m THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES SCOTTISH LAND-NAMES Efje i^fjtntr ^Lectures in SCOTTISH LAND-NAMES THEIR ORIGIN AND MEANING BY SIE HEKBEET MAXWELL, BART., M.P. BHIND LECTURER IN 1893? AUTHOR OF ' STUDIES IN THE TOPOGRAPHY OF OALLOWAY,' ' MERIDIANA,' ' LIFE AND TIMES OF THE RIGHT HON. W. H. SMITH,' ETC. ETC. WILLIAM BLACKWOOD AND SONS EDINBUltGH AND LONDON MDCCCXCIV All Rights reserved PREFACE. THESE lectures are offered as a contribution to a study conducted until lately on lines the reverse of scientific. What the late Dr Eeeves and Dr Joyce have done for the place-names of Ireland, Canon Isaac Taylor has done for those of England, and Mr A. W. Moore for those of the Isle of Man, has never been adequately performed for Scotland. It was my original intention to expand these lectures, condensed from material collected dur- ing many years, into a tolerably exhaustive trea- tise on the subject ; but I am advised to publish them at once, just as they were delivered ; and I am encouraged by the numbers and attention of those who listened to them in the belief that there are plenty of students ready to apply sound principles and cautious analysis to a branch of 868721 vi Preface. archaeology and philology at present in a very backward state. I have, it is needless to say, derived much assistance from the writings of the scholars above mentioned, as well as from those of Professors Rhys and W. W. Skeat, and the late Dr Skene. I have also availed myself largely of the volume on Scottish Place-Names lately published by the Rev. J. Johnston, of Falkirk, who has rendered good service to students by the extensive list which he has compiled. I regret that the pressure of other occupations has not allowed me to supply what undoubt- edly ought to have been given viz., exact ref- erence to authorities quoted, and the different manuscripts from which old spellings have been collected. I can but offer an apology to my readers for this omission, with the assurance that they may rely on the care with which such ex- tracts have been made. HERBERT MAXWELL. MONKEITH, January 1894. CONTENTS. LECTURE I. GENERAL PRINCIPLES. Difficulties to be encountered Every place-name means something Permanence of place-names Their origin not usiially poeti- cal, but matter-of-fact Arbitrary orthography Importance of early spelling Changes in vowel sound The significance of stress Its movement with the qualitative in compounds In- fluence of railways on pronunciation Popular and map-makers' blunders Exaggeration Deceptive forms, LECTURE II. THE LANGUAGES OF SCOTTISH PLACE-NAMES. Traces of pre-Celtic speech The Iverian or Silurian race The Fir- bolg of the Irish Annalists The Ernai The two main branches of Celtic speech Obsolete words The operation of umlaut Linguistic change Effects of aspiration and eclipse Difference between Gaelic and Welsh Q Celts and P Celts Test words Similarity of Gaelic and Welsh Ghost-names, . . .27 b viii Contents. LECTURE III. THE LANGUAGES OF SCOTTISH PLACE-NAMES. Pictish speech Conflict of authorities Place-names in Pictland Mythical descent of the Picts Columba's mission to Pictland Pictish vocables Polyglot passage in Bede's Chronicle The place-names of Galloway Conclusions Anglo-Saxon speech The Frisian colonies Order of generic and specific in Teutonic compounds Corrupt forms, . . . . .54 LECTURE IV. THE LANGUAGES OF SCOTTISH PLACE-NAMES. Scandinavian or Old Norse and Danish Obliteration of Celtic speech in the Northern Isles Mixture of tongues in the "Western Isles Norse names disguised as Gaelic Aspiration of Gaelic consonants Confusion on the maps Gaelic names disguised as Norse Relative antiquity of certain place-names Traces of Norse occupation in Scotland Resemblance be- tween Norse and Saxon speech Norse test-words Their dis- tribution Inferences therefrom Mixture of languages in Strathclyde The Gaelic dal and Norse dalr Difference in their meaning Norse and Saxon loan-words in English, . 76 LECTURE V. THE LESSON OF PLACE-NAMES. Succession of races not explained by place-names These illustrate former appearance of the country The old forest Its trees and undergrowth Humbler vegetation Crops Animals locally or generally extinct The chase Deer and other animals Names of animals borne by men, ..... 103 Contents. ix LECTURE VI. THE LESSON OP PLACE-NAMES. The land Its surface and divisions Open land inseparable from the idea of fighting Norse penny lands Occupations and trades Crime and punishment Poverty Disease Rivers and streams Ecclesiastical names Early dedications of chapels and wells Priests and monks Land not usually named by the early Celts from ownership But frequently so by Teutonic people Land-names given to men Men's names given to lands Conclusion, . . . . . .130 INDEX OF PLACE-NAMES REFERRED TO IN THE TEXT, . .183 SCOTTISH LAND-NAMES, LECTUEE I. GENERAL PRINCIPLES. DIFFICULTIES TO BE ENCOUNTERED EVERY PLACE-NAME MEANS SOMETHING PERMANENCE OF PLACE-NAMES THEIR ORIGIN NOT USUALLY POETICAL, BUT MATTER-OF-FACT ARBITRARY ORTHOGRAPHY IMPORTANCE OF EARLY SPELLING CHANGES IN VOWEL SOUND THE SIGNIFICANCE OF STRESS ITS MOVE- MENT WITH THE QUALITATIVE IN COMPOUNDS INFLUENCE OF RAILWAYS ON PRONUNCIATION POPULAR AND MAP-MAKERS* BLUNDERS EXAGGERATION DECEPTIVE FORMS. NQUIRY into the origin and mean- Difficulties . , , . . tobe eu- ing of Scottish place-names is a task countered, beset with difficulties of a peculiar kind. Most of these names were con- ferred by people speaking a language which has long ceased to be heard in the districts where the names remain a language, moreover, which was practically unwritten, for, unlike Ireland, Scotland possesses but a few uncertain fragments of A 2 Scottish Land-Names. Gaelic or Erse literature. Scottish Gaelic, therefore, has never, until recently, been subject to that check which writing and printing set upon the tendency of speech to alter in meaning and pronunciation with every succeeding generation. Even when a language has become thoroughly literary, the pro- cess of change, though greatly retarded, still goes on. In English, for example, the changing shades of meaning in popular intensives, such as " awful," " blooming," " tremendous," &c., occurring in ephem- eral songs and other light literature, may prove a snare to the student who, in after-ages, shall at- tempt to interpret them according to their strict etymology. Every But there is one sure source of encouragement place-name . means towards the solution of place-names, in that every such name has a real meaning, however darkly it may have been obscured by linguistic change or phonetic expression in the lips of people speaking another language. No man ever attempted success- fully to invent an arbitrary combination of sound- signs to designate a locality: every place-name, in whatever language, is a business-like definition de- rived from some peculiarity or leading feature, as we might say the Green Hill, the White House, the Oak-wood ; or from some incident, as the Battle- Field, the Murder-Stone, the Forge-Hill ; or of pos- session, as John's town, William's field, the Priest's land. Once localities are thus distinguished, it is very General Principles. 3 difficult to dispossess them of the names they have Perman- acquired, even though Greenhill should lose all its place- verdure, though the Whitehouse (or Whithorn Anglo-Saxon hwit cerri) should be pulled down and a red one built in its place, and the oak-wood be levelled with the ground. In A.D. 43 the Eoman general Aulus Plautius, in the course of operations against the British King Cunobeline, intrenched him- self on the marshy ground above the junction of the Lea with the Thames. There is no record of a town there previous to this, and the Celtic natives prob- ably called it Ion dyn ro dun London the marsh fort, to distinguish it, perhaps, from hen dun Hen- don the old fort, the stronghold of Cunobeline, a few miles to the north-west. The place where the Tower of London now stands was then marsh land, and this is a good example of an ancient name pre- serving a picture of a landscape which has under- gone complete change in the process of civilisation. The Eoman conquerors altered Ion dun into Lon- dinium ; but in order to commemorate their conquest of Britain, they subsequently decreed that the town which grew up round the camp of Aulus Plautius should be known as Augusta, and that, or Londinium Augusta, was for a time its official title: yet the simple native name could not be got rid of, and by that name it will continue to be known as long as one of its stones remains upon another. Now, the lesson of this example is that poetical and metaphorical interpretations of place-names 4 Scottish Land-Names. should generally be looked on with great suspicion : the true origin is commonly matter of fact. There is, indeed, a certain class of names of a somewhat figurative derivation, as when we speak of the brow, flank, or shoulder of a hill, from analogy with the human figure. Gullane, in East Lothian, so well known to golfers, is the Gaelic guallan, a shoulder, descriptive of the side of a headland ; and the Braid Hills, near Edinburgh, are named from IragJiad (braad), the breast, in the sense of upland. The Norsemen, who have left a deep impression on Scottish topography, call a small island beside a big one a calf, as Manarkalfr, still known to us as the Calf of Man, and to the Highlanders as an CalbJi Manan- nacli ; but the motive in such cases is not poetical or sentimental, but an attempt by means of comparison with familiar objects to convey a definition. Place-names, then, are applied by the automatic operation of the mind, and not by a conscious effort, like that involved in choosing the name for a child or for a villa in the suburbs. The endeavour to trace their significance, though it must often prove unsuccessful, is the pursuit, not of a chimerical hypothesis, like the philosopher's stone, but of an actual, though more or less obscure, entity. The meaning is always there, if we can arrive at it. Letters The place-names of this country have nearly all symbols, been transferred to writing : it must, therefore, be borne in mind that letters alphabetical characters are not visible speech ; that spelling is but the General Principles. 5 mechanical means of representing vocal sounds by a series of symbols which have been agreed on, but have no more organic connection with sound than numerical characters have to number. These sym- bols, properly treated, are invaluable servants, but, unless kept in their proper place, they become tyrannical masters. Exactness in spelling is a modern refinement ; nothing is commoner than to find a single name spelt in half-a-dozen different ways in the same manuscript. The object of early writers was to give an idea of the sound of a name by employing written characters, and so long as the idea was con- veyed, neither writers nor readers troubled them- selves about the niceties of orthography. Here, for instance, are five-and-twenty variations in the spell- ing of the name of my native province, Galloway, collected from official records and other sources : Galewalia. Gahvychya. Galeweia. Gallua. Gallewathia. Galwodia. Galewia. Gahvallia. Galleweie. Galluway. Gahvethia Galway. Galwayth. Gallowaie. Galhvadia. Galovidia. Galwadensis provincia. Gallovidia. Galwithia. Gahvela. Galvidia. Galloway. Galuveia. "Wallowithia. Gallwa. 6 Scottish Land-Names. All these renderings pretty well conceal the original name, whether that was, as the late Mr Skene taught us, Gallgaedhel in Gaelic and Galwyddel in Welsh, meaning the land of the stranger Gaels i.e., the Gaels who served under the pirate kings of Norway and Denmark or as Professor Ehys, with less pro- bability, suggests, that the Latin form Galweidia indicates the name of Fidach, in Welsh Cfoddeu, one of the seven sons of Cruithne, the legendary epony- mus of the Picts. import- Notwithstanding the uncertainty and confusion of early primitive spelling, it is of the first importance to obtain the earliest combination of letters by which a name was represented. When the familiar name of Tweed is found to be spelt Tuid in Bede's History and Tede in the Pictish Chronicle and in a manu- script of the twelfth century, it becomes easy to recognise it as the same name as Teith, a river in Perthshire, anciently written Teth, and now called Thaich by the Highlanders. It is true that we are still uncertain as to the true meaning, but we are so far on the road to it, inasmuch as the connection has been established between a group of river-names Tweed, Teith, Tay, Taw, Teviot, Teifi. Names often lose the character of their original language by being written in another language. There are two places called Leadburn one in Lanarkshire, among the Leadhills, the meaning of which is pretty obvious ; the other in Mid-Lothian, where there is no lead. Who would suspect that General Principles. 7 the latter was a Gaelic name, unless he knew that it had been written Lecbernard in a charter by which William the Lion (1167-70) conveyed it to Galfrid de Malauilla (Melville) ? Here the early spelling shows that the original meaning was leac Bernard, Bernard's stone (or grave), or perhaps leac Birinn, the stone of St Birrin, from whom Kilbirnie parish, in Ayrshire, derives its name. From a charter of the same king it is evident that Granton, near Edinburgh, is not, as it ap- pears, Grant's town, like Grantown-on-Spey ; for it is written Grendun the Anglo-Saxon grtne dun, green hill. The earliest mention of Grant as a Scottish surname does not occur till nearly one hundred years later than this charter, when, in A.D. 1250, Gregory le Grant appears in history. 1 Having ascertained the earliest written form of Changes iu i any name, account must next be taken of the changes sound. in English vowel pronunciation which have taken place since this attempt at phonetic writing was made. Let us consider the form given to the well- known name Glenalmond. It is composed of two Gaelic, possibly Pictish, words, gleann amuin, mean- ing the glen of the river, but the a in amuin was not sounded as we sound it in " tan," still less like that in " tame," but rather like that in " tar." For 1 It is true that an attempt was once made to establish the higher antiquity of this surname by reading the verse in Genesis, "there were giants in those days " "there were Grants in those days " ! 8 Scottish Land-Names. several centuries the English a was pronounced broad, at least in Northern English, and "amon" repre- sented the Gaelic pronunciation closely enough ; but when, towards the fifteenth century, a (broad) began to be narrowed into 6, (narrow), it became necessary to insert a mute consonant to represent the broad sound. Thus the amuin of Mid-Lothian was written Awmon, and the amuin of Perthshire was written Almond (a final d being added by false analogy with the name of the fruit). Both these rivers are now called Almond ; but it is an instance of caprice in spelling that Cramond on the Mid-Lothian stream i.e., cathair amuin, the fort on the river has not received the redundant I, so you shall hear English travellers pronounce the name, not broad, as the natives do, but narrow, as in "cram." Now there is an ethnological suggestion in the occurrence of the aspirate in this word amuin (it- self probably cognate with the Latin amnis). In modern Gaelic and Irish it is invariably aspirated, and written abhuinn or abhainn. B and m have exactly the same sound when aspirated viz., that of v or w; so the more correct form would be amhuinn. The Annals of Ulster describe how King Ecgfrid, after the battle of Dun Nechtain, where he routed the Picts, burnt Tula Aman, at the junction of the Almond with the Tay, in the year 686. In the ' Cronicon Elegiacum ' the same river is spelt differently in three different manuscripts, one of which is in the Bodleian Library, the other two in General Principles. 9 the British Museum namely, Amon, Aven, and Awyne. The first of these is the archaic, un- aspirated form ; and occurring as it does within the territory of the Northern Picts, it suggests that the old word was preserved in Pictish speech after the Scots had adopted the softened form avon. This is confirmed by the occurrence of the old word within the limits of Manann Gotodin, the district between Edinburgh and Stirling, formerly the land of the Southern Picts. The county of Linlithgow is bounded on the east by the Almond, on the west by the Avon names with exactly the same mean- ing, one representing the older, the other the newer form of amuin, a river. It is remarkable that the older form is preserved in Almond Castle, which stands on the Avon ; and that the river itself used to be called mdr amhuinn, the great stream, is shown by the name of the parish Muiravonside. Amuin, having been softened to amhuinn, has given names to innumerable Avons and Evans in England, Scotland, and Ireland. But in the last- named country the aspirate had eaten away so much of the consonant before names came to be written down in English that the mh had to be represented by 10, and Awn or Owen are commoner river-names in Ireland than Avon. I am now going to submit to your attention a stress. point which seems to have altogether escaped the notice of most writers on topographical etymology, and to have been undervalued even by those whose 10 Scottish Land-Names. attention has been drawn to it. Professor Mac- kinnon, in a series of admirable papers on Place- Names and Personal Names in Argyle, which ap- peared in the 'Scotsman' newspaper in 1887, did indeed lay it down as a cardinal rule that in com- pound names the stress always falls on the qualitative syllable, or on the first syllable of the qualitative word; but subsequent writers, though they have referred to this rule, have almost totally disregarded it, and made guesses at derivations utterly irre- spective of this trustworthy finger-post. Now, among all the keys to the interpretation of place-names, I know of none so constant and so useful as this. I propose, therefore, to enter some- what fully into its examination. Place-names are either simple, as Blair (bldr, a plain), Avon (amhuin, a river), Drem, Drum, or Drymen (druim or dromdn, a ridge), or (which is far more usual) compound, formed of a substantive or generic term, preceded or followed by a quali- tative or specific word, the latter being either an adjective, as in Anglo-Saxon Greenlaw grdne hlcew, and in Gaelic Barglass, with the same meaning ; or a substantive in the oblique case, as Allerbeck, near Ecclefechan A.S. air becc, or Norse olr bekk, the alder stream, and Pulfern, in the Stewartry of Kirkcud- bright, which is the Gaelic pol /earn with exactly the same meaning. This rule holds good in ordinary compounds as well as in place-names: thus, "husband," adopted General Principles. 1 1 from the Scandinavian htis, a house, btiandi, one in- habiting ; " ploughman," " pancake," where " hiis," "plough," and "pan," being the descriptive, specific, or qualitative syllables, sustain the stress. Fashion has modified its effect in a few such words as " good- man," but the personal name Goodman or Godman retains the stress in the original place. It is exceedingly difficult to find exceptions to this rule in the local that is, the correct pro- nunciation of Scottish names. After patient in- vestigation, I have only succeeded in finding one. Professor Mackinnon says that Tiree (tir idhe, corn- land) has come to be pronounced by the natives of that island Tirie (te&ry). There will, of course, come to your mind the name Buccleuch. Heraldry has lent its sanction to the popular etymology buck cleuch just as in the neighbourhood of Buccleuch are to be found the Doe-cleugh, the Wolf-cleuch and the Hare-cleuch ; but the position of the stress is enough to convince me that this well-known name has nothing to do with a buck, and I am strengthened in this by early spellings, which give Balcleuch. Again, the Rev. James B. Johnston, author of an interesting book on Scottish place-names, has re- minded me that Kinloch as a place-name sometimes bears the stress on the first syllable cinn locha, at the head of a lake whereas, according to this rule, it should apparently fall on the last, locha being the qualitative. The explanation of that is simple : the real qualitative has dropped off, as Kinloch- Ran- 12 Scottish Land-Names. noch, Kinloeh-M6idart, Kinloch-Laggan, and the stress being thereby disengaged falls on the most convenient syllable, irrespectively of the meaning. Scotsmen always pronounce the personal name Kinloch. The neglect of this rule has led astray more than one painstaking writer. There is a site of an ancient chapel in the parish of Dailly, in Ayrshire, called Macherakill. In the ' Old Statistical Account ' it is referred to as " probably dedicated to St Macarius," a suggestion adopted and confirmed by Chalmers, and reiterated by a recent writer. But to bear this interpretation the stress must have been on the syllables "Macher," and the name would certainly have been cast in the form Kilmachar. The fact is, that it has no reference whatever to the saint commemorated in the parishes of Old and New Machar in Aberdeen, which formed of old the Ecdesia Iteati Sti Machorii; the original dedication of this Ayrshire site has been forgotten ; the place has been named in pure Gaelic (which was spoken in the neighbourhood as late as the Reformation) machaire till, the field of the chapel kirk-field. The certainty of this rule regulating the stress in compounds condemns the derivations suggested by Mr Johnston for Alloway, Menstrie, Mochrum, and many others. He proceeds on pure conjecture when he gives allt no, bheath, stream of the birches, for Alloway; magh sratha, plain of the strath (a ple- onasm), for Menstrie; magh chrom, crooked plain, General Principles. 13 for Mochrum. These names, had such been their etymology, would assuredly have been pronounced Alloway, Menstrie, and Mochrum. Nor can this writer's explanation of Callander as coill an tir, wood of the land, be judged more favourably ; for not only is the stress on the first syllable, but no man in his senses would so name a place. The ut- most that can be done with Callander is to identify it doubtfully with Calithros, latinised Calatria, where, in 638, Donald Brec, King of Dalriada, was defeated by the Britons ; and any suggestion as to its mean- ing must at present be pure conjecture. In Scotland, where the majority of names are in Celtic tliy rcn6ri Celtic, the incidence of stress upon the qualitative precedes has had a marked effect upon the pronunciation of c ific! PC Scottish as compared with English names. In Celtic speech the substantive generally, though not always, precedes the adjective or qualifying word. This tends to throw the stress in compounds upon the ultimate or penultimate. But in Teutonic languages, including Anglo-Saxon and Old Norse, the opposite order prevails, and the adjective or qualitative precedes the substantive, and carries the stress forward with it. No better example of this need be sought than in the name of the Scottish capital, which in Teutonic speech is Edinburgh Agned's stronghold, but in Gaelic Dunedin. Englishmen, accustomed to place the stress on the first part of compound names, are prone to mispro- 14 Scottish Land-Names. nounce the names of Scottish towns. There is a well-known anecdote of a certain official in the House of Commons, who, in reading out the names of a group of Scottish burghs, managed to misplace the stress on every one of them Dumfries, Kirk- cudbright, Lochmaben, Annan, and Sanquhar. Exceptions There is, however, some elasticity in the position to this rule. of the Gaelic adjective, and sometimes the qualita- tive precedes the substantive. The name last men- tioned is a case in point. Sanquhar, for scan (shan), old, is almost invariably placed first, and so is its Welsh equivalent, hen. Sanquhar is sean cathair, the old fort, and Mr Skene has pointed out how its own name has descended to the stream on which it stands, the Crawick ; for it is to be identified with Kaer Eywc, Eawic's fort, mentioned in the Book of Taliessin, Crawick representing Caer Eywc, as Cra- mond does Caer Amain. This Rawic seems to have left his name attached to a better known place ; Roxburgh, spelt of old Rokisburh, is Rawic's burgh. It is unfortunate for the owner of a beautiful demesne in Galloway that its name, sean laile (shan bally), old homestead, has become corrupted into the ridiculous form Shambelly. The same name appears less unhappily disguised with the aspirate as Shin- vallie and Shanvolley in Wigtownshire, Shanavallie in Cumbrae, and Shanvallie, Shanavalley, and Shan- bailie in Ireland. Shenvalla also occurs in the Isle of Man, and all these names mean the old farm or homestead. " Shanty," a term used to denote a tern- General Principles. 15 porary or dilapidated hut, seems to be borrowed from the Gaelic scan teach (shan tyah), old house. The movement of stress with the qualitative syllable is well shown in two Scottish hill-names Benmore and M6rven, the first being beinn mdr, the second, where the b is aspirated, mdr bheinn, and both meaning "great hill." So Ardmore in Aber- deen, Argyle, Dumbarton, and other counties ard mdr, the great height becomes when transposed Morar, mdr ard, in Arisaig. Glaister or Glaster is the name of various places in Arran, Ayrshire, Gal- loway, and Lanark: it means glas tir, green land; but when the adjective takes its usual place after the substantive the stress follows it, as in Barglass, green top, in Wigtownshire. So Glasvein, in Loch- aber, is glas bheinn (ven), green hill, as Benglass in Dumbartonshire is beinn glas. This syllable glas has two meanings : as an adjec- tive it means green or grey, probably cognate with the Latin glaucus; as a substantive it means a stream. Thus, Dunglas is G. dti,n glas, green hill, but Douglas (locally pronounced Do6glas) is dubh glas, the dark stream, black water, or black burn. Not less important than the earliest forms of spell- import- ing, to the analysis of place-names, is the correct local pro- local pronunciation. But even this has to be ni accepted with caution, for it sometimes happens that, although the local pronunciation is slurred, the etymology has been preserved by orthography. In- stances are rare in Scotland, where early written 16 Scottish Land-Names. forms are rare, but English examples are Leicester, Worcester, CireDcester, &c. influence Kailways and other causes have prevailed to alter on pronuu- both the stress and pronunciation of some place- names. On arriving at Carstairs Junction the traveller hears the porters shouting the name with equal stress on both syllables, whereas locally it is pronounced with due significance Carstairs, being probably caer Terras, Terras' camp. A still more familiar instance is just over the Scottish Border namely, Carlisle, which is called in the Book of Taliessin Caer Lliwelydd, Lliwelydd's stronghold, and the stress on the last syllable indicates the old qualitative. But southerners always speak of it as Carlisle, thus falsifying the true etymology. The change of stress is still more marked in those Scottish place-names which have been adopted as surnames. So long as those who bear them remain in Scotland, they retain the old pronunciation ; but as soon as they travel south, so soon is the stress thrown forward. Balfour and Cathcart are well- known family names in Scotland, but they have been anglicised into Balfour and Cathcart. But the Scot- tish pronunciation retains the original reference to the lands whence these names were derived, Balfour being in Fife baile fuar, the cold farm ; and Cath- cart in Eenfrewshire, written in 1158 Kerkert, cath- air or caer Cairt, the castle on the river Cart. The Cart is G. car aid, a pair the Black and White Cart. General Principles. 1 7 Eeaders of the 'Lay of the Last Minstrel' may seek to identify Delorain. They may do so on the map of Selkirkshire, but they will never hear it on the lips of a local speaker as Scott has taught us to pronounce it. It is always called Del6rain, which clearly brings out its meaning dal Orain, Oran's land. In districts whence Celtic speech has long since Popular disappeared, it sometimes happens that the spelling ei of a name is altered to correspond with some fanci- ful meaning attributed to it; for people are ever impatient of a name which conveys no definite meaning, and are wont to twist it into some signi- ficance. The Cluden is a river in the Stewartry of Kirk- cudbright, and where it joins the Nith stands the beautiful ruins of Lincluden Priory. This stream has been identified by Mr Skene as the scene of kat glutvein gueitJi pen coet, the battle of Cludvein, the affair at the head of the wood, mentioned in the Book of Taliessin. This wood has left its name to the parish, Holywood, for there was afterwards a monastery founded here, called Abbatia Sacri Nemo- ris, the Abbey of the Holy Wood, and a group of eleven huge stones perhaps commemorate the battle. Before reaching the Nith, the Cluden receives the waters of the Cairn, and above the junction is named on the Ordnance map Old Water. Now, a common Gaelic word for a stream is allt ; this coin- cides in sound with the Broad Scots " auld " ; appar- B 18 Scottish Land-Names. ently those who advised the English surveyor thought it more genteel to write " old," and the real signifi- cance is completely hidden by a forced interpretation. 1 In the adjacent county of Wigtown this word edit, a stream, has been dealt with in the same way. There is a hill in the parish of Inch marked on the map Auld Taggart, as if named from an aged person of the name of Taggart or Mactaggart, a common surname in the district. But on the other side of the river Luce, distant only a few hundred yards, is a stream correctly marked Al- taggart Burn that is, allt shagairt, the priests' stream which has been transferred with modifi- cation to the hill opposite. The s in sagart, taking the aspirate in the genitive singular, becomes silent, according to the rule of Gaelic pronunciation. In the same county there is, in the parish of Kirkcolm, a rocky headland called on the map Droch Head. This is the Gaelic drochaid, a bridge, from a fanciful notion that the promontory is the beginning of a bridge to Ireland, which is plainly visible beyond the channel. A similar place, farther south in the same county, is called the Devil's Bridge, the legend being that the devil was em- ployed to build a bridge to the Isle of Man. This word drochaid appears in absurdly corrupt 1 It is only fair to observe that the Ordnance surveyors are not mainly responsible for blunders of this kind. In every case the name has been received from the proprietor, and checked by con- sultation with other local authorities. General Principles. 19 form in Ayrshire and Kirkcudbright, where there are farms written on the map Bardroch "Wood and Bardrochwood (stress on the second syllable), both being named from bridges and not from woods. Less pardonable was the blunder of the surveyor who, in mapping out Lewis, transcribed the Norse name Eoropie, a corruption of eyrar by, the beach village, into Europa Point. This is the same deceitful process which has pre- vailed to give a spurious form to certain English words in common use, such as " causeway," a term which has no affinity with " way," a road, but used to be spelt causey and cawsee. It is from the Old French caucie (modern Erench chaussde), which is the Low Latin calciata, for calciata via, a road made with lime. Therefore " causeway " is akin to our word "chalk." As chalk is not a substance commonly found in Scotland, I may be permitted to turn aside for a moment in order to show that one well-known Scottish town takes its name from that mineral. Kelso was formerly written Kelhou or Calchow, in Welsh Calchvynyd, the chalk hill, and the name remains attached to the calcareous hill near the town, still called the Chalk Heugh. The exasperating ingenuity of English Ordnance Expiana- surveyors in polishing up Scottish place-names to myths, suit English lips and ears, whereby such good Saxon names as Brigton and Langton appear figged out as Bridgeton and Longtown, has its parallel in the 20 Scottish Land-Names. unprincipled invention of popular legends to explain names which convey no meaning to persons speak- ing a different language. Mr Tylor has shown how in all countries place-names are liable to fictitious interpretation. Among others he mentions the mythical derivation supplied for Exeter, which local pundits have explained by declaring that the Komans, when they first came in sight of the land where the city now stands, exclaimed, " Ecce terra ! " " Land ho ! " The place called Pennycomequick in Cornwall has been the subject of a very silly explanation, which is more acceptable to the general public than the pure Cornish pen y cum cuig, head of the cuckoo's glen. No etymology is too childish or far-fetched to find acceptance with people who have none better to offer. They would rather believe what is untrue than have nothing to believe. Origin of There is no certainty about the meaning of the " Scot." name Scot, designating the Dalriadic colony which left Ulster towards the close of the fifth century and occupied Cowal, Lorn, Kintyre, and Jura under Fergus Mor the son of Ere; but at all events we may utterly discard the flattering legend which made them descendants of Scotta, a daughter of Pharaoh. In Cormac's glossary the word is given as " Scuit," and " scuite " is translated " a wanderer " in O'Eeilly's dictionary. Ammianus Marcellinus notices them a century before they finally settled in Argyle as " Scotti per diversa vagantes " the General Principles. 21 Scots wandering hither and thither, and attacking the Eoman province in alliance with the Picts. Gildas, after describing this first incursion of Scots and their occupation of part of Alban (which we now call Scotland) for eight years, speaks of them as " impudentes grassatores Hiberni " " shameless vagabonds from Ireland." They were a restless race of marauders, and may well have earned the name of scuite, vagabonds ; and this, rather than the romantic connection with Pharaoh's daughter, seems to be the origin of the name of Scot, of which we have now so much reason to be proud. The same process of coining derivations is at work to this day. Not long ago I read in a Wigtownshire newspaper a letter purporting to give the origin of Bladenoch, a river in that county. On its banks is a remarkable monumental circle of great stones, which local tradition affirms to be, not druidical, as is usually believed of such monuments, but the burial-place of a native king. It is called King Galdus's tomb. Mr Skene has shown cause for crediting the story, and for believing that Gwallawg ap Lleenag, whom Tacitus called Galdus, is buried here. The writer of the letter referred to gravely asserted that Galdus, having routed his enemy in a great battle, pursued them to the banks of the Bladenoch, where, weary of slaughter, he halted his troops, crying out, " Bluid eneugh, bluid eneugh ! " That King Galdus did not speak Broad Scots was nothing to this wiseacre, who had started a falsehood 22 Scottish Land-Names. which, it is likely enough, will find currency in the neighbourhood. Confusion Less deliberate, because unintentional, but not the ' less misleading, is the fancy which altered the name of the mountain next Helvellyn into Fairfield. The original name is Norse fcer fjall, sheep-hill. So Fairgirth on the Kirkcudbright coast is fcer garftr, sheepfold, as Gadgirth in Ayrshire is geit garftr, the goat-pen. This word fcer, sheep, enters into a number of names, and is generally misinterpreted by English geographers. Thus Fair Isle, half-way between Orkney and Shetland, is a semi-translation of fcer ey, sheep-island, a name which appears as Faray, one of the Orkney group, and in the plural as the Faroe Islands, from fcer eyjar, sheep-islands. Similarly the Norse geit, a goat, and the Anglo- Saxon gat, are liable to confusion with geat, an opening, door, way, and the Broad Scots gate, mean- ing a road. But Gatehope in Peeblesshire is geit hof, goat-shelter, either in Norse or Anglo-Saxon, for the two languages are almost identical in these words; and Gateheugh on the Tweed, opposite Old Melrose, is the goat's height, exactly corresponding in meaning to Ardgour in Argyle, ard gobliar (gowr). A few miles lower down the Tweed, on the Merton Water, a grey crag rears itself over the stream. This is written in the map Craig Over, as if from its position towering over the stream. But it is a map-maker's blunder : he took the real name Craig6wer as being Broad Scots for "over," and General Principles. 23 improved it accordingly. The real name is Gaelic, creag odhar (owr), grey craig, or creag gobhar (gowr), goat's crag. There is another instance of this name not far from Edinburgh, at Liberton, where the map-maker has made it Craigo'er. Just so Glen- over and Drumover in Ayrshire are doubtless gleann odhar (owr), grey or dun glen, and druim odhar, grey ridge, as Corr6ur in Perthshire stands for coire odhar, grey or dun corry, to distinguish it from green corries. To select an example of forced meaning from the other extremity of Scotland no doubt Cape Wrath is associated in the popular mind with the fury of the gales that rage round it, and its present spelling is owing to that idea. But the Norse name was hvarf, a turning-point. In Font's map it is written Faro Head, another attempt at phonetic spelling; and close by he gives Eow na farrif that is, rudha na atharrachaidli (aharrahy), point of the turning which appears in our modern maps as Farout Head. In a book published in 1583, of which only two perfect copies are known to exist, ' La Navigation du Eoi d'Escosse, Jaques cinquieme du norn, autour de son royaume,' Cape Wrath is thus described, "Wraith Hotherwise, nomine" Fairhead, c'est & dire Belle Pointe ou beau Cap ; " whereby the author, compiling his work from English notes, led his readers to believe that the headland was called Wraith Hotherwise. In studying place-names, in order to obtain a true Exaggm- picture of the state of the land which they describe, 24 Scottish Land-Names. one must take into account that tendency to magnify the importance of localities and individuals which is so common in all rural districts. All nomencla- ture is comparative, and when the field of compari- son is limited, undue value is bestowed upon degrees of excellence which would be scarcely perceptible in a wider field. The unconscious pride which, among Celtic tribes, exalted the chief into a righ, or king, may be traced in other terms of Celtic speech. This righ, for ex- ample, would naturally choose the best spot for his dwelling, and in our latitude the best spot is that which receives most sunshine. Hence griandn (greenan), a sunny place, from grian (green), the sun, is described by O'Brien as a royal seat or palace " and this," says Dr Joyce, " is unquestionably its meaning when it occurs in topographical names." But, in truth, it often has a much humbler origin ; and Greenan in Ayrshire and Bute, Grennan, Argren- nan, and Bargrennan in Galloway and Dumfries- shire, though perhaps commemorative of a chief's abode, may also bear the interpretation assigned to griandn in modern Gaelic dictionaries a drying- place for anything, particularly peats. Ambiguous Furthermore, there is the difficulty arising from ambiguity. Many meanings are often attached to the same word either simultaneously or by successive generations. The syllable " ark " is a very frequent suffix in place-names, and no doubt it often re- presents the Gaelic word earc ; but even when that General Principles. 25 origin has been arrived at, one is still left in doubt as to the real meaning, for in O'Reilly's Irish diction- ary that word is interpreted " water ; the sun ; any beast of the cow kind ; a salmon ; a bee ; honey ; a tax ; heaven ; a rainbow ; red ; speckled." More than this, even of those names which admit Names not ftlwjlVS of intelligible explanation, many must be rendered what they as if followed by a note of interrogation in brackets. I can best illustrate this by an example from Irish topography. There is a townland near Ennis called Clonroad, and no objection could have been taken to explaining it as cluain r6d, the meadow by the roadside, for that is precisely the form which those words would assume in composition. But it so happens that, in the Annals, Ennis is usually called Inis cluana-ramJifJwda that is, the inch or pasture of the meadow of the long rowing. Here the original name has been divided between two places, Ennis representing inis, the pasture, and Clonroad the cluan ramhfhoda, the meadow of the long rowing or boat- race. In this compound ramhfhoda, the m and / are silenced by so-called aspiration, and the result is the sound " roada." There is no key provided to the analysis of Scot- tish place-names as there is in Ireland by a plentiful early literature, so it is well to bear in mind this example of the necessity for rejecting a simple and obvious explanation for a complicated and obscure one. But it would be unpardonable to take this course except upon clear documentary evidence. 26 Scottish Land-Names. It may, perhaps, be thought that I have devoted too much time to pointing out errors and dwelling on difficulties ; but one of the first tasks to be under- taken by the student of place-names is the detection and demolition of fictitious etymologies : one of the last lessons he can hope to convey is that where no certain evidence documentary, oral, or physical can be had as to the origin of a name, the only right thing to do is to leave it unexplained. LECTURE II. THE LANGUAGES OF SCOTTISH PLACE-NAMES. TRACES OF PEE- CELTIC SPEECH THE IVERIAN OR SILURIAN BACE THE FIRBOLG OF THE IRISH ANNALISTS THE ERKAI THE TWO MAIN BRANCHES OF CELTIC SPEECH OBSOLETE WORDS THE OPERATION OF UMLAUT LINGUISTIC CHANGE EFFECTS OF ASPIRATION AND ECLIPSE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN GAELIC AND WELSH Q CELTS AND P CELTS TEST WORDS SIMILARITY OF GAELIC AND WELSH GHOST-NAMES. 1AVING dwelt in the first lecture on the general principles to be observed in the study of place-names, and pointed out some of the chief snares to be guarded against in the endeav- our to read their true meaning, attention may now be given to the different languages in which such names are found in Scotland. Leaving out of account those framed in modern English or that form of Old Northern English which survives in Broad Scots, which generally explain themselves, the rest may be assumed to have been conferred by people speaking one of the following languages or dialects : 28 Scottish Land-Natnes. 1. Pre-Celtic . Iverian or Silurian. {Goidelic or Gaelic. Brythonic, Cymric, or Welsh. Pictish. 3. Old Norse. 4. Anglo-Saxon. Besides these there are a few, but very few, names altered from the Latin of the Eoman conquerors. Considering that the Roman occupation of Southern Scotland lasted for more than three centuries, it may be matter for wonder that they failed to im- press their language upon the nomenclature of that country, especially when the extent to which the Norsemen have done so is taken into account. But the fact is that, although Latin was the official language of the Romans, the legions were latterly recruited mainly from nations whose speech was not Latin. The Second and Sixth Legions, which re- mained longest in the northern province, were drawn principally from Gaul and Spain ; hence almost the only names which commemorate them are military technical terms, such as castrum, a camp, which occurs as Chester and Chesters in the counties of Dumfries, Dumbarton, Roxburgh, Berwick, Mid and East Lothian, and Fife. Christian missionaries, of. course, introduced a number of Latin ecclesiastical terms, which became part of the Gaelic or Welsh languages, such as Gaelic eaglais, Welsh eglwys, from ecclesia, a church, which gives the name to Eccles, near Coldstream, Their Languages. 29 and again near Thornhill, in Dumfriesshire ; and to Ecclefechan, in Dumfriesshire, the church of St Fechan or Vigean, who died in 664. Close to Ecclefechan the same word appears in Eaglesfield, and again near Paisley, in Eaglesham. Lesmahagow is a corruption of eaglais Machute, St Machutus' church. Easbog, a bishop, the Gaelic rendering of episcopus, gives such names as Gillespie, a farm in Wigtown- shire that is, cill easpuig, the bishop's cell or chapel, not to be confused, though identical in form, with the surname Gillespie, which means giola easpuig, the bishop's servant. Indeed cill itself (pronounced keel), so characteristic of Gaelic names in Scotland and Ireland in the prefix Kil, is a loan word from the Latin, being the locative case of ceall, a cell or chapel, from the Latin cella. Next to nothing is known of the language spoken Pre-Ceitic, by the people presumably non- Aryan who in- Silurian. habited this country before the coming of the Celts ; and of the people themselves we have little certain information, though the ancient annals of Ireland teem with notices of them, and though they have been the subject of much speculation and scrutiny in modern times. But inasmuch as some of the place-names we pronounce at this day are probably remains of the speech of this race, an attempt must be made to review briefly what has been ascertained about them. The early Irish historical legends were collected 30 Scottish Land-Names. in the sixteenth century by Michael O'Clery, one of the compilers of the ' Annals of the Four Masters/ and put in the form of a consecutive narrative, called the ' Leabhar Gabhala/ or ' Book of Conquests.' All through this book mention is made of a small, dark- haired race of men, whose fate it was to be con- tinually getting out of the way of stronger people. These have been identified, more or less hypotheti- cally, with the long-skulled people whose remains are found in Great Britain and Western Europe in long barrows with galleries and chambers, doubt- fully distinguished by the shape of their skulls from the round-headed people, who buried in round cairns and grave-mounds. The facts that no metal, except gold, has ever been found in the long barrows, that pottery is extremely rare, and that weapons and implements of stone are of common occurrence, go some way to justify the conclusion arrived at by Canon Greenwell and Mr Boyd Dawkins, that the people who buried in this peculiar way were still in the neolithic or polished - stone grade of civilisation. Yet if it may be supposed that this is the people described by the Greek writers who first make mention of Britain, some tribes of them, at all events, held together long enough to form an important mining community in Cornwall. A well- known passage in Diodorus Siculus, who wrote in the last century before Christ, thus refers to them : Their Languages. 31 Those who dwell near the promontory of Britain [the Land's End], which is called Belerion, are singularly fond of strangers, and, from their intercourse with foreign merchants, are singularly civilised in their habits. These people obtain the tin by skilfully Avorking the soil which produces it ; this, being rocky, has earthy interstices, in which, working the ore, and then fusing, they reduce it to metal, and when they have formed it into cubical shapes, they convey it to a certain island lying off Britain, called Ictis ; for at the low tide the intervening space being laid dry, they carry thither the tin in great abundance. Now, if Diodorus was as careful in his statements regarding the ethnology of Belerion as he was in describing its topography and mineralogy, it would appear that he is here dealing with a tribe of the pre-Celtic population, already confined to the limits of the south-western promontory by the advance of the Celts, but raised by contact with civilised traders far above the level of their fellow-countrymen. The two names, Belerion and Ictis, may represent Diodo- rus' attempt to render phonetically the pre-Celtic names attached to the Land's End and St Michael's Mount. In the ' Leabhar Gabhala ' mention is made of a people called the Firbolg, who are said to have arrived in Ireland about a thousand years after the flood. They were the descendants of Simon Breac, and had been enslaved by the Greeks, who made them dig earth and carry it in leather bags. Now the Irish for "bag" is bolg, and firlolg means the men with bags bagmen. 32 Scottish Land-Names. There were with them men called fir domhnan, because of the domhin, or pits, which they dug, as well as others called fir gaillian, or spearmen, from the gai, or spears, with which they guarded the others while they worked. They had possession of Ireland, it is said, until they were driven out with great slaughter by the Tuatha de Danaan after the battle of Muigh Tuireadh. We seem to have here the dim record of a disappearing race, and these bagmen and pitmen, as Mr Skene pointed out, were probably Iverian or Silurian miners from Cornwall, driven thence by the stronger Celtic population to take refuge in Ireland, where they attempted to carry on their native industry the only one known to them. Without putting too much stress upon these hazy traditions, it is clear that in various parts of Ireland and Scotland there are traces of a black-haired, black-eyed race, differing in a marked degree from the larger limbed and brown or fair haired people who form' the bulk of the population, and generally held in low esteem by any other race which hap- pened to be dominant. Thus in the preface to M'Firbis' ' Book of Genea- logies ' we read : Every one who is white of skin, brown of hair, bold, honourable, daring, prosperous, bountiful in the bestowal of prosperity, wealth, and rings, and is not afraid of battle, they are the descendants of the sons of Miledh (the Milesians) in Erin. Every one who is fair-haired, Their Languages. 33 vengeful, large, and every plunderer; every musical person ; the professor of musical and entertaining per- formances, who are adepts in all Druidical and magical arts, they are the descendants of the Tuatha de Danaan in Erin. Every one who is black-haired, who is a tattler, guileful, tale-telling, noisy, contemptible ; every wretched, mean, strolling, unsteady, harsh, and inhospitable person ; every slave, every low thief, every churl, every one who loves not to listen to music and entertainment, the dis- turbers of every council and assembly, and the promoters of discord among the people, these are the descendants of the Firbolg. . . . This is taken from an old book. From this and many passages of similar import in the early chronicles, it may be gathered that the black-haired Iverians, known as Firbolg and Silures, were the earliest inhabitants of this country of which any trace remains ; that they were akin to the Basque population of our own day, and had the physical characteristics of the river-drift men. They must have distinguished one locality from another by means of place-names in their own language, and no doubt some of these names still remain in our maps, just as in Australasia many native names will remain, interspersed among those of English origin, ages after the aborigines shall have ceased to be known as a distinct people. But whereas the Australian aborigines have been dispossessed by a literary people, capable of writing down phonetically the native names of places, the Iverians were ousted by a people who could not even write their own language. The old names, or some c 34 Scottish Land- Names. of them, would be transmitted orally; but what chance is there of our interpreting their meaning at this day, after centuries of detrition and linguistic corruption ? Even where, in a few cases, careful students have detected a probability that certain Scottish place-names are of Iverian origin, there exist no grounds for so much as a guess at their meaning, and one is fain to content one's self with the prudent observation of Cormac Mac Cuillenain, an etymologist of the ninth century, who, though not himself averse to hazarding the wildest shots at derivations, remarked : " It is not every syllable that receives interpretation. Therefore let no one wonder how parn comes to mean a whale, et alia similia" The best chance of recovering the form of Iverian names occurs in those rare instances where a record has been preserved of the names successively borne by some prominent natural feature, like the great rock guarding the entrance to the Clyde, of which the earliest recorded name is Nemhtur or Nevtur. 1 This may have been a phonetic rendering by the Gael or Pict of the Iverian name of a noted strong- hold. 2 After the decisive victory of the Welsh prince and Christian champion, Eydderch Hael, at the battle 1 Rosneath=ros Nemhedk (nevey), the headland of Nemhedh, may be compared with Nevtur. The parish of Rosneath is called Neueth and Neyt in the Reg. de Passdet (pp. 114 and 308). Ahout 1225 lUe land is called Nemhedh in a charter of Earl Alwin in favour of Maldoven, dean of Lennox (Reg. de Levenad, p. 20), and in 1264 Nevyd (Compota Camerarii, vol. i. p. 47). 2 If, however, Nevtur be a Celtic name, it would bear the inter- pretation naomh (nave) tor, holy tower or rock. Their Languages. 35 of Ardderyd (now Arthuret) on the Dumfriesshire Esk in A.D. 573, this rock of Nevtur became the seat of government of the Britons of Strathclyde, and was called by them Alclut, the cliff on the Clyde ; but to the Gaelic tribes around it was known as dti,n Bretann, the Britons' fortress. When Gaelic speech once more overflowed the Welsh in Strathclyde, that name was confirmed, and now, and probably for evermore, it is called Dumbarton. But although in the present state of our knowledge it is not possible to assign meanings to the scraps of pre-Celtic speech which, like Belerion, Ictis, and Nevtur, seemed to have survived the lapse of time and ethnological change, it is reasonable to keep an eye on certain names as not improbably of Iverian origin. The first syllable of the name Ireland is a con- tracted form of the name Tver, Emer, Eber, or Eire, which was very likely a pre-Celtic vocable. Adopted into Gaelic speech, it received the genitive case Eirinn, the favourite name for Ireland, just as Alban, the ancient name of Scotland, is the genitive case of Alba. This name Eire, as Professor Rhys has shown, 1 seems to have been specially applied to the people of Munster, whose capital appears in early Irish MSS. as Temair Erand, or Tara of the Erna (or Wver- ians). In Welsh it appears as Iwerddon, and in some of the early MS. editions of Juvenal it is writ- 1 Rhind Lectures, 1889. 36 Scottish Land-Names. ten luverna, Iberna, and Juberna. The form luverna corresponds exactly with the luverna or Iwwerna of the earliest Ogam inscriptions in Ireland and Wales. It is impossible to deal with Scottish place-names without allusion to the changes which have taken place in those of Ireland, a country whence the eth- nology and language of Scotland were repeatedly recruited in early times. And what lends special importance to this name Iver or Emer, apparently the designation of a notable branch of the pre-Celtic race, is the fact that it occurs in the middle of Scot- land. Sraith Hirend, now Strathearn, can hardly be other than the vale of the Erann or Iverians, com- memorating, probably, a settlement of the same people from whom Lough Erne, in Ireland, is said to have taken its name. We are told in the 'Annals of the Four Masters' that in the year B.C. 1443 Fiacha Labhrainne, King of Ireland, defeated "the Ernai, a sept of the Firbolg, on the plain where Lough Erne now is. After the battle was gained from them, the lake flowed over them, so that it is from them that the lake is named that is, a lake over the Ernai." All the names by which Ireland was known in ancient poetry namely, Eire, Banba, Fodla, and Elga seem to be reflected in the Scottish place- names Earn, Banff, Athole (Ath Fotla), Elgin, and Glenelg, and Professor Ehys inclines to regard these names as being in the Iverian language. Their Languages. 37 Mr Skene has drawn attention to the frequent occurrence of the syllable II in the topography of the Basque province, and, recalling the legend of the occupation of Islay by the Firbolg, suggests that the name of that island, as well as that of the two rivers called Isla in Banff and Forfar, the Ulie in Sutherland (written Ila by Ptolemy), and other rivers called Ale, Elwan, and Allan, there may be recognised an Iveriau word. There is perhaps more significance in the resemblance he traces between ur, the Basque word for water, and our river names Urr, Oure, Ourin, and Ore. He adds Ure and Urie ; but these are undoubtedly Gaelic, from the yew-tree viz., amhuinn iubhar (avon yure), stream of the yews, and amhuinn iubhar- aicli (yureh), stream of the yew- wood. Compare with these Palnure in Kirkcudbrightshire that is, pol na' iubhar, stream of the yews and Glenure, in Argyleshire, the glen of yews. But it avails not to dwell longer on a subject which involves such bare speculation. The most hopeful means of arriving at a recognition of pre- Celtic names would be to prepare a list for every parish in Scotland of names which cannot be ex- plained in any Celtic or Teutonic speech. This has never yet been done, though scholars have been eager enough to collect names capable of explana- tion : but it is in the irreducible residuum that careful comparison might produce something like an acquaintance with Iverian nomenclature. 38 Scottish Land-Names. Celtic. I now turn to the consideration of that language in the various dialects of which the majority of Scottish place-names are cast. Here we are on much firmer ground, though it has indeed been grievously undermined by the wild guesswork of Celtic enthusiasts. The Celtic language, in which such a large pro- portion of Scottish names is formed, consists of two main branches the Goidelic and the Brythonic, which, for convenience, may be referred to as Gaelic and Welsh. But it must be understood that these terms are here used in a general sense, not as restricted by modern use. In Gaelic are included the various dialects still spoken in Ireland, Man, and the Highlands of Scotland, as well as their archaic forms ; and in Welsh is comprehended not only the living language of Wales, but that form of it which was once current over the whole of the west of England and part of Scotland, in a chain of territory, broken only by the Gaelic or Pictish prov- ince of Galloway, extending from the Land's End on the south to the Firth of Clyde on the north. In those districts where these languages are still spoken, the interpretation of names is generally as easy to a Celtic scholar as it is for an English- man to read the meanings of names formed in English. The only circumstances likely to baffle either of them is one of those following: Obsolete First, The occurrence of obsolete words words which have fallen out of use or have altered from Their Languages. 39 the old form. Brtach (bragh) is a disused name for a wolf, unknown in modern Gaelic, and closely resembling breac (brack), spotted, brindled, or streaked, and breac, a trout; but it is not improb- ably the specific syllable in Braco, the name of a place in Perthshire and another in Aberdeen. It appears to be the same name as Breagho in Fermanagh, which the Irish annalists render Brtagh mhagh (vah) that is, wolf-field. Yet a modern Gaelic student would not recognise the word, be- cause it is not in the living language. AT means ploughed land, but it also means Equi- slaughter ; so the Gaelic names Knocknar and V( Barraer, which occur in Galloway, may signify either the slaughter - hill, the battle -hill, or the ploughed hill. Second, The operation of the law of umlaut, as Umlaut. German philologers call it, whereby the vowel sound in one syllable is altered by the vowel sound in a syllable following, as husband and nostril stand for house-band and nose-thrill. An instance of this in a Celtic place-name is Slam- annan, for slidbJi (slieve or slew) Manann, the moor of the Picts of Manann. Among Saxon names an extreme example of the action of umlaut is the name of Euthwell, a parish in Dumfriesshire, locally pronounced Riwell, but being really Rood "Well, for so the holy well there was named from the rood or cross the Ruthwell Cross, so well known to antiquaries. 40 Scottish Land-Names. Linguistic Third, Linguistic change in the pronunciation of change. vocables. Cnoc is an ancient term denoting a hill, and it is so written in modern Gaelic dictionaries, but no Highlander would understand what it meant, for it has come to be pronounced crochd. There is evidence that this change has taken place within the last three centuries and a half. Gaelic was spoken in the mountainous parts of Galloway as late as the days of Queen Mary. In a list of Galloway place- names which I prepared some years ago, upwards of 240 began with the syllable Knock, and only one with that of Crock. The single exception was Crockencally, near Kirkbean ; it was church-land of old, and the name Ladyland, occurring close by, confirmed the obvious meaning cnocdn cailleach, the nuns' hillock. This seems to show that the change of cnoc into crochd was just beginning to take place at the time Gaelic was dying out in Galloway. But why should a change, apparently so arbitrary, take place, of changing n into r? For the same reason that we English-speaking folk sound " nock " instead of "knock." It requires a conscious effort to begin a word with Jen, and the whole tendency of linguistic change is to get rid of exertion. The Gael, as we shall see presently, is very partial to k: he belongs to the Q group of Celts, and cannot be per- suaded to give up his beloved gutturals ; so instead of dropping the k, as we have done, he kept it, and altered the n into the easier sound of r. Thus Their Languages. 41 Crochrioch, the name of several small hills in Argyleshire, is the same as Knockreoch, which occurs in Galloway, and both were originally cnoc ridbhach (reeagh), the grey hill. Lastly, One effect of aspiration and eclipse, pro- Aspiration, cesses to which certain consonants in Gaelic and "Welsh are peculiarly liable, is to render certain words indistinguishable from each other in com- position, and Professor Mackinnon has supplied a good instance of how a Gaelic scholar may be misled thereby. The bold headland on the west of Tiree is called Kenvara, and the Ordnance surveyor, who evidently had some knowledge of Gaelic, has written it Ccann a' bharra, meaning the hill-head, the promontory of the hill or of the crop, for barr means both hill-top and crop in Gaelic. But b and m when aspirated both represent the sound of v, and the real sense of Kenvara is ceann mhara, the headland of the sea. The same combination, without the aspirate, gives Kenmare, in Ireland, and good Gaelic scholars might easily be misled into translating Connemara in the same way ceann na mara ; but they would be wrong, for that name, as we know from the an- nalists, is Conmaicne mara, the seaside Conmaicne, the progeny of Conmac, the son of Fergus, king of Connaught. So much for aspiration : now for an example of Eclipse, the perplexing effect of eclipse. There is in Gal- loway a ridge of land called Drummatier. It is 42 Scottish Land-Names. on the verge of a wild mountainous tract, and would well bear the interpretation druim mac tire, ridge of the wolves, for mac tire (teer), signifying " son of the soil," is an old and common name for a wolf. But the termination -teer usually has a different signification. The consonant s is liable in composition to be silenced by aspiration and replaced by t to be eclipsed, in short ; Baltier, in the same district as Drummatier, must be interpreted baile t-shaoir (bally teer), the carpenter's house, just as Ballinteer, near Dublin and Londonderry, is baile an t-shaoir (teer) with the article. Drummatier, there- fore, may have nothing to do with wolves, but may simply be druim a' t-shaoir, the carpenter's ridge. Still more perplexing examples, for they are com- bined with the change of n into r, are found in the names Colintraive and Ardentrive in Argyleshire. These are places where, long before the days of steamers, cattle were driven down from the hills and forced to swim across a narrow part of the loch. Colintraive is caol an t-shnaoimh, the strait of the swimming, the original sound " snave " having been altered by the so-called eclipse of s by t, and the alteration of n into r. So Ardentrive is ard an t-shnaoimh, the headland of the swimming. The process which Celtic philologists term eclipsis is explained by O'Donovan as "the suppression of the sounds of certain radical consonants by prefixing others of the same organ." The consonants said to be subject to eclipse are Their Languages. 43 B eclipsed by M C t. G D and G F M Bh = P eclipsed by B T M D and S 11 T We should probably never have heard of eclipsis but for the pedantry of early Irish writers, who seem to have been ever anxious to cram as many letters as possible into a word ; and so, when a hard or surd consonant like t changed into the sound of a soft or sonant one like d, they insisted on writing both, though only the sound of d was heard. " All initial consonants," writes O'Donovan, " that admit of eclipsis are eclipsed in all nouns of the genitive case plural, when the article is expressed, and sometimes even in the absence of the article." Now, the qualitative syllable or syllables in com- pound Gaelic place-names often consist of a noun in the genitive plural. Thus Craigenveoch in Wig- townshire is ereagdn fitheacJi (feeagh), crag of the ravens, and would be written in Irish creag&n bJifith- cach. But in reality the change from / to v is a natural and easy one, and is the ordinary outcome of the invariable tendency of speakers to avoid effort. The so-called eclipse of c, p, and t by g, b, and d, is capable of similar explanation. But the changes of b into m, d and cj into n, and s into t, are to be accounted for differently. Lagnie- mawn, the name of a marshy field in Wigtownshire, probably represents lag nam ban, hollow of the women. Here b may with accuracy be described 44 Scottish Land-Names. as having been eclipsed by the final m of the article. It becomes like the mute b (also organic) in our "lamb." But a converse process is more usual in English pronunciation, for we sound an excrescent b after m in such words as " number," " chamber," "humble," and "timber." The eclipse of d and g by n occurs when these consonants are silenced by aspiration, and the final n of the preceding article takes their place. In the eclipse of s by t, s is silenced by aspiration, and a purely excrescent t takes its place. Bartaggart in Wigtownshire is barr t-shagairt, hill -top of the priest; but Balsaggart in Ayrshire represents baile sagart, house of the priests. For the same reason, the personal name Mactag- gart, the priest's son, never appears as Macsaggart, seeing that a man cannot claim more than one father. Distinction Certain well-marked linguistic differences exist Gaelic and between Gaelic and Welsh, and these must be Welsh shortly stated ; but it is no part of my object to attempt to decide the vexed question of their rela- tive antiquity. Suffice it to say that almost at the remotest point to which Celtic speech can be traced, there may be recognised a preference on the part of certain tribes for labial consonants, on the part of others for guttural. Eleven hundred years ago Cormac, the Irish scribe, noted the difference be- tween the Gaelic mac and the Welsh map, a son. Now, this divergence was not intentional : the Their Languages. 45 original word for son was MAQVI in the genitive case ; the Gaelic race, owing to some organic pecu- liarity, preferred the guttural Q, and their word for " son " became MAC ; the Welsh, for the same reason, preferred the labial V, and their word became MAP, becoming later AP, and now often wasted away in simple P, as in the personal names Pritchard = Ap Eichard, or Probert = Ap Robert, as we should say Richardson or Robertson. Professor Rhys has made convenient use of this characteristic, and divided neo-Celtic dialects into the Q group, representing the Goidelic or Gaelic, and the P group, representing the Brythonic, Cymric, or Welsh. In Scotland, where there were, as we know, of old Gaelic-speaking and Welsh-speaking Celts, it is useful to have a few test-words in either language to apply to the analysis of place-names. One very commonly chosen for this purpose is Gaelic, ceann ; Welsh, pen ; English, head. Thus, to take two examples from the county of Ayr, which, being in the territory of the Welsh people of Strathclyde, exhibits Gaelic and Welsh names side by side, Kinch6il near Ayr means in Gaelic cinn choill (hoyle), at the head of the wood, cinn being the locative case of ceann ; and Pencot near Dairy is the Welsh pen coed, wood-head. Pen is a word most characteristic of Welsh topo- graphy, nevertheless its occurrence among place- 46 Scottish Land-Names. names is by no means sufficient to warrant the assumption of a former Welsh population. It is sometimes the corruption of another word. Thus the stream flowing past the ancient and picturesque parish church of Minigaff in Galloway is called the Penkiln, but it is not a Welsh word. In Font's map it is spelt Poolkill, which represents the Gaelic pol cill (keel), water or stream of the church. That there were Welshmen Strathclyde Britons settled in Galloway is proved by the name Culbratten, occurring in the next parish to Minigaff that is, cuil or ctil Breatain, the corner or hill-back of the Welshman, and Drumbreddan in Old Luce parish is druim Breatain, the Welshman's ridge ; but the occurrence of such names shows that their presence was exceptional, and could not prevail to give a Welsh cast to place-names. Another good test-word is supplied by the name of a common tree Gaelic, /earn ; Welsh, gwern ; English, alder. Being a waterside tree, it gives its name to many rivers. The Nairn is amhuinn na' fhearn (the / silenced by aspiration), alder-river ; but the / was not always silent in this name, for it is present in Strathnavern, the old spelling of Strathnairn. But in Ayrshire the Welsh name remains in Garnock, a river near Dairy, a/on gwernach ; l which is further 1 In Welsh / represents our v sound, ff that of our / in " far. " Their Languages. 47 disguised by the addition of the Scots " burn " in the name Garnaburn, near Colmonell. Gaelic, fionn, Jinn ; Welsh, gwynn ; English, white. These words often appear in combination with Gaelic ceann and Welsh pen, a head. Thus the Welsh name Penwyn, the Pennowindos of early inscriptions, means " white head," and so does the Gaelic ceann Jinn, more often ceann fhinn (cann hinn, the / being silenced by aspiration). There is a low hill called Knockcannon facing the ancient stronghold of the Douglas the Threave, near Kirk- cudbright. Local tradition has it that it is so named Knockcannon because it is the place where Mons Meg, the great cannon, was planted to batter down the castle ; but this is suspiciously like the usual attempt to explain a name by reference to some familiar or notable incident. Comparison with the Irish place-names Carrigcannon, Drumcannon, and Lettercannon, which Dr Joyce interprets as the crag, the ridge, and the half townland (leth tir) of the white top, incline one to construe Knockcannon as the hill with the white top i.e., a grassy hill amid moorland or woodland. But Foilnacannony in Tipperary and Glennacannon in Wicklow are connected in legend with certain cows called ceann fhionn (cann hinn), because they had white heads. Time permits but a cursory consideration of the 48 Scottish Land- Names. separation of the Celts into P and Q groups : it is enough for our present purpose to accept the fact that the Gaels used c in many words where the Welsh had p. But it may be remarked in passing that a similar division in labial and guttural groups prevails in other languages. Where the Tuscan Italian says plaga for the shore, the Neapolitan says chiaja ; where Herodotus wrote K&S and other Greek writers used 7r9 and Words The combination sr at the beginning of a word is beginning with sr. avoided by the people of nearly every nation ; in- deed it is said that, except the Irish and Scottish Gael, the only European race that can brook it is the Lithuanian. When Gaelic names came to be written in English characters, this difficulty was eased by the insertion of a dental, and so it comes that many places called Strone or Stroan represent the Gaelic sron, a nose, equivalent to the Norse nes and Anglo-Saxon nces (naze). Stronachlacher on Loch Katrine is a rock of offence to English tourists : it is the Gaelic sron a' chlachair, the mason's headland or point. The bold headland separating the Holy Loch from Loch Long is now called Strone Point, equiv- alent to " Point Point " ; but Strowan and Struan, in Perthshire and Inverness-shire, represent sruthan (sruhan), a diminutive or plural form of sruth, a stream. The Welsh found the same difficulty as we do in beginning a word with sr, but they got rid of the difficulty somewhat differently. Instead of turning Their Languages. 49 the Gaelic srath into strath, they made it ystrad, which is probably the origin of Yester in Hadding- tonshire ; and this word appears in the twelfth cen- tury in an obsolete name for Annandale, Estrahan- nent. In sron they dropped the s altogether, sub- stituting t, and made it trwyn, the regular Welsh word for " a nose." This is the origin of the Ayr- shire seaport Troon, the point, written in Font's map " The Truyn." If the Latin planum, level ground, has no affinity to the Gaelic lann, ground, Welsh llan, an enclosure, and specially a church, and English lawn (which Professor Skeat seems to imply by his silence on the subject), at all events they run very closely together. Carmichael, in Lanarkshire, is written Planmichael in an Inquisition of David I. In Celtic speech the initial p soon dropped off: the special meaning of the Wesh llan, a church, was forgotten, and it has been altered in our maps to Long Newton, Long Niddrie, and Longformacus, because the map-makers thought they had in llan the vulgar Scots " lang " for " long." Similarly, in Cumberland and Yorkshire we find such names as Long Newton and Longmarton. But in Pictish Forfarshire it was the I that dropped out and the p that remained, leaving Fanmure and Panbride, the great church and the church of St Bridget or Bride. The Welsh word llanerch, a forest glade, has suffered corruption by the officiousness of geogra- D 50 Scottish Land-Names. phers in the same way as llan. It remains un- changed in the county name Lanark, which is sup- posed to be referred to in the Book of Carmarthen : " Awallen peren atif in llanerch " Sweet apple-tree that grows in Lanark. L&nrick and Drumlanrig are little altered forms of llanerch (the latter being a hybrid of Gaelic and Welsh); but in Whitburn parish, Linlithgowshire, the village which used to be called Lanrig has been metamorphosed on our maps into Longridge. Similarity The attempt to distinguish between those of our and Welsh, place-names which originated with a Gaelic people on the one hand and a Welsh one on the other is interfered with by the identity of many vocables in the two languages. The Welsh did not always use p where the Gaels preferred k. Three of the com- monest generic terms in Gaelic place-names are cathair (caher), a camp or fort ; earn, a cairn or heap a hill ; and carraig, a crag, represented in Welsh spelling by caer, earn, and careg. Names compounded of these and many other words such as Gaelic mdr, Welsh maur, great ; Gaelic inis, Welsh ynys, an island ; Gaelic amhuinn, Welsh a/on, a river may belong to either of the two languages. Carrick, for example, the ancient earl- dom of South Ayrshire, may be Welsh, for it is in Strathclyde, where Welsh was once the vernacular ; but it is just as likely to be Gaelic, for there are numberless Carricks in Ireland, where Welsh was Their Languages. 51 never spoken. But there are certain words in each dialect which are not found in the other. There is no commoner generic word in Gaelic topography than druim, a ridge, which, so far as I know, hardly enters into Welsh place-names ; its place is supplied by cefn, and this vocable is easily recognised in Glffen, the name of two places in Ayrshire, one near Dairy, the other near Beith. A still better known example is the suburb of Glasgow called G6van, which, although we write it with an o, was written Guven in 1147, and probably means "the ridge." 1 Cuff Hill, a prominent ridge, 675 feet high, in North Ayrshire, seems to be another corruption of the same word. The few minutes which remain to me are too Ghost- short to enter upon consideration of Pictish names, so I may devote them to bringing to your notice a strange effect that literature sometimes has upon place-names, bringing about a permanent alteration of form by means of a copyist's blunder. There exist in Scotland three well-known examples of this kind of accident, aptly classed by Canon Isaac Taylor as " ghost-names." Dr Reeves first detected the blunder of a copyist in the name lona. This 1 It has been pointed out to me that Qovan is not on a ridge of land. To this I must answer that there are ridges all round it, and that names often slipped from high land to low, as allt has come to mean a glen, and the stream in the glen ; and many hills are known as the Lag or the Laggan, from the lag or hollow at the foot of the hill. 52 Scottish Land-Names. island was originally called I (pronounced ee), also written Hii, Hye, la, Ion, Yi, and Y, meaning "island," a word no longer in modern Gaelic, but retained in medieval Gaelic, as i Coluim cille the island of Columba of the Church. Adamnan, in his 'Life of St Columba,' makes a Latin adjective out of I, and writes loua insula : some copyist mis- taking u for n, wrote lona insula, and the error has been perpetuated in the romantic name by which the island is now known. In another instance u was mistaken for m. Taci- tus, in his ' Life of Agricola,' describes how the Cale- donians under Galgacus were drawn up on the Mons Graupius. This was copied Grampius, and trans- ferred to the great ridge Drumalban, dorsum Albanian, or backbone of Scotland, which is there- from known now as the Grampian Mountains. The name Drumalban has itself disappeared, although Breadalbane represents its synonym Iraghad Alban, the breast or upland of Alban. The third case is still more remarkable. Here a scribe mistook u for ri. This was the more pardon- able because, until the eleventh century, it was not customary to dot the i. The Western Islands of Scotland were written by Ptolemy Ebudce, and by Pliny Hcebudce. The latter name appears as Hebri- des in a manuscript from which the early edition of Pliny's 'Natural History' was printed. In that form it took root with us, and was carried by Cap- tain Cook to the southern hemisphere, where he Their Languages. 53 applied it to another group of islands, the New Hebrides. In the name Ebudre we seem to have an echo of pre-Celtic or Iverian speech, and the name Bute, or, more correctly, Boot, appears to be the same word. If these gross blunders have been suffered to corrupt three of the best-known names in Scotland, how many may be as yet undetected among names of lesser note. 54 LECTUEE III. THE LANGUAGES OF SCOTTISH PLACE-NAMES. PICTISH SPEECH CONFLICT OF AUTHORITIES PLACE-NAMES IN PICTLAND MYTHICAL DESCENT OF THE PICTS COLUMBA'S MISSION TO PICTLAND PICTISH VOCABLES POLYGLOT PASSAGE 'IN BEDE'S CHRONICLE THE PLACE-NAMES OF GALLOWAY CONCLUSIONS ANGLO-SAXON SPEECH THE FRISIAN COLONIES ORDER OF GENERIC AND SPECIFIC IN TEUTONIC COMPOUNDS CORRUPT FORMS. Pictish. IWW^WW ^ e ^ rs ^ ^ W0 Inures of this course we have considered the evidence of a pre- Celtic, presumably non- Aryan, speech, and examined the character- istics of Celtic, in its two branches of Gaelic and Welsh, and we have now to encounter the problem presented by the language of the Picts. When the Dalriadic colony of Irish- Scots settled in Cowal, Lorn, Kintyre, Isla, and Jura at the close of the fifth century, the greater part of Alban or Caledonia was in possession of a people known as Cruithni or Picts, and it need hardly be said how much difference of opinion prevails at this day as to the ethnographic affinity of the Picts. Their Languages. 55 Mr Whitley Stokes has given the latest summary of the situation in regard to this people as follows : As to the linguistic and ethnological affinities of the Picts, four irreconcilable hypotheses have "been formed. The first, due to Pinkerton, is that the Picts were Teu- tons, and spoke a Gothic dialect. No one now believes in this. The second, started by Professor Ehys, is that the Picts were non- Aryans, whose language was overlaid by loans from "Welsh and Irish ; the third, the property of Mr Skene, is that they were Celts, but Gaelic Celts rather than Cymric ; the fourth, and, in my judgment, the true hypothesis, favoured by Professor Windisch and Mr A. Macbain, is that they were Celts, but more nearly allied to the Cymry than to the Gael. 1 This problem concerns our present purpose in so far, that part of that purpose is to classify Scottish place-names under the languages of the various races which at one time or other dwelt in our land. We must start upon the inquiry into the Pictish nomen- clature without any preconceived idea without any leaning to the theory of Mr Skene that the Picts were Gaelic Celts, or to that of Mr Whitley Stokes that they were Welsh Celts, or to that of Professor PJiys that they were not Celts at all, but Iverians or Firbolg, whose language became infused with Gaelic and Welsh vocables. We have neither living speech nor, practically, any Pictish literature to guide us. Of the Pictish Chronicle there are two editions, one in Latin, sup- 1 Beitrlige zur kunde der iudogermanischen sprachen, 1892. 56 Scottish Land-Names. posed to be a translation of the Gaelic or Pictish original; the other in Gaelic of the Irish Nennius, which Mr Skene held to have been compiled by the monks of Brechin in the tenth century. The marginal entries in the ' Book of Deer ' are in the Aberdeenshire vernacular of the eleventh and twelfth centuries, and are the Gaelic of Alban, the Latin text of the Gospels themselves being, prob- ably, a couple of hundred years older. These two are positively the only manuscripts which we can identify as having been produced in Pictland, or, for the matter of that, in the whole of Alban, and they are in ordinary Alban Gaelic. Place- There remains, therefore, to us as our only names in , ... . . . ._ Pictland. resource the expedient of closely examining the place-names in those districts forming the ancient Cruithentuath, or land of the Picts, and noting such peculiarities as distinguish them from those in other parts of Scotland. It is well known that by Pictish law succession was reckoned, not through the father but through the mother. Hence in the ninth century Kenneth, the son of Alpin, king of the Dalriadic Scots by a Pictish mother, succeeded his father as king of the Scots, and through his mother inherited the throne of the Picts. The united kingdom became known as Scotia or Scotland, and henceforward the old name of the northern half of this island, Alba, was heard no more until the dukedom of Albany that Their Languages. 57 is, Albannach, the people of Alban was conferred, in a solemn council held at Scone, on 28th April 1398, upon Robert, third son of Robert II. It is strange to reflect that perhaps the best-known loc- ality which now bears this ancient place-name is a street running into Piccadilly, though the High- landers still talk of the natives of Scotland as Alban- nach, to distinguish them from Saisneach, or English- men. The name Alban is really the genitive case of Alba, the old name of Pictland, just as Erin is the genitive of Eire, the land of the Ernai. The Picts who were thus superseded by the Scots Mythical in the monarchy and the name of their land are the Picts. stated in the Pictish Chronicle to be descended, like the Scots, from the Scythians, who were called Al- bani, from their fair hair. Obviously this is only a strained attempt to account for the name, but I wish to draw your attention to the hint at ethnography here. If the Picts, as Professor Rhys would have us believe, were non-Aryan that is, in no way akin to the Celts it is not probable that the Pictish chronicler would claim for them a common origin with the Dalriadic Gael. It is necessary to allude here to a celebrated quatrain occurring in Xennius' edition of the Pictish Chronicle, because great, and, as it seems to me, un- due stress has been laid upon it by ethnologists and philologers. The Chronicle states that Cruidne, the son of 58 Scottish Land-Names. Cinge, was the father of the Picts or Cruidne in this island. The lines then run : " Seven sons there were to Cruidne, Seven parts they made of Alban ; Gait, Ce, Cerig, warlike men, Fib, Fidach, Fotla, Fortrenn." Now, five of these names are still attached to districts in old Pictland. Caithness is Gait, with the suffix of the Norse nes, a promontory. Cirig is pretty well hidden in Mearns, but easily traced in the original form Maghgirginn, or the plain of Cirig. Fib has become Fife. Fotla has become Athole, formerly Ath foitle or Atli fotla. And Fortrenn is the district, including Strathearn, between Forth and Tay. Professor Ehys hazards the identity o Fidach with Glen Fiddich in Banff, and elsewhere he traces a re- semblance to it in Galweidia, Gallovidia, Galloway ; but in both instances, I submit, he has nothing to go on but pure conjecture, and in the latter sets aside the easy and pretty obvious explanation given by Mr Skene. This would leave Moray and Eoss to be placed under the second son, Ce. Now, I am bound to say I regard this explanation of these names with the utmost suspicion. It is so like an instance of the inveterate habit of Celtic Their Languages. 59 bards of explaining place-names by the creation of imaginary heroes. One of these seven names, Fodla, has already served, it will be remembered, as one of the poetic names of Ireland, which, with Eire and Banba, are said in the ' Leabhar Gabhala ' to be derived from the wives of the three rulers at the time of the Milesian conquest. In that case there can be little doubt that the bards fitted ready- made princesses to the names which they found attached to the provinces, just as Nennius, in his account of the Milesian invasion, accounts for the Scuithe or Scots as descendants of Scotta, daughter of the Pharaoh who perished in the Eed Sea. It is with great diffidence that I venture to hesitate in founding upon what has been accepted by very high authorities as the derivation of Caith- ness, Mearns, Fife, Athole, and Fortrenn. The pro- bability seems to me to be that these eponymous heroes were created to account for the names already in use, rather than that the names were conferred in commemoration of the sons of Cruidne. Those who hold that the Picts were of pre-Celtic Columba's race, distinct in origin and speech from the Gael, have to admit that before the sixth century they had adopted the Gaelic language. Adamnan, de- scribing the mission of St Columba to the Pictish King Brude, suggests no difficulty in his intercourse with that ruler nor with the Druid Broichan, and he mentions only two occasions when the services of an interpreter were required. The first was when 60 Scottish Land-Names. Artbrannan, the aged chief of the " Geonian cohort," came by sea to meet him in the isle of Skye. It is pretty clear that the men of Skye spoke Gaelic, for Adarnnan goes on to say that they named the spring where Artbrannan was baptised Dobur Art- brannan, dobur being the old word in Gaelic for " water," the same as tiobar, a well, which occurs in place-names all over Scotland as Tibber, Chipper, and Kibbert. The second instance of the use of an interpreter was when Columba converted an old peasant and his family. These persons, probably from remote parts of the Pictish province, might be Iverians or Firbolg, speaking the old language, or if Picts, using a local dialect. The use of an interpreter does not necessarily imply conference between two persons speaking a different language. John of Trevisa, a Cornishman, writing English in 1357, says : " All the language of the Northumbrians, and especially at York, is so sharp, slitting, grating, and unshapen, that we Southerners can scarcely understand that language." Indeed it may be doubted if a Cornishman of the present day could dispense with an interpreter for occasional use, if he were set down in a northern English county. St Columba, speaking pure Gaelic of the north of Ireland, might easily be puzzled by the speech of some of the natives in Pictland. Last year I was chairman of a departmental Com- mittee appointed to inquire into the plague of voles Their Languages. 61 in the Border counties. An interpreter became necessary to explain to an English member of the Committee the language of an Ettrick shepherd, who, speaking of the mischievous habits of the carrion-crow, said, " The corbies is vara guilty for pykin' the een oot o' a yow, an' her leevin' ; " l which also rather puzzled the shorthand writer. But there is another passage in John of Trevisa's translation of Higden's ' Polycronicon ' which seems to have an important bearing on the relation of Pictish to Gaelic. In describing the various races and languages of Great Britain, he says : " Welshmen and Scots that be not mixed with other nations preserve wellnigh their first language and speech, except that the Scots, that were some time con- federate and dwelt with the Picts, draw somewhat after their speech." This is the reverse of the process which Professor Ehys imagines to have taken place, when, after stating in the Ehind lec- tures five years ago that " the Picts, whatever they were, were no Celts, . . . [but] a race which, however brave and hardy, cannot be called Aryan," he went on to explain the prevalence of Gaelic names in Pictland by assuming that the Pictish language had been largely altered and added to from Gaelic. Examination of the place-names in the territory of Pictish the Northern Picts, north of the Forth and Clyde, reveals certain vocables used as generic terms which are not to be found elsewhere in Scotland. It is 1 Picking out the eyes of a ewe while she is still alive. 62 Scottish Land-Names. not unreasonable to look upon these as Pictish. Mr Skene enumerated four of these occurring commonly as prefixes namely, Pit, For, Fin, and Auchter. Pit is written Pette in the ' Book of Deer/ where its meaning is perfectly clear as the equivalent of the Gaelic baile, a portion of land, a farm or townland. In fact, Dr John Stuart supplied instances of the syn- onymous and indiscriminate use of pit and led at the present day in the following Forfarshire names : Pitmachie . . . Balmachie. Pitskelly . . . Balskelly. Pitargus . . . Balargus. Pitruchie . . . Balruchie. Pitkeerie . . . Balkeerie. Pitglasso . . . Balglasso. Pitfour and Balfour are different places bearing synonymous names pett and Mile fuar, the cold croft, or croft of the spring well. In Perthshire, Pitagowan, near Blair Atholl, is identical in mean- ing with Balgown in Wigtownshire pett a' gobhain, baile gobhain, the smith's croft. But there is another Gaelic word used instead of baile, which is even nearer to pett. Both, a dwelling, a booth, is a term occurring in many languages, from the Aryan root bhu, to be, to grow, to dwell, to build; whence the Sanskrit bhavana, a house, a place to be in, from Wiu, to be. The Anglo-Saxon botl, a house, which gives us Newbattle in Mid- Lothian, Morebattle in Eoxburghshire, Buittle in Kirkcudbright, and Bootle in Lancashire, is a cog- Their Languages. 63 nate word. So is the Norse bo, by, forming the suffix in Lockerbie, Canonbie, &c. It is not unlikely that pit or pett was the Pictish form of the Gaelic bod or both. In the land-names of the Isle of Bute there has been preserved a form intermediate between Gaelic both and Pictish pett, which appears as the prefix butt, in names like Buttanloin butt an loin, the marsh croft ; Buttcurry butt curaich, the moor or marsh croft ; Buttdubh, the black croft ; Buttna- coille, the wood croft ; Buttnacreig, the crag croft ; Buttnamadda butt nam madadh (madduh), croft of the wolves or dogs. The old name of Provanhall, near Shettleston, was Barlannar or Buthlornoc. In Prince David's In- quisition this is written Pathelenerke, showing that Pette or Pathe was interchangeable with Both or Buth. Again, Pitgownie, near Elgin, used to be Bothgouanan ; and Pitfoddles, near Aberdeen, was Badfodullis. Then in Perthshire, while Pitcastle occurs near Pitlochrie and again near Ballinluig pett caiseail, castle-croft near Callander it turns up as Bochastle both chaisteail. Now we know that p was an objectionable con- sonant to Gaelic pronunciation, and when ordinary Gaelic came to be spoken throughout the territory of the Picts, the Gael would have to encounter the difficulty of this consonant occurring in Pictish place-names. The easiest way to get over the diffi- culty would be to soften the p by aspiration into /. 64 Scottish Land-Names. I have mentioned that Mr Skene referred to For and Fin as prefixes characteristic of Pictish place-names. There is some probability that in these syllables we have the Pictish pett or pit retranslated into Gaelic. The full form of For is Fothur, as in Fothuir- tabhaicht, now Forteviot ; Fothurdun, now Fordun. Other examples are Fothringham, Fortrose, Fortin- gall, Fettercairn, Fetteresso, and Fetternear. The full form of Fin is Fothen, as Fothenaven, now Fin- haven. Take one of the Pictish place-names in the 'Book of Deer,' Pette an Muilenn, the mill-croft (now Pitmellan, near Newburgh), apply the aspirate, and it becomes Fethenmuilenn or Finmullin. Sub- ject Fothenaven (Finhaven) to the converse process, and it becomes Pett an amhuinn, the river-croft. Similarly Fettercairn in Forfarshire is the aspirated form of Pitcairn in Perthshire, the n changing easily into r, as we have seen cnoc changes into crochd ; and the name of Ninian is often altered into Eingan in Galloway. If this be so, then Fin and For, which Mr Skene relied on as Pictish prefixes, turn out to be no more than Fothen and Fothir that is, Pit or Pett followed by the article ; and Pit itself to be a local or tribal pronunciation of the Gaelic both, Welsh bwth. Three out of four of his test Pictish syllables prove to be different stages of the same word. It is the more remarkable that the kinship of pett to feth or foth did not occur to Mr Skene, because in analysing the to-names of the thirty Brudes, kings of the Picts, Their Languages. 65 when he comes to Brude Feth he says, "feth seems the same as pet" Notwithstanding the partial change of the Pictish pit under Gaelic influence to Jin and for, it still re- mains the commoner form of the prefix in ancient Pictland. The County Directory of Scotland con- tains 140 place-names in that district beginning with Pet or Pit. There remains Mr Skene's fourth Pictish prefix to be dealt with Auchter ; but this is not, as he sup- posed, confined to the territory of the Northern Picts. It is, as he says, the Gaelic uachdar, upper land, and occurs in Ireland as Oughterard in Gal- way uachdar ard, the high upland and Oughter- anny in Kildare uaclidar raithneach, ferny upland. Moreover, it is not uncommon in Galloway, which, though an old Pictish district, exhibits few Pictish peculiarities in its Gaelic nomenclature. In Les- walt parish there is Ochteralinachan uachdarach linachan, upland of the flax-field ; in Inch parish Ochtralure uachdarach lolhair, the leper's upland; in Kirkrnabreck parish, Auchtrievane uachdarach bJidn, white upland; in Portpatrick parish, Och- trimakain M'Kean's upland. The most direct piece of information afforded us Polyglot about a Pictish place-name is supplied by Bede, who, lifedsf e " writing in the eighth century, says that the "Wall of Antonine began about two miles west of Abercorn, " at a place called in the language of the Picts Peanfahel, but in that of the Angles Penneltun." E 66 Scottish Land-Names. Nennius says that the wall was called in Welsh Guaul, and reached from Penguaul, "which town is called Cenail in Gaelic (Scoticfy, but in English Peneltun." This Peneltun is the Celtic Pen-guaul, wall-head or wall's end, with the characteristic Anglian suffix, ttin. The prefix pen has dropped off in use, and the name now remains as Walton, three miles west of Abercorn, while the name Cenail has moved some three miles further west to KinneiL Thus we have the name of a single place in four different dialects : Gaelic . . . Cenail. Welsh . . . Penguaul. Pictish . . . Peanfahel. Old Northern English . Peneltun. From this it would appear that the Pictish equiva- lent to the Welsh gu before a vowel, tending to sound w or hw, was /. Further confirmation of this is contained in a statement of Eeginald of Durham, who, speaking of a Pictish scholar at Kirkcudbright (scolasticus Pictorum apud Cuthbrictis chircli), says that the clergy of that church were known in the language of the Picts as scollqftlies. Here again the Pictish substitute / for the guttural, for the Welsh word is ysgolhaig and the Gaelic sgolog. To the same influence may be traced the name Futerna appearing in some of the Irish writings for Whithorn a phonetic rendering of the Pictish pronunciation of the Anglo-Saxon hwit cern, white house. Their Languages. 67 With regard to the people of Galloway, who were Place- recognised as Picts so late as the Battle of the Stan- Galloway. dard in the twelfth century, it must be observed that although exposed to Welsh influence along the fron- tier of Strathclyde, from Loch Eyan to the Nith, little if any Welsh element can be traced in their names. Their territory was marked off by a ram- part sixty miles long, which, known as the Deil's Dyke, may still be traced across the hills from Lefnol on Loch Ryan to the Nith opposite Carron- bridge. Settlements of Welsh families within that territory were exceptional, and, as has been already observed, are recorded as foreign in Gaelic place- names like Culbratten and Drumbreddan. As a whole, the Celtic place-names of Galloway are cast in the same mould as those of Ulster, and lead to the conclusion that, whatever dialect they spoke at first, these Niduarian Picts, or Picts beyond the Nith, used for many centuries a language not greatly differing from that of Ulster, Man, and Scottish Dalriada. Taking, then, the consonant/ as a favourite Pictish lip-sound, it affords a very uncertain test in the place- names of Pictish territory. It may represent one of four things 1st. A Pictish substitute for the sound gu or w in Welsh, as Peanfahel for Penguaul, or for hw in Anglo- Saxon, as Futerna for Whithorn. 2d. The reduction of the Pictish p to an aspi- rated labial, when Gaelic overflowed the Pictish 68 Scottish Land-Names. dialect, as Fothenaven or Finhaven for Pett-an- amhuinn. 3d. The aspiration of p in a G-aelic vocable such as pol, water, as in Falnure, which in old maps is sometimes written for Palnure, a stream in Kirk- cudbrightshire^ na' iulhar, stream of the yews ; or Falbae, an alternative form for Polbae pol beith, stream of the birches. 4th. Lastly, it may be a Gaelic sound unaltered, as Flntray fionn traigh, white strand; and even that is often rendered by git, in Welsh, as gwyn for fionn, the Gaelic Lumphanan or Kilf innan becoming Kilwinning in Strathclyde, or Kirkgunzeon in East- ern Galloway. On the other hand, the / (with the value of v) is preserved in some Welsh names, like Llanfman in Anglesea. in Scot- One thing alone seems tolerably certain, that in Gaelic certain districts of Southern Scotland Pictish and Rctishand Welsh alike died out before Gaelic, and Professor Ehys attributes the general uniformity of the Low- land Scottish dialect to the fact that the Anglo- Saxon had in those districts only one language to encounter in the struggle for the vernacular. But he traces another influence in the peculiarities of Aberdeenshire Scottish. He points to the persist- ence with which the natives of that part of Scot- land substitute / for wh as evidence that in the north-east Anglo-Saxon came in contact with Pictish speech. So when an Aberdonian says, "Fa fuppit the fite f ulpie ! " where a Dumfries man would say, Their Languages. 69 " Wha whuppit the white vvhelpie ! " he is acting under the same linguistic necessity which made the Pict of Manann talk of Peanfahel, instead of Penguaul or Cenail. And just as the Pict said pctt instead of both or hid, so the Aberdonian prefers narrow vowel sounds to broad, and says " dee " and " min " for "do" and " moon." After all, it seems to me, after a very careful Conclu- examination of place-names in Pictish districts, that there is nothing to carry us beyond the conclusion to which Mr Skene, with extraordinary diligence and acumen, brought himself thirty years ago, and I cannot do better than repeat it in his own words : I consider, therefore, that Pictish was a low Gaelic dialect ; and following out the analogy, the result I come to is this, that Cymric and Gaelic had each a high and low variety ; that Cornish and Breton were high Cymric dialects, Welsh low Cymric ; that old Scottish, spoken by the Scotti, now represented by Irish, Scotch Gaelic, and Manx, was the high Gaelic dialect. ... In the north of Ireland and the west of Scotland the Picts must, at an early period, have become blended with the Scots, and their form of Gaelic assimilated to the Scottish. It is, perhaps, disappointing not to come to a more definite explanation of that which Bede spoke of as one of the four languages of Britain ; but I submit that the evidence will support no other hypothesis, and though many students have not shrunk from bolder speculation as to the language of the Picts, 70 Scottish Land-Names. it does not seem to be consistent with scientific caution. Anglo- Next in order of antiquity to place-names in the speech. various dialects of Celtic must be reckoned those in the Teutonic group, which, for convenience, we may class as Anglo-Saxon. The Frisian It is usually assumed, on the authority of Bede, that the Saxon colonies in Great Britain began dur- ing the fifth century ; for that chronicler, writing in the beginning of the eighth century, fixes A.D. 449 as the date of their first arrival : but it is certain that there were earlier settlements than that. Prosper, writing in 455, states in his Chronicle, under the year 441, " Britain up to this time is brought undely under dominion of the Saxons by various conflicts and transactions." It is true that the Angles first settled under Ida in Northumberland in 547, but Mr Skene collected evidence of descents and settlements made long be- fore that date by the Frisii or Frisones, a Teutonic people inhabiting the country between the Rhine and the Ems. He thinks they are the people known to the Gaels as Comgalls, just as the Norse became known as Fiugalls, or fair-skinned foreigners, and the Danes as Dubhgalls, or dark foreigners ; and he identifies their settlement with a place on the northern shore of the Firth of Forth, between the Ochils and the sea, which Angus the Culdee, writ- ing in the ninth century, calls the Comgalls. This name is quoted in the Old Statistical Account of Their Languages. 71 Inverkeillour, where the old name of the parish is given as Conghoilles. In Congalton, near North Berwick, Mr Skene again recognised the name of these foreigners, for although the name has a very Anglian appearance, yet in an old charter of this barony one of the boundary marks is defined as Knockin gallstane that is, cnoc Comgall, the Comgalls' hill, with the Anglian tun or stan as suffix. Further, in the Irish Annals, under the years 711, 712, and 730, there are notices of slaughter of the race of Comgall, at a place called Tarbet Boitter. Now the isle of Fidra or Fetheray, about three miles west of North Ber- wick, contains an isthmus, above which there is a rocky height called the Castle of Tarbet. Tarbet is the common Gaelic term for an isthmus, from tar- ruin bdd, draw-boat, a place where boats are drawn overland, to avoid rough seas at the cape. The modern name Fetheray or Fidra is probably the same as Boitter of the annalist, the initial b taking the aspirate, and the Norse ey, an island, added. In a royal charter of 1509, conveying this island to Henry Congalton, it is described as insulam et terras de Fetheray unacum monte Castri earundem vocat. Tarbet; but in the chartulary of Dryburgh Abbey as insula de Elboitel. Elboitel is written in Font's map Old Battel, which simply means old house, A.S. eld botl. To a third locality identified with these settlers they have left attached, not the name of Comgall, 72 Scottish Land-Names. by which they were known to the Gaels, but their own name of Frisii. Of the twenty- eight cities named by Nennius in Britain, one is Caer Bretain, the fortress of the Britons Dumbarton; another Caer Pheris, which is probably the fortress of the Frisians Dumfries. William of Malmesbury, describing the discovery of the sepulchre of Walwin, nephew of King Arthur, in 1087, says, " He reigned a most renowned knight in that part of Britain which is still named Wal- weithia, but was driven from his kingdom by the brother and nephew of Hengist." Now we know better than to follow this writer in his suggestion that Galloway, which he writes Walweithia, was named after "Walwin ; but this brother and nephew of Hengist were no other than Octa and Ebissa, who, as Nennius informs us, came with forty cyuls, sailed round the land of the Picts, devastated Orkney, and occupied several districts beyond the Frisian sea (ultra mare Fresicum). Walweithia is another form of Galwyddel, the Welsh name for Galloway, whence the inference is clear that the Frisians made a settlement in that province, and ruled it from Dumfries. This may have originated the name Galwyddel, Galgaidhel, or Galloway, meaning the foreign Gael, or Gaels under foreign rule ; and the subsequent subjection of Galloway to the Anglian kingdom of Northumberland, of which it formed a part for many centuries, difficult to account for on geo- Their Languages. 73 graphical grounds, and the establishment of an Anglian bishopric at Candida Casa or Whithorn, may both have arisen from the early subjection of the province to Frisian rovers. I do not forget that, in expressing the opinion that Frisians were among the earliest Teutonic colonists of North Britain, I find myself at vari- ance with so high an authority on Anglian dialects as Professor Skeat, who holds, in his volumes on the 'Principles of English Etymology,' that this people were spread over the middle and southern districts of England, rather than the northern parts of the island ; but it would be difficult to account for Nennius speaking of the Firth of Forth as Mare Frcsicum, except by the fact that Frisians had settled on the shores of it. Josceline also^ in his ' Life of Kentigern,' refers to Culross as litus Fresi- cum, the Frisian coast. Howbeit, the question as to which of the Ger- manic tribes first settled in Scotland can receive little light from the form of place-names ; for the old Frisian language was very nearly allied to Anglo- Saxon, and it would be impossible at this time to distinguish between names conferred by Frisians, and those by Angles, Saxons, or Jutes. What does concern the present inquiry is that some of the Teutonic place-names in Scotland, originating in early Frisian settlements, may be of higher anti- quity than those dating from the later invasions of Angles and Saxons. 74 Scottish Land- Names. Order of One broad distinction separates Germanic com- fpecmc an pound names from Celtic. In the latter, as has es ' been shown, the generic term generally precedes the specific; in Germanic or Anglian compounds, the specific term invariably precedes the generic. The stress faithfully follows the specific syllable, hence in Anglian place-names the stress most often lies on the first syllable, in Celtic most often on the ultimate or penultimate. Corrupt Frisians, Angles, Saxons, and Jutes, however little lettered their colonists may have been, spoke dialects of a literary language, and their vocables are easily interpreted by comparison with Anglo-Saxon and Old Northern English. Nevertheless, one has to be on his guard against the tricks which modern topographers are so prone to play with names of which the meaning is not at once apparent. We have seen how the Welsh llanerch became Lanrig and then Longridge ; Stoneykirk, a parish in Wigtownshire, has been made absurd by a similar process. This name is written phonetically in the Register of the Great Seal in 1535, Steneker; in 1546, Stenakere ; and in 1559, Stennaker. Thus far early spellings mislead rather than assist us ; but as late as 1725 it appears in the papers of the Court of Session as Stevenskirk. It is a dedication to St Stephen ; the popular contraction " Steenie " sounded like "stany," and would-be-genteel scribes wrote it " stoney," though the name has no more to do with Their Languages. 75 stones than it has with gooseberry-bushes. The local pronunciation is Staneykirk. Not seldom the Anglo-Saxon circ was borrowed in A.S. cin becomes Gaelic districts for use in a Gaelic compound name, Gaelic loan- as Kirkcudbright circ Cudbricht, Cuthbert's church ; Kirkgunzeon circ Gruinnin, St Finan's church, which you find with full Gaelic expression at Kil- winning in Ayrshire. These bilingual names are but a reflection of the social state of the country, when different races and languages were contesting for the mastery. In a charter printed in Anderson's 'Diplomata Scotise/ it is set forth how Eichard de Morville, Constable of Scotland in 1166, sells Edmund, the son of Bonda, and Gillemichel his brother, to Henry St Clair. Here Edmund and Bonda are Saxon names, but Gillemichel is Gaelic, " Michael's servant." Kirk as a suffix may sometimes be confused with the Gaelic coirce or coirc (kyorky or kyork), oats. Thus Barnkirk in Wigtownshire is the contracted form of Barnkirky in Kirkcudbright; both signify barr an coirce, oats-hill. But the local application of the stress is a sure indication of the specific syllable. 76 LECTUEE IV. THE LANGUAGES OF SCOTTISH PLACE-NAMES. SCANDINAVIAN OK OLD NORSE AND DANISH OBLITERATION OF CELTIC SPEECH IN THE NORTHERN ISLES MIXTURE OF TONGUES IN THE WESTERN ISLES NORSE NAMES DISGUISED AS GAELIC ASPIRATION OF GAELIC CONSONANTS CONFUSION ON THE MAPS GAELIC NAMES DISGUISED AS NORSE RELATIVE ANTIQUITY OF CERTAIN PLACE-NAMES TRACES OF NORSE OCCUPATION IN SCOTLAND RESEMBLANCE BETWEEN NORSE AND SAXON SPEECH NORSE TEST - WORDS THEIR DISTRIBUTION INFERENCES THEREFROM MIXTURE OF LANGUAGES IN STRATHCLYDE THE GAELIC DAL AND NORSE DALR DIFFERENCE IN THEIR MEANING NORSE AND SAXON LOAN-WORDS IN ENGLISH. the eighth and ninth centuries an important addition was made to the ethnology of Alban by the incursion and settlement of predatory bands of Norwegians and Danes, resulting in the establishment of many Scandinavian place-names in our islands. The wealth which some of the mon- asteries had by this time accumulated from the offer- ings of the pious was the lure for these marauders, and the first of a long series of depredations is thus Their Languages. 77 described by Simeon of Durham as taking place on the monastic house of Lindisfarne in 793 : The Pagans from the northern region came with armed ships to Britain like stinging hornets, and overran the country in all directions like fierce wolves, plundering, tearing, and killing not only sheep and oxen, hut priests and levites, and choirs of monks and nuns. They came to the church of Lindisfarne and laid all waste with dreadful havoc, trod with unhallowed feet the holy altars, and carried off all the treasures of the holy church. Some of the brethren they killed, some they carried off in chains, many they cast out naked and loaded with in- sults, some they drowned in the sea. Next year, 794, they attacked the Hebrides. These islands they called the Sudreyar or Southern Isles, to distinguish them from the Nodreyar or Northern Isles of Orkney and Shetland ; and it is a curious instance of the conservative element in place-names that, although of course the Sudreyar or Hebrides are not now within the diocese of Man, the official title of that see is still " Sodor and Man." The people of Orkney and Shetland once, it may Native be assumed, spoke Iverian, Gaelic, or Pictish, for obliterated the early Ogham inscriptions in Shetland have been Northern interpreted in a Goidhelic dialect ; but little trace Is of these tongues can now be detected in their place- names, which are almost exclusively Norse or later English. To this the first syllable of the name Orkney affords an important exception. Diodorus Siculus, writing in A.D. 57, mentions Orcas as one of the extremities of Britain. Ore, in Gaelic, means 78 Scottish Land-Names. a large beast, especially a whale : when the Norse- men took possession they may have found them called Whale Islands, and adding their own ey, island, to the native name, called them Orkney, just as we saw in the last lecture that Boitter or Fether in the Forth became Fetheray or Fidra. Of course, when we speak of the Orkney Islands we are guilty of a pleonasm. It is as if we said " Whale Isle Islands." l St Ninian visited them in the fifth century, and left his name attached to North Eonaldshay, so spelt from false analogy with South Eonaldshay. This is an instance of the paramount necessity of obtaining the earliest written form of a name, for North Eonaldshay is written in the Sagas Einansey that is, Eingan's Isle Eingan being a common alternative form of Ninian ; whereas South Eon- aldshay is Eognvals-ey Eonald's Isle. Sir Eobert Sibbald, in 1711, stated that the in- habitants of Orkney and Shetland still spoke the " Gothick or Norwegian language, which they call Norn, now much worn out," among themselves, though able to speak English to strangers. Hence we see that not only has all trace of the original native speech been obliterated by the long occupa- tion of the Norsemen, but there has not been in Orkney and Shetland a regurgitation of the Gaelic 1 The hamlet of Aith, near Conningsburgh, seems to be men- tioned in the Ogham inscription found at the latter place ; which has been interpreted ehte con mor that is, the ait, or house-site, of great Conn. Their Languages. 79 language, such as took place in the Hebrides and in Strathclyde. These islands form, I believe, a unique instance of the suppression within historic time by a conquering race, not only of the spoken language of the conquered people that is common enough but of the names attached to places in that language. Hence it follows that almost every place- name in Orkney and Shetland may be pronounced with confidence to be not more than 1000, or at most 1100, years old. All the names in Orkney and Shetland which are not English are in Old Norse, a dialect which has been preserved to our days in the native literature of Iceland, of which country it also remains, with very little change, the spoken language. It is, therefore, as easy for an Icelandic scholar to read the meaning of place-names in Orkney and Shet- land, as for an Englishman to interpret those in Warwickshire. Much more so, indeed, for there are Celtic names in the Midlands, such as Avon and Learn, and Norse names, like Rugby and Heythrop ; and besides, modern Icelandic is much nearer Old Norse than literary English is to Old Mercian or Anglo-Saxon. But the task is not so simple when we come to Mixture of deal with the Western Isles. The Norse rule did in the not endure so long there as in Orkney, and when it i s ies. er was withdrawn, Gaelic, which probably had never entirely died out, reasserted itself. There are plenty of Norse names in the Hebrides, but some of these 80 Scottish Land-Names. have undergone strange metamorphoses in the process of transcription under the rules of Gaelic orthography. Effect of In order to explain the form which some Norse names have assumed under Gaelic influence, it is necessary to enter somewhat minutely into an examination of the so-called aspiration of conso- nants in Gaelic. The consonants b, c, d, f, g, m, p, s, t are all liable to it. In the Irish alphabet aspiration is indicated by a dot over the character ; thus b as- pirated is written 5. But the Scottish Gael never had an alphabet, and when his language came to be written, he borrowed the character h and wrote bh. 1 The term "aspiration" is strained by Irish and Gaelic grammarians far beyond what English linguists understand it to mean. Aspiration properly means the introduction of the aspirate, so as to alter the sound of a consonant into another sound made by the same organ. Thus p aspirated becomes ph or /, both being labial sounds. But in Gaelic the mere slurring or dropping of a consonant is dignified by the name of aspiration. Falkirk is locally pro- nounced Fahkirk, but we do not consider that in this Anglian name the I has been aspirated ; it is simply not sounded, because the meaning of the speaker is 1 " Haliday," says O'Donovan, " classes I among the aspirable consonants, and marks it, when aspirated, with two dots, thus I. And it is true that, when coming after all those particles which cause other consonants to be aspirated, it has, in some parts of Ireland, a different sound from the primitive one." (' Irish Gram- mar,' p. 32.) No doubt the Welsh aspirate the consonant I, which is then written U, as in ttan, pronounced Man. Their Languages. 81 perfectly clear without the effort of sounding the /. So an Englishman does not now trill the r in " church," " part," " master," or " servant " ; he slurs it to save himself trouble : but Gaelic grammarians are pedantic sticklers for orthography, and insist that consonants are silenced, not for the convenience or from the laziness of the speaker, but because they are aspirated. Now of the Gaelic consonants b, c, g, m, and p may be properly considered as subject to aspiration. B and m with the aspirate become v or w, and in the latter state are liable to cease to sound alto- gether. C becomes a strong guttural, as in the word loch; g a weak one, like our h; and p be- comes / as in English. But the remaining conso- nants classed as being subject to the aspirate d,f, s, and t are in reality only subject to slur, though in this condition they are elaborately written : Irish ...dill Scottish Gaelic . dh fh sh th They retain, at most, but a faint sound of h, and would be more correctly represented in writing by an apostrophe. Nevertheless, not content with insisting on writing organic consonants which had become silent, Irish scribes loved to load their manuscripts with voice- less consonants forming no part of the original word. Norsemen called Olaf have left their name attached to both places and persons in Ireland and Scotland. In order to represent the sound of this name, Irish F 82 Scottish Land-Names. writers took the roundabout way of spelling it Amhcdghadli or Amhlaiph, to represent the sound Owlhay. Macherally and Terally, in the parish of Kirkmaiden, Wigtownshire, might have baffled the etymologist, but for the means of comparing them with Magherally and Tirawley in Ireland, the latter of which is written tir Amhcdghaidh or Amhalgh- adha in the Irish Annals. The old pronunciation is preserved in Wigtownshire Macherowlay. As a personal name Olaf is familiar to us in the Gaelic patronymic, Macaulay ; but it is very fully disguised in Ullapool, which is the Norse Olabol, Olafr bdlstaftr or homestead, and in the Gaelic Baile-Uilph, in Islay, meaning the same thing. Norse This highly artificial system of orthography has Gaelic had a curious and puzzling effect upon Norse names in Gaelic districts. The Norse yj&, a chasm, written phonetically in English "goe," becomes geodlia in Gaelic with the same sound, and enters commonly into place-names on the coasts of lands formerly held by the Norse. The Gaelic equivalent is slochd, as in Slouchnagarie, on the Wigtownshire coast slochd nd caora, sheep's gulley ; but the word geodha exists in Gaelic as a loan-word, and forms a common prefix in the Isle of Man, as Giau-ny-kirree, sheep's gulley. But a still more perplexing effect of the Gaelic aspirate upon Norse names remains to be described. No word can be rightly written in Gaelic beginning with the letter h, although nothing is commoner than the aspiration of the initial consonant in the geni- Their Languages. 83 tive case, as an coileach, the cock, a' choilich, of the cock ; am fear (fer), the man, gen. an fhir (heer), of the man. Thus Gaelic scribes concluded that all place-names beginning with li were in the genitive, and proceeded to construct an imaginary nominative. Habost, in Lewis, is the Norse hallr bdlstaftr, sloping farm, from hallr, a word that gives names to places in Orkney called Holland, and in Shetland, Houl- land, 1 equivalent to the name Clenerie or Clendrie, occurring frequently as a land-name, and represent- ing the Gaelic claenrach, sloping. Or the name may be derived from hallr, a big stone, in which case the Gaelic equivalent of Habost would be Balnacloich. But the meaning of Habost was unknown to the Gael ; so, believing it to be a genitive Thaboist (which to him would have the same sound as Habost), he actually invented a nominative Tabost to account for the initial aspirate, and that is the name of the place at this day. So Tormisdale in Islay has been made the imaginary nominative of Ormisdale, because the Highlanders thought the t had been lost by aspir- ation in the genitive ; and Pladda, the island at the south point of Arran, has for the same reason been substituted for Flad-ey Flat Island. The name remains unaltered near Oban as Fladda. On the other hand, the Gaelic phonetic law requires the aspiration of certain consonants in composition, and under its influence the Norse fjiJrfir generally loses 1 This seems sometimes to nieau hauyr land, island of the howe or hillock. 84 Scottish Land-Names. the initial / sound on Gaelic lips : so SneisfjorSr be- came Sneisfhord (pronounced Sneezord), now written Snizort ; Cnuts-fjorSr became Kn6ydart, now pro- nounced, by change of n to r, Crojarst ; but Broad- ford in Skye retains the full sound of the Norse breiftr fjorSr, broad firth, and there has been as little alteration in Seaforth. Confusion All this has led to endless confusion of tongues maps. among the Ordnance surveyors, to whose maps one naturally resorts in studying place-names. In places where Gaelic is still spoken, they have attempted to give some of the Norse names in Gaelic orthography, thereby completely obscuring their etymology. There is, for instance, no v in the Gaelic alphabet ; in Welsh a single / represents v, as it does in English " of," ff having the value of English / in " for." But in Gaelic the sound of v must be represented by bh or mh, so the common Norse word ink, a bay, appears on our maps as Wiig, unless it is Anglicised out of existence, like Brodick in Arran breiftr vik, broad bay; or, still further disguised in Gaelic, as Sanaigmore in Islay sand vik mdr, great sandy bay. Helsvagr is written Loch Thealasbhaidh (Hellasvah) ; Hamnavoe hdfn vagr, haven bay, in the northern islands, appears in the southern islands, where Gaelic is spoken, masquerading as Thamnabhaidh. Sometimes, by an equally misleading process, Norse names receive an English complexion, as Windhouse in Shetland, which is really vind dss, the windy ridge, equivalent to Barnagee, in Gallo- Their Languages. 85 way and elsewhere the Gaelic barr na gaoithe (geuha, gwee). Yet again, some Gaelic names have lost their Gaelic Celtic appearance during the long Norse occupation, Norse and have never regained it. Of such is the island ^ of Eum, which is probably all that remains of I-dhruim, ridge island, the d being silenced by aspiration, just as it has been in Lorum, in Carlow, all that remains of Icamh-dhruim, elm ridge, as the name is written in the ' Annals of the Four Masters.' Lewis, again, is a combination of letters far from Gaelic in appearance, nor does the rendering of it, I-Liodhus, in the Sagas, indicate its true origin in fact, it has suggested the absurd interpretation of the " loud or sounding house," from the noise of the waves. The real meaning is probably that given by Martin in his ' Western Isles ' namely, leoghas, marshy land, from leog, a marsh. Many derivations have been given for the name of Uist ; but Captain Thomas may be credited with having traced it to its source. Fcarsad is an old Gaelic word meaning a sand-bar forming a ford ; the genitive is fheirstc (fh silent). Such a sand-bar is a well-known feature in the Isle of Uist: the name is I-fkeirste (eehirst), ford-island, and the r dropped out in Scandinavian and English speech, just as it has done in Belfast beul-feirste, ford-mouth. Harris, on the contrary, in spite of its cockney dis- guise, is a genuine Norse name. It is hdr ey, high island, correctly describing it as compared with 86 Scottish Land-Names. leoghas, the marshy northern part of the island. Koderick Macleod signed his name in 1596 as "of the Herrie." The word occurs again in Harray, one of the Orkneys. Relative It must occur to you, after penetrating thus far of place- 7 into the mystery of names in the "Western and Northern Islands, that there is evidence to be gathered of the relative antiquity of some of the place-names. Lewis and Eum existed as names before the arrival of the Norse at the end of the ninth century. Harris and all Norse names, on the other hand, have been conferred subsequently to that date. Traces of Evidence of Norse occupation may be gathered as occupa- we travel southwards from the great Scandinavian centre of the Northern and Southern Isles ; generally on the sea-coast, as in Ayr eyrr, the beach. Lendal, near Ballantrae, may be explained as len dalr, fief or fee dale ; Sinniness in Wigtownshire as sunnr nes> south point ; Senwick in Kirkcudbright, and Sannox in Arran, as sand vik, sandy bay. But in advancing up the Solway Firth we begin to encounter Scandinavian names far inland, as in the river M in Dumfriesshire, and Eye in Berwick- shire, both representing the Norse d, a river Lock- erbie, Canonbie, &c. These are probably relics of the Norse dominion over Cumberland and Yorkshire, which spread overland from the east coast. As I have mentioned the characteristic Norse word eyrr, a beach, allusion may be made to some peculiar Their Languages. 87 forms it takes. Besides Ayr, the beach, which has given the name to the river, the town, and the county, superseding the old names of Carrick, Kyle, and Cunninghame, there is Air in the Orkneys and Eyri in Iceland ; the Point of Ayr in Man, and again at "\Virral in Cheshire. The word corresponds to the Gaelic claddach, the beach, as Clady House and Claddiochdow in Wigtownshire. The Norsemen called a small island holmr, a middle-sized one ey, and a large one land. Eyrr land, beach island, has become Irland in Orkney and Ireland in Shetland. This, however, has to be remembered, that even Similarity with the aid of comparison with modern Icelandic, it and Saxon must not be assumed too readily that place-names of sl Scandinavian appearance all originated with Norse occupation. The Angles, though classed as Saxons, came from the district of Angeln in the south of Jutland, and there was probably not a very wide difference between their speech and the Old Danish or Norse ; besides which, many Norse vocables found their way into the current speech of the country, where they still remain. In Norse compound names the specific word pre- cedes the generic, as in other Teutonic languages. Captain Thomas has, however, recorded one excep- tion to this rule in the word kvi, a fold or pen, which appears in the Orkneys as Quoyschorsetter, Quoysmiddie, Quoybanks, Quoy lionald, as if Gaelic influence had been at work in allotting these names. This, however, can scarcely have been the case, and 88 Scottish Land-Names. the exceptional arrangement probably arises from one of two causes, either the use of Quoy as a quali- tative in English names, as Quoysmiddie, the smithy or forge by the quoy ; or some obscure phonetic law, such as that which, in Gaelic, always places scan, old, before the word it qualifies. Quirang, in Skye, written Cuidhrang in Gaelic, is km rand, round pen or paddock. Norse test The surest test - syllables for Norse or Danish names are certain generic terms used as suffixes. Fjall becomes in English " fell," as Goat Fell in Arran. Criffel in Kirkcudbright is probably krdka fjall, crow-hill ; the first vowel has been shortened by umlaut, but it is written Crafel in Font's map. Fjall becomes Hhal in Gaelic writing ; so Copeval in Harris is Jcupu fjall, cup-shaped hill. Gnipa, a peak, remains as the Knipe, a hill near New Cumnock in Ayrshire ; and perhaps as the Nappers, near Newton-Stewart in Galloway. Klettr, a cliff. The final r is the sign of the mas- culine nominative singular, and disappears in com- position. Breaklet, near Campbeltown, is breifia klettr, broad cliff. Clattranshaws, on the Kirkcud- bright Dee, seems to be the same word, with M.E. shaws, woods, added. Gil, a ravine, so common in our topography, is equivalent to the Scottish " cleuch " ; and dalr, a dale, may easily be distinguished from the Gaelic dot, because while the latter invariably begins the name, as Dairy mple, the former always ends it, as Swor- Their Languages. 89 dale, in Lewis svarftar dalr, the valley of the green sward. Nes, a headland, often becomes nish in Gaelic, as Trotternish in Skye and Truddernish in Islay trylldir nes, enchanted cape. Caithness, Cata nes, and Sinniness in the Bay of Luce, are examples of this word from opposite ends of Scotland. Stennis means stein nes, cape of the standing stones ; but Gartness in Islay is Gaelic, gart nan eas, paddock at the waterfalls, and Auchness in Wigtownshire, spelt Achinness in 1468, is also Gaelic each inis, horse- pasture. Inverness is, of course, the inWier, or mouth, of Adamnan's Nesa. H6p means primarily a sheltered bay, but by analogy it is used inland to signify any sheltered place, as Stanhope, the name of farms near Annan and Biggar stein hdp, the stone shelter or glen ; Kirkhope in Selkirkshire and Dumfriesshire, the church glen ; and Hobkirk, formerly Hopekirk, near Hawick, the church in the hope or shelter. Vollr, a field, generally becomes "wall" in com- position, as Dmgwall in Ross-shire, and Tingwall in Shetland ]>inga vollr, the field of assembly ; but it takes a slightly different form in Dumfriesshire and the Isle of Man Tinwald. Mouswald in Dumfries- shire is mosi vollr, moss-field. Vik is a word peculiarly Scandinavian, meaning a creek or small bay. The northern pirates took their name of Vikingr, or Vikings as we call them, from their habit of frequenting such inlets in the coast. 90 Scottish Land-Names. It can generally be distinguished in place-names from the common A.S. wic, a dwelling-place or town, from the position of the place. Prestwick, indeed, near Ayr, might be either a bay or a dwelling ; but we know it to be the latter, and that it signified preost wic, the priest's dwelling ; for in Norse it would have been Papa-vie, to signify " priest's bay." Ascog in Bute, Ascock in Lorn, Portaskaig in Islay, have this word vile pretty well disguised : these names are from askr vik, ship's creek. The town of Wick was written Vik in 1140 ; but Ha wick has nothing to do with the sea, and means in old Northern English liaugh wide, the town on the low pasture-land. Bekkr, a rivulet, is not very common in Scotland, but it conies out as Ellerbeck and Waterbeck in Dumfriesshire ; and Greenbeck in the same county is probably grilnnr ~bekkr, shallow brook. It has already been explained how fjorftr, a firth, appears in different forms in such names as Broad- ford, Seaforth, Snizort, and Moydart; an equally puzzling name to follow is vdgr, a creek, for it comes out as " voe " and then " way." Stornoway is Stjarna vdgr, Stjarna's bay, and appears again as Loch Stornua in Kintyre. Meavig, in Lewis and Harris, is mjo-vdgr, narrow bay. Vatn, a lake, becomes "vat," as Langavat, the name of many a sheet of water in the Outer Heb- rides, long lake. Ey, an island, is generally easy to be recognised. T/ieir Languages. 91 The name Pabay or Papa is attached to four islands in the Hebrides, one in Skye, two in Orkney, and three in Shetland : it is pap ey, priest's island, in- dicating early religious settlement. But St Kilda must be a corruption of the Gaelic : there never was a saint of that name, which probably represents oilcan cell DC, isle of the servants of God, or holy Culdees. But though the Norsemen have left no trace on St Kilda, there seems to be a distinct record of the pre-Celtic race in the name Dunfirbolg, the fort of the Firbolg or Iverians. Staffa is Norse stafa ey, staff-island, from the columnar formation of the rocks ; and Ulva, ulfa ey wolf-island ; Bernera, BjiJrnar ey Bjorni island, and so on. Beer or by, a village, farm, or dwelling, the origin of our Scots byre, is one of the Scandinavian terms least likely to be overlooked. It is not common in the northern isles, where the equivalent bolstafir takes its place ; hence by is supposed to mark occu- pation by the Dubh Gall or Danes, rather than by the Fingall or Norwegians. Soroby in Tiree, Soroba near Oban, Sorby in Wigtownshire, Sourby in Dum- friesshire and Cumberland ; Busby near Glasgow, and in Perthshire, Wigtownshire, and three times in Ayr- shire, are instances of this suffix. Kirk by or Kirby kirkjii by, which occurs so commonly in England, is replaced in the Scottish Lowlands by A.S. Kirkton, which is given upwards of fifty times in the Post Office Directory. Near Corsbie in Wigtownshire is a farm called Barlauchlane barr Lochlinn, the 92 Scottish Land-Names. Norseman's hill; for the Vikings were also known as Lochlinn in Gaelic. Kirklauchlane, in the same county, used to be written Kerelauchline, cathair (caher) or ceathramhadh (carrow) Lochlinn, the Norseman's fort or land quarter. BdlstctiSr, a farmhouse or dwelling, is equivalent to the Gaelic baile, the "Welsh trev, the Saxon tti,n or ham. I have not identified this suffix in the southern counties, except in Wolfstar in East Lothian, nor does it occur in the Isle of Man ; hence it may be supposed to be Norse rather than Danish, for it is exceedingly common in the northern isles, where it takes most perplexing forms. In Shetland it appears singly as Busta, in Lewis as Bosta, in Coll as Boust, and in Islay as Bollsa. Calbost in Lewis is kald bdl- staftr, cold croft, like the Gaelic Baliour baile fuar; Garrabost, Geir's farm; Nisabost in Harris and Skye, and Nesbustar in Orkney, are nes bdlstaftr, cape farm. Further south this word is more disguised in Cross- apool in Tiree krosa bdlstaftr, croft of the cross, Kirkapoll in Mull, kirk farm, &c. ; and in Islay it degenerates into -bus, as Cornabus, corn-farm ; Eora- bus, beach farm, equivalent to Killantrae, in Wig- townshire, from the Gaelic ceathramhadh (carrow) an traigh, land -quarter of the beach ; Kinnabus, kinnar bdlstatSr, " cheek " farm, at the cheek or side of the hill. Setr, a shieling or mountain pasture, equivalent to Gaelic airidh, I have not found in the south of Scot- land, though it enters into names in the Isle of Man. Their Languages. 93 In Lewis it gives Linshader, flax croft, and Sheshader see setr, shieling by the sea. In that island setr is written in Gaelic seadair (shadder) ; but in Orkney, where there is no Gaelic, it is always written setter. ])weit, a parcel of land cleared of wood, a paddock, which Canon Isaac Taylor enumerates forty-three times in Cumberland, is hardly to be found in Scot- land, though it is very common both in Norway and Denmark as a suffix in place-names. Murray- thwaite and Crawthwaite in Dumfriesshire are the only Scottish examples I have noticed, though Pro- fessor Veitch says that Moorfoot was written Mure- thwate in the old Border laws. It corresponds to the Welsh llanercli. Porpe, a hainlet, is common at this day in Danish place-names, but is rare in Norway ; hence it might be inferred that the Danes mustered strong and long in East Anglia and Westmoreland, where there are many thorpes. It is not found in Scotland ; but we must be slow in deduction, for both " thwaite " and " thorpe " would soon pass out of use in Gaelic- speaking districts, because the Gael used not to pronounce tk. There is one test-word which may be looked for in vain in the topography of southern Scotland namely, fors, modern foss, a waterfall. Even in the north, "land of the mountain and the flood," it is found but sparingly as Forss near Thurso, Forse near Wick, perhaps Forres in Moray, and Foss near Pitlochry exhaust the list, so far as known to me. 94 Scottish Land-Names. This is the more strange, because in northern Eng- land " force " is the common name for a waterfall. Time will not permit me to enter upon a minute examination of Norse prefixes ; but there is one which I must mention, because it corresponds in form to two very different words, one in Anglo- Saxon, the other in modern English. Bygg is the Norse for barley. Bigholm, near Beith, was named with no reference to its size; had it been so, it would have been Meikleholm, just as we find Meikledale near Langholm, O.N. mikill dalr for "big," signifying large, has no place in Scandinavian speech. Bigholm, therefore, can only be the Norse bygg holmr, barley -land ; for holmr, mean- ing primarily an island, means also low fertile land near water, just as do the A.S. holm and the Gaelic inis. The latter word becomes Inks (the name of meadows beside the river Cree), and Inch ; and even the English " isle " is so applied sometimes, as Millisle, near Garlieston, where there is no island, only meadows. Biggar, in Lanarkshire, was written Begart as late as 1524, and this name, as well as Biggart near Beith and Biggarts near Moffat, sig- nifies ~bygg garftr, barley-field. The Anglo-Saxon for barley is bere, whence Bearholm, a village in Lanarkshire, and probably Bearyards near Glasgow. It is not possible to decide whether Langholm be A.S. or Norse, as the words are identical in both languages to denote the " long holm " or long pasture beside the river Esk. Their Languages. 95 The other word for which the Norse tyyy, barley, is very apt to be mistaken is the A.S. tyggan, to build, still in use in Lowland Scots. The corre- sponding Norse word, byggja, though used in the same sense in the modern language, did not acquire it till the fourteenth or fifteenth century, previously to which it meant to settle or to live. Therefore the name Biggins may be safely assumed to be Anglo- Saxon or Lowland Scots, and so may the forty and odd Newbiggings which are given in the Post Office Directory. In the old Norse of the Sagas they always spoke of reisa htis or gora litis, never of byggja htis. In this word gora, to make or build, there is some reason to trace the origin of a very old name which has puzzled many people. There is a district in Glasgow, as in many other towns, called the Gorbals. Now in Orkney, so Jamieson affirms, gorback is a local word for a kind of rampart, which seems to be the same word, both being a contraction of gorr lalkr, built walls, a breastwork. It is to be re- gretted that the authorities of Newton - Stewart, when lately they put up names to their streets, seem to have thought this a vulgar name, for they have re-christened the Gorbals Queen Street. There is perhaps no district in Scotland where the inter- .... . , . , . , , mixture of intermixture of languages is so perplexing as in the languages southern part of Strathclyde, round the watershed ^yde where the Clyde, Tweed, and Annan take their source. Names appear here on the map like fossils, 96 Scottish Land-Names. with this important difference, however, that whereas geological remains are found lying in successive strata, showing their relative antiquity, here we have Celtic, Saxon, and Scandinavian names deposited on a uniform plane, and we are obliged to rely on the uncertain light of early history whereby to estimate their age. It is tantalising to examine Ptolemy's list of names in southern Scotland, and realise how very few of the scanty list can be identified with existing names. Of these Novios flumen may certainly be taken as the Mth, beyond which to the west dwelt the Picts known as Mduarian. Nith, then, is the survival of a name conferred on the river before A.D. 120, but we know not in what language it is. Per- haps it is one of those pre-Celtic Iverian names which baffle our curiosity. Some of Ptolemy's river names are clearly Celtic. Thus Abravannus, a name he gives to a river corresponding in position to the Luce, in Wigtownshire, is obviously no more than aber amhuinn (avon), river mouth, with a Greek suffix. We may assume that the oldest speech we have to deal with in southern Strathclyde is Gaelic or Pictish, that next in antiquity is the Welsh dialect, after which came Anglo-Saxon, and, last of all foreign tongues, the Norse. But it would not be safe to assume that Benyellary beinn iolaire, the eagle's hill, and Petillery, both in Galloway, are older names than Earn Craig in Strathclyde, with the same Their Languages. 97 meaning, for Gaelic was spoken in Galloway cen- turies after Anglo-Saxon was the settled speech of Dumfriesshire and Lanark. Nor again would it be a certain inference that, because Anglo-Saxon settle- ments preceded those of the Norsemen on the Scot- tish Border, therefore it follows that the Anglo- Saxon Earn Craig is older than the Norse Yearn Gill, dm gil, which is the name of a hill in the same range ; for this reason, that A.S. asm, an eagle, became, and still remains, part of the vernacular, just as did the Norse gil, a ravine; so the name Earn Craig may have been bestowed at any time during the last 1300 years. It is, in fact, exactly the name that would be given by a Clydesdale or Ettrick shepherd of to-day to denote an eagle's crag. A whole chapter might be written on the use of Difference the Celtic prefix dal and the Teutonic suffix dale. Norse The former is peculiar to Scottish topography, and is quite distinct in meaning from, though of cognate origin with, the latter. The Gaelic dal means a portion of land, the separate possession of a tribe, family, or individual. The Saxon dccl means a portion or share, but not of land more than anything else, and was not used in the early topography of that people. The Norse dalr is a dale or valley, a piece of land separated from the rest of the country, not by human arrangement, but by hills forming the valley. From a common root come a number of words, all contain- ing the same idea of " cleft " or separation. In G 98 Scottish Land-Names. English we have received through Anglo-Saxon " deal " (to share out), " dole " (what is dealt), " deal " (as in the phrase "a great deal"), "deal" (a thin board of timber from the division of a tree). Through the Norse we have received "dale" and "dell." In Ireland of old the word dal bore the special meaning of a " tribe " either a community separated from the rest of the people, or occupying land set apart for their use. But it is not now to be found on Irish maps ; it has completely disappeared with the tribal system, which is all the more remarkable seeing that nine dais are mentioned in the 'Annals of the Four Masters,' one of which was transplanted to Scotland in the fifth century by Fergus Mor, the son of Ere, when he led his followers to settle in Alban or Caledonia. By the natives this colony was called after the invaders Airer Gaedhil, in modern Gaelic Earra Gaidheal, the boundary or territory of the Gael, which is now shortly pronounced Argyle ; but the colonists themselves named it Dalriada, after their native Dalriada in Antrim that is, dal righe fhada, land of (Cairbre with) the long arm, or, as some prefer, dal righ fhada, land of the tall king (Cairbre). In that part of Scotland which lies nearest to Ireland, dal is of common occurrence : twenty-seven names having this prefix have been catalogued in Galloway alone, and nearly every other Scottish county affords instances of it. Their Languages. 99 The historic family of Dalrymple take their name from a piece of land in Ayrshire. A visit to this place shows how accurately the locality was described dal chruim puill, land of the curved pool, for there the river Doon wellnigh encircles a level piece of fertile land. Dairy, in Ayrshire, Mid-Lothian, Kirk- cudbright, Argyleshire, and Perthshire, is probably rightly interpreted dal righ, king's land : in the county last mentioned this name is alternatively written Dalrigh and Dalree, for, being in a High- land district, the correct pronunciation of the last syllable has been preserved, instead of adopting the modern value of y (eye). Dalnacardoch in Inver- ness-shire is dal na ceardaich, land of the forge, equivalent to Srnithycroft near Millerston in the suburbs of Glasgow ; Dalintobar in Argyleshire dal an tiobair, land of the well, just as we have Well- croft near Sorby in Wigtownshire ; Dalnaspidal in Perthshire dal na spidail, land of the hospital, like Spital Farm near Lochgelly in Fife. That is the invariable meaning of dal as a prefix in Gaelic names, though, to be sure, it must not be forgotten that Dalmeny was spelt Dunmanyn in 1250, and was probably a fort of the Picts of Manann, who have left their name in Slamtinnan. Now, let us see the difference of dale as a suffix. In the northern islands of course it is the Norse dalr, a valley directly named by the Norsemen. Laxdale in Lewis and Lacasdle in Harris are the same as Laxadalr in Iceland, salmon -river dale. 100 Scottish Land-Names. Laxdale also occurs in Orkney, where there are no salmon, but plenty of big sea-trout, which the Norse- men called by the same name. So in Cumberland and Westmoreland, Borrodail Ijorgh dalr, castle dale, and Kendal dale of the Kent ; such names being probably pure Norse, with- out Anglo-Saxon intervention. And again in Gallo- way the names as Kilquhockadale and Glenstocka- dale show that the Norsemen gave names to these farms, and then the Gael came back and prefixed gleann and coill, the glen and the wood. Norse and But many of our Lowland names ending in dale Saxon loan- -, i-v-r ? words. originated after the Norse dalr had passed into the Saxon speech, and it was applied to places long after the Norsemen had been sent to the right- about. Nithsdale, for instance, is written Stranid in 1350 srath Nid. Annandale has the Welsh form Estrahannent in the twelfth century, and also the Gaelic Stratanant, and it is not till 1295 that it appears as Anandresdale. So although dale is a Norse word, it is not safe to predicate of all names ending in dale that they are of Norse origin. But it is otherwise when one language has passed away without lending words to its successor. Thus in the Lowlands stream-names like D6uglas = duWi glas, Dlpple = dubhpol, I ,, . > DiaCK WdbtJI, Doon = duoh amhmnn, Dusk = dubli uisc, must be of higher antiquity than the synonymous Their Languages. 101 Black Burns and Blackwaters which are in almost every parish. So Priestgill on Douglas Water must be of later date than Glentaggart on the opposite side of the stream ; and though Priesthope on the Tweed and Priestgill on the Clyde have Norse suffixes, we know that these names are no more than medieval, for if they had been pure Norse the name would have been Papahope and Papgill. Some names in Strathclyde may be accurately dated. In 1156 Henry II. of England expelled a number of Flemings who had settled in his realm. They found refuge in Scotland, and it is to Thancard and Lambin that Thankerton and Lamington owe their names. Symington, in Ayrshire and Lanark- shire, both took their name from Simon Lockhart or Loccard about the same time. Among Saxon and Norse words which form part of the living dialect, of which, when they occur in place-names, the age cannot be even approximately fixed, are the following : Norse. Grain, the branch of a river, grein, a branch, as Trowgrain, the trough branch, in Roxburghshire. Countrymen still speak of the " grains " of a fork. Fell, a hill, fjall, as Fell of Barhullion in Wigtownshire, where this word is prefixed to the older Gaelic barr chuilean, hill of the whelps. Hope, a shelter, hop, as Todhope, in Dumfriesshire, the fox's shelter. 102 Scottish Land-Names. Shiel, a hut, skdli, as in Selkirk, the shiel kirk. Haugh, a low-lying pasture, hagi, as the Haughs of Urr. Anglo-Saxon. Syke, a runnel. Law, a hill, as Greenlaw. Dod, a hill Coomb, a valley, common on Eskdalemuir. Swire, a neck, as Manor Swire on Tweed ; The Swire, near Dumfries ; Swarehead, Kirkcudbright. Lane, a sluggish stream, as Lanebreddan, in the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright, a name which shows that the Gaelic-speaking population had adopted the word lane, for Lanebreddan means A.S. or N. lane, Gaelic bradan, a salmon i.e., the salmon-burn, a place where salmon still run up to spawn in from the Dee. 103 LECTURE V. THE LESSON OF PLACE-NAMES. SUCCESSION OF RACES NOT EXPLAINED BY PLACE-NAMES THESE ILLUSTRATE FORMER APPEARANCE OF THE COUNTRY THE OLD FOREST ITS TREES AND UNDERGROWTH HUMBLER VEGETA- TION CROPS ANIMALS LOCALLY OR GENERALLY EXTINCT THE CHASE DEER AND OTHER ANIMALS NAMES OF ANIMALS BORNE BY MEN. HE conclusions to which, by a study Succession i 11. of races of place-names, we are brought as to no t ex- the ancient ethnography of Scotland, by al piace- and the successive prevalence of one names - or other of its inhabitant races, are, it must be admitted, somewhat precarious. After all, although it is easy to recognise the various layers of language deposited by successive occupa- tion, the most that they afford is evidence con- firming the narrative of history. I, at least, must confess myself unable to extract from the place- names of Scotland any further knowledge of early history than has been prepared for us by the 104 Scottish Land-Names. Informa- tion as to the land and its inhabi- tants. Woods and trees. monumental works of the late Mr Skene. So cau- tious was he in speculation, so diligent in com- parison of authorities, so luminous in his conclusions, that he has made it a very difficult task for any one to add to the store of historical knowledge which he amassed and imparted to the public. In carrying out research into the meaning of place-names, when one comes upon the footprint of Mr Skene, so far from being discouraged, one feels confident of being on the right track. But if the light reflected from place-names upon the page of history is uncertain, it is otherwise with that thrown by them upon the appearance of the country in ancient times and the occupation of its inhabitants. The forest has been swept from our hillsides and plains, and were it not for the record contained in place-names, memory of the greenwood would be preserved only by the blackened trunks and roots in the peat-mosses. When Dr Johnson visited Scotland, he vowed that during the whole of his northern tour he saw but three trees big enough to hang a man on ; and although since that day large breadths of land have been planted up, the general character of our scenery is the reverse of sylvan. It is interesting, therefore, to trace, even in the districts now most treeless, the record not only of the de- parted woodland, but of the very species of trees which composed it. The commonest word for a wood in old Gaelic is coill (Manx keeyll), but in modern Gaelic this is Their Lesson. 105 coille (killy). It is fair, therefore, to assume that of two forms of the same compound, Culmore and Killie- more, two places in Wigtownshire, the first is older by some centuries, representing coill mdr, great wood : the second being medieval, coille mdr. Coill usually gives the prefix Cul- or Kil- in Anglicised names, but is not always to be distinguished from till, a church, cuil, a corner, nil, a hill-back, and cool, a strait or narrow place. The following instances from a single county, Wigtownshire, illustrate the con- fusion arising between these words in rendering Gaelic pronunciation into English letters : Culnibre . . . coill mor, great wood. Killiemore . . coille m6r, great wood. Kilm6rie . . . cill Muire, Mary's church (locative case of ceall). Killantrae, . , _ _. ,, ( ceathramhaah an trough. 1582 Kerantra, V . J , r . , ( land-quarter of the shore. Kenntraye ) Kildrochat, ^ 77-7 7 . , , . , | ( ccathramnadh an droclnd. earlier Kerodroched v . I . . . ^ , . . . T ^ ( land-quarter of the bridge. and Kernadrochat ) The last name, Kildrochat, is peculiarly instruc- tive, because it might so easily be assumed that it was the same as Kindrochit in Aberdeen and Perth- shire cinn drochid, at the bridge head, tetc-du-pont and Kindrought in Banff, and it is only the old spellings which reveal the true etymology. As a suffix, coill generally takes the aspirate, as in Barwhill, barr clmill, and Auchenhill, achadh na chuill, both in Galloway, the hill-top and field of the 106 Scottish Land-Names. wood. But it must be admitted that in this position coill cannot be distinguished from coll, genitive chuill, a hazel, so Barwhill and Auchenhill might mean the hill-top and field of the hazel-bush. The modern Gaelic for hazel is calltunn, which accounts for many places in Galloway called Caldons. Calton occurs in Ayrshire, Stirlingshire, and Argyleshire, as well as attached to a well-known hill in Edinburgh and a district in Glasgow ; but it is necessary to examine old spellings to determine where this represents the Gaelic calltun, hazels, or the Anglian cauld ttin. Hazel-nuts were an important article of food in primitive times. When a small loch at Dirvaird (dolhur or doire bhaird (vaird), the bard's water or wood), near Glenluce, was drained some ten years ago, there was found a large crannog or lacustrine dwelling, which, by reason of the collapse of the woodwork, had sunk below the water-level. The north-east shore of the lake, which, according to the prevailing south-west wind, was the usual lee- shore, was covered with many cart-loads of broken hazel-nut shells, which had drifted thither from the island, the remains of the repast of these lake-dwellers- Coillte, the plural of coill, a wood, comes out as the name Cults in Aberdeenshire, Fife, and Wigtown- shire, as Kelty in Perthshire and Kinross, as Cult in Perth and Linlithgow, and Quils in Perthshire. Cultmick in Wigtownshire is coillte muic, the swine- woods; but Cultullich in Perthshire must be read cul tulaich, back of the hill. Their Lesson. 107 The derivative coillln, woodland, produces Ciillen in Banff and Lanarkshire ; and another form, coill- eccchan, gives Quillichan on the Findhorn. The usual Anglo-Saxon for wood was wudu (be- coming wode in Middle English), which probably gives the suffix in names like Aiket near Annan and Aitket in North Ayrshire dc wudu, Birket near Dairy bcorc wudu, birch wood, and Blaiket near Dumfries Uccc wudu, black wood. A small wood was scaga, whence our " shaw," as Birkshaw near Dumfries and Birkenshaw in Lanarkshire. The usual Gaelic name for a tree is craebli (craev or crew), which appears most often as a suffix, as Auchencrow in Berwickshire, Auchencruive near Ayr achadh na cracbh, field of trees. Sometimes the prefix drops off, as Cruivie, a ruinous castle in the parish of Logie, Fife, which was once caisecd craebhc (creuvie), castle of the tree, which appel- lation remains entire in Castle Creavie, a place in Kirkcudbrightshire. Knockcravie and Corncravie, in the same county, are cnoc and cordn craolkach or craobhe, wooded hill or hill of the tree. There cannot, of course, be any trace in ancient topography of the hundreds of exotic species with which the diligence of collectors has enabled us to adorn our scenery. We shall look in vain for allu- sion in place-names to the chestnut, beech, walnut, plane, sycamore, larch, lime, or laurel, for none of these are indigenous to North Britain ; indeed the list of native trees is a very limited one. 108 Scottish Land-Names. The oak. The oak was in early times, as it is now, the most important timber-tree. It entered largely into the construction of artificial islands, called crannogs, from crann, a tree, and may still be dug thence and from our mosses, hard and serviceable after centuries of submersion, while other native species, though preserving their shape, have become as soft as cheese. Canoes are often found from 20 to 40 feet in length, invariably hollowed out of solid oak-trunks. The old Irish word for oak was daur, in the geni- tive dara or darach, which has been taken as the modern Gaelic name, while in Manx and Welsh it remains dar. In Aberdeenshire and Dumfriesshire the old word remains in the name Deer, while Darra and Darroch, in Aberdeenshire, Stirlingshire, and elsewhere, show the modern form. There is a notable instance in the ' Book of Deer ' of an attempt to explain a place-name artistically. "When Columba parted with Drostan, the latter, it is recorded, shed tears, whereupon Columba exclaimed, "Let Dear be the name of the place hereafter," a pun on the Gaelic deur, a tear. Aikiehill and Aikey- brae, in the parish of Deer, are much more faithful tokens of the true meaning of the name. Kildarroch in Ayrshire and Wigtownshire is coill darach, oak-\vood, equivalent to A.S. Aiket ; but Culderry in Wigtown- shire must be regarded as vtil doire, back of the wood. The word doire gives the name to many places all over Scotland, from Sutherland to Galloway, usually with the definite article prefixed the Deny or the Their Lesson. 109 Derries. It is a derivative of daur, meaning strictly an oak-wood, but more generally any wood or thicket. Dirriemore, a high mountain-pass in Eoss-shire, is doire mtfr, great wood, though the trees have long since passed away. Londonderry in Ireland is written Daire-Calgaich in the ' Annals/ and Adam- nan, writing in the seventh century, translated the name roboretum Calgachi, Calgach's oak-wood. It received the prefix of "London" to distinguish it from other places called Derry, on account of the property acquired there by London merchants. Time will not permit me to dwell upon thousands The birch, of place-names formed from other trees : I may men- tion, however, that beith (bey), the birch, which is easily recognised with its unaspirated initial in Druni- bae, the birch-ridge, becomes "vey" under aspiration, as in Auchenvey and Largvey in Galloway achadh net bheith, birch-field, and learg Wieith, birch-hillside. Beith and Barbeth in Ayrshire preserve the final aspirated dental, which came easily to the Welsh- speaking people of Strathclyde, but was a sound which the Gael was incapable of uttering. Be6ch in Ayrshire, Galloway, and Dumfriesshire is beitheach (beyagh), birch-land, equivalent to A.S. Birket, beoi'c vmdu. Uinnse (inshy), the ash, becomes Inshaw Hill The ash. in Wigtownshire, and the plural, uinnsean (inshan), takes the peculiar form of Inshanks, the name of two places in that county, and Inshewan, near Kirrie- muir ; while the common alternative form, uinnseog (inshog), remains as Inshock in Forfarshire, Inshaig 110 Scottish Land-Names. in Argyleshire, Inshog near Nairn ; and Drumna- minshog and Knockninshock in Kirkcudbrightshire are respectively the ridge and the hill of the ash- trees. Killyminshaw in Dumfriesshire is no doubt coille nam uinnse, or ash-wood. The aspen. The aspen, or " quakin' ash " of Lowland Scots, is criothach (creeagh) in Gaelic, and gives the name to Creich in Sutherland, Koss, Argyle, and "Wigtown, and perhaps to Crieff in Perthshire ; and the plural, criothachean, appears as Creechan in Dumfriesshire and Wigtownshire. Crianlarich, a well-known station on the Callander and Oban line, may be either crick or criothach na laraich, the boundary or the aspen- tree at the house-site. The elm. I must ask you to enter more closely into exami- nation of the elm not the well-known species known as the English elm (Ulmus campestris), which is not indigenous, having been introduced by the Romans, but the wych-elm (Ulmus montana), a tree which has given the name to many well-known places. The old Gaelic name for it was learn (lam), plural, lea-man. Ptolemy's Leamanonius Locus is now Loch Lomond, the lake of the elms, out of which flows the Leven, which is the aspirated form leamhan (lavan) ; and it is interesting to find these two forms again side by side in Fife, where are the Lomond Hills overlooking the town of Leven. 1 The Lennox, 1 The two forms come together again in Warwickshire, where not far from Leamington is Levenhull leamhan choitt, elm-wood, and, in the same neighbourhood, a place called Elmdon. Their Lesson. Ill a district formerly written Levenax, is the adjectival form leamhnach (lavnah), an elm-wood ; and in Eng- land the river Learn, giving its name to Leamington, the Leven in Cumberland, the Lune in Lancashire (Alauna of Ptolemy), and in Ireland the Laune at Killarney, must all have once been named amhuinn leamhan, elm-river. Leamh cliuill (lav whill), elm- wood, appears as Barluel in Galloway, the hill-top of the elm-wood ; the derivative leamhraidkean (lavran or lowran), elm-wood, becomes Lowran and Lowring, also in Galloway ; and in the same province I have picked up an alternative form to leamhan, common in Ireland namely, sleamh (slav) and sleamhan (slavvan), whence the names Craigslave and Craig- slouan. Yet another derivative, leamhreach (lavrah), seems to be the origin of Caerlaverock, cathair (caher) leamhreaich, fortress in the elm-wood. Another fertile source of Scottish place-names is The alder, the alder, Gaelic fearn, Welsh gwern, of which men- tion has already been made as the origin of Nairn, amhuinn na' fhearn (ern). The plural, fearnan, gives Fernan in Perthshire and Aberdeenshire ; fearnach, abounding in alders, yields Farnoch and Fearnoch in Argyleshire, Feruie in Fife, and Fernaig in Ross- shire ; while fearnachan, an alder- wood, 1 survives in Drumfarnachan in Galloway, where also is found the aspirated form, Drumearnachan. The Anglo-Saxon air and the Norse olr produce the 1 Fearnachan in modern Gaelic means sloes, and this may be the reference in these names. 112 Scottish Land-Names. names of Allarstocks and Allarton, near Glasgow ; Allarshaw, in Lanarkshire; Ellerslie, near Dum- . fries ; Ellerbeck, near Ecclefechan ; and Elderslie, in Eenfrew. The elder. The elder was trom of old, whence the Truim, a tributary of the Spey, formerly amhuinn truim, river of the elder-bush ; but the modern word is troman, Manx tramman, which gives the name to Trammond Ford, on the estuary of the Cree in Galloway, at one end of which ford is Castramont, which, despite its Eoman complexion, is merely cos tromain, foot of the elder (ford). Several places are also named from the Anglo-Saxon and Old Northern English name of the elder bourtree. Saileach, a willow, gives names to many places, as Salachan in Argyleshire, saileachean, the willows ; Salachry in the same county, saileachreach, a place of willows, which appears as Sauchrie in Ayrshire ; Barsalloch and Barnsallie in Wigtownshire, barr na saileach, willow -hill. But Barnshalloch in Kirk- cudbright is barr an sealglie (shallughy), hill of the hunting. Drimnasallie, near Fort William, is ridge of the willows. A.S. sealh produces M.E. sahue, our " sallow," whence the Scots word "sauch" and the place- name Sauchie. Caorunn (keerun), the mountain -ash or rowan- tree, is generally aspirated in compound names, as Attachoirrin in Islay, the rowan-tree house ; Leachd a' chaoruinn on the shore of Loch Ossian in Corrour The wil- low. The rowan. Their Lesson. 113 Forest, and Barwhirran in "Wigtownshire, rowan-tree hill. Crius or giuthas (gyuse), the Scots fir, is pretty The fir. well disguised in Loch Goosie in Kirkcudbright loch ffiuthasach, lake of the firs ; but is easily recog- nised in Guisachan in Inverness-shire, and Kin- gussie cinn giuthasaich, at the head of the fir- wood. From iubhar (yure), the yew, comes Urie in Aber- The yew. deenshire ; iubharach, a yew-wood, Paluure in Kirk- cudbright; pol na' iubhar, yew-stream, Glenure in Argyleshire and Coire-iubhair in Inverness-shire. Innumerable names take their rise from black and white thorns. Skeoch in Stirlingshire, Ayrshire, and Dumfries- The haw- shire, Skeog, Scaith, and Skate in Wigtownshire, represent sceach, sgitheach, or sgitheog, as the haw- thorn is variously written in Gaelic ; and the Anglo- Saxon Thornhill in Dumfriesshire and Stirlingshire has its exact counterpart in Drumskeog and Bar- skeoch in Galloway. The blackthorn is draieghean (dreean), Manx The biack- drine, Welsh draen, but the older form in Cormac's Glossary is droigen, which we find unimpaired in Mildriggan, an estate in Wigtownshire. This is a hybrid of Saxon and Gaelic, for in a charter of 1674 it stands as Dreggan Mylne the Mill of Dreggan, i.e., droigen. It is still a great place for black- thorns : the archaic form of the name shows it to be one of the oldest in the country, and testifies to H 114 Scottish Land- Names. the length of time that this bush has clung to the spot. Dranniemanner in Kirkcudbrightshire is draighean na mainir, the blackthorns of the goat- pen, which has its parallel in the next county, Wigtownshire, as Drangower (written by Pont Dron- gangower) draigheanan gdbhar (drannan gowr), blackthorns of the goats. Other names of the same origin are Drainie, a parish in Elgin. Drynie, in Ross-shire. Drbnach, on the Perthshire Almond. Drynachan, on the Findhorn. Drynoch, in Skye. Dron, a parish in Perthshire. Dr6nsran and } . A i. j v r m Ayrshire. Aticnendrain, I Dundrennan, ~\ Drungan, . . _. , , Y in Kirkcudbright. Dronnan, and Drannand6\v, J Bardrain, near Paisley, has its exact translation in Slaethorn-rig in Ban, Ayrshire. The Dreas (drass), a bramble, genitive dris, produces the adjective drisach, whence Drlsaig, Ardrishaig, Drumdrisaig, and Bardrishach, all in Argyleshire, and Glendrissock in Ayrshire ; while from the fruit of the bramble, smeur (smerr), come Sron-smeur, blackberry - hill, in Eannoch Forest, Smoorage in Lamlash Bay, Slewsnrirroch slidbh smeurach, black- berry moor in Wigtownshire, and Smirle in the Their Lesson. 115 same county, representing two adjectival forms, smeurach and smeurlach. From dealg (dallig), a thorn, we get the plural Thorns. dealghe (dalhy), whence Dailly in Ayrshire and Kirk- cudbright, and Dally in Wigtownshire. Drum- dally and Clamdally, both in Galloway, are druim dealg and claon dealg, thorny ridge and slope. The great Highland district of Eannoch takes its Ferns, name from a lowly herb. The old Gaelic raith (ray), raithan (rahan), bracken fern, becomes raithneach in the modern language; thus Drumrae in Wigtown- shire, druim raith, represents an older nomenclature than Drumrany in Ayrshire, druim raithneach, both signifying " fern-hill." The use of the character z to represent the old Scots consonantal y, which confuses English people in the pronunciation of such names as Cadzow (cadyo), Menzies (mingis), and Dalziel (dee-ell), has prevailed to alter the pronunciation of Glen Ranza in Arran from the original gleann raith- neach, ferny glen ; and Blawrainy in Kirkcudbright has a meteorological complexion concealing the mean- ing of blar raithneach, ferny field. Ranna in Aber- deenshire, and R&nnas and Rannochan in Moray, also derive their names from the bracken fern. Aspiration greatly alters the forms assumed in Heather, composition by fraoch (freugh, frew), heather, and feur, grass. The Ford of Frew is on the Forth, about six miles above Stirling, well known of old as the place where the Highland caterans used to cross the sluggish channel ; Freugh in Wigtownshire and 116 Scottish Land-Names. Argyleshire is another spelling, and Freuchie in Perthshire and Fife is fraochach, a heathery place. But in the genitive, fhraeich (hree), the / is usually aspirated, as Auchenree, near Blair Atholl, 1 and again near Portpatrick, which has nothing to do with righ, a king, but is perhaps achadh an fhraeich, heather field. Cretanree in Banff is croit an fhraeich, heather croft. Seeing that heather was the common- est natural growth on Scottish hill and dale before cultivation became general, it may seem strange why certain localities should be distinguished by allusion to that plant. The explanation is found in the high antiquity of such names, pointing to a time when the greater part of the land was under forest, and heather only grew in the open glades. Feur, grass, also loses the sound of the initial consonant in the genitive, and gives Strathyre, srath fheoir, the grassy valley. Clover. Saimir or seamrog is the white clover, whence Glenchamber in Wigtownshire, as the map-makers write it, mistaking the local pronunciation for the Scottish word " chalmer," a chamber. The alterna- tive for seamrog gives Glenshimerock in Kirkcud- bright and Glenshamrock in Ayrshire. 1 This explanation is very doubtful. Auchenree in Blair Atholl is locally pronounced rhuce, and is understood to mean achadh an rhuidh or ruith, field of the shieling. This name is, therefore, an example of the danger of interpreting Gaelic names imperfectly rendered phonetically in English characters, without listening to the local pronunciation. If this explanation be correct, then the suffix of Auchenree and Alrdrie would represent the same word one name meaning field of the shieling, the other the high shieling or pasture. Their Lesson. 117 Aittin (atten), gorse or juniper, may be recognised Furze or in Duneaton in the Upper Ward of Lanarkshire, JUE dtin aitten, fort or hill of the whins or juniper ; while a stream running near this place preserves the "Welsh form eithin, the Nethan, joining the Clyde at Canibusnethan, being a/on eithin, the river of the whins or juniper. Giolc (gilk), in modern Gaelic cuilc (kuleg), pro- Broom, perly means a reed or cane ; but the nomenclature of the humbler vegetation is somewhat slippery, and this word is commonly applied to the broom. Knock- gilsie and Knockgulsha in Galloway are cnoc giolcach, the exact equivalent of Broomieknowe or Broom- knowe, a name which is given twelve times in the Post Office Directory, or Broomhills, which appears there forty times. Auchengilshie, in Wigtownshire and Ayrshire, is the Gaelic for Broomfield, which appears eighteen times. The usual name for a rush is luachair, which Rushes, survives unchanged in the Lochar Moss, that great expanse of peat between Dumfries and Annan, and in Glenlochar, the rushy glen, near Castle Douglas. It may also enter into names like Barlockhart and Drumlockhart in Galloway ; but here it is possible that lucart, a big house, may have something to do with it. Pitlochrie is probably pctt luacharach, rushy croft. Before leaving the vegetable kingdom we may Crops, glance at some traces of early cultivation. Coirce (kurkya), oats, has already been shown to be the 118 Scottish Land-Names. origin of Barnkirk and Barnkirky in Galloway ; in the same district the word is found in another form, Culquhirk, the corner of oats, and Awhirk, the oat- ' field. Similarly eorna (yorna), barley, comes out as Culhorn, and may be compared with Coolnahorna in Waterford and Wexford. Another important crop in early times was flax, in Gaelic lin. Port Leen, in Loch Eyan, marks a place where it was shipped, and Lochenaling, in Wigtownshire, a place where it was steeped ; Drum- lean, in Stirlingshire, and Glenling, in Wigtown- shire, places where it was grown. Ochteralinachan, near Stranraer, is uachdarach linachan, the upper flax -field. No flax is grown in these districts now. Seagal (shaggul), rye, gives names like Auchen- shugle, near Glasgow, and Knockshoggle in Ayr- shire ; while root-crops, like carrots or turnips, were called meacan (inaakan), yielding Blairmakin, near Wigtown. Extinct It would be impossible within reasonable limits of time to go over the list of animals which have left their names attached to places in our country ; but there is some interest in examining names commemorating beasts and birds which are either wholly extinct or are confined to limited spaces within the realm. The chase. Hunting took precedence of farming as the occu- pation of the early inhabitants ; hence sealg (shallug), Their Lesson. 119 the chase, and terms connected with it, enter largely into Scottish place-names. It has been surmised that the name Selgovae, by which the Picts of Galloway were known, may be derived from sealy, and that they were thus dis- tinguished as the " hunters." Barnshalloch, Drum- shalloch, Glenshulloch, and Kittyshalloch, all in Gal- loway, and Cuttyshallow in Ayrshire, are the barr or hill, the druim or ridge, the glen and the ceidc (keddy) or hill-face of the hunting, just as Benshalag in Nairn, Glenshellach near Oban, Knockshellie in Ayr- shire ; but Auchnashalloch in Eoss-shire and Argyle- shire means the field of the willows. There are also farms called Shalloch in Ayrshire and Banff; but this must not be confused with Challoch, a common name in Galloway, which is a corruption of tealach, a forge, just as in the same province tiobar, a well, becomes "chipper." Castle Shell in Wigtownshire is by local tradition affirmed to be an old hunting-seat ; and the old name for the Moor of Edinburgh, where the king's hunt was held, was Drumselch. Hence the reddendo or rent for the barony of Penicuik was the blowing of six blasts in cornu flatili, on a hunting-horn. The old name Drumselch is now written Drumsheugh. The hunting-horn itself was known as adhaircc (aharky) ; one may almost hear the echoes of it still round Mulwharker, a hill in the Forest of Buchan, in Galloway maol adhairce, hill of the hunting- horn close to which is Hunt Ha', where the Earls 120 Scottish Land-Names. of Cassilis used to lodge in pursuit of the red-deer. Slewnark, near Portpatrick, is probably sliabh nad- hairce, moor of the hunting-horn. Deer. The favourite beast of the chase was the red-deer, for which the usual word was fiadh (f eeah) ; but it is not easily to be distinguished in composition from fithach (feeah), a raven. It is difficult to say at this day whether Craigenveoch in Wigtownshire, Craigen- feoch near Paisley, and Craignafeoch near Greenock mean the deer's or, as is more probable, the raven's crag. Names ending in -nee generally represent the aspirated genitive fhiaidh (ee), of a deer, with the article, and these may be found in districts where the red-deer have long ceased to exist. Thus in Galloway we have Palnee pol an fhiaidh, the deer's stream Craiginee, and Drumanee, the last occurring also as a place-name in Derry, Ireland. From eilid, a hind, genitive eilte, come the names Kilhllt, in Wigtownshire, written Kylnahilt in the Eotuli Scot., 1455 coill na heilte, wood of the hind ; Craignelder and Carneltoch are in the mountains of Galloway the craig and the cairn or hill of the hinds. Names of Of course, in considering these names, it must be borne* by kept in mind that it was the practice among the Celts, as in most other semi-civilised communities, to distinguish men by the names of animals. Eeginald of Durham narrates how one of the four monks who bore the body of St Cuthbert to the tomb had been detected in hiding a cheese from his brethren, and Their Lesson. 121 therefore he and his descendants were known by the name of Tod, quad vulpeculam sonat, " which means a fox-cub." Similarly in Ireland the family of Mac-Shinnagh mac sionaich, son of the fox took the name of Fox, in conformity with the law prohibiting the use of the Irish language within the Pale. In the names last quoted, Kylnahilt and Craig- nelder, the presence of the article, shown by the n before the suffix, proves that it was an animal, and not an individual, after which these places were named. The article does not occur in Strath Ossian in Perthshire, yet it most likely means in old Gaelic the strath of the red-deer calves or fawns, srath oisin though that was a name sometimes borne by men. Scotsmen claim Ossian as a native bard, but he was really an Irish soldier-poet of the third century, named oisin, the fawn. The alternative form os (osh), genitive ois (ish), gives Craignish in Ayrshire, which may be compared with Glenish in County Monaghan, written by the Annalists Glen ois ; but Craignish in Argyleshire is written Cragginche in 1434 and Creginis in 1609, which looks like creag innse, rock in the meadow. The genitive plural, os, gives Glen6se in Skye and Glenhoise (pronounced Glenh6sh) in Kirkcudbright, the glen of the fawns; but this, again, is liable to confusion with skuas (hosh), upper, for Barh6ise (pronounced Barhosh) in Wigtownshire may be barr skuas, upper or north hill. 122 Scottish Land- Names. The modern Gaelic for roe is earba, but the old word was earl, and earboc was the roe-buck, preserved in Glenarbuck near Bowling and Drumnarbuck in Wigtownshire. The Norse rd and A.S. ra, especially the latter, enter into many names of places, in some of which the roe is never seen now. Eaeden, near Aberdeen, is A.S. ra denn, the roe's lair or sleeping- place ; other examples are Eaehills in Dumfriesshire, Eaelees near Selkirk, &c., the latter being of similar origin to the English surname Ealeigh or Eayleigh. But unless the stress is carefully noted, this prefix is sure to be confused with the Gaelic reidh (ray), a flat space of land, as Eaecloch near Turriff reidh cloich, stone flat ; Eaemoir in Moray and Aberdeen- shire reidh mdr, great flat. Gaelic hoc is now usually restricted in meaning to a he-goat, but its radical signification seems to be a male animal, in the same sense as we say a " buck " rabbit, and it often stands for the roebuck, which is probably the true meaning in Glenbuck, Lanark- shire. But in Teutonic names it means the male fallow-deer, as Buckhurst in Lanarkshire O.N.E. lucce hurst, buck- wood; Buxburn in Aberdeenshire being the buck's burn. Buccleuch. is usually inter- preted buck's cleugh or ravine, and in the neigh- bourhood "cleugh" enters freely into place-names, such as Harecleuch, Gilbertscleugh, Windycleuch, &c. ; but I cannot indorse this interpretation, to bear which the name must be sounded Buccleuch. It is probably a corruption of some Gaelic name, with the Their Lesson. 123 stress on the last syllable, which has been altered in spelling to suit the supposed meaning. Besides the domestic pig, which was in early use Swine, among the people, the wild swine was a favourite beast of chase all over Scotland. No animal has left its name so commonly impressed on the topo- graphy, and it is seldom easy to distinguish between the wild and domestic beasts. Tore, a boar, was the origin of Drumturk in Perthshire and Glenturk in Wigtownshire, from the genitive singular tvArc; and Mindork in the latter county is moine tore, the moor of the boars, from the genitive plural tore. The Anglo - Saxon for " boar " was Idr, whence Bearsden, near Glasgow; but Borland or Boreland, a name given forty-one times in the Postal Directory, means a home farm land kept for the " board " of the laird's house. B6restoue, again, in many places, means a stone which has been pierced, a name which must yield in antiquity to Thirlestane in Selkirkshire and Berwickshire, from A.S. tyrlian, to pierce. Countless are the names from muc, a sow, which has also become the generic name for swine. Clach- anamuck in Wigtownshire is clachan nam muc, stones of the swine. Drummuck, near Girvan, is the swine-ridge, a name which by umlaut becomes Swindridge, near Dairy, in the same county, and Swinhill in Lanarkshire. Even so, Balmiiick, near Crieff, bailc muic, swine -farm, appears in Anglo- Saxon as Swinton in Berwickshire and near Glas- gow. There is a place near Greenock curiously 124 Scottish Land-Names. named Lemnamuick, which signifies leum na muic, the sow's leap. Ben Macdhui, as we choose to write the mountain of that name, is usually interpreted beinn muic d^uibhe, hill of the black sow ; but Highlanders call it Beinn- a'-boch-duibh, hill of the black goat. The Muck, a tributary of the Ayrshire Stinchar, was originally amhuinn muc, sow's river. A swine-pasture or haunt of swine is muclach or mucreach, producing Glenamuckloch in Argyleshire, Drummuckloch in Galloway, and so in many other counties, and Muckrach, near Grantown-on-Spey. Wild Places named after cattle lie under the same un- certainty as those named after swine; we do not know whether the wild or the domesticated animal is referred to. The Caledonian bull was a formid- able animal, as may be realised by contemplating, at a safe distance, his lineal descendants in Cadzow Forest and at Chillingham in Northumberland. The Gaelic word for bull is tarbh (tarriv), doubtless akin to Latin taurus, and becoming in Welsh taru, in Cornish tarow, and in Manx tarroo. Knockentarry in Wigtownshire is doubtless cnoc an tairbhe, the bull's hill ; but Knockenharry, a name occurring in many places, is cnoc an fhaire (harry), hill of the watching. The Tarf is the name of different streams in Perth- shire, Inverness-shire, Forfarshire, Kirkcudbright, and Wigtownshire, and the Tarth in Peeblesshire is the same name, all named from bulls ; not, as has been Their Lesson. 125 elaborately propounded, because of their roaring noise, it never would suggest itself to the natural man to put such a strain on the imagination. Be- sides, the Peeblesshire Tarth happens to be a peculiarly sluggish stream. The name arose from some forgotten circumstance of hunting or pastoral life ; the original name in each case would be am- huinn tarbh, bull's stream. Damh (dav), an ox, is preserved in Dalnadamph, land of the oxen ; in Blairdaff in Aberdeenshire liar damh, ox-field ; and Inchnadamph in Sutherlandshire inis na' damh, ox-pasture. Bo, a cow, cognate with Latin bos, may easily be re- cognised in Drumbow in Lanarkshire, the cow's ridge, and in Achnaba, twice in Argyleshire, the cow-field. In Galloway strips of seaside pasture sometimes bear the name of Scrabba or Scrabbie. This name must be added to Tiree as an unusual instance of the movement of stress from the specific to the generic syllable. It is the same name as Scrabo, near New- tonards in Ireland that is, scrath bo, cow's grass, from scrath (scraw), sward. Bowling on the Clyde takes its name from a stream bo linn, cow's pool. Laogh (leuh), a calf, is usually contracted into the termination -lay or -lee, and is thus liable to be confused with Hath (lee), grey. Barlae occurs six or seven times in Galloway, and has the same meaning as Cawvis Hill, just outside the burgh of Wigtown. Other forms are Barlaugh in Ayrshire, Auchleach in Wigtownshire, Auchlay in Suther- 126 Scottish Land-Names. land, Auchlee in Aberdeenshire, and Drumley in Galloway and Ayrshire. Craigley in Urr parish, Kirkcudbright, is probably creag laogh, the calves' crag ; but Craiglee, overlooking Loch Trool in the same county, is more likely to be creag liath, grey crag. Ballochalee, a ford on the Wigtownshire Tarf, may be interpreted bealach na' laogh, pass of the calves. All are to be distinguished by the position of the stress from the Anglo-Saxon lea, a field, in such common names as Whitelee, Brownlee, Yellowlee, wherein the terminal -lee is the generic syllable. The wolf. The most formidable beast of prey in the old forest was, of course, the wolf, and we might expect to find frequent reference to it among place-names ; but it is not easy to identify it with certainty. It was called by various names madadh, allaidh, breach, faol, and mactire or son of the soil. Now there is no more familiar termination of place-names than -maddie or -moddie such as Drummoddie, druim madadh (madduh), wolf -ridge ; Blairmoddie, Udr madadh, wolf - field ; Claym6ddie, formerly Glen- maddie, gleann madadh, wolf -glen all in Wigtown- shire; and Culmaddie, cuil madadh, wolf's corner, in Sutherlandshire. These represent the two ex- tremities of Scotland, and the word occurs frequently between those limits ; but the strict meaning of madadh is a dog, and madadh ruadh means a fox. But the commoner words for dog and fox are cu, gen. con, and sionach (shinnagh), and it is almost Their Lesson. certain that madadk in place-names generally means a wolf. Breach is an obsolete word for wolf, which cannot be distinguished now from breac, piebald, brindled, a term often applied to land ; but probably it sur- vives in Tarbreoch in Kirkcudbrightshire tir breach, wolf-ground ; and Killibn\kes, Wigtownshire, is per- haps coille breach, wolf -wood. Braco in Perthshire and Aberdeenshire may be compared with Breagho in Fermanagh, which the Irish Annalists used to write Br^agh mhagh (vah), wolf-field. Wolflee, near Hawick, is the Anglo-Saxon equiv- alent of Blairmoddie ; "Wolfhill, near Perth, of Drummoddie ; and Wolf-cleuch, near St Mary's Loch, of Glenmaddy. Ulbster in Caithness, Ulsta in Shetland, and Wolfstar in East Lothian are prob- ably named from men called Ulf Ulfr bdlstafir, Ulfs farm. Cu, a dog, gen. con, enters freely into place-names, The dog. but it was also a favourite name among men. Thus Loch Conn in Perthshire, reflecting the name of Lough Conn in Mayo, may either be Conn's lake or dog's lake ; but Achnacone in Appin is clearly achadh na' con, field of dogs, because of the article. Aspirated as ckon, this is probably the origin of many names ending in -quhan as Boqohan in Stirlingshire, loth Chon, Conn's hut; Blairqohan in Ayrshire, Conn's or the dog's field ; Killiewhan in Kirkcudbrightshire coille chon, wood of the dogs. Gadhar or yaotliar (gaiur), a greyhound, from yaetli 128 Scottish Land-Names. (geu), the wind, in allusion to its swiftness, yields Glengyre in Wigtownshire. The wUd The wild cat, now wellnigh extinct, is commonly cat. mentioned in the place-names of all three languages. Thus in Gaelic there is Craigencat in many counties, the wild cat's crag; Lingat in Wigtownshire, linn cat, the wild cat's linn ; Auchnagatt, a station on the Great North of Scotland Railway in Aberdeenshire, field of the wild cats. So in Saxon speech we find Catscleugh, near Denny ; Catshaw in Eoxburghshire, the wild cat's wood; Catslack in Selkirkshire, the wild cat's gap ; and in Norse such names as Catta- dale, near Campbeltown, the wild cat's dale, and Catgill, near Canonbie, in Dumfriesshire, the wild cat's ravine. The otter. Dordn, the otter i.e., dobhuran, the water-beast produces Glendowran in Lanarkshire; Aldouran in Wigtownshire allt doran, otter-stream, like Otter- bourne in Northumberland ; Puldouran in Kirkcud- bright, with the same meaning; and Craigendoran in Dumbartonshire, creag an dorain, the otter's rock, or creagean doran, rocks of the otters. The Broc, a badger, derived, like Ireac, a trout, from ' er ' Ireac, parti-coloured, was borrowed from the Gaelic by the Anglo-Saxon, and forms many land-names in both languages. These remain in many places where badgers are no longer found. Thus Brockloch, the name of several places in Ayrshire, is simply the Gaelic broclach, a badger-warren, while Brocklees in the same county is the Saxon for badger-field ; Their Lesson. 129 Brocket in Ayrshire and Lanarkshire is brocc wudu, badger- wood. Brockwoodlees in Dumfriesshire shows fields named from a badger-wood, and Broxburn in Linlithgowshire is the badger's stream. The Gaelic equivalent of Brocket comes out as Kilbrocks, near Stranraer coill broc, badger- wood ; and from the genitive singular, bruic, come Kilbr6ok, near Moffat coill bruic, badger- wood ; and Auchabrick in Wig- townshire achadh ~bruic, badger-field. I have only identified one Gaelic place-name com- The pole- memorating another of our fauna now wellnigh ex- tinct, the polecat or foumart viz., Corriefecklach in the Galloway hills, wire feocalach, foumart's corrie. 130 LECTUEE VI. THE LESSON OF PLACE-NAMES. THE LAND ITS SURFACE AND DIVISIONS OPEN LAND INSEPAR- ABLE FROM THE IDEA OF FIGHTING NORSE PENNYLANDS OCCUPATIONS AND TRADES CRIME AND PUNISHMENT POVERTY DISEASE RIVERS AND STREAMS ECCLESIASTICAL NAMES EARLY DEDICATIONS OF CHAPELS AND WELLS PRIESTS AND MONKS LAND NOT USUALLY NAMED BY THE EARLY CELTS FROM OWNERSHIP BUT FREQUENTLY SO BY TEUTONIC PEOPLE LAND-NAMES GIVEN TO MEN MEN'S NAMES GIVEN TO LANDS CONCLUSION. T will tax all my ingenuity to compress within the limits of a single hour all the subjects set forth in the syllabus to be dealt with in this, the last lec- ture of the course. In order to do so with any prospect of usefulness, I propose to take the Gaelic, as the characteristic language of North Britain, noticing a few synonyms in the other lan- guages which we have already considered. The land. The Gaelic word most nearly corresponding to English " land " or " ground " is tir. It is allied to Their Lesson. 131 Latin terra, and comes from a root signifying " dry." It is the same in Irish and Welsh, but forms no part of Manx place-names. The island of Tiree is called by Adamnan Terra Ethica, as if named from Ith, the legendary uncle of the Irish hero Miledh. But it is more probably tir idhe, corn-land, from an old Gaelic word iodh, corn; for it is a fertile island, " callit in all tymes M'Connells [Macdonald's] girnel." Tirfergus, near Campbeltown, Fergus's land, corre- sponds to Tirargus in Donegal, where the / is aspi- rated to silence tir Fliearguis. Tard6w in Wig- townshire is probably tir dubh, black ground; but Tarwilkie or Tirwilkie in Kirkcudbright is tredbh giolcach, rushy farm, for in 1604 it is spelt Tra- gilhey; and Terregles in Dumfriesshire, commonly interpreted tir eglais, is really treamhar eglais, being spelt Travereglis in a charter of David II. Tinluskie in Wigtownshire is tir loisgthe (luskie), burnt land, by the common interchange of r and n, corresponding to the frequent Anglo-Saxon names Bruntland, Brunthill, and Bruntisfield. As a suffix tir is found in Cantyre or Kintjrre, the head or end of the land, just as Kintail is cinn t-shael (tale), head of the tide, and Kinvarra cinn mhara, head of the sea. Glaister and Glaisters in Ayrshire, Arran, Kirkcudbright, Lanark, and Glaster Law near Arbroath, are glas tir, green land ; and in Glasserton Fell in Wigtownshire there is a curious example of the A.S. ttin and the Norse fjal added to the Gaelic glas thir (glassir) or glasghart (glass art), green paddock. 132 Scottish Land-Names. Fields. Magh, a plain, rendered by Latin writers campus and planities, has fallen out of use in modern Gaelic ; but its derivative, machair or machaire, with a strong instead of a weak guttural, is still used to denote flat land near the sea. Magh appears as Moy, near Inverness, Fort-William, Forres, Beauly, and Camp- beltown ; as Mye in "Wigtownshire and Stirlingshire. A still older form of the word mag is preserved in Mugdock, in Dumbartonshire, where in 750 there was a battle between the Britons and the Picts of Manann, and Talorgan, the Pictish leader, was slain. It is written Magedauc and Mogetauc in the Cam- brian Annals. As a suffix, magh is liable to aspiration, and the m disappears, as in Morrach twice in Wigtownshire mur mhagh, land overlooking the sea. This also may be regarded as the origin of the name Moray, anciently spelt Muref, and latinised Moravia. The change of gh into / is shown in Muff, corrupted from magh, the name of several places in the north of Ireland. In that country mur-mhagh, so written by the Four Masters, but which Cormac disguised as murbhach, has become Murvagh in Donegal, Murrow in Wicklow (very like our M6ray), and Murvey, Murragh, Murroo, and Murreagh in other counties. The same compound, mooragh, means a sandbank in the Isle of Man. Machair, supposed to be magh tMr, plain land, is so common in our place-names as to require little notice, except to observe that the parishes of Old Their Lesson. 133 and New Machar, in Aberdeen, commemorate a dedication to St Machorius. But there are two farms near Stranraer in which the stress serves to distinguish the meanings of two very similar names. One is Macher, which is simply machair, a plain. It is part of the great plain lying between the two divisions of Wigtownshire, the Machers on the east and the Ehinns on the west. The other is Mahaar, signifying either magli air, east field, or the field of the ploughing or of the slaughter for in old as in modern Gaelic, dr bears either meaning. Machrie, near Ardrossan, represents the third form, machaire (maghery). Of all Celtic names descriptive of occupied land, none are so common in Scotland as acliadli (aha) and baile (bally). Pont explains achadli as "ane Irich vord signifying a folde or a crofte of land gained out of a vylde ground of before vnmanured." Adamnan translates it " campulus," and it corre- sponds most nearly to our word "field." As a prefix it appears as Acha, Achy, Auch, and, with the article, Auchen and Achna. Achnacarry, the seat of Lochiel on the Arkaig, takes its name from a disused fishery achadli na coraidk, field of the weir. The surname Affleck, taken from places of that name in Aberdeenshire, is a shortened form of Auchinleck in Ayrshire, Lanark, and Forfar achadh na leac, field of the flagstones. Garioch, a district in Aberdeenshire, represents garbli achadli or garbli mhach, as may be seen in 134 Scottish Land-Names. old writings, in which it appears as Garuiauche, c. 1170; Garvyach, c. 1180; and Garviagha, c. 1297. Garwachy in Wigtownshire and Garvock in Kin- cardineshire are the same compound. Ardoch, in Perthshire and many other counties, is plainly ard mhagJi, or ard achadh, high field ; but Ardachy, in Wigtownshire, is shown by the stress to be ard achaidh, hill of the cultivated field a very natural name in a district where cultivation was rare. Baile, a farm, homestead, or village, so exactly corresponds to A.S. tiin and Norse ~by, leer, or bdlsta&r, and is so easily recognised in composition, that I need not dwell on it further than to say it is glossed locus in the 'Book of Armagh' and other ancient MSS. Dr Eeeves says that in Ireland 6400 townlands begin with Bal or Bally, upwards of one-tenth of the whole. As a suffix, baile borrows the disguise of the aspirate, as Shanvalley and Shinvollie in Gallo- way sean Wiaile (vally), old place ; but Loch Valley in Galloway, like Meal-na-bhealaich in Perthshire, is loch Wiealaich (vallah), loch of the pass. Bl&r in modern Gaelic means a battle, but its primary meaning is a plain. It is unknown in the topography of Ireland, Wales, Man, Cornwall, and Brittany, and its distribution in Scotland is some- what peculiar. It is pretty common, both singly and in composition, from Galloway on the south-west, through Strathclyde, Stirling, Perth, Forfar, Fife, and Aberdeen. It is found in Arran, Dumbarton, as Blairhosh ttdr shuas (hosh), upper field, Blair- Their Lesson. 135 nairn Udr ri fhearn, alder-field, but not in Argyle- shire or the Isles, nor in the Border counties from Dumfries eastward. The solitary occurrence in the Lothians of Blairc6chrane sounds suspiciously like a modern importation. It only occurs once in Inver- ness, and once in the east of Eoss-shire. Furthest north, in Sutherland, there is Blairninlch Udr nan each, field of the horses. Its use, therefore, is confined to a strip of country running from south-west to north-east ; but it is not easy to found any ethnological conclusion thereon, because this strip includes the territories of the Niduarian Picts, the Britons of Strathclyde, the Picts of Manann, and the Northern Picts. That the usual meaning is a field and not a battle seems clear from the occurrence of Blairshinnoch Udr sionach (shinnagh), fox-field, in counties so far apart as Wig- townshire and Banff. The Old Northern English equivalent to Blairshinnoch is Todley, near Whit- horn, and Todholm, near Paisley. That excellent Celtic scholar, Professor Mackinnon, in discussing this word, falls into the snare which seems to beset every one who takes up Gaelic lore, as if the Celtic race were unlike the rest of mankind. " Is there any country in the world," he asks, " except the Highlands of Scotland, where the common word for a flat piece of ground, Udr, has come to mean a battle-field?" Undoubtedly there is. The Latin campus, a field, assumed in Low Latin the special meaning of " a duel, battle, war." Thence, through 136 Scottish Land-Names. the French, comes our " camp," which in Middle Eng- lish never bore the modern restricted meaning of a " tented field," but meant a battle. In Anglo-Saxon camp was a battle, campsted a battle-field, the latter of which is the origin of our place-name, Campsie, near Glasgow, Perth, and Kirriemuir. Champain, open country, and campaign are twin words. A.S. cempa, N. kempa, a champion, one who holds the field, and field exercise, ^eM-marshal, a park of artillery, are other examples of the intimate as- sociation, in Teutonic as well as in Celtic minds, of open space with fighting. So let us dismiss for ever, if we want to arrive at the real significance of Celtic place-names, all idea that the Gael was more valiant, more pugnacious, or more poetic than other people. Fearann, a derivative of fear, a man, described land in the occupation of a man, as Ferintosh in Moray fearann toisich, thane's land; but it very often took the aspirate, and becoming fhearann, was written earrann. We find some curious groups of holdings thus designated. In Stirlingshire there are Arnprior, Arngibbon, Arnfmlay, and others adjacent. In Kirkcudbright there are Ernambrie ; Ernanity earrann annuid, church - land ; Ernespie, earrann espuig, bishop's land ; Ernfillan, Fillan's land ; Ern- minzie all in Crossmichael parish. Now aim is Broad Scots for "iron," hence in the same county the names occur of Ironhash, Ironlosh (1456, Arn- glosh) earrann loise, burnt land ; Ironmacannie Their Lesson. 137 (1512, Erne Macanny), Ironmannoch earrann man- ach, monk's land ; Irongray (1466, Yrngray), earrann graich, land of the horse -drove, for this was the province where the Galloway nags were bred. Gort or gart, an enclosure or paddock, is a Gaelic word of very wide affinity. It is closely cognate with Norse garoallagli is the usual word for a road. The ancient battle- cry of the 88th Regiment, or Connaught Rangers, is " Fag a' bealach ! " " Clear the road ! " In many counties there are places simply named Balloch, which in Fife and Perth is softened into Ballo. Ballochalee and Ballochabeastie in Wigtownshire are bealach na' laogh (leuh) and bealach na' Hasta (beastie), the passes of the calves and of the cattle. The latter is the name of a gateway on Culroy farm. Hollows. The converse of a hill is lag or lagan, a hollow or low place, and, nearly as this resembles E. " low," especially in the Broad Scots " laigh," the meaning of the Gaelic has been completely forgotten in the Lowlands, and it is a common thing to find eleva- tions called Lag Hill and Laggan Hill, from the hollows at their feet. The vowel-sound is variable, and the word forms prefixes in Lig, Lug, Liggan, Luggan, and Logan. Logan is the name of places in Galloway, Dum- fries, Ayrshire, Lanark, and Mid -Lothian, while Logie occurs in Perthshire and the north-eastern counties. Glac is the old word for the palm of the hand, and is figuratively given as the name of depressions in the land, causing such names as Glack in Perth- shire and Aberdeenshire, and Glaik in Bute and Wigtownshire. Cdbhan (cavan, cowan), a hollow, probably ought to be written camhan, as being from the prolific Their Lesson. 161 root cam, curved, bent. In Welsh it takes the form cwm, a combe or dingle. 1 There are several places in Dumfriesshire and Galloway called Cowan, Caven, and Cavens. Cul, the back, and cuil, a corner or nook, assume the same forms, Cool-, Cul-, and Kil-, in composition, and are liable to confusion not only with each other but also with will, a wood, and cil, the locative case of ceall, a cell or chapel. There are several places called Cuil in Galloway and Argyleshire, which evidently mean a corner; but Cuildrynach on Loch Fyne may be either the corner, the hill- back, or the wood of the thorns (draighneach). Culrain in Koss-shire is the same word as Cole- raine in Ireland, which is explained in the Tripar- tite Life of St Patrick to mean cuil rathain, corner of the ferns, translated by Colgan secessus filicis. Culscadden is a farm named from a creek on Wigtown Bay cuil scadan, corner of the herrings i.e., a place where herrings were landed and has its exact parallel in Culscudden in Dublin county ; but Culmore in Wigtownshire is coill mdr, great wood, as the large roots still embedded in the soil of that farm testify, a name which in another part of the same county has become Killiemore, just as in Cork county it appears as Kilmore (written by the Annalists coill mohr), and in Conne- mara Kylemore and Cuilmore. 1 The original stem is ku, to contain, whence Latin cavea, Eng. cave. L 162 Scottish Land-Names. Gleann (glen), a glen, Welsh glyn, has been so completely adopted into English speech that it is not necessary to dwell on its importance as a component of place-names. Coire (curry) also, in its application to an elevated basin or " corrie " in the hill, is almost equally well understood. The literal meaning of the word is a caldron, and its figurative use to describe surface contour is precisely similar in idea to that of the Greek /cpar-^p, a cup, which we continue to apply to the crater of a volcano. But besides its hollow form, a caldron is associated with seething, and coire is used to express a troubled pool in a river. Thus Corra Linn, one of the Falls of Clyde, is the caldron pool. But Corra Pool on the Dee, near Kirkcud- bright, must be explained as from coradh, a fish- weir. Corvisel (pron. Corveazle), near Newton - Stewart, is written by Pont Kerivishel, and probably means coire iseal (eeshal), the low pool, being situ- ated on the bank of the first pool above the tide, or the lowest in the river Cree. Bun, the bottom or lower end, enters into many names, such as Bonessan near Oban bun easain, foot of the waterfall ; and Bunawe, the foot of Loch Awe. Boneen, at Lamlash, is the diminutive Imnin. Ton, the rump, is used topographically in a pecu- liar way. It sometimes means low-lying bottom- land, but in the curious name Tandragee or Tonder- ghie, occurring in Galloway and Arran, as well as very frequently in Ireland under these forms or as Their Lesson. 163 Tonlegee and Tonregee, the meaning is ton le gaeitli (geuh, gwee), backside to the wind, graphically de- scriptive of a place where cattle stand in storm with their tails to the wind. Earlall, the tail, used in modern Gaelic in a con- temptuous sense, was applied to express the end of a ridge or a long strip of land. There are places in Eoss-shire called Arboll and Arble, corresponding to Urbal, Erribul, and Eubble in Ireland. In Wig- townshire, Darnarbel dobhar (dour) an earbuill seems to mean the water of the tail, as the Grey Mare's Tail is often given as a name for a waterfall. Currach, a marsh, not known in modern Gaelic, Marshes, gives names to many places in Ireland, but rims into the same forms as coire, a caldron. Ciirrie in Mid-Lothian and Currah near Girvan are probably derived from this word. A commoner term for bog-land is riasg, to which, with its derivative riasgach, boggy, may be traced Eisk in Eenfrewshire, Eiskend near Kilsyth, E\sk- house in Aberdeenshire, Euskich near Aberfeldy, Euskie near Stirling, and Eusco in Kirkcudbright, corresponding to many places called Eisk, Eiesk, and Eoosky in Ireland. Cacdh (kay), a bog, or, as it is called in Lowland Scots, " quaw," suggests a connection with the Eng- lish " quagmire," but it is not clearly made out, for the latter word is in reality " quakemire." Culkae, a farm in Wigtownshire, is ctil cacdha, back or corner of the bog. 164 Scottish Land-Names. Crithlach (creelagh), a shaking bog, from crith, to tremble, gives Crailloch, the name of two farms in Wigtownshire and another near Girvan, and Cryla in Aberdeenshire. Tol, a hole or hollow, remains in names like Tol- dow, in Aberdeenshire tol dubh, black hole ; Tol- ronald near Oban tol Raonuill, Eonald's hole ; and Bidean a' ghlas thuill, a hill in Eoss-shire (3485 feet), means peak of the green hollow. Lod or loddn is a wet place, a swamp or pool: hence Cumloden in Kirkcudbright and Cumlodden in Argyleshire cam lodain, the bend of the swamp ; and Culloden cid lodain, back of the swamp. Lod- nigapple lod nan capul, swamp of the horses ; Loddanmore loddn mdr, great swamp; Loddanree loddn fhraeich (hree), heather-bog, are other ex- amples ; and " The Lodens " is the name given to swampy pools in Polbae Burn, all in Wigtownshire. Meadows. Now I will pass over a number of names descrip- tive of natural land-surface, such as cluan, a meadow, giving Clune in Banff and Clone in Galloway, Clon- fin near Kilmarnock duanfionn, the white meadow, and Clonskea near Blairgowrie cluan sgitheach, haw- thorn-meadow; with its plural, cluainte, giving Cloin- tie near Maybole and Clantibuies in Wigtownshire cluainte buidhe, yellow meadows ; leana (lenna), also meaning a meadow, giving Lennie Mains near Cra- mond, Leny near Callander, Lenziebeg near Garnkirk, and Lenagboyach near Greenock leana bathaich (ba- ach), meadow of the cow-house ; tamhnach (tawnah), Their Lesson. 165 an obsolete name for meadow, which remains in Tan- noch near Glasgow and in Kirkcudbright, Tannach near Wick, Tan nock in Ayrshire and Kirkcudbright, and Tannyflux tamlinacli fliuch, wet meadow, Tan- nyroach tamhnach ruadh, red meadow, in Wigtown- shire ; reidh (ray), flat land, yielding Eeay in Suther- landshire, Rephad near Stranraer reidh fada, long flat, Rebeg near Beauly, Raemore in Kincardine, and Rem6re in Fife ; scratli, sward, producing Scrap- hard near Fochabers, scrath ard, corrupted strangely into Scrapehard in Aberdeenshire. All these I just mention and pass on, leaving many more unmentioned, in order to notice names which have more to do with human occupation. Dabhach (davach), a measure of land, is origin- Land ally, as Professor Mackinnon has shown, a meas- ure of capacity, and was applied to denote the extent of land which required a davoch of corn to sow it. In Ireland dabhach means a vat, and is applied figuratively, as Scottish Highlanders do coire (corry, kirry), a kettle, to describe deep hollows in the land. It has been supposed to have been the regular unit of land-measure among the Picts, but there is no trace of it among the place-names of Galloway. In Davo in Kincardineshire the word remains alone. Davochbeg and Davochfin in Suther- land are dabhach beag and dabhach fionn, the little and the white davach ; Dochfour and Dochgarroch in Inverness-shire dabhach fuar, the cold davach, and dabhach garbh (garriv), rough davach. 166 Scottish Land-Names. The Broad Scots " doach," a fish- weir or cruive, is probably the same word, from the receptacle in which salmon were taken ; and Culdoch on the Dee, near Kirkcudbright, means " back of the fish-weir," ctil ddbhaich. Roinn, older rinn, rind, a point of land, is com- monly used to denote a division of ground. The term " run - rig," applied to a primitive mode of agrarian tenure still surviving in the Western High- lands and Islands, is a corruption of roinn-ruith (rinn ruee), or division-running. Ruith, a running or course, has taken the form of the English " rig " ; and by a strange perversity roinn, which means a rig, has become " run." Airdrie, in Lanark, Fife, Moray, and Kirkcudbright, is ard ruith, high pasture-run. Ein- guinea in Wigtownshire is roinn Cinaeidh, Kenneth's portion ; but Eingdoo in Luce Bay is roinn dnbh, black point, and Eingielawn at the head of Loch Trool is roinn na' leamhan, point of the elms. This is also called the Soldiers' Holm, for here it is said that Lord Essex's men, slaughtered in combat with Eobert the Bruce, were buried. Penny- Professor Mackinnon has shown how the Norse lands. unga or ounce, composed of eighteen or twenty pennies, was adopted in Gaelic land-tenure in the west ; and he quotes Pennyghael, the Gael's penny- land ; Pennygown, the smith's penny-land ; Penmol- ach peighinn molach, rough or grassy penny-land, as instances in the place-names of Mull. It is easy to see how the Gaelic peighinn, a penny, in Manx ping, Their Lesson. 167 complicates the use of pen as a test for "Welsh place- names. Leffindonald near Ballantrae leth plieighin Don- uil, Donald's halfpenny-land ; and Lefnol on Loch Eyan, written Leffynollock in 1456 and Lefnollo two years later, is, strange as it may seem, all that remains of ktli pheighin Amhalghaidh, Olaf's or Aulay's halfpenny - land. After all, the spelling leth pheighinn (ley fein) for the sound of " leffin " is not more out of the way than halfpenny for Scot- tish "ha'p'ny." Garwoling in Argyleshire used to be written Garforling garadli feorlin, farthing-land ; and clitag, the eighth part of a penny, seems to account for Clutag, a farm in Wigtownshire. The whole system of ancient land-measurement, far too intricate to enter upon in a discussion of place-names, has been ably treated by the late Mr Skene, who traced the overlapping of the Saxon and Scandinavian systems. The sentence with which he concluded his examination of the question gives the position as he left it, and it is scarcely possible to carry it further: The two systems of land measurement appear to meet in Galloway, as in Carrick we find measure by penny- lands, which gradually become less frequent as we advance eastward, where we encounter the extent by merks and pounds, with an occasional appearance of a penny land, and of the bovate or oxgang in church-lands. But there is one word I must allude to, because 168 Scottish Land-Names. it is so common and often so deeply disguised that is ceathramh (carrow), or, as Irish writers love to express the same sound, ceathramhadh, a fourth part or quarter. In English-speaking districts of Scotland it has been worn down to the prefix car, cur, kir, kirrie, and recourse must be had to early spellings to distinguish it from cathair, a fort ; carr, a rock ; or coire, a corrie. Carminnow in Kirkcudbright was written Kirre- monnow as late as 1615 ceathramh monaidh (carrow munney), moorland quarter ; Kirminnoch in Wigtownshire, between the abbeys of Glenluce and Saulseat, appears in 1505 as Kerowmanach ceathramh manach, monk's quarter-land ; Leucarrow in Wigtownshire is leth ceathramh, half-quarter land, like Leakarroo, a farm in the Isle of Man. Occupa- In the primitive Celtic community there were in trades. each clachan or village two persons of whom it would be hard to say which was the more important. One was lard, the rhymer, whose title in the singular number appears in names like Drumavaird in South Ayrshire druim a' bhaird (vaird), and Knocken- baird in Aberdeenshire, cnoc an baird; and in the plural, Barnboard in Kirkcudbright, written in 1599 Barnebard barr na' bard, hill-top of the poets. The other was gdbha (gow), the smith, whose name in the genitive, gobhan, has been preserved in almost every parish. The only word with which it is likely to be confused is gamhan (gowan), a calf, which probably gives Blairgowan near Stirling, and Blairin- Their Lesson. 169 gone near Dollar, the calves' field. Both gobha and gamhan have become personal names, Gow and Gavin. Shades of meaning are often accurately preserved in spite of the wear and tear of ages, for Auchen- g6wnie, near Bridge of Earn, is formed from another word, gamhnach (gownah), a milch-cow. Tecdach, the smith's forge, yields the name Chal- loch, so common in Galloway ; ceard, a tinker, gives Glencaird in Kirkcudbright; saor, a carpenter, is difficult to recognise, because when the s is aspirated into silence in the genitive, it is customary to re- place it by t, a process which Irish grammarians distinguish as eclipse. Thus Macintyre is mac an t-shaoir, the carpenter's son. Balshere, Balsier, and Baltier, in Wigtownshire, may be either the car- penter's house, or baile siar or tiar, the west house. But Drummatier, in the same county, is probably druim a' t-shaoir, the carpenter's ridge. The old name for a tanner, sudaire, is subject to the same process : hence Bentudor and Lagtutor in Wigtownshire are beinn t-shudaire (tudory) and lag t-shudaire (tudory), the tanner's hill and hollow. Greusach, originally meant an embroiderer, but came to mean a shoemaker, and Balgracie in Wig- townshire (Pont, Balgresy) is baile greusaich, the shoemaker's house. With masons we approach medieval times ; but Stronachlacher on Loch Katrine is a name of respectable antiquity, sron a' chlachair, the mason's point; and we find Beinn a' chlachair 170 Scottish Land-Names. in Ardverikie Forest. Huachail, a shepherd, is trans- mogrified into Knockbogle in Galloway ; and Bugle Etive, a hill in the Black Mount Forest, is the same word, not seldom applied metaphorically to a peaked hill. The hangman, crochadhair, had a busy time in old days, and Auchenrocher near Stranraer and Knockroger in Kirkcudbright achadh and cnoc chrochadhair (hroghair) commemorate his office : while Knockcrosh, Auchencrosh, and Barncrosh are the gallows-hill, from crois, the gallows. It is not a long step thence to mearlach, a thief, a word pre- served in Knockamairly and Knockmarloch, two places in Wigtownshire. Nor is there wanting record of the misfortunes of humanity. Bellybocht Hill, near Thornhill, is the same as Bally bought, a suburb of Dublin baile bochd, poor man's house. From lobhar (lure), a leper or scrofulous person, many names are derived, such as Drumlour near Thornhill, Barlure and Ochtralure in Wigtownshire, the leper's hill and upland, Craiglure in Ayrshire, leper's crag, &c. Liberton, the Anglo-Saxon equi- valent to leper's house, occurs in Mid-Lothian and Lanarkshire. The Mid -Lothian Liberton was so named as far back as the reign of Malcolm Can- more, for it is mentioned as having been resorted to by sick persons on account of St Catherine's " Oyliewell " or Balm Well. On a wild piece of moorland on the border of Wigtownshire and Ayr- shire is a place called Liberland, leper's land ; and Their Lesson. 171 close by is Carlure, ceathramh lobhar (carrow lure), the leper's quarter-land. I pass over names of rivers and lakes rapidly Rivers and streams. but reluctantly, for river-names are among the oldest we have. Eunning water is very often described from its roughness garbh, and this gives a host of names whence the generic amhuinn has dropped as Garry in Perth and Inverness, Gryfe in Renfrew, and Yarrow in Selkirk, already alluded to. Garrel, a parish in Dumfriesshire, formerly Garvald, Garvald in East Lothian, Garrel in Argyle, Garrald in Dumbartonshire, Garvel in Stirlingshire, are all garbh edit, rough stream; Garpol in Dumfries is garbh pol, rough water ; Garland in Kirkcudbright garbh linn, rough pool. The windings of a stream earned it the epithet cam, twisted as Camelon, a parish in Stirlingshire cam linn, curved pool, the same as Lincom, a salmon-pool on the Luce in Wigtownshire. Camisk in Ayrshire and Camiskie on the Lochy are cam uisce, winding water. Cample Burn in Dumfries- shire is cam pol, with the same meaning. Flnglas in Perthshire, and Finlas, a stream in Dumbarton, stand torfionn glas, white water, just as Douglas, in many places, is dubh glas, black water. Dipple or Dippol is a common stream-name that is, dubh pol, black water ; the Duisk in Ayrshire is dubh uisce ; and the Doon in that county is not named, as has been supposed, from Doon Castle in Loch Doon, but the castle takes its name from the river dubh 172 Scottish Land-Names. amhuinn, black water. Where the river Doon leaves its parent loch it pours a cataract through a wooded glen, now called the Ness Glen, from an eas, the cascade. Another form of dubh amhuinn is Devon, a tributary to the Forth, and a river of that name in Fife is actually known as the Black Devon, so completely has the meaning of the old title been lost. Ecciesiasti- All ecclesiastical names must, of course, have been introduced subsequently to the fourth century, when Christianity can first be certainly affirmed to have been preached in Scotland. It is true that missionaries had been at work within the Eoman province of Valentia before the advent of Mnian in 397, but he is the earliest evan- gelist of whom we have definite information. His name occurs very frequently on our maps, but often, by the common tendency to change n to r, it be- comes Kingan; for, strangely enough, Kilninian in Mull, near Tobermory (tidbar Muire, Mary's Well), is probably a dedication to St Nennidius, a friend of St Bride's, in the fifth century. Killantringan in Wig- townshire and South Ayrshire are cill shaint (keel ant) Eingain; Chipperdingan in Wigtownshire is tiobar Dingain, another form of his name, as in Geoffery Gaimars's 'Estorie des Engles' (twelfth century) : " A Witernen gist Saint Dinan Long tens vint devant Columban." It is strange to find his name adopted by the Norsemen after the lapse of at least four centuries. TJieir Lesson. 173 North Konaldshay, which Ninian is supposed to have visited, is Rinansey, Einan's Isle. It is still stranger to find that his name is not attached to Whithorn, where he began his great work. He dedicated his church there to St Martin ; but three miles distant, on the coast of Glasserton, is a cave long known as St Ninian's Cave, which yielded to exploration some ten years ago abundant confir- mation of the tradition. Under many tons of debris were found the remains of a chapel and no fewer than eighteen crosses, either carved in the living rock or hewn out of separate stones. Here is a notable instance of the adhesion of a place-name, for it must be remembered that Galloway lapsed into paganism after the death of Ninian. It must not be supposed that all the land-names formed of the personal names of Ninian and other saints are as old as the era of the persons they commemorate. Many of them are subsequent dedi- cations, in accordance with the practice continued to this day. The long list of Scottish saints would soon be- Churches, come wearisome: it is only necessary to mention some of those names which are most obscure. When the name is Celtic, the saint's name forms the suffix, as Kilmory in Argyleshire, Eenfrewshire, Bute, and Arran cill Muire ; when it is Saxon it forms the prefix, as Marykirk, a parish in Kin- cardine. But the Gael borrowed the A.S. drc or the Norse kirkja, and so we get Kirkchrlst in Kirk- 174 Scottish Land-Names. cudbright, circ Crioisd, Christ Church, Kirkbride in many places, Kirkcolm in Wigtownshire, as well as Kilchrist near Campbelton, Kirkmichael and Kil- michael, Kilbride in twenty-one places in Scotland, and Kilmalcolm in Kenfrewshire. Kirkdominie near Colmonell is circ Domini, Church of the Lord ; and Kirkpa'dy Fair is still held in the Mearns, com- memorating St Palladius. I will ask you to pause for a moment on Kilmalcolm, for railway influence, I am sorry to say, is prevailing to corrupt it into Kilmalcolm. The second I is no part of the name ; in the twelfth century it was rightly written Kil- makolme. Ma or mo is an endearing prefix to a saint's name, very commonly used, and may be rec- ognised in Kirkmabreck circ ma Brice (breekie), the church of our Brecan, or St Bricius, of whom many interesting, but scarcely edifying, stories are told in the Breviary of Aberdeen. This prefix ma or mo is often confused with the prefix mad, the shaven one, and Malcolm, the per- sonal name, is mael Coluim, Columba's servant. Kilmaron in Fife and Kilmaronock in Dumbarton are named from St Eonan Eonog being an alter- native form of Eonan ; and Eonay off Eaasay, and Eona sixty miles north-east of Lewes, are both N. Rb'gn ey, Eonan's isle ; but Kilmarnock, which might be supposed identical with Kilmarouock, is cill ma Ernainuig, church of our Ernanog (diminutive of Ernan), uncle of St Columba. Hillmabreedia in Wigtownshire is an unusual Their Lesson. 175 form, chill ma Briylide, cell of our Bridget : it is situated on the Breedie Burn, St Bride's stream. There seems to be no Celtic dedication in Scotland to St John except Kildalton in Islay, cill daltain, the church of the foster-brother, and Killean in Cantyre, which is a contracted form of cill Sheath- ainn (hane), a form of Ian or Eoin, English John. St Kentigern, evangelist of Strathclyde in the seventh century, has left his familiar name, Mungo (the gracious), impressed firmly on the scene of his labours, awkwardly metamorphosed in Strathbungo srath Mungo. His mother, St Thennat or Thenew, was commemorated in a church in Glasgow known at the Reformation as San Theneuke's Kirk now St Enoch's. The Celtic caylais, a church, has been sorely mutilated in Lesmahagow eaglais Machuti, but re- mains unimpaired in Ecclefechan eaglais Fechain or fithcachain (little raven). I have alluded in a former lecture to some of the forms taken by the prefix lann, W. llan, a church ; I need therefore do no more than mention one or two more. Lamlash in Arran is lann mo Lais, church of St Molio or Molassi. The cave there is known as St Molio's cave. Lumphanan, a parish in Aberdeen- shire where Macbeth is said to have been killed, and Lumphmnans in Fife, are probably churches of St Finan, who was called Winnin in Welsh, and has been commemorated in that form at Kil winning in Ayrshire and Kirkgunzeon (pronounced Kirkgun- 176 Scottish Land-Names. Wells. Monas- teries and clergy. nion), written in the twelfth century Kirkwynnin, in Kirkcudbright. Close to Kirkmaiden in the Machars of Wigtownshire is a field called Long Maidens that is, lann Medainn, St Medana's church. Langbedholm, near Moffat, is lann Bedleim, church of Bethlehem. Wells of old were dedicated and blessed as regu- larly as churches ; hence we often find tiobar, a well, prefixed to the names of saints. In the south-west this word becomes Chipper, often changed into Chapel. Instances of this are Chipperfinian in Wigtownshire, St Finan's well; Chipperdandy near Glenluce tiobar shaint Antoin, St Anthony's well ; and in the same parish is a stream called Piltanton pol shaint Antoin (sh silent) ; Chipperheron or Chapelheron near Whithorn tiobar Chiarain, St Kieran's well. Sometimes it becomes Kibbert, as in Kibberty Kite Well near the Mull of Galloway, which, seeing that it is on a piece of land called Katrine's Croft, it is not difficult to recognise as tiobar tigh Gait, the well of Catherine's house, lib- bers, near Drumlanrig, is locally supposed to have been named after the Emperor Tiberius ! but it re- quires but a slight acquaintance with the place to recognise tiobar in this form, for there is a cele- brated well of great size within the ruined tower. The old name for a monastery was manaisdir, which remains in Knockmanister in South Ayrshire, and Auchenmanister, close to Glenluce Abbey ; and manach, a monk, sometimes assuming the same form Their Lesson. 177 as meadhonach (mennoch), middle, occurs very fre- quently. Thus Auchmannoch near Kilmarnock is the same as Monkscroft near Auchterarder, but Ballymenach and Balmmnoch in many places is the same as Midton or Middleton. A friar was brathair (brair), whence Altibrair and Portbriar in Wigtownshire, the friar's glen and port. Sagart, a priest, is generally altered in the geni- tive singular to haggard by aspiration, or taggart by eclipse, as Bartaggart in Wigtownshire; but it re- mains unchanged as the genitive plural in Bal- saggart near Maybole. Balnab near Whithorn Priory, and again near Glenluce Abbey, is baile an aib, the abbot's land ; and of course the surname MacNab is mac an aib, abbot's son, just as Mac- Taggart is mac an t-shagairt, priest's son. Honi soit qui mal y pense : the rule of celibacy was not strictly enforced upon the clergy of the primitive Church. M'Chlery, again, is mac clereich, the clerk's or clergyman's son, a word which yields the place- names Barneycleary, barr na' clerech, hill of the clergy, Clary, and Portaclearys in Wigtownshire, Leffincleary in South Ayrshire leth pheighinn (ley flinn) clereich, parson's halfpenny-land, and Auchen- cleary, the parson's field. I have already explained the derivation of Gillespie in Wigtownshire from cill espuig, the bishop's cell : I have little doubt that in the other extremity of Scotland, G61spie, or as it is locally pronounced Gheispie, in Sutherland, is the same name, for in M 178 Scottish Land-Names. 1330 it is written Goldespy and in 1550 Golspie- kirktoun. The Gael intended no disrespect when he called a recluse or holy person naomh (nave). Oilean-na- Naomh in the Western Isles is the Isle of Saints, and Kilnave near Greenock, the saint's cell. Land not The Psalmist has said that the inward thought named by of men is " that their houses shall continue for ever, e&rlv Celts from and their dwelling-places to all generations : they b lp ' call their lands after their own names." This was perhaps less the case with the Celts than with other races, owing to the peculiarity of their land tenure. Land was possessed by the tribe, not by the individ- ual ; such cultivation as was carried on was worked on the wasteful run-rig system, and pasture was held in common. The land, therefore, of the tribe or sept was often called after the chief himself, as Lorn, after Loarn, first king of the Scots in Dalriada, or Kyle, after Coel Hen old King Cole; or after the tribe, as Slamannan, the moor of the Picts of Manann. But when the subdivisions of land bear the name of an individual, it is more likely, if the name be an ancient one, that it commemorates some act or incident than that it indicates possession. For instance, there were two kings Alpin: the first, Alpin, son of Eochadh, king of a section of Picts, who invaded the Picts of Galloway, and after conquering that province was slain by a man hid in a wood as he rode across a ford in the year 741. The stream is now the App, the glen Glenapp, a Their Lesson. 179 contraction of Alpin; and the farm on the south of the glen is named after a large stone upon it, Laichtalpin leclit Alpin, Alpin's grave. The other Alpiu, king of the Scots, had some bloody en- counters with the Picts in 834, and Pitelpie near Dundee -pett Alpin, Alpin's farm, not because he owned it, but because he died there, is traditionally pointed out as the place where he was killed and beheaded by them. Bathelpie near St Andrews is supposed to have been his centre of operations rath Alpin, Alpin's fort. The establishment of the feudal system in the Lowlands brought individuals into closer connection with the land as proprietors and tenants, and then, doubtless, such ground as had not yet been named would often receive the name of the cultivator. On the whole, however, you will find that Celtic land- names, as a rule, are formed to denote some peculi- arity of surface, position, product, or some incident occurring or occupation carried on there. It is otherwise with Teutonic names. Personal names are exceedingly frequent in their formation. A large proportion of names ending in A.S. ton or ham, and in the Norse by or bdlstaBr, indicating settled dwelling, have a personal name as a prefix. Surnames may be said to have been unknown until the thirteenth century. A very good instance of their origin is given by Camden, who says : In late times, in the time of Henry VIIL, an ancient worshipful gentleman of Wales, being called at the pannel 180 Scottish Land-Names. of a jurie by the name of Thomas Ap William Ap Thomas Ap Richard Ap Hoel Ap Evan Vaghan, &c., was advised by the judge to leave that old manner ; whereupon he afterwards called himself Moston, according to the name of his principal house, and left that surname to his posterity. Land- Men in possession or occupation of lands generally owners . ... named took their surname in this way, and then arose a from their . lands. curious process when such names were conferred afresh upon other lands. I cannot give you a better instance of this than is afforded by my own sur- name a tolerably common one in Scotland. In the eleventh century, Maccus the son of Unwin became possessed of certain lands on the Tweed. Here there was an excellent salmon - pool, just below Kelso bridge, which became known as Maccus' wiel, the A.S. for a pool, now Maxwheel. This name got attached to the surrounding lands, hence members of the family became known as Aymer, John, or Herbert de Maccuswell, for apparently they thought more highly of their salmon-pool than of the house near St Bos wells, Maxton Maccus tun. As time went on, the preposition was dropped and the family became simple Maxwells. But they prospered and obtained other lands, and so we find the name, which was originally a place-name, having become a surname, becoming a place-name once more, as Maxwellton, Maxwellfield, and Maxwellheugh. And now, ladies and gentlemen, having led you Their Lesson. 181 thus far, you may turn to me and say, What does Conciu- it all mean ? to what conclusion have you brought us ? Well, so far as any new light upon history or any novel theory or confirmation of former theory is concerned, the conclusion is a lame and impotent one. We may listen in land-names to the voices of successive races that have peopled our country ; we may understand from them much concerning the landscape of a bygone age and the creatures that lived in it ; we may obtain from them evidence con- firming what we have learnt from history ; they may even, in a few instances, help to set right mistaken readings of history, as in the notable example of the Arthurian topography so luminously and cautiously elaborated by the late Mr Skene. But beyond that they are vox et prceterea nihil. But one lesson we have learnt, that much con- fusion is thrown into history by clumsy or corrupt spellings of place-names, and in the present advanced state of science it will be discreditable to this genera- tion if it passes away without something having been done to prevent further corruption of names. And in attempting to do this, let me add a few words as to the right method of investigation. I am only repeating what I have already said ; but this is a matter indispensable to progress in this branch of archaeology a branch, I believe, far behind any other in scientific method. Let students avoid construing names merely on the ground of similarity of syllables to words. 182 Scottish Land-Names. Letters are very deceptive things, and guessing etymology is of all pursuits the most deceptive. If there could be found some one in every county of Scotland to prepare lists of all the land-names there- in, giving the earliest spellings, and the exact local pronunciation, and carefully marking the stressed syllables, we should soon arrive at a degree of know- ledge in the matter which it is beyond the power of any single man to accomplish. This has been done already for some of the islands by the late Captain Thomas, a valued Fellow of this Society. His MS. lists are in our possession, and form a per- fect model of the way that kind of thing should be done. I will only say, in conclusion, that I am gratified by the degree of attention which this subject has already received ; and I beg to thank you warmly for the patience with which you have followed me in an intricate and perhaps tedious inquiry. INDEX OF PLACE-NAMES REFERRED TO IN THE TEXT. ABBR E VIA TIONS. G., Gaelic. O.G., Old Gaelic. W., Welsh. P., Pictish. N., Old Norse or Danish. A.S., Anglo-Saxon. M.E., Middle English. O.N.E., Old Northern English. L., Latin. The stress syllable in each name is indicated by the accent, as Kilmory. PAOE Achnabu G. achadh na la, the cow's field . . .125 Achnacarry G. achadh na coraidh (corry), field of the fish-weir 133 Achnac6ne G. achadh na' con, field of dogs . .127 Aden G. aodann, the forehead, brow of a hill . .150 /E (river) X. a, a river . . . . .86 Aflleck G. achadh na Icac (leek), field of the flagstones . 133 Alket ) . . ,.. . ( A.S. ac u-uilu, oak wood . . . 10 < Aitket ) Air X. eyrr, the beach . . . . .87 Airdrie G. ard ruith (rew), high pasture-run . .166 Airds G. ard, the height . . . . .147 Airie G. airidh (airy), a shieling, or mountain pasture . 153 Airieglassan G. airidh ylasain, shieling of the streamlet 153 Airie611and G. airidh (airy) olluin, shieling of the wool 153 184 Index of Place- Names. Airiequhillart G. airidh ubhal ghart (owlhart), apple- yard shieling . . . . . .137 Airies G. aros, a house . . . . .153 Aith G. ait, a house-site . . . . .78 Aldburan G. allt dor an, otter-stream . . .128 Allarshaw A. S. air scaga, alder-wood . . .112 Allerbeck A.S. air becc, N. Sir bekk, alder-stream . 10 Almond (rivers) O.G. amuin, a river . . . 7, 8 Altaggart Burn G. allt shagairt (taggart), priest's glen or burn ....... 18 Altibrair G. allt a' brathair (brair), friar's stream . 177 Alwhat G. ail cJiat (hwat), cliff of the wild cat . .155 Alwhlllan G. ail chuilean (hwillan), cliff of the whelps, or chuilleain (hwillan), of the holly . . .155 Appleby N". epla by, apple-house . . . .137 Applecr6ss G. aber Crossain, mouth of the Crossan . 137 Applegarth N. epla garfSr, apple-yard . . .137 Arble ^ G. earball, the tail, the end of a ridge, or a strip Arboll J of land 163 Ardachy G. ard achaidh, hill of the cultivated field . 134 Ardentinny G. ard an teine (tinny), beacon height . 147 Ardentrlve G. ard an t-shnaoimh (trave), headland of the swimming ...... 42 Ardgour G. ard gobhar (gowr), goat's height . . 22 Ardm6re G. ard mor, great height . . . .15 Ardoch G. ard achadh or mhagh (vah), high field . 134 Ardrishaig G. ard driseag (drissagh), thorny height 114, 147 Ardrbssan G. ard rosain, height of the little headland . 147 Argyle G. earra Gaidheal (gael), the Gael's boundary . 98 Arnf inlay G. earran, Finlay's land . . . .136 Aros G. aros, a house . . . . . .153 Ascock ) . \ / .N. asfcr vifc, ship s creek . . . .90 Ascog J Index of Place- Names. 185 Athole 1 P. ath Fotla, Fotla's ford ... 36, 58 Attach6irrin G. atta chaoruinn (hearrun), rowan-tree house . . . . . . .112 Auchabrlck G. achadh bruic, badger's field . .129 Auchencleary G. achadh an clereich, parson's field . 177 Auchencrosh G. achadh an crois, gallows field . .170 Auchencr6w ) G. achadh na craebh (aha na creuve), Auchencruive J field of trees . . . .107 Auchendrain G. achadh na' draighean (drane), field of blackthorns . . . . . .114 Auchengilshie G. achadh giolchach, broom field . .117 Auchengownie G. achadh na gamhnaich (gownah), milch-cow's field . . . . . .169 Auchenhill G. achadh na chuill (hwill), field of the wood or of the hazel-bush . . . 105, 106 Auchenmknister G. achadh na manaisdir, field of the monastery . . . . . . .176 Auchenree 1 G. achadh an fliraeich (ree), heather field . 116 Auchenr6cher G. achadh an chrochadhair (hrogher), hangman's hill . . . . . .170 Auchenshugle G. achadh an seagail (shaggul), rye field . 118 Auchenvey G. achadh na bheith (aha na vey), birch field . 109 Auchinleck G. achadh na leac (leek), field of flagstones . 133 Auchlay ^ Auchleach >- G. achadh laogh (leuh), calves' field 125, 126 Auchlee J Auchmannoch G. achadh manach, monk's field . .177 Auchnagatt G. achadh na' cat, field of the wild cats . 128 Auchnashalloch G. achadh na' saileach, willow field . 119 Auchness G. each inis, horse-pasture . . .89 Auchtralure G. uachdarach lobhair (lure), leper's upland 65 Auchtrievane G. uachdarach bhdn, white upland . 65 Auld Taggart G. allt shagairt (taggart), priest's glen . 18 186 Index of Place-Names. Avon G. arrihuinn (a von), a river . . . >. . 8, 79 Awhlrk G. achadh chuirc (aha hwirk), oat-field . .118 Awn G. amhuinn (avon), a river .... 8 Ayr N". eyrr, the heach ..... 87 Baile-Uilph G., Olaf's farm 82 Balargus G. laile FTiearguis (argus), Fergus's croft . 62 Balfour G. baile fuar, cold place . . . 16, 62, 92 Balglasso G. baile glasaich, croft of green land . . 62 Balg6wn G. baile gobhain (gowan), smith's croft . .62 Balgracie G. baile greusaich, cobbler's house . .169 Balkeerie G. baile caora, sheep-croft . . .62 Ballantrae G. baile an traigh, farm ov village on the shore ....... 86 Ballinteer G. baile an t-shaoir (teer), the carpenter's house 42 TV 11 1 ( ' bealach (ballagh), a pass, a ford, a road . 160 Ballochabeastie G. bealach na' biasta, pass of the cattle . 160 Ballochalee, G. bealach na' laogh, pass of the calves 126, 160 Ballymenach ) G. baile meadhonach (mennoch), middle Balmlnnoch j house, Middleton . . . .177 Balmuick G. baile muic, swine-farm . . .123 Balnab G. baile an aib, abbot's house . . .177 Baln6wlart G. baile n' ubhal gliart (owlhart), apple-yard farm 137 Balsaggart G. baile sagart, house of the priests . 44, 177 Balshere | G. baile saoir (seer), carpenter's house ; or baile Balsier j siar (shere), west house . . .169 Baltier G. baile t-shaoir (teer), the carpenter's house ; or baile t-iar (teer), west house . . . 42, 169 Barbeth G. barr bethach (beyagh), birchwood-hill . 109 Bardrain G. barr draighean, blackthorn-hill . .114 Bardrlshach G. ban' drisach (drissagh), bramble-hill . 114 Bardr6ch Wood G. barr drochid, bridge hill . .19 Index of Place-Names. 187 Barglass G. ban- ylas, green top . . . 10,15 Barhoise (pron. Barhosh) G. barr os (osh), hill of the fawns ; or bail- shuas (hosh), upper or north hill . 121 Barhullion G. ban' cliuilean, hill of the whelps . .101 Barlae G. ban- laonh (leuh), calves' hill . . .125 Barlauchlane G. barr Lochlinn, the Norsemen's hill . 9 1 Barlaugh G. barr laonli (leuh), calves' hill . . .125 Barlbckhart G. barr luacliair, rushy hill ; or ban- lucairt, hill of the big house . . . . .117 Barluel G. barr llamh chuill (lav whill), hill-top of the elm- wood . . . . . . .111 Barlure G. barr lobhar (lure), leper's hill . . .170 Barnagce G. bearna yaoithe (geuha, gwee), windy pass ; or barr na aaoitlie, windy hill . . . 84, 159 Barnamon G. barr nam ban (b eclipsed), hill-top of the women . . . . . . .145 Barnbauchle G. bearna bocyhail, gap of danger, or buacliail, shepherd's gap . . . .159 Barnb5ard G. ban- na' bard, hill-top of the poets . 168 Barnccilzie (z = y) G. barr na cailleaich, hill-top of the woman, Avitch, or nun . . . . .145 Barncrosh G. barr an crois, gallows-hill . . .170 Barnecullagh G. barr na cailleaich, hill-top of the woman, witch, or nun . . . . . .145 Barneycleary G. barr na clerech, hill of the clergy . 177 Barney water G. bearna uachdar, upper pass . .145 Barnkirk ) G. barr an coirce (curk, curkia), hill of the Barnldrky j" oats 75, 118 Barnsallie G. ban- na saileach, willow-hill . . .112 Barnshalloch G. barr an sealohe (shallogh), hill of the hunting 112, 119 Barr G. barr, a hill-top . . . . .144 Barraer G. barr air, hill of the slaughter, or of the ploughing ....... 39 188 Index of Place-Names. Barsalloch G. barr saileach, willow-hill . . .112 Barskeoch G. barr sgitheog (skeog), hawthorn-hill . 113 Bartaggart G. barr t-shagairt (taggart), hill-top of the priest . ..... 44, 177 Barwhill G. barr chuill (hwill), hill-top of the wood, or of the hazel bush 105, 106 Banvhirran G. barr chaoruinn (hearrun), rowan-tree hill 112 Bearholm A.S. bere holm, barley-field . . .94 Bearsden A.S. bar denn, wild boar's lair . . .123 Bearyards A.S. bere garth, barley-yard . . .94 Beith 1 G. beith, birch-tree 109 Bellybocht G. baile bochd, poor man's house . .170 Ben Macdhiii G. beinn muic duibhe (dooey), hill of the black sow . . . . . . .124 Benbowie G. beinn buidhe (buie), yellow horn or headland 139 Bengray G. beinn greaich, hill of the high flat, or graich, of the horse-drove . . . . .139 Benmore G. beinn mor, great hill . . . .15 Bennan G. beinndn, a hill . . . . .139 Bennanbrack G. beinndn breac, dappled hill . .139 Bennuskie G. beinn uisce, horn or rock in the water . 139 Benny G. beinnach, horned, a hilly place . . .139 Benshalag G. beinn sealghe (shallogh), hill-face of the hunting . . . . . . .119 Bentudor G. beinn t-shudaire (tudory), tanner's hill . 169 Benyellary G. beinn iolaire (yillary), eagle's hill . 96, 139 Beoch G. beitheach (beyagh), birch-land . . .109 Bernera N. Bjornar ey, Bjorn's island . . .91 Bidean-a'-ghlas-thuill (a-hlass-hule) G. pinnacle of the green hollow . . . . . 158, 164 Blggar ^ Biggart >- N. bygg gafSr, barley-field . . .94 Blggarts J Biggins A.S. byggan, building . . . .95 Index of Place-Names. 189 Bigholm X. bygg liolmr, barley-land . . .94 Birket A.S. beorc icudu, birch-wood . . 107, 109 Birkshaw A.S. leorc scaga, birch-wood . . .107 Blaiket A.S. blivc icudu, black wood . . . 107 Blair G. bldr, a plain, a field . . . . 10, 134 Blairdaff G. bldr damh (dav), ox-field . . .125 BlairgbAvan ) G. bldr gobhan (gowan), smith's field ; or Blairingone j gamhan (gowan), calves' field . 168, 169 Blairhosh G. bhir slmas (hosh), upper field . .134 Blainnakin G. bldr meacan (maakan), field of the roots (carrots, &c.) . . . . . .118 Blairmoddie G. bldr madadh (madduh), wolf's field . 126 Blairnairn G. bldr n' fhearn (nern), alder-field . .135 Blairninich G. bldr nan each, horse-field . . .135 Blairquhan G. bldr Chon, Conn's field, or the dog's field 127 Blairshinnoch G. bhir sionach (shinnagh), fox-field . 135 Blawrainy G. bhir raithneach (rahnah), ferny plain . 115 Bochastle G. both chaisteaif, hut or croft of the castle . 63 B6Usa \ Bosta / > JN". buUta&r. a farmhouse or dwelling . .92 Boust C Busta } Boneen G. bunin, a little rump . . . .162 Bont'ssan G. bun easain (assan), foot of the waterfall . 162 Bootle A.S. botl, a house or dwelling . . .62 Boqtihan G. both Chon, Conn's hut, or the dog's hut . 127 Bureland O.X.E. bord hind, ground kept for the main- tenance of the chief house . . . .123 Burestone, a pierced stone (cf. Thirlestane) . . .123 Bowhill 1 G. buuchaill, a boy or herd, Jig. a solitary stone 158 Bowling G. bo linn, cow-pool . . . .125 Bruco ? G. brcagh mhagli (bra vah), wolf-field . 39, 127 Bradock G. braghadach (braadagh), the throat, a gulley 148 Braemore G. braigh mor, great brae . . .147 190 Index of Place- Names. Braid Hills, The G. braghad (braad), the breast . .148 Breadalban G. braghad Albainn, the breast or upland of Scotland . .... . .148 Breaklet N". breifta klettr, broad cliff . . .88 Breddock G. braghadach (braadagh), the throat, a gulley 148 Breedie Burn G. (allt) Brighde, St Bride's stream . 175 Breich G. braigh, a top or summit . . . .147 Br5adford N". breffir fjdrSr, broad firth . . 83, 90 Brocket A.S. brocc wudu, badger- wood . . .128 Brocklees A.S. brocc leak, badger-field . . .128 Br6ckloch G. brodach, a badger- warren . . .128 Brockwoodlees O.N.E. brocc wode lea, field of the badger- wood . . . . . .129 Brodick IS", breffir vile, broad bay . . . .84 Brough G-. bruach, a brae, or borg, brog, brugh, a house. 148 Broxburn O.N.E. brocces burn, badger-stream . .129 Biickhurst O.N.E. bucce hurst, wood of the fallow buck 122 Bugle Etive G. buachaill, a boy or herd i.e., a solitary hill 158 Buittle A.S. botl, a house, a dwelling-place . . 62 Bunawe G. bun Amh (aw), foot of Loch Awe . .162 Buttanl6in G. or P. butt an loin, marsh croft . . 63 Buttcurry G. or P. butt curaich, moor or marsh croft . 63 Buttdubh G. or P. butt dubh, black croft . 63 Buttnac6ille G. or P. butt na coille, wood croft . .63 Buttnacreig G. or P. butt na' creag, croft of the crags . 63 Buttnamadda G. or P. butt nam madadh (maddah), croft of the wolves or dogs . . . . .63 Buxburn O.N.E. bucces bourne, stream of the fallow buck 122 Caerlaverock G. cathair (caher) leamhreaich (lavrah), fortress in the elm- wood . . . .111 Cairng6rm G. earn gorm, blue cairn or hill . .154 Cairntbul G. earn tuathal (tual), north cairn or hill . 154 Index of Place-Names. 191 Caithness P. Cata, N. nes, the promontory of Gait 58, 89 Calbost N. kald b6lstaftr, cold croft . . . .92 Caldons G. calltunn, hazels . . . . .106 Calf of Man, the G. an Calbh Manannacli, N. Manarkalfr 4 Cambusnethan G. camus Nethan, bend of the river Nethan . . . . . .117 Camelon G. cam linn, winding pool . . . .171 Camisk G. cam uisce, winding water . . .171 Camisky G. cam uisce, winding water . . .171 Cample Burn G. cam pol, winding water . . .171 Campsie ] A.S. campsted, a battle-field . . .136 Cantyre G. ceann tir, head of the land, land's end . 131 Carlisle W. caer Lliwelydd, Lliwelydd's stronghold . 16 Carlure G. ceafhrarrih lobhar (carrow lure), leper's land- quarter ....... 171 Carminnow G. ceathramh monaidh (carrow munney), moorland quarter . . . . . .168 Carneltoch G. earn eilte (elty), hind's cairn or hill . 1 20 Carrick G. caraig, W. car eg, a crag . . . 50, 155 Carstairs W. caer Terras, Terras's fortress. . . 16 Cart (river) G. caraid, a pair . . . . .16 Castle Creavie G. caiseal craebhe, castle of the tree . 107 Castle Shell G. caiseal sealghe (shalluh), hunting- tower . 119 Castramont G. cos tromain, foot of the elder-bush . 112 Catgill N". kattr gil, wild cat's ravine . . .128 Cathcart G. cathair (caher) Cairt, fortress on the river Cart 16 Cattadale N". kattr dalr, wild cat's dale . . .128 > G. calhan (cavvan), a hollow . 161 Cavens j ChaUoch G. tealach (tyaUagh), forge . . 119, 169 Chester, Chesters L. castrum, a camp . . .28 Chipperdandy G. tiobar shaint (hant) Antoin, St An- thony's well . . . . . .176 192 Index of Place-Names. Chipperdlngan G. tiobar Dingain, St Ninian's well . 172 Chipperflnian G. tiobar Finain, St Finan's well . 176 Chipperheron G. tiobar Chiarain, St Kieran's well . 176 Clachaig G. dacheach, a stony place . . .158 Clachan G. dachean, stones, hence a hamlet . .158 Clachanamuck G. dachan nam muc, stones of the swine 123 Clachog G. dachog, a small stone . . . .158 Clachrie G. dachreach, a stony place . . .158 Clachrum G. dacherin, a stony place . . .158 Clackrie G. dachreach, a stony place . . .158 Claddiochdow G. daddach dubh (doo), black shore . 87 Clady House G. daddach, the shore or beach . . 87 Clamdally G. daon (clan) dealghe (dallig), thorn-slope . 115 Clamdlsh G. daen dess, southern slope . . .154 Clanerie G. daenrach, sloping land . . . .83 Clannoch G. daenach, sloping ground . . .153 Clantibiiies G. duainte buidhe (buie), yellow meadows . 164 Clanyard G. daen ard, sloping height . . .154 Clary G. derech, the clergy . . . . .177 Clattranshaws N". Mettr, a cliff; M.E. shaw, a wood . 88 Clauchrie G. dachreach, a stony place . . .158 Claym6ddie, formerly Glenmaddie, G. gleann madadh (madduh), wolf's glen . . . . .126 Clayshant G. dach seant (shanf), holy stone . .157 Clean G. daen, a slope . . . . .153 p,, , . f- G. daenrach, sloping land . . 83, 153 Clene G. daen, a slope . . . . .153 Clennoch G. daenach, sloping ground . . .154 Clenries G. daenreach, sloping ground . . .153 Clenter G. daen tir, sloping ground . . .154 CIMntie G. duainte, the meadows . . . .164 Clone G. duan, a meadow . . . . .164 Clonfin G. cluanfionn, white meadow . . .164 Index of Place-Names. 193 Clonrbad G. cluan ramhfhoda (rah-oda), meadow of the boat-race ....... 25 Clonskea G. cluan syitheach (skeagh), hawthorn-meadow 164 Clorkldrick G. dock Riddeirch, stone of Eyderch (Hael) 157 Clune G. duan, a meadow . . . . .164 Cliitag G. ditay, eighth part of a penny-land . .167 Clyne G. claen, a slope . . . . .153 Colintraive G. caol an t-shnaoimh (trave), strait of the swimming ....... 42 Congalton, formerly Cnoccomgall G. cnoc Comgall, hill of the Comgall or Frisians; A.S. tiin, added . 70 Connemara G. Conmaicne mara, the sea-side progeny of Conmac ....... 41 Copeval X. Icupufjall, cup-shaped hill . . .88 Goran ) _ ~. - G. coran. a round hill . . . .157 Corran J Core Hill G. cor, a round hill, or catliair (caher), a camp 157 Cornabus X. liorn bulstaftr, corn-farm . . .92 Corncravie G. cordn craobhach or craove, wooded hill . 107 Cornice G. cordn Hath (lee), grey hill . . .157 Corra Linn G. coire, a caldron or kettle . . .162 Corra Pool (Kirkcudbright Dee) G. coradli (corra), a fish- weir . . . . . . .162 Corriefecklach G. coire feocalacJi, polecat's corrie . 129 Corrour G. coire odhar (corry our), grey or dun corrie . 23 Corsbie X. Jcrosa by, cross-house . . . .91 Corvisel (pron. Corveezle) G. coire iseal (eeshal), low pool 162 Cowan G. cabhan (cavvan), a hollow . . .161 Crachan G. cruachdn, a hill . . . . .150 Craggan G. creagean, the crags, or creagdn, a little crag 155 Craichmore G. cruach m6r, great hill . . .150 Craigbennoch G. crca/j beinnach, horned crag . .139 Craigbernoch G. creag bearnach, cloven crag . .159 Craigencat G. creayan cat, wild cat's crag . . .128 N 194 Index of Place-Names. Craigend6ran G. creag an dorain, otter's rock . . 128 Craigenfeoch ) G. creagdn fiadh (feeah), deer-crags, or Craigenveoch j fifheach (feeah), raven-crags . 43, 120 Craigie G. creagach, craggy, rocky . . . .155 Craiginee G. creag anfhiaidh (ee), the deer's crag . 120 Craiglee G. creag liath (lee), grey crag . . .126 Craigley G. creag laogh (leuh), calves' ridge . .126 Craiglure G. creag lobhair (lure), leper's crag . .170 Craignafeoch G. creag na fithach (feeah), raven-crags . 120 Craignelder G. creag n' elite (elty), hind's crag . .120 Craignish O.G. creag an ois (ish), the fawn's crag . 121 Craigb'er \ G. creag odhar (owr), grey crag ; or creag Craig6ver j goWiar (gowr), goat's crag . . .22 Craigslave G. creag sleamh (slav), elm-crag . .111 Craigsloiian G. creag slamhain (slavvan), elm-crag . Ill Crailloch G. crithlach (creelagh), a shaking bog . .164 Cramond G. cathair (caher) amuin, fortress on the river 8 Crawick W. caer Rywc, Eawic's fortress . . .14 Creag Leacach G. crag of the flagstones, or sloping crag 154 Creechan ? G. criothacliean (creeghan), aspens . 110, 150 Creich G. criofhach (creeagh), the aspen . . .110 Cretanree G. croit anfhraeich (ree), heather-croft . 116 Crianlarich G. crich or criothach (creeagh) na laraich, boundary or aspen-tree at the house-site . .110 Crieff ? G. criofhach (creeagh), aspen . . .110 Criffel N. krdkafjall, crow-hill 88 Croach G. cruach, a stack, a hill . . . .150 Cr6achy G. cruachach, a hilly place . . .150 Crbchan G. cruachdn, a hill . . . . .150 Crochmbre G. cruach m6r, great hill . . .150 Crochrloch G. cnoc riabhach (reeagh), streaked hill . 41 Crockencklly G. crochan cailleach, nun's hillock . . 40 Cr6ssapool K Ttrosa bdlstaftr, croft of the cross . . 92 Cruchie G. cruachach, a hilly place . . . .150 Cruivie G. craobhach (creuvagh), wooded . . .107 Index of Place-Names. 195 Cry la G. crithlach (creelagh), a shaking bog . .164 Cuff Hill? W. eefn (kevn), a ridge . . . .51 Cuil G. cuil, a corner . . . . . .161 Cuildrynach G. ciil, cuil, or coill draiyhneach (dreinagh), the hill-back, corner, or wood of the blackthorns . 161 Culbratten G. cul Breatain, hill-back of the Welshmen 46, 67 Culderry G. cul doire (dlrry), back of the wood . .108 Culdoch G. cul dabliaich (dawgh), back of the salmon- weir 166 Culh6rn G. cuil eorn (yorn), corner of the barley . 118 Culkae G. cul caedha (kay), back of the bog . .163 Cullen G. coillin, woodland . . . . .106 Culloden G. cul lodain, back of the swamp . .164 Culmaddie G. cuil madadh (madduh), wolf's corner . 126 Culmore G. coill m6r, great wood . . . 105, 161 Culquhirk G. cuil chuirc (hwirk), corner of the oats . 118 Culrain G. cuil ratliain (rahen), corner of the ferns . 161 Culroy G. cul ruadh (rooa), red-hill back . . .160 Culscadden G. cuil scadan, corner of the herrings . 161 Cult G. coillte, the woods . . . . .106 Cultrnick G. coillte muic, swine-woods . . .106 Cults G. coillte, the woods . . . . .106 Cultullich G. cul tulaich, back of the hill . . .106 Cumloden "I . , . . , ,. , , > G. cam lodain. bend of the swamp . .164 Curnlodden ) Cumnock cam cnoc, bent hill . . . .140 Curleywoe G. cor le gaeith (geuh, gwee), hill in the wind 157 Curn^lloch 1 G. cor n'eilidh (elly), hill of the hinds . 157 I O.G. cur rack, a marsh . . . .163 Currie J Cuttyshallow G. ceide sealyhe (keddy shalluh), hill-brow of the hunting . . . . . .119 Dailly G. dcalghe (dalhy), the thorns . . .115 Dalintbbar G. dal an tiobair, land of the well . . 99 Dally G. dealghe (dalhy), the thorns . . .115 196 Index of Place-Names. Dalnacardoch G. dal na ceardaich, land of the smithy . 99 Dalnadamph G. dal na' damh (dav), ox-land . .125 Dalnaspldal G. dal na spidail, land of the hospital . 99 Dalrikda G. dal righe fliada (ree ahda), land of (Cairbre with) the long arm ; or dal righ fhada, land of the taU king (Cairbre) 98 Dairy G. dal righ, king's land . . . .99 Dalrymple G. dal chruim puill, land of the curving pool 88, 99 Darnarbel G. dobhar (dour) an earbuitt, water of the tail (cf. Grey Mare's Tail) 163 Darra G. darach, an oak . . . . .108 Darroch G. darach, an oak . . . . .108 Davo G. dabhach, a davach (a measure of land) . .165 Davochbeg G. dabhach beag, little davach . . .165 Davochfin G. dabhach fionn, white davach . .165 Deer O.G. daur, an oak . . . . .108 Del6rain (not Delorain) G. dal Grain, Oran's land . 17 Derry G. doire, an oak wood, a wood . . 108, 109 Devon (river) G. dubh amhuinn (doo avon), black water 172 Dingwall N". }>inga vollr, the assembly field . . 89 Dhinance - G. dunan, the hills or forts, the downs . 159 Dinning Dmnings ^ Dipple G. dubh (doo) pol, black water . . 100, 171 Dirriem6re G. doire (dirry) m6r, great wood . .109 Dirvaird G. dobhur (dour) or doire (dirry) bhaird (vaird), the bard's water or wood . . . .106 Dochf 6ur G. dabhach fuar, cold davach (a measure of land) 165 Dochgarroch G. dabhach garWi (davach garriv), rough davach . . . . . . .165 Doon G. dubh amhuinn (doo awn), black river . 100, 171 D6uglas G. dubh (doo) glas, black water . 15, 100, 171 Index of Place-Names. 197 D6wnan G. dunan, a hill or fort . . . .159 Drainie G. draighneach (dranah), place of blackthorns . 114 Drangower G. draigheanan gobhar (drannan gowr), black- thorns of the goats . . . . .114 Drannand6w G. draighnean dubh (doo), dark blackthorns 114 Dranniemanner G. draighean na mainir, blackthorns at the goat-pen . . . . . .114 Drem G. druim, a ridge .... 10, 142 Drimnasallie G. druim na saileacJi, willow-ridge . .112 Drisaig G. drisach (drissah), a place of brambles . .114 Dr6ch Head G. drochaid, a bridge . . . .18 Drombre G. druim mor, great ridge . . . .142 Dron G. draighean, blackthorns . . . .114 Drbnach G. draighneach (dranah), place of blackthorns. 114 Dronnan G. draighnean, blackthorns . . .114 Drum G. druim, a ridge . . . . 10, 142 Drumanee G. druim anfhiaidh (ee), the deer's ridge . 120 Drumavaird G. druim a' bhaird (vaird), rhymer's hill . 168 Drumbae G. druim beith (bey), birch-hill . . .109 Drumbow G. druim bo, cow-ridge . . . .125 Drumbreddan G. druim Breatain, Welshman's hill 46, 67 Drumdally G. druim dealg (dallig), thorn-ridge . .115 Drumdrlsaig G. druim drisach (drissagh), bramble-ridge 114 Drumearnachan G. druim fhearnachain, ridge of the alder- wood or of the sloes . . . .111 Drumfarnachan G. druim fearnachan, ridge of the alder- wood or of the sloes . . . . .111 Drumlanrig G. druim, a ridge, W. llanerch, a clearing in a forest ....... 50 Drumloan G. druim lin (leen), flax-ridge . . .118 Drumley G. druim laogh (leuh), calves' ridge . .126 Druml6ckhart G. druim luachair, rushy ridge ; or druim lucairt, ridge of the big house . . . .117 Druml6ur G. druim lobhar (lure), leper's ridge . .170 198 Index of Place-Names. Drummatler G. druim a' t-shaoir (teer), the carpenter's ridge 41,169 Drummc-ddie G. druim madadh (madduh), wolf's ridge . 126 Drummbre G. druim mor, great ridge . . .142 Drummuck G. druim muc, swine-ridge . . .123 Drummuckloch G. druim muclaich, ridge of the swine pasture . . . . . . .124 Drumnamlnshog G. druim nam uinnseog (inshog), ash- tree ridge . . . . . . .110 Drumnarbuck G. druim an earbuic, roebuck's ridge . 122 Drum6ver G. druim odhar (our), grey ridge . .23 Drumrae O.G. druim raith (ray), fern-ridge . .115 Drumrany G. druim raithneach (rahnah), fern-ridge . 115 Drumshalloch G. druim sealghe (shalluh), hunting ridge 119 Drumsheugh G. druim sealghe (shalluh), hunting ridge . 119 Drumske6g G. druim sgitheog (skeog), hawthorn-hill . 113 Drumtiirk G. druim tuirc, wild boar's ridge . .123 Drumv6re G. druim mhor (vore), great ridge . .142 Drungan G. draighnean, blackthorns . . .114 Drymen (Drlmmen) G. dromdn, a ridge . . 10, 142 Drynach ") ,-, \ . > same as Dronach, q.v. . . . .114 Drynie j Drynachan G. draighneachdn, place of blackthorns . 114 Duart G. dubJi ghart (doo hart), black paddock . .137 Duisk G. dubh (doo) uisce, black water . . .171 Dumbarton G. dun Sretann, the Welshmen's fortress . 35 Dumfries G. dun Fris, the Frisians' fortress . . 72 Duncrub O.G. dun craeb, hill of the trees . . .159 Dundrennan G. dun draighnean, blackthorn hill or fort 114 D uneaten G. dun aitten, juniper-hill . . .117 Dunedin (Edinburgh) G. dun Aidain, Aidan's or Edwin's fortress ....... 13 Dunglas G. dun glas, green hill . . . .15 Dusk G. dubh (doo) uisc, black water . . .100 Index of Place-Names. 199 Eaglesfield G. eaglais, "VV. eglicys, church (field) . . 29 Eaglesham G. eaglais, W. eglwys, church (ham, house) . 29 Ecclefcchan G. eaglais Fechain, St Vigean's church 29, 175 Eccles G. eaglais, W. eglicys, a church . . .28 Eden G. aodann, the forehead, brow of a hill . .150 Edendarroch G. aodann darach, hill-brow of the oaks . 151 Edinbeg G. aodann beag, little hill-brow . . .151 Edinbelly G. aodann baile, hill-brow of the farm . 151 Edinkillie G. aodann coille (kulyie), hill-brow of the wood ....... 151 /- A. S. air leak, alder-field . . . .112 Ellershe j Ellerbeck 1ST. olr belckr, or A.S. air becc, alder-brook 90, 112 Ennis G. inis, waterside pasture . . . .25 Eorabus N". eyrar bolstaSr, shore farm . . .92 Ernanity G. earrann annuid, church-land . . .136 Ernespie G. earrann espuig, bishop's land . . .136 Ernfillan G. earrann Fillain, Fillan's land . . .136 Europa Point N. eyrar by, beach village . .19 Evan G. amhuinn (avon), a river . 9 Eye (river) N. a, a river . . .86 > N. fcer ey, sheep-island . 22 Fairfield N./ G. fraoch (freugh), heather . . . .115 Gkdgirth N. geit garftr, goat-pen . . . .22 Galloway G. gall GaidTieal (gale), W. Galwyddel (Gal- withel), the stranger Gaels . . . . 5, 72 Garioch G. garbh (garriv) achadh, rough field . .133 Garland Burn G. garbh (garriv) linn, rough pool . .171 Garnaburn W. afon gwernach, alder-stream . . 47 Garnock (river) W. afon gwernach, alder-stream . . 46 I ( & garbh pol, rough water . . . .171 (jrarpol ) Garrabost N". Geirra bolstaftr, Geir's farm . . .92 Garrald \ > G. garbh (garriv) allt, rough glen or stream . 171 Garvald I Garvel ) Garriefad G. garadh (garra) /acfa, long garden . .138 Garry (river) G. (amhuinri) garbh (garriv), rough river 138, 171 Gartcl6ss ~| G. gart clois (closhe), paddock of the trench Gartclush f or ditch , 137 Index of Place- Names. 201 Garth G. gart, or N". garftr, an enclosure, a yard . .137 Gartnanlch G. gart nan each, horse-paddock . .137 Gartness G. gart nan eas, paddock at the waterfalls . 89 Gartsherrie G. gart searrach (sharragh), colt's paddock . 138 Garturk G. gart tutrc, boar's paddock . . .138 Gartwhinnie G. gartfheannagh, enclosure of the lazy beds 138 Garvock G. garbh (garriv) achadh, rough field . .134 Garwachy G. garbh (garriv) achadh, rough field . .134 Garwoling G. garadh (garra) feorlin, farthing-garden . 167 Gateheugh N. geit hou, goat-height . . . .22 Gatehope 1ST. geit hof, goat-shelter . . . .22 Giffen "VV. cefn (kevn), a ridge . . . .51 Gillespie G. cill easpuig, bishop's chapel . . 29, 177 f G. r/lac, the palm of the hand, a hollow . 160 Glaik J Glaister G. glas tir, green land . . . 15, 131 Glassert G. glas ghart (hart), green paddock . .137 Glasserton G. glas ghart (hart), green paddock, with A.S. tun . . . . . . . .131 Glaster Law G. glas tir, green land ; M.E. laic, a hill, added 15, 131 Glasvein G. glas bheinn (ven), green hill . . .15 Glazert G. glas ghart (hart), green paddock . .137 Glenalmond O.G. gleann amuin, glen of the river . 7 Glenamuckloch G. gleann na muclaich, glen of the swine pasture . . . . . . .124 Glenapp G. gleann Alpin, Alpin's glen . . .178 Glenarbuck G. gleann earboc, glen of the roebucks . 122 Glenbttck G. gleann buic, glen of the he-goat or roebuck 122 Glencaird G. gleann ceaird, tinker's glen . . .169 Glenchamber G. gleann saimir (shammer), clover-glen . 116 Glendowran G. gleann doran, otter-glen Glendrlssock G. gleann drisach (drissah), bramble-glen . 114 Glen Fiddich ? P. gleann Fidaich, Fidach's glen . . 58 202 Index of Place-Names. Glengyre G. gleann gaofhair (gaiur), greyhound's glen . 128 Glenh6ise O.G. gleann os (osh), glen of the fawns ; or G. gleann shuas (hosh), upper or north glen . .'121 Glenling G. gleann lin (leen), flax-glen . .118 Glenlochar G. gleann luachair, rushy glen . .117 Glen6se O.G. gleann os (osh), glen of the fawns ; or G. gleann shuas (hosh), upper or northern glen . .121 Glen5ver G. gleann odhar (owr), grey glen . .23 Glenshalloch G. gleann sealghe (shalluh), hunting-glen . 119 Glenshamrock ") G. gleann seamrog (shamrog), clover- Glenshlmerock j glen . . . .116 Glenshellach G. gleann sealghe (shalluh), hunting-glen . 119 Glenst6ckadale G. gleann, N". stokkr dalr, glen of the dale of the stakes or stumps . . . .100 Glentaggart G. gleann t-shagairt (taggart), priest's glen . 100 Glenturk G. gleann tuirc, wild-boar's glen . . .123 Glenure G. gleann iubhar (yure), glen of the yews 37, 113 Glenvernoch G. gleann bhearnach (vernagh), cloven glen 159 G61spie G. cill espuig, bishop's chapel . . .177 G6rbals 1 N. gorr balkr, built walls . . . .95 Gortinanane G. gortin nan en (ane), birds' paddock . 138 G6van ?W. cefn (kevn), a ridge . . . .51 Granton (near Edinburgh) A.S. grene dun, green hill . 7 Grantown-on-Spey M.E. Grant's town ... 7 Greenan G. griandn (greenan), a sunny place, a palace . 24 Greenbeck N. griinnr bekkr, shallow brook . . 90 Grennan G. griandn, a sunny place, a palace . . 24 Gryfe (river) G. (amhuinn) garbh (garriv), rough stream 138, 171 Guisachan G. giuthasachan (geusahan), fir-wood . .113 Gullane G. guallan, a shoulder .... 4 Gulvain G. gabhal bheinn (gowl ven), fork of the hill . 138 Habost K". hallr bolstaftr, sloping farm . . .83 Index of Place- Names. 203 Hamnavoe N. h'ofn vagr, haven bay . . .84 Harray N. liar ey, high island . . . .86 Harris (formerly Herrie) N". hdr ey, high island . . 85 Hawick O.N.E. haugh wick, town on the low pasture . 90 Hendon W. hen dun, old fort .... 3 Hillmabreedia G. chill ma Brighde (hill ma breedie), cell of our Bridget ..... 174 Hobkirk F. Ji6p kirkfu, church in the shelter . . 89 Holland ") N. hallr land, sloping island ; or hauyr land, H6ulland f island of the ho we or hillock . 83 Immervoulin G. iomair mhuileain (voolin), mill-ridge Milrig ....... 155 Inch "I G. inis, gen. innse (inshy), meadow near water, an Inks j island ....... 94 Inchnadamph G. inis na' damh (dav), ox-pasture . 125 > G. uinnseog (inshog), the ash-tree . 109, 110 Inshanks G. uinnsean (inshan), ash-trees . . .109 Inshaw G. uinnse (inshy), the ash-tree . . .109 Inshewan G. uinnsean (inshan), ash-trees . . .109 Inverness G. inbher (inver) Ness, mouth of the Ness . 89 Irland (in Orkney), Ireland (in Shetland) N. eyrr land, beach island ...... 87 Irongray G. earrann graich, land of the horse-drove . 137 Ironlosh G. earrann loise (loshe), burnt land . .136 Ironmannoch G. earrann manach, monk's land . .137 Kelso A.S. chalc how, chalk-hill . . . .19 Kelty G. coillte, the woods 106 Kenmare G. ceann mar a, sea-headland . . .41 Kenvara G. ceann mhara (vara) sea-headland . . 41 Kibberty Kite "Well G. fiobar Ugh Gait, well of Cather- ine's house . 176 204 Index of Place- Names. Kilbirnie G. till Birinn, St Birrin's church . . 7 Kilbrlde G. till Brighde, St Bride's or Bridget's church 174 Kilbrbcks G. coill broc, badger wood . . .129 Kilbr6ok G. coill bruic, badger wood . . .129 Kilchrlst G. till Crioisd, Christ church . . .174 Kilda, St G. (oilean) celi De (naomh) (kelly day nave), island of the holy servants of God, the Culdees . 91 Kildalton till daltain, church of the foster-brother (St John) ....... 175 Kildarroch G. coill darach, oak-wood . . .108 Kildr&chat (older Kerodroched) G. ceathramhadh (car- row) an drochid, land quarter of the bridge . .105 Kildrummie O.G. till, coil, or ciil droma, church, wood, or back of the ridge . . . . .142 Kilhilt G. coill na heilte, hind- wood . . .120 Killantrae (older Kerantra) G. ceathramhadh (carrow) an traigh, land-quarter of the shore . . 92, 105 Killantringan G. till shaint (ant) Ringain, St Ninian's church ....... 172 Killean G. till Sheathainn (hane), John's church . 175 Killibrakes 1 O.G. coille breach, wolf -wood; or G. coille breac (brek), parti-coloured wood . . .127 Killiemore G. coille mor, great wood . . 105, 161 Killiewhan G. coille chon, the wood of the dogs . .127 Killymlnshaw G. coille nam uinnse (inchy), ash-wood . 110 Kilmalc61m G. till ma Coluim, church of our Columba . 174 Kilmarnock G. till ma Ernainuig, church of our Ernanog (diminutive of Ernan) . . . . .174 Kilmar6n ma ^ onui church of our Eonan . 174 "K'l iS fc f Kilmlchael G. till Michail, Michael's church . .174 Kilmorie ) -jT-., , > G. till Muire, Mary's church . . 105, 173 Kilnkiian G. till Nennidhain, church of Nennidius . 172 Index of Place-Names. 205 Kilwinning G. cill Guinain, St Finan's church . 68, 74, 175 Kinchbil G. cinn choill (hoyle), at the head of the wood 45 Kindrochit ) _ T-- i \ i j. c G. cinn drocnid, at the bridge-head . 105 Kindrought j Kingussie G. cinn giuthasaich (geusah), at the head of the fir-wood . . . . . .113 Kinloch G. cinn loclia, at the lake-head . . 11, 12 Kinnabus N. Tdnnar bolsafir, cheek-farm, at the cheek or side of the hill 92 Kinneil G. cinnfhaill (ale), at the wall-head . . 66 Kintail G. cinn t-sliael (tale), at the head or end of the tide 131 Kintyre G. cinn tir, at the head of the land, land's end 131 Kinvarra G. cinn mhara (varra), at the head of the sea . 131 Kirkapoll X. Idrlgu bolstaftr, kirk house or farm . .92 Kirkbride A.S. circ, G. Brighde, Bride's or Bridget's church ....... 174 Kirkby or Ivirby N. kirkju by, kirk town . . .91 Kirkchrist A.S. circ, G. Crioisd, Christ church . .174 Kirkcolm A.S. circ, G. Coluim, Columba's church . 174 Kirkcudbright (pron. Kirkoobry) G. circ Cudbricht, Cuthbert's kirk ...... 75 Kirkdominie A.S. circ, L. domini, the Lord's churcli . 174 Ivirkgunzeon (pron. Kirkgunnion) G. circ, Guinnin, St Finan's church . . . . .68, 75, 175 Kirkhope N. kirkju hop, kirk glen . . . .89 Kirklauchlane G. cathair (caher) Lochlinn, Norsemen's fort 92 Kirkmabreck A.S. circ, G. ma Brice (breekie), church of our Brecan . . . . . .174 Kirkmaiden A.S. circ Medainn, Medana's church . 176 Kirkmichael A.S. circ, G. Michail, Michael's church . 174 Kimunnoch G. ceathramh manach or meadhnnach (carrow mennogh), monk's quarterland or middle quarterland 168 206 Index of Place-Names. Kittyshalloch G. ceide sealghe (keddy shalluh), hill- brow of the hunting . . . . 119, 157 Knap G. cnap, a knob, hillock N". knappr . .155 Knaperna G. cnap fhearna (erna), alder-knoll . .156 Knappoch G. cnapach, a hilly place . . .156 > N. qnipa, a peak . . .88 Kmpe, The j Knlpoch G. cnapach, a hilly place . . . .156 Knockamairly G. cnoc a' mearlaich, thief's hill . .170 Knockb6gle G. cnoc buachail, shepherd's hill . .170 Knockcannon G. cnoc ceann fhionn (can hin), hill of the white top ....... 47 Knockcravie G. cnoc craobhach (creuvah) or craobhe, wooded hill 107 Knockcr6sh G. cnoc crois, gallow's hill . . .170 Knockenbaird G. cnoc an baird, rhymer's hill . .168 Knockenharry G. cnoc an fhaire (harry), hill of the watching ...... 124 Knockentarry G. cnoc an tairWie (tarry), bull's hill . 124 Knockgilsie ) _, -rr i M i r G. cnoc gtolcach, broom-hill . .117 Knockgulsha J Knockhilly G. cnoc chuille (hwilly), hill of the wood ....... 140 Knockmanister G. cnoc manaisdir, monastery hill . 176 Knockmarloch G. cnoc mearlach, thieves' hill . .170 Knocknar G. cnoc n'air, hill of the slaughter, or of the ploughing ....... 39 Knocknhishock G. cnoc not uinnseog (inshog), ash-tree hiU . 110 Knockreoch G. cnoc riabhach (reeagh), grey hill . .41 Knockr6ger G. cnoc chrochadhair (hroghair), hangman's hill 170 Knockshellie G. cnoc sealghe (shalluh), hunting-hill . 119 Knockshoggle G. cnoc seagail (shaggul), rye-hill . .118 Index of Place-Names. 207 Knockstbcks G. cnoc stuc, hill of the peaks . . 152 Kn&ydart K OnutsfjofSr, Cnut's firth . . 84 Lacasdle N". laxar dalr, salmon-river dale . .. . 99 Lag G. lag, a hollow . . . ..... .160 Laggan G. lagan, a hollow . . . . .160 Lagniemawn G. lag nam ban, the women's hollow . 43 Lagtutor G. lag t-shudaire (tudory), tanner's hollow . 169 Laichtalpine G. lecht Alpin, Alpin's tomb . . .179 Lairg G. learg (larg), a slope or hillside . . . 1 49 Lakin G. leacdn, a hillside . . . . .153 Lamington O.N.E. Lambin tun, Lambin's house . . 101 Lamlash G. lann mo Lais, church of St Molio . .175 Lanark W. llanerch, a clearing in a forest . . .50 Langavat N. langa vatn, long lake . . . .90 Langbedholm O.G. lann Bedleim, church of Bethlehem 176 Lanrick "W. llanerch, a clearing in a forest . . 50 Larg G. learg (larg), a slope or hillside . . .149 Largie G. leargaidh (largie), a hillside . .149 Largiebeg G. leargaidh beag, little hillside . .149 Largiebreak G. leargaidh breac, dappled hillside . .149 Largiembre G. leargaidh mar, great hillside . .149 Largiewee G. leargaidh bhuidh (largie wee), yellow hill- side 149 Largo G. leargaidh (largie), a hillside . . .149 Largs G. learg (larg), a slope or hillside . . .149 Largue G. learg (larg), a slope or hillside . . .149 Largvey G. learg bheith (vey), hill-side of the birch- trees . . . . ... . , 109 Lathro G. latracha (plural of leth tir\ the slopes . 150 Lauchentllly G. leacdn tulaich, slope of the hill . .153 Laune (river) G. (amhuinn) leamhan (lavan, laun), elm- river . . . . . . . .111 Laxdale N. laxar dalr, salmon-river dale . . .100 208 Index of Place- Names. Leadburn (Mid-Lothian) G. lee Bernard, Bernard's or Birrin's stone . . . . . . 6 Leakin G. leacdn, a hillside . . . . .153 Leckie G. leacach, a hillside . . . . .153 Leffincleary G. leth pheighinn (leyffin) clereich, parson's halfpenny-land . ... . . .177 Leffindbnald G. leth pheighinn (leyffin) Donuil, Donald's halfpenny -land . . . . . .167 Lefnol G. leth pheighinn Amhalghaidh (leyffin Owlhay), Olaf's or Aulay's halfpenny-land . . .167 Lemnamuick G. leum na muic, the sow's leap . .124 Lenagb6yach G. leana bathaich (ba-ach), meadow of the cow-house . . . . . . .164 Lendal N. len dalr, fief or fee dale . . . .86 Lennie ) . j , > G. leana (lenna), a meadow . . .164 Lennox G. leamhnach (lavnah), elm-wood . . .111 Lenziebeg G. leana beag, little meadow . . .164 Lesmahagow "W. eglwys Machuti, St Machutus's church 29, 175 Letter G. leth (ley) tir, a hiUside . . . .149 Letterbeg G. leth (ley) tir beag, little hillside . .150 Letterdhu G. leth (ley) tir dubh, dark hillside . .150 Letterm6re G. leth (ley), tir mor, great hillside . .150 Lettrick G. latracha (plural of leth tir), the slopes . 150 Leiicarrow G. leth ceathramh (ley carrow), half-quarter land 168 Lev en G. leamhan (la van), the elms . . 110, 111 Lewis G. leoghas, marshy (land) . . . .85 Llberland A.S. libber land, leper's land . . .170 Liberton A.S. libber tun, leper's house . . .170 Lincluden W. llyn glutvein, pool of the Cluden . . 17 Linc6m G. linn cam, winding pool . . . .171 Lingat G. linn cat, wild cat's linn . . . .128 Linshader K lln setr, flax croft . . . .93 Index of Place-Names. 209 Loch Conn G. loch Con, Conn's lake or the dog's lake . 127 Loch Droma O.G. loch droma, lake of the ridge . .142 Loch Goosie G. loch giuthasach (geusagh), lake of the pine-wood . . . . . . .113 Loch Stornua K\ Stjarna vdgr, Stjarna's bay ; G. loch prefixed ....... 90 Loch Thealasbhaidh (pron. Hellasvah) N. Hellas vdgr, Hella's bay ; G. loch prefixed . . . .84 Loch Valley G. loch Wiealaich (valleh), loch of the pass 134 Lochar (river) G. luachair, rushes . . . .117 Lochenaling G. lochdn na lin (leen), flax lakelet . .118 Lochinvar G. loch an bharra, lake of the hill . .145 Loddanm6re G. loddn m6r, great swamp . . .164 Loddanree G. loddn fliraeich (hree), heather-swamp . 164 Lodens, The G. lodan, the swamps . . . .164 Lodnigapple G. lod nan capul, swamp of the horses . 164 L6gan G. lagan, a hollow . . . . .160 Logic G. lagach, a low-lying place . . . .160 Lomond G. leaman, the elms. . . . .110 London "NY. Ion dtjn or dun, marsh fort, Londiniuni . 3 Long Maidens O.G. lann Medainn, St Medana's church 176 Long Xewton "NY. llan, a church, with M.E. suffix . 49 Longridge (formerly Lunrig) "NY. llanerch, a clearing in a forest . . . . . . 50, 74 ;- G. leamhraidhean (lavran, lowran), elm-wood 111 Lowring ) Lumphanan ) . , . > G. lann Finam. Finan s church . 68, 1 / o Lumpmnnans ) Lune (river) G. (amhuinn) Icamhan (lavan, laun), elm-river 110 Lurg G. learg (larg), a slope or hillside . . .149 Lurgan G. leargdn, a hillside . . . .149 Machar (parishes in Aberdeen) G. (eafjlais) Machori, St Machorius's church . . . . 12, 132 210 Index of Place-Names . Hkcher G. machair, a plain or field . . . . 133 Macheraklll G. machaire cill (maharry keel), kirk-field . 1 2 Hacherally G. machair Amhalghaidh (Owlhay), Olaf's or Aulay's field . . . . .82 Machrie G. machaire (maghery), flat land near the sea . 133 Hahaar O.G. magh air, field of the ploughing, or the slaughter . . . . . . .133 Hambeg G. mam beag, little waste . . . .152 Mam6re G. mam mor, great waste . . . .152 Maxton A.S. Maccus' tun, house of Maccus . .180 Maxwheel A.S. Maccus' wiel, pool of Maccus . .180 Healgarve G. meall garbh (garriv), rough hill . .143 Mealmore G. meall mor, great hill . . . .143 Mearns, The P. magh Girginn, plain of Cirig . .58 Heavig N. mjo-vdgr, narrow bay . . . .90 Menteith G. monadh Teid, moor of the river Teith . 146 Mildrlggan A.S. myln, O.G. droigen (dreggen), mill of Dreggan i.e., the blackthorns . . . .113 Miljoan G. meall don, brown hill . . . .143 Millegan G. mollachan, a hillock . . . .144 Hillharry G. meall fliaire (harry), watch-hill . .143 Millifiach G. meall a? fithiaich (feeagh), raven's hill . 143 Millm6re G. meall mor, great hill . . . .143 Milmannoch G. meall manach, the monk's hill . .143 Milnab G. meall an aib, the abbot's hill . . .143 Mind6rk G. moine (munny) tore, moor of the wild boars 123 Mollance Holland Hollands G. mulldn, a hill . . . . .144 Mollin Hullion Mollandhu G. mulldn dubh (doo), black hill . .144 Moncrleff G. monadh craebh (munny creav), moor of the trees 146 Index of Place-Names. 211 Monybuie G. monadh buidh (munny buie), yellow moor 146 Moniem6re G. monadh m6r, great moor . . .146 Monyguile G. monadh goill, the stranger's moor . .146 M6rar G. mor ard, great height . . . .15 Moray O.G. mur mhagh (vah, wah), sea-field . .132 M6rebattle A.S. mor botl, moor-house . . .62 M6rrach O.G. mur mhagh (vah, wah), sea-field . .132 M6rven G. m6r bheinn (ven), great hill . . .15 Mounth, The monadh (munny), a moorland . .146 M6uswald N". mosi vdllr, moss-field . . . .89 Moy O.G. magh, a plain or field . . . .132 Muck (river) G. (amhuinn) muc, sow's river . .124 Muckrach G. mucreach, a swine pasture . . .124 Muiravonside G. m6r amhuinn, great stream (M.E. side, added) 9 Mullach G. mullach, a hill . . . . .144 Mullochard G. mullach ard, high hill . . .144 Mulwharker G. maol adhairce (aharky), hill of the hunt- ing-horn ....... 119 Munnock G. monadh (munny), a moor . . .146 Mye O.G. magh, a plain or field . . . .132 Nairn (river) G. (amhuinn) na'fhearn (ern), alder-river 46, 111 Nappers, The N. Jcnappr, hillocks . . . .156 "F^P^Vfll stfLT "^ _,. , > N. nes b6lsta$r, house or farm at the cape . 92 Ness G. an eas (ass), a cataract . . . .172 Nethan (river) W. of on eithin, juniper or gorse river . 117 Newbattle A.S. niwe botl, new house . . .62 Newbigging A.S. niwe byggan, new building . .95 Ochteralinachan G. uachdarach Unachan, upland of the flax-field . . . . . . 65, 118 Ochtralure G. uachdarach lobhair (lure), leper's upland 65, 170 212 Index of Place- Names. Ochtrimakain G. uachdarach mic Cain, M'Kean's up- land ........ 65 Old Water G. attt, a glen, a stream . . . 17, 18 Ord, The, of Caithness G. arc?, a height . . .147 Orkney G. ore, N". ey, whale island . . . .77 Orn6ckenoch G. ard cnocnach, height of the knolls . 147 Owen G. amhuinn (a von, awn), a river ... 9 Pabay N. pap ey, priest's isle . . . .91 Palnee G. pol anfhiaidh (ee), the deer's stream . .120 Palnure G. pol n'iubhar (mire), water of the yews 37, 68, 113 Panbrlde P. lann Brigade, St Bride's church . . 49 Panmure P. lann mor, great enclosure or church . . 49 Papa IS", pap ey, priest's isle . . . . .91 Penc6t W. pen coed, wood-head . . . .45 Penklln G. pol till, the church stream . . .46 Penmblach G. peighinn molach, rough or grassy penny- land 166 Penny ghael G. peighinn Ghaeil, the Gael's penny-land . 166 Pennyg6wn G. peighinn gobhan (gowan), the smith's penny-land . . . . . . .166 Petillery P. pett iolaire (yillary), eagle's croft . .96 Piltanton G. pol shaint (hant) Antoin, St Anthony's stream ....... 176 Pitag6wan P. pett a' gobhain (gowan), smith's croft . 62 Pitargus P. pett Fhearguis (argus), Fergus's croft . 62 Pitcairn P. pett earn, mill-croft . . . .64 Pitcastle P. pett caiseail, castle croft . . .63 Pitelpie P. pett Alpin, Alpin's croft . . . .179 Pitfour P. pett fuar, cold croft . . . .62 Pitglasso P. pett glasaich, croft of green land . . 62 Pitg6wnie P. pett gamhnach (gownah), milch-cows' croft 63 Pitkeerie P. pett caora, sheep-croft . . . .62 Pitl6chrie P. pett luacharach, rushy croft . . .117 Index of Place-Names. 213 Pitmellan P. pett muileain (meullan), mill-croft . . 64 Pladda K//afre?/, flat isle 83 Port Leen G. puirt lin (leen), flax port . . .118 Portaclearys G. puirt a' clereich, parson's port . .177 Portaskaig G. puirt, K". askr vik, landing-place of the ship's creek ...... 90 Portbriar G. puirt brathair (brair), friar's port . .177 Prestwick A.S. preost wic, priest's house . . .90 Puldouran G. pol doran, otter burn . . . .128 Pulfern G. pol /earn, alder- water . . . .10 Quillichan G. coilleachan, woodland . . .107 Quils G. coiU, a wood . . . . . .106 Quirang 1ST. kvi rand, round paddock . . .88 Quoyschbrsetter N. kvi schor setr, paddock of the shore farm 87 Raeden A.S. ra denn, lair of the roe . . .122 Raehills M.E. me Mils, roedeer hills . . .122 Raelees M.E. rae leas, roedeer fields . . .122 Raem6ir "\ Eaem6re >- G. reidli (ray) mar, great flat . . 122, 165 Remore J Ranna \ > G. raithneacli (rahnah), place of ferns . 115 Eannas I PJmza J Rannochan G. raifhneachan (rahnahan), place of ferns . 115 Rathelpie G. rath Alpin, Alpin's fort . . .179 Reay G. reidli (ray), flat land . . . .165 Rebeg G. reidh beag, little flat . . . .165 Rem6re G. reidh (ray) mor, great flat . . .165 Rephad G. reidh (ray) fada, long flat . . .165 Ringd5o G. roinn dubh (rinn doo), black point . .166 214 Index of Place-Names. Eingielawn G. roinn not leamhan (rinn na lawn), elm-tree point. . . . . . . .166 Kinguinea G. roinn Cinaeidh (rinn kinna), Kenneth's portion . . . . . . .166 Eisk ^ Klskend V G. riasg, a marsh . . . .163 Elskhouse J Eonaldshay, North N.Rinan'sey, Eingan's i.e., Ninian's isle 78, 173 E5naldshay, South ]$". Rognval's ey, Eonald's isle . 78 E6na ) , -p , > N. Rogn ey, Konan s isle . . . . Eosneath G. ros Nemhedh (nevey), headland of Neved 34, note Ebxburgh A.S. Rauic's burh, Eawic's town . .14 Eum O.G. (i) dhruim (hruim), ridge-island . . 85 Eiisco "\ Euskich V G. riasgach, marshy land . . . .163 Euskie J Euthwell (pron. Elvvel) A.S. rode well, rood or cross well 39 St Enoch's M.E. St Thenew's or Theneuke's, mother of St Kentigern . . . " . . .175 Salachan G. saileachean, the willows . . .112 Salachry G. saileachreach, a place of willows . .112 Sanaigmore N. sand vik, G. m6r, great sandy bay . 84 Sannox N. sand vik, sandy bay . . . .86 Sanquhar (pron. Sanker) G. sean cafhair (shan caher), old fort 14 Sauchie A.S. sealh, the willow . . . .112 Sauchrie G. saileachreach, a place of willows . .112 Scrabba ") , , , > G. scrath (scraw) bo, cow sward or pasture . 125 Index of Place-Names. 215 \ G. scrafh (scraw) ard, high sward . 165 Scraphard J Seaforth N. see fjor^r, sea firth . . . .84 Selkirk N. skdli kirkju, the shieling kirk . . .102 Senwick N". sand vik, sandy bay . . . .86 Sgurr a' bhealaich dheirg (a vallich harrig) G. hill of the red pass ....... 152 Sgurr a' choire ghlas (a horry hlass) G. hill of the green cony. . . . . . . .152 Sgurr na choinich (honigh) G. hill of the gathering, as- sembly hill ....... 151 Shalloch G. sealg (shallug), the chase . . .119 Shambelly Shanballie Shanavalley Shanavallie lly ) >- G. seem baile (shan bally), old place . .14 llej Jlie Shanvalley Shanvolley G. sean bhaile (shan valley), old place 14, 134 Shenval Shenvalla Shinvollie Sheshader N". sw setr, sea shieling . . . .93 Sinniness oS". mnnr nes, south point ... 86, 89 [- G. syitlieacli (skeaghe), hawthorn . . .113 OKtltG j j- G. scjitlieog (skeog), hawthorn . . .113 Slaeharbrie G. aliabh Chairbre (slew harbrie), Cairbre's nioor ........ 141 Slamannan G. sliabh (slieve or slew) Manann, moor of the Picts of Manann . . . . 39, 141 Slate Islands E. producing roofing-slate . . .141 Slayhorrie G. sliabh choire (slew horry), moor of the corry. . . . . . . .141 216 Index of Place- Names. Sleat G. sleibhte (slatey), the hills . . . .141 Slewcairn G. slidbh earn, moor of the cairns . .141 Slewnark G. slidbh n' adhairce (slew naharky), moor of the hunting-horn . . . . . .120 Slewsmirroch G. slidbh (slieve, slew) smeurach, black- berry moor ...... 114, 141 Sliagh G. slidbh (slew), a moor . . . .141 Sligh ? G. slidbh (slew), a moor . . . .141 Slouchnagarie G. slochd no,' caora, sheep's gulley . 82 Sniirle G. smeurlach (smerrlah), a place of blackberries . 114 Smoorage G. smeurach, a place of blackberries . .114 Snizort (pron. Sneezort) 1ST. Sneis fjorftr, Sney's firth 84, 90 Stab Hill O.G. stob, a peak 152 Stac-meall-na-cuaich G. hill-peak of the cuckoo . .152 Staffa N. stafa ey, staff-island . . . .91 Stanhope N. stein hop, stone shelter or glen . . 89 Stennis N. stein nes, cape of the (standing) stones . 89 Stob ban G. white peak . . . . .152 Stob choire an easain mhor (horrie an assanvore) G. peak of the corry of the great waterfall . . .152 St6neykirk A.S. Steeny circ, Stephen's kirk . . 74 Stornoway N. Stjarna vdgr, Stjarna's bay . . .90 Strath Ossian O.G. srath oisin (oshin), strath of the red- deer calves . . . . . . .121 Strathbungo G. srath Mungo, strath of the gracious one i.e., St Kentigern . . . . .175 Strathearn 1 G. srath Erann, the vale of the Ernai . 36 Strathyre G. srath fheoir (ire), grassy strath . .116 Stroan ) r G. sron, the nose, a point . . . .48 Stronachlkcher G. sron a' chlachair, the mason's point 48, 169 Strbwan ) _ Q , > G. sruthan (sruhan), the streams . . 48 Stuck G. sttic, a peak . . . . . .152 Index of Place-Names. 217 Stuckentaggart G. stuc an t-shagairt (taggart), the priest's peak .152 Stuckieviewlich G. stuc a' bhualaich (vewaligh), peak of the cattle-fold .... .152 Swarehead A.S. sweora, the neck . . . .102 Swindridge M.E. swine ridge . . . .123 Swlnhill M.E. swine hill . . . . . 123 Swinton M.E. swine tun, enclosure of the swine . .123 Swire A. S. sweora, the neck ; L. jugum . . .102 Swordale N". svarftar dalr, dale of the greensward 88, 89 Symington O.N.E. Simon tun, Simon's town . . 101 Tabost N". hallr bolstaftr, sloping farm . . .83 Tandragee G. ton le gaeith (geuh, gwee), backside to the wind. 162 Tannach ^ Tannoch V G. tamhnach (tawnah), a meadow . .165 Tannock J Tannyflux G. tamhnach flinch, wet meadow . .165 Tannyr6ach G. tamhnach ruadh (tawnah rooah), red meadow ....... 165 Tarbet G. tarruin bad, draw-boat . . . .71 Tarbreoch 1 O.G. tir breach, wolf-land . . .127 Tard6w G. tir dubh (doo), black land . . .131 Tarf ) (rivers) G. (amhuinn] tarbh (tarriv), river of the Tarthj bulls .124 Tarwilkie G. treabh (trav) giolcach, broom-farm . .131 Terally G. tir Amhalghaidh (Owlhay), Olafs or Aulay's land 82 Terregles G. treamhar (traver) eglais, church land . 131 Thamnabhaidh (Hamnavoe) N". hdfn vdgr, haven bay . 84 Thankerton O.N.E. TJiancard tun, Thancard's house . 101 Thirlestane A. S. ]nrle stem, bored stone . . .123 Tibbers G. tiobar, a weU 176 218 Index of Place- Names. Tlngwall N. }>inga vollr, the assembly field < . 89 Tinluskie G. tir loisgthe (luskie), burnt land . . . 131 Tinwald N. Ipinga vollr, the assembly field . . 89 Tirargus G. tir Fhearguis (ergus), Fergus's land . .131 Tiree G. tir idhe (ee), corn-land . . . 11, 131 Tirf ergus G. tir Fearguis, Fergus's land . . .131 Toberm6ry G. tiobar Muire, Mary's well . . .172 Todhope 1ST. tod hop, fox-shelter . . . .101 Tbdley O.KE. tod lea, fox-field . . . . 135 Toldow G. tol dubh (doo), black hole . . .164 , I G. tulach, a hill . . . . .151 Tolr6nald G. tol Raonuill, Eonald's hole . . .164 Tonderghle (pron. Tondergee) G. ton le gaeith (geuh, gwee), backside to the wind . . . .162 Tormisdale E". Orm's dalr, Orm's dale . . .83 Torran "\ Torrance >G. torran, the hillocks, or torrdn, a hillock . 156 Torrans J Torrs, The G. torr, a round steep hill . . .156 Torwoodlee G. torr, a round steep hill, M.E. wode lea, the field of the hill wood . . . .156 Tramrnond Ford G. troman, elder-bush . . .112 Troon W. trwyn, the nose, a point . . . .49 Trotternish ) _. T v rlrl ' Ti I tryHdir nes, enchanted cape . . 89 Trowgrain IS", frog grein, trough branch (of a stream) . 101 Truim (river) G. (amliuinn) truim, elder-bush river . 112 Tullich ^ Tullo L G. tulach, a hill 151 Tulloch J IJist G. i-fheirste (eehurst), ford-island . . .85 Ulbster K Ulfr Ulster, TJlfs farm . .127 Index of Place-Names. 219 tlllapool K Olafr Ulstaftr, Olaf's farm . . .82 Ulsta K Ulfr Ulstcftr, Ulf's farm . . . .127 Ulva IS", ulfa ey, wolf -island . . . . .91 Ure (river) G. (amhuinn) iubhar (yure), river of the yews . . . . ... . .37 Urie (river) G. (amhuinn) iubheraich (yureh), river of the yew-wood 37,113 "Whithorn A.S. hunt cern, white house ... 3 Wick N. vik, the bay or creek . . . .90 Windhouse N. vind ciss, windy ridge . . .84 W51fstar K Ulfr bulstctir, Ulf's farm . 92, 127 "Wrath, Cape IS", hvarf, a turning-point . . .23 Yarrow G. (amhuinn) garbh (garriv), rough stream 138, 171 Yearn Gill N\ orn gil, eagle's ravine . . .97 Yester 1 W. ystrad, the strath or vale . .49 York G. Eburach, the place of Ebor or Eburus . 140 PRINTED BY WILLIAM BLACKWOOD AND SONS. Catalogue of Messrs Blackwood & Sons' Publications PHILOSOPHICAL CLASSICS FOR ENGLISH READERS, EDITED BY WILLIAM KNIGHT, LL.D., Professor of Moral Philosophy in the University of St Andrews. In crown 8vo Volumes, with Portraits, price 3s. 6d. Contents of the Series. DESCARTES, by Professor Mahaffy, Dub- lin. BUTLER, by Bev. W. Lucas Collins, M.A. BERKELEY, by Professor Campbell Fraser. FICHTE, by Professor Adamson, Owens College, Manchester. 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New Edition, Enlarged, with Memoir of the Author by JAMES MACDONALD. Crown 8vo, 3s. 6d. History of Polled Aberdeen and Angus Cattle. Giving an Account of the Origin, Improvement, and Characteristics of the Breed. By JAMES MACDONALD and JAMES SINCLAIR. Illustrated with numerous Animal Portraits. Post 8vo, 12s. 6d. MACGREGOR. Life and Opinions of Major-General Sir Charles MacGregor, K.C.B., C.S.I., C.I.E., Quartermaster-General of India. From his Letters and Diaries. Edited by Lady MACGREGOR. With Portraits and Maps to illustrate Campaigns in which he was engaged. 2 vols. 8vo, 35s. M'INTOSH. The Book of the Garden. By CHARLES M'!NTOSH, formerly Curator of the Royal Gardens of his Majesty the King of the Belgians, and lately of those of his Grace the Duke of Buccleuch, K.G., at Dalkeith Palace. 2 vols. royal 8vo, with 1350 Engravings. 4, 7s. 6d. Vol. I. On the Formation of Gardens and Construction of Garden Edifices, 2, 10s. Vol. II. Practical Gardening, 1, 17s. 6d. MACINTYRE. 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Od. 2O List of Books Published by MARTIN. Catullus. With Life and Notes. Second Edition, Revised and Corrected. Post 8vo, 7s. 6d. The ' Vita Nuova ' of Dante. Translated, with an Introduction and Notes. Third Edition. Small crown 8vo, 5s. Aladdin : A Dramatic Poem. By ADAM OEHLENSCHLAEGER. Fcap. 8vo, 5s. Correggio : A Tragedy. By OEHLENSCHLAEGER. With Notes. Fcap. 8vo, 3s. MARTIN. On some of Shakespeare's Female Characters. By HELENA FAUCIT, Lady MARTIN. Dedicated by permission to Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen. Fifth Edition. With a Portrait by Lehmann. Demy 8vo, 7s. 6d. MARWICK. Observations on the Law and Practice in regard to Municipal Elections and the Conduct of the Business of Town Councils and Commissioners of Police in Scotland. By Sir JAMES D. MARWICK, LL.D., Town-Clerk of Glasgow. Royal 8vo, 30s. MATHESON. Can the Old Faith Live with the New ? or, The Problem of Evolution and Revelation. By the Rev. GEOROE MATHESON, D.D. Third Edi- tion. Crown 8vo, 7s. 6d. The Psalmist and the Scientist ; or, Modern Value of the Reli- gious Sentiment. New and Cheaper Edition. Crown 8vo, 5s. Spiritual Development of St Paul. Third Edition. Cr. 8vo, 5s. The Distinctive Messages of the Old Religions. Second Edi- tion. Crown 8vo, 5s. Sacred Songs. New and Cheaper Edition. Crown 8vo, 2s. 6d. MAURICE. The Balance of Military Power in Europe. An Examination of the War Resources of Great Britain and the Continental States. By Colonel MAURICE, R. A., Professor of Military Art and History at the Royal Staff College. Crown 8vo, with a Map, 6s. MAXWELL. Meridiana : Noontide Essays. By Sir HERBERT MAXWELL, Bart., M.P., F.S.A., &c., Author of 'Passages in the Life of Sir Lucian Elphin, &c. Post 8vo, 7s. 6d. Life and Times of the Rt. Hon. William Henry Smith, M.P. With Portraits and numerous Illustrations by Herbert Railton, G. L. Seymour, and Others. 2 vols. demy 8vo, 25s. Scottish Land Names : Their Origin and Meaning. 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By HUGH MILLER, of H.M. Geological Survey. Crown 8vo, 3s. Cheap Edition, paper cover, Is. William Blackwood and Sons. 21 MINTO. A Manual of English Prose Literature, Biographical and Critical: designed mainly to show Characteristics of Style. By W. MINTO, M.A., Hon. LL.D. of St Andrews ; Professor of Logic in the University of Aber- deen. Third Edition, Revised. Crown Svo, 7s. 6d. Characteristics of English Poets, from Chaucer to Shirley. New Edition, Revised. Crown Svo, 7s. 6d. Plain Principles of Prose Composition. Crown Svo, Is. 6d. Literature under the Georges. Edited, with a Biographical Introduction, by Professor KNIOHT, St Andrews. {In the press. MOIR. Life of Mansie Wauch, Tailor in Dalkeith. By D. M. MOIR. With 8 Illustrations on Steel, by the late GEORGE CRUIKSHANK. Crown Svo, 3s. 6d. Another Edition, fcap. Svo, Is. Cd. MOMERIE. Defects of Modern Christianity, and other Sermons. By ALFRED WILLIAMS MOMEKIE, M.A., D.Sc., LL.D. Fifth Edition. Crown Svo, . r js. The Basis of Religion. Being an Examination of Natural Religion. Third Edition. Crown Svo, 2s. Od. The Origin of Evil, and other Sermons. Seventh Edition, Enlarged. Crown Svo, 5s. Persoiiality. The Beginning and End of Metaphysics, and a Necessary Assumption in all Positive Philosophy. Fourth Edition, Revised. Crown Svo, 3s. Agnosticism. Fourth Edition, Revised. Crown 8vo, 5s. Preaching and Hearing ; and other Sermons. Third Edition, Enlarged. Crown Svo, 5s. Belief in God. Third Edition. Crown Svo, 3s. Inspiration ; and other Sermons. Second Edition, Enlarged. Crown Svo, 5s. Church and Creed. Third Edition. Crown Svo, 4s. 6d. The Future of Religion, and other Essays. Second Edition Crown Svo, 3s. Gd. MONTAGUE. Military Topography. Illustrated by Practical Examples of a Practical Subject. By Major-General W. E. MONTAOUE, C.B., I'.X.C., late Garrison Instructor Intelligence Department, Author of 'Campaign- ing in South Africa.' With Forty-one Diagrams. Crown Svo, 5s. MONTALEMBERT. Memoir of Count de Montalembert. A Chapter of Recent French History. By Mrs OLIPHAJJT, Author of the ' Life of Edward Irving,' &c. 2 vols. crown Svo, 1, 4s. MORISON. Doorside Ditties. By JEANIE MORISON. With a Frontis- piece. Crown Svo, 3s. Cd. ./Eolus. A Romance in Lyrics. Crown Svo, 3s. There as Here. Crown Svo, 3s. ** A limited impression on hand-made pnper, bound in vellum, 7s. Cd. Selections from Poems. Crown Svo, 4s. Gd. Sordello. An Outline Analysis of Mr Browning's Poem. Of "Finne at the Fair," "Christmas Eve and Easter Day," and other of Mr Browning's Poems. Crown Svo, 3s. The Purpose of the Ages. Crown Svo, 9s. Gordon : An Our-day Idyll. Crown Svo, 3s. Saint Isadora, and other Poems. Crown Svo, Is. 6d. 22 List of Books Published by MORISON. Snatches of Song. Paper, Is. 6d. ; Cloth, 3s. Pontius Pilate. Paper, Is. 6d. ; Cloth, 3s. Mill o' Torres. Crown 8vo, Is. Ane Booke of Ballades. Fcap. 4to, Is. MOZLEY. Essays from 'Blackwood.' By the late ANNE MOZLEY, Author of ' Essays on Social Subjects ' ; Editor of ' The Letters and Correspondence of Cardinal Newman,' ' Letters of the Rev. J. B. Mozley,' &c. With a Memoir by her Sister, FANNY MOZLEY. Post 8vo, 7s. 6d. MUNRO. On Valuation of Property. By WILLIAM MTJNRO, M.A., Her Majesty's Assessor of Railways and Canals for Scotland. Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged. 8vo, 3s. 6d. MURDOCH. Manual of the Law of Insolvency and Bankruptcy : Comprehending a Summary of the Law of Insolvency, Notour Bankruptcy, Composition - contracts, Trust - deeds, Cessios, and Sequestrations ; and the Winding-up of Joint-Stock Companies in Scotland ; with Annotations on the various Insolvency and Bankruptcy Statutes; and with Forms of Procedure applicable to these Subjects. By JAMES MURDOCH, Member of the Faculty of Procurators in Glasgow. Fifth Edition, Revised and Enlarged. 8vo, 1, 10s. MY TRIVIAL LIFE AND MISFORTUNE: A Gossip with no Plot in Particular. By A PLAIN WOMAN. Cheap Edition. Crown 8vo, 3s. 6d. By the SAME AUTHOR. POOR NELLIE. Cheap Edition. Crown 8vo, 3s. 6d. NAPIER. The Construction of the Wonderful Canon of Loga- rithms. By JOHN NAPIER of Merchiston. Translated, with Notes, and a Catalogue of Napier's Works, by WILLIAM RAE MACDONALD. Small 4to, 15s. A few large-paper copies on Whatman paper, 30s. NEAVES. Songs and Verses, Social and Scientific. By An Old Con- tributor to ' Maga.' By the Hon. Lord NEAVES. Fifth Edition. Fcap. 8vo, 4s. The Greek Anthology. Being Vol. XX. of ' Ancient Classics for English Readers.' Crown 8vo, 2s. 6d. NICHOLSON. A Manual of Zoology, for the use of . Students. With a General Introduction on the Principles of Zoology. By HENRY ALLEYNE NICHOLSON, M.D., D.Sc., F.L.S., F.G.S., Regius Professor of Natural History in the University of Aberdeen. Seventh Edition, Rewritten and Enlarged. Post 8vo, pp. 956, with 555 Engravings on Wood, 18s. Text-Book of Zoology, for Junior Students. Fifth Edition, Rewritten and Enlarged. Crown 8vo, with 358 Engravings on Wood, 10s. 6d. Introductory Text-Book of Zoology, for the use of Junior Classes. Sixth Edition, Revised and Enlarged, with 166 Engravings, 3s. Outlines of Natural History, for Beginners : being Descrip- tions of a Progressive Series of Zoological Types. Third Edition, with Engravings, Is. 6d. A Manual of Palaeontology, for the use of Students. With a General Introduction on the Principles of Palaeontology. By Professor H. ALLEYNE NICHOLSON and RICHARD LYDEKKER, B.A. Third Edition, entirely Rewritten and greatly Enlarged. 2 vols. 8vo, 3, 3s. The Ancient Life-History of the Earth. An Outline of the Principles and Leading Facts of Palseontological Science. Crown 8vo, with 276 Engravings, 10s. 6d. On the "Tabulate Corals" of the Palaeozoic Period, with Critical Descriptions of Illustrative Species. Illustrated with 15 Lithographed Plates and numerous Engravings. Super-royal 8vo, 21s. William Blackwood and Sons. 23 NICHOLSON. Synopsis of the Classification of the Animal Kingdom. 8vo, with 100 Illustrations, 6s. On the Structure and Affinities of the Genus Monticulipora and its Sub-Genera, with Critical Descriptions of Illustrative Species. Illustrated with numerous Engravings on Wood and Lithographed Plates. Super-royal Svo, ISs. NICHOLSON. Communion with Heaven, and other Sermons. By the late MAXWELL NICHOLSON, D.D., St Stephen's, Edinburgh. Crown Svo, 5s. 6d. Rest in Jesus. Sixth Edition. Fcap. Svo, 4s. 6d. NICHOLSON. Thoth. A Romance. By JOSEPH SHIELD NICHOLSON, M.A., D.Se., Professor of Commercial and Political Economy and Mercantile Law in the University of Edinburgh. Third Edition. Crown Svo, 4s. 6d. A Dreamer of Dreams. A Modern Romance. Second Edi- tion. Crown Svo, Gs. NICOLSOX AND MURE. A Handbook to the Local Govern- incut (Scotland) Act, 1SSO. With Introduction, Explanatory Notes, and Index. By J. BADENACH NiCOLSON, Advocate, Counsel to the Scotch Education Department, and W. J. MURE, Advocate, Legal Secretary to the Lord Advocate for Scotland. Ninth Hcprint. Svo, Os. OLIPHANT. Masollam : A Problem of the Period. A Novel. By LAURENCE OLIPHANT. 3 vols. post Svo, 25s. 6d. Scientific Religion ; or, Higher Possibilities of Life and Practice through the Operation of Natural Forces. Second Edition. Svo, 16s. Altiora Peto. Cheap Edition. Crown Svo, boards, 2s. 6d. ; cloth, 3s. (id. Illustrated Edition. Crown Svo, cloth, Os. Piccadilly. With Illustrations by Richard Doyle. New Edi- tion, 3s. lid. Cheap Edition, boards, 2s. (id. Traits and Travesties ; Social and Political. Post Svo, 10s. 6d. Episodes in a Life of Adventure; or, Moss from a Rolling Stone. Fifth Edition. Post Svo, (is. Haifa : Life in Modern Palestine. Second Edition. Svo, 7s. 6d. The Land of Gilead. With Excursions in the Lebanon. With Illustrations and Maps. Demy Svo, 21s. Memoir of the Life of Laurence Oliphant, and of Alice Oliphant, his Wife. By Mrs M. O. W. OLII-IIANT. Seventh Edition. 2 vols. post Svo, with Portraits. 21s. POPULAR EDITION. With a New Preface. Post Svo, with Portraits. 7s. 6d. OLIPHANT. Katie Stewart. By Mrs OLIPHANT. Illustrated boards, 2s. 6d. Katie Stewart, and other Stories. New Edition. Crown Svo, cloth, 3s. (3d. Valentine and his Brother. New Edition. Crown Svo, 3s. 6d. Sons and Daughters. Crown Svo, 3s. Gd. Diana Trelawny : The History of a Great Mistake. 2 vols. crown Svo, 17s. 24 List of Books Published by OLIPHANT. Two Stories of the Seen and the Unseen. The Open Door Old Lady Mary. Paper covers, Is. OLIPHANT. Notes of a Pilgrimage to Jerusalem and the Holy Land. By F. R. OLIPHANT. Crown 8vo, 3s. 6d. ON SURREY HILLS. By "A SON OP THE MARSHES." See page 28. OSSIAN. The Poems of Ossian in the Original Gaelic. With a Literal Translation into English, and a Dissertation on the Authenticity of the Poems. By the Rev. ARCHIBALD CLERK. 2 vols. imperial 8vo, 1, 11s. 6d. OSWALD. By Fell and Fjord ; or, Scenes and Studies in Ice- land. By E. J. OSWALD. Post 8vo, with Illustrations. 7s. 6d. PAGE. Introductory Text-Book of Geology. By DAVID PAGE, LL.D., Professor of Geology in the Durham University of Physical Science, Newcastle, and Professor LAPWORTH of Mason Science College, Birmingham. With Engrav- ings and Glossarial Index. Twelfth Edition, Revised and Enlarged. 3s. 6d. Advanced Text- Book of Geology, Descriptive and Industrial. With Engravings, and Glossary of Scientific Terms. Sixth Edition, Revised and Enlarged. 7s. 6d. Introductory Text- Book of Physical Geography. With Sketch- Maps and Illustrations. Edited by Professor LAPWORTH, LL.D., P.G.S., &c. Mason Science College, Birmingham. Thirteenth Edition, Revised and Enlarged 2s. 6d. Advanced Text-Book of Physical Geography. Third Edition. Revised and Enlarged by Professor LAPWORTH. With Engravings. 5s. PATON. Spindrift. By Sir J. NOEL PATON. 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The Philosophy and Development of Religion. Being the Gifford Lectures for 1894. By OTTO PFLEIDERER, Professor of Biblical and Systematic Theology at Berlin University. In 2 vols., post Svo. PHILOSOPHICAL CLASSICS FOR ENGLISH READERS. Edited by WILLIAM KNIOHT, LL.D., Professor of Moral Philosophy, University of St Andrews. In crown Svo volumes, with Portraits, price 3s. 6d. [For List of Volumes, see page 2. William Blackwood and Sons. 25 POLLOK. The Course of Time : A Poem. By ROBERT POLLOK, A.M. Cottage Edition, 32mo, 8d. The Same, cloth, gilt edges, Is. 6d. Another Edition, with Illustrations by Birket Foster and others, fcap., cloth, 3s. 6d., or with edges gilt, 4s. PORT ROYAL LOGIC. Translated from the French; with Introduction, Notes, and Appendix. By THOMAS SPENCER BAYNES, LL.D., Pro- fessor in the University of St Andrews. Tenth Edition, 12rno, 4s. POTTS AND DARNELL. Aditus Faciliores : An Easy Latin Construing Book, with Complete Vocabulary. By A. W. 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