-AN A C O U JV T OF THI STATE OF THE TREASURY, Of THE TOWN OF HOPKINTON, From Starch 1, 1848, to Starch 2, 1849, MILFORD PRESSG. VV, STAfcY, FP.INTER. 1849, THIS may certify that at a legal meeting of the inhabi- ants of the Town of Hupkinton, held on the 20th Jay of November, A. D. 134S, the following among other votes were passed, viz : Voted, That the Expense's for the year 1S4S be published. Voted, That a Committee of three be chosen to prepare for printing the Expenses for the year 1S49, and cause the same to be printed. Hiram Comee, Augustus Phipps, and Silas Mirick were accordingly chosen as said Committee. Copy Attest WILLARD WOODARD, 2d. Town Clerk. In compliance with the above votes, we submit to the inhabitants of Hopkinton, a Report of the disbursement? and Receipts of the Treasurer from March 1, 1848, to March 2, 1849, with schedules annexed from A. to L.; al- so a statement of the condition of the Treasury March 1, 1849. It may not be improper to state that the disbursements appear uncommonly large, owing to changing the town scrip from notes drawing 5 to 6 per cent, interest. We have given detail as far as was consistent with economy and the facilities at our command, and if any seeming in- justice is done to any individual our excuse is no design to do so. HIRAM COMEE, AUGUSTUS PHIPPS, ^ Committee. SILAS MIRICK, UCSB LIBRARY 4 notes, 1,916,42 Statement of Liabilities. Due to Trustees of Hopkinjon School Fund, do do do do do do do do do do A. Smith, J. Rice, E. Rice, D. L. Maybry, A. C. Phipps, A. Premiss' heirs J. Miller, M. Premiss, N. A. Phipps, J. Smith, Worces. Savings Bank, 2 do Balance for Schools, 1848, Statement of Jlssests. [Due the Town from March 1st 1849,] Due from W.A. Phipps collec/for 1841, 14,53 507,00 963,30 304,20 50,70 202,80 349,47" 202,80 60,84 152,02 186,85 8,092,00 540,00 13,528,40 do do do do A. Phipos, collector, N. A. Fhipps, " A. C. Putnam, " 1842, 1843, 1844, 1845, 1846, 1847, 16,94 3,31 10,51 39,96 27,72 35',26 " " 1848, 495,20 A. W. Johnson, note & int. 54,17 B. E. Pierce, do J. Crowley, do 19,05 247,31 963,96 12,564,44 Statement of Receipts. By Cash, Ferdinand Shultz, far License, 8,00 J. L. Valentine on note, 75,00 Wm. Valentine 300,00 Jos. Barrett for support state paupers, 6,23 . ,' V. I ,.J VI T- A. C. Phipps for note, 200.00 Jos. Barrett state School Fund, 77,76 Jeremiah Crowley on notes, 73,70 Augustus Phipps Exr. 13,88 Aaron Smith on note 5,00 John Rice, 950,00 E. G. Rice, 300,00 Dexter L. Maybry, 50,00 A, C. Phipps, 200,00 Abner Prentiss' heirs, 344,65 Mary Prentiss, 60,00 Nathan A. Phipps, 150,00 Jos. Smith, 185,00 Jos. Miller. 200,00 S. Clark collector for the Town of Ash- land in their share of County Tax, 154,16 Silas Mirick Treasurer of School Fund, 200,00 Jos. Miller on note, 200,00 A. Putnam in part of his colec. 1846, 113,35 do as collector 1847, 198,54 do as Treasurer 1847, 1009,97 $5,570,24 Statement of Expenditures. For Schools, Schedule A. Roads, " B. do. in winter, " C. Deficient Highway taxes, " . D. Sup. of poor in Alms House " E. do. out of Alms House, " F. Town's Scrip and interest, " G. Abatement of Taxes, ' H. Engine Houses, &c, ' I. School Houses, ' J. Town Officers, K. Miscellaneous I'.im*, ' L, 1,339,52 76,82 163,28 372,96 537,93 176,03 6,195,88 24,87 878,88 1,105,27 324,25 614,84 311,810,53 Schools ,A. Paid C. Ellcry teaching in Dist No, 1, 1948, 48,00 J. L. Valentine for wood " 1, 26,19 S. M. Ellis teaching 2, " 24.00 I. Claflin " '< 2, " 93,00 A. Ellis boarding " 2, 21,00 L, Claflin wood " 2, " 17,00 2, " 6,00 M. Proctor teaching 3, " 22,00 E. C. Miller boarding 3, " 13,50 L. H. Bowker " (< 3, " 3,00 S. J. Tyler teaching 4, " 47,66 do. " 4, " 26,00 J. F. Bigelow teaching " 4, " 57,70 I. V. Adams boarding ' 4, 20,54 do. ' 4, 30,33 do. ' 4, 24,00 J. Frail wood ' 4, 6,22 S. Jones, do ' 4, 3,25 S. Wheelock teaching ' 5, 42,00 D. Wheelock do ' 5, 71,00 H. Haven boarding ' 5, 26,00 N. Singletary wood ' 6, 7,75 W. C. Morse teaching ' 6, 1847, 58,50 W, H. Dalrymple do " 6, 26,00 C. Knapp do < 6, 1848, 23,83 G. J. Stearns do 6, 72,00 W. F. Morse boarding 6, 29,75 S. Morse do 6, 22,75 E. G. Rice wood 6, ' 14,07 S. M. Pierce teaching 7, 24,00 E. Goulding wood 7, 5,25 J. Pickett do 7, 8,00 do boarding 7, 18,00 A. J. Stearns teaching 8, 31,80 R. J. Burnap boarding 8, 24,00 R. Wales do 8, 13,81 W. McFarland wood " 8, ' 7,90 8 A. Litllefield do A. Wood, teaching R. J. Burnap wood C. Kingsbury teaching W. Woodard 3d do J. Washburn boarding J. Freeland wood S. L. Adams teaching D. Rice boarding N. Ward do C. J. Cooledge wood S. M. Elllis teaching Dist . No. 8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, Roads B. 2,67 24,00 6,83 36,00 80,00 23-,62 8,25 19,50 19,50 38,35 11,00 54,00 81,839,52 Paid J. Gay for building wall on road near Col. Ellis t 10,57 J. Valentine for surveying do 1,50 D. Rice for building road 25,00 J. Frail for repairing road 2,75 J. M. Hayward for damage on Littlefield road 29,00 S. D. Davenport as com. on Southboro' road 1 ,50 do journey to Concord for the same 5,00 do to Cambridge and expenses 1,50 876,82 Roads in Winter C. Paid F. G. Wales J. Woodard do. J. A. Fitch A Thompson O. Walker L. Frost A. H. Fairbanks N. H. Fitch D. Eames T. Perry 1847 16,10 1,25 2,33 15,80 1,60 2,50 7,00 1,15 6,65 8,55 11,50 L. BiigUm 10,40 J. Nocross 2 36 D. Bordwell 1^50 E. Dickman 5 QQ J. B. Phipps g'lO A. Phipps 5jO .A. Wood 4^05 J. Claflin 1S4S l|40 A Claiiin 4 QQ J. Frail 7^24 J. Weston ia ' 7 c, '. Valentine, 6,75 J. Woodatd j'gQ S. Morse 3*17 S. Wheeler g'gO A. Stearns 7^ W. H. Warren 4' 10 SI 63,28 Deficient Highway Taxes J). Paid F. G. Wales for 1847 10,84 J. Nocross 32,48 T. S. Morse 11J45 L. Woolson g^g L. Brigham 2,55. 5' * Phi PP s 4,19 S. Mirick 109,14 L. Claflin 184S 60,31 A. H. Fairbanks .3,14 J. Claflin 13,52 W. H. Warren 32,26 T. B. Corbett 40,29 R. W. Gibson 13,25 J. Frail 7,73 J. Q. Adams 23^00 S. Morse 10,98 S. Wheeler 5,44 $372/96 Support of Poor in Jflms House, i. Paid D. Newton as Superintendent for 1847 243,86 N. Newton for Blacksmith's Bill 43,21 W. A. Phipps for meat 12,43 J. Crowley for labor 1848 19,20 do for 26 and 1-2 days haying 29,50 M. Brigham for labor 9,00 A. W. Johnson 46 and 1-2 bush, meal 38,03 do2501bs. plaster do sawing lumber 2,00 Thompson & Barber for goods 93,12 John Smith for do 17,66 Davenport & Gibbs for straw cutter 11,00 J. Gibbs for horse and Carriage for clergy- men to Poor Farm 4,25 do to carry pauper from E. Coburn's 1,25 A. P. Hoit for bor on barn 12,67 $537,93 Support of Poor out of Alms House. Paid for support (1848) 1,00 do visiting schools and conveyance in Nos. 9 and 10 1 day 2,00 do visiting schools and conveyance in Nos. 4. 5, 6, 7 and 8 1-2 day each 5,00 do 1 and 2 1,00 do 1-2 day in copying & returning S. bks. 50 do visting school in No. 2 50 do visiting Nos. 1 and 2 1.00 do 3, 5, 6,7, 10 and 3 6,00 do No. 7 1 day 2,00 do No.l 1-2 day 50 do Nos. 6, and 10 2 days 3,50 do Nos. 2 1-2 day 50 do Nos. 4 and 5 2 days 8,50 do 7, 8, and 9 1-2 day each 8,00 30.00 L. L. Scamnaell visiting schook in No. 1, 10, S, 9,8 and 4 1-2 day each 1847 3.00 do No. 7 1-2 day 2.00 do No 5 1 day 1,00 do Visiting schools in NOB. 10, 1 1-2 dayi 3,0(1 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY A 000 609 234 L. L. Scarnniell examining teachers 1848 2,00 do 9, 1 1-2 days 1,50 do 8, 1 1-2 days 2,50 do 1, and 2 3 days 3,00 do 6, 11-2 days 300 do 6, 1 day 1.67 do 7j 1-2 day 83 do 4, 1-2 day 83 do 3, 1 day 1.6626.16 Willard Woodard 2d as school committee 1848 14,73 Miscellaneous Items L. Paid Liberty Burr and N. C. Johnson for the conviction of Sam- uel G. Knapp 200.00 G. W. Stacy for printing list of voters 4.75 Thos. Groom for Blank Book for Treasurer 2.75 J. Whittemore care of Town hall and returning deaths 16.85 do attending funerals with hearse 33.00 Andrews and Prentiss for blank town orders 3.50 J. N. Stone for lot of stones in East burying ground 21.37 J. Whittemore funnel for Town Hall, 1,75 J. O. Morse for damage of horse and carriage 10.00 J. Works 4 stone monuments 8,00 do 2 bolts 37 J. H. King repairing hearse 8.63 S. D. Davenport paid 6 witnesses on Ashland case 40.80 do for summoning and postage on " 2.00 do for horse 50 do services 5 days and expenses 15.00 do 1 day taking Mr. Thurston's deposition 3.00 do postage 10 Interest on cash paid out 2.09 do cash paid J. G. Thurston 10.00 do journey to Salem and Cambridge 6.00 to error 90 A. C. Putnam for procuring town standards &c. 12.23 do loss on Eames' Estate 20.25 do discount on taxes 72.20 do collecting taxes &c. 73.55 J. Valentine surveying burying ground 1.25 Help for raising barn at poor farm 3.50 T. Barber refreshment for Selectmen 1.50 do for Engine men at fire 10.00 do for use of room and stationery for selectmen 18.00 do 12 suppers for town officers 6.00 L. S. White repairing hearse 6.00 $614,84