C. K. OGDEN a T- CALIF. LIBRARY, LOS ANGELES COPY OF AN EPISTLE (IJ'ith a few trifling Amendments) LATELY ADDRESSED TO THE REV 6 . 5 THE VICE-CHANCELLORS OK CAMBRIDGE & OXFORD BEING A PLAIN AND HONEST STATEMENT OF OF THE CHIEF AND LEADING EVENTS WHICH HAVE TAKEN PLACE DURING THE LAST TWO YEARS RESPECTING JOANNA SOUTHCOTT, AND THE BELIVEFJ r.V HER DIVINE MISSION. BY THE REV, T. P. FOLEY ; RECTOR OF OLDS WIN FORD, WORCESTERSHIRE. PP.OV. c. 25. v ! 1. "A Word FITLY spoken is LIKE Apples of Gold in Pictures of Silver." JEREMIAH c. 5. v. 3. O Lord ARE not tliine Eyes upon. THE TRUTH ? Qldswinford, December 21 th 1S03. tourlmaore: Printed by J. Homing. goldb/E. I. FIELD No. 2 HIGH- STREET, St, GILES'S, LONDON. SIXPENCE, LETTER, &c. REVEREND SIR, JJ_N June last I bad the honor of transmitting to the Vice-Chancellor then in office a * Handbill of Joanna Southcott's with a short Testimony 'of mine upon it, and which Handbill was spread throughout the Kingdom, as far as a few individuals could give it effect, as soon as THE TRUTH of her writings were proved from the Scriptures to come from the spirit of the MOST HIGH GOD. I sent also one to the Heads of Houses, Professors, Tutors, hoping, it might be the Means of awakening this Learned and August Body ofMen, to search into the Inspired Writings of this Prophetess. And if upcn a close * See the Handbill at the end of this Lcttt r. and deep Investigation they should le convinced it was THE CAUSE OF GOD, to give it every Energy and Effect that was in their power, and to promote and push forward this Glorious Work with every Faculty of their Souls And if upon a Fair and Oil-gent Enquiry they should find it to be a Delusion to crush it in the Bud before Thousands were ruined, and expose to the whole Nation the Proceedings and Decision oftheTivenfy 1'hree, who firmly believed they were called to this HIGH TASK by DIVINE AUTHORITY. But as the Materials where then judged too slender .to build Any thing Solid and Substantial upon, them, I nonv take the liberty of offering you BET- TER GROUNDS of starching further into a Subject, which I humbly conceive to be of the First and highest importance to Mankind And I trust, as the Guardian and Chief Watchman of the Uni- versity, You will give it that fair and deep con- sideration it so justly merits : and will make use of the inclosed *Papers in any way, that your Talents, Knowledge, and Wisdom shall best point out to You. I am certain also You will seal my pardon for obtruding myself upon your Notice in an af- * Joanna's last Book, "A word to the wise Sec." F. Lewis's Address to the Bishops and Clergy.' Law's Letter to Mr. Ad- dington, and a Handbill of Joanna's with my Testimony on it T. P F. fair of this high and imperious consequence. I shall now honestly lay before You some of the Chief and Leading Circumstances in this matter which have for the LAST TWO YEARS engrossed my Attention and Enquiries. It was early in the Spring of 1801, when I was in London to procure a Dispensation for Two Family Livings that I FIRST heard of Mrs Scxith- cott : and from some extraordinary accounts of her which where then in circulation and of her go- ing to publish some Books to the World, made rne leave directions with my Bookseller to send them to me, as soon as they came to London. This he obeyed : and I think it was early in June 1801, I received her fast three Books* These I read over with some attention, comparing them diligently with the Scriptures (the Sheet Anchor upon which I rest) and I found them so consistent therewith, and so agreeable to common sense ; and at the same time opening to my view a NEW SCENE, that I was wonderfully struck with them, Indeed, in my opinion there is a greater Body of Spiritual Light given to the World in Mrs. Southcott's Writings, than was ever given to it since 'the Bible was completed. " Since Earth's Foundation "e'er was plac'd, " And GOD created Man : *' HE ne'er so much unveil 'd HIS F;:ce, " And shew'dus all HIS Plan." And though there were many Mysteries in the Books, yet, there was nothing in my mind con- trary to the word of GOD. What therefore I could not comprehend, I was induced (by a strong Im- pulse upon my mind for many Days) to write to Mrs. Southcott at Exeter for an Explanation. This brought on aCorrespondence which has ter- minated in my publishing these Divine TRUTHS, to the World ; and I most fervently bless the LORD .that HE has in HIS Rich Mercy and unbounded Goodness CALLED me forth into HIS Service ; nor would I exchange the inward Joy and Happiness I possess, for all the Honors, Fa- vors, and Riches of Men. In the latter end of the Year (Christmas) 1801, I went down to Ex- eter from London, with the Rev. Stanhope Bruce, the Rev Thomas Webster, William Sharp, and John Wilson, to examine into these Things, and to see whether Joanna Southcott was an Impos- ture, or not, and to prove the Truth of her Wri- tings All of us being firmly persuaded we were called by the DIVINE BEING so to do. We there met one Gentleman, (George Turner) from Leeds, and Another (Peter Morison) from Li- verpool, who were also called^ and who together with us made Seven. But as her writings could not be proved without Twelve being present, we were ordered by the Lord, through His. Chosen Ser- vant, Joanna Southcott, to invite the Bishop of Exeter, (Courtenay) the Reverend Archdeacon Moore, the Reverend Chancellor Nutcombe, the Reverend Mr. Tucker, and the Reverend Mr. Pomeroy. The two Clergymen and myself waited upon the Bishop with a Letter from Joanna, and had an Audience with his Lordship: he told us he considered her (but had never se&i her) as a mad Woman, and declined coming. The otlifcr Cler- gymen declined also. Therefore the Body of her writings could not be proved^ because there were not Twelve^ and consequently the full investigation of them was obliged to be put off till a future day, when twelve could be assembled who did believe her writings, then published^ to proceed from "the SPIRIT of GOD. Our Journey, however, was by no means fruitless : because we enquired diligently into Joanna Southcott's Character, and hard proof de- monstrative, that She was truly Pious, Honest and Industrious, and. would not utter a Falsehood, (if She knew it) for the World, and was moreover, of a sound and perfect mind. We were Eye-witnesses of her Writing (and I have been so constantly since, being almost wholly with her.) when she was dictated to by the SPIRIT of GOD. We had ample proof, and which was confirmed by many 8 witnesses, of her having foretold All the Leading Events of the last War, that did actually take place in this Country, in Italy, in Egypt, and in other Nations. We had undeniable proof of her having foretold the Two Harvests of 1799, and 1800. The One hurt by Rain and the Other by Sun. Of her having foretold the Plentiful Har- vest in 1801 Of her having foretold the Peace which took place in 1801 Of her having fore- told the Secret 1bougJ:ts and Conversation of Persons, and which was acknowledged to he TRUE by Mr. Eastlake of Exeter before the Seven, on the 2nd. of January 1802, when he gave Evidence to the excellence of Joanna's private Character, and of her having foretold many Other Things equally extraordinary. This foreknowledge can be given her only by G OD, HIMSELF, as HE alone knows future Events, and can direct their com- pletion. We then heard Her several times open and Explain the Scriptures, in a most clear, wonderful, and extraordinary manner. She has made it fu'ly manifest in her Writings, that satan's kingdom is now doomed, Blessed be GOD! to fall, and CHRIST'S Glorious Kingdom of Love and Peace to be established after the 'sifting of the Nations, as is declared in the Scripture, when the Lord's will must be done on Earth, as it is in Heaven. The Judgment previous to this blessed 9 Event, which the ALMIGHTY has denounced against this N - for their Wickedness and Unbelief, are -such, -as would make every Heart tremble, and every Ear tingle were they to be delineated, and more particularly against the Shepherds of HIS FLOCK. " The time is come, when Judgment must at GOD'S House begin, " And if HE First attacks the Just, what case are Sin- ners in! ' If GOD, the Righteous, whom HE loves, with Justice doth correct. "What mast the Sons of Violence, whom HE abhors, Expect ! These, Sir, are Some of the Chief particulars that occurred at Exeter in the Christens, 1801. Only upon our Departure after S^cn Days, She was ordered hv the Snirit to commit nil her wri- ings to our Care, and it must be remarked, that out of the Seven, She h;-.d never seen Six of us before in her Life, and the Seventh, She Ones saw only for a few hours We then all of us re-, turned to London with a separate Charge of Pa- pers delivered 10 Us Sealed, and which we were to keep by Us in that manner, till they were brought before Twelve, and were demanded of Us by Joanna Southcott. You must allow t B 10 Sir, honesty in this proceeding, and that all De- ceit on her part is completely done away. After remaining a short time in London, We, who lived in the Country returned every man to his Tent^ There we remained till the middle of May, 1802, when we were summoned to London by the Command of the LORD, through HIS Chosen Servant Joanna Southcott, as -we believed, to meet her there. We obeyed the Summons : and had the pleasure of seeing Mrs. Southcott with Us on the S2nd. f May, 1802, being the first time She ever visited London. A Few of the First days were employed in writing of Letters, and in, copying of Communications till the 'Seven were all arrived, which happened on the 27th. of May, 1802, and then it was given to Joanna by the Spirit, that She was to write to the King, Lords, and Commons, for the RekasementofNlr. Brothers, and that this letter was to be enclosed in a short one of the Sevens, viz. ( Bruce, Webster, Foley, Sharp, Wilson, Turner, and Morison's) and sent to each of the Above, who compose the Legisla- ture of this Country. We wrote near a Thous- and Letters; and sent them directed in the best manner we could. About a Hundred Letters were re- turned back to Us from the Lords and Commons: and we understood, there was a Council assem- bled upon this affair, and it was determined to leave Us alone, as we were considered as "a par- 11 "eel of Fools or Madmen" : 'and that by taking no- tice of Us would only be bringing Us and the Cause into consequence; which, if left alone, would die away of itself. And had this been the Cause of Men, it certainly would have beet so: but as it is THE CAUSE OF GOD, it is ww rising with great Power and Splendor. Mrs. Southcott continued in Town till the beginning of July, 1802, when She was ordered to go for a short time inta Lincolnshire, and She arrived at Market Deeping, the first week in that month. There She .had every Day wonderful Communications, of which we have Copies. The latter end of the Mdftth She was commanded 'by the LORD to return back to London on account of, my dear Friend, Mr. Wilson's illness, who was greivously afflicted with a most excruciating pain in his head, and the Fatuity could not do him the least good whatever. It was told Joanna by the Spirit, that he would not get well till She had visited him TWtv. That after the// visit he would be much better for a lew hours, and then worse than ever,- But after the second visit he would get rapidly well. She immediately obeyed the order of the-t'ORD, and breakfasted with me in Town, as soon as she arrived by the Mail Coach: and about 10 o'clock, when we had finish- ed, we set off for Mr. Wilson's at Kentish Town, where we found Him dreadfully ill indeed; but upon seeing Joanna, and in hopes of receiving relief, he rallied, and was greatly better during our being with him, which was about an hour. We then departed: and Mr. Wilson continued bet- ter till near Seven in the Evening, when he was taken worse, than he had been all his whole ill- ness, and remained in this state for Two Days; when I again accompanied Joanna to see him, and we found him, poor man! almost deranged by the intenseness of the pain, and the greatness of his sufferings. We then staid with him about half an hour, and took our leave and departed. Im- mediately afterwards he grew better, and in a- bout 24 hours after his pain Entirely left him, and he has been perfectly well ever since. When a Women says, She does This in the Name and by the command of 'the LORD, and it comes to pass: we may be assured, that the Arm of the LORD is with her. And in my opinion, THIS, was as much a Miracle, and wrought by the same poiver^ as the Apostles performed theirs by. W r. Wilson, as well 4 as myself, can testify to the T'ru/b*of the Above Fact. On the second of August, io2, Joanna was commanded by the Spirit to go to a House alone, and dispute with the Powers of darkness for seven 13 days; and if She held out with aguments, and by strong Faith in CHRIST, She should overcome the devil at last : as he overcome the Woman at first. And She should have the happiness of bringing the good Fruit to Man at last : as Eve brought him the Evil Fruit at first. This awful and heavy Trial She nobly sustained : and Glory be to GOD! She came off victorious; as may be seen in her Disputes with the powers of darkness. As soon as this was finished, She was ordered to fast 40 Days without touching any meat, or Any thing that had had life. This She accomplished. She then predicted her own illness/or Seven Days. This came as foretold; and on the ^th. day, con- trary to the belief and expectation of every One arround her, (save my worthy Friend, Mi;. Sharp) She recovered n the very hour foretold: tho' the Faculty, who attended her did not believe her as- sertions, till they saw them fully verified, This was Another most wonderful circumstance, and which can be proved by most unquestionable Witnesses. After this Joanna was employed in writing of Letters to various Ministers and 'Others, ur- ging them to come to the proving of her Writ- ings on the Twelfth of January, 1803, that time be* 14 ing fixed by the LORD; and near Twenty Pounds were expended in putting Advertise- ments into different Newspapers inviting All from the highest to the lowest in the Kingdom to be present. I went from henee the latter end of November, 1802, and joined my Wife & Joanna in London, and we took the High House at Pad- dington by command of the LORD for the pur- pose of proving the Writings of Joanna Southcott. And every Prediction given bv the Spirit to Joan- na in 1796, concerning the House, Garden, and the People, who were to be there, and many other things all came True, in the most clear, and per- fect manner, possible. I wrote to many Divines* and conversed with Many* using every agument I could to induce Them , to be present at the pro- ving of the Writings. I told them, if it was "a "Delusion" it was our Duty to crush it in the Bud before thousands were rujned : and if it was "THE CAUSE OF GOD" it was our Duty to push it forward with all the Energies and powers that we possessed. But all my writing and talk- ing were of no avail; and no Other Clergymen were present, but the Three mentioned in the *HandbiIl. And what happened during ttf seven Days ef proving the Writings, I must refer *At the end of this Letter. 15 you to the Same, as it is impossible in the compass of a letter to give you Any thing more, than the leading and most prominent Features of that most glorious Event. Since that time I have been copying for the Press from Joanna's Sealed Writings, and other Communications to form the Book, that is pub- lished under the name "Of Joanna Southcott's Sealed Prophecies". And also copying for the Press Another Book "of the Visions of Joseph Pres- cotf\ (A Youth, who lives with my highly-esteem- ed Friend, Mr. Carpenter, of Neckering House, Bermondsey) and Joanna's Explanations of Them from the Spirit, all tending to shew the fulfilment of the Bible, and perfectly agreeable to the Sec- ond Chapter of Joel of what is to happen in the lat- ter Days. This was part of my employment to 6th. of June, last, when we gave up the High House at Paddington. On the 2nd. of May, 1803, Joanna was order- ed to seal up all her Writings again with proper Witnesses; and to Place them in the hands of a Frhend, till they were demanded by the Great, Learned, and Powerful, which is told her will be next Tear; when Her's and our awful Trial will Come on, and which is said will be only Second to the Triai of our Blessed LORD at Pilate's Bar. It is tken promised, that the LORD will make lore HIS Arm, and will prove to nn astonished and affrighted World, that THIS is HIS CAUSE, and that the Gates of Hell shall not prevail a- gainst it Early in last June Joanna left London and went to Exeter, where She continued near a cnonth, sealing up the People, and in Shewing and Explaining Joseph Prescott's Visions and great \ 7 umbers believed THIS to be the Glorious Woik of the LORD, and have signed their Barnes for CHRIST'S Kingdom to be established, ind for the overthrow of satan's and were sealed o the Day "of their ^Temporal Redemption". About he middle of July Mrs. Southcott came to my louse, and continued with me till the Eleventh )f October, and then departed for Yorkshire, vhere She is at present. During the time She vas with me the Enclosed Book lt A WORD TO FHE WISE", was written and printed here, and f you should find in it the least valuable or nteresting Information, I shall be highly gra- ified in presenting it to your notice. Mrs. >outhcott has had many important and deep Communications whilst She was with me up- jon the present War, and state of the times >ut as we totally disclaim all mdling with Polities: so These are only for our own private Infor- mation, and to teach us how to guard against the-coming-desolating Storm. For, Evils are certainly hastening on; unless People will - mediately sign for " CHRIST'S Glorious and "Peaceable Kingdom to be established, and to "come upon earth, and HIS will to be done on "earth, as it is done in Heaven: and for satan's 'kingdom to be destroyed, which is the prayer * l and desire of Joanna Southcott" : and this must be the prayer and desire of the heart of every One, who so signs his, or her name, (otherwise it will be of no use) and then they will be entit- led to a Sealed Letter containing these words. "The Sealed of the LORD, the Elect, Precious, "Man's Redemption, to inherit the Tree of Life, "to be made Heirs cf GOD, and Joint-heirs with "JESUS CHRIST". "Signed Joanna Southcott." Now, Sir, one would imagine that no one couM hesitate a moment to sign their Names to so clear and plain a Proposition : but alas ! when the Touchstone is applied bow Few will do it ? making good the word of the Scripture; that ^Christ's Second coming in Spirit, HE would scarce find Faith on the 18 Earth. And that only -"A Little Flock" would be left to possess HIS Kingdom of Love and Peace for a thousand years upon Earth, as promised in the 2oth. Chap, of the Revelations. Mrs. Southcott is now at Leeds sealing up the People, and I have the happiness to inform you, that Some thousands have already signed; and would to GOD ! many Tens of Thousands would do the same : and then^ I am persuaded, we should experience, (as promised by the Spirit to Mrs. Southcott) every Blessing and Protection from the AL- MIGHTY ; and would have no occasion to dread our haughty and enraged Foe, Buonaparte, who now threatens us with every destruction. But it is lately given to Mrs. Southcott, that he shall not injure this Country till the sealing up of the Peo- ple finishes : and which time expires (where these things are known) "o the Twelfth of January^ "1804": and that, if Unbelief should abound, and the mocking of these things should continue then, most assuredly this Nation shall be visited with the following dreadful Evils, viz : THE SWORD ? THE PLAGUE AND THE FAMINE. And was I to draw a conclusion from my own Judgment^ would be, that Buonaparte next year wou'd be a Scourge in the hands of GOD, to wound severely this Country: for he is declared by the 19 i? Spirit to Joanna to be "the Beast" in the Revela- tions, and what that permitted power will be must be left to every man's opinion to determine . I fer- vently pray, that our Eyes may be opened before it is too late, that we may listen to these ''Glad Tidings", which are now offered Us, and fly to the ROCK OF AGES to take Us under HIS Wings' to preserve Us from the Terrible Day of HIS Wrath, which is going to be poured out upon all the Countries of the Earth.- I can only assure you, Sir, that the Evidence has been so clear, ex- press and demonstrative, which has been laid be- fore myself, and the Twenty Two named in the Handbill, that (the LORD giving Us Strength, for without HIM we can do nothing) we are ready to go even unto death, (if it be HIS good pleasure) in confirmation of our belief, that Joan- na Southcott is visited by the Spirit of GOD, and of the Truth of her Prophecies. And we are ready to maintain from the Scriptures, whenever we should be called upon, that the same Spirit which dictated the Bible dictated her Writings. Thus, Sir, have I given you a long and faithful account of the hading Events which have happened for the Two last Tears respecting Mrs. Sojathcott, and her believers And I flatter my- self you will deem them of such weight and consequence as to make them publicly known in the University, that J//may be left tc judge for themselves on a subject so awful and singularly momentoas. And my fervent wishes, and Pra- yers, are, that Every One may be prepared to meet the Bridegroom with their Lamps trim- med, and their Loins well-girded, and be ready to go in with HIM to the MARRIAGE FEAST: lest coming suddenly, HE should nd them Sleeping and then we know the Door will be Shut, and the Gates of Happiness for ever barred against them. I have the honor to be, Rev. Sir, Yours, &c. &c. &c. Thomas P. Foley. Oldswinford, November, 1803. P. S. I have written upon this Subject to se- veral of the Bishops to many Ministers of the Church of England and to many Dissenting Clergymen and I am spreading these "Glad "Tid'ngs" with all my might and power in this part of the Country. A paper is left for signing, and also sealed Letters are left at E. I. Field's, Bookseller, No. 2 High Street St. Giles's, near tbe Church ; and also at Mr. Carpenter's of the Neckinger House, Bermondsey, Southwark, where Joseph Prescott's Visions may be seen. *HAND-BILL. Examination of Prophecies, THE PROPHECIES of JO ANNA SOUTHCOTT have been closely examined for Seven Days, by Twenty- there Persons, chosen by DIVINE command, and Pro by them all to be from the Spirit of the LIVING GOD. The examination of her Writings was made public to every one that wished to come, and none were refused admit- tance. From Twenty to Forty were present s , day 3, and on the seventh when all was summed up, and Joanna had given her clear Evidence ; the Twenty -three unanimously agreed that the calling was of GOD, as wtii as Thirty-five others, who were then present, and, all signed their names of approbation to the ABOVE TRUTH. -Now, if any will say the Calling is not of God, they must say, the LORD had not a Friend to step forward to defend His Cause, and prevent a Woman tVo:n saying, "The LORD saith," when they think He had not spoken. So if they still say, this calling is not of GOD, they must say Religion is gone from the World ; as Unbelievers were publicly invited in the Newespapers, and privately invited by repeated Letterrs sent to Mini- sters and others. So now let every mouth be stopped, and every tongue be silent, and know the end is near at hand, that SATAN'S POWER WILL BE DESTROYED, and CHRIST'S KINGDOM NEAR TO COME. We, the CHOSEN PERSONS, believe it a Duty incum- l>ent on us to congratulate the Public, even all the Ge- neration of Adam, on the glorious, happy, and blessed prospect of the speedy fulfilment or the great Promises of the Gospel, in the seed cf the JVoman bruising the Ser- pent's Head, and the Restoration of Man from the Fall to the IMAGE of GOD, by the Merits and Death of JESUS CHRIST our Saviour, and of the destruction of the Works of Satan, the Devil, and his being chained down to the Bottomless Pit for a thousand years, and a seal set upon him, that he may not deceive the Nations any more till the thousand years shall be fulfilled That the Earth may be filled with the Glory of GOD, and all the Kingdoms of this World become the Kingdoms of our GOD and His CHRIST, and that He will reign a thousand years : having subdued all things unto HIM- SELF, that there may be no more Curse ; but the Name of the LORD alone be exalted and worshiped by all the Families of the Earth, and that all Flesh may see the Salvation of God. Now, we believe, and are clear, from the diligent ex* mination ot the Writings of Joanna Southcott, that they are of GOD by the Spirit of JESUS, which is the Spirit of Prophecy, the MIGHTY COUNSELLOR, The EVERLASTING FATHER, The PRINCE OF PEACE : and in them arc found wondrous Prophecies, the greatest wisdom of Counsel, and the clearest Reva- lations of Peace and Happiness, testing upon the Serif" tures, pointing out how Man will be enabled to do the Will of GOD on Earth, as the Angels do it in Heaven; and to the above Testimony we here sign our Names : *REV. STANHOPE BRUCE, *PETER MORISON, WILLIAM JOWETT, *\VILLIAM SHARP ELIAS CARPENTER, W. R. WETHERELE, *GECRGE TURNER, CHARLES TAYLOR, *JOHN T WILSON, * REV. THOMAS W FESTER *KEV THOs. P. FOLEY, CHARLES ABBOTT, RICHARD LAW ELIAS JAMESON FIELD, GEORGE STOCKS, . JOHN MORRIS, WILLIAM COY, WILLIAM BELK, WILLIAM TAYLOR, JOHN YOUNG, WM. LAYTON WINTER, THOMAS STEPHENS. JOHN TORIN, References to the above Persons may be had as below, JOANNA SOUTHCOTT is now so clear that her Calling is of GOD, that she is ready to meet any Divines or any of the learned, and will -prove frcm the Scriptures, that they must deny their Bibles, if they deny that her Writings come from Divine Inspiration, as some already have done. And let them weigh deep, how a thing sown in so much weakness in 1792, by a simple Woman, Is now rising with so much Power, according to the Truth of her sealed Prophecies, some of which will soon be laid before the Public, 5 JOANNA SOUTHCOTTs PROPHECIES sold at E. I. FIELD'S No.2 High-street St. Giles's London ; and at SYMONDS's Gandy-Lane, Exeter. Witness to the Truth of the above Subscriptions, WILLIAM SHARP, and E. CARPENTER. High-House, Paddington t January 22, 1803. TESTIMONY, THIS WAR was foretold by JOANNA SOUTH- COTT, in a communication given to her from the Spirit, April 29th. 1802 : It being the very clay when the Ratification or* the Articlesof Peace arrived in England from Lord Cornwallis at Amiens, and which can be pro- ved by the most unquestionable Witnesses. In a communication lately given to JO- ANNA (and now published,) will be seen the Character in the Scriptures, which Buonaparte WILL FULFIL. In JOANNA'S works will be found things most wonderful, and most important toman. It can be proved by incontestible evidence, that every Event of importance which has happened to this Nation, and the surround- ing ones, for the last ten years, has been fore- told by JOANNA SOUTHCOTT. The judgments of God are already begun to be poured out, because these high matters are not searched into ; for these are the latter duyt mentioned in the Scripture, when Christ's Blessed and Glorious Kingdom of Love and Peace will be established upon Earth, after the destruction of Satan's Kingdom of Missery, Evil, and Woe. Thomas P. Foley. Oldswinford, June 13lb. 1803. Mrs. SOUTHCOTFs WRITINGS ARE SOLD AT I. E, Fields No. 2, High Street, St. Giles's, near the Chuul), London : at Mr. Symond's, Gandy Lane, Ex- >kT : Miss Eveleigh's, St. Sidwell, Exeter : and at Mr. Child's, Rye Market, Stourbridge, Worcestershire. Of whom also may be had, Law's Letter to Mr. Ad- dington, price 4d. and Lewis's Letter to the Bishops and Clergy, Price 6d. Mr, Carpenter's Essay on Propchcy and Vision, Price is. 6d' and also T. P, Foley 's Letter, &c. c. to the Vice-Chancellors, of Cam- bridge and Oxford. Prir^ &L tv~.;p. Printer, StourbridreJ. UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL UBRARYFAOUTY A 000027115 5