3 C O ^ >> ._! ? MS i 5 ife o ^ i 1 3 V 5 -n O S3 !^ ^ S <-r> rr-! i f I 1 5. MINIVERS/A ' i 1 < ca $ % ^F-CAllFORto i ? I I i , . %OJITV: I i fiO 3 =? n ^ I 1 ? i tOF-CAIIFORfc i 1 I S. r^x ^-LIBRAI ^> uj .-f 4 f ^\\EUNIVER% ,^lOS-ANCElfj> < gT 1 %T< $ ^r . IP- ^E-UNIVER% Stack 'Annex, BY-LAWS 2 Q ^ CITY OF HARTFORD. TITLE I. Cities. CHAP. I. An Act for Incorporating a Part of the Town of Hart- ford. [Enacted in May, 1784.] BE it enacted by the Governor and Council and House of Representatives, in General Court as- sembled, That all the inhabitants being freemen of this state Description 'of and dwelling in said Hartford within the following limits, the persons viz. beginning at a place called the Dutch Ground upon the that are incor- high land on the bank of the great river, on the southerly P< side of said river as it now runs, in the lot belonging to Bounds of the Thomas Seymour, Esq. and from thence a strait line to the city. northwest corner of Joshua Hempstcd's dwelling-house, thence a westerly line to the northwest corner of James Steel's dwelling-house, from thence a northwesterly course to the southwest corner of James Shepard's malt-house, from thence northerly a strait line to the upper mills, so called, including said mills, thence northerly in a strait line to the northwest corner of Captain John Olcott's dwelling-house, including said house, and from thence turning and running due east, a strait course, to the great river, be, and the same hereby are ordain- ed, constituted and declared to be from time to time and forev- er hereafter, one body, corporate and politic in fact and in name, by the name of *The Mayor, Aldermen, Common Coun- Name of the cil, and Freemen of the City of Hartford, and by that name, corporation. they and their successors forever shall and may have perpetu- al succession, and be persons in law capable of suing and be- Capable of su- ing sued, pleading and being impleaded in all suits of what ing &c. nature soever ; and also to purchase, hold and convey any es- tate real or personal, and may have a common seal, and may change and alter the same a't pleasure ; and shall be free- men of said city. 2. And be 'it further enacted, Thnt tho Mayor, Alder- TO have juris- men, Common Coimcil and Freemen of said City, shall have diction on a jurisdiction iii all commercial matters on Connecticut river ( > opposite said town of Hartford, and that the Sheriffs of said r city appointed and empowered as hereafter provided, shall have power and authority to execute all lawful writs and precepts on said Connecticut river opposite said town. Provided nevertheless, That no power or authority is here- xo power i-> by granted to regulate or effect the iisheries or ferry iu and regulate the 4 Title I. Incorporation* fisheries or upon said river, or to prevent any vessel, boat or other water- ferry, craft from passing or repassing said part of Connecticut riv- er, or from having commercial intercourse with inhabitants residing without the aforesaid limits of said city, free from any duties and toll to be imposed by said city. 3. Jlnd whereas there are many perso.->$ living within said limits who by law are qualified to be freemen of the state, that have not taken, the oath provided by law to be taken by freemen. Persons living JSe it enacted, That all such persons living within said within the limits who shall before the fourth Monday of June next, pro- city, procur- cure t ne major part of the selectmen of the said town of c" t' U frcto be ^ art *' ortl to Certify that they are qualified to be admitted and freemen sf the m! *de *' ree of this state, and shall, after procuring said certifi- cate and citv. cate, take before sonic assistant of this state, or justice of the peace, within and for the county of Hartford, the oath provi- ded by law for freemen, shall to all the purposes in this act mentioned be considered as freemen of this state, and freemen of the said city of Hartford. 4. Jlnd for the better government nf said city, Annual meet- Be it further enacted, That there sha.ll be a meeting of said inp- to be in city holden annually in the month of March at such time and March for the place as by the by-laws of said city shall be directed, for the P- ir P. s ^ 0< ' purpose of choosing all the annual officers of said city, and naal'offitsere" n, &c. than tvventy? and tWQ sheriffs out O f t h e freemen of said city, all which officers and all other officers of said city, eligible by the freemen thereof (the inspectors of produce excepted) ilode of choo- shall be chosen by ballot, and on each ballot which is given sing to be by in, shall be written the name of the person for whom the same ballot, is given, and such ballot shall be rolled up, and in the pres- ence of the Mayor and Aldermen of said city, or such of them as are present at such meeting, put by the person giv- ing the same into a box which said city shall provide for that purpose, which box shall be a close box with a hole of a convenient size in the lid thereof, through which to put in IJox l)v whom the ballot; and when the freemen present at any city meet- opened, ing shall have had reasonable time to give in their ballots, either of the Sheriffs of said city, or in the absence of both of The mayor the Sheriffs, the junior Alderman present, in the presence of and aldermen the. Mayor and Aldermen, or such of them as are present at. to ort and sue h meeting shall open the s;;id linx. ami ih" Mayor and Al- dermen, or such of ; hem its are present, s!i;i)l opci, .*ort and count the ballots, and the person who shall have a majority oi' the ballots given in, sluvil bv the Sheriffs, or in their absence. ^ ho to de- hy i j^ j uu ; or Alderman present. i>e declared to be elected. Jind choice! no bal i ()t s!ia11 be received after the box shall have been opened. The city to . And said city in legal meeting assembled shall have h:i r power to power to levy taxes ou i lie polls and estate within Ilio limits ol' lc.vv ta.vjs. r Title I. Incorporation. 5 'laid city, for such purposes as the city shall think proper, agreeable to the power and privileges granted to the freemen of said citv, by virtue of this act of incorporation, and to choose a collector or collectors to collect such tax, who shall, To choose a having received a warrant for that purpose, signed by the collector. Mayor or one of the Aldermen of said city, have the same "Warrant by power as collectors of town taxes by law have, and shall be whom signed. accountable to the Mayor and Aldermen of said city, in the eame manner as collectors of town taxes are by law accounta- Collectors ac- ble to the selectmen, and in case any collector shall not per- countable, and form the trust committed to him, but shall fail of collecting to whom. such rate according to the terms of the warrant committed to him, on complaint thereof made by the Aldermen of said city Complaint be- to the Mayor thereof, he shall issue his warrant under his in made ? &t hand, directed to either of the sheriffs of said city, to distrain ^v^anT^ the sums or rates neglected by such collector, to be collected ^ c or paid out of the estate of the collector. Provided nevertheless, That nothing in this act shall ex- Proviso. tend, or be construed to extend, to enable the freemen of said city, at their legal meeting, to grant or levy any taxes on the polls or estate contained in said city, for the purpose of pav- ing the streets or highways within said city, or of erecting wharves upon said Connecticut river, without previous appli- cation made therefor to the general assembly of this state, and special authority from said assembly obtained for that purpose. 7. And be it further enacted. That the Sheriffs of said p werofthe city shall severally, within the limits of said city, have the sheriffs, same powers and authorities, and be liable to the same suits j ; a t,j e f or and penalties for neglect of duty, in any case whatsoever, to neglect of du- al! intents and purposes as Sheriffs by law now have and are ; ty. and the said city shall be liable to answer in case of the ina- c; . to ^s^gj. bility of said Sheriffs, or either of them, for the default of said in CIlse O f ina- Sheriffs in all cases relative to their office : and said Sheriff's bility, &c. shall severally give bond with sureties, in such manner as by siier ^ s to the by-laws of said city shall be directed, for a faithful dis- g; ve bond, &c,. charge of the duties of that office, before they shall be capa- ble of executing the same : and in case either of the persons On failure a chosen Sherift'shall not give bond >t ith sureties, according to new one to be the by-laws of said city, the said city may proceed to choose c ^ 0cn - another Sheriff' in his room, and the said city, in legal meeting assembled, shall choose a Treasurer for said city, to continue To cheese u in office during the pleasure of said city, which Treasurer trcusuu ; shall have the same power and authorities as town treasurers by law now have, and shall be accountable to said city. * 8. And be it further enacted, That there shall be holden, A c-iy ccurt on the second Tuesday of every month, in said city, a city ^ court, which court shall have power to adjourn from time to timo, and shall have cognizance of all c-ivil causes, wherein iV.v.vr to ;ul- the title of land is not concerned, by lav, fnymy.a'ilt; by the J om '" county courts in this state, provided the cause of action arise Jui i'-dkiu -n. w italn the limits of said city, and one or both of Use parties To Jiave l}ie live within the limits of said city : and said city courts shall, same powers, as to the causes by them cognizable, to all intents and pur- S And in every action brought before said city court. lives without in which the plaintiff lives without the limits of said city, or the city, no is a mariner or seaman suing for wages due to him for ser- appeal allow- v i ces J n his occupation, and the defendant lives within the e ii , . or absence, ecc. court, any two of whom in the absence of the other, taking to their assistance the senior alderman present that is not a judge of said court, or if neither of the aldermen that are not judges of said court can attend, one of the justices of the peace within and for the county of Hartford, resident within said city, shall have power to hold a city court. 13. And if at any city court there shall be hut one if but one- Judge present, he shall take to his assistance two other al- judge present dermen of said city, and in case one or both of them cannot then to take, attend, he shall take one or two of the justices of the peace, & c. as the case may require, of the county of Hartford resident within the said city and they shall have the same power to- hold a city court as the judges of said city court have. 14. And be it further enacted, That the Mayor and Al- T\[ avor am i a ]. dermen of said city shall severally within the limits of said dermen to city have cognizance of all civil causes, by law cognizable have cogniz- by a justice of the peace, provided the cause of action a- :ulce f C1V 'J rise within the limits of said city, and one or both of the ^\" scs m the parties live within the same ; and the said Mayor and Al- dermen shall as to the causes by them severally cognizable have the same poAvers and authorities and proceed in the Same powers same manner as justices of the peace now, or hereafter as justices, liave and proceed. 13. And an appeal shall be allowed from the judgment Appeal allow- pr determination of said Mayor and Aldermen, in any <"<} to the ncxt cause by them cognizable severally to the next city court, Ci{ -~ court - to be holden within said city, in all causes in which an ap- peal is now or hereafter shall be allowed from the judgment of a justice of the pence, the prevailing party however, if plaintiff, may, such appeal notwithstanding, hike out execu- lion on such judgment, provided he give bond before the May- or of said city, or one of the Judges of said citv court, in the same manner as is provided in cases of appeal from said dty court. 16. And in every action brought before the Mayor or "Where the either of the Aldermen of said city, in which the plaintiff' plaintiff lives lives without the limits of said city,' or in which the plaintiff 7^2' !\ is is a mariner or seaman, suing for wages due to him for ser- ^app^i' vices in his occupation, and the defendant lives within the Jimits of said city, no appeal shall be allowed the defendant. " 17. And the taxable fees in all causes cognizable by the Taxable fees, Mayor or by any of the Aldermen of said city severally shall &c - be the same as the taxable fees in like cases before justices of the peace. And the processes in ail actions brought to Processes the said city courts, shall be the same as the processes to the s; ""e us to the county courts in this state ; and the processes in all actions count y court - brought before the Mayor or one of the Aldermen of said city, shall be the same as the processes in actions brought before a justice of the peace ; which processes shall be signed by the Bywhomsign- Oovernor, Lieutenant -Governor or one of the assistants of C( i ancl served.; this state, or by a justice of {he peace within and for the S Title I. Incorporation. county of Hartford, or by the mayor or one of the aldermeu- of said city, or the Clerk of said city court, and shall be ser- ved by a sheriff, deputy-sheriff or constable to whom directed according to the laws of this state, and the provisions of this act. Bonds for pro- 18. And all bonds for prosecution taken by any of said secution, Sec. officers hereby empowered to sign writs, shall be good and effectual in law ; and bonds for prosecution, special bail, and bonds for appeal, shall be taken to the adverse parly. Except, &.c. Provided nevertheless, That no writs (executions excepted) or processes signed by the Mayor or either of the Aldermen, shall be of any effect without the limits of said city. Repealed, see 19. And be it further enacted. That the said Mayor, Al- <:/*. 4. dermen and Common Council shall on the the first Monday im?^heu cho of June annually meet, and shall then choose seventy -two j en freemen of said city or such greater number, not exceeding Names of the ouc hundred of said freemen, as the said Mayor, Aldermen jurors to be and Common Council shall judge necessary to serve as jurors returned to, a ( sa id city courts, and shall return the names of said jurors under the hand of the Mayor of said city, if present, or iu case of his absence under the hand of the senior Alderman Clerk to write P resen t a ^ such meeting, to the clerk of said city court, who the jurors shall write each jurors name thus chosen, fairly on a sepa- names on, &c. rate piece of paper, and roll up and put the same into a box, which he shall provide and keep for that purpose : and whenever either of the sheriffs of said city shall receive a warrant from the clerk of said city court to summon a jury to appear before said court, the sheriff receiving such war- rant, taking with him one of the Aldermen of said city, shall repair to the said Clerk's office, and there in the presence of said Alderman and Clerk, shall take out of said box such num- ber of said papers as his warrant shall direct, and the persons whose names shall be found written thereon, shall be summon- ed to appear before the court to which the warrant is return- Jurors neglec- able, to serve as jurors, and in case of neglecting to attend, ting to attend, shall be liable to such penalties as shall by the by-laws of if not a com- ^-j ^^ ^ j u fli c t e( i f or sucn neglect, and in case a complete othe^ drawn. P aune ^ shall not attend, or in case any shall be challenged or excused, the sheriff attending said court shall supply such deficiency by drawing in the presence of the court, others out said box, and summoning them to attend and serve until the Jurors not at- pannel shall be complete ; and the names of such jurors as du tending, &c. not attend or are excused, shall be returned into the box Jurors oath to and be lial)Ie to l)e drawn again. And the oath to be taken be, &c. by said jurors shall be the same as is by law provided to be .. taken by jurors in civil actions ; and the name of each juror . who attends anv citv court and serves, shall be again written cadi juror at- j _ _ ,~ . .. , tj j tendin", &c. ou a separate piece ot paper, and shall be rolled up ana put into another box. which the clerk of said court shall provide Liable to be for that purpose, and shall be liable to be drawn again in drawn again. case t j, ere g ] ia jj not? Dv reasoll O f death, removal or other cause, be a sufficiency in the other box to complete the pannel for that year in which they are chosen to serve. And the. City Clerk. said city may choose a clerk of said city, who shall make true and regular entries of all the voles and proceedings of said city, and flu- ro cords by him kept shall be of the same valid- ity in point of evidence in any court of law in. thin state, a* the records of Hwas are. Title I. Incorporation. 9 20. And be it further enacted, That the said Mayor, Al- The mayor, Mermen and Common Council be and they are hereby em- ^ c to la y out powered to lay out new highways, streets and public walks ( ' ; oh- v -" ;i . vs > & c. for the use of said city, or to alter those already laid out in l^dT laid ^ said city, and to exchange highways for highways, or to sell ou t, &c. highways for the purpose of purchasing other highways, tak- ing the same measures in all respects as are directed by the laws of this state to be taken in ease of highways laid out by the select-men for the use of .heir towns, and the party ag*- $rieved by the laying out of siith streets or highways, may aave the same remedy by application to the county courts as is by law provided in* cases of highways laid out by select- men. 21. And be it further enacted, That in case any sheriff, clty court deputy -sheriff or constable shall not serve a writ directed to may fine sher- And received by him, that is returnable to said city court, or iflfs, &c. shall neglect to make return of said writ, or shall make a false or undue return thereof, and a suit for such default be brought against him to the said city court by the person, his executors or administrators in whose favour the writ issued, and the defendant be found in default, the said court over and above awarding just damages to the plaintiff', shall on said suit set a suitable fine upon the defendant according to the Fines to be nature of the case, and may issue execution for such line, paid to the which fine shall be to the treasurer of said city, to and for cit - v treasurer. the use of said city. 22. And in all cases in which the- defendant, who is su- If the defend- ed to the said city courts, lives within the limit* of said city. : ' nt lives i"the the writ shall be served upon him at least six days before the c ' tv *^* **" sitting of the court to which the writ is returnable ; but if *?_ J^TTbe- the defendant lives without the limits of said city, the writ fore court, and shall be served at least twelve days before the sitting of said if without, 12 court ; and all writs returnable to said city court shall be days. returned to the clerk of said court on or before the day of the sitting of said Court and before the first opening of said court. 23. And the writs that are returnable before the May- Writs return- er or either of the Aldermen of said city, shall it* the plaintiff able before and defendant both live within the limits of said city, or if the :n,yor,&c. the plaintiff live without and the defendant live within said limits, or if the plaintiff be a mariner or seaman suing for wages due to him for services in his occupation, and the defendant lives within the limits of said City, be served upon the defendant at least three days before the sitting of the Court to which it is returnable ; but if the defendant lives within the limits of said city, the writ diall be served upon the defendant at least six days before the sitting of the court to which it ia returnable. 2i. And be it further emcted, That the Mayor, Alder- Mavor, Sec. i& men. Sheriffs, Common Council and Clerk of said City, shall L e sworn, be sworn to a faithful discharge of their duty, and the form of the oath to be taken by the Mayor of said City, shall be as follows, viz. FOU being elected Mayor of the City of Hartford, do swear Ferm of the by the, name of the everliving God, that you will, without any oath. partiality, indifferently administer justice according to law, without respect of persons, take no bribe, give no counsel in Tille /. Incorporation. Aldermen to be sworn. Form ofai oath. Sheriffs to take an os.th. CJfrks oath. By \vhom ad nunistered. Certificates to be given and recorded. Po\ver to make by-la'.vs. any mutter that shall come before you, nor deny right to any, but well and truly perform your office of Mayor of said city, according to your best skill. So help you God. 23. And the form of the oath to be taken by the Alder- men of said city, shall be. the same mutatis mutandis as is prescribed by law to be taken by justices of the peace. 20. And the form of the oath to be taken by the common council-men of said city, shall be as follows, viz. YOU being elected a . Common Council-man for the city r,f Hartford, do swear by the name of the everliving God, that you wilt faithfully and uprightly discharge the duties of that Iffice so 'long as you shall hold t/ie same. So help you God. 27. And the form of the oath to be taken by the Sheriffs of .said city, shall be the same prescribed by law to be taken by the Sheriffs, mutatis mutandis. * 28. And the form of the oath to be taken by the Clerk of said City, shall be as follows, viz. YOU being chosen Clerk of the city of Hartford, do swear by the- name of the everlii'ing God, that you icill truly and faithfully attend and execute the office of Clerk of said city, according to your best skill, and make true entries and re- cords of^all the votes and proceedings of said city, and such other matters as by laic or by the by-laws of said city are to be recorded in your office, and that you will deliver true copies of the records in your hands, when they shall be re- quired of you, taking your lawful fees. So help you God. 29. Which oaths may be administered by any Assistant of this state, or justice of the peace within and for the county of Hartford, or by the Mayor or either of the Alder- men of said City, provided the Mayor or Alderman admin- istering such oath, hath been sworn according to this act. 30. And the person administering the oath prescribed by this act. shall give a certificate thereof under his hand to the Officer to \\hom he administered such oath, which certificate shall lie recorded in the records of said city, before the person to whom it is given shall be capable of executing the office to which he w as chosen. 31. Jnd be it furthtr enacted. That there shall be a court' of Common Council of said city, of which the Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Council of said city shall be mem- bers, who, or a majority of them, shall have power to make by-laws relative to the erecting and regulating markets, and relative to commerce within the limits of said city ; relative to persons summoned to serve as jurors at said city courts and neglecting or refusing to serve ; relative to the streets and highways of said city; relative to nuisances within said city limits ; relative to landing-places, wharves, anchoring and mooring of vessels : relative to trees plimted for shade, or- nament, convenience or use public or private, and to the fruits of such trees : relative to trespasses committed in gar- dens ; relative to public walks and buildings ; relative to the sweeping of chimneys and preserving said city from fire : relative to the 1 -forms of oath to be taken by the treasurer of said city, and inspectors of produce brought to said city for sale or exportation ; relative to the manner of warning meet- ings of said city and the court of Common Council, and the time and place at which thfy shall be holden ; relative to Title I. Incorporation. a the qualifications in point of property of the Mayor and Aldermen ; relative to the bonds to be given l;y the sheriffs of said city for a faithful discharge of their duty : relative la the penalties to be ineurred by those who being chosen to any city office shall (not being excused by said city) refuse to serve ; relative to a city watch ; relative to the burial of tJu dead; relative to the public lights and lamps of said city ; relative to restraining geese and swine from going at large within the limits of said city, and to inflict penalties for the TO inflict pe- breachofsueh by-laws; provided however, that such pen- cuniary reiud- alty shall in no case exceed the sum of thirty -four dollars ; lies . not ex - and said penalties shall be to such persons as the by-laws of Deeding- thirty said city shall direct, and be recoverable by the person to p",-, a i; e s to whom forfeited, by action of debt brought to the city courts be, &c. of said city, in which action no appeal or review shall be Recovered b'. allowed : provided how ever, that no by-laws of said city shall &c. be made repugnant to the laws of this state ; and provided ^\ appeal, also, that all the by-laws made by said court of Common Council, shall be approved of by said city in ler;, if by such snperiour court on a hearing adjudged to be un- &c reasonable or unjust. 32. And all grants and leases of any real estate belong- Grants and ing to said city, signed by the Mayor of said city, and sealed leases signed with the city seal, and approved by said city in legal meeting by the mayor, assembled, shall lie good and effectual in law to convey the. estate intended to be conveyed by such grant or lease, provid- ed the same is recorded in the records of the town where the lands leased or granted lie. 33. And said city shall have power to appoint inspec- Inspect : tors of of every kind of produce of the United States brought product-. to said city for sale or exportation. 34. And the vote or choice of the major part of the free- Vo ^ c of> thc men present at a legal meeting of said city, shall be consid- u .i or P art OI ercd in all cases as the vote or choice of said city. valid. 35. And whenever the Mayor of said city, or any other i,\ C . MC O f officer of said city, eligible by the freemen thereof, shall re- death, i-.c. of sign, or be removed by death or otherwise, another person any^fncc-r. Sec. shall be chosen in his place by said city, and (if an annual officer) shall continue in office until the expiration of the month of March next following, unless another shall be sooner chosen and sworn in his stead. 36. And the Mayor of said city, or in his absence the Mayor, or, &r. senior Alderman present at any meeting of said city, or at to be i.iodci-,, any court of Common Council, "shall e& officio be moderator tc '^ : thereof, and the meeting of said city ma> from time to time, "; by a major vote of the freemen present, be adjourned. . nc ',-; " 37. Jlnd be it further enacted, That the first meeting of Fn said city shall be holden at the state-house in said Hartford, on the 4th Monday of June next, at nine of the clock in liu forenoon, for the choice of a Mayor, Aldermen, Common Council and Sheriffs of said city, aiid to transact such other business as may be necessary, which meeting may be front 42 Tille I. Incorporation. time to time adjourned, and a copy of this paragraph of ihjs act certified, owler the hand of the Secretary of this state and published on the sign-post in said Town of Hart- ford, at least three days before said fourth Monday of June next, shall be a legal warning of the freemen of said city to attend said tirst meeting-, and the annual officers chosen at said meeting shall continue in olh'cc until the expiration oi* the month of March then next, unless others are sooner cho- Annual oflic- sen and qualified in their stead. And the said city shall at cis to cumin- S u c h meeting C.rxt choose a Clerk of said city, who shall Iw ue> &c immediately sworn, and .shall forthwith make a record of his Fii .->l meeting 1 being chosen ami sworn ; and the record thus made by him in fc ;i < '^ a such case shall be good and effectual, any thing in this act to the contrary notwithstanding ; and such records may be made by clerks herein after chosen of their being chosen and sworn and shall be good and effectual, any thing in this act to the contrary notwithstanding: and said city shall thereupon Then the may- proceed* to choose a Major and the other oflicers of said city u'. ." < T. f eligible by the freemen thereof: and the justices of the peace tici-p 6 'VrVViv- within and for the county of Hartford, living and inhabiting un the within the limits of said city and present at such first meet- limits, S.c. ing. shall have, as to the election of the Mayor, Aldermen, Sheriffs, Common Council-men and Clerk of said city, the same powers and proceed in the same manner as the Mayor, Aldermen, and Sheriff's of said city are by this act to have and proceed at the future elections of said city. And the sen- ior justice of the peace within and for the county of Hartford, First rio^Ta- ^ v * n S within the limits of said city, present at said first tors. meeting, shall be moderator thereof, until there be a Mayor or Alderman chosen and qualified according to this act ; and said city shall at their iirst meeting appoint a time and place for holding the fa'rst court of Common Council, which court shall have power to adjourn from time to time : and the first First citv c jjy C0 u r t o f said city shuil be holden on the last Tuesday of July next, at the state-house in said city, and the city court .:' ;.U1 oily may be holden in said state-house from time *to time, or in such other place, in said city as said city shall provide and judge proper. ^c. on 08. And the Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Council r vyi of said city shall on the second Tuesday of July next, at ; of three of the clock in the afternoon, hold a meeting at the h-nv- sta t"-house i:i said Hartford, and shall then and there choose six jurors. " thirty-six freemen of said city to serve as jurors until the first Monday of June then next, and the name of each per- son thus chosen, shall be fairly written on a separate piece of paper and be put into the jury btti by this act to be provided by the clerk of said cii\ court, and shall be drawn out in the manner herein before provided \\ith respect to jurors. Proviso. JMiooys provided. That any thing in this act notwithstand- ing, the inhabitants 11 i;ig within the limits of said city shall to all intents and purposes be and remain a part of said Hart- ford. 3'J. .Una / id estate, within Fail! /';;'/'.- . ^'hjected 1o anil burdens which tnay hcre- pfter ftri- : 'rhiti act of incorporation. ' -'. That all char-.-;.'.- *i<:} cxpences that Title L Incorporation. 15 shall accrue or may be incurred in consequence of this act of City expences incorporation, shall be borne and defrayed by taxes on the how P"* 1 - polls of the inhabitants of said city, and the rateable estate contained within said limits, except such and so much of the live stock belonging to any of the inhabitants of said city as shall be raised and supported from their lands lying out of tile limits of said city. 10. Provided nevertheless, That if this act, or any of Proviso, the provisions in this act contained, shall be found inconven- ient, or in any respect inadequate, the same may be altered or revoked on representation of the city or otherwise, hy the General Assembly. 41. Provided nevertheless, That the judges of said city court may, and they are hereby authorised to hear, try and finally determine all causes brought before the city court hy a jury of six freemen, or without a jury, where neither of the parties desire to have a cause decided by a jury, or by more than six jurors. 4.2. And this act shall to all intents and purposes be a public act. CHAP. II. An Act in Addition to an Act, entitled, " An Act for incorporating a part of the Town of Hartford." [Enacted in January, 1789 ] , . T> E it enacted be the Governor and Council, and Pow f rs rant : 5 LJ House of Representatives, in General Court as- on coundi aembled, That full powers and authorities be, and hereby O f the city of are granted unto the cour^/of Common-Council, for the city Hartford to of Hartford, or the major part of them, to make by-laws, re]- niyke by-laws ative to the mode of taxation, as to taxes levied by said city, relative to the Provided, That such by -laws, made by said court of Com- ^^ " mon-Council, shall be approved by said city, in legal meet- p rov igo ing assembled, and after being so approved, shall be publish- ed at least three weeks successively in some public newspa- per in, or near said city. 2. And all such by-laws, of said city, made as aforesaid, shall at any time within six months, after they are made, be liable to be repealed by any superior court, holden in the county of Hartford, if by such superior court, on a hearing, judged to be unreasonable or unjus^. CHAP. III. An Act, in further addition to an Act, entitled " An Act for incorporating a part of the town of Hartford." [Enacted in May, 1790.] BE it enacted by the Governor and Council and House of Court of eota- Representatives in General Court assembled. That full mon council power and authority be, and hereby is granted unto the court *J r t] ' e ^ ot of Common-Council for the city of Hartford, or the major p^red 'to part of them, on the first Monday of July, annually to nomi- appoint fire nate and appoint thirty persons, living within the lim- its of said city, as fire men. in se.rvp in thf* two fire eompa- 1* Saul compu- nies exempt- ed from mili- tary dutr. Title I. Incorporation. nies, constituted in said city, by the by-laws thereof, to con- duct and work the two tire-engines within the same And that upon the nomination and appointment thereof, as afore*- said, the persons so nominated shall be exempted from doing military duty in the companies of regiments to which they respectively belong, so long as they do actually serve in said fire-companies, in consequence of the nomination and appoint- ment aforesaid. Seech. 1. 19. Power grant- ed to the court of common council to choose jurors in December. Also to ap- point another lire-company. CHAP. IV. An Act in further addition to an Act, entitled *' Au Act for incorporating apart of the town of Hartford." [Enacted in October, 1795.] BE it enacted by the Governor and Council and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, That full power and authority be, and hereby is granted unto the court of Common Council, for the city of Hartford, on th<> first Monday of December next, and afterwards at the city meeting of said city, in the montli of March annually, to choose the number of freemen by law allowed to serve as jurors at the city courts of said city, and make return thereof as by law is directed ; and also to nominate and appoint an- other fire company within said city, of the same number, and under the same exemptions, conditions, and limitations, as are by law provided and extended to the other fire companies iu said city. CHAP. V. An Act to secure the City of Hartford from damage by Fire. Certain build- ings in the city of Hart- ford, to be composed of brick or stone. 1. Limits within which build- ings shall be so built. [Enacted in May, 1799.] BE it enacted by the Governor and Council and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, That from and after the first day of January in the year 1800, all meeting-houses and dwelling-houses to be erected within tin* limits herein after described ; and all other buildings having a chimney, tire-place, or stove to be erected within the same limits, shall have their outer walls composed entirely of brick or stone and mortar : and from and after said first day of January 1SOO, all additions to be made to any house or other building already erected or hereafter to be erected within the same limits, shall have their outer walls entireh composed of brick or stone and mortar, provided such addi- tion have in it a chimney, fire-place or stove. 2. And be it further enacted, That the aforesaid regula- tion take place and be established in all (but part of the city of Hartford comprehended within the limits following, viz. beginning at the dividing line between front street and school street, thence running through the middle of *he following streets, viz. westwardly through school street and mill street to maiden lane, thence northwardly through maiden Ian. 1 and back street to main street, thence sonth-eastwardly through Tftk I. Incorporation. 15 a part of main street and eastw ardly through a street called Morgan street to the place where Morgan street intersects meadow lane, thence due east to the bank of Connecticut river, thence southwardly on the bank of Connecticut river to the north side of William Ellery's large store, thence west- wardly in a strait line to the north-west corner of the distil house formerly owned by George Merril and lately by Nor- man Butler, thence southwardly to the place of beginning ; and also in all that part of said city comprehended within the following limits, viz. beginning at the north line of said city, and thence proceeding southwardly, and including all the extent from said north line within fifteen rods of either side of main street as far southwardly as the north end of the brick school house on the south green in said city. 3. And be it further enacted, That every person who Penalty for shall erect, add to, or cause to be erected or added to, any breach of th:^ building within the limits aforesaid contrary to the provis- ac ions of this act, shall forfeit and pay to tbe treasury of the county of Hartford a fine oi not less than one hundred dollars, nor more than one thousand dollars, according to the nature and aggravation of the oftence. 4. Jlnd be it further enacted, That in addition to the Houses erect- fines aforesaid, all dwelling houses erected, or added to, ed contrary t contrary to the provisions of this act, shall be annually as- *^' s act> to ^ e sessed fourfold in the lists of polls and rateable estate of the lo1 town and of the city of Hartford, and all other buildings erec- ted, or added to, contrary to this act, shall be annually set in such lists at the sum of thirty dollars, and it shall be the duty of the listers to set the same accordingly in the lists of said town and city ; and all such houses and buildings shall be ever afterwards rated accordingly in all taxes whatever as long as such houses or buildings remain. 5. Jlnd be it further enacted, That the city of Hartford in City empo\v- legal meeting assembled be empow ered annually to appoint a ered to ap- committee of not less than three persons, whose duty it shall P. int a com " be from time to time to examine and enquire whether the m ee ' mode of building within the limits aforesaid be conformable to this act, and to report to the state's attorney for the county of Hartford all breaches thereof, that the same may be duly prosecuted. And this act shall be to all intents and purposes a public act. CHAP. VI. An Act regulating the streets and buildings in the city of Hartford, and for preserving the health of the in- habitants thereof. B [Enacted in October, 1799.] E it enacted by the Governourand Council and House Width of of Representatives in General Court assembled, That hereafter there shall not be laid out in the city of Hartford any public highway, street or alley, of less width than forty feet, except at its entrance, or at its intersection of another street, highway or alley. 2. Jlnd be it further enacted. That no house, shop or 16 Title I. Incorporation. Building re- gulated on private ways. Fine. fourfold as- sessment on buildings e- rected con- 'trary to law. Common council may designate lines for the front of build ings. Fines for transgressing. A perpetual penalty. Openings be- tween build- ings. Pov.-ers of the court ofcpm- mon council to preveut vra- store, shall be erected, fronting upon any private way, street or alley, of less width than' forty feet, which shall be hereaf- ter laid out or opened by any individual or individual! ; Provided nevertheless, That the court of Common Council be, and they hereby are authorized, (if they see fit) to givfc special license to any proprietor or proprietors of lands ad- jacent, to erect stores or shops, fronting upon such private ways, streets or alleys. 3. And be it further enacted, That every person who shall, contrary to the provisions of this act, erect any house, shop or store, fronting upon any private way. street or alley, hereafter to be laid out or opened, shall forfeit and pay to the treasurer of the county of Hartford, a fine of not less than one hundred dollars, nor more ik&ufive hundred dollars, ac- cording to the circumstances of the oftencc. 4. And be it further enacted, That in addition to such fine, all dwelling-houses erected contrary to the provisions of this act, shall be annually assessed fourfold in the lists of polls and rateable estate of the town and of the city of Hart- ford ; and all other buildings erected contrary to the pro- visions of this act, shall be annually set in such lists at the sum of thirty dollars ; and it shall be the duty of the listers to set the same accordingly in the lists of said town and city ; and all such houses and buildings shall be ever afterwards rated accordingly in all taxes whatever. 5. And be it further enacted. That the court of Com- mon Council of said city be, and they hereby are authorized and empowered to designate lines on the lands of proprie- tors adjoining the streets, highways and alleys, both public and private, already laid out or hereafter to be laid out in said city, between which lines and such streets, highways or alleys, no building or part of a building shall be erected ; provided such lines be not more than fifteen feet distant from such street, highway or alley. 6. And be it further enacted, Thai every person who shall, contrary to the provisions of this act. erect any build- ing or part of a building, between any such line and any such street, highway or alley, shall forfeit and pay to the treasurer of the county of Hartford, a fine of not less than one hundred dollars, nor more ihnnfive hundred dollars : and in addition to such fine, all such buildings shall be assessed fourfold, and set in the lists and rated in all taxes in the same manner as is provided in the fourth paragraph of this act. 7. And be it further enacted. That for the purpose of promoting a free circulation of air in said city, said court of Common Council be authorized to designate and establish passways and openings between the buildings in said city; and if any person shall, by erecting any building or other ob- stacle, obstruct the free circulation of air through any such passway or opening, he shall forfeit and pay to the treasurer of the county of Hartford, a fine of not less than one hundred dollars, nor more thanju-e hundred drMars. 8. And be it further enacted. That saiil conn of Common Council, be and they hereby are authorized and empowered ta cause all grounds in said city where water at any time be- comes stagnant, to be raised and filled up. or drained : and Titk /. Incorporation. 17 fo cause all putrid substances, whether animal or vegetable, teis, and. to to be removed; and to cause till nuisances injurious to health c | e;i e the to be abated, suppressed and removed. 9. And to effect the purposes aforesaid, said court of To fill up and Common Council may from time to time, as they shall judge r *'* se low . it conducive to the health of the inhabitants of said eily, give ^^Tof the order to the proprietor or proprietors of any and all grounds owner s re . subject at any time to be covered with stagnant water, to fill i' usa i. up and raise such grounds, at their own expenee : auU said court of Common Council may designate how high such grounds shall be filled up a.;.-! raised ; and may limit such time as they shall deem reasonable, for filling up and raiding the same : and if such proprietor or proprietors shall neglect to fill up and raise such grounds in such manner, and within, snch time, as said court of Common Council shall have de- signated and limited ; said court of Common Council may, in such ease, appoint and employ some meet person or persons to fill up and raise such grounds, and may adjust and liqui- date the expence thereof, and apportion and assess the same upon such proprietors, and make a rate bill thereof, specify- ing each proprietor's share of such expcuce, and appoint a collector or collectors to collect such assessment, and pay the same within such time as said court of Common Council shall limit, aud to such person as they shall appoint to re- ceive the same for the purpose of defraying such expense ; and said court of Common Council shall cause such collector duly to account for the amount of such rate bill ; and the Mayor or one of the Aldermen of said city shall issue a war- rant of distress to such collector, authorizing him to collect such assessment of such proprietor or proprietors ; and eve- ry such collector shall proceed in the same manner, and have the same powers, and be under the sa:ne regulations, as the law prescribes in case of collectors of public taxes. % 10. And be it further enacted, That if said court of Com- Or to r>:tiu mon Council shall judge it conducive to the health of the hi- 3ov * srounds. habitants of said city, to open and establish drains in said city ; said court of Common Council may designate the places where such drains shall be opened, and the depth aud width thereof ; aud such drains may be opened through lands of individual proprietors, as well as through public highways. And said court of Common Council may employ suitable persons to open such drains, and from time to time to cleanse and repair the same ; and may adjust and liquidate the expense thereof, and apportion and assess the same upon the several proprietors of the lauds through which such drains are opened, and also upon the proprietors of such grounds as are drained {hereby; and snch assessment or as- sessments shall be collected, accounted for, and paid over, in the manner prescribed in the preceding paragraph ; ami for those purposes, the same powers are hereby granted, and the same dutu>* enjoined. Provided flln-ttys, That if any person shall be aggrieved Proviso, aJ- ty the doing-, of the Common Council under the ninth and lowing an ap- tenth paragraphs of this act, or either of them, he may pre- P eal - fer his complaint to the next court of common pleas in the county of Hartford, against said ci y. by causing a copy of mch complaint to be left with the clerk of said city, at least 3 IS Title I. Incorporation. To cncse pu- trid substanc es to be re- moved. To moke by- ):*v.'s. Public act. twelve days before the sitting of said court : And if said court, on a hearing of such complaint, shall be of the opinion that any part or the whole of such expense so incurred ought t be borne by said city, said court shall order and direct that such complainant be relieved from the payment of such, part or from the whole of such expense, as to them may ap- pear jast and equitable: and if it shall appear, on suck hearing, that said complainant hath actually paid any sum. or sums of money which ought to be refunded, said court may grant execution in favour of such complainant, against said city, for such sum. 11. And be it further enacted, That said court of Com- mon Council be, and they hereby are authorized and empow- ered to cause all putrid substances of every kind in said citr to be removed at the expenee of the proprietors of the build- ings of lands wherein or whereon such putrid substances may he ; and the expense thereof shall be liquidated, collected and paid in the manner prescribed in the ninth paragraph of this act ; and to this end the same powers are hereby grant- ed, and the same duties enjoined. 12. Jlnd be it further enacted. That full power and au- thority be. and hereby is grained to the court of Common Council of said city, to make by-laws for preserving the health of the inhabitants of said* city : Provided neverthe- less^ That such by-laws be approved and published, and be liable to be repealed in the same manner as the by-laws which said court of Common Council are already authori- zed to make. 13. And this act shall be, to all intents and purposes, a public r.tt. CHAP. VII. An Art in addition to an Act, entitled " An Act regula- ting the Streets and Buildings in the city of Hart lord, and for preserving the Health of the Inhabitants thereof." [Enacted in May, 1800.] "Y^R it enacted by the Governor and Council and House .13 siryor fit. of g, Sec. .13 f Representatives in General Court assembled, That p:uci by Jic whenever the court of Common Council of said city shall ciu when it prove d, according to the powers given to them in and by shall appecrto sa j,j ac t ? to cause any grounds subject to be covered with s- !;ta ? nallt water to be 'filled up. raised or drained ; or any lumd substances, or nuisances injurious to health to be re- moved ; the said court of Common Council be and they are hereby authorized and empowered in every instance wherein they shall be of opinion, that any part or the whole of such expense so incurred ought to be borne by said c ty, or cannot be obtained from any proprietor or proprietors, to order and direct that such part or the whole of such expense shall be paid out of the treasury of said city, and to draw orders on '': *.: LT,s:ircr of said city i'r the Title I. Incorporation. is CHAP. VIII. An Act in further addition to an Act. entitled An Act for incorporating a part of the Town of Hartford." [Enacted in May, 1809.] BE it enacted by the Governour and Council and House An : ilditiomu of Representatives in General Court assembled, That ^ Il-(r ^ n;pam power and authority be, and hereby is granted to the I' 1 1! ^ c ' v Ol e n n -IP ii '4 ' f u ii> i 1 Harttord mav ttourt or Uoramon Council QI the city ot Harttord, on tae be co^sti'ntec' first Monday of July annually, to nominate and appoint thirty persons living within the limits of said city, to Uo JPire-Men, to serve in an additional Fire Company, con- stituted in said city, by the by-laus thereof, to work a Fire- Engine within the same ; and that upon the nomination and appointment thereof, as aforesaid, the persons so appointed shall be exempted from doing military duty, in the compa- Fire-mm ex nies to which they respectively belong, so long as they shall en.pt. fiom actually serve in said Fire-Company, inconsequence of such niilitary duty nomination and appointment. Provided nevertheless, That this act shall not exempt any Provivo. person liable to perform military duty in any company of artillery or cavalry, or in the Governor's Guards. CHAP. IX. An act in further addition to " An Act for incorpora- ting a part of the Town of Hartford." [Enacted in May, 1810.] TJ E it enacted by the Governor, and Council, and * ' j House of Representatives, in General Court assem- bled, That the Court of Common Council of the city oi' Common Hartford, be, and they hereby are authorized and empower- council to i' - ed, from time to time, as public convenience may require, to gulate side designate and fix the width, course, height, and level of side- W:llks - walks in and upon the streets and highways in said city. 2. Jlnd be it further enacted, That for the purpose of , r j 1-1 n -i .r i r^ -v ;tv compel rendering such side-walks convenient, said court ot Com- cw ,; ers O f mon Council may, from time to time, give order to the pro- lands fronting prietor or proprietors of the lauds and buildings fronting up- slde-v.-^ks to on such side-walks, at their own expence, to level or raise '^ vcl ( the same on their several fronts, according to the width, thc " 1 ' ) i. i ? ' " course, height, and level designated as aforesaid ; and also ^em to pave or to flag, in such manner as said court of Common Council shall direct, any side-walk in said city, as well those which have been heretofore designated by said court of Common Council, in pursuance of the by-laws of said city, as those which shall hereafter be designated in pursuance of this act. And said court of Common Council may limit such time as they shall deem reasonable, for levelling or raising, and for paving or flagging such side -walk. And in May ap ;,,-: cases where the land or buildings fronting ou snch side- l:on ' walk, shall be holden for a term of years, or a:iy other es- ^ fate less than fee simple, said court of Common Council raay ^iff e] by their order, apportien in such maflnnr a* they shall judge t^s Title 7, Hko&rporation. celling in case oi'ne^ Wf. Side-walks crossing streets- Person;; ag- grieved, how to obtain re- dness. , : -!;t. the cxpence of raising or levelling, and paving or flag- ging, sueh side-walk, among the different persons having an rest in the lands or buildings, lioiden as aforesaid. 3. And be it further enacted* That if any proprietor or proprietors shall neglect to level or raise, or to pave or to i'.ag. any sueh side-walk, in such manner, and within such time as said Court of Common Council shall direct and lim- it ; said court of Common Council may, in sueh ease, ap- point and employ some meet person, to raise and level, and to pave or flag, such side -v. ilk, on the front of the proprie- tor or proprietors neglecting as aforesaid ; and may adjust and liquidate the expenee thereof, and order the same to be paid by the proprietor or proprietors neglecting as aforesaid, tmd appoint a collector or collectors, to collect of ea/ch pro- prietor the sum or sums respectively ordered to be paid as aforesaid, and pay the same within such time as said court of Common Council shall limit, and to such person as they shall appoint to receive the same, for tlse purpose of defray- ing sueh cxpencc ; and said court of Common Council shall cause such collector duly to account therefor ; and the May- or or one of the Aldermen of said city, shall issue a warrant of distress to such collector, authorizing him to collect of such proprietor or proprietors respectively, the sums ordered to be -paid as aforesaid j and every sueh collector shall have the same powers, proceed in the same manner, and be under the same regulations, as the law prescribes in case of collec- tors of public taxes. 4. And be it further enacted* That when any side walk shall cross a street or highway, said court of Common Coun- cil may cause the same, in such place, to be suitably levelled, or raised, and paved or flagged at the expenee of said city. 5. And be, ti further enacted, That if any person or per- sons shall be aggrieved by the doings of the court of Com- mon Council, under this act- such person or persons may prefer his. her. or their complaint to the next Court of com- mon pleas, in the couniy of Hartford, against said city, by causing a copy of such complaint to be left with the Clerk of said ci!y, at least twelve days before the sitting of said couri : au:: is said court, on hearing of such complaint, shall be of opinion ilnf any part, or the whole of the expenee, or- der- >' ''.> ' ;>.tin or jiiini*. Title I. Incorporation. 51 CHAP. X. An Act to enable the cities of New-Haven, New-Lon- don, Hartford. Middletown, and Norwich respectively, to grant the freedom of those cities to persons living without the limits of said cities. [Enacted in May, 1784.] BE it enacted by the Governor and Council and House Powerto grant of Representatives in General Court assembled, That freedom of said cities respectively shall and may have power to grant C] the freedom of those cities to any person or persons living without the limits of said cities, and the person to whom such freedom is granted, shall, upon taking the oath by law required, have right to vote at any of the elections and in Right to vote any meetings city of that city by which such freedom is at elections, ranted. Provided nevertheless, That no person shall in virtue of Proviso. such grant be considered as entitled to the rights of a free citizen of this state, or as acquiring a right of inhabitancy in thai town within which the city granting such freedom lies, CHAP. XI. An Act in addition to the powers oFthe several incorpo- rated Cities within this State. [Enacted in May, 1791.] BE it enacted by the Governour aud Coumil and Cities may House of Representatives in General Court assem- make by-laws bled, That the Mayor Aldermen and Common Council |or restraining of each incorporated city within this state shall have power, a '^ se s i| CC p a and the same is hereby given to them to make by-laws rela- tive to restraining horses, cattle and sheep from going at large in the streets and highways within the limits of their respective cities, and that said by-laws, when approved of and published as is provided by law in respect to the by-laws of said cities, shall have the full force and effect of the by- laws of their said cities respectively. CHAP. XII. An Act giving additional powers to the city courts of the respective Cities in this State. [Enacted in October, 1801.] ^ TJ E *t enacted by the Governor and Council and JD House of Representatives in General Court as- sembled ', That in case of the absence of the mayor and tw o al- Senior alder- dermen by law constituted judges of the city court of either of men made said cities, or their disqualification to sit as judges, the oth- judges in cer- er aldermen of such city, taking to their assistance any jus- tain csscs - tice of the peace residing in the county in which such city is established ; or either of the aldermen of such city, iff case of the absence or disqualification of the mayor and other al- dermen, taking to his assistance, any two justices of sucfe I. Incorporation. county, shall have power to hold a city court within and for such city. Gity courts to 2. And be it further enacted, That each of said city hold jurisdic- conr t s shall have cognizance of any suit or action that may infavour S of ltS ^ 8 commencet ^ by tfte president, directors and company of banks. an 7 bank in the city in which such hank is established ; on any writing obligatory, made payable by the terms of it at such bank, and endorsed to the said bank, notwithstanding such writing may have been executed, drawn, accepted, or endorsed without the limits of such city. CHAP. XIII. An Act in addition to an Act entitled " An Act giving additional powers to the City Courts of the respective Cities in this State." B [Enacted iu May, 1802.] E it enacted by the Governor and Council and House of Representatives, in General Court assembled, That ne judge of when a suit is depending before any city court, wherein the. city court defendant or defendants, do not appear, or which pursuant to ' aw must De continued, in either case any one competent j u ^5 e f sucu court shall have power, and the same is here- by granted him to render a judgment in default or to contin- ue the action as the case may require. default, &c. CHAP. XIV. An Act in addition to certain Aets incorporating the several Cities in this State, [Enacted In October, 1803.] E it enacted by the Governor and Council and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, That Cities to hare the penalties imposed by the by-laws of said cities, in pursuance of said acts, shall be to said cities resspec- tively, or to such persons as the by-laws of said cities shall direct : and the penalties already given to said cities by the by-laws thereof, shall inure to said cities respectively as fully as though provision therefor had been expressly made in said acts. B 1 imposed by their laws. CHAP. XV. An Act enlarging the powers of the Cities incorporated in this State. [Enacted in May, 1805. BE ii tinuded by the Goverdor and Council and House oj' Representatives in General Court assembled, That for "Cities may nn- . * J .o> 111 i pose a forfeit- the purpose of carrying into effect, such by-laws, as they ure of thirty- arc authorised to make, the several cities, incorporated ia ftur dollars, this state, shall have power to impose forfeitures of person- al estate, or chattels, to the value or amount of thirty-four Italian. And all penalties imposed by said cities, and not Title I. Incorporation. 13 CUJllJllllvCU* -M. isitLtrtt< /tl/tt. C I^C- f 9 A JIM.I. i,***~ u.v&*,ij,u in ,* i ,' r such prosecution or suit, shall have liberty to appeal from OFj &c y ~ any judgment, rendered by such Mayor or Alderman, by vir- Party may ap- tue of this act, to the next city court, to be holden in and for peal to city said city ; in the same manner and on the same terms aud court. conditions, as are in other cases provided. CHAP. XVI. An Act to extend, define, and secure the privilege of vo- ting in City Meetings. ([Enacted in May, 1807.] - T) E it enacted by the Governor and Council and * ' X3 House of Representatives in General Court as- sembled, That when any person shall have dwelt one year Qualifications in any incorporated eity in this state, he shall be deemed an of voters defi- inhabitant of such city, 'so far only as to give him a right to ' vote in the meetings of such city, so long as he shall contin- ue afterwards to dwell therein, provided such person have the other qualifications required by law, to entitle him to vote in such meeting. 2. And be it further enacted. That no person shall be en- Further defin- litled to vote in any meeting of any incorporated city, until ed - he shall have dwelt therein one year as aforesaid, unless such person be a legally settled inhabitant of the town in which such city is, and also be a freeman of this state, dwel- ling in such city. 3. And be it further enacted, That if any person, not be- Penalty for ing qualified according to law, shall vote at any city meeting, ** m & " le a l- in any city in this state ; or being so qualified, shall in any y such meeting give in more than one vote at a ballot, for any person to the same office, such person so offending, shall for- feit and pay the sura of seventeen dollars to the public treas- ury of this state. 4. And be itfurthed enacted, That the statute passed at Repealing the general assembly holden in May, A. D. 1801, entitled, clause " An Act in addition to an Act, entitled an Act for regula- ting the election of Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Assis- tants, &c." be and the same hereby is repealed. CHAP. XVII. An Act relating to the times of holding City Courts, in the Cities of Hartford and New-Haven. [Enacted in May, 1809.] "DE it enacted by the Governor and Council and House of -*- > Representatives in General Court assembled, That from and after the second Tuesday in July next, the city court, in City court jji and for the city of Hartford, shall be held on the first Mon- Hartford and day in each month, instead of the second Tuesday, and in \ 5 W t av t" J and for the city of New-Haven on the first, instead of the " second Tuesday in each month, any law to the contrary not- withstanding. Titk I. Incorporation. CHAP. XVIII. An Act relating to appeals from the City Courts in this State. B 1 [E:i;.cted in October, 1809 J E it enacted by the Governor and Council and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, That no In what cases execution shall issue from the judgment of a city court in fa- execution to vour of any plaintiff', where an appeal from such judgment SIS* shall be allowed and taken; but on application of the plain- appeal. tiffto such cit y eourt > * tne term vvnen such judgment shall be rendered, and satisfying the Court that the appeal is ta- ken for delay ouly ; in which case such city court may, at their discretion, direct execution to issue on the terms and conditions prescribed by the acts incorporating the several eities in this State. HAP. XIX. An Act enlarging the powers of the several incorporated cities within this State. [Enacted in October, 1810.] T3E it enacted by the Governor and Council and House, of ^-* Representatives in General Court assembled, That full Common power and authority be and hereby is granted unto the court council to of Common Council of each incorporated city, within this make by-laws s t a t e , j ma ^Q a lj s i ie h bv-laws, as may be necessary to pre- to preserve ,, . ,. -... J - J from fire. serve their respective cities trom exposure to fire ; and to prevent the future erection of any building or buildings, in the most compact and populous part of said cities, or the al- teration or appropriation of any building already erected, to Be used and improved, as, and for Baker's shops Black- smiths shops Hatter's shops or Tallow chandler's shops, or any other buildings for these or similar purposes, which in the opinion of the court of Common Council of said cities respectively, shall more immediately expose said cities to in- jury or destruction from fire ; and that the court of Common Council of said cities respectively have power and the same To assign is hereby given to them, to designate and assign the limits to limits. their said cities, within which no person or persons, shall be permitted in future to erect, use, or occupy, any building or buildings, of the kind or for the use mentioned in this act, M itliout. iirst obtaining the licence or authority of such court of Common Council. And that said by-laws when approved of and published as is provided by law, in respect to (he by- laws of said cities, shall have the full power and effect of Proviso. the by-laws of their said cities respectively: Provided, that such by-laws may at all times after made be repealed by the superior eourt, for the counties in which said cities are re- spectively situated ; if by such court on hearing a to bfr unreasonable or unjust. B ] Title II. Attorney. III. Bonds. 25 TITLE II. A By-Law empowering the Court of Common Council to appoint an Attorney or Attornies lor the City of Hartford. [Enacted Au crust 29, 1796, [Approved September 26, I/L-O.] [Vubi;shed, C. C. October 3, 1796.] E it ordained bij the Mayor* dldernien, Comthon- Conncil and J/reemen of the Cily of Huriford, That the court of common council shall from time to time, as Court of corn- occasion may require, appoint some meet person or persons to nion c "ivf.il act as attorney or attornies for said city, to continue in of- u> "FP !)in t an fice during the pleasure of said court of common council, attolllt . v whose duty it shall be, to prosecute for and in behalf* of said city; all offences against the by-laws of said city : and a! o to ask, demand, sue for, and recover all penalties and for- n; s duty. feitures, that already have or hereafter shall accrue to said city for the breach of any of the aforesaid by- laws. And the aforesaid attorney or attornies. each and ei- ther of them, shall have full power and authority to prose- cute, defend and conduct all civil actions in which said city shall be concerned. 2. Be it further enacted, That no person or persons ex- Other persons cept said attorney or attornies shall use or exercise any of r ' nt to prose- Ihe powers or authorities specified in the aforesaid paragraph cute of this by-law, any thing in any of the by-laws of said city S it enacted by the. Mayor, Aldermen, Common- O Council, and Freemen of the City of Hartford, No bonfires to in legal nitfting assembled, That no bonfire shall hereafter be be enkindled enkiodled in any of the public streets or highways in said ^n ' U .'l 2 - L -^ c ^- v ' Ol * u a "J' P art f sa id .city, ^ithin twenty rods of any r bmldiiv'-s ^ * a ^ streets or higlivvays or of any of the buildings in said b " chy. 5j 2. And that whoever shall enkindle any bonfire in said city, contrary to the form and eilect of this Act. or shall aid or assi-ii ihcrein, by voluntarily furnishing or carrying there- Twenty shil- to, any Hre, fuel, or other materials, shall for every suci of- iings penalty, fence, forfeit and pay the sum of twenty shillings to be recov- ered by due process of law, in any court in said city proper to try the same. $ 3. And whereas- sueh bonfires are most frequently en- kindled by apprentices, minors under age, or slaves who are ed of brents unal)le to *P av the penalties aforesaid, Be it further enacted. Lc of P inLnors tnat whenever any minor, apprentice or slave shall be guilty guilty. of any breach of this act, the parent, guardian or master of such minor apprentice, or slave, shall be liable to pay the forfeiture above mentioned, and the same shall be recovera- ble of such parents, guardian or master, by action of debt brought on this act. before any court in said city proper to try the same ; and all forfeitures recovered by virtue of this act, shall be one moiety thereof to the use of said city, and the other moiety to the person or persons who shall prosecute the same to effect. Committee to 4,. And it shall be the duty of the committee of removing prosecute. encroachments and nuisances in the streets and highways in said city, to enquire into and prosecute ail breaches of this Act, for the use and benefit of said city. TITLE V. A By-Law Tor restraining eatHe, sheep, and horses from going at large on the highways or streets within the eity of Hartford. [Er,:u-.!ecl, :i:ul Approval Ftbrup.rv 1$, K9r.] [P.iL.l slic-d C. C. Alurch 27, 1797.] ]3 E it oi'd.tined by the Jfai/o< it, Common O Council, an I FVwMM of f'lic eity of Hertford, That See. nut far the future, no cattle, sheep, or horses shall be allowed to lo g-o at Urge, go at large on the highways or streets of said city, except except, &.c. between {he rising of the sun ami nine o'clock in the fore- noon, ar.d between five o'clock and nine o'clock in the after- noon. And if any cattle, sheep, or horses shall be found going at large on said highways or streets, except as afore- ; ii'l, it shall be the duty of the hay wards appointed by the Title V. Cattle. court of Common Council to impound such cattle, sheep, ov horses, in any pound within said city ; and the owner or owners oi' such cattle and horses shall pay the sum of twe;;tv- five cedis for each of said cattle or horses, before tite same sh - i be released from said pound : twenty cents thereof shu.l be to the person or persons who shall impound said cattle and horses, and live cents to t!ie pound-keeper for his fe^-i. And for each of such sheep the owner or owners thereof shall pay six cents before the same shall be releas-d, five cents thereof shall be to the impounder and one cent to ik* pound-keeper for his fees. And in case the owner or owners of said cattle, horses, or sheep shall net wiihin ten days after said cattle and horses become impounded, pay the said sum of twenty -live cents to the pound-keeper for ttl of said cattle and horses, and take the said cattle or from said pound ; and the said sum of six cents for each of said sheep, within the term ei' three days after said sheep become impounded ; then the pound-keeper shall sell the said To be sold at cattle, horses and sheop at public vewiue at said pound to vi-mlue, un- the highest bidder, setting up, on ill? public sign-post ia kss> ^'' said city, a written advertisement of the time of said vendiie, therein describing said cattle, horses, and sheep ; su^h vendi;e to be so advertised at least six days before the sale of such cattle or horses, and two days before the sale of such sheep ; and said pound-keeper shall also, one quarter of an h ur be- fore any such vendue, beat, or cause to be beat, a dram at or near said pound, to notify the time thereof; and said pour.d- keeper shall be allowed or his tro-.ible. for each of the cattle or horses sold by hiji in manner aforesaid, fifty cents from the avails of such sale, and for evL-n sheep sold by him in manner aforesaid, six cents from the avails of such sale : and shall always, either therefrom, or from the money re- ceived from the owner or owners of such cattle, horses, and sheep, within twelve days after the same were impounded, pay to the person or persons who impounded said cattle, horses and sheep, their legal fees for impounding the same, if demanded ; and the remainder of said money, after all the Monies how aforesaid fees are satisfied, the pound-keeper shall keep the 'I'-.yw'] :>' term of one month from the sale, for the owner or owners of such cattle, horses, or sheep ; and if said owner or owners shall make good his title to such cattle, horses, or sheep within said term of one month, to the satisfaction of such pound-keeper, lie shall pay said money to such owner or owners, and take a receipt therefor. But in case no owner or owners shall make good his title to said cattle, horses,, or -nheep in manner aforesaid, within said term of one month, then said money shall be to the treasury of said city ; and each and every pound-keeper shall once in three months, render P< an account cl all cattle, horses, and sheep so sold by him, *'' and of the price for which the same were so sold, to the treas- urer of said city, and to him exhibit receipts of ail inonL-.s paid the owner or owners of such cattle, horses, cr sheep, and fully account to said treasurer for all monies so had arid received by him for the use of said city. 2. And be it further ordained. That upon the replevin ivnpc.uncle; 1 *c of any cattle, horses, or sheep, or other dispute in the Jaw n^kr M:.IK. a-ri-ing thereen, whea the huywar.l impounding tkc M Title VI. Rescue an pound brt Penalties, Common council to point h:.y- wards. CHy clerk clerk < if com vnon council ex ufficio. To be r.ctifi- has under oath declared the place, from whence he took such cattle, sheep, or horse-kind, that unless the owner of such cattle, sheep, or horse-kind can shew to the satisfaclion of the court or justice before whom the trial is, that the said cattle, sheep, or horse-kind jw ere not found going at large on the hhrhtt ays or streets of said city, contrary to the true in- tent of this act, judgment shall be rendered against the owner of such cattle, sheep, or horse-kind to pay just damages and cost. I 3. And be it further ordained, That if any person shall :-.cli. rescue any cattle, sheep, or horses taken up as aforesaid out of the hands or custody of any person or persons going to pound therewith, or shall resist them therein, or shall by air. means convey said cattle, sheep, or horses, out of the pound or custody of the law, contrary to the tenor of this act, the party so offending shall, for every such rescue, incur a penalty of seven dollars, which shall be to the person or persons driving the same to pound, and such person or per- sons may prosecute the same to e licet ; and for every pound breach as aforesaid, every person so offending shall incur the penalty of fourteen dollars to the treasury of said city, and said pound-keeper shall prosecute the same to effect. -i. Jlnd be it further ordained, That the court of coin- :! P" mon council appoint, from time to time as occasion may re- quire, meet persons, not exceeding ten in office at any OIHJ tune, to be hay wards for restraining cattle, sheep and horses from going at large on the highways and streets of said city. TITLE VI. A By -Law for appointing a Clerk of the Court of Com- mon Council of the Cily of Hartford. [Ensicted February 21, 1785.] [Approved IVLi-uury- 22, 1785.] [Published C. C. March 1, 1785.] BE it ordained by the Mayor, d'dermen, Common-Coun- cil, and Freemen of the City of Hartford, That the clerk of the sari city, for the time being, shall ex oftieio, be t.icrk of the court of Common Council, whose duty it shall be to attend the meetings of said court of Common Council, and make due entries and records of all the orders and pro-. cee'3ings of gaid court of Common-Council, and deliver true and attested copies of the same, so often as required ; and the records by him kcpl diall be of fiill validity and credit, in jji.int <> ' evidence, both in court and country, and whenev- er eitfier s'.erifi'of said city shall receive an order duly issu- ed for the warning a meeting of the court of Common-Coun- cil, he shall notify the clerk 6f said court thereof, in like manner, ag by the ]>y-lnM* of said city it is ordered, thy ' I .Tfl ;u Tilk VII. Commerce. 29 TITLE VII. A By-Law for the better 'Regulation of Trade and Com- merce. [Enacted February 18, 1797.] [Approved Feb. 18, 1797. ] [Peblished C. C. March 27, 1797.] TQ J[> E it ordained bif the *J\fayor, Jlldermen, Common- Council, and Freemen of the City of Hartford, That for the regulation of the trade and commerce of said city, there shall be chosen by the freemen of said city, in le- gal meeting assembled, so many of the following officers as shall by said freemen be judged necessary, viz. Inspectors of pot and pearl ashes ; Inspectors and cullers of hoops, staves, heading, shaken casks, and all other ready made casks ; Inspectors and cullers of plank, boards, clap-boards, shingles, and scantling ; inspectors of beef, pork, flour, fish, and tobacco ; Inspectors and gangers of West-India and country rum, wine, brandy, Geneva, and all other im- ported liquors ; Inspectors and weighers of hay ; Inspec- tors and measurers of wood ; Inspectors and measurers of wheat, rye, Indian corn, flax-seed, and every other kind of grain, exposed for sale within the limits and jurisdiction of said city, or intended for exportation therefrom. 2. And it shall be the duty of each of said Inspectors Tfieir duty. respectively, duly to attend on the business of their several oftices, and on application of any person or persons for the inspection of any articles to their respective offices apper- taining, faithfully and impartially to examine the quantity and quality of such article, and with regard to all, or so much of any such article, as shall, on such examination, be adjudged good and merchantable, to give a certificate there- of, to the owner or purchaser thereof as the case may re- quire. signed by such Inspector with his name and office an- nexed, certifying the quantity, quality and rate or degree of goodness of the article so by him inspected. 3. And for the better enabling the Inspector of pot and pearl ashes in said city to perform the duty of his said olfice, he shall provide a suitable and convenient store in said city, j nsTV t r t for the purpose of receiving and storing all the pot and pearl provide store. ashes that may be offered for inspection in said city, and ev- ery owner or oAvners of pot or pearl aslies shall transport or cause the same to be transported to the said inspector's store, where he shall receive the same into his store, and there du- ly inspect the said pot or pearl ashes, and all and every part thereof ; and said inspector shall not be obliged or liable to inspect any pot or pearl ashes, in any place or places, ex- cept in the inspector's store for that purpose provided ; and the said inspector shall store all pot and pearl ashes taken into store as aforesaid, by him to be inspected, for the first week after the delivery thereof without any additional fee or reward therefor : but in case said pot or pearl ashes be not removed from said inspector's store within one week after Str.rAg" to h, the delivery of the same, the inspector shall be allowed the allowed :if un- customary price for the storage thereof, for so long a time one week. as said pot or pearl ashes shall be continued in his said si:re* after said first week; and it shall be the duty of said Tn Ttik VII. Commerce. Articles not to be transpor- ted out of the city, till in- spected. Penalty. Proviso. Inspectors to brand. Penalty for neg-lectof du- ty. Proviso. speetor to inspect the casks in which said pot or pearl ash- es are contained, and condemn all such as shall be found un- fit and insufficient for exportation. 4. And be it further ordained, That no person shall hereafter transport out of this city, either by land or water any of the fallowing articles, vi/.. Pot or pearl ashes, hoops, staves, heading, shaken casks, plank, boards, clap-boards, shingles, scantling, beef, pork, flour, fish, tobacco, flax-seed, wheat, rye. or Indian corn, until the same shall have been duly inspected in manner aforesaid and a certificate obtained iu manner aforesaid, specifying the quantity and quality thereof, and that the same and every part thereof is good and merchantable ; nor shall any of such articles contained in any hogshead, barrel, or other cask, be transported out of said city, by land or water, until each cask thereof shall have been duly branded or marked by an inspector of said article, in manner as herein after provided. And if any person or persons shall be guilty of the breach or violation of this by-law, by transporting out of this city any of the articles before enumerated, v/ithout having complied with the regulations of this by-law, he or they shall, for eve- ry such breach or violation tiiereof, forfeit ami pay the sum of thirty -four dollars, one moiety of said forfeiture to the treasurer of said city, for the use of said city, and the other moiely thereof to the person who shall prosecute the same to effect ; and it shall be the duly of the inspector of said city to enquire after all breaches and violations of this act, and give information thereof to the attorney for said city, that he may prosecute the same ; in which case, the whole of said forfeiture shall be to the treasurer oi' said city, to and for the use of said city. Provided nevertheless, that no person shall be subject to any forfeiture for the breach or violation ef this act, by transporting out of this city any of the arti- cles before enumerated, in case it shall appear that the same were purchased by any inhabitant of this state, in any town thereof, for his own private use and consumption, or wero shipped as a part of the necessary stores of his own vessel. 5. Jlnd be it further ordained, That it shall be the duty of each of said inspectors, to whose office the same may apper- tain, to provide for himself branding or marking irons, proper for expressing the name of said city, and the quantity and quality of the articles to be inspected ; and upon application for that purpose, therewith to brand or mark ail hogsheads, barrels, and other casks, containing any of the articles before enumerated. And if any Inspector in this city after being duly qualified, shall on proper application to him made by any person or persons within this city, wilfully neglect or refuse to perform the duty of his oHice as in this act is specified, he shall forfeit and pay for every such neglect or refusal to the party so applying, the sum of ten dollars. Provided al- ways, That no Inspector shall be liable to any forfeiture for any neglect of his duty as aforesaid, unless the lawful fees for the service required on such application, shall have been previously tendered to liur. by the person or persons so applying. . .tfi'A be itfnrtl'f]' ordained. Thct the &*< ri'sind In- spectors "hall b<: a> follows* vjx. Title VII. Commerce. 3 For weighing and inspecting pot or pearl-ashes," and coop- Inspector's ering the cask wherein the same are contained, per hundred ^ es> weight nine cents : For inspecting and culling hoops, staves, and heading, per thousand, fifty cents : For inspecting and culling boards and scantling, per thou- sand, thirteen cents : For inspecting plank and clapboards, per thousand, seven- teen cents : For inspecting shingles (when the Inspector is not obliged to break up the boxes or bundles) per thousand, nine ceuts. For opening, culling, and inspecting shingles, and bund- ling them up again, (which the Inspector shall do, when thereto requested,) per thousand, twenty-five cents : For inspecting and repacking beef and pork, per barrel, seventeen cents : For inspecting or gauging rum and other liquors per cask, nine cents : For inspecting and measuring flax-seed, wheat and other grain, per bushel, one cent : For inspecting and measuring wood, per cord, six cents : For inspecting and weighing hay, per load, seventeen cents : Tobacco, per cwt. six cents ; fish per barrel, nine cents ; flour per barrel, four cents : 7. And be it further ordained. That the abovementioned By whom to fees shall be paid by the party or parties applying for in- be P aid - spection, which charge shall be finally borne and defrayed by the buyer and seller of any inspected article, in equal proportion, so far as the same shall on inspection be adjudg- ed merchantable. 8. And be it further ordained. That the Inspectors and Modeofgauj- Gangers of liquors in this city, shall on application made ' m S- for the gauging of any cask, in. all cases gauge the same by Gunter. CHAP. II. A By-Law in addition to and explanation of a by-law for the better regulation of trade and commerce. [Enacted April 17, 1797.] Approved April 17, 1797.] [Published A. M. April 24, 1797. j BE it ordained by the Mayor, Jlldermen, Common Council* and Freemen "of the city of Hartford, That nothing in said by-law shall be construed to prevent any person or per- sons from transporting through this eity without inspection to any of the neighbouring states, any or either of the arti- cles enumerated in the fourth paragraph of said by-law, any thing therein contained to the contrary notwithstanding. T> JLJ 32 CHAP. III. A By -Law in addition to a By-Law for the better regu- lating of Trade and Commerce. [Enacted April 6, 1802.] '[Approved April 6, 1802.] [Published A. M April 8, 180_.j E it ordained by the Mayor, JHdermeu, Common- Council and Freemen of the City of Hartford* Measurers of ^ iat there shall -be annually chosen, by the freemen of said :?alt. city in legal meeting assembled, one or more measurers of salt exposed for sale within the limits and jurisdiction of said city, or intended for exportation therefrom, who shall be sworn diligently and faithfully to discharge the duties of said office. 2. And be it further ordained., That the fee for measur- ing salt shall be seven mills per bushel, which fee shall be paid by the party applying for such measuring, and shall be finally borne and discharged in equal proportion by the buy- er and seller of such salt. TITLE VIII. Judges. CHAP. I. A By-Law fixing the compensations of the Judges of the city court, and of the officers of the city, and directing in respect to the avails of the city court. [Enacted October 7, 1799.] [Approved October 7, 1799.] [Published C. C. October 28, 1799.] .E it ordained by the Mayor, Jlldermen, Gammon Council and Freemen of the city of Hartford, That the follow- ing compensations be allowed to the officers hereafter named, viz. c . To the chief Judge of the city court for his attendance, two to certain 'of-* ( ^^ ars an ^ n ^y cents per day ; to each of the other Judges fipers of city. for their attendance two dollars per day ; to the .Sheritt of the city attending on the city court and jury, for his attend- ance one dollar per day ; for summoning a jury, seventy -five cents ; for warning a city meeting, one dollar ; for warning a meeting of the court of Common Council, seventy-five cents ; no compensation to be allowed to the sheriff for at- tending on the Court of Common Council. To the Treas- urer two and a half per centum on all monies by him receiv- ed into and paid out of the treasury ; to the collector of tax- es five per centum on the monies collected and paid into the treasury ; to the auditor of accounts eight dollars annually ; to the Clerk of the city and court of Common Council, fifteen dollars annually ; to the Attorney, on each and every fine or penalty collected without suit, fifty cents ; in all actions or prosecutions wherein he shall appaar in court for or in be- half of the city, the fees only which are taxable in civil suits ; on all monies collected for debts and paid into the treasury two and a half per centum ; for all other cervices, ten dol- lars annually. B Title IX. fire. 33 2. And be it further ordained, That the contingent expen- Contingent ees of the city court shall be defrayed by the Sheriffs of the ex^ences city city, to be reimbursed out of the treasury, the accounts thereof c ^ t h< and of the aforesaid compensations to be adjusted and paid in the same manner as other debts and claims against the city are or may be adjusted and paid. 3. And be it further ordained, That once in every year clerk to ac- viz. on or before the third Monday of March, the Clerk of count to -M- the city court shall exhibit an account of all monies by him ditor. received, or which shall be due for court fees, to the audi- tor of the city accounts, and once in every year, viz. on or before the last Monday of March, the said Clerk shall pay over to the treasurer of the city, all monies by him received for court fees, taking duplicate receipts therefor, one of which he shall forthwith deliver to the auditor of the city accounts. 4 And be it further ordained, That the auditor of the Auditor to city accounts shall keep a distinct account in respect to the keep distinct avails of the city court, the compensations of the Judges, and accounts of the expenccs of the court, and so much of the avails of the avails of com t, court in each year, as shall be found necessary to pay the com- &c - pensations of the Judges and expences of the court for such year, shall be and hereby is appropriated for those purposes. CHAP. II. A By-Law in alteration of a By-Law entitled a By -Law fixing the Compensations of the Judges of the City Court, and of the officers of the City, and directing in respect to the avails of the City Court. [Enacted June 12, 1804] [Approved Nov. 16, 1304.] [Published C. C. October 6, 1812.] BE it ordained by the Mayor, Aldermen, Common-Coun- cil and Freemen of the City of Hartford, That there shall be allowed to the chief judge of the city court Compensatkn three dollars and fifty cents per day, and to each of the other to officers of Judges three dollars per day for each day j and to the sheriff Clt ^ ' of said city one dollar and fifty cents per day, for each day they shall respectively attend on the city court ; which is to he in lieu of the compensations heretofore established for those services, and to be paid in the manner provided by law. TITLE IX. Fire. CHAP. T. A By-Law for preserving the buildings in (he City of Hartford from Fire. [Enacted Feb. 18, 1797.] [Approved Feb. 18, 1797.] [Published C. C. March 27, 1797.] ^ . Tl E it ordained by the Mayor, Aldermen, Common- fj Council, and Freemen of the City of Hartford, That for the preservation of said city from fire, the anae shall be divided into ten wards, viz. the first ward" to Fire wards. 5 34 Title IX. Five, begin at. the north Hue of the city west of main-street, and te exU-iul on main-street as far south as back-street, then on back-street to work -house lane, thence west to the city line. Second ward to begin at the north line of the city, east of main-street, and to extend on main-street as far south as meadow-lane, including Joseph Talcott's dwelling-house, and from thence to extend north to the city liirj. Third ward to include all the buildings between main-street and back-street, east and west, and between main-street and prison street north and south. Fourth ward to begin at meadow-lane, and to extend on main-street so far south as state-house square, thence east through state-house square and state-street to front-street^ thence north to the city line, with all the buildings inclusive not within the second ward. Fifth ward to extend from the little river as far north as the city line, including all the buildings east of front- street and* meadow-lane. Sixth ward to begin at state-house square, and to extend on main-street so far south as the little river, thence east to front-street, thence north to state-street, thence west to main street, with all the buildings inclusive. Seventh ward 'to begin at prison-street and to extend on main-street, so far south as the little river, thence west in the direction of said river to the city line; also to extend west from main-street through prison-street and workhouse lane to the city line. Eighth ward to begin at the bridge, and to extend south on main- street to the city line, and to include all the build- ings east of main-street and south of the little river. Ninth ward to begin at the bridge and to extend south on main-street to the south meeting-house, thence in a due west course through Buckingham-street to the city line : also to extend west from the bridge in the direction of the little riv- er to the city line. Tenth ward to include all h > buildings south of said last mentioned line, and west of main-street. F :rc -warden 5, 2. That one fire-warden shall be chosen in each of said how jippoint- wards, by the court of common-council of said city, so often ed, their duty. as t] iev shall Judge necessary, and to continue in of'hce during the pleasure of said court, whose duty it shall be to make and keep a complete list of all the male inhabitants dwelling in his said ward, from the age of fifteen years to the age of sixty years ; and every male inhabitant contained in said list, upon every alarm that may be made on account of fire in said city, shall forthwith personally repair, with a good bucket to the place where such fire shall have broken out, and obey the directions of the lire-wardens then and there present; the fire-warden of the ward in which such fire shall happen, if present, to have the chief direction and manage- ment in suppressing the same, and to be obeyed in his orders accordingly. Buckets to be 3. And every ownc'r of a dwelling-house in this city of provided. ^j, c J ie |g}|t o f one s toi y shall, at bis own expence, provide, and at all times keep in good repair and readiness in said house, one good leathern bucket, containing not less than very owner of a dwelling-house cf the Title XL Fire. ?>o height of two stories shall provide and at all times keep as aforesaid, two good leathern buckets of the aforesaid di- mensions ; and every owner of a dwelling-house of the height of three stories or more, shall provide, and at all times keep as aforesaid three good leathern buckets of the dimensions aforesaid. And furthermore, every owner of a shop, store, or office, in this city of the height of three stories or more shall, at his own expenee, provide, and at all times keep in good repair, in a convenient place, and in- constant readiness for use, three good leathern buckets of the aforesaid dimensions ; and every owner of a shop, store, or office, of the height of two stories, shall provide, and at all times keep as aforesaid two good leathern buckets of the a- -foresaid dimensions ; and every owner of a shop or store used for depositing or vending European or India goods, of the height of one story, shall provide and keep as aforesaid one good leathern bucket of the dimensions aforesaid. And Penalty for every person who shall neglect to provide and keep a good Il0 ec bucket or buckets as aforesaid, shall for every month he shall neglect to provide or keep a good bucket or buckets as aforesaid, forfeit and pay the sum of tifty cents. 4. And be it further ordained, That it shall be the duty j-; rri v - rdcr.s of the several fire-wardens to visit all the houses, shops, j_ y inspect. and stores in their respective wards, as often at least as once a year ; and see whether the requisite number of buck- ets are provided and kept according to the regulations of this by-Jaw ; and if they find, that any person or persons neg- lect so to provide and keep a bucket jor buckets, said fire war- dens shall give information thereof to the attorney for this city, that he may duly. prosecute for such neglect. 5. And be it further ordained, That each of the several TO provide lire-wardens shall at the expenee of this City, provide, and ladders. at all times keep in good repair, in some convenient place or S laces in each respective ward, four good and sufficient lad- ers, to be used as necessity may require in extinguishing fires. 6. And be it further ordained, That every person who Chinmies to shall occupy any dwelling house, or other building, in said be cleansed, city, shall at all times hereafter, once in every term of one month, either by sweeping or burning at suitable seasons, sufficiently cleanse every chimney in his occupation, in which tires are usually kept : and whoever shall neglect to do the same as aforesaid, shall, for every instance of such neglect, Pcna!t\ . forfeit and pay one dollar. 7. And be it further ordained, That the several f? re war- Fire-warden; dens shall from time to time examine the fire places and chim- to nies of all houses, out-hou-es. and building*, and ail stoves diinnik-s, c and pipes thereof, and the places where allies are or shall he kept in their respective wards, and upon hudiug any of them defective or dangerous, shall order them to be cleansed, altered or amended, as occasion shall require : and in case any stove, or the pipes thereof are erected or set up in f-,:cli places as to endanger said city, and the same cannot be alier- ed so as to be rendered safe, said fire-wardens shall each and every of them order all such stoves in their respective wa.ru- to be pulled down and removed, and at the time of giving or- ders in respect to auy of the aforesaid particulars, the war Title IX. Fire. Penalty. Stoves not to be erected without, &.c. Penaltv. lire -wardens to carry a wand- ?s'o person to keep g-un- ]>owder, un- less, &c. Penalty for continuance. earcu incase den shall specify the time to be allowed for a compliance therewith ; and if any person shall neglect or refuse to obey such order or orders within the time specified aud allowed as aforesaid ; such person shall forfeit and pay the sum of four dollars, and two dollars for every week after conviction, he or she shall continue to neglect or refuse to obey as aforesaid. 8. Jlnd be it further ordained. That no person shall set up or erect any stove in this city without the approbation of the fire-warden of the ward in which such stove is proposed to be erected, or of three other lire-wardens of the city : and the warden or wardens so giving their approbation, shall see that such stove be safely placed, and that the pipe thereof to conduct the smoke be led in a secure manner so as not to endanger the house in which such stove is placed, or the ad- jacent buildings ; and if any person shall erect and use any stove without, such approbation, such person shall forfeit and pay the sum of four dollars, and also two dollars for every week he or she shall continue and use such stove after con- viction. 9. Jnd be it further ordained. That in order that the fire-w ardens may be more readily distinguished at fires, each of them shall carry in his hand a white staff or wand of at least five feet in length : and all people present at a fire are directed to refrain from giving any orders or directions, and strictly to obey the respective officers appointed to direct them : and it is enjoined upon the inhabitants, whenever there shall be a cry or notice of tire in the night, forthwith to put a lighted candle at one or more of the front windows of their respective houses. 10. Jlnd be it further ordained. That no person or per- sons shall keep or have for sale or any other purpose w hat- soever, any quantity of gun-powder, except so much as shall by this act be hereafter provided for. in any dwelling-house, store, or other building within the limits of this city, unless such dwelling-house, store, or other building be situate in some pecure place, and more than eighty rods distant from any other building, without special licence from the court of Common Council first had and obtained ; and every person who shall keep or have any gun-powder contrary to the pro- visions of this by-law, shall incur a penalty of thirty-four dol- lars ; provides! that this act shall not be construed to pre- vent any person from keeping a small quantity of gun-pow- der in a proper canister or flask for sale or for other purpos- es not exceeding twenty-five pounds weight at any one time. 11. And bz it further ordained, That if any person, who shall have been convicied of a breach of the preceding pa- ragraph of this act, shall continue to keep gun-powder con- trary to the provisions of the same, ho shall be subject to a further penalty of seventeen dollars fur each and every week that he shall so continue to keep such powder contrary to the provisions aforesaid. t3. And be it further ordaiwtl, That if at any time , then: -hall bo reasonable cause for suspicion, that any per- son haUi <>r kec[s gun-wv. der in Ins possession contrary to the provi-n ,ns of this ;u . ; it shall and may he lawful for any of the civil autli'.irily in said city to grant a warrant to search 'iHM't'-il place or places, which warrant yball be di- rected , ). a knov.n officer. Titk IX. Fire. 37 13. Jlnd be it further ordained, That three companies of Fire compa- firemen be forthwith raised by voluntary enlistment of nies ancl en gi- the inhabitants of this city, each of said companies to eon- " ec - s sist of fifteen men, including the foreman of such company and his second ; and that one engineer be appointed in said city, whose duty it shall be. at all times during his continu- ance in said office, to take care of the public engines, buck- ets, fsrehooks, cisterns, pumps, and other instruments for extinguishing tires, belonging to said city ; to see that the same be kept in due order and repair, ready for immediate use ; and to give all needful directions to the foreman and seconds of said companies for that purpose. 14. That said engineer and said foreman shall be chosen Fow appoint- and appointed by the court of common council of said city, C( l- and shall continue in office during the pleasure of said court, and all future vacancies in either of said offices shall be in the same manner filled by appointment of said court. 15. That each of said foremen shall, and is hereby aur InlistinS- thorized to appoint his second, and to fill up his said compa- ny by the voluntary iulistment of tire-men out of the inhabit- ants of said city. 16. That said foremen, seconds, and firemen, be, and they Exemption. and each of them are, hereby exempted, during continuance in said office or service, from the payment of any poll tax payable into the treasury of said city, and from service as jurors in the courts of said city. 17. That each of said foremen, his second and company TO manage shall have the management of one of the public engines of the engines. said city, with the tire-hooks, buckets, and other instruments belonging to the same, which shall be severally assigned to said companies, by order of said court of common council. 18. And it shall be the duty of each of said foremen, or Firecompa- his second in his absence, to call out his company on the nies to play first Saturday in every month, or if prevented by inclemency ev 'oi nes - of weather, OH the next fair day after such Saturday (Sun- days excepted) so long as the season shall permit ; and to wash and play the engine belonging to said company ; and see that the same and other instruments thereto appertain- ing, are in readiness for immediate service : and if any one of said company shall not appear at such time at the calling over of the list, he shall forfeit and pay for every such default seventeen cents ; and if he shall not appear at his engine before it be brought to the place of playing, lie shall pay for every such default thirty four cents ; and if the engine be played out before he shall appear at the place of playing the same, or if he shall wholly fail to appear ; he shall pay for every such default sixty seven cents, unless prevented by- sickness or absence out of said city. 19. And incase any fire shall break out in said city, it Their duly in shall be the duty of each of said foremen, his second, and the case of fii-p. iiremeii of his company, on the first notice thereof, to repair to the place where the engine assigned to said company is deposited, take said engine and other instruments to the pjtae* where said fire shall be broke out, and there place and play the same, as they shall be directed by said engineer, and the warden of the ward, where said tire shall be, or in his ab- sence, the warden of the next higher ward in said eity. as the 38 Tiile IX. Fhv. same are numbered in this by-law ; and after such tire shall be extinguished, to return said engine and instruments, and well wash and clean the same, and deposit them in the place where they are to be kept. [The seven preceding paragraphs were enacted on the 6th day of October 1789.] Reward. 20. And be it further ordained, That on every alarm of fire in said city, the company which shall first arrive, with their engine in a condition to work, at the place where such fire shall have broke out, shall be entitled to have and re- ceive out of the treasury of said city, as a reward for their diligence and activity, the sum of live dollars. Fire -men to 21. And if any person belonging to either of said compa- lcct e &c rneS " nies ' sha . U fail to attend as aforesai<1 - on the first uotice of fire in said city, or after his appearance shall absent himself before his engine and other instruments shall be returned, cleansed, and deposited in their place, or during such tire shall neglect or disobey the orders of his superior officers afore mentioned, he shall forfeit and pay the sum of one dol- lar for every such default, unless excused by sickness or ab- sence out of said city ; and shall also forfeit all right to his proportion of said reward, in case the same be acquired by the company to which he belongs. 22. Jind be it further ordained. That no public engine of Public engine, said city, or any of the instruments thereto belonging, or any &c. not to be of the public ladders, herein ordered to be procured, shall used, unless, j )e used for any other purpose, than is expressed in this by- &c - law ; and any person or persons who shall take and use any of said public engines, or the instruments thereto belonging, or any of said public ladders contrary to the provisions of this by-law, shall incur a penalty of twenty dollars. 23. Jlnd be it further ordained.. That the engineer shall Buckets to be as soon as may be after any fire is extinguished, cause all the collected. buckets to be collected, and carried to the state house, and placed there, that the citizens may know where to find them. 2-t. And be it farther ordained. That whenever it shall Building's to he necessary to demolish any building in said city, in order to be demolished stop the progress of fire, the same shall be done only by thn in case, &.c. advice and direction of the Mayor, Aldermen, Wardens, and engineer of said city, or the majority of them present at such fire. 25. Audit shall be the duty of each of the several war- , . , dens in said city to appoint six respectable freeholders, in- appointed, habitants in the limits o*" his ward: each of whom on every alarm of iire in said city, shall take with them to said fire, one or more sacks, and shall take the care and charge of all properly necessary to be removed from danger by fire. 26.* And all penalties and forfeitures ordained for any Penalties, See. breach of the eighteenth and twenty first paragraphs of tliis disposed of. by-law, shall be and enure to the use and benefit of the com- pany to which the delinquent may belong, and shall be pros- ecuted and recovered on complaint of the foreman or any per- son belonging to such company before any court in said cily proper to try the same : and all other forfeitures and penal- ties ordained for any breach of this by-l-iw shall be paid 1 (he treasurer of this city -to and for the use, of said fiiy. Title IX. Fire. 59 27. And be it further ordained, That it shall be the du- ty of the clerk of this city, in the month of October annually, to procure all the by-laws of this city ordained for preser- ving the same from tire, to be printed in all the news-papers published in this city. CHAP. II. A By-Law in addition to and alteration of a By-Law for preserving the buildings in tlie City of Hartford from Fire. [Enacted April 8, 1800.] [Approved April 8, 18UO.] [Published C. C. April 14, 1800.] BE it ordained by the Mayor, Jlldermen, Common Council and Freemen of the City of Earl ford, That in cases Occupiers of where the owner of any dwelling-house, shop, store or office ^n^wiideiita in said city is not an inhabitant or resident in said city, the to provide occupier or occupiers of such dwelling-house, shop, store or buckets. office, shall provide buckets therefor, as follows, to wit The occupier or occupiers of every dwelling-house iirsaid city, of the height of one story shall provide and at all times keep in good repair and readiness in said house, one good leathern bucket, containing not less than two gallons ; and the occupier or occupiers of every dwelling-house of the height of two stories, shall at all times provide and keep as aforesaid, two good leathern buckets, of the dimensions a- foresaid : and the occupier or occupiers of every dwelling- house of the height of ihree stories, or more, shall provide, and at all times keep as aforesaid, three good leathern buck- ets of the dimensions aforesaid ; and also the occupier or oc- cupiers of every shop, store, or office, of the height of three stories or more, shall therefor provide, and at all times keep in good repair in a convenient place, and in constant readi- ness for use. three good leathern buckets of the aforesaid di- mensions : and the occupier or occupiers of every shop, store, or office, of the height of two stories, shall therefor provide, and at all times keep as aforesaid, two good leath- ern buckets, of the dimensions aforesaid ; and the occupier or occupiers of every shop or store, used for depositing or vending European or India goods, of the height of one sto- ry, shall therefor provide and keep as aforesaid, one good leathern bucket, of the dimensions aforesaid. And every penalty tot- person or persons, who shall neglect to provide and keep a neglect. good bucket or buckets as aforesaid, shall, for every month lie, she, or they shall neglect to provide or keep a good bucket or buckets as aforesaid, forfeit and pay the sum of fifty cents to the Treasurer of said city, for the use of said city. T> LJ Title IX. Fire. CHAP. III. A By-Law in further addition to and alteration of a By-Law for preserving the buildings in the city of Hartford from Fire. [Enacted April 16, 1801.] [Approved April 16, 1801.] [Published C. C. April 20, 1801.] E it ordained by the Mayor, Aldermen, Common- Council and Freemen of the City of Hartford, Fourth ward That the fourth ward in the aforesaid by-law mentioned, be divided. divided into two wards, to be denominated the fourth ward, and the eleventh ward. The limits of the fourth ward shall he the same as before, excepting therefrom the eleventh ward. The limits of the eleventh ward shall be front-street on the east : state-street, and state-house square on the south ; main- street on the west, and on the north, the highway leading from the dwelling-house of Jesse Root, to the dwelling-house of Asa Corning. Fifth ward 2. And be it further ordained, That the fifth ward in the divided. aforesaid by-law mentioned be divided into two wards, to be denominated the fifth ward and the twelfth ward. The limits f the fifth ward shall be old ferry -street on the north, front street on the west, the little river on the south, and Connecticut river on the east. The limits of the twelfth ward shall be old ferry street on the south, front-street and meadow -lane on the west, the eity line on the north, and Con- necticut river on the east. Fire company. 3. And be it further ordained, That a company of fire- men he forthwith raised by voluntary enlistment of the in- habitants of this eity, to consist of twelve men, including the foreman of said company and his second, and such foreman shall from time to time be appointed by the court of Com- mon Council of said city, and shall continue in office during the pleasure of said court : and such foreman is hereby au- thorised to appoint his second, and to fill up his said compa- ny by the voluntary enlistment of firemen of inhabitants of said city. Duty of. 4. And said foreman, his second and company, shall have the management of all the tire hooks belonging to said city, and such other implements as shall be assigned to them by the court of Common Council, and in case any fire shall break out in said city, it shall be the duty of said foreman, his second and company, on the first notice thereof, to re- pair to the place where said fire hooks are deposited, and take said fire hooks and other implements assigned to them, to the place where sueh fire shall have broken out, and there make such use of them as shall be directed by the fire war- den having the thief direction and management in suppres- sing such tire, and after such fire shall be extinguished, to return such fire hooks and other implements, and safely de- posit them in the place where they are to be kept. 5. And be it further ordained, That if any person be- Penalty for longing to said fire company, shall fail to attend as aforesaid, " on the first notice of tire in said city, or after his appearance shall absent himself before said fire hooks and other imple- ments Chilli be returned and deposited in their place : or Title IX. Fire. il / during such fire shall neglect or disobey the orders of his superior officers aforesaid, he shall forfeit and pay to the treasurer of said city, for the use of said fire company, the sum of one dollar, for every such default, unless excused hy sickness or absence out of said city. 6. And be it further ordained. That it shall be the duty Fire wardens f the fire wardens and engineer of said city to meet annn- '"! engineers ally at the state-house in said city, on the day of the annu- tl ?. mecl ; al town meeting of the town of Hartford, at six o'clock in u ' the afternoon, to consult together a;,d make such arrange- ments, conformable to the by-laws of said city, as they shall deem expedient, for the extinguishing of fires in said city. And at such meeting the said firewardens and engineer TO appoint shall by a majority of those present at such meeting annu- first \\urdens. ally appoint one of their number to be first tire warden, and another of their nnmber to be second fire warden, and an- other of their number to be third fire warden ; and in all cases of fire in said city, such first fire warden shall if pres- ent, have the chief direction and management in suppres- sing such fire, and shall be obeyed in his orders accordingly. And in case of the absence of such first fire warden, the same powers and duties shall devolve on such second fire warden ; and in case of the absence of such first and second, the same powers and duties shall devolve on such third tire, warden. And in case said fire wardens and engineer should omit to make the appointments aforesaid, the same shall he .made by the court of Common Council of said city. 7. 'And be it further ordained, That in relation to the To direct place of keeping the buckets which the aforesaid by-law re- where backr 's quires to^be kept for shops, stores and offices, the several ^ ial1 be k F> and respective tire wardens in whose wards such shops, stores or offices are situate, be authorised and empowered to give order from time to time that such buckets be kept at such shops, stores or offices, or at the dwelling-houses of the persons occupying such shops, stores or offices, according as circumstances may in the judgment of such fire wardens render it expedient. And if any person shall neglect to coin- ply with an order given according to the true intent hereof, Penalu. he shall forfeit and pay a fine of fifty cents to the treasurer of said city, for the use of said city. 8. And be it further ordained, That the dimensions of Dinmensior.s all fire buckets, to be made in future for the inhabitants of of buckets. this city, be not less than the following, viz. : Thirteen in- ches in length, and the internal diameter thereof, eight inches at the top, and seven inches at the bottom. ' CHAP. IV. A By-Law in addition to a By-Law for preserving tli buildings in the city of Hartford from Fire. [Enacted Jun. 15, 1803.] L Approved March 58, 1803.] [Published C. C. April 20, 1803. j - . TT) E it ordained by the Jlayor, Aldermen. Common Lights not u> ' _LJ Council and Freemen of the city of Hartford, That lv carried in. no person shall carry into any barn, stable, or hay-loft, to barns ' 8c ' 42 Title IX. Virc. any lighted candle or lamp not inclosed in a lantern, on tlie Penalty. penalty of five dollars, to be forfeited and paid to the treas- urer of said city, for the use of said city. -2. And be. it further ordained. That wl:en any minor. Penally incur- apprentice, or slave shall be guilty of any bre.ieh of this by- red by minors } a ^ . the parent, guardian, or master of such minor, appren- J^VK covered tice ; QJ . glavCj shall |)e Ha , |le ^ pfty the pena | ty therefor, and the same shall be recoverable of such parent, guardian or master, by action of debt brought on this by-law, before any court proper to try the same. 3. Jlnd be it further ordained, That the by-law, made Repeal. and passed on the 3d day of September, A. D. 1798, entitled " A by-law in addition to a by-law for preserving the build- ings in the city of Hartford from lire."' be and the same & " A by-law ings in the c hereby repealed. CHAP. V. A By* Law in addition to a Bj-Law for preserving the buildings in the City of Hartford from Fire. [Enacted Nov. 8, 1806.] ,_ Approved Nov. 8, 1806.] [Published C. C. Nov. 26, 1806.] BE it ordained by the Mayor. Aldermen, Common Council and Freemen of the city of Hartford. That fur the fur- of ther preservation of said city from fire, a company of fire- lire-men to be men be forthwith raised by voluntary enlistment of the in- habitants of this city, to consist of thirty men. including tli? foremen of such company and his second; who shall be entitled to the same exemptions and liable to the like duties and penalties, which by the by-laws of said city are extended to, and enjoined upon the other fire companies in said city. CHAP. VI. A By -Law in addition to " A By -Law for preserving the buildings in the city of Hartford from Fire.'* [Enacied March 26, 1810.] [Approved. 4th Monday of April, 1810.] [Published A. M. Dec. 20, 1810.]" S 1 T--t^ *' ordained by the Mayor. Aldermen, Common lj Council, and Freemen of the City of Hariford, C'himnics suf- That if any chimney in said city shall take lire and burn in jerccl to t:,kc such manner that the flame shall be visible at the top thereof, lire, penalty f] ie occupier of the dwelling-house or other building where s:i 'h chimney is. shall forfeit and pay to the treasurer of the city for the use of the city, aline of two dollars. Provided nevertheless^ that the occupiers of dwelling-houses and other Proviso. buildings in said city, may at suitable seasons (pursuant to the sixth section of the by-Fatr to which this is an addition) cleanse the chimnies in their occupation by burning the same. without incurring the penalty aforesaid. 2. Ji::d be it farther ordained. That it shall be tin- duly o dis- of the clerk of this city, in (lie month of October annually, to ':"f tlf ase a printed abridgement of the laws of Ibis city, ordain- ed for preserving the same from fire, to be distributed sever- Title XL ally to all the occupiers of dwelling-houses in this city ; and that the twenty-seventh section of the by-law to which this is Repeat. an addition be aud the same is hereby repealed. CHAP. VII. A By-Law in addition to a by-law fop preserving the buildings in the City of Hartford from Fire. [Enacted Jan. 5, 1811.] [Approved last Monday of March, 1811." 1 [Published C. C. April 10, 1811.] . T3E it ordained by the Mayor, Aldermen, Common- ' O Council and Freemen of ike City of Hartford, That whenever any gun-powder exceeding ten pounds weight fiun-powdti- in quantity, shall be transported within the limits of said how to be sc- eity, the casks or other vessels containing such gun-powder cu red. shall be enclosed in suitable sacks, made of leather, er good tight cloth: an?l if any person or persons shall transport or cause to be transported within the limits of said city more than ten pounds weight of gun-powder not so enclosed in sacks, he or they shall forfeit and pay a fine of thirty four Penalty. dollars. 2. And be it further ordained, That no vessel or other Vessels, &c. water eraft having more than five pounds weight of gun- v.-ith g-un-pow- powder on board, shall be permitted to lie within one hundred dc1 ' rot lo h , and afty feet of the hank of Connecticut river in said city, or at wharves &c of any wharf in said city ; and if any vessel or other water- craft having gun-powder on board as aforesaid, shall lie for the space of one hour within one lr mured and fifty feet of the bank of Connecticut river, or of any wharf in said city, con- trary to this by-law, the master anil owner of such vessel or other water craft shall severally forfeit and pay a fine of thirty-four dollars ; and also an additional tine oi* thirty- p.. n j v four dollars for every twenty -four hours, so long a* such vessel or water-craft shall lie* within one hundred and fifty feet of the bank of Connecticut river, or of such wharf, con- trary to the intent of this by-law. 3. And be it further ordaiiif,d, r f]i.i whenever five pounds v f , , i , t> ' i i M L i i 11 ^ ot to unlade weight oi gun-powder or more shail be laden on board, or gun-powder unladen from any vessel in Connecticut river opposite to near 1 the said city, such vessel shall be distant at least one hundred viuuvjs, &<. and fifty feet from the bank of said river in said city, and from any wharf in said city, a:id from any other ve's>;ei i:i said river, (excepting the boat in which such gun-powder shall he carried to or from such vessel.) And if any person ' or persons shall lade or unlade gun-powder on board or from any vessel contrary to the regulations prescribed in this fcy-law : such person or persons shall for every such oftasiee penalty hov surfeit and pay a fine of thirty-four dollars. And each and d ; ; " all the fines imposed by this by-law shall bepak! to $h# treas- urer of said '-''iy f^r th** e of said eity. 44' Title IX. Fire. . CHAP. VIII. A By -Law in addition to, and alteration of a By-Law for preserving the buildings in the City of Hartford from Fire. [Enacted Januarv 31, 1812.] [ \pproved last Monday of March 181 2.] " [Published C. C. Sept. 22, 1812.] S 1 T-^^ it ordained by the Mayor, Mdfrmen, Common- JD Council, and Freemen of the City of Hartford, ii^s That whenever it shall be necessary to demolish any building >v hen to be de- i n sa i,i c j^y j n on l er tc stop the progress of fire, the s'ame shall hshecl. be j one b *. l]ie a( j v i ce an(} direction of the Mayor, or senior Alderman, the iirst, second and third fire-wardens, and the engineer of said city, or such of them as shall be present at sneh fire, or amajoVity of them. Compensation 2 ' v ^ Nf ' be it further ordained, That I he sum of eighteen to fire-men dollars shall be allowed and paid out of the treasury of said du.r *e city to the company of firemen having the management of the -- fire-hooks belonging to said city for their services at such fires as may happen in said city, when any building or build- ings in said city shall be demolished, in pursuance of the iirst section of this by-law. And also that the polls of all the members of said company of firemen shall be exempted from all city taxes, so long as they shall continue members of said company. Combustible 3. And be it further ordained, That in all cases in which ir.ktc-rials to shavings, straw or other combustible materials shall be suf- be removed. f e red to be or remain in or near any buildings in said city, in such manner as to expose said city to danger from fire, it shall be the duty of the fire-wardens^n their respective wards, to give order to the person or persons occupying the place where such shavings, straw or combustible materials may be, to remove the same, and to keep such place clear of the same; and if such person or persons shall neglect to obey Penalty. such order, iie. she, or they shall forfeit for every such neg- lect a fine of five dollars. Varnish, &.c 4. nd be it further ordained, That no person shall make not to be made any varnish or boil any oil in any shop, house, store or bnild- insuidcity. ing in said city, without having previously obtained a li- cence therefor from the court of Common Council of said city, on penalty of forfeiti;:-, for so making varnish, a fine of thir- ty dollars, and for so boiling oil a line of five dollars. .,. tf) 3. And be it further ordained, That the aforesaid fines whom "to b- shall.be paid to the treasurer of said city, for the use of said paid. city. C. Jiirf he it further ordained, That the twenty-fourth Repeal. section of a by-law, entitled" A by-law for preserving the buildings in the rity of Hartford from fire.," b 1i)ep v> Cf committtee shall prosecute the same to effect, for the use and jng^e'same!" benefit of said city ; and said committee may remove or pro- cure to be removed, any nuisances in and upon said highways Committee to or streets, when and so often as the person or persons making remove. or procuring the same to be made are unknown, or do refuse or neglect to remove said nuisances, and the said committee shall exhibit their reasonable account of the expences or costs of removing such nuisances to two of the aldermen of said city, who may liquidate and allow said account, if the same does not amount to more than the sum of four pounds lawful 4S Title XII. Highways. Their ac- money, but iu case said account shall amount to more than counts how the sum of four pounds lawful money, the same shall be li- adjusted. quidated and allowed by the Court of Common Council, and the aforesaid accounts so allowed, shall be paid by such per- son or persons so neglecting or refusing to remove said nui- sance, as a penalty therefor : but when and so often as any b"* P a\Tby t0 P ena lty shall not be recovered on a prosecution by said corn- persons "uilty. mittee,* or any expences for removal of nuisances cannot be obtained or recovered from the persons guilty of the same, th costs f prosecution and the aforesaid account of expences, kn shall be defrayed out of the treasury of said city, and the be^aicToivt of courts m SSL *& Cl *? before whom such prosecution is had, may the treasury, draw orders on the treasury of said city in favour of said committee, for the sum of such costs of prosecution, and any two aldermen may so draw orders as aforesaid, to the amount of four pounds, for the payment of any such account so al- lowed by them, and the court of common councillor the pay- Accounts how ment of any such accounts aforesaid, as shall be allowed by paid. sa id court of common council. 2. Provided, This act shall not be construed to prevent Proviso. any person, or persons from landing from his or their vessel^ boat or any kind of water-craft, any articles whatever, upon those parts or places, of said high-ways, or streets, commonly used as, and called public landing places, in said city ; and such articles may remain on said landing places, for the term of three days, and no longer, from the time they were land- ed, unless some unavoidable circumstances make it necessary, that any articles should remain on said landing places a fur- ther term of time, in which case said committee may on ap- plication, permit them to remain so long as they shall judge necessary. 3. And said committee shall assign and make out sufV iicient and commodious places, on such parts of those high- ways or streets, most convenient therefor, and for the public, for the laying and piling up such articles as shall be brought Places to be to said city, for sale or exportation, by any person or persons assigned for living out of said city, and also for the tight seizing and secur- broufhTVo in S al1 kinds of lumber floating or floated down Connecticut this city, and river,and the person or persons so bringing said articles to said securing lum- city as aforesaid, or any inhabitant or inhabitants of said city. her. who take up, tight seize, or secure any lumber as aforesaid, jnay any thing in this act notwithstanding, lay, and pile up the same on said places, where they may remain under th direction of said committee, so long as they shall permit t and no longer. Committee to 4. rfnd be it -further enacted, That any person or per- altow persons sens about to erect, set up, or repair any house, shop, or build- tmilding-, &c. j n g w ithin said city shall previous to his so doing, inakt- known such his, or their intentions to said committee, who shall repair to the place whore said hou^e. shop or building is to be erected, set up or repaired, and being satisfied thai - no encroachment is about to bo made thereby on said high- ways or streets, said committee shall allow, stake, or mark Part of the ou t to such person, or persons, so much ot'ihe said high-way* highway to OJ . s ( reets f or } t j s or \} ie [ r usc , f or t] ie laving necessary imtte- i ay materials. . , ,, . ., ,. . , , . 7 .. , . rials lor building and lor so long a tune as shall be found ne- cessary, where said materials shall be allowed io he laid and as aforesaid. Tttk XII. Highways. 49 CHAP. II. n Act in addition to a By -Law, entitled " A By-Law relative to the Highways and Streets in the City of Hartford." [Enacted 4-th Monday of Nov. 1789.] [Approved 4th Monday of Nov. 1789.] [Published C. C. N ^ TJ ' JLJ Nov. 9, 1789J E it ordained by the 4fft//")', Mdermen, Common- Council and Freemen of the City of Hartford, That any person or persons, designing to erect any dwelling Committee to house, shop, or building except out houses, as hereafter de- direct relative scribed, in said city, shall previous to hi.-;, or their so doing, to erecting apply to the committee of said city, appointed to direct all matters relative to high-ways in said city, and make known to said committee his or their intentions of building, and said committee shall on every such application repair to the place where said building is to be erected, and there, ac- cording to the plan and dimensions proposed by the per- son or persons about to erect the same, allow, mark and stake out the ground for the foundation of the same, on such building spot, in such manner and place thereon as shall best correspond with the line of the street, whereon such building is to be erected, and be most regularly propor- tioned to the situation of the adjacent buildings, so far as the same can be done without material injury to the property of individuals therein interested, and if any person be aggriev- ed by the decision of said committee, he shall be allowed an appeal to the court of Common Council in said city, and if any person or persons shall hereafter erect, cr set up any house, shop or other building in said city, without having previously obtained the allowance and consent of said com- mittee or court of Common Council, ia manner aforesaid, or jshall erect and set up any building in a manner contrary to their allowance and direction or that of said court of Common Council as aforesaid, every such person or persons shall for the erection of every such building in said city, forfeit and pay the sum of ti ve pounds lawful money. $ 2. Jlnd be it further ordained by the authority aforesaid, Out heus&s That no person or persons shall hereafter without special li- ""here to be eeuce from the court of Common Council in said city first erected - had and obtained, build, erect or set up in said city, any barn, wood-house, carriage-house, shed necessary-house, or other out houses whatsoever, shops and store-houses only excepted, within three rods of the front of any of the public streets or highways in said city, and ihat all and every such *mt house hereafter erected in manner aforesaid, without such licence first obtained shall be deemed a nuisance, and if any person or persons shall erect or .set up any such ot!l-hoiie without licence, contrary to the form and effect of this by-- law, he or they shall forfeit and pay for every such instance f building and erecting the same, the sum of twenty shilr lings lawful money, and any pe.-son, or persons, who shall incur aiiy penalty for erecting any such out-house in manner aforesaid, and judgment be rendered against him, or them therefor, who shall not remove the same, and repair all daa^ 50 Title XH. Highways. ages caused thereby within one week after such judgment shall be rendered therefor, shall for every week such nui- sance shall remain and he kept up. forfeit and pay the fur- ther penalty of tive shillings lawful money per week. f e be lti6 L h vT 3> ** nd be U farther ordained* That all penalties incur- to e rt i- r(t| | jjj. v i r t ue O f this by-law, shall be recover:. 1 ie by actioa of debt before any court in said city proper to uy the same, oue moiety thereof to the person who shall prosecute th* same to effect, and the other moiety to the use of the treas- ury of said city, and it shall be the duty of the said commit- tee to enquire of and prosecute all breaches of this act, ex- cept where the same shall be prosecuted by some private person, by action in manner aforesaid. CHAP. III. An Act concerning Foot-AValks in the city of Hartford, [Enacted April 1, 1793.] [Approved April 1, 1793.] [Published C. C. April 22, 1793.] ,. "C^^ ^ ordained hy the Jffaywr, Aldermen Common X3 Council, and Freemen of ihe city of Hartford, Foot -Walks That no trees shall be planted, nor any po^ts or other ob- atructe^ Cl> structions set or placed within the limits 'of any side-walk or foot-way in the highways in this city ; but every tree he re af- ter planted, and all posts or other obstructions which may or do hereafter impede or incommode the passage in said foot- ways shall be considered as nuisances. Penalty for fld be it further ordained, That if any person shall injuring loot- wilfully or negligently ride or drive any kind of carriage or w ^y. vehicle upon or against any paved or gravelled foot-way, or shall break down, or injure any post or tree standirg in the line between the foot and cart-ways, or shall break r injure any railing placed in the said line to guard said foot-ways, lie shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding three dollars, to be recovered to the use of any person suing for the same, and shall make good all damages that may be sustained thereby. CHAP. IV. A By-Law relative to Side-Walks in the City of Hart- ford. [Enacted April R, 1800.] A I; p.'oved April 3, 1800.] [Published C. C. April 14, 1800.J f T)E ** ordained by the Mayor, Aldermen. Cmnmon- ID Council, and Freanev . of the city of Hartford^ Commoncoun- That the court of common-council of said city be, and they cil empowered hereby are authorized and empowered from tune to time, at; to fix level, &c. public convenience may require, to designate and fix the v width, course, height, and level of said Walks, in and upon the streets and highways in said thy. ,, c i c .. 2. And for the pun;i;sc of ri'iitlci Ing such .side-walks ictors to convenient, said court of common council, may from time to level or raise to time, give Ofder to the proprietor or proprietors of the lands, or buildings fronting upon such si<]"-v,> or raise such side -walks, within such time as said court of it done ifpio- common council shall have so 1 aiited, said court of common prietors neg-- eouncil may, in such case, appoint and employ some meet per- * ect - son to lay out and expend a sum not exceeding thirty-four dol- lars in levelling the side-walk on the front oi* any o'r every in- dividual proprietor or proprietors neglecting as aforesaid, and shall adjust the account of such expence, and order the same to he paid out of the treasury of said city. 4. And the proprietor or proprietors neglecting as afore- Penalty for said shall severally aud respectively forfeit and pay to the neglect. treasurer of said city, for the use of said city, a penalty equal to the respective sum or sums expended as aforesaid in con- sequence of the neglect of such proprietor or proprietors. 5. And when any side-walk shall cross a street or high- Oos?-\>. aiki ut way, said court of common-council may cause the same to expence of tie suitably levelled or raised at the expence of said city. cit ;'- CHAP. V. A By-Law in addition to a By-Law relative to Side- Walks in the City of Hartford. [Enacted Xov. 29, 18f-0.~i [Approved, Jan. 1, 1801.] [Published, C. C. Jan. 12, 1801.] f . T3E it ordained by the JKayov, Jlldermen, Comir.on LJ Council, and Freemen of the City of Hartford, That if any person shall wilfully cr negligently ride or drive any H-;rses, &.c. kind of carriage, or vehicle, or ride, lead, or drive any horse not \ be driv - upon any side-walk in said city, now laid out, or hereafter to en &c - " n be laid out, unless for the purpose of necessarily crossing such side-walk, such person shall for every such offence for- feit and pay the sum of fifty cents to the treasurer of said p e naltv. city, for the use of said city. 2. And be it further ordained, That if any person shall i r ,j tirv lo J. A :I. wilfully or negligently break do^n or injure any post or tree ing-, See. standing in the line between any side-walk and cart-way in said city, or any railing placed in such line to guard such side-walk, he shall forfeit and pay to the party injured there- by, the sum of one dollar, and also pav to such party his Pcnau just damages. 3. JJnd whereas th" practice of standing in the aide walks on the bridge over the little river, in said city, is incom- modious to passejigers, Therefore be it ordained, That if any person shall by standing in standing in or upon cither of the side -walks on said bridge side-w impede, hinder, or incommode any other person while pas- Bndg-e pro- sing or endeavouring to pass on such side-walks, every per- ; ' ^-^ son so impeding, hindering, or incommoding, shall forfeit a -id pay the sum of fifty cents, to the treasurer of said city for p--u!t the use of said city. 4. And. be it further erdaintd. That if any minor, ap- B 1 52 'rule XII. Parents, &c. prentice, or slave, shall be guilty of any breach of this by- liable for pen- j aw? the parent, guardian, or master of such minor, appren- a ties mcurr tj ce or slave, shall be liable to pay the aforesaid forfeiture by minors, Ike. ,i * * \ t\ \ iii i_ therefor, and the same shall be recoverable of sueh parent* guardian, or master by action of debt. CHAP. VI, A By-Law to designate the altitude of the Streets and Highways in the City of Hartford. [Enacted August 4, 1893 ] [Approved August 8, 1803.] "[Published C. C. August 24, 1803. j E it ordained by the Mayor, Mdermen. Common-Council, > and Freeman' of the City of Hartford, That the court Common coun- of common-council of said city be. and they hereby are author- cil author. '--d i/ed from time to time, as public convenience may require, t( J. fix r>it t itl !J le to designate and fix the altitude, level, ascent and descent of 8tree ' the streets and highways in said city : and such streets and highways shall hereafter be constructed and made confor- mable to the altitude, level, ascent and descent so to he de- signated and fixed. CHAP. VII. A By-Law in further addition to a By-Law relative to the Streets and Highways in the City of Hartford. [Enacted March 25, 1811.] [Approved April 22, 1811.] [Published C. C. June 12, 1811.] E it ordained by the Mayor, Aldermen, Common-Coun- cil and Freemen of the City of Hartford. ThfLt no per- 'Cross-Yoalks, son shall obstmet any street or highway in said city, or any &c r,-?t t be cross-walk therein by permitting his team, eart, waggon, r ,nd by carr j a g ej s } e( ^ sleigh or trucks to stand upon or near such -aras, -c cross-walk, or in or near the middle of SHC)I street or high- way ; but where teams, carts, waggons, carriages, sleds, sleighs or trucks shall be permitted to stand in said streets or highways, they shall be placed as near as may be to the side of such street; or highway, and not upon any such cross- walk : and it shall be the duty of the Mayor and of each of Mayor, Sec. the Aldermen and Common-Council men of said city, when- imy order ever any street, highway or cross-walk in said city shall bfe their removal, obstructed contrary to the intent of this by-law, to 'order the owner or driver of such team, cart, waggon, carriage, slod, sk'igh or trucks to remove the same to such convenient place as said Mayor, Alderman, or Common Council man shall designate 5 and if such owner or driver shall neglect Penalty for or refuse to obey such order, he shall forfeit and pay a fine disobedience of one dollar to the treasurer of tJie city for the use of said of such orders, ei-v B 1 Title XIII. Jurors. XJY. Markets. 5s CHAP. VIII. A By-Law for the prevention of nuisances in the public Ferry place in the city of Hartford. [Enacted November 29. 1800.] f Approved January 1, 1801.] [Published C. C. January 12, 1801.] BE it ordained by the JUayor, Aldermen, Common Coun- cil and Freemen of the city of Hartford, That no ves- sel, boat, or water craft of any kind (excepting ferry boats) Vessels, &c. shall be permitted to lie in Connecticut river in the public not to lie in ferry place, in said city, and if any person shall place or lay ferr y P lace - any vessel, boat or water-craft, of any kind) excepting as aforesaid) in said ferry place, he shall forfeit and pay to the treasurer of said city, for the use of said city one dollar, and the further sum of fifty cents for every hour such vessel, boat, or water-craft shall continue to lie in said ferry place. And it shall be the duty of the ferry men and it shall be lawful for any inhabitant of said city to remove such vessel, boat or water-craft, out of said ferry 'place as a nuisance. TITLE XIII. Jurors. An act relative to the Penalties to be incurred by Jurors refusing to serve. [Enacted July 19, 1784.] Approved July 20, ! 784 ] [Published C. C. 27th July 1784.] BE it ordainedby the Mayor, Aldermen, Common Council and Freemen of the City of Hartford, That any Juror for said city, being legally summoned and returned to serve as a juryman at any city court in said city, who shall neg- lect or refuse to attend the same, agreeable to such summons, shall forfeit and pay to the treasurer of said city, the sum of twenty shillings lawful money, unless said court shall OB 20*. for non- hearing his reasons for non-attendance judge the same to be attendance. sufficient. TITLE XIV. Martets. CHAP. I. A By-Law relative to the erecting of Markets in the city of Hartford. [Enacted March 15, 1811.] [Approved last Monday of March, 1811.] [Published C. C. May 1, 1811.] WHEREAS Solomon Porter, Thomas Bull and others, have petitioned the court of Common Council to lay out a suf- ficient quantity of ground for the purpose of building a Market in this city, in a place where it will best accom- modate the greatest portion of its citizens, and represent- ing that if said court wilt lay out such ground, a market will be immediately built thereon free of expence to said city, and on terms satltftictoru to tfte corporation of E it ordained by the Mayor. Aldermen* Cowmor,- 13 Council and Freemen of the City ef Iforf/ord, That no person shall purchase any fire-wpod in said city, or on the way to market in said city, with intent to sell the same again ; nor having pureluased the same as aforesaid and with such intent shall sell the same in said ci(y. awl ii' any person or persons shall purchase or sell any fire-wood, contrary to the intent of this by-law, he, she, or they shall forfeit and pay a fine, of thirty-four dollar^ if ih* value of Title XV. Meetings. 57 h wood equal or exceed that sum ; but if* the value of such wood be less than that sum, then the tine shall be equal to such value. 2. And be it further wdained, That no person shall Forestalling purchase any poultry in said city, or on the way to market in of P 1 -u^y said city, with intent to sell the" same within the jurisdiction ! ;rohlblte "- of said city, nor having purchased the same as aforesaid and with such intent shall sell the same within the jurisdic- tion of said city ; and if any person or p -sons shall pur- chase or sell any poultry contrary to the intent of this by- law, he she or they shall forfeit and po y a fine of five dollars. Penalty. 3. And be it further ordained, That no person shall Forestalling purchase in any public market or other place in said aity, of beef, &c. with intent to sell again in said city, any beef, pork, vea'l, prohibited. mutton, lamb, butter, or any other articles usually sold in such markets, until after the hour of twelve o'clock of the same day, under the penalty of live dollars for each offence. Penalty, Provided that this prohibition shall not extend to merchants or others purchasing beef, pork or butter for packing or ex- Previse jiortation. TITLE XV. Meetings. CHAP. I. A By-LaAV directing the manner of warning meetings of the court of Common Council and of the city of Hart- ford. [Enacted October 1st, 1312.] Approved October 19ih, 1812.] [Published 0. C. Oct. 27, 1812.] , "D^ *t cnac ted ty t.'ic .Yr:,yor, Aldermen., Common * ' JJ Council, and Freemen of the city of Hartford, in legal meeting assembled, That the Mayor of siiid city, or Mayor, &c. in his absence the senior Alderman present in said city, n ' " yarn whenever he shall judge it to be necessary or proper, may, "ommo^couS- and he is hereby empowered to issue his warrant, directed to c ]\ f either sheriff of said tity, or to any suitable person to be by him named, in said warrant, for the calling of a court of common council of said city, to be holden at such time and place as the Mayor or Alderman issuing said warrant shall therein appoint ; and the sheriff or person to whom said war- rant shall be directed, receiving the same, shall give notice to Sheriff, &c. te every member of said court of Common Council, by reading S lVe notice. said warrant in his hearing, or leaving a true and attested copy thereof, at his usual place of abode in said city. *2. And be it further enacted. That it shall be the Duty of may- duty of the Mayor of said city, or in his absence the senior or to . Alderman of said city, upon application to him made in wri- ^appUca'tFon ting, signed by two of the Aldermen of said city, or six of g ic- ' the common council of said city, forthwith to call a meet- ting of the Common Council of said city, by issuing his war- rant, and causing the same to be served in the manner pre- scribed in the first paragraph of this act. 3. And be it further enacted. That the court of Common Common coun- Council, whenever they shall judge a city meeting to be ne- cil may order cessary, may at any legal meeting ef said court, order that, a * 8 Tifle XV. Meetings. Mayor to 5s- -i.ie his \v.,r- aat. How served. Proviso. In certain cas- es printed no- tices to be giv- en. Warrants to be returned. Repeal. city meet in be culled ; whereupon it shall be the duty of the Mayer, rods of tiie front of either of the puLiie streets or sa highways of said city, the casting staMe dung or filth from any stable, or stables in and upon said highways, or ' streets, or tipou other grounds uninclosed, and open to any oi' said streets within two rods thereof any heap or heaps of said E it ordained by the Mayor, Jlldermen, Common- * ' AJ Council and Freemen of the City of Hartford, Cattle, &c. not That no cattle, sheep, swine or other beasts, shall be killed, to be killed in butchered or slaughtered in said eity for market or exporta- city for mar- tion ; and any person or persons, who shall kill, butcher or ket. slaughter any cattle, sheep, swine or other beasts in said city, contrary to the form and force of this act shall for each and every of such cattle, sheep, swine, or other beasts so killed, butchered or slaughtered as aforesaid forfeit and pay the Penalty. sum of live dollars to and for the use of said city to be re- covered by action of debt in the name of the treasurer of said city in any court proper to hear and try the same, proviso. Provi'ded, that nothing in this by-law shall be construed to extend to prevent any person or persons from killing any cattle, sheep, swine or other beasts, raised or fattened by him or them in said city, or purchased for his or their own families use And it shall be the duty of the health com- mittee to enquire into all breaches of this by-law, and give information thereof to the attorney for said city that he may prosecute the same for the use and benefit of said city. Repeal. 2 ' Be it further ordained, That the by -law of said city, entituled " A By -Law for preventing slaughter-houses being used near dwelling-houses, and public highways in the city of Hartford," and so much of a by-law of said city, entituled " A By-Law for preventing nuisances which are injurious to health" as relates to slaughter-houses, be and the same arc hereby repealed. Provided, that nothing in this by-law, shall be construed to prevent any prosecution or suit from being brought or main- Proviso, tained for the recovery of any penalty incurred or that, may be incurred for the breach of said by-laws, or either of them. TITLE XVII. An Act prescribing the forms of Oaths to he taken by the Treasurer and Inspectors of the city of Hartford. [Enacted July 19, 1784.] [Approved July 20, 1784.] [Published C. C. July 27, 1784.] ^ . TT) E it enacted by the Mayor, Jlldermen, Common O Council, and Freemen of the City of Hertford, Treasurer &c. That the Treasurer and Inspectors of said city, shall be to be sworn, sworn to a faithful discharge of their duty ; and the form of oath to be taken by the treasurer of said city shall be as fol- low*, \\7. Title XVIII. Swine. 63 OH being chosen treasurer of the city of Hartford, do swear by the name of the ever living God, that you will ac- cording to your best sfc ill, perform the duties of a Treasurer of said city, and render a true and just account of all mat- urei ; ters respecting your office, so long as you shall hold the same, when and so often as you shall thereunto be called by said city. So help you God. 2. And the form of the oath to be taken by the Inspectors chosen by said city, shall be as follows, viz. You swear by the name of the ever living God, that you will from time to time diligently and faithfully discharge and execute the office of Inspector of within said city, s long as you shall hold the same, in all the particulars Oath of ia- mentioned in the laws where your office hath relation, and that s P ectors - you ivill do therein impartially according to law without fear or favor. So help you God. TITLE XVIII. A By -Law for restraining Swine from going at large on the highways or streets within the City of Hartford. [Enacted Sept. 11, 1784 ] [Approved 4th Monday of Sept. 1784] [Published C. C. Oct. 5, 1784.] s T> E it enacted by the Mayor, Aldermen, Common- J3 Council, and Freemen of the City of Hartford, That no swine shall be allowed to go at large on the high- So swine u> ways or streets of said city, and if any person shall suffer S at large. his swine to go at large on said highways or streets, it shall be the duty of the haywards appointed by said city, or it shall be lawful for any person or persons to empound said To be im- swine in any pound within said city, and the owner or own- pounded, ers of such swine, shall pay the sura of three shillings law- ful money for each swine, before the same shall be released from said pound, and two shillings and eight pence thereof Fees for im- shall be to the person or persons who shall impound said pounding-. swine, and four pence to the pound keeper for his fees ; and in case the owner or owners of said swine, shall not within the term of twenty-four hours after said swine become im- pounded, pay the aforesaid sum of three shillings to the pound-keeper, and take his said swine from pound, the pound keeper shall sell the said swine at public vendue at said pound, to the highest bidder, setting up on the public sign post in said city, a written advertisement, of the time of said vendue, at least six hours before the same, and therein de- swine to be scribing said swine, and said pound keeper shall also one sold. quarter of an hour before any such veudue, beat or cause to be beat, a drum at or near said pound ; to notify the time thereof; and said pound keeper shall be allowed for his trouble, for every swine so sold by him in manner aforesaid, the sum of three shillings lawful money, from the avails of ? ees ^ or sel1 " such sale, and shall always either therefrom or from the mo- in ^' iiey received from the owner or owners of every swine, with- in one week after the same was impounded, pay the person or persons who impounded said swine, the aforesaid fee of p oundingto two shillings and eight pence thereof if demanded, and the be paid. 6* Title XIX. Taxation. remainder of said money after the aforesaid fees are satisti- ed, the pound keeper shall keep the term of one month from k-iTone ^ e sa * e ' * or ^ ie oxvuer or owliei ' s of such swine so sold, and month for if said owner or owners shall make good his title to said owner. suine, within said term of one moniji to the satisfaction of such pound keeper, he shall pay sai:i money to such owner or owners, and lake a receipt therefor. But in case no own- er, or owners shall make good his title to said swine in man- ner aforesaid, within said term of one month, then said mo- ney shall be to the treasury of said city, and each and every pound keeper shall once in three months, render an account of all and every swine so sold by him, and the price for which the same was so sold, to the treasurer of said city, and to him exhibit receipts of all monies paid the owner or owners of such swine, and fully account to said treasurer for all monies so had and received by him for the use of said city. 2. And it is further enacted, That if any person or per- 40*. for rescue. sons s hall rescue any swine taken up as aforesaid, out of the hand or custody of any person or persons going to pound therewith, or shall resist them therein, or shall by any means convey such swine out of the paund or custody of law con- trary to the tenor of this act, the party so offending shall for every such rescue, incur a penalty of two pounds lawful money, which shall be to the person or persons driving the 4/. for pound sarae to pound, and such person or persons may prosecute the same to effect ; and for every pound breach as aforesaid, every person so offending, shall incur the penalty of four pounds lawful money to the treasury of said city, and said pound keeper shall prosecute the same to effect. TITLE XIX. A By -Law relative to the mode of Taxation. [Enacted February 16, 1789.] [Approved. February 23, 1789. j [Published C.C. March 30, 1789.] WHEREAS it is reasonable that all taxes laid for the pre- servation of this City from Fire, should be assessed prin- cipally on property in said city exposed to Fire. B 1 iE it ordained by the Mayor, Aldermen, Common-Coun- ) cil and Freemen of the City of Hartford, That all Certain taxes taxes w hich may hereafter be raised for the preserva- Ssessm'ent vation of Sai ^ cit ? !' rom fire ' sha11 be assessed "P on the in ' habitants of said city, or owners of property therein liable to pay taxes, by tive persons to be chosen assessors for said purpose in legal city meeting, who shall assess the amount of every tax so laid upon the several inhabitants or owners of Sroperty in said city, according to their best judgment and iscretion, having principal regard to the property of stiid in- habitants or owners, ia said city, which is exposed to risque bv fire. Title XX. Watches. XXL Weights. 65 TITLE XX. An Act relative to Watches and Wards. [Enacted April 16, 1801.] .pproved April 16, 1801.] [Published C. C. April 20, 1801 ] ^ T) E it ordained by the Mayor, Aldermen, Common ' LJ Council and Freemen of the city of Hartford, That common coun- the court of Conimon Council oi' said city be, ami they here- c \\ ma y estab- fay are authorized and empowered to cause a watch to be lish a watch. kept in and for said city, from time to time and for such length of time, as said court of Common Council, shall deem requisite for the safety of said city; and for the purpose Mixy employ aforesaid, to cause suitable persons to be employed as watch- watchmen, men at the expence of said city. 2. And be it further ordained, That said court of Com- May appoint mon Council, be authorized from time to time, to appoint watch war- one or more watch wardens, whose duty it shall be to super- ^ ens - intend the watch, and cause the same to be faithfully kept, in such manner, and according to such regulations, as said court of Common Council shall prescribe. 3. And be it further ordained, That said court of Com- Ma 7 enable mon Council shall have power and authority to make regu- vvatcn to take lations to enable the watch to take up all persons that are "{* JUjJJJ out of their houses after certain times of the night, under hours, such restrictions and exceptions as the said court of Common Council may deem expedient ; and to make all other provis- ions and regulations relative to watches for the security of said city, that said council may deem necessary. 4. And be it further ordained, That if any watch-man Penalty for shall neglect faithfully to keep watch, according to the reg- neglect of du- ulations to be prescribed by said court of Common Council ; ^ such watchman shall, for every instance of such neglect, forfeit and pay a fine of two dollars to the treasurer of said city, for the use of said city. 5. And be it further ordained, That all expences, that Expences of, shall be incurred in carrying this by-law into effect shall be how Defrayed. defrayed by said city, out of taxes assessed and raised accor- ding to the regulations of a by-law, entitled " a by-law rela- tive to the mode of taxation." 6. And be it further ordained, That the by-law here- tofore made entitled, " a by-law regulating wards and watch- es" be and the same is hereby repealed. TITLE XXI. Weights and Measures. CHAP. I. An Act relative to Weights and Measures. [Enacted July 19, 1784.] [Approved July 20, 17S4.'] [Published C. C. July 27, 1784. s TJE it enacted by the Mayor. Aldermen. Common Penalty fee O Council, and Freemen of the City of Hartford, That knowingly to if any merchant, shop keeper, or retailer, living within the limits of said city., shall knowingly and with intent to de- 9 Title XXn. Wood. measures to be sealed. Penalty fov using such as are unsealed. Proviso. fraud, vend or put off' any article or. articles of commerce, at ami tor a greater or higher weight, measure- or quantity, lluiu th article or articles so disposed of does in reality weigh or men-lire : every person so oiiending being thereof convicted, shall iVrfeit and pay for every such oft'cuce, the sum of ten pounds one moiety thereof to the person who shall prose- cute the same to cifeet. and the other, hall' to the Treasurer of said city, for the use of said eily. .'. ilxil be if further enacted by the anthnritt/ a fort That if any merchant, shop-keeper, or retailer, -within said city, shall improve or make u.-_> of any vt eight or measure in his or her \\ are house, shop or store, for the purpose of ase.rriaining and determining the length, weight or quanti- ty of any article or articles of commerce by them sold, which weight or measure so by him or them used, has not been try- eel awl proved by the standard or standards of the town or city of Hartford, and hath not the seal or mark of the said town, or city officer proper to try and s^'uJ or mark the same thereon impressed,cvery person so offending and bci.ig (hereof convicted, shall for evcrj such oft'enee, forfeit and pay the sum of five pounds to the, treasurer of said city. 3. Provided nevertheless., That (his law is not to extend to any weight or measure for which there has been no stand- ard provided by said town or city, or for which there has b:\-n no sealer duly appointed and sworn into office ; until such standard shall be provided or sucli sealer be duly qual- ified. CHAP. II. A By-Law for regulating Fees for Sealing Weights and Measures. ! Enacted April 18, 1785 ] [Approved April 18, 1785.] [ Published C. C.May 3, 1785.] E it ordained by the Mayor, Mderme n. Common Council and Freemen of tlie city of Hartford, That the fees for Fees fir seal- inspecting, proving and sealing every and each measure and i:i weights pair of sieelyards, shall be three pence, lawful money : and .,:-,.! measures, the fees for inspecting, proving and sealing every weight of seven pounds and upwards, shall be the sum of two pence, lawful monf.'y, and for all and every smaller weight, the sum of one penny each. TITLE XXII. Wood. CHAP. I. An Act concerning the Measuring and Inspecting of Wood. d April 1, 1793.] [Approved April 1, 1793.] [Published C.C.April 22, 1793.] : ) . ' ordained by the Mayor, JHdermen. Common Conn- ln.snic-.ed and -O cil mid Freeman <>f the city of Hartford, That all lire- measurei!. vvood brought to market in boats, vessels or other water Title XXII. Wood. 67 sold within the limits of the city, shall be piled ou l;tit'l. Rspected by one of the Inspectors, of said city ac- law. and sold by measure. And if any person :y such wood so brought to market, by the , pile or in any other manner, without cording Penally. and incusi. !'' according to law. he shall forfeit the susii of three dollars for every oft'ence, to the use of him Mho shall prosecute the oiVender to effect. And every person sel- liiiir such wood shall forfeit for every offence the like sum, to the use of him who shall sue for and recover the s.iii;e. CHAP. II. A By-Law in addition to a By -Law concerning the inspec- ting and measuring of wood. [Enacted Oct. 7, 1811.] [Approved Oct. 31, 1811 J [Published C. C. Nov. 6, 1811.] . T)E it ordained by the Mayor, Aldermen, Common LJ Council, and freemen of the City of Hartford, " That all fire-wood brought into this city by land carriage Wood ioriuar- and sold to any person residing in this city shall be inspected ketto ! >e in- arid measured by one of the inspectors of said city and sold by specU ( |, c : | n measure, and a certificate of the measure under the hand of m an inspector shall be delivered to the purchaser at the time of sale ; and the inspector's fee for inspecting, measuring and , giving a certificate thereof sliall be six cents for each load of ^ pec wood, one half of which shall be paid '-y the purchaser and one half by the seller. , 2. And be it further ordained, That if any person shall rvmJty for sell or purchase any fire-wood brought into this citv as afore- bnyim;- or sel- .,*.. .* , i: .. 1 ... said, without having the same inspected and measured as aforesaid, every person so selling, and every person so pur- chasing, shall forfeit and pay the treasurer of this city for the use of the city a fine of one dollar for each and every load of wood so sold or purchased. 3. And be it further ordained, That a by-law in addi- tion tt) a by-law concerning the inspecting and measuring of wood, made and passed by the court of Common Council on the 26th day of March A*D. 1810 *, be and the same is here ky repealed.