iHisav - :ZXX *; |! --V..,., LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA RIVERSIDE r Ex Libris I ISAAC FOC ISAAC FOOT < \ ^ COLLECTED LITERARY ESSAYS CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS ILonUon: FETTER LANE, E.G. C. F. CLAY, Manager CFliinfiurgt) : loo, PRINCES STREET IBnlin: A. ASHER AND CO. 1L«ip)is: F. A. BROCKHAUS iReiu Sort: G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS ©ombajj aria aTalcutta: MACMILLAN AND CO., Ltd. A// riif/Us reseiued ^i. 4/ . /"eL^^^ COLLECTED LITERARY ESSAYS CLASSICAL AND MODERN X*-" ^ BY A. W. V^RRALL, Litt.D. KING EDWARD VII PROFESSOR OF ENGLISH LITERATURE AND FELLOW OF TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE HON. LITT.D., DUBLIN EDITED BY M. A. BAYFIELD, M.A. AND J. D. DUFF, M.A. WITH A MEMOIR Cambridge : at the University Press y^7 CambnUgt : PRINTED BY JOHN CLAY, M.A. AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS PREFACE THE essays contained in this volume have been collected from various periodicals, some of which are now difficult of access. The selection was made by the author a few months before his death, at a time when there was every expectation that he would live to see the republication. The names and dates of issue of the periodicals in which the essays originally appeared are given in the Table of Contents. For permission to republish, our thanks are due to the editors of the Quarterly Review, the New Quarterly, the Oxford and Cambridge Review, the Independent (and Albany) Review, to Mrs M'^Nalty, executrix and literary legatee of the late editor of the Universal Review, and to the Executive Com- mittee of the National Home-Reading Union. The Commemorative Address by Dr Mackail, which is appended to the Memoir, was delivered at a meeting of the Academic Committee of the VI Preface Royal Society of Literature on November 28, 191 2. We are much indebted to him for his kindness in allowing us to include this valuable appreciation, and we have to thank the Society for permission to reprint it. We have also to thank Mrs Verrall for valuable assistance. May 1 913. M. A. B. J. D. D. CONTENTS PAGE Portrait Frontispiece Memoir ix Memorial Inscription in Trinity College Chapel ciii Commemorative Address. By J. W. Mackail, LL.D. cv 'H'^ A Roman of Greater Rome . . . , . J . i I Universal Review, 1888. /^ ^-,4b,A^ An Old Love Story 27 Universal Review, 1888. The Feast of Saturn 58 Universal Review, 1889. A Tragi-Comedy and a Page of History . . 85 Universal Review, 1889. Love and Law 112 Universal Review, 1889. A Villa at Tivoli 127 Universal Review, 1890. "To Follow the Fisherman": a Historical Problem IN Dante 153 Independent Review, 1903. Dante on the Baptism of Statius . . . , 181 Albany Review, 1908. «5 Vlll Contents y PAGE The Birth of Virgil 204 Albany Review, 1907. The Altar of Mercy 319 Oxford and Cambridge Review, 1907. Aristophanes on Tennyson 236 New Quarterly, 1909. The Prose of Walter Scott ..... 247 Quarterly Review, 1910. "Diana of the Crossways" ..... 276 National Home-Reading Union's Magazine, 1906. General Index 289 Index of Passages 290 \ X \J. MEMOIR Whatever way my days decline, I felt and feel, tho' left alone. His being working in mine own, The footsteps of his life in mine. In Memoriaffi. Arthur Woollgar Verrall was bom at Brighton on February 5, 1851, and was the eldest of a family of three brothers and two sisters. His father, Henry Verrall, was a well-known solicitor who held for many years the office of Clerk to the Magistrates of the town. Since it is always inte- resting to trace the influences of heredity, some characteristics may be mentioned here which seem to have been part of the boy's natural debt to his parents. From his father he would appear to have derived his remarkable inductive powers, his simple tastes and dislike of ostentation, and the patient endurance with which he bore the sufferings and disabilities of his later years. His mother's gift embraced a rare conscientiousness, the aptitude for languages and teaching, the delight in music and the ear for rhythm. The tie of affection between mother and son was unusually strong. X Memoir At the age of nine, his health being thought too fragile even for the conditions of a preparatory school, he was sent as a private pupil to the Rev. R. Blaker, Vicar of I field. Mr Blaker soon discovered the boy's genius for languages, and Greek was immediately begun. Progress was exceptionally rapid, and two years later Mr Blaker wrote : He certainly gives promise of more than ordinary scholar- ship, and if his health is good, I augur an honourable future for him. . . . He evinces a quickness of comprehension which is remarkable for so young a boy. His memory is excellent, and he is able to retain facts and draw inferences from matters connected with his reading with wonderful clearness. ' An amusing little story of nursery days perhaps gives an even earlier indication of his bent in this direction. The child was looking at some pictures of red-legged partridges, and was overheard saying to himself, 'Arthur is a good boy; he doesn't say thenis grouses, he says thenis grice' In 1863 he went to Twyford, the well-known preparatory school for Winchester, where he stayed a year and a half. His health during this time was, however, much broken. In 1864 he competed for a Winchester scholarship, and failed. No doubt the failure was a disappointment at the time, but in after years he would refer to it as really a piece of good luck, since if he had gone to Winchester, he would have been sure to go to Oxford! In this judgement we may concur, for we can see that Oxford would hardly have helped him to * find himself.' The Greats course would have led him Memoir xi into fields of study foreign to his intellectual temperament, and for metaphysics he had a whole- hearted dislike, as he had for all speculation that promised to lead to no definite conclusion. Never- theless, he had a great respect for Oxford and a special affection for Winchester, where he was a frequent visitor. The defeat was almost im- mediately retrieved. In October of the same year, at the suggestion of Dr Beard, a friend of his father, he was hurried off at a few hours' notice to compete for a scholarship at Wellington College. Though his name had not been previously entered, his candidature was accepted, and he gained the second scholarship, being just beaten by E. Heriz Smith, afterwards Fellow of Pembroke College, Cambridge. In a letter now before me, Dr Benson wrote that the boy ' was nearly though not quite equal to the first candidate.... I like very much the boy's clear and unassuming manner, and am very glad nothing prevented him standing.' It was like Benson to add that he hoped he had ' been comfortable under the odd and hurried circumstances of his competition.' While at Wellington, Verrall must have experienced and observed many such instances of thoughtful courtesy, and as we know, they bore abundant fruit. Mr Wickham of Twyford, in a letter written when the boy was leaving the school, repeats Mr Blaker's impression of his character and augury for his future. An earlier letter of Mr Wickham's contains one significant remark : ' I must try to get him to read a little Ovid next half year, to get him into more xii Memoir style in his verses.' The boy, then, was capable of independent reading at the age of thirteen, had learned to dislike Ovid, and needed persuasion before he would read him. This dislike Verrall never lost, and I can recall the tone of real sadness with which he once referred to the essential trivi- ality of Ovid's art ; it actually distressed him that a man who could have done better things ' should have left only piffle.' One can well believe that the boy dimly felt the same disappointment, that he was even at that early age seeking in his author something more than the ' topmost froth of thought.' He entered Wellington at the end of his thirteenth year. Nattifally reserved, of a tempera- ment unusually refined, and with enthusiasms pre- dominantly intellectual, he was not one of those best fitted for the rough and tumble of public school life. ' Something of home-life,' he wrote in his contribution to the Archbishop's Life, ' something like the sympathetic and intelligent circle from which I came, was almost as necessary to me as bread and butter.' When he got into the Sixth, as he very soon did, Benson's keen observation detected this want, and he and Mrs Benson supplied it in the best of ways, by treating the boy as one of the family. He was continually in and out of the house, and whenever he liked, which was two or three times a week, he used to join the ' nursery tea,' at which Dr and Mrs Benson were habitually present. The value to him of this happy modification of the Memoir xiii ordinary conditions of school life, and the incal- culable gain from these closer relations with two such natures, he always felt he could not over- estimate. He would say, referring to those days, ' the Bensons made Wellington possible for me ' ; and he has written, ' He [Dr Benson] saved my health and my sense ; I believe that he saved my life.' If Verrall had written an autobiography (a thing incredible), not the least interesting period of it would have been that of his later school years. Unfortunately even recollections of him as he appeared to others are disappointingly meagre. One school-fellow writes, 'As soon as Verrall was in the Upper Sixth we were aware that his mind was of a different order from ours,' and mentions 'the width of his reading.' In an obituary notice in the Wellingtonian, Mr E. K. Purnell, also a school-fellow, gives a little vignette of unmistakable fidelity : A contemporary, who knew him first as a clever boy of 1 8, described him as in those days a most talkative vivacious youth, his eyes kindling with life and enthusiasm as he talked, his voice running up into a kind of falsetto. He observed and was interested in everything and everybody, and his personality, with its many-sided sympathies, impressed itself on all with whom it came in contact. The same person, meeting him when he was examining for the Benson a few years ago, was drawn irresistibly by the charm of his intense vitality, and the unconquerable courage which still helped him to keep up his part in the scheme of life — in a Bath chair. xiv Memoir These two brief scraps are all that can now be obtained. One episode, however, Verrall has him- self related with curious but characteristic detachment and candour in the contribution to the Life of the Archbishop referred to above. I saw that after the approaching holidays I should... almost certainly be ' Head of the School,' a really laborious and responsible change. I was then a rapacious student and (except perhaps an infamous player of football) nothing else. My perturbation may be measured by my helpless imperti- nence. Without any intimation of the Headmaster's purposes, I actually went and told him that I could not be ' Head,' and that I should leave ! I ought, I dare say, to have been snubbed. What I know is that a harsh or light word then would have ruined my best chance in life, and (as I make bold to say) would have lost a good year to the school.... He discussed the matter with me almost daily, always from my point of view.... In a fortnight I was a very little ashamed and exceedingly sanguine. And during my year I was to the Headmaster like a third hand. In the spring of 1869 he obtained a Minor Scholarship at Trinity College, Cambridge, and a Foundation Scholarship in the following year. He was bracketed with Henry Butcher from Marl- borough and Walter Leaf from Harrow — a remark- able trio to have entered for the same examination. When the result was known, Dr Benson wrote to Mr Henry Verrall : He has done beautifully, and he deserves success. For his heart is wholly in his work, and that with so much modesty and so much affectionateness, that no one can rejoice too much at his success or fear that it may spoil him. His two co-equals are respectively thought the best of their two Memoir xv schools for several years past. And one of the examiners has written to tell me that if it had been possible to make a diiference it would have been in Arthur's favour. We may congratulate each other most sincerely — only on one point you must not congratulate me, for it is hard to part with him, I assure you. Of the undergraduate period available informa- tion is scanty, and no letters have been preserved. In the time at which he went up to the University- he was not a little fortunate, for among his contem- poraries and friends were such men as Walter Leaf, Henry Butcher, F. W. Maitland, J. G. Butcher, Frank and Gerald Balfour, A. J. Mason, A. T. Myers (a younger brother of F. W. H. Myers), T. O. Harding, Edmund Gurney, G. H. Kendall, W. Cunningham, and F. J. H. Jenkinson. With all these, and the first three especially, he main- tained a life-long friendship, and the deaths of F. W. Maitland in 1906 and of Henry Butcher in 1 9 10 were blows little less than overwhelming. Among his older contemporaries were Henry Sidgwick, R. C. Jebb, Henry Jackson, and Frederick Pollock. One event, which occurred early in his University career, he spoke of at the time as ' the best thing that ever happened to me in my life.' This was his admission to a private but not obscure society, consisting of graduates and undergraduates, which met, and still meets, for intimate discussion of any and every subject. Dating at least as far back as the time of Tennyson, it counts among its numbers, I believe, many of Cambridge's most distinguished xvi Memoir men, and Verrall always considered that he owed more to his membership of this * glorious company ' than to any other influence of Cambridge life. Another surviving incident of the undergraduate life is sufficiently characteristic to deserve record. It , fell to him to have to read in the College chapel the I lesson about the feast of Belshazzar from the Book I of Daniel. Those who were present declare that the solemnity and dramatic power with which he delivered it, combined with the rare quality of the voice, were astonishingly impressive and made the occasion quite unforgettable. To The Tatler in Cambridge, an unusually good example of those short-lived periodicals with which the undergraduate genius from time to time pro- motes the gaiety of University life, he contributed four clever papers. The most amusing of these is perhaps one on Bain's Mental and Moral Science. The book, he discovers, has running through it a vein of subtle humour, and he gently warns the author that this is a talent which in such a work should be exercised with philosophic discretion. The criticism of satire is perhaps all that the work deserves, and an admirable piece of fooling closes with the following poetical summary of Mr Bain's views. There was a Professor called Bain • Who taught, in the Land of the Rain, That the ultimate Fact Which induced you to act Was an Inkling of Pleasure or Pain. Memoir xvii He proved that Volitional Force Depended entirely on Sauce, Inasmuch as the Question Was one of Digestion, And Morals would follow of course. Your Head was impressible Batter Compounded of White and Grey Matter, So your Measure of Reason Would flow from 'Adhesion ' To a tender and merciful Hatter. He laid the Foundations of Virtue In finding by Trial what hurt you ; And spite of your Terror Would stick to his Error, And at last, and at best, would desert you. Religion and Duty he made A Manner of feeling afraid ; And Tact, on his showing, Consisted in knowing The Feel of the Tongs from the Spade. Faith, Charity, Hope were reducible To Phosphate or Salt in a Crucible, Dissent and Dysentery Both 'Alimentary,' Manners and Mammon both fusible. If Flesh can be sane or insane. And Meat the sole Factor of Brain, Then hey ! for the Cooks, Since the Moral of Books Is 'Leave Writing for Eating,' O Bain. In 1872 he obtained the Pitt University Scho- larship, and in the next year passed out in the Classical Tripos, being bracketed second with T. E. Page ; Henry Butcher was Senior Classic. In the xviii Memoir examination for the Chancellor's Medals, which immediately followed, the three were bracketed equal, and a third medal was awarded, — a thing never done before or since. In connexion with his Tripos Verrall used to tell an amusing story, which he always regarded as illustrating in a remarkable manner the perverse vagaries of the human mind. He had to translate a passage from Tacitus in which Tiberius is described as doing something Rhodo regressus. These words he rendered by 'on his return to Rhodes,' and added two marginal notes, the first explaining and endeavouring to justify the use of Rhodo for Rhodum, and the second explaining how Tacitus came to speak of Tiberius as having done after his return to Rhodes what it was common knowledge that he did after his return from Rhodes. Not till he got back to his rooms did it occur to him that it would have been simpler to v^Yii^ from in his translation ! In the same year he was elected Fellow of Trinity College, and resided in Cambridge until the summer of 1874, taking private pupils. I was my- self an undergraduate at this time, and knew him by sight, but alas ! did not know what I was losing by not asking to be allowed to join those lucky youths. In July Benson, who had now left Wellington, wrote to him that there was a vacancy on the staff of the School : — I need scarcely say to you that the idea present to all men's minds is what would have been present with me, viz. Memoir xix whether it would be compatible with your arrangements that you should give them any help I need scarcely put into words the fact that you would be more useful to Wellington College than any man living. What they want is enthusiasm — high-couraged work — with scholarship. And of course they want a feeling, understanding soul. Happily he resisted this earnest appeal. For the next three years he lived in London, reading for the Bar and doing a certain amount of teaching work. From 1875 ^o ^'^11 ^^ was 'Super- numerary Instructor in composition and extra read- ing ' at S. Paul's School. He gained the Whewell Scholarship for International Law in 1875, was called in 1877, and held one brief, if not two. A legal career, however, had no attraction for him : in October he returned to Cambridge, and was soon afterwards placed on the teaching staff at Trinity. From that time onwards Cambridge was his home. For the next five years he combined with his work at the University some teaching at Wren's well- known coaching establishment in London. He also taught at Newnham College, and in connexion with his work there Miss Jane Harrison tells a delightful story. I have sometimes wondered if a brilliant dramatist was not lost in the finding and making of a subtle classical scholar. One day, as quite a young mfan, he was looking over my composition in the then library of Old Hall. Coals were wanted and no coal-scuttle in sight. After a longish hunt I remembered that the library coal-scuttle always lay perdu between the double doors that led to Miss Clough's sitting-room. The arrangement, owing to its ingenious economy in coal-scuttles, used to cause Miss Clough a quite V. L. E. b XX Memoir peculiar and intimate joy. No less though a slightly different joy did it cause Mr Verrall. On catching sight of the coal- scuttle and the double doors he stood transfigured and trans- fixed. ' What a scene for a play ! ' he exclaimed, and coal scuttle in hand, me and my composition utterly forgotten, the plot of that play he then and there constructed and enacted. In 1 88 1 he published his first book, an edition of the Medea of Euripides. He had been asked by Messrs Macmillan & Co. to prepare a school edition of the play, but on getting to work he found that the limits of a school-book, even if that were the proper medium, would be far too narrow for what needed to be done for the Medea, and what he felt he could do. The book was remarkable not only as the production of a young man of thirty, but in itself; it was strikingly original and brilliant, and was at once recognised as the work of a scholar of the first rank. Nothing of the kind, nor perhaps anything approaching it, had previously been done on the Greek tragedians. While he breathed fresh life into the play itself, the effect of his work went further ; for it suggested what might be done for other legacies of the Attic stage, interest in which seemed to be steadily sinking into the mere formal respect one pays to a dull old man whose former dignities do not permit him to be quite ignored. The volume was welcomed with delight and admi- ration, and I think I recognise the hand of Professor Tyrrell in a long and frankly eulogistic article un- earthed from the file of the Saturday Reviezv. The Memoir xxi textual restorations, of which something will be said below, naturally attracted special attention, and confirmed to their author, if they did not originate, the half-jesting, half-earnest sobriquet ' Splendid Emendax.' But this part of the work was by no means the chief or the most valuable. Other merits were found in rare and perhaps unprecedented com- bination : a peculiarly delicate appreciation of the subtleties of the language, a fine discrimination between expressions superficially identical, a subtle appreciation of the poet's skill in delineation of character, and an acute perception of the necessities and possibilities of a dramatic situation. In the two last Verrall had no rival among his predecessors, and few if any equals then or later among his con- temporaries. As one perused the text afresh after digesting the commentary, one found the scenes leap into life, one saw and heard the drama in progress ; or rather — but here we have first to thank Euripides — one felt one was in the presence of a living Medea and a living Jason. The notes were enriched with illustrations drawn from English literature and even (as the writer in the Saturday Review notes) a parallel from Lohengrin, * which to a commentator of the older school would have ap- peared unpardonably frivolous.' Of these qualities of the book there was but one opinion, but the textual work divided readers into two camps. While the teachable, old or young, were only grateful, there were some who were offended by the originality and alarmed at the bz xxii Memoir brilliance. They mistrusted the cleverness of emen- dations which took their breath away, making familiar passages unrecognisable, and they feared the effects of a pernicious example. Thus did the mediaeval world regard Galileo. It is an attitude towards Verrall's work as a textual critic — whether here or in later books — which has always filled me with astonishment, for his methods were essentially sound. As all his labours in this department show, his decisions were not based on mere guess-work (of which he always spoke with some impatience), but were conclusions arrived at from the evidence furnished by the mss. themselves. Where he dif- fered from others was in the possession of unusual in- ductive powers, which enabled him to see further; and these powers were assisted by a rare sense of lite- rary and dramatic fitness, an apparently complete acquaintance with the extant vocabulary of classical Greek, and an exceptional memor)^ We may, if we please, sum up all this as ' ingenuity,' but if we do, we must not use the word in a disparaging sense. Of course, and he used readily to admit it, the sharp-edged tool sometimes slipped. Impatient of the ' fluffy ' explanation that does not explain, he was occasionally tempted to ofler something which still fails to satisfy, and which only he could have made plausible. Again, as some think, he some- times finds a point where none was intended. It may be so, but it is surely well to err on the side of respect for one's author, and if we do not believe in pointless lines in Aristophanes, why should we Memoir xxiii tolerate them in the texts of the tragedians ? And after all, to accompany Verrall even on an incon- clusive quest, is to learn things by the way which are perhaps as valuable as what we may have set out to seek. In emendation he kept two ruling principles always before him : he did not accept or offer a correction as more than possible, unless the sup- posed corruption were accounted for, either by the correction itself or otherwise ; and he held that an odd variant, just because of its oddness or grotesque- ness or absurdity, might possibly conceal the true reading, as against the passable respectability of the textus receptus. The first, of course, was a well established canon, though one freely ignored ; the potentialities of the second had been but dimly ap- prehended. Three examples, taken from the Medea, will show his methods at work. At V. 668, is the text of all the mss. ; but the second hand in b (one of the inferior class s) has superscribed tKicti/et?. ecrraXry? is irreproachable, but iKaveis cannot be a gloss on it, and Verrall deduces H^dvet^; as the true reading. If anyone cannot see this, there is no more to be said ; in the name of all that is dull, let him hug his eVraXr;? and be happy. At 27. 53 I the ' superior' class of mss. give a>? *E/3a)9 cr' -qudyKacre TTOVdiV d(f)VKTO)U TOVfXOV eKaOXTaL 0€fJia