R \THBTJN Decat>od Crustaceans from the Panama Region. m SMITHSONIAN INSTITl I UNITED STATES NATIO KUM Bulletin 103 CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE GEOLOGY AND PALEON- TOLOGY OF THE CANAL ZONE, PANAMA, AND GEOLOGICALLY RELATED AREAS IN CI TRAL AMERICA AND THE WEST INDIES DECAPOD CRUSTACEANS FROM THE PANAMA REGION By MARY J. RATHBUN Associate in Zoology, United States National Museum Eitract from Bulletin 103, pages 123-184, with Plates 54-6 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1918 SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM Bulletin 103 CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE GEOLOGY AND PALEON- TOLOGY OF THE CANAL ZONE, PANAMA, AND GEOLOGICALLY RELATED AREAS IN CEN- TRAL AMERICA AND THE WEST INDIES DECAPOD CRUSTACEANS FROM THE PANAMA REGION By MARY J. RATH BUN Associate in Zoology, United States National Museum, Eitract from Bulletin 103, pages 123-184, with Plates 54-66 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1918 Q E LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA BARBARA D3 DECAPOD CRUSTACEANS FROM THE PANAMA REGION. By MARY J. RATHBUN, Associate in Zoology, United States National Museum. INTRODUCTION. Fifty-eight species of Decapods are enumerated from the collec- tions examined by the author. Three species described by other authors are inserted in systematic order, thus making the list com- plete to date for the Panama region. All the available material in the United States National Museum from Panama and Costa Rica is included ; it ranges in age from the Oligocene (Culebra formation) to the Pleistocene. In the list of stations and the table of distribution the data relat- ing to Cirripedia from Dr. H. A. Pilsbry's report are included for convenience of reference. The literature on Panama Tertiary Decapods is so scanty that it is not surprising that nearly all of the forms now examined prove to be new. Six species previously described from living forms are here recorded from the Pleistocene (4 species) or the Pliocene (2 spe- cies). Thirty-nine species are described as new, three are types of new genera, and one of these is the type of a new family, the Ga- tuniidae. This is an extremely large and massive crab and combines the characters of the well-known Recent families, the Cancridae and the Portunidae. The most remarkable occurrence is that of a mem- ber of the Hexapodinae, that subfamily of the Goneplacidae in which the legs of the last pair are wanting. This is a small group of Recent crabs containing 5 genera and 8 species, and is strictly Indo-Pacific. The species from the Oligocene of Panama is the first one observed in a fossil state. Many other genera dealt with in this report have never before been found fossil. Such are Pachycheles, Petrolisthes, Axius, Hepatus, Mursia., Leiwosttia, Euphylax, Heteractaea, Eury- tiitm, Euryplax; and Cardisoma. As in all large collections of fossil crustaceans there are a number of fragments whose position is problematic. Some of these can be determined as to genera, others as to family only. 8370e 18 Bull. 103 9 123 124 BULLETIN 103, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. LITERATURE ON TERTIARY DECAPODS OF PANAMA. BOUVIER, E. L. Calappa Zurcheri, Crabe nouveau des terrains mio- cenes de Panama. Bull. Mns. Hist. Nat. Paris, vol. 5, 1899. pp. 189-192, 1 text-fig. Calappa zurcheri is not represented in the United States Geological Survey collections. TOTJLA, FRANZ. Die jungtertiare Fauna von Gatun am Panama- kanal. II. Teil. Jahrbuch der k. k. Geolog. Reichsanstalt. Wien, vol. 61, 1911, pp. 487-530 (1-44), pis. 30, 31 (1, 2). The herrnit-crab (Petrochirus) noted and figured by Toula (p. 511, pi. 30, fig. 13) I have ventured to describe as a new species, combining as it does the char- acters of the two nearly related Recent species which inhabit opposite sides of the continent. The " Krabbenscheren " of Toula (p. 512, pi. 30, fig. 14) are de- scribed below as a species of Callianassa, C. toulai. BROWN, AMOS P., and PILSBRY, HENRY A. Fauna of the Gatun For- mation, Isthmus of Panama. II. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila- delphia, vol. 64, Dec. 1912 (publ. Jan. 30, 1913), pp. 500-519, pis. 22-26. The author is indebted to Dr. H. A. Pilsbry for the loan of the specimens of Callianassa in the collection of the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences which were described by Brown and Pilsbry. They have been critically com- pared with those collected by the United States Geological Survey. LIST OF STATIONS FROM WHICH MATERIAL HAS BEEN EXAMINED, ARRANGED FROM THE EARLIEST TO THE LATEST, WITH THE SPECIES FOUND AT EACH. Station 6012a.* Panama Canal Zone. One-quarter mile south of Empire Bridge. From lower dark clay beneath lower conglomerate. Culebra formation (lower part). Oligocene series. Collectors. D. F. MacDonald and T. W. Vaughan; 1911. Balanus (Hesperi- balanus?), species. Callianassa lacunosa Eathbun. Station 6010. Panama Canal Zone. Near Panama Canal Station "1910," north of Pedro Miguel locks. From dark clay. Culebra formation (lower part). Oligocene series. Collectors, D. F. Mac- Donald and T. W. Vaughan; 1911. Mursia obscura Rathbun. Specimens in Museum, Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadel- phia. Panama Canal Zone. Las Cascadas section, Gaillard Cut. Lignitic layers about 65 feet below the base of Pecten bed at Tower N. Culebra formation (central part). Oligocene series. Collector, Prof. William B. Scott; 1911. Callianassa scotti Brown and Pils- bry. Callianassa spinulosa Rathbun. Callianassa quadrata Rath- bun. 1 The station numbers refer to the station book of Cenozoic Invertebrate fossils of th& United States National Museum. GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE CANAL ZONE. 125 Station 60191. Panama Canal Zone. Las Cascadas section, Gail- iard Cut. Four feet of dark, stratified tuff and clay immediately overlying the lower limestone bed. Culebra formation (upper part). Oligocene series. Collectors, D. F. MacDonald and T. W. Vaughan ; 1911. Callianassa scotti Brown and Pilsbry. CalUnectes, species, Panopeus, species. Specimen in Musewm, Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadel- phia. Costa Rica. Probably Culebra formation. Oligocene series: labeled "Miocene." Collector. W. M. Gabb. Callianassa scotti Brown and Pilsbry. Station 6019c. Panama Canal Zone. Las Cascadas section. Gail- lard Cut. Lower part of lime-cemented soft gray to olive-colored limestone, with central parting of dark clay. The first hard, limy sandstone bed above the lower limestone and just above 60196. Culebra formation (upper part). Oligocene series. Collectors, D. F. MacDonald and T. TV. Vaughan; 1911. - Callianassa vaughani Rathbun (probably). Callianassa f, species. Hepatus, species. Station 6019e. Panama Canal Zone. Las Cascadas section, Gail- lard Cut. Third hard sandstone bed from bottom. Culebra forma- tion (upper part). Oligocene series. Collectors, D. F. MacDonald and T. W. Vaughan ; 1911. Callianassa stridens Rathbun. Station 6012c. Panama Canal Zone. GaiUard Cut. Top part of limy sandstone below upper conglomerate, near foot of stairs. Culebra formation (upper part). Oligocene series. Collectors, D. F. MacDonald and T. W. Vaughan; 1911. Natantia, family, genus, and species indeterminable. Callianassa, species. CaUinectes^ species. Euryplax culebrensis Rathbun. Station 6020a. Panama Canal Zone. Las Cascadas section, Gaillard Cut. Lowest fossiliferous bed. Third bed below lowest limestone beds separated by rows of nodules. Culebra formation (lower part of upper half). Oligocene series. Collectors, D. F. MacDonald and T. W. Vaughan; 1911. Balanus (Hesperiba- lanus?). sp. Axivs reticulatm Rathbun. Callianassa ovalis Rath- bun. CaUianassa elongata Rathbun. Callianassa crassimana Rath- bun. Callianassa spinulosa Rathbun. CaUianassa quadrata Rath- bun. Callianassa abbreviata Rathbun. Callianassa magna Rath- bun. Goniochele f armata Rathbun. Calappella quadrispina Rath- bun. CalUnectes reticulatus Rathbun. Thaumastoplax prima Rath- bun. Brachyrhyncha, family, genus, and two species indeterminable. Station 6025. Panama Canal Zone. About 200 yards south of southern end of switch at Bohio Ridge station, relocated line Panama Railroad. Foraminiferal marl and coarse sandstone. Culebra for- mation (upper part). Oligocene series. Collectors, D. F. Mac- Donald and T. W. Vaughan: 1911. Carpilius, species. 126 BULLETIN 103, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Station 6019g. Panama Canal Zone. Las Cascadas section, Gail- lard Cut. Fifth or topmost limestone. Emperador limestone. Oli- gocene series. Collectors, D. F. MacDonald and T. W. Vaughan; 1911. Macrobrachium, species. Callianassa tenuis Rathbun. Mur- sm macdonaldi Rathbun. Parthenope panamensis Rathbun. Station 6003. Panama Canal Zone. Gatun section A, bed A (bot- tom, of section). Gatun formation (lower part). Miocene series. Collector, D. F. MacDonald. Callianmxa crassa Rathbun. Station 6029a. Panama Canal Zone. One-fourth to one-half mile beyond Camp Cotton toward Monte Lirio. From lowest horizon in big cut. Gatun formation (lower part). Miocene series. Col- lectors, D. F. MacDonald and T. W. Vaughan; 1911. Galluinassa vaughani Rathbun. Station G033b. Panama Canal Zone. Gatun section. Upper part of lowest bed. Gatun formation. Miocene series. Collectors, D. F. MacDonald and T. W. Vaughan; 1911. Lepas injudicata Pilsbry. ! Gatunia proavita Rathbun. Station 6030. Panama Canal Zone. One and one-half to 2 miles beyond Camp Cotton toward Monte Lirio. From 85-foot cut on north side of big swamp on relocated line, P. R. R. Gatun formation. Miocene series. Collectors, D. F. MacDonald and T. W. Vaughan: 1911. Balanus concavus rariseptatus Pilsbry. Callianassa vaughani Rathbun Gatunia proamta Rathbun. Station 5900. Panama Canal Zone. Gatun Locks. Gatun forma- tion. Miocene series. Collector, D. F. MacDonald; May, 1911: Gatunia proavita Rathbun. Catalogue No. 113706, U.S.N.M. Panama Canal Zone. Near Ga- tun. Gatun f ormation ( ? ) . Miocene series. Labeled "Miocene.-' Collector, Rev. J. Rowell. Gatunia proavita Rathbun. Station 5659. Panama Canal Zone. Near Gatun Dam. Gatun formation. Miocene series. Collector, one of the workmen ; shipped by D. F. MacDonald; 1911. Gatunia proavita Rathbun. Catalogue No. 135218, U.S.N.M. Panama Canal Zone. Gatun beds. Gatun formation. Miocene series. Collector, R. T. Hill. Callianassa Jiilli Rathbun. Catalogue No. 135219, U.S.N.M. Panama Canal Zone. Gatun beds. Gatun formation. Miocene series. Collector, R. T. Hill. Mursilia ecristata Rathbun. Station 5882k. Costa Ricn. Banana River: tenth fossiliferous zone below the uppermost one of the section. Probably equivalent to Gatun formation. Miocene series. Collector, D. F. MacDonald; 1911. Euphylax fortis Rathbun. Station 5882 j. Costa Rica. Banana River; ninth fossiliferous zone below the uppermost one of the section. Probably equivalent to Gatun formation. Miocene series. Collector, D. F. MacDonald; 1911. Euphylax callinectias Rathbun. GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE CANAL ZONE. 127 Station 588%i. Costa Kica. Banana River; eighth fossiliferous zone below the uppermost one of the section. Probably equivalent to Gatun formation. Miocene series. Collector, D. F. MacDonald; 1911. Callinectes declivis Rathbun. Station 5882h. Costa Rica. Banana River; seventh fossiliferous zone below the uppermost one of the section. Probably equivalent to Gatun formation. Miocene series. Collector. D. F. MacDonald; 1911. Leucosilia bananensis Rathbun. Station 5882g. Costa Rica. Banana River; sixth fossiliferous zone below the uppermost one of the section. Probably equivalent to Gatun formation. Miocene series. Collector. D. F. MacDonald; 1911. Leucosilia bananensis Rathbun. Station 588% f. Costa Rica. Banana River: fifth fossiliferous zone below the uppermost one of the section. Probably equivalent to Gatun formation. Miocene series. Collector, D. F. MacDonald; 1911. Leucosilia bananensis Rathbun. Catalogue No. 321$87, U.S.N.M.Cost& Rica. Moin Hill, near Limon. Probably equivalent to Gatun formation. Miocene series. Collector, H. Pittier. Callianassa moinensis Rathbun. Station oSSJfd. Costa Rica. Moin Hill; third fossiliferous zone below the uppermost; just above level of the rails in railway cut. Probably equivalent to Gatun formation. Miocene series. Col- lector, D. F. MacDonald; 1911. Callianassa moinensis Rathbun. Station 5906a. Panama Canal Zone. Chagres River, 50 to 75 feet below those of (17c) "5905" in lighter colored limestone according to incomplete evidence. Pliocene series. Collector, D. F. Mac- Donald; May, 1911. Balanus glyptopoma Pilsbry. Station 5903. Panama Canal Zone. From across Chagres River and probably 220 to 225 feet above level of river, top of hill opposite Alhajuela. Gray tufaceous limestone. Pliocene series. Collector. D. F. MacDonald; May, 1911. Balanus glyptopoma Pilsbry. Station 4269. Costa Rica. City of Port Limon. Port Limon formation. Pliocene series. Collector, Dr. L. A. Wailes. Pa- chycheles lotus Rathbun. Petrolisthes avitus Rathbun. Calappa costaricana Rathbun. Heteractaea lunata (Milne Edwards and Lucas). Cardisoma guanhumi Latreille. Station 5886. Mexico. From the Sayula District of Chiapas. On the Arroyo Chapapoapam. Pliocene series. Collectors, Dr. C. W. Hayes and others, 1911. Balanus glyptopoma Pilsbry. Station 6038. Panama Canal Zone. From black mud from lower end of Gatun Locks. Pleistocene series. Collector, D. F. MacDon- ald; 1911. Balanus eburneus Gould. 128 BULLETIN 103, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Station 5867. Panama Canal Zone. From dark mud formation, about 10 feet above present sea level, near lower end of Gatun Locks. Pleistocene series. Collector, D. F. MacDonald; April, 1911. Ba- lanus eburneus Gould. Station 5868. Panama Canal Zone. From Mount Hope. Swamp ditch. Black mud formation. Pleistocene series. Collector, D. F. MacDonald; April, 1911. Balanug eburneus Gould. Station 5850. Panama Canal Zone. Near Mount Hope in ditch through swampy ground. About one-fourth mile from present sea beach and about 6 to 8 feet above high tide. Pleistocene series. Collector. D. F. MacDonald; April, 1911. Macrobrachium?, species. Nephrops costatm Rathbun. Nephrops, species. Axiusf, species. Hcpatus chiliensis Milne Edwards. Calappa flammea (Herbst). Leucosilia jurinei (Saussure). Leucosiidae, genus and species inde- terminable. Arenaeus, species. Panopeus antepurpureus Rathbun. Panopeus tridentatus Rathbun. Eurytium crenulatum Rathbun. Uca maorodactylus (Milne Edwards and Lucas). Parthenope pleix- tocenica Rathbun. In the following table the Cirripedia (see pp. 185-188) are in- cluded with the Decapoda. The letter "n" after a name in the first column indicates a new species or a new genus. The numerical head- ings refer to the same stations as in the above list but are arranged serially instead of chronologically. GEOLOGY AXD PAUEOXTOLOGY OF THE CAXJLL ZQXE. 129 *PM*M t : : : : : : ::::::::: ::::::: -x = = = : EX '- "- "- tf m : x : -x -x : -: - -X -X -X -X -X -X -X - -X - - - -X - - XXX - - -X 130 BULLETIN 108, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. pepjooej iisnotiejcj GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE CANAL ZONE. 131 DESCRIPTIONS OF SPECIES. Subclass MALACOSTRACA. Order DECAPODA. Suborder NATANTIA. Family, genus, and species indeterminable. Plate 57, fig. 1. Locality. Panama Canal Zone. Top part of limy sandstone below upper conglomerate, near foot of stairs, Gaillard Cut. Upper part of Culebra formation. Oligocene series. D. F. MacDonald and T. W. Yaughan, collectors. 1911. Station 6012c. Cat. No. 324267. U.S.N.M. Material. One specimen showing three segments from the pleon of a shrimp. Pleon compressed laterally. Each of the two overlap- ping segments has the posterior angle produced backward in a rounded lobe of moderate size. Family PALAEMONIDAE. MACROBRACHIUM, .pecie.. Plate 57. figs. 4 and 5. Locality. Panama Canal Zone. Las Cascadas section, Gaillard Cut. From fifth or topmost limestone. Emperador limestone. Oli- gocene series. D. F. MacDonald and T. W. Yaughan. collectors, 1911. Station 6019^. Cat. Xo. 324256, U.S.N.M. Material. One propodus of left cheliped, minus finger. Slightly compressed, subcylindrical. Some of the outer crust is lacking, but in general, the segment widens rapidly for the proximal two-fifths, then widens gradually at the middle, but not at all in the distal two- fifths. There is no shallow sinus in the lower margin behind the finger, as in M. jamaicense* M. acanthurus panamense 2 and others; neither is the palm like that of M. mexicanum? which is not at all convex below, and has subparallel margins. The specimen resembles Macrobrachium, more than it does any marine genus now existing in Panamian waters. i Cancer (Autocue) jamaiccn*i* Herbst, Xatur. Krabben u. Krebsc. vol. 2. 1792, p. 57. pi. 27, flg. 2. 1 Rathbun, in Smlthson. Misc. Coll., TO!. 59, Xo. 13, 1912, p. 1. 3 Palaemon mcricanus Saussure. Mem. Soc. Phys. Hist. Nat. Geneve, vol. 14, 1858. p. 468 [52], pi. 4, flg*. 27, 27c. 132 BULLETIN 103, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Measurements. Length of palm, 13 mm. ; width, 4.3 mm. ; thick- ness, 3.7 mm. MACROBRACHIUM?, species. Plate 57, fig. 9. Locality. Panama Canal Zone. From near Mount Hope in ditch through swampy ground. About one-quarter mile from present sea beach, 6 to 8 feet above high tide. Pleistocene series. D. F. Mac- Donald, collector. April, 1911. Station 5850. Cat. No. 324248, U.S.N.M. Material. One segment (perhaps the carpus) of the second or krge pair of chelipeds, probably the left one. Subcylinclrical, en- larging gradually to the distal end, slightly curved, a longitudinal fow of 5 low conical spines irregularly spaced. Measurements. Length, 9.5 mm. ; diameter, 1.7 mm. Suborder REPTANTIA. Tribe ASTACURA. Family HOMARIDAE. NEPHROPS COSTATUS, new species. Plate 57, figs. 13-17. Type-locality. Panama Canal Zone. From near Mount Hope in ditch through swampy ground. About one-qnarter mile from present sea beach. 6 to 8 feet above high tide. Pleistocene series. D. F. MacDonald, collector. April, 1911. Station 5850. Types. Cat. No. 324246, U.S.N.M. Material. Three dactyl i of left cheliped, one of which is fairly complete and is taken as the holotype ; the other specimens show only the distal half or two-thirds. A fourth specimen (distal half only) represents a fixed finger perhaps and if so belongs on the left side. Holotype. Length 9.5 mm. In dorsal view the inner or right mar- gin is sinuous, the tip curved strongty inward; viewed from the inside, both edges are sinuous, curving downward toward the tip. Upper and lower surfaces a little flattened. Five longitudinal costae, 2 dorsal,. 2 ventral, 1 inner; each costa marked by a line of fine granules, with a row of punctae adjacent. On the proximal half GEOLOGY AXD PALEONTOLOGY OF THE CAXAL ZOXX. 133 there is some intercostal granulation. Prehensile edge armed with fine teeth and divided into 3 sinuses separated by 2 large teeth; the distal of these has its distal edge normal and its proximal edge oblique to the margin of the dactylus : the top of the other large tooth is broken off; the terminal bay has a somewhat enlarged, but still small, tooth at its middle. Paratypes.{a) Distal half of dactrlus. but with small tip lack- ing, same width as holotype; terminal sinus same length but more curved, so that the distal border of the boundary tooth is shorter: middle sinus half as long, nondentate, next boundary tooth broader than in holotype. (6) Dactylus with proximal end lacking, same width as holotype, costae more rounded, terminal sinus a little shorter, boundary tooth with end missing, enlarged middle tooth better developed than in holotype. pointing obliquely distad; middle sinus longer, boundary tooth broken. (c) Propodal (!) finger broader than the others, showing one sinus nearly equal to 2 sinuses of the holotype and limited by a large tooth with nearly equal sides. I have placed this species in Xephropg on account of the ribbed fingers irregularly toothed. The variations in the dactyl may repre- sent either individual or sexual variation. XEPHROI'S. ^eocs. Plate 57. fi?;. 25 and 26. Locality. Panama Canal Zone. From near Mount Hope in ditch through swampy ground. About one-quarter mile from present sea beach. 6 to 8 feet above high tidt-. Pleistocene aeries. D. F. Mac- " Donald, collector. April, 1911. Station 5850. Cat. Xo. 3-2424?, UJSL30I. Material. Dactylus of right cheliped, 12 mm. long; distal half moderately curved toward the propodal finger, but the whole finger strongly curved downward: 6 strong, longitudinal costae, 3 dorsal. 1 marginal, 2 ventral: about 9 linos of pnnctae: the prehensile teeth. 36 in all, are larger and more projecting in that two-fifths of the margin just posterior to the middle. After the above description was written the proximal half of the specimen was accidentally crushed and destroyed. Although the dactylus is much more curved than in any species of Nepkrops, yet its ornamentation is so similar to that of the preced- ing species, N. eostatus. that it is referred to the same genus. 134 BULLETIN 103, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Tribe ANOMURA. Super-family GALATHEIDEA. Family PORCELLANIDAE. PACHYCHELES LATUS, new species. Plate 57, figs. 21-23. Type-locality. Costa Rica; Port Limon. Pliocene series. Dr. L. A. Wailes, collector. Station 4269. Holotype, left manus with propodal finger; inner proximal corner of manus broken off. Para- type, left manus, with both fingers; proximal portion of manus broken off. Type. Cut No. 324264, U.S.N.M. Measurements. Width of palm, 4.6 mm. ; length of same to sinus, 5.1 mm. ; length to end of finger, 6.7 mm. ; greatest thickness, 2.3 mm. Holotype. Outer and inner margins thick and strongly curved in dorsal view; upper surface covered with granules crowded to- gether and of varying size ; the granules aTe continued on the outer surface and a little way on the undor surface ; they are then replaced by squamiform granules and short rugae which are continued over the inner surface. There are no marginal lines indicated. At the distal end, the width from the articulating condyle to the inner angle is nearly as great as to the outer margin. The fixed finger is short and stout, width subequal to length; a bit of the tip is, however, missing; a low tooth occupies the greater part of the basal half of the prehensile edge. Paratype. Smaller than the holotype and much worn so that the granulation is not well marked. Tooth at base of immovable finger- minute. Movable finger very short and broad, granulate, with a basal prehensile tooth, its surface granulate. In general shape and granulation, this form resembles the manus of the Recent P. grossi?nanus (Guerin) from Peru and Chile, but in the latter the outer margin is paved with larger granules forming a definite edge, and the propodal finger is longer and more curved. PETROLISTHES AVITUS, new species. 1'late 57, ii^s. 18-20. Type-locality. Costa Rica : Port Limon. Pliocene series. Dr. L. A. Wailes, collector. Station 4269. Type. Cat No. 324266, U.S.N.M. Holotype. Palm of left cheliped, showing the greater part of the upper and lower surfaces including the inner margin and the distal GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE CANAL ZONE. 135 articulating edge of the lower surface. Outer edge, proximal end, and finger missing. Upper surface covered with coarse granulated striae of very different lengths, varying from 1 to 10 or 12 granules, and arranged obliquely longitudinally. Lower surface covered with curved, wavy and punctate striae starting almost at right angles with the inner margin, curving slightly forward and then abruptly back- ward ; so that the greater part is more longitudinal than transverse ; the striae are somewhat subdivided and followed outwardly by shorter striae : at the inner end they terminate abruptly, so that from above they have the appearance of 13 truncated shallow teeth. Length 5.2 mm. This manus resembles that of two common recent species, P. armatus (Gibbes) 1 , and P. galatMnus (Bosc) 1 , both found on the At- lantic a.s well as on the Pacific side of the continent. The upper surface of the palm is similar in P. armatus, that is, it is ornamented with short, irregular striae, which are, however, parallel to the inner margin, while in the fossil form they diverge proximally from the margin. The lower surface of /'. avitus, on the other hand, resembles more closely that of P. galathinu*, but in the latter, the striae trend more strongly forward on leaving the inner margin, and that margin itself is not formed of such strongly marked teeth. Superfamdly THALASSINIDEA. Family AXIIDAE. AXIUS RETICULATUS, new .peties. Plate 57, figs. 2 and 3. Type-locality. Panama Canal Zone. Las Cascadas section, Gail- lard Cut. From lowest fossiliferous bed. Third bed below lowest limestone beds separated by rows of nodules. Lower part of upper half of Culebra formation. Oligocene series. D. F. MacDonald and T. W. Vaughan, collectors, lyil. Station 60200. Holotype.Cat. No. 324260, U.S.X.M. Left propodus of first pereiopod, embedded in a nodule and showing the finger and the greater part of the palm, except the proximal end and the distal upper corner. An impression of the same is shown in another piece of the nodule. The segment as uncovered is 14.3 mm. long, greatest height 5 mm., length of finger 7 mm. The palm is greatly swollen and at the top rounds over into a broad upper surface about 2.4 mm. in width. The shell is considerably cracked and in life may not have been as thick as it appears. The lower margin is sinuous, forming a bay at about the distal third of the palm; so far as the edge is pre- served it is formed of small bead granules. The outer and upper surface is ornamented with granules irregular in size and disposi- 1 PorceUana armata Gibbes, Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Scl., vol. 3, 1850, p. 190. * Porcellana fjalatfiina P.o?c. Hist. Nat. Crust., vol. 1, 1802, p. 233, pi. 6, fig. 2. 136 BULLETIN 103, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. tion, larger and thicker on the distal part midway between upper and lower margins, elsewhere smaller and to a large extent forming a reticulate pattern ; proximally on the upper part of the outer surface the raised reticulate lines are smooth, or non-granulate. The outer surface of the finger is rather regularly tapering, the lower margin directed slightly upward, the superior margin nearly straight; surface smooth; finger thick, the upper surface oblique or beveled; traces of fine teeth are visible on the prehensile edge. AXIUS?, species. Plate 57, fig. 10. Locality. Panama Canal Zone. From near Mount Hope, in ditch through swampy ground. About one-quarter mile from present sea beach, 6 to 8 feet above high tide. Pleistocene series. D. F. Mac- Donald, collector. April, 1911. Station 5850. Cat. No. 324250, U.S.N.M. Material. A single movable spine, 6.7 mm. long, with the tip broken off, resembles the styloid scaphocerite or movable acicle of the outer antenna of some species of Axius. The spine is somewhat 3-angled, the most acute edge being dorsal, the two blunt edges being nearer together and ventral. There are a few punctae : 4 large ones in a row on the ventral surface; 2 large, external, far apart, just below the upper margin; 4 small ones, internal, 3 of which form a triangle near the middle, while the other is nearer the distal end. Family CALLIANASSIDAE. KEY TO THE SPECIES OF CALLIANASSA HERB DESCRIBED. The material is insufficient to distinguish between the larger and the smaller chela of the same pair, which also may vary in shape and size in the two sexes. A 1 . Manus and carpus meeting in an oblique line. B 1 . Lower margin of nianus serrated ovalis, p. 137 B 2 . Lower margin of nianus smooth lacunosa, p. 138 A'. Manus and carpus meeting in a vertical line. B 1 . Lower margin of manus directed forward and upward, at least in part. C l . Palmar portion of manus distinctly longer than high. D 1 . Palm compressed. E 1 . Palm elongate; margins strongly convergent elongata, p. 131> E 1 . Palm less elongate; margins moderately convergent scotti, p. 140 D 2 . Palm swollen moinensis, p. 142 C 2 . Palmar portion of manus about as long as high, or shorter. Upper margin of manus directed forward and downward toward the lower margin. D 1 . Immovable finger very thin, a cross-section near its base being more than twice as long as wide. A strong tooth in the sinus between the fingers or on the base of the immovable finger splmdosa, p. 143 D*. Immovable finger thicker, a cross section near its base being less than twice as long as wide. A tooth in the sinus between the fingers but near the base of the dactylus tennis, p. 144 GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE CANAL ZONE. 137 A a . Manas and carpus meeting in a vertical line Continued. B 2 . Lower margin of manus directed straight forward or nearly so; ihat is, at right angles to its proximal margin. C*. Upper margin of manns snbparallel to lower margin. No tooth in sinus between fingers. Carpus much higher than long. D 1 . Lower margin serrulate 911 o.5 mm. ; least diameter of same, 4.2 mm. Holotype and paratypes. In the material included by Mr. Brown and Dr. Pilsbry under C. scottl are specimens of three species; two of these species were figured with the original description ; the larger species illustrated l by figures 1 and 3, plate 22, is chosen to bear the name scotti, and the original of figure 1 may be designated as the type-specimen, as it is free from the matrix and shows more of the characteristic granulation than does the original of figure 3, which is furnished with a propodal finger, but is half embedded in a matrix. It also shows, although roughly, a row of 5 pits on the upper margin ; this row, however, slopes downward a little distally on to the inner surface. The greatest height of the type is 27 mm., length at level of sinus between fingers, 28 mm. Still a third specimen, also a left manus, was taken at the same place ; the surface is much worn, but the proximal angles are well de- fined. The type-locality is in the lignitic layers, about 65 feet below the base of the Pecten bed at Tower N.. Las Cascadas section, Gail- lard Cut; Prof. W. B. Scott, collector, 1911. Type, Cat. No. 2259, Mus. Acad. Xat. Sci., Philadelphia. The hand mentioned by Brown and Pilsbry, 2 as collected by W. M. Gabb in Costa Rica, apparently belongs to C. scotti. It shows well the upper marginal row of pits, numbering 7, which drops distally on to the inner surface. The specimen is labeled "Miocene." Cat. Xo. 2255, Mus. Acad. Xat. Sci., Philadelphia. CALLIANASSA CRASSIMANA, new species. Plate 61, figs. 15-17. Type-locality. Panama Canal Zone. Las Cascadas section. Gail- lard Cut. From lowest fossiliferous bed, third bed below lowest limestone beds separated by rows of nodules. Lower part of upper half of Culebra formation. Oligocene series. D. F. MacDonald and T. W. Vaughan, collectors. 1911. Station 60200. Measurements. Distal height of palm, 22 mm. ; thickness of palm, at least 7.7 mm. ; length of crenulated lobe bordering dactylus, 10.2 mm.; upper length of dactylus (tip broken off), 18 mm.; greater diameter at the break near the tip, 1.7 mm. ; lesser diameter at same point, 1.3 mm. ; greater diameter at a break about middle of finger, 3.8 mm. ; lesser diameter at same point, 2.8 mm. Holotype. Cat. Xo. 324273, U.S.X.M. A portion of the distal end of the left manus with the propodal finger attached ; embedded in a nodule. This must have been a very large specimen. The oblique 1 Proc. Acad. Nat. Sic., Phlla., vol. 64, 1913, p. 503 Idem, p. 504. 142 BULLETIN 103, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. margin of the lobe of the maims which overlapped the dactylus is very oblique and is straight and deeply crenulated with about 16 crenules; the length of the lobe is as great as the distance across the adjoining sinus and the propodal finger. This sinus is very deep and proximally subtruncate. The immovable finger is very narrow in relation to the size of the palm; it is slightly compressed, and bends upward; on the inner surface just within the lower margin there is a row of punctae: on the outer face there are 3 larger spots, 2 near the lower margin and one near the sinus, which may be sockets lor setae. A tubercle on the outer surface just behind the sinus. The inner surface of the manus is deeply channeled out near the sinus between the fingers. The holotype is in two pieces, as the immovable finger is broken in two, the distal portion embedded in that half of the nodule which bears the imprint of the remainder of the holotype. This species is very near C. scotti, but has a larger sinus between the fingers, a longer propodal finger, and a shallower sinus in the lower margin of the manus just behind the finger. CALLIANASSA MOINENSIS, new species. Plate 60, figs. 1-3. Type-locality. Moin Hill, near Limon, Costa Rica. Probably equivalent to Gatun formation. Miocene series. H. Pittier, collector. Propodus of right cheliped, and an impression of half a finger. Measurements. Length (approx.) of manus, to sinus between fingers, 9 mm. ; height of same, 7 mm. ; thickness of same, 4.7 mm. ; length of immovable finger (tip broken off). 8.6 mm. Holotype. Cat. No. 324287, U.S.N.M. Palm much swollen, cross section ovate, lower margin viewed from the side very arcuate, upper margin slightly so. The surface has almost entirely lost the outer white layer, but the next layer is gra} r and is crossed transversely by many very short rugae, which are strongest on the lowest part of the outer surface. There is a distinct line below dividing the inner from the outer surface and marked by an irregular row of very fine punctae. On the inner surface considerably below the upper margin there is a row of large punctae. The immovable finger is slender, bent downward and curved inward. It has 7 more or less defined ridges, the bluntest of which is the most inferior; either side of the ridge representing the pre- hensile edge there is a granular ridge, the outer of which is less elevated ; in addition, there are 2 ridges on the outer surface and one on the inner; near each ridge there is a row of fine punctae. Pre- hensile edge armed with small irregular teeth. There is an unusually deep furrow above the principal ridge on the inner surface. GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE, CANAL ZONE. 143 Paratype (a). Cat No. 324287. U.S.XJL On a small piece of crumbling rock there is an impression of the distal half of a finger, but not the finger of the holotype. The impression has a similar curvature and 3 rows of punctae are present. Paratype (6). Cat No. 324288, U.S.NJL Moin Hill, Costa Rica ; third fossiliferous zone below the uppermost : just below level of rails in railway cut Probably equivalent to Gatun formation. Oligccene period. D. F. MacDonald, 1911. Station 5884J. A right propodus without finger, similar in size to the holotype and corresponding in its characters. CALLIAXASSA SPIKULOSA, mew specie*. Plate GL figs. 6-9. Callianassa cotti Pttsarr (part), Proc. Acad. Xat. ScL Phila., voL 64, 1913, p. 503 (not pL 22, figs. 1-3). Type-locality. Panama Canal Zone. Las Cascadas section, Gail- lard Cut From lowest fossiliferous bed, third bed below lowest limestone beds separated by rows of nodules. Lower part of upper half of Culebra formation. Oligocene series. D. F. MacDonald and T. W. Yaughan, collectors. 191L Station 6020o. Holotype. Cat No. 324272, U.S.X3L Left propodus which was encased in a nodule ; the manus has been removed except the proximal part of the outer surface; of the propodal finger only the impression remains. Length of manus less than greatest height; the upper and lower margins converge distally, the upper margin convex, the lower sinuous. Outer surface very convex in a vertical direction, having a few scattered granules, also a short vertical line of 3 granules near the upper distal corner, a row of 6 distant granules just above the lower margin, and a sharp grannie near the sinus. The lower margin is very thin and serrated: between the serrations are the truncated bases of movable spines; 9 such spines remain. Upper edge bluntly margined. Inner surface convex except near the inferior and distal margins : a row of 3 granules on the middle line. 2 above the base of the propodus, 2 parallel to the lower margin, and many small granules just above that margin. An obliquely longitudinal line of pits below the upper margin. The propodal finger is very much smaller than the dactylus and thin: a cross section near its base is somewhat diamond-shaped, the impression of the thumb (viewed sideways) is subtriangular. end curved upward : prehensile edge concave ; at its base in the sinus be- tween the fingers there is a short but strong curved tooth; on both outer and inner surfaces of the thumb, leading down from the palm, there is an oblique ridge. Measurements. Length of propodus to end of finger (approx.), 22.4 mm. ; length of manus, measured on the inner side, to sinus, 14.7 144 BULLETIN 103, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. mm.; greatest height (proximally), 15.3 mm.; least height (distally), 13.3 mm. Paratypes. (a) One left propodus with about half of the fixed finger attached was taken in the lignitic layers, about 65 feet below the base of the Pecten bed at Tower N., Las Cascadas section, Gail- lard Cut; central part of Culebra formation, Oligocene series; Prof. W. B. Scott, collector; 1911 (Mus. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia). The specimen is half embedded in a nodule which conceals the inner surface and the upper part of the outer surface. It is nearly as large as the type. It shows the large tooth at the proximal end of the pre- hensile edge of the fixed finger, the tubercle on the outer surface near the sinus between the fingers, and roughly, the ornamentation on the lower edge of the palm. (b) From the same source, a similar left propodus half embedded in a nodule but so as to expose the inner surface and the upper edge ; it shows the characteristic row of pits on the inner surface just below r the upper edge, the row sloping downward distally. (c) Also a third specimen, free from the matrix but with the edges broken ; it shows the palmar ridge leading to the fixed finger and the basal tooth on the edge of the latter. CALLIANASSA TENUIS, new species. Plate 60, figs. 13 and 14. Type-locality. Panama Canal Zone. Las Cascadas section, Gail- lard Cut. From fifth or topmost limestone. Emperador limestone. Oligocene series. D. F. MacDonald and T. W. Vaughan, collectors, 1911. Station 6019^. ffolotype.Csit. No. 324282, U.S.N.M. Left manus with propodal linger broken off, segment shorter than its greatest height, in general subrectangular, with upper and lower margins converging distally; outer surface very convex from top to bottom; upper and lower edges marginate, the lower one very thin; inner surface convex ex- cept near the bottom where it is flat, at the proximal end where there is a furrow parallel with the articulation, and near the distal sinus where there is a depression. The propodal finger is very much smaller than the dactylus, and its cross section is suboval with pointed ends ; the sinus is about as wide as the thumb ; it bears, close up to the insertion of the dactylus and on the edge of the outer sur- face, pointing forward, a short, broadly triangular spine. Surfaces much worn, so that it is difficult to tell Avhether unevennesses are natural or not. Measurements. Length of mantis, measured to sinus, 11.4 mm.; greatest height, 13 mm. ; distal height, 10.3 mm. ; thickness, 5.3 mm. GEOLOGY AXD PALEONTOLOGY OF THE CANAL ZONE. 145 CALLIAS ASSA QUADRAT A. mew jrrirt Plate 62, figs. 4-14. Calliana**a scotti BBOVVX and PILSBBY (part), Proc. Acad. Nat. Set Phila.. voL 64, 1913, p. 503, pL 22, fig. 2 (not figs. 1 and 3). Represented by 2 specimens of the left manus from which the propodal finger has been broken off. The smaller one is used as the type, as it is the better preserved. Type-locality. Panama Canal Zone. Las Cascadas section. Gail- lard Cut. From lowest fossiliferoiis bed, third bed., below lowest limestone beds separated by rows of nodules. Lower part of upper half of Culebra formation. Oligocene series. D. F. MacDonald and T. W. Vaughan, collectors. 1911. Station 6020o. Holotype and paratype. Cat. No. 324275, U-S.N M. Measurement* (in mm.). Holotype. Paratype. Height of manus near middle 13.3 15.3 Length of manus measured to sinus 12. 8 15. 7 Thickness of manus a 2 7.5 Holotype. Hand squarish, with the corners rounded off. The upper and lower margins are subparallel. the upper slightly arched, the lower with a shallow distal sinus. Distal margin, at the articula- tion with the dactylus, nearly vertical. Outer surface slightly con- vex in a longitudinal direction, strongly convex vertically, furrowed at the distal end across the middle third: inner surface moderately convex except at the distal and lower portions, where it is concave : there is a groove just above the lower margin which widens as it ap- proaches the finger. Lower margin serrulate : upper margin bluntly angled except in the distal third, where it is rounded: just within this margin there is a row of sockets of which 3 can be made out. On the outer surface near the sinus between the fingers there is a tubercle and near the carpus 3 granules far apart in a vertical row: on the inner surface there is a row of granules, running almost longi- tudinally near the middle and thence downwards toward the sulcus between the fingers; 2 tubercles near the articulation with the dac- tylus. Propodal finger narrow, much compressed, subtriangular at the base in cross section, with the small end of the triangle down. Base of dactylus very large. Paratype (a). Larger than the type: upper margin straighter: the tubercle on the outer surface near the sinus is of good size; on the inner surface near the middle there are numerous grannies instead of the single row in the holotype: 2 tubercles near the dactylus. Doubtful specimen. A. single specimen of a left carpus, from the same locality as the types may belong to the same species. The inner surface is mostly concealed by the matrix. Outer surface 146 BULLETIN 103, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. very convex from the upper to the lower margin ; convexity akin to that of the manus of this species, which is the reason for placing the carpus here rather than with Callianassa elongata or any other species occurring at the same locality. Carpus about If times as high as its greatest width, which is in the upper part; the angle formed by the superior and the distal margins is a little less than a right angle; superior margin straight; distal angle projecting above the articulation with the manus. The inferior distal angle projects even more below the articulation; the angle is obtuse; from it the margin rounds downward and then upward in a single curve; the lowermost part is finely serrate. Measurements. Height of carpus, between distal angles, 18.3 mm. ; greatest height, 18.8 mm. ; greatest width, 12.8 mm. : width on upper margin, 12 mm. ; greatest width below the articulation with the merus, 11.8 mm. Four specimens before me from the collection of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia belong to this species; they are one right and three left chelae and form part of the material referred by Brown and Pilsbry to their C. scotti. (Paratype b) One left chela is that figured on plate 22, fig. 2. 1 All are larger than the type ma- terial described above, but so far as their characters are preserved they agree in essentials with the type. (Paratype c) The right chela (the largest specimen) its about 23 mm. long by 21.2 mm. wide, and possesses a longer piece of the propodal finger than the other speci- mens; the exposed cross section of the finger is oval. (Paratype d) The shortest of the left chelae has a large part of the outer layer pre- served on the infero-distal and inferior surface, where it is covered with granules, arranged without regularity except for a row on the outer surface parallel and close to the lower edge. This row is not visible in my figure 14, plate 62. The longest of the left chelae (Paratype e) is about 24 mm. by 19 mm., that is, considerably nar- rower than (c). CALLIANASSA TOULAI, new species. " Krabbenscheren " TOULA, Jahrb. der k. k. Geolog. Reichsanstalt, vol. 61, 1911, p. 512 [26], pi. 30 [1], fig. 14. Founded on two chelae, one with palm 20.6 mm. long, 16.5 mm. wide, the other (without movable finger) with palm 9.4 mm. long, 5.5 mm. wide. Outer surface of palm arched, inner surface almost flat and with a flat depression close to the lower margin and extending from the fixed finger. The upper and lower margins are sharp, the former bears 3 spinelike projections directed forward, the lowest spine ends 1 Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vol. 64, 1913, p. 503 GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE CANAL ZONE. 147 in a sharp margin ; lo\ver margin very finely and sharply granulate to the finger tip. Outer surface smooth and glossy, thickly covered near the lower margin with fine granules. Inner surface covered with very small, oblong punctae. A stout tooth on the prehensile margin of the immovable finger visible from the outside; another tooth on the movable finger, visible from the inside. Type-locality. Gatun. Miocene series. CALLIANASSA ABBREVIATA, new species. Plate 63, figs. 1-6. Type-locality. Panama Canal Zone. Las Cascadas section, Gail- lard Cut. From lowest fossiliferous bed; third bed below lowest limestone beds separated by rows of nodules. Lower part of upper half of Culebra formation. Oligocene series. D. F. MacDonald and T. W. Vaughan, collectors. 1911. Station 6020a. 4 specimens. Types. Cat, No. 324274, U.S.N.M. Mea-swements. Length of manus to sinus, 10.3 mm.; greatest height, 10 mm.; distal height, 8.4 mm. Holotype. Specimen of right manus partially embedded, showing inner surface and half of outer surface; an imprint of the inner sur- face of the holotype is seen on a separate piece of rock. Length and height subequal; infero-proximal angle a right angle, upper margin convex. Outer surface slightly convex from end to end, more so from top to bottom. Inner surface equally convex in both directions, with a furrow close to the proximal end ; an oblique furrow near the lower edge, directed slightly upward distally, and a depression leading to the sinus between the fingers and to the adjacent part of the immov- able finger: on the oblique raised line below this depression, there is a row of 4 granules. Upper and lower edges margined ; the lower edge shows, in the impression, about 18 dots, but whether these are punctae or spinules on the outer surface can not be told. There is a line of 6 punctae just within the upper margin. A few scattered punctae on inner surface. An oblique cross section of the thumb is small and somewhat diamond-shaped; above this section there is a blunt tooth; sinus between the 2 fingers V-shaped. The impression shows a little more of the length of the thumb than remains in the type, but represents neither the full length nor width. Paratype (a). Left manus, larger than the holotype. and free from the matrix; immovable finger broken off; edges worn; inter- digital tooth present, and near by on the outer surface, a granule. Paratype (6). A fragment, comprising the distal lower end of the propodus with broken finger attached : interdigital tooth present. 148 BULLETIN 103, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. CALLIANASSA HILLI, new species. I 'late 58, figs. 18-20. Type-locality. Gatun beds, Panama Canal Zone. Gatun forma- tion. Miocene series. Kobert T. Hill, collector; Station 18. Types. Cat. No. 135218, U.S.N.M. Measurements. Greatest height of carpus of right cheliped. 10.2 mm. ; superior length of same, 10.3 mm. Material. 3 pieces of rock from the same place contain fragments of Callianassa which belonged to at least 2 specimens and probably represent a single species. The largest piece contains 2 fragments. each consisting of a right merus and carpus (the better preserved of these may be considered the holotype) ; the imprint of a right wrist and hand ; the distal half of a right propodus and a portion of the dactylus. The second piece of rock has been broken from the first and contains the continuation of the right propodus, with carpus and merus attached (paratype ), also the first 4 segments of the third right leg. The third piece of rock contains the sixth joint of the tail (paratype b). The following description is compiled from all the specimens: The merus of the right cheliped has the outer margin prominently carinate with a smooth rounded carina; upper margin granulated. In both instances the merus is so flexed beneath the carpus that the lower margin is not visible. The carpus is about equally long and high ; its upper margin is slightly convex to a point near the articula- tion with the merus : distal margin slightly concave, but nearly ver- tical ; margin from the infero- distal angle to the merus strongly arcu- ate. Manus about as long as high, moderately convex, outer surface more so than inner; lower margin nearly straight; just above it on inner surface a row of many fine punctae from which setae may have sprung; this row is continued on the propodal finger; the latter is only partly uncovered ; it is flat on the inner side, at least half as long as the manus and its lower margin is a straight line continuous with that of the manus. The right leg of the third pair is very much like the corresponding member in C. stimpsoni Smith, the Callianassa of the Atlantic coast of the United States. The sixth segment of abdomen or tail is subrhomboidal, with a con- striction behind the middle; the segment is much wider in front than behind ; the depressed portion at the anterior middle was hidden in life under the fifth segment. CALLIANASSA VAUGHANI. new species. Plate 63, figs. 10-13. Type-locality. Panama Canal Zone. From 85-foot cut on north side of big swamp on relocated line, Panama Railroad ; H to 2 miles GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE CANAL ZONE. 149 beyond Camp Cotton toward Monte Lirio. Gatun formation. Miocene series. D. F. MacDonald and T. W. Vaughan. collectors. 1911. Station 6030. Holotype and 2 paratypes. Cat. No. 324285, U.S.N.M. Holotype. Portion of the right claw, comprising the distal end of the manus and both fingers ; outer surface only. Height of manus at distal end equal to length of dactylus measured on the chord from the tip to the middle of its articulating edge; surface convex from upper to lower edge. Fixed finger wide in its proximal half, then abruptly narrowed ; distal half directed slightly upward ; length twice as great as basal width. The ends of the fingers are somewhat crushed; the movable finger curves strongly downward and appears to overreach the tip of the immovable finger, being at right angles to it ; its lower edge has two teeth, one near the articulation squarish, broader than long, the other smaller, separated by a rounded sinus. At the sinus distal to this tooth is the widest interdigital gape: a little further on the fingers would meet for a ways, if they were closed, while liie tips would cross each other. The greatest width of the dactylus is a little more than a third of its greatest length, measured in a straight line. The oblique edge of the propodus which projects over the dactylus is crenulate. On the manus near the gape of the fingers there are 3 tubercles in a curve parallel with the edge. Behind the crenulation there are 2 scale-like sockets from which setae probably arose, and behind these a vertical thumb-nail impression. Near the supero- distal angle of the manus there is another socket. On the proximal half of the dactylus there are 9 sockets of larger size than those on the manus and irregularly disposed; 2 are on the larger prehensile tooth and one on the smaller. Paratype (a). Left manus. both sides visible. A smaller speci- men than the holotype. Upper and lower margins distally converg- ing. Length a little more than greatest width. Outer surface con- vex in both directions, but more so from top to bottom. Surface for the most part smooth and shining. The ornamentation is like that of the type, that is, a crenulated edge on the lobe which overlaps the dactylus, a row of tubercles just behind the gape the lower of the 3 tubercles is broken off above this 2 sockets, and then a very short thumb-nail impression, followed by a socket near the upper angle. The upper margin is subacute in its proximal half, becoming gradu- ally blunt toward the distal end; on either side is a row of sockets; 3 are visible on the outer surface and 5 on the inner; lower margin sharp, also with a row of sockets on either side; 5 are visible on the outer side and about 10 on the inner side in the distal half; the proximal half is broken. There are a few punctae scattered about the outer surface; while on the inner surface near the depression 150 BULLETIN" 103, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. leading to the gape there is a double row of granules, 8 of which can be made out. The edge overlapping the dactylus is crenulate on the inner surface. Paratype (). Portion of left propodus showing part of finger and a small part of the manus. Surface shining. Three tubercles near gape, and continuing the same curve along the upper part of the outer surface of the finger, there is a granule followed by 2 sockets. Measurements. (Approximate only.) Holotype: Distal height of manus, 19.3 mm. ; length of dactylus from tip to proximal end of upper margin, 23.5 mm.; height of dactylus, measured straight up from the edge of the basal tooth, 8.6 mm.; length of immovable finger measured along the prehensile edge, 15 mm. ; height of same at base, 7 mm. Paratype (a) : Length of manus across middle, 19.5 mm. ; proximal height, 16.7 mm. ; distal height, 15 mm. ; greatest thickness, 6.6 mm. Paratype (&) : Height of immovable finger at base, 5.8 mm. Additional localities. Panama Canal Zone. Las Cascadas sec- tion. From lower part of lime-cemented soft gray to olive -colored limestone with central parting of dark clay. The first hard, limy sandstone bed above the lower limestone just above Station 60195. Upper part of Culebra formation. Oligocene series. D. F. Mac- Donald and T. W. Vaughan, collectors. 1911. Station 6019c. One left propodus with most of the fixed finger attached. The specimen is so bruised and crushed that its identity can not be determined with certainty. Cat. No. 324283, U.S.N.M. Also, from the same place, a right dactylus from a cheliped of much smaller size. Its identity is uncertain. It lacks the large teeth on the cutting edge, but it may belong to the feebler of the two chelipeds, or to a female. There is evidently a shallow sinus at the base, followed by a low broad tooth. Six sockets for setae can be made out. The thick outer crust has nearly all broken away. Cat. No. 324283, U.S.N.M. Panama Canal Zone. From lowest horizon in big cut from to % mile beyond Camp Cotton toward Monte Lirio. Lower part of Gatun formation. Miocene series. D. F. MacDonald and T. W. Vaughan, collectors. 1911. Station 6029a. Left manus, about 9.6 mm. long, measured at the level of the articulating condyle of the dactylus; edges mostly broken and obscured. Identification based (1) on the general contour of the surface, (2) the color, a light drab, (3) the margin adjacent to the articulating condyle of the dactylus, and (4) 2 sockets just below the upper margin on the inner surface. Cat. No. 324284, U.S.N.M. GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OP THE CANAL ZONE. 151 CALLIANASSA STRIDENS. new species. Plate 61, figs. 12-14. Type-locality. Panama Canal Zone. From third hard sandstone bed from bottom. Las Cascadas section. Upper part of Culebra for- mation. Oligocene series. D. F. MacDonald and T. W. Vaughan, collectors. 1911. Station 6019e. Cat. No. 324281, U.S.N.M. Holotype. Manus of a left cheliped. Only the upper two-thirds is visible, the lower third is embedded in rock. Upper margin horizontal, distal and proximal margins vertical, supero-posterior corner rounded. Upper edge thin, a little sinuous, viewed from the top. On the inner surface a little below the upper edge there is a row of 8 short vertical ridges, which occupies the whole length of the segment. This may have been a stridulating mechanism. Measurements. Superior length of manus, 11 mm.; thickness, 3.1 mm. CALLIANASSA MAGNA, new species. Plate 62, figs. 1-3. Type-locality. Panama Canal Zone. Las Cascadas section, Gail- lard Cut. From lowest fossiliferous bed. Third bed below lowest limestone beds separated by rows of nodules. Lower part of upper half of Cuiebra formation. Oligocene series. D. F. MacDonald and T. W. Vaughan, collectors. 1911. Station 60200. Cat. No. 324270, U.S.N.M. Measurements. Greatest length of movable finger (tip broken off) , 33 mm. ; greatest height, 13.2 mm. ; thickness, 0.8 mm. ; length of basal sinus, 6 mm. Holotype. The only specimen is a movable finger or dactylus of the right cheliped. It is very much worn and a considerable portion of the tip is lacking. The lower border is thin, but the remainder is thick and in cross section subcircular, and tapers gradually to- ward the distal end. At the proximal end below there is a broad sinus ; the thin prehensile edge is slightly concave, viewed from out- side, and feebly denticulate, especially when view r ed from inside; there is a somewhat larger and better preserved tooth just within the margin at the widest part of the finger. Upper margin in outer view straight in its proximal half, gently curved distally. In dorsal view the finger is much curved and in the middle of its upper surface there is a longitudinal row of four large punctae. In its general shape, including the basal sinus, this dactylus re- sembles that of C. pellucida Rathbun, from the Leeward Islands, a description of which is about to be published by the Carnegie In- stitution, but the prehensile edge is thinner and more laminate and the inner outline more concave in dorsal view instead of almost straight as in that species. 152 BULLETIN 103, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. CALLIANASSA CRASSA, new species. Plate 61, figs. 1-3. Type-locality. Gatun section A, bed A (bottom of section). Lower part of Gatun formation. Miocene series. D. F. Mac- Donald, collector. Station 6003. Two dactyli of the left cheliped. Types. Cat. No. 324276, U.S.N.M. Measurements. Length of dactylus, 16.3 mm. ; height, 6.2 mm. Holotype. Outer and upper surfaces exposed, outline of tip ob- scure. Viewed from the outside the upper outline is arcuate and the tip bent down below the prehensile edge, which is nearly horizontal. Viewed from above, the outer line is much curved and the inner line nearly straight. On the prehensile edge there is a shallow basal sinus, followed by a very low, broad tooth; rest of margin faintly sinuous. The surface shows a number of granules, some large, others small; the Inrge ones are about 7 on the outer surface and 5 on the upper surface: of the former, 2 are submarginal, one of them being above the lobe, the other half way to the tip; the other 5 external granules are disposed on the distal half: the 5 superior granules are arranged in 2 rows, one row of 3 toward the inner surface, and the other row of 2 granules toward the outer surface; the proximal of these is double. On the middle of the outer surface there is a patch of about 50 small granules. The chalky- white outer layer of the shell has crumbled away except near the edges, so that one can not tell whether the granules were apparent on that surface. Color of sur- face now exposed dull light bluish. Paratype. About two-thirds as large as the holotype, and with both ends of the finger missing. Granules as follows : 3 large above the lower margin, 2 as in the holotype, the other above the basal sinus; on the inner surface are 3 similarly spaced but placed more distad. On the upper surface there is a row of 4 toward the inner surface, and below the second one from the proximal end are 2 near together. The small granules are more separated than on the holo- type and are distributed chiefly on the upper half of the outer surface. CALLIANASSA, species. Plate 59, fig. 5. Locality. Panama Canal Zone. Top part of limy sandstone be- low upper conglomerate, near foot of stairs, Gaillard Cut. Upper part of Culebra formation. Oligocene series. D. F. MacDonald and T. W. Vaughan, collectors. 1911. Station 6012r. Cat. No. 324277, U.S.N.M. Material. Manus of left cheliped of a small specimen. Outer sur- face visible. Very convex from top to bottom, a deep groove next to the edge articulating with the carpus; upper and lower margins ill- defined. GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE CANAL ZONE. 153 CALLIANASSA ?, species. Plate 64, fig. 10. Locality. Panama Canal Zone. Las Cascadas section. From lower part of lime-cemented soft gray to olive-colored limestone (with central parting of dark clay). The first hard, limy sandstone bed above the lower limestone just above station 60195. Upper part of Culebra formation. Oligocene series. D. F. MacDonald and T. W. Vaughan, collectors. 1911. Station 6019c. Cat. No. 324280, U.S.N.M. Material. One small specimen resembling in shape the merus joint of the smaller of the chelipeds of the first pair. If the above guess be correct, this is from the right cheliped. The two oblique grooves near the distal end may have been artificially produced. Family PAGURIDAE. PETROCHIRUS BOUVIERI, new .pecies. " Petrochirus cf. granulatus Olivier sp." TOULA, Jahrb. der k. k. Geolog. Reichsanstalt, Wien, vol. 61, 1011, p. 511 [25], pi. 30 [1], fig. 13. Gatun; Miocene (Toula). Not represented in the collection at hand. There are two recent species of Petrochirus on opposite sides of the continent, namely, P. bakamensis (Herbst) 1 ^:^. granulatus (Olivier), which extends from Florida to Brazil, and P. calif orni- en-sis Bouvier 2 taken at La Paz, Mexico, and in Ecuador. One of the principal differences between them lies in the ornamentation of the chelae. The right chela of P. bahamensis is covered chiefly with fan-shaped clusters of granules, all of which trend forward and present a smooth, oval side-face when viewed dorsally; the clusters vary in size, and some are composed of only 2 granules, while others are represented by only one granule ; all are fringed anteriorly with hair, which fills the interspaces. The right chela of P. calif omiensis has similarly clusters and single granules, but the clusters are not fan-shaped but round, or nearly round, and are composed of a large smooth central granule surrounded by small granules tipped with a sharp, horny point ; the granules are much more elevated and have a more dorsal inclination than in bahamensis; the single granules are also more numerous than in that species. The right chela of the fossil specimen figured by Toula resembles that of P. calif orniensis. The left chela of P. bahamensis is covered with fan-shaped clusters of granules like those on its right chela, but the clusters are more 1 Cancer lahamensis Herbst, Naturg. d. Krabben u. Krebse, vol. 2, 1796, p. 30. ' Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat., Paris, 1895, p. 6. 154 BULLETIN 103, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. crowded, and single granules are fewer. The left chela of P. cali- fomiensis is covered with clusters like those on its right chela but more crowded, and the granules of which they are composed are of a smaller average size. The left chela of the fossil agrees more nearly with that of P. bahamensis. We therefore have a Tertiary species combining the characters of two Recent species, at least as far as the chelae are concerned, possess- ing the right chela of one and the left chela of the other. Tribe BRACHYURA. Subtribe DROMIACEA. Family DROMIIDAE. Genus GONIOCHELE Bell. GONIOCHELE? ARMATA. new species. Plate 57, figs. 11 and 12. Type-locality. Panama Canal Zone. Las Cascadas section, Gail- lard Cut. From lowest fossiliferous bed. Third bed below lowest limestone beds separated by rows of nodules. Lower part of upper half of Culebra formation. Oligocene series. D. F. MacDonald and T. W. Vaughan, collectors. 1911. Station 60200. Movable finger of the left cheliped. Cat. No. 324259, U.S.N.M. Measurements. Length of movable finger (tip broken off) , 19 mm. ; width at about the middle, 6 mm. ; greatest thickness, 4.5 mm. Holotype. The shape is elongate-triangular viewed from outside, the prehensile edge being nearly straight and the upper edge slightly arched; outer surface convex in both directions. The prehensile edge has a sinus at its base, defined distally by a broad tooth which is at present truncate, but may have been prolonged in two small teeth ; beyond are four teeth separated by rounded sinuses and with their tips missing; the first two are spiniform, the last two broad and thin. The upper margin bears 5 low, spaced teeth, while just within and alternating there is a line of 3 teeth. On the outer sur- face are 2 rows of tubercles not far from the margins, 4 in the lower and 3 in the upper row; the proximal tubercle in the upper row is bifid. On the inner surface are 5 tubercles besides those above mentioned, 2 in a longitudinal row in the middle, 2 on the distal half a little above the prehensile edge, and 1 small one toward the top and behind the middle. GEOLOGY A-ND PALEONTOLOGY OP THE CANAL ZONE. 155 I have placed this specimen in Goniochele * on account of the dactylus being armed on both edges, as in G. angulata Bell, 2 the type of the genus, and because the general shape of the segment is similar. In Bell's species the dorsal surface is smooth. Subtribe OXYSTOMATA. Family CALAPPIDAE. HEPATUS CHILIENSIS Milne Edwards. Plate 66, fig. 4. Hepatus chiliensis MILNE EDWARDS, Hist. Nat. Crust., vol. 2, 1837, p. 117. Locality. Panama Canal Zone. From near Mount Hope in ditch through swampy ground. About one-quarter mile from present sea beach, 6 to 8 feet above high tide. Pleistocene series. D. F. Mac- Donald, collector. April, 1911. Station 5850. Cat. No. 324235, TJ.S.N.M. Material. Dactylus of right chela, 5.3 mm. long. This little specimen shows all the essential characters of recent individuals of this species : 8 shallow rounded teeth on the lower margin ; a row of 5 tubercles on the proximal part of the upper margin and a row of 4 tubercles just below and on the outer surface; still further down, 2 more tubercles; a stridulating ridge on the inner surface just below the upper edge is formed of upwards of 45 fine parallel striae and occupies the greater part of the length of the finger. Distribution of Recent material. Ranges at the present time from Ecuador to Chile. HEPATUS, species. Plate 66, fig. 12. Locality. Panama Canal Zone. From lower part of lime-cemented 'soft gray to olive-colored sandstone (with central parting of dark clay). The first hard limy sandstone bed above the lower lime- stone just above fossil lot No. 60195. Upper part of Culebra forma- tion. Oligocene series. D. F. MacDonald and T. W. Vaughan, collectors, 1911. Station 6019c. Cat. No. 324239, U.S.N.M. Material. One dactylus of left chela, much worn and incom- plete at both extremities; the proximal half of the upper margin is also wanting. The curves in side view are much like those of 77. chiliensis Milne Edwards. 3 Both inner and outer surfaces are 1 A Monograph of the Fossil Malacostracous Crustacea of Great Britain, pt 1, 1857, p. 25. 2 Idem, pi. 4, fig. 6. 8 Hist. Nat. Crust., vol. 2, 1837, p. 117. 8370 18 Bull. 103 11 156 BULLETIN 103, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. convex from top to bottom. The prehensile edge has traces of 2 small teeth, one near the base and one at about the distal third. There are also various depressed granules or pits, namely, a row of 5 small ones on the upper margin; opposite the distal one of these there is a larger one on the inner surface; and 3 or 4 on the outer surface. These are all sunken so that they do not project above the present surface, which is not the true outer surface. This finger is not quite so flat inside as H. chiliensis. Measurements. Length of dactylus, 13.6 mm.; height at middle. 3.6 mm. ; thickness at middle, 2.7 mm. CALAPPA COSTARICANA, new species. Plate 57, fig. 24. Type-locality. Costa Rica: City of Port Limon. Port Limon formation. Pliocene series. Dr. L. A. Wailes. 4269. Flolotype.C^t. No. 324240, U.S.N.M. A triangular fragment measuring about 9 mm. on each margin, representing the propodal finger and the infero-distal portion of the palm of a left chela of the weaker form that is, without a strong submarginal tooth or lobe characteristic of the stronger chela in Calappa. Lower margin very sinuous, the tip of the finger directed upward, proximal half of margin armed with 6 strong tubercles directed distally. Just above, on the outer side, and beginning nearer the finger-tip there is a row of 11 smaller tubercles, normal to the surface. The prehensile edge is nearly straight, inclined at an angle of about 75 with the lower margin of the palm, and is furnished with 6 large, unequal tubercles, which end at the small sinus which ordinarily exists just beloAv the raised margin surrounding the articulation with the dactylus; on the upper side of this sinus are 2 small tubercles, and above this point, the specimen comes to an end. The outer surface is covered with upward of 40 flattened scale-like tubercles pointing upward; they are separated from the submarginal row by a smooth depres- sion. The propodus is thick and the inner surface is beveled, the bevel for the most part smooth ; remainder of inner surface studded with very unequal pearly granules and tubercles ; interspace crowded with fine punctae ; 2 sinuous ridges run toward the finger-tip. This species resembles C. gallus (Herbst) 1 , which is found living at the present time from Florida Keys to Bahia, Brazil. The fossil species differs in the very prominent tubercles of the lower margin of the palm and the longer tubercles of the submarginal row just above, on the outer surface. 1 Cancer gallus Herbst, Natur. Krabben u. Krebse, vol. 3, pt. 3, 1803, pp. 18 and 46, pi. 58, flg. 1. GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OP THE CANAL ZONE. 157 CALAPPA FLAMMEA (Herbst). Plate 61, figs. 4 and 5. Cancer flammeus HERBST, Naturg. d. Krabben u. Krebse, vol. 2, 1794, p. 161, pi. 40, fig. 2 ; vol. 3, pt. 3, 1803, p. 19. Locality. Near Mount Hope, Panama Canal Zone, in ditch through swampy ground about one-fourth mile from present sea beach, 6 to 8 feet above high tide; Pleistocene series; D. F. Mac- Donald, collector. April, 1911. Station 5850. Cat. No. 324237, U.S.N.M. Represented only by one dactylus or movable finger belonging to the stronger chela. The milling of the stridulating ridge on the inner surface just below the upper edge is more strongly marked than in most of the recent specimens examined. Measurements. Extreme length, 15 mm. ; width just distal to the upper marginal tooth, 4.7 mm. Distribution of Recent material. From North Carolina to Colom- bia and Venezuela. CALAPPA ZURCHERI Botmer. Catoppa zurcherl BOUVIEK, Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, vol. 5, 1899, p. 190, text-fig. Panama. Lower Miocene. Not represented in the Museum collection. CALAPPELLA, new genus. Carapace very little broader than long, without clypeiform ex- pansions, but with a spine at the junction of the antero-lateral and postero-lateral borders, and a spine at each end of the posterior border. Front small, projecting forward beyond the orbits. Orbits small, directed forward. In the narrow front and small orbits, this genus resembles Calappa, but in its narrow carapace armed with 4 slender spines, it differs from that genus as well as from all other Calappinae. Type of the genus. Calappella quadrispina, new species. CALAPPELLA QUADRISPINA, new species. Plate 58, figs. 1 and 2. Type-locality. Panama Canal Zone. Las Cascadas section, Gail- lard Cut. From lowest fossiliferous bed; third bed below lowest Hmestone beds separated by rows of nodules. Lower part of upper half of Culebra formation. Oligocene series. D. F. MacDonald 158 BULLETIN 103, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. and T. W. Vaughan, collectors. 1911. Station 6020. Cat. No. 324238, U.S.N.M. Measurements (approx.). Length of carapace (spines excluded), 14 mm.; width (spines excluded), 14.4 mm. Holotype. Species represented by one specimen showing part of the carapace and no appendages, enclosed in a nodule which has been broken in two. Nodule not much larger around than the carapace. Carapace nearly as long as wide, spines excluded ; width between outer angles of orbits a little greater than posterior margin. Chord of the antero-lateral margin nearly twice as long as that of the postero-lateral margin. Antero-lateral margin divided into 2 parts, the anterior two-fifths being slightly convex, the posterior three- fifths very convex with a tubercle at its middle. Postero-lateral mar- gin somewhat sinuous, but in general concave; posterior margin slightly convex, about twice as long as the slender spine at either end which is directed backward and slightly outward. Lateral spine also slender, but longer, half as long as the postero-lateral margin and pointing obliquely backward. The central and anterior part of the surface of the carapace is lacking. There are, however, two oblique, parallel, branchial fur- rows ; between them a row of 3 tubercles and some scattered granules ; the outer part of the branchial region is higher and rough with irregular tubercles which are more or less confluent. Cardiac region high, with a median tubercle on its posterior slope; in almost the same plane transversely, but on a lower level, there is another tubercle on each side just above the postero-lateral margin. There is a very small hollow in the nodule where the point of the front rested, and on the other half of the nodule may be seen the lower surface of the front where it joined the interantennular septum. The orbits are small, their upper and lower margins formed by two teeth, the innermost advanced, separated by a blunt V-shaped sinus. On the lower surface, the inner tooth of the orbit is considerably elevated (that is, ventrally). A sharp ridge runs obliquely back- ward from or near the epistome, and is armed with a tooth at its posterior third. MURSIA MACDONALDI, new specieg. Plate 58, flg. 21. Type-locality. Panama Canal Zone. Las Cascadas section. Fifth or topmost limestone. Emperador limestone. Oligocene series. D. P. MacDonald and T. W. Vaughan, collectors. 1911. One specimen, part of left cheliped. Station 6019^. Cat. No. 324229, U.S.N.M. GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE CANAL ZONE. 159 Measurements. Length of palm between articulations, 19 mm.; height (approx.), 10.2 mm. Represented by the left palm only, which has the customary Calap- poid form, and a portion of the immovable finger ; the edges are not well shown; two teeth may be seen near the distal end of the upper margin. The only details of the outer surface that can be made out are a few large tubercles, more or less compressed as in Recent species of Mursia; these tubercles number about 15; there is a row of 4 a little above, and subparallel to, the lower margin; from these 4 tubercles irregular rows extend obliquely upward, trending toward the fingers ; including those of the horizontal row, those of the distal oblique row are 4, of the second row 5, of the third row 3, of the proximal row 3; these rows are not strictly parallel nor their tuber- cles regularly spaced. The lower proximal tubercle is the largest and most compressed. There is an indication of the distal spine of the arm- joint, which may be seen in the figure. Resembles Mursia armata de Haan, 1 but in that species the prin- cipal tubercles of the hand are 9, arranged in 3 parallel and fairly regular rows. MURSIA OBSCURA, new species. Plate 61, fig. 18. Type-locality. Near Panama Canal Station " 1910," north of Pedro Miguel locks, Panama Canal Zone. From dark clay, lower part of Culebra formation. Oligocene series. D. F. MacDonald and T. W. Vaughan, collectors. 1911. Station 6010. Cat. No. 324225, U.S.N.M. Measurements of fragmentary specimen, 8.2 mm. long, 9 mm. wide. Uolotype. The central part of the carapace, devoid of its margin, except perhaps the middle of the posterior margin. This fragment is embedded wrong side up in a piece of rock; only the thin outer crust of the specimen remains and its under surface alone is visible. It has been referred to this genus because the cavities or pits, which represent tubercles on the dorsal surface of the shell, are arranged much as in Mursia. There are 5 longitudinal rows of these pits : The median row consists of 3 large pits., one cardiac, one genital, one gas- tric, preceded by 2 small pits side by side; the two lateral rows (on each side) are very little oblique to the median line, but sub- parallel to each other; the inner of these rows consists of 4 pits, the penultimate one being in a transverse line with the last pit of the median row ; the last pit of the inner lateral row is round and deep 1 Fauna Japonlca, 1839, p. 73, pi. 19, fig. 2. 160 BULLETIN 103, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. and indicates a large excrescence, perhaps a spine, on the dorsal sur- face; 3 pits only are visible in the outer row, the middle pit is in transverse line with the anterior pit of the other rows, while the anterior pit of the outer row is not quite in line with the two behind it. Either side of the pair of small submedian gastric pits there is a large cavity. The furrows separating the branchial from the gastric and cardiac regions are indicated by sinuous ridges. Judging from the proximity of the rows of pits, this carapace is narrower in proportion to its length than in other species of Mursia. This together with the evidence of a strong prominence near the postero-lateral borders points to a genus different from any described. MURSILIA, new genus. The manus resembles that of Mursia, but lacks the crest or ridge on the inferior margin. . Type of the genus. Mursilia ecristata, new species. MURSILIA ECRISTATA, new species. Plate 57, fig. 27. Type-locality. Gatun beds. Gatun formation. Miocene series. "Robert T. Hill, collector. Holotype.Cat. No. 135219, U.S.N.M. Measurements. Length of palm, 9.8 mm., height of palm, 7.4 mm. Represented by only one specimen showing the right palm and a portion of the wrist. Palm short and high. Surface finely and rather distantly granulated on the upper half of the outer surface and at the proximal end ; more closely granulated on the lower sur- face. There are 9 large tubercles arranged in 3 oblique, subparallel rows ; the tubercle at the inferior proximal corner is much the largest, is flattened above and has a raised rim; between it and the next tubercle in the horizontal row, but a little below, there is a smaller tubercle. Below the distal tubercle of the horizontal row of 3, and nearer the inner than the outer surface there is a small tubercle. On the upper margin there are 7 narrow, thickened teeth similar to those of Calappa. . Below the sinus between the fifth and sixth teeth (counting from the wrist) there is a low tubercle; also one on the base of the second tooth. A part of a tubercle near the beginning of the immovable finger is visible. The outline of the wrist is defined, but very little of the surface remains ; a small piece near the distal upper corner is granulated like the upper half of the palm. The tuberculation of the manus or palm resembles that of Mursia, the dentation of the upper margin is nearer that of Calappa, while GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE CANAL ZONE. 161 the segment differs from both those genera in lacking the crest on the lower margin of the palm. Family LEUCOSIIDAE. LEUCOSILIA JURINEI (Saussnre). Gruaia (ilia) jurinei SAUSSUBE, Rev. et Mag. de Zool., No. 8, 1853, p. 12, pi. 13, fig. 4. Leucosilia jurinii BELL, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, vol. 21, 1855, p. 295, pi. 32, fig. 1. Locality. Panama Canal Zone. From near Mount Hope in ditch through swampy ground. About one-quarter mile from present sea beach, 6 to 8 feet above high tide. Pleistocene series. D. F. Mac- Donald, collector. April, 1911. Station 5850. Material. Six small arm- joints more or less worn; four of them are incomplete at one or both ends. Size. Length of a large one, 5.6 mm. Distribution of Recent Material. Ranges from Mazatlan, Mexico, to Peru and the Galapagos Islands. LEUCOSILIA BANANENSIS, new species. Plate 57, figs. 6-8. Type-locality. Banana River, Costa Rica. Probably equivalent to Gatun formation. Miocene series. D. F. MacDonald, collec- tor. 1911. Station 5882A, 56, 1 arm. holotype, from seventh fos- silif erous zone below the uppermost one of the section. Station 5882^, 5#, 1 arm, paratype (a) , from sixth fossiliferous zone below the up- permost one of the section. Station 5882/, 3/, 1 arm, paratype (6), from fifth fossiliferous zone below the uppermost one of the section. Types. Cat. Nos. 324230, 324231, and 324232, U.S.N.M. Measurements. Length of holotype, 11.1 mm.; greatest diameter, 4.2 mm. Represented by only 3 arms from 3 different layers. The best specimen represents the left arm nearly complete, lacking only the distal articulating edge. Shape subcylindrical, slightly compressed in a vertical direction, the greatest diameter being proximal to the middle, the smallest diameter at the proximal end. The ornamentation consists of tubercles or large granules, the granules becoming small at both ends of the arm ; around the middle of the segment the granules number about 15 ; the tops of the granules are broken off so that they appear much flatter than they really were. Compared with L. jurinei, the arm is more swollen, the granules less numerous, more equal and further apart. 162 BULLETIN 103, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. 'LEUCOSIIDAE?, genus and species indeterminable. Plate 60, figs. 7 and 8. Locality Panama Canal Zone. From near Mount Hope in ditch through swampy ground. About one-quarter mile from present sea beach, 6 to 8 feet above high tide. Pleistocene series. D. F. Mac- Donald, collector. April, 1911. Station 5850. Cat. No. 324236, U.S.N.M. Matei^ial. Dactylus of left chela, 11.4 mm. long, with proximal end lacking. This dactylus differs from those of Persephona and allied genera in its strong curvature upwards, supposing the pre- hensile edge to be directed inwards. This edge is nearly straight except just at the tip and is armed with 25 small unequal teeth, 2 of which in the proximal third are the largest. Besides this edge the surface is composed of 4 high, smoothly rounded ridges separated by narrow grooves; 2 of the ridges are inferior, and 2 superior, the outermost of the latter embracing the outer edge and having a longi- tudinal row of punctae near its middle. Each side of the prehensile edge there are 2 or 3 rows of punctae. Tip of finger bent rather abruptly but obliquely inward, while in its upward trend it continues the curve of the rest of the dactylus. Subtribe BRACHYGNATHA. Superfamily BRACHYRHYNCHA. Family PORTUNIDAE. CALLINECTES DECLIVIS, new species. Plate 66, figs. 1-3. Type-locality. Banana Eiver, Costa Rica. Eighth fossiliferous zone below the uppermost one of the section. Probably equivalent to Gatum formation. Miocene series. D. F. MacDonald, collector. 1911. Station 5882i; 5c. Cat. No. 324262, U.S.N.M. Measurements. Greatest height, 14 mm.; length of manus meas- ured horizontally from extreme base of proximal spine, 21 mm.; thickness, 9.2 mm. Holotype. The propodus of the left cheliped, with the tip of the finger broken off. The palm is prismatic as in recent species of Callinectes, with 7 facets, more or less distinct ; 4 facets on the outer surface and 3 on the inner surface. The surface, or what remains of it, is smooth and shining to the naked eye, but under a lens, shows very fine granulation, and larger scattered punctae. The facets are separated by blunt ridges; one facet is a little above the middle of GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE CAN*AL ZONE. 163 the outer surface, and has subparallel margins ; the facet below this widens distally and its lower edge, not very prominent, is continued upon the finger, where it is sharper ; the lower facet of the outer sur- face is not sharph- marked; the facet above the middle narrows slightly toward either end and has raised margins; at its proximal end there is the stout base of a large spine such as exists in Callinectes of the present day. The upper facet of the inner surface is narrow, wider in the middle than at the ends, and is not depressed, its distal outer corner only is visible when the manus is viewed externally; at the distal end just outside the inner margin is an indication that a spine has been broken off. The remainder of the inner surface is divided into 2 facets of nearly equal width separated by a prominent ridge. The finger is a little curved inward; on the outer and inner sur- face there are 2 grooves, each with a row of large punctae, the groove at the middle of each surface being deeper than that near the pre- hensile teeth. The teeth are of moderate size, irregular, the larger ones alternating with one or two smaller ones ; at the broad proximal end of the cutting edge there are 2 small teeth side by side, one near the inner the other near the outer surface. This propodus differs from those of all the Recent Callinectes in the position of the uppermost facet. In G. sapidus, etc., this facet is a part of the outer series, that is, continues the slope of the adjoining facet on the outer surface ; while in the fossil it inclines downward toward the inner surface except at the distal end where it is nearly horizontal. Furthermore, the propodus is shorter in proportion to its height than in recent Callinectes. I have placed this species in Callinectes rather than in Portunus (=Neptunu# of authors) because the palm is nearer the shape of Callinectes than it is to similar segments in the genus Portunus, as P. sanguinolentus ; the fossil is very unlike any Portunus now living on the coast of tropical America. CALLINECTES RETICULATUS, new species. Plate 66, figs. 5-7. Type-locality. Panama Canal Zone. Las Cascadas section, Gail- lard Cut. From lowest fossiliferous bed; third bed below lowest limestone beds separated by rows of nodules. Lower part of upper half of Culebra formation. Oligocene series. D. F. MacDonald and T. W. Vaughan, collectors. 1911. Station 60200. Cat. No. 324261, U.S.N.M. Measurements. Greatest height of manus, 15.6 mm.; length of manus measured horizontally on middle of outer surface, 19.2 mm. ; thickness, 10 mm. 164 BULLETIN 103, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Holotype. The propodus of the right cheliped, the immovable finger being broken off near its middle. In shape, this hand is shorter, higher, and thicker than the pre- ceding. The surface, aside from the ridges and the uppermost facet is covered with a fine reticulation of transverse grooves. The facets are 7 in number and in position are like those of C. declivis, except- ing that the narrow uppermost one which appears to belong to the inner surface in C. declivis is more horizontal in C. reticulatus and forms the upper surface of the segment. The next facet on the outer side is narrowest at the distal end and widens to the middle, after which the margins are subparallel; the next facet widens distally, and the next also, but in a lesser degree : the lower facet is ill defined. The 2 facets of the inner surface are subequal and widen distally. There is the base of a tooth at the inner distal end of the upper facet, and a short blunt spine at the distal end of the crest between the upper and middle facets. If there was a tooth at the proximal end it is broken off. The propodal finger bears on its upper edge the stumps of 3 sub- equal teeth; nearer the palm on the same surface there are 2 small acute tubercles transversely placed, the inner one the larger. Aside from the difference in shape and ornamentation between this species and the preceding, there is a difference in the form of the facets which may be seen by comparing figures 5 to 7 with 1 to 3 on plate 66. CALLINECTES, species. Plate 65, figs. 1 and i>. Locality. Panama Canal Zone. From the 4 feet of dark, strati- fied tuff and clay immediately overlying the lower limestone bed, Las Cascadas section. Upper part of Culebra formation. Oligo- cene series. D. F. MacDonald and T. W. Vaughan, collectors. 1911. Station 60196. Cat. No. 324255, U.S.N.M. A specimen of a left manus and carpus, very much worn, the upper and lower margins and the distal end of the manus being lacking. The palm is narrower than in C. reticulatus described above; the facet near the middle of the outer surface is wider than in C. declivis, and widens distally instead of having subparallel margins as in that species. CALLINECTES, species. Plate 65, fig. 7. Locality. Panama Canal Zone. From top part of limy sandstone below upper conglomerate, near foot of stairs, Gaillard Cut. Upper part of Culebra formation. Oligocene series. D. F. MacDonald GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE CANAL ZONE. 165 and T. W. Vaughan, collectors. 1911. Station 6012c. Cat. No. 324268, U.S.N.M. The distal third of the immovable finger of a claw of a Callinectes- On the prehensile edge is shown the most distal of the large teeth customary in the genus followed (toward the tip) by 3 smaller teeth: the tip is defective, having been broken off, then reattached in the wrong place. There is a punctated groove down the middle of the inner and the outer surface. Of the species of Callinectes living on the Pacific coast of America r this fragment resembles most C. toxotes Ordway, 1 which occurs from Cape St. Lucas to Peru. ARENAEUS, species. Plate 64, fig. 1. Locality. Panama Canal Zone. From near Mount Hope in ditch through swampy ground. About one-quarter mile from present sea beach, 6 to 8 feet above high tide. Pleistocene series. D. F. Mac- Donald, collector. April, 1911. Station 5850. Cat. No. 324252, U.S.N.M. Material. Five fingers worn and more or less incomplete. Prob- ably all are movable fingers or dactyli. Length of most perfect specimen. 8.2 mm. On the outer surface there are two grooves dotted with minute punctae; one is shallow and near the prehensile teeth, the other is above the middle of the segment; on the upper surface there are also two punctated grooves, but near together, while the inner surface has two furrows similar to those of the outer surface. Three or four of the prehensile teeth are enlarged as is usual in Portunids, and the tip is curved downward. There are evidences of close granulation on the uppermost ridges and on the proximal part of the segment. This is near A. mexicanus (Gerstaecker 2 ), a Recent species which occurs from the west coast of Mexico to Peru. The shape, curvature, tmd granulation are similar, but three of the six grooves belong defi- nitely to the outer surface. EUPHYLAX CALLINECTIAS, new gpecies. Plate 65, figs. 3-6. Type-locality. Banana River. Costa Rica ; ninth f ossilif erous zone below the uppermost one of the section. Probably equivalent to Gatun formation. Miocene series. D. F. MacDonald, collector. 1911. Station 5882?; U. Cat. No. 324234, U.S.N.M. 1 Boston Joura. Nat. Hist., vol. 7, 1863, p. 576. 2 Euctenota mexicana Gorstaeeker, Arch, fiir Naturg., vol. 22, pt. 1, 1856, p. 131, pi. 5, figs. 3 and 4. 166 BULLETIN 103, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Measurements. Length of carapace, 45 mm. ; gastro-cardiac suture. 9.6 mm. Holotype. One male specimen, showing parts of the upper and lower surfaces, but no appendages. The outer layer of the shell of the carapace remains only in the central part, where the gastric, branchial and cardiac regions meet. This surface is granulated and areolated much as in Collinectes^ that is, the regions are separated by definite depressions, the gastro-cardiac groove is transverse, there is an areola at the inner angle of the branchial region, but there is a shallower division into 2 lobules than in Callinectes. The post- gastric area is incomplete anteriorly, so that it is impossible to tell whether it is marked by a raised and granulated margin; the shape of this area most nearly resembles that of G. exasperatus (Ger- staecker 2 ), and its granulation that of C. bocourti A. Milne Edwards, the granules being absent or sparse along the lateral and posterior borders. Across the middle of the gastric region runs a blunt eleva- tion, concave forward. The branchial region is divided in two by a depression running obliquely backward and outward. These last two features suggest the carapace of Euphylax dovii Stimpson, 8 a species now existing on the Pacific coast of America, between Central America and Payta, Peru. Anterior margin very broad, as in E. dovii, most of it being occupied by the orbits; the front is narrow, T-shaped, much con- stricted at base; the anterior part of the T has a concave surface and is deflexed to meet the epistomial spine. This is more advanced than the front; its tip is broken off. The upper margin of