JC-NRLF SB 24,0 GIFT OF . s. bg A Course Containing Seven Lessons in the Practical Cultivation of the Power of Suggestion and Concentration By MAY E. STEVENSON Teacher of. The Hindoo Breathing School SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Copyright, 1903 by MAY E. STEVENSON San Francisco $74 ^03 Self Control. Thought Communication by Magnetism. Mind and Magnetism on the Lower Planes and their Relations to the Higher. foaamt To Learn How to Serve. Jfifflf Suggestions and their Effects in General. Personal Suggestions and their Magnetism. The Soul, and its Power to Travel on Higher Planes by Magnetism. 117534 (EflmmutttratuM bg Introduction After having faithfully followed the teachings given by our fore- fathers, we are to-day as though we were lost, and did not know how or where to find the road to the happi- ness promised us. > We have prayed and believed as we were taught, but we have not found heaven where we were told to find it, nor peace on earth, and good will of all men we prayed for. The voice within tells us that knowl- edge is the only way to the fulfill- ment of these promises, and as soon as we listen to that voice and give our attention to reason, then we are 6 Introduction compelled to look for truth in other directions. Creeds must become a side issue for the time being at least, as true religion is deeds, and not words only with a certain amount of faith in them. We have been taught that " God is far away in heaven," but when we see the truth we shall find him within our own selves, and not only God, but heaven and happiness as well. As soon as we commence to apply the power from within, then we shall find comfort, peace, and constant happiness, and life will be- come different to us. Man is in God, and God in man, and that power hidden in all things rules the universe. As soon as we look into ourselves we shall find this truth manifested. God is in what we see, and do not see, and as long as mankind make the mistake in seeking outside of Introduction 7 themselves the beauty of God will be unknown to them. We have not time to listen and be- lieve only, we must know, as the practical way to wisdom is knowl- edge, and by that we reach our goal the quickest. We shall show that we can not come in contact with anything with- out coming into the life of God by the power of mind. As we do not understand what the power of thought is, and wh manifests, until we cultivate our own we can not tell where Go< nor who He is, but as mind is hi< in all matter we find the hous God nearest when we learn to know our bodies, and what they are com- posed of, and also the effect of thought upon them, and thus we will be able to prove that the power of God is within. When we find that mind can make the body after its own image, then 8 Introduction we shall understand that we are re- lated to everything in the universe. Every nerve in the human body has a power of its own, and it is demonstrated in its own particular way. As we have millions of nerves in our body and no two act alike, we can see what a wonderful construc- tion it is. To find the power of mind, its location, and actions we must deal with the nerves in particular, as they are the wires responding to the different thought forces, and each nerve responds in a different way from the other, as there are not two thoughts alike, the nerves do not act alike. We must come closer to matter with mind, and then we will find in detail what kind of matter the thought can associate itself with most easily, and when that question is answered we will see that it is magnetism. Introduction g Every thought travels in its own matter, that means, the magnetism which each thought attracts, for it must be remembered that it is a com- pounded variety, and as the thought is in quality, so will be the material which it sets in action. Mind never acts alone nor travels alone, but is clothed according to the law. When we think of, and recognize evil, hatred, anger, jealousy, etc., we can not attract to us good mag- netism, but it will be in quality like the thoughts, and it is as certain to poison the blood into which the magnetism goes, as such thoughts are sure to inflict injury on the minds upon others. It will not be long until science finds out that all the incurable troubles of mind and body are caused by low thoughts, and we shall then find how easy it will be to cure. When humanity learns to think i o Introduction orderly, that means to have high thoughts, and recognize the love principle, power and ability to be- come what is desirable, then there will not be so much sickness, as humanity will draw to itself the finer magnetism belonging to such thoughts, and the mind will be peace- ful, and that will make the body strong and healthy. The sooner we find out that it is our thoughts which make our lives unhappy, the sooner we shall change them and make it as habitual to think high as it is to think low. When we can see practically that it is not so much what we do as what we think, then we shall have courage and individuality, and it will become manifest through our being, and we will find success in everything we undertake. We shall see that we can not limit God, or the power of thought, which Introduction [ i is his expression, but it is in all things, and by suggesting our every action consciously, we apply the higher power in the matter with which we deal, and we will know the outcome of our every effort. The whole human race is in struggle because it does not under- stand the relationship between mind and matter, nor the law of living in the duality. In all matter there is constant struggle to reach the plane of consciousness which is its destiny. At the same time there is chaos, there is also perfect regularity, and we must learn to deal with all things accordingly. System in life makes it easier, and we know what we receive when we give out systematically, but we must not become slaves to system, as that is as wrong as to have no system at all. To cultivate concentration by will 1 2 Introduction is to think systematically, and when we can do so we will know the effect of every thought. When we plan our duties in life, we will know what the results will be, and we will not use our efforts and time in vain. When we think, we must have power over our thoughts to keep them on one thing, and they will not be like things we are not able to manage. The cultivation of will is the first thing we must learn, and when we know how and when to use it we will apply it in our every day dealings. Mind must become trained like matter to do our bidding; when I say our, I do not mean the body, but the soul. It is not becoming to men and wo- men to worry as though every day were their last, as it shows that they do not know themselves, nor their relation to God, the highest Introduction 1 3 in all things in heaven and on earth. If we let the power of our minds dic- tate our movements, then not one step will be taken in vain, but we will be so used to having mind and matter act in conjunction that we can become a power of accomplish- ment wherever we are. The greater portion of mankind are like somnabulists who walk in their sleep, mentally, and dwell upon one thing in their stupor until they wear it out; wherever the mind is so dormant that it can not be the master, the case is abnormal and hu- manity is on the plane with the animal. The cultivation and use of thought-power upon ourselves and others will be of great good in all the different circumstances in life, as it strengthens the nerves and gives energy and will-power. Disease is easily removed by will- 14 Introduction power in the conscious concentra- tion of mind. The application of the higher power develops individuality, and will reveal to us what we can do for ourselves and others. As long as we are in ignorance of our own worth we will suffer, as we will become subject to the will- power of others, and we can not help ourselves. Why should we seek that from others which we have in abundance ourselves? and why should we be limited to the will of others when God has given to us the whole universe for our happiness? Why do we look upon others as the " wonders " when we are as great wonders ourselves? And why should we give the credit to others which we have a right to ourselves? We do so because we are ignorant of our power and what it can accomplish. Introduction 1 5 It was to us as well as to the Dis- ciples that Christ spoke when He said " greater things than I do ye shall do, as I go to my Father/' and we should not limit that to the "wonders" of His day, but to our- selves as the same power is lat- ent in us which was in them. All power is cultivated by activity, and by using it in practical concentra- tion it becomes greater and more active, and whosoever applies it will see the fulfillment of the words of the Master. These lessons will be given plain, and as practical as possible that all can understand them, and then they will be of great usefulness. We do not find one instance in life where the power of mind can not be applied, and if it be brought to bear at all times we will not have the tribula- tions which we have by not using our judgment and reason in all things. 1 6 Introduction Truth is the only thing which gives independence, strength of character, and freedom on all planes, and we owe it to ourselves and our fellowmen to find out what is truth. If there is plenty for every need in life, why should humanity be in want if it was not that they can only have what they wish by their own effort, and as it is not law that it shall be given to us as gifts we can not have it until we find it for ourselves. The sooner we de- velop the power of our higher selves, the sooner we shall see this, and then we will make the right effort and cease to pray for it as a gift of grace. All things unfold by their own ac- tivity, and how can we expect to be excepted from the dictates of law. O humanity, cease to seek outside of self, but look within. We should not look for greater things in others than we recognize in ourselves, as that is to deny what we are, and Introduction 17 such denial makes weakness which prevents us reaching our goal. We must learn to consult our own judgment and apply our own power, and by such activity we shall culti- vate more. This is the way that mind affects the body and the material outside of it, as it attracts to us magnetic power the more our minds are sys- tematically active, the more we shall live a life of beauty and content- ment. Concentration upon the body will make its every function supple, and thus prepare it for the demon- stration of the higher gifts. Some teach that " matter is error " ; we can not agree with such teachings, as God can not create anything con- trary to Himself. There can be no error, as every- thing is pure and beautiful from the beginning, and if it can not demon- strate its beauty now, it will by and by. If there was no pain how could 1 8 Introduction we learn to overcome it? How can we be masters of that which we have not experienced? And how can there be anything with which we can avoid coming in contact when we expect to teach others by the ex- periences which we have had? The cause of pain is the irregular- ity of thought and actions and we must come in contact with it in order to learn how to regulate it and thereby gain wisdom and poise. Nothing can teach nature but na- ture itself, and when human beings allow pain to overcome them they must know the power by which it is caused and by which it is removed. Mind makes pain and the same power removes it; the causes in de- tail are hard to enumerate. Most people are sick because they are lonely and long for love and sympathy, and because the world lutroduction 1 9 does not understand them they re- ceive no response and this affects their bodies. Nothing but thoughts of love, youth and perfect freedom can re- store. Truth must be accepted by the world as it is the only savior for mankind, and the systematic recog- nition and application of it in all walks of life can cultivate our higher selves and their demonstration through the body. Jfltrat V 3 7 Self Control In order to realize the power of self-control, and apply it in times of need, we must make our wills bear upon our thoughts as they affect the body which we have seen above. Confusion around us will cause confusion within, both in mind and body, and under such conditions we can neither help ourselves nor our fellow men. Self control means character, and both are cultivated by orderly concentration of mind. Reason and judgment are the demonstrations of control of self, Self Control 21 but we should not become such rea- soners as to forget love and its ten- derness. To control self means to control others, but it can not be done with- out love as " none will be driven, but all can be coaxed," and by such poise we have confidence in ourselves and we also receive it from others. What we are, that they will become with whom we come in contact because of the magnetism which we send out. The cultivation of self-control teaches us to keep to ourselves things which many times would be said to others and our plans would be a failure. We must not say anything which we do not mean, nor promise any- thing we can not do as we will lose confidence in ourselves, and by fear that others do not believe in us, we will lose our self-re- spect and become wrecks on the 22 Self Control sea of life, and go deeper and deeper until we have lost all control over the circumstances which we had power to manage before. In order to cultivate power of self we must consult our own judgment and be willing to risk losing or winning and take the responsiblity. The cultivation of calmness makes us come in contact with sorrow, pain, injustice, want, and other conditions without making too much of it. When we feel that no one has, as great troubles as we, that proves that we have but little strength, as with its development comes character, judgment, wisdom and above all, love. Self control makes us valuable to others as we can see danger and give assistance, whereas the weak only stand in one place and cry for their losses. Calmness and confidence in self are the only weapons by which we Self Control 23 shall conquer and learn our lessons. Beautiful is he who is composed in times of excitement, silent in times of controversies and unconcerned in defence of self, because he can so conquer circumstances that he can forgive those who try to injure, and love and have charity for those who try to defraud, and he does not be- come affected by those who are an- gry and revenge is not in him. Whoever has the power of self control is like a tree which does not move for any storm. Composure brings refinement, and such persons are more valuable than precious stones as they can be trusted, and their wisdom is like the morning dew. In order to cultivate this quality go by yourself when there is excite- ment until you can see it and hear it without its affecting you. Do not take part in disputes, but leave such places unless you can be 24 Self Control a peacemaker. By being composed we hold our force and do not become nervous like him who allows himself to become excited. Concentrate your mind upon your own soul and let your breathing be very slow, and do not heave with your chest. If you are hurried sit down and become still and see that you have time in advance, and always use your own judgment and independ- ence. Do not sympathize with any- body until you become weak, as then you have given away your mag- negism and will after such loss make others weak and excited. Rec- ognize the power of your soul and hold love until you love it dearly, and you will gain self control, as it will always keep you calm. Do not give your confidence to those you do not know, as they might misuse it and the regret that you gave it Self Control 25 will weaken the control you had over yourself. Always have faith in your ability to control self and you will be in " wisdom like the tree by the waters which bears fruits at all seasons." This concentration for poise is done at any time when we find that fear is trying to get the better of us. Thought Communication by Magnetism It has for a long time been known that we can communicate with each other by thought, and the more we learn to know this power the more we shall realize that it is so. We must know how and when to make others feel our presence in thought as all practice of mind power must be done in accordance with the law which governs it. We know that no thought comes to us or leaves us alone, but that it is Thought Communication 27 traveling in magnetism, and there- fore when we think we give and re- ceive the magnetism, which is affin- ity to our thoughts. Mind goes as quickly to other planets as it travels upon this one, as there is no time nor space to thought, and that is the reason why we can telegraph to our friends no matter where they are and they will know it, if we do so in the right time and under harmonious conditions. Were soul-communication not a law we would not dare to say this, but as one thing unfolds by com- munication with the other, mankind is no exception. There is not a flower with which we can not com- municate by the magnetic power which is active within, and there is not an animal in the forest to which we do not speak by the same power, neither is there a star nor a plane of any kind from which we 28 Thought Communication are separated as far as communica- tion is concerned. The power of the soul is endless and we can understand it the more we cultivate this mental communion. Send your love into space (as the physical senses recognize it) to those you love and they will feel you and know that you are there. Send out nothing but lovliness as thought " kills as well as gives life." We can easily see how important it is that we hold kind and loving thoughts as communion by thought both helps and injures, and thus we shall be held responsible for what we do to others. If we find that some one tries to injure us let us send thoughts of wisdom to them instead of sending them the same as they send us, and in so doing, we shall become their teachers and we will be the " mighty " of which David speaks in his 120th psalm, and such thoughts Thought Communication 29 will not fail to have their effect upon the ignorant, and they will regret what they have done and do better. Thoughts with their magnetism are the " arrows coming from the mighty with coals of juniper," (120th psalm). Before we send thought communi- cations to others let us first fill our- selves with power, as it is by magnet- ism that we can send them, other- wise we will not reach any body nor can they respond. We must not be tired or excited when we send our messages, but completely composed, and we will find answer very readily. With those who live in all kind of habits it is a grand thing to com- municate, as they will receive strength and encouragement to do better. The way we can fill ourselves with magnetism is to hold the mind on magnetic subjects either on this 30 Thought Communication planet or some other for we can as easily think of the sun and draw mag- netism as we can on a flower around us, as thoughts and their magnetism are unlimited. By worry and excitement we waste our power and the greater portion of mankind become mental and physical wrecks from it. Let us at all times be calm and we shall hold our strength. These communications are best practiced in the evening, as every- thing is more quiet than at any other time. During the day, as we are all busy with other things, our minds are not still enough to reach any one or become open to other thoughts. When our daily duties are done their magnetic action becomes more quieting and the mind can be active on the higher planes and the finer magnetism be brought to bear. The more calm our minds are the Thought Communication 31 more they become susceptible to the thought power of others. This is the power which moves all things, but mankind does not know it, and it is the power by which thousands become individualized be- cause we can only save and be saved by knowledge. Law gives no favors, it says, " thou must," not only to some but to all, and it cannot be limited neither by prayers nor faith as it is by experience that everybody and everything rises higher. All things have their own time and condition, and they must be followed closely in the practice of thought communication. We must let the golden rule dic- tate every message before it is sent, as we might cause others harm for which we will suffer more than they; and this must not be looked upon as though we were thinking of our- selves only, but we must know 32 Thought Communication if we cause sorrow for others we create it for ourselves. It is almost impossible for us to enumerate the power and possibilities which there is in thoughts and magnetism, since we are moved to act and speak by each other's inner lives. Do not send thoughts to others that are not of a positive and high quality, as they will be weakening to others and to ourselves. It is important that we keep the same hour and room for the sending of thought messages, as we can more readily reach them we think of, and we will receive responses easier. The more we deal with the power of mind consciously, the more we shall find that regularity and order will help us, and we shall also see that it is in harmony with the law. To deal with one thing at the time, in its own time and place, is one of the fundamental principles of this study. Thought Communication 33 All things will be in perfect order even in their irregularity if they are dealt with orderly. We must learn to regulate our own atmosphere before we can ex- pect demonstration of the power in it There is nothing impossible, but we must bring its powers to the sur- face. We wear ourselves out by trying to have demonstrations in the wrong time and place , as it is contrary to order, because nothing will work against the dictates of the law of evolution. It is a grand thing to know that the power of mind is not dependent upon space and time, but that we commune with one another on other planes as well as this one. Mind is the same in and out of the body, and, therefore, it is in har- mony with the law that thought com- munions can be had with those we 34 Thought Communication love who have no longer the same bodies which they had while they were amongst us. It is according to wisdom that the mother who left her body here for some unknown reason (because she did not understand the power of thought upon matter), can send her messages of love to her darlings who are struggling here not that only, but it is the law that she can take a finer form ( the astral ) and be where her loved ones are gathered at the fireside. It is by magnetic action and the dictates of love that the husband can send his soul to the widow who grieves as if there was " no hope." It is in accordance with unfoldment that the father finds the unseen way to his wayward son who struggles against the tide of temptation and finally falls into it; the son is his darling boy whether he be strong or weak, and the soul of the departed Thought Communication 35 watches him as though he were in the body. It is the law that two who loved while in the body meet on paths un- known, and as souls love and adore each other truer than ever, they see their own and rejoice in their hap- piness, they hear sighs and songs and they speak the language which souls alone can understand, and these beautiful and sweet communi- cations we can have from all planes by the wonderful power of mag- netism. Thought communication reaches through everything and by it we have communion with the angels. If we know this wonderful power it will give us much more pleasure of life, as we will never feel lonely and isolated, nor confined to this plane alone, but it will give us won- derful freedom, and with freedom mental and physical strength and in- dividuality. This concentration must take 36 Thought Communication place under very harmonious con- ditions when we feel rested ; we must not have doubt in our minds if we wish to reach those with whom we are to communicate, and it will be a help to inform each other of the hour of communication, as there will be more stillness on both sides. Hold love and beauty before you sit down to send your message, and it will reach your friend more clearly ; love and tenderness reach deeper than any other suggestions. Do not recognize time nor space for the soul, as they belong to the physical senses only. Do not recog- nize the body at this time, but the soul alone when you send your mes- sages, and there will be quicker re- sponse, as you send with it the finer magnetism which penetrates more readily. Mind and Magnetism on the Lower Planes and their Relations to the Higher. In this lesson we shall see how closely we are related to the king- doms beneath us and what effect they have upon us. As mind and magnetism act in con- junction in our bodies so they do in all other expressions of life. If everything has the same destiny by law then there must be unity in our bodies, as they are a part of 38 Mind and Magnetism everything for the purpose of being able to attract matter from every kingdom, and by being one with it there will be harmony and growth. Magnetism is the material means by which we come in contact with all things and such as the center is, such will be the magnetism. We must be judges of all things in order to meet them on their own planes, but we must never allow any- thing which is below us in intellect to dictate or have dominion over us, as then it takes our position and we sink lower. We must recognize everything as our brother, but we must not become its slaves. When we think of how the animals are raised for the purpose of being slaughtered for mankind to eat we realize that we are part of it, otherwise we would not crave its flesh nor would we feel as contented as we do after we have eaten it. Were there not a part of us in the Mind and Magnetism 39 flower and herb they could not serve to restore strength and vigor to the body. Were there not a part of the mineral kingdom in us we would not desire its product nor could the gold fascinate us to the extent that it now does. Were the magnetism not acted upon by thought it would stay where it originates and there would be no attraction of anything to the other. Were it not in accordance with law that we should come in contact with all things our thoughts would not go to anything except our bodies, and how would we then be able to expand? If we as the higher did not come into closer relations with the lower how would it become cultivated? And were there not a higher purpose in cultivation we would never become as attracted to things around us as we now are. We must look at our lower brother as the angels look at us, and feel toward 40 Mind and Magnetism him as they feel toward us, that we need help to reach our destiny. As there is a purpose in everything, and as it comes from the eternal foun- tain of life, so it must go to it after it has earned its consciousness by struggle. Everything is divine, whether it can express it now or not. We must not look at the expression but at that toward which it is reaching. Matter can not be in turmoil and express regularity, but it will express that with which it is surrounded from the beginning. We must not be mastered by gold, or anything else, as it is not on our plane of intel- lectual expression, but deal with it for the purpose of helping it to reach its goal, and meanwhile it must serve us according to our dictation, but we must not worship it as it is not en- titled to that much recognition. When human beings fall at the feet of gold or anything of that kind Mind and Magnetism 41 they lose sight of their position as higher beings into whose hands the lower has been placed for refinement and they forget that they are called upon to be the potters and not the clay. The coat is not the man, both are good and divine as they serve their purposes. Take a look at the mil- lionaires and see their low expres- sions and their wandering eyes, like those who have lost the path to their fathers' homes. We should deal with the minerals and flowers and everything else be- neath us as we deal with children whom we want to help, and while we help them they serve us. When we take a piece of ore we should love it as we love a child; then we could sense its magnetism much clearer and it would tell us in its own way how glad it is to be noticed and loved for what it is in the estimate of evolution and not because it is used 42 Mind and Magnetism as a means to serve vice as well as virtue. We must deal with it as our ancestor, and it will refresh our memories of the time when we lived closer in its bosom than we do now. Thus we can read the specimen with far more accuracy than we do and know it better, and it will come much more easily into our hands. We must do the same with the flowers, holding them in our hands and lov- ing them, as by that feeling we can reach the inmost soul of everything and the sweet flower will send forth much more of its magnetism, and its fragrance will become life to us. The same we should do with the lish and the sea moss, etc., and by our tender- ness the finer magnetism which is the stronger at all times would become the most active, and we would not have so much trouble in knowing this or that as we have. By such con- centration upon everything we learn to know its nature better and it will 43 Mind and Magnetism come more readily to our service than it does, because as soon as we place anything so high that we have hard work to reach it then we have to struggle, but if we are relaxed in the feeling that it belongs and will surely come to us by our ex- erting the right effort we shall have more comfort than we ever had and life will be more beautiful to us than it has been before. What is money but a piece of metal which has for the time being received the recognition of our minds, and what do we receive for it? Can we buy love, happiness, content- ment and worth of character? We may try and we will soon find that love is rarely coupled with wealth, and " love at first sight " will soon be gone if the fortune is not forth- coming. The effect of the magnetism of lower beings and things will be what we suggest it to be. If we say that 44 Mind and Magnetism it is " evil " it will have that effect on our bodies, as they re- spond to suggestions and that is the reason why we suffer. If we recognize that everything is divine we will feel the effect of the finer magnetism which we have set in action by such recognition, and we will feel in harmony with all life. Criminals and crimes are only expressions of the struggle on the lower planes, and they can not ex- press anything finer until it has been reached by them. Love them, send fine thoughts to them, and their higher selves will more easily rise out of their bondage. If we are in love with anything we handle we are relaxed, and its mag- netism will flow to us and we do not see its struggles, but we see what it will become and all will look beauti- ful to us. If we worry over the material we are in combat with it, and repel its Mind and Magnetism 45 magnetism. When we know that the higher and sweeter life is embodied in everything in the universe how can we help but love and adore it, and our hearts bounding with such love will keep us singing in the midst of confusion the day long. When we take a piece of ore to con- centrate upon remember we should not do so to become rich but to know it from its higher standpoint, and it will serve us more plentiful. Do not forget that as soon as we worship the " golden calf " we have descended from our position as higher beings and it can not help but result in struggles which we would not have if we remained its superiors. Face the north when you concentrate on gold and know that by concentration in order you draw to you its mag- netism and you will know it better. Fridays and Saturdays are the days, and evenings are the times 46 Mind and Magnetism for these concentrations. Do not con- centrate for selfishness, but to help all things by coming into closer con- tact with them. If we live for the purpose of being rich our lives will be nothing but soul emptiness and sorrow. As there can be no demonstration of the soul except through the mat- ter which belongs to every kingdom, therefore, we must see it, and know it everywhere, and also remember that every specie was included in the " pinch of clay." Jfawrtlj To Learn How to Serve This will be a missionary lesson teaching us how to send love and kindness to all beings ana things, and the effect it will have upon our- selves and those to whom we send it. Generosity comes from being gen- erous, and if we look for it, we must first give it as we can not attract un- less we have drawn to us the power by which to attract ; and as love and kindness produce peace and happi- ness, which everybody seeks and 48 To Learn How to Serve longs for, it is of the greatest impor- tance that we should know how and by what means to receive it. We have said above that thought never travels alone but that it has the matter which by affinity belongs to it, such matter being magnetism, and when we recognize it in our- selves and in others, we live that lovely duality, whose power is the highest happiness, and rest can not help but surround us and this life will be a state of sunshine in conse- quence. This grand life will not only be our own, but from us it will eminate to others who do not know that we can have that power of spiritual growth and live in this body. As thousands of souls are living in bodies without having one glimpse of this lovely existence we want to try and send them this light, and the best way of doing that is to draw it out from their own within, To Learn How to Serve 49 and we can do so by recognizing it in them. Was, or is there any one who is so dark that there is not a spark of this beautiful light within him? Is there any one so coarse that there is not some refinement un- derneath? "No," you will tell me, and you can not do otherwise as the breath of God is in every " pinch of clay," and when we are satisfied on this point, then we find that we have something to work on; let us then go to work and help to bring it out. We owe this love and kindness to everything in nature, and we can send it everywhere by recognizing that it is everywhere, and as the vi- brations of our thoughts go from one planet to another all over the uni- verse, so do we receive and give power and life to all things through and by our thoughts. Let us send out the highest life, both mentally 50 To Learn How to Serve and magnetically, and we will re- ceive both in return. We have been taught to ask, but not to give, and that is the reason why we have prayed all our lives and re- ceived so little, as we have acted against the law of evolution, because we cannot receive without giving; God will not answer our prayers unless we obey that law, as that would be to deny Himself. If we want happiness we must first create it; if we want love we must first love; if we want gener- osity we must first become generous, etc. This law acts in all things. Do not long for love unless you send out love first, as the time is wasted, for you can not be loved unless you are lovable. Let us concentrate our minds upon ourselves first, to be able to become so unselfish as to want to love the whole world with- out questioning how much we shall be loved in return, but let us learn To Learn How to Serve 51 to see that what we have that we will receive, because we can not help but give it. First send out love to all life, then we can classify it by tak- ing certain kingdoms, one at a time; love goes first in all things because it is the greatest of all virtues, and it is the foundation upon which every kingdom is built. Everything is in- cluded in love, and all success in life depends upon it. We must first learn this lesson before we can know anything in life and its activities, as love opens the door ana gives ac- cess to everything, it smiles at all times and is always willing to tell us its secrets, hence it is by that power that we know-* Love and you shall be loved, be- lieve and you shall be believed, give and unto thee shall be given, serve and you shall be served. Surrender to Love's sweet but real life, and you shall have company with angels while in this body. 52 To Learn How to Serve " Him who giveth, unto him shall be given," and as this is a journey through and not the limit, let us make it as lovely as possible for our- selves and others, and " our deeds shall follow us after," and as this journey takes us through darkness and light, on hills and in valleys, let us live in the soul and speak to the soul in all things. We must not condemn any one nor anything, but let us remember that as long as everything is in the turmoil which is required for growth, itwill express the effect which the struggle for higher expression has upon it, and if it should not be pleasing to us we must know that it will demon- strate its higher self by and by. Let us send thoughts of love and kindness to the different institutions where bodies and souls are confined because they have not had the help which they needed. They have had To Learn How to Serve 53 to struggle alone in darkness ; there- fore, let us not blame them for what they say or do, because they express the condition which they are in, but let us help them out of darkness and they will express their finer selves and give back to us what we have given to them. \ The concentration taught in this lesson is done in the evening, after everything is still. Bathe the hands and face in cold water, and take a standing position looking out through the window in space. Recognize the soul's worth in your- self. First, say, I am Eternal Love, I am Eternal Life, I am Truth, I am Peace, God is in me and / am in God, for ever more, Amen. Be very quiet while you recognize this in your self, and after you have held the thought awhile, then recognize the same in everybody and everything (whether it is expressed or not, it is within all matter) ; hold your 54 To Learn How to Serve thought on these qualtities until you can feel rest within, then send out love to the east, west, south and north, hold that thought until you can feel happiness, and it will be felt in your solar plexus ; after this hold sympathy, but never hold pity as that is the recognition of weakness and will make us weak, and also those whom we send it to. Give generosity in abundance, love freely, and give freely of the higher power, and sunshine shall come forth, not only in one direction, but from every- where, to ourselves and others, and thus the soul shall give of its sweet- ness like the buds give forth the beauty in the rose filled with grand life and fragrance. Think not of returns, as " he who looketh for praise closes the doors of reward for himself," but give freely and one beautiful gift shall come forth after the other. To Learn How to Serve 55 O sweet one, surrender to the beau- tiful, forget yourself and you shall see God and live. As all souls can travel all over the universe our bodies need not be transported here and there in order to do missionary work, but by the sending out of the above thoughts and holding them un- til we have sent magnetism with them, which will go to the body as the thought goes to the mind, we can help in all troubles without much inconvenience and be benefited ourselves. As this lesson refers to different habits the same must be sent to the thief, the murderer, and weaklings of all descriptions, as it will call forth the higher in them. We need not say that this teach- ing is faith only; it is fact, founded upon the law of cause and effect. We make " karma " for ourselves and others by sending thoughts to all 56 To Learn How to Serve things as the thoughts are such is the magnetism. Humanity can not be satisfied by faith only as in the past, but we must have knowledge to-day, and that will help us to-morrow. Look around and see the activity in all things, each tending to help the other; watch the moon in the stillness of the evening, and let its brilliancy speak to you of the power in it, how it inspires the soul and it is by magnetism that we can feel its wonderful life which conveys thoughts carried to us from other planets as well as from our own. Sit by the waters and behold their silvered surfaces and let them tell you how impossible it is to leave you or me out from being a link in the chain which holds the entire universe to- gether. Ask yourself how anything in which the power of God is can help but be a part of us, and how is it possible but to come in contact \ To Learn How to Serve 57 with the higher when we live in all, how can it but affect, and become affected by thoughts, as the material will be like the thought because it is the reality and matter the clothing. When we stop to reason, then we can see clearly ourselves in all things, and we can also see that there will be a day when we will come out of the confusion radiant and filled with the beauty which nothing but motion can give; our faces will then be resplendent with the happiness of a triumphant victory over all diffi- culties and we will find, looking back on our path, that thought in and upon matter led to glory. This concentration gives content- ment, and therefore we should hold the above thoughts every evening before we retire, and not speak afterwards, and we shall find that our sleep and that of those to whom we have sent the thoughts, will be a soul journey on higher planes from 58 To Learn How to Serve whence we shall bring light and strength. As there is such variety of lovli- ness let us live in it, and place it by drawing the finger tips over our faces and bodies, recognizing the power while we do so. Suggestions and their Effects in General In this lesson we will deal with the right way of suggestion and show that we can not suggest right until we understand the effects which right and wrong suggestion has upon the mind and body of others. Suggestion is different from con- centration in that the mind does not remain on one thing, but it flies from one thing to the other, thereby caus- ing chaos around us for which we 60 Suggestions have to suffer in many ways, as it affects the nerves, causes sickness and often the souPs passing out of the body. Fear comes .from confusion and confusion from want of knowledge; and as understanding always gives poise, we can meet all dangers with strength to conquer. When we fear that things might turn out so and so, always looking at the dark side, that is suggestions of gloom and misfortune, and if we repeat such suggestions they will surely come to pass. Hope is a suggestion, and when we feel that it will be better by and by, then we suggest that it shall be so, and if we hold that thought con- sciously it will be concentration, and we will find it taking place sooner than otherwise. We must learn to know the cause and effect of suggestion and con- centration before we can do either to Suggestions 6 1 our benefit, as it must be done con- sciously in both cases. When a man fears that he will lose his fortune, he suggests that it shall be so, un- consciously, and meanwhile he works very hard to prevent it. If we under- stand the law of preventing the hap- penings of that which we suggest consciously or unconsciously, it will be demonstrated that we make our own lives, and what we make w r e have, and what we say, that will come to pass. Suggestion is the key by which we open the door to all possibilities, and if we do not understand we will suffer as there is no grace for him who does not know. God can not help any one who can not help him- self, therefore our thoughts and sug- gestions will either lead us nearer to Him, or further away, and we must sooner or later discover that it is the " mighty " who finds the kingdom of heaven, and they are those who have 6 2 Suggestions learned and know the law of life and how to live it. Fear causes weakness and waste of energy, and it is the suggestion of possible calamities which makes us lose our mental and physical power. When we learn to suggest nothing but that which is grand and beautiful, then we shall find strength and see the possibility of accomplish- ing everything we undertake. Gloomy and sad suggestions means weakness and loss of magnetism, but the stronger gives poise at all times in all kinds of danger, and it draws to us magnetism which will give us vigor, life and individuality, and it will become a remedy for all things. When we suggest ill to others ( that means to recognize that " they are no good, and will never amount to anything," etc. ) , we bring out the lower in those of whom we think, and we will be sure to find it and Suggestions 63 then we will say to each other, " Did I not tell you so? " but if we notice we will find ourselves restless and more or less in mental disturbance all the time, and what is this, if not that we receive back what we have sent out, as we can not have peace and suggest disturbance to others. Do not send pity to anything, but send love and kindness to all king- doms, and most of all to the animals, as they receive it and feel the mag- netism it brings to them and it will draw them closer to us, and by com- ing in contact with us their higher selves are brought out. Do not forget that it is magnetism which brings everything into our lives. When the animals feel the finer magnetism from the human they be- come gentle, and thus less abused; and by it the animal and his master learn to understand one another. 64 Suggestions It is magnetism in the flower which makes the gardener love it the more he handles it ; and it is magnet- ism which makes man and woman "fall in love at first sight." It is magnetism which makes the pupil love his teacher, and it is magnetism which tells the sick if their doctor can cure or not; it is magnetism which gives confidence, and by mag- netism which is not harmonious it is taken away. We can not smell, hear, nor touch magnetism, nor can we measure it, and because it comes and goes so that we do not know or understand it, that is why we suffer mysteriously at times. It is by magnetism that soul un- derstands soul without words, and by magnetism other worlds than this shall be built, roll on and dis- appear, and humanity on all planes shall lay off one body after another Suggestions 65 in order to take finer and be pre- pared for it in and by the unknown power of magnetism which their thoughts bring* It is of the greatest importance that we keep our thoughts under con- trol, and we must not make any sug- gestions of things which we do not want, nor have gloomy suggestions before we retire, as our souls will then travel in the lower magnetism while we sleep and wear out our bodies, because we open the door for unconscious souls who will come around us when we can not protect ourselves and draw our magnetic forces away and exhaust our nerves. Lesson fourth gives us the idea of our suggestions. Before we deal with anything of a lower material, let us send out love and peace to all things before we suggest success for the coming day, as we are in har- mony with life when we recognize love and peace, and after that we 66 Suggestions can more easily draw to us the mag- netism of the condition with which we are in contact. When we suggest we should think first what i, the best and most profit- able to us, and we would come to the conclusion that all things were de- pendent upon our way of sugges- tion. We must know that each cir- cumstance brings a different sugges- tion, and as there is always a com- bination of magnetisms belonging to each circumstance we must think first what to suggest. You will ask how you are to know. You know what you like to have and become, and your highest desires you should suggest no matter on what plane it is so long as it is your high- est that means, the highest you can think of and then concentrate upon it and it will be sure to come. In this wise let us lift our eyes to " Jerusalem," and we shall see the height of our happiness. Suggestions 67 Let us take for example some one who hopes to bring us some new in- vention in air-travel in particular, (as that is to be the next advance- ment on our material earth). If the inventor suggests failure he will meet with it, but if he holds in his mind success in the ultimate he will be sure to succeed, but it will be with the understanding that he does not suggest failure. To overcome failure we must not recognize it, nor must we recognize fear, as if we do we can not over- come it, but it will have the better of us. The recognition of perfect abil- ity to fulfill any thing we andertake will help us to success. Make these suggestions in the evening, first take one thing and then the other, and think of the most practical and shortest method of finding the way to it. We must always give encourage- ment to ourselves, and others, as 68 Suggestions that will give strength to go onward ; let us live on the hills, and look into the smiling life and expect great things always feeling that we are able to accomplish them, and thus suggesting the higher life, we shall never know fear or lose our mag- netism. Personal Suggestions and their Magnetism This lesson will deal with sugges- tion and its effect upon the body, particularly. We shall see that the minute we suggest sickness, that minute we will have it, it may be that it does not demonstrate itself until some time after, but it is sure to come, because we have suggested sickness and it will be so. As soon as we go out in the air and think we will take cold we will take it be- cause we have made that law. What we say will come to us be- cause we draw the magnetism be- 70 Personal Suggestions longing to each thing, and it can not help but come to our bodies as well as to our minds. Our nervous systems respond to every thought, and the magnetism belonging to each thought will affect our bodies. Fear is so closely associated with lower suggestions that they can hardly be parted. Fear is an emo- tion, and in proportion to its strength, it will carry magnetism with it by which the body will be made weaker and weaker. If we make the stronger sugges- tions they will affect our bodies and we will not know of pain or weak- ness. The higher suggestions will make the Sun of possibility shine in our path, and we will wander in its light night and day; we will know the power of virtue from the higher plane of thought, and the beautiful mag- netism will blend in the radiance of Personal Suggestions 71 the soul power, and the seen and un- seen will awaken from its slumber into this grand life and recognize that it has been able to do so by suggesting the higher and stronger life-power. The rule which we have spoken of in the previous lessons must be ob- served in this one which is perfect calmness and deliberation, as we can not know what to suggest unless we are calm. At all times it is import- ant that we suggest, health, youth, strength and vigor. And when we hold our minds on that we can not help but feel it. Let us have nothing against any- body as that will be against our- selves. Our unconscious sugges- tions have such an effect upon our bodies that they make them what they are. All stagnations of the blood come from inactivity of mind in the right channel, and too much activity 72 Personal Suggestions in the wrong direction. There is not an ailment from which we suffer that is not caused by our ignorance, or that of our forefathers, and all deficiencies that we see around us are caused by mental slumber. If mind and matter go together, as new thought teaches, then how can it be prevented but that the body becomes the very expression of the mind, and if it is so where shall we turn for remedy but to the mind, as it can counteract as well as pro- duce. When disorder of the body is sug- gested it will come md suggestion will work so perfect that it will ef- fect each organ just as we say. Cancer, wherever it may be in the body, is not a cancer until we have suggested it to become such, and if we think over what our feelings are when we notice pain we will find that we fear that " it may develop Personal Suggestions 73 into something which our grand- mothers or fathers had/' and we sug- gest cancer, or heart trouble, or con- sumption, and we tell one another how they suffered, and we live in those conditions until we have drawn the blood to the weakest part of our body where it has so accumulated that in- flammation can not help but be the result, and instead of taking the proper exercise and rubbing to scat- ter the blood, we sit and cherish the " cancer," and talk about it and pity ourselves and look for death, etc. There are more suicides by sug- gestion than by any other method, and also murders, and when we un- derstand the power of thought we shall see it. We have spoken in the previous lessons of the different magnetism, the different organs being acted upon because their particular nerves have their own magnetisms, one different from the other, and the result is 74 Personal Suggestions that we set the different magnetisms into activity by suggestion as well as by concentration; as the thought is, so will be the action, and hence we can see how we give our bodies " cancer/' etc. Instead of suggesting wrinkles in the face by recognizing them, fear- ing that they are coming, and " we will look old/' why not suggest that we are becoming younger, wiser, healthier, etc., and so keep the nerves at rest, and the circulation in a nor- mal condition. Instead of suggesting stomach trouble by fearing that the " liver does not act right," why not live, eat, drink and dress more in harmony with health and comfort. Instead of violating the law of nature's activity in the body and then complaining about it all the time and suggesting age and death before the time comes, let woman become more sen- sible, let her take off her corsets, Personal Suggestions 75 and set a wholesome table, omitting sweetmeats, and all other kinds of dough, and she and her children will become healthier and happier. Let it be remembered that wherever we place our suggestions there the effect will be known sooner or later. To have a well-developed body we must suggest symmetry and poise to all its parts, and we must also give them exercises in conjunction with suggestions, and we shall look as though we were twenty at the time we are fifty, and feel happier and more lively than we did in our childhood. We all know how the body suffers from suggesting gloomy things, and the more we dwell upon it, the sadder we become until it ends in pain and bodily weakness. This shows that there is the closest relation between the body and the mind. Take one organ at a time and sug- gest youth and strength, and do not j6 Personal Suggestions tie up the waist by a corset, but leave it free for the blood to circu- late; and do not suggest disease if you feel a little pain or inconven- ience, as it may be that you are sen- sitive to the atmosphere about you, resist it by holding health and youth and it will not harm you or cause difficulty. Do not borrow trouble or pain by thinking that you are going to be- come so and so. Go out in the fresh air, listen to music, dwell in the beautiful, and when you hear or feel sadness counteract it by the power of the soul and its expression of God within. Place your fingers on the surface of your skin and draw them downward, letting the electric- ity flow from them to the part which you wish to affect, and recognize life, not in gloom, but in youth and beauty. Thus we can become hand- some in the face and body, but we Personal Suggestions 77 never will so long as we suggest disease and death. It would take too large a volume to go into detail in describing each organ in the body, but we will say that that which helps one part will help the other and not only help it, but renew and keep it so. What would the mind amount to if it did not take in the body in which it is demonstrated? What does a teaching amount to which does not benefit us to-day? And why should we live in the to-morrow and hope for a day we may not see? Let to- morrow take care of itself, and let us have a teaching wAich can give us help and happiness to-day and that will prepare us for to-morrow. What good does it do us to hear of " God's grace " in the future, and what good do the teachings oi; grace do us after all, when we in the final have to rely upon our own knowledge, as we can not 78 Personal Suggestions find help from anything else? My readers will perhaps take issue with me and feel that I teach too material a teaching, devoid of hope and spir- ituality. That is as each one of us can see it; as I see it I can not feel content without I know. I can not feel like heaping the responsibility upon any one else for my deeds, par- ticularly as I know that I make my own " karma " and that no one else but I, myself, can be responsible for my life, and as I see it, we save the trouble of to-morrow by learning to- day. Let us have the glorious opportun- ity to-day and we shall rejoice and our happiness shall rebound to others and become greater to-mor- row. In concluding this lesson let us say, do not suggest pain to your body, but health ; do not suggest fail- ure to yourself, but success, and live in, and by higher suggestions, and Personal Suggestions 79 rest your mind by non-thinking long enough to know what your highest suggestions should be as far as the body and other things are concerned. Suggest health, youth, love, lov- liness, success and triumphant hap- piness, and live in that, and your suggestions will help you to a higher plane and also others. All suggestions upon the body and applications of exercises should be done in quietude every evening when no one is around. The Soul, and its Power to Travel on Higher Planes by Magnetism This lesson being the final of this course it is of importance that we see where the systematic cultiva- tion of mind-power upon the body will lead us. We have gone step by step in this course and shown why and wherefore we can affect outside things by mind when we can not see or touch them; we have tried to give the key to the so- called new teachings of mind, and matter, by showing that mind travels in and by matter, and that there is not a thought which has not matter in it. We have given these instruc- tions in harmony with the law of The Soul 8 1 evolution as all beings and things are bound by it and must obey its dictations either in this or some other body. We have shown that consciousness is our goal, and that everything else must reach the same. By conscious- ness, we mean the higher self, as the mind in this body is the lower which is striving to reach higher and will do so. We have shown that cause and effect go through all na- ture, and that we must know it in order to have the happiness which we seek. We shall show in this lesson that we can be in the duality of our be- ing and demonstrate its power here and also upon higher planes at the same time. To soul there is neither time limit, nor space limit, and therefore, we can go out and draw power to us, and we will become renewed and rested while the soul is away, because it will rest the senses 82 The Soul and such rest will be new life to the whole body. Glorious privilege that man can live in his dual self, and thus know the higher life and its beauty and progress. Grand truth that man is as unlimited as God, but he does not know it as yet, and blessed reality that we need not live in darkness as to who we are and what we can become. Wonderful law of wisdom that the weary can leave their abode of weariness and go out in the endless- ness of life and bring to the body new life and refreshment by which it becomes stimulated to go on, and on. I am glad that we are free even while in bondage, free as the birds and yet confined in the flesh ; I am glad that we can send out our minds in the il- luminated spheres of love and re- main there till we become so filled with it that we can recognize nothing else but its sweetness and invigor- ating reality. The Soul 83 If we say this to the world it will tell us " it is an impossibility," as the world can not see that the body is only a covering, but not the self, and as the self can not be seen except in its demonstrations, and as the world can not touch it or smell it, it can not realize that it is everything but a fancy. The minute we think of the angels we are amongst them, and in the pro- portion as we hold our thoughts at length upon their beautiful lives, we shall be able to realize that we are amongst them, as we draw to us by long thoughts upon one thing the magnetism in which that particular thing lives. Concentration, as thought in the previous lessons, will teach us and develop us to reach this goal, but we can not as long as we suggest pain, inability and death. We must learn to love everybody, 84 The Soul as the angels can not come near us unless we have overcome selfishness and excuses for our own folly. Can we not sit by the fount of life and see its sparkling water like dew- drops from heaven falling upon us until we melt into full-blending with it? Can we not leave the turmoils and be on the hills of peace, and from their heights see and hear our beloved? Can we not realize that one mo- ment in this beautiful existence is worth more than all earth's gold. Yes, sweet one, and thus all sorrows will be forgotten and we will know of nothing else but peace and har- mony. Let us remember that these higher experiences can not be had unless we have practiced the power of the higher thoughts upon our bodies and thus made them responsive to the finer forces, and the more our minds dwell upon the beautiful the more The Soul 85 invigorating magnetism wo 3raw to us. The more we can live in our higher selves and associate with the finer, the more we shall see it coming forth in all things in which we could not recognize anything but coarseness. Can we not sit in thought by the mighty ocean and hear its roarings, and how one expression of life in it gives greeting to the other? Can we not hear the songs of the choral and see even there in the deep the fairies dance after music of the little cupids? You say, " not in the ocean." Oh, yes, there is love mani- fested, there is beauty beyond com- prehension, and Innocence stands watch at the portals to their palaces made of moss and other beautiful things. Evolution lays its mysterious vail over the sea-lion as well as over the goldfish, and the book of life is read to it and all thing hear and obey. 86 The Soul O children of God, wake up and look around you and know that " much is given and therefore much shall be asked." While I write these lines I feel the beauty of the higher life to the extent that my soul is lifted amongst the angels who are rejoicing, while my body trembles by the power which it brings, and I can see the whole heaven aglow with the magnificent magnetic lights emanating from this beautiful plane. Recognize what you should be and not what you are now, and you will have these grand experiences. We can send our souls to those whom we love who are far away from us, and inspire them with patience and give them strength to hold on until they understand their own power and can use it. We can send our souls into the an- imal kingdom and give our love and sympathy to our brother, the beast, The Soul 87 and he will pull his load more will- ingly and be less ill-used. We can send our souls amongst the birds as they trill to nature's honor, and as the sun rises in the sky, we can follow them on their journeys while they sing as nothing else can. We can send our souls amongst the flowers and hold them there until we have become so famil- iar with their language that we, by the exchange of magnetism, can speak to their souls and be under- stood. As we understand we shall see the smiles upon their sweet faces, and they will tell us that they give beauty and love to man. Thus we can see that we are not confined even though we are clothed with matter, but we can know and understand, and also appreciate what it means that the " pinch of clay became a living soul." This is the goal to know life out- side of the body while we live in it. 88 The Soul We must always remember that we do our duty first before we ask it of any one else, and that will teach us to serve to be served, and not to be served to serve. This lesson gives a great many blessings, but it asks us to give in order to receive, and the missionary lesson must be practised faithfully as we can never receive unless we are willing to sacrafice some things. Forgiveness is the first thing asked of us and next comes to help wherever it can be done. The practice of this lesson can only be done in the morning before we have seen or spoken to any one, and the mind must be free from everything which would be an ob- stacle for us to reach a higher plane. We must practice non-thinking at the time for a few minutes in order to be able to exclude from our minds things which hinder us from think- ing on the higher. The Soul 89 Leave this plane in thought and let your mind wander to other stars, as that is just as easy as to think of our friends, and as there is no dis- tance to mind, we can as quickly be there as any where else. The change of plane will give new magnetism to the body and we build it anew. Happiness to the mind gives new life to the body, and when we are re- leased from the body we feel free and that freedom is power to it. As this lesson takes us into a higher plane, and belongs to medita- tion, we should not confuse it with the other lessons which deal with the matter on the lower plane; these practices will lift us if we use them rightly, and we will understand our higher selves more than we ever did before. Let us select a room for this concentration where there is as little disturbance around as possible, let us be there alone and think of 90 The Soul nothing but the higher life, as the more we can forget everything around us the more we will con- sciously realize where we are and how the life is about us. When we sit down in this concentration we do not rest the back against the chair, but sit straight, hands on knees and feet not crossed. This concentration must not be practiced for anything else than the higher un- derstanding and expression of the soul, and we must not sit with the understanding of having visions or hearing things, but only to receive higher power. Do not sit any longer than fifteen minutes as that will be plenty of time for we can not hold our thoughts on one thing any longer at the commencement. Tell no one of these sittings as they will send their thoughts, and they will be an obstacle to success. Breathe very slowly and do not heave the chest, but be very calm and The Soul 91 still while in this concentration as the magnetism is very fine which is drawn in this sitting, and it is very easy to repel it with too heavy breathing. Sit always in the same chair and in the same room and even in the same corner as magnetism is drawn there and, therefore, it will be a very magnetic place and by changing it we scatter our forces. Let us never look for success from each sitting, but sit regularly three times a week, on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday mornings, early, and tell no one that you practice it. Always sit before you have taken food into your system. Always wash hands, face and feet before sitting so that the finer mag- netism can flow freely through the pores in all negative places of the extremities and the face. This sitting will take us to the holiest presence of the angels and we can not help but feel the higher 92 The Soul life will become more active in us. Always recognize the higher within everybody, and let the surface alone. As we have said in the above these sittings will teach us how to send our souls to other planes, and we will find it as easy to send our souls to other stars as it is to send it across the street, or to some one whom we love, Blessed freedom, wonderful arrangement and generous law that such can be possible at the same time we are confined in the body. As long as we live only for the purpose of saving up money we will never reach this state of freedom, as that will hold us to earth too close, and we will never know the beauties beyond it. We can overcome every deficiency by recognizing the stronger power, as that will counteract all the effects of the weaker, and become remedies which will cure physical ills, and if applied in the right time and under The Soul 93 the right circumstances they will be of wonderful help in all emergencies. We base this statement upon the fact that the soul is the real self, and it can overcome by its power every- thing beneath it as it is the stronger at all times. Live in the higher realms of con- sciousness and all things on earth will be very easy to conquer. It is quite impossible to enumerate all the blessings which come from living the life in the spirit, and in harmony with the law, as the expressions of the inner power are so manifold that they can not be described, but only experienced, and as each soul is dif- ferent from the other, one can not draw conclusions from another's ex- periences. If each lesson is prac- ticed conscientiously it will give more power to soul and body than we would be able to tell as the more we deal with the higher the more we receive. Remedies for Physical and Mental Ills For all kinds of worries, surrender to the higher power, and rest men- tally and bodily. For hunger of love and affection, surrender and rest in the universal lovliness, that will make us lovable and we will be loved. For jealousy, give love and confi- dence to those of whom you are jeal- ous, and they will be true to you. For poverty, surrender to the uni- versal supplies, recognizing plenty and you will never become poor. Physical and Mental Ills 95 For good and obedient children, tell them how lovely they are and not how bad they are, and they will love and obey you. For honesty, be always open and frank, and people will be honest to you. For usefulness, be always practi- cal. For beauty, recognize the hidden powers of virtue and draw your fin- gers over the surface of the skin of the face, and you will become beau- tiful. For sickness, think of new life, youth and strength, drawing your hands over the body, and you will feel strength coming to you. For honor, think of the worth of character. For friends, send out love, gener- osity and unselfishness, and you will make friends with everybody with whom you come in contact. For " enemies," recognize no such 96 Physical and Mental Ills persons, but recognize their power of love. For stinginess, hold the universal generousity. For irritable disposition, hold kindness. For weakness, hold mental and physical poise. For patience, hold forgiveness. For a beautiful body, hold peace of mind. For success, hold endurance. For wisdom, hold unfoldment. For the help of others, hold the communion with the higher life. For a good companion, do not look for love, but send all the love of which you are capable and it will come back to you. For hasty success, hold that, but do not limit time. For fear of being old, hold per- petual youth. For peace and happiness every day, do not find fault with others, Physical and Mental Ills 97 but recognize their virtues whether you see them or not. For undisturbed mental and bod- ily rest, do not answer those who are in anger, nor let it affect you, but hold peace. Eemember that we must " do unto others as we want to be done by," and thus we shall look back upon our path and see that it was by the power of mind over matter that we were able to overcome all darkness and learn the lessons by which we have reached the highest glory. Times and Conditions for Con- centrations Higher concentrations, for spirit- ual unfoldment, Sundays, Mondays and Tuesdays, in the mornings as early as possible, and after sunset. For quietude, health and poise, Wednesday and Thursday, morn- ings and evenings. For this, physical exercises, known as rotary motions, should be taken in a lying down, restful position, with hands, feet, shoulders and head exercised while the breathing is easy, rotating five times each way to right and left, and the same for the trunk in a standing position. Concentrations* 99 To draw magnetism of a finer quality to the body the breathings are deep but slow, inhaling much stronger than exhaling. All breathings should be taken in the fresh air as the rooms are not pure enough for the lungs. No concentrations, breathings, nor exercises should be taken just before, nor right after meals, nor if there is excitement around you. For gold and material things, Fri- days and Saturdays, late in the even- ings. Face the extreme north, with deep inhalings. When we desire to draw to us, we inhale, and when we give out, we ex- hale. Dear reader, in this little book we have tried to show the power of mind and magnetism, or thought force in the material,, and its practical culti- vation, but unless it is practiced by regular concentration, and orderly application according to instructions i oo Concentrations given in the right times and condi- tions, we can gain little. We have shown that mind affects the nerves and the nerves the whole body, and, therefore, we must not wear tight clothing, which is at all times an obstacle to the right action of the functions of the body. Wear loose garments, eat whole- some and plain food, breathe in the fresh air, take systematic exercises (Swedish movements and physical culture), bathe freely and hold the mind on higher planes, and you will find wonderful unfoldment, and have powers which can be used for your own happiness and the happiness of the human race. Do not be slave to anybody or anything, but be free, love everybody; always hold success in all things, health, youth, beauty and amiability and you will sail easier on the ocean of human experience, and make a triumphant entry into the higher planes. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. JUN9 '61 yn^RARY USlL' MftR 161363 tf LtiJ& f\ tun