Rir.. DEFT, ^k .,-p \b 1903. WESTERN AUSTRALIA. T HI IE * OF Horticulture and Viticulture OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA. BY A, DESPEISSIS, M.R.A.C. 2ND EDITION. P E E T H : BY AUTHORITY : WM. ALFRED WATSON, GOVERNMENT PRINTER. 1903. ^^^^^^^^> '^'^^ PREFACE To First Edition. As it is a physical impossibility for the Yiticnltural and Horticultural Expert of the Bureau to be in all places at all times, ;and as the demands for Mr. Despeissis' advice have been so great, the Bureau of Agriculture considered it advisable to have Mr. Despeissis' views on cultural matters embodied in book form. Before commencing the HANDBOOK OF HORTICULTURE AND VITI- CULTUEE OP WESTERN AUSTRALIA, which is now presented to the reader, Mr. Despeissis visited all the districts in the South- Western Land Division of the Colony, so "he knows whereof he speaks." Neither the Bureau of Agriculture nor Mr. Despeissis have spared pains or expense to make the Handbook as complete as the some- what limited time at the authors' disposal would permit. It was hoped that the HANDBOOK would have been issued before the present planting season, but the work insensibly outgrew its originally prescribed limits. The HANDBOOK has been written as much for the new-comer as those already settled upon the soil, and for this reason chapters on the preliminary preparation of the land have been included. Errors, almost inseparable from the some- what hurried preparation of a book requiring a vast amount of thought and research, may be discovered in these pages, but it is to be hoped they will be immeasurably counterbalanced by the mass of valuable information the HANDBOOK contains. In conclusion, the Bureau of Agriculture would take this opportunity of acknow- ledging the kind assistance received from the Hon. the Minister of Agriculture of New South Wales, the proprietors of the " Austra- lian Agriculturist," Messrs. Sandover & Co., and others, in lending many of the blocks which illustrate this volume. L. LINDLEY COWEN, Secretary Bureau of Agriculture of Western Australia. Perth, 12th July, 1895. 270426 PREFACE To the Second Edition. To W. PATERSON, Esq., the Director Department of Agriculture of Western Australia. For several years past, the demand for the HANDBOOK OF HORTICULTURE AND VITICULTURE OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA has been so persistent that a second edition of the work, long] since]out of print, had to be taken in hand. In this volume much of what appeared in the first one] "is reproduced, but to such an extent has the work been re- handled that it is only in name that it may be said to be related to the HANDBOOK issued by the direction of the Bureau of Agriculture. Owing to the pressure of work on the eve of my leaving Western Australia for a visit to the vinegrowing districts of Algeria, Spain, Portugal, and the South of France, I have delegated to one better qualified than myself the care of preparing the chapters dealing with the description of the more common insect pests of our orchards, and of those beneficial insects which do duty as natural checks to these pests ; and in the hands of our entomologist, Mr. G-. Compere, the subject will be dealt with authoritatively. To Mr. Lindley Cowen, the late Secretary of this Department, the idea of bringing out this book belongs, and I have endeavoured to carry out as best I could the plan he had thought out. . I have also to acknowledge the valuable assistance given to me in bringing this book out by Mr. G-. Chitty Baker, the editor of the Journal of this Department. In collating the mass of information which will be found grouped within the several chapters of this HANDBOOK I have, as far as possible, acknowledged the sources whence that information was derived ; and the value of those sources, together with the personal experience I have been able to gain in questions dealt with in the following pages, will, I hope, be of some benefit to those who may consult this book. A. DESPEISSIS, M.R.A.C. Department of Agriculture, Perth, W.A., 30th June, 1903. CONTENTS. PAGE Introductory West Australia as a Fruit Land 5 Our Soils 15 Bingbar king and Clearing Land 22 Preparing Land for Planting 35 Drainage ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 40 Shelter 45 Fencing ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 51 Laying out the Ground ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 56 Planting 63 Grafting .' ... 86 Budding "... 106 Pruning ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 114 Vine Pruning 119 Summer Pruning ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 169 Irrigation and Eoot Management ... ... ... ... ... 193 What Fruit to Grow 204 Small Fruits 285 Tropical Fruits 303 Fruit Drying 316 Drying Vegetables ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 326 Fruit Candying 327 Canning and Fruit Pulp 331 Pulping Fruit 335 Gathering and Marketing Fruit ... ... ... ... ... 337 Rules for Exhibitions and Judging 358 The Oversea Fruit Trade ... 365 Wine Making ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 374 Unfermented Grape Juice 470 Infertile Grape Vines 475 Insect and Fungoid Pests... ... ... ... ... ... ... 480 Garden and Orchard Crops, their pests and remedies 485 Plant Fumigation ... ... ... ... ... ... 501 Fungus Diseases ... ... ... ... ... 506 Description of Insects, injurious and beneficial ... 532 THE HANDBOOK OF HORTICULTURE AND VITICULTURE or WESTERN AUSTRALIA. BY A. DESPEISSIS, M.E.A.C. HE awakening of Western Australia as a fruit-producing State dates only from the beginning of the past decade. It is concurrent with the development of the wonderful gold belt which has since been proved to run through it, from the Great Australian Bight, in the South, to Cambridge Gulf and the tropical Kimberleys, in the North. Previous to that epoch, sufficient had been achieved by the older colonists to show that Western Australia could produce vines and fruit of great excellence, but the gardens of the State were few in number and far apart. Yet, fruit was then more easily procur- able than it has since been, and the requirements of the 50,000 odd consumers were liberally satisfied ; indeed, fruit was then so cheap that no market value was attached to it. It was mostly consumed on the spot, and the surplus rotted under the trees, and was not worth carting away. In those days consumers were producers themselves ; long distances and lack of rapid communication mili- tated against the marketing of fruit, and methods of picking and packing for distant markets were not familiar to fruit-growers, nor had they any experience regarding varieties which, better than others, lend themselves to long keeping and travelling. With the discovery of gold came the rush of gold-seekers. The constant stream of population which then set in soon taxed the resources of the farming districts ; supplies of all sorts were soon exhausted, and all the commodities of life had to be largely imported. The ever-increasing flow of population continued its course to the inland goldfields. Every new coiner proved a consumer. Even the settlers deserted their farms and rushed to the arid interior in quest of gold. Famine prices were offered and given for all products of the soil. Then a new current set in, and whilst the main stream of population rontiin-.-i to pdti^ntQ%e,Goolgardie and the Murchison goldfields, a smaller stream spread over the moister coastal districts. Gold was to be won from the ploughed fields as well as from the quartz reefs. A great many may claim, to have first discovered that Western Australia was teeming with gold, but the pride of having discovered that the State was teeming with latent horticultural and agricultural wealth must belong to the proprietors of the West Australian news- paper. At their instigation, the late Mr. L. Linclley-Cowen set out on a vovage of discovery through the agricultural districts of what is known 'as the South- West Division of Western Australia a pro- vince covering an area of country 350 miles from North to South by 100 to 200 miles from West to East. From every point of that territory which he visited Mr. Cowen, in a series of articles which at the time attracted attention, as well as enlightened the settlers, old and new, described the achievements of the pioneer agriculturists of the country, and prognosticated the era of wonderful development which every branch of agriculture has since entered upon. That Western Australia bids fair to eclipse the other States of the group as a fruit-producing territory is firmly believed by all who have paid any attention to the circumstances which favour or retard fruit-growing as an industry. Its soil is virgin, and for ages without number has supported gum trees and shrubs of various sorts without a rest, and been fouled by their residues, until at last it welcomes fruit trees with the same eagerness as does a corn-sick field some other crop in the course of the rotation. Its climate is consistent and not capricious. When going beyond well-defined and moist zones for the purpose of starting fruit-growing, the settler has himself to blame for courting failure ; his crops a/re not periodically threatened by destruction from hail- storms, such as are at times heard of in other parts of Australia. Untrammelled by errors which, in the Eastern States, have defeated the aims of the earlier fruit-growers, and proved a source of loss to them, Western Australian growers start with the experience of others, and are reaping the fruit of the knowledge dearly bought. Thus they are able, with comparatively few faults, to start a clear course on embarking into fruit-growing on commercial lines. This State besides possesses, amongst all Australian States the incalculable advantage of being from 1,200 to 2,000 miles nearer the European markets ; or, in other words, its perishable fruit crops, owing to its geographical position, are produced from four to eight days nearer the consumer's table. Another advantage of no mean importance is that the popula- tion of Western Australia very small until the discovery of gold -has since been increasing steadily and rapidly, as the mineral and agricultural resources of the country are being developed. Such indeed are the demands of the local market that a ready sale, at a profitable price, is obtained for all fruit of good quality ; and, whilst preparing for extensive fruit export, the grower is enabled to dispose locally at highly remunerative prices of small parcels of fruit he may gather from his young trees. WEST AUSTRALIAN FRUIT LAND. From Cambridge G-ulf, in the tropical North, to the Great Australian Bight, in the temperate Southern regions, Western Australia unfolds a coast line of over 1,200 miles capable of growing, according to latitude, some sort of fruit or other. Under the regulating influence of the monsoons, the rainy season follows the dry one with almost clockwork precision ; and thus, within the coastal zone, the grower knows what to expect, nor is he confronted either by a sweeping deluge or a prolonged drought. Farther inland great waterless tracts of fertile land occur, which, with the spread of settlement, disclose favoured spots without number where artificial irrigation is rendered possible, and where fruit-growing offers great possibilities. In this handbook no reference will be made to that part of Western Australia extending from the Kimberley districts on the North to the latitude of the Murchison River 28 S. That vast stretch of country is for me unknown territory, and, until an opportunity is offered me of getting acquainted with its natural features, I feel loth to pass judgment as regards its capabil- ities for growing fruit. Few settlers, hitherto, in that vast stretch of country, until recently given almost entirely over to pastoralists, have paid systematic attention to horticulture. The cause is easy to discover. Few, if any one, of those who in the past have lived at the Nor'-West and the North of this State have had any idea of permanently settling down. WhiJst there their whole attention has been engaged in more or less nomadic occupations ; the small cultivated patch has proved sufficient to supply the requirements of the household, and no inducement had until now offered to plant largely, owing to the lack of frequent and quick means of communication with the markets of the South. Sufficient is, how- ever, known to state that at several places where facilities offer for irrigation, or where the soil is naturally moist, the cultivation of tropical plants and fruit trees has been atte tided with such success as points to great possibilities in that direction. One of the most successful undertakings of that nature is that of the Trappists' Mission at Beagle Bay, about 21deg. lat. S., where some 10 acres have been planted, chiefly with bananas, man- goes, guava, figs, tamarind, date palm, cocoanut trees, oranges, and lemons, which all thrive well. In a report on the capabilities of the East Kimberley district, Mr. R. Helms, the biologist of the Bureau of Agriculture, said : " The greatest prosperity of the country will begin when the cultivation of specially tropical products is taken up in earnest. it will then be that the country becomes populated, for a couple of iimdred acres, well tilled and planted with suitable crops, enables a nan to acquire an independency. The country possesses not onlv he rare advantage of being perfectly healthy, but the land best uited for the growth of tropical products is free from timber. It, herefore, requires no coloured labour to produce cotton, sugar, ocoa, tobacco, rubber, or fibre, and other profitable articles of com- ierce. Europeans can do the work, and no great capital is required o prepare, the land, the grubbing of trees in a tropical forest being Iways a great expense. Moreover, irrigation can be carried out at minimum of expense. In a number of places it will be found that rater can be conserved in such a way as to enable large areas to be Catered by gravitation ; but where that method is impracticable, indmills may effectively be employed, as a steady breeze generally lows throughout the day." The districts that will be more particularly considered in this andbook are those comprised between the Murchisoii Eiver, 50 liles North of Champion Bay, lat. 28deg. S., to King George's ound, lat. 35deg. S., and an imaginary line enclosing a somewhat "iangular-shaped territory, about 50 miles broad at the Murchisoii ad to 300 miles at its base, from the Leeuwin to Esperance. Such area is shown on the maps issued by the Lands Depart- tent of Western Australia as the South- West Division. That a great extent of the country is admirably suited for vine ad fruit growing is abundantly demonstrated by the success which as accompanied the numerous attempts made in that direction by jttlers in the various districts of the State. The variety of climatic conditions and soil make it possible to row in this division of Western Australia almost any fruit of the >ol-temperate as well as semi-tropical climates, and for the purpose ' guiding the choice of intending settlers and growers, as well as Lose already established on the land, in selecting the sorts of fruit plant, the areas susceptible of growing profitably fruit and vines e sub-divided into zones or fruit-growing districts. The boundaries of these zones must, by reason of the great inability in the configuration of the country, be only approximate, id not regarded in the light of a definite line, on one side of which 'me varieties of trees could be grown with profit which would irish if planted the other side. Wherever possible, permanent watercourses or ranges of hills ive been selected as the boundaries of the several fruit-growing stricts, which, in order to prevent confusion and complication, ive been restricted to four, viz. : 1. The "Northern Coastal Division, including the lower Mur- tison, Champion Bay, the G-reenough flats, down to the Moore iver. 2. The Eastern Division, comprising the Victoria Plains,- von Valley, and the agricultural country through which runs the reat Southern Railway. 7 3. The Central Coastal Division, extending from Gringin, an including the Swan to the Collie River. 4. The Blackwood and adjoining districts Eastward to Albar and Esperance. A better understanding of the requirements which underlie tl pursuit of modern fruit-growing one of the most interesting an profitable branches of agronomy brings out several features in ib West Australian climate, which point to the particular suitabilit of this country for fruit-growing. For the purpose of illustrating this statement, no more coi vincing means offer than comparing the climate of the South- Wes Division of this State with the climate of some of the most note fruit districts of the world, and especially California, in 1st, ten perature ; 2nd, light ; 3rd, air humidity ; which are all climat: conditions, absolutely necessary to fruit ripening. According 8 these three conditions are met with in a more or less suitable degn the fruits ripen with greater or less perfection. TEMPERATURE. When compared with the chief fruit-growing districts of Cal fornia, the West Australian climate shows to advantage, its elm characteristics being 1st, freedom from extremes of low and hig temperature ; 2nd, an abundance of sunshine ; 3rd, summer atmos phere, with a low percentage of humidity. The following table, which gives the lowest thermometric reac ings during a period of five years, at six places which can well sen as land marks in dealing with the fruit-growing districts of th: State, compares favourably with some Calif ornian stations whei fruits of the citrus tribe, for instance, are known to attain to gres perfection : Geraldton Perth Bunbury ... Albany . . . York Katanning I )eg. Fahr. ... 38 .. 32 .. 35 .. 32 .. 29 .. 27 San Francisco San Jose ... Los Angeles San Diego Sacramento Fresno Deg. Fahr. 28 22 28 32 19 18 If, on the one hand, temperature must not be too low for th profitable cultivation of trees such as those belonging to the citru tribe, which retain their foliage all the year round, it must not, o the other, rise to too high a degree in the summer months withou exposing the trees to sun scald. Careful experiments made tend to demonstrate the fact tha " a temperature above a certain minimum of heat is found neces sary for germination, another for chemical modification, and a thir< for flowering, a fourth for the ripening of seeds, a fifth for th elaboration of the saccharine juices, and a sixth for the develop ment of aroma or bouquet." 8 The same botanist who laid down the above rule (Boussin- ilt) determined that, in the case of the grape vine, while a mean 59deg. Fahr. during the growing months will allow the plant to irish, a much higher mean temperature is necessary during the nmer and autumn months from the time the seeds are formed :il full maturity, to bring the fruit to perfection, and there must a month the mean temperature of which should not fall below 2deg. Fahr. The following table gives the average summer temperature 'ing the growing months at various Western Australian and Cali- nian points : Deg. Fahr. . 75-5 . 72-9 . 70-5 . 67-3 . 77-2 . 72-1 San Francisco San Jose Los Angeles . San Diego Sacramento Fresno ... Deg. Fahr. .. 59-4 .. 56-2 .. 69'7 .. 68-4 .. 71-4 84-1 Geraldton Perth ... Bunbury Albany . . . York ... Katanning These tables show that, compared with the most noted Cali- nian fruit-growing centres, the South-Western Division of istern Australia is possessed of a summer climate warm enough the growth of any of the fruits of temperate zones ; while the iter, never severe enough to frost-kill these fruits, is, however, ficiently cold to insure for them the three or four months of rest y need. With the exception of Albany and similarly situated localities, indant warmth occurs for the ripening of all kinds of grape .es, of all temperate climate fruit, a most exacting one as regards rmth. Even in Albany, the early grapes do ripen, unless exposed the chilling Southern breeze ; while only a few miles inland the 3r-growing grapes as well reach maturity. Elsewhere, such as in i northern portion of the Eastern division on the eastern side of s Darling Ranges, the great excess of summer temperature over ,t absolutely required for the proper maturing of the grapes results higher sugar formation in the juice. When to this higher nmer temperature is associated a longer growing season, we find nbined the elements conducive to the production of a second P- LIGHT. Light also plays an important part in the perfect maturation fruit, and an abundance of it, in conjunction with a congenial *ree of temperature, results in better flavoured fruit, and in the ,ter development of the colour, bouquet, and aroma. Reference to the information supplied in the meteorological >orts of the State, for a series of years, testifies abundantly to 5 fine and bright state of the atmosphere during the summer and ;jUmn months at the stations mentioned above. On the faith of s same reports, we find that Albany is the locality with the allest number of cloudless days during those growing months ; 9 while Bunbury, which comes next as regards a low mean sum temperature, as given in the above tables, is reported to have dui the growing months an almost continuous succession of brii cloudless days, which are conducive to sugar production. Thr is seen that, although the temperature in the district aro Bunbury is fairly cool in the summer months, yet the great pi ness of the atmosphere is favourable to the perfect maturaticw grapes, as the plant profits during those months by its full shar the chemical effect of the direct rays of the sun. Viewed in the light of practical fruit-growing, abundanc cloudless days in connection with high and protracted heat, res in high sugar production, which is of great advantage in production of raisin and prune, and also in the successful riper of a second crop of grapes in a season. It is thus shown why wine, for instance, made from grj produced from cuttings of the same varieties, and perhaps obtai from the same parent vine, but grown in a hot and clear dist in the one instance, and on the other hand in a cooler locality, i perhaps an atmosphere not quite so bright and clear, will presen the palate and to laboratory tests quite different characteris If, for instance, we take Malbec or Cabernet as an example, 1 will produce a rounder and stronger wine in the first district, ar wine of a lighter character and more of the claret type in the co localities ; for, in the process of wine-making, sugar means alcol strength. In order to continue the parallel between Western Austra and Californian climates, and also the climate of other State: America, the following table is given to compare the relative de of sunshine at various places mentioned below. In this table cloudiness is rated from to 10 ; two observat are taken daily at 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. Geraldton Lawlers ... Kalgoorlie York Perth ... Bunbury Katanning Albany ... . 2-7 . 3-1 . 3-4 . 3-0 . 4'4 . 5-5 . 5-2 . 5-0 Sacramento, Cal. San Francisco, Cal. Fresno, Cal. San Diego, Cal New York, N.Y. Philadelphia, Pa. New Orleans, La. Jacksonville, Fla. 2-0 4-0 2-1 4-2 5-0 5-0 4-5 4-5 VALTJE OF DRY AIR. For the purpose of fruit-growing, it can safely be stated th moderately dry air, especially during the summer and aufr months, is in many respects more desirable than a vapour-k atmosphere. In the first case, pests and blights of fungus origin n lichens, etc. are not anything like so troublesome as in hi localities. 10 The o'idium of the vine, for instance, is much more troublesome noist than in dry seasons ; and, for the same reason, in the moist districts close to the sea, than in districts situated further inland, 3re the atmosphere is drier. For another reason is dry air of value to the fruit-grower. It 9urs the better penetration through the atmosphere of heat and it, and their access to the plant. The effect of the chemical s of the sun, which, although not appealing to our senses in the le measure as its thermal rays, are nevertheless essential in iging about the perfect ripening of fruit. Now, a layer of vapour- en atmosphere floating over the earth acts as a screen, which, lough pervious to the heat rays, shuts off in a great measure chemical rays of the sun. . A practical illustration of this fact been noticed by everyone. However hot the season, fruit will 3n slowly and rot on the plant if the atmosphere is dull, moist, L muggy ; whereas in a dry and bright autumn, fruit will be respondingly luscious and richly flavoured, and will put on the ?htest of those tints of colour by which each variety is differ- iated from the other. Mean Monthly Relative Air Humidity August to April- Annual. (Saturation = 100.) ind Mean j Mean Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. March. April. Annual (12 M'nths) aldton . . . 74 74 72-6 70 75 73-6 67 72-6 67 71-6 k 71-6 73 66 53-3 59 54-3 53-3 63-6 54 63 th 73-6 69 69 63-6 63-3 61-6 62-3 60-3 61-3 66-2 ibury 75 76 73 67-6 65-3 68-3 68 71-3 72-3 73 any 77-3 77-6 77 72-6 80-3 74-3 80-6 75 75-3 76 Mean April. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Annual (12 M'nths) Angeles . . . 73-1 75-2 73 75-4 76-2 72-9 74-3 66-6 73-3 sno ... 59-3 52-7 427 34-7 34-7 43-6 55-1 64-1 48-3 raniento . . . 67-6 67-6 66-1 59-8 59-8 59 62-4 66-8 63-6 THE RAINFALL AND WATER SUPPLY. The rainfall of the zone running along the sea coast of Western stralia for a distance of 80 to 100 miles from the coast is regular L reliable. More abundant in close proximity to the seashore, L also on the higher table land of the Darling Ranges, the ifall gradually decreases the farther inland we go. 11 Practically, there are only two seasons, the " dry " and " wet." Both are influenced by monsoonal action. In the Nort' part the wet season sets in during the summer months, commen in December and lasting till March or April. During that smart cyclones, locally called "willy-willies " and "cock-eyed bobs times sweep over the land, causing occasionally damage to stock property. In the South, the wet season sets in after Ea generally May, lasts through the winter and ends in October, a few occasional showers during the summer months. During t winter months the weather is made up of heavy showers and c sunny intervals. In the South- Western corner the moisture-h clouds which are carried on one side over the Southern Ocean, the other over the Indian Ocean, impinge over the rangt mountains which rise a few miles from the coast line, and i parallel with it for a distance of over 300 miles, and there diss into heavy rain. Once blown over these ranges, farther to eastward, they meet with no obstruction to bring about t precipitation, and thus are carried away into the vast unset interior, where the farther from the coast the drier is the cliniat The following table gives the average rainfall in Wes Australia at points located in the several divisions of the State Locality. Height Above Sea Level. Average Number of Wet days. Average Eainfall, in Inches. No Yea Avei East Kimberley Wyndham 55 29 West Kimberley Broome 65 24 North- West Division Port Hedland 24 11-7 Fortescue 20 11 Onslow ... 25 7'4 Gascoyne Division Dirk Hartog Island 48 9 Hamelin Pool ... 16 7-5 Gullewa 60 10 Abrolhos 25 50 13-4 Northampton 52 19 Geraldton 15 80 18 Newmarracarra 600 22 Dongara 30 70 1Q-K Carnamah ... 880 1 v 66 -L7 O 14 Dandaragan ... 80 23*5 New Norcia ... 600 18 Moora 7^ 1Q.K " Rottnest 1 O 94 -LO O 24 Perth ... 110 31 12 Locality. Height Above Sea Level. Average Number of Wet Days. Average Bainfall, in Inches. No. of Years of Average. Guildford Eockingham Newcastle 30 '470 91 95 30 33 19 23 715 15 Clackline Northam Grass Valley 778 491 640 730 80. 52 17'5 15-5 14-5 12 Kellerberrin York 807 580 68 88 11-5 15-5 Narro cr in ... . ..- 1,114 17 Bridgetown... Canning Waterworks Jarrahdale ... Pinjarrah ... 505 'l28 28 80 31 41 39 37 21 17 TVickepin 92 17 12 Colliefields Bunbury 604 18 30 34 Boyanup Wagin Katanning ... Kojomrp Cape Leeuwin The Warren Mt. Barker Pallinup 123 840 1,022 '30 80 90 90 1GO 168 105 74 33 15-5 17 20 38-5 41 25-5 14-5 23 "l7 5 Albany 170 36 Eastern Division Lawlers Mt Margaret 40 23 4 5'6 Kalgoorlie 40 6-8 Boorabbin . . . 60 7'5 Eucla Division Esperance Israelite Bay ... 100 60 21 14-4 16 Balladonia 44 9 9 Eyre 65 10-2 15 Encla 60 10 16 Apart from the rainfall, which is thus seen to be fairly well distributed all over the coastal zone, the country is well watered by means of springs, swamps, and brooks. Rivers are few, and, except in the South- West corner of the State, do not run all the year round ; but they all form along their course chaplets of pools, which afford an abundant supply of water for irrigation. Although the country, on the whole, looks somewhat wanting in fresh running streams, there is underground an immense store of water, which is reached by sinking wells, varying in depth from 10 to 80 feet. Many of those wells, however, more especially in the 13 inland districts, are often too highly mineralised to be of any use for the purpose of watering plants. Soaks abound over the country, and almost invariably follow on the process of clearing land of trees previous to cultivating ; wherein their presence is made manifest on the surface by the look of the green patches during the dry months, when all vegetation looks brown and languishing around ; there water may be obtained by shallow excavation. Indeed, in the Eastern districts, some 100 miles or more from the coast, soaks constitute the chief source of water supply. In those drier districts, strewed over the surface of the country, occur bold, bare outcrops of cap slab granite, from 10 to 100 feet in height, covering from 10 to 60 or 80 acres. These outcrops rise from sandy and loamy flats. They seem to have been provided by Nature for the conservation of water in that arid region. After even the lightest rainfall they shed water like a house-roof; whilst and almost invariably, somewhere at the foot of those denuded rocks, fresh water soaks occur in natural dams or basins filled with sand, which, when cleaned, supply for stock or for trees an abundant supply of fresh water. Nowhere in the South- West Division of Western Australia need fruit-growing be checked by dearth of water, as, apart from natural sources of supply, any amount commensurate with the requirements of the orchardist can, at small cost and with little trouble, be impounded in tanks and dams excavated by means of a plough and an earth scoop. But, apart from the source of visible water, attempts made of late years to obtain fresh water by artesian boring have proved eminently successful. The first bore put down was in 1894, at Midland Junction, when, by means of a hand plant, an abundant supply was struck at a depth of 500ft., and the bore now discharges through a 4in. lining 260,000 gallons of water per day. Since then many more bores have been put down along the coastal plateau from the Greenough Plains to the Preston River. Brackish and mineralised water has been struck in two or three instances, but, as a rule, pure, fresh artesian water, suitable for all domestic purposes and for irrigation, is struck at depths varying from 230 to 1,000 feet. Around Guildford alone, four or five bores have been successfully sunk, the details of which are thus given in the Western Australian Year Book, published by the Registrar General : " The Woodbridge Estate bore, completed in 1896, depth 236ft., cost c418 ; discharges at the surface 150,000 gallons per day. The Bebo Moro bore, 1896, put down to a depth of 308ft., cost 265; yield, 86,000 gallons per day. The Waterhall Estate bore cost *<474, depth 691ft., with a daily supply of 194,000 gallons. The Lockeridge bore, at a depth of 798ft.," daily supply 123,000. Guildford Municipal bore, 1,202ft., supply 1,000,000 gallons 14 per diem. These figures are given to show that almost any- where on the plains stretching between the hills and the sea artesian water can be struck at a moderate cost, wherein the height of the surface of the ground does not exceed 30ft. to 40ft. above the sea level." In many cases, however, especially in those districts with a scanty rainfall, more highly mineralised soil and indiiferent drainage facilities, the advisableiiess of using artesian water or any water at all for the purpose of irrigation is one which should receive careful consideration, as it is well known that under such conditions irrigation almost invariably raises the salt line to an extent which may prove injurious to fruit trees. SELECT VARIETIES OF FEUIT ACCORDING TO CLIMATE. In broad lines, the* temperature and the rainfall of various regions of the State have been rapidly mapped out. In every respect they are shown to be favourable to the successful cultivation of fruit trees, from tropical as well as from temperate climates. The physical or the chemical characteristics of soils can be altered, but the main features of climates are always the same, and cannot be disregarded in the selection of crops. Thus, soil eminently favourable for requirements of the grape vine may be met with in Scotland, as well as in the most renowned districts of the south of Europe ; yet malt liquors and whiskeys contribute to the wealth of the Scotch farmers, and brandies and wines that of the vine- growers of the sunny south. But apart from the influence of latitude, altitude and aspect also tend to modify climate. Snow is met with under the equator on mountains of high altitude. According to the explorer Hum- bolt, the thermometer falls one degree for every 340ft. of elevation ; and under the influence of this law the climate is cooler, and consequently fruits ripen later on the hills than they do in the low land. An instance of this is afforded along the trunk railway line running from the sea over the hills to the eastward. There we see that under the influence of otherwise similar climatic conditions the maturation of fruit crops and grapes is retarded by two or three weeks on the Darling Eanges, at Mundaring or Chidlow's Well, at an altitude of about 1,000ft. above the plains on the Swan. If we proceed another 100 miles eastward, we notice that this period of maturation of fruit is entirely reversed under the influence of intervening causes. At Tammin and Kellerberrin, for instance, with an altitude of 200ft. only less than at Mundaring or Chidlow's Well, and some 750ft. above the Swan, grapes and fruits come to maturity a week or two earlier than they do on the coast. There the retarding influence of altitude is counterbalanced by the more active light, the lesser degree of air humidity, and probably by the greater degree of heat absorbed by the soil. 15 Due consideration to local climatic conditions should, therefore, influence fruit-growers in the selection of what to plant, with the idea of avoiding a glutted market. Thus the settlers at a greater altitude within the influence of the coastal climate should cater for the later market, whereas those located further inland in the brighter but drier regions will, with earlier varieties, have a good hold of the early market. But here, again, other points have to be considered, and good carrying capabilities must not entirely be overlooked when seeking for earliness. Aspect will also modify the climate to some extent. Many tender plants will thrive in sheltered spots which would succumb to exposure to the rigours of the climate only a short distance away. Low lying damp hollows subject to late ground frosts often prove fatal to potatoes or to those vines which break into leaf early in the season, although these would have been quite safe on a warmer slope only a stone's throw distant. Then again an eastern aspect, other things being equal, will generally hasten the ripening of fruit by several days. Clay bands or ridges of rocks running across a field will, by throwing up the water, often modify the climatic con- ditions either for good or evil within a row or two. Exposure to winds, the colour and the texture of the soil, or in other words, its power of absorbing and of retaining heat and moisture are all factors which to some extent modify a local climate. OUR SOILS. Great stress has been laid on the merits of the climate of the several districts of Western Australia capable of pro- ducing fruit, but, before pronouncing on the suitability of any given area, either for agricultural purposes, or more especially fruit growing a branch of agriculture which is being more particularly discussed in these pages the fact that the soil is in some measure suitable for the purpose one has in view, must be ascertained. In the pursuit of fruit-growing, soil must give precedence to climate in as much as the first can, by means of judicious manuring and cultivation, be made to lend itself to the special requirements of the plant, whereas in the second instance, the welfare and pro- ductiveness of the plant is mainly dependent upon the nature and peculiarity of the climate. It is a well-known fact that soils are more or less suited to different sorts of trees, and it is one of the leading features of Western Australia that the nature and character of the soil is extremely variable ; the line of demarcation of one kind being in many instances somewhat abrupt and sharp in its delimitation. On closer examination, however, the soils which are met with in the agricultural districts of this State belong to only a few well-defined types. These are often intermixed together in various ways, and cover, generally speaking, small areas only. Their recurrence at frequent intervals, according to the contour of the locality, lends to the country a motly appearance ; a characteristic which has been 16 appropriately expressed by the word " patchy," which applies more or less to the whole of the territory figured on the map published for the clearer understanding of the localities reviewed in these pages. Most conspicuous amongst the soils of the South-West Division of this State are the following : IRONSTONE G-RAVEL. With which the Darling Ranges are mostly covered, and which shows on the surface. The soil consists of ferruginous claystones, showing as coarse pea gravel, varying in size from that of shot to that of marbles. In colour it varies from a light yellow to a dark red, according to the amount of oxide of iron it contains. It is generally mixed with a fertile ,loam, the result of its own disinte- gration, and at places consolidates into a hard conglomerate which would have to be rent asunder by the pick, or better still with the use of cartridges of dynamite, before planting either trees or vines. The soil when mixed with a fair proportion of loam is par excellence the best suited for the production of a high-class wine ; clean to the taste, rich in colour, and of pleasant bouquet. Fruit trees generally do well on it. So far, owing to its gravelly appear- ance, it has been condemned as poverty-stricken land ; while the cost of clearing it of the timber which grows on it has caused the more timid-hearted settlers to disregard it in preference to more fertile looking soil carrying a class of timber which is more easily burned. This soil is healthy, warm, and well-drained, and the looseness of the material it is made of favours the far-reaching propensities of the roots of fruit trees in quest of food. The application of phosphates and of potassic fertilisers are desirable on such soils, if not at the outset and soon after breaking up and planting, yet after regular crops of fruit have been taken away. In gullies and in favoured spots, a rich deposit of brown and red loam, varying in depth from 6 to 24 inches, covers up this soil, and wherever land of that description occurs, fruit trees or vines will bear abundantly and thrive luxuriantly. Underlying the ironstone gravel a white pipe-clay occurs, which, according to locations, is found at a shallow depth underneath the surface or at some considerable distance underground. The best criterion of the proximity or predominence of these various soils is offered by the indigenous trees which cover the stretch of country where the soils just described show up more prominently, and that country extends the whole length of the Darling Ranges, from the latitude of Geraldton right down to the Blackwood. The gravelly ironstone is generally identified with the name of " jarrah " country (Eucalyptus marginata, Smith). Wherever there is a certain depth of brown loam on the surface, the jarrah is associated with the native grass-tree or "blackboy" (Xanthorrhcea}, of which there exists two distinct varieties. Pockets of deep loam amongst the ironstone gravel are indicated by the presence of the red gum 17 tree (E. calophylla, R. Brown). Wherever jarrah, red gum, and blackboys grow together and attain large proportions, there the soil is certain to be deep, well-drained, fertile, and suitable in every way for the purpose of fruit and vine-growing. The " blackbutt " (E. patens, Bentham) is at intervals met with on the moist slopes of the Darling Ranges amongst these trees, and is indicative of one of our most fertile class of soils, a free-working, gravelly loam. It does not burn readily, hence the patches it covers having so long been left in its virgin state. The occurrence of pipe-clay, either on the surface or at a shallow depth, is, on the other hand, revealed by the presence of white gum tree (JE. redunca, Schauer). White gum alone is an indication of predominance of pipe-clay, or of a cold, retentive porridge made up of pipe-clay and gritty sand, soft and slushy in the winter months and hard in the dry summer season. Small blackboys growing amongst white gums are an evidence of the presence of this stratum of loam on the surface, and similarly jarrah and white gum are indicative of a mixture of ironstone gravel and pipe-clay. Lime and phosphates, associated with drainage, are necessary for the raising of good crops on such soil. Over the same area frequent outbursts of trap rock and vol- canic dykes run through the country or occur in patches, and are easily recognised by the occurrence of boulders of blue metal em- bedded in a rich red loam of volcanic origin. Where such dykes occur, or appear as if churned up with the ironstone gravel, trees and all sorts of crops grow to great perfection, and oranges thrive splendidly. In the gullies alongside the brooks and around the springs, as well as on low alluvial soil bordering water-courses, the Flooded gums, often associated with blackboys, mark out fertile strips of land, rich in potash, but which after a few years cropping require the application of phosphates. In the South- West the Yate tree (E. cornuta, La Billardiere) grows on such land. Fresh water can be obtained almost anywhere on this forma- tion at a depth of 12 35ft. on reaching the pipe-clay bottom, whilst springs often break out on their own accord after ring-barking the forest trees or clearing the land for cultivation. CHOCOLATE SOIL. Known locally as the " jam " or " wattle " country. This kind of soil is very widely distributed, and extends from the Murchison and the Irwin over the Victoria Plains, up the Avon Valley to Wagin and Katanning. It is overgrown at the north by the " wattle," and southwards by the " raspberry jam tree," a kind of Myall (Acacia acuminata, Bentham). On the whole, this belt of country is drier than the preceding one, but much easier to clear and to cultivate, and eminently suitable for the cultivation of fruit-trees and vines, as well as of cereal crops. The soil consists of a chocolate loam, sometimes of great depth, varying in texture from a heavy loam, characterised by a greater 18 or smaller admixture of the "York guni" tree (E. loxophleba, Bentham) to the wattle or jam tree. Such land makes splendid corn land, and is more generally found on the slopes of the undulating country which constitutes its home. On the flats the soil is often of a lighter character, and there the wattle or the jam bushes predominate. On the river banks and in patches over the country, a lighter loam still is found and is generally over- grown by the above-named trees, in company with the banksias, of which there exists several varieties, and at times with the "sheaoaks" (Casuarinas). Considered on the whole, the chocolate loam or wattle and jam or York gum land is one of the best balanced in the elements of plant food in the South- West districts of the State, and were it not for, in some seasons, a scanty rainfall, would carry enormous crops of grain, hay, or fruit. Fields not long cleared and cultivated yield, in average seasons, 16 26 bushels of wheat to the acre, and 30 40 cwts. of hay. Richer patches of land occur in this country, where the "manna gum" tree grows (Acacia microbotrya) cele- brated for its enormous yield of gum). Those patches are generally of volcanic origin and of great fertility; blackboys of very large size also grow on such soil. At places over that country salt patches are not uncommon, and generally follow up the clearing of the land. Their occurrence is more noticeable in what would have been the most fertile land in the field, in hollows, or at the base of sloping ground, where these salts accumulate, owing to the leaching process after heavy rainfalls, as well as by the general seepage of the more easily soluble alkali salts, notably those of sodium. SALT PATCHES. Two sorts of salt patches occur in the drier regions of the State : the white patches caused by formation of crust or efflorescences on the surface of the soil of salts, which present the appearance of hoar frost on the ground. These salts mostly consist of common salt (chloride of sodium), with chlorides and" sulphates of calcium and magnesium. Unless present in large quantities, these salts are comparatively harmless. The second, the black salt patches, are more injurious to vegeta- tion, and in addition to common salt contains G-lauber's salt (sulphate of soda), and with it a varying amount of a substance most destructive to vegetable tissues, viz. : carbonate of soda or sal. soda. The presence of that salt is always indicated by the colour of the soil in the black salt patches. The latter salt has, on the tissues of plants, a corrosive action ; it dissolves the humus con- tained in the soil, and thus gives it the characteristic black colour often noticeable in such patches. The presence of this chemical salt in the soils is absolutely detrimental to the growth of roots of the plant, whereas the salts found in the white patches are only injurious when their accumulation becomes excessive, especially at the surface. 19 The reclamation of salt patches for the purpose of bringing them under cultivation rests upon three chief points : 1. Draining to carry away the excess of salt and preventing fresh amounts being drawn up from the subsoil below. This is the one efficacious and radical way of reclaim- ing salt patches of any sort. The underdrainage in deep hollows is not only often impracticable but is generally costly. Besides, there is often found, in con- junction with these noxious salts, other chemicals of high fertilising value, such as sulphates, nitrates, phosphates of potash and soda, which would run away to waste in the drains and be lost to the soil. Should this be the case, it would in many instances be advisable to alter the poisonous substances in the soil and neutralise their injurious effect, so as to place them beyond the means of causing any injury, and this can be affected by 2. Neutralising the corrosive salts by means of chemicals and changing their nature into that of the more innocuous ones. To best effect this, some cheap sub- stance, which by chemically reacting on the sodium carbonate would transform it into an inactive salt, is necessary, and is readily found in gypsum or sulphate of lime, which by a mutual shuffling or interchange of the basic and acidic elements, become respectively carbonate of lime or limestone and sulphate of soda or Glauber's salt. The gypsum, moreover, renders insoluble the humus taken up and dissolved by the carbonate of soda, and thus retains it in the soil. 3. The injurious substances having been neutralised, it is essential to reduce the surface evaporation which would tend to accumulate on the surface layers the soluble salts sucked up by means of capillary attraction. This is best effected by means of deep cultivation, fre- quently repeated, and by growing crops which root deeply and cover the ground, as well also as salt-loving plants such as plants of the cabbage and of the beet tribe or such plants as asparagus, saltbushes, and a variety of others. By such means the successful and profitable cultivation of the soil would, in mild cases, be quite feasible. Besides that of neutralising the injurious effects of the carbonate of soda, gypsum has a correcting effect on the physical conditions of the soil, which often becomes glutinous and forms a clayey hardpan. It coagulates the glutinous substance formed by the carbonate and destroys the puddled condition of the clay, thus enabling the roots to penetrate and the waters to drain through such soils. 20 FOREST ALLUVIUM LAND. Throughout the interior, from the Irwin towards the Eastern G-oldfields railway line, and far beyond, stretches of country occur which are now mostly under tall salmon gum trees (E. salmonophloia, F. von Mueller). These stretches of country were formed by running water wearing away the old rocks and carrying the finer soil down in their course, and depositing it on the lower level, where it forms extensive rich plains. They show as large clay and loam flats, often many miles wide. With the salmon gum is associated the gimlet wood or fluted gum tree (E. salubris, F. von Mueller). Both these Eucalypti yield a large percentage (4 per cent.) of excellent oil on distillation of the leaves, and it would seem that the dropping of the leaves and bark on the surface of the soil has a deadly action on the natural herbage. Soon after the trees are destroyed, either by ring-barking or sapping, the natural grasses grow plentifully, and all this country, which until recently was reputed barren, has since been proved to constitute, when cleared, ploughed up, and brought under cultivation, corn land of great value. Wherever on these forest lands a few Morrell gum trees occur (JE. longirostris) , there the soil is richer still, and the ears of corn crops fill well and weigh heavy, as is the case when the land has been liberally dressed with phosphatic fertilisers. These soils would be benefited by green manuring, which would considerably add to their store of humus. This formation rests on marl and limestone. All these trees burn readily, and on this account the cost of clearing is much reduced. As these lands occur in a somewhat arid zone of country, their true value has for a long time been overlooked. By means of water conservation in clay tanks, and after ring-barking, the look of that country soon improves, and luxuriant grasses spring up, which turn the drought stricken looking forest land into nourishing pastures. SANDY SOILS. Interspersed more or less over the several formations above described, and especially in the intervening lower ground between the foot of the ranges and the sea, are patches of soil varying from a coloured sandy loam to a pure white sand. That country supports shrubs of different sorts of banksias, and in places, where it is not very deep, either white or red gums, with at times blackboys, and also near the coast the Willow Myrtle or Peppermint tree (Agonis flexuosa, de Candolle), and on limestone coast hills eastward of the Darling Range the tooart (E. gomphocephala, de Candolle). Little hope, of course, exists of ever cultivating with profit the patches of pure sand scattered over the country, but in many places the soil assumes a darker colour, varying from orange to dark grey, and wherever limestone or a loamy subsoil underlays the sand at'a small depth there vines and stone-fruit trees grow with great luxuriance. 21 Many swamps occur through these sandy patches where rushes, the " Paper bark " (Melaleuca leucadendron, Linne), and ti- trees abound. These swamps can be easily drained, and when thus reclaimed can be turned into market gardens of marvellous fertility. In many instances, especially along the coast, the soil is made of an accumulation of silt, mud, and vegetable detritus, which settling in the water collected in basins bottomed by calcareous hardpans, form a rich black mould. These hardpans consist of a conglomerate of greyish mud in which are thickly embedded fragments of sea shells, and which after being subjected to the process of weathering, crumble down readily and assume the normal condition of a soil rich in lime, phosphates, potash, and organic matter. These hardpans prevent the penetration into the deeper soil of roots as well as of water, and their breaking up previous to the cultivation of those marshes is of primary necessity. Whenever they are met with at a small depth the pick or the crowbar readily breaks them up into cakes or slabs, but should they be found at a greater depth, one of the readiest and at the same time cheapest ways of breaking them up is by means of small charges of dynamite, which so shatter and crack the hardpan that not only can roots penetrate through the clefts, but the stagnant water also sinks by gravitation, and the land is generally drained to such an extent that it gradually softens and crumbles down until ultimately the hardpan completely disappears. Should fruit trees have already been anywhere planted without the precaution of breaking up this hardpan having already been taken, the trees are sure sooner or later, whenever their roots reach the retentive hardpan, to languish and flag; in such cases small dynamite cartridges exploded on each side of the tree in the winter time when it is dormant will, without injuring the tree, remove the obstruction and bring relief. As can reasonably be expected, the frequent application of fertilisers will be necessary for the production of heavy crops in sandy soils. Generally speaking, the lack of potash is the weakest point of such soil, and wherever the reefs of coral limestone met with in the neighbourhood of the coast are not present, phosphates will be required, while nitrogenous fertilisers, and preferably those of a less readily soluble kind, will likewise be necessary. On such soil the process of adding to its fertility by means of green manuring the ploughing in of some quick-growing green crops is much to be recommended. By their intermixing in variable proportions, these several typical soils of the South -West division of Western Australia give rise to a greater variety of soils, some of which, like those of a sedimentary nature, occur along the course of existing or old river beds, and are usually deep, well drained, very productive, and by reason of their generally well sheltered situations, eminently well adapted for the purpose of fruit growing. 99 KING-BARKING AND CLEARING LAND. Mr. L. Lindley-Cowen, late secretary of the then Bureau, now Department of Agriculture, thus summarises in this chapter the practise and the opinion of experienced settlers from various parts of the agricultural districts of this State: "To new comers unacquainted with the readiest methods of converting bush land into fruitful farms and orchards, much valuable information will be gathered from the teachings of others." Following are the common and botanical names of the trees referred to in the returns on ring-barking reviewed below : Jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata, Smith) Red Gum (E. calophylla, E. Brownl Flooded or " Blue " Gum (E. salinga, Smith) White Gum (E. redunca, Schauer) Peppermint (Agonis flexuosa, de Candolle) Yate (E. cornuta, La Billardiere) Sheaoak ( Casuarina Fraseriana, Miguel) Paper bark (Melaleuca sp.) York Gum (E. loxophleba, Bentham) Jam (Acacia acuminata, Bentham) Manna Gum (E. Viminalis, La Billardiere) Salmon Gum (E. salmonophloia, F. von Mueller) Morell, or Parker's Gum, or Mallee of Victoria (E. olesoa, F. von Mueller) Mallet, or Fluted Gum, or Gimlet Wood (E. salubris F von Mueller) Blackboy (Xanthorrhcea) Wattle (Acacia leiophylla, Bentham) Badjong- ( A. microbotyra, Bentham) Karri (E. diversicolor, F. von Mueller) Spearwood (E. Doratoxylon, F. von Mueller) Tooart (E. gomphocephala, de Candolle) Blackbutt (E. patens, Bentham) Zamia (Cycas Sp.) The object of ring-barking or of sap-ringing is to kill the trees, in order that the pasture and water supply may be improved, and to facilitate clearing in the future. Trees are destroyed by ring-barking when a belt of bark about a foot in width is taken off the stem, whilst sap-ringing con- sists in cutting into the sap or outer wood of the tree as well as taking off the bark. The illustration here- with shows the different methods, and on per- usal of the following pages it will be found which varieties of trees, in the opinion of old colonists in various districts, should be ring-barked and which sap-ringed. 23 When setting about ring- barking and clearing, a few trees should be left standing. Shade is quite as grateful in the hot summer months to stock as feed. SOUTH-WESTERN DISTRICT. Varieties of Trees. Jarrah, red gum, flooded gum, banksia, white gum, blue gum, peppermint, yate, blackbutt. Method and Time of Destruction. Great diversity of opinion exists apparently, both as to the method of killing the trees, whether by ring- barking or sap-ringing, and also as to the period of the year during which the work should be done. There is, however, a unanimous opinion that jarrah, red gum, banksia, and blackbutt should be. destroyed by ring-barking, and yate, peppermint, and flooded gum by sap-ringing. In the case of blue gums the advocates of sapping and ring- barking are equally divided, while in the case of white gums the advocates of ring-barking are in a large majority. One correspondent does not enumerate the trees in his locality (Bridgetown), but advises "all to sap when the trees are in flower;" while another correspondent would "advise all newcomers to adopt ring-barking." In regard to the time of the year when the ring-barking or sapping should be done, there is a wide range of opinion. All the months in the year are recommended, except April, May, and June. There is a slight preponderance of opinion in favour of ring- barking the trees from October to February. One correspondent at Jayes reports having killed jarrah and white gum in three days by ring-barking in February. July to October appears to be the best period for destroying the red gum. January. February, and March for the blue gum, white gum, flooded gum, peppermint, yate, and black-butt. All, with one exception, agree that the banksia may be killed by ring-barking at any period of the year, the dissentient being in favour of the months of January, February, and March. Referring to jarrah, red gum, and blackbutt, Mr. J. Forster Johnston, of Leschenault, writes : "I have had over 1,000 acres ring-barked on my Preston property in different months, varying from March to November, and found it all effective." Referring to the "Leschenault blue gums," the same writer says : "These trees I find very difficult to kill. Some few will die right out and others live for years." Mr. Andrew Muir, of Lake Muir, writes : " I find the best time to ring-bark in our district is in the months of September, October, and the early part of November, for jarrah, red gum, and blackbutt. Yate requires ringing in January, as if rung at that time it will die in a few days, and will not throw up suckers, which it will do if rung in the winter months White gum you can ring at any time when the bark strips freely ; in fact, it is no use ringing any tree if it will not bark freely." Mr. J. P. 0. Wellard, of Mornington, writes : " In ring- barking I have found the months named (January, February, and 24 March) the best for my land. The trees take longer to die, but they do not throw out any suckers. I think it will be found very hard to lay down any hard and fast rules about ringing, as it will be found not only to Vary in different districts, but also in the same districts as to the best time of the year." Blaclcboys. Mr. Wellard continues : " What is almost as necessary as ringing the timber here in the hills is having the blackboys cut down. I have had some land chopped and find the stock niuch prefer the cleared land to that where the blackboys are still growing in the same paddock. Price for chopping the blackboys about 2s. per acre." On this subject Mr. J. Forster Johnston writes : " I have 100 acres at the Preston ... so thick with blackboys that I have known a stockman to ride three times round the block before he could find a beast in it, so I determined to have the blackboys chopped off. I let 50 acres to an old man at 2s. 6d. per acre . . . and on settling up he was so satisfied that he walked back 40 miles to do the other 50 and had a nice cheque to take. My neighbours laughed at me for doing this, saying it was money thrown away, but I see now a good many of them are following my example. You can now see nearly all over the paddock, and there is a good swath of English grasses growing in a large portion of it." The Preston progress Association reports that " chopping down blackboys greatly improves the carrying capabilities of the land." Effect of the destruction of trees upon the water supply and growth of grasses. There is a decided unanimity of opinion that the killing of the timber increases the water supply in all the localities from which correspondents have replied, but apparently more so in some localities than others. The increase in the water supply is pro- bably governed by the diversity of the timber and the geological formation of the ground, and thus the slight difference in opinion may be accounted for. With one exception, that of the Ferguson Farmers' Association who report that "the natural grasses die out" after ring-barking, there is a decided unanimity of opinion that the destruction of the timber is followed by a marked increase in the stock carrying capacity of the land. So unanimous is this opinion that one is led to believe that the exception referred to above has been caused, perhaps, not by ring-barking, but by the young and finer grasses which the destruction of the timber had induced to grow being fed out by overstocking. In fern (bracken) country ring-barking appears to be of doubtful benefit. Mr. Andrew Muir, Lake Muir, writes : " From my own experience I should say that ring-barking improves all lands where there are no ferns ; but in fern country the killing of the timber stimulates the growth of the ferns to such an extent that they completely choke out the grasses in a few years." Cost per acre of ring-barking and sapping. The highest price paid for ring-barking is, according to the returns, 2s. 6d. per acre, the lowest Is., the average price per acre being Is. 9|d. The 25 highest price for sap-ringing is given at 4s. 6d. per acre, the lowest at Is. 6d., the average per acre being 2s. 9d. Cost per acre of clearing before and after the destruction of the trees. In nearly all cases the returns show that the cost of clearing the land ready for the plough is reduced to one-half after the timber has been killed by ring-barking or sapping. The highest price for clearing is returned by the Ferguson Farmer's Associa- tion at 20 to 25 per acre before ring-barking and =10 to ,12 per acre after the timber is dead. Mr. Andrew Muir returns the cost of clearing at 15 per acre before, and 12 per acre after ring-barking in his district. Nearly all the other returns give the cost at 10 to 12 per acre before ring-barking, and <5 to =7 after. Omitting the two returns mentioned above, those of the Ferguson Farmers' Association and Mr. Muir, the average cost of clearing over the whole area covered by the returns, is before ring- barking, 9 14s. per acre, after ring-barking, <5 10s. 6d. per acre. MURRAY DISTRICT. Varieties of Timber. Jarrah, red gum, blue gum, banksia, sheaoak, paper bark, wild pear tree. Method and time of destruction. Jarrah, ring-barking. Red gum, Mr. Richardson recommends ring-barking, while the Murray Horticultural Society recommends sapping. Blue gum, sheaoak, paper bark, wild pear, sapping ; banksia, ring-barking. August to December for all trees except banksia, which may be rung at any time, and paper bark and wild pear, the best period for ringing these being returned as doubtful. " The blue gum can be killed at any time of the year within 24 hours if it is properly sapped " according to the Murray Horticultural Society's return. The honorary secretary of this society, in returning the form writes : " It is the general opinion here that ring-barking and sapping tends io toughen the roots of the trees, making the trees harder to pull up for some time after, so if you cannot afford to wait for two or three years to allow the roots to rot it is a better plan to pull up the trees green, as the heavy tops help to bring them down. But having waited the time mentioned, the clearing of land is made all the easier, as the trees come down willingly." Effect of the destruction of the trees upon the water supply and growth of native grasses. There is a very decided opinion expressed in both returns that the destruction of the timber largely increases both the water supply and feed. Cost per acre of ring-barking and sapping. From Is. to 2s. for ring-barking, according to the quantity of timber. From 2s. to 3s. for sapping. Cost per acre for clearing before and after the destruction of the trees. The returns show the cost of clearing to be reduced to one- half after the timber is dead. Before ring-barking the cost is set down by the Murray society at from 3 to 5 per acre, and by Mr. 26 Eichardson at from =4 to ,15 per acre. After ring-barking from 2 10s. to 8 per acre. GREAT SOUTHERN RAILWAY DISTRICT. Varieties of Trees. "White gum, York gum, jarrah, jam, sheaoak, stinkwood, manna gum, flooded gum, red gum, yate, salmon gum, Parker's gum or morrell, mallet or fluted gum. Method and time of destruction. In three of the returns sapping is recommended for all the trees mentioned above with the exception of the salmon gum, which one correspondent advises should be ring-barked. York gum and flooded gum are liable to throw up suckers, it is said, in another return. " Sap ringing is desirable in each case for immediate results, but ring-barking is preferable if one can afford to wait the results for say four years." Wagin- Arthur Farmers' Alliance. The Ka tanning Farmers' Association advocates destroying the white gum and jarrah either by ring-barking or burning around the butts; and ring-barking, jam, sheaoak, and manna gum, and sapping York and flooded gums. Stinkwood if cut down dies out. York gum and jam should be rung when the sap is well up. The bark will then fall off every limb and the roots can be burnt right out. Flooded guin is very difficult to kill. Firing round the trunk in the month of March very often has the desired effect. Two correspondents state their experience has shown that ring-barking and sapping may be carried on all the year round with successful results if the work is properly performed. The Wagin-Arthur Farmers' Alliance advises that the work should be done during December, January, and February, while the Katanning Farmers' Association advocates ring-barking or sapping, as the case may be, in September and October, for all trees except manna gum ; the period for this variety being extended from September to March. Sheaoak may be treated at any time. Effect of the destruction of timber on the water supply and growth of grasses. All the correspondents are of the unanimous opinion that the destruction of the timber improves very materially both the water supply and the stock-carrying capacity of the land. The Katanning Farmers' Association, however, makes a reservation in favour of the retention of jam trees " Jam is the only tree which does not injure the grass to any extent. When all the trees are destroyed, the sun has more power over the grasses, which quickly dry up. In the middle of the summer, the grass is often found to be green and succulent under the shade of the jam trees when it is dried up elsewhere. . . . Stock eat the leaves of the stinkwood and young sheaoak s." Cost per acre of ring-barking or sapping. In two returns from the Wagin district the cost of sapping is put down at Is. less per acre than that of ring-barking : the prices being 2s. to 3s. per acre respectively. In the other returns, the cost of ring-barking is from 9d. to Is. 6d. per acre, and of sapping from Is. 9d. to 2s. per acre. 27 The average cost per acre, taking all the returns into consideration, for ring-barking is 2s. Id., and sapping, Is. IHd. Cost per acre of clearing before and after destruction of the trees. The Wagin- Arthur Farmers' Alliance return puts the cost of clearing, both before and after the destruction of the timber, at 3 10s. per acre. The other returns show that the cost of clearing, after the timber has been killed by ring-barking or sapping, is reduced fully one-half. The Broome Hill Agricultural Society's return put the cost of clearing prior to ring-barking at ,3 per acre, and after the timber is dead, at 1 10s. per acre. In the Katanning return the figures are <3 and 2 per acre respectively. YORK DISTRICT. Varieties of Trees. York gum, white gum, salmon gum, jam, blue bush, native cassia, manna gum, morrell gum, flooded gum, sheaoak. Method and time of destruction. The Beverley branch advises ring-barking all the eucalypti, while the York branch advocates sapping without any reservation. The Greenhills Progress Association advises that old York gum trees should be sap-ringed, and that young ones should be ring-barked ; that white gum, salmon gum, cassia, and jam, should be sap-ringed, and that the blue bush should be cut down. It will thus be seen there is a preponderance of opinion in favour of sap-ringing. From January to April is the opinion of the York and Beverley branches for ring-barking or sapping all trees, while the Greenhills Association advises November to April for ring-barking York gum, and May to October for sapping this tree. November to May is the period advised for destroying white gum and cassia, and " any month " for the remaining trees. Mr. W. Padbury filled in a return embracing his experience in the Eastern Districts, the Victoria Plains, and at Yatheroo. His remarks may be inserted here. He says : " I would not cut through the sap of trees on land I wanted to cultivate ; as when the tree is dead and the tree-puller is put on to it, if it has been cut through the sap, it is liable to break off and leave the stump in the ground. I prefer using the tree-puller in clearing, to the ordinary grubbing, as it pulls more roots clean out, and in ploughing after- wards you do not find so many obstructions. For red gums, white gums, salmon gums, and York gums, I find sapping the best, and the time I do it is as soon as the bark will run after the first winter rains until the sap goes down again. With flooded gums I find you must cut through the sap, as they will not die otherwise. My experience is that trees that have been sap-ringed do not generally throw out so many suckers. Some trees take two or three years to die, according to the nature of the tree and the land on which it grows. I think when the sap is well up, say September, October, and November, is the best time for ring-barking, as the tree dies more quickly if the work is done at this time." 28 Effect of the destruction of tke trees upon the water supply and growth of native grasses. There is an unanimous opinion expressed that a most marked increase takes place in both the water supply and the number and vitality of the native grasses that spring up after the trees have been destroyed. Cost per acre of 'ring-barking or sapping. From Is. 3d. to 2s. 6d. per acre are the prices given for ring-barking, and Is. 7d. to 2s. 6d. for sapping. The York branch puts down the first cost of sapping at Is. 3d. to Is. 9cl. per acre, and second cost 4-d. to 6d. per acre for killing suckers. Cost per acre of clearing before and after the destruction of the trees. The cost of clearing for the plough after the country has been ring-barked from two to three years, is in all cases estimated at half that of clearing prior to ring-barking. The average cost of clearing when the trees are green is, for the district, 2 15s. per acre, and half this sum per acre when the trees are dead. NORTHAM DISTRICT. Varieties of Trees. York gum, jam, morrell, white gum, gimlet wood, salmon gum, manna gum, wattles, sheaoaks, flooded gum. Method and time of destruction. Mr. Gregory advises ringing salmon and flooded gums, sheaoak, and jam, and sapping white and York gums. This, in the main, is also the advice of the Irishtown branch, while Mr. Throssell advises sapping all the trees except the jam, which should be rung. Mr. Dempster furnishes an interest- ing note on the destruction of the York gum. He writes : " All trees or scrub can be killed at once by sap-ringing, but the York gums throw out shoots for years after the top of the tree has been killed, and the cost of keeping under the suckers is more than that of ringing in the first instance. I have not yet met anyone who can speak positively as to the best time of the year for ringing these trees. Occasionally some die, and give no further trouble, but as a rule they will not, under the present system. Killing the tree slowly by barking, I think, is the most effectual. I have an idea, supported by facts, that goes to prove that by killing the tree slowly the strength returns to the soil, for the best results I have ever seen from ringing have been by the slow progress." Mr. Dempster and Mr. Throssell have apparently succeeded in killing the other trees by either ring-barking or sapping all the year round, but they both evidently incline to doing the work in the summer. The former says : " I rather think that the summer ring- barking is best for York gums and large trees of the same class." Mr. Throssell writes : " I have not arrived at any conclusion, as I have succeeded in the matter of effectually killing the gums by ring-barking during all the months of the year. I prefer summer for either sapping or ring-barking. In the latter the process is slower, but more effective." The Irishtown branch advise that the work should be done between November and March, while Mr. Gregory favours January and February for York and white gums, and September and October for the others. 29 Effect of destruction of trees upon the water supply and growth of grasses. There is a decided consensus of opinion that the destruc- tion of timber improves both the water supply and the growth of the native grasses. Mr. Throssell writes in reference to the latter : " Especially is this noticeable on the salmon gum country, which, prior to killing the timber, is devoid of herbage. The effect is marvellous, as different species of grasses put in an appearance the first winter after the timber has been ring-barked, and grow luxuriantly. Owing to this 'discovery' the salmon gum country is coming into great favour." Cost per acre of ring-barking and sapping. From Is. 3d. to Is. 9d. for ring-barking, and Is. 6d. to 2s. for sapping. Cost per acre of clearing before and after the destruction of the trees. The highest price quoted for clearing before the timber has been destroyed is <3, and the lowest 2 per acre. The highest quotations given for clearing after the timber is dead is 2 10s., and the lowest PH S o " fe PH g 5 '1.2 S-g | I IS I i s .2 PI CO 3 ! 8 I '3 deeply, to allow the graft to work its way down a little and be held firmly, otherwise the graft will loosen and will not adhere. Then, again, the operator must see that stocks do not close so firmly on the scions as to crush the ends. To avoid this, a small wedge is driven into the split on the opposite side. This, however, is seldom required where two grafts are inserted, as shown in Fig. 2. In most instances both scions grow, and as they are too close together one is afterwards removed. There is more than one way to shape or face the scion, but the point in question should be the most expeditious one, arid it has always proved that when the work is done rapidly the grafts take better, not because it requires carelessness (which must not be inferred), but because the sooner the graft is in position in the stock, with less handling or whittling, the better. Where time is no object the following is a very good method of preparing scions. * This method of grafting will be found useful for changing varieties of vines and grafting stumps of vines already growing.- A. D. 101 The end of the scion is first cut (obliquely), then a cut is made- at a and b but deeper at a, then a shaving is taken by drawing the knife from the end towards a and 5. This scion differs from the one previously described only in the method of preparation. It is inserted in a like manner. The method of inserting the scion and the splitting of the stocks is not confined to those described, and growers generally find a way which the method operated can, in some way or another, be improved. For instance, where the splitting is done obliquely instead of parallel, the grafts are better. This is especially so in grafting prunes. The bark of the scion and stock come obliquely together, and the scion is held firmly in place.. Fig. 1. Fig. 2, Fig. 3. Fig, 4. Fig. 1. The stock split, ready to receive the scions. Fig. 2. A.B. The scions inserted, ready for waxing. Fig. 3. A. The scion ; a.?). The horizontal cut severing the chip on either side j c. The wedge, d. Pith, e. Point of scion, cut ohliquely. Fig. 4. Graft inserted in stock obliquely. The accompanying figure illustrates a method of renewing the top of citrus trees or of vines by means of cleft grafts. When vines are grafted the operation is best done in the early spring when the sap begins to move. The top of the vine is sawn clean off half-an-inch to an inch below the surface, the stump split with a chisel, the two lips of the split trunk forced apart by means of a small hardwood wedge. One or two scions of the sort it is desired to grow are cut two eyes long. The basal side of the scions is cut bevel shape, and sharper on the inner side than the bud side, which is close to the stock. These scions are then pushed gently down the cleft, where they fit snugly and smoothly with the inner bark of both stock and scion in close contact. The hardwood wedge is 102 removed, the lips of the split trunk close in on the wedge-cut scions, and nothing else is done except to bank moist earth in a small mound over the cut. This earth absorbs the dripping sap from the old trunk and keeps the wound well drained. The use of grafting wax would be here worse than useless, as it would prevent the sap run- ning away and would literally drown and rot the plant and prevent the formation of the knitting tissue or callus gum. Sep- tember is the best time for grafting vines. At that time the stock is beginning to burst into leaf ; the scions, which consist of last year's wood, should have been kept Cleft Graft for Old Trees or . , . J , , vines. back in cool sand. Fig. 1. Fig, 2. Grafting under the Bark. I. A. The scion, side view, showing thickness of cut at points a and b. B. Scion transverse view, showing how faced at c. C. The stock, showing how it will cut off, and the incision made to receive the graft, 2. Operation complete. Stock grafted with two scions and applicable to stocks with one scion. A. Twine, showing how it is tied. B. Waxed top surface. C. Waxed on the side covering graft. D. Graft waxed at the end. JB. Ter- minal bud, waxing at end not required. 103 GRAFTING UNDER THE BARK. This is a very simple operation, and is performed just as the sap begins to rise in the stocks. Young peach, plum, and pear seedlings put forth quite early and are grafted at any time after the leaves begin to grow, by the following method : The stocks are sawn off, and with a knife a vertical incision is made on one side of the stock, the same as for a bud. The graft is then prepared by simply facing on one side, as shown in Fig. 1 at c. It is then inserted in the slit, in the manner that buds are inserted, and is then tied and waxed over. For tying, waxed cloth is greatly preferred, as it serves for both purposes that of tying and waxing in one operation. CROWN GRAFTING. Trees, and especially citrus trees, are afj times killed to the ground by the disease of gumming or are cut back by severe frost, and whenever the roots are healthy and well established there will be a great saving of time, instead of rooting up and replacing the tree, to cut it down below the surface of the ground to where the wood is sound and cleft grafting it, or, perhaps, better still, crown grafting it. Crown Grafting- old orange stock (H. J. Webber). For this purpose scions are procured of mature wood from a thriving tree of the kind wanted, cut five to six inches long and sharpened into a long, slanting cut, as shown on the fig. These 104 "two or three on one crown, to make sure that at least one will grow, are pushed between the bark and the wood, preferably in the creases and concave portions of the trunk, when the bark can with less xlanger of splitting, be pressed out. In this way the scion will be held firmly against the trunk without the assistance of any ties. When thus made under the ground, the moist clay and cow dung moulded round the graft will exclude the air which would otherwise interfere with the success of the operation. When done above ground, small strips of waxed cloth over the cavity, formed between the bark and the wood, are necessary. Some gardeners use no grafting wax, but lay a few of the leaves of the plants on the grafts, the whole being tied up hermetically with a cap of strong paper. The paper being a non-con- ductor, the moisture of the leaves Toeing brought out by the heat of the sun, keeps the grafts damp, and causes them to grow freely. This cap, however, is liable to harbour insects that eat the buds as soon as they open. GRAFTING THE FIG AND THE WALNUT. J^JLarge useless trees can be renewed with comparative ease by means of grafting. Hitherto these trees, as well as those with a large amount of pith, were considered bard to graft on account of the difficulty of preventing the air getting into the pith, and also drying up the sap channels left unprotected by a shrinking bark. In grafting such trees, therefore, do not split through the central pith, but better at one side of it. A few limbs are cut to within a foot or so from the stem, whilst it is advisable to leave others to afford shelter to the young grafts and to draw the sap. Cut V-shaped pieces of bark 1 to 1J inches long, trim the scions taken from wood of the size of a lead pencil, and cut the end bevel shape, so as to fit the notches ; fit these scions into the notches referred to, wrap tightly with raffia fibre or with waxed calico, and smear the wound all over with liquid grafting wax, also wax top the scion to prevent drying out. No cavity is thus left in the heart of the limb. The waxed calico strips are removed after a few weeks. G-RAFTING THE OLIVE. The olive is most successfully grafted, says Lelong, during the months of March and April,* but preference is given to those grafted in March, by the following deft method : * August and September in Australia. 105 In this method the stocks are not split down the centre as in the- old way, but instead, the cut is made obliquely, so that the barks of the stock and scion may come obliquely together, and in which way the grafts make a surer and better union. The graft is faced on both sides, to be large at the surface side and thin at the inner side, exactly in the shape of a wedge. The graft is driven down as far as it will go, and made to fit exactly, the barks of the scion and stock to be even on the surface side, the other side does not matter > as the scion unites with the stock of the first only on the surface- side, and in time both sides heal over. The graft having been inserted, it must be tied and waxed. For tying, cloth or twine may be used, arid the wax applied over it. In grafting nursery trees in the field it is best to graft them low, the grafts to be covered with earth within an inch or so from the top, leaving as little of the* graft exposed as possible. This is a protection to both scion and stock, especially from scorching heat, which causes grafts and stocks to die back when left exposed. The leaves of the grafts should never be broken, but cut, nor must they be cut entirely oft'; at least one-third of the leaf should be left (as shown in the figure) to prevent the graft from dying before it has had time to unite with the stock. Neither must the entire leaf be allowed to remain on the graft. The trimming of the leaf prevents it from carrying off too rapidly the fluids by evaporation. Scion. Stock. 106 SIDE GRAFTS are used for restoring symmetry to the branches of pippin fruit trees when grafting by approach cannot be resorted to, or to transform too vigorous but unfruitful branches into fruit-bearing ones. For graft, a branch slightly arched is selected ; cut the lower part into a long slant; make on the stem a vertical incision B and a transverse one C, driving the knife well into the growing wood to stop at that flow of rising sap ; lift the bark with the fla.t handle of the knife; slip in the graft, bind round, and cover with grafting wax. This kind of grafting is done when the eyes are swelling. I have seen a small branch of Rome Beauty, bearing fruit buds, and grafted in a Lord Suffield stem, blossom and carry splendid apples the same Side Graft. Season. AFTER-CARE OF GRAFTING. After vines are grafted flush with the ground, they should be protected by a small stake, driven on the side of the prevailing winds in summer, to which the young, tender shoots of the graft iit Back to force New ' Shcafo ?r Budding,- If the tree to be budded is too old, it is necessary to prepare it for the operation by cutting off the top the previous autumn and rubbing off all the shoots crowding around the stumps, except those required for budding. The figure illustrates an old, coarse citron tree thus rejuvenated and ready to receive buds from some choicer varieties of citrus fruit. With the blade of the budding knife a longitudinal cut is made through the bark where the bud is to be slipped, and either at the top or at the base of that cut, a horizontal cut as well is made, so 110 that the two cuts present the appearance of a letter T, standing either straight up or inverted. This cut should be made a few inches from the ground if nursery stock is budded, or at any convenient height if other trees are operated upon. In all cases, the stick operated upon should have a smooth, young bark, easily lifted. When the vertical cut and the crosscut are made the corner lips are slightly raised with (A) The stock. The transverse cut. The vertical in- cision. (A) The stock, (u) The bud inserted. (A) The stock after budded. (B) The twine as tied, (c) The tie at the finish. (D) The tie at the beginning. the blade or with the flattened ivory handle. This done, pick up the stick of bud wood and cut out a plump young bud, making the section about lin. to IJin. long, and a little longer below the bud than above. Some advocate picking out the portion of wood cut out with the bud, but good result is obtained without doing this. Then, with the point of the knife, slightly raise the bark, slip the bud in, and gradually push it iu under the bark. If in the proper condition for budding, the bark lifts readily. The bud is now ready for tying or for wrapping with the waxed cloth. When doing this commence slightly below the crosscut if it is at the bottom of the vertical cut, or slightly above if it is at the top; wrap pretty tightly around the stock over the bud in a spiral manner, each turn slightly overlapping the previous one until the whole cut is covered, then twist the waxed strip back and press the end against the folds already made, when it will adhere. In changeable weather it is well that the strips should overlap from above downwards, so as to prevent water running down the stem penetrating the cut. In Western Australia, where fair weather occurs pretty well all Ill through the budding season, darning wool or rafia fibre are often used for tying the bud. FORCING THE BUDS. After 10 to 12 days the buds are examined, and if plump, green, and alive, they are allowed to remain covered for another week or two, when the ties can be removed entirely. If the bud is dead, a fresh one can be inserted in a fresh cut. Left too long, the tie may cut into the growing tissues of the stock and smother the bud. If it is desired to force the buds, the tops of the branch on which the bud has been inserted is partly cut off 10 to 12 inches above the bud, once it has been ascertained that the bud has taken. A brush of foliage is left on the resulting stump to drain the sap beyond the bud, which at the same time will assimilate some of it and will soon start to grow ; unless this is done, the stump may die (A) The brush left on tho stock to induce the bud to start, by acting as suctions drawing up the sap. (u) The stcck. (c) Point where the bud may be tied to protect it from breaking. (D) Point where the old stock is to be cut away, the dotted line beiow it indicating how much the- bud is endan- gered by cutting lower than this line. 112 back and endanger the bud. The illustrations taken from Mi\ Lelong's paper will explain how this is done. When the shoot from the bud has reached a sufficient length it is often loosely tied to the old stump until quite strong and tough, when the old stump is removed altogether and cut smooth a little above the bud, so that it will soon heal over without forming an ugly scar. It is not necessary to protect the wound with gum, shellac, or any kind of covering. " Dormant buds " are often left on the stock, and are only forced in the spring, so as to insure a stronger growth. In that case the top of the stock is left untouched until the time comes to force the bud. BUDDING THE FIG. The fig is perhaps the most difficult tree to bud, on account of the milky exudation or latex which runs from the incised wound, sours and kills the bud. The following method is recommended by Lelong : " For the fig, the best method is to cut a ring right around the stock (say) from three-fourths of an inch to an inch long. Then another ring of bark is taken from a limb (the scion), of the same size, having the bud wanted. This is then slipped into the cut in the stock, and bound tightly with the soft cotton twine or cloth, covering it up to exclude the air. By this method the ascending sap will unite with the sap of the bud. The operation should be performed from November to January." BUDDING THE VINE. Budding is not generally resorted to for propagating the vine, grafting having hitherto been almost exclusively used for changing undesirable varieties of vines. The budding of the vine can, however, be performed just as easily as the budding of the apple or the pear, and is a most rapid and valuable means of propagation. Of the several methods in voojue for this purpose, the one known as Salgue's Green Budding, after the name of its first sponsor, is one of the easiest. In order that it should prove successful, the stock as well as the scion should be carefully chosen. The operation is performed in a slightly different way to the one already described above. The bud, which is also an eye or shield bud, is carefully chosen from the buds at the tender end of the shoot of the vine it is intended to propagate. Few desirable scion buds are available for the purpose on the young shoot ; a little experience soon teaches which are those suitable for the purpose. They are recognised by the following characteristics : When a green shoot is cut lengthwise the tissues, which are lignified and provided with pith towards the base, become more tender as the terminal buds are reached, until towards the end they are quite tender and almost transparent. Those buds, at the third to fifth node from the top, show a diaphragm or partition through the tissues, but are yet unprovided with pith : they are desirable eyes for 113 budding. When it is desired to bud, a longitudinal section of 1J- inch is made with the grafting-knife on any internode of the shoot to be grafted ; the shoot is bent inwards, bow fashion, when after slightly raising the bark on each side of the incision with the blade of the knife, when the lips of the incised bark will open slightly and a bud such as has been described is cut and slipped in. The shoot, is then left to spring back as it was before bending, and the scion- bud is compressed between the bark and the growing wood of the stock. A ligature of wool or rafia is then tied round, or a strip of waxed calico wrapped round the wound. In a couple of weeks' time the ligature is removed, and if the bud has taken it is either forced to grow if early in the season by pinching the shoots of the stock directly after budding, and reducing them further a fortnight later, and finally cutting them above the bud, or it may, on the other hand, be allowed to remain dormant until next spring. The main objection to this method of budding is the difficulty of selecting the right sort of scion-bud, and for this reason the next method is preferred. VOTJZOU BUD. This method is in every respect similar to the one described as suitable for fruit trees. It can be performed all through the growing season, and preferably from October to January. One point worth noting is that when detaching the bud, and previously to inserting it in the T-shaped incision, the veneer of wood which is cut off with the bud is not picked out, and it is even desirable to> cut deep enough to just reach the pith. There is no inconvenience to leave some of it opposite the cut. A section of one-third to one- fourth of the node bearing a solitary bud gives good results. A fortnight after the bud has taken, the canes of the stock are cut back to insure knitting and shooting of the bud. The ties, however, are not removed until a month after budding. This method is simple, gives a high percentage of strikes ; good knitting can be See New Methods of Grafting and Budding. Dubois and Wilkinson, p 12, 114 performed on a stuinp of any age, and on more canes than one, and it can be renewed during the same season on some other joint, in case of in success. For early spring budding, cuttings from the previous season's growth are buried in the cool moist sand to retard their growth, and they are inserted directly the sap is in full flow and the bark easily lifted from the wood. Whichever method of budding the vine is used, it is desirable to fasten the tender young shoots to a stake as they grow in length, as they are very easily disjointed when young. PRUNING. Several objects are aimed at when pruning. It helps to control the growth of the plant and train it in such a way that the operations of cultivation, of treating and dressing the trees and vines whenever required, and of gathering the fruit, are made easier and less costly. It equalises the wood and fruit production $f the tree, checking the one to favour the other if need be, suppressing rank growth of the boughs or limiting the productiveness of the plant in such a way that the quality is not affected by the excessive quantity of the fruit crop. It checks the growth of suckers, water sprouts, and unsightly knobs and enlargements along the stem and branches ; it tends to keep the plant in a thriving and healthy condition, promoting the growth of luxuriant foliage which tend to shelter the fruit and limbs from sunburn. PRUNING OUTFIT. The tools required for pruning are few, but it is essential that they should be of the best quality and of a type suitable for the work to be done. It is also essential that they should be kept in good order, sharp and smooth, as a jagged or a blunt blade will inflict upon the wood bruises and injuries which will either cause the sap to sour and the limb to die back or will delay the healing of the wound, and thus leave a door open to the entrance of the fungi of canker and other moulds productive of rot and decay. Secateurs, or pruning shears, are easier to handle than the pruning knife. They do the work quickly, neatly, and without giving a jerk to the branches of fruit trees and vines as does the pruning knife. The first illustration represents Rieser's Secateur, which can be procured in Perth. It is sold with a duplicate blade, made of well-tempered steel, the prong is made of chilled steel, the tool is nine inches long, strongly made and well finished. The second illustration shows two types of secateurs and a handy pruning saw. The longer pruning shears, 15 to 17 inches long, is a two-handled one and a very powerful tool, suitable for 115 pruning strong vines and hard and knotty wood. One of its handles is chisel-shaped, and is found very convenient for suckering vines or trees, an operation which, when made with the blade, jags its edge and makes it blunt. Eieser Secateur. The edge of the blade of the secateur should be kept sharp by the use, whenever required, of a small hone or an oil stone, while the file will keep the teeth of the pruning saw well set. Pruning I mplements. 116 When using the secateurs a clean and neat cut is given by seeing that the blade, and not the prong, faces the part of the wood which is left on the plant. As strong branches as can well be inserted between the blade and the prong can with little effort be snipped by gently pushing the top part of the branch or rod it is intended to cut away from the operator and against the prong side of the secateur. The pruning knife previously illustrated in the chapter on grafting, if kept sharp, will, in the hands of an experienced pruner, do very good work, and makes a very clean cut, which soon heals over. The blade should be strongly made, of the best steel, and with a beak curved at a sharp angle. A rough buckhorn handle will ensure a good grasp in the hand while in use; the blade, well ground, will be found useful for trimming and paring the wound, and giving it a smooth face after sawing. To the other tools and appliances described, the following two will be found of great use when high trees have to be pruned and handled : Branch Cutter, This long pruning shear, mounted on a light pole about the size of a broom stick, six to eight feet long, is a very handy device for reaching to the tops of the higher trees. It is found at the leading ironmongers. Fruit Ladder. 117 An orchard ladder, properly constructed, is a very handy appliance when pruning trees and gathering fruit. Orchard ladders of several designs are made. Some consist of a pole of a fibrous kind of timber, such as stringy-bark, bound with a, strong band of hoop-iron a foot or so from the top end ; this will prevent the pole, which is sawn to that point, splitting when the two lower ends are stretched and the rungs fastened. Hinged, four-footed step-ladders, like the one here illustrated, are, as a rule, clumsy appliances, which are inconvenient on hill- side or uneven ground, besides being heavy and easily dislocated. Those found ready-made for sale in shops are often so lightly made as to be of little use in the orchard. Yarnish or wax paper is found useful for preventing wounds, caused by the removal of a large limb, cracking and decaying owing to exposure ; it also promotes a more speedy healing. For that purpose gum shellac is often used. It is made by dissolving in a little strong alcohol as much gum shellac as will make the varnish of the An Undesirable Fruit Ladder. consistency of paint. This varnish is kept in a well-corked flask, with a [mouth wide enough to admit a brush, and is thus always ready for use. It is applied over the cut surface, well pared with the knife. Other good coverings for wounds made in pruning are also common white lead paint, grafting wax, coal tar, in the order named. The last-named is often a hindrance, while pine tar is even some- what detrimental to healing. CUTTING TO A BUD. It is important before cutting off a branch of a tree or a rod of a, vine to make sure that the last bud left on the plant, and which is intended to prolong the growth of the plant, is a sound, plump one, likely to grow, or whether it has accidentally been rubbed off or otherwise destroyed. Such a terminal bud should be a leaf bud, and not a fruit bud. Leaf buds differ from fruit buds in being more elongated, flattened, and more pointed in the same species of plants ; they are either single, or give growth to single shoots, or double and even triple, when grouped in small clusters, two or three together, ;as in the case of stone fruits, they produce either leaves or branches. 118 B Fruit buds are distinguished from leaf buds by their rounder and fuller form, the scales that cover them are broader, and they begin to swell and burst open earlier in the Spring. Fruit buds are also single, as in the case of apples, pears, quinces, or single, double and triple, as in stone fruits and berries. They are, besides, simple or compound ; that is to say they produce but one flower, as in the peach, nectarine, almond, and apricot, or two or more flowers, in clusters, as in apples, pears, plums, and cherries. All buds are leaf buds when first formed ; some at a later stage develop, either by being allowed to mature naturally or by artificial means, into fruit buds. Many trees develop their fruit buds towards their terminal shoots, unless these are cut off, when those left at the base of the branch, or along it, are thus excited into growth, and transformed into lateral fruit buds. When cutting to a bud a slight slant is generally given to the cut, at a place close to the bud, although in so doing it is advisable not to approach the bud too closely, nor on the other hand leave above it a useless stump, which might engender decay ; a piece of wood about an eighth of an inch above the bud is sufficient to leave. In the case of the grape vine the practice is often to cut through the joint, above the last bud it is intended to leave on the spur, as shown at 02. A longitudinal section of the young wood of a vine shows in each joint a tubular cavity filled with pith ; at each joint or node that tube is closed, as in the case of the bamboo, and if the section and Pith. below is at times endangered. The section should be made either at C or at 2 as shown 011 the fig., and never at Ci. The buds B are those left on the spur. D is an axillary bud which often fails to shoot. E is a piece of the previous season's wood. WHEN BEST TO PRUNE. For the winter pruning of deciduous trees, May, June, July, and August are the best months. Pruning may be started directly the wood is ripe, when the leaves fade and begin to drop off. It is recommended to give to apricots and cherries a preliminary pruning in the late summer, after the crop has been gathered. Trees thus pruned are less subject to gumming and dying back, and the leaf buds have thus more time to transform into fruit buds, and to- perfect themselves. 119 Asa rule older trees are ready for pruning before younger ones. In frosty localities, where stagnant cold air hangs about hollows and gullies, it is advisable to delay the pruning of vines, peaches, and plants whose sap moves early, until later in the season. This delays the period of active growth, and may save the crop. As regards the grape vine, later pruning is, if anything, also preferable to early pruning, in respect to yield of the crop and eaiiiness of the period of maturity ; but, of course, where wide areas have to be gone through, it is not possible to delay until the right moment this operation. VINE PRUNING. PRUNING AT TIME OF TRANSPLANTING. In Western Australia, where the summer season is dry and protracted, rooted vines are more in favour than cuttings when planting a vineyard. The figure below shows how a typical rooted vine from the nursery bed is cut back previous to planting. The bruised roots are trimmed off, as shown at C, as well also as Trimming rooted vine before planting. 120 those fibrous roots along the steins of the rooted vines which, were- they allowed to grow, would be too close to the surface, and would in the long, dry summer fail to maintain through the plant the requisite flow of the nourishing sap, and two good buds only are left on the rooted plant to supply the wood and the foliage- which the vine will carry the first season of its growth. PRUNING FOR WOOD AND FOR FRUIT. Excessive wood growth is detrimental to heavy bearing, but on the other hand, excessive bearing checks the growth of the vine. The art of pruning consists, in a great measure, in so balancing the productive and the vegetable vigour of the plant that regular- average crops are borne annually of good sized, well nourished and healthy grapes. The shoot from a bud is generally considered good for two bunches of grapes, and a good size vine growing under favourable conditions out in the field may be allowed from one to three dozen buds. These should be uniformly distributed, according to the system of training adopted, as symmetrically as possible over the vine, the stronger arms being allowed, according to their vigour, more buds than the weaker ones. Sturdy vines trained on overhead trellis may be allowed as many as eighty buds, and even more in particular circumstances. In connection with the pruning of the grape vine there are several facts which should be borne in mind. The vine bears on wood of the present season's growth, issuing from a bud on wood produced the preceding year. The activity of the sap is much greater in those shoots which grow more erect, than on those which are bent down or are trained horizontally ; it is also greater towards the extremity of a cane than towards its base. A bend or a twist to a ca,ne which has a tendency to shoot upwards will, while checking that tendency to excessive wood growth, favour its productiveness. Only leave matured wood, of medium size, and short jointed,, in preference to either luxuriant " full canes" or spindly stunted growths with a weak constitution. A vine with a tendency to " go to wood" should be pruned for fruit, by resorting to either long or to mixed pruning. If, on the other hand, a vine shows signs of distress and does not make a fair amount of wood, it should be severely pruned so as to reduce the number of the fruit-bearing buds. Suckers and water shoots should be cut clean out, unless required for renewing the top of the vine, or part of it ; these shoots are, as a rule, sterile the first season after they come out. When cut back the growth issuing from them carries fruit sparingly the- first year. 121 PRUNING YOUNG VINES. The aim of the primer is to form a stem on which to build the framework which will carry the future crop of grapes. The year of planting the growth of the young vine is not interfered with. The subsequent season all the shoots but one are cut off, and the remaining one cut back either to a height of six to nine inches, if it is intended to train the vine gooseberry bush fashion, or to a height of 14 to 15 inches if it is meant to train it on a trellis. If a suitable shoot is not procurable, cut the young vine hard back to two buds and train the strongest shoot which will spring from one of these buds erect to a stick or a piece of bamboo set into the ground. Forming young vine. STRUCTURE OF THE BUDS. Some knowledge of the nature of the buds of the grape vine will help in understanding the reason for long or for short pruning. Two kinds of buds are found on a vine cane. At the base, axillary buds, or, in some sorts, half -developed buds occur, which, if cut in two with a sharp knife, and examined under a microscope, would show a core surrounded with scales. These buds are unfertile, and, if they grow at all in the spring, they form wood shoots. Higher up the cane, and the further away from the base, the buds become more fertile ; a section of such buds show, around the core, microscopic grape bunches and tendrils. They represent, in embryo, the coming season's crop. If, by some agency or other, either wind, frost, or accident, the shoots issuing from them are destroyed, fresh shoots are often produced, which are produced by less developed secondary buds, and the crop will, in consequence, be reduced. It is thus seen why some vines fail to bear fruit if they are pruned too short, and others overbear if too much wood is left 011 them. When it is admitted that the coming crop is present in embryo on the vine at the time of pruning, it is easy to understand how a droughty season, or blights of some sort or other, by weakening the vine and stunting its growth, is not only detrimental to the visible crop, but also affect the next season's crop as well. SYSTEMS OF PRUNING. Pruning and training differ, insomuch as pruning affects the growth and the productiveness of the vine, and the quality as well as the quantity of the grapes, whereas training is purely con- Tentional, and does not affect the growth and fruitfulness'of the vine to the same extent. Training varies according to locality and to circumstances, and it is simply adopted for the sake of uniformity, and to facilitate cultivation, dressing the vines, and gathering the ; grapes. 122 The methods of training are numerous and varied ; the several systems of pruning, on the other hand, may be cut down to three- main types, according to the length of spurs or of fruiting canes, left on the vines, viz., short, long, and mixed pruning. Short, or Spur Pruning consists in leaving on the vines short spurs of one to three buds only generally two buds. It is applic- able to those vines of moderate growth, which fruit most readily from every joint of their fruiting wood. Although the crops are thereby reduced, and the bunches fewer in number, they are, in consequence, of larger size and more showy. Long Pruning consists in cutting long one or more of the previous season's fruiting canes. Six to ten buds are left on the canes or rods of these varieties, which only bear fruit on buds, situated further away from the crown, the lower buds being mostly sterile, or not regularly fertile. Should such varieties be pruned short, most of the fruitful buds would be removed, and the result would probably be a luxuriant wood and leaf growth, and a very small crop. Mixed, or Half -long Pruning : Between these two systems is an intermediate one found useful in the case of vines which have been pruned short, and are planted on rich ground, and run into rank growth at the expense of fruit production. It is also use- ful in the case of vines which, of the class that is pruned long, fail, through exhaustion and lack of necessary vitality, to carry a full crop of well developed grapes. As the illustration shows, it is advisable to leave for each longer spur a short one cut back to two buds, whose duty it is to provide wood for the following year. When that pruning cornes the longer spurs now illustrated are cut off, and a new fruiting spur or cane, together with a shorter wood spur, are selected from the shoots issuing from the wood figure. spur shown in the Mixed or half -long pruned vine. GRAPE VINES GROWN IN WESTERN AUSTRALIA. How to Prune them. The following list supplies the names of vines which in fairly^ moist and fertile localities are better pruned short or long, as the- case may be. In dry districts, however, it is preferable to be sparing 123 of long pruning and high training, and to adhere more closely to short pruning and low bush training. This insures a more rapid and freer circulation of the sap through the channel of the tissues of the plant, and consequently better nourished bunches. In such localities it may advisable to make up for the low fertility of the basal buds of the canes by multiplying the number of spurs. Prune short the Roussillon family of grapes, viz., Grenache Garignane, Mataro, Aspiran, Morastel; also Cinsault, Aramon, Sauvignon vert (Colombar), Semillon, Pedro Ximenes, Folle blanche Trebbiano, Doradillo, Clairette, Gouais, Zinfandel, the Muscats, Black Hamburgh, Cornichon, and a great many table grapes. Prune long Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet franc, Malbec, Merlot, Verdot, Sauvignon blanc, the Pinots, Verdelho, Shiraz, Boussanne, (White Hermitage), Riesling, Green Hungarian (Tokay), Malaga, Early White Malvasia (Lignan), Sultana, the Currants. Prune half-long any of the above sorts, according to circum- stances as detailed above, and more particularly Mondeuse, Marsanne (White Shiraz), Chasselas, Muscatel, Sauvignon blanc, Sauvignon vert, Merlot, Pinot-Chardonnay, the Port Wine varieties, the Sauterne varieties, Blue Portuguese (CElillade), Black Morocco, Emperor, Shiraz, Crystal, Almeria, Pedro Ximenes. METHODS OF TRAINING. As I have already pointed out, training is merely a matter of convenience. The numerous methods of training may be reduced and grouped under two types : 1 . Vines growing upright, with or without stalks. 2. Vines trained on horizontal wires or trellises. First Group : Vines Trained Upright. To this group belong the ''Gooseberry Bush, or " Goblet " shape vines, trained according to Bush vine after pruning. Bush, vine after second pruning. 124 this method, and of the class that require short pruning. The- single stem sturdy and straight, having been formed, a fork of two spurs, with two buds on each, is left when pruning the second year ; these will constitute the first two arms of the vine ; the subsequent season one or two spurs are left on these arms, and so on until the number of spurs is increased to six or eight, in the case of a strong vine. When well- shaped the vines need not stand in the way of the horse implements, and when the arms became too long, advantage is taken of the presence of any water shoot conveniently situated closer to the stem. This shoot is at pruning time cut back to two buds, and turned into a spur to fill the gap of tha longer and older arms, which can then without inconvenience be- sawn off or cut hard back. . SPUR PRUNING. A. A. shows the points of section and spur left after pruning. Method of pruning wood growing on a short spur, set on a permanent rod. A. and B. show where to cut (FoEx). To this group also belong vines pruned half -long and trained goblet shape. The figure above (page 122) illustrates this method of training. The heavy initial cost of staking or trellising a vineyard planted with sorts requiring lon^r pruning at times makes it convenient to train vines without support. The wood-cut alongside illustrates this method of training. One or more long rods, consisting of six to ten eyes (C) , with a short wood spur of two eyes at the base of each (S), are for this purpose left on the vine. the end of the rods being either bent down and tied to the base of the oppo- site rod, or the rods are made to en- twine together in the form of a bow. It is customary to leave the long rod above the short wood spur, which are left closer to the stem, in order to keep the arms of the vine from rising too rapidly, as the long rods being cut off the subsequent pruning, the wood necessary to con- tinue that method of pruning is found supplied by last season's short spurs. Long rods and short spurs. 125 Second Group: Trellised Vines. Vines trained on trellises are pruned either with short spurs along permanent rods, or with long fruiting rods. In France, vines trained on wires, with a branch on each side of the stem, are said to be trained espalier fashion, in con- tradistinction to those trained with one main branch only bent on one side of the stem, cordons being the term applied to that system of training. The adjoining figure represents the Guyot Cordon and the double Guyot, or Bordeaux Espalier, is represented below. They are limited to these vines which have their fertile buds away from the base of the canes, or those whose basal buds are not regularly fertile. Guyot Cordon before pruning. The Guyot cordon consists of a long fruiting cane (c), about three or four feet long, and a short wood spur (s) cut back to two buds, which is intended to provide the wood necessary for the subsequent season's pruning. For that purpose the cane c is cut clean off, one of the canes shooting from s is tied down in its stead, and another cane from & likewise is cut back to two good spurs the axillary buds not being counted. Guyot Cordon after pruning. This method of pruning and training, which is suitable for weakly vines of the Pinot tribe, growing on the poor limestone of a> cool country, where it is much in favour, is not to be recommended for our richer soil and under a forcing climate like that of Western Australia. A modification of it, and one better suited to our local con- ditions, with vines like the Cabernet, Malbeck and Eiesling, is a 126 modification of the G-uyot system, known as the Bordelais espalier, which is correctly represented in the accompanying figure. It gives more scope to the vine, and should it be found necessary to give Bordeaux Espalier. even more wood to particularly luxuriant vines growing on rich, deep, soil, two new rods maybe left. BORDELAIS ESPALIER. Vigorous vine, with two long fruiting canes and short wood spurs on each side of the stem. These vines are formed thus : The first pruning is in every way similiar to the one already described. The trellis is made of two wires, the first 16 to 18 inches from the ground, and the second 20 to 22 inches above it. It is advisable to train the stem along a short stake for a year or two, so as to better keep it straight. The second year the stem is pruned to a height of 12 to 14 inches, or it may be cut back about the height of the lower wire, the blade of the secateur being made to cut through the top node ; this stem can then be tied firmly to the first wire and staking thus dispensed with From the joints below shoots will grow, two of which at the time of the third year's pruning will be cut back to two buds only. The shoots from these short spurs will be trained as represented, one horizontally on each side of the stem and along the bottom wire, while the other shoots from these spurs will be cut back to two buds to provide wood and fruiting canes for future pruning. It is important that all shoots not required should be rubbed off as they appear on the stem. 2. PERMANENT RODS AND SHORT SPURS. This method of pruning and training is typically represented by the Thomery espalier, named after the favourite method of pruning followed by the vinegrowers of the fertile village of Thomery, near Paris. It is one well adapted to our local require- ments. 127 Diagram of Thomery espalier, before pruning (Foex). The fig. (after Foex), is not as good as I would like it. It does not show the two wires of the trellis, which may be placed at distances similar to those mentioned when describing the method of training according to the Bordeaux ^ espalier. It consists of two main arms set $ horozontally on each side of the stem along the I lower wire. Along those permanent arm spurs are | left at intervals of nine to ten inches. The inter- ^ val between the first spur on each permanent g arm is 12 inches or a little more. It is essential, ~' more particularly in the case of trellised vines, that .fi there should be one stem only to each vine ; in the 1, case of the Thomery espalier it is important that J the right and the left arms should start at nearly 1 as possible from the same level, so as to better J equalise the flow of sap and avoid wide blanks ^ being created and much of the space available over costly trellises remaining idle. To guard against 2 this, the arms should be encouraged to spring from I the stem at about the same level and they should o be trained sharply along the first wire, thus giving -^ to the vine the form of the letter T. For this purpose, as soon as the stem has grown three or four joints above the lower wire it is pinched just a,bove the bud which is level or is nearest to that wire ; this is done sometimes in the summer. Fi om the end of this still tender shoot another small shoot will grow, and this is also pinched back, generally when it is on or two inches long. The vine being still in full growth, another shoot will soon appear from that terminal bud which has been strengthened by this process of pinching back. This shoot is allowed to grow, it carries at its base a cluster of two, or it may be more, buds. At pruning time, when mature, cut back to the point (a) indicated on the fig. From these shoots will grow, the stronger two of which are bent down, directly they cease to be brittle, to the wires, where they are fastened . Before the end of the season, and when they are a foot or two- long, these horizontal shoots are pinched back, with the result that they will throw up laterals which will form the bases of the spurs. 128 the following season. It is not advisable to give to the permanent arms their full length the first year, but it is preferable to add a few joints to the arms every year until the space from vine to vine along the lines has been filled up. This is done by always pruning to a lower bud the last joint left on the vine, and from this lower bud will grow a shoot which will naturally take a horizontal direc- tion. An upper bud would probably throw up a shoot which would have to be bent down and would show by a kink the interruption in the growth of the arm. Once the spurs are established they are cut every year to two buds, as has already been explained. 3. PERMANENT K.ODS MIXED OR HALF-LONG PRUNING. An example of this method of pruning is the Cazenave cordon. The only advantage it possesses over the Thomery espalier is that, being one-sided, there is no occasion to use when pruning the amount of discrimination necessary when training a vine espalier fashion, in which case the proper equilibrium of the plant is main- tained or re-established by maintaining the two arms in the same state of vigorous growth, if they are of equal development, or by favouring the growth of the weaker arm by hard pruning if found necessary so to do. Although the figure does not show it, Cazenave Cordon. three wires are better than two in training vines according to this method. If the distance from vine to vine is too great, the cordon is not all laid down at once, but half of it may be trained first, the cane being cut to a lower bud, which will produce a straight horizontal shoot which will be utilised for lengthening the cordon. The permanent arm is made to grow spurs, which each produce a fruiting cane and a wood spur. It takes four seasons to properly form a Cazenave cordon. 4. CAZENAVE CORDON MODIFIED. This is a very neat and very useful way of training vines ^requiring long pruning and growing on rich ground. It is thus .seen that once the framework of the vine is well formed, it may be pruned with all the modifications of short, half long, or long pruning already described. 129 This mixed system of pruning which finds favour with some is suitable for localities where both soil and climate are favourable to a luxuriant growth of the vine. Permanent rods and long bent rods. (Bioletti). 5. SYLVOZ CORDON. This method of training necessitates three wires. The stem is higher than in the case of the Cazenave cordon, and is raised to the middle wire ; about three feet from the ground a permanent main branch is established, and along it spurs are found at intervals of about 12 inches, which are pruned to one bud, producing a shoot which will be bent down and tied to the first wire. This sharp bending will induce the basal bud to grow more vigorously than the others, which will produce fruit bearing shoots ; at pruning time this bent cane is cut back to the first shoot ; this is in its turn sharply curved down. Sylvoz Cordon. 130 This system of pruning is not suitable for every locality, and soon exhausts the vine unless it is of a particularly vigorous growing sort, established on deep fertile soil. It suits the Currants, Crystal, Sultana, Gros Colraan, Wortley Hall, Almeria, and also those individual vines which show an exaggerated tendency "to go to wood," and for that reason are often shy bearers. GARDEN TRELLISES. Perhaps nowhere is the want of systematic training and prun- ing of the vine more glaringly exhibited than on the private garden trellises. The second of the two accompanying illustrations forcibly exhibits such amateurish method of training and pruning vines. There the vines are allowed to grow without restraint, and at pruning time canes are bent and directed in the most fanciful manner to fill a gap here and there. These vines, which are generally grown in close proximity to the house, as a rule receive more attention ; they are manured, sul- phured, the ground is dug round them, and as they bear well the owner takes little or no trouble in the first years of their growth to train them with some sort of method, until with years his mistakes are made apparent to him. The side buds are robbed by the higher ones, they get feebler and feebler, and at last cease to grow at all ; the sides of the trellis become denuded, and all the energy of the vine is spent 011 the top. The sketch printed in these pages illustrates a method of training vines on the home trellis which, if copied, will result in the owner deriving from his vines both shelter and fruit. The sketch is drawn to scale, the vines planted six feet apart, and trained with one permanent arm only. On that arm, at intervals of 10 to 12 inches, spurs are left and cut back to two eyes, unless the vine shows a tendency of running riot, in which case one of the methods of pruning reviewed in a previous chapter on pruning, and preferably the modi- fied Cazenave method, may be adopted. This method consists in leaving on the permanent arms one or several long rods supplied 'with five to ten The proper way of Training Vines on the Garden Trellis. 131 eyes. These rods are bent down and tied ; they carry much fruit and supply an outlet for any excessive flow of sap from the vine How vines should not be trained. T-HEAD TRELLISING FOE CURRANT VINES. Unless adequate development is given the currant vine, it often remains infertile. The following method of training these vines, which has for a number of years been adopted with marked success by Mr. Thomas Hardy, of South Australia, is found to be suited to those vines : The vines are planted 10 feet in the rows, which are 12 feet apart. Posts, 4J feet out of the ground, are set every 30 feet. ! Currant Vine Trellises. 132 Cross-heads, 27 inches long, made of split wood 2 inches x 4 inches, are bolted on at the top of the posts. Lower cross-heads, a little shorter, about 24 inches long, may also be bolted at a lower level say, 18 inches from the ground. Three wires for each tier are used, the middle one slightly lower than the outer ones. The end posts are well strutted ; No. 8 is used for the central wire and No. 10 for the outer wires. The currant vines are trained alternately on the top and bottom tier, and thus more room is afforded for their development. The vines may either be trained right and left T fashion, or with one single bent arm like an inverted L. The main arm is trained up along the middle wire (3), the long rods (a) being tied alternately to the outer wires, any buds beyond the wire being cut off. The short rods (b) usually bear as much fruit as the long rods. COST OF STAKING AND TEELLISING. The cost of trellising currant vines according to thej above method, recommended by Mr. Thomas Hardy, if done in a substantial manner, says that gentleman, is in any case a heavy one, and to do it in any other way is false economy. The figures given below would vary somewhat with the cost of posts and of wire. For one acre of vines it will take : s. d. 118 posts at 6d. each 2 19 11 straining posts at Is. .... ... ... 11 11 struts at 6d 056 123 crossheads at 10s. per 100 012 3 5cwt. of wire at 10s. .... 2 12 6 301bs. bolts at 3d 076 Labour erecting- .. ... ... ... 3 1 6 If two tiers, extra ... ... ... 4 10 6 <14 19 3 STAKING AND TRELLISING VINES. A great many vine-growers are deterred from staking or trellising their vineyards on account of the somewhat heavy expendi- ture of money it entails. Instead, therefore, of pruning such vines long, as require long pruning, they spur prune them, with the result that the crop the vineyard is capable of producing is, in a great many instances, shortened by one-third or even more. 133 If a given area of vineyard can, at a comparatively small additional expense, be made to yield a much heavier crop, jthe returns will be equivalent to those of a much larger area. 7 For instance, if by spending 5 to 6 per acre to the cost of preparations for suitable pruning and training of the vines the net profits are increased by 30 per cent., the result is equivalent to increasing the area under cultivation by one-third, and that at a cost much below that which such addition would involve. An acre of vineyard, for instance, worth, say, .50, would be practically, by the extra expenditure of =5 for staking or trellising, be made to yield a return of one acre and one-third, and represent a capital value of 67. As it will be seen in the chapter on pruning of the vines, such extra expenditure would not be justified in the case of vines requiring short pruning, and only applies to the choicer and nobler varieties requiring long pruning. For stakes, the sizes generally used are 2x2 incjies, 6ft. long. In different places, the cost of material would vary ; the cost of purchasing, hauling, sharpening, and setting good jarrah or raspberry jam stakes would be generally about ,10 a thousand vines, or about 6 5s. an acre for vines planted 8ft. square. In trellising 6ft. posts, Sin. x 4in. are used 2ft. below and 4ft. above ground, and at the end of the rows, straining posts, 6in. x 3iu. and 6ft. to 6ft. 6in. long. Two wires only are necessary, viz., near the coast, No. 10 galvanised wire, and inland, where the corrosive action of the air is felt to a lesser degree, the cheaper No. 10 black steel wire will answer admirably. The first wire is set at a height of 18 inches from the ground. The second wire 20 to 24 inches higher, or about 3ft. 2in. to 3ft. 6in. from the ground. The following is an estimate of what the cost of trellising a 10-aere vineyard would probably be at per acre. Supposing the block of vineyard measures 10 chains x 10 chains, and the distance between the rows is 10ft., there would be per acre 6i rows, requiring : & s. d. 13 straining posts per acre, at 6d. each ... 6 6 156 ordinary posts, 28ft. apart, at 20s. per 100 1 11 6 156 holes for same, at 3s. 6d. per 100 ... 5 6 4cwt. g-alvanised No. 10 wire, at 12s. 3d. ... 2 90 Boring holes, putting up, and straining- ... 012 6 ^65 5 FRUIT TREE PRUNING. In this chapter the shaping and the pruning of the several varieties of those temperate clime fruit trees grown in our orchards will be more particularly referred to. GENEEAL PRINCIPLES. There are a few rules which are applicable in every circum- stance, and which should be borne in mind whatever the system of 134 training, or the kind of tree to be pruned, may be. Thus, when pruning, cut off all dead wood ; also one of any two branches which may happen to cross and rub against each other, thus chafing the bark and injuring the limb. Suppress water shoots and suckers. When cutting to a bud do not leave a stump above the bud ; but on the other hand do not cut the wood off too close to that bud. When compelled to remove large limbs, pare off the wound with a sharp knife, and cover the wound with some dressing, such as already recom- mended in the previous chapter on pruning, or even with clay, which, while preventing the air and the dampness from drying and rotting the wood, will not prevent the young bark overgrowing the wound and gradually healing it. Before cutting a limb off try to see what the result of your action is likely to be a few years hence, and thus save at an early stage the possible necessity of having to cut large limbs at some future period. Should it be found necessary to cut a large limb, saw it a short distance fromthe bottom first. Then saw down from above, and the limb can be removed without fear of splitting off below. Never cut a branch without having a reason for doing so. Under the climatic conditions which prevail here, it is better to err on the side of cutting hard back, so as to keep the tree low, than on the side of sparing the tree the first years of its growth, and letting it run up a high stem, topped with long, lanky branches. SYSTEMS OF TRAINING AND SHAPING FRUIT TREES. Climatic conditions to a great extent influence the methods of training trees. Thus in colder climates they are often trained Gordon fashion, or in Espaliers. Then again the Pyramid shape was for a long time a favourite in warmer climates, until the Lou- Standard or Vase system supplanted it. 1. Cordons, which are either vertical or horizontal or oblique. Trees trained as horizontal cordons, have their stems bent at right angles and fastened to a wire. These cordons are either single, as Horizontal Cordon. shown in the fig., or double, i.e., with a branch on each side. Although this method of training trees is sometimes employed for apple and pear trees, it is better adapted for vines, and as it is absolutely unsuited for this climate I shall dispense with describing the method of thus shaping trees, as well also as the formation. 135 Espalier trained tree. 2. Espaliers, a popular method of training apples, pears,, apricots and peaches in the Northern climate of Europe, where specimens of this system of shaping trees, illustrating the skill and handiwork of the European gardener, can be seen in public and private gardens. In warmer climates, this method of training has. nothing to recommend itself and needs 110 description. 3. The pyramid shape of training was, until not very long ago, when the low standard or " vase " system supplemented it, much in favour for trees grown in the open air in the cooler climates of England and central Europe. It \ is more especially suitable for pears and cherries. This form of training takes at least five years to bring to perfection, and it often happens that, either before or after this work has been satis- factorily completed, a fierce gust of wind, a snowstorm, or some other unexpected accident, will destroy in one act the work of years of patient training. Trees trained pyramid shape require besides a good deal of ground to allow for the full development of the plant, and for the easy work- ing of teams and implements ; for this purpose the interval from tree to tree should be at least (and preferably more) 30 feet. One advantage it presents over the " vase " system, which I shall next proceed to describe, is that the limbs are well knit to the central stem, and not liable to Pyramidal training of a Pear Tree. 136 split under the load of fruit. To sum up : Every variety of fruit tree is not equally suited to this system of pruning ; it takes too long to form, it occupies too much space, it is too high for pruning, spraying, and picking, and is too much exposed to winds. 4. The low standard or " vase" system has been found by long experience to be the form best suited to the Australian climate ; it is also the one best adapted to Californian conditions. Unlike the pyramid shape, which has the cone pointing upwards, the " vase," " goblet," or " wineglass " form, rests 011 its cone, and directs its branches upwards and outwards. Amongst the advantages it offers It is simple to understand and master ; it is applicable to all kinds of fruit trees ; it is suitable to all localities where fruit trees can be grown out in the open without artificial shelter ; it forms a vigorous stocky tree, well balanced, easier to prune, spray, and pick ; it efficiently shelters the stem against sun scald; it resists the onslaught of heavy gusts of wind better than the other forms of training ; it requires less space than the pyramid form ; it offers greater facility of approach to the stems by the horses when cultivating. The above paragraph sets forth the advantages of this system in preference to others. The low standard system of training, however, best suited for the climatic conditions which obtain in countries like Australia and California, where hot summers prevail, has been materially modified from its prototype, the " vase " or " goblet " form, found in the gardens of Europe. EUROPEAN VASE OR GOBLET. There the tree is headed back to two or three feet ; three or four branches disposed round the stem are drawn outwards by means of strings fastened to pegs, which will form the main limbs of the tree. On these limbs, which are. cut back the next winter to a lower bud. which will continue the main branch, and either to the left or the right of it, a side shoot is allowed to grow and all the other shoots are pinched back ; these two shoots are bound to a light hoop to keep them in place, and constitute the main branches of the young tree. The next winter again this process is repeated, with this difference, that the side shoot is allowed to grow on the opposite side of the previous year's side shoot. These form secondary branches, and are fastened to larger hoops ; all shoots which start to grow either inward towards the centre or outward are rubbed off, so that after a year or two the tree presents as nearly as possible the shape of a vase or goblet, with a hollow centre and an even exterior outline with a thin wall of foliage. MODIFIED VASE FORM OR Low STANDARD. It is apparent from the outset that such a symmetrical and open system of training, if adopted under a climate such as ours, would, without fail, result in much damage being done by the scorching sun to both the tree itself and to its crop of fruit. I have 137 purposely referred to it here so as to spare to the beginner in fruit- growing the trouble as well as the disappointment of taking his pattern in training his young trees from the classic sources favoured in Europe. The California!! modified vase, with a low standard, has now proved itself to be the best suited to Australian conditions, and it is this system of training which I shall have in my mind in the course of the following notes. FIRST PRUNING. Young budded trees in nursery rows present, the first season of their growth, the appearance of a straight switch, with good buds all along the stem. Sometimes they grow so vigorously that they throw out laterals. Both such young trees are found in nurseries. As their customers like to see as much growth as possible, nursery- men generally send out their trees without cutting them back. Experienced orchard owners generally prefer, when ordering from the nursery, one year old trees, which are merely straight switches with good buds all along the stem. These they can cut back to the height they prefer, with a length of stem pretty well uniformly the same all through the orchard. If they plant trees with a head ready formed in the nursery they cut it short back on the laterals. Those who, on the other hand, have little or no experience of fruit growing, would do wisely to select from the nursery trees with their heads ready formed. When cutting back, especially in the warmer and drier localities, a stem 12 to 18 inches high will be found the best. In the cooler districts it can be given a height of 1 8 to 24 inches. Cut back to a good bud, care having been taken that the tree has not been planted too deeply, but that its collar, or point of junction between the roots and the stem, be as nearly as possible flush with the surface of the ground. If the tree has suffered much, and the buds are very small, the bark leathery and wrinkled, the stem somewhat dried, and the roots much injured, it is ad- visable to cut the stem lower still, say at a height of about 9 inches from the ground, or even lower, but in every case above the graft. In such cases, however, the proper height should be given to the stem, either by pinching the straight shoot which will grow from it as soon as it reaches that desired height, or by cutting it back later on at the time of winter pruning. From a stem topped to a height of 15 to 18 inches several short shoots will be sent up from the upper buds ; of these, three or four A YEARLING TREE j WITHOUT BRANCHES. The cross line shows where to cut back when planting . Ba rry . 138 of the best shoots, placed symmetrically round the stem, are allowed to grow, all superfluous vegetation being rubbed off. These three or four shoots, which will form the main limbs of the tree, should be placed in such a manner that they form a well balanced head, and do not all come out in a bunch together, but spring out of the stem with an interval of an inch or two between them. This knits them better to the trunk, and they are thus less liable to split, as they sometimes do in windy weather, when grown in forks and laden with fruit. The apricot more especially, with buds very close together, has a tendency to grow its limbs all in a bunch. Three limbs growing symmetrically round the stem are better than four. During the first season, these three or four shoots are left to grow without interference, so as to favour as good a root system as possible. Should one of the rods, however, grow with such exuberant vigour that it draws all the sap for its own use, to the detriment of the other two or three, it would be advisable to pinch it off and check it, so as to maintain a fairly equal growth of the head. A tree is very easily thrown off its balance at this stage of its growth, and unless properly trained and watched it might be difficult subsequently to re-establish the harmony of growth between the main branches that constitute the head. SECOND PRUNING. During the summer following the first pruning, the young tree should be allowed to grow unchecked, so as to ensure a good root development. Some young trees, however, at times persist in sending up one solitary shoot. Should this be the case, the tender growth is pinched back when it has reached a length of five or six inches, and this will excite the bud immediately underneath into life, with the result that the three or four limbs required to form a well balanced head will be secured. The reverse at other times happens, the young trees sending up a bunch of shoots, or such vigorous and luxuriant shoots that there is danger of the stems splitting. To guard a gainst this, it is in such case also, although for a different purpose, advisable to take in the sails, and relieve the plant of any excess of shoots, or of its threatening top weight. During the first winter following the plant- ing of a yearling tree, the three shoots, or may be the four which constitute its head, are shortened to four to ten inches, according as to whether these shoots are feeble, or strong and vigorous. Fruit- growers often get their trees from the nursery at this stage of their Pruning of a two year old tree from the biid. Barry. 139 growth, and the accompanying figure illustrates their shape after pruning. This operation excites the somewhat dormant buds at the base of the shoot into active life. As previously said, the terminal bud should be a plump and healthy one. It should be directed either upwards, downwards, or sideways, so as to prolong the growth of branch outwards or inwards, or towards a lateral blank space. The growth of the main shoots is regulated by pinching, and should a third or fourth twig grow amongst them between the forks they are rubbed off. When the tree is ready for pruning a third time it has then, if three main limbs only, six branches, which, at the time' of the THIRD PRUNING, Are cut back to 6 to 12 inches, according to their strength. Two of the top shoots on each of these branches with an upward direction are left, and the lateral shoots from the other buds on the limbs below are pinched back in the summer time, when they are a few inches long, to three or four leaves. These little tufts of leaves shelter the branches, strengthen them by converting sap into woody tissues, and ultimately develop fruit spurs. Branches which approach the vertical line most are cut shorter than those inclined to an angle to thus force the buds at the base to grow. FOURTH PRUNING. The same treatment described in the case of the first, second, and third pruning is applied in the case of the fourth pruning, and generally at this age the tree will begin to bear readily. At this period a stocky, low standard tree will have been formed, which will have a well-balanced head, constituted of branches growing in an upward direction, and carrying fruit spurs all along their length. Such a tree will resist high winds well, can easily be approached by horse and implements, so that comparatively little hand labour will be required to keep the orchard in a high state of cultivation ; the crop will be evenly carried along the main branches, which will not stand in need of artificial props, lest they should break down under the load of fruit which, at this early stage, they will begin to carry. The pinching of the superabundant laterals is best done in the early autumn, when buds, which would otherwise have remained sterile, are transformed into fruit buds. This operation will besides save much butchering in the winter time, as by suppressing either entirely or partly an undesirable shoot at an early stage, much sap, which would be turned into wood growth, Winter Pruning of a tree three years from the bud. Barry. 140 destined to be cut off in the winter, is saved, and the energy and the.vitality of the plant thrown into more useful channels. * This practice leads to the enunciation of the fact that severe winter pruning induces wood growth, while summer pruning tends to fruit production. Thus, if a tree is stunted, and for some obscure reason does not make much wood, but shows a tendency to pro- duce more fruit buds than it can safely carry, prune close in the winter ; if, on the other hand, a tree grows so quickly that all its energy is wasted in wood and leaves, and does not pause to produce fruit, either summer pruning or root pruning will throw it into bearing. By such means the plant, realising, while in full flow of sap, that its constitution has been attacked and its life menaced, will make an effort to reproduce its kind forthwith, and the result will be the evolution of leaf buds into fruit- bearing spurs. Subsequent prun- ings consist mostly in rub- bing off water shoots, in suppressing branches that cross and rub against one another, and trimming the twigs and the fresh growth made during the season's growth. At this stage the tree will have ceased making much wood, and will begin the business of setting and carrying fruit. SEDUCTION OF SWELLINGS AND HIDE-BOUND TREES. At the time of pruning swellings are occasionally noticed 011 the stems or limbs of trees. These swellings are either due to the disproportionate growth of the scion or fruiting part, compared with the stock or root end of the tree. They may also be due to strings used in previous seasons as ties, which have cut through the bark. These swellings, which interfere with the free circulation of the sap, must be reduced. This is best done by running longitudinal incisions from C downwards to the stock B. The bark will thus expand, and should the deformity continue the next season, these incisions should be renewed. Young standard tree, four years from the bud, after pruning. Btirri/. 141 Trees which have been neglected, or whose growth has been stunted by the presence of moss and lichen, scale insects or other pests, or by want of drainage of the soil, by the aridity and poverty of the ground, or are debilitated in consequence of having been allowed to bear too early, often show a miserable, sickly appearance. Their growth is stopped, the bark becomes tough and leathery ; they are hide- bound. The cause of the mischief may have already been removed, and still they will make no growth. Such trees should be similarly treated at the time of pruning. They should be cut hard back and at pruning time the knife should be run longitud- inally through the bark, from the heel to the top of the stem, and even along the main limbs. It is also advisable to whitewash the stems of such trees, incision to reduce Lime, in the shape of whitewash, is well known to be th^gi^oSfthe beneficial in most bark diseases. stem. Under this treatment the stunted trees of last season are seen to spring into fresh and healthier growth. The cambium or grow- ing wood layers force the strip of leathery bark apart, the stems and limbs are soon seen to swell, the sap runs freely from the roots to the top branches of the plant, and the whole growth looks healthier. INCISION TO CONTROL THE G-ROWTH OF SHOOTS AND BUDS. Should, during the preceding growing season, any one of the lateral branches have been imperfectly de- veloped, it should be cut back lightly when pruning, and if it is much too small compared with the others it is sometimes advisable to make, imme- diately above the point of attachment to the branch (B), a notch or small incision through the outside layers of growing wood, so as to force the sap to run up the branch and develop it. The cut should be prevented from healing too rapidly. It is also sometimes desirable for the symmetry of the tree to force a dormant bud into growth, and in that case an incision as shown at A will be found .useful. On the strong branch become uncontrollable in spite of heading back, it may, in extreme cases, be advisable to check the flow of sap towards it by making an incision as shown at 0, immediately below its point of attachment to the stem. Thus we have a means of transforming a wood bud into a fruit bud and vice versa, by making a cut below the rudimentary bud if A { Incisions. Du Breuil. other hand, should 142 we want a fruit bud, or above it if we want a wood bud. These methods should, however, be only used with discrimination, else more harm than good would ensue. RENOVATING OLD TREES. Fruit trees planted in good soil and possessed of a good stem, are susceptible of living to a great age. It, however, often happens that through years of neglect their branches have grown to exces- sive length and are, to a great extent, deprived of fruit shoots, or that the crop is carried up too high, hence adding considerably to the cost of gathering ; or again the trees are diseased, and in order to successfully combat the pests which infest them they must be shortened in. Again, the variety of fruit the trees bear may be unsuit- able, and it may be expedient to change it by means of budding or of grafting. In all these cases it may be desirable, or even imperative, to shorten the tree and head it back. For that purpose the saw is called into requisition, and the cuts are smoothly pared with a sharp knife, the wound being then smeared with clay, or with the shellac paint, or some of the other paint already referred to. The figure illustrates an old plum tree which has thus been renovated. The plum, Top of au old plum tre- better than most other fruit trees, stands ^fo^^S^s* cutting back hard to old wood without showing symptoms of dying back, which, under similar con- ditions, are often shown by apples and more particularly by peaches and nectarines. Early in the spring, the roots of the tree, which may be good for many years more, become active, the sap commences to move upwards, and a number of hidden and dormant buds are excited into life. Shoots burst out of the old stumps, and as they grow they should be thinned out to the number of three or four only, well placed and likely to form a symmetrical head. Should these few shoots, which are destined to serve as main limbs, grow too rankly, they may be pinched or cut back during the summer, and laterals will grow on the tree, which will be shortened at the time of winter pruning. Should, however, these shoots show only a moderate growth, they are better left alone until the pruning season, when they are cut back and treated as directed under the heading " First and second pruning." Except in the case of plum trees referred to already, it is inadvisable to cut back trees in the process of renovation to blind stumps, but this should preferably be done just above a young branch or a small shoot, so situated that it can be used for giving start to the fresh growth. Old apple trees, apricots, and especially peaches are at times killed through overlooking this detail. The sap 143 becomes stagnant, a dying back process sets in, which carries off the limb. Peach trees more particularly must be cut back with judiciousness when it is intended to renovate them, the reason being that fewer buds are found on the old bark of peaches and nectarines than on the old bark of ponies, and what few buds there may be left are less easily thrown into active life again than buds of apples and pear trees. When renovating trees of the citrus tribe, it is also advisable to cut large limbs above on young, fresh growth, although in their case this is not so essential as in the case of deciduous trees, and more especially the peach. These trees are fairly well stocked with miniature, dormant buds, which are thrown into life whenever the emergency arises. SPLIT LIMBS. The method of training trees explained above presents one disadvantage. The suppression of the central stem and the starting of several main limbs from the same level on the stem often exposes those limbs loaded with a heavy crop of fruit, and swayed by high Method of supporting split limbs. winds, to split from the trunk. It is, therefore, advisable at the time of shaping the young tree to see that the branches do not all spring from the same level, but that an interval of a couple of inches or even more be left between them to insure their better attachment to the trunk. Limbs which threaten to split can also be strengthened by using the pruning saw and the knife, and so 144 distribute the weight over the branches that the weak ones are relieved of. too heavy a strain. In particularly dangerous cases it becomes necessary to bind the bifurcated branches together so as to prevent them splitting. The accompanying illustrations show both the right and the wrong way of doing this. Ropes are temporary ties at the most; besides, they stretch easily, and finally rot and snap. A piece of fencing wire, doubled round the limbs and twisted until the requisite strain is obtained, s often used in orchards, but this method presents the serious inconvenience of cutting through the bark and interfering with the circulation, the growing wood overlapping from above and presenting an unsightly swelling. Whenever a contrivance of this sort is used, pieces of lath or some bagging or leather pad should be placed be- tween the limb and the wire to shield the bark. When the forked limbs are actually split, the torn and jagged wound should be smoothly pared with the knife and the two pieces brought together. Above the iron band in the illustration a more suitable contrivance is shown for mending split limbs. It consists of a straight iron bolt, run through auger holes bored in the limbs ; the bolt is supplied with a large head and a large nut, which is screwed up porting weak limbs, to the proper point. The hole should not be much larger than the bolt, so as to exclude the wet or the air ; for that purpose it is advisable to apply a little tar or wax where it enters and leaves the bark. Such a bolt will not damage the limb or interfere with its expansion. The right and the wrong way of suj (Garden and Fiel FRUITFTTLNESS OF SPURS AND WOOD. Easy circulation of sa,p results in formation of new leaves|and formation of woody tissue and fruit spurs. Pruning by cutting off hardened, gnarled, moss-infested twigs and branches forces the sap into fresh channels and new fruiting wood is produced. The desiccation of fruHing wood and its barrenness varies with climate 145 and soils. Where conditions are favourable, the climate mild and moist, the soil fertile and congenial, spurs and wood will prove fruitful for twenty to thirty years, as is instanced by the pear. In a dry and parched climate, on the other hand, or on unsuitable soil, the useful life of such wood might not exceed five or six years. Apples, plums and many other trees are subject to the same in- fluences. Peaches and nectarines require frequent renewing. ROOT PRUNING. Some trees, and more especially apricots, exhibit at times an exuberant wood growth, and fruit but sparingly, or not at all, all the energy of the plant being diverted towards the branches. Root pruning often induces those trees to bear. This is better done in the autumn, when the tree has finished its active growth for the season, and when the sap runs sluggishly, the shock being at that time less severe, while during the following few weeks the energy of the tree will be partly spent towards the transformation of fruit buds from the leaf buds, which unless checked, would next spring have continued to run riot. The method, sometimes recommended, of indiscriminately cutting with a spade all the roots of such a tree in a semi-circle one year and completing the circle next season, and two or three feet deep from the stem is to be deprecated. The better way is to dig a trench a couple of feet wide and eighteen inches deep, four or five feet from the stem, then with a small fork hoe work gradually towards the stem, laying some of the main roots bare. When about two feet from the stem the long straight roots only, and all roots pointing downwards, are cut off with a sharp knife or a saw, the cut being afterwards smoothly pared ; the other main roots with some fibrous roots on them are cut three feet or so from the stem and then as many of the other small rootlets as can be spared are left untouched, covered evenly with soil sifted through the fingers, the holes being subsequently filled in with ordinary soil ; the ground is then watered to settle the soil round the roots, and it is advisable to mulch lightly. This operation is done on one side of the tree the first year, and is repeated on the opposite side the subsequent autumn. Now that information applicable to the pruning and training of all trees in general has been given, a few remarks respecting the individual peculiarities of the most important fruit trees and shrubs in cultivation will be found of use. PRUNING THE APPLE AND THE PEAR. The pruning of these two kinds of trees, which both belong to the genus pyrus, is very much alike, and will for that reason be considered under the same heading. In shaping and training the trees the first four or five years of their growth, the detailed information which has been given with regard to the management of low-standard trees should be closely followed. Like other deciduous trees, they can be pruned whenever the wood is mature enough, which is indicated by looking at the 146 terminal buds and the yellow colour of the leaves. Pruning should then be pushed forward rapidly, and the pruiiings removed before the ground gets sodden with rain water. Deciduous trees, unlike citrus trees, should not be touched in the active growing season, except with the thumb nail, cherries and apricots, as seen below, forming the exception to this general rule. Some varieties of apple, such as the Irish peach, and also of pears, bear the best fruit at the extremities of their long, slender and decumbent shoots. In such cases the small side shoots, which measure a few inches in length, are not pinched back, as explained farther on, but allowed to bear as they like best, and as many of them as possible are left on the tree, only the longer shoots being shortened. This method is pursued until the main growths of the tree become very short or almost cease to move at all, when a certain number of these fruit spurs are cut off, so as to induce new growth. The rapid formation of numerous fruit spurs will stunt a tree ; when this is the case they should be cut out at pruning time, otherwise the trees will be short lived. On the other hand, with such varieties as Ben Davis and Baldwin apples, which have a more compact form and a better distribution of fruit, thinning the branches should be practised after the bearing stage is reached. A wise rule to follow consists in cutting out or back every year to get a healthy growth of wood. According to the habit of growth of the tree it is pruned to an inner bud, if it is intended to close it in, as in the case of the Yellow Bell Flower, which would otherwise soon reach the ground, like a weeping willow ; to an outer one, if it grows too straight up after the manner of the Northern Spy or the Bartlett pear, which grow like poplars. If it is intended to train a branch in the straight line, it is pruned to an outer bud one year and to an inner bud the next year. The branches of irregular-growing sorts, or of those exposed to the influence of high winds, will require to be secured for some time by stakes and soft-tying material. If we examine a young shoot of an apple or a pear tree of the previous season's growth in the winter when the tree is in a dormant stage, we find leaf buds all along its length. When the sap begins running, in the spring, the terminal buds produce wood shoots, the others on the middle of the twig called darts are either transformed into fruit buds straight away, or produce short side shoots which in subsequent years carry fruit buds. The buds at the base remain dormant unless excited into life by the suppression of those above them, so that by shortening a branch the sap, which naturally has a tendency to small shoot in the middle of rush to the points, feeds these small (branch called dart." dormant buds at the base, starts them 147 sp lower end of branch or basal bud. into growth, and forces them into what will eventually become fruit spurs. By follow- ing the mode of training and cutting back described above, we have, therefore, around limbs and branches, well distributed about the head, leaf buds which will continue the growth of the tree, and also fruit spurs and fruit buds evenly distributed all over the tree. After the fifth year of training, and the sixth year in the case of some later varieties, and when the tree has settled down to the bearing stage, little hard pruning will be required. The new wood of the tree is trimmed back every year, and all dead wood, branches that cross and rub against another, and water shoots, are cut out. The fruit spurs, however, require at that period some manage- ment, and will then continue bearing for many years more ; unless these spurs are looked after we should have trees over-bearing one season and taking a rest for one season or two after. This is accounted for by the fact that if in young trees the fruit buds are several years in process of formation, they take in bearing trees two or three years, according to circumstances, and it becomes necessary, in order to renew and maintain their vigour, to systematically cut off the old part periodically and thus favour the formation of new buds at their base. MANAGEMENT OF THE FRUIT BUDS AND BRANCHES. In pinching back side shoots intended to carry fruit buds, care must be taken not to shorten them too severely, but allow them about four inches. If pinched too short, the little butt or shoot either ceases to grow and dies, leaving a vacant space on the branch, or else a year or two after this excessive pinching two small basal buds push forth on each side of the suppressed shoot; those will ulti- mately blossom, but at the loss of a season or two, or again premature Shoot rightly pinched. gh(X)tg ^ grQWj which ^ likewise be a longer time setting to fruit, and are not likely to be so fruitful as better constituted shoots properly pinched would be. Shoots pinched too far back, and the result in different stages of growth. 148 We have seen already that the basal buds (see fig., p. 147) which grow slightly the second Terminal shoot cut back 9 to 12 inches. year of pruning eventually form young fruit spurs. The shoots or darts showing in the middle of the twig grow a little more: Termina! shoot partly fractured. ^.^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ shoots, on the other hand, towards the end of the branch grow more vigorously, and are cut back at the time of pruning, or are partially fractured. They will, after a few years, also carry basal fruit buds and darts. The third year after pinching back the young terminal shoot, the basal buds (see page 147) have only developed a rosette of flowers, having a bud in the centre, and have increased a little in length. They now have the appearance shown in the figure illus- trating a matured fruit spur, the bud being plumper. They blossom the following spring, and are now matured fruit spurs (as seen below) . Matured fruit spur. Two-year-old darts. Fruit spur after first fructification. At that period the darts have also developed several fruit buds, and probably also the shoots at the top end of the brand 1 ,. 149 At the fourth season of pruning, the fruit spur has fructified, and has formed at its termination a spongy swelling called a purse, while it carries at its base smaller buds, which become flower buds in the course of two years or so. Should one of these buds grow into a vigorous shoot A, it is pinched back at C ; the swollen purse, being liable to decomposition, should be cut off at the top, as shown in the figure. The buds on the dart are now a little more advanced, and will soon burst out into blossom, which at the subsequent winter pruning, after fruiting, is treated like the basal buds carrying the purse, as shown above, and so are the bads on the terminal shoots. As illustrated and mentioned aboye, the fruit spurs, after bearing, often after Fruit -spur with small branch a year or two produce new flower buds pinched. a t their base, these spurs having rami- fied as shown in the figure ; so also the fruit spurs on the darts, which, after eight years or so, will be somewhat as represented in the accompanying figure, and after a few more years will represent the appearance shown in the woodcut. Six years' ramified fruit spur. Eight years' fruit spurs on a dart. It is now advisable, in order to have fine fruit, to cut some of these buds back, so as to insure to the fruit a sufficient supply of sap, and this is done as show r n above. The sap then forces into frowth some fresh dormant buds at the base of the enlargement, f the fruit buds have already grown to large dimensions, they are gradually cut back, the first year to B, and the following at C, and the next at D. Should they be cut straight away at D, there will NOTE. Most of the illustrations givtu in tlie chapters on pruning the apples, p and apricots are from Du E retail's "Culture of Fruit Trees." A.D. ears, 150 in all probability not be much fruit the next year, whilst the tree will be forced into fresh wood growth. Method, of pruning an old fruit spur. Du BKEUIL. PRUNING THE QUINCE. No fruit tree is more neglected than the quince, which is hardly ever pruned. Its natural habit of growth is that of I a confused and scattered bush ; by proper training, however, it can be made more shapely and more productive. A stout and straight trunk should be secured by cutting off all the other stems and keeping it tied up to a stake to prevent it from straggling. This is cut back the second year at a height of 12 inches from the ground, and treated in the manner described when dealing with the training and shaping of young trees. The bearing branches of the quince are small twigs produced on wood at least two years old ; these produce besides short shoots, on the point of which the fruit is borne singly. At pruning these bearing branches are shortened back and produce new fruit spurs. PRUNING STONE FRUITS. What has been said about the early training of deciduous trees as low standard, applies to stone fruit as well as to pome fruit. The subsequent management of the fruit spurs of stone fruits differs, however, in several points from that of pome fruits. In the former, the fruit spurs require two to three years for their growth, but when formed they last, with proper attention, for a long period. In stone fruit the fruit spurs are of much quicker formation, and in the peach and nectarine, notably, they blossom the spring following their first appearance on the previous season's growth. PRUNING THE PEACH AND THE NECTARINE. The peach and the nectarine, like the apricot and the plum r are profuse bearers, often inclined to over-bear, and are in con- 151 sequence not very long-lived, especially the first two, whose period of useful existence extends to 10 to 15 years, unless their strength and exuberant vitality are checked and controlled by judicious pruning and thinning out of the superabundant fruit crop. At the time of planting, if a yearling tree, cut them back to a straight stem about 18 inches high, and prune to side branches, on which are left one single bud at the base. From their habit of growth, the peach and nectarine require constant and yearly primings, the method adopted in these instances being that of shortening in. A standard stone-fruit tree is trained in precisely the same manner as described above, with a low head, which affords shade to the roots and the trunk and limbs, and facilitates pruning, spraying, gathering, etc. A clear understanding of the constitution of the bearing shoots of these trees will throw light on the best method of pruning them. On account of the larger size of the circulating channels in these trees, the sap tends to rush towards the extremities of the shoots much quicker than in other trees, and the buds that do not push and form shoots the first season are unless the branch which carries them is cut back lost, as, unlike most other fruit trees, they are not excited into growth, by cutting back in subsequent seasons. This explains how it is that trees that have been neglected or wrongly pruned in their youth present long limbs denuded of young wood and bark, and look like skeleton trees, which soon perish after over-bearing themselves. In the peach, nectarine, and apricot the fruit branches are productions of the season's growth, the fruit buds forming one season and blossoming the next. In the first two more especially, the fruit is borne on wood of the previous season's growth, and any limb, or part of a limb, destitute of such wood is sterile, so that the great object of the grower is to so prune the tree by cutting hard back a proportion of the lateral twigs that it is always A peach tree without pruning, as covered with a regular and constant commonly seen DOWNING. . /, i i i succession ot annual bearing shoots. As in the case of all stone-fruit trees, wood that has borne fruit will bear no more. The young shoot (one or two feet long) of the peach and the nectarine is furnished with a certain amount of wood buds and of fruit buds. There are one or more wood buds at the terminal points, fruit buds in the middle, and two or three wood buds at the base. If the branches are left untouched the fruit buds blossom and produce fruit, and the terminal shoots, which should carry the next season's crop, grow thin and weak, as the fruit below have 152 absorbed most of the sap and dried up the twig, while the wood buds at the base fail to grow, leaving a barren, useless stick. By proper pruning, however, or shortening in, one-half or so of last year's growth, outside as well as in the interior, the lower parts of some twigs are cut back to one or two basal buds and the other twigs only slightly trimmed, the shorter ones being left untouched ; still there may be too much bearing wood for the tree to carry and bring to full size and perfection, unless thinned out; the flow of sap is fully utilised by what is left of the young wood ; the leaf buds at the base produce vigorous young shoots, which will keep the tree well supplied with bearing wood for the next season ; the foliage will be more luxuriant, the fruit larger and more luscious. At the same time that the shoots are shortened in, those that have already borne fruit are cut out. Whenever practicable, leave for fruit the twig from the top bud of a two-eye spur, and shorten in for wood to two eyes the twig from the lower eye of that spur. A peach tree before pruning-. This method of pruning being carried out year after year, the small wounds heal readily. Large limbs have not to be cut back so often, thereby endangering the life of the plant, owing to the 153 part drying up or decaying, and the sap poisoning the other parts of the tree and favouring the gumming, one of the worst diseases of stone-fruit trees. The same peach tree after pruning. After seven or eight years the growth of the main branches will slacken, and the pruning will consist mainly of the cutting out the twigs that bore fruit the previous year; (2) thin- ning out the twigs that will bear the following year; (3) cutting back half to two eyes and trimming the longer twigs of the remainder. The latter will depend on the location of the fruit buds. In shy-bearing varieties, where the fruit buds are towards the extremity of the twigs, the cutting back is omitted. In the case of heavy bearers, like Early Crawford, Foster, Elberta, that have plenty of fruit buds all along the twigs, there will still be plenty left after cutting back. Do likewise with the Nectarine and the Almond. Very vigorous trees are sometimes shy bearers, and can be induced to bear by continued summer pruning, and occasionally an autumn root pruning. In a good season, when fruit sets well, thinning out when about the size of a marble, and before the kernel has hardened, will prevent breakages owing to overloading, and also 154 spare the tree and enable the rest of the fruit to develop to larger size. PRUNING THE ALMOND. The first few years the young tree is trained on the principles laid down when dealing with the formation of a low-standard or " vase "-shaped trees. Some varieties have a weeping- willow habit of growth, and all branches pointing downwards should be cut to insure the symmetry of the tree. After the third or fourth year the pruning will simply consist in cutting dead wood, cross and broken branches, and the shoots pointing downwards, which might inter- fere with horse cultivation.. When three or more shoots grow from the fork of a limb, the number should, by pruning, be reduced to only two. The almond carries its fruit on laterals growing on new as well as on old branches, and, unlike those of the peach, the laterals of the almond do not die back annually, but remain productive for several seasons; they should not, therefore, be cut back as in the case of the twigs of the peach that have just borne fruit. PRUNING THE PLUMS AND PRUNES. Low training is to be recommended for the plums and prunes, and cutting back severely, during the first three years, the long shoots so as to shape the tree, form a stocky and erect growth, and favour the formation of fruit spurs along the main Branches, where the bulk of the crop should be carried, thus preventing the excessive bending down of the branches under the weight of the fruit. The centre branches are well thinned ont, thus leaving the interior more open to the genial influence of the sun, light, and air, and stimu- lating a consequent development of fruit buds in the inside of the tree, instead of leaving exterior branches to bear all the burden. Should the tree show an inclination to run to wood and be tardy in putting forth fruit spurs, summer pinching, by checking its growth, will hasten the time of productiveness. When in full bearing the trees require very little pruning, beyond the removal of rank shoots which are misplaced and by the excision of dead wood and others. The plums produce their fruit on small natural spurs situated at the ends and along the sides of the bearing shoots, one year up to four or five years old, but mostly on two-year-old wood. These spurs will continue in bearing for several years. For the guidance of growers and pruners, it may be stated as a general rule that the longer the wood of any variety of fruit trees takes to come into bearing the longer these spurs will remain fruitful. A young plum shoot presents nothing but wood buds. That branch cut at A develops at the subsequent growth more or less vigorous shoots, according as they are nearer to the extremity. 155 Thus the buds at B will develop but slightly, those at C, growing about the middle, will grow two or three inches In length, while those shoots at D will probably reach a couple of feet. These last, 1. First year's pruning for forming fruit bud spurs. 2. Second year's pruning of fruit spurs. 3. Third year's prunning of fruit branches. with the exception of the terminal shoot, are cut bnck at the time of pruning to a length of four to six inches. The terminal shoot will thus extend and fruit buds will develop over the shoots left. A year or so after, the short spurs at B give birth to a few flower buds, they have in the centre a wood bud which will slightly extend their length. These spurs must not be cut. The larger ones at C have flower buds in the middle and wood buds at the top and must be cut back slightly, while those at D, which are more vigorous, are shortened either bv cutting or by partial fracture (see fig., p. 148). After another year and in subsequent seasons, the lengthened spurs must be cut back a little, so as to diminish the number of the blossoms and prevent the too great lengthening of the shoots. The same is done year after year, and when the fruiting shoots cease to bear they are cut back slightly, in order to develop new replacing branches towards the base. Some growers only shorten plums and prunes once in every two or three years, after coming into bearing. This practice holds as well with pears, but will not do with peaches, apricots, and Japanese plums, which require similar pruning to peaches. 156 Apricot branch before pruning-. PRUNING THE APRICOT. The fruiting habit of the apricot is much like that of the plum, and the same method of shortening-in is adopted in this instance. It moreover, like the plum, bears fruit spurs on older woods ; these bear for several years, and being provided with leaf buds at the base, can be renewed by cutting back when they grow feeble. The apricot is a spreading and rank grower, which, unless kept well within bounds, runs long branches, which are liable to split asunder in windy weather, when laden with fruit. For that reason no two shoots should come from one bud, or be directly opposite. Pruning to inner buds is greatly to be recom- mended when shaping the tree, while summer pruning is frequently resorted to just after the crop has been gathered, so as to promote the formation of fruit buds at the base of the twigs, and minimise the risk of gumming, the wounds healing at that time rapidly. When large limbs have to be sup- pressed, they should be well trimmed and coated over with white lead, gum-shellac varnish, clay or other covering, otherwise there is danger of the branch dying back and killing or injuring the tree. Unruly branches are better tied up with short string till they naturally grow in the position they are meant to occupy. During the first two or three years the trees need to be gone over two or three times during spring and early autumn to remove suckers and lateral growths that may start 011 the lower side of the limbs, which, if left, would check the growth of the permanent limbs above and the formation of fruit spurs. Many successful growers prune their full-grown apricot trees, if found to be shy bearers, soon after the fruit is picked, in the early autumn preferably after a shower of rain (March in Western Australia) though not too heavily, unless the tree is weakened by over- bearing. This develops the buds for the next year. This operation is only recommended after the trees have reached the bearing age. While the tree is still young and being shaped, all the pruning should be done in the winter. If the season is dry a good watering should be given to the trees after the summer pruning. The management of the fruit branches is much the same as in the case of the cherry ; unless the shoot is cut back, the basal bud will remain dormant, as shown in the following illustration of an unpruned branch, and the terminal shoot will grow, lengthening the branch which, long and lanky, will ultimately bend, and, unless propped up, break down under the load of fruit. It is, therefore, advisable to cut the young shoot at A (fig. i.). The sap will thus be forced towards the base, and produce new fruit branches (A, fig. 2). 157 The primitive branch B is cut at a, and the new fruit branch A at b, order to obtain the same result. In the last figure the small in branch is cut at A so as to force a new fruit branch from the base. 1. Apricot fruit branch, pruning neglected. 2. Fruit spur, year after first pruning. 3. Other fruit spur, year after first pruning. Du BRETTIL. PRUNING THE CHERRY. The instructions given about the shaping of young trees apply to the cherry. The stem should be low and headed back to 12 to 15 inches when planting ; the main limbs are also cut short, as the tree is very subject to sunburn. To guard against this it is a good practice to pinch all side shoots not necessary for the extension of the tree to a pair of leaves or two ; fruit spurs will thus, in time, be formed all along the lower branches, while these tufts of leaves will afford to the branches protection against the sun. Cherry trees in general produce their fruit upon small spurs, or studs, from half-an-inch to two inches in length, which proceed from two, three, or four year old wood. New spurs will continue to shoot out right up to the extremities of the branches ; in the 158 centre of every cluster of fruit spurs there is a wood spur, which, as it extends each season, bursts into blossom and carries the year's crop ; this should be remembered when priming. These spurs will carry fruit for several years. Once the cherry tree has commenced to fruit it should, unlike the peach and the apricot, be very sparingly touched with the knife, as it is besides very subject to " gumming." This peculiarity of the plant is aggravated in individuals presenting long stems exposed to the sun, on trees with many forked limbs, and on those which have had large limbs taken off. It is found that by doing all the necessary severe cutting during the summer, and after the crop has been gathered, the wounds heal more readily. Whenever a branch thicker than the size of the finger is cut off it is advisable to apply to the fresh cut a covering of white lead, gum shellac varnish' of hot wax or of clay. The Heart and Bigarreau sorts, which are sweet varieties, are luxuriant growers, attaining large size, and possess large drooping leaves. Mazzard stock are preferred for these, the trees being long- lived, larger, and healthy when planted on fairly good loam. ' The Duke and Morellos classes are slow growing sorts of the sour kind. The first have stiff and erect branches with smaller leaves, thicker and of a darker green colour than the preceding classes ; the second or Kentish Cherries are of a bushy habit, with smaller leaves still and more drooping and more numerous twigs. The branches must be kept far enough apart to admit the sun and air freely amongst them, and the stem and main branches strengthened by cutting hard for several seasons. If the tree grows too luxuriantly, an occasional root pruning will throw it into fruit. They do best on Mahaleb stock, which gives smaller trees, but is more accommodating as regards soil. This stock gums on wet, retentive soil. If it were not for the sprouting habit, sour varieties on their own roots do very well. Cherry trees when shaped for the first few years as a rule keep a good form, and bear well without pruning. PRUNING THE FILBERT. Suckers should be carefully eradicated every season, and the bushes pruned somewhat after the fashion of the quince, or else they will be a mass of branches, and remain almost barren. Yet the filbert, in the majority of cases, is completely left to itself, although to be fruitful it requires proper and regular pruning. The blossoms, like those of the walnut, are monoecious, i.e., the male flower or catkins, and the female flower are born on the same tree, but from different buds. These fruit buds bear in a cluster at the extremity of small twigs, and are produced on shoots of one year's growth, and bear the next. Unless the bushes are pruned, they bear very heavily one year, and remain barren several seasons to recuperate. The mode of pruning consists in cutting back severely the first few years, so as 159 to favour the growth of side shoots, which are shortened to prevent the whole nourishment being carried to the top of the branch, the consequence being that small shoots grow from their base, which carry fruit. By this method of spurring, bearing shoots are produced, which would otherwise have remained dormant. PRUNING THE WALNUT AND CHESTNUT. Much of what is said about the pruning of the fig applies to these trees. Their habit of growth is symmetrical, and the growers will, by cutting off misplaced branches, broken or dead, and by shortening bending limbs, do much to keep them growing symmet- rically. As their feeding roots are close to the surface, light hoeing only should be done in close proximity to the trees. They should be trained with a general upright tendency, so as to interfere as little as possible with cultivation. Limbs branching low down will protect the stem from sunburn. PRUNING THE LOQUAT. The loquat, or Japanese medlar, has hitherto been raised from the seed as a tree suitable for wind breaks. The choicer varieties are, however, now propagated by grafting or by budding, either 011 its own roots or on the quince, to which it is botanically somewhat related. In the first instance it forms large trees, which take four or five years to mature its fruit. In the second instance it conies into bearing at an earlier age. When grown for shelter the higher trees worked on loquat seedlings should be selected and trained with a stem three or four feet high. In the second case, whether it is on its own or on quince roots, it should be headed lower down. As the tree carries permanent foliage, and later on heavy crops of fruit, the main limbs should be as strong and sturdy as possible, and trained with a generally upright direction. These hi course of time, as the branches extend and carry more foliage and more fruit, will gradually be bent down, hence the importance of throwing strength and vigour into them at an early stage. This is done by encouraging the growth of three or four leaders, low down on the stem (if not grown as a wind break) ; all other shoots are either cut off or pinched back, and the young tree is subsequently shaped much in the same manner as has been explained in connection with the shaping and framing of young trees generally. The fruit bunches issue from the terminal point of young shoots. They bear at their base wood buds, which will in growing season push out young shoots. These, if too numerous, should be thinned out to two or three only, so as to insure for each its due share of light, air and sun. The decaying flower stalks are cut 'off, as well also as all dead branches. PRUNING THE FIG. Fig trees naturally form symmetrical heads. They are best shaped when young with the main arms arranged symmetrically 160 round the stem. Figs for table purposes are headed low, so that the fruit can be picked without difficulty. Figs for drying are headed higher, so that the picking of the dead ripe and fallen fruit can be easily done over the smooth ground. The fig tree suckers pretty freely, and these should be removed in the winter time. Wherever the ground is rich the tree will often run excessively to wood, and in that case root pruning will force it into bearing. Drooping branches are cut off, and those growing obliquely upright retained. Dead wood and branches that cross and interfere with one another are suppressed, but the end of the shoots should be sparingly touched with the pruning knife on account of the mode of bearing of the tree. This is as follows : The fruits are carried either singly or in pairs in the axils of the leaves, and they appear on the branch as growth proceeds. If a tree is examined after it has cast its leaves it is seen that all along the younger branches scars show where leaves grew the previous summer. At intervals, just over these scars, diminutive buds, which will in the spring constitute the first crop of figs, appear ; while a pointed conical wood bud crowns the head of these branches. When spring comes ait Fig Branch showing First and Second Crops. 161 the first crop of figs shows more plainly ; the fruit hangs down from the branch without a leaf alongside of it. Further on the conical terminal shoot grows on and leaves come out around it ; just in the axils of these leaves more diminutive buds also show, which, later in the summer, constitute the second crop of figs. In prolonged seasons the growth of terminal shoots, as well as of laterals, continuing without interruption, may in this manner evolve even a third crop, but more generally the third crop remains dormant until the following early spring, and it is then a first crop again. It is thus seen that if laterals and terminals are cut back in the winter a proportion of the first crop is cut off, and this pruning leading to the growth of a greater number of laterals, these will produce a larger second crop proportionately with the number of young shoots which have burst into growth. No apparent flower is seen on the fig, those organs being hidden from view by the skin which covers them ; as the fruit enlarges the blossoms expand, and when fertilised the seeds mature. Old fig trees which have grown in a distorted manner and require rejuvenating are simply cut hard back to the height desired, and the numerous latent buds under the bark will, in the spring, start growing ; these shoots should be thinned out to a few only . Large wounds should be dressed with some covering mixture. PRUNING THE OLIVE. The tree should be kept low, and trained with a globular head, somewhat vase-shaped in the middle ; this permits of easier and more careful gathering of the fruit by hand, and a larger surface exposed to the sun and light. During the first year or two the main effort of the grower should consist in throwing all the vigour and energy of the young tree into one stem only. This is shortened to a height of three feet or so, and a head formed by allowing three to four branches to grow. Like all fruit trees, great expense is saved in gathering the crop by having the trees branched low ; they are also better able to resist the winds, and the bodies are thus protected from the hot sun. The olive bears its crop on the growth of the previous year, and it is therefore essential to favour the multiplication of new shoots in order to increase annual production. This is done by shortening the terminal shoots when shaping the trees, suppressing the " gluttons," or fruitless water shoots, removing all branches that are misplaced, crossed, or are in the way, and keeping down the suckers. A dense growth of foliage in the centre of the tree should be reduced by thinning out some of the branches. This also checks the black scale and the sooty mould. Whipping the 162 branches in gathering the crop, or pruning off the young growth, will make the tree barren the following season. The best time for pruning is after the severe winter frosts are over, and just before the sap begins to rise in the spring. In this country, however, where ground frost only is experienced, pruning can be done at any time in the winter, provided care is taken to coat any fresh wound with the gum shellac varnish, or a thin paste made of cow dung and clay. CITRUS TREES. Citrus trees, which are evergreen, unlike deciduous trees, are not subjected to methodical annual pruning. If the growth from the bud in the nursery is sufficiently vigor- ous, the young plant is headed back to 20 to 24 inches, and the crown is formed from a few well-placed laterals three only by pre- ference growing symmetrically around the stump, at an interval of two or three inches from each other, so as to ward against the danger of splitting when the tree begins to bear heavily. Should, on the other hand, the growth in the nursery have failed to permit of the head being formed there, the tree is cut back at planting to a lesser height, and shaped as if dealing with a deciduous tree. As in the case of other trees, one stem alone should be allowed to grow. The object to aim at is to train a low-headed, stocky tree, with a short stem and a globular head, which shelters well the trunk, the main limbs, as well as the superficial roots of the tree. The knife and pruning saw should be used more sparingly on trees of the citrus tribe than on deciduous trees. Hank water shoots and dead or dying branches should be removed, as well as branches which cross and rub. If the branches grow too thickly in the centre a judicious thinning out is necessary to allow light and air to penetrate freely amongst them. This is done by cutting off small leafy twigs, which grow in the crotches of branches, as well as over the main and secondary arms. Trees thus thinned out afford less shelter and hiding place to scale insects and spores of fungoid diseases, which are thus kept in check. When sprayed or fumigated the spraying liquid or the deadly gas penetrate more readily the mass of foliage. Large wounds should be well pared off with the knife, and coated with white lead, gum shellac varnish, clay, or some other ointment. The young tree is planted with its roots very shallow, or else gumming and canker of the wood at the collar will supervene and destroy it. The stem is tied up to a stake, all shoots below the bud are rubbed off, as well as those above the bud to a height of nine to twelve inches from the ground, and the head consisting of three or four shoots, allowed to grow freely so as to strengthen the stem as well as the root sjstem. Long rank shoots, often seen, more especially on lemon trees, are pinched hard back so as to favour the growth of laterals and balance the head of the tree. 163 Young plants should be encouraged to make as much wood as possible for the first three or four years, and any fruit showing after blossoming is rubbed off. The orange and other citrus trees carry their fruit on one year old wood only, and at the extremity of their branches and twigs ; after the crop is off, young dormant buds at the back of the pre- vious season's fruit shoot out, overgrow last season's fruit stalk, and blossom in due course. It will thus be seen that the mode of shortenmg-in described for the peach is not applicable for trees of the citrus tribe, which would thereby be made barren for the next season. It is also necessary, in order to obtain heavy crops, to maintain the tree in a thrifty state of growth. Orange tree before pruning-. Some varieties of citrus trees, and more especially the Thorny mandarin, grow a very thick and compact head, which requires some amount of thinning out and cutting back, or else they are given to overbear one season and vegetate the next, for the purpose of recuperating. The twigs, besides, when left untouched, become so numerous and so puny that a large proportion of undersized and inferior fruit result in seasons of bearing of the trees, whereas no fruit at all is produced during the off year. It is at times desirable to renovate old citrus trees which through neglect or disease have ceased to become profitable. A 164 common variety of a coarse type may also give place to a better sort. Whenever the roots are sound and growing in fertile soil, it may be expedient to cut off the top in the winter, after the heavy frosts. A number of tender shoots then sprout out in the spring ; these are thinned out to three or four, symmetrically placed around the stem, Orange tree after pruning. and when strong enough, in the summer or the early autumn, they are budded if it is desired to change the variety. See illustration in article "How to Bud" (p. 109.) As this lopping operation thus exposes the trunk to the full force of the summer sun, it is advisable to clothe it in coarse bagging, or to paint it with a protecting lime- wash. PRUNING THE PERSIMMON. Persimmons bear on new wood, hence the advisableness of pruning hard back to induce fresh growth. When cut the plant exudes through the wound a corrosive sap, which cakes on the blade of the knife or the secateur, and causes the cut branch to die back, unless the instrument is, at frequent intervals,- cleaned on a piece of leather. PRUNING THE PASSION VINE. The passion vine is kept under control by pinching back and removing straggling shoots. Older vines can be rejuvenated by 165 cutting back to the main stalk, from which fresh shoots soon grow and replace the older ones. PRUNING THE RASPBERRY AND BLACKBERRY. At the time of planting choose root canes or suckers with a good root system attached ; cut the cane back about 12 inches above the ground. From the base, strong and sturdy fruit canes will spring up. During the summer keep weeds down by frequent shallow hoeing, and at the same time knock off the superabundant suckers that may appear, leaving only from four to six. Remember that deep digging with the spade or hoe is injurious to the plant, cutting its tufts of fibrous roots, which are surface feeders and nourish the crops. The plant carries deep, strong, woody roots as well, which produce and support the canes. When the canes are several feet long they are topped off, and the subsequent laterals are pinched back about 12 inches from the stem. In the autumn, after the old crop has been gathered, the old canes, which will not fruit any more, are cut off close to the ground by means of a bent sharp hook fixed at the end of a long cane. This implement may be made of an old rasp ; the cutting edges come together at a point like the letter V, and will cut on both edges, while it will also catch and hold the cut cane, which has to be removed from amongst the canes left on the plant. Thus the newer canes have a better chance, under the additional amount of sun and air they get, to mature and become more fruitful. These should have 10 to 12 inches of their ends cut off, as this part has not summered properly and is of no value. By this means also noxious insects and fungoid diseases are also better destroyed, and the cutting of the spent canes is easier than if they were dead and dry. Raspberries and blackberries are either trained upright or without supports, by cutting hard back, or, better still, by trellising over stakes, laths, or wires. On large plantations the pruning is done more economically more especially in the case of the black- berry and consists, besides removing the worn-out canes in the autumn, in slashing the laterals on each side of the hedge in the summer, to allow cultivation, and tying the bunches together or to the trellis. PRUNING G-OOSEBERRY AND CURRANTS. Both plants receive pretty well the same treatment. At planting, short jointed young shoots are cut about 14 to 18 inches long. It is advisable to blind with the knife or the blade of the secateur all the buds which will be underground, or else the plants 166 will be continually throwing up suckers. The accompanying illustration shows a bush with four branches, and a sucker springing from the base, which, unless carefully suppressed, will spoil its shape. The branches should be well raised above the ground, say 12 inches. By this means the fruit is kept clean, and sun and air having full access to the branches, favour its fruit- fuJness. To ensure this, the branches are cut half back, with the result that there are at least double -Gooseberry cutting. (J. WRIGHT.) Gooseberry bush a year from the cutting. (J. WRIGHT.) the number the next season, as shown by the dotted lines. When the time for the second pruning comes these canes are cut back to about 12 inches in length to good buds pointing upwards or outwards, so as to keep the bush well above the ground. Unless gooseberries are pruned, the fruit never or seldom attains to any size, and the bush is soon exhausted. The gooseberry, like the currant, bears well on spurs of two years or older wood ; they also bear well on the young annual shoots, when these are left with a certain amount of discretion. The illustration, one and two-years old wood on a gooseberry branch, shows on the older wood natural spurs forming all along it, and also two lateral shoots cut back at (x x). Unless these had been cut back it would have been almost impossible to pass the hand down the head of the bush for gathering the crop. It is essential that all laterals should be shortened to at least allow the hand to reach to the centre of the bush. A young shoot as shown in the figure may be left at intervals, so as to enable the cutting back every few years of the worn-out older spur-carrying shoots in the centre, or the bushes have a tendency to soon cease bearing, except on the outside. The currant bushes are formed in the same way as the goose- berry bushes, but when the plant has as many branches as it can carry, the additional growth of fresh new wood should not be encouraged. The distance between the branches should be such 167 that the hat can be put amongst them. The illustration shows mostly fruit buds, except at the ex- tremity of the branches, where the young wood has been cut back to about nine inches. In the summer both the gooseberry and the currant receive the following treatment : The young shoots which are seen push- ing upwards are pinched back five or six inches in length, as shown at (x x) in the following illustration (p. 168) ; this will stttt A red currant busli after pruning. J. WEIGHT. allow sun and air to reach the crop of fruit. A young shoot may here and there be left if -there is room for its growth. Should fresh shoots show on those which have been cut back, they should be pinched again, so as to favour the formation of fruiting spurs. PRUNING THE STRAWBERRY. consists in trimming the roots at planting time, so as to favour the growth of the fibrous roots which will feed the plant, and later on in cutting all runners before the fruiting season, and as soon as they make their appearance. Unless this is done the fruiting of the plant will be seriously checked. Even after the fruiting, some growers still remove the runners, and only leave them on if young plants are required. In fact, treat all runners as weeds the first season. The illustration shows the design of a convenient runner-cutter, which saves much trouble. The crescent blade is of such a diameter that it will Gooseberry branch, one and two years old. J. WRIGHT. Strawberry runner- cutter. 168 encircle one side of a strawberry plant, and may be made with an arc of about nine inches. The appliance is pushed down on one side of the plant, and then on the other side, thus cutting all A fruiting branch of gooseberry. J. WRIGHT. runners spreading around. Where the ground is moist the leaves of the strawberry plants are mowed clean off in the winter, then gathered up with a rake and burned. This checks the spread of the leaf spot disease. The same purpose is at times attained by spraying the beds with a solution of sulphate of iron. PRUNING THE TOMATO. If large-sized, early tomatoes are required, the plants should either be forced and planted out early, or sown towards the end of August, and protected from frost by means of a light mulching. One stalk only is allowed to grow, and lateral leaf shoots pinched off, the terminal shoot alone being allowed to remain. The fruit bearing laterals are left on the plant, and will soon set to fruit. The plant is trained either along short stakes or along a trellis, made of wire stretched between two short posts stuck at each end of the rows. This will keep the plants off the ground, and make the operations of spraying and picking easier. The tomato rot is not so severe on staked vines as on plants crawling over the damp ground, whilst by training the plants it is easier to get at the 169 cut worms and the green caterpillars with arsenical baits and sprays. After a while a few leaf laterals are allowed to grow, if it is feared that the crop might be injured by sun-burn.^Large-sized Tomatoes staked with laterals pinched off . and early tomatoes will thus be obtained. For home use the tomato plant is seldom pruned. It bears enormously, but the fruit is smaller and somewhat later in ripening. SUMMER PRUNING AND THINNING OF FRUIT. As generally understood, pruning is an operation performed in the winter time, the object of which is the shaping of the plant, the adjustment of its wood and of its fruit-bearing capacity, and the easier management of such operations as cultivation, spraying and dressing of the trees and vines, and gathering the fruit. In the summer months, however, the attention given to the plants for the purposes already named, are supplemented by operations which are spoken of as " summer pruning." In its proper sense, summer pruning consists of pinching and disbudding. PINCHING is the operation by which strong and vigorous shoots, which are out- running slower growing ones, are set back in order to give those other shoots a chance of catching up to the stronger ones, or of diverting the flow of sap into other channels where it is wanted. It consists in suppressing, by nipping between the finger and thumb, the tender growth of terminal shoots, without, for that purpose, removing much or any of the foliage at all. It is by 170 pinching that trees, when in their nursery beds, are given the shape which it is meant they should assume before they are sent out to customers to be planted. Pinching is often practised in the summer for promoting the formation of fruit buds. The illustration on page 147 shows where to pinch the tender shoot. In pinching back side shoots, intended to carry fruit buds, care must be taken not to shorten them too severely ; it is not too much too allow them three or four inches. If pinched too short, the little butt or shoot either ceases to grow and dies, leaving a vacant space on the branch, or else, a year or two after this excessive pinching, two small basal buds push forth on each side of the suppressed shoot; these will ultimately blossom, but this will involve the loss of another season or two, or again premature shoots will grow, which will likewise be a longer time setting to fruit, and are not likely to be so fruitful as better constituted snoots properly pinched would be, as already referred to and illustrated under Pruning. When pinching back, and especially where the tree is full of running sap and of vigour, the shoots, instead of being cut or nipped clean off, are half broken through, and the terminal end left hang- ing. In this way the tension of the sap is partly diverted to half nourish the broken part, and the pressure is not strong enough to stimulate the growth of side shoots on that half -broken spur. At winter pruning that spur will present the appearance shown on the figure, the hanging piece will be excised, and the spur below will be stocked with fruit-bearing buds. These, after they have perfected their internal organs a process which, according to sorts of fruit trees, takes from one to three years to accomplish will, in due course, blossom and carry fruit. DISBUDDING consists in rubbing off with the thumb any misplaced buds or tender shoot. Pinching and disbudding are the most rational methods of gradually directing the growth of trees and vines, thus avoiding, at the time of winter pruning, the severe cutting of much unnecessary wood, on which some of the plant's best energy may have been spent during the growing months. Indeed, if literally carried out, there would be little winter pruning left to be done, except shortening the leading branches of young trees. However, if pinching and disbudding can be made to answer a useful purpose, the beginner should guard against too rigidly carrying it out under every circumstance, as it often happens that a better root growth, and much useful shelter in the summer months against the ardent rays of the sun, are obtained by not too strictly following the rules of pinching and disbudding. 171 To illustrate the methods of nipping and of disbudding, no better example can be taken than that of the apricot. These trees often throw out two or three shoots from the same knot. In shaping them a good deal of disbudding has to be done, as it is essential that they should not grow in a bunch out of the main stem. Supposing at planting time the young tree has been cut back to a stick 18 or 20 inches high, the first shoot should start 12 inches from the ground, and not more than three others at most should be left to divide the space between that height and the top of the stem. Around that stem these three or four branches should be so disposed as to evenly balance, all other intervening shoots being rubbed off as they appear. The first year it will be necessary to go over the trees at intervals and rub off all unnecessary shoots, thus to preserve the balance of the tree. Only strong and vigorous shoots are pinched back, any general heading back tending to dwarf the trees. The method of cutting back the first winter has been explained in the course of a previous chapter. When the young tree starts its second year's growth, all the shoots that come out on the underside of the main limbs which have in the winter been cut back to 6 to 12 inches are rubbed off r with the exception of two growing upward and outward on each limb, so as to continue the growth of the tree and maintain its- proper balance and shape. The following year again, when the new shoots are a few inches long, they are again thinned down to two leading ones on each branch, all lateral growths and water shoots which tend to throw the tree out of shape being rubbed off. In doing so care must be taken not to take off the fruit spurs. Thus a strong tree is built up, with sturdy limbs, directed in an upward and outward direction, and capable of carrying a heavy load of fruit, well distributed around those limbs. ' The third year a few apricots will ripen, and after they have been gathered the trees are gone over and topped. This operation favours the formation of fruit spurs, and, moreover, prevents the dying back of the branches, which, more especially with stone fruit trees, is a common occurrence when pruned in the depth of a wet winter, at a time when the sap is dormant, and its healing power is not so marked. This done, all that remains to be done is to rectify early in the spring any errors of pruning which may have been done when the foliage did not permit of a correct view of the tree ; at that time about one-half of the season's growth is cut back, due regard being paid to shape and balance, and cross shoots ; water sprouts and dead branches are also taken out. 172 Grape vines should not be topped too early, unless they happen to be in exposed situations where they are liable to be broken by strong winds. A great many growers I have met will, on the other hand, leave this topping until late in the season, so, as they fancy, to keep down labour, and at one stroke slash back both shoots and laterals. This practice has of late given rise to much adverse com- ment, and by degrees it is satisfactory to notice growers are moderating the intensity of this summer slashing, and the vines in consequence are much benefited both in growth and in pro- duction. Wherever the vines are trellised very little topping, if any at all, will be required, and the shoots, after being tied up to the top wire, should be allowed to droop down in festoons. When growing bush -fashion, just enough trimming should be done to enable the team and implements moving between the rows without knocking the shoots too much. This is generally done early in November, and three or four joints are left above the last bunch of grapes. " Defoliation," which in cold and damp countries was practised for promoting the colouring and the ripening of the grapes, and thus saving them from bursting and rotting, is now seldom practised. In such a genial climate as the Australian one it has nothing whatever to recommend itself, and should be absolutely discarded ; all the efforts of the grower, on the other hand, should tend to provide for the grapes as much shelter as possible against the direct and scorching rays vine cane rightly topped. of the sun in the height of summer. THINNING THE FRUIT is an operation which consists in rubbing off fruit which is imper- fect, insect-infested, diseased, overcrowded in clusters, and all surplus fruit which can well be dispensed with, thereby improving that which remains, and sparing the energy of the tree. It is almost as important as pruning, and it is becoming to be regarded as essential to the profitable production of first-quality fruit as is pruning, cultivating, and manuring. Thus, in its proper season, it should receive as much attention on the part of the grower. The best time for thinning fruit is after the late spring frosts and other early accidents are passed, but before they have become of sufficient size to be a tax upon the tree. In connection with thinning, the following points are worth bearing in mind : Fruit trees form their blossom buds a year or 173 two before these buds actually bear fruit. It thus follows that if a tree is allowed to overbear, it is hardly expected that it will also nourish as it should do the ensuing season's crop of blossom buds, and these being feeble and wanting in vigour and strength will, it is more than likely, in the proper time fail to set and perfect their fruit. Occasional heavy crops, therefore, more especially on trees growing in land of only moderate fertility, thus accounts for the fact that many trees which are allowed to grow and bear at their own sweet will are seen to carry prodigious crops one season and to be shy bearers the season after. Overbearing not only enfeebles the coming season's buds, but it also severely disturbs the constitution of most trees. More energy is spent by them in perfecting the embryo, which is the essential part of the plant's seed or kernel, than is required in elaborating the pulp, and as much, if not more, valuable mineral constituents are abstracted from the soil in order to produce the seed as it does to manufacture the flesh part of the crop. Thinning, therefore, by reducing the number of matured seeds, considerably lessens the drain on the vitality of the plant and of the soil. Thinning, some argue, is a costly operation, and necessitates in some cases the ex- penditure of 6d. to 2s. a tree in labour spent on that operation alone, and in some cases, when old and vigorous trees have to be carefully gone over, it may cost as much as Is. to 3s. for so doing. It should be considered, on the other hand, that the fruit must be picked sooner or later, and that as far as actual cost goes, it does not matter whether this amount is spent before the seeds form or when the fruit is ripe and ready for market. The extra cost of picking, therefore, need not be entertained, as it is practically the same, whether part of the crop is picked when thinning and part at the time the fruit ripens, or whether the whole crop is picked at the one time. But, apart from the consideration of more even crops in a succession of seasons, thinning also influences to a marked degree the season's crop. Although less in number, fruit from a thinned tree equals in weight, and certainly surpasses, as regards size and market value, fruit from a like tree left unthinned. A few figures will demonstrate that the lesser number of fruit from a tree that has been thinned equals or even surpasses in volume the crops from an overloaded tree that has not been thinned.* Two peaches measure respectively If inches and 3 inches in diameter ; some might imagine that the second is twice the size of the first, in reality it is eight times as voluminous, or, in other words, it would take eight times the number of If -inch fruit to fill a bushel case which would hold a given number of three-inch peaches, for the cube of 1'5 is 3'375, whereas the cube of 3 is 27, or eight times as much. In the same way, two apples measure 2 inches 174 and 4 inches in diameter, the larger fruit is not twice as big as the first, but eight times larger, for the cube of 2 is only 8, whereas the cube of 4 is 64, or eight times more. By a similar reasoning it is easy to demonstrate that fruit 3 inches in diameter is more than double the size of fruit 2 inches in diameter. For convenience of calculation in multiplying and dividing let us reduce the inches to quarter inches, and it is thus found that the volume of a fruit 12 quarters in diameter is more than three times the size in cubic measurement of another fruit 8 quarters in diameter. Thinning not only increases size, but also improves appearance. It thus pleases the consumer, sells easier, and is more profitable to the grower. Poor fruit, on the other hand, gluts the market, brings down prices, and often does not pay for handling. The theory of thinning having now been minutely gone into, a few practical hints regarding the method, so far as the different varieties of fruit trees go, may be of value. Hand labour, as in many other operations which require skill as well as judgment, is the only practical method at present. Apricots are the first fruit which come ready for thinning, and this may be commenced when the fruit is about the size of marbles, sometime towards the beginning of November ; at that time the fruit has stopped dropping, and the seeds have not commenced to harden. Apricots intended for canning or drying should not go more than 10 to the lb., and to attain that weight they must measure If inches in diameter, and should be thinned to about 2| inches apart on the branches where the trees are well loaded, and hav r e not been thinned by frost or by beetles. Should they have dropped a great many fruit, and left them, in bunches, the smaller fruit only, which would not develop, are rubbed off. Californian apricot growers consider that a healthy tree, having a body three inches in diameter, or a little over, should carry fifty pounds of fruit, and at 10 to the pound this would take 500 full size apricots to the tree. By counting the apricots on a few trees, the operator soon learns when sufficient thinning is done, though the tendency at first is to leave too much fruit. Other practical growers estimate that, on a limb four feet long, with three to five laterals, there are, under conditions of unrestricted growth, between 100 to 125 apricots. When properly thinned and cut back that limb should produce not more than one fourth of that number, or 20 to 24 apricots, but they are perfect in quality, superior in size, and classed as " extras." Apricots thus treated measure about 2^ inches in diameter; the ordinary fruit of this class measures only 1J inches. In other words the larger fruit is over three and a half times the size of the smaller one, and the one-fourth thinned crop will occupy about three-fourths bulk space of the full unthinned crop. 175 Peaches and nectarines, next to apricots, require thinning, and according to the earliness or lateness of the variety, and of the locality, this operation should be done from the middle of Novem- ber to the middle of December. They are generally thinned when about the size of a hazel nut, or a little larger, and a space of 4 to 6 inches should be left between each fruit. In Michigan and in Georgia, where peach growing ranks as one of the leading industries, only two peaches are left on twigs J inch in diameter, after the trees have been well pruned ; three or four on twigs | inch in diameter, and if the land is not irrigated and is not naturally moist, only half ; thus the trees will bear a good crop every year, and will be long-lived. All thinning is carefully done by hand, and all double fruit is taken off. The fruit on the points of the branches should be much further apart than that along the limbs of the tree. Peaches (except the early flat China peach), when less than If inches in diameter, are not .saleable, and by thinning their size are easily increased to 2J inches, or three times the size ; they then bring much better prices. Apples are thinned from the time they are of the size of a hazel nut until they are thrice as large. The ordinary rule in thinning them is, after the tree is in good bearing, only leave one apple to the spur, or one, or at most two, where there were bunches of three to 10. Prunes, it is the Californian experience, need thinning to give good fleshy fruit, especially when they show a tendency to overbear, when they only produce fruit that, when dried, is nothing but skin and seed. Grapes in hothouses in the cooler climate of Europe a,re systematically thinned, and the careful grower, armed with a sharp pair of pointed scissors, snips off the tail end of the bunches, as well as the hanging wings or shoulders, and also all small and half- developed berries. 'By this means the bunch assumes the shape of a somewhat conical cylinder, and every berry grows to a larger and more uniform size. In this country, however, where labour is so dear and grapes so cheap, and where, above every other reason, the mass of the consumers will give little more for grapes of extra quality than they would for ordinary fruit, it is questionable whether thinning grapes on a large scale and except for special purposes can be recommended as profitable. In my opinion, it would be better, under the conditions that obtain here, to regulate the crop by proper pruning in the winter time. To conclude these notes on thinning fruit, it may be said that the grower who allows his trees to overbear, and the stock-owner alike who overstocks his run, both show an error of judgment ; neither will attain the full measure of success which both might well reach but for following wrong methods. 176 MANUEES AKD MANUBINd. The fruit-grower, having secured fruit trees and vines suitable for the purpose he has in view, will find few more profitable invest- ments than the expenditure of a few shillings per acre in suitable manures for the purpose of adding to the fertility of the soil or restoring the elements of plant food extracted from it by the crop. The science of agricultural chemistry has thrown such light on the question of fertilisers and in the study of the requirements of cultivated plants that we are now able, with a certain amount of certainty, for every pound spent in suitable manures to expect a good return. Few soils can do without manure of some sort in order to yield a maximum crop. Occasionally some, however, are, if anything, too rich and too forcing for the purpose of fruit-growing; they induce an extravagant growth of leaves and wood to the detriment of the fruit. Wine grapes on such soils produce a thin must of little value for the purpose of wine-making as compared with must from similar grapes grown on poorer ground. Most soils respond liberally to the application of suitable manures, and in order to satisfy the requirements of the crops entrusted to them, some knowledge of what is plant food and how plants feed must necessarily prove helpful. WHAT is PLANT FOOD. Plants, in order to live and fructify, require certain elements of food, fourteen in number, some of which are supplied by the air, and some are found in the soil. Those supplied from the air are combinations and compounds of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, they constitute, with the compounds of nitrogen and sulphur, which, in the case of fruit trees, are drawn from the soil, the organic part of the plant, which on combustion, either by fire, fermentation or putrefaction, return entirely or partly to the air. The mineral part of the plant which is represented by the ashes left behind after complete combustion constitute the inorganic constituents, they consist of potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron, silicon, sulphur, sodium, chlorine, and manganese. Some knowledge of the composition of the tissues of plants and fruits will be useful for understanding in what proportion the different elements indispensable for plant growth occur in most crops. Nearly two-thirds consist of water which disappears on dessi- cation, and the balance is made up of combustible organic matter (carbo-hydrates), such as fibre, starch, sugar, gum, oils, alkaloids, and albuminoids, gluten, albumen, etc. ; and also one to three per cent, of mineral or inorganic matters represented by the ashes. 177 To agricultural chemistry and such works as those of Wolff, in Europe, and Professor Hilgard, of the University of California, we owe a great deal of the knowledge we at present possess, respecting the: MINERAL CONSTITUENTS OF THE ASHES OF VARIOUS PLANTS. Potash. Lime. Magnesia. Iron. Phosphoric Acid. Apple 35'68 4-08 8-75 1-40 13-59 Pear 54-69 7-98 5-22 1-04 15-20 Plum 59-21 10-04 5-46 3-30 15-10 Prune 63-83 4-66 5-47 272 14-08 Orange ... 48'94 22-71 5-34 0-97 12-37 Lemon ... 48'26 29-87 4-40 0-43 11-09 Grape 63-14 9-05 3-97 0-06 10-42 Peach 74'46 2-64 6-29 0-58 16-02 Apricot ... 59'36 3-17 3-68 1-68 13-09 Fig 48-60 9-12 5-32 0'84 11-20 Strawberry 49-24 13-47 8-12 1-74 18-50 Almond ... 27-95 8'81 17-66 0-55 43-63 Cherry ... 51-85 7-47 5-46 1-98 15-97 Damson ... 45-98 12-65 8-17 1-19 13-83 Olive 60-07 15-72 4-38 1-19 8-35 Gooseberry 38-65 12-20 5-85 4-56 19-68 Quince ... 2739 7-79 13-11 1-19 43-32 Chestnut 39-36 7-84 7-84 1-03 8-25 The above table taken from a paper on orchard manures by Mr. H. C. L. Anderson, M.A., formerly Director of Agriculture, N.S.W., gives an insight into the composition of the ashes of 18 of the most extensively cultivated fruits. Thus says Mr. Anderson : Run down the column of figures under potash and see how widely the percentages differ the ashes of peaches containing nearly 75 per cent, of that mineral (potash), and the ashes of apples not half as much. Then look at the figures under phosphoric acid, and see how they vary, from nearly 44 per cent, in the ashes of almonds and quinces down to less than one-fourth of that amount in grapes, and less than one-fifth in olives. The other columns are not deserving of special attention, and are given merely to convince the student that the substances lime, magnesia, and iron are of lesser importance when compared with potash and phosphoric acid. In practice four only of the fourteen mineral contituents of plants are, in the majority of cases, supplied to the crop under the form of fertilisers, and these are nitrogen, potash, phosphoric acid, and lime; the first three especially are the most sparsely distributed in soils and are also the most costly to replace. With every crop of fruit removed from the orchard the avail- able stores of postash, phosphoric acid, and nitrogen in the soil are correspondingly diminished. 178 FERTILISING MATTER REMOVED BY VARIOUS FRUITS. (From analyses by Mr. G. E, Colby, University of California.) FRESH FRUIT. 1,000 pounds. Total Ash. Potash. Lime. Phosphoric Acid. Nitrogen. Ibs. Ibs. Ibs. Ibs. Ibs. Almonds* 17-29 9'95 1-04 2-01 7-01 Apricots ... 5-08 3-01 16 66 1-94 Apples 2-64 1-40 Jl 33 1-05 Bananas ... 1078 6-80 10 17 97 Cherries ... 4-82 2-77 20 72 2-29 Chestnuts 9-52 3-67 1-20 1-58 6-40 Figs 7-81 4-69 85 86 2-38 Grapes 5-00 2-55 25 11 1-26 Lemons ... 5-26 2-54 1-55 58 1-51 Olives 13-50 9-11 2-43 1-25 5'60 Oranges ... 4-32 2-11 97 53 1-83 Peaches ... 5-30 3'94f 14f 85f l'20f Pears 2-50 1-34 19 34 90 Prunes, French . . . 4-86 3-10 22 68 1-82 Plums 5-35 3'41f 25f 75f 1-81 Walnuts*... 12-98 8-18 1-55 1-47 5'41 Including Shells. t Estimated. The above table shows that the drain of Potash on the soil from the removal of fruit crops is most marked in the case of olives, grapes, figs, peaches, prunes, apricots, lemons, and oranges, in succession, and least in almonds, apples, pears, plums, and cherries. Phosphoric Acid is higher in the ashes of quinces, almonds, olives, figs, strawberries, grapes (seedless varieties have less), peaches, lemons, oranges (except seedless varieties), and less in apples, pears, and cherries. Of Nitrogen olives requires most, and are followed by peaches, figs, apricots, oranges, grapes, plums, lemons, while the fruits poorer in nitrogen are apples and pears. Lime is extracted from the soil by lemons, oranges, olives, and figs to a greater extent than by other fruits. These analyses throw some light on the great sustaining power of the olives and figs and nuts, which form an important part of the diet of the inhabitants of those southern parts of Europe and northern parts of Africa which encircle the Mediterranean. They also show that the drain on the soil is greater in the case of the orange than in that of the apple, while the former is also more nourishing. WEIGHT OF ONE ACRE OF SOIL AND OF ITS CONSTITUENTS. To the untrained mind the perusal of a statement of a soil analysis conveys no tangible idea of the amount of the con- stituents declared therein and contained in any definite depth of soil on, for instance, one acre of land. An approximate idea of the 179 weight of average agricultural land gives a relative idea a.s to its richness or deficiency in any of the manurial constituents. One acre contains 43,560 square feet of surface, and a depth of one foot of that area therefore contains 43,560 cubic feet of soil. The weight of one cubic foot of soil varies greatly from the heaviest rocky and and sandy soils to the lightest peaty and clayey soils. The average ordinary agricultural soil weighs about SOlbs. per cubic, foot, so that the total weight of one acre of dry soil, one foot deep, would be 3,484,8001bs, or, say, 3,500,0001bs. ' This being so, a rich soil con- taining one per cent, of potash or phosphoric acid would contain 35,0001bs. of such plant food on an acre one foot deep. Similarly should the analysis disclose '1 per cent, the amount on that area would be 3,5001bs. and a crop removing, say, 501bs. of potash or of phosphoric acid a year would thus take 700 or 70 years, as the case may be, to exhaust such a soil absolutely of either of the substances referred to. Although theoretically that lapse of time would be necessary for the crops to entirely drain that soil of its potash or some of the phosphates, it is nevertheless found that beyond a limit the soil tenaciously holds up and refuses to part in favour of the crop with the whole of its elements. It then becomes imperative to either restore to the ground those elements of plant food which have been removed or by fallowing and spelling provide fresh supplies from the deeper strata and from the upper layer itself by the process of weathering. It is fortunate that the future is thus protected against the rapacity of the present. An examination of one of our own soils, a free dark chocolate loam, on the bank of a brook, will serve as an example of the teachings which soil analysis conveys to the mind. The land in question is under black wattle, flooded gum, and blackboys, and looks very fertile. Its analysis is as follows : Moisture '. 8'0200 Organic Matter 13'9900 * Phosphoric Acid 0'0255 *Potash Q'0848 Oxide of Iron and Alumina ... ... ... 17165 Carbonate of Calcium ... ... ... ... 0'6400 Soluble Silica 0'3660 Insoluble Silica 73-9260 * Nitrogen ... ... ... ... ... ... - 420 Equal to Ammonia ... ... ... ... O'SIO *Sodium Chloride 0-3714 Magnesia Chloride... ... ... ... ... 0'1504 This analysis shows that the land in question is a free dark loam. It contains 74 per cent, of sand and is also rich in humus. Approximately, one acre of that soil, one foot deep, contains : Of Potash 350X85= 2,9751bs. Of Phosphoric Acid 350x25= 8121bs. Of Nitrogen 350 x 42 = 14,700lbs. Of Salt (Sodium Chloride) ... 350 x 37 = 12,9501bs. Of Magnesium Chloride ... ... 350X15= 5,2501bs. 180 Supposing this land was cropped annually, and the crop removed from the ground 501bs. each of potash, phosphoric acitf, and nitrogen, the ground would be completely exhausted of the first in 600 years, of the second in 16 years, and of the third in 3,000 years. This assumption, however, wo aid be entirely unsupported in practice. The high percentage of salt is an indication that the land in question is badly drained ; in fact, it is often waterlogged, and the soluble salts, instead of being washed out of the ground, accumulate to an alarming .extent. The roots, then, of the more tender crop plants instead of feeding on a layer of soil one foot deep, would rot and corrode and only penetrate to a few inches. The mass of plant food revealed by chemical analysis is in practice found to be beyond the reach of the crops, and, besides, whatever amount of that plant food lies within reach of the shallow roots of the crop is of such a crude and raw quality that it is not in a fit state to act as plant food. DIFFERENT SOURCES OF FERTILISERS. According to their origin or the sort of food stuff they supply to plants, manures are spoken of as : "Animal Manures." These are characterised by the large quantity of nitrogen they contain, and the ease with which they decompose and yield their fertilising matter in available form e.g., guanos, desiccated blood, bones, and superphosphate. " Vegetable Manures," which undergo decomposition more slowly ; some, as the leguminous plants, having a large percentage of nitrogen e.g., green manuring, farmyard manure, sea.-weeds, and oil-cakes. " Mineral Manures," which are extracted from minerals, and yield ash constituents to plants e.g., sulphate of ammonia, of lime, of potash, nitrate of soda, of potash, lime, etc. Then again, manures are spoken of as " general " manures when they contain all the necessary elements for plant growth, or " special manures " when they only supply one or several of these elements. These elements, again, are said to be " dormant," " latent," or " active," according as they are insoluble or soluble in the corroding liquid which exudes from the rootlets and are thus made available for plant food or are locked up in an inert form in the soils. Fertilisers, however, for the practical purpose of the fruit- grower and farmer, should be better considered as nitrogenous, phosphatic, potassic, calcareous fertilisers, according as nitrogen, phosphoric acid, or potash, or lime is the predominating valuable constituent. Nitrogen is the rarest and most costly element of plant food ; it occurs in abundance in the air as free nitrogen, but is not available 181 in that form to most crops, except those of the leguminous class, on whose roots are gall-like swellings known as root tubercles, which are formed under the influence of micro-organisms living in the soil. It has been found that the presence of these bacteria and root tubercles enables some plants to draw from the vast stores of nitrogen in the air a supply which will enrich the ground in that valuable element and enable it to grow more abundant crops. The more common source of nitrogen on the farm or at the orchard is found in farmyard manure, which consists of /-Water ... 70 FAKM YARD \ Organic Matter 27 Nitrogen, '4 to "65 per cent. = 9 MANURE. 1 to 151bs. per ton. ( Ash ... ... 3/ Phosphoric Acid, '2 to '5 per j cent. =4 to lOlbs. per ton. 100 ) Potash, -3 to '6 per cent. -5 to ( 131bs. per ton. A good dressing per acre, 5 to 10 tons. The other forms of organic nitrogen, i.e., the nitrogen of animal and vegetable matters which is chemically united to carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, are Ammoniacal Guanos. Are the best of the concentrated complete manures, as they have nitrogen 8 to 12 per cent., phosphates 15 to 25 per cent., and a little potash. It is a very valuable manure for most crops, but is rather expensive. It more nearly resembles farm- yard manure in its composition than other artificial manures, and its great use is to replace this manure when it is scarce. A good dressing, 2 to 3 cwts. to the acre. Dried Blood. The refuse of slaughter house, being a very complex substance, it is also a very valuable manure, contains nearly as much dry matter as flesh e.g., about 23 per cent. When dried without other substances it contains about 10 per cent, water and 8 to 10 per cent, ammonia, with a little phosphate and traces of potash. It is one of the best forms of manures in light lands, and is not readily washed away. Often mixed with gypsum, which decreases its value ; useful for making composts. Fair dressing per acre, 3 to 4cwt. Dried Nightsoil or Poudrette. Contains 2 to 4 per cent, nitrogen, 3 per cent, phosphate, and 1'5 per cent, potash ; often mixed with gypsum and earth, which reduces its value. A bulky manure which would hardly pay to carry a long distance, when freight and carriage is a consideration. Other forms of organic nitrogen are those of seeds, such as cotton seed cake and other oleaginous seeds after the extraction of the oil. Leather and peat are also classed as nitrogenous manures, but they are comparatively slow in their effect on vegetation, and for that reason are less valuable. Nitrogen occurs as minerals and notably ammonium salts and nitrates and nitrites. 182 Sulphate of Ammonia. Supplies one of the cheapest forms of nitrogen in the market. When pure, contains 24 to 25 per cent, of ammonia, equivalent to 20 of nitrogen, and is one of the most concentrated forms of nitrogen available. It is obtained from coal gasworks and extracted from the gas liquor, and is purified of the ammonia thiocyaiiate (a plant poison) it contains before being put in the market. As it is not quite so soluble as nitrate of soda, it is not so liable to be washed out of the soil as are nitrates, A simple test for showing the absence of most, at any rate, of the impurities with which sulphate of ammonia is likely to be adulterated is to throw a pinch of the sulphate on a red hot iron plate ; the sulphate of ammonia, if pure, will be quickly volatilised and dissipate entirely. Applied at the rate of J to Ifcwt. per acre in the spring, mixed with some dry, well-ground material such as sand, earth, or other fertilisers, so as to ensure its even distribution. Nitrate of Soda. As imported from Chili, contains rather more than 15 per cent, of N. or 18 to 19 per cent, ammonia. Its price is almost prohibitive in Australia. More soluble than sulphate of ammonia, and for this reason especially useful in a dry season, owing to its being deliquescent. Applied at the rate of \ to If cwt. per acre in the spring, mixed with some dry, well-ground material, so as to ensure its even distribution. Soil or manure analysis often express the nitrogenous contents as nitrogen or as ammonia. And in order to better understand the difference between the amount of each, it is useful to remember that 17 parts of ammonia (NH 3 ) contain 14 of nitrogen (N) and that 66 parts of pure sulphate of ammonia, or 85 parts of nitrate of soda, also contain 14 parts of nitrogen. Excess of organic nito- genous manures, it should be borne in mind, are often productive of harm, and cause such diseases as " die back" of the trees. In white- ant infected districts it must also be used with caution. " I have used sheep manure for orange trees," writes a Narra Tarra fruit grower ; "it acts very well, but proves a hotbed for white ants." Phosphorus is, next to nitrogen, the most costly ingredient of fertilisers, in which it occurs in the form of phosphates of lime, iron, and aluminium, or, in case of superphosphates, partly as free phosphoric acid. In good soils it rarely exceeds 2 per cent. The trade uses with regard to phosphoric acid several terms which to the layman are not very familiar, thus : Soluble phosphoric acid implies phosphoric acid or phosphates that are soluble in water or in a solution of ammonium citrate. It diffuses into the ground and thus reaches the feeding rootlets of the crop instead of lying inert in the soil, as do the mechanically-mixed insoluble phosphates, until the rootlets find them out and attack them. Insoluble phosphoric acid requires a stronger solvent than ammonium citrate to make it available as plant food. 183 Reverted, reduced, or precipitated phosphoric acid is phosphoric acid, which was once soluble in water, but which, by combination with lime, iron, or aluminium in the soil, has become insoluble again. In that form it is, however, readily assimilated by crops. The chief sources of phosphatic manures are : Bones are found in commerce broken up as " half-inch," " quarter-inch," and as " bonedust ;" the finer the better, as they act more quickly. Commercial bones are either "raw" or "steamed" and degelatinised. Their respective composition is Raw Bones. Steamed Bones. Water ... 10 per cent. 10 per cent. * Organic matter 33 :, 18f )> Phosphates 50 58 > Carbonate of lime 4 8-5 j? Sand 3 r }} Alkaline salts . . . 27 4-5 100-0 100-0 * Equal 3'5 to 4*5 ammonia, t Equal 1*4 ammonia. Bonedust and half and quarter-inch have a similar composi- tion to the raw product they are made from. The coarser the bones the heavier should the dressing be. Bonedust is applied at the rate of 3 to 4cwt. to the acre. Phosphatic Guanos, such as Abrolhos and Sharks Bay guanos contain 44 to 50 per cent, of phosphate and only \ per cent, of ammonia, the balance being mostly sand and moisture. They can be got in several ton lots at a very reasonable price, and answer well when mixed with a small proportion of a more soluble phos- phate, such as concentrated superphosphate and sulphate of ammonia. A fair dressing would be 3 to 4cwt. to the acre. Thomas' Phosphate Powder, or Basic Slag, is another, source of phosphates. It is derived by means of the Thomas G-ilchrist process in making steel from pig iron by smelting it in converters lined with lime ; when the iron is melted the air is blown through, part of the iron and impurities are oxidised, and the phosphoric acid combines with the lime, forming phosphate of lime. This contains 14 to 17 per cent, of phosphoric acid, equal to 30 to 36 per cent, of phosphate of lime, and also 40 per cent, lime, and 18 per cent, iron oxides, and 6 per cent. sand. It is very cheap in England, where it sells at the factories for 1 a ton, and is retailed at 30s. It is so finely divided that it acts very readily. Coprolites and Apatites constitute mineral phosphates of great value, either ground into a fine powder or for making super- phosphates ; they occur in some geological formations under the form of concretions, and consist of the fossil excrements and remains of extinct animals. They vary in richness from 10 to 75 per cent, of phosphates. Superphosphate of Lime. Either of the raw materials referred to already are ground and treated with sulphuric acid, thereby 184 made more soluble and hence quicker in its action. The actual composition of superphosphate varies with the material of which it is made, and ranges from 35 to 40 per cent, down to 20 per cent, phosphates rendered soluble. In this state, owing to its diffusi- bility, superphosphate is able to permeate through a greater quantity of soil, and penetrates further than other merely mechanically- divided phosphates, and thus more readily taken up and assimi- lated by crops. A good dressing consists of 2 to 4cwt. per acre ; or, in conjunction with farm-yard manure, 2cwt. Fermented Bones can readily be prepared on the farm by mixing with bones J their weight of earth or burying them in the manure heap, moistening them with water, urine, or liquid manure, and covering the whole heap with earth. After a time, depending on the temperature, the bones enter into fermentation, and crumble to powder when they are dug out and used. Fermented bones act more rapidly than raw bones, and can be compared in their action to bone superphosphate. The relation of phosphoric acid (P 2 O 5 ) to phosphate of lime (Ca 3 P 2 O 8 ), such as is expressed in soil or manure analysis, is as 142 is to 310 or a fraction less than half. Thus bonedust containing 50 per cent, of phosphate of lime contains somewhat less than half this amount of phosphoric acid, or, in exact figures, 22'58 per cent. Potassium is the constituent of a fertile soil or of fertilisers which ranks third in costliness. It does not occur as such, but as combinations, such as chloride (muriate), sulphate, carbonate, nitrate, silicate, etc. Potash is also known as potassium oxide (K 2 0), and as such is reckoned when valuing fertilisers. In manures it occurs as sulphate and as muriate (chloride of potassium), the sulphate form being a little more costly than the muriate. The chief sources of potash are Wood Ashes, which constituted for a long time the chief source of supply of potash used for agricultural purposes. The incombus- tible part of " ash " of farm crops and timber contains from one- fourth to one-third its weight of potash. For this reason newly cleaned land, well timbered, on which the wood has been burnt off the ground, will have an ample supply of potash to supply the requirements of the crops for some seasons, at all events. Kainit is, on account of its low price in Europe, in great favour as a cheap form of potassic fertiliser. Owing to its great bulk, however, the price in Australia is- about double what it is in Eng- land. It is chiefly extracted from salt mines in Germany, and was originally deposited from sea water, and is associated with salt, gypsum, and other saline substances. The crude kainit found in commerce contains 12 to 13 per cent, of potash (equivalent to about 25 per cent, sulphate of potash), 27 to 30 per cent, of magnesia salts of little or no use as a manure, and 30 per cent, of common 185 salt, which in the Eastern districts of this State, particularly where the land is in places more or less permeated with saline matters, could certainly be dispensed with. It is more valuable in light loam than in heavier soils, which it makes more sticky. A fair dressing per acre would be from 3 to 6cwt., mixed with other fer- tilisers, and worked into the soil by means of the plough or the digging harrows. Sulphate of Potash, which is the chief potash salt in kainit, is also sold in a more concentrated form than in that crude salt, and if found in commerce with a percentage of 50 to 54 per cent, of potash, or more than four times the amount per cent, found in kainit. Although its price is considerably higher than that of kainit, at the same time, growers far inland will find it more advantageous wherever freight and cartage is a consideration, the fertiliser being four times more concentrated ; Icwt. per acre forms a good dressing, in conjunction with other manures. Chloride, or Muriate of Potash, is the most soluble of the various salts of potash, and when purified contains as much as 63 per cent, of potash or 80 per cent, muriate of potash. It is obtained as a by-product in the manufacture of chlorate of potash, in the purification of nitre and other manufactures. Its use, however, is harmful on certain crops, as in the case of sugar beets, in which it lessens the percentage of crystallisable sugar, while potatoes are rendered waxy, and the tobacco leaves are deteriorated in vulue ; in the soil it is, besides, apt to give rise to the formation of common salt, while the sulphate gives rise to the formation of gypsum, which, in saline soils, is especially of value. In soils it occurs in quantities ranging from '01 to 2 per cent., equivalent to 3501bs. to 70,0001bs. per acre taken to a depth of 1ft. ; it is derived from the weathering of minerals containing it as an ingredient, and chiefly from felspars, one of the constituents of granite. It may be said that a soil showing '03 per cent, of potash on analysis does not usually need, a potash fertiliser. Crops not fed oft' on the ground remove amounts of potash which vary greatly. Beets may remove as much as lOOlbs. per acre, and cereals about 301bs. A table given above (p. 178) gives the relative likings of various fruit crops for potash. The percentage of that element of plant food in soils usually rises with their contents of clay. Reclaimed swamps and sandy soils are almost invariably benefited by the application of potash fertilisers. SOIL AMENDMENTS OR IMPROVERS. Besides the fertilisers reviewed in the previous pages, soils often need the application of methods of fertilising, which exercises on them both a mechanical and a chemical effect. Amongst the most commonly used amendments are : Lime, which is especially valuable for the renovation of worn-out soils and for breaking down stiff clay and making it more friable and pervious to water; it supplies plant food; it assists in the decomposi- 186 tion of organic matter, and for this reason a soil poor in humus should receive more sparing applications of lime than soils of a peaty nature, or rich in organic matter ; it sweetens sour soils in neutral- ising the acids; it decomposes injurious substances in the soil (ferrous oxide, a plant poison, into ferric oxide, a plant food) ; it promotes the process of nitrification by encouraging the presence of special micro-organisms ; it increases the fertility of the soil by helping some of the chemical processes which result in the more ready absorption by the soil of phosphoric acid, potash, and ammonia. Clay soils which show a tendency to "puddle" and form clods when improperly tilled, are greatly improved by a dressing of lime. This substance possesses 'the property of flocculating or coagulating the clay particles, thus opening the pores of such soils and making them less retentive of water and more permeable to air. Quick or caustic lime, which results from the burning of lime- stone or carbonate of lime, is, chemically speaking, carbon oxide (CaO). It acts more energetically than carbonate of lime, or mild lime, and should be preferred for soils rich in organic matter and on sour soils. Oyster shells and marble give the purest lime. Our coastal limestone is not so good, and contains from 6 to 20 per cent, of sand. When exposed to the air, or when moistened, quick lime absorbs carbonic acid gas, and reverts to carbonate of lime (CaCO 3 ), becoming slaked lime. During this process it increases considerably in volume, and falls to powder. A bushel of good stone lime weighs, when quick, 901bs. ; when slaked, it will measure nearly three bushels ; each of which will weigh about 451bs. A bushel of unslaked oyster shell lime weighs 601bs. When slaked it will measure something over two bushels, each of which will weigh 401bs. The quantity of lime to use at one application depends on the amount of vegetable matter the soil contains. Thirty bushels of lime (12cwt.) is a safe application if the soil is quite thin and contains but little vegetable mould. Several small applications of lime are safer than one heavy one. Gas lime is another fairly cheap source of agricultural lime. It rarely, however, contains more than 40 per cent, of lime, the rest being made up of moisture and compounds of sulphur or sulphites and sulphocyanates, which are injurious to vegetation, and should be allowed to be corrected by the action of the air before being ploughed in. During this operation the noxious sulphites are converted into gypsum (sulphate of lime). Limekiln ashes are also desirable land amendments ; they contain about one per cent, each potash and phosphoric acid, besides some lime. For the destruction of sorrel, heavy liming is recommended, and applications amounting up to two tons to the acre may be used for that purpose. Qhalk is dug out and exposed to frost, and then spread, as it is constituted by minute microscopic shells, as well as fragments of shells of larger size ; it contains a little phosphoric acid generally in 187 combination with lime as phosphate of lime, to the extent of O10 to 1*25 per cent, (or lOOlbs. of this burned lime contains 2^1bs. of phosphate of lime). Marls consist of carbonate of lime, generally resulting from the fragments of shells which have accumulated at the bottom of fresh water lakes, which have generally been filled up by clay or sand, or by the growth of peat. They contain from 1 to 2 per cent, of phosphate of lime, and at times small amounts of potash. Marling only pays where the material is close at hand and can be put on the land at a cost of a few shillings a ton. An application of two to three tons to the acre is by no means excessive. Gypsum, or hydrated calcium sulphate, has been much used as a manure,' but as it occurs in superphosphate and is not charged for, is rarely applied to crops nowadays. It occurs in places crystallised, and is found very useful for leguminous plants, especially for red clover, lucerne, etc. Applied from two to six cwts. per acre. Supplies lime and sulphate to the crops and acts as a solvent, which sets potash free from its state of dormant combination in the soil. Appears to promote the process of nitri- fication. Is a valuable absorbent on the manure heap and in stables, cow sheds, and poultry yards, where it fixes the volatile ammonia into non-volatile sulphate of ammonia. Very useful in reclaiming alkaline salt patches containing carbonate of soda. Ashes. Supply in small quantities magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus and sulphur all mineral matters neces- sary to the growth of plants, and for that reason they constitute a very good fertiliser. Besides their value as plant food, they also have on it a mechanical effect similar to that of lime. They are especially useful on light and sandy lands, rendering them moister. The value of ashes vary with the kind of wood burned, and with the care that has been taken of them. Limekiln ashes can at times be obtained at a reasonable price. They contain about 1 per cent, of potash and phosphoric acid and about 40 per cent. lime. Green Manuring affords one of the best and cheapest methods of adding humus or organic mould to poor sandy soils more especially. The term is applied to some quick-growing crop which is ploughed in green. Two classes of plants are used : those which are not exacting in their demand for plant food and constitute a cover in the winter which checks loss by washing or drainage, and those which gather plant food from the air as well as from the subsoil and leave it on the surface for the use of succeeding crops. To the first class belong rye, buckwheat, rape, dandelion (Cape weed), Cape and beardless barley ; to the second, the legumes clovers, peas, vetches, lupins. By the process of green manuring, loose soils are made more retentive, and clay soils lighter. Cow peas, although very desirable as green manure, are not used in orchards where winter-growing plants are exclusively grown. For that purpose the most desirable plants are crimson clover (Trifolium incarnatum}, an annual which germinates and develops quickly. Eight to ten pounds of seeds w ill 188 sow an acre. The growth of the crop will be greatly stimulated by the application of some phosphate and potash fertilisers. When grown, it will act in three distinct ways : as a winter covering to the soil, as a summer mulch, as a plant food gatherer. Experiments at the Jersey Experiment Station, U.S., found that a growth of 13 inches produced 1681bs. of nitrogen, worth <5. The Canadian field pea has also given very satisfactory results. Sow about 85 to lOOlbs. per acre, or plough the crop in the early spring, using a chain on the plough to cover and drag in all vines under the earth. Green manuring may, under particular circumstances, be detrimental. In dry localities it may lead to the desiccation of the soil. It is calculated that one part of vegetable matter requires 300 to 500 times its own weight of moisture, so that every ton of green manuring crop in a dry locality would absorb 300 to 500 tons of water ; and unless plentiful rain or abundance of artificial water can be relied upon, the process may in some cases be detrimental. The results of commercial fertilisers are much more marked when applied on land well stocked with humus than when used on land depleted of vegetable mould. VALUE OF FERTILISERS. Under the Fertilisers and Feeding Stuffs Act it is imperative on the manure vendors to furnish with the invoice for any fertiliser sold a certificate showing the per cent, of nitrogen, phosphoric acid (soluble and insoluble), and potash contained in the manure. Mention of any other ingredient is of little or no value, and may be considered as so much padding, which is liable to confuse the purchaser. Failure to comply with this enactment may be meted out by a =20 fine. The more concentrated the fertiliser is, as regards any one or more of the three elements mentioned, the more valuable it is, so much less dead weight having to be handled and carried to the field. The value of the three chief elements of a fertiliser viz., nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash is not uniformly the same, and is mostly influenced by sea and railway freight, and by its degree of solubility. The market quotation is expressed at so much a unit, the unit value being the value of one per cent, of the particular ingredient in a ton of manure. Nitrogen in sulphate of ammonia or in nitrate of soda or of potash is worth in Western Australia 16s. to 18s. per unit; in Melbourne it is worth about 12s., and in Sydney a trifle under. In blood, bones, or offal (ground fine) it is worth 14s. to 15s. in this State, and about 10s. in the Eastern States. If we express by 10 the worth of nitrogen in nitrate of soda, of potash, or of sulphate of ammonia and of ammonia in live guano, the nitrogen in blood and bones or meat is only worth 7, while in wool 189 waste, hair, horn, and leather it comes down to only 2 or 3, that is to say : If an application of nitrogen under the form of nitrate of soda, or the substances grouped with it, would produce a surplus crop of l,0001bs. of fruit, an equivalent amount of nitrogen derived from blood, bones, or meat would produce an increase of 7001bs., and a similar dressing of nitrogen from wool waste, hair, ground horn, or leather would only produce an increase of 200 to BOOlbs. of fruit. It is thus seen how important in selecting the materials from which nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash are to be derived to see that the material is readily available. Phosphoric acid varies greatly in value, whether it is soluble or insoluble in water. As regards " Citrate soluble " phosphoric acid i.e., from a phosphate soluble in a weak acid solution, such as one of ammonium citrate the value is intermediate between the above two, thus : Water soluble phosphoric acid is worth in Western Australia 7s. and in the Eastern States 6s. a unit. Phosphoric acid insoluble in water is worth with us 3s. and in the East 2s. 6d. a unit, whilst citrate soluble phosphoric acid, worth here 5s., is valued in Sydney and Melbourne 4s. 6d. a unit. Potash in soluble salts is worth in Western Australia 7s. and in the East 6s. a unit ; while potash in natural manures, such as dried nightsoil, is worth 5s. and 4s. respectively. These prices, of course, fluctuate a little according to the state of the market, the quantity of fertilisers bought, and as to whether the transaction is a cash one or one involving terms. To arrive at the value of a fertiliser, and unless it is specified whether the nitrogen, the phosphoric acid, and the potash are derived from the better prized material, these ingredients are considered as being derived from the baser ones when calculating values. Knowing these values, it is easy, when furnished with^an invoice certificate, to determine the real value of the manure offered. Thus a mixed fertiliser contains Nitrogen (as Sulphate of Ammonia) ... 4 percent. Phosphoric Acid Water Sol 5 Citrate Sol 2 Insoluble ... ... ... 3 Total Phosphoric Acid 10 Potash or Muriate ... ... ... ... 4 This statement is treated as follows : s. d. 4 per cent. Nitrogen and Sulphate of Ammonia, at 16s 340 5 per cent. Phosphoric Acid, soluble, at 7s. ... ] 15 2 Citrate, sol., at 5s. ... 10 3 Insol., at 3s 090 4 Potash, at 7s 180 ^760 190 Or again a bonedust contains 4'5 per cent, ammonia, 3'7 nitrogen, and 22 per cent, phosphoric acid: s. d. 3-7 at 14s 2 10 22 at 3s 360 5 16 Tn this manure the purchaser can arrive at a fair value of the manure offered to him, to which, of course, must be added the cost of carriage from the manure works. EFFECT OF FERTILISERS ON FRUIT CROPS. Experiments made a few years ago in the State of Missouri brought to light the fact that twigs, fruit spurs, spurs with fruit set of apples, analysed, showed that the much larger amount of lime, phosphoric acid, and potash in the bearing twigs is very marked as compared with non-bearing twigs. It would thus seem that the effect of fertilising fruit trees cannot possibly manifest itself in the same year in an increased fruit crop, but appears to a certainty the year after, and that fruit growers, in valuing fertilisers, must bear this in mind to arrive at a correct conclusion of the action of manures on their fruit crop. Speaking in a broad sense, nitrogen, applied as a fertiliser, produces wood and leaves ; phosphates produce fecundity ; and potash produces sweetness and flavour; gypsum and sulphate of iron help to fix the fruit on the tree. An abundance of nitrogen is indicated by rank growth and dark green foliage, and by size and coarseness of fruit. Con- versely, stunted growth and pale leaves often show lack of nitrogen ; fewer fruit are formed ; these are of smaller size and colour early. On oranges, excessive organic nitrogen results in thick rind, abundant rag, and sometimes in causing defoliation, die-back, and gumming diseases. Lime and potash correct the effect of heavy doses of organic nitrogen. Mineral nitrogen stimulates the production of fruit more than excessive applications of organic nitrogen. In oranges, thinner skin and little rag or fruit pith is produced ; sulphate of ammonia, when there is a slight deficiency of potash, tends to sweeten the fruit. Phosphoric acid starvation is at times manifested by the appearance of the young and tender leaves, known as " frenching " or variegations of the foliage. It throws the tree into fruit quicker and has a most beneficial influence on the growth of the plant. Potash fertilisers are not sufficiently used by fruit-growers, considering what an amount of this element is found in the ashes of fruit. Heavy doses of potash, unless correspondingly accompanied by other fertilisers, produce sour fruit. Lack of potash is shown by spindly growth of wood, which summers badly and is easily injured 191 by frost. On account of its hygroscopic property, good results have been obtained in applying it in early spring to aid the plant in withstanding the spring drought, which often causes a great quantity of fruit to drop off. Lime is notable in its effect on table grapes. It also tends to hasten the ripening and perfect the colouring of oranges. Deficiency of lime is often accompanied by thick skin and poor aroma. WHEN AND HOW TO MANURE. The question is often asked : When is it best to apply fertilisers ? Phosphates may be a,pplied at any time from the beginning of the autumn up till the end of the winter. Potash is better applied early in heavy soils, which it has a tendency to clog, so as to give to the winter rains and the frost time to counteract that particularity. The application of lime with it will also correct this tendency. On light dry sandy loam it is advisable to apply potash fairly late, so as to utilise this hygroscopic feature towards storing up moisture in the vicinity of the roots of the plant. Nitrogenous chemical fertilisers it is better to apply in the early spring amongst deciduous trees, and before the trees bloom. In regard to evergreen trees, such as those of the citrus tribe, it is immaterial at what time, so long as the trees are systematically and regularly fed. It is recommended for citrus trees to divide the amount of chemical nitrogenous manure to be applied during the year into two applications. Experience will teach the orchardist how to regulate the spread of any quantity of the manure whilst covering an acre of land. The following rule-of -thumb practice is found to be fairly correct for such fertilisers as potash salts, and nitrate of soda, sulphate of ammonia, or any fertiliser of approximately the same weight. In broadcasting, sowing a handful at each step, the right foot steps forward, and scattering it 12 to 15 feet in breadth, there will be applied 150 to 200 pounds per acre. Non- soluble fertilisers, such as bonedust, it is preferable not to sow broadcast for the manuring of orchard or vineyards, as this practice draws the roots from underneath to the surface, where they are periodically hacked about by the tines of the scarifier. A better plan is to set the plough to its full depth of 9 to 10 inches and open a furrow up and down the centre of the land between the two rows of trees or vines and sowing in these deep gutters the amount of insoluble fertiliser it is meant to give to each acre of land. When this is done, the plough is again set to its proper depth and the earth is thrown back on to the manure, which is thus buried under. Should the land be too stiff, or the team too light for opening such deep furrows, the plough can be run once again in the bottom of a first top furrow, and the requisite depth is thus attained. In this manner numerous small rootlets issue from the severed roots of the plants and go and feed on the manure in the deep trough, twisting 192 and coiling around each particle. When trees are manured by means of insoluble fertilisers, dig with the spade, some three to four feet from the stem, three trenches a foot deep and several feet long, in the form of a triangle ; place the manure at the bottom of these trenches and cover up with soil. When manure is forked into the ground, it should not be applied right against the bole of the tree, but a small distance away. The plate in the article on mulching illustrates the distribution of the main roots and of the rootlets in the ground. The first, whose main functions is to brace up and support the structure, are fairly barren of rootlets ; they give rise to branch roots which, in their turn, carry towards their periphery the fibrous rootlets, which, are in a true sense the feeding mouths of the plant, and absorb the moisture and food required by the growing tissues. The diagram shows where water and manure should be applied and where mulching does most good. EXPERIMENT FOR YOURSELVES. Chemical analysis of a soil will indicate on broad lines the wealth or the poorness of a given soil, but its teachings are in no wise as accurate as those derived from personal observation drawn from the result of local experiments. Growers can, with little or no trouble, find out for them selves the elements that are more urgently required by their trees. For this purpose, a row or two are set apart, every third tree is manured in some manner or other ; the trees on each side of it are left unmanured, as witnesses to show by comparison whether a manured tree greatly differs from them or not. Some form of nitrogenous manure may be applied to one or more of the trees in the experimental line ; then some form of phosphatic manure to one or more others ; then again, some form of potassic manure to one or more trees. The experiment can further be widened by combining together for testing on some fresh trees any two of the manures used singly on the first lot of trees, and finally more trees are tested with a complete fertiliser, resulting from the combination of the three fertilisers used singly, or of any fertilisers containing in some available form the three elements nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash. One thing the grower must well penetrate his mind with, that crops, like animals, must be generously fed to keep healthy and bear abundant crops. Just as the digestive organs of the animal assimilate the nourishment, of its body, so the assimilatingorgans of plants utilise the food placed within their reach. Like the animal also, they require a " complete ration;" that is to say, one with no needful element of plant food lacking, and when well fed the plant will thrive, produce without effort, and withstand and offer no encouragement to the numerous parasitic pests that assail our cultivated crops. Spraying and manuring operate conjointly, and well-fed trees, once freed from parasites, remain clean without further dressing for a very long time. The varying state of health and vigour in even a small 10-acre orchard, when the climatic conditions are otherwise alike, point out to variations in the constituents of the soil. 193 IRRIGATION AND ROOT MANAGEMENT. How PLANTS ABSORB WATER. Plants, flowers, and fruits are made up mostly of water. Analysis shows that there is as much as 901bs. to 941bs. of water in every lOOlbs. of some of the more succulent fruits and vegetables, such as asparagus, cabbages, cucumbers, lettuce, melons, rhubarb, tomatoes, and strawberries ; as much as 801bs. to 851bs. of water in every lOOlbs. of such fruit as apples, apricots, grapes, lemons, and pears ; green fodders contain 60 to 85 per cent, of water according to their state of maturity. It is essential that the contents of the cells which enter into the structure of the growing plant should be in a half -liquid condition in order that nourishment and construction material should be carried and distributed wherever required, be it in the stem, the tender buds, or the ripening fruit. When the cells cease to be distended with fluid sap they get flaccid and the plant wilts. Unless this state is promptly remedied by an influx of sap these cells thicken, they lose their elasticity, the plant first gets stunted and finally dries up and dies. The water necessary for plant growth is absorbed by the hair-like rootlets issuing from the stronger roots which penetrate the ground in search of food and moisture ; it does not, however, enter into the circulation of plants quite pure, but contains in solution variable quantities of substances which plants feed upon. From these rootlets it is passed on from cell to cell, by a process of diffusion, first along the larger roots which anchor the plant to the ground, thence to the stem, on to the branches, the buds, leaves, and fruit. That cell-to-cell motion, or that diffusion of the nourishing sap, from the capillary rootlets to the tip of the branches, is quickened by evaporation. The evaporating organs of the plants are the leaves. These, when fanned by the breeze, allow a considerable amount of moisture to escape through the stomata or breathing pores. In bright daylight these pores open to allow the admission of carbon and of oxygen to the working cells of the leaves. As this takes place a good deal of the moisture which saturates the air in the intercellular spaces of the leaves escapes to the drier outside air. A vacuum is thus created, and more moisture exudes from the gorged cells to replace the amount lost through evaporation. In this manner a current of sap is created from the rootlets upwards towards the branches. Under certain circumstances this current may run quicker than the plant is able to absorb moisture from the ground. This is noticeable on a dry, hot day, when the plant flags. This being so, it is easy to understand that other conditions of soil texture and of particular plant requirements being alike, a given field crop, or trees of the same sorts and age, will show signs of wilting and need for water much sooner in the drier air of the 194 inland districts than in the moister air of the coastal zone. In both instances the soil may have been wetted to saturation point by the winter rains ; but, evaporation being more active inland than on the coast, that store of moisture is more rapidly exhausted in the first instance as compared with the second. This perspiration of the leaves keeps the plant cool when everything else around is scorched, but as soon as that perspiration ceases leaves and fruit get burned. Whenever, therefore, perspiration threatens to stop for want of moisture rising from the roots we find in watering and in irrigation a ready means of stimulating it. ADVANTAGES OF IRRIGATION. In the coastal districts of Western Australia, where fruit growing is more extensively carried on, little or no heed has hitherto been paid to the advantages of irrigation. The reason is that within that zone which is more directly under the beneficial influence of monsoonal and maritime climate, that climate is consistent and not capricious. The ground receives a deep and a thorough soaking every winter, and the air is all through the year charged with a sufficiency of moisture which checks a too rapid or too prolonged evaporation or perspiration through the leaves. Further inland, however, these conditions are not noticeable to the same extent. The rainfall is not so abundant and the evaporation is greater ; furthermore, adequate and suitable water for irrigation is often deficient. Numerous spots, however, are found dotted over the country where irrigation can be carried out with profit and ease. In such places, and wherever deep and thorough drainage is associated with it, irrigation eliminates any risks arising from any freaks and anoinalities of the season. Such privileged spots are always, for that reason, much sought after. Although alive to the value and potentialities of these spots, few owners however, have hitherto taken advantage of their sources of water supply and led them along suitable channels to where they can double or treble the production of the ground. EVILS OP IRRIGATION. Although irrigation has been a source of large profits to some, it may be said to have, on the other hand, led in as many cases to considerable losses. The practice should only be adopted with judgment. The initial cost of leading water on to the land may be so great that the expenditure may not be justifiable. Moreover irrigation without efficient and thorough drainage is always fatal, sooner or later. The ground thereby alternately gets chilled and baked ; there is no get away for the water except by evapora- tion ; this cools the ground to a point which is uncomfortable and detrimental to vegetation and leads to the rotting of the roots. In 195 irrigating or watering an orchard, the water should never be led or poured into a cup-shaped bowl, dug around the stem. This causes a gummy exudation to ooze out at the crown of the tree, and the plant dies of collar rot. The stem should always be protected from actual immersion in water by a small mound of earth which is banked up around it. Irrigation on ground which is not naturally well drained, or where no attempt has been made to deep drain the soil, is often the cause of the displacement of masses of injurious alkaline salts from deep down towards the surface, where they finally accumulate and corrode the roots and stem and kill the trees. Much valuable information on this rising of the soluble alkalies in irrigated soils is due to Professor Hilgard's researches in California. It has been shown that the presence of as much as a quarter of one per cent. (25 = 8,7501bs. on one acre of soil 1ft. deep) of carbonate of soda, one of the most corrosive of soil alkalies, renders that soil sterile. Over-irrigation is one of the greatest causes of failure in the hands of the amateur irrigationist. In a climate like ours, where the ground is well soaked during the winter months, there is little need to water the trees until early in summer if on deep loamy ground. Two or three more thorough waterings at intervals of a month, followed up by thorough cultivation and pulverisation of the surface ground, would thence meet the requirements of most trees. A good soaking is better than two or three niggardly waterings, which, instead of encouraging root growth deeper down into the soil, attract the tender rootlets towards the moistened surface, where they lie exposed, to be hacked about by implements of cultivation, or to be dried up should a hot, dry spell of weather set in. The benefit derived from irrigation is often annulled by neglect to suitably manure the land. It stands to reason that, if a soil can supply the necessary plant-food for half a-dozen successive crops of, say, two tons of fruit to the acre, without showing any need for a supplement of that food in the shape of manure, it will, when pro- ducing, say, four tons of fruit, when put under intensive culture, with the aid of irrigation, show signs of falling oft' much quicker than it would otherwise have done. The belief that a crop is all right because it has been irrigated, unfortunately proves only too often a delusion ; unless the operation can be carried out at a reasonable cost, with suitable water, on well- drained ground, properly manured, and unless the operation is not overdone, irrigation cannot be profitable. It is also essential, when orchards and vineyards are concerned, that the pruning and thinning operations should receive proper attention, and that pests and blights should be vigorously suppressed and not allowed to share with the owner the surplus crop which irrigation carried out under favourable circumstances always ensures. 196 WATER MEASUREMENT. The cultivator who handles water must be able to determine fairly accurately the amount of water needed for a crop on a given soil, and a few figures in relation to the measurement of water will be helpful in calculation : 1 gallon of water weighs lOlbs., and measures 277,274 cubic inches. 1 cubic foot of water weighs 62^38., and contains 6 gallons, 1 ton of water contains 224 gallons, and measures 36 cubic feet. 1 inch of water over an acre of land weighs 101 tons, and therefore means 22,624 gallons, an amount which would be held in a tank with a 3,600 cubic foot capacity. A miner's inch is the amount of water running from a hole one inch square Avith a head pressure of 6 inches in one second or one minute. WATERS FIT FOR IRRIGATION. Water is the universal solvent, and no water except that trickling from the condenser of a distilling apparatus is absolutely pure in its natural condition. Thus rain water, which is considered the purest of all, washes down from the air impurities which to a great extent constitute valuable plant food. In close proximity of the sea coast, for instance, 30 to 401bs. of common salt to the acre are brought down annually by the rain. Of ammonia 2 to 101bs.,and of sulphuric acid 10 to 201bs. are added from the same source to every acre of land in localities favoured with a fair amount of rain. Of stream water some prove better than others when used for irrigation, and they vary according to the amount of substances they carry either in solution or in suspension. Well water is, as a rule, even more highly mineralised than stream water, and is often injurious to vegetation,, especially in the Eastern and inland districts, where it is not unfrequently unfit for con- sumption. Taste is the readiest means of ascertaining whether water is fit for domestic or irrigation use. A crystal clear well water often proves worthless for irrigation purposes, whereas a spring or a well well-stocked with, aquatic plants and luxurious vegetation, and where stones at the bottom are covered with green slime, always holds water fit for irrigation. The best indicator of the fitness of water for irrigation is the palate, and when the taste is decidedly mawkish it is advisable to have a sample analysed before going through the trouble and the cost of providing for its lifting and cost of distributing it on the ground. An analytical statement is often perplexing until the array of figures is understood. 197 In water analysis the residue or solid matter either held in suspension or in solution is expressed in so many grains per gallon, or so many parts in 10,000 parts. We have seen in a previous chapter when dealing with manures that the weight of one acre of agricultural soil one foot deep is approximately 3,500,0001bs. It has, moreover, been determined by chemical investigation that a soil containing '1 per cent, of soluble salt is unsuitable for cropping, and is only fit for growing salt-loving plants. The question, therefore, which the irrigationist has to solve is : What amount of water containing a given quantity of salt will be necessary to cause the accumulation into the ground of approxi- mately '1 per cent, of salt (equivalent to 3,5001bs. to one acre one foot deep). That question, indeed, can only be approximate, as a certain proportion of that saline matter would be leached out of the ground during the rainy season ; sandy soil could, besides stand more salt than the more retentive soils, such as loam and clay, and drainage would also delay to some extent the period when that dangerous point of '1 per cent, of salt would be reached. When calculating the amount of salt added to the soil by water containing a known number of grains of that substance to the gallon, it must be borne in mind that one gallon contains 7,000 grains. As 1 inch of water over 1 acre is equivalent to 22,630 gallons (101 tons) it follows that every grain of salt per gallon adds VoVo* Sjlbs. of salt to the ground whenever that amount of water is used in irrigation. It would be unsafe to use extensively for the purpose of irrigation a well or pond water containing more than 70 grains of salt to the gallon. Such an amount would mean an addition of about 2cwt. (22 7 Jibs.) of salt to the acre, for each one-inch watering. Such a water used in the more arid regions, where rain- fall is light, would soon accumulate in the surface of the ground an amount of salt which would prove injurious to vegetation, and 10 irrigations of one inch each would add to the soil over a ton of salt, which, added to the amount of that substance already in the ground, would make it sterile. In the coastal districts, where the rainfall is more abundant, a water containing 30 grains of salt to the gallon could be used pretty freely for irrigation, provided the soil is of a light and porous nature and is well drained. But if used on stiffer soil it would, in in the course of two or three years, bring the amount of salt up to danger point. A water containing 3 to 6 grains of common salt to the gallon is often used for all domestic purposes. FACTORS WHICH INFLUENCE IRRIGATION. No cast-iron rule can be laid down regarding the amount of water necessary for obtaining the best results from a given crop. 198 rainfall, the depth and nature of the soil and of the sub- soil, the particular variety and age of the trees, the climate, the quantity as well as the quality of the water at command, and the means and facilities of bringing water on to the land all require consideration. Speaking generally, a rainfall of 20 inches on deep loam fairly rich in vegetable matter, and possessing good absorbing and reten- tive power, may prove sufficient for an orchard planted with deciduous trees, provided that amount of moisture is well tended, and by good cultivation prevented from escaping by evaporation. Under similar circumstances, 25 inches may not be too much for evergreens, such as citrus trees, which require more water. On deep, dry, sandy, or limestone formation, however, or on thin soil overlying solid rock, the plants would very likely show signs of distress even with a greater amount of rainfall. Crops possess different degrees of thirst, their exigencies in this respect running approximately in the following order : i . Meadows and artificial pastures. 2. Maize and sorghum, for green crop. 3. Lucerne. 4. Rape and root crops. 5. Tares, oats, and peas. 6. Fruit trees. 7. Wheat and rye. 8. Grape vines. In the course of an ordinary season, the climate and the soil of thejbulk of the South- Western division of Western Australia has been proved to possess sufficient rainfall and sufficient absorbing and retentive power to supply all requirements of the last four of these groups of cultivated crops. After a dry season, however, even these more pronounced drought-resistant crops will suffer more or less, and fail to yield a full crop, except at especially favoured spots, or unless artificially watered in the proper season. The age of trees, too, and the distance apart they are planted, influence to a very marked degree their moisture requirements. Evidence is not lacking of a number of orchards established in various parts of the country which, when young, produced crops of first-class fruit, and which as the trees became older and the space between the trees decreases with their growth, bear a class of fruit inferior in size, appearance, and flavour. In such instances water- ing often proves very profitable. It is simply reduced to a question of ways and means. METHODS OF IRRIGATION differ with the nature of the crops grown. As a rule, the method of flooding land is practised in the case of pastures, 199 meadows, and cereal crops, whereas either permanent ditches or fresh furrows are resorted to in watering orchards, vineyards, or crops grown in lines. In this second case furrows are traced each side of rows running from the distributing channels down the slopes. On steep and broken slopes difficult to plough and where the soil is apt to wash, permanent ditches are laid out on gentle grades for slow running of the water, which slowly percolates from these ditches and supplies moisture to the trees or crops below them. The great drawback of this system of watering land is that a considerable amount of hand- hoeing has to be done on the banks of the furrows, which, not being turned up by the plough, would soon be covered with a thick growth of weeds. For this reason, and on level country, wherever the land has been well graded and levelled, as it is the practice on most irrigation colonies, the fruit trees are watered by means of plough furrows, which are closed after each watering. Where the grade is steep, a shovelful or two of earth thrown at intervals in the channel w^ill break the current of the water. As soon as the water has reached the lower end of the furrow, the watering may be stopped altogether and other furrows filled ; or should a good soaking be required, one- half or two-thirds of the water should be cut off and smaller streams allowed to trickle a few hours longer, until the land has been sufficiently moistened. A rapid flow of water along the distributing furrows will glaze the surface and will prove an obstruction to the water soaking deeply down into the ground. The Supply Furrow, which is fed from the Main Channel, is made to run along the highest side of the ground and supplies the water to the Distributing Furrows, which are made to run perpen- dicular to its own direction. It is easily made by running first an ordinary plough, which traces the furrow and is followed by a double mould-board or ridging-plough, which not only opens up the channel, but throws the loose earth on both sides so as to form the bank. Should a deep channel be required, this operation is repeated over again. The Distributing Channels are easily traced by running an ordinary single furrow plough up and down the same furrow. It is important that the water should not come into actual contact with the bark of the trunk, as trees which have thus been standing in water for some time are apt to develop the " collar rot," which is an exudation of sap at the root crown, and is very similar to the gum disease. Many a promising young tree has thus perished through being improperly watered. For this reason, water should not be applied to the trees in the bowl-shaped reser- voirs which beginners often think is the best way of watering them ; whenever water is thus applied a little mound of earth should be left as a protection round the trunk. Another reason why water should not be thus applied is that in order to be more beneficial, it should be placed within easy reach of the tender rootlets which radiate round the plant, and to which it is most beneficial. I have already called attention to the structure and disposition of the roots 200 of the plant round the stem, so that the reason is plain why it is more beneficial to water the plant at some distance from the trunk, where all these tender rootlets radiate, rather than close up to the plant itself. Showing at "A" the proper place to mulch, manure, and water. The distance of the furrow on each side varies according to the size of the trees. For young vines a furrow on each side 18 to 24 inches away from the lines might be drawn, whereas for older vines planted 8 to 10 feet apart in a loamy soil one furrow midway between the rows is quite sufficient. For young trees the distance from the trunk would vary from two to three feet, and if the trees are large the furrows would be opened four to six feet away from the stem. Whether the soil is heavy or light, the method of applying water is the same, and the next day or the day after, as soon as it is sufficiently drained, the whole surface is scarified with the culti- vator ; or if the surface is already clean and loose, the furrows alone are broken up by means of the cultivator or scarifier, which should not be less than three feet wide, so as to take in a good strip of land. At each subsequent irrigation the furrows are run in a different place, and thus is the land maintained into a uniform degree of moisture. SPREAD OF WATER PROM DEEP FURROWS. Clay and sand will absorb water at a different rate, and, having absorbed it, hold and retain it more or less loosely. These properties have been measured at the sub-stations of the College of Agriculture of the University of California, and the following diagrams show the extent to which water from fairly deep furrows penetrates the sandy soil and the heavy loam at the sub- station . 201 The spread and the descent of water are carefully mapped out on these charts. The furrows are seven inches deep, and the water was run two days of twelve hours each. Seventy- two hours after irrigation the extent of soil-saturation was measured, the sectional area showing that in clay water had wetted somewhat under sixteen square feet as against about thirty square feet in the case of the lighter, more porous soil. It is contended that a still deeper and narrower water channel in the case of the clay soil would have carried the water deeper, and would have resulted in economy in the use of water, a smaller flow producing as large an area of saturation with less surface. Clay Loam, //t Ut. ift Sandy Soil. m. o m. 4Jt 5Jt 72 HOURS AFTER IRRIGATION Percolation experiments, showing spread of water from deep furrows in clay and sandy soils. 202 Cost. It is reckoned that with one horse and plough one man can prepare ten acres for irrigation in a day at a cost of 9s., or a little under a shilling per acre. With a scarifier six feet wide and a pair of horses, one man can cultivate the same area of ground after each watering at a cost of 12s., or Is. 2|d. per acre. AMOUNT OF WATER REQUIRED. No hard-and-fast rule can be laid down. Local experience, as well as the general appearance of the crop, are the best guide in this matter ; for instance, the amount of rainfall varies sometimes considerably even in the same seasons in different years ; again one soil may be more retentive than another ; or, owing to its con- figuration and the more or less porous and gravelly nature of its sub-soil, may either be very quickly drained or else may receive abundant moisture from the drainage of the slope above it ; the varieties and age of the trees have also a direct bearing in regu- lating the amount of water to be applied ; thus certain soil will be quite moist enough for deciduous trees, such as plums, apples, pears, and would require irrigation for citrus trees, or moist enough for young and not for bearing trees. In a very dry climate, for instance, the young orange orchard should be irrigated every three weeks at first, and then once a month during the first season by simply running one furrow at a distance of two or three feet on each side of the trees. The second and third seasons, the trees having been well established, less irrigation will be required, and in our climate one watering every six or eight weeks will be sufficient. By the fourth year, the trees having gradually increased in size and being in bearing, the number of furrows between each row will likewise be increased until, when the trees have grown to their full size and produce heavy crops, by the tenth year, the distance between the furrows is brought to five or six feet and the time given for each watering is gradually prolonged. As a rule, orange trees in full bearing will require as much as three times the quantity of water required by the same trees during their second and third year in the orchard. In the case of the vine, the water management also requires judgment. During the first season of planting, one or two good waterings are more than will be needed, the ground having re- ceived a good soaking previous to planting out the cuttings or the rooted plants. The second season, one early autumn and one summer watering will be found sufficient, and later on as the vines enter into bearing they should not be irrigated more than once every five or six weeks in the case of table or raisin grapes, and once every six or seven weeks in the case of wine grapes. In either case, the watering should cease when the berries have attained their full size and are ripening, or else they will burst, viz., according to localities and varieties, the beginning of December to the beginning of February. In the case of wine grapes, the last irrigation should 203 not be given later than the time the grapes are " turning," or other- wise the must will be watery and the wine will be thin, poor in colour, in flavour, and in keeping qualities. Over the fruit-growing districts of this State, described in this handbook, grape vines do remarkably well without the assistance of any irrigation whatever, provided the soil is kept in a state of good cultivation. So far as I have been able to observe, the tendency generally with fruit growers who have water laid on in their orchards is to overdo irrigation. Fruit trees more especially need to be irrigated with discrimination, or else the fruit, instead of being firm, fleshy, of good flavour, and of good keeping quality, is, on the reverse, spongy, squashy, insipid in taste and flavour, easily bruised during the course of carrying to market, and of poor keeping quality. In planting an orchard where irrigation is contemplated, the grower should bear in mind that each variety of fruit requires watering at different times ; for instance, watering with cold water when the tree is in full blossom might lead, through sudden shock, to considerable injury, and, as a consequence, reduced crop. With trees, therefore, blossoming at different times it is advisable to keep them separate ; again each row should be planted with trees of the same age for reasons already discussed. Another reason is that by keeping the trees separate each sort may be treated differently, some kinds of fruit requiring more watering than others. Practical irrigationists turn on water in the distributing channels in the afternoon, and unless the trees imperiously need it, cut it off in the morning, as during the day the soil may get so hot that should cold water be applied suddenly to the roots serious injury would ensue. Late in the season the irrigation of fruit trees might be more injurious than beneficial, for the reason that the soil and the water beginning to cool, the trees might receive a sudden shock, or they might start growing again, striking new shoots, instead of concen- trating all their energy towards ripening the fruits and building up fruit buds. One more important point, if neglected, would annul the bene- fits derived from irrigation. It refers to the necessity of combining Drainage with irrigation. Unless the soil is naturally well drained a copious supply of water will turn it into a quagmire, which will prevent proper cultivation and at the same time injure the roots of the trees. It may be said that wherever land is so situated that natural drainage does not exist and the cost of sub-soil drainage would exceed the value of the profits expected from the application of water on to the land, irrigation is impracticable ; in fact, under- ground drainage may be said to remove the excess of moisture in 204 winter, and to tend to retain moisture in the summer months, thus making the soil, and consequently the roots, warm when the weather is cold and cool in dry and hot weather. Complete drainage and moderate moisture are as necessary to the healthy growth of the root system of the plant as pruning and spraying with insecticides to the healthy growth of the branches and leaves, and the produc- tion of a crop of sound, showy, and well-matured fruit. WHAT FRUIT TO GROW. The following chapter contains a carefully- selected list of fruits which have either been proved to be successfully grown in the S. W. division of Western Australia, or are known to thrive in other fruit- growing countries bearing, with ours, strong features of similarity as regards those natural conditions which are congenial to fruit trees. The letters E., M., and L. mean early, medium, or late respec- tively, and S., A., and W. denote summer, autumn, and winter; F. and C., freestone or clingstone. PLANT BREEDING. Until a few years ago the art of man had seldom been directed towards improving our cultivated plants. Seeds were collected of varieties exhibiting special features deemed worthy of reproduction and improvement. These were planted under favourable conditions and received the benefit of careful cultivation ; the rest was left to Providence. Under such circumstances, a great many of our choicest select seedlings, varieties of fruit trees, and plants have originated; a great many more are the result,, of chance seedlings. This process however is, if at times efficacious, somewhat empirical, and some of our more modern fruit growers have of late brought their commercial genius to bear in selecting and in mating varieties embodying special features which, when blended together, would approach closer to the ideal they have set themselves to create. Time is thus saved, and if the result does not always come up to that ideal, it often constitutes a subject which is worth putting to the test, and which is finally adopted or rejected by either the breeder himself or by the cultivator. This is effected by the process of cross fertilisation or of pollination. For so doing something must be known of the structure of the flower.' Inside the corolla, which is formed of the variously-coloured petals, are the organs of fructification of the plant. These consist of a pistil, so called because it somewhat resembles a pestle, and which includes an inflated tip or stigma which receives the pollen, a style or miniature tube which conveys the pollen to the ovary, which in the course of development becomes the fruit. They also consist of thread-like bodies called stamens, which are the male organ of flowers and surround the pistil. These organs secrete the pollen or fecundating dust which is contained in little capsules called anthers. 205 The appliances necessary for cross-fertilising plants are a pair of long-pointed scissors, a pair of tweezers, a magnifying glass, and paper or gauze bags. Soon after the blossom opens, the petals of the corolla may be removed ; the stamens which surround the pistil are excised on those flowers of the plant it is intended to use as the foster-mother of the POLLINATION. FIG. 1. A grape vine floral bud. FIG. 2.- -Same showing the petals of the corolla detached from the base and united above, pressing the anthers against the pistil. FIG. 3. Same with the corolla removed, and showing the anthers ready for excision. (Fosx.) FIG. 4. Tweezers and scissors. Gauze bag. Same expanded by wire frame. (FOEX.) new variety, and the paper bags, whose edges are damped slightly are tied on the twig supporting these organs. This done, the blossom on the parent tree which is to supply the pollen is watched with the aid of the magnifying lens, and as soon as ever the pollen sacs are seen to begin bursting, these flowers may be cut, seized with the tweezers, and after carefully lifting the paper bag from the blossoms with the male organs excised, they are gently rubbed on the exposed pistils ; the covering bags are then fastened on again and left to remain for a few days until the setting takes place. 206 PEDIGREED FRTJIT TREES. The individuality of the tree having been secured, either accidentally or owing to the foresight and the experience of the breeder, it can be transmitted and preserved with a fair amount of permanency. Some strains of cattle and live stock are well known which embody to a high degree of perfection all the good points of the breed, whilst other strains are also known to have thrown back and degenerated and to only beget mongrels ; so in our orchards there are strains of vigorous and feeble trees bearing, some heavily, others lightly. This being admitted, it behoves all nurserymen and fruit- growers to only propagate from the most productive and the best of trees. After individual trees seemingly inferior to the accepted standard have failed to improve under the stimulus of cultivation, manuring, suitable pruning, and requisite treatment directed against the eradication of pests on the removal of unhealthy surroundings, there is but one thing left to secure the rising of that tree up to the desired standard, and that is to cull it out and work on it a scion from some selected strain. POME TREES. These are commonly meant to comprise fruit grown from pips, such as apples, pears, and quinces. They were some generations past known by country folk as pippins, pearmains, russets, costards, codlins, and so on. Pippins were chance seedlings which were in themselves so perfect that they did not require grafting or budding. Pearmains were somewhat elongated or pear-shaped. Russets were covered with a rough skin, and were generally sorts which hang well to the trees. Costards were large and bulky apples, whereas codlins were apples which fell to the ground when green, and were chiefly used for cooking, sauces, etc. Cider apples exemplified those apples some astringent and some bitter which were best adapted for the manufacture of cider. So with pears. We have Beurres, Bergamottes, cooking, and perry pears. Beurres are melting, juicy pears, which at one time were thus distinguished from hard cooking sorts. They vary widely as regards shape, period of ripening, markings, and for that reason the old classification has not been maintained, each of the Beurres being qualified by its patronymic name. Bergamottes once included a fair number of pears, each being differentiated by a specific name, while perry pears included those most suitable for fermenting into perry. SELECT APPLES (Pyrus Mains). There are over 1,500 varieties of apples catalogued by* nursery- men. Of these, the following suit our requirements and climatic conditions best. Of summer apples, plant only a few. They should 207 208 be worked on Northern Spy stock, preferably to any other. Do not plant deeply, lest the variety worked upon the Spy should throw its own roots, and become blighty and ultimately useless. They are named as much as possible in the order they ripen. EARLY MARGARET (syn. Red Juneating) S. The earliest of all apples, ripens before Christmas, but will not keep, and soon becomes mealy. Fruit small, roundish, ovate, and narrowing towards the eye, where it is angular, yellow greenish on shaded side, bright red next the sun, striped with darker red ; a few grey russety dots. RED ASTRACHAN (of Russian origin), S. A very early, abundant bearer, ripens towards Christmas and the New Year. Tree vigorous. G-ood for market on account of its rich colour. Fruit of second-rate quality, and must be gathered at the right time or else turns mealy. MR. GLADSTONE, S. Ripens with Red Astrachan. Small,, oblate, highly coloured, handsome and good, will not keep. The last three sorts named ripen from the 20th December to the 10th January ; thev require gathering every few days, otherwise they fall. IRISH PEACH, S. Ripens in January, good bearer, but not a keeper; does not blight. Fruit medium size, somewhat flattened and slightly angular. Pale yellowish -green, tinged with dull reddish- brown, and lively red thickly dotted with green dots on shaded side and yellow spots on sun side. Flesh greenish white, tender, crisp. LORD SUFFIELD, S. A valuable, early, English cooking apple, excellent for jelly making ; described as an improvement on Kes- wick Codlin. Should be shipped in February. Tree an early and very prolific bearer, and one of those varieties which, on account of these properties, is not long lived. Fruit large, conical pale, greenish-yellow, with a brown tinge on the sunny side. Flesh white, firm, tender, brisk sub-acid. GRAVENSTEIN (of German origin), S. Ripens in February. Tree very vigorous, spreading. Young shoots reddish brown ; very productive, an early bearer. Fruit fairly large, roundish flattened, pale waxen yellow, pencilled and marbled with red and orange on the side next the sun. Flesh tender, crisp, high flavoured, aromatic. One of the best qualities of apples grown, requires frequent picking over as they colour. Moderately good keeper, but hardly good enough for shipping to English market. EMPEROR ALEXANDER, A. A very large showy, cooking, and early variety. Tree vigorous, spreading, productive, and when grown as a dwarf, producing fruit of the largest size and greatest beauty, greenish-yellow, few streaks of red on shaded side, and orange-streaked with bright red on the side next to the sun, covered with numerous russety dots. Does well in the cool districts. 209 210 REINETTE DE CANADA, A (Normandy). Ripens early autumn. Tree vigorous, with an open, spreading head, very productive ; young shoots, clear reddish brown, slightly downy. Succeeds well wher- ever planted; large oblate, rather irregular with projecting ribs. Fruit yellowish-green, tinged brown on side next the sun, sprinkled with dots and russet patches. Flesh nearly white, rather firm, juicy, with a rich, lively, sub-acid flavour. Keeps very well ; an apple of first-rate quality, either for culinary or dessert use. The finest fruits are produced from dwarf trees. CELLINI, A. A culinary apple of the first quality, firm and showy, somewhat like the, Nonesuch. Fruit rather above medium size, roundish and flattened at both ends. Skin rich deep yellow, with spots and patches of lively red on the shaded side, and bright red, streaked and mottled with dark crimson next the sun, with here and there a tinge of yellow breaking through. Eye large and open in shallow, slightly plaited basin, stalk very short in funnel-shaped cavity. TRIVETT'S SEEDLING, A. An Australian blight-proof seedling. Early, regular, and heavy bearer. Fruit medium size, oblong and slightly ribbed, covered with red and striped with darker red. Requires thinning. One of the first apples ready for shipping. RIBSTON PIPPIN, A. One of the finest English dessert apples. Ripens in the autumn. Tree forms a spreading top, is in general hardy, a vigorous grower, and a good bearer, provided it is grown in a dry soil ; but if otherwise, it is almost sure to canker. Fruit medium sized, roundish, and irregular in its outline. Skin greenish-yellow, changing to dull yellow, marked with pale red streaks, which become deep crimson on sunny side, and russety patches over the base. Eye small. Flesh yellow, firm, crisp, rich, and sugary, charged with a powerful aromatic flavour. Fairly good keeper. This is one of the first apples we have ready for ship- ping ripens end of February. Like Gravenstein, wants suitable soil and climate to give good results. Better suited for cooler districts. Subject to woolly aphis. JONATHAN (New York), A. Ripens in the autumn, from first week in March, and keeps till midwinter. Tree hardy, moderately vigorous, forming an upright, spreading, round head ; early and abundant bearer, young shoots rather slender, slightly pendulous, greyish brown. Fruit medium to large, roundish, conical or taper- ing to the eye, even and regular in its outline, eye closed, skin thin and smooth, clear light yellow ground, mostly covered with red, deepening in the sun ; flesh white, very tender and juicy, rich, vinous. Succeeds wherever grown, and proves one of the best in quality and most profitable, either for table or market. BEN DAVIS, A. Tree very hardy and free grower, with very dark reddish-brown, slightly greyish young wood forming an erect round head, bearing early and abundantly, and blooming late in spring. The apples grow close to the limbs, which are on that account not likely to break down. Fruit medium, sides often 2tl 212 unequal ; light red and deep red on yellowish ground, dotted with russet dots. Recommended for dry, warm districts. YELLOW BELLFLOWER, A. Large, handsome, and excellent dessert apple ; oblong, a little irregular, tapering to the eye, skin smooth, pale lemon yellow, often with a blush next the skin, stalk long and slender in a deep cavity, calyx closed, set in a rather narrow plaited basin. Seeds in a large hollow capsule or core. Tree moderately vigorous, spreading, a regular and good bearer ; thrives well in sandy soils. ADAM'S PEARMAIN, A. to W. (England). Ripens in the autumn. Tree a free and healthy grower, producing long slender shoots, by which, and its spoon-shaped ovate leaves, it is easily distinguished. It is an excellent bearer in cool districts, even in a young state, particularly on the Paradise or Doucin stock, and succeeds as well on Espalier, a good exporting variety. Fruit large, pearmain- shaped, very even and regularly formed. Skin pale yellow, tinged wit>fe green, covered with russet on shaded side, but deep yellow, tinged with red and streaked with livelier red on sunny side. Flesh yellowish, crisp, juicy, rich, and sugary, with an agreeable and pleasantly perfumed flavour. Cox's ORANGE PIPPIN, A. to W. One of the best dessert apples. Ripens in winter. The tree is well adapted for dwarfs, and a free bearer. Fruit medium sized, roundish ovate. Skin greenish- yellow, and streaked with red in the shade, but dark red when exposed to the sun ; patches of ash-grey russet forming a smooth crust, eye small, set in a shallow saucer-like russet basin ; stalk somewhat fleshy, set in a moderately deep cavity covered with russet, and with a slight swelling on one side. Flesh yellowish, tender, crisp, juicy, and sweet, with a fine perfume and rich flavour. BISMARK, A. A fine showy Victorian variety, good either for cooking or dessert. Keeps fairly well. Tree strong grower and early bearer. CLEOPATRA, W. (syn. Pomeroy,New York Pippin). One of the best for dry districts. Keeps and carries well. Dessert or cooking. Tree grows large and bears well. Fruit ripening in winter, rather large, of an oblong figure, rather irregular in its outline, and with five angles on its side, forming a kind of lip at the crown ; eye closed. Skin greenish yellow, few green specks intermixed with a thin grey russet, and tinged with brown on sunny side. Flesh firm, crisp, tender, juice plentiful, sweet, with a slight aromatic flavour. Does well on ironstone gravel slopes. Affected by " bitter pit " when grown on moist, badly-drained soil. FIVE CROWNED PIPPIN (syn. London Pippin), W. Dessert and cooking, drying, or cider. Ripens in late autumn and keeps sound late, showing no symptoms of shrivelling. The tree attains about the middle size, is not a strong grower, but quite hardy and clean, and an excellent bearer. Fruit medium to large, angular in its outline, and much ribbed round the eye. Skin smooth and shining, 213 lemon -yellow on the shaded side, and with a bright red cheek on the side next the sun ; a few russet dots, eye large and closed. Flesh crisp, tender, juicy, and richly flavoured with a brisk acidity. Not suitable for warm, dry localities. ESOPUS SPITZENBTJRG (New York), W. Tree an upright grower, with long slender shoots ; healthy. Fruit keeps fairly, seeds in a hollow core, large, oblong, tapering roundly to the eye ; skin smooth, covered with rich, lively red, dotted with distinct yellowish russet dots, and on shaded side yellowish ground with streaks and broken stripes of red ; stalk rather long and slender ; eye small and closed ; flesh yellow, rather firm, crisp, juicy, with a delicious rich, brisk flavour; considered equal to the Newtown Pippin. Bears well while young, but does not live very long unless well cultivated and carefully sprayed to ward off the attacks of fungoid diseases and of insects. Requires liberal manuring. Subject to " bitter pit " disease. BEAUTY, W. Ripens early winter. Tree a good grower, late bloomer, productive. Young wood, clear reddish brown, slightly downy or grey. Fruit large, to very large, roundish, yellow, shaded and striped with red, sprinkled with light dots. Flesh yellowish, juicy, sprightly ; core rather large, fruit keeps late. Tree bears early, subject to woolly aphis. Does well on deep, heavy loam. MAIDEN'S BLTJSH, W. Ripens early winter. Tree of rapid growth, with spreading head, and bearing large crop of fruit of medium size, very regularly shaped. Skin of a delicate waxy appearance, pale lemon yellow in the shade, with a bright crimson cheek next the sun ; eye closed ; flesh white, tender, sprightly, pleasant, sub-acid. Cultivated and admired for table, cooking, and market, and also for drying. SCARLET NONPAREIL, W. A good English sort. Tree hardy on well-drained soil (rather subject to woolly aphis), a good grower, though slender in its habit, and a very good bearer. Fruit medium sized, round, narrowing towards the apex, regularly shaped, should be thinned out. Skin yellowish on the shaded side, streaked with pale red, but covered with red, which is streaked with deeper red on sunny side, and covered with patches of russet and large russety specks. Flesh yellowish-white, firm, juicy, rich, and sugary. PRINCE ALFRED, W. A large, excellent dessert or cooking apple, showy, much liked in Tasmania ; a good keeper. BLENHEIM ORANGE, W. Fruit, good size, globular, and some- what flattened, broader at base than apex ; skin, yellow, with a tinge of dull red and streaked with deeper red; eye, large and open in a deep basin ; stalk, short and stout ; flesh, yellow, crisp, juicy ; a fine culinary or dessert apple ; a strong grower ; bears little at first. NICKAJACK, W. Large, handsome, cooking or dessert apple ; tree a strong grower and somewhat light bearer at first. 214 DUNN'S SEEDLING, W. (syn. Munroe's Favourite). One of the best all-purposes apples. Tree hardy and prolific. Excellent keeping apple ; one of the best for cooking. NORTHERN SPY (New York), W. Tree a rapid, upright grower, requires good soil, blooms late, productive, but not an early bearer. Young shoots, dark reddish brown ; fruit large, yellowish green, with yellow-red cheek in the sun, and thin white bloom. Flesh white, tender, fragrant, juicy, crisp, brisk sub-acid, keeps well. It is also well known as a blight-resistant stock. BOKEWOOD (Bullock's Seedling), W. A first-class Australian dessert apple of good keeping and carrying quality, and an abun- dant bearer. Sizes uneven when the tree gets old, requiring sort- ing. Fruit roundish, oblate, skin deep orange, heavily shaded with crimson, and dotted with brown russet. Eye somewhat open, tube conical and short, stamens medium, core ovate, axile, and solid. Flesh yellowish, firm, sugary, and juicy. Stalk short, set in a conical basin lined with russet. SPRINGDALE, W. An apple of recent origin, and a fine late keeper of large size. Colour, bright red. Tree hardy, good grower, and blight-proof, dark-green foliage, said to be a regular and heavy bearer. NEWTOWN PIPPIN (New York), W. Eipens late in the winter. Fruit medium size, roundish, little irregular, caused by two or three obscure ribs on the sides. Skin dull green, changing to olive green, brownish on the sunny side, dotted with small grey specks. Flesh greenish-white, very juicy, crisp, with delicious aromatic flavour. It commands a high price in Coveiit Garden market, London. When in perfection stands unrivalled in all the qualities which constitute a high-flavoured dessert apple, to which it com- bines the quality of long keeping without the least shrivelling, retaining its high flavour to the last. The tree, like the yellow Newtown Pippin, is of rather slender and slow growth, and even while young is remarkable for its rough bark. Should be tried with caution first, to ascertain whether it suits the locality. Re- quires a fertile, strong, deep, warm soil to attain its full perfection, and should be well manured every two or three years. RYMER (English), W. Tree vigorous, productive. Fruit ripens late ; large and beautiful deep red, covered with yellowish grey dots on sunny side, faint streaks of pale red with reddish- brown dots on shaded side, roundish and flattened with five obscure ribs on the sides ; eye closed ; stalk short, in a round deep cavity lined with rough russet. Flesh yellowish, tender, and sub-acid. STRAWBERRY PIPPIN, W. Large late apple, a good keeper; white flesh, tender, juicy, sub-acid ; colour, yellow, splashed with red. SHOCKLEY, W. Medium size, somewhat conical ; pale yellow overspread with red and small dots ; late, good keeper ; tree early and regular bearer, productive. 215 STONE PIPPIN, W. Does well, especially on marly ground of the S. W. districts. Fruit medium size, roundish, pale, waxy, yellow when ripe, and dotted with white specks ; flesh firm, crisp. A long keeper and very good culinary or dessert variety. Tree strong, upright, and very good bearer. STURMER PIPPIN, W. An English dessert apple, ripens in winter. Tree hardy and an excellent bearer, and attains about the middle size. Fruit medium size, roundish, somewhat flattened. Skin yellowish-green, with tinge of dull red on side next the sun, and almost entirely covered with brown russet. Flesh yellow, firm, crisp, very juicy, with a brisk and rich sugary flavour. SELECT PEARS (Pyrus communis). In giving a description of the choicest pears to grow, either for home use or for market, the well-known Bartlett (Williams' Bon Chretien) will be considered as the typical summer pear, and the early varieties will be those which ripen before that fruit, whilst the late ones will comprise those ripening some time after. The indifferent bearing of a great many pear trees may be attributed to blights and to defective pollination of the flowers. Recent experiments are throwing a good deal of light upon this question, and by mixing varieties and planting in adjacent rows sorts which bloom approxi- mately at the same time, a considerable improvement has been noticed in the bearing of some pears. Pear trees should be worked on seedling pears, as suckers are troublesome. Quince stock is not always suitable. Early pears are best when gathered before they part readily from the trees and laid up for a few days. For the later kinds the season may be prolonged. Every care should be taken not to store any bird-pecked or bruised fruit ; and at all times they should be delicately handled and kept in a cool, dark place. CITRON DBS CARMES, E.S. (Fig. 4). The best of the earliest sorts, ripening end of November and early in December. Fruit small, obovate ; skin smooth and thin, bright green, changing to yellowish green with a faint tinge of brownish red, strewed with grey dots. Flesh pale, yellowish white, delicate, very juicy, melting ; sometimes cracks on the surface. Tree a hardy and abundant bearer. Does also well on quince stock. SOUVENIR DU CONGRES, S. One of the best early varieties, very large, but somewhat subject to smut ; skin smooth, bright red when fully ripe. Short lived on quince stock. Flesh much like the Bartlett, having the musky flavour, though in a less degree. CLAPP'S FAVOURITE, S. (Fig. 7). Tree upright, spreading, vigorous grower and heavy bearer. Fruit evenly distributed, and almost uniform in size ; ripens just before the Bartlett. Fruit, medium size, obovate, slightly obtuse pyriform, surface uneven ; skin thin, pale lemon yellow, faintly splashed with crimson and fawn when exposed to the sun, sprinkled with dots and russet patches. Flesh white, melting, sweet, a little perfumed. 216 BARTLETT, S. (syn. Williams' Bon Chretien) .An English pear and the most popular of all the summer varieties. Tree grows upright, with thrifty, yellowish-brown shoots, and narrow, folded leaves ; early bearer and healthy, not much affected by the fusi- cladmm ; bears freely on the quince stock. Fruit large, obtuse pyriform, irregular and bossed in its outline, smooth, clear yellow, sometimes with delicate blush ; stalk an inch long, stout, and in- serted in shallow cavity, calyx open ; flesh white, fine grained, juicy, melting, highly perfumed (musky), vinous flavour. It should be gathered before it becomes yellow,* otherwise it speedily decays. Some pears blossoming approximately with the Bartlett should be planted with these trees to supply pollen to set the Bartlett crop. Amongst those are Clapp's Favourite, Howell, Duchesse d'Angou- leme, Le Lectier. HOWELL, S. (Fig. 8) .Follows Bartlett. Tree upright and a free grower ; an early- and profuse bearer ; fruit large, waxen yellow, sprinkled with russet dots and patches ; flesh whitish, juicy, melt- ing ; a very good market pear. LE LECTIER, S. An excellent French pear, the result of a cross between Bartlett and Bergamotte Fortune. Tall, erect, vigorous, regular bearer ; flesh fine, juicy, without granulations ; highly per- fumed. KIEFFER'S HYBRID (American), A. Raised from seed of the Chinese Sand Pear, accidentally crossed with Bartlett or some other kind. Fruit medium to large ; oval pyriform ; rich golden yellow, sprinkled thickly with small dots, often tinged with red on the sunny side. Flesh slightly coarse, juicy, melting, with a pro- nounced quince flavour. Good for canning only. If intended for eating, let hang on the tree until fully ripe, and keep a few days in a cool dark room and its quality will be fully developed. However mature a Kieffer pear may be, it is never good when first picked from the tree. Keeps and packs well, and for that reason suitable for export. A vigorous as well as an early bearer. If allowed to become overloaded or starved, the tree produces small, hard fruit of poor flavour. LE CONTE, A. A variety of the Chinese Sand, like Kieffer's Hybrid, vigorous grower with luxuriant and distinct foliage, large bell-shaped fruit. Should be treated as the Kieffer pear. FERTILITY, A. Ripens at the same time as Louise Bonne de Jersey. Fruit large, well coloured, and of high flavour. Tree vigorous and healthy grower ; a good and regular bearer. LOUISE BONNE DE JERSEY (France), A. (Fig. 6). Ripens in the autumn. Succeeds admirably on the quince, producing then a delicious pear. Tree vigorous, upright, very productive. A profitable market pear where it succeeds, healthy. Fruit large oblong pyriform, a little one-sided ; glossy, pale-green in shade, brownish- red in sun, numerous grey dots ; stalk curved, rather obliquely 217 Fig 1. Gansei's Bergainottc Fig. 3. Beurre Clairgeau. Fig. 2. Beurre Capiaumont. Fig 4. Citron des Cannes. 218 inserted, without depression, or with a fleshy, enlarged base ; calyx open in a shallow, uneven basis ; flesh very juicy and melting, rich and excellent ; very prolific. G- ANSEL'S BERGAMOTTE, A. (Fig. 1). A dessert pear of the highest quality. Tree rather shy bearer for the first few years, then productive, moderately vigorous, and spreading in habit. Young wood, dull greyish-brown. Fruit medium to large, roundish obovate, but much flattened. Skin roughish brown, becoming yellowish -brown at maturity, tinged sometimes with a russet red cheek and sprinkled with spots of russet. Stalk short, fleshy at both ends. Cavity moderate. Calyx short and small, placed "in a smooth moderate hollow. Flesh white, melting, very juicy, rich, sweet, and aromatic. BETJRRE DE CAPIATJMONT, A. (Fig. 2.) Fruit medium size, pyri- form. Skin pale yellow in the shade, almost entirely covered with cinnamon-coloured russet, strewed with grey specks, and with reddish orange shining out through the russet on the sunny side. Flesh white, delicate, fine, melting, with a rich, juicy, sugary flavour. A fine dessert pear. Tree hardy, vigorous, and a good bearer. BROOMPARK, W. Fruit medium, obovate. Skin sprinkled with cinnamon-coloured russet. Flesh yellowish, melting, with a musky flavour. Tree vigorous and excellent bearer ; succeeds well either on the pear or the quince stock. Does well on heavy loam. BEURRE CLAIRGEAU, W. (Fig. 3). Ripens in winter. The size, early bearing, productiveness, and beauty of this pear render it a profitable market sort. In some cases it seems disposed to shed its leaves prematurely a serious defect. On young trees the fruits are often large and drop off easily ; age remedies this defect. Tree very vigorous, forming a beautiful pyramid. Young wood red- dish brown. Fruit large, curved, pyriform, with unequal sides ; yellow, shaded with orange and crimson, thickly covered with russet, sometimes sprinkled with russet ; stalk short, stout, and fleshy, inserted by a lip at an inclination almost without depression ; when lip is absent, the cavity is uneven ; calyx open ; flesh yellowish, buttery, juicy, granular, sugary, perfumed, vinous, coarse unless properly ripened. A popular variety for local and distant markets. Not much subject to fusicladium. Suitable for export. VICAR OF WINKFIELD, W. (syn. Napoleon). A large, fair, and handsome French variety, also a first-rate baking pear, but some- times too astringent; second-rate for a table pear. Tree grows thriftily, with drooping fruit branches, shoots diverging, dark olive brown, very productive, hardy; fine size fruit and a profitable market cooking pear. Fruit large and long pyriform ; often one-' sided, pale yellow, fair and smooth, sometimes with brownish cheek, and marked with small brown dots ; stalk slender, obliquely inserted without depression ; calyx large, open, set in a basin very slightly sunk; flesh greenish-yellow, juicy, w r ith good sprightly flavour. Not much touched by fusicladium nor by the pear mite. Suitable for export and stewing. Fig. 5. Josephine de Malines. Fig. 7. Clapp's Favourite. Fig. 6. Louise Bonne of Jerse7. Fig. 8. Howell. 220 JOSEPHINE DE MALINES, W. (Fig. 5). One of the best winter varieties. Tree a moderate grower, somewhat straggling, hardy, foli- age small, quite productive. Should be planted on rich soil or grafted on a strong growing sort. Young wood olive-yellow-brown, very short jointed. Buds round, projecting. Fruit medium, roundish, flattened ; pale yellow or straw colour at maturity, sometimes nettled and patched with russet; flesh white, tinted with rose, juicy, melting, sweet, slight aroma. Ripens midwinter, and often keeps till spring. Suitable for export. WINTER NELIS (syn. Bonne de Malines), W. Reported liable to fusicladium, and an irregular bearer in the coast region of California ; in other localities a hardy and thrifty tree, rather slender and a poor, crooked grower, better grafted on a strong growing variety, an early and regular abundant bearer ; the crop usually needs thinning, especially on trees of considerable age ; fruit is always inferior when the tree is overloaded, but this applies to nearly all varieties, though not in the same degree. Fruit medium, roundish, obovate, narrowed near the stalk; yellowish- green, dotted with gray russet and a good deal covered with russet ; stalk rather long, twisted, and set in a narrow cavity ; calyx open in shallow basin. Flesh yellowish white, fine-grained, buttery, very melting, and full of rich, sweet, aromatic juice. Suitable for export. L'INCONNUE (Belgium), W. A very excellent winter pear. Tree hardy, vigorous, upright, very productive. Fruit medium or below, broad oval pyriform, light yellow, nettled and patched with russet and many russet dots ; stalk long, curved, inclined and set in a slight depression, sometimes by a lip. Calyx open. Segments long and curved. Basin shallow, uneven. Flesh yellowish- white, juicy, crisp, very sweet, rich and pleasant. Packs and carries well. SELECT QUINCES (Pyrus Cydonia). ANGERS, A. This is the variety most generally used for stocks on which to bud the pear. Fruit large, yellow, keeps well. A strong growing sort, and abundant bearer. APPLE OR ORANGE, A. A popular variety, large, roundish fruit, bright yellow. Ripens early, s.tews quite tender; excellent flavour. Bears most abundant crops ; leaves oval. CHAMPION, A. Fruit very large, smooth ; tree very productive, bearing abundantly when young ; flesh cooks tender and without hard spots or cores. BOURGEAUT, W. A vigorous French variety of good quality, keeps well, cooks tender. Fruit very large, golden colour, smooth velvety skin and resistant to the leaf blight. VAN DIEMAN, W. Seedling of " Portugal," but much more prolific and an early bearer. Fruit large and of excellent quality. One of the best. 221 SELECT LOQUATS (Erisbotrya Japonica). Some amount of attention has of late been given to those fruits which, coming in at a time when the market is practically bare, constitute a kind of hyphen between the winter and the summer fruits. The majority of seedlings more generally grown are, at the best, ornamental trees, but are singularly devoid of those qualities which constitute an acceptable dessert fruit. Art and selection, however, have of late brought forward some choicer varieties, which are rapidly becoming popular, and amongst these : ADVANCE. A Calif ornian loquat ; said to be prolific ; oblong to pear shape ; bearing large clusters. HERD'S MAMMOTH, E. Matures in October. Fruit large; few seeds. "B." Victory Loquat. VICTORY, M. Ripens end of October and beginning of November. Fruit large, egg-shaped ; yellow-tinted amber on side exposed to the sun ; flesh juicy, sugary, and pleasant in flavour. 222 STONE FRUITS. These comprise such fruit as apricots, cherries, peaches, nectarines, plums. SELECT APRICOTS (Prunus Armeniaca). These trees are best worked on apricot root in the warmer and drier districts, as it stands drought fairly well, and is, in moister localities, apt to grow too vigorously. Plum stock stands wet better than the apricot root, has a more dwarfing tendency, and grows fine fruit, but suckers when cultivated too deeply ; the union is sometimes imperfect, and it often produces gumming and the die- back diseases. Peach roots do better on lighter soil, and is generally a good stock to work apricots upon. An ideal apricot district is one which is neither too hot nor too cold, neither too dry nor too wet, but one enjoying just a happy mean. NEWCASTLE EARLY, E. The earliest fair size apricot. Ripens a week after Red Masculine, and a fortnight before Oullin's Early Peach. The tree, according to Wickson, is an early, regular, and good bearer ; a medium grower, being rather more upright in its habit than the Royal. Fruit full, medium size, round ; rich golden yellow, with brilliant red cheek in the sun ; freestone ; flavour, sweet and rich ; three times as large as Red Masculine, not quite as large as the Royal, nor quite as rich in flavour. OULLIN'S EARLY PEACH, E., of which there is an improved strain. This is an early form of the Peach Apricot ; of large size, most delicious flavour, and ripens three weeks earlier. Like the Peach, a variety from Piedmont ; about 2 inches in diameter ; roundish, rather flattened and somewhat compressed on its sides, with a well-marked suture. Skin yellow in the shade, but deep orange mottled with dark brown on sunny side. Flesh of a fine yellow saffron in colour, juicy, rich, and high flavoured. Stone can be penetrated, like Moorpark, and with a bitter kernel. Strongly resembles the Moorpark ; fruit rather larger, finer, and earlier. Successful in the warmer districts. ROYAL, E. A fine large French variety, nearly as large as the Moorpark (when well thinned out) , but with larger leaves forming on long footstalks, and without the pervious stone of that sort ; quite as high flavoured, and ripens a week or ten days earlier. A favourite with the canners, and an excellent variety for drying. One of the leading Californian apricots, being a freestone, of good pale orange colour and flavour, ripening evenly. Fruit, large, roundish oval, and slightly compressed; skin dull yellow, with orange cheek and a shallow suture. BLENHEIM, E. (syn. Shipley.) A very good early variety, above medium, oval, orange with a deep yellow, juicy, and tolerably rich flesh ; good grower, and regular prolific bearer. Fruit runs a little larger than the Royal, and is usually better distributed 011 the tree, but it must be well thinned. This variety is approved by canners. Ripens a little later than the Royal. 223 ROMAN, E. (syn. Early Moorpark). One of the largest grow- ing and hardiest apricot trees, and bearing good crops where few others succeed. Fruit middle-sized, oblong, with sides slightly compressed, with but little or no suture ; skin entirely pale yellow, or very rarely dotted with a few red spots on one side; flesh dull yellow, soft, rather dry; stone oblong with bitter kernel; pro- nounced to be the best apricot for Southern California, going there under the name " Early Moorpark." HEMSKERK, M. A large and fine English variety of fine quality, much like the Moorpark, of which it is a variety. Stone not perforated, rather small, and kernel bitter. Esteemed because the tree is more hardy and a more regular bearer than the Moor- park, and the fruit ripens evenly on both sides unlike the Moor- park too, not liable to gum and die off in the same manner. The reputation this variety enjoys in the Eastern States is not main- tained in Western Australia. MOORPARK, M. A noble apricot, but an uncertain or shy bearer, resembling the Peach Apricot closely, with this difference, that it will grow on the common plum and mussel stock, while the Peach will not, and the Moorpark does not grow on the Damas Noir, while the Peach Apricot does. Fruit ripens middle season ; large, roundish, about two inches and a-quarter in diameter each way ; rather larger on one side of the suture than the other. Skin orange in the shade, but deep orange and brownish-red in the sun; marked with dark specks and dots. Flesh quite firm ; bright orange ; parting free from the stone ; quite juicy, with a rich and luscious flavour ; stone peculiarly perforated at the back, where a pin may be pushed through ; kernel bitter. The tree is a rank grower, especially in its earlier years, and shows an amount of vegetation which is not conducive to fruitfulness. It is, besides, tender and very liable to sudden die-back in the spring. The effect arises from sudden shock, like injuries received by the tissues of the wood by late frosts, digging round in wet weather, etc. Bears irregularly, but occasionally carries prodigious crops. Should be planted very sparingly. WARWICK, M. Large ; resembling Moorpark ; constant bearer; flesh orange, firm, rich, and sugary. MRS. HART. A promising Queensland variety, suitable for the warmer districts of the State. Tree, a vigorous grower and a good cropper. PALE SUPERB, L. (syn. Camden Superb). A late colonial variety of great excellence. Vigorous grower and cropper. ALSACE, L. Very large size and first quality fruit; ripens late. It is a variety of the Moorpark, but does not die off in bunches like the Moorpark. MANSFIELD SEEDLING, L. Fruit very large, and one of the finest grown. A good bearer and a late one. 224 SELECT PEACHES (Primus Persica). These peaches are arranged approximately in the order of ripening. FLAT CHINA, E., F. Of which there is an improved variety. Ripens earliest of all beginning of November. Tree, a strong grower and an early and abundant bearer ; for that reason, not a long-lived variety. Suitable for the warmer districts of the State. BRIGG'S EARLY RED MAY (California), E., F. The best of early peaches. Ripens middle of November. Fruit medium to large, round ; white skin with rich, red cheek ; flesh greenish -white, melting, juicy, rich ; stone partially free ; a standard early variety ; subject to mildew. In the coastal districts, West of the Darling Ranges, this variety is a disappointing one, dropping its fruit buds very extensively in certain seasons. ALEXANDER (American), E., C. A very early and excellent peach. Fruit medium to large; greenish white, nearly covered with rich red. Flesh whitish, melting, juicy, sweet, the only fault being its adhering slightly to the stone. Two weeks before Hale's Early. Leaves with round glands ; flowers large. Its flesh is so tender it quite melts before it can be separated from the stone. Somewhat liable to curl leaf, and drops its fruit buds badly in some seasons. HIGH'S EARLY CANADA, E.,F. Ripens with Alexander's Early before Christmas ; a better bearer than Briggs' Red May. AMSDEN, E., F. Medium size, greenish white and bright red on the sunny side ; stone separates freely. An American peach ; remarkable for its earliness ; ripening a fortnight before Hale's Early. EARLY RIVERS, E., F. Fruit large size ; roundish ; marked with a distinct suture ; sometimes cracks at the stone. Skin pale lemon yellow, with the slightest blush on one side. Flesh pale, gelatinous, translucent, with white veins through it ; very tender and juicy, and with a fine brisk nectarine flavour. One of the finest early peaches. Raised from seed of Early Silver. Too luscious and tender for shipment, but invaluable for the home garden. HALE'S EARLY (American), E., F. Tree very hardy ; a vigorous grower and abundant bearer, but is liable to rot in some localities. Leaves with round glands ; flowers large. Fruit medium, nearly round, greenish, mostly covered with red. Flesh white, melting, juicy, rich, and sweet. Fair for local market and export. Follows Early Rivers early in January. JONES' EARLY RED, E., F. Sets well in the coastal districts Westward of the Darling Ranges. Fine colour. FOSTER, E., F. Very widely grown in California, and is especially recommended for canning. Fruit uniformly large ; slightly flattened ; slight suture ; stem moderately depressed ; flesh yellow, very rich and juicy ; colour deep orange, dark red in the sun ; tree hardy and productive. Ripens before Early Crawford, which it somewhat resembles, but is of better quality. Heavy bearer. 225 CRAWFORD'S EARLY, M., F. The most splendid of all early yellow-fleshed peaches. Very popular for the garden or the orchard. Tree is vigorous, fruitful, and hardy ; leaves with globose glands ; flowers small. Fruit very large, oblong, swollen, point at top prominent, suture shallow, skin yellow, with red cheek. Flesh yellow, rich, and excellent. ROYAL GEORGE, M., F. Large globular, broad, and depressed ; suture deep and broad, extending around two-thirds of the fruit. Skin pale or white, sprinkled with red dots and deep red cheek. Flesh tender, white, but very red at pit, juicy, rich, high flavour; .subject to curl leaf. MOUNTAIN ROSE, M., F. A well-coloured, hardy, and valuable medium peach. The product of a cross between Chinese Cling and and Early Crawford, ripening just after the latter. SHANGHAI, M., C. Large yellow peach ; skin pale yellowish green on the shaded side, and light red next the sun. Flesh pale yellow, very deep red at the stone, to which some of the strings adhere; melting, juicy, and richly flavoured. Tree a very good bearer. Ripens beginning of February. ELBERTA M., F. (Georgia). Fruit very large; round oval, with deep suture ; golden yellow, with enough blush to make it showy. Flesh yellow, red at the pit ; excellent flavour. It bears well and ships well ; large foliage but subject to curl leaf. Ripens just ahead of Muir, towards the middle of February. MUIR (California), M., F. Fruit large to very large; perfect freestone ; flesh clear yellow, very dense, rich and sweet ; pit small ; tree a good bearer and strong grower, if on rich soil, to which it is best adapted. Fruit a good shipper and canner, and peculiarly adapted to drying, because of exceptional sweetness and density of flesh. Yield lib. dry from less than 51bs. fresh. Ripens end of February. LOVELL, M., F. Is now running a strong favourite to Elberta in California. Pronounced to be one of the best peaches as a dryer, canner, and shipper. Tree a strong grower, bears heavily and carries the fruit well ; for drying it is close to the Muir in weight of dried fruit per pound of fresh, and makes finer dried fruit. Large .size, round, yellow. Flesh fine, texture firm, solid, clear yellow to the pit. Said to curl in some places. LADY PALMERSTON, L., F. A fine late English peach ; generally flowers small ; leaves with kidney-shaped glands. Large, skin greenish-yellow, with a crimson cheek ; flesh pale green, rich, and melting. COMET, L., C. A very large yellow flesh peach; fine for canning. A seedling from Salway, which it resembles, but is rather smaller, and fourteen days earlier (middle of April). SALWAY (English), L., F. Fruit large, roundish, one side enlarged, suture distinct ; creamy yellow, with a marbled rich, 226 brownish-red cheek ; flesh yellow, firm, red to pit (somewhat like an apricot), juicy, rich, sweet, vinous. Of great value as a showy late peach. McKEvrrr's CLING (California), L., C.--A very large white peach; flesh very firm, fine grained, sugary, and rich high flavour,, white to pit ; skin strong and fruit excellent for shipping or canning. Tree remark-ably strong in growth and free from disease. PHILLIP'S CLING, L., C. A highly-commended Californian peach for canning. Fine large yellow cling, no colour at the pit, which is very small ; exceedingly rich and high coloured. SELECT NECTARINES (Prunus Persica, var.). A Composite Fruit: part Peach, part Nectarine. Gardener's Chronicle. The peach and the nectarine are closely related, as shown in an illustration of a strange commixture or blending of the peach and of the nectarine on the same specimen. Although the peach is the mother of the nectarine, and this latter fruit is generally reproduced by budding, yet it has often been demonstrated that the nectarine can be reproduced from the stone without grafting or budding. As a rule, the nectarine does not adapt itself so well as the peach to varied surrounding circumstances. IRREWARRA, E., F. The earliest ; ripening middle of January. Medium size, highly coloured, of good flavour. LORD NAPIER, E.,F. One of the earliest nectarines, and also one of the largest. A heavy and regular bearer. Largo pale cream colour, streaked with blood-red to dark crimson on the sunny side. Flesh white, melting, tender, juicy, separating freely from the stone, and with a rich " Stanwick " flavour. Flowers large ; leaf glands kidney -shaped. 227 HUNT'S TAWNY, M., F. An early medium-sized fruit, roundish ovate; skin pale orange, with dark red cheek mottled with numerous russety specks. Flesh deep orange, juicy, melting, rich, and very good; freestone. Serrated leaves without glands, hardy, early, and prolific; flowers small. ELRUGE (English), M., F. Ripens middle season (first week in February), and is one of the finest nectarines. When the young wood is annually shortened in, it bears good crops which ripen well ; without this precaution, like almost all other nectarines, the fruit is small, poor, and ripens imperfectly. Leaves with reiiiform glands and flowers small. Fruit medium size, roundish oval ; suture light, except at the top, where it is distinctly marked. Skin pale green, deep violet in the sun, or blood -red with minute brownish specks. Flesh pale green to the stone, which is free, of oval shape, rough, and pale colour. GOLDMINE, M.,F. An excellent New Zealand seedling. Fruit large : freestone ; the pit very small. Flf sh cream colour, tender, juicy, melting, and delicious flavour. Colour bright bronzy red. LARGE WHITE, M., F. Commended wherever nectarines are grown in California. A fine light- skinned variety. Leaves with reniform glands ; flowers large. Fruit rather large, nearly round ; skin white, with occasionally a slight tinge of red ; flesh white, tender, very juicv with rich vinous flavour ; stone small and free. Dessert, canning, and drying. Ripens first week in February. STANWICK, L., F. Originated in England from seed brought from Syria. Ripens middle of February. Fruit large, roundish oval ; skin pale greenish white, deep violet in the sun ; flesh white, tender, juicy, and of good flavour. There is an improved strain of this variety. VICTORIA, L., F. Fruit very large, pale green, of good quality, and a heavy bearer. Ripens middle of February. SELECT CHERRIES (Prunus cerasus). Western Australia has failed so far to establish for cherry culture the good fame she has earned in respect to most other fruits. Were it not for the high prices offered for fresh local cherries the trees would not have proved profitable; they grow luxuriantly and blossom properly, but fail to set a crop, and birds are great lovers of them. I would caution growers in the warmer districts against planting them at all, whilst tbose located in the cooler and higher districts from Kataiining to Mt. Barker and the Lower Blackwood should endeavour to find out which sorts suit the surrounding conditions best. -A typical cherry country is a moist one possessed of well-drained slopes covered with deep soil, and one which is not exposed to V9ry great diurnal and nocturnal changes of the temperature. In this latter respect the Western Australian climate may not prove uniform enough for cherry culture, the difference between 228 day and night temperatures often showing variations of 30 to 40 deg. in the early spring when the cherry blossoms are out. A climate rising at any time to 90 deg. F. whilst the cherry trees are carrying their fruit is unsuitable for cherry culture. It is reason- able to assume that some select or choice West Australian seedlings may embody characters which will suit conditions prevailing here, and thus prove suitable for our requirements. Cherries are the first fruit to ripen after loquats. the season beginning early in November in Western Australia. They are followed up by apricots a few weeks afterwards. The following are amongst the best Bigarreaux and Hearts : CALIFORNIA ADVANCE, E. A seedling of Early Purple Guigne, and not such a shy bearer ; one of the best early cherries - r ripens last week in October ; dark purple, turning black. WERDER'S EARLY BLACK, E. A fine early variety ; ripens middle of November ; fairly good bearer ; tree vigorous, spreading ; fruit large, black, and of fine flavour. CHAPMAN, E. (California). A seedling of Black Tartarian, but a better bearer, and much earlier; ripens after Early Purple Guigne. BLACK EAGLE, E. Medium size; deep purple or nearly black, flesh deep purple, tender, juicy; ripens middle of November. BIGARREATJ TwYFORD, E. Fruit large and of fine quality pale yellow on the shaded side, red on the side next to the sun ; a Victorian seedling, well spoken of ; succeeds well in most districts ; ripens early in November. CENTENNIAL, M. A Calif ornian seedling of Bigarreau Napoleon ; larger than its parent, more oblate in form, and marbled and splashed with crimson on a pale yellow ground; very sweet, mealy, and possessing good keeping and shipping qualities. Tree a, vigorous grower and a prolific bearer. Ripens middle of November. BIGARREAU NAPOLEON, M. (syn. Spotted Bigarreau). A magnificent cherry of the largest size, beautiful appearance and rich flavour. Tree a vigorous grower, very hardy, and not subject to gum ; a free bearer. Fruit pale yellow, becoming amber in the shade, richly dotted, and spotted with deep red, and with a bright red cheek ; flesh very firm, juicy, and sweet ; a good carrier. ST. MARGARET, L. -Very late. One of the best late ma.rketing cherries grown, stands carrying well. Fruit very large, obtuse, heart-shaped, uneven on its surface, and considerably flattened next to the stalk on the side marked with the suture. Skin at first dark red, changing to dark blackish purple. Flesh dark purple, adhering firmly to the stone, firm, sweet, and briskly sub-acid. FLORENCE, L. Very late, same season as St. Margaret, end of November. A most excellent cherry, originally brought from Florence, in Italy, considerably resembles the Bigarreau, but ripens a little later, and has the additional good quality of hanging a long 229 time on the tree. Tree of moderate size, and of a spreading habit of growth. Fruit pale yellow, mottled with red on shaded side r clear bright red mottled with deeper red on the side next to the sun. Flesh amber colour, firm, rich, sweet, fine flavour, small stone. MORELLOS. MORELLO, L. Fruit large, dark red, almost black if left to hang for a long time. Flesh deep purplish red, tender, juicy, and briskly acid. Tree of spreading habit, and great bearer. One of the best for culinary purposes, or making " cherry brandy." SELECT PLUMS AND PRUNES (Primus, sp.). E., M., L., denote early, medium, late respectively ; K. cooking ; D. dessert fruit. The distinction as plums and prunes of species of the same genus of plants is somewhat recent. They used to be called plums by English-speaking people, just as in France they are all known as prunes. In France, however, the fruit when dried and cured are known as pruneau, and it is thus that in America and other countries the word prune is specifically given to those plums which will cure into a firm, meaty, dried fruit, from which the seed is not removed. In the descriptions of suitable varieties given below, prominence has been given to those which are dried into prunes, as they also happen to constitute excellent dessert fruit, and being meaty, sweet, and firm, they pack and carry well. Such varieties as the Robe de Sergent, Fellenberg or Italian Prune, and Silver Prune, a seedling of Coe's Golden Drop, have been left out, as they are shy and disappointing bearers, although they are of excellent quality. In California they are now being as rapidly replaced by more profitable sorts as they were extensively planted a few years ago. Plums have been classified into different families such as : 1st. Primus domestica, native of Asia, and the parent of European varieties such as damson, greengages, and varieties commercially known as prunes. 2nd. Prunus cerasifera, of which the niyrobolan or cherry plum is the type. These are natives of South- Eastern Europe and South- Western Asia, and are used mostly for stocks ; they are the parents of Mariana and other varieties, which are either offshoots of this species or hybrids. 3rd. Prunus triflora, or the Japanese type. 4th. Prunus simoni, or the apricot plum, a native of China. 230 DAMSON, E. Cultivated for cooking purposes. There are several varieties of this fruit all originating from the native English plum. Amongst the best is Critten- den's Cluster, or Prolific. Fruit larger than any of the others, roundish oval, skin black, and covered with a thin bloom. Tree a heavy bearer. Young shoots downy. PRUNE D'AGEN, Fig. 1 (syn. French Prune, Prune d'Ente), L. Ripens end of March. The most propa- gated in the Valley of the Lot in France and also in California. Tree of moderate growth. Young shoots dense, smooth. Very productive. Fruit medium size, oval, slightly necked, suture small. Skin violet purple, covered with a thick bloom and numerous small dots. Stalk nearly an inch long, a little curved, set in a small de- pression. Flesh greenish- yellow, juicy, sugary, rich and delicious, slightly ad- herent to the stone. Ripens middle season. The best of all prunes. When cured con- tains 35 to 50 per cent, sugar. When fresh 15 to 30 go to the pound, and 45 to 75 to the pound cured, with a ratio between cured and fresh fruit of 2-55 to 2-90. SPLENDOR (Fig. 2.) A cross between the Prune d'Agen, fertilised by Pond, or Hungarian Plum. Tree vigorous and uniform in growth ; not so thick as the Prune d'Agen, which it re- sembles. Fruit freestone, ripens two weeks earlier than its parent, and much larger. It is a clear, even red, and 231 turns quite black in curing. Highly spoken of for drying, shipping, market, and as a dessert fruit. The following comparison between the Splendor and the Prune d'Agen is by Mr. Gk Colley, of the Cal. Univ. Exp. Station : Splendor. French. Number per lb 15'75 19'20 Flesh, per cent 95'70 94'20 Pits ,, 4-30 5-80 Juice * 88-0 83-1 Pulp 12-0 16'9 Sugar, per cent, in juice ... ... 22'87 23'69 in flesh 20'13 1970 whole fruit 19'27 18'50 This shows that the fruit is closely comparable with the French prune. The Splendor is greater in juice, and would probably lose more in drying. The exact drying value of the prune must be determined in practice. The acid in both prunes is identical, and from this fact, and what is given above, the two fruits belong to the same class in richness and flavour. POND'S SEEDLING (syn. Hungarian Prune), Fig. 3, L.,K. Late English sort. Tree very vigorous and productive ; a beautiful red, large, ovate fruit, slightly tapering to the stalk. Skin thick, red- dish violet, with numerous brown dots, and covered with a thick bloom. Flesh coarse, adhering to the stone. Branches smooth, grayish. Sells well on appearance. IMPERIAL EPINEUSE (Fig. 4.), M. A strong grower, upright, stocky growth, with an inclination to make lateral spurs, giving the tree a thorny appearance. Wood darker in colour than Prune d'Agen. Fruit very large, reddish purple, firm and sweet ; very similar to Clairac Mammoth. Of this prune, 10 go to the pound fresh, and 25 to the pound cured, with a ratio between cured and fresh fruit of 2 -53. REINE CLATJDE DE BAVAY, Fig. 5 (Belgium), L. A most exquisite late dessert plum of the greengage type, extensively planted as a late market sort. Tree very vigorous, very productive. Branches smooth. Fruit large, roundish, a little flattened ; greenish-yellow, with splashes of green, thin bloom ; flesh yellow, juicy, sugary, melting, rich, excellent, separates from the stone. YELLOW MAGNUM BONUM, Fig. 6 (syn. Egg Plum, English), L., K. Popularon account of its large and splendid appearance, and a slight acidity, which renders it admirably fitted for making showy sweetmeats or preserves. When raised "in a fine warm situation, and is fully matured, it is pretty well flavoured, otherwise it is coarse. Branches smooth, long, a pretty good bearer, though apt, 232 in light soils, to drop from the tree before becoming matured. Fruit very large, oval, narrow at ends, necked at base, suture distinct ; stalk one inch, not sunk, surrounded by fleshy ring at insertion ; light yellow, bloom thin, white ; flesh firm, rather acid until fully ripe, and then sweet, adheres to the pointed stone. Ripens in Febru- ary. WASHINGTON (Fig. 7), M. Although not equal to the greengage and two or three others in high flavour, yet its great size, its beauty, and the vigour and hardiness of the tree, are qualities which have brought it into notice everywhere. Tree remark- ably large, broad, and glossy foliage; is a strong grower, productive, and forms a hand- some round head ; wood light, brown, downy. Fruit very large, roundish oval, suture obscure, distinct at base ; yellowish-green, faintly marbled, often w r ith pale red blush ; stalk half to three-fourths inch ; slightly downy, cavity wide, shallow ; flesh rather firm, sweet, mild, very rich, and luscious, free from the pointed stone ; shoots downy ; ripens end of January . TRAGEDY (Fig. 8), E. The earliest Californian prune. Ripens towards the middle of January. Tree a rapid grower of symmetrical form. Fruit large, oblong, dark purple skin covered with heavy blue bloorn ; flesh yel- lowish-green, rich, and sweet, being so as soon as it begins to colour into ripeness. 233 PRTJNUS SIMONI (Apricot Plum^l, E. A native of China; tree small, thrifty and vigorous, bearing when quite voung. Fruit hanging on the trees shining like apples of gold, becoming a rich vermilion when fully ripe. Large, flattened, tomato-shaped, with deep cavities at base and apex; brick red or dark cinnabar colour; stem very short, flesh fine, apricot yellow, with peculiar aromatic pineapple and faint banana flavours. Leaves large, long, oval, elliptic, of dark shining green ; flowers small, white ; reaches its perfection in hot, dry summer air and on good moist soil. Light green branches of Simoni grow as vigorous and upright as the Bartlett Pear, and are heavily clothed with unusually long, narrow, light green leaves. Valuable only as an early plum; carries fairly well. GREENGAGE (syn. Grosse Heine Claude), M. (said to have been in- troduced into England by the Gage family). Universally admitted to hold the first rank in flavour among all plums. Tree short-jointed and vigorous ; of spreading and rather dwarfish habit. An abund- ant and pretty regular bearer, though the fruit is a little liable to crack upon the tree in wet seasons. Branches smooth ; buds with large shoulders. It is said to be improved bv being grafted on the apricot, and requires thinning to attain perfection. Ripens middle season. Fruit round, rather small, suture faintly marked. Skin green, or yellowish-green at full maturity, usually with reddish- brown dots and network at base ; stalk half to three-fourths inch, scarcely sunk. Flesh pale green, melting, juicy, exceedingly rich, and flavour excellent, usually separates freely from the stone. 234 JAPANESE PLUMS. (Prunus triflora.} The names so com- monly applied to Japanese plums as Botan, Satsuma, Hat- taiikio, etc., really refer to districts or to classes, thus : Satsurna origi- nates from the island of that name; Hattankio is called after " hatan," an almond, which this large oval-pointed plum resembles. Many hybrids have been raised and named in Cali- fornia ; none of these plums make a large tree on their own stocks ; they grow larger on peach. The best of these, in the order they ripen, are : RED JUNE (syn. Shiro-Smomo) E., Fig. 1. Ripens first. Tree of spreading habit, foliage dull, fruit deep crimson all over while still firm ; shaped much like a small Kelsey, that is, with very marked and lengthened apex. A sure cropper. BOTAN OR ABUND- ANCE, E. -Glossy foli- age and inclined to grow upright. Fruit roundish with very little point and gets dull red on one side. Ripens a week after Red June is gone, and gets soft very soon after ripe. A strong grower. BURBANK, E., Fig. 2. Tree, imported from Japan, vigorous, with 235 .. strong upright, shoots, and large, rather broad leaves ; comes into bearing very early. Fruit almost globular, large, rich cherry red, slightly mottled with yellow, and freely dotted with same tint. Flesh, deep yellow, juicy, very sweet, and of fine, somewhat peculiar but agreeable flavour ; pit very small. Very productive. Eipens beginning of March. WICKSON, L., Fig. 3. A cross between Burbank and Kelsey. A valuable market plum, its time of ripening being late when the glut of peaches and other plums is over. Shape somewhat similar to Kelsey, but more symmetrical. Colour cherry red to claret. Flesh amber, pit small. Is picked before it colours up, and on keeping develops an intense carmine. KELSEY (syn. Hattankio), L., Fig. 4. Tree upright in growth, having a tendency to long slender branches, which should be frequently pinched back ; leaves narrow, twigs brownish grey. Very productive and apt to break down. Fruit large, from 1-| to 2^7 inches diameter, heart-shaped, with a distinct suture on one side from stem to apex ; stem is short and set in a depression at the large end ; colour, mixed yellow and purple, which vary in depth, but rarely make a brilliant appearance, covered with a bloom ; flesh yellow, very firm, and clings to the stone, which is rather small, and nearly always partly surrounded by a cavity ; when fully ripe the quality is very good. In California the tree resists drought remarkably ; it is almost an evergreen, liable to injury in severe climates ; comes into bearing as young as the peach ; requiring same pruning, ripens late. Likes heavy, moist land ; when planted in proximity with other sorts, such as Satsuma, the blossoms set better. Ripens end of March. Likely to prove a profitable market and shipping variety. SATSUMA BLOOD (syn. Yone-momo), L. Leaves more lanceolate than those of Kelsey ; fruit averages about 2~ inches in diameter, nearly round, and but slightly sutured on one side ; colour dark red under a thick bloom ; dots rather conspicuous and numerous; flesh dark purplish red (blood colour), firm, stone very small and pointed. Ripens earlier than the Kelsey. Keeps well, and will not spoil for weeks after it is ripe ; can be left hanging on the tree for three or four weeks after it gets deep red. 236 CITRUS FRUITS. Numerous species belong to the citrus family, but of these four or five only have for us a commercial value, viz., the Orange, the Mandarine, the Pomelo, the Lemon, and the Kumquat. ORANGE (Citrus aurantium). The most notable of these are arranged in the order in which they ripen. The sorts we favour are smooth, thin-skinned, tender, juicy fruit, that will sink in water, preferably the seedless varieties. The orange stands frost better than the lemon, and does not succumb to a temperature of 3 or 4 C. (20 to 25 F. of frost) if these low temperatures are not lengthy, and when the thawing is gradual. It requires a mean summer temperature of 22 or 23 C. (71 to 74 F.) to ripen. THE NAVEL (syn. Bahia) stands prominently to the forefront amongst our choicest oranges. Imported from Bahia, Brazil, into the United States, it has been distributed to every part of the world offering suitable climateric conditions to its successful cultivation. The blossoms of navel oranges are double, having a secondary blossom within and no pollen. When an occasional seed is found in them it is the result of transported pollen. Few citrus varieties sport more readily than does the Navel, and we have now in cultivation a number of these oranges, which differ materially from one another as regards appearance and time of ripening. Amongst the most noted are : ^AUSTRALIAN NAVEL. The foliage resembles that of the Washington Navel. The fruit varies in size, all sizes generally being found on the same tree. A very shy bearer. Blooms pro- fusely, but very few of the blossoms set ; often the trees are loaded with fruit, and after having attained the size of marbles drop to the ground, without any apparent cause ; fruit also has a tendency to split at the navel, which is usually large and prominent, unlike that of the Washington Navel, which is round and generally small. Seedless. Flavour as good if not superior to that of the Washing- ton Navel. The tree is a stronger grower. WASHINGTON NAVEL. The variety was, like all Navels, introduced from Bahia, Brazil, into the United States, whence they found their way to every part of the globe where climateric con- ditions are suitable to orange culture. No market has ever yet been glutted with well-grown oranges of this sort. The tree, although hardy and vigorous, is of medium size, with dark-coloured leaves 237 and is armed with a few small thorns. A rapid grower, and an early and abundant bearer ; requires a free, deep, well-drained loam, and does not thrive on poor, sour, and badly-drained land. Fruit, large, solid, and heavy ; skin, smooth and of very fine texture ; very juicy, high flavour ; is generally seedless. Apart from the valuable qualities enumerated, this variety is one of the earliest and best tested of all the Travel oranges ; it is a good keeper, and well suited for export. OTHER NAVELS have of late been brought out, some of which bid fair to outrival the Washington Navel for earliness. Amongst these the following sub-varieties grown at the Pomona sub-station of the University of California are worth trying : Thompson's Improved Navel said to possess a smoother and thinner skin, and a higher colour than the Washington variety. It is a good bearer, the tree a strong grower, but some say it does not pack and carry as well as other Navels. Its thin skin militates against its being planted in localities that are frequently subject to severe frost. Golden Nugget Navel and Golden Buckeye Navel are both sports from the Washington Navel, but are as yet untried. They are very early and thin skinned ; the second is said to possess a pine- apple flavour ; the rind adheres so closely to the pericarp that the division can be plainly seen through it after the fruit has been picked a few days, giving it the appearance of a nutmeg melon. The Navelencia is a recent creation of the originator of Thompson's Improved, who claims that it is an equal production of one half Valencia and the other half Thompson's Improved Navel orange. The Navelencia tree is a more upright grower than the original Washington Navel. It is much later than that orange, although it will not hang and retain its good qualities as long as the true Valencia. BLOOD ORANGES. Of these there are two varieties, "Ruby, "and " Maltese Blood " (which must not be confused with the Australian orange of that namej. " Ruby " is the earliest and a prolific bearer. It is equally good, but more uneven in shape and size than the Maltese Blood. Maltese Blood (see Fig. 3). The pulp is streaked and mottled with red. It has few seeds. Tree thornless and of dwarf habit, and may be planted closer than freer growing kinds ; hardier than the Washington Navel, and the tree a more generous bearer. The foliage is dark and glossy. Fruit small to medium, oval, of high flavour ; a good keeper and carrier. PARRAMATTA. A well-known New South Wales variety of excellent quality. Tree large, very hardy and good regular bearer, 238 239 thorny. Fruit of large size. Hardier than St. Michael and Navel. Several very good sub-varieties raised from seeds of this useful orange. SELECTA (syn. Siletta, Cluster Orange). Bears its fruit in bunches. A useful and profitable kind ; like the Parramatta, one of the hardiest kinds for cool districts. Tree prolific and regular bearer. Fruit of good size, juicy, and of excellent flavour ; round. Skin medium thin, bright colour, and moderately smooth. QUEEN. An Australian variety, thriving well in the drier localities. Fruit medium size to large, somewhat ovate. Skin thin, smooth, rather light in colour ; often a ring at the calyx end. Flesh juicy and of good flavour. MEDITERRANEAN SWEET (Fig. 2). Tree not very vigorous, of dwarf habit, rather given to overbear ; thornless. Fruit medium to large, round or slightly oval, skin thin and smooth. Pulp firm, sweet ; few seeds. Ripens late ; a good keeping and carrying sort. ST. MICHAEL'S. Fruit of first-class quality when grown under favourable conditions. Like the Navel, it is less hardy than some other kinds, and requires sheltered situations, when it is very prolific. Fruit, large, round, and somewhat flattened, solid ; pulp fine and melting ; medium thin rind, few seeds. If circumstances are not congenial it is a shy bearer, and the fruit is apt to lose its high character, the rind getting much thicker in either cold or hot locations. PAPER RIND ST. MICHAEL. Tree is of dwarf habit, medium, thorny, a good bearer and hardy. Fruit small, round, very firm and very juicy, and excellent; pale, thin skin, and being very uni- form in size, packs well. Ripens late and keeps well on the trees for a long time, as it does not drop at maturity. Very profitable fruit to grow for local as well for export market. CHERITON (syn. Gingin). A West Australian seedling, grown from seeds about 50 years ago by Mr. H. Brockman, in his orchard, at " Cheriton," on the Gringin Brook, some fifty miles North of Perth. Tree a very strong grower, erect, thorny, with good foliage. Fruit large, roundish, and a little tapering towards the apex. Thirty oranges, picked from different gardens, gave an average weight of lloz. to 12oz., while a few weighed over lib. each. Skin medium thin on fruit on the top of the tree, to thin on fruits on older bearing branches at the base, peels off easily. Fleshy, few seeds, solid, juicy, segments parting easily after peeling, sweet, hangs well. Ripens from July to end of September. JAFFA. L-irge, oval fruit ; skin coarse, pulp rich and juicy, almost seedless. Tree strong grower, with very large leaves on the strong young shoots ; thornless. In Jaffa rainless summer, accom- panied by heavy night dews, and winter without frost, are well suited to the growth and development of the trees, which are watered in the summer. 240 VALENCIA, LATE (Fig. 4) . Tree a strong grower, does not begin to bear as soon as most other budded sorts ; few thorns, dark foliage; fruit medium size, roundish oval, tapering towards the stem, skin smooth ; pulp acid till fully ripe, few seeds, solid, of good quality. The fruit ripens in the early spring, and will hang a long time. Commercially, it is placed next to the Navel. THE SEVILLE or BITTER ORANGE. The hardiest of all varieties, enduring very hard frosts without injury. It has the largest and most fragrant flowers ; the pulp, however, is bitter and acid, and is valued chiefly for marmalade. Several types are grown, which raised from seeds have somewhat varied ; fruit fairly large, about three inches in diameter, and flattened at both ends ; skin rough and thick, dark orange and bitter ; when boiled becomes transparent. The pulp, when cooked with sugar, sets to a jelly. Tree a strong grower, with large bright green leaves, long and pointed, with well- developed wings, thorny, thrives on heavier soil better than do sweet oranges. SEEDLINGS. Numerous seedlings exist, some of which exhibit features which are worth propagating, but they often fail in some of the standards required from a profitable commercial orange. THE OONSHIA. A Japanese orange, which is claimed to be one of the hardiest oranges known, and to withstand severe frost. The skin is of a good rich colour, and somewhat liable to a scurfy appearance, which, however, is not a disease ; flesh of pleasant flavour, and almost seedless. MANDARINS (Citrus nobilis). SCARLET MANDARIN, very profitable on account of its earlmes^ in bearing and in maturing its crop. Tree upright, spreading, vigorous grower, above medium size, almost thornless ; fruit large, flattened at both ends. Before ripening the rind is moderately tight, but as the fruit ripens becomes puffy and assumes a reddish orange colour ; it is easily detached from the pulp. When fully ripe the segments surround a hollow core. Pulp dark orange r sweet, of fine flavour; grows best in a semi-tropical climate. A bad carrier, and requires careful picking and sweating before shipping. THORNY MANDARIN or TANGERINE. One of the best-flavoured of all mandarins. Tree a dense bush requiring severe thinning out to bear large fruit ; thorny, except some sub- varieties which are thornless. Fruit small to large, according to number of fruit, vigour of trees, and soil and climate; roundish, flattened, stem fine and firmly attached to fruit ; skins tight, thin, and smooth, pale yellow. Pulp juicy and aromatic. This fruit becomes dry and puffy if allowed to hang too long. 241 EMPEROR MANDARIN (syn. Canton). Tree large, upright, strong, and good bearer ; few thorns, leaf large, a heavy bearer. Fruit not so handsome as the Scarlet, and varies somewhat in type ; medium size to large, roundish, irregular, and flattened at the eye. Skin yellow, brittle, tearing easily, and somewhat puffy when the fruit is over-ripe. Called in China the Mandarin or Noble Orange. THE BEAUTY OF GLEN RETREAT. Origin obscure, although the parent tree from which all the trees of that variety are derived grows in the orchard of Mr. W. H. Parker of Glen Retreat, near Brisbane. Tree of large size, vigorous, forming a dense head unless kept pruned, thornless, possessing a distinct foliage. Bears early and abundantly ; fruit large, solid ; skin thin, smooth, tough, and tightly attached to the pulp, which contains practically no rag. Pulp firm, juicy, sweet; few seeds. Fruit a good carrier. PARKER'S SPECIAL. The earliest of all mandarins. Trees of dwarf habit, a good bearer ; fruit large, of excellent quality. In appearance somewhat like a cross between a Scarlet and an Emperor. OTHER VARIETIES. From India the Department of Agriculture has introduced the famous Nagpur and Sylhet mandarin oranges, Nagpur Orange 242 which promise to prove valuable additions to our stock of citrus fruit. Other varieties are expected, such as the Sumtalah, which is sweet when even green, and grows wild in the hot, humid part of India, extending between the foot of the Himalayas and the Ganges. The Keonla, which long after the oranges have been gathered, hangs on the tree ; and the Mussembi, which it is said can be left to hang on the tree for a whole year. KUMQUAT (Citrus Japonica). Are very hardy and prolific and bushy. Two varieties are grown a round and an oval-shaped fruit ; small, about the size of a large gooseberry ; rind sweet and smooth, yellow, thick ; high scented ; pulp acid ; many seeds. When quartered and boiled with sugar makes excellent preserves ; steeped in spirits constitute very good bitters. Apart from its economic value, the Kumquat is well worth cultivation in gardens for its ornamental appearance. THE POMELO (Citrus decumana), Also called shaddock, and in the United States of America grape fruit. Tree vigorous and resistant. Several varieties are grown, weighing from lib. to 121bs. each. Some of the smaller varieties, with a fairly thin rind and oblong, which are imported from Singapore, are the best, The larger sorts with a thick, spongy rind are much esteemed for making into preserves and for candying. The pulp is regarded as very wholesome and refresh- ing, and possessing valuable tonic properties. Large quantities are exported from Jamaica to the United States, and its cultivation is regarded as quite as profitable as that of the orange. THE LEMON. Does not withstand low temperatures as well as the Pomelo, Mandarin, and the Sweet Orange. A temperature of 2 C. (28'5 F. of frost) if at all prolonged and if the thawing is rapid, will hurt it ; whereas oranges will withstand 3 C. (26 '5 F.). The lemon will stand more prolonged drought than the orange. The autumn-picked lemons cure and keep best, and may be stored until the spring. VILLA FRANCA (Europe, Fig. 1). A summer-bearing lemon, sets to fruit early. Tree almost thornless, branches spreading and somewhat drooping, leaves long and pointed; foliage abundant to pro- tect the fruit from the sun ; said to withstand a lower temperature than other varieties. Fruit of medium size, considered to be one of the finest 243 of lemons grown. Fruit oblong, slightly pointed at the blossom end, rind thin, without any trace of bitterness even when green ; acid strong, juicy ; nearly seedless. Keeps and ships well. EUREKA (California). Fruit medium in size, oval, and more oblong than the Lisbon, sweet rind, a very good keeper and very popular. Skin bright yellow, thin and smooth ; very juicy and briskly acid ; hardy and prolific. The drawback it has is that the leaves are inclined to curl, scarce foliage, fruit produced at extremities of branches, and liable to get sun- burnt; but this is gejier- ally avoided by letting the branches hang low, and prune as little as possible. Tree almost thornless. LISBON (Portugal, Fig. 2). Tree a strong grower, bears fruit all through the tree, not very early in coming into bearing; prolific bearer, and makes a larger tree than other varieties, for this reason the trees of this variety should be planted a good distance apart and not less than 24ft. from one another; quite thorny, but thorns decrease in size as the tree grows older. Fruit uniformly medium size, fine grain, sweet rind, very juicy and briskly acid ; very few seeds ; a good keeper ; can be picked at any time of the year. There 244 are several sub- varieties of the Lisbon, such as the " thornless " and the " variegated," differing from the parent to the extent their names imply. When allowed to ripen on the tree the rind thickens, and the fruit is coarser. SICILIAN (Fig. 3). Rounder than the Lisbon, which it other- wise resembles. Tree almost thornless and prolific ; an early bearer, and a good market lemon. FIGrS (Ficus Carica). The fig as well as the grape vine thrives in Western Australia where other fruit trees sometimes fail to be productive. In the cooler districts they sometimes fail to mature their fruit, and are better suited for the warmer localities. Moist, sandy loams are also more congenial to the fig tree than are heavy clays. The fig itself, which is generally spoken of as a fruit consisting of a mass of pulp enclosed in a thin skin, is to the botanist an inflorescence, in which the outer covering is a receptacle for the hundreds of microscopic flowers inside. For all practical purposes, edible figs may be con- sidered under three classes. (1), The Wild or Capri; (2), The Self-sterile or Smyrna type; (3), The Self -fertile or Adriatic type. THE WILD OR CAPRI. The only value of this class of figs is to serve as host for the minute wasp (Blastophaga grossorum} which enters the self-sterile or Smyrna type of figs arid fertilises them. In fact, it has been said that the Capri fig and the Smyrna fig stand in the relations of male and female to each other. They both, how- ever, possess male and female flowers, but these ripen at different times, and therefore need external interference for their fertilisation. This is provided by the minute wasp above referred to, and which acts in this way : The fruit of the Capri fig, which as a fruit is worthless, is like all figs really a hollow inflorescence. It produces, three crops annually. The profichis first of all ; the mammoni, which buds out when the profichis are ripe and the third crop or second mammoni, which makes its appearance as the first mammoni ripens. These inflorescences are possesspd of male and female flowers, both with a predominance of male or staminate flowers in the profichis. On this account this crop is of more particular value to the Smyrna or self-sterile class. Tlie succeeding second and third crops or mammonis serve <>nly as a habitat for the fig wasps and enable them to tide over the seasons. The propagation of the fig wasp proceeds as follows : The female Blastophaga wasp forces its way through the ostolium or eye into the fig and having done so lays one egg in each of a number of the ovaries of the female flowers and dies within the fig. In consequence of this puncture the ovary swells and forms a gall 245 with a wasp embryo inside instead of its own embryo. From the eggs that are laid some produce wingless male and some winged female wasps, the first issuing first ; these then gnaw their way into the gall ovaries in which the femaJes lie, impregnate them, and die. The fertilised winged females then gnaw wider the passage made by the males, and either enter the following crop of Capri figs or mammonis, or if Smyrna fig trees are close by they penetrate the eye of these figs then in proper state of development. In issuing from the Capri fig they brush past the staminate or male flowers which surround the eye, and issue, out of the fig dusted with fig pollen. This pollen, in their endeavours to lay eggs on the ovaries of the figs they penetrate, they scatter about and thus fertilise the female flowers. Should they have entered a Capri fig or mammonis, they puncture the ovaries and propagate their kind, whereas should fate have taken them to a Smyrna fig they die, leaving no offspring. In Smyrna fig plantations it is therefore important to also plant a few Capri figs or to adopt the practice prevailing in the South of Europe, which consists in attaching two Capri figs to strings and hanging a few in each tree. THE SMYRNA CLASS embraces all those figs which are not self fertile and require external agency for the successful production of their crop. The varieties of figs dried and exported from Smyrna vary as much as the varieties of grapes dried and exported from Malaga. Most of them need the wild fig pollen and the agency of the Blastopliaga grosser um wasp. The Smyrna Fig of com- merce proper stands out Queen amongst them, almost as prom- inently as does the Washington Navel amongst Oranges. Two distinct crops come out in the season the first coming out in the Spring out of the previous year's shoots ; and the second growing on the new wood just as the former is ripening. Only a few of the first crop mature, the bulk of them drop- ping from the tree when quite small. Like all immature first crop figs, these, although of large size, contain nothing but hollow seeds and lack flavour and su^- stance. The ostiolum or eye is closed, and fertilisation cannot take place. 246 The ADRIATIC or self-fertile class comprise all those figs which need no external assistance to mature their fruit. Most of them bear two crops, and some drop their first crop. Only white, cream, and pink fleshed figs are dried ; black-skinned have 110 commercial value for drying. Three to four pounds of green fruit yield one pound of dried. WHITE GENOA (syn. White Marseilles, White Naples). One of the most delicious figs in cultivation. Good for table, peels off easily, and dries remark- ably well. Fruit: above medium, quite round, with a short neck and well-marked longitudinal ridges running from the sialk to the apex. Skin pale green. Eye open. Flesh opaline, exceedingly rich, juicy, and sugary. WHITE ADRIATIC (syn. Fico di Fragola or Strawberry Fig). One of the finest grown trees, and a strong growing and hardy kind. Fruit : medium size, rounded pyriform, with medium neck. Skin greenish in the shade, greenish-yellow in the sun. Eye open, with red iris ; pulp bright straw- berry red, drying to a rather pale yellow. Skin very thin, and together with the pulp forming a most delicious sweetmeat when grown in favourable places. white Adriatic. BROWN TURKEY. --One of the earliest sorts. Tree very prolific, hardy ; fruit large, oblong, pyriform; skin brownish red ; blue bloom ; thick pulp ; sweet and good ; dark pink colour. GftAPES (Vitis). FOR DRYING. In France the period of ripening of wine grapes has been reckoned by Pulliat from the time of ripening of the Golden Chasselas thus : First period of maturity, to which belong all vines which ripen their grapes five to six days before or after Golden Chasselas. Second period of maturity, including all vines ripening their grapes 12 to 14 days after Chasselas. Third period, including those ripening their grapes 24 to 30 days after Chasselas. Fourth 247 period, including those ripening their grapes 36 to 40 days after Chasselas. Fifth period, including those grapes which ripen later than eight weeks after Chasselas. WHITE MUSCAT OF ALEXANDRIA. An oval white Muscat grape. Season late ; will keep in good condition long after ripening. Merits : medium to first class ; the most handsome and valu- able table and drying grape in cultivation. Extensively cultivated for raisins in Valencia and Denia, in Spain, and also in Southern California and Australia. Vine : A short, rather straggling and bushy grower, well adapted to short spur pruning, as it forms rather a bush than a vine ; very free fruiting, but the bunches sometimes set badly, except where local circumstances are favour- able. Leaves of medium size, round, bright green above, light green below, deeply lobed, somewhat wrinkled, commencing early to decay, and becoming yellow round the edges. The leaf, stalks, or pedicel and veins reddish ; young shoots a light green. Wood gray, with darker spots, short jointed. The laterals produce a second, and even, sometimes, a third crop. Fruit bunches very long, from 12 to 20 inches, loose, tapering, and often strongly shouldered ; a somewhat shy setter. Berries very large, long ovate on stout stalks. Skins rather thick, clear greenish yellow, or when highly ripened pale amber, and sometimes with a flush of cinnamon where much exposed. Flesh firm crackling, or fleshy, exceedingly sweet, rich, and with a strong muscatel flavour. Cultural Notes. Although the vine is hardy and fruits freely at an early age it is found to require a warm temperature and drier atmosphere than most other varieties to set the berries properly, and ripen the fruit thoroughly ; and on that account rejected from general extensive cultivation, except where those conditions prevail. Experience has proved it to be a safe vine to grow in Western Australia from the latitude of the Murchison at the North to that of the Murray and even beyond in favourable locations. Affected by the oidium and anthracnose. MUSCATEL GTORDO BLANCO. So similar in many respects to Muscat of Alexandria, that the one is sometimes confounded with the other. A seedling of Muscat of Alexandria, much cultivated in Spain ; the best type of raisin grape of Malaga. Fruit bunches, a closer bunch than Muscat of Alexandria ; fruit sets better as a rule ; berries rounder, a crease often found at the apex. Skin in- clined to be a little darker in colour, and not nearly so green when ripe. Flesh not quite so hard as Muscat of Alexandria. Thicker and finer bloom than Muscat of Alexandria, which looses its bloom very rapidly when you come to pack and dry them. Muscat of Alexandria has to be dried a little more than 'Muscatel to bring it into a keeping condition when in the same degree of ripeness. HUASCO. The Chili or Huasco raisin is said to be one of the finest raisins in the world. They excel in sweetness and aroma, as well as flavour ; their skins are thin and their seeds small. The colour is 248 different from sun-dried California or Spanish raisins, being yellowish amber, with a fine and thin bluish bloom, indicating that the have been dried in the shade, or a partial shade without dipping in lye. The grape used for raisins is a variety of Muscat, very similar to the Muscat of Alexandria, set their fruit better, and do not suffer from coulure or shanking. Imported to Chili by the Spanish conquerors, and it is supposed they grew the vines from seeds brought from Spain, and selected the best of the seed- lings. This grape was introduced from California by the Depart- ment of Agriculture, but so far it has not shown itself to be superior to either the two varieties already described. SULTANA (syn. Seedless Sultana, Sultanieh, Sultanina). Vine: growth strong, upright, with long climbing canes; bark rough, and tearing in long strips. Wood : very long and strong canes, long- jointed but not very thick nodes ; small buds ; laterals and tendrils numerous ; wood not hard, red brown ; bunches carried from the fifth, sixth, or seventh node. Leaves : large, not very deeply lobed, strongly serrated, thin and fiat, bright green, smooth and shining above, lighter green and smooth below, die yellow in autumn, long leaf stalk. Bunches large and loose, from 9 to 12 inches long, and 5 to 6 inches wide at the shoulders ; stalk long, green, and not woody. Berries : small to medium, oval, skin green, thin but tough, semi-transparent, becoming pale-yellowish as it ripens, covered with light bloom, flesh tender, sweet, juicy, firm, and crack- ling, of the consistency and flavour of the Sweetwater, and contains no seeds. Cultural Notes. The defect of this vine is to be a poor bearer unless pruned long ; and even the long pruning as generally practised on other varieties does not yield the best results. A modification of this is advisable in pruning the Sultana. A sufficiency of laterals should be left on the long rods which are cut back about three feet long. These laterals possess plump buds, and are well summered to the very tip. Train the long rods bearing these laterals along the central wire of a T-shaped trellis, and blind the buds at the joints of rods, except the first two from the stem ; bend the laterals about 12 inches long in arcs ; they bear the crop. Wood for renewing is supplied by encouraging the vigorous growth of one or two canes at the base of the rods. For that purpose rub off or destroy all barren shoots, and only leave on the fruitful laterals sufficient wood to carry a crop commensurate with the strength of the vine. This is done by pinching the shoots from these fruitful laterals back to the eighth or ninth leaf and limiting the length of the rods to about three feet only. The Sultana does well in deep, fresh, alluvial soil with good natural drainage. It matures its crop towards the end of the middle season, and is a good packer as well as an excellent raisin grape. Subject to oidium. The grapes begin to colour and sweeten several 249 Ivi'oiv the Muscat, but they become fully ripe later than this variety. Suitable for districts with long summers and autumns. If the dipping process is used in curing, the grapes must be very ripe, else they will turn reddish and dark, and lose quality. At the Wagga Wagga experimental orchard it was found impossible to graft the Sultana, with any degree of success, .upon the following sorts: Gros Guillaume, Royal Ascot, Corinth Currant, and Solonis. Sultanas grafted on 15 varieties of American stock grew vigorously, and carry good crops of large compact bunches. THOMPSON'S SEEDLESS (syn. Lady Decoverley, Constanti- nople). -Related to the seedless raisin grape, grown round Damascus. Vine, an enormous bearer and grower ; bunches, large or very large. Fruit : berries oval, as large as a Sultana. Skin, greenish-yellow, thin. Flesh : seedless, good, but not strong flavour, and without that acid which characterises the Sultana grape and raisin. Cultural Note*. When sun-dried and cured, these raisins are bluish and dark like Muscats, but narrower and more tapering, and only a quarter the sixe. Their sweetness and taste commend them for cooking purposes, and the bearing quality of the vine will, no doubt, make their growing profitable in all places where the seasons are too short to thoroughly ripen the Sultana. Mr. Bioletti, of the University of California, considers the variety identical with the Sultana of Asia Minor. BLACK CURRANT (syn. Zante). A corruption of Corinth, the Greek port from which most of these are shipped, the berries resemble currants in size. The home of the Black Currant is the Grecian Islands, as well as Morea, especially around Patras, Zante, t Vplialonia. and Ithaca, all produce currants of the highest quality. Vine : growth erect and climbing, moderately robust and very fruitful. Fruit : Bunches from four to six or eight inches long ; long, tapering, and cylindrical, with long, loose shoulders; stalks slender. Berries, very small, about the size of small peas, round. Skin, purplish red. *Flesh, juicy, sweet, pleasant, and without seeds. Cultural Notes. The vines in Asia Minor are grown on low bushes, and are pruned short ; the young branches require staking in order to bear well ; the crop ripens in succession from the first shoots, and the laterals, which also bear. For Australia, T head trellissing, as shown on page 131, has been found to answer better. The Currant grape, although generally seedless, sometimes produces full-sized large berries with seeds, reverting to the grape as it were; and where this tendency is very marked its cultivation has to be abandoned. WHITE CORINTH. The bunch and berry resemble the Black Currant, but differ in not being black, and in lacking the peculiar 250 aroma and flavour alone possessed by the black and true currant. The absence of pips in currant grapes is due to a malformation of the floral organs. TABLE GRAPES. MADELEINE NOIR (syn. Early Black July). A round black grape. Season, first early. Merits : valuable only on account of its earliness. Vine, free and vigorous in growth and prolific. Bunches small and compact. QUICK'S EARLY (South Australia, apparently Foster's seedling). Very early grape. Berries larger and with a thicker skin than Shiraz. Ripens about Christmas time. Vines not vigorous bearers, require long pruning. EARLY MADELEINE (syn. Madeleine Augevine). Vine a vigorous grower, bursts into leaf and blossoms early, and for that reason unsuitable for frosty localities. Suitable for either eating or wine-making. Prune half -long or long. Leaf medium, deeply lobed, somewhat woolly below. Bunches medium size, fairly compact and not always well set; berries medium, oblong, greenish white, turning to golden when ripe. GREEN'S EARLY (S.A.). Very early, Christmas. Small bunches, berries closely set. Fruit : bunches rather long and loose, and sometimes set badly as the flowers are delicate. Berries small round. Skin, rather thick, deep purple, with a fine bloom. Flesh, sweet and juicy, not rich, and of no particular character. Prune with long spurs of four to six buds. EARLY WHITE MALVASIA (syn. Jouanen, Luglieuga). An oval white Sweetwater grape. Season, first early (one of the earliest grapes in cultivation). Merits: first-class as an early grape, sensitive to frost. Vine : growth full and vigorous, although not robust ; free fruiting. Fruit : bunches small, from six to eight inches, loose or straggling; setting freely. Berries, small ovate. Skin thin, very clear and transparent, greenish white, turning amber and retaining a thin bloom. Flesh very tender and juicy, sweet, rich, and pleasant. High trellising and long pruning. CHASSELAS DE FONTAINEBLEAU (syn. Royal Muscadine). A round white grape, of the Sweetwater type. Season, early. Merits : first-class as to quality and earliness ; it will also keep in good condition long after becoming ripe; packs well. Vine: growth free and vigorous, with a fine constitution, the young shoots, slender but ripening well ; wood brown, long jointed, slender, but ripening well; very fruitful. Leaves small, roundish, thin r lobed, bright greeu end of shoots and young leaves, brownish green. Leaves dying off early a pale yellow colour. Bunches medium- sized and small, long, tapering, broadly shouldered and somewhat loose ; compact and freely set. Berries medium, round, pale 251 greenish-yellow, becoming transparent when fully ripe, or, if exposed to the bright sun, the one side becoming of a bright cinnamon-russet, in which condition they are very much richer and sweeter. Flesh firm, yet tender, crackling, juicy, sweet and agreeable to the palate. When kept until they begin to shrivel they are very rich. Cultural Notes. A standard early table grape ; makes fairly good wine; ripens a fortnight before Black Hamburgh. Generally pruned short. CHASSELAS VIBERT. A better bearer than the preceding. Young shoots reddish and glossy. Bunches well set, berries green- Good for eating and for wine-making. CHASSELAS OF NEGREPONT. Must be alloved to hang until quite ripe, when it turns from a pale green to a bright red, changing to violet. Possesses a fine appearance and a pleasant aroma, also makes a clean, clear white wine. Ripens after Chasselas of Fon- tainebleau. MADRESFIELD COURT. A black oval muscat grape. Fairly early, excellent in quality and very handsome. Vine : moderately strong grower ; wood with prominent dark brown buds, often covered with a thin coating of down. Leaves medium sized, rugose, deeply lobed, deep green, leaf stalk and ribs reddish. Leaves die off crimson. Bunches large, long, and tapering, well set ; the point often forked; shoulders small, stalk stout. Berries, large oval ; skin tough, dark purple covered with large blue bloom ; flesh thick, greenish, tender, and sweet. Said to be a cross between Muscat of Alexandria and Black Morocco. RED MUSCAT OF FRONTIQNAN (syn. Grizzly Frontignan, Mus- catel-Constantia in W.A.). A round red or tawny Muscat grape. Season: mid season (3rd period). Merits: first-rate in quality, but rather small ; makes a luscious wine. Vine : growth strong, free and ripening freely; very fruitful. Wood: spreading shoots of a brown red colour, thick but short interno- ^* , -* ~- * 6 856 24 \ xl2| x 8 Cubic Content* 20 X 15 X 10 Contents 2,299^ Inches x 14-i x 1% 11$ X 13 X Cubic Contents 2.457 Inches Cubes shown are drawn to scale from cases containing fruit imported from the several Australian States. 358 opened would display a broad array of fruit, only one breadth of stuff (11 inches) need be used, which would be cut from waste, effecting a saving in quality of timber and in the time required in manipulating lesser widths, also in nails and time consumed driving; further, in time and material taken in making the three .additional cases required to hold a ton of fruit according to Tas- manian dimensions. If necessary 5|-inch wide timber could be used in making both full and half size cases, the ends of the full- sized cases being held together by metallic dowells." Mr. Grapes also suggests turning the central division with the grain of wood at right angles with the grain of the end pieces, thus absolutely preventing the splitting of packages by rough handling and spilling the contents. The depth of the half-case (5| inches) closely approaches the depth (5f inches) of the Calif ornian fresh peach, plum, and apricot package, and their grape case of 5 inches in depth. The depth of the quarter-case of 12| inches varies but ^ inch from the standard Californian cherry box, with a depth of 3 inches, and would be found very suitable for packing the more tender berries. Whatever shape of package is used the cases should be clean, and neatly branded at one end with the name of the fruit, the grower's address, and the weight or the number of fruits the case contains. Experiments have been arranged by this Department to test the value of shea-oak (Gasuarina) and other suitable local timber for case-making, and it is hoped that the cost of fruit packages to the growers may thus be reduced. Several of our most enter- prising growers have already tested red gum and other timber, but as a rule these cases have been found heavier than deal, more easily split when driving nails, and it is not yet demonstrated whether they will stand slinging and rough usage as does the softer and more yielding deal. RULES FOR EXHIBITIONS AND JUDGING. In regard to exhibition and judging of fruit at our shows, little or no method seems to direct either horticultural societies, exhibitors, or judges. Chaos, confusion, and arbitrary choice govern the whole arrangement and judging, and the public, instead of deriving instruction from the display, go away in no way benefited by the educational purpose of the show. In order to bring method into the management of fruit shows, and as a guide to the judges, I give here a set of rules culled from the codes of three prominent American horticultural societies, viz., 359 the American Pomological Society, the Massachusetts Horticultural Society, and the Michigan Horticultural Society : For Exhibitors. (i.) A plate of fruit, unless otherwise specified, must contain five specimens, no more or less. Of those usually designated " small fruits," the exhibit must be one pint of each variety. Of crab-apples, apricots, and plums, one dozen of each variety ; of dried fruits, one quart of each separate variety or article. Jellies, canned, pickled, and preserved fruits may be entered and shown in glass vessels of such character and capacity as are commonly employed for family or market purposes. (2.) Articles when entered, named, and arranged for exhi- bition will henceforth be strictly under the control of the officers in charge of the exhibition, and neither exhibitors nor spectators will be permitted to handle them, except by permission of the proper officer. (3.) To insure examination by the proper committees, all fruits must be correctly and distinctly labelled, and placed upon the table before the exhibition opens. Indefinite appellations such as "pippin," " sweeting," " greening," etc., will not be considered as names. Grapes grown on girdled vines cannot compete for a prize. (4.) Entries may be made for exhibition without competition ; and, if worthy, the awarding committee is expected to notice them properly in its reports. (5.) No article entered for. competition in one class will be permitted to compete for a prize in any other ; the same variety, however, but not the same specimens, may compete for both special and regular prizes, or for a prize in another class. (6.) The exhibitor will receive from the secretary an entry card, which must be placed with the exhibit, when arranged for exhibitions, for the guidance of the judges. (7.) All articles placed upon the tables for exhibition must remain in charge of the society till the close of the exhibition, to be removed sooner only upon express permission of the person or persons in charge. 360 (8.) Fruits or other articles to be given away to visitors, or others, will be assigned a separate room, or tent, in which they may be dispensed at the pleasure of the exhibitor, who will not, however, be permitted to sell and deliver articles therein, or to call attention to them in a boisterous or disorderly manner. For the Guidance of Judges. (i.) In estimating the comparative values of exhibits, judges are instructed to base such estimates strictly upon the varieties in such collections which shall have been correctly named by the exhibitor prior to the time of judging. (2.) In awarding prizes, judges should exclude any and all unlabelled and incorrectly labelled specimens, as well as duplicates, and consider : 1st. The value of the varieties for the required purpose, as given in the society's catalogue of fruits ; 2nd. The colour, size, and evenness of the specimens ; 3rd. Their freedom from the marks of insects and other blemishes ; 4th. The apparent carefulness in handling, and the taste displayed in the arrangement of the exhibit. (3.) In the case of fruits not named in the catalogue, for dessert, judges should consider: 1st. Quality; 2nd. beauty ; 3rd. Size. For culinary uses : 1st. flavour, 2nd. 'Texture ; 3rd. Size. For market : 1st. Pro- ductiveness ; 2nd. Colour ; 3rd. Handling qualities ; 4th. Suitable, even size. (4.) The society desires to encourage the planting of only a sufficiently large variety of sorts for a desired purpose and adapted to the natural conditions of the district. Hence it is important that the committee, in their reports, specify, in the order of their value, for that particular locality, the varieties upon which the determination o.f their awards is based. (5.) Useful and valuable varieties only are expected to influence awards, while indifferent sorts, even though large, showy, and attractive, should not, for these reasons above, be held to add to the value of an exhibit, except, possibly, as a means of education. (6.) Prizes will not be awarded when the articles are judged unworthy. SCALES OF POINTS FOR JUDGING FRUITS. The following scales of points for use in the adjudication of prizes for fruits at agricultural shows will serve as a guide for judges. The score may slightly differ so as to give more or less 361 prominence to the special featmes for which any class qf fruit may be grown in a particular locality : Pomaceous Fruits (Apples, Pears, Quinces) Points. Adaptability 10 Period of maturity 10 Handling ... ... ... ... ... 5 Blemishes ... ... ... ... ... 10 Skin, evenness of surface, shape ... 10 Keeping qualities ... ... ... ... 15 Colour 10 Eichness, flavour, and texture 10 Size 5 Core, with seeds ... ... ... ... 5 Cooking- qualities, if a kitchen variety . . 10 100 Stone Fruits Adaptability 10 Period of maturity ... ... ... 10 Handling ... ... ... ... ... 10 Blemishes 10 Skin, shape, and colour 10 Eichness, flavour, and texbure 10 Pit or seeds ... ... ... ... 5 Sweet or dessert ... ... ... ... 10 Acid or cooking ... ... ... ... 10 Carrying qualities ... ... ... 15 100 Tomatoes Vigour of plant ... ... ... ... 5 Earliness ... ... ... ... ... 10 Productiveness ... ... ... ... 15 Shape of fruit ... ... ... ... 15 Texture and solidity ... ... ... 15 Size 10 Colour of fruit 10 Flavour and seeds ... ... ... 10 Blemishes ... ... ... ... ... 10 100 Grapes Flavour and richness ... ... ... 10 Size of bunch ... ... ... ... 10 Form of bunch ... ... ... ... 5 Size and uniformity of berry ... ... 10 Skin and bloom ... ... ... ... 10 Colour 5 Firmness and texture ... ... ... 10 Seeds 10 Keeping qualities 10 Adherence to stem ... ... ... 5 Blemishes ... ... ... ... ... 15 100 362 Oranges (score adopted by the Califormaii State of Horti- culture) Points. Size 10 Form ... ... ... ... ... 5 Colour 15 Peel 10 Weight 10 Fibre ... 8 Grain 4 Seed 8 Taste 30 100 Size : Large, 3|in. diameter ; medium, 2f in. diameter ; small, 2f in. diameter ; Tangerines, etc., 2Jin. diameter. Three- eighths inch excess of standard allowed (without discount) to "medium" and " small" fruit; Jin. ditto, to " large " ; one unit discount for each deficiency in any size. Form : Standard. Round, oval, ovate, pyriform. Discounts for lack of symmetry and for form blemishes. Navel marks not to be discounted, except when of abnormal size or of bad form. Colour: Subdivisions. Bloom, 2'; of peel, 10; of flesh, 3. Standard. Bloom to be perceptible and to be dis- counted according to degree of deficiency, or of injury thereto ; peel to be rich, deep orange colour, in natural condition, and to be discounted according to degree of deviation therefrom one or more points. Rust, scale, and smut to be discounted 5 to 10 points, and fruit that gives visible evidence of having been cleaned of the same to be subject to equal penalty. Also peel that has been rubbed or ''polished," giving gloss at expense of breaking or pressing the oil-cells, to suffer some dis- count. Flesh to be rich, clear, and uniform in any of the shades common to fine fruit. (Omit consideration of "flesh colour" until after concluding " peel.") Peel : Subdivisions. Finish, 3 ; protective quality, 7. Standards. Of finish, smoothness, and uniformity of surface, and pleasant touch ; protective quality, firm and elastic texture ; abundant, compact, and unbroken oil-cells ; and \ to ^in. thickness. Discount, 1 point for first ^\iu. above maximum or below minimum, and 2 points for second ditto, pro- vided that for too long-picked and fully "cured" oranges the minimum shall be lowered to -^in. ; and that to fresh-picked and to slightly " cured " "large" fruit the maximum shall be raised to Jin. Breaking 363 of oil-cells, abrasions of peel, and drying of same, to be subject to 1 to 10 discounts, according to degree. (Here consider "colours of flesh.") Weight: Standard. Specific gravity, 1 (equal to that of water), with buoyancy of foz. allowed to "large" fruit, |oz. ditto to " medium," and joz. to " small," all without discount. One point to be discounted for first \oz. of buoyancy in excess of allowance, and thereafter 2 points for each additional Joz. Note. Buoyancy may be easily determined by clasping apothecaries' weight to fruit with light rubber elastics, and then placing in water. Fibre : Standards. Septa, delicate and translucent ; maxi- mum diameter of core, ^in. in " large " fruit, and |in. in others. Grain : Standards. Fineness, firmness, compactness. Seed : Standard. Absence of discount, 1 point for each of first 3 seeds ; ditto thereafter, \ point for each additional. Each rudiment considered as a seed if any growth has been developed ; otherwise allowed without dis- count. Taste : Subdivisions. Sweetness, 10 ; citrous quality, 10 ; aroma, 10. Standards. Clearness and definability of elements ; sweetness, rich, delicate, rather than heavy ; citrous quality pronounced ; aroma, pervasive and agreeable. Deficiency or absence to be cause for discounts against any element, and excess to be like cause against sweetness, and against acid in citrous quality. Staleness and flavours of age or of decay to be discounted from the aggregate of points in this direction. Lemons Points. Size 7 Form 3 Colour ... ... ... ... ... 10 Peel '. ... 10 Weight 10 Fibre 8 Grain... ... ... ... ... ... 4 Seed 8 Taste 40 Size : Standards. Large, 2f in. diameter ; medium, 2f in. diameter; small, IJin. diameter. Large fruit to be discounted 1 point for each Jin. in excess ; smaller to be discounted 1 point for If in., and 4 points for l|in. 364 Form : Standard. Oblong, with allowance of well-formed points at stem and tip. Symmetry required. Colour : Standard. Bright, clear lemon. Discounts according to degree of green splashes, dashes of bronze, or deep shades, or for sunburn. .Rust, scale, and smut, with fruit that gives evidence of having been cleaned of the same, to be discounted 5 to 10 points. Rubbing or ' dusting, if heavy enough to press oil from the cells, to be causes for discount. Peel : Subdivisions. Finish, 3 ; protective quality, 7. Standards. For protective quality to be strong, elastic, and reasonably firm texture ; abundant, compact, and unbroken oil cells, and thickness of -^ to ^gin. To be discounted 2 points for first -^-in. below minimum, and 5 points for the second ditto ; and 1 point for first -gVin. above maximum, and 2 for each succeeding ditto. Fresh picked lemons not allowed. Weight: Standard. Specific gravity (equal to that of water), with buoyancy of Joz. allowed to "large" lemons, and Joz. to " medium and small," all without discount. One point to be discounted for first ^oz. excess of allowance, and 2 for each Joz. thereafter. Fibre. Septa, delicate and translucent ; core not to exceed T 3 gin. in "large," and |in. in "medium " and " small " fruit. Grain: Standard. Fineness, firmness, compactness. To be water-coloured, shading to blue rather than to grey. Seed : Standards. Absence of 1 point to be discounted for each of first three seeds, and \ point thereafter for each additional. Rudiments to be considered as seed if any growth has been developed, otherwise allowed without discount. Taste : Subdivisions. Acidity, 20 ; aroina, 10 ; absence of bitterness, 10. In interstate competitions the standard of acidity shall be the highest per cent, of strength of acid found in any fruits determined by chemical test. In other com- petitions such tests may be applied as committees or competitors may require. Aroma shall be full and of clear quality. Bitterness to be determined by slicing the fruit (including peel) thin, covering with hot water, and cooling slowly ; to stand 24 hours when practicable. (No sugar to be used.) Should a trace of bitterness appear to the taste, discount 1 point ; should this be fairly defined, discount 2 points ; if pronounced, discount 5 points ; and if strong, 10 points. 365 Although I have given these rules in full, it is evident that close adherence to them would, at ordinary shows, be impracticable, and would involve an amount of time and consideration altogether out of reason. In case of a close finish however, the judges will find it advisable to follow these rules more closely, whilst even for a cursory examination, such as necessarily takes place a few moments before the opening of the exhibitions, these rules will enable the judging to be done with more method than is too often brought to bear in comparing exhibits one with another. THE OVERSEA FRUIT TRADE. Western Australia, on account of its particularly suitable climate and its singularly favourable geographical position, and the heavy planting which has taken place of late years, will, in the near future, enter the fruit exporting trade with every prospect of securing in the European markets a footing which will act as a further incentive to fruit-growing. Both Albany and Fremantle, the last ports of call of fruit- trading steamers, and of the mail steamers, are four days nearer the large European markets than is South Australia, six days nearer than Victoria, and eight or nine days nearer than either New South Wales or Tasmania. Apart from the immense advantage of quicker delivery, that of a better position in the hold of the steamer does, if past experience is a criterion, always militate in favour of the last shipped fruit. Then, a glance at the sale prices of apples shipped from the Eastern States have every year shown on an average an advantage of at least one shilling a case on apples shipped from Melbourne over those shipped from Hobart, and likewise of over a shilling a case on apples shipped at Adelaide over those placed on board at Melbourne. It must be remembered that West Australian apples, in addition to the fact that apples from the Eastern States are on the water from four to nine lays longer, are besides favoured to the extent of securing the best position in the ship's hold. The bottom layers naturally suffer the most so far as ventilation is concerned, and Sydney, Hobart, Melbourne, and Adelaide exporters are con- sequently forced to accept position in the order of the port of call. PACKING FRUIT FOR LONG SHIPMENT. Ever since the exploitation of the large oversea market has been suggested as an outlet for the surplus fruit crop of America or of the antipodes, shippers have been busily engaged experimenting with new and effective packing materials. Some interesting experi- ments from* which striking deductions can be drawn are worth recording. " The Gazette Agricole (France) gives the report of interesting experiments made to test the value of various methods used to 366 ensure the preservation of fruit before it is sent into towns. The following is the result of these trials : 1. Fruits wrapped in tissue- paper kept perfectly to the end of the trial ; they ripened steadily ; the fruits continued excellent in flavour and appearance. 2. In wood- wool, a new product consisting of fine shavings, very long and narrow, from Fir or Poplar, the pears and apples were well pre- served, but inferior to those of the preceding lot. 3* In barley- straw the fruit had neither spots nor a disagreeable scent, but it had lost its freshness, and maturity was more advanced than in lots 1 and 2. 4. Pears and apples kept in hay had a pronounced flavour of it ; they became spotty and rotten. 5. Sawdust yielded very bad results ; the fruits were spotted, withered, smelt of the wood, and were, in fact, unsaleable. 6. In fine wheat-straw the pears kept fairly well ; the apples on the contrary, withered ; all were mouldy in taste. 7. In dry leaves apples kept fairly well, but withered a little ; pears became very spotted and withered. 8. Fruits left on a fruit-room shelf were in moderately good condition ; but, placed in a warm room, this lot suffered most from decay. 9. Specimens packed in sand were perfectly preserved, but ripened less than under any of the other conditions ; this is the best method where fruits have to be kept for long ; before burying them in the sand it is advisable to wrap them in tissue-paper." Under the title of " A New Packing Material " the Gardener's Chronicle mentions an interesting experiment which took place some three years ago, in the matter of packing fruits in Victoria for ship- ment to England : " As is pretty generally known, apples and pears are now brought from the Cape of Good Hope and from the Australian colonies in boxes holding a bushel, which are stored on board ship in cool chambers. These chambers, or refrigerators, have been supplied by the steamship companies at a considerable outlay of money. The fruits are merely wrapped in tissue, and placed in the boxes. " Under this system, apples have for the most part come very successfully ; but pears have been less satisfactory. Occasionally there have been pears from the Antipodes that have reached this country in a sound condition, but numerous consignments have proved to be of little value, and the commission agent is never able to speak of such fruits or to gauge their value until they have been unpacked. The freight per bushel from Victoria to London for apples and pears so stored on board ship in cool chambers is 3s. 9d. " Such are the circumstances of the present system, and the amount of freight paid for passage. " And now for the experiment, for intelligence of which we are indebted to Mr. J. B. Thomas, well-known fruit salesman in Covent Garden, to whom the fruits which have been the subjects of experi- ment were addressed. " Instead of packing the apples wrapped in tissue only, in the case of several bushels that have recently arrived in London by the 367 s.s. Wakood, a quantity of abestos or a preparation of this sub- stance has been used. The fruits were wrapped in tissue as formerly, and afterwards embedded in the asbestos, each fruit being perfectly surrounded by this substance. Upon unpacking the case, the asbestos appeared to be caked, but it was easily broken up, and then appeared almost like flour. We should suppose, therefore, that the fruits would be air-tight under such conditions, and this will account for the fact that as we saw them they were perfectly sound, and in excellent condition, although five months had elapsed since they were packed in the boxes. The apples were grown by J. R. Warren, Mount Alexander Orchard, Harcourt, and Mr. J . M. Ely, Rosehill Gardens, Harcourt, both large Victorian fruit growers. They were packed and brought to this country under the direction of Mr. George Pontin, Church House, Yapton, Sussex. The apples .were gathered and packed previous to May 5 last, but owing to some objection, we believe on the part of the steamship companies, there was a delay of two months or more before shipment, and even then they travelled by the Cape route. The companies, naturally perhaps, object to the introduction of a new system of packing fruits that may render unnecessary the cool chambers that have cost so much money to provide. But such objections will, no doubt, be overcome, and if a syndicate be formed, as is now proposed, the system will be given a conclusive trial. The new system, should it answer to expectations, will possess several advantages. The fruit may then be stored in the hold of the ship, and the freight per bushel-case will be (5d. instead of 3s. 9d. ; but as the packing material will displace a quantity of the fruits in each package, it may be well for present purposes to describe the future freight of the fruit as Is. per bushel. It must be remembered also that the asbestos is a valuable material in England, and it will be sold here to as much advantage as will the apples. The result will be that the asbestos and fruit would be brought to England for less money than is now paid for the fruits alone. The apples will travel .as well or better, and it is thought they may be preserved after arrival here for weeks if necessary, providing that the cases be not opened in the meantime. And beyond the other considerations, it is hoped also that Victorian pears by this system may be placed on the English market without much risk of loss by decay." Under the name of the " Sutherland Process of Packing," a good deal was said a couple of years ago. The process is an adaptation of principles of packing which experience had demonstrated as favourable for the long keeping of fruit. It consists of wrapping each fruit excepting grapes in tissue paper, and packing them carefully in a case lined with a bag of tough-waxed paper, with folding flaps on the top. After the fruits are securely packed, these flaps are folded over and sealed by means of a hot iron run along the folded edges. An air-tight bag is thus secured, over which the head of the box is nailed down. In this way, the precipitated moisture from outside, which is condensed into droplets in the cool chambers, does not come into contact with 368 the fruit, which is stored at a temperature two or three degrees above freezing point. Although the chemical processes which go on during maturation are checked at these temperatures, yet decomposition is not stayed to the same extent, and the gases and germs and injurious juices which come out of any fruit which happen to decay inside that air-tight bag are thus brought into closer contact with the contents of the box. COLD STORAGE FOB FRUIT Constitutes at the present time one of the safest and cheapest methods of dealing with fruit at times of glut of the market. It is often, with fruit and other perishable products, either a feast or a famine, but with more precise knowledge regarding methods of picking and packing, and also of cold storage, which private as well as public commercial enterprise has placed within the reach of all, it is now practicable to withhold fruit from the market when it is most abundant and when prices are low, and offer it for sale with profit when it becomes scarce. The profits, however, are not so large as they would appear to some, and there are risks to face and costs to incur in holding a crop over. The fruit, for instance, must possess keeping qualities; some are of such a kind that nothing will prevent speedy deteriora- tion. Most summer apples, it is well known, will soon, however carefully handled, go mealy and rot ; most grapes are bad keepers ; strawberries will, under no circumstances, keep more than a couple of days or so. Moreover, the fruit may, on account of bad cultivation, rough handling, or attacks by insect pests and blights, fail to keep well, although the variety itself is known to possess good keeping qualities. To risks and losses due to the causes just enumerated must be added cost of handling, re-sorting, and re-packing, also, rent of cold storage room, which all tend to greatly reduce the profits to the grower or the dealer. The conditions required for preserving fruit in cold storage are pure, dry, cold air, and the following table, issued by the Kansas Experimental Station, shows the temperatures which, for certain products, give the best results : Product. Temp. F. Apples, summer ... 38-42 Apples, winter ... 32-35 Pears 33-38 Quinces ... 33-35 Peaches or Plums 36-40 Grapes 38-40 Berries, Cherries 40 Lemons and Oranges 40 Water Melons ... 40 Musk Melons 40 Tomatoes ... 38-40 Cucumbers 38-40 Celery . 35 Onions 34-40 Potatoes . . . 36-40 Asparagus or Cabbage 34-35 Package. Keeping period. boxes 2 to 4 months do. 5 to 8 do. 2 to 4 do. 3 to 4 crates 2 to 4 boxes 2 to 8 punnets . . boxes 1 to 3 8 to 12 3 to 6 2 to 3 crates 2 to 4 do. 1 to 3 369 For juicy summer fruit the value of cold storage is not so much for keeping them for any length of time as for tiding them over a glutted market. Such fruit, as strawberries and raspberries, should not be kept over a day or two. Grapes do not retain their flavour, bloom, or appearance if kept longer than a week or two. Of pears, some will keep well ; others, such as the Bartlett, may be put in early in the autumn, and stowed away in such a manner as will allow the cold air to circulate freely around them, and should be sold as soon as the market is relieved. There is then a good demand for them. Late peaches, firm and sweet, may be stored with profit. Apples, of all fruit, keep best, and moreover, improve by keeping in cold storage, but with whatever fruit is stored, success will depend on the kind, condition when gathered, care in handling, packing, method of storing, as well as the temperature at which it is kept. Two other conditions influence the keeping quality of fruit to a larger extent than most people imagine. One is the quality and amount of fertilising nutriment the tree draws from the earth during the period of its growth, and the other its freedom from attacks of parasites, the sort of blight affecting it, and its state of health generally. How TO COOL AND THAW FRTJIT. Fruit for export in cool chambers must not be placed hot and fresh from the fields into the cool chamber. Thorough " sweating " must precede, then sorting, wrapping in oiled paper, and placed in non- ventilated, insulated chambers, the temperature of which is slowly lowered to 35 to 40 F. This temperature must be uniformly maintained during the whole period of storage. Neglect of this condition caused, in the initial days of fruit transportation to distant markets, considerable damage and loss. On arrival at its destination, it is essential to the good keeping of that fruit that almost as much thought and time be given to its return to a normal temperature as was done when cooling it. This warming up should be slow, gradual, and carried out in a dry atmosphere. To lack of proper attention to these details is chargeable a good many of the failures in fruit shipment. SHIPMENT CHARGES. Hitherto shipping fruit from the Australian States to the London market has not proved a uniformly remunerative enter- prise. Apart from the heavy packing, shipping, and handling charges which are known beforehand, heavy losses have been sus- tained through circumstances which may be only guessed, but which nevertheless remain without reasonable explanation. Out of a shipment of 50 cases of carefully selected, graded, and packed fruit, for instance, 40 or so would sell at a remunerative price, whilst the remaining 10 would on opening show signs of decav, and would be sold at considerable loss. It is fortunate, 370 however, that competition in the fruit- carry ing trade has caused the shipping companies to pay closer attention to details which safeguard the interests of their customers, and every season shows less waste in the fruit cargoes shipped to the European markets. Some notes culled from reports from London agents or from shippers' notes will give an idea of the cost of shipping fruit from the Eastern States and of the risks attached : Says a London correspondent : " Oranges from Sydney, per Oceana, in June, had suffered severely from rains just prior to picking, and had been packed wet. Result, one-third consignment had to be classed second, third, and fourth grade, according as they contained 10 per cent, of unsaleable fruit, 15 per cent, and 20 to 25 per cent, of * waste ' (each grade worth Is. 3d. to Is. 6d. per grade per box). Under such circumstances it is wonderful that so large a percentage of fruit arrived sound. Oranges ought to be cut off the trees, and be allowed to dry for fully three days before being boxed up for shipment ; and it is also essential to their well- being on the voyage that they should be stowed so as to get a maximum of ventilation, in order to get rid of the gases which they throw off in such profusion." " Oranges for London as Ordinary Cargo. Mr. Charles Pitt, of Payneham, has kindly shown us (says the Garden and Field) account sales of several small shipments of oranges, packed in ordinary cases, and sent by the Lund's Line of steamers as ordinary cargo. The expenses on 50 cases were : Cases, wrapping, and cartage, Is. 3d. a case ; freight, wharfages, insurance, and other Adelaide charges, 2s. 7|d. ; and London charges, Is. 2|d. ; or a total of 5s. Id. per case. The fruit arrived in splendid condition at the beginning of September, and was sold by Messrs. John Osborne and Co., of Covent Garden Market, London, at a price which netted 3s. a case above the price the same fruit would have realised in Adelaide. We gather from the advices that the market was limited at the prices obtained. They were shipped through Messrs. Geo. Wills and Co., of Grenfell Street." " Shipments of Oranges and Lemons. The South Australian department's shipments for 1889-1900 of 200 cases realised a gross average of 14s. 2d. a case, prices ranging from 1 s. to 20s. per case. The average charges amounted to 4s. 8d. per case, making a net return of about 9s. 6d. per case." Shipment of Apples. The following account of sales and charges on a consignment of 50 cases of apples from Victoria gives an idea of the transaction on a particularly successful consignment : " The fruit was shipped through Melbourne agents recom- mended to me, says the shipper, by Mr. T. Lang of Harcourt, and from them I received on the 23rd May full credit for the net proceeds, less 12s. 6d., which is my Melbourne agent's charge for 50 cases at 3d. per case. For this 3d. my agents do everything. All I have to do is to despatch the fruit and send them advice of truck number. Every shipment is complete in itself, and wiped 371 out by a cheque the day after the London mail comes in. If I want any money advanced to me against value of freight or for freight, my agents advance and only charge me at the rate of 2| per cent, on what I get, not on gross proceeds. Out of curiosity I took a trip to Port Melbourne to watch one of the shipments go aboard, and I came away quite satisfied that my agents' 3d. per case was well earned and my interests well looked after. What more does a grower want ? And yet some of us sell fruit to speculators for shipment to London instead of shipping and collaring the profit themselves. I am sure these speculators do not buy our fruit for love of us, or ship it for pastime." Account sales of f50 cases fruit, steamer " Britannia," sold by W. Dennis and Sons, Covent Garden Market, London, by order and for account of Mr. H. Winklemann, Campbell's Creek : s. d. H. Winkelmann, 18, Dumelow Seedlings, 16s. 6d 14 17 H. Winkelmann, D, 1, Dumelow Seed- lings, wet 6s. 9d. 6 9 H. Winklemann, J, 18, Jonathan, 15s. ... 13 10 H. Winklemann, C, 1 0, Cleopatras, 20s. ... 10 H. Winklemann, R, 3, Reinette de Canada, 13s. 1 19 <40 12 9 or at the rate of 16s. 3d. per case. Charges. s. d. Railway carriage and case, Is. 3d. ... 3 2 6 Freight and disbursements, 50 cases 3s. 9d 976 Dock dues and conveyance to market, toll, porterage, and sale expenses, warehousing and fire insurance, 6d. 171 Marine insurance, ^d. ... ... ... 2 1 Commission and guarantee, 5 per cent. 207 .15 19 9 25 3 or 10s. per case net. The following shows Cost on a 50-Case Consignment of Lemons and Oranges from Sydney or Melbourne to Fremantle. s. d. Freight 1 6 Wharfage Inspection 4 Repacking ... ... ... ... ... 2 Carting and rail to Perth and Fremantle, agency fee ... ... ... ... ... 3 Loss, average, 10 to 15 per cent. Or total cost, about 2s. 9d. per half -case. 372 Cost of importing Double Cases (25 to 30 dozen) from Italy, on Consignments of at least 50 cases. s. d. Freight and transhipping Messina to Fre- mantle ... ... ... ... ... 49 Wharfage 1 Repacking ... ... ... ... ... 4 Cartage, etc. ... ... ... ... ... 3 Inspection ... ... ... ... ... 1 6 6 Duty, 10 per cent. Average loss, 15 per cent. Total cost of case, about 10s. Prices of Australian Apples and Pears in London. The following list gives the average prices for the last five years realised for the leading varieties of Australian apples which have arrived in London in good condition. The figures are taken from official figures supplied by the Victorian Government : s. d. s. d. Cleopatra " 12 to 18 6 Dunn's Seedling 12 6 18 Jonathan ... 11 6 18 6 Esopus Spitzenberg 12 16 6 Newtown Pippin 13 15 Five Crown Pippin 10 17 Cox's Orange Pippin ... ... . . 12 15 Dumelow's Seedling ... ... . . 11 6 14 Hoover 11 14 Annie Elizabeth 11 14 Rome Beauty 10 6 13 6 Scarlet Pearmain ... 12 14 Scarlet Nonpareil... 10 11 6 Bismark 10 13 6 Stone Pippin 10 14 Eymer ... 12 14 6 Ben Davis 11 13 Alfriston ' 11 14 6 King of Pippins 10 13 6 R. du Canada and other good varieties 8 6 11 Pears have not been shipped as extensively as have apples from the Eastern States of Australia, nor have the shipments been so successful. Several lots, however, have reached London in good condition, and those (unlike many others which were stowed indis- criminately among apples, and where the ventilation was not so good) were stowed near the air trunks at the sides of the chamber, where the temperature was cooler. It is therefore suggested that pears be stowed away by themselves, in a separate chamber, supplied with good ventilation, and where the temperature can be maintained at 2 or 3 lower. They should also be packed, as far as possible, in single layers in shallow boxes, which can then be placed three 373 together, and held in this way by cleats nailed on the sides. Some consignments thus treated sold at very good prices, as shown below, considering that each tray or shallow box would not contain half an ordinary case of fruit : s. d. 306 trays Vicar of Winkfield 6 Beurre Bose 2 Beurre d'Anjou ... 7 Autumn Bergamot 21 Beurre Clairgeau 55 Chaumontel 1 Beurre Capianmont 1 Glon Morceau 7 3 20 12 6 14 10 9 3 9 9 14 Shipment Charges on Wine. Western Australia has not yet entered the field as a wine exporter ; the local market has hitherto absorbed the local production. That we must at no distant date look in some measure to export for the marketing of our wines is however evident. The wine export trade is every year reaching greater develop- ment in the Eastern States. There the owner has the alternative of selling to agents of London firms f.o.b. at the port of shipment, or of shipping on their own account. The following information, supplied by Mr. A. J. Perkins, Gov- ernment Yiticulturist, South Australia, gives, on the cost of handling and marketing a large parcel of wine shipped from Adelaide, an idea of the charges which may reasonably be expected to be incurred. " The shipment comprised 120 hhds., or 6,880 gals., of a common rather full-bodied red wine, which reached London on the 24th November, 1897. It was stored at the Government Wine Depot, and was sold in three different parcels, at the following periods : First lot, in December, 1897 ; second lot, in February, 1898 ; third lot, in April, 1898. The total amount for charges for storage, treatment, sale, etc., incurred in London amounted to <50 19s. 2d., or about Ifd. per gal. ; for freight, insurance, Port Adelaide expenses, etc., about <149 17s. lOd. were incurred, or about 5jd. per gal. ; the value of the casks may be represented at 4|d. per gal. ; and carriage to Port Adelaide at about l|d. per gal. (this last figure will, of course, vary with the distance of the cellars of the shipper to the Port). The total expenditure involved may be scheduled as follows : s. d. London charges ... ... ... ... ... If per gallon Freight and Port Adelaide charges, net ... 5 Value of casks 4 Carriage to Port Adelaide ... ... ... 1 Total expenses ... 11 per gallon shipped. 374 " The wine in question was by no means up to the standard of quality of our better wines, and yet it realised in. London about 2s. 9d. to 2s. lOd. per gallon, leaving at the cellar door a net return of from Is. 8d. to Is. 9d. per gallon." Producers have, besides getting bed-rock value f.o.b. at port of shipment from London buyers, been subjected in the past to some- what arbitrary treatment, the price offered being, according to the prevailing practice, subject to modification should the wine reach London in condition that the buyer considers unsatisfactoiy. The seller has, besides, in many cases to make good in London the ullage of the casks, the shrinkage amounting to about one gallon per hogshead. Such a system of dealing will, no doubt, in course of time be brought more into line with the generally accepted rules of everyday business transactions. Under present practice the seller has no proportionate share into any extra profit derived by the buyer on any particularly successful shipment, whereas, on the other hand, should the quality of the wine not come up to a loosely defined standard of which the buyer is the sole arbiter, the seller is liable for any resulting loss. WINE MAKING. Vintage commences with us late in January in the earlier districts, and continues until sometime in April in those localities situated in the cooler Southern districts, or at a higher altitude on the Darling Ranges. Before describing the process whereby the sweet juice of the grape is transformed into wine, a few words about the vessels, machinery, and appliances used in wine making will not be out of place. A FERMENTING SHED is, in the first instance, provided for the manufacture of wine. Such a structure need not be a costly one, but it is desirable that it be roomy, high, and well aerated. Plenty of room must be provided for the crushing machine, presses, fermenting vats, pumps, sieves, tubs, and other necessary appliances. During the process of fermentation there is a rise of tem- perature which may be prejudicial to the successful fermentation of the wine, and to the alcoholic strength of the newly made wine. For that reason a shed which can be well aerated, and which at night can be left open to the cool breezes so as to counteract the rise of temperature, is preferable to the old-fashioned, costly fer- menting houses made of thick walls, with little ventilation. A capacious galvanised iron shed about 30 feet wide, and, according to the amount of grapes to be handled, from 40 to 60 feet 375 long, with sides 10 feet high to the wall plates, and a gable afford- ing another few feet in the centre will answer the purpose ad- mirably. In this all the machinery and fermenting vessels can be com- fortably lodged. One more condition must not be overlooked : the fermenting shed must be one apart from the maturing cellars, lest the germs of fermentation which, during wine making, float about in abundance in the air, get access to and disturb the wine of previous years. As a good deal of water is used about the fermenting shed, both before and during wine making, the surroundings should be so drained that there is no accumulation of dirty liquids, which would foul the air. The building should not be damp, as moulds are not only injurious to casks and other wooden vessels, but also cause the wine to become tainted during future keeping. CASKS AND VATS. Two classes of materials are more commonJy used in the con- struction of these vessels, viz., wood and bricks and cement. Timber for Wine Casks and Vats. The wood best suited for coopering work is the oak, which, in that capacity, stands without rival. Of oaks some are more suitable than others. The best variety is a sub- variety of Quercus robur, or European oak, viz., Quercus pedunculata, or Slavonian oak, from the forests of Croatia, Hungary, and Russia, where its grows on the alluvial flats flooded by the Danube. The soil of these flats is exceptionally suitable for the growth of the oak tree, which, for the purposes of shipbuilding, cabinet and joiners' work, and for coopering, must embody special features. This oak supplies these requirements, which are: equal proportions and dimensions and qualities, show the compactness, uniformity, and elasticity of the fibres, and the absence of knots and borer holes. Apart from these physical properties, it also contains a fair propor- tion of tannin and a special sugar called " quercite," which has on the wine a very beneficial effect, causing it to clear readily, and imparting to it a peculiar but faint fragrance, without at the same time adding to it an excess of extracted matter, which is to be found in chestnut and other timber. Amongst other kinds of oaks used by coopers are also the Burgundy oak, the Dantzig or Mem el oak, and the American oak. The latter, which is useful for providing those wider boards through which manholes are cut out in the larger sized casks, is less compact than the Slavonian or Dalmatian oak, and it also at first imparts a somewhat bitterish taste to the wine. Besides the oak, other timbers, such as the chestnut, the acacia, and the redwood of California (Sequoia), supply wood suitable for staves. 376 Amongst Australian woods, the mountain ash (Eucalyptus sieberiana) of Gippsland and New South Wales, from the mountains of South-Eastern Australia, supplies an excellent wood for fermenting vats or for large casks. It splits freely and smoothly, and is easy to work. For small casks, with thin staves, th s timber does not do so well, being rather soft and porous. This timber has for a long time been used by Mr. P. E. Fallon, of Albury Vineyard, in his cellar, as well as for casks sent to his bottling works in Sydney. For vats, either for fermenting or when headed up, for storing- wine, the two leading West Australian timbers, karri (E. diversi- color) and jarrah (E. marginata), are much used in South Aus- tralia as well as in Western Australia. Of the two, karri is more elastic. Their worst features are their tendency to warp, and their heavy density. It is said that if felled towards the end of summer, jarrah will be less given to warp. The first grows in the fertile and humid valleys in the neighbourhood of Cape Leeuwin, the second on the ironstone ranges of the coastal region of the State. Amongst other timbers which have been used in Australia for coopering work are : The silver wattle of South-East Australia and Tasmania (Acacia dealbata), well spoken of by Mr. J. D. Lankester, of Ettamogah, Albury. The silky oak (Grevillea robusta), which gives an elastic and durable wood, valued particularly for staves of casks. Mr. Th. Hardy, of South Australia, reports having placed shavings of this wood in light wines for several months without affecting their taste or colour in any way. The white beech (Gmelina Leickhardtii) of East Australia, which supplies a wood of shining paleness, not liable to rend. Mr. John Wyndham, of Dalwood, Hunter River, spoke well of this wood, which shrinks but little. Mr. E. Wyndham, of Buckalla, Inverell, considers it suitable for large storing casks, but its soft- ness unfits it for the smaller casks in which wine is sent to market. Theblackwood (Acacia Melanoxylon) of South-East Australia, is also used for casks, but requires previous seasoning and long soaking. The wood bends readily under steam, and does not warp and twist. The Tasmanian myrtle : a close-grained timber, taking a good surface. This timber has been used for shipping wine by some of the large Rutherglen vinegrowers, who say that it does not impart any foreign flavour to the wine. The kauri pine (Dammara Australis) of the North Island of New Zealand, supplies an excellent straight-grained timber, excellent for vats, and sometimes used for heads of strong casks, but requires thorough seasoning to extract the resinous extracts, which give a mawkish taste to the wine stored in them. 377 Size of Casks. The size of casks used for shipping wine differs according to the different producing countries, thus : Extreme size. Contents. Port wine pipe ...... 58in. x 34in. ... 113 gallons hogshead . . . 37in. x 30in. ... 56 gallons Sherry butt ...... 50in. x 35in. ... 108 gallons hogshead ...... 38in. x 28in. . . . 54| gallons Marsala pipe ...... 65in. x 32in. ... 91 gallons hogshead ... ... 41in. x 25in. . . . 45 gallons Brandy pipe ... ... 52in. x 34in. ... 104 gallons hogshead ...... 40in. x 28in. ... 57i gallons Bum puncheon ...... 42in. x 36in. ... 91 gallons Claret hogshead ...... 36in. x 34in. ... 50 gallons The larger storage casks somewhat vary in shape and size, but for the guidance of those about to enlarge their cellars or build new ones, I give here the extreme sizes of some useful casks made from Memel oak : Thickness of Capacity. Wood. Dimensions. head. staves. 300 gallons ... lin. x l^in. ... 5ft. lOin. x 4ft. 9in. 500 ... Hin. x l^in. ... 5ft. lOin. x 5ft. 6in. 750 ... 2in. x 2in. ... 5ft. lOin. x 6ft. 1000 ... 2^in. x 2in. ... 5ft. lOin. x 7ft. 2in. Besides these casks, known as " round " casks, it is often found expedient to store wine in " oval " casks, which economises storage room. The dimensions of these vessels are as follow : 750 gallons .,. 2in. x 2in. ... 5ft. lOin. x 5ft. 6in. x 6ft. 9in. 1000 ... 2iin. x 2in. ... 5ft. lOin. x 5ft. 9in. x 8ft. 6in, Theoretically, the square casks, viz., the casks with the diameter at the bulge equivalent to the length of the cask, is the strongest, as if too high, as is the case in oval casks, the greater pressure some- times causes wine to leak at the cross groove. Gauging Casks. is the process of mensuration for finding the quantity of liquid any vessel is capable of holding, and also for finding its actual contents when partly full. Several methods are used which, in practice, are found sufficiently correct. RULE. To find the capacity of a cask in gallons : Add T 7 ^ (if the difference is very small add instead of *7), the difference of the head and bung diameter to the head diameter ; multiply the square of the sum bV the length (all in inches) ; multiply the product for U.S. gallons by "0034, for Imperial gallons by '0028. 378 Gauging a, Cask. Example : The inside dimensions of a cask being length; 40in., bung diameter 30in., head diameter 21 in., find its capacity in U.S. and also in Imperial gallons : [21 + (30 - 21 x -7) ] 2 x 40 27'3 2 = 745-29 745-29 x 40 x -0034 = lOlf U.S. gallons. 745-29 x 40 x '0028 = 84 Imperial gallons. . Another method which gives results practically correct is by means of the diagonal gauge rod. It offers the advantage of doing away with calculations. These measuring rods are square rules four feet to five feet long. They are divided into Imperial gallons and fractions. It is diagonally inserted through the bunghole into the cask as shown in A.B., and a reading of the number of gallons is taken, just under the bung stave. Next take a reading in the opposite direction, to check the first reading. Should the two tally the contents are known at once, but should there be a difference between the two readings, an average is- struck. A proper gallon-measuring gauge is not always handy, and in that case an ordinary rod, showing linear inches, may be substituted for it. The cask being carefully measured as above from the lower surface of the bunghole stave to the lower junction of head and bilge stave. The rule in that case is : Cube the contents, and multiply by -00226 for gallons. Example : A cask measured as above shows 25 inches ; find the contents in gallons : 25 s X -00226 = 15625 X '00226 = 35'4 gallons. When the volume of small casks of wine is required, it is often found easier to find its contents by weighing than by measuring. A gallon of wine is known to weigh lOlbs., so that the gross weight of the cask from which the weight of the empty cask is deducted will give, when divided by 10, the number of gallons of wine. Thus, say, the cask weighs, when full, 5851bs., and empty, 701bs., the difference divided by 10 gives 5H gallons. To SEASON CASKS. A " woody " taste very often taints what would otherwise have been a good wine. It is too often surmised that because a cask has just left the hands of the cooper, and is made of new wood, it is fit- to receive wine straight away. Casks are at times injudiciously ordered at the last moment from the cooper, and the consequence is that they are too often botched for want of time, or made of green timber should the supply of seasoned oak happen to run short ; or again, the picking of the grapes is, on account of non-delivery of 379 sufficient caskage at the right time, delayed beyond the time they should have been gathered. The casks at last arrive, and it may be on the faith of a state- ment from the cooper that the timber has been seasoned and the casks steamed, they are filled straight away ; as a matter of fact, the staves are still full of sappy and resinous matters, easily extracted by the alc6hol in the wine, which will, unless removed, impart to the first wine with which they come in contact an un- pleasant and woody taste. Several methods are used for seasoning the timber : (i.) Fill the cask or the vat, as the case may be, with water hot preferably in which is dissolved lOlbs. of common salt for every 100 gallons capacity, and let it stand for a day or two ; then run the water out and rinse the cask well with pure water. (2.) Another method, which is even better, consists in filling the vessel with water either cold or tepid and adding a handful of washing soda or of potash for every 50 gallons capacity. Let stand for several days ; run out the liquid, which will have extracted a brown colour from the wood. Fill with clean water, let stand for a day or so, then run it out. If the water is quite colourless, let the cask drain. For every 100 gallons capacity, make hot one gallon of a sound wine, pour into it and bung lightly, and roll the cask about for a day or so to give time to the spirit to penetrate the pores of the new wood ; then drain out all the wine and fill with sulphurous fumes, drive the bung or the plug in, and the cask is then ready for use. Rectified spirit can be used instead of hot wine, but care must then be taken that no burn- ing sulphur match is used for sulphuring, as the sudden expansion of the alcoholic vapour would cause an explosion. If the vessel is too large to conveniently fill with water, use a more concentrated solution, and wash the sides every now and again by using a broom ; this will extract much colour and resinous matter from the wood. To season new oak casks for export, pour into them a bucket of hot water, with a handful of washing soda, and turn about for four days; then run this out and wash twice with fresh water; then pour some good sound lye into them and sulphur heavily, and after two days wash again and sulphur, and the cask is ready to receive the most delicate wine. CLEAN CASKS. It may be said that wine-making commences at the moment the ripe grapes reach the cellar and the berries are crushed and 380 separated from their stalks. Preparatory to vintage, and before the first bunch of grapes is picked, the wine-grower should have all his casks thoroughly overhauled, examined, rinsed out, brushed, and sulphured. Amongst the several diseases that affect wine, mouldiness and acetification can, in almost every instance, be traced back to dirty and tainted casks, and acetification, lactic fermentation, or the mannitic disease, ropiness, etc., to defective fermentation. In every case of disease of wine, it may be said prevention is easy, and cure very of ten beyond practicable reach. For that reason it is absolutely necessary to secure the utmost cleanliness of all vessels grape- mill, press, hose and pumps used for handling the juice of the grape at the various stages of wine- making. Casks and tubs may be deeply tainted with the most trouble- some germs of maladies of wine and at the same time appear clean on the surface. A mere scrubbing with a hard brush and water will often clean a cask temporarily, but the meshwork of mycelial threads of moulds, which are in reality its growing roots, and which have penetrated more or less deeply into the pores of the wood, have not by that simple method of scrubbing been destroyed, and a few days after such a superficial cleaning the mould will creep out of the wood as bad as ever before. When breaking some old cask down, we often notice on the inside of the staves some hollow blisters caused during the process of bending the staves ; behind these lurk the germs of lactic or acetic fermentation as well as that of other diseases destructive to wine, and the best way of getting at them is by using steam. That part of the cask immediately around the bung hole should receive more particular attention, as it is often overlooked. It is from this spot that the acetic germs generally start invading the cask. DISCOLOURING CASKS. Large red wine casks which cannot be filled with water are not easily discoloured. Even frequent washings are not sufficient for penetrating the crust which covers the staves. Such casks should be thoroughly scraped inside. If possible, they should be filled with water, to which is added two or three quarts of sulphuric acid per 1,000 gallons, -and left in soak for a week or so. Whenever practicable it is advisable to turn steam into the cask and then wash thoroughly. It is advisable, when acidulated water is used, to grease the taps and other metallic parts which might be corroded by the acid. How TO DISINFECT CASKS. 1st. Steam is the best mould and germ destroyer that can be used. It penetrates deep into the pores and cracks of the wood, effectively destroying all living organisms ; it also leads to the 381 detection of any flaw or crack in defective vessels, and soon causes the shrunken staves to swell and any leakage to stop in what may be otherwise sound casks. Steaming Cask. 2nd. Chlorine Gas. For casks, for every 100 gallons capacity pour into the vessel 162 grammes (2ozs.) of chloride of sodium (common salt), or of chloride of lime, dissolved in a gallon of boiling water ; to this add a small quantity of sulphuric acid, drive in the bung and let the chemical reaction set in inside the cask. Under the influence of the sulphuric acid, chlorine fumes are dis- engaged from the chloride and effect a complete disinfection. This chlorine gas, however, should be got rid of before putting any wine into the cask, on account of its strong irritating action on the tissues of the digestive organs, and also of its pronounced bleaching action, which would decolourise the wine. The method, although very efficacious, needs to be applied with a certain amount of care. The addition to the common salt of one ounce or so of powered black oxide of manganese causes a more ready evolution of the chlorine gas at a lower temperature, and is for that reason an advantage. The chlorine gas combines with the hydrogen of the water and liberates the oxygen, which is then said to be nascent, and in that state combines with the vegetable tissues of any mould which may be present, and causes their destruction. 382 3rd. Another method, which also answers well and is applic- able to tubs and open vats, consists in carefully washing, scrubbing, and whitewashing inside with a lime wash made of two pounds of quicklime to every 100 gallons capacity of the vessel, just sufficient water being added to reduce it to the constituency of thin paint, viz., about two gallons. The lime wash is left to stand and dry for a few days, and is then washed off. A small quantity of sulphuric acid added to the water will help in dissolving the lime inside the casks where the brush cannot reach. 4th. The following method, too, I have often advised, and whenever it has been practised no taint has spoilt the wine through bad caskage, viz. : The empty cask, if a large one, has its door removed, a man gets in, and a couple of bucketsful of water are thrown into it ; with a straw broom the inside is scoured all round and the dirty water swept out into a tub left purposely standing below the manhole to collect it. If there are indications that the cask is sour or mouldy, a gallon or two of a solution of sulphuric acid one part, in water twelve to fifteen parts, is carefully poured into the cask the acid being poured into the water, and not the water on to the acid, which would cause splashings and with the long-handled broom the cellarman, using every precaution not to get splashed by the acid, rinses every part of the inside of the cask. This acid solution, although dirty looking after once using, may still be utilised for washing more casks, and for that purpose it is carefully syphoned out into a small keg or a wooden bucket. This syphoning must only be done by one who knows how to do it without getting any of the liquid into his mouth, as this would result in severe burning and much harm being done to the teeth. For this reason I would caution any raw hand at that kind of work against using the acid at all, and applying instead some simpler, if not as efficacious, method of disinfecting the casks. This is followed by a couple of bucketsful of hot water in which a few handfuls of washing soda (one pound per gallon of water) are thrown, for a 500-gallon cask, or a little more for a 1,000-gallon vessel. With the aid of a hard brush some very serviceable hard brushes for scrubbing casks, made of steel wires and coarse fibres, will be found useful both heads, as well as the interior of the casks all round, are thoroughly scrubbed. By the time the scrubbing is done the water looks very dirty and of a washy coffee colour, especially if the cask has previously contained red wine. This dark wash is, in its turn, swept out of the cask, and two fresh bucketsful of hot water and soda are thrown in, the operation of scrubbing being repeated. This wash having been swept out, the cask is well rinsed with clean water, then allowed to drain and dry. The next day a piece of sulphur rag is burnt in it, the door replaced and screwed well home, and the plug driven in. Care should be taken to save the hands] from contact with the caustic soda or acid washes recommended. 383 STJLPHTJEING CASKS. Sulphuring should be repeated every two months or so if the cask is left empty. Should the cask be wet at the time of sulphur- ing, hydrogen sulphide would be produced, which would impart to the wine an abominable smell of rotten eggs. The object of sulphuring casks, as all those who have any experience of cellar work know, is to consume all air out of them and thereby check the appearance of the germs of acetic fermentation and other diseases of the wine which are dependent on the oxygen in the air for life. SLACK CASKS. When overhauling empty casks stored away in a hot, dry shed, sometime before vintage, they are generally slack from being empty for a long time ; the staves have shrunk, and the hoops have either fallen off or will do so unless the casks are carefully handled. When casks thus get slack, the sulphur fumes they contained escape and dissipate into the air, and moulds not infrequently penetrate, and grow in patches inside as well as between the staves. Such casks should be treated as explained when dealing with mouldy casks. The hoops of these slack casks must be driven before the casks are cleaned. This must be done cautiously, or else when the cask is filled with wine the expansion of these shrunken staves and the head of the cask will be such as to buckle and warp, or the strain on the hoops is so considerable that they occasionally snap and much wine is lost before the contents can be saved. For this purpose drive the hoops lightly to prevent the cask falling to pieces, put a bucket of hot water into it ; this hot water will often run out of the vessel in a short time ; repeat the operation, and the leaks will soon take up. It is only occasionally that the hoops have to be driven hard. FLAGGING. Flagging. Sugar matting is often used ; it is first moistened to make it limp and prevent breaking, and is then split into two faces before using. The flagging is done with the help of a flagging iron, by means of which the end of the staves at the head are pressed apart. For that purpose, the two top hoops are taken off, and the third hoop may have to be loosened, just enough to save the head falling through. It is a good plan to mark with a pencil or with chalk the leaky spots. For a longitudinal flag, press out one stave and insert the split flag lengthways, double it if the fissure is large, and let the lower end of the flagging material come out where a hoop will cover it. For a circular flag, around the rim of the head piece, put in the moistened flagging material stave at a time, using for so doing the flagging iron and also a blunt hard wood wedge. 384 For a leak between head and chime, the flagging material is carefully inserted into the groove of the stave. CRACKED STAVES. Kepeated use of the cask often damages one or more of the staves or the bung hole. If the bung hole is slightly splintered but not quite unsound, carefully drive down a bung, and treat like a cracked stave. For that purpose, first work a little white lead into the crack, then place a piece of brown paper over it, and cover the brown paper with a piece of sheet lead cut the required size. Instead of white of lead, a paste made by boiling a little linseed is used, and this is covered as described. The sheet lead is tacked round, all creases being carefully hammered out, commencing at one end and proceeding to the other, as the tacking is done. The tacks of course should not be too large. KEEPING WOODEN VATS IN GOOD ORDER. During the period which elapses from vintage to vintage wooden tubs and vats are idle and shrink, although whitewashed, and this must give trouble when vintage comes on again. Some wine-makers fill them with water which keeps them together, but the water often rots and taints the wood unless made into brine or permanganate of potash. A method which finds favour with some is to first well dry the tubs and vats, after thorough cleansing, and then paint them over with melted paraifin wax, which is then burnt in with a plumber's lamp, starting from the lower part of the vertical walls. This fills the pores of the wood and prevents shrinking, and at the same time gives an even and uniform coat. If the tin containing the molten paraifin be placed in a bucket of hot water, the substance will keep fluid longer. BRICK AND CEMENT VATS. Of late years wooden vats have been discarded in the more modern fermenting sheds in favour of cement vats, which offer marked advantages. Their initial cost is from one-third to one- half that of the wooden vessels ; they occupy less room in the fer- menting shed and thus constitute a great economy of roof superfices ; they are easier to keep sound and sweet, and are less likely to taint wine, while they do not shrink, rot, or burn. Vats, rectangular in shape, with an inside dimension of 5ft. x 5ft. x 4ft., and the angles rounded, would have a capacity of a little over 600 gallons, and would in practice ferment 500 gallons of wine. Another convenient size is 6ft. x 6ft. x 3ft. 6 inches, giving a capacity of 787 gallons. A good deal of care is required in their construction, and in this respect I will quote the experience of some who have largely used these vats. 385 In Victoria a number of fermenting vats have of late years been constructed with much success. Bricks and cement are the only material required, no lime being used for setting the bricks. No very substantial foundation is required ; the top soil on the floor of the fermenting shed is simply scooped out with the spade ; a 9-inch brick wall is built all round the space to be covered with the cement vats, and if resting on clay, which expands and shrinks very perceptibly according as it gets wet or dry, it is advisable to spread a layer of clean dry sand, two or three inches thick, within that space and ram it well down. The surface having been made smooth, spread the cement, set the bricks and grout with liquid cement. The mortar is made of cement one part and sand two parts. Both sand and cement must be sifted, and the mortar must be very liquid. Over this foundation build up a single-brick- thick work 4f inches to the height required. Round off the angles and corners inside, and have the floor sloping from every direction into one corner. Two types of Cement Tanks. This favours the drainage of the liquids, which can be bailed out with the dipper, and dried with a sponge. Before the cement is quite set it is found advisable to blow dry cement and rub it in so as to give a smooth polish to the surface. The top of the walls is also capped with cement. At intervals, on the top of the walls, small brackets are pro- vided, which help in making fast the false head which keeps the marc or skins and seeds submerged. Instead of having the bottom slope converging to one point inside into a cup or pit, a two-inch brass tap is sometimes inserted into the wall, flush with the lowest corner, and the liquid can be run out, with- out pumping or syphoning, which the other alternative would! necessitate. In that case a small cement gutter with a gradual fall towards an underground tank, whence it is pumped out, is provided along the line of vats. Although this appears to be a convenient method of emptying the vats, yet some object to it on the ground that there may be a danger of the taps getting knocked out and causing a leakage, or of the underground tank requiring frequent and careful cleansing, thus involving extra work. 386 The quality of the cement used is not immaterial. Of these there are two kinds the " quick-setting" and the " slow-setting " cement. The former are generally natural cements, containing variable proportions of lime ; whereas the slow-setting cements are generally artificially manufactured with definite proportions of lime, which varies from 58 to 63 per cent., and are burnt without excess. It is said that this regularity of composition, and the way they are manufactured, insures their more lasting properties. Slow-setting cements containing less lime than some of the quick-setting ones, all the lime is taken up by the clay and transformed into aluminate of calcium, and no free lime is left uncombined, which would, in contact with wine, rob it of some of its natural acids and cause it to go flat. When cement vats are used for storing wine, a top is constructed to them in the shape of a vault, and a manhole made of cast-iron, with a tight-fitting door, is set in the structure. It is also some- times advisable to line the inside with china or glass tiles. The St. Gobain Company, near Paris, manufactures for this purpose glass tiles 4 to 6 mm. in thickness and 24 cent, by 24 cent. The side which is against the cement is striated, to better hold to the cement, whilst the other side is smooth. For the floor, larger and thicker tiles are used. These tiles are set in soft cement mortar, and care should be taken not to allow any air to remain between the cement and the tile, which should be soaked in water before using. Apart from these brick and cement vats, some are constructed of a combination of iron and cement, and are extensively used in Algeria. They are known as sidero-cement vats, and consist of a framework of iron' rods, either rectangular or cylindrical, as desired. On this iron lattice-work, which has the shape of the vat, cement mortar is plastered, and the desired polish is given to the surface. These vats are much thinner than the brick ones, whilst their cohesion is much greater, for although cement can stand a con- siderable crushing strain, it lacks in cohesion, or in other words, its tensile strain is not so great. In Algeria, where these sidero-cement vats are in great favour, the cost is set down as ranging between 2s. 6d. to 3s. 4d. per hec- tolitre (22 gallons) for small vats, and less for larger ones. The combination of the iron and the cement, instead of being an element of weakness, considerably adds to the strength and durability of the vats. Both these substances expand or contract at the same rate, and therefore no dislocation ensues, whilst, on the other hand, the close fitting cement covering effectually preserves the iron from rusting. When these cement vats are made, and dry, they are first filled with water, and, although they may sweat a little first, this soon stops. It is necessary before using these vats to also wash them with some solution which will dissolve and neutralise the traces of lime which may be left close to the surface. 387 For that purpose the inside walls are washed with a weak acid solution, such as a 10 per cent, solution of tartaric acid, applied twice in 24 hours before using the vat. A protective coating of tartrate of lime, insoluble in wine, is thus formed. Another wash, much used in the South of France, is one of silicate of potash. A first application of a solution of 25 per cent, of this substance is applied with a brush, and after two or three days, when quite dry, the walls of the vat are washed with fresh water; when dry, the inside of the vats again receive a second coating of a 50 per cent, solution of silicate of potash, and are left to dry for a few days, when the vats are again thoroughly washed with water. A coating of silicate of lime, which is unattackable by wine, then lines the vat. As an improvement on the brick and cement vats already described, it would, I believe, tend to strengthen the structure and prevent possible cracks to run a thin band of hoop iron between each course of bricks. CRUSHER AND STEMMER. As the grapes are carted to the fermenting shed, they are transferred from the boxes or the barrels in which they were placed at the vineyard into the crusher. In the old days of wine-making Stemmer and Crusher. 388 this was done either with bare feet or with the feet shod with specially constructed boots or wooden sandals. Since then great- progress has been achieved in the direction of reducing the grapes into a pulp by modern machinery makers. The following illustrations show two types of an excellent stemmer and crusher, of French make,. which have been copied with more or less success by both American and Australian makers. As regards efficiency, workmanship, and durability, they are, however, superior to many I have seen at work. No. 1 of Mabille crushers and stemmer s, which is the smallest model made, can be worked with ease by one man, and put through about two tons of grapes within the hour. These grape- crushers can also be provided with a pulley for working the machine 389 by steam, if required. The cost is |18 at the factory. To this must be added cost of packing, railway and shipping- freight to Fremantle, and duty, which would amount to another 12 or so. Several devices are used for conveying the grapes from the dray to the crusher, which it is often found convenient to have at such a height above the ground that the crushed grapes will run by gravi- tation along a chute into the ferment- ing vats. The simplest, but most costly in the first instance, is an elevated roadway, which will take the cart up to the level of the grape mill. A less expensive way is to have a grape elevator, which consists of a piece of belting about 10 inches wide, with tin buckets or scoops fastened at intervals of a foot or so, and running inside a wooden box at an angle of 45 C to 60 to the height of the grape mill-hopper, where each bucket empties its contents. With such an arrangement, a small portable steam engine, which works both elevator and crusher as well, is very con- venient. Such a steam engine is also very useful for steaming casks and pumping wine. Another mechanical method for lifting the grape pulp and convey- Grape Must Pump. m g ft j uto the fermenting vats is a specially constructed must pump constructed by Victor Coq, of Aix, near Marseilles. This pump is unchokable, and pumps over 2,000 gallons of must and skin per hour. It is easilly cleaned, and takes but little space. WINE PRESSES. Conjointly with the grape crusher, one or two wine presses are required for wine-making. A great variety of designs are found to effect the mechanical separation of the juicy from the solid parts of the grapes. The simplest, probably, is the long beam or lever press which presses continuously. It can be made cheaply out of materials about the place by any handy man who understands how to handle tools. Its chief drawbacks are that it is somewhat slow, and it is certainly cumber- some. I have seen at work for several years the press here illustrated , and am able to testify as to the good work it performs. The com- 390 poundjever shown in the picture is not indispensable, although it considerably adds to the efficiency of the machine. To bring this compound lever into play, the end of the rope, which is tied to the pin on the upright stand, is run through a pulley and made Continuous Home-made Wine Press. fast to the nose of the beam, which to its own weight has then added that of the lever above. When the beam is intended to be thrown out of work, the piece of chain hanging down from the smaller end of the compound press is hooked on to the nose of the beam, the rope is let loose, and the heavier end of the com- pound lever is gently pulled down by the rope fastened to it. The Screw Press, an illustration of which is here given, has become a general favourite, on account of its powerful leverage, the rapidity of its work, the simplicity of its mechanism, and the ease with which it is operated. Leaks may show in the wooden tray after our long dry summers, and a couple of weeks or so before vintage they should be stopped. This is often secured by pouring hot water for two or three days over bagging spread over the woodwork. Should the leak, however, persist, and cracks have formed in the wood, it may be necessary to pack the joints with oakum or cotton, rammed in tight and dry. As to crevices, they are better filled with a putty compound of melted resin with a little tallow and fine ashes, 391 which is applied hot. This cement will stop leaks in presses and casks which may have proved refractory to other means. The cost of a No. 4 Mabille press as illustrated below, with a 6ft. x 6ft. cage, is <25, to which must be added for packing, Screw Press. railway and shipping freight to Fremantle, duty, and other charges another sum of about TRANSPORTING OF GRAPES TO VINERIES. The common mode on many vineyards has been to haul grapes in boxes, or in old leaky casks reeking with mould, from vineyard to cellar, by which process, if carted over very rough roads, much of the best juice is lost, while the grapes get tainted with germs of 392 diseases, which means a reduction to the producer and a loss in quality to the wine maker. A simpler and more effective method is, according to the size of the dray, the state of the road, and the horse power available, to have one or two oval vats or tanks constructed, to hold about one ton of grapes each. These are hauled to the vineyard, the grapes from the picking boxes or buckets emptied into them, clothes to prevent the dust from getting in spread over the grapes, e and the grapes, when arrived at the cellar, are thrown on the elevator with large shovels or forks, while all the juice is left at the bottom of the vats, and emptied into the fermenting vats. The method is clean, and saves every drop of juice ; it also saves weight, as one or two tanks thus constructed will not weigh as much as a number of casks or boxes. There is, moreover, economy in space ; and it is cheaper, the vessels are easily cleaned, and always perfectly sweet. WINE FERMENTATION. Wine fermentation is the process during which grape must, which is the fresh juice of the grapes as it runs from the press, is transformed into wine. This process is governed by many outside influences, which it behoves the wine maker to watch and direct. Grape must contains not only all the soluble parts of the grape, but, depending upon the amount of care exercised in its preparation, it contains, as well, other substances which get into it by accident, such as the impurities adhering to the outside of the skin, some of the grape pulp, parts of the skins and seeds. It is well to know something about these component parts of grape must, and a look at the following section of a grape berry will convey some amount of information about its structure. The nourishing sap flows into the grape berry through the peduncle from the plant, and there, mainly owing to the influences of sun and light, these materials are gradually trans- formed into various bodies. The vessels which convey these nourishing fluids converge at the peduncle after diffusing through the body of the berry, leaving, wherever they reach, the requisite amount of material. From this other fibrous vessels branch out, which convey nourishment to the skin. 393 From the peduncle, two small threadlike vessels proceed to the seeds a (1 and 2), and, as the grape berry ripens, assume a rusty violet colouration. Section of a Grape Berry. Around the pips (a) is the zone (6), which contains very little sugar, and mostly viscous albuminous substances, free acids, and cream of tartar. The layer c contains mostly water, sugar, and small quantities of acids and albuminoid matters. Section d is richer in sugar and more fleshy, and contains gummy substances, which, during the process of maturation, are transformed into sugar ; a small amount of acids and albuminoid substances are also met with there. Layer e, which underlines the pellicle, contains the colouring matter, also tannic acid, and some aromatic substances which impart a peculiar flavour to certain grapes, such as the Muscats, Eiesling, Cabernet, Isabella, and other American grapes. These natural aromas are quite distinct from those others which constitute the bouquet of matured wines, and which are the result of chemical reactions between the acids and the alcohol in the wine. The colouring matter, or onocyanine, although generally lining the skin of grapes, is occasionally found in the pulp of some varieties. There are two distinct sorts a yellow and a blue one which, when in contact with the acids in the wine, turn red. As grapes ripen, there is a gradual migration of the sugar from the centre towards the circumference, where it accumulates under the skin. This explains why, when pressing grapes which are dead ripe, the juices which run out first are not so sweet as those which flow when greater and more prolonged pressure has been applied. 394 The following table gives the composition of fresh grape must and of the resulting fermented wine : Must. Wine. Water A Ibuminoid matters 10 73-86 Glucose (chiefly dextrose) 12-24 Gum Vegetable mucus Colouring matters (traces only) Tannin (traces) Malic acid (in bad seasons) Patassium hydrogen tar- trate Calcium tartrate Other salts of matters Mineral matters organic Water Residues of albuminoid matters f Glucose chiefly laevulose | Alcohol ...... ... j Glycerine ... ... .:'. 1 Succinic acid Acetic acid ^Ethers Gum Colouring matters Tannin Malic acid (in bad seasons) f Tartaric acid j Potassium hydrogen tar- 1 trate I^Calcium tartrate Other salts of organic matter Mineral matters 6-14 O'o-l-o Total dry residue 1065-1107 14-27 Sp.gr Total residue .. -991--996 INGREDIENTS OF MUST. It is thus seen that grape must is a complex liquid. Water stands foremost at the head of the list as regards quantity. In must of average composition it enters for about three- quarters to eight-tenths of its weight. It acts as a vehicle of the other constituents of must, diluting them to the required degree, and bringing them all intimately together. Sugar, for instance, produces alcohol in fermenting, but in order to ferment it must be considerably diluted, as, if too much concentrated, it acts on the reverse as an anti-ferment, as is illustrated in the case of fruits preserved in syrup. No liquid will ferment that contains more than half its weight of sugar. Sugar. Next to water, sugar is the ingredient found in largest proportions in the grape mash. It enters for about one-fifth to a quarter of its weight, and sometimes more, running up in dry seasons, and in over-ripe grapes, to nearly a third of the weight of the must. That sugar is of a peculiar kind called "glucose," and consists of a mixture, in about equal proportions, of grape and fruit-sugar, known to chemists under the names of " dextrose " and " laevulose." 395 The chief characteristic of glucose, or uncrystallisable sugar, compared with cane sugar, or " saccharose/' is that the former can ferment, whereas cane-sugar, in order to ferment, has previously to be turned into glucose. Another characteristic is that while cane-sugar can be turned into glucose, this latter form of sugar has never yet been changed into crystallisable sugar. The inventor of a process that would achieve this would be worth more than all the mines of this country put together. During the process of fermentation, " dextrose " is the first to be acted upon by the yeast ; and if the wine is badly fermented, and remains sweetish, it is "Isevulose," which is found to have remained unchanged. During the process of fermentation the constituents of glucose, properly diluted, are split up into substances differing from it, both in their physical and in their chemical properties, the products of fermentation being carbonic acid gas and alcohol, besides other bodies such as glycerine and succinic acid, which occur in small quantities, and which varv in some measure with the temperature in the vat during fermentation ; the glycerine giving mellowness to the wine, while the succinic acid gives it that peculiar taste known as "vinosity." Acids. Besides these two important ingredients, viz., w r ater and sugar, the must of the grape contains small proportions of acids, such as tartaric acid, which occurs to a large extent in the veget- able kingdom ; malic acid, or the acid found in apples ; and tannic acid or " tannin" ; and cream of tartar, which is an acid salt. The presence of these natural acids in must is most important. A due proportion ensures a sound fermentation, being beneficial to the healthy growth of the pure wine yeast, and injurious to that of germs of maladies. Good fermentation ensures good keeping qualities. Acids also fix the colour of wines, which otherwise would by degrees be cast in the lees. Too much acidity, however, makes the wine tart and raw ; too little makes it mawkish, and causes it to get flat. The right amount of acidity in must varies according to the class of wine. Its measure is sometimes expressed as equal in strength to sulphuric acid, and sometimes to tartaric acid, and as authors seem to use these two standards indiscriminately, it is useful to bear the following rule in mind : To convert sulphuric acid into tartaric acid, x 1'53. To convert tartaric acid into sulphuric acid, +O65. Thus, must producing the best claret contains acids equivalent to 4 to 6 pro mille. of sulphuric acid, or 6 to 9 pro mille. of tartaric acid. 396 Heavy sweet wines are made of grape must showing an acidity of 3 to 4 pro mille. expressed as sulphuric acid, or 4*6 to 6 as tartaric acid. Brandies of the best kind are geiierally^made of wines rather high in natural acidity, and manufactured from must going 6 to 9 pro mille. as sulphuric acid, or 9'2 to 13*8 as tartaric acid. Should the acidity fail to come up to the standard desirable for the class of wine to be manufactured, it is not only permissible but advisable to supplement the difference by : 1st. An adequate addition of pure crystals of tartaric acid. For this purpose every 1 per mille. may be calculated as lib. per 100 gallons of must. Thus, if a shiraz or a malbec shows 5 per cent, of must acidity, calculated as tartaric acid, it is desirable, to bring that must up to 7 per cent., to add 21bs. of tartaric acid crystals for every 100 gallons. For that purpose it is best to sprinkle the acid crystals over the grapes as they come out of the crusher. The tartaric acid then combines with the potash salts in the must, and, after it has directed its influence in a beneficial manner during the course of fermentation, it settles down as tartar. Some wine makers prefer, when it is found necessary to raise the degree of acidity of a must, to use a mixture in equal parts of cream of tartar and of tartaric acid. The resulting wine is less astringent and raw. The addition of tartaric acid to made wine fails, it is obvious, to have a beneficial influence on the fermentation, and imparts to the wine a raw and acerb taste. Other means besides the use of tartaric acid are followed by some wine makers in order to bring their grape must up to the desired standard of acidity, and that is, Lack of acidity can also be corrected by : 2nd. By an admixture of second crop grapes. 3rd. By early picking. One more word on the question of acidity in relation to must and wine, and that is, that authors generally, when treating of the acidity in made wine, refer to it in terms of sulphuric acid. The rule given above will enable anyone to alter it to tartaric acid, if so desired. Without the acids, wine would be a mere mixture of spirits and water, of a dull leaden colour, without any flavour or bouquet, and almost tasteless to the palate. The presence of natural acids in wine gives it, on the other hand, a brilliant and sparkling appear- ance, owing to their action on the colouring ma.tter in wine ; besides, by combining with the alcohol, they create those penetrating and delicate ethers which have very appropriately been called the 397 " bouquet" of the wine ; finally, as they gently stimulate the very sensitive expansion of the nervous bundles that line the roof of the palate, they freshen up the mouth and prepare it to appreciate all the good, bad, or indifferent qualities of the wine. If deficient acidity is often the case in warm, countries, it may happen that, on account of accidental loss of foliage or other reason, grapes fail to mature properly, and that the must they yield is poor in sugar and too high in acids. In such a case the remedy which yields the best result is to mix in the fermenting vat some dead- ripe grapes with the acid ones. This method is preferable to that which consists in neutralising part of the acidity of the liquid. Saline substances are also found in musts, as potassium salts, under various states of combinations, and chiefly among these is acid tartrate of potash. That salt, commonly known as " argol " or " tartar," adds to the acidity of the must and of new wine. It is less soluble than tartaric acid in water, and its solubility decreases, while the percentage of alcohol goes on increasing. It precipitates in large quantities in the lees after fermentation, and after the first drawing off it deposits slowly, under the form of crystals, on the inside of the casks. It often happens that young wines, possessing a raw and unpleasant acid taste, improve considerably on maturing, and lose that excess of acidity which is due to the tartar. Although that salt precipitates gradually in a liquid which contains alcohol, that precipitation is further accelerated under the influence of a cool temperature ; hence the practice of maturing wine completely fermented, especially light wines, with a low percentage of alcohol, and with a marked degree of natural acidity, in cool, underground cellars. The French have a characteristic word for depicting that gradual process of precipitation of the tartar and tne lees. They call it depouiller, which means to eject, or excrete the dregs. Colouring matters and essential oils, such as produce the "aroma" in wines, are other ingredients of the must. Both are contained in cells which line the inner surface of the skin, and their extraction is made more active and more complete under the influence of heat and the production of alcohol during the course of active fermentation. Temperature chiefly influences the solubility of the colouring matter ; alcohol does so to a much lesser extent. This explains why those wines which have been subjected to a fairly high temperature during the process of fermentation are deeper in colour than those fermented at a cooler temperature. If moderate temperature helps in dissolving the colouring matter of grapes, it causes it, if carried on to a higher degree, to undergo an alteration which brings about its precipitation. An instance of this is afforded by wines which, during the process of sterilisation by means of heat-process, known by 398 pasteurisation, has been over-heated. That point is reached at about 70 C. (158 P.), and for that reason it is desirable not to go much above 65 C. (149 P.). Each variety of grape has a special pigment of its own, par- ticular to itself. Albuminoids or nitrogenous substances, resembling the white of an egg, also occur in minute quantities, viz., '1 to '4 per cent., and are important, as entering largely into the making up of the tissues of the wine. To a certain extent, therefore, they are essential to fermentation, but when constituting a surplus their presence in wine is highly undesirable, and even dangerous, as they are very unstable bodies, easily decomposed, causing many of the accidents and diseases which occur in wines. Certain grapes, such as the Riesling, various white grapes, and also Muscats, often contain a surplus of these albuminoid bodies, and, especially so, grapes that mature very quickly, as in hot climates ; and this is the case generally with grapes grown in Australia. Such surplus albuminoid substances should be removed by all possible means, in order to insure the safe keeping of wines ; and in a subsequent paragraph I shall mention the object of aeration in this respect. Another means we have of ridding white wine must of any surplus albuminoid matters is to let it stand still for a day or two, and then draw the clear liquid from over the muddy and viscuous deposit just as the first indications of fermentation become notice- able. In order to better effect this end in warm climates, where fermentation starts very shortly after the grapes are crushed, the liquid is treated with sulphurous acid fumes. Thus the must is impregnated with the fumes of burning sulphur, or liquid sul- phurous acid in small quantities is poured into it, or such salts a& sulphite of potassium is added to it. The advantage of these last- named methods over the first consist in the greater precision which can be obtained in the matter of the dose used, and in the greater convenience as well. WHEN TO PICK GTBAPES. In old-established districts experience has shown when it is best to pick the grapes ; and at such places it is seldom that the date of vintage alters more than a week or so from the customary epoch for picking the different kinds of grapes grown. In other parts the vine- growers will have to depend, to a greater extent, on other indications for determining the time when to begin picking. These indications, although empirical, are sufficiently reliable. They are afforded by the appearance of the bunch itself. The stalk becomes woody, and loses its tender green look ; the berry is 399 .sweeter when pulled off the bunch, and parts easily from the bunch or bundle of sap vessels which bring nourishment ; and the skin becomes leathery. More reliable ways, however, which any vine-grower can readily use, are obtained by physical or by chemical tests. The physical test is obtained by means of a light instrument capable of floating into the liquid, and called a " densimeter," which gives, on a graduated spindle which projects out of it, specific gravity readings, or such readings which convey to the mind of those who use them the information they require. Thus, the instrument is called a " saccharometer " by wine-makers and sugar manufacturers, "lactometers" by dairymen, "hydrometer" or '" alcohoineter " by distillers, and so on. The principle on which saccharometers are constructed is that the smaller the proportion of sugar, the deeper the instrument will sink. This method is not always exact, for the reason that grape must is not only a simple solution of sugar and water, but contains minute quantities of other substances as well, which cause slight errors errors, however, which in practice may well be overlooked. In Australia, confusion reigns supreme in the returns furnished by wine-makers as regards the strength of the must from grapes grown in different localities. Some will give the specific gravity ; others, degrees Baumc ; others, again, percentages of sugar ; while s#me will mention so many degrees according to Hicks' hydrometer, Keene's (also called Hunter Kiver) saccharometer, and a few will quote the brewer's saccharometer. It is easily understood that the work of collating returns recorded according to so many different systems becomes very complicated, not to say impossible ; and it would be highly desirable that all the Australian wine-growers should, as it is done in France, Italy, and the wine-producing countries of either Europe or America, settle on a definite scale for the purpose of expressing the richness of their must in sugar. For that purpose, either the specific gravity of the liquid or the reading of the Baume hydro- meter are used. These hydrometers are made either of metal or, preferably, of glass, and consist of a long, slender spindle, surmounting a larger tube of blown glass, to which is soldered at the lower end a glass bulb, containing, as ballast, either mercury or small shot, for the purpose of maintaining the instrument in an erect position in the liquid. The lighter the liquid, the deeper the instrument sinks ; and the heavier the liquid, the more of the spindle appears above the surface of the liquid. Within the glass spindle is a scale, which varies with the make of the instrument. Some are so graduated that the operator can read at a glance either the specific gravity, the percentage of sugar, -degrees Baumc, degrees Brix, according to the special purpose for which the instrument has been constructed. 400 I shall rapidly explain the three scales most in use for the determination of saccharine liquids. 1st. The Specific Gravity Scale. The best known is Gray Lussac's centesimal densimeter, on which 1,000 represent the depth to which the instrument would sink in pure water at the temperature of 15 degrees C. (59 degrees F.). According to the law formulated above, the divisions above 1,000 indicate densities lower than that of water, as, for instance, oil, spirits, etc.; while the divisions lower than the 1,000 of the scale represent the specific gravity of liquids heavier than water, and also the weight in grammes of one litre of the liquid tested : thus 1,080 means that the liquid is to pure water as 1,080 is to 1,000, or, in other words, that one litre of the liquid weighs 1,080 grammes, as compared with the same capacity of pure water, which weighs one kilogramme in other words, 1,000 grammes. In most saccharometers the 1,000 is placed at the top of the scale ; as the liquids weighed get heavier than water, more of the spindle appears above the surface of the liquid. If great accuracy is required, it is necessary to make a slight correction when the specific gravity is taken at temperatures below 15 degrees C., or above that degree of temperature, thus : If the temperature is 10 degrees C ., take off '6 from the reading 11 5 12 4 j} 13 3 J5 14 2 15 o- Js 16 add -1 17 3 18 5 a 19 7 ,, 2O Q 6U 99 21 1*1 J? 22 1-3 23 1;6 24 1-8 25 2- 26 2-3 J? 27 2-6 28 2-8 }> 29 3-1 )} 30 3'4 }f 2nd. The Baume Scale, which is determined by marking as - degree the point on the spindle of the hydrometer to which it sinks when floating in pure water, and as 15 degrees the point to which it 401 sinks in a solution of 15 parts by weight of salt in 85 parts of water. The interval between these points is divided into 15 equal parts, and the scale is continued to any number of degrees beyond. This scale is also very much in use in many branches of indus- try. It does not give the density by direct reading, but the density can be ascertained either by reference to tables, or by means of the following formula, in which n represents the degrees Baume, as read on the scale, and D the specific gravity required : D = J_. Thus, 10 degrees Baume equals tl g^, or 1,075 specific gravity. The graduation of the Baume hydrometer is somewhat arbitrary, and its use has only been maintained in practice by wine- makers owing to the fact that, by a curious coincidence, the degrees Baume, in an unferrnented must, also approximate^ indicate as may be ascertained by referring to the subjoined table the per- centage of absolute alcohol by weight it will have after being sub- jected to a complete fermentation. Thus, a must measuring 11 degrees Baume will give a wine which will contain very nearly 11 degrees of absolute alcohol. When these instruments are constructed for testing the strength of saccharine liquids, the - degree is, for reasons previously given, placed at the top of the scale. 3rd. The Scale of Brix, or Sailing, as it is also called, is mostly used by "sugar makers. It gives the per cent, of sugar present in any given solution. For example, a solution marking 14 degrees Brix contains 14 per cent, of sugar, etc. SPECIFIC GRAVITY, Equivalents of the Brix and Baume Scales, and Alcoholic Strength after Fermentation. Specific Gravity. Baume. Brix, or per cent, of sugar in must. Absolute alcohol per cent, by weight in wine. Absolute alcohol per cent, by volume. Percentage of proof spirit. i-ooo o-o 0' 002 5 004 5 r 006 1-5 008 1*0 2- 010 2-5 012 3' 014 2-0 3-5 016 4' 018 4-5 020 ... 5- 022 3-0 5-5 024 6- 026 6-5 ... 028 4-0 7- ... 402 SPECIFIC GRAVITY, Equivalents of the Brix and Baume Scales, and Alcoholic Strength after Fermentation continued. Specific Gravity. Bauine. Brix, or per cent, of sugar in must. Absolute alcohol per cent, by weight in wine. Absolute alcohol per cent, by volume. Percentage of proof spirit. 030 7-5 032 ... 8- 034 8-5 036 5-0 9- ... 038 9-5 ... 040 10- 4-5 10- 042 10-5 4-8 10-5 044 6-0 11- 5-1 11-1 046 11-5 5-4 ... 11-9 048 12- 5'7 12-5 050 7-0 12-5 6-0 7-48 13-1 053 13- 6-5 8-10 14-2 055 135 6-8 8-48 14-8 057 14- 7'2 8-96 15-7 059 8 : 14-5 7'5 9-33 16-4 061 15- 7'8 9-70 17-0 063 15'5 8-1 10-00 17'7 066 9-0 16- 8-6 10-66 18-8 068 16-5 8-9 11-00 19-4 070 17- 9'2 11-40 20-0 072 17-5 9-5 11-79 20-7 074 10-0 18: 9-8 12-10 21-3 076 18-5 10-1 12'50 21-9 078 19- 10-5 13-00 23-0 081 19-5 10-9 13-25 23-6 082 11-0 20- 11-2 13-60 24-3 085 20-5 11-5 13-95 24-9 088 21- 12-0 14-84 26-0 090 12-0 21-5 12-3 15-20 26-6 092 22- 12-6 15-44 27-3 094 22-5 12.9 15.90 27-9 097 23- 13-4 16-30 28-9 099 13-0 23-5 13-8 16-85 29-8 101 24- 14- 17-26 30-2 103 24-5 14'3 17-47 31-0 106 ... 25' 14-6 17-85 317 108 14-0 25-5 14-8 18-06 32-1 110 26- 15-2 18-60 32-6 113 26-5 15-4 18-80 33-3 115 15-0 27- 15-6 19-05 33-8 1-118 27-5 16-0 19'68 34-5 120 28- j 123 ... 28-5 125 16-0 29- 127 ... 29-5 130 30- 132 30-5 134 MO 31- _ 137 ... 31-5 ... 139 ... 32- ... 403 SPECIFIC GRAVITY, Equivalents of the Brix and Baume Scales, and Alcoholic Strength after Fermentation continued. Specific Gravity. Baume. Brix, or per cent, of sugar in must. Absolute alcohol per cent, by weight in wine. Absolute alcohol per cent, by volume. Percent of proof spirit. 142 325 144 18-0 33- ... ... 147 ... 33-5 ... ... 349 ... 34- ... ... ... 152 19-0 34-5 ... ... ... 154 35' 157 ... 35-5 159 36- 162 20-0 36-5 ... 164 ... 37- ... 167 37-5 ... 169 38- ... 172 21-0 38-5 ... ... ... 174 % 39- ... ... 177 39-5 179 22 : 40- ... 182 40-5 ... 185 41- 187 !.'. 41-5 190 23-0 42- ... t - 192 42-5 ... ... ... 195 43- ... ... 198 43-5 2(30 24-0 44- ... N.B. Must, having a specific gravity under 1,100, or 13deg. Baume, will ferment completely and produce a dry wine, unless the temperature in the vat has been allowed to rise too high, in which case the fermenta- tion may get " stuck," although there may be more sugar unfermented in the wine. Must, with a specific gravity ranging from 1,100 to 1,115 (13deg. to 15deg. Baume), will have a greater difficulty to ferment dry, as the specific gravity runs higher ; and very often the fermentation will stop before all the sugar has been converted into alcohol. The best French wines, made from the choicest varieties of grapes, are produced from musts having a density ranging from 1,059 (8deg. B.), and 1,115 (15deg. B.). Thus, musts producing the Medoc wines measure, on an average, 1,066, or 9deg. B. ; musts, from the Khine, about the same ; must, in the Champagne district, 1,074, or lOdeg. B. ; in Burgundy, 1,090, or 12deg. B. ; and in the Roussillon district, in the south of France, 1,108, or 14deg. Baume. Musts, with a specific gravity higher than 1,116 (15deg. B.), yield either wine suitable for blending with a lighter one they have the disadvantage of introducing with them an excess of unfermented sugar, which often pro- duces troublesome secondary fermentations or else they are only suited for making into liqueur wines. 404 -m A CONVENIENT SACCHAROMETER would be one like Keene's (sometimes called Hunter Eiver saccharometer, from the locality where it was mostly used at first) . The idea was taken from Dr. Guyot's glucometer, which shows, on a tricolour scale, the specific gravity of the must, the percentage of sugar corresponding to that specific gravity, and the amount of alcohol which would result if the liquid was thoroughly fermented. It consists of an ordinary hydrometer, about 12 inches long. The scale is divided into three longitudinal columns, giving 1st, the specific gravity; 2nd, the degrees Baume, corresponding to the degree of density ; and 3rd, the per cent, of sugar, corresponding to each one of these degrees. The intervals between the divisions should be pretty wide, so that the wine-maker can see at a glance what is the specific gravity of the must, how much per cent, of sugar the must con- tains, and, by interpreting the degrees Baume into the number of degrees of absolute alcohol, what will be the strength of the wine which will be made from that must, after thorough fermentation. This saccharometer, unlike most others, is graduated for musts at a temperature of 80 degrees F. (26 - 5 degrees C.), instead of 60 degrees F. (15 degrees C.), which is the temperature adopted for all standard hydrometers. I am not in a position, however, to vouchsafe its complete accuracy, as those I have tested and compared with standard hydrometers have shown readings differ- ing enough to mislead as to the true specific gravity and richness in sugar of the must. It would be highly desirable that some careful maker should construct an accurate saccharometer, based on the same plan, for the use of wine-makers. Keene's saccharometer registers specific gravities of fluids varying from 950 to 1,400 degrees this latter reading representing a solution containing about 80 per cent, of sugar, and weighing 43 Saccharometer. ^ " , T i j ^ degrees Baume. I would, instead, propose an instrument having a spindle of the same length, with graduations ranging from 1,000 to 1,200 degrees, which represent 44 per cent, sugar, or 24 degrees Baume a scale which will be found to meet every requirement of the wine-maker, whilst the degrees, being wider apart, will be easier to read. All these observations, duly recorded in a register, will supply valuable information respecting the character of the must of grapes grown from different varieties, on different soils, in different dis- 405 tricts, and will permit of interesting comparisons being drawn with the must of previous years. Chemical Test. As already seen, the empirical as well as the physical means we have of ascertaining the richness of grape must is in practice found sufficiently correct, although not absolutely so. It is to laboratory tests we must rely for an exact determination of the contents of a must in either sugar or acids, and as these tests are not readily made by the majority of wine makers, I refrain from referring to them at any length. WINE, PEE, TON OF GRAPES. The amount of wine yielded by a ton of grapes varies according to a number of circumstances, chiefly the kind of grapes, the kind of season, the locality, the climatic conditions, and also the time of gathering. Tf a broad average be taken, several of the grapes more extensively grown will yield as follows : Cabernet 100 to 115 gallons Morastel 110 120 Shiraz ... 120 135 Mataro 130 140 Doradillo 140 160 In France an average of about 70 per cent, is obtained, whereas in Australia, which, on the whole, is warmer and drier, the same grapes yield 60 to 65 per cent, of wine ; or, in other words, lOOlbs. of crushed grapes yield about six gallons of wine. SHOULD G-RAPES BE STALKED. The question is often asked should grapes be stalked before fermentation ? Experience with us, as well as wherever wine is made from the choicer varieties of grapes, distinctly gives an affirmative answer. A chemical examination of the stalk show that there is little or nothing in it which enters into the composition of wine. The only soluble substances it possesses viz., tannin, albuminoid substances, organic acid, and salts already occur in abundance in the grape must. Wines fermented with husks and stalks added are harsher than wines fermented without stalks ; they also often show an earthy taste, and are not so clean to the palate. These disadvantages are serious enough in themselves, but there are other reasons why wines red wines are here inferred should not be fermented on their stalks, such as the economy of space in fermenting, stalked grapes occupying one- third less space inside the vats ; the greater similarity between wine running freely from the vats and press wine, which when stalks are present are invariably much harsher ; another reason is that wine from stalked grapes mature quicker and can be marketed sooner than would otherwise be the case. 406 Stalking, moreover, is effected by a mechanical tearing and tossing about of the grape, which result in a thorough aeration of the must, an operation which ensures a more active and healthy fermentation, and reacts favourably on the quality of the wine. In the manufacture of white wine the same objections dis- appear, as white wines should not be fermented on either skins or stalks. For the easier pressing of the sweet juice out of the glutinous pulp, however, the admixture of stalks are of great assistance, as they prevent the solidification of the soft pulp. In that case, the stalking part of the machine should be thrown out of gear and the whole bunch, stalk and all, mangled between the rollers of the grape mill. If the type of machine does not permit of that, the pulp and the stalks should either be mixed together in the cage of the press, or else they should be superposed in alternate layers, as the stalks will prevent the solidification of the glutinous mass and keep it porous and open, thereby favouring the escape of the juice when the pressure is applied. White wines fermented apart from skins and stalks are lighter in colour ; it is true that the wine is at times slow in clearing, on account of a deficiency of tannin which the pips and the stalks failed to impart to it ; by pressing the stalks with the pulp this deficiency is in some measure corrected. AERATION. The operation of running the grapes through the stemmer and crusher, it has been noticed, results in a better aeration of the must, as the bunches of grapes are vigorously tossed about during that process, with the result that the skins burst, and, after passing through the rollers, the berries are reduced to a state of a pulp. Pasteur has demonstrated that one of the main factors in the maturing of the wine is the oxygen, which is readily taken up by its constituents and by them held in a state of loose chemical combination, from which it is readily given up as required. A phenomenon of a similar nature occurs in the case of the grape juice ; under the influence of warmth and the oxygen absorbed by the liquid, the process of maturation of the grape is consummated inside the vat, and the must is thereby enriched by the full amount of fermentable grape sugar it is capable of acquiring. Although the must absorbs much air during the operation of crushing, it is often considered advisable to further aerate it previous to setting it to ferment. The influence of aeration in quickening the starting of fermen- tation is now well understood by the wine makers of the old world, and various designs, as well as special appliances, are employed in carrying out that process, both in the making of red and of white 407 Among 1 the advantages which result from the aeration of the must, or mash of grapes, before it is turned into wine, the following may be mentioned : (i.) The cooling down of hot must obtained from grapes picked during the hottest hours of the day. (2.) A greater regularity in the progress of fermentation. (3.) Its earlier completion, hence less exposure to the air, and therefore less risk of contamination by injurious microbes which float in the air. (4.) The quicker clearing of the young wine. Aeration or oxidation causing the precipitation into the lees of some of those rapidly-decomposing white-of-egg-like or albuminoid matters in the must, which afford a favourite food for dangerous microbes. As an instance of this, I may just mention that in the Depart- ment of Meurthe, in the North-West of France, where the grapes contain much albuminoid matter, aeration is carried on systemati- cally as one of the processes of wine-making. For this purpose the must is thoroughly stirred by means of shovels, till the air is well incorporated through its mass, and such wine, which is known as mn de pelle (shovel -made wine), by reason of its superior quality, sells for 20 per cent, more money than wines made from similar must, but according to the ordinary methods of verification. The cost of this very simple but laborious operation is reckoned at barely Id. more per gallon. With the modern mechanical appliances, this cost is considerably reduced, whilst the resulting advantages are decidedly important. Of late years a machine constructed on the principle of a cream- separator, and known as the aero-crushing grape mill, has been introduced, which effects this work with great thoroughness. Such a machine, I have no doubt, should prove a great success in hot countries, where the grapes mature very quickly, and more especially on rich alluvial land, the percentage of these nitrogenous matters increases very much, and it is of great importance that any of the surplus of it, beyond what is necessary for the use of the yeast fungi, should be removed. Some grapes are exceeding rich in these bodies, notably the riesling and the muscats. Aeration is more especially suitable to white wine. One of its actions on must is to bring about the precipitation of the colouring matter. A ready method of securing it is by means of a pump, through which a current of air is injected into' the liquid. A rose is attached at the end of the delivery pipe. This is done for 10 to 12 minutes, but must not be overdone, so as not to impart to the wine a yellowish colour. With a little practice, the exact time when aeration should cease is soon known. If every five minutes a little must is run through some filter paper, the pumping is stopped directly the liquid ceases to show a rosy tint. A brownish-looking precipitate is collected on the filter. Subsidising is necessary after aeration. One disadvantage of aeration is that it promotes the 408 trouble called casse, or causes the colour of the wine to " break." Two cassea are known, the "brown" and the ''blue." Sulphur fumes are used as a preventative or a colour restorer. Used as a preventive, it gives better results. Six grammes of sulphur per 100 gallons after aeration and before fermentation, six grammes when first drawing off, and six grammes when racking for the first time, will prove efficacious against this trouble. VATTING is the name given to that period during which the must is in contact with the husks. As a rule, short fermentations result in delicate wine, with good keeping qualities ; long fermenta- tions producing harsh wines, heavy in colour, and not so easy to keep. Whenever possible the vatting of the grape pulp should be done by gravitation ; time and labour is saved, and the work is done with greater cleanliness. The filling of the vat should be done during the day, and not spread over two or three days. It is immaterial whether only one or several kinds of grapes are mixed together in the va.t, provided that they be all of one type and are meant for making one class of wine. Each sort is, however, generally fermented apart from the other, and the resulting wine is blended afterwards if required. The vats should not be filled to more than four-fifths of their capacity, as much swelling of the mass occurs during fermentation, and if the rise of the liquid occurred during night time loss of wine would result. By keeping the level of .the fermenting must below the edge of the vat, excess of air is to a great extent screened off by a layer of carbonic acid gas ; whilst being about three times as heavy as air, covers the fermenting liquid and prevents oxidation and acetification of the cap or floating husks. Questions are often asked : Should the fermentation be con- ducted in open or in closed vessels ? Should the skins or caps be kept immersed or left to float during fermentation ? In both cases, more especially in hot countries, both theory and practice strongly favour open vats and submerged heads. There takes place during fermentation a chemical reaction which results in the splitting up of grape sugar into alcohol and carbonic acid. This reaction, which is set up by living organisms or yeast, is accompanied by much evolutions of heat, and the richer the liquid is in sugar, the warmer the temperature, within limits, which we will consider presently, the greater that evolution of heat becomes. Unless some means exist of dissipating that heat generated during fermentation, its accumulation would reach a point which would soon endanger the life of the active agent of fermentation. Fortunately, two natural outlets exist for the dissemination of that generated heat : 1st, radiation from the surface and through the sides of the fermenting vessels ; 2nd, by the free escape of the carbonic acid gas, which rises to the surface in warm bubbles which burst and allow it to escape. 409 Closed vats, such as are used in the Medoc and other districts where the must is light, the temperature cooler, and the wine- makers most conservative in their methods, would in hotter climates, where the grapes are richer in sugar, prove an element of danger, for the reason that the confined hot carbonic acid gas, prevented from escaping freely from the fermenting mass, would greatly tend to raise its temperature beyond the limits desirable. The following method of handling the crushed grapes ready for fermentation into wine I have seen attended with the best results and commend to the attention of wine-growers : The grape pulp is conveyed in the ordi- nary way provided in each individual cellar, from the grape mill to the fermenting vat, which can well be an open one and should not be too deep, but rather shallow, and in this hot climate, not too capacious, viz., from 400 to 600 gallons prefer- ably. Grape Vat. During this opera- tion of filling up, a straight tap about one inch diameter, driven in the plug hole at the base of the vat, is left open so that as fast as the liquid must and pulp fall from the grape crusher the liquid portion runs out into tubs provided under the tap for its reception. Reference to the above illustration will show a simple and an effective method, I have found, of allowing the liquid to drain through the solid pulp. It consists of an inverted gutter with a V-shape section, made of two lengths of six inch boards a little shorter than the diameter of the base of the vat. This gutter, with the edge uppermost, is made fast by driving a wedge between the end further from the tap and the side of the vat, and is notched at the bottom so as to let the liquid run freely. When the vat is about half full of freshly-crushed grapes, a light and movable false head or grating is made secure above them. The liquid must collected in the tubs is then restored to the vat, and allowed to rise some six to nine inches above the perforated false head. Being left to itself, the fresh must suffers in a short time a remarkable change. Originally clear, it soon shows signs of clouding up ; small air bubbles begin to form and ascend, and finally cause a decided foaming. The grape must ferments. This stage can with advantage be precipitated by adding a " starter " to the crushed grape, previous to covering it up with the 410 false head. This consists in a few buckets of foaming and ferment- ing must from an adjoining vat. Under the combined influence of the congenial temperature of the fermenting house and of this freshly-crushed, well-aerated mass, the newly added ferments, soon take hold of the contents of the vat, and within a few hours fermentation is in full swing. The alternative method is to allow the spongy cap to float and to push it down twice a day, a process which when much wine is being made entails a great expenditure of labour and of time, and is open to serious objections, as the cap at times gets sour and carries with it in the body of the liquid germs of diseases. A. modification to the method thus described is illustrated in the following woodcuts. It has been used with great success by Coste-Floret. Here, instead of a perforated false head, there are two vertical gratings (A. D.) which separate the vat into three compartments. The crushed grapes are dumped into the central one, and the juice running from the mass fills the space on either side of the central com- partment. The customary ad- dition of levure or leaven having been added, fermentation soon sets in inside the vat. When the temperature reaches 85 to 88 deg. Fahr. pumping is started, the must being pumped from,, say, the left side of the vat back into the right compartment. This arrangement, which meets all the advantages sought for with the horizontal immersed false head, saves the trouble of removing that head after each fermentation for the purpose of removing the skins or marc. To sum up this improved method of wine-making, it is seen that the period of fermenta- tion is made as short as possible ; the temperature is not allowed to rise beyond 92deg. to 93deg. F. Acetic and lactic ferments have less chance of tainting the wine. Earthy tastes, often due to prolonged maceration of the marc in the wine, disappear ; the colour of the wine is deeper ; the process of fermentation being more rapid, fewer vats will answer for vintaging a given quantity of Grape Vat, section and plan. 411 grapes as compared with the present system of fermenting ; this means less capital invested in fermenting vessels ; and most important of all, a better type of wine will be turned out, which will possess better keeping qualities, and when marketed command a better price. SEPARATING MUST FROM THE SKIN. The above methods answer when red wine is made ; white wine is made differently. The clear must from freshly-crushed grapes, either red sorts with coloured juice are not suitable for this purpose or white, is collected from a large vat into which crushed grapes are directed as they come from the grape mill. The tap of that vat is left open to allow the free escape of the liquid must which drains from the pulp mass. This liquid must filtering through the skins runs out clear and limpid, and can either be made to ferment straight away with- out further clearing, or may be treated as will be presently explained. One third or so of the liquid can be thus collected ; the balance is pressed out, subsided as described, and fermented. In the case of Aramon and such-like grapes an excellent red wine can be made with what is left of must in the skins, but the fermenting must is drawn after a couple of days only. CLEARING OF FRESH-DRAWN MUST. The liquor collected either straight from the vat or from the press having been pumped into a vat, it is allowed to rest for 24 hours in order to get rid of much of the solid matters it holds in suspension. If desired it may be aerated, as previously explained, or treated with sulphur ; the use of the one does not preclude that of the other treatment. Unless the liquid was subjected to the influence of sulphur fumes it would not rest and fermentation would soon set in. One easy method of sulphuring this must consists in burning under a barrel with the head taken off 5 grammes (75 grains) of sulphur for every 22 gallons (25 grammes, or Joz., per 100 gallons) of must treated. That inverted cask is slightly raised by means of a wedge, to admit the air necessary for the combustion of sulphur. The suction hose of a pump is fastened to the bung hole of that inverted tub, and when the large vat is about one-third full of fresh white must the pump is brought into play and the sulphurous fumes injected into its mass by means of the hose of the pump which is made to plunge into the liquid. This checks fermentation. It is known that the sulphuring is being satisfactorily done when, whilst the pump is at work, there is no smell of sulphur fumes perceptible when standing close to the cask. Twenty -four hours after sulphuring, which, if well carried out, checks fermentation from setting in early, the clear must is drawn off into the fermenting vats or casks, and the viscous product which 412 has subsided during the period of rest of the must is sent to the still-house, where it ferments. By this method most of the undesirable microbes present in grape must are carried down in the sediment and removed from the clear liquid, in which remain a number of yeast germs, which are more resistant to the action of sulphur fumes, and soon take charge of the fermentation, which then proceeds slowly and evenly, and without further trouble. YEASTS AND FERMENTS. With clean casks and good must from suitable grapes^why is it that under the present method of wine-making in Australia there is such a variety of wine being made ? Why does the wine some- times turn good, indifferent, and]generally, too often unfortunately, goes bad ? Although the raw material is apparently the same, , : it often happens that the wine of one vintage differs in quality and character from that of the next vintage. These questions lead jto the consideration of the n causes and conditions which influence wine fermentation. Saccharomyces cerevisix, or yeast of beer (highly magnified). To the quality of the grapes and the location they are grown in, is there not another factor which influences the quality of the wine ? The researches of Pasteur and others have demonstrated that to these must be added the variety and purity of the yeast or leaven. 413 To promote the production of a sound, palatable wine, to avoid the evils of stuck vats, of lactic, mousey, or of acetic wine, it is necessary to know the causes favourable to the production of these conditions in order to nurse and favour them, or to check and avoid them as the case may be. Although wine is the result of the fermentation of the juice of the grape, it is only when acted upon by microscopic living organisms which have received the name of " yeasts," that the transformation of the sweet juice of the fruit into wine is accomplished. In every sweet fruit nature has placed some kind of ferment capable of converting its juice into a fermented liquor. In grapes these ferments, known in France as " levures," in England as "yeast," are known to botanists all the world over for yeast is a plant by the name of Saccharomyces. Thus, of the ferment of beer, known as 8. cerevisise, there are several sub- varieties, some of which, like the ferments of " low fermentation,!' are bred by the brewers of lager beer and maintained at a low temperature of 45 to 54deg. F. (7-12 C.), and others, the ferments of " high fermentation," are to be found in those brew- eries where the type is more that of Bass's beer or Guinness' s stout. These thrive best at temperatures ranging from 65 to 85deg. F. (18-30 C). They consist of a series of cells, more or less oval in shape, the long diameter of which is about '001 min. (1 litre=1000 min. which nearly equals 1 yard, so that 1 min. = T? Vo~ yards). Saccharomyces ellipi,oideus, yeast of wine (highly magnified). Each cell is composed of a fragment of protoplasma, surrounded by an envelope of cellulose. These cells multiply very rapidly in several ways. 1st. By sprouting or budding; new cells showing like dots on the margin of older ones and growing gradually until 414 they constitute fresh cells. 2nd. By fissure, when the conditions are not so favourable. If a drop of fermenting beer is watched under the microscope, small granular bodies or nuclei are seen inside the yeast cell ; by degrees this pinches in and splits up into two to four cells. Within these mother cells are the spores or their kernels, which are endowed with greater resisting power. The ferments of wine proper, S. ellipsoideus, also comprise several families. Their optima temperature, i.e., that at which they are in the full possession of all their energy, ranges also from 70 to 90deg. F. (22-32 C.) Below that temperature they are sluggish and languid, above the higher one they are, after having passed through a feverish period, left sickly and weakened. They[ are elliptical in shape, and reproduce by sprouting. Saccharomyces pastorianus, ferment of secondary fermentation of wine (greatly magnified.) There is also to be found in wine the 8. pastoriam^, which compares with the elliptical yeast somewhat after the manner the wild bee does with the high bred and industrious ligurian bee ; even more, the S. pastorianus is more injurious than useful to wine, and until the ermenting wine reaches 75deg. F. (24 C.) there is always the danger of the elliptical yeast not being able to overcome that particular mild yeast. In the spring when sweetish wines begin to work, it is this yeast which is found mostly in the wine ; it likes a cool temperature, 415 but the quality of the spirit it turns out cannot be compared with that elaborated by the elliptical yeast. S. or Carpozyma apiculatum. There are other kinds of yeast, such as S. apiculatus Tor Carpozyma apiculatum ; which is neither good nor bad. This particular one is met with on tart and unripe fruit ; it has no great capacity for work. Although it generally starts fermentation it is of a very tender nature ; and the apiculate yeast gives way to the elliptical yeast when there is 2 to 3 per cent, of alcohol in the wine, or when the temperature rises above 75deg. F. (24deg. C.) It consists of pear-shaped cells. Amongst the other ferments which can be found in greater or in lesser quantity floating in new wine, the quality of which they tend to depreciate, are two kinds of micro-organisms, one the mycoderma vini, or." wine flowers," which, feeding on alcohol, robs the wine of its strength, and the second and more dangerous mycoderma aceti, which is the bacterium of vinegar. Both of these thrive at a fairly high temperature ranging from 80 to lOOdeg. Besides these, again, there are the bacteria of lactic or of mannitic fermentation, which are galvanised into life when the temperature in the vat or in the wine reaches lOOdeg. F. and over. There are also pseudo yeasts (torulse) and moulds, which not only waste sugar in the must and thus lower the strength of wine, but, what is much more serious, leave in the wine products they have eliminated which greatly lowers its quality. STARTING FERMENTATION. Now that we are acquainted with ferments and the conditions which are favourable or injurious to them, it will be readily under- 416 stood that it is an advantage to start the fermentation as soon as ever the grapes are crushed and vatted, as the less the wine is exposed to the air the better are its chances of escaping contamina- tion by the injurious bacteria of diseases which are always lurking in the cellar until a chance is offered to them to invade the wine and taint it. For that reason it is a good practice to start, a few days before vintage proper, a small fermentation under the most favour- able conditions possible. For that purpose some sound and ripe grapes are picked whilst cool, in the morning, crushed, and set fermenting in a clean tub, in which a temperature ranging between 75 and 90deg. is carefully maintained. This first fermentation will take longer to start than will other- wise be the case, as the appliances for wine-making have not then been leavened, and the spores or germs of the yeast, which during vintage float about in abundance in the atmosphere of the cellar, are still scarce at this early stage of wine-making. When the fermentation has well set in, vintage is begun, and as the first vat is being filled a bucketful or two of that ferment is thrown into it, wifch the result that a fermentation of the right sort speedily sets in. The subsequent vats are also leavened from those already in full fermentation, and thus the process is continued all through the vintage. This must be done at the right moment, as reference to the paragraphs dealing with the various kinds of ferments show that at the start the apiculate yeasts predominate, and at the end the mycoderma vini, or " flower of wine," and the bacteria of acetic acid and of lactic fermentations, as well as other undesirable micro- organisms which are not uncommon in the wine. During the height of the fermentation, on the other hand, the elliptical yeast, or true wine yeast, has a good hold of the fermenting mass, and is then in a healthy and thriving condition. In the course of his researches on beer, Pasteur demonstrated that several kinds of fermentation cannot proceed simultaneously and with an equal intensity in a suitable liquid, and that the most energetic always masters and overpowers the others. The point to bear in mind is, therefore, to surround the particular kind of fermentation one strives to achieve with the conditions most favour- able to its completion. INFLUENCE OP TEMPERATURE DURING FERMENTATION. Fermentation is the result of combustion. That combustion, as we have seen, is initiated whenever the yeast fungi have access to the sweet juice of the grape. According to the researches of scientists, and in the first instance to Berthelot, 180 grammes of grape sugar, in being trans- 417 formed into alcohol and carbonic acid gas, generate 71 calories, or enough heat to raise the temperature of a must containing 20 per cent, sugar and fermenting completely to 128deg. Fahr., provided all the heat were accumulated in the fermenting vessel without loss. This fact, demonstrated by theory, does not, however, occur in practice. Several sources of leakage tend to reduce that temper- ature, such as the radiation of heat through the staves or sides of the vat, the evaporation which takes place from the surface of the liquid, the bursting on the surface of the hot bubbles of the carbonic acid gas, which escapes through the air. Were it not for these sources of diffusion of heat generated,, the yeast would soon be paralysed or killed, and the vat would get " stuck." What that amount of heat is, at any given moment, within the mass in fermentation, can thus be expressed in the terms of a mathematical equation : The temperature of the fermenting mass is equal to that of the grapes at the time of crushing, plus that due to the heat evolved during the fermentation, less that lost by radiation and evaporation. It is a matter of common observation that, unless checked, the temperature of a 600 or 700- gallon vat in Australia rises from 20 to 25 F. during fermentation. In other words, grapes crushed at 65 F. will rise in the vat, if the temperature be unchecked, to 80~ or 85 F., whereas the same grapes vatted at a temperature of 75 F. will rise to about 95 or 100 F. As that temperature is decidedly injurious to the yeast of wine fermentation (saccharomyces ellipsoideus) , and on the other hand is favourable to bacterial life, or the life of those microbes which are the cause of disease in wine, it is obvious that, where no artificial means are at hand to control the excess of temperature, the grapes should be vatted when cool only. It is therefore essential, whilst the grapes are fermenting, to ascertain, by means of frequent testings with the thermometer, what the temperature is inside the vat. The elliptic yeast does its best work between the temperatures of 75 and 90 F. Below 75 the 8. pastorianus or the 8. apiculalus, which, at best, are but very poor kinds of ferments, thrive best ; above 95 the ferments of acetic acid and of lactic acid play an active part, the conversion of sugar into alcohol ceases through the death of the yeast of wine fermentation, and the vat gets " stuck," with a proportion of unfermented wine still left in it. During the course of a sickly fermentation, not only does the work done by sickly yeast plants fall short, both as regards quality and quantity, with what healthy yeast plants would do, but the same circumstances which have brought about that unsatisfactory state of things, i.e., excess of heat, being favourable to bacterial life, it 418 follows that the wine suffers in bouquet and aroma as well as in delicacy and purity, and is tainted by the deleterious products of undesirable and injurious bacteria, becoming fiery and heady, and suffering greatly in character. These bacteria, feeding on what sugar is left unfermented, and also on the spirit or on the tartar of the wine, cause lactic or mannitic, acetic, tartaric, and butyric fermentations, which form products giving sweet-sour or milk-sour acid and mousy tastes, all defects developed by keeping the wine, causing it to become flat, turbid, and difficult to clear. REVIVAL OF FERMENTATION. It sometimes happens that, in spite of all care and precaution, some vats get " stuck " before fermentation is completed. In such cases the remedy must be applied at once, and the wine-maker has the choice between several means of attaining that end. One of the simplest is to draw the wine from the hot vat and fill smaller casks or vessels in which it will soon cool, with the result that the ferments will revive and show a tendency to accom- plish their work. When this is noticed, the wine is restored to the vat, and a small addition of must in full fermentation added at the same time will soon help to restore matters. The surest way of restoring fermentation in a " stuck " vat, or of preventing the temperature rising too high, is, however, to use a refrigerator or wine-cooler. REFRIGERATORS, also called " attemperators," are mechanical devices for the purpose of cooling liquids, whether it be milk, as in a dairy, mash in a brewery, or must in a winery. Several types are in use for that purpose, those which have met with greater favour being : Metallic fermenting vats, enamelled inside, so as to protect the metal against the corrosive action of the acids in the wine. These vats are covered externally with coarse canvas, of the texture of cheese-cloth, which is kept constantly wet. They may be placed in a draught to increase evaporation, and thereby reduce the temperature. These vats have not become very popular, for the reason that they are somewhat high in price, and the cost of substituting wooden vats for them would be rather heavy. They were, for the first time, in Algeria. Metal spiral coils, plunged in the fermenting must, and through which cold water is passed, have hitherto been much used in breweries as well as wineries. It consists of a horizontal circular coil to suit the shape of the vat, and made of tinned copper pipes one- sixteenth of an inch thick and one inch to one and a-quarter inch outside diameter, with supporting stays and suspending rods, by which it may be hung in the vat at any desired depth. The pipes are 419 fitted with unions for connecting india-rubber hose for the supply of cooling water. When required to be removed, after fermentation, for cleaning purposes, it is readily hoisted by pulley blocks out of the vat. The pipes are set at a distance of about four inches apart, so as to allow of rapid and thorough cleaning. Tubular Attemperator. Amongst other advantages, this attemperator is easy to con- struct, fairly cheap, and can be fitted up anywhere, being simply hung on a beam over the top of any vat. It is, by means of the pulley blocks and a counterpoise hitched on at the other end of the chain, set at any depth in the fermenting wine. A good depth, I have found, is about six inches below the surface, as it is well known that fermentation, and hence development of heat, is more active at the top of the vat than at the bottom. The liquid on being cooled has, besides, a tendency to sink, and thus maintains amongst the lower, layers of the fermenting must a moderate degree of temperature. 420 For the purpose of working the attemperator, an abundant supply of cool water is necessary, and this can be pumped to a tank placed at a higher level than the attemperator itself, from a well, an underground tank, or even a cool stream. By means of a tap fitted on the supplying overhead tank the now of the cooling water can be regulated so as to maintain the suitable degree of tempera- ture in the vat. In practice, three to four square inches of surface piping are allowed per gallon of liquor to be cooled. This would be, with water, at from 65 deg. to 70 deg. F^ Supposing an attemperator is required for an 800 gallon vat. Such a vat would not receive more than about 600 gallons of grape must. One lineal foot of copper pipe one inch outside diameter would represent 36 square inches of cooling surface, reckoning that the circle bears to the diameter the proportion of three to one. This would be sufficient for cooling nine to 10 gallons of liquid; for 100 gallons we would require 10 feet, and for 600 gallons a coil of 60 feet of one-inch piping. Supposing a pipe of one and a-quarter inch outside diameter is used, one lineal foot of such piping would maintain 14 gallons of must at a temperature below 90 deg. F., with water, say, at 68 deg. F.; and a coil made of a 43 feet pipe would control the temperature of 600 gallons of grape must. The cost of such attemperators, with all fittings complete and ready for use, would amount to about <8. This metallic spiral coil is only used in reducing the tempera- ture in white wine vats, where the juice has been expressed from the skins ; or in red wine vats provided with a false head, for the purpose of submerging the cap. The consumption of water, which varies with the degree of temperature of the must, that of the water itself, and the volume of must to be cooled with this apparatus, amounts to about an equivalent volume of wine to be cooled. Muntz and Rousseaux tubular refrigerator. This cooling apparatus, which is constructed by the well-known firm of still manufacturers, Deroy fils aine, of Paris, is, as it stands, one of the most improved wine-coolers constructed. It has been used with much success in the large wineries of Algeria and of the south of France ; but its disadvantage, from the less ambitious Australian wine-grower's point of view, is its cost. In the matter of wine refrigeration several factors influence the cost of the operations, viz., the cost of labour for pumping the wine and the water, the interest, and wear and tear of the apparatus. While the first item does not fluctuate very much, the second decreases as the volume of wine handled increases, and an apparatus, by means of which large volumes of wine could be treated at a 421 nominal cost in a large winery, would prove a burden on a smaller stock of wine. The illustration shows the apparatus, which consists'of one to two or more batteries of thin copper tubes, well tinned, varying in length from six to 12 feet, and one and a-half inches in diameter. These two columns (1 and 2) are connected by means of a tube (3), which runs from the topmost tube of the first column to the bottom. s=s=:fe;~uii: Muntz and Eousseaux tubular refrigerator. tube of the other. The wine thus is forced upwards by means of a pump, and, entering at 7, runs at the top of the second column through the outlet (8) back into the vat. Cool water from the tank (4) is allowed to drip by means of two rows of holes in the bottom, corresponding to the two columns, over which it spreads in thin layers, and, exposed to the air and in contact with the metal warmed by the ascending wine, evaporates and helps to cool 422 the hot wine. Under the apparatus is a metal box (5), which catches the warm water, from which it is pumped back into the water tank, or allowed to run to waste through 6, if water is abun- dant. Each column of tubes has a tap (13) which allows for empty- ing the wine. An air- tap (11), at the top of the first column, facilitates the escape of carbonic acid gas, which is disengaged when fermenting must is being treated. The apparatus is mounted on two pairs of wheels, and can be moved about. A continuous com- munication between the sets of tubes is provided by means of the bronze castings, which can be removed by unbolting the bronze plates (10) pressing over rubber washers, this allows the interior of the tubes to be readily cleaned. At 8 is shown a thermometer, indicating the temperature of the cooled wine when leaving the apparatus. The total length of tubes through which the wine passes, in two columns of 19 tubes each, is about 500 feet. The amount of water required for cooling the wine when working this apparatus is, on an average, about equal to that of the wine to be cooled, unless very cool water is used. A good deal of energy is exerted in forcing the wine through this cooler, which is better suited to large wineries, where abundance of water and motor power are available. Calif ornian Refrigerator. In a bulletin recently published by the Agricultural Experiment Station of the University of California, Californian Kefrigerator. 423 Mr. A. P. Hayne describes and illustrates a wine-cooler of ingenious design, which should prove of great service to wine-makers in hot countries. In its construction and working, drip, spray, and blast are happily brought into play together, with the result that a con- siderable reduction in the temperature is obtained at the expense of a small volume of water. The apparatus consists of the cooler proper, made of two batteries or columns of thin copper tubes, somewhat flattened, as shown in the illustration. These tubes, which are five and a-half inches wide by one and a-half inches, run continuously, as in the case of the Muntz and Rousseaux apparatus, and are held by bronze castings fastened by thumb screws over rubber washers, for the convenience of cleaning. In order to secure the best utilisation of the spray, and as little waste of it as possible, the two sets are placed as near together as practicably possible ; and experiment has demonstrated that, for this purpose, they should be set one inch apart in the inverted V (A) position at an angle of about 30 degrees. The wine enters A, rises in the tubes, and from C overflows and is carried to the bottom of the second set, which faces the blower; there it ascends, and from B it is best carried to a storage tank at a greater elevation than the fermenting vat, to which it is returned by gravity when a sufficient amount of it has been cooled, thus avoiding any waste of energy by pumping the same wine twice through the cooler. Underneath the cooler is a water-box, for collecting the drip from the tabes. This cooler frame is connected with the blower by means of a pyramidal canvas sleeve, about five feet long, which prevents loss of blast and spray. In order to Blower. prevent the unequal distribution of the blast, which would be- stronger at the circumference than in the middle, a cylindrical sleeve three and a-half feet long is interposed between it and the blower. 424 At the junction of the cylindrical and pyramidal sleeves are three Vermorel nozzles placed in front of the blower. From these come a spray of water directed towards the cooler ; over this spray plays the strong current of air generated by the blower, which, creating an active evaporation, reduces the temperature of the watery mist considerably by the time it comes into contact with the tubes of the cooler. The blower itself, of which the figure represents the model used in the Calif ornian experiments of this apparatus, is one of fwo types constructed by the Garden City Fan Co., of Chicago. They are " double" 18-inch and " double " 24-inch blowers ; both require about one-half horse power to run them at a rate of 1,000 and 900 revolutions per minute respectively. The first will pass 3,000 cubic feet and the second 5,000 cubic feet of air through per minute. Their prices are 40 dol. and 50 dol. each. In larger wine cellars they could conveniently be worked by means of a two or two and a-half H.P. motor, which costs little, and can do all the blowing, pumping and crushing work in the cellar at a trifling expense ; once the motor is set going, the attendant can attend to other work. This refrigerator is not patented, and is made by Messrs. Toulouse Delorieux, 622 Commercial Street, San Francisco, Cal. It is made in different sizes : For 75ft. tubing, 125 dol. ; for 100ft. tubing, 150 dol. ; for 150ft. tubing, 200 dol. Refrigeration by Ice. The use of attemperators or heat coolers have, under many hot climates, been used with most satisfactory results. Several designs have been contrived for that purpose, but they all entail a high initial cost, as well also as the necessity for a large supply of cool water, which has, in the first instance, to be secured, and subsequently has to be pumped up before it can be utilised. The experiments I have conducted during the vintage 1900 in order to control the vinous fermentation were, however, so success- ful without the use of costly attemperators, or of large quantities .of cool water, that in the circumstances which offer for those wine- makers not far distant from Perth, I fail to see why costly :attemperators, requiring a continuous use of cool water should not be discarded. From the Government Refrigerating Works I obtained a supply of ice sufficient for controlling the temperature in the fermenting vats under conditions which generally prevail at vintage time in our cellars. For that purpose, I arranged with some of our largest wine-makers to conduct a set of experiments which have turned out as successfully as I anticipated. The experiments were conducted at three of the largest fermenting sheds on the Swan, to which ice could, with little loss in transit, be promptly conveyed, viz., at " Houghton," at " St. Leonards," and .at -" Santa Rosa." 425 The following fermenting chart illustrates the progress of fer- mentation under circumstances which I shall briefly explain : Cfc vK ..F V I VA O >*0*OV> .*.*%> VV <>* **^** V ^ I 0^*^ y hitting the top stave,, in whi-oh the bung hole is bored, *on each side, alternatively. This will start the shive, which will then be easily removed. If too tightly driven, a wood chisel and a hammer will soon remove it, but the circular bung hole must not be damaged by the chisel, as this will make it difficult to bung it down again when used another time. The clean bottles have all been arranged around the cask. The operator, after having run water in the india-rubber tubing to cleanse it, places one piece into the cask through the bung hole, as shown in the illustration, until he feels that the syphon touches the bottom of the cask. He then stands alongside the cask, holds the tube between the thumb and the forefinger, about the same height as the top of the cask, sucks only once, and promptly lowers his end of the tube. If the suction has been properly applied no wine will be spilled, and it will run out at once. Half a glassful is collected, and if not clear and bright it is run into a jug until the clear wine comes out. The thumb and forefinger compress the end of the tube, which is now placed just inside the neck of the bottle ; the pressure is relaxed, and when the wine rises to the middle of the neck of the bottle the rubber tube is pressed again, another bottle is filled, and so on until all the bottles are filled. 458 Six bottles will be necessary for every gallon of wine in the cask. If the syphoning has been well done there will not be more than a quart of wine left in the cask. Do not use a tap ; wine is almost sure to be spilled unless it is cleverly fixed on, and it, moreover, damages the head of the cask. Method of Bottling. CORKING. Put the corks in a bucket of warm water; this will soften them and make it easier to drive them. If tapered corks are used, they are simply fitted in the neck of the filled bottles and they are then driven in with the driver. If the corks are not tapered each one in turn is put in the chamber of the hand-corking tube, which is then placed on the neck of the bottle, and the pusher is then driven down by means of the driver or a wooden mallet. It is advisable that the bottles be well filled, but plenty of room should be left for the cork, or else the bottle might burst. 459 DEFECTS A.ND DISEASES OF WINE. Wine, like milk, is susceptible of attack and deterioration from a number of causes. It may be defective or it may be diseased, or, as it often happens, it is both defective and diseased at the same time. The defects are either natural or acquired. Natural defects are those inherent to the commoner and inferior kinds of grapes; to the soil itself, -the manures used, to insufficient ripeness, or to the bad manipulation during the process of making. Acquired defects or diseases result from carelessness and tainted casks and vessels. These defects only manifest themselves after fermentation. They constitute the diseases of wines as is generally understood, and each individual one is produced by the presence and the work within the wine of numberless microbes, each kind easily identified from the other by its shape and other charac- teristics which accompany its growth. I will rapidly review the more common defects and diseases met with in wines. Earthy taste. Often inherent to the soil where the grapes were grown. Clayey soils are in this respect more susceptible of imparting an earthy taste to wines than do light loams, which pro- duce wines said to be "clean" to the taste. This defect can be aggravated by long fermentation, especially when the stalks have not been sufficiently separated. Long intervals between rackings also add to it, and for that reason it is advisable to draw the clear wine from over its lees more frequently than would otherwise be done. Occasional light fixings after racking, followed up by another racking, will be found helpful. Greenness. This defect is caused by an undue proportion of tartaric acid and malic acid in wet seasons, when the grapes have not matured properly. A strong attack of a fungoid disease, bringing about a loss of the leaves of vines, will favour the same defect. Blending in the vat with a proportion of dead ripe and healthy grapes is the best means of correcting this defect. Harshness, caused by excess of tannin. This constituent of wine, which is essential to its good keeping, is generally more perceptible in young wines. Time mellows it down, and it is gradually transformed into gallic acid. Beware of iron coining into contact with such wine, as the chemical reaction which follows would produce ink. If the harshness is excessive, heavy finings by means of gelatine, 3 to 3| ounces per 100 gallons, will precipitate and remove a portion of the tannin. As such a fining would also remove some of the colouring matter, wines already light in colour should be treated in some other way ; for such wine, blending with light, mellow wines, low in tannin, will correct the defect. Stalky Taste and Bitterness. This defect is due to another cause altogether to that which produces the disease of " bitterness," 460 described further on. Some grapes, like malbec, yield a wine showing this defect in a more pronounce^ manner than others. These grapes treat as indicted under the heading " Earthy taste." Heated taste is noticeable in wines which have been fermented at too high a temperature. Low alcoholic strength, the produce of grapes having a must of very low specific gravity and poor in sugar. Blending with a stronger wine or light fortification will correct this defect. Deficient colour can be remedied by blending with a dark- coloured wine. Dull-coloured Wines. Wines thus affected have a kind of leaden colour, and, in the case of red wine, may even appear black. Several causes bring about this trouble, viz. : Aeration of wine containing iron, low acidity or excess in tannin of such wines, the action on wine of new casks improperly seasoned, the fermenting of grapes rotting from exposure to wet weather, the fermenting of over- ripe grapes grown in particularly rich ground, the action of cold on wines. Such wines require energetic treatment to bring back their brilliancy and their normal colour. The following treatment has been found satisfactory : Add to the wine quarter of a pound of common salt per 100 gallons ; fine with fresh blood, with clots removed, half pint to every 100 gallons ; this blood mix with a little wine and pour into the wine; by means of the pump, inject air into the cask by continuous pumping for an hour or two ; this will cause all the particles of substance in the wine likely to blacken to do so ; after this, with the fining rod, stir the wine up thoroughly, so as to cause the blood to thoroughly mix with the wine ; then let it rest ; the fining will coagulate and settle down into the cask, drawing along in its meshes every particle of impurity which caused the dull colour ; rack after a few days. It is sometimes desirable to run the wine through a filter, not exposed to the action of the air. An addition of two to three ounces of citric acid per 100 gallons of the wine is advisable. Putrid Decomposition. This defect is rare in Western Aus- tralia, where the wines are rich in spirit and in tannin, two elements which impart to the wine vigour and tone. Blending, fortification, and a small addition of tannin remedy this defect to a certain extent. Casky Taste. Wine run in old casks, left unused for a long time, do sometimes contract an unpleasant, casky taste, which often spoils their sale. The use of pure olive oil, well beaten into the wine, and allowed to float over through the bunghole, has long been recommended ; some have also advised the use of powdered mustard, in doses of 4 to 6 ounces per 100 gallons, to be thoroughly stirred into the wine, which is then allowed to rest for 24 hours. Others have had good results from spent coffee (Hlb.), Florence oris powder (loz. per 100 gallons), to be well stirred into the wine, which rack after four or five davs. 461 DISEASE OF WINES. The above defects, unlike the diseases mentioned here, are amenable to treatment which does not aim at destroying or thwart- ing the destructive micro-organisms, which are the primary cause of the diseases in wines. Our knowledge of these micro-organisms we owe in the first instance to Pasteur, who at the same time suggested the remedy best calculated to protect the wine against their destructive action. That remedy, in honour of its discoverer, has been called Pasteuri- sation, and it is carried out in apparatus called Pasteuriser, of which the two illustrations are given below. 21 Perrier-Deroy's Pasteuriser. The heat generator is composed of (i.) A tubular boiler with a fire grate inside, heating the water jacket. (2.) A worm tube immersed in the water, passing into the central collecting cylinder, surrounded by warm water. ( 3 ..) A fire grate surmounted by straight tubes communicating with the funnel. The refrigerator consists of a cylindrical tank containing the worm, one end of which communicates with the heat generator, the other end serving for the exit of the wine. The cold wine enters the machine by the tube (7), and, passing through a delivery controlling-tap, reaches the bottom of the refrigerator, fills the annulary space, forming a kind of worm parallel to the first worm. It then reaches the heat generator 462 (calefactor) through the horizontal tube J^L 3), then descends into the worm of the calefactor, rises through the collecting cylinder (9), intermixing thoroughly, and from there reaches the worm of the refrigerator through the tube (10), where it becomes cooled by contact with the cool wine surrounding the tube. Thermometers (6) and (11) record the temperature of the water jacket, and that of the wine coming out of the calefactor and out of the refrigerator. Before starting, the steam generator is filled with water through the plug (2). When the level of the water reaches the overflow tap (3), the plug (2) is closed and the fire lighted. Directly the thermometer (6) records 80 C. (176 F.) the top is opened to allow air to escape, and the wine is introduced through the delivery controlling tap (7). When the wine has filled the worm collector and steam generator, it reaches the top, which is closed, and the flow of the liquid, as well as the fire, are regulated in such a way that the thermometer continuously records the required temperature for pasteurisation. When the operation is finished the fire is put out, and all the parts of the machine are emptied by taps fixed for that purpose. Perrier-Deroy's Pasteuriser. This apparatus is very simply worked and can be confided into the hands of anyone. Heating takes place rapidly and regularly 463 without fear of alcoholic loss, and with a considerable economy of fuel. All the various parts of the apparatus are made to separate so as to facilitate its taking to pieces, which is indispensable for work subject to be frequently put aside and sometimes for a certain length of time. The second illustration shows another type of the same pasteuriser, constructed by the same makers. Another method, more efficacious and less objectionable, is to make a free use of sulphur fumes. Instead of sulphur fumes, some chemical substances, such as sulphites, holding sulphur in a loose state of combination, may be substituted with advantage. For instance, sulphite of soda or bisul- phite of potash, at the rate of one to two ounces per 100 gallons, simply dropped into the wine, which after a day or so may be stirred a bit and allowed to rest, generally remove in four or five days the objectionable casky taste, whilst neither the colour, the taste, nor the smell remain affected either by the defect or the remedy employed. It consists in destroying by heat the micro-organisms in the liquid. These micro-organisms, like those we have already con- sidered when dealing with ferments, are made of living albumen (protoplasma), encased in a covering of cellulose. Like the yeast of fermentation, they are also provided with spores, which are germs of reproduction more resistant than the protoplasma itself. Heat, when raised to 75 C. (167 F.), coagulates the living albumen, and if that temperature be maintained for a longer period, kills the spores as well. The acidity, strength, or alkalinity of the liquid these germs are immersed in also influences the degree of heat required to destroy these living germs. Thus, in fresh grape must before fermentation, a temperature of 75 to 85 destroys all the organisms present. In the resulting wine, after fermentation, however, a tempera- ture of 60 C. (140 F.) will achieve the same result; here the action of heat being strengthened by the presence in the wine of both the acids and alcohol. In a substance like milk, on the other hand, which is at the same time alkaline and fatty, the temperature has to be raised to about 110 C. or even higher to sterilise the liquid. The diseases of wine being caused by living germs or bacteria, which can only be seen with the help of a powerful microscope magnifying 600 to 900 times, it is natural to classify them into groups suggested by the characteristic behaviour of these bacteria themselves. The mere presence of these bacteria into the wine does not in itself cause that wine to be undrinkable or unwholesome, but it is the accumulation into it of noxious matters produced by the bacteria, as well as the suppression by these of matters essential to 464 the character of the wine by feeding on them, which cause the deterioration of the wine. The micro-organisms, which are the active agents of diseases of wine, have been divided by Pasteur in two classes : (i.) Those which take the oxygen they need for their respiration from the air itself, called " aerobic " ferments. (2.) Those which take their oxygen from substances rich in oxygen, and not from the air itself " anaerobic " ferments. To the first group belong the diseases which cause Acetic fermentation, Flowers of wine, and the disease the French call Casse, or the breaking of the wine. To the second belong Mannitic or Lactic fermentation, Bitter, Grease, and Pousse, or Tourne. The yeast germs are " anaerobic," in so far as they obtain their oxygen from the sugar they feed upon, although an occasional infusion of oxygen from outside, as occurs when the must is aerated, adds fresh life in them. In this much they behave like " anaerobic" ferments. The above classification, although not absolutely correct, is however accepted by scientists as being in the main correct. Flowers of Wine are not in themselves very injurious to wines. They are often seen like a white greasy film floating on the surface in casks containing light wines, which have not been kept scrupulously clean. They are when thus seen, an agglomeration of microscopic fungi, very pretty when seen under the microscope, known by botanists under the name of Saccharomyces orMycodermavini. The cells are elliptic in shape, and multiply by germination or bud- ding. They are always found on the surface, as they require air for their existence, whilst they consume the alco- hol of the wine, turning it into carbonic acid gas and water. They also destroy the alde- hydes and ethers of the wine which contribute to form the bouquet. By weakening the wine of its spirit, they pave the way to the Flowers of Wine (Mycoderma vini), 700 ~T 465 invasion of that other more dangerous mycoderm which causes acetification. Unlike the latter, they never sink into the wine. When the flowers of wine are allowed to thrive unchecked they impart to the wine an unpleasant mouldy taste. They are easy to keep out if casks are continuously maintained full, in order to exclude air. Where a thin light veil caused by this fungus occurs, a good plan for getting rid of it is to insert into the bunghole to a depth of a few inches a tin tube, the upper end of which closes with the thumb ; that tube will penetrate the floating layer without carrying any of it downwards and without disturbing the wine. Fit a funnel at the upper end of the tube and pour sufficient strong wine into the cask to fill the ullage. The veil of microbes will float to the surface, and by pouring more wine will run out through the bunghole. The ullage should be frequently filled. If the wine has already contracted a mouldy taste, it should be racked into a sulphured cask after the fungus has been removed -as ex- plained. Add half a gallon of strong spirit or a few gallons of a stronger wine, per 100 gal- lons, fine and rack again. Acetification is one of the most common diseases of wine, and also one of the most troublesome. Like the flowers of ^^^ wine, it consumes the alcohol of wine when exposed to air. Under these circumstances it transforms the alcohol into acetic acid and water, as is shown by the following chemical equation : Mycoderma or Diplococcus aceti 700 1 Alcohol. Oxygen. C 2 H 6 + 2 = Acetic Acid. r ~*7 > C 2 H 4 2 The disease generally only attacks wine that has been neglected and left in ullaged casks. It shows as a film, wrinkled and velvety on the surface. After a time masses of viscous matter in the wine surround that film and cause some portion of it to sink. When 466 looked at under a high-power microscope the gerrns show as oblong cells disposed rod fashion. These cells multiply very rapidly by a process of segmentation, or pinching in the centre. The disease is easier to guard against than to counteract. As the alteration starts from the surface it is sometimes possible when the trouble has just started to draw off the lower portion of the wine still sound in the cask, and separate it from the altered wine at the top. If the wine is not very much pricked it may to some extent be corrected by using per quarter-cask : l p carbonate of lime (powdered marble), or preferably, carbonate of magnesia, 2 to 4 oz. Neutral tartrate of potash (1 gramme) 15 grains. Spirit of wine, 1 quart. Shake and stir well, and after a couple of days fine with gelatine or isinglass, and if necessary add a little tannin. When clear, rack in heavily -sulphured and clean cask, which must always be kept quite full. Another method consists in mixing per 100 gals, of the slightly pricked wine, 2 to 4 oz. of neutral tartrate of potash, which is dissolved in a little warm water, then stirred into the cask, which is next fined and racked. Other methods are used for correcting sour wines, but as they result in leaving into it substances which would injuriously affect the consumer, they are rightly considered illegitimate, and are not used in respectable cellars. Sour wine can more profitably be turned into vinegar and sold as such than faked up into unwhole- some drugs. When the wine is lightly pricked, however, it may, with advantage, be pasteurised, and then blended with a heavy wine low in acids. Casse. This disease has been referred to when treating of the manufacture of white wine (p. 408). Of casse or break there are two kinds, the "blue" and the " brown." The "blue" casse is characterised by the separation of the blue colouring matter of the grape juice, of which two others exist, viz., the red and the yellow. This particular kind of " break " can be stopped, or, better, pre- vented, by the addition of tartaric acid to the must in doses at the rate of 8oz. to Hlbs. per 100 gallons. The "brown" break is caused by an oxidising diastase, which produces a kind of black matter called " oxydare " by feeding on the albuminoid matters in the wine. As this trouble is caused by an organised ferment, nothing short of its suppression will bring about a cure. This is effected by means of pasteurisation or sterilisation by heat or by the use of sulphurous acid. 467 Red wines thus affected appear sound whilst in the casks, when air does not get at it, but without warning and almost sud denly, when drawn or bottled, it turns black and shows a brownish deposit. The taste and chemical constituents of the wine are not very perceptibly altered, but the wines become unsightly. When looked at through clear glass, either the white or red wine shows a scud, and from brilliant and limpid when fresh drawn from the cask it becomes dull, shows an irridescence on the surface, and the colour- ing matter gradually oxidising throws a brown coloured sediment. The wine sometimes has a leathery smell, and has a slightly acidu- late and bitterish taste. The oxidising diastase feeding on the albuminoid substances in the wine is more commonly met with in wines produced from grapes grown on rich alluvial soils. Tannin, which coagulates albumen, is generally deficient in such wines, and a slight addition of this sub- stance is often attended with good results. Sulphur, however, is in every case beneficial, and may be used at the rate of 6 to 30 grammes of sulphurous acid per 100 gallons, or its equivalent, three to 15 grammes, of sulphur (Joz. to foz.), or 12 to 60 grammes (Joz. to 2ozs.) of bisulphite of potash. Amongst the diseases caused by anaerobic microbes Mannitic Fermentation is one of the most troublesome in hot climates. The cause of the disease are short, motionless, rod-like microbes, which congregate in groups and are often found asso- ciated with germs of other diseases. Two requirements are neces- sary for its development the presence of unfermented sugar in the wine, and a higher temperature than is suitable for the yeast ferment, viz., 35-40 C. (95-104 F.). The disease generally starts in the fermenting vat whenever the temperature is allowed to go up too high. As a result of the presence of this microbe in large numbers, the unfermented sugar is transformed into another kind of sugar, called mannite, and into lactic acid, the result being a sour-sweet wine. The remedies are low temperature fermentation, or early for- tification with spirits of wine, or pasteurisation, The cream of tartar is not decomposed in inannitic wine, as is the case in wines affected with the tourne disease. Tourne (Turning) and "Pousse" (Pushing) Diseases. These diseases attack any kind of wine of low alcoholic strength. In 468 The Pousse Ferment, 1000 1 appearance they are very much alike, and show like very minute filaments, grouped together in mucous bundles. The Pousse microbes attack the tartaric acid of the wine, which it transforms into acetic and propionic acids, whilst in the Tourne the tartaric acid is turned into carbonic and lactic acids. The diseased wine tastes flat, its colour is precipitated. In the Pousse gases are gene- rated, which, should the cask be tightly bunged, may cause the head to bulge out. The carbonic acid bubbles appear on the surface as fine per- sistent bubbles. Under the microscope the ferment of the Tourne shows in the form of long batonnets or rods, without movement. The remedy prescribed is to add cream of tartar to the wine and pasteurise it or fortify it up to 14 to 15 per cent, of alcohol (30-32 per cent, proof). Ropiness, also called " grease disease," is peculiar to white wines, deficient in tannin. Such wines are turbid in look, flat, and viscous in appearance. The ac- tive agent of the disease is a microbe which, at first sight, is not unlike the micodenna aceti. It is, however, encased in a sheath of viscous mat- ter which gives to wine an oily appearance. White wines light in alcohol under 12 per cent or 26 per cent. proof and produced from grapes grown on rich alluvial flats, or more or less decom- posed and rich in albu- minoid matters, are more susceptible to the disease. The remedy is the elimination of these albuminoid matters, Grease or Ropy Ferment, 700 ~ 469 which can be effected by an addition of tannin varying from one-eighth to one-sixth ounce per 100 gallons ; aeration and stirring violently to break up the viscosity of the microbes, slight fortifica- tion to bring the strength of the wine to 12 per cent, or more. Pasteurisation will cure the disease in one act. In either case fining and racking is indicated. Bitterness is caused by a small, threadlike microbe which, when dying, is encased in the colouring matter Bitterness Ferment. of red wines at the beginning of the sick- ness. The wine de- velops a peculiar dis- agreeable smell, at the same time loses the freshness of its colour and appears more brown. The taste also becomes uneven, flat, sweetish, and is trans- formed into a bitter taste by degrees. Fol- lowing the progress of the sickness the colour- ing matter is entirely lost, and the wine in the end becomes un- drinkable. Not only in the cask, but in the bottle, may the wine become bitter. Several means have been suggested to cure it (i.) Allow a new fermentation with fresh must ; this means only spoiling good must. (2.) Racking in strongly sulphured casks checks the progress of the disease. (3.) Pasteurising checks it, but, unless carefully done, often spoils the original taste of wine. (4.) Fortifying up to 12 per cent. (26 per cent, proof), and a little addition of tartaric acid, will hide the bitter taste. If the disease has gone too far, it is not by any means possible to overcome the bitter taste. The use of oxidising substances, such as permanganate of potash, in very slight doses, after previous fortification up to about 14 per cent., gives very rapid result. Aeration is also good. After t his, blending with wines of deep colour, and rich in tannin, will restore to the wine its desired equilibrium. 470 UNFEJftMENTED GEAPE-JUICE. Inquiries are often made concerning the proper method of making " unfermented wine." Such an article is, it appears, in demand for sacramental purposes, and a ready sale also exists for using it as a cooling drink. " Unfermented wine " is, it is only fair to state at the outset, only a snare and a delusion. The word "wine" implies alcoholic fermentation, and so soon as any kind of fruit juice has its sugar transformed into alcohol, through the agency of the living agents of fermentation, it becomes a " wine." A glance at an analysis of freshly- pressed grape-must will satisfy anyone that no spirit nor glycerine both residues of alcoholic fermentation are present. The analysis will also indicate the presence of nourishing and wholesome constituents, which are combined and grouped in a form which is at the same time palatable and wholesome. The following table shows the several ingredients of fresh grape-j uice previous to fermentation : Water 80 to 85 parts Grape sugar (dextrose and Isevulose) ... 15 28 Free acids (tartaric, tannic) ... ... O'l 1 Salts of organic acids (tartrates, malates, citrates of potassium, calcium, etc.) ... 0*4 0'8 Salts of mineral acids, sulphates, nitrates, phosphates, silicates of potassium, cal- cium, magnesium, iron ... ... ... 0'3 0*5 Albuminoid matters ... ... ... ... O3 1 Any unfermented wine, therefore, showing substances not mentioned in this analysis must have been tampered with and ceases to be pure grape -juice. WHY GRAPE-JUICE FERMENTS. Side by side with the grape-juice, nature has placed active living agents which, when they gain access to that juice, break up and disorganise its several compounds into substances widely different in nature, composition and properties. These living agents are of microscopic size, and although more numerous on the waxy bloom which covers the skin of the fruit, they also float about in the air we breathe, and are present on the surface of all manner of possible vessels and appliances which may be used during the handling of the grape or other juices. These micro-organisms belong to numerous species, and are classified as moulds, yeasts, and bacteria. They differ as regards their shape, their habits, and the resulting produce of their activities. Besides these living agents of decomposition of the juices of fruit, there are present viscous, albuminoid substances which cause a certain amount of turbidity in the liquid and make it unattractive to the sight. Those two factors, viz., micro-organisms and viscous albuminoid substance, are the two elements which the unfermented grape- juice 471 preserver has to contend with, and in order to purge the liquid of them two ways present themselves one chemical and one physical. The chemical methods consist in paralysing the microscopic cells of the agents of fermentation by means of antiseptic substances. This method is prohibited wherever a Pure Food Act is enforced, and moreover, on hygienic grounds it is strongly to be deprecated, for the reason that such toxic substances which silence and paralyse the living cells of organisms in the sweet juice, on the other hand also happen to injuriously affect those other micro-organisms which accompany and foster digestion. Their use is to be deprecated, and should be prohibited by law. The physical methods are, on the other hand, safe, and yield results which are quite satisfactory. These are purely mechanical, such as filtering, or both mechanical and biological, such as those methods in which heat, cold, or electricity play the leading part. Of these, heat is, up to the present, both the cheapest and the most reliable. The germs figured in the chapter on " Ferments and on Diseases of Wine " consist of translucent gelatinous cells which at even a moderate temperature coagulate and perish. The temperature at which these micro-organisms perish is called " the death point" of these microbes. This point is several degrees lower in slightly acid liquids, such as grape or other fruit-juice, than it is in neutral liquids. Time is also a factor which in a measure influences this death point. For instance, a micro-organism which would only perish if heated for half an hour at, say, 60deg. C. (140deg. F.) would probably survive the treatment if the period of heating was only a quarter of an hour. Then again, micro-organisms occur in two states : an active or growing state, consisting of a fragment of protoplasma, encased in a cellulose covering, and a resting or spore state, the spores being minute nuclei embedded into the body of the micro-organism and endowed with greater resistant properties. This being so, a degree of heat which would coagulate and kill the micro-organism in its gellified or growing state would probably only cause passing dis- comfort to the more hardened resting spores. As a rule, it requires about 5deg. C. (9deg. F.) additional above the death point of the growing micro-organism to kill the same organism in its resting state. In practice it is found that grape-must is sterilised by heating up to 65deg. to 75deg. C. (149deg. to 167deg. F.). It is essential not to raise the temperature too high, so as not to affect the delicacy of taste or colour of the liquid operated upon, and for that purpose it is essential not to exceed 85deg. C. (185deg. F.). Whilst it is known that germs of fermentation and of other decomposition organic liquids are destroyed at a comparatively low temperature when immersed in a liquid, these same germs, when desiccated, can tolerate a much higher temperature with impunity. It is important to bear in mind this fact when bottling the sterilised liquid, as any germs which may be resting on the dry neck of the 472 bottle or on the cork would escape destruction, and would later on start a fresh growth and spoil the liquid. In order to guard against this, both bottles and corks must be boiled just before using. This is done for at least half an hour, and when handling care should be taken not to touch the bottles with the hands high up the neck lest some germs present on the hands should be conveyed to the mouth of the bottles and thence into the liquid. PLANT BEQUIRED. On a fairly large scale a plant proportionate with the output of unfermented juice would be required. Such a plant would include a steam boiler, a steriliser, or Pasteuriser, to sterilise the juice ; a niter press, to separate the clear juice from the viscous pulpy tissue floating in it ; a hot- water dip, such as are used at canning works, for sterilising the bottles. On a smaller scale a less elaborate plant can be made to answer. An open copper for heating the must and boiling both bottles and corks, a filter, and a bottle steriliser may be made to answer the desired purpose. portable Bottle pasteuriser. MODUS OPERAND:. The grapes having been crushed, the juice is run into a vat, where it is allowed to deposit its slime. In hot weather, ice or an attemperator may be used to cool it down and prevent it ferment- ing for a few hours. From this settling vat the partly clarified must 473 is taken to the open copper and heated up to 85 C. (185 F.) for half-an-hour, and skimmed and then run through a cooler into fresh settling receptacles, properly sterilised. ' Steamed casks, closed by means of sterilised bungs, will do. Here much of the albuminoid and viscous matters in the|must, which will have been coagulated during the first heating process, are deposited. This renders the operation of filtering much easier. After this the must may be filtered and run into sterilised bottles, which are then securely corked with well- sterilised corks. These bottles are set to stand in a hot water 474 trough, and the temperature gradually brought up to 80 C. (175 F.) r at which temperature they are maintained for quarter of an hour. A thermometer placed in one of the bottles indicates the exact degree of heat. It is essential, in order to sterilise the must, that that tem- perature be reached ; whilst, on the other hand, it is essential that it be not surpassed, as a higher degree of heat at the final heating would coagulate a fresh lot of albuminoid matter, which would cause their precipitation and make the liquid turbid. It is advisable to secure the corks by means of strings during this second sterilisation, in order to prevent them being blown up. When this is done the contents of the bottles will keep for almost an indefinite period, unless some threads of moulds penetrate the corks and contaminate the liquid. To guard against this, it is a good practice to dip the neck of the filled bottles into a 2 per cent, solution of sulphate of copper (3ozs. to 4ozs. blue stone in Igal. water), and when dry either cover with bottling wax or a capsule. Should signs of turbidity show after a few days, repeat the sterilising process a third time. Grape-juice thus prepared will, with the exception of a few tinted juice grapes, be white or amber colour, and be possessed with the particular aroma of the grape used in its manufacture. When filled, lay the bottles in rows on the side, and note any which may be leaking at the cork. These put by for more immediate use ; the others are slightly dipped at the neck in bottling wax, which may be bought at cork merchants' or at whole- sale druggists' for a few pence per Ib. Different colours, such as red, green, blue, or white, may be used for different wines. Care should be used, in melting, to keep the wax continually stirred, to prevent it burning and assuming the appearance of a gritty deposit. Grape juice thus bottled may be kept sound for years. It will greatly improve by keeping a few months before it is used. 475 INFERTILE GKAPE VINES. the vines have set their fruit, any that are sterile or fail to carry a crop commensurate with their vigour more forcibly attract attention. This non -setting is the result of a variety of causes, and an understanding of what these causes may be enables one to alter conditions which bring them about and so apply the remedy. .By setting of the fruit is understood the proper fertilisation of the ovary. This occurs in the spring of the year, and wherever grape vines are grown under artificial condi- tions of shelter, etc., it proves an anxious time to all cultivators of the vine. In Western Australia, where the open air climatic conditions in the spring are in every respect favourable to the proper fertilisation of the ovaries, grapes set without trouble and with great perfection. Yet individual exceptions are occasionally met with, which are subject to the following conditions : I. Climatic conditions which cause non -setting. II. Structural or constitutional FIG. 1. Bunch of grapes showing complete non-setting. delects. In the first instance it is important to understand how the grape vine blossoms set. FIG. 2. Normal buds before fertilisation. FIG. 3. Normal flowers after fertilisation. 476 Reference to the figs., some of which are taken from A. Bonnet's " Selection as applied to the Vine " illustrate the different possible occurrences. Figs. 4, 5, and 6 illustrate, on a magnified scale, the structure of a normal grape vine flower and show the bud, then the peculiar 4 5 6 FIG. 4, A grape vine floral bud. FIG. 5. Same showing the petals of the corolla detached from the base and united above, pressing the anthers against the pistil. FIG, 6. Same with the corolla removed, and showing the anthers ready for excision. (FOEX.) way the petals unfold from the base of the calyx. This dislodge- ment of the cap causes a jerk which scatters the pollen in the anther sacs on the stamens (Fig. 6). This pollen comes into contact with the stigma of the pistil which carries it to the ovary. Free setting varieties have the stamens erect, forming a cluster round the inflated tip or stigma, a position which is found advantageous to the proper fertilisation of the ovary. These vines, which constitute the majority, are perfect hermaphrodites. FIG. 7. Annular incision at A. FiG.7A. Vine shoot pinched back. 477 Climatic conditions, it must be evident to all who have any experience of Western Australian climate, are here in every way favourable to the free setting of the grape vine blossoms. Even the muscat of Alexandria, that queen of all grapes, which is discarded in the Eastern States on account of its defective setting, fruits here to perfection. In the coastal districts, especially from the Murray Estuary as a Southern limit to the Murchison at the North, a badly set bunch is more the exception than the rule. The climatic conditions which are unfavourable to the free setting of grapes are in the main sudden and excessive changes in the temperature ; persistent rain or drying land winds at the period the blossoms are opening. When vines fail to set properly on that account, either pinching back of the fruitful shoots or ringbarking under the joint from which issues the bunch will, if practised a few days before the blossoming, cause it to set better. (See figures 7 and 7 A.) Constitutional defects very often cause bad setting. The following figs, show at a glance in what respect some flowers show malformation : FIG. 8. (a.) Perfect flower. ( b.) Eeflexed stamens. ( c.) Staminate flower. Whenever the stamens fall away from the pistil and are deflexed the act of pollination cannot very well take place and the bunch sets badly. It sometimes happens that the pistil is altogether absent, and as this organ contains at its base the ovaries or germ of the future fruit, that absence means permanent sterility. FIGS. 9 and 10. Sterile flowers opening rose-like. 478 Other flowers are sterile owing to the peculiar way they expand. Instead of the petals unfolding from the base as shown in Fig. 5, they open rose-like from the top, and when they thus open, there is no jerk and no scattering of pollen, and consequently bad setting ; or it happens that the stamens remain stuck to the petals and are shorter than the pistil, and are not able to reach up to the gummy secretion on the stigma. The various floral organs, moreover, undergo at times modifica- tions which prove obstacles to their fertilisation. Thus whole bunches are seen to turn into tendrils ; or, owing to a thickening of any one of the floral organs, the flower assumes the appearance of being double. Such flowers are always sterile. All these structural defects are hereditary and liable to be transmitted through cuttings, hence the importance of eliminating such vines from a vineyard by grafting on them scions from fertile vines, and also the advisability of reject- ing any cutting from them for the purpose of planting. Other con- stitutional causes as well influence the bearing of vines and lead to imperfect setting. The bunches are loose and contain berries of various sizes with numerous blanks between. A lowering of the vitality of the plant consequent upon attacks of oidium, or other fuugous diseases, predisposes vines to this form of bad setting. This accident may also be caused by a sudden drop in the tein- perature, by continuous rain at blossoming time, or by hot blasts of drying wind. Although a f < w berries which set properly grow to their full size, numerous small ones never grow very large, and are devoid of seeds. They ripen and are as sweet as the others. The Black Morocco grape is particularly subject to this form of bad setting or shanking. The explanation given of this peculiarity is that for one or other of the causes mentioned above, a few flowers only set and the others are blighted. A number of the more backward blossoms which generally fail to set when the first blossoms have turned into fruit then open and form fruit. These, however, located on the FIG. 11. Double flowers. 479 same bunch alongside others which are growing rapidly, are checked, remain small and seedless. Amongst the remedies suggested to counteract the effects of bad setting are : Selection of cuttings from fertile vines, pinching back of shoots, ring- barking, sulphuring at blossoming time, and grafting on the sterile plants. The shape of the leaves often furnish an indication regarding the fruitfulness of vines. In every vineyard may be noticed plants, often very vigorous, growing leaves which are comparatively more deeply indented than others on vines of the same variety. These plants are generally less fruitful than the others ; they carry smaller and fewer bunches, or are not fruitful at all. They are known as "wild" vines by the growers. Being particularly luxuriant, cuttings are at times selected from these plants which, however, almost invariably transmit to the vines issuing from them the same characteristics of sterility and of excessively vigorous growth which were exhibited in the parent. C-X FIG. 12. Bunch badly set. (FoEX.) FIG. 13. Leaf of Aramon from fruitful arm. 480 The same characteristics are of cen seen on leaves growing on a sterile water shoot or sucker issuing from a vine stump. FIG. 14. Aramon leaf from a sterile sucker on the same vine. From what we know, therefore, of the fertility of particular vines, or particular parts of grape vines, it is evident that selection enables us to eliminate from a vineyard all unproductive stock by means of grafting, or avoid reproducing undesirable features shown in the parent vine. INSECT ANT) FUNGOID PESTS. TREATMENT ATSTD REMEDIES. Until of late years little or no attention was paid to the damage caused by insect and fungoid pests to cultivated crops. In the old days of farming and fruitgrowing pests were regarded in the light of an unavoidable calamity, and a visitation of Providence ; their nature was shrouded in mystery, or they were either entirely unknown in some parts of the world, or else were often met with, under a mild form, in' certain localities ; a great many, by transplantation to surroundings somewhat dissimilar to those by which they were influenced in their original habitat, have subsequently developed more pronounced and distinct characteristics, and have consequently forced themselves to the notice of cultivators. 481 These so-called new pests, either insects or fungi, are as ancient as the world, and although they are greatly influenced by their im- mediate surroundings, by the food at their disposal, the climate in which they live, by the enemies they have to contend with, and by many other circumstances of various nature, they nevertheless spring from parent individuals in every respect like themselves. The devastating phylloxera, for instance, or the woolly aphis of our days did not originate as spontaneously from the roots of the vine or of the apple tree, but are the decendants, in a direct line, of a long list of ancestry of lice of these respective tribes. In a similar manner, the rust of cereals or the oidium of the vine have no more budded from the wheat plant or the grape vine than potatoes are transformations of the soil, but have simply grown from seedlike germs produced by preceding pests of the same kind. Every season, almost, we hear of the appearance of new pests, and it is more than likely that, for a great number of years to come, the list, already formidable, of the sorts of insects and fungi that invade and prey on our crops will gradually be made longer still, by the addition of more unwelcome enemies. Various factors combine to bring about this undesirable state of things. In the first instance, we have seen that new conditions of life may develop propensities of a distinctive nature ; or, again, the partial extermination of some parasites of these pests, either owing to unfavourable surroundings or the use of insecticides, by break- ing the balance of nature, may insure the preponderance, to an alarming degree, of certain species of pests. By the constant and more rapid interchange, on the other hand, of plants, fruits, seeds, and cuttings of all sorts of ornamental, economic, or useful plants, from all parts of the world, many of the parasites of plants have been widely disseminated, without, in a great many instances, their own particular parasites having been brought with them ; and thus the appearance of hitherto unknown pests is accounted for in countries until then free from them. For, as it is so concisely expressed in Dean Swift's oft quoted couplet The little fleas that do us tease Have other fleas that bite "em ; And these, in turn, have other fleas, And so on ad infinitum. To ward against the importation of noxious pests, the Govern- ment of Western Australia, profiting by the errors and the experience of older fruit-growing countries, have passed a Fruit Pest Act, reproduced, as an appendix, in this Handbook, and which provides for the disinfection, on landing, of plants and fruits, for the purpose of checking any possible importation from abroad of pests inimical to fruit trees and vines. Amateur gardeners, as well as professionals, who concern them- selves about the well being of their plants, have continuously to 482 contend with two classes of pests which injure their crop. The first of these are noxious insects ; the second, parasitic fungi. Insects vary greatly in their shape, size, and colour, but on broad lines they all possess, when seen in their full-grown, stage, certain features which differentiate them from other animals. They possess three pairs of legs, attached to a body divided into three definite portions a head, a thorax, and an abdomen. Some of them indeed, the majority undergo during their development well-marked transformation or stages : 1st, the egg ; 2nd, the larva or caterpillar ; 3rd, the pupa or chrysalis ; 4th, the adult or imago stage. Moths and butterflies, amongst others, belong to this class. In two or, may be, three periods of their transformation they take no food, and are fixtures ; during these periods they do no actual harm. Thus, butterflies and moths are inert in the egg as well as the pupa stages ; and some of them, such as the codlin moth for instance, do not feed. Yet it is during these periods of rest and transformation that it is often easier to attack them. These insects undergo what is called complete trans- formation, in contradistinction of others which undergo incomplete transformation. This second class, such as grasshoppers and locusts, have eggs which, in hatching, give forth young insects which only differ from the full-grown ones in size and in possessing no wings. Instead of changing from larva to pupa, they proceed, by a series of moulting or casting off their skin, to the mature stage, and become imago. During these successive moultings they are known as " nymphs." Again, some insects lay eggs, and are "oviparous"; while others bring forth their young alive, and are "viviparous." The majority of them, however, proceed from the egg, whether that egg is deposited and cemented to the plant by means of a viscous secretion or whether they give birth to young ones. In the latter case the female insect generally carries the egg internally until the hatching period arrives. So much for the life history of insects, considered broadly. A number of varieties depart from the pattern laid down in several minor details which cannot be touched upon in this paper, although a clear understanding of these particularities is of great assistance in combating pests. They often constitute the weak point of the armour it is meant to penetrate, and serve as a guide in directing the attack against them. Almost as important as an undertaking of the life history of pests is a knowledge of the manner they attack plants when taking their food. In that respect noxious pests may be considered, irrespective of their classification, names, shape, or colour, into two general types : biting or chewing insects and sap-sucking insects. The former are often leaf-eaters or bark-nibblers, or, again, wood and fruit borers. They are provided with jaws by which they can gnaw the surface of the food-plant, and chew it. 483 The latter feed on the juices of the inner tissues of the host- plant. They are armed with a pointed tube-like beak, which they thrust into the tissues of their host-plant, and suck out the sap. Of the biting or food-chewing insects, some are : (i.) Root-eaters ; such as the white worm of the cockchafer ; the larvae of the cicadae. (2.) Others, bark-nibblers ; as certain kind of beetles and of weevils. (3.) Some are leaf -eaters ; as slugs, caterpillars, saw-flies' larvae, the carpenter bee. (4.) Others injure the bud, the blossom, or the fruit; as the strawberry weevil, the codlin moth. Of the sucking insects, in a like manner, some are : (i.) Root-sucking insects; as the woolly aphis and phylloxera of the vine. (2.) Others, ordinary bark-sucking insects; as the mealy bugs. (3.) Some leaf and bud or fruit-sucking insects ; as the rose and the orange aphis, the red and other scales, and plant bugs. When fighting against biting insects, their food plant is best coated with substances which will act as internal poisons ; whereas, when directing the attack against sap-sucking insects, the treatment must be such as hurts and kills by direct contact ; they are external irritants, and act from the outside, either closing the breathing pores or killing by irritation of the skin. To the first category belong the various combinations of arsenic, and chief amongst them " Paris green," a chemical com- bination of arsenic and copper. When unadulterated it contains 55 to 60 per cent, of arsenic. It is almost insoluble in water. It is applied either 1st, dry in a state of impalpable powder, mixed in the proportion of loz! of Paris green with 21bs. flour, slaked lime, road-dust, or ashes ; 2nd, or in a liquid mixture in the proportion of loz. in 10 gallons of water. It should not be used in con junction with any acid substance which would dissolve the arsenic it contains and make it caustic, but, on the contrary, it is always a good plan to add to it a handful of lime, which has the property of turning insoluble any trace of caustic arsenic it contains. Being a heavy substance, it quickly settles to the- bottom of the pumping tackle, and requires agitating. Other combinations of arsenic, such as London purple and arsenic and soda solution, are also used ; but genuine and unadul- terated Paris green is the best. A little glue or flour paste may be added, to cause it to adhere better, especially to plants with glossy Hellebore, unlike the arsenites, which are mineral poisons, is a vegetable poison, and is less dangerous. It is a powder made of 484 the roots of the white hellebore, and kills both by contact and by being eaten. Very effective when fresh, it loses its strength by standing. In doses loz. to three gallons of water it is much used against the pear slug and leaf-eating worms. Pyrethrum, or Insectibane, is also a poison, and is effective when fresh, but loses strength when exposed to the air. It is made from the powdered flowers of plants of the genus Pyrethrum. That light-brown powder is dusted over the plants or sprayed, in the pro- portion of Pyrethrum one tablespoonful, boiling water two gallons. It kills by contact, and should be applied as long as the insects persist. Burnt over hot coals in the conservatories and greenhouses, it rids plants of aphis and other insect pests. Pyrethum are easily cultivated, make pretty borders, and a supply of fresh flowers could, without trouble, be raised in every garden. Kerosene, in the form of an emulsion with soapsuds, or mechanically mixed with water in the form of a misty spray, in the proportion of one of kerosene and four of water, will kill nearly all insects, and not injure the foliage. Resin Compound is known to be very effective against scale insects. One of the best formulas is : caustic soda, one pound ; resin, five pounds ; water, 25 gallons. Two ounces of Paris green may be added to this when used. Sal Ammoniac (chloride of ammonia) at the rate of f to loz. per gallon of water, is a cheap and efficacious spray against red scale. Tobacco is one of the safest and most valuable insecticides, and may be applied in several ways ; either as a fine dry powder against slugs and aphis, or as a decoction of three to four gallons of water to one pound of tobacco ; or in fumes, when burnt in the greenhouse. Carbolic Acid, especially in its crude state, is a valuable insecticide as an emulsion made by mixing one quart soft soap, or about one pound of hard soap dissolved in two gallons of boiling water, and then adding one pound crude carbolic acid ; and, applied with a cloth or a brush, it is efficacious in preventing the attack of tree borers. It must not, in that state, be applied to the foliage. Bi- Sulphide of Carbon, a very volatile fluid, the fumes of which are destructive to all animal life, is used for killing insects underground ; this is done when the plant is dormant, by boring a hole into the ground and pouring in a little carbon bi-sulphide and kerosene mixed. It is highly inflammable. Coal Tar is excellent to drive insects away, or entrap them. Hot Water, at a temperature of about 125 deg. F., is very efficacious for killing plant lice. Amongst other substances which are used against insects must also be mentioned lime and gas lime, quassia chips, kainit, fir-tree oil, sulphate of copper. 485 Natural Checks. Although economic entomologists have already tested many valuable insecticides, and so compounded them that they kill insects but leave plants uninjured, yet there is, in keeping noxious insects in check, even more efficacious allies than the spray pump and the insecticidal mixtures. All insects, injurious or beneficial, have many natural enemies of their own to contend with. Some are of a higher order in the scale of animal classification, such as lizards, frogs, and other reptiles ; birds, moles, etc. Others, more numerous, belong to the insect world itself. Amongst these, some which attack noxious insect pests from the outside, and either devour them or suck their vital juices, are called predaceous insects, e.g. ladybirds, spiders, soldier bug, black ground beetle. Others, called parasitic insects, differ from the predaceous ones, in so far as they live inside the bodies of their victims, and ultimately kill them. Amongst these parasitic insects the more numerous are ichneumon wasps, which entomologists classify amongst the hynienopterous, or four- wing flies. Another class of flies, with only two wings, and for that reason known as dipterous insects, contribute largely to the ranks of insect parasites. But even these parasites are frequently subject to the attack of still smaller parasites, which prove as fatal to them as they did to their insect hosts. The first of these parasites are, for that reason, known as primary parasites, to differentiate them from the second, called secondary parasites. When introducing parasites into an orchard or a garden, therefore, it is of the greatest importance that we should have a clear idea whether we are introducing an ally which will prove beneficial, or whether we will add to the list of our pest enemies another insect which will prove mischievous. Such a work is better left in the hands of experienced people, and may prove a dangerous tool in those of the tyro gardener. Besides insect parasites, injurious insects are also attacked \yy even more minuscule foes. These are germs of contagious diseases, which, at times, stop an insect plague with remarkable suddenness. These germs are of two orders : some bacterial and inward, e.g. green potato and tomato caterpillars ; others, superficial, cover their victims with silklike threads, and belong; to the mould family, e.g. the African locust fungus the housefly fungus. GARDEN AND ORCHARD CROPS THEIR PESTS AND REMEDIES. In a tabular form, I have grouped those insect and fungoid pests which attack our orchard and garden crops. A few words concerning the more prominent amongst these pests will follow. 486 - g fc o 1 I- II J ilisllI r 3x o QOH5Ww? 488 S.5 s s - ft :- s ; iCoT , 1^ f I Illl $pL| fcfc&Qta <5 O O 0X0^ W f ijlJ I jJiiJ S g ^^5& 'S S^'C'S^Pfl '3 ^ 3nSa^ Q Pn^oi^-JS S pq ^^OPQ H! ^SP3nlMM & sSw= CB fa 0- Eckl.). A common disease in moist climates. " The losses sustained from its attacks (says Dr. Cobb) vary from 10 to 90 per cent, of the crop." For about a month after the fruit sets, the scab plays great havoc in orchards where it is abundant. It is easily recognised. Dark velvety green patches turning to brown or blackish scab-like spots appear on the leaves and fruit, arresting growth and causing the parts to become dis- torted. Closely allied to the fungus which causes pear-scab. (F. pyrinum). Some affected trees blossom most profusely, and hardly ever set their fruit, or else, if these set and grow, thev often split and crack. Pear Scab (F. pyrinum). 508 Remedies. Preventive remedies are the best. Destroy affected leaves and worthless fruit by fire or otherwise. Spray affected trees with Bordeaux mixture or ammonio-carbonate of copper, late in the winter, after pruning. Again, at half -strength, while the leaves are appearing and as the blossoms begin to unfold from the buds, and again as the blossoms fall, and fourthly , when the fruit is the size of marbles. At that time loz. of Paris green in 12 gallons of the Bordeaux mixture will hold the codlin moth in check where this troublesome insect has established itself. It is important that the early sprayings should be made as directed. In bad cases an extra spraying is given a few weeks after the one given whilst the blossoms are falling. Do not neglect the trees during an " off " year because there is little fruit, the spores, living and thriving on branches and leaves as well, will cause great loss the following season. The following illustration tells graphically the result spraying pear trees to protect them from scab disease : . of Pear Trees affected with Scab, Sprayed and Unsprayed (U.S.A. Year JBoofc) 509 Apple Scab ( Fusicladium dendriticum, Eckl.). BROWN ROT OF FRUIT (Manilla fructigena, Pers.). Attacks apples, plums, cherries, peaches, almonds, and other kinds of orcha.rd fruit. It is caused by a fungus which produces its spores in chains, and hence called Monilia fructigena. Although more frequently observed on the fruit, it 'occurs also on the young shoots, leaves, and even the flowers. On the leaves in the spring, it shows as thin, velvety, olive- brown patches, consisting of barrel-shaped spores, originating from mycelium present in the tissues of the leaf. At maturity the spores are carried by rain, wind, insects, birds, and on the surface of healthy fruit. On these the disease first 510 shows as brownish scattered patches on the skin. The fruit attacked does not readily rot, but dries up and remains in a mummified con- dition through the winter, either on the ground or on the tree. From these, innumerable blackish sclerotic, bearing in the spring a crop of spores, renew the infection. Brown Kot (Monilia fructigena, Pers.). This disease is, in places, the worst the plum-growers have to deal with. The remedy consists in picking, removing, and burning all these mummified fruit. Spray thoroughly before the buds burst. Suppress bark and skin-nibbling insects in the spring. Spray with Bordeaux mixture when the fruit is forming. CANKER is first caused by a bruise or a laceration of the bark of the branch, and the invasion of the wound by a fungus (Nectria and other fungi), which prevents a healthy healing up of the damaged tissues. The claws of climbing animals, the bite of gnaw- ing insects, and other causes bring about this trouble. Remedies. Remove the cause of canker. If the bark is never wounded, canker will never appear. Prune the diseased branches, and burn the cankered parts. Lime, sulphur, and salt wash. Canker can also be cured by paring off the bruised, ulcerated wounds, and then covering the diseased part with a paste made of clay mixed with hydrochloric acid. Painting the affected part with the acid used by tinsmiths under the name of " spirits of salts " is also a simple and efficacious remedy, the acid destroying the 511 fungus of the canker without damaging the tree. Handle the acid carefully, as, if splashed on the clothes, it will burn holes in them. MOULDY CORE. A diseased condition brought about by the presence of common mould in the core of certain varieties of apples, generally by the fungus of brown rot, the infection starting from the centre instead of from the circumference. Outwardly such apples appear quite sound, but on cutting them in halves the core is found to be in a mouldy or half rotten state. Sooner or later the whole apple becomes rotten, the rot working from the centre out- ward. The mould gains entrance to the core of the apple through the eye; those varieties with an open blossom end being more subject to the disease. Those varieties of apples with large open pip-holes (concludes Dr. Cobb) are not likely to prove good keepers. CRINKLE, OR PIG FACE. An obscure disease of the apple. Mr. Me Alpine says of this disease : " Besides the recognised Bitter Pit, which causes small brown depressions on the surface, another appearance was noticed, particularly in Rome Beauty and Five Crown Pippin. The skin is apparently quite sound, but a little darker towards the eye end, and, if cut across, brown, dead tissue is found immediately beneath the skin, or between the skin and the core. There may be actual cavities in the decaying flesh ; and the diseased patches do not taste bitter. Although many varieties not subject to Bitter Pit exhibit the Crinkle disease, it is probably likewise due to disordered nutrition. The upper end of the apple ripens first, and if, from any cause, a proper supply of nourishment fails to reach it, there would be decay and ultimate death of the cells. I have given the common name of ' Crinkle ' to this disorder, because the upper surface of the fruit is thrown into rough folds, giving it, usually, an uneven and crinkled appearance." POWDERY MILDEW OF THE APPLE, PEAR, AND QUINCE (Podo- sphcura Kunzei, Lev.), sometimes called " fire blight." Very destruc- tive to nursery stock. Attacks the apple, peach, quince, cherry, and other plants belonging to the Rosaceas. It attacks mostly the young leaves, spreading over both surfaces, and showing like white felt. Spray with Bordeaux mixture or with liver of sul- phur (potassium sulphide) solution. In summer time, sulphur the trees. Cleopatra and Stone Pippin appear to be especially liable. TWIG BLIGHT. Small, stunted rosettes of leaves grow in the spring on the previous year's wood, and fail to grow into healthy shoots. Later, in the early summer, strong shoots spring up from the base of the limbs instead of from the extremity. No pustules are noticeable on the leaves, which have an unhealthy appearance. This serious trouble, which is still under observa- tion, has been found associated with two causes, either independ- ently or concurrently. 512 The one a bacterium (Bacillus amylovorus, Burr.), which, in the old cases of blight, winters over in the blighted parts. From these diseased parts a watery exu- dation at times takes place in the spring, which is visited by insects, and by them transmitted to the opening blossoms or to the sap vessels of the tree. Once within the tissues of the host, the microbe may spread indefi- nitely. Another cause, producing a similar appearance, has been traced to the presence in the ground of a mould which grows on the surface roots and spreads over them web fashion, thwarting their growth, with the results de- scribed. In the first instance, spraying early, to keep off inoculating insects, confines the trouble to a few trees only, and may also disinfect the infested exudation. All blighted parts should be carefully cut off below the lowest manifestation, and burnt each autumn. A good precaution is to disin- fect the knife, after cutting- through a diseased spot, by dipping in carbolic acid. Cultivate thoroughly and fertilise liberally, to help the trees to throw off the disease. In the second instance, the ground should be deep- ly ploughed, thoroughly drained, and liberally limed and manured, so as to encourage the growth of the roots in healthy surroundings. (See Pear Blight.) Powdery Mildew of the Apple. 513 WATER CORE. Easily known by the watery or waxy appear- ance of either the whole or part of an apple. The apple is quite sound to outward appearance. More prevalent in moist seasons, especially in early sorts. Winter varieties are comparatively free from it. Stone Pippin and Five Crown Pippin are somewhat subject to it. PEAR BLIGHT, or FIRE BLIGHT (see Twig Blight, p. 511). A bacterial disease which attacks apples, pears, quinces, and other trees. It works in the tissues between the bark and the growing wood, only during the growing season. Some varieties of pears, like the Duchess and Kieffer's Hybrid, resist the disease better than others, such as Bartlett and Clapp's Favourite. The blight microbe is greatly influenced by climatic conditions ; warm and moist weather, with frequent showers, favouring it. These conditions are prevalent in the month or two following blossoming time. Dry, cool, and sunny weather hinders it, while very dry weather checks it ; and it remains dormant during the winter. The line of demarkation between healthy and diseased wood is then often quite marked. In the spring, when sap pressure runs through the tree, the blighted parts are recognised by the moist and fresh appearance of the bark, as contrasted with the old and dry bark of the previous summer. The gum exudes from various points, and runs down the tree in long lines, when bees and other insects which are attracted by it carry the microbes to the blossoms, where they gain an easy entrance into the healthy tissues under the bark. These blossoms soon wither and die. Tender twigs are often inoculated by nibbling insects, and show signs of the blight. Some observers contend that because the microbe flourishes best in tender tissues, anything which tends to luxuriant growth of the tree, such as pruning, manuring, cultivating, are to be depre- cated ; and they advise leaving it to the trees to fight their own battles. If this be the correct treatment, it appears to me that it is time, labour, and money wasted to grow apples, pears, and quinces in those places where the disease is prevalent, as stunted, hungry trees are even less profitable than blighted ones. Little is known as yet concerning the best means of combating this bacterial disease ; and the subject is worth experimenting with. Until the results of well planned out experiments have proved the contrary, I would recommend deep and good cultivation, and fertilising with gypsum, potassic and phosphatic fertilisers, efficient deep drainage, carefully cutting off all diseased branches and twigs, and burning them in the winter, care being taken to cut into healthy wood and to disinfect the secretion on the knife after going over a diseased tree. Lastly and I believe that much good can then be done in checking the spread of the fire blight spraying the diseased trees at frequent intervals with an antiseptic solution in 514 the spring, during that period when the infected sap oozes through the bark, and is taken up and carried about by foraging insects. Amongst the sprays which are likely to be attended with good results, I would recommend a two per thousand solution of corrosive sublimate, or a weak carbolic acid solution. As a vehicle for these powerful disinfectants, a decoction of eucalyptus (blue gum leaves) would probably be found helpful. The leaves should be bruised when freshly gathered, and soaked in tepid water lib. of leaves to 1 gallon of water then, with the addition of the substances mentioned above, the decoction should be sprayed on the trees. It is sticky, and adheres quickly. All insects will abandon any foliage where this spray is used. LOQTJAT. BLACK SPOT (Fusidadium eriobotrijal. To commercial inter- change with the Eastern States we owe another disease of our Black Spot of the Loquat (Fusicladiiim eriobotryal). 515 orchard trees. The loquat, until lately, was, almost without excep- tion, raised from seeds from locally grown fruit, and the plants were healthy. Whether the disease was introduced by imported fruit or on nursery stock, it is not easy to determine. This blight is caused by a fungus closely allied to that which produces the scab diseases of apples and pears, and its botanical name is Fusidadium eriobotryal. Diseased loquats were first submitted for identification to this Department in 1898. It has since been spreading, and this year it is reported to have done serious damage to the loquat crop in a number of gardens. The fruit is attacked, when half grown, by brownish black spots, which soon extend, stop the further development of the fruit, and disfigure its appearance. After a time brown spots show on the leaves, and assume a darker colour. The fleshy part of the fruit becomes dessicated, and the skin seems to cling to the stones. A large proportion of the crop may, in a short space of time, be rendered absolute!} 7 unsaleable. REMEDY. Is the disease beyond control? Experiments in that direction have not yet proclaimed that fact ; on the contrary, judging by analogy, and knowing how readily the Fusidadium fungus, or scab of the apple and the pear, and also of the vine, yield to treatment, there is e^ery reason to augur that the black spot of the loquat likewise will be amenable to treatment. That treatment must be protective, and cannot be curative, as the fruit once spotted can never be freed of the blemish. Spraying with Bordeaux mixture soon after blosoming, when the petals have fallen, and the fruit has just formed, should be found an effective protection. This treatment should be renewed when the fruit is half grown, in the winter, when the weather is likely to remain fine for some time. If necessary, a third spraying, a fortnight after, would copperplate the tree against an attack of the fungus. Collect and burn all diseased fruit, and sweep and burn the leaves as they fall from the tree. I shall endeavour next year to test the value of Bordeaux mixture, as well as other fungicides, in dealing with this blight. Considering the wetness of the season, when the disease appears, I would favour the Bordeaux mixture modified by addition of molasses, to ensure a better adherence to the trees. 516 STONE FRUIT. Almonds, apricots, peaches, and nectarines, as well as plums and cherries, are attacked by fungus diseases, which, if not in every instance identical, are sufficiently closely related to be described under one heading, and are amenable to similar treat- ment. CURL LEAF (Exoaseus deformans, Eckl.). Sometimes simply called the "curl," owing to the leaves becoming distorted and crumpled, early in the season. After a time a delicate whitish bloom, caused by the spores of the fungus, show on the surface. The young shoots are also at times swollen and distorted by the fungus. When the attack is bad, the trees at times lose their leaves before midsummer, and later on a fresh lot of healthy leaves grow ; but in the meanwhile much damage has been done to the trees. Some varieties, such as the Flat China, the Elberta, and Eoyal G-eorge peaches, are more subject to this disease. Those branches which are worse affected by the curl fungus are seldom fruitful, and should be cut back and burned. The mycelium hibernates in the bark, pith, and medullary rays of the branches and twigs, so that it reappears each year. Massee has demonstrated that the mycelium does not travel backwards from the point of infection, but forwards in other words, it follows the new growth. (For treatment, see table, p. 486.) An allied disease of the plum, called " Pocket Plums " or " Bladder Plums," is caused by the fungus Exoaseus pruni, Eckl., and should be treated in a like manner. BROWN ROT. This disease is described above. It is caused by a mould or fungus, called Monilia fructigena, which attacks various parts of the plant, leaves, blossoms, twigs, and fruit. GUMMING, SOUR SAP, OR DIE BACK. There are many diseases characterised by a gummy outflow from the diseased parts or from their neighbourhood. Amongst plants exhibiting this are trees like the mulberry, olive, vine, fig, and vegetables like potatoes, turnips, beetroot, and many others. As yet, however, no investigations have been carried out carefully enough to give satisfactory explanations of them. It is, however, probable (says Tubeiif) that they are primarily due to errors in cultivation, while the bacteria which are always found associated with them are of secondary importance as disease-producers. G-umosis or Sour Sap, which are results rather than causes, may probably be traced to an abnormal condition of the soil. Sour Sap, when the roots die first, may be due to too much water ; and when the tops die first, to the sudden lowering of the temperature. A checked sap circulation from the stock to the 517 scion may also bring about the trouble. Improperly fed trees, or trees supplied with indigestible (unassimilable) food, are less apt to withstand the attack, and succumb. The trouble shows in a variety of ways. The young spring shoots suddenly collapse and wither. In that case, cut hard back before the poisonous sap can travel back to the healthy parts. In other instances, the foliage and twigs seem all right, but the fruits, when the size of a walnut, stop growing, turn brown, and show a gummy exudation on dark-coloured patches. A microscopic examination discloses the presence of numerous fungi, often of the Macrosporium tribe. A liberal dressing of 51bs. to lOlbs. of super- phosphate of lime in the winter often saves trees predisposed to gumming. A somewhat similar disease, supposed, however, to be of bacterial origin, at times attacks young apricot trees, when two to four years old. It is recognised by the leaves or part of the tree turning yellow and falling off. The limbs from which the leaves fall, when cut through, shows a black heart. Prune these limbs back as far as they show the black heart, and also shorten the limbs that are not diseased. Disinfect the knife after it has come into contact with the diseased sap. LEAF RUST (Uromyces Amygdale, Cook, and Puccinia pruni spinosce, Pers.). Very prevalent in damp localities (late in the summer) on peach trees, and also the almond, nectarine, apricot, and plum. The leaves are picked with yellow spots on the upper surface of the leaf ; these yellow spots are often surrounded with a purplish ring, and they have on the other side of the leaf brown spots of fungoid growth. The leaf tissue attacked by these spots become eaten away into holes, and the leaf falls, beginning from the butt end of the branches, and the wood does not ripen as it should do, thereby enfeebling the tree. Remedies. Collect and burn all affected leaves to destroy the summer spores, which remain inert during the winter only to infect the next year's growth. Spray early in the season with Bordeaux Mixture, half strength, or other fungicides. LEAF SCALD (Entomosporium Maculatum, Lev.) attacks the leaves of apples, pears, quinces, peaches, cherries, etc. (says Massee). These fall early in the season, and in bad attacks leave the trees defoliated. A second growth of leaves follows, and at times these suffer in the same way. As a consequence, the trees are much weakened. Small red spots appear on the upper surface of leaves when still young; these increase in size and become brown, having one or more minute black spots slightly above the general surface. If the spots are numerous, the leaves become brown, shrivel, and fall off. If the leaf is older, with rigid tissues, it retains its shape, but falls to the ground. 518 On the branches the spots are at first reddish, becoming slightly sunken with a central elevation and blackish in colour in the coalesce, sometimes encircling the branch, in which case the portion above the diseased area dies. The fruit of pears is sometimes spotted by the disease. Bordeaux Mixture keeps the blight in check. SCAB. PEACH FRECKLE causes dark spots on the skin of maturing fruit, which present a freckled look. These spots are the result of the attack of fungi, and amongst them the Cladosporium carpophihcm . Its filaments do not enter the peach, but draw their nourishment through the skin. It is said that the disease hastens decay, and that affected fruit will not stand long keeping. An early applica- tion of Bordeaux Mixture stops its progress. Potassium sulphide, half ounce to the gallon, is also recommended. Scab and Peach Freckle. ROOT KNOT often shows on peaohes, plums, etc. It is caused by a fungus called slime mould, related to the one which causes the finger and toe disease of beetroot, carrots, etc. Pare out the excrescences and wash with an antiseptic lotion. If it is a young tree and is badly affected, replace by a healthy one. SHOT HOLE DISEASE (Phyllosticta circumcissa) attacks the leaves of apricots, almond, peach, nectarine, and other stone fruit trees. Appears as spots upon the leaves in summer, and these spots assume definite outlines, and often fall out, leaving holes like shot- holes. The leaves fall early, preventing the fruit from maturing. These are also attacked, and at times disfigured. 519 The accompanying figure illustrates the effect produced by the tieatmtnt. Shot Hole on Apricot. The healthy growth took place since spraying. Remedies. Burn leaves as soon as they fall. Bordeaux Mix- ture, half strength, or aminoiiiacal carbonate of copper applied several times during the season, beginning as soon as the leaves appear. CITROUS TREES. Trees of this species are subject to a number of diseases, the most serious of which are GUMMING, COLLAR ROT, MALDI GOMA. A serious contagious disease of stone fruit and citrous trees, (pp. 511-516, under twig blight and gumming of stone fruit.) It seems to be a cracking in the bark and an exudation of the gum, which runs down the tree and affects the bark underneath. Abrasion of the bark with the hoe, plough, and other field implements, deep planting, defective 520 irrigation, and water standing round the trunk favour the disease ; also sun scorch and late cold weather, which hurts the shoots. The disease is an obscure and serious one, and has not yet been thoroughly investigated. Supposed to be produced by a microscopic fungus (the coryneum Beijirinchi) which develops in the vegetal cells and change into gum the cells which constitute the pith, as well as those of the medullary rays, and sometimes also the woody tissue. In mild cases, recovery has followed the cutting out of the bark and gouging out the dark decayed wood underneath with a half -moon chisel until the sound wood is reached, which is then coated over with shellac paint or some other protective cover, pre- ferably an antiseptic one, such as carbolic acid solution. Burn all diseased bark. Affected trees are profuse bearers for a season or two, and then generally die out. If a spot where the gum is oozing out is cut out in diseased trees, a dark channel is seen under- neath, extending generally from the root to the top of the tree, following fibro vascular bundles of wood tissue ; this wood is some- times dry (and so hard that no sap could flow through its vessels) or rotten and decayed. In the majority of cases the best plan is to root up and burn the tree. iMELANOSE must not be confused with the disease called Rust or Madri. The numerous small madder-brown spots characteristic of the disease have (says Dr. Cobb) a tendency to group themselves in curved lines, which run together and form larger patches. Both Madri (caused by a mite) and Melanose at times occur together on the same orange. The leaves are attacked as well as the fruit. Remedies. As soon as the new crop has set, begin spraying with Bordeaux Mixture of weak strength, and keep on spraying, if necessary, every fortnight until the fruit is half grown. The addi- tion of a little soap will cause the spray to wet the citrus leaves better. Paint the trunk and limbs with a thin whitewash, or with full strength Bordeaux Mixture. Apply to the ground under each tree one pound of sulphate of iron in 25 gallons of water; also give to the ground a dressing of three to four pounds of bonedust and the same amount of kainit per tree, and avoid dry blood or organic nitrogen fertilisers. Make sure that drainage is good. BLACK SPOT OF CITRUS FRUIT (Phoma citricarpa, McAlp.) This disease, known also as anthracnose of citrus fruit, is on the list of prohibited diseases, and fruit showing signs "of them are destroyed at the ports of entry. For the information of growers, and also of the officers in charge of the disinfection sheds at the ports of entry, I reproduce a plate from Mr. D. McAlpine's Monograph of Fungus Diseases of Citrus Trees in Australia, together with a summary of the description which accompanies it. The disease, it is stated, has not been met with in Victoria, but it is quite common on oranges, mandarines, and lemons sold in Melbourne and suburbs, and imported from Sydney. 521 The fruit is affected by spots, round and sunken and of a dark brown colour ; at first, whitish or greyish towards the centre. These are pustules which allow the escape of spores,.which may be \ Black Spot on Citrus Fruits. 522 wafted by the wind, or carried by hands, clothing, insects, animals or empty cases. Thus is the disease rapidly and widely spread. It bears some resemblance to another black disease of citrus fruit called " Melanose," and also to a disease known in Italy as " La Nebbia," which is, however, caused by a different fungus. The effects of the disease 011 the fruit is that, besides being unsightly and rendered almost unsaleable, they soon become rotten and fall a ready prey to " Blue Mould," etc., so that all such should be rigidly excluded from shipments to distant markets. The fungus is found on still green fruit, and spreads most rapidly when the fruit ripens. TREATMENT. The skins of diseased fruits should be burnt, in order to prevent the spores reaching fresh-growing fruits. The cases containing diseased fruit should be disinfected by steaming or by dipping in boiling water for a few minutes. Spray the trees with Bordeaux Mixture as soon as the fruit sets, and again every few weeks up to within a month of the time of picking the fruit. SOOTY MOULD OR BLACK SMUT. Fumagine follows the attacks of aphides and of scale insects, forming a sooty black membrane, which feeds on the sweet fluids (honeydew) secreted by these insects, and which falls on the leaves, branches, and fruits of the last plant they live upon. The growth of the trees affected is retarded in consequence of light and the respiration of the plant being interfered with. The insects further injure the plant by sucking the nutritious juices from the cells, and blooming and fruiting are, in consequence, checked or suppressed, and the market value of the fruit lowered. Remedies. Spray two or three times at intervals of one or two weeks in the winter, and after the fruit crop has been picked, with kerosene emulsion or resin and soda ; wash or fumigate with hydro- cyanic acid gas. Better still, collect and procure parasites and predaceous insects on the aphis and the scales, which are the primary cause of the sooty mould . When parasites are present, spraying or fumigation will do more harm than good, and will tend, by destroying the beneficial insects, to intensify the trouble. ROTTING OF CITRUS FRUIT. Considerable loss is at times ex- perienced during transportation or storage of citrus fruit. The cause is due to one of the blue moulds Penicillium digitatum. This fungus grows on the fruit from a spore, which germinates and penetrates the tissues in the form of white threads, and feeds on the juices ; after a time they show outward as a white 523 mould which, when it fructifies, appears like bluish-green dust. The disease occurs more in the fruit store than in the orchard. Sulphur fumigation minimises its spread. It mostly attacks bruised fruit. STRAWBERRY LEAF-BLIGHT OR SUN-BURN (Sphserella fragarice, Tul.) " This is the only serious disease of the strawberry plant Strawberry Leaf Bliglit (Splicerella fragarice, Tul.) now known in Australia," says Dr. Cobb. It is very widespread, and does a great deal of damage, causing a loss of from nve'^to ninety per cent, of the crop. 524 Small purple or red spots appearing on the leaves. They eventually become larger and browner, making the leaf appear blotched. The growth of the young berries is also checked, leaving them juiceless, shrivelled, and green, and not larger than peas. Remedies. In mild cases, destroy all affected leaves ; this will prevent the disease spreading. In bad cases mow the bed close, rake up the leaves immediately and burn them ; or the bed may be covered with dry litter and then burnt off. The strawberry plant will soon throw up clean leaves if the weather is propitious. Spray with Bordeaux mixture or ammoniacal carbonate of copper, at intervals of two or three weeks, beginning as soon as the fruit is picked, or preferably, early in the season and before blossoming. G-RAPE VINE. GTRAPE ANTHRACNOSE OR BLACK SPOT (Sphacelomaampelinum, De Barry Gloeosporium ampelinum, Sacc.) Two distinct forms of Black Spot occur in Australia. Anthracnose, however, is the more common as well as the more trouble- some of the two. It is easily recognised, when the spots reach a certain size, by the centre becoming white, owing to the fructification of the fungus which causes the disease. On account of its appearance, the disease has been known as " bird's- eye rot." The favourable conditions necessary to its spread are warmth and moisture, either in the form of damp weather or heavy dews, accom- panied by skies so cloudy as to prevent quick evaporation in the mornings. Hence it is preferable, in establishing a vineyard, to plant those varieties much affected by Anthracnose on slopes exposed to Anthracnose or Black Spot. the morning SUn. The winter treatment is by far the most efficacious in the case of Black Spot, and the varieties most subject to it should be particularly attended to, viz., Carignane, G-renache, (Eillade, Clairette (syn. Blanquette), Aramon, Blue Portuguese, Black Ham- burgh, and many white table-grapes ; the Muscats ; and amongst the American grapes, V. Eupestris and V. Eiparia. Remedies. Sulphate of iron wash after pruning. Burn the trimmings after pruning. After the leaves open, use sulphur, lime, and powdered green copperas. Should the disease persist in spite of the winter treatment, it is recommended to dust the vines two or 525 three times, at a week's interval, with cement and sulphur mixed ill equal proportions. Cancerous Anthracnose of the Vine. P ourridie, or Mouldy Root of the Vine. MOULDY ROOT (POUBRIDIE). This disease is named from the French word pourrir, to rot. I have noticed it in a few vineyards on badly-drained ground, at Corowa, Tamworth, and on the Rich- mond River in New South Wales, and at Jarrahdale in this State. It is difficult to eradicate. In this disease the roots are covered with a white mould which causes them to rot, the consequence being, first, a falling off in the yield per acre, and, finally, the death 526 of the vine. The symptoms of the disease are those of general signs of weakness and debility. The canes grow thinner and thinner, the leaves smaller, and, after a while, the trunk assumes a " cabbage- head " shape, and can be easily pulled out ; the roots being rotten, brownish, and spongy. The roots of the vines affected by this parasite show, between the bark and the wood, patches of felted mouldy threads. Around the trunk, in damp soil, a growth of white cottony threads is seen, which spreads through the soil, follow- ing the roots and extending like a stain of oil. Remedies. Modify the conditions of the soil by draining and liming, to sweeten it and make it more healthy. When the disease is just showing, pulling out the attacked plants, collecting roots and all, and burning them, to prevent the diffusion of these spores (seeds of mould), is advisable. Manuring the vines to stimulate their growth helps them to get over the weakening effect of the mould. I have seen good results attend the application in winter- time, on the main roots and round the stock of the vine, laid bare for the purpose, of a mixture of kerosene oil stirred in a white- wash or a solution of sulphate of iron. DOWNY MILDEW (Peronospora viticola, De Barry). Appears in small frost-like patches on the under surface of the leaves, finally causing yellowish discolouration on the upper surface. Berries are also affected, remaining small and hard and turning brown. Remedies. Two or three applications of Bordeaux mixture. This disease does not exist in Australia, but causes consider- able damage in American and European vineyards. OIDIUM TUCKERII (Powdery mildew). One of the most pre- valent diseases wherever the grape vine is extensively cultivated. Vine Steins Showing Stains of Oidium. Before a remedy for this disease had been found, it swept out of existence the vineyards of Madeira. Some twenty to thirty years ago a number of small vineyards in Western Australia were rooted 527 out or allowed to run wild on account of this disease, which, at the time, was little understood. Although one of the most troublesome of the grape vine diseases, it is at the same time one of the easiest to subdue, pro- vided that the treatment be carried out with care. Like all powdery mildews, the parts attacked are covered over by the web-like threads of the mildew fungus. It only attacks those organs when green. It at first appears as a dirty white powdery film, possessing a characteristic mouldy smell. It leaves Oidium of the Vine. stains on the wood. Should it appear early, the flowers will fail to .set; then the more tender leaves will be covered with patches of microscopic threads, which will stop their growth and cause them to shrivel up and dry. The berries are most severely attacked. The effect of the parasite on the skin is to tighten it and cause it to loose its elasticity, so that the berries either dry up or burst open. The ripening does not progress satisfactorily, and, when fermented, the juice produces a nasty wine with a mouldy taste or flavour, and one which does not keep well. Varieties most attacked by oidium, and cultivated in Australia, are: Albilio, Cariguane, the Cabernets, Chasselas, Black Ham- burgh, Gouais, the Muscats, (OEillade, Pedro Ximenes, Eiesling), Roussanne (White Hermitage), Shiraz' (Black Hermitage), Tokay (Green Hungary), Trebbiano (Ugni Blauc), Yerdeilho, and a great many table grapes. Varieties not much attacked. Aramon, Dolcetto, Grenache (Eoussillon), Mataro (Mourvedre), Marsanne (White Shiraz), the Pinots (Burgundy), Sauvignon, Morrastel, Aspiran. Varieties least attacked. Malbec, Catawba, and Isabella, two varieties of an American vine (F. Ldbrusca), and, in fact, most American vines. 528 Sulphur is the readiest cure for oidium. The finer the sulphur the better, and for that reason " precipitated " sulphur is supposed to have greater virtues than either "ground" or "sublimed" sulphur. Moist, warm, and damp weather favours the growth of the fungus, and at the same time checks the formation of sulphur fumes. Great heat, such as occurs in the summer, kills the blight. It is best to sulphur in the morning, when the leaves are still damp with dew, and before the high winds begin to blow. The months of November and December are, with us, the most suitable for sulphur- ing, and in later districts it is even practised in January. Sulphuring, to be efficacious, must be used as a preventive remedy. If it is delayed until the formation of the fruits of the fungus (perithicia) it does not act so readily, as the seeds of the blight plant (ascospores) are then more resistant than are the grow- ing mycelial threads of the fungus. The sulphuring is best done with the aid of specially made sulphur bellows. Some simply put the crushed sulphur into a sugar bag and shake it over each vine, but this method is wasteful of the sulphur, and does not distribute it so effectively as do the bellows. In persistent cases, and in districts favourable for the growth of the fungus, as many as four sulphurings are given, but generally two or three will be found sufficient. The quantity of sulphur per acre varies, according to the state of fineness of the powder ; the sulphur distributor used ; the season, and the prevalence of the disease, from 151bs. to 601bs. of sulphur per acre. When oidium is severe, and in case of emergency, the following formula will be found to answer well : Water ... ... ... 22 gallons. Soft Soap lib. Liver of Sulphur ... . . , lib. This treatment is not meant to replace sulphur, but to check oidium. on grapes. The liver of sulphur acts promptly by contact, whereas sulphur acts by emitting sulphur fumes, which may be checked by unfavourable weather. There are times when sulphur does not act as it should, because it is washed away by showers of rain, or because the temperature is too low for a sufficient emission of sulphurous acid gas. In such cases try liver of sulphur. Do not increase the dose, as liver of sulphur is corrosive, and soft soap may impart a nasty taste to the grapes. CROWN GALL of the grape (called " Broussin " in France) shows like large cancerous growths at the crown of the vine. A knock with the hoe or the plough, the bite of insects, sunscald, or a variety of causes will produce these unsightly growths. The treatment should be somewhat similar to that of cancer of the apple. 529 Remove the growth, trim the wound, and wash the place with an antiseptic wash, or paint it with some acid solution. Crown Gall or JBroussin. ;< "^TJ SQUIRT BERRY ( Phoma tuberculata, McAlp.). This disease is at times troublesome, especially amongst the Muscats. The fruit is the part attacked ; it is at first ashy grey or slaty blue in Jcolour, dotted and speckled with numerous small pustules, for a long time covered by the outer skin or epidermis. When gently pressed between the finger and thumb the berry squirts out its contents. Towards the end of the season the berries dry partially, but are always pliable. No experiments relating to preventive means have been tried. I have noticed, however, that vines trained alongside a fowl yard were much more severly attacked than others growing a short distance away. Manuring with potassic and phosphatic fertilisers as well as liming seems to lend to the vines greater power of resistance. 530 TOMATOES. BLACK ROT (Macrosporium Black Rot of the Tomato (Macrosporium tomato,) The rot seen at a the blossom end. The lowest tomato not yet attacked. (Agricultural Gazette, New South Wales). Tomato, Cooke). The rotting of the nearly grown, or ripe tomato. Dull dark green spots of a velvety appearance show at first. These slowly enlarge, and the tomato rots entirely. The fungus is a wound para- site, gaining entrance into the ripening fruit through minute cracks. It feeds 011 the tissues under the skin, thus causing a little sinking below the surface of the healthy part of the fruit. Green stable manure is said to favour the disease, causing the fruit to crack. Bor- deaux mixture keeps the disease in check. RIPE ROT (Glo3osporiumfructigenum, Berk). Commonly known as Ripe Rot, and often destructive to ripe apples, pears, peaches, and grapes. Concentric mark- ings with no velvety appearance, as in the case of Black Rot, distinguish this disease, the skin remaining for some time glossy, though discoloured ; the attacked area is flattened. When the pustules break out the spores give to the surface a granular appearance. Preventive. The small cherry and plum tomato are not attacked. Training the vine on stakes or trellis, so as to give the fruit plenty of light and air, is usually useful, as the Black Rot is more active in a damp atmosphere and near the ground. Burn diseased fruit and vines. Drain if necessary. Never use seeds from diseased tomatoes. Alternate crops. Eipe Rot (Glceosporiumfruciiyenum, Berk). Agricultural Gazette, New South Wales. 531 Remedy. Spray the young vines with Bordeaux mixture or sulphide of potassium, and then periodically every few weeks especially the young fruit. LEAF RUST (Cladosporiumfulvum,Cooke). This disease spreads with great rapidity. It is caused by a fungus which forms rusty brown patches on the under-side of the leaves. These patches con- sist of closely packed clusters of coloured coniodophores. As these patches spread the leaf becomes yellow and wilted, the margins curl, and the leaves shrivel and die. Bad drainage and moist situa- tions favour the growth of the fungus, which requires plenty of moisture. Trellising, by lifting up the plants into a drier atmos- phere, lessens the liability of attack. Spraying with Bordeaux mixture or with sulphide of potassium (liver of sulphur) will hold the disease in check. TOMATO WILT. This trouble is caused by two different agents, viz., a fungus (Fusarium lycopersici, saccJ] and a bacillus (^Bacillus Solanacearum). The symptoms of both diseases are much alike. The first, which is known in the Channel Islands as the " sleeping disease," at times causes great damage. This disease is indicated by the drooping of the leaves, followed by that of the plant, hence the name given to it. If the plants are only attacked when the fruits are green, these ripen and there is nothing in their appearance to show that they are in any way infected. The fungus gains access to the plant through the rootlets and gradually extends to the tap root and lower portion of the stem. When it gets this far, a brown discolouration of the vascular bundles takes place, and the plant droops or "sleeps." Shortly after this stage, says Prosser, the portion of stem just above ground is more or less covered with a very delicate white mould which consists of fruiting branches or conidiophores, which bear conidia at the tips. These conidia fall to the ground and there germinate, producing a mycelium, which attacks the rootlets of tomatoes, potatoes, egg fruit, and plants of that family, owing to the mode of attack. Spraying with fungicides is of little use. Rotation of crops minimises the trouble, liming of the soil is recommended, and above all, seeds from fruit ripening on diseased plants should not be used. The Bacterial disease of the Solanaceae is very similar to the previous one. The foliage first wilts, then the plant collapses wilts and dies without sign of disease upon it. As the germs are in the circulation and not outside, no external treatment is of any avail. A section of a diseased branch discloses a brown discoloura- tion of the woody cylinder, and from the vessels ooze out yellowish drops carrying the bacteria. The disease is propagated by inoculation, generally by nibbling insects, whereas in the previous disease the fungus cannot be inoculated 011 the stem or the leaves, and only enters the plant through the rootlets. In the case of the bacterial disease, spray with Paris green to check leaf eating and leaf -puncturing insects. 532 Eoot up and burn all infected plants ; do not plant solanaceous plants in quick rotation on the same ground. Quite lately Delacroix has described an organism connected with the disease in question, to which the name B. solannicola is given. The organism is believed to be present in the soil, from which it spreads to the plants, and unfavourable meteorological conditions are said to aggravate the infection. Associated with it is a soil fungus, Rhizoctonia solani, which is an active parasite of the potato and the tomato plants. DESCRIPTION OF INSECTS. INJURIOUS AND BENEFICIAL. Of the numerous insects which attack fruit trees and crops in Western Australia, a few are described in this chapter. For easier reference, they are given in the alphabetical order of their popular names. ANTS. Of these there are two main groups ; the Red and the White Ants. The first belong to the fornica family ; the second are not ants but are popularly termites. The first category of ants burrow in the ground forming " ant-hills " on lawns and paths. A tablespoonful of bisulphide of carbon injected into the ground, or mixed with kerosene and poured into holes six inches deep and a foot apart, and immediately filled up. Operate in the evening when all the ants are in. When the ants cannot be found, place a sponge found with sweetened water in their track and dip it every now and again into hot water. Another successful ant-destroyer is a mixture of flour, sugar, and arsenic, made up to the consistency of putty with water. Pieces of the mixture are placed about the nests of the ants. A great number of dead ants will be found in the vicinity of the poison. After a few days what is left of the ants generally move away to fresh quarters. WHITE ANTS never work in the open daylight, but make tunnels of clay on the surface of any dry vegetable matter which they may attack. They do not attack growing vegetation, although they do eat the heartwood of living trees if they can get access to it without eating through the living wood. The following is recommended : A mixture of loz. of Paris green with 31bs. of seconds flour and 3oz. of sugar, with a little water to make a stiff dough, will poison the termites. This dough should be placed in holes near to the stems of the attacked plants and covered with a shingle or any flat substance to exclude the light, but allowing room for 533 the insects to get at the dough ; they eat it, die, and are eaten by their fellows, who also are poisoned and die. In Jamaica the following paint is recommended : White Lime (slaked) ... ... 6 quarts Kerosene ... ... ... ... i pint Turpentine 1 wine glass Soft Soap 5 Ibs. Cow-dung 3 quarts Water 16 quarts Mix thoroughly and apply freely with a paint or whitewash brush to trunks of trees or stems of plants requiring protection. The mixture adheres to the trunks and branches of the trees for a long time, but when it peels off the bark beneath is clean and free from pests. In South Australia it is noticed that white ants are trouble- some in sandy and limestone soils, occasionally destroying vines and showing particular liking for the Sultana vine. Mr. F. A. Marlatt also records them as doing damage to potatoes growing in rich soil or where there is a considerable quantity of decaying vegetable matter. APHIS PLANT AND BARK LICE are among the most numerous, both as regards species and individuals, of all known insects, and the destruction caused by them is commensurate with their numbers. There is scarcely a plant that is not attacked by them, and some plants like the grape, peach, apple, cherry, orange, and cabbage, etc., have aphis peculiar to them. They are all small, soft-bodied insects, with a body more or less pear-shaped, the winged forms having two pairs of delicate trans- parent wings. The majority of plant lice are aerial in their habits, but some varieties also assume a subterranean form, and these are among the most destructive and widespread, the phylloxera and woolly aphis being the best known. Their methods of reproduction are most unique and peculiar to themselves, and the different forms they assume some winged and others wingless, some laying eggs, others bringing forth young alive and often without the intervention of the male, which in some forms has never been recognised, and make them at once interesting and puzzling to the naturalist and entomologist. In many varieties a sweet substance is produced, called honey- dew, which is exuded through two tubes situated on the back near the posterior part of the insect, which can readily be seen with the naked eye. This is the substance, when produced in large quantities, 534 that drips upon the leaves and branches of infested plants. This honeydew is devoured by bees, wasps, and ants. It is commonly believed that ants destroy plant lice, but the contrary is the fact. Ants treat and regard plant lice as milch cows. Ants have been observed to approach a plant louse, place its antennae on its back,. % ^^-'^?>cP p // -K. .-//V-." ;^';1>; .1 ^bSstz^^^fSj' /- ' / -^ A > ^Wfe^fc^ r -'- Plant louse in act of feeding. (After Lugger.) stroking it gently, when the louse will give forth its honeydew,. which the ant will immediately drink up. The ants take good care of the lice, and will transport them to new pastures when old ones fail, thus aiding greatly in their distribution. Plant lice obtain their sustenance by sucking the juices of plants, by inserting their proboscis in woody plants, in the tender terminal growths, peduncles of roses, etc., and in the succulent parts of plants and roots. While the amount taken by an individual is almost infinitesimal, their immense numbers often cause most serious injury to the plant they infest, and sometimes its destruction. 535 CABBAGE APHIS (Aphis e brassicse, Linn.). There are several modes of dealing with this pest, and among them the best are to spray with Nos. 7, 8, 10, 14, 15, 19, or 20. (See pp. 490-492.) Cabbage Apis (Aphis brassicee), 1, winged female; 2, winged male ; 2, showing hole in back made by 3, Ichneumon fly. Two species of ladybirds Leis conform.is and Coccinella punctata which prey upon this apis have been introduced into State, as well as two species of Ichneumon flies. m- the Aphis-feeding Ladybird (Coccinella sep- tempunctaia) . a, adult beetle ; b, larva ; c, pupa. All enlarged (after Berlese). WOOLLY APHIS (Schizoneura lanigera). This species, in addition to secreting a honey dew, secretes a bluish white flocculent, cottony substance, which oftentimes almost completely conceals them, appearing to be tufts of cotton attached to leaves and twigs. This pest has been distributed to every apple- growing country, but its place of origin is not yet known. It is, however, one of the most annoying pests with which the apple- 536 growers have to contend against. They can be seen infesting the branches and trunk of a tree, in which they form pits, the bark Wooll lly Aphis (ScTiizoneura lanige , 5, roots; c, louse (Marlatt). gera), Woolly A phis, on Apple Tree branch. 537 apparently ceasing to grow at the point attacked, but which swells into a ridge about the cluster of aphides. Those that appear above ground can be controlled without much trouble, but the form which appears on the roots and produces gall-like swellings is much more difficult to extirpate. The injury to the tree is caused by the sucking of the sap, which deprives it of nourishment, and by poisoning of the plants, shown by the galls on the roots. The damage is particularly serious in the case of young trees and nursery stock. Among the many remedies used for the destruction of the woolly aphis are Nos. 6, 14, or 20 (see pp. 490-492). A fortnight after Nos. 10 or 14. The use of blight-proof stock, and No. 9 have been proved the best. Natural Enemies The woolly aphis has very few known natural enemies. The larvae of some species of laced-winged flies (Chrysopidee} have often been noticed feeding upon this pest, and the ladybird (Leis conformis) has been known to rid whole orchards of it. BLACK APHIS OF THE PEACH (Aphis persica niger). This aphis has proven very destructive to the peach trees of this State, and as it exists in .two forms, aerial and subterranean, similar to the woolly aphis, its control is subject to all the per- plexities of the latter aphis. It attacks the leaves when they are pushing in the spring, and it multiplies so rapidly that it fre- quently kills young trees and seriously damages large branches on older trees. When trees are badly attacked by this aphis the leaves are yellowish, more or less curled, and spotted with fungus. Remedies. In winter dress the soil around the stems of trees with gas lime, kainit, fresh manure, or No. 15. In spring spray with Nos. 7, 8, 14, 18, or 20 (see pp. 490-492). Natural Enemies. The larvae of several species of ' ladybirds feed upon the peach aphis, as do also the larvae of various species of Syrphus flies. True parasites of this aphis have as yet not been discovered, for the reason that the country to which the aphis is indigenous has never been found. New growth of peach infested with black peach aphis. 538 PLUM AND CHEERY APHIS (Myzus cerasi). This aphis closely resembles the peach aphis in general colouring and shape. It appears as soon as the leaves of the trees on which it feeds expand and multiplies very rapidly, being hatched from eggs deposited on the branches during the previous fall. They are not so abundant in midsummer, but become numerous again in the autumn, when the sexes appear and deposit their eggs at the base of the buds and cracks of the bark, where they remain during the winter, and hatch the follow- ing spring. They secrete a large amount of honey dew, which at- tracts numerous flies and ants. Remedies. Use Nos. 7, 8, 9,. 14, 15, 19, or 20 (see pp. 490-492). ORANGE APHIS (Siphonophora citrifodli, Ashm). This insect attacks the young wood of the orange in the spring, a Showing aphis on flower stem of cab- covering the trees so thickly that . b The winged louse (natural size), thev appear Quite black. ^ e same enlarged; colours, greenish - J J F . - 1 c Th yellow, d Wingless female. of insect, black. Colour brownish to shiny Remedies. Use Nos. 7, 8, 14, or 20. Natural Enemies. This species, as well as the plum and cherry aphis, have many natural enemies, which aid greatly in keeping them in check. In fact, were it not for these natural checks to aid man in preventing the destruction of his plants, all his efforts would prove unavailing. Among the most active in this warfare are the parasitic flies, which are mostly very small and with four transparent wings. They lay a single egg on a louse, which hatches and produces a maggot in the interior of the .host, and which feeds on the juice of the louse until it cha.nges to a pupa, from which it emerges through a small hole cut in the body of the louse. A close inspection of a family of plant lice will disclose many with this hole in them. A parasitised louse may be told, even before its death, by the swollen abdomen, which will distinguish it from its 11011- parasitised mates. One of the most numerous of the predaceous insects is the Syrphus or flower flies, which may be seen hovering around 539 i flowers, remaining . for a short time stationary in the air. They bear some resemblance to some species of wasps, with broad yellow Syrphus fly. Syrphus fly larvae suck- ing out the vital fluids of an aphis. Syrphus fly larvae in the act of sucking out an aphis. bands across the abdomen. The fly in its matured state is of no economic importance. The larvae, however, are very destructive to plant lice. The parent fly lays a single egg among a family of lice, which hatches in a few days, and immediately commences its work of destruction. It- seizes a louse, and holding it aloft while it kicks and struggles, sucks the juice from its body, and then casts the empty skin away. These maggots are blind and have no distinct feet, but they have no trouble in finding a louse by extending the segments of their body, which enables them to nearly double their length, and to strike here and there until they find their prey. Laced-winged fly, eggs, and larvae. Laced-winged fly. Some species of ladybirds are also important factors in the destruction of plant lice, both as adults and larvae ; but as they consume the entire louse, they can- not compare with the larvae of the Syrphus flies in the speedy disposal of aphis. A Syrphus fly larvae will dispose of five to seven lice while the ladybird larvae is consuming one. 540 THE BEE-MOTH (Galleria mellonella, L.). The honey-bee has several insect enemies which prey upon it or its "products. The most troublesome of these, as far as the bee- keeper is concerned, is the insect figured here in its different stages , The Bee-moth : a, caterpillar ; f>, cocoon ; c, pupa ; d, a femalemoth with expanded wings ; e, a male moth at rest; which is too well known to bee-keepers to require more than a brief description. At a is shown one of the full-grown caterpillars or 11 grubs " natural size. They are very active, dirty white, fat caterpillars, when full-grown, about an inch in length, which some- times occur in large numbers in neglected hives, and eat long galleries through the comb, feeding on the wax and the bee-bread in the cells, and also, according to Dr. Riley, destroying any young bees that come in their way. The eggs are very small, oval, glistening white at first, but turning pink before hatching ; they are pushed by the mother moth into any crack or crevice in or about the hive, by means of a long tube-like ovipositor. As soon as the young caterpillars hatch, they begin to spin as a protection a silken tube in which they live during their whole larval life, and which is enlarged and extended as they progress. When full- grown, they leave these tubes and creep into any crevice or corner, generally near the bottom of the hive, where they spin a tough cocoon b of white silk mixed with pellets of black excrement. The pupa c may be found inside thecocoon. The perfect insect is figured natural size at d, a female with the wings expanded, and e, a male at rest. There are normally two broods in the season, the first appear- ing in May and the second, usually much more numerous, in August. In infested comb brought into a heated office for study, the moths appeared at the end of March and through April well into May. The moths are of various tints of dusky gray and differ a good deal, some being much lighter than others, and some specimens of both sexes being of a more ruddy brown. They are very inconspicuous when at rest, and in colour resemble very closely old weathered wood, a resemblance which is heightened by many dark spots on the wings. The peculiar shape of the wings, as is shown in the figure above, will easily enable any one to identify this insect. The moths are about three-quarters of an inch long, and when at 541 rest the wings are folded so as to leave a narrow, flat space at the top and then slope downwards abruptly ; when disturbed, they run with great rapidity and slip quickly beneath any available shelter. They fly with ease and enter beehives about dusk in order to lay their eggs. The indications of the presence of the Bee-moth grub in a hiv,e are well known to most bee-keepers. If the little black pellets of excrement like small grains of gunpowder mixed with bee-bread or broken cappings are at any time noticed on the bottom board around the entrance, the hive should be at once carefully examined, and steps taken to remove any caterpillars that may be found. If attended to promptly while the grubs are few in number, this is an easy matter ; but, if they are neglected and allowed to increase, as they will very rapidly in the spring, much destruction will be wrought in a surprisingly short time. When a grub is detected, it should be picked out with a knife or other sharp instrument (a pair of tine but stiff tweezers will be very convenient) and crushed. There will of course be some injury to the comb, but this the bees will soon repair. When the grubs occur only in small numbers, the bees will, as a rule, if the colony be of proper strength, keep them down themselves. DESTRUCTIVE CABBAGE MOTHS. The larvae of two kinds of moths are, says Mr. Lea, late Entomologist to the Department of Agriculture, very destructive to the cabbage and turnip. These are the cabbage or diamond - back moth (Plutella cruciferarum) and the stinking-head moth (Evergestis rimosalis). Articles or notes upon both these moths have several times appeared in the JOURNAL. PLTJTELLA CRTJCIFERUM (Zell). The larvae of this little moth (which is common all over the world) are very destructive to the cabbage, cauliflower, and turnip. The leaves have small holes eaten in them, and these holes are frequently so numerous that more than half the leaf is devoured ; with cabbages, the inner leaves are seldom attacked, though larvae may occasionally be seen in the heart itself, the damage is usually to the outer leaves ; with cauliflower every leaf is attacked and the crown is frequently covered with excrement and web, becomes of a brown colour, and is totally unfit for market ; hundreds of larvae and pupae may be seen on one plant. The larva is pale green in colour, and, on being touched, jerks itself about and drops down, usually by a fine silken thread ; when about to pupate it spins a loose, silken cocoon generally close to the mid-rib, the cocoon is so slight that the pupa can always be seen through it. The moth is a small slaty-grey insect with diamond- shaped white marks along the middle of the folded wings; it is readily attracted to light. All 542 over Australia the larvae are very severely parasitised by a small Ichneumon, and so numerous are specimens of this insect that it is doubtful if 20 per cent, of Plutella larvae ever become moths. The larva of the parasite is a small legless maggot which, when full- fed, constructs a small cocoon within that of the larva it has destroyed. The larvae of Plutella have numerous other enemies, aftiongst which may be mentioned two species of Syrphus flies, two Chalcids, and several predaceous bugs. During the past eighteen months two additional species of parasites have been introduced into this State. Remedy. Spray with Nos. 11, 13, or 19, or sprinkle with Paris green, loz., in flour or lime, 51bs. Another species of moth which is likely (Evergestis rimosalis), the larvae of which does much damage to cabbage and cauliflower and also turnips, is also found in this State. The moth is a pretty yellow, with the front wings irregularly spotted and striped with chocolate and paler yellow markings. No parasites have been bred from the larvae. Remedy. Spray with Paris green, loz. in flour or lime 51bs., or spray with Nos. 11, 13, or 19. CINNERARIA FLY (Phytomyzo, nigricornis) . The larvae of the Cinneraria Fly is a leaf miner, and is very common in this State early in the Spring. Its chief food plants are the turnip, cinneraria, chrysanthemum, marguerite, sunflower, and sugar beet, sow thistle, etc., etc. Remedy. Pick and burn all infested leaves. Parasites destroy more than eighty per cent, of the pupa of this fly. CASE-MOTHS OR BAG-WORMS. Fruitgrowers are familiar with the little inverted cone-shaped cases which are to be found hanging to the branches and twigs of their trees. There are two kinds which attack apple and pear trees, and the cases should be pulled of and destroyed, as the caterpillars contained in them are responsible for many of the disfiguring marks to be found both on fruit and leaves. They are night workers, and remain suspended by a silken thread during the day. The cases are beautifully constructed out of the little bits of wood and leaves fastened together by a strongly woven silken material secreted by the insect. In some places they are most abundant. Remedy. Hand pick and burn. A DESTRUCTIVE COCKCHAFER (Anoplosthetus Opalinus Brulle) , Cockchafers are large beetles, belonging to a family known as Scardbaeidse or Lamellicornes. Mr. Lea, in writing on this insect, 543 sa y S . < Nearly all the members are destructive in their larval stages, when they feed upon roots, decaying wood, or actually bore through solid timber; a number (to which belong the sacred beetles of Egypt) are useful from their habits of burying the excreta of animals, and so directly fertilising the soil. In England, I believe, 544 it is only beetles belonging to the sub-families MelolontMdes and Cetonudcs that are known as cockchafers, but in Australia any large lamellicorn is spoken of as such : members of the sub-family Eutelides (to which Anoplostethus belongs) being commonly spoken of as cockchafers. In Europe and America a number of species have been recorded as extremely destructive during certain years. In France and elsewhere, large areas of grass and cereals have been entirely destroyed by having the roots eaten, the grass withering up and blowing away, so that fields were left entirely bare. Whenf ull grown, the cockchafers feed upon leaves and petals of flowers, and occasionally do serious harm from the great numbers in which they occur, and their occasionally migratory habits. The species now treated on is one which is found only in this State, and is extremely common during late spring and summer, nevertheless, unless specially looked for, it is seldom seen as it only flies at night, remaining concealed during the day underground or on the shady side of a leaf; on a sultry night a specimen may be sometimes taken at a lamp or other light. During November and December, at dusk, I have seen swarms of these insects flying around lemons, pear, peach, and other fruit trees ; on examining these trees after- wards, large numbers of leaves were noticed to have been partly eaten. The larvae feed upon the tender roots and the larger roots of fruit trees, vines, etc., and their presence is often unsuspected, the damage, if noticed, being put down to poorness of soil, want of water, or other cause. They probably pass a couple of years under- ground before changing to pupae, which state may last for but a short period, but probably for several months. The beetle is about an inch in length and rather bulky, and it is of a beautiful opalescent green, rendered still more beautiful by placing the insect in water or spirits ; its shape, as also that of the larva and pupa, has been well shown by Mr. Fuller in the accom- panying wood block. The larva has the usual shape of a lamelli- corn, and, with other species, may often be noticed whilst ploughing or digging is being carried on : numbers may often be noticed under logs in damp situations. The pupa is enclosed in a brittle, sandy cocoon, differing in this respect from that of the wood-eating species, which are usually hard and formed of triturated wood and excrement. The larvae (at least so far as my observations extend) appear to be free from internal parasites ; they are, however, attacked by a small semi-transparent mite, sometimes in considerable numbers. The winged beetles frequently contain the maggot of a fly belonging to the Tachinidfe, which, when fully developed, is about the size of the common blow-fly. At an early date it is intended to give an illustration of this species, as internal parasites of fully grown beetles are excessively rare, only two instances of such have ever come under my observation. On the under surface of the beetles small ticks belonging to the Ixodidde may occasionally be seen, and 545 at the bases of the wings a few small red gamasid mites have been noticed. It is to birds that we are especially indebted for keeping this and similar insects in check and preventing their undue multiplication. Poultry are especially fond of them. Our native insectivorous birds are well worthy of protection. THE CODLIN MOTH. The following article appeared in the Journal of October, 1901 : " There are still people who believe or state that the codlin moth is, and has, for a long time, existed in Western Australia. Others declare that the statement is malicious, and has at different times been spread by people interested in seeing removed the ban under which the moth and its hosts (the apple, the pear, and the quince) laboured until lately. Whether the first are correct in their assertion, or the second in the motives they cast on their assailants, the fact remains that, even to this date (October, 1901), no authentic case of a codlin moth having been captured in a West Australian orchard has yet been recorded ; and, so far as we know, the statement that the insect has been observed in fruit grown in this State is not founded on facts. As the question of the possible introduction of this pest has now become a topic of conversation which is warmly taken up by orchardists all over the State, I have caref ullv gone through the published experiences of well-known observers, both in the Eastern States and in America, and have sifted from the mass of information thus gathered much that may be of use in impart- ing to apple growers a knowledge of the- habits and the peculiarities of the codlin moth. One of the latest exhaustive reports on this orchard pest is contributed by Mr. A. M. Lea, once Entomologist to this Department, and now Government Entomologist of Tasmania. Apple culture is recognised as a national industry in Tasmania, and Mr. Lea has devoted himself with all the earnest- ness that the question demands in dealing with his subject. From that report I shall cull much of the up-to-date information concern- ing the habits of the codlin moth in Australia. Just as in the course of a few years the oidiuin of the vine swept vine-growing out of existence in Madeira, and then threatened the vineyards of the world ; just, also, as the dreaded phylloxera for a time devastated the vineyards of France, so the codlin moth has of late inflicted incalculable loss to Australian orchardists. As patient and laborious observation has thrown light on the mysterious spread of the two scourges of the vine growers, and led to their being kept in check, so it is not unreasonable to predict that a better under- standing of the habits and behaviour of the codlin moth may some day lead lo methods which will check its spread. Since light has been thrown on the habits of the codlin moth, it becomes more apparent that instead of raising barriers against its dissemination over the Australian fruit-growing areas, our fruit and produce marketing methods have offered every facility for its distribution, even to the most isolated and the most distant orchards. 546 Description. The Codlin moth (Carpocapsa pomonella, Linn). It is so called because in Europe it mostly attacks the early culinary or "coddling" varieties. o Piece of an apple, showing the work of the larva, b Point of entrance of the larva, d Pupa, e Larva or caterpillar. /, g Imago or moth, h Head of larva, enlarged, i Cocoon. The moth itself is about half an inch in length,when at rest, and measures about three- quarters of an inch across the expanded wings. The fore wings are grey, crossed with wavy brown lines, and are ornamented with patches of metallic bronze scales near the margin. The hind wings are light brown. The male is supplied with a dark narrow space on the lower surface of the front wings, and a narrower stripe on the upper surface of the hind wings. These dark spaces, says Lea, are due to hairs, and are absent in the females. The egg is white, scale-like, and flat. Smaller than the head of a pin, it is not easily seen on the fruit until the young grub has left it, when it soon after falls or is blown off. The larva, or grub, on hatching, is one-sixteenth of an inch in length, and, when full grown, ten times as large, or five-eighths of an inch. It is of a fleshy pink colour, and is covered with a few stiff hairs. The male, says Lea, can be distinguished from the female by the presence of a small dark space in the centre of the body, that can be seen through the skin. The grub of the light brown, or false codlin moth (Cacsecia), is chiefly differentiated by its dirty green colour, besides being considerably thinner. The pupa, or chrysalis, is brown, and about half an inch in length ; when empty, it is a very pale brown. The cocoon is made of white silk, and is joined to, and more or less concealed by, the bark or bandage, wherever it is placed ; it is never loosely placed, and frequently the grub eats a small hollow space for its reception. I have often seen these cocoons between the nailed end of the battens, and the end or centre board of fruit cases, in places where one could hardly insert the blade of a knife, the grub having practically eaten for itself a hollow chamber, where it spins its cocoon. 547 Introduction and Distribution. The codlin moth is as widely distributed as the apple itself. It is a native of Europe, where, owing to the fact that it is there kept in check by climatic conditions, or by natural enemies, it is not so mischievous as it has proved to be either in America or in Australia. It was introduced into the United States, from Europe, soon after the first settlements were founded. In 1874, or a little over a hundred years ago, it appeared in California, and is supposed to have been brought in old fruit boxes. It appears to have been introduced into Australia from California, and was first recorded from Tasmania forty years ago, in 1861. During that time it has ruined many a fruit grower, and now levies a most galling tax on most apple growers in the Eastern States of Australia, as well as New Zealand and Tasmania. This pest does not attack apples exclusively, but it is also found, although not so commonly, in pears and quinces. When driven to it, the moth also turns its attention to hard-flesh plums, peaches and apricots. It has been seen (but very rarely) on the cherry and walnut. Although reported in the tomato, the grubs have in every instance proved to be the well-known pests of that fruit, the Heliothis armigera, or Mamestra composite,, whose grubs are much larger than that of the codlin moth. In Bulletin 142, Cornell University Experiment Station, on the Codlin Moth, 1898, by M. V. Slingerland, the following estima- tion of the amount of damage done by the moth occurs : " Con- servative estimates put the annual loss from its ravages, in all countries where it is noticeably destructive and but little is done to check it, at from 25 to 75 per cent, of the crop of apples. Where modern methods of combating the insect are practised this percentage is often reduced one-half or more." The same author estimates that the loss due to the codlin moth was : 1887 State of Illinois, 2,375,000 dollars (475,000), or one-half the value of the average apple crop. 1892 Nebraska lost 2,000,000 dollars of apples (400,000). 1198 New York County, 3,000,000 dollars (600,000). Lea, in 1900, estimated the loss annually caused in Tasmania by the codlin moth at 30,000, "this, however, is probably far below the mark." "A loss in an orchard of 50 per cent, is by no means uncommon, and I have myself (says Mr. Lea) seen an orchard near Launceston every apple in which was struck, and many of which contained two, three, or four grubs. From an orchard near Hobart as many as 11,000 infested apples have been picked to the acre." At five apples per pound this would give 2,2001bs., and at 401bs. of apples to the case, 55 cases of grubby apples per acre. Western Australia, as already stated, is not yet known to be infested with the codlin moth ; and this is entirely due to its com- 548 parative isolation, and to the wise legislation introduced twelve years ago, and prior to the introduction of Responsible Government. The measure, an Order-in-Council, under date 7th March, 1889, absolutely prohibited the importation of apples, pears, and quinces on any point of the West Australian coast south of Champion Bay and the port of G-eraldton. The late Bureau of Agriculture has often been given credit, or has been abused, for this wise piece of legislation, but it is seen that the Order-in-Council was enacted some five years before the Bureau was constituted. On the 5th of July, 1901, another Order-in-Council revoked this order, and since then the prohibition of apples, pears, and quinces has been removed. Life History in Australia. Apple trees blossom in Australia from the last week in Sep- tember to the end of October, and a week or two after the opening of the petals the first codlin moths issue from the pupae or chrysalis, and the males and females mate. The proportion of these is fairly balanced. From observations made, the female lays 80 odd eggs. The mother moth flies about at dusk, or even earlier in the day if the weather is cloudy, and lays one egg on each apple (if more than one grub is found in the fruit then the eggs have been laid by different moths) ; that egg is more frequently deposited about the eye, but it is sometimes seen on the stalk, or even on leaves. The eggs are sometimes infertile, especially in cool, foggy localities, where the parent moths either fail to mate, or on account of the egg not having sufficient warmth to hatch. The first theory is the more likely under Australian conditions. During the egg- depositing period the moths are said to fly long distances in search of a suitable place to lay their eggs, and are often carried in the direction of the prevailing wind. The eggs hatch in from seven to ten days, and the young grubs grope about nibbling at the fruit, generally about the eye, where they have their first few meals. Shortly after, they strike the apple and effect an entrance into the fruit, generally in the eye, but at times from the side or at the place where two apples touch, or where a leaf is resting on the fruit. Once the fruit is struck the younij grub goes on tunnelling towards the core of the fruit, coming back to the entrance to void its castings, and afterwards leaving them in the tunnel. It soon reaches the pips, one or more of which it eats, and then, in about a month's time, when full fed, it carves a tunnel out for itself, generally on the side of the fruit, but sometimes, although rarely, along the same channel it cut when entering into the apple. This channel is not always visible from outside, but when the apple is cut into often becomes noticeable. When full fed it either comes down with the fruit, which drops prematurely, or it lets itself down by means of a silky thread, and it then proceeds to seek shelter. This it finds, in most cases, under 549 loose bark on the trunk or the main limbs of the tree itself or on adjoining trees, or on fencing posts, under heaps of rubbish, among empty cases, potato bags, or other packages, in the cracks of adjoining buildings, in piles of rubbish, or under dry clods ; it has even been seen in the tails and manes of badly groomed horses. Once secreted, it spins for itself a protecting cocoon, and after a time, varying from a few days to as many weeks or even months, it metamorphoses itself into a pupa or chrysalis, when it remains in that state for 10 to 20 days, after which it emerges into a perfect insect. It is thus seen that when the circumstances lend themselves to its uninterrupted evolution during the warmer months, the codlin moth takes 40 to 50 days to pass through its metamorphosis ; it often takes much longer. Lea, and with him other careful observers, state that the full-grown grub or lava is, on the other hand, often weeks operating its transformation. It often lies in a semi-comatose state, curled up within its web, all through the autumn and the winter, before it changes into a pupa or chrysalis. The theory of multiple broods through the summer months is now fading away under the light of modern observation. A certain proportion do metamorphose into moths again during the season, but the majority of grubs pass the winter without changing to pupae. Lea and others affirm that in most cases only one brood is hatched during the season. Just as the grubs or larvae do not pupate all at once, so during the apple season all the moths do not come out at the same time. Those in the gullies, says Lea, will come out later than those in the open, and those on the sunny side of a tree before those on the shaded side. This irregularity has led many people to think that the moth was double brooded in Tasmania and other Australian States. The test of complete absence of empty chrysalis cases (not cocoons) in the bandages during January and February is, in Mr. Lea's opinion, conclusive evidence that in Tasmania there is but one brood to deal with. Outward Signs of Wormy Fruit. 1 . A careful examination of a wormy apple often shows, in the locality of the calyx, or the eye, a minute puncture surrounded with the castings of the young grub, more or less entangled in silky web. In some apples this is more apparent than in others. 2. Frequently, when the apples are growing, a brownish, gummy substance may be seen oozing from the eye ; and this substance invariably denotes the presence of a grub. 3. When the hole is made in the side, this gummy substance is very seldom seen, and the hole is generally covered with web, to which small particles of excrement adhere. After the grub has left, the hole is generally left partly uncovered, and the excrement 550 (which is frequently matted together with web) rapidly turns mouldy, but it appears never to turn mouldy when the grub itself is present. 4. Wormy fruits often colour and show signs of ripening a fort- night or more before healthy ones, and they will frequently drop. Soon after they strike ground, and often within a day or so, the concussion will urge the grub to come out. 5. When the grub has made its exit a noticeable hole is seen on the fruit. How to Fight the Codlin Moth. 1. The first essential of a successful attack against the codlin moth and, for the matter of that, against all manner of plagues, blights, and pests is concerted action. 2. Where an outbreak first takes place in a clean country or district, the readiest and most reliable way of stamping it out is the starving out method. This, when carried out in an energetic manner, is unquestionably the best means of coping with an out- break. Thus Mr. T. H. A. Thabart, then Chief Inspector under the Codlin Moth Act in Tasmania, in his annual report published 10 years ago : " I still hold the opinion (which is that expressed by practical orchardists, and some whose very livelihood is dependent on the success of the fruit industry) that the picking of the whole of the fruit from orchards where infection has been present during the preceding season must be adopted if any permanent good is desired. It daily becomes more patent that eradication will not be complete from simply picking a portion of infected fruit, leaving a large per- centage unpicked, in which the grub is developed and allowed to escape." 3. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Never use second-hand fruit cases. 4. The life-history sketch of the moth indicates that each female moth is good for 80 eggs or more, half of which are females. It thus becomes apparent that every worm, or every moth, destroyed at the beginning of the season is worth a great number later. Every effort should, then, be directed towards their destruction in the early spring. With this end in view, all apple sheds or storerooms should be thoroughly disinfected by means of hydrocyanic acid gas, sulphur fumes, or hot steam. Every apple storeroom should be made secure against escape of the moth ; for this purpose wire screenings should be placed over the inner doors and windows, which should fit well. 5. The apple orchard should be free from rubbish heaps. Wire fences are less subject to harbouring the grubs than wooden ones. The ground should be kept well cultivated and clean, and the older trees should have the loose bark scraped. 551 6. In badly infested districts in Tasmania, which, by the by,, has grappled with the codlin moth question with more thoroughness than have yet the other Australian States, "it has been found necessary to so prune the trees as to allow the pickers to see into any part of them ; also, to keep the trees low, as it is, of course, much more difficult to go over high than low trees." 7. All windfalls in infested localities should be gathered as fast as they come down, as unless this is done the wormy apples will, after the concussion they have received, be soon deserted by the grub. This should be more particularly attended to in January, February, and March. 8. Night light traps, with a lantern hung over a tin tray con- taining some sticky substance have been recommended, but the great majority of observers now admit that the codlin moth is not attracted by light, and that when a few odd ones are thus caught the event is more of the nature of an accident. 9. Traps with fresh apple juice sweetened with sugar or honey have been tried in South Australia, New Zealand, and Tasmania with more or less success. Lea used such traps in February and March, and, " so far as the codlin moth was concerned, they were total failures." Possibly, says he, if used in December and January they would have been more successful. 10. Arsenical sprayings is, of all the weapons used against this pest, one of the most deadly. It aims at depositing on the surface of the young apple, pear, or quince and in such a position where it is likely to be picked up by the young grub soon after it hatches a bait which will prove fatal. A better understanding of the habit of the codlin larvae enables us to better encompass its destruction. Observation has taught that the mother moth lays one egg on each apple. Should the egg be a fertile one, and should it escape detection by natural enemies, it soon hatches ; the young grub then instinctively crawls towards the calyx or eye of the fruit, and there has its first feed or two. It also nibbles here and there at the outer surface of the fruit, and after having had a few feeds proceeds to bore into it. It is whilst thus feeding that it picks up the poison. That poison, it is seen, must therefore lie where it is most accessible, and this is done in this way : After the petals drop, and as the fruit develops, the sepals which are disposed around the eye, and which, when accompanied by the corolla, are uniformly expanded and spreading, soon assume various shapes, covering more or less the tube which constitutes the calyx cavity. It is before these sepals close that cavity that the spraying should be done, and the most propitious time for this operation is about a week after the setting of the fruit. When this is done a certain amount of the poison is imprisoned within the calyx, where we know that most codlin grubs generally have their first meal. Should, however, the 552 spraying be delayed, the poison will not be deposited within the calyx cavity with the same certainty, and fewer codlin grubs will have a chance of picking it up. Should rain supervene after the spraying, it is advisable to spray again in order to get at the later hatched grubs, as all moths do not emerge from their chrysalis stage all at once, but come out from October right on till the middle of summer. Slingerland, commenting on the results of spraying with arsenites, reports that at least 70 per cent, of the loss commonly suffered by the fruit-grower from the ravages of the codlin moth could be prevented by thoroughly applying the Paris green once or twice in the spring, indeed, "thousands of practical fruit-growers, who have thoroughly tried it, are unanimous in their testimony that from 50 to 90 per cent., in some cases, of the fruit that would otherwise be ruined by the insect, can be saved at a comparatively slight expense." Any of the several arsenical poisons may be used, viz., Paris green, London purple, white arsenic, arseuite of lead, etc. Of these Paris green is the best, when unadulterated, and in the hands of the average fruit-grower, that which is the safest to use. London purple is variable in its composition and liable to burn foliage. Arsenite of lead is well spoken of by a few. Of all the arsenites, however, Kedzie's solution, named after the Director of the Michigan (U.S.A.) Agricultural College and Experiment Station, is the most reliable, and it does not, moreover, burn the foliage of the trees, and is very cheap in price. It is thus prepared : White arsenic ... ... ... ... ... ... 2lbs. Sal soda (washing soda) ... ... ... ... 4 Water ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 gallons. Boil for 15 minutes. Put into a glass jar, label " poison," and lock up. When required for spraying slake 2ibs. of quicklime, which stir in 40 gallons of water, adding one pint of the mixture from the glass jar. It is claimed it is easily prepared and is always ready for use, without deteriorating ; it does not hurt the foliage as does arsenic ; it leaves a whitish colouring on the foliage, showing how evenly the spraying has been distributed, and is cheaper than Paris green. A good deal of the unsatisfactory results which have attended the use of Paris green are the result of the adulteration of that chemical. The following test will prove its purity: Boil one gramme (or 10 to 20 grains) of Paris green, with dilute hydrochloric acid ; if pure, it should dissolve completely. If there is a residue, wash well over a paper filter, ignite, weigh and test for barium sulphate, a common form of adulterant. In another part of this issue further tests are given for detecting 1 adulteration of Paris green, and to this I must refer inquirers. 11. Bandages, when well applied and carefully attended to, are better than any of the patent traps yet tried. Next to spraying, 553 the greatest number of grubs can be destroyed by its use, and from 40 per cent, to 50 per cent, of codlin larvae are said to have thus been entrapped. The bandages are made of wide bands of Hessian, about 12 inches wide, and long enough to encircle the stem of the tree. The piece of stuff is folded in the middle and fastened tightly round the tree by means of twine. "According to the regulations at present in force in Tasmania, the bandages should be placed on the trees in November, and finally taken off not later than the following July." They should be removed every eight or ten days and boiled this boiling also destroys a great many eggs of red spiders and then replaced. This is preferable and more reliable than an eye inspection of the bands, whereby a certain number of grubs are generally allowed to escape unnoticed. On going over the trees, when the bandages are removed, a pointed probe should be used to search out all grubs which may have secreted themselves under pieces of bark, or eaten for themselves a hiding-place into the bark, broken branches, forks of the limbs, or old scars as they prefer such places to the bands. Two bands, one over the other, are sometimes used, as some of the grubs, at times, crawl over the first in search of a hiding-place more to their liking. " For a considerable number of trees examined," says Lea, "I found that where the trees had been properly bandaged, four grubs would be found in the bandages to one in the bark beneath them ; doubtless in the rougher- barked trees many of the grubs never came as far as the bandages, and, in many instances, more grubs will be found in the bark than in the bands, especially if these cross an old saw-scar." These bands answer a good purpose, but some growers successfully supplement them by placing among the lower limbs and on the ground around the trees, other traps, made of sandwiching a piece of sacking between two shingles, and joining these together with a nail. These traps are easily made and laid, and as easily gathered up and inspected. Although bands answer a good purpose, they must be applied to other kinds of trees, and even to fencing posts around the apple, pear and quince trees, to do all the good which may be expected from them. Mr. G-eorge Compere, who has done valuable work in Australia and China for the State Board of Horticulture of California, and who is now attached to this Department, mentions another easy way of gathering and destroying the codlin grub in California. Long straw is lightly scattered about the trees in the summer, and then raked up into small heaps and set fire to. Natural Enemies and Parasites. ' 12. Probably the greatest distributor of the codlin moth is the fruit-grower himself, and the compulsory spraying and bandaging in force in Tasmania meet with many opponents, says Lea. x 554 '" Firstly, from those people who object to being compelled to do anything ; secondly, from those who think it useless ; thirdly, from those who, on account of their orchard being lightly infested, think it is too expensive to bandage and spray hundreds, or perhaps thousands, of trees to catch a few grubs." That class of people will always be found in any community, and therefore it is to natural enemies and to internal parasites of the codlin grub that we must look to in order to minimise the tax it levies on infested orchards. It is a fact worth noticing that, in those countries where the apple tree found its birth place, there nature has wisely provided natural enemies, whose functions in life is to keep in check those insects which prey on the fruit. In America, in Australia, and in South Africa, where apples, although introduced, nourish as well, if not better than on the continent of Europe, the codlin moth was also introduced, but many of its natural enemies and parasites must have accidentally been left behind. The balance of nature has in consequence been disturbed, and the moth has been having it pretty well all its own way. Artificial means, such as fumigation, spraying, bandages, and quarantine laws have, no doubt, done good work, but gradually and surely the pest is spreading, and is getting more troublesome. In Devonshire, in Herefordshire, in Normandy and other localities famed for their apples all the world over, no fumigating, no spraying, no bandaging are practised, and yet there apple-growing continues to be a remunerative and a national industry. It is to these localities that the American, the South African, and the Australian apple- growers will have to look for help, in the shape of codlin parasites. The Americans are now well impressed with this fact, and they are already out in the field collecting these parasites and enlisting them in their warfare against the moth. What these natural enemies are is a question of considerable moment for the apple-growers, and a list is here given, many names of which are taken from Mr. A. M. Lea's report. Birds. Hens in an infested orchard pick up a great number of codlin grubs and tear them out of their cocoons ; in fact they can easily be trained to follow those engaged in lifting the bandages, and are found to be of great assistance. In America, woodpeckers and robins unceasingly seek after these worms during the winter months. In Tasmania, goldfinches, crows, starlings, and sparrows eat enormous numbers of the grubs, the last two, however, in other ways prove themselves destructive birds. In Germany and other parts of Europe the torn-tits do good work. Mammals. Mice and rats and bats devour many of these insects. Insect enemies are numerous ; of these the internal parasites are amongst the most useful. They include three from Europe, 555 Campoplex memorum, Pachymerus vulnerator, and Phygadenon brevis, Hair worms (Gordius} have been seen in grubs in the United States of America and Europe. From the United States a small wasp (Trichogramma pretiosa) is parasitic on the eggs. An Ichneumon (Macrocentrus delicatus), and any (Hypostenavariabilis), are parasitic on the grubs when in the fruit ; another Hymenop- terous insect (Goniozus) is an external parasite, an Ichneumon (Pimpla annulipes) destroys the pupae. In California, a wasp (Sphecius Nevadensis) " frequents pear trees, and is described as pulling the grubs out of the fruit with its fore foot," says SlingerJand. After the grubs have left the fruit more enemies beset them. In America three soldier beetles (Chauliognatus Pennsyl- vanicus, C. marginata, and Telepfiorus bilineatus} feed on grubs and pupae as well also on a Neuropterous insect (JRhapidia), and other beetles destroy pupae, viz., Trogosita laticollis and T: corticalis. In Tasmania and Australia two common soldier beetles (Telephorus pulcliellus and T. ruficollis) eat grubs ; the spotted ladybird (Leis conformis) devours young grubs and even pull these from the fruit when it is just starting boring; ground beetles, and among them (Gnathaphanus pulcher), one which occurs on the mainland ; bugs of the genera Reduvius and Pentatoma destroy grubs sometimes even before these have left the fruit ; even the much despised earwigs eat numbers of the grubs, and then afterwards will turn their attention to their excrements, and to the apple itself ; spiders and centipedes eat the grubs, and the former the moths as well. Although a long list is here given of natural enemies of the codlin moth, nevertheless the fact remains that many more must exist, and also that they have proved them- selves to be inadequate in their isolated efforts in appreciably keeping down the codlin moth. How far their introduction from distant parts and their concentration in codlin moth-infested localities will prove effectual in combating that dreaded pest is a problem which awaits solution at the hands of economic entomologists." Since the above account of the codlin moth was written by Mr. Despeissis, it is with regret that we have to record the fact that this pest has made its appearance in this State. However, we can also record the fact that we have discovered the home of its true parasite, which will be introduced at an early date. CUT WORMS These are the larvae or grubs of moths (says Mr. Lea) belonging to the family Noctuidce, and they are especially destructive during the night, in the day remaining concealed just under the surface of the ground, or under logs, rubbish, etc. There are numerous kinds in this State, some of which are peculiar to it, and others are almost world-wide in their distribution. The accompanying illustration (by Mr. Claude Fuller) shows one of the most common and destructive species, in its various stages. The larvae, as evening 556 approaches, remove themselves from the soil aiid crawl up the nearest plant, eating small pieces of bark as they proceed ; they eat parts of the buds, and cause distorted growth, or perhaps entirely destroy the young shoot; leaves are also attacked, but the grubs appear to prefer the soft young bark and buds. Mr. M. H. Jacoby, of Mundaririg, in a letter referring to this insect, says: "It is doing considerable damage to white grapes in this district, especially muscatels, by eating and cutting off the berries just after setting. I thought at first that the shower of berries lying on the ground was caused by abortive setting, but upon examination after dark found the grub feeding upon the young bunch. In many cases they have cut portions of the bunches right oil'." Besides the vine this insect attacks the apple, quince, peach, and many other fruit grasses and wild plants ; sometimes a plant is entirely denuded of its leaves, or left with a few stalks and fragments of leaves. " A tree or vine is occasionally practically ring-barked from the numerous patches that have been eaten. The larvae is thick and fleshy, and larger near the head than towards the tail. On being touched it curls itself up and feigns death ; after a short period it straightens itself, and moves along by contracting the high segments and elongating the front ones, the motion being somewhat jerky. It is of a dirty sandy brown colour, with a feeble stripe running along the back, and two still more feeble ones at the sides ; the head is shining, the under- surface is of a dirty grey colour, and paler than above. There are five pairs of prolegs placed on the apical segments ; the breathing holes (or spiracles) at the sides are small, black and distinct. The body is almost without hairs, a few short ones being situate near the anus and on the sides. The excrement is black. In captivity the larvae will frequently devour one another, even when supplied with an abundance of food. The pupae are pale brown in colour, with a small spine at the end ; they are usually to be found in the situation as the larvae, and are usually (but not always) enclosed in a small silken cocoon, which is generally densely covered with sand and easily broken ; around the wall of the residence on Rottnest Island, I noticed that cocoons 557 of this species were clustered in lumps of from five to 20 ; they broke to pieces almost at a touch and the enclosed pupae fell out. The moth itself measures about an inch across the expanded wings, the front ones are pale brown in colour, and mottled with darker brown and grey, the hind wings are almost white, with brown shadings towards the edges, the ribs (or veins) are brown, and the outer fringe of hairs is white. The egg is small, clustered on the bark, sometimes they are laid in rows, or occasionally scattered here and there. There are several parasites that destroy the larvae, the most plentiful being a moderately large Chalcid wasp, there are also two species of Ichneumon, and several flies. Remedy. Use No. 16. CUT WORMS. Various species of Agrotis are related genera : soft brown or gray worms of various kinds ; feed upon the roots, crown, or tops of plants. Some come out at night and eat. They curl up when disturbed. Most of them feed upon grass when young, becoming about half grown by winter time, hibernating in the soil, and coming forth in the spring in search of food. They pupate late in the spring, and three or four weeks later emerge as moths. Some species have several broods in the season. Remedies. Bait poison, No. 16. Caution : Great care must be taken that fowls and stock do not get at the bait. THE GRAIN MOTH (Gelechia cerealella, Linn.). This pest is very destructive to stored wheat and corn, especi- ally to the former. It eats out the interior of the grain, leaving nothing but the empty hull. A single grain furnishes sufiicient food for a larva from the time it issues from the egg until it becomes fully grown. It assumes the pupa form within the grain or hull. The per- fect moth has the head of a dull ochre colour, the fore wings pale shining ochre, with greyish or brownish streak at the base of each wing, the hind wings are also greyish ochre. Angouinois Grain Moth (Qelechia cerealella). o. larva; b. pupa; c.moth; e. egg; /.kernel of corn opened showing larva feeding : Ti. anal segment of pupa all enlarged except /. (After Eiley) . Remedy. Fumigate store room with No. 18. 558 Parasites. Two species of Ichneumon flies have been intro- duced into this State from Spain. From two quarts of infested wheat only one moth was bred, the balance were all destroyed in the pupa stage by the parasites. Ear of Corn showing work of Angoumois Grain Moth. (Riley.) 559 THE G-RAIN WEEVILS. " All the various species of insects that attack stored grain are indiscriminately called weevils, or simply 'weevil,' but the only true grain weevils are the granary weevil and rice weevil. " These two insects resemble each other in structure as well as in habit. They are small, flattened, brown snout-beetles of the family Calandridse. Neither is more than a sixth of an inch in length, but their rate of development is so rapid that they do an almost incalculable amount of injury in a short period of time. Their heads are prolonged into a long snout or proboscis, at the end of which are the mandibles ; their antennae are elbowed and are attached to the proboscis. THE G-RANARY WEEVIL (Calandra granaria, Linn.) " The granary weevil has been known as an enemy to stored grain since the earliest times. Having become domesticated ages ago, it has long since lost the use of its wings, and is strictly an indoor species. " The mature weevil measures from an eighth to a sixth of an inch, is uniform shining chestnut brown in colour, and has the thorax sparsely and longitudinally punctured as indicated, much enlarged, as (a). " The larva is legless, considerably shorter than the adult, white in colour, very robust, fleshy, and of the form shown in the illustration (&). The pupa, illustrated at (c), is also white, clear and transparent, exhibiting the general characters of the future beetle. "The female punctures the grain with her snout and then inserts an egg, from which is hatched a larva that devours the mealy interior of the grain. "The caterpillars form cylindrical silken tubes in which they feed, and it is in great part their habit of web spinning that renders them so injurious where they obtain a foothold. Upon at- taining full growth the caterpillar leaves its original silken domicile and forms a new web, which be- comes a cocoon, in Granary Weevil (Calandra gran ana, Linn.), (a.) Adult beetle ; (b.) larva; (c.) pupa; (d.) Calandraoryza, beetle enlarged. (After^Riley,) 560 which to undergo its transformations to pupa, and to imago. It is while searching for a proper place for transformation that the insect is most troublesome. The infested flour becomes felted together and lumpy, the machinery becomes clogged, necessitating frequent and prolonged stoppage, and resulting in a short time in the loss of thousands of dollars, in large establishments. '* Although the larva prefers flour or meal, it will attack grain when the former are not available, and it flourishes also on bran, prepared cereal foods, including buckwheat grits and crackers. In California it lives in the nests of a wild bumble bee, and in the hives of the honey bee. " In Europe it has been observed that the insect is able to com- plete its life cycle in two months, but from experiments recently conducted at Washington it has been demonstrated that, under the most favourable conditions i.e.; in the warmest weather the life cycle may be passed in thirty. eight days. In its outdoor life there are probably not more than two or three broods in the year, but in well-heated mills or other buildings, six or more generations may be produced. " This insect is rapidly becoming distributed throughout the civilised world, but as yet its range is limited. From the reports of its alarming destructiveness in Great Britain and Canada, it would readily be inferred that this moth is peculiarly qualified for an indoor existence in much colder climates than most other grain insects. " When a mill is found to be infested, the entire building should be fumigated, and in case a whole district becomes overrun the greatest care must be observed not to spread the infestation. Unin- fested mills should be tightly closed at night, and every bushel of grain, every bag or sack brought into the mill, subjected to a quarantine process, by being disinfected either by heat or bisulphide of carbon." (Farmer's Bulletin, No. 45, U.S.A., Department of Agriculture.) HAWK MOTHS. The larvae of several species of sphinx moths/eed on the leaves of grape vine. Some of these moths are very handsome, and with wings expanded will measure from two to four inches across, and are a- brownish grey colour, with brown variegations, with brown and pink spots. The moths deposit their eggs on the under surface of the leaves ; after hatching, the larvae feeds on the leaves, and grow rapidly until they obtain their full growth, when those of some species will measure three or four inches in length. They vary in colour, generally green, with golden yellow or reddish spots and stripes, and usually with a horn on the hind end of the body. When fully grown they descend, some entering the earth, and some creep beneath some leaves or other rubbish where they undergo their transformation. 561 Remedy: Spray with No. 13. Hand picking is the most successful. a Sphinx moth with wings expanded. f> Pupa or chrysalis. c Young caterpillar. d Full-grown caterpillar in act of feeding. PEAR AND CHERRY SLUG (Selandria cerasi). Description and Life History. This is a small black saw-fly, measuring about a third of an inch in length, with two pairs of transparent wings, short antennae, and short thick-set body, which is furnished in the females with a fine saw-like appendage (from which this group of wasps take their popular name) with which it cuts a slit in the leaf and deposits from a dozen to eighteen eggs beneath the epidermis. In a few days the small, legless, olive-green, slug-like grubs emerge, and commence to feed upon the upper surface of the leaf, which they 562 soon destroy ; when fully grown they measure half -an-inch in length, and have a rounded oval head and thorax, with the body much more slender, and cover themselves with a dark olive secretion that gives them a very slimy slug-like appearance. They pupate in the soil beneath the tree when full grown, forming a stout chrysalid, the perfect saw-flies emerging in about six weeks' time. This is a pest introduced from America, where it does a great deal of damage to pear, cherry, and other foliage in its larval state. It is also regarded as a very serious pest in Victoria, but in this State does not do very much damage, and is easily destroyed. It is very partial to the hawthorn, and when hawthorn hedges exist it spreads rapidly. (From Agricultural Gazette of New South Wales ; by Froggatt). Remedy. Wait till slugs appear, and then use Nos. 11, 12, or 13 (see pp. 490-492). Dusting the foliage with lime is one of the cheapest and best remedies, as the lime sticks to the slimy coat of the grubs and soon destroys them. Where they are found to be very destructive to the foliage it would be advisable to disturb the soil round the trunk of the trees, or treat them with lime, so as to destroy the cocoons in the ground. PEAR LEAF BLISTER MITE (Phytophus pyri, Scheuton). !c~ j This remarkable little mite is hardly visible to the naked eye, but j the galls it produces on the under surface of the leaves are generally rounded, measuring under one-eighth of an inch in diameter, but where the foliage is badly infected, coalescing and forming a bigger blotch. These galls always have an opening about the centre on the under side, so that the mites can escape on to the buds before the leaves fall. This is a very curious, elongated, cylindrical creature, with only two pairs of legs, head tapering in front, and transparent in colour. Opinions vary as to the amount of damage that this mite does to the trees they infest, but there is no doubt that they render the leaves very unsightly, and by causing them to fall before their time, denude the tree so that the sun will affect it, and when the galls are abundant the crop of fruit will be reduced. (From Agricultural Gazette of New South Wales ; by Froggatt) . Remedy. Clean cultivation. In winter, dress limbs with No. 6; later on, 15 (see pp. 490- 492), or powdered sulphur. Two or three Pear Leaf Mite (Phytopus dressings during spring and early summer. 563 POTATO MOTH (Lita Solanella, Boisd). Mr. A. M. Lea, writing of this pest in the Agricultural Journal, August, 1895, says that this is perhaps the worst insect pest the potato-growers have to contend against, and says, where in numbers, it will not infrequently destroy almost the entire crop, its tunnels filled with excrement going through the tubers in all direc- tions and rendering thjem unfit for human consump- tion ; it also attacks and does very con- siderable damage to the leaves of tobacco, and is oc- casionally seen in tomatoes. Seed potatoes often suffer very ^fif^^^^iV^'^^ S6Vere ty' the I arv 33 ~^3^M^44^ ^MC Poiato Moth (Lita Salanella). bore their way into the eyes and entirely destroy their germinating power. It is not only that the tubers are attacked, the larvae preferring the leaves to the tubers, as where the tubers have been accidently exposed had been seldom found to be attacked, whilst the leaves were swarming with the larvae. When the tops die off or are cut down by frosts, however, a change takes place, as the larvae desert the leaves in large numbers and wander about the fields, entering any tubers they may come across, even entering frostbitten ones. In captivity they will even attack fresh leaves in preference to the tubers. When depositing her eggs on growing plants the moth usually places them close together on the inner side of a leaf, close to the main or one of the- smaller ribs ; the larvae on hatching immediately eats its way into the leaf, hollowing it out in patches, and leaving only the skins of the leaf, which then presents a patchy appearance ; the larvae will often leave one part of a leaf to go to another, and it is in eating their way in that numbers may be poisoned. The larvae is a small, pale, dirty-green catterpillar, with a brown head, and when full grown is about half an inch in length. The pupa or chrysalis is pale-brown in colour, and is enclosed in a small silken cocoon, which is nearly always covered with dirt. The moth itself is a small grey insect (the front wings darker than the hind ones) a little more than half an inch across the expanded wings. Remedies. Sprinkle with Nos. 11 or 13. Store under ground if possible. Three oz. in 10 gallons of water. 564 The most important are preventive measures in dealing with this potato pest. See that the seed is free from grub or eggs. Always destroy all grubs in infested potatoes, and burn all haulms as soon as possible after the crop is dug. Never leave " wormy potatoes " lying about. THE RED MITE (Bryobia pratensis, Garman). Description and Life History. From April to early summer a reddish tint will be frequently noticed upon the bark of both apple and pear trees, but chiefly the latter ; sometimes, when the trees are badly infested, even the stakes are thickly covered. Upon examination with a lens, it will be found that this is caused by countless numbers of tiny, round, crimson eggs, clustered together in every curve or irregularity in the bark. Later on, when the buds burst out into leaf, these little creatures hatch, leaving an empty white shell behind, attack the leaves from the underside, sucking up the juice of the tree, and causing them to become mottled and fall off prematurely. This inite is about twice the size of the " red spider," of a bright red colour, with four pairs of legs, the front pair much longer than the hind ones. Heavy rains seem to destroy great numbers, and though this pest is so common and numerous in many orchards in some parts of the State, it does not seem to make much headway or do much damage in this country, yet in some parts of America it is looked upon as very destructive to fruit trees. Remedy. Clean cultivation. In winter, dress limbs with No. 6 ; later on, 15 or powdered sulphur. Two or three dressings during spring and early summer. RED SPIDER (tetranychus or telarius). It is a misnomer to call this insect a spider, as in reality it is a mite and possesses only six legs at first. The colour which it assumes seems to depend greatly on the sort of food it is living on. It has been called a spider simply from the webs which it spins over the trunks and branches and under the leaves, giving a glassy appearance to the surface. They are able to move quickly over this web. Some- times they are to be found in masses, a quarter of an inch thick, on the underside of the leaves. They are almost omnivorous, and attack not merely hops, but apples, almonds, and vegetables of all sorts. The eggs are attached to the webs, and can easily be detached by brushing with a hard brush. Let it be borne in mind that as the mites congregate on the underside of the leaves, spraying is always difficult and more or less Fig. 2. Bryobia Mite (Bryolia pratensis).a Female from above, b Same from below, c and d Claws, e Proboscis and Palpi from below. / Proboscis, g Palpus. 7i, i, j Scales from the body, fc, I Serrate hairs of leg. m Spine of last ioint of leg. (Marlatt, Bull. 4, N.S., Div, Ent., p. 51.) 585 unsatisfactory ; if, therefore, they can be attacked before the leaves burst, and while the eggs are clustered on the trunk and in the crevices of the bark, there will be a much better chance of destroy- ing them. I find the red spider on apples, pears, plums, apricots, hops, beans of all sorts, roses, and some other garden flowers. The eggs are sometimes quite reddish, while at other times I have noticed that they were colourless. The so-called spiders are very small, not much bigger than a large f ullstop. In some countries this so-called red spider does a great amount of damage to lemon and almond trees, but in this country it has seldom, if ever, caused any serious damage to fruit trees, it being destroyed by the little ladybird (Symnus vagans) . Treatment. The same as for red mite. ETJTHERGLEN BUG (Nysius vinitor, Bergroth). Description and Life History. Mr. Froggatt, in writing on this pest in the New South Wales Agricultural Gazette, says : " Small plant bugs, which every few seasons appear in great numbers among the weeds and rubbish in the fields, and when fully developed attack the fruit, pricking it with their sharp tubular mouths, and causing the fruit to become spotted, and finally fall to the ground. These bugs are small gray creatures, about 1J lines in length when full grown, of a general grayish brown colour; the eyes large and rounded ; the forehead rather pointed ; and the antennae long, composed of four joints, the basal one short and thick ; the thorax is narrow behind the eyes, but broader at the base of the wings; the legs long and slender, with the tarsi rather black ; the wings are semi-transparent, with a few dark lines show- rinitor). m ^ w j ien c } osec l. "They are very active little creatures, running to shelter when disturbed on the ground, and if upon the tree, flying off as soon as it is touched, so that they are not easily destroyed. Very little is known about their earlier stages, but the eggs are said to be deposited about the trunks of the trees, close to the ground. This bug is said, besides damaging this and other fruit, to do consider- able damage to tomato and potato fields by destroying the foliage, but the entomologist could never find conclusive proof that this was the case. " Treatment. In the Liverpool district several orchardists minimise this pest, tc a great extent, by going round early in the morning and shaking each branch over a large shallow dish con- taining a little kerosene and water, into which they fall and are 566 smothered. This, however, would not be practicable in a large orchard badly infested. " Spraying with tobacco wash (see pp. 490-492) has also been found to be effective. " Remedy. Spray with Quibbel's liquid disinfectant Joz. in one gallon of water." SCALE BUGS. These belong to the family Coccidse, and include the mealy bugs. The scale bugs or bark lice in this family include some of the most serious pests with which the horticulturist has to deal. Scarcely any kind of fruit is free from their attacks. The ease with which these insects or their eggs can be transported long distances while yet alive, on fruit or living plants, has caused many species that infest cultivated plants to become world-wide in distribution, and some have found their way into this State, and it is only those that have that will be dealt with in this book. In general outward appearance the female insects present very variable forms. They may be either naked or covered over with some kind of a shield, which may be fibrous, or waxy, or cottony ; or they may have simply a thin, powdery meal scattered over them. The covered insects are, of course, stationary, although in some cases, before reaching their full development, they move about, carrying their covers with them. The naked insect may be either stationary or active. They attach themselves either to the bark or the stem of a plant or to the leaves. In the latter case they are seldom found on the upper side, but on turning the leaf over the under surface is frequently found covered thickly with them. In many cases they exude, in the form of minute globules, a whitish, thick, gummy secretion, answering probably to the " honey dew " of the Aphididse. This secretion drops from them to the plant, and from it grows a black fungus (Fumago salicina), which soon gives an unsightly appearance to the plant. This fungus or " smut" is an almost invariable indication that a plant is attacked by insects, and may, indeed, give a useful warning to growers. It is not, however, produced in appreciable quantities by all species. Some species lay eggs, while others bring forth their young alive. Some species are covered with a hard shell, and others with a soft. So that an intelligent appreciation of the life history and habits of these scale insects is necessary to enable any one to select and apply, with any probability of success, a remedy. There is one point in connection with the handling of these scale insects that may as well be mentioned at the outset, and that is, that up to the present time there is no known remedy by which these scale can be exterminated from any orchard after having once become well established. The most that can be accomplished is to 567 check their spread, and keep the trees in a clean and healthy condi- tion. More than this has never been accomplished in any country. It is easy enough to kill an insect when you can reach it, in most cases ; but the problem is not only to kill individual insects, but to kill all that may be upon any one plant or in an orchard, and, at the same time, to prevent their eggs from hatching and new broods coming forth. Many of those who profess to know all about destroying scale, and especially if they belong to that class which prides itself upon being "practical men/' being generally quite ignorant of the habits and life history of insects, and are satisfied when they have tried some . remedy which seems to have killed most of the adult insects, not dreaming that they have left the eggs unharmed and ready to send forth a fresh swarm. There is another obstacle which often prevents success in destroying " scale." This is the difficulty of making sure of the effects of any remedy. A plan which has answered well in one place Avill fail in another, and this not only as regards different countries, but even in the same district or neighbouring gardens, or even adjacent trees in the same orchard or garden. Orchardists must be prepared to find the very same remedy which has cleared their neighbours' trees fail for their own ; and the writer has often noticed trees in one and the same orchard, treated exactly in a similar manner, where the insects on one tree would be practically all killed, while on another scarcely any found injured. It is from want of knowledge of this, and like points, that persons who have tried various remedies recommended to them have complained of failure, and condemned both the remedy and their adviser, when, in fact, neither are at fault. Whatever damage is caused by these scale insects is effected by the sucking of the juices of the plant through the rostrum of the insect. It will be seen from this that an application of any fluid to the tree externally, with the object of poisoning the insects in their feeding, would be useless, as they draw their food from beneath the surface. If the treatment of these pests are properly carried out, with the remedies recommended in this book, they will greatly check the spread of the pests, and keep the plants in a healthy condition. BROWN GRAPE SCALE (Lecanium cymbiform, Sign.). This scale was first observed in this State about two years ago, infesting the grape vines in the vicinity of Perth. The adult female, in colour, is light brownish, and not unlike Lecanium Jiesperidum in shape, but is very much larger. Like other species of Lecanium that produce only one generation a year, their develop- ment is slow. The larvae, when first hatched, are a pale yellow in colour, and at once locate upon the leaves, their development being 568 slo\\ until they take up their position upon the young cane or stem of the plant, where they remain throughout the winter, and in fact the balance of their lives ; upon the ascent of the sap, in the spring, they grow rapidly. They appear to prefer the young canes, and are often to be noticed clustering and encircling a cane for several feet. This scale has also been known to attack pear, peach, plum, and mulberry trees, but this only on trees that stood in close proximity to infested grape vines. This scale, while new to this country, has been known to occur in Europe for inore than a century, and was described by Signoret as occurring on grape vines in France. Remedies. In winter, use No. 10, 14, or 19 (see pp. 490-492). Natural Enemies. During the past few months, two parasites which keep this scale in complete subjection in Europe, have been introduced into this State. These, it is hoped, will in future keep this pest in check here as they do in France. These parasites have, as vet, not been described or named. BLACK SCALE (Lecaninm olese, Bernard). A dark brown or blackish scale, which infests all varieties of citrus trees, and nearly all deciduous varieties, and many plants, shrubs, vines, etc., and is more generally found in the orchards and gardens of this State than any other species of Cocciase. The presence of this species can be readily detected by the appearance on the branches, foliage, and fruit of a black smut, known as Fumago salicina. This smut or fungus is- caused by the honeydew exuded by the female scale. The best treatment for this scale is fumigation with No. 18. Spray- ing with No. 10, 14, or 19 is excellent to check their spread, and keeping the plants in a clean y healthy condition. The application of these remedies should not be made, however, while the scale are in the adult stage, as it will have little or no effect upon them, but should be done while they are yet in their larval stage. Natural Enemies. During the past year three species of parasite& Black Scale (Lecanium oleoe). 569 were introduced successfully into this State, and have now become -established : Dilophogaster caMfornica, Hemencyotus crawii, Black Scale Parasite (Dilophorjaster californica). Male and female. Upper, male. and Myiocneme comperei. The first two mentioned are parasites upon the eggs; while the last mentioned is upon the scale itself. The best and most effectual parasite of it has not as yet been established in this State, this is Scute - Iwta cyanea. This hg s kept the black scale in subjection in Europe for more than acentuiy past, and it is to le hoped that during the coming season it will be established in this Black S^ale Para.site (Scutefl-'s/a cyama). State also. 570 BROWN OR SOFT SCALE (Lecanium hesperidum). This scale differs from the black scale; it is much smaller,, flatter, and has not the strong ribs so distinctive of that species. Its food plants are about the same as those of the black, and the results of its attacks upon plants are similar to that of the black scale. It succumbs much more readily to treatment than does the black scale, its covering not being so hard, and also being " viviparous." Remedies. Nos. 18, 10, 14, or 19 (see pp. 490-492). Natural Enemies. Two species of parasites, yet unnamed, have been successfully established in this State. SAN JOSE SCALE (Aspidiotus perniciosus). This is, no doubt, the most destructive scale insect which attacks the deciduous trees ; it appears to be most destructive to t 571 apple, pear, and peach. This scale is not striking in appearance, .and would easily escape notice in an orchard. When once intro- Female of the San Jose Scale. . Washington Navel ... ... ... ... ... 236 Orchard and Garden Pests 485 Remedies for ... ... ... ... 490 ,. Treatment for ... ... ... ... 486 Plantings, Map of ... ... ... ... ... ... 73 Orcus Australasias ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 586 Osage Orange Tree for Shelter 49 P. Pack, How to 344 Packing Fruit 343 Fruit, Shipment Charges ... 369 Papaw, The 314 Parasites (see Beneficial Insects). Parlatoria zizyphi ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 576 Passion Fruits 302 Vine, Pruning of 164 Pasteuriser for Wine 461 Pea Nuts 280 Peach Basket 343 Black Aphis of the 537 Freckle 518 Peaches, Drying 323 Gathering 338 How to Pick 346 Pruning of 150 Stock for 95 Select 224 Alexander... ... ... ... ... ... ... 224 Amsden ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 224 Brigg's Early Eed May 224 Comet ' 225 Crawford's Early 225 Early Eivers 224 Elberta 225 Flat China 224 Foster 224 Kale's Early 224 High's Early Canada 224 Jones' Early Eed 224 Lady Palmerston ... ... ... ... ... 225 Lovell 225 Mountain Eose 225 Muir 225 McKevitt's Cling 226 Phillips' Cling 226 Eoyal George ... ... ... ... 225 Salway ... ... ... ... ... 225 Shanghai 225 611 Pear, Alligator or Avocado ... ... ... ... ... ... 303 Blight or Fire Blight 513 Scab ... 507 and Cherry Slug 561 Leaf Blister Mite 562 Pruning of ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 145 Self Sterile 64 Stock 94 Pears, Drying 325 Gathering 338 Select 215 Bartlett 216 Beurre de Capiaumont 218 Beurre Glair geau 218 Broompark ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 218 Citron des Carmes ... ... ... ... ... ... 215 Clapp's Favourite ... ... ... ... ... ... 215 Fertility 216 Gansel's Bergamotte 218 Howell 216 Josephine de Malines ... ... ... ... ... 220 Kieffer's Hybrid 216 Le Lectier ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 216 LeConte 216 L'lnconnue 220 Louise Bonne de Jersey 216 Souvenir du Congres 215 Vicar of Winkfield 218 Winter Nelis 220 Pedigreed Fruit Trees 206 Pepper Tree for Shelter 49 Peronospora viticola ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 526 Persimmons or Kaki, Selected 272 Pruning of 164 Selected 272 Dai-Dai Maru ... ... ... ... ... 273 Hachiya ... ... ... ... ... ... 272 Hyakume 273 Tane-Nashi 272 Tsuru 273 Yama-Tsuru 273 Yeddo-Tchi 274 Yemon 273 Zengi 273 Pests, Garden and Orchard 485 Insect (see Insect Pests). Phoma tuberculata ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 529 Phytomyza nigricornis ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 542 Phytophus pyri ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 562 Pig-face or Crinkle 551 Pinching 169 Pineapples, Selected 315 Black Jamaica 316 Queen 316 Eipley Queen 316 Smooth-leaved Cayenne 316 Pitting Knives for Fruit 324 Piquette, Aparatus for Extracting 444 for Distillation 442 Privet for Shelter 50 Plague, Locusts 583 612 Plantain and Banana 304 Plant A shes, Mineral constituents of 177 Breeding 204 Food, What is 176 Fumigation 501 Planting ... ... ... ... ... ... 63 Preparation of Land for 35 Diagonal ... ' ... 58 Equilateral ... ... ... 58 Hexagonal ... ... ... ... ... : ; . ... ... 50 Square ... ... ... ... ... 56 Quincunx ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... 60 Septuple 58 Distance Apart 60 Vines 64 Trees 69 Board 69 Blasting Ground, for ... ... . . ... ... ... 70 Best Time for ... ... 71 Proper Method of 71 How to Manure, When 72 Cut Hard Back After 73 Draw Map of Orchard 73 Plough, Digging ;.. ... 78 Plums, Japanese 234 Botan or Abundance ... ... ... ... .. 234 Burbank ... 234 Kelsey 235 Eed June 234 Satsuma, Blood ... ... 235 Wickson 235 and Prunes, Selected ... 229 Damson 230 Greengage 233 Imperial Epineuse 231 Pond's Seedling 231 Prune d' Agen 230 Prunus Simoni ... ... ... ... 233 Reine Claude de Bavay 231 Splendor 230 Tragedy 232 Washington ... 232 Yellow Magnum Bonum 231 and Cherry Aphis 538 Drying 324 Gathering 339 Pruning ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 154 Stockfor 95 Plutella cruciferarum ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 541 Packing Fruit for Long Shipment ' .:. .: 365 Pollination 205 Pomegranate Tree for Shelter 49 Pomelo, The 242 Pome Trees 206 Potato Moth ... . 563 Pouriddie or Mouldy Eoot of the Vine ... ... ... ... ... 525 Powdery Mildew ... 5L1 on the Grape 526 Preparation of Land fer Planting (see Planting) Preclaceous Insects, Useful ... ... ... ... ... ... 585 Presses, Wine 389 613 Propagation of Strawberries 291 Prune Drying 324 Pruning ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 154 Pruning " ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 114 Outfit 114 Cutting to a Bud 117 The Best Time for 118 Fruit Trees 133 First Pruning 137 Second " .: 138 Third ... 139 Fourth 139 Root 145 The Almond 154 The Apricot 156 Apples and Pears ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 145 The Blackberry 165 The Cherry ..: ... 157 The Chestnut 159 Citrus Trees 162 The Fig 159 The Filbert 158 Gooseberries and Currants ... ... ... ... ... 165 The Olive 161 The Loquat 159 The Passion Vine 164 The Pear 145 The Persimmon ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 164 The Peach and the Nectarine 150 Plums and Prunes ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 154 The Quince 150 The Easpberry and Blackberry ... ... ... ... ... 165 Stone Fruits 150 The Strawberry 167 of Strawberry ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 297 Summer, and Thinning Fruit ... ... ... ... ... 169 The Tomato 168 Vines 119 at Time of Transplanting ... ... ... ... 119 Systems of 121 Young Vines ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 121 Vines in W. A., How to 122 The Walnut and Chestnut ... 159 for Wood and for Fruit ... 120 Pulp, Fruit, Canning and ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 331 Pulping Fruit 335 Pumps, Spraying ... ... ... .'.. ... ... ... ... 492 Nixon's Climax ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 494 Putrid Decomposition in Wine ... 460 Q. Qiiassia Chips and Whale Oil Soap 491 Quince Pruning ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 159 Tree for Shelter ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 50 Quinces, Select ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 220 Quincunx Planting ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 50 614 E. Eainfall and Water Supply 10 Eaisins (see Fruit Drying). Raspberry and Blackberry, Pruning of ... ... ... ... ... 165 Picking or Gathering ... ... ... 339 Selected 288 Belle de Fontenay ... ... ... ... ... 288 Black Easpberry 288 Cuthbert 288 European Easpberry ... ... ... ... 288 Fillbasket 288 Franconia ... ... ... ... ... ... 288 New Eochelle 288 Perennial Wild Eed Easpberry 288 Eearing Young Vines ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 429 Eed Mite 564 Scale 573 Parasites 573 Spider 564 Wine from Must 411 Eef rigeration of Wine by Ice ... ... ... ... ... ... 424 Eefrigerators for Wine 420 Eesin and Soda Wash 491 RhizoUus debilis 586 Rhizococcus araucarise ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 577 Eipe Eot or Bitter Eot 507 of the Tomato 530 Eingbarking and Clearing Land ... ... ... ... ... ... 22 Eoot Grafting 98 Knot 518 Pruning ... ... .. ... ... ... ... ... 145 Eopiness in Wine 468 Eot, Black, of the Tomato 530 Eotting of Citrus Fruit 522 Eutherglen Bug 564 S. Saccharo meter, A Convenient ... ... ... ... ... ... 404 Salt Patches 18 San Jose Seals 570 Parasite of 572 Sandy Soils 20 Scab or Blight of Apple or Pear ... 507 Scale, Aspidiotus ressi ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 576 Apple or Pear ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 507 Black 568 Brown Grape *. 567 Brown or Soft 570 Bugs 566 Cottony Cushion 577 Greedy 574 Mussel 575 Parlatoria zizyphi ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 576 Eed ... 573 San Jose 570 Scarifier or Cultivator 79 Schizoneura lanigera . . . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 535 615 Screw Press, The 391 Scutellista cyanea 569 Season Casks, To , 378 Section of a Grape Berry 393 Selandria cerasi ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 561 Selecting Trees for Planting 70 Septuple Planting ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 58 Shelter Trees 45 Acacia 45 Almond 46 Bamboo ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 46 Bitter Orange ... ... ... ... ... ... 47 Brachy chiton populneus ... ... ... ... ... 47 Camphor ... 48 Carob 46 Cypress 47 Dragon-blood ... ... ... ... ... ... 48 Fig 48 Loquat 48 Magnolia 48 Macadamia Terminalia ... ... ... ... ... 48 Mulberry ... 48 Myrobolan Plum ... ... ... ... ... ... 49 Osage Orange .. ... ... ... ... ... 49 Pepper 49 Pomegranate ... .., ... ... ... ... 49 Privet 50 Quince 50 Tagasaste 50 Tree Tobacco 50 Thornless Prickly Pear 50 Willows 51 Shipment of Apples 370 Charges on Wine 372 of Oranges and Lemons... ... ... ... ... ... 370 Shoots and Buds, Incision to Control the Growth 141 Shot Hole Fungus 518 Side Grafts 106 Siphonophora citrifcelli ... ... ... ... ... .-.. ... 538 Size of Casks 377 Slack Casks 383 Slug, Pear and Cherry 561 Soaks Abound on the Country 13 Soft or Brown Scale 570 Soil Amendments or Improvers ... ... ... ... ... ... 185 and its Constituents, Weight of One Acre of 178 Our 15 In Eelation to Fruitgrowing ... ... ... ... ... 15 Ironstone Gravel ... ... .. ... ... ... 16 Chocolate 17 Forest Alluvium 20 Salt Patches 18 Sandy Soils 20 Character of Influences, Fruit and Wine 36 Sooty Mould or Black Smut 522 Sour Sap, Gumming, or Die Back 516 South Australian Apple and Orange Case 355 South- West Division of West Australia 6 Spading Harrow ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... gi Specific Gravity Scale ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 400 Spider, Ked ... ... ... ... ... ... 554 616 Sphaceloma ampelinum ... ... ... ... ... 524 Spray, How and When to ... ... ... ... ... 497 Spraying 492 Barrow Spray Pump ... ... ... ... 493 Calendar . 486 The " Coronette " Sprayer 495 Facts Worth Knowing ... ... ... ... 500 Garden Syringe ... ... ... ... ... 493 How and When to Spray . . . L- 497 Nixon's Climax Pump ... ... ... 494 Pumps 492 Sulphur Bellows 495 Spring Tooth Harrow ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 80 Spurs and Wood, Fruitf ulness of ... ... ... ... ... ... 144 Square Planting ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 56 Squirt Berry of the Vine ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 529 Stalky Taste and Bitterness in Wine 459 Still, A Convenient 453 Tilting 454 Stock and Scion, Affiinity of 91 Stocks for Fruit Trees 93 Apple 93 Pear 94 Plum 95 Peach 95 Nectarine " 95 Apricot 95 Cherry 96 Orange 96 Citrus 96 GrapeVine 96 Vines 96 Stone Fruit, Diseases of (see " Insect and Fungus Diseases ") Pruning (see "Pruning") Fruits 222 Judging 361 Storage House for Fruit ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 352 Cold for Fruit 368 Strawberries, A few Profitable 298 Crates for 350 Drainage and Irrigation for ... ... ... ... 297 Transplanting ... ... ... ... ... ... 294 Botanical Structure 289 Classification of 289 Crates 350 Cultivation of Gathering or Picking ... ... ... ... ... 339 Irrigation and Drainage ... ... ... ... ... 297 Leaf Blight or Sunburn of Manuring ... ... ... ... ... ... 293 Mulching of 296 Points of Good 298 Preparing the Soil for Propagation of ... ... ... ... ... 291 Pruning of ... .. ... ... ... 167 8 297 Soil and Location 292 Sulphate of Iron Wash Sulphur and Lime Paint ... ... ... ... ... 491 Bellows 495 Lime and Salt Wash 490 617 Sulphuring Casks . 383 Must 411 Summer Cultivation 73 Pruning 109 Syringe, Garden 493 Syrphus Fly , 538 T. TachinaFly ... 585 Tagasaste for Shelter ... , 50 Tar Water 492 Tasmanian Apple Case ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 355 Tasting Wine 436 Taste Wine, How to 434 Telarius or Tetranychus ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 564 Temperature during Fermentation ... ... ... ... ... 416 its Influence on Agriculture ... ... ... ... 7 Terms, Technical, in Wine- tasting 436 Tetraychus or Telarius ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 564 Thinning of Fruit and Summer Pruning ... ... ... ... 169 Thornless Prickly Pear for Shelter ... ... ... ... ... 50 Thrips 580 Timber for Fencing ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 52 Wine Casks and Vats 375 Tobacco Decoction ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 480 Tree for Shelter 50 Tomatoes, Diseases of ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 530 Black Eot 530 Leaf Bust 531 Ripe Eot 530 Wilt 531 Judging 361 Pruning of 168 Wilt 531 Transporting of Grapes to Vineries 391 Tree, Tobacco, for Shelter 50 Trees from Nursery, Treatment on Arrival ... ... ... ... 70 Examined for Pests ... ... ... ... 70 Labels for ... ... . ... ... ... ... ... ... 73 Pedigreed Fruit 206 Planting ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 69 Renovating Old ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 142 Selecting ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 70 for Shelter (see Shelter Trees). Split Limbs ... ... ... ... ... 143 Tropical Fruits ... ... ... 303 Alligator or Avocado Pear 303 Banana and Plantain 304 ,, Breadfruit 306 Bullock's Heart 307 Custard Apple or Cherimoyer ... ... ... ... 307 Date Palm 307 Guav a ;;. 310 * Jack 312 Litchi 3 13 Longan 313 Mango 313 Papaw 314 Pineapple ... ... ... ... ... 315 618 Tuckerii Oidium on the Grape 526 Turne and Pousse Diseases in Wine ... ... 467 Twig Blight 511 TJ. Unfermented Grape Juice .. 470 ,, Plant Required 472 Useful Predaceous Insects (see Beneficial Insects). V. Vats, Brick and Cement ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 334 Casks and ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 375 Vatting 408 Vegetables, Drying ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 326 Vermorel's Injector for Carbon Bi-sulphide ... ... ... ... 496 Victorian Apple Case 355 Vine Buds, Structure of ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 121 Vines, Budding the ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 112 Late Budding 64 Cuttings of 65 Defoliation of ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 172 Garden Trellises 130 Keep Varieties separate 65 Mixed Pruning ... 128 in Nursery ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 68 Planting 64 Pruning 119 Permanent Rods and Spurs ... ... ... ... 126 Eooted 67 more reliable than Cuttings 68 Single Eye Cuttings 66 Stocks for 96 T-head Trellises for Currants 131 Topping off ... 172 Training, Methods of ... ... ... ... ... ... 123 Trellising and Staking 132 in W.A., How to Prune - 122 Volume of Small Casks 378 W. Walnut, The 283 and Chestnut, Pruning of 159 Grafting 104 Water, Artesian 13 Core 513 Measurement for Irrigation ... ... ... ... ... 196 Supply and Rainfall .10 Weevil, Grain , 559 West Australian Fruit Land ... ... ...... ... ... 5 Western Australia Eclipses the other States ... ... ... ... 4 Whale Oil Soap 492 White Cottony Cushion Scale 577 Whip Grafting 97 Whitewash, Washington ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 55 White Wine and Aeration ... ... ... ... 407 619 Whip Grafting ... ... < ' 97 Willow Tree for Shelter 51 Wine Bottling, Amateur 455 Defects and Diseases of 459 Acetification 465 Bitterness 469 Casky Taste 460 Casse 466 Colour, Deficient 460 Dull-coloured Wines 460 Earthy Taste 459 Flowers of Wine 464 Greenness ... ... ... ... ... ... 459 Harshness ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 459 Heated Taste 460 Low Alcoholic Strength 460 Mannitic Fermentation 467 Pasteuriser ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 461 Putrid Decomposition .. ... ... ... ... ... 460 Eopiness ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 468 Stalky Taste and Bitterness 459 ,, Sulphites instead of Sulphur Fumes ... ... ... ... 614 Turne and Pousse Diseases ... ... ... ... ... 467 Fermentation... ... .. ... ... ... ... ... 392 Ferments of 414 ,, Making Aeration ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 407 Amateur Wine Bottling ... ... ... ... ... ... 455 Apparatus for Extracting Piquette ... ... ... ... ... 444 Blower 423 Bottle Pasteuriser , 473 Brick and Cement Vats 384 Calif ornian Refrigerator ... ... ... ... ... ... 422 Capacity of Casks in Gallons ... ... ... ... 377 Casks, How to Disinfect 380 and Vats 375 To Clean Casks 379 Clearing of Fresh-drawn Must 411 Cooling, Mien to Commence 428 Convenient Saccharometer ... ... ... ... ... ... 404 Corking Machine ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 457 Cracked Staves 384 Crusher and Stemmer 387 Defects and Diseases of Wine (see Wine, Diseases of). Discolouring Casks ... 380 Fermentation Chart 425 in Open or in Closed Vessels 408 Revival of 418 Starting 415 Temperature during 416 Fermenting Shed ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 374 Flagging 383 Gauging Casks ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 377 Grape Must Pump 389 Grape Vat 409 Home-made Wine Press ... ... ... ... ... ... 390 How to Rack Wine 431 How to Taste Wine 434 Hydraulic Plug for Wine Casks 430 Influence of Temperature during Fermentation ... ... ... 416 Ingredients of Must ... 394 620 Jerdpiga ... Keeping Wooden Vats in Good Order Lees, How to Preserve them ... Liquorous Wines Muntz and Rousseaux Tubular Refrigerator Perrier-Deroy's Pasteuriser ... Piquette for Distillation Rearing of Young Wines Refrigeration by Ice ... Revival of Fermentation Screw Press To Season Casks Section of a Grape Berry ... ... ... Section and Plan of Grape Vat Separating Must from the Skin Should Grapes be Stalked .* Size of Casks Slack Casks Starting Fermentation Sulphuring Casks Sulphuring Must Technical Terms Used in Wine Tasting Transporting of Grapes to Vineries ... Tubular Attemporator... Two Types of Cement Vats ... Unfermented Grape Juice ... ... ... ^ ... Vatting ... When to Commence Cooling ... When to Draw the Wine Why Grape Juice Ferments ... When to Pick Grapes ... Wine Fermentation Making ... ... ... ... ... per Ton of Grapes Presses Pumps per Ton of Grapes Tasting 434 Yeasts and Ferments ... Wine Presses ... Tasting Technical Terms in Wines, Liquorous Wire for Fencing Netting, How to Stretch Picker ... Worms ... Wooden Vats, Keeping in Good Order ... Woolly Aphis Worms, Bag or Case Moths Cut Wrapping Fruit Y. Yeasts and Ferments 412 By Authority: WM. ALFRED WATSON, Government Printer, Perth. f^^ * iS7JtSi-====^ VC 61809 5 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY