ScCk'(^ CATALOGUE. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation A CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE CATHEDRAL CHURCH OP SALISBURY.c;;:^^-^ SPOTTISWOODE & CO., NEW- STREET SQUARE, LONDON. 1880. PEEFACE. The following pages contain the first printed Catalogue of the Manuscripts and Books of the Cathedral Library of Salisbury. The MSS. are bound up in 187 volumes. That part of the Catalogue which embraces them was prepared by Mr. Maunde Thompson, whose official position at the British Museum is a guarantee of its approximate accuracy. With the exception of a splendidly illuminated Breviary, bequeathed by Bishop Denison, the MSS. have all been in the possession of the Dean and Chapter not less than 400 years ; and they range in date, according to Mr. Thompson's judgment, from the ninth to the fifteenth century. Those which may be specially mentioned, are : — The Psalter in Latin, with Anglo-Saxon glosses. Cent, x.-xi. Another Latin Psalter in two versions, Grallican and Hebrew. Cent. X. A handsomely written Lectionary, bearing the date of 1277. The Processional of the Church of Sarum. Cent. xv. The unique Tonale secundum usum Sarum, Cent. xiv. The handsome Breviary already referred to. Cent. xv. The Gospel of Mcodemus, in English. Cent. xv. Boethius, De Consolatione Philosophice, translated by Chaucer. Cent. xv. No. 121. The Historia Regum, Britannice of Greofirey of Monmouth. Cent. xii. No. 80. The Historia Miscella and De gestis Longohardorum of Paul Warnefrid, with other chronicles. Cent, xii.-xiii. It is recorded in the chapter registers that schools and a library were built above one side of the cloisters in the year 1445, during the episcopate and with the pecuniary assistance of Bishop WilHam Ayscough. No trace of the schools remains, and the library now extends only half the length of one side of the cloisters. Godwin, in his De Prcesulihus Angliw, No. 150. No. 180. No. 153. No. 148. No. 175. No. 152. No. 39. No. 113. ivi69S925 vi PREFACE. refers to an inscription in the library, attributing its erection to Bishop Jewell ; and Featley in his Life of that prelate says, ' Jewell left himself a second monument .... the Library he built at Salisbury.' The chapter records have not furnished any facts which serve to explain the origin of the latter statement, or to reconcile it with the earlier account of the origin of the building. The first great benefactor, who laid the foundation of a library of printed books, was Bishop Guest. His large bequest is referred to in a monumental inscription as follows :'.... ingentem optimorum librorum vim quantam vix una capere Bibliotheca potest, perpetuo studiosorum Usui in hac Ecclesia conservandam destinavit.' No detailed specification of his gift exists ; but he probably bequeathed, in addition to works of an earlier date, a large portion of the foreign Reformation literatmre. Among subsequent liberal contributors. Dean Baylie, Bishop Seth Ward, and Canons Drake and Walton, claim to be mentioned. Some of the volumes given by Canon Walton have his father's autograph. In the upper margin of the title-page of a volume entitled ' The Returning Backslider' (by Sibbes) there is the following couplet, (which has been attributed to Doddridge,) apparently in Izaak Walton's handwriting, and with his autograph in juxtaposition — ' Of this blest man let this just praise be given, Heaven was in him before he was in heaven.' During the last and present century the Library has not been much augmented by bequests or donations ; and, as there is no endowment fund for the purchase of books, modern theological and other literature is very scantily represented. The general contents of the Library may be roughly stated under eleven heads, viz.: — 1. Patristic writings, chiefly old editions. 2. Church History, Collections of Councils, and Canon Law. 3. Bibles (Hebrew, Greek, and Latin), and Biblical exegetical lite- rature. 4. Foreign Theology, Dogmatic and Moral, including the works of some of the Schoolmen. 5. Controversial Theology, Roman, Lutheran, Reformed, and Anglican. 6. EngUsh Theology, chiefly of the 16th and earlier part of the 17th century. 7. Early English History and Law. 8. Tracts, Political and Religious, mostly of the 17th century. PREFACE. vii 9. Latin and Greek Classics. 10. Early Mathematical, Astronomical, and Medical writings, and miscellaneous works on History, Philosophy, and Natural Science. 1 1 . Publications of the Commissioners on the Public Records. The total number of volumes is 3,866 ; ^ and many of those of the 16th century contain works of more than one author. About 125 volumes are printed in Black Letter. Of these, 24 are of the 15th century, and the majority of the rest are of the 16th century. Subjoined is a list of some of the early printed books : — Alexander Anglus, Destructorium Vitiorum, 1496. Apollonius Rhodius, Argoimutica. 1496. Aquinas, Super 4° Sententiarum. 1481. Avicenna, Metaphysica. 1495. Dictionarium utriusque Juris, [147-.] Gerson, Opera, 1494. 3 vols. Holcote, Super lib, Sententiarum, 1489. Horatius, Opera. 1495. Janua, Jo. de, Gatholicon, 1497. Lapide, Jo. a, Resolutorium dubioruTn circa Celehrationem Mis- sarum occurrentium, 1497. Lombardus, Pet., Thesaurus Sententiarum, 1495. Lupi, Liber de Assertionibus Catholicis ApostolL 1497. Pergamo, Ph. de, Gato moralizatus, 1497. Psalter in Dutch. 1498. Scotus, Jo. Duns, Super 2°, 3**, et 4° Sententiarum, 1481. 2 vols. Simon Genuensis, Synonyma, 1473. Tractatus Sacerdotalis de Sacramentis, etc. 1493. Triumphus, Aug., de Ancona, De Ecclesiastica Potestate, [148-.] Vincentius Bellovacensis, Speculum Morale. 1485. „ „ Speculum Historiale, 1494. Voragine, Jac. de, Lombardica Historia, 1496. „ „ English edition by Caxton. [1493 ?] Graduale ad usum Sarum, 1528. Horce. 15 — . Missale ad usum Sarum. 1519, and 1527. Pontiflcale. 1510. The Catalogue of printed books being alphabetical, the compiler of it, ' Augmented, whilst the Catalogue was being printed, by 1009 volumes — the munificent bequest of Dean Hamilton. viii PREFACE. in order to facilitate reference, has grouped together the several volumes on certain subjects; e.g. under the headings of Biblia, Testamentum Novum, Canones, Concilia, Jus, and Lexicon, he has arranged all the editions of the Bible and the New Testament, the Collections of Canons, Councils, and Canon and Civil Law, and the various Dictionaries and Lexicons, which are in the Library, By an after-thought a Subject-Index was added, which renders this part of the Catalogue less necessary, although it may still be useful. The names of the authors of books and pamphlets which were published anonymously have been, in most cases, given in brackets. The press-marks appended to each work indicate the several presses in the Library, and the numbers of shelves and of the volumes on the shelves. S. M. LAKIN, Librarian. 77uf Closdy Salishwy, 1880. ERRATA. Austrasia. For 4to read Fol. Barberinus. For 4to read Svo. Biblia, Lat., per S. Pagninum. For Fol. read 4to. Bonner. For Harpsfeld read Harpsfield. Cappellus, Jac. I. 2. 2. For 4to read Svo. Floras. X. 2. 24. For 8vo read 24mo. Sternhold and Hopkins. For Psalms read Psalterium. For Whateley read Whately. Alvernus. ZCg. 8. 5. Aphthonius. Y. 6. 13. Aristoteles. Y. 6. 10. Arnoldus Ves. K. 3. 19. Aurificus. Caesar, C. J. Y. 6. 15. Cicero. Y. 6. 22. »» X. 2. 27. Clichtovens. K. 3. 13. Des Accords. Dioscorides. Fenestella. Frusius. GanivetuB. \for Svo read 16mo. CATALOGUE OF THE MANUSCRIPTS IN THE OATHEDEAL LIBRARY OF SALISBURY. [*^* All the MSS.f except such as are otherwise specified^ are in Latin.] No. 1. Vellum ; 1 1 X 8 inches. 63 ff. In a fine large hand of xiii cent. Benedictional, containing benedictions to be used tliroagbont the year; with the following for special occasions : — Pro rege ; iu ordinatione episcopi ; cum episcopus natale suum celebrat ; super ancillas ; in tempore belli ; pro iter agentibas ; pro uno defuncto ; pro defuncta femina ; pro plurimis defunctis ; pro omnibus defunctis ; lintheaminum ; ad vestimenta sacer- dotalia vel levitica ; ad stolam et manipulum ; corporalium. Another benediction of ' lintheamina ' is added by a second hand. No. 2 Vellum ; 15 x 10|- inches. 153 ff. in double column. Early xiv cent. Thomse Aquinatis summse theologicae prima pars ; with tables added at the end. Bequeathed by Henry de la Wyle, Chancellor [1313-1327], at the price of ISs. id. No. 3. Vellum; 14^ x 8| inches. 67 ff. in double column, xiii cent. * Expositio Magistri Hugonis Oanonici Sancti Yictoris super lerarchiam theologi Dionisii Ariopagitse.' No. 4. Vellum ; 12 x 8^ inches. 127 ff. xii cent. 1. S. Hilarius Pictaviensis de Trinitate. f. 1. Begins imperfectly near the commencement of Book II., 'sensas incerfcus est. Ergo non preceptis.' [/See Migne, Patrol. Curs. Compl. x. 54 A.] 2. Ejusdem liber de Synodis seu de fide Orientalium. f. Ill b. Ends im- perfectly, ' Vidi carnes carnibus similes sed post michi.' [See Migne, Patrol. X. 642 A.], one leaf being wanting. The MS. is injured in the top margins by damp ; and the first two leaves are in bad condition. No. 5. Vellum ; Ilf X 7| inches. 118 ff. xii cent. S. Eusebii Hieronymi commentarius ' in epistolis beati Pauli Apostoli, numero quattuordecim.' No. 6. Vellum; 1 1 4 x 8 J inches. 71 ff Early xii cent. * Liber Confessionum Sancti Augustini episcopi; ' in 13 books. The vellum decayed by damp. No. 7. Vellum ; 11^ x 7f inches. 39 ff. Early xii cent. S. Isidori Hispalensis liber Sententiarum, sive De suramo bono ; with a table of chapters prefixed. The top of the table of chapters is torn away, and the work ends imperfectly, in the chapter ' De brevitate hujus vitas,' with the words, ' et licet vita ista brevis sit hoc tempore spatium tamen .' B 2 4 CATALOGUE OF THE MANUSCRIPTS IN THE No. 8. Vellum ; 11 X 8 inches. 215 if. xv cent. 1. ' Filia Matris : ' an explanation of the Lessons from the Gospels, f. 1. Begins : ' Non sine magni causa misterii.' Ends : * Qui venit ut vitam habearaus et ut habundancius habeamus Jesus Christus dominus noster. Amen.' 2. Compendium theologicum ; arranged under heads in alphabetical order. f. 103. 3. * De Sacramento altaris et expositione missse.' f . 166. Begins : * Primo et principaliter hoc scriptum de cordis mei armariolo.' 4. Johannis Lemovicensis Morale Somnium Pharaonis ; or twenty letters of Pharaoh and Joseph ' de regia disciplina.' f. 190. This work was dedicated to Theobald I., King of Navarre [1234-1253], as appears from the introductory letter.- It is printed in Fabricius, Codex Pseud. Vet, Test. I. 441. Colophon : ' Explicit, expliceat, ludere scriptor eat.' No. 9. Vellum; lOf x 5^ inches. 81 ff. xii cent. Miscellaneous Theological Tracts : — 1. ' Cecilii Cipriani de dominica oratione.' f. 1. 2. * Cecilii Cipriani de patientia.' f. 8. 3. * Ejusdem de opere et elemosinis.' f. 13. 4. ' Gregorii episcopi Nazianzeni de Hier[emi8e] prophetre dictis presente im- peratore.' f. 19. [See No. 89, 6.] 6. * Epistola Cecilii Cy[priani] de mortalitate.' f. 22 b. 6. * Ejusdem de ecclesiae unitate.' f. 29. 7. *Incipit exortatio Sancti Cesari[i Arelat. episc.].' f. 37. [See Migne, Patrol. Ixvli. 1154.] 8. ' [La]mentum penitentiae duplici alfabeto [edit]um,' by Tsidorus Hispalensis. f. 41 b. 9. * Item versus beati Isidori.' f. 44 b. 10. An imperfect tract, f. 44 b. 11. *Desepul[chro].' f. 47. 12. * De diversis locis.' f . 47 b. 13. * De tempore nativitatis Christi et ejus miraculis.' f. 48 b. 14. ' De columba quae supra Christum descendit.' f. 49. 16. * Expositio fidei cathohcse [Sancti] Hieronimi.' f. 49 b. 16. * Explanatio sex diernm in quibus crer.vit deus celum et terram e dictis A[rnulphi ?] et Au[gustini].' f. 51. 17. ' De inspiratione hominis.' f. 58. 18. * De genealogia Job.' f. 59. 19. 'De Stella quae apparuit supra dominum.' f. 59 b. 20. ' De baptismo.' f. 60. 21. * De illo latrone Augustinus.' f. 60. 22. Epistola S. Eusebii Hieronymi de vita clericorum. f. 60 b. [See Mi^ne, Patrol. XXX. 288.] 23. ' Sermo Sancti Cesari[i Arelat. episc. ?] super salmi Yovete et reddite.' f. 63. CATHEDRAL LIBRARY OF SALISBURY. 5 24. ' Item sermo sancti Cesarii admo[nitorius] legendus in diebns Quadra- gesimae.' f. 64 b. 25. ' Admonitio sancti Angustini de penitentia.' f. 65 b. 26. * De epistola beati Gregorii directa ad Secundino dei servo {sic) de lapsu.* f. 66 b. 27. ' De bonis operibus,' etc. f. 67. 28. * De qualitate animee.' f. 68 b. 29. ' Sancti Cypriani dicta.' f. 68 b. 30. ' Omeiia in natale Sanctorum.' f. 68 b. 31. * Item alia in natale omnium Sanctorum martjrum et confessorum ' [by Beda?]. f. 70. 32. ' Dicta beati Effrem diaconi de die judicii.' f. 72 33. ' Sermo . . . Moysi.' f. 73. 34. * Sermo de misericordia.' f. 73 b. 35. ' Sermo sancti Augustini de prehensa in adulterio.' f. 74. 36. * Sententia apostoli.' f. 75. 37. * Admonitio leronimi de esu corporali.' f. 75. 38. ' De carne superbise sermo.' f. 75. 39. * CoUatio beati Pathnucii [Papbnutii] abbatis de penitentia.' f. 76 h. 40. ' De monachis.' f. 77 b. 41. * De quatuor temporibus anni.' f. 78, 42. Tract beginning * Oportet enim nos timere verbum dei.' f. 78. 43. ' Expositio de oratione dominica.' f. 79. This MS. is much injured by damp : the outer margins are destroyed ; and some leaves are torn. No. 10. Vellum ; 10| x 7| inches. 113 ff. Early xii cent. 'CoUatio Abbatis Nesterotis:' i.e. S. Johannis Cassiani collationes patrum. Two fly-leaves at the beginning contain fragments of a grammatical work. No. 11. Vellum ; 9f x 7^ inches. 103 ff. xii cent. Sancti dementis Recognitionum libri decem, interprete Rufino Aquileiensi. Unfinished; ending in the 68th section of the tenth book. [Cf. the printed version, Cotelerius, SS. Patr. 0pp., Antw. 1698, I. 487.] The first three leaves fragmentary. Bequeathed by Ralph of York, Chancellor (1 288-1 309). No. 12. Vellum ; 9f x 6^ inches. 60 ff. xii cent. 1. ' Hunc modicum librum Smaragdus de diversis virtutibus coUegit eteinomen Diadema Monachorum imposuit quia sicut gemmis ita efc hie liber fulget virtutibus.' f. 1. 2. * Sermo Eutropii Abbatis :' [i.e. de districtione monachorum. See Migne, Patrol. Ixxx. 15]. f. 56. 3. Extracts from works of S. Macarius and S. Pannutius [Paphnutius] con- cerning monastic life, f . 59. Imperfect at the end. Begins : * Desisten- tibus nobis in unum consilium.' 6 CATALOGUE OF THE MANUSCRIPTS IIST THE No. 13. Vellum; 8^ X 6| inches. 198 if. Beginning xiv and xv centt. Sermons for Sundays and Festivals ; partly (ff. 19-54, 75-103) written about the year 1300 ; the rest added by a hand of the xv century. The following are also added in different parts of the volume : — 1. Table of contents, f. 1. 2. Extracts ' de die dominica observanda,' and ' de laude Psalmorum secundum beatum leronimum.' f. 2. 3. Index to the Sermons, f. 7. 4. * De oratione et de Paternoster.' f. 14 b. 5. * S. Augustinus de laude et utilitate psalmorum.* f. 72 b. 6. * Secreta meditacio beati lerouimi.' f. 103 b. 7. ' Speculum peccatoria secundum beatum Bernardum.' f. 104. 8. ' Quomodo regnum dei intra nos est, ' etc. f. 155 b. 9. ' Epistola sancti Augustini ad nepotem suum infirmum.' f. 156. 10. * Meditacio beati Anselmi ad excitandum timorem.' f. 1(53. 11. *Tractatus de deploracione virginitatis amissas.' f. 165. 12. * De sacerdotibus bonis et malis.' f. 167. 13. *De terminacione bona de orando ad sanctos.' f. 168. 14. * De ingratitudiue hominis.' f. 197 b. On f. 197 appears the name of the scribe of most of the additions, viz. * Trenerth.' The rest were made by Thomas Cyrcetur (or Cyrceter), Canon Residentiary [o&. 1452], who presented the MS. to the Library. At the end, half-erased, is a note by Cyrceter, directing the disposal of the volume after his death. [See No. 174.] [In the memoranda of donation of this and other Tolumes Cyrcetur's name is frequently spelled Circestre.] So. 14. Vellum; 16^ x 12 inches, 132 ff. in double col. Early xii cent. One hundred and ten Homilies for various days. Imperfect at the beginning ; the first perfect homily being ' Sermo beati Maximi episcopi de adventu domini.' The leaves at beginning and end are damaged. No. 15. Vellum ; 16 X 10| inches. 63 ff. in double col. Beg. xiv cent. Quodlibeta xiii, xiv, et xv magistri Henrici de Gandavo archidiaconi. Begins: ' Quodlibet nostrum xiii continebat queestiones xvii.' Ends imperf, : 'ab intellectu intellectus a voluntate vol. .* No. 16. Vellum ; 16x9^ inches. 300 ff. in double col. xiv cent. 1. Apparatus Innocentii Papae iv in quinque libros decretalium. f. 1. Written in an Italian hand of the early part of the xiv cent, with initials in gold and colours, inserted perhaps in England. 2. Bemardi [de Montemirato] Compostellani apparatus Epitome. f. 248. Begins : ' Hactenus ut loquar cum Seneca.* Written in a later hand of the xiv cent. CATHEDRAL LIBRARY OF SALISBURY. 7 No. 17. Vellum ; 15* x 10^ inches. 226 If. in double col. xii cent. Epistles and minor works of S. Eusebius Hieronymus ; in 119 divisions. Begins imperf. in tlie first division. Coloured initials. The latter part of the volume is much decayed by damp. The name of Brygon appears at the beginning as an owner in the xv cent. No. 18. Vellum ; 1 4| x 9^ inches, 232 flf. in double col. Early xiv cent. Thomas Aquinatis Snmma Theologiae : Secnnda Secundse ; v^ritli a table prefixed. Nos. 19 & 20. Vellum ; 14x9^ inches. 208 and 289 flF. xiii cent. Evangelia quatuor ; with commentaries and gloss. In two volumes. Vol. I. Matthew and Mark S. Mark begins imperfectly, cap. x. 48. Vol. II. Luke and John. The initial letters cut out. Colophon : ' Finito iibro sit laus et gloria Ohristo. Explicit, expliceat ; ludere scriptor eat. Hie liber est scriptus,. qui scripsit sit benedictus. Amen.* Bequeathed by Henry de la Wyle, Chancellor [1313-1327], for four marcs. No. 21. Vellum ; 13f x 9^ inches. 231 ffi in double col. xiii cent. Sermons for the year and special occasions ; 110 in number. Begins : * Ad sugillandum vitia commendandumque virtutes pleraque sacrss scripturas capitula.' In plummet, on f. 230 b, ' Precium xl. sol.' No. 22. Vellum; 13^ x 10^ inches. 273 ff. in double col. xii cent. See Nos. 67 and 68. S. Augustini enarrationes in Psalmos ci-cl. Handsome coloured initial letters. No. 23. Vellum ; 13| x 9^ inches. 146 flF. in double col. xii-xiii cent. * Tractatus Bernardi Abbatis de Claravalle super Cantica Canticorum ; ' in 86 sermons. The first initial letter cut out. No. 24. Vellum ; 13^ x 8| inches. 82 flf. Early xii. cent. S. Eusebii Hieronymi ' Explanatio in Hieremia propheta ; ' in six books. The vellum much decayed. The first leaf mutilated, and many leaves ragged. No. 25. Vellum ; 12^ x 8| inches. 203 flf. Early xii cent. S. Eusebii Hieronymi Commentariorum in Isaiam prophetam libri xviii. At the end is added a prayer to the Virgin : early xiii cent. No. 26. Vellum ; 18| x Uf inches. 180 ff. in double col. Italy, late xiii cent. Gratiani Concordia discordantinm canonum. Very imperfect. The initial letters are cut out and only portions of the work, which imperfect at both ends, remain : — 8 CATALOGUE OF THE MANUSCRIPTS IN THE Causa i. ff. 1-80. Causa xxvi. f. 120. „ ix. f. 82. „ xxvii. f. 123. . „ X. f. 83 b. „ xxviii. f. 129. „ xi. f. 86 b. „ xxxii. f. 131. „ xii. f. 96 b. „ xxxiii. f. 135. „ xiii. f. 106. „ „ PcBnitent. f. 137. „ xiv. f. 109. De consecratione, f. 161. „ xxiii. f. 110. No. 27. Vellum ; 18 x 12 inches. 67 ff. in double col. xiii cent. Books of the Old Testament, viz. : — The Pentateuch (beginning Genesis 1. 2) Joshua, f. 25 ; Judges, f. 29 ; Ruth (mutilated), f. 33 ; 1 Kings, f. 33 b 2 Kings, f. 40 ; 3 Kings, f . 44 b ; 4 Kings, f. 50 ; 1 Paralip., f. 53 b 2 Paralip. (ending iii. 4), f. 58 b ; 1 Maccab. (beg. xiii. 39), f. 59 2 Maccab. f. 59 b ; Psalms (from xvii. 34 to xciii. 16), f. 64. No. 28. Vellum ; 17^ x lOf inches. 330 ff. Early xiv cent. ConcordantioB Bibliae. A leaf wanting at the beginning ; and after ff. 27, 75, 155. The greater number of initial letters cut out ; a few remaining, executed in gold and colours. No. 29. Vellum ; I7f x 11^ inches. 78 ff. in double col. xiii cent. The Book of Psalms ; with Commentaries of Augustine, Cassiodorus, and Remigius Antissiodorensis. No. 30. Vellum ; 16^ x 11|^ inches. 237 ff. in double col. Italy; early xiv cent. * Rosarium domini Guidonis [de Baysio] archidyaconi Bononiensis [in De- cretum].' Very imperfect. It contains the following Causae, most of which are fragmentary : i.-iii. vi. vii. xi. xii. xv.-xvii. xix.-xxii. Pen. xxxiv. XXXV. xxxvi. De consecratione. Some of the initial letters remain ; apparently French work. No. 31. Vellum ; 15| x 10|^ inches. 162 ff. xiv cent. 1. Apparatus Pauli de Liazariis in constitutiones Clementinas, f. 1. 2. Apparatus Gesselini de Cassanhis [sive Zenzelini Cassani] in easdem. f. 51. 3. Cbnstitutiones Clementinas, cum apparafcu Guillelmi de Montefi" [Monte Lauduno]. f. 84. 4. ' Apparatus domini Joannis Andreas super Clementinas.' f. 105. 5. Extravagantes Johannis xxii., cum commentariis. Imperfect, f. 141. Part of the volume injured by damp. No. 32. Vellum; 14^ x 11 inches. 284 ff. France; «>:ew, with a brief Summary of Antiquity for the trial of Romish Doctrine asserted in that Book. Lond. 1660. 12mo. R. 6. 29. Fernelius, Jo. Pathologise libri vii. Yen. 1555. 8vo. Therapeutice, seu Medendi Ratio. Universa Medicina. Ed. 4. Franc. 1581. 8vo. Consiliornm Medicinalium liber. Franc. 1585. Ferrandus, Fulgentiu3, Eccles. Carthag. Diaconus. 448. B. 3. 4. Ferrarius, Fr. Bernardinds. De antiquo Ecclesiasticarum Epistolarura genere, libri iii. Mediol. 1613. 8vo. K. 1. 38. Ferrettus, Jul. De Re et Disciplina militari Tract. Yen. 1575. Foh N. 4. 7. Ferrius, Paulus. Scholastic! Orthodoxi Specimen, h. e., Salutis nostras Methodns analytica ex scriptis Scholasticorum. Gotstad. 1616. 8vo. ZC2. 7. 4. Ferus, Jo. In Genesin Enarr. Lov. 1565. 8vo. D. 5. 10. Jobi Historic Explicatio. Col. 1571. 8vo. D. 2. 10. Catholica Enarratio Ps. Ixvi. Mog. 1556. 8vo. G. 6. 6. In Ecclesiasten Annott. Mog. 1550. 4to. D. 1. 12. Jonas Propheta explicatus. Ibid. In Evang. secundum MattheBum Comm. libri iv. Ant. 1559. 8vo. D. 2. 11. Enarr. in Evang. sec. Joannem. Mog. 1550. Fol. G. 2. 14. Enan\ in Acta Apostolorum. Col. 1567. Fol. G. 3. 9. In Epistolam ad Romanes Exegesis. Lugd. 1559. 8vo. D. 4. 5. Enarr. in Joannis Epistolam primam. Mog. 1550. Fol. G. 2. 14. Postillee, sive Conciones in Epistolas et Evangelia, quaa Dominicis diebus legi consueverunt, 3 partibus. Col. 1555-58. 2 vols. 8vo. G. 5.10, 11. Epitome Sermonum ejus Dominicalium per Jo. a Yia edita. Huic adject oe sunt ejusdem in Threnos Hieremise Conciones. Mog. 1561. Fol. L. 3. 18. Postillae in - Epistolas et Evangelia de Sanctis, Lat. per Jo. a Yia. Ant. 1562. 8vo. G. 5. 12. Quadragesimalis Interpretatio Parabolae Filii prodigi, una cum communi- onis SS. Eucharistiee admonitionibus. His accessere 3 Synodales Conciones. Mog. 1556. 8vo. G. 6. 6. Examen Ordinandornm. Ant. 1562. 16mo. ZC2. 8. 6. Festus, S. Pompeius. De Yerborum significatione libri xx., cum Annott. per Ant. Angustinum. Yen. 1560. 8vo. Y. 5. 33. FiciNus, Marsilius. Theologia Platonica de Animorum Immortalitate. Flor. 1482. Fol. Y. 3. 25. 128 CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS IN THE [FIC •FiciNus, Marsilius. EpistoloB Familiares. Yen. 1595. Fol. Z. 2. 56. Field, Frid. See Origen. Field, Nath. Memorials of the Life of Rich. Field. Loud. 1716-7. 8ro. T. 5. 37. Field, Rich. Of the Church, Five Books. 2nd ed. Oxf. 1628. Fol. R. 4. 6. FiENNES, Hon. Nath. A Speech in answer to the third Speech of Lord Oeo. Dighy concerning Bishops, and the City of London's Petition. 1641. 4to. P. 8. 4. A Speech before his Highness and Parliament, 27 Jan. 1658. Lond. 1659. 4to. Ibid. FiENUS, Tho. Dissertatio de Cometa anni 1618. Quaestio an verum sit Ccelnra moveri ac Terram quiescere ? Lond. 1655. 8vo. Z. 5. 84. Fiera, J. Baft., Mantnanus. Adolescentia, sea Bucolica, Jod. Badii Comm. illnstrata. Lond. 1672. 8vo. Y. 6. 52. FiGLiucci, Felice. De la Politica secondo la dottrina d' Aristotile, libri otto. In Yen. 1583. 4to. Z. 3. 73. FiLLiuccius, YiNC. Moralium Queestt. de Christianis Officiis et Casibns Con- scienties tomi iii. Col. Agr. 1629. 3 vols, in 1. Fol. N. 1. 7. FiN^us, Orontius. In eos qnos de Mundi Spheera conscripsit libros, ac in Planetarum Theoricas, Canonum Astronomicorum libri ii. Par. 1553: 4to. Finch, John, Lord. A Letter to Dr. Cosin. Lond. 1641. 4to. Finch, Wm. Bampton Lectures for 1797. Oxf. 1797. 8vo. FiNCKius, Tho. Horoscopographia. Slesvici, 1591, 4to. FiEMicus !Maternus, Jul. De Errore Profanarum Religionum liber. Arg. 1562. 8vo. Idem, ex recensione Jo. Wower. Par. 1666. Fol. FiRMiLiANUS, Episc. Caesareas Cappad. Epistola ad Cypriannm, cnm Notis. p. 227. A. 5. 27. Fisher, Jo., Episc. Roffen. [Defensio Sacri Sacerdotii contra Lutherum.] Col. 1525. 8vo. Title-page wanting. B. 6. 38. Flacids, Matthias. De Yocabulo Fidei et aliis qnibusdam Yocabulis, Explicatio, sumpta ex fontibus Hebraicis. Witteb. 1549. 8vo. ZCo. 4. 15. Qnaedam Notaa verse ac falsas Religionis, atque adeo ipsius Antichristi. Magd. 1549. 8vo. ZCg. 8. 10. Confessionis And. Osiandri de Justificatione Refatatio. Franc. 1552. 4to. ZC2. 3. 8. Contra Commentitiam Primatum Papee. ] 555. Fol. L. 2. 7. Unanirais primitivse Ecclesiae Consensus, de non scrutando divicje genera- tionis Filii Dei modo. Bas. 1560. 8vo. ZCg. 1. 8. Catalogus Testium Yeritatis qui Pontifici Romano, ejusque Erroribus reclamarunt; cum Appendice. Arg. 1562. Fol. L. 4. 4. Admonitio de sacrosancto Christi Testamento incorrupto. Ursellis, 1564. 8vo. ZC2. 5. 6. Apologia pro suis Demonstrationibus in Controversia Sacramentaria, conti-a Bezas cavillationes. 1566. 8vo. ZC2. 1. 4. Refutatio Invectivae Bruni contra Centurias Histories Ecclesiasticse. Bas. 1566. 4to. I. 4. 6. Clavis Scripturae Sacrae. Pars I. Bas. 1567. Fol. G. 4. 9. Omnes libelli ejus in Sacramentaria Controversia editi. Pet. Brubachii typis, 1567. 8vo. K, 2. 17. Z. 3. 46. P. ^ L3. W.4. 19. Z. S 1.6. A. 6. 20. A. 1. 18. FOE] CATHEDRAL LIBRARY OF SALISBURY. 129 Flacius, Matthias. ■_ ^ De Essentia Originalis Justitiasaclnjusfcifclae. seu Imaginis I)ei ei contrarife. Bas. 1568-9. 8vo. K. 1. 35. Defensio sanae Doctrinse de Originali Jnstifcia, ac Injustitia ant Peccato. Bas. 1570. 8vo. Ibid. De Mystica Sacramentaliqne seu externa Praesentia et Manducatione Corporis et Sanguinis Christi in S. Coena. 1574. 8vo. ZCj. 4. 4. Flamsteed, Jo. De Insequalitate Dierum Solarium Dissertatio Astronomica. Lond. 1672. 4to. Z. 4. 72. Numeri ad Lunse Theoriara Horroccianam. Lond. 1673. 4to. II id. Fleetwood, Wm., Bp. of St. Asaph. A Sermon on 2 Pet. iii. 9, on the Fast Day. Lond. 1690. 4to. P. 1. 8. Fleta. See Selden. Fletcher, J. The Differences, Causes, and Judgments of Urine. Lond. 1641. 8vo. R. 6. 2. Fletcher, Phin. The Purple Island, or The Isle of Man; together with Piscatory Eclogues, and other Poetical Miscellanies. Cambr. 1633. 4i;o. 0.1. 6. Florebellus, Ant. De Auctoritate Ecclesise. Col. 1545. 4to. ZC2. 3. 11. De Vita Sadoleti Comm., et Epistolarum liber. Rom. 1759. 12mo. K. 1. 14. Florens, Fr. Tractatus ix. in 9 priores Titulos lib. i. Decretalium Gregorii IX. Par. 1641. 4to. K 5. 24. Florentinum Concilium. See Sguropulus. Florentius, Wigorniensis Monachus. Chronicon ex Chronicis, ab initio Mundi usque ad a.d. 1118, cui accessit continuatio ad a.d. 1141 per quondam ejusdem coenobii. Franc. 1601. Fol. Z. 2. 2. Florio, John. Queen Anna's New World of Words ; or a Dictionary of the Italian and English Tongues. Lond. 1611. Fol. Y. 3. 17. See Montaigne. Florus, Jul, Epitome Rerum Romanarum, ex recensione Jo. G. Graevii, cum Notis variorum. Amst. 1702. 2 vols, in 1. 8vo. Y 4. 39. Quae exstant. Birming. 1773. 4to. Y. 3. 27. Histoire Romaine en Francois, par F. N. Coeffetau. A Lyon, 1628. 8vo. X. 2. 24. Fludd, Rob. The Squeezing of Parson Foster's Sponge. Lond. 1631. 4to. O. 1. 31. See Keplerus. FoESius. See Hippocrates. FoLENGius, Jo. Bapt. In Canonicas Epistolas, D. videlicet Jacobi unam, D. Petri duas, ac D. Joannis primam, Comm. Lugd. 1555. 8vo. C. 3. 8. Fontaines, Louis. Relation du Pays de Jansenie. A Paris, 1660. 8vo. Z. 4. 3. Fontanus, Simon. Historica in librum Ruth Explicatio. Par. 1650. 8vo. D. 6. 1. Forbes, Guil. Considerationes Modestse et Pacificse Controversiarum de Justiti- catione, de Purgatorio, de Invocatione Sanctorum, de Christo Mediatore, de Eucharistia. Lond. 1658. 8vo. H. 1. 28. Ford, Simon. Baptism for the Dead. A Sermon on 1 Cor. xv. 29. Lond. 1692. 4to. P. 1. 8. K 130 CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS IN THE [FOR FoRERius, Fr. lesaiaB Prophetae vefcus et nova versio, cum Comm. Ant. 1665. 8vo. D. 2. 9. FORESTUS, Jac. Ph. Sapplementum Sapplementi Chronicorum, ab exordio mundi in an. 1502. Yen. 1503. Fol. Z. 2. 25. FoRESTUS, Pet. De incerto, fallaci Urinarum Judicio, libri iii. Lugd. Bat. 1589. 8vo. Z. 4 6. FoRMAN, Simon. The Grounds of the Longitude Lond. 1591. 4to. P. 8. 5. FoRMULARUM Epistolarium Manipulus 2dus in usum Studiosorum Soc. Jes. Ant. 1639. 4to. X. 2. 34 FoRSTER, Charles. Mahometanism unveiled. Lond. 1829. 2 vols. 8vo. W. 5. 54, 55. Fortescue, Sir John. De Laudibus Legum Anglise. With Notes by J. Selden. Lond. 1660. 8vo. Q. 2. 43. Fortifications, A Method of delineating. Lond. 1667. Pol. T. 2. 17. Fortunatus. See Venantius. Fossard, G. L'ancienne Fondation de la Chapelle de la Delivrande, et I'His- toire miraculeuse d'une Image de Nostre Dame trouvee au dit lieu, auquel Dieu a fait apparoitre plusieurs miracles. A Caen, 1624. In8'sand4's. Z. 5. 29. Foster, Wm. Hoplocrisma-sjpongus, or a Sponge to wipe away the Weapon - Salve. Lond. 1631. 4to. 0. 1. 31. See Fludd. Fotherby, Mart., Bp. of Salisbury. Atheomastix. Lond. 1622. Fol. T. 3. 21. FouLis, Hen. The History of the wicked Plots and Conspiracies of our pre- tended Saints. 2nd ed. Oxf. 1674. Fol. T. 2. 18. Fountaine, And. Numismata Anglo- Saxonica et Anglo-Danica breviter illus- trata. Oxon. 1705. Fol. Z. 1. 56. Fowler, Chr. A Relation of the Proceedings of the Commissioners of the Co. of Berks, authorized by the Ordinance for Ejection, against John Pordage, l&te M-inister of Bradfield. Lond. 1655. 4to. P. 7. 8. Fowler, Rich. An Attempt to detect the Physiological Processes by which Thinking is effected. 2nd ed. Salisb. 1852. 8vo. T. 6. Fox, ET Foxus, Jo. Comm. Rerum in Ecclesia gestarum a Wiclevi temporibus, liber primus. Accesserunt Aphorismi Jo. Wiclevi, cum collectaneis quibusdam Reg. Pecoki ; item, Opisthographia quaedam ad Oxonienses. Arg. 1554. 8vo. B. 6. 11. Volumes 2 and 3 of The Ecclesiastical History, containing the Acts and Monuments of Martyrs. Recognized and enlarged ed. Lond. 1631. Fol. R. 1. 6, 7. A Continuation of the Histories of Foreign Martyrs, from the reign of Elizabeth to these times. Lond. 1632. Fol. Ibid. Foxcroft, John. The Beauty of Magistracy. An Assize Sermon on Rom. xiii. 4. Lond. 1697. 4to. P. 1. 7. Foxius MoRziLLUs, Seb. Ethicae PhilosophiaB Compendium. Bas. 8vo. Z. 5. 108. De Naturae Philosophia, sen de Platonis et A.ristotelis consensione libri v. Par. 1560. 8vo. M. 2. 44. Fracastorius, Hier. Opera Philososophica, Medica, et Astronomica, 2 partibus. Gen. 1637. 8vo. Z. 5. 117. Poemata varia. Ibid. FTJC] CATHEDRAL LIBRARY OF SALISBURY. 131 Feance. Francia Geograpliice Historiceque Tabb. a3neis delineata. Col. Ubiorum, 1595. 4to. Z. 3. 22. Histoire desderniers Troubles de France, soubs les Tegnes desRois Henrj HI., Henry IV. ; avec nn Recueil des Edicts et Articles accordez par le Roy Henry IV. pour la reunion de ses Sujects. 1604. 8vo. Z. 3. 3. Histoire des guerres entre les deux Maisons de France et d'Espagne durant le regno des Rois Fran9ois I., Henry II., Francois II., Charles IX., Henry III., et Henry IV. ; avec la Genealogie de la Maison de Bourbon. Ibid. Recueil des Traictes de Confederation et d'Alliance entre la Couronne de France, et les Princes et Estats estrangers, depuis Fan 1621 jusques a present. 1651. 8vo. Z. 4. 1. The State of France in the 9tli year of Lewis XIV. By J. E. Lond. 1652. 12iuo. R. 6. 3. Traitte de Paix, entre les Couronnes de France et d'Espagne, conclu et signe par M. le Card. Mazarin, et le Seigneur Dom Loiiis Mendez de Haro. . . . 1659. A Paris, 1660. 8vo. Z. 5. 98. Le Voyage de France, par le Comte de Schleswic et Holstein. Ed 4me. A Rouen, 1647. 8vo. Z. 4. 7. Recueil de quelques Pieces de Prose et de Vers faits pour les Prix qui avoient este proposez de la part de I'Academie Fran^oise en 1671. A Paris, 1671, 72. 12mo. Z. 5. 99. Recueil de plusieurs Pieces d'Eloquence et de Poesie presentees a I'Academie Fran9oise pour le Prix del'annee 1673. A Paris, 1673. 8vo. M. 2. 28. Relation contenant I'Histoire de I'Academie Fran^oise. A Paris, 1672. 12mo. Z. 5. 80. Francklin, R. Tract, de Tonis in lingua Graecanica. Ed. 3. Lond. 1650. 12mo. Y. 6. 44. Francos, Jac. Jehova Vindex, sive de Rebud Gallicis Narratio prima. Bremae, 1590. 8vo. K. 1. 21. Franklyn. See Bishops in Parliament. Frederick, Elector Palatine. See Palatinate, and Wassenbergius. Freeman, Fr. A description of a Conference betwixt a National Presbyterian and an Independent. Lond. 1647. 4to. P. 7. 3. Freeman, Sam. A Sermon on Ps. xxxiv. 12-14, before the Lord Mayor, 8 Oct. 1682. Lond. 4to. P. 1. 7. A Discourse cone, the Invocation of Saints. Lond. 1684. 4to. P. 4. 6. A Discourse by way of Dialogue betwixt a Minister and his Parishioner, concerning the Catholic Church. Lond. 1687. 4to. P. 3. 5. Fricius, And. De Republica emendanda libri v. Ed. 2. Accedunt, preeter alia, De Ecclesia liber 2dus, Orationes item, et Epistol®. Bas. 1559. Fol. K 3. 12. Frtderictts Barbarossa, Imp. Ad Carolum Franciee Regem Epistola, p. 323. M. 1. 18. Fromondus, Lirertus. Lib. Meteorologicorum libri vi. Lond. 1656. 8vo. Z. 5. 8. Dissertatio de Cometa anni 1618. Ibid. De Causis naturalibus Pluviae Purpureae Bruxellensis clarorum virorura Judicia. Ibid. Frusius, And. Epigrammata in Heereticos. Rothom. 1609. 8vo. X. 2. 25. FucHSius, Leon. Methodus, seu Ratio compendiaria perveniendi ad veram solidamqu^ K 2 132 CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS IN THE [FUL Medicinam. De usitata coraponendorum mlscendorumqiie medicamen- torum ratione libri iii. Par. 1546. 16mo. ZCj. 4. 14. Institntionum Medicinae libri v. Lugd. 1655. 8vo. Z. 5. 113. Versio et Annott. in medicamentortim Opus Nic. Myrepsi. Lngd. 1549. 8vo. Z. 4. 28. FuLBECK, Wm. An Historical Collection of the Factions, Tumults, and Massacres of the Romans and Italians, during the space of 120 years next before the peaceable Empire of Augustus Caesar. Lond. 1601. 4to. P. 5. 4. FCLGENTIUS RUSPENSIS. Opera. Hagenau, 1520. Fol. A. 5. 3. Bas. 1566. 8vo. A. 6. 26. De Incamatione et Gratia liber. Lov. 1555. 8vo. A. 6. 28. FuLGENTius, Fabius Planciades. Mythologiarum libri iii. Bas. 1536. 8vo. Y. 5. 48. FuLKE, Wm. The Rhemish N. Testament, with a Confutation of some of its Arguments, Glosses, and Annotations. Also, the English Version then in use in the Church of England, with a Defence of the Translation of the Bible into English, against Greg. Martin. Lond. 1617. Fol. R. 1. 12. Fuller, Nich. Argument (in the case of Tho. Lad and Rich. Mansell) proving that the Ecclesiastical Commissioners have no power to imprison, or to fine any of his Majesty's subjects, or to put them on oath. Lond. 1641. 4to. T. 5. 10. Fuller, Nic, Sarisbur. Canonicus. Miscellaneorum Theologicorum libri vi. Ed. 2, Arg. 1650. 8vo. M. 2. 4. Fuller, Tho. A Fast Sermon on St. Matth. v. 9, preached on Innocents' Day. Lond. 1642. 4to. P. 6. 8. A Pisgah Sight of Palestine and the Confines thereof. Lond. 1650. Fol. R. 2. 4. Abel Redivivus ; or. The Dead yet speaking. The Lives and Deaths of the Modern Divines; with Portraits. Lond. 1651. 4to. T. 4. 22. See Preface for the Lives written by Fuller. Fuller Tho. The Church History of Britain, from the Birth of Christ until the year 1648. Lond. 1655. Fol. R. 2. 5. The History of the University of Cambridge since the Conquest. Ibid. The History of Waltham Abbey. Ibid. Fullwood, Fr. Leges Angliee. The Lawfulness of Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction in the Church of England, asserted and vindicated. Lond. 1681. 8vo. O. 2. 34. FuLMAN, Guil. See Oxford University. FuLVU MoRATA, Olympia. Orationes, Dialogi, Epistolse, &c. Bas. 1562. 8vo. K. 1. 10. Funeral Sermons. See Sermons. Fur Pr^destinatus. [Auctore Hen. Statio ?] Lond. 1651. 12mo. K. 3. 36. See Kendallus. G, G., R- The Truth of Tithes discovered, or the Church's Right maintained and defended ; with a brief Scholy upon Ps. Ixxxiii. concerning the same subject. Lond. 1618. 4to. P. 6. 5. GAR] CATHEDRAL LIBRARY OF SALISBURY. 133 Gabriel, Philadelpliiae Metropolita. Libellus de Sancto Sacerdotii Sacramento, Gr. et Lat. p. 201. M. 1. 5. Gagk^us, sen Gagneius, Jo. In 4 Evangelia necnon Actus Apostolorum Scholia. Ant. 1559. 8vo. C. 8. 10. In omnes D. Panli Epistolas, itidem in 7 Canonicas Epistolas, et Apoealjpsin, Scholia. Ant. 1564. 8vo. C. 3. 11. Gail, Chr. Assertiones Theologicee, quae simul vice Conimentarii esse possunt in Epistolam D. Jacobi. Dilingse, 1565. 4to. E. 5. 28. Galantes, Livius. Ghristianae Theologise cum Platonica Comparatio. Bonon. 1627. Fol. , N. 4. 9. Galenus, Claudius. Libri aliquot Gr., cum Annott. Jo. Caii. Bas. 1544. 4to. Z. 4. 6o. Libellus, cui titulum fecit, Quos^ quibiis, et quando purgare oporteat, Lat. cum Comm. per Seb. Coquillatum Scipionem. Lugd. 1557. 16mo. ZCi.4. 14. Epitome Operum, Lat., cum compendio Galeni in Hippocratem, per And. Lacunam. Lugd. 1643. Fol. Z. 1. 50. See Peletarius. Galfridus Monumetensis. Britanniee utriusque Regum et Principum Origo, et gesta insignia. Par. 1508. 4to. B. 6. 6. Galilei, Galil^us. Nov-Antiqua Patrum et Theologorum doctrina de S. Scriptures Testimoniis in Conclusionibus mere naturalibus temere non nsurpandis. 4to. ZCi. 2. 5. The same, with the System of the World, in four Dialogues, translated into Engl, by Tho. Salusbury. Lond. 1661. Fol. T. 2. 35. Gallasius, Nic. In Exodum Comm. Gen. 1560. Fol. E. 4. 8. ProCalvino,adineptiasetconviciaCochla3iResponsio. 1549. 8vo. ZC2.8. 1. Gallia. Apostoli per Nationem Gallicanam Cardinalibus dati contra Annatas, &c. p. 377. M. 1. 18. Gravamina Ecclesige Gallicanas. p. 238. M. 1. 19. Rerum in Gallia ob Religionem gestarum libri iii., Regibus Hen. II., ad illius quidem regni finem, Francisco II. et Carolo IX. 1570. 8vo. 2 copies. B. 5. 40. ZCi. 5. 21. Concilia GalliaB Narbon. See Concilia. Gallus, Cornelius. See Catullus. Gallus, F. M. Omnium post Domitianum Rom. Imperatorum usque ad Car. V. vitee gestorumque descriptio. Bas. 1537. 8vo. Y. 5. 29. Gamerius, Hannardus, Mosaeus. Carmen de Sanctorum Reliquiis. Ingolst. 1565. 8vo. ZC2. 6, 11. Satyra de Merito Christi. Ibid. 1566. 4to. L. 5. 8. Ganivetus, Jo. Liber Amicus Medicorum inscriptus. [Lugd. 1508 ?] 8vo. Title-'page mutilated. ZCi. 5. 12. GARCiEus, Jo. Historica Narratio de Infanticidio Herodis Magni. Witteb. 1565. 8vo. ZC2.I. 7. Confessio de Spiritu Sancto, collecta ex scriptis Patrum, etc. Ibid. Harmonia de Ratione Institutionis Scholasticae. Ibid. De Prsedestinatione Sententia. 1566. 8vo. 2 copies. K. 3. 41. ZCg. 4. 9. Garcilaso de la Yega. See Vega. [Gardiner,] James, Bp. of Lincoln. Advice to the Clergy of his Diocese. Lond. 1697. 4to. P. 1. 9. 134 CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS IN THE [GAR Gardinee, Sam. Resp. valedictoria ad secundam Sandii Epistolam in Viudi- cias Nuclei sui Hist. Ecclesiasticee. Lond. 1681. 8vo. B. 6. 3. Gardiner, Steph., Episc. Winton. De vera Obedientia Oratio, una cum Praefatione Bonneri. p. 800. M. 1. 19. A Declaration of such true articles as Geo. Joye hath gone about to con- fute as false. Lond. 1546. 8vo. R. 6. 10. Ad Mart. Bucerum Epistola. Lov. 1546. 4to. ZCg. 3. 11. Exetasis Testimonioium, quos Bucerus ex SS. Patribus non sancte edidit, ut patrocinetur opinioni de ceelibatus dono. Lov. 1554. 4to. ZCg. 3. 7. Confutatio Cavillationum quibus Eucharistiae Sacramentnm ab impiis Capharnaitis impeti solet. Ed. 2. Lov. 1554. 8vo. K. 1. 31. See Martyr Vermilius. Garetius, Jo. Universalis et Catholicee Ecclesise, de veritate Corporis Christi in Eu- charistiae Sacramento praesentis, Consensus. Ant. 1563. 8vo. K. 1. 26. Sacrificii Missae et Caerimoniarum Assertio, ex SS. Patribus, etc., collecta. Ibid. De Sanctorum Invocatione liber. Gandavi, 1570. 8vo. G. 6. 6. Garnerius, Jo. See Mercator, Marius. Gassendus, Pet. Opera omnia. Lugd. 1658. 6 vols, in 4. Fol. Z. 1. 33-36. De Motu impresso a Motore translate Epistolae ii. Par. 1642. 4to. ZCi. 2. 5. De Apparente Magnitudine Solis humilis et sublimis EpistolaB iv. Ibid. Apologia in Jo. Bapt. Morini librum, cui titulus, Alae Telluris FractaB. Epistolae iv. de Motu impresso a Motore translate. Lugd. 1649. 4to. Ibid. Recueil des Lettres des Sieurs Morin, de la Roche, de Nevre, et Gassend ; en suite de I'Apologie du Sieur Gassend touchant la question De Motu impresso a Motore translato. A Paris, 1650. 4to. Z. 2. 14. Gassonius, Jac. 'AjciXvo-m. TToXiTiKt]. In qua de prima Civitatum Origine dis- putatur. Burdig. 1591. 8vo. Z. 5. 2. Gastiub, Jo. Comm. in Biblia, ex Augustini Operibus collecti. Bas. 1542. 2 vols. Fol. A. 4. 23, 24. Gatakek, Charles. Five Captious Questions, propounded by a Factor for the Papacy, answered, etc. Lond. 1673. 4to. 0. 2. 4. The Papist's Bait ; or, Their usual Method of gaining Proselytes, answered. Lond. 1674. 4to. P. 2. 3. Ichnographia Doctrines de Justificatione. Lond. 1681. 4to. P. 1. 11. Gataker, Tho. De Novi Instrumenti Stylo Dissertatio. Lond. 1648. 4to. E. 6. 2. Jo. Davenantii, Sarisbur. Episc. ad Sam. Wardum Epistola, in qua de Infantium quorumvis rite Baptizatorum statu disseritur, etc. ; una cum Stricturis in eandem nonnullis. Loud. 1654.* 8vo. L. 6. 36. Gauden, John, Bp. of Exeter. The loosing of St. Peter's Bands; setting forth the true Sense and Solu- tion of the Covenant. Lond. 1660. 4to. O. 2. 12. Counsel to 44 Presbyters and Deacons ordained by him Jan. 13, 1660, in Lat. and Engl. Lond. 1661. Fol. T. 2. 17. Gaule, John. The Mag-Astro-mancer ; or, The Magical-Astrological-Diviner posed, and puzzled. Lond. 1652. 4to. T. 6. 52. Gauricus, Pomponius. De Sculptura exccrpta ex Dialogo ejus. Lugd. Bat, 1649. Fol. Z. 2. 21. GHE] CATHEDRAL LIBRARY OF SALISBURY. 135 Gavantus, Bar'I'h. Thesaurus Sacrorum Rituum, seu Comm. in Rubrlcas Missalis et Breviarii Romani. Ant. 1646. 2 vols, in 1. 4to. N. 5. 10. Gaza, Theod. Introductionis Grammaticae libri iv., Gr. et Lat. Bas. 1523. 4to. Y. 4. 13. Col. 1525. 8vo. 2 copies. Y. 5. 14, 15. Gelasius I., Rom. Episc. Excerptum ex Opere ejus de duabus Christi Naturis, cum Notis. p. 137. A. 6. 28. Geminus Rhodius. Isagoge ad Arati Phasnomena, Gr. et Lat., interprete Edone Hilderico, cum Notis Petavii. Par. 1630. Fol. Z. 1. 37. De Mensibus liber, Gr. et Lat., Jo. Perrello interprete. Ibid. Genebrardus, Gilb. Chronographia. Par. 1567. Fol. L. 4. 6. De S. Trinitate libri iii. contra Trinitarios, Antitrinitarios, et Autotheanos. Par. 1569. 8\ro. N. 6. 10. Genesis of the World, The Divine History of the. Lond. 1670. 4to. P. 2. 7. Gennadius, Patriarcha Constantinop. Epistola Encyclica contra Simoniam. p. 658. L.l. 11. Gentilis, Albericus. See Reynolds, John. Gentius, Geo. See Salomon, fil. Virga). Georgica. Vetustissimorum Auctorum Georgica, Bucolica, et Gnomica poemata, Gr. et Lat., cum AnDott. Apud Jo. Vignon, 1612. 16mo. Y. 6. 7. Georgtus, Dux Saxonise. Resp. ad Epistolam Lutheri. Data Dresdee, 1526. Impr. per Mieh. Hochstratum. 4to. ZCg. 3. 14. Gkorgius, Fr. De Harmonia Mundi totius Canticatria. Ven.1525. Fol. L.3, 21. Geree, Steph. a Confutation of diverse dangerous positions in the seven first of Dr. Crisp's 14 Sermons intituled, Christ alone exalted. [Lond. 1644.] 4to. P. 7. 3. Gerhardus, Jo. Harmoniae Evangelistarum Chemnitio-Lyserianae Continuatio, Comm. illustrata. Roterod. 1646. Fol. G. 2. 21. Methodus Studii Theologici exposita. Jenae, 1622. 8vo. H. 2. 2. Germania. Gravamina Germanicae Nationis, cum Remediis. p. 334. M. ] . 18. Pontificii Oratoris Legatio in Conventu Norimbergensi exposita. p. 341. Ibid. Cancellaria Hispanica : Scripta et Epistolae e quibus partim belli in Germania, partim Proscriptionis in Electorem Palatinum, scopus prae- cipuus apparet. Freist. 1622. 4to. Z.4. 40. Germanus, Archiep. Constantinop. Precationis Dominicee Expositio, Lat. per Ad. Lonicerum. Franc. 1554. 8vo. N. 6. 16. Germbergius. See Junius, Hadr. Gerson, Jo. de. Opera. Par. 1494. 3 vols. Fol. L. 3. 12-14. Gesnerus, Conr. Partitiones Theologicae Pandectarum Universalium liber ultimus. Tig. 1549. Fol. L. 4. 16. Conr. Lycosthenis Epitome Bibliothecae Gesnerianae locupletata per Jos. Simlerum. Tig. 1555. Fol. Y. 3. 28. Ghetaldus, Marinus. Promotus Archimedes, seu De variis corporum generibus, gravitate efc magnitadine comparatis. Rom. 1603. 4to. Z. 4. 87. 136 CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS IN THE [GHE Ghetaldus, Marinus. Apollonius Redivivns, seu Restituta ApoUonii Pergoei Inclination uni Geometria. Ven. 1607. 4to. ZC,. 2. 13. Snppleraentum Apollonii Galli, seu Exsuscitata ApoUonii Pergaei Tactionum Geometrise pars reliqua. Ibid. Variorum Problematum CoUectio. Ibid. GiANiNius, Tho. De Providentia, ex sententia Platonis, liber, ubi etiam de Idaeis et Daemonibns disputatur. Pat. 1588. 4to. L. 5. 6. Gibbons, Orlando. A Collection of his Sacred Compositions, edited and arrangedby the Rev. Sir F. A. Gore Ouseley. Lond. 1873. Fol. 2 copies. W. 1. 24, 25. Gibson, Edm. Codex Juris Ecclesiastici Anglicani ; or, The Statutes, Con- stitutions, Canons, Rubrics and Articles of the Church of England, with a Commentary. Vol. 2. Lond. 1713. Fol. T. 1. 2. GiFFARD, Geo. A short Treatise against the Donatists of England, whom we call Brownists. Lond. 1590. 4to. P. 6. 4. GiGAS, Jo. De Certitudine Religionis Christianse Concio. Addita sunt quoodam poemata. Franc. 1551. 8vo. B. 5. 34. Gil, Alex. The Sacred Philosophy of the Holy Scripture : a Comment on the Apostles' Creed. Lond. 1635. Fol. T. 3. 17. A Treatise concerning the Trinity. 2nd ed. Ibid. [Gilbert, John.] An Answer to the Bp. of Condom's * Exposition of the Catholic Faith.' Lond. 1686. 4to. P. 3. 3. GiLBERTUS DE HoLLANDTA. Sermones super Cant. Canticorum. (Sub finem Ojperum Bernardi.) GiLBERTUS, sive GuiBERTUS ToRNACENSFS. De Officio Episcopi, et Ecclesiae Cseri- moniis Tract. Col. 1571. 8vo. K. 3. 31. GiLBERTUS, GUIL. De Magnete, &c. Lond. 1600. Fol. Z. 2. 41. De Mundo nostro snblunari Philosophia Nova. Amst. 1651. 4to. Z. 4. 67. GiLBERTUS, Tho. Vindicise Supremi Dei Dominii. Lond. 1655. 8vo. K. 3. 43. GiLDAS Sapiens. Liber de Excidio et Conqnestu Britanniae. p. 1002. L. 1. 11. In Ecclesiasticnm Ordinem acris Correptio. p. 1018. Ibid. Gillespie, Geo. Nil probas. An [Anonymous] Answer to his ' Aaron's Rod budding.* Lond. 1646. 4to. P. 7. 2. GiRARD, Alb. See Maurice (Prince), and Stevin. GiRARD, Bern. de. L'Histoire de France. Tome ler. A Paris, 1577. 8vo. Z. 5. 123. De I'estat et succez des Affaires de France. A Paris, 1613. 8vo. Z. 4. 27. GiSENlUS, Jo. Papismus, h. e., Errorem Pontificiornm Refutatio. Ed. 2. Gissse, 1623. 4to. ZC2. 4. 3. Glanvill, Jos. A Prefatory Answer to Mr. Hen. Stubbe's Animadversions on his Flus Ultra. Lond. 1671. 8vo. R. 6. 26. Glanvilla, Ranulphus de. Tract, de legibus et consuetudinibus regni Anglia » tempore Regis Henrici II. compositus. 8vo. H. 2. 48* Glareanus, Hen. Compeudiaria descriptio orbis terrarum. Par. 1619. 24mo. Z. 5. 23. Glassius, Sal. Philologise Sacrae libri v. Ed. 3. Franc, et Hamb. 1653. 4to. E. 5. 27. Gleaiham, Sir Tho. See Scotland. GOO] CATHEDRAL LIBRARY OP SALISBURY. 137 Glissonius, ¥r. Be Rachitide Tract. Lond. 1650. 8vo. Z. 5. 114. Anatomia Hepatis, efc nonnulla de Lymphae-ductibns nuper repertis. Lond. 1654. 8vo. Z. 4. 24. Globes, The Antiquity and Excellency of. Lond. 1652. 4to. Z. 4. cO. Gloriosus, Jo. Camillus. Exercitt. MatLematicarum Decas prima. Neap. 1627. 4to. Z. 3. 13. Glossa. Biblia cum Glossa ordinari^, &c. See Biblla. Repertorium Alphabeticum Sententiarum decerptarum ex Glossa ordinaria interlinearique, Nic. de Lyra Postilla, Paul Burgensis Additionibus et Matth. Thoringi Correctorio. Ex valle Engadi, 1508. Fol. L. 1. 14. Gnomica. See Georgica. GocCHius, Jo. Epistola Apologetica declarans quid de Scholasticorum scriptis, votis, obligationibus sit censendum. 4to. ZC2. 3. 5. Godeau, Ant. Histoire de I'Eglise. Ed. 5me. A Paris, 1680. 6 vols. 12mo. B. 6. 23-28. GoDOLPHiN, John. A View of the Admiral Jurisdiction. Lond. 1661. 8vo. Q. 2. 29. The Orphan's Legacy; or a Testamentary Abridgement. Lond. 1674. 4to. T. 5. 13. Godwin, Tho. An Exposition of the Roman Antiquities. 3rd ed. Oxf. 1620. 4to. P. 5. 7. Moses and Aaron : Civil and Ecclesiastical Rites used by the ancient Hebrews. 3rd ed. Lond. 1628. 4to. Ibid. GoEUSCHELius, Jac. Tropi, Schemata, Synonyma, &c., S. ScripturaB et pro- batissimorum Scriptorum, 7 libiis explicata. Bas. 1546. 8vo. F. 2. 10. GOLDASTUS, MeLCH. CoUectio Constitutionum Imperialium. Franc. 1673. 3 vols, in 2. Fol. Z. 2. 70, 71. Replicatio pro Caesarea et Regia Francorum Majestate, et Imperii ordinibus, adversus Jac. Gretseri Jesuitse crimina. Accesserunt Roman i Imperii Principum Apologias pro Henrico IV. Imp., adversus Greg. VII. Pap83 et aliorum criminationes. Han. 1611. 4to. Zj. 2. 9. Golden Legend, The. See Voragine. GoLius, Jac. Lexicon Arabico-Latinum. Lugd. Bat. 1653. Fol. Y. 1 . 16. GoLius, Theoph. Epitome Doctrinse Moralis, ex 10 libris Ethicorum Arist. ad Nicomachum. Arg. 1652. 8vo. Y. 5. 47. Goodman, J. The Penitent pardon'd ; or, A Discourse of the Nature of Sin, and the Efficacy of Repentance. Lond. 1679. 4to. T. 6. 42. A Discourse concerning Auricular Confession, as it is prescribed by the Council of Trent. Lond. 1684. 4to. P. 4. 6. [Goodwin, — ] Transubstantiation a peculiar Article of the Roman Catholic Faith, which was never owned by the Ancient Church, or any of the Reformed Churches ; in answer to a Discourse called, ' Reasons for abrogating the Test.' Lond. 1688. 4to. P. 4. 4. Goodwin, John. The Divine Authority of the Scriptures asserted. Lond. 1648. 4to. T. 6. 21. See Hammond, Jenkyn, and Prynne. Goodwin, Tho. Certain select Cases resolved, specially tending to the Comfort of Believers in their chief and usual Temptations j with other Tractates. Lond. 1651. 4to. P. 6. 1. 138 CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS IN THE [GOB, G0RCU8, Jo. Epitome Comm. Guil. Estii et Corn, a Lapide in omnes D. Panli Epistolas. Ant. 1619. 8vo. D. 4. 11. GoRDONUS, Jac. Opus Chronologicum a mundi exordio adA.D. 1613. Col. Agr. 1614. 2 vols, in 1. Fol. Z. 2. 20. Gore, Tho. Catalogus Auctornm qui de Re Heraldica scripserunt. Oxon. 1674. 4to. Z. 3. 43. Gorgias. See Oratores Attici. V. 2. 4, 14. GoRiCHEMius, Hen. Conclusiones et Concordantiae Bibliorum ac Canonum in libros Magistri Sententiarum, necnon singularium Distinctionum Sum- maria. Bas. 1502. Fol. N. 4. GORRANUS, NlC. In 4 Evangelia Comm. Ant. 1617. Fol. E. 1. 4. In omnes D. Pauli Epistolas Elucidatio. Ant. 1617. Fol. E. 1. 6. In Acta Apostolorum, et singulas Apostolorum, Jacobi, Petri, Jobannis et Judae canouicas Epistolas, et Apocalypsin Comm. Ant. 1620. Fol. Ibid. Omnium anni Sermonum Fundamentum aureum. Ibid. GoTHOFREDUS, DiON. Corpus Juris Civilis, 4 partibus distinctum, notis illus- tratum. Cura N. Antonii. Lugd. 1652. 2 vols. 4to. Z. 2. 32, 33. GoTHOFREDUs, Jac. See Theodosius. GoTOFREDUS, Jo. LuD. Arcbontologia Cosmica, sive Imperiorum, Regnorum, &c., omnium per totum Terrarnm Orbem, Comm. Franc, ad M. 1628. Fol. Z. 2. 53. GoTVisus, DoNATUS. Juramentum Pii Papse IV. continens capita Pontificiae Religionis, cum Confutatione ejusdem. Christlinga3, 1573. Svo. ZC2 7. 5. [GouGH, R,] Sepulcbral Monuments in Great Britain, applied to illustrate the History of Families, Manners, Habits, and Arts, from the Norman Conquest to the 17th Century. Lond. 1786-96. Parts I. II. in 3 vols. Fol. (To the end of the 15th century.) W. 1. 40-42. GouLDMAN, Tr. a Copious Dictionary, English and Latin, and Latin and English. 2nd ed. Cambr. 1669. 4to. X. 2. 7. Graduale ad veram et integram prasclarse Ecclesiae Sarum consnetudinem, nuper Parisiis excusum. Venund. Lond. a Fr. Byrckman, 1528. Fol. Glazed Case. GRiECUS. Apologia Grcecorum de Purgatorio igne in Concilio Basileensi exhibita, Gr. et Lat. Jo. Hartungo interprete. p. 1376. L. 1. 11. Grsecae Grammaticse Compendium. Lond. 1729. Svo. Y. 5. 39. Grammatica Busbeiana, Gr. Lat., in nsum Scholae Westmonasteriensis. Lond. 1732. 8vo. Ibid. A Dissertation against pronouncing the Greek Language according to Accents. 2nd ed. Lond. 1755. 8vo. T. 5. 30. Grammaire Generale et Raisonnee. 2de ed. A Paris, 1664. Svo. Z. 5. 51. Granada, Lod. de. Flores ex omnibus ejus Opusculis spiritualibus excerpti, Lat. Col. 1588. 12mo. ZCi. 4. 12. Grant, John. A Dialogue concerning the Liturgy. [Lond. 1630.] 4to. Title-^age wanting. O. 2. 29. Graswinckel, Theod. Maris Liberi Yindicise adversus Welwodum. Hagse- Com. 1653. 4to. Z. 4. 40. Gratianus, Monachus Benedictinus. Decretum Aureum, cui titulus talis est, Incipit concordantia discordantium Canonum. Adjiciuntur Canones Pcenitentiales, et Gratiani Vita. Rothom. 1519. Svo. H. 2. 54. GRE] CATHEDRAL LIBRARY OF SALISBURY. 139 Gratius, Orthuinus. Fasciculus Rerum expetendarum et fugiendarum editus Colonise, a.d. 1535, in Concilii tunc iudicendi usum ; una cum Appendice. Opera et studio Edwardi Brown. Lond. 1690. 2 vols. Fol. M. 1. 18, ]9. Graunt, John. Observations upon the Bills of Mortality, with reference to the City of London. 4th ed. Oxf 1665. 8vo. Q. 2. 32. Gravius, Jo. See Ulugh-Beigh. Gray, Rob. Bampton Lectures for 1796. Lond. 1796. 8vo. W. 4. 18. Greenwet, Rich. 8ee Tacitus. Greenwood, John. See Barrowe, Hen. Gregorius Heimburgensis. See Heimburg. Gregorius Nazianzenus. Opera, Lat., cum variorum Comm. et Scholiis Jac. Billii, qui omnia Lat. vertit. Col. Agr. 1570. Fol. A. 4. 8. Opera omnia, Gr. et Lat., cum varioram Comm. Par. 1630. 2 vols. Fol. A. 3. 7, 8. Groeca queedam et sancta Carmina, cum Latina Jo. Langi interpretatione. Bas. 8vo. A. 6. 11. Gregorius, Neocsesariensis Episc. Opera omnia, Gr. et Lat., cum Notis Ger. Yossii. Par. 1622. Fol. A. 4. 3. lu Ecclesiasten Comm,, Lat. p. 377. L. 1. 11. Gr. Lat., inter Opera Greg. Nazianzeni. De iis qui in captivitate idolis sacrata comederunt, Epistola Canonica, Lat. p. 385. L. 1. 11. Gr. Lat. cum Notis. p. 253. A. 5. 24. Gregorius Nyssenus. Opera omnia, Lat. per L. Sifanum. Bas. 1562. Fol. A. 4. 20. Opera, Gr. et Lat., denuo edita, aucta, et Notis, necnon Indicibns ornata. Par. 1638. 3 vols. Fol. A. 3. 4-6. De pauperibus amandis et benignitate complectendis, oratioues duas, Lat. p. 469. L. 1. 11. Gregorius I. Papa, dictus Magnus. Operum tomus i. Par. 1523. Fol. A. 1. 15. Ex Operibus ejus Opus super I^ovum Test, ab Alulpho collectum. Par. 1516. 4to. A. 6. 4. See Jamesius. Gregorius II. Papa. Divinum Officium, sive Missa, cum interpretatione Grseca Geo. Codini. Par. 1595. 8vo. A. 6. 18. Gregorius VII. Papa, antea dictus Hildebrandus. Vita et gesta ejus. p. 78. M. 1. 18. See Goldastus. Gregorius, Greg. Lexicon Sanctum, ex ipsius S. Scriptures Explicationibus Nominum Propriorum concinnatum. Han. 1634. 8vo. F. 2. 20. Gregorius, Jac. Geometriae Pars universalis, inserviens Quantitatum Curva- rum transmutationi et mensurse. Pat. 1668. 4to. ZCp 2. 14. Gregorius, Pet. Syntagma Juris Universi, atque Legum poena omnium Gent- ium. Franc, ad M. 1611. Fol. Z. 1. 54. Gregory, John. Notes and Observations upon some Passages of Scripture ; with other learned Tracts. Lond. 1649, '50. 4to. P. 5. 3. Gretserus, Jac. Versio et Comm. ad Codinum de Officiis ct OflBcialibus Magnas Ecclesisa et Aulse Constantinopolitanae, Par. 1625. Fol. M. 1. 6, 140 CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS IN THE [GRE Gretserus, Jac Syntagma de Imaginibus mana non factis, deque aliis a S. Luca pictis. Ibid. Grey, Ric. Nova Methodus Hebraice discendi. Adjicitur Historia Josepbi Patriarcbas literis tarn Romanis qnam Hebraicis, cum versione S. Pagnini. Lond.1751. . 8vo. F. 2.21. Griffith, Matth. Betbel ; or a Form for Families. Lond. 1633. 8vo. Q. 2. 8. Gkimston. See Mayeriie, and Mexia. Grisons. Tbe Proceedings of tbe Grisons in tbe year 1618. 1619. 4to. P. 8. 10. GuoPPERUS, Jo. Capita Institutionis ad Pietatem ex SS. Scripturiset Catbolicse Ecclesiae doctrina et traditione. Ant. 1562. 16mo. ZC2 8. 6. Grossetest seu Geosthead, Rob., Episc. Lincolniensis. Opuscula quaedam nunc primum edita. p. 244. M. 1. 19. See Wbarton, Anglia Sacra. Par. II. p. 325. Grotius, Hugo. Annott. ad Vetus Test. Par. 1644. 3 vols, in 1. Fol. E. 3. 10. Annott. in libros Evangeliorum. Amst. 1641. Fol. E. 3. 7. Annott. in Acta Apost., Epistolas et Apocalypsin. [Par. 1646, '50 ?] 2 vols. Fol. E. 3. 8, 9. Explicatio 3 locorum Novi Test, de Fide et Operibus. Amst. 1640., 8vo., et '41, fol. E. 6. 6. E. 3. 7. Commentatio ad loca quaedam Novi Test., quas de Antichristo agunt, aut agere putantur. Ibid. Explicatio Decalogi. Ibid. De veritate Religionis Cbristianae, cum notulis Jo. Clerici. Hagas-Com. 1724. 8vo. N. 6. 22. Ordinum Hollandias ac Westfrisiae Pietas, vindicata contra Sibr. Lubbertum. Lugd. Bat. ]613. 4to. 1.7.1. Dcfensio Fidei Catholicge de Satisfactione Christi, adv. F. Socinum. Lugd. Bat. 1617. 4to. et 8vo. I. 7. 2. K. 1. 15. Epistola quae est Resp. ad librum Jac. Laurentii, cui titulus, Grotius Pajoizans, Lat. et Belg. Amst. 1642. 8vo. Z. 5. 48. Via ad Pacem Ecclesiasticam. Amst. 1642. 8vo. K. 1. 29. Annotata ad Consultationem Cassandri. Ibid. Disquisitio de Dogmatibus Pelagianis. Ibid. Baptizatorum Pnerorum Institutio, et De Eucbaristia. Ibid. Animadvv. in Animadvv. And. Riveti. Par. 1642. 8vo. K. 1. 11. Votum pro Pace Ecclesiastica, contra Examen And. Riveti. Ibid. Rivetiani Apologetici pro scbismate contra Yofcum Pacis facti, Discussio Irenop. 1645. 8vo. K. 1. 8. Dissertatio de Coense Administratione ubi Pastores non sunt. Item, An semper communicandum per symbola. 1646. 8vo. E. 6. 6. De Mari Libero. Lugd. Bat. 1633. In-8. H. 2. 29. On tbe Authority of tbe Highest Powers about Sacred Things. Translated by C. Barksdale. Lond. 1651. 8vo. Q. 1. 30. De Jure Belli ac Pacis libri tres, cum Annotatis Auctoris et Notis J. F. Gronovii. Dissertatio de Mari Libero. Libellus de ^quitate, In- dulgentia et Facultate, cum Notis Jo. Barbeyracii. Amst. 1735. 2 vols. 8vo. Z. 4. 74, 75. Apologeticus eorum qui Hollandias praefuerunt ante mutationem quae evenit anno 1618. Par. ]640. 12mo. • Z. 5. 12. De Origine Gentium Americanai'um Dissertatio. 1642. 4to. K. 2. 12. GTJT] CATHEDRAL LIBRARY OF SALISBURY. 14l Grotius Hugo. Annales et Historise de Rebus Belgicis. Amst. 1657. Fol. Z. 2. 9. Dicta Poefcarum quse apud Jo. Stobaenm exstant, emendata et Lat. carmine reddita. Par. 1623. 4to. X. 1. 3. Poemata omnia. Ed. 4. Lugd. Bat. 1645. 12mo. 2 copies. X. 1. 28. Y. 6. 30. H. Grotii et aliorum Dissertation es de studiis institnendis. Amst. 1645. 12mo. H. 2. 38. Philosophornm Sententise de Fato, et de eo quod in nostra est potestate. Amst. 1648. 12mo. Z. 5. 18. Epistola ad Gallos. Ed. 2. Lugd. Bat. 1650. 12mo. H. 2. 43. Gruteeus, Janus. Notfe Romanorum veterum quibus Litera verbum facit, Tullii Tyronis Ciceronis Liberti. et Annaei Senecse. Heidelb. 1603. Fol. Y. 2. 23. Gryn^eus, Simon. Comm. de ignitis Meteoris, et de Cometarum causis. Ob- servatio Cometae qui falsit annis 1577-78. De inusitata magnitudine et figara Veneris annis 1578-79. Ex offic. L. Ostenii, 1580. 4to. ZCi.2.11. GuALTHERUS, Marcus. Dialogi de Scbola libri ii. Addita conjectanea quaedam philologa. Franicse, 1613. 4to. K 6. 36. GuALTHERUS, RODOLFHUS. In Evang. secundum Lucam Homilias ccxv. Tig. 1570. In Evang. secundum Joannem Homilise clxxx. Tig. 1565. In Epist. ad Romanos Homiliae. Tig. 1572. Fol. In Epistolas ad Corinthios Homiliae. Tig. 1572. Fol. In S. Joannis Epistolas Homiliae. Tig. 1562. Fol. Pro Huld. Zuinglio et Operum ejus editione Apologia. GuiBERTUS DE ToRNACO. See Gilbertus Tornacensis. GuiLLERMUS Parisiensis. See Alvernus. GuiLLiAUDus, Claud. In Evang. secundum Matthaeum Comm. Par. 1562. Fol. G. 4. 13. In omnes D. Pauli Epistolas Collatio. Par. 1550. 8vo. C. 3. 1. In 7 Canonicas Epistolas Collatio. Par. 1548. 8vo. Ibid. GuiTMUNDUS, Archiep. Aversanus. De Corporis et Sanguinis Christi in Eucbaristia veritate, libri iii. p. 25. Lov. 1551. 8vo. ZC2. 6. 2. De S. Trinitate, Christi humanitate, Corporisque ac Sanguinis veritate, Confessio. Ibid, GuLiELMUS Neubrigensis. Rerum Anglicarum libri v. Ant. 1567. 8vo. ' B. 5. 39. Gunning, Pet., Bp. of Ely. The Paschal, or Lent Fast, Apostolical and per- petual. Lond. 1662. 4to. O. 1. 39. GuNTER, Edm. Canon Triangulorum, sive Tabb. Sinuum et Tangentium. Lond. 1620. 8vo. Z. 4. 5. GusTAvus Adolphus, K. of Sweden. The Reasons for which he was forced to march with an Army into Germany. 1630. 4to. P. 8. 10. The Battle of Lutzen fought between the K. of Sweden, and Wallenstein ; with an Abridgement of the King's Life. 1633. 4to. Ibid. A true Relation of the Reasons which necessitated his Majesty of Sweden to continue the War with Denmark. Lond. 1658. 4to. Ibid. Gutierrez, Jo. Laz. Opusculum de Fascino. Lugd. 1653. 4to. Z. 4. 90. Fol. G. 4. 14. . Fol. G.4.15. G. 3. 17. G. 4. 16. G. 4. 15. Tig. 1545. I Bvo. ZC2. 6. 18. 142 CATALOGUE Of THE BOOKS IN THE [GUY GcTARD, Bern. Discrimina inter Doctrinam Thomisticam et Jansenianam. Par. 1655. 4to. K. 2. 4. Gyles, Mascall. A Defence of a Treatise against superstitious Jesu- Worship. Lond. 1643. 4to. 2 copies, T. 6. 18. H,, G. The Grand Prerogative of Human Nature. Lond. 1653. 8vo. O. 1. 29. H., J. A Refutation of Helmont's pernicious Error, that every man is often born, &c. Oxf. 1694. 4to. Q. 2. 1. H,, R. Villare Anglicum: or, A Yiew of the Towns of England. Lond. 1656. 4to. T. 5. 11. H., W. Credo Resurrectionem Carnis. Lond. 1633. 12mo. O. 2. 52. Habertus, Is. ^Apxf^^paTn^ov. Liber Pontificalis Ecclesiaa Graecae, ex Regiis MSS., Euchologiis, aliisque probatissimis monumentis collectus, Lat. interpretatione, Notis ac Observatt. illustratus. Par. 1643. Fol. B. 2. 26. Hacket, John, Bp. of Lichfield. A Century of Sermons. [Lond. 1675.] Fol. R. 1. 18. Hadrianus, Tit. S. Chryso^oni Presb. Card. Ex 4 Doctoribus Ecclesise de Vera Philosophia. Bonon. 1509. 4to. H. 1. 21. Hadrianus Papa^ See Adrianus. HiERETici. Adversus omnes Haereticos libellus, cum Annott. p. 161. A. 5. 27. Hakewel, W. Modus tenendi Parliamentum ; or the old Manner of holding Parliaments in England; with their Privileges. Lond. 1659, and '60. 12mo. Q. 2. 49. O. 1. 24. The manner how Statutes are enacted in Parliament by passing of Bills. Lond. 1659. 12mo. 2 copies. Ibid. Hakewill, Geo. An Apology of the Power and Providence of God in the Government of the World. Oxf. 1627. Fol. T. 3. 10. Hales, Wm. A New Analysis of Chronology, explaining the History and Antiquities of the Primitive Nations of the World. Lond. 1809-12. 3 vols, in 4. 4to. W. 3. 17-20. Hall, Charles Hen. Bampton Lectures for 1798. Oxf. 1799. 8vo. W. 4. 20. Hall, John. Of Government and Obedience as they stand directed and de- termined by Scripture and Reason. Lond. 1654. Fol. T. 3. 34. Hall, Joseph, Bp. of Exeter, afterwards of Norwich. His Works. Lond. 1634. Fol. R. 3. 1. Episcopacy by Divine Right asserted. Lond. 1640. 4to. 2 copies. 0.2.17. R. 5. 10. The Great Mystery of Godliness laid forth. Also, The Invisible World discovered to spiritual eyes. Lond. 1652. 12mo. Q. 2. 42. See Duraeus. Hamelmannus, Herm. Resolutio 12mi Articuli in Censura Theologorum Colonienslum de Cate- chismo Jo. Monhemii. 1561. 8vo. ZC2. 4. 9. Unanimis omnium Patrum Consensus de vera Justificatione hominis coram Deo. Ursellis, 1562. Svo. L. 6. 24. HAM] CATHEDRAL LIBRARY OF SALISBURY. 143 Hamelmannus, Herm. De Traditionibus Apostolicis et tacitis partes iii. Bas. 1568. Fol. M. I. 28. SS. Patrura Meditationes ac Sententise, quibus ordine salutaris Dominicae Passionis mysterinin et sacramentnin, usus ipse et fructus explicatur. Marp. Ie569. 8vo. N. 6. II. Hamilton, Marquis of. Vindication of himself against three Answers to some General Demands concerning the Scottish Cov^enant. Lond. 1638. 4to. P. 8. 8. The Lier laid open in a Letter touching a late Pamphlet intituled, ' The Manifold Practices and Attempts of the Hamiltons ; and, particularly, of the present Duke of Hamilton, to get the Crown of Scotland.' Lond. 1648. 4to. Ibid. Hammond, Hen. Vol. I. of his Works, containing a Collection of Discourses chiefly Practical. Lond. 1674. Pol. R. 1. 3. A Paraphrase and Annotations upon the Psalms. Lond. 1659. Fol. R. 3. 5. A Paraphrase and Annotations upon the New Test. 2nd ed. (Yol. 3 of his Works.) Lond. 1659. Pol. R. 1. 4. A View of the New Directory, and a Vindication of the ancient Liturgy of the Ch. of England. 3rd ed. Oxf 1646. 4to. P. 7. 5. Of Resisting the Lawful Magistrate, under colour of Religion. Lond. 1643, and '47. 4to. P. 8. 7. P. 7. 5. Of Conscience, Scandal, Will- Worship, Superstition, Idolatry, Sins of Weakness and Wilfulness, A late, or a Death-bed Repentance. Lond. 1646. 4to. P. 7. 5. Of the word Kpl/ia rendered dmnnation, Rom. xiii. Of the Zealots among the Jews. Of taking up the Cross. A vindication of Christ's repre- hending St. Peter, from the Exceptions of Mr. Marshall. 1647. 4to. Ibid. Of fraternal Admonition or Correption. Lond, 1647. 4to. Ibid. Of the Power of the Keys ; or, Of Binding and Loosing. Ibid. A Practical Catechism. 5th ed. Lond. 1649. 4to. R. 5. 8. Some Papers passed at Oxford between the Author of the Practical Cate- chism and Mr. C. [Cheynell.] Lond. 1647. 4to. Ibid. A Vindication of the Practical Catechism. Lond. 1648. 4to. Ibid. The Christian's Obligation to Peace and Charity ; with nine other Sermons. Lond. 1649. 4to. 2 copies. Ibid, and T. 4. 20. A Humble Address to the Rt. Hon. Lord Fairfax, and his Council of War. Lond. 1649. 4to. P. 7. 5 A Vindication of his Address, etc., from the Exceptions of Eutactus Philo- demius ; together with a brief Reply to Mr. John Goodwin's 'YppLffTo^tKatj as far as concerns Mr. Hammond. Ibid. Dissertationes iv. quibus Episcopatus jura ex SS. Scripturis et prim^eva antiquitate adstruuntur, contra sententiam Blondelli et aliornm. Lond. 1651. 4to. 2 copies. K. 2. 7. R. 5. 9. A Vindication of the Dissertations concerning Episcopacy, from the Exceptions offered by the London Ministers in their Jus Bivivum Ministerii Evangelici. Lond. 1654. 4to. 2 copies. T. 4. 19, 21. An Answer to the Animadversions on the Dissertations touching Ignatius's Epistles, and the Episcopacy in them asserted. Lond. 1654. 4to. 2 copies. R. 5. 9. T. 4. 21. A Letter of Resolution to six Queries, of present use in the Church of England. Lond. 1653. 12mo. R. 6. 22. 144 CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS IN THE [HAM Hammond, Hex. Of Schism : a Defence of the Ch. of England against the Exceptions of the Romanists. Lond. 1653. 12mo. Q. 2. 35. A Reply to the Catholic Gentleman's Answer to the most material parts of the Book of Schism ; with an Account of H. T.*s Appendix to his Manual of Controversies. Lond. 1654. 4to. R. 5. 9. The Disarmer's Dexterities examined in a second Defence of the Treatise of Schism. Lond. 1656. 4to. T. 4. 19. A second Defence of H. Grotius. Lond. 1655. 4to. 2 copies. R. 5.9. T.4.21. A Continuation of the Defence of H. Grotius. Lond. 1657. 4to. T. 4. 21. The Baptizing of Infants defended from the Exceptions of Mr. Tombes in his Antipaedobaptism. Lond. 1655. 4to. T. 4. 19. An Account of Mr. Cawdrey's Triplex Diatribe concerning Superstition, Will- worship, and Christmas Festival. Ibid. * A Parasnesis ; or, Seasonable Exhortatory to all true sons of the Ch. of England ; wherein is inserted a Discourse of Heresy, in defence of our Church against the Romanist. Lond. 1656. 12mo. R. 6. 23. See Jeanes. Hampden, R. D. Hampton Lectures for 1832. Oxf. 1832. 8vo. W. 4. 54. Hampole, Rich. See RoUe. Hanckius, Mart. De Romanarum Rerum Scriptoribus liber. Lips. 1669. 4to. L 2. 12. Hanerus, Jo. Prophetia vetus ac nova, h. e., vera Scripturae interpretatio. Lips. 1534. 4to. L 7. 6. De sincera cognitione Christi, deque recta in ilium Fide. Ibid. Hanmer, Meredith. The Ecclesiastical Histories of Eusebius, Socrates, Eva- grius, &c., translated into English. 4th ed. Lond.1636. Fol. R. 4. 7. Harchius, Jod. De causis Hoeresis, proque ejus Exilio, et Concordia controversiarum in religione Haereticorum, Pontificiorum, et Poenitentium, Oratio. Bas. 1573. 4to. L. 5. 32. De Eucharistiae Mysterio, Dignitate, et Usu, libri iii. Vormat. 4to. Ibid. Harding, Tho. A Rejoinder to M. Jewell's Reply against the Sacrifice of the Mass. Lov. 1567. 4to. 0. 1. 12. Hardt, Nath. The First Epistle of St. John unfolded and applied. Lond. 1656-59. 4to. . R. 5. 5. Harleian MSS. See Catalogue. Harmarus, Jo. Lexicon Etymologicum LinguaB GraecaB, jonctim cum Scapula. Lond. 1637. Fol. Y. 2. 9. Harpsfeldius, Nic. Historia Anglicana Ecclesiastica cum Historia Wickleffiana. Duaci, 1622. Fol. B. 3. 15. Sundry Homilies. O. 1. 10, 11. [Harrington, James.] Some Reflections npon a Treatise called Pietas Uoinana et Parisiensisj to which are added — I. A Vindication of Protestant Charity. II. A Defence of the Oxford Reply to two Discourses there printed, a.d. 1687. Oxf. 1688. 4to. P. 4. 2. Haeriotus, Tho. Artis Analyticse Praxis, ad .^Equationes Algebraicas resol- vendas. Lond. 1631. Fol. Z. 2. 22. Harris, Rob. His Works. Lond. 1654. Fol. T. 3. 26. Hartgillus, Geo. Calendaria, sive Tabb. Astronomicae nniversales. Lond. 1594. Fol. Z. 2. 8. HE I] CATHEDRAL LIBRARY OF SALISBURY. 145 Harveius, Guil. Exercitatio Anatomica de Motu Cordis et Sanguinis in Auimalibus. Franc. 1628. 4to. ZCi. 3. 5. Exercitationes de Generatione Animalinm. QusBdam de Partu, de mem- branis ac humoribus Uteri, et de Conceptione. Lond. 1651. 4to. Z. 3. 17. See Primirosius. [Hascard, Gregory.] A Discourse about the Charge of Novelty upon the Reformed Church of England, made by Papists asking us the Question, * Where was our Religion before Luther ? ' Lond. 1685. 4to. P. 4. 6. Hastings, Sir Fr. See D., N. Hawkins, John. Discursus de Melancholia Hypochondriaca. Heidelb. 1633. 4to. ZCi. 3. 6. Hawkins, Wm. Bampton Lectures for 1787. Oxf. 1787. 870. W. 4. 8. Haylet, Wm. a Sermon on Prov. viii. 18. Lond. 1687. 4to. P. 1. 5. Haymo, Episc. Halberstat. In Psalmos, et Cantica aliquot Explanatio. Ed. 2. Col. 1533. 8vo. D. 5. 13. In Esaiam Comra. libri iii. Col. 1531. 8vo. C. 4. 9. In D. Pauli Epistolas Interpretatio. 1531. 8vo. D. 3. 12. De Varietate librorum, sive de Amore coelestis patriae, libri iii. Col. 1531. 8vo. D. 2. 7. Hayward, Edw. The Sizes and Lengths of Rigging for all H.M. Ships and Frigates, &c. Lond. 1660. Fol. W. 3. 22. Heber, Reginald. Barapton Lectures for 1815. Oxf. 1816. 8vo. W. 4. 38. Hebraicum. Alphabetum Heb. Adjectus est et Abdias Propheta, Heb. Par. 1534. 8vo. F. 2. 5. Hedelin, Mons. La Pratique du Theatre. A Paris, 1669. 4to. Z. 3. 61. Hedericus, Benj. Graecum Lexicon Manuale, auctum curis Patricii, Jo. Hug. Ernesti, et T. Morell. Lond. 1778. 4to. Y. 3. 24. Heemskerk, J. VAN. Batavische Arcadia. 5den druck. T'Amst. 1678. 8vo. ZCi. 3. 10. Heerbrandus, Jac. See Schweickhardus. Heer, Hen. ab. Spadacrene, h. e., Fons Spadanus. Ed. alt. Lips. 1645. 12mo. Z. 5. 25. Hegendorphinus, Chr. Annott. in Evangelium Marci, in Epistolam ad Hebraeos, in Epist. Petri priorem, in Passionem Matthaei et Joannis. Hagan. 1525. 8vo. D. 6. 7. Hegesippus. Fragmenta, Gr. et Lat., cum Notis. p. 205. A. 5. 22. Heideggerus, Jo. Hen. De Historia Sacra Patriarcharum Exercitt. selects. Am5t. 1667. 4to. I. 6 9. Heimburg, Greg. de. Appellatio prima pro parte Sigismundi, Ducis Austriae. p. 114. M. 1. 19. Confutatio Primatus Papae. p. 117. Ibid. Appellatio secunda a Papa ad Concilium, p. 126. Ibid. Heinsius, Dan. Orationes. Lugd. Bat. 1620. 8vo. I. 1. 3. Sacrarum Exercitt. ad Novum Test, libii xx. Cantabr. 1640. 4to. C. 2. 8. Crepundia Sihana. Dissertatio de verae Criticae apud veteres ortu, pro- gressu, usuque cum in ceteris disciplinis turn in Sacris. Cantabr. 1646. 12mo. Y. 6. 38. Exercit. Critica, demonstrans omnem fere -^gyptiorum, Grascorum, et Latinorum Eeligionem ex Orientejluxlsse. Ibid. L 146 CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS IN THE [HEI Heirsiu?, Seb. Ad Aphorismos Doctrinoe Jesnitarum, allorumque Pontifici- orum, Declaratio Apologetica. Ingolst. 1609. 8vo. ZC^. 6. 11. Heldingus, MiGH., Sidonins, deinde Merspurgensis Episc. Brevis Institutio ad Christianam Pietatera. Ant. 1556. 12mo. ZC2. 8. 5. Sacri Canonis Missoe Explicatio. Ant. 1559. Ibid. Catechismus Catholicus in Condones Ixxxiv. distribntus. Adjoctae sunt Conciones xv. de Missse Sacrificio, et una de Eucharistia. Col. 1562. Fol. L. 4. 15. Heliodorus Emissenus. His -Ethiopian History, done ont of Greek by W. Barret. Lond. 1622. 8vo. Q. 1. 22. Helmesius, Hen. Homiliae in Epistolas et Evangelia totins anni. Col. 1556. 5 vols. 8vo. C. 3. 2-6. Helvetia. Carsa Helvetica Orthodoxas Fidei, contra Lutheri, Zuinglii, et CEcolampadii dogmata. Lncern. Helv. 1528. 4to. I. 3. 10. Helvetia Geogi^phice Historiceque Tabb. aeneis delineata. Col. Ubiorum, 1595. Fol. Z. 3. 22. Helvicus, Chr. Theatrum Historicum et Chronologicum. Ed. 5. Oxon. 1651. Fol. Z. 2. 68. Hemmingius, Nic. Coram, in Epist. ad Roraanos. Lips. 8vo. D. 6. 10. Comm. in Epistolas ad Corinthios. 8vo. C. 4. 10^ Coram, in Epist. ad Galatas. Witteb. 1561 8vo. C. 5. 13. Comm. in Epistolas ad Ephesios et Philipp. Witteb. 1564-65. 8vo. C. 4. 10. Comm. in Epist. ad Colossenses. Witteb. 1566. 8\^o. D. 6. 6. Comm. in Epistolas ad Thessalonicenses. Witteb. 1566. 8vo. C. 4. 11. Comm. in Epistolas ad Timotlieum, Titum, et Philemonem. Witteb. 1566. 8vo. D. 6. 6. Comm. in Epist. ad Hebrseos. Witteb. 1568. 8vo. E. 6. 26. Comm. in S. Petri et S. Jndse Epistolas. Witteb. 1566. 8vo. D. 6. 6. Comm. in S. Joannis Epistolas. Witteb. 1569. 8vo. C. 4. 11. Enchiridion Theologicum. Lips. 1562. 8vo. ZC2. 7. 6. Cateohismi Quaestiones concinnatae. Lips. 1563. 8vo. ZC2. 7. 7. Pastor, sive Pastoris optimns vivendi agendique modus. Lips. 8vo. K. 3. 41. De Lege NaturaD. Witteb. 1566, 8vo. Ibid. Demonstratio indubitatae veritatis de Domino Jesu, vero Deo, et vero homine, uno Christo, Mediatore atque Redemptore. 1571. 8vo. ZC2. 7. 5. Hengham, Ralph de. The two Sums commonly called He^igham Magna, and Hengham Pm-va; with Notes by Jo. Selden. Lond. 1660. 8vo. Q. 2. 43. Henninges, Hen. Genealogias aliquot Familiarum nobilium in Saxouia, etc. Hamb. 1560. Fol. N. 1. 13. Henricus IV. Imp. Vita et Epistolae aliquot, p. 89. M, 1. 18. See Goldastus. Henry VIII. Assertio 7 Sacramentorum, ad versus Mart. Lutherum. Lond. 1521. 4to. N. 5. 13. Epistola Regia ad Saxoniae Duces pie admonitoria. Ibid. The Institvtion of a Christen Man, conteynynge the Exposytion or Inter- pretation of the commune Crede, of the seuen Sacramentes, of the X. commandementes, and of the Pater noster, and the Aue Maria, Justy- HES] CATHEDRAL LIBRAKT OF SALISBURY. 147 fication and Purgatory. [With] The preface of the prelates to the kynges maiestie. Lond. 1537. 4to. P. 7. 10. The same in Latin : Pia et Catholica Christiani Hominis Institutio. Lond. 1544 4to. 2 copies. K. 2. 20. P. 5. 8. Heraclides Alexandrinus. Liber, qui dicitur Paradisns, sen de Vitis SS. Patrnm, editns a Jac. Fabro Stapulensi. Par. 1504. Fol. A. 5. 7. Heraldus, Des. QuEestt. quotidianarnm tractatus, et Obss. ad Jus Atticum et Romanum. Par. 1650. Fol. Z. 2. 62. Herbert, Lord Edw., of Cherbury. Expeditio in Ream Insulam. Lond. 1656. 8vo. Z. 4. 4. The Life and Reign of K. Henry VIIL Lond. 1672. Pol. T. 2. 37. Herborn, Nig. PostillaB sive Enarrationes in Epistolas et Evangelia totius anni. Par. 1544. 8vo. D. 4. 8. Herigone, Pierrk. Oursus Mathematicus, Lat. et Gallice. Par. 1644. 6 vols. 8vo. Z. 4. 93-98. Herman, Abp. of Cologne. A simple and religious Consultation by what means a Christian Reformation, and founded on God's Word, may be begun among men. Lond. 1548. 8vo. 0. 1. 25. See Colonia. Hermas, S. Pauli Discipulus. Libri tres qui inscribuntur : Primus, Ecclesia ; ■ 2dus, Pastor; Stius, Similitudinum. p. 25. L. 1. 11. Hermes Trismegistus. Ratio judicandi de Morbis et infirmorum decubitu. Par. 1555. 4to. Z. 4. 91. Hermias Philosophus. Gentilium Philosophorum Irrisio, Gr. et Lat., per Raph. Seilerum. Par. 1636. Fol. A. 2. 24. Herne, John. The Law of Charitable Uses, wherein the Statute of 43 Eliz. chap. 4 is explained. 2nd ed. Lond. 1663. 8vo. R. 6. 1. Hero Alexandrinus. Spiritalium liber, Lat. per Fed. Commandinum. Apud Mg. Gorbinum, 1583. 4to. ZC^ 2. 16. Herodes. See Oratores Attici. V. 2. 4, 14. Herodotus Halicarnasseus. Libri ix., Musarum nominibus inscripti, Lat., interprete Laur. Valla. Item, De Vita Homeri libellus, Lat. per Cour. Heresbachium. Col. 1526. * * Fol. y. 3. 19. Eadem editio recognita ab Hen. Stephano. Franc. 1584. 8vo. Y. 5. 27. HistorioD tomus ix., et liber de Vita Homeri, Gr. et Lat., ex editione Jac. Gronovii. Glasg. 1761. 8vo. Y. 5. 10. Herold, Jo. See Orthodoxographa. Herolt, Jo. Sermones de Tempore et Sanctis, promptuario exemplorum et Qnadragesimali addito. Nurnb. 1520. Fol. L. 4. 14. Hertelius, Jac. AUegoriarum, Typorum, et Exemplorum Vet. ac Novi Test, libri ii., e Latinis Operibus Lutheri, cum ejusdem judicio de usu eorum. Bas. 1561. 8vo. E. 6. 36. Definitiones ac Descriptiones Theologicae. Bas. 1564. 8vo. ZCg. 4. 13. Herv^us, D. See Anselmus. Hervetus, Gentianus. Oratio de Ecclesiasticoram disciplina restauranda. p. 651. M. 1. 19. See Clemens Alexandrinus. Heshusius, Tilemannus. Explicatio prion's Epistolse ad Corinthios. Jenae, 1573. 8vo. D. 4. 6. De Praesentia Corporis Christi in Ccena Domini. Item, Aliquot Errores Calviui. Magdeb. 1561. 8vo. ZCg. 2. 8. L 2 148 CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS IN THE ' [HES Heshusius, Tilemannus. De vera Jesu Christi Ecclesia ejusqne Anctoritate libri ii. JensD, 1572. 8vo. ZCj. 4. 3. Sexcenti Errores quos Romana Pontificia Ecclesia defendifc. Franc. 1572. 8vo. Ibid. Antidotum contra irapium dogma M. Flacii, quo adserit, quod Peccatum Originis sit substantia. JonoD, 1572. 4to. ZCg. 3. 16. Gratiarum Actio pro Conversione Edw. Thornei Angb', teste Til. Heshusio. Bas. 8vo. K. 2. IG. Hesiodus. Opera, Gr. et Lat., per Stepb. Riccium. Erpbord. 8vo. Imperfect. X. 2: 21. See PoetaB. Heskyns, Tho. The Parliament of Christ avouching and declaring the enacted and received truth of the presence of His Body and Blood in the blessed Sacrament, and of other articles concerning the same, impugned in a wicked sermon by M. Jewell. Ant. 1566. Fol. T. 3. 1. Hesselids, seu Hessels, Jo. In primam B. Joannis Epistolam Comm. Lov. 1568. 8vo. C. 3. 8. Symboli Apostolici Explicatio. Ed. 2. Lov. 1562. 8vo. Imperfect. ZC2. 8. 14. Ejusdem ed. 3. Ant. 1566. 8vo. L 1. 5. Confutatio Novitige Fidei, quam vocant Specialem. Tract, de Cathedrae Petri perpetua protectione et firmitate. Erroris circa Orationem Rcr futatio. Pro Invocatione Sanctorum, contra Monhemium et Artopoeum. Imperfect. Lov. 1562. 8vo. ZC. 8. 14. Probatio Corporalis Praesentiae Corporis et Sanguinis Dominici in Eu- charistia. Lov. 1563. 8vo. L. 6. 15. Confutatio cujusdam Haereticae Confessionis Teutonicae, in qua [sc. con- futatione] ostenditur Eacharistiam esse Sacrificium propitiatorium. Ed. 2. Lov. 1567. 8vo. L 1. 6. Explicatio Orationis Dominicae. Ant. 1566. 8vo. I. 1. 5. Censura de quibusdam Sanctorum historiis. Lov. 1568. 8vo. B. 6. 19. Catechismus explicationem continens Symboli Apostolici, Orationis Domi- nicae, et Salutationis Angelicae, Decalogi, Sacramentorum Baptismi, Confirmationis, et Encharistiae. Lov. 1571. 870. ZC2. 6. 1. Hessiander, Christianus. Refutatio Dogmatis de fictitia Camis Christi omni- praesentia, et reali idiomatum in ipsis naturis communicatione ; cum Theod. Bezae praefatione. [Gen.] 1571. 4to. ZCg. 3. 1. Hesychius Alexandrinus. Lexicon, cum Notis doctornm virorum. Edidit suasqne Animadvv. adjecit Jo. Alberti. Lugd. Bat. 1746-66. 2 vols. Fol. S. 2. 2, 3. Hesychius, Presbyter. Sententiarum Centuriae ii. ad Theod ulum de Temperantia et Virtu te, Gr. p. 296. Par. 1563. 8vo. A. 6. 24. Lat. p. 418. Par. 1563. 8vo. ZCg. 5. 13. Heule, Christiaen van. De Nederduvtsche Spraec-konst. De tweede druc. Tot Leyden, 1633. 8vo. " Z. 5. 48. Heurnius, Jo. Institutiones Medicinae. Ed. alt. Lugd. Bat. 1609, et '38. 12mo. ' Z. 5. 15, 34. Hewytt, John. His Ghost's Plea and Demurrer to the Jurisdiction and Pro- ceedings of the new High- Commission Court. Lond. 1659. 4to. T. 5. 10. Hey, John, Norrisian Professor. Lectures in Divinity. Cambr. 1796-98. 4 vols 8vo. W. 5. 44-47- Heydon, Sir Chr. A Defence of Judicial Astrology, against Chambers. Cambr. 1603. 4to. O. 2. 19. HIL] CATHEDRAL LIBRARY OF SALISBURY. 149 Hetlin, Pet. Antldotum Lincolniense ; or, An Answer to a Book intituled, The Holy TablCy Name and TImig, &c. Lond. 1637. 8vo., and (2ud ed.) 4to. Q. 1.20. T. 6. 17. Extraneus Vapulana; or the Observator rescued from the violent but vain assaults of Hamon L'Estrange. Lond. 1656. 8ro. Q. 2. 46. Mespondet Petrus: an Answer to part of Dr. Bernard's Book intituled, * The Judgment of the late Primate of Ireland.' Lond. 1658. 4to. T. 4. 28. The Parable of the Tares expounded ; with three other Sermons. Lond. 1659. 4to. T. 4. 24. Cyprianus Anglicus ; or, The Life and Death of Abp. Laud. Lond. 1668. Eol. R. 2. 9. Theulogia Veterum ; or, The Sum of Christian Theolopry, contained in tJie Apostles' Creed, or reducible to it. Lond. 1673. Fol. R. 2. 10. Ecclesia Bestaurafa : The History of the Reformation of the Church of England. 3rd ed. Lond. 1674. Fol. R. 3. 11. Microcosmus ; or, A Little Description of the Great World. Lond. 1621. • 4to. T. 6. 48. HicKBS, Geo. A Discourse of the Sovereign Power, on Rom. xiii. 4. Lond. 1682. 4to. P. I. 7. Jovian ; or. An Answer to Julian the Apostate. Lond. 1683. 8vo. R. 5. 15. Speculum Beatce Virginis : A Discourse of the due Praise and Honour of the Virgin Mary. Lond. 1686. 4to. P. 4. 5. A Sermon on Heb. xiii. 16. Lond. 1684. 4to. P. 1. 4. An Apologetical Vindication of the Church of England ; with an Appendix relating to the Schisms of the Ch. of Rome. 2nd ed. Lond. 1706. 8vo. Q. 2. 5. Linguarum Veterum Septentrionalium Thesaurus Grammatico-Criticus et Archseologicus. Oxon. 1703. 2 vols. Fol. Z. 1. 56, 57. HiERONYMUs Peagensis. Tenor Sententiae definitiv89 contra eum per Concilium Constantiense. p. 302. M. 1. 18. See Poggius, and Sylvius, JSln. HlERONTMUS StRIDONENSIS. Opera a Mariano Victorio Reatino emendata. Ant. 1578-79- 9 vols, in 3. Fol. A. 1. 6-8. In Vitas Patrum. [Auctore incertc] Lugd. 1515. 4to. L. 4. 31. Chronicou. p. 84 (tomi 2diJ. B. 3. lO. p. 181. N. 1. 10. Epistola adversus Pelagium ad Cresiphontem. Lov. 1558. 8vo. B. 6. 16. Epistola3 selectae. Lov. 1596. 12mo. A. 6. 40. Transitus B. Hieronymi quem preesertim tres Sancti, Sanctus sc. Eusebius, S. Augustinus, et S. Cyrillus composuerunt. Jehan Petit. 8vo. A. 6. 32. HiERONYMUS Torrensis. Confessio Augustiniaua ... ex omnibus Aur. Angustini libris in nnum Opus redacta. Diling. 1567. 4to. A. 6. 5. HiGHMOEE, NaTH. Corporis humani Disquisitio Auatomica. Hagse- Cora. 1651. Fol. Z.2.44. Exercitationes duas — (1) De Passione Hysterica; (2) De Aflfectione Hypochondriaca. Oxon. 1660. 12mo. ' Z. 5. 64. HiLARius Arelatensis. Opuscula. Par. 1675. 4to. A. 5. 9. 160 CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS IN THE [HIL HiLARius Arelatensis. Epist. ad Augnstinum de reliquiis Pelagianse hsereseos. Col. 1552. 8vo. A. 6. 20. Epistolae ii. ad Augustinnm, et Carmen in Genesin ad Leonem I. p. 1197. A. 3. 23. HiLARlUS PiCTAVIENSIS. Lncubrationes quotqnot exstant, per Erasnium et Mart. Lypsinm collectaD et recognitse. Bas. 1550. Fol. A. 4. 20. Opera, et Yita per Hieronymnm et Yenantium Fortunatum. Par. 1652. Fol. A. 3. 23. HiLDEBERTUS, Cenomanensis Episc, deinde Archiep. Turonensis. Yersus de concordia veteris ac novi sacrificii. Par. 1548. 8vo. M. 2. 21. Epistolse tres. Sermo Synodicus super illud S. Lucse xii. 48, Cui multum datum est ah eo multum quceretur. Curiae Romanae Descriptio. Epitaphium in Berengarium. M. 1. 19. HiLDEBRANDUS, Frid. Anti'quitates Romanae e Rosino aliisque in compendium contractse. Jenae, 1657. 8vo. Y. 6. 42. HiLDEGARDis, Abbatissa. Epistolarum liber. Quaestionnm 88 Solution es. Regnlaa S. Benedicti Explicatio. Exolic. Symboli Athanasii. Yita ejus. 'Col. 1566. 4to. L. 5. 25. [Hill, Sam.] The Catholic Balance ; or, A Discourse determining the Contro- versies cone. (1) Tradition; (2) The Primacy of St. Peter and the Bishop of Rome ; (3) The Subjection and Authority of the Church in a Christian State. Lond. 1687. 4to. P. 3. 5. Hind, John. The Life of Christ. Lond. 1632. 8vo. Q. 2. 30. HiPPARCHUS BiTHTNUS. Ad Arati et Eudoxi Phaenomena Enarrationum libri iii., Gr. et Lat., cum Notis Petavii. p. 171. Z. 1. 87. Hippocrates Cous. Libri omnes, Gr., ad vetustos Codd. collati et restaurati [a Jano Cornario]. Bas. 1538. Fol. Z. 2. 10. Opera omnia, Lat. per Anusium Foesium. Adjecta sunt ad vi. Sectionem Palladii Scholia in lib. de Fracturis. Franc. 1596. 8vo. Z. 4. 11. De Capitis Yulneribus liber, Gr. et Lat., cum Comm. Fr. Yertuniani. Par. 1578. 8vo. ZC,. 5. 7. Aphorismi, Gr. et Lat., cum Enarr. ac Interpretatione J. Heurnii. Lugd. 1617 et '38. 12mo. Z. 5. 4. Z. 5. 58. See Mercurialis, and Septalins. HiPPOLTTUS, Portuensis Episc. Canon Paschalis, Gr., cum Notis per Scaligerum. p. 721. L. 1. 7. cum Notis ^gid. Bucherii. p. 289. N. 4. 1. Contra Hseresiu Noeli, Gr. et Lat., cum Annott. p. 45. A. 5. 27. HiRTius, A. Comm. de Beilo Alexandrine liber i. Amst. 1661. 870. X. 1. 15. HisPANiA. See Spain. HiSTORiA. Selectae e profanis Scriptoribus Historiae. Lond. 1771. 12mo. Y. 5. 40. HoADLY. John. The Nature and Excellency of Moderation. A Sermon on Philipp. iv. 5, preached at the Assizes at Salisbury. 2nd ed. Lond. 1707. 8vo. T. 5. 38. HOADLT, Bp. BeNJ. Tracts and Sermons. Lond. 1715. 8vo. 2 copies. T. 5. 33, 34. An Answer to the Representation drawn up by the Lower House of Con- vocation, concerning the Doctrine contained in his Preservative and Sermon. 2nd ed. Lond. 1717. 8vo. T. 5. 36, The Common Rights of Subjects defended ; and the Nature of the Sacra- mental Test considered. Lond 1719. 8vo. T. 5. 35. HOL] CATHEDRAL LIBRARY OF SALISBURY. 161 [Hoard, Sam.] God's Love to Mankind manifested, by disproving His Absolute Decree for their Damnation. 1633. 4to. O. 2. 14. HoARE, Sir R. C, Bart. The Ancient History of Wiltshire. Lond. 1812-19. 2 vols. Fol. W. 1. 30, 31. The Modern History of Wiltshire. Lond. 1822-43. 6 vols. Fol. W. 1. 32-37. Registrum Wiltunense, Sax. et Lat., in Museo Britannico asservatum. Lond. 1827. Fol. W. 1. 38. Chronicon Vilodanense ; sive de Vita et Miracnlis S. EdithsB, Regis Edgar i Filiae, Carmen vetus Anglicum. Lond. 1830. Fol. W. 1. 38. The Hospital of Heytesbury. Fol. No title-page. W. 1. 10. HoBART, Sir Hen. His Reports. 3rd ed. Lond. 1671. Fol. T. 3. 32. HOBBES, ThO. Elementorum Philosophia3 Sectio prima de Corpore. Lond. 1655. 8vo. Z. 5. 112. Sectio secunda de Homine. Lond. 1658. 4to. ZC,. 3. 3. Elementa Philosopbica de Cive. Amst. 1669. 12mo. Z. 5. 40. Examinatio et Emendatio Mathomaticae hodiernse, 6 Dialogis. Lond. 1660. 4to. Z. 3. 42. Vita, auctore seipso. Carolop. 1681. 4to. Z. 4. 31. See Thucydides, and Wallis. HoFMANNUS, Gasp. Institutionum Medicamm libri vi. Lugd. 1645. 4to. Z. 3. 82. HOFMANNUS, ChR. Comm. in Epistolam ad Philippenses. Franc. 1541. 8vo. E. 6. 33. Coram, in posteriorem ad Thessalonicenses. Do Christiana Religione, eb de regno Antichristi. Franc. 1545. 8vo. D. 5. 6. HOFMANNUS, Jo. JaC. Lexicon Universale. Bas. 1677. 2 vols. Fol. Lex. Universalis continuatio. Bas. 1683. 2 vols. Fol. HoFMANNUS, Hen. De Octantis usu. Jena), 1612. 4to. HOFMEISTERUS, Jo. Comm. in Marcum et Lucam. Lov. 1562. Fol. In 12 priora capita Actuum Apost. Comm. Col. 1567. Fol. In utrasque ad Corinthios Epistolas Homihas. Col. 1545. 4to. Verbum Dei Carnem factum, h. e., Jesum Christum Ecclesis9 suae propitiatorium ac perpetuum esse SacriBcium, Assertio. Mog. 1545. 4to. 2 copies. L. 5. 8. ZC2. 3. 12. Expositio Precum ac Caeremoniarura, quarum usus in quotidiano Sacro. Ibid. Canones ad interpretandum SS. Scripturas. Mog. 1545. 4to. ZC2. 3. 12. Dialogorum libri ii., quibus aliquot Ecclesiae Catholicas Dogmata, Luther- anoram et verbis et sententiis roborantur. 1546. 8vo. ZC2. 8. 1. HomiliaB in Evangeha Dominicalia et Festivalia. Par. 1555. 8vo. G. 5. 15. Judicium de Articulis Confessionis Augustanse, quatenus sc. a Catholicis admittendi sint aut rejiciendi. Mog. 1559. 8vo. ZC2. 5. 8. HoJUS, And. Antiquitatum Liturgicarum tomi i. iii. [Duaci, 1605.] 8vo. Title-page wanting. L. 6. 41 , 42. HoLCOTUS, Rob. Super librum Sapientiee. Bas. 1489. Fol. L. 2. 18. Super 4 libros Sententiarum Qaaestiones. Qaaedam Conferentisa. De imputabilitate peccati qusestio. Determinationea quarundam aliarum quaestionum. Lugd. 1510. 4to. L. 5. 9. Y. 1. 6, 7. Y. L 8, 9. ZCi. 2. 8. G. 4. 2. G. 3. 9. D. 1. 3. B Un icum 152 CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS IN THE [HOL HoLDEN, Geo. A Dissertation on the Fall of Man. Lond. 1823. 8vo. W. 6. 17. Holder, Wm. Elements of Speech : An Essay of Inquiry into the natural production of Letters ; with an Appendix concerning Persons Deaf and Dumb. Lond. 1669. 8vo. T. 6. 66. Holland, Philemon. See Camden, and Suetonius. [HoLLES, Denzil, Lord.] The Grand Question concerning the Judicature of the House of Peers stated and argned. Lond. 1669. 8vo. R. 6. 30. HOLLINGWORTH, RlCH. Certain Queries propounded to such as affect the Congregational-way. Lond. 1646. 4to. P. 7. 2. An Account of the Penitence of John Marketman ; with a Sermon on 2 Cor. vii. 9. Lond. 1680. 4to. P. 5. 6. HOLLINGWORTH, RoDOLPH. De Justificatione ex sola Fide Patrum et Protestan- tium Consensus. Dubl. 1640. 8vo. H. 2. 62. Holmes, Rob. Bampton Lectures for 1782. Oxf. 1782. 8vo. W. 4. 3. Genesis in Codice argenteo-purpureo Bibliothecaa Vindobonensis Csesareas, &c. Oxon. 1795. Fol. G. 1. 12. Holstenius, Lucas. Collectio Romana bipartita veterum aliquot Historise EcclesiasticsB monu- mentorum. Rom. 1662. 8vo. B» 6. 12. Annott. in Geographiam Sacram Caroli a S. Paulo, Italiam antiquam Clu- verii,et Thesaurum Geographicum Ortelii, qnibusacc. Dissertatio duplex de Sacramento Confirmationisapud Grtecos. Rom. 1666. 8vo. 1.2.3. HOLTHUSIUS, Jo. Modus examinandi Sacrorum Ordinum Candidatos, juxta Augustanaa Ecclesiaa morem. 8vo. Imperfect ZC2. 8. 13. Examen Ordinandorum emendatum etauctum. Diling. 1571. 16mo. K. 3. 31. HoLTDAT, Bartenius, Philosophise Polito-barbarse Specimen, de Anima et ejus Habitibus intellectualibus. Oxon. 1633. 4to. Z. 4. 30. HOMERUS. Ilias, Lat. Apud Jo. Grapheum. 1528. 8vo. Imperfect. X. 2. 19. Ilias et Odyssea. Batrachomyomachia, Hymni, et Epigrammata. Gr. et Lat. Par. 1604. 4 vols. 16mo. Y. 6. 1-4. Ilias, Gr. et Lat. [cum Scholiis antiquis. Ace. Yariae Lectiones et Annott. H. Stephani. Cantabr. 1689.] 4to. Title-page wanting. X. 2. 8. Homes, Nath. Enigmatologia Ecclesiastlca : Church Cases cleared. 8vo. Title- page wanting. R. 6. 8. Homilies to be read in Churches. Lond. 1673. Fol. R. 2. 20. HoNESTDS, Chr. Expositio in Antidotarium Jo. MesusB. f. 42. Lugd. 1519. Fol. Z. 2. 60. HoNORATUS Massil. Vita Hilarii Arelat. p. 731. A. 5. 9. HoNORius, Augustodunensis Presb. De Prasdestinatione et Libero Arbitrio Dialogus. Col. 1552. 8vo. A. 6. 20. HoNORius, Jul. See ^thicus. HoNORius, Ph. Thesaurus Politicus, seu Praxis SapientiaB Politicse, Ital. ac Lat. Franc. 1617-18. 2 vols. 4to. ZCj. 2, 3. HONTSUM, Zegerus VAN. Declaratio veridica, quod Begginae nomen, institutum, ac originem habeant a S. Begga Brabantiae Ducissa. Ant. 1628. 8vo. B. 6. 30. Hooker, Rich. His Works ; with Life by Is. Walton. Lond. 1666. Fol. R. 1. 11. His Works ; with Life, and an Index. Oxf. 1807. 3 vols. 8vo. W. 2. 1-3. HOS] CATHEDRAL LIBRARY OF SALISBURY. 153 HooPEE, or HoPER, Bp. John. A Declaration of Christ and of His Office. Zurich, 1547. 8vo. Q. 2. 34. A Declaration of the ten holy Commandments. 1548. 8vo. R. 6. 20. HoORNBEEK, Jo. Apologia pro Ecclesia Christiana hodierna non apostatica ; opposita libello, cui tit. Ad Legem et ad Testimonium^ &c. Amst. 1647. 8vo. E. 6. 38. See Borelitis. Hopkins, Bp. Ezek. An Exposition of the 10 Commandments; with other Sermons. Lond. 1692. 4to. T. 5. 18. [HoR;E. Wynkyn de TVorde.] Wants Title-page and pp. 1-7, 14, 37, 39-62, 161, 170, 171, 183, sqq. Compared with the edition attributed to Wynkyn de Worde (149-?), also with those of 1503 and 1513, by Wy nkyn de Worde, and found not to correspond. 4to. L. 5. 15. HoRANTius, Er. Locorum Catholicorum S. Scriptur^e et antiquorum Patrum libri vii. ; contra Calvini Institutiones. Par. 1565. 8vo. K. 2. 18. HoRATius Flaccus, Q. Opera cum 4 Comm. Yen. 1495. Fol. Y. 3. 12. Opera cum Scholiis Jo. Bond. Amst. 1664. 12mo. Y. 6. 33. Opera ad optimornm Exemplarium fidem recensita. Ace. VariaD Lectiones. Cantabr. 1699. 4to. Y. 3. 15. Opera. [Interpretatione et Notis illustravit Lud. Desprez in us. Delphini.] . 8vo. Title-jpage wanting. Y. 4. 15. Eclogae, una cum Scholiis perpetuis. Edidit W. Baxter. Lond. 1725. 8vo. Y. 4. 21. Opera. Birming. typis Jo. Baskerville, 1762. 12mo. X. 1. 24, His Works ; with a Translation by D. Watson and S. Patrick. 3rd ed. Lond. 1750. 2 vols. 8vo. Y. 4. 42, 43. HoRMiSDA, Papa. Ad Possessorem Epistola. p. 708. L. 1. 11. Horn, Rob., Bp. of Winchester. An Answer to a Book intituled, * The Declaration of Scruples, and Stays of Conscience, touching the Oath of Supremacy,' by John Feckenham. Lond. 1566. 4to. 0. 2. 2. HoRNE, And. The Book called, ' The Mirrour of Justices,' by And. Home ; with the Book called, ' The Diversity of Courts and their Jurisdictions,* translated from the old French by W. H. Lond. 1646. 8vo. O. 2. 56. HoRNE, Tho. Bampton Lectures for 1828. Oxf. 1828. 8vo. W. 4. 50. HoRNE, T. H. A Catalogue of the Library of Queen's College, Cambridge. Lond. 1827. 2 vols. 8vo. HoRNius, Geo. De Originibus Americanis libri iv. Hagae-Com. 1652. 870. ZOi. 5. 9. Historiae Philosophicae libri vii. Lugd. Bat. 1655. 4to. I. 6. 1. Orbis Imperans. 12mo. ZCi. 5. 11. HoKROCCius, Jer. Opera Posthuma, viz. Astronoynia Kepleriana defensa et pro- mota. Excerpta ex Epistolis ad Grahtrceum suum. Obss. Coelestium Catalogus. Lunse Theoria nova. Lond. 1673. 4to. Z. 4. 72. HoRT, JosiAH, Abp. of Tuam. Instructions to the Clergy of his Diocese. Loud. 1773. 8vo. R. 6. 31. HoRTO, GARgiAs DE. Aromatum et siraplicium aliquot Medicamentorum apud Indos nascentium Historia, ex Lusitanica lingua in Lat. cum Annott. per Car. Clusium. Ed. 3. Ant. 1579. 8vo. Z. 4. 14. Hosius, Stanislaus. Epistola ad illustrissimum Brunsvici Ducem Henricum [de statu Concilii Tridentini]. Col. 1564. 8vo. B. 6. 41. See Prastorius, Z. IH CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS IN THE [HOS HOSPINIANUS, RoDOLPH. De Origine, Progressu, Caerimoniis efc Ritibas Festornm Judaeorum, Grsecorum, Romanorum et Tnrcarum libri iii. Tig. 1592. Fol. L. 4. 33. Hospitality, Christian. 4to. Title-page wanting. P. 5. 6. Howell, James. Derulrologia. Dodona's Grove; or, The Vocal Forest. 2nd ed. ; with Farahles, reflecting upon tlie Times ; and Englmid's Tears for the present Wars. 1644.. 4to. T. 6. 47. Londinopolis : an Historical Discourse of the City of London, with another of the City of Westminster. Lond. 1657. Fol. T. 2. 50. A Discourse concerning the Precedency of Kings ; with a Treatise of Ambassadors. Lond. 1664. Fol. T. 2. 23. HuBERiNUS, Casp. Homiliae Catechisticse. Franc. 1554. 8vo. N. 6. 16. Hudson, Mich. The Divine Right of Government: 1. Natural, and 2. Poli- tical; more particularly of Monarchy. 1647. 4to. P. 8. 7. Hues, Rob. Tract, de Globis, Observatt. illustratus ac auctus per Jo. Is. Pon- tannm. Amst. 1617. 4to. ZCj. 2. 8. HuETius, Pet. Dan. Origeniana. Ro thorn. 1668. Fol. A. 1. 11. Hughes, Wm. The Grand Abridgement of the Law continued. Lond. 1660-62. 3 vols. 4to. T. 5. 5-7. Hugo Etherlanus. De Spiritus Sancti Processione libri iii., cura Jo. Herold editi. Bas. 1543. 8vo. L. 6. 22. Hugo, Lingonensis Episc. Contra Berengarium, Deveritate Corporis et San- guinis Domini, p. 223. Lov. 1551. 8vo. ZC2. 6. 2. Hugo de S. Caeo. See Sancto-Caro. Hugo de S. Victore. See Sancto-Victore. HuLDRiCDS, Augustensis Episc. Epistola adversus constitutionem de Cleri caBli- batu, &c. p. 161. M. 1. 19. HUMFREDUS, LaUR. De Religion is conservatione et reforroatione, deque Primatu Regum, et magistratuum liber. Bas. 8vo. L. 6. 12. Optimates, sive de Nobilitate libri iii. Bas. 1560. 8vo. ZC2. 5. 2. HuMFREY, Rich. Christian Offices Crystal Glass, in three books, by St. Ambrose ; to which is added his Conviction of Symmachus, a Gentile, pleading for the Altar of Victory : translated into English. Lond. 1637." 4to. T. 6. 15. HuN^us, Aug. Dialectica, seu generalia Logices praecepta. Ant. 1566. 8vo. Z. 4. 23. Logices Fundamentum. Ibid. Erotemata de disputatione, dialectice recteqae instituenda. Ibid. Hunnius, Helfricus-Ulricus. Comm. de Privilegiis Studiosorum. GiessaB, 1617. 12mo. ZCi. 5. 17. HuEDis, James. On the Nature and Occasion of Psalm and Prophecy. Lond. 1800. 8vo. W. 4. 62. Hurst, Hen. The Inability of the highest improved Natural Man to obtain a Sufficient and Right Kjiowledge of Indwelling Sin. Oxf. 1659. 8vo. Q. 2. 45. Huss, Jo. Epistolge quaedam, qu89 solas satis declarant Papistarum Pietates esse Satana9 Furias. Witteb. 1537. 8vo. L. 6. 23. Sententia definitiva per Concilium Constantiense contra Jo. Huss. p. 301. M. 1. 18. See Sylvius, Mn. IGN] CATHEDRAL LIBRARY OF SALISBURY. 155 HuTCHiNS, John. The History and Antiquities of Dorset. The Third Editioij, corrected, augmented, and improved by W. Shipp and J. W. Hodson. Westminster, 1861-70. 4 vols. Fol. W. 1. 26-29. [Hutchinson, — .] Of the Authority of Councils, and the Rule of Faith, with an Answer to the eight Oxford Theses laid down for the Trial of the English Reformation. By a Person of Quality. Lond. 1687. 4to. P. 3. 4 HUTTEN, UlRICUS AB. Cum Erasmo Expostulatio, a priore depravatione vindicata jam. 8vo. ZCg. 5. 9. In Declamationem Laur. Vallae, contra Constantini Donationem, Prsefatio. p. 128. M. 1. 18. Hyde, Tho. Catalogus Impressorura Librorum Bibliothecae Bodleianae. Oxon. 1674. Fol. Z. 1. 55. See Ulugh-Beigh. Hyginus, C. Jul. Poeticon Astronomicon. Heidelb. 1589. 8vo. Hymnus Vespertinus, Grr. et Lat., cum Annott. p. 515. Hyperius, And. De Theologo, sen de Ratione Studii Theologici libri iv. Bas. De formandis Concionibus sacris libri ii. Bas. 1563. 8vo. Elementa Christiauae Religionis. Varia Opuseula Theologica. Bas. 1570. 8vo. Z.-5 . 119. A. 5. 24. 1559. 8vo. K 6. 16. ZC2 .5.6. Ibid. ZC2 . 1. 6. I. Idatius Lemicensis Episc. Chronicon continnans derelicta ab Hieronymo. See Scaliger, Thesaurus Tem-porum. N. 1. 10. Idiota, Vir Sanctus. Contemplationes de Amore Divino, de veia patientia, de continuo conflictu carnis et animse, de innocentia perdita, de morte. p. 1145. L. 1. 11. Regulse vitara Christianam complectentes. p. 1166. Ibid. Annott. in Psalmum xv. p. 1167. Ibid. Ignatius, Martyr. Epistolae, Lat. p. (SQ. " Ibid. Epistolae, Gr. et Lat., cum Scholiis Hier. Vairlenii Sylvii. Ant. 1572. 8vo. A. 6. 29. Opera, Gr. et Lat., cum Mart. MaBstrasi Versione emendata. Apologia pro Ignatio, cum 12 Exercitationibus in eundem, ac Notis, auctore Nic. Vedelio. Gen. 1623. 4to. A. 5. 12. Epistolae, Gr. et Lat., cum Annott. Jac. Usserii ac Dissertatione de Ignatii scriptis. Oxon. 1644. 4to. 2 copies. A. 5. 13, 16. Appendix Ignatiana in qua continentur Ignatii Epistolae genuina?, cum nova Versione ac Annott., Ignatii et Poly carpi Martyria, cum Notis atque Annott. in Epistolas etiam Ignatio adscriptas, per Jac. Usserium. Lond. 1647. 4to. A. 5. 16. Epistolas genuine. Adduntur Epistolae quales vulgo circumferuntur, Gr. et Lat. Edidit et Notas addidit Is. Vossius. Ed. 2. Lond. 1680. 4to. A. 6. 8. 156 CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS IN THE [IML Imlerus, Chr. Liber Jesu Syrach, cum Anuott. Franc. [1544]. 8vo. D. 3. 6. In D. Petri 2 Epistolas Scholia. Franc. 1542. 8vo. C. 5. 10. In DD. Joannis, Judte, et Jacobi Epistolas Annott. Franc. 1542. 8vo. D. 6. 7. Inchiquin, Lord. See Ireland. Independency. The History of Independency, with the Rise, Growth, and Practices of that powerful and restless Faction. 1648. 4to. P. 7. 3. Idem, Lat. 1649. 4to. I. 6. 2. Index. Index Librorum Prohibitorum, cum Regulis confectis per Patres a Triden- . tina Synodo delectos. Lugd. 1564. 4to. ZC2. 3. 3. Index Expurgatorius. Lugd. 1586. 16mo. H. 2. 82. Index Librorum Prohibitorum, . . . auctoritate Pii IV. primum editus, postea a Sixto V. auctus, et demum Clementis VIIL jussu publicatus. Par. 1599. 12mo. K. 3. 50. Index Yillaris ; or. An Exact Register of Cities, Market-Towns, Parishes, &c., in England and Wales. [By John Adams.] Lond. 1690. Fol. Z.1.44. Infidelity Unmasked, [By — Knot.] See Chilling worth. Injunctions. See Articles. Innocentius X., Papa. Regul88 Cancellarias Apostolicee. Ant. 1648. Fol. B. 1. 21. Constitutio qua declarantur, et definiuntur quinque Propositiones in materia Fidei. Par. 1658. 4to. P. 5. 8. Ireland. A Proclamation of the Lords Justices for the apprehension of the chief Rebels ; with the last News from Ireland. Lond. 1641. 4to. P. 8. 9. A Copy of the Sentence of War pronounced, 12 Dec. 1635, against Sir Fr. Annesley, Baron Mountmorris in the realm of Ireland ; together with his Petition against Thomas, Earl of Strafford. Lond. 1641. 4to. Ibid. The State of Dublin, 27 Dec, and of other parts of Ireland. Lond. 1642. 4to. Ibid. A Remonstrance of divers Passages concerning the Church and Kingdom of Ireland, . . . presented to the H. of Commons in England. Lond. 1642. 4to. Ibid. An Army for Ireland ; being a Vote of both Houses of Parliament for the sending of speedy Aid into Ireland. Lond. 1642. 4to. Ibid The Expedition for Ireland, proposed by Parliament, and assented unto by his Majesty, vindicated. Lond. 1642. 4to. Ibid. A Declaration of the Commons, concerning the Rise and Progress of the Grand Rebellion in Ireland ; with Examinations of Persons of quality, some Letters and Papers of the Earl of Antrim, and also some Letters of Mart, &c. Lond. 1643. 4to. Ibid. The Mystery of Iniquity, yet working in England, Scotland, and Ireland, for the destruction of Religion truly Protestant, discovered ... by the late Cessation in Ireland, &c. Lond. 1643. 4to. Ibid. . Ireland's Misery since the late Cessation. Lond. 1644. 4to. Ibid. Bellum Hybernicale ; or, Ireland's War Astrologically demonstrated, &c. By Capt. Geo. Wharton. 1647. 4to. Ibid. Lord Inchiquin's Queries to the Protestant Clergy of the Province of Munster, with their Answer; as also, Sir R. Blague's Speech to the Marquis of Ormond upon signing of the Articles of Peace, and his Excellency's Answer. Hague, 1649. 4to. Ibid. J.W.] CATHEDRAL LIBRARY OF SALISBURY. 167 Ireland. Historical Collections of the Chnrcli in Ireland, daring the reigns of K. Henry YIII., K. Edward VI., and Q. Mary, wherein are several material Passages concerning the manner how that Kingdom was con- verted to the Protestant Religion, &c., set forth in the Life and Death of Geo. Browne, sometime Abp. of Dublin. Lond. 1681. 4to. P. 5. 8. The Farmer's 6 Letters to the Protestants of Ireland. Dubl. and Lond. 1746. 8vo. T. 5. 38. Reports respecting the Public Records of Ireland. 1813-15. Fol. T. 1. 34 iRENiEUS, Lngdunen&is Episc. Ad versus Hsoreses libri v., ex emendatione Des. Erasmi. Bas. 1526. Pol. A. 4 10. Idem Opus, denuo recognitum. Par. 1545. 8vo. A. 6. 27. Idem, cum N'ic. Gallasii Annott. Gen. 1570. Fol. A. 4 8. Idem omnibus, quae apud veteres exstant, Fragmentis auctnm, cum Annott. Fr. Feu-ardentii. Par. 1639. Fol. A. 3. 22. Idem, cum Fragmentis aliorum Tractatuum deperditorum, Gr. et Lat. Omnia Notis variorum et suis illustravit Jo. Grabe. Oxon. 1702. Fol. 2 copies. A. 1. 13, 14 Ironside, Gile. Seven Questions of the Sabbath briefly disputed. Oxf. 1637. 4to. 2 copies. P. 7. 1. R. 5. 30. Irreligion. a Discourse addressed to Magistrates, occasioned by the enormous Licence and Irreligion of the Times, &c. 2nd ed. Dubl. 1738. 8vo. T. 5. 38. Isaac ex Judaeo Christianus. Liber Fidei de S. Trinitate, et de Incarnatione, editus a J, Sirmondo. p. 137. Par. 1630. 8vo. ZOj. 4. 1. Isaacson, Hen. Tabula Historico-Chronologica. Lond. 1633. Fol. Z. 1. 60. Is^us. See Oratores Attici. Y. 2. 4, 14. Isendoorn, Gisbertus ab. Logica Peripatetica. Ed. alt. Daventriae, 1652. 8vo. H. 1. 12. Isidorus, Hispalensis Episc. De Nativitate Domini, Passione, et Resurrectione, Regno atque Judicio libri ii. Hagan. 1529. 4to. L 4. 10. Tract, de vita et obitu quorumdam ntriusque Testamenti Sanctorum. Item, Allegorise quaedam, ex utroque Test, excerptae, una cum libro Praemiorum. Ibid. De Officiis Ecclesiasticis libri ii. Ant. 1534. 8vo. A. 6. 28. ISOCRATES. Quge exstant omnia, Gr. et Lat. Annott. variorum et suis illustravit G. S. Dobson. Lond. 1828. 8vo. V. 2. 3, 14. Italian. Nouvelle Methode pour apprendre facilement la Langue Italienne. 2de ed. A Paris, 1664. 8vo. Z. 5. 51. Ivo Carnotensis. Epistola ad Haymericum de Corpora Domini utrum in Coena datum sit Discipulis passibile, quum uos illud sumamus impassibile. Lov. 1551. 8vo. ZC2. 6. 2. J. J., S. The Soul's Sentinel ringing an Alarm against Impiety and Impenitency. Dubl. 1631. 4to. P. 6. 3. J., W. Obedience active and passive due to the Supreme Power. Oxf 1643. 4to. P. 8. 7. 158 CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS IN THE [J AC Jackson, Thomas, Dean of Peterborough. A Collection of his Works not published before. Lond. 1654. Fol. T. 3. 30. His Works. Oxf. 1854. 12 vols. 8vo. W. 5. 27-38. Jacobus, Apostolus. Protevangelion, sive de Natalibus Jesu Christi, ot ipsius Matris Virginis Marise, Sermo historicus, Lat. Bas. 1552. 8vo. E. 6. 23. Bas. 1555. Fol. p. 3. L. 1. 11. Liturgia, sive Missa, Lat. Ant. 1562. 8vo. Imperfect. ZC2. 8. 15. James I., King. His Works, edited by James Bp. of Winton. Lond. 1616. Fol. R. 1. 13. De Antichristo ex Apoc. cap. xx. Commentatio. Lond. 1608. 8vo. Z. 3. 2. An Apology for the Oath of Allegiance, with a Premonition to all Monarchs, &c., of Christendom. Lond. 1609. 4to. P. 6. 6. An Edict and severe Censure against Private Combats and Combatants. Lond. 1613. 4to. P. 6. 9. Remonstrances made by his Majesty's Ambassador to the French King, and the Queen, his Mother, June 1615, concerning the Marriages with Spain, and certain Opinions of Cardinal Perron, about the deposing and murdering of Kings, &c. Lond. 1615. 4to. P. 8. 10. Declaratio pro Jure Regio, Sceptrorumque immunitate, adv. Card. Perronii Orationem in Comitiis Franciae generalibus habitam, 18 Cal. Febr. 1615. Lond. 1616. 4to. P. 2. 8. The same in English. Cambr. 1619. 4to. R. 5. 23. Lond. 1619. T. 6. 33. The Court of K. James I. delineated by A. D. B. Lond. 1620. 4to. O. 2. 11. Jamesius, Tho. Vindiciae GregoriansB, seu restitutus innumeris paene locis Gregorius Magnus ex variis MSS. Gen. 1625. 4to. I. 8. 7. Catalogus Anctorum qui scripserunt de Reformatione, vel pro Reforma- tione Ecclesiae Romanae. p. 794. M. 1. 19. Jansenius, Corn., Episc. Gandavensis. Paraphrases in Psalmos, et Veteris Test. Cantica, cnm Annott. Lov. 1569. 4to. E. 5. 5. Comm. in Bcclesiasticum. Lov. 1569. 4to. E. 5. 4. Concordia Evangelica. Ant. 1558. 12mo. E. 6. 19. Comm. in snam Concordiam ac totam Historiarn Evangelicam. Ant. 1613. Fol. G. 2. 19. Jansenius, Corn., Episc. Iprensis. Tetrateuchus, sive Comm. in Sancta Evangolia. Lov. 1639. 4to. E. 5. 29. Augustinus, seu Doctrina S. Augustini de humanae naturae sanitate, aegri- tndine, medicina, adv. Pelagianos et Massilienses. Rothom. 1643. 3 vols, in 1. Fol. N. 1. 11. Jansonius, Jac. In librum Job Enarratio. Lov. 1623. Fol. G. 4. 3. Janua, Jo. de. Summa quae vocatur Catholicon. Ven. 1497. Fol. Y. 2. 12. Jasz-Berenyi, Paulus P. Examen doctrinae Ariano-Socinianae de Deo, et Christo, et Spiritn Sancto. Addita est Orthodoxa S. Trinitatis Defensio, una cum veteris Ecclesiae de Arianis Judicio. Lond. 1662. 8vo. N. 6. 28.^ Jeanes, Hen. The Want of Church Government no warrant for the total omission of the Lord's Supper. Lond. 1650. 4to. P. 7% 8. JOA] CATHEDRAL LIBRARY OF SALISBURY. 169 Jeanes, Hen. A second Part of the Mixture of Scliolastical Divinity with Practical, in several Tractates ; with several Letters of the Author and Dr. Jer. Taylor cone. Original Sin, and a Reply to Dr. Hammond's Vindication of his Grounds of Uniformity from 1 Cor. xiv. 40. Oxf. 1660. 4to. T. 6. 27. Jebb, John, Bp. of Limerick. Practical Theology. Lond. 1830. 2 vols. 8vo. W. 5. 42, 43. Jebb, John. The Choral Responses and Litanies of the United Church of England and Ireland. Lond. 1847, '57. 2 vols. Fol. W. 1. 22, 23. [Jenkin, Rob.] An Historical Examination of the Authority of General Councils. 2nd ed. Lond. 1688. 4to. P. 3. 5. Jenkins, David. Lex Terras. 1649. 4to. 1.6.2. Jenkyn, Wm. The Busy Bishop : or. The Visitor visited ; in Answer to a Pamphlet by Mr. J. Goodwin called, Sion College visited. Lond. 1648. 4to. P. 7. 2. Jesuits. Fides Jesu et Jesuitarum, cum praefatione Jo. Marbachii. Christlingse, 1573. 8vo. ZC2. 7. 5. Regulse Societatis Jesu. Lugd. 1607. 12mo. B. 6. 36. Aphorismi DoctrinsB Jesuitarum, ac aliorum aliquot Pontificiorum Doctorum. 1608. 12mo. ZC2. 5. 11. Copy of a Decree of the Sorbonne for the condemning of the Opinion touching the murdering of Princes, generally maintained by the Jesuits. Lond. 1610. 4to. P. 5. 5. Serious Considerations for repressing the increase of Jesuits, Priests, and Papists. By Sir R. C. 1641. 4to. Ibid. Responses aux Lettres Provinciales publiees par le Secretaire du Port- Royal centre les PP. de la Compagnie de Jesus. A Liege, 1659. 12mo. K. 3. 8. The New Heresy of the Jesuits, etc. Lond. 1664. 8vo. Q. 1. 37. The Jesuits' Intrigues, with the private Instructions of that Society to their Emissaries. Lond. 1669. 4to. P. 2. 8. The Jesuits' Morals. By a Doctor of the Sorbonne. Lond. 1670. Fol. R. 4. 2. The Jesuits' Loyalty, manifested in Three Treatises lately written by them against the Oath of Allegiance. Lond. 1677. 4to. T. 5. 20. An Answer to Three Treatises publisht under the title of The Jesuits' Loyalty. Lond. 1678. 4to. 0. 1. 1. Jewell, John, Bp. of Salisbury. A Reply unto M. Harding's Answer. Lond. 1565. Fol, 2 copies. T. 3. 3, 4. ■ Lond. 1566. Fol. T. 3. 2. Apologia Ecclesiae Anglicanae, Lat. et Gr. Oxon. 1639. 8vo. H. 2. 50. Apologia Eccles. Anglic. Recensuit, et Notas cum Juelli Vita Angl. scripta addidit A. C. Campbell. Pontefract, 1812. 12mo. H. 1. 17. A Defence of the Apology. Lond. 1567. Fol. 2 copies. T. 3. 2, 5. A Sermon on Ps. Ixix. 9, preached before Q. Elizabeth ; with an Answer to some frivolous Objections against the Government of the Church of England. 1641. 4to. P. 6. 3. See Heskyns, Rastell, and Stapleton. Jews. An Act of Parliament, 26 Georgii II., to permit them to be naturalized. Lond, 1753. P. 1. 11. Joannes Agrippinus seu le Colonia. Qusestiones Magistrales in Scoti volumina Seutentiarum, Quodlibetorum, Metaphysices, De Anima, etc. Bas. 1510. 4to. L. 5. 40. 16^ CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS IN THE [JO A Joannes Antiochenus. Ad S. Cyrillum Alex. Epistola, Gr. efc Lat. p. 203. H. 5.28. Joannes Antiochenus, dictus Scholasticus. Collectio Canouum, Gr. et Lat. p. 499. B. 3. 5. Nomocanon, Gr. et Lat. p. 603. Ibid. Capita Ecclesiastica, Gr. et Lat. p. 660. Ibid. Joannes, S., Apostolus. In secandam et tertiam Epistolam Joaiinis Expositio. Impr. per Jo. Byddel, 1536. 8vo. U. 2. 8. Joannes, Biclarensis Abbas. Chronicou excipiens ubi desinit Victor Tannnensis. N. 1. 10. Joannes XXIL, Papa. Articuli contra Monachos. p. 42. M. 1. 19. Joannes Scholasticus, dictus Climacus. See Climacus. Joannes de We s alia. Paradoxa ejus per Inquisitores Ordinis Praedicatorii Moguntiae condemnata. p. 325. M. 1. 18. Examen sex dierum contra eundem per eosdem. p. 327. Ibid. JoCELiNE, Nath. See Charles I. Johnson, Rich. The Pilgrimage of Man. Lond. 1598. 4fo. P. 5. 6. [Johnson, Sam.] Purgatory proved by Miracles collected out of Roman Catholic Authors ; with a Preface cone, the Miracles. Lond. 1688. 4to. P. 3. 4. The absolute Impossibility of Transubstantiation demonsi^rated. Lond. 1688. 4to. P. 4. 4. An Account of the Growth of Deism in England. Lond. 1696. 4to. Q. 2. 1. Johnson, Tho. Novus Graecorum Epigrammatum et Poematum Delectus, cum Versione et Notis. In usum ScholaD Etonensis. Ed. 3. Lond. 1706. 8vo. Y. 5.18. Eton86, 1771. 870. Y. 6. ^,7. Johnsons, Tho. See Charles I. JOHNSTONUS, Rob. Historiarum libri ii., continentes rerum Britannicarum vicinarumque Regionum hisfcorias. Amst. 1642. 12rao. Z. 6. 5. JoLius, Claud. Traditio antiqua Ecclesiarum Franciae de verbis Usuardi, quaa in ipsius Martyrologio ad festum Assumptionis B. Marias Virg. refe- rnntur, vindicata, etc. Senonis, 1672. 12mo. H. 2. 8. Jonas, Aurelianensis Episc. Libri iii. de cultu imaginum, contra blasphemias Claudiani Taurinensis. p. 1199. L. 1. 11. Jonas, Justus. Annott. in Acta Apost. Bas. 1525. 8vo. D. 2. 6. Jonathan, Ben Uzziel. Chaldaea Paraphrasis in 12 minores Prophetas, Lat. per Im. Tremellium. Heidelb. 1567. 8vo. D. 6. 5. Jones, John. Bampton Lectures for 1821. Oxf. 1821. 8vo. W. 4. 44. Jones, Tho. Prolusiones Academicae : I. Recitationes in Tit. Be Judiciis. II. Theses aliquot de ori^ine Dominii et Servitutis. Praemittitur Oratio inauguralis. Oxon. 1660. 12mo. H. 1. 33. Jones, Wm. An Answer to the Essay on Spirit. Lond. 1753. 8vo. P. 5. 1. Jones, W. H., Canon of Sarum. Early Annals of the Episcopate in Wilts and Dorset. Lond. 1871. 8vo. Fasti Ecclesiae Sarisberiensis. Part I. Salisb. and Lond., 1879. 4to. W. 3. JONSON, Ben. Comedies, Masques, and Poems ; with an English Grammar, and Discoveries. Lond. 1640-41 . Fol. T. 2. 39. Jonstonus, Jo. Thaumatographia Naturalis. Ed. 2. Amst. 1633. 12mo. Z. 5. 56. JoRTiN, John. Discourses cone, the Truth of the Christian Religion, and Remarks on Ecclesiastical History. Lond. 1805. 3 vols. 8vo. W. 6. 3-5. JUS] CATHEDRAL LIBRARY OF SALISBURY. 161 JOSEPHUS, FlAVIUS. Opera, Lat. Bas. 1540. Fol. L. 2. 23. Opera, Gr. et Lat. Gen. 1634. Fol. M. 1. 30. cum Notis Jo. Hadsoni. Oxon. 1720. 2 vols. Fol. N. 1. 2, 3. JovERius, Fr. Sanctiones Ecclesiasticee tam Synodicse qnam Pontificiae, in 3 classes distinctae. Par. 1555. Fol. B. 3. 9. Jovius, Paulus. Vitae 12 Vice-Coraitum Mediolani Principum. Par. 1549. 4to. ZCi. 2. 4. Judex, Matth. Quod arguere peccata, sen concionari pcBnitenfciam, sit proprium Legis, et non Evangelii, rationes et argumenta. Bas. 1559. 8vo. L. 6. 13. De vera Pace Ecclesise, et de Seditione, libelli ii» 1566. 8vo. K. 2. 16. Contra Antichristum libri ii. 1567. 8vo. ZCg. 2. 4. JuLiANUS Cjjsaeinus, Card. S. Angeli. Epistolae ii. ad Eugeniura IV. Papam conantem dissolvere Concilium Basileense. pp. 54, 63. M. 1. 18. JuLiANUS PoMERius. See Pomerius. Julianus, Toletanus Archiep. Contra Judaeos libri iii. Hagau. 1532. 8vo. Imperfect. ZC2. 6. 19. Bas. 1555. Fol. p. 1029. L. 1. 11. Julius III., Papa. Consilium 3 Episcoporum Bononioe congregatorum, quod de ratione stabiliendse Rom. Ecclesiae Julio III. datum est. p. 641. M. 1. 19. JuNiLius, Africanus Episc. In aliquot Geneseos capita priora Comm. p. 603. L. 1. 11. Junius, Fr. Opera Theologica cum Vita. Gen. 1613. 2 vols. Fol. N. 2. 7, 8. De Test. Vetere Orationes iii. De Psalmoram Exegesi. Heidelb. 1585. 4to. I. 2. 7. Defensio Catholicae Doctrinse de S. Trinitate, adv. Samosatenicos ac alios errores. Heidelb. 1591-92. 4to. K. 2. 1. Disputatio de Synodis, et Synodalibus judiciis, magistratusque summi in talibus jure atque officio. Franek. 1614. 4to. K. 1. 18. Junius, Hade. Nomenclator 8 lingnis, auctus Herm. Germbergii opera Ex typogr. Jac. Stoer, 1619. 8vo. Z. 3. 4. Junius, Patricius. Versio et Notae in priorem Clementis Epistolam ad Corin- thios. Oxon. 1633. 4to. A. 5. 13. A. 6. 1. Jus. [Dictionarium quorundam terminorum qui in Jure utroque maxime frequen- tantur. 147-.] Fol. Z. 2. 27. Clarissimorum Jurisconsultorum varii tractatus, partim de Juris studio recte instituendo, partim etiam de utriusque Pontificii et CaBsarei Juris cecomomia. Col. Agr. 1585. 8vo. ZCi. 5. 18. Thesaurus Juris Executivi, Ecclesiastici, Criminalis, et Civilis, per varios Auctores. Franc, ad M. 1606. Fol. Z. 2. 6. Syntagma Juris universi, atque Legum paene omnium Gentium, per Pet. Gregorium. Franc, ad M. 1611. Fol. Z. 1. 54. Corpus Juris Civilis, 4 partibus, D. Gothofredi Notis illustratum. Cura N. Antonii. Lugd. 1652. 2 vols. 4to. Z. 2. 32, 33. Corpus Juris Canonici, editum jussu Gregorii XIIL, et Notis illuptratum. Ant. 1648. Fol. B. 1. 21, Bibliotheca Juris Canonici veteris, cum Veraionibus, et Notis Chr. Jnstelli ac aliorum. Par. 1661. 2 vols. Fol. B. 3. 4, 5. M 162 CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS IN THE [JUS Jus Populi ; or, A Discourse cone, the Rights of Subjects and Princes. Lend. 1644. 4to. P. 8. 7. JUSTELLUS, ChR. Codex Canonum Ecclesiae universae, Gr. et Lat., cnm Notis. Par. 1610. 8vo. B. 5. 30. Bibhotheca Juris Canonici. See Jus. JusTiFTCATio. Sententia Ministrorum in Ecclesia Lubecensi, Hamburgensi, Luneburgensi et Magdeburgensi, de corruptelis doctrinee Justificationis. Bas. 1553. 8vo. ZC2. 4. 11. JusTiNiANUS, Fabianus. De S. Scriptura ejusque Usu ac Interpretibus, Comm. Par. 1618. 8vo. E. 6. 4. JusTiNiANUS, Flayius, Imp. Institutiones, cum Glossis Fr. Accursii. 1555. 8vo. L. 6. 8. Institutiones. Ace. ex Digestis tituli de verb, signif. et regulis juris. Amst. 1664. In-8. K. 3. 14. See Jus, and Vulteius. JusTiNus Mahttr. Opera, Gr. et Lat. per Fed. Morellnm, cum Notis Sylburgii. Par. 1636. Fol. 2 copies. A. 2. 24. A. 4. 4. Admonitorius Gentium liber, Lat. per Jo. Fr. Pieum. p. 98. L. 1. 11. JUSTINUS, M. J. De Historiis Philippicis, et totius Mundi Originibus. Interpretatione et Notis illustravit Pet. Jos. Cantel in usum Delph. Ed. alt. Lond. 1721. 8vo. Historiarum ex Trogo Pompeio libri xllv. In-8. Imperfect. Justus, Orgelitanus Episc. Explanatio in Cantica Canticorum. Y. 4.37. Z. 5. 27. • P . 911. L 1.11. Y. 6.25. Y. 6.33. Y. 6. 42, 51. JuvENALis, D. Junius. Satyrae. Lugd. 1560. 16mo. Satyrse cum Notis Th. Farnabii. Amst. 1650. 12mo. Satyrae. [CuraMich. Mattaire.] Lond. 1716. 12mo. 2 copies. Satirae. Interpretatione ac Notis illustravit Lud. Prateus in usum Delph. Ed. 5. Lond. 1722. 8vo. Y.' 4. 45. [JuvENCUS, C. Vettius Aquilinus.] Carmen, Genesis. A fragment. A. 1. 9. p. 642. A. 1. 10. K. Kate, John, Bp. of Bristol. The Ecclesiastical History of the 2nd and 3rd Centuries, illustrated from the Writings of Tertullian. Cambr. 1826. 8vo. W. 2. 42. Keckermannus, Barth. Opera omnia. Gen. 1614. 2 vols. Fol. N. 3. 10, 11. Gymnasium Logicum. Lond. 1606. 8vo. Z. 5. 53. Systema Rhetoricse. Han. 1612. 8vo. Z. 4. 29 Systema Logicae, 3 libris, cum rcsolutione ejusdem in Tabellas. Han. 1620. 8vo. I. 1. 2. Kempis, Tho. a. De imitando Christo. Bas. 1563. 8vo. K. 3. 44. KIR] CATHEDRAL LIBRARY OF SALISBURY. 1(33 Kendallus, Geo. Fur pro Tribunali : Examen Dialogisml cui inscribifcur Fur Prcedestinatus. Ace. Oratio de doctrina Neo-Pelagiana, Twissii Vita et Vindiciae a calumniis Fr. Annati, et Dissertatiuncula de novis aetibus immanentibus, sintne Deo ascribendi. Oxon. 1657. 8vo. H. 2. 13. Kent, Petition from. See Charles I. Keplerus, Jo. Ad Yitellionem Paralipomena, quibus Astronomicse pars Optica traditur. Franc. 1604. 4to. Z. 3. 44. Astronomia Nova, sen Physica Coelestis, tradita Commentariis de motibus Stellae Martis, ex Observatt Tychonis Brahei elaboi-ata Pragse. 1609. Fol. Z. 2. 60. De vero Anno Natali Cbristi. Franc. 1614. 4to. ZCi- 2. 8. Ad Epistolam Calvisii Chronologi Responsio. Ibid. Epliemerides Motuum Coelestium ab anno 1617. Lincii Austrise. 4to. Z. 3. 65. Mysterium Cosmographicum de admirabili Proportione Orbium Coelestium, &c. [Franc. 1621.] Fol. Title-page wanting. Z. 2. 36. Pro sno Opere Harmonices Mundi Apologia, adv. Demonstrationem Analy- ticam Roberti de Fluctibus. Franc. 1622. Fol. Ibid. Tabb. RudolpbinoB Tych. Brahei, continuatse, emendatse, et absolutae. Ulmse, 1627. Fol. Z. 2. 59. Kerckringtus, Theod. Comm. in Cnrrum Triumphalem Antimonii Bas. Valentini. Amst. 1671. 12mo. Z. 5. 39. Kett, Hen. Bampton Lectures for 1790. Oxf. 1790. 8vo. W. 4. 12. Kidder, Rich., Bp. of Bath and Wells. The Judgment of Private Discretion in matters of Religion defended, in a Sermon on 1 Thess. v. 21. Lond. 1687. 4to. P. 3. 6. A second Dialogue between a new Catholic Convert and a Protestant, shewing why he cannot believe the Doctrine of Transubstantiation, though he do firmly believe the Doctrine of the Trinity. Lond. 1687. 4to. P. 4.5. KiLiANUS, Corn. Etymologicum TeutonicaB Linguae, sive Dictionarium Teutonico- Latimim, cum auctario Lud. Potteri. Ed. 5. Ultraj. 1632. 8vo. X. 1. 12. KiMEDONCius, Jac. The Redemption of Mankind, and a Treatise of God's Pre- destination ; translated from the Latin by H. Ince. Lond. 1598. 4to. O. 2. 8. Ktnckius, Matthias. Directorium Sacerdotale. Duaci, 1631. In-8. K. 3. 12. King. Majestas intemerata ; or, The Immortality of the King. 1649. 12mo. R. 6. 4. King, Hen. An Exposition upon the Lord's Prayer, delivered in certain Sermons. 2nd ed. Lond. 1634. 4to. O. 2. 23. King, John, Bp. of London. Lectures upon Jonas. Lond. 1618. 4to. R. 4. 19. King, Peter, Lord Chancellor. An Enquiry into the Constitution, Discipline, Unity, and Worship, of the Primitive Church. Lond. 1713. 8vo. T. 6. 28. Kinthisius, Jod. In Epistolam ad Philippenses Collectanea. Franc. 1544. 8vo. G. 6. 17. Kircherus, Athanasius. Ars Magna Sciendi sive Combinatoria. Amst. 1669. Fol. Z 1. 52. Kircherus, Conr. Concordantiae Veteris Test. Graacse Hebraeis vocibus re- spondentes. Franc. 1607. 2 vols. 4to. F. 2. 36, 37. Kirchnerus, Tim. Thesaurus Explicationum omnium Articulorum Doctrinse Christianas, ex Operibns Lutheri collectus. [Franc, ad M. 1566.] Fol. Title-page mutilated. L. 3. 6. M 2 164 CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS IN THE [KLE Klebitius, Wilh. Reap, ad argumenta Til. Heshnsii pro defensione (1) Caussa Christianae, (2) Electoris Palatini, (3) Ph. Melancbthonis, (4) Senatus Ecclesiastici. Frib. 1561. 4to. ZCg. 3. 9. Kling, Melch. Matrimoiiialiuin Causarum tractatus. Franc. 1553. Fol. L. 2. 7. Knight, Wm. A Concordance Axiomatical, containing a Survey of Theological Propositions. Lond. 1010. Fol. T. 3. 37. Knollys, Hanserd. a moderate Answer unto Dr. Bastwick's Book called In- dependency not God^s Ordinance. Lond. 1645. 4to. P. 7. 3. Knopken, And. In Epistolara ad Romanos Interpretatio. Arg. 1525. 8vo. D. 2. 6. [Knox, John.] The History of the Reformation of the Church of Scotland, in 5 books. Lond. 1644. Fol. R. 4. 8. L., S. See Morocco. L., W. Merlinus Anglicus Junior: The English Merlin revived; or his Pre- diction upon the affairs of the English Commonwealth. Lond. 1644. 4to. P. 8. 10. Labbe, Ph. De Scriptoribus Ecclesiasticis, quos attigit Card. Bellarminus, Dissertatio. Par. 1660. 2 vols. 8vo. K. 2. 24, 25. Tridentini Concilii Canones et Decreta. Par. 1667. Fol. B. 2. 27. Concilia ad regiam editionem exacta, quas quarta parte prodit auctior, et ad eadem apparatus ; studio Ph. Labbei et Gabr. Cossartii. Par. 1671-72. 17 vols. Fol. B. 1. 4-20. La Chastre, M. de. Memoires sur ce qui s'est passe a la fin de la vie de Loiiis XIII., et au commencement de la Regence. p. 277. A Col. 1677. 12mo. Z. 5. 37. La Courvee, Jo. Claud, de. De Nutritione Foetus in utero. 4to. Title-page wanting. Z. 4. 56. Lactantius Firmianus, L. Cmlws. Opera, cum Comm. Xysti Betuleii. Bas. 1563. Fol. A. 4. 25. Opera, cum selectis variorum Comm. per Servatium Galloeum. Lugd. Bat. 1660. 8vo. A. 6. 10. Opera recognita ac Comm. illustrata a Tho. Spark. Oxon. 1684. 8vo. A. 6. 6. Epitome Institutionum divinarum, cum Notis. p. 303. A. 5. 28. Lacuna, And. Epitome Galeni Operum, cum Compendio Galeni in Hippocratem. Lugd. 1643. Fol. Z. 1. 50. Lacy, Edm., Bp. of Exeter. Liber Pontificalis. Edited by Ralph Barnes. Exeter, 1847. 8vo. I. 8. 9. Laet, Jo. de. Notse ad Dissertationem Grotii de Origine Gentium Americanarum. Par. 1643. 8vo. Z. 4. 16. De Gemmis ac Lapidibus libri ii. Lugd. Bat. 1647. 8vo. Z. 4. 34. See Theophrastus. L.s:tus, Pomp. De Romanis Magistratibus, Sacerdotiis, Jurisperitis, et Legibus. p. 211. Apud P. et Jac. Chouet, 1612. 16mo. Z. 5. 30. Lake, Edw. Memoranda touching the Oath ex officio^ pretended Self-accusation, and Canonical Purgation. Lond. 1662. 4to. P. 2. 8. et cum B. 6. 15. T. 2. 17. Cantabr. B. 3. 16. C. 1. 6. C. 5. 5. C. 5. 6. Ibid. C. 5. 7. C. 5. 5. H. 1. 6. Ibid. Ibid. C. 5. 4. Ibid. Ibid. LAN] CATHEDRAL LIBRARr OF SALISBURY. 165 Lalamantius, Jo. Externamm fere omnium Gentium Anni ratio, Romano coUatio. 1571. 8vo. Lalovera, Ant. Propositiones Geometricae sex. Fol. Lambardus, Guil. Versio ac Notse ad priscas Anglorum Leges. 1644. Fol. La^bertus, Fr. In Cant. Canticorum Comm. Norimb. 1524. 8vo. In Hoseam et Joelem Comm. Arg. 152o. 8vo. In Amos, Abdiam, et Jonam Comm. Norimb. 1525. 8vo. Comm. in Micheam, Nahum, et Habacuc. Exegeseos in Apocalypsin libri vii. Bas. 1539. 8?o. Libellus de Arbitrio hominis vere captivo. Arg. 1525. 8vo. DeCausisExc8ecationisniultorums83culorum. Norimb. 1525. 8vo. De Sacro Conjugio Commentarius. Antithesis Verbi Dei et inventorum hominum. Comm. de Prophetia. Arg. 1526. 8vo. Libellus de dijfferentia stimuli carnis, Satanae nuncii, et ustionis. De Regno, Civitate, et Domo Dei, &c. Vormat. 1538. 8va. La Militiere, M. de. See Brachet. Lamy, Le Sieur. Recueil de I'Histoire de France. A Paris, 1647. In-8. ZCi. 5. 16. Lana, Francesco. Prodrome o vero saggio di alcmie inventioni nuove pre- messo air Arte Maestra . . . per most rare li piu reconditi principij della naturale Filosofia. In Brescia, 1670. Fol. Z. 2. 43. Lancaster, Tho. W. Bampton Lectures for 1831. Oxf. 1831. 8vo. W. 4. 53. Lancastri^ Dqcatus. See Records. Landesius, And. Fr. Carmina. Ed. 2. Lond. 1713. 8vo. Y. 6. 60. Lanfrancus, Archiep. Cantuar. De Eucharistiae Sacramento, adv. Berengarium. Lov. 1551. 8vo. ZC2. 6. 2. p. 1279. Bas. 1555. Fol. L. 1. 11. Langenstein de Hassia, Hen. De animae conditionibus Soliloquium. p. 1321. L. 1. 11. Langham, Wm. The Garden of Health. 2nd ed. Lond. 1633. 4to. O. 2. 21. Langhornius, Dan. Elenchus Antiquitatum Albionensium, una cum Regum Pictavorum Chronico. Lond. 1673. 8vo. Z. 6. 1. Langle, M. de. Lettre a M. de Saumaise sur sou Apologie du Roy d'Angleterre, monstrant que les Presbyteriens sont innocens de la mort du Roy son Pere. A Quevilly, 1660. 8vo. Z. 5. 98. Lettre touchant la religion du Roy d'Angleterre. Ibid. Langus, Jo. Poemata quaedam Christiana, &c. Bas. 8vo. A. 6. 11. Lansbergius, Ph. Chronologiae Sacrae libri iii. Middelb. 1625. 4to. Z. 4. 73. Progymnasmatum Astronomiae restitutae liber unus, de Motu Solis. Mid- delb. 1619. 4to. Z. 3. 74. Cyclometriae novae libri ii. Middelb. 1628. 4to. Z. 4. 73. Comm. in Motum Terrae dinrnura et annuum, et in verum adspectabilis Cceli typum ; ex Belg. sermone in Lat. per Mart. Hortensinm. Middelb. 1630. 4to. Ibid. Uranometriae libri iii. Middelb. 1631. 4to. Ibid. Triangulorum Geometriae libri iv. Ed. 2. Amst. 1631. 4to. Ibid. Tabb. Motuum Coelestium perpetuae. Middelb. 1632. 4to. Z. 2. 39. 166 CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS IN THE [LAN Lansbergius, Ph. Novee Motuum Coelesfcium Theoricae, et Astronomicarura Observationum Thesaurus. Z. 2. 39l. Lansdowne MSS. See Catalogue. Laophilus Mtsotyrannus. See Misotyrannus. Lapide, Corn. Cornelii a. Comm. in Pentafceuchum. Par. 1630. Fol. E. 1. 6. Comm. in Cant. Canticorum. Lugd. 1637. Fol. E. 1. 9. Comm. in 4 Prophetas majores. Par. 1622. Fol. E. 1. 7. Comm. in 12 Prophetas minores. Par. 1635. Fol. E. 1. 8. Comm. in 4 Evangelia. Lugd. 1638. 2 vols, in 1.* Fol. E. 1. 10. Comm. in Acta Apostolorum. Ant. 1647. Fol. E. 1. 11. Comm. in omnes D. Pauli Epistolas. Par. 1631. Fol. E. 1. 12. Comm. in Epistolas Canonicas. Ant. 1647. Fol. E. 1. 11. Comm. in Apocalypsin. Ibid. Lapide, Jo. a. Resolutorium Dubiorum circa Celebrationem Missarnm. Delf. 1497. 8vo. K. 3. 47. La Placette, Jean de. Six Conferences cone, the Eucharist, wherein is shewed, that the Doctrine of Transubstantiation overthrows the Proofs of the Christian Religion. [Translated by Dr. Tho. Tenison.] Lond. 1687. 4to. P. 4. 4. La Primaudaye, Pierre de. L' Academic Fran9oise, en laquelle il est traite de rinstitution des Moeurs, etc. A Lyon, 1591, '94. 3 vols, in 2. 8vo. Z. 4. 9, 10. La Roche. See Cassendus. Larroque, Matthieu. Histoiredel'Eucharistie. 2deed. AAmst.1671. 2 vols. 8vo. M. 2. 33, 34. Observationes in Ignatianas Pearsonii Vindicias, et in Annott. Beveregii in Canoues SS. Apostolorum. Rothom. 1674. 8vo. A. 6. 12. Lasco, Jo. a. Defensio verse semperque in Ecclesise receptae doctrines de Christi Incar- natione, adv. Mennonem Simonis. " Bonnse, 1545. 8vo. ZC2. 6. 15. De Sacramentis Ecclesiae Christi tractatio. Lond. 1552. 8vo. H. 2. 11. Purgatio ministrorum in Ecclesiis peregrin. Francofurti, adv. eorum calumnias, qui ipsorum doctrinam de Christi in Coena sua prsesentia dissensionis accusant ab Augustana Confessione. Bas. 1556. 8vo. L. 5. 17. Confessio de nostra cum Christo communione, et Corporis sui item in Coena sua exhibitione. 8vo. ZC2. 5. 7. Epistolae tres de recta et legitima Ecclesiarum bene instituendarum ratione ac mode, ad Regem Poloniae. Bas. 1556. 8vo. ZCg. 4. 6. Epistola ad Poloniae Regem. Arg. 1557. 8vo. ZCg. 2. 7. La Serre, Sieur de. Le Secretaire a la Mode, avec Recueil de Lettres morales de plus beaux Esprits de ce temps. A Rouen, 1654, 12mo. Z. 5. 9. Latitudinarians. The Principles and Practices of certain Moderate Divines of the Ch. of England, abusively called Latitudinarians, truly represented and defended. 2nd ed. Lond. 1671. 8vo. R. 5. 32. Latomus, Barth. Adv. Mart. Bucerum, de controversiis quibusdam, altera Defensio. Col. 1545. 4to. ZC2. 3. 12. Refutatio insectationum Buceri. Col. 1546. 4to. ZC2. 4. 1. Latomus, J AC. Opera quae praecipue adv. haereses conscripsit. Lov. 1550. Fol. L. 4. 2. LAW] CATHEDRAL LIBRARY OF SALISBURY. 167 Latomus, Jac. De 3 linguarnm et studii tbeologici ratioiie dialogus, cum Annott. Tlio. Carini in eundem dialogum. Par. 1519. 8vo. L. 5. 35. De Primatu Romani Pontificis, adv. Lutherum. 4to. TiC^- 3. 14. Resp. ad Elleboron Jo. CEcolampadii, et ad Lutherum. Ibid. De Confessione secreta. Bas. 8vo. ZCg. 7. 10. Libellus de Fide et Operibus, et de votis atque institutis monasticis. Ant. 1530. 8vo. H. 2. 12. Laud, W., Abp. of Canterbury. An Answer to Mr. Fisher's Relation of a third Conference between a certain B. (as he styles him) and himself; edited by R. B. [i.e. Francis White]. Lond. 1624. Fol. 2 copies. R. 3. 12. R. 4. 1. A Relation of the Conference between him and Fisher the Jesnit, with an Answer to the Exceptions of A. C. 3rd ed. Lond. 1673. Fol. T. 3. 28. A Speech in the Star-Chamber, June 14, 1657, at the Censure of Bastwick, Burton, and Prynne. Lond. 1637. 4to. P. 7. 6. See Heylin, and Prynne. Launay, Pieree Boaistuau surnomme. Theatrum Mundi : The Rule of the World. Translated from the Latin. Lond. 1574. 8vo. O. 2. 48. Laurence, Rich. The Wolf stript of his Sheep's clothing ; or, The Antichrlstian Clergyman turned right side outwards. Lond. 1647. 4to. P. 8. 3. The Antichrlstian Presbyter; or. Antichrist transformed, assuming the new Shape of a Reformed Presbyter. Ibid. Laurence, Rich., Archbp. Bampton Lectures for 1804. Oxf. 1805. 8vo. W. 4. 27. Tracts, Theological and Critical. Oxf. 1819. 2 vols. 8vo. W. 4. 63, 64. Ascensio Isaiae Vatis : opusculum pseudepigraphum, j;Ethiopice, cum Ver- sione Lat. et Anglicana. Oxon. 1819. 8vo. E. 5. 13. Primi Ezrsa libri Versio ^thiopica, Lat. Angliceque reddita. Oxon. 1820. 8vo. Ibid. Laurence, Roger. See Lay-Baptism. Laurentius, Sabinensis Episc, Card. Campegius. Reformatio Cleri Germaniga ad correctionem vitae et morum, ac ad removendos abusus, Ratisbonse edifca. Lugd. 1544. 8vo. B. 6. 4. '■ p. 422. M. 1. 18. Laurentius, Jac. Ant-woord-brief aen Hug. Grotium, met vijfderlcy by- ghevoeghde Toe-gifte. t'Amst. 1642. 8vo. ~ Lavarenne. Le Cuisinier Fran9ois. 2de ed. A Amst. 1653. 8vo. Lavaterus, Lud. In librum Josuas Homilise Ixxiii. Tig. 1565. 4to. In librum Proverbiorum Comm. Tig. 1562. 8vo. Propheta Ezechiel Homiliis expositus. Gen. 1571. Fol. Lavinheta, Bern. de. Opera omnia, qnibus tradidit Artis Raymundi Expli- cationem, et ejusdem applicationem ad Logica, Rhetorica, Physica, etc., edente Jo. H. Alstedio. Col. 1612. 8vo. Z. 4. 37. Lawson, Geo. An Exposition of the Epistle to the Hebrews. Lond. 1662. Fol. R. 4. 14. Magna Charta Ecclesiae universalis : The Grand Charter, issued and granted by Christ for the plantation of the Christian Faith in all nations. Lond. 1665. 8vo. R. 6. IL z. , 5. 48. z. 5. 5. G. 5.26, G. 5. 1. E. ,3. 5. 168 CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS IN THE [LAX Lax, Gasp. Aritlimetica speculativa, et Proportioues. Par. 1515, Fol. Z. 2. 35. Lay-Baptism. Lay- Baptism Invalid; with a letter to the author [Roger Laurence] by Geo. Hickes, 2nd ed. Lond. 1710. 8vo. Q. 2. 7. A Supplement to the First and Second Parts of Lay- Baptism Invalid, in Answer to the Second Part of Mr. Bingham s pretended Scholastical History of Lay- Baptism, Lond. 1714. 8vo. P. 5. 1. Latmannus, Paulus. Theologia Moralis, 5 libris. Par. 1630. Fol. N. 2. 1. Qusestiones Canonica?, de Praelatorum electione, institutione, et potestate, in lib. i. Decretalium, disputatae. Ibid. Le Clerc, Jean. A Supplement to Dr. Hammond's Paraphrase and Annotations on the New Testament. Lond. 1699. 4to. R. 4. 23. De eligenda, inter dissentientes Christianos, Sententia, et contra Indiflfer- entiam, libri ii. Hagae-Com. 1724. 8vo. N. 6. 22. Leeus, Edw. Apologia contra quorundam calumnias. Par. 4to. 2 copies. D. 1. 10. ' L. 5. 35. Annotationum libri ii. in Annott. Novi Test. Des. Erasmi. Ibid. Epistola Apologetica ad Erasmum. Ibid. Lb Febvee, N. Traicte de la Chymie. A Paris, 1660. 2 vols. 8vo. Z. 4. 25, 26. Legenda Aurea. See Voragine. Leigh, Edw. A Treatise of the Divine Promises. Lond. 1633. 4to. T. 4. 47. Critica Sacra ; or Observations on the Primitive Heb. words of the Old Testament (3rd ed.) and on all the Greek words of the New Testament. Lond. 1650. Fol. R. 4. 10. Leland, Jo. Genethliacon illustrissimi Edwardi Principis Cambrias, cum Syllabo ac interpretatione antiquarum dictionum. Lond. 1543. 4to. Z. 3. 16. Le Mesurier, Tho. Bampton Lectures for 1807. Lond. 1808. 8vo. W. 4. 30. Lemnius, Levinus. Similitudinum ac Parabolarum, quae in Bibliis ex Herbis atque Arboribus desumuntur, Explicatio. Lugd. 1622, 8vo. L. 6. 9. L'FJmpereur, Constantinus. Clavis Talmudica. Lugd. Bat. 1634. 4to. F. 2. 28. Lenfant, Dav. See Aquinas. Lentdlus, Hierosolymitanus Praeses. Epistola S. P. Q. Romano. p. 2. L.I. 11. Lentulus, Paulus. Historia de prodigiosa Apolloniae Schreierae Virginis in agro Bernensi inedia. Bernae Helvet. 1604. 4to. ZCj. 2. 19. Leo L, Papa. Opera. Ant. 1583. 8vo. A. 6. 16. Opera omnia, Dissertationibus, Notis^ Observationibusque illustrata per Pasch. Quesnellum. Par. 1675. 2 vols. 4to. A. 5. 9, 10. Contra Eutychen Epistola. p. 654. L. 1. 11. Leodiekses. Epistola adv. Paschalem II., Papam, p. 176. M. 1. 19. Leon, Salvator de. In Ecclesiasticum Expositio et illustratio. Ant. 1640 Fol. E. 2. 22. Leo-Nardus, Jo. Tabularum duarum Legis Evangelicse, Gratiae, SpiritAs et Vitae, libri v. : viz, lib. i. de Gladio versatili Deitatis Jesu Christi ; lib. ii. de Spiritu Sancto ; lib. iii., Expositio Apocalypsis, Bas. 1553, 8vo. N. 6. 9. LEX] CATHEDRAL LIBRARY OF SALISBURY. 169 Leo-nardus, Jo. Lib. iv., Gladias versatilis Verbi Dei in scutrum malsB fidei Nic. Granarii. 8vo. ZC2. 6. 18. Lib. V. (de Alcorano) deest. Leontius Mechanicns. De Construcfcione ArateoB Sphaerae, Gr. et Lat. In offic. Sanctandr. 1589. 8vo. Z. 5. 119. Leovitius, Cypk. Ephemeridum Opns ab A.D. 1556 usque in 1606 supputatum. Ace. (1) Eclipsium Typi, (2) Ratio constituendi coelestis thematis, (3) Loca Stellarum fixarum, (4) Themata 4 Anni Temporum, etc. Aug. Yind. 1557. Fol. Z. 1. 39. Leporius, Presbyter. Libellus emendationis, editus per Jac. Sirmondam. ZOi. 4 1. Lesbonax. See Oratores Attici. V. 2. 4, 14. Leschassier, Jacq. Les QSuvres, contenans plusieurs Traittez, tant du Droit Public des Remains, que de celuy des Fran9ois. Ensemble quelques memoires servans a Tautiquite de I'Eglise, et a I'illastration de I'Histoire de France. A Paris, 1649. 4to. I. 8. 2. Leslie, Charles. A Short and Easy Method with the Deists. 2nd ed. With a Second Part to the Jews. Lond. 1699. 12mo. R. 6. 28. The Socinian Controversy discussed. Lond. 1708. 4to. T. 5. 42. The Case stated between the Ch. of Rome and the Ch. of England. Lond. 1713. 8vo. Q. 2. 6. Lessids, Leon. Consultatio, Quas Fides et Religio sit capessenda. p. 177. Lugd. 1622. 16mo. A. 6. 38. L'EsTRANGE, Hamon. The Alliance of Divine Offices, exhibiting all the Litur- gies of the Ch. of England since the Reformation, as also the late Scotch ; with Annotations. Fol. Title-page mutilated. T. 3. 19. L'E STRANGE, Sir Roger. A Memento, to all those that reverence the Memory of K. Charles the Martyr. Part I. Lond. 1662. 4to. R. 5. 22. Letters. A Letter cone, the present Troubles in England, written to a Minister of the Reformed Church of France. Lond. 1644. 4to. P. 7. 4. Five Letters, viz.: — 1. Cone, an eternal Creation. 2. That there was an eternal Fitness and Unfitness in the Nature of things. 3. On the Duties of Man, with remarks on several parts of Holy Scripture. 4. On the Origin of Sacrifice. 5. Cone, the Evidence necessary to ascertain the Divinity of those revelations which require us to do any action. Lond. 1737. 8vo. T. 5. 38. Leunclavius, Jo. See Balsamon. Leusden, Jo. J. Buxtorfii Epitome Grammaticae HebraBae. Ed. 4. Lugd. Bat. 1716. 8vo. F. 2. 12. Lexicon. Lex. J.ra&ico-Latinum, per Jac. Golium. Lugd. Bat. 1653. Fol. Y. 1. 16. Lex. Chaldaicumy Talmudicum et Rabbinicnm, per Jo. Baxtorfium. Bas. 1639. Fol. F. 2. 41. Lex. seu vocabularium Ecclesiasticum Jo. Bernardi, cum additamentis Ben. Pucii. Yen. 1626. 8vo. K. 3. 48. Lex. seu Thesaurus EcclesiasticuSf per Jo. Casp. Snicerum. Amst. 1682. 2 vols. Fol. M. 1. 7, 8. Lex. English and Latin, and Lat. and Engl., by Fr. Gouldman. 2nd ed. Cambr. 1669. 4to. X. 2. 7. 170 CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS IN THE [LEX Lexicon* Lex. English and Latin, by Ainsworth ; with Additions by T. Morell. Lond. 1773. 4to. V. 2. Lex. sen Dictionnaire Francois- AngloiSj et Anglois-rran9ois, par A. Boyer. A Londres, 1729. 4to. X. 2. 4. Lex. or Diet. French and English, by R. Cotgrave ; and Engl, and French, by Rob. Sherwood. Lond. 1632 and '60. 2 copies. Fol. Y. 3. 18. T. 2. 2. Lex. sen Diet. Frangois-JjEitm. A Yverdon, 1621. 8vo. Z. 6. 41. Lex. sen Thesanrus GeograpMcus. See Ortelius. Lex. Greeh and Engl, to the New Testament, by John Parkhurst. Lond. 1812. 8vo. W. 3. 33. Lex. [^GrcBcnrn] Novi Test, et ex parte Veteris, per Jo. Lithocomnm. Col. 1552. 8vo. E. 6. 23. Lex. Grceco-JjSit. in Novum Test., per Geo. Pasor. Gen. 1663. 8vo. G. 5. 19. Lex. Grceco-hsbt. in Novum Test., per Jo. Fr. Schleusnerum. Ed. 5. Glasg. 1817. 2 vols. 8vo. S. 2. 22, 23. Lex. Grcecum Hesychii. Lugd. Bat. 1746-66. 2 vols. Fol. S. 2. 2, 3, Lex. Grcecum Phavorini. Bas. 1538. Fol. Y. 3. 31. Lex. Grcecum Suidse, Gr. et Lat., per ^mil. Portum. Col. AUobr. 1630. 2 vols. Fol. 2 copies. Y. 2. 1, 2. Y. 2. 10, 11. Lex. sen Thesaurus Linguae Grcecce, per Hen. Stephanum. Par. 1572. 5 vols. Fol. Y. 1. 10-14. Lex. Grcecum, seu Hen. Stephani Thesauri Epitome. Ebroduni, 1623. 4to. X. 1. 2. Lex. Aristophanicum, (rrceco- Anglicum, by James Sanxay. Lond. 1754. 8vo. Y. 4. 47. Lex. Doricum Grceco-'h^i.i., per JEmil. Portum. Franc. 1603. 8vo. X. 1. 11. Lex. Grceco-lia.t.j per Scapulam. See Scapula. Lex. Grcecum Manuale Hederici, post curas Patricii et Ernesti, a T. Morell editum. Lond. 1778. 4to. Y. 3. 24. Lex. (?rteco-Prosodiacum, per T. Morell ; ed. Edw. Maltby. Cantabr. 1815. 4to. S. 2. 6. Lex. seu Glossarium ad Scriptores mediae et infimae Grcecitatis, per Car. du Fresne. Lugd. 1688. 2 vols. Fol. M. 1. 1, 2. Lex. Hebrew and English, without Points, by John Parkhurst. Lond. 1762. 4to. T. 3. 40. Lex. Hebrew, by Sam. Pike. Lond. 1766. 8vo. T. 5. 41. Lex. Hebraicum et Chaldaicum, et breve Rabbinico-Philosophicum, per Jo. Baxtorfiam. Lond. 1648. 8vo. F. 2. 16. Lex. Heb. Lat. S. Pagnini, auctum per Jo. Mercerum. Lugd. 1577. Fol. E. 1. 13. Lexici Heb. Lat. S. Pagnini Epitome. Lugd. Bat. 1588. 8vo. F. 2. 15. Lex. Heb. Lat., per Dan. Schwenter. Norimb. 1628. 18mo. F. 2. 1. Lex. Heb. Lat., seu Thesaurus Linguae sanctae, per Guil. Robertson. Lond. 1680. 4to. F. 2. 38. Lexici Heb. Syr. Rabb. et Arab. Epitome, per Herb. Thorndike. Lond. 1635. Fol. F. 2. 39. Lex. Pentaglotton, Heb. Chald. Syr. Talmudico-Rabb. et Arab., cum Indice Abbreviaturarum Hebraearum, per Val. Schindlerum. Franc, ad M. 1653. Fol. F. 2. 40. Lex. Heptaglotton, Heb. Chald. Syr., etc., per Edm. Castellum. Lond. 1669. 2 vols. Fol. F. 1. 8, 9. XIN] CATHEDRAL LIBRARY OF SALISBURY. 171 Lexicon. Lex. Italian and English, by John Florio. Lond. 1611. Fol. Y. 3. 17. Lex. Juridicunif per Jo. Calvinum Wetteranum. Gen. 1664. Fol. Z. 2. 63. Lex. sen Diet, utrinsque Juris. [147-.] Fol. Z. 2. 27. Lex. Latinum, sive Thesaurus Ciceronianus, post Nizolii ac aliorum curas, auctus per Marc. Squarcialupum. Bas. 1576. Fol. Y. 2. 15. Lex. Latino-FhilologicMmj per Matthiam Martinium. Franc. 1655. Fol. Y. 1. 17. Lex. Efcymologicon Linguae Latince, per G. Jo. Yossium. Amsfc. 1662. Fol. Y. 2. 8. Lex. seu Glossarium ad Scriptores raediaB et infimae Latinitatis, per Car. du Fresne. Par. 1678. 3 vols. Fol. L. 1. 18-20. Lex. seu Diet. Xri^mo- Germanicum, et Germ. Lat., per Pet. Dasypodium. Arg. 1547. 8vo. X. 1. 20. Lex. seu Diet. iahW-Grseco-Gallicum. A Rouen, 1647. 8vo. X. 1. 21. Lex. seu Diet. Tetraglotton, Lat. Gr^c. Gall. Teutonicum. Franek. 1612. 8vo. X. 1. 18. Lex. seu Nomenclator octolinguis, Lat.^ etc., per Hadr. Junium. Ex typis Jac. Stoer, 1619. 8vo. Z. 3. 4. Lex. seu Colloquia et Dictionariolum 8 linguarum, Lat.^ etc. Middelb 1631. 8vo. X. 2. 23! Lex. seu Diet, octolingue, Lat.^ etc., per Ambr. Calepinum. Lugd. 1647. Fol. y. 1. 3. Lex. Mathematicum, per Hier. Vitalem. Par. 1668. 8vo. Z. 4. 64. Lex. seu Thesaurus veterum Sejptentrionalium Linguarum, per Geo. Hicke- sium. Oxon. 1703. Fol. Z. 1. 56. Lex. Etymologicum re?^^omco-Latinum, per Corn. Kilianum. Ultraj. 1632. 8vo. X. 1. 12. Lex. seu Yocabularius TJieologice, per Jo. Altenstaig* Hagen. 1517. Fol. Y. 3. 32. Lex. Unwersahf per Jo. Jac. Hofmannum. Bas. 1677-83. 4 vols. Fol. Y. 1. 6-9. Lex Talionis ; or, A Declaration against Mr. Challener. the Crimes of the Times, etc. Lond. 1647. 4to. P. 8. 3. Lex Talionis ; or, The Author of ' Naked Truth ' stript naked. Loud. 1676. 4to. P. 4. 7. See Croft, H. Leydis, Theod. a. Disputatio de Successionibus ab intestato. Bredsa, 1649. 4to. Z. 4. 40. Lhuyd, Humphredus. De Mona Druidum Insula. Lond. 1573. 4fco. B. 6. 6. Liberinus, Abdias. Syntagma universae de S. Ccena Domini Controversiae. 4to. I. 5. 5. LiCETUs, FoRTUNius. De Intellectu agente libri v. Pat. 1627. Fol. L. 2. 6. LiBBAULT. See Estienne. Ltghtfoot, John. His Works, with Life, edited by G. Bright and J. Strype. 1684. 2 vols. Fol. R. 1. 15, 16. LiLBURN, John. London's Liberty in Chains discovered. Lond. 1646. 4to. P. 8. 11. His defensive Declaration against the Sentence of his banishment by Parliament, in a Letter from Bruges, May 14, 1653, to Cromwell. 4to. P. 6. 6. His Case and Craft discovered. Lond. 1653. 4to. T. 5. 10. LiMBORCH, Ph. A. Theologia Christiana. Ed. 3. Amst. 1700. Fol.' M. 1. 16. LiNACRE, Tho. See Proclus. 172 CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS IN THE [UN LiNDANUS, WlLH. DaM. Ruewardus, sive de Animi Tranqnillitate illorum imprimis qui ab Ecclesi^ discessere Catholica, aut aliquo ab eadem dissentiunt Fidei Christianso Capite. Col. 1567. 8vo. M. 2. 40. Apologeticum ad Germanos pro Religionis Catholicae Pace, atque solida Ecclesiarum in vero Christi Jesu Evangelio Concordia. Ant. 1568-70. 4to. I. 8. 3. Oratio Synodica, et Constitution es Synodales in Dioecesano conventu Rurajmnndensi 7 and 8 Oct. publicatae. Col. 1571. 8vo. ZCj. 4. 5. Catechismi Tridentini Institutiones Scholastics. Ibid. Ratio quotidiani Sacrificii Christiani meditandi. Ibid. Dubitantius de vera certaque per Christi Evangeliura Salutis aeternae via instructus. Ibid. Tabulae vigentium nunc Haeresion analjticae, ex variis ejus Scriptis concin- natse. Ant. 1559. 12mo. B. 6. 37. Epistola de perditissimis Cleri moribus et Reformationis mediis. p. 670. M. 1. 19. Linden, Jo. Antonides van der De Scriptis Medicis libri ii., cum Manudiictione ad Medicinam. Amst. 1637. 8vo. Z. 4. 41. Medulla Medicinae. Tom. primus. Franek. 1642. 8vo. Z. 5. 44. Oratio inauguralis, et Manuductio ad Medicinam. Ibid. LiNDius, Steph. Epistolae ii. in quibas Religionis curam ad Magistratum per- tinere, et qua ratione Missa in veteri Ecclesia celebrata f uerit, ostenditur. 1567. 8vo. ZCg. 2. 4. Linus, Romanus Episc. De Passione Petri et Pauli, ex edit. Jac. Fabri Stapulen. pp. 259, 262. Bas. 1527. Fol. G. 4. 7. Linus, Fr. Tract, de Corporum Inseparabilitate. Lond. 1661. 8vo. Z. 5. 102. LiPPOMANNUS, AlOYSIUS. Catena in Genesin. Par. 1546. Fol. E. 1. 19. Catena in Exodum. Par. 1550. Fol. Injured, G. 1. 13. Lipsius, Justus. Opera. Ant. 1595-1610. 4 vols. 4to. Z. 3. 67-70. Manuductionis ad Stoicam Philosophiam libri iii. Ed. 2. Ant. 1610. 4to. Z. 3. 71. Ti'actatiis peculiares viii. ad cognoscendam Historiam Romanam utiles. Franc. 1609. 12mo. Z. 5. 60. Tractatus peculiares vii. Lond. 1692. 8vo. Y. 6. 53. Epistola deliberativa, an Bellum, Pax, an Induciae, Hispano in Belgia, etc. prsestent. Franc. 1609. 12mo. Z. 5. 60. Epistolarum selectarura Chilias. 1618. 8vo. M. 2. 2. Monita et Exerapla politica. Amst. 1630. In-8. Z. 5. 55. Politico rum libri vi., cum Notis auctioribus. De Una Religione liber. Amst. 1632. In-8. Z. 5. 22. Roma Illustrata, sive Autiquitatum Roman. Breviarium. Lond. 1692. 8vo. Y. 6. 53. LiPSTORPius, Dan. Specimina Philosophiae Cartesianae. Copernicus Redivivus. Lugd. Bat. 1653. 4to. Z. 4. 70. LiTHOCOMUS, LuD. Vocabulorum et Exemplorum, quae per ejus Grammaticara occurrunt, interpretatio Belgica. Traj. ad Rh. 1652. 8vo. Z. 5. 49. Liturgy compared with the Mass-Book. See Bailie. LiVELlE, Edw. a true Chronology of the times of the Persian Monarchy, and after to the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans. Also, of the date of Christ's Birth. Lond. 1597. 8vo. 0. 2. 42. z. 5. 86. z. 5. 54. Y. 4. 40. Ordinem L. 5. 88. lORl CATHEDRAL LIBRARY OF SALISBURY. 173 Livius, Titus. Historiarum libri qui exstant. Interpretatione et Notis illustravit Jo. Dafatius in usum Delph. Par. 1679-80. 5 vols, in 6. 4to. S. 5. 15-20. Opera. Lond. 1722. 6 vols. 12nio. Y. 6. 54-59. LoccENiTJS, Jo. Dissertationes de Causis Incrementi et Docrementi illustrinm Rerumpnb. et Monarchiarum, Assyria?, Persicse, Macedonicae, Romanse. Witteb. 1633. 12mo. Z. 5. 33. LOGICA. Le Logique ou I'Art de Penser. 4me. ed. A Paris, 1674. 12mo. Artis LogicsB Compendium. Oxon. 1771. 12mo. Elementa Logicae. Ed. alt. Oxon. 1776. 8vo. LoMBAKDicA HiSTORiA. See Yoragine. LoMBARDus, Pet. Thesaurus Magistri Sententiaram cum plenis Sententiis in Alphabeticum redactus. 1495. 4to. Liber Sententiarum, cum Conclusionibus Hen. Gorichemii, ac Concordantiis Bibliaa ac Canonnm, necnon singularum Distinctionum summariis. Bas. 1502. Fol. K 4. Sententiarum Textus, cuilibetque Distinctioni Hen. Gorichemii Pro- positiones, ^gidii de Roma Elucubrationes, Hen. de Vurimaria Additiones, etc. Bas. 1513. Fol. L. 3. 7. Sententiarum libri iv. Lugd. 1570. 8vo. L. 6. 3L Articuli erronei omnium paene Facultatum in Anglia et Parisiis condemnati. N. 4. L. 3. 7. L. 6. 31. London. A Complaint to the House of Commons, and Resolution taken np by the free Protestant Subjects of the Cities of London and Westminster. Oxf. 1642. 4to. P. 8. 1. London's Declaration in Defence of the Citizens now in Arms. Lond. 1642. 4to. P. 8. 4. The City Alarum ; with a Treatise of the Excise. Lond. 1645. 4to. P. 8. 11. The Sectaries anatomized; wherein the City of London's Remonstrance is vindicated, etc. Lond. 1646. 4to. P. 7. 2. See Charles I. Long, Tho. No Protestant, but the Dissenters' Plot discovered and defeated. Lond. 1682. 8vo. T. 6. 34. The Unreasonableness of Separation, Part II.; being a Continuation of Stillingfleet's Book on the same subject. With Remarks on the Life and Actions of Rich. Baxter. Ibid. LoNGiNus, Dion. De Sublimitate Comm., Gr. et Lat. Edidit Notisque illus- travit Zach. Pearce. Ed. 2. Lond. 1732. 8vo. Y. 4. 19. LoNGUS A CoRiOLANO, Fr. Summa Conciliorum omnium a S. Petro usque ad Gregorium XV., cum Annott. Par. 1639. Fol. B. 2. 25. Lopis Stunica. See Stunica. LoQUiEus, Bertrandus. De Verbo Dei et de Ccena Domini Propositiones P. Kemerii confutatae. Excud. E. Vignon, 1573. 8vo. ZCg. 7. 5. LoRiCHius, Gerh. De Missa publica proroganda, racemationum libri tres. 1536. 8vo. M. 2. 11. Theses Professionis Catholicaa. Wetzflarii, 1541. 8vo. ZC2. 8. 1. LoRiCHius, Rheinh. "^vYOipupuaKovj h.e. Medicina Animae. Franc. 1564. 8vo. ZCo. 5. 10. 174 CATAL0G13E OF THE BOOKS IN THE [LOR LORINUS, Jo. Comni. in Leviticum. [Lugd. 1619.] Fol. E. 2. 2. Comm. in Deuteronomium. Lugd. 1625, '20. 2 vols. Fol. E 2. 3, 4. Comm. in Ecclesiasten, et Expos, in Ps. Ixvii. Mog. 1607. 4to. C, 1. 11. Comra. in Sapientiam. Mog. 1608. 4fco. C. 1. 12. LORTIE, Andr^. Traite de la Sainte Gene, contre Mons. Arnaud. A la. Rochelle, 1674. 2 vols. 12mo. M. 2. 31, 82. LosiEUS, Nic. Tract, de jure Universitatum. Lugd. 1627. 8vo. M. 2. 7. Lossius, Lucas. Psalmorum Enarr. Franc. 1570. Fol. G. 4. 1. Annott. in 4Evange1ia et Epist. ad E-omanos. Franc. 1554-62. 3 vols, in 2. Fol. G. 2. 15, 16. Annott. in Epistolas Dominicales et Festivales. Franc. 1552. 8vo. D. 3. 3. Quaestt. in Evangelia Dominicalia et preecipuorum Festoruni Jesus Christi. Witteb. 1561. 8vo. G. 6. 18. Objectiones in Gatechismum Pueroram, cum earum Solationibus. Franc. 1552. 8vo. ZC2. 6. 18. Lotius. AUocutio ad Regem Garolum II. in nomine Consistorii Hagensis, super m or te Regis Caroli I. 1649. 4to. K. 2. 12. LouDUN. See Louis XIV. Louis L, K. of France. Reformationis Abusuum Cleri Formula. Gol. 1549. 8vo. L. 6. 22. Louis XIV. Prosopopoee del'Assemblee de Loudun aux pieds du Roy. 8vo. Z. 5. 98. Lettre escrite a sa Majeste, par le Synode National [des Eglises Reformees de France], convoque a Loudun le 10 Novembre, 1659. Avec la Reponse de sa dite Majeste. A Paris, 1660. Ibid. Declaration of War against England, published 27 Jan. 1666. Lond. 1666. 4to. P. 8. 6. Lowe, Pet. A Discourse of Ghirurgery. 3rd ed. Lond. 1634. 4to. T. 6. 53. Lower, Rich. Diatribae Tho. Wallisii de Febribus Yindicatio, adv. Edm. de Meara. Lond. 1665. 8vo. Z. 5. 107. LowTH, Rob. De Sacra Poesi Hebraeonim. Ed. 3. Oxon. 1775. 8vo. E. 5. 12. Idem, necnon Jo. Dav. Michaelis Not® et Epimetron. Oxon. 1810. 2 vols. 8vo. F. 2. 31, 32. LowTH, Simon. Of the Subject of Church Power ; in whom it resides, its Force, Extent, and Execution. Lond. 1685. 8vo. Q. 1. 26. LowTH, Wm. A Vindication of the Divine Authority and Inspiration of the Old and New Testament. 2nd ed. Lond. 1699. 8vo. Q. 2. 17. A Gommentary upon Isaiah. Lond. 1714. 4to. R. 4. 21. A Gommentary upon the Prophecy and Lamentations of Jeremiah. Lond. 1718. 4to. R. 4. 22. LUBBERTUS, SiBR. De Principiis Ghristianorum Dogmatum libri vii. Franek. 1591. 8vo. N. 6. 24. Ed. 2. Han. 1605. K. 1. 24. De Papa Romano libri x. collati cum Dispp. Rob. Bellarmini. Franek. 1594. 8vo. L. 6. 17. Gur, et qua ratione Jesus Ghristus noster Servator fit, libri iv., contra Socinum. Franek. 1611. 4to. N. 5. 1. Responsio ad Pietatem Hug. Grotii. Franek. 1614. 4to. J^ 2. 7. LUT] CATHEDRAL LIBRARY OF SALISBURY. 175 LuBiNUS, EiLHARDUS. Clavis Graecae LingusB. Amst. 1647. 12mo. X. 1. 30. LucANus, M. Ann^us. Pharsalia, cum Notis Grotii et Farnabii. Amst. 1681. 12mo. Y. 6. 34. Pharsalia, cum Scholiaste et Notis variorum, curante Fr. Oudendorpio. Lugd. Bat. 1728. 4to. S. 2. 21. Lucas, Fr. Notatioues in S. Biblia. Ant. 1580. 4to. C. 2. 12. Lucas, Rich. The Christian Race: a Sermon on Heb. xii. 1. Lond. 1692. 4to. P. 1. 8. The Righteous Man's Support : a Sermon on Ps. cxii. 7. Lond. 1693. 4to. Ibid. LuciANUS Antiochenus, Presb. et Martyr. Reliquiae, Gr. et Lat., cum Annott. p. 3. A. 5. 25. LuciANUS Samosatensis. Opera, Gr. et Lat. ex versione Jo. Benedicti, cum Notis variorum. Ace. inedita Scholia ex Bibliotheca Is. Vossii. Amst. 1687. 2 vols. 8vo. X. 1. 9, 10. LuciDUS, Presbyter. Epistola errores praeteritos revocans. p. 845. L. 1. 11. LuciFEii, Calaritanus Epise. Opuscula. Par. 1568. 8vo. A.. 6. 26. Lucretius Carus, T. ^ De Rerum Natura Libri vi., cum Notis et Lexico Dan. Parei. Franc. 1631. 8vo. Y. 5. 34. De Rerum Natura libri vi. Lond. 1713. 12mo. Y. 4. 25. Birmingh. 1773. 12mo. Y. 5. 25. Lucy, Wm., Bp. of St. David's. A Treatise of the nature of a Minister ; with an Answer to Dr. Forbes cone, the necessity of Bishops to ordain. Lond. 1670. 4to. T. 4. 15. Ludlow. Documents connected with the History of Ludlow and the Lords Marchers, by R. H. C. Lond. 1841. 4to. W. 3. 7. LuDOLPHUS Saxo. Yita Christi. Par. 1536. 8vo. L. 6. 7. LuDOvicus I. Galliarum Rex. See Louis I. Lugdunensis. Fragmentum Epistolae a Martyribus Lugdun. conscriptae, Gr. et Lat. cum Notis. p. 287. A. 5. 22. Fragmenta Epistolae Ecclesi^ Viennensis et Lugdun., Gr. et Lat. cum Notis. p. 295. Ibid. Concilium Lugdun., Gr. et Lat. cum Notis. p. 39. A. 5. 23. LuLLius, Ratmundus. Fasciculus aureus, in quo continentur Testamentum novissimum cum elucidatione vocabulorum ejus, Vade mecum. Compendium de transmu- tatione animae metallorum, De Compositione gemmarum et lapidum pretiosorum, Epistola ad Regem Neapolitanum, Medicina Magna, et Dialogus Demogorgon. Franc. 1630. 8vo. Z. 5. 91. Blaquernae Anaohoretae Interrogationes et Responsiones de Araico et Amato. Par. 1632. 24mo. H. 2. 30. Arbor Scientiae. Lugd. 1635. 4to. L. 4. 27 . Rhetoricorum nova Evulgatio. Par. 1638. 4to. Z. 3. 78. See Lavinheta. LuPi, Jac. Liber de Assertionibus Catholicis Apostoli. Par. 1497. 8vo K. 3. 47 Lurbeus, Gabr. De illustribus Aquitaniae Yiris. Burdig. 1591. 8vo. Z. 5. 2 Lutherus, Martinus. Opera Lat. Jense. 1600-1612. 4 vols. Fol. M. 1. 20-23. In Genesin Enarrationum tomus 3., continens historiam Patriarcharum Isaac et Jacob. Franc. 1553. 8vo. C. 4. 3. 176 CATALOGUE OP THE BOOKS IN THE [LUT LUTHERTJS, MaRTINDS. In Genesin Enarr. torn. 4., continens historiam PatriarchaB Joseph. Franc. 1555. 8vo. E. 6. 37. Deuteronomion ex Heb. castigatum, cum Annott. Witteb. 1525. 8vo. D. 2. 2. Snmraaria in Psalmos. Witteb. 1534. 8vo. D. 5. 5. Lucubratt. in Psalmum xxi. Bas. 1552. 4to. C. 1. 1. Explicatio Psalmorum xxii.-xxiv. Norimb. 8vo. E. 6. 27. Enarr. Psalmorum li. et cxxx. Arg. 1539. 8vo. D. 5. 2. Pi"8electio in Psalmum cxxvii. Witteb. 1534. 8vo. D. 5. 5. Ecclesiastes cum Annott. Halae, 1536. 8vo. D. 5. 3. In Cant. Cauticorum Enarr. Witteb. 1539. 8vo. Ibid. De Christo Jesu Puero nato ex nono Isaise cap. vaticinium, cum Annott. Arg. 1527. 8vo. ' E. 6. 29. In Hoseam Prophetam Enarr. Witteb. 1545. 8vo. D. 5. 1. Enarr. in Jonam. Hagan. 1530. 8vo. C. 1. 5. Enarr. in 3 Propbetas, Joelem, Amos, et Abdiam. Arg. 1536. 8vo. D. 4. 3 Enarr. in v.-vii. capita Matth. Ace. 3 Sermones. Hagan. 1533. 4to C. 2. 3 . Annott. in aliquot capita Mattb. Witteb. 1538. 8vo. D. 5. 4. In D. Virginis Mariae, Zachariaeque Odas Comm. Arg. 1526. 8vo. D. 5. 2. Praefatio in Epistolam ad Romanos. Arg. 1524. 870. C. 5. 12. In cap. vii. primes Epistolso ad Corintbios Exegesis. De Matrimonio Sermo. Duorum de Matrimonio thematum Analytica. Arg. 1525. 8vo. ZC2. 6. 18. Homiliae in 1 Cor. xv., de E-esurrectione mortuorum, et in cap. xvii. S. Joannis, de Precatione Christi. Halae, 1538. 8vo. E. 6. 29. Cap. vi. EpistolaB ad Ephesios de Christianorum Panoplia. Hagan. 1535. 8vo. C. 1. 5. Enarr. Epistolarum et Evangeliorum [Adventus]. Witteb. 8vo. L. 5. 34. Rationis Latomianae pro incendiariis, Lovaniensis Scbolae Sophistis redditae, Confutatio. Ibid. De Libertate Cbristianae Dissertatio. 1521. 4to. C. 2. 5. De Votis Monasticis Judicium. Witteb. 4to. Ibid. Bas. 1522. 4to. C. 1. 1. De abroganda Missa privata Sententia. 4to. C. 2. 5. Adv. falso nominatum Ordinem Episcoporum libellus. 870. ZC2. 7. 11. Adv. Bennonem episcopum, nuper apud Misnios in Divorum numerum referendum, liber. Ibid. De sublimiore Mundi Potestate. 1525. 8vo. D. 6. 7. De propria Justitia Sermo. Marp. 1531. 8vo. ZC2. 6. 18. Propositiones Lutheri [ac aliorum] ab initio negotii Evangelici tractatai usque in hunc diem. Witteb. 1538. 8vo. ZC2. 6. 14. Antithesis verae et falsae Ecclesiae. 1541. 8vo. H 1. 8. Enchiridion piarum precationum cum Passional!, ut vocant ; quibus ace. novum Ca,lendarium cum Cisio vetere et novo, atque aliis quibusdam. Witteb, 1543, 8vo. L. 6. 30. Catechismus Parvus, (k. 5.) Witteb. 1543. 8vo. Ibid. Franc. 1559. 8vo. L. 6. 13. De Judaeis et eorum Mendaciis. Franc. 1544. Fol. , L. 2. 7. M.T.] CATHEDRAL LIBRARY OF SALISBURY. 177 LUTHERUS. Adv. Papatnm Romae. 1555. Fol. L. 2. 7. Defensio rov prjrov verborum Coenas, contra fanaticos Sacramentarioram spiritus. ISTorimb. 1556. 8vo. ZCj. 4. 10. Propositiones Theologic88 Lutheri et Melanclithonis, continentes Summam DoctrineD Christianse, scriptas et disputatee Witfcebergse. Witteb. 1558. 8vo. L. 6. 12. Missa ad Theologos Norimbergenses Epistola. Lips. 1573. 8vo. ZC2- 7. 5. 8ee Kirchnerus. LuTZENBURGO, Bern. de. Oatalogus Haereticorum. Ed. 2. Col. 1523. 8vo. H. 2. 10. Ltbius, Chr. In Canonicas Epistolas D. Joariuis Explicatio. Wifcteb. 1562. 8vo. E. 6. 31. Ltcophron Chalcidiensis. Alexandra sive Cassandra, Gr., cum Annott. et Yersione ad verbum per G. Canterum, alteraque carmine expressa per Jos. Scaligerum. Ace. Epitome Cassandrae Gr. Lat., carmine Anacreontico. Bas. 1566. 4to. X. 1. 13. Idem, cum Is. Tzetzis Comm. Excud. P. Steph. 1601. 4to. Y. 4. 3. Lycosthenes, Conr. Apophthegmatum Loci Communes. Lugd. 1556. 870. M. 2. 43. See Gesnerus, and Zuingerus. Lycurgus. See Oratores Attici. Lynd, Sir Humph. A Case for the Spectacles ; or, A Defence of Via Tiita, in answer to a Book written by J. R. [Rob. Jenison] called, 'A Pair of Spectacles,' etc. Edited by Dan. Featley. Lond. 1638. 4to. R. 5. 6. Lyndwood, Guil. Provinciale vetus Provinciae Cantuar. cum selectioribus ejus Annott., per Rob. Sharrock. Oxon. 1664. 12mo. B. 5. 14. Lynford, Thos. a Sermon on Ps. cxxvii. 1. [Lond. 1689.] 4to. P. 1. 9. Lynnichanus, Ant. Corn. Oratio qua ostendit cujusmodi Ecclesias Principes, Pontifices, primarii Sacerdotes et Pastores esse debeant. p. 429. M. 1. 18. Lyon, John. Reflective Dialling. Lond. 1658. 4to. T. 6. 54. Lyonne, Mons. de. Memoires au Roy, interceptez par ceux de la Garnison de Lille la Campagne passee. 1668. 12mo. Z. 5. 61. Lyra, Nic. de. Libellus continens quaestt. Judaicam perfidiara improbantes. Ad calcem Biblice Glossatce. E. 2. 17. See Biblia. Lyserus, Polycarpus. See Gerbardus. Lysias. Qua3 exstant omnia, Gr. et Lat. Annott. variorum et suis illustravit G. S. Dobson. Lond. 1828. 8vo. Y. 2. 2, 18. M. M., M. L. D. Memoires. A Cologne, 1675. 12mo. Z. 5. 36. M., T. A Discourse of Trade from England to the East Indies. 2nd ed. Lond. 1621. 4to. P. 8. 5. M., T. An exact Discovery of Romish Doctrine in the Case of Conspiracy and Rebellion. Lond. 1605. 4to. P. 5. 5. 178 CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS IN THE [MAB Mabillon, Jo. De Re Diplomatica libri vi. Par. 1681. Fol. Z. 1. 61. Macarius -^GTPi'ius. Homili^ 1., Gr. efc Lat., interprete J. Pico. Par. 1622. Fol. A. 4. 3. Maccovius, Jo. Distinctiones et Regulse Theologicae ac Philosophicae. Franek. 1653. 12mo. K. 3. 21. Macdowell, Sir Wm. An Answer to the Propositions made by the English Ambassadors (as they still call themselves) in the Great Assembly of the States General of the United Provinces, etc. 1651. 4to. P. 8. 10. Macer, Gasp. Turcico-Lutherus. Ingolst. 1570. 4to. L. 5. 8. Machiavellus, Nig. Dispp. de Republica libri iii. Lugd. Bat. 1643 et '49. 12mo. H. 2. 44, 21. De Principe libellus. Bas. 1560. 8vo. ZC2. 5. 2. Princeps, cum ejusdem argumenti aliorum quorundam contra Machiavellnm scriptis. Lugd. Bat. 1643 et '48. 12mo. H. 2. 19, 20. Historise FlorentinaB libri viii. Lugd. Bat. 164^5. 12mo. Z. 5. 63. De Migrationibus Populorum Septentrionalium post devictos a Mario Cimbros ; et de Buina Imperii Romani. Franc. 1564. 8vo. B. 6. 16. Mackenzie, Sir Geo. The Antiquity of the Royal Line of Scotland farther cleared and defended, against the Exceptions of Dr. Stillingfleet in his Vindication of the Bp. of St. Asaph. Lond. 1686. 8vo. T. 6. 59. Macrobius. Selecta qusedam ex Macrobio. "Win ton. 1772. I2mo. Y. 5. 44. M^CARDUS, Jo. Homiliae duae, quibus Purgatorii figmentum confutatur. Theses de Invocatione Sanctorum, et Satisfactione. Arg. 1565. 8vo. K. 3. 41. M^STLiNus, Mich. Ephemerides nov£e ab A.D. 1577 ad annum 1590, supputatsa ex Tabb. Prutenicis. Tub. 1580. 4to. Z. 3. 37. Appendix de Dimensionibus Orbium et Sphgerarum Coelestium juxta Tabb. Prutenicas ex sententia Copernici. [Franc] 1621. Fol. Z. 2. 36. Epitome Astronomiee. Tub. 1624. 8vo. Z. 5. 93, Magdeburgica (Urbs). Ecclesiastica Historia, per aliquot studiosos et pios viros in Urbe Magde- burgica. Bas. 1561-74. 8 vols. Fol. B. 4. 1-8. Bas. 1560-74. 5 vols. (only). B. 4. 9-13. Maginus, Jo. Ant. Novse Coelestium Orbium Theories congruentes cum Obss. Copernici. Yen. 1589. 4to. Z. 3. 88. Comm. in Geographiam et Tabb. Ptolemaei. Arnh. 1617. 4to. Z. 3. 41. Magirus, Jo. Admonitio in Epistolarem Disceptationem Magiri et Dav. Parei. Mog. 1604. 4to. ZC2. 4. 4. Magirus, Jo. Physiologise Peripateticse libri vi., cum Comm. Lond. 1619. 8vo. H. 1. 14. Magius, Hier. See Sirenius. Magius, Octavianus. De Legato libri ii. Yen. 1566. 4to. ZOp 2. 18. Mahusius, Jo. Epitome Annott. in Novum. Test, ex quinta Erasmi editione. Ant. 1538. 8vo. C. 6. 14. Maimbourg, Louis. Histoire du Lutheranisme. 2de ed. A Paris, 1681-82. 2 vols, in 1. 12mo. K. 3. 9. Histoire du Calvinisme. A Paris, 1682. 12mo. H. 2. 49. Maimonides, Moses. Dux sen Director dubitantium aut perplexorum, Lat., per Aug. Jnstinianum Kebiensium Episc. recognitus. Par. 1520. Fol. A. 4. 10. Porta Mosis, sive Dissertationes in varias Mishnaioth, sive textus Talmudici W. 3. 17. 4to. Z. 4 47. E. 6. 25. D. 6. 2. Ibid. C. 6. 12. MAN] CATHEDRAL LIBRARY OF SALISBURY. 179 partes, Oommentariis proemissa?, Arab, et Lai, nna cum Append. Notarum miscellanea, per Ed. Pocockiura. Oxon. 1655. 4to. F. 2. 26. De Sacrificiis Liber. Tract, de Consecratione Calendarum, et de Ratione intercalandi, Lat., cum Notis per Lud. Compiegne de Veil. Lend. 1683. 4to. F. 2. 34. Majendie, J. J. Address to the Clergy on behalf of the Vaudois Churches. Lond. 1768. 4to. Majerus, Mich. Symbola Aureae Mens« 12 nationum. Franc. Major, Geo. Enarr. Psalmorum xxii., Ixviii., et Ixxii. Witteb. 1559. 8vo. Enchiridion Epistolee ad Romanos. Witteb. 1557. 8vo. Enarr. 2d8e Epist. ad Corinthios. Witteb. 1558. 870. Enarr. Epist. ad Galatas. Witteb. 1560. 8vo. Enarr. 2 Epistolarum ad Thessalonicenses, et Epist. primse ad Timotheum, Witteb. 1563. 8vo. G. 6. 24 Enarr. Epist. 2d8e ad Timotheum. Witteb. 1564 8vo. D. 6. 4 Enarr. Epistolarum ad Titum et Philemonem. Witteb. 1565. 8vo. Ibid. Enarr. Epist. ad Hebraeos. Witteb. 1571. 8vo. C. 6. 13. Homiliae in Epistolas Dominicales, a prima Dominica Adventus usque ad Festum Pasch^. Witteb. 1562. 8vo. G. 5. 21. Quinta pars Homiliarum in Epistolas Festi vales. Witteb. 1562. Svo. G. 6. 20. Quarta et quinta pars Homiliarum in Evangelia Dominicalia et Dies Festos prascipuos a Festo Paschse usque ad Festum S. Jacobi. Witteb. 1565-66. 2 vols. Svo. G. 6. 19. E. 6. 21. De Origine et Auctoritate Yerbi Dei, et quse Pontificura, Patrum et Con- ciliorum sit auctoritas, Admonitio. Witteb. 1550. Svo. ZCg. 8. 10. Refatatio profanationis Coense Domini, cum praefatione Melanchthonis. Witteb. 1555. Svo. ZOp 4 10. Major, Jo. In primum Sententiarum. Par. 1510. Fol. L. 4. 21. See Richerius, Vindicias Doctrinae Schol^e Parisiensis, etc., lib. iv., p. 272. Malavalete, Joseph. Nullite de la Religion pretendue Reformee. A Paris, 1625. 16mo. H. 2. 31. Maldonatus, Jo. In 4 Evangelistas Comm. Mog. 1622-24. 2 vols, in 1. Pol. G. 2. 13. Malpighius, Marcellus. Dissertatio Epistolica de Bombyce. Lond. 1669. 4to. Z. 3. 27. Mamertus, Claudianus. De statu Animse libri iii. p. 848. L. 1. 11. Epistola ad C. Sidonium. p. 899. Ibid. Manby, T. Bee Pulton. Manchester. See Charles I. Manilius, Marc. Astronomicwn libri v., cum Comm. et Castigatt. Jos. Scaligeri, cum que Lectt. variis ac Notis F. Junii. In OflBc. Sanctandr. 1590. Svo. Z. 5. 118. Astronomicon, cum Castigatt. et Notis Scaligeri. Lugd. Bat. 1599. 4to. Z. 4 57. Manlius, R. Comm. de Rebellione Anglicana, ab anno 1640, ad annum 1685, libri ii. Lond. 1686. 8vo. B. 5. 42. Mant, Rich. Bampton Lectures for 1812. Oxf.a812. Svo. W, 4 35. Manual of Controversies. See T., H. w 2 180 CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS IN THE [MAR Marbachius, Jo. Themata de natura, officio, proprioque us'i illarum rerum, quae cum Doc- trina Justificationis sunt conjunctae : Gratia, Peccato, et Lege. Arg. 1570. 4to. L. 5. 15. Themata de Afflictionibus, earamque causis. Arg. 1573. 4to. L. 5. 32. Marc A, Pet. de. Dissertationum de Concordia Sacerdotii et Imperii, seu de Libertatibus Eccles. Gallicanee, libri viii., quorum 4 ultimi eduntur per Baluzium. Par. 1663. 2 vols, in 1. Fol. B. 1. 22. Vita et Diss, postbumae, Sacrae et Ecclesiasticae, quarum quaedam Gallicli. Lingua. Acced. 3 Epistolae Baluzii occasione harum Diss, scriptae, cum Responsis D. Paget ad easdem. 1669. 12 mo. K. 3. 34. Marcel, G. Discours sur ce qui se trouve chez les anciens Autbeurs de la Ste. Tbeodore. A Caen, 1658. 8vo. H. 1. 36. LeMoucboir pour es.suyer les larmes de S. Pierre. A Caen, 1659. 8vo. Ibid. Marcellinus, Am. See Ammianus Marcellinus. Marcellinus Comes. Cbronicon. Amst. 1658. Fol. N. 1. 10. Maechais, Ant. Description de I'Etat present de la France. A Blois, 1654. 16mo. ZCj. 5. 13. Marchettus, Alex. De Resistentia Solidorum. Flor. 1669. 4to. Z. 4. 50. Marcion. Incerti auctoris adv. Marcionem libri v. Par. 1664. Fol. A. 1. 10. Marcus Exercitor, Eremita. Opera, Gr. Par. 1563. 8vo. A. 6. 24. Eadem, Lat. Par. 1563. 8vo. ZC2. 6. 13. Capitula de Lege Spirituali, et de bis qui putant ex operibus se justificari, Gr. et Lat. pp. 568, 582. L. 1. 11. Marcus, S., Evangelista. Liturgia, seu Missa, Gr. et Lat. Par. 1583. 8\ro. A. 6. 18. Historia ejus, incerto auctore. Par. 1560. 8vo. A. 6. 22. See Bibliander. Maresius, Sam. Tract, de afflicto statu Studii Tbeologici in fdederato Belglo. Gron. 1672. 4to. ZCg. 4. 2. See Baadt. Maria, B. Virgo. Ad Ignatium Episcopum Epistola. p. 67. L. 1. 11. Sermo in Assumptione S. Mariae, incerto auctore. p. 378. E. 4. 6. Fasti Mariani cum Divorum elogiis in singulos anni dies. Lugd. 1652. ' 12mo. B. 6. 39. An Account of the Life and Death of the Blessed Virgin, according to Romish Writers ; with the Grounds of the Worship paid to her. [By W. Fleetwood.] Lond. 1687. 4to. P. 4. 6. Marius, Aug. De Prasdestinatione Divina. 1512. 4to. ZC2. 3. 12. Marius, Hier. Eusebius captivus, sive Modus procedendi in Curia Romana contra Lutheranos. Bas. [1553]. 8vo. ZCg. 5. 1. Marlborough. See Charles I. Marlianus, Jo. Qnaestio de Caliditate Corporum humanorum tempore Hyemis et ^statis, et de Antiperistasi. Ven. 1501. Fol. Z. 2. 40. Marloratus, Aug. Novi Test. Catholica Expositio Ecclesiastica. [Vol. 2dum.] Fol. Title- page wanting. G. 1, 1. Thesaurus S. Scripturae propbeticae et apostolicae in Locos Communes digestus. Gen. 1624. Fol. G. 1. 9. MAS] CATHEDRAL LIBRARY OF SALISBURY. 181 Marolois, Sam. QSuvres Mathematiques traictans Geometrie, Perspective, Architecture, et Fortification. Hagas-Com. 1614. Fol. Z. 2. 46. Marpriest. See Martin Marpriest. Marshall. See Vane. [Marshall, Nath.] The Penitential Discipline of the Primitive Church. Lond. 1714. 8vo. Q. 2. 4. Marshall, Steph. A Defence of Infant Baptism. Lond. 1646. 4to. O. 2. 30. Marshamus, Jo. Diatriba Chronologica. Lond. 1649. 4to. K. 2. 12. Chronicus Canon ^gjptiacus, Ebraicus, Grsecus ; et Disquisitiones. Lond. 1672. Fol. L. 2. 19. Marsilius Patavinus. Tract, de translatione Imperii, p. 55. M. 1. 19. Marten, Anth. A ReconciHation of all the Pastors and Clergy of this Church of England. Lond. 1590. 4to. T. 6. 5. Marten, Hen., M.P. See Scotland. Martial, John. A Treatise of the Cross. Ant. 1564. 8vo. 0. 2. 89. Martialis,* Martyr et Episc. Lemovicensis. EpistolaQ ad Burdegalenses et Tolosanos. pp. 272, 277. L. 1. 11. Martin Marpriest. Martin's Echo. 4to, P. 7. 2. Martin or Martyn, Wm. The History and Lives of the Kings of England, from William the Conqueror to the end of the Reign of Henry VIII. ; with a Continuation to Q. Elizabeth by B. R. Lond. 1638. Fol. T. 2. 43. Martini, Ratm. Pugio Fidei adv. Mauros et Judeeos, cum Observatt. Jos. de Voisin. Par. 1651. Fol. L. 1. 5. Martinius, Matthias. Lexicon Philologicum, praocipue Etymologicum et sacrum. Ed. alt. Franc. 1655. Fol. Y. 1. 17. Martinus, Bracarensis Episc. Collectio Orientalium Canonum. p. 7 in Append. B. 3. 4. Martinus V., Papa. Bulla3 queedam adv. Bohemos emissae. p. 611. M. 1. 19. Martinus, Jo. Praxeos populariter concionandi Rudimenta. Gron. 1651. 8vo. N". 6. 29. Martyn, John. See Vergilius Maro. Martyr Festus,-Pet. Summarinm Constitntionum, Declarationum et Ordina- tionum, pro regimine Ord. Praedicatorum, et Monialium. Ant. 1619. 8vo. K. 1. 25. Martyr Vermilius, Pet. In Genesin Comm. Tig. 1569. Fol. G. 3. 14. Regum libri ii., cum Comm. in primum totum, et secundi priora 11 capita. Tig. 1566. Fol. G. 3. 15. In Epist. ad Romanes Coram. Bas. 1558. Fol. G. 3. 1. In priorera Epist. ad Corinthios Comm. Tig. 1551. 4to. C. 2. 2. De Sacramento Eucharistise tract. Tig. 1552. 8vo. N. 6. 8. Defensio ad Ric. Smythasi 2 libellos de Ceelibatu Sacerdotum, et Votis monasticis. Bas. 1559. 8vo. N. 6. 7. Defensio Doctrinae veteris de Eucharistiae Sacramento, adv. Steph. Gardineri librum. [Tig. 1562.] Fol. L. 2. 21. Marulus, Marc. De institutione bene beatcque vivendi libri vi., ad normam Vitae Sanctorum utriusque Test, digesti. Salingiagi, 1540. 8vo. N. 6. 4. Mary, The Blessed Virgin. See Maria. M.'askell, Wm. The Ancient Liturgy of the Church of England according to the Uses of Sarum, Bangor, York, and Hereford, and the Modern Roman Liturgy, arranged in Parallel Columns. 2nd ed. Lond. 1846. 8vo. W. 2. '67, 182 CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS IN THE [MAS Maskell, Wm. MoRumenta Ritnalia Ecclesise Axiglicanas. With Dissertations and Kotes. Lond. 1846-47. 3 vols. 8vo. W. 2. 38-40. AHistoryof the Martin Marprelate Controversy. Lond. 1845. 8vo. W.2.41. Selected Centnries of Books from the Library of a Priest in the Diocese of Salisbury. [Lond.] 1843. 8vo. T. 4. 35. Mason, Fr. Of the Consecration of the Bishops in the Church of England, with their Succession, Jurisdiction, etc. ; as also of the Ordination of Priests and Deacons. Lond. 1613. Pol. T. 3. 32. Idem Lat. Ed. 2. Lond. 1638. Pol. B. 4. 17. The Validity of the Ordination of the Ministers of the Reformed Churches beyond the Seas, maintained. Oxf. 1641. 4to. 0. 2. 35. Massa, Nic. Liber Introductorius Anatomise. Ven. 1536. 4to. Z. 3. 49. Mass^us, Christianus. Chronicorum Historise utriusque Test, libri xx. Ant. 1540. Pol. Z. 2. 23. Massutius, Tho. Vita S. Pauli Apostoli. Lugd. 1633. 4fco. N. 5. 9. Matthjsus Paris, sen Parisieksis. Historia Major. Ace. duorum Offarum Merciorum Regum, et 23 Abbatum S. Albani, Vitae, una cum libro Additamentorum ; editore W. Watts. Par. 1664. Pol. ]Sr. 2. 13. Lond. 1684. Pol. N. 1. 9. Antiqua Regni et Ecclesiae Angliae Gravamina, p. 415. M. 1. 19. MATTHiEus Westmonasteriensis. Plorcs Historiarum, praecipue de Rebus Britan- nicis ; ab exordio Mundi usque ad a.d. 1307. Franc. 1601. Pol. Z. 2. 2. Matthias, S., Apostolus. Vita, ex Hebr. lingua. Par. 1560. 8vo. A. 6. 22. Matthias, Christianus. Theatrum Historicum Theoretico-Practicum, quo 4 MonarchisD, omnesque Reges et Imperatores, qui in illis regnarunt, doscribuntur. Amst. 1648. 4to. Z. 3. 75. Matthieu, Pierre. Histoire des derniers Troubles de France, soubs Henry III. et IV. ; avec un Recueil des Edicts et Articles accordez par Henry IV. pour la reunion de ses sujects. 1604. 8vo. Z. 3*. 3. Histoire des guerres entre les deux Maisons de France et d'Espagne, durant le regne des Rois Fran9ois L, Henry IL, Praii^ois 11. , Charles IX., Henry HI. et IV. ; avec la Genealogie de la Maison de Bourbon. Ibid. Maulbrunnexse Colloquium. See Palatinate. Maurice, Prince of Orange. Necessary Considerations for Prince Maurice touching the Reasons de- livered by the Ambassadors, for the better declaration, defence, and furthering of their Propositions made touching a Truce, etc. Gravenhage, 1621. 4to. P. 8. 10. Memoires Mathematiques du Prince Maurice de I^assau, corrigees et aug- mentees par Alb. Girard. A Leyde, 1634. Pol, Z. 2. 1. Maurice, Hen. Doubts cone, the Roman Infallibility. Lond. 1688. 4to. P. 3. 5. A Defence of Diocesan Episcopacy. Lond. 1691. 8vo. T. 6. 10. Mauritius de Portu. See Scotus. Mauritius, Pet., Abbas Cluniacensis. Tract, de Sacrificio Missse, et veritate Transubstantiationis. p. 193. Lov. 1551. 8vo. , ZC2. 6. 2. Maurus, Rab. See Rabanus Maurus. Maxentius, Jo. Opuscula. Hagenau, 1520. Pol. A. 5. 3. p. 673. L. 1. 11. ME I] CATHEDRAL LIBRARY OF SALISBURY. 183 Maximilianus I., Irap. Querela contra abusus atque gravamina Romanisfcarum, cum sua ad calcem Appendice. p. 339. M. 1. 18. Maximus. Fragmentum, Gr. et Lat., cum Notis. p. 77. A. 5. 23. Maximus, Confessor. Opera, ex MSS. Codd. ernta, nova Versione subacta, Notisque illustrata, stndio Fr. Combefis. Par. 1675. 2 vols. Fol. A. 1. 16, 17. Quatuor Centuries Capitulorum de Charitate, Gr. et Lat. p. 508. L. 1. 11. Computus Ecclesiasticus, Gr. et Lat. per D. Petavium. p. 313. Z. 1. 37. Scholia in Opera Dionysii Areopagitse, Gr. et Lat., Pet. Lansselio inter- prete. Par. 1644. Fol. A. 3. 21. Maximus Tyeius. Sermones sive Dispp. xli., Lat., ex C. Paccii interpretatione, ab H. Stepbano emendata. Par. 1557. 8vo. Y. 5. 19. Dissertationes, Gr. et Lat. Lugd. 1631. 870, Y. 5. 20. Mater, John. The English Catechism explained. 4th ed. Lond. 1630. 4to. T. 4. 9. Mayerne, Louis db. The general History of Spain ; translated from the French by Edw. Grimston. Title-page mutilated. [Lond. 1612.] Fol. T. 1. 5. Mayo, — . A plain Scripture Argument against Dr. Clarke's Doctrine cone. the Trinity. Lond. 1715. 8vo. . P. 2. 4. Mayo, Theod, The Book of the Litany, with various Musical Notations. Froome Selwood, 1874. 4to. W. 3. 36. Meath, Hen., Bp. of, A "Sermon on 2 Thess. ii. 3-13. 2nd ed. Lond. 1679. 4to. P. 1. 7. Mede, Joseph. Works. Enlarged ed, Lond. 1664. 2 vols. Fol. R. 2. 13, 14, Daniel's Weeks. An Interpretation of part of his Prophecy. Lond. 1643. 4to. P. 5. 8. Clavis Apocalyptica, una cum Commentario in Apocalypsin. Cantabr. 1649. 4to. H. LL Biatrihce. A continuation of certain Discourses on sundry Texts of Scrip- ture. Part iii. Lond. 1650. 4to. P. 5. 3. Remains on some Passages in the Revelation ; with several Discourses cone, the Holiness of Churches. Ibid. Diatrihce : Pars iv. Discourses on sundry Texts of Scripture. Epistles in Answer of divers Letters from learned Men ; with a short Yiew of the Author's Life and Death. Lond. 1652. 4to. P. 7. 7. Dissertationum Triga : de Sanctitate relativa, Yeneratione sacra, Sortitione ac Alea. Ace. Fragmenta sacra. Lond. 1653. 4to. ZC2. 4. 5. Medicis, Marie op. A Declaration, containing the reasons of her departure out of the Low Countries. Lond. 1639. 4to. P. 8. 10. Mediolanensis. Constitutiones et Decreta condita in Synodo Mediol. sub Car. Borromeeo Archiep. Mediol. Yen. 1566. 8vo. ZCg. 2. 10. Meek, Rob. The Church of England a faithful Witness against the Errors and Corruptions of the. Ch. of Rome. Lond. 1834. 8vo. W. 6. 14. Megander, Caspar. In Epistolas ad Timotheum et Titum. Bas. 1535. 8vo. D.2. 6. Megapolenses (Duces). Liber continens Doctrinam, Administrationem Sacramentorum, Ritus Ecclesiasticos, Formam Ordinationis, Consistorii, Yisitationis, et Scholarum in ditione Jo. Alberti, et Hulderici, Ducum Megapolensium, Lat. per Jo. Frederum. Franc. 1562. 8vo. L. 6. 24. Meggott, Rich. An Assize Sermon on James i. 25. Lond. 1682. 4to. P. 1. 7. Meisnerus, Balth. Dissertatio de Legibus, 4 libris. Witteb. 1616. 8vo. ]Sr. 6. 18. Bas. Ibid. Bvo. C. 5. 11. 8vo. •C. 5. 12. D.2. 6. ivo. C. 5. 9. 8vo. C. 5. 12. )VO. C. 5. 10. 184 CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS IN THE [MEL Mela, Pomp. De Situ Orbis libri iii., cum Annott. Jo. Olivarii. Apud H. Stepb. 1577. 4to. Z. 3. 62. De Situ Orbis. Par. 1619. 24mo. Z. 5. 23. Melanchthon, Ph. Operum Pars 2da continens Enarr. aliquot Librorum Test. Veteris, et non- nulla alia. Witteb. 1562. Pol. L. 2. 3. Operum Pars 4ta, quae continet Enarr. Epistolarum ad Roraanos, ad Corinthios, ad Colossenses, ad Timotheum, et nonnuUa alia. Witteb. 1564. Pol. L. 2. 4. In Psalmos aliquot Enarr. Hagan. 1528. 8vo. C. 5. 4. Argumentum in Jeremiam Propbetam. Witteb. 1542. 8vo. 0. 5. 8. In Danielem Propbetam Comm. 1543. 8vo. Ibid. Conciones explicantes Evangelium S. Mattbaei. Witteb. 1560. 8vo. G. 6. 22. In Evang. Mattbgei, inque Passionem Domini Annott. Item, in eundem Evangelistam, et in Lucam eruditi cujusdam [Gasp. Crucigeri] brevia Scbolia. Hagan. 1531. 8vo, D. 6. 3. Annott. in Joannem. 1523. 8vo. In EvaDgelica Dominicalia et Festivalia Annott. Annott. in Epist. ad Romanos. Arg. 1524 et *25. Witteb. 1540. i Annott. in Epistolas ad Corintbios. Arg. 1524. Comm. in Epist. ad Colossenses. Halae, 1545. i Summa Doctrinse de Coena Domini dictata publico in Acad. Wittebergensi, circa annum 1534. p. 312. K. 1. 27. Epistolse aliquot et responsa Melancbthonis ac aliorum de eadem re. Ibid. Loci Communes Tbeologici. 1536. 8vo. L. 6. 18. Idem Opus postremum recognitum et auctum. Ace. Definitiones multarum Appellationum, quarum in Ecclesia usus est. Bas. 1561. 8vo. L. 5. 19. Epitome prsecipuae doctrinas, quae in Locis Theologicis ejus de singulis Articulis traditur, per Jo. Majeruni. Witteb. 1562. 8vo. L. 6. 19. Brevis discendae Tbeologiae ratio. Marp. 1537. 8vo. D. 6. 7. Concio de Petra, Mattb. xvi. 1555. Pol. L. 2. 7. Defensio de Conjugio Sacerdotum, missa ad Regem Angliae. Scripta quasdam de usu integri Sacramenti, et Missa Theatrica, de potestate Pontificis ac Episcoporum, etc. Wesal. 1543. 8vo. L. 6. 11. Witteb. 1560. 8vo. K. 3. 38. De Ecclesia, et Auctoritate Verbi Dei. Doctrina de Pcenitentia. Ibid. Scriptum in conventu Smalcaldensi, contra Scbwenckfeldium et alios, anno 1537. Resp. de Controversiis Stancari. Ibid. Disp. de causis Certitudinis Doctrinae Ecclesiae, desumpta ex praefatione in Locos Communes. Tub. 1556. 4to. L. 5. 7. Symboli Nicaeni Enarratio. Ace. priori editioni plures Symboli partes. Bas. 8vo. B. 5. 34. Responsiones ad Articulos Bavaricae Inquisitionis. Witteb. 1559. 8vo. L. 6. 13. Appendix Disputationis de Conjugio. Bas. 1561. 8vo. L. 5. 19. Adv. Anabaptistas Judicium. Franc. 1562. 8vo. K. 1. 7. Metbodus discendi Sacras Literas. De officiis Concionatoris. De modo et arte concionandi. Witteb. 1564. 8vo. D. 6. 4. luitia Doctrinae Pbysicae, dictata in Acad. Wittebergensi. Witteb. 1550. 8vo. ^ L. 6. 20. MER] CATHEDRAL LIBRARY OF SALISBURY. 185 Melanchthon, Ph. De Anima liber, p. 494 Bas. 8vo. Z. 5. 110. Lugd. 1555. 8vo. Z. 5. 121. Selectissimarum Orationum tomns 3. Erphordise. 155L ZC2. 6. 16. Annott. in OflQcia Ciceronis. Witteb. 1562. 8vo. L. 6. 19. Epistolarum Farrago. Bas. 1565. 8vo. K. L 28. Alter libellus Epistolarnm. Witteb. 1570. 8vo. L. 6. 21. Chronicon Carionis expositum et anctum a Melanchthone et Casp. Peucero ; una cum Narratione historica de Electione et Coronatione Caroli Y. Imp. Witteb. 1580. Fol. Z. 2. 57. See Eaventinus. Melito, Sardensis Episc. Fragmenta, Gr. et Lat., cum Notis. p. 113. A. 5. 22. Melvil, Sir James. Memoirs, containing an Account of the most remarkable Affairs of State not mentioned by other Historians, more particularly relating to Scotland. Lond. 1683. Fol. T. 2. 15. Menasseh, Ben Israel. De Creatione Problemata xxx. Amst. 1635. 8vo. K. 1. 30. De Resurrectione Mortuorum libri iii. Amst. 1636. Ibid. Dissertatio de Fragilitate humana ex Lapsu Adami. Amst. 1642. Ibid. Spes Israelis. Amst. 1650. Ibid. See Mishna. Mencelius, Hiee. Resp. ad Calumnias Stan. Hosii. Ursellis, 1562. 8vo. L. 6. 25. Disp. de Conjugio Sacerdotum. p. 152. Ibid. Menius, Justus. In Samuelis librum priorem Enarr. Witteb. 1532. 8vo. E. 6. 32. Menochius, Jo. Steph. De Republica Hebreeorum libri viii. Par. 1648. Fol. 2 copies. K 2. 2, 3. Mercatoe, Geeaedus. Atlas, sive Cosmographicas Meditationes de Fabrica Mundi. Ed. 5. Amst. 1623. Fol. Z. 1. 63. Mercatoe, Maeius. Opera, 2 partibus, studio Jo. Garnerii qui Notas etiam ac Dissertationes addidit. Par. 1673. Fol. N". 1. 8. Meecatoe, NlC. Hypothesis Astronomica nova. Lond. 1664. Fol. T. 2. 17. In Geometriam Introductio brevis. Lond. 1678. 12mo. Z. 5. 62. Meeceeus, Jo. In Genesin Comm. Gen. 1598. Fol. E. 2. 21. Comm. in Proverbia, Ecclesiasten, et Cant. Canticorum. Gen. 1573. Fol. G. 3. 4. Tabb. in Chaldasam Grammaticen. Par. 1550. 4to. F. 2. 30. See Pagninus. Meecueialis, Hiee. Comm. in Hippocratis Prognostica, Prorrhetica, De Yictus ratione in morbis acutis, et Epidemicas Historias. Franc. 1602. Fol. Z. 2. 26. Tract, de Hominis Generatione, de Vino et Aqua, Balneisque Pisanis, a M. Cornacchino editi. Ibid. Meeiton, John. Curse not the King. A Sermon on Eccles. x. 20, preached on the 30th Jan. 1660. 4to. P. 6. 3. JMeeivale, Chaeles, Dean of Ely. Summary of Proceedings, with Sermons and Address, at the Bissexcentenary Festival of St. Etheldreda, at Ely, Oct. 1873. Ely. 8vo. W. 4, 186 CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS IN THE [MEE Mermannius, seu Mermannus, Arnoldus. Catechismus Poenitentinm, instar Dialog! quo ratio Poenitentiae inetrndae declaratur. Lov. 1564. 8vo. ZCg. 4. 14. De Exomologesi Sacerdoti facienda Elucubratio. Ibid. De Poenitentia publica et solemni liber. Ibid. De fugienda Consnetudine Haereticorum, et de Haereticis deferendis et accusandis, Oratio. Ibid. De Rogationibus ac Peregrinationibus, et Hymnis, etc., libri iii. Lov. 1566. 8vo. ZC2. 6. 11. Libellus de Sancta Cruce, ejusque religiosa adoratione et cultu. Ibid. Mbrsenne, Marin. La Verite des Sciences, contre les Septiqiies ou Pjrrboniens. A Paris, 1625. 8vo. Z. 4. 36. Harmonicorum libri viii., et Harmonicorum Instrumentornm libri iv. Par. 1636. Fol. • • Z. 2. 15. Universae Geometriae, mixtaeque Mathematicae, Synopsis, et bini Refrac- tiontim demonstratarum tractatus. Par. 1644. Fol. Z. 3. 83. Novarum Observationum Physico-Mathematicarum tomns iii. Par. 1647. Ibid. Merula, Paulus. Cosmographiae generalis libri iii. Item, Geographiae particularis libri iv. Ant. 1605. 4to. Z. 2. 12. Dissertatio de Maribus. Lugd. Bat. 1633. In-8. H. 2. 29. De Statu Reipublicae Batavica3 Diatriba. Hagse-Com. 1650. 12mo. Z. 5. 16. Mesue, Jo. Opera, cam Expositione Mondini snper Canones nniversales, et Christophori de Honestis in Antidotarium ejnsdem, f. 42. Lngd. 1519. Fol. Z. 2. 50. Canones nniversales. Antidotarium. Liber Medicinarum particnlarium. Lugd. 1523. 8vo. ZCp 5. 10. Receptarium Antidotarii emendatum. Lugd. 1546. 8vo. ZC^. 5. 1. Metenses Ministri. Ad Calumnias et criminationes Fr. Belcarii Responsio. Gen. 1566. 8vo. ^ ZCi. 4, 8. Methodius. Revelationes. p. 387. L. 1. 11. Metius, Adr. Institutionum Astronomicarum tomi iv. Franek. 1608. 8yo. ZOj. 3. 11. Opera omnia Astronomica, 4 tomis. Amst. 1633. 4to. ZOj. 2. 7. Mexia, Pero. The History of all the Roman Emperors, from 0. J. Caesar to Rudolph II. ; translated into English by W. Traheron. Fol. Title-page mutilated. T. 2. 22. The same, corrected and continued to the death of Maximilian II. by Edw. Grimston. Lond. 1623. Fol. T. 2. 11. Meyerus, See. In utramque Epist. ad Corinthios Comm. Franc. 1546. 8vo. D. 2. 8. Annott. in Epist. ad Galatas. Ap. Bernam, 1546. 8vo. E. 6. 26. In Apocalypsin Comm. Tig. Fol E. 3. 6. Mezerat, Sieur de. a general Chronological History of France; translated into English by J. Bulteel. Lond. 1683. Fol. T. 2. 10. Michael, Episc. Sidoniensis, deinde Merspurgensis. See Heldingus. MiCHAELis, Jo. Dav. Notae et Epimetra ad Praelectiones Roberti Lowth. Oxon. 1810. 8vo. F. 2. 32. Micrologus, Jo. Do Ecclcsiasticis Observationibus ; opera Jac. Pamelii. Ant. 1655. 8vo. M. 2. 21. Gen. 1667. H. 2. 51. W. 4. 40. T. 2. 12. W. 4. 49. MIN] CATHEDRAL LIBRARY OF SALISBURY. 187 MiDDLETON, CONYERS. A free Enquiry into the Miraculous Powers which are supposed to have subsisted in the Church from the earliest Ages through several successive Centuries. Lond. 1749. 4to. W. 3. 30. An Examination of the Bp. of London's Discourses cone, the Use and Intent of Prophecy. Lond. 1750. 4to. W. 2. 44. MiJDDLETON, T. F., Bp. of Calcutta. The Doctrine of the Greek Article applied to the Criticism and Illustration of the New Testament ; revised by J. Scholefield. Cambr. 1828. 8vo. W. 5. 48. MiGON, EsTiENNE. La Perspective speculative et pratique. A Paris, 1643. 4to. Z. 3. 24. MiLDERT. See Yan Mildert. MiLius, Abr. De Origine Animalium, et Migratione Populorum. 12mo. Miller, John. Bampton Lectures for 1817. Oxf. 1817. 8vo. MiLLES, Tho. The Catalogue of Honor. Lond. 161 0. Fol. MiLLius, Jo. 8ee Testamentum Novum. MiLMAN, H. H. Bampton Lectures for 1827. Oxf. 1827. 8vo. Milton, John. Prose Works, with Life and Critical Remarks by Chas. Symmons. Lond. 1806. 7 vols. 8vo. W. 4. 71-77. Animadversions upon the Remonstrant's Defence against Smectymnus. Lond. 1641. 4to. P. 7. 2. Areopagitica : A Speech for the Liberty of Unlicensed Printing, to the Parliament of England. Lond. 1644. 4to. T. 5. 10. Pro Populo Anglicano Defensio, contra CI. Anonymi, alias Salmasii, Defensionem Regiam. Lond. 1651. 12mo. Z. 5. 20. Resp. ad Apologiam Anonymi pro Bege et Fojpulo Anglicano. Lond. 1652. 12mo. Z. 5. 11. Of True Religion, Heresy, Schism, Toleration, and what best means may be used against the growth of Popery. Lond. 1673. 4to. P. 7. 3. MiNISTERIUM. Enchiridion Candidatorum Sacri Ministerii. Groning. 1645. 8vo. B. 5. 32. Jus Divinum Ministerii Evangelici ; or. The Divine Right of the Gospel Ministry. Published by the Provincial Assembly of London. Lond. 1654. 4to. R. 5. 16. Ministers. A Defence of the godly Ministers against the Slanders of D. Bridges. 1587. 4to. P. 6. 4. The Second Part of the Defence of the Ministers' Reasons for refusal of Subscription and Conformity to the Book of Common Prayer ; against Tho. Hutton, W. Covel, Tho. Spark, and Fr. Mason. 1608. 4to. Ibid. Certain Arguments to persuade and provoke Parliament to promote and advance the sincere Ministry of the Gospel, as also to speak for the Ministers thereof now degraded and deprived. 1606. 4to. T. 6. 5. A Disputation proving that it is not convenient to grant to Ministers secular Jurisdiction, and to make them Lords and Statesmen in Parha- ment. Lond. 1679. 4to. P. 5. 9. Hints from a Minister to his Curate for the Management of his Parish. 2nd ed. Lond. 1776. 12mo. R. 6. 31. MiNUCius Felix, M. Octavius, cum Notis variorum. Par. 1666. Fol. A. 1. 18. Idem, cum integris Observatt. Rigaltii et selectis aliorum. Recensuit, suasque Notas adjecit Jo. Davisius. Cantabr. 1707. 8vo. A. 6. 15. 188 CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS IN THE [MIR MlR^DS, AUBERTUS. Origines Oartusianorum Monasteriorum per Orbem. Col. 1609. 8vo. B. 6. 30. Notitia Episcopatuum Orbis Christiani. Ant. 1613. 8vo. B. 6. 7. MiSHNA. Part ii., containing the three Orders, Nezikin, Kiddushim, Tahoroth, with short Glosses; edited by Menasseh Ben Israel. Amst. 1621. 8vo. F. 2. 9. MisoTTRANNUS, Laophilus. Mene Tekel ; or, The Downfal of Tyranny. 1663. 4to. Imperfect. P. 8. 7. MiSSA. S. Marei Evangelistae Divina Liturgia, sen Missa ; et Clementis Romani de Ritn Missse, Gr. et Lat. Par. 1585. 8vo. A. 6. 18. Missa Apostolica S. Apostoli Petri ; cum Canone Lat. Ecclesias Rom. et Notis, Willelmo Lindano auctore. Par. 1595. 8vo. Ibid. Gregorii II. Papae Divinum Officium, sive Missa, cum interpretation e Graeca Geo. Codini. Ibid. Liturgias sive Missas SS. Patrum, Jacobi Apostoli, Basilii Magni, Jo. Chry- sostomi, De Ritu Missae et Eucharistia ex libris variorum auctorum, Lat. per CI. de Sainctes. Ant. 1562. 8vo. Much injured. ZC2. 8. 15. Brevis in Missae Canonem Exegesis, ex priscis Scriptoribus collecta. Par. 1548. 8vo. M. 2. 21. Versus de mysterio Missas. p. 112. Ibid. Expositio Missee Romanae. Lov. 1563. 12mo. B. 6. 35. Missae Sacrificii ex Sanctis Patribus, contra Fr. Stancari scriptum, Assertio, jassu Jac. Uchanski Gnesnensis Archiep. Col. Agr. 1577. 8vo. ZCi. 4. 11. MiSSALE. Missale ad usam Ecclesiae Sarisb. Rothom. 1519. Fol. N". 4. 13. Missale ad usum ac consuetudinem Sarum. Par. 1527. Fol. Glazed Case. Missale Parvum pro Sacerdotibus in Anglia, Scotia, et Hibemia itine- rantibus. Ordo etiam baptizandi, aliaque Sacramenta ministrandi, etc., ex Pontificali et Rituali Romano extractus. 1626. 4to. K. 2. 10. Missale Romanum, ex decreto Concilii Tridentini restitutum, Pii Y. jussu editum, et Clementis VIII. primum, nunc denuo Urbani VIII. auctoritate recognitum. Par. 1670. 8vo. Chest. Missale secundum usum Ecclesiae S. Andreas in Scotia. Burntisland, 1864. 4to. N. 4. 16. The Sarum Missal in English. [By A. H. Pearson. 1 Lond. 1868. 8vo. MiZALDUS, Akt. Nova Artificia comparandorum fructuum, olerum, radicum, etc., et methodus componendorum vinoram. Par. 1564. 8vo. H. 1. 15. MOCHINGERUS, Geo. Compendium Institutionum Medicarum Dan. Sennerti, 17 Disputationibus propositum. Par. 1631. 12mo. Z. 5. 45. MoDENA, A Discourse of the Dukedom of. Lond. 1674. 4to. P. 8. 6. MoGUNTiNUM. Constitutiones Concilii Provincialis Moguntini, a.d. 1549 cele- brati. His ace. Institutio ad Pietatem Christianam. Par. 1550. 8vo. B. 5. 16. MoLiN^us, Car. Collatio et Unio 4 Evangelistarum, cum Annott. 1565. 4to. C. 2. 14. Comm. ad Edictum Henrici IL, contra parvas datas et abusus Curiae Romanae. [Lugd.] 1552. 8vo. ZCg. 5. 1. MoLiN^us, LuD. Paraenesis ad -^dificatores Imperii in Imperio ; in qua de- fenduntur jura Magistratus adv. Moscm Amyraldum. Lond. 1656. 4to. MON] CATHEDRAL LIBRARY OF SALISBURY. 189 MoLiNiEus, Pet. De Monarchia Temporali Pontificis Romani. Lond. 1614. 8vo. B. 5. 37. De Cognitione Dei tract^tus. Lond- 1624. 12mo. K. 3. 15. An Apology for the Holy Supper of the Lord, against the Corporal Pre- sence, Transubstantiation, etc. ; translated from the French by Edw. Skipworth. Lond. 1612. 4to. 0. 2. 6. The Waters of Siloe, to quench the Fire of Purgatory ; translated by J. B. Oxf. 1612. 8vo. O. 2. 43. The Novelty of Popery, opposed to the Antiquity of true Christianity. Against Card. Du Perron. Lond. 1664. Fol. T. 3. 36. A Vindication of the Sincerity of the Protestant Religion in the point of Obedience to Sovereigns. Lond. 1667. 4to. T. 4. 31. La Philosophic divisee en trois Parties, s^avoir : Elements de la Logique, La Physique ou Science Naturelle, L'Ethique ou Science Morale. A. Rouen, 1655. 12mo. Z. 6. 6. Regii Sanguinis Clamor ad Coelum adv. Parricidas Anglicanos. Hagee- Com. 1652. 12mo. Z. 6. 3. See Corvinus, J. A., and Walseus. KoLLERus, Hen. Enarr. Concionum Hosese. Witteb. 1567. 8vo. D. 6. 5. Enarr. Psalmorum i-1. Witteb. 1573. 8vo. D. 1. 7. Enarr. Psalmorum ci-cl. Witteb. 1574. 8vo. G. 5. 6. Enarr. Psalmorum [omnium]. Gen. 1619. Fol. E. 2. 5. MONAEDI, NiC. Simplicium Medicamentorum, ex Novo Orbe delatorum, Historia ; ex Hispan. in Lat. cum Annotfc. per Car. Clusium. Ed. alt. Ant. 1579. 8vo. Z. 4. 14. Ejusdem Historise lib. tertius, Lat. cum Notis per Clusium. Ant. 1582. 8vo. Ibid. MoNCK, Geneeal. ' A Letter to the Speaker to be communicated to the Parliament of the Commonwealth of England. Lond. 1659. 4to. P. 8. 3. A Letter to Parliament from him, and his Officers, and the Soldiers under them. Lond. 1660. Ibid. MoNDiNUS. See Mesne. Monmouth, Hen. Eael of. See Bentivoglio. MoNNEEUS, Bas. Orationes tres de Legum dignitate et utilitate, de Restitutione, etc. Franc, ad M. 1560. 4to. L 3. 9. MoNTACUTius, Montagu, or Mountagu, Bp. Rich. DiatribsD upon the First Part of the late History of Tithes. Lond. 1621. 4to. 2 copies. O. 2. 5. and T. 6. 8. A Treatise of Invocation of Saints. Lond. 1624. 4to. 3 copies. P. 6. 2. R. 5. 12. T 4. 37. A New Gag for an Old Goose ; or An Answer to the late Gagger of Pro- testants. Lond. 1624. 4to. 2 copies. P. 6. 2. T. 4. 37. Apello Gcesarem. A Just Appeal from two unjust Informers. Lond. 1625. 4to. 2 copies. 0. 2. 33. P. 6. 2. Apparatus ad Origines Ecclesiasticas. Oxon. 1635. Fol. 2 copies. B. 4. 16. N. 4. 10. Originum Ecclesiasticarum libri. ii. Lond. 1636, '40. Fol. 2 copies. N. 4. 10, 11. See Photius, and Yates. Montagu, Waltee. Miscellanea Sj^vritualiay or Devout Essays. Lond. 1648, 1654. 4to. T. 4. 1. 190 CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS IN THE [MON Montaigne, Mich. de. Essays Moral, Politic, and Military ; done into English by John Florio. Lond. 1603. Fol. T. 2. 51. MoNTALTius, LuD. [i.e. Blaise Pascal.] Litterag Provinciales de Morali et Politica Jesuitarum Disciplina. Ed. 5. Col. 1605. 870. M. 2. 51. Mont ANUS. See Arias Montanus. Monte-Regio. See Regiomontanus. MoNTiSBELGARDENSE (Colloquium). See Beza, and Valentia. More, Hen. Epistola ad Y.C. quae Apologiam complectitur pro Cartesio. Lond. 1664. 8vo. ZOi. 3. 17. A brief Discourse of the Real Presence ; againt the Bp. of Meaux, etc. 2nd ed. Lond. 1686. 4to. 2 copies. P. 4. 4. T. 4. 34. His Apology ; a fragment. Fol. T. 2. IT* More, Sir Tho. See Rossens. MoRELius, GuiL. De Verbis anomalis Comm. Par. 1566. 8vo. A. 6. 29. MoRELL, Tho. Lexicon Greece- Prosodiacum. Edidit Edw. Maltby. Cantabr. 1815. 4to. S. 2. 6. Morgan, Hector Davies. Bampton Lectures for 1819. Oxf. 1819. 8vo. W 4. 42. MORICE, Wm. Goena quasi Koivi] : The Common Right to the Lord's Sapper asserted. 2nd ed. Lond. 1660. Fol. T. 3. 35. MoRiN, SiEUR. See Gassendus. MoRiNus, Jo. Exercitationum Ecclesiasticarum libri ii. : de Patriarcharum et Primatum origine, primis Orbis Terrarum Eeclesiasticis divisionibus, atque antiqua et primigenia Censurarum in Clericos Natura et Praxi. Par. 1626. 4to. K. 2. 6. Comm. de Sacris Ecclesiae Ordinationibus, secundum antiquos et recentiores Latinos, Graecos, Syros, et Babylonios. Par. 1655. Fol. M. 1. 5. MORISON, or MoRYSON, Fynes. An Itinerary, containing 10 years Travel on the Continent, and in Great Britain and Ireland. Lond. 1617. Fol. T. 1. 8. MoRisON, Rob. Plantarum Umbelliferarum Distributio nova, per Tabb. Cog- nationis et Affinitatis. Oxon. 1672. Fol. Z. 1. 58. Morisotus, Claud. Barth. Orbis maritimi, sive rerum in Mari et litoribus gestarum Historia. Divione, 1643. Fol. Z. 1. 43. Morley, Geo., Bp. of Worcester, afterwards of Winchester. A letter in Vindication of himself from Mr. Baxter's Calumny. Lond. 1662. 4to. P. 7. 6. Vindication of himself from divers false, scandalous and injurious Re- flexions made upon him by Mr. R. Baxter. Lond. 1683. 4to. T. 5. 19. MORNAYUS, Ph. Mysterium Iniquitatis, seu Historia Papatus. Salmurii, 1611. Fol. L. 1. 6. A work cone, the Trueness of the Christian Religion ; translated by Sir P. Sidney, and Arth. Goldlng. 4th ed. Lond. 1617. 4to. T. 4. 12. Morning Exercise, The. See Sermons. Morocco. A Letter dated at Fez, Nov. 1, 1669, touching the present state of the Countries under the power of Taffaletta, Emp. of Morocco. By S. L. Lond. 1670. 4to. P. 8. 6. Morres, Rob. Bampton Lectures for 1791. Oxf. 1791. 8vo. 2 copies. W. 4. 13, 57. Morshemius, J. Mercurius. Explicatio cujusdam Qussstionis de Proesignificationibus atque judiciis " Astrologicis. Bas. 1559. 8vo. Z. 5. 83. MUS] CATHEDRAL LIBRARY OF SALISBURY. 191 MOESHEMIUS, J. MeRCURIUS. Disputatio de Partitione Animee apnd Platoneni. p. 93. Z. 5. 83. Disp. Juridica de rebus Mathematicis, ac alia quaedam. p. 114. Ibid. Clandii Ptolemsei vita. p. 78. Ibid. Morton, Bp. Tho. A full Satisfaction cone, a double Romish Iniquity : Rebellion, and Equivocation. Lond. 1606. 4to. 0. 2. 1. The Encounter against M. Parsons, by a Review of his Sohei' BecJconing, and his Exceptions urged in the Treatise of his Mitigation. Lond. 1609. 4to. O. 2. 9. A Catholic Appeal for Protestants. Lond. 1610. Fol. T. 3. 20. The Episcopacy of the Church of England justified to be Apostolical, from the Authority of the Primitive Church, and from the . Confessions of Divines of the Reformed Churches. Lond. 1670. 8vo. R. 6. 44. See Durseus. MoEUS, Alex. De Scriptura Sacra Exercitationes. Medioburgi, 1653. 4to. C. 2. 6. Calvinus. Oratio in qua H. Grotius refellitur. Ace. Calvini ad Lutherum Epistola. Apud Ph. Gamonetum, 1648. 4to. Ibid. MoRUS, Hen. See More. MoEZiLLUS. See Foxius. MoscHUS. See Bion, Museeus, and Theocritus. MossoM, Rob. Sion's Prospect in its First Yiew, presented in a Summary of Divine Truths. Lond. 1653. 4to. ^ 0.1.41. An Apology in the behalf of the sequestred Clergy. Lond. 1660. 4to. Motions, An Answer to the New. Lond. 1641, 4to. P. 7. 2. MoYSEY, C. A. Bampton Lectures for 1818. Oxf. 1818. 8vo. W. 4. 41. MuLERius, Nic. See Copernicus. MiJLHUsiNUS, i.e. Spitznasius, Jo. De SS. Scripturarum Auctoritate, adv. Jesuitarum imposturas, Disputatio prima Dav. Parei Notis et Animadvv. illustrata. Mog. 1604. 4to. ZCg. 4. 4. MuN, Tho. England's Treasure by Foreign Trade. Lond. 1664. 8vo. Q.2.27. MUNSTERUS, SeB. Versio et Notee ad Biblia Hebraica. Bas. 1534-35. Fol. E. 3. 11. Chaldaica Grammatica. Item, Abbreviaturge HebraicsG Explicatae. Bas. 1527. 4to. F. 2. 30. Heb. Grammaticae ilia pars qu88 est de Yerborum conjugationibus, et eorum affixis. Bas. 1536. 8vo. F. 2. 3. Institutio elementalis in Heb. linguam ex Eliae variis libellis concinnata. Item, Grammatica EliaB Levitse ex Heb. in Lat. versa et Scholiis illus- trata. Bas. 1537. 8vo. F. 2. 19. Opus Grammaticum consummatum ex variis Elianis libris concinnatum. Additus est Liber Tobiee, Heb., cum Yersione ac Annott. 4to. Evangelium sec. Matthaeum, Heb., cum Yersione atque Annott. 8vo. Epistola ad Hebraeos, Heb. et Lat. MURATORIANUM FrAGMENTUM. p. 393. Mus^. Musarum Anglicanarum Analecta. Oxon. 1717. 12mo. Musae Anglicanae. Lond. 1761. 2 vols. 12mo. Musae Sacroe. See Ailmer. Bas. 1542. F. 2. 29. Bas. 1557. F. 2. 8. Ibid. A. 5. 22. Y. 5. 54. ^ 5. J 52, 53. 192 CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS IN THE [MUS Mus^us. Musaei, Moschi, et Bionis, quae exstant omnia, quibus accessere qnaedam Belectiora Idyllia Theocriti, Gr. eb Lat., ed. Dav. Whitfordo. Lond. 1655. 4fco. Y. 4. 4. See Theocritus. MuscuLus, And. Loci Commanes Theologici ex Scriptnra S. atque ex orthodoxis EcclesioB Doctoribus. Erphord. 1563. Fol. L. 2. 7. Precationes ex veteribus orthodoxis Doctoribus, ex Ecclesias Hymnis, et Canticis, ex Psalmis denique collectse. Lips. 1581. 8vo. K. 3. 49. MuSCULUS, WOLFG. In Genesin Comra. Bas. 1554. Fol. G. 3. 11. In Isaiam Comm. Bas. 1557. Fol. G. 3. 13. In Evangelistam Matthseum Comm. Bas. 1556. Fol. G. 3. 12. In Evangelium Joannis Comm. Bas. 1554. Fol. G. 3. 10. In Epistolas ad Galatas et Ephesios Comm. Bas. 1561. Fol. G. 4. 19. In Epistolas ad Philipp., Coloss., Thessal., et primam ad Timotheum, Comm. Bas. 1565. Fol. Ibid. Loci Communes in usus Sacrse Theologiaa Oandidatorum. Bas. 1560. Fol. L. 3. 20. Adv. libellum Jo. Cochlasi de Sacerdotio ac Sacrificio Nov88 Legis editum, Auticochlaeus primus. Augustae, 1544. 4to. I. 4. 4. In Decalogum Praeceptorum Dei Explanatio. Bas. 1553. 8vo. ZiC^- 4. 11. Mussis, Pet. Dominicus de. Formularius Instrumentorum. Yen. 1557. 4to. Z. 3. 15. Myeepsus, Nic, Alexandrinus. Antidotarium, Lat., cum Expositionibus Platearii, f. 243 b., et Joannis de Sancto-Amando, f. 271 b. Lugd. 1519. Fol. Z. 2. 50. Antidotarium, Lat. Lugd. 1523. 8vo. ZCi- 5. 10. Medicamentorum Opus, in 48 Sectiones digestum, a Leonh. Fuchsio e Gr. in Lat. conversura ac Annott. illustratum. Lugd. 1549. 8vo. Z. 4. 28. N. N. N. Les Complimens de la Langue Frangoise. A Rouen, 1654. 12mo. Z. 5. 9. N. N. Reflexions sur I'Usage de I'Eloquence de ce Temps. A Paris, 1671. 12mo. Z. 5. 96. N. N. The Politician's Catechism, for his instruction in Divine Faith and moral Honesty. Antw. 1658. 8vo. 0. 2. 38. N. N., The Sentiments of, touching the Roman Consistory's Designs and Prac- tices. Lond. 1679. 4to. P. 4. 7. Nabod, Yal. Enarr. Elementorum Astrologiae. Col. 1560. 4to. Z. 4. 65. Naclantus, Jac. Opera. Yen. 1567. 2 vols, in 1. Fol. G. 3. 18. Enarr. in Epist. ad Romanes. Yen. 1557. 4to. E. 5. 28. JN'annius, Pet. Sapientia Salomonis una cum Scholiis. Bas. 1552. 4to. C. 2. 9. In Cant. Canticorum Paraphrases et Scholia. Lov. 1554. 4to. Ibid. NEW] CATHEDRAL LIBRARY OF SALISBURY. 193 Nanus, Dominicus, Mirabellius. Polyanthea. Saonee, 1503. Fol. L. 2. 14. Naogeorgus, Tho. In primam D. Joannis Epist. Annott. 1544. 8vo. D. 2. 8. De Infantum ac Parvulornm Salute Conclusiones. Bas. 1556. 8va. ZC2. 4. 11. Napier, Napeie, or Neperus, John. A plain Discovery of the whole Revelation of St. John. Lond. 1594. 4to. O. 2. 15. Mirifici Logarithmorum Canonis Descriptio, ejusque usus Explanatio. Edin. 1614. 4to. Z;. 4. 44. See Briggius. Nares, Edw. Bampton Lectures for 1805. Oxf. 1805. 8vo, W. 4. 28. Nares, Rob. A View of the Prophecies relating to the Christian Church. (Warburtonian Lectures.) Lond. 1805. 8vo. W. 2. 43. Naseby. See Charles I. Nasmith. See Tanner. Nassau. See Maurice. Nausea, Frid. Homiliarum Centuries iv. Col. 1540. Fol. N. 3. 16. In Cathohcum Catechismum libri v. Ant. 1544. 8vo. N. 6. 6. Navarre. L'Histoire du Royaume de Navarre, par I'un des Secretaires du Roy de France. A Paris, 1596. 8vo. Z. 5. 122. Naylor, Wm. a Commemoration Sermon on 2 Sam. iii. 38. Lond. 1675. 4to. P. 6. 3. Nelson, Rob. Analysis of Bp. Bull on Justification. Bath, 1827. 8vo. (Missing.) T. 4. 36. See Wells. Neoc^sariense Concilium. Canones, Gr. et Lat., cum Annott. p. 181. A. 5. 25. Neperus, Jo. See Napier. Nepos, Corn. Les Vies des grands Capitaines de la Grece, tradaites en Fran9ois avec le Latin a coste. 5me ed. A Paris, 1666. 12mo. Y. 6. 61. Nervius, Barth. Responsio ad Calumnias quibus Geo. Cassander in libello Vice Gommonstratio inscripto, impetitur. Col. 1564. 4to. K. 2. 26. Nesekius, Nath. [i.e. Beza.] Adv. Sacramentariorum errorem pro vera Christ! prsBsentia in Ccena Domini Homiliae duae. Theop. 1574. 8vo. ZCj. 4. 4. Nestortus. Homilias, Epistolae, et Fragmenta, inter Mercatoris Opera. N. 1. S* Netherlands. An Oration of the Right and Lawfulness of the Netherlandish War against Philip, K. of Spain. Englished by Tho. Wood. Lond. 1624. 4to. P. 8. 10. An Adjoinder of sundry other wicked Plots and Practices of the Spaniards, chiefly against the 17 Provinces of the Netherlands. Translated by S. 0. 1624. 4to. Ibid. Nettles, Stephen. An Answer to the Jewish Part of Selden's History of Tithes. Oxf. 1625. 4to. P. 6. 10. Neve, Tim. Bampton Lectures for 1781. Oxf. 1781. 8vo. W. 4. 2. Neville, Rob. The Christian's best Protection. A Sermon on 1 St. Pet. iii. 13. Lond. 1687. 4to. P. 1. 8. Nevillus, Alex. Kettus, sive de furoribus Norfolciensium Ketto Duce. Lond. 1582. 8vo. Z. 6. 2. Nevr^, Sieur de. See Gassendus. Newark, Viscount. Two Speeches cone, the Right of Bishqps to sit in Parlia- ment, May 21, 1641. 4to. P. 7. 4. 194 CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS IN THE [NEW Newbury. See Charles I. N[ewman], S[amuel]. a Concordance to the Holy Scriptures. 3rd ed. Cambr. 1682. Fol. T. 3. 38. Newton, John. Institutio Mathematica. Lond. 1654. 12nio. O. 2. 55. Tabb. MatliematicfiB. Lond. 1654. 12mo. Q. 2. 52. Trigonometria Britannica. With Tables of Logarithms. Lond. 1658. Fol. T. 2. 16. Geometrical Trigonometry. Lond. 1659. 12mo. Q. 2. 52. Newton, Tho, A History of the Saracens. Lond. 1575. 4to. P. 5. 4. NicjiNUM Concilium. De primitiva Ecclesia et Synodo Niceena. p. 214. 8vo. Title-page wanting. B. 6. 5. Canones et Symbolum, Lat. p. 223. Ibid. Gr. Lat., cnm Annott. pp. 365, 400. A. 5. 27. Ad Ecclesiam Alexandrinam Epistola Synodica, Gr. et Lat., cum Notis. p. 189. A. 5. 28. NiCEPHORUS Chartophylax, Constantinop. Patriarcha. De ligandi et solveudi potestate, fragmentum. p. 936. L. 1. 11. NiCEPHORUS Gregoras, Constantinop. Patriarcha. Roraanse, h. e., Bjzantin89 Historic libri xi.,Lat. per Hier. Wolfium. Par. 1567. Fol. Z. 2. 19. NiCEPHORUS, Constantinop. Patriarcha. Chronologia, Lat. versa et explicata a Joach. Camerario. Bas. 1561. Fol. B. 3. 19. Gr. Lat. Chronographiee Syncelli subnexa, cum Annott. Jacobi Goar. Par. 1652. Fol. B. 1. 23. NiCETAS AcoMiNATUS Choniates. LXXXVI. annorum Historia, ab anno 1118 ad an. 1203, Lat. per H. Wolfium. Par. 1567. Fol. Z. 2. 19. Nicholson, E. B. The Gospel according to the Hebrews. Lond. 1879. 8vo. W. 3. 50. Nicholson, Wm., Bp. of Gloucester. Exposition of the Catechism of the Church of England. Lond. 166 L 4to. NicODEMUS. De Christi Passione et Resurrectione Evangelium. p. 9. NlCOLAUS. Rescriptum missum ad Marcum Exercitorem, Gr. p. 234. 8vo. Lat. p. 336. NicOLAUS Alexandrinus. See Myrepsus. NiEREMBERGius, Jo. EusEB. De Origine S. Scripturae libri xii. Lugd. 1641. Fol. E. 2. 8. Nil jprohas. See Gillespie. NiLUS, Abbas. Gnomse, Lat. p. 414. L. 1. 11. NiLUS, Metropolita Rhodius. De Sanctis et CEcumenicis Synodis Enarratio Synoptica, Gr. et Lat. p. 1155. B. 3. 5. NizOLius, Marius. Thesaurus Ciceronianus, auctus per Bas. Zanchum, C. S. Curioneni, et Marc. Squarcialupum. Bas, 1576. Fol. Y. 2. 15. NoETUS. Concilium contra Noetum, Gr. et Lat., cum Notis. p. 243. A. 5. 25. Nolan, Freu. Bampton Lectures for 1833. Oxf. 1833. 8vo. W. 4. 55. NonconfoRxMISt's Plea for Uniformity. Lond. 1674. 4to. P. 5. 9. NoNNUS. In Evangelium S. Joannis Paraphrasis, Lat. per Chr. Hegendor- phinum. Par. 1542. 8vo. N. 6. 11. NOPPUS, HiER. De Summa Christianas Religionis quasdam axiomata, versibus illigata a Matth. Collino Gurimeno. Norimb. 1564. 8vo. M. 2. 35 T. 6. 31. L L.1.11. Par. A. ZC2 1563. 6.24. .5.13. 0. D.] CATHEDRAL LIBRARY OF SALISBURY. 195 NoRMANDiE. Coustumes du Pays Normandie ; augmentees de plusienrs Regle- mens et Arrests de la Cour de Parlemcnt. A Rouen, 1656. 24mo. Z. 5. 24. NoRRis, John. Poems and Discourses. Lond. 1684. 8vo. R. 6. 31. A Letter to Mr. Dodwell, cone, the Immortality of the Soul. Lond. 1709. 8vo. Q. 2. 9. North, Sir Tho. Plutarch's Lives, with the Lives of many others ; translated from the French of Amiot and L'Escluse. Lond. 1603. Fol. T. 1. 16. Norton, John. Resp. ad totam Qnaestionum Syllogen a Guil. Apollonio propositam, ad componendas Controversias circa Politiam Ecclesiasticam. Lond. 1648. 8vo. H. 2. 16. The Orthodox Evangelist. Lond. 1657. 4to. T. 6. 25. Norton, Tho. See Calvinus. Norwich, John, Bp. of. Of Religious Melancholy. A. Sermon on Ps. xlii. 6. Lond. 1692. 4to. P. 1. 9. Norwood, Rich. Fortification, or Architecture Military. Lond. 1639. 4to. T. 6. 51. Norwood, Tho. See Charles I. Nott, Geo. Fred. Bampton Lectures for 1802. Oxf. 1803. 8vo. 2 copies. W. 4. 25, 79. An Ordination Sermon preached in Salisbury Cathedral. Oxf. 1812. 8vo. W. 2. 21. See Surrey. Nottingham. A Petition to Parliament from the Co. of Nottingham, complain- ing of Grievances under the Ecclesiastical Government by Abps., Bps., etc. 1641. 4to. 2 copies. P. 6. 8. P. 7. 4. Novatianus. Tract, de Trinitate, et cibis Judaicis, cum Notis ut editione Pamelii. Par. 1664. Fol. A. 1. 10. NoviCAMPiANTJS, Albertus. Scopus Biblicus Vet. ac Novi Test., cum Annott. Summam Doctrinaa Christianee complectentibus. Ant. 1555. 12mo. ZC2. 8. 3. NowELL, Alex. The Reproof of M. Dorman's * Proof of certain Articles in Religion denied by M. Jewell,' continued. Lond. 1566. 4to. O. 1. 16. A Confutation, as well of M. Dorman's last Book intituled A Disproof, etc., as also of D. Sander's causes of Transubstantiation. Lond. 1567. 4to. 2 copies. T. 6. 3, 4. Nuisement, Sieur de. , Traittez de I'Harmonie, et Constitution generalle du Yray Sel, Secret des Philosophes, et de I'Esprit universel du monde. A la Haye, 1639. 12mo. Z. 5. 46. Poeme Philosophic de la Verite de la Physique Mineralle. Ibid. Nye, Stephen. The Explication of the Articles of the Divine Unity, the Trinity, and Incarnation, commonly received in the Catholic Church, asserted and vindicated. Lond. 1715. 8vo. T. 5. 37. O. 0., D. A Persuasion to Loyalty ; or. The Subjects' Duty, wherein is proved that resisting or dci^osing of Kings is unlawful. Lond. 1642. 4to. P. 8. 7. i) 2 196 CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS IN THE [OAT Oath. God and tbe King ; or, A Dialogue [on the Oath of Allegiance], formerly- compiled by command of K. James. Lond. 1663. 4to. T. 6. 33. The Anti-Quaker ; or, An Answer to a pamphlet intituled, A Treatise of Oaths: By Misorcus. Lond. 1676. 4to. P. 6. 9. A seasonable Discourse on the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy. By W. B. Lond. 1679. 4to. Ibid. Obenhin, Chr. Enchiridion Theologicum. Ursellis, 1563. 8vo. ZC2. 5. 6. Virtutum et Vitiorum Exempla. Ex offic. Jac. Stoer, 1600. 8vo. G. 6. 7. OCCAMUS, OCKAM, SOU DE OCKHAM, GdIL. Tract, de Sacramento Altaris. Par. 1513. 8vo. ZCg. 1. 9. Defensorium contra Joannem XXII. Papam. p. 436. M. 1. 19. OcHiNus, Bernardinus. De Purgatorio DIalogus. Tig. 1555. 8vo. L. 6. 13. Dialogi XXX. de Messia, et de rebus variis, potissimum de Trinitate. Bas. 1563. 2 vols. 8vo. H. 2. 3, 4. Labyrinthi, h. e., de Libero aut Servo Arbitrio, de divina Praenotione, Destinatioue, et Libertate, Disputatio. Bas. 8vo. A. 6. 33. OcLANDUS, Chr. Anglorum Preelia, ab a.d. 1327 ad annum 1558, carmine per- stricta. Item, de pacatissimo Anglise statu, imperaate Elizabetha, Nar- ratio. Lond. 1582. Svo. Z. 6. 2. CEcolampadius, Jo. In librum Job Exegemata. Bas. 1532. 4to. C. 1. 2. In Psalmos Ixxiii.-lxxvii., et cxxxvii., Conciones. Bas. 1544. 8vo. 2 copies. C. 1. 4. D. 2. 1. In Isaiam Comm. libri vi. Bas. 1525. 4to. C. 1. 10. In Jeremiam et Threnos Comm. Arg. 1533. 4to. G. 5. 2. In Ezechielem Comm. Arg. 1534. 4to. ' C. 1. 9. In Danielem libri ii. Bas. 1530. 4to. C. 1. 2. Annott. in Hoseam, Joelem, Amos, Abdiam, Jonam, Micheam. Bas. 1535. 8vo. C. 1. 5. In Haggaeum, Zachariam, et Malachiam Comm. Bas. 1527. 4to. E. 5. 31. In Epist. ad Romanes Annott. [Norimb. 1524.] 8vo. C. 1. 3. . Bas. 1526. 8vo. C. 1. 6. In Epist. ad Coloss. Conciones. Apud Bernam, 1546. 8vo. E. 6. 26. In Epist. ad Hebr^os Explaiiationes. Arg. 1534. 8vo. C. 1. 6. In Epist. Joannis Catholicam primam Deraegorise xxi. Norimb. 1524. 8vo. C. 1. 3. Quod non sit onerosa Christianis Confessio, Paradoxon. Bas. 1521. 4to. C. 1. 1. EUeboron pro Jac. Latomo. Bas. 8vo. ZCg. 7. 10. Ejus et Zuinglii Epistolarum libri iv. Bas. 1536. Fol. N. 4. 8. CECUMENIUS. Comm. in Acta Apost., in omnes Pauli Epistolas, et in Epistolas Catholicas, interprete Jo. Hentenio. Par. 1631. 2 vols. Fol. A. 4. 13, 14. In Pauli Epistolas Comm. tomus 2dus, Lat. 8vo. C. 4. 12. Ogier, Boland. Inventaire des Particules Fran9oises, et Esclaircissement de leurs divers usages reduits auParallele de la langue Latine. 3me ed. A la Fleche, 1637. 8vo. Z. 5. 3. Ogilvie, Chas. Bampton Lectures for 1836. Oxf. 1836. 8vo. W. 4. 56. Ollyffe, John. A Funeral Sermon on Job xiv. 14. Lond. 1707. 4to. P. 1. 10. ORO] CATHEDRAi: LIBRARY OF SALISBURY. 197 Olympiodouus. In Ecclesiasten Salomonis Enarratio, Zen. Acciaiolo interprete. p. 937. Bas. 1555. Fol. • L. 1. 11. Omphalids. See Sadoletus. Optatus Milevitanus. Libri vii. de Schismate Donatistarum, cum Annott. ex Fr. Balduini Comm. rerum Ecclesiasticarum. Par. 1569. 8vo. B. 6. 14. Opera, cum Observatt. ac I^otis Gabr. AlbaspineDi. Par. 1631. Fol. A. 4. 18. Oeationes. Orationes ex Grsecis Latinisque Historicis excerptaD. H. Sfceph. 1570. Fol. Y. 3. 20. Orationes ex Historicis Latinis excerptee. Amst. 1672. 12mo. Y. 6. 37. Orationes ii. : altera, a Legato Leonis X., pro colli gendis Decimis, altera, a Germano quopiam, illis denegandis, coram Maximiliano I. Imp., anno 1519. p. 72. M. 1. 18. Orationis Dominicae Version es ferme C. 4to. P. 5. 2. Oratoees Attici et quos sic vocant Sophistss, opera et studio Guil. Dobson. Lond. 1828. 16 vols. 8vo. Y. 2. 1-16. Orbellis, Nic. de. Super Sententias Compendium elegantiora Doctoris Subtilis dicta com- plectens. Par. 1515. 8vo. L. 6. 34. Rotbom. 8vo. L. 6. 3. Ordalii Officium. p. 903. M. 1. 19. Oresiesis, Monacbus. Regulee de institutis monasticis divine sale conditse. 8vo. Title-page wanting. ZC2. 8. 9. Oresmius, Nic. Sermo coram Papa. p. 487. M. 1. 19. Origanus, David. Thematograpbia. Franc. Marcbionum, 1614. 4to. ZOi.2. 8. Origenes Adamantius. Opera, Lat., ed. Jac. Merlino. Par. 1512-19. 4 vols, in 2. Fol. A. 4. 1, 2. In S. Scripturas Comm., Gr. et Lat., cum Notis per P. D. Huetiiim. Idem prsefixit Origeniana, tripartitum Opus de Vita, Doctrina, et Scriptis ejus. Rotbom. 1668. 2 vols. Fol. A. 1. 11,/ 12. Fragmentum Comm. in Evangelium sec. Mattbseum, Erasmo interprete. Jo. Frob. [1527.] 8vo. ZC2. 4. 16. De recta in Deum fide, et de Resurrectione, Dialogi, Lat. per Jo. Picum. Par. 1556. 4to. A. 6. 1. Contra Celsum libri viii., et Pbilocalia, Gr. et Lat. Guil. Spencerus utriusque Operis Versionem [per Gelenium et Tarinum] recognovit, et Annott. adjecit. Cantabr. 1658. 4to. A. 5. 11. Dialogus contra Marcionitas, sive De recta in Deum fide : Exbortatio ad Martyrium : Resp. ad Africani Epistolam de bistoria Susannse. Gr. et Lat., cum IS'otis per Jo. Rod. Wetsfcenium. Bas. 1674. 4to. A. 6. 2. Hexaplorum qu88 supersunt. Post Flaminium ISTobilium, Drusium, et Montefalconium, adhibita etiam Versione Syro-Hexaplari, concinnavit, emendavit, et auxit Frid. Field. Oxon. 1867-75. 2 vols, in 5. A. 5. 17-21. Orleans, Louis d'. Remerciment au Roy. A Troyes, 1605. 8vo. H. 2. 46. Orosiug, Paulus. Adv. Paganos Historiarum libri vii. Col. 1526. Fol. Y. 3. 19. — cum Annott. Fr. Fabricii. Col. 1561. 8vo. B. 6. 16. Liber Apologeticus, contra Pelagium, de Arbitrii libertate. Lov. 1558. 8vo. Ibid. 198 CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS IN THE [ORT Ortelius, Abr. Itinerarium per nonnullas Gallise-Belgicee partes, per Ortelium et Jo. Vivianum. Ed. alt. Ant. 1584. 18mo. K. 3. 10. Thesaurus Geographicus. Han. 1611. 4to. 2 copies. X. 1. 6. Z. 4. 80. Orthodoxographa : Theologiee Sacro-sanctae ac sincerioris Fidei Doctores, numero LXXVI., Auctores partim Grseci, partim Latini, ob vetustatem ac eruditionem venerandi ; cum praefatione per Jo. Heroldum. Bas. 1555. Fol. L. 1. 11. OsiANDER, And. Harmonia Evangelica, Lat. Fol. G. 4. 4. OsiANDER, Lucas. See Biedembacliius. OsORius, HiER., Episc. Sylvensis. Epistola ad Elisabetam, Angliae Reginam. Yen. 1563. 4to. B. 5. 5. De Justitia libri x. Yen. 1564. 4to. Ibid. In Gualterum Haddonum de Religione libri iii. Diling. 1569. 8vo. M. 2. 40. De Regis Institutione et Disciplina libri viii. Olysipp. 1571. 4to. L2. 10. Os Ossorianum, or a Bone for a Bishop to pick : against Gr. Williams, Bp. of Ossory. Lond. 1643. 4to. P. 8. 7. OsTENDE. Brieve Description de la Ville et Havre d'Ostende, et de ce que Mich. Florencio Van Langren a represente dez I'an 1627 pour rendre la dite Ville plus forte, etc. A Brux. 1659. Fol. Z. 2. 40. Otho et Othobonus, Sedis Rom. in Anglia Legati. Constitutiones, ex edit. Roberti Sharrock. Oxon. 1664. 8vo. B. 5. 14. Oughtred, Guil. Trigonometria collecta ex chartis ejus per Rich. Stokesium et Arth. Haughton ; una cum Tabb. Sinuum, etc. Lond. 1657. 4to. Z. 4. 39. OuTRAM, GuiL. De Sacrificiis libri ii. ; quorum altero explicantur omnia Judae- orum, nonnulla Gentium profanarum Sacrificia ; altero Sacrificium Christi; contra Socinum. Lond. 1677. 4to. N. 5. 12. Overall, John, Bp. Convocation Book MDCVI. cone, the Government of God's Catholic Church, and the Kingdoms of the whole World. Lond. 1690. 4to. T. 4. 43. OviDius Naso, p. Opera, cum variorum Common tariis. Franc. 1601. 3 vols, in 2. Fol. Y. 2. 5, 6. Opera, accurante Nic. Heinsio. Ed. nova. Amst. 1717. 3 vols. Y. 6. 16-18. Opera, cum integris Micylli, Ciofani, et D. Heinsii, et ISTic. Heinsii curia secundis. Cura et studio Pet. Burmanni qui et suas in omne opus • Notaa adjecit. Amst. 1727. 4 vols. 4to. S. 2. 11-14. Metamorphoses, cum Comm. Raph. Regii ac Annott. Jac. Micylli. Bas. 1543. Fol. Y. 3. 26. Metamorphoses, cum Notis. 8vo. Title-page wanting. Y. 4. 34. Le Metamorfosi di Ovidio ridotte da Gio. Andrea dell' Anguillara in ottava rima ; con le Annotationi di G. Horologgi, e gli Argomenti e Postille di Fran. Turchi. In Vin. 1584. 4to. Y. 4. 1. Metamorphoses, Englished by Geo. Sandys. Lond. 1626. Fol. T. 5. 2. De Tristibus libri v. 8vo. Title-page wanting. X. 2. 31. Sententiae puriores, cum dictis festivioribus, in usum pueritiae ex Ovidio excerptse. Rothom. 1603. 4to. X. 1. 23. Operum tom. tertius. Amst. 1717. Y. 6. 19. PAL] CATHEDRAL LIBRARY OF SALISBURY. 199 Owen, John. Diatriba de Justitia Divina. Oxon. 1653. 8vo. K. 3. 43. Vindicise Evangelicae ; or, The Mystery of the Gospel vindicated, and Socinianism examined. Oxf. 1655. 4to. T. 6. 23. Of Schism. Oxf. 1657. 8vo. Q. 2. 47. Oxford, University of. Petition to ParHament in behalf of Episcopacy and Cathedrals. 164-1. 4to. P. 8. 11. Judicium de 1. Solenni Liga et Foedere. 2. Juramento negativo. 3. Ordinationibus Parlamenti circa Disciplinam et Cultum. 1649. 4to. I. 6. 2. The same in English. Lond. 1660. 4to. O. 2. 12. Academiae Oxoniensis Notitia. [Auctore Guil. Fulman.] Oxon. 1665. 4to. N. 6. 36. Epicedia in Obitum Geor^ii Ducis Albemarliae. Oxon. 1670. Fol. Z. 3. 21. Epicedia in Obitum Principis Henriettas Mariae Ducissae Aurelianensis. Oxon. 1670. Fol. Y. 3. 29. Epicedia in Obitum Principis Annas Ducissae Eboracensis. Oxon. 1671. Fol. Ibid. Carmina in Natalem Principis Walliae. Oxon. [1686.] Fol. Ibid. Excerpta e Corpore Statutorum Univ. Oxon. Acced. Articuli Religionis XXXIX., necnon Juramenta Fidelitatis ac Suprematus. Oxon. 1671. 8vo. H. 2. 55. Oxon. 1771. 8vo. B. 6. 43. Oxoniensis. Catalogus Plantarum Horti Medici Oxon. Oxon. 1648. 8vo. Z. 5. 65. P., L. B. See Popery. P., T. Elementa Opticse. Lond. 1651. 8vo. Z. 5. 67 . Pachymeres, Geo. See Dionysius Areopagita. Pagitt, Ephraim. Christianography ; or, The Description of the sundry sorts of Christians in the World not subject to the Pope, etc. 2nd ed. Lond. 1636. 4to. T. 5. 17. Pagliart, Giorgio. Osservationi sopra i primi 5 libri degli Annali di Corn. Tacito. In Milano, 1612. 4to. X. 2. 35. Pagninus, Sanctes. Thesaurus Linguae Sancias, sive Lex. Heb., auctum ac recognitum per Jo. Mercerum. Lugd. 1577. Fol. E. 1. 13. Epitome Thesauri, cum Append, dictionum Chaldaicarum. Ed. 4. Lugd. Bat. 1588. 8vo. F. 2. 15. Pal^ephatus. De Fabulis supra fidem confictis, Lat. Bas. 1536. 8vo Y. 5. 48. Palatinate, and Palatine. . Epitome Colloquii inter Friderici Palatini Electoris, et Christophori, Ducis Wirtenbergensis, Theologos, de Majestate hominis Christi, deque vera ejus in Eucharistia praosentia, per Wirtenbergenses Theologos perscripta. 1564. 4to. ZC2. 3. 9. Protocollum, sive Acta Colloquii inter Palatines et Wirtebergicos Theologos, de Ubiquitate Corporis Christi, anno 1564 Maulbrunnae habiti. Item, 200 CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS IN THE [PAL Wirtebergicorura Theologorum de hoc ipso Colloquio eodem anno edita Epitome, cum Palatinorum Theologorum Responsione. Heidelb. 1566. 4to. I. 4. 5. A Declaration of the Causes for the which Frederick, Count Palatine of the Rhine, accepted of the Crown of Bohemia. Middlebnrg, 1620. 4to. P. 8. 10. Votiv(B AnglicB ; or. The Desires and Wishes of England, contained in a Discourse presented to the King, to persuade him to draw his sword for the restoring of the Palatinate. By S. N. R. I. Utrecht, 1624. 4to. P. 8. 6. A Declaration of the Pfalzgrave \i.e. Count Palatine], cone, the Faith and Ceremonies professed in his Churches. 1637. 4to. P. 7. 4. The Manifest of Prince Charles Lodowick, Count Palatine of the Rhine, cone, the Right of his Succession to the Palatinate, etc. Lond. 1637. 4to. P. 8. 10. Palea, Ang. In Antidotarium Mesuae Censura per Ang. Paleam et Barth. ab Urbeveterum. Lugd. 1546. et '50. 2 copies. 8vo. ZC^. 6. 1, 2. Paleaeius, Aonius. De Animorum Immortalitate libri iii. Franc. 1631. 8vo. Y. 5. 34. Palet, W. Works. Lond. 1825. 7 vols. 8vo. W. 2. 22-28. Advice to the Young Clergy of the Dio. of Carlisle, in a Sermon on 1 Tim. iv. 12. Lond. 1782. 8vo. R. 6. 31. Palingenius, Elias. Dipnosophisticae Tragoediae Procatastrophe. 1569. 8vo. ZC2. L 6. Palladius, Evagrii Discipulus. Lausiaca quae dicitur historia, G. Herveto interprete. Par. 1555. 4to. B. 5. 3. Palmerius, Matth., Florentinus. Chronicon ab anno 449 ad annum 1449. Tomi 2di p. 94. B. 3. 10. Palmerius, Matth., Pisanus. Chronicon ab anno 1450 ad annum 1481. Tomi 2di p. 136. Ibid. Pamelius, Jac. Argumenta ac Annott. in Tertulliani Opera. Par. 1635. Fol. A. 2. 23. PaMPHILUS CiESARIENSIS. De ejus pro Origene Apologia, Gr. et Lat., cum I^otls. p. 487. A. 5. 24. Apologiae pro Origene liber primus, Gr. et Lat., interprete Rufino. p. 339. A. 5. 25. Pancirolus, Guidus. Notitia Dignitatum utriusque Imperii, et in earn Coram. Gen. 1623. Fol. De Magistratibus miinicipalibus, rebusque bellicis, et tarn novae, quam veteris Romae libellus. Ibid. Pandocheus, Eltas. Compositio omnium Dlssidiorum circa aeternam veritatem aut verisimilitudinem versantium. 8vo. 202- 6. 4. Pant^nus. Paucula quaedam, Gr. et Lat., cum Notis. p. 375. A. 5. 22. Pantaleon, Ecclesiae Constantinop. Diaconus. De luminibus Sanctis, i.e., de Domino Christo et S. Joanne ejus praecursore, Sermo, Gr. et Lat. p. 411. L. 1. 19. Pantaleon, Hen. Chronographia Christianas Ecclesiae. Bas. 1561. Fol. B. 3. IL Panvinius, Onuphrius. See Platina. Papa. Antilogia Papse ; h.e., de corrupto Ecclesiae statu, scripta aliquot veterum Auctorum. p. 9. ^- 1- l^- L'Homme du Pape et du Roy. A Rouen, 1635. 8vo. Z. 5. 98. PAR] CATHEDRAL LIBRARY OF SALISBURY. 201 Papatus. Reformatio Papatus, juxta Confessionem Augustanam, studio cujusdam JCti concinnafca, cam praefatione Joannis Arndten. Goslarise 1621. 8vo. B. 5. 36! Papias. Fragmenta, Gr. et Lat. cum Notis. p. 3. A. 5. 22. Papist. A Papist misrepresented and represented ; or, A Twofold Character of Popery. By J. L[uellin]. 1685. 4to. P. 4. 8. Reflections upon the Answer [by Dr. Stillingfleet] to * A Papist misre- presented,' etc. [1686]. 4to. Ibid. Papists Protesting against Protestant Popery, in Answer to a Discourse [by Dr. Sherlock] intituled, 'A Papist not misrepresented by Pro- testants ; ' being a Vindication of ' A Papist misrepresented,' etc. Lond. 1686. 4to. P. 3. 6. An Amicable Accommodation of the Difference between the Representer and the Answerer, in return to his last Reply against the 'Papist Protesting against Protestant Popery.' Lond. 1686. 4to. Ibid. A Reply to the Answer [by Dr. Sherlock] of the ' Amicable Accommo- dation,' etc. Ibid. Pappus, Jo. Historiae Ecclesiasticee de Conversionibus Gentium, Persecutioni- bus EcclesisB, Hasresibus, et Conciliis CEoumenicis, Epitome. Arg. 1584. 8vo. • B. 5. 31. Paeadiso, Jac. de. De 7 Statibus Ecclesise in Apocalypsi descriptis ; et de Auctoritate Ecclesiae et de ejus Reformatione. p. 102. M. 1. 19. Pareus, Ambr. Medical Works ; translated by Tho. Johnson. Lond. Fol. Title-page wanting. T. 2. 13. Pareus, Dan. Lexicon Lucretianum. Franc. 1631. 8vo. Y. 5. 34. Pareus, Dav. Opera Theologica Exegetica. 1628. 2 vols. Fol. E. 3. 1, 2. De S. Scripturae Praastantia, Dignitate, Auctoritate, etc., Dissertatio, Tig. 1571. 8vo. ZC1.4. 3. Oratio Chronologica altera, de quaostione Utrum Chronologia integra ab Adamo ad Christum ex sola Historia Sacra haberi possit ? Lugd. Bat. 1607. 4to. B. 5. 21. See Miilhusinus, Scaliger (J. J.), and Ursinus. Pareus, J. Ph. Artis Logicse libri ii. Han. 1607. 8vo. H. 1. 11. Paris, Matth. 8ee Matthaeus Parisiensis. Parisiensis. Scriptura Scholae Paris, de periculis Ecclesias, cum prasfatione Matth. Paris, p. 17. M. 1. 19. Articuli Scholasticorum Paris, contra monachos. p. 42. Ibid. Determinatio Universitatis Paris, in causa Schismatis, sc. illius inter Clementem Antipapam etc., ac Urbanum VI. p. 541. Ibid. Ad futurum Concilium contra Leonem X. Appellatio Universitatis Paris. p. 68. .... ^- 1- IS- Determinatio Facultatis Theologise in Schola Parisiensi super quam plu- rimis Assertionibus Des. Erasmi, et super doctrina Lutherana. Par. 1531. Fol. K 3. 18. Articuli a Facultate S. Theologiae Paris, determinati super materiis fidei hodie controversis, cum Antidoto. 1544. 8vo. H. 1. 8. Decreta Scholae Paris, de Potestate Ecclesiastica. See Richerius. Parker, Matth., Archbishop of Canterbury. [A Defence of Priests' Marriages, stablished by the Imperial Laws of the Realm of England, against a Civilian naming himself Tho. Martin, D. C.L.I Book I. 1555. 8vo. Title-page and A 1 wanting. R. 6. 21. 202 CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS IN THE [PAR Parker, Matth. De antiqaitate Britannicae Ecclesiea, et nominatim de privilegiis Ecclesias Cantuar., et de Archiepiscopis ejusdem LXX., Historia. Han. 1605. Fol. B. 2. 15 Parker, Sam. Tentamina Phjsico-Theologica de Deo : sive Theologia Scholas- tica ad Normam novas et reformatae PhilosophiaB concinnata, 2 libris. Lond. et Oxon. 1665. 4to. I. 6. 3. Parker, Tho. Methodus Gratias Divinae in traductione hominis peccatoris ad Vitam 70 Thesibus explicata. Lond. 1657. 8vo. H. 2. 52.- Parkhurst, John. A Hebrew and English Lexicon, with a Heb. Grammar, without points. Lond. 1762. 4is, circa Dogmata Ecclesiastica controversa. Lov. 1555-57. 2 vols, in 1. Eol. L. 4. 2. Targum Hierosolymitanum. See Tayler. Tarnovius, Jo. In Prophetas minores Comm. Rost. 1623-32. 2 vols. 4to. C. 1. 7, 8. Disp. de Certitudine Gratite, adv. Bcllarminum. Rost. 1628. 4l:o. C. 1. 7. Quaestio, Num et Quae Foedera cum diversae religionis liomiriibus, praecipue a Lutheranis cum Calvinianis, salva iniri possint conscientia, . . . decisa. Rost. 1631. 4to. C. 1. 8. Tartaglia, NiC. Opere, cioe Quesiti, Travagliata Inventione, Nova Scientin, Ragionamenti sopra Archimede. In Ven. 1606. 4to. Z. 3. 11. 248 CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS IN THE [TAS Tasso, Torquato. Aminta Favola Boscareccia, con alcune annotazioni. In Osford, 1726. 4to. Y. 4. 6. Tatham, Edw. Bampton Lectures for 1789. Oxf. 1790. 2 vols. 8vo. W. 4. 10, 11. Tatianus Alexandrinus. Evangelioram quatnor Harmonia. p. 117. L. 1. 11. Tatianus Assyrius. Orafcio ad Grsecos, Gr. et Lat. per Cour. Gesnerurn. p. 189. Bas. 1555. Fol. L. 1. 11. Pai'. 1636. Fol. A. 2. 24. Tatius, Achilles. Isagoge ad Arati Phaenomena, Gr. et Lat. per D. Petavinm. p. 121. Par. 1630. Fol. Z. 1. 37. Taulerus, Jo. Exercitia super Vita et Passione Christi. Ant. 1565. 8vo. ZC2. 6. 8. Taverner, R. See Biblia. Tavernerius, Jo. De veritate Corporis et Sanguinis Christi in Sacramento Altaris. Ed. 2. Par. 1556. 8vo. ZCg. 6. 3. Taxatio Ecclesiastica. See Records. Tayleu, Fr. Targum Hierosolymitanum in 5 libros Legis, Lat. cum Notis marginalibns. Lond. 1649. 4to. E. 6. 2. [Taylor, James.] Wholesome Advices from the Blessed Virgin, to her indiscreet Worshippers. Translated from the French. Lond. 1687. 4to. P. 4. 5. Taylor, Bp. Jeremy. Vol. I. of his Works, containing (1) The Guide of Devotion ; (2) An Apology for authorized and set Forms of Liturgy; (3) The Sacred Order and Office of Episcopacy ; (4) The Real Presence of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament; (5) The Liberty of Prophesying, etc. Lond. 1657. Fol. R.2. 11. Ductor Dubitantium; or. The Rule of Conscience in all her general Measures. Lond. 1660. 2 vols. Fol. R. 3. 8, 9. The 3rd edit, of the same. Lond. 1676. Fol. R. 1. 9. A Course of Sermons for Sundays, with a gupplement of 11 other Sermons ; to which is added a Discourse of the Divine Institution, Necessity, Sacredness, and Separation of the Office Ministerial, with Advice to the Clergy of his Diocese. 5th ed. Lond. 1678. Fol. R. 1. 10. See W., E. Taylor, Tho. A Comm. upon the Epistle to Titus. Cambr. 1619. 4to. R. 4. 18. Tenison, Abp. Tho. The Creed of Mr. Hobbes examined. 2nd ed. Lond. 1671. 8vo. Q. 1. 28. A Discourse cone, a Guide in Matters of Faith. Lond. 1683. 4to. P. 4. 6. The Difference betwixt the Protestant and Socinian Methods, in Answer to a Book written by a Romanist, and entitled. The Protestant's Plea for a Socinian. Lond. 1687. 4to. P. 4. 5. Popery not founded on Scripture. Lond. 1688. 4to. P. 3. 7. A Defence of his Sermon of Discretion in giving Alms. Lond. 1688. 4to. P. 3. 6. Terentius, p. Les six Comedies, corrigees en presque infinis endroits, par Ant. de Muret. Le Fran9ois correspondant au Latin. A Paris, 1583. 16mo. Y. 6. 14. Comoedise ad optimorum Exemplarium fidem recensita. Ace. Vanas Lectt. Canlabr. 1701. 4to. Y. 3. 16. TES] CATHEDRAL LIBRARY OF SALISBURY. 249 Terentius, p. ComoediaB ex recensioneetcnmNotis Rich. Bentleii. Cantabr. 1726. 4to. X. 2. 3. Comcediae sex. Interpretatione et Notis illustravifc NIc. Camus, in usum Delph. Lond. 1740. 8vo. Y. 4. 20. Terentii Florum selectiorum Pars 2da, in nsum javentntis Soc. Jesu, Lat. Gall, et Teat. Ant. 1645. 4to. X. 2. 34. Ternet, Claude. Le Grand Almanacli pour I'annee 1660. A Caen. 8vo. H. 1. 36. Tertullianus, Q. Sept. Florens. Opera, cum argumentis et Annott. per Beatum Rhenamim. Bas. 1521. Fol. A. 5. 5. . Bas. 1528. Fol. A. 4. 22. Opera emendata, Nic. Rigaltii Observatt. et I^Totis illustrata. Cum Indice Glossario. Ed. 2. Par. 1641. Fol. A. 2. 22. Opera, emendata diligentia Nic. Rigaltii, cum ejusdem Annott. integris, et variorum Comm., seorsim antea editis. Ph. Priorius argumenta et Notas in libros omnes de novo adjecit. Par. 1664. Fol. A. 1. 10. Liber de Pallio. CI. Salmasius recensuit, explicavit, Notis illustravit. Par. 1622. 8vo. A. 6. 19. De Praescriptionibus adv. hsereticos liber. Lugd. 1622* 16mo. A. 6. 38. Libri de Oratione et de Preescriptione Haereticoram, cum Anonymi adv. omnes Hsereticos libello, et Notis. p. 95. A. 5. 27. See Kaye, and Pamelius. Testamentum Novum. Novum Test., Lat., iterum recognitum per Erasmum. Bas. 1521. 4to. G. 5. 23. Nov. Test., Gr. et Lat., tertio recognitum, una cum Annott. per Erasmum. Bas. 1522. Fol. G. 2. 6. Nov. Test., Lat. per Erasmum. Arg. 1523. 8vo. G. 5. 20. Nov. Test., Gr. et Lat., quintum recognitum, cum Annott. locupletatis, per Erasmum. Bas. 1540. Fol. G. 2. 7. Novi Test. Lat. editio postrema per Erasmum. 2 vols. 8vo. D. 1. 13, 14. Nov. Test. Lat. per Erasmum novissime recognitum. 8vo. Title-page j and jijp. 1-112, wanting. G. 6. 8. Nov. Test. Graecum, cum vulgata interpretatione Lat., ex recognitione B. Arise Montani. Ant. 1584. Fol. E. 2. 6. Test. Novum, cujus Graeco contextui respondent interpretationes duse : una, vetus; altera, Theod. Bezae ; cum ejusdem Annott. Ed. 4. H. Steph. 1588. Fol. E. 3. 3. Nov. Test, cum Is. Casauboni, H. Stephani, ac aliorum variis lectt., notis et interpretationibus. Gen. 1632. 16mo. E. 6. 15. Novum Test. Gr., una cum Scholiis Graecis, per Jo. Gregorium. Oxon. 1703. Fol. E. 1. 1. Nov. Test., cum Lectt. variantibus MSS. Exemplarium, Yersionum, Editionum, SS. Patrum et Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum ; et in easdem Notis, per Jo. Millium. Oxon. 1707. Fol. 2 copies. F. 1. L G. 1. 2. Nov. Test. Gr., juxta Exemplar J. Millii. Lond. 1743. 12mo. E. 6. 8. Oxon. 1763. 2 vols. 8vo. E. 5. 23, 24 Nov. Test. Gr. Textum ad fidem testium criticorum recensuit, lectt. familias subjecit, atque conditionem testium criticorum historiamque 250 CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS IN THE [TES Textus prolegg. expos nit I. Mart. Aug. Scholz. Lips. 1830-36. 2 vols. 4to. E. 4. 11, 12. Nov. Test. Gr. Title-page ivanting. G. 6. 15. Nov. Test. Lat. Gen. 1552. 16mo. G. 6. 7. Nov. Test., Lat. per Theod. Bezam. Additur ex adverse ex vetustissima Syriaca translatione, translatio Latina Im. Tremellii. Lond. 1585. 4to. ^ E. 5. 7. cum Notis. Han. 1623. Fol. E.2. 7. Nov. Test. Lat. per Bezam. Lond. 1773. 18mo. E. 6. 7. The New Test, in English, by the College of Rheims. 2nd ed. Antw. 1600. 4to. T. 5. 29. The New Test. ; with a Defence of the English translation. By W. Fulke. Lond. 1617. Fol. R. 1. 12. Le Nouveaa Test. Latin et Fran9ois. A Lyon, 1579. 16mo. G. 6. 9. Le Nouveau Test., selon I'Edition imprimee a Rome par le commandement de N. S. Pere le Pape Sixte V., de la traduction des Docteurs de I'Uni- versite de Louvain. A Paris, 1646. 16mo. E. 6. 17. Le Nouveau Test . . . traduit en Francois selon Fedition Yulgate, avec les differences du Grec. 4me ed. A Mons, 1668. 12mo. E. 6. 11, See Biblia. Testamentum 12 Patriarcharum. See Patriarchae. Testamentum Yetus. See Biblia. Texeda, Fernando. Scrutamini Scripturas. The Exhortation of a Spanish converted Monk to read the Holy Scriptures contrary to the Prohibition of the Pope. Lond. 1624. 4to. P. 5. 10, Textor, Jo. Ravisius. Officinae et Cornucopiae Epitome. Lugd. 1541. 2 vols. 8vo. X. 2. 17, 18. Thalassius Monachus. De sincera charitate ac vera continentia, necnon de regimine mentis Hecatontades quatuor, Lat. p. 660. L. 1. 11. Thanksgiving. A Description of the Form and Manner of Public Thanks- giving. Lond. 1641. 4to. P. 8. 3. See Prayer. Thaulerus. See Taulerus. Themeswar, Pelb. Osualdus de. Pomerium Sermonum continens (1) De Tem- pore Dominicales ; (2) Quadragesimale triplex. Hagenau, 152L Fol. M. 1. 27. Themistius. Opera, h. e., Paraphrases [in Aristotelem] et Orationes viii. Gr. Edidit Vict. Trincavellas. Yen. 1534. Fol. Z. 2. 52. Theocritus. Qu86 exstant, Gr. et Lat , cum Grascis Scholiis. Lond. 1743. 8vo. Y. 4. 24. et cum Notis variorum Edidit T. Warton. Oxon. 1770. 2 vols. 4to. Y. 3. 22, 23. Theocriti, Moschi, et Bionis Idyllia, Gr. et Lat., Poetis ex Latinis illustrata, per Tho. Martin. Lond. 1760. 8vo. Y. 4. 7. See Musaeus. Theodoretus, seu Theodoritds, Episc. Cyri. Opera, Lat. per Jo. Picum et alios. Col. Agr. 1567. 2 vols. Fol. A. 4. 11, 12. Interpretatio in Psalmos, Lat. per Ant. Caraffam. Pat. 1564. 4to. A. 6. 3. Historiae Ecclesiasticae libri v. Hen. Yalesius Grreca emendavit, Lat. vertit, et Annott. illustravit. Par. 1673. Fol. B. 3. 13. THE] CATHEDRAL LIBRARY OF SALISBURY. 251 Theodoretus, seu Theodoritus. Eranistes, seu Polymorphus, contra quosdam sui temporis Hsereticos, Lat. per G. Hervetum. Par. 1566. Fol. A. 5. 1. Haereticarum Fabularum Compendium, Lat. Ibid. Divinorum Decretorum Epitome, Lat. Ibid. De Curatione Graecarum affectionum libri xii., Lat. per Zenobium Acciaio- Inm. Par. 1519. Fol. A. 5. 3. Qt(>(f)iXriQ, i. e., Religiosa Historia, Gent. Herveto interprete. p. 253. Par. 1555. 4to. B. 5. 3. De Providentia Orationes x. Lat. cum Annott. perYict. Strigelium. Lips. 1564. 8vo. ZCg. 5. 3. Excerpta exlibris ejus, cum Notis. Par. II. p. 265. N. 1. 8. Theodorus, Archiep. Cantuar. Poenitentiale omnibus quae reperiri potuerunt ejusdem Capitulis adauctum, per Canones selectos ex antiquissima Canonum Collectione MS., necnon per plura ex variis Poenitentialibus hactenus ineditis excerpta, expositum, praeclaris Ecclesiasticae Disciplinas Monumentis confirmatum : cum Dissertationibus ac Notis per Jac. Petit. Tomus primus. Par. 1677. 4to. K 5. 4. Theodorus Gaza. See Gaza. Theodorus Lector. Excerpta ex ejus Ecclesiastica Historia, Gr. et Lat. cum Notis per H. Valesium. Par. 1673. R. 3. 13. Theodorus Mopsuestenus. Symbolum, sive Expositio Fidei, Lat. per Mar. Mercatorem. Par. I. p. 95. N. 1. 8. Excerpta ex ejus 5 libris adv. Augustinum (?), Lat. p. 97. Ibid. Excerpta ex ejus 15 libris de Incarnatione Domini, Lat. Par. II. p. 250. Ibid. Theodorus, Cyrus, Prodromus. Amicitia exulans, Gr. et Lat. per C. Gesnerum. p. 622. Z. 2. 58. Theodorus, Vitus. Annott. in Novum Test. Franc. 1545. 4to. G. 5. 4. Theodosius, Imperator. Codex Theodosianus, cum perpetais Comm. Jac. Gotho- fredi. Praemittuntur Chronologia accuratior, cum Chronico Historico, et Prolegg. Opera et studio Ant. Marvillii. Lugd. 1665. 6 vols, in 4. Fol. N. 3. 1-4. Theodosius Tripolita. Sphaericorum libri iii. Gr. et Lat. Par. 1558. 4to. ZCj. 2. 10. Theodotus Haereticus. Excerpta ex Scriptis ejus. Ad calcem operum dementis Alexandrini. A. 3. 19. Toeodulus, Presbyter. In Epist. ad Romanes Enarratio, p. 721. L. 1. 11. l^Falso nomen TheoduU prcefert. Guil. Cave.] Theognjs. See Poemata, Poetae. Theognostus. Reliquiae, Gr, et Lat., cum Notis. p. 407. A. 5. 24. Theon Alexandrinus. In CI. Ptolemaei Magriam Constructionem Comm. libri xi. Bas. 1538. Fol. Y. 3. 21. Theonas. Epistola, Lat., cum Notis. p. 489. A. 5. 24. Theon, Sophista. Progymnasmata, Gr. et Lat. per Dan. Heinsium. Lugd. Bat. 1626. 8vo. Z. 3. 5. Theophilus Antecessor. Parapbrasis Grseca in Juris Civilis Institutiones, cum Lat. Jac. Curtii Versione, et Notis selectis variorum. Apud Jac. Stoer, 1610. 2 vols. 16mo. H. 2, 36, 37. Theophilus, Episc. Antiocbenus. Contra Christianae Religionis Calumniatores, ad Autolycum libri iii., Gr. et Lat. per Conr. Clauserum. p. 285. Bas. 1555. Fol. L. 1. 11. . Par. 1636. Fol. A. 2. 24. 252 CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS IN THE [THE Theophrastus Eresius. Opera, Gr. et Lat. Dan. Heinsius edidit. Lngd. Bat. 1613. Fol. Y. 3. 1. Libellus de Odoribns, Gr. et Lat., cum Scboliis et Annott. Adr. Turnebi. Par. 1556. 4to. Z. 4. 91. Notationes Moi-um, Gr. et Lat., cum Commentario Is. Casauboni. Lugd. 1638. 8vo. Y. 5. 7. Liber de Lapidibus, Gr. et Lat., cum Notis Jo. de liaet. Lugd. Bat. 1647. 870. Z. 4. 34. Theophtlactus, Bulgarise Archiep. In minores aliquot Prophetas, Habacuc, Jonam, Nabura, et Hoseam, Enarr., Lat. per Lonicerum. p. 831. Bas. 1554. Fol. G. 2. 18. In 4 Evangelia Enarr., Lat., Versione CEcolarapadii per Ph. Montanum recognita. Ibid. ^ ^ Gr. et Lat. Par. 1631. Fol. A. 4. 16. Explicationes in Acta Apost., Gr. et Lat., cum Notis per Laur. Sifanum. Col. 1567. Fol. G. 3. 9. In omnes D. Panli Epistolas Enarr., Lat., Lonicero interprete, per Pli. Montanum recognitaB. p. 417. G. 2. 18. In D. Pauli Epistolas Comm. Gr. cum Lat. Loniceri Versione recognita a Ph. Montano. Cura Aug. Lindselli, Episc. Herefordensis. Lond. 1636. Fol. A. 4. 17. Theopsalte. ^.e., Sadeel, Ant. Refutatio libelli quem CI. de Sainctes nuper edidit cum inscriptione, Examen Doctrince Calviniance et Bezanm de Ccend Domini. Gen. 1567. 8vo. ZCi. 4. 8. Thomas Anglus, sen Albius. See Albius. Thomas Aquinas. See Aquinas. Thomas, Wm. A Speech cone, the Right of Bishops sitting and voting in Parliament. Lond. 1641. 4to. P. 7. 4. Thompson, Tho. The Pope arraigned ; and, The Trial of Guideshj the touch- stone of Teachers, Jesus Christ. Lond. 1618. 4to. T. 4. 27. Thompson, Wm. A Declaration from him and the oppressed people under his conduct in Oxfordshire, May 6, 1649. 4to. P. 6. 6. Thomson, Rich. Diatriba de Amissione et Intercisione Gratiae et Justificationis. Lugd. Bat. 1616. 8vo. M. 2. 12. Thoringus, sen Doeringus. See Biblia. Thorndike, Herb. Epitome Lexici Hebraici, Syriaci, Rabbinici, et Arabici, una cum Observatt. circa Linguam HebraE)am et Graecara. Lond. 1635. Fol. F. 2. 39. Thucydides. De Belio Peloponnensium Atheniensiumque libri viii., Lat. per Laur. Yallam, a Conr. Heresbachio recogniti. Col. 1527. Fol. Y. 3. 19. The same translated into Engl, by Tho. Hobbes. Lond. 1629. Fol. T. 2. 14. Bellum Siculnm, Gr. Pro Schola Argentoratensi. 1561. 8vo. Y. 6. 48. Thysius. See Polyander. TiBULLUS, Albius. See Catullus. TiGUKUM. Ministrorum Tigurinee Ecclesise, ad confutationem Jac. Andreas pro Defensione Brentiani testamenti editam. Apologia. [Auctore Jos. Simlero.] Tig. 1575. 8vo. ZCi. 4. 4. Tilenus, IJan. Syntagma tripertitum Dispp. Theologicarum in Acad. Sedanensi. Gen. 1622. 8vo. I. 1. 4. Tillesley, Rich. Animadversions upon Selden's History of Tithes, and his Review thereof. 2nd ed. Lond. 1621. 4to. P. 6. 10. An Answer to Selden's Pamphlet against the Animadversions^ etc. • Ibid. TON] CATHEDRAL LIBRARY OF SALISBURY. 253 TiLLOTSON, John, Abp. of Canterbury. A Discourse against Transubstantiation. 4th ed. Lond. 1685. 4to. P. 4. 6. A Fast-Day Sermon on Eccles, ix. 11. Lond. 1690. 4to. P. 1. 6. TiMANNUS BoRCKENSis. SS. Patrum Auctoritates et Testiraonia de Baptismatis Sacramento, atque ejusdem Casrimoniis, adv. Anabaptistas ac alios. Col. 1571. 8vo. G. 6. 6. TiRiNUS, Jac. In S. Scripturam Comm. Ant. 1656. 2 vols. Fol. Gr. 3. 2, 3. TiTELMANNUS, Fr. Elucidatio parapbrastica in librum Job, adjectis Annott. Lugd. 1554. 16mo. G. 6. 16. Sectio i. et ii. Elucidationis in Psalmos. Lugd. 1548. 8vo. C. 5. 15. Elucidatio in Cantica ferialia. Ibid. Comm. in Bcclesiasten, cum Annott. Lugd. 1555. 16mo. G. 6. 16. Elucidatio in omnes Epistolas Apostolicas. Par. 1532. 8vo. C. 5. 14. Summa Mysteriorum Christianas Fidei. Lcgd. 1554. 16mo. ZC2. 8. 2. Mysterii Missse Expositio. Lugd. 1558. 8vo. Ibid. Tract, sanctarum meditationum pro cordis in Deo constabilitione. Ibid. Liber de sacrosancta Trinitate, in quo Eeclesiasticum Officium, quod in illius solennitate legit Romana Ecclesia, explanatur. Ibid. Tobias. Liber Tobiae Heb. cum Yersione ac Annott. per Seb. Munsterum. Bas. 1542. 4to. F. 2. 29. Todd, Hen. John. . A Catalogue of the Archiepiscopal MSS. in the Library at Lambeth Palace, with an Account of the Archiepiscopal Registers, and other Records there preserved. Lond. 1812. Fol. W. 1. 21. Original Sin, Free- Will, Grace, Regeneration, Justification, Faith, Good Works, and Universal Redemption, as maintained in certain Declarations of our Reformers, w^hich are the Groundwork of the Articles of our Established Charch upon these subjects. Lond. 1818. 4to. W. 5. 5L Toleration. The A.ntithelemite ; or an Answer to certain Queries by the D. of B. cone. Toleration. Lond. 1685. 4to. Q. 2. 1. ToLETUS, Fr., Card. Summa Casuum Conscientias, sive De Instructione sacerdotum libri vii. Item, de Peccatis liber unas, cum Bullae Coenae Domini dilucidatione. Col. Agr. 1603. 8vo. K (>. 15. Comm. in 3 libros Arist. de Anima. Col. Agr. 1625. 4to. Y. 4. 17. ToLLius, Adr. 8ee Boetius de Boot. ToMBES, John. Vce Scandalizantium ; or, A Treatise of Scandalizing. Oxf. 1641. 12mo. O. 1. 20. TheoduUa ; oi', A Defence of hearing the Sermons and other Teaching of the present Ministers of England. Lond. 1667. 8vo. Q. 2. 23. See Hammond. ToMLiNE, Bp. Geo. A Refutation of Calvinism. Lond. 1811. 8vo. W. 6. 15. Tom SON, Laur. See Biblia. Tonge, Ezerel. An Exact Discovery of Romish Doctrine in the Case of Conspiracy and Rebellion. Lond. 1605. 4to. P. 5. 5. A Reprint of the same. Lond. 1679. 4to. P. 4. 1. Tonstallus, Cuthbertus. De veritate Corporis et Sanguinis D. N". Jesu Christi • in Eucharistia. Par. 1554. 4to. 2 copies. I. 4. 1. ZC2. 3. 2. 254 CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS IN THE [TOR ToRNiELLUS, Aug. Annales ab 0. C. ad eundem Christi Passione redemptum. Col. Agr. 1622. Tom. I. Franc. 1616. Tom. II. Fol. Z. 1. 49. TORPORLAEUS, Nath. Diclides CoelometricaB, sen ValvaB AstronomicaB univer- sales. Lond.- 1602. 4fco. Z. 3. 7. ToRRiCELLius, EvANGELiSTA. Opera Geometrica. Flor. 1644. 4to. Z. 3. 72. TosARRius, Jo. Paraphrases in omnes Prophetas, efc in Sapientiam Salomonis. Bas. 1558. Fol. G. 4. 1. TossANUs, Paqlus. Index in Sacra Biblia. Han. 1624. Fol. E. 2. 1. TowERSON, Gabr. An Explication to the Catechism of the Church of England. Lond. 1685-88. 2 vols. Fol. R. 2. 18, 19. TowNSEND, Geo. The Accusations of History against the Church of Rome. Lond. 1826. 8vo. W. 5. 53. Traheron, W. See Mexia. Transubstantiation. A Dialogue shewing the Doctrine of Transubst. as reasonable to be believed, as the Mystery of the Trinity, by Catholics. Lond. 1686. 4to. P. 4. 5. Transubst. defended, and proved from Scripture, in ansvs^er to Part I. of a Treatise entitled, A Discourse against Transubst. Lond. 1687. 4to. P. 4. 3. An Historical Treatise, vrritten by an Author of the Communion of the Ch. of Rome, touching Transubst. ; wherein is made appear that according to the Principles of that Church, this Doctrine cannot be an Article of Faith. Lond. 1687. 4to. P. 4. 4. Trapezuntius, Geo. In Expositionem illius textus Evangelii, Si volo eum manere donee, etc. ; et quod S. Joannes nondum sit mortuus, Opusculum. p. 1365. L. 1. 11. Trapp, John. A Comment, upon Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Solomon. Lond. 1650. 4to. R. 5. 4. Praelectt. Poeticse. Ed. 4. Lond. 1760. 2 vols. 12mo. Y. 5. 55, 56. Treflerus, Flortanus. Declamationes Theologicae xxxiii. de praecipuis cum Ecclesiee Catholicse Feriis, tum religionis Christianas capitibus. Col. 1561. 8vo. N. 6. 12. Tregarius, Conr. Paradoxa centum. Arg. 1524. 4to. ZC2. 3. 12. Treleinie, p. H. The Undeceiving of the People in the point of Tithes. Lond. 1648. 4to. T. 4. 26. Tremellius. See Biblia, and Jonathan Ben Uzziel. Tridentum. Admonitio de Decretis et Canonibus Cone. Tridentini, anno 1562 et 1563 celebrati. Franc. 1563. 4to. ZCg. 3. 8. ' The same in English. Lond. 1564. 4to. T. 6. 4. Canones et Decreta Cone. Trid. Ant. 1564. 8vo. B. 6. 41. The same in English. Lond. 1687. 4to. P. 3. 5. Cone. Trid. Paulo III., Julio III.; et Pio IV. celebrati, Canones et Decreta, cum Annott. Additas sunt ad finem Pii IV. Bullae. Ant. 1571. 8vo. B. 5. 15. Catechismus ex DecretoConc. Trid. ad Parochos Pii V. jussu editus. Par. 1567. 8vo. ZC2. 2.10. Trinity. Catholici cujusdam Judicium et Censura de judicio et censura Ministrorum Tigurinorum et Heidelbergensium de Dogmate contra adorandam Trini- tatem in Polonia sparso. Col. 1565. 8vo. ZCg. 4. 10. The true Scripture Doctrine of the Holy Trinity, the Eucharist, and the TYP] CATHEDRAL LIBRARY OF SALISBURY. 255 Satisfaction made for ns by our Lord Jesus Christ. Book I. Against Dr. Clarke. Lond. 1713. 8vo. T. 5. 37. The Scripture Doctrine of the Trinity vindicated from the misinterpreta- tions of Dr. Clarke. With a Continuation in Answer to Dr. Clarke's Reply. Lond. 1714-15. 8vo. T. 5. 39. Trithemtus, Jo. Catalogus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum, cum Appendice. 1531. 4to. Imperfect B. 5. 44. Liher 8 Quasstionum quas Trithemio dissolvendas proposuit Maximilianus Csesar. Col. 1534. 8vo. ZCg. 7. 9. Steganographia, cum Clavi. Franc. 1606. 4to. Z. 4. 59. Triumphus, Aug., de Ancona. Summa de Ecclesiastica Potestate. [?Aug. Vind. 1473.] Fol. L. 2. 11. Trocedorfius, Val. Precationes. Witteb. 1564. 8vo. M. 2. 35. Rosarium Schola3 Trocedorfii ex rosis decerptis ex Paradiso Domini, etc. Witteb. 1565. 8vo. K. 3. 45. Methodi Doctrirae Catecheticas. Ibid. Trtphiodorus ^gyptius. Ilii excidium, Gr. et Lat. P. Steph. 1604. 16mo. Y. 6. 2. TuBERiNUS, Ca3S. Majestatis Capellanus. Ad Ca3saream Regiamque Majestatem contra falsas Lutheri positiones. 1524. 4to. ZC2. 3. 14. [TuLLT, Geo.] An Answer to a Discourse [by Abr. Woodhead] cone, the Celibacy of the Clergy. Oxf. 1688. 4to. P. 4. 2. TuRCUS, Magnus. Epistolarum ad varias gentes liber, Lat. Bas. 1549. 8vo. ZC2. 6. 20. TuRNEBULLus, Geo. See Baronius, Rob. TURNEBUS, AdR. Opera. Arg. 1600. .3 vols, in 1. Z. 2. 16. Adversariorum tomi iii. Bas. 1581. Fol. Y. 3. 34. Aureliop. 1604. 4to. Z. 3. 86. [Turner, Fr., Bp. of Ely.] Animadversions upon a Pamphlet [by Bp. Croft] entituled, ' The Naked Truth ; or. The True State of the Primitive Church.' 2nd ed. Loud. 1676. 4to. P. 4. 7. Turner, Col. James. An Account of his Arraignment, . . . and Condemnation. Lond. 1663. 4to. P. 5. 6. Turner, John. A Discourse on Ps. cxxxix. 7-10. Lond. 1683. 4to. P. 1.6. TuRRiANUS, Fr. Dogmaticus de Jusfcificatione ad Germanos Lufcheranos, et de Electione Divina. Rom. 1557. 4to. L. 5. 8. TwiSDEN, Roger. An Historical Vindication of the Ch. of England in point of Schism. Lond. 1657 and '75. 4to. 2 copies. T. 5. 16, 15. TwiSSUS, GuiL. Ad Examen libelli Parkinsiani de Prsedestinationis modo et - ordine, institutum a Jac. Arminio, Resp. Scholastica, 3 libris. Ed. 2. Amst. 1632. 4to. K. 2. 27. TwoPENT, Rich. Dissertations on some parts of the Old and New Testaments, which have been supposed unsuitable to the Divine Attributes. Lond. 1824. 8vo. W. 6. 18. Typotius, Joach. Scholia in cap. i. prioris Epist. ad Timotheum. Ingolst. 1568. 4to. D. 1. 4. 256 CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS IN THE [UDA U. Udalricus, Episc. Augustanus. De Caelibatu Cleri, Epist. ad Nicolaum Papain, p. 1254. L. 1. 11. Ulmerus, Jo. Conr. Enchiridion Pastorale, h. e., Lectt. Evangeliorum efc Epistolamm, Gr., Lat., Germ., cam adjancto in singula Sumrnario. Bas. 1564. 8vo. ZCa- 3. 13. Ulmus, Fr. De Liene libellus. Par. 1578. 8vo. ZCi. 5. 7. Ulugh-Beiqh. Epocliae celebriores ab Orientalibus popnlis nsitatae, Persice, cum Yersione Lat. et Coinm. Jo. Gravii. Lond. 1650. 4to. Z. 3. 58. Tabb. Longitudinis ac Latitudinis Stellarum fixarum, Persice, cum Versione et Comm. Thomae Hyde. Oxon. 1665. 4to. Z. 3. 28. Umfrevile. An Information for Mr. W. Dell, tbe Bight Reformer. Lond. 1646. 4to. . P. 8. 3. United Provinces. An Answer to the Declaration of the imaginary Parlia- ment of the unknown Commonwealth of England, cone, the Affairs- past betwixt tbem of England and tbe States General of the United Provinces. Rotterdam, 1652. 4to. P. 8. 10. See Macdowell. Urbanus VIII., Papa. See Barberinus. Urquhart, Sir Tho. The Trissotetras ; or, A Table for resolving all manner of Triangles, etc. Lond. 1645. 4to. Q. 1. 12. Ursinus, Zach. Explicationum Catecheticarum Opus, totiusque Theologiae Corpus. Necnon Miscellanea Catechetica, seu collectio eorum quae Catecheticis Explicatt. prius sparsim intexta fuerunt. Opera Dav. Parei. Neust. 1603. 8vo. M. 2. 22. The same translated into English, by H. Parry. Lond. 1611. 4to. T. 4. 40. Urstisius, Christianus. Elementa Aritbmetica. Ed. 2. Bas. 1586. 8vo. Z. 5. 95. Ursule. La Maniere de proceder a la Reception des Religieuses de Sainte Ursule. A Paris, 1625. 8vo. H. 1. 22. Usher, James, Abp. of Armagh. An Answer to a Challenge made by a Jesuit in Ireland ; wherein the Judg- ment of Antiquity in the points questioned is truly delivered, and the novelty of the now Romish Doctrine plainly discovered. Dublin, 1624. 4to. T. 6. 9. Polycarpi et Ignatii Epistolse, Gr. et Lat., ac Dissertatio de eorum scriptis, atque Apostolicis Constitutionibus et Canonibus, Clementi Rom. tributis. Oxon. 1644. 4to. 2 copies. A. 5. 13, 16. In Polycarpianam Epistolarum Ignatianarum Syllogen Annott. 2 copies. Ibid. Appendix Ignatiana. Lond. 1647. 4to. A. 5. 16. Gravissimae Quaestionis, de Christianarum Ecclesiarum, in Occidentis praesertim partibus, ab Apostolorum temporibus ad nostram usque aetatem, continua successione, et statu, Historica Explicatio. Han. 1658. 8vo. B. 6. 8. Chronologia Sacra. Oxon. 1660. 4to. ' I. 2. 1. De Romanae Ecclesiae Symbolo Apostolico vetere, aliisque Fidei Formulis tum ab Occidentalibus turn ab Orientalibus in prima Catechesi et Baptismo proponi solitis, Diatriba. Ibid. His Life. See Parr, Rich. VAL] CATHEDRAL LIBRARY OF SALISBURY. 257 UsUARDUS. Martyrologium, cum additionibus ex Martyrologio Romanae Ec- clesise, ac aliariim, potissinmin German ias inferioris, et metrico Martyr- ologio Wandelberti Prumiensis, atque Annott. variorum. Opera Jo. Molani. Lov. 1668. 8vo. B. 6. 19. v., Gr. L. British Lightning ; or, Sudden tumults in England, Scotland, and Ireland, to warn the United Provinces, etc. 1643. 4to. 2 copies. P. 6. 8. P. 8. 10. V. S., Gr. i.e. WiCELius, Gr. Defensio Ecclesiasticae Liturgiae. Col. 1564. 8vo. B. 6. 42. Valdes, Franc, de. A Dialogue of the Office of a Sergeant Major. Translated from the Spanish by J. Thorius. Lond. 1590. 4to. P. 6. 9. Valentia, Greg. de. De Rebus Fidei hoc tempore controversis. Lugd. 1591. Fol. L. 1. 1, Comm. Theologicorum in Summam Theologiae Tho. Aquinatis tomi iv. Ed. 3. Lugd. 1603. 4 vols. Fol. N. 1. 14-17. Valentine, Basil. His last Will and Testament ; with two Treatises — (1) declaring his Manual Operations ; (2) shewing things Natural and Supernatural. [Translated by J. W.] Lond. 1671. 8vo. Q. 2. 25. See Kerckringius. Valentinus, Episc. Hildesemensis. Statuta Synodalia, et Formula vivendi Canonicorum, Vicariorum, et aliorum presbyterorum ssecularium. Lugd. 1544. 8vo. B. 6. 4. Valerianus, Jo. Pierius. De Literatorum Infelicitate libri ii. Antiquitatum Bellunensium Sermones iv. Ven. 1620. 8vo. K. 1. 38. Valerius, Corn. Physicse, seu De Naturae Philosophia Institutio. Ant. 1567. 8vo. Z. 5. 108. Ethicae, seu De Moribus Philosophiae Descriptio. Ant. 1568. 8vo. 2 copies. Z. 5. 108. L. 6. 20. Valerius Flaccus Setinus Balbus, C. Argonautica. Nic. Heinsius recensuit, et Animadvv. adjecit. Traj. Bat. 1702. 12mo. Y. 6. 31. Valerius Maximus. Opera, cum variorum Observatt., per Ant. Thysium. Lugd. Bat. 1651. 8vo. Y. 4. 29. See Lipsius. p. 519. ^ ^ Z. 3. 70. Valesius, Hadr. De cena Trimalchionis nuper sub Petronii nomine vulgata Dissertatio. Par. 1666. 8vo. Y. 4. 31. See Statileius. Valesius, Hen. Dissertatio de Schismate Donatistarum, et Epist. ad Jac. Usserium de Versione LXX Interpretum. B. 3. 11. See Eusebius, Philostorgius, Socrates Scholasticus, Sozomenus, and Theo- dorus Lector. Valesius, Pet. Causa Valesiana Epistolis ternis praelibata. Lond. 1684. 8vo. M. 2. 10. Valla, Laur. In Novum Test. Annott. Bas. 1526. 8vo. C. 4. 6. De falso credita et ementita Constantini Donatione Declamatio. p. 132. M. 1. 18. S 258 CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS IN THE [VAL Valle, Pietro BELLA. Viaggi, divisi in tre parti, cioe, La Turchia, La Persia, e L'India. In Roma, 1658-63. 4 vols. 4to. Z. 3. 29-32. Vallesius, Fr. De iis quae scripta sunt physice in Libris Sacris ; sive de Sacra Philosophia. Lugd. 1622. 8vo. L. 6. 9. Valltculus, Gabr. De Liberali Dei Gratia et servo hominis arbitrio. Norimb. 1536. 8vo. D. 6. 7. Valor Ecclesiastwus. See Records. Van der Linden. See Linden. Vane, Sir Hen. Two Speeches spoken at a Common Hall, Oct. 27, 1643, by him and Mr. Marshall ; wherein is shewed the readiness of the Scots to assist the Kingdom and Parliament of England. Lond. 1643. 4to. P 8. 8. Vane, Tho. A Lost Sheep returned Home ; or, the Motives of his Conversion to the Catholic Faith. 3rd ed. Par. 1648. 8vo. Q. 2. 51. Vaniebius, Jac. PraBdium Rusticum. Tolosse, 1742. 12mo. Y. 5. 45. Vaninos, Jul. C-5:sar. Amphitheatrum ^ternaa Providentise, adv. veteres Philosophos, Atheos, Epicureos, cet. Lugd. 1615. 8vo. M. 2. 1. Van Mildert, Wm. An Historical View of the Rise and Progress of Infidelity, with a Refuta- tion of its Principles and Reasonings. 2nd ed.- (Boyle Lectures.) Lond. 1808. 2 vols. 8vo. M. 5. 49, 50. Bampton Lectures for 1814. Oxf. 1815. 8vo, W. 4. 37. Vannius, Val. De Missa integra Historia ; adv. Jo. Fabrum. Tub. 1563. 2 vols, in 1. 4to. I. 4. 2. Varagius, Ph. Flores totius Sacrae TheologiaD, medullam sententiarum Jo. Duns Scoti continentes. 4to. Imperfect. ZC2. 3. 15. Varenius. See Blome., Germ. de. Aphorismorum Philosophicorum et Theologicorum Opus. Par. 1630. 8vo. M. 2. 39. Vaugelas, Mons. de. Remarques sur la Langue Fran^oise. A Paris, 1670. 12mo. Z. 5. 103. Vaux, Laur. a Catechism, or Christian" Doctrine ; with instruction cone, the Ceremonies used in the Catholic Church. 1583. 12mo. O. 2. 51. Vaux, Wm. Bampton Lectures for 1826. Oxf. 1826. 8vo. W. 4. 48. Vedelius, Nic. Apologia pro Ignatio, cum 12 Exercitt, ac Notis ad Opera ejus. Gen. 1623. 4to. A. 5. 12. De Arcanis Arminianismi libri ii. Lugd. Bat. 1631. 8vo. K. 1. 5. De Episcopatu Constantini Magni, sen de Potestate Magistratuum Refor- matorum circa res Ecclesiasticas, Dissertatio. Franek. 1642. 12mo. K. 3. 16. Vega, And. de. De Justificatione Doctrina universa, 15 libris, contra omnes Errores, jnxta sententiam orthodoxae veritatis et Cone. Tridentini, defensa. Col. 1572. Fol. L. 3. 8. Vega, Garcilasso de la. Histoire des guerres civiles des Espagnols dans les Indes, mise en Francois par J. Baudoin. A Paris, 1650. Z. 3. 60. Vehe, Mioh. Assertio Sacrorum quorundam Axiomatum, quae a nonnullis pseud oprophetis in periculosam rapiuntur controversiam. 1535. 4to. ZC2. 3. 17. Veil, Lud. de Compiegne de. See Abarbanel, and Maimonides. Velleius Paterculus, M. HistoriaB Romanae libri ii , cum animadvv. Justi Lipsii. Ant. 1648. Fol. Y. 1. 2. Quae supersunt. Oxon. 1711. 8vo. Y. 4. 32. Annales Velleiani. See Dodwell. VES] CATHEDRAL LIBRARY OF SALISBURY. 259 Yenantius Fortunatus. In Orationem Dominicam Expositio. p. 1414. L. 1. 11. Exegesis Symboli Apostoliei. p. 1419. Ibid. Venatorius, Tho. In priorem ad Timotheum Epist. distribntiones xx. Bas. 1533. 8vo. , C. 6. 6. Axiomata quaedam rerum Christianarum. 1526. 8vo. ZCg- 6. 18. De Sola Fide Justificante nos in oculis Dei Episfc. Apologetica. Norimb. 1534. 4to. C. 2. 6. Vexdelinus Gottifr. De Causis naturalibus Pluvise purpureas Bruxellensis Clarorum Virorum Judicia. Lond. 1555. 8vo. Z. 5. 84. Vergara, Fr. Libellus de Syllabarum Quantitate apud Grascos contractus. Amst. 1629. 8vo. Y. 5. 16. Vergerius, Adr. Ad Quaestionem de famosis Libellis Tractatulus. Arg. 1564. 4to. K. 2. 8. Vergerius, Lud. De Natura et Usu Sacramentorura. 1559. 8vo. ZC2- 2. 7. Dialogi iv. contra Stanisl. Hosium, deque ejusdem libellis, JDe expresso verho De% et Num calicem Laicis, &c. 1559. 870. ZC2. 2. 1. Verqilius, Polyd. AnglicaB HistoriaD libri xxvii. Bas. 1556. Fol. Z. 2. 7. . Bas. 1557. Fol. B. 3. 20. Vbrgilius Maro, Publ. Opera, cum integris Comm. Servii, Philargyrii, Pierii. Acced. Scaligeri et Lindenbrogii Notas ad Culicem, Cirin, Catalecta. Recensuit Pancratius Masvicius. Leovard. 1717. 2 vols. 4to. X. 2. 1, 2. Opera, cum integris et emendatioribus Comm. Servii, Philargyrii, Pierii. Acced. F. Ursini, G. Fabricii . . . . ac praecipue Nic. Heiusii NotaB (nunc primum editas). Cura P. Burmanni. Amst. 1746. 4 vols. 4to. S. 2. 7-10. Bucolica, Georgica, et ^(Eneis, ad optimorum Exemplarium fidem recensita. Cantabr. 1701. 4to. Y. 3. 14. Ejusdem editio alt. Cantabr. 1702. 12mo. Y. 6. 32. His Works, containing his Pastorals, Georgics, and -^neis, translated into English Verse by Dryden. 5th ed. Lond. 1721. 3 vols. 12mo. Y. 5. 59-61. The Bucolics, with a Translation and Notes by John Martyn. 2nd ed. Lond. 1749. 8vo. Y. 4. 44. Thesaurus Rerum et Verborum Vergilii. Turnoni, 1588. 8vo. Y. 5. 38. . Verinus, Simplicius, i.e. Salmasius. Ad Justum Pacium Epist., sive Judicium de Libro posthumo H. Grotii. Hagiop. 1646. 8vo. K. 1. 1. De Transubstantiatione liber, contra H. Grotium. Hagiop. 1646. 8vo. L. 6. 38. Vermilius, Pet. Mart. See Martyr Vermilius. Veron, John. A most necessary treatise of Free-will, against Papists, and Anabaptists ; and a fruitful treatise of Predestination, and of a divine providence of God. Lond. 8vo. Imperfect. O. 2. 47. Verrius Flaccus, M. Quae exstant. Ven. 1560. 8vo. Y. 5. 33. Verstegan, Rich. A Restitution of decayed Intelligence in Antiquities cone. the English Nation. Lond. 1673. 8vo. Q. 1. 27. Vesalius, And. Librorum de humani Corporis Fabrica Epitome, cum Annott. Nic. Fontani. Amst. 1642. Fol. Z. 1. 40. s 2 260 CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS IN THE [VEY Veystb, Dan. Bampton Lectures for 1795. Oxf. 1795. 8vo. W. 4. 17. Via, Jo. a. Jugis Ecclesiae CatholicaB Sacrificii, eorumque quae in eo pera- guntur defensio et assertio, contra Jac. Andream. Col. 1570. 8vo. ZC2. 1.3. ViCCARS, Jo. Decapla in Psalmos, sive Comment, ex 10 Unguis, antiquis Patri- bus, Rabb., Historicis et Poetis. Lond. 1639. Fol. E. 3. 13. Victor, Capuanus Episc. In Evangeliorum Tatiani Consonantiam Index, p. 116. L. 1. 11. Victor, Tununensis Episc. Chronicon Consulare. See Scaliger, J. J. N. 1. 10. Victor Vitensis. Persecutionis Africse Historiae libri iv. p. 645. L. 1. 11. Ejnsdem Historiae libri iii., cum Annott. ex Balduini Comm. rerum Eccle- siasticarum. Par. 1569. 8vo. B. 6. 14. EjusdemHist. libri v., cum Notis Chiffletii. Divione, 1664. 4to. A. 5. 15. Victor, S. Aur. Historias Romanae Breviarium, cum Notis And. Schotti. Ant. 1579. 8vo. , Y. 5. 37. De Viris illustribus Urbis Romae. Lond. 1705. 12mo. Y. 6. 29. Victoria, Fr. de. Relectiones Theologicse. Lagd. 1557. 2 vols, in 1. 8vo. H. 1.4. ViCTORiNUS, Petavionensis Episc. Fragmentum, cum Notis. p. 453. A. 5. 24. ViCTORINUS, MaRIUS. De Generatione Divini Verbi, Confutatorium Candidi Ariani. p. 461. L. 1. 11. Ad Justinum Manichaeum liber contra duo principia Manichaeorum, et de vera came Christi. Item, de principio diei. Edidit Jac. Sirmondus. Par. 1630. 8vo. ZC^. 4. 1. ViCTORius Aquitanus. See Bucberius. ViDA, Marc. Hier. De Arte Poetica libri iii. Winton. 1772. 12mo. Y. 5. 44. ViEXMONTius, Claud. Exhortatio ad Pcenitentiam. Par. 1533. 4to. N. 5. 6. ViGERUS, Fr. De praecipuis Graecaa Dictionis Idiotismis. [1627 ?] 12mo. Title-page wanting. Y. 6. 46. ViGiLius Tapsensis. Opera, cum Notis Chiffletii. Divione, 1664. 4to. A. 5. 15. ViGORius, Simon. Apologia de suprema Ecclesiae auctoritate, adv. And. Duval. August. Tricass. 1665. 870. K. 1. 22. ViLiERius, Fr. De Statu Primitivae Ecclesiae, ej usque Sacerdotiis. Hierap. 1553. 8vo. ZC,. 4. 8. — . 1555. Fol. L. 2. 7. ViLLALPANDiEUS, Gasp. Cardillus. Apologia Indictionis Concilii Tridentini factae a Pio IV., adv. Jo. Fabricium Montanum. Ingolst. 1563. 4to. B. 5. 5. ViLLAViCENTiO, Laur. A. De CEconomia Sacra circa Pauperum Curam a Christo instituta, libri iii. Ant. 1564. 8vo. ZCg. 4. 10. ViLLENEUVE, S. Tho. de. Relation des Ceremonies et de I'Appareil qui s'est fait le jour de sa Canonization. A Rouen, 1659. 8vo. H. 1. 36. ViLLETTE, Claude. Les Raisons de 1' Office, et Ceremonies qui se font en I'Eglise. Ensemble, les Raisons des Ceremonies du Sacre de nos Roys de France. A Rouen, 1622. 8vo. K. 1. 37. ViNCENTius, Episc. Bellovacensis. Specalum Morale. Nuremb. 1485. Fol. _ ^ Z. 1. 62. Speculum Historiale usque in suum tempus, cum additionibus bistoriarum usque in annum 1494. Ven. 1494. Fol. L. 1. 15. VOR] CATHEDRAL LIBRARY OF SALISBURY. 261 ViNCENTIUS LmiNENSIS. Pro Catholic89 Fidei Antiquitate et veritate, adv. haereseon novationes liber, cum Comment, per Jo. Costeram. Col. 1560. 24mo. ZCi- 4. 13. p. 65. Lugd. 1622. 16mo. A. 6. 38. ViNEis, Pet. de. Epistolaram libri vi. de gestis Friderici II. Imp., et de aliis. Bas. 1566. 8vo. Z. 5. 109. Vio, Tho. de. See Cajetanus. ViEETUS, Pet. De Origine veteris et novae Idololatriee libri v. Gen. 1552. 8vo, ZCg. 1. 6. De vero Verbi Dei Sacramentorum et Ecclesise Ministerio. Rob. Steph. 1553-54. Fol. N. 3. 12. ViRUNNius, PoNTicus. Britannic83 Histories libri vi. Aag. Yind. 1534. 8vo. B. 5. 28. VlTALIS, HiER. Lexicon Mathematicnra. Par. 1668. 8vo. Z. 4.' 64. Digressio ad verbam Sympathia^ de magnetica vulnerum curatione. Ibid. ViTRE, Antotne. Nouvelle Methode pour apprendre facilement la Langue Latine. Ed. 7me. A Paris, 1667. 8vo. X. 2. 14. VlTRINGA, CaMPEGIUS. Comment, in librum propbetiarum Isaiae, cum Prolegomenis. Bas. 1732. Fol. G. 1. 14. De Theologia symbolica. Traj. ad Rhenum, 1726. 8vo. Z. 4. 2. ViTRUVius PoLLio, M. De Architectura libri X., cum Notis, etc., Gail. Philandri, Dan. Barbari et CI. Salmasii, cumque Lexico Vitruviano Bern. Baldi. Cura Joannis de Laet. Lugd. Bat. 1649. Fol. Z. 2. 21. ViVALDUs, Jo. LuD. Opus de veritate contritionis. Par. 1505. 8vo. L. 6. 1. ViVES, Jo. LuD. De veritate Fidei Christianas libri v. Bas. 1544. 8vo. N. 6. 5. De Anima et vita libri iii. Bas. 8vo. Z. 5. 110. — Lugd. 1555. 8vo. Z. 5. 12L ViviANus, Jo. See Ortelius. VocABULARiUM. See Lexicon. VoERDA, NiCASius DE. Libri iv. Institutionum Imperialium Enarr. illugtrati. Franc, ad. M. 1583. 8vo. M. 2. 45. YoGELius, MATTHiEUS. Thesaurus Theologicus ex S. Scriptura depromptns. Ed. 3. Witteb. 1607. Fol. N. 3. 14. YOISIN, JOSEPHUS DE. Theologia Judeeorum. Par. 1647. 4to. F. 2. 35. Liber de Lege Divina, secundum statu m omnium temporura, ab Adamo . . . usque ad Christum, et regnante Christo. Par. 1650. 8vo. I. 1. 8. YoLKUiNUS, Abbas. Homilia super Evangelium de semine et zizania. p. 151. M. 1. 19. YORAGINE, JaC. DE. Lombardica Historia, quae a plerisque Aurea Legenda Sanctorum appell- atur. Arg. 1496. Fol. L. 4. 17. [The Golden Legend. By W. Caxton. 1493 ?] Fol. R. 4. 12. Title-page and ff. 1, 422-3, 425-6, 428 sqq^. wanting. Sermones de Tempore et Quadragesimales. Par. 1528. 8vo. D. 4. 10. YORSTIUS, CONR. De Auctoritate S. Scripturse. Steinf. 1611. 8vo. M. 2. 27. Comment, in omnes Epistolas Apostolicas, exceptis 2da ad Tim., ad Titum, ad Philemoncm, et ad Hebrseos. Amst. 1631. 4to, D. 1. 1. CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS IN THE [VOS Vossius, Gerard. Jo. Historiee de Controversiis, quas Pelagius ejusque reliquiee movemnt, Hbri vii. Lngd. Bat. 1618. 4to. I. 6. 4. Ed. 2. Amst. 1655. 4to. I. 6. 5. Harmonies Evangelic89 de Passione, Morte, etc., Christi, libri iii. Amst. 1656. 4to. C. 2. 7. Theses Theologicas et Historicae de variis Doctrinas Christiauae capitibus. Ed. 3. Hagse-Com. 1658. 4to. I. 6. 7. Chronologies Sacree Isagoge. Hagee-Com. 1659. 4to. C. 2. 7. De Theologia Gentili et Physiologia Christiana ; sive de Origine ac Progresau IdololatrioB, etc., libri ix. Amst. 1668. 2 vols. Pol. M. 1. 24, 25. Rhetorices contractee, sive Partitionum Oratoriarum libri v. Ed. alt. Lugd. Bat. 1627. 8vo. H. 1. 13. Ed. 3. Ibid. 1640. 8vo. Z. 4. 17. De Arte Grammatica libri vii. Amst. 1635. 4to. Y. 4. 22. De Vitiis Sermonis, et Glossematis Latino-Barbaris, libri iv. Amst. 1645. 4to. I. 6. 6. De 4 Artibus popnlaribus: de Philologia et Scientiis Mathematicis, cui operi STibJTingitur Chronologia Mathematicorum. Amst. 1650. 4to. Z. 3. 53. Etymologicon Linguee Latines. Preefigitur de literamm permutatione Tractatus. Amst. 1662. Pol. Y. 2. 8. See Gregorius Neocees. Vossius, Isaacus. Dissertatio de vera estate Mundi. Hagae-Com. 1659. 4to. C. 2. 7. De LXX Tnterpretibus, eorumque Tralatione et Chronologia, Dissertationes. Hagse-Com. 1661. 4to. . K 5. 7. Appendix ad eundem librnm, continens Respp. ad objecta aliquot Theolo- gorum. Ibid. 1663. Ibid. Epistolee dues adv. Dav. Blondellum. Cantabr. 1672. 4to. A. 5. 14. Variarum Obss. [inter alia, de Sibyllinis Oraculis] liber. Lond. 1685. 4to. Z. 3. 59. See Barnabas, and Ignatius. VuLTEJUS, Herm. Jurisprudentias Romanes a Justiniano composites libri ii. Marp. Catt. 1628. 8vo. M. 2. 17. ^ee Corvinus, Jo. Arn. W. W., A. See Wissowatius, And. W., E. A Discovery of some Untruths smoothly told by Dr. Jer. Taylor in his Dissuasive from Popery. 1665. 4to. R. 5. 13. W., G. See Whitehead, Geo. W., I. Certain Reasons why the Book of Common Prayer being corrected should continue. Lond. 1641. 4to. P. 7. 3. W., S. See Schism. W., T. God's Revenge against the Enemies of the Church. Lond. 1658. 8vo. O. 2. 57. A Sermon on Ps. Ixviii. SO. Title-page wanting. Ibid. WAL] CATHEDRAL LIBRARY OF SALISBURY. 263 W., W. The Case of our Affairs, in Law, Religion, etc., examined, and pre- sented to the Conscience. Oxf. 1643. 4to. P. 8. 7, Wadsworth, James. The Present Estate of Spain. [Lond. 1630.] 4to. P. 8. 6. The English Spanish Pilgrim ; or, A New Discovery of Spanish Popery, and Jesuitical Stratagems. 2nd ed. Lond. 1630. 4to. P. 5. 10. Further Observations of the English Spanish Pilgrim cone. Spain. Ibid. Wagenskilius, Jo. Chr. De cena Trimalchionis nuper sub Petronii nomine vulgata Dissertatio. Par. 1666. 8vo. Y. 4. 31. Wagner, Tobias. Limina Genealogica in praecipuas Magnatum Europas Familias. Ulmae, 1653. 8vo. Z. 5. 94. Rex Platonicus. Ed. 2. Oxon. 1607. 12mo. X. 2. 22. Ed 6. lb. 1663. 12mo. H. 2. 45. Oratio Funebris in obitu Jo. Rainoldi. Oxon. 1627. 12mo. K. 1. 12. Wake, Wm., Abp. of Canterbury. An Exposition of the Doctrine of tho Ch. of England in the several Articles proposed by Mons. de Meaux [Bossuet], late Bp. of Condom, in his Ex- position of the Doctrine of the Catholic Church. Lond. 1686. 4to. P. 3. 3. A Defence of the 'Exposition,' etc., against the Exceptions of Bossuet and his Vindicator. Ibid. A Second Defence, etc., against their new Exceptions. Lond. 1687-88. Ibid. A Discourse of the Holy Eucharist, in the two points of the Real Presence and the Adoration of the Bost ; in Answer to two Discourses [by Abr. Woodhead] printed at Oxford on this Subject. Lond. 1687. 4to. P. 3. 6. Two Discourses of Purgatory and Prayers for the Dead. Lond. 1687. 4to. P. 3. 4. A Discourse cone, the Nature of Idolatry. Lond, 1688. 4to. P. 4. 4. A Sermon on St. Matth. xxvi. 51, 52. Lond. 1708. 8vo. T. 5. 38. Wakely, And. The Mariner's Compass rectified. Lond. 1665. 8vo. Q. 2. 37. An Appendix containing the Description and Use of Instruments used in Navigation. Ibid. Walaeus, Ant. Resp. ad Censuram Jo. Arn. Corvini in Pet. Molinaei Anatomen Arminian- ismi, et ad Scripta Remonstrantium qui ad Synodum Dordracenani citati sunt. Lugd. Bat. 1625. 4to. L. 5. 26. Compendium Ethicas Aristotelicse. Ed. 2. Lugd. Bat. 1625. 12rao. H. 2. 42. See Polyander. Walafridus Strabo, sen Strabus. See Biblia, and Glossa. Waldenses. Confessio Waldensium [Taboritarum] de plerisque nunc controversis dog- matibus ante 134 annos contra claudicantes Hussitas scripta. Edidit M. Flacius. Bas. 1568. 8vo. K. 2. 16. Professio Fidei Fratrum Waldensium Regi Yladislao ad Hungariara missa. p. 162. M. L 18. Resp. Waldensium contra binas literas R. P. Augustini, Theologise Doctoris, ad eundem Regem datas. p. l72. Ibid. Walker, John. A Key to the Classical Pronunciation of Greek and Latin Proper Names. Lond. 1798. 8vo. W. 6. 27. 264 CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS IN THE [WAL Wall, Jo. Ramus Olivae, sive Concio ^Eipritn-hriTiKri in Luc. xxiv. 36. Oxon. 1653. 8vo. ZC,.4.11. Wallis, Jo. Grammatica Linguae Anglicanae, cui prasfigitur, De Loquela sive Sonorum Formatione, Tract. Oxon. 1658. 8vo. Y. 6. 49. Eclipsis Solaris, Oxon. visae a.d. 1654, 2° Augusti, Observatio. Oxon. 1655. Fol. T. 2. 17. Eleuchus Geometriae Hobbianae. Oxon. 1655. Svo. Z. 5. 112. Institutio Logicae. Ed. 4. Oxon. 1715. 8vo. H. 1. 45. Wau>h, Pet., of St. Francis's Order. Letter to the Catholics of Great Britain, dated Lond. Oct. 28, 1673. p. 287. T. 2. 17. Four Letters to Persons of Quality, the 4th being an Answer to the Bp. of Lincoln's [Barlow's] Book, entituled, * Popery,' etc. 1686. 8vo. T. 4. 33. Walthee, Jo. Bern. See Regiomontanus. Waltonus, Brianus. See Biblia. Wandelbertus Prumiensis. Martyrologium Metricum, cum Annott. Jo. Molani. Lov. 1568. 8vo. B. 6. 19. Waningen, Henrick. Tresoor Vant Italiaens Boeck-houden. Amst. 1613. Fol. Z. 3. 20. Wanleius, Humph. Librorum veterum Septentrionalium, qui in Angliae Bibliothecis exstant, necnon multorum vett. Codd. Septentrionalium alibi exstantium, Catalogus Historico-Criticus. Oxon. 1705. Fol. Z. 1. 57. Warjjus, Jac. De Hibernia et Antiquitatibus ejus Disquisitiones. Lond. 1654. 8vo. 2 copies. ZCj. 5. 22, 23. Ward, Hamnet. A Visitation Sermon on Ephes. iii. 8, preached at Shaftesbury. Lond. 1674. 4to. P. 1. 10. Ward, Sam. Magnetis Reductorium Theologicum Tropologicum, in quo ejus verus usus indicatur, Lond. 1637. 8vo. Z. 5. 76. Ward, Seth, Bp. of Sarum. Praelectio de Cometis, et Inquisitio in Ism. Bullialdi Astronomiae Philo- laicae Fundamenta. Oxon. 1653. 4to. Z. 4. 30. Idea Trigonometriae demonstratae. Oxon. 1654. Ibid. Waserus, Casp. Institutio Linguae Sy^ae. Lugd. Bat. 1593. 4to. P. 5. 2. Wassenbergxus, Everh. Comm. de Bi>llo inter Imperatores Ferdinandos 11. et III. et eorum hostes, praesertim Fridericum Palatinum, cet., gesto. Ed. 5. Ant. 1641. 18mo. Z. 5. 26. Waterland, Dan. Works. With a Review of his Life and Writings by W. Van Mildert. Oxf. 1823. 10 vols. 8vo. W. 2. 49-58. [Watson, Dr.,] Bp. of St. David's. A Large Review of the Summary View of the Articles exhibited against him. 1702. 4to. T. 4. 42. Watson, Ri. A Sermon on Schism. Cambr. 1642. 4to. P. 6. 3. A Discourse about the Jews crucifying Christ. Hague, 1649. 4to. Ibid. A Second Warning to take heed of the Scottish Discipline. Hague, 1651. 4lo. O. 2. 13. Epistola.ris Diatribe, una de Fide Rationali, altera de Gratia Salutari, tertia de Voluntate Liberata. Lond. 1661. 12mo. H. 2. 27. Dr. Cosin's Opinion [in two Letters] for Communicating rather with Geneva tliau Rome ; and, On the Authority of the Metrical Psalms. With An!iotiitious. Lond. 1684 8vo. Q. 2. 21. WES] CATHEDRAL LIBRARY OF SALISBURY. 265 "Watson, Rich., Bp. of Llandaff. An Apology for Christianity, in a Series of Letters to Edw. Gibbon. 5th ed. Lond. 1791. 12mo. R. 5. 34. An Apology for the Bible, in a Series of Letters to Thomas Paine. Lond. 1796. 12nio. Ibid. Watson, Tho., Bp. of Lincoln. Two Sermons cone, the Real Presence of Christ's body and blood in the blessed Sacrament. Lond. 1554. 8vo. O. 2. 46. Watson, Tho., Bp. of St. David's. Tracts on the Divinity of Christ, and on the Repeal of the Statute against Blasphemy. Lond. 1820. 8vo. W. 5. 52. Webbe, Jos. Usns et Anctoritas. Carmen Hexametrum et Pentametrum. Lond 1626. 12mo. Y. 6. 45. Weemse, John. Works. Lond. 1636. 4 vols, in 3. 8vo. P. 1. 1-3. Welchman, Edw. XXXIX. Articuli Ecclesiae Anglicanae, textibus e S. Scrip- tura depromptis confirmati, brevibusqne notis illustrati. Oxon. 1724. 8vo. B. 6. 2. Wellerus, Hier. Liber 2dus Regum Annott. explicatns. Norib. 1560. Pol. G. 3. 15. In Epistolas ad Philippenses, et Thessalonicenses et Philemonem Annott. Norib. 1561. 8vo. D. 6. 6. Enarr. 2 Epistolarum D. Petri, et aliquot Psalmorum. Lips. [1567.] 8vo. G. 6. 2. Ratio formandi studii theologici. Item, de modo et ratione concionandi. Norib. 1562. 8vo. K. 1. 7. Wells, Edw. A second Letter to Dr. Clarke, being an Answer to the Close of his Rejply to Mr. Nelson ; together with two Letters from Mr. Nelson. Lond. 1715. 8vo. P. 2. 4. Welwod, Guil. De Dominio Maris Assertio. Hagae-Com. 1653. 4to. Z. 4. 40. Wendelinus, Marc. Frid. Institutionum Politicarum libri iii. Amst. 1645. 12mo. Z. 5. 13. Con tern plationum Physicarum Sectiones iii. Cantabr. 1648. 4to. Z. 4. 85. Admiranda Nili, Commentatione ex 318 Auctoribus, Graecis et Latinis, illustrata. Ibid. Werenfels, Jo. Jac. Homilioe in Ecclesiasten. Bas. 1666. 4to. E. 5. 32. Wesalia, Jo. de. See Joannes de Wesalia. Wescombe, Mart. Fabulas Pontificiae Evangelicas Veritatis radiis dissipatse, Oxon. 1639. 870. ZCi. 4. 11. West, Rich. A Sermon on Jer. xxxi. 29. Lond. 1710. 8vo. T. 5. 38. Westhemerus, Barth. Conciliatio ac Consensus Sacrosancta3 Scriptures et Patrum. Tig. 1552. 4to. ZO2. 2. 1. Tropc"um, Schematum, idiomatumque communium liber, ex Orthodoxis Patribus collectus. Bas. 1561. 4to. C. 1. 13. Westphalus, Joach. Loci praecipui de Vi, Usu, et Dignitate Baptismi, ex Evangelistis et Apos- tolis collecti. Arg. 1556. 8vo. Defensio [altera] adv. Jo. a Lasco. Arg. 1557. 8vo. Confutatio aliquot mendaciorum Jo. CaWini. Ursellis, Apolgetica aliquot Scripta, contra Sacramentarios. De Coena Domini Confessio. Apologia Confessionis de Ccena Domini, contra Calvinum. P. Melanchthonis sententia de Coena Domini, ex Scriptis ejus collecta. Maffdeb. 1561. 8vo. ZO^. 2. 8. ZC2 . 2. 7. Ibid. 1558. 8vo. ZC2 . 5. 7. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. 266 CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS IN THE [WET Wetherall, John. A Discovery and Confutation of the Opinions and Practices of some false Brethren, . . . wherein Universal Redemption is confuted, and God's Absolute Decrees confirmed. Lond. 1652. 4to. P. 7. 3. Whallet, Peniston. The Religion Established by Law, asserted to conduce most to the true interest of Prince and Subject. Lond. 1674. 4to. P. 5. 9. Wharton, Geo. See Ireland. Wharton, Hen. A Treatise of the Celibacy of the Clergy. Lond. 1688. 4to. P. 3. 6. Anglia Sacra, sive Collectio Historiarum scriptarum de Archiepiscopis et Episcopis Angliee. Lond. 1691. 2 vols. Fol. N. 4. 3, 4. Whateley, Abp. Rich. Bampton Lectures for 1822. Oxf. 1822. 8vo. W. 4. 45. Wheler, Geo. A Journey into Greece [and Asia Minor]. Lond. 1682. Fol. T. 2. 20. Whelocus, Abr. See Beda. Whitaker, Guil. Ad Nic. Sanderi Demonstrationes xl. Responsio. Lond. 1583. 8vo. K. 1. 4. Responsionis ad 10 Rationes Edm. Campiani Defensio contra Confuta- tionem Jo. Burcei Scoti. Lond. 1583. 8vo. N. 6. 26. Praelectiones in qnibus tractatur Controversia de Ecclesia, contra Pontificios. Cantabr. 1599. 4to. I. 3. 5. Cygnea Cantio, h. e. ultima illius Concio ad Clerum, una cum Descrip- tione Yitae et Mortis, auctore Abdia Assheton. Ibid. Tract, de Peccato Originali adv. Tho. Staple tonum. Han. 1604. 8vo. B. 6. 9. Praslectt. in quibns tractatnr Controversia de Oonciliis, contra Pontificios. HerbomoB Nassov. 1607. Ibid. Whitby, Dan. Romish Doctrines not from the Beginning. Lond. 1664. 4to. T. 4. 3. An Answer to Sure Footing, etc., and to Five Questions propounded by a Roman Catholic. Oxf. 1666. 8vo. Q. 1. 81. A Treatise in Confutation of the Latin Service. Lond. 1687. 4to. P. 4. 1. A Demonstration that the Ch. of Rome and her Conncils have erred ; by shewing that the Councils of Constance, Basel, and Trent, have, in all their Decrees touching Communion in one Kind, contradicted the Doctrine of the Ch. of Christ. Lond. 1688. 4to. P. 4. 4. A Treatise of Traditions. Parts I., II. Lond. 1688, '89. 4to. T. 4. 2. A Discourse confirming the Trnth and Certainty of the Christian Faith from the extraordinary Gifts and Operations of the Holy Ghost. Lond. 1691. 4to. Q. 2. 1. Tract, de Vera Christi Deitate, adv. Arii et Socini Hsoreses. Oxon. 1691. 4to. Ibid. Tract, de Imputatione Divina Peccati Adami Posteris ejns universis in Reatum. Lond. 1711. 8vo. H. 1. 18. White, Fr., Bp. of Ely. The Orthodox Faith and Way to the Church explained and justified ; in Answer to a Popish Treatise intituled, * White died Black,* by T. W. P. Lond. 1617. 4to. T. 6. 6. A Reply to Jesuit Fisher's Answer to certain Questions propounded by King James. Lond. 1624. Fol. 2 copies. R. 3. 12. R. 4. 1. WIC] CATHEDEAL LIBRARY OF SALISBURY. 267 White, Fr., Bp. of Ely. A Treatise of the Sabbath Day. 2nd ed. Lond. 1635. 4to. 2 copies. Q. 2. 13. T. 4. 46. An Examination and Confutation of a Pamphlet intituled, * A brief Answer to a late Treatise of the Sabbath Day.' Lond. 1637. 4to. P. 7. 1. White, John. The Way to the True Church. 4th ed. Lond. 1616. 4to. T. 4. 13. Bampton Lectures for 1784. Oxf. 1784. 8vo. W. 4. 5. Diatessaron ; sive Historia D. N. Jesu Christi, Gr., ex 4 Evangelistis inter se collatis . . . confecta. Subjungitur Evangeliorum Harmonia brevis. Oxon. 1799. 8vo. E. 6. 1. Whitehead, Geo. The Divinity of Christ and Unity of the Three that bear JRecord in Heaven. [A Vindication of the Quakers.] Lond. 1669. 4to. Q. 2. 15. [Whitfield, — .] A Defence of the Ordinations and Ministry of the Ch. of England. Lond. 1688. 4to. P. 3. 4. Whitgii'T, John, Abp. of Canterbury. An Answer to a certain Libel intituled, An Admonition to the Parliament. Lond. 1572. 4to. O. 1. 5. The Defence of the Answer to the Admonition, against the Reply of T. C. [Tho. Cartwright.] Lond. 1574. Fol. T. 3. 8. WiCAMUS, seu DE WiCKAM, GuiL, Winton. Episc. Historica Descriptio, com- plectens Yitam ejus ac res gestas. Oxon. 1690. 4to. P. 1. 11. WiCELius, Geo. Postilla, h. e., Enarr. Epistolarum et Evangeliorum de Tem- pore et de Sanctis. Col. 1553. Fol. E. 4. 4. Confutatio Responsionis Justi Jonae, i.e., Jodoci Koch, una cum Assertione Bonorum Operum. Lips. 1533. 4to. I. 7. 6. Syllabus Locorum ex utroque Test, de Bonis Operibus, credenti ad Vitam necessariis. Lips. 1534. 4to. L. 5. 8. Theses aliquot de Fide et Operibus. Ibid. PrsBConium Evangelicae GratisB, et Precatio pro Pace Ecclesias. Ibid. Lips. 1536. 8vo. ZCg. 2. 8. Oratio Ecclesiastica de Pastoribus ovium Christi. Lips. 1537. 8vo. ZC2. 6. 10. De Moribus veterum Haereticorum, et quibuscum illi hac aetate affinitatem habeant. 1537. 8vo. Ibid. De Eucharistia liber unus. Col. 1549. 8vo. ZCg. 2. 8. Methodus Studii Theologici, pariter et concionalis officii. Col. Agr. 1552. 8vo. Ibid. Inspectio Ecclesiarum, una cum nonnullis aliis ad Epanorthosin Ecclesi- asticara pertinentibus. Col. Agr. 1564. 8vo. B. 6. 42. Defensio Ecclesiasticse Liturgiae. Ibid. Via Regia ; sive de controversis Religionis capitibus conciliandis sententia. p. 703. M. 1. 19. Elenchus abusuum, corruptelarum, cet., in Ecclesia Romanae. p. 742. Ibid. Methodus Concordiae Ecclesiasticae. p. 752. Ibid. Vita ejus. p. 784. Ibid. WiCKES, Charles. Illustrations of the Spires and Towers of the Mediasval Churches of England. Lond. 1853-55. 2 vols. Fol. W. 1. 43, 44. Wiclefus, Jo. Articuli Jo. Wiclefi damnati per Concilium Constantiense. p. 266. M. 1. 18. 268 CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS IN THE [WIC WiCLEFUS, Jo. Rationes ac reprobationes Articulorum Wiclefi et sectatoris ejus Jo. Hass. p. 280. M. 1. 18. Doctrina ejus quonam modo in Bohemiara pervenerit, et de Jo. Huss, ac Hier. Pragensi, ex ^nea Sylvio. p. 296. Ibid. Sententia daranationis Doctrinas ejus et Articulorum XLV. lata per Syno- dum Constantiensera. p. 299. Ibid. WiCQUEFORT, M. DE. Memoires tou chant les Ambassadeurs et les Ministres Publics. A la Haje, 1677. 8vo. Z. 5. 52. WiDEMANNUs, JoACH. Politicus Libellus. Arg. 1565. 8vo. ZC2. 5. 2. WiERUS, Jo. De Lamiis liber ; item, de Commentitiis Jejuniis. Bas. 1582. 4to. Z. 3. 66. De Praestigiis Dsemonum, et incantationibus, ac veneficiis libri vi. Ed. 6. Bas. 1583. 4to. Ibid. Liber Apologeticus, et Pseudomonarcbia Daemonum. Ibid. WiGANDUS, Jo. In 12 Propbetas Minores Explicationes. Bas. 1566. 8vo. C. 4. 4. In Evangelium S. Joannis Explicationes. Regiom. 1575. 8vo. C. 4. 5. Postilla, seu Explicatio Evangeliorum Dominicalium et Festivalium. Ursellis, 1565-66. 8vo. E. 6. 9. Argumenta de Necessitate Bonorum Operum ad salutem ex Auctoribus hujus dogmatis collecta et refutata. Franc. 1557. 8vo. K. 2. 15. Methodus Doctrinas Christi, sicut in Ecclesia Magdeburgensi traditur. Franc. 1559. 8vo. L. 6. 13. De Homine integro, corrupto, renato, glorificato. Franc. 1562. 8vo. L. 6. 26. Syntagma, seu Corpus Doctrinae Veri et Omnipotentis Dei, ex Veteri Test, collectum per Wigandum et Mattb. Judicem. Bas. 1564. 4to. E. 5. 19. De Deo, contra Arianos novos, nuper in Polonia exortos. Franc. 1566. 8vo. K. 2. 15. De Bonis et Malis Germaniae Admonifcio. Ibid. Synopsis Anticbristi Romani Spiritu oris Cbristi revelati. 1567. 8vo. ZO2. 2. 4. De Communicatione Idiomatum. Franc. 1569. 8vo. N. 6. 10. WiLCOCK, James. A Challenge sent to Master E. B. [Edw. Bright], a Semi- Separatist from the Ch. of England. Lond. 1641. 4to. P. 7. 3. WiLKiNS, John, Bp. of Chester. A Discourse cone, the Gift of Prayer. Lond. 1655. 8vo. Q. 2. 24. A Discourse cone, the Gift of Preaching. Lond. 1 659. 8vo. Ibid. An Essay toward a Real Character, and a Philosophical Language. Lond. 1668. Fol. T. 1. 4. Wilkinson, Hen. Conciones Sex. Acced. Tract dno de Jure Divino Diei DouiinicaB, et de Impotentia Liberi Arbitrii ad Bonum Spirituale. Oxon. 1658. 8vo. M. 2. 46. WiLLES, John. An Assize Sermon on Amos iii. 5. Lond. 1690. 4to. P. 1. 6. WiLLET, And. Synopsis Papismi ; that is, a General View of Papistry. Lond. 1600. Foi. R. 3. 20. William II. GuUelmus Bedivivus ; or, K. William II. lately revived from Paris. Lond. 1713. 8vo. T. 5. 37. WiLLLiMS, Gr., Bp. of Ossory. See Os Ossorianum. [Williams, John.] A Discourse cone, the Celebration of Divine Service in an Unknown Ton.rue. Lond. 1685. 4to. P. 4. 6. WIT! CATHEDRAL LIBRARY OF SALISBURY. 269 [Williams, John.] The Difference between the Ch. of England and the Ch. of Rome. 2ud ed. Lond. 1687. 4to. P. 3. 4. An Apology for the Pulpits ; being an Answer to a Book intitnled, ' Good Advice to the Pulpits.' Lond. 1688. 4to. ' P. 3. 6. Pulpit- Popery, True Popery ; being an Answer to a Book intituled, * Pulpit Sayings,' etc., and in Vindication of the 'Apology for the Pulpits.' Lond. 1688. 4to. Ibid. [Williams, John, Bp. of Lincoln.] The Holy Table, Name, and Thing, more anciently, properly, and literally used under the New Testament, than that of Altar. 1637. 4to. T. 6. 18. Williamson, James. Bampton Lectures for 1793. Oxf. 1793. 8vo. W. 4. 15, WiLLICHIUS, JOD. In Haggaeum Prophetara Comra. Bas. 1546. 8vo. Gr. 6. 21. Comm. in utramque ad Timotheum Epistolam. Arg. 1542. 8vo. Ibid. In Evangelia Dominica et Festa Expositiones. Bas. 8vo. C. 5. 11. Willis, Tho. Fharmaceutice rationalis : or, an Exercitation of the Operations of Medicines in Human Bodies. Lond. 1679. Fol. T. 2. 5. A Treatise of the Scurvy. Ibid. Wilmshurst, Mr. BibliothecsB Ecclesiae Cicestrensis Librorum Catalogus. Cicestr. 1871. Fol. W. 3. 37. WiLRAMMUs, Abbas. In Cantica Salomonis mystica Explanatio. Hagan. 1528. 8vo. D. 2. 7. Wilson, Arth. The History of Great Britain, being the Life and Reign of K. James I. Lond. 1653. Fol. T. 5. 1. Wilson, Tho. A Christian Dictionary of all the Words in the Holy Scriptures ; continued by John Bagwell, and enlarged by And. Simson. 7th ed. Lond. 1661. Fol. R. 2. 17. Wiltshire. See Charles I. Wing, Vinc. Ephemerides of the Celestial Motions from 1652 to 1658. Lond. 1652. 4to. O. 1. 36. See Streete. WiNGATE, Edm. An Abridgement of all Statutes in Force and Use on Jan. 4, 16|i. 3rd ed. Lond. 1659. 8vo. Q. 2. 3L WiNTLE, Tho. Bampton Lectures for 1794. Oxf. 1794. 8vo. W. 4. 16. WiETEBERGiCi Theologi. See Palatinate. Wiseman, Ro. The Law of Laws ; or the Excellency of the Civil Law above all other human laws. Lond. 1657. 4to. 0. 1. 33. WissowATius, A. Comment, in Acta Apost., Epistolam Jacobi Catholicam, et Epist Judae Apostoli. Irenop. 1656. Fol. O. 4. 17. Witlingius, Jo. Explicatio Psalmorum xciv. et cxxx. Bas. 8vo. H. 1. 29. WiTTEBERGENSIS. Concordia inter Doctores Wittebergenses, et Doctores civitatum Imperii, de Prsesentia Corporis et Sanguinis Christi in Ccena Domini. 8vo. Title-page wanting. ZC2. 5. 7. Refutatio Responsionis Flacii Illyrici, quam titulo Necessariee Defensionis opposuit Epistolse Scholasticorum Wittebergensium, scripta a Scholas- ticis Witteb. Witteb. 1558. 4to. K. 2. 26. Ex Actis Synodicis et aliis coUecta Expositio eorum, quae Theologi Aca- demies Witteb. et harum Regionum alii, qui his adjuncti fuerunt, in de- liberationibus Provincialibus et alioquin extra has, de rebus ad Religionem pertinentibus, monuerint, suaserint, . . . concesserint illo tempore, quo et ZCs , 7. 8. M. 1. 18. G. 3.15. G . 4. 1. G. 4 17. 270 CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS IN" THE [WOD de his ipsis et de libro An^stano, qui nominattir Interim, quaJis esset, qusesitum fuit et tractatum. Witteb. 1659. 4to. B. 5. 8. Orationum quae magna rerum et argamentorum varietate scriptae et recitatse sunt in Acad. "Witteb., ab anno 1565 ad annum 1571, torn us vi. Witteb. 1571. 8vo. WoDFOEDUS, GuiL. Contra Jo. Wiclefum decertationes. p. 191. WOLFIUS, Jo. In 2di libri Regum 14 ultima capita Comm. Tig. 1566. Fol. In Nehemiae librum Comm. Tig. 1570. Fol. WoLzoGENius, LuD. Opera. Irenop. 3636. 2 vols. Fol. L. 3. 27. WOMOCK, LaUR. • Beaten Oil for the Lamps of the Sanctuary ; or. The Controversy cone, set Prayers and our Liturgy examined. With an Appendix in answer to the Parallel, etc. [by Bailie.] Lond. 1641. 4to. T. 6. 18. Two Letters containing a further Justification of the Ch. of England against the Dissenters : — One [to Dr. W.] by one of the Commissioners for the Review of the Liturgy at the Savoy, 1661 ; the second, Dr. Womock's Reply. Lond. 1682. 8vo. T. 6. 14. Suffragium Protestantium : wherein our Governors are justified in their Impositions and Proceedings against Dissenters. Lond. 1683. 8vo. Ibid. Wood, Anthony. Athence Oxonienses. A History of the Writers and Bishops of the University of Oxford, from 1500 to 1690 ; with the Fasti or Annals of the University. Vol. I. extending to 1640. Lond. 1691. Fol. T. 1. 1. Wood, Edw. That which may be known of God by the Book of Nature ; and the excellent Knowledge of Jesus Christ by the Book of Scripture. Oxf. 1656. 8vo. Q. 2. 45. WoODBRiDGE, Benj. The Method of Grace in the Justification of Sinners; being a Reply to Vindicim Justijicationis Gratuitce by W. Eyre, of Salis- bury. Lond. 1656. 4to. T. 6. 24. Woodcock, Rich. An Answer to a Pamphlet intituled, A few, plain, and forcible Reasons for the Catholic Faith, against the Religion of Pro- testants. Lond. 1608. 4to. P. 5. 5. [WOODHEAD, AbR.] Two Discourses : — 1. Concerning the Spirit of Mart. Luther, and the Original of ,the Reformation. 2. Cone, the Celibacy of the Clergy. Oxf. 1687. 4to. . P. 4. 2. Two Discourses cone, the Adoration of our B. Saviour in the H. Eucharist. The first: Animadversions upon the Alterations of the Buhric in the Communion Service in the Common Prayer Book. The second : The Catholics' Defence for their Adoration of our Lord, as believed really and substantially present in the Holy Sacrament. Oxf. 1687. 4to. Ibid. A compendious Discourse on the Eucharist. With two Appendixes. [In Reply to Pamphlets by Aldrich and Wake.] Oxf. 1688. 4to. P. 4. 3. WooDHOUSE, John Chappel. The Apocalypse translated; with Notes, etc. Lond. 1805. 8vo. W. 3. 29. WooLSTON. See Smalbroke. Worcester, Marquis of. See Charles I. Wordsworth, Chr. Ecclesiastical Biography. 2nd ed. Lond. 1818. 6 vols. 8vo. W. 4. 65-70. Wormatiense Colloquium, institutum anno 1540 auctoritate Caroli V. ad diri- mendas Controversias Ecclesiasticas. Witteb. 1542. 4to. ZCg. 3. 5. WoTTON, Ant. Defence against Mr. Geo. Walker's Charge accusing him of Socinian Heresy. Cambr. 1641. 8vo. B- 6. 8. ZON] CATHEDRAL LIBRARY OF SALISBURY. 271 WoTTON, Sir Hen. Elementa Arclaitecturae. Lugd. Bat. 1649. Fol. Z. 2. 21. Wrat, Sir John. Eight occasional Speeches in Parliament. Lond. 1641. 4to. P. 8. 4. Wright, Leonard. The Pilgrimage to Paradise. Lond. 1591. 4to. P. 5. 6. Wyatt, Sir Tho. See Surrey. X. Xenophon. De Cyri Institutione libri viii., cum Lat. interpretatione Jo. Leunclavii. Lond. 1713. 8vo. X. 2. 15. Gr. Lat., cum Notis variorum, per Tho. Hutchin- sonum. Oxon. 1727. 4to. X. 2. 5. XiPHiLiNtJS, Jo. E Dione excerptaa Historiee, Gr. et Lat. ex interpretatione Guil. Blanci, cum Hen. Stephani in Xiphilinum Spicilegio. Hen. Steph. 1592. Fol. Y. 2. 25. Xylander, Guil. De Philosophia et ejus partibus Carmen. Item, aliud de Jo. Zonarae Annalibus, Gr. et Lat. ; et in obitum Xysti Betuleii Naenia. Aug. Yind. 1554. Svro. Z. 5. 83. Y. Yates, John. Ihis ad Ccesarem; or, A submissive Appearance before Caesar, in Answer to Mr. Montagu's Appeal, in the points of Arminianism and Popery. Lond. 1626. 4to. T. 6. 7. York, The Gentry of. See Charles I. Z. Zacharias, Episc. Chrysopolitanus. In unum ex quatuor, sive de concordia Evangelistarum libri iv. [Col.] 1535. Fol. E. 4. 6. Zanchius, Hier. Opera omnia Theologica. Gen. 1619. 8 vols, in 3. Fol. N. 3. 19-21. Miscellanea Theologica. 1566. 4to. I. 5. 5. De Operibus Dei intra spatium 6 dierum creatis. Ed. 3. Neust. 1602. 4to. N. 4. 19, Zegerus, Tag. Nig. Scholion in omnes Novi Test, libros. Col. Agr. 1553. 8vo. E. 6. 30. Zepperus, Wilh. Legum Mosaicarum Forensium Explicatio. Ed. 2. Herb. Nass. 1614. 8vo. M. 2. 41. ZiMARA, Marc. Ant. Problematum liber. Lugd. 1568. 16mo. Y. 6. 10. ZONARAS, Jo. Annales aucti additionibus Geo. Cedreni, Lat., Hier, Wolfio interprete. Par. 1567. Fol. Z. 2. 19. Expositio Canonicarum Epistolarum SS. Patrum, Gr. et Lat., Ant. Salmatia interprete. Par. 1622. Fol. A. 4. 3. 272 CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS, ETC. [ZOU ZoucHEus, Rich. Elementa Jnrisprudentias. Ace. Descriptiones Juris et Judicii, Sacri, militaris, et maritimi. Amst. [1G52.] 12nio. H. 2. 23. Lugd. Bat. 1652. 12mo. K. 3. 17. De Legati delinquentis Judice competente Dissertatio. Oxon. 1657. 12mo. H. 2. 28. Quaes tionum Jnris Civilis Centuria. Oxon. 1660. 12mo. H. 2. 22. ZucCHius, Nic. Nova de Machinis Philosophia. Rom. 1649. 4to. Z. 3. 8. ZuiNGERUs, Jac. Ad Scapnlea Lexicon Auctarinm Dialectornm. Lugd. Bat. 1652. Fol. Y. 1. 15. ZuiNGERUs, Theod. Theatrnm Yitae Humanse, a Conr. Lycosthene inchoatum, absolutum Theod. Zuingeri opera. Bas. 1565. Fol. Z. 1. 51. ZUINGLIUS, HULDR. De vera et falsa Religione Commentarius [ad Franciscum I. Galliarum Regem]. Tig. 8vo. K 6. 13. Opus Articulorum sive Conclusionnm, Lat. per Leonem Judae. Tig. 1535. 8vo. L. 6. 14. Ejus et (Ecolampadii Epistolarum libri iv. Bas. 1536. Fol. N. 4. 8. Zurich Letters, translated and edited for the Parker Society by Hastings Robinson. 2nd ed. Cambr. 1846. 8vo. W. 3. 44. APPENDIX. A CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS BEQUEATHED BY DEAN HAMILTON. I A. ^SCHYLUS. Tragoediae qasB supersunt ac deperditarum Fragmenta. Recensnit et Comment, illustravit, Scholia Graeca, Apparatum Historicum, et Lexicon adjecit C. G. Schnlz. Halse, 1782. 3 vols. 8vo. Tragoediae quae supersnnt, deperditarum Fabularum, et Scholia Graeca, ex edit. Tho. Stanleii, cum Versione Lat. et Comment. Acced. Notse W. DD. quibas suas intertexuit Sam. Butler. Cantabr. 1809-12. 3 vols. 4to. Aids to Faith ; a Series of Theological Essays. By several Writers. Edited by W. Thompson, Abp. of York. 3rd ed. Lond. 1870. 8vo. Alford, Hen., Dean of Canterbury. The Greek Testament : with a critically revised Text : a Digest of Various Readings : Marginal References to Verbal and Idiomatic Usage : Prolegomena : and a Critical and Exege- tical Commentary. Lond. 1859-62. 4 vols, in 5. 8vo. Allen, John. Modern Judaism. Lond. 1816. 8vo. Andeewes, L., Bp. of Winchester, xcvi. Sermons. With a Sermon preached at his Funeral by John, Bp. of Rochester. Lond. 1629. Fol. Anville, Mons. D'. Compendium of Ancient Geography. Translated from the French, with Prolegomena and Notes. Lond. 1810. 2 vols. 8vo. Archjiological Association, the British. Transactions at the 2tid Annual Congress, held at Winchester, Aug. 1845. Lond. 1846. 8vo. Arch^ological Institute. Memoirs illustrative of the History and Antiquities of Wiltshire and the City of Salisbury, communicated to the Annual Meeting, held at Salisbury, July, 1849. Lond. 1851. 8vo. Aristoteles. Arist. Gr., ex recensione Imm. Bekkeri. Edidit Academia Regia Borussi'ca. Berol. 1881. 2 vols. 4to. Arist. Lat., interpretibus variis. lb. 1831. 4to. 2 copies. Scholia in Arist. lb. 1836. 4to. Opera, ex recensione Imm. Bekkeri. Oxon. 1837. 11 vols. 8vo. Nicomachean Ethics. Translated, with Notes, by R. W. Browne. Lond. 1853. 8vo. Arnold, Matth. The Popular Education of France, with Notices of that of Switzerland. Lond. 1861. 8vo. Arnold, Tho. Principles of Church Reform. 2nd ed. Lond. 1833. 8vo. Christian Life, its Course, its Hindrances, and its Helps. Sermons mostly preached in the Chapel of Rugby School. Lond. 1844. 8vo. Sermons, with an Essay on the Right Interpretation and Understanding of the Scriptures. Lond. 1874. 8vo. Sermons. Second Series. Lond. 1877. 8vo. History of Rome. 3rd and 4th ed. Lond. 1845-46. 3 vols. 8vo. t2 276 CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS IN THE [ARN Arnold, Tho. History of the later Roman Coram on wealth, from the end of the Second Pnnic War to the Death of Julius CaBsar ; and of the Reign of Augustus : with a Life of Trajan. Lond. 1845. 2 vols. 8vo. Arundines Cami, sive Musarum Cantabrigiensium Lusus Canori. Edidifc Hen. Drurj. Ed. alt. Cantabr. 1843. 8vo. Atterburt, Fr., Bp. of Rochester. The Bights, Powers, and Privileges of an English Convocation, stated and vindicated. Lond. 1700. 8vo. , Sermons and Discourses. 4th ed. Lond. 1735. 2 vols. 8vo. Sermons. Lond. 1734. 2 vols. 8vo. Aubrey, John. Wiltshire. Topographical Collections, a.d. 1659-70, with Illustrations. Corrected and enlarged by John Edw. Jackson. Devizes, 1862. 4to. B. Babbage, Charles. The Ninth Bridgewater Treatise. 2nd ed. A Fragment. Lond. 1833. 8vo. Bacon, Fr., Lord. Essays : with Annotations by Rich. Whately. 2nd ed. Lond. 1857. 8vo. Bailey, Nathan. Dictionary, English- German and German-English. 11th ed. Leipz. 1810. 2 vols. 8vo. Bain, Alex. The Senses and the Intellect. 2nd ed. Lond. 1864. 8vo. Barrow, Is. Theological Works Oxf. 1818. 6 vols. 8vo. Bartley, Geo. C. T. The Schools for the People, containing the History, Development, and present Working of each Description of English School for the Industrial and Poorer Classes. Lond. 1871. 8vo. Bede, The Ven. Ecclesiastical History of England. Also the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. With Notes by J. A. Giles. 3rd ed. Lond. 1859. 8vo. ^ 5th ed. Lond. 1878. 8vo. Bell, Sir Charles. The Hand ; its Mechanism and Vital Endowments, aa evincing Design. 6th ed. Lond. 1854. 8vo. Benson, Edw. White, Bp. of Truro. Tlie Cathedral : its Necessary Place in the Life and Work of the Church. Lond. 1878. 8vo. Benson and Hatcher. Old and New Sarum. Lond. 1843. Fol. Bentley, Rich. Eight Sermons, preached at the Boyle Lecture in 1692 ; with three others. Cambr. 1735. 8vo. Beverley, R. M. A Letter to the Abp. of York, on the present Corrupt State of the Ch. of England. 11th ed. Beverley, 1831. 8vo. A Letter to R. M. Beverley, from an Undergraduate of the University of Cambridge Cambr. 1833. 8vo. Beveridge, Wm., Bp. of St. Asaph. Works ; with a Memoir of the Author, and . a Critical Examination of his writings, by T. H. Home. Lond. 1824. 9 vols. 8vo. Bible, Biblia. Biblia Sacra, Heb., per Eliam Hutterum. Hamb. 1587. Fol. Biblia Hebraica, sec. ult. ed. Jos. AthieB, a Jo. Leusden denuo recognitam, BUR] CATHEDRAL LIBRARY OF SALISBURY. 277 recensita ab Ev. van der Hooght. Ed. nova, recognita et emendata a Judah D'Allemand. Lond. 1822. 2 vols. 8vo. The Holy Bible, with an explanatory and critical Commentary, and a Revision of the Translation, by Bishops and other Clergy. 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Lond. 1869. 8vo. The Christian Church during the First Three Centuries. 6th ed. Lond. 1878. 8vo. BoswoRTH, J. A Dictionary of the Anglo-Saxon Language. Lond. 1838. 8vo. BoQRDALOUE, Louis. CEuvres. A Paris, 1837. 3 vols. 8vo. Bramhall, John, Abp of Armagh. Works. With a Life of the Author and a Collection of his lietters. Oxf. 1842-45. 5 vols. 8vo. Britton, John. The History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Sahsbury. Lond. 1814. 4to. Bkodrick and Freemantle. A Collection of the Judgments of the Privy Council in Ecclesiastical Cases relating to Doctrine and Discipline : with a Preface by the Bp. of London, and an Historical Introduction. Loud. 1865. 8vo. Brougham, Henry, Lord. A Discourse of Natural Theology. Lond. 1835. 8vo. Brown, Tho. Lectures on the Philosophy of the Human Mind. Edinb. 1820. 4 vols, in 2. 8vo. Browne, Edw. H., Bp. of Ely. An Exposition of the 39 Articles Historical and Doctrinal. 7th ed. Lond. 1865. 8vo. BuNYAN, John. The Pilgrim's Progress. Lond. 8vo. 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The Lyre of David : or, Analysis of the Psalms ; with a concise Hebrew and Chaldee Grammar. Dubl. 1847. 8vo. 0. Cjisar, C. J. Opera, cum Tabb. Geographicis et Notis. Par. 1819. 4 vols. 8vo. Cambridge Camden Society. Report for 1841. Cambr. 1841. 8vo. 1842. Cambr. 1842. 8vo. A few Hints on the Practical Study of Ecclesiastical Antiquities. 3rd ed. Cambr. 1842. 8vo. The History of Pues. 3rd ed. Cambr. 1843. 8vo. A few Words to Parish Clerks and Sextons of Country Parishes. 2nd ed. Cambr. 1843. 8vo. Cardwell, Edw. The two Books of Common Prayer, set forth by Authority of Parliament in the Reign of K. Edward VI. : compared with each other. 2nd ed. Oxf. 1841. 8vo. A History of Conferences and other Proceedings connected with the Revision of the Book of Common Prayer ; from 1558 to 1690. 3rd ed. Oxf. 1849. 8vo. Carlyle, Tho. Past and Present. Lond. 1843. 12mo. Carwithkn, J. B. S. The History of the Ch. of England. Part I. To the Restoiation of the Church and Monarchy in 1660. Lond. 1829. 2 vols. 8vo. Cassan, Steph. Hyde. Lives and Memoirs of the Bishops of Sherborne and Salisbury, from 705 to 1824. Salisbury, 1824. 8vo. Cathedral Commissioners. Appendix to the First Report of the C. C, appointed Nov. 10, 1852. Lond. 1854. Fol. Catdlli Veronensis Liber. Ed. R. Ellis. Oxon. 1878. 8vo. Cave, Wm. The Lives of the Apostles, and the two Evangelists St. Mark and St. Luke. Oxf. 1840. 8vo. Primitive Christianity ; with a Dissertation cone, the Government of the Ancient Church by Bishops, Metropolitans, and Patriarchs. Oxf. 1840. 8vo. Lives of the most eminent Fathers of the Church during the first Four Centuries ; with an Historical Account of the State of Paganism under the first Christian Emperors. Oxf. 1840. 3 vols. 8vo. COU] CATHEDRAL LIBRARY OF SALISBURY. 279 Chalmers, Tho. A Series of Discourses on the Christian Revelation, viewed in connection with Modern Astronomy. 7th ed. Edinb. 1817. 8vo. The Evidence and Authority of the Christian Revelation. 6th ed. Edinb. 1818. 8vo. Sermons. 2nd ed. Glasg. 1821. 8vo. Glasg. 1823. 8vo. The Application of Christianity to the Commercial and Ordinary Affairs of Life, in a Series of Discourses. Glasg. 1820. 8vo. On Political Economy, in connection with the Moral State and Moral Prospects of Society. Glasg. 1832. 8vo. Chambers, J. D. The Psalter, or Seven ordinary Hours of Prayer according to the Use of Sarum : and the Hymns, Antiphons, and Orisons or Collects, for the principal Festivals and Seasons ; with the appropriate Musical Intonation and Melodies. Lond. 1852. 4to. Divine Worship in England in the 13th and 14th centuries contrasted with and adapted to that in the 19th. New ed. Lond. 1877. 4to. Church, R. W. Sermons preached before the University of Oxford. 2nd ed. Lond. 1869. 8vo. St. Anselm. Macmillan and Co., 1870. 8vo. The Beginning of the Middle Ages. Lond. 1877. 16mo. Church Pamphlets. See Arnold (Tho.), Beverley, Burton, Eusebius, Jones, Kaye, Rose, Sassex (Dake of), Thirlwall, and Whewell. Chronicles, Six Old English, Edited, with Notes, by J. A. Giles. Lond. 1848. 8vo. Cicero, M. T. Opera ex recensione J. Aug. Ernesti cum ejusdem Notis et Clave Ciceroniana. Oxon. 1810. 5 vols, in 8. 8vo. Clarisse, Jo. Encyclopsediae Theologicas Epitome. Lugd. Bat. 1832. 8vo. Clarke, Sam. Sermons ; with a Life of the Author. Lond. 1820. 7 vols. 8vo. Clergyman's Assistant, The, being A Collection of Statutes, Ordinances, and Forms, with Notes and References, relating to the Rights, Duties, and Liabilities of the Clergy. To which are added the Articles of Religion, and the Constitutions and Canons of the Ch. of England. Oxf. 1828. 8vo. Clergyman's Instructor, The, or A Collection of Tracts on the Ministerial Duties. 3rd ed. Oxf. 1824. 8vo. Collier, Jer. An Ecclesiastical History of Great Britain, chiefly of England. Lond. 1708-14. 2 vols. Fol. CoLLY.ER, Dav. The Sacred Interpreter. Oxf. 1831. 8vo. Comber, Tho. A Companion to the Temple : or, A Help to Devotion in the Use of the Common Prayer. 4th ed. Lond. 1701-2. 2 vols. Fol. Conybeare, W. D. An Elementary Course of Theological Lectures, in 3 Parts. Part I. On the Evidence of Religion, Natural and Revealed. Part II. On the Criticism and Interpretation of the Bible. Part HI. On the Peculiar Doctrines of Christianity. With an Essay on the general Grammatical Principles of the Semitic Languages. 2nd od. Lond. 1836. 8vo. Conybeare, W. J. ; Howson, J. S. The Life and Epistles of St. Paul. Lond. 1861. 2 vols. 8vo. Cousin, Victor. Report on the State of Public Instruction in Prubsia. Translated by Sarah Austin. Lond. 1834. 8vo. 280 CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS IN THE [COV CovERDALE, Mtles, Bp. of Exeter. Writings and Translations. Edited for the Parker Society, by Geo. Pearson. Cambr. 1844. 8vo. Crabb, Geo. Universal Technological Dictionary. Lond. 1823. 2 vols. 4to. Universal Historical Dictionary. Lond. 1825. 2 vols. 4to. Cresswell, D. Three Sermons on the Perpetual Obligation of Keeping every Seventh Day Holy : with a Sermon on the Sin of Drunkenness. Lond. 1833. 8vo. D. Danset, Wm. Horaa Decanices Rurales. Being an Attempt to illustrate, by a Series of Notes and Extracts, the Name and Title, the Origin, Appoint- ment, and Functions, Personal and Capitular, of Rural Deans. Lond. 1835. 2 vols. 4to. D'Arblay, a. C. L. The Path of the Just ; or. Christian Improvement, con- sidered in two Discourses occasioned by the Death of W. Wilberforce. Lond. 1833. 8vo. Darling, James. Cyclopaedia Bibliographica ; a Library Manual of Theological and General Literature. Lond. 1854. 8vo. Davison, John. Discourses on Prophecy, in which are considered its Structure, Use, and Inspiration. (Warburtonian Lectures.) Oxf. and Lond. 1875. 8vo. Demosthenes et ^schines. Ta ^wi^ofxeva. Textui, qui variorum est, appo- sita est Reiskiana. Lond. Lond. 1824. 2 vols. 8vo. Denison, Edw., Bp. of Salisbury, A Charge delivered to the Candidates for Holy Orders, at his Ordination, in Lent 1842. 2nd ed. Lond. 1842. 8vo. A Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Dio. of Salisbury in 1842. 3rd ed. Lond 1842. 8vo. DiODORUS SicuLUS. BibliofchecsB Historicas libri qui supersunt, interprete Laur. Rodomano. Recensuit Pet. Wesselingius, atque variorum et suas Adno- tationes adjecit. Amst. 1745. 2 vols. Fol. DoDSWORTH, Wm. An Historical Account of the Episcopal See, and Cathedral Church of Sarum. Salisbury, 1814. 4to. Donaldson, J. W. The New Cratylus ; or Contributions towards a more accu- rate Knowledge of the Greek Language. 2nd ed. Lond. 1850. 8vo. E. EccE Homo. A Survey of the Life and Work of Jesus Christ. Lond. 1866. 8vo. Ecclesiastical Commissioners. First and Second General Reports to her Majesty. Lond. 1848. 8vo. Acts relating to the E. C. for England. With Appendix and Index. 4th ed. Loud. 1846. 8vo. FUL] CATHEDRAL LIBRARY OF SALISBURY. 281 Ecclesiastical Commissioners. Orders in Council ratifying Schemes of the E. 0. for England. Vols, iv., ix., X. Lond. 1846, '55, '57. 8vo. General Index of Orders in Council ratifying Schemes of the E. C. Lond. 1855. 8vo. Education Commission. Appendix. Minutes of Evidence taken before the Commissioners. 1861. Vol. vi. Lond. 1861. 8vo. Education, Pamphlets on, by various Authors. 7 vols. 8vo. Ellis, John. The Knowledge of Divine Things from Revelation, not from Reason or Nature. 3rd ed. Lond. 1811. 8vo. Epictetus. Discourses ; with the Encheiridion and Fragments. Translated, with Notes, a Life of Epictetus, and a View of his Philosophy, by Geo. Long. Lond. 1877. 8vo. Essays and Reviews. 8th ed. Lond. 1861. 8vo. Essays on Cathedrals. Edited by J. S. Howson. Lond. 1872. 8vo. Essays on Gothic Architecture. 3rd ed. Lond. 1808. 8vo. Established Church. Reports from her Majesty's Commissioners appointed to consider the State of the Established Ch. with reference to Ecclesiastical Duties and Revenues. Lond. 1848. 8vo. Euripides. TragoedieB superstites et deperditarum Fragmenta, ex recensione G. Dindortii. Oxon. 1832-33. 2 vols. 8vo. Eusebius. The Actual State of Clerical Education examined, and a Remedy for its Defects proposed : in a Letter to the Earl of Liverpool. Lond. 1826. 8vo. Evans, Rob. Wilson. The Bishopric of Souls, with a Memoir by Edw. Bicker- steth. 5th ed. Lond. 1877. 8vo. F. Fenelon, Abp. of Cambray. Dialogues cone. Eloquence. Translated from the French, with Notes. Lond. 1722. 8vo. Fergusson, James. The illustr ted Handbook of Architecture : being a concise and popular Account of the different Styles of Architecture prevailing in all Agea and all Countries. 2nd ed. Lond. 1859. 8vo. History of the Modern Styles of Architecture. Lond. 1862. 8vo. Formularies of Faith put forth by Authority during the Reign of Henry VIII. ; viz. : Articles about Religion, 1536 ; The Institution of a Christian Man, 1537 ; A Necessary Doctrine and Erudition for any Christian Man, 1548. Oxf. 1825. 8vo. FoxE, John. Acts and Monuments. Lond. 1837-41. 8 vols. 8vo. Freeman, Edw. A. The History of the Cathedral Church of Wells as illus- trating the History of Cathedral Churches of the Old Foundation. Lond. 1870. 8vo. Fuller, Tho. The Church History of Britain, from the Birth of Christ until the year 1648. 3rd ed. With a Preface and Notes by James Nichols. Lond. 1842. 3 vols. 8vo. 282 CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS IN THE [GER G. Gerard, Gilb. The Pastoral Care. Lond. 1799. 8vo. Gesenius, Wilh. Ausfiihrliches Grammatisch-Kritisches Lehrgebaiide der Hebraischen Sprache. Leipzig, 1817. 8vo. Hebrew Grammar ; 17th ed., with Corrections and Additions by E. Rodiger. Translated by T. J. Conant. With Grammatical Exercises and a Chrestomathy, by the Translator. New York, 1870. 8vo. Gesenius, and Rodiger. Thesaurus Linguae Hebreeas et Chaldsese Yeteris Test., 3 tomis. Ed. 2. Lips. 1829-58. 4to. Gibbon Edw. Miscellaneous Works ; with Memoirs of his Life and Writings, composed by himself. Lond. 1814. 5 vols. 8vo. GiESELER, J. C. I. Text-Book of Ecclesiastical History. Translated from the 3rd German edition. Philadelphia, 1836. 3 vols. 8vo. Gladstone, W. E. The State in its Relations with the Church. 4th ed. Lond. 1841. 2 vols. 8vo. Church Principles considered in their Results. Lond. 1840. 8vo. GoDWiNUS, Fr. Episc. Landavensis. De Prsesulibus Angliae Commentarius. Continuavit Gul. Richardson. Cantabr. 1743. Fol. GooDE, Wm. The Divine Rule of Faith and Practice. Lond. 1842. 2 vols. 8vo. The Case as it is : or, A Reply to the Letter of Dr. Pusey to the Abp. of Canterbury. 2nd ed. Lond. 1842. 870. Some Difficulties in the late Charge of the Bp. of Oxford, pointed out in a Letter to his Lordship. 2nd ed. Lond. 1842. 8vo. GOULBURN, Edw. M. The Principles of the Cathedral System vindicated. Lond. 1870. 8vo. GouLBURN and Hailstone. The Ancient Sculptures of the Roof of Norwich Cathedral; with a History of the See of Norwich, from its Foundation to the Dissolution of the xMonasteries. Lond. 1876. Fol. Graves, Rich. Lectures on the Four Last Books of the Pentateuch. 6th ed. Dubl. 1841. 8vo. Gray, Rob. A Key to the Old Testament and Apocrypha. 2nd ed. Lond. 1791. 8vo. Grote, George. History of Greece. Lond. 1851-56. 12 vols. 8vo. Plato, and the other Companions of Sokrates. 3rd ed. Lond. 1875. 3 vols. 8vo. Aristotle. Edited by A. Bain and G. Croom Robertson. Lond. 1872. 2 vols. 8vo. GuizoT, F. The History of Civilization, from the Fall of the Roman Eriipire to the French Revolution. Translated by Wm. Hazlitt. Lond. 1846-53. 3 vols. 8vo. HES] CATHEDRAL LIBRARY OF SALISBURY. 283 H. Hagenbach, K. R. Compendiam of the History of Doctrines. Edinb. 1846-47. 2 vols. 870. Hales, Wm. New Analysis of Chronology. Lond. 1809-12. 3 vols, in 4. 4t.o. Hamilton, Sir W., Bart. Lectures on Metaphysics and Logic. Edited by H. L. Mansel, and John Veitch. Edinb. 1874-77. 4 vols. 8vo. Hammond, Hen. Works. Lond. 1684. 4 vols. Fol. Hardwick, C. Christ and other Masters : an Historical Inquiry into some of the Chief Parallelisms and Contrasts between Christianity and the Religious Systems of the Ancient World. 3rd ed. Lond. 1874. 8vo. A History of the Christian Church. Middle Age. New ed. Edited by W. Stubbs. Lond. 1877. 8vo. A History of the Christian Church during the Reformation. 6th ed., by W. Stubbs. Lond. 1877. 8vo. Hare, J. C. The Children of Light. A Sermon. Cambr. 1828. 8vo. The Victory of Faith, and other Sermons. Cambr. 1840. 8vo. Sermons preacht in Herstmonceux Church. Lond. 1841. 8vo. The Mission of the Comforter and other Sermons with Notes. Lond. 1846. 8vo. Harris, James. Philosophical Arrangements. Lond. 1775. 8vo. Hermes, or a Philosophical Inquiry cone. Universal Grammar. 6th ed. Lond. 1794. 8vo. Heeren, a. H. L. A Sketch of the Political History of Ancient Greece. Translated from the German. Oxf. 1829. 8vo. Historical Researches into the Politics, Intercourse, and Trade of the Carthaginians, Ethiopians, and Egyptians. From the German. Oxf. 1832. 2 vols. 8vo. Historical Researches into the Politics, Intercourse, and Trade of the Principal Nations of Antiquity. From the German. Oxf. 1833. 3 vols. 8vo. Hengstenberg, E. W. Commentary on the Psalms. Translated from the Ger- man. Edinb. 1846-48. 3 vols. 8vo. Henry op Huntingdon. His Chronicle, comprising the History of England, from the Invasion of Julius Caesar to the Accession of Henry II. Also, The Acts of King Stephen. Lond. 1853. 8vo. Herodotus. Historiaruni libri ix., Gr., cum Annott. variorum, per Tho. Gaisford. Oxon. 1824. 4 vols. 8vo. A New English Version, with Notes and Appendices, illustrating the History and Geography of Herodotus. By G. Rawlinson, assisted by Sir H. Rawlinson, and Sir J. G. Wilkinson. New ed. Lond. 1862. 4 vols. 8vo. Hessey, J. A. Sunday. Its Origin, Historv, and Present Obligation. Bampton Lectures for 1860V. Lond. 1860. 8vo. 284. CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS IN THE [HEY Hey, John. Lectures in Divinity delivered in the University of Cambridge. 2nd ed. Cambr. 1822. 4 vols. 8vo. Hetlin, Pet. Cyprianus Anglicus : or, The History of the Life and Death of William, Abp. of Canterbury. Lond. J668. Fol. drills Redivivus : or, The History of the Presbyterians. Oxf, 1670. Fol. Theologia Veterum : or, The Sum of Christian Theology, contained in the Apostles' Creed, or reducible to it. Lond. 1673. Fol. Ecclesia Bestaurata. The History of the Reformation of the Ch. of Eng- land. 3rd ed. Lond. 1674 Fol. Cosmography. Lond. 1674. Fol. Historical and Miscellaneous Tracts. With the Life of the Author. Lond. 168 L Fol. HOMERDS. Opera omnia: ex recensione et cum Notis Sam. Clarkii. Acced. Varietas Lectt., cura J. A. Ernesti, qui et suas Notas adjecit. Glasg. 1814. 5 vols. 8vo. Homilies appointed to be read in Churches. With the Constitutions and Canons Ecclesiastical, set forth in the year 1603. Oxf. 1840. 8vo. Hook, W. F. A Church Dictionary. 11th ed. Lond. 1871. 8vo. Lives of the Archbishops of Canterbury. Loud. 1865-79. 12 vols. 8vo. The Church and its Ordinances. Lond. 1876. 2 vols. 8vo. HooKEK, Rich. Works ; with the Life of the Author by Izaak Walton. Oxf. 1839. 2 vols. 8vo. Hope, A. J. B. Beresfokd. Worship in the Ch. of England. 2nd ed. Lond. 1875. 8vo. Hopkins, Ezek., Bp. of London-Derry. Works. Lond. 1701. Fol. Works ; with a Life of the Author. Lond. 1809. 4 vols. 8vo. HoRATius Flaccus, Q. Opera, cum selectis Scholiis, et Observatt. Lond. 1826. 8vo. Opera. Recensuit atque interpretatus est Jo. C. Orellius. Ed. 2. Turici, 1843-44. 2 vols. 8vo. HoRNE, Geo., Bp. of Norwich. Discourses. Lond. 1819. 3 vols. 8vo. Horne, Tho. H. An Introduction to the Critical Study and Knowledge of the Holy Scriptures. 5th ed. Lond. 1825. 4 vols. 8vo. HoRSLEY, S., Bp. of St. Asaph. Sermons. Lond. 8vo. Howlet, Wm., Abp. of Canterbury. A Charge delivered in 1832. Lond. 1832. 8vo. Hume, David. Essays and Treatises on several Subjects. Edinb. 1817. 2 vols. 8vo. Humphry, G, M. The Human Foot and the Human Hand. Cambr. 1861. 8vo. HuRD, Rich., Bp. of Worcester. Works. Lond. 1811. 8 vols. 8vo. HuTTON, Charles. A Mathematical and Philosophical Dictionary. Lond. 1795-96. • 2 vols. 4to. J. Jebb, John, Bp. of Limerick. Sermons. 3rd ed. Lond. 1824. 8vo. Jennings, Dav. Jewish Antiquities ; with a Dissertation on the Hebrew Language. Lond. 1826. 8vo. j LAP] CATHEDRAL LIBRARY OF SALISBURY. 285 Jewell, John, Bp. of Salisbury. An Apology for the Ch. of England. Lond. 1825. 8vo. Works. Edited by R. W. Jelf. Oxf. 1848. 8 vols. 8vo. Jones, Rich. Remarks on tbe Government Bill for tbe Commutation of Tithe. 3rd ed. Lond. 1837. 8vo. Remarks on the Manner in which Tithe should be assessed to the Poor's Rate. Lond. 1838. 8vo. JoRTiN, John. Sermons. Lond. 1772-74. 7 vols. 8vo. JosEPHUS, Flavius. Works ; translated, with Notes and Dissertations, by W. Whiston. Lond. 1737. 2 vols. Fol. Junius ; including Letters by the same Writer under other Signatures ; with his confidential Correspondence with Mr. Wilkes, and his private Letters to Mr. H. S. Woodfall. Lond. 1850. 8vo. ^ K. Kay, Joseph. The Education of the Poor in England and Europe. Lond. 1846.- 8vo. Kat- Shuttle WORTH, Sir J. Public Education as affected by the Minutes of the Committee of Privy Council from 1846-52 ; with Suggestions as to future Pohcy. Lond. 1853. 8vo. Public Education as reviewed in 1832-1839-1846-1862. Lond. 1862. 8vo. Kate, John, Bp. of Lincoln. A Letter to the Abp. of Canterbury, on the Re- commendations of the Ecclesiastical Commission. Lond. 1838. 8vo. Keeling, Wm. Liturgies Britannicse, or the several editions of the Book of Common Prayer of the Ch. of England ; together with the Liturgy set forth for the use of the Ch. of Scotland: arranged to shew their respective Variations. 2nd ed. Lond. 1851. 8vo. Kidder, Rich., Bp. of Bath and Wells. A Demonstration of the Messias; in which the Truth of the Christian Religion is proved. 2nd ed. Lond. 1726. Fol. Kite, Edm. The Monumental Brasses of Wiltshire ; with Notices descriptive of ancient Costume. Lond. 1860. 8vo. KiTTO, John. A Cyclopaedia of Biblical Literatnre. By various Writers. Edinb. 1845. 2 vols. 8vo. KuTTNER and Nicholson. Dictionary of the German Language for English- men. Leipzig, 1805-13. 3 vols. 8vo. Lappenberg, J. M. A History of England under the Anglo-Saxon Kings, translated from the German by B. Thorpe. Lond. 1845. 2 vols. 8vo. 286 CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS IN THE [LAT Lathburt, Tho. A History of the Nonjurors : their Controversies and Writings ; with Remarks on some of the Rubrics in the Book of Common Prayer. Lond. 1845. 8vo. A History of the Convocation of the Ch. of England from the Earliest Period to the year 1742. 2nd ed. Lond. 1853. 8vo. Laurence, Rich., Abp. of Cashel. An Attempt to illustrate those Articles of the Ch. of England, which the Calvinists improperly consider as Calvi- nistical. (Bampton Lectures for 1804.) 3rd ed. Oxf. 1838. 8vo. Le Bas, C. Webb. The Life of T. P. Middleton, late Bp. of Calcutta. Lond. 1831. 2 vols. 8vo. Leighton, Rob., Abp. of Glasgow. Works. With a Life of the Author, by J. N. Pearson. Lond. 1825. 4 vols. 8vo. Leland, John. A View of the Principal Deistical Writers in England in the last and pre- sent Century. 2nd ed. With a Supplement, and Reflections on Lord Bolingbroke's Letters on the Study and Use of History. Loud. 1755-56. 3 vols. 8vo. Another edition. Lond. 1807. 2 vols. 8vo. The Advantage and Necessity of the Christian Revelation, shewn from the State of Religion in the Ancient Heathen World ; with a Discourse on Natural and Revealed Religion. Lond. 1764. 2 vols. 4to. Lewis, John. The History of the Life and Sufferings of John Wicliffe. Lond. 1720. 8vo. LiDDELL AND ScOTT. A Greek-English Lexicon. 5th ed. Oxf. 1863. 4to. LiDDON, H. P. Some Words for God : being Sermons preached before the University of Oxford. Lond. 1865. 8vo. The Divinity of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. (Bampton Lectures for 1866.) Lond. 1867. 8vo. Lightpoot, John. Works. Lond. 1822-25. 13 vols. 8vo. LiGHTFOOT, J. B., Bp. of Durham. St. Paul's Epistle to the Galatians. A Revised Text with Introduction, Notes, and Dissertations. 5th ed. Lond. 1876. 8vo. Philippians, etc. Lond. 1876. 8vo. . Colossians and to Philemon, etc. 3rd ed. Lond. 1879. 8vo. Livius, T. Historiarum ab Urbe Condita libri qui supersunt xxxv. Recensuit et Notis illustravit J. B. L. Crevier. Lond. 1813. 3 vols, in 6. 8vo. LocKE, John. An Essay cone. Human Understanding. 11th ed. Lond. 1735. 2 vols. 8vo. Philosophical Works. Lond. 1877. 2 vols. 8vo. LONGLEY, C. T., Bp. of Ripon. A Charge delivered in 1841. Lond. 1841. 8vo. LowMAN, MosES. A Rational of the Ritual of the Hebrew Worship. Lond. 1748. 8vo. LowTH, Rob. De Sacra Poesi Hebreeorum. Subjicitur Metricae Harianee Confutatio, et Oratio Crewiana. Ed. alt. Oxon. 1 763. 8vo. Lectures on the Sacred Poetry of the Hebrevvs. With the principal Notes of Michaelis, etc. Lond. 1847. 8vo. MID] CATHEDRAL LIBRARY OF SALISBURY. 287 Lucretius Carus, T. De Rernm Natura Libri Sex. With a Translation and Notes, by H. A. J. Munro. Cambr. 1864. 2 vols. 8vo. The same translated by J. S. Watson. With the Poetical Version of J. M. Good. Lond. 1851. 8vo. M. Mc Clellan, J. B. The New Testament, a New Translation, on the Basis of the Authorized Version, from a critically revised Greek Text, with Analyses, Notes, etc. Vol. I. Lond. 1875. 8vo. Machiavelli, Nic. The History of Florence, and of the Affairs of Italy, from the earliest times to the Death of Lorenzo the Magnificent ; together with the Prince, and various Historical Tracts. Lond. 1847. 8vo. Magee, Wm., Abp. of Dublin. Discourses and Dissertations on the Scriptural Doctrines of Atonement and Sacrifice. 5th ed. Lond. 1832. 3 vols. 8vo. Malan, S. 0. An Outline of the Early Jewish Church, from a Christian Point of View. Lond. 1867. 8vo. Maltby, Edw., Bp. of Durham. A Sermon. 8vo. No title-page. The Early Training and Education of the Poor, truly Christian Objects : A Sermon. Newcastle, 1838. 8vo. Malte-Brun, M. Universal Geography. Edinb. 1822-33. 9 vols. 8vo. Majnsel, H. L. The Limits of Religions Thought examined. (Bampton Lectures for 1858.) 2nd ed. Lond. 1858. 8vo. Marsden, J. B. Dictionary of Christian Churches and Sects. Lond. 8vo. Marsh, Bp. of Peterborough. Lectures on the Criticism and Interpretation of the Bible. With two Lectures on the History of Biblical Interpretation. Cambr. 1828. 8vo. Maskell, Wm. The Ancient Liturgy of the Ch. of England. 2Dd ed. Lond. 1846. 8vo. Monumenta Ritnalia Ecclesias AnglicanaB. Lond. 1846. 3 vols. 8vo. Massillon, J. B. GEuvres. A Paris, 1835. 2 vols. 8vo. Matthew op Westminster. The Flowers of History, especially such as relate to the Affairs of Britain. Lond. 1853. 2 vols. 8vo. Matthi^, Aug. A Greek Grammar. Translated from the German by E. V. Blomfield. 5th ed. Lond. 1832. 2 vols. 8vo. [Mathias, T. J.] Pursuits of Literature. A Satirical Poem. 7th ed. Lond. 1798. 8vo. Mayor, C. The Revival of the Church of Christ in Life and Unity. A Sermon. Lond. 1842. 8vo. Mede, Joseph. Works. 4th ed. Lond. 1677. Fol. Merivale, C. History of the Romans under the Empire. Lond. 1862-64. 7 vols. 8vo. The Conversion of the Roman Empire. Boyle Lectures for 1864. Lond. 1864. 8vo. MiDDLETON, Conyers. Miscellaneous Works. 2nd ed. Lond. 1755. 5 vols. Bvo. 288 CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS IN THE [MIL Mill, J. S. A System of Logic Ratiocinative and Inductive. lOth ed. Lond. 1879. 2 vols. 8vo. Mill, W. H. The Extension of Saving Truth by Commissioned Teachers. A Sermon. Lond. 1839. 8vo. MiLMAN, H. H. The History of the Jews, from the Earliest Period down to Modern Times. 3rd ed. Lond. 1863. 3 vols. 8vo. The History of Christianity, from the Birth of Christ to the Abolition of Paganism in the Roman Empire. New ed. Lond. 1863. 3 vols. 8vo. The History of Latin Christianity ; including that of the Popes to the Pontificate of Nicolas V. 2nd ed. Lond. 1857. 6 vols. 8vo. MoBERLY, Geo., Bp. of Salisbury. The Administration of the Holy Spirit in the Body of Christ. [Bampton Lectures for 1868.] 2nd ed. Lond. 1870. 8vo. Sermons on the Beatitudes, with others, and a Preface relating to the Volume of * Essays and Reviews.' 3rd ed. Oxf. 1870. 8vo. Brighstone Sermons. 2nd ed. Lond. 1870. 8vo. The Sayings of the Great Forty Days between the Resurrection and As- cension regarded as the Outlines of the Kingdom of God. With an Explanation of Mr. Newman's Theory of Developments. 2nd ed. Lond. 1871. 8vo. MoMMSEN, Theod. The History of Rome. Translated by W. P. Dickson. Lond. 1877. 4 vols. 8vo. Monk, J. H., Bp. of Gloucester. The Life of Rich. Bentley : with an Account of his writings. 2nd ed. Lond. 1833. 2 vols. 8vo. Mosheim, J. L. An Ecclesiastical History. Translated, with Notes, by A. Maclaine. With a Continuation by C. Coote. Lond. 1826. 6 vols. 8vo. MozLET, J. B. Sermons preached before the University of Oxford. Lond. 1876. 8vo. MtJLLEE, K. O. A History of the Literature of Ancient Greece. Continued by J. W. Donaldson. Lond. 1858. 3 vols. 8vo. MiJLLER, Max. Lectures on the Science of Language. Lond. 1864. 2 vols. 8vo. MusGRAVE, Tho., Bp. of Hereford. A Charge delivered in 1842. Hereford, 1842. 8vo. N. Neal, Dan. The History of the Puritans, or Protestant Nonconformists ; from the Reformation in 1517 to the Revolution in 1688. Lond. 1837. 3 vols. 8vo. Neander, Aug. General History of the Christian Religion and Church. Translated from the German. Edinb. 1847-48. 3 vols. 8vo. The Life of Jesus Christ. Translated from the 4th German ed. Lond. 1851. 8vo. Lectures on the History of Christian Dogmas. Lond. 1858. 2 vols. 8vo. NiLSON, Rob. A Companion for the Festivals and Fasts of the Ch. of England. 12th ed. Lond. 1722. 8vo. PAR] CATHEDRAL LIBRARY OF SALISBURY. 289 Newman, J. H. A Letter addressed to R. W. Jelf, in Explanation of No. 90, in the Series called the Tracts for the Times. Oxf. 1841. 8vo. Parochial and Plain Sermons. New ed. Lond. 1869. 8 vols. Svo. Sermons bearing on Subjects of the Day. New ed. Lond. 1869. 8vo. The Arians of the 4th Century. Lond. 1871. 8vo. Newton, Is. Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica, cnm Comm. Ed. alt. Col. Allobr. 1760. 3 vols. 4to. Newton, Tho., Bp. of Bristol. Dissertations on the Prophecies. 8th ed Lond. 1789. 2 vols. 8vo. O. OcKLET, Simon. The History of the Saracens. 5th ed. Lond. 1848. 8vo, Ogden, Sam. Sermons. 4th ed. Lond. 1788. 2 vols. 8vo. Ollivant, Alfred. The Necessity of a Decent Celebration of Public Worship A Sermon. Lond. 1828. 8vo. Olshausen, Herm. Commentary on the Grospels. Translated from the Ger- man, with additional Notes. Edinb. 1847-48. 2 vols. 8vo. Ordericus Vitalis. The Ecclesiastical History of England and Normandy. Translated, with Notes, and the Introduction of Guizot. Lond. 1853-56. 4 vols. 8vo. OviDius Naso, p. Opera, per Pet. Burmannum, Traj. Bat. 1713-14. 3 vols 12mo. P. Palmer, Wm. Origines Liturgicae, or Antiquities of the English Ritual, and a Disserta- tion on Primitive Liturgies. 3rd ed. Oxf. 1839. 2 vols. 8vo. A Treatise on the Church of Christ. 2nd ed. Lond. 1839. 2 vols. 8vo. A Letter to N. Wiseman, D.D. (calling himself Bp. of Melipotamus), con- taining Remarks on his Letter to Mr. Newman. 2nd ed. Oxf. 1841. 8vo. An Enquiry into the Possibility of obtaining Means for Church Extension without Parliamentary Grants. Lond. 1841. 8vo. A Narrative of Events connected with the Publication of the lYacts for the Times, with Reflections on existing Tendencies to Romanism. 2nd ed. Lond. 1843. 8vo. Pamphlets on Church Matters. See Church Pamphlets. Pamphlets on Education. See Education. Paris, Matthew. English History from 1235 to 1273. Lond. 1852-54. 3 vols. 8vo. Parker, James. An Introduction to the History of the Successive Revisions of the Book of Common Prayer. Oxf. 18? 7. 8vo. CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS IK THE [PAR Parker, J. H. A Glossary of Terms used in Grecian, Roman, Italian, and Qx^thic Archi- tecture. 5th ed. Oxf. 1850. 2 vols, in 3. 8vo. An Introduction to the Study of Gothic Architecture. 5th ed. Oxf 1877. 8vo. Pascal, B. Life ; with his Letters relating to the Jesuits. Translated into English by by W. A. Lond. 1744. 2 vols. 8vo. Pensees, Fragments et Lettres, publics par M. Prosper Faugere. Paris, 1844. 2 vols. 8vo. Patrick, S., Bp. of Ely. Works, including his Autobiography. Oxf. 1858. 9 vols. 8vo. Patrick, Lowth, and others. A Critical Commentary and Paraphrase on the Old and New Testament and the Apocrypha. Lond. 1844. 4 vols. 8vo. Patritm Apostolicorum quae supersunt. Acced. S. Ignatii et S. Polycarpi Mar- tyria. Recensuit, Adnott. variorum et suis illustravit, Indicibus in- struxit Gul. Jacobson. Ed. alt. Oxon. 1840. 2 vols. 8vo. Pearson, John, Bp. of Chester. An Exposition of the Creed. Oxf. 1797. 2 vols. 8vo. Pearson, Hugh, Dean of Salisbury. Memoirs of the Life and Correspondence of Christian Fred. Swartz ; with a Sketch of the History of Christianity in India. 3rd ed. Lond. 1839. 2 vols. 12mo. Phillips, Sir Tho. Wales : the Language, Social Condition, Moral Character, and Religious Opinions of the People, considered in their Relation to Education. Lond. 1849. 8vo. Phillpotts, Hen., Bp. of Exeter. A Charge delivered in 1836. 2nd ed. Lond. 1836. 8vo. 1842. Lond. 1842. 8vo. PuOTius, Patriarcha. AE/STEON SYNAPOrH. E Codice Galeano descripsit Rich. Porsonus. Lond. 1822. 2 vols. 8vo. Pierce, Tho., Dean of Sarum. A Vindication of the King's Sovereign Rights, etc. Lond. 1723. 8vo. Pindarus. Carmina et Fragmenta, Gr. et Lat., cum Adnott. C. G. Heyne, Scholiis, et Commentatione G. Hermanni de MetrisPindari. Getting. 1798. 3 vols. 8vo. Epinician or Triumphal Odes, in 4 Books ; together with the Fragments of his lost Compositions ; revised and edited by J. W.' Donaldson. Lond. 1868. 8vo. Plato. Platonis et quae vel Platonis esse feruntur vel Platonica solent comitari Scripta Greece omnia recensuit Im. Bekker. Adjiciuntur Annott. variorum. Lond. 1826. 11 vols. 8vo. Works. A New Version, chiefly from the Text of Stallbaura. Lond. 1850-54. 3 vols. 8vo. PoEMATA ANGLORttM Latina ; accurantc Eduardo Popham. Ed. 2. Lond. 1779. 8vo. POLTBIUS. Historiarum quae supersunt, Interprete Casaubono, ex recensione Jac. Gronovii; cum Notis variorum. Preefationem et Glossarium ad- jecit J. A. Ernesti. Lips. 1763-64. 3 vols. 8vo. Pope, Walter. The Life of Seth Ward, Bp. of Salisbury. Lond. 1697. 8vo. Porteus, B., Bp. of London. Sermons. 14th ed. Lond. 1813. 2 vols. 8vo. Pressens^, E. de. Jesus Christ : His Times, Life, and Work. Lond. 1866. 8vo. RIC] CATHEDRAL LIBRARY OF SALISBURY. 291 Pbichaed, J. 0. Researches into the Physical History of Mankind. 3rd ed. Lond. 1836-37. 2 vols. 8vo. Prideaux, H., Dean of Norwich. The Old and New Testament connected in the History of the Jews and neighbouring Nations. Oxf . 1820. 4 vols. 8vo. Procter, Fr. A History of the Book of Common Prayer, with a Rationale ot its Offices. Cambr. 1855. 8vo. Psalms, The Book of, disposed according to the Rhythmical Stractare of the Original ; with three Essays. By E. F. Lond. 1875. 8vo. PuGiN, A. W. The True Principles of Pointed or Christian Architecture. Lond. 1841. 4fco. PUSET, E. B. Remarks on the Prospective and Past Benefits of Cathedral Institutions, in the Promotion of sound Religious Knowledge. Lond. 1833. 8vo. A Letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury, on some Circumstances con- nected with the Present Crisis in the English Church. 2nd ed. Oxf. 1842. 870. The Church of England a Portion of Christ's One Holy Catholic Church, and a Means of. restoring Visible Unity. An Eirenicon. Lond. 1865. 8vo. R. Raleigh, Sir W. The History of the World. Lond. 1652. Fol. Ramsden, Rich. Sermons. Lond. 1827. 8vo. Randolph, John, Bp. of London. Enchiridion Theologicum, or A Manual, for the use of Students in Divinity. -Srd ed. Oxf. 1825. 2 vols. 8vo. Ranke, Leop. The Ecclesiastical and Political History of the Popes of Rome during the 16th and 17th Centuries. Translated from the German by Sarah Austin. Lond. 1840. 3 vols. 8vo. Rawlinson, Geo. The Five Great Monarchies of the Ancient Eastern World or. The History, Geography, and Antiquities of Chaldaea, Assyria, Babylon, Media, and Persia. Lond. 1862-67. 4 vols. 870. Rat, John. The Wisdom of God manifested in the Works of the Creation. 7th ed. Lond. 1717. 8vo. Reeves, Wm. The Apologies of Justin Martyr, Tertullian, and Minucius Felix, with the Commonitory of Yincentius Lirinensis ; translated, with Notes. 2nd ed. Lond. 1716. 2 vols. 8vo. Reid, Tho. An Inquiry into the Human Mind on the Principles of Common Sense. 6th ed. Edinb. 1810. 8vo. Essays on the Powers of the Human Mind ; with an Essay on Quantity, and an Analysis of Aristotle's Logic. Edinb. 1812. 3 vols. 8vo. Reynolds, Edw., Bp. of Norwich. Works. With a Memoir by Alex. Chalmers. Lond. 1826. 6 vols. 8vo. RiCKMAN, Tbo. An Attempt to discriminate the Styles of Architecture in England, from the Conquest to the Reformation ; with a Sketch of the Grecian and Roman Orders, Notices of numerous British Edifices, and some Remarks on the Architecture of a part of France. 5th ed. Lond. 1848. 8vo. TJ 2 292 CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS IN THE [RID Riddle, J. E. A Manual of Christian Antiquities ; with an Analysis of the Writings of the Ante-Nicene Fathers. Lond. 1839. 8vo. Ecclesiastical Chronology ; or. Annals of the Christian Church, from its Foundation to the present Time. Lond. 1840. 8vo. Robertson, F. W. Sermons. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Series. Lond. 1856, '57. 3 vols. §70. Robinson, Edw. Biblical Researches in Palestine, Mount Sinai, and Arabia Petraea. With Maps and Plans. Lond. 1841. 3 vols. 8vo. RoGET, P. M. Thesaurus of Englisb Words and Phrases. 30tli ed. Lond. 1871. 8vo. RoscoE, Wm. The Life and Pontificate of Leo X. 5th ed. Lond. 1846. 2 vols. 8vo. The Life of Lorenzo de' Medici, called tbe Magnificent. 9tli ed. Lond. 1847. 8vo. Rose, H. J. The State of tbe Protestant Religion in Germany : in a Series of Dis- courses. Cambr. 1825. 8vo. The Study of Church History recommended. Lond. 1834. 8vo. The Commission and Consequent Duties of the Clergy: in a Series of Discourses. 3rd ed. Lond. 1843. 8vo. RosENMULLER, J. G. Scholia in Novum Test. Ed 6. Norimb. 1815-31. 5 vols. 8vo. S. Sadler, M. F. The Lost Gospel and its Contents ; or, the Author of * Super- natural Religion ' refuted by himself. Lond. 1876; 8vo. Salisbury. The History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Salisbury, and the Abbey Church of Bith. [By T. Rawlinson.] Lond. 1723. 8vo. Antiquitates Sarisburienses. [By Edw. Ledwych.] Salisbury, 1771. 8vo. A Description of the Cathedral Church of Salisbury [collected chiefly from the Survey of Christopher Wren, and the Series of Observations of Francis Price] ; with an Account of Old Sarum. Lond. 1774. 4to. Sallustius, C. C. Quae exstant Omnia Opera, cum Comm., curante J. L. Burnouf. Par. 1821. 8vo. Sarum Missal, in English. [By A. H. Pearson.] Schleusner, J. F. Novum Lexicon Gr. Lat. in Novum Test. Ed. 4. Edinb. 1814. 2 vols, in 4. 8vo. Scott, Sir Gilb. Lectures on the Rise and Development of Mediaeval Architecture. Lond. 1879. 2 vols. 8vo. Personal and Professional Recollections ; edited by G. G. Scott. Lond. 1879. 8vo. Scrivener, F. H. Bezse Codex Cantabrigiensis. With a Critical Introduction, Annotations, and Facsimiles. Cambr. 1664. 4to. An Exact Transcript of the Codex Augiensis. With a Critical Introduc- tion. Cambr. 1859. 8vo. SMI] CATHEDRAL LIBRARY OF SALISBURY. 293 ScuDAMORE, W. E. Notitia Encharistica, A Commentary, Explanatory, Doc- trinal, and Historical, on the Order for the Administration of the Lord's Supper, with an Appendix on the Office for the Communion of the Sick. Lond. 1872. 8vo. Sbcker, Tho., Abp. of Canterbury. Works. Edinb. 1792. 4 vols. 8vo. Seneca, L. A. His Epistles, with Annotations by Tho. Morell. Lond. 2 vols. 4to. Senior, Nassau W. Suggestions on Popular Education. Lond. 1861. 8vo. Sermons, by various Authors. 2 vols. 8vo. Sewel, W. a Dictionary Encjlish and Dutch ; with a Grammar, for both Languages. 4th ed. T 'Amsterdam, 1749. 4to. Shaftesbury, Anth., Earl of. Characteristics of Men, Manners, Opinions, Times. 4th ed. 1727. 3 vols. 8vo. Sharp, Tho. The Rubric in the Book of Common Prayer, and the Canons of the Church of England, so far as they relate to the Parochial Clergy, considered. Lond. 1787. 8vo. Sharpe, S. The History of Egypt from the Earliest Times till the Conquest by the Arabs a.d. 640. 4th ed. Lond. 1859. 2 vols. 8vo. Sherlock, Tho., Bp. of London. Discourses and other Works. Oxf. 1812. 4 vols. 8vo. Shipley, Orby. A Glossary of Ecclesiastical Terms. By various Writers. Lond. 1872. 8vo. Short, T. Yowler. A Sketch of the History of the Church of England to the Revolution 1688. Oxf. 1832. 2 vols. 8vo. Shuckford, Sam. The Sacred and Profane History of the World connected. Oxf. 1810. 2 vols. 8vo. Shuttleworth, G. E. The Church and the Clergy, exhibiting the Obligations of Society, Literature, and the Arts to the Ecclesiastical Orders, and the Advantages of an Established Priesthood. Lond. 1820. 8vo. Shuttleworth, Ph. Nich. A Paraphrastic Translation of the Apostolical Epistles, with Notes. Oxf. 1829. 8vo. Skelton, Ph. Discourses, Controversial and Practical. Lond. 1824. 3 vols. 8vo. Skinner, John, Bp. of Aberdeen. An Ecclesiastical History of Scotland. Lond. 1788. 3 vols. 8vo. Skinner, John. Annals of Scottish Episcopacy, from 1788 to 1816 ; with a Biographical Memoir of Bp. Skinner. Edinb. 1818. 8vo. Smith, Adam. The Theory of Moral Sentiments ; with a Dissertation on the Origin of Languages. 10th ed. Lond. 1804. 2 vols. 8vo. Smith, J. Pye. The Scripture Testimony to the Messiah. 4th ed. Lond. 1847. 2 vols. 8vo. Smith, Wm., and others. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography. Lond. 1856-57. 2 vols. 8vo. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology. Lond. 1862-64. 3 vols. 8vo. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities. 2nd ed. Lond. 1865. 8vo. A Latin -English Dictionary, based upon the works of Forcellini and Freund. Lond. 1863. 8vo. A Dictionary of the Bible, comprising its Antiquities, Biography, Geo- graphy, and Natural History. Lond. 1863. 3 vols. 8vo. A Dictionary of Christian Antiquities, being a Continuation of the Dic- tionary of the Bible. Lond. 1875-80. 2 vols. 8vo. 294 CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS IN THE [SMY Smyth, Wm. Evidences of Christianity. 2nd ed. Lond. 1848. 8vo. SoAMES, Hen. The Anglo-Saxon Church ; its History, Revenues, and general Character. 3rd ed. Lond. 1844. 8vo. Elizabethan Religious History. Lond. 1839. 8vo. Sophocles. Tragoediae superstites, et deperditarum Fragmenta, ex recensione et cum Annott. G. Dindorfii. Oxon. 1849. 8vo. South, Rob. Sermons. Oxf. 1823. 7 vols. 8vo. SouTHET, Rob. The Life of "Wesley ; and Rise and Progress of Methodism. 3rd ed. Lond. 1846. 2 vols. 8vo. Sparrow, Anth., Bp. of Norwich. A Rationale, or Practical Exposition of the Book of Common Prayer. With the Lives of the Compilers of the Liturgy ; and an Historical Account of its several Reviews, by Sam. Downes. Lond. 1722. 8vo. Stackhouse, Tho. a History of the Holy Bible. Lond. 1817. 3 vols. 4to. Stanley, A. P. Lectures on the History of the Eastern Church, with an Introduction on the Study of Ecclesiastical History. 2nd ed. Lond. 1862. 8vo. Sinai and Palestine in Connection with their History. Lond. 1862. 8vo. Sermons preached before the Prince of Wales, during his Tour in the East in the Spring of 1862. Lond. 1863. 8vo. Lectures on the History of the Jewish Church. Lond. 1863, '65, *76. 3 vols. 8vo. Historical Memorials of Westminster Abbey. 2nd ed. Lond. 1868. 8vo. Stephen, H. J. New Commentaries on the Laws of England. 7th ed., by James Stephen. Lond. 1874. 4 vols. 8vo. Stewart, Dugald. Elements of the Philosophy of the Human Mind. Edinb. 1811, '16. 2 vols. 8vo. Philosophical Essays. 3rd ed. Edinb. 1818. 8vo. The Philosophy of the Active and Moral Powers of Man. Edinb. 1828. 2 vols. 8vo. Stillingfleet, Edw., Bp. of Worcester. Origines Sacrce, Oxf. 1817. 2 vols. 8vo. Sumner, J. B. A Treatise on the Records of the Creation, and on the Moral Attributes of the Creator. 2nd ed. Lond. 1818. 2 vols. 8vo. Charges delivered to the Clergy of the Dio. of Chester in 1829 and 1832. Lond. 1829, '32. 8vo. Sussex, The Duke of. Speech in the H. of Lords on the Roman Catholic Relief Bill; April 3, 1829. With Notes. Lond. 1829. 8vo. T. Tacitus, C. C. Opera recognovit, emendavit, Supplementis explevit, Notis, Dissertationibus, illustravit Gabr. Brotier, curante A. J. Valpy. Lond. 1823. 4 vols. 8vo. Taylor, Bp. Jer. Works ; with a Life of the Author, and a Critical Examina- tion of his Writings, by Bp. Reg. Heber. Lond. 1828. 15 vols. 8vo. XrSH] CATHEDRAL LIBRARY OF SALISBURY. 295 Tennemann. Manuel de I'Histoire de la Philosophie, traduit de rAllemand, par V. Cousin. 2de ed. Paris, 1839. 2 vols. 8vo. Testamentum. Yetus Test. Greecum juxta LXX Interpretes, editum juxta Exemplar Originale Yaticanum, cum Lat. Translatione, Animadvv., et Comple- mentis ex aliis MSS. Cura J. IST. Jager, Ed. 2. Par. 1839. 2 vols. 8vo. Novum Test. Graecum, cum Scholiis Theologicis et Philologicis, per Sam. Hardy. Lond. 1820. 2 vols. 8vo. Theoceitus, Bion et Moschus, Gr. et Lat. Acced. Yirorum Doctorum Animadvv., Scholia, Indices et M. ^m. Porti Lex. Doricum. Lond. 1829. 2 vols. 8vo. Thierry, Aug. History of the Conquest of England by the Normans. Translated by Wm. Hazlitt. Lond. 1856. 2 vols. 8vo. Thirlwall, Connop, Bp. of St. David's. A Letter on the Admission of Dissenters to Academical Degrees. 2nd ed. With a Second Letter containing a Yindication of some Passages in the First Letter. Cambr. 1834. 8vo. A Charge delivered in 1842. Lond. 1842. 8vo. Remains Literary and Theological; edited by J. J. Stewart Perowne. Lond. 1877-78. 3 vols. 8vo. Thorp, Tho. Sermons. Cambr. or Lond. 1831, '32, '34, '38. 8vo. TH[JCYDIDES. De Bello Peloponnesiaco libri viii., Gr. Recensuit, Argumentis et Ad- notatione perpetua illustravit, Fr. Goeller. Lond. 1835. 2 vols. 8vo. The History of the Peloponnesian War, illustrated by Maps. With Notes, chiefly Historical and Grammatical; by Tho. Arnold. Oxf. 183-, '32, '35. 3 vols. 8vo. TiLLOTSON, John, Abp. of Canterbury. Works; with the Life of the Author. Lond. 1752. 3 vols. Fol. Sermons. With Prayers composed by him. Lond. 1700-1704. 14 vols. 8vo. Tracts for the Times. Yols. for 1833-40. Lond. 1840. 5 vols. 8vo. Trench, Rich. C, Abp. of Dublin. Notes on the Miracles of our Lord. 6th ed. Lond. 1858. 8vo. Notes on the Parables of our Lord. 8th ed. Lond. 1860. 8vo. Sacred Latin Poetry, chiefly Lyrical; with Notes and Introduction. 2nd ed. Lond. 1864. 8vo. Tucker, Abr. The Light of Nature pursued ; with some Account of the Life of the Author. 3rd ed. Lond. 1834. 2 vols. 8vo. Turner, Sharon. The History of the Anglo-Saxons. 7th ed. Lond. 1852. 3 vols. 8vo. TuRTON, Tho. Natural Theology considered with reference to Lord Brougham's Discourse on that Subject. 2nd ed. Cambr. 1836. 8vo. Unseen Universe, The, or Physical Speculations on a Future State. Lond. 1875. 8vo. Usher, James, Abp. of Armagh. A Body of Divinity, or the Sum and Sub- stance of Christian Religion, Catechetically propounded and explained. 296 CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS IN THE [VAU 2nd ed. With a Tract, intituled Immanuel, or the Mystery of the Incarnation of the Son of God. Lond. 1647. Fol. Vaughan, C. J. * Like People, Like Priest ' : A Sermon. Leicester, 1842, 8vo. Venn, Hen. Academical Studies subservient to the Edification of the Church. A Sermon. Cambr. 1828. 8vo. Vergilius Maro, p. Opera, Yarietate Lectionis et perpetua Adnotatione illustrata, a Chr. G. Heyne. Ed. 3. Lond. 1793. 4 vols. 8vo. W. Waddington, Geo. A History of the Church, from the Earliest Ages to the Reformation. Lond. 1833. 2 vols. 8vo. A History of the Reformation on the Continent. Lond. ]841. 3 vols. 8vo. Three Sermons. 1828, '35, '41. 8vo. Pamphlet on Church Reform, Nov. 12, 1832. 8vo. Wahl. Chr. Abr. Clavis Novi Test. Philologica. Ed. 2. Vol. I. Lips. 1829. 8vo. Walcott, M. E. C. Traditions and Customs of Cathedrals. Lond. 1872. 8vo. Warburton, Wm., Bp. of Gloucester. Works. With a Preface, containing some Account of the Life, Writings and Character of the Author, by R. Hurd, Bp. of Worcester. Lond. 1811. 12 vols 8vo. The Divine Legation of Moses demonstrated, etc. 10th ed. Lond. 1846. 3 vols. 8vo. A Selection from his nnpubhshed Papers. Lond. 1841. 8vo. Warton, Tho. History of English Poetry from the 12th to the Close of the 16th Century. Edited by W. C. Hazlitt ; with Variorum Notes. Lond. 1871. 4 vols. 8vo. .Waterland, Dan. Eight Sermons in Defence of the Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ. 2nd ed. Cambr. 1720. 8vo. A Vindication of Christ's Divinity; being a Defence of some Queries relating to Dr. Clarke's Scheme of the Holy Trinity. 3rd ed. Cambr. .1720. 8vo. A Second Vindication of Christ's Divinity. Lond. 1723. 8vo. A Review of the Doctrine of the Eucharist, as laid down in Scripture and Antiquity. 2nd ed. Lond. 1737. 8vo. Watson, Rich., Bp. of Llandaff. Two Apologies, one for Christianity, the other for the Bible ; with two Sermons, and a Charge, in Defence of Revealed Religion. Lond. 1820. 8vo. Theological Tracts. Cambr. 1785. 6 vols. 8vo.^ WIL] CATHEDRAL LIBRARY OF SALISBURY. 297 Wells, Edw. An Historical Geography of the Old and New Testament. Oxf. 1809. 2 vols. 8vo. Westcott, B. F. A General Survey of the History of the Canon of the New Testament dnring the First Four Centuries. Cambr. 1855. 8vo. A General View of the History of the English Bible. 2nd ed. Lond. 1872. 8vo. An Introduction to the Study of the Gospels. 5th ed. Lond. 1875. 8vo. Whatelt, Rich., Abp. of DubHn. The Use and Abuse of Party-Feeling in Matters of Religion. [Bampton Lectures for 1822.] 2nd ed. With Five Sermons. Oxf 1823. 8vo. Essays on some of the Peculiarities of the Christian Religion. 2nd ed. Oxf. 1827. 8vo. Essays on some of the DiflBculties of the Writings of the Apostle Paul, and in other parts of the New Testament. 2nd ed. Lond. 1830. 8vo. '■ Second Series. 4th ed. Lond. 1839. 8vo. Sermons. Lond. 1835. 8vo. Essays [Third Series] on the Errors of Romanism, having their Origin in Human Nature. 2nd ed. Lond. 1837. 8vo. The Kingdom of Christ delineated in Two Essays on our Lord's own Account of His Person and of the Nature of His Kingdom, and on the Constitution, Powers, and Ministry of a Christian Church, as represented by Himself. 2nd ed. Lond. 1842. 8vo. The Scripture Doctrine cone, the Sacraments, and the points connected therewith. Lond. 1857. 12mo. Elements of Logic. 2nd ed. Lond. 1827. 8vo. Elements of Rhetoric. Oxf. 1828. 8vo. Wheatly, C. a Rational Illustration of the Book of Common Prayer. Oxf. 1810. 8vo. Whewell, Wm. Remarks on some parts of Mr. Thirl wall's Letter on the Admission ot Dissenters to Academical Degrees. Cambr. 1884. 8vo. On the Foundations of Morals. Four Sermons preached Nov. 1837. Cambr. 8vo. History of the Inductive Sciences. Lond. 1837. 3 vols. 8vo. Of the Plurality of Worlds : an Essay. Lond. 1853. 8vo. Astronomy and General Physics considered with reference to Natural Theology. Lond. 1852. 8vo. History of Scientific Ideas. 3rd ed. Lond. 1858. 2 vols. 8vo. Whitby, Dan. Last Thoughts, containing his Correction of several Passages in his Commentary on the New Testament. With Five Discourses. Lond. 1727. 8vo. White, John. Bampton Lectures for 1784. 3rd ed. Lond. 1789. 8vo. Whiteside, J. W. The Christian Minister's Call — His Duties and Encourage- ments. A Sermon. Lond. 1843. 8vo. Wilberporce, S., Bp. of Winchester. Heroes of Hebrew History. Lond. 1870. 8vo. William of Malmesbury. Chronicle of the Kings of England, from the earliest Period to the Reign of K. Stephen. With Notes, by J. H. Giles. Lond. 1847. 8vo. Williams, Folkestone. Lives of the English Cardinals ; including Historical Notices of the Papal Court, from Nich. Breakspear (Pope Adrian IV.) to Tho. Wolsey, Cardinal Legate. Lond. 1868. 2 vols. 8vo. 298 CATALOGUE OF THE SALISBURY CATH. LIB. [WIL Wilson, Wm. An English Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon and Concordance. 2nd ed. Lond. 1866. 4to. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine. Devizes, 1854-78. 17 vols. 8vo. WODROW, Rob. The History of the Sufferings of the Church of Scotland from the Restoration to the Revolution. With a Memoir of the Author, a preliminary Dissertation, and Notes, by Rob. Burns. Glasgow, 1829-30. 4 vols. 8vo. WOLSEY, Cardinal. The History of his Life and Times. Lond. 1742. 2 vols. 8vo. Wood, Anth. Athense Oxonienses. 2nd ed. Lond. 1721. 2 vols. Fol. Woodward, J. E. The National Church a National Blessing. A Lecture. Lond. 1843. 8vo. Wordsworth, Christopher. Ecclesiastical Biography. 2nd ed. Lond. 1818. 6 vols. 8vo. Christian Institutes. Lond. 1842. 4 vols. 8vo. Wordsworth, Chr., Bp. of Lincoln. Lectures on the Apocalypse ; being the Hulsean Lectures for 1848. 2nd ed. Lond. 1849. 8vo. Theophilus Anglicanus. 2nd ed. Lond. 1844. 8vo. Sequel to Letters to M. Gondon, on the Destructive Character of the Church of Rome. 2nd ed. Lond. 1848. 8vo. . Twelve Addresses delivered at his Visitation of the Cathedral of Lincoln in the year 1873. Lond. 1873. 8vo. X. Xenophon. Qu89 exstant Opera, Gr. et Lat. cum Appendice per Jo. Leun- clavium, cumque Mm. Porti, et Er. Porti Notis. Par. 1625. Eol. Young, E., Dean of Sarum. Sermons. Lond. 1702-3. 2 vols. 8\ro. Z. ZuMPT, C. G. A Grammar of the Latin Language. Translated from the German, with Additions, by John Kenrick. 3rd ed. Lond. 1832. 8vo. SUBJECT-INDEX.* The references under the headings to which the letter " is prefixed, and those separated from 'preceding references by a line, are to the Catalogue which forms an Appendix. AKS ALC ANT Absolution. Alchemy — co7it. Anatomy — cont. Gerson. Majerus. Benedictus, A. Hammond. Nuisement. Browne, J. Nicephorus Chartophylax. Valentine. Casserius. Acts of the Apostles, Com- Aldhelm, Bp. of Sherborne. Crooke. mentaries on. Wharton. Glissonius. Brentius. Alfred the Gbbat, Life of. Harveius. Brunfelsius. Spelman, J. Highmore. BuUingerus. Algebra. Massa. Cajetanus. Harriotus. Kiolanus. Galvinus. Eenaldinus. Spigelius. Felicianus. Almsgiving. Vesalius. Ferus. Tenison. Hofmeisterus, Alsace. Bell. Jonas, J. Elvervelt. Humphry. Lightfoot. Altar. Anglo-Saxon Chronologt (Ecumenius. Mede. BedaVen. Origenes. Ambassadors. Anglo-Saxon Church. Sanctius. Digges, Sir D. Soames. Sancto-Caro. Howell. •Anglo-Saxon Dictionary, Sarcerius. Magius. Bosworth. Selneccerus. Wicquefort. "Anglo-Saxon History. Spangenbergius, J. Zoucheus. Lappenberg. Theophylactiis. Americans. Turner. Wissowatius. Grotius. Anglo-Saxon Laws. See also Bible. Hornius. Auglia. New Testament. Laet. Ann, St. Acts of Parliament. Amos, Commentaries on. Clagett. Criminal Code. Brentius. Anselm, Life of. Jews. Lutherus. Wharton. Pulton. Parens, D. Scobell. See also Bible. Church. Scotland. Prophets. Antichrist. Statutes. Anabaptists. Abbot, K. Wingate. Brentius. Artopceus. Adages. C, H. Bale. Erasmus. Calvinus. Brightmannus. Faustus, P. Darantria. Clapham. Agriculture. Featley. Downame. Estienne. Lasco. Flacius. Albion. Melanchthon. Grotius, Langhornius. Timannus. Hofmannus, C. Alchemy. Veron. James I. Kerckringius, Anatomy. Judex. Lullius. Bartholinus, T. Meath, H., Bp. of. ' In the majority of cases, the references in this Index to the two Catalogues of Books will be readily verified ; and it has not been deemed necessary to give volume or page of collected editions of works. 300 SUBJECT-INDEX. ANT APO AST Antichrist — cm.t. Apostles' Creed — cont. Aristotle— co»^. Powell. Erasmus. Gassendiis. Koma. Gil. Golius, T. Wigandus. Hessels. Pavonius. Antinomians. Heylin. Ruvius. Bakewell. Jackson. Scotus. Antiquities, Biblical. Pearson. Themistius. 8ee Bible, Antiquities of. Ricius. Toletus. Antiquities, Greek. Rufinus. "Walseus. See Greece. Usher. Antiquities, Koman. Venantius, Grote. See Roman Antiquities. Arithmetic. Antwerp, Church of. Leighton. Bucleus. Confessio. See also Catechism. Bullialdus. Aphorisms. Apostolic Canons and Con- Diophantus. Vauchelles. stitutions. Lax. Apocalypse, Commentaries on. Apostoli. Psellus. Arethas, Apostolic Succession. Ramus. Ar^opceus. Usher. Urstisius. Bibliander. Aquinas. Armenians. Brightmannus. Bannez. Prsetorius, A. Bullingerus. Estius. Arminianism. Chytrseus, D. Valentia. Ames. Conradus. Aquitania. Corvinus, J. A. Croly. Lurbeus. Curcellseus. Junius, F. Arabic Grammar. Grotius. Lambertus. Erpenius. Lubbertus. ■ Leo-Nardus. Arabic Lexicon. Yedelius. Marloratus. Golius, J. Walseus. Mede. Arabs and Saracens. Yates. Meyerus. Newton, T. Napier. Pococke. Heylin (Troops). Parens, D. Archeology, Biblical. Articles. Ribera. See Bible. Care. Sancto-Caro. Architects. Laurence, Abp. Stephens. Bellori. Rogers, T, Woodhouse. Architecture. !-ancta-Clara. Baldus. Todd. "Wordsworth. Marolois. See also Bible. Shute. Beveridge. New Testament. Vitruvius. Brown, E. H. Apocrypha, Commentaries on. Wickes. Burnet. See THE Names of the Wotton. Ascetics, Lives of. SEVERAL Books. Theodoretus. APOCRTfPHAL WrITINSS. Essays. Asia, Seven Churches of. Dallseus. Fergusson. Smith, T. Jacobus Apostolus. Parker, J. H. Asia, Travels in. Laurence, Abp. Pugin. Wheler. Patriarcbse. Rickman. Assyrian Monarchy. Apolooktical Narration. Scott. Gregory. Edwards, T. Arianism. S., A. Mayo. Rawlinson. Apophthegms. Nye. Astrology. Erasmus. Trinity. Censorinus. Lycosthenes. Waterland. Finckius. Apostles, Cha-acter and Con- Wells. Gaule. duct of. Gerson. Milman. Newman. Heydon. •Apostles, Lives of. Aristotle. Morshemius. Cave. Alexander Aphrod. Nabod. I^rdner (in "Watson's Bannez. Picus, J. Tracts). Berigardus. Scbyrleus de Rheita. Apostles* Creed. Buridanus. Astronomy. Ashwell. Cajetanns. Aristarchus. Augustinus. Casus. Astronomia. Barrow, L Crellius. Eratosthenes. Bellarminus. Eustratius. Manilius. Boys. Figliucci. Ptolemseus. SUBJECT-INDEX. 301 AST ASTKONOMY — COnt, Theon. * * Argolus. Bayerus. Billy. Blundevil. Brahe. Bressius. Bullialdus. Claramons. Copernicus. Crabtree. Deusingiug. Erastus. Fienus. Finseus. Flamsteed. Fraeastorius. Galilaei. Gassendus. Hartgillus. Horroccius. Keplerus. Lanshergius. Leovitius. Msestlinus. Maginus. Mereator, N. Metius, Origanus. Petavius. Phocylides. Picolhomineus. Pitatus. Psellus. Purbachius. Regiomontanus. Reinholdus. Eenerius. Ehseticus. Rhotmannus. Scheiner. Schonborn. Schreckenfuchsius. Snellius. Streete. Torporlseus. Ulugh-Beigh. Wallis. Ward, Bp. S. Chalmers. Whewell. Athanasian Creed. Ashwell. Dionysius Carthus. Waterland. Atheism. Burthogge. Campanella. Cudworth. Fotherby. Smith, T. Vaninus, Weemse. Bentley. ATL BIB Atlas. Basel —cont. Pitt. Sylvius, JEn. Atonement. Bath Abbey, Veysie. Rawlinson. Bath and Welts, See of. Magee. Wharton. Attic Antiquities. Baxter, R. Rous. Long. Attic Dialect. Morley. Stephanus, H. Pierce. Attic Law. Beatitudes, The. Heraldus. Farrer. Petitus. Gregorius Nyss. Augsburg, Confession of. Confessio. Moberly. ♦ * Beggina. Bucerus. Hontsum. Cochlseus. Belgium. Dathsenus. Bentivoglio. Hofmeisterus. Bucherius. Augsburg, Diet of, an. 1548. Grotius. Bucerus. Ortelius. Augustine, Abp. of Canter- Sonnius. bury. Strada. Wharton. Bellarminus. AUGUSTINUS, AUR. Andrewes. Annatus. Danaeus. Bibliander. Junius, F. Corvinus, Ant. Lubbertus. Conrius. ScharpJus. Crompton. Bells, Church. Hieronymus Torrens. Ellacombe. Jansenius Iprens. Benedictines. Rabus. Hildegardis. Sarceriua. Reynerus. Auricular Confession. Benedictus, Commentaries See Confession. on. Lutherus. See aUo Cantica Offi- ^Babylonia. CTATJA. Heeren. Benefices, Ecclesiastical. Rawlinson. Duarenus. Balliol College. 'Bentley, Life of. Savage. Monk. Baptism. Bepengarius. Baius. Eucharistia. Basilius Magn. Hildebertus. D'Anvers. Roma. Featley. Berkshire. Hammond. Clarke, W. N. Laurence, Abp. Bible, Antiquities of. Marcus Eremita. Abarbanel. Socinus. Ackermannus. Tertullianus. Angelocrator. Timannus. Bouldue. Westphalus. Epiphanius. Ferrettus. Patrick. Godwin. See also Lay- Baptism. Hospinianus. Sacraments. JosephuR. Baruch, Commentaries on. Lightfoot. Biblia. Lipsius. Castrus. Maimonides. Dionysius Carthus. Outram, Sanctius. Philo Judseus. Theodoretus. Ribera. Basel, Council of. Stukeley. Julianus Cses. Weemse. 302 SUBJECT-TNDEX. BIB Bible, Antiquities of — cont. Zepperus. Jennings. Lowman. Smith, W. Bible, Authority of. Bandinel BuUingerus. Buschius. Cochlaeus. Galilaei. Goodwin, J. Lowth, W, Lubbertus. Major, Gr. Melanchthon. Miller. Morus, A. Miilhusinus. Parens, D. Sixtus Senensis. Slotanus. Socinus. Valentia. Vorstius. Williamson. Goode. Bible, Canon of. See Cajton of Scbipture. Bible, Chronology of. See Chronology. Bible, Commentaries on. Aquinas. Assembly of Divines. Augustinus. Biblia. Cappellus, J. and L. ChrysostomuB. Critici Sacri. Dieu. Dionysius Carthus. Glossa. Grotius. Hieronymus Strid. Lapide, C. a Lucas, F. Polus, M. Tirinus. BiblT" Blunt, J. H. Patrick. Bible, Compendiums and Dic- tionaries of. AUottus. Alstedius. Anticchus. Aureolus. Berchorius. Bernard, K. Brandmyllerus. Brunfelsius. Clarke, J. Comestor. Ederus. BIB Bible, Compendiums of— oont. Marloratus. Placus. Raranellus. Tossanus. Wilson, T. Kitto. Smith, W. Bible, Concordances to. See CONCOBDANCES. Bible, Geography and Na- tural History of. Adrichomius. Bochartus. Bonfrerius. Fuller, T. Lightfoot. Vallesius. Robinson. Smith, W. Stanley. Wells. Bible, Harmonies of. See Habmonies. Bible, Inspiration of. Conybeare, J. J. • Croft, G. Lowth, W. Williamson. Aids to Faith. Benson (in Watson's Tracts). Bible, Interpretation, Text, Versions of. Boyle. Cappellus, L. Conybeare, J. J. Flacius. Glassius. Hanerus. Heinsius. Hofmeisterus. Leigh. Lowth, R, Middleton, T. F. Prsetorius, A. Rivetus. Simon. Sixtus Sen. Van Mildert. Aids to Faith. Arnold, T. Brett (in Watson's Tracts). Burgess. Conybeare, W. D. Essays and Reviews. Johnson(inWatson's Tracts). Marsh. Westcott. Bible, Introductions to. Flacius. Sixtus. Beausobre (in Watson's Tracts). BIB Bible, Introductions to — cont. Collyer. Gray. Home, T. H. Taylor (in Watson's Tracts). Bible, Lexicons to. Lexicon. Gesenius. Wilson, Biblical Subjects. 1. Contradictions recon- ciled. Althamer. Rabus. Sachsius. 2. Figurative Langtuu/e. Alphabetum. Beda Veu. Camerarius, J. Goeuschelius. Hertelius. Lemnius. Susenbrotus. Westhemerus. 3. Trover Nam^. Biblia. Bonfrerius. Eucherius. Gregorius, G. 4. Miscellaneous. Alliaco. Arboreus. Badius. Baro. Basil! us Sel. Bellarminus. Cassiodorus. Clarke, J. Crellius. Driedo. Episcopius. Fuller, N. Gregory. Hall, Bp. Heideggerus. Hyperius. Isidorus. Junius, F. Justinianus, F. Lambertus. Leo-Nardus. Maimonides. Marloratus. Maximus Conf. Mede. Melanchthon. Morus, A. Naclantus. Nierembergius. Obenhein. Paley. Payva. Perrot. Philo Judaeus. Sancta-Maria. Sancto-Victore, H, de. SUBJECT-IKBEX. BIB BIO CAL Biblical Subjects. BlOGBAPHT— C(W?. Book-keeping. 4. Miscellaneous — cont. Isidorus. Collins, J. Sarcerius. Lurbeus. Waningen. Sasgerus. Maria, B. V. Books, Good and Bad. Sixtus Sen. Martin, W. Raynaudus. Socinus. Norch. Books, Libellous. Spauhemius. Palladius. Vergerius, A. Stackhouse. Parr, R. Botany. Theodoretus. Phreislebius. Bacon, F. Twopeny. Piatina. Evelyn. Villavicentio. Prynne. Horto. Voisin. Eabus. Langham. Strypo. Monardi. Allix. Theodoretus. Mori son. BiBLIOaRAPHY. Voragine. Oxoniensis. Draudius. Wood, A. Parkinson. Gesnerus. Wordsworth. Raius. Hanckius. Bishops. BOURIGNONIANISM. Jamesius. Cochlaeus. Cockburn. Labb6. Darton. Boy-Bishop, the. Linden. Lucy. Gregory. Photius. Liitherus. Boyle Lectures. Sandius, See also Episcopacy. Van Mildert. Sixtus Sen. Episcopal Func- Trithemius. tions. Bentley. Bishops, Charges of. Brahe. Darling. See Charges. Argolus. See also Catalogdes. Bishops in Parliament. Keplerus. BiBLlOTHEC A CoNCK )N I) M. Newark. Snellius. Pontanus, G. B. Thomas, W. Brahe, Life of. BlBLIOTHECA ExOTICA ET Gassendus. Classica. Heylin {Tracts). Britain, History of. Draudius. "Bishops of English Church. Camden. BiBLIOTHECA JuRIS CaNONICI. Godwinus. Galfridus Mon. Jus. Bodleian Library. Gildas. BiBLIOTHECA SaCEA. Hyde. Johnstonus. Ravanellus. Book of Common Prayer. Matthaeus Westm. BiBLIOTHECA SaNCTA. Bailie, Priseus. Sixtus Sen. Bale. Virunnius. BiBLIOTHECA StUDII ThEOLO- Barlow, W. Britain, History of Church of. GICI, Bingham. Cressy. Piscator. Boys. D'Anvers. BlOGHAPHY. Bucerus. Parker, Abp. Aristeas. Burgess, J. Spelman, H. Diogenes Laertius. Camfield. Brownists. Nepos. Durell. Ainsworth, H, Plutarchus. Grant. Ball. Suetonius. Hammond. Barrowe. Victor, S. A. Jebb, Bp. Darrell. * ♦ L'Estrange, H. Giffard. Adamus. Scrope. Hall, Bp. Binius. W., J. • "Brunswick, House of. Bowles, W. L. Womock. Gibbon. Cassander. Woodhead. Bulla Ccena Domini. Cheynell. Toletus. Clark. Blunt, J. H. BURLA.L. Cochlaeus. Cardwell. Raymundus. Dodwell. Comber. Duncon. Keeling. Edwards, E. Lathbury. Cabala. Fuller, T. Palmer. Dee. Gregorius I. Parker, J. Reuchlin. Heraelides. Procter. Ricius. Herbert. Scudamore. Cjecilianus, Episc. Cart hag. Heylin. Seeker. Felix. Hieronymus Strid. Sharp. Calendar. Hobbes. Sparrow. Calvisius. Hofmannus, J. J. 1 Wheatly. Cusa. 304 SUBJECT. INDEX. GAL Calendar — cont. Gassendus. Pitatus. Keusnerus. Stoefler. Calendar, Ecclesiastical. Phreislebius. Rivo. Calvin and Calvinism. Baius. Camerarius, B. Claude. Colonius. Gallasius. Heshusius. Horantius, Maimbcurg. Moms, A. Sadoletus. Sainctes. Smith, R. Sonnius. Theopsalte. Tomline. Cambridge University. Cantabrigiensis. Fuller, T. Campion, the Jesuit. Charke. Whitaker. Canon Law. Canones. Concilia. Jus. * Ik Augustinus, Ant. Calvinus seu Kahl. Costa, J. a. Cucchus. Florens. Grratianus. Kling. Layman nus. Canon of Scripture. Canon. Cosin, J. Driedo. Morus, A. Canons, Paschal. Bucherius. Hippoljrtus. Paschal Cycle. Petavius. Canons, Penitential. Augustinus, Ant. Gratianus. Petrus Alexandr. Theodorus Cantuar. •Canterbury, Archbishops of. Hook. Canterbury, City of. Somner. Canterbury, See of. Wharton. Cantica Officialia, Commen- taries on. Carafa. Dionysius Carthus. CAN Cantica Officlalia — cont. Euthymius. Haymo. Jansenius Gand. Perez. Titelmannus. Canticles. See Song of Solomon. Carmelites. Carthagena. Cartesian Philosophy. See Des Caries. Carthusians. Gerson. Miraeus. Cases of Conscience. Borelius Brcchmand. Clavasio. Filliuccius. Homes. Perkins. Rodriquez. Sanderson. Tabia. Taylor, Bp. Toletus. Catalogues. Catalogue. Clavel. Home, T. H. Hyde. Index. Maskell. Smith, J. J. Spencer. Todd. Wanleius. Wilmshurst. Catechism, English, ex- plained. Mayer. Nicholson. Towerson. Beveridge. Seeker. Catechisms, &c. Catechismus. * * Alstedius. Alting. Andrewes. Argentinensis. Asseml'ly of Divines. Bellarminus. Breutius. Calvinus. Canisius. Chytraeus, D. Clingius. Coloniensis. Corvinus, Ant. Cyrillus Hierosol. Ederus. Ferinarius. Gropperus. CEL Catechisms, &c. — cont. Hall, Bp. Hammond. Heldingiis. Hemmingius. Hessels. Holthusius. Huberinus. Hyperius. Lindanus. Lossius. Lutherus. Mermannius. Moguntinum. N.N. Nausea. Parr, E. Socinus. Soto. Spangenbergius, J. Trocedorfius. Ursinus. Vaux. "Wigandus. Catena in Genesin. Lippomannus. Catena in Psalmos. Puteo. Catena in Cantica Biblica. Carafa. Catena in Evangelia. Aquinas. Catena in Acta Apost. et Catholicas Epistolas. Felicianus. Cathedral Canons, &c. Barbosa. Cathedral Churches. See Ely. Norwich. Salisbury. Wells. "Cathedral Customs. Walcott. "Cathedral Institutions. Benson. Essays. Goulburn. Pusey. Wordsworth, Bp. Cathedral Libraries. Botfield. Celibacy of the Clergy. Bellarminus. Bucerus. Clergy. Cromerus. Gardiner, S. Gerson, Huldricus. Martyr Verm. Parker, Abp. TuUy. Udalricus. Valentia. Vehe. Wharton. I Woodhead. SUBJECT.INDEX. '305 CHA CHA CHR •Chald^a. Charles I., &c. — cont Christianity, Sec— cont. Eawlinson. St. John. Watson, Bp. E. Chaldee Grammars. Salmasius. Whitby. Aurogallus. Scotland. White, Jos. Bythnerus. Sedgwick. Munsterus. Sheringham. Aids to Faith. Sennertus, A. Ship-money. Blunt, J. J. ChALDEE TiEXICONS. Symmons, E. Chalmers. Lexicon. T., J. Conybeare, W. D. Vane, Sir H. Essays and Eeviews. Gesenius. W., W. Kidder. Wilson. Wray. Smyth. Chaldee Paraphrase. Chbapside Cross. Watson (Tracts). Jonathan. Abbot, E. "Christianity. Peculiar Doc- Tayler. Archer. trines of. Charges, Archdeacons'. Chemistry. Conybeare, W. D. Balguy. Beguinus. 'Christianity, Peculiarities of. Daubeny. Boyle. Whately. Paley. Le Febvre. ' Christianity as old as Waterland. Sandivogius. Creation.' Charges, Bishops'. Chobepiscopi. Conybeare, J. Barrington. Bellarminus. Waterland. Butler, J. Morinus. Chronicles, Commentaries on. Gardiner, J.. Quesnellus. Sanctius. Gauden. Christ. Strigelius. Hort. See Jesus Christ. Procopius Gaz, Jebb. 'Christ A>nD other Masters. See also Bible. Sherlock, T. Hard wick. Chronology, Biblical and Stratford. "Christian Churches and Ecclesiastical. Taylor, Jer. Sects. Beda. Marsden. Bueherius. Denison. Christianity, Compendiums Bullingerus. Howley. of. Camerarius, J. Hurd. Antiochus. Driedo. Leighton. Beza. Eusebius. Longley. Bullingerus. Genebrardus. Miisgrave. Calvinus. Lansbergius. Phillpotts. Curcellseus. Livelie. Seeker. Damascenus. Marsham. Thirlwall. Eveleigh. Massseus. Warburton. Hofmannus, C. Pantaleon. * Charity Mistaken.' Hyperius. Pareus, D. Potter. Kirchnerus. Pie. Charles I., History of the Lutherus. Salianus. Eeign of. Novicampianus. Simsonius. Bates. Sonnius. Spanhemius. Bishops. Titelmannus. Swan. Clarendon. Treflerus. Syncellus. Digby. "Wolzogenius. Torniellus. Du Val. Zuinglius. Usher. Dyve. Christianity, Evidences and Vossius, G. J. Eliot. Truth of. Vossius, I. Feme. Barrow, W. Ireland. Eveleigh. Eiddle. Jenkins. Finch, W. Chronology, General, Howell. Grotius. Beveregius. L., W. Jortin. Bibliander. L'Estrange, E. Lancaster. Blair. Lotius. Milman. Calvisius. Milton. Mornayus. Eusebius. Molinaftus, P. Penrose. Gordonus. Newark. Paley. Gregory. Prynne. Eicius. Hales. Pym. Shepherd. Helvicus. Eeymes. Sonnius. Isaacson. Eonsgrove. Stanhope. Lalaraantins. Eouse. SLillingfleet. Marsham. Eudyerd. Vives. Massseus. 306 SUBJEOT.INDEX. CHE CHU Chronoi^gt, &c. — coni. Chukch, &c.—cont. Nicephorus Const. Triumphus. Petavius. Valentia. Pont. Vehe. Prosper. Vigorius. Eeusnerus. Robinson. Hook. Eupertus, C. A, Church, Discipline and Go- Salianus. vernment of. Scaliger, J. J. Bilson. Simsonius. Brokesby. Torniellus. Covell. Ulugh-Beigh. Dallaeus. Vossius, I. Dominis. Chuech, The. Duraeus. Bellarminus. Episcopacy. Boulduc. Field, E. Buchingerus. Gerson. Cureellseus. Gunning. Cnsa. Hammond. Darrell. Hooker. Daubeny. King, P. Ecclesia. Lucy. Field, E. Marshall. Fricius. Mason. Hall, John. Morinus. Heshusins. Overall. Hoornbeek. Prynne. Jackson. Eaymundus. Junius, F. Eegino. Latomus, J. Saravia. Lutherus. Stillingfleet. Paradiso. Vilierius. Polus, E. Eapagelanus. Cave. Eeligion. Church, History of. Eogers, J. Abdias. Sherlock, W. Eusebius. Socinus. Evagrius. Sutclivius. Philostorgius, Valentia. Socrates. Vehe. Sozomenus. Whitaker. Theodoretus. Theodorus Lector. Palmer. Victor Vit. Wordsworth, Bp. * * Chtbch, Antiquities of. Allix. Bingham. Aurelius. Baronius, C, Cambridge Camden Society. Bellarminus. Eiddle. Buchingerus. Church, Authority of. Campbell. Bullingerus. Casaubonus, I. Coehlseus. Clark. Curio. Comber. Florebellus. Fox. Grerson. Godeau. Heshusius. Holstenius. Hill. Jortin. Lake. Kaye. Lowth, S. King, P. Paradiso. Labb^. Eicherius. Magdeburgica. Eossseus. Montagu, E. Sherlock, W. Pagitt. Slotanus. Pappus. Stillingfleet. Pontanus. Tenison. Sandius. crv Church, &c. — cont. Sleidanus. Spanhemius. Spondanus. Symson. Blunt, J. J. Gieseler. Hard wick. Milman. Mosheim. Neander. Eiddle. Waddington. Church, Notes of. Bellarminus. Favour. Eapagelanus. *Church Architecture. Cambridge Camden Society. "Church Dictionary. Hook. Shipley. "Church Eefobm. Arnold, T. Burton. Waddington. Church of England. See England. Church of Eomb. See EoMisH Controversy. Churches, Eeverence due to. Mede. Spelman, H. Church Spires and Towers. Wickes. Cicero. Betuleius. Cracovius. Clauserus. Nizolius. Piscator. Eamus. Civil Law. Jus. ♦ * Alciatus. Asinius. Calvinus seu Kahl. Chartarius. Corvinus, Arn. Corvinus, J. A. Duck. Gregorius, P. Heraldus. Justinianus, Imp. Leschassier. Pith (BUS. Eittershusius. Eulandt. Theodosius, Imp. Theophilus Antec, Vergerius, A. Voerda. Vultejus. Wiseman. Zoucheus. SUBJECT-INDEX. 307 OIV COM COU Civil Power in Ecclesias- Communion, Occasional. Confirmation. tical Causes. Communion. . Dallseus. Andrewes. Communion, in one or both D'Anvers. Beza. kinds. Hessels. Bochartus. Cassander. Holstenius. Brentius. Coles. Grotius. Fricius. Taylor. Humfredus. Gerson. See also Sacraments. J.,W. Melanchthon. Consistory, Eoman, Junius, F. Payne. See Curia Eomana. Lindius. Sasgerus. Constance, Council of. Milton. Valentia. Constantiense. Molinseus, L. Vehe. Gerson. Prynne. Vergerius, L. Constantinople. Sampson. Whitby. Busbequius. Saravia. CONCIONES. Constantinople, Patriarchate Sherlock, W. Orationes. of. Vedelius. Conciones seu Sermones. Marca. "Civilization, History of. See Sermons. Controversies, Eeligious. Guizot. Concord between Churches. See Romish Controversy. Clemens VIII., Papa. Baxter, E. Convocation. Broccardus. Bergius. Hoadly. Clergy. Beza. Aurificus. Billichius, E. Atterbury. Bellarminus. Bredenbachius. Lathbury. Morinus. Bucerus, Copernicus, Life of. Eyd de Keen. Calvinus. Gassendus. Cassander. Corinthians, Commentaries on. Clergyman's Assistant. Davenant. Gualtherus, E. Clergyman's Instructor. Durseus. Heshusius. Eose. Erasmus. Hofmeisterus. Clocks. Grotius. Lightfoot. Ste. M. Magdeleine. Harchius. Lutherus. ''Codices Augibnsis et Canta- Lindanus. Major, G. brigiensis. Marten, A. Martyr Verm. Scrivener. Pandocheus. Melanchthon. COLLOQUIA. Eivetus. Meyerus. Altenburgense. Smith, T. Pareus, D. Montisbelgardense. Wicelius. S. Victore, H. de. Palatinate. Wormatiense. Sarcerius. Eatisbonensis. Concordances. Schlichtingius. Wormatiense. Concordances. Sclater. Colonies. Sibbes. Plantations. Wilson. Vorstius. CoLossiANs, Commentaries on. Conferences on Esligion. See also Bible. Byfield. Conference. New Testament. Davenant. See also Colloquia. Epistles. Melanchthon. Confession. Corpus Juris Canonici. Musculus, W. Arnoldus Ves. Jus. CEcolampadius. Clavasio. Corpus Juris Civilis. Vorstius. Escobar. Jus. Zanchius. Gerson. Corpus UNivERSiE Histo- Goodman. BliB. Lightfoot, J.JB. Latomus, J. Byzantium. See also Bible. Lutherus. Councils. New Testament. Mermannius. Concilia. Epistles. CEcolampadius . *•!(•• Comets. Euysius. Bellarminus. Erastus. Valentia. Bucerus. Fienus. Vehe. Bullingerus. Fromondus. . Camerarius, J. Ehotmannus. Hook. Clemangiis. Snellius. Confessions of Faith. Comber. Ward, Bp. S. Confessio. Cruciger. COMMINATION SERVICE. ^ * Cusa. Camfield. Assembly of Divines. Fricius. •Communion, Frequent. Bullingerus. Gerson. Beveridge. Soto. x2 Hutchinson. 308 SUBJECT-INDEX. cou Councils — cont. Jenk'.u. Junius, F, Mnjor, G. Nil us Rhodius. Photius. Richerius. Valentia. Vehe. Whitaker. Covenant, The Scottish. Gauden. Sanderson. Oxford. Cranmer, Memorials of. Strype. Creation. Arnoldus Carnot. ArtopcEus. Augustinus. Basilius Magn. Capito. Episcopius. Genesis of the "World. Gregorius Nyss. Junilins. Junius, F, Menasseh hen Israel. Philo Jodseus. Picus, J. Shuckford. Steuchus. Zanchius. Aids to Faith. Essays and Reviews. Sumner. Creeds. Ashwell. Usher. Criticism. Boccalini. Heinsius. Lipsius. Trapp. Turnebus. Gibbon. Hurd. "Warburton. Cross, The. Calfhill. Cross. Deckherus. Martial. Mermannius. ClTRIA ROMANA. Cracovia. Hildebertus. Marius, H. Molinaeus, C. N., N. Sonnius. Daniel, Commentaries on. Bullingerus. Draconites. DAN Daniel, &c. — cont, Faber, G. S, Junius, F. Made. Melanehthon. Pintus. Theodoretus. See also Bible. Prophets. Deaf and Dumb, The. Holder. Decalogue, The. Barrow, I. Burgo. Erasmus. Gerson. Grotius. Hooper. Hopkins. Musculus, W. S. Victore, H. de. Weemse. H opt ins. Leigh ton. Patrick. See also Catechisms. Decretals. Costa, J. a. Florens. Jus. Laymannus Pontifices. Detsm. Deism. Johnson, S. Leslie. Leland. DEMONOLoar. ^volus. Gianinius. James I. Wierus. Denmark. Gustavus Adolphus. Des Cartes. Gassendus. Lipstorpius. More, H. Deuteronomy, Commentaries on. Bugenhagius. Lorinus. Rabanus Maurus. See also Bible. Pentateuch. 'Development, Theory of. Moberly. Devotional Works. Albertus Magnus. Baker, Sir R. Eschius. Kinckius. Lorichius, R, Taulerus. Chambers. DON Devotional Works — cont. Comber. Patrick. See also Prayers. Dialectics. See Logic. Dialling. Collins, J. Lyon. Ste. M. Magdeleine. Dictionaries, Biblical. See Bible. Dictionaries, Ecclesiastical. Alstedius. Bernardus, J. Du Fresne. Suicerus. Perionius. Hook. Shipley. Dictionaries, Law. Blount. Calvinus seu Kahl. Cowell. Jus. Dictionaries, Linguistic. See Lexicon. Dictionaries, Theological. Altenstaig. Hertelius. Diet. Mercurialis. Sethus. Directorium Sacerdotale. Kinckius. Dissent, Dissenters. Ainsworth. Brokesby. Clagett. Conformist. Croft, H. Dodwell. England, Ch. of. Long. Nonconformist. Schism. Stillingfleet. Turner, Bp. Wilcock. Womock. Divorce. Hammond. Milton. "Doctrines, History of. Hagenbach. Neander. DOMTNICANS. Martyr Festus. DONATISTS. Arelatense. Augustinus. Carthago. Church, History of. Optatus. Roma. Valesius, H. SUBJECT-INDEX. 309 DOR EDI ENG Dorsetshire. Editha, St. Enchiridion Piarum Pbbca.- Hutchius. Hoare. tionum. Drama. Education. Lutherus. Hedelin. Argentinensis. Enchiridion Theologicum. Druids. Bonifacius. Hemmingius. Cooke. Garcseus. Obenhin. Lhuyd. Grotius. Dutch Bible. Milton. Randolph. Biblia. Education, Public. 'England, Church of. 'Dutch Dictionary. Education. Burgess. Sewel. Pusey. Dutch Psalter. Bartley. Wordsworth, Bp. Psalterium. Education. England, Civil History of. Kay. Bacon, F. Kay-Shuttleworth. Baker, R. Maltby. Bates. Easter. Senior. Brady. See Canons, Paschal. Edward VI. Cabala. Eastern Church. Leland. Camden. Angelus. Egypt. Charies I. Arcudius. Caussinus. Clarendon. Chytraeus, D. "Wendelinus. Daniel.. Severus, Gr. 'Egyptians. Eadmerus. Heeren. Gnlielmus Neub. Stanley. Sharpe. Herbert. East Indies. 'Eirenicon. Langhornius. Darell. Pusey. Long. M., T. Election. Man ius. Valle. See Predestination. Martin. EccLBsiASTEs, Commentaries Elizabeth, Q. Matthseus Paris. on. Camden. Matthseus Westm. Alcuinus. Digges, Sir D. Milton. Borrhaus. Oclandus. Nevillup. Brentius. Osorius. Oclandus. Ferns. Philopater. Pitseus. Gregorius Neoc. Ely Cathedral. Priseus. Gregorius Nyss. Merivale. Spelman, J. Lorinus. Row. Vergilius, P. Lutherus. Ely, See of. Verstegan. Melanchthon. Wharton. Virunnius. Mercems. Empires, The Four. Wilson, A. Olympiodorns. Loccenius. Pemble. Matthias, C. Burnet. Salonius. 'Empires, Five Eastern. Chronicles. S. Caro. Rawlinson. Henry of Huntingdon. S. Victore, H. de. Enchiridion Christlanjb In- Lappenberg. Titelmannus. STITUTIONIS. Paris, M. Trapp. Gropperus. William of Malmesbury. Werenfels. Enchiridion Chronologioum. England, Ecclesiastical His- Salianus. tory of. Eeynolds. Enchiridion Controversia- Bancroft. See also Bible. rum de Religione. Bariow, W. Ecclesiastical Authority, Costerus. Beda, Ven. Discipline, etc. Enchiridion de Institutis Burnet, G. See Church, Authority of, Gr^cis. Collier. etc. Angelus. Cressy. Ecclesiasticus, Commentaries Enchiridion Episcopalis So- Eadmerus. on. LICITUDINIS. Fox. Camerarius, J. Abelly. Fuller, T. Imlerus. Enchiridion Locorum Com- Harpsfeldius. Jansenius Gand. munium. Heylin. Leon. Eckius. Parker, Abp. S. Caro. Enchiridion Mbdicinje. Smith, Bp. R. Sarcerius. ^gineta. Spelman, H. See also Bible. Enchiridion Metaphysicum. Strype. Eclipses. Bartholinus, C. Wharton. Billy. Enchiridion Pastorale. Wallis. Ulmerus. Blunt, J. J. 310 SUBJECT-INDEX. ENG ElfGLAND, &C. — COnt. Carwithen. Godwinus. Ordericus Vitalis. Short. Soames. England, Laws of. 1 . Common and Statute. Anglia. Bacon, F. Blotint. Coke, E. Cowell. Criminal Code. Dalton. Fleta. Fortescue. Glanvilla. Godolpbin. Hengham. Heme. Hobart. Home, A. Hughes. Jenkins. Pulton. Prynne. Eyley. Scobell. Selden. Statutes. Swinburne. Wingate. Stephen. 2. Ecclesiastical. Articles. Canones. Cosin, E. Fullwood. Gribson. Lyndwood. Otho. Spelman, H. England, Vindication of the Church of. Altham. Bramball. Daubeny. Durell. Feme. Hammond. Hickes. Jewell. Mason. Morton. Scrivener. Sherlock, W. Twisden. Wake, W. Whitfield. Williams, J. Heylin {Tracts). ■English Bible, History of. Johnson (in . Watson's Tracts). Westcott. ENa 'English Cabdinai^i, History of. Williams. English Grammar. Jonson. Wallis. 'English Poetey, History of. Warton. 'English Wobds and Phrases. Roget. Enthusiasm. Nott. Parresiastes. Ephesians, Commentaries on. Bucerus. Bugenhagius. Lutherus. Musculus, W. Naclantus. Paulus, S. Schlichtingius. Vorstius. 2ianehitis. See also Bible. New Testament. Epistles. Ephesus, Council of. Ephesinum. Mercator, M. Epicurean Philosophy. Gassendus. Epidemics. Sydenham. Episcopacy, AndreweR. Bochartus. Brokesby. Brooke, Lord R. BuUingerus. Cliillingworth. Hall, Bp. Hammond. Maurice, H. Milton. Morinus. Morton. Oxford. Sanderson. Taylor, Bp. LeightQU, See also Bishops. Episcopal Charges. See Charges. Episcopal Functions. Abelly. Barbosa. BuUingerus. Gerson. Gilbertus Tornac. Pavinis. Suberti. Epistles, Apostolic, Commen- taries on. Catharinus. Dickson. Estius. Guilliaudus. EPI Epistles, &c. — cont. Hemmingius. (Ecumenius. Pellicanus. S. Caro. Sasbut. Titelmannus. See also Bible. New Testament. Epistles, Catholic, Comm. on. Didymus Alex. Felicianus. Folengius. Imlerus. Marloratus. Schlichtingius. Vorstius. Zonaras. See also Bible. New Testament. Epistles, Apost. Epistles, St. Paul's, Comm. on. Ambrosius. Anselmus. Aquinas. Gorcus. Haymo. Paulus, S. Primasius. Sedulius. Theodoretus. Theophylactus. See also Bible. New Testament. Epistles, Apost. Epistles and Gospels, Com- mentary on. Boys. Epistles and Gosples of Breviary, Comm. on. Alvemus. ArtopcEus. Brent ius. Bugenhagius. Camerarius, J. Cassia. Claius. Corvinus, Ant. Eisengrein. Eitzen. Eusebius Emiss. Ferus. Helmesius. Herborn. Heshusius. Hofmeisterus. Lossius. Lutherus. Major, G. Melanchthon. Pauli. Prierias. Radulphus. Eoyardus. S. Caro. Sarcerius. Smaragdus. SUBJECT-INDEX. 311 EPI EST EXO Epistles and Gospels of Established Chuboh, ob Re- Eucharist— cowjf. BuKVIXRY—COnt. ligion. Coena Dominica. Spangenbergius, J. Bulkeley. Cosin, J. Stapleton. Faussett. Faber, Jo. Ulmerus. Morres. Feras. Wicelius. Whalley. Forbes. Wigandus. Gardiner, Steph. Willichius. Established Church. Garetius. Epistolary Corbespondbnce. Gladstone. Grotius. Bentleius. Hook Guitmundus. Beza. Shuttleworth, G. E. Harchius. Brutus. Warburton. Heskyns. Budgeus. Woodward. Hessels. Calvinus. Esther, Commentaries on. Hugo Lingonensis. Donne. Brentius. Ivo Carnotensis. Faustus, P. Sanctius. Lanfrancus. Eicinus. 8ee also Biblh. La Plaeette. Elorebellus. Ethics. Larroque. Fricius. Aristoteles. Marca. Fulvia Morata. Cicero. Martyr Verm. Gassendus. Epictetus. More, H. Hieronymus Strid. Eustratius. Palatinate. Hildegardis. Plutarchus. Palingenius. Huss. Seneca. Paschasius. Jeanes. Theophrastus. Eoe. La Serre. * * Sainctes. Lipsius. Basilius Magn. Scudamore. Mede. Bornius. Severus, Gabr. Melanchthon. Charron. Sperlingius. Milton. Crellius. Sylvius, B. (Ecolampadius. Curcellseus. Tonstallus. Paulinus, M. Danseus. Valentia. Phalaris. Foxius. Wake, W. Photius. Gassendus. Waterland, Picus, J. Golius, T. Wicelius. Plinius, C. S. Hall, Bp. Woodhead. S*. Keckermannus. )See also Sacrament. Sadoletus. Lycosthenes. Lord's Suppeb. Salmasius. Molinseus, P. Euchristic Adoration. Scaliger, J. J. Paley. Aldrich. Seneca. Pavonius. Cautius. Socinus. Pemble. Payne. Spangenbergius, 0. Pergamo. Valentia. Symmachus. Sharrock. Wake, W. Turcus. Valerius, 0. Woodhead. Vineis. Walseus. ^Evangelists, Lives of. Walsh. Cave. Zuinglius. Hume. Jitwdner (in W&tson' sTracts). Shaftesbury. EXAMEN OrDINANDOBUM. Gibbon. Smith, Ad. Ferus. Junius. Whewell. Holthusius. Warburton. "Ethiopians. ExAMEN ThEOLOGICUM. Erasmus. Heeren. Aretius. Brunfelsius. Etymological Dictionaries. Culmannus. Mahusius. Martinius. Excommunication. Parisiensis. Vossius, G. J. Erastus. Euysius. Eucharist. Stiliingfleet. Sepulveda. Adamo. Valentia. Essays. Adelmannus. EXMOUTH. Bacon, F. Algerus. Edwards, E. Cornwallis. Andrese. Exodus, Commentaries on. Montagu, W. Bertramus. Gallasius. Montaigne. Bridoul. Lightfoot. Canisius. Lippomannus. Essays. Cautius. Origines. Hume. Ciconius. Rabanus. Thirlwall. Claude. See also Bible. Whately. Clichtoveus. Pentateuch. 312 SUBJEOT-INDEX. EXO FAT FUN EXOBCISM. Fathers, &c. — cont. France — cont. Vehe. Major, G. France. Ex 1 BBME Unction. Eivetus Gallia. Dallaeus. Scrivener. Girard, B. de. See also Sackaments. La Chastre. EzEKiEL, Commentaries on. Blunt, J. J. Leschassier. Gregorius I. Fathers, Extracts from Lyonne. Junius, F. writings of the. March ais. Lavaterus. Eckhardus. Matthieu. Origenes. Flacius. Mezeray. Pintus. Orthodoxographa. R, M. D. L. Serranus. Piscator. Skory. Theodoretus. Eouth. "France, Popular Education of. See aiso Bible. Suicerus. Arnold, M. Pkophets. Timannus. France, Reformed Churches of. Ezra, Commentaries on. "Westhemerus. Franciscans. Sanetius. Fathers and Saints, Lives of Schatzgeier. S'e also Bible. the. Freewill. Ezra, Apocryphal Book (I.) of. Gregorius I. Altenburgense. Laurence, Abp. Heraclides. Alvarez. Isidorus, Arminius. Maria, B. V. Augustinus. Fables. Palladius. Baius. Avianus. Phreislebius. Bernardus Clarer. Fairfax, Sir Tho. Eabus. Calvinus. Hammond. Theodoretus. Camerarius, B. Faith. Voragine. Cochlseus. Archintus. Driedo. Augustinus. Cave. Episcopius. Culmannus. Festivals. Faustus Rheg. Culverwell, E. Hospinianus. Fulgentius Rusp. Flacius. ■Festival and Fasts. Honorius Augustod. Goodwin, T. Nelson. Jansenius Iprens. Grotius. Feudal Law. Lambertus. Hanerus. Calvinus seu Kahl. Lutherus. Jackson. Corvinus, Arn. Ochinus. Latomus, J. Fevers. Pighius. Morres. Lower. Prsetorius, Z. Pemble. Salius. Prosper. Polanus. Slatholmus. Smith, Rich. Kegius, U. Sydenham. Valiiculus. S. Victore, H. de. Fisher, the Jesuit. Veron. Socinus. Laud. Watson, Ri. Vehe. White, Bp. Wilkinson. Venatorius. Flacius. French Academy. Bellarminus. Primaudaye. Hare, Beza. French Dictionaries. Falkland, Lady Letice. Heshusius. Lexicon Duncoii. Porthsesius. French 'Grammar and Lan- Fall of Man. Ravesteyn. guage. Holden. Wittebergensis. Du Gres. Sherlock, T. Flanders, History of. N.N. Shuckford. Bentivoglio. Ogier. Menasseh ben Israel. Florence, Council of. Serreius. Zanchius. Sguropulus. Vaugelas. Florence, History of. Fridericus II., Imp. Middleton. Machiavelli. Vineis. Fasting. FCEDERA. Funeral Orations and Ser- Aribo. Rymer. mons. Basilius Magn. ' Forgiveness of Sins.' Barford. Chambers. Cr Hi us, P. Brandmyllerus. Marcus Eremita. FoRMosus, Papa. Camerarius, J. Tertullianus. Auxilius. Featley. Fate. Fortification. OUyffe. Alexander Aphrod, Dogen. Shower. Grotius. Marolois. Spangenbergius, J, Siren! us. Norwood. Fathers, Authority of the. France. Bourdaloue. Dallaeus. Besongne. Massillon. SUBJECT.INDEX. 313 FUT Future State, Evidence of a. Smith, T. "Future State, Speculations on. Unseen Universe. Galatians, Commentaries on. Brentius. Bugenhagius. Chytrseus. Cogleras. Major, Gr. Meyerus. Musculus, W. Pareus, D. Paulus, S. . Seripandius. Vorstius. Lightfoot, J. B. 8ce also Bible. New Testament. Epistles. Gallia, and Galucan. See France. Galfridus, Abp. of York. Wharton. Garnet, the Jesuit. Abbot, R. Gems and Precious Stones. Boethius de Boot. Laet. Lullius. Rueus. Theophrastus. Genealogies. Betham. Henninges. Wagnerus. Genesis, Commentaries on. Alcuinus. Artopoeus. Capito. Ghytrseus, D. Eucherius. Ferus. Junilius. Lightfoot. Lippomannus. Lutherus. Martyr Verm. Melanchthon. Musculus, W. Origenes. Pareus, D. Pererius. Babanus. Selneccerus. See also Bible. Pentateuch. Gentilis, Albericus. Reynolds, J. Gentilis, Val. Are tins. Beza. Calviuuis. GEO Geography. ^thicus. Dionysius Perieg. Mela. Pausanias. Plutarchus. Ptolemseus. Solinus. Strabo. * * Abulfeda. Blome. Blundevil. Brietius. Glareanus. Gregory. Heylin. Holstenius. Keckermannus. Mercator, G. Merula. Ortelius. Pemble. Picolhomineus. Salmasius. Anville. Malte-Brun. Geography, Ecclesiastical. Bingham. Holstenius. Mirseus. Morinus. S. Paulo, C. a. Geography, Sacred. See Bible, Geography, etc. Geometry. Aynseom. Bachou. Baker, T. Barrow, I. Borellius. Bullialdus. Cusa. Dee. Detconville. Euclides. Faber, H. Faille. Ghetaldus. Gregorius, Jac. Laluvera. Lansbergius. Marolois. Mersenne. Porta. Psellus. Ramus. Ryflf. Schooten, Slusius. Snellius. Tacquet. Theodosius Trip. Torricellius. German Grammar. Claius. GOS "German and English Dic- tionary. Bailey. Kiittner. German and Latin Dictio- naries. Dasypodius, Emmelius. German Law. Du May. Goldastus. Rumelinus. "German Protestantism. Rose. Germany. Brown, E. Gustavus Adolph. Melanchthon. Mexia. Peuceriis. Schardius. Tacitus. Wassenbergius. Gibbon, Edw. Kett. Watson, Bp. Rich. GiRALDUS CamBRENSIS. Wharton, Globes, The Use of. Blaeu. Hues. Glossa Ordinarla.. Biblia. Stephanus, R. "Glossary of Architecture. Parker, J. H. "Glossary of Ecclesiastical Terms. Shipley. God and the Divine Attri- butes. .S^volus. Alcuinus. Alvernus. Arnobius. Carolinus. Crellius, J. Episcopius. Gilbertus, T. Jackson. Origenes. Owen. Parker, S. Sociuus. Swedeuborg. Szegedinus. Turner, J. Twopeny. Wigandus. W^lzogenius. Zanchius. Sumner. Gospels, Commentaries on, Anselmus. Arboreus. Arnobius Jun. Brunfelsius. 314. SUBJECT-INDEX. GOS GRE HEB Gospels, &e.—cmt. Geeeck, Geography and His- Haddonijs, Gualt. Bucerus, tory of — cont. Osorius. Cartwright. Wheler. Haggai, Commentaries on. Cassia. Melanchthon. Dieu. Grote. Parens, D. Falconer. Heeren. Willichius. Jansenius Gand. Smith, W. See also Bible. Jansenius Iprens. Greece, Laws of. Prophets. Lightfoot. Heraldus. Hampton Court Conference. Lossius. Petitus. Barlow, W. Maldonatus. Geeek Chuech. Harmonies of the Gospels. Molinseus, C. Angelus. Ammonius Alex. Sarcerius. Codinus. Bugenhagius. Theophylactus. Habertus. Cartwright. Wolzogenius. Holstenius. Gerhardus. Zach arias. Greek Geammae and Lan- Gerson. guage. Jansenius Gand. McClellan. Caninius. Lightfoot [0. & N. Tesi.l Olshausen. Clenardus. Molinseus, C. See also Bible. Francklin. Osiander. New Testament. Gaza. Tatianus Alex. •Gothic Architectuee. Lubinus. Vossius, G. J. Essays. Morelius. White, Jos. Parker, J. H. Posselius, Hebrew Abbrevlations. Pugin. Vergara. Buxtorlius. Scott. Vigerus. Munsterus. Gbace. Hebrew Bibles. Abbot, R. Donaldson. Biblia. Alvarez. Matthise. Arniinius. Greek LBXicoNSi Bible. Augustinus. Lexicon. Hebrew Grammar and Lan- Camerarius, J. guage. Driedo Liddell. Aurogallus. Duke. 'Greek Literatueb. Bayly. Eisengrein. MiiUer, K. 0. Bellarminus. Episcopius. Greek Testament. Buxtorfius. FaustTLs Ilheg. Biblia. Bythnerus. Fulgent ius Rusp. Test. Novum. Campensis. Hammond. Capito. . Jansenius Iprens. Alford. Castellus. Parker, T. McClellan. Clenardus. Pemble. Testamentum. Grey. Perkins. Greek Test. MSS. L'Empereur. Pighiua. Laurence, Abp. Leusden. Prosper. Munsterus. Tarnovius. Scrivener. Parkhurst. Thompson, R. Grotius. Petit. Valliculus. Bogermannus. Reuchlin. Watson, Ri. Felden. Schickardus. Woodbridge. Hammond. Seunertus, A. Gbammae. Laet. Gaza. Lubbertus. Gesenius. Vossius, G. J. Pierce. Jennings. Sandys. Wilson. Harris. Verinus. Hebrew T/Exicons. Greece, Antiquities of. GuARDLVN Angel. Lexicon. Hospinianus. Rivius. Rous. GUNDULPH. Gesenius. Wharton. Wilson. Smith, W. GYxMNASTICS. Hebrew Polnts. Greece, Geography and His- Vossius, G. J. Cappellns, L. tory of. Hebrews, Commentaries on. Curtius. Hegendorphinus. Herodotus. Habakkuk, Commentaries on. Junius, F. Nepos. Lambertus. Lawson. Pausanias. Theophylactus. Major, G. Plutarchus. See also Bible. Marloratus. Thucydides. Peophets. Origenes. SUBJEOT.mDBX. 315 HEB Hebrews, &c. — cont. Pareus, D. See also Bible. New Testament. Epistles. Hbnby IV. OF France. Kossseus. Skory. Henry VII. Bacon. Boxhornius. Henry VIII. Cajetanus. Campianus. Herbert. Eosseus. Heraldry. Gore. Heresies and Heretics. Augustinus. Basilius Magn. Damascenus. Epiphanius. Euthymiu-. Fulgentius Eusp. Hieronymus Strid. Irenseus. Lucifer CaJar. Tertullianus. Theodoretus. Vincentius Lirin. * * Castro, Alph. a. Celsus. Danseus. Latomus, J. Lindanus. Lutzenburgo. Mercator, M. Mermannius. Perionius. Prateolus. Eossseus. Scaliger, P. Sichardus. Slotanus. Wicelius. Blunt, J. H. Marsden. HbROD the GtREAT. Garcseus. Serarius. Hexafia. Origenes. Heytesbury. Hoare. Hieroglyphics. Dee. Pierius. Hildebrand, Life of. Benno. ^History, Ancient. Heeren. Kawlinson. History, General. Bodinus. Byzantium. HIS History, &c. — cont. Cluverus. Ctesias. Diodorus Siculus. riorentius. Forestus, J. P. Gotofredus. Hales. Herodotus. Justinus, M. J. Hornius. Machiavellus. Matthseus Westm. . Matthias, C. Melanchthon. Prideaux, M. Ealeigh. Eichardson. Eobinson. Eupertus, C. A. Severus, Sulp. Valerius Max. Vincentius Bellov. History, Maritime. Morisotus. History, Sacred and Profane, connected. Shuckford. Prideaux. HOBBES. Bramhall. Clarendon. Pike, W. Tenison. Wallis. Holland and the Nether- lands. Belgium. Bentivoglio. Brandt. Bucherius. Dousa. Grotius. Merula. Ortelius. Sonnius. Spain. Strada. HOLSATIA. Elvervelt. Holy Land. See Bible, Geography, etc. Holy Orders. Morinus. Holy Spirit. Basilius Magn. Camerarius, J. Crellius, J. Didymus. Fulgentius Eusp. Garcseus. Gregorius Neoc. Heber. Hugo Etherianus. Leo-Nardus. Maximus Conf. Simlerus. IMP Holy Spirit — cont. Socinus. Barrington (in Watson'! Tracts). Hare. Moberly. Smith, P. Warburton. Homilies. See Sermons. Homilies, The. Jebb, Bp. Horticulture. Estienne. Evelyn. HosEA, Commentaries on. Capito. Lambert us. Lutherus. MoUerus. Pareus, D. Pococke. Sibbes. Theophylactus. Zanchius. See also Bible. Prophets. House of Lords. Holies. Prynne. Selden. Hungary. Brown, E. Huss. Sylvius, Mn. Hymns. Gregorius Naz. Prudentius. Synesius. Idolatry. Made. Stillingfleet. Valentia. Viretus. Vossius, G. J. Wake, W. Ignatius. Dallseus. Hammond. Pearson. Larroque. Images, Worship of. Bellarminus. Coles. Dallseus. Gretserus. Jonas Aujel. Latomus, J. Mede. Sanderus. Sherlock, W. Valentia. Imposition of Hands in Oa- DINATION. Hammond. 316 SUBJECT-INDEX. INC Incarnation, The. Alvarez. Alhanasius. Bernardus Clar. Cassianus. Cyrillus Alex. Fulgentius Rusp. Isaac. Lasco. Maxentius. Nye. Petrus Diaeonus. S. Victore, H. de. Wolzogenius. Zanchius. Independents. Bastwick.- Burton, H. Cawdrey Edwards, T. Freeman, F. Hollingworth, Ri. Knollys. India. See East Indies. "India, Christianity in. Pearson, H. "Indians. Heeren. 'Indttctitb Sciences. Whew ell. Indulgences. Baius. Bellarminus. Gerson. Lutherus. Valentia. Infai-libiuty, Roman. Burnet, Gr. Falkland. Maurice, H. Sherlock, W. Teniso'n. Infant Communion. Waterland. Infidelity. Bidlake. Finch, W. Van Mildert. Injunctions. See Articles. Inquisition. Croly. . Sarpi. Inspiration. See Bible, Inspiration of. * Institution of a Christian Man.' Henry VIII. ♦ Interim.' Calvinus. Caroliis V. Clingius. Ccenalis. Eckius. Invocation of Saints. Coglerus. Coles. INV Invocation of Saints — c(y>it. Forbes. Freeman, S. Garetius. Hessels. Msecardus. Mede. Montagu, R. S. Clara. Sherlock, W. Valentia. Vehe. Hook. Ireland. Dyve. Warseus. Isaiah, Commentaries on. Basilius Magn. Calvinus. Cyrillus Alex. Forerius. Haymo. Lowth, W. Lutherus. Melanchthon. Musculus, W. Origenes. Pintus. Vitringa. See also Bible. Prophets. Italy. Rodolfinus. Gibbon. Machiavelli. Italian Dictionary. Florio. James I. Wake, I. Wilson, A. James, St., Commentaries on. Folengius. Gail. Parens, D. Wissowatius. See also Bible. New Testament. Epistles. Jansenists. Annatus. Fontaines. Guyard. St. Amour. Jeremiah and Lamentations, Commentaries on. Blayney. Bugenhagius. Bullingerus. Calvinus. Cas rus. Ferus. Lowth, W. Melanchthon. Origenes. JES Jeremiah, &c. — cant. Pintus. S. Victore, H. de. Theodoretus. See also Bible. Prophets. Jesuits. Albutius. Biedembachius. Casaubonus, I. Cheironus. Cornelius. Crashaw. Heissius. Jackson. Junius. Magirus. Montaltius. Miilhusinus. Payva. Jesus Christ, Birth, or Date of Birth. Agricola. Isidorus. Keplerus. Livelie. Jesus Christ, Nature and Person of. Andrese. Arnobius Jun, Brentius. Bull. Cassander. Chemnitius. Damascenus. Erastus. Flacius. Hemmingius. Leo-Nardus. Maximus Conf. Sch*^gkius. Socinus. Victorinus. Waterland. Watson, T., Bp. of St. David's. Whitby. Whitehead. Liddon. Smith, P. Usher. Jesus Christ, Temptation of. Dyke. Jesus Christ, Sermon on the Mount. Socinus. Jesus Christ, Transfiguration of. Sibelius. "Jesus Christ, Miracles of. Trench. "Jesus Christ, Parables of. Trench. Jesus Christ, Prophecies of. Churton. Holmes. SUBJECT-IISTDEX. 317 JES Jesus Christ, &c. — c(y)it. Lardner (in Watson's Tracts). Jesus Cheist, Intercessory Prayer of. Lutherus. Jesus Christ, Passion and Death of. Clauserus. Grotius. Hamelmannus. Isidorus. Sascerides. Vossius, G. J. Aids to Faith. Coverdale. Jesus Christ, Words on the Cross. Arnoldus Carnot. Bellarminus. Jesus CHRisT,Descent into Hell. Grotius. Lightfoot. Jesus Christ, Eesurrection of. Sherlock, G. Coverdale. West (in Watson's Tracts). Jesus Christ, Ascension of. JEpinus. Jesus Christ, Kingdom of. Bucerus. Pious, J. Salmut. Moberly. Whately. Jesus Christ, Life of. Cassia. Hind. Isidorus. Ludolphus. Montagu. Taylor, Jer. Ecce Homo. Neander. Pressense. Jews, Antiquities and His- tory of the. Castalio. Eberus. Episcopius. Menochius. Salomon. Voisin. Allen. Jennings. Malan. Prideaux. Stanley. Wilberforce. See also Bible. Jews, Writings against the. Allington. JEW Jews, &c. — cont. Altereatio Synagogse. Athanasius. Julianus Tolet. Leslie. Lutherus. Martini. Perez. Job, Commentaries on. Borrhaus. Bugenhagius. Caryl. Ferus. Grf gorius I. Jans'onius. CEcolampadius. Philippus, Presb. Sanctius. Steuchus. Titelmannus. See also Bible. Joel, Commentaries on. Lambertus. Lutherus. Pareus, D. Pococke. S. Victore, H. de. See also Bible. Prophets. John, St., the Apostle. Bessarion, Dominicis. Simeon Metaphr. John, St., Commentaries on Epistles of. Althamer. Beverlinus. Ferus. Gualtherus, R. Hardy. Hessels. Lybius. Naogeorgus. "^ CEcolampadius. Socinus. Zanchius. See also Bible. New Testament. Epistles. John, St., Commentaries on Gospel of. Albertus Magn. Alesius. Brentius. Clagett. Criiciger. Cyrillus Alex. Ferus. Gualtherus, R. Melanchthon. Musculus, W. Nonnus. Eollocus. Schlichtingius. Wigandus. See also Bible. New Testament. Epistles. JUS John, St., Comm. on the Re- velation of. See Apocalypse. John, St., the Baptist. Holmes. Perionius. Jonah, Commentaries on. Brentius. Ferus. Junius, F. King, J. Lambertus. Lutherus. Theophylactus. See aho Bible. Prophets. Joshua, Commentaries on. Arias. Bonfrerius Borrhaus. Calvinus. Lavaterus. Origenes. Procopius. S. Victore, H. de. Theodoretus. See also Bible. Judas, the Apostle. Ribittus. JuDE, St., Commentaries on. Boulduc. Junius, F. Pareus, D. Wissowatius. See also Bible. New Testament. Epistles. Judges, Commentaries on. Arias. Bonfrerius. Borrhaus. Brentius. Bucerus. Origenes. Procopius. S. Victore, H. de. Theodoretus. See also Bible. Judith, Commentaries on. Sanctius. See also Bible. Julian, Emperor. Hickes. Warburton. Justification. JEmstelredamus. -Slpinus. Altenburgense. Andrese. Arminius. Baius. Bradshaw G. Bull. Bullingerus. Crandon. Culverwell, E. Curcellseus. 318 SUBJECT-niTOEX. JUS LAT LIT Justification — cont. Latin Dictionaries — cont. Letters. Downame. See Epistolary Cor- Flaoius. Smith, W. respondence. Forbes. Latin Grammar and Lan- Leviticus, Commentaries on. Gataker, C. guage. Abarbanel. Goodwin, T. Bretonneau. Chytraeus, D. Hamelmannus. Janua. Constantinus, P. HoUingwortli, Eod. Verrius Flaccus. Lorinus. Hyperius. Vitr6. Origenes. Jackson. Vossius, G. J. Serranus. Marbachius. See also Bible. Marcus Eremita. Zumpt. Pentateuch. Pemble. Latin Poetry, Modern. Lexicons. Praetorius, A. Poemata. Lexicon. Sjwcus. Poetae. S. Clara. * * Bailey (German). Schnepfius. Ailmer. Bosworth (Anglo-Saxon). Socinus. Barberinus. Gesenius (^Hebrew). Thomson, E. Baudius. Kiittner ( Gerfnan). Turrianus. Bourne, V. Liddell (Greek). Vega, A. de. Caussinus. Sewel (Dutch). Waterland. Claius. Smith, W. (Latin). Woodbridge. Fiera. Wilson (Hebrew). Landesius. Lichfield and Coventry, See Langus. of. Ken, Bp., Life of. Musse. Wharton. Bowles, W. L. Vanierius. Lincoln, See of. King, The. Webbe. Wharton. Bland. Xylander. Litanies. Howell. Serarius. Milton. ' Arundines Cami Litany with Music. 0.,D. "Latin Poetry, Sacred. Mayo. Osorius. Trench. Liturgies. Patricias. Law. Archieraticon. Kings, Com-mentaries on the Dawson. Book of Common Prayer. Books of. Meisnerus. Graduale. Angelomus. Monnerus. Missale. Borrhaus. Law, Canon, Civil, etc. Pontificale. Bugenhagius. See Canon, Civil, etc. Eituale. Eucherius. Law, * # Martyr Verm. Law Dictionaries. Basilius Magn. Procopius. Blount. Chrysostomus. Sanctius. Calvinus seu Kahl. Gregorius II. S. Victore, H. de. Jus. Jacobus, S., Apostolus. Strigelius. Law of Nations and Nature. Marcus, S., Evangelista. Wellerus. Besoldus. Petrus, S., Apostolus. Wolfius. Boxhornius. * * See also Bible. C, J. Lacy. Kneeling at Communion. Cumberland. Maskell. Buckeridge. Graswinckel. Sainctes. Burgess. Grotius. Liturgiology. KoBAN, The. Leschassier. Albaspinseus. Cusa. Magius. Ambrosius. Tmmbntations. Selden. Angelus. See Jeremiah. Welwod. Biel. Wicquefort. - Bingham. Zoucheus. Bona. Lancastrije Ducatus. Lay-Baftism, Burgo. Eeeords. Bingham. Carolus Magn. Llandaff, See of. Waterland. Cassander. Wharton. Legal Instruments. Clemens Eom. Language. Mussis. Dionysius, Areop. Brerewood. Legal Processes. Durandus. Asinius. Gavantus. Muller, M. Lent. Habertus. Smith, Ad. Gunning. Hofmeisterus. Latin Dictionaries. »Leo X., Life of. Hojus. Lexicon, Roscoe, Holstenius. SUBJECT-INDEX. 319 LIT LiTtJBGIOLOGY — COnt. Isidorus. King, P. Kinckius. Maskell. Maximus Conf. Micrologus. Morinus. Sainctes. S. Victore, H, de. Serarius. Taylor, Ep. Villette. Wicelius. Palmer. Loci Communes. Alting. Andreas Ebor. Aretius. Brunfelsius. Bucanus. Canus. Clingius. Corvinus, Ant. Danseus. Eckius. Horantius. Lycosthenes. Maximus Conf. Melanchthon. Musculus, A. Musculus, W. Picus, J. Begins, U. Sarcerius. Socinus. Spangenbergius, J. Steckelius. Stobseus. linus. Logarithms. Briggius. Gunter. Napier. Newton, J. Logic. Aristoteles. Arriaga. Brerewood. Crakanthorp. Curio. Damascenus. Gassendus. Hunnseus. Isendoorn. Keckermannus. Milton. Molinseus, P. Parens, J. P. Piscator. Scheiblerus. Setonus. Smiglecius. Wallis. Hamilton. Mill, J. S. LOG Logic — cont. Whately. Logos of St. John. Laurence, Abp. LOMBAKDUS, PeTEUS. Andreas Ebor. Aquinas. Arnoldus Ves. Biel. Bonaventura. Estius. Holeotus. Major, J. London. Calthrop. Charles I. Graunt. Howell. Lilburn. London. Longitude. Bond. Forman. Lord's Day. Wilkinson. Cresswell. See also Sabbath. Lord's Prayer. Baker, E. Barrow, I. Boys. Bonner. Corvinus, Ant. Cyprianus. Erasmus. Germanus. Gregorius Nyss. Hessels. King, H. Maximus Conf. Venantius. Hopkins. Leigh ton. Patrick. See also Catechisms. Lord's Supper. Andrese. Beza. Boquinus. Brentius. Buceras. Bullingerus. Calvinus. Cassander. Cudworth. Cureus. Eitzen. Flacius. Grotius. Heshusius. Ivo Carnot. Jeanes. Lasco. Liberinus. Loquaeus. LUT Lord's Supper — cont. Lortie. Lutherus. Major, G. Melanchthon. Molinseus, P. Morice. Nesekius. Pirckheimerus. Porthsesius. Prsetorius, A. Sainctes. Socinus. Sperlingius. Theopsalte. Westphalus. Patrick. Reynolds. War bur ton. See also Eucharist. Sacrament. Lord's Table. Heylin. Prynne. Williams, Bp. ^Lorenzo de' Medici, Life of. Roscoe. Louis XIII. La Chastre. Luke, St., Commentaries on. Albertus Magn. Bonaventura. Gualtherus, R. Hofmeisterus. Melanchthon. Origenes. Rogers, N. Stella. Stephanus, R. See also Bible. New Testament. Gospels. Luke, St., Life of. Simeon Metaphr. Lunar Theory. Flamsteed. Horroccius. Luther and Lutherans. Cajetanus. Campester. Clichtoveus. Clingius. Cochlseus. Eckius. Erasmus. Fisher. Ferarius. Henry VIII. Kirchnerus. Latomus, J. Macer. Marius, H. Parisiensis. Polygranus. Prsetorius, A. Prierias. Rosseus. 320 SUBJECT-INDEX. LUT Ldthee, &c. — cont. Slotanus. Staphylus. Steuchus. Tuberinus. Turrianus. Valentia. Maccabees, Commentaries on. Sanctius. See also Bible. Magnetism. Bacon, F. Gilbertus, G. Vitalis. Ward, Sam. Magnificat, Commentaries on. Gerson. Luthenis. See also Cantica. Mahometanism. Damascenus. Forster. Martini. Maiachi, Commentaries on. See BiBi^. PfiOPHETS. •Mauvtesbtiey, History of. Bird. Man, Isle of. Lhuyd. Manes. Archelaus. Manichjeans. Vietorinus, M. Manual of Controversies. Hammond. T., H. Mariner's Compass. "Wakely. Maritime Law. See Law of Nations. Mark, St., Commentaries on. Gerson. Hegendorphinus. Hofmei stems. Junius, F. Stephanus, R. See also Bible. New Testament. Gospels. Marriage. Avezan. Erasmus. Kling. Lambertus. Latomus, J. Lutherus. Marca. Rivius. Schweickhardt. Valentia. See also Sacraments. Marriage of Priests. Cromerus. Fricius. Melanchthon. MAR Marriage of Priests — cont. Mencelius. Parker, Abp. See also Celibacy. Marriage with Deceased Wifr's Sister. Hammond. Martin Marprelate. Maskell. Martyrologies. Baronius, C. Usuardus. Wandelbertus. Martyrs, History of. Fox. Rabus. Mary, The Blessed Virgin. Andreas Cret. Hickes. Jolius. Sannazaro. Taylor, Jas. Mary Magdalene. Faber Stap. Mass, The. Adamo. Bacherius. Bona. Cajetanus. Cassander. Clemens Rom. Clichtoveus. Cochlseus. Demochares. Eckius. Faber Molin. Garetius. Harding. Heldingus Hofmeisterus. Lapide, J. de. Latomus, J. Lindanus. Lindius. Lorichius, G. Lutherus. Marca. Mauritius, P. Melanchthon. Payne. Sanderus. Smith, Rich. Titeimannus. Valentia. Vannius. Via. Mass, The Canon of the. See LrruRGioLOGY. Masses for ihe Dead. Hyperius. MATBRLi MeDICA. Clusius. Costa, Chr. Dioscorides* Horto. Monardi. Hofmannus, H. MED Mathematical Dictionary. Vitalis. Hutton. Mathematical Instruments. Mersenne. Slusius. Mathematics. Blundevil. Digges, T. Dulaurens. Gloriosus. Herigone. Hobbes. Marolois. Mersenne. Newton, J. Stevin. Vitalis. Vossius, G. J. See also Algebra. Geometry, etc. Matthew, St., Commentaries on. Anselmus. Brentius. Chromatins. Chytrseus, D. Episcopius. Ferus. Guilliaudus. Junius, F. Hilarius Pict. Lutherus. Melanchthon. Munsterus. Musculus, "W. Origenes. Parens, D. Stephanus, R. Leighton. See also Bible. New Testament. Gospels. Mechanics. Castelli. Cans. Zucchius. •Median Monarchy. Gibbon. Rawlinson. Medicine. JEgineta. Apponus. Avicenna. Boderius. Bruel. Capivaccius. Claudinus. Copho. Fernelius. Fracastorius. Fuchsius. Galenus. Ganivetus. Heurnius. Hippocrates. SUBJECT-INDEX. 321: MED MET NAT Medicine— co«?f. Metrob<^logy — cont. Monastic Life, Sec— cont. Hofnianniis, 0. Grynaius. Valentia. Lacuna. MicAH, Commentaries on. Vehe. Linden. Constantinus, P. Montanists. Mercurialis. 8ee also Bible. Cataphrygae. Mesne. Pkophets. Montisbelgardense Collo Mochingerus. "Middle Ages. QUIUM. Myrepsus. ('hurch. Boza. Palea. "MlDDLETON, Life of Bp, Valentia. Parey. Le Bas. Morals. Partibus. Milan, Counts of. See Ethics. Pedemontium. Jovius. Theology, Moral. Regius, H. Military Law. Mosaic Laws. Salius. Ferrettus! Pirhceus. Sennertus, D. Zoucheus. Zepperu«. Septalius. Military Science. Mosaic Writings. Simon Genuensis. vEneas Tacticus. Faber. G. S. Willis, T. Cruso. *MosES, Divine Legation of. Melancholy. Ferrettus. Warburton. Hawkins, J. Norwood. Music. Melanchthon. Polyeenus. Gibbons. Cochlseus, Valdes. Jebb. Faventinus. Ministry, The. Mayo. Smith, Eich. Ambrosius. Music, Theory of. Staphylus. Bird. Gassendus. Steekelius. Burgo. Mersenne. Stigelius. Duarenus. Psellus. Westphalus. Eburne. Vossius, G. J. Messiah, The, Hammond. Musical Instruments. Ochinus. Isidorus. Mersenne. Samuel. Ministerium. Taylor, Bp. Smith, J. P. Viretus. Nahum, Commentaries on. Metals. Lambert us. Ercker. Patrick. Pintus. Pettus. Minor Prophets, Commen- Theophylactus. Metaphysics. taries on. See also Bible. Albius. See BiBLK. Prophfts, Aristoteles. Prophets. Natural History, Arriaga. Miracles. Aristoteles. Avicenna. Chubb. Bacon, F. Baronius, R. Middleton, C. Gassendus. Bartholinus, C. Smalbroke. Monardi. Crakanthorp. Stymmelius, Plinius. Cudworth. Theophrastus. Des Cartes. Aids to Faith, Natural Philosophy or Gassendus. Trench. Science. Hobbes. Warburton. Albius. Holyday. Missals. Alexander Aphrod. * Keekermannus. Missale. Aristoteles. Licetus. MOLINISTS. Arriaga. Pemble. St. Amour. Bacon, F, Picus, J. Monasteries. Balianus. Ritschel. Dugdale. Berlicorn. Scheiblerus. Tanner. Bore Hi us, J. A. — _. Monastic Life and Vow? Bodinus. Bain. Basilius Magn. Boyle. Brown, T. Bellarminus. Charleton, Hamilton. Cassianue. Comenius. Locke. Clichtoveus. Cremonius. Mansel. Dytenbergius. Du Hamel. Reid. Gocchius. Faber, Hon. Stewart. Latomus, J. Gassendus. Tucker. Lutherus. Ghetaldus. MBTEOBOrX)aY. Martyr Festus. Jonstonus. Cleomedes. Oresiesis, Keekermannus. Des Cartes. Palladius. Kireherus, A. FromondiiS. Theodorttus. Lana. 322 SUBJECT-INDEX. NAT NOB PAS Natubal Philosofhx or Nobility. Ordination. Science — cont. Humfredus, Cochlaeus. Linus, F. Philo Judseus. Mori nus. Marchettus. NOETUS. Valentia. Melanchthon. Hippolytus. Obiental Languages. Molinaeiis, P. "NON-JUBOBS. Lexicon. Phocj'lides. Lathbury. Sennertus, A. Proplus. "NoBMAN Conquest. Obiginal Sin. Eaei. Thierry. See Sin. Eegius, H. Nobthebn Languages. OxFOBD Theses. Scaliger, J. C. Hickes. Burnet, G. Valerius, C. "NoBwicH Cathedbal. Hutchinson. Wendell nus. Goulburn. Smalridge. Zucchiua. NoBwiCH, See of. ' OxpoBD University. Wharton. Wood, A. Newton. Notes of the Chuech. Natural Religion. Bellarminus. Wood. See Theology, Natural. Favour. Navigation. Rapagelanus. Collins, J. NOTITIA EUCHAEISTICA. ■Paganism. Blundevil. Scudamore. Cave. Pedr^zano. NOTITIA MONASTICA. Middleton. Snellius. Tanner Painters and Painting Wakely. Numbers, Commentaries on. Albertis. Nehemiah, Commentaries on. Origenes. Bellori. Pilkington. Rabanus. Demontiosus. Sanctius. See also Bible. Papacy. Wolfius. Pentateuch. Mornayus. See also Bible. Numismatics. Papatus. Nbstokians. Angelocrator. Papists. Maxentius. Fountaine. Papist. Mercator, M. Sardus. Prynne. *New Testament, Canon of. Royalists. West^'ott. Parables. New Testament, Commen- Oaths of Allegiance and Ferus {Prodigal Son). taries on. SUPBEMACY. Goodman ( „ ). Beda Ven. Andrewes. Heylin (Tares). Beda, Nat. Burnet, G. Volkuinus ( „ ). Cameron, Donne. Clarius. Featley. Trench. Crellius, J. Horn. Paradoxes. Faber, Stap. James I. Tregarius. Gagnseus. Jesuits. Pabllament. Gorranus. Sanderson. Charles I. Gregorius I. Sherlock, W. Elsynge. Hammond. Obadiah, Commentaries on. Hakewil. Leeus. Draconites. Prynne. Mahusius. Lambertus. Ryley. Stunica. Lutherus. Scobell. Theodorus, V. S. Victore, H. de. Selden. Valla. See also Bible. Pabsons, Rob. Zegerus. Prophets. D.,N. Odo, Abp. Morton. Alford. Wharton. Philopater. Rosenmuller. Optics. Pastobal Duties. Wahl. Barrow, I. Buchingerus. See also Bible. Euclides. Bowles, 0. New Testament Lexicons. Keplerus. Burgo. Parkhurst. Mersenne. Burnet, G. Pasor. P., T. Culmannus. Schleusner. Risnerus. Gregorius I. Nice, Council of. Scheiner. Hemmingius. Camerarius. Obacles. Paley. Canones. Baltus, Pavinis. Concilia. Vossius I. Wicelius. Nile, The. Obatoby. Eratosthenes. Quintilianus, Evans. Wendelinus. Ramus. Gerard. SUBJECT-INDEX. 323 PAT PEN PHY Pathology. Pentateuch— cow.^ Philemon, Szc.—coni. Fernelius. Pareus, D. Fletcher, I. Aids to Faith. Wellerus. Forestus, P, Graves. Glissonius. See also Bible. Lightfoot, J. B. Hermes. Peripatetic Philosophy, See also Bible. Highmore, Albius. New Testament. Perlinus. Berigardus. Epistles. *Paul, St., Dispute with St. Magirus. Philippians, Commentaries on. Peter. Eicius. Hofraannus, C. Middleton. Perseverance of the Saints. Kinthisius. Paul, St., Commentaries on Abbot, K. Marloratus. Epistles of. Arminius. Mnsculus, W. See Epistles. Bertius. Vorstius. Paul, St., Life of. Persia, Travels in. Wellerus. MaBsutius. Valle, Zanchius, Persian Monarchy. - Conybeare and Howson. Ctesias. Lightfoot, J. B. Paul, St., Teaching of. Livelie. See also Biblp.. Lupi. Loccenius. New Testament. Paul, St., and St. Jambs re- Matthias, C. Epistles. conciled. Pemble. Philology. Blackall. Martinius. Ball. Heeren. Vossius, G, J. Paul V. Rawlinson. •Philosophical Dictionary. Crashaw. Perspective. Hutton. Sarpi. Bacon, R, Philosophy. Supplicatio. Marolois. Arriaga. Paul of Samosata. Migon. Bacon, F. Antiochenum Cone. Peter, St. Baronius, R. Peerage. Bernard, R. Caussinus. England. Care. Comenius. Milles. Du Bosc. Des Cartes. Pelagianism. Hessels, Gassendus. Augustinus. Hill. Hadrianus. Bradwardinus. Hobbes. Grotius, Reynolds. Jieckermannus. Hieronymus. Peter, St., Commentaries on S. Paulo, E. a. Hilarius Arelat. Epistles of. Scheiblerus. Jansenius Iprens. Adams, Schuler. Kendallus. Coglerus. Philosophy, History of. Mercator, M. Hegendorphinus. Hornius. Orosius. Mede. Prosper. Pareus, D. Tennemann, Quesnellus. Selneecprus. Philosophy, Metaphysical. Vossius, G. J. Wellerus. See Metaphysics, Penance. Philosophy, Moral, AUix. Leighton, See Ethics. Dallseus. See also Bible. Theology, Moral, See also Sacraments. New Testament. Philosophy, Natural. Penitential Canons. Epistles. See Natural Philosophy. See Canons, Penitential. Pharmacy, Philosophy, Peripatetic. Penitential Psalms, Antidotarium. See Peripatetic Ph. See Psalms, Penitential. Apothfcarius. Philosophy, Political. Pentateuch. Bauderonus. See Politics. Ainsworth. Bulcasim. "Phcenicians. Borrhaus. Du Boys. Heeren. Brentius. Fuchsius. Photinians. Cajetanus. Kerckringius. Stegmannus. Cyrillus Alex. Langham. Vigilius. Faber, G. S. Mizaldus. »Physical History of Man. Junius, F. Myrepsns. Prichard. Philo Judaeus. Schroderus. Physics. Procopius, Philemon, Commentaries on. See Natural Philosophy. S. Victore, H. de. Brentius. Physiology. Steuchus, Danaeus. Bartholinus, T. Tayler. Major, G. Benedictus, A. Theodoretus. Marloratus. Casserius. y2 324 SUBJECT-INDEX. PHY POL PRE Physiology — cont. Politics— cwiif. Prayer— ^ 202 Main Library LOAN PERIOD 1 HOME USE 2 3 4 5 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS ^^-ewals and rccharqes m^v^f V^f^:!^ " i 1 "? ^^ ^ ^ ' ^*^c Crcuiafion Des DUE AS STAMPED BELOW JUN I 8 IS&b CIRCUUTION deft! OCr U 3 1991 J105 "St FEB22 i996 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY FORM NO. DD6, 60m, 1/83 BERKELEY, CA 94720