, cloth. Religious Truth, illustrated from Science, in Addresses and Ser- mons. Boston, 1857. 1 vol. i2mo, cloth. HOBBES, James R. The Picture Collector's Manual ; being a Dic- tionary of Painters. London, 1849. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. HODGKIN, John Eliot. Monograms, Ancient and Modern, their History and Art-treatment, with Examples. London, Longmans, 1866. I vol. cloth, unique in size and shape. i6i HOFFMEISTER, Werner. Die Botanischen Ergebnisse der Reise seiner konigl. hoheit des Prinzen Waldemar von Preussen in den Jahren 1845 und 1846. Durch Dr. W. Hoflfmeister, auf Ceylon, dem Himalaya und an den Grenzen von Tibet gesammelte Pflan- zen, beschrieben von Fr. Klotzsch und A. Garcke. Berlin, 1862. I vol. 4^0, \0Q plates, half green morocco. HOFLAND, T. C. and B. A Descriptive Account of the Mansion and Gardens of White-Knights, a Seat of the Duke of Marlborough. Y.otiDO'i^, privately printed, s. a. 1 vol folio, 2^ plates, half red morocco. HOGARTH, George. Memoirs of the Musical Drama. (With Por- traits.) London, Bentley, 1838. 2 vols. Svo, cloth. HOGARTH, William. Works ; containing one hundred and fifty- nine Engravings by Mr. Cooke, and Mr. Davenport, with Descrip- tions. With a comment on their moral tendency, by John Trusler. New Edition, revised and corrected. London, 182 i. 2 vols. 4to, large paper, green morocco. HOLBEIN, Hans. Oeuvre de Jean Holbein, ou recueil de gravureg d'apres les plus beaux ouvrages de ce fameux peintre. Publid par C. de Mdchel. Basle, G. Haas, 1780. 4 parts in i vol. 4to, half brown morocco. Retratos o tablas de las historias del Testamento Viejo, hechas y dibuxadas por un muy primo y sotil artifice. luntamente con una muy breve y clara exposicion y declaracion de cada una dellas en latin, con las quotas de los lugares de la sagrada scritura de donde se tomaron, y la mesma en lengua castellana, para que todos gozen dellas. En Lion de Francia so el escudo de Colonia. Ano 1543. {Infne:) Lugduni apud yo. et Franc. Frellonios,fratres, 1543. I vol. 4to, red levant morocco in compartments, richly gilt. {Niedrie.) Fine copy with large margins. The binding is unique and beautiful. Les Simulachres & historiees faces de la mort, avtant elegammet pourtraictes, que artificiellement imagindes. A Lyon, soubz I'escu de Coloigne. mdxxxviii. {A la fin .•) Excudebant Lugduni Mel- chior et Gaspar Trechselfratres, 1538. I vol. 4to, brown inorocco, with medallion in gilt and mosaic. {Cape.) l62 Original edition of Holbein's celebrated work, containing 41 woodcuts remark- able for their beautiful execution. Above each plate is a Latin text from the Bible, analogous to the subject, and below are four explanatory lines in French. "Exemplaire d'une purete et d'une beaute d'epreuve et de conservation tout exceptionelle." From the library of M. Yemeniz, No, 604, HOLBEIN, Hans. La Triomphe de la mort, gravd d'aprbs les dessins originaux de Holbein par Chretien de Michel, graveur h. Bale. Bale, 1780. I vo/. 4fo, purple levant morocco. Bound with the above is a similar work consisting of 30 plates mounted upon drawing paper, entitled Het Schoutoneel des Boots of Dooden Datis, door Salomon van Rustingh. HOLCOMBE, James P. Literature in Letters ; or, Manners, Art, Criticism, Biography, History, and Morals, illustrated in the Cor- respondence of Eminent Persons. New York, 1866. I vol. Zvo, cloth. HOLE, S, Reynolds. A Book about Roses. How to grow and show them. Third Edition enlarged. Edinburgh, Blackwood, 1870. 1 vol. i6mo, cloth. HOLINSHED, Ralph. Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland. London, 1807 -08. 6 vols. 4fo, red morocco gilt. (^Stamper.) HOLLAND, Lady Saba Smith. A Memoir of the Reverend Sydney Smith. With a Selection from his Letters, edited by Mrs. Austin. New York, 1855, 2 vols. i2mo, cloth. HOLLAND, Lord. See Fox, H. R. HOLMES, Oliver Wendell. Poems, Boston, Ticknor, 1849. 1 vol. i6mo, half calf . HOME, Henry, Lord Karnes. Elements of Criticism. Eighth Edition, Edinburgh, 1807. 2 vols. 8vo, marbled calf. HOME AND Social Philosophy : or, Chapters on Every-day Topics. From "Household Words" edited by Charles Dickens, New York, 1852. I vol. i2mo, half calf . i63 HOMERUS. Homeri Opera omnia, cum vita ejus ex Herodoto, Dione et Plutarcho (graece). Venetiis in ad. Aldi et Andrecz Asulani soceri, 15 17. 2 vols. Zvo, calf extra. "Edition la meilleure et la plus rare des trois que les Aide ont donnees." — Brunei. Homeri opera omnia quae exstant, graece et latine. Juxta editio- nem emendatissimam et accuratissimam Samuelis Clarke. Amstel., apud y. Wetstenium, 1743. 2 vols. 1 2mo, marbled calf. Homeri Ilias, graece (edente Aloysio Lamberti). PARMiE, typ. Bodonianis, 1808. 3 vols, large folio, half russia. " Cette edition, veritable chef-d'oeuvre de typographie, est d^di^e k I'Empereur Napoleon. " — Brunei. The Iliad of Homer ; translated by Alexander Pope. A new Edition, adorned with plates. London, Du Roveray, 1805. 6 vols. 8vo, large paper, red morocco. The Iliad of Homer ; translated by Alexander Pope. New Edi- tion with Notes by G. Wakefield. London, 1806. 5 vols. Svo, russia. The Iliads of Homer, Prince of Poets, never before in any lan- guage truly translated, with a comment upon some of his chief places : done according to the Greek by Geo. Chapman. A new Edition, with Introduction and Notes, by W. C. Taylor. With 40 engravings on wood, from the compositions of J. Flaxman. London, Knight, 1843. 2 vols. Svo, calf extra. {Bedford^ The Iliad of Homer rendered into English blank verse. By Ed- ward, Earl of Derby. New York, 1866. 2 vols. Svo, half calf . The Iliad of Homer rendered into English blank verse. By Ed- ward, Earl of Derby. New York, 1866. 2 vols. Svo, large paper, cloth. 164 HOMERUS. The Iliad of Homer ; translated into English accentuated hexameters, by Sir John F. W. Herschel. London and Cam- bridge, 1866. I voL roy. 8vo, brown morocco. Odysseas Homeri libri xxiiii. Raphaele Regio Volaterrano inter- prete. Ejusdem Batrachomyomachia, Aldo Manutio : & Hymni Deorum, Jodoco Velareeo interpretib. Item, Herodoti Halicar- nassei libellus de vita Homeri, per Conradum Heresbachium latini- tate donatus. Lugduni, apud Seb. Gryphium, 15 41. 1 vol. 8vo, red levant morocco. ( Cape.) The Odyssey of Homer ; translated by Alexander Pope. A new Edition, adorned with plates. London, Du Roveray, 1806. 6 vols. 8vo, large paper, red morocco. The Odyssey of Homer ; translated by Alexander Pope. New Edition with Notes by G. Wakefield. London, 1806. 4 vols. 8vo, russia. HONE, William. Every Day Book ; or the Guide to the Year. Lon- don, s. a. 2 vols. 8vo, calf extra. Table Book of Daily Recreation and Information, London, s. a. I vol. 8vo, calf extra. Year Book of Daily Recreation and Information. London, s. a. 1 vol. 8vo, calf extra. HOOD, Thomas. Poetical Works, with some Account of the Author. Boston, Little 6- Brow ft, 1859-61. 4 vols. i6mo, calf Prose and Verse. New York, 1845. 2 vols, in I, \2mo, cloth. HOOGE, Romeyn de. L'Acaddmie de I'admirable art de la lutte ; avec une instruction claire et familiaire. Representee en soixante & onze tallies douces, dessignees par le cdlbbre M. Romein de Hoogue. Leide, I. Severinus, s. a. I vol. dfto, red morocco. {Derome j'eune.) From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 1026. 1 65 HOOKER, Joseph Dalton. The Botany of the Antarctic Voyage of H. M. Discovery Ships Erebus and Terror, in the years 1839 - 43, under the command of Capt. Sir Jas. C. Ross. London, 1844-47. 2 vols. 4fo, colored plates, half greeti morocco. Himalayan Journals, or Notes of a Naturalist. London, Murray, 1854. 2 vols. Svo, with maps and illustrations, half calf . HOOKER, Richard. Works : with an Account of his Life and Death, by Isaac Walton. Oxford, Utiiversity Press, 1845. 2 vols. Svo, dark calf. ( Wright.) HOOPER, John, Bishop of Gloucester. A Declaracion of Christe and of his ofFyce compylyd by Johan Hoper, Anno 1547. Zurych, A. Fries, 1547. I vol. Svo, blue morocco. HOOPER, Lucy Hamilton. Poems : with Translations from the German of Geibel and others. Philadelphia, 1864. I vol. \6j7to, cloth. HOR^-E SACR^. Prayers and Meditations for Private Use ; from the Writings of the Divines of the Church of England. With an Intro- duction by Rev. J. Chandler. New York, 1863. I vol. iSmo, brown morocco. HOR^ SYRIAC^. See Wiseman, Nicholas. HORATIUS FLACCUS, Quintus. Q. Horatii Flacci poemata, in quibus multa correcta sunt, & institutiones suis locis positae, com- mentariorum quodam modo vice funguntur, etc. Venetiis, apud Aldum Romanum, 1509. I vol. Svo, initials and ruling in gilt, red morocco, gilt and marbled edges. ( Trautz-Bauzonnet. ) " Presque aussi rare que celle de 1501, cat edition est plus correcte." — Renou- ard. Horatii poemata in quibus multa correcta sunt, & institutiones suis locis positae, commentariorum quodam modo vice funguntur. Venetiis, apud Aldum Rojnanum, 1509. I vol. Svo, vellum. Q. Horatii Flacci poemata omnia. Centimetrum Marii Servii. i66 Annotationes Aldi Manutii Romani in Horatium. Ratio mensuum, quibus odae ejusdem Poetae tenentur eodem Aldo authore. Nicolai Peroti libellus ejusdem argumenti. Venetiis, in ad. Aldi et Andrecz soceri, 15 19. I vol. 8vo, brown morocco. " Peut etre consideree comme la plus exacte des anciennes Editions Aldines d' Horace." — Renouard. HORATIUS FLACCUS, Quintus. Q. Horatius Flaccus, cum commentariis selectissimis variorum : & scholiis integris Johannis Bond. Accedunt indices locupletissimi tum auctorum, turn rerum. Accurante Corn. Schrevelio. Lugd. Batav., ex off. Hackiana^ 1670. 1 vol. 8vo, vellum. Quinti Horatii Flacci opera, aeneis tabulis incidit Johannes Pine. London, 1733-37- 2 vols. Zvo, large Holland paper, red morocco. {Derome.) [Opera, curante J. Livie.] Birminghami^, y. Baskerville, 1762. I vol. i2mo, calf extra. {Fetii.) Opera. ParmjE, in cedibiis Palaiifiis, fypis Bodonianis, 1791- I vol. folio, large vellum paper, calf. 50 copies on vellum paper. " Edition d'une execution parfaite." — Brunei. Quinti Horatii Flacci opera cum novo commentario ad modum Joannis Bond. Parisiis, F. Didot, 1855, I vol. i6mo, printed on vellum within red lines, frontispiece and vignettes by Barrias, with full-page plates in duplicate, photographs and maps, morocco mosaic in special design. {David.') " Charmante edition." — Brunei. Works of Horace. Translated literally into English Prose, by C. Smart. New Edition, revised, with a copious selection of Notes by T. A. Buckley. London, Bohn, 1856. I vol. Svo, half calf . Emblemata. See V^enius. HORE dive Marie secundum usum romanum. {In fine:) Ces presentes i67 heures a lusage de romme fureni achevees le Yin. Jour daoust mil cinq cens pour Anthoine Verard libraire demourant a Paris. (1500.) I vol. Svo, printed on vellum, with 18 large and many small miniatures richly illuminated, old marbled calf. HORE intemerate virginis marie secundum usum Romanum cum pluribus orationibus tam in Gallico quam in latino. {In fine:) Ces presentes heures a lusaige de Rome furet achevees le y;^ jour de ydvier Lan Mil cinq ces et troys. Par Thielman Kerver imprimeur et libraire jure de luniversite de Paris. ( 1 5 03 .) I vol. 4to, printed on vellum ornamented with borders, woodcuts, and painted initials, brown levant morocco. HORE intemerate dei genitricis virginis marie secundum usum Romane ecclesie. {In fine .•) Impressoreq Thielmdnus Kerver alme universi- tatis parisiesis librarium juratum . . . Parisius impressit Anno ab Icarnatione domini millesimo quingentesimo nono. (1509.) I vol. Svo, printed upon vellum, with fine woodcuts, borders and illuminated capitals, red levant morocco, extra. {Cape.) HORE itemerate dei genitricis virginis marie secundum usum ecclesie Romane totaliter ad longum sine require : unacum pluribus aliis suffragiis : noviter impressis opera Egidii Hardouyn commorantis Parisius in confinio pontis nostre domine : ante ecclesiam sancti Dionisii de carcere ad intersignium Rose. {Almanach de 15 11 k 1521.) I vol. i6mo, printed on vellum within woodcut borders, minia- tures and capitals illuminated, red morocco. HORE dive virginis Marie secundum usum Romanum, cum aliis multis folio sequenti notatis : una cum figuris biblie, apocalypsis, chorea lethi, novisque effigiebus decorate. {In fine:) Finit officium beate Marie virginis . . . Parisiis impressum anno domini Millesimo quin- gentesimo decimo tertio. Opera Thielmanni Kerver. (15 13.) I vol. Svo, printed upon vellutn, woodcut borders, engravings and illuminated initials, blue velvet. HORE divine virginis Marie secundum usum Romanum : cum aliis multis folio sequenti notatis, una cum figuris, Apocalipsis et destructio Hierusalem, et multis figuris Biblie insertis. {I?ifine:) i68 Finit officium beate Marie virginis . . . Farisiis noviter impressum opera Germani Hardouyn. ( 1 5 1 7 . ) 1 vol. Zvo, printed on vellum, with large and small miniatures, borders and initials richly illuminatea. HORNE, Richard Henry. A New Spirit of the Age. [With por- traits of Dickens, Wordsworth, Tennyson, Carlyle, etc.] London, 1844. 2 vols. i2mo, half calf. HORNE, Thomas Hartwell. An Introduction to the Study of Bibli- ography. To which is prefixed a Memoir on the Pubhc Libraries of the Antients. London, Cadell, 18 14. 2 vols. 8vo, half red morocco. An Introduction to the Critical Study and Knowledge of the Holy Scriptures. With maps, and fac-similes of biblical manuscripts. London, Longman, 1856. 4 vols. Svo, dark calf. HORSLEY, Samuel. Sermons. New Edition, including nine Ser- mons on our Lord's Resurrection ; and a Dissertation on the Prophecies of the Messiah dispersed among the Heathen. London, 1829. 2 vols. ?>vo, calf extra. HORTICULTURIST, and Journal of Rural Art and Rural Taste. Albany, Rochester, etc. 1846 - 59. 14 vols. Svo, half morocco. HORTULUS ANIME cum aliisque plurimis orationibus pristine im- pressioni superadditis. {In fine i) Impensis Antonii Koberger civis Nurebergen impressus : fine optatu sortitus est Lugduni arte et indus- tria Johaniiis Clein chalcographi. Anno dni mcccccxiii. I vol. Svo, illustrated with woodcuts, half red morocco. HORTUS ROMANUS. See Bonelli, G. HORTUS SANITATIS. Diss buch zu latein Ortus sanitatis auff teutsch ein gart der gesuntheyt. {In fine:) If ye hat ein end der herbarius in der keyserlichen statt Augspurg m.cccclxxxv. \A. Sorg^^ I vol. folio, colored woodcuts, half green morocco. {Hardy- Men- nil.) This work is attributed to yohaitnes de Cuba. The above title is borrowed from the preface. See Hain, No. 8949. 169 HORTUS SANITATIS. Dit boek to latine Ortulus sanitatis. tho dude Eyn garden der suntheyt. {In fine:) Hir endighet sick dat boek . . . genoniet De ghenochlike garde der suntheyt, etc. Lubeck, S. Arndes, 1520. 1 vol. ^to, woodcuts, old calf. This title is also taken from the preface. Le Jardin de sante translate de latin en francoys nouvellement imprime a Paris, [i"^ partie. Traicte des herbes. 2'^^ partie. Traicte des bestes, oyseaulx, poissons, pierres precieuses, et urines du Jardin de sante.] Paris, imprime par Philippe le noir libraire demow-at en la rue sainct Jacques, 1539. 2 vols, in X, folio, woodcuts, calf *' On trouve difficilement ces deux volumes reunis." — Brunet. From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 722. HORUS APOLLO. Orus Apollo de ^gypte, de la signification des notes hieroglyphiques des ^gyptiens, c'est a dire des figures par lesquelles ilz escripuoient leurs mysteres secretz et les choses sainctes et divines. Nouvellement traduict de grec en fi-ancoys et imprime avec les figures a chascun chapitre. On les vend a Paris par Jacques Kerver, 1543. I vol. 8vo, calf extra. {Moreau.) Edition noted for its beautiful woodcuts. At the end of the volume are found ten emblems added by the translator. From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 2096. HOTTEN, John Camden. Slang Dictionary, or the Vulgar Words, Street Phrases, and "Fast" Expressions of High and Low Society. London, Hotten, 1869. 1 vol. Svo, large paper interleaved^ half green morocco. HOUBRAKEN. See Birch. HOUEL, Jean. Voyage pittoresque des isles de Sicile, de Malte et de Lipari. Paris, 1782-87. 4 vols, folio, vellum paper, old calf . •* Ouvrage orne de 264 figures au bistre." — Brunet, HOUGH, Franklin B. Washingtoniana ; or Memorials of the Death of George Washington ; giving an Account of the Funeral Honors paid to his Memory. Roxbury, 1865. 2 vols. ?>vo, half red morocco. 22 170 HOUSSAYE, ARSi:NE. Voyage h. ma fenetre. Paris, Lecou, s. a. I vol. 8vo, half calf . Illustrated with many woodcuts, and 12 engravings after designs by Tony yohattnot and others, HOVEY, Alvah. The State of the Impenitent Dead. Boston, 1859. 1 vol. 1 6 mo, cloth. HOVEY, C. M. The Fruits of America, containing richly colored Figures, and full Descriptions of all the Choicest Varieties culti- vated in the United States. Boston, 1852-56. 2 vols. roy. 8vo, green morocco gilt. Magazine of Horticulture, Botany, etc. Boston, 1835-60. 26 vols, Svo. HOWARD, Henry, Earl of Surrey. Poems of Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey. London, Bell &> Daldy, 1866. I vol i6mo, large paper, calf. {Matthews.) HOWE, Henry. Historical Collections of Ohio. Cincinnati, 1848. I vol. Svo, cloth. HOWELLS, William D. Italian Journeys. New York, Hurd 6- Houghton, 1868. I vol. i2Jno, half calf . Venetian Life. Fourth Edition. New York, 1867. I vol. \2mo, half calf . HOWITT, William. Book of the Seasons; or the Calendar of Na- ture. Philadelphia, 1842. 1 vol. izmo, half green morocco. Homes and Haunts of the most Eminent British Poets. Second Edition. London, 1847. 2 vols. Svo, half green calf The Rural Life of England. Philadelphia, 1841. 1 vol. Svo, half green calf The Student-Life of Germany. Containing nearly forty of the most famous Student Songs. Philadelphia, 1842. I vol. Svo, half green calf. 171 HOWITT, William and Mary. Stories of English and Foreign Life. With 20 engravings. London, Bohn, 1853. I vol. %vo, half morocco. HROSVITA, or Hrosvitha. Opera Hrosvite illustris virginis et moria- lis germane gente saxonica orte, nuper a Conrado Celte inventa. {In fine:) Norimbergcs sub privilegeo, sodalitatis Celiicce a Senatu rho- mani imperii impetrato anno Christi quingentesimo primo supra tnil- lesimum. (1501.) I vol. folio, 82 leaves, with woodcuts, half calf . " Premiere edition tres-rare, avec 7 belles planches sur bois." — Brunei. HUFELAND, Christoph W. Art of Prolonging Life. Edited by E. Wilson. Boston, 1854. I vol. i2mo, cloth. HUGHES, John Arthur. Garden Architecture, and Landscape Gardening. London, Longmans, i866. I vol. 8vo, half green morocco. HUGHES, Thomas. Tom Brown's School Days. By an Old Boy. New Edition, with illustrations by A. Hughes and S. P. Hall. London, Macmillan, 1869. I vol. 8vo, cloth. HUGHES, William. Grand atlas universel, ou collection de cartes nouvelles- inddites, dress^es d'aprbs les documents les plus rdcents et les explorations des voyageurs le plus dminents ; suivi d'un index g^ndral. Paris, y. Rothschild, 1866. 1 vol. folio, half russia. HUGO, Victor. Les Mis^rables. Translated from the original French by Chas. E. Wilbour. New York, 1865. 2 vols. Svo, half calf . HULLAH, John. The Song Book ; Words and Tunes from the best Poets and Musicians. London, Macmillan, 1866. I vol. i6mo, green morocco. HULSIUS, Levinus. L. Hulsii xii. primorum Caesarum et lxiiii. ipsorum uxorum et parentum ex antiquis numismatibus, in eere incisae, effigies : atque eorundem earundemque Vitae & Res gestae, ex variis authoribus collectae per Levinum Hulsium. Francof. AD Mcenum, y. Collitii, 1597. I vol. 4to, bound with Le Bey de Batilly. 172 HUMBOLDT, Friedrich Heinrich Alexander von. Cosmos : a Sketch of a Physical Description of the Universe. Translated from the German by E, C. Ottd, and others. London, Bohn^ 1849-58. 5 vols. 8vo, half calf . Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America, during the years 1799- 1804, by A. von Humboldt and A. Bonpland. Translated and edited by Thomasina Ross. Lon- don, Bohn, 1852 - 53. 3 vols. 8vo, half calf Views of Nature : or Contemplations on the Sublime Phenomena of Creation ; with scientific illustrations. Translated from the German by E. C. Ottd and H. G. Bohn. London, Bohn, 1850. I vol. 8vo, half calf. HUMBOLDT, Karl Wilhelm von. Letters to a Lady, From the German, with an Introduction by C, G. Leland. Philadelphia, 1864. I vol. i2mo, cloth. HUME, David. History of England, from the Invasion of Julius Caesar to the Revolution in 1688. New Edition, with the Author's last Corrections, to which is prefixed a short Account of his Life, written by himself, Boston, 1854. 6 vols. Svo, calf. Philosophical Works. Boston, 1854. 4 vols. Svo, calf HUMPHREYS, Henry Noel. The Coinage of the British Empire : an Outline of the Progress of the Coinage in Great Britain and her Dependencies, from the earliest period to the present time. Illus- trated by fac-similes of the coins of each period. London, 1854. 1 vol. Atto, papier-macM. HUNT, James Henry Leigh. The Indicator ; a Miscellany for the Fields and the Fireside. The Companion. New York, 1845. 2 vols. 12 mo, cloth. Men, Women, and Books. New York, 1847. 2 vols. 1 2 mo, half calf 173 HUNT'S Merchants' Magazine and Commercial Review. New- York, 1840-64. 51 vols. Svo, half calf . HUNTINGDON, Countess of See Hastings, Selina S. HUTCHINGS, J. M. Scenes of Wonder and Curiosity in California. A Tourist's Guide to the Yo-Semite Valley. New York and San Francisco, 1870. I vol. 8vo, cloth. HUTCHINSON, Thomas. The Witchcraft Delusion of 1692. By Gov. Thomas Hutchinson. With Notes by W. F. Poole. Boston, privately printed, 1870. I vol. 4to, half morocco. HUTTICHIUS, Joannes. Imperatorum et Csesarum vitas cum imagini- bus ad vivam effigiem expressis. Libellus auctus cum elencho et iconiis consulum ab authore. Argentorati, W. CcBphalceus, 1534. I vol. 8vo, vellum. HYDE, Edward, JSarl of Clarendon. The History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England, together with an Historical View of the Affairs of Ireland. To which are subjoined the Notes of Bishop Warburton. Oxford, University Press, 1849. 7 vols. 8vo, half russia. Life of Edward, Earl of Clarendon, in which is included a Con- tinuation of the History of the Grand Rebellion. Oxford, Claren- don Press, 1827. 3 vols. Svo, half russia. HYGINUS, Caius Julius. Clarissimi viri Igynii poeticon astronomi- con opus utilissimu foeliciter incipit. De mundi et sphseras ac utriusque partiu declaratioe. {/n fine:) Hoc Augustensis ratdolt germanus Erhardus, dispositis signis undique pressit opus. Venetiis anno salutis, 1482. I vol. 4to, crimson levant morocco, gilt and marbled edges. ( Trautz-Bauzonnet.) First edition published by Ratdolt, illustrated with curious woodcuts. Initials painted in red and blue. From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 668. 174 HYGINUS, Caius Julius. Clarissimi viri Hyginii poeticon astronomi- con. Venetiis, T. de Blavis, 1488. I vol. sm. 4^0, curious woodcuts, half green morocco. Clarissimi Hyginii astronomi de mundi et sphaerae ac utriusque partium declaratione cum planetis et variis signis historians. Vene- tiis, impr. per Melch. Sessam &• Petrutn de Ravanis, 15 17. I vol. \to, woodcuts, brown levant morocco. (^Thompson.) Specimens of Sessa's printing are very rare. HYMN OF HiLDEBERT, and other Mediaeval Hymns, with translations by Erastus C. Benedict. New York, 1867. I vol. izmo, cloth. HYMNS. Additional Hymns, set forth by the House of Bishops, at the Request of the House of Clerical and Lay Deputies, in General Convention, October, 1865. Philadelphia, 1868. I vol. i2>tno. Christian Hymns for Public and Private Worship. A Collection compiled by a Committee of the Cheshire Pastoral Association. Boston, 1853. I vol. i6mo, dark morocco. A Collection of Psalms and Hymns, from various Authors : for the Use of Serious and Devout Christians of all Denominations. London, T. 6- % W. JPasham, 1767. I vol. i2mo, old calf, enclosed in a morocco case. Cowper's copy, containing his autograph. Elim : or Hymns of Holy Refreshment. Edited by the Rev. F. D. Huntington. Boston, 1865. I vol. idmo, cloth. The Holy Year; or, Hymns for Sundays, Holydays, and other occasions throughout the Year. By Christopher Wordsworth. With appropriate Tunes, edited by W. H. Monk. London, 1865. I vol. Svo, cloth. Hymns Ancient and Modern, for Use in the Services of the Church. With Metrical Translations of Hymns in Latin and Ger- man. Re-edited by L. C. Biggs. London, 1867. I vol. i6mo, cloth. 175 HYMNS. Hymns and Poems for the Sick and Suflfering. Edited by Thomas V. Fosbery. London, Rivingtons, 1853. I vol. i6mo, cloth. Hymns for Church and Home. Compiled by members of the Protestant Episcopal Church. Philadelphia, 1861. I vol. iSmo, cloth. Hymns for the Household of Faith, and Lays of the Better Land. Second Edition, considerably enlarged. London, 1867. I vol. \6mo, cloth. Hymns for the Use of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Revised Edition. Cincinnati, 1863. I vol. i2mo, brown morocco. Hymns of the Ages ; being Selections from Lyra Catholica, Germanica, Apostolica, and other sources. With an Introduction by F. D. Huntington. First Series. Boston, 1862. I vol. 8vo, calf. Hymns of the Ages. Second Series ; being Selections from Wither, Crashaw, Southwell, Habington, and other sources. Bos- ton, 1862. I vol. 8vo, calf. Hymns of the Ages. Third Series. Boston, 1865. I vol. X2mo, cloth. The Seven Great Hymns of the Mediaeval Church. New York, 1866. I vol. i6mo, cloth. I CONES insigni umaliquot virorum. Lugduni, apud % Tornasium^ 1559- I vol. Svo, with woodcuts, red levant morocco, gilt and marbled edges. The portraits of this rare volume are attributed to Bernard Salomon. From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 3559. ICONES sive imagines virorum. See Reusner. ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS. Vols. 19-37. London, 1851 -60. 1 7 vols, folio, half red morocco. 176 IMITATIONE CHRISTI (De) libri quatuor. Parm^, in cedibus palatinis, typis Bodo7iianis, 1793. I vol. large folio, vellum paper, bound in vellum. Beautifully printed. Only 15 copies on vellum paper. De Imitatione Christi libri quatuor multiplici lingua nunc primo impressi et quidem latina archetypi interpretation ibus italica, his- panica, gallica, germanica, anglica, graeca ; cum notis et variis lectionibus curante J. B. Weigh Solisbaci in Bavaria, Seidel, 1837- I vol. 2>vo, red morocco. De Imitatione Christi libri quatuor ; ad fidem codicis de advoca- tis recensi. Berolini, in ced. Rudolph Decker, 1862. I vol. i6mo, text within red borders, vellum gilt. Copy printed upon vellum. De limitation de notre-seigneur Jdsus-Christ, par Jean Gerson ; traduite en frangais, en grec, en anglais, en allemand, en italien, en espagnol, et en portugais (texte latin en regard) ; prdc^dde d'^tudes sur I'lmitation de N. S. Jdsus Christ. Edition polyglotte, publide sous la direction de J. B. Monfalcon. Lyon, 1841. I vol. royal 8vo, tinted paper, dark levant morocco. L'Imitation de J^sus-Christ, traduction nouvelle de M. I'abbd Dassance ; avec des reflexions tiroes des P^res de I'eglise, et de Bossuet, Fdnelon, Massillon et Bourdaloue ; illustrde par MM. Tony Johannot et Cavelier. Paris, Curtner, 1837. I vol. roy. Svo, text within borders, steel engravings, purple mo- rocco. L'Imitation de Jdsus-Christ ; texte latin suivi de la traduction de P. Corneille. Paris, de Vimprimerie imperiale, 1855. I vol. folio, large paper, morocco mosaic in special design, lined with red levant morocco ornamented with a heavy gilt cross, crimson moire-antique guards, gilt edges. ( Chef d^oeuvre de reliure de Capk.) This work was published for the Paris Exposition, 1855, and received the Grande Medaille de fHonneicr for its exquisite typography. The translation is illustrated with veiy fine woodcuts, and the Latin text enriched with initial capitals and ornaments in gold and colors, after the style of ancient manuscripts. Only 103 copies were printed. The present copy, No. 41, formerly be- longed to M. le Comte de Saint Georges, and was presented to him by the Em- peror Napoleon III. This superb volume is enclosed in a handsome moi'occo case lined with satin. 177 IMITATIONE CHRISTI. L'Iraitation de Jdsus-Christ. Paris, L. Curmer, 1858. I vol. \io^ morocco mosaic in special design, richly gilt, lined with green moire-antique. {Cape.) Appendice k I'lmitation de Jdsus-Christ (par M. Jules Janin, M. I'abbe Delaunay, et autres). Paris, 1858. I vol. \io, red levant morocco lined with moire-antique. ( Cape.) "Edition de luxe decor^e de belles vignettes en miniatures, et d'encadrements en or et en couleur ^ chacun page. Tous ces ornements ont ete copies sur les plus beaux manuscrits anciens, et executes par le precede de la chromolitho- graphie." — Brunei. The text of this edition (Mavillac's translation published in 1626) is beautifully executed in antique characters upon porcelain paper. The Appendix contains photographic portraits of Thomas i Kempis and Joannes Gerson, many fine woodcuts, and borders representing Holbein's Dance of Death. Of the Imitation of Christ ; four books by Thomas k Kempis. London, Rivingtons, 1869. I vol. i6mo, calf, carmine edges. INDAGINE, Joannes. Chyromatia Joanis Indagine. En dit boe- cleert va drie naturlike coste als Chiromatia, Physiognomia, Astro- logia naturael, etc. Utrecht, y. Berntsz, 1536. I vol. stti. 4to, old calf. This volume also contains the following : — Fasciculi medicine houdende in hem dese nauolghende tractaten. De alien Cyrurginen En andere menschete wetene seere profiteliic en nootsakeliic ziin. Antverpen, 1529. INGELOW, Jean. A Story of Doom, and other Poems. London, 1867. I vol. i6mo, cloth. INGRAM, James. Memorials of Oxford. Engravings by John Le Keux, from Drawings by F. Mackenzie. Oxford, 1837. 3 vols. 4to, large paper, India proofs, maroon morocco extra, gilt and gauffered edges. {Mansell.) INNOCENTIUS III. Opera novamente composta del Disprezamento del mondo in terza rima : et hystoriata. Partita in capitoli xxxii. & una ternale della nostra Donna della Seraphina : & una Ave Maria disposta. Stampata nella inclita citta di Venetia per Nicolo Zopino e Vicentio compagno «(?/mdxxiiii. I vol. Svo, with woodcuts, calf. Translated from the Latin into Italian verse by Augustine da Colonna. From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 1559. 23 178 IRVING, Washington. Works. New York, i^z^Z/z^i^z, 1860-63. 22 vols. \2mo, with portraits and engravings^ half calf . Vol. I. Knickerbocker's New York. II. Sketch-Book. III.-V. Life and Voyages of Columbus. VI. Bracebridge Hall. VII. Tales of a Traveller. VIII. Astoria. IX. Crayon Miscellany. X. Adventures of Captain Bonne- ville. XI. Oliver Goldsmith. XII. -XIII, Mahomet and his Successors. XIV. Conquest of Granada. XV. The Alhambra. XVI. Wolfert's Roost. XVII. -XXI. Life of Washington. XXII. Salmagundi. Sketch-Book. Artists' Edition. Illustrated with one hundred and twenty engravings on wood, from original designs. New York, Putnam, 1864. I vol. 4to, brown morocco. ISIDORUS, S. Isidorus ethimologiarum. Idem de summo bono. {In fine:) Impressus Venetiis p Bonetu locatellu mandato et expensis Nobilis viri Octaviani Scoti mccccxciii. Tertio idus Decembris. I vol. sjn. folio, half green morocco. Speculum Isidori de summo bono et sunt libri tres. {In fine:) Finit liber Tercius et ultimus ae summo bono sancti ysidori. s. I. et a. [ColonicB, Ulric Zell, 1467.] I vol. 4to, half calf The following works are also found in this volume : — (i) Incipit liber sancti Cipriani de duodecim abusivis seculi. (2) Liber saitcti Augustini de vita beata ; de honestate midieruvi, (3) Incipit libellus sdcti Bernhardi de honestate vite. s. I. et a. [Colon. Ulric Zell.] J ACKSON, J. R. What to Observe ; or the Traveller's Remem- brancer. Revised and edited by N, Shaw. London, 1861. I vol. Svo, cloth. JACKSON, John. A Treatise on Wood Engraving, Historical and Practical. With upwards of three hundred illustrations. London, 1839. I vol. in 2, Zvo, red morocco, {y, Rimell.) Original edition. This is a very unique copy, and contains 350 extra wood engravings neatly mounted ; these are very old and curious, and many of them exceedingly rare, being specimens of the work of early German, French, and Italian engravers. 179 JACKSON, John, and CHATTO, W. A. Treatise on Wood Engrav- ing, Historical and Practical. With upwards of three hundred illustrations. Second Edition, with a new Chapter on the Artists of the present day by H. G. Bohn. London, Bohn, 1861. I vol. Svo, cloth. JACOBUS Januensis. See Voragine, J. de. JACQUEMART, Albert, and LE BLANT, Edmond. Histoire artis- tique, industrielle et commerciale de la porcelaine ; accompagnde de recherches sur les sujets et emblbmes qui la decorent, les marques et inscriptions, les variations de prix, etc. Enrichie de vingt-six planches gravdes k I'eau forte par J. Jacquemart. Im- priinerie de Perrin, d, Lyoji. Paris, Techener, 1862. I vol. 4to, Holland paper, citron levant morocco richly gilt, gilt and marbled edges. {Belz-Niedrie.) JACQUOT, Charles. Les Codes de la legislation foresti^re. Paris, y. Rothschild, 1866. I vol. i6fno, half blue morocco. JAMES I. King of England. BaaiKiKov Aapov (Basilicon Doron), or his majesties Instructions to his dearest Sonne, Henry the prince. London, E Kyngston for y. Norton, 1603. I vol. i2mo, mottled calf The Workes of the most high and mightie Prince, James, by the grace of God, King of Great Britain, France and Ireland. Published by James, Bishop of Win ton. London, printed by R. Baker 6- y. Bill, 16 1 6. I vol. folio, calf With portrait of the author engraved by S. Passceus. JAMES, John. The Theory and Practice of Gardening. Done from the French [of Le Blonde] by J. James. London, 17 12. 1 vol. 4to, calf. JAMESON, Anna. Characteristics of Women ; with Illustrations from the Author's Designs. London, 1858. 2 vols. Svo, calf extra. Handbook to the Public Galleries of Art in and near London ; with Catalogues of the Pictures ; accompanied by critical, historical, i8o and biographical Notices, and copious Indexes. London, Murray, 1842. 1 vol. in 2 parts, 8vo, doth. The History of Our Lord as exemplified in Works of Art : with that of His Types, St. John the Baptist ; and other persons of the Old and New Testament. Commenced by Mrs. Jameson, con- tinued and completed by Lady Eastlake. London, 1864. 2 vols. 8vo, green morocco. Memoirs of the Beauties of the Court of Charles the Second ; with their Portraits after Sir Peter Lely and other eminent Painters ; illustrating the Diaries of Pepys, Evelyn, Clarendon and other contemporary writers. London, Colburn, 1838. 2 vols, in I, roy. 8vo, green morocco, {jp. Wright.) The Romance of Biography ; or Memoirs of Women, loved and celebrated by Poets, from the days of the Troubadours to the present age. London, 1837, 2 vols. 8vo, calf. Sacred and Legendary Art. Third Edition, London, 1857. 2 vols. Svo, cloth. Visits and Sketches at home and abroad ; with Tales and Mis- cellanies now first collected, and a New Edition of the Diary of an Ennuy^e. London, 1834. 4 vols. i2mo, half calf . Winter Studies and Summer Rambles in Canada. New York, Wiley &> Putnam, 1839. 2 vols. i2mo, morocco. JAMET, FRAN901S Louis. Recueil de Jamet, volume contenant 18 Guvrages et 90 figures ou portraits historiques. 1 vol i2mo, green levant morocco. {Trautz-Bauzonnef.) " Ce recueil, compose par Jamet, I'ami de Voltaire, est extremement curieux. II porte pour titre : Grandes et Petites Affaires de REtiGiON ; 1754. II est couvert de notes autographes bizarres de Jamet, qui n'aimait guere les pretres, et qui, pour etayer sa haine de la religion, empruntait h. tous les auteurs des citations anti-catholiques repondant ^ ses opinions. II aimait les livres : ' Je ne cherche aux livres qu'a m'y donner du plaisir,' telle etait sa devise, qu'il avait tiree de Montaigne. Le calvinisme, le quietisme, le Jansenisme, le margouillisme (sic), etc., forment I'objet de ce recueil singulier, dans lequel on trouve d'admirables portraits de personnages cel^bres, parmi lesquels nous citerons : Voltaire, Henri IV, M^^ de Rohan, Louis XIII., Colbert, Louis XIV., Marot, de Beze, Lou- vois, Pelisson, Cavalier, dit David, Lamoigiion, M^^^ Guyon, le Pere Lacombe, de Harlay, Fenelon, Bossuet, Pascal, Sacy, Nicole, M™« de Maintenon, le Re- gent, Dubois, Fleury, etc., etc. "Tout ces portraits sont accompagnes de notes critiques, satiriques, voire m6me licencieuses. C'est une sorte de revue des hommes et des choses du XVIIP si^cle, passee en guise de parade par un esprit caustique et bien digne d'etre I'ami de Voltaire." From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 3798. JANIN, Jules. L'Ane mort. Edition illustrde par Tony Johannot. Paris, £. Bourdin, 1842. I vol. Svo, half morocco. Les Symphonies de I'hiver. Illustrations de Gavarni. Paris, Morizot, 1858. I vol. Svo, cloth. Sketches of Genoa, Pisa, and Florence ; with a Description of the Cathedral of Milan. Translated from the French by Mrs. M. H. Robinson. Philadelphia, 1854. I vol. i2mo, cloth. JARDIN DE SANT^. See Hortus sanitatis. J ARVES, James Jackson. The Art Idea. Part Second of Confessions of an Inquirer. New York, 1864. I vol. i6mo, cloth. Art Thoughts ; the Experiences and Observations of an Ameri- can Amateur in Europe. New York, 1869. I vol. 1 2 mo, cloth. Parisian Sights and French Principles, seen through American Spectacles. New York, 1852. 1 vol. \2mo, cloth. JAUBERT, HiPPOLYTE Francois, and SPACH, Ed. lUustrationes plantarum orientalium. Ykki'&\vs>, Roret, 1842-57. 5 vols, A,to, half green morocco. JAY, William. Works, collex;ted and revised by himself. Morning and Evening Exercises. London, s. a. 4 vols. Svo, dark blue morocco. JEAFFRESON, John Cordy. A Book about Lawyers. London, 1867. 2 vols. Svo, cloth. l82 JEAN D'ARRAS. Mdlusine par Jehan d' Arras, nouvelle Edition, con- forme h. celle de 1478, revue et corrigde, avec une preface par M. Ch. Brunet. Paris, jP. Jannet, 1854. I vol. i6mo, India paper, brown levant morocco. {Gaillard.) JEFFERSON, Thomas. Memoir, Correspondence, and Miscellanies. Edited by T. J. Randolph. Charlottesville, 1829. 4 vols. 8vo, half calf . JEFFREY, Francis. Contributions to the Edinburgh Review. Phila- delphia, 1847. 4 vols, in I, Zvo, half morocco. JENNINGS'S Landscape Annual. London, 1831-38. 8 vols. 8vo, morocco. JERROLD, Douglas. The Chronicles of Clovernook ; with some Account of the Hermit of Bellyfulle. London, 1846. I vol. i6mo, cloth. JESSE, Edward. Anecdotes of Dogs; with Illustrations. London, 1846. I vol. sm. ^to, half brown morocco. Favorite Haunts and Rural Studies ; including visits to spots of interest in the vicinity of Windsor and Eton. London, 1847. 1 vol. i6mo, half calf . JESSE, George R. Researches into the History of the British Dog, from Ancient Laws, Charters, and Historical Records. London, 1866. 2 vols. Svo, with illustrations, cloth. JESSE, John Heneage. George Selwyn and his Contemporaries. With Memoirs and Notes. London, Bentley, 1843-44. 4 vols. Svo, with portraits, half calf. JEST BOOK. Joe Miller's Jest Book ; or the Wit's Vade Mecum. London, s. a. I vol. \2mo, half red morocco. JESUS CHRIST. Dit es dleue ons liefs heren Jhesu Cristi. {In fine:) Gheprent in Antwerpen binne?i der camerpoorte int huys va Delft bi mi Henrye Eckert va Hoberch int iaer ons heere MCCCCC. eh twaelfue. (15 12.) I vol. 4to, old calf with clasps. JEUX de cartes tarots et de cartes numdrales du quatorzibme au dix-huitieme siecle, reprdsentds en cent planches d'aprbs les origi- naux, avec un precis historique et explicatif (par Duchesne I'aind) : publics par la Societe des Bibliophiles frangais. Paris, itnprimerie de Crapelef, 1844. -I vol. folio, red levant morocco. {Niedree.) One of 32 examples on large paper. <• From the library of M. Yemen iz, No. 1 139. JEWELL, John, Bishop of Salisbury. The Workes of the very learned and reverend father in God John Jewell. Newly set forth with some amendment of divers quotations and a briefe discourse of his life. London, y. Norton, 161 1. 2 vols, folio, calf The title-page of the second volume bears the date 1609. JOHANNES XXII. See Bonifacius VIII. JOHNSON, Charles. A General History of the Lives and Adven- tures of the most famous Highwaymen, Murderers, Street-Robbers, etc. To which is added a Genuine Account of the Voyages and Plunders of the most Notorious Pyrates. London, 1734. 1 vol. folio, calf extra. (Zceensdorf) JOHNSON, Edward. Life, Health, and Disease. London, 1845. I vol. \2mo, cloth. JOHNSON,- George William. Dictionary of Modern Gardening. Edited with numerous Additions, by D. Landreth. Philadelphia, 1847. I vol. \2mo, half green morocco. JOHNSON, H. C. Ross. A long Vacation in the Argentine Alps. London, 1868. 1 vol. roy. 8vo, cloth. JOHNSON, John. Typographia, or the Printers' Instructor : including an Account of the Origin of Printing, with Biographical Notices of the Printers of England. London, Longmans, 1824. 2 vols, ^vo, printed within woodcut borders, calf extra. A very fine copy on large paper. JOHNSON, Samuel. Works. With an Essay on his Life and Genius, by Arthur Murphy. London, 1810-11. 14 vols. Svo, large paper, old calf . 1 84 JOHNSON, Samuel. A Dictionary of the English Language. To which are prefixed a History of the Language and an EngUsh Grammar. London, t8i6. 2 vols, ^to, calf. JOHNSTON, Alexander K. The National Atlas of Historical, Com- mercial, and Political Geography. With a copious Index carefully compiled from the Maps. Edinburgh, Cowan 6^ Co. s. a. 1 vol. folio, 41 maps, half brown morocco. JOHNSTON, James F. The Chemistry of Common Life. New York, 1855- 2 vols. i2mo, cloth. JOHNSTONE, William Grosart, and CROALL, Alexander. Na- ture-printed British Sea-Weeds ; a History, accompanied by Figures and Dissections of the Algae of the British Isles. London, 1859-60. 4 vols. 8vo, cloth. JOINVILLE, Jean de. Memoirs, written by himself; containing a History of part of the Life of Louis IX., King of France. To which are added the Notes and Dissertations of M. Du Cange, etc. The whole translated by T. Johnes. Hafod Press, y. Henderson, 1807. 2 vols, in I, Afto, red morocco gilt. {Stamper.) JONES, Agnes Elizabeth. Una and her Paupers. With Prefaces by Florence Nightingale and Henry Ward Beecher. New York, 1872. 1 vol. Svo, cloth. JONES, Owen. Plans, Elevations, Sections and Details of the Alham- bra, from drawings taken on the spot in 1834 by J. Goury, and in 1834 and 1837 by O. Jones. With a complete Translation of the Arabic Inscriptions, and an historical Notice of the Kings of Gra- nada ... by M. Pasqual de Gayangos. London, 1842-45. 2 vols, large folio, half green morocco. A beautiful work containing loi plates, many of which are printed in gold and colors. Text in English and French. JONSON, Ben. Works. With Notes critical and explanatory, and a Biographical Memoir by W. Gifford. London, 18 16. 9 vols. Svo, with portrait, calf. i85 JOSEPHUS, Flavius. Works. To which are added, Seven Disserta- tions, concerning Jesus Christ, John the Baptist, James the Just, &c. Translated by Wm. Whiston. With an Introductory Essay by H. Stebbing. London, Virtue, 1841. 1 vol. roy. 8w, ivith illustrations, half calf , JOURNAL OF Design and Manufactures. London, 1849 ~ 52- 6 vols. 8vo, with illustrations, half calf . JOURNAL of a Few Months' Residence in Portugal, and Glimpses of the South of Spain. London, Moxon, 1847. 2 vols. i2mo, cloth. JOURNAL of a Naturalist. London, Murray, 1830. I vol Svo, calf extra. JUNIUS, Hadrianus. Hadriani Junii medici emblemata, ad D. Ar- noldum Cobelium. Ejusdem aenigmatum libellus, ad D. Arnoldum Rosenbergum. Antverpi^e, ex off. Christ. Plantinus, 1565. 1 vol. 2>vo, green morocco. {Kcehler.) A fine copy of the original edition of these Emblems, with borders and 58 fine woodcuts. From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 21 18. JUNIUS : including Letters by the same Writer under other Signatures. To which are added his Confidential Correspondence with Mr. Wilkes, and his Private Letters to Mr. H. S. Woodfall. A new and enlarged edition, with new evidence as to the authorship, and an analysis by Sir H. Nicolas. By John Wade. London, Bohn, 1850. 2 vols, Svo, dark calf. JUNOT, Laure Permon, duchesse d'Abranth. Memoirs of Napo- leon, his Court and Family. London, Bentley, 1836. 2 vols. Svo, 16 plates, cloth. JUSTINIANUS. See Perezius. JUSTINUS. Justinus cum notis selectissimis variorum Berneggeri, Bongarsii, Vossii, Thysii, etc. Editio accuratissima accurante S. D. M. C. (Schrevelio). Amst., apud L. et D. Elzevirios, 1669. I vol. Svo, vellum gilt. Trogi Pompei externae historiae in compendium ab Justino re- 24 i86 dactae. Externorum imperatorum vits authore ^^mylio Probo. Venetiis, Aldi et Andrece Asulani, 1522. I vol. 8vo. A very rare edition. JUVENALIS, Decius Junius. Juvenalis. Persius, Venetiis, m czd. Aldi, 1 50 1. I vol. Zvo, garnet morocco. {Lortig.) Th.e first of two editions printed in 1501. Juvenalis. Persius. Venetiis, in ad. Aldi et Andrece soceri, 1501. I vol. Svo, vellum gilt. The second edition. D. Junii Juvenalis et A. Persii Flacci Satyrae ; cum veteris scholi- astae et variorum commentariis. Accurante C. Schrevelio. Lugd. Batav. ex off. Hackiana, 167 1. I vol. 2)V0, bound with Plinius, C Panegyricus. D. Junii Juvenalis Satirae : with a Linear Verbal Translation and Gifford's Poetical Version accompanying the text : the prose trans- lation . . . from the original version of J. Stirling. To which is prefixed a Dissertation on the Life, Genius and Writings of Juvenal. By P. A. Nuttall. London, 1836. I vol. 8vo, sprinkled calf. JUVENCUS, Caius Vestius Aquilinus. La Sacr^e Podsie et histoire dvangelique de Juvencus, ancien poete Chrestien : mise du Latin en vers Fragois, avec sommaires sur chacun chapitre, par Pierre Tamisier. Lyon, B. Rigaud, 159 1. I vol. sm. Svo, red levant morocco, richly gilt. {Niedrte.) From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 1519. K ALENDRIER (Le grant) et copost des Bergiers avecq leur Astrologie. Et plusieurs aultres choses. Imprime nouvelle- ment a Lyon. i^A la fin .•) Cy finist le kalendrier et compost des bergiers. Imprime a Lyon par Claude nourry Lan mcccccxxiiii. le XVI. jour de Janvier. I vol. \to, woodcuts, russia. From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 959. i87 KANE, Elisha Kent. Arctic Explorations : the Second Grinnell Expedition in search of Sir John Franklin, 1853, '54, '55. Phila- delphia, 1856. 2 vols. 8vo, with illustrations y half calf . The U. S. Grinnell Expedition in search of Sir John Franklin. New York, 1854. I vol. Svo, cloth. KANT, Emmanuel. Critick of Pure Reason. Translated from the original by Francis Haywood. London, Pickering, 1848. I vol. Svo, cloth. KAPP, David. Nouveau panorama du Rhin, de Mayence k Cologne. Edition originale enrichie d'une description graphique. Mayence, Kapp, s. a. I vol. Svo. KEATS, John. Poetical Works. London, J^^^«, 1851. I vol. i6mo, calf KELLER, Diethelm. Kunstliche und aigendtliche bildtnussen der Rhomischen Keyseren, ihrer weybern und kindern. Zurych, Gessjier, 1558. 1 vol. Svo, half red morocco. Translated from the Latin of Strada, Huttichius, and others. KELLY, Patrick. The Universal Cambist and Commercial In- structor; being a full and accurate Treatise on the Exchanges, Monies, Weights, and Measures of all Trading Nations. London, 1821. 2 vols, ^to, russia. KELLY, Walter Keating. Syfia and the Holy Land, their Scenery and their People. With illustrations. London, 1844. I vol Svo, cloth. KEMBLE, Charles. Selections of Psalms and Hymns. London, 1854. I vol. 24mo, dark morocco. KEMBLE, Frances Anne. Journal of a Residence on a Georgia Plantation in 1838-39. New York, 1863. I vol. i2mo, cloth. i88 KEMP, Edward. How to lay out a Garden. Third Edition. Lon- don, 1864. I vol. 8vo, doth. KEN, Thomas. Approach to the Holy Altar ; by Bishop Ken. From his "Manual of Prayer" and "Practice of Divine Love." Second Edition. London, Pickering, 1852. I vol. i6mo, cloth. KENNION, Edward. An Essay on Trees in Landscape. London, JBohfty 1844. 1 vol. 4to, 60 plates, cloth. Beside the usual fifty plates, this copy has four large unpublished landscapes by Kennion, and six studies of trees, etched by H. W. Williams. KENRICK, John. Ancient Egypt under the Pharaohs. New York, 1852. 2 vols. i2mo, cloth. KETT, Henry. The Flowers of Wit, or a Choice Collection of Bon Mots, both antient and modern. London, 1814. 2 vols, in I, i2mo, half brown morocco. KIEFER, F. J. Legends of the Rhine from Basil to Rotterdam. Translated by L. W. Garnham. Mayence, 1867. I vol. i2mo, cloth. KING, C. W. Antique Gems : their Origin, Uses, and Value. Lon- don, Murray, i860. I vol. Svo, cloth. KING, S. W. The Italian Valleys of the Pennine Alps : a Tour through all the romantic and less-frequented " Vals " of Northern Piedmont, from the Tarentaise to the Gries. London, Murray, 1858. I vol. Svo, half calf . KINGSLEY, Charles. Glaucus ; or the Wonders of the Shore. Bos- ton, 1854. 1 vol. i6mo, cloth. Hypatia: or. New Foes with an Old Face. Boston, 1854. 2 vols. \2mo, cloth. Sermons on National Subjects, preached in a Village Church. First and Second Series. London, 1852 - 54. 2 vols. Ydmo, half calf . 1 89 KINGSLEY, Charles. Sir Walter Raleigh and his Time, with other Papers. Boston, 1859. I vol. i2mo, cloth. Three Lectures delivered at the Royal Institution, on the Ancient Regime as it existed on the Continent before the French Revolu- tion. London, Macmillan, 1867. I vol. Svo, cloth. KIRBY, William, and SPENCE, William. An Introduction to Ento- mology ; or, Elements of the Natural History of Insects. With plates. Philadelphia, 1846. 1 vol. Svo, cloth. KIRK, John Foster. History of Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy. Philadelphia, 1864. 2 vols. Svo, half morocco. KIRKLAND, Frazar. Cyclopaedia of Commercial and Business Anecdotes. With portraits and woodcuts. New York, 1864. 2 vols. Svo, half calf . KIRWAN, A. V. Host and Guest ; a Book about Dinners, Dinner- giving, Wines, and Desserts. London, s. a. 1 vol. i6mo, cloth. KITTO, John. Cyclopaedia of Biblical Literature. Illustrated with maps and engravings. New York, 1845. 2 vols. Svo, half calf . Pictorial History of Palestine and the Holy Land, including a complete History of the Jews. With five hundred engravings on wood. London, Knight, 1844. 2 vols. Svo, cloth. KLIPPART, John H. Principles and Practice of Land Drainage. Cincinnati, 1861. I vol. \2mo, cloth. KNAPP, Andrew, and BALDWIN, William. The Newgate Calen- dar ; comprising interesting Memoirs of the most Notorious Char- acters who have been convicted of Outrages on the Laws of England, since the commencement of the Eighteenth Century. London, 1824-28. 4 vols. Svo, half purple calf. KNIGHTLEY, Thomas Edward. Stable Architecture. London, 1862. I vol. folio, with plates, cloth. KNOOP, JOHANN H. Pomologie, ou description des meilleures sortes de pommes et de poires que ron estime et cultive le plus. Am- sterdam, M. Magerics, 1771. I vol. folio, 20 colored plates, red morocco. {Derome.) Fructologie, ou description des arbres fruitiers, ainsi que des fruits. Avec 19 figures coloriees. Amsterdam, 1781. I vol. folio, bound with the preceding work. KOMSTE van zyne majesteit Willem III. Koning van Groot Britanje, enz. in Holland ; ofte omstandelyke beschryving van alles, het welke op des zelfs komste en geduurende Zyn verblyf in's Graaven- haage en elders, ten teeken van vreugde en eere, is opgerecht en voorgevallen. Vercierd met kopere plaaten. Graavenhaage, A. Leers, 1691. I vol. folio, half red morocco. KORAN, The, commonly called the Alcoran of Mohammed. Trans- lated into English immediately from the original Arabic ; with ex- planatory Notes. To which is prefixed a preliminary Discourse by George Sale. London, 1734. I vol. 4io, large paper, double morocco. KORTUM, Carl Arnold. The Jobsiad ; a grotesco-comico-heroic Poem, from the German of Dr. C. A. Kortiim, by Charles T. Brooks. Philadelphia, 1863. I vol. \2mo, cloth. KOTSCHY, Th. Les Chenes de I'Europe et de I'Orient; descriptions et figures de toutes les especes, suivies de considerations sur leur culture dans I'Europe centrale (en frang. et en allem.). Paris, y. Rothschild, 1864. I vol. folio, 40 plates, half red morocco. KOTZEBUE, August von. [Collection of Plays. Translated from the German by Anne Plumptre.] London, 1798-99. I vol. 8z'o, half green morocco. Natural Son ; Count of Burgundy ; Virgin of the Sun ; Force of Calumny ; Death of RoUa ; Pizarro ; The Stranger. 191 KRAPF, J. L. Travels, Researches and Missionary Labours, during an Eighteen Years' Residence in Eastern Africa. With an Appendix by E. G. Ravenstein. London, Triibner, i860. I vol. 8vo, green calf. KUHNHOLTZ, H. Des Spinola de Genes, et de la Complainte, de- puis les temps les plus recules jusqu'k nos jours ; suivis de la Com- plaincte de Gennes sur la Mort de Dame Thomassine Espinolle, Genevoise, dame intendyo du Roy, avecq's I'Epitaphe et le Regrect (manuscrit du xvi^ sibcle de la biblioth^que de la Facultd de Mddecine de Montpellier), accompagnes d'une notice sur I'historio- graphe royal d'Auton, de la juste appreciation des amours de Louis XII. et de Thomassine Espinolle, d'un grand nombre de notes historiques, philologiques et critiques, et de trois fac-similes ; par H. Kiihnholtz. Montpellier, Savy, 1852. I vol. ^io, large vellum paper, fac-similes in gold and colors, after the original miniatures in the MS., green levant morocco, richly gilt. {Trautz-Bauzonnet.) "Splendide reliure i I'Y. Cet important ouvrage n'a ete tire qu'^ 150 exem- plaires, et celui-ci d'une condition exceptionnelle, est le pareil i I'exemplaire ofFert par I'auteur au due de Genes." From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 2625. L ABARTE, Jules. Handbook of the Arts of the Middle Ages and Renaissance, as applied to the Decoration of Furni- ture, Arms, Jewels, etc. Translated from the French with Notes, copiously illustrated. London, Murray, 1855. I vol. Svo, cloth. LA BLANCHERE, H. de. Culture des plages maritimes. Avec une preface par M. Coste. Paris, jf. Rothschild, 1866. I vol. i6mo, woodcuts, half blue morocco. Les ravageurs des forets ; dtude sur les insectes destructeurs des arbres. Paris, y. Rothschild, 1866. 1 vol 1 6mo, luoodcuts, half blue morocco. LABORDE, Alexandre de. Descriptions des nouveaux jardins de la France ; et de ses anciens chateaux (en frangais, en angl. et en allera.) ; les dessins par C. Bourgeois. Paris, 1808. 2 vols, folio, J. 20 plates, half red morocco. 192 LA BORDE, Jean Benjamin de. Choix de chansons mises en mu- sique par M. de La Borde ; orn^es d'estampes par J. M. Moreau. Paris, chez de Lormel, 1773. 4 vols, in 2, citro7i levant morocco in mosaic, rich dentelle borders, gilt and marbled edges. {David.) A fine copy with plates, text, and music beautifully engraved upon Holland paper. LA BRUYERE, Jean de. Les Caracteres de La Bruy^re. Avec dix- huit gravures h. I'eau-forte par V. Foulquier. Tours, A. Mame et Jils, 1867. I vol. roy. Svo, crimson levant morocco, lined ivith green morocco, gilded in special design, enclosed in chamois-lined case. ( Chambolle-Duru. ) One of 12 copies on India paper. Les Caracteres de La Bruybre. Avec dix-huit gravures \ Teau- forte par V. Foulquier. Tours, A. Mame etfils, 1867. 1 vol. roy. Svo, red levant morocco, richly gilt in special design, enclosed in chamois-lined case. (Chambolle-Duru.) One of 10 copies on buff paper. LA CHAU, Geraud de, and LE BLOND, Gaspard Michel. De- scription des principales pierres gravies du cabinet du due d'Or- Idans. Paris, 1780-84. 2 vols, in 3, sm. folio, with triple set of plates, red morocco gilt. (^Mackenzie.) LACROIX, Paul. Le Moyen Age et la Renaissance, histoire et de- scription des moeurs et usages, du commerce et de I'industrie, des sciences, des arts, des littdratures et des beaux-arts en Europe. Direction litteraire de M. P. Lacroix ; direction artistique de M. Ferd. Serd. Paris,* 1848 -5 1. 5 vols. Afto, half red morocco.. Richly colored plates heightened with gold, copied from the best manuscripts, miniatures and books in the principal libraries of Europe. LACTANTIUS FIRMIANUS, Lucius C^lius. L. Cselii Lactantii Firmiani divinarum institutionum libri septem. De ira Dei, liber i. De opificio Dei, liber i. Epitome in libros suos liber acepha- 193 los. Phcenix. Carmen de Dominica Resurrectione. Venetiis, Aldi et Andrecz soceri, 15 15. I vol. 2>vo. At the end of the volume is an additional work, entitled : — Teriulliani apolo- geticus adversus genles. LADIES' CALLING, The. By the Author of The Whole Duty of Man. Oxford, 17 13. 1 vol. Svo, bound with The Gentleman's Calling. LADIES' REPOSITORY : a Monthly Periodical devoted to Literature and Religion. Cincinnati, 185 1 -52. 2 vols. 2)V0, engravings, half calf . LA FARINA, Giuseppe. La Svizzera storica ed artistica. Firenze, Luigi Bardi, 1 842 - 43. 2 vols. 4I0, half brown morocco. Illustrated with engravings from designs by W. H. Bartlett. LA FONTAINE, Jean de. Fables choisies, mises en vers par J. de La Fontaine. Paris, Desaint et Saillant, 1755 - 59. 4 vols, folio, large Holland paper, old red morocco. {Derome.) Plates designed by J. B. Oudry. Fables de La Fontaine, illustr^es par J, J. Grandville. Paris, Fournier aink, 1839. 2 vols. Svo, large paper, half red morocco. First edition. Fables de La Fontaine, avec les dessins de Gustave Dor^. Paris, 1867. 2 vols, folio, India proofs, red levant morocco gilt, {Chambolle- Duru.) Fables of La Fontaine : illustrated by J. J. Grandville. Trans- lated from the French by Elizur Wright, Jr. Boston, 1841. 2 vols. roy. Zvo, cloth. LAMARTINE, Alphonse de. De Lamartine's Visit to the Holy Land ; or Recollections of the East. With Engravings of the principal Scenes of our Saviour's Ministr3\ Translated from the French by Thomas Phipson. London, s. a. 2 vols, in I, %vo, tree calf 25 194 LAMB, Charles. Works of Charles Lamb. New Edition. Boston, Riverside Press, 1865. 5 vols. 8vo, large paper, half green morocco. Only 100 copies on large paper. Literary Sketches and Letters : being the Final Memorials of Charles Lamb, never before published. By Thomas Noon Tal- fourd. New York, 1848. 1 vol. \2tn0, cloth. Specimens of English Dramatic Poets, who lived about the time of Shakespeare ; with Notes. New York, 1845. 2 vols, in I, \2mo, cloth. LAMBERT, Aylmer Bourke. A Description of the Genus Pinus, illustrated with Figures, Directions relative to the Cultivation, and Remarks on the Use of the several Species. With Descriptions of many other new Species of the Family of Coniferae. London, George White, 1837. 3 vols, folio, half green morocco. Portrait of the Author engraved by Weddell, and 99 plates beautifully colored. LAMBETH and the Vatican : or Anecdotes of the Church of Rome, of the Reformed Churches, and of Sects and Sectaries. London, 1825. 3 vols. i6mo, half calf . LA MOTTE, Antoine Houdart de. Fables nouvelles, dddi^es au roy ; par M. de La Motte, de I'Acaddmie Frangoise, avec un dis- cours sur la fable. Paris, Dupuis, 17 19. I vol. 4fo, large Holland paper, red levant morocco. {David.) Plates by Gillot, Coypel, and others. LA MOTTE FOUQUE, Friedrich Heinrich Carl de. Undine. — Sintram and his Companions. From the German. New York, 1845. I vol. i2mo, bojind with Meinhold's Amber Witch. LAMPADIUS, W. A. Life of Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy. With supplementary Sketches by J. Benedict, H. F. Chorley, and others. Edited and translated by W. L. Gage. New York, 1865. I vol.] i6mo, cloth. 195 LANCASTER. The Pictorial History of the County of Lancaster. With 170 illustrations and a map. London, Routledge, 1844. 1 voi. 8w, half morocco. LANDON, Letitia Elizabeth. Poetical Works. London, Longman, 1864. 2 vols. i6mo, blue morocco. LANDOR, Walter Savage. Works. London, 1868. 2 vols. roy. 8vo, tree calf. Selections from the Writings of W. S. Landor. Edited by George S. Hillard. Boston, 1856. 1 vol. i6mo, cloth. LANE, Richard J. Life at the Water Cure ; or, a Month at Malvern. To which is added the Sequel. London, Longmans, 1846. I vol 1 2 mo, half calf . LANGE, Johann P. A Commentary on the Holy Scriptures, Critical, Doctrinal and Homiletical ; by J. P. Lange, in connection with a number of Eminent European Divines. Translated from the German, and edited with additions by P. Schafif. New York, 1868-69. 7 vols. Svo, half calf . LANGFORD, John Alfred. Prison Books and their Authors. Lon- don, 186 1. I vol. Svo, cloth. LA ROCHEFOUCAULD, Franqois, iluc de. Moral Reflections, Sen- tences and Maxims ; newly translated from the French, with an Introduction and Notes. To which are added Moral Sentences and Maxims of Stanislaus, King of Poland. New York, 185 i. I vol. 1 2 mo, half calf . LARWOOD, Jacob, and HOTTEN, John Camden. The History of Signboards, from the earliest times to the present day. With illus- trations. London, Hotten, 1866. I vol. Svo, cloth. LASCARIS, CoNSTANTiNUS. Constantini Lascaris Byzantini de octo partibus orationis liber primus ; ejusdem de Constructione liber secundus ; de nomine et verbo liber tertius ; de pronomine secun- 196 dum omnem lingua et poeticu usum opusculum (cum aliis opusculis graece). Omnia hsec cum interpretatione latina. Introductio per- brevis ad hebraicam linguam. Venetiis, apiid Aldu,it^\2. I vol. sm. 4fo, red levant morocco, gilt and marbled edges. {Si- mier.) From the libraiy of M. Yemeniz, No. 1 155. LAS CASES, AuGusTiN Emmanuel DiEUDONNifi Marin Joseph, comte de. Journal of the Private Life and Conversations of the Emperor Napoleon at Saint Helena. London, Colburn, 1823. 4 vols. Svo, half calf . LASINIO, Carlo. Pitture a fresco del Campo santo di Pisa, intagliate da C. Lasinio. Firenze, Molini, 181 2. I vol. large folio, half russia. LATIMER, Hugh. Fruitfull Sermons Preached by the right Reverend Father, and constant Martyr of Jesus Christ, M. Hugh Latimer, newly Imprinted with others not heeretofore set forth in print, to the edefying of all which will dispose themselves to the reading of the same. London, 1607. I vol. sm. 4to, old panel calf . The fyrste Sermon of Mayster Hughe Latimer whiche he preached before the Kynges Maiest. wythin his graces palayce at Westmynster, m.d.xlix the viii of Marche. London, jp. Daye and Wm. Seres, 1549. I vol. i6mo, brown morocco. {Murton.) The titlepage mentions only one sermon, but the volume contains seven, which were preached consecutively before Edward VI. on the Fridays occurring in Lent. LA TOUR LANDRY, G. de. Der Ritter vom Turn von den Exem- peln der gotsforcht vn erberkeit. Augspurg, Schonsperger, 1498. 1 vol. folio, with woodcuts, half red morocco. LA VALLIERE, Louise Fran^oise de La Baume Leblanc, duchesse de. Reflexions sur la mis^ricorde de Dieu par la duchesse de La Vallibre. Suivies de ses lettres. Nouvelle Edition revue par M.. Pierre Cldment. Paris, Techener, i860. 2 vols. Svo, with portrait, red levant morocco. {Cape.) LAVATER, Johann Caspar. Essays on Physiognomy. Illustrated by more than eight hundred engravings executed by Thomas Hoi- 197 loway. Translated from the French by Henry Hunter. London, Murray, 1789 - 98. 3 vols. 4^0, mottled calf. LAWRENCE, Amos. Extracts from the Diary and Correspondence of the late Amos Lawrence. With a brief Account of some Inci- dents in his Life. Edited by his son W. R. Lawrence. Boston, 1855- I vol. Svo, cloth. LAYARD, Austen Henry. Discoveries among the Ruins of Nineveh and Babylon. With maps, plans and illustrations. New York, Putnam, 1853. I vol. Svo, cloth. The Monuments of Nineveh from drawings made on the spot. Illustrated in one hundred plates. London, Murray, 1853. 1 vol. folio, half brown morocco. Nineveh and its Remains : with an Account of a Visit to the Chaldaean Christians of Kurdistan, and the Yezidis, or Devil- Wor- shippers ; and an Inquiry into the Manners and Arts of the Ancient Assyrians. New York, 1849. 2 vols. Svo, cloth. LEA, Isaac. Observations on the Genus Unio. Read before the American Philosophical Society, and originally published in its Transactions. Vols. V.-VII. Philadelphia, printed for the Author, s. a. 3 vols, in 2, 4to, half brown morocco. Vol. V. is bound with the following work. A Synopsis of the Family of Naiades. Philadelphia, 1852. I vol. \to, half brown morocco. LEAVES from the Diary of a Dreamer : found among his Papers. London, Pickering, 1853. I vol. i6mo, cloth. LE BEY DE BATILLY, Denis. Dionysii Lebei-Batillii regii medio- matricu praesidis emblemata. Emblemata a Jano lac. Boissardo Vesuntino delineata sunt, et a Theodoro de Bry sculpta et nunc recens in lucem edita. Francof.-ad-Mcenum, 1596. I vol. 4to, blue morocco, gilt and gauffered edges. Duke of Marlborough's copy. 198 LECOQ, H. Le Paysagiste. Nouveau traits d' architecture de pares et jardins (dcole moderne). Ouvrage oru6 de 32 planches et de plus de 100 plans. Paris, c/iez VAuteur^ i860. I vol. folio, half brmvn morocco. LEE, Edwin. Bradshaw's Companion to the Continent ; a Descriptive Hand-book to the chief Places of Resort. With Observations on the Influence of Climate and TravelUng. London, 185 i. I vol. \6mo, cloth. Continental Travel ; with an Appendix on the Influence of Cli- mate. London, 1848. I vol. Svo, cloth. LEE, Hannah F. The Life and Times of Thomas Cranmer. Boston, 1841. I vol. 12 mo, cloth. LEE PRIORY PRESS. Woodcuts and Verses. Edited, with Preface, by E. Quillinan. Kent, Lee Priory Press, 1820. I vol. sm. 4to, crimson morocco. {Clarke 6}^ Bedford.) This volume contains all the wood engravings, and specimens of every kind of type used at the Lee Priory Press. LEGENDARIO ed Immagini di Santi. (J. Voragine ?) I vol. Svo, vellum. A collection of woodcuts, mounted and curiously colored. The date Roma M. CD. Lxxx. is found upon the covers. [LEGENDE de beati del terzo ordine de sancto Francisco.] Sum- mario : Legenda del beato Galeoto Roberto da Rimino ; legenda del beato Tomasuzio ; legenda & vita de la beata agnoleda da foligino ; de sancto Lodovico ; de sancto Eleazaro ; de sancta Elizabetha; de sancto yno. {In fine-) Stampata in Vicenza per maisiro Rigo. s. a. I vol. 4to, vellum. Bound with this is the following : Vita e conversatione sancta del beato Jacobo de aieniania, converso de lordine de predicatori ; novamettte morto a Bologna. Im- pi-essa in Bologna per Zodne Antonio delli benedicti libraro nel anno MCCCCCI. LEGENDE (La) de Sainte Ursule princesse Britannique et de ses onze mille vierges d'apr^s les tableaux de I'eglise Sainte-Ursule k Cologne, reproduits en chromolithographie ; publide par F. Keller- 199 hoven, texte par J. B. Dutron. Planches et texte inddits. Paris, chez Vauteur. [1863.] I vol. ^to, brown levant morocco lined with rich silk, hoods, cor- ners, ornaments and clasps in silver niello, gilt and marbled edges. This beautiful copy is enclosed in a case of morocco lined with velvet. LEGENDS. Dis ist ein niiwe seltzeme und liistige legend gemacht usz andern sechs legende und sagt von dem ursprung unnd leben, marter und sterben und ouch von den wunderzeiche der wolge- borne kunigin vn Junckfrawen und marterin sant Katherinen. Strassburg, Griininger, 1500, I vol. /[to, boards covered with stamped leather. " Livre tres-curieux, orne de 17 jolies gravures sur bois, mentionn^ dans Pan- zer." (Y.) From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 388. Dye legend und leben des heylige sandt Keyser Henrichs der ' nach -cristi unsers hern geburt Tausent und ein iar Romischer kunig erwelt worden ist . . . (Ausz latein in Tewtzsch durch de geistliche Herrri Nonosiu Custer, etc.) Bamburg, H. Pfeyll, 1511. 1 vol. sm. 4to, with woodcuts. LEGGE, James. The Chinese Classics : a Translation. New York, 1870. 2 vols, in I, Zvo, half blue morocco. LEIGHTON, John. The Life of Man, symbolised by the Months of the Year, in a Series of Illustrations by J. Leighton. With Passages selected from Ancient and Modern Authors, by R. Pigot. Lon- don, Longmans, 1866. ' « I vol. 4to, morocco in colors. LEIGHTON, Robert. Whole Works. With a Life of the Author, by J. N. Pearson. London, 1830. 4 vols. 8vo, calf. LELAND, Charles Godfrey. Hans Breitmann's Ballads. Phila- delphia, 1869. I vol. Svo, half calf LE MAIRE, Jean. Les Illustrations de Gaule et Singularitez de Troye. Avec les deux epistres de Lamant Vert, composees par Jan Le Maire 200 de Beiges. (A la fin .■) Imprime A Lyon par Esiienne B aland im- primeur demoiirant ou lieu dit Paradis. I vol. ^io, woodcuts, green tnorocco. ( Thouvenin.) There is no date with the imprint, but the PriviUge du roy at the commence- ment of the volume is dated Lan de Grace Mil Cmq Cens ei Neuf. (1509.) Bound with this work are the following, by the same author : — (i.) Le secod livre des Illustratios de Gaule et singularitez de Troye. (A la fin .•) Imprime a Lyon par maistre Estiene Baland Imprimeur. Lan Mil Y': vo, calf. LEWES, Mrs. Marian J. Novels of George Eliot. With illustrations. Edinburgh, Blackwood, s. a. 5 vols. Svo, cloth. I. Adam Bade. II. The Mill on the Floss. III. Silas Mamer. IV. Scenes of Clerical Life. V. Felix Holt. Middlemarch. New York, 1872. 2 vols. Svo, cloth. The Spanish Gypsy j a Poem. Boston, 1868. I vol. i2mo, cloth. LEWINS, William. A History of Banks for Savings in Great Britain and Ireland. London, s. a. I vol. Svo, cloth. LEWIS, Dio. The New Gymnastics for Men, Women and Children. With a Translation of Prof. Kloss's Dumb-bell Instructor, and Prof. Schreber's Pangymnastikon. Boston, 1862. I vol. i2mo, cloth. LEWIS, Elisha J. Hints to Sportsmen, containing Notes on Shooting. Philadelphia, 185 i. I vol. i2mo, cloth. LEWIS, John. Life of Mayster Wyllyam Caxton, of the Weald of Kent; the First Printer in England. London, 1737. I vol. Svo, with a fictitious portrait of Caxton, panel calf extra. 1 50 copies printed. 203 LIBER PROCESSiONARius secundum consuetudine ordinis sancti piis nostri Hieronymi ; cum suis additamentis noviter factis. 1526. I vol. Svo, printed on vellum, brown morocco. {Hardy-Mennil.) LIBRI, GuiLLAUME. Monuments inedits ou peu connus, faisant partie du cabinet de Guillaume Libri, et qui se rapportent k I'histoire de I'ornementation ches differents peuples. Sdconde e'dition, aug- mentee de plusieurs planches. Londres, 1864. I vol. folio, red morocco gilt. LICHTENBERGER, Joannes. Prognosticatio Joannis Liechten- bergers quam olim scripsit super magna ilia Saturni ac lovis con- junctione, quae fuit anno m.cccc.lxxxiiii, praeterea ad eclipsim Solis anni sequetis videlicet Lxxxv, in annu adhuc usque durans M.D.LXVii. {In fine •) Excusa sunt hcec prognostica anno m.d.xxvi. I vol. 4to, red levant morocco. [Duru.) Illustrated with woodcuts representing supposed occurrences in the church. From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 942. LICIO, Robert de. See Caracciolus de Litio. LIDDON, H. P. Sermons preached before the University of Oxford, chiefly during the years 1863 - 1865. Second Edition. London, Rivingtons, 1866. 1 vol. Svo, cloth. Some Elements of Religion. Lent Lectures, 1870. London, 1872. I vol. 2>vo, cloth. LIEBER, Francis. The Character of the Gentleman. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1864. I vol. i6f7io, cloth. LIEBIG, Justus. Organic Chemistry in its AppHcations to Agriculture and Physiology. Edited by L. Playfair. First American Edition, with an Introduction and Notes by J. W. Webster. Cambridge, 1841. I vol. i2mo, half calf . LIEVRE, Edouard. Les Collections cdlebres d'ceuvres d'art, dessindes et gravies d'aprbs les origin aux par E. Lievre. Textes historiques et descriptifs par MM. F. de Sauley, E. de Sommerard, A. de Long- pdrier, etc. Paris, Goupil, 1866. I vol. folio, half red morocco. Large vellum paper copy, illustrated with 50 engraved plates, and many initial capitals in colors. 204 LIEVRE, Edouard. Musde imperial du Louvre. Collection Sauva- geot dessinde et gravde k I'eau-forte par Ed. Libvre. Accompagn^e d'un texte historique et descriptif par A. Sauzay. Paris, Noblet et Baudry, 1863. 2 vols, folio, large paper, half red morocco. {David.) Plates upon India paper. LIMBORCH, Philip von. The History of the Inquisition, as it has subsisted in France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Venice, Sicily, &c. With particular Descriptions of its Secret Prisons. London, 1816. I vol. 2>vo, half calf LIXDLEY, John. Rosarum monographia ; or a Botanical History of Roses. London, Ridg7vay, 1830. I vol. 8vo, 19 colored plates, half green morocco. The Theory of Horticulture. With Notes by A. J. Downing and A. Gray. New York, 1841, I vol. i2mo, half green morocco. LINGARD, John. History of England, from the first Invasion by the Romans to the Commencement of the Reign of William the Third. New Edition, revised and considerably enlarged. London, Dol- man, 1849. 10 vols. 8vo, calf LINNE, Carl von. Species plantarum, exhibentes plantas rite cog- nitas, ad genera relatas . . . secundum systema sexuale digestas. HoLMi^, impensis Laurent. Salvii, 1762. 5 vols. 8vo, with portrait, half calf The Author's interleaved copy, with MS. notes and marginal references. LINSLEY, D. C. Morgan Horses. New York, 1856. I vol. i2mo, woodcuts, half green morocco. LIPPINCOTT'S Pronouncing Gazetteer, or Geographical Diction- ary of the World. Revised Edition, with an Appendix ; edited by J. Thomas and T. Baldwin. Philadelphia, 1870. I vol. roy. Svo, sprinkled sheep. LISZT, F. Life of Chopin. Translated from the French, by Martha W. Cook. Philadelphia, 1863. I vol. i6mo, cloth. 205 LITANI^ AMBROSIAN^ editio princeps. s. I. et a. [Mediolani, circa 147 5-] I vol. sm. Svo, riissia gilt. Edition without title-page, pagination, or colophon. Copies of this Litany are extremely rare. LITANIE LORETANE ad onore della gloriosissima Vergine Maria, coir aggiunta in fine di altrettanti sonetti. Milano, P. Frigerio, 1756- I vol Svo, with plates by Klauber, green morocco: LITERARY WORLD ; a Journal of Science, Literature, and Art. New York, Diiyckinck, 185 1 - 53. 6 vols. 4to, half green morocco. LITTELL'S LIVING AGE. Boston, 1844-57. 55 vols. Svo, half calf . LITTLEDALE, Richard Frederick, A Commentary on the Song of Songs; from Ancient and Mediaeval Sources. London, 1869. I vol. i6mo, cloth. LIVIUS PATAVINUS, Titus. T. Livii decades (cum notis M. An- tonii Sabellici). Impressiim opus Venetiis m.cccc.lxxxxi. die v no- veinbris regnante inclyto domino Augustino Barbadico duce Venetiarum. I vol. folio, half brown morocco. T. Livii Patavini Latinae historiae facil^ principis tres, cum dimi- dia, quae solae extant. Decades, longb omnium, quae hactenus exierint emendatissimae. Lugduni, apud J. Frelloniian, 1553. I vol folio, large paper, red levant morocco extra. {Hardy- Mennil.) Every page has border lines niled in ink. Historiarum quod extat ; cum perpetuis Gronovii et variorum notis. Amst., apud L. et D. Elzevirios, 1664-65. 3 vols. Svo, vellu7n. Titi Livii historiarum quod extat, ex recensione J. F. Gronovii. Amstel., apud D. Elzevirium, 1678. I vol. 12 mo, red levant morocco. Edition remaAable for its small but clear type. Titi Livii historiarum quod extat, ex recensione J. F. Gronovii. Amstel., apud D. Elzeviriu7n, 1678. I vol. \2mo, russia. 206 LIVIUS PATAVINUS, Titus. Les gestes Rommaines. Nouvelle- ment imprimees a Paris. (A la Jin .-) Cy finist les gestes romfnaines et les statuz et ordonnances des heraulx darmes, trdslatez de latin en frdcoys par maisire robert gaugain. Imprime a paris par Michel le noir Mil cinq cens et xv. 1 vol. folio, woodcuts, blue morocco. [Bozerian.) From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 421. LIVRE (Le) D'HEURES de la reine Anne de Bretagne (con- tenant I'office de la sainte Vierge et les psaumes, reproduit d'aprbs I'original ddposd au musde des Souverains). Traduit du latin et accompagnd de notices inddites par M. I'abb^ Delaunay. Paris, Z. Gunner, 1861. 2 vols. 4to, rich morocco mosaic in special design, lined with crim- son moire antique, gilt and gauffered edges. {Hardy- Mennil.) " Reproduction exacte d'un manuscrit du xv= si^cle, celebre pour la beaute des miniatures dont il est enriclii. L'ouvrage est tire ^ 850 exemplaires." — Brunei. " Anne de Bretagne a fait calligraphier et peindre ce livre d'Heures pour son usage. Les miniatures paraissent avoir ete executees par des artistes fran9ais, illustres inconnus qui ont dignement glorifie leur patrie et la religion. Les des- sins des entourages sont de la main de Jean Poyet et representent les plantes que la reine faisait cultiver dans son jardin du chateau de Blois." — Curmer. This superb copy of the Livre (fffeures is enclosed in a morocco case lined with green velvet. LLORENTE, Juan Antonio. The History of the Inquisition of Spain, from the time of its Establishment to the Reign of Ferdinand VII. London, 1827. I vol ?>vo, half calf . LLOYD, Lewis. The Game Birds and Wild Fowl of Sweden and Norway. With an Account of the Seals and Salt-water Fishes of those Countries. With map, woodcuts, and chromo illustrations. London, 1867. 1 vol. 8vo, cloth. Scandinavian Adventures, during a Residence of upwards of Twenty Years. With some Account of the Northern Fauna. Lon- don, Beniley, 1854. 2 vols. r-oy. ^vo, calf extra. LOCHER, Jacob. Libri philomusi. Panegyrici ad Rege Tragedia de 207 Thurcis et Suldano Dyalog' de heresiarchis. {In fine-) Actum Argentine per Magistriim jfohanne Griininger. Anno christi 1497. I vol. ^to, woodcuts, half red morocco. LOCKE, JOHN. Works. To which is added the Life of the Author ; and a Collection of several of his Pieces published by Mr. Des- maizeaux. London, 1759. 3 vols, folio, calf Works. New Edition, corrected. London, 1823. 10 vols. Svo, blue calf. LOCKHART, John Gibson. Ancient Spanish Ballads ; Historical and Romantic. Translated with Notes by J. G. Lockhart. With illustrations from drawings by Allan, Roberts, and others ; the bor- ders and ornamental vignettes by O. Jones. London, Murray, 1856. I vol. sm. 4to, cloth. Memoir of the Life of Sir Walter Scott. Edinburgh, Black, 1851-57- 10 vols. i6mo, half calf . LODGE, Edmund. Portraits of Illustrious Personages of Great Britain ; engraved from authentic Pictures in the Galleries of the Nobility and the Public Collections of the Country. With bio- graphical and historical Memoirs of their Lives and Actions. London, 1835. 12 vols. roy. Svo, half green morocco. LOGAN, Olive. See Sikes. LONDON, Great Exhibition, 185 i. Official, Descriptive, and Illus- trated Catalogue. London, 185 i. 3 vols. Svo, cloth. International Kxhibition, 1862. The Illustrated Catalogue of the Industrial Department. London. [1862.] 4 vols. roy. Svo, cloth. LONDON ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY. The Gardens and Menagerie of the Zoological Society delineated. — Birds. London, Whitting- ham, 1 83 1. I vol. Svo, India paper, with woodcuts, green morocco gilt. {Hay day.) 208 LONDON ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY. The Gardens and Menagerie of the Zoological Society delineated. Quadrupeds. — Birds. Lon DON, Whittingham, 1830-31. 2 vols. 8vo, woodcuts, half calf. The drawings by William Harvey. LONGINUS, Dionysius. Dionysii Longini quae supersunt graece et latine. Recensuit notasque suas atque animadversiones adjecit Joannes Toupius. Accedunt emendationes D. Ruhnkenii. OxoNii. e typog. Clarendoniano, 1778. I vol. Svo, large Holland paper, red morocco. From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 1295. D. Longinus on the Sublime. Translated from the Greek, with Notes, and some Account of the Life of the Author, by W. Smith. London, 1819. I vol. 8vo, half calf . LONGUS. Daphnis et Chloe ou les pastorales de Longus ; traduites du grec par J. Amyot. Paris, Leclerc, 1863. I vol. Svo, India paper, red levant f?iorocco. {David.) Only 6 copies on India paper. LORD, John C. Lectures on the Progress of Civilization and Gov- ernment, and other subjects. Buffalo, 1851. I vol. izmo, cloth. LORD, John King. Sermons. With an Introductory Notice by Na- than Lord. Boston, 1850. I vol. \2n10, cloth. LORRAINE, Claude Gel^e. Liber Veritatis : or a Collection of Prints after the Original Designs of Claude le Lorrain, . . . executed by Richard Earlom, and others. London, y. Boy dell, 1777& 181 9. 3 vols, folio, russia. ( Clarke 6^ Bedford.) LORRIS, GuiLLAUME, and MEUNG, Jean de. Le rommant de la Rose, nouvellement reveu et corrige oustre ses precedentes Im- pressions. Paris, G^. /vo, cloth. LYELL, Sir Charles. Travels in North America, in the years 1 841 - 2 ; with Geological Observations on the United States, Canada, and Nova Scotia. New York, 1845. 2 vols. i2mo, cloth. A Second Visit to the United States of North America. New York, 1849. 2 vols. i2mo, cloth. LYONS, C. B. Catholic Psalmist ; or, Manual of Sacred Music, con- taining the Vespers in Latin and English, Chants, Hymns, and Lit- anies. Dublin, 1858. I vol. i2mo, red morocco. LYRA AMERICANA ; or. Verses of Praise and Faith, from American Poets. Selected and arranged by G. T. Rider. New York, 1865. I vol. i2mo, cloth. LYRA ANGLIC ANA ; or a Hymnal of Sacred Poetry selected from the best English Writers, by the Rev. G. T. Rider. New York, 1865. I vol. i2mo, cloth. LYRA EUCHARISTICA : Hymns and Verses on the Holy Com- munion, ancient and modern ; with other Poems. Edited by Rev. O. Shipley. London, Longman, 1864. I vol. i6mo, cloth. 213 LYRA MESSIANICA: Hymns and Verses on the Life of Christ, ancient and modern ; with other Poems. Edited by Rev. O. Ship- ley, London, Longman, 1864. I vol. i6mo, cloth. LYRA MYSTICA; Hymns and Verses on Sacred Subjects, ancient and modern. Edited by Rev. O. Shipley. London, Longman, 1865. I vol. i6mo, cloth. LYTTELTON, George W., Lord, and GLADSTONE, William E. Translations; by Lord Lyttelton and the Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone. Second Edition. London, Quaritch, 1863. I vol. 4to, large paper, brown morocco. Only 25 copies on large paper. M ACAULAY, Thomas Babington, Lord. Critical and His- torical Essays contributed to the Edinburgh Review. London, Longmans, 1862. 3 vols. Svo, calf extra. The History of England from the Accession of James the Sec- ond. London, Longmans, 1861. 5 vols. Svo, calf extra. Lays of Ancient Rome. With illustrations original and from the antique, drawn on wood by G. Scharf. London, Longmans, i860. I vol. sm. 4to, calf extra. Speeches: corrected by himself. London, 1854. I vol. Svo, cloth. MACCIUS, Paulus. Emblemata moralia, aire incisa et versibus ital. explicata. Bononi^e, Ferronius, 1628. I vol. 4to, vellum. M'CULLOCH, John Ramsay. Principles of Political Economy. Fourth Edition. Edinburgh, Black, 1849. 1 vol. Svo, cloth. MAC FARLANE, Charles. Lives and Exploits of Banditti and Rob- bers, in all parts of the world. London, 1833. 2 vols. i2mo, half calf. 214 MACHIAVELLI, Nicolo, Libro dell' arte della guerra. Venegia, in casa d^ figliuoU di Aldo^ i54o- I vol. Zvo, brown morocco. {Lewis.) Libro deir arte della guerra. Vinegia, in casa di figUuoli di Aldo, 1540. 1 vol. Svo, bound with Frontinus. Works of Nicholas Machiavel, newly translated from the Origi- nals. Illustrated with Notes, Anecdotes, Dissertations, and the Life of Machiavel, by E. Farneworth. London, 1762. 2 vols. 4I0, half calf . M'lLVAINE, Charles Pettit. Oxford Divinity compared with that of the Romish and Anglican Churches ; with a special view to the illustration of the Doctrine of Justification by Faith. Philadel- phia, 1 84 1. I vol. Svo, cloth. Righteousness by Faith ; or the Nature and Means of our Justi- fication before God. Philadelphia, 1864. I vol. Svo, cloth. The Sinner's Justification before God ; its Nature and Means. New York, 1850. I vol. i6mo, cloth. The True Temple ; or the Holy Catholic Church and Commun- ion of Saints, in its Nature, Structure, and Unity. Philadelphia, JProt. Episc. Book Soc, 1861. I vol. iimo, cloth. The Truth and Life. Twenty-two Sermons. New York, 1854. I vol. Svo, cloth. MTNTOSH, Charles. The Flower Garden. London, 1844. I vol. i2mo, colored plates, cloth. The Greenhouse, Hot House, and Stove. London, X840. I vol Svo, colored plates, cloth. MACKAY, Charles. A Thousand and One Gems of English Poetry. Selected and arranged by C. Mackay. London, 1867. * I vol. i6mo, cloth. 215 M'KENNEY, Thomas L., and HALL, James. History of the Indian Tribes of North America, with Biographical Sketches and Anec- dotes. Embellished with one hundred and twenty Portraits from the Indian Gallery in the Department of War at Washington. Philadelphia, 1838-44. 3 vols, folio, half red morocco. (^Wright.') MACKIE, Charles. The Castles, Palaces, and Prisons of Mary, Queen of Scots. London, 1853. I vol. roy. 8vo, 48 engravings, cloth. MACKINTOSH, Sir James. Miscellaneous Works. Philadelphia, 1847. 3 vols, in I, Zvo, half morocco. Dissertation on the Progress of Ethical Philosophy. With a Preface by W. Whewell. Philadelphia, 1845. I vol. 2ivo, cloth. MACLEOD, Jessie. Fifteen Designs, illustrating Tears ; with descrip- tive Poems, by Mary Elizabeth. London, 185 i. I vol 4/^, half calf McMASTERS, S. Y. A Biographical Index to the History of Eng- land ; consisting of an Alphabetical Arrangement of all the Titles and Proper Names of Persons in Hume's History of England. Alton, III., 1854. I vol \2mo, cloth. M'NEILE, Hugh. Lectures on the Sympathies, Sufferings and Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. Liverpool, 1866. I vol. x6mo, cloth. MACROBIUS, AuRELius Theodosius. Macrobii in Somnium Scipi- onis ex Ciceronis. vi. libro de Rep. eruditissima explanatio. Ejus- dem Saturnaliorum libri vii. Censorinus de die natali, additis ex vetusto exemplar! nonnullis, quae desiderabantur. Venetiis, in ced. Aldi et Andrece Asulani soceri, 1528. I vol Svo, brown morocco. Opera : accedunt notse integrae I. Pontani, Joh, Meursii et J. Gronovii. Lugd. Batav. ex off. A. Doude et C. Driehuysen, 1670. I vol. Svo, old calf. 2l6 MADDEN, Frederic W, History of Jewish Coinage, and of Money in the Old and New Testament. With 254 woodcuts, and a plate of alphabets, by F. W. Fairholt. London, 1864. I vol. roy. 2>vo, half morocco. MADISON, James. Letters and other Writings ; published by order of Congress. Philadelphia, 1865. 4 vols. 8vo, cloth. MAGNA CARTA Regis Johannis xv Die Junii Anno Regni xvii. A. D. Mccxv. LoNDiNi, apud y. Whitiaker, 1816. I vol.folio^ half vellum. Beautiful copy printed in gold letters upon vellum. MAHON, Lord. See Stanhope, P. H. MAIER, Michael. Atalanta fugiens, hoc est emblemata nova de secretis naturae chymica. — Viatorium, hoc est de montibus planeta- rum septem seu Metallorum. Oppenheimii, J. T. de Bry, 1618. I vol. ^to, stamped vellum. Illustrated with very curious copperplates. This volume also contains the following works : — (l.) Tripus aureus, hoc est, tres tractatus chymici selectissimi, nempe, Basilii Valentini practica de lapide sap.; Thomce Nortoni Angli tractatus chymicus ; Cremeri Abbatis Westmon. testamentum tractatus chym. Francofurti, apud Jen- nis, 1618. (2.) Basilica Antimoniiinqua Antimoniinaturaexponitur. Francofurti, 1618. MAIORANIS or MARONIS, Franciscus de. Scriptum super primum sententiarum. {In fine:) Anno salutis nostre yi.cccc.uxyiMi. per ma- gistrum Michaelem mdzolo de Parma impressum. I vol. folio, 244 leaves in 2 columns of ^Z lines, half calf . MALHERBE, Alfred. Monographie des Picidds, ou histoire natu- relle des Picides, Picumninds, etc. Metz, jF. Verronnais, 1861 -62. 4 vols, folio, colored plates, half red morocco. MALING, E. a. a Handbook for Ladies on In-door Plants, Flowers for Ornament, and Song Birds. London, 1870. I vol. i6mo, cloth. MANFREDI, Hieronimus. Liber de homine et de conservatione sanitatis (italice). Bononi^e, impressum per me Ugonem Rugerium et doninum Bertochum regienses anno domini m.cccc.lxxiiii. I vol. folio, brown morocco gilt. Commonly called Libro del Perche. 217 MANGIN, Arthur. Les Jardins, histoire et description. Dessins par Anastasi, Daubigny, V. Foulquier, Frangais, W. Freeman, H. Gia- comelli, Lancelot. Tou'rs, Mame ei Jils, 1867. I vol. folio, morocco mosaic after special design, lined with green morocco ornamented with flowers engraved from nature, guards of green moire-antique. ( Chef d'oeuvre de reliure de Hardy-Mennil. ) Copy beautifully printed upon India paper. MANGIN, Edward. A View of the Pleasures arising from a Love of Books : in Letters to a Lady. London, 18 14. I vol. izmo, half dark calf. MANSEL, Henry Longueville. The Limits of Religious Thought examined in Eight Lectures delivered before the University of Oxford, in 1858. Boston, i860. I vol. i2mo, cloth. MANSFIELD, Edward D. American Education, its Principles and Elements. New York, 185 i. I vol. i2mo, cloth. Legal Rights, Liabilities and Duties of Women. Salem, 1845. I vol. 1 2 mo, cloth. Memoirs of the Life and Services of Daniel Drake, M. D., with Notices of the Early Settlement of Cincinnati. Cincinnati, 1855. 1 vol. i2mo, cloth. MANTELL, Gideon Algernon. The Medals of Creation ; or, First Lessons in Geology, and in the Study of Organic Remains. Lon- don, 1845. 2 vols. x6mo, cloth. A Pictorial Atlas of Fossil Remains, consisting of Coloured Illus- trations selected from Parkinson's " Organic Remains of a Former World," and Artis's "Antediluvian Phytology." With descriptions. London, 1850. I vol 4to, cloth. Thoughts on Animalcules. London, Murray^ 1846. I vol. 8vo, cloth. 28 2l8 MANTUANUS, Baptista. Opera omnia. {In fine ■) Impressum Bo- nonicz per Benedictum Hedoris. Anno saliitis^ mdii. I vol. folio, wide margins, red morocco. " Belle edition, cependant le poeme intitule Tolentimcm ne s'y trouve pas." — Brunei. Reverend! fratris Baptistae mantuani Carmelitae de patientia aurei libri tres. — Secudae Parthenices opus divinu. — In Robertum Se- verinatem Panaegyricum carmen. — De suorum temporum calami- tatibus. — Parthenice (lib. in.). Impressuni Venetiis per yacobum de Leuco anno gratice m.cccc.xcix. Laus oinnipoteti deo. I vol. sm. 4/0, stamped morocco. MANUTIUS ROMANUS, Aldus. Aldi Manutii Romani grammaticae institutiones graecae. Venetiis, in cBdibus Aldi et Andrece soceri, M.D.xv. mense novembri. I vol. 4I0, 136 leaves, green levant morocco. Copies of this work are extremely rare, as only one edition was issued. MAP OF JEDDO. By Native Artists. Printed and colored in Jeddo for the Rev. Henry Wood. I folded sheet. MAPLESON, T. W. Gwilt. Pearls of American Poetry, illuminated by T. W. G. Mapleson. New York, s. a. I vol. 4to, dark brown morocco. MARCELLUS, Christophorus. Sacrarum caeremoniarum sive rituum ecclesiasticorum S. Rom. Ecclesiae libri tres. Venetiis, apud jun- tas, 1582. I vol. 4to, vellum. MARGUERITE D'ANGOULEME, reine de Navarre. Les nouvelles de Marguerite reine de Navarre. Berne, chez la nouvelle societe typographique, 1780-81. 3 vols, i^jno, blue levant morocco, with arms and monogram. {Cape.) Engravings by Longueil after designs by Freudenberg. MARGUERITTES, Julie de. The Ins and Outs of Paris ; or Paris by Day and Night. Philadelphia, 1855. I vol. 1 2 mo, cloth. 219 MARICONDA, Antonio. Tre giornate delle favole del' Aganippe. Napoli, appresso G. P. SuganappOy 1550. I vol. ^to, morocco. Very rare. Only one edition of this work was ever issued. MARMOL CARVAJAL, Luys del. Historia del rebelion y castigo de los Moriscos del reyno de Granada. Malaga, y. Rene. [1599.] I vol. folio, half morocco. " Ouvrage fort curieux." — Brttnet, MARRYAT, Joseph. Collections towards a History of Pottery and Porcelain, in the 15th, i6th, 17th, and i8th Centuries. With a De- scription of the Manufacture, a Glossary, and a list of Monograms. London, Murray, 1850. I vol. 4I0, large paper, colored plates, and engravings on India paper, red morocco. MARSH, George P. Lectures on the English Language. New York, Scribner, i860. I vol. Svo, cloth. Man and Nature ; or Physical Geography as modified by Human Action. • New York, Scribner, 1864. I vol. Zvo, cloth. MARSHALL, T. M. W. Comedy of Convocation in the English Church, in two scenes. Edited by Archdeacon Chasuble, D. D. New York, 1868. 1 vol. Svo, cloth. MARTIALIS, Valerius. M. V. Martialis epigrammata. Venetiis, in cedibus Aldi mense Decembri, 1501. 1 vol. Svo, 192 leaves, half vellum. A rare and genuine edition. MARTIN, Henri. History of France. The Age of Louis XIV. 1661 - 1 7 15. Translated by Mary L. Booth. Boston, 1865. 2 vols. roy. Svo, cloth. History of France. Decline of the French Monarchy. 1715-89. Translated by Mary L. Booth. Boston, 1866. 2 vols. roy. Svo, cloth. MARTIN, Thomas. A Traictise declaryng and plainly provyng that 220 the pretended Marriage of Priestes and Professed Persones is no Marriage, but altogether unlawful. Herewith is comprised in the later chapitres, a full Confutation of Doctour Poynettes Boke enti- tled a Defence for the Marriage of Priestes. London, R. Caly, 1554. I vol. 4^0, blue morocco. MARTIN, W. C. L. A General History of Humming-Birds, or the Trochilidae ; with especial reference to the Collection of J. Gould. London, 1861. I vol. i6mo, colored plates, half calf . MARTINEAU, Harriet. Biographical Sketches. 1852-68. Lon- don, 1869. I vol. Svo, cloth. MARTYN, Henry. Twenty Sermons. London, 1822. I vol. Zvo, half calf MARTYN, Thomas. Figures of Plants by Mr. Martyn, No. 10 Great Marlborough Street. London, 1795-96. 4 vols, in 2, green morocco gilt. Plates in water-colors, accompanied by descriptive text in manuscript. MARTYR VERMIGLI, Peter. See Vermigli. MASON, Lowell. Musical Letters from Abroad : including detailed Accounts of the Birmingham, Norwich and Dusseldorf Musical Festivals of 1852. New York, 1854. I vol. \zmo, cloth. MASSACHUSETTS Historical Society. Proceedings relating to the Donations from Thomas Dowse ; with the Eulogy by Edward Everett. 'Qosio'iri, printed for private distribution, 1859. I vol. Svo, cloth. MASSILLON, Jean Baptiste. Sermons : to which is prefixed the Life of the Author, selected and translated by William Dickson. London, 1803. 3 vols. i2mo, half calf . MASSON, Michel. Les enfants cdlbbres. Paris, Didier, 1858. I vol. Svo, lithographs and woodcuts, half morocco. 221 MATHER, Cotton. Magnalia Christi Americana : or the Ecclesiasti- cal History of New-England from its first planting in the year 1620, unto the year of Our Lord 1698. In seven books. London, Parkhurst, 1702. 1 vol. folio, old calf. Magnalia Christi Americana; or the Ecclesiastical History of New-England. With Introduction and Notes by Th. Robbins, Translations of the Hebrew, Greek and Latin Quotations by L. F. Robinson, and a Memoir of Cotton Mather, by S. G. Drake. Hartford, 1853. 2 vols. 8vo, calf / MATHER, W. W. Second Annual Report on the Geological Survey of the State of Ohio, Columbus, 1838. I vol. 2)V0, half red morocco. MATTHEWS, Henry. The Diary of an Invalid ; being the Journal of a Tour in pursuit of Health, in Portugal, Italy, Switzerland, and France. 1817-19. London, J/arroy, 1835. I vol. i6mo, vellum. MATTHEWS, Stanley. A Summary of the Law of Partnership for the Use of Business Men. Cincinnati, 1864. I vol. i2mo, morocco. MAUNDEVILE, Sir John. The Voiage and Travaile of Sir John Maundevile, Kt. Which Treateth of the Way to Hierusalem ; and of Marvayles of Inde with other Hands and Countryes. Now pub- lish'd entire from an Original Ms. in the Cotton Library. London, 1725- I vol Svo, calf. The Voiage and Travaile of Sir John Maundevile, Kt. Reprinted from the Edition of A. D. 1725, with an Introduction, additional Notes, and Glossary, by J. O. Halliwell. London, Ellis, 1866. I vol. Svo, cloth. MAURICE, Frederick Denison. Learning and Working : Six Lec- tures. The Religion of Rome, and its Influence on Modern Civilization : Four Lectures. Cambridge, 1855. I vol. &V0, cloth. 222 MAURY, Matthew Fontaine. The Physical Geography of the Sea. New York, 1857. I vol. Svo, cloth. MAUSOLEUM potentissiraorum ac gloriosissimorum regni apostolici regum & primorum militantis Ungarise ducum. Vindicatis \. mortu- ali pulvere reliquiis ad gratam apud posteros memoriam, k pio et justo patriae dolore erectum. Cum versione Operis Germanic^. Norimberg^, apud M. 6- y. E. Endteros, 1664. I vol. folio, red levant morocco. {Hardy ^ MAXWELL, John S. The Czar, his Court and People ; including a Tour in Norway and Sweden. New York, 1848. I vol. i2mo, cloth. MAXWELL, Sidney D. The Suburbs of Cincinnati ; Sketches, his- torical and descriptive. Cincinnati, 1870. 1 vol. Svo, cloth. MAY, Thomas Erskine. The Constitutional History of England, since the Accession of George the Third. 1760 -i860. London, Longmans, 1863. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf . MAYHEW, Edward. The Illustrated Horse Management, containing descriptive Remarks upon Anatomy, Medicine, Shoeing, Teeth, Food, etc. Philadelphia, 1864. 1 vol. Svo, cloth. MAYHEW, Henry. German Life and Manners as seen in Saxony at the present day : illustrated with Songs and Pictures of the Student Customs at the University of Jena. London, 1864. 2 vols. roy. Svo, cloth. London Labour and the London Poor. London, 1862. I vol. Svo, cloth. MECHI, L J. How to Farm Profitably ; or the Sayings and Doings of Mr. Alderman Mechi. London, 1859. I vol. i6mo, half morocco. MEDBERY, James K. Men and Mysteries of Wall Street. Boston, 1870. I vol. \2mo, cloth. 223 MEDER, JOANNES.~ Parabola filii glutonis profusi atq pdigi nedu ve- nuste veru etia utiliter & devote p venerandu patre fratre Joanne Meder ordinis minoru observantiu Basilee concionata & collecta : pro totius anni precipue quadragesime sermonib' acc5modata. Basilee, M. Furter, 15 lo. I vol. 8vo, with woodcuts, half red morocco. MEDICEA HOSPES. Blyde Inkomst der allerdoorluchtighste Ko- ninginne, Maria de Medicis, t'Amsterdam. Vertaelt uit het Latijn des hooghgeleerden heeren Kasper van Baerle. Amsterdam, y. &' C. Blaeu, 1639. I vol. folio, 1 7 plates, half red morocco. MEFFRET or MEFFRETH. Sermones Meffreth al's hortulus regine de Sanctis. (Vol. III.) Expensis spectabilis viri Anthonii kobergers Nurenbergeh incole atq : salutis anno Millesimo quadringentesimo nona- gesimo sexto. (1496.) I vol. folio, 161 leaves, old morocco. MEINHOLD, W. Mary Schweidler, the Amber Witch; translated from the German by Lady Duff Gordon. New York, 1845. I vol i2mo, cloth. MEINRAT, S. Von dem Leben unnd Sterben des heiligen Einsidels und Marterers Meinradi. Auch von der heiligen Walstatt unnd Capel unser lieben Frawen der Miiter Gottes Marie zii den Einsyd- len. Mit angehencktem Leben unnd Leyden des heiligen Haupt- mans-Mauritii und seiner Gesellen. Des heiligen Kiinigs Sigis- mundi. Des heiligen neunjarigen knaben justi. Des heiligen Ein- sidels Geroldi. Unnd des heiligen Bischoffs Wolffgangi. AUes von newem inn Truck geben. s. L 1577- I vol. sm. 4to, with woodcuts and borders, half calf MEN OF THE Time : a Biographical Dictionary of Eminent Living Characters. New Edition by E. Walford. London, 1862. I vol. Svo, half morocco. MENDELSSOHN BARTHOLDY, Felix. Letters from Italy and Switzerland ; translated from the German by Lady Wallace, with a Biographical Notice by Julie de Marguerittes. Philadelphia, 1863. I vol. i6mo, cloth. Letters from 1833 to 1847. Edited by P. Mendelssohn Bartholdy 224 and C. Mendelssohn, with a Catalogue of all his Musical Compo- sitions compiled by J. Rietz. Translated by Lady Wallace. Philadelphia, 1864. I vol. x6mo, doth. MERINO, Andres. Escuela paleographica, 6 de leer letras antiguas desde la entrada de los Godos en Espana, hasta nuestros tiempos. Dispuesta por el P. Andres Merino de Jesu-Christo. Madrid, Loza/io, 1780. I vol. folio, large paper, half calf. MERIVALE, Charles. History of the Romans under the Empire. New York, Appleton, 1863-65. 7 vols. Svo, half russia. MERLE D'AUBIGNE, Jean Henrl Discourses and Essays. With an Introduction by Robert Baird. Glasgow, s. a. I vol. i2mo, green velvet, gilt and gauffered edges. Germany, England and Scotland ; or, Recollections of a Swiss Minister. New York, 1848. 1 vol. i2mo, half calf . History of the Great Reformation of the Sixteenth Century. London and Edinburgh, 1841 -53. 5 vols. Svo, calf. METEYARD, Eliza. Life of Josiah Wedgwood, from his Private Cor- respondence and Family Papers ; with an introductory Sketch of the Art of Pottery in England. London, 1865 - 66. 2 vols. Svo, maroon morocco. METHODIUS primu olimpiade et postea Tyri civitatum episcopus. sub diocleciano Imperatore in Calcide civitate (que nigropontum appellatur ut divus scribit hieronimus martyrio) coronatur : qui cu eruditissimus esset vir multa edidit documenta et presertim de mundi creatione eidem in carcere revelata. passus fuit quarta-decima Kalendas octobris. Basilee, M. Fnrter, 15 16. I vol. sm. ^to, with woodcuts, brown morocco. From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 930. MEYRICK, Sir Samuel Rush. A Critical Inquiry into Antient Armour, as it existed in Europe, particularly in Great Britain, from the Norman Conquest to the Reign of King Charles 11. With a 225 glossary of military terms of the middle ages. London, Bohn, 1842. 3 vols. wip. 4fo, half red morocco. This valuable work contains many plates and initial capitals illuminated in gold, silver and colors. An additional plate called the Battle of the Locks and Keys is found in the present copy. MEYRICK, Sir Samuel Rush. Engraved Illustrations of Antient Arms and Armour, from the Collection at Goodrich Court, Here- fordshire, after the Drawings and with the Descriptions of Sir S. R. Meyrick, by Joseph Skelton. London, Bohfi, 1854. 2 vols. imp. 4^0,^ 154 engraving's, half red tnorocco. MICHAUX, Francois Andr^. The North American Sylva; or, Description of the Forest Trees of the United States, Canada and Nova Scotia. Translated from the French with Notes by J. J. Smith. Philadelphia, 1853. 3 vols. roy. Svo, large paper, 156 colored plates, half green morocco. For a continuation of this work see Nuttall. MICHEL, Francois Xavier, dit Francisque. Recherches sur le com- merce, la fabrication et I'usage des dtoffes de sole, d'or et d'argent et autres tissus prdcieux en Occident, principalement en France pendant le moyen age. Paris, Crapelet, 1852-54. 2 vols. 4to, Holland paper, blue levant morocco. {Trautz-Bau- zonnet.) 250 copies upon Holland paper. From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 3849. MICHELET, Jules. The Bird : with two hundred and ten Illustra- tions by Giacomelli. London, 1869. I vol. roy. Svo, green morocco. The Mountain. With fifty-four Illustrations from Designs by Percival Skelton. London, 1872. I vol. Svo, cloth. MIGNATY, M. Albana. An Historical Sketch illustrative of the Life and Times of Dante Alighieri. Florence, A. Bettini, 1865. I vol. \2mo, half morocco. 29 226 MILES, William. General Remarks on Stables, and Examples of Stable Fittings; with illustrations. London, i860. I vol. roy. 8vo, cloth. MILL, James. History of British India. London, Baldwin, 1820. 6 vols. 8vo, calf. MILL, John Stuart. On Liberty. Boston, 1863. 1 vol. izmo, cloth. Principles of Political Economy, with some of their Applications to Social Philosophy. New York, Appleton, 1864. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Utilitarianism. Reprinted from "Eraser's Magazine." London, 1863. I vol. 8vo, cloth. MILLEDULCIA : a Thousand Pleasant Things. Selected from Notes and Queries. New York, 1857. I vol. izmo, cloth. MILLER, Hugh. The Foot-prints of the Creator : with a Sketch of the Author's Life, by Sir D. Brewster. Cincinnati, 185 i. I vol. izmo, cloth. Macaulay on Scotland : a Critique. Boston, 1857. I vol. i6mo, cloth. The Old Red Sandstone. Edinburgh, 1850. I vol 8vo, cloth. MILLER, Philip. The Gardener's and Botanist's Dictionary, Cor- rected and newly arranged, with Additions, by Thomas Martyn. London, 1807. 4 vols, folio, with plates, half green morocco. MILLER, Thomas. A Day in the Woods; a Connected Series of Tales and Poems. London, 1836. I vol i2mo, calf Rural Sketches. London, 1839. I vol. 8vo, half morocco. 227 MILLINGEN, J. G. The History of Duelling; including Narratives of the most remarkable Personal Encounters. London, Bentley, 1841. 2 vols, in I, Zvo, half calf . MILLS, Charles. History of Chivalry, or Knighthood and its Times. London, Longmans, 1825. 2 vols, ^vo, calf History of the Crusades for the Recovery and Possession of Holy Land. London, Longmans, 1822. 2 vols. %vo, calf An History of Muhammedanism. Second Edition, revised and augmented. London, Longmans, i8i8. 1 vol 8vo, calf The Travels of Theodore Ducas in various countries in Europe, at the Revival of Letters and Art. — Italy. London, Longmans, 1822. 2 vols, in I, 2>vo, calf MILLS, L. E. Glimpses of Southern France and Spain. Cincinnati, 1867. I vol. \zmo, cloth. MILMAN, Henry Hart. History of Christianity, from the Birth of Christ to the Abolition of Paganism in the Roman Empire. Lon- don, 1863. 3 vols. Svo, tree calf {ILayday.) History of the Jews, from the earliest period down to modern times. Third Edition. London, 1863. 3 vols. 8vo, tree calf. {Hay day.) History of Latin Christianity ; including that of the Popes to the Pontificate of Nicolas V. Third Edition. London, 1864. 9 vols. Svo, tree calf. {Hayday.) The Martyr of Antioch ; a Dramatic Poem. London, Murray, 1822. I vol. Svo, calf MILNER, Joseph. History of the Church of Christ. With Additions and Corrections by Isaac Milner. London, Cadell, 1834. 4 vols. Svo, calf 228 MILNES, Richard Monckton, Lo7-d Houghton. Poems of Many Years. Boston, 1846. I vol. i6fno, half calf. MILTON, John. Works in Verse and Prose. Printed from the Orig- inal Editions, with a Life of the Author by the Rev. John Mitford. London, Pickering, 185 1. 8 vols. 8vo, tree calf extra. {Riviere.) Paradise Lost. A Poem in Ten Books. The Author John Mil- ton. London, printed by S. Simmons, 1 668. I vol. sm. ^to, 178 leaves, old calf . A perfect copy of \he first edition. Paradise Lost. A Poem in Twelve Books. Second Edition, re- vised and augmented by the Author. London, printed by S. Sim- mons, 1674. 1 vol. Svo, green levant morocco. {Riviere^ The Paradise Lost of Milton ; with Illustrations designed and engraved by John Martin. London, Prowett, 1827. 2 vols. 4to, imperial paper, 24 large engravings, russia gilt. Milton's Paradise Lost. Illustrated by Gustave Dore. Edited, with Notes and a Life of Milton, by Robert Vaughan. London, s. a. [1868.] I vol. folio, red levant morocco. {David.) MILTON, Thomas. Views of Seats in Ireland, with an account of each. [Dublin, 1783 -93.] I vol. obi. 4to, 24 plates, red morocco. MIROUR FOR Magistrates : being a true chronicle Historie of the untimely Falles of such unfortunate Princes and men of note as have happened since the first entrance of Brute into this Island. Newly enlarged with a last part called a Winter Night's Vision ; with a Poem annexed called England's Eliza. London, P. A'yngs- ton, 16 10. I vol sm. 4to, brown morocco. {Bedford.) MISSALS. Missale denuo diligentissime castigatum et revisum ordinis S. Benedicti reformatorum nigrorum monachorum per Germaniam. Hagenoie, /^r 71 Anshebnum, 15 18. ^ I vol. folio, russia gilt, gauffered and painted edges. 229 MISSALS. MissALE RoMANUM. {In fine •) Sacnim sanduque hoc opus ad honoreni &' gloriam omnipotentis dei : ac dhi nosiri Jesii christi magni et excellent is ingenii Udalricus gallus al's Han Ala- manus : ex ingelstat civis wienen : no calamo ereove stilo : sed novo artis ac solerti Industrie genere Rome conflatu impressumqice. M.CCCC. Lxxvi. die vero xii Octobris. I vol. folio, boards covered with leather. "This edition contains, for the first time, musical notes for singing." — Ebert. Very rare. Missale Romanum ex decreto sacrosancti Concilii Tridentini restitutum, et Pii V. pont. max. jussu editum. Venetiis, ex biblioth. Aldina, 1574. I vol. a^to, with woodcuts, russia gilt. Missale Romanum ex decreto sacrosancti Concilii Tridentini restitutum, Pii V, pont. max. jussu editum. Venetiis, apud juntas, 1575- I vol. folio, with woodcuts, russia gilt. Missale Romanum, ex decreto sacrosancti Concilii Tridentini restitutum ; Pii V. pont. max. jussu editum, Cum calendario Grego- riano. Venetiis, apud G. Variscum, 1599. I vol. folio, with woodcuts, calf Missale Romanum ex decreto sacrosancti Concilii Tridentini restitutum. Pii V. jussu editum, dementis VIII. & Urbani PapjE VIII. auctoritate recognitum. Additis etiam Missis Sanctorum ab Innocentio X. et Alexandre VII. pont max ordinatis. In quo omnia per extensum leguntur ut commodius celebretur. Rom^e, ex typ. rev. earner cb apost. 1662. I vol folio, vellum gilt with clasps, gilt and gauffered edges. Beautiful copy, illustrated with copperplate engravings and fine woodcuts. Missale Romanum ex decreto sacrosancti Concilii Tridentini restitutum, S. Pii V. pont. max, jussu editum, dementis VIII. et Urbani VIII. auctoritate recognitum. Accuratissima editio novis missis ex indulto apostolico concessis aucta. Turonibus, A. Mame, 1861. I vol. folio, red levant morocco with heavy dentelle bo7'ders, lining and guards of silk. {Cape.) Edition noted for its perfect typography. This elegant copy is printed on Holland paper, and beautifully illustrated with woodcuts, borders, vignettes, ornamental capitals, and India proofs before letters. 230 MISSALS. Roman Missal for the use of the Laity ; including all the Feasts for England, Scotland, Ireland, and the Society of Jesus. New and complete Edition. London, 1856. 1 vol. \bmo, blue morocco. MITCHELL, Donald Grant. The Lorgnette ; or, Studies of the Town. Second Edition, set off with Mr. Barley's Designs. New York [1850]. 2 vols, izmo, cloth. MITCHELL, S. Weir. Wear and Tear; or, Hints for the Overworked. Philadelphia, 1871. I vol i6mo, cloth. MITFORD, Mary Russell. Recollections of a Literary Life j or, Books, Places, and People. New York, 1852. I vol. 12 mo, half calf . MODELBUCH, New, von Allerbrandt Art Rehens und Stickens. Jetz mit viellerley Model uun Stahlen. Allen Steinmetzen, Seiden- stickern, und Neterin sehr nutzlich und kiinstlich zugericht. Franckfurt am Mevn, JV. Bassee, 1568. I vol. sm. 4to, brown levant morocco, gilt and marbled edges., {Hardy-Mennil. ) MODEL-BUCHS. Dritter Theil. Von unterschiedlichen Vogeln, Blumen, und Friichten. Nurnberg, C. Gerhard, 1676. I vol. obi. 4to, engraved frontispiece and 42 plates, red levant morocco. ( Hardy. ) MODUS. Sensuyt le livre du roy modus et de la royne Racio qui parle du deduit de la chasse a toutes bestres sauvaiges c5me cerfz : biches : dais : cheureulx : lieures : sangliers : loups : regnardz : et loutres. On ses vent a Paris en la grant rue sainct Jacques a lenseigne de la Roze blanche couronnee. {A la fin .•) Cyfinist ce preset liure du Roy Modus. Imprime nouvellemeni a Paris par lehan Trepperel demourant en la Rue neufue nostre Dame a lenseigne de lescu def ranee, s. a. I vol. sm. \to, with woodcuts, olive morocco, lined with red mo- rocco, dentelle borders. [Simier.) From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 1032. MOERIN. Die Morin. Eyn schone kiirtzweilige und liebliche His- tori, welch durch weiland. Herr Herman von Sachsenheym Ritter 231 (eyns abentheurlichen handels halbe so im in seiner jugent begeg- net) beschriben und hernach die Morin genant ist. Wormbs, S. Wagner, 1539. I vol. folio, with woodcuts, calf. MOFFAT, James C. An Introduction to the Study of Esthetics. Cincinnati, 1856. I vol. \2mo, cloth. MOIR, David Macbeth, Sketches of the Poetical Literature of the Past Half-century. In six lectures. Edinburgh, 1852. I vol. \6mo, cloth. MOLIERE, Jean Baptiste Pocquelin de. Oeuvres de Molibre, Nouvelle Edition. Gravures de F. Boucher. Paris, 1734. I vol. folio, blue levant morocco. {Duru.) A collection of illustrations without text. Oeuvres de Molibre, avec un commentaire, un discours prdlimi- naire, et une vie de Molibre, par M. Auger. Paris, Desoer, 1819-25. 9 vols. 8vo, large vellum paper, red levant morocco gilt. ( Cap'e. ) " Exemplaire contenant plusieurs suites de gravures tr^s rares, avec et avant la lettre." •' Cette edition est preferable k toutes celles qui I'ont precedee." — Brunei. MOMMSEN, Theodor. The History of Rome. Translated by the Rev. W. P. Dickson. With a Preface by Dr. L. Schmitz, London, Bentley, 1868. 4 vols. Zvo, tree calf extra. MONCORNET, Baltazar. Livre nouveau de fleurs tres utils pour I'art d'orfevrerie, et autres. Le manifique carousel fait sur le fleuve de I'Arne a Florence, pour le manage du grand Due. Paris, B. Moncomet, 1645. I vol obi. 2>vo, plates. MONDE, Le, plein de fols, ou le theatre des nains. Amsterdam, s. a. I vol. folio, half red morocco. Collection of grotesque figures designed by W. Koning. MONELIA, Antonio de. Sursum corda editu a R. P. F. Antonio de Monelia Genuensi. {In fine:) Impressum Bonoh. per accuratissi- mum magistrum Hieronymum de benedictis. 1522. I vol. 4to, old morocco, with clasps. 232 MONGREDIEN, Augustus. Trees and Shrubs for English Planta- tions. London, Murray, 1870. I vol. 8vo, with illustrations, cloth. MONSTRELET, Enguerrand de. Chronicles of Monstrelet. A History beginning at the year MCCCC, where that of Sir John Frois- sart finishes. Translated by Thomas Johnes. Hafod Press, y. Henderson, 1809. 5 vols. 4to, red morocco gilt. {Stamper.) MONTAGU, Basil. Selections from the Works of Taylor, Latimer, Hall, Milton, Barrow, South, Brown, Fuller and Bacon. Fifth Edition. London, Pickering, 1839. I vol. i6mo, half dark calf. Selections from the Works of Taylor, Latimer, Hall, Milton, Bar- row, South, Brown, Fuller and Bacon. New York, 1845. I vol. i2mo, cloth. MONTAGU, Lady Mary Wortley. Letters and Works. Edited by Lord Wharncliffe. London, Bentley, 1837. 3 vols. Svo, calf extra. MONTAIGLON, Anatole' de. Notice historique et bibliographique sur Jean Pdlerin dit le Viateur, chanoine de Toul, et sur son livre De artificiali perspectiva. Paris, Tross, 1861. I vol. Svo, cloth. MONTAIGNE, Michel Eyquem de. Works of M. de Montaigne : comprising his Essays, Journey into Italy, and Letters, with Notes from all the Commentators, by W. Hazlitt. New and carefully revised Edition, edited by O. W. Wight. Cambridge, Riverside Press, 1864. 4 vols. Svo, half maroon morocco. Large paper. 75 copies printed for subscribers. Les Essais de Michel, seigneur de Montaigne. Nouvelle Edition exactement purgee des ddfauts des prdcddentes selon le vray origi- nal. Bruxelles, Foppens, 1659. 3 vols. \2mo, red levant morocco. {Hardy-Mennil.) MONTALEMBERT, Charles Forbes, comte de. Memoir of the Abbd Lacordaire. Authorized Translation. London, Bentley, 1863. I vol. Svo, cloth. 233 MONTALEMBERT, Charles Forbes, comte de. The Monks of the West, from St. Benedict to St. Bernard. Authorized Translation. Edinburgh, i86i. 5 vols. 8vo, half calf . MONTENAY, Georgette de. Emblemes ou devises chrestiennes composees par Damoiselle Georgette de Montenay. Lyon, par yean Marcorelle, 1 5 7 1 . I vol. sm. 4io, 100 copperplates engraved by P. Woeiriot, green morocco. {Koehler.) " Tres-bel exemplaire d'un livre aussi precieux que rare." From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 2123. MONTEREGIO, Johannes de. Aureus hie liber est ; non est preci- osior ulla Gema kalendario. Hoc Joannes opus regio de monte probatum composuit. Venetiis, B. Fictor, P. Loslein, et E. Rat- dolt, 1476. I vol. 4to, 32 leaves with plates and mamiscript additions, calf. Remarkable for having the printers' names and date of impression upon the frontispiece. MONTESQUIEU, Charles Secondat, baron de. Oeuvres ^rotiques de Montesquieu. Exemplaire unique. Paris, de ri?nprimerie de P. Plassan, 1798. 1 vol. green morocco lined with silk. Copy upon vellum, illustrated vi'ith portrait and engravings. The Spirit of Laws. Translated from the French by T. Nugent. London, 1773. 2 vols. Svo, calf. MONTFAUCON, Bernard de. L'Antiquitd expliqude (en frangais et en latin) et reprdsentde en figures. Paris, Delaubie, 17 19. 5 vols, in 10, folio, large paper, red levant moroQCO, gilt and marbled edges. {Niedree.) Supplement au livre de I'Antiquite expliqude. Paris, Dclaulne, 1724. 5 vols, folio, large paper, red levant morocco, gilt and marbled edges. (^Niedree.) Les Monumens de la monarchic frangoise qui comprennent I'his- toire de France, avec les figures de chaque regne que I'injure des 30 2 34 terns a dpargndes, par B. de Montfaucon. Paris, Gandouin, 1729-33- 5 vols, folio, lafge paper, red levant morocco, gilt and inarbled edges. {Niedree.) MONTGOMERY, James. Poetical Works. London, Longmans, 1841. 4 vols. i6mo, calf extra. Poetical Works ; collected by himself. London, Longmans, 1854. I vol. Svo, cloth. MOON, George Washington. The Dean's English. A Criticism on the Dean of Canterbury's Essays on the Queen's English. London, 1868. I vol. i2mo, cloth. MOORE, Daniel. Aids to Prayer. London, Rivingtons, 1868. 1 vol. Svo, cloth. MOORE, Frank. Diary of the American Revolution. From news- papers and original documents. New York, i860. 2 vols. roy. Svo, cloth. The Rebellion Record : a Diary of American Events. With an introductory Address by Edward Everett. New York, 1862-68. II vols. Svo, with portraits, maps and diagrams, half calf . MOORE, John W. Complete Encylopaedia of Music. Boston, 1854. I vol. roy. Svo, half morocco. MOORE, Thomas. Irish Melodies. Illustrated by D. Maclise. Lon- don, Longman, 1846. I vol. Afto, proof impressions, green morocco gilt. Large paper copy. Text engraved by Becker. Life of Lord Byron, with his Letters and Journals. Boston, Little 6^ Browji, s. a. 6 vols. J 6 mo, calf extra. Memoirs, Journal and Correspondence. Edited and abridged by Lord John Russell. London, Longman, i860. I vol. Svo, with portraits and vignettes, cloth. Poetical Works, collected by himself. With a Memoir. Boston*, Little dv Brown, 1856. 6 vols. i6mo, calf. 235 MOORE, Thomas. The Nature-printed British Ferns. Nature-printed by H. Bradbury. London, 1859. 2 vols. Sz/i?, doth. MOQUIN-TANDON, Horace Benedict Alfred. Le monde de la men Illustre de 22 planches tirdes en couleur. Paris, 1866. I vol. Svo, half green morocco. MORDECAI, Alfred. Military Commission to Europe in 1855- 56. Washington, i860. 1 vol. /^to, cloth. MORE, Hannah. Works. New York, 1836. 7 vols. i2mo, calf. MORE, Sir Thomas. A most pleasant, fruitful, and witty Work of the best State of a Public Weal, and of the new Isle called Utopia ; written in Latin by the Right Worthy and Famous Sir Thomas More, Knight, and translated into English by Raphe Robinson, A. D. 155 1. New Edition, with copious Notes and an Introduction by T. F. Dibdin. London, 1808. 2 vols. 8vo, old calf MOREAU, J. M. [A Collection of Engravings, including a Portrait of Rousseau and 37 Illustrations selected from his Works. Executed from drawings by J. M. Moreau and M. de Latour.] I vol. 4to, half red morocco. {Petit.) MOREAU, P. Les sainctes pribres de Tame chrestienne escrites et gravies aprbs le naturel de la plume, par P. Moreau. Paris, 1644. I vol. Svo, text within borders, early French binding. MOREL, Rene. Chansons du docteur Rend Morel, recueillies et publides par ses amis. Lyon, imprimerie de Leon Boitel, 185 1. I vol. i2mo, half red morocco. One of 4 copies upon Holland paper. From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 2003. MORELL, John Reynell. Algeria : the Topography and History, political, social and natural, of French Africa. London, 1854. I vol. Svo, half calf. Scientific Guide to Switzerland. London, 1867. I vol. Svo, cloth. 236 MORGAN, Hector Davies. The Doctrine and Law of Marriage, Adultery and Divorce. Oxford, 1826, 2 vols. 8vo, half dark calf. MORGAN, Sydney Owenson, Lady. Memoirs : Autobiography, Diaries, and Correspondence. London, 1863. 2 vols. 8w, cloth. MORISON, Douglas. Views of the Ducal Palaces and Hunting- Seats of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. London, Hogarth^ 1846. I vol. folio, half morocco. MORLEY, Henry. Memoirs of Bartholomew Fair. With facsimile drawings engraved on wood, by the brothers Dalziel. London, 1859. I vol. Svo, half calf . MORRIS, William. The Earthly Paradise. A Poem. Boston, 1868. I vol. 12 mo, cloth. MOSCHOPULUS, Manuel. De ratione examinandae orationis libellus (graece). Ex Bibliotheca regia. Luteti^, ex off. Rob. Stephani, mdxlv. I vol. /ifto, calf gilt. {Bozerian j'eune.) From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 1296. MOTHER GOOSE'S Melodies for Children, or Songs for the Nursery ; with Notes, Music, and an Account of the Goose or Vergoose family. Illustrations by H. L. Stephens and G. Fay. New York, 1869. I vol. sm. 4to, cloth. MOTHERWELL, William. Poetical Works. With Memoir by J. M'Conechy. Glasgow, Robertson, 1849. 1 vol. i6mo, cloth. MOTLEY, John Lothrop. History of the United Netherlands. New York, Harpers, 186 1. 2 vols. 8vo, half dark calf. The Rise of the Dutch Republic. New York, 1S62. 3 vols. Svo, half dark calf. MOUNTAIN, Dydimus. The Gardeners Labyrinth; containing a Discourse of the Gardeners Life . . . with instructions for the 237 choice of seeds. Gathered out of the best approved writers of Gardening. London, 1608. I vol. sm. 4^0, bound with Hill's Arte of Gardening. MOUNTAIN, George J. Sermons. London, 1865. 1 vol. Svo, cloth. MOZART, Wolfgang Amadeus. Letters. (1769- 1791.) Translated from the Collection of Ludwig Nohl, by Lady Wallace. With a portrait and fac-simile. New York, 1866. 2 vols, in I, \2mo, half calf . MUDIE, Robert. Man, in his Intellectual Faculties and Adaptations. London, 1839. I vol. \6mo, cloth. Man, in his Physical Structure and Adaptations. London, 1838. I vol. i6mo, cloth. MURNER, Thomas. Chartiludium logice seu logica poetica, vel me- morativa Th. Murner : opera, notis et conjecturis Joan. Balesdens. Paris, Du Bray, 1629. I vol. 8vo, half calf Ritus et celebratio phase in deorum cum orationibus eorum & benedictionibus mense ad littera interptatis cum omi observatione uti soliti sut suu pasca extra terra pmissionis sine esu agni pascalis celebrare per egregiu doctorem. Thoma murner ex hebreo in latinu traducta eloquium. Franckfordie, 15 12. I vol. Afto, half brown levant morocco. {CapL) MURPHY, James Cavanah. The Arabian Antiquities of Spain. London, Cadell ^ Davis, 18 15. I vol. large folio, half russia. A fine work, containing 100 highly finished line engravings by LeKeux, Finden, Landseer, and others. MURRAY, Andrew. The Book of the Royal Horticultural Society. 1862 -1863. With illustrations and photographs by J. Leighton, T. Scott, and C. T. Thompson. London, 1863. I vol 4to, cloth. 238 MUS>^US. Musaei opusculum de Herone & Leandro (graece et latine). Orphei argonautica. Ejusdem hymni. Orpheus de la- pidibus (grgece). Venetiis, Aldi et A7idrecE. soceri, 15 17. 1 vol. 8vo, vellum. MUSEE IMPERIAL DU LOUVRE. See LiS;vre, E. MUSEO CAMPANA. Antiche opere in plastica, discoperte, raccolte e dichiarate dal marchese G. Pietro Campana. Roma, 185 i, della iipografia Salviucci. 2 vols, folio, half vellum. 144 pages of text, and 120 plates. MUSSET, Alfred de. Oeuvres completes ; avec notice biographique par son frbre, orn^e de 28 dessins de M. Bida. Paris, 1866. 10 vols. roy. Svo, large Holland paper, proofs before letters, red levant morocco, gilt and marbled edges. {David) An elegant copy. Selections from the Prose and Poetry of Alfred de Musset. New York, 1870. I vol. i2Tno, cloth. MUSSEY, R. D. Health : its Friends and its Foes. Boston, 1862. I vol. i2mo, cloth. MYLIUS, Arnoldus. Principum et regum Polonorum imagines ad vivum expressas : quibus adjecte sunt breves singulorum historic et res praeclare gestae, ut lectori et oculas et animum simul his, quasi speculo humane vite inspiciendo pascere liceat. Colonize Agrip- PiNiE, G. Kempensis, 1594. I vol. folio, with portraits, red morocco gilt. N ANQUERIUS, Simon. De lubrico temporis curriculo deque hominis miseria, necnon de funere cristianissimi regis Ca- roli octavi. Parisiis, A. denidel pour robert goumont, s. a. I vol. ^to, blue levant morocco, ornamented with fleur-de-lis in gilt. NAPIER, Sir William Francis Patrick. History of the War in the Peninsula, and in the South of France. 1807-1814. London, 1836-48. 6 vols. Svo, calf extra. {Bedford.) 239 NAPLES. Neues Gemalde von Neapel in vierundzwanzig Ansichten nach Zeichnungen von C. Leutze ; mit Text von R. Loser. Nea- pel, s. a. 1 vo/. Svo, cloth. NAPOLEON I. The Confidential Correspondence of Napoleon Bona- parte with his Brother Joseph. London, Murray^ 1856. 2 vols. Svo, cloth. Memoirs of the History of France during the Reign of Napoleon, dictated by the Emperor at Saint Helena to the Generals who shared his Captivity. London, 1823. 7 vols. Svo, cloth. Table Talk and Opinions of Napoleon Buonaparte. London, 1868. I vol. iSmo, cloth. NARRAZIONE delle solenni reali feste fatte celebrare in Napoli da sua maesta il re delle due Sicilie Carlo infante di Spagna, duca di Parma, per la nascita del suo primogenito Filippo real principe delle due Sicilie. Napoli, 1749. I vol. folio, Holland paper, half red morocco. With illustrations designed by Vincenzo Ri, and engraved by Giuseppe Vast. NASH, Joseph. The Mansions of England in the Olden Time. Lon- don, M'Zean, 1839 -49. 4 vols, in 2, folio, half russia. NATALIBUS, Petrus de. ^ Catalogus Sanctorum, vitas, passiones, & miracula commodissime annectens, ex variis voluminibus selectus, quem sedidit Reverendissimus in Christo pater dominus Petrus de Natalibus Venetus. Lugduni, A. 6- J. Huguetan, 1542. I vol. folio, curious woodcuts, calf extra. {Simier.) From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 381. NATALIS, Hieronymus. Evangelicae historiae imagines ex ordine Evangeliorum, quae toto anno in Missas sacrificio recitantur, in ordi- nem temporis vitae Christi digestae. Antverpi^, 1593. I vol. folio, i53//<:z/^j mounted, red levant morocco. {Closs.) Engravings by Wierx and others. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION for the Promotion of Social Science. Transactions, 1857. London, Parker 6^ Son, 1858. I vol. Svo, cloth. 240 NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY of Distinguished Americans. Conducted by James B. Longacre, and James Herring. Phila- delphia, 1834-35. 2 vols, /^to, cloth. NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY of Distinguished Americans. Conducted by James Herring, and James B. Longacre. New York, 1834-40. 4 vols. 8vo, blue morocco. NEAL, Daniel. History of the Puritans or Protestant Non-Conform- ists, from the Reformation under King Henry VIII. to the Act of Toleration under King William and Queen Mary. London, 1754. 2 vols. \to, old calf. NEALE, Erskine. Sunsets and Sunshine ; or, Varied Aspects of Life. London, 1862. I vol. 2>vo, calf. . NEALE, John Mason. Sermons o'n the Song of Songs, preached in the Oratoiy of S. Margaret's, East Grinsted. London. [1867.] 1 vol. i6mo, cloth. NEBRISSENSIS, ^lius Antonius. ^lii Antonii Nebrissensis gram- matici Lexicon ex sermone latino in hispaniensem. Salmantice, 1492. 2 parts in i vol. folio, red morocco richly gilt, lined with green moire-antique; gilt and gauf^red edges. {Ginesta.) *' First edition, and extremely scarce." — Ebert. NEGRI, Cesare. Nuove invention! di balli, opera vaghissiraa di C. Negri milanese. Nella quale si danno i giusti modi del ben portar la vita et di accommodarsi con ogni leggiadria di movimento alle creanze et gratie d'amore. Con figure bellissime in rame, et regole della musica, et intavolatura. Divisa in tre trattati. Milano, appresso G. B or done, 1602. ' I vol. folio, olive morocco. {Bound by Riviere, in imitation of G roller.) A rare work, containing portrait of the Author, plates of costume, and music, engraved by Leon Palavicino, NETHERCLIFT, Frederick G. Hand-Book to Autographs ; being 241 a Ready Guide to the Handwriting of Distinguished Men and Women of every Nation. With a Biographical Index, by R. Sims. London, 1862. I vol. 1 6 mo, half calf. NEW AMERICAN CYCLOPAEDIA. Edited by G. Ripley and C. A. Dana. New York, D. Appleton, 1863. 16 vols. ?>vo, riissia. American Annual Cyclopaedia, 1861-70. New York, D. AJ)- pleton, 1863 - 70. 10 vols. 8vo, russia. NEW ENGLAND Historical & Genealogical Register, for the years 1847-49. Boston, Drake, 1847-49. 3 vols. 2>vo, half morocco. NEW ENGLAND Historic-Genealogical Society. Memorial of Edward Everett. 'Qo^to^, printed for the Society, 1865. 1 vol. ^to, large paper, with illustrations, cloth. Only 75 copies on large paper. NEW ENGL ANDER, The. New Haven, 1844-48. 5 vols. 2>vo, half calf NEW YORK. Central Park. Reports. 1857 -1872. New York, 1857-72. 15 vols. 8vo, half morocco. NEW YORK STATE. Natural History of New York. New York, 1842-47. 14 vols. 4to, cloth. Part I. Zoology, by J. E. De Kay. With an Introduction by W. H. Seward. II. Botany, by John Torrey. III. Mineralogy, by L. C. Beck. IV. Geology, by W. W. Mather, E. Emmons, L. Vanuxem, and James Hall. V, Agriculture, by E. Emmons. VI. Palaeontology, by James Hall. NEWCASTLE, Duke of. See Cavendish. NEWMAN, John Henry. Essays, Critical and Historical. London, 1871. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 31 242 NEWMAN, John Henry. Historical Sketches. London, 1872. I vol. %vo, cloth. Miscellanies from the Oxford Sermons and other Writings. London, Strahan, 1870. I vol. ?>vo, cloth. NEWMAN, John Henry, and others. Lives of the English Saints. London, 1844-45. 16 vols, in 7, i6mo, half calf. NICANDER. Nicandri Theriaca. Ejusdem Alexipharmaca. Inter- pretatio innominati authoris in Theriaca. Commentarii diversorum authoru in Alexipharmaca. Expositio ponderu, mensurarum, sig- norum, & characterum (graece). Venetiis, in ced. Aldi, 1522-23. I vol. \to, half vellum. NICHOLS, John. Illustrations of the Literary History of the Eigh- ' teenth Century ; intended as a Sequel to the Literary Anecdotes. London, iV/r-^^/i-, 1817 - 58. 8 vols. Svo, with portraits, calf Literary Anecdotes of the Eighteenth Century, comprising Bio- graphical Memoirs of William Bowyer, printer, and many of his learned friends ; an incidental View of the Progress and Advance- ment of Literature in this Kingdom during the last Century. \,(j^- T>o^, printed for the Author, 1812 - 15. 9 vols. Svo, with portraits, calf NICHOLS, Thomas. A Handbook for Readers at the British Mu- seum. London, Longmans, 1866. 1 vol Svo, cloth. NICHOLSON, Peter. Encyclopedia of Architecture. Edited by Edward Lomax and Thomas Gunyon. Illustrated with 230 engrav- ings on steel. New York, s. a. 2 vols. 4to, half russia. NIEBUHR, Berthold Georg. History of Rome, epitomised by T. Twiss. Oxford, 1845. I vol. Svo, cloth. Lectures on Ancient Ethnography and Geography, comprising 243 Greece and her Colonies ; Epiriis, Macedonia, Illyricum. Boston, JLi'U/e (2v Brown, 1854. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. NIEBUHR, Berthold Georg. Lectures on Ancient History, from the earliest times to the taking of Alexandria by Octavianus. Com- prising the History of the Asiatic Nations, the Egyptians, Greeks, etc. Translated from the German by Dr. L. Schmitz. London, 1852. 3 vols. 87JO, cloth. Lectures on the History of Rome, from the earliest times to the fall of the Western Empire. Edited by Dr. L. Schmitz. London, 1850. 3 vols. Svo, cloth. NIERSES IV. K.\.Avtis\, patriarch of Armenia. Preces Sancti Nersetis Clajensis Armeniorum Patriarchae, viginti quatuor Unguis editae. [Editio Mechitaristica.] Venetits, i7i iiisula S. Lazari, 1837, I vol. i2mo, mottled green calf. From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 140. NIGHTINGALE, Florence. Notes on Nursing. New York, i860. I vol. \2fno, cloth. NOBLE, Louis Legrand. After Icebergs with a Painter. A Summer Voyage to Labrador and around Newfoundland. New York, 1862. I vol. i2mo, half calf. NOCTU^ speculum. See Ulenspiegel. NORMAN, B. M. Rambles in Yucatan ; or. Notes of Travel through the Peninsula, including a Visit to the remarkable Ruins of Chi- Chen, Kabah, Zayi, and Uxmal. With numerous illustrations. New York, 1844. I vol. 8vo, cloth. NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW. Boston, 1844-60. 34 vols. 8vo, half calf. NORTHCOTE, James. One Hundred Fables, Original and Selected. Embellished with 280 engravings on wood. London, 1829. I vol. 8vo, calf. 244 NORTHCOTE, Jamks. Fables, Original and Selected. Second Se- ries. Illustrated by 280 engravings on wood. London, 1833. I vol. d,vo, calf. NORTON, Hon. Caroline Elizabeth Sarah. The Dream, and other Poems. London, Colburn, 1840. I vol. Svo, half morocco. NOTMAN, William. Portraits of British Americans by W. Notman. With Biographical Sketches, edited by F. Taylor. Montreal, 1865. 3 vols. 8vo, half 7noro ceo. NOTT, J. C, and GLIDDON, G. R. Indigenous Races of the Earth. Philadelphia, Lippincott^ 1857. I vol. Zvo^ cloth. Types of Mankind : or. Ethnological Researches, based upon the Ancient Monuments, Paintings, Sculptures, and Crania of Races. Illustrated by selections from the papers of S. G. Morton ; and by contributions from L. Agassiz, W. Usher, and H. S. Patter- son. Philadelphia, i860. I "iwl. S7'o, cloth. NUGENT, Lord. See Grenville, G. NUREMBERG CHRONICLE. See Schedel. NUTTALL, Thomas. The North American Sylva ; or a Description of the Forest Trees of the United States, Canada, and Nova Scotia, not described in the Work of F. Andrew Michaux. Philadelphia, 1853. 3 vols. roy. Zvo, large paper, 121 colored plates, half green mo- rocco. o 'CALLAGHAN, E. B. A List of Editions of the Holy Script- ures and parts thereof, printed in America previous to i860 ; with Introduction and Bibliographical Notes. Albany, Mun- sell, 1 86 1. I vol. roy. 8vo, large paper, half brown morocco. O'DONOVAN, John. Annals of the Kingdom of Ireland, by the 245 Four Masters, from the earliest period to the year 1616. Edited from Mss. in the Library of the Royal Irish Academy, and of Trinity College, Dublin, with a Translation and copious Notes by J. O'Donovan. Dublin, University Press, 1848-51. 5 vols, /^/o, calf extra. OFFICIO della B. Vergine Maria, con alcune dichiarationi e pie medi- tationi. Roma, Maria Salvioni, 1707. I vol. 8vo, morocco in gilt and colors. This copy is illustrated with engravings by Passarus, and has the arms of Pope Clement XI. stamped upon the covers. OFFICIO della B. V. Maria per tutti i tempi dell' anno, con le dichi- arazioni dell' abate A. Mazzinelli. Roma, typis Salvioni, 1756. I vol. %vo, with plates by Passarus, red ?norocco gilt. OFFICIUM B. Mariffi Virginis, nuper reformatum, et Pii V. pont. max. jussu editum. Antverpi^, ex off. C. Plantini, 1575. I vol Svo, blue calf, in case. Copy with titlepage and initials in gilt, and copperplate engravings surrounded by gilt bands. OFFICIUM Beatse Mariae Virginis Pii V. pont. max. jussu reformatum. Venetiis, apud Juntas, 1591. I vol. Zvo, green velvet. Printed within borders, and embellished with copperplate engravings. OFFICIUM B. M. Virginis S. Pii V. ponticis max. jussu editum, et Urbani VIII. auctoritate recognitum, cui accessere varias & devo- tissimas orationes cum hymnis ab eodem Urbanb VIII. correctis. Venetiis, swnpt. heredis N. Pezzana, 1772. I vol. 8vo, with engravings, red morocco gilt. OFFICIUM hebdomadis. See Uffizio. OHIO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Transactions of the Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio. Cincinnati, 1839. I vol. 8vo. OLINA, Giovanni Pietro. Uccelliera overo discorso della natura, e proprieta di diversi uccelli e in particolare di que' che cantano, con il modo di prendergli, conoscergli, allevargli e mantenergli, E con figure dal Tempesta e dal Villamena. Roma, A. Fei, 1622. I vol. sm. a^io, russia. From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 724. 246 OLIPHANT, Lawrence. Narrative of the Earl of Elgin's Mission to China and Japan, in the years 1857-9. Edinburgh, 1859. 2 vols. d>vo, cloth. OLMSTED, Frederick Law. A Journey in the Seaboard Slave States, with Remarks on their Economy, New York, 1856. 1 vol. i2mo, cloth. OLSHAUSEN, Hermann. Biblical Commentary on the New Testa- ment. Translated from the German. First American Edition, revised by A. C. Kendrick. To which is prefixed Olshausen's Proofs of the Genuineness of the Writings of the New Testament, translated by D. Fosdick. New York, 1859-61. 6 vols. Svo, cloth. OLYMPIODORUS. Olympiodori philosophi Alexandrini in meteora Aristotelis commentarii, Joannis grammatici Philoponi scholia in primum meteorum Aristotelis (graece et latine), J. B. Camotio interprete. Y^ivo, cloth. PALMER, Ray. Hymns and Sacred Pieces, with miscellaneous Poems. New York, 1865. I vol. i2mo, cloth. PAPWORTH, John W., and Wyatt. Museums, Libraries and Picture Galleries, Public and Private ; their establishment, formation, ar- rangement, and architectural construction. To which is appended the Public Libraries Act, 1850. London, 1853. I vol roy. Zvo. PARADIN, Claude. Devises h^roiques. Lyon, ^an de Tournes et Guil. Gazeau, 1557. I vol. Svo, with woodcuts, crimson morocco, gilt and marbled edges. {Lortig.) PARDOE, Julia. The Beauties of the Bosphorus. Illustrated in a Series of Views of Constantinople and its Environs, from original drawings by W. H. Bartlett. London, Virtue, 1843. 1 vol. 4/0, half calf . The Court and Reign of Francis the First. London, 1849. 2 vols. Svo, half calf , Louis the Fourteenth and the Court of France in the Seventeenth Century. London, Bentley, 1847. 3 vols. Svo, calf extra. PARDON, George Frederick. The Billiard Book. By Rawdon Crawley. London, 1866. 1 vol. Svo, calf PARIS. L'Exposition Universelle de 1867 illustr^e. Publication In- ternationale autorisde par la Commission impdriale. Paris, 1867. 2 vols, folio, half red morocco. 252 PARIS GUIDE. Par les principaux ^crivains et artistes de la France. Paris, 1867. 2 vols. 8vo, India paper, with woodcuts, half red levant morocco. (David. ) le partie. La science — L'art ; par V. Hugo, L. Blanc, E. Renan, et autres. II« partie. La vie ; par P. Feval, E. About, et autres. PARKER, Edward G. Reminiscences of Rufus Choate, the great American Advocate. New York, i860. I vol. i2mo, cloth. PARKER, Richard Green. Aids to English Composition. New York, 1845. I vol. i2tno, cloth. PARKER, Theodore. Historic Americans. Boston, Fuller, 1870. I vol. 8vo, cloth. PARNELL, Thomas. Poetical Works. London, Bell 6- Daldy, 1866. I vol. \6mo, calf. {Matthews.) PARR, Harriet. Maurice and Eugenie de Gudrin. A Monograph. London, 1870. I vol Svo, cloth. PARRISH, Edward, The Phantom Bouquet : a Popular Treatise on the Art of Skeletonizing Leaves and Seed-vessels and adapting them to embellish the Home of Taste. Philadelphia, 1864. I vol. i2mo, cloth. PARRY, J. D. The Legendary Cabinet : a Collection of British National Ballads, ancient and modern ; from the best Authorities, with Notes and Illustrations. London, 1829. 1 vol. Svo, purple calf. PARRY, Sir William Edward. Journal of a Voyage for the Dis- covery of a North-West Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific ; 1819-20. With an Appendix, containing the Scientific and other Observations. London, 1821-24. 2 vols, ^to, plates and maps, tree calf extra. {Hay day ^ Journal of a Second Voyage for the Discovery of a North- West 253 Passage; 1821-23. Illustrated by numerous plates. With an Appendix. London, 1824- 25. 2 vols. \to, tree calf extra. {Hay day.) PARRY, Sir William Edward. Journal of a Third Voyage for the Discovery of a North-West Passage; 1824-25. Illustrated by plates and charts. London, 1826. I vol. 4to, tree calf extra. [Ifayday.) Narrative of an Attempt to reach the North Pole, in Boats fitted for the purpose, and attached to His Majesty's Ship Hecla, 1827. Illustrated with plates and charts. London, 1828. I vol. 4to, tree calf extra. {Hay day.) PARSONS, S. B. The Rose ; its History, Poetry, Culture and Classi- fication. New York, 1847. I vol. 2>vo, cloth. PARTON, James. Life of Andrew Jackson. New York, i860. 3 vols. roy. Svo, half green morocco. PASCAL, Blaise. Miscellaneous Writings ; consisting of Letters, Essays, Conversations and Miscellaneous Thoughts. Translated from the French Edition of M: P. Faugbre. With Introduction and Notes, by George Pearce. London, Longmans, 1849. I vol. izmOy brown morocco. The Provincial Letters ; a new Translation, with Historical In- troduction and Notes, by Thomas M'Crie. New York, 1850. I vol. i2mo, half calf . Thoughts ; translated fi-om the French, preceded by a Sketch of his Life. Andover, 1846. I vol. J2mo, half calf. PASSERIUS, Johannes Baptista. Picturje Etruscorum in vasculis nunc primum in unum collectae explicationibus, et dissertationibus illustratae a J. B. Passerio. Rom^, ex typ. y. Zempel, 1767-75- 3 vols, folio, 300 engravings, vellum. PASSIONIS CHRISTI unum ex quattuor evangelistis textum (studio Ringmanni Philesii). Joannes Knoblouchus imprimebat Argen. s. a. I vol. sm. folio, 26 large colored woodcuts, half red morocco. The woodcuts bear the initials V. G. 254 PATMORE, Coventry. The Children's Garland, from the Best Poets. Cambridge, University Press, 1863. 1 vol. i6mo, half green morocco. PATMORE, Peter George, My Friends and Acquaintance. Being Memorials, Mind Portraits and Personal Recollections of Deceased Celebrities of the Nineteenth Century. London, 1854. 2 vols, in I, 2>vo, half green morocco. PATRICIUS, Franciscus. Francisci Patricii Senensis, pontificis caietani Enneas de regno et regis institutione, opus profecto et his- toriarum varietate et sententiarum gravitate commendandum, cum titulorum, vocabulorum, factorum, dictorumque memorabilium in- dicibus debito literarum ordine dispositis. Venundatur in cedibus y. Parui, M.D.xxxi. [Parrhisiis.] I vol. folio, old red morocco gilt, with the arms of Don Pedro DE Aragon up07i the sides. De Discorsi del rev. monsignor Francesco Patritii sanese vescovo Gaiettano, sopra alle cose appartenenti ad una citt^ libera, e famiglia nobile, tradotti in lingua toscana di Gio. Fabrini . . . libri noue. Vinegia, in casa d^ fgliuoli di Aldo, 1545. I vol. 8vo, vellum. PATTERSON, Robert Hogarth. Essays on History and Art. Edinburgh, Blackwood, 1862. I vol. Zvo, cloth. PAULUS DE S. MARIA. Incipit Dialogus qui vocatur Scrutinium scripturarum copositus per reverendu patre, Dominu Paulu de seta Maria . . . Quem composuit post additiones per eum composi- tas ad postillam Nicolai de Lira Anno domini mccccxxxiv. Anno vero aetatis suag lxxxi. Accedunt : Tractatulus multum utilis ad convincendum judeos de errore suo, etc. {In fine:) Cum diligenti emenda per me yohannem Schallus artium doctorem Mantue impressus sub annis prefati domini Jesu Xpi m.cccc.lxxv. I vol. folio, half morocco. PAULY, T. DE. Description ethnographique des peuples de la Russia. Publide ^ I'occasion de Jubil^ milldnaire de I'empire de Russia. SAiNT-P]fiTERSBOURG, F. BclUzard, 1862. I vol. folio, dark green morocco. 255 PAXTON, Joseph. Paxton's Botanical Dictionary. New Edition revised and corrected by S. Hereman. London, 1868. I vol. 8vo, cloth. PAXTON'S Magazine of Botany, and Register of Flowering Plants. London, 1841 -49. 1 6 vols. 8vo, colored plates, half red morocco. PAYSON, Edward. Memoir. Select Thoughts and Sermons; com- piled by A. Cummings. Philadelphia, 1859. 3 vols. Svo, cloth. PEABODY, Andrew P. Conversation ; its Faults and its Graces. Boston, Munroe, 1856. I vol. i6mo, cloth. Reminiscences of European Travel. New York, 1868. I vol. i6mo, cloth. PEACOCK, Thomas Love. Headlong Hall and Nightmare Abbey. New York, 1845. 1 vol. \2mo, bound with Gesta Romanorum. PEAKS, Passes and Glaciers ; being Excursions by Members of the Alpine Club. Second Series. Edited by Edward Shirley Kennedy. London, 1862. 2 vols. Svo, cloth. PECHT, Friedrich, and RAMBERG, Arthur von. Goethe-Galerie. Charaktere aus Goethe's Werken. Funfzig Blatter in Stahlstich mit erlauterndem Texte von F. Pecht. Leipzig, Brockhaus, 1864. I vol. 4to, India proofs, red morocco. Schiller-Galerie. Charaktere aus Schiller's Werken. Funfzig Blatter in Stahlstich mit erlauterndem Texte von F. Pecht. Leip- zig, Brockhaus, 1859. I vol. 4to, India proofs, blue morocco, PEDRO DE ALCALA. Arte para ligera mente saber la lengua ara- viga emendada y afiadida y segunda mente imprimida. — Vocabu- hsta aravigo en letra castellana. {En fin :) Fue interptada esta obra y vocabulista de romance en aravigo en la grande y muy nonbrada cib- dad de granada por fray Pedro de alcala . , . en el ano del senor de mill y quinietos y un anos. Fue impressa y acabada por yuan varela 256 de salamdca impressor en la dicha cibdad de granada. A cinco dias del mes de hebrero de mill y quinutos y cinco anos. (1505.) 2 vols, in I, \to, with 6 woodcuts, morocco {en relief) lined with morocco mosaic, painted edges ; the whole richly ornamented in gilt and colors after designs from the Alhambra. {Gi- nesta.) A perfect copy of this very rare work. PEIRCE, James. A Tractate on Church Music ; being an Extract from [his] Vindication of the Dissenters. London, 1786. I vol. 8vo, half dark morocco. PELERIN, Jean. Viator. De Artificiali pspectiva. Viator : Secundo. (Avec une notice de M. Hipp. Destailleur.) Paris, Tross, i860. I vol. folio, brown morocco. (Thompson.) A fac-simile of the edition of 1509 : one of four copies printed on vellum. PELLISSON, Paul. Relation contenant I'histoire de I'Acaddmie fran- 9oise, par M. P. youxte la copie imprimee d Paris, chez Augustin Courbi, 167 1. I vol. sm. X2mo, red morocco. {Simier.) " Jolie edition imprimee en HoUande et qui se place dans la collection des Elseviers." — Brunei. PENN, William. Fruits of a Father's Love ; being the Advice of William Penn to his Children. London, 1726. I vol. \2mo, old calf Some Fruits in Solitude, in Reflections and Maxims relating to the Conduct of Human Life. Second Edition. London, T. North- cott, 1693. I vol. i8mo, blue morocco. PENNA, Agostino. Viaggio Pittorico della Villa Adriana, composto di vedute disegnate dal vero ed incise da Agostino Penna, con una breve descrizione di ciascun monumento. Roma, 1833-36. 4 vols. obi. folio, half green morocco. PENNSYLVANIA. A Collection of all the Laws of the Province of Pennsylvania : now in force. Published by order of Assembly. Philadelphia, B. Franklin, 1742. I vol. sm. folio, old calf. 257 PEPYS, Samuel. Diary and Correspondence. With a Life and Notes by Richard, Lord Braybrooke. London, Colburn, 1854. 4 vols. Svo, cloth. PERCY, John. Metallurgy : the Art of extracting Metals from their Ores, and adapting them to various purposes of Manufacture. Iron and Steel. With illustrations. London, 1864. I vol. Zvo, cloth. PERCY, Thomas. Reliques of Ancient English Poetry : consisting of old Heroic Ballads, Songs, and other pieces of our earlier Poets. London, 1857. 3 vols. 8vo, half calf . PERCY ANECDOTES. By Sholto and Reuben Percy, Brothers of the Benedictine Monastery, Mont Benger. London, ^^yj, 1820-23. 20 vols. iSmo, half calf . This work was compiled by Thoiiias Byerley and Joseph C. Robertson. PEREFIXE, Hardouin de Beaumont de. Histoire du roy Henry le Grand. Amsterdam, Z. &* D. Elzevter, 1661. I vol. i2mo, garnet morocco. {Corf mat.) From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 3231. PEREZIUS, Antonius. Praelectiones in duodecim libros codicis Jus- tiniani. Editio tertia ab auctore recognita et aucta, summariis indicibusque locupletata. Amstelodami, apud L. Elzevirium, 1653. I vol. folio, vellum. PERFEZIONE RELIGIOSA (La), Canti ix per la solenne vestizione nel monistero di S. Benedetto in Padova. Padova, per li Conzatti, 1763. I vol. folio, calf Engravings by Calcinotto, Baratti and others. PERINGSKIOLD, Johannes. Monumentorum sveo-gothicorum liber primus, Uplandiae partem primariam Thiundiam continens, cum antiquitatibus ac inscriptionibus . . . juxta delineatione, brevique commentario illustratus (suec. et lat.). STOCKHOLMiiE, Olavus Enczus, 1 7 10. I vol. folio, with plates, calf Monumenta ullerakerensia cum Upsalia nova illustrata (suec. et lat.). Stockholmi^, y. Horrn, 17 19. I vol. folio, bound with the preceding work. 33 258 PERKINS, James H. Annals of the West. Cincinnati, 1846. I vol. ?>vo, calf. PERRAULT, Charles. Les Contes des Fe'es, en prose et en vers. Nouvelle Edition revue et corrigde sur les Editions originales, et precddde d'ftne lettre critique, par Ch. Giraud. Paris, F imprimerie impiriale, 1864. 1 vol. Svo, green levant morocco, lined with vellum gilt. One of two copies printed on vellum, with triplicate plates and vignettes upon vellum, India paper, and satin, ^ Les Hommes illustres qui ont paru en France pendant ce sibcle : avec leur portraits au naturel. Vakis, A. Dezallier, 1696- 1700. 2 vols, in \, folio, red morocco. [Lardiere.) This copy contains the suppressed portraits of Arnauld and Pascal. PETERS, Dewitt C. Life and Adventures of Kit Carson, from facts narrated by himself. With original illustrations. New York, 1858. I vol. Svo, cloth. PETIT, Victor. Pares et jardins des environs de Paris. Paris, Mon- rocqfreres, s. a. 1 vol. 4to, 50 colored plates. PETITOT, Jean. Les Emaux de Petitot du Mus^e imperial du Louvre. Portraits de personnages historiques et de femmes cdlbbres du sibcle de Louis XIV., graves au burin par M. L. Ceroni, Paris, Blaisot, 1862. 2 vols. 4to, India proofs, red levant morocco. PETO, Sir Samuel Morton. The Resources and Prospects of America, ascertained during a Visit to the States in the Autumn of 1865. London, 1866. I vol. Svo, cloth. PETRARCA, Francesco. II Petrarca. Vinegia, nelle case d'Aldo Romano, nelV anno 15 14. I vol. Svo, printed on vellum, brown levant morocco. {Hardy- Mennil.) The second Aldine edition. Only seven known copies printed upon vellum. Petrarcha con doi commenti sopra li sonetti et canzone ; el primo del ingeniosissimo misser Francesco Philelpho, laltro del sapientissimo misser Ant. da Tempo novamente addito. Ac etiam 259 con lo commento del eximio misser Nic. Peranzone, sopra li tri- umphi, con infinite nove acute & excellente expositione. Vene- Tiis, B. Stagninum alias de Ferrariis, 1522. 2 parts in i vol. S7n. /^to, vellum. PETRARCA, Francesco. II Petrarcha colla spositione di misser Giovanni. Andrea Gesualdo. Venecia, per Giovann^ Antonio di Nicolini e fratelli da Sabbio, 15 41. I vol. 4to, calf in compartments, with ornaments in colors, gilt and gauffered edges. Second edition, printed in italics. II Petrarcha, con l' espositione d' Alessandro Vellutello di novo ristampato con le figure a i triomphi, et con piu cose utili in varii luoghi aggiunte. Vinegia, Gabriel Giolifo, 1545. I vol. sm. ^to, with, several woodcuts, russia. Two editions of this work were printed by Giolito in 1545 ; the above is a copy of the second, which is considered the most beautiful and the most rare. Opera quae extant omnia : adjecimus ejusdem authoris quae hetrusco sermone scripsit carmina sive rhythmos. Haec quidem omnia nunc iterum summa diligentia a mendis repurgata atque in- numerabilibus in locis genuinas integritati restituta et in tomos quatuor distincta. Basile^e, excud. H. Petri, 1554. 1 vol. folio, brown morocco in comparttnents, ornamented with leaves and flowers in gold and silver, gauffered and painted edges. From the library of the Due DE NiVERNOlS, having his name stamped in gilt upon the covers. II comment© de li triumphi del Petrarcha composto per Bernardo da Sena. — II commento de li sonetti canzone del Petrarcha com- posto per Francesco Philelpho. {In fine .•) Finisse il cometo de li triumphi del Petrarcha composto per messer Bernardo da Sena impsso nella inclita citta da Venexia p TheodorU de Reynsburch et RaynaldU de Nbvimagio compagni nelli anni del signore m.cccc.lxxviii die vi del m^se di Febraro. 2 parts in i vol. 4to, red morocco gilt. , " II est difficile de trouver ces deux parties reunies." — Brunei. Domini Francisci Petrarcas Florentini poetae clarissimi Tri- umphus amoris incipit. {In fine .-) Francisci Petrarce poete Claris- 26o simi Triumphorum sex liber finit. Impressus Florentie A. D. m.cccc. LXXX. Die xviii. Novembris. I vol. 4^0, stamped morocco. PETRARCA, Francesco. Triomphi di Messer Francescho Petrarcha istoriati, con le Postile et con la sua vita in prosa vulgare novamente stampati. Venetia, Nicolo ditto Zopino e Vincezo copagno nel. 15 19. I vol. 8vo, woodcuts, vellum gilt. Woodcuts by Zoan And7-ea Veneziano. Francisco Petrarca con los seys triunfos de toscano sacados en castellano (por Ant. de Obregon) con el comento (de B. Illicinio) que sobre ellos se hizo. Logrono, Arnao Guillen de Brocar, 15 12. I vol. folio, woodcuts, half morocco. Very rare. De remediis utriusque fortunse. {In fine:) Accipe tandem can- didissime lector Divinum Francisci Petrarcce : opus Nicolai lugari idustria sollerti Nitidissimu : Bernardini de misintis Fapiesis ac Cce- saris Farmensis sociorum diligent i opera imp res sa Cremonce atmo incarnationis dhice 1492 die 17 mensis novembris. I vol. folio, half brown morocco. Le Rime di Petrarca riscontrate con ottimi esemplari stampati, e con uno antichissimo testo a penna. Padova, G. Comino, 1732. I vol. Svo, with a portrait, vellum. PETTIGREW, Thomas Joseph. Chronicles of the Tombs ; a Select Collection of Epitaphs. London, 1857. I vol. Svo, cloth. PFINZING, Melchior. Der Aller-Durchleuchtigste Ritter oder die Rittermassige, hoch-theure, hochst-gefahrliche und Glorwiirdigste Gross-Thaten, Aben-theuer, GlUcks-Wechslungen und Siges-Zeich- en dess Heldens Maximiliani I . . . unter dem Nahmen Theur- Danck. Augspurg, M. Schultes, s. a. I vol. folio, 117 woodcuts. According to Ebert, this is the 9th edition of Theuerdanck, an allegorical poem written by Melchior Pfinzing, on the occasion of the marriage of Maxi- milian I. with Marie de Bourgogne. PHALARIS. Francisci Aretini in phalaridis tirani agrigetini epistolas ad illustre principe Malatesta novella d Malatestis. {In fine:) 26l Phalaridis Tirdni Agrigetini Eple ad Illustre principe Malatesta. Per Franciscu. Aretinu translate. Feliciter absoluta sunt. s. I. s. a. et iyp. n. I vol. sm. 4to, vellum. PHELAN, Michael. The Game of Billiards. New York, 1858. I vol. i2mo, cloth. PHELPS, Austin. The Still Hour ; or, Communion with God. Bos- ton, i860. I vol. iSmo, cloth. PHILADELPHIA. Fairmount Park. Reports. Philadelphia, 1869 - 1872. I vol. ?)V0, half morocco. PHILELPHUS, Franciscus. Francisci Philelfi epistolarum liber primus (libri xvi). s. I. et a. I vol. folio, initial capitals in red and blue, first page illuminated^ brown levant morocco. {Hardy-Mennil.) " Premiere edition, impr. vers 1472, \ longues lignes, au nombre de 37 sur les pages enti^res, caract^res de Vendelin de Spire. " — Bruttet. PHILLIPS, Edward. The Mysteries of Love and Eloquence, or the Arts of Wooing and Complementing ; as they are managed in the Spring Garden, Hide Park, the New Exchange, and other eminent places. London, 1685. I vol. i2mo, mottled calf. [Pratt.) PHILLIPS, John. Figures and Descriptions of the Palaeozoic Fossils of Cornwall, Devon, and West Somerset, London, 1841. I vol. 8vo, cloth. A Treatise on Geology. Edinburgh, 1838. I vol. Svo, cloth. PHILLIPS, Henry. Floral Emblems. London, 1825. I vol. 2>vo, colored plates, half calf . PHILLIPS, Lawrence B. The Autographic Album ; a Collection of four hundred and seventy Fac-similes of Holograph Writings of Royal, Noble, and Distinguished Men and Women. Lithographed by F. G. Nether clift. London, 1866. I vol. sm. ^to, cloth. 262 PHILLIPS, William. An Elementary Treatise on Mineralogy. Fifth Edition, with numerous Additions by Francis Alger. Boston, Ticknor, 1844. 1 vol. i2tno, cloth. PHILOBIBLION, The. A Monthly Catalogue and Literary Journal. New York, Philes 6- Co., 1861-63. 2 vols, in I, ifto, India paper, half brown morocco. PHILOSTRATUS. Les images ou tableaux de platte peinture des deux Philostrates, et les statues de Callistrate, mis en frangois par Blaise de Vigen^re, enrichis d'arguments et annotations, reveus et corrigez sur I'original, et representez en taille douce en cettes nouvelle Edition, avec des dpigrammes sur chacun d'iceux par Thomas d'Embry. Paris, chez A. L'Angelier, 16 15. I vol. folio, large paper, 1 03 large engravings by Isac, Gaultier and others, vignettes on India paper, russia. Copy formerly belonging to the Due d'Aumale. PHIN, John. Open Air Grape Culture. New York, 1862. I vol. \2mo, cloth. PHIPPS, CoNSTANTiNE JOHN, Lord Musgrave, A Voyage towards the North Pole, undertaken by His Majesty's command, 1773. Lon- don, 1774. I vol. 4to, with plates and maps, tree calf extra. {Hay day.) PHLEGON. Phlegontis Tralliani quae extant opuscula. Joannes Meursius recensuit, et notas addidit. Lugd. Batav., apud I. Elze- virium, 1620. I vol. 4to, bound with Antigonus. PHOTOGRAPHS of the Illuminated Address presented to Benjamin Lee Guinness, Esq., by the Citizens of Dublin, on the occasion of the re-opening of St. Patrick's Cathedral after its splendid Restora- tion through his Munificence, 1865. [Belfast] M. Ward 6«* Co., 1867. I vol. 4to, in portfolio. PHOTOGRAPHS of the Illuminated Address presented to Benjamin Lee Guinness, Esq., from the Dean and Chapter of St. Patrick's Cathedral. [Belfast] M. Ward 6- Co., 1867. I vol. 4to, in portfolio. 263 PIETERS, Charles. Annales de rimprimerie des Elsevier, ou histoire de leur famille et de leurs Editions. Gand, Annooi-Braeckman, 1858. I vol. 2>vo, half brown levant morocco. {David.) PIFFERI, Francesco. Sopra i Misteri della Corona del Sig. del Padre Don Francesco Pifferi dal Monte San Sauino Camaldolense, Dottor Theologo. Sienna, appresso M. Florimi in Banchi, 1602. 1 vol 4I0, ^8 plates mounted upon 20 leaves, with borders engraved on wood, half red levant moro6Co . {Trautz-Bauzonnet.) From the libraiy of M. Yemeniz, No. 217. PILKINGTON, Matthew. A General Dictionary of Painters ; con- taining Memoirs of the Lives and Works of the most eminent Professors of the Art of Painting, from its revival, by Cimabue, in the year 1250, to the present time. London, Tegg, 1829. 2 vols, ^vo, half morocco. PINACE^ : being a Handbook of the Firs and Pines. By Senilis, London, 1866. 1 vol. Svo, cloth. PINETUM BRITANNICUM : a Descriptive Account of all Hardy Trees of the Pine Tribe cultivated in Great Britain. With fac- similes of the Original Drawings made for the work. Edinburgh & London, private press of P. Lawson 6^ Son. Parts i-xx.xn,folio. PIOZZI, Hester Lynch. Autobiography. Letters and Literary Re- mains of Mrs. Piozzi (Thrale). Edited by A. Hayward. London, i86i. 2 vols. Svo, with portrait, half calf PIUS V. Bulla S. D. N. D. Pii divina provid. papae quinti. Extensi- onis omnium privilegiorum ordinibus mendicantium. per S. Sancti- tatem concessorum cum eorum nova concessione. Pro congrega- tione et ordine S. Hieronymi Hispaniarum, etc. Rom^e, apud hceredes A. Biadi, 1567. I vol sm. 4to, printed on vellum. Extensio, ampliatio nova concessio, et confirmatio privilegiorum in sacros ordines, et congregationes claustrales pro canonicis regularibus ordinis S. Augustini congregationis. Domini Salvatoris. 'KouM, apud hcBredes A. ladi, 1^6^. I vol. sm. ^to, printed on vellum. 264 PLATO. Omnia divini Platonis opera tralatione Marsilii Ficini, emen- datione et ad grsecum codicem collatione Simonis Grynaei summa diligentia repurgata, quibus subjectus est index qukm copiosissimus. Basiled, ex off. Frobeniana, 1546. I vol. folio, morocco mosaic, lined with purple silk, gilt and gauffered edges. ( Ginesta.) The Works of Plato, viz. his Fifty-five Dialogues, and Twelve Epistles. Translated from the Greek, nine of the dialogues by the late Floyer Sydenham, and the remainder by Thomas Taylor. With copious Notes. London, 1804. 5 vols. 4to, large paper, old calf. PLAUTUS. Ex Plauti Comoediis xx. quarum carmina magna ex parte in mensum suum restituta sunt m.d.xxii. Index verborum, quib. paulo abstrusiorib. Plautus utitur. Argumenta singularum comoediarum. Authoris vita. Tralatio dictionum graecarum. Vene- Tiis, in ced. Aldi et AndrecB soceri, 1522. 1 vol. 4to, old calf. Comedies of Plautus. Literally translated into English Prose, with Notes, by H. T. Riley. London, Bohn, 1852. 2 vols. Svo, half calf . PLENARIUM. (I)n dem namen des herren ame. Hie vahet sich an ein plenari nach ordnug der heilige Cristenliche kirchen in dem man geschriben findet all Epistel und Evangely als die gesunge uii gelosen werdent in de Ampt dr heylige mess durch ds gantz jar in massen wie he nach geschribe steet . . . {In fine-) Gedruckt und volendet zu Augspurg von jfohanni JBdmler An sant Matheus ab'et Anno [mcccc] im Ixxiiij. jar. I vol. folio, I woodcut, red levant morocco. {Hardy-Mennil.) PLINIUS SECUNDUS, Caius. Naturalis Historiae libri xxxvir. {In fine:) Parmce impressus opera &^ imp'esa Andrece Portilice anno nativitatis Domini m.cccc.lxxxi. octavo idus julii. I vol. folio, with illuminated initials, and capitals in red and blue, vellum. C. Plinii secundi naturalis historiae libri xxxvii., a Paulo Manu- tio multis in locis emendati. Castigationes Sigismundi Gelenii index plenissimus. Venetiis, apud F. Manutium, 1559. I vol. folio, vellum. 265 PLINIUS SECUNDUS, Caius. Historic naturalis libri xxxvii. LuGDUNi Batavorum, ex off. Elzeviriana, 1635, 3 vols. sm. i2mo, calf. Historia naturale di C. Plinio secondo, nuovamente tradotta di latino in vulgare toscano per Antonio Brucioli. Venetia, per Alessandro Brucioli, 1548. 1 vol. \to, brown morocco. {Early Italian binding in imitation of Maioli.) The text throughout is printed in Italics. The Historie of the World, commonly called the Naturall His- toric of C. Plinius Secundus. Translated into English by P. Hol- land. London, 1601. 2 vols, in 1, folio, old calf . PLINIUS C^CILIUS SECUNDUS, Caius. C. Plinii Secundi Novocomensis Epistolarum libri x. Ejusdem Panegyricus Trajano Principi dictus. Ejusdem de Viris illustrib. in re miUtari, & in administranda rep. Suetonii Tranquilli de Claris Grammaticis, et Rhetoribus. Julii Obsequentis Prodigiorum liber. Indices duo . . . Latina interpretatio dictionum, & sententiarum quibus Plinius utiter. Venetiis, in ced. Aldi, 15 18. I vol. Svo, brown morocco. Panegyricus, liber Trajano dictus, cum annotationibus antehac ineditis Dom. Baudii. lis accedunt commentariis J. Lipsii, integrae notae Livinaei, Gruteri, ac selectae variorum. Lugduni Batavorum, ex off. Hackiana, 1675. 1 vol. Svo, old red morocco. The Letters of Pliny the Consul. With occasional Remarks by William Melmoth. London, 1805. 2 vols. Svo, marbled calf. PLUES, Margaret. Rambles in search of Flowerless Plants. Lon- don, 1864. I vol. Svo, with colored plates, cloth. PLUMPTRE, Edward H. Theology and Life. London, 1866. I vol. i6mo, cloth. 34 266 PLUTARCH US. Plutarchi opuscula lxxxxii (graece). Venetiis, in cedibus Aldi 6^ Andr. Asulani soceri, 1509. I vol. bound in 2, folio, calf. First edition. [Opuscula varia] i. Plutarchi libellus quomodo ab adulatore discernitur amicus. Joanne Lauretio veneto interprete nuper summa diligentia publicatus. Impressiim Rom^e, anno 15 14. 2. Plutarchi de tranquillitate et securitate animi lib. i ; De fortuna Romanoru lib. i ; De fortuna vel virtute Alexandri lib. ir ; Basilii magni epistola de vita per solitudinem transigenda. Impressum RoM^ anno 15 10. 3. Plutarchi cheronei de placitis philosophorum naturalibus libri quinque. Lnpressum RoM^ anno 15 10. I vol. sni. A^o, vellum. Printed by J. Mazochius. Plutarchi Chaeronei vitae comparatae illustrium virorum, graecorum et romanorum, H. Cruserio interprete. Ace. liber ^mylii Probi de vita excell. imperator. Basilic, apud T. Guarinum, 1564. I vol. folio, half vellum. Plutarch's Lives. The Translation called Dryden's ; corrected from the Greek and revised by A. H. Clough. Boston, Little 6- Brown, 1865. 5 vols. roy. Svo, large paper, blue levant morocco. 100 copies printed on large paper. Epitome, ou abr^ge des vies de cinquante et quatre notables, et excellens personnaiges tant Grecs que Romains, mises au parangon Tune de I'autre, extraict du grec de Plutarque de Chaejronde (par Ph. des Avenelles). Paris, Ph. Danfrie et R. Breton, 1558. I vol. Zvo, blue levant morocco. {Duru.) Only the first volume of this translation was ever published. From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 2414. The Philosophy commonly called the Morals ; translated out of Greek into English by Philemon Holland. Whereunto are annexed the Summaries necessary to be read before every Treatise. Lon- don, 1657. I vol. folio, old calf PLUVINEL, Antoine de. Instruction du roy en I'exercice de monter 267 h cheval, par A. de Pluvinel. Le tout enrichy de grandes figures en taille-douce, desseignees et gravees par Crispian de Pas le jeune. Paris, Michel Niv elk, f62 5. I vol. folio, vellum. Published after the author's death, by Reni de Menou. POE, Edgar Allan. Works. New York, 1863. 4 vols. 8vo, half brown morocco. POGGIO, Jacopd. Opus morale. (/« fine •) Et sic habes . . . opus editu per nobilem virum Jacobum pogium diligeterq BononicB impres- sum per yodnem Anioniii platonidem Benedictorum Bibliopolam . . . Mccccc die vero xxviii Marcii. X vol. 4I0, vellum. POLIPHILO. Hypnerotomachia Poliphili, ubi humana omnia non nisi somnium esse docet. atque obiter plurima scitu sane quam digna commemorat. Cavtum est, ne quis in domino 111. S. V. im- pune hunc librum queat impprimere. (Opus a Francisco Columna compositum.) Venetiis, in ced. Aldi Manuiii, mense decembri, mid. (1499.) I vol. folio, text in Italian, wide margins, and border lines ruled in red ink, broivn levant morocco lined with vellum. {Bed- ford.) A perfect copy of theprsi edition. "Cette premiere edition dont les exemplaires bien conservee sont rares, est om^e de gravures en bois fort bien executees. Les dessins sont attribues 4 Gio- vanni Bellino." — Brunei. La Hypnerotomachia di Poliphilo, cio^ Pugna d'Amore in Sogno. Ristampato di novo, et ricorrecto con somma diligentia, k maggior commodo de i lettori. In Venetia mdxxxxv. Vinigia, in casa di figlivoli di Aldo, 1545. I vol. folio, with woodcuts, green morocco. {Smith.) From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 2250. POLITIANUS, Angelus Ambroginus. Opera Angeli Politiani : & alia quaedam lectu digna : quorum nomina insequenti indice videre . licet. {In fine :) Impressum Florentice &^ accuratissime castigatum opa et impensa leonardi de Arigis de Gesoriaco die decimo augusti MID. (1499.) I vol folio, vellum. 268 POLKO, Elise. Musical Sketches. Translated from the Sixth Ger- man Edition, by Fanny Fuller. Philadelphia, 1865. I vol. i6mo, half green morocco. Reminiscences of Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, a Social and Artistic Biography. Translated from the German, by Lady Wal- lace, with additional Letters addressed to English Correspondents. New York, 1869. I vol. i6mo, cloth. POLLUX, Julius. Julii Pollucis Vocabularium (graece). Venetiis, apud Aldum mense Aprili, mdii. I vol. folio, blue morocco. (BozSrlan.) First edition. From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 1166. POMPONIUS, Mela. Pomponius Mela. Julius Solinus. Itinerarium Antonini Aug. Vibius Sequester, P. Victor de regionibus urbis Romae. Dionysius Afer de situ orbis Prisciano Interprete. Vene- tiis, in ced. Aldi et Andrece soceri, 15 18. 1 vol. 8vo, brown levant morocco. {Capi.) PONTANUS, Joannes Jovianus. Pontani opera. Urania, sive de Stellis libri quinq. Meteororum liber unus. De Hortis hesperidum libri duo. Lepidina sive pastorales pompae septem. Item Meli- seus. Maeon Aeon. Hendecasyllaborum libri duo. Tumulorum liber unus. Neniae duodecim. Epigrammata duodecim. Venetiis, in adibus Aldi Ro. men. aug. 1505. 2 parts in i vol. Svo, vellum. Pontani opera. Urania, sive de Stellis libri quinq. Meteororum liber unus. De Hortis hesperidum libri duo, etc. Venetiis, Aldi et AndrecB Asulani soceri, 15 13. 2 parts in i vol. Svo, red morocco, gauffered edges. Joanni Joviani Pontani opera omnia soluta oratione composita. Venetiis, in (zd. Aldi, 15 18- 19. 3 vols. A,to* half calf . PONTHUS. Eyn rhumreich zierlich, vnnd fast fruchtbar Histori von dem Edlen, Ehrnreichen, vnnd manhafftigen Ritter Ponto des KUnigs sun auss Galicia, auch von der schonen Sidonia, Kiinigin aus Britannia, etc. Strassburg, Sigmund Bun, 1539. I vol. folio, with woodcuts, half red morocco. 269 POOLE, William Frederick. An Index to Periodical Literature. New York, 1853. I vol. 8vo, cloth. POOR, Henry V. Manual of the Railroads of the United States, for 1868-69. New York, 1 868. I vol. Svo, cloth. POPE, Alexander. The Works of Alexander Pope, Esq. in Verse and Prose. Containing the principal Notes of Drs. Warburton and Warton 3 Illustrations and critical and explanatory Remarks by Johnson, Wakefield, A. Chalmers, and others. To which are added, now first published, some original Letters ; with additional Ob- servations and Memoirs of the Life of the Author, by the Rev. W. L. Bowles. London, 1806. 10 vols. 8vo, with portraits, russia gilt. C. R. Price's copy. Poetical Works. New Edition, adorned with plates. London, Du Rover ay, 1804. 6 vols. 2,vo, large paper, red morocco gilt. The Rape of the Lock, an Heroi-Comical Poem. Adorned with plates. London, Du Roveray, 1798. I vol. Svo, large paper, red morocco gilt. PORCACCHI, Thomaso. Funerali Antichi di diversi popoli et na- tioni, descritti in dialogo ; con le figure in rame di Girol. Porro. Venetia, S. Galignani de Karera, 1574. I vol. 4to, 24 copperplates, half red morocco. PORTRAITS. Collection de cent soixante-huit portraits des peintres flamands, allemands et hoUandais, tir^s de la vie des peintres de Descamps, dont cent et un gravds par Fiquet. Paris, j. a. I vol. obi. 4.to, India proofs. Les vrais pourtraits de quelques unes des plus grandes dames de la chrestiente desguisdes en bergbres. (Texte en franc, et holl.) Amsterdam, yoost Broersz, 1640. 4 parts in i vol. obi. \to, red levant morocco lined with morocco mosaic, rich dentelle borders. {Thibaron-Echaubard.) A collection of 72 portraits engraved by Crispin de Pas. The volume also contains an engraved frontispiece with the words " Le Bouquet des bergires" and a full-page plate at the end entitled " The Sphinx and the Shepherd." 2']t> PORTRAITS. Schonheiten-Sammlung. Gallerie von sechs und dreis- sig wieblichen Bildnissen ausverschiedenen Standen und Nationali- taten im Au.ftrage Sr. Maj. des Konigs Ludwig I. von Bayern nach dem leben gemalt von dem K. B. Hofmaler J. Stieler. In verklein- erten Photographien herausgegeben von der Konigl. Bayer, priv. Kunstanstalt von Piloty & Loehle . . . zu Miinchen. I vol. 38 photographs, red morocco. PRAYER. The Book of Common Prayer, and Administration of the Sacraments, and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church, according to the Use of the United Church of England and Ire- land ; together with the Psalter or Psalms of David. London, Rivingtons, s. a. I vol. 4to, brown levant morocco. The titles and borders in this edition were designed and drawn by R. R. Holmes, and engraved by O. yeivett. Book of Common Prayer, and Administration of the Sacraments, according to the Use of the Church of England. London, i 7 i 7. I vol. ?>vo, blue morocco. The whole engraved on copper, and illustrated with portraits, vignettes and other ornaments, by yohn Stuurt. This copy contains an additional portrait of the Engraver. Book of Common Prayer, and Administration of the Sacraments, and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church, according to the Use of the Church of England : together with the Psalter or Psalms of David. Cambridge, Baskerville, 1760. I vol. roy. Svo, russia. Book of Common Prayer, . . . according to the Use of the United Church of England and Ireland ; together with the Psalter. Ox- ford, University Press, 1840. I vol. i6mo, blue morocco. Book of Common Prayer, and Administration of the Sacraments, and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church, according to the Use of the United Church of England and Ireland. With Notes. Illuminated and illustrated with engravings from the works of the great Painters. London, Murray, 1845. I vol. Svo, brown marocco. 2^71 PRAYER. Book of Common Prayer, . . . according to the Use of the United Church of England and Ireland ; together with the Psalter, or Psalms of David. London, Pickering, 1853. I vol. 8vo, printed within borders from the designs of Durer and Holbein, half green morocco. Book of Common Prayer, . . . according to the Use of the United Church of England and' Ireland ; together with the Psalter, or Psalms of David. London, Eyre ^^ Spottiswoode, 1862. I vol. 48mo, russia. Book of Common Prayer, . . , according to the Use of the United Church of England and Ireland ; interleaved with historical Illus- trations and explanatory Notes arranged parallel to the Text, by W. M. Campion and W, J. Beaumont. With a Preface by the Lord Bishop of Ely. London, Rivingtons, 1866. I vol. i6mo, blue morocco. Book of Common Prayer, . . . according to the Use of the Prot- estant Episcopal Church in the United States ; together with the Psalter, or Psalms of David. London, Eyre 6^ Spottiswoode, [1850.] I vol. i6mo, broiun morocco. Book of Common Prayer, . . . according to the Use of the Prot- estant Episcopal Church in the United States of America ; together with the Psalter. [Also Proper Lessons for the Sundays and Holy-days throughout the year.] London, Eyre &' Spottiswoode, [1850.] I vol. i6mo, brown morocco. Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments, according to the Use of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America. New York, Frot. Episcop. Soc. s. a. I vol. Svo, morocco. First part in the antient way of Offices ; with Psalms, Hymns and Prayers. Roan, 1672. I vol 1 2 mo, morocco. " Tr^s-curieuse reliure, maroq. rouge, riches compartiments or, argent et noir." From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 3809. Livre de pribres illustr^ h I'aide des ornements des manuscrits du moyen-age. Public par B. Charles Mathieu. Paris, 1858. I vol. Svo, crimson levant morocco inlaid with black, lifted with great morocco gilt, green silk guards. { Cape.) 272 PRAYER. Paroissien Remain contenant les offices de tous les Di- manches et des principales fetes de I'annde en latin et en frangais. Extrait du br^viaire et du missel de Rome, augmente du Commun des Saints. Approuvd par Monseigneur I'Archeveque de Paris. Paris, Morizot, s. a. I vol. i6mo, text within borders, with numerous illustrations ; bound in ivory carved and inlaid with silver, and lined with white moire-antique; edges in gold and blue, ornamented with a portrait of the Madonna. ' Christlicher Seelen - Schatz auszerlesener Gebetter. [Bonn, 1729.] I vol. 8vo, text and plates finely engraved, red morocco. Ore scelte dedicate alle spose cristiane. Milano, stab, di G. Canadelli, s. a. I vol. i6mo, text within green borders, papier mach^ inlaid with silver, with a medallion of the Madonna, and silver clasps. Via del Paradise. Milano, G. Canadelli, s. a. I vol. i6mo, text within purple borders, tortoise-shell covers inlaid with pearl, silver clasps. La via del Paradise raccelta di orazioni ... in lingue Italiana e Latina. Parigi, Fonteney e Peltier, s. a. I vol. \2n10, printed within colored borders, with woodcut vignettes, four steel engravings, and illuminated title-page; bound in ivory inlaid with gold bands, lined with white silk, clasp of ivory inlaid with gold. Nevisimo diamente del christiano ; devocionario complete nueva- mente revisade, que centiene las Horas divinas, etc. Barcelona, 1862. 1 vol. i6mo, with illustrations, brown morocco with ivory bands, gilt and gauffered edges. PREMIER (Le) livre de la description philosophale de la nature et condition des animaux. — Le second livre de la description philoso- phale de la nature et condition des oyseaux. (Les moralitds sent de Artus Desird.) Paris, Magdeleine Boursette, 1554. 2 vols, in I, sm. ?>vo, with woodcuts, red levant morocco richly gilt. {Niedrke.) From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 1819. N 273 PRENDEVILLE, James. Photographic Facsimiles of the Antique Gems formerly possessed by the late Prince Poniatowski, accom- panied by a Description and Poetical Illustrations of each subject. With an Essay on Ancient Gems and Gem-Engraving. London, 1859. 2 vols. 4/0, half red morocco. PRESCOTT, William Hickling. Biographical and Critical Miscel- lanies. Philadelphia, Lippincoity 1861. 1 vol. Svo, calf. History of the Conquest of Mexico, with a preliminary View of the Ancient Mexican Civilization, and the Life of the Conqueror, Hernando Cortez. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1861. 3 vols. Svo, with portraits, calf. History of the Conquest of Peru, with a preliminary View of the Civilization of the Incas. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1863. 2 vols. Svo, with portraits, calf. History of the Reign of the Emperor Charles the Fifth, by William Robertson. With an Account of the Emperor's Life after his Abdication, by Wm. H. Prescott, Philadelphia, Lippijicott, 1863. 3 vols. Svo, with portraits, calf. History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella, the Catholic. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1863. 3 vols. Svo, with portraits, calf. History of the Reign of Philip the Second, King of Spain.' Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1859-61. 3 vols. Svo, with portraits, calf. PREVOST D'EXILES, Antoine Francois. Histoire de Manon Lescaut et du Chevalier des Grieux. Edition illustr^e par Tony Johannot ; prdcdd^e d'une notice historique sur I'auteur par Jules Janin. Paris, E. Boiirdin, s. a. I vol. Svo, large vellum paper, plates on Ltidia paper, morocco. {Simier.) From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 2389. Manon Lescaut. Illustrated by Tony Johannot. London, 1841. I vol. Svo, calf. 35 274 PRICE, Edward. Norway and its Scenery ; comprising [his] Journal of a Tour, with considerable additions. And a Road-book for Tourists. Edited and compiled by Thomas Forester. London, Bohn, 1853. I vol. Svo, doth. PRICE, George. Treatise on Fire and Thief-proof Depositories, and Locks and Keys. London, 1856. I vol. Svo, cloth. PRICE, Sir Uvedale. An Essay on the Picturesque. London, 1794. I vol. Svo, red morocco. This volume also contains: — (l) Kiiighfs Landscape, a Didactic Poem {being an Extract from the Monthly Revie%v for May 1794). (2) A Letter to Uvedale Price, Esq. \by H. Repto)i\. London, 1 794- (3) A letter to H. Repton . . . intended as a Supplement to the Essay on the Picturesque ; by U. Price. To which is prefixed Mr. Peptones Letter to Mr. Price. London, 1795- Unique copy from the library oi Mr. Repton, containing unpublished autograph letters from Mr. Repton, Sir U. Price and the Publisher, relative to the contro- versy between them on " The Picturesque." On the Picturesque. With an Essay on the Origin of Taste by Sir Thomas D. Lauder. Edinburgh, 1842. I vol. Svo, with illustrations, cloth. PRICHARD, James Cowles. Researches into the Physical History of Mankind. London, i 841 -51. 5 vols. Svo, with illustrations, cloth. PRIME, Samuel Iren^eus. The Power of Prayer, illustrated in the Wonderful Displays of Divine Grace at the Fulton Street and other Meetings in New York, in 1857-58. New York, 1859. I vol. 1 2 mo, cloth. PRIME, William Cowper. O Mother Dear,' Jerusalem ! The Old Hymn, its Origin and Genealogy. New York, 1867. I vol. 1 2mo, half green morocco. PRIMER, The, set furth by the Kinges Majestic and his Clergie, to be taught, lerned and red ; and none other to be used throughout all his dominions. Imprinted at London by Richard Grafton in the yeare MDXLVi. Facsimile reprint, J^O'm'DOii, 17 10. I vol Svo, old calf. 275 PRINCIPES HOLLANDI^. See Vosmer. PRIOR, Matthew. Poetical Works. London, Bell 6- Daldy, 1866. 2 vols. i6mo, calf. {Matthnvs.) PRISCIANUS. Prisciani grammatici Caesariensis libri omnes. Rufini item de metris comicis, et oratoriis numeris. Venetiis, in ced. Aldi et AndrecB Asulani soceri, 1527. I vol. 4I0, black morocco. PROCLUS. See Astronomi veteres. PROCOPIUS. Procopii Gazaei in libros regum, et paralipomenon scholia. Joannes Meursius nunc primus grsece edidit, et latinam interpretationem adjecit. Lugduni Batavorum, apud I. Elsevirium, 1620. I vol. 4I0, old calf . Procopii Gazaei in libros regum, et paralipomenon. scholia. Joannes Meursius nunc primus graece edidit, et latinam interpreta- tionem adjecit. Lugduni Batavorum, apud I. Elsevirium, 1620. I vol. \to, bound with Antigonus. PROCTER, Bryan Waller. English Songs, and other small Poems. Boston, 185 i. I vol. 16 mo, half calf PROPERTIUS. See Catullus. PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Journal of the Proceed- ings of the Bishops, Clergy, and Laity of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, assembled in a General Convention, held in New York, Oct. 1868. Hartford, 1869. I vol. Svo, cloth. PROUT, Samuel. Sketches at Home and Abroad. Hints on the acquirement of freedom of execution and breadth of effect in Land- scape Painting. To which are added Instructions on the proper Uses of Colour. Lot^BOS, JVattali, 1844. I vol. 4to, 48 plates and 2 vignettes on India paper, half morocco. PRUDENTIUS. Aurelii Prudentii dementis opera omnia nunc primum cum codd. vaticanis collata prsefatione, variantibus lectio- 276 nibus, notis, ac rerum verborumque indice locupletissimo aucta et illustrata. Parm^, ex reg. typogr. {Bodoni), 1788. 2 vols, in 1 , 4/^, half red morocco. A rare edition. One of 4 examples on vellum paper. PSALMS. Psalterium hebraeum, grajcum, arabicum, et chaldaeum, cum tribus latinis interpretationibus et glossis [studio Aug. Justiniani]. GENUiE, Fet. Paul. Forms, 15 16. I vol. folio, vellmn. "Remarkable as being the first polyglot in which each language is printed in its proper characters." — Ebe7-t. Psalmista secundum consuetudinem sancte romane ecclesie. Venetiis, in off. heredum L. A. yujiie, 1538. I vol. Zvo, with woodcuts, vellum. Liber Psalmorum cum canticis et hj'mnis. Jussu reginse matris impressus. Parisiis, apud A. Lafigelier, 1586. I vol. i2mo, morocco gill. {French binding of the x6th century.) Psalterium Graecum e codice MS. Alexandrine, qui Londini in bibliotheca Musei Britannici asservatur, typis ad similitudinem ipsius codicis scripturas fideliter descriptum, cura et labore Henrici - Herveii Baber. 'Lo-i^'Di'm, ex prelo R. Taylor et soc, 1^12. I vol. large ^to, printed on vellum, blue morocco lifted with vellum. {Smith.) This volume also contains the following work : — Pentateuchus Grcecus e Codice MS. Alexandrino, qui Londini in bibliotheca Musei Britannici asservatur, typis ad similitudinem ^ ipsius codicis Scriptures fideliter descriptus cura et labore Heni'ici Herveii Baber. Londini ex prelo R. Taylor et soc, 18 1 6, From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 15. The Psalms of David and others. With M. John Calvin's Commentaries. (Translated from the Latin by Arthur Golding.) London, Th. East 6- LL. Middleton, 157 1. I vol. 4to, old calf gilt, gilt and gauffered edges. The Whole Booke of Psalmes, collected into English meetre by T. Sternhold, W. Wittingham, J. Hopkins, and others. Conferred with the Hebrue, with apt notes to sing them withall. London, y. Windet, 1598. I vol dfto, calf. {LLayday.) 277 PSALMS. The Whole Booke of Psalmes faithfully translated into English Metre. Whereunto is prefixed a discourse declaring not only the lawfullness, but also the necessity of the heavenly Ordinance of singing Scripture Psalmes in the Churches of God. Imprinted 1640. Cambridge, reprinted 1862. I vol. Svo, thick paper ^ blue levant morocco gilt. {Matthews.) " A literal reprint of the Bay Psalm Book, being the earliest New England Version of the Psalms, and the first book printed in America." 50 copies for subscribers. The Psalms of David illuminated by Owen Jones. [London, s. a.] I vol. folio, brown stamped tnorocco. Les Pseaumes de David et les Cantiques de I'^glise, traduit nouvellement en Francois, avec des courtes notes, ou explications littdrales, historiques et morales, tirdes des autheurs sacres et de S. Jerome. Anvers, 1715. I vol. 8vo, old morocco gilt. PUBLICIUS FLORENTINUS, Jacobus. Ars oratoria. Ars episto- landi. Suprascriptiones epistolarum. Et ars memorativa Jacobi publicii florentini. (In fine:) Erhardus Ratdolt augustensis ingenio miro et arte per polita iijipressioni mirifice dedit M.cccc.xc. Aug. I vol. ^to, with woodcuts, green levant morocco. {Niedree.) From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 569. Oratoriae artis epitomata. Ars Tulliano more epistolandi. Ars memorise. {In fine :) Erhardus ratdolt augustensis, 1482, pridie caleh. decembris, impress it Venetiis. I vol. 4to, with ivoodcuts, green morocco. {Koehler.) From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 567. PUCKLE, James. The Club; a Dialogue between Father and Son. London, 18 17. I vol. roy. Svo, green morocco. {C. Smith.) One of 18 copies printed on India paper mounted within borders ; with wood- cuts by Thurston. PyCKLER-MUSKAU, Hermann von. Andeutungen iiber Land- schaftsgartnerei, verbunden mit der Beschreibung ihrer praktischen Anwendung in Muskau. . Stuttgart, Hallberger, 1834. Text, I vol. 2>vo ; Atlas, i vol. obi. folio, morocco. 278 PUIGBLANCH, Antonio. The Inquisition Unmasked. Translated from the Author's enlarged copy by William Walton. London, 1816. 2 vols. Svo, half calf . PUNCH, or the London Charivari. London, 1853-60. 1 6 vols. 4/0, half red morocco, PURCELL, John B. The Vickers and Purcell Controversy. Cincin- nati, 1868. I vol. i2mo, cloth. PURCHAS, Samuel. Hakluytus posthumus or Purchas his Pilgrimes. Contayning a History of the World, in Sea voyages & lande- Travells, by Englishmen & others. Wherein Gods Wonders in Nature & Providence, the Actes, Arts, Varieties, & Vanities of Men, with a world of the Worlds Rarities, are by a world of Ey- witnesse-Authors, related to the World. Some left written by Mr. Hakluyt at his death, more since added, his also perused & per- fected. All examined, abreviated, illustrated with Notes, enlarged with Discourses, adorned with pictures and expressed in Mapps. In fower Parts each containing five Bookes. Purchas his Pil- grimage, or Relations of the World and the Religions observed in all ages and places discovered, from the Creation unto this Present. The fourth Edition, much enlarged with Additions, and illustrated with Mappes through the whole Worke. London, William Siansby for Henry Fethersione, 1625-26. 5 vols, folio, red levant morocco extra. {Bedford.^ A very rare work of which only a few valuable copies are found in this countiy . The present one is fine and perfect, measuring 13^ inches in height, and having the same arrangement of maps as the Grenville copy described by Lowndes. The fifth volume of this set contains Purchas his Pilgrimage. ,^ PURLILIARUM COMES, Jacobus. De liberorum educatione. {In fine .-) De generosa liberorum educatione libellus fauste finit. Imp res - sum Tarvisii per Gerardum de Flandria anno M.cccc.xcii. die xi septembris. I vol. 4to, 18 leaves, half calf . Following the colophon are two leaves entitled Francisci Niger Epistola ad lectorem. PURSH, Frederick. Flora Americae Septentrionalis ; or a Systematic 279 Arrangement and Description of the Plants of North America. Containing, besides what have been described by preceding Authors, many New and Rare Species, collected during twelve years travels and residence in that country. London, 1814. 2 vols. 8vo, 24 colored plates, half green calf. *PUSEY, Edward Bouverie. Daniel the Prophet. Third Edition. London, 1869. I vol. Svo, cloth. PUTNAM'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE. New York, 1853-57. 10 vols. Svo, half calf PUTON, Alfred. L'Am^nagement des forets. Paris, J. Roths- child, 1867. I vol. i6mo, half blue morocco. PYCROFT, James. A Course of English Reading, adapted to every taste and capacity. Edited by J. A. Spencer. New York, 1854, I vol. i6fno, cloth. Q UARLES, Francis. Emblemes. — Hieroglyphikes of the Life of Man. London, printed for William Freeman at the Bible in Fleet Street, s. a. I vol. Svo, olive morocco. Illustrated with plates by Marshall and Simpson. Enchiridion ; containing Institutions, Divine and Moral. Lon- don, 1856. I vol. i6mo, half calf. QUINTILIANUS, Marcus Fabius. M. Fabii Quintiliani Institu- tionum Oratoriarum libri xii. diligentius recogniti mdxxii. Index capitum totius operis. Conversio dictionum Graecarum, quas ipse author in latinam non transtulit. Venetiis, in cedibus Aldi et Andrece soceri, 1 5 2 1 . I vol 4to, large paper, vellum. Second Aldine edition. R 280 ABANUS MAURUS, Magnentius. Magnencii Rabani Mauri De laudibus sancte crucis opus : erudicione versu prosaque mirificum. Phorcheim, in cedibus T. Anshelmi, 1503- I vol. folio, vellum with clasps. "fidition remarquable a cause de la singuliere disposition typographique d'une partie du texte." — Brunei. RABELAIS, FRAN901S. Oeuvres ; avec des remarques historiques et critiques de M. Le Duchat. Nouvelle edition ornee de figures de B. Picart. Augment^e de quantity de nouvelles remarques de M. Le Duchat, de celles de I'ddition Angloise des ceuvres de Rabe- lais, de ses lettres, et de plusieurs pieces curieuses et int^ressantes. Amsterdam, y. F. Bernard, 1741. 3 vols. 4^0, dark green morocco. Works : translated from the French, and illustrated with explana- tory Notes by M. Le Du Chat and others. London, 1784. 4 vols. i2?no, old calf . RACCOLTA di lxvi. incisioni sul disegno delle migliori statue pub- bliche e private esistenti in Firenze con illustrazione a fronte. FiRENZE, 1854. 1 vol 8vo, boards. RACINE, Jean. Thdatre complet, ornd de cinquant-sept gravures d'apr^s les compositions de Girodet, Gerard, Chaudet, Prud'hon, Taunay, et autres. Paris, Didot Paine, 18 16. 3 vols. Svo, large paper, proofs before letters, red levant morocco. {Cape.) RADERUS, MATTHiEUS. Bavaria sancta. — Bavaria pia. Monaci, 1615 -28. 4 vols, in I, folio, plates by R. Sadeler, half calf RAFFLES, Thomas Stamford. The History of Java. With a map and plates. London, 18 17. 2 vols, dfto, calf Memoirs of the Life and Ministry of the Rev. Thomas Raffles. London, 1865. I vol. 2>vo, cloth. 28l RALEIGH, Sir Walter. The Historic of the World, in Five Books. London, 1666. I vol. folio, calf. Engraved frontispiece and maps, with portrait by S. Pass. For continuation see Ross. A. RAMSAY, Edward Bannerman. The Christian Life in its Origin, Progress, and Perfection. Edinburgh, 1862. I vol. Svo, cloth. RANKE, Leopold. Ecclesiastical and Political History of the Popes of Rome during the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. Trans- lated from the German by Sarah Austin. London, 1841. 3 vols. Svo, tree calf. RASTELL, John. The Pastime of People, or the Chronicles of divers Realms ; and most especially of the Realm of England. Briefly compiled and imprinted in Cheapside. [A. D. 1529.] Now first reprinted, with fac-simile wood-cuts, etc. Edited by T. F. Dibdin. London, 181 i. I vol. 4to, red morocco gilt. {Stamper.) RATHBONE, Hannah Mary. So much of the Diary of Lady Wil- loughby as relates to her Domestic History, and to the eventful period of the Reign of Charles the First. London, Chiswick Press, 1844. I vol. sm. 4to, half calf. So much of the Diary of Lady Willoughby as relates to her Domestic History, and to the eventful period of the Reign of Charles the First. New York, 1845. I vol. \2mo, bound with Montagu's Selections. Some further Portions of the Diary of Lady Willoughby. Lon- don, Chiswick Press, 1848. I vol. sm. ^to, half calf RATIONARIUM evangelistarum. See Ars memorandi. RAWLINSON, George. The Five Great Monarchies of the An- cient Eastern World. London, Murray, i'862 -67. 4 vols. Svo, with maps and woodcuts, calf 36 282 RAY, Isaac. Mental Hygiene. Boston, 1863. I vol. \2mo, cloth. RAYNAUD, Theophilus. Anselmus Solerius cemeliensis de pileo caeterisque capitis tegminibus tam sacris qukm profanis. Editio novissima, emendata, at figuris aeneis exornata. Amstel., sutnptibus A. Frisii, 1672. I vol. sm. i2mo, old red morocco. Raynaud wrote this work under the name of Solerius. REACH, Angus Bethune. Claret and Olives, from the Garonne to the Rhone : or, Notes, Social, Picturesque and Legendary, by the way. New York, 1852. 1 vol. \2mo, bound with Home and Social Philosophy. READ, Thomas Buchanan. Poems. Boston, Ticknor, 1863. 2 vols. i6mo, half calf. A Summer Story, Sheridan's Ride, and other Poems. Phila- delphia, 1865. I vol. i2mo, cloth. The Wagoner of the Alleghanies. A Poem of the Days of Seventy-six. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1863. I vol. i6mo, half calf . RECAMIER, Jeanne FRAN901SE Julie Adelaide Bernard, M"^. Memoirs and Correspondence. Translated from the French and edited by Isaphene M. Luyster. London, Sampson Low, 1867. I vol. 2>vo, cloth. RECUEIL des Effigies des Roys de France, avec un brief som- maire des genealogies faits et gestes d'iceux. Lion, Roullant de Neufchatel, 1567. 1 vol. /^to, with woodcuts and borders, morocco mosaic {en relief), lined with green silk. {Duru.) Portraits of Pharamon and Charles VII. are painted in oil upon the covers. REDDING, Cyrus. Memoirs of Remarkable Misers. London, 1863. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. REDOUTE, Pierre Joseph. Les Liliac^es (d^crites par M. de Can- dolle pour les tomes i k iv ; F. de la Roche pour les tomes v k vii ; et par A. Rafifeneau-Delile pour le tome viii). Paris, 1802 - 16. 8 vols, large folio, vellum paper, colored plates, half greefi morocco. 283 REDOUTE, Pierre Joseph. Les Roses, par P. J. Redout^, peintre de fleurs ; avec le texte par C. A. Thory. Paris, Didot, 1817-24. 3 vols, large folio, half green morocco. A work of great beauty containing two sets of plates, one finely colored, the other engraved upon tinted paper. REED, Henry. Lectures on English Literature from Chaucer to Ten- nyson. Philadelphia, 1855. 1 vol. 1 2 mo, with portrait, half dark calf. REID, Whitelaw. Ohio in the War : her Statesmen, her Generals and Soldiers. Cincinnati, 1868. 2 vols. roy. Svo, half russia. REINDEL, A. and WOLFF, J. G. Die wichtigsten Bildwerke am Sebaldusgrabe zu Niirnberg von Peter Vischer. Sechzig Kupfer- und Stahlstiche nach Zeichnungen von A. Reindel und J. G. Wolff. Mit erlaiiternender Zugabe. NDrnberg, J. L. Schrag, s. a. I vol. 4to, cloth. REINEKE FUCHS. Heinrichs von Alkmar Reineke der Fuchs, mit schonen Kupfern ; nach der Ausgabe von 1498 ins Hochdeutsche iibersetzet, und mit einer Abhandlung, von dem Urheber, wahren Alter und grossen Werthe dieses Gedichtes verschen von Johann Christoph Gottscheden. Leipzig und Amst., Breitkopf 1752. I vol. folio, old calf *' Edition recherchde i cause des 57 gravures d'Alb. von Ewerdingen." — Brunet. Reineke Fuchs von Wolfgang von Goethe mit Zeichnungen von Wilhelm von Kaulbach, gestochen von R. Rahn und A. Schleich. MUNCHEN, 1846. I vol. ^0, vellum paper, India proofs, green morocco gilt. Reynard the Fox after the German Version of Goethe. By Thomas J. Arnold. With illustrations by J. Wolf. London, Nat- tali, 1855. I vol. Svo, half maroon morocco. Reynard the Fox after the German Version of Goethe. By Thomas J. Arnold. With illustrations from the designs of W. von Kaulbach. New York, Appleton, i860. I vol. ifto, large paper, half green morocco. 284 RENAN, Ernest. The Life of Jesus. London, Triibner, 1864. I vol. 8vo, doth. RENOUARD, Antoine Auguste. Annales de rimprimerie des Aide, ou histoire des trois Manuce et de leurs Editions. Paris, J. Re- nouard, 1834. I vol. 4^0, with portrait, vellum paper, half brown levant mo- rocco. [David) Only 32 quarto copies. Annales de rimprimerie des Estienne, ou histoire de la famille des Estienne et de ses Editions. Paris, % Renouard, 1843. I vol. 4to, large vellum paper, brown morocco. {Bauzonnet- Trautz.) One of 16 quarto copies, with dedication to Louis Philippe printed in gold upon vellum. REPERTORIUM dictorum Aristotelis : Averoys : aliorumque philosophorum. {In fine-) Expliciunt propositiones Aristotellis : Averoisque : et aliorum phylosophorum czre : et impensa Benedicti de Hectoreis librarii ad lucem delates ; opera vero ; et diligentia Bazalerii de Bazaleriis civis bononiensis impressa. Anno m.cccc.lxxxxi. I vol. 4to, 64 leaves, morocco. REPERTORIUM Bibliographicum. See Clarke, W. REPTON, Humphrey. Observations on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening. London, 1805. I vol. 4to, ivith colored plates, calf. REPTON, Humphrey, and ADEY, J. Fragments on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening ; including some Remarks on Grecian and Gothic Architecture. London, 18 16. I vol. 4to, with illustrations, half calf . RETRATOS de los Espanoles illustres con un epitome de sus vidas. Madrid, itnpr. real, 1791. I vol. folio, with xoZ portraits, russia. " Particularly fine, and engraved from authentic originals." — Ebert. RETROSPECTIVE REVIEW. Edited by H. Southern and Nicholas Harris Nicolas. London, 1820-28. 16 vols. &V0, half grem moroccQ. 285 REUSNER, Nicholas. Emblemata Nic. Reusneri partim ethica et physica, partim verb historica et bieroglyphica in quatuor libros digesta, cum symbolis et inscriptionibus illustrium et clarorum virorum : quibus agalmatum sive emblematum sacrorum liber unus superadditus. Ex recensione Jeremiag Reusneri. Francoforti, y. Feyerabendt, 1581. 1 vol. sm. 4fo, green levant morocco. {Hardy.) Fine copy illustrated with 160 woodcuts by V. Soils and y. Amman. Text \vithin woodcut borders. Icones, sive imagines virorum Uteris illustrium quorum fide et doctrina, religionis et bonarum literarum studia, nostra patrumque memoria, in Germanii preesertim, in integrum sunt restituta : additis eorundem elogiis diversorum auctorum. Ex secunda recognitione Nic. Reusneri. Argentorati, B. Jobinus, 1590. , I vol. Svo, text within woodcut borders, half red morocco. REVUE HORTICOLE : Journal d'horticulture pratique. Paris, 1861-67. 7 vols, ^vo, half green morocco. {David.) REVUE INTERNATIONAL de I'art et de la curiosity ; publid sous la direction de M. Ernest Feydeau. Paris, Techener, 1869 ~7°- 2 vols. Svo, half morocco. REYBAUD, Marie Roch Louis. Jdrome Paturot k la recherche d'une position sociale. Edition illustr^e par J. J. Grandville. Paris, Dubochet, 1846. 1 vol. Svo, half blue morocco. REYNOLDS, Sir Joshua. Literary Works. To which is prefixed a Memoir of the Author, by H. W. Beechey. London, Bohn, 1846. 2 vols. Svo, cloth. RHIND, William. A History of the Vegetable Kingdom. Glasgow, Blackie 6^ Son, 1855. I vol. Svo, with illustrations, half dark calf. RHYMES and Roundelayes in praise of a Country Life : adorned with many Pictures. New York, Appleton, 1857. 1 vol. sm. ^to, tree calf. RICHARDSON, Charles. A New Dictionary of the English Lan- guage. Philadelphia, 1847. 2 vols, /^io, half russia. 286 RICHARDSON, John. Fauna Boreali-Americana ; or the Zoology of the Northern Parts of British America. By J. Richardson, assisted by W. Swainson and W. Kirby. Illustrated by numerous plates. London, Murray, 1829-31. 2 vols, ^to, green morocco. Hon. R. Fitz-Gibbon's copy. RICHARDSON, M. Horsemanship. London, Longman, 1853. I vol. 2>vo, with illustrations, half red morocco. RIDDLE, Joseph Esmond. A Copious and Critical Latin-English Lexicon : founded on the German-Latin Dictionaries of Dr. W. Freund. London, Longman, 1849. 1 vol. 4to, calf. RIDOLFI, Carlo. Le Maraviglie dell' arte, overo le vite degl' illustri pittori veneti, e dello stato. Venetia, Sgava, 1648. 2 vols, in I, 4/^, with portraits, vellum, gilt and gauffered edges. RIENZO, Cola di. Vita di Cola di Rienzo, tribune del popolo Ro- mano. Bracciano, a. Fei, 1631. I vol. \2mo, with 2 portraits, red morocco. RIPAMONTI, Giuseppe. Historiae patriae decades ab anno 13 14 quo Calchus desinit ad excessum CaroH V. Mediolani, 1641 -48. 4 vols, folio, red morocco gilt. {Ltalian binding of the xwiith century.) RITSON, Joseph. Ancient Songs, from the time of King Henry the Third, to the Revolution. London, 1790. I vol. Svo, half green morocco. Bibliographia Poetica : a Catalogue of English Poets, of the Twelfth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth, Fifteenth, and Sixteenth Centuries, with a short Account of their Works. London, 1802. I vol. Svo, half green morocco. The Caledonian Muse : a Chronological Selection of Scotish Poetry, from the earliest time. With vignettes engraved by Heath, after the designs of Stothard. London, printed 1785 : published, 1821. I vol. Svo, morocco. The English Anthology. London, 1793-94. 3 vols. Zvo, vignettes by Stothard, half green morocco. 287 RITSON, Joseph. An Essay on Abstinence from Animal Food, as a Moral Duty. London, 1802. 1 vol. 2svo, half green morocco. Letters ; edited chiefly from Originals in the possession of his nephew. To which is prefixed a Memoir of the Author by Sir H. Nicolas. London, Pickering, 1833. 2 vols. 87JO, Aalf green morocco. The Life of King Arthur : from Ancient Historians and authen- tic documents. London, 1825. I vol. 2>vo, half green morocco. Pieces of Ancient Popular Poetry ; from authentic manuscripts and old printed copies : adorned with cuts. London, 1791. I vol. 8vo, half morocco. Northern Garlands. The Bishopric Garland, or Durham Min- strel : a choice Collection of excellent Songs ; The Yorkshire Gar- land, a curious Collection of old and new Songs ; The Northumber- land Garland, or, Newcastle Nightingale : a matchless Collection of famous Songs; The North Country Chorister. London, 1810. 1 vol. Bvo, half morocco. Robin Hood : a Collection of all the Ancient Poems, Songs, and Ballads, now extant, relative to that celebrated Ejiglish Outlaw. To which are prefixed historical anecdotes of his life. London, 1795. 2 vols. Svo, woodcuts^ half morocco. Select Collection of English Songs. London, 1783. 3 vols. 2)V0, plates from Stothard's designs, half morocco. Select Collection of English Songs, with their Original Airs ; and a Historical Essay on the Origin and Progress of National Song. Second Edition, with additional songs, and occasional notes by T. Park. London, 18 13. 3 vols. Svo, half morocco. RIVERS, Henry Wheaton. Accidents : Popular Directions for their Immediate Treatment ; with Observations on Poisons and their Antidotes. Boston, 1845. I vol. i2mo, cloth. 288 RIVERS, Thomas. The Miniature Fruit Garden. London, i86r. I vol. i6mo, cloth. The Orchard House. London, i860. I vol i6mo, cloth. The Rose- Amateur's Guide, containing ample Descriptions of all the fine leading Varieties of Roses. London, i86i. I vol. i2mo, cloth. ROBERTS, David. The Holy Land, Syria, Idumea, Arabia, Egypt and Nubia, from Drawings made on the spot by David Roberts ; with Historical Descriptions by the Rev. George Croly, and William Brockedon. Lithographed by Louis Haghe. London, F. G. Moon, 1842-49. 6 vols, folio, half green morocco. {Riviere.) A superb copy, containing portrait of the author, and 250 plates finely colored after the original designs. ROBERTSON, Frederick W. Lectures and Addresses on Literary and Social Topics. Boston, 1859. 1 vol. i2mo, half morocco. Life and Letters. Edited by S. A. Brooke. Boston, 1865. 2 vols, \2n10, cloth. Sermons, preached at Trinity Chapel, Brighton. Boston, 1863- 64. 5 vols. i2mo, half morocco. ROBERTSON, William. History of Charles V. Paris, Baudry, 1835- 1 vol. 8vo, India proof portrait of the author, half green morocco. History of the Reign of the Emperor Charles the Fifth. With an Account of the Emperor's Life after his Abdication, by W. H. Prescott. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1863. 3 vols. 2>vo, with portraits, calf History of Scotland, during the Reigns of Queen Mary and King James VL New Edition, enriched with a Portrait and Life of the Author. Glasgow, 181 i. 2 vols. Svo, old calf. 289 ROBINSON, Edward. Biblical Researches in Palestine, Mount Sinai and Arabia Petraea. A Journal of Travels in the year 1838, by E. Robinson and E. Smith. London, Murray^ 1841. 3 vols. Svo, maps and plans, calf extra. (^Clarke.) Later Biblical Researches in Palestine and the adjacent regions. Journal of Travels in the year 1852. London, Murray^ 1856. 1 vol. Svo, calf extra. ROBINSON, Henry Crabb. Diary, Reminiscences, and Correspond- ence. Selected and edited by Thomas Sadler. Third Edition. London, Macmillan dv Co., 1872. 2 vols. Svo, cloth. ROBINSON, W. Gleanings from French Gardens. London, 1869. I vol. Svo, with illustrations, cloth. The Parks, Promenades, and Gardens of Paris. London, Mur- ray, 1869. I vol. Svo, cloth. The Wild Garden, or, Our Groves and Shrubberies made beautiful by the naturalization of hardy Exotic Plants. London, 1870. I vol. Svo, cloth. RODERICUS SANCIUS DE AREVALO. Liber incipit dictus spe- culum vite humane, editus a Rodorico episcopo zamorensi. {In fine •) Hoc opusfuit copletu &• finitu in civitate ludini supra rhodanH per magistrli Guillermu regis dicte vile ludini habitatoris. In domo ho7iorabilis viri Bartholomei burii burgensis dicti ludini, die septima mensis yanuarii, anno domini mcccclxxiiiiiii. I vol. folio, 112 lecuves, without pagination, catchwords, or signa- tures, 37 lines to each page, red morocco gilt. {Fadeloup.) From the library of M. Yemen iz, No. 546. ROGERS, Henry. Essays, selected from Contributions to the Edin- burgh Review. New Edition. London, Longmans, 1855. 3 vols. \6mo, calf extra. ROGP^RS, Samuel. Italy, a Poem. London, Moxon, 1838. I vol. 16m 0, half dark calf. Poems. London, Cadell, 1834. I vol. Svo, engravings after Stothard and Turner, calf. 37 290 ROGERS, Samuel. Recollections. Boston, 1859. I vol. i2mo, cloth. Recollections of the Table-Talk of Samuel Rogers. To which is added Porsoniana. New York, Appleton, 1856. I vol. 1 2 mo, cloth. ROLEWINCK, Werner. See Fasciculus temporum. ROLLENHAGEN, Gabriel. Nucleus emblematum selectissimorum- que itali vulgo impresas vocant privata industria studio singular! undique conquisitus, non paucis venustis inventionibus auctus, ad- ditis carminibus illustratus a G. Rollenhagio. Colonic, e musceo ccelaiorio C. Passcei, s. a. I vol. 4to, calf. " Volume recherche k cause des jolies figures qui le composent." — Brintet. ROMAN DE LA ROSE. See Lorris, G. de. ROMANCES. Early English Prose Romances. Edited by W. J. Thorns. London, Nattali &>» Bond, 1858. 3 vols. Svo, morocco. {Riviere.) ROMANOFF, H. C. Sketches of the Rites and Customs of the Greco- Russian Church. With Introduction by C. M. Yonge. London, Rivingtons, 1868. 1 vol. Svo, cloth. ROMER, Isabella F. A Pilgrimage to the Temples and Tombs of Egypt, Nubia and Palestine, 1845-46. London, 1846. 2 vols. Svo, cloth. The Rhone, the Darro, and the Guadalquivir ; a Summer Ramble in 1842. London, 1843. 2 vols. Svo, cloth. ROMILLY, Sir Samuel. Life of Sir Samuel Romilly, written by him- self; with a Selection from his Correspondence. Edited by his sons. London, 1842. 2 vols. i6mo, half calf . RONSARD, Pierre de. Les Oeuvres de P. de Ronsard gentilhomme vandomois. Reveues, corrigees & augmentees par I'Autheur. Paris, G. Buon, 1584. I vol. folio, red levant morocco, ornamented with gilt fleur-de-lis. {Lortig.) Les Gayetez et les epigrammes de Pierre de Ronsard, gentil- 291 homme vandomois. Dedides k Jean Anthoine de Baif, poete frangois. A Turin, chez yean Franpis Pico, 1573. Amsterdam, reprinted, 1865. I vol. i2mo, morocco mosaic {citron and black) richly gilt after special design. {David.) Beautiful copy printed upon vellum. ROOKE, OcTAVius. The Life of the Moselle, from its Source in the Vosges Mountains to its Junction with the Rhine at Coblence. London, 1858. I vol. Svo, 70 engravings, cloth. ROSASPINA, Francesco. La Pinacoteca della pontificia Accademia delle belle arti in Bologna. Bologna, 1830. I vol. folio, half green morocco. ROSARIO. Meditationi del Rosario della gloriosa Maria Vergine nuovamente ristampate con figure k ciascuna Meditatione accom- modate. Venetia, D. 6- G. B. Guerra, 1583. I vol. Svo, vellum. ROSCOE, Thomas. The Italian Novelists, selected from the most approved Authors in that Language. Translated from the original Italian, accompanied with Notes, critical and biographical. Lon- don, 1825. 4 vols. Svo, half calf . The Tourist in France. Illustrated from drawings by J. D. Harding. London, Jennings, 1834. I vol. Svo, green morocco. The Tourist in Italy. Illustrated from drawings by S. Prout, and J. D. Harding. London, yennings, 1831-33. 3 vols. Svo, green morocco. The Tourist in Spain. Andalusia. — Biscay and the Castiles. — Spain and Morocco. Illustrated from drawings by D. Roberts. London, yennings, 1836-38. 3 vols. Svo, green morocco. Wanderings and Excursions in North Wales. With fifty engrav- ings from drawings by Cattermole, Cox, and Creswick. London, 1862. I vol. Svo, with map, morocco. {Rivingtons.) 292 ROSCOE, Thomas, Wanderings and Excursions in South Wales, with the Scenery of the River Wye. With fifty engravings from draw- ings of Harding, Fielding, Cox, Creswick and Cattermole. Lon- don, 1862. I vol. 8vo, red morocco with dentelle borders. {Rivhigtons.) ROSCOE, William. Life of Lorenzo de' Medici, called the Magnifi- cent. With a Memoir of the Author. Edited by W. Hazlitt. London, 1846. 1 vol. Svo, cloth. Life and Pontificate of Leo the Tenth. Fifth Edition. London, 1846. 2 vols. Svo, cloth. ROSE, Hugh James. New General Biographical Dictionary. London, 1853- 1 2 vols. Svo, half calf. ROSS, Alexander. The History of the World, the Second Part, in Six Books ; being a Continuation of the famous History of Sir Walter Raleigh. London, 1652. I vol. folio, calf. ROSS, Sir John. A Voyage of Discovery, made under the orders of the Admiralty, in His Majesty's Ships Isabella and Alexander, for the purpose of exploring Baffin's Bay, and inquiring into the proba- bility of a North- West Passage. London, 181 9. 1 vol. Afto, with plates and maps, tree calf extra. {Hay day.) Narrative of a Second Voyage in search of a North-West Pas- sage, and of a Residence in the Arctic Regions, 1829-33, I"' eluding the Reports of Jas. Clark Ross, and the Discovery, of the Northern Magnetic Pole. London, 1835. 2 vols. 4to, with plates and maps, tree calf extra, {ffayday.) ROSSELLIUS, CosMAS. Thesaurus artificiosae memorise, authore R. P. F. Cosma Rossellio. Venetiis, apud Anfonium Paduanium, 1579- I vol. sm. 4to, woodcuts, red levant morocco. From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 575. ROSSETTI, William Michael. Fine Art, chiefly Contemporary. London, Macmillan, 1867. I vol. Svo, half calf. 293 ROTHSCHILD, J. Les Fougbres choix des espbces le plus remar- quables pour la decoration des serres, pares, jardins at salons ; pre- cede de leur histoire botanique at hortieole par A. Rivibre. E. Andrd at E. Roza. Ouvrage ornd de 75 planches en chromo- lithog., et de 112 gravures sur bois. Paris, Rothschild, 1867. Text I vol. roy. Svo ; Plates i vol. ^to, half green morocco. ROUSSEAU, Jean Jacques. Confessions. Part the First ; to which are added the Reveries of a Solitary Walker. Translated from the French. London, 1790. 2 vols. \2mo, calf. Confessions. Part the Second ; to which is added a New Col- lection of Letters. Translated from the French. London, 1790. 3 vols. i2mo, calf. Eloisa, or a Series of Original Letters. Translated from the French. To which are added the Adventures of Lord B at Rome. London, 1803. 4 vols. X2nio, calf. Engravings illustrating Rousseau. See Moreau, J. M. ROWLAND, James. The Consecrated Way. Circleville, O., 1847. I vol. 1 2 mo, morocco. ROXBURGHE CLUB. Life of St. Ursula. — Guiscard and Sigismund. London, Shakespeare Press, 18 18. I vol. 4io, morocco gilt. {ITering.) One of 31 copies reprinted from the edition of Wynken de Worde. The first of these rare old poems was translated from the Latin into ' ' Englysh meeter" by Edmund Hatfield; the last, "Guystarde and Sygysmonde newly traslated out of laten in to engysshe by Wyllym Walter," was written by L. Are- tinus who took thcdetails from Boccaccio. ROYE, Guv de. Le doctrinal de sapience qui cotiant tous les estats du monde. Imprime nouvellement. Paris, Alain Lotrian, s. a. I vol. sm. 4to, morocco mosaic lined with red levant morocco gilt. {Cape.) RUEFFIUS, Jacobus. De conceptu at genaratione hominis : de ma- trice et ejus partibus, nee non de conditione infantis in utero, & gravidarum cura et officio libri sex. Francof. ad Mcenum, apud Petrum Fabricium, 1587. I vol. sm. ifto, woodcuts, calf extra. {Trautz-Bauzonnet.) From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 805. 294 RUGENDAS, Maurice. Voyage pittoresque dans le Bre'sil ; traduit de I'allemand par M. de Golbdry. Paris, Engelmann, 1835. I vol. folio, 1 00 lithographs on India paper, half green morocco. RULE, William Harris. History of the Inquisition, from the Twelfth Century to the present time. London, 1868. I vol. Svo, cloth. RUMP ; or an exact Collection of the choycest Poems and Songs re- lating to the late Times ; by the most eminent wits from Anno 1639 to 1661. London, 1662. I vol. 8z/(?, 7-ed morocco. RUSH, Richard. Memoranda of a Residence at the Court of Lon- don. 1819-25. Philadelphia, 1845. I vol. Svo, cloth. RUSKIN, John. Elements of Drawing ; in Three Letters to Beginners. With illustrations drawn by the author. London, 1857. I vol. Svo, cloth. Modern Painters, ^ondon, 1856-60. 5 vols. roy. Svo, cloth. Vol. I. Of General Principles and of Truth. II. Of the Imaginative and Theoretic Faculties, III. Of Many Things. IV. Of Mountain Beauty. V. Of I-eaf Beauty ; Cloud Beauty ; Ideas of Relation. The Political Economy of Art. New York, 1858. I vol. J 2 mo, cloth. Sesame and Lilies ; Two Lectures delivered at Manchester in 1864. London, 1865. I vol. i6mo, cloth. The Seven Lamps of Architecture. With illustrations drawn by the author. London, 1855. I vol. roy. Svo, cloth. The Stones of Venice. With illustrations drawn by the author. London, 1853-58. 2, vols. roy. Svo, cloth. Vol. I. The Foundations. II. The Sea-Stories. III. The Fall. 295 RUSKIN, John. The Two Paths ; being Lectures on Art and its Ap- plication to Decoration and Manufacture, delivered in 1858 - 59. With two plates. London, 1859. I vol. 8vo, cloth. " Unto this Last " : Four Essays on the First Principles of Po- litical Economy. London, 1862. I vol. i6mo, cloth . RUSSELL, Charles William. Life of Cardinal Mezzofanti; with an Introductory Memoir of Eminent Linguists, ancient and modern. London, 1858. I vol. 2>vo, with portrait^ half calf. RUSSIA. Description du sacre et du couronnement de leurs majestes impdriales I'Empereur Alexandre II., et I'lmperatrice Marie Alexan- drovna. Berlin, impr. de I'Academie imperiale des sciences, 1856. I vol. elephant folio, half green morocco. Text printed in gold letters, and illustrated with portraits of the Emperor and Empress, engravings on India paper, and chromolithographs. This magnificent work was issued by order of the Czar. RUTTER, John. Delineations of Fonthill and its Abbey. London, 1823. I vol. 4to, half green morocco. RUXNER, Georg. Anfang, vrsprug und herkomen des Thurniers inn Teutscher nation. Siemern, Rodler, [1532.] I vol. folio, text in 2 columns, colored woodcuts, half morocco. Thurnierbuch, von Anfang, Ursachen, Ursprung und Herkom- men der Thurnier im heyligen romischen reich teutscher Nation, wie viel offentlicher Landthurnier, von Keyser Heinrichen dem Ersten dieses Namens an bis auff Keyser Maximilian, etc. Franck- FURT AM Mayn, S. Fey er abend, 1579. I vol. folio, woodcuts, half red morocco. Many of the woodcuts in this work are attributed to Amman. RUYSSIUS, Petrus. Calendarium perpetuum breviarii romani, ex decreto sacro sancti Concilii Tridentini nuper aediti triginta sex tabulis constans ; ad usum dicecesis Toletanae. Toleti, excud. yoannes d, Plaza, 1577. I vol. ^to, boards covered with leather. 296 • RYE, William Brenchley. England as seen by Foreigners in the days of Elizabeth and James the First ; comprising Translations of the Journals of the two Dukes of W-irtemberg in 1592 and 1610; both illustrative of Shakespeare. With extracts and notes. Lon- don, 1865. I vol. ^to, cloth. RYLE, John Charles. Hymns for the Church on Earth. New York, 1865. I vol. iSmo, cloth. s AAVEDRA FAXARDO, D. Diego. Idea de un Principe politico christiano ; representada en cien empresas. Amstelo- DAMi, apud y. yanssonium, 1659. 1 vol. sm. i2mo, red morocco. SABIN, Joseph. American Bibliopolist. New York, 1869 - 71. 3 vols. 8vo, half morocco. SACERDOTALE ad consuetudine S. Romane Ecclesie aliarumque ecclesiarum, ex apostolice bibliothece, ac sanctorum patrum jurium sanctionibus, et ecclesiasticorum doctorum scriptis, ad optatum commodum quorumcunque sacerdotum, coUectum : atque sum- morum pontificum authoritate multoties approbatum ; omni nuper diligentia emendatum et auctum. Venetiis, y. Variscum, 1564. I vol. 4to, vellum. SACONAY, Gabrielle de. Genealogie et la fin des Huguenaux et descouverte du Calvinisme ; ou est sommairemet descrite I'histoire des troubles excitez en France par lesdits Huguenaux jusques k present. Lyon, Benoist Rigatid, i573- I vol. 8vo, 3 curious woodcuts, ^reen levant morocco. {Koehler.) Two extra woodcuts are inserted in this volume, which appear to be modifica- tions of the one on the reverse of the titlepage. SACROBOSCO, Joannes de. Spheera Johannis de Sacro-Bosco, de- creto illust. et potent DD. ordinum HoUandiae et West-Frisiae in usum scholarum ejusdem provinciae sic recensita, ut et latinitas et methodus emendata sit raultaque addita, quae ad hujus doctrinae V, 297 illustrationem requirebantur. Opera et studio Franconis Burgers- dicii. LuGD. Batav., B. &' A. Elzevir, 1647. I vol. Svo, blue levant morocco. {Hardy.) SAFFORD, William H. The Blennerhassett Papers, embodying the Private Journal of Harman Blennerhassett. Cincinnati, 1864. I vol. 8vo, cloth. SAINTE-BEUVE, Charles Augustin. Portraits of Celebrated Women : translated by H. W. Preston. Boston, Roberts, 1868. I vol. i2mo, cloth. Vie, podsies et pensdes de Joseph Delorme. Paris, Delangle frlres, 1829. I vol. i2mo, morocco richly ornamented in gilt and colors, with linings of blue silk. ST. JOHN, James Augustus. Egypt and Nubia ; with illustrations. London, 1845. 1 vol. 8vo, cloth. ST. JOHN, Spenser. Life in the Forests of the Far East. With numerous illustrations. London, 1842. 2 vols. Svo, cloth. SAINT PIERRE, Jacques Bernardin Henri de. Paul and Vir- ginia. Translated from the French, by Helen Maria Williams. London, 1819. I vol. J 2 mo, with illustrations, pink calf. Paul and Virginia. With an original Memoir of the Author, and three hundred and thirty illustrations. London, W. S. Orr, 1839. I vol. Svo, large paper, 2() plates on India paper, half morocco. SAINTINE, Joseph Xavier Boniface. Le Chemin des ^coliers ; promenade de Paris h, Marly-le-Roy en suivant les bords du Rhin. Avec 450 vignettes de G. Dord, Foster, etc. Paris, L. Hachette, 1861. I vol. 8vo, half green morocco. {Bain.) Picciola. New Edition, revised by the Author. With illustra- tions by Leopold Flameng. New York, 1867. I vol. i2mo, half garnet morocco. 38 298 SALES, S. Francois de. Defense de I'estendart de la Saincte Croix de nostre Sauveur Jesus-Christ. Divisde en quatre livres. Lyon, y. Pillehotte, 1601. I vol. Svo, morocco, richly gilt. {Early French binding.) From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 3782. Lettres addressees k des gens du monde. Nouvelle ddition avec une preface par M. Silvestre de Sacy. Paris, Techener, 1865. I vol. Svo, Holland paper, red levant morocco. {Belz-Niedree.) St. Francis de Sales, Bishop and Prince of Geneva. London, 187 i. I vol. Svo, cloth. SALICETUS, NicoLAUS. Liber meditationum ac orationu devotaru qui anthidotarius aie dicitur. {In fine:) Jmpressus in mercuriali oppido Antwerpiensi per me Gerardu Leeu Anno dhi millesimo quad- ringentesio xc.'^ xxvii. die mensis maii. (1490.) I vol. Svo, old calf. Very rare. SALLUSTIUS CRISPUS, Caius. Crispi Sallustii de Conjuratione Catilinge. Ejusdem de Bello Jugurthino. Ejusdem oratio contra M. T. Ciceronem. M. T. Ciceronis oratio contra C. Crispu Sal- lustium. Ejusdem orationes quatuor cotra Lucium Catilina. Porcii Latronis declamatio contra Lucium Catilina. Orationes quaedam ex libris historiarum C. Crispi Sallustii. Venetiis, Aldi et Andrece Asulani, 1509. I vol. Svo, russia. C. Crispi Sallustii de Conjuratione Catilinee. Ejusdem de bello Jugurthino. Orationes quaedam ex libris historiarum C. Crispi Sal- lustii. Ejusdem oratio contra M. T. Cicefonem. M. T. Ciceronis oratio contra C. Crispu Sallustium. Ejusdem orationes quatuor contra Lucium Catilina. Porcii Latronis declamatio contra Lucium Catilina. Quae omnia solerti nuper cura repurgata sunt, ac suo quaeq ordine optime digesta. Venetiis, in cedibus Aldi et AndrecR soceri, 152 1. I vol. Svo, vellum. C. Sallustius Crispus cum veterum historicorum fragmentis. LuGDUNi Batavorum, ex off. Elzeviriana, 1634. I vol. sm. 12 mo, calf. The earliest of four editions printed in 1634. 299 SAT.LUSTIUS CRISPUS, Caius. The Works of Sallust. Translated into English by A. Murphy. London, 1807. I vol. Svo, large paper, half calf . La Conjuracion de Catilina y la Guerra de Jugurta por Cayo Salustio Crispo. Madrid, Ibarra^ 1772. I vol. folio, text in Spanish and Latin, with plates, old tree calf. A beautifully printed copy of the translation made by the infante Don Gabriel^ under the direction of Fr, Perez Bayer. SALMASIUS, Claudius. Claudii Salmasii de hellenistica commen- tarius, controversiam de lingua hellenistica decidens, & plenissime pertractans originem & dialectos graecae linguae. Lugd. Batavorum, ex off. Elseviriorum, 1643. I vol. Svo, vellum. SALM-REIFFERSCHEID-DYCK, Josephus de. Monographia generum Aloes et Mesembryanthemi. Dusseldorpii, Arm &* Comp., s. a. . 7 parts in 3 vols. \to, with plates, half red morocco. SALUSTE, GuiLLAUME, seigneur du Bartas. Du Bartas his divine Weekes and Workes : with a complete collection of all the other most delightful workes. Translated and written by that famous Philomusus, Josuah Sylvester, Gent. With Additions. London, R. Young, 1 64 1. I vol folio, old English binding. SAMUELSON, James. The Honey-Bee ; its Natural History, Habits, Anatomy and Microscopical Beauties. London, i860. 1 vol. i2mo, cloth. SAN ANTONIO, Alonzo de. Gloriosos titulos, originarios y priva- tivos de la Sagrada religion de descal^os de la Sanctissima Trinidad, de redencion de cautivos. Madrid, M. de Bavvio, 1652. 2 parts in i vol. folio, printed on vellum, original calf binding. SAND, George, /j^z^rt^. See Dudevant. SANNAZARIUS, Actius Syncerus. Actii Synceri Sannazarii de partu Virginis. Lamentatio de morte Christi. Piscatoria. Petri 300 Bembi Benacus. Augustini Beatiani Verona. Venetiis, in ad. Aldi et AndrecB Asulani soceri, 1527. I vol. Svo, old morocco gilt. The first Aldine edition. " Exemplaire Grolier, On y a ajoute sa signature autographe." (Y.) From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 1516. SANNAZARIUS, Actius Syncerus. Jacobi Sannazarii Opera omnia latine scripta, nuper edita. Venetiis, in cedibus hceredum Aldi Manutii, et Andrece Asulani, 1535. I vol. Bvo, half morocco. Sonetti, e Canzoni del Sannazaro. Vinegia, nelle case delli heredi d'Aldo Romaiio, 6^ Andrea socero, 1534. I vol. 8vo, half red morocco. SANSOVINO, Francesco. De gli Huomini illustri della casa Orsina, libri quattro. Venetia, B. dv F. Stagnini, 1565. I vol. folio,. half red morocco. L'Historia di casa Orsina. Venetia, B. 6^ F. Stagnini, 1565. I vol. folio, bound with the preceding work. SARGENT, Winthrop. Life and Career of Major John Andrd. Bos- ton, 1 86 1. I vol. 8vo, cloth. SAUBERTUS, Johannes. Emblematum sacrorum quorum consideratio accurata ad fidei exercitium et excitandam pietatem plurimum facere potest. Nurnberg, 1625-30. I vol folio, bro7vn morocco. i^J. Wright^ 50 plates engraved by Petrus Isselburg from designs by M. Heer. SAVARIN, Brillat. Physiology of Taste ; or. Transcendental Gas- tronomy. Translated by F. Robinson. Philadelphia, 1854. I vol. \2mo, cloth. SAVONAROLA, Hieronymo, Confessionale pro instructione confes- sorum. Impressus Yenetus per Franciscus de Bindonis, 1524. I vol. 8vo, crimson morocco. El triumpho de la cruz de Cristo. Traduzido (de lengua toscana en romance castellano) por Juan Lorenzo otanati Floretino. Val- LADOLID, impr. Franc. Fernandez de Cordova, 1548. I vol. ^to, half green morocco. 30I SAY, Thomas. American Entomology. A Description of the Insects of North America. Edited by J. L. Le Conte, with a Memoir of the Author, by G. Ord. New York, 1869. 2 vols. 8vo, colored plates, cloth. SCALPEL, The ; a Journal of Health. Edited by E. H. Dixon. New York, 1849-59. 10 vols, in 5, 8w, cloth. SCHEDEL, Hartmann. Registrum huius operis libri cronicarum cu figuris et ymaginibus ab inicio mudi. Hunc librum dominus Antho- nius koberger Nureinberge impressit, Anno salutis, 1493. I vol. folio, woodcuts by Michael Wolgemuth, old red morocco stamped with the arms of Prince Eugene of Savoy. {Boyer.) This copy contains the supplement De Sarmatia. SCHERZI poetici e pittorici sopra amore (da G. G. de Rossi). Parma, cd tipi Bodoniana, 1804. I vol. A,to, 41 plates from drawings by Tekeira, vellum. SCHILLER, JoHANN Christoph Friedrich. Schillers Gedichte. Jubilaums-Ausgabe. Mit Photographien nach Zeichnungen von Bockleu, Kirchner, C. Piloty, F. Piloty, Ramberg, Schwind, u. s. w., und Holzschnitten nach Zeichnungen von Julius Schnorr in Stutt- gart. Stuttgart, 1859 - 62. 1 vol 4to, brown morocco and green velvet, with gilt medallion. [Collection of Plays.] 2 vols. Svo, half green morocco. Vol. I. The Robbers, a Tragedy. Translated from the German (by A. F. Tytler, Lord Woodhouselee). London, 1797. The Minister, a Tragedy. Translated by M. G. Lewis. London, 1798. Fiesco ; or the Genoese Conspiracy. Translated by G. H. N. and J. S. (Noehden and Stoddart. ) London, 1796. II. Don Carlos. Translated by G. H. Noehden and J. Stoddart. London, 1798. The Piccolomini, or the First Part of Wallenstein. Translated by S. T. Coleridge. London, 1800. The Death of Wallenstein. Translated by S. T. Coleridge. London, 1800. Correspondence of Schiller with Korner ; comprising Sketches and Anecdotes of Goethe, the Schlegels, Wieland, and other Con- temporaries. With Biographical Sketches and Notes, by L. Simp- son. London, 1849. 3 vols. Svo, cloth. 302 SCHILLER, JoHANN Christoph Friedrich. Poems and Ballads. Translated by Sir E. B. Lytton. With a brief Sketch of Schiller's Life. Edinburgh, 1844. 2 vols. %vo, half gree7i morocco. Poems and Ballads. Translated by Sir E. B. Lytton. Phila- delphia, 1864. I vol. i6mo, half brown morocco. Works : Historical, History of the Thirty Years' War. — His- tory of the Revolt of the Netherlands to the Confederacy of the Gueux. Translated by A. J. W. Morrison. London, Bohn, 1846. I vol. 8vo, cloth. SCHILLER-GALERIE. See Pecht. SCHIMMELPENNINCK, Mary Anne. Narrative of the DemoHtion of the Monastery of Port Royal des Champs, including Biographi- cal Memoirs of its Latter Inhabitants. London, Arch, 1816. I vol. 8vo, calf. Very scarce. SCHLEGEL, August Wilhelm von. A Course of Lectures on Dra- matic Art and Literature. Translated by John Black. Revised according to the last German edition, by A. J. W. Morrison. Lon- don, Bohji, 1846. I vol. Svo, cloth. SCHLEGEL, Friedrich von. The Philosophy of History, in a Course of Lectures. Translated from the German, with a Memoir of the Author, by James B. Robertson. London, Bohn, 1846. I vol Svo, cloth. SCHLEIDEN, J. M. Principles of Scientific Botany. Translated by E. Lankester. London, 1849. I vol. Svo, cloth. SCHLICHTEGROLL, Friedrich. Turnier Buch Herzogs Wilhelm des vierten von Bayern von 15 10 bis 1545. Nach einem gleich- zeitigen Manuscript der konigl.'=" Bibliothek zu Miinchen treu in Steindruck nachgebildet von T. und C. Senefelder, mit Erklarungen begleitet von F. Schlichtegroll. Mltnchen, 1817. I vol. ob. folio, with richly colored plates, red. levant morocco. {Hardy-Mennil. ) SCHONGAUER, Martin. Die Passion von Martin Schongauer. s. I. s. a. I vol. 4to, 1 2 photographs, half red morocco. 303 SCHOOLCRAFT, Henry Rowe. • Historical and Statistical Informa- tion respecting the History, Condition and Prospects of the Indian Tribes of the United States. Illustrated by S. Eastman and others. Published by Authority of Congress. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1851-57- 6 vols. 4.fo, cloth. SCHOTT, Albert, and HAGEN, Karl. Die deutschen Kaiser. Nach den Bildern des Kaiser-Saales im Romer zu Frankfurt am Main in Kupfer gestochen und in Farben ausgefiihrt. Mit den Lebens- beschreibungen der Kaiser von A. Schott und K. Hagen. Frank- furt AM Main, 1847. 1 vol. folio ^ 50 colored plates, half garnet morocco. SCOT, Reginald. The Discoverie of Witchcraft. London, W. Browne, 1584. I vol. \to, dark calf. A copy of the first edition, containing the two starred leaves. SCOTLAND Illustrated in a Series of Eighty Views from Original Drawings by Celebrated Artists. With Letterpress Descriptions, and an Essay on the Scenery of the Highlands by Prof. Wilson. Edinburgh, 1853. I vol. ^to, purple morocco. SCOTT, Frank J. The Art of Beautifying Suburban Home Grounds. New York, Appleton, 1870. I vol. Svo, cloth. SCOTT, George Gilbert. Remarks on Secular and Domestic Archi- tecture, present and future. London, Murray, 1858. I vol. 8vo, cloth. SCOTT, Thomas. Works. Edited by his Son, John Scott. London, 1823-25. 10 vols. Svo, dark calf. Letters and Papers, never before published. With occasional observations by John Scott. London, 1824.- I vol. Svo, calf. Life of the Rev. Thomas Scott, including a Narrative drawn up by himself, and copious Extracts from his Letters. By John Scott. London, 1822. I vol. Svo, calf. 304 SCOTT, Sir Walter. Miscellaneous Prose Works. Edinburgh, 1851-55- 28 vols. i6mo, half calf. Vol. I. Life of Dryden. II. Life of Swift. III. - IV. Biographical Memoirs. V. Paul's Letters to his Kinsfolk, etc. VI. Chivalry, Romance, and the Drama. VII. Provincial Antiquities. VIII. - XVI. Life of Napoleon. XVII. - XXI. Periodical Criticism. XXII. - XXVI. Tales of a Grandfather — Scotland. XXVII. - XXVIII. Tales of a Grandfather — France. Poetical Works. With all his Introductions and Notes, Various Readings, and the Editor's Notes. Edinburgh, 1849 ~ S^- 12 vols. i6mo, half calf Vol. I. - IV. Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border. V. Sir Tristrem. VI. Lay of the Last Minstrel ; Ballads from the German ; Songs ; Fragments. VII. Marmion. VIII. Lady of the Lake. IX. Rokeby ; Don Roderick. X. Lord of the Isles. XI. Bridal of Triermain ; Harold the Dauntless ; Field of Water- loo. XII. Dramas. Waverley Novels. (Library Edition, illustrated with engravings after Turner, Wilkie, Inskipp, and others.) Edinburgh, Black, 1852-57. 25 vols. 8vo, tree calf extra. Vol. I. Waverley. II. Guy Mannering. III. The Antiquary. IV. Rob Roy. V. Old Mortality. VI. Black Dwarf; Legend of Montrose. VII. Heart of Mid-Lothian. VIII. Bride of Lammermoor. IX. Ivanhoe. X. Monastery. XL The Abbot. XIL Kenilworth. XIII. The Pirate. XIV. Fortunes of Nigel. XV. Peveril of the Peak. XVI. Quentin Durward. XVII. St. Ronan's Well. XVIII. Redgauntlet. XIX. The Betrothed ; Highland Widow. XX. The Talisman. XXI. Woodstock. XXII. Fair Maid of Perth. XXIII. Anne of Geierstein. XXIV. Count Robert of Paris. XXV. Surgeon's Daughter ; Castle Dangerous, SCOTT, William B. Half-Hour Lectures on the History and Practice of the Fine and Ornamental Arts. London, 1861. I vol. x6mo, cloth. SCOVILLE, Joseph A. The Old Merchants of New York City. Sec- ond Series. New York, 1863. I vol. i2mo, cloth. SCRIPTORES rei rustics. Libri de re rustica M. Catonis lib. i. M. Terrentii Varronis lib. iii. L. Junii Moderati Columellee lib. XII, Ejusdem de arboribus liber separatus ab aliis. Palladii lib. xiiii. Georgii Alexandrini enarrationes priscarum dictionum, quas in his libris Catonis : Varronis : Columellae. Venetiis, in cedibus Aldi et AndrecR soceri, 15 14. I vol. ^to, half morocco. 305 SCRIVER, Christian. Gotthold's Emblems : or Invisible Things understood by Things that are made. Translated from the German by R. Menzies. Boston, i860. I vol. ?>vo, cloth. SCROPE, George Poulett. The Geology and Extinct Volcanoes of Central France. London, Murray, 1858. I vol. Svo, with maps and views, cloth. SCROPE, William. The Art of Deer-Stalking. Illustrated by en- gravings and lithographs. London, Murray, 1839. 1 vol. Svo, half calf . SE AFIELD, Frank. The Literature and Curiosities of Dreams. London, 1865. 2 vols. Svo, cloth. SEBALD BEHAM, Hans. Biblicse historiae magno artificio depictae, et utilitatis publicae causa latinis epigrammatibus a Georgio ^my- lio illustratas. Francforti, excud. C. Egenolphus, 1539. I vol. sm. 4to, 82 woodcuts, half red morocco. SEDGWICK, Mrs. Elizabeth. A Talk with my Pupils. New York, 1863. I vol. i2mo, cloth. SELBY, Prideaux John. A History of British Forest-Trees, indige- nous and introduced. London, 1842. I vol. Svo, zvith illustrations, half green morocco. Illustrations of British Ornithology. Edinburgh, 1833, and London, 1841. Text 2 vols. Svo ; Plates 2 vols, large folio, half green morocco. SELDEN, John. Table Talk. ,With a Biographical Preface and Notes by S. W. Singer. London, Pickering, 1847. I vol. i6mo, half brown morocco. Titles of Honor. Third Edition carefully corrected. With Ad- ditions and Amendments by the Author. London, 1672. I vol. folio, old calf. SENECA, Lucius Ann^eus. L. Annei Senecae naturalium quaestionum libri vii. Matthaei Fortunati in eosdem libros annotationes. In- 39 3o6 dex rerum notatu dignarum in calce operis appositus. Venetiis, in ced. Aldi et Andrece Asulani, 1522. I vol. ^to, vellum. SENECA, Lucius Ann^us. L. Annaei Senecae philosophi opera om- nia ex ult. J. Lipsii emendatione, et M. Annaei Senecae rhetoris quae extant ex And. Schotti recens. (Cum notis J. F. Gronovii.) Lug- DUNi Batavorum, apud Blzevirios, 1640 and 1649. 4 vols. sm. \2mo, red morocco. This is the first and best of the Elzevir editions of Seneca. The fourth volume, containing the Notes by Gronovius, does not really belong to this edition, but is frequently added to it. Tragoediae ; J. F. Gronovius recensuit. Accesserunt ejusdem et variorum notae. Lugduni Batavorum, ex off. Elzeviriana, 1661. I vol Svo, vellum. Flores de L. Anneo Seneca traduzidas de latin en romance cas- tellano por Juan Martin Cordero Valenciano, y dirigedas al seiior Martin Lopez. An vers, en casa de Christoforo Planting 1555- I vol. Svo, cloth. Seneca's Morals, by way of abstract. To which is added a Discourse under the title of An After-Thought ; by Sir Roger L'Estrange. London, 1739. I vol. Svo, old calf . The Workes of Lucius Annseus Seneca, both morrall and naturall. Translated by Thomas Lodge. London, W. Stansby, 16 14. I vol. folio, half calf . The only English version. SERASSI, Pierantonio. La Vita di Torquato Tasso. Roma, nella stamp. Pagliarini, 1785. I vol. 4to, large vellum paper, half red morocco. SERMONS. By Eminent Living Divines of the Church of England ; contributed by the Authors. With an Introductory Charge on Preaching, by the venerable Archdeacon Sinclair. London & Glasgow, 1856, I vol. xdmo, cloth. SERMONS, or Homilies, appointed to be read in Churches in the time of Queen Elizabeth of famous memory. Baltimore, 1823. I vol Svo, half calf . 307 SERTUM BOTANICUM. See Van Geel. SEUTTER, Mang. Ein schones und niitzliches Bissbuech. Itzt aufs newe mit 206 Kupfer voUig aufgelegt. Augspurg, C. Davertzhofer, 1614. I vol. folio, panel calf. SEVIGNE, Marie de Rabutin-Chantal, marquise de. Letters of Madame de Sdvignd to her Daughter and her Friends. Translated from the Paris Edition of 1806. London, 181 i. 9 vols, \21no, calf. SEWARD, William Henry. Works. Edited by George E. Baker. New York, Redfield, 1853. 3 vols. Svo, calf extra. SEWELL, Elizabeth M. A Journal kept during a Summer Tour, for the Children of a Village School. New York, 1862. I vol. i2mo, cloth, SEX LINGUARUM latinse, gallicae, hispanicse, italicai, anglicae et teutonicae dilucidissimum Dictionarium, mirum qukm utile ne dicam necessarium omnibus linguarum studiosis. Tiguri, apud Froschoverum, 1553. I vol. i6mo, brown morocco. From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 1220. SEYMOUR, M. HoBART. The Confessional : an Appeal to the Primi- tive and Catholic Forms of Absolution, in the East and in the West. London, 1870. I vol. \2mo, cloth. SHAFTESBURY, Earl of. See Cooper, Anthony A. SHAKESPEARE, William. Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies. Published according to the True Originall Copies. 'LonTiOTii, printed by I. Jaggard and Ed. Blount, 1623. I vol. folio, with portrait by Droeshout, red levant morocco gilt. {Riviere.) A very fine copy of the First Edition, measuring I2| by 8i inches. It has the verses, title, and last leaf in fac-simile, but in all other respects agrees with Lowndes' collation of the first edition, and is remarkably well preserved. Mr. William Shakespeare's Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies. 3o8 Published according to the True Originall Copies. London, printed by I. jfaggard and Ed. Blount, 1623. London, reprinted by E. and J. Wright, 1807. I vol. folio ^ with portrait by Droeshotit, dark calf. SHAKESPEARE, William. Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies, published according to the true Originall Copies. The Second Impression. Loisi don, printed by T. Cotes for R. Allot, 1632. 1 vol. folio, portrait by Droeshout, red levant morocco gilt. {Pratt) The Dramatick Writings of Will. Shakspere, with [the Prole- gomena, and] the Notes of all the various Commentators ; printed complete from the best editions of Sam. Johnson and Geo. Steevens. London, Bell, 1786-88. 20 vols. iSmo, large paper, illustrated with portraits, vignettes and character prints, red morocco. George DanieVs copy. Plays : with the Corrections and Illustrations of various Com- mentators. To which are added Notes by Samuel Johnson and George Steevens. Fourth Edition, revised and augmented (with Glossarial Index) by the Editor of Dodsley's Collection of Old Plays. (I. Reed.) London, 1793. 1 5 vols. roy. Svo, tree calf extra. Dramatic Works of Shakspeare revised by George Steevens. London, printed by Bulmerfor Boy dell, 1802. 9 vols, atlas folio, russia. A fine edition, with choice impressions of the beautiful engravings after Westall, Hamilton, Smirke, Stothard, and others. A Collection of Prints illustrating the Dramatic Works of Shak- speare, by the Artists of Great Britain. London, Boydell, 1803. 2 vols, bound in i, large folio, russia. {Bedford.) An additional series of engravings, belonging to Boydell's Shakespeare ; con- taining brilliant impressions of the large plates from designs by Fuseli, Northcote, Opie, Hamilton and Stothard. The Plays of Shakespeare. London, Pickering, 1825. 9 vols. /^%mo, India paper, diamond type with 38 engravings, 309 principally from designs by Stothard, green morocco^ lined with garnet morocco, guards heavily gilt, gilt and gauffered edges. {Clarke.) "The smallest edition ever printed." — Lowndes. SHAKESPEARE, William. Dramatic Works. London, Pickering, 1826. I vol i2mo, India paper, diamond type, with portrait and vignettes after Stothard, morocco mosaic exquisitely gilt in special design, gilt and marbled edges. {David.) Only 50 copies on India paper. Pictorial Edition of the Works of Shakspere. Edited by Charles Knight. London, Knight, s. a. 8 vols. roy. 8vo, tree calf Works ; the Text formed from a New Collation of the Early Editions, to which are added all the Original Novels and Tales on which the Plays are founded ; copious Archaeological Annotations on each Play, an Essay on the Formation of the Text, and a Life of the Poet, by J. O. Halliwell. With illustrations and wood en- gravings by Fred. W. Fairholt. London, printed by C. and y. Adlard, 1853 - 65. 16 vols, folio, thick paper, half green morocco. Subscriber's copy No. 56 ; only 150 copies printed. Works ; the Plays edited from the Folio of mdcxxiii, with various Readings from all the Editions and all the Commentators, Notes, Introductory Remarks, a Historical Sketch of the Text, an Account of the Rise and Progress of the English Drama, a Memoir of the Poet, and an Essay upon his Genius. By Richard Grant White. Boston, Little, Brown, &= Co., 1857 - 66. 12 vols. 8vo, large paper, half brown morocco. 50 copies on large paper. Comedies, Histories, Tragedies, and Poems. Edited by J. Payne Collier. London, Whittaker 6- Co., 1858. 6 vols. 8vo, olive morocco extra. {Bedford.) Dramatic Works. With a Glossary. New Edition, corrected and improved. London, Bohn, 1863. I vol. 8vo, pink calf. The Lansdowne edition with Collier's text. 3IO SHAKESPEARE, William. Works : Edited by W. G. Clark, John Glover, and W. A. Wright. London & Cambridge, Macmillan, 1863-66. 9 vols. 8vo, red levant morocco. {Bedford.) The Plays of William Shakespeare. Carefully edited by Thomas Keightley. London, Bell 6- Daldy, 1866. 6 vols. i6mo, blue morocco. Works. The Text revised by the Rev. Alexander Dyce. Lon- don, Chapman &> Hall, 1866-67. 9 vols. 8vo, blue levant morocco extra. {Bedford.) SHAKESPEARE Jest-Books ; comprising, Merie Tales of Skelton. Jests of Scogin. Sackfull of Newes. Tarlton's Jests. Merrie Conceited Jests of George Peele. Jack of Dover. Edited with Introduction and Notes, by W. C. Hazlitt. London, 1864. I vol. Svo, half morocco. SHAKESPEARE Jest-Books. Reprints of the Early and very Rare Jest-Books supposed to have been used by Shakespeare, i. A Hundred Mery Talys. 11. Mery Tales and Quicke Answeres. Edited with Introduction and Notes, by W. C. Hazlitt. London, 1864. I vol. Svo, half morocco. SHAKESPEARE Portfolio. [A Collection of Steel Engravings by Glover and others, representing the principal Heroines of Shake- speare's Plays.] I vol. Svo, half morocco. SHAKESPEARE Proverbs. See Clarke, Mary Cowden. SHAKSPEARE'S Seven Ages of Man : illustrated by Original Designs drawn on wood. By W. Mulready, J. Constable, Sir D. Wilkie, W. Collins, A. E. Chalon, A. Cooper, Sir A. Callcott, E. Landseer, W. Hilton. London, 1848. 1 vol. Svo, cloth. SHAW, Henry, Dresses and Decorations of the Middle Ages, from the Seventh to the Seventeenth Centuries. London, Pickering, 1843. 2 vols. imp. \to, large paper, plates and initial letters highly colored and finished in gold, green levant morocco with richly gilt borders. {Zaehnsdorf) Only 12 copies executed in this manner. 311 SHEDD, William G. T. A History of Christian Doctrine. New York, 1863. 2 vols. 8z>o, cloth. SHENSTONE, William. Works in Verse and Prose ; in Three Vol- umes, with Decorations. London, Dodsley, 1777. 3 vols. Svo, marbled calf. SHEPARD, Thomas. The Clear Sunshine of the Gospel breaking forth upon the Indians in New-England. London, 1648. New York, reprinted, 1865. I vol. ^0, half morocco. Sabin's Reprints, quarto series, No. X. ; large paper copy No. 34. SHIPLEY, Orby. The Church and the World. Essays on Questions of the Day, by various Writers. London, 1866-68. 3 vols. Svo, cloth. SHIRLEY, Evelyn Philip. Some Account of English Deer Parks, with Notes on the Management of Deer. London, Murray, 1867. I vol. 4to, cloth. SIBORNE, William. History of the War in France and Belgium, in 1815; containing minute Details of the Battles of Quatre-Bras, Ligny, Wavre, and Waterloo. Third and revised Edition, with Remarks upon the Rev. G. R. Gleig's " Story of Waterloo." Lon- don, 1848. I vol. Svo, calf extra. {Bedford.) SICILIAN SCENERY ; from Drawings by P. Dewint, the original Sketches by Major Light. London, Rodwell df Martin, 1823. I vol. \to, morocco. SIDNEY, Sir Philip. Miscellaneous Works : with a Life of the Author and illustrative Notes by William Gray. Boston, i86o. I vol. Svo, blue morocco. SIEBOLD, Philipp Franz von. Nippon. Archiv zur Beschreibung von Japan und dessen Neben-und Schiitzlandern : Jezo mit den siidlichen Kurilen, Krafto, Koorai' und den Liukiu-Inseln, nach japanischen und europaischen Schriften und eigenen Beobachtungen bearbeitet von P. F. von Siebold. Leyden, 1832. 7 parts in 4 vols, ^to, with plates, cloth. 312 SIKES, Olive Logan. Get Thee behind Me, Satan. New York, 1872. I vol. 8vo, cloth. SILLIMAN, Benjamin. The American Journal of Science and Arts ; conducted by Prof. Silliman, B. Silliman, Jr., J. D. Dana, and others. Second Series, Vols, i.-xxiv. New Haven, 1846-57. 24 vols. Svo, half brown morocco. The American Journal of Science and Arts. Vol. l. General Index to Forty-nine volumes. New Haven. [1847,] 1 vol. Svo, half brown morocco. SILVESTRE, J. B. Paldographie universelle. Collection de fac- simile d'dcritures de tous les peuples et de tons les temps, tirds des plus authentiques documents de I'art graphique, chartes et manu- scrits existant dans les archives et les bibliotheques de France, d'ltalie, d'Allemagne, et d'Angleterre, public's d'apres les modules Merits, dessin^s et peints sur les lieux memes par M. Silvestre et accompagnes d'explications historiques et descriptives par MM. Champollion-Figeac et Aime ChampoUion fils. Paris, F. Didot freres, 1839-41. 4 vols, folio, 2,00 plates, in gold, silver, a?td colors, blue morocco. Tome I. Peuples orientaux. II. Des Grecs et des Latins. III. Europe moderne, region meridionale. IV. Europe moderne, region septentrionale. " Ouvrage capital, execute avec le plus grand luxe." — Brunei. Universal Palaeography ; or, Fac-similes of Writings of all Nations and Periods. Translated from the French, and edited with Corrections and Notes, by Sir Frederic Madden. London, 1850. 2 vols. roy. Svo, dark blue morocco. {Aitken.) SIMONDE DE SISMONDI, Jean Charles Leonard. Historical View of the Literature of the South of Europe. Translated from the original with Notes, and a Life of the Author by Thomas Roscoe. London, Bohn, 1846. 2 vols. Svo, cloth. SIMONIN, L. La vie souterraine ou les mines et les mineurs. Ouvrage illustrd de 160 gravures sur bois, de 30 cartes tiroes en couleur, et de 10 planches imprimdes en chromo-lithographie. Paris, 1867. I vol. Svo, large paper, half red morocco. 313 SIMPLICIUS. Simplicii commentarii in octo Aristotelis physicae aus- cultationis libros cum ipso Aristotelis textu (graece). Venetiis, in cedibus Aldi, 1526. I vol. folio f half calf. SINGER, Samuel Weller. Researches into the History of Playing Cards ; with Illustrations of the Origin of Printing and Engraving on Wood. London, 1816. I vol. 4I0, with illustrations. SKELTON, Joseph. Engraved Illustrations of Antient Arms and Armour. See Meyrick. SKINNER, John Stuart. The Dog and the Sportsman.. Phila- delphia, 1845. I vol. 8vo, cloth. SKURRAY, Francis. A Metrical Version of the Book of Psalms. London, Pickering, 1843. I vol. \2m0y cloth. SLACK, Henry James. The Ministry of the Beautiful. Phila- delphia, 1850. I vol. i6mo, cloth. SMEE, Alfred. My Garden : its Plan and Culture. London, 1872. I vol. roy. Svo, cloth. SMILES, Samuel. Lives of the Engineers, with an Account of their Principal Works. With Portraits and numerous Illustrations. London, 186 i -62. 3 vols. Svo, half calf . SMIRK, Robert. Illustrations of Don Quixote. See Cervantes Saavedra. SMITH, Adam. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. With a Life of the Author. London, 18 19. 3 vols. Svo, old calf. SMITH, C. J. English Synonymes. London, Bell ^ Daldy, 187 1. I vol. Svo, cloth. SMITH, GoLDWiN. Three English Statesmen ; a Course of Lectures on the Political History of England. Loi^don, 1867. I vol. xzmo, cloth. 40 314 SMITH, Henry B. History of the Church of Christ, in Chronological Tables, together with two Supplementary Tables upon the Church in America. New York, i860. I vol. folio, cloth. SMITH, John. Advertisements for the Unexperienced Planters of New England or Anywhere ; or the Pathway to erect a Plantation. Boston, W. Veazie, 1865. I vol. ^to, large paper, with map of New England, half morocco. 25 copies in this form. A Description of New-England ; or the Observations and Dis- coveries of Captain John Smith (Admirall of that Country) in the North of America, in the year of our Lord 16 14. London, 16 16. Boston, Veazie, 1865. \Reprint No. \^^ I vol. 4/^, large paper, with a facsimile of the original map, half morocco. Only 25 copies printed on large paper. A True Relation of Virginia by Captain John Smith. With an Introduction and Notes by Charles Deane. Boston, Wiggin dr- Lunt, 1866. I vol. ^to, large paper, half morocco. 35 quarto copies. SMITH, John Jay, and WATSON, John F. American Historical and Literary Curiosities ; consisting of Fac-similes of original Docu- ments relating to the Events of the Revolution, with a variety of Reliques, Antiquities and modern Autographs. New York, Put- nam, 1 86 1. I vol. 4to, cloth. SMITH, Philip. History of the World, from the earliest records to the present time. Ancient History. Illustrated by maps, plans and engravings. New York, 1865 - 66. 3 vols. roy. Svo, half green morocco. SMITH, Sydney. Works. Philadelphia, 1847. 3 vols, in I, Zvo, half morocco. The Wit and Wisdom of the Rev. Sydney Smith ; a Selection of the most remarkable Passages in his Writings and Conversations. London, Longmans, 1869. I vol. \2mo, cloth. 315 SMITH, William. Dictionary of the Bible ; comprising its Antiquities, Biography, Geography, and Natural History. Boston, 1863. 3 vols. Zvo, half calf. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities. Boston, 1859. I vol. Svo, half calf Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology. Boston, 1849. 3 vols. Svo, half calf . SMITH, William. Gravenhurst ; or Thoughts on Good and Evil. Edinburgh, Blackwood, 1862. I vol. Svo, cloth. Thorndale, or the Conflict of Opinions. Edinburgh, Black- wood, 1858. 1 vol. Svo, cloth. SMYTH, Charles Piozzi. Life and Work at the Great Pyramid, during the months of January, February, March and April, A. D. 1865. With a discussion of the facts ascertained. Edinburgh, 1867. 3 vols. Svo, cloth. Three Cities in Russia. London, 1862. 2 vols. 12 mo, cloth. SNORRO STURLESON. The Heimskringla ; or Chronicle of the Kings of Norway. Translated from the Icelandic, with a Disserta- tion, by Samuel Laing. London, Longman, 1844. 3 vols. Svo, half calf SNOWDEN, James Ross. A Description of Ancient and Modern Coins, in the Cabinet Collection at the Mint of the United States. Philadelphia, Lippincott, i860. I vol. Svo, with plates, cloth. A Description of the Medals of Washington ; of National and Miscellaneous Medals ; and of other Objects of Interest in the Museum of the Mint. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1861. I vol Svo, cloth. SOLERIUS, Anselmus. See Raynaud. 3r6 SONETTI e canzoni di diversi antichi autori toscani in dieci libri raccolte ; di Dante Alighieri libri quattro ; di M. Cino da Pistoja libro uno ; di Guido Cavalcanti libro uno ; di Dante da Maiano libro uno ; di fra Guittone d'Arezzo libro uno ; di diversi Canzoni senza nome d'autore libro uno. Firenze, per li heredi di Ph. di Giunfa, 1527. I vol. Svo, red morocco. SONGE (Le) du Vergier lequel parle de la disputation du clerc et du chevalier. {A la fin .-) Imprime a paris par le petit laurens pour venerable homme yehan petit libraire demourant a paris en la rtie saint y acq lies a lenseigne du lyon dargent (vers 1500). 1 vol. folio ^ 3 woodcuts, old calf. "Ouvrage trfes-remarquable, qui a i\.i compose vers I'ann^e 1374." — Brunet. From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 432. SONNERAT, Pierre. Voyage aux Indes orientales et k la Chine, fait par ordre du roi, depuis 1774 jusqu'en 1781. Paris, 1782. 2 vols. 4to, with colored plates, red morocco. SOPHOCLES. Sophoclis Tragsedias septem cum commentariis. Tra- gcediarum nomina. Ajax flagellifer, Electra. CEdipus tyrannus. Antigone. CEdipus coloneus. Trachiniae. Philoctetes (graece). Venetiis, in Aldi Rom. Acad, mense Augusto, 1502. I vol. 8vo, old vellum. " Premiere et excellente Edition." — Renouard, \ Tragedies of Sophocles : in English Prose. The Oxford Trans- lation. New Edition, revised according to the text of Dindorf. London, Bohn, 1849. I vol. 8vo, half calf . Tragedies. New Translation, with a Biographical Essay, and an Appendix of Rhymed Choral Odes and Lyrical Dialogues ; by E. H. Plumtre. London, Strahan, 1867. I vol. Svo, cloth. SOTHEBY, Samuel Leigh. Principia Typographica. The Block- Books, or Xylographic Delineations of Scripture History, issued in Holland, Flanders, and Germany, during the Fifteenth Century, exemplified and considered in connexion with the Origin of Printing. To which is added an attempt to elucidate the character of the 317 Paper-Marks of the period. A work contemplated by the late Samuel Sotheby and carried out by his son, S. L. Sotheby. Lon- don, 1858. 3 vols. 4to, uncut, hatred morocco. 250 copies printed. From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 620. Ramblings in the Elucidation of the Autograph of Milton. Lon- don, i86i. I vol. imp. ^to, 2 photographs and 2^1 plates, half morocco. A presentation copy. SOULDIER'S Pocket Bible (The). An Exact Reprint of the Original Edition of 1643 ') ^'ith a Prefatory Note by George Liver- more. Ckm^bkidg'E., privately printed, 1861. I vol. Svo, brown morocco. {Matthews.) SOULE, Richard. A Dictionary of English Synonymes. Boston, 1871. 1 vol. Svo, cloth. SOUTH, Robert. Thirty-six Sermons and Discourses on several sub- jects and occasions. Dublin, 1720. 2 vols, folio, with portrait, half calf . SOUTHEY, Robert. The Doctor. London, Longmans, 1835-47. 7 vols. Svo, calf extra. Life of Wesley ; and Rise and Progress of Methodism. Edited by Rev. Charles C. Southey. London, Longmans, 1846. 2 vols. Svo, with portraits, calf extra. Poetical Works ; collected by himself London, Longmans, 1845-51- 10 vols. i6mo, with portrait, and plates engraved by Finden, calf. Southey's Common-Place Book. Edited by John Wood Warter. London, 1850-51. 4 vols. Svo, tree calf. SOUVESTRE, Emile. Pleasures of Old Age. London, 1868. I vol. Svo, cloth. 3i8 SOYER, Alexis. The Pantropheon, or, History of Food, and its Preparation, from the earUest ages of the world. With forty-two steel plates. London, 1853. I vol. ivo, cloth. SPECIMEN typographique de rimprimerie royale. Exemplaire No. 21. Paris, imprimerie royale, 1845. I vol. folio, red levant morocco. "Ce beau specimen constate la richesse de I'imprimerie imperiale en carac- t^res tant nationaux qu'exotiques, et en omements typographiques. " — Brunei. SPECKTER, Otto. Picture Fables drawn by O. Speckter. With Rhymes translated from the German of F. Hey, by Henry W. Dulcken. New York, 1858. I vol. 8vo, cloth. SPECTATOR, The. London, 1797. 8 vols. 8vo, large paper,' blue morocco. SPECULUM intellectuale felicitatis humane : atque brevis compendii de bone valitudinis cura. — Speculum phlebothomye atque ven- tosarum. — Tractatus simplicium medicinarum. (NoRiMBERGiE,) U. Finder, 15 10. I vol. folio, with woodcuts, half vellum. From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 869. SPEKE, John Hanning. Journal of the Discovery of the Source of the Nile. Edinburgh a;/^ London, 1863. I vol. Svo, cloth. SPENCE, Joseph. Anecdotes, Observations, and Characters, of Books and Men. Collected from the Conversation of Mr. Pope, and other eminent persons of his time. With Notes, and a Life of the Author by S. W. Singer. London, Smith, 1858. I vol. Svo, cloth. Polymetis : or, an Enquiry concerning the Agreement between the Works of the Roman Poets, and the Remains of the Antient Artists. London, 1747. I vol. folio, portraits and plates, russia. SPENCER, Herbert. Education : Intellectual, Moral, and Physical. New York, 1863. I vol. 12 mo, cloth. 319 SPENCER, Herbert. Essays ; Scientific, Political and Speculative. London, Longman, 1858. I vol. Svo, half calf . SPENCER, John. Things New and Old ; or, a Store-house of Similies, Sentences, Allegories, Apophthegms, Adagies, Apologues, Divine, Morall, Politicall, &c. with their severall Applications. London, 1658. wol. folio, old red morocco. SPENSER, Edmund. Works of Edmund Spenser. Edited by J. Payne Collier. 'Lonbo'S, Bell &> Daldy, 1S62. 5 vols. Svo, cloth. Colin Clouts come home againe. London, Wm. Ponsonbie, 1595- I vol. ^to, red levant morocco. {Riviere.) First edition, dedicated to Sir Walter Raleigh. This copy has eight leaves at the end, containing elegies on the death of Sir Philip Sidney. SPERONI SPERONE. Dialoghi di M. Speron Speroni, nuouamente ristampati, & con molta diligenza riueduti, & corretti. Vinegia, in casa de' figliuoU di Aldo, 1544. I vol. Svo, old calf SPIERS, A., and SURENNE, G. French and English Pronouncing Dictionary. Revised, corrected, and enlarged by G. P. Quackenbos. New York, 1863. I vol. Svo, half morocco. ■ SPITTA, Carl Johann P. Lyra Domestica : translated from the " Psaltery and Harp " of C. J. P. Spitta ; by Richard Massie. With additional Selections by Rev. F. D. Huntington. Boston, 1864. 1 vol. i6mo, cloth. SPOONER, Shearjashub. Biographical History of the Fine Arts, from the earliest ages to the present time ; alphabetically arranged and condensed from the best authorities, including the works of Vasari, Lanzi, and Kugler. New York, Bouton, 1865. 2 vols. £^to, with photographs, half green morocco. Large paper, 100 copies printed. SPORTING embellished by Engravings- and Vignettes illustrative of J20 British Field Sports, from pictures painted by Gainsborough, Land- seer, and others. Edited by Nimrod. [Charles J. Apperley.] London, 1838. I vol. 4^0, cloth. SPRAGUE, Charles. Poetical and Prose Writings. Boston, 1850. I vol. i2mo, cloth. SPRAGUE, William Buel. Annals of the American Pulpit ; or Com- memorative Notices of Distinguished American Clerg>'men of various Denominations; New York, 1859. 7 vols. 8vo, half calf. {Fawson 6^ Nicholson.) Women of the Old and New Testament ; a Series of Portraits. With Characteristic Descriptions, by several American Clergymen. New York, Appleton, 1850. 1 vol. 4to, dark morocco. SPRING, Gardiner. Pulpit Ministrations. New York, 1864. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf SPURGEON, Charles Haddon. The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pul- pit. Sermons preached and revised by C. H. Spurgeon during the years 1868-69. London, 1869-70. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Sermons. Third Series. New York, 1857. I vol. i2m0f cloth. SQUIER, Ephraim George, and DAVIS, E. H. Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley. New York, 1848. I vol. 4to, cloth. , From the Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge. STAHL, P. J., pseud. See Hetzel. STANHOPE, Philip Dormer, Earl of Chesterfield. Letters. Edited with Notes by Lord Mahon. London, Bentley, 1845. 4 vols. Svo, half calf . STANHOPE, Philip Henry, Earl Stanhope. History of England, from the Peace of Utrecht to the Peace of Versailles, 1713-83. By Lord Mahon. London, Murray, 1853-62. 7 vols. &V0, tree calf extra. 321 STANHOPE, Philip Henry, Earl Stanhope. Life of Louis, Prince of Condd, surnamed the Great. New York, 1845. 2 vols, in I, i2mo, cloth. STANLEY, Arthur Penrhyn. Historical Memorials of Canterbury ; the Landing of Augustine, the Murder of Becket, Edward the Black Prince, Becket's Shrine. With illustrations. London, 1857. I vol. 8vo, cloth. Historical Memoirs of Westminster Abbey. Third and revised Edition, with illustrations. London, 1869. I vol. 8vo, cloth. Lectures on the History of the Eastern Church. With an Intro- duction on the Study of Ecclesiastical History. New York, 1862. I vol. 8vo, cloth. Lectures on the History of the Jewish Church. New York, 1864. I vol. Svo, with maps, cloth. Life and Correspondence of Thomas Arnold, D. D. New York, 1845. I vol. i2mo, half calf. ^ Sinai and Palestine, in connection with their History. With maps and plans. New York, 1863. I vol. Svo, cloth. STANLEY, William. The Faith and Practice of a Church of Eng- land Man. With Notes by Robert Eden. London, Pickering, 1848. I vol. i6mo, cloth. STATIUS, PuBLius Papinius. Statii Sylvarum libri quinque ; The- baidos libri duodecim ; Achilleidos duo. — Orthographia et flexus dictionum graecarum omnium apud Statium. Venetiis, in ced. Aldi, 1502. I vol. Svo, brown levant morocco. {Lortig.) "Edition dont on trouve difficilement des exemplaires bien conserves." — Brunet. 4« 322 STATIUS, PuBLius Papinius. Statii Sylvarum libri quinque ; The- baidos libri duodecim, etc. Venetiis, in ced. Aldi, 1502. I vol. Svo, old morocco. In this copy the Orthographia etflexus dictionum grcecarum omnium apud Sta- tium is placed at the beginning of the volume. Statii Sylvarum libri v. Thebaidos libri xii. Achilleidos libri II. Orthographia et flexus dictionum graecarum omnium apud Statium. Venetiis, in csd. Aldi et AndrecB soceri, 15 19. I vol. Svo, old calf . {^Original binding.) A reprint of the edition of 1502, with a new preface by Franciscus Asulanus. STATUTI della venerabile compagnia della Sacratiss. Imagine del 8."°° Salvatore ad Sancta Sanctorum di Roma. Roma, nella stamp, della Rev. Cam. Apostolica, 1608. 1 vol. 4to, printed on vellum^ green morocco. STEINMETZ, Andrew. History of the Jesuits : from the Foundation of their Society to its Suppression by Pope Clement XIV. Lon- don, 1848. 3 vols. Svo, cloth. The Romance of Duelling in all Times and Countries. London, 1868. 2 vols. Svo, cloth. STELLA, Erasmus. Erasmi Stellae libonothani de Borussiae antiqui- tatibus libri duo. Basiled, apud % Frobenium, 15 18. I vol. 4to, red morocco. STEPHANUS, Carolus. See Estienne. STEPHEN, Sir James. Critical and Miscellaneous Essays. Phila- delphia, 1846. I vol. Svo, half morocco. Essays in Ecclesiastical Biography. London, i860. 1 vol. Svo, calf. Lectures on the History of France. London, 1852. 2 vols. Svo, tree calf extra. STEPHEN, Leslie. The Playground of Europe. London, 187 i. I vol. Svo, half red morocco. 323 STEPHENS, John Lloyd. Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiapas, and Yucatan. New York, 1841. z'jjols. Svo, with illustrations, cloth. STERLING, John. Poetical Works. Philadelphia, 1842. I vol. i6mo, half calf. STERNE, Laurence. Works : in four volumes : containing the Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gent. ; A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy ; Sermons j Letters ; with a Life of the Author, written by himself London, 1803. 4 vols, roy- 8vo, with portrait ahd plates, green morocco. STEUART, Sir Henry. The Planter's Guide. London, 1828. I vol. 8vo, russia. STEVENS, George E. The City of Cincinnati ; a summary of its Attractions, Advantages and Institutions. Cincinnati, 1869. I vol. i6mo, cloth. STEVENS,. Henry. Catalogue of My English Library. London, Chiswick Press, 1853. I vol. x6mo, clotfi. STEWART, James. Plocacosmos, or the whole Art of Hair Dressing. London, 1782. I vol. 8vo, half calf STILES, Henry Reed. Bundling ; its Origin, Progress, and Decline in America. Albany, Munsell, i86g. I vol. i6mo, cloth. STONE, Elizabeth. God's Acre; or, Historical Notices relating to Churchyards. London, 1858. I vol. Svo, cloth. STORY, William Wetmore. Graffiti d' Italia. New York, 1868. I vol. idmo, cloth. Poems. Boston, Little 6- Brown, 1856. I vol. i2mo, cloth. Roba di Roma. London, Chapman &> Hall, 1864. I vol. Svo, cloth. 324 STORY, William Wetmore. Roba di Roma. Sixth Edition with additions. London, 187 i. I vol. Zvo, cloth. STOSCH, Philip de. Pierres antiques graveds, sur lesquelles les gra- veurs ont mis leurs noms ; dessindes et gravies en cuivre sur les originaux par Bernard Picart ; expliqudes par Ph. de Stosch, et tra- duites en frangois par M. de Limiers. Amsterdam, B. Picart, 1724. 1 vol. folio, half vellum. "Les gravures sont plus elegantes qu'exactes." — Brunet. STOTHARD, Charles Alfred. The Monumental Effigies of Great Britain ; selected from our Cathedrals and Churches, for the pur- pose of bringing together and preserving correct Representations of the best Historical Illustrations extant, from the Norman Conquest to the Reign of Henry VIII. [With introduction and descriptions by A. J. Kempe.] London, 1817-32. 2 vols, folio, large paper, half red morocco. Beautiful copy, with frontispiece, coats of arms, and a double set of plates richly illuminated. STOWE, Calvin E. Origin and History of the Books of the New- Testament, both the Canonical and the Apocryphal. London, S. Low ^ Son, 1867. I vol. Zvo, cloth. STOWE, Harriet Beecher. La Capanna dello Zio Tom, o vita dei negri per Enrichetta Beecher Stowe. Napoli, 1853. 1 vol. i2mo, unbound. Sunny Memories of Foreign Lands. Boston, 1854. 2 vols, izmo, half calf STRACCHA. Clarissimi Jurisconsulti Benvenuti Stracchae Patritii Anconitani de mercatura, seu mercatore tractatus. Venetiis, s. a. I vol 8vo, vellum. STRANGE, William. The Restoration of Health ; or the Application of the Laws of Hygiene to the Recovery of Health. London, 1865. I vol. i6mo, cloth. STREET, George Edmund. Brick and Marble in the Middle Ages : 325 Notes of a Tour in the North of Italy. Copiously illustrated. London, Murray, 1855. I vol. Svo, half calf . STREET, George Edmund. Some Account of Gothic Architecture in Spain. London, 1865. I vol. Svo, cloth. STRICKLAND, Agnes. Lives of the Bachelor Kings of England. London, i86t. I vol. Zvo, cloth. Lives of the Queens of England, from the Norman Conquest. London, Longmans, 1857. 8 vols. 2>vo, with portraits, tree calf Lives of the Queens of Scotland, and English Princesses. Y.Tii^'&x^'&.GYi, Blackwood, 1858-59. 7 vols. Svo, calf extra. Lives of the Tudor Princesses, including Lady Jane Gray and her sisters. London, Longmans, 1868. I vol. 2>vo, cloth. STRUTT, Jacob George. Sylva Britannica ; or Portraits of Forest Trees, distinguished for their Antiquity, Magnitude, or Beauty. London, 1826. 1 vol folio, e^o plates, half green morocco. STRUTT, Joseph. Biographical Dictionary ; containing an Historical Account of all the Engravers, from the earliest period of the Art of Engraving to the present time. London, 1785 - 86. 2 vols. 4to, with plates, morocco. {Hay day.) The Chronicle of England ; from the Arrival of Julius Csesar to the Norman Conquest. London, 1777-78. 2 vols. 4to, 42 plates, red morocco gilt, (flay day.) Complete View of the Dress and Habits of the People of Eng- land ; from the Establishment of the Saxons in Britain to the present time. London, 1796 - 99. 2 vols. Afto, 153 colored plates, morocco. {Hay day.) Complete View of the Dress and Habits of the People of Eng- 326 land. New and improved Edition, with critical and explanatory- Notes by J. R. Planchd London, Bohn, 1842. 2 vols. ^0, half brown morocco. {J^. Wright.) Fine work containing 153 plates, illuminated in gold, silver and colors. Only 25 copies finished in this manner. STRUTT, Joseph. Horda Angel-cynnan : or, a Compleat View of the Manners, Customs, Arms, and Habits of the Inhabitants of Eng- land. London, 1774-76. 3 vols, ^to, li,'] plates, red morocco gilt. {Hay day.) Regal and Ecclesiastical Antiquities of England : containing the Representations of all the English Monarchs, from Edward the Confessor to Henry the Eighth. New Edition, to -which is now added a Supplement. London, 1793. I vol. 4to, 12 plates, red morocco gilt. {Hay day ^ Sports and Pastimes of the People of England : including the Rural and Domestic Recreations, May-games, Mummeries, Pageants, Processions, and Pompous Spectacles from the ear- liest period to the present time. London, 1801. I vol. 4to, 39 colored plates, red morocco gilt. {Hay day.) STUART, William David. Memoir of W. D. Stuart. With copious Extracts from his Diary and Letters. VniLADm.vw.\A., printed for private circulation, 1865. I vol. izmo, cloth. STURM, Christoph Christian. Reflections on the Works of God, and His Providence throughout all Nature. Philadelphia, 1832. I vol 8vo, calf. SUE, Marie Joseph, dit EuGfcNE. Les Mystbres de Paris. Nouvelle Edition, revue par I'auteur. Paris, 1843-44. 4 vols, in 2, roy. 8vo, with illustratiofis, half red morocco. This copy contains a large number of additional plates. The Wandering Jew. London, 1844- 45. 3 vols. roy. Svo, 104 illustrations by Heath, cloth. SUETONIUS, Tranquillus Caius. Suetonius (de vita xii Caesarum) cum commentario Philippi Beroaldi. {In fine:) Impressit Bene- dictus Hectoris, Bononice. Anno salutis m.cccc.lxxxxiii. I vol. folio, green levant morocco. {Hardy-Mennil.) 327 SUETONIUS, Tranquillus Caius. C. Suetonii Tranquilli xii Cae- sares. Sexti Aurelii Victoris h D. Csesare Augusto usq ad Theo- dosium excerpta. Eutropii de gestis Romanorum Lib. x. Pauli Diaconi libri viii. ad Eutropii historian additi. Index reru memorabiliu p singulos Traqlli Caesares ab J. B. Egnatio Veneto copositus. Annotationes ejusdem Egnatii in omnes Tranquilli Caesares. Annotationes etia Erasmi in Suetoniu, Eutropiu, & Paulu Diaconum per literarum ordinem. Venetiis, in csd. Aldi et AndrecB soceri, 1 5 2 1 . I vol. 8vo, red morocco. C. Suetonii Tranquilli xii Caesares. Venetiis, in ced. Aldi, 1521. I vol. 2>vo, cloth. SUIDAS. Suida. Prsesens liber est Suidae (lexicon graece). Venetiis, in cdd. Aldi et Andrece soceri, 1514. I vol. folio, vellum. Second edition. SULPITIUS. De arte grammatica opusculum compendiosum. {In fine :) Impressum RoMiE per EuchariH Silber, anno domini millesimo quadringentesimo nonagesimo. (1490.) I vol. \to, half russia. A rare edition. SUMNER, Charles. The Promises of the Declaration of Indepen- dence. Eulogy on Abraham Lincoln, delivered before the Munici- pal Authorities of the City of Boston, June i, 1865. Boston, 1865. I vol. 8vo, half green morocco. Private copy with 24 illustrations. SURREY, Earl of. See Howard. SWAINSON, William. Animals in Menageries. London, 1838. I vol. i6mo, cloth. • Natural History and Classification of Quadrupeds. London, 1835- 1 vol. i6mo, cloth. Natural History of Fishes, Amphibians and Reptiles. London, 1838-39. 2 vols. i6mo, cloth. 328 SWAINSON, William. Preliminary Discourse on the Study of Natu- ral History. London, 1834. > I vol. i6mo, doth. On the Habits and Instincts of Animals. London, 1840. I vol. \6mo, cloth. Taxidermy ; with the Biography of Zoologists. London, 1840. I vol. i6mo, cloth. Treatise on the Geography and Classification of Animals. Lon- don, 1835. I vol i6mo, cloth. Treatise on Malacology. London, 1840. I vol. \6mo, cloth. SWAINSON, William, and SHUCKARD, W. E. On the History and Natural Arrangement of Insects. London, 1845. I vol i6mo, cloth. SWEDENBORG, Emanuel. The Delights of Wisdom concerning Conjugial Love. London, 1841. I vol. 8vo, Half calf . SWEET, Robert. Cistinese : the Natural Order of Cistus, or Rock- Rose ; illustrated by coloured figures. London, 1825 -30. I vol. Svo, calf extra. SWEETSER, William. Treatise on Digestion, and the Disorders incident to it, which are comprehended under the term Dyspepsia. Boston, 1837. I vol. i2mo, cloth. SWIFT, Jonathan. Works : containing Additional Letters, Tracts, and Poems, not hitherto published. With Notes, and a Life of the Author, by Sir Walter Scott. Edinburgh, 1824. 19 vols. Svo, calf. Travels into several Remote Nations of the World, by Lemuel Gulliver. Illustrated with wood-engravings from designs by Grand- ville. With copious Notes, a Life of the Author, and an Essay on Satirical Fiction, by W. C. Taylor. London, [1840.] I vol. Svo, half calf . 329 SWINBURNE, Algernon Charles. Chastelard. A Tragedy. New York, 1866. I vol. i6mOf cloth. SYLLACIUS, NicoLAUS. De Insulis Meridiani atque Indice Maris nuper inventis. With a Translation into English, by John Mulli- gan. New York, 1859. I vol. 4I0, large paper, woodcuts, a portrait of Columbus with a duplicate upon India paper, half brown morocco. 100 copies on large paper. Published at the expense of J. Lenox of New York. SYLVESTER, Joshua. A Garland of Christmas Carols, Ancient and Modern. London, Hotten, 1861. I vol. i6mo, brown morocco. TACITUS, C. Cornelius. C. Cornelius Tacitus ex J. Lipsii accuratissima editione. Lugduni Batav., ex. off. Elzeviriana, 1634. 1 vol. sm. \2n10, half russia. A beautiful and rare edition. C. Corn. Tacitus ex J. Lipsii editione, cum not, et emend. H. Grotii. Lugduni Batav., ex. off. Elzeviriaria, 1640. 2 vols. sm. x2mo, red morocco gilt. C Cornelii Taciti opera quse supersunt. Ex editione Jac. Gro- novii fideliter expressa. Glasgu^, R. et A. Foulis, 1753. 4 vols. sm. \21no, calf. {Laengner.) Works. With an Essay on his Life and Genius, Notes, etc. by Arthur Murphy. London, 18 11. 8 vols. Svo, large paper, calf extra. Hon. R. Fitz- Gibbon's copy. Annali di C. Cornelio Tacito tradotti da Ludovico Vittorio Sa- violi. Parma, cd tipi Bodoniani, 1804. 1 vol. Afto, vellum paper, vellum. TAINE, Hippolyte Adolphe. History of English Literature. Second Edition. Edinburgh, 1872, 2 vols. Svo, tree calf. 42 330 TAINE, HiPPOLYTE Adolphe. The Ideal in Art. Translated by J. Durand. New York, 1869. I vol. i2ino, cloth. Italy. Florence and Venice, From the French of H. Taine, by J. Durand. New York, 1869. I vol. Svo, clolk. Italy. Rome and Naples. From the French of H. Taine, by J. Durand. New York, 1869. I vol Svo, cloth. Notes on England. New York, 1872. I vol. Svo, cloth. On Intelligence. London, 1871. I vol. Svo, cloth. The Philosophy of Art ; translated from the French, and revised by the Author. London, 1865. I vol. 12M0, cloth. The Philosophy of Art. London, 1867. I vol. i2mo, cloth. The Philosophy of Art : Art in the Netherlands ; translated by J. Durand. New York, 1871. I vol. \6nio, cloth. Voyage aux Pyrdndes. Edition illustr^e par G. Dord. Paris, Z. Hachette, 1860. 1 vol. Svo, half purple morocco. Voyage en Italie. Paris, 1866. 2 vols. Svo, half brown levant morocco. [David.) I. Naples et Rome. II. Florence et Venise. TALFOURD, Thomas Noon, Critical and Miscellaneous Writings. Philadelphia, 1846. 1 vol. Svo, half morocco. TAPPAN, Henry P. A Step from the New World to the Old, and back again. With Thoughts on the Good and Evil in both. New York, 1852. 2 vols. i2mo, cloth. 331 TASSO, ToRQUATO. La Gerusalemme liberata. Parigi, 1771. 2 vols. 8vo, old calf . Illustrations by H. Gj-avelot. La Gerusalemme liberata. Parma, nel regal Palazzo {Bodoni), 1807. 2 vols. 4I0, thick paper ^ half morocco. La. Gerusalemme liberata. Firenze, Gio. Marenigh, 1820. 2 vols, folio., large vellum paper., half calf A fine edition, containing a portrait of Tasso, and many engravings, executed by Scotto, A. Morghen, and others, from the designs of L. Sabatelli and G. Mar- tellini. Jerusalem Delivered; an Heroic Poem. Translated from the Italian, by John Hoole. London, Dodsley, 1783. 2 vols. 8vo, Holland paper., crimson morocco. Godfrey of Bulloigne, or Jerusalem Delivered. Translated by Edward Fairfax. London, Bensley, 18 17. 2 vols. roy. Svo, large paper, portrait on India paper, red mo- rocco. {Lewis.) Edited by S. W. Singer ; with beautiful wood engravings after designs by Thurston. One of 50 copies on large paper. Jerusalem Delivered. Translated into English Spenserian Verse, from the Italian, with a Life of the Author, by J. H. Wiffen. Lon- don, Murray, 1826. 3 vols. Svo, with a portrait and 20 woodcut vignettes, red morocco. TATLER, The. London, 1797. 4 vols. Svo, large paper, blue morocco. TAUTPHOEUS, Baroness I. von. The Initials ; a Story of Modern Life. Philadelphia, Peterson, s. a. 1 vol. Svo, cloth. Quits : a Novel. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1863. 2 vols, in I, izmo, cloth. TAYLOR, Isaac. Elements of Thought; or. Concise Explanations (alphabetically arranged) of the principal Terms, employed in the several branches of Intellectual Philosophy. London, 1843. I vol. x6mo, cloth. 332 TAYLOR, Isaac. Fanaticism. New Edition, revised. London, 1843. I vol. i6fiw, half calf. Four Lectures on Spiritual Christianity. London, 1841. I vol i2mo, cloth. History of the Transmission of Ancient Books to Modern Times ; together with the Process of Historical Proof. London, 1859. I vol. 8vo, cloth. Home Education. London, 1842. I vol. i6mo, half calf. Natural History of Enthusiasm. London, 1844. I vol. i6mo, half calf. Physical Theory of Another Life. London, Pickering, 1839. I vol. i6mo, half calf. Saturday Evening. By the Author of Natural History of Enthu- siasm. London, 1844. I vol. i6mo, half calf. The Spirit of the Hebrew Poetry. London, 1861. I vol. Svo, cloth. Spiritual Despotism. London, 1835. I vol Svo, half calf . TAYLOR, James Bayard. A Visit to India, China, and Japan, in the year 1853. New York, Putnam, 1855. I vol. i2mo, cloth. TAYLOR, Jeremy. Whole Works of Jeremy Taylor. With a Life of the Author, and a Critical Examination of his Writings, by R. He- ber. London, 1839. 15 vols. Svo, calf extra. The Rule and Exercises of Holy Dying. London, Pickering, 1847. I vol. Svo, dark blue ?norocco. {Riviere^ The Rule and Exercises of Holy Living. London, Pickering, 1847- I vol. Svo, dark blue morocco. {^Riviere.) 333 TAYLOR, John. All the Workes of John Taylor the Water-Poet: Beeing Sixty and Three in Number. Collected into one Volume by the Author : with sundry new Additions, corrected, revised, and newly Imprinted, 1630. London, Bokr, 1630. I vol. folio, woodcuts, russia. Duke of Roxburghe's copy. TAYLOR, Richard Cowling. Statistics of Coal. Illustrated by maps and diagrams. Philadelphia, 1848. 1 vol. Svo, cloth. TAYLOR, William B. Sarsfield. Origin, Progress, and Present Con- dition of the Fine Arts in Great Britain and Ireland. London, 1841. 2 vols. Svo, cloth. TECHENER, Jacques. Description raisonn^e d'une collection choisie d'anciens manuscrits, de documents historiques et de chartes. Avec les prix de chacun d'eux. i"° partie. Paris, Techener, 1862. I vol. Svo, vellum paper, half red levant morocco. {Belz-Niedrk.) TECHENER, Jacques Joseph, Histoire de la bibliophilie ; reliures ; recherches sur les bibliothbques des plus celebres amateurs ; ar- morial des bibliophiles. Publide avec le concours d'une societd de bibliophiles, et accompagnde de planches gravdes par Jules Jacquemart. Paris, y. Techener, 1861-64. 10 livraisons, a^'] planches, folio. With 12 extra plates, specimens of Grolier binding. TEMMINCK, C. J. Nouveau recueil de planches colorizes d'oiseaux, pour servir de suite et de comple'ment aux planches enlumine'es de Buffon, Edition in folio et in 4to de I'imprimerie royale, 1770. Publid par C. J. Temminck, et le baron Meiffren Laugier de Char- trouse, d'apres les dessins de Huet et Pretre. Paris, Levrault, 1838. * 6 vols. 4.10, half green morocco. TEMPLE (Le) des Muses, ornd de lx tableaux ou sont repr^sent^s les dvenemens les plus remarquables de I'antiquitd fabuleuse ; dessinds et graves par B. Picart le Remain, et autres habiles maitres ; et accompagnds d'explications et de remarques [par de La Barre de Beaumarchais]. Amsterdam, Z. Chatelain, 1733. I vol. folio, wide margins, old red morocco richly gilt, with the arms of Marechal de Maillebois upon the sides. 334 TENNEY, William Jewett. Military and Naval History of the Rebellion in the United States. With Biographical Sketches of Deceased Officers. New York, 1865. I vol. roy. ?>vo, with portraits, russia gilt. TENNYSON, Alfred. Elaine, illustrated by Gustave Dord. London, Moxon, 1867. I vol. folio, blue morocco extra, ornamented with fleur-de-lis in gilt. Idylls of the King. London, E. Moxon, 1862. I vol. i6mo, purple morocco. In Memoriam. London, E. Moxon, 1862. I vol. i6mo, purple morocco. Maud, and other Poems. London, E. Moxon, 1862. I vol. i6mo, purple morocco. Poems. London, E. Moxoji, 1862. I vol i6mo, purple morocco. The Princess: a Medley. London, E. Moxon, 1862. I vol. \(>mo, purple morocco. TERENTIUS AFER, Publius. Comoediae sex. {In fine :) Puhlii Terentii comedie a Guidone jfuvenale e ab Jodoco Badio Ascensio familiariter explanate. Impresse Lugduni per yoa7itie Marion, M.CCCCC.XVIL I vol. ifto, vellum. Comoediae. Birminghami^, y. Baskerville, 1772. 1 vol. 8vo, calf extra. {Petit.) TEWRDANNCKH or Thewrdannck. See Pfinzing. THACKERAY, William Makepeace. The Adventures of Philip. To which is now prefixed A Shabby Genteel Story. London, Smith &* Elder, 1868. 2 vols. Svo, cloth. Ballads and Tales. London, Smith 6- Elder, 1869. I vol Svo, cloth. The Book of Snobs ; and Sketches and Travels in London. With illustrations by the Author. London, Smith ^ Elder, 1869. I vol. 8vo, cloth. 335 THACKERAY, William Makepeace. Burlesques. With illustrations by the Author and R. Doyle. London, S?nith &» Elder, i86g. 1 vol. Svo, cloth. Catherine ; a Story. Little Travels. The Fitz-Boodle Papers. With illustrations by the Author, and a portrait. London, Smith &> Elder, 1869. I vol. Svo, cloth. The Christmas Books of Mr. M. A. Titmarsh. With illustrations by the Author. London, Smith &* Elder, i868. I vol. Svo, cloth. Denis Duval : Lovell the Widower : and other stories. With illustrations by F. Walker and the Author. London, Smith 6- Elder, 1869. I vol. Svo, cloth. Essay on the Genius of G, Cruikshank. See Cruikshank. The Four Georges. English Humourists of the Eighteenth Cen- tury. London, 1869, I vol. Svo, portraits, cloth. The History of Henry Esmond, Esq. With illustrations by G. Du Maurier. London, Smith 6- Elder, 1868. 1 vol. Svo, cloth. The History of Pendennis. London, Smith 6^ Elder, 1868. 2 vols. Svo, cloth. The Irish Sketch Book : and Notes of a Journey from Cornhill to Grand Cairo. With illustrations by the Author. London, Smith &> Elder, 1869. I vol. Svo, cloth. Memoirs of Barry Lyndon, Esq. ; with the History of Samuel Titmarsh and the Great Hoggarty Diamond. With illustrations by the Author. London, Smith 6^ Elder, 1868. 1 vol. Svo, cloth. The Newcomes. With illustrations on steel and wood by R. Doy}e. London, Bradl>ury, 181^4-55. 2 vols. Svo, calf. First edition. 336 THACKERAY, William Makepeace. The Newcomes. With illustra- tions by Richard Doyle. London, Smith &> Elder, 1868. 2 vols. 2>vo, cloth. The Paris Sketch Book of Mr. M. A. Titmarsh : and Memoirs of Mr. Charles F. Yellowplush. With illustrations by the Author. London, Smith dv Elder, 1868. I vol. 2>vo, cloth. Roundabout Papers. To which is added the Second Funeral of Napoleon. With illustrations by the Author. London, Smith &> Elder, 1869. 1 vol. Zvo, cloth. Vanity Fair. A Novel without a Hero. London, Smith &> Elder, 1868. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. The Virginians. With illustrations by the Author. London, Smith 6f Elder, 1868. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. THEATRUM crudelitatum haereticorum nostri temporis (auctore Rich. Verstegan). K'HiVKYivijE, aj>ud Hadr. Ifiiberti, 1604. I vol. 4to, 2,0 plates, red morocco, dentelle borders, gilt and marbled edges. {^Riviere.) THEOCRITUS. Haec insunt in hoc libro. Theocriti eclogae triginta ; Genus Theocriti & de inventione bucolicorum ; Catonis Romani sententias paraeneticae distichi ; Sententias septem sapientum ; De invidia ; Theognidis megarensis siculi sententias elegiacae ; Sententiai monostichi per capita ex variis poetis ; Aurea carmina Pythagorae ; Phocylidae poema admonitorium ; Carmina Sibyllte erythrasag de Christo Jesu domine nro ; Differetia vocis ; Hesiodi theogonia ; Ejusdem scutum Herculis. Ejusdem georgicon libri duo (graece). Venetiis, impressum characteribus ac studio Aldi Manucii Romani, M.cccc.xcv. mense februario. I vol. folio, large paper, old red morocco. First edition valuable for its age, and extremely rare. THEOLOGIA GERMANICA : which setteth forth many fair Linea- ments of divine Truth, and Faith very lofty, and lovely things touching a perfect Life. Edited by Dr. Pfeiffer from the only com- 337 plete MS. yet known. Translated from the German by Susanna Winkworth. With a Preface by Rev. C. Kingsley. London, 1854. 1 vol. i6mo, cloth. THEON. See Astronomi veteres. THEORY of Dreams : in which an Inquiry is made into the Powers and Faculties of the Human Mind, as they are illustrated in the most remarkable Dreams. London, 1808, 2 vols, in I, x6mo, half morocco. THIERS, Louis Adolphe, History of the Consulate and the Empire of France under Napoleon. Translated by D. F. Caftipbell. Lon- don, 1845 "62. 20 vols, bound in 12, Zvo, half calf. History of the French Revolution. Translated, with Notes and Illustrations from the most authentic sources, by F. Shoberl. London, Bentley, 1838. 5 vols. 8vo, with plates, half calf THOLUCK, A. Light from the Cross. Sermons on the Passion of our Lord. Philadelphia, 1858. 1 vol. x2mo, cloth. THOMAS, Isaiah. History of Printing in America ; with a Biography of Printers, and an Account of Newspapers. Worcester, Thomas, 1810. 2 vols. Svo, calf extra. " An interesting and now scarce work." — Lowndes. THOMAS DE AQUINO, S. Incipit summa edita a sancto thoma de aquino de articulis fidei et eccie sacramentis. s. I. et a. \Impr. Ulric Zell, 1470. — Brunei. ] I vol. ^to, half green morocco. The following tracts are bound with this work : — (1) Incipit Atigicstinus de virtute psalmorum ; manuale de aspiratione anime ad deum ; invocatio ad deuvt pro auxilio ; psalteritim ; septem psaltni ad laudem gloriose vifginis Marie, s. I. et a. (2) Cordiale sive liber quatuor navissimorutn. {In fine :) Impressum est presens opusculum quod vocatur Cordiale quatuor novissimorum, per me Conradu de hom- borch et admissum ac approbatnm ah alma universitate coloniensi. s. a. [Circa 1470.] 43 338 THOMPSON, Edward P. The Passions of Animals. London, 1851. I vol. 2>vo, calf. THOMPSON, Robert. The Gardener's Assistant ; Practical and Sci- entific. Edinburgh, [1859.] I vol. roy. 8vo, with colored plates, and woodcuts, cloth. THOMS, William J. Early English Prose Romances, with Biblio- graphical and Historical Introductions. London, Nattali 6>* Bond, 1858. 3 vols. 8vo, large paper, morocco. {Riviere^ Vol.1. Robert the Deuyll. Thomas a Reading. Friar Bacon. Friar Rush. II. Virgilius. Robin Hood. George a Green. Tom a Lincolne. III. Helyas. Doctor Faustus. Second Report of Doctor Faustus. THOMSON, David. Handy Book of the Flower-Garden. Edinburgh, Blackwood, 1868. I vol. 8vo, cloth. THOMSON, James. The Seasons. With a Life of the Author. Lon- don, 181 1. I vol. i6mo, calf. The Seasons, and the Castle of Indolence : with a Biographical and Critical Introduction, by Allan Cunningham ; and 48 illustra- tions drawn and engraved by Samuel Williams. London, 1841. I vol. Svo, calf. {Hay day.') THOMSON, Katherine and John Cockburn. The Wits and Beaux of Society. London, s. a. I vol. Svo, green calf. THOMSON, Richard. An Historical Essay on the Magna Charta of King John : to which are added the Great Charter in Latin and English ; the Charters of Liberties and Confirmations ; the Original Charter of the Forests ; Explanatory Notes, etc. London, 1829. 1 vol. Svo, printed within borders upon India paper, half green morocco. Only 25 copies on India paper. THOMSON, William M. The Land and the Book ; or. Biblical Il- lustrations drawn from the Manners and Customs, the Scenes and Scenery of the Holy Land. New York, 1859. 2 vols. i2mo, cloth. 339 THORNTON, Henry. Family Prayers. London, 1865. I vol. i6mo, purple morocco. THOUGHTS for Weary Hours. New York, Frot. Episc. Soc. s. a. I vol. iSmo, cloth. TIBULLUS. See Catullus. TICKNOR, George. History of Spanish Literature. Boston, 1866, 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. Life of William Hickling Prescott. Boston, 1864. I vol. ^to, cloth, TIFFIN, Walter F. Gossip about Portraits : principally Engraved Portraits. London, Bohn, 1866. I vol. 8vo, cloth. TIMES, John. Lady Bountiful's Legacy to her Family and Friends. A Book of Practical Instructions and Duties in Housekeeping. London, 1868. I vol Svo, cloth. TIMMINS, Samuel. The Resources, Products and Industrial His- tory of Birmingham and the Midland Hardware District. A Series of Reports, collected by the Local Industries Committee of the British Association at Birmingham, in 1865. London, 1866. I vol. Svo, cloth. TIMPERLEY, C. H. Encyclopaedia of Literary and Typographical Anecdote. London, Bohn, 1842. I vol. Svo, half brown morocco. TITUS' Atlas of Hamilton Co., Ohio, from Actual Surveys by R. H. Harrison, and others. To which is added a Township Map of the State of Ohio. Philadelphia, Titus, 1869. 1 vol. folio, half morocco. TOCQUEVILLE, Alexis Charles Henri Clerel de. Democracy in America. Translated by H. Reeve \ edited with Notes, by F. Bowen. Cambridge, University Press, 1864. 2 vols. Svo, cloth. loo copies printed. Memoirs, Letters, and Remains. Translated from the French, with large additions. London, Macmillan, 1861. 2 vols. Svo, cloth. 340 TODD, Henry John. Some Account of the Life and Writings of John Milton. With a Verbal Index to the whole of Milton's Poetry. London, 1809. 1 vol. Svo, half calf . TOMLINSON, Charles. Cyclopaedia of Useful Arts, Manufactures, Mining, and Engineering. London, 1854. 2 vols. 2)V0, half russia. TONNA, Charlotte Elizabeth. Chapters on Flowers. By Charlotte Elizabeth. London, 1853. I vol. i2mo, half green morocco. TOSTI, Antonio. Relazione dell' origine e dei progressi dell' Ospizio Apostolico di S. Michele. Roma, stamp. delV Osp. Apost, 1832. I vol. 4^0, red morocco. Cardinal TosWs copy. TOWLE, George Makepeace. History of Henry the Fifth : King of England, Lord of Ireland, and Heir of France. London, 1866. I vol. Svo, cloth. TREITE (Le) de discipline de divine amour. — Le traite de la louenge de religion. [Paris, Simon Vostre, s. ai] I vol. sm. Svo, half calf The first leaf bears the name and device of Simon Vostre, TRENCH, Richard Chenevix. On the Authorized Version of the New Testament, in connection with some recent Proposals for its Revision. New York, 1858. I vol. i2mo, cloth. Notes on the Miracles of Our Lord. London, 1866. I vol Svo, dark calf. Notes on the Parables of Our Lord. London, 1864. I vol Svo, dark calf On the Lessons in Proverbs. New York, 1853. I vol. i2mo, cloth. A Select Glossary of English Words, used formerly in senses different from their present. London, 1859. I vol i6mo, cloth. 341 TRENCH, Richard Chenevix. The Story of Justin Martyr : and other Poems. London, 1862. I vol. i6mo, cloth. Studies in the Gospels. London, 1867. I vol. 8vo, dark calf. TRIMMER, Joshua. Practical Geology and Mineralogy; with In- structions for the qualitative Analysis of Minerals. Philadelphia, 1842. I vol. Svo, cloth. '■ TRITHEMIUS, Joannes. Compendia sive breviariu primi voluminis annalium, sive historiarum, de origine regum et gentis Francorum Joannis Tritemii abbatis. Impressum et completum est presens chronicarum opus anno dni mdxv. in nobili urbe Moguntina per Joan- nem Schoffer. 1 vol. folio, red morocco. TROLLOPE, Anthony. Can You Forgive Her ? London, 1864. 2 vols. Svo, with illustrations, cloth. The Last Chronicle of Barset. London, 1867. 2 vols. Svo, cloth. Travelling Sketches. [Reprinted from the " Pall Mall Gazette."] London, 1866. 1 vol Svo, cloth. » TROLLOPE, Thomas Adolphus. A Summer in Brittany. Edited by Frances Trollope. London, Colbum, 1840. 2 vols. Svo, cloth. TRUTHS Illustrated by Great Authors. A Dictionary of nearly four thousand aids to reflection, quotations of maxims and metaphors, London, 1852. 1 vol Svo, half calf . TUCKER, Abraham. The Light of Nature Pursued. With some Account of the Life of the Author, by Sir H. P. St. John Mildmay. London, Bohn, 1848. 2 vols. Svo, dark blue calf. TUCKER, George. Life of Thomas Jefferson, Third President of the United States. Philadelphia, 1837. 2 vols. Svo, half calf . 342 TUCKERMAN, Henry Theodore. Book of the Artists. American Artist Life. New York, Putnam^ 1867, I vol. Svo, large paper, with portraits, brown morocco. The Collector. Essays on Books, Pictures, Authors. With an Introduction by Dr. Doran. London, s. a. ^ I vol. Svo, half morocco. A Month in England. New York, 1853. I vol. \2mo, cloth. The Optimist. New York, Putnam, 1850. I vol. \2mo, cloth. TULLOCH, John. English Puritanism and its Leaders; Cromwell, Milton, Baxter, Bunyan. Edinburgh, Blackwood, 1861. I vol. Svo, tree calf. Leaders of the Reformation ; Luther, .Calvin, Latimer, Knox. Edinburgh, Blackwood, i86o. I vol. i6mo, tree calf. TUPPER, Martin Farquhar. Proverbial Philosophy; a Book of Thoughts and Arguments, originally treated. With 12 Illustrations. Philadelphia, 1850. I vol. S7n. \to, blue morocco. TURBERVILLE, George. The Noble Art of Venerie or Hunting. Translated and collected out of the best approoved Authors. London, Th. Purfoot, 161 1. I vol. /^to, half calf. TURNER, Sharon. The History of the Anglo-Saxons from the ear- liest period to the Norman Conquest. Paris, 1840. 3 vols. Svo, half calf . TURRECREMATA, Joannes de. Expositio brevis et utilis super toto psalterio. {In fine:) Expositio brevis et utilis Mogutie impssa Anno dni M.cccc.LXXvi. decima die marciip petrU Schoyffer de gemszheym feliciter est consumata. I vol. folio, red levant morocco. {Hardy-Mennil.) TUSSER, Thomas. Five Hundred Points of Good Husbandry. New Edition, with Notes by William Mavor. London, 1812. I vol. Svo, dark calf. 343 TWAIN, Mark, pseud. See Clemens, S, L. TWEEDIE, W. K. Daily Devotions : a Book of Meditations and Prayers for Christian Homes. London, i86i. 1 vol. 8vo, cloth. TWINING, Henry. The Elements of Picturesque Scenery. London, 1853-56. 2 vols. SvOj half green morocco. TYNDALE, William. The whole Workes of W. Tyndall, John Frith, and Doct. Barnes, three worthy Martyrs, and principal teachers of this Churche of England. London, y. Daye, 1573. I vol. folio, old calf . TYNDALL, John. The Glaciers of the Alps ; being a Narrative of Excursions and Ascents, an Account of the Origin and Phenomena of Glaciers, and an Exposition of the Physical Principles to which they are related. London, i860. I vol. Zvo, cloth. Heat considered as a Mode of Motion. London, Longmans, 1865. I vol. Svo, calf. Hours of Exercise in the Alps. New York, 1871. I vol. \2mo, cloth. Sound. A Course of Eight Lectures delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain. London, Longmans, 1867. 1 vol. Svo, calf TYTLER, Alexander Eraser. Universal History, from the Creation of the World to the beginning of the Eighteenth Century. Boston, Mussey, 1843. 2 vols. roy. Svo, cloth. u 344 FFIZIO della settimana santa colle rubriche volgari, argomenti de' salmi, spiegazione delle cerimonie e misterj, con osser- vazioni sacre, e riflessioni divote. Opera dell' abate Ales- sandro Mazzinelli. Roma, nella stmnperia di R. Bernabo\ 1735. I vol. 4^0, old calf gilt. UHLAND, LuDwiG. Songs and Ballads. Translated from the Ger- man by W. W. Skeat. London, 1864. I vol. Svo, cloth. ULENSPIEGEL. Noctuae speculum, omnes res memorabiles, varias- que et admirabiles, Tyli Saxonici machinationes complectens, plane novo more nunc primum ex idiomate germanico latinitate donatum, adjectis insuper elegantissimis iconibus veras omnium historiaru species ad vivum adumbrantibus antehac nunquam visis aut editis. Authore ^gidio Periandro. Francofurti ad Mcenum, 1567. I vol. Svo, red levant morocco, gilt and marbled edges. ( Trautz- Bauzonnet.) A translation of this old German romance into Latin elegiac verse, by Peri- ander. Tyel Ulenspiegel in Niedersachsischer Mundart nach dem altes- ten Druck des servais Kruffter photolithographisch nachgebildet. Berlin, As her, 1865. I vol. sm. 4to, half red morocco. UNGARELLI, Alois Maria. Interpretatio obeliscorum urbis ad Gregorium xvi. pontificem maximum, digesta per Aloisium Mariam Ungarellium. Rom^, 1842. I vol. folio, with plates, half red morocco. UNITED STATES. Coast Survey. Report of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey. 1854-62. Washington, 1855-64. 9 vols. 4to, cloth. Commercial Relations. Letter of the Secretary of State, transmitting a Report of the Commercial Relations of the United States with Foreign Nations, for the year ending Sept. 30, 1861. Washington, 1862. I vol. 4to, cloth. 345 UNITED STATES. Emory, W. H. Notes of a Military Recon- noissance from Fort Leavenworth in Missouri, to San Diego in California, including part of the Arkansas, Del Norte, and Gila Rivers. Washington, 1848. 1 vol. Svo, with plates and maps, cloth. Report on the United States and Mexican Boundary Survey, made under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior. Wash- ington, 1857 -59. 2 vols, in 3, dfto, half morocco. Japan Expedition. Narrative of the Expedition of an Ameri- can Squadron to the China Seas and Japan, in the years 1852, 1853, and 1854, under the command of Com. M. C. Perry, Com- piled by F. L. Hawks. Washington^ 1856. 3 vols. 4to, cloth. Naval Observatory. Reports on the Total Eclipse of the Sun, August 7, 1869. Conducted under the direction of Com. B. F. Sands. Washington, 1869. I vol. dfto, cloth. Railroad Surveys. Reports of Explorations and Surveys to ascertain the most Practicable and Economical Route for a Railroad from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean ; made under the direction of the Secretary of War, 1853 - 5. Washington, 1855 - 60. 13 vols. \to, with plates, half broivn morocco. UPFOLD, George, A Manual of Devotions for Domestic and Private Use. New York, 1863, 1 vol. \2mo, cloth. UPHAM, Charles Wentworth. Salem Witchcraft : with an Account of Salem Village, and a History of Opinions on Witchcraft and kindred subjects. Boston, Wiggin &> Lunt, 1867. 2 vols, in 4, 2)V0, large paper, cloth. UPHAM, Thomas C, Letters, -Esthetic, Social and Moral, written from Europe, Egypt, and Palestine. Private Edition. Brunswick, y. Griffin, 1855. I vol. i2mo, calf. Life, Religious Opinions and Experience of Madame de La Mothe Guyon, together with some Account of Fdnelon. London, 1862. I vol. Svo, half calf . 44 V 346 ADE MECUM for Malt-Worms ; or a Guide to Good Fellows. Being a Description of the Manners and Customs of the most Eminent PubHck Houses in and about the Cities of London and Westminster. London, reprinted, s. a. 2 parts in i vol. Svo, cloth. Vu^NIUS, Otho. Q. Horatii Flacci Emblemata imaginibus in aes incisis, notisque illustrata, studio Othonis Vsenii. ANxvERPiiE, H. Verdussen, 1607. I vol 4to, green morocco. Theatro moral de la vida humana en cien emblemas ; con el Enchiridion de Epicteto, y la Tabla de Cebes, philosofo Platonico. Brusselas, F. Foppens, 1672. I vol, folio, dark purple morocco. VALERIO, AuGUSTiNO. Augustini Valerii patritii veneti S. R. E. car- dinalis veronae episcopi praenestini Commentarius de consolatione ecclesiae ad Ascanium card. Columnam libri vi. ; nunc primum edidit et scholiis auxit H. Ponzetti. Rom^, Lazarinos, 1795. I vol. 4to, calf gilt. VALERIUS FLACCUS. [Argonauticon libri viii.] Florenti^, opera et impensa Philippi {JuntcE), 1503. I vol. Zvo, garnet morocco gilt. (Lortig.) A rare edition. VAN GEEL, P, C. Sertum Botanicum : collection de plantes re- marquables pour leur utility, leur dldgance, leur eclat, ou leur nouveautd ; consistant en six cents planches colorizes, accom- pagndes d'un texte particulier pour chaque plante par une Society de botanistes. (Publide par P. C. Van Geel.) Bruxelles, 1828- 32- 4 vols, folio, half morocco. VAN PRAET, Joseph. Catalogue des livres imprimis sur v^lin de la Biblioth^que du Roi. Paris, De Bure freres, imprimerie de Cra- pelet, 1822-28. 6 vols, in 3, ^vo, calf. Catalogue des livres imprimes sur vdlin qui se trouvent dans les bibliothbques tant publiques que particulieres, pour servir de suite 347 au catalogue des livres imprimds sur velin de la Biblioth^que du Roi. Paris, De Burefreres, imprimerie de Crapeiei, 1824-28. 4 vols, in 2, ?>vo, calf. VAPEREAU, Louis Gustave. Dictionnaire universal des contempo- rains, contenant toutes les personnes notables de la France, et des pays Strangers. Paris, Hachette, 1865. I vol. Svo, half brown morocco, VARANO, Alfonso. Agnese Martire del Giappone : tragedia. Par- ma, stamp, reale, 1783. I vol. 4I0, vellum. VECELLIO, Cesare. Degli Habiti antichi et moderni di diverse parti del mondo libri due. Venetia, presso Damian Zenaro, mdxc. I vol. Svo, 420 woodcuts, vellum. This work is valuable for its woodcuts, some of which, according to tradition, were engraved from designs by Titian, uncle of the author. VEGA, Garcilasso de la. See Garcilasso. VEGA, Lope Felix de. Jerusalem Conquistada, epopeya tragica. Madrid, y. de la Cuesta, 1609. I vol. sm. /\to, old red morocco. Copy stamped with the name and arms of Don Pedro de Aragon. The portrait of Alfonzo VIII. is wanting. VEGETIUS, Flavius. Flavii. Vegetii. Renati vier bucher der Rytter- schafFt. zu de allerdurchleuchtigesten groszmechtigesten furste und hern hern Maximilian Romische Keyser, geschribe. mit macher- leyen geryste. bolwerckenn. und gebeuwen. zu krygszleuffte ge- horick, mit yrenn mosternn. unnd figuren darneben verzeychent. Erfurt, durch Hans Knappen, 15 11. I vol. folio, 121 large woodcuts, brown morocco. {Riviere.) The author of this translation is unknown. Flave Vegece du fait de guerre et fleur de chevalerie quatre livres. — Sexte Jule Frontin des Stratagemes et subtilitez de guerre, quatre livres. — Aelian de lordre et instruction des batailles, ung livre. — Modeste des vocables du fait de 'guerre, ung livre. — Pareillement cxx histoires concernans le fait de guerre, joinctes a Vegece. Traduicts fidellement de latin en francois. Paris, par 348 Chrestian Wechel a lenseigne de lescu de Bask en la rue Sainct Jaqiies, MDXXXVi. I vol. folio, 124 large woodcuts, brown levant morocco. {Hardy.) VELAZQUEZ DE LA CADENA, Mariano. Seoane's Neuman and Baretti. A Pronouncing Dictionary of the Spanish and English Languages. 'New York, Appleton, 1866. I vol Svo, half morocco. VENERIE FRANCAISE (La) k FExposition de 1865 ; album de z(> photographies faites d'aprbs nature par L. Cremibre ; prdc^d^ d'une introduction gdnerale par Cte le Couteulx de Canteleu. Paris, y. Rothschild, 1865. I vol. obi. /^to, half morocco. VENN, Henry. Life of Henry Venn and a Selection from his Letters. The Memoir of his Life drawn up by John Venn. Edited by the Rev. H. Venn. New York, 1854. I vol. 1 2 mo, cloth. VERGARA, Franciscus. Francisci Vergarae de graecas linguae gram- matica lib. v. Adjecta sunt per auctorem tribus libris mediis scho- lia non pcenitenda ; item admonitio de operis ordine. Paribus, aj>ud Giiil. Morelium et B. Turrisanum, in Aldina bibliotheca, 1557. I vol. Svo, broivn levant morocco extra. ( CapL ) Aldine anchor in gilt upon the covers. From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 1162. VERGILIUS, PoLYDORUS. Polydori Vergilii urbinatis de rerum in- ventoribus libri octo, per autorem summa cura recogniti et locuple- tati. Dices supremam manum impositam. Basili^e, ex cedibus jfoan. Frobenii, anno m.dxxv. I vol. folio, calf. " ExEMPLAiRE Grolier. On a coUe sur la garde du volume en face du fron- tispice, une quittance manuscrite et signee de Grolier, comme tresorier et receveur des finances du Roi en la dice he de Milan, signee du 23 avril 1512." (Y. ) Bel exemplaire. Frontispice et alphabet de Holbein. F'rom the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 3074. Polydori Virgilii de rerum inventoribus. Translated into Eng- lish by John Langley : with an Account of the Author and his Works, by William A. Hammond. New York, Agathynian Club, 1868. I vol. Zvo, large paper, half blue morocco. 120 copies printed. 349 VERMIGLI, PiETRO Martire. The Common Places of the most famous and renowned Divine Doctor Peter Martyr, divided into foure principall parts : with a large addition of manie theologicall and necessarie discourses, some never extant before. Translated by Anthonie Marten. London, 1583. I vol. folio y old calf. VI ANNE, E. La Culture ^conomique par I'emploi raisonne des in- struments, machines, outils, appareils et ustensiles usitds dans la petite et la grande culture. Paris, y. Rothschild^ 1866. I vol. i6mo, woodcuts, half blue morocco. VIATOR. See P]gLERiN, Jean. VICTORIA, Queen of England. The Early Years of His Royal High- ness the Prince Consort, compiled under the direction of Her Majesty the Queen by the Hon. C. Grey. London, Smith, Elder, &> Co., 1867. I vol. Svo, cloth. VIE (La) et les mystbres de la bienheureuse Vierge Marie mbre de Dieu. [Texte du R. P. Arthur Martin, avec une introduction du R. P. Tailhan. Dessins et chromolithograph ies de Kellerhoven, Gsell, etc. Impressions chromolithographiques de Lemercier. Caract^res gothiques des fonderies Longien, Laurent et Deperny.] Paris, H. Charpentier, 1859. I vol. folio, red morocco, richly gilt. A work finely printed, and enriched with beautifully executed miniatures, vigTiettes and borders, many of which are copied from old manuscripts. Cardinal Tosti's copy. VIEL-CASTEL, Horace de. Marie- Antoinette et la revolution fran5aise. Paris, Techener, 1859. I vol. \21no, red levant morocco. {Belz-Niedree.) VIEUSSEUX, A. The History of Switzerland, from the first irruption of the Northern Tribes to the present time. London, 1846. I vol. Svo, half calf . VIEWS in the Isle of Wight, illustrated by twenty beautiful Steel Engravings, from drawings by Leitch and others, engraved by Cousen and Godfrey : with Historical and Descriptive Letter-press. Ventnor, s. a. I vol. Svo, cloth. 350 VILLA, Ghiron Francesco. Les Mdmoires du voyage du marquis de Ville au Levant, ou I'histoire curieuse du sidge de Candie ; le tout tird des Memoires de J. B. Rostagne, et de plusieurs autres par Francois Savinien d'Alquie. Amsterdam, H. and T. Boom, 167 1. 2 vols, in I, \2mo, red levant morocco. {Lortig.) VINCENTIUS, S. Sermones sancti Vincentii. Lugduni, 1493. 3 vols, in I, half green morocco. Sermones sancti Vincentii fratris ordinis predicatoris sacre theo- logie professoris eximii de Sanctis per totum annum in hoc libro continetur. i^In fine .•) In felici Colonia diligenti vigilantia emendati &^ impressi. s. a. I vol. folio, brown levant morocco. {Hardy-Mennil.) VINET, Alexander. Studies on Pascal. Translated from thtf French, with an Appendix of Notes, partly taken from the Writings of Lord Bacon and Dr. Chalmers, by the Rev. Thomas Smith. Edin- burgh, 1859. I vol. Svo, cloth. VIRGILIUS MARO, Publius. Virgilius. Venetiis, in adibus Aldi et Andrea soceri, 1527. I vol. Svo, morocco mosaic. {CaJ>L) " Edition difficile 4 trouver." — Brunei. P. Virgilii Maronis opera omnia innumeris pene locis ad veterum, P. Bembi et A. Naugerii exemplarium fidem, postrema hac editione castigata. Cum xi commentariis, Servio prassertim ac Donato, etc. Venetiis, apud yuntas, 1552. I vol. folio, with curious ivoodcuts, vellum. Opera nunc emendatiora. Lugd. Bat a v., ex off. Elzeviriana, 1636. I vol. i2mo, russia. {Petit.) Bucolica Georgica et -^neis. Ex editione Petri Burmanni. Glasgu^, exc7id. A. Foulis. 1784. 1 vol. Svo, red levant morocco. {Petit.) P. Virgilii Maronis Opera : emendabat et notulis illustrabat Gil- bertus Wakefield. Londini, Kearsley, 1796. 2 vols, \27no, red morocco. 351 VIRGILIUS MARO, Publius. P. Virgilius Maro varietate lectionis et perpetua adnotatione illustratus a Christian Gottlieb Heyne, accedunt indices editio novis curis emendata et aucta. LiPSiiE, C. Fritsch, 1800. 6 vols. roy. Svo, vellum paper, old calf. " Edition regardee comme un des chefs-d'oeuvre de la critique classique, et qui, chose remarquable dans un livre imprime i Leipzig i cette epoque-lk, se dis- tingue par sa belle execution typographique, ainsi que par les 204 jolies vignettes dont elle est decoree." — Brunei. Carmina omnia, perpetuo commentario ad modum Joannis Bond explicuit Fr. Diibner. Paris, ex typog. Firminorum Didot, 1858. I vol. i6mo, 27 vignettes from designs by M. Barrias, with photographic duplicates, morocco mosaic in special design. {David.) The only copy upon vellum. " II a ete tire sur velin un exemplaire de ce Virgile." — Brunei. Works of Virgil. Literally translated into English Prose, with Notes, by Davidson. New Edition, revised by T. A. Buckley. London, Bohn, 1855. I vol. Svo, half calf . The ^neid of Virgil, translated into English Verse ; by John Conington. London, 1867. I vol. Svo, half calf Vergilii Maronis dreyzehen BUcher von dem teuren Helden Enea. Franckfurt, durch D. Zopffeln, 1559. I vol. Svo, old calf. Thomas Mitrner's translation in rhyme, first published in 15 15. VIRIDARIUM moralis philosophiae per fabulas animalibus brutis at- tributas traditae, iconibus artificiosisim^ in aes insculptis exornatum. Colonize, Mutingus, 1594. I vol. ^to, vellum. This virork is a reproduction of Freiiag's Myihologica eihica, witli a new title- page and two additional plates. VISCONTI, Ennio Quirino. Osservazioni di Ennio Quirino Visconti su due Musaici antichi istoriati. Parma, dalla reale tipog., 1788. I vol. Svo, red morocco. One of 3 copies upon vellum. \ 352 VITA beati P. Ignatii Loyolas Soc. Jesu fundatoris. Rom^, 1609. 1 vol. 4^0, brown levant morocco, gilt and marbled edges. {Thi- baron.) . ; Copy with portrait and 79 copperplates finely executed. ' VITE e ritratti di illustri Italiani. Padova, tipog. Bettoni, 1812-20. 2 vols. 4to, large vellum paper, proof plates, old calf. VITE e ritratti di venticinque uomini illustri. Padova, tipog. della Minerva, 1823. I vol. folio, half calf . VOCABULARIUS fructuosus omni etati et utilis. ex papia. britone. catholicon. alano. ysidoro. aliisque plurimis mgtis collectus : qui alio noie Brevilogus nuncupat incipit ad laude dei feliciter. {In fine:) Explicit brevilog' de quo laudetur dominus. s. I. et a. (1475.) I vol. folio, 303 leaves in 2 columns, rubricated capitals, brown levant morocco. {Hardy- Mennil.) VORAGINE, Jacobus de. [Legenda sanctorum.] Incipit prologus super legenda sanctorum qua compilavit ff jacobo natve Januensis ordis frm predicatorum. {In fine:) Finit hystoria lombardica sanc- torum feliciter. s. I. et a. I vol. folio, woodcuts, 374 leaves, brown levant morocco. {Hardy- Mennil.) This edition was printed about the year 1470, and has neither pagination, sig- natures, nor catchwords. VOSMER, Michael. Principes Hollandiae et Zelandiae, domini Frisiai : cum genuinis ipsorum iconibus. Antverpi^, Platitinus, 1578. I vol folio, half red morocco. VOYAGES ROUND THE WORLD, from the Death of Captain Cook to the present time : including Remarks on the Social Con- dition of the Inhabitants in the recently discovered countries. London, 1852. I vol. i2mo, brown morocco. 353 WAAGEN, GusTAV Friedrich. Treasures of Art in Great Britain : being an Account of the chief Collections of Paintings, Sculptures, Illuminated Mss, etc. London, Murray, 1854. 3 vols. 2>vo, calf. WAINWRIGHT, Jonathan M. Our Saviour, with Prophets and Apostles. A Series of 18 highly finished Steel Engravings : with Descriptions by several American Divines. New York, 185 i. I vol roy. 8vo, dark morocco. The Women of the Bible ; delineated in a Series of Sketches of Prominent Females mentioned in Holy Scriptures. By Clergymen of the United States. Illustrated by 18 Steel Engravings. New York, Appleton, 1849. I vol. /^to, dark morocco. WALKER, Donald. British Manly Exercises. Philadelphia, 1837. I vol. i6mo, cloth. WALKER, J. Bryant, The Law of Municipal Corporations in Ohio. Cincinnati, 187 i. I vol. Zvo, cloth. WALLACE, Horace Binney. Art and Scenery in Europe, witlv other Papers. Philadelphia, 1857. I vol. 12 mo, half green morocco. • WALLIS, Severn Teackle. Spain : her Institutions, Politics, and Public Men. Boston, 1853. I vol i2mo, cloth. ' WALPOLE, Horace. Anecdotes of Painting in England ; with some Account of the principal Artists ; and incidental Notes on other Arts ; collected by the late Mr. George Vertue ; digested and pub- lished from his original Mss., with considerable additions by J. Dallaway. London, 1828. 5 vols. Svo, India proofs, citron morocco gilt. ( Wright.) From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 3802. 45 354 WALPOLE, Horace. Description of the Villa at Strawberry-Hill near Twickenham, Middlesex. Strawberry-Hill, T. Kirgate, 1784. 1 vol. 4fo, large paper, with plates, half morocco. 12 copies on large paper. This copy has numerous additional engravings and original drawings by Ed- wards and other artists, including rare views and portraits, several of which bear autograph notes of H. Walpole. There are also triplicate titlepages in black, red, and blue ink, printed expressly for this copy, at the Strawberry-Hill Press. Letters. 1 735-1 797- London, ^(jw//vo, 488 leaves in double columns, 50 lines on a full page, bound in morocco mosaic lined with red morocco richly gilt. {Hardy-Mennil.) Manuscript on very fine vellum, written in small clear characters by a Ger- man scribe ; capitals in red and blue, those beginning the chapters having grace- ful arabesque ornaments ; illuminated initials of each book most quaint in design, exquisite in proportion, and rich in color and execution. This Bible contains all the canonical books of the Old and New Testaments, and the Apocrypha, though not in the order adopted later by the Council of Trent. The distinguishing feature of the Ms. is that it contains six books of Esdras, three with the canonical books and three at the end of the volume with the Apocrypha. The text terminates with Oraiio manasses, which is followed by a table (29 leaves in 3 colunans) entitled Interpretaiiones hebraicorum nominum. Size. XIV. BIBLIA SACRA LATINA cum praefationibus Sancti Hieronymi. ^to, 412 leaves in 2 columns of ^q to 54 lines, brown morocco. {Riviere.) Manuscript on abortive vellum, fine and pure, beautifully written in minute 374 characters, and ornamented with delicate arabesque capitals. All the prefaces of St. Jerome, the canonical books of the Old and New Testaments, and a full table of Hebrew words with Latin interpretations, are found in this valuable Manuscript. Scec. xv. (?) BIBLIA SACRA LATINA cum praefationibus S. Hieronymi. Small Afto, 308 leaves in double columns, 59 lines on a full page, original binding with clasps. Manuscript by a German scribe, executed upon fine vellum in characters of wonderful regularity. Capitals throughout in red and blue. This Bible contains all the books of the Old and New Testaments except the Psalms. The text begins In noe donii ihn xpT, and ends with Explicit libr apoca- lypsie. Following the Apocalypse is the usual table of Hebrew words, 29 leaves in 3 columns. Scec. xiv. BIBLIA SACRA LATINA cum praefationibus S. Hieronymi. Small folio, 525 leaves in 2 columns, 46 lines on a full page, old calf. Manuscript well executed on vellum, with large and small capitals in colors. It contains the prefaces of St. Jerome, and all the books of the Old and New Testaments. At the end of the Interpretationes is a note dated die x iTism januar alto a note dni MCCCCXXj ; and upon the last leaf but one are the words : ista biblia manuscripta est ani MCCCC (?) XXliiJ. BREVIARIUM CAMALDOLENSEM. Incipit breviaria secundum ordine camalduesem. Small 4^0, stamped leather binding. Manuscript very closely written upon 476 leaves of vellum, 2 of which have illuminated borders, and capitals containing miniatures. Scec. xv. BREVIARIUM. Incipit ordo breviarii ffm minoru secundum consue- tudine romanie curie. Small 4to, vellum binding, old and worm-eaten. Manuscript upon 266 leaves of vellum, each page divided in two columns by rulings. A full column contains 62 lines, written in Roman minuscules of gothic form, ornamented with capitals in red and blue, and mingled with rubrics. The neumcE, or musical notes, have no regular staff, but are placed at a greater or less height above a single red line, which separates them from the words of the chant This peculiar notation and style of text indicate that the Ms. was executed near the end of the 13th century. On one of the fly leaves is a note which reads as follows : Anno dhi M.CCLXXXix. die x aplis, Egofr Bartholus bldcellus itravi ordine btifrdcisci. [For example of this musical notation, see Silvestre, PI. CXLVI.] BREVIARIUM ordis fratrum minorum secundum consuetudine Ro- mane curie. 375 Small /^to, 492 leaves in double columns, vellum. Manuscript upon vellum with arabesque capitals, and a few illuminated letters containing very small miniatures. BREVIARIUM BENEDICTINUM. Incipit rubrica generalis bre- viarii monastici secundum ritum et consuetudinem monachorum congregationis sancte Justine ordinis sancti Benedicti. Small 4^0, 612 leaves in 2 columns of 2() lines, bound in blue velvet. Manuscript on fine vellum, text in black mingled with rubrics, and initial capitals in colors. The characters and abbreviations are like those in French Mss. of the 15th century. BREVIARIUM. Latin Ms. of the xv (?) century, written on velbun, 388 leaves, T by ^ inches, in double columns, with illuminated capitals. BULLARIUM ordinis fratrum minorum. [Collection of the va- rious privileges, etc. granted by the popes to the Franciscan monks, down to the time of Sixtus IV. A. D. 147 1 - 1484.] Latin Ms. ivritten on vellum, the earlier and later parts by two different hands, 100 leaves, 2>\ by 6 inches, in double columns. CANON MISS^. Manuscript upon vellum, ^to, 188 leaves in 2 columns, full round characters. CARTA EXECUTORIA DE HIDALGUI A, in favor of Ferdinandez de Mantanco, of Segovia, granted at Valladolid, 25 Jan. 1553. Spanish Ms. written on vellum, 26 leaves, folio ; on the first leaf a large illuminated initial, enclosing miniature and coat of arms. CARTA EXECUTORIA DE HIDALGUIA, in favor of Alvar Gon- 9alez of Campanario, granted at Granada 27 Jan. 1567. Spanish Ms. on vellum, 49 leaves, folio, with many illuminated initials, and the first two pages entirely occupied by paintings. The original document with the lead seal still attached. CARTA EXECUTORIA DE HIDALGUIA, in favor of Don Luis de Bocanegra of Seville, granted at Granada, Jan. 31, 1576. Spanish Ms. on vellum, 66 leaves, folio, many illuminated ini- tials, the first two pages filled with paintijigs ; several leaves missing. 376 CARTA EXECUTORIA DE HIDALGUIA a pedimento de Juan Baptista de gatica vezino de la ciudad de Sivilla. Escripta en pergamino y sellada co tiro Real sella de plomo pendiente en filos de seda . . . dada en la ciudad de granada a drez dias del mes de Jullio de my II y quinientos y seteta y sets Anos {Jtdy 3, 1576)- Folio, bound in green velvet. Spanish Manuscript on vellum, finely illuminated. CARTA EXECUTORIA. [El Pleyto que es entre Luis de Rueda y Bernardino de Rueda y Rodrigo y Baltazar de Rueda hermanos vezinos de la villa de Carmona, etc.] Escripta en pergamino de cuero sellada tiro Real sella de plomo . . . dada en la ciudad de Granada a 6 dias del mes de dizienbre de mill y quinientos y sesenta y ocha anas {Dec. 6, 1578). Folio, old calf . Spanish Ms. on vellum, with gilt borders and rich illuminations. CARTA EXECUTORIA. [El Pleyto que es entre Garcia de bargas caravaxal por si y como tutor y curado de la persona y bienes de Francisco de bargas su hermano vecino de la villa de Almaraz, etc.] Carta de carta executoria de la dha su hidalguia de sangre scripta en pergamina de cuero y sellada con nuestro sella de plomo . . . dada en la Ciudad de valladalid a veinte dias del mes de Agosto de mill y seis cientos y veinte anos {Aug. 20, 1620). Spanish Ms. on vellum, folio, with illuminated headings and capitals, bound in aid calf CARTA EXECUTORIA. [El Pleyto que es entre Miguel de la Peiia vecino que fue de la Ciudad de Soria y Juan y Miguel de la Pena sus hijos vecinos de la dicha Ciudad, etc.] Carta executoria de la dicha su hidalguia de sangre escripta en pergamino sellada con nuestro sella de plomo . . . dada en la ciudad de Valladalid a quinze diaz del mes de novienbre de mill y sies cientas y quarenta y das anas {Nov. 15, 1642). Folio, blue stamped velvet. Spanish Ms. upon vellum, with 3 full-page miniatures, and many headings illuminated in red and gold. At the end of the Ms. are numerous official auto- graphs and the official seal. CARTA EXECUTORIA DE HIDALGUIA in favor of various members of the Alvarez family, of Villa Cafias, granted at Granada, 7 June, 1668. Spanish Ms. on vellum, 87 leaves, folio, the first page illuminated, emblazoned coat of arms prefixed. The original document with official stamp on each leaf. CARTA EXECUTORIA. [El Pleyto que es entre Don Joseph Ro- mero de Tejada y Artacho vecino de la Villa de Cogolludo y Joseph Garcia de la Pena, etc.] Real Carta Egecutoria e7i vitela sellada con nro ssello de plomo pen- diente en files de seda a colores escripta y despacha da por otros oficiales de dicha nra Aiidiencia. Dada en Valladolid a seis de Febrero ana de Mill setecientos y treinta y tres {Feb. 6, 1733). , Folio, red velvet stamped with gold. » Spanish Ms. on vellum, with one small and 2 full-page miniatures finished in gold, silver, and colors. Capitals and headings also finely illuminated. CELLATI, Antonio. Compendio istorico-genealogico appartenente alia famiglia del nobil uomo Don Giuseppe degli Anselmi e Ro- mero Capitano. Citta di Parma, 1792. Small j^to, red morocco. Manuscript on thick paper, neatly written within painted borders. The Arms and four Portraits of the Anselmi family follow the title-page, and at the end of the Ms. are the official seals of the city of Parma. CERTIFICATE of Don Ramon Zazo y Ortega, King at Arms, granted at Madrid, 22 Sept. 1781, to Don Gregorio, Don Nicolas and Don Francisco de Obiedo y de la Espada, Reudon y Sarmiento, with blazon of the arms of the families of Obiedo, Espada, Reudon y Sarmiento, which they were entitled to bear ; also the three arranged in one shield. Spanish Ms. on pure white vellum, 40 leaves, folio, with two . full page paintings , genealogical tree, and painted initials. In the same volume are various official documents, on paper, relating to the nobility of the Obiedo family, the oldest dated June 19, 1626. CHRISTLICHE catholische andechtige Gebetbuch. 7,2mo, 'j'j leaves, dark morocco with clasp. German Manuscript on vellum, with 13 full page miniatures and borders in brilliant colors. 48 378 COMMENTARY on the Liber Primus Sententiarum of Peter Lombard. Latin Ms. of the xv century, written on vellum, in a very small gothic character ; 348 leaves, 5I by a^\ inches ; one or more leaves wa?iting at the beginning and end. The author was apparently a German. DJAMI or Jami. Y^sef ve Zuleikha (a Persian poem). Zvo, red morocco gilt. Persian Manuscript, taken at the capture of Mooltan in 1849. The text is in 2 columns, beautifully written within gold borders, and illustrated with 28 miniatures executed in gold and colors. "Un des ouvrages les plus agr^ables de la langue persane." — Brunei. EVANGELIA GR^CE. \2mo, 211 leaves, 27 lines per page, red morocco extra, enclosed in case of red velvet. {Bedford^ Manuscript on vellum, enriched with headings and initials in gold, and minia- tures of the four Evangelists painted in colors on a gold ground. This is a charming little volume, equally admirable as a manuscript and as a beautiful specimen of binding. It contains the prefaces, postscripts, and tables of all the Gospels, and at the end of the second Gospel is an epigram of six lines upon St Mark, — a distinctive feature in the Ms. The text is accurate, and keeps sufficiently close to the received version. The writing is very small but clear, the dative iota remains unnoted, the breathings are angularly shaped ; the letter ^ like a cross, and other peculiarities, mark tlie antiquity of the Ms. Its outside measurement is 5^ by 3^^ inches. Sac. xii. FERID-EDDIN. Pendeh-i- Attar (Counsels of Attar). Small /[to, original binding with overlap. Persian Manuscript on glazed paper, written in red and black. The author lived in the 12th century and wrote several poems highly valued by the Orientals. This Book of Counsels has been printed both in England and France. FOOTE, Samuel. The Englishman from Paris : a Farce. Small /[to, calf Manuscript, with a portrait of the author, and a letter signed by D. Garrick and C. J. Lacy, dated March 29, 1756. GETYDENBOEK met Kalender. Small ^to, 161 leaves, original binding with rich antique clasps. Manuscript on vellum, with 6 curious miniatures and several illuminated borders and initials. Scec. XV. 379 HEBREW CALENDAR. Ms. on veihon, 120 leaves (i blank), 7^ by 5^ inches; beautifully written in the Rabbinical character^ in blacky red, and purple ink. HOR^ BEAT^ MARI^ VIRGINIS, secundum usum Romanum cum calendario. 4/tf, 147 leaves {iZth- 20th blank), 11 large and /^ small minia- tures, 18 borders, red morocco gilt. Manuscript beautifully executed upon vellum, by a French scribe. The text is in a close, gothic hand, taller than broad, but very regular, and the miniatures, initial capitals, and graceful arabesques of fruit and flowers which form the bor- ders, are painted with great delicacy, and richly illuminated. Scec. XIV. [For style of text and illumination see Silvestre, PI. cxcvi.] HORtE BEAT^ MARI^ VIRGINIS. izmo, 199 leaves, red velvet. Manuscript upon fine vellum, by a French scribe. The text is in small clear characters, enriched with 31 miniatures, and borders upon every page, in colors heightened with gold. Calendar in French. S(zc. xv. [From the library of Christ. Gottl. Schwarz.] HOR^ BEAT^ MARI^ VIRGINIS. Small i^to, 114 leaves, red velvet. Manuscript upon vellum, in large clear gothic characters, with 2 miniatures, a few beautiful borders, and many illuminated capitals. Calendar in French. , HOR^ BEAT^ VIRGINIS MARI^. Zvo, 205 leaves, 16 lines on a full page, red morocco gilt, in case. Manuscript upon vellum, by a French scribe, text enclosed within floriated borders and enriched with 14 large and 18 small miniatures beautifully illumi- nated. Calendar in French. Scec. xv. (?) HOR^ BEAT^ VIRGINIS MARI^. /^to, 158 leaves, dark green morocco. Manuscript upon vellum, written in large gothic letters, ornamented with 14 full-page miniatures exquisitely painted, arabesque borders of flowers and fruit upon every page, and initial capitals in rich colors heightened with gold. The style of this beautiful Ms. corresponds with PI. cxcvi. of Silvestre's PaUographie universelle. [From the library of CoMTE Francois Potocki.] HOR^ BEAT^ VIRGINIS MARI^. Ofto, 2,06 pages, calf gilt. Manuscript upon vellum, by a French scribe, containing 13 large miniatures 38o richly painted and heightened with gold, floriated borders on every page, and many beautiful capitals. At the end of the volume are several additional prayers in French. Sac. XV. - xvi. HOR^ BEAT^ VIRGINIS MARI^. \2n10, old calf . Manuscript on vellum, with borders, 5 miniatures, and several capitals in gold and colors. Calendar in French. HOR^ CANONIC^. 8w, old stamped leather binding. Manuscript on vellum, 209 leaves in 2 columns, first leaf illuminated, and initial capitals in colors. KITAB EL-BADUR ES-SAFIRAT FI UMUR EL-AKHRAT. i. e. " Book of the Shining Full-Moons concerning the future State" by Jela- leddin Abderrahman Ben Abi Bekr es-Suy(iti. (A. D. 1445 - 1505.) Arabic Ms. on paper, 129 leaves, g by 'j inches, in the Maghre- bine character. A treatise on the resurrection, judgment, hell and heaven, according to the Koran and tradition. — Of heaven a minute description is given; of its gates, physical features, the food, dress, occupation, etc. of its inhabitants. This Ms. is No. 85 of the list of the works of es-Suyuti published by Fliigel in the Wiener Jahrbuecher der Literatur, Vol. 58. According to the statement there made, the chapters of which the work is com- posed were read under the direction of the author, and the last of these readings fell on the 9th of Jumada 884 (A. D. 1479). The present copy was made by Abdallah Ibn Ali Ibn Abdallah, and was com- pleted 28 Jumada 1091 (A. D. 1680). In the Introduction to the present work the author speaks of it as the fulfilment of a promise made in an earlier work, entitled Kitdb el-Carzarkh (on the interme- diate state between death and the resurrection), which is not enumerated in Fliigel's list, above referred to. Haji Khalfa does not mention either work. In the same volume is an Alfiyya, i. e. a poem of 1000 lines, on the life of Mohamed, by Abderrahim Il/n el-Husam. Ms. in the same character as the preceding, and written in the following year, 1092 ; 34 leaves. KITAB DALIL el Klairat washawarat elauwar fi dhikr es-salat ALA EN-NABi, i. e. " Guide to Blessings and Counsel of Lights by Prayer to the chosen Prophet," by Abdallah Ibn Mohamed Ibn Abdallah el-Tamadhli. A Treatise on Prayer to Mohamed, com- pleted Saturday, 20th of the Sec. Rabi, 1196. (A. D. 1782.) Arabic Ms. on thick paper, 85 leaves, 13 by 9^ inches, written in 38 1 a very large and beautiful Maghrebine character, in black, red, blue, and purple ink. Leaf 12 V. is occupied by a representation of the tombs of Mohammed, Abu Beka, and Omar in the Mosque el-Haram at Medina. On the opposite page is a drawing of a chamber in which is suspended a golden lamp. Appended to the foregoing Ms. and written in a similar hand is a Kasida, a poem in praise of Mohammed, by Daab Ibn Zoheer ; 5 leaves. KORAN, The. Arabic Manuscript written in large clear characters within red lines. It contains 503 sheets in morocco covers, enclosed in a native satchel of thick leather. KORAN, The. Zvo, 409 leaves, dark morocco gilt with overlap, enclosed in case. Arabic Manuscript upon paper resembling vellum, beautifully written within blue and gold lines. The nilings and marks are in gold, headings in red, and first two pages richly illuminated. KORAN, The. X2nio, 303 leaves, oriental binding ornamented in gilt and colors, with linings of red morocco. Arabic Manuscript written on fine glazed paper within borders of blue and gold. All the rulings, headings, and marks are in gold. LIBRO BEZERRO del S™ Officio de la Inqq°?' de Mallorca. Contiene la hazienda antigua que ya posehia desde su fundacion, las Cassas que despues se le agregaron, y los Censos sobre la Uni- versidad. Villas, Gremios y Alquitar que antes fueron tocantes k las Confiscaciones de los Reos reconciliados y relaxados en la Complicidad de judaysantes del ano passado de 1678 sucitada en 1688, y se mandaron aplicar para la dotacion del dicho S'P Officio Hecho de orden y comision del Ex"° ST Arcobispo de Valencia Inqq" General, y SS. del Consexo de la S'? General Inqq°P, por el Doctor Pedro Juan Baquer p'.° abogado de Pressos de Fee, y archi- vero que haze Officio de contador del dicho S'? Officio, y lo con- cluyo en al ano de 1700. Folio, I ^oS pages, thick paper, original leather binding. Manuscript of great historical value, being the records of the Spanish Inqui- sition in Mallorca. The body of the Ms. is evidently by the same hand, written in large open char- acters, but towards the end are many additional entries by various hands, bring- ing the record down to the year 1823. 382 LIBER MANUSCRIPTORUM ARABICE. 2,2mo, brown levant morocco gilt. {Hardy-Mennil.) Manuscript upon paper, very curiously written in black, blue, red, green and gold, within borders of gold and blue. LIBER PSALMORUM cum aliquot canticis et hymnis ecclesiasticis. Small Zvo, 196 leaves, mottled calf . Manuscript on vellum, in small, regular characters, with 2 miniatures, and capitals in red and blue. LORRIS, GuiLLAUME DE, and MEUNG, J. de. Cy est le rommant de la rose ou tout I'art d'amour est enclose. 4A7, maroon morocco gilt. Manuscript on paper, copied by M. Octave Delepierre from a very valuable Ms. in the British Museum. The miniatures were painted from the originals by M. Wing, and the crayon borders added by M. Midolle. In his description of the Ms. of which this is a copy, M. Delepierre says : "Ce volume est considere comme tellement precieux, dans ce depot si riche cependant en superbes manu- scrits, qu'il a ete qualifie de creme de la collection Harleienne." London, 1848. MISS^ SPECIALES. [In festo S. Martini ; in festo nativitatis beate Marie ; missa mortuorum ; in festo dedicationis S. Michaelis arch- angeli ; in festo visitationis beate Marie ; in festo presentationis beate Virginis.] Folio, old leather binding with bosses and clasps. Manuscript on vellum, well executed, but very imperfect. Sac. xvi. MISS^ SPECIALES. [In die sancto Paschae; in die Pentecostes ; in festo sacri corporis Christi ; in nativitate domini nostri Jesu Christi missae tres.] 4/(7, 5 1 leaves, half green morocco. Manuscript on vellum, by a French scribe ; text in large Roman characters mingled with rubrics, and enriched with two beautiful miniatures, and 126 capi- tals painted in bright colors on a golden ground. This Ms. is a fine specimen of modem penmanship. Sac. xvil. MISSALS. Incipit ordo manualis frm minorum secundum consuetu- dine romane curie. Folio, 219 leaves in double columns, boards covered with leather. Manuscript on vellum ; text in black mingled with rubrics ; characters of the 15 th century. Every page is ornamented with arabesques, two initial capitals contain minia- tures, and many others are delicately illuminated in gold and silver. 383 MISSALS. Incipit ordo missalism fr minorum secundum consuetudine romane curie. Folio, 260 leaves, boards covered with leather, brass bosses and clasps. Manuscript on vellum, with illuminated capitals and 5 small miniatures. The text is large, angular, and very much abbreviated, like Mss. of the 14th century. [See SiLVESTRE, PI. CLIV.] Epistolse lectiones et evangelia per annum. Folio, boards covered with leather, bosses and clasps. Manuscript closely written on 204 leaves of vellum (loth leaf missing), en- riched with arabesques and 39 initials floriated and heightened with gold. Four capitals contain small miniatures. A note preceding the Ms. reads as follows : Questo Epistolario e del principio del decimo quinto secolo ; codice e questo molto pregevole bench^ non via del piu antichi." Missale Romanum. Folio, old stamped leather with clasps. Manuscript on vellum, first leaf wanting and many others robbed of illumi- nated capitals ; text taller than wide, in double columns, punctuated and easy to read, having few abbreviations ; capitals large and graceful ; 5 leaves ornamented with painted initials and borders heightened with gold. Scec. xvi. Officium cum missa secundum consuetudinem romanae ecclesiae. Folio, boards covered with leather. Manuscript on vellum, in characters of the 15 th century. The first page is enriched with a wide border containing 12 small miniatures, and all the initial capitals are in colors, 13 being very large and richly illuminated. Officium cum missa secundum consuetudinem romanae ecclesiae. In 2 parts, folio, boards covered with leather, iron bosses and leather clasps. Manuscript on vellum, by an Italian scribe ; text large, regular, and mingled with rubrics ; music noted in black on a staff of four red lines ; words of the chant well interspaced and rarely abbreviated. This superb Ms. is enriched with many beautifully illuminated capitals, 7 of which contain miniatures. Scec. xvi. [For specimen of this style see Silvestre, PL CLXl.] Officium cum missa S. P. Dominici. Folio, 183 pages, rtissia, ivith brass bosses and clasps, gilt and gauffered edges. Manuscript on thick paper, with text and music finely executed. It contains 384 2 large and many small miniatures, ornamental scrolls, and 45 initial capitals, all painted in very delicate colors and enriched with gold. Below the first miniature, which covers the entire page, are the names of Joseph Lenzi, pinx. and D. Moysius Montieri, scrip., followed by this dedication : — " Has, Gusmane, preces Joseph tibi Bosius offert. Quo tua facta rudis litera quaeque notat Nullus prodigiis tantis prasscribitur ordo ; Tu parva auxilio dona repende tuo." An. DHi M. D. CC. XX. MISTERIO TRINITATIS (De) libri iv. 4/^, 209 leaves.) crimson velvet. Manuscript on vellum, written in vei7 small characters, with full marginal notes still more minute. Text in double columns, ornamented with 5 illuminated initials and arabesque capitals in red and blue. MOHAMED FAKR EL-OMAN. An exposition of the Mohamedan Creed. Arabic Ms. on paper, 179 leaves, T^ by 6 inches, in a small Maghrebine character. At the close is a notice, in the same hand and of the same date with the rest of the Ms., that the copying was completed the ilth of Shaban, in the year 28, and the reading the 20th of Jumada in the year 42. Doubtless in the above dates there is an omission of 1000, which would make them correspond to A. D. 1619 and 1633. The copying above mentioned cannot refer to the present Ms. , which, however, appears to be of a not much more recent date. MOSES BEN JACOB CORDUERO. Kissur Pardes Rimmontum, /. e. Abridgment of the Pardes Rimmonium [Introduction to the science of the Kabbala] of Moses Corduero, by Mordecai Dato. Hebre^v Ms. in the Rabbinical character, on thick paper, 100 leaves, 2> by 6 inches. OFFICIUM BEATE MARIE VIRGINIS. j\Zmo, morocco with clasp. Manuscript on vellum, containing 200 leaves, 6 miniatures, and many beau- tiful capitals. OFFICIUM BEATE MARIE VIRGINIS. 2^mo, vellum. Manuscript on vellum, 143 leaves, capitals in colors. 385 OFFICIUM BEATE MARIE VIRGINIS. i2mo, vellum. Manuscript on vellum, with 9 small miniatures and illuminated borders. Written by a French scribe. OFFICIUM BEAT^ MARI^ VIRGINIS. Incipit confessio diceda ante missa b'te Marie, etc. Small 4^0, 94 leaves, red morocco gilt, lined with green silk, silver clasps. Manuscript upon fine vellum, with i large miniature, 12 full borders in quaint devices, many half borders and beautiful initial capitals. Queen of Naples's copy. OFFICIUM BEAT^ MARI^ VIRGINIS. Incipiunt septem pi penitentiales, etc. Zvo, morocco gilt. {Italian binding of the 16th century.) Manuscript on pure vellum, consisting of selections from the Officium, beau- tifully written by a French scribe. The first leaf has a border and 3 miniatures delicately painted ; 2 other miniatures representing Christ upon the cross are found in the Orationes ante commnnionem, and many capitals are finely illuminated. In the border on the first page are the Arms of the Lorraine family, and the morocco covers are impressed with gilt characters like the interlaced C and A of Lorraine. This charming little Ms. ends with the following inscription in gold letters : " Dens Alpha et fi omnium rerum principinm et finis huic libello ad salztte Regine Francie finem imponat et qui eam primam itt teris reginam constituit earn in celis post longam vita dignetur recipe?. At/i. OFFICIUM BEATE VIRGINIS MARIE secundum consuetudine romane curie. 24fno, 86 leaves, morocco with clasp. Manuscript on vellum, with very small illuminated capitals, 5 of which con- tain miniatures. PARADYSE (The) of daynty devises aptly furnished with sundry pithie & learned inventions ; devised and written for the most part by M. Edwards sometimes of her Maiesties Chappel ; the rest by sundry learned Gentlemen, etc. ^to, brown morocco. {Mackenzie.) This is a beautiful Ms. copy of the very rare first edition of 1576, made by the late George Steevens, Esq., from the only known printed copy of that edition; and as that copy is now lost, this Ms. may be considered peculiarly valuable. The reprint of the first edition, published in 18 10, was made from a transcript of this Ms. by Mr. Haslewood, and is bound at the end of the volume. 49 386 PEREZ, Antonio. Vida de Phelipe II. y norte de principes y privados, y advertimientos politicos sobre lo publico y particular de una monarquia fundados en materia de estado, razon y govierno, al Duque de Lerma pribado de el Rey D. Phelipe 3° y carta d un pribado per Antonio Perez, secretario de estado de el Rey D. Phelipe 2°. 4^0, 221 leaves 0/ paper, vellutn. Manuscript clearly and closely written in Spanish. PLATO. Platonis de republica libri x. ab Antonio Cassarino siculo e gr^ECO in latinum conversi. Folio, 231 leaves, old worm-eaten covers. Manuscript upon pure vellum, written in Roman characters, veiy small, but clear and elegant. The initial letters of the chapters are finely illuminated. A short sketch of the author's life precedes the De Republica. Sac. xvi. [See SiLVESTRE, PI. CLVI.] PRIERES PENDANT LA Messe \ I'usage de Madame la Premiere. Fait k la plume par son trbs humble et tr^s obe'issant serviteur Phil. Gallonde, Chanoine Reg. de St. Genevieve, 1751. \2mo, dark green levant morocco lined with silk. Beautiful Ms. on paper, with vignettes and borders. From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 80. PROVERBES ARABES, texte, et traduction frangaise en regard. \Ztno, red morocco lined with blue silk. Manuscript on vellum, with text and borders in ordinary ink, tastefully orna- mented with gilt. Upon the first leaf is a small miniature representing Mahomet, which bears the signature Vauthier. From the library of M. Yemeniz, No. 2015. RODERICUS SANCIUS DE AREVALO. Incipit compendiosa his- toria hispanica. In qua agitur de eius situ et descriptione : salu- britate ac ubertate : gentisque humanitate : et ad religionis cultum pietate : caeterisque eiusdem regionis laudibus. Demum de Gotho- rum, Vandalorum : et casterorum ad Hispanias accedentium origine et in Hispania regnantium antiquitate. Necnon de regnorum erectione : regumque successione : ac claris illorum successibus. Tandem pro ampliore historiae ornatu inter ipsa hispanica gesta inseruntur brevi Priscorum, Romanorum, Graecorum et aliorum exterorum antiquorum clarissima gesta : dicta et insignia docu- menta ad cuius vis principantis : potentis seu nobilis : ac privati hominis instructionem edita : a Roderico Santii utriusque juris ac 387 artium professore Episcopo Palentino Hispano sanctissimi domini nostri domini Pauli Pontificis Maximi in castro suo Sancti Angeli de urbe Romana prefecto. {In fine:) De mandato R. P. D. Ro- derici Episcopi Falentini audoris hnjus libri Ego Udalricus Gallus sine calaffio aut penis eimdem librum impressi. Folio, 243 leaves, red morocco lined ivith white silk. Manuscript copy of this rare Spanish History, beautifully executed on vel- lum. Wide margins are left around the text, which is written in small, elegant Roman letters with few abbreviations, and each chapter is enriched vnth large initial capitals, traced in gold upon a blue ground, and ornamented with an ara- besque of leaves in various colors. The style of writing and illumination proves the Ms. to be a work of the l6th century. [See Silvestre, PI. clvi.] An interesting note upon the first edition of this work is found in the Bibliotheca Grenvilliana. « SOLIMAN I. History of Sultan Soliman I., the Magnificent. Arabic Ms. in the Neskhi character^ on paper, white and yellow leaves intermingled, 123 leaves, ^ by ^\ inches. The first two pages contain an invocation, in verse, addressed to Soliman ; the Ms. ends with a note to the effect that it was "written the last day of the month Rejeb, 1096 (A. D. 1685). The Scribe Jusuf copied it." TARGUM OF ONKELOS, i. e. Chaldee Paraphrase of the Penta- teuch. Chaldee Ms. on vellum, 275 leaves, ']\ by ^ inches ; first leaf conthining Genesis i : 1-25 wanting. THOMSON, James. Juvenile Poems. Folio, brown morocco. Autograph Manuscript of several of Thomson's unpublished poems. The vol- ume also contains various cuttings, Ms. notes, and two letters concerning the poet, and this Ms. , addressed to the Earl of Buchan, by I. Brown. Turkish Manuscript, containing an account, in verse, of the early combats of Mohammed and of some of his noted enemies and friends. Ms. on yellow paper, 221 leaves, 12 by S inches, in double col- umns, 23 lines to the page ; written in the Neskhi character and comparatively recent. The headings of some of the chapters are in Arabic. PHOTOGRAPHS. ANNAN, Thomas. The Painted Windows of Glasgow Cathedral. Glasgow, A?inan, 1867. I vol. folio, ^T) photographs, cloth. CORREGGIO, Antonio Allegri da. Affreschi del Correggio ond' b celebre una stanza nel' gia' monistero di San Paolo di Parma disegnati ed incisi dal Cav. Paolo Toschi o sua scuola, fotografati da Filippo Beghi Parmigiano. I vol. Svo, photographs, cloth. Affreschi del Correggio a Parma nella cattedrale in S. Giovanni nella S. S. Annunziata, e nella reale Pinacoteca disegnati ed incisi dal Cav. Paolo Toschi o dalla sua scuola, e riprodotti in fotografia da Filippo Beghi Parmigiano. I vol. Zvo, photographs, cloth. COLLECTION of 58 Photographs from the most celebrated Pictures of Titian, Rembrandt, Paul Veronese, Michael Angelo, Guido Reni, Rafifaello, Ribera, and others. I vol. large folio, photographs mounted on tinted paper. COLLECTION of 500 Photographs from Paintings by the best Euro- pean Artists, ancient and modern. 5 portfolios. DELAROCHE, Paul. Oeuvre de Paul Delaroche reproduit en pho- tographic par Bingham ; accompagne d'une notice sur la vie et les ouvrages du peintre par Henri Delaborde, et du catalogue raisonnd de I'oeuvre par Jules Godde. Paris, Goupil et C", 1858. I vol. folio, 27 pages of text and 86 plates. DULWICH GALLERY. A Series of Fifty Colored Plates from the most celebrated Pictures in that Collection. I vol. large folio, plates mounted upon tinted cardboard. 389 ENGEL, Carl. Deutsche Sitte. Nach Original Gemalden von Carl Engel. Photographirt von J, Schafer. Frankfurt a. Mayn, H. Keller. 6 photographs in portfolio. GAGARINE, Gr^goire. See Stackelberg, E. GALERIE DES pl^nipotentiaires au Congr^s du Paris. Photogra- phies par MM. Mayer freres et Pierson ; lithographiees par MM. Arnout, Belliard, etc. ; accompagnees de notices historiques et bio- graphiques, et suivies du Traite de paix. Paris, E. Boiirdin, 1856. I vol. folio, green morocco case. GEROME, Jean-L^on. Photographs from the most celebrated Pic- tures of J. L. Gdrome. I portfolio. HOTHO, H. G. The Adoration of the Wise Men of the East. Altar- piece in the Cathedral at Cologne. Berlin, G. Schauer. I vol.- 4to, I photograph, with explanatory text, INDIA. A Series of Photographic Views representing the Art, Archi- tecture, and Scenery of India. -^portfolios, half morocco. KAULBACH, W. von. Photographs from the choicest Paintings of W. von Kaulbach. 1 portfolio. MACPHERSON, R. Views of Rome, comprising its Churches, Pub- lic Buildings, and most interesting Antiquities. Photographed by R. Macpherson. 2 large portfolios. Macpherson's Vatican Sculptures. Rome, s. a. 126 photographs in vellum covers. MISCELLANEOUS PHOTOGRAPHS. 4 portfolios. PRESTEL, J. G. Reit-, Fahr- & Jagdereignisse aus dem Leben des Grafen Moritz Sandor. Aufgenommen, gemalt und photographisch verveilfaltigt von Maler J. G. Prestel, welcher den Grafen Sandor wahrend 12 Jahren begleitet und mit wenigen Ausnahmen sammtlichen Accidents beigwohnt. Collection of photographs in % cases. 390 RAFFAELLO SANZIO DA URBINO. Raphaels Frescomalereien aus dem Mythus von Amor und Psyche in der Famesina zu Rom. Photographien nach den Original-Zeichnungen von T. Dieck, mit dem Texte von Dr. G. F. Waagen. Berlin, s. a. I vol, text ill \to, plates in folio. SCHEFFER, Ary. Oeuvre d'Ary Scheffer reproduit en photographic par Bingham, accompagnd d'une notice sur la vie et les ouvrages du peintre, par L. Vitet. Paris, Goupil et C", i860. 1 vol. /olio, 2 g pages of text and bo plates. SOULIER, Charles. Vues en Suisse. Photographiees d'apres na- ture par C. Soulier. VKR.is,publiees a la photog. Antonin. 2 vols. obi. folio, green morocco gilt lined with moire antique. Collection of 80 beautiful photographs mounted upon India paper, representing the principal cities, castles, lakes, mountains, and waterfalls in Switzerland. SPAIN. Views of the Cathedrals and other Architectural Antiquities of Spain. With descriptive Text in English, French, and Russian. I vol. large folio, 27 views beautifully executed in-water colors. STACKELBERG, Ernest. Le Caucase pittoresque dessind d'aprfes nature par le prince Gregoire Gagarine, avec une introduction et un texte explicatif par le comte Ernest Stackelberg. Paris, impr. par Plonfreres, 1847. I vol. folio, 76 lithographs upon India paper. SWITZERLAND. Photographic Views of Mountain Scenery in Swit- zerland. 3 portfolios. ZICHY. Scenes du Caucase, composdes et dessinees sur pierre par Zichy. Impr. lith. de A. Munster. 12 lithographs in portfolio. PAINTINGS. Explanation. — C, Canvas; W., Wood; L., Length; H., Height. ADAM (Francis). Medal, 1867. Interior. Horses and Figures. C. — L. , 46 in. — H. , 36 in. AUBERT (Ernst-Jean). Medal, 1861 ; Pupil of Paul Delaroche. Reverie. C. — L., 13 in. — H., 19 in. ACHENBACH (Oswald). Medals, 1859, 1861, 1863 ; Legion of Honor, 1863. Naples (en route ^ Pompeii). C. — L., 58 in. — H., 40 in. ANSDELL (Richard). Medal of 1855 ; Member of the Royal Academy. Muleteers and Water-Carriers of the Alhambra. — 1866. C. — L., 39 in. — H., 60 in. BAKKERKORF (A. Hugo). The Convalescent. — 1865. W. — L., II in. —H., 9 in. BARON (Henri-Charles-Antoine). Medals of 1847, 1848, 1855, 1867 ; Legion of Honor, 1869. The Musicians. C. — L. 18 in. — H., 24 in. 392 BELLANGE (Jos. Louis Hippolyte), deceased, 1866. Paris. Medal of 1824 ; Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1834. Napoleon. The Return from Elba. — 1864. C. — L., 75 in. — H., 60 in. BRETON (Jules-Adolphe). Medals, 1855, 1857, 1859, 1861 ; Grand officer Legion of Honor, 1867. Landscape with Figures ; Effect of Sunset with New Moon. — 1868. C. — L., 50 in. — H., 28 in. BOSCH (Ernst). Far from Home. — 1867. C. — L., 28 in. — H., 21 in. BONHEUR (Mlle. Maria Rosa). Landscape and Cattle. — 1867. C. — L., 26 in. — H., 20 in. BONHEUR (FRANgois-AuGusTE). Medals, 1852, 1857, 1859, 1861, 1863; Legion of Honor, 1867. Landscape and Cattle ; Early Morning. — 1866. C. — L., 40 in. — H., 25 in. BURKEL (Henry). Alpine Landscape. Catde and Figures. — 1837. C. — L., 29 in. — H., 20 in. BRASCASSAT (Jacques-Raymond). Medals, 1827, 1831, 1837, 1846; Legion of Honor, 1855.— Died in 1867. Landscape. Bull and Dog. — 1858. W. — L., 21 in. — H., 17 in. BLOCK (D.). The Happy Mother. C. — L., 13 in. — H., 17 in. BROMLEY (George). Girl and Butterfly. Water Color. — i., 10 in. — H., 14 in. 393 BEAUMONT (E'douard de). The Torturers of Cupid. C. — L., 44 in. — H., 36 in. BONNAT (L^on-Joseph-Florentin). Medals, i86r, 1863, 1867; Legion of Honor, 1869. Roman Peasant Girl. — 1867. C. — L., 17 in. — H., 13 in. BUDDE (Theodore). Vision of St. Hubertus. C. — L., 32 in. — H. , 42 in. BRAEKELEER (Ferdinand de). The Musical Schoolmaster. — 1855. W. — L., 36in. — H., 28 in. BRAEKELEER (Ferdinand de). The Golden Wedding. — 1854. W. — L., 44 in. — H., 35 in. COLE (Vicat). Royal Academician. Landscape. Autumn's Golden Crown. — 1857. !§ C. — L., 32 in. — H., 20 in. CALAME (Alexander). Medals, 1839, 1840; Legion of Honor, 1841. Swiss Landscape. W. — L., II in. — H., 9 in. CAMPOTOSTO (Henry). Dolce far niente. W. — L., i8in. — H., 25 in. CLAUDE (J. Maxime). Medals, 1866, 1869, 1872. Dog Kennel. Early Morning. — 1867. C. — L., 18 in. — H., 21 in. COUTURE (Thomas). Medals, 1844, 1847, 1848, 1855; Officer of Legion of Honor, 1855. Day Dreams. The Indolent Scholar. — 1859. C. — L., 36 in. — H., 46 in. 50 394 DIAZ DE LA PENA (Narcisse). Medals of 1844, 1846, 1848 ; Legion of Honor, 1851. Forest in Fontainebleau. W. — L., 16 in. — H., 21 in. DIAZ DE LA PENA (Narcisse). Medals of 1844, 1846, 1848 ; Legion of Honor, 185 1. Bohemians. W. — L., 12 in. — H., 19 in. DELACROIX (Auguste). Medals, 1839, 1841, 1846. A Mother's Pride. C. — L., 22 in. — H., 27 in. DELACROIX (FERDiNAND-ViCTOR-EuGfeNE), deceased, 1863. Medals, 1824, 1848; Grand Medal of Honor, 1855. Clorinda delivering the Martyrs. (From second canto Tasso's " Jerusa- lem Delivered.") C. — L., 32 in, — H., 40 in. DILLENS (Adolphe). Antwerp. Medal en Vermeil, 1848 ; Gold Medal, 1854, in Brussels ; Chevalier of the Order of Leopold. The Zealand Farmer. ' W. — L., 10 in. — H., 13 in- DUPRES (Jules). Medals, 1833, 1849, 1867 ; Grand Officer Legion of Honor, 1870. Landscape. C. — L., 15 in. — H., 10 in. DUPRES (Jules). Medals, 1833, 1849, 1867; Grand Officer Legion of Honor, 1870. Landscape. Les Landes. C. — L., 32 in. — H., 20 in. EDER (T. M.). Seville. Spanish Peasants. Landscape. — 1867. C. — L., 64 in. — H., 42 in. 395 FREY (J.). Basle. Memnon at Thebes. Painted for Lepsius in Egypt. — 1845. C. — L., 40 in. — H., 30 in. FROMENTIN (Eugene). Medals, 1849, 1857, 1859, 1867 ; Grand Officer Legion of Honor, 1869. Scene in Algiers. — 1857. W. — L., i8in. — H., 27 in. GESELSCHAP (Edward). The Christmas Fair. — 1856. C. — L., 14 in. — H., 18 in. GESELSCHAP (Edward). The Christmas Tree. — 1864. C. — L., 21 in. — H., 18 in. GUDE (Hans-Frederic). Medals, 1855, 1861, 1867. Norwegian Landscape. — 1856. C. — L., 42 in. — H., 33 in. GEROME (Jean-L^on). Medals, 1847, 1848, 1855 ; Grand Officer of Legion of Honor, 1867. Le Berger Syrien. — 1867. W. — L., 33 in. — H., 18 in. GUIDO RENL Beatrice Cenci. (Copy.) C — L., 20 in. — H., 25 in. GUIDO RENL Hope. (Copy.) C. — L., 16 in. — H., 20 in. GORDIDGIANI (Michaele). Florentine Flower-Girl. Frame fine specimen of Florentine wood carving. — 1867. C. — L., 38 in. — H., 50 in. 396 HAANEN (Von). Fruit and Flowers. — 1861. W. — L., 32 in. — H., 40 in. HENDRICKS (F. J., Baron). Norwegian Landscape. C. — L., 50 in. — H., 34 in. HASSENCLEVER (J. P.). The Grandfather's Birthday. — 1854. C. — L., 34 in. — H., 26 in. HEBERT (Antoine-Auguste-Ernest). Medals, 185 1, 1853 ; Medal of Honor, 1855 ; Officer of Legion of Honor, 1867. A Savoyard. — 1866. C. — L., 13 in. — H., 21 in. HEYLIGERS (J. A. F.). Holland Interior. — 1866. C. — L., 23 in. — H., 18 in. HERBSTHOFFER (Charles). Religious Instruction in an Israelitish Household. — 1868. C. — L., 52 in. — H., 38 in. HOHLE. Charles IX. Eve of St. Bartholomew, after Baron Wappers. Porcelain. — L., 15 in. — H., 19 in. HILGERS (Carl). Winter Sport C. — L., 13 in. — H., II in. HILGERS (Carl). Landscape. Castle and Figures, C. — L., 51 in. — H., 34 in. HILDEBRANDT (Edguard). Medals, 1843 ; Medal of Honor, 1855. Marine Sunset off the Isle of Jersey. C. — L., 46 in. — H., 32 in. 397 , HARRISON (George). Flowers. Water-color. — L., i8 in. — H., ii in. ISABEY (Louis-Gabriel-EugJine). Medals, 1824, 1827, 1832, 1852; Officer of Legion of Honor, 1855. Cupid's Messages to the Graces. — 1853. C. — L., 36 in. — H., 50 in. KOEK-KOEK (Barend-Cornelius). Medals, 1840, 1843 ; Chevalier of the Orders of the Lion, and Leopold of Belgium. Landscape. Entering the Wood. C. — L., 50 in. — H., 40 in. KOEK-KOEK (Barend-Cornelius). Medals, 1840, 1843; Chevaliar of the Orders of the Lion, and Leopold of Belgium. Landscape. W. — L., 17 in. — H., 13 in. KEYSER (Nicaise de). Medal, 1840 ; Chevalier of Order of Leopold ; President of the Academy of Antvv'erp. Francis L at Fontainebleau. — 1869. W. — L., 60 in. — H., 38 in. KAULBACH (Wilhelm von). Medal of Honor, 1855 ; Grand Officer of Legion of Honor, 1867. Charity.— 1868. C. — L., 52 in. — H., 78 in. LEYS (Henry, Baron). Medal of Honor, 1867 ; Officer of Legion of Honor ; Commander of Order of Leopold. Interior. — 1846. W. — L., 16 in. — H., 13 in. LINNELL (J., Sr.). Landscape. Harvest Time. — 1863. C. — L., 40 in. — H., 28 in. LACHENWITZ (F. S.). Quarrelsome Terriers, . C. — L., 28 in. — H., 22 in. 398 MEYER (De). Avenue of Beeches, Winter. The Hague. — 1865. C. — L., 48 in. — H., 28 in. MELIN (Joseph). Medals, 1843, 1845, 1855, 1857. Stag and Hounds. — 1865. C. — L., 56 in. — H., 34 in. MARCHAL (Charles-Francois). Medals, 1864, 1866. Pdndlope. — 1868. C. — L., 20 in. — H., 40 in. MERLE (Hugues). Medals, l86l, 1863; Officer of Legion of Honor, 1866. The Women and the Secret (Lafontaine's Fables). — 1867. C. — L., 40 in. — H., 56 in. MILLET (Jean-Francois). Medals, 1853, 1864, 1867 ; Officer of Legion of Honor, 1868. Landscape. Figures and Cattle. C. — L., 40 in. — H., 32 in. MEYERHEIM (Francis-Edward). Gold Medal, 1848; Grand Gold Medal, 1850 ; Chevalier of the Red Eagle, 1849. Our Little Family. — 1867. W. — L., 9 in. — H., II in. MEYER VON BREMEN (Johann-Georg). Gold Medal of Prussia, 1850. Old Letters.— 1867. C. — L., 15 in. — H., 20 in. PECRUS (Charles). Confidence. C. — L., II in. — H., 14 in. 399 PILOTY (Carl von). Medal, 1st class, 1867 ; H, C. Elizabeth and Frederic of Bohemia receiving news of the Loss of the Battle of Prague. — 1868. C. — L., 65 in. — H., 42 in. PESKOFF. St. Petersburg. Battle of the Fists before Ivan the Terrible. — 1863. C. — L., 74 in. — H., 52 in. RIEFSTAHL (W.). Swiss Peasants. Shrine and Storm. — 1867. C. — L., 44 in. — H., 29 in. ROBBE (Louis). Medal of 1844 ; Chevalier of Legion of Honor of Leopold and Charles IIL of Spain. Landscape. Bull, Sheep, and Goats. C. — L., 64 in. — H., 43 in. RAFFAELLO SANZIO DA URBINO. Madonna della Seggiola. (Copy.) W. — Circular, 30 in. ROUSSEAU (Theodore). Medals, 1843, '849, 1852, 1855 ; Officer of Legion of Honor, 1867. Effect of Autumn. C. — L., 22 in. — H., 26 in. ROUSSEAU (Theodore). Medals, 1834, 1849, 1852, 1855 ; Officer of Legion of Honor, 1867. Forest at Fontainebleau. — 1863. W. — L., 31 in. — H., 21 in. ROUSSEAU (Theodore). Landscape {Chef-cToeuvre). W. — L., 30 in. — H., 21 in. SCHELFHOUT (Andr^). Chevalier of the Order of the Lion, Netherlands. Landscape. Skating Scene. — 1849. C — L., 47in. — H,, 35 in. 400 SCHELFHOUT (ANDRifi). Chevalier of the Order of the Lion, Netherlands. Winter Scene in Holland. — 1858. W. — L., i8in.— H., 12 in. SOHN (William). Medal of 1867. The Consultation. — 1866. C. — L., 17 in. — H., 13 in. SCHITSKIN. Landscape. Pen-drawing. — 1867. L., 25 in. — H., 18 in. Landscape. Pen-drawing. L., 21 in. — H., 14 in. SUS (G.). A Young Family. C. — L., 10 in. — H., 7 in. STEVENS (Alfred). Medals, 1853, 1855, 1857, 1863 ; Officer of Legion of Honor, 1867. The New Robe. — 1866. W. — L., 12 in. — H., 15 in. SCHIAVONI (Felice). Director of the Academy of Venice. Holy Family. ■— 1868. , C. — L., 62 in. — H., 76 in. SPANGENBURG. Berlin. Luther, Wife, Children, and Melancthon. — 1867. (Perhaps only ex- ample of the artist in this country.) C. — L., 64 in. — H. , 50 in. SCHUZ (Theodore). Easter Morning. — 1868. C. — L. , 46 in. — H., 35 in. 40I SCHREYER (Adolphe). Medals, 1864, 1865, 1867. Les Arabes en Egypt. — 1867. C. — L,, 30 in. — H., 18 in. SCHREYER (Adolphe). Medals, 1864, 1865, 1867. Russian Landscape. Horses and Figures. — 1867, C. — L., 60 in. — H., 36 in. TRAYER (Jean-Baptiste-Jules). Medals, 1853, 1855. The Young Mother. C. — L., n in. — H., 14 in. TOULMOUCHE (Auguste). The Card Houses. — 1859. C. — L., 34 in. — H., 26 in. TROYON (Constant). Landscape. Cattle, Storm. — 1859. C. — L., 62 in. — H., 44 in. TITIAN. Titian's Daughter. (Copy.) C. — L,, 28 in. — H., 35 in. UNKNOWN. (Resembles Leys.) The New Shawl. W.— L., 26 in. — H., 20 in. D'UNKER (Charles H.). A Dinner, — the Toast. — 1855. C. — L., 32 in. — H., 24 in. VINCI (Leonardo da). Vanity and Modesty. C. — L., 31 in. — H., 27 in. VERSCHUUR (W., Sr.). Landscape, with Horses and Figures. C- — L., 30 in. — H., 20 in. 51 402 VAN HORE (Victor), and WILLEMS (Florent). Interior with Figures. C. — L., i6 in. — H., 20 in. VERLAT (Charles). Medals, 1853, 1855, 1861 ; Officer of Legion of Honor, 1868. Dogs over a Disputed Bonnet. — 1866. C. — L,, 22 in. — H., 17 in. VERBOECKHOVEN (Eugene). Medals, 1824, 1841, 1855 ; Commander of Order of Leopold, 1872. Landscape. Cattle and Sheep. — 1845. C — L., 53in. — H., 37 in. VERBOECKHOVEN (Eugene), and ACHARD (Jean-Alexis). Medals, 1844, 1845, 1848, 1855. Landscape. Cattle and Figures. — 1865. C. — L., 40 in. — H., 28 in. WILLEMS (Florent). Medals, 1844, 1846, 1853, 1855 ; Officer of Legion of Honor, 1864. Confidence.— 1856. C. — L., 13 in. — H., 16 in. WEBER (Adolphe). * Landscape. ' C. — L., 25 in. — H., 20in. WAPPERS (Egile-Charles-Gustave, Baron). Medals of Honor, 1844 ; Officer of Legion of Honor, 1855. Neuvaines of the Family of Count Egmont, previous to his execution by the Duke of Alva. — 1866. W. — L., 60 in. — H., 36 in. ZIMMERMAN (Richard). The Forge in the Tyrol. Winter. ^ C. — L., 40 in. — H., 34 in. MARBLES. VL., Height; l.., Length; W., IVidth; H., Diameter. ROGERS (Randolph). Ruth. Indian Boy. TANTARDINI (Antonio). Reading Girl. MAGNI (PiETRo). Reading Girl. FEDI (Pio). Innocence. Candor. IVES (C. B.). Sans-souci. HART (Joel T.) Henry Clay. POWERS (Hiram). Charity. CONNOLLY (P. F.). Cordelia. Philippa. Viola, FOLEY (Margaret). Longfellow. Medauion. ANTIQUE. The Cesars. Julius. Augustus. Caligula. Tiberius. 404 DOMENICO. Dante. KISS (Augustus). Amazon {bronze). One of the two belonging to the sculptor. MILLER (Ferdinand von). Munich. Bronze Statuettes, fire gilt, marble bases. Abraham Lincoln. Patrick Henry, from Crawford's original at Richmond. VERD-ANTIQUE PEDESTALS. From the Cardinal Tosti's Palace, Rome. I. H., 44 in. — D., 14 in. 2. H., 44 in. — D., 14 in. PORPHYRY PEDESTALS. From the Cardinal Tosti's Palace, Rome. I. H., 38 in. — D., i3Hn. 2. H., 35 in. — D., 13 in. EGYPTIAN RED GRANITE PEDESTALS. From the Cardinal Tosti's Palace, Rome. 1. H., 46 in. — D., 14 in. 3. H., 38 in. — D., 15 in. 2. H., 46 in. — D., 14 in. 4. H., 38 in. — D., 15 in. GREGORIAN MARBLE PEDESTALS. From the Cardinal Tosti's Palace, Rome. 1. H., 38 in. —D., 13^ in. 2. H., 38 in. — D., 13^ in. 3. H., 38in. — D., 13* in. ALGERIAN MOTTLED PINK MARBLE PEDESTALS. With vases (same). TEN COLUMNS, TWISTED MARBLES. Five, Porta ^anta. — Five, Porto Venere. H., 37 in. — D., 6 in. Gilt bronze capitals, 9 inches in diameter. By Professors Fedi and Connolly. POMPEIAN CANDELABRA. Munich bronze gilt with cloisonnde enamel candlesticks. 405 PORPHYRY GEM CABINET. Silver drawers ; gilt bronze ornaments. H., 21 in. — W., 15 in. — Depth, 7 in. BRONZE ROMAN BIGA. Bronze charioteer ; marble and bronze chariot j Oriental granite base. ART CLOCK. Bronze and niello, with ivory figures. Designed by Herter and Sevin; executed by Barbedienne, 1870. ROMAN MOSAIC TABLE. Petrarch's Triumph of Love. Circular, — D., 36 in. Special bronze gilt rim ; superb carved oak pedestal, designed and executed by Chris- tian Herter, in the highest style of art. FLORENTINE MOSAIC TABLES. I. Circular. — D., 36 in. 2. Oval. — 21 in. 3. Oblong. — L., 33 in. — W., 21 in. VENETIAN GLASS MOSAIC TABLE. With ebony and mosaic pedestal. Designed and executed by Professor Salviati, of Venice. D., 23 in. SICILIAN JASPER TABLES. Antiques from Palermo. A pair. ORIENTAL GRANITE TABLE. From a Roman Palace. L., 80 in. — W., 40 in. — Thickness, 3 in. ROSSO-ANTICO TABLE. From Cardinal Tosti's Palace. L., 36 in. — W., 24 in. — Thickness, i| in. ORIENTAL PORPHYRY TABLE. From Cardinal Tosti's Palace. L., 50 in. — W., 21 in. — Thickness, i in. 4o6 MALACHITE TABLE. Russian gilt-bronze pedestal ; Circular, — D., 23 in. ^ VIENNESE WOOD MOSAIC TABLE. An exact copy of the little gem in the palace at Schoenbrunn. Circular, — D., 17 in. SORRENTO WOOD MOSAIC TABLE. Received the first prize at the Paris Exposition, 1867. Contains more than a million pieces. GENOESE WOOD MOSAIC TABLE. Circular, — D., 30 in. Remarkable for its skilful execution. ROMAN MOSAIC PICTURES. St. Peter's. Piazza and Colonnade. L., 16 in. — H., 8 in. Landscape. Roman Peasants. L., 10 in. — H., 7 in. ROMAN MOSAIC PICTURE, by L. Gallandt. Rome. The Forum, Arches, and Coliseum. L., 60 in. — H., 32 in. ALGERIAN OVAL ONYX DISH. L., 27 in. — W., 14 in. VERD-ANTIQUE TAZZAS. Tazza with tripod. Tazza with handles. ORIENTAL PORPHYRY TAZZAS. Etruscan Tazza, with cover. A pair, circular. ROSSO-ANTICO TAZZA, by Boschetti. Rome. CLOISONNEE ENAMEL VASE. An object of high art, by Barbedienne, 1870. With elegant Belgian marble pedestal. GALLO-ANTICO TAZZA, by Boschetti. Rome. A superb specimen. 407 SEVRES VASES. I. With serpent handles. Tazza. D., 21 in. 2. A cylinder. H., 30 in. 3. A pair, exquisitely designed. H., 21 in. SPANISH VASE. Iron, damascened with gold and silver. An extraordinary specimen, made by Zulsaga, Madrid. MEDIEVAL IVORY VASE OR HUNTING CUP. The base and cover modem silver, from a design by Christian Herter, very skil- fully and artistically executed. MODERN IVORY VASE OR HUNTING CUP. Wonderful specimen of modem carving ; executed in Munich. COLLECTION OF ARMOR. Early Italian Battle-Axes, Swords, Poniards. Early East Indian Armor. Cambridge : Printed by Welch, Bigelow, and Company. 4